irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060914

00:00.35CrashsysDo TDM400's echo very bad? (Compared to an X100?)
00:00.42CrashsysOr is anything going to pots going to echo?
00:03.49rollergrrlIn the console, is there a way to view which group a zaptel channel is in?
00:04.09Crashsyszap show channel <#>
00:04.40Crashsysie, zap show channel 2
00:05.02rollergrrlGuess I'm blind
00:05.07rollergrrlbut I can't see which zap group it's in
00:06.14*** join/#asterisk mog (
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00:07.41X-Rob_rollergrrl, uh. Doesn't look like it
00:07.58[TK]D-FenderCrashsys : Any card touching analog (effectively ALL) is susceptable.   Zaptel EC has improved a lot but can still be hit/miss
00:08.18[TK]D-FenderCrashsys : Hardware EC is preferable wherever possible
00:09.03Crashsysfender: Yeah, but i'll have to see what the budget dictates...
00:09.12CrashsysKB1 the best general EC?
00:09.15Crashsyssoftware wise
00:10.06[TK]D-FenderCrashsys : MG2 I think in most cases (the default with Zaptel these days IIRC)
00:10.17[TK]D-FenderCrashsys : Are you having current problems?
00:10.20CrashsysThank ya...
00:11.00CrashsysYeah, but it has more to do with the shitstreams...
00:11.08CrashsysI mean crapstreams...
00:11.54CrashsysAnd i'm sure the X100's aint helping it any... so while i'm talking them into getting the polycom's like I originally suggested, i'm going to talk them into a TDM400 too...
00:12.25CrashsysProlly end up ebay'ing the grandstreams...
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00:12.29[TK]D-FenderCrashsys : GXP's?
00:12.39CrashsysUnless someone wants to buy 6 BT-200's... used for 1-week...
00:13.00CrashsysIt uses the same boot/firmwares as the GXP's...
00:13.23[TK]D-FenderCrashsys firmware for GXP's had serious echo issues even sip-sip
00:13.56CrashsysThey get bad echo when they initiate a call from the GS's... otherwise it's fine...
00:15.00justinu|laptopGS are mics are too hot then
00:17.18CrashsysYeah, but I dont think they can be adjusted... and setting the gain down in zapata makes everything sound like your talking down a hallway...
00:18.54grexkHow can I handle priority jumping in RemoveQueueMember?
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00:23.43grexkn+101 is not working?
00:24.10justinu|laptopCrashsys: setting your txgain lower didn't help?
00:27.51Crashsysjustin: Marginally...
00:28.05CrashsysBut by the time the echo fades out, you can barely hear anyone...
00:29.25CrashsysSounds like someone talking down a long hallway
00:29.30CrashsysYou can hear them, but it's faint...
00:41.39*** join/#asterisk scoona (
00:43.03De_Mondoes anyone have a simple openSER config for doing SIP/UDP <-> SIP/TCP
00:44.41Nivexis anyone else having problems registering to lately?
00:46.24justinu|laptopcrashsys: what increments are you adjusting gains?
00:46.31Crashsysby .5
00:46.36justinu|laptopah, that's pretty fine
00:46.53Crashsyswell, I rough it in with whole increments, then tune with .5...
00:47.17justinu|laptopjust making sure you didn't think they were db or something
00:47.40Crashsyswell, I did think I was adjusting DB or gain... but I still used the same method...
00:47.51CrashsysIe -2.5 was -2.5db of gain
00:49.16justinu|laptopit's something arbitrary like +/-100% of the capability of the audio driver on the analog cards
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00:50.04CrashsysSomeone needs to make a multi-chan ZTMonitor...
00:50.18Crashsysor a way to adjust gains per channel...
00:50.30Crashsysfor those poor saps using analog like me
00:50.35justinu|laptopi thought you could adjust gains per channel
00:50.48CrashsysIf you can, i'm all ears...
00:50.53CrashsysI've only seen a globalized gain setting
00:50.56RyushinSo how do I record a company by name directory?
00:51.27justinu|laptopi'm not an expert, but I thought you could put a gain statement for each channel def in zapata?
00:52.07Crashsyswell, I can try :)
00:52.20justinu|laptopi remember doing it for an E&M trunk that was interfaced to a legacy PBX
00:52.34justinu|laptopfor some reason we had to adjust half the channels to a different gain
00:52.55Crashsysgod i'm fried... would I list the gain before or after the channel statement that I want effected?
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00:54.09puzzledCrashsys: iirc before
00:54.26justinu|laptopand rememer, reloading will not read in the new gain parms
00:54.29justinu|laptopyou must restart ast
00:54.53Crashsyswish I had verizon's MW test #
00:54.57Crashsysmake this easier
00:55.48justinu|laptopoh yeah, because half the channels were TIE trunks, and the other half was to PSTN
00:55.50justinu|laptopfunky stuff
01:04.03*** join/#asterisk QMario (n=QMario@unaffiliated/QMario)
01:06.56Crashsysanyone know how I get ztmonitor to go into quantitative mode?
01:11.05mickyHello, i'm trying to convert a PCM (wav) stream resulted from an asterisk channel to an MP3 compatible with flash (32Kbit/s and 22.025 Khz) using lame and stream it in ices.
01:22.24Nivexmicky: chipmunk effect?... is the encoder expecting stereo and you're feeding it mono?
01:27.45*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
01:28.28*** join/#asterisk JSabines (i=JSabines@
01:29.49*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
01:30.03blebleblemy asterisk box just died, and when i restarted it and login, and try to do a sip show registry i get "No such command 'sip' (type 'help' for help)"
01:31.13*** join/#asterisk NetNut404 (
01:31.55mickyNivex stream plays fine in winamp but not in flash... and lame is set to (/usr/local/bin/lame -r -s 8 --cbr -b 24 -x -m m - - | /usr/local/bin/ezstream -c $1) this way it works on anything but flash wich requires the -r  setting to be 5 11 22.025 22.5 or 44 ....
01:32.11mickyNivex oups the -s setting
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01:32.50mickyNivex and if i set it to -s (flash compatible-> 5 11 22.025 44) the stream gets the chipmunk effect... in ANY player.
01:33.14Nivex*shrug* I know squat about flash, so I was just taking a shot in the dark
01:33.24NetNut404has anyone found a way to add the amr codec to asterisk?
01:38.19*** join/#asterisk avar (n=avar@wikipedia/Aevar-Arnfjord-Bjarmason)
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01:38.39RyushinAre there any ideas why when I try to dial long distance, I get a message saying I must first dial a 1.
01:38.56bleblebleRyshin: did you dial a 1
01:39.45*** join/#asterisk Werdna (i=Andrew@silentflame/member/Werdna)
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01:40.39RyushinI have a line that looks like this: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN})
01:40.58RyushinThis worked fine for a PRI, but this is going out a analog on a different asterisk system.
01:42.46NetNut404how do I add an amr codec to asterisk ?
01:42.57DrukenHMERyushin: try putting a second one infront of it
01:43.59RyushinYea, I just did that, and it gave me a fast busy.
01:44.34*** part/#asterisk avar (n=avar@wikipedia/Aevar-Arnfjord-Bjarmason)
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01:51.19*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
01:58.06NetNut404I read at that If I get the AMR codec in asterisk that my phone should then be able to talk to  "dumb clients" .. how would I do that?
02:01.06*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
02:04.16RyushinHow do I put a pause in the outbound dial.  I think it's dial to fast and it's dropping the 1.
02:04.56grexkHow do I remove queues from CLI?
02:04.58*** join/#asterisk JSabines (n=alancast@
02:05.27justinu|laptopRyushin: "w"
02:05.37RyushinCool, thanks.
02:07.54RyushinThat was it.  It just needed a .5 second pause.  Thanks justinu|laptop.
02:11.46*** join/#asterisk Druken (n=jdumais@
02:13.47hacked``guys, i was wondering if anyone can spare a couple minutes and help me get my trunk set up
02:13.58NetNut404I have a sip client on a cell phone, but it uses the AMR codec and H.263 .  How to make this talk to other sip clients through asterisk? (because the codec)
02:14.17*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
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02:56.00*** join/#asterisk matt_ (
02:56.56matt_hello, can somebody help me, i have a spa3000 box hooked up to asterisk and dialout works fine but incomming calls dont seem to work
02:57.25matt_when i dial the pstn number the spa3000 box picks up and play what sounds like a congestion tone down the line
02:57.47matt_my guess is that the spa3000 dosn't know where to send the call
02:58.11matt_i have tried setting a default dialplan for the pstn line but it didn't seem to work
02:59.57*** join/#asterisk freeepbxxnoobbb (
03:00.53freeepbxxnoobbbCan someone tell me the price range on if my company were to buy pri lines in a colo
03:01.45freeepbxxnoobbblike a t1 pri
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03:05.42`Tingles`15.00/line + some phone pacakge ontop for minutes..
03:06.06`Tingles`that would be for DID lines...
03:12.21*** join/#asterisk ojai (
03:14.39hacked``when i do, sip show registry, and i see:    BYOD0000154    23    Registered
03:14.41hacked``is that a good thing ?
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03:15.17freeepbxxnoobbbwould that be unlimited local calling after that
03:15.50Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: it depends which state you're in
03:16.13hacked``ya but how come i still get all circuits busy then
03:16.28Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: in california, for example, i would expect to pay between $500 and $700 per month plus usage for a fully populated PRI
03:16.52Strom_Coh?  where in california?
03:17.24freeepbxxnoobbborange county\
03:17.30Strom_CI'm in los angeles :)
03:17.40Drukenhacked``: registering means they know where you are.... for incoming calls...
03:17.42Drukennot outgoing....
03:17.58freeepbxxnoobbbyeah if we were to get lines in la how much would it cost
03:18.17Strom_Cit's state-level regulation, not county or city-level
03:18.26Strom_Cthe CPUC is a state agency :)
03:19.03freeepbxxnoobbbOh so if we were to get a t1 with 24 lines and what would it cost for unlimited local calling
03:19.07Strom_Chow much call volume are you anticipating handling?
03:19.50freeepbxxnoobbbAll day,  So we were seeing if it would be more cost effective to terminate our own lines
03:19.59Strom_Cwhat's "All day"
03:20.16Strom_Chow many minutes per month do your traffic engineering estimates show you as using?
03:21.06ojaiI'm trying to figure out what hardware I need to get Asterisk going at home.  I've got Vonage and only one phone line.  I figure the X100P for FXO but not sure what for FXS.  The TDM10B?
03:21.11freeepbxxnoobbbabout 20000000
03:21.33Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: TWENTY MILLION MINUTES?!
03:21.35hacked``druken, what are you talking about, i didnt set up incoming yet, only outgoing
03:21.55freeepbxxnoobbbI meant about a million
03:22.00freeepbxxnoobbbsorry typo
03:22.07freeepbxxnoobbbdid my math wrong
03:22.11Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: um, ok...
03:22.27Strom_Cso basically you really have no clue how much traffic you're going to be generating
03:22.37freeepbxxnoobbbno not really
03:22.38ojaiso is the hardware investment really ~$160US?
03:22.46Strom_Cojai: just get a TDM22B
03:22.53Strom_Cojai: two FXS, two FXO
03:23.09JTStrom_C: a million minutes is about 100% utilisation on 23 channels
03:23.34freeepbxxnoobbbbut actually 4 t1
03:23.47freeepbxxnoobbbnot 24 hours a day
03:23.48Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: what kind of business are you running?
03:24.13Strom_Cojai: you generally dont want to do somethng as horrendous as using vonage through an fxo port
03:24.22ojaiStrom_C: the TDM22B is both the FXO and the FXS?
03:24.28Strom_Cojai: yes
03:24.35Strom_Cthats what I already said
03:24.50ojainice -- how much does that run do you know?
03:25.10Strom_Cfile: when are we going to get sushi
03:25.19freeepbxxnoobbbwould the telco be charging us per minute if we call local
03:25.21Crashsysgood stuff
03:25.29QwellStrom_C: come to Boston.  Be here in like...8 minutes
03:25.51Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: no telco is going to sell you an unlimited plan with that kind of usage
03:26.11Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: you can. however, get rather cheap per-minute rates from many of the major interexchange carriers
03:26.12JTit's lunchtime in the us?
03:26.26Strom_CQwell: well let me just walk right on over ther
03:26.32Crashsysbut minutes in allotments...
03:26.32QwellStrom_C: sure
03:26.40Crashsysand hope you dont go over...
03:26.42freeepbxxnoobbbwe were trying to get cheaper then  1/2 a penny
03:27.05Strom_Ci don't think you're going to get less than half a cent at only one million minutes per month
03:27.11fileStrom_C: yeah just listen for me singing... follow the sound
03:27.28JTStrom_C: what time is it over there?
03:27.31freeepbxxnoobbbeven  if we terminate our own lines
03:27.37Strom_Cit's half past eight in los angeles
03:27.46Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: what do you mean "terminate our own lines"
03:27.54JTam or pm, it's important in this case :P
03:28.01JTah ok
03:28.07freeepbxxnoobbbwe wanted to setup our own gateways
03:28.27Crashsysfree: You mean like set up your own exchange in the CO?
03:28.51Strom_Cyeah - set up your own full-blown SS7-enabled interconnect?
03:29.28freeepbxxnoobbbsomething like that
03:29.57Strom_Cthe phrase "biting off way more than you can chew" comes to mind
03:30.09freeepbxxnoobbbyou gotta aim big right
03:30.25freeepbxxnoobbbdont know where to start tho\
03:30.28Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: you haven't even done traffic engineering estimates yet
03:30.30Strom_Cdo that first
03:30.42CrashsysIf your gonna be your own Exchange, sell yourself the minutes...?
03:30.51QwellStrom_C: What?  People won't just give him money, without a business?
03:30.58QwellAre you telling me that the Simpsons lied to me?
03:31.05fileQwell: never!
03:31.39freeepbxxnoobbbcoz we cant find any provider with the gateway we need
03:31.55freeepbxxnoobbbso we figure to terminate them ourselves
03:32.23Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: what the hell kind of business are you running?  are you trying to be the next Vonage or something?
03:33.19freeepbxxnoobbbno we just wanted to sell our faxing service
03:33.36Qwellfaxing service?
03:34.03freeepbxxnoobbbbut no one has a t38 or t37  gateways
03:34.19fileVoIP with Vonage!
03:34.27CrashsysFaxing service... as in FaxSpam?
03:34.34Crashsyslike "Eat at joe's, he has crabs"?
03:34.50Strom_Coh please god, not efax again
03:35.22QwellI hereby coin the term eTelephony
03:35.25freeepbxxnoobbbnot spam just the service
03:35.26Strom_Cthat thing blows rabid donkeys for food stamps in Pyongyang back alleys
03:35.33fileQwell: don't make me throw a pillow at you
03:35.47Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: so who is your intended client?
03:35.54Qwellnormally, this is where I'd say "nope, can't"
03:36.10fileI have a pillow I don't care about either
03:36.12freeepbxxnoobbbbusinesses that use email to fax
03:36.58Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: at this point, my best advice to you is:
03:37.03jboti guess hafc is hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
03:37.14QwellStrom_C: I knew you'd use that
03:37.29*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
03:37.30Strom_Cit's like rtfm, only better
03:37.50*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
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03:38.57freeepbxxnoobbbso it would not be cost effective?
03:39.21freeepbxxnoobbb1 company was offering 1/2 a penny per fax sent.
03:39.54Qwellwell, how long does it take to transmit a single page?
03:40.06filedepends on negotiated speed
03:40.14Qwellexactly, so
03:40.14Strom_C"per fax sent" is a baaaad way to measure it
03:40.31freeepbxxnoobbb30 seconds to 2 1/2 minutes
03:40.34Strom_Cbecause they may intend on sending 300-page contracts by fax
03:40.50fileQwell: FAST
03:40.50Qwellfreeepbxxnoobbb: So, 2.5 minutes, .5c/page
03:40.51arcaninecorrect me f im wrong, dialogic vfx's are also supported by asterisk
03:41.00Qwell.5 / 2.5 = ?
03:41.07freeepbxxnoobbbi know
03:41.12freeepbxxnoobbbhow do they do it
03:41.12QwellThat's your required cost per minute
03:42.13Qwellplus, obviously, you need some infrastructure in place to handle it
03:43.18freeepbxxnoobbbI mean how can they hand out those rates ?  I tried doing one and was not cost effective so i thought if we terminate it ourselves it would be cheaper
03:43.50fileQwell: can YOU mambo?
03:46.48arcaninedoes sum1 used a dialogic vfx on asterisk?
03:48.57QwellIs it bad that I know this?
03:49.49X-RobQwell, I'm being a bastard here, but at 300 baud you can get 1200bps.
03:50.03X-Robbaud != bps
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03:50.34Strom_CPEDANT ALERT
03:50.39*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
03:51.01X-RobThat wouldbe me.
03:51.48matt_X-Rob: how can you get 1200bps at 300 baud ?
03:52.07*** join/#asterisk topping (
03:52.22matt_baud is the number of signal changes perl second
03:52.34QwellX-Rob: Who said 300bps?
03:52.45X-Rob* Qwell spams freeepbxxnoobbb 5,000 faxes at 300 baud
03:52.52matt_you said 300 baud
03:53.15fileyou saw nothing!
03:53.21fileQwell: you are NOT hearing me sing
03:53.22matt_so you only have 300 signal changes so how can that be 1200bps with only 2 states
03:53.24matt_a 0 and a 1
03:53.26matt_or on and off ?
03:53.32X-RobMy problem is that I've just spent the last hour fixing XSS and potential SQL injection issues
03:53.40X-Robmatt_, quick answer: FSK. Long answer, read the URL I pasted
03:54.05matt_300 bps
03:54.07matt_----------------------- = 30 characters per second
03:54.19matt_theres like 8 bits in each character
03:54.25X-Robdepends on your parity, stop bits and data bits.
03:54.30matt_where did you get 1200 from ?
03:54.38matt_yea 8 max
03:54.42matt_as then so 7
03:54.43X-Rob7N1 is more characters
03:55.12X-RobA V22 modem (1200bps) runs at 300 baud.
03:55.22X-Robor is that V24?
03:55.24X-RobGod, it's been years.
03:55.31matt_1200 / 8 = 150
03:55.47*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
03:56.33JTjust to reinterate, yes, baud != bps :P
03:56.47Qwellmy question is, who ever said bps?
03:56.51X-RobNo one.
03:56.55X-RobIt's all my fault.
03:57.02JTthat's a good question
03:57.03hacked``whats the path to SIP.conf
03:57.10matt_<X-Rob> Qwell, I'm being a bastard here, but at 300 baud you can get 1200bps.
03:57.20X-Robactually, I was right
03:57.24X-RobI did say it
03:57.26X-Robtotally in context
03:57.45X-RobI was implying that '300 baud isn't as slow as you think it is'
03:57.53Qwellit's slow enough
03:58.32X-RobI'm going to shut up now.
03:58.36QwellX-Rob: k
04:00.03*** join/#asterisk pdt (
04:00.58Hymieuniden uip200 users, unite!!
04:01.34*** join/#asterisk topping (
04:01.36znoGanyone using IAXmodem?
04:01.51znoGlatest version?
04:01.56pdtnot sure
04:01.59*** join/#asterisk dayannn (
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04:02.17dayannnanyone can help me with asterisk addons install?
04:02.25znoGi upgraded from 0.1.8 i think to 0.1.14, same config, and now when I ring iaxmodem, it rings endlessly
04:02.28znoGhylafax never picks up
04:02.47pdt0.1.9-2 i mean (rpm version)
04:02.59pdtwhy upgrade?
04:04.46znoGbecause there's a few fixes to it that were done recently which got me interested in upgrading
04:06.15dayannnanyone can help me with mysql and asterisk integration?
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04:10.06znoGpdt: found the prob... faxgetty not running :)
04:10.40pdtya that'll do it
04:12.10znoGwhat hardware do you use to receive faxes, pdt?
04:12.27pdtSangoma A200D and Sangoma A101/A102
04:12.37znoGah.. thats probably why you get good quality with it
04:12.45znoGi get a looooooot of bad pixel counts from hylafax
04:13.12pdtI was having huge problems on analog faxing until I started using IAXModem
04:13.15pdtsince then it has been good
04:13.22pdtthe PRI stuff seems to work pretty solid as well
04:13.30znoGif i send plain text faxes to it, it *mostly* works
04:13.37znoGbut i just sent a fax with some graphics in it
04:13.47znoGand it fails right away with bad pixel counts all over the shop
04:13.47pdtwhat card you using
04:13.55znoGa TDM400
04:14.07dayannnhow to install asterisk-addons?
04:14.13dayannnhave a lot of versions
04:14.22*** join/#asterisk topping (
04:14.27dayannnmy asterisk is 1.2.11
04:16.37dayannnznoG i try but i dont found a information to my
04:17.26pdtznoG: you can send me a test fax if you want to see if it's just you or a "normal" problem
04:17.40*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (n=duh@
04:20.16znoGpdt: thanks, i appreciate the offer. I haven't got outgoing faxing setup just yet, only incoming.
04:20.27znoGI am sending from a laptop though, not sure if it would be different from a fax machine.
04:20.43pdtmight be, are you sending through the pbx or from a real land line?
04:20.46*** join/#asterisk ATGeek (n=atg@pdpc/supporter/student/ATravelingGeek)
04:22.37znoGreal land line
04:22.48znoGit looks like after retraining many times over, the fax starts to go through with 0 bad lines
04:23.46pdtit's just like a dog... maybe you should feed the pbx a treat
04:24.08ojaiStrom_C: sorry -- just getting back -- sorry for the stupid question but what's wrong w/ using vonage though an fxo port?
04:24.40znoGpdt: :)
04:27.59*** join/#asterisk Werdna_ (i=Andrew@silentflame/member/Werdna)
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04:31.12dayannnznog i dont found the especific information
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04:31.33dayannnanyone have xperience with asterisk-addons and debian 3.1 r2?
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04:37.03EvilDeshiis there an asterisk command i can use to play a audio stream back to a caller?
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04:58.16rory|zomgzorzhi stephane_
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04:59.35ken___i got this weird problem going on --
05:00.44ken___i'm compiling asterisk and zaptel just fine, i have a 400p interface card in this system. wctdm and zaptel are loading fine, i can see /proc/zaptel and /dev/zap just fine however, ztcfg and asterisk both seg fault when they try to load
05:01.07ken___ztcfg says "line 232: Cannot get number of tones for channel 1
05:01.08ken___line 232: Cannot init tones for channel 1
05:01.16ken___and then a bunch more errors
05:01.21ken___anyone know what the problem might be ?
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05:06.50Strom_Cojai: are you still here?
05:16.40smackusi am looking for the documentation for setting up the trounk group stuff in zapata.conf. trying to figure out what each digit of then spanmap line means "spanmap => 1,1,0" can someone help me find the documentation.
05:17.00ojaiStrom_C: yes
05:17.08Strom_Cojai: ok
05:17.55Strom_Cthe reason you dont want to do vonage over fxo is that there's just too much A/D conversion going on, and with the crappy codec vonage uses, it's not worth the trouble
05:17.56Strom_Cyou generally want to try and keep it digital from end to end
05:20.01*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (n=duh@
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05:21.46ojaiStrom_C: damn
05:22.53Strom_Cthis is the same reason having analog entrance facilities from the telco is also generally a last-resort
05:22.53ojaiwe've been getting all kinds of crazy telemarketing calls lately and I've been wanting to play with Asterisk anyway so I was hoping now might be a good time.
05:23.45ojaiso it's pretty terrible in general eh?  and not worth the hardware investment?
05:23.47*** join/#asterisk Sakimustafa (n=yusuf@
05:24.13Strom_Cwell, if done right, it can sound almost like digital
05:24.20Strom_Cbut it's an art
05:25.02ojaihrm, yeah, sounds like something I don't have the time/expertise for
05:25.20Strom_Cojai: if its just for home you should be OK
05:25.21SakimustafaI am new In this channel
05:25.47SakimustafaNot expert of VOIP
05:25.54ojaiyeah, it's just my wife and me.  Asterisk might be a little overkill but I thought it'd be fun to start playing with
05:25.55Sakimustafabut crazy abt it :P
05:26.19Strom_Cojai: for a toy system, you'll be fine
05:26.28SomethingISODDhey any asterisk/php people around tonight i am having a issue with a script and could really use some help.
05:26.40SakimustafaI am from Bangladesh
05:27.33ojaiearlier, you recommended the TDM22B but would the TDM11B also work for my case since I have just the one Vonage line coming in and just one analog phone line in the house?
05:27.49Strom_Cthe tdm11b only has one fxo port
05:27.58Strom_Cso you wont be able to have vonage + the telco line
05:28.07Strom_Cyou'll have to choose one or the other
05:28.59ojaisorry, I'm just learning this.  I thought the telco line plugged into the fxs port
05:29.12Strom_Ctelephone sets plug into the fxs port
05:29.46ojaisorry -- telephone sets?
05:29.49SakimustafaIn my office we are using Quintum tenor for voip
05:30.03SakimustafaAlso using remote billing soft
05:30.19SakimustafaBut i want to change it with Linux
05:30.20sx-wksStrom_C: vonage does sip IIRC ?
05:30.47SakimustafaAnd Asterisk
05:30.56Strom_Cojai: telephone set is an actual physical instrument - they come in touch tone, cordless, rotary, wall, desk, etc models
05:31.00SakimustafaIs it possible
05:31.19Strom_Csx-wks: yeah, but they dont give you their credentials
05:31.30sx-wksStrom_C: idiots / assholes
05:31.31ojaiStrom_C: but it's not just a regular phone though, eh?
05:31.46Strom_Cojai: yeah, a telephone set is "a regular phone"
05:32.13Strom_C  there's one, for example
05:32.21ojaibut I'd still need the fxs part of it though right to convert it back out of digital?
05:32.24SakimustafaSo from where can I start
05:32.49Strom_Cojai: what do you mean
05:33.26sx-wksStrom_C: nice old 1940s phone :D
05:33.31Strom_Cthanks :)
05:33.38Strom_Cwestern electric 302
05:33.54*** join/#asterisk Werdna (i=Andrew@silentflame/member/Werdna)
05:34.09sx-wksStrom_C: be careful, that bakelite is fragile
05:34.49ojaijust from what I'd read, I thought (which I'm sure is wrong) that you get analog from the phone company (in my case Vonage) but Asterisk needs to convert it to digital w/ fxo.  but an analog phone needs it converted back out of digital which is where the fxs card is needed?
05:34.49Strom_Csx-wks: well i dont go banging it around like a hammer, but the handset has yet to chip or crack
05:34.55ojaiagain, I'm sure that's completely wrong :)
05:35.20Strom_Cojai: i suppose that's one way to explain it
05:35.59ojaiI'm pretty handy on the linux front but not so handy with telephony (yet)
05:37.18sx-wksojai: it's pretty easy, took me all of 1 hour to install the digium card and having it working with asterisk
05:37.42Strom_Cojai: you may want to read this document i have on my site called "Telephony 101"
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05:41.47smackuswhen dialing into a pri on my system, i get this error:
05:41.48smackusSep 13 23:41:05 WARNING[24435]: chan_zap.c:8386 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on unconfigured channel 0/3 span 3
05:41.58smackusbut I am positive i have configured it... maybe just not correctly.
05:42.20smackustrying to do a trunk group of two pris. dchannel is on the first span of the t1.
05:43.32smackushere is my config
05:43.44smackuscan anyone see what would be causing this issue for me?
05:43.58ojaiStrom_C: thanks -- I'll check that out.  and thanks for the help tonight -- I really appreciate it
05:44.23Strom_Cojai: any time :)
05:44.27ojaiI just didn't expect the hardware to cost so much :)
05:44.53Strom_Cgood hardware does tend to be a little pricey
05:45.23ojaivery true.  thanks again.  gotta hit the sack
05:45.52Strom_Csmackus: how many spans do you have?  four?
05:46.32Strom_Cshow me your zaptel.conf as well
05:47.41*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:47.53smackusthe first two are single t1s. the last two are a trunk group of 2
05:48.07dalekurtHey Guys, what codec does IAXTEL use?
05:48.18Strom_Csmackus: are all four from the telco?
05:48.33Strom_Cand all served off the same switch, i'd assume?
05:48.44sx-wksStrom_C: however it may not work in the other way around... aka "expensive hardware may not be good hardware
05:49.11*** join/#asterisk aadilismail (n=aaaaaaaa@
05:49.26Strom_Csmackus: ok...first thing i'd do is modify your zaptel.conf so you have specifically defined primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary timing sources
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05:51.19smackusStrom_C: like so?
05:51.58Strom_Cif spans three and four are sharing the same d-channel, your spans should look like this
05:51.59sx-wksStrom_C: I'm getting an interesting "Xml error: not well-formed (invalid token)-58" on the asterisk page on the wiki
05:52.04JTsmackus: there's a page on voip-info re the span config
05:52.11JTit tells you exactly how that line works
05:52.11*** join/#asterisk ChrisDE4 (
05:52.23smackusJT, thanks, followed it... making mistakes, looking for help
05:52.34aadilismailhi guys .........
05:53.29aadilismaili m new to asterisk .... can anybody guide... . zaptel version.... libpri .. addons ... sounds..... all are different... or some has to contribute with  eachother?
05:53.30Strom_Csmackus: trunkgroup => 1,72
05:53.35Strom_Csmackus: trunkgroup => 1,72,72
05:53.55smackusah... did not understand that. I thought that was only if there was another backup channel
05:54.03Strom_Ci /think/
05:54.18dalekurtNeed a quick help here guys...
05:54.20Strom_Cim only going off my experience and what this document says; i have never actually configured NFAS
05:54.42dalekurtTrying to dial out on a IAXTEL connection and getting 'Unable to negotiate codec' and I'm using ULAW
05:54.53smackusstill the same
05:54.55Strom_Cdalekurt: how about trying "allow=all" and seeing what it negotiates at
05:55.03smackusget the pri_dchannel: error
05:55.07aadilismailguys help
05:55.13aadilismail. zaptel version.... libpri .. addons ... sounds..... all are different... or some has to contribute with  eachother?
05:55.13dalekurtStrom_C: Kewl
05:55.28Strom_Caadilismail: just use the latest available version of each one
05:55.43aadilismaili m new to asterisk
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05:56.15aadilismailStorm_c plz guide .... . zaptel version.... libpri .. addons ... sounds..... all are different... or some has to contribute with  eachother? or which one is the latest
05:56.25Strom_Caadilismail: I gave you the answer already
05:56.37smackuslol... figured it out.
05:56.40Strom_Caadilismail: no one likes it when you repeat the same question three times in a minute
05:56.43smackuslogical spans start with 0 not 1
05:56.43Strom_Csmackus: oh, what was it?
05:56.46smackusthanks all
05:57.13ChrisDE4aadilismail: go to there you see all available versions and can trigger out which is the newest
05:57.25smackustrunkgroup=> 1,72
05:57.25smackusspanmap => 3,1,0
05:57.25smackusspanmap => 4,1,1
05:57.31aadilismailthanks guys
05:57.36Strom_Csmackus: ah, ok
05:58.00ChrisDE4now, is there anyone who succeeded in sending a fax with txfax?
05:58.11dalekurtStrom_C: I don't get that message, thanks.
05:58.24dalekurtStrom_C: but I get status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
05:58.36ChrisDE4I only could send half of a fax :-)
05:58.39Strom_Cdalekurt: wwhat?
05:58.51dalekurtStrom_C: I take it that it's not registered..
05:59.04dalekurtwell I made a call to a number on IAXTEL and now I get status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
05:59.20Strom_Cwhat does your console output say?
05:59.20ChrisDE4that a normal state for a carrier
05:59.59dalekurtStrom_C: Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
06:00.03dalekurtStrom_C: Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/2201-081ae790' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
06:00.35Strom_Cdalekurt: what does "iax2 show peer (whatever iaxtel is called)" return?
06:00.38ChrisDE4this probably means that your carrier doesn't have a route to this destination?
06:02.26dalekurtStrom_C: It gave me a full read out of that peer, the IP it's connected to and port the codecs, that status...
06:03.01Strom_Cwhat number are you trying to dial via iaxtel
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06:03.28dalekurtStrom_C: 1 700 900 0000
06:03.36Strom_Cwhat is that supposed to go to?
06:03.46dalekurtStrom_C: A recording...
06:04.08Strom_Cwhat about 1-700-428-6000
06:04.42dalekurtStrom_C: Let me try that
06:05.18dalekurtStrom_C: Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
06:05.21dalekurtStrom_C: Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/2201-081b13b0' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
06:05.47dalekurtStrom_C: Called dalekurt@iaxtel-gw/17004286000@iaxtel
06:05.49Strom_Cdalekurt: do me a favor and set your verbosity up to three and then pastebin the full console output
06:06.05dalekurtit's at three now... where is the bin
06:08.09tengulrehi,all! which linux are you using for asterisk? debian, Fedora, ...?
06:08.33dalekurttengulre: Debian
06:08.33ChrisDE4dalekurt: your carrier doesnt route this number
06:08.45Strom_CChrisDE4: nonsense
06:08.49Strom_Cthat's digium's iaxtel number
06:09.00Strom_Cmy guess is that iaxtel is on the fritz
06:09.02Strom_Cas usual
06:09.10dalekurtok... I have a FWD.
06:09.26tengulredalekurt: thanks for answer!
06:09.38tengulreI will using debian too.
06:09.41dalekurtare there other free terminations out there.
06:09.55Strom_Ctengulre: the general answer is "use your favorite linux distro"
06:09.57ChrisDE4strom_c: ok... but this is a message from iaxtel... so iaxtel is broken
06:10.02dalekurtWell Debian is a little trickier, Fedora is easy to learn
06:10.08Strom_CChrisDE4: that's what I just said
06:10.19Strom_C<Strom_C> my guess is that iaxtel is on the fritz
06:10.19Strom_C<Strom_C> as usual
06:10.38ChrisDE4yes i know what you said :-)
06:10.51dalekurtI have FWD and IAXTEL, can you recommend any more... :D
06:11.02ChrisDE4so iaxtel (currently) doesnt route this number :-)
06:11.19Strom_CChrisDE4: no, iaxtel should route the number, but iaxtel is probably massively broken agai
06:11.58ChrisDE4right :-)
06:12.38Strom_Cmake sure you phrase it correctly; merely stating that they don't route the number implies that it's a translation issue, not a a more fundamental problem
06:13.51dalekurtanyone uses BroadVOice?
06:14.08Strom_Ci use broadvoice
06:14.15dalekurtservice good?
06:14.22Strom_Cim not completely pleased with them, but they're better than most
06:14.37dalekurtANy other recommendations?
06:14.44Strom_Cdepends on your neds
06:15.23dalekurtNeeds like points of termination?
06:16.22Strom_Cneeds like traffic, concurrent calls, DIDs, DNIS, network capacity issues, etc etc etc etc etc
06:16.45dalekurtHey Strom_C, and ChrisDE4, I got this weird problem earlier... I have a modem (speedtouch) and firewall (monowall) and I got my Natting working to a point...
06:17.25dalekurtStrom_C remember when we were talking about this some time ago, I got the Asterisk to finally work with my firewall and modem.
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06:17.47sx-wksdalekurt: good
06:17.52dalekurtWell I can get client to register and make calls but noone can hear
06:18.06Strom_Cdalekurt: SIP?
06:18.20dalekurtSo I would call another extension from outside of the network to another that is in the network and we can't hear each other.
06:18.33ChrisDE4dalekurt: switch off uPnP at your router
06:19.15ChrisDE4uPnP is a bug... not a feature :-)
06:19.36dalekurtChrisDE4: I think I have that turned off on the modem... let me check
06:20.08dalekurtChrisDE4: yep ont he modem "UPnP: Disabled"
06:21.04dalekurtChrisDE4: On my inbound routes I have the following
06:21.25dalekurtChrisDE4: TCP/UDP  5060  aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd  5060
06:22.11dalekurtChrisDE4: UDP  2727  aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd  2727
06:22.21dalekurtChrisDE4: UDP  2727  aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd  2727
06:22.29dalekurtChrisDE4: UDP  4569  aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd  4569
06:22.39dalekurtChrisDE4: UDP  10000 - 20000  aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd  10000 - 20000
06:22.41Strom_Cdalekurt: for the love of god, please use pastebin
06:22.51dalekurtsorry for the crap!
06:23.01dalekurtPastbin it is...
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06:28.24dalekurtAny ideas?
06:29.02Strom_Cdont use sip through a firewall
06:29.09tengulreI got many characters in /var/log/messages, 'FXO PCI Master abort'?      what's eror?
06:29.52dalekurtAny other ideas... Strom_C kinda unavoidable... but is that the real cause?
06:30.07Strom_Cwell, if you want the easy solution :)
06:30.16dalekurtwhat the hard one
06:30.49Strom_Cyou're doing the hard one
06:31.05dalekurtthe hard one with a solution...
06:31.13dalekurtI just want it to work... properly
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06:37.26tengulreany ideas?
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06:43.00aadilismailtake back
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07:09.42jeffjohnsoni have a problem astmanproxy, i try to loging with Asterisk TAPI Line to astman proxy but I always get login failed. Ive configured astmanproxy to use simple password authentication. Astmanproxy successfull connects to asterisk manager... the error message from astmanproxy is:
07:09.44jeffjohnson"Sep 13 20:06:26: asterisk@ got: Response: Error
07:09.44jeffjohnsonSep 13 20:06:26: asterisk@ got: Message: No variable specified
07:10.39Strom_CI have no experience with astmanproxy
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07:13.42jeffjohnsonits really strange ./
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07:18.44uwehello, asterisk is not recording incomming calls ... i know this sounds too odd ... but record_out and in are set to always in sip_additional.conf, and the only thing i did lately is moving old recordings from /var/spool/asterisk/monitor to a subdirectory. any ideas what it could be?! yes, i am using amp, but im trying to figure out what the problem is without changing from amp, im editing files by hand
07:20.22smackusdivert.fwd.1.enabled="0" is in the phone.cfg file on the ftp server. it works like I want it to, but I have to do it to 100 phones. Is there some way to do this from within the sip.cfg file? so I dont have to touch every last phone.cfg file?
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07:27.37tengulre11Any ideas?
07:28.08tengulre11many 'FXO PCI Master abort' in /var/log/messages
07:29.05sx-wksgetting "Power alarm on module 1, resetting!"
07:29.20sx-wksonly twice though
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07:31.14tengulre11sx-wks, are you answer me??
07:31.50tengulre11any ideas?
07:32.01sx-wksno. never had that
07:32.03dalekurtGuys I'm out
07:32.18sx-wkstengulre11: try to switch PCI ports
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07:32.55tengulre11sx-wks: how to switch ports? in BIOS?
07:34.12JTremove card from port
07:34.13sx-wksno, like yank the card from where it sits and put it on another port
07:34.19JTre=insert into different one
07:34.51E-bolaIs there anything like phone switches?
07:34.55E-bolalike i know u can buy pci cards
07:34.59sx-wksif that doesn't do it, change for a different brand / model of mother board
07:35.00E-bolabut what if u need alot of phones connected?
07:35.11JTE-bola: analogue phones i assume
07:35.18E-bolajt: ye
07:35.18JTE-bola: T1/E1 card + channel bank
07:35.30sx-wksJT: or an asterbank
07:36.05sx-wksdepends on the number of phones I guess
07:36.05E-bolawhats an asterbank?
07:36.05JTor a TDM2400P or whatever it is
07:36.06kmilitzerHello everyone. I have a strange phenomen on one of my PSTN-Gateways. I make a call like that UAC -> SER -> Asterisk A -> Asterisk B (PSTN GW) all in SIP and have only one way audio coming from the PSTN to SIP. All Firewall-rules etc. seem to be OK. Strange thing is, that it works for a time and then suddenly stops. A restart of asterisk always seems to help. Any ideas?
07:36.14sx-wksE-bola: a USB device that allows you to connect 32 phones to it
07:36.18JThe means astribank
07:36.21JTand stuff that
07:36.22JTit's usb
07:36.24sx-wksJT: yeah that
07:36.24E-bolasx-wks: ohh interesting
07:36.31JTgo T1/E1 + channel bank
07:36.33E-bolausb... .is that enterprise suited?
07:36.36sx-wksJT: doesn't mean it doesn't work :D
07:36.39JTit's still one of the best ways
07:36.40JTE-bola: no
07:36.59sx-wksJT: enterprise suited doesn't really mean anything
07:37.18JTok, you play with your usb, i'll stick to telco tdm interconnect
07:37.20sx-wksit works or it doesn't... the rest is marketting bullshit
07:37.30E-bolait can work in varrying degrees
07:37.43E-bolalike an smb or a home user might have lower demands than an enterprise
07:38.11JTE-bola: a digitam T100P or TE110P, etc + a CAC or Adtran channel bank is probably the best solution
07:38.22JTyou could use a Zhone channel bank if you don't need callerid
07:38.26JTthey're fairly cheap
07:38.43E-boladoes isdn-30 mean anything to you guys?
07:38.48E-bolathats what would be the outgoing line
07:38.53JTthat's an E1
07:38.59E-bolalol never knew
07:39.08JTisdn-30 is a nice telco name for it
07:39.20JT2.048Mbit/s channelised PRI CCS E1 :P
07:39.27E-bolaim a bit clueless, how is an E1 or isdn 30 terminated at the client?
07:39.30E-bolais it 1 cable or?
07:39.40drrayrj48 cable
07:40.13JT32 X 64kbits, 30 for voice, 1 for D channel signalling, one for framing synch
07:40.18JTRJ-48C to be precise :)
07:40.35JTit looks like an RJ-45 cat5 network cable
07:40.37sx-wksdrray: still wondering wtf is the difference between RJ45 and RJ48
07:40.43E-bolaHmm so far we've had a strictly SIP based setup so i've been doing ok gettinbg by with my IT knowledge
07:40.46JTbut the wiring is different for a crossover
07:40.51E-bolabut all this low-tech telephone stuff is maybe a bit too hard
07:40.52JTsx-wks: crossover wiring is different
07:40.57JTand it's just a naming standard
07:41.02kmilitzerSo nobody got any idea why I suddenly get one way audio. Problem seems to exists since asterisk 1.2.11
07:41.08sx-wksJT: it's still RJ45 plugs, right ?
07:41.19JTE-bola: lol, low tech, maybe you mean "low level"
07:41.22E-bolakmilitzer: firewall/nat problem maybe?
07:41.29E-bolajt: means the same for me
07:41.39Strom_CE-bola: you should read "Telephony 101"
07:41.41JTsx-wks: yeah, they're technically 8P8C plugs, the RJ they are depends on the wiring and application
07:41.49kmilitzerE-bola: As I said, FW seems to be OK, it just starts after a while. No NAT involved ...
07:41.50drraysx-wks - how it is wired
07:41.57JTE-bola: well it's not really low tech
07:42.01sx-wksah ok... just yet another way to confuse people :D
07:42.03E-bolaStrom_C: well the question is if i should try to learn all the telephone stuff or just give up and pay somebody for it
07:42.04drrayit's just rj45 wired another way
07:42.16drraybecause we need yet another propietary cable
07:42.22Strom_CE-bola: try, and then give up.  It's really not that difficult.
07:42.30Strom_Cdrray: technically, T1 predates ethernet
07:42.30JTwhich you can make in less than 5min, drray
07:42.30drraydon't even try
07:42.41JTdrray: ?
07:42.41E-bolaIm just uncertain that 1) I will be able to master it to a satisfyiung degree in a reasonable amount of time. and 2) that the end product will be good enough
07:42.50drrayJT - I've spent a good 45 minutes not making a cable
07:42.50sx-wksdrray: right
07:43.05JTdrray: if you can't make a network cable, you can't make a T1 cable
07:43.13drrayJT - also true
07:43.17JTif you can, then you should be fine, given adequate instructions
07:43.26drrayblack box
07:43.39sx-wkscan't those things auto-MDIX ?
07:43.45JTit's easy to crimp cables once you get the hand of it
07:43.51JTsx-wks: T1? no
07:43.56E-bolaits easy to make a network cable
07:44.30Strom_Ceasy stuff
07:44.36sx-wksJT: that's where ethernet is widely superior to T1 :D
07:44.55JTsx-wks: spare me please, only some of the latest gear does auto MDI-X
07:45.02JTmainly due to gigabit ethernet
07:45.09JTand its use of all 4 pairs
07:45.16JTnegating the need for crossovers
07:45.17Strom_Cyeah, i clearly remember a time when auto mdix was nonexistent
07:45.29JTStrom_C: most 10/100 gear doesn't support it
07:45.34JTexcept for the newest stuff
07:45.35*** join/#asterisk topping (
07:46.00sx-wksnewest as in "in the last 4 years" or so
07:46.05sx-wkswhich is ages
07:46.05JTanyway, T1 should not get auto MDI-X, it is not designed for retards to be playing with
07:46.15*** join/#asterisk Ahrimanes (n=michael@
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07:47.13_VileT-1 is a lower layer
07:47.25sx-wksJT: there enters the "we are better than you are" arguments of telco people :D
07:47.44drrayTelco has to work
07:47.45sx-wks_Vile: t1 is just like ethernet
07:47.58sx-wksdrray: haha...
07:48.00Strom_Csx-wks: yeah, but telco stuff tends to work very reliably once configured opposed to IT stuff which is usually just "good enough"
07:48.08JTsx-wks: hey, if you want to have tall poppy syndrome, that's fine, but maybe the reason some telco people might hold that view is because they are
07:48.29JTsx-wks: your attitude on everything seems to be "good enough"
07:48.37*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
07:48.42_Vilet-1 is the layer ethernet rides on
07:48.43sx-wksStrom_C: tell that to Bloody France telecom and their crappy copper phone lines
07:48.47_Vilelower layer
07:48.53JTLayer 1
07:48.57drraythe crappy copper phone lines that work when the power is out
07:48.58sx-wks_Vile: no it doesn't
07:48.59JTethernet has layer 2 too
07:49.12_Vileethernet doesn't have to ride on t-1
07:49.25_Vilehdsl, but it's a lower layer
07:49.28sx-wksdrray: it doesn't always work even when the dang power's on
07:49.32Strom_Csx-wks: sorry, my only experience has been with Bell System telephone companies, who do a damned fine job :)
07:49.37_Vilemdix has nothing to do w/ t-1
07:49.49sx-wksStrom_C: heh
07:50.02Strom_C[insert standard france joke here]
07:50.33sx-wks[insert standard bush stole the election joke here]
07:50.45_Vile</exit telco guy>
07:50.52Strom_Chey, i despise bush too
07:51.47kimronneed a tip: got the message: socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '500@'   ?
07:51.50JTand i'm in a neutral third party, so screw you guys ;)
07:52.03JTfor varying levels of neutral
07:54.08_VileStrom, bell does do a good job, I'm a CLEC and I hate working with them because their service sucks
07:54.14_Vilebut their work processes *rock*
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07:54.32_Viledoesn't matter which ilec you go to
07:54.40Strom_C_Vile: helps to have a friend on the inside
07:54.41_Vilesame process, documented, *exactly* what to do
07:54.44_Vileeverything is tagged
07:55.06Strom_Cyup.  I've got shitloads of old Bell System Practices, and the thoroughness amazes me
07:55.10_Vileperfect design on every bit
07:55.20_Vileamazes me too
07:55.27JTi've got to ask
07:55.30_Vilewe're friends with all of the ilec locals
07:55.39JTwould you use usb for telephony interconnect, Strom_C? :)
07:55.39_Vileit's the corp crap we hate :)
07:55.54Strom_CJT: no :)
07:56.01_Vilebut I get amazed every day when I walk into the co
07:56.03JTno surprise :)
07:56.07Strom_Cas much as I like
07:58.24Strom_Chey, no one has made any GTE jokes yet
07:58.25_Vilemost people don't realize exactly how much work goes into giving them a dial tone.. haha, love that thought too
07:58.41JTheh yeah
07:58.59JTor how many millions their local switch is worth, let alone the rest of the infrastructure
07:59.00Strom_CI've got a GTE practice of the practices inside is for the use of a ladder guard
07:59.13Strom_Cand the ladder guard says "KEEP OFF GENERAL SYSTEM"
07:59.26Strom_Cmy first reaction?  "Truer words were never spoken"
07:59.40JTbus bars?
07:59.58JTnot getting the ladder guards reference
08:00.16Strom_Cladder guard is a thing you put on a ladder to prevent people from climbing up it
08:00.26Strom_Cit's basically a big board you put over the rungs
08:00.34JTah yeah
08:00.53JTso what's the keep off general system thing?
08:01.10Strom_Cthe ladder guard says "KEEP OFF" and then under it is the General Telephone System logo
08:01.14_Vilekeep off<br>
08:01.22Strom_Cbut it reads as if it says "KEEP OFF GENERAL SYSTEM"
08:01.33JTah ok
08:05.21*** join/#asterisk grexk (n=grexk@
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08:08.15_Vilewe park next to a dms
08:08.34eject_ckhi all, I have question: I have SIpura 3000 and conenct it to my PBX on FXO and to my Asterisk server on Ethernet port - I tune calling from PBX to SIP accounts via dialplan. Now I try connect from another SIP account to my interal PBX's phone. How make it right ?
08:09.18Strom_Cvile: ive seen that
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08:10.18_Vilebig switch
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08:11.20_Vilethese days though, something like a 5e taking up 15-20 racks can be done in less than 1
08:11.56_Vileless cross connect crap etc
08:12.20*** join/#asterisk daredundi (n=shekhar@
08:12.46Strom_CI was amazed at how small a DMS-250 is
08:13.07_Vile10x12 can fit it
08:13.16Strom_Cthe actual switch is nothing; the whole class 4 office was just optical carrier stuff
08:13.33JTwe have only one phone company here that does landline calls that uses north american switches
08:13.47JTthey use DMS-100s
08:14.02Strom_Cbrown and green :)
08:14.08_Vilehalf a block?
08:14.17JTeverything else by a much bigger majority is Ericsson AXE or Alcatel System 12
08:14.21JTfor landlines
08:14.33JTobviously there's Nokia and all sorts of other stuff for mobiles
08:15.26_Vileaxe is in qwest territory too
08:15.39_Vilemainly dms's and 5e's though
08:21.34*** join/#asterisk sxpert-work (
08:23.50ChrisDE4is anyone familar to txfax?
08:24.45kmilitzerOnce again my one-way-audi problem. As I already said, all works fine for a time and then suddenly I have no audio from the calleing party to the called party. No NAT involved, all FW rules seem to be OK and so on. The strange thing is, that this only happens from SIP->PSTN calls and not the other way round, as incoming calls all are OK. I have the suspecion, that this started with asterisk 1.2.10 ... any ideas?
08:24.46*** join/#asterisk angelcry (n=DarkStar@
08:24.51angelcryhello peoples :)
08:25.41ChrisDE4kmilitzer: switch off uPnP at your router :-)
08:26.01sxpert-workkmilitzer: if your one-way-audi causes problems, try a two-way-bmw instead :D
08:26.25kmilitzerYou're all very funny this morning ;)
08:26.39kmilitzer.. I wish my customers would take it that easy too :(
08:26.59nettieHey guys, when asterisk keeps complaining about VAD enabled on cliente: myvoipcarrierIP. I spoken with them but they keep saying VAD is not enabled, just the "comform noise is". Anyone can tell me if VAD activation flag is placed on the sip header or somewhere else just to show them they're wrong and continue to investigate the issue? thanx
08:27.35ChrisDE4no, is not on the sip header
08:28.20nettieChrisDE4 do you know what else I could check ?
08:28.31Strom_Cnettie: usually, comfort noise goes hand in hand with VAD
08:28.46Strom_Cbecause if you're not doing VAD, there's absolutely no point to having comfort noise turned on
08:28.54*** join/#asterisk benjk (
08:28.59nettiethat's what I thought
08:29.03nettieas well
08:29.07JTexactly what i was about to type out
08:29.11Strom_Cive dealt with this too
08:29.17JTafter i had finished this piece of chocolate cake
08:29.23Strom_Cand, in my opinion, 99% of these carriers are complete yo-yos
08:29.55nettieI realyl would like to know which one you're saving :)
08:31.04*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
08:32.48sxpert-workthe only issue I have with my SIP carrier is those bloody "Cirpack keepalive packet" packets
08:33.57sxpert-workand some wierd shit with INVITE, but that may be asterisk fscking up
08:36.35*** join/#asterisk faberk64 (n=faberk@
08:36.40L|NUXi have installed asterisk on vps but when i try to run it
08:36.45L|NUXit will not start
08:36.51L|NUXas daemon
08:37.03JTerrors you receive
08:37.07JTthey are what?
08:37.20Strom_CJT: that sounds like "yoda debugs asterisk"
08:37.40JTStrom_C: multiple short lines
08:37.44JTStrom_C: make for good questions
08:37.53JTStrom_C: maybe incorrect
08:38.33L|NUXbut when i try this command asterisk -vvvvvvgc
08:38.37L|NUXit will start
08:38.41L|NUXbut not as daemon
08:38.47Strom_Cwhat user are you
08:38.56L|NUXi am using VPS
08:39.03L|NUXVirtual Private Server
08:39.05Strom_Caka "I like headaches"
08:39.12L|NUX[root@farrukh asterisk]# id
08:39.12L|NUXuid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel)
08:39.21nettieStrom_C I checked again, Asterisk complains about Comfort Noise being enabled
08:39.31Strom_Cnettie: your carrier is on crack.
08:39.52nettieStrom_C well they actually said they have it enabled
08:39.56L|NUXStrom_C : can you help me with this issue
08:40.08Strom_CL|NUX: I have no experience running asterisk on VPS
08:40.17Strom_Cnettie: have them turn it off
08:40.32L|NUXJT : you arround ?
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08:40.38JTpossibly around
08:40.45nettieStrom_C they said VAD is disabled, does asterisk generates the same error for CNG and VAD or there's one specific for VAD?
08:40.50L|NUXJT : any idea about my problem
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08:42.01Strom_Cthere's a separate error for VAD
08:42.14Strom_Cbut why the hell do they have CNG if they have VAD disabled?
08:42.38JTL|NUX: is that all the errors you get when you try to start the daemon?
08:42.57JTare you using the safe_asterisk script?
08:43.05Sir_DiddymusL|NUX: did you check access rights? That was my initial problem. Started it from cmdline, run as user root. Started it via init-script, different user... don't know, just a hint...
08:43.29nettieStrom_C I have no idea.. or they push it into the whole call
08:43.35L|NUXJT : well when i type this command service asterisk start
08:43.38L|NUXit will say ok
08:43.40L|NUXno error
08:43.53Strom_C"service asterisk start"?
08:43.58Strom_Cwhat linux are you running?
08:44.05*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
08:44.07JTsounds redhatish
08:44.09JTclose enough
08:44.38JTL|NUX: i will assume that service asterisk start runs safe_asterisk (you may check with the init script)
08:45.21JTi'll take a guess that safe_asterisk may not work on a virtual server due to it starting up a console on a tty, and there are usually no /dev/ttyXX on a virtual server
08:45.38JTalthough it could be something else entirely
08:45.52L|NUXthen how can i start asterisk on vps
08:46.09JTmodify safe_asterisk to not open a console on a tty
08:46.43JTalthough check that service asterisk start actually spawns asterisk first
08:46.51JTand that i'm not completely off the mark
08:47.03L|NUXJT : which lines i have to edit ?
08:47.17JTarrgh i don't know off hand
08:47.39JTare you a linux sysadmin?
08:47.51L|NUXbut i am trying to see
08:48.02JTthen you should be able to work it out, and not need to be spoon fed
08:49.14benjkwhats that virtual consoler business for anyway? is it to mimic some sort of heart beat type mechanism?
08:50.16JTbenjk: it just opens up an asterisk cli on a tty?
08:50.21sxpert-worka virtual consoler ? it's a IVR application that consoles you when your (ex) gf sent you off
08:50.30JTi don't think it actually does anything other than act as a user interface
08:50.47benjkI mistyped, I meant console without 'r'
08:51.04sxpert-workbenjk: I figured... it's just that it was way too easy :D
08:51.50benjkJT: I realise what it does, but I was asking what purpose it is doing for
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08:53.56benjkbecause if it uses the console only in order to advertise the fact that it is still alive, then this would seem to be a rather inefficient and ill designed thing
08:54.34JTbenjk: i think it's so admins can play with it
08:54.37JTbut i didn't design it
08:54.39JTso i dunno
08:55.00benjkso the virtual console has nothing to do with the restart mechanism at all then
08:56.29benjkin which case all L|NUX has to do is remove the -c from the /usr/sbin/asterisk invocation
09:00.17JTbenjk: i would think L|NUX would just need to change CONSOLE=yes             # Whether or not you want a console
09:00.27JTto CONSOLE=no
09:00.57benjkfair enough, I presume that will do the same thing, remove the -c from the command
09:01.08RoyKmorning, morons
09:01.15benjkmorning troll
09:01.43L|NUXJT : not working
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09:04.12RoyKhi, ken___
09:04.16RoyKhi, key2
09:04.58ken___RoyK: uh .. .?
09:05.10RoyKken___: sorry. tab completion fsckup
09:05.44JTL|NUX: ok
09:08.25L|NUXRoyK : howdy
09:09.00*** join/#asterisk bXi (
09:09.24L|NUXhow are you doing
09:09.24*** join/#asterisk Kuto (n=kuto@
09:09.28L|NUXlong time no see
09:12.37tengulre11I got many 'FXO PCI Master abort'  in /var/log/messages. why??
09:17.30tengulre11anybody active??
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09:36.07faberk64hi to all
09:37.13*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
09:37.41faberk64quick question: I've got problems with incoming Zap calls, sometimes the number is incomplete, so * do not pass the call
09:37.45frenzycan anyone suggest a good tool for creating correct IVR formats I have my IVR in .wav at moment
09:38.00faberk64I think is * that answer too fast
09:38.11faberk64How can I fix this problem?
09:38.41*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (n=me@
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09:41.27Newbie___hi all, where do i go for asterisk@home help ?
09:42.21phearlessNewbie___: read the fuc*ing topic
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09:44.34Newbie___phearless: i do not have the luxury of a big screen, so the fuc*ing topic is all cramp and all i can see is "Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk, Zaptel released!"
09:45.06phearlessthe luxury of a big screen ?
09:45.19yatesyget the luxury of a decent IRC client then :P
09:45.30phearlessNewbie___ VERSION mIRC v6.12 Khaled Mardam-Bey
09:46.19phearlessSo mirc do not support the feature : "see the topic of the chan"
09:46.27phearlessthis is sad.
09:46.34Newbie___ya is sad
09:46.43JTit does, maybe he has it restricted to a 50pixel high window
09:47.30JTin any case, he'd be seeing the bottom of the topic, not the top, so it makes little sense to me
09:47.31sxpert-workthat mIRC thing still exists ??? the horror
09:49.40Strom_Cmaybe it's windows 3.1 on a 640x480 screen
09:50.34e-ddiei run windows 1.1 on 320x200
09:50.36e-ddieit's great
09:56.46*** join/#asterisk grexk (n=grexk@
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10:11.30Bert-hello there
10:11.52*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
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10:12.16kink0hi, anyway to reload g729 licences without stoping the service ?
10:12.54kink0i have added more licences and I don't like to stop asterisk.
10:13.19kink0of course reload claims is not reloadable module
10:14.09RoyKrestart now :)
10:14.39Bert-can someone have a look at that pleasE?
10:14.51Bert-I got 401
10:14.54Bert-dunno why
10:17.40kaldemarthat's the way registering goes if you require users to authenticate. the server responds with 401 and the nonce (and other info) in the WWW-Authenticate header, and the client should then send a new REGISTER with the authentication info.
10:18.46*** join/#asterisk Cyt (
10:33.14Bert-kaldemar why ?
10:33.26Bert-my phone send a REGISTER and got a unauthorized
10:33.34Bert-why should I send REGISTER AGAIN?
10:33.38Bert-(sorry for caps)
10:34.19Bert-as I MUST register users with dynip
10:34.26Bert-and then
10:34.38Bert-why does it work sometimes then doesn't work anymore ?
10:34.45Bert-without modifiying anything ?
10:34.58*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
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10:40.57_deg_how to compile just one module for asterisk?
10:41.10_deg_i need to add res_odbc
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10:55.02Winkiehey guys, any of you use CDRs for billing and know how to properly track transfers? Becuase I can't seem to find out what transfers are associated with what inbound calls
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11:12.52nfi|ermeshi, anyone can help me to find documentation about the voice's volume in asterisk ?
11:13.08TimothyPHi, I'm looking at an example sip.conf file, a number of [XXXX] elements are defined in it, but only on of them has the regexten=1001 parameter, what does it mean and why would only that one have it?
11:13.39nfi|ermesi listen too high voice of the other part
11:15.53*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
11:17.45IvyUKcould someone be kind enough to send/pastbin me a zaptel.conf with t/e1's and analogue channels configured?
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11:27.29Ahrimanesanyone here ever talk to cicero networks about their cellphone voip clients?
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11:31.02VonGodricanyone here who can give me a hand and helpt to solve a small problem?
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11:33.01MakenshiVonGodric, if you provide a description of your problem people are more likely to respond with an answer
11:33.21VonGodricI have this small task
11:33.27VonGodricto connect asterisk server
11:33.29VonGodricas a client
11:33.35VonGodricto another SIP based account
11:34.18VonGodricI tryed to skim around
11:34.18VonGodricbut don't have clear idea how to do it
11:34.18VonGodricthat is somewhere on the internet
11:34.56toerkeiumhave your ITSP gave you information about how to connect ?
11:35.16VonGodricI only have account information
11:35.23VonGodricthe way how simple clients connect
11:36.34toerkeiumyou wan't to connect * to a sip account.. provided by who ?
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11:37.23VonGodricdon't think that you know it
11:37.29VonGodricit's estonian telekom company
11:38.19toerkeiumwell.. I am new at all this, but then you have to think about that sip account as a trunk, at first, I guess
11:38.39VonGodricme very new tooo
11:38.51VonGodrictrying to learn it all
11:38.52toerkeiumwhat's the information you have about the account ? username, password, ip address?
11:39.03VonGodricand proxy
11:40.10toerkeiumtry adding in sip.conf username:password@ip.address/extension
11:40.25toerkeiumand then try sip show registry to see the state of the registration process
11:40.35toerkeiumdoes your server have any configuration at all ?
11:41.04VonGodricwhere exactly do you think I should put it?
11:41.05toerkeiumsorry, the line in sip.conf is register => username:password@ip.address/extension
11:41.17VonGodric[sip_proxy-out] `
11:41.18toerkeiumat the end of the sip.conf line
11:42.25toerkeiumthat line makes asterisk try to register to a sip trunk as any other sip device
11:43.07toerkeiumso, as it works by itself, don't include it in any other configuration block, just put it at the end of the sip.conf file and reload your * configuration
11:43.57VonGodricokay going to try
11:43.58tropobothello there - im tring to get dundi working and reeeeeeely need help
11:44.25tropoboti have set up two computers in our LAN with Asterisk
11:44.41tropobotHere are the configuration files
11:44.44toerkeiumVonGodric: read the "Asterisk TFOT" book published as PDF, it's a good book and will give you a nice picture of what asterisk is and how it works
11:45.33tropobotThe problem is that  DUNDILOOKUP() returns an empty string
11:46.18tropobotcan anyone please throw me a line
11:46.45*** join/#asterisk Ox0F0-0FF (n=pierre@
11:47.03VonGodrictoerkeium:  it's a great book. I have it open right now ;)
11:48.06toerkeiumVonGodric: read it, I could made lot of things after reading the book, and then go to the asterisk help sites, and come back with a better idea here .. then people will answer :)
11:49.06toerkeiumI think that basic questions are not covered here, because it would take lot of time to explain what books or help web sites are already doing
11:49.17VonGodricI am reading it ;)
11:49.44*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=godson@
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11:58.52tropobothello - anyone there?
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12:03.53tropobotanyone there who can help with a dundi problem? i have set up two computers in our LAN with Asterisk. The problem is that  DUNDILOOKUP() returns an empty string. Here are the configuration files - can anyone please throw me a line pleeeeeeez?
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12:09.22tropobotVonGodric - you can put the register statement in the 'general' context
12:10.20tropobotthen you can build a sip block to communicate with the other peer
12:10.20file[TK]D-Fender: moo
12:11.12tropobotadd a context in extensions.conf (or maybe you'd like to add in your default context or whatever) to handle calls coming from the peer
12:11.31Winkiehey [TK]D-Fender thanks for the help yesterday
12:11.43WinkieI still need to find out how to track transfers with CDR
12:11.50Winkiebecause there seems to be absolutely no facility for anything like it
12:11.51Winkiewhich is :(
12:11.54[TK]D-Fenderfile: *arrff*
12:11.57[TK]D-FenderWinkie: np
12:12.52tropobotyou can place calls through the trunk by exten => <your extension>,1,Dial(SIP/<name of block used to use the account>/<the extension>)
12:13.00file[TK]D-Fender: wasabi?
12:13.29tropobotcan anyone pleeeeez help me a bit with my dundi problem pleeeeez?
12:13.46fileI'm trying to go through my music collection and find pieces to make my manager go "wtf?"
12:13.58Winkietropobot: was that in response to me? :)
12:14.23tropobotno - :) - it was for VonGodric
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12:14.31Winkieok good, cause i was totally confused for a second :d
12:14.40Winkienone of you bill using CDR?
12:14.40tropobotim sorry
12:15.22Winkiehaha don't apologise
12:15.42*** join/#asterisk Szolke (
12:16.21SzolkeHi everybody
12:19.54VonGodricwhere can I find info on connecting asterisk as a client to another sip server?
12:21.47VonGodricI have no idea what the other server is. it's not asterisk for as far as I know.
12:24.03[TK]D-FenderVonGodric: Same deal. SIP is SIP.  You register.  You set up a pair for user/peer entires or just a [firend] if you can.
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12:26.42SzolkeIhave a problem vit asterisk. We use the v42243. Ican't connect to the running asterisk, with the asterisk -vvvvvrg. The /var/run/asterisk is open.
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12:28.22[TK]D-FenderSzolke: To connect to a running * you need to do "asterisk -r"
12:28.46[TK]D-FenderSzolke: What you wrote is the way to run * direct from Linux CLI without becoming a daemon.
12:29.05[TK]D-FenderERRR... might be mistaken...
12:29.18[TK]D-Fendernot sure on r & g together... I think I need more coffee.
12:30.23Winkieincidentally does anyone know of a cheap e1 failover switch?
12:31.40nfi|ermeshi, anyone can help me to find documentation about the voice's volume in asterisk ?
12:31.53nfi|ermesi listen too high voice of the other part
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12:32.58SzolkeWe use a script to start asterisk when the server start. If type ps aux|grep asterisk: i saw  asterisk is running.
12:33.05Szolke-r is not working
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12:34.48Szolkethe file: asterisk.ctl is not exist in the /var/run/asterisk
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12:36.09Bert-does someone use SIP Phone on a remote network with asterisk please ?
12:36.20Bert-thomson 2030 particulary
12:39.11Bert-always 401 unauthorized
12:39.11Bert-the phone is behind a nat
12:39.11Bert-asterisk too
12:39.11Bert-(not the same)
12:39.11Bert-phone send register, asterisk says trying, then 401 not authorized. Someonetold me it is normal, I have to send another register request
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12:39.30BertZdisconnected :(
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12:40.16Bert-Well I don't understand why no one is able to explain me clearly what is wrong
12:40.33SzolkeBertZ: do you see a outbound proxyoption?
12:40.48Bert-register proxy ?
12:40.53Szolkein the phone' setup
12:41.27Szolkei had this problem with a AT320 too
12:41.38Bert-I have service domain, Registar server address and Proxy server address
12:42.13Szolkedid you set the register port to 5060?
12:45.25Szolkecan you send me a screenshot from the sip settings? to my mail address
12:45.56IvyUKWinkie: what are you trying to achieve with the failover switch
12:46.42WinkieEvilDeshi: we have two asterisk servers and several E1s, only two at the current site
12:46.52Winkiewe want to simply be able to switch these E1s over to another machine remotely
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12:47.18Winkiethe products obviously exist but they're designed for situations when you have 12+ E1s, and we don't :)
12:47.19IvyUKare they used for inbound ?
12:47.28Winkiethey are
12:47.33Winkiein and out
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12:50.16IvyUKits got mailshotted this, this morning.. it would definatly work for outbound not sure how it would handle inbound
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12:54.00Assidman.. i wish this freecall/sipdiscount accepted callerid/ani
12:54.10Winkielooks quite nice, we don't need complete failover, a physical disconnect and reconnect is fine anyway, we'll be expecting alarms from our provider
12:54.19Winkiethe problem is the physical connections, did you get any pricing info on that IvyUK?
12:54.43[TK]D-FenderHey I'm working on a Debian install and trying to compile an * add-on that requires curl-config.  I did "apt-get install libcurl" and that did at least one package.  Is there another devel or similar package someone can point me to?
12:54.45*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
12:55.01[TK]D-Fender- /bin/sh: line 1: curl-config: command not found
12:55.12Winkie[TK]D-Fender: i assume you've run `apt-cache search curl`, it's probably libcurl-dev or similar
12:55.34Assid[TK]D-Fender: libcurl-dev i think
12:55.36[TK]D-FenderWinkie: No... I'm only barely functional on debian
12:55.44IvyUKWinkie: nah no pricing but its only 4 port shouldnt be that much
12:55.49Winkiehat's a shame, debian is beautiful
12:56.03Assidyeah it is
12:56.12WinkieIvyUK: they're all usually insanely priced due to the closed nature of old-telecoms :)
12:56.33[TK]D-FenderI installed it an yet another new error...
12:56.42[TK]D-Fendermake: *** No rule to make target `apps_env'.  Stop.
12:56.46E-bolahey guys i have an anoying problem
12:56.54Winkie[TK]D-Fender: you modified the apps makefile?
12:57.01E-bolaWhen ppl call in we have waiting music by passing the phone we dial the tm parameter
12:57.01WinkieE-bola: given your name it seems quite serious :o
12:57.04E-bolathats working fine
12:57.07Assidwhat you making?
12:57.08*** part/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael@
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12:57.13E-bolaBut if nobody picks up another phones starts ringing
12:57.24[TK]D-FenderWinkie: This is a seperate install script for ValetParking that works great on RH setups I've tested...
12:57.24E-bolabut that restarts the waiting music, is there any way to have the same song continue playing?
12:57.54Winkie[TK]D-Fender: ah, well that's quite interesting, there's obviously a problem with the makefile, are you just running `make` or specifically targeting apps_env?
12:57.56[TK]D-FenderE-bola: You'd have to use an external program that latches onto a streaming source.
12:57.58DrukenE-bola: use the same moh context?
12:58.11E-bolaDrunken: what do u mean?
12:58.11Winkieas Druken said the same moh context worked for me
12:58.18E-bolai only got 1 context
12:58.34WinkieE-bola: what player do you use?
12:58.39Drukenwell, my moh stops when it's not being played for anyone else...
12:59.08Drukenso i can listen to it, stop, and come back to it 30 min later and it carries on from the point i left it
12:59.13E-bolawell in musiconhold.conf i have a [native] clause
12:59.23E-bolamdoe is files
12:59.25E-bolamode even
12:59.40E-bolais that what u mean by player?
12:59.45E-bolaits been a while since i set it up hehe
12:59.47Drukenthat is probably why it don't work the same way...
12:59.59Drukeni use the external mpg123
13:00.08IvyUKI have 124 e1 channels configured in zaptel.conf and it works nicely. I have added a TDM400p to the server and added fxoks=125-128 but when i load zaptel it complains "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 125: No such device or address (6)" before it has loaded wctdm... have i missed something? my zaptel.conf is @
13:00.13E-bolahow did u configure that drunken?
13:00.21E-bolaim pretty sure i use mpg123 too
13:00.24E-bolai remember compiling it
13:00.46[TK]D-FenderE-bola: What mode is your MoH using?
13:00.50E-boladrunken: how do u activate music on hold?
13:01.02E-bolatkd-fender: files
13:01.11[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: Did you do "modprobe wctdm" ?
13:01.15DrukenIvyUK: if you have 124 E1 channels, why are you fucking around with a TDM card? and check your lspci for the tdm card... make sure it's being loaded
13:01.32[TK]D-FenderE-bola: That tells * to NOT use MPG123 and use Native MoH instead.
13:01.51E-bolawell is this related to palyer at all?
13:01.56E-bolai mean i think its about my extension plan
13:01.57[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: Also not sure if you should recompile Zaptel as well...
13:02.09E-bolaplayer even
13:02.17tzangerout of 35 boards, 3 have the LEDs on the right way
13:02.28[TK]D-FenderE-bola: What I said is what's happening.  "mode=files" mean Native MoH not mpg123
13:02.38IvyUK[TK]D-Fender: done a modprobe wctdm
13:02.42[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Almost 10%!
13:02.46WinkieIvyUK: does your ztcfg -vv return all the channels you're expecting?
13:02.46E-bola[TK]D-Fender: ok, but my question is would using mpg123 solve any problem?
13:02.48Drukentzanger: leds for what ?
13:02.54[TK]D-FenderE-bola: Yes
13:03.05E-bolai mean its not a quwstion of not being able to play stuff, its about  not restarting songs when u transfer a call
13:03.12IvyUKDrunken: need some analogue handsets and lspci lists it no problem
13:03.27WinkieIvyUK: does your ztcfg -vv return all the channels you're expecting?
13:03.31*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:03.36[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: You should have gotten ATAs
13:03.42Drukenas [TK]D-Fender mentioned, did you modprobe the tdm module?
13:03.51E-bola[TK]D-Fender: maybe im clueless but why woudl it help to switch to using mpg123?
13:03.52[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: pastebin "cat /proc/interrupts" for use please
13:03.55jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
13:03.57Druken[TK]D-Fender: i concur...
13:04.18IvyUKWinkie: yes ztcfg lists all channels
13:04.19[TK]D-FenderE-bola: mpg123 keeps a continuous stream going and doesn't restart.  Native does.
13:04.34E-bola[TK]D-Fender: lol well if thats true i guess my solution is quite simple :)
13:04.38IvyUKand yes i have modproce wctdm
13:04.56[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: pastebin please....
13:05.58IvyUK[TK]D-Fender: which parts do you want ?
13:06.03IvyUKdoh sorry
13:06.51Winkieinterrupt problems shouldn't stop a span detection though
13:07.04WinkieIvyUK: can you pastebin the contents of the files in /proc/zaptel and your ztcfg -vv output?
13:07.08[TK]D-FenderAssid: I downloaded my app in the wrong folder.  stupid mistake!  All works :)
13:07.32IvyUKpaste bin coming up
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13:09.09[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: Use
13:09.20gaspizwhere can I read about new features in 1.2.12? I would like to know the new things since 1.2.1 (currently used on my devices)
13:09.39IvyUKignore the fact that it only goes to 126 i just took two out it did read 128
13:09.41stoffellgaspiz: Changelog ? I find it the most interesting file to read..
13:09.44[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: Ok, please PB your zaptel & zapata
13:10.23IvyUKzaptel.conf is
13:10.30gaspizstoffell: is it available on web somewhere?
13:10.45IvyUKi thought zapata didnt get used until asterisk was loaded
13:10.58stoffellgaspiz: it's included in the 1.2.12 tgz download..
13:10.59gaspizstoffell: found it :)
13:11.36[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: Yeah thats looking pretty normal :/
13:12.26[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: Wait... ztcfg reacts OK, and its just * that panics?
13:13.23tropobotanyone there who can help with a dundi problem? i have set up two computers in our LAN with Asterisk. The problem is that  DUNDILOOKUP() returns an empty string. Here are the configuration files - can anyone please throw me a line pleeeeeeez?
13:14.40IvyUK[TK]D-Fender: its zaptel starting ... i have added the zaptel startup to
13:15.54*** join/#asterisk shodan (
13:16.06[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: Somewhat silly idea : You sure you have those FXS modules on the right ports on your card?
13:16.13IvyUK[TK]D-Fender: I havent actually tried to use them yet in *... is there a chance they are working anyway? so i should go and try use them?
13:16.35IvyUKi have 4 port card with 4 modules installed
13:16.41shodananyone knows if using *67 costs something with bell canada if you don't have a special package ?
13:16.43[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: I think if ztcfg fails, * will freak out even worse.
13:17.07[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: Yet you are only configuring 2?
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13:18.37IvyUKi was doing 4 i was just testing to see if there was something else... i am doing 4 again
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13:19.52mutfinally get my sbc badge
13:19.59muter at&
13:20.45IvyUKit look like it thinks channels 125-128 are on the TE412P hence why its loading before the wctdm module
13:20.57Drukenmut: going to put it beside your community service badge ?
13:21.34mutnext to my verizon badge
13:22.40[TK]D-FenderWho is biggest registrar for domain names again?  I've got a domain to get set up....
13:22.50[TK]D-Fendernames are escaping me...
13:23.16Drukengodaddy :) hahahahahaha
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13:23.46[TK]D-FenderDruken: NOT them....
13:23.47IvyUKi stay away from the big ones normally damn expensive
13:24.04[TK]D-FenderIvyUK: I wanted a bigger player who'll let me web-admin my DNS, etc.
13:24.06*** join/#asterisk trevarthan (
13:24.36Drukenlots of web based dns admin sites out there...
13:24.49muti like godaddy myself
13:25.13trevarthanhow would I go about recording channels on the fly? For example, in a call center environment where some conversations need to be monitored. I'm using trixbox currently, but I have experience with raw asterisk so I'm not limited to trixbox tools. Any ideas?
13:26.11mutuse the manager to type monitor channel x
13:26.17[TK]D-Fendertrevarthan: look up "features.conf" on the WIKI, and "show application dial" in * CLI
13:26.37bXiwill bristuff work with the latest asterisk ?
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13:27.02IvyUK[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the help going to eat see if that will fix the card while im away
13:29.36Drukenwhy bother only monitoring some channels? do them all...
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13:29.50mutin raw format!
13:30.11mutbe like... a bajillion gb
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13:33.20Assidokay back
13:36.15trelane`has anyone ever had voicemail randomly delete messages?
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13:42.58Bert-I see Retransmitting #1 #2 #3 #4 ...
13:43.07Bert-is it because there is no answer on the other side ?
13:48.15trelane`Bert-, where are you seeing that, and what are you trying to do
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13:50.30shodanwhere do websites like get their information for reverse lookup ? (is there a way to get that for use with asterisk ? I'd love to do a reverse lookup on the cid and embed a google map of the caller in my emails from the voicemail)
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13:51.18gardocan anyone point me to a good reading on how to setup a sip trunk?
13:51.21trelane`shodan, should you achieve this thing you embark upon you shall truly be enlightened.
13:51.35Bert-trelane In the cli
13:51.54trelane`gardo, don't know if they cover it, but is usually a good start
13:51.54trelane`Bert-, and what are you doing when you see it?
13:51.55Bert-I'm trying to register a thomson 2030 behind nat in Morocco
13:52.02Bert-to my Asterisk, behind another nat in France
13:52.05gardoi have defined a sip trunk in my sip.conf but dont know how to put it in extensions.conf
13:52.14Bert-i'm juste debugging
13:52.21Bert-the fone send register
13:52.24gardoit seems my sip trunk is being ignored
13:52.26Bert-* answer options
13:52.46Bert-I 'm wondering if it is a network issue or not
13:53.34shodan?? uh ?
13:53.42trelane`gardo, who's the provider, and what's the connection option?
13:53.56trelane`shodan, it's going to be bloody difficult.
13:54.23*** join/#asterisk lirakis (
13:54.23gardotrelane`, ordinary sip is the connection
13:54.56lirakisi have an extension that seems to be ringing itself at early hours of the morning.. usually right around 1am
13:55.00trelane`gardo, it'll look something like exten => <dial pattern>,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
13:55.20lirakis2006-09-14 00:57:00  SIP/415...  415  "cust 415" <415>  ResetCDR  w  t   ANSWERED  00:21   5009
13:55.25lirakisthat is the cdr record
13:55.46shodandamn , it felt "almost there" seeing this
13:55.50trelane`(as some sip phones have an alarmclock like feature)
13:56.08lirakisits an adapter.. i believe a grandstream handytone 386
13:56.08gardodoes it suppose to look like this:  exten => <dial pattern>,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) ?
13:57.06Bert-Asterisk is sending OPTIONS all the time
13:57.22Bert-to a certain host
13:57.24trelane`gardo, you shouldn't need username/password if it's specified in sip.conf (which anything wtih a register line should be
13:57.24Bert-without receiving any paquet from the host
13:57.36Bert-is it possible and why ?
13:57.40lirakis.. one thing i noticed is that is saying the destination is "t"  does any one know what that is?
13:57.52trelane`lirakis, I'd check the adapter's config and make sure it doesn't have such a thing... 't' is timeout in a context
13:58.15trelane`ie exten => t,1,somestuff (this is what gets executed if the caller doesn't enter anything)
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13:58.40trelane`Bert-, are you qualify=yes on any host in sip.conf?
13:58.55gardotrelane, i only have 1 register line in my sip.conf
13:59.06trelane`gardo, is it for
13:59.33lirakishmm.. i also have another record that goes to dst "s"
13:59.54gardotrelane`, register =>
14:00.14trelane`gardo then use the example I provided and lose the username:password@
14:00.18lirakisthose are the only two.. that show up after 12pm .. and he is complaining that his phone has rung on its own early in the morning
14:00.37trelane`lirakis, s is Start in a context.  So when a call enters that context s,1 is the first application to be executed
14:00.40gardotrelane` thanks! let me try that one
14:00.47lirakis.. i am trying to figure out why its ringing.. based on the cdr.. i dont know.. it seems to be calling it self .. but i really dont understand
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14:01.11lirakisbecause src is from the ext. itself "415"
14:01.21trelane`lirakis, again, some phones and ata's have an alarmclock function, they ring themselves at a certain time.  Otherwise check your asterisk script (the same can be done via a wakeupcall type app)
14:01.58trelane`lirakis, I'd do the following: 1. check your dialplan and make sure that there is nothing dialing that phone at 1 in the morning.  2. blow off the config on the ATA and reprogram it
14:02.12Bert-<trelane`> Bert-, are you qualify=yes on any host in sip.conf? <--- yes
14:02.25trelane`Bert-, that's what those sip packets are (most likely)
14:02.34trelane`brb now that my car's cooled I'm putting in some antifreeze :)
14:02.35Bert-what mean this option ?
14:02.44trelane`Bert-, it makes sure hte remote end is alive
14:03.22lirakisokay thanks for your help trelane`
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14:11.15backblueanyone with AOC working?
14:15.00lirakiswhat is app-calltrace-perform?
14:15.07lirakisi mean.. i know it is a context
14:15.11lirakisbut what does it do exactly?
14:15.30lirakisbecause that is the context that this "self dialing" ext. is executing
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14:18.08trelane`lirakis, err didn't you write the dialplan?
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14:20.57[TK]D-Fendertrelane : No, thats a FreePBX context....
14:21.15[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Please read the channel topic.
14:21.52jbot[amp] NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
14:28.43jbotwell, freepbx is the Microsoft BOB of PBXes and NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
14:28.53Bert-hahaha :)
14:29.00Bert-BOB ?
14:29.06Bert-what is this acronym ?
14:29.15Drukenbig and over bloated
14:29.19lirakis[TK]D-Fender: right.. go to freepbx
14:33.28E-bolaCan anybody remember who it is who's writtent he program?
14:33.34E-bolahe was hangin out int his channel
14:36.20trelane`E-bola, remind me to buy you a new keyboard for christmas, good grief! :)
14:36.59trelane`Bert-, it stands for a product that's so bad, the only reason that it ever saw the light of day is that the project manager of Microsoft Bob was at the time banging the CEO of Microsoft (so her projects don't get canceled)
14:37.11E-bolaya its a bit crappy
14:38.12E-bolaIm a bit confused about groups in asterisk
14:38.13trelane`a bit?
14:38.24trelane`that's like saying that the Tower of Piza is a bit bent
14:38.42E-bolaIf i wanna group together a group of phones in asterisk how is that best achived?
14:39.02E-bolalike when u dial an extension all those groups ring and whoever picks up first gets the call
14:39.16E-bolai coudl do it with a long dial command, but isnt there a way to dial a group?
14:39.21Drukenahh, but see.. the tower isn't bent.. it just sank on one side...
14:39.47trelane`E-bola, long dial string
14:39.53trelane`Druken, bastard. :(
14:40.18Drukentrelane: you could always use a queue...
14:40.19trelane`E-bola, I use a long dial string, what I'm trying to do is get them all to answer (ie group intercom
14:40.37Drukenmeetme without a password :)
14:40.41E-bolaisnt there a better way?
14:40.45trelane`Druken, got an example?
14:40.54Drukenuhmm.... no :)
14:41.00trelane`I've been looking for the code snippit
14:41.10Drukentry the wiki ?
14:41.31trelane`Druken, I did :)
14:42.06Drukenalthough, it sounds like your trying to do something diffrent?
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14:42.22Drukendo you want asterisk to ring all the phones and when they answer they are in the confrence?
14:42.32Drukensorta force a confrence setup ?
14:42.59trelane`Druken, I have snoms so I want to add the sipheader answer_after=0
14:43.02trelane`group intercom basically
14:43.13trelane`I know I'm going to need a meet-me
14:43.35trelane`and a dial with some specified SipAddHeaders
14:43.36Drukensounds like you'd need to do it with call files, and an agi or something...
14:44.09slykenshi all. i know i am in for some pain but has anyone managed to have * behind a pix and a UA behind a generic NAT device and have it work?
14:44.52tzangeris there a way to see the hint status of a given SIP peer from the CLI?
14:44.57tzangersip show hints or something similar?
14:45.10Drukenhave an extension that goes directly into the meetme and use call files to ring each phone to that extension
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14:46.39flujanhi guys... Does the canreinvite feature apply to the iax clients config files? I am having problems with transfer. The calling point always can transfer, but the caller cannot. Even If I use the tT option in the dial command.
14:47.45*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
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14:48.08xnonhello friends
14:48.38xnoni wanna record and transfer calls and i set in the extension this exten => 55,1,Dial(SIP/55,20,wWtT) it is ok?
14:49.24*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
14:49.56flujanflujan, I have this problem with queues too. When I receive a call from a queue, I cannot transfer it to another point.
14:50.55flujanoops... the calling point can transfer... not the called one
14:51.18xnonanybody know how is posible record and transfer calls in a extension especific?
14:51.31xnon(SIP/55,20,wWtT) it is ok?
14:52.40*** join/#asterisk cvaldess (
14:52.43cvaldessHi all
14:53.00jbroomenote to self:  if having problems compiling asterisk or zaptel, check the website
14:53.14jbroomei completly missed the .1 release for zaptel.  der
14:53.35*** join/#asterisk tropobot (n=tropobot@
14:53.36cvaldesshave a problem with sip all call to my client are reporting X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing
14:53.46tropobotcan anyone find me?
14:53.49puzzledjbroome: it was not announced
14:54.23tropoboti have some problem with dundi .. can any one help me with that ? seems to be re-directed to
14:54.33cvaldesseven if hangupCause is 34, my client get Normal Clearing
14:54.37jbroomepuzzled: which is why I need to check the site. :)  Google saved me though.
14:54.56cvaldessany one have same problem?
14:55.25jbroomecvaldess: i get the dundi page.
14:55.51cvaldessjbroome> ??? not using dundi here
14:56.21jbroomecvaldess: sorry, that should have gone to tropobot
14:58.24cvaldesshave a problem with sip all call to my client are reporting X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing
14:58.28cvaldesseven if hangupCause is 34, my client get Normal Clearing
14:58.37cvaldessany one have same problem?
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15:05.20flujanoops... the calling point can transfer... not the called one
15:05.28*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
15:05.55bXidoes one of you have a clue on what goes wrong here
15:06.24*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
15:06.47bXianything that i should check into ?
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15:12.34cvaldesshave a problem with sip all call to my client are reporting X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing
15:12.36cvaldesseven if hangupCause is 34, my client get Normal Clearing
15:12.40cvaldessany one have same problem?
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15:16.34_alex_mx_bXi, are you using mISDN?
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15:23.20thieumSHi, i've got a rtp problem between * and a snom sip phone (behind NAT), when incoming calls (from *, g729) arrive on the snom, i've got only voice in one way (snom -> asterisk), can somebody help please ?
15:24.16Bert-one way audio
15:24.24Bert-you should route some udp ports
15:24.31Bert-on your nat firewall
15:24.35Bert-in INPUT
15:24.41puzzledthieumS: are you using the sip jitterbuffer patch?
15:24.51thieumSnope puzzled
15:25.10puzzledthieumS: ok guess it's a firewall issue then
15:25.15thieumSwhen i look at ethereal traces, I don't see any RTP from * to snom
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15:26.04thieumSthat's why it's probably not a firewall issue
15:26.08Bert-is media routed or not ?
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15:26.20Bert-from where do you take trace ?
15:26.20thieumSnope Bert-
15:26.28thieumSfrom *
15:26.47Bert-if média is not routed, then RTP traffic should come from caller ID not asterisk
15:26.56thieumSmy * has a public IP, snom phone is behind NAT and registred
15:27.22*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
15:27.36thieumSmmm interesting
15:27.37jbroomeCan i do a make install with an older version of * running, then quit/restart when the new version is ready?
15:27.56Bert-try to route media
15:28.09Bert-set canreinvite=no
15:28.38Bert-for each phone
15:31.02Bert-GALOP TELECOM ?
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15:31.05qzxcdhi ppl
15:31.10Bert-ranma :)
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15:32.36toerkeiumguys, what hardware would be the minimal for a asterisk box wich will manage only 3 pure voip trunks with 10 extensions?
15:32.43thieumSthank you very much guys
15:33.00Bert-thieumS c ok ?
15:33.13thieumSnon mais je suis sûr que c'est ça
15:33.44thieumSj'ai personne pour tester maintenant ;)
15:34.31Bert-then with media routed you can take traces
15:34.31Bert-but for sure RTP traffic is bloked on one side
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15:34.32Bert-you can set RTP range in rtp.conf
15:34.35thieumSyep my rtp range is correctly set
15:35.06*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
15:35.31thieumSbut you're right, i had a canreinvite=yes, and I see in the sdp  RTP source IP is different from my * (pretty normal)
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15:36.04Bert-toerkeium: depends of which codecs used, number of simultaneous calls, transcoding or not, media routed or not ...
15:36.47*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
15:36.54Bert-actually I use PIII 500 192RAM 40Go HD
15:37.05Bert-have 2 SIP TRUNK and 15 extensions
15:37.08*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
15:37.11Bert-using g729 with transcoding
15:37.20Bert-and media routed
15:37.31Bert-3-4 simultaneous calls
15:37.42jbroomeyay older hardware!
15:37.48Bert-but this box is not dedicaced
15:38.05Bert-there are some others services on it (httpd, samba)
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15:38.18Bert-and it is far from fully loaded
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15:42.22phearlessdjbdns works on FC5 ?
15:42.47fourcheezedefine "works"
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15:44.53Assidokay gotta find a dedi box in .sg or .hk
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15:47.18E-bolawhats the english term when u have somebody calling while u are already in a call, and u get a small beep or a blinking light?
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15:47.56wunderkinE-bola, call waiting
15:49.13flujanhi guys... i am using the queue app with the T and t options... But when I try to transfer a call, it just hangs up the call.
15:49.18*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
15:49.19flujanThe transfer is not working at all.
15:49.50flujanJust my caller parts can transfer the called extension cannot transfer. Even if I use the tT option.
15:51.30smackuswhen doing the queue command in extensions.conf, or in the queue settings in the queues.conf, where do i set how long each agent rings for before moving on to the next agent?
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15:54.21af_to adjust volumes on zap channels: do I need the patched ztmonitor (that displays numbers?)
15:54.24rpmwas the expected release of asterisk 1.4 released for von?
15:54.58cvaldesshave a problem with sip all call to my client are reporting X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing
15:55.02cvaldesseven if hangupCause is 34, my client get Normal Clearing
15:55.06cvaldessany one have same problem?
15:55.42jtexter3What's the policies for submitting EXTREMELY minor patches, where it doesn't make sense to have others test?  i.e. adding #ifdef __cplusplus and corresponding #endif to header files?  I'm getting ready to fax over the disclaimer, so once I have that done, can I just open a bug and submit a patch?
15:59.13*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
15:59.16TripleFFFFhow can  [agi_dnid] => unknown ??????????
16:00.02TripleFFFFi get this
16:00.05TripleFFFFis that even possible ?
16:00.17SplasPoodWould everyone suggest I get the TE110P for a single E1 deployment, or is there another card you'd suggest?
16:01.04tzangerI've had no issues with digium or sangoma's stuff in standard t1 or pri environments
16:01.12tzangerecho cancellation is iffy with both, unfortunately
16:01.32tzangerworking on issues with sangoma's octasic chip at the moment, can't wait for the digium RMA to return so I can try digium's octasic
16:01.38TripleFFFFcan you tell me that tzanger ?
16:01.44tzangercan you tell you what
16:01.44TripleFFFFon agi
16:01.51tzangeroh man I dunno
16:01.53tzangerI am not an AGI expert
16:01.56tzangerby ANY measure
16:02.05tzangerbut I do have a question of my own...
16:02.13tzangercan you see extension hint status from the CLI?
16:02.14TripleFFFFi added the arg
16:02.21TripleFFFFhint ?
16:02.27TripleFFFFno hints on my side
16:02.27tzangerTripleFFFF: I've had issues of various types trying to get AGI variables to work
16:02.29TripleFFFFdont ue
16:02.31tzangerTripleFFFF: no this is unrelated
16:02.43TripleFFFFsho hints
16:02.46TripleFFFFshow hits yes
16:02.51TripleFFFFdarn .. hints
16:02.56tzangeroh nice
16:03.18TripleFFFFi use exten => 1001,hint,SIP/MYACOUNT
16:03.26TripleFFFFthen exten => 1001,blah
16:03.44tzangeryeah I see show hints now... exactly what I was looking for
16:04.08tzangergotta go
16:04.10TripleFFFFif a cli parse was working right we could use the info
16:04.16TripleFFFFwithout having an acutaly EYE on it
16:04.53SplasPoodTripleFFFF: What sangoma would you suggest, for comparison purposes
16:04.59TripleFFFFno idea
16:05.30SplasPoodTripleFFFF: heh
16:05.45SplasPoodThe TE110P doesn't appear to have any echo cancelation onboard ?
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16:10.22aydiosmioanyone have experience building .dic files for sphinx?
16:12.16*** join/#asterisk deb_user (
16:12.31deb_useranybody recommend a good softphone for ubuntu?
16:12.53deb_userI've tried twinkle, linphone, iaxcomm, ekiga...and openwengo
16:13.07deb_usernone of them are really spectacular
16:14.31coppicebut only openwengo sounds like a porn site :-)
16:16.07deb_userhas anybody used sflphone?
16:18.26coppiceeveryone want to write their own soft phone. few want to collaborate to produce one really good one, and few seem capable of doing anything more than a gui
16:19.30deb_usercoppice: as far as I'm concerned, the biggest limitation in * right now is the lack of quality softphones
16:20.00deb_user* is really advanced, and the hardware interfaces are really high quality too
16:20.07deb_userits the endpoints that are lagging behind
16:20.53coppicescratch a little deeper and you will find * has just as many issues as the phones
16:22.11deb_usercoppice: at least the community is well organized
16:25.00[TK]D-FenderSplasPood: Clearly not.  Didn't read the specs or wonder why there was a whole series of cards that DO offer it and the TE110P was NOT on the list?
16:25.33[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: That isn't a limitation of *, thats a limitation of softphones for the protocol of your choice.
16:25.34*** join/#asterisk rollergrrl (
16:25.45SplasPood[TK]D-Fender: why do you think I asked for confirmation.
16:25.45[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: Besides softphones SUCK.
16:25.59mutno always
16:26.06SplasPood[TK]D-Fender: Would you suggest its worth the extra money?
16:26.10[TK]D-FenderSplasPood: Sorry, your wording was a little wierd.  No it does not have EC.
16:26.11mutusing asterisk to create a 'teamspeak' server for 50 people
16:26.17mutis better than using teamspeak
16:26.34deb_userfender: that was my point exactly
16:26.38[TK]D-FenderSplasPood: So far there is only 1 card I recommend for T1 anyways, and you probably already know the answer.
16:26.49mutyou could use a headset on a real phone on an ata, or a speakerphone on a phone via ata
16:26.52SplasPoodHeh, actually I don't
16:26.53mutor you could use softphones
16:26.55SplasPoodbut I'd love to hear it..
16:27.32[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: And by "suck" I mean, who wants to use a PC as a phone anyways?  What * needs is better scalability, SIP-B (coming), better queues (desperately... high value feature).
16:28.10deb_userfender: I use my pc as a phone
16:28.17*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (
16:28.20deb_userwhen I'm working...
16:28.25Exstaticaanyone use a cisco 7912 with asterisk?
16:29.35[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: Having a stupid piece of software pop up or worse start ringing and make you scramble to be able to answer in time is disruptive.  Get a desk phone.
16:30.00deb_userfender: then I would need another fxs card
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16:31.00mutmany keyboard anymore have shortcut keys
16:31.07mutall ya gotta do is program it to popup your phone
16:31.28[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: Never use PCI for FXS unless you have to.  ATA's or hardphones.  thats it.
16:31.46trevarthanhey guys, When I install my digium T1 card into my machine my voicemail stops working. In the CLI I see it play the voicemail audio, but no sound comes out of my sip phones for the voicemail (ringing and sip-sip works fine).
16:31.47*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
16:31.49deb_userfender: what's an ata?
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16:32.09trevarthanthe digium card is configured (channels show up in `zap show channels`), but not plugged into a PRI.
16:32.09[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: OMG...
16:32.21trevarthanWhen I remove the digium card, voicemail works again. Any ideas?
16:33.08[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: Lets you use a normal phone as a SIP phone.
16:33.26[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: (or other protocol depending on model)
16:33.28*** join/#asterisk JCux (i=JCux@
16:33.44deb_useryeah...i see that
16:33.46deb_userpretty cheap too
16:33.47JCuxhi men
16:33.59[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: < $70 for 2 phones.
16:34.03JCuxi need a please
16:34.11[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: A lot cheaper and functional per-port than PCI.
16:34.27deb_userfender: I've get a three handset cordless
16:34.37deb_userso I could use one plug for three phones
16:34.54JCuxwhat connect 2 clients softphone(xlite) with asterisk@home
16:34.58[TK]D-Fendervery unfortuante, because they share a single line.
16:35.15[TK]D-FenderJCux: Please read the channel topic....
16:36.31JCuxD-Fender, im sorry, you are know a channel to know about
16:37.07[TK]D-FenderJCux: Topic   Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk, Zaptel released! (September 12, 2006) -=- FreePBX/AMP/Asterisk@Home/Trixbox support in #freepbx -=- for showing others large amounts of text
16:37.46[TK]D-FenderJCux: Go to #freepbx for support on A@H
16:38.41*** join/#asterisk markit (
16:39.07JCuxthanks D-Fender, excuse me
16:39.15*** part/#asterisk JCux (i=JCux@
16:39.57markithi, can someone tell me how can I quickly get the sounds.txt from the svn of asterisk? I need the one that will soon become in astersik 1.4
16:40.33awannabeits fairly easy to setup a branch office with a couple FXO ports for backup if the main site/PRI is down, right?
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16:43.00inv_arp[work]does asterisk store outbound calls anywhere by default? or do i set that up?
16:43.17SwK[Work]you mean like CDRs?
16:43.30inv_arp[work]yea numbers
16:43.43inv_arp[work]i dont need to indepth just who I called
16:44.08[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: Can be.
16:44.12TripleFFFF[agi_dnid] => unknown
16:44.17TripleFFFFok i figure that that bug alone cost me arount 5k
16:44.20trevarthanhey guys, When I install my digium T1 card into my machine my voicemail stops working. In the CLI I see it play the voicemail audio, but no sound comes out of my sip phones for the voicemail (ringing and sip-sip works fine). the digium card is configured (channels show up in `zap show channels`), but not plugged into a PRI. When I remove the digium card, voicemail works again. Any ideas?
16:44.22TripleFFFFbeen routing calls to wrong providers since its empty...
16:44.41TripleFFFFand you know waht .. i think its ALWAYS EMPTY.. when its a call from an IAX trunk
16:44.45TripleFFFFnice one
16:45.09TripleFFFFi guess tomorow will be
16:45.51inv_arp[work]SwK[Work]: so i guess i need to enable somethin for CDR
16:45.52sevardQuestion guys, I had a PRI card and was getting a lot of echo on local calls, so I went ahead and traded in my digium PRI card for one with a hardware echo canceller onboard and I'm _still_ getting echo on local calls, I called digium yesterday and they told me to recompile the zaptel drivers without 'disable echo can with 2100hz is detected' so I did that, but still echo.
16:46.05sevardThey're all in a meeting right now at digium, anyone have any idea what is up with this?
16:46.38awannabe[TK]D-Fender, it just dialplan setup right? if the PRI cant make the call then push out the FXO im assumming
16:47.00SwK[Work]inv_arp[work]: check out for all the options on CDRs... theres CVS, mysql, postgresql etc options
16:47.36inv_arp[work]alright... ill use sqlite
16:47.40[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: Correct.
16:47.46JuggieTripleFFFF, hasnt dnid allways been empty w/ iax?
16:48.14inv_arp[work]stupid ez to set up
16:48.29TripleFFFFno idea
16:48.37TripleFFFFstill sucks
16:48.39Juggiei'm pretty sure it is
16:48.43Juggiebecause its a Zap variable
16:48.48TripleFFFFthat the prob with asterisk
16:48.52Juggieyou should be using exten
16:49.04TripleFFFFi need to actual y TEST every function to see if broken or not on EVERY release
16:49.14Juggiebut it hasnt changed
16:49.17TripleFFFFtry that.. make asterisk realtime via mysql
16:49.26Juggiei know for sure on like 1.2.9 it was the same dnid is empty on iax
16:49.27TripleFFFFthen try a mysql command from the mysql dialp[lanb
16:49.34TripleFFFFas in
16:49.45*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
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16:49.58TripleFFFFMYSQL(Connect connid blah blah lbah)
16:50.02TripleFFFFfrom a mysql table
16:50.05TripleFFFFwont work
16:50.14TripleFFFFmysql module app need to be called static not from realtime
16:50.27Juggiebecause mysql realtime has NOTHING to do with mysql via dialplan
16:50.32awannabe[TK]D-Fender, cool, thanks for the info!
16:50.52Juggiethey are two totally seperate things
16:51.23TripleFFFFbut one doest work in other
16:52.08*** join/#asterisk jbalcomb (n=jbalcomb@
16:52.37Juggiei have no idea what you mean.
16:53.23trevarthanhey guys, When I install my digium T1 card into my machine my voicemail stops working. In the CLI I see it play the voicemail audio, but no sound comes out of my sip phones for the voicemail (ringing and sip-sip works fine). the digium card is configured (channels show up in `zap show channels`), but not plugged into a PRI. When I remove the digium card, voicemail works again. Any ideas?
16:53.53trevarthan(I swear I'll shut up now. I'm just not sure anyone has noticed my post)
16:54.36Juggienever heard of this one before, do you have libpri installed?
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16:58.33jbalcombJuggie: I've had the same problem. If you just unload the module for the card it will work fine.
16:58.53jbalcombtrevarthan: see above
16:59.57jbalcombthough I assume the agreement here is that it should work with the card loaded
17:00.13*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
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17:00.20Juggiejbalcomb, first i've ever heard of this one, is this problem with a specific version of *?
17:00.51jbalcombJuggie: I am not sure. I'm on 1.2.5 and it happens like that for me.
17:01.51Juggieinstall libpri, make clean on zaptel and recompile that, then make clean * and recompile that.
17:01.56Juggielet me know what happens.
17:02.03Juggie(in that order)
17:03.22trevarthanjbalcomb: any solutions besides unloading the module?
17:03.47trevarthanjbalcomb: does it work when the card is actually plugged into a PRI?
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17:05.37CunningPikesevard: Is your echo always far end echo, and always on PSTN calls?
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17:06.34jbalcombtrevarthan: i do not know of any other solution. it does work fine plugged into the PRI.
17:06.43*** join/#asterisk pollohawk (
17:07.09jbalcombtrevarthan: My best guess would be something to do with timing and maybe running the zaptel dummy driver would help.
17:07.34pollohawkDoes the ChanIsAvail function check to see if the channels are available in the order you specify them as arguments?
17:08.39trevarthanjbalcomb: ok. As long as it works plugged in I'm happy. The pri comes in a few days. I can always remove the card until then.
17:08.49trevarthanthank you!
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17:12.45sbma44hi folks.  I have a problem that I haven't been able to make any headway on.  I've got a server and a SIP trunk.  I can connect to the server using xlite (from outside its local network) and everything seems to work fine.  However, I can't make outbound or inbound calls from/to the trunk.  When I make an inbound call, I can see the dialplan executing in the asterisk console, but there's no audio -- the line keeps ringing until the v
17:12.52sbma44can anyone suggest to me how I might go about debugging this?
17:13.14*** join/#asterisk myiagy (
17:13.33Juggieis * behind a firewall?
17:14.46*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:15.49trevarthansbma44: does it look like this?
17:15.50trevarthanxlite -> NAT -> internet -> NAT -> asterisk
17:16.06sbma44xlite -> NAT, yes
17:16.21sbma44asterisk is in a colo facility, behind a firewall that I'm assured doesn't involve NAT
17:16.26*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
17:16.35sbma44but does do address translation from a nonroutable IP pool to a public IP
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17:16.57trevarthansbma44: Sounds like nat to me.
17:17.18trevarthansbma44: You need to set the 'externip' and 'localnet' options in sip.conf.
17:17.23sbma44I'm afraid I'm not qualified to judge, but our sysadmin was pretty insistent on this point
17:18.08sbma44trevarthan: I have.
17:18.14Juggiesbma44, the linux machine is assigned a internal ip?
17:18.27trevarthansbma44: also, make sure xlite has a working STUN server configured. I use
17:18.44sbma44traverthan: even though xlite is working?
17:19.15trevarthansbma44: If your sip client (xlite) is behind a firewall, use STUN. It's a requirement, in my experience.
17:19.16sbma44juggie: yes, it's got an internal IP
17:19.27Juggiesbma44, sounds like nat to me then :)
17:19.49sbma44ok.  well, xlite isn't the problem.  it works fine for accessing internal extensions.  I just used it because someone suggested I needed to get some client-side SIP logs
17:19.51trevarthansbma44: I've got "xlite -> NAT -> internet -> NAT -> asterisk" working here, so I'm not just spouting air.
17:20.09Juggiebe sure to set nat=yes in your sip.conf general section, and also externip
17:20.18Juggietrevarthan, stun is not required to make that work.
17:20.26trevarthansbma44: oh yeah, use nat=yes too.
17:20.54trevarthanJuggie: I don't believe you. :) But I'll test it out tonight.
17:21.10Juggietrevarthan, the wonders of symetric nat my friend.
17:21.34sbma44and canreinvite=no on the trunk registration?
17:21.43sbma44or does it not matter?
17:21.45*** join/#asterisk rokerr (n=rowan@
17:22.03trevarthanjuggie: doesn't that depend on whether or not you're using a symetric NAT firewall? I usually use full cone types.
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17:22.08trevarthansbma44: I don't think it matters.
17:22.18Juggieset it =no
17:23.04sbma44okay, did all that
17:23.06sbma44same behavior
17:23.17Juggieis sound going in either direction?
17:23.18sbma44I see dialplan execution (verbosity 3), but it just rings & rings
17:23.38sbma44no, neither.  just ringing until the sip vendor's voicemail picks up
17:23.38*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
17:23.42trevarthansbma44: so maybe your extensions are messed up?
17:24.01sbma44when I was in here before, some folks looked at my sip log and said that an ACK was failing to make it through to the vendor
17:24.15trevarthansbma44: I can't really help with the extensions. Just the connectivity and such.
17:24.25sbma44I don't think they are.  I'm just sending it to the asterisk demo extension that ships w/ it.
17:24.54trevarthansbma44: Can you record a voicemail message and hear the audio when you listen to it?
17:24.54Juggiesbma44, has your * box sucefessuly registered with the provider?
17:25.34sbma44if I send inbound calls to an extension confirmed to work w/ xlite it does the same
17:25.55sbma44lemme try recording a vm
17:25.57*** join/#asterisk dsfr (i=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
17:26.06Juggiei'm confused on what you haev working and not working here
17:26.10Juggieso lets start from the beginning
17:26.24Juggieyou are registerd w/ an external sip provider correct?
17:26.48Juggieyou are going to haev to answer quickly or i will get bored
17:26.53sbma44sip show peers?
17:27.00sbma44Name/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
17:27.00sbma44test/test                  (Unspecified)    D   N      0        Unmonitored       N      5060     Unmonitored
17:27.04sbma44or does that not indicate if it's registering correctly?
17:27.13Juggiethats for incomming calls
17:27.25sbma44sorry, wrong one
17:27.33sbma44sip show registry indicates that yes, I am registered
17:27.45Juggiewhich reminds me
17:27.46*** join/#asterisk viler (i=1000@
17:27.49Juggieset qualify=yes
17:27.52Juggiefor your sip peers
17:27.59sbma44ok, one sec
17:28.00*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
17:28.44sbma44alright, qualify=yes, hard * restart, still shows registered
17:28.55Juggienow do sip show peers
17:29.13sbma44status = OK (94 ms)
17:29.21Juggieok, good.
17:29.40[TK]D-Fendersbma44: Pastebin your sip.conf masking only the passwords please.
17:29.43jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
17:29.48*** join/#asterisk tRSS (n=tRSS@
17:29.51Juggieok, so this sip from broadvoice i assume provides pstn access
17:29.57Juggiecan you make any outbound calls?
17:29.59tRSShas anyone successfully run asterisk on FC5?
17:30.04sbma44no, can't make outbound either
17:30.12sbma44one moment and I'll have a pastebin url for you
17:30.29Juggiei suspect you just dont know whatr your doing and you have it incorrectally configured :)
17:30.51*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
17:31.25tRSSi am having trouble compiling zaptel on FC5? I have checked the voip-info wiki about zaptel/FC5 and digium site, but I can't get it to run. help would be appreciated.
17:32.07Juggiepastebin your compile error (including the entire compile log)
17:32.11jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
17:32.15[TK]D-FendertRSS: Yeah theres a bunch of bug I wasn't able to overcome reasonably quickly so I ditched FC5 for CentOS
17:32.21sbma44juggie: that's certainly possible, but I'm using a stock config provided by broadvoice, and confirmed it to work on my * box at home (running off a simple dsl connection)
17:32.47tRSSsure, brb after pastebin'ing
17:32.52Juggiesbma44, post your sip.conf and extensions.conf
17:32.59Juggieso we can see what you are doing
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17:34.44sbma44(almost entirely stock, as you can see)
17:35.19[TK]D-Fendersbma44: I suggest moving your register statement blow all of your settings in [general] and add "canreinvite=no" into [general].  In so doing please remove EVERYTHING that is commented out.
17:36.29sbma44d-fender: will do
17:36.30tRSShere you go guys:
17:36.32*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
17:37.11Juggiei would suggest getting outbound calling working first.
17:37.21Juggieremove all the uneeded crap from your extensions.conf
17:37.30Juggiesip.conf is ok to leave the commented stuff as its good for a reference
17:37.40Juggiebut extensions.conf delete all the example shit
17:38.06*** part/#asterisk markit (
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17:39.02Juggiefirst things first
17:39.20Juggieyour xten cannot dial out because he has not been allowed to do so
17:39.42Juggiexlite is confined to [test] in which there is only one extension
17:39.56sbma44actually, I was testing outbound calling using a .call file
17:39.57sbma44not xlite
17:40.18sbma44and sending the call into the context
17:40.48Juggiethe broadvoice context still doesnt supply outbound dialing
17:41.55tRSSJuggle: did you get a chance to look at the pastebin url I pasted above? I see you are pretty busy.
17:42.13sbma44juggie: okay.  what do I need to do to make that work?  I could've sworn I had an almost identical config on my other machine, where broadvoice outbound dialing is working great.
17:42.35sbma44extension change, or a change in permissioning in the sip.conf entry for bv?
17:42.48Juggiewhy aer you showing me the output from a make clean
17:42.57Juggieshow me the output from 'make'
17:43.18Juggiebut, it looks like you dont have kernel-devel installed
17:43.24tRSSJuggle: You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp kernel installed.
17:43.36Juggiethats pretty obvious no?
17:43.46tRSSi have installed kernel-devel (using rpms and yum)
17:43.58Juggiebut not kernel-smp-devel
17:44.24*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
17:44.33tRSSooh , I have missed kernel-smp-devel.
17:45.05tRSSJuggle: doing that now. thanks for pointing that out
17:45.33Juggiesbma44, look here, speficially at the extensions.conf example.
17:49.11Juggiealso, what you pass in as 9999 has to exist in your dialplan in the context=broadvoice (but it doesnt)
17:49.45Juggiei suggest you look @ that link
17:50.17Juggieanother good doc is here, just ignore the part about requiring a patch.
17:50.29*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
17:52.11sbma44juggie: thanks.  making the changes now
17:53.46harryvvI guess most people here are listening in on von
17:55.26SplasPoodsomeone is telling me polycom china told them that there are no model 501s available, only 500s
17:56.11[TK]D-FenderSplasPood: Do not accept the 300/500/600 over the 301/501/601
17:56.22SplasPood[TK]D-Fender: I know, hence the .. wtf?!?
17:56.41SplasPoodI need to buy some phones in china
17:56.44SplasPoodshanghai, specificallhy
17:56.49[TK]D-FenderSplasPood: You want the extra memory and sidecar support (though it looks like the sidecar may become SIP independent now)
17:57.10SplasPoodthey claimed that the 601 was avail
17:57.11SplasPoodbut not 501
17:57.17SplasPooddue to some..  China Telecom not approving
17:57.21SplasPoodor some other BS line
17:57.37[TK]D-FenderI'm witing for the IP 650 to hit distribution....
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18:01.30[TK]D-FenderI love how so many of the pictures Polycom has in their literature has people "talking" on the phone but clearly the screen is on *IDLE*.  dumb
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18:09.03momelodhey does anyone have asterisk-stat they can send me.. i cant seem to connect to the webpage
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18:12.11_deg_is there someone that could help me on Asterisk Realtime Static + ODBC + Postgres 7.4 ?
18:12.26_deg_Asterisk 1.2 btw
18:17.49sbma44thanks for the help everybody, but I'm afraid I'm still stuck at the same spot I started.  dialplan executes, but there's no sound coming from my asterisk machine.
18:18.31sbma44if I hit an extension that consists of SayAlpha(abc) with a softphone registered to the server, it works fine.  if I send incoming broadvoice traffic there, I can see each letter getting spoken in the console, but only get ringing on the phone.
18:19.06[TK]D-Fendersbma44: New sip.conf pastebin please and double check your externIP.
18:19.48sbma44fender: ok.  I still have comments in sip.conf -- I forget if you asked me to take them out or not.  preference?
18:20.10*** join/#asterisk Adam06 (
18:20.18Adam06Hello everyone... anyone around?
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18:24.30wunderkinok, i have a question, i have a poly430 and a bt101, when i call into a queue with no members and no moh, the bt101 will stay connected to the queue fine, but on the poly it disconnects after 60 seconds, even though there is rtp, the poly sends a cancel request.. why?
18:24.58wunderkinoooh.. maybe because the call isnt answered?
18:25.07[TK]D-Fendersbma44: Remove all comments permanently
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18:28.33sbma44[TK]D-Fender: here's my current sip.conf
18:29.44*** join/#asterisk TimothyP (
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18:30.33TimothyPHi, I have added an extention [1001] and username=timothy   now what should I use to log in ?? because if I use 1001 asterisk says to many retries and if I specify the name it says registration from timothy@..... failed for <ipadress>
18:30.48syzygyBSDI just checked and found the IRQ for a clients ZAP card on one server is shared by IDE and USB
18:31.07syzygyBSDthats bad right?
18:31.38[TK]D-Fendersbma44: Much better... now move your register to below "nat=yes".  Next : what ports do yuo have forwarded to your * box?  (precisely)
18:31.50[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Very bad combo
18:32.11syzygyBSDya... I forgot how to update that too, off to search the forums
18:32.52[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: Ditch the username field, and register as 1001
18:32.59TimothyPok I'll do that
18:33.16TimothyPalso, if I configured just 2 extentions that should be enough to test if my server is working right?
18:33.19sbma44[TK]D-Fender: will move the register momentarily.  As for ports: 5060 UDP/TCP is forwarded.  10000-10100 UDP are forwarded as well, and that range is defined w/ rtpstart/rtpend in rtp.conf
18:33.36[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: Thats a good test as you can test audio more with 2 extens.
18:33.48momelodhey does anyone have asterisk-stat they can send me.. i cant seem to connect to the webpage
18:33.53TimothyPthen I have one more question which I could not find in the manual
18:34.05[TK]D-Fendersbma44: Aid for 10000-20000 UDP for RTP, and 5060-5080 UDP for SIP (just safety range)
18:34.43[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: There is no "manual" ;)  But ok.... TFOT is a good "guide" mind you./
18:34.46sbma44[TK]D-Fender: if possible, I'd prefer to avoid opening more, since I have to go through our NOC guys for that and it could take a while.
18:34.47TimothyPmy asterisk server is in the network   in that network there's a router whicch uses NAT , it createas a lan with as a network for my computers, my computers have softphones , can they still use the asterisk server even though they are in another network ?
18:34.56sbma44I can provide sip debug confirming that those ports are in use, though, if that would be helpful
18:35.01TimothyP[TK]D-Fender, I found a Asterisk handbook
18:35.02TimothyPin PDF
18:35.06sbma44if abs. necessary I will try to get those opened
18:35.24[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: Yes you can have * span subnets, etc.
18:35.35[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: ...
18:35.46jbotsomebody said book was a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
18:35.46TimothyPanything I need to keep in mind for that?
18:35.58TimothyPthere are actually a few good books
18:36.09sbma44does sip require more than 5060 for its control channel?
18:36.17TimothyPThe on from O'Reilly and then the one from those with an orange and black cover
18:36.21TimothyPand then there's the PDF from the site
18:36.24[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: Make sure to set "nat=yes", externip & localnet under [general] in sip.conf
18:37.33TimothyPhang on
18:37.39TimothyPjust to make sure I'll do something first
18:37.43TimothyPdon't run away :p
18:37.46TimothyP..please :p
18:38.23Adam06herm...   anyone with alot of knowledge of the Asterisk PBX here?
18:38.33jbroomenot in #asterisk, no.
18:38.49[TK]D-Fender"nobody here but us chickens"
18:39.04Adam06of most of the #php and #programming channels I've been to noone knows anything, just trying to find people who do. :/
18:39.15Adam06IE: me for example.
18:39.32Adam06I know little of Asterisk...... looking for someone who maybe knows some stuff
18:40.25aydiosmioyou're in the right place.
18:40.35Adam06good ^.^
18:40.52Adam06I've been sitting on Asterisk's Wiki for about hte last two hours.
18:42.16momelodis this url working for anyone:
18:42.22momelodi wanna dl asterisk-stat
18:42.50syzygyBSDhow is it possible to find out what Zap card I have in a machine?
18:43.09momelodsyzygyBSD: use dmesg
18:43.36syzygyBSDhmm.. makes sense
18:43.40momelod[TK]D-Fender: yeah.. for whatever reason i cant connect to that page.. not from work or from home
18:43.59aydiosmioI think Adam06 has short-circuited
18:44.20aydiosmiomomelod: still?
18:44.23momelod[TK]D-Fender: could u possibly dl it and then dcc it to me?
18:44.26aydiosmiodidn't we put this to bed yesterday?
18:44.32momelodlol, nope
18:44.35momelodits weird tho
18:44.44momelodi tried from w/ the same resaul
18:44.48aydiosmiomomelod: use nyud
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18:45.05momelodis that a proxy of some kind?
18:45.20aydiosmioof some kind
18:45.24aydiosmiotry this
18:46.13aydiosmiothat should download the file through the nyud chache server
18:46.31jacobpwhen i set dtmf payload to 0 on my Snom sip phones I can use dtmf on external lines, but can't for voicemail internal.  if I set it to anything else voicemail works but not dtmf on external lines.  Anybody seen this?
18:46.38momelodaydiosmio yes that works
18:46.39momelodthank you
18:46.56aydiosmioglad it worked
18:46.59TimothyPOH MY GOD , is there any program that is more annoying to work with than DIA ?
18:47.00aydiosmioit's a handy tool
18:47.03momelodnot as glad as i am :D
18:47.07aydiosmioOH MY GOD YES THERE IS
18:47.41TimothyPI've been trying for 5 minuts now to connect to objects
18:47.44TimothyPkeeps jumping next to it
18:48.04aydiosmiomaybe you should avoid askign rhetorical questions
18:48.06TimothyPafter such a long time one would expect it to be quite stable
18:48.09aydiosmiothat might solve your problem
18:49.05aydiosmiodia as in the gnome drawing program?
18:49.38TimothyPomg I'm going nuts
18:49.49TimothyPall I want to do is draw a simple diagram to show you guys, if only I had visio  :s
18:50.06aydiosmiowhat's it do? would gimp or inkscape be a better alternative?
18:50.08TimothyPdia is probably the worst piece of software I've ever had to work with, and I just love ubuntu
18:50.19TimothyPit's a diagram modeling tool
18:50.25TimothyPlike Visio
18:50.29TimothyPand kivio
18:50.39TimothyPVisio is the one application linux doesn't have a good alternative for describes it as a drawing tool
18:50.46aydiosmiowhich is wildly ambiguous
18:51.00*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
18:51.11rokerrIt was good for 1998... but doesn't seem to have made a lot of progress since :)
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18:51.12jacobpanyone familiar with Snom sip phones?
18:51.58syzygyBSDlol, telemarketers are funny
18:52.37aydiosmioTimothyP: try Tgif, tkined, and xfig
18:52.48TimothyPok let me apt get
18:52.59aydiosmiotkined looks the best for network diagramming
18:53.26benjkHow about the drawing tool in OpenOffice?
18:53.29aydiosmioreviews of linux diagramming softwares
18:53.46aydiosmiobenjk: not any better than gimp.
18:54.11TimothyPThe gimp rules for foto editing and stuff but it has a different purpose than Dia or Inkscape
18:54.15benjkeven the one for the presenations? the powerpoint counterpart?
18:54.18TimothyPusing the right tool for the right job is very difficult sometimes
18:54.34aydiosmioI'm using inkscape in windows
18:54.38aydiosmioit works really well with my tablet
18:55.02TimothyPsweet :)
18:55.16TimothyPrepo somewhere for tkined?
18:55.34aydiosmionext page
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19:01.19TimothyPtkined looks really cool but of course it's a deps-disaster
19:01.35TimothyPconfigure: error: not found - use the --with-tcl-config option :p
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19:03.20sbma44ok.  got a ticket in to have additional ports opened up.  but I also noticed this showing up in my console: WARNING[7040]: file.c:587 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
19:03.45sbma44which seems like it could account for the lack of audio.  I'm wondering if this thread could provide a plausible explanation for what's going on:
19:04.14sbma44I've asked the box to be DMZed for traffic coming from the broadvoice proxy that I'm using.  Hopefully that will resolve the issue.
19:05.01[TK]D-Fendersbma44: Some NAT devices REALLY don't play nicely, formost is the Cisco PIX.
19:05.49*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (n=dburr@
19:05.58sbma44hm.  well, if I end up having to leave this datacenter for this application, does anyone have suggestions for asterisk-friendly hosts who can provide quick turnaround?
19:06.03PBXtechanyone know the covad password to unlock a cisco phone?
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19:06.57aydiosmiocisco phone or cisco ata?
19:08.03aydiosmioand covad provided you with this phone?
19:08.09[TK]D-Fendersbma44: Aside from the obvious NAT issues, what other difficulties are you having?
19:08.22syzygyBSDso if i were using chanspy and someone else way using ZapScan should I be able to hear what they are saying?
19:08.25PBXtechbough and paid for
19:08.39PBXtechwant to put it on asterisk
19:09.10aydiosmioVonage will unlock your ATA if you buy the device
19:09.24aydiosmioI can't find anythign on Covad
19:09.39sbma44[TK]D-Fender: none, really.  I work for a political consulting company that usually works in the web realm.  We're doing a *-based advocacy app and have all the pieces running fine in a proof-of-conceptish way off of my own hobbyist * box.  Now we're trying to get the thing ready for production.
19:09.41syzygyBSDlol.. it makes so much more sense why i hear all the background noise
19:09.54sbma44and have a hell of a time getting * working within our server farm, as you can see
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19:10.52[TK]D-Fendersbma44: So BV may work fine.  Another decent (perhaps better) option might be
19:12.13sbma44well, we're not trying to use BV for production.  this was originally going to just be a dev environment.  now it's turned into a white whale/SIP proof of concept.
19:12.28sbma44actually, we use voicepulse for our office PBX. But they won't work for this; the rates they charge to establish simultaneous channels are too high
19:12.34sbma44we're shooting for ~100 simultaneous
19:13.14sbma44right now we're looking at sixtel/vitelity, since they do prepaid and have a pricing model that's appropriate to scaling
19:13.21sbma44but have also been talking to the people
19:13.31sbma44don't think we can deliver the traffic necessary to justify that though
19:15.04sbma44anyone have any experience w/ vitelity?
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19:15.30[TK]D-Fenderstephane_: jour :)
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19:24.04aydiosmiodoes this help?
19:26.52*** join/#asterisk jmsjms (n=jms@
19:27.57jmsjmsHello, could somebody please help?  I've spent ages on what I'm sure is a very simple problem
19:28.37[TK]D-Fenderjmsjms: Just ask
19:28.45PBXtechthx aydiosmio
19:28.48jmsjmsI want to dial a number (via my iax2 provider) from my call menu, then continue in the call menu after the dialed number hangs up.  Right now, when the dialed number hangs up, so does the caller
19:29.07*** join/#asterisk clive- (
19:29.22jmsjmsthe line in my extensions.conf is: exten => s,1,Dial(IAX2/james1&${GRADWELL}/07711111111,10,A(tt-monkeysintro)m|g)
19:29.47jmsjmsI've also tried exten => s,1,Dial(IAX2/james1&${GRADWELL}/07711111111,10,A(tt-monkeysintro)mg)
19:29.50[TK]D-Fenderjmsjms: Look at "show application dial"  there is a parameter that allows you to continue processing after the other side ends the call.
19:30.04jmsjms[TK]D-Fender: It seems to be 'g'
19:30.21[TK]D-Fenderjmsjms: Indeed
19:30.32jmsjmsI've tried g as the only parameter too (taking out the A and the m)
19:32.13[TK]D-Fenderjmsjms: Please pastebin the entire context and CLI output of a call placed against it where you had the remote side hang up.
19:32.29*** join/#asterisk TimothyP (
19:32.45TimothyPHi, I'm back, ended up using kivio, best I could do. This is my network layout (more or less)
19:32.56*** join/#asterisk xAD (
19:33.01TimothyPas you can see my phones are in different net , can they still comunitcate with Asterisk ? and what should I keep in mind?
19:33.04jmsjmsexten => s,1,Dial(IAX2/james1&${GRADWELL}/07765536961,10,A(tt-monkeysintro)m|g)
19:33.04jmsjmsexten => s,2,Festival(If you would like to comment on our service\, please press 1,any)
19:33.10jmsjmsexten => 1,1,Festival(Pretend voicemail,any)
19:33.10jmsjmsexten => 2,1,Dial(IAX2/james1,10,A(tt-monkeysintro)m|g)
19:33.10jmsjmsexten t,1,Goto(s,2)
19:33.56jmsjmsthe CLI output is:
19:34.29[TK]D-FenderTimothyP:  You are asking for trouble in that setup.... too many NAT's and subnets
19:34.38[TK]D-Fenderjmsjms: PASTEBIN
19:34.48jmsjmssorry, what is pastebin?
19:34.49aydiosmio~pb lol
19:34.56jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
19:34.58[TK]D-Fenderjmsjms: Please read the channel topic
19:35.14TimothyP[TK]D-Fender,  I know but it's what I have to live with :s
19:35.23[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: HAVE to?
19:35.51TimothyPyes that's the network I get
19:35.54TimothyPnot my choise
19:36.05trelane`can anyone think of a reason why voicemail would randomly disappear?
19:36.11[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: NO change possible?  Put your * on the 192.168.0.X subnet
19:36.19aydiosmiofreepbx is not a pbx
19:36.23aydiosmioyour bit is an idiot
19:36.28aydiosmioyour bot is an idiot
19:37.20aydiosmioa hater
19:37.20aydiosmioyour bot drank the haterade
19:37.41aydiosmioI'm done
19:37.52TimothyPreally :p
19:38.11smackusi am using chan is available successfully when another extension dials it. but when i have a a queued call, it does not call that part of the script. I understand that the queue is calling the SIP/ device and that is where i have this all set up. What am I doing wrong to make it so that a queued call will not call chanisavailable?
19:38.12[TK]D-Fenderaydiosmio: I loved that little ditty of yours... really... especially the end.
19:38.32aydiosmioyeah, it wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be
19:38.37aydiosmiothey're usually funnier
19:38.43rokerrWhat's a reasonable piece of hardware to interface a soho asterisk server with normal telephone lines?
19:39.19aydiosmiorokerr: how many lines?
19:39.53*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
19:40.10rokerrjust one incoming and maybe 3 or 4 handsets
19:40.27rokerrserious emphasis on the _home_ in soho :)
19:40.32aydiosmioIP handsets or analog handsets?
19:40.47aydiosmioall the analogs on one line?
19:40.55rokerri'm willing to consider whichever will work better
19:41.04rokerrunfortunately the house isn't wired with ethernet
19:41.06[TK]D-Fenderrokerr: Clarify : How many LINES?
19:41.24TimothyPanyway is it at all possible ?
19:41.24[TK]D-Fenderrokerr: As in coming from the telco.
19:41.43smackusdo i have to use local channels to make that work .
19:41.44[TK]D-Fenderrokerr: only 1?
19:41.52TimothyPthe thing is I live in a place where there are different networks, and I happen to be in the network behind the dlink
19:42.19rokerr[TK]D-Fender: mmhmm I was hoping to have just one.
19:42.25[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: Why can't you move * onto the non WAN port on it?
19:42.51TimothyPbecause it's used by phones in the network as well
19:43.17[TK]D-Fenderrokerr: Ok, take your pick of the X100P, TDM400P, A200, or SPA-3102,  I would suggest the SPA personally.
19:43.34aydiosmiorokerr: you can get a proper TDM400P with one FXO and one FXS
19:43.49aydiosmiobut you can get an X100 FXO card for $20
19:43.53[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: Get another NIC then.
19:44.09TimothyPI'm not allowed to put my computer in the 172..... network
19:44.14rokerr[TK]D-Fender, aydiosmio: coo'
19:44.19[TK]D-FenderAvoid all PCI cards for FXS purposes
19:44.21TimothyPI don't make the rules
19:44.43[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: And their rules don't work.  Good luck
19:45.08rokerraydiosmio: well the price for the tdmp400p isn't too bad..
19:45.09TimothyPbesides what's the point of asterisk if it can only be used in a single subnet ?what if I wanted to allow someone from a remote location to use a softphone and connnect to my server in order to call a normal landline using local fees
19:45.25*** join/#asterisk kamileon (
19:45.25[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: You have *2* NAT sides and * can only forge 1 return IP.  They change or you're screwed
19:45.27aydiosmiorokerr: wiht those two modules it's $225
19:46.07jmsjmsright... sorry about the mess before.  I've simplifies my extensions.conf and written about my problem at
19:46.08TimothyPdoesn't the router (dlink) take care of the required translation?
19:46.20*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
19:46.37rokerraydiosmio: would using something like that potentially scale up to more lines with a beefier card?
19:46.54jbroomei just saw the diagram.  holy crap
19:47.03jmsjmsthe problem is basically that when I call out, I want the original incoming call to stay connected to the * server when the remote end drops out.  The documentation for Dial says that the g option should do this, but it isn't working for me
19:47.08[TK]D-Fenderrokerr: Just get an SPA-3102.  $95 for 1 FXO and 1 FXS
19:47.19TimothyPand does that also mean I can't connect to my asterisk from the internet?
19:47.28aydiosmiorokerr: the TDM400P can have up to 4 lines and you can get away with having 2 TDM400P in a PC
19:47.44[TK]D-FenderTimothyP: No.  * has to forge the SIP return header and can only do 1 IP.
19:47.47jbroomeTimothyP: you're going to have to poke a hole in the cisco to get sip through to *
19:48.01TimothyPbut that would work
19:48.07aydiosmio[TK]D-Fender is right though, an external ATA would be cheapest instead of using PCI cards
19:48.08TimothyPso to the internet side it would work
19:48.36rokerr[TK]D-Fender: I'd need to use all sip-phones inside the network right?
19:48.43jbroomeis your ubuntu machine doing firewalling?
19:49.02TimothyPit does masquerading
19:49.07jbroomei don't understand why you don't hang a switch off the cisco and hook all that stuff up to one subnet
19:49.19[TK]D-Fenderrokerr: No, the SPA is a SIP device that will let you use a normal phone as a SIP phone.
19:49.27*** join/#asterisk lose_the_grim (n=streppa@
19:49.29aydiosmiorokerr: no, the ATA would connect to your pc and then you hook the analog lines up to the device
19:49.38[TK]D-Fenderrokerr: as well as taking in your home line.
19:49.46lose_the_grimDo Cisco IP phones support asterisk?
19:49.55TimothyPwell let's say I do that (although I'm not allowed) , will in that case I be able to connect from the internet to my asterisk (I'm outside the country for example) using a sip phone and make asterisk redirect my call to a normal landline number for local free
19:49.57lose_the_grimI keep hearing about the SmartNET license
19:49.58TimothyPfree* fee
19:49.59jbroomelose_the_grim: yes
19:50.00aydiosmiojust like the TDM400P only you connect it to your PC via ethernet instead of PCI
19:50.15jbroomeTimothyP: is this at work or your house?
19:50.33lose_the_grimjbroome: Using what protocal? I've got several vendors trying to sell me SmartNET contracts, and it sounds fishy
19:50.48TimothyPwhere I live I pay no internet, no phones, no electricity etc.... all I need to do is make sure the network works and I can rent the place for free
19:51.45TimothyPit's in belgium, there's an office there with sip phones, in the 172.... network, my network is the 192. but let's say I can get my pc's in the 172 . Then I go to england and there I'm connected to the internet using ADSL I have a softphone with me and want to make a phoncall to someone in belgium so I connect to the asterisk and it calls out for me using it's phone line to the local number
19:51.45jbroomethat is some bad juju.  you may be paying rent RSK.
19:52.14*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
19:52.18TimothyPjbroome, I get lots of other things to , the point is I don't pay any costs, I get car, phone, internet, electricity, etc.... all for free :)
19:52.27TimothyP+ large fee every month :)
19:52.41TimothyPand given my age that's a very good chance to save up some money for later
19:53.34TimothyPso Is what I'm suggestiing possible (ignoring the softphones in my own network for the moment :p)
19:54.33rokerr[TK]D-Fender, aydiosmio: ahh ok .. got it now
20:00.30aydiosmiojbroome: you the guy I made that mysql AGI for?
20:01.14jbroomeaydiosmio: nope
20:01.28aydiosmiooh it was jbalcomb
20:01.47aydiosmioI've never been in a channel where everyone's nicks were so hard to distinguish
20:06.07sevardDoes ztmonitor check dB levels?
20:06.37aydiosmiothe volume level depends on the destination device really
20:07.05*** part/#asterisk beu (i=beu@freenode/developer/gentoo.developer.beu)
20:07.23sevardi'm asking what it masures in
20:07.24aydiosmiootherwise volume is totally relative
20:08.10aydiosmiogain in dB
20:08.16lose_the_grimHmmm.... So Cisco Phones will work with asterisk? But hey don't come with SIP firmware, so does SCCP work well?
20:09.00SwK[Work]just get the sip firmware and be done
20:09.20aydiosmiomanual says voltage in dBm
20:09.41sevardaydiosmio: so you're saying the Rx or Tx is mostly dependant on the destination device
20:09.41lose_the_grimOkay, and getting the SIP formware requires a SmartNET contract?
20:09.42aydiosmioer wattage
20:10.10aydiosmioyeah, every terminating has it's own amplification qualities
20:10.23aydiosmioif it's powered, loss if it's unpowered
20:10.34aydiosmioso the destination volume is always goign to be relative
20:10.57aydiosmiogain input gain on one phone will be different on other phones
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20:11.26aydiosmioer I should say, for one input gain, the volume will be different on each phone
20:11.53*** part/#asterisk clive- (
20:13.15aydiosmiowhen using ztmonitor you need to adjust your gain settings based on what you hear at the handset
20:13.43ModcutsIs there anyway of causing a sip client to full into unvailible via a command in the cli?
20:14.28aydiosmiooh man I am all like, talked out
20:14.47sevardlike a teenage girl
20:14.53aydiosmiolike totally
20:21.19*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
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20:28.07cvaldessmy *-1.2.12 reporting all sip call hangup cause 16
20:28.15cvaldesseven those terminate 34
20:28.27cvaldessany idea how to solve this
20:34.03ghenrycan anyone help with BT UK Caller ID? ANyone care to share their zapata.conf?
20:35.35bhrobinsongot a question on inbound calls from third party sip connections
20:35.53aydiosmiomaybe you could share it with us sometime
20:36.00aydiosmiowe can work you in tuesday
20:36.25sevardbest response yet.
20:36.34bhrobinsonI have a provider trying to use one of my channels using only ip authentication. when they connect, I get the dialog posted at
20:36.47bhrobinsonit shows connected, but I get no conversation...
20:36.49*** join/#asterisk liamo (n=liam@
20:36.54bhrobinsonand thanks... feel the love :)
20:38.15bhrobinsoncan you not peer traffic like that?
20:41.30*** join/#asterisk QMario_ (n=QMario@unaffiliated/QMario)
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20:43.00aydiosmiomy question is
20:43.09aydiosmioWHO MISSPELLED "TOO"
20:43.13*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
20:43.16aydiosmioGot SIP response 400 "Content To Short"
20:43.18jhiverhey guys
20:43.38jhiveri was wondering if there was a way i could do ARA but like /without/ using a database
20:43.46aydiosmiobhrobinson: is your provider?
20:43.50bhrobinsonlol... that is a horrid leadtek device... just happeend to get in there while we tried to lod the others
20:43.50[hC]Im having people experiencing jitter and echo on an installed system.. their internet connection is fine, but im testing their lan cabling, what is acceptable jitter on a lan?
20:44.01[hC]5ms should be fine, i would presume.
20:44.05aydiosmiobhrobinson: there's stuff on google about this bro
20:44.11jhiverI kind of have a custom auth mechanism and i was wondering if it'd be possible to plug it into asterisk somehow...
20:44.15aydiosmiofirmware upgrade fixes it
20:44.20bhrobinsonaydiosmio, no... that is a ata unit here for fax...
20:44.36Juggie[hC], you know damn well 5ms is fine
20:44.43Juggie<400ms round trip is fine.
20:44.50Juggieits packet loss thats a problem
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20:45.40luke-jr_work400ms is horrible
20:45.48aydiosmioyeah that's pretty bad
20:45.54aydiosmio< 100ms is the standard
20:46.32syzygyBSDhow many pairs does a t1 use?
20:46.48[hC]I just cant figure out why these people are having problems
20:46.53aydiosmiowunderkin: that's not the answer to everything
20:46.59[hC]their DSL connection is rock solid at like 16ms
20:47.02[hC]no loss
20:47.12[hC]yet they constantly have jittered audio, dropped calls, and echo
20:47.15[hC]they are going straight out a PRI
20:47.22[hC]after one iax hop to me
20:47.27[hC]so i figure it must be in their lan somewhere.
20:47.28aydiosmio[hC]: this is an * box?
20:47.35[hC]yeah * all the way thru
20:47.46[hC]client does iax to me using *, i connect them to pri using *
20:47.51[hC]we are using g729 to connect the two.
20:47.58cvaldessmy *-1.2.12 reporting all sip call hangup cause 16
20:47.59aydiosmiocheck the system resources, free RAM, CPU and make sure there are no interrupt conflicts with the ethernet device
20:48.00*** join/#asterisk RMooe (
20:48.01cvaldesseven those terminate 34
20:48.04cvaldessany idea how to solve this
20:48.14[hC]is g729 extremely succeptible to jitter and echo?
20:48.17aydiosmiobhrobinson: I don't see the problem then
20:48.29aydiosmio[hC]: not particularly
20:48.38[hC]plenty of free cpu, memory,
20:48.49aydiosmioand the problems might not be related
20:48.52[hC]they have a zap interface which is sharing an interrupt with the usb controller, but they arent even using the zap device.
20:48.58[hC]its all iax2 out of here.
20:49.01cvaldessneed help with SIP HangupCause report
20:49.14syzygyBSDso is there any reason I couldnt' use cat5 as two t1s?
20:49.32aydiosmio[hC]: change out the ethernet cards if traffic in ethereal looks normal
20:49.39RMooei could really use a hand here , i have been trying, and reading google, FAQ's and all over for the answer , after 7hours of this.. i don't know what to say, i've tried reinstalling asterisk with no luck - my question is.. how can i register to Asterisk with no username or password.. everytime i am using insecure=very and host as the static IP.. still AUTH FAILED - PLEASE help me?
20:49.57[hC]aydiosmio: i just may.. i just finished a 12 minute ethereal capture to see if i can find something weird.
20:50.52aydiosmioand use a phone connected directly to the box if possibel to do your testing
20:51.01aydiosmioto avoid the rest of th network
20:51.46aydiosmiosyzygyBSD: you can, not the best idea there is though
20:51.51aydiosmioyou may get crosstalk
20:52.09aydiosmioif you see a lot of frame errors, that'll be the reason
20:52.27mtoupsHi, I am having a problem with Monitor() wav recordings clipping, similar to this bugreport:
20:52.33syzygyBSDwell, i actually have 50 pair running from my dmark, just wondering if I can run 4 wires instead of 8
20:52.36aydiosmioprobability is low
20:52.46RMooeplease help?
20:52.55mtoupsbut it looks like that bug was closed without being fixed (as "unable to reproduce")
20:53.30aydiosmioRMooe: what are you registering?
20:53.36syzygyBSDRMooe: pastbin your sip.conf
20:53.49aydiosmiosyzygyBSD: T1 is 2 pair, 4 wires
20:53.59aydiosmioso 2 T1s on a cat-5
20:54.13Strom_Cyou'd have to be bonkers to run two T1s on a single cat5 cable
20:54.15RMooewilldo syzygyBSD thanks
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20:54.29syzygyBSDya.. I was just wondering if I could do 24 t1s on a 50 pair
20:54.33RMooejust the [] part i'm using? because otherwise its as default.. my outgoing providers aren't in there yet due to a freesh install
20:54.35Strom_Ctheoretically yes
20:54.46aydiosmio16:51 < aydiosmio> you may get crosstalk
20:54.48aydiosmio16:52 < aydiosmio> if you see a lot of frame errors, that'll be the reason
20:54.48syzygyBSDlol, good answer Strom_C
20:54.54Strom_Cbut at that point you'd be better off gettng a DS3 and demuxing it at the far end
20:55.04Strom_Csince a DS3 is 28 DS1s
20:55.32aydiosmiommm fiber optic interconnect
20:55.48syzygyBSDwell, if we are selling individual T1s then we have to get them up to our data center from the dmark, they have to come in as a t1
20:55.56aydiosmio24 T1 eh? think you could do TDm over gigabit?
20:56.08aydiosmiothat'd be fun
20:56.10Strom_CsyzygyBSD: what?  put a channel bank on either end and run a single DS3
20:56.55Strom_Cthat's what they bloody invented multiplexing for :)
20:57.13Adam06What would cause a Polycom 301 to constantly not find the boot server?
20:57.25aydiosmioAdam06: non-existant host server
20:57.42Adam06Host server exists, I can ping it no problem.
20:58.00Adam06Strom > I've checked the configuration, and it doesn't seem to be wrong
20:58.10syzygyBSDStrom_C: why convert the signal twice?
20:58.50Strom_CsyzygyBSD: becuse it's easier and more efficient to run a single DS3 than it is to run a whole ton of copper T1s
20:59.11lanceomniis the final version of Fedora Core 5 able to properly compile the Zaptel drivers?
20:59.19RMooelanceomni i was able
20:59.20Strom_Calso, assuming you use the right fiber, it will then be easy to upgrade to OC3 if demand increases
21:00.03syzygyBSDStrom_C: lol, ya, but the copper is already there
21:00.09RMooesyzygyBSD its 4 lines, won't 'send' the paste ??? it just keeps loading, jesus..
21:00.15RMooetruely annoying ;)
21:00.34jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
21:00.55Strom_CsyzygyBSD: well, i suppose you could do that.  50 pair cable, 25 long is the cable?
21:01.10syzygyBSDStrom_C: no more then 200 feet
21:01.22syzygyBSDjust from the dmark to our rack
21:01.35Strom_Cbtw, it's spelled "demarc"
21:01.47syzygyBSDfine grammer nazi
21:02.14Strom_CI suppose you could get away with that
21:02.23Strom_Cbut that's a hell of a lot of wiring
21:02.29RMooesyzygyBSD :
21:02.46RMooeshould this not allow any username/pass to register from this IP?
21:04.14syzygyBSDya, I am not looking forward to the wiring, but we won't fill it up right away, and I don't know what we will use them all for, we want to leave it as open as possible but get as much of the wiring done
21:04.49Strom_Cwhere do all these T1s come from? telco?
21:06.04syzygyBSDnowhere yet, but probably telco, maybe have one go to the bosses house, my brothers
21:06.29Strom_Cif you're getting all those T1s from the telco, they're probably going to deliver them via DS3 anyway and demux them at the prem
21:06.43syzygyBSDya, the problem is we don't know yet...
21:06.56Strom_Cwell, why dont you find out first /before/ you invest time and money into wiring
21:07.03syzygyBSDwe will start off with one and grow...
21:07.15Strom_Cstart off with a single T1?
21:07.22syzygyBSDwell that is what I am doing right now, the planning
21:07.33syzygyBSDthat is why I am asking the questions
21:08.06syzygyBSDStrom_C: I think so, but we already have 50 pair run from our rack to the demarc
21:08.31syzygyBSDi am just figuring out the best way to wire that so we have as many options in the future as possible
21:08.32Strom_Cright, but i think a better angle is to find out "how can we accomplish [goal]" rather than "how can we kludge [existing hackjob] to accomplish [goal]"
21:08.54syzygyBSDStrom_C: true, but the problem is we dont' have a goal yet
21:09.17Strom_Cwhat's your short term goal
21:09.24*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
21:09.30syzygyBSDRMooe: can you pastebin your entire sip.conf
21:10.41*** part/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
21:11.21*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
21:11.31syzygyBSDwell, reall short term is to get this wired... lol, ok, no help there, but we want to get a few t1s from the demarc to the rack.  These will most likely be T1s.  We will be starting with one though
21:11.48Strom_Cbut for what purpose
21:11.51syzygyBSDwe may sell them to various people or buisinesses or run them to our houses
21:11.54Strom_Cwhat are you trying to accomplish
21:12.35syzygyBSDOne T1 will be for phones, hopefully a node on the SS7 network
21:13.03syzygyBSDI don't know much about that yet, one thing at a time
21:13.13RMooesyzygyBSD i could, but its just the default stuff.. i did 'make samples' and add this on the end
21:13.22syzygyBSDRMooe: please do
21:14.04syzygyBSDalso if you could include your extensions.conf
21:14.17RMooeextensions.conf is purposely blank
21:14.20bhrobinsonaydiosmio, I just caught up on all you said... local phones work fine... it is only the relay that is not working
21:14.26RMooei don't have any outgoings configured syzygyBSD
21:14.39syzygyBSDthat doesn't matter, I need to see your contexts
21:14.43RMooehold on i'll get all of it
21:14.55RMooewell the only problem is i can't register as any user/password
21:14.57RMooeand i need to
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21:15.18syzygyBSDyes, that is why I am asking for the files I am
21:15.51RMooeok hold on
21:18.09RMooeextensions.conf is truely blank, my one context will be 'default'
21:18.21syzygyBSDwill be or is?
21:18.25syzygyBSDyou need that defined
21:18.36RMooeis default
21:18.42aydiosmiobhrobinson: I didn't see any other errors in the past you posted, so I don't know what your issue is
21:19.27lose_the_grimWhat phone/panel would you guys recommend for a receptionist?
21:19.52syzygyBSDRMooe: change the [register] to [test]
21:20.02syzygyBSDand type=peer to type=friend
21:20.49syzygyBSDnow where is the call you are testing originating from /terminating?
21:21.00cvaldessneed help with SIP HangupCause report
21:21.15RMooewell it will be orginating from here .. because its a test
21:21.19RMooeterminating? UK ?
21:21.37syzygyBSDwhat are you connecting to?
21:21.41RMooei will connect an outsource provider
21:21.44syzygyBSDthe sip device at the other end
21:21.46RMooei know how to do that..
21:22.13RMooei thought iknew how to do this too.. but it obviously isn't like it seems, i thought that [register] block would allow any incoming connection with any user/psw to register to Asterisk
21:22.15RMooethis is what i need
21:22.46syzygyBSDright... one thing at a time
21:22.49lose_the_grimAnyone have any luck with the Polycom Soundpoint IP Attendant?
21:23.14syzygyBSDyou say an incomming connection, from what?
21:23.23RMooefrom a SIP phone
21:23.35bhrobinsonaydiosmio, thanks...I will keep trying then
21:24.15*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
21:24.19syzygyBSDafter you made the changes I asked for have you reloaded?
21:24.21RMooebut it must register by IP .. or with any user/password
21:24.22aydiosmiobhrobinson: run asterisk with verbosity and debugging at 10
21:24.24RMooeyes i have done
21:24.37RMooe'sip reload' & 'reload'
21:24.40syzygyBSDRMooe: do you have any exten => entries in extensions.conf
21:24.47syzygyBSDadd one
21:24.48RMooemust i put this?
21:25.03syzygyBSDexten => 123,1,Noop(connected)
21:25.26*** join/#asterisk C6Vette (
21:25.33harryvvAnyone here know of a company selling 604 DIds ? I talked to a CLEC that btw is a buyer/compeditor of telus and thay do but only using there own ata gear. Some reason a asterisk box would only talk to there nortel switch for 15 min and die. Like to use them but need to find somone else.
21:25.54syzygyBSDdo you want a username/password on your sip phone? (recommended strongly)
21:25.58RMooei have added the extensions
21:26.00RMooeno i don't
21:26.04RMooethis is the point :)
21:26.09syzygyBSDright, ok
21:26.18aydiosmioharryvv: telus? are you talkign about the area code 604?
21:26.21syzygyBSDreload again
21:26.23aydiosmioin the US?
21:26.24RMooehave done
21:26.28syzygyBSDsip debug
21:26.38syzygyBSDdial 123 from the phone
21:27.17C6Vettewhat would be causing this when I do a stop now.... overrun!!! (at least 126351.116 ms long), stdout:Broken pipe, Yuck! Error in buffer handling...
21:27.38RMooewait, i can't register
21:27.39RMooeon the phone
21:27.40harryvvaydiosmio yes
21:27.46syzygyBSDanything come through on sip debug
21:28.07harryvvI want to use and resell navigata services but there switches dont seem to be compatible with asterisk
21:28.19syzygyBSDpastebin all of it
21:28.49syzygyBSDIf I was looking for a punchdown block, what is another name for it
21:29.02aydiosmiooh 604 is in canada
21:29.29harryvvthat is the name
21:29.39harryvvwhat are u trying to do?
21:29.49syzygyBSDI was hoping newegg would have one
21:29.59syzygyBSDconnect 50 pair
21:30.02aydiosmiosyzygyBSD: 110-block
21:30.03Adam06does VSFTP offer a tftp plugin?
21:30.09Adam06or ability to server tftp?
21:30.50aydiosmioAdam06: there are plenty of fre tftp clients available
21:31.28RMooei am not registered to the server syzygyBSD
21:31.31Adam06looking for Linux :p
21:31.34syzygyBSDRMooe: add extension s to default
21:31.52syzygyBSDexten => s,1,Noop(blah blah)
21:32.44syzygyBSDthen try it again, and update that dump.txt
21:33.58aydiosmioAdam06: isn't vsftp a windows application?
21:34.10syzygyBSDaydiosmio: no
21:34.16RMooeok i did that
21:34.54aydiosmiooh, I was thinking of somethign else
21:35.44sevardWhat the hell is ztmonitor actually measuring in
21:35.56sevardaydiosmio: this isn't dB
21:36.18[hC]percentage of total gain? its like a vu meter or something.
21:36.20sevardany way to know for sure? the manpage isn't telling me shit.
21:36.31[hC]its hz.
21:36.36[hC]-vv will show you hz
21:36.36sevardare you sure?
21:36.41RMooethis shouldn't be: Registration from '<sip:aaa@>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
21:37.04syzygyBSDRMooe: it looks like you are behind a nat router
21:37.12sevardI dial a 1004 test number and I get 16575 (hz?!)
21:37.13aydiosmiosevard: dBm
21:37.20RMooebut even when i'm not
21:37.24RMooei still cannot register to the service
21:37.25syzygyBSDadd 'nat=1' to your sip.conf
21:37.27sevardaydiosmio says dBm [hC] says hz
21:37.29RMooei have tried from other services
21:37.52syzygyBSDRMooe: ok, one thing at a time, i can't debug those services right now
21:37.56*** join/#asterisk Waverly360 (
21:38.04cvaldessneed help with SIP HangupCause report, all calls reporting 16
21:38.09syzygyBSDthat and you have a username on your phone right now
21:38.18RMooeyes i know
21:38.20syzygyBSDso you really should add one to sip.conf
21:38.22RMooebut i should be able to use any username
21:38.27sevardis it dB or Hz
21:38.32RMooeif it change it to aaa or bbb or zzzz
21:38.49aydiosmioHz wouldn't matter for volume/gain
21:38.54*** join/#asterisk Nand0 (n=Nando@unaffiliated/nand0)
21:39.23jmsjmsHello, could somebody please help?  I've spent ages on what I'm sure is a very simple problem
21:39.27jmsjmsI want to dial a number (via my iax2 provider) from my call menu, then continue in the call menu after the dialed number hangs up.  Right now, when the dialed number hangs up, so does the caller
21:39.51Waverly360Hey guys, I just had a problem with a pbx and a ring-all queue.  There are 5 phones in the queue, and out of the 5, only 2 looked like they were ringing while logged into the CLI.  I'm not actually on-site, so I can't tell if those two were actually ringing, but no one answered.
21:40.01jmsjmsthe line in my extensions.conf is: exten => s,1,Dial(IAX2/james1,30,ghH)
21:40.04Waverly360So I restarted asterisk, and all 5 started ringing again.
21:40.17Waverly360looking in the log file I found this: app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
21:40.21Waverly360Any clues what's going on here?
21:40.23jmsjmsbut for some reason, the 'g' parameter doesn't seem to do what it says on the tin
21:41.01RMooestill with the nat=yes syzygyBSD, its not authing with any user/pass
21:41.01aydiosmiothere's a reference to a VU meter, VU meters display volume levels in dB
21:41.07RMooedo i need to add 'insecure=very' ? or something
21:41.13RMooei did try all of this
21:41.21syzygyBSDinsecure=very has to do with invites
21:41.34RMooethen how can i auth by IP and not by user/password
21:44.09rajiv|workanyone see a problem where ast thinks you have a vm message but it cannot play it ?Sep 14 17:41:27 WARNING[26600]: file.c:512 ast_openstream_full: File /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/207/INBOX/msg0000 does not exist in any format
21:44.36*** join/#asterisk zeppelin_ (n=zeppelin@
21:44.57mtoupsspeaking of dB, I am having a problem with Monitor() wav recordings clipping, similar to this bugreport:  but the bugreport seems to have been closed as "unable to reproduce"
21:45.08mtoupsanybody else seen this or know more?
21:45.20aydiosmiosevard: from what I'm seeing the meter output of ztmonitor is a VU meter and 0db is at the center, where the level should be under a test signal
21:46.09RMooesyzygyBSD any suggestions
21:46.13sevardaydiosmio: do a ztmonitor <chan> -v -v -v
21:46.44aydiosmioI don't have any zap channels:)
21:47.04RMooestuck ? lol
21:47.26*** join/#asterisk rsd (n=chaos@
21:47.59syzygyBSDwell, you phone is trying to auth by username, since that doesn't match the nothing asterisk has...
21:48.18syzygyBSDauthentication information has to match
21:48.19RMooebut even when i auth as nothing
21:48.39syzygyBSDRMooe: why can't you just use a usename/pass?
21:49.04RMooea switch i would like to use doesn't have that option
21:49.32sx-wkshmmm... using postgresql transactions to assure of atomicity of things happening in the asterisk is FUN :D
21:49.56sx-wkssuch as conferences serial numbers & stuff :D
21:50.10RMooei have a switch that cannot use a username and password
21:50.24syzygyBSDa switch?
21:50.58syzygyBSDhow does that have anything to do with SIP?
21:51.08RMooebecause it connects to my Asterisk
21:51.10RMooeor is supposed to
21:51.14RMooebut it doesn't support auth
21:51.15RMooeonly via IP
21:51.22RMooeso i need to do ? imagine: Allow (IP)
21:51.24RMooeto connect
21:51.28RMooelol.. you understand?
21:51.48syzygyBSDI have never heard of a switch that connects to asterisk (anyone here correct me if i am wrong)
21:51.59*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
21:52.05RMooelol you don't sell VoIP?
21:52.31syzygyBSDnot like that
21:52.44RMooewell thats why
21:52.53syzygyBSDwhat is the name of the product?
21:52.53RMooebut its besides the point, point is.. i can't make this work
21:52.57RMooebeen trying about 8hours
21:53.12RMooewhich product
21:53.12*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
21:53.12syzygyBSDthis 'switch'
21:53.33CrashSysIf I change the echo_Can in zconfig.h and recompile zaptel, do I need to recompile asterisk or just reload zaptel?
21:53.39RMooestill chan_sip.c:11084 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:@>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
21:54.02intralanmanRMooe: that's an SBC isn't it?
21:54.30intralanmansession border controller
21:54.33CrashSysSBC? Small Block Chevy? :)
21:54.38intralanmanor that
21:54.42Strom_CSouthwestern Bell Corporation?
21:55.04syzygyBSDintralanman: looks like it
21:55.16intralanmani was looking at them a while back
21:55.27syzygyBSD"IntelliConnectâ„¢ session switches provide a robust and highly programmable route engine" ....
21:55.40RMooeok? so i can't change it
21:55.50aydiosmioSBC aka telco conglomerate C
21:55.51RMooei don't wanna sit here picking it apart man, i really need to fix this problem
21:55.54RMooeits a real shit
21:55.56CrashSysSo, do I need to recompile asterisk if I change the echo_can in zaptel? or just reload? :)
21:56.14aydiosmioCrashSys: somthing that can easily be tested.
21:56.29intralanmanRMooe: it doesn't have different levels of access?
21:56.43intralanmanyou should be able to set it to peer or access or sub or something
21:56.46RMooeit doesn't have
21:57.08RMooelook, somebody help me get it fixed i'll provide you some hours to cuba?
21:57.15intralanmanRMooe: why do you need it?
21:57.19aydiosmioto cuba?
21:57.20RMooebecause its very important
21:57.25intralanmanusing it for media proxy or what?
21:57.27CrashSysHours to cuba?
21:57.33RMooeyes hours to cuba
21:57.34CrashSysLike miami vice style?
21:57.40aydiosmiothat's like giving someon free dead batteries
21:57.43RMooecuba is a costly country?
21:57.51intralanmanfor whom?
21:57.58RMooeok, i don't -
21:57.58CrashSysCubans I guess...
21:58.01RMooelets not discuss this
21:58.04RMooei am asking for help
21:58.07intralanmancuba is a worthless country
21:58.11aydiosmiolet's move to ACTION!
21:58.17aydiosmiointralanman: not true
21:58.28intralanmanworthless to me
21:58.29aydiosmiomany of our baseball players are cub... oh yeah, pretty useless I guess
21:58.46syzygyBSDRMooe: so let me see if I see through this lack of information, you have lots of phones behind a nextone and don't want to add a sip entry for each
21:58.57sevardCan I blow a tone down a PRI without initiating or terminating a call?
21:59.01RMooeno, not true
21:59.03RMooethe bottom line is
21:59.07RMooei have a client using nextone switch
21:59.07sevardDoes anyone know that?
21:59.10RMooehe wants to connect to asterisk
21:59.11Strom_Csevard: no
21:59.12RMooewon't change his switch
21:59.15RMooebeing a pain in the ass
21:59.18RMooei tried enough hours already
21:59.25sevardStrom_C: I didn't think it was possible, my telco guy is being an asshole
21:59.28RMooeso now i need to either a.) pay somebody to fix it
21:59.33Strom_Csevard: explain the problem
21:59.34RMooewell thats it
21:59.38CrashSyswow... mark2/aggressive did the trick :)
21:59.55sevardStrom_C: He wants me to blow a 1000hz tone down a PRI channel without having to call in from the PSTN or from a normal phone
21:59.57CrashSysthese crappy x101p's get a stay of execution till I find some ebay hardware :)
22:00.30syzygyBSDI haven't done anything with nextone, but it is hard to believe any sip device wouldn't have the ability for a usename/password
22:00.35intralanmanRMooe: so he's connecting his POS nextone to your asterisk box?
22:00.36CrashSysBTW... if your shitstream BT-200's or GXP's echo really bad, get the beta firmware... fixes 95% of the echo :)
22:00.46Strom_Csevard: why?
22:00.52RMooeyeah i guess
22:00.58RMooesyzygyBSD seriously
22:01.19intralanmanRMooe: make him a peer and trust his IP
22:01.21sevardStrom_C: He doesn't want to come across the PSTN because he says it'll be testing multiple systems intstead of just one
22:01.35Strom_Csevard: but WHAT are you trying to troubleshoot?
22:01.42intralanmansyzygyBSD: i'll agree that some devices don't
22:01.44sevardStorm_C: dB levels
22:01.53CrashSysI guess you would need to make a 1K audio file in native asterisk format, and just use play?
22:02.03intralanmanlike nextone and sansay for SBC's won't auth with another device
22:02.11CrashSysmake a call from one system to the next?
22:02.29CrashSysuse .call's...
22:05.39*** join/#asterisk dasenjo_ (n=dasenjo@
22:08.41*** join/#asterisk MstlyHrmls (n=mh@
22:09.38syzygyBSDintralanman: do you know how to allow them to connect to asterisk
22:10.09intralanmanthey can... they just have to know the ip of the asterisk box and let their traffic go to that ip
22:10.20intralanmanthe asterisk box just sees them as a peer
22:10.23syzygyBSDhow does asterisk trust them though...
22:10.31intralanmanor friend as the case may be
22:10.39RMooei did host=
22:11.17syzygyBSDRMooe: the tests you gave me were from the nextone?
22:11.27RMooethey were from the Asterisk box
22:11.33RMooei am connecting via SIP phone
22:11.34RMooefor now
22:11.37RMooeto make things easier
22:11.53intralanmani have a sansay set up
22:11.54syzygyBSDwell a sip phone wont' act the same way, so that doesn't make it easier
22:12.01intralanmanwhich is the same as a nextone only cheaper ;)
22:12.05RMooeok, well i am now trying to connect from an actual switch
22:12.10syzygyBSDmaybe intralanman can help since he has done it before
22:12.17RMooeintralanman please help?
22:12.53intralanmanif i understand correctly, i'd be happy to
22:13.08intralanmani just wanna make sure i'm totally sure about what you want to do
22:13.37intralanmanyour asterisk box is to route calls for someone behind the nextone?
22:20.41*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
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22:26.34*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=Greek-Bo@
22:26.44Greek-Boywho is the cheapest wholesale provider?
22:32.19syzygyBSDcan anyone recommend a device for multiple T1 termination/origin?
22:32.45cvaldessany one can helpme with SIP problem???
22:33.05bkruseoh please give me a hint!
22:33.08syzygyBSDand the problem is...
22:33.15cvaldessmy *-1.2.12 reporting all sip call hangup cause 16
22:33.23cvaldesseven those terminate 34
22:34.08cvaldessprinting $HANGUPCAUSE on exten h we can see all causes ok
22:34.45cvaldessbut at sip end only get report of hangupcause 16
22:35.33cvaldessany idea????
22:36.37eKo1cvaldess: What?
22:37.20cvaldessmy SIP only report to the client side hangupcause=16
22:38.08Greek-Boycan anyone recommend a cheap IAX provider?
22:38.12eKo1That does not compute. Syntax error.
22:38.23*** join/#asterisk Nebukadneza (
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22:50.00syzygyBSDwhat do people hwere use for  data t1 termination
22:50.44*** join/#asterisk devel (
22:53.34X-Roba cable
22:53.44syzygyBSDha ha ha
23:00.24*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
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23:24.07Strom_CIf a SIP user is set to host=dynamic but sends a call without having registered, what happens?  is the call rejected?
23:24.27[hC]As far as i am aware, yes.
23:25.19Strom_Calright, thanks
23:32.09De_MonWARNING[3730]: chan_sip.c:4029 set_destination: Can't find address for host '3149'
23:32.21De_MonI can make calls, but can't receive them
23:32.33De_Monsip show registry lists the correct address for the extension too.
23:33.13Strom_Cwhen was the last time it registered?
23:34.12De_Monno idea
23:34.23De_Monthe phone rings, just can't hear any talking
23:34.38De_Monwhere would I check the last time it registered?
23:37.24De_Monlooks like about 2hrs ago according to the console
23:40.32De_Monit's a SPA941
23:48.44Strom_Chow much NAT?  is the SPA behind NAT and the asterisk box on a public IP?
23:54.58X-RobDe_Mon, you have a 'host=3149' line. That's not correct.
23:55.17X-Robit's host=dynamic or host=ip.address or
23:57.02*** join/#asterisk dalekurt (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.