irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060912

00:00.30mick_linuxCunningPike, although to make comments in that nature is a bit in bad taste for this time
00:01.07CunningPikeAlso way OT for here
00:01.49wunderkinblowing up canada
00:02.55mick_linuxthough if someone from Canada would like to tell me what their thoughts on Canada are... i'd welcome a /msg -- as I'd like to hear a few things from a Canadian point of view
00:03.40nettieHello, I'm having some issues with one of my voip carrier. Sometimes I dont receive calls anymore so I check the registrations with sip show registry and all the time I see a Request Sent message. The worse part is that if I forget to check time to time it just hangs there. If I issue a simple sip reload the problem disappear, it finally get registered. I'm also getting some "Sep 11 11:53:38 WARNING[9036] chan_sip.c: Got 200 OK on REGISTER t
00:03.51nettierelated to the first problem.
00:04.37nettieAnyone know what could cause the problem please?
00:05.05[hC]Okay, got an image up, now just need to figure out how to refresh it
00:13.47*** join/#asterisk Altair256 (
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00:31.23*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
00:40.51[hC]Ive got refreshing video working on my 7970
00:41.05[hC]It crashed once in the middle of a refresh, but so far so good on round 2.
00:44.28*** join/#asterisk mtmachen (
00:45.09mtmachenhow can I share one mailbox with two extensions?
00:49.04docelmomake mailbox= the same for both of them
00:49.06*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:50.11mtmachenthat's what I thought but the 2nd extension just rings without forwarding to voicemail.  does that sound like a different problem?
00:52.06*** join/#asterisk N9URK (
00:54.50N9URKhi all, I am trying to install *.  What command do I need to issue so that it will build all the dependencies?
00:55.54*** join/#asterisk jaike (i=jaike@
00:55.57hacked``guys, how come when i go to freepbx, add a trunk, then save it, and then i go and do a sip show registry, it doesnt show the trunk i added
00:57.38mtmacheni double checked and made sure mailbox=1st extension under 2nd extension and the 2nd extension rings indefinitely.  any ideas?
00:58.11N9URKwhat does "termcap support not found" mean?
00:58.41mtmachenthat didn't make sense.  let me try again.  I want two extensions to share the same mailbox i have ext. 100 & 101 in sip.conf
00:58.57N9URKok, I need libncurses
00:59.27mtmachenBoth have mailbox =100.  100 rings to voicemail after a few rings.  101 rings indefinitely
01:02.00Qwellmtmachen: It doesn't work like that
01:02.12QwellIt hits voicemail, because your dialplan tells it to
01:09.50*** join/#asterisk _Vile (i=_Vile@
01:12.13Qwellfile is currently in the air - thus, you cannot fall on him
01:12.28brimstonei could, if i was ABOVE HIM! (which i am, mostly)
01:13.17brimstoneand lasgana!
01:13.24Qwellchocolate lasagna
01:13.30linageeand plone! mmm... plone
01:14.37*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:15.40niter3Does anyone have an idea how I could get a dial tone working after a user presses 9 so they knwo to dial out?
01:16.09Qwellniter3: tell your phone to give you a second dialtone
01:16.11QwellWhat phone is it?
01:16.21niter3it's a linksys adapter
01:16.31QwellSo, fix the dialplan on the phone
01:17.21niter3So you have to do it per phone......
01:18.56*** join/#asterisk BlepsoaF (
01:19.10BlepsoaFanyone have any experience with a 7941 Cisco phone
01:19.11ariel_niter3, there is a command that you can use in the extensions.conf for just that.
01:19.15oej~seen russellb
01:19.31jbotrussellb <n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 7h 49m 12s ago, saying: 'i'll do it for 1 BILLION DOLLARZ !'.
01:19.34Qwellrussellb was last seen 3 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds ago
01:19.42niter3ariel_: That's what I'm hoping. Do you have any idea waht that commandi s?
01:19.44Qwellwow, I was pretty close
01:19.46ariel_niter3, look at the /usr/src/asterisk/configs/extensions.conf.sample it's one of the first few items.
01:19.47*** join/#asterisk `Tingles` (
01:21.22ariel_niter3, ignorepat => 9
01:21.53ariel_niter3, but really why do you need to use a 9 when you can do great stuff without it and doing pattern matching.
01:22.40Qwellariel_: ignorepat is zap only (mostly)
01:22.57niter3Becuase people are a custome to listening for a dial tone before proceeding to dial out.
01:23.58ariel_Qwell, yes but I don't ever have any need to use 9 to dial out any more.  and besides most sip phones don't care only zap are the ones that have the 9 issue he is speaking about.
01:24.33ariel_sip phones wait till you put in all the digits before sending it out to the asterisk box.
01:24.46`Tingles`anyone have any idea... Sep 12 03:19:09 WARNING[22569]: app_voicemail.c:4988 vm_authenticate: Couldn't read username
01:25.02`Tingles`as everything looks fine... and this is for all usernames in the file...
01:25.03ariel_username is incorrect or mispelled
01:25.06`Tingles`err. mailboxes
01:25.15ariel_wrong context is setup
01:25.34`Tingles`that is correct aswell.. in teh voicemail.conf file..
01:25.48Qwellbad dtmfmode
01:25.56ariel_that is my next guess
01:26.17`Tingles`dtmfmode? sorry please explain
01:26.41jaike1.2.12 rocks. no crashes nor deadlocks the whole day
01:26.48niter3ariel_: hrm.... I've added that ignorepat => 9 but i still loose a dial tone after dialing 9. My guess is that it's related to my adapter now
01:26.50ariel_dtmfmode is what sends the tones for the digits if asterisk can't hear them then it can take the digits your sending
01:27.02ariel_niter3, what adapter?
01:27.09niter3pap2 linksys
01:27.13`Tingles`how or what do i do to correct that?
01:27.18`Tingles`or verify it is correct..
01:27.20ariel_niter3, the pap2 has it's own dial plan
01:27.33Qwell`Tingles`: set the dtmfmode to be the same as your device is using
01:28.04JTQwell: are you confusing niter3's problem with `Tingles`'s?
01:28.05ariel_niter3, with a pap2 just dial the number and then press the # key to send the call out.
01:28.32QwellJT: of course not
01:28.48JTsimultaneous dtmfmode problems eh
01:29.33niter3ariel_: So this is depenedent on the adapter... uh aok.
01:29.34`Tingles`umm.. not to be the special child in the room but.. i don`t remeber anywhere seeing the dtmfmode or don`t remeber...
01:30.52ariel_niter3, in your case yes
01:35.29*** join/#asterisk savant42 (
01:35.55savant42good evening gang
01:36.19`Tingles`looks like voicemail is looking for the username in the wrong context.. how do i fix that...
01:36.33`Tingles`context should be something else
01:37.09savant42I'm having weird issues with Auto-Dial out. My call file *seems* ok, and it works...sometimes. Othertimes I get an error message.
01:37.52ariel_`Tingles`, what context did you setup for your voicemail?
01:37.54brimstone`Tingles`, add "@office2" or something to VoiceMailMain() when you call it
01:38.05`Tingles`this is what i have to check my voicemail in my extensions.conf
01:38.06`Tingles`exten => 500,1,VoiceMailMain(3)
01:39.05Qwellbrimstone: Or something? :p
01:39.50`Tingles`perfect.. thanks guys...i thought it would pickup the context from the section of the script it is in but i guess not..
01:39.56Qwellbrimstone: office2 is for nubs
01:40.06brimstonei guess "put an @ before the context name and add it to the parameters of the voicemailmain app" would be a better responce
01:40.08QwellThat's why we're in office3 :D
01:40.38Qwellmoving to office2?
01:40.50brimstoneno, out of office2, back to office1 :/
01:41.00brimstoneoh! pick on russellb!
01:41.04brimstonehe's not here to defend himself :P
01:41.13Qwelloffice2 == file+russellb virtual office
01:41.28brimstoneand he keeps throwing things at me when i'm on the phone
01:41.39*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
01:41.51brimstonesome paper balls here and there, a rubber ball now and there is ok, but a trout is not
01:42.16Qwellbrimstone: When I move, we need to setup like...a tube system
01:42.19savant42hey, trout means "I love you"
01:42.39brimstoneso you can get internet where you are Qwell?
01:42.53QwellI have no idea
01:43.01Qwellbrimstone: What's the cable co out here?
01:43.10*** join/#asterisk Brijn (
01:43.18BrijnHi all
01:43.19brimstonecomcast or knology, depends on where you are, could even been charter
01:44.07savant42So what's the courteous time limit to wait before reasking a question if no response was given?
01:44.08*** join/#asterisk Magicianx (
01:44.24savant42I'm having weird issues with Auto-Dial out. My call file *seems* ok, and it works...sometimes. Othertimes I get an error message.
01:44.40brimstonesavant42, i have no idea what error 0 is
01:44.59brimstonei would think that if it works sometimes, it's something your provider is doing?
01:45.23savant42yeah, error 0 is delightfully descriptive
01:46.23BrijnDid I read the specs correctly, if I think the IP SoundPoint 650 (wideband) phone is not going to be very useful with * (just G.722 codec?)??
01:48.05savant42What's weird about my error is that the call terminates to my handset and as soon as I say "hello" (or wait a second or two) the call borks out and gives me "error 0"
01:49.22*** part/#asterisk jaike (i=jaike@
01:49.49wunderkinerror 42!
01:50.26savant42wunderkin: exactly. I have the answer, but what is the question?
01:50.43*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
01:50.53wunderkinumm how does the song go
01:51.07savant42so long, and thanks for all the phish?
01:52.40savant42I don't mind the phish, helps us catch the skiddies :)
02:01.20*** join/#asterisk Katty (
02:04.08savant42ok, well I'm off to battle the weasels in the phonesystem
02:04.10savant42goodnight, all!
02:10.27*** join/#asterisk tud (
02:13.15*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
02:15.11*** join/#asterisk annonimous (n=annonimo@
02:15.37annonimoustdm01b and a wildcard can interoperate in the same box?
02:16.40annonimousmog, how can i do that?
02:17.00mogwhat do you want info on
02:17.01annonimouscause when i want to configure my second card (the clone) the tdm gets unconfigured status and viceversa ='(
02:17.43mogwell one i would reccomend not to use clones ^_^, but anyways if you look at /proc/zap/1 and 2 you will see which one is loaded first
02:17.43annonimousi donw know if i need to put anything into the zaptel or something like that ?
02:17.49mogand load them in order
02:17.56mogthe channels stack on top of each other
02:18.01annonimousah i see
02:18.14mogincluding empty ones
02:18.28mogso your tdm01b takes up 4 slots
02:18.28annonimousand i need to input something into my zapata.conf?
02:18.35mogand zaptel
02:19.24annonimouslet me try
02:21.01annonimousthe tdm400p its taken as unconfigured
02:21.16annonimousand the clone its in red alarm?
02:22.07*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
02:24.03JTanyone aware of a way to increase the volume of tones played with PlayTones()?
02:24.25annonimouswas easy =( (blushes)
02:28.17*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
02:28.54*** join/#asterisk topping (
02:31.31`Tingles`whats the virtual zaptel program..... ztunnel or something liek that..?
02:36.10*** join/#asterisk Magicianx (
02:37.01*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:38.59[TK]D-FenderHey all, are there any known problems with SIP presence in 1.2.12?
02:39.09[TK]D-Fendergota  pile of phones that just don't seemt o be picking it up right
02:47.17hmmhesayswhat are you using for presence?
02:52.57[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays :
02:53.41[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Look at that... F'n crazy
02:54.00[TK]D-FenderI'm still on that call!
02:54.10DaminHey.. can everyone go DIGG this for me?
02:54.22*** join/#asterisk |TJH| (
02:58.18*** part/#asterisk |TJH| (
03:08.29*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:15.37DaminAnyone alive?
03:32.00mishehuDamin: seems like everywhere on this network died.
03:32.12mishehuwell except for the mythtv-users channel
03:32.44CunningPikeIt'll take more than that to kill me.....
03:33.39CunningPike~lart mishehu
03:33.52CunningPikeFFS, jbot, is that the best you can do?
03:33.58*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (
03:34.19mishehuCunningPike: it must know that I'm within 100 miles of dairy country
03:34.23docelmomishehu trolling I see
03:34.35mishehudocelmo: I learned from the best...  you!  heh
03:34.42docelmowtf ever
03:34.45docelmooops..  strike 1
03:34.49CunningPikemishehu: Wisconsin?
03:35.11mishehuCunningPike: unless there's another dairy state in the USA that I don't know about...
03:35.14docelmoSo which of the Digium guys are at VON?
03:35.22mishehuwhich is possible, I never claimed to know everything
03:35.28filedocelmo: yes.
03:35.41CunningPikemishehu: I don't think Wisconsin has the monopoly.....
03:36.02wunderkinmonopoly!! yey!
03:36.06mishehuCunningPike: nah, I'm sure others have some dairy, but as far as I know Wisconsin is the only one that claims to be the dairy state.
03:36.28mishehuhmm...  to update my polycom firmware or not...
03:36.41mishehuthat is the question at hand...
03:39.40Qwellfile: finally there?
03:39.48fileQwell: yes
03:39.56Qwellfile: hote?l
03:40.01Qwellumm...that was weird
03:40.11filekpfleming is over there
03:40.25filehe is deep in thought
03:40.44[TK]D-Fenderfile : ...
03:40.50file[TK]D-Fender: ! ! !
03:40.51mishehua baseball bat usually is more effective
03:40.52[TK]D-Fenderfile :
03:41.13fileI just got in here and you want me to look at something already?
03:41.13Qwellmishehu: baseball bat + boss == bad idea :P
03:41.15file'tsk 'tsk
03:41.31file[TK]D-Fender: crank up core debug
03:41.38Qwellfile: good boy!
03:41.43mishehuQwell: ah, just wear a mask and make sure to hit so hard he sees stars (and thus won't be able to identify you)
03:41.45[TK]D-Fenderfile : Its lying through its teeth!
03:41.45fileit'll be much more verbose about the device state stuff
03:41.57Qwellmishehu: I'm easy to id :D
03:42.06fileQwell: you need to hurry up and get here
03:42.11Qwellfile: yes, I'm working on it
03:42.18mishehuQwell: well  hmmmm....   convince file to be your pinch hitter
03:42.30Qwellmishehu: That sounds a bit disturbing
03:43.27fileI should... go to sleep
03:43.32mishehuit's the internet, aren't we all disturbed just by the fact we are in front of computers?
03:44.18*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
03:48.59mishehu*sigh* I hate having to do reboots on remote servers
03:49.53mishehuQwell: What Me Version?
03:50.14mishehuQwell: rebooting a system that had the bad reiser4 patch on it.
03:50.25mishehuQwell: oh sorry, that was CunningPike who did that
03:50.33mishehuCunningPike: What Me Version?
03:51.07mishehuCunningPike [] requested VERSION  from mishehu
03:51.29mishehuI don't know why you versions me.   *grin*
03:51.42CunningPikeI'm with the FBI
03:52.09mishehuCunningPike: Former Business Interests?
03:52.30mishehuQwell: and I'm sure you learned as much as CunningPike did ;-)
03:52.37QwellThat you're away?
03:52.55mishehuyou didn't know I'm away already?  psssh.  if I was here I wouldn't be rambling.
03:54.00mishehuI must be a lot more tired than I actually feel.
03:54.19tzanger[TK]D-Fender: around?
03:54.25tzangerwhat's a polycom config file error 0x10000
03:54.56mishehusounds bad.
03:55.09mishehumaybe I'll wait on updating my firmware until tomorrow.
03:56.21[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Yup
03:56.45tzanger[TK]D-Fender: do you know what a polycom error 0x10000 is on bootup?  it just says config file error: 0x10000
03:56.52tzangerI seem to remember this but can't place where or why
03:57.27tzangerthe boot log doesn't give me any errors and no other logs have been uploaded
03:57.45[TK]D-Fendertzanger : I believe you pointed your mac.cfg file to a missing config file.
03:58.03tzangerahh let me check
03:58.05[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Double-check their presence and authorities
03:58.30[TK]D-FenderI'll lay bets its the phoneXX.cfg file that wasn't right.
03:58.40tzangerI think that's exactly right
03:58.44tzangerI was misisng my alertInfo.cfg
03:59.04CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: How much money have you made so far with that ;)
03:59.50[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : With?
04:00.03CunningPikeBetting the file was missing
04:00.35*** join/#asterisk ruskie (n=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
04:00.49[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : I've seen it before as well.
04:01.37CunningPikeI know - that's why......... oh, never mind. I was trying to be humorous :/
04:01.59CunningPikeAnd failing miserably......
04:02.01*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
04:03.10filebrimstone: !!!
04:03.11[TK]D-FenderFile & brimstone!
04:03.35brimstonehow was your trip file?
04:04.55*** part/#asterisk Agrajag- (
04:06.02filebrimstone: beautiful
04:06.17brimstonethey left you in the fedex box again didn't they?
04:07.17fileyes :(
04:08.50Qwellfile: You actually arrived...with luggage?
04:08.51tzangerthanks [TK]D-Fender, that was it
04:09.33*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
04:10.28fileQwell: yup
04:10.31[TK]D-Fendertzanger : ywc
04:10.32filemy luggage was fine :D
04:10.43Qwellfine, as in...there?
04:10.56filecrazy eh?
04:13.53tzangerwtf this thing will not register now
04:13.56tzangerasterisk gives back a 404
04:14.56*** join/#asterisk ssokol (
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04:15.47docelmossokol DUDE!
04:16.42*** join/#asterisk topping (
04:16.57niter3hey guys i'm setting up agents queue
04:17.09Qwellniter3: sorry
04:17.27niter3i've added an agent under [agents] as member => 8888,8888,bob
04:17.35niter3and i've add it to my queue
04:17.49niter3member => Agent/8888
04:17.59niter3then an extension as exten => AgentLogin()
04:18.10niter3exten => 5,1,AgentLogin()
04:18.26niter3and when I dial my agent # 8888 it keeps complaining login agent incorrect please try again
04:18.29niter3I'm clueles..
04:19.42filessokol: moo
04:20.09CunningPikeniter3: Try AgentLogin(8888)
04:21.30niter3login incorrect right away
04:25.14*** join/#asterisk SaTLaN32 (n=satlan32@
04:25.20SaTLaN32need help
04:25.23arcaninedoes anyone tried vfx card on asterisk
04:25.30niter3CunningPike: I've checked these files like 10 times.
04:25.31niter3still see nothing
04:25.44SaTLaN32i have installed asterisk trunk and since then my fxo card is not working.
04:25.44niter3I don't know why it's complaining..
04:25.50SaTLaN32i get channel busy
04:26.01CunningPikeniter3: Did you reload after adding your agent?
04:26.08niter3yes of course
04:26.30arcaninedialogic vfx card
04:26.44CunningPikeniter3: Just checking ;)
04:27.25niter3this is just weird.. I don't know why it won't work.. :s
04:28.03*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
04:28.19[TK]D-Fenderniter3 : pastebin EVERYTHING related to your queues
04:28.26niter3ok sec
04:29.24tzafrir_laptopSaTLaN32, what trunk? fxo? What do you mean by "not working"?
04:30.16SaTLaN32anyone can help?
04:30.29SaTLaN32hi tzafrir
04:32.24tzangerI *cannot* get theese fucking phones to work
04:32.32tzangerasterisk seems happy
04:32.34*** join/#asterisk kc5cqm (
04:32.37tzangerbut the phones have white-phone soft buttons
04:32.43tzangerand you get the little voicemail warble too
04:33.01kc5cqmwhat's the timefram for asterisk 1.4?
04:33.06SaTLaN32i'm here
04:33.24kc5cqmor, a better question is, what's the roadmap of items that'll be included on 1.4 that are currently being worked on?
04:33.45kc5cqmbesides jingle...
04:34.03tzafrir_laptopSaTLaN32, so it's basicaly an issue of troubleshooting zaptel. Do all the channels appear in 'zap show channels'?
04:34.14niter3[TK]D-Fender: See anything i've done wrong?
04:34.29[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Setup a new provisioning folder, set your phone to it, and factory reset it.
04:34.53tzangeryeah I think I'm gonna factory zap it
04:35.03*** join/#asterisk tlow (
04:35.47[TK]D-Fenderniter3 : Yes, your agents.conf is wrong.  its Agent => not Member =>
04:35.58[TK]D-Fenderniter3 : You've got to read the big print...
04:36.00kc5cqmbtw, anyone here know of a iax softphone for win/32 that supports the iax-encryption that asterisk does?
04:36.14kc5cqmor ata that does
04:36.27tzanger[TK]D-Fender: yeah...  ugh it's 12:35 already
04:38.51niter3didn't catch that
04:38.52SaTLaN32you here?
04:46.55*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:47.55wunderkini'm playing with trunk now, i have to setup odbc now, since app_sql_postgres is gone
04:50.06tzanger[TK]D-Fender: got a crash course in buddies on the polycoms?  I've never done this before
04:50.17tzangergot line 1 for hte line, but how to get the other soft keys for buddy/presence stuff
04:50.38kc5cqmthanks wunderkin
04:51.56znoGi find that sometimes asterisk fails to authenticate against SIP servers
04:52.10znoGit doesn't seem to put the digest auth stuff in the packets
04:52.23znoGwhen i reboot the machine, all is fine again... is there a way to do this without having to reboot?
04:53.08CunningPiketzanger: You need to enable the presence feature in the phone - look for 'feature' in your sip.cfg
04:53.20*** part/#asterisk lowlevel (
04:53.31JTznoG: i'm assuming reloading and restarting asterisk don't work?
04:53.34CunningPiketzanger: There should be a list with a .enabled attribute for each one
04:54.39znoGJT: nope, of course i tried that :)
04:55.32JTtried stopping and starting it?
04:57.16[TK]D-Fendertzanger :   Enable presence in sip.cfg. Add a contact that you have a hint set up for.  In the contact info screen scroll down and enable buddy-watch.  the End.
04:57.37[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Minus the fact it seems SVN presence is b0rked
04:57.40tzangerthat's too simple
04:57.47tzangerCunningPike: thanks
04:57.47[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Isn't it though?
04:59.12CunningPikeIt's great
04:59.36CunningPikeWe set up hints for all our phones, so we can set up BLFs really easily on the phone
05:00.29*** join/#asterisk ajungem (n=ajunge@
05:00.59[TK]D-Fendertzanger : If you're modding the -directory files manually, its the <bw>1</bw> you'll want to set
05:02.29ajungemany body here?
05:02.56*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (i=BugKhaM@
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05:04.56tzangeris it possible to assign all three (6) softkeys to buddies?  I need one softkey to register to to the asterisk server do I not?
05:05.49[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Need 1 key for a reg, the rest you can do what you will with
05:08.54HaMYaIhi, how is the order of the cards in /proc/zaptel arranged?
05:09.24HaMYaIit doesn't seem to follow the order in /etc/modprobe.d/zaptel sometimes
05:10.18*** part/#asterisk kc5cqm (
05:10.34tzangerthat's what I thought, thanks
05:13.23ajungemHaMYaI: the cards are assigned in the order they are detected by the kernel. lspci will tell you
05:13.43[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Keeping in mind that there are a number of ways of conveying that info.  You can script a microbrowser page for 600/601/650 or use the "buddies" button to view them in a window (limited to 8 in any non 600 class), etc.
05:14.10tzanger[TK]D-Fender: indeed.  I'm ust starting out on that
05:14.30*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
05:14.59[TK]D-Fendertzanger : 1. is supposed to come with a programable "device" for using Presence to convey other info as well (BRISTUFF had a patch for this but those with PRI couldn't take advantage of it)
05:18.40arcaninewer cn i get stable version of asterisk?
05:19.04[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm baked... later folks.
05:19.06HaMYaIajungem:  lspci ? why did the order change from time to time?
05:19.23HaMYaIajungem:  can we indicate which order we want?
05:19.30ajungemmmm. strange
05:19.39ajungemi don't think so
05:19.52tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, what do you mean regarding bristuff?
05:20.08*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
05:20.13HaMYaIajungem:  I thought changing the order in /etc/modprobe.d/zaptel will help
05:20.42tzafrir_laptopHaMYaI, /proc/zaptel is ordered y the order the spans were registered to zaptel
05:21.27tzafrir_laptopUsually a span is registered to zaptel immediately when the module loads. And usually the modules load at the order of the list in that fle
05:21.48HaMYaItzafrir_laptop: usually
05:21.53*** part/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
05:22.21tzafrir_laptopWhat cards do yo uhave?
05:22.35HaMYaItzafrir_laptop: when the order in /proc/zaltel changes then I had to re-arrange the order in /etc/zaptel.conf as well
05:23.05HaMYaItzafrir_laptop: TE110P and TDM400 with 4 x fxs
05:23.13tzafrir_laptopThat's why I wrote genzaptelconf in the first place (to help us in testing internally)
05:24.00HaMYaItzafrir_laptop: where do I find that script?
05:24.00JTtzafrir_laptop: so you're the culprit ;)
05:24.34tzafrir_laptopxpp/utils/genzaptelconf .  However the real answer is that you need to figure out the order which they will load at boot and configure accordingly
05:24.58tzafrir_laptopRewriting the configus on every boot generally is too dangerous
05:25.38*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
05:25.59HaMYaItzafrir_laptop: this Tiger Jet is at my eth0 and is really annoying because I have my ethernet config at eth0
05:26.16tzafrir_laptopJT, well, actually the very first script was a little awk hack by Oron Peled. But almost anything there is mine...
05:26.47tzafrir_laptopHaMYaI, what network GUI? What distro?
05:27.12JTtzafrir_laptop: i just found it was setting up my T1 for pri when I wanted it setup for a channelbank so i gave up and wrote it all from hand :) i'm sure it's useful if you've got a pri
05:29.10HaMYaItzafrir_laptop: the network configuration in x-windows of my FC5
05:29.22ajungemtzafrir? are yo tzafrir cohen from xorcom?
05:29.57ajungemwe were discussing a bug i think i have found.. remember?
05:30.04ajungemBug#386312: asterisk: deadlocks on channels
05:30.11tzafrir_laptopHaMYaI, anyway, the zaptel init.d script is run before the networking one, so it really doesn't matter
05:30.14HaMYaItzafrir_laptop: I just ran your "genzaptelconf" and it just generates and detect TE110P as the first span
05:30.45tzafrir_laptopajungem, ok
05:30.54*** join/#asterisk jart (
05:31.27tzafrir_laptopHaMYaI, if you ran it without -d, it will just configure according to currently-loaded modules
05:31.33ajungemi have new info but i'm still stuck with it.
05:31.55tzafrir_laptopIf you run it with -dM is will redetect and also rewrire the zaptel sysconfig file
05:32.19tzafrir_laptopajungem, what do you mean? what info? what problem?
05:32.25ajungemi have a lot of " Write returned -1 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on channel X" in the debug log file.
05:32.44ajungemsorry. a short explanation first.
05:33.12ajungemafter a lot of usage i get some "chan_zap.c: Ring requested on channel 0/7 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner"
05:33.46ajungemso the channel gets locked and it only get unlocked if I restart asterisk.
05:33.59ajungemno incoming calls on that channel.
05:34.25ajungemi think is some kind of mutex lock problem, but i don't know how to find out
05:35.13HaMYaItzafrir_laptop: I just ran with no parameter and now it replaces the previous configs with a backup
05:38.10HaMYaIthe one of the differences is that mine has "span=1,1,0" and the generated one has "span=1,1,1"
05:38.12tzafrir_laptopis this classic? bristuff?
05:38.25HaMYaItzafrir_laptop: does it matter?
05:38.55tzafrir_laptopBasically the length of the cable. See the sample zaptel.conf . The "1" there is a pure guess
05:39.08ajungemclassic and bristuff the same problem.
05:43.50HaMYaItzafrir_laptop: distance from the modem?
05:45.06*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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05:48.14wunderkinis there a way to disable realtime for voicemail? i just setup odbc and it automatically assumed that i wanted to use it for voicemail, all i want is to use odbc from the dialplan, nothing else, a replacement for app_sql_postgres
05:51.48*** join/#asterisk Toadyus (
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05:59.13proghello to all. i have just compiled asterisk and when i start it, asterisk says: permission denied creating /var/run/ . i know what does it mean, but how can I force asterisk to use another PID file ( in another directory ), thank you!
05:59.53X-Rob_prog, mkdir /var/run/asterisk, chown asterisk /var/run/asterisk, nano /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf and change astrundir to be /var/run/asterisk
06:00.47progX-Rob_, thank you, astrundir is what i should look for. thank you very much!
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06:20.58HaMYaIthere's Zaptel- now
06:23.55HaMYaIand compiles ok on my FC5smp
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08:01.47adelashey guys, i got a question about port forwarding, 5060udp+10k-20kudp, is all you need for sip right? and cisco phones?
08:01.58adelasonce in a while, i'm getting like 1 way calling
08:02.38adelaswell more common now
08:02.41adelasafter firewall install
08:02.50adelasis there any other ports?
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08:23.28faberk64Hi to all
08:24.39*** join/#asterisk moon06 (
08:25.11faberk64just one stupid/fast question, from the trixbox web interface, is there a way to let entensions to receive outside calls?
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08:25.21faberk64to be forwarded
08:25.48faberk64or I have to setup by hand into extensions_custom.conf?
08:26.00faberk64is my first trixbox setup
08:26.14faberk64never used before, just *
08:26.21faberk64any idea?
08:33.06*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
08:33.22angryusergood day everybody
08:33.56angryusercan someone help me with asterisk please?
08:35.46angryuseri gor 2 asterisk servers on 2 different IP's, first one is a working stable server, second for my tests, the problem is that when i turn on my second server for testing, asterisk on server number one stops working
08:35.52angryuser*i got
08:37.01angryuserany ideas?
08:39.40key2angryuser: they have the same IP
08:40.01angryuserno, 2 different standalone servers
08:43.20CtRiXchange the sip port of 1 of them and don't let authenticate to the same accounts
08:43.33*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
08:44.25angryuseril try now, thank you for help
08:48.45*** join/#asterisk Op3r (
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09:07.55angryuseryour solution have worked
09:11.21angryuseri have another tiny problem, i have one fxo behind nat, so i routed port 5060 to ip, and of course 5060 to asterisk server, i can call from user, but when i have a pick up, i hear no voice, maybe should i route some others ports, to the server or fxs? to
09:11.32*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
09:12.23angryuseri got  fxs--router----internet-----router-----asterisk
09:12.32*** join/#asterisk Bert- (
09:12.34Bert-hello there
09:14.36*** join/#asterisk speedwagon (
09:14.50angryuseri forgot to notice that asterisk outgoing is configured like a trunk to external phone provider over the internet
09:16.26*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (
09:16.35Bert-I have a issue with background command. I had to install asterisk on other computer
09:17.11Bert-I put my working config and now asterisk is unable to play any audio file. got that in asterisk logs :
09:17.42Bert-unable to find file, but file is same as old server, in the same path ... So I don't understand why
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09:30.43Bert-have to specify FULL path !!!
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09:31.12Bert-is a way to specify sound path or things like that ?
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10:08.23*** join/#asterisk nounoursfr (
10:08.26nounoursfrhi all
10:08.33*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
10:08.35nounoursfrhave are you today
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10:33.57key2someone knows a softphone writen in flash ?
10:36.38*** join/#asterisk aLeSD (
10:36.52X-Rob_key2, flash can't do UDP
10:37.11aLeSDhi all : maybe is not the right place to make this question? But someone know a minimal scalable sip client ?
10:38.56key2X-Rob_: with a http tunnel
10:39.02key2or something like that ?
10:39.15X-Rob_key2, VoIP requires UDP
10:39.20key2X-Rob_: could flash do audio codec ?
10:39.33key2X-Rob_: well with a gateway in the middle it would be possible
10:39.41X-Rob_key2, have fun writing it!
10:39.48key2X-Rob_: if I make a chan_flash for asterisk
10:39.53key2X-Rob_: it won't be possible ?
10:40.11X-Rob_Um. It might be.
10:40.13key2X-Rob_: the question is could flash do video + audio codec ?
10:40.20Bert-I have a .wav for IVR
10:40.22CtRiXand also a stream that flash would understand
10:40.26X-Rob_I'm pretty sure that flash can capture audio
10:40.30X-Rob_don't know about it capturing video
10:40.38Bert-does someone has a clear howto to convert it to good format for asterisk please ??
10:41.00key2X-Rob_: but if I have a H263 video, could flash decode it ?
10:41.08key2X-Rob_: or G729, could flash decode it ?
10:41.19Bert-tried with sox, GX Trancoder and onine audioconv from asteriskguru
10:41.22key2X-Rob_: or it uses a preset set of codec
10:41.30X-Rob_key2, dude, ask someone who knows flash.
10:41.39Bert-quality is really bad with guru conversion
10:41.46Bert-and I can upload .wav :(
10:41.49key2X-Rob_: u started to answer, I assumed u knew :)
10:42.20X-Rob_key2, I answered a technical reason why I knew it couldn't.
10:44.39*** join/#asterisk MacoStefX (
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10:48.34fileI'm up far too early
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11:17.58Dr-Linuxfile: good afternood
11:25.36*** join/#asterisk basty (n=basty@
11:27.23bastyIs it possible to log via asterisk to an external logfile? I have several agents with different status. If the agent selects status "Not Available". The Agent should log off and the log containing a timestamp should log into /etc/asterisk/test.log.
11:27.27*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
11:28.07bastyI want to analyse the agents what kind of status they have had including the date and time into an external logfile.
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11:44.01Sonderbladei need a really simple system that can bill incoming calls to certain extensions on an Asterisk with different tariffs depending on extension, anyone know of some project that can do this?
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11:46.04mutomg file noooooooooo
11:46.11mutstop drop and roll!
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11:46.45filemut: I refuse
11:46.52mutthen perish!
11:47.02fileI also refuse to do that
11:47.47*** join/#asterisk aadilismail (n=aaaaaaaa@
11:50.55aadilismaildo me a favor to instal asterisk ... can anybody help
11:52.22*** join/#asterisk Sasch (
11:52.26Saschhi all
11:52.54*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
11:54.54Saschi have one problem with musiconhold and Grandstream BT120
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11:56.14kindordoes the BLF work on siemens optipoint 410s series?
11:56.21kindor(hint function?)
11:56.35Saschi have a extension 6000
11:56.36Saschexten => 6000,1,Answer
11:56.36Saschexten => 6000,2,MusicOnHold()
11:56.36Saschexten => 6000,3,Dial(SIP/sascha)
11:56.46Saschwith xlite the music start
11:56.56Saschwith my telephone grandstream don't start
11:57.01Saschand asterisk return
11:57.26SaschSep 12 15:59:15 WARNING[2207]: chan_sip.c:2570 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 1 (read/write = 4/64)
11:57.44Saschwhy ?? can help me .....
11:57.53CtRiXcodec issue
11:58.23fileyou're using G723.1
11:59.37Saschwhen i find the codec configuration ?? in sip.conf ??
11:59.43*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
12:00.14Saschthis is the configuration of the telephone
12:00.15Saschcallerid="Assistenza" <10>      ; Full caller ID, to override the phones config
12:00.15Sasch;nat=yes                                ; there is not NAT between phone and As$
12:00.15Saschdisallow=all                    ; need to disallow=all before we can use allow=
12:00.16Saschallow=all                       ; Pass-thru only unless g729 license obtained
12:00.39jbotpastebin is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
12:00.48CtRiXdisallow=all  &&  allow=all     <-- really usefull
12:01.09*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
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12:01.24SaschI'm little in asterisk
12:01.39benjkthat one is more like common sense though
12:01.43CtRiXbisogna leggere ...
12:01.48E-bolahmm seems down
12:01.51benjkno offense intended ;)
12:01.59Saschexcusme for my language but I'm Italian ... I live near Montalcino
12:02.06Sasch<CtRiX> sei italiano ??
12:02.21benjkBrunello di Montalcino
12:02.22CtRiXSash  yes but manuals are i english !
12:02.52Sasch<CtRiX> nooooo sei un grande !!!!!!!!!!!!! Quanti italiani siamo in questo canale ???
12:03.04CtRiXSasch, english
12:03.16CtRiXjust to be polite to the ones who cannot read
12:04.09Saschin my sip.conf i must add this allow = G723.1
12:05.19CtRiXstart with tis one
12:05.30*** join/#asterisk foxmjay (
12:06.23Saschok all work thanks
12:06.49Saschfor music hold i use madplay
12:07.05Saschwhit this configuration application=/usr/bin/madplay --mono -R 8000 --output=snd:-
12:08.57CtRiXit's choppy. Isn't it ?
12:11.01X-Rob_Madplay's pretty good, but format_mp3 is better
12:11.34Saschthere is format_mp3 in debian reposity ??
12:11.59proghello, i upgraded from ast 1.0 to 1.2.11 and im getting "SIP 421 Extension required" error . Do anobody know what is the reason ?
12:12.00CtRiXX-Rob_, i think the problem is that MOH is choppy when connecting to VOIP providers using VAD
12:12.01X-Rob_it's in asterisk-addons
12:12.07X-Rob_CtRiX, ah. yeah
12:12.10CtRiXans silence suppression. That's an asterisk timing issue.
12:12.16coppiceX-Rob_: did serverpronto ever sort things out?
12:12.18CtRiXopenpbx doesn't have.
12:12.26X-Rob_coppice, yeah, but I'm sticking with this mob
12:12.29X-Rob_I paid for a year hosting
12:12.46*** join/#asterisk ziwapandey1980 (n=ziwapand@
12:12.50X-Rob_Going to make sure everything's off the serverpronto machine and shut it down
12:13.26coppiceX-Rob: the industry standard for customer service - none
12:13.29*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
12:13.38X-Rob_coppice, yeah. It's pretty sucky.
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12:14.27SaschI have one tdm400p with one fxs and one FXO ....
12:16.49Godseymight anyone know of an NPR ogg stream? :)
12:17.17GodseyI have a script working w/ playing ogg streams, but can't seem to figure out how to do it w/ madplay
12:20.08Saschif i want to add in extension.conf a directive that when a client in not present call another cliente
12:20.12Saschclient excusmi
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12:27.54Godseycan I use xmms to feed asterisk?
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12:30.03CtRiXSasch, check DIALSTATUS variable after a call to Dial() or use hints and ast manager.
12:30.09*** join/#asterisk |oranjia| (
12:30.15|oranjia|hello peeps :)
12:30.51aadilismailnew to astrisk ....can anybody tell how to instal asterisk
12:30.51|oranjia|hey aadilismail
12:31.05aadilismailhelo oranjia
12:31.35*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
12:31.56|oranjia|aadilismail: there's enough documentation on the interwebs :)
12:31.57aadilismailguys ...
12:32.22aadilismailwhich one is the best
12:32.47aadilismailok let me check
12:33.00|oranjia|did you get all the packages
12:33.37|oranjia|install zaptel : make linux26 && make install
12:33.57|oranjia|then the same for libpri : just make and make install
12:34.05|oranjia|then repeat for asterisk :)
12:34.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:35.02angryuserinstall is easy...after install fun is better:)
12:38.50|oranjia|has anyone tried to cluster/load balance asterisk servers?
12:39.24aadilismailwhat about configuration of asterisk
12:39.36ziwapandey1980anyone using asterisk based predictive dialer
12:40.03aadilismailthnx budies
12:43.48*** join/#asterisk VonGodric (
12:44.03Saschi want to run asterisk with postgresql
12:44.07VonGodricanyone here who could help me a bit?
12:44.09SaschI read this article
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12:44.24Saschbut where I can find the  .sql file ??
12:44.33Saschthe scheme of db of asterisk ??
12:44.45|oranjia|Sasch: why not mysql?
12:45.04Saschbecause postgresql for commercial is free
12:45.08VonGodricwhat is wrong with this:
12:45.09VonGodricexten => s,1,Answer( )
12:45.09VonGodricexten => s,2,Playback(hello-world)
12:45.10VonGodricexten => s,3,Hangup( )
12:45.16VonGodricthe s doesn't seem to work
12:45.22Saschand mysql must pay a license
12:45.25VonGodricisn't it supposed to applay to any number sent?
12:45.26Saschfor commercial
12:46.28*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (
12:48.08Saschok I find the .sql in the guide :-P
12:49.26jamincollinsSasch: this might be slightly off-topic but I don't see how mysql can require that their GPL'd version not be used for commercial uses unless you pay them, that's an additional restriction
12:50.39VonGodriccan someone explain me how 's' extension works?
12:50.43VonGodricexten => s,1,Answer( )
12:50.43VonGodricexten => s,2,Playback(hello-world)
12:50.43VonGodricexten => s,3,Hangup( )
12:50.46niter3i've setup a sip provider and i'm placing out going calls through the provider.  However, whenever I call another PBX over this trunk and try to push #'s for instance 1 to speak with so and so or 0 to speak with operator my #'s are not being processed by the destination pbx... Any idea what i might be missing?
12:51.14VonGodricif I try this -and dial a number. it says not found - wrong number
12:51.49VonGodricif I put explicit number instead of s
12:51.50VonGodricit works
12:51.51*** join/#asterisk ellisdee (
12:52.19CtRiXniter3, dtmfmode = XXXX in sip.conf. Change it.
12:53.03[TK]D-FenderVonGodric: "s" doesnt catch whatever you want.  "s" is for very specific reasons.
12:53.26[TK]D-FenderVonGodric: Go read up on "asterisk standard extensions" on the WIKI.
12:53.34[TK]D-FenderVonGodric: And/or go read THE BOOK
12:53.39jbotit has been said that book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
12:53.54VonGodricI'm reading it right now
12:53.57VonGodricthere I found teh sample
12:54.33VonGodricyea reading it right now
12:55.03*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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12:55.39EgonisWhen I make outgoing calls, or call voicemail, etc.. it takes up to 5 seconds to register and pick up the channel -- has anyone else experienced this?
12:56.35[TK]D-FenderEgonis: Pastebin the CLI output of a call with this delay.
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12:58.05niter3CtRiX: This will not effect my sip clients will it?
12:58.13VonGodricthis start 's' extension isn't working for me
12:58.15*** join/#asterisk ionix (
12:58.36ionixHi, how do I strip the 1st digit of ${EXTEN} when I process a DIAL?
12:59.12dsfrionix: ${EXTEN:1}
13:00.18ionixah, thx, the manual talk about using STRIP MSD and stuff but I knew there was an easier solution. Thx
13:00.21[TK]D-FenderVonGodric: Define "not working".  How are you trying to call it?
13:00.38VonGodricI deal a number
13:00.42VonGodricand try it
13:00.45VonGodricain't working
13:00.56VonGodricif I put a number instead of 's'
13:00.59VonGodricthen it works
13:01.01[TK]D-FenderVonGodric: "s" is only for when * DOESN'T know the number dialed.
13:01.08niter3CtRiX: What dtmfmode should I select?
13:01.24[TK]D-FenderVonGodric: "s" is NOT a catch-all!  _X would capture any NUMBER.
13:01.37ionixuse _X
13:01.47ionixuse _X. actually
13:01.48[TK]D-FenderVonGodric: Which is something you also don't what to do 99.9% of the time.
13:01.49ionixwith a dot.
13:02.02VonGodrictnx man
13:02.03[TK]D-Fenderionix: Correct, missed the .
13:02.10VonGodricnow works :P
13:07.49*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:08.13niter3which dtmfmode do I need to use to pass outgoing #'s to pstn pbx's?
13:09.17*** join/#asterisk grabeez (
13:11.20[TK]D-Fenderniter3: HUH?
13:11.44*** join/#asterisk spr1te (n=spr1te@
13:12.07[TK]D-Fenderniter3: What is a "pstn pbx" and how are you getting to it?
13:12.23niter3I have  sip outbound trunk and I can call out to normal PSTN. However, if I call a company with a pbx I can't pass digits to the pbx. So for instance, 0 to speak with the operator.
13:12.43Saschif I want to use this module format_mp3
13:12.50Saschfor play music in musiconhold
13:12.58Saschi compile asterisk-addons
13:12.58grabeezAnyone still seeing issues with chanspy w/1.2.12 ?
13:13.09*** join/#asterisk W9SH (
13:13.10Saschand make ; make install
13:13.25Saschthe file will create in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
13:13.40Saschi edit the file /etc/musiconhold.conf
13:13.51[TK]D-Fenderniter3: You should be using the DTMF mode your SIP trunk provider tells you to.
13:14.03Saschand application = /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
13:14.38[TK]D-Fenderniter3: If you're on ULAW they might request you use INBAND (often not a good idea, but what they'll support), most others will use RFC2833
13:14.43Saschis it is right?
13:15.28[TK]D-FenderSasch: NO.  just use "mode=files" like the sample tells you to and * will pick the appropriate decoder based on what files are in your MOH folder.
13:16.08phearlessI got a Linksys PAP2T since today and it is kind of weird
13:16.47phearlessin the * CLI I can see :
13:16.49phearlessName/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
13:16.49phearless204/204                D          5060     Unmonitored
13:16.54phearless(sip show peers)
13:17.07*** join/#asterisk zeppelin_ (n=zeppelin@
13:17.21phearlessbut I can not do anything with the phone plugged to the PAP2T !
13:17.56Saschthanks <[TK]D-Fender>
13:17.59*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
13:19.04Saschthe music start but asterisk return this error
13:19.05SaschSep 12 17:20:37 WARNING[9796]: interface.c:215 decodeMP3: Junk at the beginning of frame 49443303
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13:21.28brimstoneid3 tags
13:23.08phearlessso anybody got a linksys/sipura/cisco SIP phone adapter ?
13:23.38benjkSipura 3000
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13:25.23[TK]D-FenderSasch: Yes, you must not have any ID3 tags, or VBR
13:26.00[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Pastebin the SIP debug of a failed call.
13:29.23phearlessokay 1s I am trying with another phone
13:29.55HaMYaIanyone knows what's the rule to add to iptables to allow SIP?
13:29.57HaMYaIiptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 5004:5082 -j ACCEPT
13:30.10HaMYaIis this correct?
13:30.50brimstoneHaMYaI, you don't need "-m udp" but that looks like it'll allow ports 5004 through 5082
13:31.10HaMYaII thought only 5060 is required but that's from the wiki
13:31.23brimstone5060 is the signalling port
13:31.40brimstoneyou need to allow RTP, the audio ports, into and out of your system as well
13:31.48benjkits more like a default port
13:32.26HaMYaIbrimstone: yeah I know for RTP I put -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 10000:20000 -j ACCEPT
13:32.31benjksome devices have multiple PTSN jacks which are mapped to 5060, 5061, 5062 ...
13:32.46HaMYaIthis is from FC5
13:32.47[TK]D-FenderHaMYaI: Thats nifty... UDP is STATELESS....
13:32.56brimstoneHaMYaI, then just 5060 should work then
13:33.36HaMYaIbenjk:  ok, go on
13:33.38benjkif you are using a device or provider that does signaling on say 5061, then you probably want that too
13:33.51*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
13:34.20benjkfor example, if you have a Sipura device with two FXS ports
13:34.28HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: so state NEW isn't right?
13:34.32benjkthey have to be on different ports
13:34.45benjkbecause the device has only got one ip address
13:34.49[TK]D-FenderHaMYaI: Probably just gets ignored, but sure doesn't sound right now does it?
13:34.55HaMYaIbenjk: yeah, that's correct
13:34.58benjkso FXS1 is on 5060 and FXS2 probably on 5061
13:35.09benjkiof course this is configurable
13:35.18*** join/#asterisk Muck- (n=Muck@
13:35.25benjkyou could use port 50666 if you so desire
13:35.34[TK]D-Fenderbenjk = entirely correct.
13:35.46CtRiX<[TK]D-Fender> HaMYaI: Thats nifty... UDP is STATELESS....
13:36.02HaMYaIbenjk: you mean I will need SIP to listen on other ports apart from 5060?
13:36.04CtRiXbut iptables and many other firewalls treat UDP streams with a state
13:36.23[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Mornin' get the phone reset from last night?
13:36.24CtRiXwhich has nothing to do to the fact that udp is stateless
13:36.29tzanger[TK]D-Fender: all but one
13:36.37tzangerthis last one just won't fucking clear
13:36.41HaMYaICtRiX: ok, that makes sense
13:36.43tzangermind you I'm not the one resetting it so they may be missing something
13:37.05tzangerthey claim that it doesn't have both "reset local config" and "reset phone config" options
13:37.09CtRiXso -m state with -p udp is the right thing to do
13:37.53HaMYaICtRiX: I'm reading about that too
13:38.21Godseyasterisk 29964  0.0  1.9 32140 9780 pts/5    S    09:37   0:00 mplayer -ss 30 -rtc-device /dev/zap/timer -cache 768 -really-quiet -quiet -shuffle -ao pcm:nowaveheader:file=/tmp/mplayer.29925.fifo -channels 1 -af resample=8000:0:2
13:38.31Godseythat produces pretty good quality moh
13:38.40jamincollinsphearless: we use a few sipura/linksys FXS devices
13:39.12phearlessin fact I got a tone
13:39.24phearlessin my phone
13:39.35phearlessbut after I can't do anything else
13:39.41phearlessand there is nothing in the logs
13:39.54jamincollinswhich device?
13:41.00phearlessLinksys/Sipura PAP2T adapter
13:41.00*** join/#asterisk tdonahue-laptop (
13:41.09phearlesswith a normal BT cordless phone
13:41.33*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
13:41.53phearlessasterisk works fine with all the others phones
13:42.45jamincollinsunder the Admin login and Line1 or Line2 (depending on where the phone is connected) what is the value for  "Make Call Without Reg:"
13:43.34[TK]D-Fendermut:  Ouch indeed
13:43.55jamincollinsalright, then if you're hearing tone, it should be registered with the Asterisk
13:44.11phearlessyes I can see it on "sip show peers"
13:44.29phearlessbut it seems that the adapter does not understand when I dial something with the phone
13:44.43phearlessthis phone works fine on a phone line
13:44.58jamincollinsswitch to the advanced view for the same line
13:44.59hankfg 1
13:45.16jamincollinswhat is the value for "Dial Plan:"
13:45.35phearlessthe default one
13:45.55jamincollinsand you've tried dialing an 11 digit number?
13:45.58phearlessI do not know why there is a dial plan here, the dial plan is in asterisk
13:46.05Saschin sip.conf the instruction context
13:46.23phearlessI tried to call the others local exten, 200, 203 etc
13:46.24jamincollinsthe dial plan on the PAP2T instructs it how to handle numbers
13:46.33phearlessah I see
13:46.35jamincollinsspecifically when to consider a number complete
13:47.05jamincollins200 would be seen as incomplete by the above dial plan and thus wait for more digits until digit timeout
13:47.08*** join/#asterisk kuto (n=df2d@
13:47.17phearlessah okay
13:47.22momelodhey sorry off topic, but does anyone know of a free php script that displays things like uptime, system load, free memory, hard disk usage..?
13:47.32phearlessI will try to modify it :) thanks
13:47.39phearlessI will let you know it it worked
13:47.42jamincollinsI seem to recall that the PAP2T understands the # key as a dialing termination/send key
13:47.52jamincollinstry dialing 200#
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13:48.12kutohi all, anyone here using the aheeva call center suite?
13:48.30jamincollinsthere is a good deal of documentation on sipura's site about how their dialplan works
13:48.51jamincollinsthe PAP2T is essentially a rebranded Sipura 2000, iirc
13:49.18jamincollinsmomelod: phpsysinfo
13:49.24[TK]D-Fenderkuto: Woudn't bet on it.  Since theirs is a complete packageds solution for which you don't get  the real source etc you won't find its users getting involved on a technical level usually.
13:49.47momelodjamincollins: ty
13:49.54[TK]D-Fenderjamincollins: That feature is usually programmable.
13:50.08kutoany alternative i can use aside from aheeva?
13:50.22jamincollins[TK]D-Fender: which? the dial termination key?
13:50.27[TK]D-Fenderkuto: Depends what you need.  Maybe you should clarify that...
13:50.43[TK]D-Fenderjamincollins: Yes, as to whether or not your dialplan will even HAVE one.
13:50.51kutowell i need a function that aheeva does
13:51.09jamincollins[TK]D-Fender: yes, but everything else seemed to be close to defaults on the PAP2T configuration...
13:52.09[TK]D-Fenderjamincollins: It may still be configurable, but I don't own that specific model personally.  Polycom's have "3" to terminate as a default as well.  This is something I naturally remove.
13:52.19phearlessI can't find the docs for the PAP2T ...
13:52.22[TK]D-Fenderkuto: Do continue clarifying....
13:52.29phearlessI modified the Dial plan to :
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13:53.05[TK]D-Fenderphearless: X.T|*.T|#.T      <------- all you should ever need.
13:53.47phearlesswhat is T ?
13:53.51jamincollinsphearless: for automatic dialing termination, change that to (200S0)
13:53.53kutoi need a solutions that do inbound outbound recording, autodialling call forwarding
13:54.02[TK]D-Fenderjamincollins: "3" should have read as "#"
13:54.06*** join/#asterisk myiagy (
13:54.33phearlessI need to put X.T|*.T|#.T or (X.T|*.T|#.T) in the Dial Plan field ?
13:54.40jamincollins[TK]D-Fender: I've gotten used to it, as one of the PBXs we use defaults to it too
13:54.40[TK]D-Fenderkuto: The first part is easy, describe what you mean by the second.
13:55.06*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=fenlande@
13:55.13jamincollins[TK]D-Fender: is that a polycom dialplan or a Sipura/PAP that you posted, I don't recognize it as a PAP2T one
13:55.34kutoits outbound, recording
13:55.58[TK]D-Fenderjamincollins: I unfortunately limits what you can use as valid chars in an internal system feature though.  Something I dislike.  For me its "let me dial whatever the hell I want, THEN refuse me if you're not happy.  Not "interrupt me the moment you think my style sucks"
13:56.09SaschI create a queque in queques.conf called papinicomputer
13:56.18Saschwhy asterisk return Sep 12 17:57:40 WARNING[9882]: app_queue.c:3227 queue_exec: Unable to join queue 'papinicomputer'
13:56.22[TK]D-Fenderkuto: "autodialling call forwarding" <- explain.
13:57.55kutoi heard that aheeva can be set to dial numbers on its own using outbound, and you just sit till the line is answered
13:58.39kutoif someone calls you..calls is forwarded to certain locals
13:58.46[TK]D-Fenderkuto: What you are looking for is a predictive dialer for outbound call-centers then.  Look at Vicidial for * then.
13:59.12jamincollinsalso, read up on your local regulations for predictive/automated dialers
13:59.13[TK]D-Fenderkuto: You ARE looking for an outbound call center, correct?
13:59.46jamincollinslots of potential gotchas with predictive dialers
13:59.49kuto[TK]D-Fender: yes..but i'll have inbounds too
14:00.13*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
14:00.18[TK]D-Fenderkuto: Outbound is something Aheeva does rather strongly and the only reason I'd consider them.
14:00.38[TK]D-Fenderkuto: Keeping in mind their price is so high.
14:01.15kutoi guess predictive dialling can solve my problem
14:01.22jamincollinsanyone know of PRI problems when using a zaptel with bristuffed patches?
14:01.27[TK]D-Fenderkuto: Solve your need more like...
14:01.32*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:02.21kutoif vicidial can do predective dialling like aheeva does..then i'll switch to vicidial, am i right?
14:03.09[TK]D-Fenderkuto: Vicidial is just an APP to use with *, not a whole solution.
14:03.33niter3hey guys. off the topic question, but how can you check when a business was registered?
14:03.44*** part/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
14:03.47Godseyniter3: normally secretary of state
14:04.13kutowell, i need it on * only
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14:07.39grabeezIs there anyway to prevent agents from getting queue calls, while making non-queue calls sent to theie phone/voicemail without pausing them and unpausing them on every call
14:07.53*** join/#asterisk xxarmiexx (
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14:09.31dalekurtUDEV + zaptel giving me hell.
14:09.48[TK]D-Fendergrabeez: You'd have to use chan_local for your agents and add in-use detection logic to your dialplan.
14:09.50mogwhats wrong charly brown
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14:10.30wunderkingrabeez, or if you know their agent number, you can use pausequeuemember
14:11.18dalekurtCan someone help me with my zaptel installation with UDEV.
14:11.21grabeezso I need to build dialplan logic to pause them on every non-queue call correct?
14:11.38mogwhats wrong dalekurt
14:11.45dalekurtok I have Debian
14:11.46kuto[TK]D-Fender: does using the internet running 512kbps cir affect my lan with 30 concurrent user running on 10/100mbps?
14:11.57dalekurtand I think when I installed Xen it installed UDEV as well.
14:12.20dalekurtso now i have have upgraded to asterisk 1.2.11 and zaptel x.x9
14:12.28dalekurtand I have to get it to now work with udev.
14:12.49jamincollinsdalekurt where's it giving you grief?
14:12.50_deg_Asterisk 1.0.... Is this possible to avoid using mpg123? Just using .wav moh music?
14:12.59grabeez[TK]D-Fender, do you have an example of your way?
14:13.00dalekurtit's just now loading...
14:13.11dalekurtnot i's just loading the ztdummy module..
14:13.25jamincollins_deg_: I don't think it was possible in 1.0 but should be in recent 1.2
14:13.50_deg_jamincollins, hmmm.
14:13.54jamincollinsdalekurt: so, you modprobe ztdummy and what doesn't happen?
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14:13.59wunderkin_deg_: only thing you can do is change the player, like madplay, not sure if either of those do wav, but you are way behind the times, 1.4 is almost out
14:14.19hwtdo sdm-1 cards that are usable with asterisk available?
14:14.19*** part/#asterisk ionix (
14:14.23_deg_jamincollins, but using .wav files insted .mp3 will invoke mpg123 anyway?
14:14.31*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (n=bkw_@asterisk/friend-and-developer/bkw)
14:14.45dalekurtwell this is what happens... when I restart my zaptel with /etc/init.d/zaptel restart
14:14.51dalekurtI get this now Waiting for zap to come online...Error: missing /dev/zap!
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14:14.54jamincollins_deg_: you'd have to use a custom command, I think there's documentation in the wiki on it
14:15.35kuto[TK]D-Fender: can vicidial saves all the call in recording format?
14:15.36_deg_jamincollins, but with custom I will nedd an external app as well.
14:15.40jamincollinsdalekurt: what is the output of "ls /dev/zap/"
14:15.46jamincollins_deg_: yes
14:15.52_deg_jamincollins, damned
14:16.06dalekurtjamincollins: ls: /dev/zap: No such file or directory
14:16.08jamincollins_deg_: for non-external app I think you need 1.2
14:16.19[TK]D-Fenderkuto: Recording should be *'s job, not the dialer's
14:16.34jamincollinsdalekurt: and lsmod lists ztdummy as loaded?
14:17.05dalekurtjamincollins: no it does n ot.
14:17.07[TK]D-Fendergrabeez: member => Local/123@context . then in your dialplan make that exten check if they are on the phone, etc.
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14:17.26jamincollinsdalekurt: try loading just it (without the init script for now) "modprobe ztdummy"
14:17.36backbluehi, anyone have messed with something related with AOC?
14:17.41kuto[TK]D-Fender: aah..much better
14:17.51dalekurtjamincollins: WARNING: Error inserting zaptel (/lib/modules/2.6.15-1-486/misc/zaptel.ko): Invalid module format
14:18.03dalekurtjamincollins: WARNING: Error inserting zaptel (/lib/modules/2.6.15-1-486/misc/zaptel.ko): Invalid module format
14:18.17jamincollinssounds like the zaptel modules weren't compiled right
14:18.26jamincollinshow did you compile them?
14:18.26_deg_jamincollins, tks bro
14:18.35*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
14:18.39[TK]D-Fenderdalekurt: You compile * from source or use packages?
14:18.39jamincollinsvia module-assistant or from tarball
14:18.40dalekurtjamincollins: from source
14:18.41jamincollins_deg_: np
14:18.58dalekurt[TK]D-Fender: from source
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14:19.01jamincollinsdalekurt: and you have the source/headers for your running kernel installed?
14:19.06[TK]D-Fenderdalekurt: Sounds like your kernel source doesn't match what was used for building Zaptel
14:19.22jamincollinsor possibly a gcc version mis-match
14:19.23Saschwhy when I park a client
14:19.34Saschif I call 701 don't response ??
14:19.47dalekurtthat was a problem, so I compiled with gcc-3.1
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14:19.59dalekurtI have gcc-3.1 gcc-4.0 and gcc-4.1
14:20.23dalekurtit was complaining about it when it compiled with gcc-4.1 so I re-compiled with gcc-3.1
14:20.24jamincollinsdalekurt: which version was used for that kernel? I think Debian's recent kernel's use gcc4
14:20.31phearlessjamincollins, [TK]D-Fender etc
14:20.39phearlessso, it still not work
14:20.43dalekurtjamincollins: 2.6.15-1-486
14:20.57*** part/#asterisk smackus (n=ckwall@
14:21.00phearlessin fact I can't even call from antoher phone to the PAP2T
14:21.02[TK]D-Fenderphearless: And where is the SIP debug of that failed call I asked for?
14:21.15phearlessthere is no SIP log because there is no calls
14:21.29jamincollinsdalekurt: what is the output of "head -n 1 /var/log/dmesg"
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14:21.55[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Then you don't even have them talking in the right direction.
14:22.04dalekurtjamincollins: ops, L1 D cache: 16K
14:22.07[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Verify your server IP, etc on your PAP2
14:22.07phearlessmaybe maybe
14:22.13*** part/#asterisk tdonahue-laptop (
14:22.26jamincollinsdalekurt: that's the first line?
14:22.49dalekurtjamincollins: yeah... what do you want me looking for exactly
14:22.51jamincollinsvery odd, my first line here indicates the gcc version the kernel was compiled with
14:23.22dalekurtI think that would be 4.0... but let me check
14:23.56dalekurtjamincollins: zaptel: version magic '2.6.15-1-486 486 gcc-4.1' should be '2.6.15-1-486 486 gcc-4.0'
14:24.16jamincollinsdalekurt: then you have to use a gcc 4.x version to compile zaptel
14:24.25jamincollinsphearless: do you have a proxy configured for your line?
14:24.30*** join/#asterisk sevard (
14:24.31phearlessyes !
14:24.38phearlessthe IP of the asterisk server
14:24.41jamincollinsgot it working?
14:24.43dalekurtShould I recompile zaptel # make CC=gcc-4.0
14:25.07jamincollinsdalekurt: I believe that would be CC=gcc-4.0 make
14:26.07dalekurtjamincollins: re-compile it now
14:26.27phearless[TK]D-Fender & jamincollins :
14:26.30phearlessmy config
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14:28.15dalekurtjamincollins: Must I also do a make install-udev
14:28.27jamincollinsphearless: and from the asterisk console a sip debug of that peer shows nothing for a dial?
14:28.28phearlessI got just X.T|*.T|#.T in my dialplan, no "(" ")"
14:28.43jamincollinsdalekurt: no, we need to get the module loading first
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14:28.58dalekurtso just a make install
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14:29.15jamincollinsphearless: I don't know if that dialplan will work for the PAP2T, try (2XXS0) for starters
14:29.15grabeez[TK]D-Fender I doubt this will work but is this idea the thinking
14:29.58jamincollinsphearless: with that, any 200 series 3 digit extension should automatically end the dial input and send an INVITE to the * server
14:30.06dalekurtjamincollins: Finished re-compling
14:31.18wunderkinany realtime people here yet? *cringe* i installed unixodbc so i can do use func_odbc in trunk, i dont want to use odbc for anything else, how can i disable realtime for voicemail? it seems to be automatically enabled since i installed unixodbc
14:32.20[TK]D-Fendergrabeez: Very close except you don't use "s".
14:32.20backbluewunderkin: i'm with, but not with odbc, that it's good for nuts.
14:33.16wunderkinbackblue, using a native driver?
14:33.17sevard[TK]D-Fender: Do you know anything about the sip general setting 'progressinband=no'?
14:33.38[TK]D-Fendersevard: SIP progress should be OOB normally.
14:34.02phearlessjamincollins: okay
14:34.18sevard[TK]D-Fender: I get a double ring tone on my ATAs but not on some of my IP Phones, when I enable that option I don't seem to get a double ring on my atas
14:34.27*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=debian-t@tor/regular/somegeek)
14:34.30sevardBut I do get Sep 12 09:22:53 WARNING[15782]: channel.c:2070 ast_indicate: Unable to handle indication 3 for 'SIP/2183082764-081b4dc0'
14:34.43phearless[TK]D-Fender & jamincollins : when I dial any phone number, after a few seconds, I got a "fast busy" dial tone, and nothing is the SIP debug
14:35.01phearless[TK]D-Fender & jamincollins : with any dial plan it is the same...
14:35.04grabeez[TK]D-Fender, do I use congestion to reject it?
14:35.24[TK]D-Fenderphearless: If you get nothing, then your IP/port is wrong or something is completely borked in your entworking.
14:35.38jamincollinsphearless: you got a syslog server handy?
14:35.44sevard[TK]D-Fender: do you think that's a legit way to eliminate double ring?
14:35.57jamincollinsor a linux box you're willing to enable remote syslogging on?
14:36.02[TK]D-Fendersevard:  OOB is the only way you should be going.
14:36.17[TK]D-FenderOut Of Band
14:36.25jamincollinsif so, we can get detailed logging from the PAP2T on what it's trying to do
14:36.52phearlessjamincollins: I got a syslog on the asterisk box.... you mean to read the logs of the PAP2 ?
14:37.01phearless[TK]D-Fender: what is an entworking ?
14:37.16*** join/#asterisk Nix (n=Nix@
14:37.26jamincollinsphearless: yes, the syslog process on the asterisk would need to be instructed to accept log entries from network sources
14:37.28sevard[TK]D-Fender: so you think the ATA is set up with inband signaling? do you know where that would be in the sip 2002?
14:37.32*** part/#asterisk Nix (n=Nix@
14:37.36phearless[TK]D-Fender: and my "Proxy:" is the IP of asterisk, and "SIP Port:" is 5060
14:37.55jamincollinsphearless: this is done by starting the syslogd process with the -r switch
14:38.23[TK]D-Fenderphearless: And what have you done to try and debig sip on your * server?
14:38.33phearlessjamincollins:  and on the PAP2 it is "Debug Server:" ?
14:38.58jamincollinsphearless: both the Syslog and Debug server and up the debug level
14:39.10jamincollinsphearless: 3 should be fine
14:39.27*** join/#asterisk Makenshi (n=chaz@2001:630:1c0:2001:20c:29ff:fe4d:1bd5)
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14:39.50phearless[TK]D-Fender: "sip debug" in the CLI, and full debug mode in logger.conf to /var/log/asterisk/full
14:39.58phearlessjamincollins: I will try this
14:40.13jamincollinsphearless: and under the line there is a SIP debug option, set it to FULL
14:40.39jamincollinsthen restart the PAP2T, it should spew logging information into the syslogs of the * server
14:40.48*** join/#asterisk umay (
14:41.36sergeeguys, what is the best way to configure a SIP peer which doesn't register itself on my * (insecure=port,invite) and it can use (any of 255 ips) to place a call? - i don't want to have a separate entry for each IP address.. is there any smart approach to have this peer in 1 config entry?
14:41.36*** join/#asterisk Ox0F0-0FF (n=pierre@
14:42.03phearlessI can't find  "SIP debug option" in the PAP2
14:42.22jamincollinsphearless: under the Line for that port
14:42.41*** join/#asterisk jmls (n=asterisk@
14:42.43jamincollinsunder SIP Settings in the Admin Advanced mode
14:42.51[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Then your port/ip/networking is bad.  how about firewalls?
14:43.37[TK]D-Fendersev You should never get a double dial-tone.  Double indication might be possible if you are calling out of country and get addition regional progress tones etc at worst.
14:43.40rpmsevard: use host=dynamic
14:43.41phearlessno FW
14:43.42dalekurtjamincollins: I re-compiled the SVN of zaptel-1.2.9 with make clean && CC=gcc-4.0 make && make install
14:43.43jamincollinssomething we probably should have asked earlier, but are they on the same lan segment and network range?
14:43.52rpmsevard: i mean sergee
14:43.59jamincollinsdalekurt: and now if you "modprobe ztdummy"?
14:44.00sevard[TK]D-Fender: In the sipura 2002 I see lots of settings for ring cadence but none for signaling
14:44.03sevardrpm: heh
14:44.22[TK]D-Fendersergee: Why wouldn't you have it register?
14:44.24dalekurtjamicollins: ;( same thing happens
14:44.36jamincollinsand in the dmesg output the same error?
14:44.45phearless<jamincollins> under SIP Settings in the Admin Advanced mode <-- nothing like this in admin mode / SIP
14:44.46sergee[TK]D-Fender: because it is DIDs provider :)
14:45.01dalekurtjamincollins: zaptel: version magic '2.6.15-1-486 486 gcc-4.1' should be '2.6.15-1-486 486 gcc-4.0'
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14:45.17jamincollinsphearless: under the Line tab, SIP Settings section on that tab, right hand side
14:45.23sevard[TK]D-Fender: Actually, I get it when I'm dialing local calls through my PRI
14:45.25sergeerpm: and how would i tell my asterisk about IP addresses, because i have other dynamic SIP hosts?
14:45.36[TK]D-Fendersergee: I don't understand those IP's however....  how can a SIP peer have a range of INTERNAL IP's?
14:45.38jamincollinsdalekurt: it still thinks that gcc-4.1 was used or it's using the old module
14:46.25dalekurtjamincollins: hmm... any recommendations
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14:46.49sergee[TK]D-Fender: those subnet is just for example, real ips are (i hope nobody will consider this as an advertising)
14:46.55jamincollinsmake sure the zaptel modules are removed from the /lib/modules/$kernel-version/misc directory
14:47.03*** part/#asterisk mog (
14:47.14jamincollinsand any other sub directories under /lib/modules/$kernel-version that they are in
14:47.27[TK]D-Fendersergee: Also a PEER is for outgoing calls.....
14:47.47jamincollinstry recompiling one last time and run a "depmod -a" before trying "modprobe ztdummy"
14:47.54[TK]D-Fendersergee: Maybe you should clarify exactly what services your are being offered and how you access them.
14:48.02dalekurtjamincollins: ok
14:48.18sergeeso, is there any way to store info about anonymous (empty username and secret) USER basing on subnet?
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14:48.33jamincollinsif it still complains about gcc-4.1 vs gcc-4.0, you could try either removing gcc-4.1 or playing with Debian's alternatives settings to get gcc-4.0 as your preferred compiler
14:48.37sergeeexcept creating an entry for each IP from that subnet?
14:48.53sergee[TK]D-Fender: yes sure
14:49.21jmlshey guys. fyi if I have usetls=no in my jabber.conf it has reduced the number of crashes from 4/5 per day down to nothing. Just for information in case someone else is having the problem
14:49.38[TK]D-Fendersergee: Why is it that you have a range of IP's to connect to?
14:49.41phearlessjamincollins:  I do not see "SIP debug"
14:50.09[TK]D-Fendersergee: And yes you would definatley have to set up an entry for each possibility because how else would * choose which one to use?
14:50.10sergee[TK]D-Fender: no, i have a range of ips user (DID provider) connects to me
14:50.10phearlessjamincollins: but I got the remote syslog
14:50.44jamincollinsphearless: that's the SIP tab, not the Line tab
14:51.00jamincollinsphearless: try the Line tab, under its SIP settings
14:51.02phearlessjamincollins: this is "SIP"
14:51.06sevardphearless: ewww gnome
14:51.17phearlessah ok
14:51.19jamincollinsphearless: yes, and you want the Line tab
14:51.24phearlessok !
14:51.32dalekurtgnome is the best
14:51.35tzangerthis is a totally unrelated question, but does anyone know if BlueZ has an equivalent to /etc/hosts?
14:51.38sergee[TK]D-Fender: that is a right question :) how can asterisk selects info? only by exact username and/or exact host?
14:51.41jamincollinsgnome has come a LONG way
14:51.42phearlessok I got it
14:51.42sevarddalekurt: xfce :)
14:51.46phearlessjamincollins: ok I got it
14:51.52sevardxfce is the shieeeeet.
14:51.53dalekurtsevard: CLI
14:52.07[TK]D-Fendersergee: Obviously * isn't psychic.  you have to tell it where you are connecting to.  So why is it a RANGE?
14:52.07dalekurtstraight console.
14:52.41sergee[TK]D-Fender: let me quote myself: sergee[TK]D-Fender: no, i have a range of ips user (DID provider) connects to me
14:52.53Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
14:52.58phearless[TK]D-Fender - jamincollins   I got this in the syslog when I try to call from the phone
14:53.01phearlessSep 12 15:52:11 [0]Off Hook
14:53.01phearlessSep 12 15:52:32 [0]On Hook
14:53.08phearlessjust the on/off hook !!
14:53.13sergee[TK]D-Fender: i don't connect anywhere...
14:53.40jamincollinshmmm, it's not even trying to place the call
14:53.56dennisharrisonhey everybody
14:53.57jamincollinsand when the PAP2T is rebooted, anything in the syslog?
14:54.05phearlessand when I call from somewhere else TO the phone I got :
14:54.17phearlessSep 12 15:53:04 CC:Clean Up
14:54.17phearlessSep 12 15:53:04 --- OBJ POOL STAT ---
14:54.17phearlessSep 12 15:53:04 OP:RTPRXB =  96 ( 96  192)
14:54.19phearlessetc etc
14:54.33phearlesssome stuff like :
14:54.35phearlessSep 12 15:53:16 [0:0]RTP Rx 1st PKT @16384(3)
14:54.35phearlessSep 12 15:53:16 [0:0]DEC INIT 0
14:54.37jamincollinsbefore or after enabling the SIP debug on that line?
14:54.45phearlessafter enablign sip debug
14:54.57dalekurt!ahhhh... damn you zaptel
14:55.01dennisharrisonI am trying to move over from expensive avaya equipment to hopefully less expensive asterisk for a new (small) call center
14:55.01dennisharrisondon't have to bring it up for a month yet
14:55.01dennisharrisonis this feasible?
14:55.20jamincollinsdennisharrison: insufficient information to say
14:55.27dalekurtjamincollins: I'm gonna try the tar.gz from the FTP rather then the SVN
14:55.27phearless<jamincollins> and when the PAP2T is rebooted, anything in the syslog? <-- I will do this
14:55.43jamincollinsdalekurt: tarball will faile
14:55.53dennisharrisonjamincollins, well I have a lot of experience with telcom equipment and have several certifications from avaya
14:55.54dalekurtnew release is out, that should fix the fail
14:55.54jamincollinsdalekurt: err fail... it's incomplete
14:56.07dalekurt1.2.9.1 is out
14:56.08jamincollinsdalekurt: ahhh
14:56.10dennisharrisonim downloading asterisk now
14:56.25jamincollinsdennisharrison: it really depends on what your feature needs are from *
14:56.35dalekurtgonna give it a whirl...
14:56.45dennisharrisonconnect two together
14:56.45dalekurtHey has anyone tried VoiceRoute?
14:56.54jamincollinsdennisharrison: ie, inbound, outbound, queues, remote agents, skills, predictive dialing etc
14:57.00phearless[TK]D-Fender, jamincollins I got this when I boot the PAP2 :
14:57.00dennisharrisonto pick up 6 lines in canada
14:57.06phearlessa loooooot of things
14:57.10dennisharrisonfrom an existing call center in new york
14:57.18dennisharrisonnothing too fancy
14:57.42dennisharrisonjust add them as extensions using sip hopefully and share the lines off the t
14:58.46dennisharrisonI was at a conf recently and a speaker had gotten an asterisk box to connect to an avaya ip600 and use most of the features
14:58.57dennisharrisonand was able to use less expensive sets also
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14:59.42jamincollinsdennisharrison: should be possible
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15:00.12dennisharrisonany place besides voipinfo I should be looking for information on this jamincollins ?
15:00.17jamincollinsphearless: and does that pastebin include a call attempt?
15:00.20dennisharrisonI would appreciate a point in the right direction ;p
15:00.35phearlessjamincollins: no
15:00.38phearlessjamincollins: 1sec..
15:00.45jamincollinsdennisharrison: has been my goto place for the information so far, well, that and this channel
15:01.23jamincollinsdennisharrison: well, with the addition of also putting my entire house on an * system so I have to eat my own dog food
15:01.41phearlesshere is a call attempt , jamincollins
15:01.42phearlessSep 12 16:01:03 [0]Off Hook
15:01.43phearlessSep 12 16:01:26 [0]On Hook
15:02.04jamincollinsand your dial plan is currently?
15:02.07dennisharrisonjamincollins, haha! thanks
15:02.23phearlessthis one
15:02.52*** join/#asterisk Kuto (n=kuto@
15:02.55[TK]D-Fendersergee:  They connect to you means an incoming call.  That means you just need  to set "insecure=very", "allowguest=yes", and set a context in [general] in sip.conf
15:02.59jamincollinsvery odd, when you try to dial a 200 series extension does it automatically play the tone after the 3rd digit?
15:03.19phearlessif I play 303 or 203 it is the same
15:03.38Kuto[TK]D-Fender: i got problem...does vicidial adaptable to posix?
15:03.39jamincollinsbut if you on dial 2 digits it waits?
15:04.04[TK]D-FenderKuto: No idea, never used it personally.
15:04.26Kuto- Any Unix with Xwindows, Mac OS9/X or Win98/2k/XP operating system
15:04.46phearlessjamincollins: same for 2 digits
15:04.54Kutoit never mentioned linux??
15:05.05jamincollinsimmediate busy tone?
15:05.10phearlessjamincollins: after the last digit, I wait 5sec, and I got the fast busy tone, 5 seconds after I got another tone more noisy
15:05.42jamincollinsand when dialing 203 you still have to wait 5 seconds for the tone?
15:06.23dalekurtjamincollins: Well that was pointless :( what was the other option.. and I can't remove gcc-4.1 too many deps.
15:07.08dalekurtI don't think this "CC=gcc-4.0 make" works
15:07.15jamincollinsdalekurt: gcc --version I assume gives you 4.1?
15:07.45jamincollinsphearless: are you certain we are working with the correct line of the two?
15:08.06jamincollinsdalekurt: ok, this is kludgy, but /should/ work
15:08.33*** join/#asterisk IronMan2000 (n=kent@
15:08.37phearlessjamincollins: yes, and it detects the on/off hook
15:08.39jamincollinsdalekurt: rm /usr/bin/gcc; ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.0 /usr/bin/gcc
15:08.54*** join/#asterisk Inkubot (n=inkubot@
15:09.02Inkubothow are you guys ?
15:09.14*** join/#asterisk Andr3www (
15:09.17Inkuboti have a problem with a sip device
15:09.18jamincollinsdalekurt: on Debian the /usr/bin/gcc is a symlink to one of the various versions
15:09.36IronMan2000anyone knoe how I can make it hunt to another extenstion if one ext is in use or busy? I am needing to setup a hunt between 3 ext.
15:09.37Inkuboti can't register a device
15:09.56Inkuboti think it is a problem with the format of the authorization header
15:10.04phearlessthis great PAP2 will finish in the bin
15:10.11Inkubottheres  no space after commas
15:10.27jamincollinsphearless: It really sounds like it's not honoring the dialplan
15:10.42phearlessI can't call TO the phone
15:10.48phearlessit should not use the dialplan !
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15:10.57phearlessit is more than a dialplan problem
15:11.11dalekurtjamincollins: THen should I recompile zaptel.
15:11.18jamincollinsdalekurt: yes
15:11.33jamincollinsdalekurt: and gcc --version should give you 4.0
15:11.37CtRiXIronMan2000 use hints
15:12.02dalekurtjamincollins: it does...
15:12.29jamincollinsphearless: you could try using a softphone to call the pap2
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15:12.44jamincollinsjust to make sure it's answering for the sip id
15:12.48dalekurtjamincollins: YOU ARE THE MAN!
15:12.58jamincollinsdalekurt: nah, I'm just a poser
15:12.58Dr-Linuxanybody tried beta 1.4?
15:13.09phearlessI called TO the PAP2 FROM another phone
15:13.15phearlessand it does not work
15:13.31*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:13.34jamincollinsphearless: what do you see on the asterisk console for that call request?
15:13.36dalekurtjamincollins: You are the best man.. it working again...
15:14.21jamincollinsdalekurt: just remember that gcc symlink is likely to get changed but gcc updates
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15:14.39jamincollinsyou can read up on Debian's alternatives system if you want to truly override it
15:14.51phearlessjamincollins: here is the log for a call TO the PAP2
15:15.49jamincollinsphearless: not the syslog, but the asterisk console's sip debug output... might also be in your asterisk full log
15:16.22*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
15:17.23phearlesshere it is
15:17.29phearless568 lines !
15:17.39IronMan2000can someone help me with my extenstions.conf? I have created a new macro, and don't know how to call it from my extentions.
15:18.18*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (i=matt@nat/digium/x-e0355b8e998dc879)
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15:18.32brimstone!? nat/digium/ ?
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15:18.56jamincollinsphearless: this PAP2 is IP 204, right?
15:19.13phearlessyes !
15:19.16phearlessI called from the 203
15:20.00jamincollinsk... give me one sec... just making sure I'm looking at it from the right perspective
15:20.35IronMan2000Can anyone help me setup a hunt group? I have the macro to do it, just don't know how to apply it.
15:20.41wunderkink, sweet, i disabled odbc support for voicemail, off to the tracks :D
15:21.09jamincollinsphearless: lines 184-205 indicate that the pap2t got the request from the asterisk and tried ringing the phone
15:21.36_deg_Anybody knows how many threads asterisk can start?
15:22.01jamincollinsphearless: line 310 indicates that asterisk tried to bridge the two together
15:22.09_deg_I mean... ulimit give me this limitation, but has asterisk something that do it?
15:23.21jamincollinsphearless: got a 2nd handset?  so you can have one plugged into both ports on that device?
15:23.53phearlessI just tried with an old handset and it has made a super weird sound
15:24.04jamincollinsthe other possibility is that it is tryign to ring the right port, but the ring style is wrong
15:24.07phearlessthe phone has make a BIIIPPKRRRRRBIIPP
15:24.15jamincollinsfor the ring?
15:24.29phearlessthe phone has ringed, and I heard this weird sound
15:24.48phearlessso the good pint is the fact that it has ringed
15:25.04phearlessI should find another handset
15:25.48jamincollinsI had to change the Ring waveform: on a few of ours
15:26.16jamincollinsit's under the Regional tab and I needed to switch it to trapezoid for several of our phones to ring
15:26.37Cresl1nbrimstone: !!!!!
15:26.44brimstoneomg hi Cresl1n!
15:26.56jamincollinsnow we just need hellfire
15:27.10brimstonewe have file...
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15:28.55dalekurtOh I was asking if anyone tried VoiceRoute's Druid
15:29.02phearlessit worked..
15:29.10phearlessI just switched to trapezoidal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15:29.19jamincollinsand it rings now?
15:29.27phearlessyes, with the normal phone
15:29.36phearlesshow did you know this trick ?
15:29.36jamincollinsyea, I beat my head on that one for hours
15:29.48jamincollinsluckily one of my test sets had a lamp on it
15:29.50phearlessand there is no docs at all
15:29.55jamincollinsthe phone wouldn't ring, but the lamp flashed
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15:30.15jamincollinsso I spent a few hours toggling one setting after another
15:30.43phearlessok so no I can be called on this phone
15:30.47phearlessbut I still can't call
15:31.01p1panyone else using a quintum tenor gateway? Imhaving some latency issues with it that I cant figure out
15:31.03jamincollinsthe second part stinks of dial plan
15:31.22jamincollinslets go very, very basic on it
15:31.24grabeezAnyone familiar with dialplan logic and queues want to take a look at this... it will crash asterisk in about 1 minutes using this
15:31.41phearlessI got (2XXS0)
15:32.00jamincollinslet's try even simpler and I'm not sure if it's case sensitive or not
15:32.17jamincollinsyou'll likely have to wait after the third digit for some time
15:32.18*** join/#asterisk eclark (
15:32.29jamincollinsmake sure you get dialtone when you pick the hanset up
15:32.32Saschcan help me to configure voicemail with asterisk ...
15:32.37jamincollinsand pause between digits
15:32.47jamincollinsjust momentarily
15:33.14phearlessthe default setting was (*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
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15:33.59jamincollinsye, not sure on the *xx, but the next are for frequent x11 numbers, then operator, international operator, local, LD, and other
15:35.25*** join/#asterisk tamp4x (
15:37.51frigidzephyrokay im a noob to asterisk,    this is my first install of it.  everything appears to have built and installed correctly, but when i try    # asterisk -vvvc        to test run,   i get a command not found
15:38.46Egonisis asterisk in your default path?
15:38.47tamp4xmake config
15:38.59Egonis'which asterisk'
15:39.06frigidzephyregonis: not sure, im a linux noob too =D
15:39.28*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
15:39.31Egonisfrigidzephyr: try typing 'which asterisk' at the prompt, which will tell you where the binary is located
15:40.05frigidzephyregonis: says no asterisk in /usr/kerberos.......
15:40.42*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
15:41.08*** join/#asterisk SlayR (
15:41.13SlayRhi all
15:41.39frigidzephyrtamp4x: should i type make config in the /usr/src/asterisk*   directory?
15:41.39SlayRi have some problems with call waiting :(
15:42.24SlayRi can't pickup another call when i'am already on line .
15:42.31SlayRSo call waiting doesn't work :(
15:42.57SlayRi search on the web some reply but anyway
15:43.07SlayRi don't find any answer
15:43.28SlayRso if u can help me
15:43.49frigidzephyrSlayR: id help but im doing my first install of asterisk so im asking questions also
15:43.50tamp4xyes frigid
15:44.08phearlessjamincollins: I am really confused
15:44.20SlayRmaybe i can help
15:44.28jamincollinsphearless: no luck on the dial?
15:44.29SlayRwhat is your problem ?
15:44.29*** part/#asterisk Poincare (
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15:44.45frigidzephyrSlayr: one second let me try what tamp4x suggested
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15:45.10phearlessjamincollins: 303 or 203 are the same
15:45.10*** part/#asterisk Egonis (n=Egonis@
15:45.17smackusis there a way to run chanspy or something similar to it from the cli, or manager?
15:45.25phearlessjamincollins: I got a sort of busy dial
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15:45.49jamincollinsphearless: with the basic dialplan of '(2xx)' only the 203 should match
15:46.07frigidzephyrtamp4x: it output some stuff, no errors,   i tried running     asterisk -vvvc again , no luck, and which asterisk still says it doesnt exist
15:46.17phearlessbut for 203 or 303 I have to wait around 5sec after dialing to get something (the busy tone)
15:46.22jamincollinsphearless: when you dial the 203, there is nothing in your asterisk full log for the attempt?
15:46.32phearlessI am still using (2xx)
15:46.41phearlessI check this. 1s
15:47.13tamp4xmake  asymlink to the binary from usr/local/bin
15:47.39phearlessnothing in any logs when I dial 203
15:47.40frigidzephyrtamp4x: how do i locate the binary?
15:47.56frigidzephyrtamp4x: would it just be named          asterisk    ?
15:47.57phearlessjust on/off hook on the PAP
15:48.30jamincollinsphearless: the on/off hook for the PAP should be in the syslog, not the asterisk full log, right?
15:50.02phearlessin the PAP2 syslog
15:50.33frigidzephyrlocate 'asterisk'
15:50.40frigidzephyrlol wrong window
15:51.57wunderkinfrigidzephyr, you need /usr/sbin in your path
15:52.39*** join/#asterisk Un1x (
15:53.10jamincollinsphearless: can you screen shot all the settings for that line for me?
15:53.31frigidzephyrwunderkin: how do i do that? or how do i go about finding out how to do that =D
15:53.38*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
15:54.03phearlessok jamincollins
15:54.12wunderkinfrigidzephyr, it depends on your shell
15:54.33frigidzephyrwunderkin: bash on fedora core 5
15:55.30frigidzephyrwunderkin: reading now =D thx
15:55.36phearlessjamincollins: I DCC you all the settings
15:55.48eKo1export PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH
15:56.22*** join/#asterisk BlackNTan (n=BlackNTa@
15:56.26frigidzephyreKo1: thanks, i'll also read this site so i know what im doing
15:58.03niter3hrm.. this is goofy..
15:58.13jamincollinsphearless: didn't come through quite right, it appears to be the summary page, not the line settings
15:58.24phearlessclick on line
15:58.34phearlessit should work
15:58.41phearless(but not 100% sure)
15:59.08jamincollinsphearless: very interesting
15:59.12*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
15:59.38niter3seems like my on hold music isn't being played. Only one of the songs in that directory are being played but no more. Anyone have any idea why?
15:59.48niter3I just get blank air after the first song
16:00.00niter3permissions are right on the file
16:00.02*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
16:00.37jamincollinsphearless: I'm comparing... it'll be a bit
16:01.16momelodcan anyone point me to a good cdr web front end? im using mysql for my cdr collection..
16:01.35eKo1asterisk-stat is OK
16:01.40eKo1check the wiki
16:01.47frigidzephyrwunderkin: okay added /usr/sbin to my path, now tried to run    asterisk -vvvc     still no luck
16:02.07frigidzephyrwunderkin: command not found,
16:02.22wunderkinfrigidzephyr, how did you add it
16:02.51frigidzephyrwunderkin: export PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH
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16:03.15frigidzephyrwunderkin: when i run          which asterisk         it seems to be looking in that path as well as others
16:03.53frigidzephyrwunderkin:  but says thereis no asterisk
16:04.07eKo1Is it there?
16:04.51frigidzephyrsay:  /usr/bin/which: no asterisk in (/usr/sbin:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)
16:05.17frigidzephyrshould i try a make install again?
16:05.31jamincollinsphearless: I don't see anything to account for the difference
16:05.42eKo1frigidzephyr: is the asterisk binary in /usr/sbin?
16:05.55jamincollinsphearless: has the pap2 been restarted since the dialplan change?
16:05.56phearlessjamincollins: okay thank you
16:06.05phearlessjamincollins: no
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16:06.28jamincollinsI'm grasping at straws on this one, but it wouldn't hurt to try rebooting it
16:06.34frigidzephyreKo1: that would be a file named        asterisk        right?
16:06.48Dr-Linuxanybody tried beta 1.4?
16:06.48frigidzephyreKo1: if so, then i don't see it, in there
16:08.14wunderkinfrigidzephyr, then make install did not complete
16:08.22mishehuDr-Linux: I'd be afraid to.
16:08.41mishehubeta isn't something I usually like to put on a production system
16:08.45frigidzephyrwunderkin: k so i just need to go back to the asterisk directory and do a    make install   again?
16:09.29Dr-Linuxmishehu: i se
16:09.33Dr-Linuxi see
16:09.36wunderkinDr-Linux, i dont think it is in beta yet, but im trying out trunk.. haven't gotten far since i have to convert my stuff to odbc first
16:09.53wunderkinfrigidzephyr, yes
16:10.23Dr-Linuxwunderkin: i'm asking as maybe some guys tried it from trunk
16:10.25wunderkini can do a read but no writes yet
16:11.31syzygyBSDI am having trouble transfering an IAX extension between two sip phones  Here is the sip debug from the transfering phone.
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16:12.08syzygyBSDit gives a 500 internal server error message but I can't figure out the sequence of messages to understand why there is that error
16:12.21wunderkintesting out func_odbc, i don't even see the writes try to hit postgres
16:14.43frigidzephyrwunderkin:   ran           make install         , tried   asterisk -vvvc again    still command not found =[
16:15.11frigidzephyrwunderkin: is there something in output from the make install i can lookat to see what the issue is?
16:15.12wunderkinfrigidzephyr, well it didnt install properly then, you will have to see why
16:15.25wunderkinmake sure it even built first
16:17.04*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
16:17.06tamp4xfrigid : ln -s /usr/src/asterisk*/asterisk /usr/bin
16:17.48frigidzephyrtamp4x: what did that do?
16:18.10syzygyBSDis there a way to limit which debugging is on which console, so I can debug one peer on one console, another peer on another, and IAX on a third?
16:18.14frigidzephyrtamp4x: make a link?
16:20.24frigidzephyrtamp4x: ran it,  tried    asterisk -vvvc again  , still no command
16:21.04wunderkinthere is no reason at all to do that
16:21.15frigidzephyrwunderkin: kinda didntmake sense
16:21.39wunderkinfrigidzephyr, you need to make sure that make completes at least and go from there
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16:22.07frigidzephyrwunderkin: k, what can help me identify whether it completed or not,  there is a few warning messages in the report about it exporting some files twice
16:22.40wunderkinwell the error messages are what we will need to see
16:23.20frigidzephyrwunderkin: where can i paste those so you can look at them?
16:23.31jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
16:25.11jamincollinsalright, running * v1.2.12, zaptel v1.2.9, libpri v1.2.3 and it appears that I'm still getting mysterious instances of * dropping both sides of a TDM <-> SIP call that it's in the middle of
16:25.29jamincollinsideas on how to locate that trigger for the disconnect?
16:29.36wunderkinfrigidzephyr, well those are warnings, and that looks like zaptel not asterisk
16:30.59syzygyBSDwould there be any problems with me downgrading from 1.2.9 to 1.2.7?
16:31.21frigidzephyrwunderkin: i did the make install for zaptel and it seemed to go fine, in the /var/log/messages file it didnt give me any errors, detected my card and everything, modprobes went good
16:31.32jamincollinsthe output on the asterisk console or in the asterisk logs /is/ in the same order the events took place, right?
16:33.10wunderkinfrigidzephyr, what you pasted is from zaptel, not asterisk!
16:33.22wunderkinyou downloaded zaptel into the asterisk directory
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16:33.46frigidzephyrwunderkin: lol crap
16:33.54frigidzephyrwunderkin: told ya im a noob
16:34.01*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk, Zaptel released! (September 12, 2006) -=- FreePBX/AMP/Asterisk@Home/Trixbox support in #freepbx -=- for showing others large amounts of text
16:36.14eKo1frigidzephyr: You really need to go read some tutorials.
16:36.26frigidzephyreKo1: thats what i followed was a tutorial =d
16:36.34eclarkdoes anyone here have any experience setting up asterisk to use sunrocket to make calls?
16:36.51frigidzephyreKo1: how could i have accidently downloaded zaptel into the asterisk-1.2 directory?
16:36.52eKo1frigidzephyr: follow another one then
16:37.05wunderkinhe is just lexdexic
16:37.09frigidzephyreKo1: i need to know so i dont make that dumb mistake again lol =D
16:38.19FuriousGeorgeanyone ever use a valecom loudspeaker intercom
16:38.28FuriousGeorgewith *
16:38.46FuriousGeorgei believe its got an fxs interface of some sort
16:40.28*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=Greek-Bo@
16:40.52jamincollinsanyone here able to shed some more light on the 'resetinterval' parameter for zapata.conf?
16:42.17[TK]D-Fenderjamincollins: That controls how often * may reset all the channels in a PRI IIRC.
16:42.40jamincollins[TK]D-Fender: any reason you know of for not using it?
16:42.49wunderkinyes, it is supposted to only reset channels not in use
16:43.16jamincollinsI ask because it seems to be on by default and there is a thread on the mailing list that seems to indicate it /might/ be the cause of period PRI drops
16:43.32wunderkinanyone use func_odbc? any way to use a generic write statement? that is my only problem :/
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16:44.03jamincollinsbut I /thought/ it ignored channels that were in use
16:44.26[TK]D-Fenderjamincollins: Have you checked with your telco to see if you are getting dropped frames, etc?  That can do it as well.
16:44.55jamincollins[TK]D-Fender: the telco is mostly useless... and I've enabled intense PRI debugging...
16:44.58wunderkinmaybe something else is wrong, since it is still not hitting the db
16:45.03wunderkinonly for writes though
16:45.11jamincollinsbut it appears that * is initiating the disconnect when this happens
16:45.21[TK]D-Fenderjamincollins: They have to be able to tell you about frame slips & flips though... this is basic stuff...
16:45.45jamincollins[TK]D-Fender: they couldn't tell me whether 911 calls were or were not connecting
16:46.13jamincollinsyea... that was about my response on the situation
16:47.33jamincollinsyou and syzygyBSD helped me isolate that one... along with beating me with the cluex4
16:50.43*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=teknopre@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
16:50.45wunderkingot it! yey! bitching on irc does help work out your problems :) who said that yesterday?
16:50.56wunderkintzanger? :)
16:51.01*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:51.08jamincollinswunderkin: hasn't worked for me, yet...
16:51.24tzangerthat was royk
16:51.29tzangerbut about me
16:51.32tzangerer :-)
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16:51.53*** join/#asterisk Egonis (n=Egonis@
16:52.33EgonisWhen someone calls a SIP Extension which is free, it rings, what about when that extension is in use? can I implement a sound or playback() while dialing it to notify the user that that person is on the phone?
16:52.33jamincollinstzanger: you sure it wasn't royk about me?
16:52.38Egonisprior to vm
16:52.56wunderkinjamincollins, you have not been asterisk-blessed yet
16:53.12jamincollinssounds painful
16:53.41tzangerit is
16:53.46tzangeryou know what that asterisk symbol looks like
16:53.49tzangerand you KNOW where it goes
16:54.26jamincollinsnow, why did I just get a mental image of a kidney stone???
16:54.35backbluezaptel: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module
16:55.04jamincollinscompile against the wrong kernel-headers?
16:55.12backblueno, i have not
16:55.23backbluei only have one kernel and one kernel-headers
16:55.52syzygyBSDwhat am i getting blammed for?
16:56.13jamincollinsoh... liberal use of a cluex4
16:56.21jamincollinsnothing to be worried about
16:56.29jamincollinsI deserved it
16:57.24*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
16:57.50CunningPikeEgonis: Use the same logic that you would use for invoking VoiceMail(), only replace the VoiceMail() command with something else, like PlayBack() or BackGround()
16:58.22*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
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17:01.54wunderkinnow i just need to find the clean way to use func_odbc for deletes, i get an error message but it works..
17:05.06[TK]D-FenderEgonis: You can do just about anything you want with a call....
17:06.31*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
17:07.26Egonis[TK]D-Fender: How would I implement something like that?
17:08.13[TK]D-FenderEgonis: After your dial command see what teh DIALSTATUS variable was set to and do whatever you want afterwards.
17:09.12Egonis[TK]D-Fender: Cool, I'll try that. thank you!
17:09.58*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
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17:11.41jamincollinsgrrrr... resetinterval didn't fix the mysterious drop
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17:12.19jamincollins[TK]D-Fender: framing slips would show in the intense pri debug, right?
17:12.46[TK]D-Fenderjamincollins: No idea.  I would like to think so  but have never been so directly involved in it before.
17:13.00[TK]D-Fenderjamincollins: Is your card sharing interrupts with anything else?
17:13.17rado1forgive me...brand new to asterisk. would it be fair to say asterisk compatible hardware = Zaptel compatible hardware?
17:13.25jamincollinsnope, looked for that early on
17:13.50jamincollins185:   97956805   IO-APIC-level  wcte11xp
17:16.14CunningPikejamincollins: Framing slips will usually show on your console - often as HDLC errors
17:16.49jamincollinsthat's what I figured, haven't seen any in days and never during production hours
17:17.19tzangeranyone used those linksys wip300s?
17:17.27jamincollinsyet * periodically tears down a call going through it for no apparent reason
17:18.28jamincollinsintense pri debugging doesn't seem to shed any light on the trigger
17:19.27Egonistzanger: I have
17:19.34Egonistzanger: Neat phones, poor SIP implementation
17:20.29tzangerEgonis: yuck
17:20.29mutis there a way to connect a current call to another extension via cli or manager?
17:20.31mutw/o either end interaction
17:20.33tzangerI think you can do it in the mnager
17:20.55*** part/#asterisk Egonis (n=Egonis@
17:21.38tzangerI love that... "and nuts... man they're just tree droppings...  I mena the tree dunn want it..."
17:21.43jamincollinsanyone know digium's support rates?
17:21.51[TK]D-Fenderrado1: Thats too sparse a question.  * can run on just about any system.  What hardware are you looking to support?
17:22.45CunningPiketzanger: Have you noticed that they dropped the "Sap, that's tree sweat" bit?
17:23.06*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
17:23.21tzangeryeah they changed it to "maple?  that's just tree sap"
17:23.46CunningPiketzanger: Wonder why
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17:24.09tzangerCunningPike: I haven't got a clue why, but you should tell me because I'm curious
17:24.39CunningPiketzanger: Me too!
17:28.57*** part/#asterisk lukketto (
17:29.56harryvvjamincollins I think its about 175.00 per hour
17:30.26*** part/#asterisk jmls (n=asterisk@
17:32.15jamincollinsharryvv: it's included in the maintenance plan, correct?
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17:33.05DrkShdwKerry_G: Not I,  sorry
17:33.39harryvvI have no idea you need to give them a call
17:33.42Qb3rtmy asterisk look like he is over calculating abandoned calls! my timeout for the queue is 120 seconds... do you guys think is because my timeout is to short?
17:33.45*** join/#asterisk BlepsoaF (
17:33.56BlepsoaFhello all, how do you force a user to setup their voicemail box?
17:34.07BlepsoaFi know theres an option to do so, I just cant remember where
17:34.23*** join/#asterisk Druken (
17:34.44Drukenanyone know if sangoma has a 2 port pri with an echo cancler?
17:34.58anglerBlepsoaF, theres an option in voicemail.conf
17:35.05Cresl1nDruken: digium does
17:35.07jamincollinsDruken: afaik, all sangoma cards have echo cancel
17:35.15BlepsoaFangler: do you happen to remember that config?
17:35.26Cresl1njamincollins: I don' think they all do
17:35.29Cresl1nas far as I know
17:35.33BlepsoaFcant find it on the wiki
17:35.43mogits a  module just like digium cards
17:35.45Cresl1nI think only their 4 port cards
17:35.47DrukenCresl1n: yeah, but i get rapped for customs when buying from digium... hehe
17:36.22anglerBlepsoaF, there is 'forcename' and 'forcegreetings'
17:36.33tzangerDruken: it's coming
17:36.41tzangerthey're also coming witha single with hw echo can
17:36.48bkw_Cresl1n: you at VON?
17:36.51tzangerthat's right, digium's got the 207 too!
17:36.54tzangerI forgot all about that
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17:37.58Drukentzanger: 207?
17:37.58*** join/#asterisk zeppelin_ (n=zeppelin@
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17:38.25anglerDruken, Digium TE207P
17:38.30jamincollinshmmm, as others have already noted, I was wrong on the Sangomas... sorry about that
17:39.03jamincollinsI'd be quite happy with the TE110 if I could solve this period drop
17:39.44jamincollinsI keep doing that... grrr, mind thinks the full word, but fingers skip the last part
17:40.18CunningPikejamincollins: I kno wha yo mea
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17:41.11Drukentzanger: do i REALLY need the echo can ? or is it one of those, ya don't know till you've tested the line?
17:41.26*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (n=duh@
17:42.10CunningPikeDruken: My advice is to try without and add it in if you need
17:42.14*** part/#asterisk tlow (
17:42.23tzangerDruken: depends on the install
17:42.37*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
17:42.38tzangerI have installs with no echo can other than a 256 tap software (MG2) and it's great
17:42.54Cresl1nwoohoo :-)
17:42.56tzangerand I hvae other installs with Sangomas with the Octasic and it's taken that level to squash it
17:43.09tzangerI'm getting me TE406 RMAd for a TE407 to try Digium's octasic echo can
17:43.18tzangerthe 406 for me was just unworkable
17:43.28*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=bkw_@asterisk/friend-and-developer/bkw)
17:43.46tzangerand even the sangoma a104d is giving me grief
17:44.09tzangerthey had a software bug in their drivers that would cause the echo can to go batshit crazy, but they "fixed" that and now it just goes a little nuts now and again
17:44.23tzangeryou can hear the echo can trip out but the other side is still intelligible, and a second or so later it goes away
17:44.28tzangerthey're still working with me on that
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17:45.01tzangerbrodiem: I also have a hardware (shelf) echo can somehwere
17:45.07tzangernot tellabs but sonmeone else I cannot remember offhand
17:45.10tzangerI haven't hooked it up at all
17:45.43brodiemwell just standaard hw echo can in the digium card even
17:46.30tzangerbrodiem: well their first hw echo can did *not* work well for me.
17:46.30Drukenthanks tzanger
17:46.35tzangertheir octasic should be great
17:46.41tzangerjust waiting on it to find out
17:46.48tzangerDruken: not sure what I did ot help, but you're welcome :-)
17:47.54brodiemI wonder if their cancellation algorithms will make it into the zaptel driver at some point
17:48.02brodiemprobably not
17:48.10tzangerbrodiem: it's not easy stuff
17:48.19tzangerand there are lots of patented tricks to make them work better
17:48.21*** join/#asterisk lsl23 (n=chatzill@
17:48.30lsl23does anyone know if john from voipjet is online?
17:48.33tzangerthe software echo cans are experimental, and may improve with time
17:48.54Cresl1nbrodiem: and when you use a HW solution such as octasic, you don't use your own algorithm
17:48.55tzangerbut you need to understand that the knowledge and experience necessary to really work on these is very hard to come by
17:49.16tzangerand those who have such experience and knowledge are usually pretty time-constrained
17:49.22Cresl1nso there aren't improvements to speak of that you can contribute back to zaptel
17:49.40tzangerand on top of that, it's open source, so the only time it really gets worked on is if one of those extremely bright guys has a particular itch to scratch
17:50.21tzangerI mean we had steve1/2, mark1/2/3, kris came out with KB1 which really REALLY improved mark2, and then I'm not sure who took KB1 and got us to MG2
17:50.24tzangerand MG2 is the cat's ass
17:50.34tzangerat least as far as open-source, in-zaptel software echo cans go
17:50.35bkw_how can you say bad things?
17:50.56tzangerbut it is still a horrible echo canceller compared to what's available
17:51.15tzangerit does, however, work "well enough" that most people in typical situations can live with it
17:51.19tzangerwhich is no small feat in itself
17:51.23*** join/#asterisk paryl (
17:52.11Corydon-wtzanger: if you want to pay for my graduate school, and I'll do a better echo can for my master's thesis
17:52.32tzangerCorydon-w: I haven't got money to eat
17:52.32tzangeri's po
17:52.40Corydon-wWhat about money to burn?  ;-)
17:54.07paryli'm running into a problem where a call comes into the queue, the agent goes to transfer the call, and it disconnects the caller.  in the log it shows "-- Incoming call: Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from"
17:54.19parylbut that phone can transfer non-queue calls
17:54.29hmmhesaysbah, the opposite sex drives me insane
17:54.47Corydon-wSame sex is always good... ;-)
17:54.49paryli just updated asterisk to, and this just started
17:55.23tzangerhmmhesays: a-fucking-men
17:55.28tzangerno wait, that's bkw_ :-)
17:55.59tzangerhe didn't even see that
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17:56.55*** join/#asterisk Splat (
17:58.45tzangerthis polycom seems to not like the presence reply from asterisk
17:59.12tzanger* sends a SIP NOTIFY with a little xml in it
17:59.17tzangerthe 501 sends back a 500
17:59.36paryltzanger: are you talking to me?
17:59.45parylhaha, ok :)
17:59.49tzanger[TK]D-Fender: didn't you say that presence/notification was buggered in trunk?
17:59.57sivanatzanger: have you done line appearances?
18:00.07tzangersivana: just did for this one guy
18:00.12tzangerit mostly works
18:00.20tzangerI like the 601 screen, wow it's not just the same as the 501
18:00.31sivanaI have an implementation requirement coming up for 12-15 phones
18:00.32tzangerthe font's a little screwy
18:00.36tzangercomic sans ms-kind
18:00.59sivanathe client needs to decide on 501 or 7960G
18:01.04sivanasorry.. 601
18:01.33*** part/#asterisk tlow (
18:01.33tzangerI know the 601's nice, but I"ve never touched a 7960
18:02.23Juggiewhats the fix in
18:02.28[TK]D-Fendertzanger: as of Sunday, yes
18:02.39tzanger[TK]D-Fender: ok so I just leave it be then :-)
18:02.44[TK]D-Fendertzanger: 4x the res.
18:03.06tzangerthe 601's got 4x the resolution of the 501?  daym
18:03.20[TK]D-Fendersivana: What do you want from this phone you are planning on buying?
18:03.31sivananot sure exactly :)
18:03.41tzangerI'm unbelievably happy with polycom
18:03.42sivanaline appearances
18:03.55tzangerI wish you could do more with the screen on the 403/501
18:04.29[TK]D-Fendersivana: Seriously how many do you need?
18:04.29sivanaI like Polycom's too... just to give you an idea on the client.. they want 1 x cat3, 3 x cat6, 2 x fiber runs to each workstation
18:05.01[TK]D-Fendersivana: 15 APPEARANCES?!
18:05.08sivanaonly 6
18:05.15[TK]D-Fendersivana: Why so many?
18:05.23sivanacuz he can I guess :)
18:05.27grabeez[TK]D-Fender, can you look at this.  It causes asterisk to crash
18:05.41[TK]D-Fendersivana: I never met a business user that needed more than 2
18:05.45grabeezIt works for a minute or so
18:05.56parylhas anyone ran into the same transfer issue i have?
18:05.59sivanahe just wants to have enough for anything he's doing.. marketing company
18:06.16sivanalots of data transfer... ever hear of Apple's fiber channel?
18:06.22sivanaRaid fiber channel or something
18:06.23*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
18:06.43parylpolycom 501 phones, attended transfer, when transfer is hit the second time i get "Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error""
18:06.58[TK]D-Fendersivana: just to make sure... appearances != calls.  you know that right?
18:07.24sivanathey will have 6 pots line
18:07.28[TK]D-Fendersivana: So why so many identities?  You'd need attendant modules for that many...
18:07.41[TK]D-Fendersivana: Yeah, but that doesn't necessarily reflect on the phone at all...
18:07.51sivanaand I think he's thinking of having line appearances for lines... not extensions
18:08.12[TK]D-Fendersivana: doesn't work that way... this isn't a key system....
18:08.24sivanaright.. just realized now
18:08.47[TK]D-Fendergrabeez: Nice start there....
18:09.27[TK]D-Fendergrabeez: I don;t know anything about "groupcount" though....
18:09.41grabeezIt works, as intended... I have in some other contexts it adding to the group, and it worked, but then asterisk would just crash.  Someone just told me not to use local because of deadlock issues
18:09.44[TK]D-FenderBesides, wait just a little and the IP650 will be out :D
18:10.12[TK]D-Fendergrabeez: OH... well no idea baout that...
18:10.15sivanaso, thinking this through, he can't have appearances on lines, right
18:10.25[TK]D-Fendergrabeez: But excellent dialplan coding on your part.
18:10.48[TK]D-Fendersivana: He CAN for the sake fo visibility but will have no impact on functionality.
18:11.08[TK]D-Fendersivana: Tehn again if he wants to know there are tons of ways of doing that.
18:11.10grabeez[TK]D-Fender, thanks!  I will play with it more.  I noticed this bug shooting everywhere so it may have been the culprit
18:11.21sivanaall he wants is visual
18:11.31grabeeznow fixed in
18:11.48[TK]D-Fendersivana: Make a web script to poll the lines on demand then.
18:11.57[TK]D-Fendersivana: and save on the phones...
18:12.05sivanaI could just use flash operator
18:12.18sivanahe still needs 12-15 extensions :)
18:12.48[TK]D-Fendersivana: True, so get a bunch of lower model phones then.
18:13.13sivanaanyone use the Polycom IP4000?
18:13.39[TK]D-Fendersivana: If they want a budget PoE get the IP 430.  if you don't need PoE get the IP 501.  If you don't need speakerphon the IP 301 (if you need PoE forget this and jsut get the IP 430)
18:13.47[TK]D-Fendersivana: One of my clients has.
18:13.50sivanawe'll need POE
18:14.22[TK]D-Fendersivana: IP 430 is a great general purpose phone then.  Then get an IP 650 or 601 with attendant modules for the receptionist if any.
18:14.43sivanathanks for the input... I'll run these scenarios past him
18:15.21sivanais there GB PoE swithces?
18:15.27[TK]D-Fendersivana: Very economical.  Saves 100$/seat
18:15.48[TK]D-Fendersivana: I've never heard of one that does both simultaneously.  its either/or per-port
18:16.06sivanaGigabit PoE
18:16.47[TK]D-Fendersivana: Could be there are options now.... go look I guess...
18:17.02sivanaactually.. that's not needed.. voice is separate lan
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18:17.27[TK]D-Fendersivana: Screw Cat3 BTW.  complete waste
18:17.41sivanaI would... but he wants it "just in case" :)
18:17.46[TK]D-Fendersivana: You can plug an rj11 into an RJ45 anyways....
18:17.52[TK]D-Fenderdo taht instead.
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18:18.18[TK]D-Fenderdo NOT waste money on cat3 when cat5 is backwards compatible
18:18.31sivanaya, I think he might be thinking of keeping the existing ca3
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18:20.09[TK]D-Fendersivana: I got to rip eveything outta this place before we moved in....
18:20.19[TK]D-Fendersivana: I'm 2 LANS of Cat5E :)
18:20.51[TK]D-FenderIP 650 = creamy goodness......
18:20.59sivanayea, I think we're just upgrading the existing office and maybe adding a few workstations
18:21.14sivanahe's got cat3, cat5 to each workstation now
18:21.23sivanarunning gigabit over cat5
18:21.33sivanacat5e actually
18:21.40*** join/#asterisk livesNbox (n=chadkous@
18:21.57livesNboxhas "autopause" been added to queues.conf in the latest asterisk build?  It was in SVN a few months ago...
18:22.38livesNboxor (better) how can you tell when certain features are included in a build ?
18:22.41sivanashould be fun, I haven't done a site visit/inventory yet.. still just discussions
18:23.14sivanalivesNbox: you talking about between trunk and release?
18:23.47sivanatzanger: no word yet?
18:24.02wunderkinlivesNbox, the options that are available should be in the /usr/src/asterisk/configs/blah.conf.sample file
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18:24.55livesNboxwunderkin: thanks
18:25.34*** join/#asterisk paolob (
18:25.36pagecif i wanted to have say 10 phones pick up, and i don't know if they are going to be on line, how do i do that?   using dial(sip/phone1&sip/phone2) fails if phone1 isn't registered
18:25.42*** part/#asterisk paolob (
18:26.04Drukenpagec use a queue ?
18:27.49CunningPikepagec: It should work anyway - how does it fail? What error messages are you getting?
18:28.37pagecCunningPike: unable to route to sip/sipclient
18:28.46pagecDruken: any good tutorials on queues?
18:29.02CunningPikepagec: Paste your dial statement
18:29.55Drukenpagec: wiki ?
18:30.50sevardDoes anyone know where to access the do-not-call list?
18:31.31wunderkindont ask why i know.. *sob*
18:31.51sevardI know where to register but what about in compliance with it
18:32.08wunderkinwell, there are links off of the page for faqs
18:32.16sevardahh, i see.  misread the page.
18:32.24Drukenhehehe i read that at first as fags
18:32.33livesNboxwunderkin: look at this please...
18:32.50sevardmy boss just decided to put some people on the phones
18:32.52livesNboxthere are a lot of options there that aren't yet showing in the latest asterisk build..
18:32.53sevardto start making calls out
18:32.55sevardand i was like
18:33.08sevardthere are regulations man, there are rules, y ou can't just fucking call people.
18:33.15wunderkinlivesNbox, .... where did i tell you to look?
18:33.19livesNboxBut that was buidl back in August -- so I'm trying to get my head around when things are available.
18:34.36wunderkinim not sure if doxygen is always up-to-date and that is probably from trunk
18:34.55livesNboxis the latest asterisk an older branch or something ?
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18:47.01Maxxedyo fellas :)
18:47.04Maxxedi gota quickie
18:47.18Maxxedfugin asterisk keeps answering on a channel that i dont want it to answer on
18:47.52Maxxedchannel => 1
18:48.04Maxxedchannel => 4
18:48.06Maxxedno context for channel 4, yet it still answers default
18:48.12Maxxeddouble you tee eph?
18:48.50Maxxedok to answer on channel 1, defualt call menue, but dont pick up on channel 4 dag'mabit
18:49.03Maxxedwhere am i screwin this up?
18:49.05CunningPikeMaxxed: Pastebin, please
18:49.08jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
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18:49.36Maxxedthat didnt seem like much a flood to me
18:49.41Maxxedsry folks ;\
18:50.10CunningPike14 lines is enough to float Noah's Ark in a busy channel
18:50.38Maxxedum, yeaaaah ok
18:50.59*** join/#asterisk flujan (
18:51.06Drukenand to answer your question, put a diffrent context before the channel => 4
18:51.15Maxxedi tried that
18:51.19Maxxedi set one as dummy
18:51.23Maxxedsame mess?
18:51.26Maxxedmaybe i forgot to reload..
18:51.30Maxxederum, brb ;)
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18:52.49flujanhi all.
18:52.52Maxxedi need to put somthing in the dummy context or it failes to defualt
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18:53.20Maxxedno s,1 do it then goes to default s,1
18:53.34Maxxedwhat should i put in there? for the dummy s,1 conext
18:53.58Drukencan put whatever you want... could put in a wait(60)
18:54.05Drukenjust don't answer
18:54.38Maxxedso im thinkin hangup should be ok?
18:54.48Maxxedil give it a shot
18:54.49*** join/#asterisk watchy (
18:54.52Drukenwhy don't you want asterisk to answer?
18:55.06watchyanyone here ever setup a Linksys WIP300?
18:55.08Maxxedwell its a fax line that i want to use for outbound call fowarding
18:55.22Maxxedinbound, the fax needs to pick it up, outbound who cares
18:55.28Drukenwatchy: yep.. was real fun.. hehe
18:55.40watchythe linksys dials internal extensions fine but wont dial anything else
18:55.44watchymind if i message ou druken?
18:56.00Maxxedyep that did it
18:56.01Drukenit's a dialplan issue then
18:56.04flujan please take a look
18:56.04watchyi can dial 9xxxxxxx just fine on any phone
18:56.09watchybut not my linksys
18:56.10MaxxedDruken: thanks :)
18:56.12flujanI want the following dialplan to work
18:56.17flujanBut I am having no sucess.. :(
18:56.20watchydruken: wheres the dialplan for the linksys
18:56.31Drukennot on the linksys, in asterisk
18:56.36Maxxednow i think im having an issue with signaling on that channel :p
18:56.42Maxxedyay, trial and error
18:56.43watchywhys it work for every other phone then?
18:57.06watchyexten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial,Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1}
18:57.15watchythat should work for the linksys shouldnt it
18:57.36niter3hey guys I want to set my dtmf for one sip user to avt
18:57.37Drukenshould.. make sure the linksys is in the proper context....
18:58.15Drukenniter3: so set dtmfmode = in the users block in sip.conf
18:58.16niter3how can I accomplish this.. i will just add dtmf= to one user
18:58.38niter3dtmfmode=avt so like this?
18:59.07Drukenis avt is a proper mode...
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18:59.55watchydruken: when i dial i just hear silence its strange
19:00.02watchythink i should goto the .7 firmware?
19:00.16Maxxedis there a way to adjust how long asterisk sits on the dialtone before sending the number (dtmf tones)
19:00.23Maxxedthis line seems slow to open
19:00.28Drukeni upgraded mine... fixed alot of problems
19:00.47watchyi dunno why i get silence when i dial its strange as hell
19:00.50DrukenMaxxed: should be in your zapata.conf
19:00.51Maxxedso asterisk dials 123-456-7890 , but only 3-456-7890 get thru
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19:00.56sbma44hi folks.  I was in here last friday, looking for help on a problem I was having with inbound calls from broadvoice.  the number rings and the dialplan executes in the asterisk console, but I just hear ringing until broadvoice's voicemail system picks up.
19:01.00watchydo you connect it over usb to upgrade it?
19:01.04MaxxedDruken: thanks again :)
19:01.06watchyor you do it over wifi?
19:01.06sbma44here's the server-side SIP debug output:
19:01.17Drukenwatchy: i upgraded over the wirless
19:01.28sbma44at that time it was suggested that broadvoice wasn't getting a critical SIP ACK from me
19:01.43watchythe phone keeps wigging out on me
19:01.48watchyi wonder if its my AP
19:02.01sbma44and that I ought to try to get an xlite softphone working with it, which I have
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19:02.10sbma44here's a successful xlite SIP debug:
19:02.39sbma44I'm not sure what the difference is.  if anyone could have a look, or let me know what additional info I should supply, I would greatly appreciate the help.
19:03.25watchyDruken: you actually use this phone in production?
19:03.38mishkizhello here burning my brain thinking what can i do with asterisk thinking to do a app to monitoring the "flash operator pannel"....
19:04.32mishkizthere is any API or OCX to use with VB6 ?
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19:05.12mishkizi dont know...rsrsrs
19:05.57mishkizi just want to developer something to asterisk using asterisk manager
19:06.20*** join/#asterisk IronMan2000 (n=kent@
19:06.25benjkasterisk manager sucks ballz
19:06.50IronMan2000ballz benjk?
19:07.07benjkcan never seem to handle the load if you use it for anything more heavy than a SOHO setup
19:07.26Juggieall the more reason to use ast man proxy
19:08.01IronMan2000Does anyone know how I can forward a call to another extention if the ext is busy? Kind of like a small hunt
19:08.15benjkand the protocol is more of these million monkeys on typewriters accidents than design
19:08.37niter3hrm.. the dtmfmode=avt is still not working on my sip trunk...
19:08.48niter3is there something in xten that needs to be adjustd??
19:09.31benjkIronMan, use a macro
19:10.19IronMan2000yea, I have a macro and added it to my extension.conf, but don't know how to set the macro in my etc.
19:10.21benjkthe macro could dial, then check dialstatus and if busy, it could try an alternative destination
19:10.42benjkor it could first check chanisavail before dialing, same effect
19:12.32IronMan2000once you have created the macro, how do you have your extensions make use of this macro?
19:13.28benjkexten => foo,1,Macro(MyFooMacro, ${param1}, ${param2}, ... )
19:14.51benjkbtw, macro is actually a misnomer
19:15.06benjkits more like a procedure call
19:15.09IronMan2000if my exten already has a Macro, would it be something like: exten => foo,1,Macro(MyExistingMacro, MyFooMacro, ${param2}, ..
19:15.33benjklets say you macro is defined like this ...
19:15.59benjkthen you call this "macro"  from anywhere like so ...
19:16.27IronMan2000what if you need to call more than one macro - can you gice me an example.
19:16.28benjkexten => blob, 1, Macro(FooBar, baz)
19:16.47benjkwhere baz would be some parameter, assumimng the "macro" has a single parameter
19:17.09benjkexten => blob, 1, Macro(FooBar, baz)
19:17.16benjkexten => blob, 2, Macro(FooFoo, bar, baz)
19:17.34*** part/#asterisk mishkiz (
19:17.45benjkcalling first macro Foobar, then calling macro FooFoo
19:18.18MaxxedDruken: that issue with letting the channel open before dialing, i agree with you, it looks like its in the zapata.conf but what exactly i have no idea
19:19.51watchyman i cant get this wip300 to uograde son of a bitch
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19:22.41sbma44so, no ideas on why inbound sip from my termination vendor fails, despite my being able to register with a sip softphone from outside the network?
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19:31.48watchyman this wip300 is a piece of shit
19:33.20frigidzephyrokay trying to make install asterisk,    the process stops with this error            /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl       collect2: ld returned 1 exit status             make: *** [asterisk] Error 1
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19:33.49frigidzephyrany idea what all that means? im a noob here
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19:35.08myiagyyou need libssl-dev
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19:48.21wunderkinis dcskinner here?
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19:49.59watchyhey druken you there?
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19:55.41|Vulture|Anyone here ever install a PRI and inbound calling works, but outbound gives "Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request" upon dialing?
19:55.56sivanacheck your callerid name
19:56.07|Vulture|sivana: that should not matter should it?
19:56.08sivanaI had to blank mine out
19:56.11eKo1|Vulture|: many many times
19:56.18frigidzephyrim installing bison, before i build asterisk, on the downloads page it says (1.0.X only )  does that mean I should not install  bison-devel 2.1-1.2.1 ?
19:56.31sivanayou can probably send number, but not name
19:56.32eKo1What does the callerid name have to do with that? That makes no sense.
19:56.39|Vulture|wow I have done 7 PRI installs and never had a system not place a test without CID Name/#
19:56.44sivanamy CLEC rejects
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19:56.49|Vulture|okay let me try
19:56.56|Vulture|mostly they just null the data if it isn't sent
19:57.00sivanait's just a suggestion, not saying that's the cure
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19:57.19eKo1That is one strange suggestion.
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19:57.27sivanaworked for me
19:57.40rollergrrlpri debug it
19:57.54sivana|Vulture|: if you have other pri's with them, then it's probably not that
19:58.03|Vulture|sivana: no this is my first with Qwest
19:58.11eKo1All my calls have a CID name but only _some_ of them suffer that hangup request
19:58.16|Vulture|we have XO/Broadwing/Nuvox/Xspedius
19:58.26sivanaeKo1: first off, it depends on the CLEC or PRI provider
19:58.30dsoTmhey all. is there a console command to determine how installed g729 licenses are being used? my math, and *'s math seem to differ
19:58.39sivanamine rejects anything but a blank cid name
19:59.19eKo1I have a more complicated setup so I can't really say much.
19:59.23|Vulture|well this is my first VoIP PRI...
19:59.38|Vulture|going through a Cisco 1760
19:59.51[TK]D-FenderVoIP PRI... interesting term....
19:59.58|Vulture|[TK]D-Fender: no joke
20:00.03sivana|Vulture|: virtual pri?
20:00.15|Vulture|I am guessing so.. wasnt anything about it in the contract
20:00.19[TK]D-Fender23 SIP channels originating from "who cares" :)
20:00.35[TK]D-FenderIts just SIP!
20:00.36|Vulture|but for Daytona, FL a 7 channel PRI with 768 bandwidth for $500... not bad at all
20:01.06eKo1oh, that is a channelized PRI
20:01.27[TK]D-FendereKo1: Just mixed mode T!.
20:01.43|Vulture|yea its basically a SIP channel bank
20:02.07harryvv|Vulture| who is the t1 provider
20:02.17|Vulture|setting the CID Name to null now and trying that.. didn't like a value
20:02.48|Vulture|that should work to null it right?
20:02.53|Vulture|or 1,Set(CALLERID(name)="") ?
20:03.08sivanaexten => s,1,Set(CALLERID(name)="")
20:03.12sivanathat's what I have
20:03.27|Vulture|omg... I bet this system requires a 9...
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20:03.32eKo1That doesn't null it though.
20:03.37|Vulture|Im gunna kick myself
20:03.39sivanaI doubt it's that though now... I thought you might have had a full pri
20:04.34|Vulture|nah we use fracts since we only have like 4-5 employees per office and non-T1 bandwidth is a joke for VoIP between our offices
20:04.39[TK]D-FenderFor those who care I've just set up my first Polycom SIP 2.0.1 phone (IP 600) for testing.  Will let you know how it goes.
20:04.45|Vulture|tried DSL and it was so sad..
20:04.57sivanais there no other app_dial.c error?
20:05.10sivanaor warning
20:05.13harryvv[TK]D-Fender how much different is it vs the 500?
20:05.15[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: if you're using a low bandwidth codec and IAX trunking you should be just fine...
20:05.27|Vulture|no just hangs up and then gives a " Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)"
20:05.42|Vulture|[TK]D-Fender: I was using ilibc for interoffice
20:05.43harryvv|Vulture| sad in what respect?
20:05.45watchytk: sip 2.0.1 is out?
20:05.49[TK]D-Fenderharryvv: You mean comparing the IP 500 vs 600?  Or how each platform reacts to the firmware?
20:05.55[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: :Been a week now.
20:05.59|Vulture|and the DSL on testing was giving me 256k up/down
20:06.05watchytk: hook me up i feel like living dangeriously
20:06.13[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: I was going to do my home upgrade last week but got booked up fast.
20:06.18harryvv[TK]D-Fender in regards to configuring the xml files
20:06.29watchyill upgrade the office phones here at my store
20:06.33[TK]D-Fenderharryvv: Same damn files!  NO difference.
20:06.34|Vulture|yea none of that worked Im going to go to debug mode
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20:06.42[TK]D-Fenderharryvv: (that you'd care about)
20:06.45watchyi only have like 5  phones here
20:06.54watchytk: mind putting up a link for the fw?
20:06.59[TK]D-Fenderharryvv: Except of course the MicroBrowser is an option of the 600/601/650
20:07.01sivana|Vulture|: what does pri show span 1 say
20:07.18harryvvBTW, I never have had my phone setup as a dual line or triple line phone. Since I will hopfully get a second DID then it would be time to change it.
20:07.35[TK]D-Fenderharryvv: Most people never use more than 1 line period.
20:07.54harryvvyea that mabey true or the small office.
20:08.15[TK]D-Fenderharryvv: Careful on semantics... I loaded that last statement ;)
20:08.17|Vulture|sivana: Provisioned, Up, Active
20:08.24|Vulture|sivana: inbound calls are working fine
20:08.45harryvvBut in a case my wifes office gets alot of bussy signals on there tdm circuit and I want to see them have a option of a asterisk box with a second line.
20:08.57eKo1|Vulture|: perhaps your PRI provider hasn't opened the channels yet.
20:09.08hmmhesaysso I got my skype to sip shiat working ok
20:09.13[TK]D-Fenderharryvv: : no using more than 1 LINE KEY sure!  I typically use 3 line keys supporting 1 call each for IP 5XX/6XX, and 2 for 3XX/4XX.
20:09.26hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: you figure out your presence stuff last night?
20:09.35[TK]D-Fenderharryvv: My home IP 501 however uses 3 completely seperate reg's with support for 5 calls EACH.
20:09.48watchytk: im logged in there but i dont see it i see hte userguides though
20:09.51|Vulture|eKo1: thats what I am thinking
20:09.54[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Nope.... then again a new * build came out...
20:09.56RyushinIs there a default dns address that polycom phones will try and use to find the asterisk server?
20:09.59harryvv[TK the configuration for those lines are in sip.conf or phone.cfg
20:10.09hmmhesaysare you using presence on the poly's?
20:10.12[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Contact your reseller
20:10.25[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: yup, of course
20:10.31watchymy reseller is voipsupply i guess
20:11.04*** join/#asterisk BZBW (
20:11.21harryvvI have used atacom
20:11.25|Vulture| from what I can see it looks like eKo1 is correct, the router is not setup to handle calls out yet
20:11.32hmmhesaysI got my 2102 auto config stuff running
20:11.34hmmhesaysthat rocks
20:12.01hmmhesaysmediatrix 2102
20:12.11harryvvwhat is it a sip gateway
20:12.23hmmhesaysyeah 2 port fxs gateway
20:14.31harryvvhow does it compare to asterisk
20:14.50benjkits a front end to *
20:14.55|Vulture|it amazes me how many ppl are rebadging * now
20:15.12benjkto hook up POTS phones
20:15.13*** join/#asterisk Delta239 (n=blablabl@
20:15.20CunningPikeIf I want to do followme, I need two channels, right?
20:15.32Delta239where can i find the email address for digium support on a card im having problems with?
20:15.55RyushinFor the polycom phones, in a default config, how do they find the asterisk (sip) server?  There is probably a dns entry right?
20:15.58Delta239thanks benjk
20:16.40IronMan2000Got my extenstion hunt to work with a new Macro.  YooooHooooooo
20:16.47*** join/#asterisk W9SH (
20:16.59[TK]D-FenderRyushin: TFTP-BOOT DHCP parameter
20:17.51[TK]D-FenderRyushin: uses taht parm for FTP
20:18.29RyushinRight.  That gets the firmware.  Is that the default for the asterisk server as well?
20:19.23[TK]D-FenderRyushin: there is a DHCP param as well but typically it should pick it up from the config
20:21.00[TK]D-FenderRyushin: FTP/TFTP isn't just for firmware, its for configs and everything.
20:21.16harryvvSo somone in here said that companies are rebadging asterisk what does this mean?
20:21.35CunningPikeharryvv: Check out fonality
20:22.18harryvvohh yea
20:22.38harryvvI have seen the site.
20:23.07*** part/#asterisk Delta239 (n=blablabl@
20:24.07harryvvahh thay are showing the price differences between them and the compitition.
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20:26.20rue_mohrok, our "problem" is that more than one phone can check a voicemail box at the same time, I realize this may be a feature, all fine and good, but its not working for our situation, how can we aviod this?
20:27.06CunningPikerue_mohr: What problem are you experiencing?
20:27.26rue_mohrtwo people can simotaniosly access a voicemail box at the same time
20:27.29*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
20:27.42Assidanyone know any good dsl providers in new york?
20:28.24rue_mohrwe have the same depertment in two different offices that they cant organize one person checking, so when both offices check that vm box in the morning, and both reply to the messages, things get a little befuddled
20:29.13rue_mohrthe department has no proper business process, quite like the rest of the departments, and wont have anytime soon
20:29.51rue_mohra lock so that a vm box can only be accessed by one person at a time would be great
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20:33.05dsoTm if anyone has a moment. Details of a problem I'm having using g729
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20:34.07The_LightSidehi all, does anyone know of a softphone for windows CE?
20:36.24IronMan2000I read somehwere that Asterisk can detect faxes. If so, how does it process them when it detects a fax?
20:36.38_deg_IronMan2000, he goes to the fax extensions
20:37.36IronMan2000yea, I have a fax ext. But once the fax ext. pick it up, how does it handle it from there.
20:37.53_deg_IronMan2000, it is up to you ;)
20:38.05_deg_IronMan2000, you could use a rxx_fax app
20:38.26_deg_IronMan2000, or maybe redirect to a FXS connected fax machine
20:38.37_deg_IronMan2000, or iaxfax.
20:38.45_deg_IronMan2000, and pray to work
20:39.01IronMan2000hmmm, since faxing is so poor with VoIP, would it be an improvment to recieve faxes this way, and the redirect the, to a fax machine?
20:39.16_deg_IronMan2000, better to use T38. Ive never seen working(i tried...)
20:39.47*** join/#asterisk zigman (
20:39.48IronMan2000Faxing stinks with Voip
20:39.48_deg_IronMan2000, I dont think that there is someone using the t38 stack on asterisk
20:40.16IronMan2000I was thinking of setting up AsterFax
20:40.29_deg_could be.
20:40.31_deg_pray again.
20:40.46*** part/#asterisk km- (
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20:41.21The_LightSidewho could i ask about softphones?
20:41.29IronMan2000I ay can help
20:41.29*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
20:41.33IronMan2000what u need
20:41.47The_LightSideim looking for a softfone for windows CE
20:42.29harryvvbtw, all the rest stops on I-5 in washington are going wifi.
20:42.48harryvvWouldnt that be nice if I had a wifi phone and could use it up and down the highway :)
20:42.56The_LightSideIronMan2000, would xlite work?
20:43.02IronMan2000I use X-Lite , but I don't know if they have a version for CE
20:43.14The_LightSidenot listed on the website
20:43.23IronMan2000X-Lite works very well.
20:43.34The_LightSidei use it on my desktops...
20:43.51The_LightSidebut got a guy who has a cellphone/pda device
20:44.01The_LightSidewants to use that instead
20:45.11CtRiXi<_deg_> IronMan2000, better to use T38. Ive never seen working(i tried...)
20:45.22CtRiX_deg_, 'cause you didn't ty openpbx
20:45.27IronMan2000Windows CE softphone
20:45.34The_LightSidethanks :)
20:45.44CtRiXwe have T38 termination working and txfax/rxfax works
20:46.09RyushinI changed the default username and password for the polycom phones.  I keep getting a error 4020 when it boots.  It doesn't seem to pull the sip.cfg or the phone1.cfg files.  I wondering if there is a place to add the username and password into the 000000000.cfg file?
20:46.15CtRiX<_deg_> IronMan2000, I dont think that there is someone using the t38 stack on asterisk
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20:46.21The_LightSidemy firewall does not like that link IronMan2000
20:46.24Assiddamn.. anyone know a good dsl provider.. verizon breaks down for me everymonth
20:46.27CtRiXasterX (tm) does not have a t38 stack
20:46.34CtRiXif it could be named this way
20:46.51CunningPikeRyushin: How will it get that file if it can't login? :D
20:47.16IronMan2000link works fine from here..
20:48.09The_LightSidestrange, but i found the manufactureres website for the SJphone
20:48.12RyushinI put the username and password into the phone for the ftps server.  It pull it's boot stuff fine.  I'm thinking that it uses something different for the application portion of it.
20:48.17The_LightSidethanks very much IronMan2000 :)
20:48.31smackusso is it possible to run chanspy from the CLI? or something that does the same
20:48.33_deg_CtRiX, ok, so, how many people are using OpenPBX? Is there a stable version? How often is the commits?
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20:48.45CtRiXlook at the trac, _deg_
20:48.58CtRiXor join the channel to have infos
20:49.08The_LightSideniht all!
20:49.10spackle[work]that's a lotta folk
20:49.16*** part/#asterisk spackle[work] (
20:49.26_deg_CtRiX, I will.
20:49.38_deg_CtRiX, what about freepbx?
20:49.43_deg_CtRiX, same people?
20:49.53CtRiXfreepbx is a frontend, not a pbx
20:50.05CtRiXopenpbx is an asterisk fork
20:50.33arcaninedoes anyone used dialogic vfx in replace of the rhino r4fxo for analog
20:50.42_deg_CtRiX, frontend?
20:50.48CtRiXweb gui
20:50.54CtRiXcall it asyou prefer
20:51.34sivanahas anyone done video conferencing with asterisk?
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20:57.08IronMan2000no, but Grandstream has a new Video Phone out that I here works really well.
20:57.52*** part/#asterisk mog (
20:58.55CytHi! I'm trying to play an announcement with the option A on dial cmd. The problem is asterisk says the file doesnt exist on any format, but the file is there. I even tried to change the file into vm-next.gsm to see waht happend, but still the same. What could be the problem? (the output is here:
20:59.34sivanaI need to link up three separate "board rooms" from the same company, from 3 different locations
21:00.10[TK]D-FenderCyt : remove the suffix.
21:00.46*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
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21:00.51hmmhesaysI'll dumb it down... "remove the .gsm"
21:01.04eKo1Uh oh. Pressing C-? kills *.
21:01.05[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : No... people are dumb enough already!
21:01.07hmmhesaysvideo phone?
21:01.17eKo1Never knew that.
21:02.19h3xwhy did grandstream even bother making a BLF console
21:02.26hmmhesaysI'd like to get my hands on a video phone
21:02.34h3xnobody would ever take their phones seriously for 112 extensions
21:02.47Cytoh guys! thank you VERY much... The docummentation on voip-info says: A(x): Play an announcement (x.gsm) to the called party.
21:02.50h3xJust use x-ten's eyebeam for video
21:02.52hmmhesaysh3x: why not?
21:02.59hmmhesaysoh , but hardware video
21:03.18h3xbecause their engineering is crap
21:03.18Cytbut I got my stupid error! thank you again
21:03.31[TK]D-Fenderh3x : They do sell enough to warrant it.  Thats not saying they're GOOD, just that they sell.  Too many cheap bastards out there supporting shit products sales figures...
21:08.04hmmhesaysI've not had many problems with grandstream
21:08.59*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
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21:12.32*** join/#asterisk Kerry_G (
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21:13.05Kerry_Ghaving an odd problem here I havent seen before, using a TDM2400, users call out but DTMF to remote systems does not work
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21:15.31hmmhesaysdoes asterisk support h.264 now?
21:16.42watchyanyone here bet sports
21:16.54hmmhesaysi play some black jack now and again
21:17.02watchysports homie
21:17.13watchylike ncaa and nfl
21:17.23watchyi made $1200 this week on nfl and ncaa
21:17.48niter3I'm about ready to kill someone. :)
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21:18.03niter3to dial in to normal businesses pbx on lan line. Which DTMF should I sue?
21:18.05watchyhug me
21:18.43niter3i'm using a SIP outbound trunk...
21:18.50dmzhey y'all, i am trying to setup my system with 2 DIDs and have it rollover to the 2nd line if the 1st is busy, the SIP provider I'm talking to says it is asterisk that does that, but it doesn't make sense to me if the 1st # is busy then how does the 2nd call get into asterisk to route to the 2nd DID :|
21:18.57niter3inband seems to work better but it sounds like shit on the other end.
21:19.23niter3dmz: that makes sense
21:19.41dmzniter3 thought it was them not me smoking crack
21:19.52niter3hrm... Check into fall through..
21:19.55dmznow i just need to find a decent voip provider for a small business
21:19.58niter3I could be wrong.. but check it out
21:20.07hmmhesaysanyone asterisk h.264 google is not helping me much on this one
21:20.53harryvvfonality really put alot of work into there site and its offerings.
21:21.22niter3dmz for your outbound sip provider what dtmf do you use?
21:21.36*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
21:21.38niter3When i call other companies their PBX don't reconzie when I punch in numbers..
21:21.41dmzniter3 haven't setup anything yet
21:22.15dmzniter3 oh just reread that...i don't have a sip provider yet
21:22.18Kerry_Ghaving the same problem but with aa TDM2400 card
21:22.20quid246Hmmm... anyone knowledgable about IAX Authentication (and yes, I've read teh Wiki on it)?
21:22.53niter3i need a way of having this work..
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21:26.36dserbanomfg what a piece of shit ael is...
21:26.41dserbanseriously what a fucking joke...
21:26.43dserbanok i'm done now
21:29.51anthonylael2 or ael?
21:30.14dserbanI can't run anything past 1.2.11 since it's deemed unstable.
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21:39.42niter3hrm.. this blows ass
21:41.19Zodiacalany ideas why i get this error when trying to send a .tif fax with a .call file? app_txfax.c: Fax send not successful - result (14) TIFF/F file cannot be opened.
21:41.22vader--has anyone done an upgrade to
21:42.03quid246vader:  ya
21:42.09vader--from what version?
21:42.14vader--did you upgrade zaptel too?
21:42.17sbma44zodiacal: just a guess, but wrong color depth on the tiff?  have you tried sending one generated by asterisk?
21:42.24sbma44(from an incoming call)
21:42.27vader--im thinking about going from 1.2.7
21:42.28quid246but I have no Zap devices, pure SIP/IAX
21:42.33vader--think ill hit any issues?
21:42.43quid246probably not
21:42.58Zodiacalsbma44 i tried a sample tiff i found in the mgetty-1.1.31 folder
21:43.14Zodiacalsbma44 how do you get * to generate a .tiff off hand?
21:43.22quid246just keep a compiled version of 1.2.7 in your /usr/src and if you don't like .12, then clear it out and put your old version back
21:43.41sbma44z: can't say I've done a lot with fax.  I assumed that was the native format for incoming.
21:43.48*** join/#asterisk mangaan (
21:43.54sbma44hopefulyl someone more knowledgeable will chime in
21:44.17vader--quid know of any instructions for upgrading>?
21:44.46Zodiacalsbma44 im trying to send it outgoing
21:45.03sbma44I know, but if you had one come in it'd presumably be in the right format to send out
21:45.15sbma44then if that worked you'd have been able to isolate the problem to the specific tiff you were trying to send
21:45.19Zodiacalsbma44 ahh..ya..
21:45.35Zodiacalsbma44 if i can't figure this out in a few i'll try that.. but incoming isn't configured either :P
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21:48.11mangaanCan somebody help me with a channel busy setup
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21:51.25RyushinGreat, it looks like ftps is broken on the polycom phones.
21:57.55quid246Hmm.. anyone have IAX authenticaiton working with MySQL?
21:59.43sx-wksI'm looking for a way to obtain the length (in seconds) of a sound file
21:59.57niter3wow this is such a piss off.. MY sip provier that i'm using as trunk for outgoing calls says it uses AVT so I've set it in asterisk and on my client phone and when I call out to a company it does not reconize any of the digits I punch in.
22:00.04niter3anyone know what I can do to resolve this?
22:00.53niter3Audio/Visual Transport
22:00.55*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
22:03.56mangaanWavepad will do the job
22:15.16|Vulture|wow... I figured out why my PRI was rejecting calls...
22:15.33|Vulture|Anyone ever have a PRI that didn't let you set CID to a non DID assigned to you?
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22:15.54wunderkinsome do that
22:16.16SomeJniter3 : did you set dtmfmode=RFC2833 ?
22:16.50|Vulture|wunderkin: do you know if they will open that if they have it enabled?
22:17.07wunderkini dont know, ask them
22:17.31|Vulture|yea I am going to just got off the phone with the guy cause I couldnt get it to work
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22:22.02pifiuanyone know what a "no authority found" error means when using IAX to connect 2 * boxes?
22:22.44benjkmost likely password doesn't match, username wrong, or wrong context
22:22.49dserbanHow can I set the callerid name on an incoming queue?  I've searched voip-info :s
22:22.53niter3SomeJ: that doesn't work..
22:22.54dserbanI know I've seen it before.
22:22.56niter3i have to use inband
22:23.02niter3only thing that is working really
22:23.26SomeJniter3 what codec you using?
22:23.27pifiubenjk and how can i find out for sure? the users and passwords seem to match
22:23.36benjkiax debug
22:23.39niter3and i've did a disallow=all
22:23.50niter3but I'm getting and error in my CLI
22:24.07niter3Inband DTMF is not supported on codec gsm.
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22:24.41niter3that's exactlyw hat i have
22:24.53niter3under my sip.conf for one context.
22:26.46benjkif you disallow=all you have no codec
22:27.04SomeJif your phones are set to avt, then in the sip.conf for that phone try setting dtmfmode=RFC2833.  Just see what it does
22:27.12benjkyou need to reverse the order
22:27.19benjkfirst disallow=all
22:27.26niter3ok that's done.
22:27.31benjkand THEN allow=ulaw
22:27.35SomeJand what benjk says ;)
22:28.00niter3I have a couple options in my client phone.... Auto, INFO, AVT, Inband
22:28.24SomeJavt is not inband, so you dont want your sip.conf looking for inband for the clients
22:28.35benjka better syntax would have been codecs = ( ulaw, alaw, gsm )
22:28.48benjkbut anyway
22:29.10niter3the listing on my phone is a pull down menu from a web interface. I was just telling you the ones
22:29.33benjkthat's no good for trouble shooting though
22:29.44X-Rob_That's a Sipura
22:29.46benjkyou gotta look at the actual configs
22:29.49niter3pap2 linksys
22:29.51X-Rob_and you want AVT which is rfc2883
22:29.57benjkok, fair enough
22:30.25benjkI didn't recall the sipura has a disallow=all setting
22:30.45X-Rob_benjk, that's a really good syntax. Someone shoudl write a parser for that 8)
22:30.56benjkalso you said "niter3: that's exactlyw hat i have
22:30.57benjk[07:24am] niter3: under my sip.conf for one context."
22:31.24benjkso I didn't think it was meant to be a descriptopn of you sipura settings
22:31.30niter3yah when I use AVT on the unit and rfc2883 on asterisk. WHen calling my cell phone it doesn't reconize the digits i punch in
22:31.37benjkX-Rob, I did
22:32.00benjkand the lexer is a monster
22:32.09benjkbecause the grammar is not context free
22:32.24X-Rob_niter3, common problem with cellphones. Nothing you can really do about it. They don't send DTMF properly
22:32.34X-Rob_Try a different cell until you find one that works
22:33.26niter3X-Rob_: inband works
22:33.39benjkwhich means nothing
22:34.01X-Rob_My GXP2000 is black
22:34.02benjkit only means that Asterisk's DTMF recogniser works
22:34.08benjkthanks to Steve Underwood
22:34.25X-Rob_benjk, heh
22:34.31benjkoutbound is a different DTMF detector, in the remote end device
22:34.48benjkand Asterisk makes DTMF tones too short anyway
22:35.07benjksome devices can't detect them properly
22:35.44niter3yah well if Use inband on my client asterisk can't reconzie shit..
22:35.56niter3but when I use inband for my outbound trunk it works
22:36.19benjkdoesn't mean anything either
22:36.31benjkwhats the transit protocol in between?
22:36.36benjkand which codecs?
22:36.53benjkasterisk may not even get the DTMF
22:37.00benjkit may get stuck before that
22:37.05niter3benjk: The trunk uses AVT
22:37.39niter3That's if I didn't get a moron telling me something he didn't know.
22:37.42benjkdid you configure both sides to use the same DTMF method?
22:38.55niter3I told my asterisk system to use AVT and the receiving end trunk I went by what the guy told me. On my client phone I just used AUTO  and it didn't work. However, if I use auto on my client phone and inband for the outbound sip trunk back to normal lines it works on my cell phone and other companies pbx's.
22:39.06benjkin general, inband DTMF should only be expected to work with ulaw and alaw
22:39.16niter3which are the codecs I told it to use
22:39.35niter3The point is the inband with ulaw works.
22:39.37benjkon both devices
22:39.45niter3What do you mean on both devices?
22:39.52*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
22:39.58CtRiXbox1 <----> box2
22:39.59benjkasterisk is talking SIP to some other device
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22:40.15niter3yes all devices connected to the pbx internally work fine
22:40.27niter3I just defined the inband for that specific context in my sip.conf
22:40.31niter3just for that one.
22:40.34benjkno, on that connection where ou are having trouble with DTMF
22:40.59niter3for my internal shit
22:40.59niter3no where
22:41.01niter3everything works fine
22:41.05benjkis the remote end also configured to use the same DTMF method?
22:41.07niter3it's just outside PSTN access
22:41.18niter3benjk: Again all they told me was that they use AVT
22:41.20niter3that's it
22:41.24niter3I tried that, it didnt' work
22:41.28niter3So I chose inband it works
22:41.40benjkfour outbound too?
22:41.48niter3it's only for outbound
22:41.51benjkso then what's the problem
22:42.02niter3Nothing I fixed it I guess..
22:42.28benjkfine then :)
22:43.03niter3I guess it would be another issue when I accept inbound connections
22:43.35benjkbtw, Rob-X, somebody is working on a PHP class to write the new configs, fyi
22:44.10benjkthe key is to make sure that both ends use the same DTMF method
22:44.32benjkthat solves most DTMF problems
22:44.39*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
22:45.29benjkwhats left over, if its inband, usually has to do with DTMF detection and like I said, on outbound DTMF, asterisk's dtmf tones are a bit short which some devices cannpt easily recognise
22:45.53benjkbah, X-Rob I meant
22:47.45quid246Hmm.. anyone have IAX authentication working with MySQL?
22:53.18*** join/#asterisk dhahn (
22:54.14dhahnAny about?
22:54.45benjk== everybody is asleep right now
22:55.03dhahnSounds like my life...
22:55.21benjkyou're asleep?
22:55.28dhahnI was hoping to get some help on dial plan issues...
22:56.26benjkthe way this works is that folks just ask a question and if somebody has something to say, they will answer
22:57.01dhahnI'm trying to put together an outbound message to be played when answered
22:57.23dhahnWhen the call is answered, no message plays
22:57.41dhahnHowever, if I use the A(tt-weasels) example, it plays when the call is answered
22:57.47dhahnNot sure what I'm doing incorrectly
22:58.24benjkare you sure you have the correct filename?
22:58.34bkrusepastbin your dialplan, i have a couple minutes to look at it
22:58.40dhahnexten => s,1,Wait,1                     ; Wait a second, just for fun
22:58.40dhahnexten => s,Playback,demo-congrats ; Play a congratulatory message
22:58.40dhahnexten => s,Playback,demo-instruct        ; Play some instructions
22:58.40dhahnexten => s,n,Hangup          ; Wait for an extension to be dialed.
22:58.52dhahnThis doesn't play anything
22:59.07bkruseexten => s,Playback(demo-congrats)
22:59.08bkrusetry that.
22:59.14dhahnHowever, exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,s,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@globotech,90,A(tt-allbusy))
22:59.16bkrusewoah wait
22:59.17benjkuse pastebin
22:59.21bkruseyes plz.
22:59.24jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
22:59.36dhahngot it
22:59.44bkrusefirst of all, change it to look like this,
22:59.47benjksecond, you need to answer the channel first before you can play anything
23:00.00bkruseexten => s,1,Wait(1)
23:00.00bkruseexten => s,n,Playback(demo-congrats)
23:00.03bkrusetry that.
23:00.15bkrusebenjk: good point, sry
23:00.34bkruses/exten => s,1,Wait(1)/exten => s,1,Answer()
23:00.37CtRiXsome apps would answer automatically,other does not
23:00.48bkruseright, for practice sake, go ahead and answer all calls.
23:00.48DrukenHMEdhahn: try answering first :)
23:00.51CtRiXthat's a good practice toanswer in all circumstances
23:01.05dhahnGot it, I'll give it a quick shot
23:01.24benjkdont flood
23:01.36bkruseill pastebin it.
23:03.13bkrusedhahn: click this, and then copy, analyze, learn it
23:03.46dhahnk, trying, thx
23:04.23bkrusetell me if it didnt work, i might have made a mistake, i dont think i did though.
23:04.32brimstoneeh, first glance looks good to me
23:04.42DrukenHMEyeah.... installing odbc is FUN....
23:04.57niter3hey guys... i want to do an after hours contexts... What can I search up for this?
23:04.57hmmhesaysa wave with a happy ending?
23:05.01brimstonei thought playback answered before it played anyway
23:05.05bkruseDrukenHME: you hung up on anything?
23:05.09bkrusehmmhesays: absolutly
23:05.27DrukenHMEbkruse: hung up on anything?
23:05.39DrukenHMEonly telemarketers :)
23:05.48DrukenHMEoh, and ex girlfriends....
23:06.28dhahnbkruse: Tried that, still no playback when I answer the call
23:07.02DrukenHMEwhat are you dialing it with?
23:07.03bkruseasterisk -vvvvvgcT
23:07.05*** join/#asterisk corresponder (
23:07.08bkruseset verbose 10
23:07.09corresponderhi there
23:07.13bkrusetell me what your output is, pastebin it
23:07.47*** join/#asterisk Ox0F0-0FF (n=pierre@
23:09.07corresponderdoes one know where the german language files are - i guess a german university has them...
23:09.19quid246What's the purpose of the "dbsecret" field in Realtime IAX?
23:09.37CtRiXquid246, connecting to a database,i suppose
23:09.51CtRiXif db is for database and secret for the password.
23:10.02quid246yeah I kind of figured that oen out, thanks.
23:10.24quid246but "which" database is the question. :)
23:10.26CtRiXquid246, don't play with realtime unless you have some experience. That's a hard part that onw.
23:10.31DrukenHMEuhg.... using consol as a phone....
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23:10.47CtRiXquid246, that's what i said !! don't play with it. Youprobably don't need it
23:11.17DrukenHMErealtime isn't hard.... it's just database entries....
23:12.06CtRiXmake it work ... being clueless on what a database is... add asterisk weird behaviour and you may need a bedin a clinic.
23:12.40quid246yeah, I'm decen twith MYSQL... just can't figure out why my * won't accept registrations for RealTime IAX.... the Wiki is weak on real definitions.. like "md5secret"... is the value in plaintext, or should a hash appear there
23:13.02*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
23:13.16CtRiXquid246, "iax debug"
23:13.19*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
23:14.04bkrusedhahn: looking at it now
23:14.30dhahnbkruse: thx
23:14.34dhahnnot much there
23:14.46bkrusedhahn: looks like it isnt even reaching the context, your dialplan looks fine, tell me what you are trying to do
23:14.51bkrusebut your sip phone is not reaching those instructions.
23:14.54DrukenHMEquid246: do yourself a favour... if you can... use odbc instead of straight mysql
23:14.58quid246ctirx:  Yeah, not much use there when it just says "No registration for peer".
23:15.03bkrusepastebin me your extensions.conf and sip.conf if you can :]
23:15.52benjkthe asterisk console is a liar anyway
23:16.01quid246benjk: amen to that
23:16.19benjkthe only trustworthy information is the debug output and log files
23:16.21dhahnbkruse: trying to have asterisk initiate an outbound call, play a message, accept some dtfm, confirm and hangup
23:16.31dhahnbkruse: as you can see, it isn't to that point yet
23:16.41benjkanything else you see on the console is bullshit which is probably not true
23:17.42bkrusek, give me what you have so far, actually send just send me a PM
23:17.50bkruselets get out of this pub asterisk channel, i got some questions :]
23:18.31benjkyou can always come to #openpbx ;)
23:18.39dhahnbkruse: k
23:18.46benjkno censorship there
23:18.49*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
23:19.50quid246ctrix:  Yeah I saw that URL already... if you notice the follow up message, the bug appeared squashed
23:20.04quid246thanks for the tip though
23:20.20CtRiXthat's not always what you should be !
23:20.49hmmhesaysugh customers suck sometimes
23:20.55hmmhesaysalways jumping to stupid conclusions
23:21.13*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
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23:21.13DrukenHMEi wish i could get some of my customers to suck....
23:23.48dennisharrisontell me about it
23:23.48dennisharrisonI have one in particular that looks like a prime canidate ;p
23:25.22quid246urg... I can get Realtime IAX to register when type=friend but not type=user.
23:26.02DrukenHMEso whats the problem ?
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23:32.55arcaninedoes anyone used rhino r1t1?
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23:36.11quid246are "users" allowed to register in IAX or are they denied?
23:36.35quid246seems that I can get users not to register, but they can make authenticated calls.
23:38.27DrukenHMEgod damn... compiling takes FOREVER....
23:38.47bkrusequid246: they should be able to i think, but ive been lately having problems with this!
23:38.48DrukenHMEi'm reminded of back in the day when compiling a kernel was an all night affair....
23:39.24quid246Drunken:  haha, I still remember compiling * on my P100 2 years ago
23:39.27quid246seems like a dog's age
23:39.49corresponderit talks german - omg!  ;-)
23:39.55DrukenHMEa p100 two years ago ?
23:40.09DrukenHMEi've had a 2.4 ghz for like 3 years now...
23:41.18corresponderwhat engines did you use for asterisk?
23:42.27brimstonecorresponder, mine runs on a diseal
23:42.30quid246I was always privy to V8... but with the price of gas, I prefer a V6 now
23:42.35corresponderha ha ha
23:42.40corresponderhow funny
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23:46.07DrukenHMEanyone know what other carriers there are in ontario? bell, allstream, GT, ???
23:47.00blitzrageno L(3)?
23:47.36DrukenHMEl(3) ?
23:49.24blitzragelevel 3
23:49.39DrukenHMEi figured that much, but who are they ?
23:50.08blitzragelevel 3 is a pretty major carrier
23:51.17h3xits about the oldest one there is besides at&t
23:51.26DrukenHMEin the us, or in canada?
23:51.46h3xin canada theres primus
23:51.50DrukenHMEwell, ontario would be in canada....
23:52.05h3xglobal crossing
23:52.22blitzragepossibly dci
23:52.29h3xyou didnt say you were looking for LECs or IXCs
23:52.43h3xRogers i mean
23:53.18DrukenHMEi wouldn't trust rogers with my home phone, let alone my pri....
23:53.46quid246my parents have rogers for home phone... in the past year they've had a few times where they are down 24 hours
23:54.09DrukenHMErogers homephone? yeah it's voip
23:54.37quid246well I dunno how they carry their signal.. but atleast, my parents use the same old POTS line they did with bell
23:54.54blitzrageRogers goes over cable, not standard copper
23:55.18DrukenHMEwell, i belive rogers purchased sprint, so they may have some copper as well
23:55.31quid246drunken;  you are correct sir
23:55.35h3xi thought rogers would be using VoATM like the other cable cos
23:55.53h3xsprint canada was never really sprint to begin with
23:55.56h3xthey franchised the name
23:56.10h3xit was some small privately held comapny
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