irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060921

00:01.36[TK]D-Fenderjoat : Normal stores don't stock real VoIP gear, only provider-locked to Vonage/Broadvoice, etc...
00:01.46[TK]D-Fenderjoat : Just order on-line like the rest of us
00:02.20*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:05.04linagee[TK]D-Fender: of course they sell provider locked stuff. heh.
00:08.08*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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00:09.33hmmhesaysbah so close
00:09.43hmmhesaysthey made their minds, and they started packing
00:09.48hmmhesaysthey left before the sun came up that day
00:11.26Strom_Cfastball - the way (1997/8?)
00:11.34hmmhesays98 I think
00:12.29[TK]D-FenderStrom_C.cddb.mode = disable !
00:12.57*** part/#asterisk diclophis (n=diclophi@
00:16.15hmmhesaysi'm loving this buckcherry album
00:16.48*** join/#asterisk sgilmore (
00:17.26sgilmoreHi folks!
00:18.58sgilmoreCan anyone point me to documentation to provide to executive staff to support a move to Asterisk?
00:19.13hmmhesaysyou want sales propaganda?
00:20.29sgilmoreMore or less. That and some basic capabilities, what hardware is needed and how it can be used for interoffice comm.
00:21.21sgilmoreLot's of documentation on those 2 sites, but I am trying to NOT reinvent the wheel. I know the same docs I am looking for has been recreated by many.
00:21.30*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:22.04sgilmoreReally would like something already created that I could tweak for a morning meeting.
00:23.17hmmhesayspowerpoint some pretty pictures and features
00:23.45hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: the poly' 501's support intercom don't they?
00:25.02[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : All of them do
00:25.24hmmhesaysoh wait he said "inter office comm"
00:25.49hmmhesayswell there is this thing out there called the intarwebs, it has boobies and tunes
00:25.53hmmhesaysand you can send calls across it
00:26.32hmmhesaysgod I need a brew
00:27.01hmmhesaysand a new guitar... if I had those two things I'd be content
00:28.56GivemeloveGuys, need a hint onto the Asterisk autoattendant
00:29.05Givemelovewhen I setup something basic
00:29.19Givemelovewith a timeout 30 and digit timeout 5
00:29.43Givemelovethe calls ends right after my background message is played
00:29.45Givemeloveany idea?
00:30.53*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
00:31.21hmmhesaysdon't use background?
00:31.30hmmhesaysor... here's something novel
00:31.31*** join/#asterisk Heimidal (n=Heimidal@phpbb/styles/heimidal)
00:31.34hmmhesaysuse waitexten after
00:32.01Heimidalcan anyone tell me what this error might mean? I'm trying to switch from an IAX to a SIP provider and it seems I may have a few things wrong.
00:32.15Heimidal"Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)"
00:32.24hmmhesaysHeimidal: exactly what it says
00:32.34Heimidalit says "No such host"
00:32.42Heimidal"No such host: cbeyond/9702313516"
00:32.45hmmhesayseither your sip peer isn't registered or it isn't defined
00:32.50Heimidalwhen trying to call that number
00:34.14[TK]D-FenderScrew WaitExten.  set "autofallthrough=no" in [general]
00:34.29[TK]D-Fenderor whatever that context is up top....
00:34.41hmmhesaysyou could do it that way
00:34.50hmmhesaysso when did asterisk add a config script?
00:35.03Givemelovethanks guys
00:35.33hmmhesaysGivemelove: it's your turn in the barrel dude
00:35.38*** join/#asterisk styl1sh (i=sdfsad@
00:38.13hmmhesaysno love in #asterisk tonight
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00:41.34Heimidalis the proper Dial syntax for a SIP call SIP/numbertocall@realm
00:48.32Heimidalbetter yet, is there a way to ensure that Asterisk has registered properly?
00:48.46hmmhesayssip show registry?
00:49.44Heimidalhrm. well, then I have no idea what the problem might be. I can't make calls in or out.
00:50.43jbotWell, apperantly the fax was concieved of by Napoleon Bonaparte. He commissioned a system of devices that could transmit a traced image electrically over telegraph lines to a remote device that would redraw the image identically.
01:02.28benjkI don't think that is accurate
01:02.54hmmhesaysjbot is NEVER WRONG
01:02.55benjkAt Bonaparte's time the French used light to transmit messages, not telegraphs
01:03.13hmmhesaysand cannon balls
01:03.16benjktelegraphs only appeared later
01:03.27hmmhesays"blaaaaaaaaaaammmmm " " wtf was that"  " oh napolean saying hello"
01:03.52hmmhesaystelegraphs did not appear until electricity could be produced
01:03.55JT"hu just drew a picture of a skull and crossbones"
01:05.00benjkerror correction sucked with that light beam system
01:05.21benjkyou could bribe a relay operator to introduce any kind of error you wanted
01:05.31benjkincluding bogus messages
01:06.00JTwhich reminds me of the story of why the first automatic exchange was invented
01:06.21JTthe first automatic exchange was invented by an undertaker
01:06.32benjkbut the patent for the first fax dates back to the 1850s or 1860s
01:07.26JTi guess it's not what your profession it is, but what itch you have to scratch :)
01:08.05JThe was pissed at losing lots of business because the local switchboard operator directed people requiring an undertaker to his competitor
01:08.10benjkoutsiders are often better at designing a better mouse trap
01:08.16*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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01:08.54benjkbecause the ones who came up with the previous mousetrap often don't agree that there are any improvements that could be made over their mousetrap
01:09.20benjkits the NIH syndrome
01:09.43orlockyeah, we run across it all the time
01:10.06benjknot agreeing that your mousetrap could be improved is a certain path to mediocreness
01:11.32*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
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01:55.31*** join/#asterisk trevarthan (n=trevarth@
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01:59.05trevarthanHello, I've got a linksys spa3102. I've got it setup with asterisk so that when I call my PSTN line from my cell phone I get dialtone and I can dial extensions. But I *must* manually dial an extension. How do I make the spa3102 automatically dial an extension for me when a call comes in? In other words, I want my IVR to pick up automatically. What am I missing?
02:08.55AvoidingDeadlocktrevarthan, look for hotline
02:09.07*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
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02:11.24trevarthanah, <SO:blah> dialplan rules.
02:11.59sting3rcan someone help me in creating an extension for the weather
02:19.49*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:21.12tengulredoes the asterisk as a H.323 gatekeeper?
02:23.54JTyeah we got that bit
02:24.06tengulrehow to building a WEB call??
02:31.35*** join/#asterisk hacked`` (
02:31.47*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
02:32.43hacked``you know asterisk
02:32.49hacked``i was looking at buying a book
02:32.55hacked``but theres only 2 of them out
02:33.09jboti guess book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
02:33.10hacked``or should i wait until jan 19, for the dummy book
02:33.32hacked``well theres, Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, or, Building Telephone Systems with Asterisk
02:33.36[TK]D-Fenderjust print it
02:33.45hacked``i dont like printing 1000 papers
02:33.56[TK]D-Fenderonly around 300 and change...
02:34.02X-Rob_buy it then
02:34.13*** join/#asterisk Bobcat991966 (
02:34.33trevarthanAvoidingDeadlock: OK, so I tried out <S0:1001>, which is one of my phones, and that works great.
02:34.55trevarthanAvoidingDeadlock: but how do I get it to dial the default extension within a context?
02:35.01hacked``buy it then?
02:35.04hacked``thats what im going to do
02:35.07hacked``im asking which book is best
02:35.12intralanmanthe book
02:35.23hacked``there is no the book, there are 2 of them
02:35.39jbot[book] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
02:35.41[TK]D-Fenderis the best
02:35.42intralanmanyou ain't from around here, are ya boy?
02:35.43hacked``i just want to learn how to write dial plans and shit of that nature
02:35.52hacked``TK, why, cause someone here wrote it ?
02:36.18[TK]D-Fenderhacked``: much better backgroud info and 1.2 based
02:36.34intralanmanhacked``: i think you might be better off waiting til 1/19
02:36.44hacked``why is that
02:36.50trelanehacked``, the guys that wrote it are pretty smart and OReily publishes a good book.
02:37.04file[TK]D-Fender: all your fault
02:37.12[TK]D-Fenderfile : ! ! !
02:37.18file[TK]D-Fender: I just want
02:37.39trevarthanhow do I dial a default extension from a SIP phone?
02:37.54trevarthanOr do default extensions only work with Zap hardware?
02:38.08hacked``guys, i'll just buy Asterisk: The Future of Telephony
02:38.09trelanetrevarthan, hrm I think either you've explained what you want poorly or you're a bit confused
02:38.16trelanehacked``, you won't regret iit
02:38.32trelanehacked``, and stay tuned for Asterisk Cookbook sometime next year
02:38.37trevarthantrelane: probably a little of both.
02:39.07trelanetrevarthan, try rewording your request let me see if I can catch on to what you're wanting
02:41.23trevarthantrelane: is it possible to dial a default extension (exten => s,1) from a SIP phone?
02:42.21trevarthantrelane: My sip phone has a context that has an IVR triggered by the default extension, and I want to dial into that default extension and hear the IVR.
02:42.56trelanetrevarthan, what context is the phone in?
02:43.16trevarthantrelane: from-zaptel
02:43.40trevarthantrelane: I'm basically trying to replace my zap incoming trunk with an spa3102.
02:43.47trelaneok in from-zaptel you'd do exten => 5,1,Goto(context,s,1) where context is the context of the other phone
02:44.32trevarthantrelane: so basically there is no way to dial the default extension directly from a SIP device?
02:44.46trelanenot unless that sip device is directly in the same context
02:44.59trelaneif you set the sip device to be in the same context then yes it will default there
02:45.20trelanewell you'll have to answer the sip connection a bit differently (depending on how the sipura presents the call)
02:46.15intralanmantrevarthan: you could use _X. to match any digit and send it to irv,s,1
02:46.46trevarthantrelane: well, the sip device has "context=from-zaptel". Does that mean it is directly in the same context as from-zaptel?
02:46.50tengulrehow to call another people from web?? (web to dial)
02:48.22trelanetrevarthan, sort of, you have to have an exten => something,1,Answer() where the something is either the last field on the register => line for that sip block or the phone number the device claims to be
02:49.35trevarthantrelane: I guess my question is how do I make the spa3102 initiate a SIP connection to asterisk without actually dialing an extension.
02:50.01*** part/#asterisk aao_pwner (
02:50.37trevarthanI can make the spa3102 automatically dial an extension by using a dialplan, like <S0:1001> (this dials extension 1001). But I can't figure out how to make it just initiate a connection WITHOUT dialing an extension. <S0:> doesn't work.
02:51.19trevarthanit's an spa3102 question, not asterisk, I guess. I'm just hoping someone here uses them enough to answer.
02:51.23trelanetrevarthan, I havn't used the sipuras yet, I'm planning to on a site next month so that I can remote-terminte a pstn connection for localised 911 (multi-branch office on a single pbx on private frame t1's
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03:07.31*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
03:08.21afrosheenwe're having hell policing our internet connection and are wondering about a direct t1 to a sip provider in the Dallas area
03:09.59h3xnah you just hear from asterisk users with BRI and E1s
03:10.17afrosheenand people bitching about e100's right
03:10.47afrosheenwhere can I find the changelog between 1.2.11 and 12.12.1
03:10.49h3xdallas huh
03:11.29afrosheensorta, nobody is really local here
03:11.40afrosheentxlink is but they blow, support = nonexistant
03:11.47h3xwell i mean are you calling local
03:11.49h3xor long distance
03:11.54afrosheenwe'll be calling worldwide
03:12.09afrosheenalready have commpartners and they offer some IPDirect product but not sure if we can get it
03:12.10tengulreanybody know which SIP/IAX2 protocol is easy to developt?
03:12.44afrosheenour call quality was complete crap today and I'm tired of hearing about it
03:13.00h3xhow many channels do you use
03:13.01afrosheenwe have 50+ people bored and jacking around on the intarweb all day long we just have a sip trunk to commpartners
03:13.30h3xsimultaneous calls
03:13.34afrosheenmost calls simultaneously is probably 10 or 15 max
03:13.41h3xheh well thats part of the problem, commpartners is across the street from me
03:13.48afrosheenyou must be in lv
03:14.09afrosheenI've been there a few times, nice place to visit...
03:14.14h3xi own a data center here
03:14.17h3xcarrier one
03:14.33afrosheenwhy is there alot of telcom out there anyway
03:14.50h3xwell this asshole rob roy has been building data centers like crazy
03:15.03h3xtalking big companies into coloing here because we have stable weather, less terrorists etc etc etc
03:15.12afrosheenyeah not much happens in the desert
03:15.15afrosheengood place for data
03:15.32afrosheenalthough when I was there 2 years ago it rained in sept which was weird
03:16.03h3xit always rains in september for a couple days
03:16.41afrosheenis it just me or does time slow down near payday
03:16.55h3xbut anyways, what got this part of town started was the old Excel long distance and CRC (colorado river communications) was around here
03:17.23afrosheenyeah I think MCI bought a bunch of retrofit kits from this company I work for once in awhile
03:17.26h3xthe infrastructure isnt like LA or NY, its all scattered across several buildings
03:17.44h3xi built out in the same building as XO, Broadwing, and Wiltel (now level3)
03:17.57afrosheensounds like you got in at the right time
03:17.57h3xI figured all I have to do to get on-net with everybody is wait for more mergers, and it seems I was right
03:18.22afrosheenthe only thing that's a shame is that wiltel was better than l3 quality-wise
03:18.26h3xi cant find anywhere else thats $0.50 a square foot :)
03:18.31h3xyes it definately was
03:18.54h3xive got an IP DS3 from wiltel and they have migrated LAX over to level3
03:18.55afrosheenI hate it when companies get Sony syndrome
03:19.28h3xwhat commpartners did which was kind of dumb is they did their own deal with wiltel
03:19.30afrosheenyeah our trunk bounces through a POP here in Dallas and goes to seattle before heading out to's kinda retarded
03:19.48h3xand they also bought the rediculious $200 per meg transit from that colo place
03:19.54afrosheendamn really
03:20.03h3xand their guys dont know a whole lot about BGP apparently coz their network gets all screwed up all the time
03:20.08h3xcoz switch comm has L3 too
03:20.28h3xoccasionally they will pull the plug on wiltel and then i lose routes to them or call quality goes to hell
03:20.33afrosheenI wonder if our internet connection is fine and it's just Commpartners growing pains that killed our call quality today
03:20.46afrosheencoz EVERYONE was crying about it
03:21.01h3xi dont use CP very much, just when i get some crazy customer that wants a boatload of capacity at a moments notice and dosent wanna commit to a long term
03:21.18h3xi had a fax blaster use them for 2048 channels once on 48 hours notice
03:21.22afrosheenthat's not crazy, that's cautious :)
03:21.37afrosheenor spam-a-rific
03:21.43h3xbut thats what screws them up, they will take anybodys traffic and jam it into 6 DS3s
03:21.55h3xthen wonder why customers bitch about calls not completing
03:22.13afrosheenyeah we had people saying there was a delay after they started the call..3 to 6 seconds
03:22.22afrosheenI was I haven't seen that in a long time
03:22.42afrosheenthat sort of thing
03:22.45h3xmaybe they are trying to get least cost routing working
03:22.57afrosheenshit they should focus on getting call quality working
03:23.26h3xwell, the public internet isnt a good place to send lots of calls
03:23.39h3xi usually provision a private line or mpls vpn to a customer
03:23.54afrosheenhence why we need a point to point t1 into a local carrier
03:24.18afrosheenthat should fix everything coz our asterisk server is perfect
03:24.19h3xwell it dosent sound like you have enough calls to make it worth voip pl
03:24.31h3xi think maybe you would be best off with a TDM T1 to a long distance carrier
03:24.44afrosheenhell no, have you checked rates lately
03:24.55h3xyeah thats what i used to sell
03:25.08afrosheenour rates with commpartners are the lowest in the wife calls home in thailand for 4 cents a minute
03:25.19h3xand it sounds like a tin can
03:25.28afrosheenno it sound beautiful, that's the weird part
03:25.37afrosheenshe used to use her cellphone and crap calling cards
03:25.43h3xso international at work?
03:25.51afrosheeninternational business for anyone lurking
03:26.51afrosheenwe have an extension in korea even
03:27.03afrosheennow that's pretty cool :)
03:27.05h3xi dont sell any international on my network, too many fraud problems
03:27.18afrosheenyeah let the big boys handle that :)
03:27.29h3xi always hear the horror stories
03:27.37h3xi set up a customer's equipment on XO once
03:27.46h3xthey got 4 PRIs coloed next door to me (before i opened my place)
03:27.55h3xthey got a fixed UK rate including mobile from XO
03:28.08h3xturns out they were calling themselves all day and collecting $2 a minute on the UK side
03:28.17h3xfor a 5 cent phone call
03:28.26h3xi think it took a year before XO figured it out
03:28.37afrosheenthat's scandalous
03:28.46h3xthat happened to ummmm
03:28.49*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:28.57h3xwhats that voip company that almost went under and lost all their global crossing local DIDs
03:29.05afrosheenyou got me
03:29.08h3xvoice something
03:29.24h3xanyway, somebody did that to them and it took 6 months for GX to re-rate the CDRs and fight them in court over it
03:29.29h3xmaybe it was voicepulse
03:29.49afrosheenso they got their money back?
03:29.50h3xso global crossing was like screw you and cut all their stuff off and didnt let them port #s out
03:30.07afrosheenthey lost their ports for real?
03:30.24afrosheenI guess they didn't get their money
03:30.29afrosheenthat's like a mafia tactic
03:30.31h3xwell it was like 250k
03:31.05afrosheenlet me introduce you to my 1974 cadillac trunk
03:31.35afrosheenoh yeah, you'll definitely fit
03:31.40afrosheengo ahead, give it a try
03:32.10h3x"if my ex wife spits on you just slap her"
03:32.20afrosheenthat's awesome
03:32.37afrosheenI see you have some vegas cred now
03:32.46h3xmy ss7 database provider bought out the old ITXC which was like the bomb for international voip
03:32.46afrosheenat first I was skeptical
03:33.07h3xyeah last night i was at club pure at ceasars
03:33.08afrosheenwho was ixtc
03:33.30h3xthis definately mafia dude was trying to pimp his girl to me
03:33.38h3xproblem is, she was like 45
03:33.45h3xim like- no thanks
03:33.52h3xITXC is totally old school
03:34.22h3xit was like the first trading market for international sayin' she ain't pretty?
03:34.40h3xhell... he was probably better lookin hahahaha
03:34.41afrosheen*mafia scowl*
03:34.59afrosheenman I always run into a bunch of east coast people out there
03:35.10h3xim going to vancouver tomorrow
03:35.11afrosheenthey're kinda dicks compared to people here
03:35.25afrosheenat least the ones I've met in casinos
03:35.30h3xwhat, new orleans refugees are nicer?
03:35.37afrosheenyeah we have plenty of them here
03:35.55afrosheenthey're not as angry when Spike Lee doesn't have a camera in their faces
03:36.38h3xi saw mike tyson at pure last night
03:36.42afrosheenthey did kill the curve for standardized testing here..50% of them didn't pass
03:36.48h3xhe wasnt lookin so good
03:36.50afrosheenhaha tyson..what a shame
03:36.59afrosheenhe's like an old tiger with some missing teeth
03:37.09h3xat the zoo
03:37.15afrosheenlol exactly
03:37.25afrosheenjust waiting for feeding time
03:38.11afrosheendid you talk to him or was there an electric fence around protect you
03:38.21h3xhe was up on a 2nd floor above the dance floor
03:38.28h3xwith a couple bouncers
03:38.46h3xi guess it was more like a mezzanine coz he was shakin peoples hands
03:38.52afrosheenoh that's cool then
03:39.02afrosheenI've read some articles that question his sanity..even with reporters
03:39.09h3xa boxer with body guards
03:39.12h3xthats pretty funny
03:39.28afrosheenI think he should do some exhibition fights with hulk hogan and mr t
03:40.03afrosheengoddamn this channel is dead..look how far we've gone
03:40.14h3xusually theres some chatter all the time
03:40.38afrosheenyeah where's that fruity guy that was always in here 24/7
03:40.52afrosheenhad a number in his nick
03:40.59*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
03:41.16h3xgot me theres 264 people here
03:41.32*** join/#asterisk Star5168 (
03:41.51afrosheensomeone gonna say WTF when they read their chat logs tomorrow
03:42.21Star5168anybody knows if * support LDAP?
03:42.32afrosheenI don't know
03:43.35afrosheenwell h3x it was good talking to you man, I'm out
03:44.09Star5168OMG, thank you afrosheen :D
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03:52.57trevarthansorry to bug you guys with this, but does anyone know why my sipura/spa3102 won't let me dial *77?
03:53.07trevarthan*98 works, but *77 is ignored.
03:53.23trevarthanThe dialplan allows it, as far as I can tell. It's just being lame.
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04:27.39tengulreHello, anybody!
04:29.05tengulredoes the asterisk can as a GateKeeper??
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04:45.57*** join/#asterisk Kerry_G (
04:46.51QwellKerry_G: hey, you heard from mitcheloc lately?
04:48.37Kerry_Ga few hours ago
04:48.50QwellKerry_G: You gonna ride with him tomorrow night again?
04:48.59Qwellor, is that tomorrow?
04:49.09Kerry_Gwell...he drives 25 miles and I drive 1
04:49.36Qwellit is tomorrow night, right?
04:49.52QwellKerry_G: if you hear from him, could you have him ping me?
04:57.21*** join/#asterisk aptura (
04:57.33*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
04:57.36TripleFFFFIf you are trying to collect records on IAX to IAX calls you need to be aware that by default, IAX will attempt to transfer calls in this situation (if DTMF is not required). When the transfer is completed the call is dumped from the middle machine and thus the call detail records will report a short call time. If you want detailed records you must turn off IAX transfer, but unless your servers are very close together, you will definitely get a
04:57.47TripleFFFFthat canreinvite right ?? is that sill true on 1.2.12
05:00.50Star5168asterisk can not be a gatekeeper
05:01.21TripleFFFFi mean..
05:01.32TripleFFFFis asterisk going to dumb the cdr ?
05:01.44TripleFFFFor.. it will keep it caus in SIP it keeps
05:02.24*** join/#asterisk Magicianx (
05:05.28*** part/#asterisk ANTILOCAS (n=uyuyu@
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05:21.05*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
05:21.09blitzragehrmmm... crap... I have a value that gets passed back -- the application to execute. How is my best method of running that command? So far thinking a Goto(${RETURNED_APP},1), but then that means I have to list every app as exten => MeetMe,1,Foo()  -- any better methods?
05:21.19blitzragebtw: evening all :)
05:21.30blitzrageor rather... morning here (1:21am now...)
05:23.47*** part/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
05:24.53*** join/#asterisk parag_ast (
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05:25.22benjkwasn't there an app that executes apps?
05:25.24joobiehey guys.. just wondering if there's any asterix training courses that anyone offers?
05:25.29benjkExec or somthing
05:25.39blitzragebenjk: yah, that was the one :)
05:25.53blitzragejoobie: lesson one -- it's Asterisk
05:25.57parag_asthi can anybody let me know why m i getting this Sep 21 00:21:57 NOTICE[7597] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'H323' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
05:26.39blitzrageparag_ast: channel not installed?
05:26.51benjkyou need to build the h323 channel module ad load it
05:27.11joobieblitzrage, im in Australia
05:27.20apturajoobie what part?
05:27.25joobieblitzrage, know of any international type training courses?
05:27.26benjkor more precisely "a" module, as there are more than one for h323
05:27.28joobieaptura, VIC
05:27.29parag_asthey but i implemented
05:27.47parag_astwhich comes on asterisks adds-on
05:27.48apturaI want to goto australia :)
05:28.25JTaptura: where are you from?
05:28.40parag_astblitzrage, help me
05:28.56blitzrageparag_ast: never used H323
05:29.11blitzragejoobie: guy is in New Zealand and has courses
05:29.39benjkparag_ast, are you sure you loaded the channel module?
05:30.05*** join/#asterisk kristalino (
05:30.13joobieblitzrage, ahh thanks.. a little closer to home :P Though are there any AU ones you know of? My boss will swallow it a little easier....
05:30.27parag_asti can see
05:30.30apturaJt, here in vancouver
05:30.32parag_astooh323 show peers
05:30.41JTaptura: ah ok
05:30.41blitzragejoobie: if I knew of an Aus. I would have told you :) here
05:31.27parag_astbenjk, when i do # nmap localhost at that time i can see h323 port open i.e 1720
05:31.36fileI have commenced rapid 80s music dance mode alpha
05:32.28benjkAsk Rob Gillan at for training in AU
05:32.45benjkthey're in NSW
05:32.55parag_astbenjk, can u help me
05:33.06X-Rob_You know I'm in .au, right?
05:33.19benjkX-Rob, do you do training too?
05:33.35X-Rob_but I'm only in victoria (scrolling up) twice a year
05:33.48benjkthere you go, at least two places in AU, no need to go to NZ
05:33.50*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
05:34.34benjkparag_ast, I don't do h323 myself, but the error you get suggests that you didn't load the channel module
05:34.38blitzrageX-Rob_: sorry... I know you? :)
05:34.46joobieheh thanks blitz
05:34.55*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
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05:36.28joobiehey blitz, i had a look at the New Zealand mob and they don't mention training on their website?
05:37.06*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=na@unaffiliated/linagee)
05:37.07benjkthe t-shirt shows North Island and South Island BIIIIIG
05:37.45benjkand then very very tiny, there's a little island called West Island in the shape of Australia, to the west
05:37.57blitzragejoobie: not sure if he advertises there, but I know he does training
05:38.33benjkBlitzrage, last I heard was he moved to Italy
05:39.07apturaI got to get out of this crappy weather here. its rain all winter except mabey dec/jan.
05:39.08blitzragehe's back
05:39.19blitzragebenjk: couldn't renew visa or something
05:39.22benjkanyway, NZ is quite a bit out of the way
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05:57.53joobiethanks blitz, just shot an email
05:58.27joobiebtw guys.. anyone got a link to a site that explains a cheap hardware config i could use to use asterisk at home?
06:00.31benjkX-Rob has that on his site
06:01.02Kerry_Glike cheap as in so cheap its not worth the cost savings, or basically affordable and works well?
06:02.14Kerry_Ggood analog interface + ATA is the Linksys SPA-3102
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06:03.14Kerry_Gx100p clone cards are $10 on ebay and not worth the effort, about 50% wont work, and 50% of the ones that do have major problems
06:03.28benjkthe myth of the clones
06:03.33joobieKerry, affordable and works well:)
06:03.43Kerry_GI love the SPA3102
06:03.53AvoidingDeadlockthe x100p's digium sold for all those years were actually intel 537 modems
06:03.59Kerry_Ghave used them to run my business PBX for almost 2 years
06:04.05benjkin that case, those Ambient modems are not for you, they're cheap but crap
06:04.14AvoidingDeadlockits the same stuff digium sold
06:04.25AvoidingDeadlockthey poped off two resistors and glue a thingy on the chip
06:04.29AvoidingDeadlockto hide the fact of what it really is
06:04.46benjkyeah, but the koolaid drinkers keep insisting that there are such things as "clones"
06:04.59AvoidingDeadlockactually their is
06:05.26benjka heatsink on the Ambient chip, to conceal the fact it was a vanilla modem
06:05.27Kerry_Gyeah, anyone who calls it an x100p or x100p clone should actually rightfully be shot
06:05.55Kerry_GI usually refer to them as "those cheap ass clone modem cards never designed to do voice"
06:06.02benjkwell, x100p is just an order number so to speak, so its still acceptable
06:06.11benjkbut "clone" is a misnomer
06:06.29Kerry_GSPA3000 - the way to go
06:06.41benjkdefinitely better than those modems
06:07.06Kerry_Gand the SPA400 if you need more than one line
06:07.26joobiethanks kerry
06:07.28Kerry_G<<ATTENTION>> Southern California Asterisk Users Group Tomorrow Night
06:07.30benjksweet dreams
06:07.30joobiethey are all linksys ones?
06:08.03QwellKerry_G: fyi, that's why I want to find mitch tomorrow :p
06:08.23blitzragehrmmm... how do I go about switch all the commas for pipes in a string?
06:08.24Kerry_Gyou need a ride?
06:08.28QwellKerry_G: I do
06:09.01Kerry_Gperl -pi -w -e 's/,/|/g;' *.cfg
06:09.19Kerry_Gsomething like that anyway
06:09.29Kerry_Gbut stomach flue so might not be thinkking clear
06:09.51Kerry_Gok going to bed now, be back in 6 or 7 hours
06:09.53blitzragetried making a loop to go through and separate the fields individually, but can't seem to assign something like Set(RESULT=${RESULT}\|addtional_string)
06:10.02blitzrageKerry_G: thanks... but doing it in DP logic :)
06:10.19benjkwith a backslash in it?
06:10.26Qwellblitzrage: 'splain
06:11.00blitzrageQwell: ok... so I have a string like field1,field2. I need to make it field1|field2 in a variable. The real issue is that Exec() won't take commas, just pipes
06:11.12Qwellblitzrage: right
06:11.20blitzrageso I'm trying to convert the variable I'm passing to Exec() to have pipes instead of commas
06:11.59blitzragethe only issue I'm hung on is this basically:  Set(RESULT=${IF($[${LEN(${RESULT})} < 1]?${FIELD_${Y}}:${RESULT}\|${FIELD_${Y}})})
06:12.12blitzrageok... simplifying
06:12.16Qwells hideous
06:12.40blitzrageor Set(RESULT=field1\|field2)
06:13.00QwellWhy can't whatever you're calling originally use pipes instead of commas?
06:13.02blitzragelet me try the second one to see if its because of the functions (IF is a little flakey sometimes :))
06:13.11*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
06:13.11Qwellblitzrage: iirc, I had to \\
06:13.13tzafrir_laptop . Seems that the FAQ has not been updated recently
06:13.20blitzrageQwell: I tried those...
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06:13.29blitzrageQwell: because the data comes from a DB
06:13.39blitzrageand the data has commas in it already
06:13.40Qwelldoesn't func_odbc have something to change the field seperator?
06:14.10Qwellhmm, guess not
06:14.18sevardblitzrage: why don't you juse use System and sed?
06:14.27Qwellsevard: because system doesn't return a var
06:14.41Qwellblitzrage: What does ${RESULT} look like, and what do you want it to look like?
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06:14.53blitzragelet me do a couple tests, hold plz
06:15.01sevardthen push it into a shell script that does a sed
06:15.17sevardsed -e s/\,/\|/g
06:15.44Qwellblitzrage: yeah, when I did it, we just had the DB use |
06:15.48benjkthat's so fugly it ought to be outlawed
06:16.10sevardbenjk: my sed?
06:16.37benjkusing sed for that kind of thing yes
06:17.04sevardyou would suggest against using sed for modifing a variable?
06:17.23sevardIf asterisk won't allow it sed is the ultimate tool.
06:17.25blitzrageQwell: yah, but the data is already existant in the DB unfortunately, so I have to work with it
06:17.30benjkcalling sed involves forking a new process
06:17.37Qwellblitzrage: can't change the query to do the replacement?
06:18.00benjkdepending on how many calls you handle this can severely limit your server's ability to process calls
06:18.20sevardbenjk: suggest a method to do it in asterisk, if it were I i'd simply build this all in a perl script
06:18.31blitzrageQwell: not sure how to do that?
06:18.36benjkI'd rather write a simple app
06:18.36Qwellme neither
06:19.03sevardws 6
06:19.17Qwellblitzrage: I'd imagine there is a simple Replace() function you can use in sql
06:19.39Qwellselect field1, replace(field2,',','|') from table where blah
06:19.51sevardcan't you do regex in the dialplan?
06:19.54blitzrageQwell: let me look into that I guess.... Set(RESULT=field1\|field2) and \\|  and \\\| no worky, just returns everything up to the first pipe (asterisk parser in the way)
06:20.00Qwellsevard: to return true/false
06:20.12blitzrageQwell: cool, lets give that a shot
06:20.21benjkthere is no parser
06:20.22sevardQwell: but no regex with replacement
06:20.57blitzragejust need to switch comma for pipe... this would be easier if Exec just allowed commas as well
06:21.26benjkyou can always modify Exec
06:23.19blitzragebenjk: I could do a lot of things
06:23.26blitzragebenjk: programming in C is not one of them
06:24.07*** join/#asterisk tropobot (n=shekhar@
06:24.15blitzrageQwell: thanks, that gets me closer
06:24.18benjkI have a snippet of code that properly parses an argument string, removing leading and trailing spaces and it recognises commas
06:24.28benjklet me find it
06:25.40benjklook at line 6524+ in
06:26.27benjkthis is a replacement for function parseable_goto
06:26.36benjkyou can use this almost verbatim
06:26.49benjkwhere it says "(*argv != '|')"
06:27.09benjkyou can do "(*argv != '|') || (*argv != ',')"
06:27.37benjkvery simple
06:27.44Qwellbenjk: That will always evaluate to true..?
06:27.55sevard^ the luke johnson phone experiment.
06:28.27benjkyeah, && instead of ||
06:28.55benjkbut "if (*argv == '|')" needs to be "if (*argv == '|') || if (*argv == ',')"
06:29.04Qwellwon't compile
06:29.12Qwellparse error after ||
06:29.20benjkwith a pair of parens around it
06:29.32blitzrageguh... but HASH won't save data passed back with |, doh!
06:29.59Qwellbenjk: need to remove the second if..
06:30.23benjkif ((*argv == '|') || (*argv == ',')) {
06:30.43benjkcopy paste is never a good method to produce code :)
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07:18.49linageewhy would you want to stream a conference call to the internet? is there a case when people wouldn't have phone access?
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07:28.22*** join/#asterisk StyleWarz (
07:29.09StyleWarzAnyone can give me a hint where to look for "string operations" i can use in my dialplan?
07:30.01StyleWarzLike i have CLIP Screening turned off, and i want my pbx to set the number which is before the *. Like if i dial 1800444*1541<somenumber> it sets everything before the * as my callerid
07:30.01sx-wksStyleWarz: :D
07:30.38StyleWarzsx-wks: :)
07:30.46kaldemarStyleWarz: function Cut it for you then.
07:31.00StyleWarzah thanks
07:31.23*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
07:32.07hwtI have a setup with two SER proxies that work as registrars and SIP proxies. The ATA-boxes reinvites an Asterisk server to reach the PSTN.
07:32.14hwtThe Asterisk server uses two different gateways to reach the PSTN (through SIP), and the different gateways are selected through dialplan matching in Asterisk.
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07:32.24hwtThe different gateways are reached through different logical network interfaces, that carries the traffic on the Internet, a localnet and a VPN. (all egress traffic, the client traffic is on a separate network and works fine.)
07:32.38hwtThe problem occurs when an invite is sent through all the gateways but the "primary" (the VPN-interface, with the network default route). In the SDP message, it will always tell the gateway on the other end the IP address of the first network interface, and the other end is unable to send packets to the VPN-interface.
07:32.50hwtBasically I just want Asterisk to announce RTP ip/port on the same interface as
07:32.53hwtit receives/sends INVITEs on.
07:32.54hwtHow can I fix this behaviour? If it's an Asterisk bug, are there workarounds?
07:38.41AvoidingDeadlockhwt, dream on
07:38.51AvoidingDeadlockyou and half the planet wish asterisk would do that stuff correctly
07:39.04AvoidingDeadlockalong with answering the sip packets with the same interface/ip they were received on
07:39.29sx-wkshe could *fix* it :D
07:39.36*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
07:39.42sx-wksit will be necessary to fix for IPv6 support anyways
07:40.51hwtAvoidingDeadlock: how do you guys work around this problem?
07:41.40AvoidingDeadlockuse something else
07:41.53AvoidingDeadlockwe have tried to fix it in the past
07:41.55AvoidingDeadlockgave up
07:42.20hwtAvoidingDeadlock: what did you end up using?
07:42.33*** join/#asterisk zouzou (
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07:43.43AvoidingDeadlockwe started FreeSWITCH
07:43.43zouzouwhen i try to dial an extension from CLI
07:43.56zouzoui got no such extension in context local
07:44.32Ahrimanesanyone here using snom 360's xml directory features with non-english characters?
07:45.10*** join/#asterisk Creperum (
07:45.37Creperumsdes' govoryat po russki?
07:45.41*** join/#asterisk littleball (
07:45.58AhrimanesCreperum: njet
07:46.07littleballhello, i encount an error for E1 connection. chan_oss.c:585 setformat: Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
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07:46.10littleballwho can hlep?
07:46.30CreperumAhrimanes, a chego ti ne na #asterisk@rusnet?
07:47.03AhrimanesCreperum: sorry.. only speak very little russian
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07:56.59*** join/#asterisk SkoZombie (
07:58.04SkoZombieI'm getting lost with some NAT stuff. I've got a SIP phone going thru our asterisk box. The asterisk box knows about our external voip provider, but when i place a call, the asterisk box is left out of the loop
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07:58.31SkoZombieis it possible to place a call using SIP in such a way that everything goes thru asterisk to avoid NAT issues?
08:00.34AhrimanesSkoZombie: canreinvite=no in sip.conf should have rtp passing through asterisk as well
08:00.39MadRiohello, plz help me with ooh323, probles is that in have failed onReceivedSetup, but rtp connection started, how can I solve it?
08:02.35SkoZombiequalify=yes      ; Qualify peer is no more than 2000 ms away
08:02.36SkoZombienat=no          ; This phone is not natted
08:02.38SkoZombiehost=dynamic     ; This device registers with us
08:02.40SkoZombiecanreinvite=no   ; Asterisk by default tries to redirect
08:02.42SkoZombiecontext=internal ; the internal context controls what we can do
08:02.44SkoZombiethats from the sip.conf
08:02.50SkoZombiei changed nat=yes and it didnt seem to help
08:04.24*** join/#asterisk dorel__ (
08:09.35dorel__how can i pass the output of the command 'show channels' to a perl agi script?
08:09.37*** join/#asterisk |oranjia| (
08:10.21|oranjia|hello peeps :)
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08:17.48SkoZombieAhrimanes, any other suggestions?
08:18.02SkoZombiewe've got a voip provider we want to make outgoing calls with
08:18.08SkoZombieand sip phones internally
08:18.15SkoZombiebehind NAT
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08:24.26Creperumесть кто живой,а?
08:29.27SkoZombieany suggestions?
08:29.33kutohi all, anyone using this card, i need to know if i use this card, i dont need to use a pbx system but only this card?=> Digium Wildcard TE207P
08:32.13CreperumMadRio, а ты на руснете есть?
08:32.22CreperumMadRio, давай туда тоже :)
08:32.33MadRioна programming
08:33.02CreperumMadRio, дык на #asterisk заходи, собиреам русскоязычный канал
08:33.19MadRioок, как мне вас господа не хватало!
08:33.38MadRioя на обед, скора буду, пасиба
08:35.07CreperumПриглашаю всех на канал #asterisk на rusnet!
08:35.07Creperumподробнее о rusnet тут
08:36.13hwtin AEL, it's not a problem calling other macros from within a macro?
08:36.25hwteven if the macro is in extensions.conf?
08:37.07*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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08:45.59SkoZombieTo: <>
08:45.59SkoZombieFrom: "mick"<sip:mick@>;tag=as7ac80780
08:46.09|oranjia|can someone tell me the difference between multiplexing and packetization :)
08:46.13SkoZombieand yet i have externip set to
08:46.27*** join/#asterisk dorel__ (
08:47.08dorel__i want to get the output of the command 'show channels' which is valid in the asterisk console back to an agi script, can i use $AGI->exec("show channels") for that?
08:47.19kutodoes this card doesnt need integration with pbx telephone system? => Digium Wildcard TE207P
08:47.44Strom_Ckuto: i don't understand your question
08:47.55Strom_Cdorel__: asterisk -rx "show channels"
08:48.41kutoStrom_C: PSDN => Digium => lan, is this right?
08:49.15dorel__Strom_C: ahh i see, but that seems like a system command rather than an asterisk command. kinda odd.
08:49.15Strom_Cfirst off, what is "PSDN", and secondly, what are you hoping to accomplish
08:49.31Strom_Cdorel__: you're executing asterisk just for the output of a single command
08:49.34Strom_C"remote execute"
08:50.51dorel__Strom_C: i see. so this is valid? $AGI->exec('asterisk -rx "show channels"');
08:50.58Strom_Cno no
08:51.12Strom_Cjust execute 'show channels'
08:51.27dorel__Strom_C: ahh ok, so it's what i asked :)
08:51.42Strom_Cyeah sorry, its late :)
08:51.45dorel__so $var = $AGI->exec('show channels') then
08:52.06dorel__will $var contain all the info in a single string or is it going to put each line in an array?
08:52.15Ahrimanesdorel__: is this perl ?
08:53.11dorel__Ahrimanes: yeap.
08:54.08Ahrimanesdorel__: right, perl will handle this for you, if you do @var = .. you get an array back, if you do $var = .. it will return it as a single string afaik
08:54.52dorel__Ahrimanes: if I use @var it'll know automatically to split the array based upon newlines?
08:56.28Ahrimanesdorel__: yes, usually perl looks at what you ask for.. thus if you ask for an array it will return an array.. otherwise a scalar
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08:57.52E-bolaHey guys
08:58.02E-bolaCan i log what calls are happening without turning on debug?
08:58.25AhrimanesE-bola: that's what cdr's are for?
08:59.10E-bolai use cdr
08:59.19E-bolabut i'd like to see a logfile more verbose
08:59.27E-bolabut not quite as extreme as debug makes it
08:59.35E-bolaso there's no middleground?
08:59.42Ahrimanesset verbose 10 ?
09:00.12*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
09:00.22E-bolahow can i set it in the logfile?
09:00.26tzafrirdorel__, you could use something of the sort of  $AGI->exec('System(asterisk -rx "show channels")');
09:01.06tzafrirAssuming that the user that runs asterisk has permissions to read /var/run/asterisk/ and that you really enjoy such bizarre stuff
09:01.29Strom_CE-bola: what extra information are you trying to log
09:01.30Ahrimanestzafrir: hehe, that must be the most obscure way to obtain that info..
09:02.29E-bolaStrom_C: mainly call information, and errors happening int hat regard
09:02.39E-bolalike ppl being busy etc
09:02.43Strom_Cyes, but /what/?
09:02.48E-bolaso i can trace back the reason of a problem if one happens
09:02.58Strom_C"busy" is already accounted for if you're set up correctly
09:03.12Ahrimanesyeah cdrs have last_app or something like that, no?
09:03.23E-bolai use the webfront for cdr
09:03.27Strom_Calso call disposition
09:03.51E-bolaya i have disposition
09:03.59E-bolathe app field is empty though
09:04.15E-bolabut still i'd just like a logfile wher ei can follow the dialplan
09:04.18E-bolaon every incomming call
09:04.24E-bolaso i can see precisely what happened
09:04.39Strom_Cyou're mad
09:04.40E-bolacdr dont let me do that
09:04.48E-bolaStrom_c why? our setup isnt that big
09:04.53E-bolaif thats what u mean
09:05.20Strom_Cyou want a log of every single dialplan priority the call falls through?
09:05.23AhrimanesE-bola: in logger.conf: verbose => verbose
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09:05.33Strom_Clike i said, you're mad
09:05.38E-bolaAhrimanes: yes but how do i set the level of verbose
09:05.47E-bolastrom_c: i dont see how thats mad if u hardly got 100 calls a day
09:06.04Strom_Ci don't understand why you need that.
09:06.09E-bolato debug my dialplan
09:06.10Strom_Cor why you think you need it.
09:06.42E-bolaits alot easier than trying to reproduce problem
09:06.49UnderMineanyone got a AVM c2 (or c4) working?
09:06.51E-bolaif every dialplan step was logged i could see what went wrong
09:06.55Strom_Cwhat kind of problems are you trying to solve
09:07.18E-bolaStrom_C: whenever something happens that isnt supposed to be happen
09:07.24E-bolalike phones continue rining after hangup
09:07.25Strom_Cwell, DUH
09:07.29E-bolaor wrong transfers
09:07.30E-bolaetc etc
09:07.37AhrimanesE-bola: by the number of -vvvvvv's you start * with?
09:07.37E-bolai cant understand how its so hard to grasp
09:07.49Strom_CE-bola: because those are not dialplan issues
09:07.54E-bolaAhrimanes: its not configurable in config files?
09:08.06Strom_Cphones continuing to ring, for example, is a lost SIP packet
09:08.15AhrimanesE-bola: dont think so, but using safe_asterisk it's quite easy to setup
09:08.16Strom_Cwrong transfers are user error
09:08.18E-bolastrom_c: if a call is directed to the wrong phone, its obviously because the dialplan said it should be
09:08.41Strom_CE-bola: that's why you test dialplan routings before you put them into production
09:08.46E-boladirectbed by the system, not a user transfer
09:08.54E-bolastrom_c: i dont have that luxury
09:09.04Strom_Cthen you shouldn't be installing a pbx
09:09.06E-bolaofcours eif i had a duplicated setup i coudl test on that, but i dont. so thats not relevant
09:09.20Ahrimanestest, then set into production
09:09.32*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (n=eject@
09:09.40E-bolathe world isnt always that perfect
09:09.50Strom_Cyou're telling me that you're so pressed for time that you can't take six seconds per extension to make sure the correct phone rings?
09:09.53eject_ckHow u can recommend analyze CDR
09:10.07Ahrimaneseject_ck: what kind of analysis?
09:10.13E-bolaStrom_C: no im saying i dont have the equibment to test
09:10.15eject_ckmake stat
09:10.28Strom_Cyou don't have a telephone at all?
09:10.35E-bolayes but they are in production use, duh
09:10.53Ahrimaneseject_ck: look at
09:10.55eject_ckis ready solutions for analysing CDR files
09:11.08Strom_CE-bola: so you set up an iax2 softphone and dial from that
09:11.53E-boladial what to what? another softphone? When u test you should obviously test the setup u are gonna use
09:12.13Strom_Cyou dial the extension number and make sure the correct extension rings
09:12.17remisshow can i play back .gsm files without using asterisk?
09:12.35UnderMinecapiinit start just dies.. taken a config that works in one machine and plugged into a new server and it just fails dead
09:12.39E-bolaits not only simple problems like that, but nvm you dont get it
09:12.58Ahrimanesremiss: winamp or the like should do
09:13.01linageeStrom_C: what iax2 hard phone would you recommend?
09:13.09Strom_Clinagee: there is no such thing
09:13.19linageeso that's "null"?
09:13.21remissAhrimanes: don't have windows :|
09:13.27Strom_CE-bola: tell me specifically what the problems are and i'll tell you how to solve them
09:13.30linageeStrom_C: no phone supports iax2?
09:13.35Ahrimanesremiss: linux ?
09:13.40remissand mplayer complains about avisynth32.dll or something
09:14.03Ahrimanesremiss: my ubuntu can use mplayer to do it.. did you install win32-codecs?
09:14.34remissi did
09:14.50remissboth on centos and archlinux
09:14.51linageei already see several iax2 phones on voip-info
09:14.52Strom_Clinagee: there are no decent iax2 hardphones out there
09:14.54E-bolaStrom_C: the whole idea was for this to be more of a pro-active messure to make it quicker to fix problems
09:14.55Ahrimanesremiss: hm strange.. works here..
09:15.00linageeStrom_C: oh geez. :( that sucks.
09:15.01E-bolabecause as i said i have limited options for testing
09:15.23AhrimanesE-bola: but change your * startup script to use at least 3 v's (-vvv)
09:15.28Strom_CE-bola: but why are you in such a bind?  that's the part i dont understand
09:15.36E-bolaBut for example, when phones (mebers in a queue) continue ringing after the last person in the queue is gone, u said that wasthat was caused by a lost sip packet?
09:15.38AhrimanesStrom_C: bad management?
09:15.50E-bolaAhrimanes: thanks il try ythat
09:15.50remissAhrimanes: i don't have avisynth.dll... is it on your machine?
09:16.05Ahrimanesremiss: checking
09:16.12kutois there a codec for asterisk?
09:16.31E-bolastrom_c: no diea what being a blind would be....
09:16.46E-bolakuto: there are multiple
09:16.54Strom_CE-bola: "being in a bind" means "having very limited options"
09:16.59kutoE-bola: can you give me one?
09:17.15Ahrimanesremiss: nope
09:17.28E-bolakuto: i guess u could call alaw a codec, else just look on
09:18.12E-bolastrom_c: well the whole situation is that I guess we arent willing to put enough effort into this. So in some way your view of "shouldnt set up a pbx" would be considered correct by some
09:18.27E-bolaBut i deal with it more practically. And by increasing the verbosity of my log files
09:18.31*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
09:18.36E-bolai make it easier for me to catch potential problems in the pbx setup
09:18.58E-bolasince i wont always have to reproduce errors to fix problems
09:19.09Strom_CE-bola: really, if you can't be arsed to put a reasonable amount of effort into debugging your PBX, you should hire a consultant.
09:19.31kutocodec is applicable to sip or to cisco phones only?
09:19.35E-bolaObviouslt whats reasonable is completely subjective, so....
09:20.01Strom_CE-bola: "reasonable" is "being able to test features for a few hours and make sure they work"
09:20.11E-bolaStrom_C: try to tell a small company on a budget that they should ahve a 100% tested and perfectly configured system
09:20.27Strom_CE-bola: I do it all the time
09:20.31E-bolathat may be how it should be, but its rarely the case for companies with less trhan 10 employees
09:20.41linageeE-bola: not too much to ask. you just spend a few hours playing with it at home.
09:20.56E-bolastrom_c: no amtter how much u test, before production i think its hard not to run into a few problems later on
09:21.04E-bolaatleast if you dont setup asterisk pbx's for a living
09:21.35E-bolaand by increasingh the verbosity of the log files I, or i believe I do, make it easier for me to fix any future problems
09:23.04Strom_CE-bola: you're barking up entirely the wrong tree
09:24.05E-bolastrom_c: im sory ur missunderstanding my explanation as "barking"
09:24.18E-bolawhatever that might be in your world...
09:24.39Strom_CE-bola: "barking up the wrong tree" is an idiom which means "taking the wrong course of action"
09:25.08Ahrimanesverbose/debug logging is for use when fixing a problem, not constantly
09:25.40Ahrimanesit CAN give you some extra info, but just the amount of log you'll have to dig through will make it less helpful
09:26.01E-bolathe amount of logging is entirely relative to the size of ur system
09:26.43E-bolaand i dont plan on using it forever, just in thye startup phase we are in right now, to more easily be able to monitor the system
09:27.47AhrimanesE-bola: ok, well as i said.. -vvvvv .. :)
09:27.59E-bolaAhrimanes: perfect now i get precisely the info i wanted
09:28.21*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
09:28.59Strom_Cyou're going to waste more time picking through the log files than you would spend just debugging correctly in the first place
09:29.21Strom_Cbut what do I know.  I've only been working with phones for five years.
09:29.26*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
09:30.14AhrimanesStrom_C: let him.. :)
09:30.19*** part/#asterisk littleball (
09:30.43kutoStrom_C: you use digium products?
09:31.03UnderMineanyone know if the zaptel isdn drivers interfere with capi?
09:32.38UnderMinei have a tdm400 working fine but the avm c2 in the same machine will not initialise
09:33.02JeekayIf my SIP phone talks to my Asterisk server which is behind NAT to the general internet, and my Asterisk server speaks SIP to my VoIP provider, what is the traffic flow from the phone to a remote extension? phone->asterisk->provider->remote or phone->remote ?
09:34.25Strom_Ckuto: yes
09:36.00kutook can you help me, i'll buy a digium card soon, but i need to know if its the only one i need for connection with E1 provider
09:36.23Strom_Cdepends on what you intend to do
09:36.31Strom_CI asked you before what you plan on doing, and you didn't answer me
09:36.51kutoi'll used it for inbound and outbound calls
09:37.53*** join/#asterisk axscode (n=axscode@
09:38.30kuto3 toll free numbers and 7 local number to hook up with digium card
09:38.31axscodehi guyz.. the TDM22B do it needs a special power supply? or the same powersupply of any Desktop PC?
09:38.43axscodeatx.. that is i suppose.
09:39.27Strom_Ckuto: yeah, all you'd need is a digium card
09:39.36Strom_Caxscode: uses a standard molex connector
09:39.51axscodethe one used in common hardisk right?
09:40.06kutoStrom_C: how many numbers can i use with a 64channels?
09:40.27Strom_Cdepends how you provision it
09:40.35axscode:) im afraid coz i read at the it says. 12Vs...
09:40.59axscodebut thanks for the comfirmation sir Strom_C... :)
09:41.38kutohow about 40 concurrent users at the same time, can digium handle it without problem?
09:41.52kutomaking outbound calls
09:41.57remiss"the party at the number you have dial have decided not to take calls from your number at this time.. to leave a message...." :D
09:42.07Strom_Ckuto: if you get a dual-span card, the obviously the answer is yes
09:42.43remissthat's what i'll use my phones for in the future.. rejecting calls..
09:42.56kutoStrom_C: this is my preferred card => Digium Wildcard TE412P
09:43.28E-bolaStrom_C: i could probably browse through the logfile for a week in less than 1 min
09:43.38E-bolaur probably just imagining our system bigger than it is
09:43.45axscodeStrom_C: how i will i know that my TDM22B is successfully installed?
09:45.57*** part/#asterisk SkoZombie (
09:46.11sxpert-workaxscode: try to load the driver, it should report in dmesg
09:46.46UnderMinecapiinit fails with ERROR: cannot load module kernelcapi --- because kernelcapi is already loaded
09:49.33Creperumподробнее о rusnet тут
09:49.37CreperumПриглашаю всех на канал #asterisk на rusnet!
09:51.22hwtin AEL, it's not a problem calling other macros from within a macro?
09:51.27hwteven if the macro is in extensions.conf?
09:55.55*** join/#asterisk kavit (
09:57.58*** part/#asterisk Ahrimanes (n=michael@
09:58.02kavithey all... what the performance of TEXXXP cards on a server with a daughter board?? Last time I tried to use it I ran into all sorts of trouble... admittedly  it was a long time ago with a TDM400P. I see they have onboard DSP processing...
09:58.23kavityou know a riser card...
10:00.46kavitnever mind.... should have read before asking
10:01.50*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=grb@
10:02.46*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (
10:03.25HaMYaIanyone knows of any good free h.323 softphones?
10:04.00HaMYaII tried SJphone and Open h323 but still not satisfied
10:04.01eject_ckmay i connect Asterisk and my Samsung Offcieserv100 (with h.323 support) ?
10:11.35hanki connected my isdn adapter to an ntba but i dont know which msn that is. any way to find out?
10:13.34linageeLOL!! the lpc10 codec sounds like a speak and spell! lol
10:14.24linageeheh. exactly. what the wiki says: "The voice signal is clear but sounds robotic."
10:16.08Strom_Clinagee: thats because the speak and spell and lpc10 use very similar speech modeling methodologies
10:16.13*** join/#asterisk kosia (
10:16.23Strom_Cnamely, 10th-order linear predictive coding
10:17.15linageeStrom_C: heh. awesome. i went through all the codecs i could find. i think alaw/ulaw sounds the best and works the best if i tell my router to reserve bandwidth explicitly for things coming to/from my asterisk box IP.
10:17.35Strom_Cwell, duh
10:17.37linageei guess PCM is pretty much no encoding, so that shouldn't be that suprising
10:17.37Strom_Ceverything else starts with ulaw
10:17.39linageeStrom_C: :)
10:18.22linageeStrom_C: as far as the numbers go, 82 kilobits up, 82 kilobits down. (approx). so i reserved 170. just in case it has to use a second line on the internet, and then some.
10:18.40Strom_C82?  you're obviously not using iax2
10:18.52linageekilobits? it is iax
10:19.12Strom_Cwith ulaw, i've clocked iax2 at 76kbps
10:19.26linageeStrom_C: it jumps around a little
10:20.00linageeStrom_C: for both up and down, or just one?
10:20.09eject_ckwhat abt my trouble ?
10:20.21Strom_Ceject_ck: yes
10:20.30eject_ckis it possible connect Asterisk with Samsung OfficeServ 100
10:20.57*** join/#asterisk stkn (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
10:21.37Strom_Ceject_ck: yes
10:22.08linageeStrom_C: how did you take the sampling? i have the call on hold. so it's musicy.
10:22.22Strom_Cit doesnt matter what the content is
10:23.00Strom_Ci just ran tcpdump and then added up the packet size
10:24.07Strom_Cwhy, how are you measuring>
10:25.05mutthe atlants didn't blow up on landing
10:25.07linageeStrom_C: pfsense
10:25.13Strom_Cwtf is pfsense?
10:25.19linageeStrom_C: i'm reading it right off the queues screen
10:25.25linageeStrom_C: based off of m0n0wall
10:26.06linagee*BSD opensource firewall
10:26.40Strom_Ci wonder if it's including something beyond IP framing
10:26.59linageecould be. maybe it can't get a 100% estimate.
10:27.26linageeto be double the value does seem a bit much though
10:28.04Strom_Ciax2 is a compact protocol; mini-frame headers should only be 9.6kbps
10:28.49FreezeShi guys
10:29.00FreezeSstill having a lot of desynchronisations
10:29.02FreezeSSep 21 13:30:54 NOTICE[1545] chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
10:29.07linageeStrom_C: i told it to put any traffic from that box whatsoever into the queue. (and yes, it drops to zero when i end the call, nothing else is running on that box)
10:29.25FreezeSis the only one on the interrupt: 18:   16291077   IO-APIC-level  wcte11xp
10:30.12Strom_Clinagee: what about only traffic on port 4569
10:32.27*** part/#asterisk kosia (
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10:35.38linageeStrom_C: n/m. the values would be doubled.
10:35.42linageei just realized what's happening
10:36.02linageeit's complex to explain
10:36.14Strom_Cgive me the short short version then
10:36.33linageevmware is not preventing the guest VM from putting the NIC into promiscous mode
10:36.56*** join/#asterisk shodan (
10:37.20linagee(i think)
10:38.07CreperumПриглашаю всех на канал #asterisk на rusnet!
10:38.11linageethis is really quite odd
10:38.22linageenot as odd as that
10:40.12linageeyes. port 4569 is what it's using
10:40.30Creperumпотихоньку сам с собой
10:41.03linageedid the quadratic equation explode? </strongbad>
10:41.13Strom_Cit's Russian, you idiot
10:41.17linageei know. :p
10:42.49Creperumwuzzza  :)
10:43.12Strom_Clinagee: that's "asterisk" in the cyrillic alphabet
10:43.35Strom_CCreperum: did I get it right? :)
10:43.41Creperumjust looking for russian here...
10:43.51CreperumStrom_C, yep
10:44.54Strom_Ci'm glad I can still muddle my way through the cyrillic alphabet
10:45.00linageeStrom_C: nope. still 85/85.
10:45.10linageeoh well. at least it's 1000% better sounding than before
10:50.13*** join/#asterisk Ahrimanes (n=michael@
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10:51.47*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/unconfirmed/bhaal)
10:52.30BhaalOkey, time honored question: any free asterisk <-> skype plugins out there yet?
10:54.37Greek-Boyfrom what I hear, not yet...
10:54.38BhaalPreferrably that runs on linux
10:54.56BhaalI see this:  ... But it appears to be windows only
10:54.59Strom_Cwhy is everyone so balls-crazy about skype?  it sucks!
10:55.05*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
10:55.17AhrimanesStrom_C: because it has a good foothold in the market
10:55.45Greek-BoyStrom_C I think its a matter of the average Joe out there using skype instead of a sip device and we need to be able to contact them?
10:55.52BhaalStrom_C: Yes, but its something I would find useful, I use asterisk and SIP for my home landline via a SIP to pstn provider..  I would like to recieve skype calls via asterisk aswell...
10:56.07BhaalGreek-Boy: exactly
10:56.27*** join/#asterisk x86_ (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
10:57.10dorel__when i'm using $AGI->stream_file('some_file') then the file 'some_file' has to reside in the sounds directory?
10:57.38*** join/#asterisk toaks (
10:58.27toaksanyone from australia here.
10:59.02toaksanyone used the TDM400P card before
10:59.52Strom_Ctoaks: no, sorry.  you are the first person in all of recorded history to ever use a TDM400P.  The rest are just illusions.
11:00.15FreezeSand how does it feel to be a pioneer ?
11:00.25toaksoh well.. might try the atari user group. !!
11:00.26FreezeSexploring uncharted grounds...
11:00.58toaksyeah - its good... its a good feeling.
11:00.59FreezeSmeeting dangerous .cnf settings
11:01.33toaksok - heres the go - two fxo ports.
11:01.39toaksnicely configured in my dial plan.
11:01.49toaksdial plan has Answer() to start
11:01.55toaksthen Echo()
11:02.05toaksjust for fun...
11:02.15toaksit Answers - but no Echo... what the?
11:04.00FreezeSif you play MoH does it work ?
11:04.26UnderMinegot the capi drivers running again....
11:04.50toaksMoH ?
11:05.06FreezeSmusic on hold
11:05.17toaksi have tried 1.Answer()  2. Playback(filename)  3.Answer()   and no playback.
11:05.31toaksbut if i do the same on my fxs port - it will playbak the file.
11:05.54dorel__can i use $AGI->stream_file to play a .wav file?
11:05.55FreezeSwhere do you connect the fxo ?
11:06.14toaksto the main phone line
11:06.23FreezeSfrom the telco, right ?
11:06.28toaksyeah thats it.
11:06.44FreezeScan you call ?
11:06.46toaksits going thru a spliiter so i can still use the adsl.
11:06.46*** part/#asterisk knobo (
11:06.52toakscan call it - it answers.
11:07.01toaksthen does nothing.
11:07.02FreezeSno, I mean can you make a call ?
11:07.12toakshavent got that far.
11:07.22toakswhat would a dial plan look like for that.
11:07.32FreezeSyou use a SIP client ?
11:07.37toaksi take it i would put something in my internal context .
11:07.48toaksah ok - i read about them havent set one up.
11:07.54FreezeSset one up :)
11:08.02FreezeSsjphone or something
11:08.35toaksso id use a soft phone to do that. dont know too much about the sip thing yet.
11:08.38UnderMineis there an way of grouping Zap and CAPI groups into a single group for outbound calls
11:08.52FreezeSso with the softphone, what protocol did you use ?
11:09.10toaksnah - havent got that far im afraid.
11:09.12FreezeSsoftphone = sip client
11:09.21FreezeSyou should do that first
11:09.28FreezeSthen setup the pots card
11:09.46toaksso can i run a softphone on the windowz box here and point through to the asterisk using a softphone of some sort.
11:10.11FreezeSno, you've got it wrong
11:10.18toaksspeak to me...
11:10.24FreezeSyou need a sip client (or softphone as they're called)
11:10.35FreezeSyou create an account on asterisk for it
11:10.44FreezeSin /etc/asterisk.sip.conf
11:10.52FreezeSset a default context
11:11.12FreezeSthen setup the softphone to use asterisk as a sip server
11:11.17dorel__can asterisk play .gsm files only or wavs also?
11:11.21toaksok yes..
11:11.42dorel__or actually instead of banging my head across the wall ill just convert the wav to .gsm format and be done with it
11:11.58FreezeSdorel__: I only used wav as MoH
11:12.06FreezeSnot as a prompt
11:12.08toaksok cool - so then the call will be made to a voip server of some sort.
11:12.20FreezeSasterisk is the VoIP server :)
11:12.47toaksbut that will go out the ethernet card into the 'internet' right.
11:13.02FreezeSdepends on your dialplan
11:13.18FreezeSyou could use it as a regular phone
11:13.21FreezeSusing the pots card
11:13.28toaksok - so... then config dialplan to send out through my telco - out the fxo port.
11:13.45FreezeSor you could use a cheap SIP provider
11:13.49FreezeSfor international calls
11:14.06FreezeSbut first !
11:14.08toakswhich would go out the internet... i guess.
11:14.10FreezeShate to say it
11:14.15FreezeSRTFM :)
11:14.17toaksspeak to me.
11:14.19FreezeSdo a lot of that
11:14.39FreezeSthe wiki has got really good lately
11:14.42FreezeSlots of examples
11:14.48FreezeSand very detailed explanations
11:14.55toaksah - i am!! thats why im up to the bit where it says.. 'check the Answer and then the Echo()'
11:14.59*** join/#asterisk InforSOLutions (
11:15.10toaksand it doesnt work!
11:15.18toaksand i dont know why.
11:15.28FreezeSare you sure you're putting it in the right context ?
11:15.37FreezeSit's best to play first with a softphone
11:15.47FreezeSlearn how contexts and extensions work
11:15.50toaksyeah - pretty sure cos get this..
11:15.57FreezeSthen go to pots
11:16.18toaksi phone it up and all the events come u.
11:16.33toakscome up in asterisk cli> chan_zap.c:6073 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)...
11:16.46toaksanswers - but thats all.
11:16.52toaksgo to pots?
11:16.55FreezeSthen it may be simply a config error
11:16.57dorel__im unable to play a file and then use say_number... something's wrong
11:17.04FreezeSpots = plain old telephone system
11:17.09FreezeSFXO :)
11:17.12dorel__$AGI->exec('Playback','extension'); $AGI->say_number($2);
11:17.17toaksgo to the plain old telephone system hey.
11:17.18dorel__im trying to play the file extension.gsm
11:17.47toaksfreeze - r u in australia.
11:17.50FreezeSdorel__: noop($2), what does it display ?
11:17.57FreezeStoaks: no, in Romania
11:18.26toakshmm... cause i know there are some settings that australia needs.. that are special to our network.
11:18.35toaksi am thinking that something is going on there.
11:18.42FreezeSyeah, but as I remember, these settings are for ISDN
11:18.47FreezeSyou're using FXO
11:18.54toaksi am using fxo yes.
11:19.10toaksmy tdm has 2 fxo and 2 fxs ports.
11:19.21toaksand the fxs are cooperating nicely.
11:19.27FreezeSit means you can connect 2 old phones to it
11:19.50toaks2 old clunkers currently attached.
11:19.59UnderMineany ideas what could cause -- CAPI INFO 0x34e0: Mandatory information element is missing
11:20.30*** join/#asterisk sakimustafa (n=sakimust@
11:21.11dorel__FreezeS: actually the  $AGI->say_number($2); works fine
11:21.20dorel__FreezeS: it says the number that the variable $2 holds
11:21.30dorel__FreezeS: the problem is that im unable to play the .wav file
11:21.44dorel__FreezeS: $AGI->exec('Playback','extension'); -> this one is the problem i think
11:24.04FreezeStry: $AGI->exec('Playback',$2)
11:25.02dorel__i think you're missing the point :)\
11:25.12dorel__$2 = "152"
11:25.31dorel__i want it to play a sound file and then say the $2 number
11:25.59FreezeSmaybe you should try 'extension.wav"
11:26.13dorel__i converted it to gsm already so just the filename should be fine.
11:26.41FreezeSand it still doesn't work ?
11:26.52*** join/#asterisk kristalino (
11:27.24dorel__not really, let me double check everything
11:28.14UnderMineExchange has the ISDN redirected to another number.  Is the ISDN still live for outbound calls?
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11:34.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
11:34.40axscodehi guyz.. do you have any URL on how to install digium TDM400P(TDM22B) and how to create the DIALPLAN ? please help...
11:36.52dorel__yeah it doesnt work FreezeS
11:37.12FreezeSis there an error message ?
11:38.27dorel__to convert from wav to gsm is it enough to use 'sox file1.wav file2.gsm' ?
11:39.09Greek-Boyhow do u go to a certain step in an extension in the dialplan if the extension is busy?
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11:39.26dorel__ok the problem is definitely with the files
11:41.34*** join/#asterisk Coup (
11:43.10axscodehi guyz.. how will i know if my TDM is already installed with drivers?
11:45.14toaksfreezeS - good one - ever put extern instead of exten in a dial plan.
11:45.23toaksi'll tell you right now - it doesnt work!!!
11:47.20*** join/#asterisk ambriento (
11:52.15UnderMineThink i have an answer to my question : ISDN1#02: CAPI INFO 0x3481: Unallocated (unassigned) number
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11:58.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
11:59.03Greek-Boy; Secret Weapon
11:59.04Greek-Boyexten => 766,1,Playback(vm-password)
11:59.04Greek-Boyexten => 766,2,Authenticate(76777)
11:59.04Greek-Boyexten => 766,3,ChanSpy(scan|q)
11:59.14Greek-Boywhat am i doing wrong here? i can't hear in on their conversations
12:00.34axscodewhy when my TDM was loaded..... my sip users became unreachable? any help please.?>
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12:03.10axscodecan u help please.?
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12:05.18[TK]D-Fenderaxscode: Sip users going unreachable is because they failed their qualify time, not because of your TDM card.
12:05.34[TK]D-Fenderaxscode: Pastebin your sip.conf masking out passwords please
12:05.38jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
12:06.53axscode[TK]D-Fender: its in my side... im in the same switch... it happens after loading my tdm... after i 'ztcfg'
12:07.57[TK]D-Fenderaxscode: TDM has nothing to do with SIP.
12:08.19[TK]D-Fenderaxscode: please pb what I requested as well as the CLI output of "sip show peers"
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12:13.57axscodehi.. just want to ask.. about my TDM.. im good now with my sip phones... sip to sip its ok..
12:14.05axscodei dont know how to use my ZAP channel..
12:14.40jbot[docs] Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
12:14.43jbothmm... book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
12:14.58jboti heard rtfm is Read The F*cking Manual (TM). It is a suggestion to do your homework before posting a question. Sometimes used as RTFM $SPECIFIC_MANUAL to refer to a specific source of information. See also
12:16.43axscodeif my TDM22B... i have a |RRGG  <--R = RED .. and G = Green ... and | = steel mount in my PCI. what should be in my zaptel.conf?
12:17.08axscodefxsks=1-2 and fxsks=3-4 ? right?
12:17.14axscodefxsks=1-2 and fxoks=3-4 ? right?
12:19.41axscodei have an error when i try to call.... No translator path exist for channel type ZAP (Native 68) to 256
12:21.29Greek-Boyi figured out the problem, i wasn't using the chanspy command proparly
12:22.16hankis there an unbiased list of isdn cards working well with asterisk and linux? the list on seems a bit biased since it only lists digium cards as fully compatible.
12:23.26*** join/#asterisk Greek-B0y (n=grb@
12:23.37[TK]D-Fenderaxscode: Yeah, you don't have G.729 licensed and thats what you are having your phones use.
12:24.35axscodeoh ok.. so all i have to do is to change it to ulaw..
12:25.54CreperumПриглашаю всех на канал #asterisk на rusnet!
12:26.47*** join/#asterisk Cyt (
12:27.36ambrientoaxscode, yes. Or buy some g.729 licenses
12:28.08axscodehow much is that...? i mean is it per phone? or per channel?
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12:29.08ambrientoaxscode, it's about to US$10 per translation path
12:29.27axscodetranslation path = number of fxo ports?
12:29.40axscodeif analog?
12:31.05axscodeis this correct in my dialplan.. exten => _2XXXXXX,1,DIAL(ZAP/3/${EXTEN},20,rt) ? which channel 3 must be a green module in TDM?
12:31.13ambrientotranslation path is when you have 2 different codecs talking to each other
12:31.33ambrientosince they are different, they need to be translated/transcoded
12:32.43ambrientoif you have 4 analog ports, and thats the maximum simultaneous concurrent calls you'll have trhu them, 4 licenses will suffice
12:32.54ambrientoanalog ports use u-law/a-law
12:33.27*** join/#asterisk Hymie (
12:33.35HymieI'm using Uniden UIP200s for simple phones.. what are you guys using for multi-line SIP phones... for a receptionist or the like?
12:33.38Hymieanyone have any preferences?
12:34.11axscodethanks ambriento.. ill have to buy that 2morrow... thanks for the advice...
12:34.43axscodeambriento: i have an error of cause 17 - User busy.... but the phone number im calling is not busy...
12:34.59axscodei mean.. if im going to call directly
12:35.13*** join/#asterisk Nitesh (n=Nitesh@
12:35.51ambrientoaxscode, too little info axscode. Calling from? where to? which techs/codecs are involved?
12:36.18ambrientoaxscode, pb the CLI> output since the beginning of the call
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12:42.03*** part/#asterisk dorel__ (
12:42.51Hymieanyone using the soundpoint 500 or 600
12:42.55Hymieare they the cat's meow?
12:43.53[TK]D-FenderHymie: Polycom is your best choice.
12:44.08[TK]D-FenderHymie: Model dependent on usage, wiring, and budget
12:44.45Hymie[TK]D-Fender: this installation already has Uniden UIP200s, but they want two or three people to be able to monitor the status of a few incoming lines on the phone...
12:44.45[TK]D-FenderHymie: 500 & 600 are the older models.  Current is the 301, 430, 501, 601, and 650
12:44.52Hymiethanks for that
12:45.09Hymielooks like it has 6 line presence
12:45.29Hymie(the 600)
12:46.31*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
12:46.34[TK]D-Fenderhold on...
12:46.54Hymiehmm, not a lot of info on the configuration of these phones, on (from what I see)
12:47.45Hymieoh, it's all under a general polycomm article
12:48.32axscodeambriento: im calling from my SIPPHONE ---> ASTERISK ---> FXO ---> potsPhone
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12:49.40|oranjia|can someone explain to me why asterisk realtime is doing this query?
12:50.09[TK]D-FenderHymie: Gimme a few and I'll be able to advise you urther.
12:50.34Hymie[TK]D-Fender: ok
12:50.48|oranjia|why on earth would it want to select where the priority is -1
12:51.19axscodeambriento: can u help.
12:54.32Hymieaxscode: what's your extensions.conf show?  are you using an & between them?
12:54.59axscodeHymie: im pasting them all.. wait.. im compiling all i have..
12:55.19HymieI use that to call my cell phone and my internal zap line...
12:55.39Hymieinstead of Zap/1 or SIP/something
12:56.49ambrientogimme a sec axscode
12:57.56ambrientoaxscode, Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 17 - User busy)
12:59.11ambrientowhat does  "zap show channels" tells you? would you paste it? and maybe some zaptel.conf zapata.conf
12:59.12*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
13:00.08axscode  <-- my zapata, zaptel and extensions.conf
13:00.09Hymieambriento: right, but if he's trying to call two lines at once, it shouldn't matter what happens to the zap channel
13:01.01ambrientohymie, I didn't answer any of you questions yet :)
13:01.17ambrientoI was talking to axscode. sorry for the misunderstanding :)
13:02.29axscodeambriento: zap show channels --->
13:02.30UnderMineoutbound ISDN working inbound still redirected... arrrggh
13:03.07ambrientogood axscode
13:03.30ambrientowhat if you try Zap/ instead of ZAP/
13:04.08axscodeok.. ill try that..
13:04.16ambrientoand, do you know which modules do you have in your TDM400 card?
13:04.44axscodeambriento... i have .. |RED,RED,GREEN,GREEN
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13:05.13ambriento| stands for the bracket?
13:05.34axscode| stand for the steel where u screw it to the casing..
13:06.32axscode| where the rj11 ports..
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13:07.23littleballhello, who is using zap on fedora core 5?
13:07.44littleballi need some help to fix the udev problem (i think my problem is due to udev issue)
13:08.01littleballi read the READ.udev, but don't understand the permission issue
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13:09.03Greek-B0ychanspy not working too good with eyebean soft phone, delayed and choppy
13:09.05axscodesir ambriento: u there?
13:09.09Greek-B0ybut works perfect with a hardphone
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13:09.43ambrientoaxscode, yes. gimme a sec
13:11.28axscodethanks sir.. ill wait...
13:11.31axscodetake ur time..
13:14.54sivanahow many sip registrations can * handle?
13:15.27axscodemaybe unlimited if you happen to have an unlimited resources..
13:15.43[TK]D-FenderHymie: PM
13:17.12ambrientoaxscode, I'm back
13:17.28axscodehi sir..
13:18.51ambrientoresuming, you have |RRGG, if I remember correctly, this is |1234, right?
13:19.03axscodesir. it rings..
13:19.18axscodei put my phoneline in different port.
13:19.50axscode|1234 <-- yes...  [][][X][] <-- where i put my phonline.. it should be ... [][x][][] and it rings..
13:19.54ambrientoyour analog phones are plugged in ports 3-4
13:20.11ambrientowow, nice draw :)
13:20.13axscodenope i have a sip-phone..
13:21.35axscodejust want to ask... i can now call outside.. how can i receive call to that same port?
13:21.57axscodecan i recieve call from zap/3/ ?
13:22.54Kerry_Gif you have a phone line attached to it, yes
13:24.02axscodeyes. since i can now call outside... my question is..  how to point to my sipphone when my outside number rings..
13:24.44*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
13:26.08ambrientoaxscode, if that specific line should call one specific SIPphone only, you have to put that channel in one specific context
13:26.30ambrientolets say context=inc-pots
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13:33.11axscodenope. one line can call to any number out-going... and if it its from the outside.... i wish to prompt then the caller from outside will dial again any number from the inside.
13:34.24axscodewhats the possible cause if the line im calling is ringing but no one answers... anynumber i call it rings but no one is answering..
13:34.46zeedoaxscode: caller id ;-P
13:35.34axscodewhat do u mean zeedo? i have to turn off the caller-id=no ?
13:35.58zeedoaxscode: it was a joke, I was implying that no one is answering because they know it's you ;-)
13:36.34axscodeim slow.. im sorry..
13:37.00ambrientoaxscode, you should check some auto-attendant examples in
13:37.16axscodeim calling using zap..
13:37.27axscodei mean going out to my pstn..
13:37.47*** join/#asterisk syn (
13:37.53axscodemy problem is.. im not from this place... hhehe.. dont know any delivery phone numbers..
13:38.40synwhen Dial() is used, and the caller hangs up, is there a way for ac action to take place (since the extension immediately exists when this happens :-/) ?
13:38.48syns/ac /an /
13:39.02synjbot: thanks ;)
13:39.02jbotsyn: no worries
13:39.55synah, and exits, instead of exists
13:44.29*** join/#asterisk acrg (
13:45.20acrgI'm curious to know of other people's experiences and opinions on how asterisk handles CDR entries after transferred calls
13:45.44axscodeambriento... it only rings.. even the remote user pick-ups it still rings..
13:45.50axscode:) huhuhu..
13:46.31acrgespecially calls that are transfered between PSTN channels making CDR important for billing
13:48.25*** part/#asterisk Coup (
13:48.54acrgI've found that an attended transfer will create two CDR entries - one entry is the first call and the second entry is the transferred call.  The problem I've noticed is that the first call is recorded as having lasted for the duration of the first call AND the transferred call put together
13:49.22acrgand both entries contain misleading data WRT to src/dst callerid
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13:49.37synacrg: that's likely
13:49.40*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=Op3r@
13:49.55synacrg: i had to hack the code a bit sometimes to fit it to my needs
13:49.59synsetting userfield soemtimes
13:50.17synresetting the ast_cdr struct with memset() ...
13:50.21Op3rdoes any one know how many minutes before sox mix the recorded calls?
13:50.24rosivelthi all, anyone expert in hangup?
13:50.24synasterisk 1.4 should be far better for this
13:50.45acrgglad I'm not alone :)
13:51.02acrgare you a contributor to the cdr code ?
13:53.15syni'm not an asterisk developer
13:53.29syn(only wrote res_sqlite for sqlite2 which noone cares about :)
13:54.13|oranjia|yes is very broken
13:54.18acrgthere aren't any bugs logged under the CDR category in digium's issue tracker
13:54.43synacrg: because they're not bug
13:54.43synthey're misdesigned features :p
13:55.02synyou should have a look at
13:55.04acrghave you tried 1.4 ?
13:55.20synthere are several commands WRT CDR handling
13:55.21acrgyea, I look at that regularly
13:55.22synlike ForkCDR
13:55.32synacrg: no i haven't
13:55.34synjust looked the code and documentation
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13:56.00acrgI've looked at the CDR commands, but I don't know how I could use them to fix the attended transfer issue
13:56.13*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
13:56.23synacrg: resetcdr maybe ?
13:56.30syni don't know either :/
13:56.53Dr-Linuxtopic? :S
13:56.59Dr-Linuxlilo has died?
13:57.13synDr-Linux: yes :/
13:57.14acrgyea, I wanted to try resetCDR, but then couldnt see a way of calling it on the condition of an attended transfer - I dont think the dialplan can distinguish an attended transfer
13:57.22Dr-Linuxsyn: :(
13:57.25Dr-Linuxsyn: how?
13:57.36*** join/#asterisk nortex (
13:58.16synDr-Linux: see freenode website
13:58.34Dr-Linuxsyn: i don't know the site name
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14:00.00Nivexit's actually not on the main page
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14:06.24NiteshHello All, Can anyone help me to setup PolyCom phone for voicemail button... How can I setup *97 option on Message button on polycom phones... please help
14:06.31ambrientoaxscode, get rid of the 'r' option in Dial() cmd
14:10.20*** join/#asterisk Niklas- (
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14:11.11Niklas-Hi. I'm setting up a little queue thingie and i'm not sure about what i need to configure in agents.conf. I'm going to add 3-4 test clients, and want them as member in group 1
14:15.08hankcan i use zaptel drivers for a hfcs usb device?
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14:15.45hankdo i need isdn support in the kernel when using zaptel drivers?
14:16.56FreezeSdo you guys know why I get a lot of these ? pri_dchannel: PRI got
14:16.56FreezeSevent: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
14:16.57stoffellhank: you can use zaptel drivers, using bristuff
14:17.06nortexNitesh, Are you using the config files or the menus?
14:17.07stoffellhank: or you can use mISDN, might even be better..
14:17.28hankthere it starts again 'sigh'
14:17.29[TK]D-FenderFreezeS: Got that card on its own IRW yet?
14:17.46jamincollinsI've got iaxmodem working beautifully for inbound faxes... but when I try to send an outbound fax, all attempts fail.  I get "No authority found" on the CLI as the cause for the failure, but the iax stations attempting to send are the same ones that work fine for inbound and they all have a context set that should allow them to dial any outbound number.
14:17.49FreezeSand now it works with telco timing
14:17.56[TK]D-FenderCompletely Disabled your E1000?
14:18.06FreezeS18:   12017287   IO-APIC-level  wcte11xp
14:18.06hankstoffell: i thought zaptel, bristuff and misdn were all kernel modules...
14:19.03jamincollinsFreezeS: known good cable?
14:19.28FreezeScan't guarantee that, it was installed by the telco guys
14:19.35stoffellhank: bristuff is, zaptel is also. but mISDN is included in kernel these days..
14:19.50hankstoffell: in 2.6.18??
14:19.54stoffellhank: for mISDN, check
14:19.55[TK]D-FenderFreezeS: Well Digium says the E1000 is a no-no, so continue to expect problems as long as its there.
14:19.57stoffellhank: yes
14:20.02hankwow nice :)
14:20.04jamincollinsduring my initial system tests I had a number of red alarms that would just periodically pop up... turned out to be the cable
14:20.13FreezeSwhat's E1000 ?
14:20.21stoffellhank: get latest asterisk and that link i send ya.. should do it. and check the mISDN howto's on voip-info and
14:20.35[TK]D-FenderFreezeS: The network adapter you have on-board
14:20.40hankstoffell: ok, so for the hardware i need to compile a 2.6.18 with misdn. and then i will use chan_misdn in asterisk right?
14:20.55stoffellhank; correct, what distro you're using?
14:20.59hankstoffell: debian
14:21.07hankstoffell: again... i tried trixbox but...
14:21.12stoffellhank: use stock debian kernel, and that should do it..
14:21.21FreezeSEthernet controller: Linksys Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/100 model NC100 (rev 17).
14:21.45hankstoffell: but there is no 2.6.18 in debian?
14:21.54FreezeS[TK]D-Fender: is that E1000 ?
14:22.02jamincollinsFreezeS: no
14:22.17stoffellhank: maybe in unstable :) do you *need* 2.6.18 ? in etch, there's 2.6.17 i believe
14:22.24[TK]D-FenderFreezeS: You previously mentioned you had the E1000 onboard.
14:22.51FreezeS5 min ago it was the first time I heard about E1000
14:23.10tzafriris citats here? how do I submit patches to asterisk-perl?
14:23.13hankstoffell: well if misdn is included in 2.6.18 id like to use it... id like to compile a kernel anyway so there will for sure be no problems between misdn and the kernel isdn modules.
14:24.14[TK]D-FenderFreezeS: Could be mistaken, but I was sure this came up previously.
14:24.23stoffellhank: okay, but for starters even a stock-debian 2.6.16 kernel has the needed stuff
14:24.28stoffellso it's up to you ;)
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14:25.27jamincollinsanyone see anything wrong with my configuration here:
14:25.40FreezeS[TK]D-Fender: most probably you're mistaking me for someone else. So, assuming the nic is not E1000, is there anything else I should check ? Except cables
14:25.50*** join/#asterisk trevarthan (
14:26.03[TK]D-FenderFreezeS: Dunno.... What MB are you using?
14:26.11hankstoffell: i dont mind compiling my own kernel and if i can avoid some problems by that ill do it. ok lets say i compile 2.6.18 with misdn modules. would i use the script from beronet to download and install zaptel, asterisk, ... automatically?
14:26.25jamincollinsFreezeS: could also be line problems with the CO... at least from the little I've heard
14:27.02trevarthanwould it be possible to do spa3102 -> T.38 -> SIP -> asterisk -> H.323 -> t38modem -> Hylafax using asterisk's T.38 pass-through mode?
14:27.28Niklas-How can i use AgentCallbackLogin() without using a password?
14:27.39trevarthanDoes anyone here have experience with t38modem? I'm trying to determine if it's a better alternative to iaxmodem + hylafax when there is a T.38 ATA available.
14:28.15hankuhm no...
14:28.21hankdamn. confused again.
14:28.23jamincollinstrevarthan: doesn't sound like you're describing pass-through
14:28.43jamincollinsyou're taking in SIP and putting out H.323 in the scenario you describe
14:28.44trevarthanjamincollins: OK, what does asterisk's pass-through do then?
14:28.59FreezeS[TK]D-Fender: the computers are Siemens-Fujitsu Scenic
14:29.04coppicethe T.38 stuff currently in * does not handle H.323
14:29.05jamincollinst.38 -> SIP -> Asterisk -> SIP -> t.38
14:29.13FreezeSthey use some custom MBs
14:29.18jamincollinsie, "passthrough"
14:29.20*** join/#asterisk tRSS (n=tRSS@
14:29.23jamincollinsno change by asterisk
14:29.38trevarthanjamincollins: ah. ok. darn.
14:29.40jamincollinsyour scenario would require asterisk to translate from SIP to H.323
14:29.59stoffellhank: you can do 2 things; use the to download * and misdn usespace tools. or install * yourself and only use the mISDN install stuff..
14:30.13tRSShow can I disable asterisk from transferring calls when a pound key is pressed? I still want to be able to transfer with another key
14:30.47hankstoffell: hmm where did you find that install-asterisk? will that only install the userspace misdn stuff or also try to install the modules?
14:31.02*** join/#asterisk mattfletcher (
14:31.02wunderkintRSS, on regular calls? features.conf
14:31.02hankstoffell: im browsing but cant find a link to install-asterisk.tar.gz
14:31.03trevarthanHas anyone here used t38modem in the past? I'm wondering how it compares to iaxmodem. I've used iaxmodem in the past when my PSTN was a zaptel interface, but now I'm using an spa3102 so now my PSTN is a SIP interface and I'm thinking iaxmodem probably won't work so well.
14:31.47jamincollinstrevarthan: did you ever do outbound faxing with iaxmodem and hylafax
14:31.57trevarthanThe spa3102 has support (supposedly) for T.38 SIP. So I'm wondering if t38modem can be adapted to use SIP instead of H323....
14:32.09tRSShank: my problem is that I am sometimes in call and I have to conference another person where I have to press the pound key in order to enter the code. This makes asterisk think that I am trying to transfer a call
14:32.10trevarthanjamincollins: yes. But mostly inbound.
14:32.19mattfletchercould someone tell me which way round the daughterboards in a tdm400p are? which colour (green/red) is fxo, and which is fxs. also, which channel is closest to socket end of the card, 1 or 4?
14:32.25*** join/#asterisk S^P (n=Masood@
14:32.27coppicetrevarthan: iaxmodem doesn't do T.38. at least not yet
14:32.32mattfletcheri'm looking at this thing in bewilderment
14:32.46hanktRSS: ENICK
14:32.51trevarthancoppice: I know. But t38modem *does*. Problem is it isn't SIP, it's H323.
14:33.17mattfletchersorry, by socket end, i mean the end where the lines plug into, not where the card plugs into the motherboard btw
14:33.42stoffellhank: there you find the do-it-all script: install-asterisk.tar.gz
14:33.59jamincollinstrevarthan: would you mind taking a look at the configs I posted to see if anything jumps out at you?
14:34.11hankstoffell: ah i c... any idea why thats not linked on their page?
14:34.47stoffellhank: uhm.. no... but i guess it's linked to from :)
14:35.39trevarthanjamincollins: where is it failing? hylafax <-> iaxmodem? iaxmodem <-> asterisk?
14:35.55hankstoffell: ok thanks :) ill compile that kernel and have a look at the script. ill probably have to remove the stuff for misdn kernelspace install.
14:36.15jamincollinsasterisk seems to be refusing the call request with a "No authority found"
14:36.19hanktRSS: you highlighted me with something im pretty sure was not meant for me
14:36.46tRSShank: no problem.
14:36.49jamincollinseven though the iax definition for the station/origin lists the outbound context for that station
14:36.57stoffellhank: no, you need the misdn user space tools also, just go for the install-asterisk-stuff..
14:37.46mattfletcherI am trying to set up a TDM400P and I am a little confused as to which channels are which. From the back of the PC (where the lines plug in) I have two green daughterboards and then two red ones. Please could somebody tell me how these colours and positions match to their channel numbers and FXO/FXS in my /etc/zaptel.conf
14:38.36Drukengreen is fxo red is fxs
14:39.01hankstoffell: i know ;) and this script will probably try to install misdn kernel modules right?
14:39.21stoffellhank: don't think so, because your kernel modules are in your kernel..
14:41.07hankhmm ill simply try...
14:42.07axscodehi guyz... if im dialing... _2XXXXXX,1,DIAL()  .. how to disregard the 2 and use the XXXXXX only to the actuall dial?
14:42.14mattfletcherthanks druken
14:42.18haxhey guys... i just bought a voip account with iax2 and an origination number... where should i go to get started setting up asterisk?
14:42.58*** join/#asterisk riznix (
14:43.00hankstoffell: thatll take till tomorrow. thx for your help and patience so far :)
14:43.54riznixdoes anyone have any material on securing an asterisk system?
14:44.42trevarthanjamincollins: can you receive inbound faxes via iaxmodem?
14:47.35jamincollinstrevarthan: yep, inbound works wonderfully, and outbound dialing using the same context by other stations works fine too
14:47.37stoffellgood luck :)
14:48.23riznixasterisk is 100% secure?
14:48.25jamincollinsnote, the other stations are sip, not IAX though
14:48.28hankstoffell: if thats for me: thanks a lot. i need it. ill be here asking n00b questions again tomorrow in case you dont want to miss it ;)
14:48.50jamincollinsriznix: securing asterisk is much like securing anything else
14:48.58riznixpadlock and chain?
14:49.01jamincollinsdon't run services you don't need
14:49.12zeedoriznix: I dont think there are any specific guides for Asterisk
14:49.20riznixmy other services will help in exploiting asterisk?
14:49.27zeedojamincollins: theres a lot more to it than that, dialplan security for instance
14:49.29axscodehow to set in dialplan... it starts with 2.. but it dont care how many XXXXX.... ?
14:49.33stoffellokay hank lol ;)
14:49.37jamincollinsrestrict access to the services you do provide to only authorized sources
14:49.52jamincollinszeedo: that's just another way of saying the same thing
14:50.06zeedojamincollins: another way of saying what same thing ?
14:50.20riznixdialplan security?
14:50.25zeedojamincollins: dialplan security is Asterisk specific configuration, which merits a doc explaining it
14:50.30S^Phi, I maped two number on one sip account, is it possible to findout which number is called by calling party.?
14:50.53jamincollinszeedo: securing dialplan, it's a matter of not providing access for untrusted sources to services (ie numbers) you don't need them accessing
14:51.02*** join/#asterisk za3bout (i=pipo@
14:51.02zeedoriznix: making sure people can only access features they are allowed, eg... preventing anonymous sip users getting an international dial out
14:51.33za3boutplease any body can help me ????
14:51.38zeedojamincollins: indeed it is, but it requires examples and walktrhoughs to show users how to do it preoperly
14:51.56axscodety TK
14:52.06[TK]D-Fenderza3bout: Would help if you actually asked a specific question...
14:53.01za3boutyes i have a problem to activate tuneling chanel in oh323
14:53.10za3boutin config files all is ok
14:53.30trevarthanfamincollins: can you paste the output of `describe iaxfriends` from your MySQL console?
14:53.55jamincollinsmysql?  or asterisk?
14:54.17za3boutany idea ?
14:54.28jamincollinstrevarthan: not using asterisk realtime for the iax config
14:55.00trevarthanjamincollins: It's very strange that iaxmodem will receive calls but can't auth with asterisk to send them.
14:55.29za3bout0... .... h245Tunneling: False
14:56.02jamincollinstrevarthan: the odd part is that it's being ask to auth at all... I don't have anything configured (that I know of) to require it to auth, it's on the same box
14:56.12*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
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14:57.45za3boutwhats h323_live ???
14:57.52za3boutits extention ?
14:58.03mattfletcherHow can I tell if I am using an older TDM400P Revision H card?
14:58.38trevarthanjamincollins: can I see your /etc/iaxmodem/tty* file(s)?
14:59.56jamincollinsadded to the same pastebin
15:00.39*** join/#asterisk Navire (n=navire@
15:00.47NavireHi, folks
15:01.24NavireAnyone can help me with a2billing and mysql realtime?
15:02.48trevarthanjamincollins: I don't see it.
15:02.54*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
15:03.09trevarthanjamincollins: pastebin 594?
15:03.12jamincollinsshould be at the bottom
15:03.19jamincollinsI guess they gave a new bin number
15:03.53trevarthanjamincollins: so why not add 'secret=password' to your fax3 context in sip.conf?
15:04.41jamincollinstrevarthan: I could try it
15:04.55haxcould anyone point me in the right direction for setting up asterisk? i'm totally new to this
15:06.27*** join/#asterisk malverian (n=malveria@gentoo/developer/malverian)
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15:06.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
15:07.19jamincollinstrevarthan: same result
15:07.34haxbrodiem: ty
15:07.38*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
15:07.59hankstoffell: are you on drugs or why did you say misdn was in 2.6.18?
15:08.56trevarthanjamincollins: can you also allow slinear? not sure if that's a problem.
15:09.43jamincollinssure, one sec
15:09.45*** join/#asterisk KranZ (
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15:10.24jbota Linux boot loader. URL:  Also a former freenode op (Rob Levin was struck by a motorist on September 12th 2006, and passed away on September 16th 2006 - rest in peace old friend.  Condolences should be sent to
15:10.52stoffellhank: it is, read the tut. on
15:11.11jamincollinstrevarthan: same result
15:11.58[TK]D-FenderMrChimpy: Pastebin your zapata.conf
15:12.38acrgsyn ForkCDR() works pretty well for blind transfers :)
15:12.39trevarthanjamincollins: try also adding:
15:12.39trevarthanThat is how mine is set up.
15:13.02jamincollinsI remember trying the dynamic and running into some sort of problem...
15:13.07jamincollinsI'll try it again
15:13.08*** join/#asterisk pdt (n=ptinsley@
15:13.47mattfletcherHow can I tell if I am using an older TDM400P Revision H card?
15:14.00hankstoffell: i read the changelog from 2.6.18 and could not find _any_ reference to misdn.
15:15.02hankanyway... got to go... l8r
15:15.39*** join/#asterisk xaka (n=xaka2004@
15:16.03MrChimpyyep pastebin is broken :(
15:16.38*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
15:17.16MrChimpyit worked
15:17.16xakahi guys! after install Asterisk from sources under Debian how better configure it for autostart (sorry for my English)
15:18.04jamincollinstrevarthan: dyanmic seems to work this time, at least as far as getting them registered... but the send still fails with the same auth problem
15:18.07stoffellhank: it's called ISDN subsystem and then CAPI2.0 support and MODULAR ISDN DRIVER
15:18.19MrChimpytkd :
15:18.37MrChimpynothing special in my zapata - it's pretty much default
15:18.57trevarthanjamincollins: can you repost your config please?
15:18.57acrganyone here running asterisk with chan_capi under bsd ?
15:19.41acrghaving difficulty getting chan_capi and liblinuxcapi compiled :/
15:21.31[TK]D-FenderMrChimpy: please and repost.
15:22.39trevarthanjamincollins: is that a current error message? Or is it old?
15:23.04jamincollinsit's the old one, but same error, nothing changing in it other than the call reference
15:23.38trevarthanjamincollins: Can I see the fax3 line from `sip show peers`?
15:24.03jamincollinsfax3          (D)  4572          OK (1 ms)
15:24.49trevarthanjamincollins: I'm thinking the permit line might be the problem, but I'm not sure. I'm not using the loopback address, even though asterisk and iaxmodem are on the same machine. I'm using the private IP subnet.
15:25.29jamincollinsdue to the other problems with iax and the fact that this is the only thing using it, I restricted the IAX bind to loopback only
15:25.39trevarthanjamincollins: can you try changing iax.conf and iaxmodem/fax3 to use a private subnet address?
15:25.40*** part/#asterisk Ahrimanes (n=michael@
15:26.11trevarthanjamincollins: everything else looks identical between our configs now.
15:26.30*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
15:26.33jamincollinswhat version of * are you running?
15:27.02jamincollins1.2.12 here
15:30.57bkw_why not with hotfix 25
15:31.41trevarthanjamincollins: it's older - 1.2.7
15:31.42CytHi! I have an Linksys PAP2T connected in my asterisk. I plugged an regular telephone into my PAP2T and the telephone shows regular caller ids (as 102 or 2043300). But If I set a caller id to be "Home" or "Office" on asterisk the telephone dont show. Is this some option that I have to change or I have to buy a telephone with some special feature?
15:31.56trevarthanjamincollins: I'm also using an older version of iaxmodem.
15:32.44trevarthanjamincollins: I think I remember having this problem though. If the IP change doesn't help, then could it be the number you're trying to dial? It's a really lame error message...
15:33.34jamincollinshow could it be the number?  I ask because it's not even getting to the point of picking up a ZAP channel
15:33.51jamincollinsand with that outbound dialing context, /anything/ should match it
15:35.05trevarthanjamincollins: I don't know, maybe it's croaking on the '@' symbol at the end?
15:35.20jamincollinsI don't know where that's getting added
15:35.29trevarthanTry dialing that from a sip phone with the same context and see if it works...
15:35.34jamincollinsthe number I'm requesting doesn't have it in it
15:35.48jamincollinsit works...
15:36.06jamincollinsI've tested the context seperately
15:36.17*** join/#asterisk sandra78 (n=sandrita@
15:36.28trevarthanjamincollins: you dialed it with the '@' at the end too?
15:36.45jamincollinsno, like I said... I have no idea where that @ is coming from
15:36.59jamincollinsthe sendfax command I'm issuing doesn't have it
15:37.37trevarthanjamincollins: either it's an error in the logging statement, or it's being sent by iaxmodem. Can you bump the iaxmodem logging level and see if it's actually dialing that character in the trace?
15:38.41*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
15:39.01[TK]D-FenderCyt: Pastebini your dialplan where you are setting it.
15:39.45[TK]D-Fenderbkw_: !
15:41.31*** join/#asterisk fryfrog (n=fryfrog@gallery/fryfrog)
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15:42.12Cyttk: the function works perfect on my softphone, it changes the caller id to "home" and shows it. But my regular telephone, connected to the PAP2T Linksys, shows nothing. Any regular telephone is able to show name insted of number for caller id?
15:42.28fryfrogi'm sure you get this all the time but, i've been reading about asterisk off and on for a few years adn it really sounds awsome :)
15:42.34[TK]D-FenderMrChimpy: like the channel topic and ~pb suggest
15:43.12*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
15:43.13jamincollinstrevarthan: according to iaxmodem's debug output it's dialing it without the @
15:43.21[TK]D-Fenderfryfrog: Indeed
15:44.12trevarthanjamincollins: man, I don't know. Sorry.
15:44.13shodanwhy does a zap channel (using a x100p fxo) does not remember the echo cancel setting everytime a new call is made ? I can't run echotraining on an incoming call, so whenever I receive a call I have a good 10-15 seconds of echo at the beginning of the call , is there a way to fix that ?
15:44.30Cyt[TK]D-Fender: the function works perfect on my softphone, it changes the caller id to "home" and shows it. But my regular telephone, connected to the PAP2T Linksys, shows nothing. Any regular telephone is able to show name insted of number for caller id?
15:44.34jamincollinstrevarthan: and based on the Asterisk CLI output that appears correct as the CLI indicates the CALLED NUMBER is just what iaxmodem claims to be dialing
15:45.55[TK]D-FenderCyt: And that tells me NOTHING new.  Can you please just show me how you are setting it.....
15:46.06Cyt[TK]D-Fender: sure! exten => 344316501,3,SetCallerId(Cyt)
15:46.17[TK]D-FenderCyt: What * are you on?
15:46.51Cyt[TK]D-Fender: Asterisk 1.2.4-BRIstuffed-0.3.0-PRE-1l
15:47.17[TK]D-FenderCyt: That application is sadly deprecated, hereshow you should be doing it : exten => 344316501,3,Set(CALLERID(name)=Cyt)
15:47.52*** join/#asterisk dyn (n=dyn@unaffiliated/dyn)
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15:48.56trevarthanjamincollins: too bad there aren't any decent IAX2 softphones to test with. Seems like an IAX2 problem.
15:49.17Cyt[TK]D-Fender: i will test, thank you
15:49.38dynis mISDN included in a decent version of the vanilla linux kernel?
15:49.49dyneg. 2.6.15+?
15:50.48dynit seems like
15:54.26dynchan_capi.c:4581 cc_init_capi: CAPI not installed, CAPI disabled!
15:54.32dynanyone knows what I'm missing here?
15:54.37haxso... i need to use this 'ztdummy' thing if i want to run asterisk on my debian server?
15:54.44[TK]D-Fenderdyn:L CAPI!
15:54.50dyn[TK]D-Fender: woah
15:55.08dyni mean what package (debian/ubuntu) or what exactly
15:55.38[TK]D-Fenderhax: You need ZTDUMMY if you have no Zaptel hardware to use as a timing source and want to use MeetMe or IAX2 trunking.
15:56.09dyn[TK]D-Fender: i have capisuite, capiutils, libcapi and asterisk-chan-capi installed
15:56.54hax[TK]D-Fender: i'm not sure if i want 'IAX2 trunking'... but i got an account with sellvoip, and they're giving me an iax2 connection... i plan on doing my routing with asterisk, then using sip to connect my phones
15:57.01hax[TK]D-Fender: does that mean i need the driver?
15:57.58*** join/#asterisk momelod (
15:58.06momelodhello fine peoples
15:58.08[TK]D-Fenderhax:  Yes, you should install ZTDUMMY which mean you need to follow the instructions for it on the WIKI
15:58.48*** join/#asterisk [CK-GLOB] (i=HaMYaI@
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15:59.51momelodcould anyone give me an idea why im experience horrible echos after i connected to my 2nd network interface to the internet.  previously i had one network interface connected to our LAN, calls were made over analog zap channels.  But now with the internet connection for remote iax connections.. im hearing echo on every call i make?
15:59.58hax[TK]D-Fender: on the voip-info wiki?
16:00.24[CK-GLOB]can we register a user/friend to ooh323?
16:00.45*** join/#asterisk Crescendo (
16:01.10[CK-GLOB]man, I tried to do it but it's different from SIP and IAX2
16:01.16[CK-GLOB]anyone using it?
16:01.58momelodive never used it but out of curiousity, why are u using ooh323?
16:03.01[CK-GLOB]momelod: I have customers linked to my system using a gateway supporting only h323
16:03.09momelodoh, i see
16:03.22*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
16:03.58CrescendoWhat does Fonality ( ) provide over Asterisk?
16:04.00[CK-GLOB]momelod: it works okay now but it doesn't always recognise user registration
16:04.15moga gui Crescendo
16:04.41*** join/#asterisk DrkShdw (n=scorpio@unaffiliated/drkshdw)
16:04.54CrescendoAre there plans for a GUI in Asterisk?
16:05.17[CK-GLOB]the callerid name sometimes comes in as a bunch of junk chars
16:05.19mogwith the release of 1.4 their will be a gui framework
16:05.25mogalong side asterisk
16:05.56*** part/#asterisk trevarthan (
16:07.52[CK-GLOB]besides, anyone knows what "pentium4m" is on the /pub/asterisk/g729 download site?
16:08.20haxwow, asterisk is so cool
16:08.22Qwell[CK-GLOB]: ...pentium m
16:08.31haxi'm watching this systm video... that dude is way smart
16:08.37Qwellhax: who?
16:08.44haxQwell: i'm not sure what his name is
16:08.45CrescendoWhat are the functionalities for FXS and FXO interfaces in asterisk?  If I want to run a box, what do I need?
16:09.09haxQwell: Kevin Rose
16:09.12haxQwell: way smart
16:10.28Qwellnever heard of him
16:10.28acrgI'm experiencing a bug when a sip-to-sip call going on hold and then loosing voice after unhold - does anyone know if this is a known bug in Digium's issue track? (I can't find it)
16:10.28Qwellmitcheloc: !
16:10.28Qwellmitcheloc: ping :p
16:10.28*** part/#asterisk syn (
16:10.28haxQwell: oh wait, sorry
16:10.29haxQwell: John Todd
16:10.29QwellJohn Todd
16:10.29haxQwell: got it backwards :)
16:10.29haxway smart guy
16:10.29Qwellyes, he is
16:10.29Qwellhax: and he's currently hiring :p
16:10.30haxQwell: hah
16:10.30haxQwell: i guess i should start learning now :P
16:10.36haxQwell: asterisk reminds me of oldschool hacking
16:10.46haxQwell: cause, its all about routing things and writing new modules and hacks to odd things
16:11.07haxQwell: like he was just saying someone hacked a soundcard alert thing on, so you could use it with a paging PA system
16:11.10haxQwell: thats so clutch
16:12.24dserbanclutch = neomasochistic way of saying "cool"
16:12.31*** join/#asterisk dahunter3 (
16:13.12*** join/#asterisk Canopus (
16:13.14[CK-GLOB]Qwell: =) thanks, do you know if h323 requires a "secret" portion of user settings
16:13.40CanopusHello everyone
16:14.04[CK-GLOB]I'm using ooh323 from asterisk-addons actually
16:14.32UnderMineinbound calls via TDM working, outbound calls via CAPI working, inbound calls via CAPI loose inbound voice...
16:14.51UnderMinesorry loose outbound voice
16:16.09CrescendoWhat are the functionalities for FXS and FXO interfaces in asterisk?  If I want to run a box, what do I need?
16:16.17bkw_"What is Asterisk? Asterisk is an insanely powerful, yet easy to use, open source voip telephony toolkit (server software) that runs on virtually any platform"
16:16.20bkw_what a crock
16:16.26bkw_its linux specific as all get out
16:16.37Qwellbkw_: works fine on Solaris :P
16:16.39bkw_PBX (public branch exchange)
16:16.43bkw_public branch exchange?
16:16.49bkw_these morons can't even get it right
16:16.50Hymieplatform=box/hardware, OS=linux
16:16.50fryfrogbkw_: perhaps "platform" also refers to how many hardware types linux could/can run on?
16:16.58bkw_fryfrog, ya maybe
16:16.59UnderMinebkw_: vmware?
16:17.07bkw_Qwell, the offical supported platform is LInux and always will be
16:17.13Qwellbkw_: indeed
16:17.13fryfrogbkw_: course, might also refer to freebsd, etc :/
16:17.15bkw_everything else is secondary
16:17.28*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
16:17.30Hymiebkw_: I expect it to run on my Amiga within the year
16:17.57bkw_Hymie, good for you
16:19.45fryfrogis there any sort of ... asterisk "cloud" of people who provide a local line for local calls that people can use?
16:19.57fryfrogor is that the point of a voip provider joined with asterisk?
16:20.01Qwellfryfrog: fwd has something, I thought
16:20.16fryfrogi dunno, i'm just kind of reading and wondering :)
16:20.28fryfroganything specifically good for a newbie to read?
16:20.43fryfrogi'm interested in learning the tele-coms specific stuff that i don't understand
16:20.48jbotwikis is probably
16:20.49jboti heard docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
16:20.51haxhow important is this ztdummy thing? because i'm having problems getting it to install
16:21.07fryfrogkrikey :p
16:21.15jbotwell, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
16:21.22Qwellfryfrog: I would recommend getting that
16:21.28fryfroggood book?
16:21.29bkw_I wouldn't
16:21.34bkw_I use mine as a monitor stand
16:21.40Qwellbkw_: Then it's useful
16:21.42bkw_you can get the PDF
16:21.45bkw_for free
16:21.49fryfrogoh? from?
16:21.57bkw_Qwell, I am even listed in the book :P
16:22.02mogthe links provided
16:22.20fryfrogjust took a few min to open, thanks :)
16:22.24acrgI'm experiencing a bug when a sip-to-sip call going on hold and then loosing voice after unhold - does anyone know if this is a known bug in Digium's issue track? (I can't find it)
16:22.38bkw_acrg, what version?
16:22.39Hymiebkw_: I believe they mention "bastard" a few times in there, yes
16:22.46UnderMineQwell: any knowledge of getting ISDN2 (BRI) to work?
16:22.55bkw_try an upgrade
16:23.01fryfrogis the book based on "current" asterisk or is a few revs old?
16:23.06bkw_Hymie, or bitch.
16:23.08bkw_and what pizza?
16:23.23bkw_do I even know you?
16:23.26Hymiebkw_: it was the delicious kind
16:23.42Hymiebkw_: well, apparently, since you snuck to my house and stole my pizza off the front door step!!!
16:24.05bkw_I did no such thing
16:24.30jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
16:24.31Hymiebkw_: I think you did ; further, I tihnk you glorify yourself over the matter.. you have parties where you display the empty box for your rabblerousters
16:25.27acrgbkw I would, but the freebsd port is still on :/
16:25.35bkw_be a man install the src
16:25.36Hymiemore proof of his hatred of me!  and his theft of the pizza!
16:25.55Hymiebehold my gut!
16:25.59Hymieit all its splendor!
16:26.11Hymieyou have cause it to reduce in both glory and size simultaniously!
16:26.19bkw_Hymie, when is the baby due?
16:26.27Hymiebkw_: that is all pizza!
16:26.32Hymiethe dish of the gods
16:26.52FlatFootPIZZA and GUINESS
16:27.01FlatFootthats the combination to have
16:27.05bkw_if you would get off your ass and work out a bit you would loose that gut!
16:27.17bkw_I have lost 35lbs in the past few months
16:27.27bkw_all I did was cut the Mt. Dew
16:27.32bkw_harder than it sounds too
16:27.35Hymiebkw_: actually, that is a few years old.. I cycled 1/2 way across Canada and lost about 40lbs of it.. there is still a gut here, just not at large ;)
16:27.53bkw_good for you...
16:28.01Hymiebkw_: yes, I can reach my keyboard and see my dick now!
16:28.01bkw_its better to be more healthy anyway
16:28.04bkw_you feel better
16:28.20bkw_Hymie, funny
16:29.17acrgon the asterisk download site, do the asterisk-<ver>-patch.gz files allow you to perform diff upgrades?
16:30.11*** part/#asterisk mattfletcher (
16:32.02haxok, i can't figure this out
16:33.54haxso i need ztdummy, and i'm on debian sarge
16:34.20haxi've downloaded, compiled, and installed zaptel-source... but i still don't seem to have the modules
16:34.38*** part/#asterisk Navire (n=navire@
16:35.47Dr-Linuxhax: hey there :)
16:35.51haxDr-Linux: yo
16:35.57*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
16:36.16Dr-Linuxhax: what's your problem?
16:36.44haxDr-Linux: i bought an iax2 connection, and i'm trying to setup asterisk... i believe the first thing i need to do is install ztdummy, but i cant figure out how to do it
16:36.49[CK-GLOB]from Set(SOMEVAR=${MATH(${SOMEVAR}+1)}) , the result is float
16:37.17[CK-GLOB]how can I set it back to an integer? anyone knows?
16:37.19Dr-Linuxhax: well, if you dont have hardware/zap then you need to use ztdummy
16:37.26*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
16:37.28haxDr-Linux: right
16:37.33haxDr-Linux: but i can't figure out how to install it
16:37.44jamincollinsanyone have an iax client working with 1.2.7 or 1.2.12?
16:37.44Dr-Linuxhax: go to makefile and uncomment ztdummy
16:37.52haxDr-Linux: i'm using debian sarge
16:37.54Dr-Linuxyou don't need module for this
16:38.10[CK-GLOB]the old SetVar used to give it right
16:38.22Dr-Linuxhax: what packages you have installed?
16:38.58*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
16:39.05haxDr-Linux: asterisk (and its deps), zaptel, and zaptel-source... i've m-a a-i zaptel, and installed the deb
16:39.22haxDr-Linux: oh, you know what, i'm retarded, i take it back
16:39.26haxDr-Linux: i forgot to depmod -a
16:39.40haxnow i have them loaded
16:39.48haxis it true, btw, that i need to use 'rtc' instead of 'genrtc'?
16:40.31[CK-GLOB]jamincollins: only those two versions? I thought it works for all versions
16:40.32*** part/#asterisk toaks (
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16:40.55jamincollins[CK-GLOB]: those are the two versions I'm trying to get working
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16:41.34Dr-Linuxhax: i'm not familiar with debian, but if you are not using hardwares, then you don't need zaptel
16:41.51haxDr-Linux: yeah, i think i got it now
16:42.06jamincollinsisn't a "peer" a superset of a "user"?
16:42.29[CK-GLOB]jamincollins: I'm sure you'll get it working then =)
16:44.41haxis there a way to make asterisk automagically load ztdummy?
16:44.47Dr-Linuxhax: you want to use ztdummy?
16:44.54haxor do i need to modprobe it before i start asterisk?
16:44.55haxDr-Linux: yes
16:45.25Dr-Linuxhax: to load ztdummy module you need to edit Makefile in zaptel source
16:45.33Dr-Linuxhax: do this:
16:45.55Dr-Linuxcd /to/zaptel-source/
16:46.03Dr-Linuxvi Makefile
16:46.23Dr-Linuxuncomment the ztdummy
16:47.43haxDr-Linux: debian does all that for me... i've got ztdummy now
16:48.16Dr-Linuxhax: cool
16:48.30*** join/#asterisk dkowis (n=dkowis@sourcemage/elder/pdpc.sustaining.dkowis)
16:48.40Dr-Linuxhax: but for better understanding .. you should download stable asterisk versions from
16:48.52dkowisI'm just going to note that asterisk rules
16:48.56dkowisand then ask a question :)
16:49.12Qwelldkowis: Sorry, only one statement allowed per visit.
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16:49.38dkowisanyways ;)
16:49.42Dr-LinuxQwell: i think Sergio is still alive?
16:49.44Qwelldkowis: better :p
16:49.55QwellDr-Linux: I'm biting my tongue :)
16:49.57Dr-LinuxQwell: any new version for chan_sccp ? :P
16:50.08Dr-LinuxQwell: lol why
16:50.20QwellDr-Linux: see the posts to chan-sccp-users today
16:50.24dkowisI've got a softphone on my desktop comuter (whined'oh-z) SJPhone and i've set up a primitive dialplan, just a countdown of numbers to get it to talk
16:50.29dkowisbut the audio quality is horrible
16:50.44dkowisI can understand what she's saying, but it's pretty crappy
16:51.10dkowisand when I try linphone on my laptop, I don't hear anything, but like wailing banshees of death
16:51.35dkowisanyone heard of problems like this?
16:51.40Dr-Linuxdkowis: could be different issues, codecs, your volume controsl / boost option enabled
16:51.51dkowisor can point me at where I should be tinkering?
16:51.52dkowisboost option?
16:52.31dkowisthe "BOOST_RINGER" ?
16:52.38dkowisvolume seems to have no effect
16:52.43dkowislike I don't think it's my desktop
16:52.43Dr-Linuxdkowis: better idea, just down xlife from and see if you face same problem with xlife softphone
16:52.54dkowisespecially since the thing hates my laptop too
16:56.25*** join/#asterisk Givemelove (n=foo@
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16:58.26kjcsb2When Asterisk ( receives a SIP register message for a realtime peer, the CLI reports "Disconnected from Asterisk server"
16:58.36kjcsb2Log doesn't show any errors. Anyone have any ideas?
16:59.35*** join/#asterisk clees (
16:59.48dkowisforgive me for being stupid
16:59.56dkowisbut how do you make xlite call an IP ?
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17:01.41dkowisaha, a freakin users guide!
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17:02.29cleesHello, after reading for what seems like forever on postings I am trying to do shared lines, simply trying to have end users for example see line 1 and line 2 is consumed however line 3 is open. Everything I have read says no can do.
17:03.39*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
17:05.16[TK]D-Fenderclees: You meen you want to see which ones are in use?
17:07.13smackuswhich variable name would i use to populate the cdr field called number?
17:07.22cleesindeed, Pollycom 5.0.1 phones support shared lines, however I suspect Asterisk cannot.
17:07.35dkowisDr-Linux: forgive me, but there must be something obvious I'm missing here... I cannot get xlite to call an IP address
17:07.50[TK]D-Fenderclees: Correct, but there are other ways of doing that.  You want to enable presence on them and add a contact who is buddy watched
17:07.52dkowisI've got sip debugging on the asterisk server and I'm not seeing a damn thing :/
17:08.17dkowisaha, I might've figured it out... maybe
17:08.25[TK]D-Fenderclee : in your dialplan add something like this (Assuming you are using zaptel lines) : exten => 5001,hint,Zap/1
17:08.36*** join/#asterisk sakimustafa (n=sakimust@
17:08.59dkowisyeah nope
17:08.59[TK]D-Fenderclees: Add 5001 to your contact directory with buddy watch enabled on it and you can use the buddies button to see the status of that line.
17:09.01dkowisno clure
17:09.48*** join/#asterisk cekc (
17:09.55sakimustafahello is this possible with Asterisk  Softphone---------Asterisk-----------Softphone without digium
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17:10.27cekcI can't get any audio out of my pbx, but I can call extension to extension or dial out on trunks and hear audio, any ideas?
17:10.53smackusi see that there are a couple of ways to report the dialed number. dnid for example... but what I am specifically looking for is the one that populates the dialed number field in mysql
17:11.01kjcsb2digium hardware not required
17:11.43[TK]D-Fendercekc: place a call where you get no audio.  Then in * CLI (while the call is active) do "sip show channels" then pastebin the output for us.
17:11.58jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
17:11.59wunderkin1.4 was branched
17:12.16[TK]D-Fendersakimustafa: what is "Softphone without digium" supposed to mean?
17:13.28*** join/#asterisk aptura (
17:13.33cleesThank You Fender for your help
17:14.01[TK]D-Fenderclees: got it working?
17:14.44*** join/#asterisk Deep6 (n=jhenkel@
17:15.57Deep6guys I can't get my generic x100p to modprobe...when I modprobe wcfxo I get :Failed to initailize DAA, giving up...
17:15.57Deep6wcfxo: probe of 0000:00:0f.0 failed with error -5
17:16.13UnderMineDr-Linux: i have isolated my ISDN problem to inbound connections only not picking up the line correctly. Any ideas on how to debug?
17:16.34sakimustafaI mean only using Asterisk server have no Card like digiumTDM... and use softphone to contact one another
17:17.10cleesHave to try it in a bit... cant find my rsa token. Killing me
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17:18.38kjcsb2digium hardware not required
17:18.41sakimustafahi [TK]D-fender : Ans me pls
17:20.13[TK]D-Fendersakimustafa: I asked you a question.... can't help me until you describe your needs clearer
17:20.32*** part/#asterisk clees (
17:20.38dkowisfinally got xlite to work :/
17:20.42[TK]D-Fendersakimustafa: Just missed your answer.  Yes you can use * as a VoIP only server without any special hradware.
17:20.48dkowisthat software needs better documentation :/
17:20.55dkowiss/docs/error messages
17:21.32dkowisDr-Linux: well the audio isn't but it's not much better than it was before :/
17:21.38dkowisisn't bad
17:21.41dkowiswhy can I not type?
17:21.49sakimustafaWhich files do I need to configure
17:22.20dkowissakimustafa: find the oreilly book online, it's a free download and it's done it for me
17:22.27dkowisI can call my * server
17:22.33*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
17:23.09sakimustafaI installed asterisk from rpm on my pc
17:24.00dkowisso how about the default hold music being ridiculously too loud?
17:24.05dkowisthat's good one :/
17:24.49[TK]D-Fendersakimustafa: I advise against using RPM's or any other packages.  You need to do a lot of reading first.  Download "Asterisk: The Future Of Telephony"
17:24.53jbotrumour has it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:25.00dkowisthat's the book I was reccomending :)
17:25.06trelane_all hail book!
17:25.22[TK]D-Fendersakimustafa: And after you've moved on with your testing you can start using the WIKI as a reference :
17:25.25jbot[docs] Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
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17:25.51sakimustafaWhy not rpm
17:26.16dkowisbecause the site advises against it
17:26.22dkowisit is reccomended to build from source
17:26.33[TK]D-Fendersakimustafa: Not trustworthy.  Might be poorly built.  missing modules.  Outdated.  Always compile * from source if you know whats good for you
17:26.50*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk 1.4 beta now available!!! Start testing!!! -=- FreePBX/AMP/Asterisk@Home/Trixbox support in #freepbx -=- for showing others large amounts of text -=- We'll miss you Rob (lilo).
17:26.53dkowisyay for source based distributions!
17:27.43*** join/#asterisk viler (i=1000@
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17:28.08sakimustafaI downloaded the book
17:28.35sakimustafaSo let me work hard to make Asterisk work for me
17:28.40sakimustafaThanks all
17:29.25haxwhat exactly is 'provisioning'?
17:29.36[TK]D-Fendersakimustafa: You're welcome, and good luck.  * isn't something you can just throw yourself into in 5 minutes.  The BOOK is a great place to start.
17:29.44sakimustafaWhich softphone is easy and feature rich
17:30.05[TK]D-Fenderhax: The term is somewhat open, but typically means that a server holds the configs for a device and tells it how it should be configured
17:30.12sakimustafaIs it free
17:30.14EyeCueidefisk for the win
17:30.31hax[TK]D-Fender: does it work with SIP? cause i only see 'iax2provision'
17:30.32EyeCueelegant, and functional, the only one i havent had issues with.
17:30.37trelane_sakimustafa, two dixie cups and a string (it's an all-hardware system as well leading to very good MTBF
17:30.43hax[TK]D-Fender: i like the idea of having a phone configure itself :)
17:31.12trelane_err hax that's not quite what iax2provision does
17:31.20haxheya trelane_
17:31.23trelane_it only works with an IAXY
17:31.36*** join/#asterisk Waverly360 (
17:31.46jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:31.56trelane_hax, enjoy some light bedtime reading
17:32.01haxtrelane_: already there, reading it now
17:32.06*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
17:32.12trelane_hax come back when you're done, it'll cover most of the basics
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17:32.40haxtrelane_: fair enough
17:32.49[TK]D-Fendersakimustafa: X-Lite is basic and is missing important features.  X-Pro, eyeBean are better
17:32.55[TK]D-Fenderhax: Depends on the phones
17:33.06*** join/#asterisk Waverly360 (
17:33.19dkowisxlite is somewhat of a paint o make work
17:33.25dkowisunless you do it exactly like it says in the docs
17:33.34dkowisand the worst part is, the docs don't match the software
17:33.36EyeCueidefisk :D
17:33.40Waverly360seems like all softphones are
17:33.44dkowissjphone is painless
17:33.49dkowisand free :D
17:34.02[TK]D-Fenderhax: Aastra, Polycom, Cisco, Linksys, Uniden are all phones capable of being configured from a provisioning server.  Others may as well but I could not confirm
17:34.02dkowislooking up idefisk
17:34.03Waverly360at least when you have vpns and multiple ips per workstation involved
17:34.19[TK]D-FenderRule of thumb : Softphones SUCK.  period
17:34.36Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: agreed
17:34.42hax[TK]D-Fender: sounds good
17:34.49hax[TK]D-Fender: i'm gonna go read this book, so as not to irritate you guys
17:34.52dkowisEyeCue: can idefisk do direct to ip dialing?
17:35.05EyeCueit may do
17:35.08dkowis[TK]D-Fender: unfortunately, but for the testing... nothing beats free
17:35.17*** join/#asterisk areski (
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17:36.22Deep6can anyone help with my x100p clone won't work (won't modprobe wcfxo cleanly)
17:36.30Waverly360Ok...n00bish question here.  In this channel description "SIP/354-469b" what exactly does the '-469b' stand for? is that just a unique identifying string?
17:36.40Waverly360or is there a higher purpose?
17:39.18kjcsb2Personally I've found X-Lite 3 excellent. Includes Messaging, Video, Voicemail. I don't know any other free SIP softphone that offers all that.
17:42.46Waverly360well..the problem comes down to this
17:43.04Waverly360if you want dual softphones running on your computer..for testing purposes mainly..ya gotta have two
17:43.16Waverly360it's all great if there's ONE good softphone out there..I just want two :)
17:43.28HarryRhardphones are still king :)
17:43.32Waverly360unless someone knows how I can get two instances of X-lite working
17:43.47Waverly360I'm not arguing that, but when working from a coffee's a pain to drag phones around with you :P
17:44.24HarryRWaverly360, then look at this: :)
17:46.03HarryRthe F3000 looks good but i've not had a chance to play with either yet :(
17:46.22Waverly360well, I've played with a linksys wifi phone, and I really like it a lot
17:46.31Waverly360if I had a couple to drag around with me, it'd be perfect :)
17:46.55Waverly360the problem comes when you've got your dev server sitting behind a firewall, and you're trying to get through a couple of NATS
17:47.01Waverly360doesn't always work well..if at all
17:47.10HarryRah :\
17:47.14Waverly360at least with softphones, you can use your vpn
17:47.32*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
17:47.36Waverly360unless they're like Express Talk, and they use the wrong local IP addresses
17:48.13justinu|laptopWaverly360: that extension to the channel name is just so it's unique from other calls from that endpoint
17:50.32Waverly360ah, ok
17:51.14Waverly360justinu|laptop: I thought that was probably it, but I wanted to be sure.
17:51.37Waverly360Thanks :)
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17:54.59cekcI can't get any audio out of my pbx, but I can call extension to extension or dial out on trunks and hear audio, any ideas?  This is a pastebin of the "sip show channels" command of me dialing *97
17:57.36*** join/#asterisk pdt (n=ptinsley@
17:58.11stubertcekc: when you call ext to ext do you get audio?
17:59.09areskiHey Guys
17:59.22areskiI am going to come with the most typical question
17:59.47CunningPikeDoes anyone know of any SIP to audio gateways - SIP in one side and regular audio out the other?
17:59.50areskiwhats the sense of the life ?
17:59.56CunningPikeWe need it for overhead paging
18:00.01CunningPikeareski: 42
18:00.07trelane_areski, greetings
18:00.28areskiCunningPike, I forgot that s answer
18:01.39cekcstubert: If I call ext to ext I get audio, and if I place calls out through a trunk I get audio
18:02.00stubertcekc: pstn trunk or sip trunk?
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18:02.45cekcone's a voip account I have with broadvoice, and the other is a sipura fxo box.  asterisk connects to both via sip
18:03.59stubertIt almost sounds like firewall/port issues
18:04.11smackusok, i am looking for some advice on how to make my dial plan report what is happening more accurately. I have created an agent extension as well as an agent login utility. This utility takes their user name password and the "station id" (the extension of their phone they are sitting at) and logs them into a queue. When they give out their extension they give out their user id (4 digit number not their extension. ie 4000 sitting at extension 3501) when som
18:04.15smackusthis all works correctly...
18:04.24smackushowever, my data comes out much differently.
18:04.38smackustake a look at this: here is the extension for the agents.
18:05.24smackusif they are unavalable, it sends the caller to the queue.
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18:06.38stubertcekc: most of the time, one way audio can be traced to network issues, such as iptables or other problems.
18:06.52smackusi have up to priority 104 working how i want... the queue needs a busy signal sent to it, so as not to ring the phone if they are on an outbound, but...
18:07.14stubertcekc: I would see if you can connect to the broadband dialout account via a sip phone.
18:07.22smackusif someone dials them directly, and they are unavailable, i want the caller sent to queue.
18:07.47stubertcekc: if that works, then look at a dump of iptables: iptables -L -n -v
18:08.08smackusany advice?
18:08.10stubertcekc: I'm assuming you are behind a nat router?
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18:10.29Dr-LinuxQwell: is there any update regarding new version of chan_sccp?
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18:12.33haxthis asterisk book is really useful
18:12.35haxty to whoever wrote it
18:13.10hmmhesaysits ok
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18:15.32cekcstubert: when I dial from my sip phone out through broadvoice I can hear the other party and they can hear me, and asterisk even records the call correctly.  I am behind a nat router, but all my phones and my asterisk box are all on the same subnet behind the router
18:15.58KranZooh 1.4!
18:16.40Dr-Linuxhax: which book?
18:16.52haxDr-Linux: the oreilly one that they have a free pdf of
18:16.52justinu|laptopDr-Linux: <wave>
18:17.06epvdwcan anyone tell me the procedure to install a B410P BRI card?
18:17.15Dr-Linuxhax: you mean TOFT?
18:17.16Kerry_Gis there a list of feature changes to 1.4 posted anywhere?
18:17.16epvdwI cannot get it working
18:17.26Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: hey there? :)
18:17.37justinu|laptophow's it going?
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18:18.02haxDr-Linux: yeah
18:18.04Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: well good, just was try to setup opensource SMS gateway :)
18:18.05Deep6anyone have any advice on clone x100p  cards not having an irq in /proc/interrupts but  lspci says irq 10?
18:18.11wunderkindoes anyone know of any iax phones for windows that will let you specify a port? it doesnt seem to work by specifying hostname:port
18:18.29rene1hello Qwell
18:18.36Dr-Linuxhax: yeah that's a good one .. i have a hard copy placed infront of me, someone gifted me
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18:18.40KranZDeep6: u try assinging one in the bios?
18:19.05chadkouseis there a way to use the dialplan to change where incoming routes go to (think "night mode")
18:19.06Kerry_Ggo into bios and disable everything with an IRQ, parallel, serial, audio, floppy controller, etc
18:19.07Deep6KranZ: I've not touched irq settings in a long long time.... do you have to set them for every card?
18:19.12rene1is there such a thing as #vicidial ?
18:19.16haxDr-Linux: sweet
18:19.20chadkousewe want to redirect incoming calls to a different IVR on demand -- whenever we trigger night mode..
18:19.28KranZDeep6: i've used 2 x100p's but don't remember needing to tinker with the bios
18:19.45Deep6KranZ: this is a clone
18:19.52KranZDeep6: you sure you're loading the modules correctly?
18:20.07KranZDeep6: what does dmesg say when you try
18:20.22Dr-Linuxanybody knows about this >>
18:20.22Kerry_Gchad: you can create a dialplan for that, yes
18:20.51chadkousecan you point me in the right direction?  some dialplan function names or something ?
18:21.13Deep6KranZ: Failed to initailize DAA, giving up...
18:21.13Deep6wcfxo: probe of 0000:00:0f.0 failed with error -5
18:21.41Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: how's jen?
18:22.01KranZDeep6: you tried moving to a diff slot?
18:22.09justinu|laptopjen is doing good... how is your wife?
18:22.28Kerry_GI saw an example in #freepbx yesterday, dont think I saved it anywhere
18:22.52KranZDeep6: also, it won't show up in /proc/interrupts until the module is loaded
18:23.08Dr-LinuxDeep6: do  "lspci -vv" and look if you can se unknow communication device
18:23.11chadkouseI'll go over there and ask..
18:23.18KranZDeep6: and go ahead and load zaptel before you load wcfxo
18:23.21Dr-Linuxthen go for loading module for it
18:23.42justinu|laptopDr-Linux: got any new pics?
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18:24.32Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: yeah, but i don't have it in my PC yet
18:24.55stubertcekc: on the phone... one sec
18:25.29Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: i'll upload them once i got new hosting, actually i need to get web hosting for my sites
18:25.38justinu|laptopDr-Linux: yeah... send them to me sometime
18:26.10Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: sure i'll, but what kind of pics you would like more?
18:26.43Deep6KranZ: still the same error
18:26.58justinu|laptophm, just pics of your city and friends, etc.
18:27.23tzafrir_homemodprobe wcfxo loads zaptel as well
18:27.36CunningPikechadkouse: GotoIfTime()
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18:28.28intralanmanCunningPike: he wanted to trigger it manually
18:28.28Deep6tzafrir_home: KranZ doing an lspci -vv indicates it's on irq 10
18:28.29Deep6yet cat /proc/interrupts shows nothing on irq 10
18:28.29Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: ok
18:28.29CunningPikeintralanman: Ah - guess I didn't scrollback far enough :)
18:28.33rene1mm what is a better way to develop screen pop ups with asterisk? capturing connect events on manager api or via using local channels as agents and set some flag on a database via dial plan or agi?
18:29.03tzafrir_homeThis means that the module is not using the card
18:29.03Dr-Linuxanybody knows about opensource Gammu (SMS gateway)
18:29.12tzafrir_hometake a look at the kernel messages
18:29.15tzafrir_homedmesg | tail
18:29.41rene1wasim: i would need an iax softphone
18:29.46*** join/#asterisk _alex_mx_ (n=alex@
18:29.58rene1that supported sendurl
18:30.24tzafrir_homeFailed to initailize DAA, giving up
18:30.43tzafrir_homeIt had a problem talking on the PCI bus
18:30.44wasimrene1: moziax
18:31.05Deep6tzafrir_home: this card worked about 3 months ago when I was playing with it before
18:31.30Deep6tzafrir_home: do you have an x100p?
18:31.34tzafrir_homeDeep6, one magic thing that worked for me: messing with the IRQ assignments
18:31.43Deep6how did you do that?
18:31.59tzafrir_homeI added the boot parameter pci=noacpi
18:32.09rene1wasim: moziax is quite cool
18:32.10tzafrir_homein e.g, /boot/grub/menu.lst
18:32.16wasimrene1: indeed it is
18:32.53tzafrir_homewasim, any reply to the email from citats regarding asterisk-perl?
18:33.22wasimtzafrir_home: i got a reply, but no mention of asterisk-perl, so i pointedly asked him again, but no further communique
18:33.25Deep6tzafrir_home: that's on the kernel line yah?
18:33.51tzafrir_homeDeep6, yes
18:34.08Deep6I think I remember having to do that.....
18:34.27tzafrir_homewasim, well, this calls for a rewrite
18:37.18Deep6PCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 0000:00:0f.0
18:37.18Deep6Failed to initailize DAA, giving up...
18:37.18Deep6wcfxo: probe of 0000:00:0f.0 failed with error -5
18:37.24Deep6is what I'm getting now tzafrir_home
18:39.24*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
18:40.49stubertcekc: hmmm... well, if the asterisk box can record the conversation, then the the problem must exist when asterisk bridges the two channels together
18:41.50stubertguess he figured it out... <g>
18:42.14epvdwthere is no proper help/documentation on getting the new Digium B410P to work...
18:42.21*** join/#asterisk jbeez (
18:42.50epvdwI thought by buying the Digium BRI card it would be plug and (soon) play
18:43.08tzafrir_homeDeep6, after a reboot?
18:43.18epvdwanyone succesfully installed the B410P?
18:43.56Deep6tzafrir_home: you won't believe this....but after I did the acpi stuff it still didn't work
18:44.25tzafrir_homeas I said: just something that happened to work in my case
18:44.34Deep6 <-but that article helped
18:44.42Deep6I pulled the card out a millimeter and it works
18:44.48tzafrir_homeBut try similar things. e.g. moving the card to a different slot
18:45.10tzafrir_homeAlso: acpi=no , or other pci=... parameters
18:45.21tzafrir_home(and then again, the card may be defective)
18:45.27Deep6tzafrir_home: it works after I pulled the card out a millimeter out of the socket
18:46.59*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:47.04*** part/#asterisk ZX81 (n=ZX81@
18:48.25jbeezCan anyone direct me to some hardware that would take pots lines in from a local telco, or even out of a small vonage box?
18:48.46jbeezlike a pci card for an asterisk box
18:52.37jbeezwould I be correct to assume that the different vonage hardware that you can plug a normal phone into does a decent job at emulating a pots line?
18:53.06jbeezlike, its not missing some key feature that allows the astrisk installation to know theres a dialtone there, etc
18:53.10SomeJhrm... this is interesting... just looked at our box... we have 20 g729 licence... only 8 active channels but all 20 of the licence are being used as decoders
18:53.13*** join/#asterisk ESCulapio___ (n=ESCulapi@
18:53.27*** join/#asterisk Kerry_G (
18:54.03SomeJlooks like * is not releasing something?
18:54.20*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
18:54.20mog1.4beta is on the site
18:55.54SomeJis there a way through cli to get g729 to reload without restarting * ?
18:56.01Nivexmog: sweeet!
18:56.03*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (n=eject@
18:56.08eject_ckHi all
18:56.18mogunload codec_g729,so load
18:56.30mognew stuff
18:56.33moglots of it
18:56.44eject_ckhow forward incoming call from FXO port on sipura to ASTERISK ?
18:56.44SomeJah, there we go, thanks mog
18:57.04Corydon-wChangelog?  We have a changelog?
18:57.05mogeject_ck, need an fxs module
18:57.14eject_ckI have it
18:57.14mogi think it says stuff changed
18:57.29eject_ckI have SPA-3000 device
18:57.40eject_ckwhich can work as SIP client
18:57.59eject_ckhow route call which is inbound to it to ASTERISK
18:58.23JeekayI have a phone on a 192.168 internal network. When I try to call out via my voip provider, my asterisk console says 'Attempting native bridge of SIP/8192-4e2c and SIP/voiptalk-527a', but the call never seems to complete and I get no audio through at all. Is there a way to prevent the native bridging happening (ie all traffic goes via the asterisk server?)
18:58.30tzafrir_homebah. forgot laptop's power supply. no tzafrir_laptop this weekend
18:59.50[TK]D-FenderJeekay: Put "canreinvite=no" under [general] in sip.conf
19:00.23Jeekayis it possible to disable that just for the phones that require outside access?
19:00.34Jeekay(i dont know what canreinvite means but i assume its useful to other people :))
19:00.42*** join/#asterisk Nix (n=Nix@
19:02.13Jeekayhmm... even with that, it still tries the native bridge it seems
19:02.25*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
19:11.26*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
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19:12.25SomeJJeekay : You can put canreinvite=no for each phone you want if you dont want to do it for all
19:12.55*** join/#asterisk Seba_soy (n=s@
19:13.45*** join/#asterisk asternick (i=asdas@
19:14.08asternickwhat is the best antivirus for trixbox?
19:14.13*** join/#asterisk mtudor (
19:14.31mogthere are 3 viruses for linux asternick  i wouldnt worry about em
19:15.08asternickwhat are those viruses?
19:15.51Seba_soyhow are you?
19:16.31mtudorGood evening all - hope you are all well.  I have a bit of a puzzler for you - if anyone is in a generous helping mood :)
19:16.47mogno one even knows
19:16.52mogas they are unimportant asternick
19:17.01mogno one worries about viruses in linux
19:17.14KranZjust worms
19:17.24mtudorI have an Eicon Diva Server card in an Asterisk Box and it appears that all calls I receive are being identified as data calls (Bearer Capability 90 90 a3).  This is resulting in my being unable to receive calls.  What actually happens is that the line goes dead for the caller and I get a local echo.  Any help or pointers would be much appreciated!
19:18.18Seba_soywell I am having a problem
19:18.33Seba_soymaybe asterisk brains here can help me :)
19:18.36*** join/#asterisk manopulus (
19:19.00manopulushello, where can get 1.4beta?
19:19.08mtudorif I can help in return, I will seba :p
19:20.02tzafrir_homeasternick, the best "anti virus" is a bit of common sense: don't install software from places you cannot trust
19:20.22Seba_soywell, this is escenario: GW-SIP (ip-pbx)--> asterisk --> pstn
19:20.27mtudormanopulus - isn't it just on the asterisk website?
19:20.30Seba_soyi have in sip.conf insecure=invite
19:20.43manopulusi guess svn?
19:20.51KranZmanopulus: yes
19:21.02KranZmanopulus: look on the right
19:21.07KranZmanopulus: not in the news
19:21.36Seba_soybut when I try to put a call I got: Failed to authenticate user "Sebastian" <sip:7864978700@209.1
19:22.07KranZset the *box to insecure=very in sip.conf
19:22.20Nivexgeneric jitter buffer.  JOY! :)
19:23.36Seba_soyI tried too
19:23.42Seba_soyKranZ: I tried both
19:23.55*** join/#asterisk erick_az (
19:24.02Seba_soyI think this...
19:24.29Seba_soyI have definde on my asterisk a user: 7864978700 on sip.conf as a friend
19:24.41Seba_soyand incoming invite is coming from this user on another pbx
19:24.44Seba_soyit can cause problems?
19:25.39erick_azI need some help with asterisk and mysql.  Neither CDR or Real time can connect to the MySQL server.  I think I've done everything right, but evertime I start Asterisk is tells me it failed to connect to the server.  Any Ideas?
19:25.47De_MonSeba_soy you did a sip reload after the changes?
19:25.53Seba_soyyes, sure
19:26.01Seba_soyI tried everything
19:26.07*** join/#asterisk areski (
19:26.15De_Monerick_az can you connect to mysql manually with the asterisk user/pass?
19:26.17jbeezthis TDM400P uses modules, fxo or fxs modules, what do these do for you?
19:26.33erick_azAnd through ODBC with MS access
19:26.35Seba_soyonly thing I think can be causing the problem is because I have defined 7864978700 as a user on asterisk too
19:26.38De_Monjbeez one receives calls, the other sends calls
19:26.39Seba_soyi dont know
19:27.13De_Monerick_az what does mysqls log say about the connection attempt?
19:27.15Deep6guys I'm getting a <file>  does not exist in any format error when I'm trying to do music on hold... anyone got any ideas?/
19:27.36De_MonDeep6 you don't have any music on hold files in your music on hold directory
19:27.43De_MonDeep6 or they are not readable by the asterisk user
19:27.44erick_azHumm... I don't know how to look at the MySQL log.  Can you help here?
19:27.48jbeezDe_Mon: if I have 2 pots lines comming in, would I need 4 modules then? 2 fxo and 2 fxs modules? this is just for interfacing with the telco, i wouldn't need these for whatever phones I decided to use, right?
19:28.24De_Monjbeez the lines comming from the telco will require.. fxo modules (i think) if you were to connect a phone directly to the asterisk box, you'd need the other type
19:28.31Deep6De_Mon: they're readable...and they're mp3 format
19:29.03jbeezso if i get a voip phone, i wouldn't need these modules because they interact over the network card, right?
19:29.10De_Monlines from telco are fxs
19:29.15jbeezexcept for the fxo module to terminate the pots line from the telco
19:29.27De_Monjbeez roger
19:29.46Jeekayi have to say im impressed
19:29.50asternickok can share ideas to stop worm spreading in linux
19:30.16jbeezok ok, so if i want to use a traditional telephone, then I would need the fxo module, and I would plug the std phone into the back of that tdm400p card
19:30.19De_MonDeep6 Deep6 what is the application= in musiconhold.conf, and does it exist?
19:30.25*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
19:30.30De_Monjbeez i believe so
19:31.22asternickcan i use other fxo or fxs modules rather that using digium cards?
19:31.27Deep6De_Mon:  I don't have one uncommented...
19:32.03De_Monasternick sure, as long as they are supported
19:32.28*** join/#asterisk Jamez^7 (
19:32.39asternickwhat are these cards supported by asterisk?
19:33.12De_Monasternick search for supported cards
19:33.47De_Monerick_az see the section about 'installing mpg123'
19:34.13De_Monhrm thats not the section
19:34.26asternickok thanks
19:35.12*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
19:35.20erick_azI thought I had installed mpg123
19:35.30erick_azI'll look at that again.
19:35.56[TK]D-Fenderasternick: Snagoma A200, Digium TDM400P, Digium TDM2400P.  Avoid the X100P and similar.
19:36.07*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
19:36.27S^Phi, I maped two number on one sip account, is it possible I can find out on sip device EXTEN is forwarded to me?
19:38.19dkowisw00t! I figured stuff out!
19:38.20De_Monerick_az looks like the better documentation is in musiconhold.conf itself ;)  make sure mpg123 is working unless you use mode=file or mode=custom
19:38.22dkowisyay for asterisk!
19:38.32dkowisjust thought you guys might like to know ;)
19:39.11*** part/#asterisk dkowis (n=dkowis@sourcemage/elder/pdpc.sustaining.dkowis)
19:40.23erick_azI'm sorry, but what does the music on hold and mpe stuff have to do with mysql connection?  Is there somthing required my mpg123 for mysql to connect correctly?  I must have missed somthing.
19:40.42TripleFFFFanyone can recomend location of a seeterisk branch that worked with app_Rxfax
19:41.17erick_azcd ..
19:41.29asternickhow many line calls from PSTN can asterisk hold
19:43.05asternicki mean incoming calls with only single fxo card
19:43.26[TK]D-Fenderasternick: You can't really use call-waiting with a line coming into *.  So 1.
19:43.48asternickah ok get that
19:44.36*** join/#asterisk dsfr (i=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
19:44.52[TK]D-Fendererick_az: You don't want to use MPG123.  Make sure to download an compile the asterisk-addons tarball which adds MP3 playback support to * and use Native MoH.  thats "mode=files" in your musiconhold.conf definition.
19:45.52erick_azOK, but how does mpg123 affect my sql support for realtime and CDR?
19:46.48[TK]D-Fendererick_az: It shouldn't.
19:46.56[TK]D-Fendererick_az: : who said it did?
19:47.28erick_azMy original question: I need some help with asterisk and mysql.  Neither CDR or Real time can connect to the MySQL server.  I think I've done everything right, but evertime I start Asterisk is tells me it failed to connect to the server.  Any Ideas?
19:47.55Seba_soycan you connect to mysql manually?
19:48.04Seba_soyuser an password are correct?
19:48.11TripleFFFFok does nayone have fax workingt even if 50% right now ?
19:48.13erick_azYes and through ODBC with MS access
19:48.57*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
19:48.57erick_azusind same username and password
19:48.57Seba_soyfocus on mysql
19:48.57Seba_soymysql is on same machine?
19:48.58Seba_soydid you try to connect with same user and pass you put on config files?
19:49.31Seba_soyit connect?
19:49.43Seba_soymysql -u user -p -h localhost
19:49.54erick_azI can connect to the MySQL datanase using mysql -u asterisksql -p
19:49.57erick_azand the password
19:50.09erick_azsame username and password as in the config scripts
19:50.59erick_azI can use the username and password for asterisksql in an ODBC connection tot he mysql database on the machine from a worksation using ms access
19:51.03asternickhave anyone tried using openSER? is that a PBX machine too?
19:51.18erick_azAsterisk will not connect
19:51.26[TK]D-Fenderasternick: No, SER is a SIP Proxy & media server.
19:51.44asternickah ok thanks
19:51.45Seba_soywhat console says?
19:51.51Seba_soydid you start asterisk with debug?
19:52.02Seba_soyI think is a sock problem
19:52.22erick_azSep 21 12:42:50 ERROR[26093]: cdr_addon_mysql.c:438 my_load_module: Failed to connect to mysql database ASTERISK on
19:52.36erick_azSep 21 12:43:11 ERROR[26106]: res_config_mysql.c:651 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server ASTERISK on (err 1251). Check debug for more info.
19:52.44asternickhow about sipX? same as a pbx machine?
19:53.05erick_azI forgot how to start asterisk in degug, anyone?
19:53.12Seba_soywell, this is not localhost
19:53.18Seba_soywhat's yout config?
19:53.44erick_azyes.  I changed to the IP address of the machine
19:54.10Seba_soywhat do youo have on line dbhost =
19:54.23Seba_soywhat do you have on line dbsock =
19:54.33erick_azthe ip address of the machine.  I'm changing it to localhost
19:55.02Seba_soydbsock =???
19:55.12Seba_soymaybe you have a grant problem
19:55.15erick_azdbsoc is commented out
19:55.42erick_azand does not exist in res_mysql.conf
19:55.44Seba_soytry grant all privileges on db.* to 'user'@'machine_ip' identified by 'password'
19:56.03Seba_soytry the line
19:57.48*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
19:58.43erick_azsame think.  No connection
19:59.09erick_azI've set the privilages many times
19:59.12jbeezcan you telnet to on the mysql port
19:59.13Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
19:59.17asternickhave any idea where can i get pre-recorded digital receptionist audios?
19:59.57*** join/#asterisk MacoStefX (
20:00.19*** join/#asterisk samalex (n=samalex@pdpc/supporter/student/rlangly)
20:00.32erick_azWould you like the use names and passwords?
20:01.42samalexhey guys.. this is probably more of a networking question then asterisk related, but maybe you guys know.  I'm looking at setting up a small business network with 5 computers running a mixture of Mac and Windows, all of which will have Wifi cards to get to the network.  If I decide to go with VoIP phones, would it be possible to connect these directly to the computer's ethernet card (computer getting Internet via wifi) and use the comput
20:02.12erick_azThis is frustrating, I'm sorry.  it should be very simple for Asterisk to connect to a MySQL database.
20:02.13manopulussamalex, yes
20:02.15jbeezsamalex: you would need to have all the computers do bridging, this is probably a bad idea
20:02.19manopulussamalex, possible
20:02.26asternickthanks <[TK]D-Fender>
20:02.44erick_azI've read hundreds of web pages, tried many dofferent things.
20:03.08samalexpossible, but notsuggested I guess.  I'm trying to find a way of not having to run wires to each desk.  We're using wifi cards in the computers to save from running cable, but it seems if we go with ip phones we'll need cables for those anyway.
20:03.26samalexand this is a non-technical business, so softphones aren't a good solution.
20:03.36jbeezYou could use wireless bridge devices
20:03.37stuberterick_az: I did it with unixodbc on debian...
20:03.47samalexjbeez: true...
20:03.55jbeezi dont know how well voip works over wifi, but this is not taking that into consideration
20:04.25samalexit's a very small office, 5 cubicals total, so it might be a distance of 20-30 feet from the workstations to wireless AP.
20:04.30stubertWireless if kinda flaky and slow to be running a 5 WS peer network on in the first place...
20:04.31erick_azI guess I could try to re-set everything to ODBC.  I just thought MySQL running on the same machine would be eayser.
20:04.33jbeezyou wont be able to use your phone for a phone call if you reboot your computer for an update, patch, bluescreen, whatever
20:04.37jbeezif you did bridging that is
20:04.53samalexjbeez: true I guess.
20:05.11jbeezif you need to, you could setup a wireless bridge with a switch in the cube cluster, and connect the phones to that,
20:05.25jbeezsetup another access point just for the phones if you think your first can't handle both
20:05.28stuberterick_az: I did it with odbc because asterisk supported it out of the box without building an additional module
20:05.59Jeekaymy voicemail works when someone calls from an internal extension, but not when someone calls from externally... then the asterisk console says 'no voicemail configured'
20:06.13stuberterick_az: you are correct though, it is a bit daunting to setup the first time
20:06.15Jeekaythe two calls come in in two different contexts, but my device is configured as mailbox=8192@default
20:06.55erick_azThe funny thing is over a year ago when realtime was just coming out I got it all set up in about 20 minutes.
20:07.12erick_azThis time it seams it's impossible
20:08.01*** join/#asterisk Rikkimaru (
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20:08.25stubertthere isn't a lot of documentation on all the steps involved. MySQL has fallen from the radar with asterisk lately it seems
20:08.27erick_azcan anyone tell me how to start asterisk in dubug, or do I need to go any and search for it?
20:08.59stuberterick_az: -vvv = verbose 3 -vvvvvv = verbose 6 etc...
20:09.17stubertThe more v's the more messages
20:09.25erick_azyep...that how I've been doing it.
20:09.45erick_azasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc
20:10.01Jeekayyou need another 2 vs
20:10.05RikkimaruIs there a place I can view errors associated with malformed files passed into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing ?
20:10.30erick_azahh....that will fix mysql issues.....OK let me try it.
20:10.50erick_aznope same problem
20:11.02Seba_soyasterisk -vvvvdgc
20:11.06Seba_soy-d for debug
20:11.16De_Monset verbose 100
20:11.26De_MonI wonder what the maximum useful verbrosity is
20:11.41Seba_soyasterisk -vvvvdgc
20:11.46Seba_soyit is sufficient
20:12.05erick_azI'm still getting the failuer to connect to the database.
20:12.13erick_azWhere else should I be looking ?
20:12.18De_Monstubert postgresl rules!
20:12.25*** join/#asterisk jbalcomb (n=jbalcomb@
20:12.28*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-bb624974ab2e5d75)
20:12.52De_Monsounds like you're odbc connection is broken
20:12.56erick_azis there somthing I have not installed in asterisk?
20:13.02erick_azIf I was using ODBC
20:13.04Seba_soyno erick
20:13.15Seba_soyit is a missconfiguration
20:13.27Seba_soyall you need is mysql...
20:13.36Seba_soydid you have mhysql-headers?
20:13.38erick_azOK where would I start looking?
20:13.38RikkimaruIs there a place I can view errors associated with malformed files passed into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing ?
20:13.50Seba_soydo you have mysql-headers?
20:13.59Seba_soyis compiling ok
20:14.06Seba_soy(without errors)
20:14.15De_Monbah, odbc > native mysql
20:14.31erick_azthe addons compile with out errors, I think.
20:14.36De_Monactually anything > mysql dagnabit
20:14.39Seba_soychekc that
20:14.59erick_azhow to I just complie  ?
20:15.22Seba_soyrun make clean; make
20:15.22Seba_soyand check you have not errors
20:15.30erick_azin the asterisk-addons, right?
20:16.51erick_azIt's compliing
20:17.34Seba_soyslow maachine?
20:17.48Seba_soyaaa ok
20:17.54Seba_soysempron is ok
20:18.05Seba_soysempron ...?
20:18.11erick_az128 mb memory
20:18.47erick_azI'm not sure I think 1.2 ghrz
20:19.22*** join/#asterisk epvdw (
20:19.35Seba_soytoo much time to compile
20:19.46erick_azJust finished
20:20.00erick_az+--------- Asterisk Build Complete ---------+
20:20.31*** join/#asterisk iulius (
20:20.31epvdwWhere can I get some decent support for the Digium B410P ? ....
20:20.34Deep6De_Mon: can you look at
20:20.40Seba_soywhy do you compila all asterisk?
20:20.42Qwellepvdw: uhh...Digium?
20:20.58erick_azI just did the make clean and make in asterisk-addons
20:21.04Seba_soyyou have to compile only addons
20:21.30erick_azI'm in the asterisk-addons directory
20:21.37Seba_soyi think that screen is when you compile whole asterisk
20:21.59erick_azI think so too.  I think it compiled asterisk again
20:22.08Deep6in asterisk 1.2.10 what should I be using to play mp3's or a stream
20:22.14Deep6I don't see streamplay in debian at all
20:22.18epvdwQwell: On te Digium site I am instructed to go to this IRC channel
20:22.37Qwellepvdw: Well, what is the problem?
20:22.42fileepvdw: uh where do you see that?
20:22.59Seba_soycompilation of addons is about 15 seconds, not more
20:23.02epvdwIf you go to the Support centre on de digium site
20:23.20erick_azhow do I ensure that I am just compliing the addons?
20:23.25erick_azcd ..
20:23.29epvdwthere is no documentation, the only reasonable place to go seems to be IRC
20:23.41fileepvdw: that's one of the options sure... but if you're having issues, you should call technical support
20:23.54epvdwThe problem is that asterisk will not run after recompiling for the B410P board
20:23.58Seba_soytar -xzf asterisk-addons-1.2.3
20:24.03Seba_soycd asterisk-addons-1.2.3
20:24.13erick_azI have 1.2.4
20:24.16*** join/#asterisk iulius (
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20:24.22erick_azshould I get the 1.2.3 version
20:24.58Seba_soywhat version do you have?
20:25.09epvdwok, guess I'll have to try that... thanks
20:25.12erick_azI have 1.2.4
20:25.16Seba_soywell, same
20:25.22Seba_soy1.2.4 is ok
20:25.25apturaWhats the standard or excepted method of how a extention should ring? I was wondering I have mine setup to play the "pls-wait-try-extention" then it plays the music while the extension rings. OR should I have it ring once then play the music?
20:25.30Seba_soyI put only one example
20:26.12apturajust had a question from a customer and she did not like the way its setup.
20:26.15erick_azjust complied that and retried asterisk with same no connect result
20:26.19Seba_soycheck this erick_az
20:27.05TripleFFFF1.2.4 does fax ?
20:27.39Seba_soythat is a success compilation
20:28.27TripleFFFF1.4 out lol
20:28.30TripleFFFFoh god
20:28.39TripleFFFFSeba_soy ?
20:29.21*** join/#asterisk rosivelt (
20:29.31erick_azMine is much shorter.
20:29.42Seba_soyso, it is good
20:29.50Seba_soydo you read any error?
20:30.26rosiveltanyone expert in asterisk?
20:30.30erick_aznot that I can see
20:30.37apturarosivelt of course
20:30.54*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (
20:31.28erick_azShould I get the 1.2.3 version, do you think?
20:31.38*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
20:31.38rosiveltaptura: sorry, but I dont
20:31.56rosiveltI need help with hangup
20:32.20*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
20:32.28TripleFFFFget 099 alapha
20:32.45erick_azAny other ideas?
20:32.47smackushow would I make calls from a queue to an extension use the chanisavail option j(send busy signal) and calls from other extensions get a message played back to them instead? here is what I have for the first half of my request. it does that just fine. But if someone that is not a queue dials my extension, i want the calls handled differently. I am thinking something to the effect of another gotoif line that says if the calls are
20:32.50*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
20:33.31Seba_soydid you run asterisk with -d flag?
20:33.40Seba_soyasterisk -vvvvdgc
20:33.57Seba_soydebug level 3
20:34.08erick_azThe only config files I need to modify are res_mysql.conf and cdr_mysql.conf ??
20:34.27erick_azOk hold on
20:35.09Seba_soysame for cdr
20:35.16Magicianxhi, I've question, I updated my config/module. I was played in IVR module section and now in freepbx web page I have always on top the REDBAR and in bottom on screen "I've got this debug info Cannot connect to Asterisk Manager with admin/amp111" I reboot my box and relogin on freepbx web , and again I got the same error. manager.conf appear to be good, any idea ? :) thanks
20:35.18Magicianxand now asterisk is crashed, I cannot call any extension.
20:35.47erick_azOK....I'm going to shoot myself now.....
20:35.58erick_azloader.c:325 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
20:37.06De_MonDeep6 it looks like youre using mode=file is that right?
20:37.23De_Monerick_az outside plz we just finished cleaning all the blood up from the last person that did that :/
20:37.26*** join/#asterisk cekc (
20:37.28Seba_soycheck the file
20:37.48Deep6De_Mon: Yep
20:37.51Deep6in the default context
20:37.54De_MonDeep6 did you compile format_mp3?
20:37.56cekcam I supposed to get a link light on my Digium TE110P card when I plug the cable in?  or does the light not come on until the drivers do some magic
20:38.09erick_azI copied the file there and it asked to over right it
20:38.15Deep6De_Mon: no.... I can't see it anywhere in the debian package
20:38.23De_Monif you are trying to use an application (mpg123) you should be using one of the mp3 modes
20:38.40De_MonDeep6 probably included in asterisk-addons if anywhere
20:38.48*** join/#asterisk BlepsoaF (
20:39.04Seba_soyerick_az: unload
20:39.05De_MonDeep6 if CLI>show formats doesn't list MP3 you shouldn't be using mode=file
20:39.14Seba_soyerick_az: load
20:39.36De_Monerr ...CLI> show audio codecs?
20:39.36BlepsoaFhello all, when setting a call limit for sip incoming/outgoing calls and when at max asterisk responds with "== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (0:0/0/0)" would you know why asterisk doesnt goto S-BUSY?
20:39.52erick_azerrors when lodaing
20:40.00Deep6De_Mon: show formats returns an error
20:40.05Deep6No such command
20:40.06De_Monerr ...CLI> show audio codecs?
20:40.25Deep6it doesn't show mp3.... you're right
20:40.38Seba_soywell, 2 things
20:40.42Seba_soyfirs, the sock
20:40.53Seba_soycheck your my.cnf and use same sock as there
20:40.57erick_azI need to find mysql.sock
20:41.07Seba_soycheck my.cnf
20:41.25Seba_soythen, i found you are using uppercase letters ASTERISK
20:41.32BlepsoaFlooks like its responding with s-NOANSWER for the macro
20:41.42erick_azyes using uppercase in all instances
20:41.45*** join/#asterisk Kerry_G (
20:41.46Seba_soymake sure of this
20:41.57Seba_soybecause if you created database in lowercase
20:42.03Seba_soyit will not work
20:42.09erick_azcreated database in uppercase
20:42.22Seba_soyso, problem is socket
20:42.27erick_azneed to find mysql.sock
20:42.27Seba_soyadd line
20:42.49Seba_soyyou can check where is looking file my.cnf
20:43.07erick_azI don't seem to have a my.cfg
20:43.13De_MonI wonder why debian doesn't have asterisk-addons
20:43.16erick_azI did locate my.cfg
20:43.26erick_azossp cnf
20:43.40Deep6this is poopy
20:43.55De_MonDeep6 then you need to a) convert the files to a format in that list or b) change mode=mp3 or quitmp3 and ensure mpg123 is installed
20:44.03De_MonDeep6 or c) use custom and specify your own application
20:44.04robin_szooh, happy day! .. Snom 190s cost the same as a GCP2000 .. but work!!
20:44.21Seba_soy.. /etc/my.cnf
20:44.26Deep6debian only has mpg321
20:44.27Deep6not 123
20:44.31Seba_soy.. /etc/mysql/my.cnf
20:44.52erick_azThink I found mysql.sock
20:45.27Seba_soylook my.cnf
20:47.48erick_azwhat is the line to add sock to res_mysql.conf ?
20:48.07erick_azdbsock = ?
20:48.35*** join/#asterisk davist (n=chatzill@
20:48.40jbeezdirty black sock
20:49.36*** join/#asterisk Roach4 (
20:49.52davistI need some quality time with an expert here
20:49.58davist... 5 min tops
20:50.49Seba_soydbsock = /xx/yy/zz/mysqld.sock
20:50.54Seba_soysomething like this
20:51.04erick_azHumm..... i don't have a my.cnf anywhere on the drive
20:51.15Seba_soywhere mysql read his config.
20:51.40*** join/#asterisk Tebi_ (
20:51.47erick_azI have a mysql.sock
20:51.51Seba_soyif you use dbhost = localhost, then you need sock
20:52.01Seba_soyif you use dbhost = ip you dont
20:52.11erick_azOk I'll change to IP
20:52.18Seba_soyput path where mysql.sock is
20:52.28Seba_soydbsock = /path/to/mysql.sock
20:52.47erick_azdbsock => /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
20:52.53erick_azStill no luck
20:53.00De_MonDeep6 well, whatever maybe I said it wrong
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20:53.56RoyKeric-xx: iirc there's a bug somewhere that requires a working dbsock even if you're calling mysql over ip
20:54.42erick_azHow do I verify I have a working dbsock?
20:55.01RoyKstart mysql
20:55.10erick_azIt's started
20:55.13RoyKrun mysql and connect to the dbserver
20:55.21erick_azI can do that
20:55.24RoyKthat connects over a socktet iirc
20:55.35RoyKtry strace mysql .....
20:55.47RoyKand grep through that looking for the socket
20:55.54erick_azWay over me head
20:56.00Seba_soydbsock =
20:56.04Seba_soyno dbsock =>
20:56.11RoyK''strace mysql 2>&1 | grep -i sock"
20:56.51De_MonDeep6 ? you nut, debian does too have mpg123 .. makeing me thing I was wrong for shame!
20:57.04RoyKhm. seems mysql client uses ip
20:57.04asternickhey got a problem here where can i download trixbox 1.1 or Asterisk@home, i tried to download them from but it won't work
20:57.21Deep6De_Mon: it's a symlink to mpg321
20:57.33stubertDe_Mon: Debian has the correct version of mpg123 in the sid repos
20:57.39bkruseasternick: download asterisk @ :]
20:57.48RoyKerick_az: the socket name is set in /etc/mysql/my.cnf
20:57.57De_Monstubert oh?  I must be looking at backports then
20:58.06asternickis that with an CEntOS or just the asterisk?
20:58.10TripleFFFFanyone have luck on 1.4 ?
20:58.17TripleFFFFlike deadluck ;)
20:58.19erick_az<RoyK> that file does not exist on my system
20:59.19stubertDe_Mon: you can use tagging to always use that repos for that package
20:59.39erick_azchanged to ip address and no luck
20:59.44stubertDe_Mon: Oh! I ment pinning.... my mistake
20:59.45RoyKerick_az: lsof -p `pidof mysqld`|grep sock
20:59.48TripleFFFFtrying 1.4 on vmware
21:00.00asternickGuys another questions what are the thing needed for fax capability of the asterisk?
21:00.24TripleFFFFasternick ..hmm .. you need #1. cisco as5400 #2 a fax and #3 not asterisk
21:00.24RoyKasternick: what sort of fax? t.38 endpoints/gateway or just passthrough?
21:00.26robin_szhi ... I have a Digium X100P card (not clone) ... and am inthe UK. Can I get UK caller ID with it?
21:00.36erick_azit is /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
21:00.42RoyKTripleFFFF: or #4 openpbx
21:01.01TripleFFFFopenpbs doesnt work for me
21:01.13RoyKTripleFFFF: latest version? doing what?
21:01.13robin_szasternick, we use an Eicon Diva card, ISDN straight in for fax. but there are Digium cards that do that too
21:01.54TripleFFFFsee the opbx crap ?
21:02.04erick_azshould I drop the database and re-create it?
21:02.11RoyKrobin_sz: there sure are. we use te410p, that is, using sangoma now, but anyway, with app_rxfax
21:02.13RoyKand txfax
21:02.27robin_szrxfax I have working a treat
21:02.31RoyKTripleFFFF: imho openpbx is pretty far from crap
21:02.32robin_sztxfax was beyond me
21:02.53robin_szatleast from Windows ..
21:04.35RoyKtxfax from windows sounds a little wierd
21:04.45RoyKi mean, running asterisk with app_txfax on windows?
21:05.27apturaWho can suggest some of the most reliable voip wholesale providers ?
21:05.38apturacall clearity, no dropped calls ect?
21:06.11Jeekaywhen i try to receive an incoming call with IAX, i see the IAX NEW packets arriving, but asterisk isn't doing anything at all with them
21:06.15Jeekaywhat might be the cause / how to debug?
21:06.35apturaBy chance are any of the lattest versions of asterisk have any call quality metrics built into it that can test a connection before it connects?
21:07.17stubertJeekay: explain what you mean by "seeing" the incoming packet?
21:07.23Jeekayethereal shows it arriving
21:07.23De_Monstubert tell deep6 I'm running fine ;)
21:07.23RoyKaptura: 1.4 has a sip jitterbuffer, something that really really improves voice quality. grab 1.4 beta or get the backport to 1.2 from
21:07.49Deep6De_Mon: ?/
21:07.50*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
21:07.58robin_szoh foo. It seems there is a patch to allow the X100P to work with * and UK callerid, but markster wont include it, and the latest diff/patch is way too old for my copy of * .. sigh
21:07.58*** part/#asterisk jalsot (
21:08.20Deep6De_Mon: so mpg321 works fine then ?/
21:08.28stubertDe_Mon: Ok, Hey deep6, De_Mon's running fine!
21:08.56apturaRoyk, thanks. Its just a concern in the past. I had one company that got put off on the call quality and just hung was only a minor gap in signal loss..perhaps the rtp was backed up in the buffer or some other issue.
21:09.02erick_azOk dropped database and recreated it still no luck connecting
21:10.13RoyKaptura: you get crappy sound without a jb+plc anyway you turn it
21:10.19Jeekayhmm. packets are definitely being received and not Unreachable'd, but asterisk is doing squat with them
21:10.26RoyKunless your communications links are perfect
21:10.30RoyKthey rarely are
21:10.48stubertJeekay: Are you running iptables?
21:11.16De_MonDeep6 alias mpg321 to mpg123 and it will ;)
21:11.17Jeekaydont think ethereal'd see the packets if ipt was dropping them anyway
21:11.33De_MonDeep6 or add backports to your apt sources and install mpg123
21:11.39stubertJeekay: yep, it would...
21:11.45Jeekayhow interesting
21:11.48Jeekaylet me double check then :)
21:12.00Jeekayassumptions'll be the death of me
21:13.01erick_azStill getting  res_config_mysql.c:651 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server ASTERISK on (err 1045). Check debug for more info.
21:13.14Jeekaystubert: you are an absolute star. thanks!
21:13.57De_Monuhh... can someone listen to letters/p and tell me that it really is 'p' and not 't'
21:14.03stubertno prob
21:14.54erick_azAny other ideas of why Asterisk will not connect to mysql?
21:15.22BlepsoaFis there any way to use different prompts for meetme, IE to record your name for announcements, IE meetme shares prompts with vm
21:16.04erick_azShould I start over from the ground up?
21:17.21stuberterick_az: Are you getting any errors?
21:17.58*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
21:18.43stuberterick_az: just out of curiousity, what linux distribution are you running?
21:19.16erick_azFedora Core 1
21:19.50stuberterick_az: Are you using the pre built binary package for mysql?
21:20.37erick_azI installed MySQL-server-5.1.11-0.i386.rpm
21:20.56pigpenso does h323 work worth a dam in asterisk?
21:21.16stuberterick_az: Ok, and this is all on one physical machine right?
21:21.25erick_azYes all on the same machine
21:22.44stubertI'm going to paste in my database schema to pastebin
21:23.43stubertdoes that match yours?
21:25.07smackuswhen doing a gotoif "Go to next step (or label1 if defined) if condition is true or to label2 if condition is false." can I go more than 2 lables?
21:25.45erick_azMY sql does not like INSIGNED
21:26.06stubertProbably doesn't matter...
21:26.35stubertDid you create a user to access the database tables?
21:27.02stuberta mysql user that is
21:27.30robin_szand grant the rights and most importantly flush afterwards!
21:27.58erick_azI've now dropped the CDR table need to re build it.
21:28.52erick_azuser privilages granted over and over and over again. flushed, re-booted.  Can log on to my sql through ODBC from another machine, locally thorugh mysql
21:28.59*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (n=bkw_@asterisk/friend-and-developer/bkw)
21:30.27stuberterick_az: ok...
21:30.32stuberterick_az: And the user has a password?
21:30.32erick_azASterisk can not connect to mySQL database eitehr for CDR or realtime
21:31.02erick_azyes tried two different user both with password and with out.
21:31.02erick_azI think.
21:32.33erick_azI've tried so many things at this poing I hav no idea what's going on.
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21:32.41erick_azThere is one little piece missing somewhere
21:33.45erick_azSome driver or somthing I have not installed
21:33.45stuberterick_az: I agree, it is some stupid little thing...
21:33.45stubertThat is why I'm trying to verify all the settings...
21:33.46*** part/#asterisk fryfrog (n=fryfrog@gallery/fryfrog)
21:33.46stubertSo, do you actually get an error?
21:33.46erick_azI've started at the begining (witht the same fedors install) several times and all is the same result
21:33.46erick_azSep 21 14:02:48 ERROR[1099]: cdr_addon_mysql.c:438 my_load_module: Failed to connect to mysql database ASTERISK on
21:33.56erick_azSep 21 14:03:04 ERROR[1099]: res_config_mysql.c:651 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server ASTERISK on (err 1045). Check debug for more info.
21:33.59*** join/#asterisk zeppelin_ (n=zeppelin@
21:34.11erick_azDatabase name ASTTERISK is in CAPS on purpose
21:34.23stubertOk, My Hmmm....
21:34.46stubertIs that what the instructions say?
21:35.14erick_azno instrautions are asterisk (not in caps),
21:35.38erick_azI suppose I can try creating a database in lowerr case
21:35.41stuberterick_az: Crap...
21:35.50stubertTwo things
21:36.04stubertone, change the server to
21:36.20erick_azOK will try now.
21:36.23*** join/#asterisk benjk (
21:36.38stubertThe second was to rename the database
21:37.08stubertIn your grant statement for the user, it should be:
21:37.52stubertGRANT * ON asterisk TO <username>@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
21:38.07erick_azI'm now using the root use for asterisk loggin in
21:38.36mercestesthe proper mysql syntax would be GRANT all privileges on asterisk.* to ...  would it not??
21:38.52stubertmercestes: yes... Me bad this mysql server on teh same server as asterisk??
21:39.24*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
21:39.36erick_azyes mysql on same machine
21:39.48*** join/#asterisk hads (
21:39.50mercestesyou should be using dbsock = /tmp/mysql.sock in res_mysql.conf if it's mysql.
21:40.02mercesteson the local machine.  comment out the dbhost and use dbsock instead.
21:40.07stubertGRANT ALL ON asterisk.* TO <username>@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
21:40.08mercestesif I recall correctly.
21:40.59Jeekayis there some way to get the current date/time in a dialplan, such that Monitor() might create a timestamped filename?
21:41.01mercestesthe /tmp/mysql.sock would be replaced with the path to your mysql.sock file.
21:41.44mercestesthen it would be dbsock=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
21:42.06asternickeverybody Thanks to all the help you gave me
21:42.09*** join/#asterisk mogorman (i=mogorman@nat/digium/x-53d917167df12f32)
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21:42.21mercestesand you can either leave dbhost blank or comment that line out.
21:42.34mercestesyou will still need permission for username@localhost however.
21:42.47mercestesmight want to do a flush privileges; just to be on the safe side as well.
21:43.58erick_azcdr_addon_mysql.c:438 my_load_module: Failed to connect to mysql database ASTERISK on localhost.
21:43.59mercestesWow, sweet, CunningPike.
21:44.05Jeekaythis might sound stupid, but how do i tell whwat ver of asterisk im running?
21:44.09apturamulti phone hold?
21:44.09erick_azdid all the privs stuff
21:44.13mercestesasterisk -v
21:44.17CunningPikeJeekay: 'show version'
21:44.21mercesteserr...asterisk -V >.>
21:44.23Jeekayah thanks
21:44.55erick_azmercestes: did all sugggestions, still no connection
21:44.59mercestesaptura:  it's like a key system where you can place someone on hold on one phone and answer that "line" on another phone.
21:45.02*** mode/#asterisk [-b %opus_!*@*] by mogorman
21:45.07*** mode/#asterisk [-b %novafirst!*@*] by mogorman
21:45.15CunningPikemercestes: Precisely
21:45.20Qwellmogorman: Why the second one? :p
21:45.36mogormani was going to ask why it was banned
21:45.36CunningPikeSo, where should I write it up in the wiki?
21:45.43mogormanbut then i thought why not unban
21:45.49stuberterick_az: have you tryed this?
21:45.51erick_azWARNING[1172]: res_config_mysql.c:477 load_module: MySQL RealTime: Couldn't establish connection. Check debug.
21:45.54Qwellmogorman: heh...
21:46.11mogonly people left are like autobanned by freenode
21:46.14mercesteserick_az:  hmm.....
21:46.17stuberterick_az: mysql -p -u <username> asterisk
21:46.34apturaCunningPike do you know if its the norm for a extension to be setup to play the "pls-wait-while" then play background music while the caller does not hear the phone ring? or are some PBXs do a ring application once and then play music while the extension is ringing?
21:46.40stubertI just want to see the user attach to the data base
21:47.09CunningPikeaptura: Not sure what you're asking........
21:47.18erick_azYep works great!
21:48.00mercestesand you ahve your username and password setup in res_config_mysql??
21:48.12asternickthanks for evrything guys
21:48.12erick_azsame user name and password
21:48.18asternickjust signing off
21:48.23mercestesand dbport
21:48.30*** part/#asterisk asternick (i=asdas@
21:48.33erick_azcommented out
21:48.41mercestestry dbport = 3306
21:48.44stubertwell, crap... I'm out of ideas... If everything you've said is true (which I'm sure it is) and the module is compiled and configured correcty then I'm stumped...
21:48.49mercestesno wait.
21:48.50CunningPikeAnyone have words of wisdom about adding to the wiki? I never know where to put stuff
21:48.51smackuscould someone please double check my work? is this syntax correct? i am getting syntax errors: exten => 1718,104(busy),GotoIf($[{CALLERID(dnid)} = "8018281727"]?1718,6:1730,1)
21:48.57*** join/#asterisk adorah (
21:48.58mercestesyou don't use a dbport with a sock file I don't believe.
21:49.22erick_azwhere is  res_config_mysql  ?
21:49.25CunningPikesmackus: Missing $
21:49.37CunningPikesmackus: Before {CALLERID}
21:49.41mercestesits res_mysql.conf
21:49.42erick_azis that res_mysql.conf ???
21:49.44Nugget"Missing $" is what's keeping me from buying a Mac Pro.
21:49.45apturaCunning I have my extention work in a fashion were the calling party hears the playback (pls-wait-while-try) application then puts the phone into music mode while the end phone rings. Is this the norm for alot of the bigger pbx installs or do thay have one ring inserted between playback and music? I guess what I am saying is if its preference how the customer wants it. My wife made a comment there is no ringing and she was not sur
21:49.53apturasure if the call was going though.
21:50.09mercestesWell, ok, I hate to distro troll here, but have you considered trying this on gentoo instead of fedora core??
21:50.16rene1erick_az: you might to enable IP connections to your box or otherwise use sockets to connect to a mysql instance running in the same box as asterisk
21:50.17CunningPikeaptura: I think I would expect it to ring first......
21:50.21mercestesI've had this same headache with mysql on FC4.
21:50.35apturaokay then I will insert at least one ring statment.
21:50.36rene1erick_az by default mysql wont take ip connections
21:50.50rene1you need to enable those in my.cnf
21:50.53erick_azOK how do I enable them?
21:50.56mercestesrene1:  we have him using dbsock = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock now...
21:51.05erick_azI don't have a my.cnf
21:51.07rene1if you are using sockets
21:51.10mercestesand the grant all to user
21:51.18rene1then you should be good to go
21:51.21mercesteshe can connect via that user to that database.
21:51.38mercestesexactically.  but it's giving errors..which is my I'm distro-trolling a bit.
21:51.38rene1you need to configure res_ mysql to connect to asterisk via sockets
21:51.41droopshey what is app_curl for?
21:51.51CunningPikeaptura: Try a Wait(2) before you Answer()
21:51.52Corydon-wLoading a URL
21:52.01apturaCunningPike btw, there are some issues with the (CALLERIDNAME) that kills the incomming DID on this.
21:52.21apturaCunningPike thats not the complaint..just that there was no ring before the music was played.
21:52.39droopsCorydon-w, how would i use that in asterisk
21:52.40erick_azIn res_mysql.conf dbsock = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
21:52.42CunningPikeaptura: ok
21:53.03mercesteswhat's the permissions on /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock??
21:53.27Corydon-wdroops: exten => foo,1,Set(result=${CURL(http://host/somewhere.php)})
21:53.28erick_azhow would I find that?  I'm not a linux expert....
21:53.40mercestesls -l /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
21:53.45apturaCunningPike how are you on perl?
21:53.51JeekayHow do I get my extension to hang up when the calling party has hung up?
21:53.57CunningPikeaptura: What's perl? ;)
21:54.14mercestesoh....eliminates that possibility.
21:54.28droopscool, thanks Corydon-w
21:54.45apturaCunningPike was going to include a agi that would do a smbclient message to the host computer when a call comes in and show the CID name
21:54.49CunningPikeJeekay: Hangup - but I would investigate why the call isn't hanging itself up
21:55.48mercesteserick_az:  yes..
21:56.00mercesteserick_az:  have you tried a full shutdown of * and restarting it??
21:56.06CunningPikeaptura: Interesting......... you would probably want to make sure that the agi was asynchronous, as 'net send' can be very laggy
21:56.11erick_azRebooting machine as we speek
21:56.27Jeekayits coming in on an IAX2 channel
21:56.36Jeekaythe IAX call is getting hung up correctly as far as I can tell from the console
21:56.43Jeekaybut the phone doesnt seem to be getting the message
21:56.45mercesteserick_az does mysql start automagically?
21:56.56CunningPikeJeekay: SIP phone?
21:56.59erick_azyes it does
21:57.16RyushinIs there a way to increase the volume on the recordings that are e-mailed?
21:57.24CunningPikeJeekay: That's odd - care to pastebin your extensions.conf?
21:57.27erick_azso deos asterisk
21:57.53rene1my kernel is 2.4.ish is still compatible with latest zaptel & asteirsk?
21:57.53apturaCunningPike okay.
21:57.53mercestesRyushin:  man soxmix
21:57.53brodiemrene1 yes
21:58.01CunningPikeRyushin: Voicemail() has a 'g' for gain option - Voicemail(xxxx@default|ug(10))
21:58.17brodiem2.4 is long from dead yet :)
21:58.20apturanot sure how to set it as asynchronous but I will remember that
21:58.25mercestesRyushin:  Hmm. for voicemail though you'd have to soxmix the wav file before it was emailed which is handled by app voicemail.  Difficult.
21:58.44mercestesbah, CunningPike wins...:)
21:59.03RyushinCunningPike:  Cool.
21:59.08CunningPikemercestes: externnotify would handle your solution
21:59.14Ryushinmercestes:  I guess this will help you too.
21:59.28mercestesRyushin:  no kidding.  lol
21:59.54*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
22:01.01mercestessomething is not right there.
22:01.24*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
22:01.26erick_azYes, but what?
22:01.56mercestesoh, I think I see what it's saying.
22:02.03erick_azAsterisk is not connecting to the mysql server, but I have no idea why
22:02.10mercestesnever seen a database name referred to as a 'database server' before.
22:02.29mercesteswell, more specifically, it's not connecting to the database asterisk, not necessarily the mysql server.
22:02.49mercesteswhen you connect to mysql.....are you doing so from the CLI of the * box??
22:03.13JeekayCunningPike: The console output says '-- Hungup 'IAX2/x.y.z.t:4569-1'' so I can only assume asterisk knows about it. its as though that status isnt passed on
22:03.44CunningPikeJeekay: OK - just looking now
22:03.54[Outcast]anyone here familiar with chan unicall?
22:04.00BlepsoaFis there any way to make CallLimit return busy back to a macro?
22:04.11BlepsoaFinstead of chanunavail
22:04.22mercestesuggh...any chance you could just install gentoo and do a USE="mysql" emerge -av asterisk??
22:04.30Jeekayand wait five years? :)
22:04.33erick_azI'd be happy to let you log into the * box, if you like
22:04.38CunningPikeJeekay: What type of phone?
22:04.45Jeekayits a grandstream budgetone 102
22:04.45*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=bkw_@asterisk/friend-and-developer/bkw)
22:05.00mercestesup to you, I got a free minute...I'd /msg me tho
22:05.09Jeekay.... and looking at the packet capture, asterisk is infact sending a BYE for the connection to the phone
22:05.12Jeekayand the phone is even ACKing it
22:05.16Jeekaygah :/
22:05.27mercestesJeekay:  LOL
22:05.37TripleFFFFman.. lol running v1.4 into vmware into centos lol
22:05.46TripleFFFFcdrom breakdancing had to mount iso instead lol
22:06.04JeekayCunningPike: sorry to waste your time, it looks like its a phone problem of some description
22:06.08Jeekaythanks for looking
22:06.33*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
22:06.39CunningPikeJeekay: No problem - those Budgetones are shite
22:06.44Jeekay.. and cheap :)
22:06.55Jeekayare there other better models at the same price point?
22:07.23*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (n=bkw_@asterisk/friend-and-developer/bkw)
22:07.59CunningPikeJeekay: Probably not :)
22:08.15Jeekayguess i can learn to live with shite :)
22:09.16apturaLooks like the ringing application cannot be timmed.
22:09.32shmaltzanyone from digium here?
22:09.32droopsmy linksys spa921 wasnt much more than a budgetone, and its not bad
22:11.04shmaltz~aadk is Asterisk Appliance Developer Kit, more info can be obtained here:
22:11.05jbotokay, shmaltz
22:12.03stuberterick_az: you still around???
22:12.27erick_azyep am still here
22:12.40erick_azdid I miss somthing?
22:13.18*** join/#asterisk nutz (n=nutz@
22:13.21nutzhey everybody
22:13.51*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
22:14.39stubertNot sure, I'm looking at the sample configs, you have both the cdr and the res configs in the asterisk dir right?
22:14.43nutzquick question: how is DISA supposed to work.. my asterisk shows me all the way up to the DISA(no-password,<exten>) command but i wont get a free-tone on my phone
22:16.36nutzor: does anybody else have that problem that he wont get a dial tone when executing DISA?
22:17.02nutzor is there an alternativ to DISA?
22:17.14BlepsoaFis there any way to make CallLimit return busy back to a macro, instead of CHANUNAVAIL
22:19.18RyushinSo I'm calling into a DID number, and I'm getting dropped before it goes to voice mail.  I have this in the log: No entry in voicemail config file for 'b2777'  I had this in extensions.conf: exten => 2777,3,Voicemail(b${EXTEN}|ug(10))exten => 2777,3,Voicemail(b${EXTEN}|ug(10)).  I'm not sure why it's not working.
22:19.59RyushinDo I need to use ${ARG1} instead of ${EXTEN}?
22:20.06CunningPikeRyushin: You're mixing syntaxes: Voicemail(${EXTEN}|ug(10))
22:20.19CunningPikeRyushin: Or: Voicemail(${EXTEN}|bg(10))
22:20.41RyushinOh, okay.
22:20.53CunningPikeRyushin: It's the u OR b that determines if it's the busy or unavailable message
22:21.37RyushinI thought it went before the ${EXTEN}
22:21.49RyushinI saw that in a few examples in the config file.
22:21.53CunningPikeRyushin: That's the old way......
22:22.17CunningPikeRyushin: And you can't combine it with |g etc
22:22.17RyushinOh, nice.  Then asterisk needs to give us the new way.  :)
22:22.36CunningPikeRyushin: The wiki needs a major overhaul
22:22.36RyushinDuring the install and make examples.
22:23.16*** join/#asterisk anto9us (
22:30.47RyushinCunningPike:  Excellent.  It worked like a charm.  Thank you.
22:30.47CunningPikeRyushin: Excellent!
22:30.48CunningPikeRyushin: You're welcome
22:35.34mercestes ?
22:36.03CunningPikemercestes: So, just create a new page?
22:36.16CunningPikemercestes: Or should I add to an existing Polycom page? :S
22:36.19mercestesCunningPike:  I would..its a very demanded feature to the older and more stubborn populace.
22:36.42mercestesjust mention you did it on polycom phones.
22:36.49mercestesif they dont' like it, I'm sure they'll move it for you..;)
22:36.55nutzokay - so DISA wont work with my cellphone =(  is that a common problem?
22:38.06CunningPikemercestes: From oej's 'How to update' page - "Just do it!" :D
22:40.03*** join/#asterisk Katty (
22:41.01nutzone last question: can somebody help me - i want to cut of a # from a number.. let's say 34723434#  should be 34723434
22:41.30nutzbut i cant use EXTEN:offset because that number has a random length
22:41.31*** join/#asterisk HumpBack (i=sdcdcssc@gentoo/developer/HumpBack)
22:41.35*** join/#asterisk kingsrud (
22:42.11CunningPikenutz: ${CUT(EXTEN,#,1)} ?
22:42.35Kattyfile: you'll never guess what happened today!
22:42.43fileokay! I refuse to guess
22:42.44nutzCunningPike: :) thank you
22:42.56CunningPikenutz: ytw
22:43.55Kattyfile: we were testing one of our shiny new video servers.
22:44.04Kattyfile: and katty was caught ON CAMERA.
22:44.06TripleFFFFon 1.4 how we make ..hmm so i need make menuselect right ?
22:44.09Kattyfile: dundundun
22:44.10fileKatty: EEEEEEEEP
22:44.22nutzCunningPike: ytw?
22:44.36CunningPikeYou're totally welcome
22:44.39Kattyfile: yesh. it's in avi format.
22:44.43*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
22:44.44TripleFFFFnutz youll find that most userts who send # is trying to scam cdrtoool .. since cdrtool doe not bill these records ;)
22:44.46Kattyfile: want it?
22:44.52TripleFFFFi got a rate for # @ 99$ per minute
22:45.03fileKatty: sure!
22:45.12nutzTripleFFFF: i have a different problem here i think ^^
22:45.34TripleFFFFso 1.4 and vmware is not a solution
22:45.40TripleFFFFtrying to overtite my 1.2.11
22:45.51nutzCunningPike: do you know why my cellphone doesnt work with DISA?
22:46.18kingsrudhi, i want to make several outbound calls at the same time with asterisk, problem is that i'm not quite sure how to keep track of the calls, like for instance when a call has been terminated. could anybody point me in a right direction?:)
22:46.23CunningPikenutz: I have had trouble with cellphones and DTMF before....
22:46.32TripleFFFFhmmm no mysql with 1.4
22:46.55nutzyarr... i cant even hear a dialtone though =(
22:49.25*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
22:50.04*** join/#asterisk endemic (n=endemic@
22:50.14Kattyfile: k, it's sending.
22:51.23_DAWhello all
22:51.37endemicI am having problems dialing out to FWD. I can recieve calls fine, and I can call the test numbers such as 612, but not any regular user or 55555... any ideas? I've followed the instructions exactly
22:54.19*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
22:55.36*** join/#asterisk `Tingles` (
22:57.54Kattyfile: did ya get it?
22:58.13hmmhesaysbah gsm is freaking out when I try to compile it for mipsel
22:58.13fileKatty: you eeeeeeeeeemailed it?
22:58.24Kattyfile: yes'm
22:58.39filek I will wait for it
22:58.46*** join/#asterisk THX2000 (
22:58.49Kattyhrmm, should have already gotten it.
22:59.02Kerry_Ganyone testing 1.4? Anytime i do 'reload' I get a segmentation fault
22:59.20THX2000Anyone know why i'd be getting gnarly static on a zap line? I can't even get a call to go through
22:59.21*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
22:59.30THX2000lines work fine w/ a standard phone plugged into em
22:59.50Kerry_GTHX: what card/device?
23:00.07QwellKerry_G: When is this thing at?
23:00.26Kattyfile: sending over gtalk work?
23:00.28THX2000w/ 2 FXO's
23:00.37nutzhm - is there a way to set "allow=gsm" in a dialplan?
23:00.57hmmhesayscali, wish i was there
23:01.13THX2000<=in cali
23:01.23Qwellor, wait...Irvine?
23:01.25Kerry_GTHX: have you run ztmonitor to look at the sound levels?
23:01.31Kerry_GYup, its in Irvine
23:01.35THX2000i have not
23:01.40fileKatty: it'll get here eventually
23:01.42Kerry_GHeritage Park Library on Walnut and Yale
23:01.43Kattyfile: i'll just upload it.
23:01.43Qwellsuck, I thought it was in Pasadena
23:01.49Kattyfile: no, it didn't send.
23:01.57fileKatty: lame
23:02.15Kattywhich is why i'm uploading it.
23:02.33*** join/#asterisk QMario_ (n=QMario@unaffiliated/QMario)
23:02.39Kerry_GTHX: this is about echo, but might help -
23:03.12THX2000Like this line is totally dead, its not just like background static, its totally fubaring the line
23:03.31THX2000on a call in, asterisk doesn't even recognize that the phone is ringing
23:03.57robin_szsigh ... I wish the GXP2000 was thinner at one end .. more "wedge" shaped ...
23:04.00Kerry_GIRQ conflicts?
23:04.09QwellKerry_G: You guys have to move the meeting to Pasadena :P
23:04.10Kerry_GI wish the GXP2000 worked well
23:04.32Kerry_GThe library is about 3/4 of a mile from me
23:04.34robin_szif it was more wedge shaped it would be at least useful for keeping the door open
23:04.41Kerry_Gahhhh yes
23:04.45fileQwell: how far away is that there Irvine
23:04.58Qwellfile: like, 60 miles :p
23:04.59Zodiacalanyone know why it the attended transfer completion tone setting doesn't beep when i try to use it? its this setting in features.conf  ;xfersound = beep
23:05.11THX2000Kerry_G: Audio level is maxed out on the line thats bad
23:05.12fileQwell: lame
23:05.19Kerry_Gyes, thats bad
23:05.35THX2000Kerry_G: could it be a thrashed card?
23:05.40robin_szthese Snom 190s that people are selling off cheap are actually cheaper than a GXP2000 and work
23:05.43THX2000everything was workin fine a couple days ago
23:05.52Kerry_Gsure it could be
23:06.18*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
23:10.01Kerry_Gif it was working fine and all of a sudden doesnt, then you probably have a bad module
23:10.04Kerry_Gor a bad card
23:10.47QwellKerry_G: So, you guys suck :P
23:10.59Qwellhere I am, expecting it to be in Pasadena :D
23:11.05Kerry_Gbecause we live on the good side of the tracks?
23:11.10rene1may be if you wish it real hard
23:11.58Kattyfile: almost uploaded (=
23:12.03filemv Qwell Irvine/
23:12.08QwellSomeone should come pick me up in Covina :P
23:12.31Kerry_Gtake the train, it lets off a few blocks away
23:12.45QwellI don't do the whole Metrolink thing anymore
23:12.47Kerry_Gbuy a car?
23:12.51QwellI have a car. :p
23:12.53filebuy a horse.
23:12.59Qwellfile: Now THERE is an idea
23:13.02Kerry_Gwell then, get on the freeway now
23:13.30TripleFFFFtrixbox dialing patern ????? for anything is .X ?
23:13.31rene1put the horse before the car tho
23:13.37*** join/#asterisk pdt (
23:13.38Qwellmmm, brb
23:13.44fileuh oh
23:13.53fileKatty: yayz
23:18.10*** join/#asterisk kosia (
23:18.28X-Rob_ah, bugger, it was the second
23:18.58filecool, it's Qwell's fault!
23:19.17*** part/#asterisk kosia (
23:19.28X-Rob_IT's _always_ Qwell's fault file. Duh!
23:20.20fileI wonder..
23:20.41*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
23:26.44*** join/#asterisk Twister (
23:27.03*** join/#asterisk Givemelove (n=foo@
23:27.11GivemeloveHey there
23:27.18GivemeloveI just got my T1 line provisionned
23:27.27Twisterheyz, since broadvoice has jacked their activation fees up so high, can anyone recomend another voip provider that allows asterisk
23:27.34Givemelovebut when I try to configure zapata, I receive this error message
23:27.35GivemeloveSep 21 16:27:52 WARNING[11123]: chan_zap.c:8963 pri_dchannel: PRI Error: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too.
23:27.45Givemeloveanybody has already encountered this?
23:28.43X-Rob_Givemelove, it means you've got a loopback cable in there, or you've got it configured wrong
23:29.30Givemelovehow can I have a loopback?
23:30.36X-Rob_pins 1 and 2 go to 4 and 3
23:30.46Corydon-wIt's not a loopback cable
23:30.53X-Rob_5 and 4 even
23:31.26Givemelovethe t1 card is connected to the circuit
23:31.37Corydon-wIt's that on a PRI, one side has to be CPE and the other side has to be NET
23:31.46Givemeloveusing a ethernet cable

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.