irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060919

00:00.44*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
00:00.52*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
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00:01.26RoyKa~nickometer L|NUX
00:02.32Strom_C~nickometer Strom_C
00:03.03orlock~nickometer orlock
00:03.06*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
00:03.51stronginteractiocan you set voicemail options per voicemail context?
00:04.24stronginteractioi know you can set global defaults, but what about context defaults?
00:06.11De_Monstronginteractio I dont think so, but you can set mailbox specific settings
00:08.17*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (n=PoWeRKiL@
00:08.26stronginteractioah that is not easy for me
00:08.38stronginteractioi am storing user mailbox information in a mysql database
00:09.06*** join/#asterisk jeremy_g (n=j@
00:09.13jeremy_gi am fucked
00:09.22jeremy_gjust did 150 sittups as  a bet with a friend and won it
00:09.28jeremy_gand now my muscles are so frigging stiff
00:09.38Strom_Cthank you for joining #offtopic
00:09.44Strom_Cplease continue to hold
00:09.48Strom_Csomeone will be with you soon
00:09.54Strom_C[new wave]
00:11.24Strom_Cfifteen hundred pages of goodness
00:12.22Powerkillsomeone using vgsm card ?
00:12.59*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:13.10*** join/#asterisk Gregabyte (i=greg@nat/digium/x-cd5b1d34223d7864)
00:15.36*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
00:16.14*** join/#asterisk neoalex (
00:16.47neoalexcan anyone help me find a simple tutorial on how to configure asterisk
00:16.58jbotit has been said that docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
00:17.00jbotwell, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
00:17.15jbotsomebody said hafc was hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
00:18.08*** part/#asterisk QbY (
00:18.22neoalexyeah... well I'm too cheap to even get a landline... :))
00:18.45neoalexthanks for your help Storm_C
00:18.50*** join/#asterisk DasTech (
00:19.14*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
00:20.33*** join/#asterisk shuri (n=shuri@
00:20.36*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
00:21.38bintutanyone here running asterisk on debian etch?  :)
00:22.06shuribintut, yes
00:22.32bintuti just apt-get'ed asterisk here on this laptop.. i'm currently running debian etch.. but i'm directly connected thru pppoe
00:23.28bintuti just want to try this out.. how to make this work especially sip.. maybe for 4 to 5 hours or so because my public ip is not static though
00:24.03bintutany asterisk howto that is specific for debian available somewhere on the web?  :)
00:24.20riddleboxbintut, you need to use then
00:24.29intralanmanor noip
00:24.58bintutok, i'll get a account.. i hope you guys can help me set this up..  :)
00:25.05riddleboxintralanman, do you know how to make a hot phone, where when you go offhook it dials one number automatically?
00:25.53intralanmani do not.... some ATA's could have a dialplan that would dial one number no matter what you dial though
00:26.13intralanmanbut if you find the answer you're really looking for, let me know too
00:26.31intralanmani've been wanting to do that for a while, but haven't found a way to do it without special hardware
00:26.50riddleboxthere should be a way in programming to do it
00:27.03riddleboxa wildcard in the dial string or something
00:28.26*** join/#asterisk diskace (
00:28.26*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:28.40diskacehi guys
00:28.52*** join/#asterisk chaoscon_ (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
00:29.36shurihi diskace
00:29.44diskacehey, shuri !
00:33.17DasTech<==looking or a surrpoetjobis voip/asterisk/telecommuter
00:33.19bintutok, i got the
00:36.21bintutwhat's a good gnome based softphone that supports sip?
00:36.51intralanmanfka gnome meeting
00:37.04*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
00:37.30bintutyou mean, i can use ekiga to connect to the asterisk that i'll setup on my laptop?  :)
00:37.55bintutok.. i'll apt-get it.. :)
00:38.23*** join/#asterisk JT (n=jon@unaffiliated/jt)
00:38.46JTdamn this must be identified to join thing is really annoying
00:40.18*** join/#asterisk freebsd_fan (
00:40.40diskaceanyone had experience with tellabs echo canceller cards with digium cards or sangoma cards ?
00:41.33diskacelook like being an alternative to octasic expensive EC module
00:41.57*** join/#asterisk fall0ut (
00:43.24orlockJT: went by st pauls cathedral on the way to work.. saw brockies hearse
00:43.30orlockcomplete with "BROCKY" plates
00:43.59orlockcity getting abit packed
00:46.33bintutintralanman: ekiga isn't in my repository.. i'm running debian etch here.. but gnomemeeting was installed..  can i use it instead?
00:47.03bintutok, i'll try..
00:47.36*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
00:49.04*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekon@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
00:49.12teknoprepis there a way to monitor calls
00:49.39diskacehum, sad no reply to my last question :(
00:49.48diskacewell, i got another one :)
00:50.31diskaceit's quite difficult to answer but it's from your personnal experience
00:51.12diskacei was wondering how many user/channel ratio would be safe on a residential voip environment ?
00:51.26diskacewith only half-pri
00:51.31diskaceand full pri
00:51.42diskace11 / 23 channels respectively
00:51.54diskacewhat you guys think ?
00:52.01diskace3 for 1 on half pri ?
00:52.35diskacei heard that 7 for 1 on a full pri is a good 'standard' for a full pri
00:52.44intralanmandiskace: depends on the residents ;)
00:52.50diskaceyeah, of course
00:53.02intralanman5 for 1 on half personally
00:53.17*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekon@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
00:53.25diskaceintralanman you had no problems
00:53.33intralanmannot so far
00:53.55diskaceand thats for residential users ?
00:54.27*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:54.45diskaceare you monitoring ?
00:54.56intralanmanagain, results may vary based on state, weight, haircolor, etc
00:55.08diskacehaircolor, you sure ?
00:55.10intralanmannah, not really "monitoring"
00:55.17intralanmanyeah, blondes get more calls
00:55.22diskacetrue !
00:55.46diskacei wonder if it is legal to ask when they signup
00:55.49diskacetheir hair color
00:56.11intralanmanthat might depend on the state
00:56.12diskaceplease check this box if you are a sexy blonde
00:56.34intralanman"post pics for your directory listing"
00:57.43*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekon@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
00:57.57diskaceintralanman, from your experience in the residential field
00:58.10diskacecan you tell me when is your peak period in the day ?
00:58.26intralanmantime of day, you mean?
00:58.49intralanmanthat's really not far off
00:58.58intralanmanbut that's EDT
00:59.05*** join/#asterisk xAD (
00:59.06diskace15h00 or 03:00 ?
00:59.26intralanmanand really it's closer to 1700
00:59.35intralanmanjust starts early on some days
00:59.41diskacewhen they get back home
00:59.49intralanmanhalf days of school, fridays, etc
01:00.05diskaceyou have emergency channels
01:01.53intralanmanisn't that a legal "requirement" now?
01:02.29*** join/#asterisk Mportnoy (n=test@
01:02.35diskacewell, i didn't mean e911 or basic 911
01:02.41diskacejust emergency channels
01:02.52diskaceif your pri get full
01:03.06diskaceyou can route calls using another place
01:03.16intralanmanwell, i have a couple of PRIs just for emergency services
01:03.22intralanmanwhich rarely ever get used
01:03.29intralanmanit's actually pretty upsetting
01:03.38diskacei see
01:03.55intralanmanbut they're direct links to the emergency services
01:04.10intralanmanso it's not like i can better utilize them in down times
01:04.29diskaceyou only have 1 half pri and couple pri's. ....
01:04.33diskacei don't understand
01:04.58intralanmandifferent scenarios, different companies, etc
01:05.26diskaceand from experience again
01:05.44pyromWhat's the "preffered" Wakeup call script
01:05.44intralanmanthe company i "work" for has about 1000 customers (which isn't really that much) and 2 pri's for emergency services
01:05.45diskacewhat is the 'standard' ratio you use for a full pri
01:06.02diskaceaside from blonde :)
01:06.20intralanmanheheh, usually it's close to 3/1 or slightly less
01:06.39intralanmanthe 2.7 i just made up
01:06.50intralanmanbut usually about 3/1
01:07.34intralanmanpyrom: i prefer to write my own
01:07.45intralanmanothers have different preferences
01:08.01diskace3:1 ?
01:08.03pyromhow do you issue the call?
01:08.05pyromvia cron?
01:08.33diskace5:1 for a half pri and 3:1 for a full pri ?
01:08.51intralanmani run a cron job to pull info from a db and run the calls off of it
01:08.57intralanmandiskace: you said full pri?
01:08.59intralanmanmy bad
01:09.32diskacewell, yes i asked for a full pri and half (before)
01:09.36diskaceyou answered 5:1 for the half
01:09.52*** join/#asterisk lero (
01:09.58*** join/#asterisk type0 (
01:09.59type0hey guys
01:10.02diskaceand 3:1 for the full lol :)
01:10.09intralanmanthe 5:1 was kinda on the safe side..... i was thinking 3:1 is about average
01:10.19intralanmanfor a half
01:10.25leroi'm trying to compile zaptel and getting this: /bin/sh: /etc/udev/rules.d/zaptel.rules: Permission denied, but i'm doing this as root.
01:10.39orlocklero: its trying to execute it
01:10.41type0I have a client who wants to migrate to asterisk, but they currently have all rj11 handsets.. whats a good product to connect say.. 80 phones to an asterisk box?
01:10.47diskaceand for a full ?
01:10.57leroorlock: yeah, but this file don't exist too.
01:11.17leroit do this first: build_tools/genudevrules > /etc/udev/rules.d/zaptel.rules
01:11.35intralanmandiskace: it varies, slightly better than double usually
01:12.10diskacejust trying to have an idea
01:12.26intralanmandiskace: just stay away from the blondes ;)
01:12.38diskaceof course :P
01:12.43diskaceill have a special price for them
01:12.43teknoprepcould someone help me with this... exten => *888,1,DBput(ivr/mode=bizhours)    and    exten => *999,1,DBput(ivr/mode=afterhours)
01:12.43teknoprepGotoIf($[${ivrmode} = "bizhours"]?daytime-ivr|s|1:nighttime-ivr|s|1)
01:12.48teknoprepstill trying to understand it
01:13.28teknoprepi understand that you set a variable using *888 or *999 using DBput ... setting the ivr mode by using the *888 or *999
01:13.37teknoprepthe gotoif part is what i am trying to understand
01:13.53*** join/#asterisk paolob (
01:13.57teknoprepgotoif ... is that gotoif statement complete and will it work with what i am attempting?
01:14.00*** part/#asterisk paolob (
01:16.03diskaceintralanman , thanks for sharing your experience
01:16.06diskaceit is really appreciated
01:16.10intralanmansure, np
01:16.23intralanmanteknoprep: is it not working?
01:16.31intralanmanit looks ok at first glance
01:16.36intralanmansecond even for that matter
01:17.01teknoprepi am just wanting to know how the GotoIf exactly works
01:17.17teknoprepsomeone helped me write that... and now i am just trying to understand it
01:17.39intralanmanoh, ok
01:17.43Qwellteknoprep: if the variable ivrmode is "bizhours" then goto daytime-ivr|s|1, otherwise goto nighttime-ivr|s|1
01:17.58teknoprepnow that makes sense
01:18.00teknoprepif else
01:18.16teknoprepthat was my question.. how was it knowing that it was in afterhours mode
01:18.42intralanmanlike "condition ? trueAction : falseAction" in C or PHP
01:19.00teknoprepwell i have really only ever programed in C# and VB
01:19.01*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
01:19.11QwellC# has that too
01:19.21intralanmanthat's good to know
01:19.35intralanmanthat's one less thing i have to learn for that
01:20.01teknoprepi put the exten => in the extensions.conf
01:20.20teknoprepdo i then make 2 ivr's ... one named bizhours and one named afterhours ?
01:20.40intralanmanand nighttime-ivr
01:20.47teknoprepoh yeah
01:20.58intralanmanbut that's the idea, yeah
01:21.14teknoprepwhich also go in the extensions.conf
01:21.51intralanmanjbot is cool
01:21.55intralanmanso helpful
01:22.08jbotjbot is probably only marginally useful at best,  He got a C- on his Turing Test, or a complete idiot, or a dolt
01:24.12diskacehey guys
01:24.17diskacei am leaving already
01:24.29diskacehave to relax a bit
01:24.43teknoprepahh nice
01:25.11teknoprepto set this up in Freepbx i can record my IVR... set them up in Freepbx... then just copy and paste the settings from each IVR with a new name into the extensions.conf
01:25.18teknoprepthis is easy
01:25.21teknopreptoo easy
01:25.38teknoprepty all for the help on that.. that was pretty much my only stumbling block
01:28.14intralanmanhey teknoprep
01:28.15*** part/#asterisk diskace (
01:28.20intralanmani don't think that'll work out so well
01:28.32intralanmanfrom what i remember, freepbx overwrites the config files
01:28.44bintuti have some questions regarding asterisk and sip..  i was given a username and password to connect to the pbx server of my friend located in another country.  but he's not around yet. now, i want to try to connect to it. i already installed asterisk on this laptop and got a dyndns account already. what do i need to do in order to connect to the pbx (sip) server of my friend?
01:28.50intralanmanyou have to put that in extensions_custom.conf or something
01:32.09bintutintralanman: i just apt-get'ed asterisk here.. what are the configurations i need to do in order to connect to the asterisk pbx/sip box of my friend?
01:32.34intralanmanummmm, look into the sip.conf, and then extensions.conf
01:32.47intralanmancheck for more info on those files
01:32.56*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
01:33.08intralanmanalso "The Book" (as it's been adequately named)
01:33.17jbotwell, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
01:33.17lerowhat program i can use to test asterisk locally? just to call to it and see how it works basically?
01:35.17*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
01:36.57teknoprepin my extensions.conf i have... exten => 14843351444,n,Goto(ivr-2,s,1)   i would change that to exten => 14843351444,n,GotoIf($[${ivrmode} = "bizhours"]?daytime-ivr|s|1:nighttime-ivr|s|1)
01:37.02teknoprepis that correct ?
01:37.38*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:39.16bintutany gui tool to configure asterisk?
01:39.52intralanmanbintut: maybe you should be in #freepbx
01:39.57intralanmanor check out AMP
01:40.13jbotextra, extra, read all about it, amp is NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
01:40.13bintuti was given the username, password, realm/domain and pbx server only
01:40.15intralanmanare you kidding? jbot doesn't know amp?
01:41.23bintutintralanman: amp and freepbx is not in my debian etch repository
01:41.33bintuthhmmm.. i think this is not easy to setup..
01:42.00intralanmani think you may be right
01:42.12intralanmangot another machine you can just burn?
01:42.21bintutoh.. :(
01:45.00bintutintralanman: what are the configs i need to configure in order to connect to the other asterisk pbx server?
01:45.16intralanmansip.conf will get you "connected"
01:45.40intralanmanin order to do anything useful, you'll need to look into extensions.conf also
01:46.14bintuti'm there already but it has so many variables..
01:46.44bintutthe info that was given to me are the following:  username, password, realm/domain and pbx server only
01:47.47intralanmantoward the bottom of the sip.conf sample file, there are sample peers that are close to what you need
01:48.00intralanmanpassword is now known as secret
01:48.21intralanmanand server is known as host
01:48.37intralanmankeep that in mind and you'll do fine with the help of "The Book"
01:48.50QwellI love how when I call Comcast, they can't hear me, but if I call my cell, it works just fine
01:49.41intralanmanQwell: Comcast uses samsungs or something ;)
01:49.43intralanmanmaybe avaya
01:49.46*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (
01:51.44teknoprepwith the exten => *888,1,DBput(ivr/mode=bizhours)
01:51.44teknoprepexten => *999,1,DBput(ivr/mode=afterhours)
01:51.55teknoprepi get a busy signal when i dial *888 or *999
01:52.07Qwellwhy not just...use a GotoIfTime?
01:52.11teknoprepalso it doesn't switch the ivr modes... it stays by default in the afterhours ivr
01:52.18bintutintralanman: ok..
01:52.20teknoprepbecuase the shop closes at random times
01:52.37teknoprepdepends on when ppl leave.. and when clients are done for the day comming in
01:52.53intralanmanteknoprep: you making the db connection ok?
01:53.05Qwellintralanman: astdb is files
01:53.06teknoprepdb to mysql ?
01:53.10Qwellwell, a file
01:53.33Qwellteknoprep: Its busy because you're using freepbx
01:53.47teknoprepfreepbx blocks it?
01:53.54QwellNo, but it makes everything stupid.
01:56.52bintutintralanman: in my /etc/asterisk/sip.conf, i got so many line on SECRETS, HOSTS, etc
01:57.11*** join/#asterisk Terlouw (
01:57.47Terlouwpeople!, quick question... i need to register a premium rate number... any tips?
01:57.55intralanmanbintut: did you read the docs i pointed you to?
01:58.10*** join/#asterisk freebsd_fan (
01:58.44bintutintralanman: sorry, not yet.. i want to try to make this work first by editing the necessary configs in /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
01:59.03intralanmanlol, those docs are to help you with the necessary configs
02:05.44*** join/#asterisk trelane (n=trelane@unaffiliated/trelane)
02:06.51teknoprephow do i check if dbput is writing the file when i dial an exten with dbput in it?
02:07.29*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
02:11.30bintutwhen trying to do the command of "/etc/init.d/asterisk start", i got this error:   id: asterisk: No such user  /etc/init.d/asterisk: line 49: [: =: unary operator expected  Starting Asterisk PBX: start-stop-daemon: group `asterisk' not found
02:12.02trelanebintut, whose startup script are you using?
02:12.15bintuttrelane: bundled with the debian etch
02:13.39trelanenever used debian, sorry, sounds like you ought to be talking to the package maintainer
02:13.50*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
02:14.22bintutoh my.. ;(
02:14.38intralanmandoes debian use /etc/init scripts?
02:14.51intralanmanthey're not in some rc directory or something?
02:15.10encodedebian uses /etc/init.d scripts
02:15.15*** join/#asterisk kio (
02:15.20teknoprepexten => *888,1,DBput(ivr/mode=bizhours)     and GotoIf($[${ivrmode} = "bizhours"]?daytime-ivr|s|1:nighttime-ivr|s|1)
02:15.31encodesounds like the script is attempting to start asterisk as teh user asterisk, which doesnt exist
02:15.34teknoprepwhy have ivr/mode in the first part.. and ivrmode in the second part with no /
02:17.22intralanmanteknoprep: where do you use dbget to set ivrmode?
02:17.27intralanmando you do that?
02:18.00intralanman${ivrmode} is a variable, right?
02:18.07intralanmanwhere does it get set?
02:18.20teknoprepexten => *888,1,DBput(ivr/mode=bizhours)
02:18.29teknoprepwouldn't that set it?
02:18.46intralanmanin the db, yes
02:18.53intralanmanyou need to set the var from the db
02:18.58[TK]D-Fenderexten => *888,1,Set(DB(ivr/mode)=bizhours)
02:19.56[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : those 2 lines have no apparent link to one another
02:20.24teknoprepexten => *888,1,DBput(ivr/mode=bizhours)    and    exten => *999,1,DBput(ivr/mode=afterhours)
02:20.25teknoprepGotoIf($[${ivrmode} = "bizhours"]?daytime-ivr|s|1:nighttime-ivr|s|1)
02:20.29teknoprepis what i have
02:20.37intralanman[TK]D-Fender: thanks, i was having trouble getting that to come out the way it sounded in my head :-D
02:22.14bintuti already started my asterisk but sip is not running
02:22.53bintutafaik, sip's port is 5060 but my output of my "lsof -i | grep asterisk" are the following:
02:22.58intralanmanbintut: "sip show settings"
02:23.50[TK]D-Fender${ivrmode} has no meaning in those lines you showed us.  Its a channel variable or constant that yuo do not imply was created anywhere
02:23.52bintut# sip show settings
02:23.53bintut-su: sip: command not found
02:24.03intralanmanmy bad
02:24.05intralanmanin the cli
02:24.07intralanmanasterisk -r
02:24.12intralanmanthen that other one
02:24.31teknoprephmm this just isn't working for me at all
02:24.37teknoprepi got the busy signal to go away
02:24.57teknoprepbut when i dial.. which i now have it set to *25 and *26 for testing... i get nothing.. which i guess is good..
02:25.07teknoprepbut when i dial the number the ivr's are not changed
02:25.21teknoprepexten => 14843351444,n,GotoIf($[${ivr/mode} = "bizhours"]?ivr-2|s|1:ivr-3|s|1)
02:25.29teknoprepexten => *25,1,Set(DB(ivr/mode)=bizhours)
02:25.29teknoprepexten => *26,1,Set(DB(ivr/mode)=afterhours)
02:27.14jbotfrom memory, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
02:27.16jbotit has been said that wikis is
02:27.17Qwellteknoprep: go read those
02:27.21Qwelland buy this
02:27.23jbot[book] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
02:27.29teknoprepit works
02:28.05teknoprepi would love to thank all of you for the tedious but much thanked help
02:28.30teknoprepexten => *25,1,Set(DB(ivr/mode)=ivr-2)
02:28.31teknoprepexten => *26,1,Set(DB(ivr/mode)=ivr-3)
02:28.43teknoprepexten => 14843351444,n,Goto(${DB(ivr/mode)}|s|1)
02:28.49teknoprepis what i ended up with .. just to let you guys know
02:28.50teknoprepty again
02:29.19jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
02:29.20intralanmanjust to let you know
02:29.29teknoprepthe astdb file.. will be saved even after a reboot...?
02:29.31QwellYou should still buy the book
02:29.47teknoprepso that if i reboot i will still be at the last set setting with the *25 or *26 ?
02:30.34intralanmanQwell: dbput and dbget are deprecated, no?
02:30.54Qwellintralanman: yes
02:30.56*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (n=me@
02:31.38Guest^DJhi guys, is there a way to spoof callerid on a PRI/E1
02:31.41bintutintralanman: kindly check the following sites:
02:32.20Lyfeyou can set the outgoing callerid, but that doesnt' mean that 1- your provider has to listen to you, nor 2- that anyone along the way from there needs to listen to it.
02:33.03Guest^DJLyfe: i did set SetCallerID but has no effect
02:33.35Guest^DJit still shows up as the ISDN number, not as requested
02:34.43LyfeGuest^DJ: Hmm.  Well, i have a PRI (t1 though) and have been using SetCIDNum (since i'm being lazy and not yet playing with trying to 'fix' it) and that works.
02:35.10intralanmanbintut: that's way too many pb's for me to look at now
02:35.18intralanmanwhich ones are really important?
02:35.28Qwellpastebin those pastebin links
02:35.29Lyfebut, like I said, your telco doesn't actually have to listen to what you set, and neither does any other telco.  If you can't get it, I'd ask your telco if you have the option to set your callerid information.
02:35.44fileQwell: Der Waffle Haus!
02:35.52Qwellfile: omg, soon!
02:36.00QwellI get to go whenever I want!
02:36.05QwellWhich will be like...probably never
02:36.30LyfeGuest^DJ: It's very possible that they might not be listening to what callerid information you set, possibly because they don't trust you, but most likely because it's a feature they'd have to enable or whatnot, and haven't done it.
02:36.31bintutintralanman: the output of sip show settings are in
02:36.34intralanmanso who's going to astricon this year?
02:36.43droopsim trying to go
02:36.47intralanmanaside from the obvious
02:36.49Qwellintralanman: anybody whos anybody
02:36.50Guest^DJLyfe: i would try SetCIDNum and would serioulsy doubt telco would even know what i want
02:36.53*** join/#asterisk profounded (
02:36.58fileexcept anybody
02:37.02intralanmani feel like i must be somebody then
02:37.04Qwellfile: he's a nub though
02:37.11LyfeGuest^DJ: sounds like you need a better telco. :)
02:37.13Qwellintralanman: nah, nobodys go too
02:37.16bintutintralanman: my /etc/asterisk/sip.conf is at
02:37.36Guest^DJLyfe: where i live, only ONE
02:37.40bintutintralanman: my /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf is at
02:38.04intralanmanGuest^DJ: where do you live, that's painful
02:38.20bintutintralanman: i just want to make a call to my friend's local number who in the other country..
02:38.28Lyfesorry to hear that, Guest^DJ.  Better luck in the future then.
02:39.18Lyfeit's pretty standard that telco's understand callerid though.. i wouldn't be suprised if they just think you're too stupid to do it, and are simply telling their system to set/override one then.
02:41.39Guest^DJLyfe: funny thing is every time i ask them, they just simply say NO, no such thing exist
02:41.43*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
02:43.10Lyfeit's certainly a possible feature.  i can tell you that I can set the callerid of an outgoing call on my PRI to another number that doesn't map back to it.
02:43.36JTGuest^DJ: where do you live?
02:45.07Guest^DJJT: so call freeworld Malaysia
02:45.49JTlol malaysia isn't very free
02:46.02Guest^DJi know
02:46.18Guest^DJops, is the government listening ?
02:47.14teknoprepholy shit
02:47.19teknoprepi just used what you guys told me
02:47.30teknoprepand set it up using the custom app feature of freepbx
02:47.36teknoprepfeels good.. thanx again all
02:51.33Guest^DJdamn, SetCIDNum doesnt work
02:55.25*** join/#asterisk profounded (
02:56.54Guest^DJLyfe: i could use some voip provider in the US to pass callerid, any recommendation which one ?
02:59.49*** join/#asterisk kamileon (
03:00.44*** join/#asterisk Adrian__ (
03:01.04droopsjunction networks lets you set it
03:01.15intralanmanGuest^DJ: how much traffic are you planning on using?
03:02.34Guest^DJdepending on latency as provider is in the US, rough estimate 200k min
03:10.27[Outcast]anyone here from juction networks?
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03:18.03*** join/#asterisk Bobcat991966 (
03:19.56Bobcat991966Hello All, has anybody install Lumenvox speech rec on asterisk 1.2?
03:20.47fileBobcat991966: you should talk to support
03:22.35Bobcat991966Ya, I have called them and asterisk support many times. I have been trying to find the lumenvox patch for asterisk.
03:22.52filethere is a patch that adds speech capability to 1.2, and a binary module
03:23.06fileLumenvox should give you a tarball of it
03:23.25Bobcat991966It took me a week just to find that out and now that I know there is a patch I need to find and download it.
03:23.42fileit's distributed with the Lumenvox module
03:24.06Bobcat991966Lumenvox sent me an email today just before they closed telling me I needed to download it from their website but did not give me a link
03:24.39Bobcat991966I was hoping somebody on the IRC might know the link and save me from having to wait until morning
03:25.01Bobcat991966Owell thanks file
03:25.09filethere is no link that everyone can use, it's linked to your account I believe
03:25.37Bobcat991966Hmmm its not on my account, just the licence manager and server
03:25.58Bobcat991966and of course my licence file
03:27.39Bobcat991966Is there a lumenvox irc?
03:28.57Bobcat991966thats what I thought, I was under the assumtion that lumenvox was a relatively large company with 24 hours support....that what you get with you make and ASS out of U and ME.
03:29.07fileon IRC? no...
03:29.23fileI doubt anyone but the developers at Lumenvox know of IRC
03:29.49Bobcat991966cool, I guess I will just have to wait till tomorrow to resolve this...thanks again file
03:30.12fileI'm sitting back and watching sales/support duke it out over this distribution/licensing thing
03:36.40*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
03:38.52SomeJoutcast : lookin to see why inbound dids are not working?
03:41.54[Outcast]SomeJ: yes
03:44.46[Outcast]SomeJ: are they having issues?
03:45.01*** join/#asterisk predder (n=predder@
03:45.42predderif I record a conversation, where does it get stored by default?
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03:59.53predderthankyou Strom_C.
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04:11.49intralanmananyone know of a way to do an ENUM lookup for all numbers in a domain?
04:12.19intralanmanlong story short, i lost my login info and can't remember what my block of numbers was
04:14.03brookshireBobcat991966: did you get the link?
04:14.04*** part/#asterisk Elysius (
04:15.23Bobcat991966by anychance do you know it?
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05:04.40*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (n=rLg@
05:07.09RestLessGeminihello room, anyone with astribank experience?
05:07.57CunningPikeRestLessGemini: tzafrir from Xorcom hangs out here.... I think he knows a little about them ;)
05:09.57*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
05:10.55profoundedanyone got any idea why my sound point 430 is hanging at processing configuartion
05:11.03*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (n=rLg@
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05:22.44*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
05:23.22hmmhesayswhat happened to lilo?
05:23.28*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
05:23.38RaYmAn-Bxhmmhesays: he died.
05:23.53hmmhesaysfor real?
05:24.07RaYmAn-Bxcheck under news
05:24.33L|NUXCunningPike : hey
05:24.57CunningPikeL|NUX: Hi
05:25.08L|NUXhow are you doing
05:25.09*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (i=BugKhaM@
05:25.26CunningPikeL|NUX: Good thanks - wrestling with SugarCRM atm
05:25.52sevardsounds like a worthwhile fight.
05:26.00hmmhesayshmm i see
05:26.04L|NUXCunningPike : okay
05:26.24sevardwhat's up you greasy old bag of dicks
05:26.38hmmhesaysneed money
05:26.44sevardsell your body
05:27.17HaMYaIanyone using FC5 with pci_hotplug?
05:27.24L|NUXsevard : i think you are in wrong channel ;)
05:27.24L|NUXE-1 channel 1           : DID no. : 82 31 500 2400 ~ 2699       [DNIS 50024
05:27.25L|NUX~ 50026]
05:27.26L|NUXE-1 channel 2           : DID no. : 82 31 500 2700 ~ 2999       [DNIS 50027
05:27.26L|NUX~ 50029]
05:27.40sevardyou best be sorry, i think you're in the wrong channel.
05:28.14*** join/#asterisk mrbnet (
05:28.38sevardwhy can't fox play something better than back to back episodes of will and grace
05:28.50sevardwhy don't they play back to back episodes of family guy instead?
05:29.26RaYmAn-Bxback to back of anything gets boring after about an hour anyways.
05:29.56sevardCunningPike: these astribanks are a lot cheaper than a tdm2400p, how do they sound?
05:30.25sevardRaYmAn-Bx: But I'd rather take an ice pick to my eyes then watch an episode of will and grace
05:30.36CunningPikesevard: No idea - never used one
05:31.40Juggiegood daily show tonight
05:31.44Juggiew/ bill clinton
05:32.10wasimsuddenly this cigar isn't all that appealing
05:32.22JTthey use usb, of course they're cheap, the astribanks :)
05:32.46sevardwasim: what'chu smoking?
05:33.22wasimsevard: bolivar, royala habana
05:33.22sevardJT: sure, but if they have the same reliability as a 2400p then.. usb.. what's the difference.  it's a cheaper interface.
05:33.31sevardi'm pretty curious about these little guys
05:33.57wasimwhats the price on them?
05:34.20JTwell that's highly unlikely, seeing one is pci and the other is usb
05:35.07*** join/#asterisk Stephnie (
05:35.38sevardI don't know.  I have three camera boxen that are controlled by three types of cameras, one has a pci controller, one has a usb controller, and one is a server for entirelly network based cameras
05:35.49sevardand I see reliability across the board
05:36.03Stephnieif the call is connected with  CANREINVITE=YES  .... then should the call be disconnected if I stop Asterisk ???
05:36.44Juggiecan reinvite doesnt mean it will definitally reinvite
05:36.57Juggiebut assume the re-invite happens, then yes.
05:37.13Juggieyou will loose call control, but the call will stay up
05:37.55Stephniebut ... doesnt asterisk connects the caller to the server directly when canreinvite=yes?
05:38.20Juggieit should happen yes
05:38.22Stephniebut the calls get dropped when I stop asterisk...
05:38.25*** join/#asterisk Apturaa (
05:38.35Juggiethen it might not be happening
05:38.38Juggiecheck your sip debug
05:38.41Juggieand check your rtp debug
05:39.06Stephnieokey ...
05:40.40Stephniereinvite is really happening ..b'coz I get the better call quality with re-invite ...
05:41.07Apturaahow so
05:41.17Apturaahow does it affect the call quality
05:41.33X-Rob_it could affect _latency_
05:41.37X-Rob_but not quality
05:41.56Apturaaso you mean a few dropped packets..
05:42.01*** join/#asterisk mrbnet_ (n=sureal@cust-static-blk197-45.BHI.COM)
05:42.16Stephnieyou want to check ?
05:42.17X-Rob_no, because instead of the audio stream goign phone -> asterisk -> phone, it goes phone -> phone
05:43.06Stephniemy scenerio is
05:43.35StephnieVoxbone DID   ==>  Asterisk   ==> SIP Carrier
05:43.51StephnieI get good quality with canreinvite=yes
05:44.25Stephniebut I want to check that call shouldnt get dropped if I stop Asterisk ...
05:45.26Apturaait will get dropped unless anyone else cares to say otherwise
05:45.55Juggieif you stop now
05:45.57*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@
05:45.59Juggieer, 'stop now'
05:46.06Juggieas will close all the calls
05:46.09Juggieof course.
05:46.23Juggiebut i believe if the process was to say, terminate, the calls would remain up.
05:46.37Juggieyou could test by doing a kill -9 <asteriskpid>
05:46.45Juggiew/ canreinvite=yes
05:46.56*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
05:47.29Stephniea kill -9 ???? thats a new thing for me ....can I get the more detail ?
05:48.40Juggie'kill -9 ####' where #### = your asterisk pid
05:48.41StephnieJuddie: it is a termination..
05:48.47Juggiewill just kill asterisk
05:48.49Juggielike it crashed
05:49.14*** join/#asterisk pnlarsson (
05:49.35Stephniewhats the difference in "stop now" and killing asterisk? :)
05:50.01JTstop now asks nicely
05:50.05JTand it shuts down calls
05:50.22JT-9 terminates the process with no warning
05:50.38Juggiestop now kills all your sip calls
05:50.44Juggiebecause it tells the peers to hangup
05:50.52Juggiekill -9 should give the end phones no warning
05:50.56Juggieand hence the call should stay up
05:51.34Juggiei've explained this 2-3 times
05:51.42Juggieif your not ready to accept what i've said and try it
05:51.45Juggiethen i can do nothing more for you
05:52.43*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
05:54.13ApturaaInteresting in the old days of Telephony CO techs used to listen in to two party conversations waiting for them to hang up so thay can switch the tip and ring wiring for maintence.
05:54.25Stephniegreat! by the way .... if reinvite is happening then.... is a pentium 4 machine with 1 GB ram enough for 100 concurrent calls ?
05:54.43Apturaaless then that.
05:54.49ApturaaI think
05:55.09*** join/#asterisk profounded (
05:55.18ApturaaI was told my dual opteron can handle 84 calls at half a gig. The more cyles the cpu can push the more calls your server can handle.
05:56.29StephnieI thought I can do load balancing with canreinvite=yes
05:57.41CunningPikeStephnie: You should possibly take a look at OpenSER if you want to go that route
05:58.22StephnieSIP EXPRESS ROUTER?
05:59.11ApturaaSER is powerfull
05:59.25CunningPikeStephnie: YES
05:59.33*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:59.36StephnieI am gud in asterisk but havent worked in SER :(
06:00.03CunningPikeStephnie: We will probably go to SER instead of another Asterisk server when we reach that point
06:00.14ApturaaCunningPike so when is the first AUG
06:00.29CunningPikeApturaa: ??
06:00.41ApturaaDid you attned the last LUG at BCIT?
06:01.10StephnieCunningPike: u mean load balancing ?
06:01.16CunningPikeApturaa: No - I tried to get a AUG up and running in Vancouver, but not a huge amount of interest
06:01.29Apturaanews on.
06:01.31CunningPikeStephnie: When our existing server reaches capacity
06:01.39*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
06:01.47tparcinahi channel!
06:02.20tparcinadid you all sleap well? :))
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06:05.54StephnieCunningPike: I would like to know more about your setup and SER's existance in a diagram :)
06:06.09Stephnieso that I should go for SER or not
06:06.23CunningPikeStephnie: You'll need to read up on it first
06:06.47Stephniedoes it do load balancing inbetween 3 Asterisk servers?
06:06.51*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
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06:21.14L|NUXcan some help me with E1
06:21.25L|NUXi have Sangoma Card which is installed and E1 is installed
06:21.32L|NUXbut when it call on number nothing come on *
06:25.02Stephniewhats the official website of SER?
06:25.42Stephniehehehe....official website of everything
06:27.46sx-wksStephnie: except for .be news
06:28.05CunningPikeStephnie: Google for OpenSER
06:28.13CunningPikeOr SIP Express Router
06:28.21jbotgiyf is probably Google Is Your Friend, or see also: STFW
06:28.38StephnieCunningPike: I need your suggestions first....before I go for SER
06:28.53Stephniedoes it do load balancing between 3 Asterisk servers?
06:28.54CunningPikeStephnie: It's 2330 here - sorry
06:29.02*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
06:29.15CunningPikeWish my eyes could close.........
06:29.22Stephniecant u even say YES or NO ?
06:29.40Strom_Ccant you even do RESEARCH?
06:30.08Strom_Ci mean, honestly, if you're going to be an irritating yo-yo about it...
06:30.20CunningPikeStephnie: Right from the goddam home page: "It is customizable, being able to feature as fast load balancer"
06:30.36Stephniethanks CunningPike
06:30.37CunningPikeTook me  10 seconds
06:31.06*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
06:31.06StephnieStrom_C : experts are for suggestions....and I hope u r not one of them...
06:31.12*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=peuce@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
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06:31.20Stephniethanks Pike!!!
06:31.32CunningPikeStephnie: You're welcome-ish ;)
06:31.40Strom_Cthank you come again
06:31.48*** join/#asterisk jaike (n=jaike@
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06:33.08CunningPikeWhat's the relationship between SER and OpenSER, anyway
06:34.10CunningPikeAh - it's a fork - sort of.......
06:34.15Strom_Cone has fangier zealots, I'd imagine
06:34.16L|NUXjust SER created Relation ship :P
06:34.29L|NUXCunningPike : and your are right its fork
06:34.43CunningPikeL|NUX: Aye - just reading now.....
06:35.52*** join/#asterisk Bobcat991966 (
06:36.21CunningPikeOK - really going this time - later dudes
06:36.45*** join/#asterisk Rahail (
06:38.28*** join/#asterisk Blackjck (
06:39.32Blackjckhey all, anyone know if its possible to use telrad digital handsets with asterisk? or suggestions where to look? I can't find any info.
06:39.38*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
06:40.32JTBlackjck: are they isdn phones?
06:41.49BlackjckJT: no.. 3015F for use with the telrad/conegy BX digital pbx
06:41.51*** join/#asterisk adorah (
06:42.35JTif they're a proprietry digital handset, then they won't work directly with asterisk
06:43.17Blackjckah.. is there a means of interfacing them w/ asterisk without the original PBX?
06:44.03JTmaybe if you are an electrical engineer
06:44.23JTit's like anything, you don't run NEC handsets with a Nortel PBX
06:44.27Blackjcknot that good of one... =P
06:45.19Blackjckyeah I was under the impression for some reason, maybe i misread an article, that since asterisk is software based there was a way of emulating the propreitary protocols to support, for example, nortel handsets
06:45.56JTthere might be something that somewhat supports nortel handsets, not sure
06:46.04JTwell you need the correct hardware interface too
06:46.33Blackjckyeah I figured that... can't find anything anywhere about telrad though, as it's not a very popular pbx it seems.
06:47.36Strom_CBlackjck: if everything could be done in software, then there would be no market whatsoever for T1 cards and analog telephone line interface cards
06:48.42Blackjcki didn't mean to imply that it was 100% software. obviously hardware that would be required, and likely even adapters to support different wiring for different handset manufactures
06:48.54Blackjckif such a thing existed.
06:49.26Blackjcki'm a n00b to asterisk, but I'm not an idiot!
06:50.01Strom_Cthere's some company whose name I forget that makes adapters for all sorts of proprietary digital telephone sets, but honestly, from experience, you will spend more money in labor trying to get your hackjob working than you will in parts just buying good-quality SIP telephones
06:51.04*** join/#asterisk svenadh (n=sven@
06:51.12Blackjckah... bummer.
06:51.12*** join/#asterisk cjk (n=cjk@
06:51.42Strom_CBlackjck: plus the added difficulty of getting support down the line
06:51.53Blackjckyou have any personal favs for business quality SIP phones w/ multi line conferencing and full duplex speaker?
06:51.54cjki am using realtime but after changing the password of a "friend" i can no longer make calls... reloading iax helps... is there a better way?
06:52.15Strom_CBlackjck: my personal favorite is the cisco 7960
06:52.47Strom_Csome people like the polycoms, but I find that the polycoms do all sorts of DSP which supposedly makes the sound more "natural" but which sounds like ass through a cheese grater to me
06:55.12Blackjckhave you tested the QoS control on the built in port on the 7960?
06:55.24Strom_Cnot personally, no
06:55.31Blackjckheard anything about it?
06:55.58Strom_Cno - realistically, QoS isn't going to become an issue until you go out over your DSL connection
06:56.19Strom_Cif you've got QoS problems on your LAN, then holy god does your network suck
06:56.42Strom_Cand no amount of built-in anything is going to solve that problem
06:56.43Blackjcki'm thinking more in an office w/ 30 handsets... we work w/ digital media and guys routinely copy gb+ files over the lan
06:56.47*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (
06:57.03Blackjckjust wondering if their phone call will go to crap if they are in the middle of xfering a file and a call comes in
06:57.09Strom_CBlackjck: you've got two ethernet drops at each station, right?
06:57.17Blackjcknope. old building, just one.
06:57.21*** join/#asterisk myshenka (n=spamyous@
06:57.24Strom_C*smacks forehead*
06:57.30Blackjckhence the interest in the QoS on the port =)
06:57.40HaMYaIStrom_C: are you using FC5?
06:57.42Strom_Cwho's the nub who decided "let's only pull one cat6 drop to each station!"?
06:57.45Strom_CHaMYaI: no
06:58.04Blackjcksome guy that wired an old warehouse about 15 years ago.
06:58.10Strom_C15 years?
06:58.17Blackjckthat'd be my guess.
06:58.17Strom_Cwhat the hell is your network running on?
06:58.25Blackjckno cat 5 was around
06:59.08HaMYaIStrom_C: I've got to restart my zaptel everytime I reboot my system to get the /proc/zaptel/1 for the right card
06:59.12Blackjckit was the equivalent of of what, 4Gbs FC now?
06:59.32Strom_CHaMYaI: what hardware do you have?
06:59.34Blackjckit's a "historic" building, so we're not supposed to run new conduit.
06:59.45Strom_CBlackjck: you dont have to run new conduit
06:59.51Strom_Cjust pull more cable
07:00.13HaMYaIStrom_C: TE110P and TDM400 on the P5LD2 SE mainboard
07:00.24Blackjckif it were that simple, don't you think we'd have done it already? =)
07:00.53Strom_CHaMYaI: so just reconfigure your modules so that the TE110P loads first
07:00.53Strom_CBlackjck: you're not using enough lube :)
07:01.03Blackjckultimately anything is possible, it's weighing the cost/benefit. at the moment, if we could rely on the QoS in a handset switch, that'd be worth several thousand
07:01.52Strom_CHaMYaI: am I correct in assuming that it's the TDM400 that's currently autoloading first?
07:01.55HaMYaIStrom_C: that's what I did , in /etc/modprobe.d/zaptel, but it really depends on which card was detected first in the kernel
07:02.31Strom_CBlackjck: well, i guess it could theoretically work
07:04.06HaMYaIStrom_C: yeah, you're right but if TE110P is detected first in dmesg, it just doesn't have any impact
07:04.14Blackjckill dig around for some reviews
07:04.26Blackjckwhat makes the 7960 your fav?
07:04.39Strom_Cexcellent sound quality and excellent build quality
07:04.57Blackjckand snom?
07:05.04Strom_Cit's like there is literally /nothing/ separating you from the audio stream
07:05.20HaMYaIStrom_C: any other ways you can think of?
07:05.20Strom_Cthe snoms ive played with have lower quality switches in the keypad
07:05.26Strom_Cplus the handsets are all weird shapes
07:05.35Blackjckthe 7940 comparable, other than a few less buttons?
07:05.44Strom_CHaMYaI: no, there is no other way besides ensuring the modules load in a specific order
07:05.50Strom_CBlackjck: yes, besides the buttons they are the same
07:07.14Blackjckgreat. thx for your input!
07:07.31Strom_Cand thats one thing i forgot to mention
07:07.35HaMYaIStrom_C: don't understand why kernel detects device in different manners
07:07.55Strom_Cthe handsets on the ciscos are the ONLY ones I've ever seen on voip phones that are actually designed with ergonomics in mind
07:08.21Strom_Cyou can cradle them between your shoulder and ear just like you could with the old Western Electric G-type handsets
07:08.30Strom_CHaMYaI: I am not a linux person (tm)
07:08.41MakenshiStrom, i can do that with our optipoint handsets
07:08.52Strom_Cshow me the optipoint handsets
07:08.57Aurscradle them between your shoulder and ear != ergonimics :)
07:09.10Strom_CAurs: no, it's not something that should be done often
07:09.14*** join/#asterisk profounded (
07:09.25Strom_Cbut if you need to do it momentarily while you rustle for papers, it's nice to have that option
07:09.37Strom_Cversus the alternative where the handset slips off and falls all over the place
07:09.55MakenshiStrom, go look it up or something
07:09.58tparcinaqueues - does anybody use them?
07:10.03Aursspeakerphone is an opt
07:10.09*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:10.22Aurstparcina: yes
07:10.59Strom_CMakenshi: I can't find a good picture of one that's /not/ on the phone
07:11.00tparcinaAurs: when * calls agent (because he has a call in queue for him), how can you change language for that call?
07:11.26MakenshiStrom, you shouldn't make such sweeping statements when you obviously have not seen all the handsets
07:11.41tparcinaStrom_C: you are pretty good with asterisk, maybe you know this one
07:11.57*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
07:12.01Strom_CMakenshi: hence why i qualified with "that I've ever seen"
07:12.07tparcinaStrom_C: when * calls agent (because he has a call in queue for him), how can you change language for that call?
07:12.12*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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07:12.29Strom_Cso you should probably read more carefully before you start calling people out on statements they never made :)
07:12.38Strom_Ctparcina: I have no idea
07:12.48Aurstparcina: don't know
07:12.50Strom_Ctparcina: I have only worked in an English-only environment
07:13.23tparcinato bad, i'm trying to solve that for a couple of days - still unsuscesfull :((
07:13.47*** join/#asterisk smash- (
07:14.58Strom_Canyway, I looked at all 22 pages of google image search results for "optipoint" and none of them show a handset to the point where I can tell what the dimensions are
07:15.34tparcinaguys, maybe you have answer for this one. call is established, person is in AA menu. when he dials a number extension rings. Problem is that caller doesn't hear ringing.i have tried with "r" in dial command - didn't help. i have tried with ringing application, result was the same
07:17.23Strom_Chow is the call coming in?
07:18.25tparcinaStrom: from SIP
07:19.05*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
07:19.24Strom_Cwhat kind of endpoint?
07:19.25tparcinaStrom: you think that has to do anything with tehnology (SIP, ZAP, IAX)?
07:19.42Strom_Cwhat codec?
07:19.48tparcinaendpoint also SIP
07:20.16tparcinacodecs are ulaw - local network - doing testing, later will mouve to ZAP, PRI
07:21.56*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=six@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
07:21.56*** mode/#asterisk [+o Corydon76-home] by ChanServ
07:21.58Strom_Cand the console shows "SIP/xxx is ringing"?
07:22.00*** join/#asterisk dashu (
07:22.27dashuhey can anyone help me with capi ?
07:23.02tparcinayes. and when i tried with aplication ringing (with and without app wait afther it) it didn't help also.
07:23.30firestrmcan anyone help? i need some brainstorming, im all out ideas on a problem im having... Upgraded to the latest trixbox on a newer faster machine, udes EXACLY the same settings as i did on the old box, (which was working fine, at least on the IAX side of things) but now on the new machine, all my iax channels have severe static on them.. makes them pretty much unusable.. Ive carefully set all the gains on my fxs/fxo ports, no joy..
07:24.01Strom_Cfirestrm: I'll tell you your first problem.  You didn't read the topic.
07:24.06Strom_Ctparcina: hmmmm
07:24.16Strom_Ctparcina: what if you try a softphone
07:24.52firestrmhmm.. your right.. i was just kinda used to coming here and getting help.. sorry.. i'll move along..
07:25.12Strom_Cfirestrm: what kind of hardware
07:25.33tparcinaStrom_C: i have tried to make call from softphone (SJ phone) and hard phone (Cisco 7940) - it's the same
07:26.02Strom_Ctparcina: what version of asterisk>
07:26.16Strom_Cand what happens, just for giggles, if you try an iax softphone
07:26.31firestrmStrom_C, dell dimension 2400, with a tdm 400 1 fxo, 3fxs
07:26.51Strom_Cfirestrm: so you changed the server AND the hardware?
07:26.51tparcinaStrom_C: Asterisk 1.2.5
07:27.01Strom_Cthe server AND the software
07:27.35tparcinaStrom_C: didn't tried IAX. i won't use IAX in production so didn't tried it in test version
07:27.40firestrmsrry, trixbox 1.2.. checking software versions.. brb
07:27.54Strom_Cwell lets just test with iax to see what happens
07:28.20tparcinaStrom_C: ok, thank you for trouble shooting
07:28.43Strom_Cany time
07:28.48Strom_Cthis is an interesting problem to me :)
07:30.10dashu can anyone help me with this ? :o
07:31.10*** join/#asterisk Ahrimanes (n=michael@
07:31.30tparcinaStrom_C: when you mentioned that diferent tehnology could act diferently i Have tested with call from ZAP. now, when call is comming from ZAP interface and when in AA menu he dials extension, ZAP caller hears ringing :)) and that is what I need because all cals in this menu will come from ZAP - I was just testing with SIP :))
07:31.52Strom_Ctparcina: yeah, weird.  i'm not sure what the issue is.
07:31.56tparcinaStrom_C: anyway, should this be reported as bug?
07:32.06Strom_Ctparcina: you're running kind of an old version of asterisk
07:32.15Strom_Ci'd try the newest one and see if that fixes it first
07:32.19tparcinaStrom_C: yes, i know
07:33.07tparcinaStrom_C: good point you got there. anyway, do you have a ling to page where they instruct when, why and how to report a bug?
07:33.24Strom_Ci think it's at
07:33.27Strom_Cthough i could be wrong
07:34.02*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
07:34.50angryuserdoes anyone know irc channel dedicated to hylafax?
07:37.45firestrmStrom_C, asterisk 1.2.11 svn 40948, zaptel 1.2
07:38.13dashuanyone knows what this line does ? exten => s,1,Dial,CAPI/@5409618:b
07:38.23Strom_Cfirestrm: yeah, but i asked you whether you replaced the server hardware too
07:38.41Strom_Cdashu: there is obviously no one here right now who knows about or cares about CAPI
07:39.05dashu:o and why ?
07:39.14dashui thought capi is the usual isdn thing
07:39.32firestrmStrom_C, yes hardware changed from a dell poweredge 4300 to a dell dimension 2400, 512m ram, 80 meg hdd. Turned off all unused perihials in bios, no usb, no sound, etc..
07:39.35dashuwhatelse can u use instead of capi ?
07:40.08angryuseronly for Cologne chip's
07:40.17angryuserand euro lines
07:40.17orlock80 meg?
07:40.23*** part/#asterisk Blackjck (
07:40.41Strom_Cfirestrm: pastebin the output of cat /proc/interrupts/
07:40.53firestrmroger.. brb
07:42.31tparcinadoes anybody know how does asterisk calculate estimiate time waiting?
07:42.45tparcinadoes anybody know how does asterisk calculate estimiate time waiting - in queue
07:43.00Strom_Ctparcina: it takes an average of the last fifty dead hookers
07:43.06firestrmStrom_C, thanks.. i see the problem right here.. wctcm and eth 0 sharing.. now i just have to figure out how to change..
07:43.24tparcinaStrom_C: dead hookers?
07:43.32Strom_Ctparcina: it's a joke
07:43.50Strom_Cfirestrm: please tell me you're not actually running a business on trixbox
07:44.03tparcinaStrom_C: i thought that I don't understand something on english :))
07:44.34Strom_Ctparcina: "hooker" is slang for "prostitute"
07:45.18firestrmlol.. no... just my home box.. it mostly to keep the telemarketers away.. they hate ivr's.. and a 1-800 did ait a bad addition to any houshold too :)
07:45.18tparcinaanyway, there should be some calculation. does anybody know how does it look like?
07:46.00tparcinaStrom_C: thank you, i know what hooker means (i was in Baltimore for 3 and 1/2 months ;)) - but I just ges that it also means someting else, since you mentioned it :))
07:47.04firestrmStrom_C, i think my little dell box would have a meltdown if i tried to run a business on it.. but it does impress the girls.. somthing different about a guy that has a toll free home number :)
07:47.28Strom_Cfirestrm: i had three toll-frees four years ago :)
07:47.43Strom_Cand they rang my home phone, my mobile, and my fax, respectively
07:47.44*** join/#asterisk S^P (n=ss@
07:47.50Strom_Cactually, they still do :)
07:48.44RahailStrom_C can you help me with this
07:49.00Rahailat this moment now one using my pbx however its saying 32 sip channel active
07:49.11angryuseris is possible to detect busy line in asterisk and automaticly use another one?
07:49.14Rahail16 from my extension and 16 from my provider
07:49.18Strom_Cpastebin the output of "show channels"
07:49.21Strom_Cangryuser: yes
07:50.07firestrmStrom_C, great.. my bios has absolutly no irq/cardslot assignment ability.. this could get interesting..
07:51.13Strom_Cangryuser: read the following
07:51.17jbothmm... docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
07:51.21jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
07:52.20jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
07:52.26RahailStrom_C what is the pasbin site add
07:52.33*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
07:52.56Rahail?? pasbin
07:53.04Strom_Cit's spelled PASTEBIN
07:53.06Strom_CPASTE BIN
07:53.09tparcinaStrom_C: who make this ~ thing work? (i'm not so familiar with irc)
07:53.10Strom_Ccan't you read?
07:53.15jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
07:53.36Rahailhere you go
07:54.03firestrmStrom_C, do you know of any way to reassign an irq that a tdm400 is using.. I suspect im pooched, but you seem to be "strong in the ways of the force", any home or am i buying yet another peecee tomorrow?
07:54.41Strom_Cfirestrm: I don't really know.  I'm a telephony person.  I hate computers.
07:55.05firestrms/home/hope.. its tough typing with big bandages on my hands (long story.. suffice it to say newborns and powertools dont mix)
07:55.18x86Strom_C: lol
07:55.59Strom_CRahail: just restart asterisk
07:56.10Strom_Csounds like maybe your phone and/or your provider is fucked
07:56.28firestrmStrom_C, Im with you on that.. except im a radio communications guy, computers hate me..
07:57.22S^PIs there any setting of DTMFmode in ZAP channels?
07:58.15Strom_CS^P: no
07:58.21S^Pafter connecting to a zap channel, asterisk IVR donn't accept any key.
07:58.29*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
07:58.41S^PI press key but it will continue playing IVR menu.
07:58.50RahailStrom_C i think its my phone becuase I have other extension
07:59.02Rahailits not doing it do you know what I should look for on my ATA
07:59.33Strom_CRahail: I have no clue what you're asking me.
07:59.48Rahailabout this issue
08:00.45Strom_CRahail: I know what the issue is
08:00.57Strom_CRahail: but your last sentence just doesn't make any fucking sense
08:01.23dashuwhat is zaptel for ?
08:01.28Rahailops my bad ....
08:01.43RahailI am saying I have also other extension that we use make call ...
08:02.08Rahailso there not showing at sip channel so I am guessing something up with my ATA
08:02.22Rahailso what should I look on  ATA to get this thing Resolv
08:02.44Strom_CRahail: i still don't understand you.
08:02.59Strom_CI give up.
08:03.06Rahaillet me try again...
08:03.12dashuwhat is zaptel for ? :p
08:03.20RahailI think its something wrong with my ATA
08:03.26Strom_Cdashu: GOOGLE
08:03.32Rahailso what option should i look for to stop that problem
08:03.41Strom_CRahail: use a sledgehammer and then smash it to pieces
08:03.58x86Strom_C: why do you even try? :)
08:04.36Strom_Cx86: because I'm insane :)
08:04.50x86seems to be highly likely ;)
08:05.39x86either that or you have a wish to have a coronary explode heh
08:05.50L|NUXcan some one help me with E1 + *
08:06.07*** join/#asterisk Jedirl (n=asdf@
08:06.22JedirlI'm getting:
08:06.22JedirlSep 19 09:58:44 ERROR[23408]: chan_zap.c:7017 mkintf: Channel 16 is reserved for D-channel.
08:06.22JedirlSep 19 09:58:44 ERROR[23408]: chan_zap.c:10311 setup_zap: Unable to register channel '193-207'
08:06.50Strom_CJedirl: you screwed up in zapata.conf
08:06.58JedirlI guess, but I don't know why
08:07.09Jedirlas my zaptel.conf channel ranges match my zapata.conf's
08:07.10Strom_Cdo you understand what d-channels are?
08:07.25Jedirlsignaling channels
08:07.39Strom_Cand why you can't assign b-channel type definitions to them in zapata.conf?
08:07.55JedirlBut I haven't!
08:07.56L|NUXi am trying to configure sangoma dual e1/t1 card with e1 connected to the box
08:08.06L|NUXbut when i call call not coming to asterisk
08:08.13Strom_CJedirl: pastebin your zapata.conf
08:08.14JedirlStrom_C: my zapata.conf matches my zaptel.conf
08:08.20S^PStrom_C: using mobile if i call my PSTN line, which is connected to asterisk, it play IVR but if i press any digit there is no activity and seems like asterisk is not reciving digits.
08:08.31S^Pand this only happens with cell phones dillaing in.
08:08.50tengulre11what 's the Originate mean in asterisk maanger interface?
08:08.58S^Pif I use any hand set every thing works fine.
08:09.07Strom_CS^P: what happens if you call a regular phone from a cellphone and try and touchtone at yourself
08:09.12L|NUXJedirl : can you help me
08:09.14L|NUXany one
08:09.20Jedirltengulre11: the same as /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/*.call :)
08:09.29tzafrirJedirl, xpp/genzaptelconf could be hamdy to generate a reference working zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
08:09.32RahailStrom_C any other suggestion
08:09.53JedirlBut my zapata.conf was working
08:09.58Jedirluntil I added the 62 Zap group
08:10.14Jedirland it matches exactly the span definition in zaptel.conf
08:10.15Strom_Cwhy group 62?
08:10.22Strom_Cwhy not something sane like group 5
08:10.34Strom_CL|NUX: oh for fuck's sake
08:10.39*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
08:10.42Strom_CL|NUX: is it a PRI?
08:10.54tengulre11Jedirl: thank you very much!!
08:11.12JedirlStrom_C: I have more than one PRI Zap groups
08:11.16*** part/#asterisk svenadh (n=sven@
08:11.45L|NUXits PRI
08:11.54*** join/#asterisk pif (
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08:12.21Strom_CL|NUX: so do your settings match the telco?  can you make outbound calls?
08:12.25Jedirlthis is very strange
08:12.35tengulre11how to using manager interface to dial other SIP peer? like SIP2001->SIP2002.
08:12.42L|NUXno idea about that :(
08:12.47L|NUXits korean teleco
08:13.28tengulre11is it redirect?
08:13.34tengulre11is it redirect function?
08:13.54Strom_CL|NUX: so call the telco and get the settings and then come back
08:14.03L|NUXtengulre11 : i think so
08:14.42Strom_Coh dont worry
08:14.47tengulre11L|NUX: thanks
08:14.50tengulre11I see.
08:14.56Strom_Ccome back in ten minutes and I'm sure I'll be explaining to someone what a telephone is
08:15.11*** join/#asterisk UnderMine (
08:15.20L|NUXtengulre11 : btw what should i ask with teleco
08:15.48Strom_CL|NUX: framing and line coding format
08:15.56L|NUXokies boss
08:16.29x86in the US it's usually B8ZS / ESF
08:16.34tengulre11any ideas?
08:16.37x86sometimes AMI / D4 though
08:16.53x86not sure about north korea heh
08:17.04L|NUXwell its korean then i am sure it should be eruoisdn
08:17.11Strom_CNO NO NO
08:17.14Strom_Cnot signaling
08:17.18x86they prolly use KIM / NUKE
08:17.24Strom_CI give up
08:17.32Strom_Cdear everyone:
08:17.43Strom_Cyou must be THIS EXPERIENCED WITH TELEPHONY to use a PBX
08:17.46Strom_C[draws line]
08:19.23jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
08:19.25jbotdocs is, like, Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
08:19.30Strom_CGO READ PLZKTHX
08:19.44L|NUXok boss
08:20.13*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (i=BugKhaM@
08:20.56HaMYaIhi, how do we add a user for oh323?
08:21.32Strom_Cyes, that's exactly the button you press
08:21.55x86it worked for his purpose ;)
08:22.02*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
08:24.28*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (i=BugKhaM@
08:24.45x86he hit the wrong button... damn
08:26.34Strom_Cheh wow
08:27.59*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=mbryars@
08:30.00x86if you were riding through the desert, why would you care what the hell the horse's name was? moreso, why would you even care to write a song about the lack of a name for the horse?
08:30.47Strom_Cbecause you name your band after an entire pair of continents?
08:31.36Strom_Cyou're talking about "Horse with no name" by "America", right?
08:31.37*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
08:31.52x86well, didnt know "america" was the artist
08:32.02x86now i get your pun ;)
08:32.10Strom_Cwelcome to nineteen seventy-something-or-other
08:32.13x86touche ;)
08:32.48firestrmStrom_C, fxo now on own interrupt.. problem remains.. DOOH!!
08:33.02firestrmer tdm-400 i mean..
08:33.11Strom_Cfirestrm: how old is the card?
08:33.34firestrmabout a year maybe 2..
08:33.51Strom_Cthats a 100% difference
08:33.56Strom_Cis it a year, or is it two
08:33.59firestrmhmm... let me think..
08:34.34firestrmprobbly closer to 1.5.. purchased feb 2005
08:34.54Strom_Cok, so you're out of luck on the free install support then
08:35.03firestrmoh ya..
08:35.07*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=jaike@
08:35.19Strom_Cwhat about using the old box with the new software just for shits and giggles?
08:35.45firestrmbut i really doubt its the card, calls though the fxo are clear as a bell.. even incoming did is clear.. just outgoing sucks..
08:36.26Strom_Cwhat are you calling out from?
08:36.48firestrmStrom_C, i guess i could.. i was hoping to isolate the problem before jumping off into another days adventure loading another box
08:36.58Strom_Cwhat are you calling out from?
08:37.43firestrmcalling out from my * box to a voip provider in edmonton link2.  i think ther are called..
08:37.48Strom_CNO NO NO
08:37.56Strom_Cwhat are you using to PLACE THE CALL
08:38.01Strom_Ca phone?  a glue gun?
08:38.10Strom_Cpure telepathy?
08:38.50firestrmahh.. ok.. mind meld.. J/K. im using one of my fxs ports on the tdm card, with my phone attached
08:39.26Strom_Cand calls through that sound just fine when calling out through the FXO port as well?
08:40.13firestrmStrom_C, perfect, i can even recieve faxes..
08:40.28Strom_Cso then it really ISN'T a TDM400 problem at all
08:40.39Strom_Cand you've just sent me on a wild goose chase
08:41.42firestrmno i dont think so.., ummm.. i started out calling it an iax problem, you correctly pointed me to interrupts, which were incorrect, but didnt cure the problem.. so now we are back at iax problem.. sorry..
08:42.19Strom_Cmaybe i'm just tired
08:42.41firestrmno problem, im in the same boat.. ive benn going at this for 16h now..
08:43.08Strom_Cwell i was totally thrown by the fact that you mentioned fucking with fxo/fxs gain
08:43.21Strom_Cso my mind threw out "iax problem"
08:43.22tparcinai'm testing something with asterisk tapi. he mentions "manager window" - what is manager window?
08:43.45Strom_Cthis is why one should never add unnecessary detail to troubleshooting questions
08:43.45Strom_Cfirestrm: blame your iax provider
08:44.01firestrmlol... i was just venting about the process that took most of the day.. setting gains properly is a PITA
08:44.36firestrmStrom_C, im leaning that way.. its just annoying that it came up just as i upgraded..
08:44.57Strom_Cfirestrm: gain is easy
08:45.08Strom_Cfirestrm: call the local milliwatt test and set the gain based on that
08:45.13Strom_Ctakes all of two minutes
08:45.22firestrmbut im also beginning to think its a wierd planetary alignment thingy where the provider pootched just as i was upgrading..
08:45.56firestrmStrom_C, ya.. right.. it took me 4 hours to social engineer the number from telus..
08:46.25Strom_Cwell that's your own damned fault for living in territory where the telco doesn't publish these things ;)
08:46.27firestrmbut now that i have it, i wont take me as long next time..
08:48.23firestrmnot only doesnt publish, mis identifies, i Called a friend who works for telus, and they had it under 2100 hz test tone number.. it didnt make any sense.. but when i called it, it want no 2100 hz. sometimes telus couldnt find their a$$ with both hands..
08:48.44Strom_Care you in alberta or are you in british columbia?
08:48.54Strom_Cthats what I thought
08:49.03Strom_CBC Tel used to be partially owned by GTE
08:49.07Strom_Cand you know what that means
08:49.14Strom_C"Get Telephone Elsewhere"
08:49.51firestrmthat is SOOOOO true
08:50.33firestrmand dont get me started about shaw.. jamming voip.. yeesh..
08:51.09*** join/#asterisk stargazer_gr (
08:51.47Strom_CO canada, O canada, O canada!
08:52.13firestrmrodeo song or beer song.. ohhh. o canada.. our home's on native land....
08:52.19x86there's something about maple leafs and black trenchcoats in there now...
08:52.51Strom_Cvancouver is a nice enough place, but man, that city contains like three Starbucks for every man, woman, and child in the entire province.
08:53.39firestrmim in victoria, so here starbucks is the underdog.. much to my suprise when i moved here its a serious coffee on every block
08:54.38Strom_CI live in a nice neighborhood of Los Angeles where there's this really awesome coffeeshop a block away
08:54.53firestrmwell, its off to bed for 1h, then up for my daughter's 3am feeding..
08:54.54Strom_Cthe only problem is that it tends to be filled with too many screenwriters.
08:54.58*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
08:56.12firestrmStrom_C, try a pepperbomb.. somebody has been launching them on city buses here.. clear em out in seconds..
08:56.16x86i live in the middle of a cornfield in illinois where you have to drive a good 20 minutes to get to a coffeeshop
08:56.21x8630 if you want wifi ;)
08:56.35L|NUXStrom_C : hey now my pri is connected
08:56.50firestrmlol.. thats what i do for a living.. wifi on every block..
08:56.53Strom_Cah ok...what did you do to it
08:57.21L|NUXStrom_C : well i used signalling = pri_cpe
08:57.26L|NUXand its works
08:57.43Strom_Clike i said
08:57.48firestrmg-night Strom_C, thanks a bunch for the help :
08:57.53Strom_Cyou must be THIS EXPERIENCED with telephones to touch the PBX
08:57.57Strom_C[redraws line]
08:58.16*** part/#asterisk firestrm (
08:58.41L|NUXStrom_C : okay another question when i try to call on did
08:58.58L|NUXit will ring bell but nothing come up on * cli
09:00.20AursL|NUX: what level of verbosity do you have?
09:00.30Strom_Cnegative seventy-nine
09:00.48L|NUXi did set verbose to 200
09:02.13L|NUXany idea
09:02.34Aursset verbose 200 in cli?
09:02.53Aurs(don't think there's any point in using 200, but I guess it doesn't hurt)
09:03.33Aursand when you call through that asterisk, nothing comes up in cli?
09:03.57L|NUXwell nah
09:04.05L|NUXwhen i call on any DID nothing comes up
09:04.09*** join/#asterisk abatista (
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09:13.39lionelpHi JiBees :)
09:13.48JiBeeshey lionel ;)
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09:21.00mitchelochmm...i just set the clock on my desk
09:21.10mitchelocit'd been blinking for about 10 months now
09:22.20*** join/#asterisk Stephnie (
09:22.28Stephniehow to kill asterisk ?
09:22.43angryuseris it possible to dial when ${foo}=dial(zap/1/number) and s,1,${foo}?
09:22.52mitchelockillall asterisk
09:24.58angryuseror should i aks in other way, how execute the chain saved in variable?
09:25.16*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (
09:26.01angryuserany ideas?
09:26.26Stephniemitcheloc: let me check plz
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09:40.25dashu;ntmode=yes      ;if isdn card operates in nt mode, set this to yes  | How do i know if my isdn cards operates in nt mode ?
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09:49.35jeremy_gquestion: if i set the dtmf method in sip phone different from the one i set in the extension, what happens? e.g. if i set exten=123,1,SIPDtmfMode(info) then what dtmf restrictions apply on caller, are the required to support sip info also? what if they dont
09:49.49*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
09:57.08angryusercan someone help me? i have ${foo} = Dial(Zap/1/number) i need execute what is inside chain,  s,1,${foo} does not work
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10:00.42stoffelldashu: do you *want* it to operate in nt mode?
10:02.00angryusermaybe my q is too stupid?:)
10:02.28stoffellangryuser: paste your config on pastebin ?
10:02.35dashui dont even know what nt mode is ><
10:02.50stoffelldashu: okay, read on voip-info everything on BRI / ISDN
10:03.01jbotmethinks docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
10:05.38angryuserexten => 201,1,Dial(Sip/201)
10:05.38angryuserexten => 200,1,Dial(Sip/200)
10:05.38angryuserexten => 202,1,Dial(Sip/202)
10:05.38angryuserexten => 203,1,Dial(Sip/203)
10:05.39angryuserexten => 208,1,Dial(IAX2/208)
10:05.41angryuserexten => _006XXXXXXXX,1,Set(FOO=${IF($[ ${PORT} = 1]?Dial(Zap/4/0ww${EXTEN}):Macro(portables3,${EXTEN:2}))})
10:05.44angryuserexten => _006XXXXXXXX,2,${PORT})
10:05.46angryuser;exten => _006XXXXXXXX,1,Macro(portables3,${EXTEN:2})
10:06.17angryuseri just need execute what is inside $FOO
10:06.30angryusersorry last line is bad
10:06.40jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
10:07.11angryuserok sorry neveh heard of pasebin;)
10:08.48dashuaaah :o asterisk doesnt want to start anymore
10:09.14dashuloading failed hmmm
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10:19.48*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (i=HaMYaI@
10:20.12HaMYaIanyone using oh323 at all?
10:20.22*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=Op3r@
10:20.47Op3rwhats the best voip termination to uk?
10:21.09HaMYaII can't get the client to register, it always goes to the default context
10:21.54HaMYaItype=user and gatekeeper=DISABLE
10:21.56HaMYaIany idea?
10:24.05jeremy_gangryuser: hey, what does exten:2 refer to in Macro(somemacro,${EXTEN:2}, what are u doing to this variable?
10:24.54angryuserexten:2 will cut you variable
10:25.17angryuserlike 0032365 exten:2 = 32365
10:33.25jeremy_gangryuser:whats your problem man
10:34.37jeremy_gthanks RoyK
10:35.59stoffellMrChimpy: yes, use groups..
10:36.06angryuseri got $FOO = dial(zap/1number) i need to execute it
10:36.23stoffellangryuser: did you already paste it on ?
10:36.37stoffellangryuser: oh, i see it, ..
10:36.49stoffellok, lookin
10:37.37stoffellangryuser: u might want to try , the site is slooow..
10:37.58jeremy_guser calls, * picks up and asks user to enter the destination number and press # when done, now how to make * read the digits entered?
10:38.21jeremy_gi know how to do with agi, but i dont want. -performance considerations
10:38.37jeremy_gi need extension constrcuts for this
10:38.51jeremy_gread digit entered :P sth like
10:39.13stoffellangryuser: ok, got it (much faster), what line is it .. ?
10:39.47angryuser[office4] line 83
10:40.18angryuserjust need to execute data in var ${foo}
10:40.38stoffellangryuser: hm, and what does the CLI "do" if you execute it?
10:42.01jeremy_gplease pay some heed to my query too folks :->
10:42.39stoffelljeremy_g: there's a function for that I think, on voip-info
10:43.32angryuseroh sorry forget to make reload on the last one this one is good
10:43.36stoffellangryuser: it seems it doesn't execute the 2nd line..
10:44.32stoffellangryuser: it now tries to execute.. hm, can't you use ..,2,Dial($FOO)  ? i think that should work better
10:45.19angryuserit wont work because $FOO =Macro or Dial allready
10:45.27stoffellangryuser: or, between ,1, and ,2, do a NoOp(${FOO})
10:45.45stoffellto see what $FOO looks like..
10:46.00stoffellyes, but you could rewrite it to make $FOO not contain a dial ?
10:47.06angryuser noop added
10:48.05angryuseri cant rewrite it becaus $FOO can contain Macro or can contain Dial
10:48.56stoffellangryuser: hm, but it does it, and then tries to spawn ...,3, .. ?
10:48.56*** join/#asterisk MacoStefX (
10:51.08angryuseryes it tries, withot result;)
10:51.50angryuserwell the main idea is that i dont know ho to execute the chain inside $foo
10:51.54stoffellangryuser: it gives an error "No application '${FOO}.."
10:52.16stoffellangryuser: i guess you can't execute variables.. it might 'need' an application..
10:52.41stoffellangryuser: you could rewrite it to do a Goto(${FOO}) ?
10:52.59jeremy_gwhats the difference b/w digit time out and response time out?
10:53.00angryuseril try
10:55.18angryusernot working
10:55.39angryuseranyway stoo i got some ideas ho to resolve it, thank you four your help
10:56.13angryuseril write you back the solution
10:56.23stoffellokay, g'luck
10:56.32angryuserbrb in 1.5hrs
10:58.28dashu it just doesnt want to work can anyone tell me why ?
11:01.24*** join/#asterisk Cyt (
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11:09.53LiFeXI just have a short question regarding digium hw
11:10.05LiFeXWe tried to install 2 TDM400P cards in one Asterisk server, and the driver doesn't load for the second one.. any ideas ?
11:10.47klem_hi .. hope some developer can help me - channels/chan_modem_i4l.c line 434
11:11.20klem_I cannot understand where that "f" got his value
11:11.41klem_i sometimes got "dropped frame" errors and sometimes not
11:11.44LiFeXI can see the 2 cards in /proc/pci file, but when I check dmesg, nothing happens to the second card.. all the modules on the first card are recognized..
11:11.54*** join/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
11:12.11klem_possible buffer overflow?
11:15.22LiFeXhi klem_ .. I guess dropped frame occurs mostly because of buffer problems
11:15.45LiFeXI got lot of them when stress testing a Soekris PC a few months ago
11:16.32klem_well I thought that I can at least read C but that pice of code is something I do not understand
11:16.44klem_if u have some time, please look at it
11:19.02*** join/#asterisk Cyt (
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11:31.34jeremy_gshud i hate voip-wiki
11:31.44jeremy_git says asterisk 1.2 has a Read() app
11:32.05jeremy_gfor * to read digits entered by the caller
11:32.31jeremy_gbut asterisk-CLI>show applications doesnt show Read() anywhere
11:33.05RoyKashow application read?
11:34.06jeremy_gshow applications
11:34.24jeremy_gdoesnt list an app as Read() while
11:34.35jeremy_gshows it exist for 1.2
11:35.07jeremy_gsorry ignore by shit talk
11:35.42jeremy_gi was whistling all this out of my ass ; didnt load the app_module for it :->
11:38.06*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
11:38.09eject_ckI found that InternetCalls support SIP and now I want use it with my Asterisk. Can anybody point me &
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11:38.49tparcinaasttapi - does anybody use it?
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12:04.19tparcinawhy it's so quite?
12:05.07klem_probably we are in wrong timezone?
12:05.33LiFeXyupp.. .quite possibler
12:08.36*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:10.24stoffellguess you guys are in europe? :p
12:10.32tparcinaI planned to use asttapi, but is't so complicated (incoming calls still don't work for me). so i have decaided to try siptapi. does any body use siptapi?
12:10.44DarKnesS_WolFi hate a fast question " for analog phone lines " using a TDM400 FXS/FXO cards the only codec that works is sliner ?
12:11.28tparcinaDarKnesS_WolF: what do you mean by - onlay codec that works?
12:12.22DarKnesS_WolFtparcina: what i want to know i'm using ULAW from the SIP phones but i notice that astersik doing translation to slin for the analog phone lines .. so i wanted to know what codec the analog phone line using and if i can change it
12:15.18tparcinaDarKnesS_WolF: i get it, but i don't know the answer
12:15.48DarKnesS_WolFtparcina: thx for help :-) i'm trying voip-info also
12:17.02tparcinaasttapi, siptapi, anytapi :)) does anybody use anything ot this?
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12:23.49Dr-Linuxanybody knows about Gammu sms system?
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12:26.52LiFeXanybody using 2 digium cards in one asterisk server ??
12:27.16MrChimpyi was, yes.
12:27.17LiFeXeventually 2 TDMP400P
12:27.33MrChimpyoh, I was using TE411
12:27.39LiFeXwe have problems with the 2 cards
12:27.50LiFeXwe see both in /proc/pci
12:27.59jontowjust make sure they don't share irqs with anything, ever.
12:28.02LiFeXbut the driver doesn't load for the second
12:28.02jontownot even eachother.
12:28.12MrChimpyalternatively get sangoma
12:28.23jontowthe driver doesn't have to load in most cases.. you just ztconfig it
12:28.26LiFeXthe IRQ affects also the driver loading? ..
12:28.48jontowif you're using 4*FXO on both cards, load the driver and setup zaptel and zapata.conf correctly, then ztcfg
12:28.51Dr-LinuxLiFeX: yes i'm using
12:28.57*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan2@
12:29.04tzafrirztcfg . ztcfg just configures the already loaded zaptel spans/channels
12:29.23jontowexactly -- if the kernel module is loaded, why try to load it a second time?
12:29.28kannanhello all
12:29.49LiFeXI see these for all the modules on the first card : Module 1: Installed -- AUTO FXO (FCC mode)
12:29.57LiFeXbut nothing for the second
12:30.07LiFeXand no green LEDs on the 2.
12:30.32eject_ckHi all. I have account on SIP server ( - and want make call from my SIP network (with Asterisk installed) throught this account. How can I make it?
12:30.52kannanI am using astgulcient suite with asterisk, can I ask in this room?
12:31.53LiFeXso, any other ideas
12:32.38LiFeXif you can't see any LEDs on the card, what does that mean?
12:32.52LiFeXnot even red, or yellow
12:33.20LiFeXI guess it wasn't able to load the driver module
12:33.57*** join/#asterisk Ox0F0-0FF (n=pierre@
12:34.19mutARRRRR ye salty dogs! remeber when in the board meetings today its talk like a pirate day!
12:35.10eject_ckcan anybody answer for my question
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12:44.06Makenshii don't suppose anyone has worked with a cisco unified mcs appliance? (eg 7815/7825)
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12:50.09Dr-Linuxwhat is good SMS program for asterisk?
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12:51.51JiBeesSipSak no ?
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12:55.53DarKnesS_WolFhm UnderMine what module ur using ? FXS or FXO ?
12:56.19Dr-Linuxwhat is good SMS program for asterisk? anybody knows?
12:57.08DarKnesS_WolFDr-Linux: i love gsmsend " libgsm " and also sms-server i don't know exactly the name it's on freshmeat search SMS server
12:57.54UnderMineDarKnesS_WolF: fxs - verbosity 10 shows me enough now to see why think a typo somewhere so channel not defined
12:59.23*** join/#asterisk supjigatr (n=syslod@
13:01.40supjigatrIf I have a mp3 for MOH that sounds very slow and metallic how do I fix it?
13:01.45Dr-LinuxDarKnesS_WolF: is it AstSMS?
13:01.50*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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13:02.05DarKnesS_WolFDr-Linux: oh no.. it's a sperated application i use it with GSM modem
13:02.07Dr-LinuxDarKnesS_WolF: can you please help me to find the link for it?
13:02.32Dr-LinuxDarKnesS_WolF: can't i use any opensource SMS?
13:02.47DarKnesS_WolFDr-Linux: freshmeat and search on SMS
13:02.55DarKnesS_WolFit's GPL and opensource program
13:03.25Dr-LinuxDarKnesS_WolF: there are many, but not sure which one should i use
13:03.37Dr-Linuxi looking the name: Gammu SMS
13:04.25*** join/#asterisk remiss (
13:06.06Dr-LinuxDarKnesS_WolF: check this >>
13:07.32DrukenDr-Linux: you should give me chanserv access on dal
13:08.22Dr-LinuxDruken: sure what you need?
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13:12.52*** join/#asterisk GTX (n=charlie@pdpc/supporter/monthlybronze/GTX)
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13:15.23GTXWhat is termcap?
13:15.35GTXKeep getting an error up when make'ing Asterisk
13:16.01GTXNevermind, found problem :)
13:16.29GTXmaybe not, same problem
13:16.52sxpert-workGTX: what are you trying to run on?
13:16.57GTXDebian 3.1
13:18.13sxpert-workshouldn't have any problems.
13:18.48GTXconfigure: error: termcap support not found
13:18.48GTXmake: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 1
13:21.50GTXCan Asterisk be used to login to an exsisting SIP account and play back things etc like a virtual switchboard?
13:22.57DarKnesS_WolFDr-Linux: nop gammu is for personal phones
13:23.04DarKnesS_WolFDr-Linux: let me get u the name of the SMS server i'm usng
13:23.36Dr-LinuxDarKnesS_WolF: okey thanks
13:23.51stoffellhm.. is there a way to (centrally from a server) get the network statistics (jitter) from a polycom phone? (so I can script it into an .rrd file)
13:25.03DarKnesS_WolFur wlecome
13:25.42Drukenman.... i r tired
13:27.22*** join/#asterisk junix|work (
13:27.51junix|workI am looking for a tutorial on setting up asterisk on Debian Sarge, I don't want to compile....
13:27.57GTXCould someone answer my question?
13:28.02Drukenman, i was watching tv last night, some show called wife swap... and oh my god... this one chick was soo anal rententive, i wanted to smack the tv
13:28.33sxpert-workDruken: how so ?
13:28.41robl^Druken: just give her a laxative.  works better ;-)
13:29.21Drukenshe actually lived by "people judge a book by it's cover"....
13:29.33*** part/#asterisk GingerRoger (
13:29.49Drukenand yeah, everything had a place, and if it wasen't absolutly perfect, it had to be redone
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13:31.09Drukenwas sick.. hehe
13:34.43*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
13:40.12angryusercan someone tell me why my globalvar PORT is not changed back to 0 at the end of the macro here?
13:44.59angryuserit is really a tiny macro;)
13:45.46fourcheezeangryuser: you need to tell Dial to continue after hanging up
13:46.40S^Pangryuser: exten => s,3,Dial(Zap/3/0033${ARG1},,g) << try this
13:49.27angryuser,,g not worked, my var $PORT is still changed one time to 1 and it stays like that
13:49.56Qwellbecause you're EXPLICITLY hanging up the call...
13:50.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:51.05angryuserits strange, but if i dont add this line to the end of macro, my line dont detect a hang up
13:51.13Qwell[TK]D-Fender:  :)
13:51.20angryuserand it stays open for a moment;)
13:51.30Qwellangryuser: sure doesn't look like the end to me
13:51.52[TK]D-FenderQwell: DUMB.... 10 shades of it!
13:52.22[TK]D-FenderQwell: Bludgeon that user with.... THE BOOK
13:53.14Qwellangryuser: so, yeah..  move the Hangup down a line
13:53.16eject_ckhow must I configure asterisk to allow calling to another sip server with additional number
13:53.46eject_cksee softphone -> my asterisk server -> other SIP server
13:53.56[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Was that pastebin Qwell just pasted yours?
13:54.01angryuserit was my first thought, i did moved hungup , not helped
13:54.22angryuseryes Fender
13:58.19stoffellGTX: libedit problem fixed?
13:58.26GTXstoffell, yeah mate :)
13:58.45stoffellgood :) is your friend :)
14:00.03[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: What are your trying to accomplish with that macro?
14:00.13[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: And please show me how you're calling it.
14:00.24angryuser ext.config
14:01.01stoffell[TK]D-Fender: oh, quick one.. you know if it's possible to fetch some stats from the polycom's,like jitter,etc.. ? (from a central server)
14:01.05angryuserwell it is simple i need that at the start ${PORT} = 1 and at the end of the macro ${PORT}=0
14:01.13[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: What is that point of that variable?
14:02.11angryuseri got a simple IF test to detect is this channels is being used
14:02.15*** join/#asterisk hank (
14:03.02[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: You should use "ChanIsAvail" for that.
14:03.46dashuexten => 5409618/01759140088,3,Hangup is 5409618 the number of my asterisk server and 01759140088 the number of the caller ?
14:04.31*** join/#asterisk I-MOD (
14:04.48eject_ckhow realize redirecting call to another SIP server (when user inster addional number before number 9 for example) ?
14:06.15angryuserthx fender its working now
14:08.19[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Words cannot express how BAD this line is... exten => _X.,1,Macro(intern2,${EXTEN})
14:10.06GerbilWrkhas anyone experienced problems with asterisk routing calls with wild cards on the 4th digit in 10 digit format?
14:10.39angryuserfender, explain yourself
14:15.39[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: You should never use a global pattern match like that especially with other pattern matches in the same context.
14:15.55[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: 1 of those 2 possibilities will lock you out of the other
14:18.29angryuserit has been working good for 3 weeks now
14:19.51*** join/#asterisk f0urtyfive (
14:19.59[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: You've gotten lucky.  _X. means every number.  you are mixing that with other matches in the same context.  _X. might have taken over all calls.
14:21.48[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: And your Set's do nothing in there.
14:23.44angryuserwhich one?(line)
14:24.02[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: ALL OF THEM.
14:24.22[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: exten => s,2,Set(${ARG1}=${EXTEN})
14:24.39[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Thats not how you call set, and you are LUCKY it failed otherwise nothing work ourk.
14:26.12Qwells/rk ou/uld wo/ :p
14:26.30angryuserthank you for help of course but, fender you starting to piss me off a bit;) me ext,conf is working for me, if i encounter any problems il try to solve them, dont bother
14:27.49*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=gold@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
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14:28.33angryuseri mean i have learned aster 3 days a go, i cant write a professional ext.con from the firs time;)
14:28.44[TK]D-FenderQwell: i/d/o/n/t/r/e/a/d/r/e/g/e/x/o/k/p/l/z/t/h/x/b/i/b/i
14:29.31nettiehey guys, anyone know why a sip phone host could show as UNSPECIFIED after a couple of minutes the phone registered?
14:29.52nettiethe good thing is I can make calls
14:29.58nettiethe bad is I cant receive them
14:30.16nettieit's like asterisk forgets about it
14:30.19*** join/#asterisk rajiv|work (n=rajiv@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
14:30.24nettieand the phone doesnt re-register
14:30.32nettieany idea please?
14:30.38Juggieset nat=yes qualify=yes for that peer.
14:30.42Qwellrajiv|work: hey
14:32.22nettieJuggie it's already like that
14:32.42nettieall my peers are nat=yes and qualified
14:32.54nettiethat's the only one which has problems
14:33.12*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kanna@
14:33.26Juggienettie, then it could be a bad nat device
14:33.31Juggieor misbehaving
14:33.40Juggietry setting your registration time really low
14:33.44Juggiei set mine to 60seconds
14:33.44nettiedo you think configure stun on it could help?
14:33.50Juggiei dont know.
14:33.51nettieI did that as well
14:33.56nettieI configured it 60
14:33.58nettieand also 30
14:34.00nettiedidnt help
14:34.03Juggieyou have other phones behind nat that are fine
14:34.08Juggieits just this one thats problematic?
14:34.16nettieI have couple of polys which are fine
14:34.29Juggiebut they are behind nat correct?
14:34.29nettiethis is an utstartcom f1000g vowifi phone
14:34.38*** join/#asterisk nvzn (
14:34.42Juggiedifferent nat routers or all the same
14:35.15nettiesame router
14:35.18nettiesame place
14:35.24Juggiethen it might be the phone
14:35.39Juggiedoes it show qualify when it initially registers?
14:36.08nettieit shoes the ip and all the info
14:36.18Juggiewith a ms delay?
14:36.20nettiewhen I do another sip show peers
14:36.24nvznim using an iax softphone to connect to my asterisk box, and also to the fwdOUT network directly.  I call myself on my cellphone, and in both cases I cannot get proper audible sound in the cell phone.  Seems distorted and there is a kind of digital musical sound in the background
14:36.28nettieit's unspecified
14:36.35nettieof course after a couple of mins
14:38.23nvznwhen i say digital musical sound i mean its not uncomfortable, not actual music.  more like garbled bits and bytes if i ever heard them
14:39.51nettieJuggie sure
14:39.59nettieit shows me the qualify delay
14:40.52*** join/#asterisk QbY (
14:41.21QbYI'm having a problem getting transfers to work with some Polycom phones.  The Transfer key, nor the # key work.  The transfer key puts me on hold, and the # key, does nothing..  Suggestions?
14:44.41QbY# now works.
14:45.10trelane_transfer works fine on my snoms
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14:54.47[TK]D-FenderQbY: you press [transfer] on the 501 and YOU get put on hold and the screen doesn't react?
14:56.08QbY[TK]D-Fender..  Exactly.
14:56.48[TK]D-FenderQbY: Thats whacked...
14:56.55*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
14:57.22QbYin the CLI, it actually shows the other phone ringing..  but i never come off of hold..
15:00.11mutgo willie
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15:04.09mutgod i hate VAD
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15:08.49pdtanybody got suggestions on a good centrally manageable phone other than the polycom's?  Some people just seem to hate them...
15:09.04Tr4d3rHello, i'm having some pauses playing the greeting ... the processor is 97 %idle ... how can i find what is the problem?
15:09.06MportnoyQBY: I have polycoms 301 and 501 and we I hit transfer, the transfer never makes it
15:09.48pdtMportnoy: to parking lot or other phones?
15:11.48Tr4d3rHello again :) , i'm having some pauses playing the greeting ... the processor is 97 %idle ... how can i find what is the problem?
15:11.53*** join/#asterisk nsgn (
15:11.57nsgnmornin' all
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15:12.55QbYhrmm..  Tr4d3r..  Do You get the 501 Internal Server Error too?
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15:13.35Tr4d3rall is working fine
15:13.46Tr4d3rbut the sound some times pause
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15:14.50mercestesAnyone remember the syntax to reprogram the "Do Not Disturb" key on a Polycom 301?
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15:15.36nvznanyone knows why sound is so garbled coming out of my iax softphone?
15:16.39*** part/#asterisk eject_ck (
15:16.39nsgndoes anybody know if the WIP330 is the only wi-fi voip phone with a browser?
15:16.43nsgni cant seem to find any others
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15:19.37jeremy_gnvzn:take the softphone out of your __, voice would be clear then :p
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15:21.22dashudo you know a good site where i can find what stuff i can put behind exten => and what it does
15:22.09sivanado PRIs support ss7?
15:22.15rajiv|workQwell: pong
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15:29.40MportnoyQBY : I have the Sip 500 error
15:29.45dashunot finding what i wanted to know there T_T
15:30.23*** join/#asterisk Nitesh (n=Nitesh@
15:30.29MportnoyQBY : digium does not know how to fix it, I call them and we spend 4 hours trying everything I jump from 1.2.5 to ver 1.2.10 and since that upgrade transfer got #$#$#
15:31.24mogsivana, ss7 is like pri they are both isdn protocols, so no pri cant support ss7
15:31.36NiteshHello everyone... Can anyone help me with DTMF problems...
15:32.08*** join/#asterisk Alystair (
15:32.17sivanamog: so if I wanted an ss7 link to my upstream provider, that would be a separate physical link?
15:32.22dashucan anyone tell me what these 3 lines do ? exten => 5409618/01759140088,1,Wait,1
15:32.22dashuexten => 5409618/01759140088,2,AGI,callback.agi
15:32.22dashuexten => 5409618/01759140088,3,Hangup
15:32.50mogor it would be your only link
15:32.55mogCresl1n, is the expert here though
15:32.59sivanais ss7 superior to pri?
15:33.05Juggiedashu, someone calls 5409618 and if their callerid=01759140088 it runs that script.
15:33.09Cresl1nvery much so
15:33.17mogdepends on what your doing though
15:33.22mogyou might not need the extra info etc
15:33.22mogit provides
15:33.34dashuaaah ok ^^
15:33.37dashuthank you
15:33.37Juggieit provides a shit ton
15:33.47Juggiewe get ss7 over ip (kind of)
15:33.55sivanaI see... just trying to learn what exactly it is and how I can use it
15:33.55Juggieand get real time CDR/CPM's
15:35.20FlatFootanyone got the _ALERT_INFO working on the Snom 190 ????
15:35.34Juggieisnt _ALERT_INFO for cisco?
15:36.07dashuanyone here knows some php ? .o
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15:36.33dashucan u look at a script of mine and tell me what it does ? :ppp its really small
15:36.39FlatFootJuggie: it is listed on the wiki as the snom it.
15:36.49*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
15:37.03NiteshCan anyone help me with DTMF problems... I have my asterisk connected to Nextone and for some odd reasons I can not pass the DTMF tones... the remote IVR does not understand the tones when pressed....
15:38.19NiteshWhen I call any 1800 number.. i get the IVR prompts.. but when asked to press 1 for sales , press 2 for tech.... the IVR does not undertand the Tones....
15:38.25RoyKanyone that knows what "Please can you activate the Asterisks equilivant  = Facility-Information-Element-Component. " is supposed to mean?
15:38.40NiteshI have PolyCom and Snom phones.. both phones are doing the same...
15:38.56*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:39.39NiteshIs it Asterisk problem.. or Codec Problem...? I am using G711u
15:40.22NiteshPlease help
15:40.22smackusi have a queue and i have added 3 members dynamically to it using add queue member Local/3585@CMG to test (for example). When I dial the extension for the test queue, it presents to the first logged in extension and rings it for the 15 seconds. After that I expect for it to ring to the next phone logged into the queue, but it doesnt. It rings the same phone again. Once I answer that call, then it does the same thing at the next p
15:40.34*** join/#asterisk Qb3rt (
15:41.28dashujuggie: from line 45
15:41.30Qb3rtin asterisk flash operator panel is there a manner to show if someone is on DND??
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15:41.55Cresl1nRoyK: what are you asking that in reference to?
15:45.20RoyKCresl1n: trying to make call forward number presentation work through the telco's switch
15:46.17[TK]D-Fendersmackus: It keeps trying that same agent because they are still the "least recent" and * has no way to know if they are on a call so it keeps trying over and over.
15:46.30[TK]D-Fendersmackus: I suggest only RRMEMORY strategy
15:47.27smackushmmm.. I will try that.
15:48.45dashuJuggie: seen my pastebin ?
15:49.30Juggieit just writes a call to the spool folder
15:50.26dashu:o oh
15:50.33Juggieit just generates a call
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15:50.38Juggieconsidering it called callback
15:50.46dashuah k nice :p
15:50.50Juggieit would appear someone wants to abuse the free incomming calls of their cellphone
15:50.57Juggieso they call, hangup and * calls them back
15:51.00Juggieand then they place a call :)
15:51.23*** join/#asterisk kristalino (
15:51.33dashuk :p good
15:53.04*** part/#asterisk pdt (n=ptinsley@
15:53.28smackus[TK]D-Fender: so with rrmemory, does it take into account the agent penalty? or is that going to be ignored? in my head it cant work. just wondering if you know
15:53.49NiteshHey Dashu... you got any idea with DTMF problems with Asterisks..?
15:54.05dashuXD ah sorry im an asterisk newb
15:54.28supjigatrAnyone know of a cable modem with built in sip that can be purchased and configured?
15:54.32dashu:o im working with a week with it but still got no idea what im really doing lol
15:54.47[TK]D-Fendersmackus: I think penalty applies over every strategy except RINGALL.
15:54.47dashusince not with
15:55.01Qb3rtin asterisk flash operator panel is there a manner to show if someone is on DND??
15:55.13[TK]D-Fendersmackus: But that those of equal priority are the ones selected from using the strtaegy
15:55.29smackusthat makes sense.
15:56.03NiteshANY SUGGESTIONS...
15:56.08QwellLOSE THE CAPS
15:56.16fileNitesh: ...please don't do that, that lowers the amount of people who want to help you
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15:58.11mogto 0
15:58.21Qwellmog: from 0
15:58.29Qwellto...a number...less than 0
15:58.56mogexactly now people want to harm you
16:00.05*** join/#asterisk pabluss (n=aquicamb@
16:01.04NiteshTo all,
16:01.04NiteshDo anyone have DTMF problem with Asterisk. I have polycom and snom phone register to Asterisk version 1.2.9. Both phones can not send DTMF tones to remote IVR prompts. I changed the dtmfmode to auto, rfc2833, inband but did not help... I am using G711u to terminate the calls... Can anyone help me with this problem... Thanks.
16:01.37pablussHi i have a doubt about my Arescom netdsl 1000 and asterisk, by default my ADSL modem has all the ports closed, I want to know which ports i need to open for asterisk...  thanks in advance for the comments
16:02.03*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
16:02.03NiteshMy Asterisk is connected via Nextone SoftSwitch.
16:02.44fourcheezeNitesh: * and nextone should both be set to use rfc2833
16:03.00jeremy_gcan * detect dtmf mode of the incoming call
16:03.08NiteshThanks fourcheeze.... any other suggestion
16:03.17[TK]D-Fenderanyone able to point me in the direction of a simple CLI tool to do a DIFF against 2 files?
16:03.18fourcheezeclients also should use rfc2833 unless they don't have it
16:03.23[TK]D-Fender(linix CLI that is)
16:03.23jeremy_gi am reminded of sth SIPDtmfmode=auto but docs dont support it
16:03.27Niteshyes... * detects incoming dtmf tones
16:03.56jeremy_gNitesh:how can i know the incoming dtmf type
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16:04.16NiteshI have IVR setup on ma * box... and it does detect...
16:04.32jeremy_gi basically want to read digits from incoming calls with all types of dtmfs
16:04.48jeremy_gNitesh:when it detects, does it tell u also
16:05.17Niteshyes... I did a test to play back the dialed digits and it plays back
16:06.31Niteshmy problem is while calling out... for example calling 1800flowers.... when asked to press 1 to place an order... the remote IVR does not understand the tone...
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16:07.38jeremy_gNitesh:did u test from two different sip clients with different dtmf modes
16:09.23jeremy_gwhat is talk off "when asterisk incorrectly detects dtmf when it should not"
16:09.25NiteshMy incoming is coming via Sansay SSW... I havent tried any other SIP clients
16:09.32jeremy_gwhat happens if talkoff happens
16:12.37jeremy_gplease answer my question
16:12.39junix|workhow do i log into the SugarCRM using trixbox?
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16:14.12Qwelljunix|work: see channel topic
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16:14.38Niteshi dont have talkoff setup anywhere there any asterisk guru also familiar with asterisk source code?
16:15.55mogcontribute to the matt heather laptop fund and im sure you can find some ^_^
16:18.00jeremy_gcan anyone plz answer, i want to read dtmf digits from a softphone irrespective of whether it is using rfc2833,inband or info. i wanna read its keys. how do i support them? is there a SIPDtmfmode(auto)
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16:18.30jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:say something
16:19.12jeremy_gshud i set relaxdtmf=yes
16:19.19jeremy_gthats the only thing i can think of now
16:21.27*** join/#asterisk af_ (
16:21.29Alystair <-- is this a good switch for SIP phone aggrigation?
16:21.32Alystair(PoE, etc)
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16:24.21[TK]D-FenderAlystair: I wouldn't.. PoE is only functional on 12 of those ports
16:25.23muthas anyone here done any redundancy or load balance of multiple asterisk servers?
16:25.28CunningPike - nothing on
16:25.31mutwondering what method they used
16:25.51QwellCunningPike: unveiled != released
16:26.04Alystaironly 12?
16:26.11*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
16:26.14CunningPikeQwell: unveiled => feature list? :)
16:26.23QwellCunningPike: something like that
16:26.34CunningPikeQwell: So, where is it? :D
16:26.35Qwellit even specifically says "Asterisk 1.4 will be available for download on Digium's website ( in October."
16:26.43|Vulture|CunningPike: it says October...
16:26.44Alystairwhere do you see only 12
16:27.34CunningPike|Vulture|: I meant the feature list, not the software
16:27.37Alystairah their site says so
16:29.08*** join/#asterisk geoffl (
16:29.45[TK]D-FenderAlystair: Be extremely careful.  Almost all Netgear routers w/ PoE only support it on HALF the ports
16:30.10jeremy_gmut:its trivial, on top of openmosix, lvs,... <other ways based on redundancy - network, process>
16:30.17jeremy_gmut: what hit are you getting
16:30.21*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (n=Justin@
16:30.39jeremy_gmut: our problem was irq latencies so had to buy better hardware :(
16:30.50mutwe're not running into issues right now
16:31.02muti'm just working on plans to make stuff balanced/redundant
16:31.38*** join/#asterisk madero (n=rbc@
16:32.37maderohello! we need to put a client on-line to allow people to listen an-audio stream. any suggestion? thx!
16:33.25|Vulture|[TK]D-Fender: thats a great switch for the price 12 PoE for sub $300
16:34.25[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: And for < $400 you could get all 24 w/ PoE with greater load capacity and better managed.
16:35.02|Vulture|from where?
16:35.19jeremy_gIs it possible to configure channel SIP to be able to handle more than one
16:35.19jeremy_gDTMF signalling. I am basically using * as a SIP voicemail server however I
16:35.19jeremy_ghave a mutually exculise scenario with phones that use one or the othe DTMF
16:35.33maderoanything flash or java able to provide a sip/whatever protocol compatible with asterisk from a web browser??
16:35.58|Vulture|madero: a flash/java softphone?
16:36.34madero|Vulture|: wow .. thanks :)! have you tried any of them? any good suggestion?
16:36.51|Vulture|madero: no I was just saying.. is that what your looking for?
16:36.59madero|Vulture|: yes :))
16:37.00|Vulture|I havent seen any
16:37.03eKo1I've seen activex softphones.
16:37.21maderoyes .. I've seen those ... but what about linux/mac users?
16:37.29eKo1It pretty much sucks as.
16:37.45[TK]D-FenderThere, 2 for < $400
16:37.50sxpert-workanyone tested the sync cable for the TE407P/TE412P ?
16:37.55|Vulture|Linksys I would try
16:38.05madero|Vulture|: linksys?
16:38.05jeremy_gwhy i am being ignored :(
16:38.10[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: I own 2 of the the D-Link and the work great.
16:38.13|Vulture|ooo and QoS
16:38.20Alystairall I need to find is a PoE enabled electric shaver and I'm in business
16:38.31filejeremy_g: because this is not a guaranteed method of getting an answer, if someone wants to help you they will - otherwise they won't
16:39.10|Vulture|[TK]D-Fender: which do you like better the linksys or the dlink?
16:39.48[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: Haven't tried the LInksys, just noting its there.  I jsut bought a 48 Port Linksys switch.  only have GBIC uplonk, no copper :(
16:40.19JonR800jeremy_g: or people might not know, but the answer is yes.  read up on sip.conf.  you can specify signalling for each device.
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16:41.22geofflHi. I'm having difficulty registering a SIP service. Everything I've tried results in authentication failure except user:secret@remote_host, which results in an error, "WARNING[3145]: chan_sip.c:9768 handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register" ... Help!
16:42.08maderoso ... nobody here has ever tryed a java/flash softphone????
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16:45.04jeremy_gJonR800:I know how to specify signalling for each device and thats what i cant do.  i want to support all three dtmf modes for any incoming call
16:46.07jeremy_gfile: :( yeah it seems that way. why does my mind say dtmfmode=auto is possible but there is no documentation to support it
16:46.11jeremy_gtell me what to read
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16:52.32ManxPoweryou normally want rfc2833 for dtmfmode
16:53.01ManxPowerfor example of a call has inband dtmf, then dtmf won't work for ANY codec EXCEPT ulaw and alaw.
16:54.55intralanmanand not reliably then
16:55.17intralanmanmaybe that's too harsh
16:55.25intralanmani just hate inband
16:55.34GTXDo you need libgsm installed to playback sound files?
16:56.27*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
16:59.15ManxPowerGTX, not for asterisk
16:59.33jeremy_gManxPower:I know all this my friend. I know all this. Tell me what i dont know. Awww!!
16:59.34ManxPowernot reliable == not work
17:00.16jeremy_gManxPower:inband cant work on compressed codecs. that is obvious.
17:00.28jeremy_gs/codecs/audio streams
17:01.14Alystair[TK]D-Fender: what phones do you use in your setup?
17:01.35[TK]D-FenderAlystair: Pretty much exclusively Polycom.
17:01.38jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:i was really expecting an answer from you.
17:02.01[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: At least you have identified the source of your disappointment....
17:02.27Alystairok I'm on the right track the n
17:03.03AlystairHow do you config polycom's anyway?
17:03.17jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:no, i was clear in my question from the beginning
17:03.55bintutanyone here can help me test my setup if this is already running ok or not?  please give me a call at:  sip://
17:04.02[TK]D-FenderAlystair: The sme way anyone sane would : provisioning server.  I prefer and recomment FTP
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17:04.49bintutmy configs located at kindly check it if on the right track already..
17:05.02bintuti'm not sure if this is ok already
17:05.26jeremy_gbye bye folks
17:05.29jeremy_gits just not my day today
17:05.53jhildebrandcan someone give me a pointer to docs on the extension.conf "hint" argument?
17:05.57[TK]D-Fenderbintut: You are several miles out on that one...
17:06.24Alystair[TK]D-Fender, where would I find documentation about the whole thing?
17:06.26bintut[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
17:06.28ManxPowerjhildebrand, extensions.conf.sample was not helpful?
17:07.05jhildebrandManxPower: no... i'm a newb to extensions.conf, so it was too much to process at once.
17:07.11jhildebrandTK: thx. that should get me started.
17:07.13[TK]D-FenderAlystair: Go download the admin guide and you'll need to download the SIP & BootROM images you intend to run on them
17:07.13bintutwhere can i find the entire list of parameters for sip.conf and extensions.conf files?
17:07.47[TK]D-Fenderbintut: check on the WIKI
17:08.11bintut[TK]D-Fender: where is it located?
17:08.21[TK]D-Fenderbintut: Look at my link above
17:09.46jhildebrandhm.  so if I have a hint priority, if the phone has registered, hint more-or-less equals 1, and if not the rule is skipped?
17:10.08CunningPikeHas anyone used Druid?
17:11.02[TK]D-Fenderjhildebrand: * will track the refferd-to device and report status back to a phone that is told to monitor the exten the hint is on.
17:11.22*** part/#asterisk geoffl (
17:14.15Alystair[TK]D-Fender: are you using IP501's?
17:14.30[TK]D-FenderAlystair: I own every desktop model they make.
17:15.02AlystairKnow anyone in Canada who can make a big bundle?
17:15.07[TK]D-FenderAlystair: If you are planning on PoE, IP 430's are a more economical choice.  I will say that I would suggest the 501 over it though for raw usability.
17:15.56CunningPikeAlystair: We plumped for the 501
17:16.27jhildebrandso, how would I parse the meaning of this, from the sample extensions.conf:
17:16.29jhildebrandexten => 6245,n(dial),Dial(${HINT},20,rtT)
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17:19.27hmmhesaysbah, faxing is such a b1atch
17:19.38MRH2hey anyone using a poly ip4000 with firmware 2.0.1?
17:20.06MRH2and reinvites on
17:21.22[TK]D-FenderCunningPike: IP 501 screen is worth paying for over the 430 if cost effectiveness isn't in question.
17:21.28hmmhesaysasterisk support t.38 passthru yet?
17:21.32[TK]D-FenderCunningPike: Much nicer to work with.
17:22.26CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: We had decided on the 501 before the 430 came out, but I understand it's the same screen as the 301, and that didn't exactly blow our skirt up
17:22.58CunningPikehmmhesays: In 1.4, apparently
17:23.10CunningPikeNo Druid users?
17:24.27[TK]D-FenderCunningPike: Well its not as "nice", but it does have lighted key indicators, a pixel screen over the IP 301, integrated PoE, etc.  Technically it still as good a general choice as any phone as compared to the IP 501
17:24.41[TK]D-FenderCunningPike: Just that the 501's larger screen feels nicer
17:24.53CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: And it fits our logo :)
17:25.44[TK]D-FenderCunningPike: That too ::)  I just did my first Idle image & auto-answer setup this past weekend on mine
17:25.48*** join/#asterisk Sakimustafa (n=yusuf@
17:26.06MRH2but now poly has thrown  IP650 in the mix (with G722) and chrome bits
17:26.21CunningPikeMRH2: And an extra $100 a set
17:27.02MRH2yeah for $100 i want a colour screen and giga ethernet
17:27.24[TK]D-FenderYeah, the IP 650 is too pricy for me to suggest.
17:27.27hmmhesaysand I want a dead hooker in my trunk
17:27.32hmmhesays.... ooops ...
17:27.58CunningPikeYou silly, twisted boy :P
17:28.05MRH2maybe if you order in quantity...
17:28.18supjigatrAnyone know of a cable modem with built in sip that can be purchased and configured?
17:28.34MRH2draytek does one
17:28.36[TK]D-Fendersupjigatr: EW!
17:28.48[TK]D-Fendersupjigatr: Why would you want to do that?  Leave them seperate
17:28.57supjigatrTK: Yea it suck but nessacary.
17:29.08supjigatrRural cable operator requires it.
17:29.55MRH2actually supjigator maybe the draytek is just adsl
17:30.45*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
17:30.53sevardhmmhesays: i got a couple you can have, but you'll have to off them for me
17:30.54Dr-Linuxanybdoy ever use Gammu program?
17:31.35supjigatrYea it seems to be a hard item to find.
17:31.35bintut[TK]D-Fender: my laptop shuts off.. i didn't noticed my battery life..  :(
17:31.45supjigatrMotoroa makes it but won't sell them.
17:31.51bintut[TK]D-Fender: what's was the link again to the wiki?
17:31.53supjigatrSA makes it but won't sell it.
17:35.04*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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17:35.46jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
17:39.45*** join/#asterisk paolob (
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17:40.39*** join/#asterisk DasTech (
17:41.00DasTechanyone here got a vox mo=dulein dev for asterisk ?
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17:42.27SomethingISODDHello all anyone know of any did providers that has parry sound ontario dids?
17:44.53DasTechanyone here get sphinx to to work with asterisk ?
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17:55.26deeLerany Belgian users here ? i'd like to know how to make my callerID work with asterisk ....
17:55.32stoffellhi deeLer :)
17:55.35*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
17:55.41deeLerhi stoffell
17:55.47stoffellu could be my neighbour :p
17:56.07deeLerkben van roeselare, en jij?
17:56.20charles___I see darkness
17:56.26stoffelllet's talk english here, i'll talk flemish in private ;)
17:56.33deeLersure :)
17:56.34charles___Hey guys, what kind of preemtiveness do you recommend for Asterisk
17:56.45charles___100hz regular server ?
17:56.52deeLerHz ?
17:57.04stoffellcharles___: in normal circumstances, i'd do that, yes
17:57.16sevardI thought sendmail was highly vunerable to exploits.  What does #asterisk suggest for sending voicemail by email?
17:57.33stoffellsevard: use whatever you prefer, i prefer postfix..
17:57.55sevardi'm thinking at least exploit free :|
17:58.15hmmhesayshow many special people change
17:58.22hmmhesayshow many lives are living strange
17:58.23*** join/#asterisk gmfm (
17:58.29hmmhesayswhere were you while we were getting high
17:58.53stoffellsevard: use the one your most familiar with..
17:58.58stoffellsevard: i'd prefer postfix or qmail
17:59.06*** join/#asterisk Magicianx (
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17:59.14sevardstoffell: I'm familiar with :)
17:59.41stoffellsevard: well, ... that's a great one too..
17:59.53sevardI don't think it supports attachments though
17:59.56hmmhesaysyou can use whatever the hell you want
17:59.57sevardit's pretty slick though.
18:00.00hmmhesaysyou can use phpmailer if you want
18:00.03stoffellsevard: uhm, i think it does though...
18:00.24sevardhmmhesays: I just don't think anyone ought to be using sendmail these days.
18:00.26DasTechis there a page or url where people post thier agi's they write or post addons ?
18:00.58stoffellDasTech: voip-info is the best resource..
18:01.10hmmhesaysI have some stuff on
18:04.21stoffellhmmhesays: nice
18:05.25*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
18:06.16charles___going to leave at 250hz
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18:08.44CunningPikeToday is International 'Talk Like A Pirate Day' -
18:08.47loxzahi, anyone could tell me if it is possible to use g.729 library from intel in a soekris/wrap board?
18:15.41*** join/#asterisk chaoscon_ (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
18:16.12mogloxza, yes
18:16.14tamp4xis it possible to bind to multiple sip ports?
18:16.32DrukenCunningPike: i didn't realize that was the season opener...
18:19.22loxzamog, and what would be the right flavour? pentium?
18:20.25*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
18:20.25mogi think there is an unoptimized build
18:20.35mogi believe the soekris is only a 586 based system
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18:23.05SakimustafaWhat is the billing software for asterisk?
18:23.30DasTecha2billing is one
18:23.51DasTechts your friend
18:24.27SakimustafaHow to configure it give me some link pls
18:25.17carrarHome made SQL querys
18:25.36DasTechgoggle it
18:25.53DasTechor get trixbox
18:27.51hmmhesaysthere is all kinds out there
18:27.56hmmhesaysis pretty full featured
18:28.11hmmhesaysotherwise you can generate your own bills with asterisk stat
18:28.14SomethingISODDcan anyone recommend any good wifi phone that will connect to hotspots?
18:28.53[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD: Get one running full WinCE.  You'll need a browse for some spots and its going to be PRICEY
18:29.38hmmhesayslinksys wip-300 works 'ok' and can do site surveys otherwise the zyxel 2000w is 'ok'
18:30.18hmmhesaysbut I agree something running wince would be much better
18:30.34SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender basically i need something that will work with my wireless router, and different ones here in town, that i can get access on
18:31.18[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD: Depends on the hotspot.  Some require HTTP auth, etc.  WIP-300 is a decent looking basic one, but I haven't tried it yet.
18:31.29[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: You used one?
18:31.30hmmhesaysi have one sitting next to me, it is .. "ok"
18:32.01SomethingISODDwip-300 can you tell me where to get info on that phone?
18:32.07hmmhesayslinksys website
18:32.11hmmhesaysvoipsupply website
18:32.12SomethingISODDoh ok
18:32.45SomethingISODDthanks guys. one more question do you guys know of any did provider that has northen ontairo
18:32.57hmmhesaysvitelity might
18:33.56SomethingISODDok thanks
18:34.22loxzamog, thanks, I will give it a try
18:41.24*** join/#asterisk jrprado (
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18:47.50chadkousewhat is the best way to monitor or even barge in on a call taking place through asterisk ?
18:48.24mogchan_spy and whisper paging
18:48.50Alystairbaseball bat
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18:49.09moghmm baseball bat didnt think of that
18:50.20trelane_*WHAM* I'll take that call!
18:52.13jrpradoHi, I need help for accont create with IP authenticate not user and pass.. ??
18:52.49mogallow guest calls from ip
18:54.14jrpradohow ?
18:55.20*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
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19:00.09hmmhesayshost= in sip or iax.conf
19:00.23*** join/#asterisk dandan (
19:00.28dandanhello all :)
19:00.36dandananyone has for GXP-2000?
19:00.46dandanit has been pulled from BET website...
19:03.06SomethingISODDhey any one here running fedora core 5 and live in brantford or woodstock or norwich and would dub me a cd
19:06.49*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
19:06.53dandananyone has for GXP-2000?
19:07.43TrazzWhats the mode stable * in a box now?
19:07.56*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
19:08.00TrazzLike prebuilt image with web gui, etc..
19:09.42*** join/#asterisk Jam0r (
19:11.25Jam0rHas anyone got any idea why I'm getting "chan_sip.c:6846 handle_response: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE" when the user/pass is deffinately right
19:12.51*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:13.02*** join/#asterisk ^Sandro^ (
19:13.43^Sandro^anyone here ? I have a questions. I installed asterisk ( latest version ) and everythins is running ok exept the music on hold. I installed the mpg123 and its going but when i call queue it plays the sound all distorted
19:13.46^Sandro^any ideas ?
19:13.55^Sandro^i have looked at every file and nothing
19:15.55*** join/#asterisk rowter (n=Silver@
19:15.57trelane_install asterisk-addons
19:16.03trelane_it's got an mp3 player built in
19:16.14^Sandro^ok cool how do i call it
19:16.18^Sandro^i got that installed
19:16.24trelane_it just runs if you're set up correctly
19:16.28trelane_hang on
19:16.32trelane_let me get you  my musiconhold.conf
19:16.36^Sandro^cool ty
19:17.53^Sandro^so thats it.. that is all i put in there
19:18.40^Sandro^dahm that mpg123
19:18.46^Sandro^its working ok now
19:18.48^Sandro^ty very very much
19:19.26GTXHas anyone got any idea why I'm getting "chan_sip.c:6846 handle_response: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE" when the user/pass is deffinately righ
19:19.52trelane_GTX, sip debug and paste it?
19:19.55trelane_err pastebin it
19:20.00jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
19:22.36[TK]D-FenderGTX: Its not lying.  you only THINK you did it right.
19:23.28GTXIt is lying, [TK]D-Fender
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19:23.59[TK]D-FenderGTX: Where's the rejection message in there?
19:24.07QwellGTX: in sip.conf, set stoplyingtomeplease=yes in [general]
19:24.33GTXIt's not sec, Ill do another paste
19:24.52Alystairyay for $186 phone bills \o/
19:26.10GTX[TK]D-Fender - trelane :
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19:30.44trelane_Qwell, bastard
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19:33.43trelane_GTX, would you paste the connection block from sip.conf please to pb?
19:34.06GTXJam0r is the tech he'll paste it
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19:38.52Jam0rtrelane_ see pm
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19:45.45rowterwhats a good way to copy audio files to another server, via sshfs, rsync?
19:46.23rowterQwell, compacting and then scp and then delete?
19:46.44Qwellprobably not gonna get a whole hell of a lot of compression on audio files
19:48.30*** join/#asterisk _alex_mx_ (n=alex@
19:50.30rowterQwell, true
19:53.45*** join/#asterisk trevarthan (
19:54.47trevarthanhello. I'm using trixbox and the queue login extension is 1700*. However, I'm using a Linksys spa942 phone and it seems to dislike the * character. Basically, it won't let me dial the extension. Does anyone know how to fix that?
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19:57.58*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
19:58.37Assiderr.. is there a way to make the mic of the polycom a bit less sensitive to background noise
19:58.56Assidbut not work like walkie talkie
19:59.16trevarthanThe asterisk extension config line looks like this:
19:59.16trevarthanexten => 1700*,1,Macro(agent-add,1700,)
19:59.48trevarthanunfortunately, it's trixbox/freepbx, so I can't really change the * character without causing trouble.
20:00.28x86you want #freepbx
20:00.42x86see the topic
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20:03.44robl^trevarthan: freepbx uses asterisk at the core, but is a separate product.  you are better off asking those who know the specifics of freepbx
20:09.04[TK]D-FenderAssid: Adjust the mic gain in your provisioning files.
20:09.09*** part/#asterisk _alex_mx_ (n=alex@
20:09.31[TK]D-Fendertrevarthan: Your problem is with your phone.  You need to go into its config and change it's dialplan.
20:13.02*** join/#asterisk adorah (
20:14.49Assid[TK]D-Fender: voice.gain?
20:15.28Assidtx right ?
20:16.51[TK]D-FenderAssid: think so... something like that.
20:16.53*** part/#asterisk Poincare (
20:17.54Assidsholdnt it be voice.ns ?
20:18.09Assidfor the background noise supression?
20:18.45Assidokay o keep getting confused .  -1 is 1 point lower than FULL right ?
20:18.49[TK]D-FenderAssid: I never did this personally. I'd read the admin guide if I were you and experiment a bit
20:19.32[hC]any of you guys using handset lifters with polycom phones?
20:19.45[TK]D-Fender[hC]: I have.  DON'T
20:19.45[hC]Im using a plantronics hl10 but it definitely is not fully compatible
20:19.52[hC]Yeah, this is just not working out.
20:20.00[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Did try to warn you....
20:20.04*** join/#asterisk mog (
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20:20.13[hC]Since there is no mouthpiece  to catch the handset, it slides down and you cant hang up properly
20:20.58[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Our solution was to puta screw into the lifter top-bar that would engage the hook-switch and then leaev the handset off entirely.
20:21.09[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Ugly & easy hack.
20:21.20[TK]D-Fender[hC]: And a sad thing to do to such a nice phone.
20:21.30[hC]oh i see what you mean
20:21.49trevarthan[TK]D-Fender: yeah, gay regex dialplan support. Got it working. Thanks!
20:21.53*** part/#asterisk trevarthan (
20:21.57[hC]yeah that doesnt work exactly for this application... if i stick something underneath the bottom of the handset, so when it lifts it doesnt fall, that works
20:22.03[hC]but its hard to keep it aligned in a day to day setting
20:22.58[TK]D-Fender[hC]: My way you leave the handset COMPLETELY off.
20:23.49[hC][TK]D-Fender: yeah.. i understand.. my clients use the handset occasionally
20:24.22Assid[TK]D-Fender: <-- check that
20:24.24[TK]D-Fender[hC]: You can keep it plugged, just leave it flat on the table.
20:24.36[hC]I think i also fried my 7970 today by spilling coffee on it :(
20:24.39[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Next time.... just get them a cordless phon on an ata!
20:24.39[hC]that was a bit of a pissoff
20:25.22[hC]Im going to look into using the headset jack and see what polycom offers for leaving the headset light on and dealing with calls that way
20:25.23[hC]i dunno
20:26.36[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Seriously.  Stop screwing around and get them proper phones...
20:26.57[hC]the only thing i can do for these guys is cisco 7940s
20:27.00[hC]to be on par
20:28.05*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (
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20:28.36aydiosmioI'm back, biatches!
20:28.41[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Screw Par... they are LOSING functionality in attempting to become "wireless"  It is getting fuglier and LESS functional by the minute...
20:28.54luke-jr_workDoes #include sort when given a wildcard?
20:28.56[hC]I agree.
20:30.30luke-jr_workand does #include work in AEL2?
20:30.35[TK]D-Fender[hC]: If you want them to feel more exectutive get them *shudder* a WifI SIP phone.
20:31.18murfluke-jr_work: AEL2 supports #include "filename"
20:31.21[hC][TK]D-Fender: i just rolled out a bunch of linksys wip300's for a client
20:31.24aydiosmioIP phone with cordless handset ftw.
20:31.25[hC][TK]D-Fender: that was....... fun.
20:31.42[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Less than enjoyable?  What kind of issues?
20:31.53trelane_[hC], there was a really really nifty phone from RCA/Thompson, no idea if it ever made it out of R&D
20:31.54luke-jr_workmurf: not #include "directory/*.conf"?
20:32.00*** join/#asterisk Apturaca (
20:32.13aydiosmioinclude with wildcard. that's a little creepy
20:32.16murfluke-jr_work: sorry, nope.
20:32.23trelane_aydiosmio, noone cares
20:32.27[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr_ : I'd guess that like any sane language you should NOT be allowed to load by wildcard... the order could matter.
20:32.39trelane_aydiosmio, err disregard and apologies I was scrolled to "I'm back biatches"
20:32.50trelane_yeah oops :)
20:32.51trelane_sorry :)
20:33.06luke-jr_work[TK]D-Fender: well, other * confs allow wildcards... =p
20:33.10trelane_if you wish feel free to insert a "noone cares" at that point (if it makes you feel better)
20:33.25aydiosmioduely noted
20:33.34luke-jr_work[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying to split switch cases into their own files...
20:33.58murfluke-jr_work: AEL2 is "special". sorry!
20:35.31murfluke-jr_work: What's your situation? If I were to add this feature, how much use would it be?
20:36.28luke-jr_workmurf: I want to switch() on the extension, and have non-default cases split out into their own files
20:36.54*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
20:36.54luke-jr_workso ext 2301 would be in its own conf if non-default
20:37.19*** join/#asterisk southtel (n=slester@
20:37.34[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr_ : how big is your setup?
20:37.45murfluke-jr_work: The problem is this: the includes are evaluated at compile-time, not run time...
20:38.12luke-jr_workmurf: that's fine, I was expecting to do an asterisk -x 'ael reload'
20:39.07*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
20:40.04murfluke-jr_work: OK, just so you know. I've got a wiki page (voip-info) for AEL2, where I'm handling enhancement requests. Feel free to add this there. If you don't I'll do it for you when I get around to it (after 1.4 is forked).
20:41.23luke-jr_workmurf: but wiki'd requests get put in 1.4? :)
20:42.36murfluke-jr_work: They might have gotten in 1.4, if they got in the list early enough, and interested me enough to get them done in time. But right now, the freeze is on.
20:42.41*** join/#asterisk pjz (
20:42.43southtelIs there a way to "loopback" a call?
20:43.16pjzwhat's the best bootrom to run on polycom 501 phones?
20:43.30southtelI'm trying to have a call go from one device to another, but have a separate cdr entry for the inbound and outbound portions.
20:43.43luke-jr_workmurf: wouldn't this be a bug fix since every other * config takes wildcard includes? ;p
20:43.50[TK]D-Fenderpjz: 3.2.2.
20:44.09pjz[TK]D-Fender: from ?
20:44.40murfluke-jr_work: I tried that approach with some other stuff I did. I can guarantee the answer is no.
20:44.50[TK]D-Fenderpjz: Looks about right.
20:45.38[TK]D-Fenderpjz: I have found that SIP 2.0.1. and BootROM 3.2.2. is very stable and increases audio quality on the IP 430 a lot as well.  Its also "zippier" than previous releases
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20:46.18pjz[TK]D-Fender: ah, cool. thanks for the info
20:48.17luke-jr_workmurf: other stuff was inconsistent with the rest of asterisk?
20:48.34murfluke-jr_work: mainly because the original AEL (in 1.2) didn't have #include, and the AEL2 version doesn't have wildcards. This would definitely rate as an enhancement. But, hey, I'll supply a patch for stuff that didn't make it into 1.4. Life isn't over yet!
20:49.43pjz[TK]D-Fender: are the .cfg files compatible?
20:49.58pjz[TK]D-Fender: with 1.6.2
20:50.36luke-jr_workmurf: then I need to compile it >.>
20:50.47[TK]D-Fenderpjz:No, this is a major release.  I'd suggest a complete rebuild.
20:51.08pjz[TK]D-Fender: eep
20:51.29murfluke-jr_work: ha, compiling is the ****EASY**** part!
20:51.35pjz[TK]D-Fender: if I upgrade the bootrom do I have to upgrade the sip app?
20:51.36luke-jr_workmurf: not without a compiler
20:52.04murfluke-jr_work: well, you've got a month or two to find and install one!
20:52.17luke-jr_workmurf: I don't install compilers on production systems ;)
20:53.16murfluke-jr_work: Well, that's an excellent policy. You'll have to play with this on a dev system or somenthing!
20:53.16[TK]D-Fenderpjz: Why are you looking to change the bootrom?
20:53.34luke-jr_workmurf: ;p
20:53.42*** join/#asterisk jaramani (n=inarticu@
20:53.46pjz[TK]D-Fender: I started off with a bunch of polycom 500s but now I have soem 501s
20:53.51AlystairI'm still confused how you would do rollovers using DIDs
20:54.11murfluke-jr_work: cheer up! Things can **always** get worse!
20:54.16pjz[TK]D-Fender: and the 501s won't boot with the old bootrom on the server
20:54.46luke-jr_workmurf: yeah, like AEL support in 1.2
20:55.03pjz[TK]D-Fender: because they come with 3.1 or something installed
20:55.40murfluke-jr_work: I've already published a patch for 1.2 for AEL2... is that better or worse?
20:55.45luke-jr_workI thought I heard ETA 1 week on a 1.4 beta a few weeks ago... o.O
20:55.54luke-jr_workmurf: that requires compiling to use =p
20:56.18luke-jr_workand seeing that I've already worked around the bugs in my AEL files, it's not worth the trouble =p
20:56.37murfluke-jr_work: and I thought I had it bad. Just remember everyone, to allow plus/minus 6 months to any release date!
20:57.00murfluke-jr_work: <just joking, btw!>
20:57.24[TK]D-Fenderpjz: I rant old releases on 501's just fine
20:57.34pjz[TK]D-Fender: old releases of what?
20:57.40murfluke-jr_work: Wait a minute. Take a good look at AEL2. I think you'll like it!
20:58.03pjz[TK]D-Fender: ah, looks like if I just take the bootrom off the server they run the old app that's on the server
20:58.15luke-jr_workmurf: yes, I can't wait until 1.4 beta 1 =p
20:58.31luke-jr_workbeta isn't supposed to be stable, why put it off? =p
20:58.34[TK]D-Fenderpjz: 30X, 430, 50X, 6XX all support the latest SIP & BR.  I'd suggest upgrading them all
20:58.54murfluke-jr_work: (and everybody else) hopefully you won't have to wait very long...!
20:59.06pjz[TK]D-Fender: yeah, I need to do that.. but I need to test them first to make sure my config-builder works with tiem
20:59.34[TK]D-Fenderpjz: What builder do you use?  How many phones do you manage?
20:59.52*** join/#asterisk bigjb (n=nnnnbigj@
21:00.00murfluke-jr_work: There are some major features that would go missing if we released now. It'll be worth the wait.
21:00.04pjz[TK]D-Fender: I manage around 35 phones and I use a custom builder that I wrote in python
21:00.08jaramaniserious * noob here<---- I want to integrate * with Nortel KSU to extend locals to remote softphones <challenge anyone?>
21:00.21luke-jr_workmurf: all I'm waiting for is XMPP/Jingle and AEL2 =p
21:00.40[TK]D-Fenderpjz: I use the magic of "search & replace" and am rebuilding my 30 over here (did my 3 at home already)
21:01.14murfluke-jr_work: saw some jingling going on... hang on a little longer!
21:01.31TrazzWhats the most stable * in a box now with the web gui, etc. now ? I have been using freepbx but have to reboot it often
21:01.42luke-jr_work suggests I really should post my extensions.ael somewhere
21:02.49murfluke-jr_work: Go for it. Add some good examples to the pile!
21:02.59*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
21:03.07pjz[TK]D-Fender: ICYC
21:03.44murfluke-jr_work: oops, gtg. kid stranded in town. C U later...!
21:03.55*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
21:04.23hmmhesaysyup exactly
21:05.19jaramaniserious * noob here<---- I want to integrate * with Nortel KSU to extend locals to remote softphones <challenge anyone?>
21:05.37TrazzWhats the most stable * in a box now with the web gui, etc. now ? I have been using freepbx but have to reboot it often
21:05.44TrazzTk ?
21:05.55hmmhesayswhy do you have to reboot it?
21:06.09Trazzit stops answering or allowing calls out
21:06.14hmmhesaysjaramani: what does the nortel consist of?
21:06.22Trazza reboot fixes it
21:06.29Trazzor a restart of *
21:06.41Trazzi have a cron to restart * daily
21:06.44Trazzi want to stop that
21:07.00jaramanihmmhesays: Nortel Meridian ICS, T1 in... lots of station modules and 8 ATA's
21:07.11hmmhesaysTrazz: turn debug on
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21:07.51jaramanihmmhesays: ?
21:08.04hmmhesaysi was going to say something but I lost my thought
21:08.13hmmhesaysjaramani: how do you want to integrate it?
21:09.05jaramanihmmhesays: not sure, I could attach to the ATA's and allow forwarding from the local sets to the * implementation?
21:10.20hmmhesayswhat kind of ata's?
21:11.54jaramanihmmhesays: Nortel ATA devices -> convert KSU lines to standard analog to allow modems/fax/machines/non-nortel handsets
21:11.58*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
21:12.31hmmhesaysjaramani, gotcha
21:12.41hmmhesaysso you'd need to hook up some fxo boxes
21:13.09*** part/#asterisk Apturaca (
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21:14.26hmmhesaysjarami, pretty simple affair
21:14.36hmmhesaysyou could put a gateway on the trunk side of your pbx too
21:14.46hmmhesaysI have done that a few times
21:15.46jaramanihmmhesays: that's what my rapid bit of research says (FXO). Is it possible to go right to the lines (no ATA) with FXS?
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21:16.02hmmhesays"right to the lines" ?
21:16.40jaramanihmmhesay: the ports that the nortel phones are connected to
21:19.16hmmhesayshighly unlikely you can plug an ata right into the ports, usually pbx's run a propietary type of signaling
21:20.32jaramanias you say though, simplest would be to use a bunch of FXO's to the ATA lines... give them extensions and allow users to call forward to them
21:22.19[TK]D-Fenderjaramani: What kind & how many lines do you take into your KSU right now?  How many remote extensions are you looking to add?
21:22.59[TK]D-Fenderjaramani: And how many existing Norstar stations do you have?
21:23.19hmmhesaysand [TK]D-Fender come in to answer the questions i'm to lazy to ask
21:23.32jaramaniT1 in (20 lines?) -> looking to extend 2 to 4 out with *....  got about 40 stations in operation
21:23.35hmmhesays* s/answer/ask
21:24.00hmmhesaysjarmani: you looking to extend a couple did's out to ip extensions?
21:24.09[TK]D-Fenderjaramani: Do you have an extra T1 port on it?
21:24.34*** join/#asterisk japerry (n=falc0n@
21:24.38jaramaniextending DID's out would be good!...
21:24.43hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: remember that discussion we had about quintum awhile back... this is the perfect scenario
21:24.44jaramanino... no extra T1 port
21:24.59*** join/#asterisk bigjb (n=bigjb@
21:25.09hmmhesaysjarmani: you can put a quintum gateway inline with the t1 and pick off did's you want to send out IP
21:25.18[TK]D-Fenderjaramani: Have you considered ditching your Norstar setup as a whole for *?
21:25.35*** join/#asterisk profounded (
21:25.40jaramaniquintum gateway?... I'll check that out...
21:25.59robl^you can get a norstar digital set to SIP gateway..  works with asterisk..
21:26.00hmmhesaysyou can put one inline between the telco and the trunk side of the pbx and pick off numbers based on dnis
21:26.09jaramaniYes, we'll go complete VOIP in the next 18 months... got lots of money in the analog still.... :(
21:26.21[TK]D-FenderAnd the Norstar gateway can be had REAL cheap nowadays/....
21:26.48robl^real cheap?  last I saw was like $1200 for 24 port
21:27.13hmmhesaysthat's not bad
21:27.39aydiosmioQuintum? yipes.
21:27.47[TK]D-Fenderrobl^: $1000 now....
21:28.04*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
21:29.04robl^and then use Aastra phones.. they are very Nortel like...  so they won't feel foreign to the users
21:30.13DasTechpolycoms rock and easy o setup anduse
21:30.37hmmhesaysspa-942's are pretty good to, i'm working on auto config for mass provisioning of those right now
21:30.41robl^polycoms are good..  aastra is good.  snom is good..
21:31.12hmmhesaysCunningPike: fun, I was down there for training  a few months back
21:31.21hmmhesaysi much prefer mediatrix 1124's then
21:31.33robl^Aastra though, are very similar in to Nortel phones..  Aastra actually manufactures phones for Nortel
21:31.52CunningPikehmmhesays: It was a tossup between Mediatrix and AudioCodes
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21:32.28hmmhesaysCunningPike: oh man I love the 1124's with all the features, mass provisioning capabilities
21:32.48*** join/#asterisk bigjb (n=nbigjb@
21:32.52CunningPikehmmhesays: WTF were you when I was asking which one to buy?? :P
21:32.56hmmhesaysaudiocodes has a prettier gui
21:33.05CunningPikePretty is goo
21:33.28hmmhesaysCunningPike: i'm where were you all of the times i've been spouting on about the 1124's?
21:33.51[TK]D-Fenderrobl^: What I was referring to is the Norstar gateway so they could use their existing Digitral phones
21:33.54*** part/#asterisk DasTech (
21:33.59hmmhesaysextract something that meaningful out of that sentence
21:34.08CunningPikehmmhesays: Asleep at the wheel
21:34.22CunningPikehmmhesays: lol - I didn't even notice until you pointed it out
21:34.23hmmhesaysI need a new guitar
21:34.34CunningPikehmmhesays: Because that will help you type better?
21:34.37hmmhesaysCunningPike: classic case of fingers in front of hands
21:34.49CunningPikehmmhesays: Ah
21:34.49hmmhesaysCunningPike: cause the ladies love guitarists
21:34.58CunningPikeCresl1n: Ewww
21:35.10hmmhesaysmy les paul is too fat for my fingers, and i'm indecisive
21:35.18Cresl1nI used to play guitar
21:35.18aydiosmiochuck it!
21:35.26Cresl1nthen it got ganked :-)
21:35.29*** join/#asterisk adorah (
21:35.31Cresl1nso no more guitar for a while
21:36.00hmmhesaysI've got my eyes on a hamer double cut away, but then I talked to the guitarist from avenged sevenfold... and was thinking of going with a schecter
21:36.30CunningPikehmmhesays: Telecaster
21:36.59aydiosmioI often take instrument advice from mediocre muscians as well:0
21:37.01CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: Made by........ Fender!! :D
21:37.33hmmhesaysTele's can be ok if you put some fat strings on them
21:38.05X-Rob_Mmmm, fat strings *droool*
21:38.16[TK]D-FenderCunningPike: Fender doesn't do what I need.  24 fret double-locaking w/ floating trem. :)  I play a Dean currently, and previously Ibanez
21:39.03CunningPikeIt's the fins........
21:39.29hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: that's right you're an 80's nut
21:39.40hmmhesaysdid you ever watch that video i posted the other day?
21:39.46apturaIts noteable that my step dad had a play in the 60s music erra as a group manager,big band booking agent and formed groups.
21:39.50aydiosmioall hail satriani
21:39.53hmmhesayssynyster gates makes that schecter sing
21:39.57[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Yeah I time where music & songwriting still mattered :)
21:40.10hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: it is getting back that weay
21:40.10apturaCunningPike did not know you liked music
21:40.18aydiosmiohey, not fair to generalize.
21:40.24CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: They still matter - it's just that no-one does it any more
21:40.38[TK]D-Fenderaydiosmio: Satch is cool.... Via is abrasive, Malmsteen is a self-plagiarizing egotist
21:40.43CunningPikeaptura: Purely as a consumer - I have no ability whatsoever
21:40.43*** join/#asterisk Jeekay (
21:40.52hmmhesaysi disagree: atreyu, avenged sevenfold
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21:41.07apturaCunningPike okay :) my wife in heavy into music as a cunsumer.
21:41.12aydiosmioyes, I'm sure, it's okay.
21:41.27JeekayWhenever I try to call my grandstream phone from my Windows softphone (3CX), Asterisk returns a 404 Not Found. I can call the softphone from the grandstream just fine. What might be wrong / what can I do to get more debug information?
21:41.32apturaWent to school with the perlband drummer who was eventually kicked out of the group ;)
21:41.42*** join/#asterisk asternick (i=asdas@
21:41.46hmmhesaysthat's why it is so fun going to see good bar bands, they play the best music from lots of era's
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21:41.59asternickhello can anyone help me
21:42.21hmmhesaysasternick: the gerbil is dead dude, let it go
21:42.27aydiosmioI'd really rather listen to a jukebox than listen to someone butcher "Little Wing"
21:42.31[TK]D-FenderJeekay: 404 means your dialplan doesn't have a match for the number dialed
21:42.42hmmhesaysaydiosmio: i'd rather see someone good play it live
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21:42.53CunningPikeasternick: Ask
21:43.00JeekayIt does though, that's the strange thing. The extension I'm trying is 8192, and I have exten => 8192,blah entries in the appropriate contexts
21:43.05jbotyou are, like, not really here...
21:43.29[TK]D-FenderJeekay: pastebin your sip.conf (masking passwords), and your extensions.conf
21:43.35aydiosmiodoes anyone know anything about computers?
21:43.36CunningPikeJeekay: You're going to have pastebin your...... what he said
21:43.43JeekayWill do - thanks :) one sec
21:44.23CunningPikeasternick: Ask your question in the channel, so all may benefit from my wisdom
21:44.31Jeekayjust as a quick sidequestion - is there a way to see all extensions that have currently registered?
21:44.39hmmhesaysand my shenanigans
21:44.41CunningPikeJeekay: 'sip show peers'
21:44.44asternickcan anyone help me because i have a PBX server running on a localnet and my clients are outside another local net
21:45.00asternickany idea on inux congifugration on that thing
21:45.15asternickany idea on linux congifugration on that thing
21:45.21JeekaySorry for burning your time... I had the softphone in the wrong context - many thanks for your help!
21:45.34hmmhesaysset your externip's or use openvpn asternick
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21:45.56asternickah gonna try that
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21:47.12asternickwell thanks hmmhesays
21:47.42hmmhesaysopenvpn just rocks
21:47.47hmmhesaysthat way they are on the same network
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21:48.39aydiosmiosoftware vpn is tacky
21:48.40phatmonkeyhow can i have a list of prefixes in the dialplan (_500. etc), with a "catch all" at the bottom for any that didn't match? using _X. would just match everything regardless of whether a prefix matched it. is there a way to bail out of the current context that i can add to the prefix extensions?
21:49.44hmmhesaysphatmonkey: use an include
21:50.32phatmonkeyhmmhesays, how exactly?
21:51.15Drukenmut: you around?
21:51.53hmmhesaysphatmonkey  [mycontext] include => mycontext2; exten => _500.,1,NoOp(500 extensions); [mycontext2] exten => _X.,1,NoOp(Catch the rest)
21:51.59hmmhesaysthat should do'er
21:52.08asternickhmmhesays i've tried downloading the iso image of trixbox and write it on a cd but it doesn't work so i just use a VMware player right now
21:52.13asternickwould that be just ok?
21:52.16Jeekayis there a list of all the 'operations' you can use in extensions (NoOp, Dial, Hangup, etc) anywhere?
21:52.34hmmhesaysfeel free to donate me a 10'spot for that phatmonkey
21:52.40phatmonkeyhmmhesays, ah i see, of course
21:53.51*** join/#asterisk Brijn (
21:53.53hmmhesaysbah, I can't find the tab for "unbelievable" anyway
21:53.54BrijnHello all
21:54.33*** join/#asterisk groogs (
21:55.44BrijnI have a question that probably comes up a lot.. But google & didn't help :( I have an * box in India, and I want to play MoH to get a feel for audio quality. I set up an IAX trunk and can phone MoH without problems. But as soon as it anwers it says "Start playing" and then "Stopped playing"
21:55.56BrijnThe format_mp3 is there, and ztdummy is loaded
21:57.03hmmhesaysis there mp3's in your moh directory?
21:58.09Brijndefault install with sounds
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22:00.16stubertBrijn: how are you calling moh in your dialplan?
22:00.17JeekayHm.. if I have a dialplan that looks like exten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/100,30,t), how can I play different things depending on whether the person didnt answer or the extension is invalid? Both cases seem to just go onto the next priority.
22:00.26X-Rob_Brijn, check /var/log/asterisk/full
22:00.40X-Rob_also do a 'moh files show'
22:00.49X-Rob_make sure that asterisk can actually _See_ the files
22:00.56CunningPikeJeekay: Old way: Have both an n+1 and an n+101 priority
22:01.06CunningPikeJeekay: New way, check ${DIALSTATUS}
22:01.22justinu|laptopexcept when app_dial forgets to set DIALSTATUS
22:01.34JeekayI can only make it go to 102 if the user actively BUSYs the call
22:01.35BrijnX-Rob_: Hmmm, doesn't show any files.. Maybe permission issue
22:01.39sx-wksjustinu|laptop: then that's a bug
22:01.41Jeekayif its just not answered it goes onto prio 2
22:01.56Jeekayof course the other question is.. how do I use DIALSTATUS? :)
22:02.02CunningPikeJeekay: Precisely - isn't that what you wanted?
22:02.09sx-wksJeekay: use GotoIf
22:02.21BrijnX-Rob_: Everybody can read, so that should not be the problem
22:02.27JeekayI need to be able to distinguish between an unanswered call (phone is there, phone rang, noone answered) versus a call to a non-existant extension
22:02.55Jeekayoh wait
22:03.07JeekayI've just been dumb again havn't I.. A non-existant extension won't be configured at all.
22:03.15CunningPikeJeekay: :D
22:03.34JeekayRight I see why... when I dial non-existant extensions, it rings busy
22:03.43JeekayI need that do to the 'the extension you have dialed is invalid' thing
22:04.37AlexDaSilvaHello everyone could I ask a question ? DTMF detection from some callers but not all incoming zap channel
22:04.49CunningPikeJeekay: Then you need an 'i' extension in the current context and make it PlayBack() the appropriate sound file
22:04.59CunningPikeAlexDaSilva: Inband?
22:05.00Jeekayyou're a star
22:05.09AlexDaSilvanot sure
22:05.16CunningPikeAlexDaSilva: Find out
22:05.33AlexDaSilvahow i thought inband would only apply to a SIP not ZAP channel
22:05.41X-Rob_Brijn, have you restarted asterisk? (MOH changes only get noticed on a restart)
22:06.53CunningPikeBrijn: reload should be enough in most cases
22:07.34Jeekayhmm.. when I dial an invalid extension, asterisk keeps sending a 404 instead of following my dialplan..
22:08.07pigpenanyone know of any iax providers with a single channel LD monthly rate?
22:08.58Jeekayoh. the asterisk info pages suggests that i doesn't infact work?
22:10.33BrijnX-Rob_: Ahh, i just reload.. Let me restart'
22:11.33AlexDaSilvaCunningPike, wouldn't inband apply only to a SIP channel ? The problem I'm having is on a ZAP channel, I know I said it before but you didn't respond, really need the help
22:11.37[hC]hmm. is there a way to have a queue call ring for a certain amount of time if all members are ringing, but ring for longer if all the members were busy?
22:12.15CunningPikeAlexDaSilva: Hmm - are you receiving the calls with SIP phones?
22:12.30pigpenwow...that many ....hehe...longshot.
22:12.38AlexDaSilvacallers can't go passed the autoaattendant
22:13.15CunningPikeAlexDaSilva: Ah, I see - try playing with your gains
22:13.27CunningPikeAlexDaSilva: In zapata.conf
22:13.43AlexDaSilvauhu i do have rxgain to 25 cause they complained about volume
22:13.53BrijnX-Rob_: How do I get the full log? I only have messages in var/log/asterisk
22:14.05CunningPikeAlexDaSilva: That sounds really high - is that rxgain?
22:14.25CunningPikeAlexDaSilva: Back it off a ways and see if that cures the DTMF
22:15.40[hC]what method do you guys use to set rx/txgain? and do you usually end up having to do it per line (on, say, a 5-6 line system) or do you just set it globally?
22:15.56AlexDaSilvaCunningPile I'll try that then thank you. It's only a problem from one person with a Cingular Cell phone and a couple of other ramdom callers. I can never recreate the issue when I call
22:18.14Jeekay is my extensions file.. any ideas why the [invalid] context at the bottom isn't working? (my phones are in the [intern] context defined at the top
22:18.24BrijnX-Rob_ / CunningPike : I evenr ebooted the server. Still no files listed in "moh files show", the directory listed in musiconhold.conf is there, and it has the three default files... They are readable by owner,group,other
22:19.12CunningPikeAlexDaSilva: Cell phones are notoriously problematic with DTMF
22:20.04CunningPikeJeekay: Try - is fscked up
22:20.12jaramanigot sucked into the "work" blackhole for a moment... circled the event horizon at light speed...
22:20.47CunningPikeBrijn: Pastebin the output from 'moh files show'
22:21.25BrijnNo need to post it, it's empty ;-)
22:21.53jaramaniI'll investigate >    T1<->Nortel KSU<->ATA<->*FXO<->Remote Softphone      some more
22:22.00AlexDaSilvaCunningPike, unfortunately I can't tell that to my client, specially when he has clients calling in and complaining. Thanks for your help lowering the rxgain has actually made it worse but i'll keep playing with these settings
22:22.03jaramanithanks for the input
22:23.04X-Rob_Brijn, check to make sure the directory has the correct permissions. Try to CD into it as the asterisk user
22:23.16BrijnCunningPike: has the musiconhold.conf and dirlist
22:23.21BrijnX-Rob_: let me check
22:23.25X-Rob_Brijn, apart from that, check to make sure you're loading format_mp3 before res_musiconhold in modules.conf
22:23.48CunningPikeJeekay: I misled you - 'i' is for auto-attendants. You need a [default] context with an _X. extension that plays the invalid sound
22:24.35JeekayWhere is a good reference for all the various commands (like GotoIf) the variables (DIALSTATUS?) and these patterns (_X.) ?
22:24.49BrijnX-Rob_: * is running as root
22:24.51Jeekaythe documentation linked off the asterisk website as Digiums Documentation doesn't seem terribly helpful
22:25.32jbotmethinks thewiki is at
22:25.32BrijnX-Rob_: It's a recent install, modules.conf has autoload and specific load of res_musiconhold. Added and stop/started *, no change
22:25.35jbotthebook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
22:26.08X-Rob_Brijn, format_mp3 _above_ res_musiconhold?
22:26.40X-Rob_don't know then 8)
22:26.52CunningPikeBrijn: Change your mode to 'files' if you want to use
22:27.01BrijnX-Rob_: I enabled full logging, not much goes into that file :(
22:27.06fall0utanybody used the 7941/7961 phones yet?
22:27.13X-Rob_That's what your moh context should look like
22:27.19X-Rob_(with or without random=yes)
22:27.54JeekayI take it the _X. has to be the last extension defined to avoid causing trouble?
22:28.58BrijnX-Rob_: Bingo!!!
22:29.53CunningPikeJeekay: No, it does has to be in an otherwise empty default context - you never normally use the default context for anything
22:30.11CunningPikeJeekay: At least, that's what we've done
22:30.27BrijnHmm, i would probably be a nice idea to ship * with a working config ;-)) This was a brand new install
22:31.25JeekayIf it's in a context that nothing uses, how does it ever get called?
22:31.33CunningPikeBrijn: Pretty hard to do, given the variety of environments out there. I do, however, agree that the default install should use native MOH (
22:31.49CunningPikeJeekay: Your calls will go there if there is no match anywhere else
22:32.25BrijnAnd I read the comments: I read the "file" description as: Use this if you have all the MoH files in ulaw/alaw/gsm format so that no conversion is needed
22:32.41Jeekayis [default] 'special' in that way?
22:32.51BrijnCunningPike: Should I open a "bug" in mantis? Would that help
22:32.56CunningPikeJeekay: Yes
22:33.22Jeekayhm. if I move it out of my used context, it just rings busy again
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22:33.39CunningPikeBrijn: Yes - we use ulaw files to match our call codec
22:34.04CunningPikeBrijn: It's not a bug - asterisk doesn't work out of the box - you have to configure it
22:35.03*** part/#asterisk myshenka (n=spamyous@
22:35.18BrijnCunningPike: True, but by changing musiconhold.conf to this setup it would work in 100% of the installs I think? Now it will not work in any setup after a fresh install?
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22:36.27CunningPikeBrijn: This setup requires something out of asterisk-addons - not sure if that could be incorporated into the main product or not
22:37.06CunningPikeJeekay: Pastebin your CLI output and your current extensions.conf
22:37.19telewebwhat's the easiest way to check whether your rtp streams runs through asterisk or directly from phone to phone?
22:37.23BrijnCunningPike: OK, tx! I'm now listening to an MP3 from India to Vancouver ;-) For a 32kbit uplink via shitty internet, the quality is surprisingly good
22:38.19BrijnIs iax2 show netstats functional?
22:38.59telewebI'm talking about sip
22:40.26CunningPiketeleweb: wireshark
22:41.43BrijnCan I force MoH to be cached in memory.. If I browse quickly in a textfile on the PBX I hear it in the MoH playback :( or will the Linux disk cache do that automayicly after the first round
22:42.10CunningPikeBrijn: I think it is - I think it only gives stats with an active call
22:42.42CunningPikeBrijn: That shouldn't be happening with local moh files..... does not work :(
22:43.06BrijnCunningPike: I thought I had enabled jitterbuffer, but I probably overwrote that file at some point.. Resetting it now
22:43.20telewebis there no easier way, without installing extra software?
22:43.46CunningPiketeleweb: There's no way that I know of to be certain, afaik
22:45.00*** join/#asterisk Ox0F0-0FF (n=pierre@
22:46.32CunningPiketeleweb: But I am far from an expert....
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22:46.49CunningPiketeleweb: wireshark is useful anyway :)
22:46.54*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (n=SwK@
22:46.58telewebthanks :)
22:47.05telewebbut can you access the site? :p
22:47.25telewebah!!! it works now
22:47.33telewebwas down a minute ago
22:48.04Brijnteleweb: The first DNS lookup probably failed.. You sometimes see that, if the DNS needs more then 2 seconds to answer
22:48.18BrijnNext request will work fine, since your local DNS then has the asnwer
22:48.51telewebthat could be the reason yes
22:49.32hmmhesaysah ah ah ah staying alive?
22:49.55telewebrelated question: is it possible for 2 sip phones at the same location to use a hosted asterisk on the internet, but send their rtp media path directly to one another
22:50.04CunningPike"If I can't have you, I don't want nobody, baby..."
22:50.16teleweband still keep the transfer functionality of * ?
22:50.46teleweb(i can use sip info for dtmf if that helps)
22:51.16CunningPiketeleweb: It might work if you use INFO or RFC2388 for DTMF and there's no NAT to bugger up the reinvite
22:51.29CunningPiketeleweb: Try it! :)
22:51.47telewebwell, there is nat between the phones and *, but not between the phones themselves :)
22:52.55*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekon@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
22:53.19telewebwhere should i install that shark anyway? :)  can I just put it on a pc in the home lan? (i don't feel like letting it swim in the hosting pbx)
22:54.58BrijnNot a 100% asterisk question. But I try to compile speex since that seems to be the lowest BW (free) codec. It fails with configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check... Anyone an idea what that might be
22:56.09CunningPiketeleweb: wireshark can go anywhere where it can see the packets
22:56.42CunningPiketeleweb: The NAT between asterisk and your phones _might_ wreck the reinvite - you'll have to try it
22:57.42*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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22:59.40Jeekayif, from my SIP phone registered to my local asterisk, I dial a numnber that is handed off to another SIP provider
22:59.50Jeekayis the RTP stream between my phone and the provider, or my phone to asterisk to the provider?
22:59.51asternickcan anyone help me download that openVPN
23:00.39CunningPikeJeekay: Most likely the latter
23:00.41eKo1Help you download?
23:00.50CunningPikeEveryone pull!!!!!
23:01.01asternickhow to download it
23:01.08w12zardIs there a way to execute an AGI script after sending a busy signal?
23:01.22w12zardcan I log congestion to a database?
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23:03.24BrijnHaha, iax2 show netstats after I started a download on a 32kbit line:
23:03.24BrijnJit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts
23:03.24Brijn4961 4270 16777201  22    53  933     18
23:03.42w12zardI'm trying to make a cheap callback service for my cellphone
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23:03.56w12zardwhere I get my PBX to call me back and then I can dial out on my home line
23:03.59w12zardIs that possible?
23:05.05eKo1w12zard: yes
23:05.32eKo1You can have your PBX call two parties and unite them so-to-speak.
23:05.39eKo1your * PBX that is.
23:05.53justinu|laptopre-unite pangea!
23:06.12w12zardit would have to call me first and give me access to DISA or something...right?
23:07.21eKo1No, it would call your cellphone and call the number you want to call from your cellphone.
23:08.20eKo1How are you going to do that...well, I'll leave that to you to figure out.
23:09.05w12zardI'm just wondering if I can initiate the callback from my phone in the first place
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23:09.51eKo1Yes I said.
23:09.56hmmhesaysof course you can
23:09.57w12zardoops sorry
23:09.59QbYserver crashed, and was restarted--now i'm getting echo*CLI> iax2 debug
23:09.59QbYNo such command 'iax2' (type 'help' for help)
23:09.59QbYecho*CLI> sip debug
23:09.59QbYNo such command 'sip' (type 'help' for help)
23:12.31hmmhesaysso type help and see what it tells you in its seemingly broken state
23:13.08QbYi've already rebooted the box
23:13.20QbYis anyone else having sponatenous crashes with
23:13.30QbYno warnings int he log or nothing--just poof.. dead.
23:14.06hmmhesaysturn debug on to check the last thing that happens before it crashed
23:14.38QbYdebug the last event in the log?
23:15.43w12zardok thanks
23:16.01*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
23:19.23Nugget  <-- a good example of why I hate (most) mobile phones.
23:20.39MportnoyAnyone knows how to fix error SIP 500 INTERNAL "SERVER ERROR"
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23:21.17robin_szpeople, what is the general opinion of the aastra phones, 9113i for example, good, bad or ugly?
23:21.37robin_szsorry, 9133i
23:22.08robin_szlooks nice in the phot and is cheap ... but there again the GXP2000 looked nice ...
23:23.13*** join/#asterisk redder86 (
23:23.23redder86hrmm... it appears to be habitual now for an Asterisk release to be followed the next week by a .1 oops-fix.  How very... telling
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23:27.02dasenjoHi everybody!
23:28.52sting3rcan someone tell me why 1.1 kills my conferences?
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23:32.04dasenjoI need a FreeBSD user that can help me test destar, a Management Interface for asterisk.
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23:40.22CunningPikeNugget: I love Joel - rofl
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.