irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060906

00:01.24C6Vettetessuer__, If I use the xfer button on a Grandstream its unattended, but on the Cisco its attended. So I guess its phone dependant.
00:01.44C6VetteTo some degreee
00:02.47Dr-Linuxanybody is using spa3000?
00:04.05tessier__ah, I need to enable it in features.conf...
00:04.28tessier__C6Vette: Right. Phone dependent and then you need to use a feature code in asterisk to implement which ever one your phone does not do.
00:05.54*** part/#asterisk rnovotny22 (n=rnovonty@
00:08.15C6VetteThat make sense..
00:11.57*** join/#asterisk okdo (n=goldenol@
00:12.12f0urtyfivecan anyone point me to some "valid" e164 info for asterisk
00:12.12okdois there a simple way of making it so a user can't call out but can belong to the normal default context?
00:12.19f0urtyfiveseems all the stuff I can find has been outdated
00:13.38f0urtyfiveokdo: I believe thats the point of contexts ;)
00:14.28*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
00:16.18*** join/#asterisk aaugustf (
00:16.50aaugustfhi everyone
00:16.54aaugustfin working on an extensions.conf, i have the following: exten => t,4,Dial(SIP/102,20,m)
00:17.16aaugustfinstead of going to an extension, i'd like to  to send the call to an IVR - what is the syntax for doing that?
00:19.09Nuggetclarify "an IVR"
00:20.43aaugustfi have a named IVR (digital receptionist) that i use for incoming calls
00:21.01aaugustfi'd like to direct calls in this script (which are incoming) to the IVR
00:21.21NuggetHow does it plug into your asterisk box?
00:21.55aaugustfwell, this is actually part of a script that takes incoming calls from a SPA-3000 and sends them to Asterisk
00:22.00*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
00:22.04shmaltzhi everyone
00:22.15aaugustfright now, it directs those calls to extension 102, but i'd like it to go directly to an IVR rather than a particualr extension
00:22.25shmaltzwho here has perl odbc experience?
00:23.24Nugget...and will admit it?  :)
00:23.49shmaltzNugget, if you are afraid to admin it, PM me
00:23.53Nuggetaaugustf: I still don't understand how the IVR is connected to your asterisk install, which obviously affects the answer.
00:24.09shmaltzit can be any other language as long as it does the job
00:24.24aaugustfthe IVR is the one built into asterisk - i created it via the freepbx interface - is that unusual?
00:24.35Nuggetoh, ok.  so it's just a context in your dialplan?
00:24.48Nuggetjust use the Goto() application in lieu of that Dial()
00:24.51aaugustfi added options, recordings, etc - now i simply want the script to connect to it - but the IVR doesn't have an extension
00:25.03Nuggetit has to have an extension if it's in the dialplan
00:25.21aaugustfso it would be Goto(Corp_IVR1) for instance?
00:25.35NuggetDepends.  What is "Corp_IVR1"?
00:25.55aaugustfthat would be the name of the IVR
00:26.00aaugustfas i named it in freepbx
00:26.01Nuggetclarify "the name"
00:26.13NuggetThis is #asterisk.
00:26.33*** join/#asterisk DrukenHME (
00:26.54aaugustfwell, i think this is more of an asterisk scripting issue (though the IVR was generated via freepbx)
00:26.58DrukenHMEevening everyone, anyone got a working machine on rogers cable?
00:27.11NuggetPerhaps.  If the freepbx gui is inadequate to do this sort of thing, it is.
00:27.22Nuggetbut you're like nine steps away from being able to ask that sort of question in here.
00:27.22aaugustfincidentally, using the Goto command simply made asterisk drop the call
00:27.48NuggetIt's assumed you have the fundamental understanding of how extensions.conf works before we can really help out
00:28.33Nuggetnor do the people in here have any real experience with freepbx, so there's little understanding on our part how your extensions.conf has been set up/mangled/molested by the demands of the freepbx gui.
00:28.47*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
00:28.53aaugustfwell given that everything else is setup, its really my ignorance of asterisk coding that's hurting
00:28.58*** join/#asterisk techie (
00:28.58DrukenHME</rant> ?
00:29.01Nuggetminimally you should read up on the distinctions between contexts, extensions, and steps.
00:29.56*** join/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
00:30.06shmaltzDrukenHME, why the block SIP?
00:30.13DrukenHMEanyone know is rogers is being a bunch of dinks and blocking 4569 ?
00:30.15Nuggetsince freepbx apparently allowed you to create a whole IVR, it stands to reason that it doesn't lack the capability you're seeking.  I'd suggest giving it another attempt at resolving this within the freepbx framework.
00:30.31DrukenHMEshmaltz: huh? block SIP ?
00:30.31Nuggetthat's what they'd want you to do, I'm sure.
00:30.51shmaltzwhats 4569? IAX?
00:31.34shmaltzDrukenHME, I doubt that blocking IAX is on their list, but are you talking inbound or outbound?
00:31.47*** join/#asterisk heison (
00:32.13shmaltzDrukenHME, as per their AUP are you allowed to host anything?
00:32.33DrukenHMEfuct if i know... who actually reads it?
00:32.48DrukenHMEthey gonna tell me i can't host my own telephone?
00:33.16shmaltzDrukenHME, it might be so, and that might be the reason for them blocking it
00:33.27shmaltzDrukenHME, try changing the port number and test it
00:34.46DrukenHMEi can send iax calls FROM my home server to my work server, works fine, but work server says my home server is unreachable
00:35.06*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:36.54shmaltzDrukenHME, changing the port number should take more than 2 minutes just do it and it will confirm your doubts
00:37.21DrukenHMErogers is such a pain in my ass
00:39.01hmmhesaysanyone every play poker at
00:41.07shmaltzhmmhesays, I don't think here, try #pokerplayers
00:41.24bkw_ok what did I miss?
00:41.42shmaltzbkw_ nothing interesting, sos
00:41.56jbotVerilog Design Data Management Product. URL:
00:44.44*** join/#asterisk mog (
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00:44.45litagewhat's BLF?
00:45.36jbotfrom memory, blf is Busy Lamp Field, aka little lights next to speed dials that light up when the person is on the phone and blink when that line is ringing.  hint extensions are static mapped to SIP or other channels.
00:45.36shmaltz~google blf
00:54.04*** join/#asterisk poonj (
00:57.49*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
00:58.24*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
00:58.28TripleFFFFquestion.. can we match but starting with the end ? as in _X6232225555,1, ?
00:58.32TripleFFFFto mathc the one or not ?
00:58.37TripleFFFFor no wat to do that
01:01.57*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
01:04.31shmaltzTripleFFFF, what are you trying to do?
01:05.55TripleFFFFmatch ALL 555-555-1212 and 1-555-555-1212
01:07.13*** join/#asterisk kio (
01:08.16shmaltzTripleFFFF, how does this relate to your previous question?
01:08.33TripleFFFFso it can match on the right part
01:08.42TripleFFFFinstead of having all my ii12943239408 inbound number duped
01:08.57TripleFFFFfor 4445551234,1, blah
01:09.44*** join/#asterisk DrukenHME (
01:11.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
01:11.08*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (
01:11.26shmaltzTripleFFFF, I wish you would expain yourself
01:12.08*** join/#asterisk UForgotten (
01:13.05*** join/#asterisk asdjkakj1 (
01:15.49TripleFFFFwant to be able do match a number with or without the 1 in front in the file extensions.conf..
01:16.22[TK]D-FenderTripleFFFF : you'll need to do each seperately.  There is no regex like that with any practicality to it
01:17.57*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:18.22UForgottendoesn't 1|nxxnxxx do that?
01:18.30UForgottenor is that just a freepbx thing?
01:19.20shmaltzUForgotten, even 1nxxnxxx wont match anything
01:21.44*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
01:34.16*** join/#asterisk bkruse (n=bkruse@
01:34.24bkrusehello there.
01:36.06bkrusehello is all.
01:36.17*** part/#asterisk UForgotten (
01:40.20droopsany reason music on hold would whistle
01:40.33*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
01:40.40droopshey strom
01:40.45Strom_Chello hello
01:40.46benjkum, you gotta select your music differently
01:41.20Strom_Cwhats up, droops?
01:41.39droopsjust asking questions in asterisk
01:41.52droopsand thanks benjk that worked, i just changed it to files and it works fine
01:42.17droopsmode=files not mode=quietmp3
01:44.44bkruseor loudmp3 if i remember right?
01:44.52bkruseive never actually tried it
01:45.05*** part/#asterisk smackus (n=ckwall@
01:46.26droopsnope loudmp3 doesnt work
01:46.29droopsi jsut tried
01:47.02bkrusei know it was refernced in oreillys dry manually but, i havent gotten the chance to mess with the newest trunk
01:47.05bkrusebut im excited :D
01:50.42*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
01:54.36caio1982i believe i've asked it in the wrong channel (asterisk-dev) so here it's:  is somehow possible to make asterisk send in all dtmfs right after opening a channel, without waiting for the answer signal?
01:55.44bkrusecaio1982: why would you want to do this(just wondering)
01:56.03caio1982yeah, weird question... but it's the current situation with a very old "leucotron" pabx
01:56.07*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
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01:57.02Strom_Cso...DID, essentially?
02:01.27caio1982if it's not possible for some design reason i'll get it :) i'm trying to debug and understand how this "leucotron" is working
02:01.42*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=diablo@
02:01.47caio1982i thought that loud about the dtmfs, after reading a email suggesting it
02:01.59yxagiven a string of countrycode+areacode+number, how does one query for the phone rate from a table in mysql?
02:02.17bkrusecaio1982: im sure u could edit the wait string in asterisk source code to do it
02:02.32bkrusebut if you dont know to much C then, good luck, i would do it for you, but i myself dont know enough :[
02:03.21caio1982bkruse: is this just a guess or it can be done for real? i'll look for it, but i'm just checking to not waste too much time testing hehe
02:03.48bkruseum, just a guess, but sort of educated
02:04.16bkruseim sure it waits for the return of the off-hook status to send the DTMF, or you know what, i might have a physical representation(depends if its pots, aka electrical, or something like sip)
02:04.26caio1982i didnt think changing the source code of asterisk because that wouldn't be a very clean solution but... well, i'm updating my sources :)
02:04.59bkruseit would not be clean at all, unless you were a good programmer :]
02:05.10bkrusenot to mention it probably uses the off-hook type function for alot more so
02:05.14bkruseit would in fact become dirty
02:05.33caio1982well, dirty things can be fun :)
02:05.41caio1982thanks for the help bkruse
02:07.16*** join/#asterisk spr1te (i=spr1te@
02:09.30bkrusei think its possible, and i need to brush up on C, so i might look into it :]
02:16.32caio1982"    D([called][:calling]) - Send the specified DTMF strings *after* the called\n"
02:16.32caio1982"           party has answered, but before the call gets bridged.
02:16.44caio1982probably that's a good shot
02:17.09*** join/#asterisk freeepbxxnoobbb (
02:17.17Qwellfreeepbxxnoobbb: see topic
02:17.31freeepbxxnoobbbi know
02:17.45freeepbxxnoobbbbut this is an asterisk question
02:17.50freeepbxxnoobbbcan someone help me out with a problem. My phones wont answer any calls. I can pick up the calls but i can still hear it ringing.
02:18.32bkruseoh great, how generic can u get.
02:19.20Strom_Ci think that's slightly more generic
02:19.24freeepbxxnoobbbI dont know what i did wrong
02:19.37bkruseStrom_C: u win.
02:19.53freeepbxxnoobbb???   :(
02:20.38freeepbxxnoobbbincoming calls from outside then there is completely no audio
02:20.58bkrusetiming source?
02:21.03freeepbxxnoobbbinternal calls then itll still be ringing on the phone when picked up
02:21.07bkruseu have digium hardware/ztdummy?
02:21.10*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
02:21.20bkruseahh x100p
02:21.21bkrusezaptel is configured correctly?
02:21.34freeepbxxnoobbb1 channel slave
02:21.59freeepbxxnoobbbis it a zaptel problem
02:22.09bkruseman it could be alot of things, this is no detail, lets stop flooding here, open a new chat
02:27.13*** join/#asterisk ast_freak (
02:28.45benjkfreepbxnoobbb, if it is related to freepbx, you will find more help in #freepbx
02:30.06*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
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02:38.46*** join/#asterisk sigwerk (
02:48.20*** join/#asterisk ComputerWarm (
02:49.06ComputerWarmhello all anyone here using A2B and actually have it billing the for using a toll free num?
02:51.37*** join/#asterisk kratzers (
02:54.37*** join/#asterisk Rahail (n=rahail1@
02:55.11*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
03:06.47*** join/#asterisk freeepbxxnoobbb (
03:07.27*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
03:13.28*** join/#asterisk zuaz (
03:16.30*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
03:17.22brodiemI have a question about re-invites. I know re-invites and NAT don't get along, but is there a problem if there are two SIP endpoints on the same local LAN, with the PBX sitting externally across a NAT? So the re-invite would make the two SIP endpoints on the local LAN on the inside of the NAT talk directly to each other
03:18.20bkrusemaybe not, if the port gets poked throught he firewall(or nat)
03:18.28bkruseits the returning packet that is going to get rejected
03:18.39bkruseso you can prolly connect, then ull get owned on the answering part/data transfer
03:18.57bkrusethere prolly are ways to do it, get creative with ur network, its fun :]
03:18.58Strom_Mowned by sip
03:19.00bkruseor be lame and forward 5060 and 10000-20000
03:19.12bkrusesip > brodiem
03:19.40brodiemsip > brodiem's users
03:19.56bkruseya, from what your saying, try what i said
03:20.04bkrusebecuase by themself it might poke the nat to do the transaction
03:20.21bkrusebut i think the problme is going to be on the answer, the phone will prolly ring, but sending its off-hook status will get owned.
03:20.26bkrusewhy is it external?
03:20.46Strom_Mbkruse: i have a setup like that
03:21.11Strom_Masterisk box is on a public ip, and sip endpoints are behind a nat router
03:21.34bkruseport forwarding do the trick Strom_C/
03:22.01bkruseum, without port forwarding, the asterisk box couldnt call on the sip phone, being called, i believe
03:22.10Strom_Mive never bothered with reinvites
03:22.13brodiemI'm still not fully understanding... both SIP endpoints negotiate SIP with the PBX -- the PBX uses its NAT workarounds to talk SIP back to each endpoint and tells each endpoint how to find the other, and the media addresses would then be the private IPs correct?
03:22.23Strom_Mi just keep the ports open with qualify=yes
03:22.42brodiemI wanted to use re-invites to prevent local calls from going out into the cloud
03:23.27bkruseStrom_M: in that case, it indeed would work :]
03:23.49bkrusetry qualify=yes
03:24.07bkrusefrom what Strom_M's saying, sounds like, logically, it should work
03:24.15bkrusei would try first without nat, then with
03:25.06bkrusenatisgreatherthanbrodiem= from yes to no
03:25.06Strom_Mer sorry
03:25.08bkruseand u should be good.
03:25.24bkrusehonestly, sip isnt meant for nat
03:25.27*** join/#asterisk [shodan] (
03:25.28bkruseits lame.
03:27.00brodiemwell I'll just give it a try and see what happens
03:28.59hmmhesayseh, sip and nat can work just fine if you do it right
03:29.32hmmhesaysor you can sit and complain about it ... which is more fun ;)
03:30.59bkrusehmmhesays: agreed it can, with a lil port forwarding majic.
03:31.05bkruseand some sip.conf tweaking.
03:32.44hmmhesayshello set your sip registrations to the right time and you don't even need that
03:32.51hmmhesaysmost routers are stateful these days
03:33.08hmmhesaysso toss out your netgear from 1997 pay 40 bucks and get something newer if you are having nat issues
03:33.36bkruseits not nat issues
03:33.52bkruseits port problems with qualify, so yes if u set ur timing right, and they kept a connect
03:33.57bkrusethe basis is, no inbound connections
03:34.01bkruseunless already connected.
03:34.25hmmhesaysif find setting your sip re-register to 60 works way better than qualify
03:34.56bkrusebut it has to hit the asterisk box first, so in this case(asterisk is acessible by the sip phones without nat on the asterisk box) its possible
03:38.06hmmhesaysi see
03:38.25*** part/#asterisk DasTech (
03:38.31bkrusei think.
03:38.45bkrusebut yours right, your way is in fact 1337 for this situation
03:38.48bkruseand frankly, more secure
03:40.03Strom_Mwhat abut nub-proof
03:43.20bkrusedef not Strom_M
03:45.01hmmhesaysthe nubs hav egone tooo bed
03:45.07hmmhesaysur 2 funneh
03:47.29hmmhesayswho wants to re-design my website?
03:47.41hmmhesaysit pretty much blows the proverbial goat
03:49.19hmmhesaysruh roh
03:49.21*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
03:49.21*** join/#asterisk jjhall (n=chatzill@
03:49.22Strom_Mwell the questions are
03:49.38Strom_M1. does the goat have rabies
03:49.52hmmhesaysi think the server got shut off
03:50.07hmmhesaysStrom_M: yes
03:50.08Strom_M2. is the blowing being done for quarters, nickels, or foodstamps?
03:50.21*** join/#asterisk harlequin516 (
03:50.25hmmhesaysare you calling my goat a cheap whore?
03:50.39Strom_Mno no
03:50.45jjhallis there a way to control registration of a sip user via the dialplan?  For example, press *11 to make asterisk login to an account, and *12 to logout?
03:50.49Strom_Mim calling the /site/ a cheap whore
03:50.59hmmhesaysjjhall: yeah you could probably do it
03:51.02bkrusejjhall: im sure there is
03:51.10hmmhesaysvia the db command
03:51.17bkrusemake it execute commands
03:51.27jjhallHmm.  Didn't think of that.
03:51.34hmmhesaysI make asterisk talk dirty to me
03:51.40bkrusevoip-info it
03:51.44hmmhesayscc pick up that guitar and talk to me
03:51.44harlequin516What can I do to read a single dtmf char to a variable from the channel from the dialplan?  Read will not let me read a '#', but works for everything else.
03:51.47bkrusehmmhesays:i designed that app...
03:52.03hmmhesaysbkruse: haha
03:52.12hmmhesaysthat's because read is # terminated
03:52.17jjhallBasically I have a call queue I want to log into.  It isn't a real queue, just a SIP account that allows multiple logins.  They all ring at once.  I want to be able to login and logout on a whim.
03:52.28bkruseharlequin516:cant you just do dtmf(whatever asterisk uses for variables)
03:52.46bkrusejjhall: hmm should be possible
03:52.48*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
03:52.50bkrusewith some dialplan majic
03:53.02hmmhesaysjjhall: just use a real queue
03:53.10hmmhesayswith ringall strategy
03:53.31bkrusei wish i could help more but, i have to go do pre-cal homework, and jjhall and harlequin516: get here earlier and i might be able to design a rela basic, proof of concept dialplan
03:53.54jjhallI don't have control over it, otherwise I would.  I use Asterisk at home, and want to login to the remote queue instead of just programing an extra port on my ATA as they suggested I do.
03:54.20hmmhesaysjust because you're using aah doesn't mean you don't have control
03:54.34jjhallbkruse: Thanks for the help.  Hopefully I'll be able to come up with something and save you the trouble.  Have fun with the homework!
03:54.45hmmhesaysthe *_custom.conf files give you all the control you need to do anything
03:55.04bkrusejjhall: thanx, high school is a drag, a@h sucks, svn on a stable debian system, save yourself trouble
03:55.11bkrusei should be able to help u a lil tomorrow
03:55.14hmmhesaysa@h doesn't suck
03:55.25hmmhesaysit sucks for nubs that don't know the full potential
03:55.29jjhallhmmhesays: You aren't understanding.  I use real asterisk for my phone system at home.  The remote "queue" is not something I have admin over.  I just register as a user when I need to.  See what I am saying?  This isn't a "can't configure without GUI" issue.
03:56.03hmmhesaysso the remote queue sends you a call when you are registered to the far end box?
03:56.09harlequin516Anyone have an idea?  The agi commands can do this easily..  I wonder why asterisk doesn't provide these functions fromthe dialplan?
03:56.18EzWayzcmd system still work in 1.2.11 asterisk ?
03:56.27bkruselol, should, i hope
03:56.32harlequin516I just want to read an # with a 2 second timeout.
03:56.36jjhallhmmhesays: Exactly.
03:56.47bkrusejjhall: agentlogin, and agentmemberlogin? or w;e the 2 differnet times
03:57.44hmmhesaysharlequin516 exten => _X.,1,Background(tt-monkeys); exten => _X.,n,WaitExten(2); exten => #,1,NoOP(DARN DEM DUKE BOYS)
03:58.11harlequin516Is there maybe a bridge command that allows you to execute and retrive the result of an agi command?
03:58.32hmmhesaysi just showed you how to read a # and do something with it
03:58.57harlequin516hmmhesays: Ah I see..
03:59.20harlequin516hmmhesays: Not as elegant as I was hoping for, but I think it does what I asked.
03:59.20hmmhesaysjjhall: just set your dial plan so that if global var ${GOAWAY} = 1  go to congestion
03:59.43hmmhesayswhat's not elegant? the screaming monkeys sound file or the reference to dukes of hazzard
04:00.05hmmhesaysyou see smell what i'm cooking jjhall?
04:00.14jjhallhmmhesays: Will that leave the calls to go to another user currently logged in or will it give the caller a fast-busy?
04:00.14hmmhesaysgeebus its getting late
04:00.25jjhallAnd yes I see where you are going with it.  :-)
04:00.40hmmhesaysjjhall if the far end box gets congestion it is not going to connect the call
04:00.47harlequin516So WaitExten and Read are the only two commands that can retrieve DTMF signalls?
04:01.08hmmhesaysharlequin516: i have no idea, thats just how I would do it
04:01.11harlequin516sorry I meant "the only two applications"
04:01.54hmmhesaysjjhall: if they are using app queue or  just multiple endpoints in the dial command if you return congestion or busy or anything except answer they will just ignore your endpoint
04:02.19jjhallhmmhesays: and it should failover to another working extension.  The only issue I could see there is the remote user only accepts a limited number of registrations at a time and I could potentially keep someone else from logging in.
04:02.43jjhallI'll have to do some more brainstorming.
04:02.49hmmhesaysso you want to actually un=register from there end
04:02.58hmmhesayscomment out your register line and sip reload
04:03.23hmmhesaysthat would be cake if you are using an include
04:03.28hmmhesayswith one line it it
04:03.42jjhallhmmhesays: Yes, I need to unregister.
04:03.54hmmhesaysyou could just unregister and sip reload
04:04.22jjhallhmmhesays: Interesting idea.
04:04.28hmmhesaystwo 2 line bash scripts and 2 cmd systems in your dp
04:04.49EzWayzthere is a good link talking  integration nortel with asterisk
04:04.57*** join/#asterisk sephiro499 (
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04:05.42hmmhesayshave a sip_register.conf include it in sip.conf and just overwrite it with a blank file when you want to unregister and aterisk -rx 'sip reload'
04:05.44hmmhesaysbam done
04:05.46jjhallhmmhesays: I could use the entire registration for this user in its own include called "queue.on"  The batch file could rename it to and sip reload, and vise versa to logon.
04:06.00hmmhesayswhy rename
04:07.05hmmhesayswell yeah... my bad...  have sip_register.conf included  in sip.conf    and in your bash script  rm sip_register.conf; cp queue.on sip_register.conf; asterisk -rx 'sip reload'
04:07.12hmmhesayspurdy simple
04:07.18jjhallBecause I want to be able to logon using the same method.  Asterisk should ignore (well, throw a warning) if it can't find the correct file, right?
04:07.43jjhallSee, we were on the same page, just a different paragraph.  :-)
04:07.46hmmhesaysso you have queue.on with register line and blank
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04:08.10jjhallThat should work just fine.  Thanks for the idea!
04:08.15hmmhesaysso when you wanted to log out  rm sip_register.conf; cp sip_register.conf; asterisk -rx 'sip reload'
04:08.25hmmhesaysnp, feel free to donate money to me for it
04:08.47J4k3is it my imagination or is trixbox really broken when it comes to handling fxo cards?
04:08.49jjhallIf I weren't currently inbetween jobs due to a "corporate right-sizing" I would.  :-)
04:09.19hmmhesaysyeah I'm in between jobs because the company I worked for was insane and kept on contracting me out for free
04:09.45jjhallI had an interview today that I'm pretty confident about, but only time will tell.
04:09.56hmmhesaysI have some contracts i'm working on
04:10.06bkrusehmmhesays: oh rlly.
04:10.14bkrusejjhall: where at? for what position/
04:10.21sephiro499Man I'm looking for a job too...
04:10.41hmmhesaysbkruse yeah
04:10.57jjhallbkruse: I was in the custom engineering dept for MPC Computers (formerly MicronPC.)  I'm going after an IT position for a local farm supply store.
04:11.17hmmhesaysjjhall: kind of a kick down
04:11.29hmmhesaysjjhall: you ever work with uclinux on mipsel?
04:11.41hmmhesaysits kicking my arse right now
04:11.56bkruseyay for linux!
04:12.01bkrusehmmhesays: whats the problem?
04:12.22hmmhesaysthe guy i'm working with is semi-retarded when it comes to human contact
04:12.36hmmhesaysso I keep getting mis information about the platform
04:12.45hmmhesayswhich leads to a lot of segfaults in my binaries
04:12.47jjhallhmmhesays: Not really a kickdown in my opinion.  It appears to actually pay better, and sounds like it will give me more flexibility to play with various technology than I had before.
04:12.58jjhallhmmhesays: And no, never worked with that at all.
04:13.20hmmhesayswhich intern results in me drinking more beer and playing more guitar instead of working
04:13.36jjhallPlus I miss the days when I worked for a smaller company without the corporate attitudes in over-abundance.
04:13.49benjkdont know, Monica Lewinsky perhaps
04:13.49hmmhesaysI worked for a dinky company that thought they were big
04:13.50bkrusesounds like a good plan
04:14.22hmmhesaysnow they are going to fail miserably because no one in fargo can even come close to my level of expertise (which isn't really that hard) lol
04:14.32jjhallI also applied to be a restaurant manager for the local Taco Bell franchisee.  When i got laid off I was just tired of the tech industry in general, but I've come to my senses.  :-)
04:14.47hmmhesaysjjhall: I am burned out, that's why i'm starting a bar band
04:15.02bkrusejjhall: im glad u did.
04:15.04jjhallThere you go!
04:15.09hmmhesaysI can subside on 500 bucks a week for 10 hours of work
04:15.12hmmhesaysfor awhile
04:15.22jjhallThis company has been around since the early 50s, and seems to have level heads in charge.
04:15.44jjhallI grew up on a farm and remember making constant trips to their stores as a kid.
04:15.48hmmhesaysespecially when that work involves me (24) playing guitar for many screaming young drunken college hotties
04:15.59jjhallFringe benefits anyone?  LOL
04:16.38hmmhesaysfree beer, chicks screaming at you (in a good way) and getting paid to do it.... downside? sometimes you have to play in shit holes
04:16.51jjhallYeah, there are some real dives out there for sure.
04:16.56hmmhesaysthe pros FAR out weigh the cons though
04:17.06hmmhesaysyeah but then sometimes you get gigs in places like this
04:17.17jjhallI worked in radio while in high school and shortly after.  I know that scene all to well.  :-)
04:18.25jjhallI'm actually pretty excited about this job.  The office is about 2.5 miles from home, so I can ride my bike to work.  It involves some travel to support their stores, but they are all within a 3 hour drive and they provide the vehicle.
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04:18.47hmmhesaysbut that said, i'm out for the night, bkruse, nice chatting with you,  jjhall keep in touch, I do a lot of inter office telephony type stuff for multi site locations
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04:19.07jjhallhmmhesays: Good to know.  Have a good night and don't wake the neighbors!  :-)
04:19.27hmmhesayshaha, its one more beer and an episode of smallville for me
04:19.45jjhallI'm waiting for the next season (if they do one) of Beauty and the Geek.
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04:20.03jjhallEureka and the Stargate series are my favorites right now.
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04:29.59nvznusing trixbox, incoming calls do not work unless i enable anonymous sip callers in freePBX
04:30.22nvzni guess its a problem with my incoming section in the Trunk settings
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05:22.02Strom_Cwoah woah woah
05:22.08Strom_Csince when did you become a Sprint salesperson?
05:22.33Qwellnow I have to remember those stupid commercials
05:23.08Strom_C1-800-PIN-DROP's a CAS T1
05:24.41Strom_Cso really its more like "so whiny, you can't hear a pin drop"
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05:28.44QwellI love how that number takes 1:40 before you timeout for not pressing keys
05:34.39sx-wksStrom_C: lol
05:35.08sx-wksStrom_C: what's a CAS T1 ?
05:35.55Strom_Cchannel associated signaling T1
05:36.17sx-wksaka bit robbing ?
05:37.48sx-wksah HA...
05:38.11filetake on me!
05:38.39sx-wkswhen I pick up my phone on Zap/1 , the background to the 1 on the screen turns green. and back to blue when I hangup :D
05:38.50x86i think i should call the FBI or something
05:39.06x86i think there's a terrorist in my kitchen by the name of Pepper al-Habenero
05:39.24sx-wksx86: wtf ?
05:39.26x86terrorized my insides
05:39.50filex86: uh huh
05:40.27file...go for that
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05:40.34sx-wksROTFL !!
05:45.16Qwellsx-wks: good ole Mark Stumpf
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05:53.33rift0rHi, I am looking for an analog adapter with 1 or more FXS ports that is stand alone... anyone have any recommendations?
05:53.52rift0ri see tons of them out here I was just curious if anyone had any opinions on them
05:57.21rift0ris the HandyTone 496 any good?
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06:07.13x86rift0r: i've had good luck with the HT386
06:07.57x86rift0r: a lot of people will tell you to get a Linksys / Sipura adaptor though
06:08.22x86the PAP2 is supposed to be really nice, but it's a bit more than the grandstream adapters
06:08.24QwellI want to get my hands on an ATA186
06:09.59rift0rx86 what advantages do the linksys/sipura adapters have over the grandstream?
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06:18.28shodanin canada , is roger wireless cell phones , gsm or cdma ?
06:19.53Juggieall new phones are gsm
06:19.59Juggiebut they still have a cdma or tdma network
06:20.03Juggiei'm not sure which
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06:22.42shodank, my dad got a razr from them a while ago , wasn't sure if it would work with those gsm gateway thingies
06:29.30shodanare there any other gsm service provider in canada ? wikipedia says they're the only one ?
06:29.57Strom_Cwhat, telus / bell canada arent gsm?
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06:41.21shodannope they're both cdma
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06:41.50shodanare there any cdma gateways ?
06:41.54docelmoPull up
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06:42.57docelmoGSM providers in Canda
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06:48.40docelmoRoger's Cell plans suck ass
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06:52.41docelmono prob
06:53.07docelmoI love my Tmobile..  $100 a month 3000 minutes 3 lines unlimited cell to cell free unlimited nights/weekends
06:53.41nick125_lappymy cell phone bill is $190 :/
06:53.58docelmoYou're getting screwed by someone
06:54.06tengulreanybody can give me a free g729 codecs?
06:54.08docelmoI just upgraded to 3000 and saved like 200 a month
06:54.11nick125_lappy4 lines, 2000 minutes, unlimited n/w
06:54.19docelmotengulre ya go download one
06:54.43tengulredocelmo, where can download one?
06:54.45docelmonick125_lappy who's yer provider?
06:54.49nick125_lappydocelmo: t-mobile
06:54.54docelmothere was a post about it a couple days ago
06:54.59docelmonic seriously?
06:55.07docelmowow..  I would rethink that one
06:55.13docelmoI just upgraded to 3000
06:55.25shodanwhy do you need minutes if you have unlimited cell to cell ? just use a gsm gateway ?
06:55.34nick125_lappyI got unlimited SMS ($10) and unlimited GPRS ($20), plus insurance on my line ($6)
06:56.11docelmoshodan if I could get my hands on one I would
06:57.44shodan230$usd buy it now
06:59.53shodanwhy do you need insurance ?!
07:00.06docelmofor my reason.. My PEBL fell in water..
07:00.11docelmoParts of my phone work now
07:00.18docelmoits a $400 USD phone
07:00.31nick125_lappyI think insurance on my $600 treo would be a good idea..
07:00.34shodanoh ok it's the phone that's insured
07:02.57docelmoYou have to do it in 15 days of handset purchase
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07:10.01hadsYou guys in the US are charged for minutes when people call you correct?
07:10.31Strom_Con mobile phones? yes
07:11.03Qwellexcept, commonly, people on the same provider
07:11.12hadsYeah sorry, mobiles. That seems odd :)
07:11.32Strom_Cbut, conversely, the calling party is charged the same rate as landline calls
07:11.32JTamerica is odd
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07:12.29hadsStrom_C: Ah, that means it makes slightly more sense.
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07:13.39Strom_Cso after my extensive scientific comparison of the audio quality of a Cisco 7960 and a Polycom IP430, I have found the winner
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07:13.52Qwellyay cisco
07:14.02Qwellof course
07:14.04pbx1Is there a way to have the queue_log relect the time an agent puts a user on hold?
07:14.09Qwellpolycom probably cheaped out, heh
07:14.16oomphanyone know of a good billing/calling card system that works with asterisk?
07:14.26Strom_Ca2billing?  astcc?
07:14.45oomphStrom_C have you used any of them? i heard a2billing as kinda buggy
07:14.50pbx1I'm parsing the queue_log myself with a python script
07:14.51oomphnot tried it yet though
07:14.57Strom_Chavent tried either
07:15.02pbx1I just need to know where it is on the log
07:15.24shodanhmm , the only gsm provider in canada are rogers and fido(owned by rogers)
07:15.29shodannot much of a choice
07:16.43pbx1I see this COMPLETEAGENT(holdtime|calltime|origposition) but that hold time is the wait time before a caller answers
07:17.03pbx1I didn't find a place that has the time when the agent actually puts the user on hold
07:17.21Strom_Ci dont know if thats a metric you can even obtain, pbx1
07:17.33pbx1that's what I was afraid of
07:17.48Strom_Cof course, i may be wrong
07:18.07pbx1yeah, I"m stuck on that now
07:18.14pbx1and one of my clients wants that badly
07:18.38Strom_Ci suppose there is someone at digium who knows
07:19.32pbx1I guess I could try emailing digium
07:19.54Strom_Cthat works
07:20.12pbx1thanks :)
07:20.31docelmoYou may have to do something custom.  I dont think app_queue reports when a call goes on hold.  Just start and end
07:20.52pbx1so app_queue.c would be the file to mess with?
07:20.53docelmoI would imagine it might be fairly simple to do it.
07:21.11docelmoyou're wanting queueing information right?
07:21.33pbx1like what's in queue_log
07:21.41docelmothen yes you want app_queue..
07:21.47docelmoDo you know C
07:22.02pbx1I'm a bit rusty, but It'll come back to me
07:22.46docelmoWell if you need help Im on here almost 24 hours a day
07:23.01docelmoIm also one of the more inexpensive consultants..  :P
07:23.20pbx1well if it comes down to it I'll put money down
07:23.43docelmoStorm is one of the more expensive..  :)
07:23.55Strom_CI also destroy houses
07:23.58pbx1oh, good to know :)
07:24.01Strom_CI'M NOT STORM
07:24.05Qwellyeah, app_queue doesn't log hold
07:24.15docelmosorry type too fast
07:24.16pbx1oh well
07:24.45pbx1Guess back to emailing digium
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07:25.01docelmohehe or a consultant that couple probably do it now..  :)
07:25.11docelmoI accept paypal..  :P
07:25.31pbx1ok, well let me know if you can pull it off and if the price is right, we can talk more
07:25.41docelmoquestion is how much of a hack would it take to make it happen
07:25.55docelmolemme go find the code..  Do you want this for 1.2 or 1.4?
07:26.18docelmoCause just so you know 1.2 modules are not compatible with 1.4
07:26.35docelmook..  I think I have 1.2.10 I will have to download that one
07:26.41docelmobut lemme have a look see at the one I have'
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07:33.05Niklas-Hi. Isn't it possible to use variabels for an extension? Like "exten => $FOOBAR,1,...." ?
07:33.27docelmook I found the code..  Just need to figure out how to pull the hold state out now..
07:33.48pbx1how's it look?
07:34.04docelmoI will refrain from how I feel about the asterisk code base
07:34.11docelmobut overall promising
07:37.15shodanhmm just how hard is it to read/write/clone sim cards ?
07:37.34docelmowith the right hardware simple
07:37.39docelmothe software is the kicker
07:37.53Strom_Chell, the hardware costs $30
07:38.02Strom_Cnot that I know anything about smartcards, of course
07:39.38shodanis that forbidden ? (to clone a sim card and use it in another phone)
07:39.40QwellStrom_C: we need to find a bar that uses smartcard credits
07:39.58Strom_C"Excuse me, I'd like to open a tab on my Kinko's card"
07:40.03shodanlike if both phones are mine and I'll be the only one using them
07:40.24Qwellnot QUITE what I was thinking
07:40.30Strom_Coh?  well what quite was you thinking?
07:40.43QwellJoes Bar card
07:40.59QwellI doubt there are any places that do that though, heh
07:42.24Strom_Mooh, this is still going
07:42.47Strom_Mi can stay on the channel AND go get a cold drink
07:44.16docelmopbx1 well here is what I can tell so far..  app_queue isnt where the hold state would be found.  It would have to be somewhere else.  It would be such a hack its not worth it for me to do it.  I suggest getting a quote from digium
07:44.55docelmoafter it bridges the call it exits the queue.. So it would be interesting to say the least on how to make that happen
07:45.15docelmoBut they actually wanna know how long they were on hold for?   Ive never heard that request for
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07:45.48Strom_Cyeah, thats odd
07:45.59Strom_Ceven when I worked in a call center, they never cared about that metric
07:46.00stoffellanyone familiar on receiving telco error messages instead of just hangup_causes? (recently posted to mailing list also)
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07:46.14Strom_Cit was just counted as part of your call time
07:46.19Strom_Cstoffell: what do you mean
07:46.21docelmostoffell care to explain?
07:46.27docelmoStrom_C yep
07:46.29pbx1docelmo: ah, I see. That's too bad
07:47.14docelmopbx1 Im not saying it cant be done..  but in all honesty its not worth what digium would charge for for it.  I would guess as a rough guesstimate somewhere around 500-1000 buks to make it happen
07:47.30stoffelli'm happy to explain; i would like to receive the telco error when dialing wrong numbers on an E1 (or ISDN BRI), now I just get the hangup_cause and I should play my own voice prompts. with the traditional pbx, I always heard the telco error messages..
07:47.37docelmotell em to monitor the calls..  :)
07:47.38pbx1docelmo: I see
07:47.54stoffelli have tried playing with priindication, but that made no difference..
07:47.59pbx1yeah, that's what we said so far
07:48.01Strom_Mstoffell: oh, you want the RECORDING
07:48.07docelmohaha.. he's talking about early media
07:48.11docelmowhich asterisk sucks at
07:48.12stoffellStrom_M: yes, the telco- recording
07:48.13pbx1docelmo: but they'd like a hard number
07:48.44pbx1oh well, thanks. I'll have to see what digium tells me and see if it's worth it.
07:48.55docelmopbx1 see how much its worth to them..  :)
07:49.47pbx1right :)
07:49.49docelmostoffell what your looking for is early media pass thru..  Asterisk will not do it based on how it does RTP
07:50.06docelmoMan I have to be at my office in 5 hours..  This sucks
07:50.12Strom_Mdocelmo, what are you talking about
07:50.34Strom_Mit worls just fine on pris here in california
07:50.39docelmothe 'recordings' he is looking for is called early media
07:50.50docelmoits the "Telco" voice
07:50.50Strom_Mi know that
07:51.05docelmoover sip it doesnt
07:51.10stoffelldocelmo: hm, a new word to me, i'll try google on that also
07:51.19docelmowhat early media?
07:51.27Strom_Mum, worls fine for me on my box here with sip phones...
07:51.52pbx1thanks again docelmo
07:51.57docelmomaybe they fixed it..  My cluster is still running 1.2.4 I think
07:52.08stoffelli also use sip phones to call out to the zap channels, but I guess it's an asterisk thingy/setting/..?
07:52.10docelmoit doesnt work there
07:52.36stoffelli'm running 1.2.10, and it doesn't work, unless i need a setting to make it work :)
07:52.53Strom_Mthe problem is that if the network is sending a hangupcause all the way back to the cpe rather than doing a Proceeding and a recording followed by a disconnect...
07:53.10Strom_Mi blame the pstn
07:53.27docelmostoffell got a firebird?
07:53.44docelmoerr Tbird?
07:53.50docelmoI need to goto bed
07:53.58stoffelldocelmo: thunderbird yes (email) :)
07:54.10docelmono tbird
07:54.14docelmoBIG DIFFERENCE
07:54.20stoffelldocelmo: nope.. not that i know of :)
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07:54.47docelmocause with that you could generate a call and see everything they are sending you to see if you need to call the telco and bitch at them
07:55.12my007msgood day all
07:55.13docelmobut yes.. Normally you would get progress(ring) then early media if there is a problem
07:55.23stoffelldocelmo: ah, i see.. but wiring up the 'traditional' pbx gives the expected behaviour (telco-voice)
07:55.27Strom_Mprogress != ring
07:55.30docelmowell progress could be ring or early media
07:55.35Strom_Malerting == ring
07:55.49stoffellmaybe i can see them if I do zap debugging?
07:55.52docelmoI always saw progress
07:56.01docelmoshould be able to
07:56.20dorel__"/bin/sh /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk -p -U asterisk" is the process that runs asterisk right?
07:56.22Strom_Mwell, in q931 it should be an alerting message for ring
07:56.42my007msi have make 2 asterisk server one primary and othere backup one abut as i need to run asterisk in havy duty system i need to test mine asterk for how man call i can make over sip at the same time is there tool do that
07:56.43stoffelldocelmo: tested on BRI and PRI (different locations)
07:56.43docelmodorel__ dude.. just run safe_asterisk
07:56.46docelmomake life simple
07:56.56docelmostoffell enjoy q931 debugging
07:57.04dorel__docelmo: what do you mean "just" safe_asterisk?
07:57.12stoffelldocelmo: thanks for the tips, will try playing with that a bit
07:57.20docelmotype safe_asterisk and pound the enter key
07:57.33docelmotank Strom_C also..  :)
07:57.52Strom_Myoure welcome :)
07:58.00docelmook Im going to bed..
07:58.06dorel__docelmo: oh, that's obvious but its running through init.d scripts
07:58.26docelmoadd it to rc.local
07:58.39docelmoyour running a redhat flavor right?
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07:58.48stoffellyeah, Strom_M too ;)
07:58.53my007msis there tool make many dumy call or dial
07:59.08docelmoyou choose
08:00.06THX2000Is there a way to change the value of the variables in [globals] from within the dial plan, and have them stick on a reload?
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08:00.58docelmoTHX2000 no
08:01.20docelmounless you write them to the extensions.conf file
08:01.21THX2000hehe, i liked strom's first answer better :P
08:01.27Qwelllosing banking benefits sucks...immensely
08:01.39Qwellno more WF
08:01.41docelmoya.. ??
08:01.52Qwellmy former employer :D
08:01.54Strom_Mwells fargo
08:02.04QwellI got all my banking stuff for free
08:02.06docelmoI do
08:02.17docelmoya.. USAA also
08:02.20Qwellnotary services, cashiers checks, etc
08:02.27docelmoI have a 100% free account
08:02.43Qwellbut I could go into a branch, and say "I want you to do this", and they'd do
08:02.46Strom_Mive been a happy wells customer since 1983
08:02.57QwellStrom_M: aren't you only like...20ish?
08:03.03Strom_Mback when i was a first interstate customer :)
08:03.04docelmoYou choose to work for Digium..  :)
08:03.33Qwellbut yeah, I've been real happy with them - it's gonna suck to start paying though
08:03.57Assidstart paying?
08:04.07docelmook well on that note Im going to bed..  cya in the morning
08:04.12QwellAssid: for services I got free
08:04.35Assidwell.. if you work there.. why would they charge you
08:04.41QwellAssid: because I don't anymore :P
08:04.55Assidwhyd you quit
08:04.59QwellI quit, to go work for Digium :D
08:05.05Assidyou just joined like a month or so back rigth
08:05.13QwellAssid: like...5 years ago
08:05.41Assidoh yeah.. hell confused
08:05.59QwellAssid: I worked for a bank for 5 years, and got everything free.  Now that I don't, I don't get it free anymore.
08:06.33Assidhell i get tons of free service from my bank.. they even send someone to collect paperwork from me ..... such as signatures
08:08.57Strom_Cwhats funny, Qwell, is how I was musing earlier today about how every B of A branch I've walked into has always seemed like a really miserable, depressing place
08:09.13QwellDon't get me started on BofA
08:09.24QwellI am *NEVER* going to bank with them again
08:09.26Strom_Cformer customer?
08:09.41Strom_Cyeah, i've heard horror stories
08:09.55Qwellgot charged a fee one month (when I never got charged before), and the fee caused...overage...which guessed it...overdraft fees
08:10.00florz.o( already sounds like BofH =:-)
08:10.05Qwelland caused overdraft fees
08:10.24Strom_Cso basically a $2 fee cascaded into like $500 worth of problems
08:10.27Qwellended up somewhere around $90
08:10.46Strom_Cthat's horrid
08:10.57Qwellyeah, I paid them, and said "close my accounts immediately"
08:11.39Strom_Csmart move
08:11.46Strom_CI've never had an issue at wells ever ever
08:11.59QwellI have, but they've always been fixed rather quickly
08:12.00Assidyou guys need better banks
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08:14.11Strom_Cwho do you bank with?
08:17.00x86what do you guys think of my website:
08:17.18x86is it clear?
08:17.28x86any recommendations?
08:17.44Qwellwell, I can't see my xchat window behind it, so I'd say it's opaque
08:17.50Assidbuy a ssl cert
08:18.03Strom_Cyou actually expect people to /buy/ things from this hackjob?
08:18.10Assidand fill it up a bit
08:18.36x86Strom_C: what's wrong with it? besides the temporary cert?
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08:19.16x86Assid: by fill it up you mean give some more details about each plan?
08:19.16Strom_Cif I were a potential customer, i'd look at it for half a second, go "they have no idea what they're doing," and move on
08:19.32x86Strom_C: any suggestions?
08:19.57Strom_Cx86: your layout is not at all conducive to easy comprehension
08:20.30x86are you suggesting I go with more of a horizontal layout than the current vertical?
08:20.52Strom_Cpartially, and also dont represent pricing plans with pictures of phones
08:20.55Qwellhire a designer...seriously
08:21.03Strom_Chire a designer
08:21.14Strom_Cstop wasting your time :)
08:21.18x86yeah i'm all technical... this artsy stuff really isnt my thing ;)
08:21.41x86Strom_C: i dont represent the pricing, i represent the plan with the phones
08:21.50x86bad idea though?
08:22.13Strom_Cand hire a good designer - someone who understands UI design and ergonomics, not just some artfag who makes things all pretty
08:22.22Strom_Cx86: yes
08:22.25x86if i was representing pricing i'd have a BT101 for the cheapest plans, and a 7985 for the most expensive plans ;)
08:22.58x86suggestions on designers?
08:23.02Strom_Cno clue
08:23.10Strom_Ci'm not in the webpage business
08:23.13MrChimpyor you make the page as simple as possible. you can make something reasonably elegant by not wigging out on trying to make it pretty
08:23.28Strom_Cthis is my personal site though:
08:23.58x86that pains me to look at man
08:24.15Strom_Ctoo orange?
08:24.49Strom_Cor am I not using enough of the latest and greatest liquid ajax soap xml shit for your liking? :)
08:25.04JThey at least it's visible
08:25.10MrChimpymine is here:
08:25.11JTx86's site keeps looping or something
08:25.24QwellYou're all nubs
08:25.27JTthe ie symbol keeps stoppimg and starting
08:25.29Qwellperfect design
08:25.57Strom_C<3 qwell
08:26.14x86JT: bug in IE, I presume
08:26.16Qwellplz2be not adding pr0n/ at the end of that url, thank you
08:26.42JTpretty awesome <TITLE>
08:26.51JTdoesn't even have <html>
08:26.53MrChimpypfft. wot no pr0n?
08:26.59JTx86: or your site? :P
08:27.03Qwellwtf, did somebody use curl?
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08:33.42Qwellanyways, bed
08:34.15x86JT: nope, my site validates ;)
08:34.20x86JT: it's a bug in IE
08:34.31JTthat only your site causes, right
08:34.44JTso there is likely something you can do to fix it, in any case :P
08:35.04x86ah cool, i've never met someone that's been to every site on the Internet before... that's amazing
08:35.16x86how long did it take you?
08:35.16JTno probs
08:35.16Strom_Cx86: stop being a smartass
08:35.26x86Strom_C: lol
08:35.38x86Strom_C: you have similar issues?
08:35.44JTanyway, the point you should take from this is that your site is in the minority with the looping thing, and some potential customers may not be able to view it as a result
08:35.46Strom_CI'm using firefox
08:36.15x86JT: you said it was "looping" you did not claim you were unable to view it
08:36.25x86is that the case though?
08:36.29JTyeah, white page
08:36.32JTunable to view
08:36.37x86what version of IE?
08:37.03JTthe version that has the problem with the site is v5
08:37.05JTold i know
08:37.24x86yeah i'm not even worried about IE5 compatibility ;)
08:37.43x86any modern system will get v6 or soon v7 from windows update automagically anyway :P
08:38.08JTwell it does it in version 6 too
08:38.13JTso you can stop being smug now :)
08:38.36x86i just said i'm not worried about ie5 compatibility, you said nothing about v6 until just now
08:39.28JTyeah i just tested
08:40.03JTbut it seems your attitude is a bit of "not worried"/"screwem" :P when you're in business, they're potential customers too
08:40.19JThappens on http and https btw
08:40.28x86if they are running IE5, that is my attitude indeed
08:40.37x86now IE6 compatibility does worry me, however
08:40.53x86can you trace down why it's happening?
08:41.21Strom_Cmy guess is you used the wrong lol.
08:41.41JTi can view it now by viewing the source on the cycling page, and using that url myself
08:41.54JTmy guess is it's meta-refreshing the front page instead of to that url
08:42.10JTi could only view enough source to see that in ie6
08:42.24x86 meta refreshes to, yes
08:42.41JT meta refreshes to in ie :P
08:43.28x86<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;">
08:43.39x86have no idea where IE would get something else...
08:43.52x86unless you tried first, then it's expected to break ;)
08:44.53x86well because that particular server is not supposed to support direct http requests, just https
08:45.13x86the main site properly hands it off control to this site via https
08:45.20JTa bit annoying, it should at least redirect
08:45.24x86s/hands it/hands/
08:45.40JTyou need to use the url= argument to meta refresh
08:45.51JTnot put the refresh time and url in content=
08:46.10JToh wait
08:46.12JTit was both
08:46.19Strom_Cx86: seriously, hire a designer
08:46.20JTbut your one still doesn't work, hmm
08:47.00JTso that's not it
08:47.05x86yeah man
08:47.06JTwell, might not be it
08:47.07x86you're right
08:47.07JTi dunno
08:47.09phearlessthe schema "Asterisk as a SIP client behind nat, connecting to outside SIP " works ?
08:47.12x86i needed url= in front of the url
08:47.15x86try now
08:47.27x86phearless: sure
08:47.35x86Strom_C: yeah, will do soon :)
08:47.43x86JT: cool man, thanks for the assistance :)
08:47.47JTyeah i missed that it still didn't have url=
08:47.52phearlessit is written on that it can be broken
08:48.06phearless"Every setup works somewhere, but it depends on the client, the NAT, the server and many other factors. In most cases, 1 and 3 is broken"
08:48.56x86works fine here with a cisco pix 501, asterisk 1.2.11 inside the NAT, and remote asterisk 1.2.10
08:49.02JTcallcalculator doesn't work for me, and the tos opens a new window
08:49.12Strom_Cwait, you're using SIP to trunk asterisk boxes?
08:49.18Strom_Cwhy not use IAX2 to trunk? :)
08:49.21x86JT: callcalculator is busted right now, working on importing new rates
08:49.26phearlessx86: you just had to forward some ports ?
08:49.37x86phearless: yeah... both SIP and IAX2 work fine for me
08:49.55x86phearless: but really you should use IAX2 if at all possible, like Strom_C is saying
08:50.17x86phearless: you'll have far less headaches and firewall hole-punching sessions ;)
08:50.31x86JT: yeah the ToS should open a new window
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08:50.46x86JT: at least for now... it will be moved to lightbox shortly
08:50.57phearlessoh yes I have not seen the message of Strom_C
08:51.01_omerwhat does Asterisk-addons  contain ??
08:51.17phearlessin fact I would like to use the services of
08:51.19Strom_C_omer: it contains 85% LOL and 15% OMFG
08:51.32JT"lightbox" sounds like something that will not work in a text based browser
08:51.39phearlessthey provide virtual numbers that are forwarded via SIP
08:52.00_omerStrom_C:   :)  whats OMFG?
08:53.00_omerStrom_C: can I install "format_mp3" player without installing asterisk-addons?
08:53.07x86JT: yeah it works, but it makes it seem as all one big page
08:53.33x86JT: lightbox is just a way for you to make a <div> class hidden, and use javascript to make it appear, essentially... pretty cool stuff
08:53.47JTi see
08:53.59x86for example
08:54.00Strom_Cx86: ive got blind friends who would want to kill you over that one
08:54.02x86click on VoIP Login
08:54.05JTsounds like it makes things unbookmarkable
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08:54.10JTwhich also irritates me :]
08:54.36x86JT: the line of thought there is to bookmark the main page, where the ToS is one click away
08:54.48x86instead of bookmarking the ToS directly
08:54.48Strom_Clet me hook you up with this chick I know named "accesibility"
08:55.04x86is she hot?
08:55.06JTyeah, when i click on voip login, othing happens
08:56.48JTok something happens in ie6
08:57.19x86like i said, it may not be 100% IE5 compatibile, but it should be decent with IE6
08:57.19JTwhy not make a seperate page for it, like a normal web site?
08:57.33x86trying to do some "Web 2.0" stuff
08:57.36JTpeople don't like unlinkable content
08:57.49Strom_CWeb 2.0 can go fuck a lit firecracker for all I care
08:58.33x86I'll make an old version of the site and allow the user to use either one
08:59.02Strom_Cor how about just making something that WORKS without all your awful "wizardry" nonsense
08:59.02_omercan I get install format_mp3 instead of installing asterisk-addons?
08:59.15x86Strom_C: it does not work?
08:59.33Strom_Cx86: too-clever-by-half garbage rarely does
08:59.44Assidx86: whats the login page
08:59.46JTit does, as long as you use one of a narrow set or browsers
08:59.59reeHi all, I count as newbie with asterisk and I have an annoying problem. Use case is that from my own asterisk I connect to a friend's asterisk like a client via "register". Registration ok however when he tries to call me, I got "Authentication rejected" on his call
09:00.00Assidoh wait
09:00.04JTimho, web sites should work in as much as possible, instead of needing the latest mainstream browser
09:00.05tzafrir_omer, basically, yes
09:00.37Assidhow do you make the rest dark ?
09:00.48tzafrir_omer, though it would be much more efficient to convert the mp3s to wavs/slin/gsm offline
09:00.51x86Assid: check out lightbox, it's sweet
09:01.02reewhich I don't understand: why does it authenticate his call, when I act as a client in this game? iow, all calls that come through that registration could be just accepted on my server without further auth
09:01.09x86Assid: it's not really magic, just the combination of some crafty CSS and a tiny bit of javascript
09:01.47_omertzafrir : ok great then from where do I get format_mp3 from ???
09:02.08tzafrirhmmm.... not sure....
09:02.20reeBoy, am I on the right channel?
09:03.05_omertzafrir : then I think i need to install asterisk-addons...actually i dont want to put more load on my asterisk by installing asterisk-addons...
09:03.44tzafrirree, yeah. We're discussing the new http support of asterisk, right?
09:04.11reetzafrir: Sure, that's actually something that I understand.....
09:04.43Assiddont see the code you trigger on login click
09:06.11x86Assid: it's handled somehow by the class of the anchor
09:06.44_omertzafrir : any idea about converting MP3s into RAW ?
09:06.54_omertzafrir : sox doesnt do that..
09:08.08Strom_Cand then sox
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09:13.16Strom_Cor even better, just downsample the wav to 8khz 16-bit wav
09:13.26Strom_Cand use that
09:13.30Strom_Cinstant LOL
09:13.58tzafrirsox with mp3 support does that...
09:14.04_omerI convert MP3 into WAV (mpg123) then WAV to RAW (SOX) ....a 9MB MP3 is now 18MB RAW :-0
09:14.25tzafrir_omer, but you forgot to downsample it
09:14.54tzafrirasterisk will need and play the file as 8kHz
09:15.13tzafrirand mono
09:15.31_omersox -c 1 alwaysbemybaby.wav -t raw -r 16000 -c 1 -s -w 111.raw
09:15.36tzafrirthis will slice it to its original size or smaller
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09:16.02_omersox -c 1 alwaysbemybaby.wav -t raw -r 8000 -c 1 -s -w 111.raw  <--- should I try this?
09:16.24tzafrir-r 8000, yes its back to it's normal size.....thanks :)
09:34.23shodananyone familiar with these analog phones  =>
09:34.45shodanthat "service" button , is that an ADSI thingy ?
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10:00.33phearlessanybody use
10:00.34phearlessanybody use ?
10:06.11RoyKanybody use  ?
10:08.50fourcheezenah, nobody uses any of them
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10:10.13shodanis there something like adsi for voip phones ? this thing looks usefull
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10:12.58phearlessnice pic, shodan
10:13.23shodanyeah , seemed appropriate ;)
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10:24.20MrChimpyanyone here using sangoma a104d?
10:26.55[shodan]questions like  "anyone here using X ?"  rarely get answers in here ! ;)
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10:30.37MrChimpyother options seem to give device not supported by kernel when I do wanrouter start
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10:49.22backblueppl, anyone have connected b2b any E1 cards? (for testing purposes)
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10:55.50Bert-hello there
10:57.00Bert-can someone explains me what exactly mean please ?
10:57.41Bert-and what should I do to avoid theses notices ?
10:58.50Strom_Cget the other end of the call to turn off VAD
10:58.52Bert-is it about silence suppression ?
10:59.08Bert-so it is not from my conf, but from remote one ?
10:59.21mutstrom: you know if wildcards work for includes?
10:59.26mutso i can do like
10:59.38mut#include </etc/asterisk/sip_peers/*.conf>
10:59.50mutto include all conf files in the folder, say 1 per peer
11:00.03Strom_Cno idea, but that sounds like a brain-damaged way of doing configuration
11:00.06muti don't have any test machine setup to try it
11:00.21mutum why?
11:00.39mutits easier to maintain than a single file with 300 peers
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11:00.53Strom_Cwell, give it a shot and let me know what happens
11:01.32mutexplain to me your reasoning behind the brain damaged way
11:01.42Strom_Cit's 4 AM and i'm exhausted
11:01.52Strom_Ctherefore, lol-in-a-box
11:01.52mutcause, maybe it is and i should do it some other way i dunno
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11:28.58willy_1234how do i change the max waiting time of a queue
11:29.30willy_1234i looked in queues.conf and queues_additional.conf but cant find
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12:18.30bastyI am using Asterisk and Zaptel - so I am trying to configure a hotstandby with drdb and heartbeat. As a matter of fact the zaptel drivers for my digium card should be loaded with heartbeat. I need to find a way to disable loading these modules by startup the machine. I am using Debian 3.1 - anyone could give me a hint ? :-)
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12:24.04MikeJanyone know of a phone, or softphone that supports g722?
12:25.08tzafrirbasty, what triggers loading those modules? hotplug?
12:25.24shodanMikeJ, probably polycoms 301 and up ?
12:25.53tzafrirbasty, why disable loading the modules? What's wrong with having the modules loaded?
12:28.26MikeJshodan, do you know that for sure, I didn't think the polycoms did at all
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12:30.54[Yatta]morning pppl.... how do i try out * 1.4
12:33.24[TK]D-Fender[Yatta]: Have you compiled and loaded firt?  It's required....
12:33.42tzafrir[Yatta], 1.4 is not released yet. The closest thing to 1.4 is current svn trunk
12:33.49[Yatta]i haven't done a thing.. i'm in the  #freepbx channel now sinc e i installed that last night
12:33.59[Yatta]i want to try h.264..
12:34.24[Yatta]i have a Granstream video phone i want to give a try
12:37.23DrukenHME[TK]D-Fender: gotta load chan_fluxcapacitor if you want any hope in hell on calling SIP/11-05-1955 .....
12:38.33[TK]D-FenderPolycom's only support G.711 & G.729
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12:42.22bastytzafrir: Well - I want to connect 2x Cards (Master/Slave) to 1x Phone-Uplink.
12:43.05bastytzafrir: if there is a failover on the Master-Asterisk - heatbeat should start the zap-driver automaticly.
12:43.53bastytzafrir: And if I connect 2 active cards to one phone-uplink I will run into problems with the clocking :-\
12:43.56tzafrirWhy would you restart the zaptel driver? What's the point in it? You don't have to restart asterisk to change a line
12:44.25tzafrirYou can also use ztcfg in an intelligent manner to change clocking parameters and such
12:44.48tzafrirbasty, what cards? Why two seaparate cards?
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12:45.13shodanMikeJ, no I'm not sure , can't find it
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12:45.23tzafrirtwo separate cards on the same system still leaves too many points of failure, I believe
12:45.27bastytzafrir: TP410 Quard E1 - because I have two Servers (Master and a Slave for failover)
12:45.41shodanMikeJ, the snom 360 does it
12:45.46DasTechok any one here have the 2.0.1 polycom firmware ?
12:48.37[TK]D-FenderDasTech: Go ask your reseller for it
12:50.40pablusmorning from stgo of chile
12:53.09tzafrirbasty, does (the patch, not the product) help?
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12:55.08tzafrirbasically: configure both cards. keep two zapata.conf-s : one for master and one for slave. On failover, swap them, and run zap restart
12:55.22tldAny recommendations for a US web store selling cordless phones?  (I'm looking to order a DECT phone, not a WiFi VoIP phone)
12:56.04DasTechI got the phone from a former client as a bonus
12:56.06tzafrir(though I have not really tested it with digital cards)
12:56.20DasTechwhen I finished a contract
12:57.51bastytzafrir - okay thanks! I will try to test that.
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13:03.27kmilitzerHello everyone. Can someone give me a hint how to built a transfer option in the dialplan, that generates two CDRs. One CDR for the "coming" Call leg, with original CID as src and dialed number as dst and one CDR with the dialed number as src and the number to which is transfered as dst ... any ideas how to do this?
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13:04.08stoffellif I call a foreign country, I hear the foreign ringtone (uk/us/europe, all different) on my SIP phone. is this ringtone generated by asterisk or the telco?
13:06.24[TK]D-Fenderstoffell: No doubt its just audio down the stream....
13:07.45*** join/#asterisk xyklopz (n=xyklopzi@
13:08.00xyklopzI know this is probably a retarded question, but is there anyway to flash the line in Asterisk over DTMF
13:08.09xyklopzmy cordless handset doesn't support it ...
13:08.24Muck-does anyone know a tutorial how to set up an asterisk for about 10 people to connect to the main asterisk in the company... possibly best connected via iax2?
13:08.32xyklopzthe idea would be similar to the way blind transfer works using #
13:08.52dorel__i didnt know mark spencer was also the original author of gaim. how leet :)
13:09.01Muck-because they should get some of the numbers of the two ISDN BRIs here
13:09.39Muck-but i would like to make encryption through the internet via iax2
13:09.55xyklopzMuck-, OpenVPN
13:11.15xyklopzI'm following the dual servers setup through a VPN (one server in US one in EU and works perfectly) + all voice traffic is encrypted between the two boxes
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13:13.22xyklopzso I guess flashing the line (call waiting) must be done in the phone
13:13.23xyklopznot asterisk
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13:14.27aixaHi everyone
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13:14.59aixaI just stumbled across the macro sample which uses Dial(Local/..)
13:15.25aixawhat does this Local/.. stand for?
13:15.33aixalocal context?
13:15.59[TK]D-Fenderxyklopz: If you are referring to flashing an analog trunk then NO, * must do it.  * does not pass on a flash jsut because you do it from an analog phone. Look at the "flash" application.  Might do the job though I've never heard of a successful implementation of it.
13:16.35[TK]D-Fenderaixa: Local channel.  It connects the call to another part of the dialplan as though it were the starting point of the call.
13:16.40rados___is ooh323 module/channel installed with the default trixbox installation?
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13:16.57[TK]D-Fenderrados___: Please read the channel topic....
13:17.06Muck-[TK]D-Fender thank you!
13:17.27[TK]D-FenderMuck-: So you want to set up a "satelite" office basically?
13:17.45aixawhich par of dialplan it exactly connects to?
13:18.01aixacan i control the context from which the number gets dialed
13:19.29[TK]D-Fenderaixa: Dial(Local/exten@context)
13:19.36aixaokay :)
13:19.39*** join/#asterisk Nebukadneza (
13:19.44aixamany thanks, I somehow missed it
13:20.05[TK]D-Fenderaixa:  Like :Dial(Local/2000@contextwithextensformysipphones)
13:20.43aixaye yes yes
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13:20.51aixafixed and working already
13:21.01aixamany thanx once again
13:21.13stoffelldoes anyone know where I can find more info on q931? (still struggling with the telco-voice stuff)
13:21.17[TK]D-Fenderaixa: How are you using it now?
13:21.52Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, do you have experties with spa3000?
13:22.48aixai had to achieve transfer to forwarded numbers with different dial logic than simple internal calls
13:23.01[TK]D-Fenderawe6: Ah... recursive call-forwarding... excellent place to use it.
13:23.07[TK]D-Fenderaixa: rather*
13:23.27[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work: Yes, I've owned one before.
13:24.18aixa[TK]D-Fender: it is used to terminate recursions
13:24.26kmilitzeraixa: How do you handle your billing with this Local dials?
13:24.33[TK]D-Fenderaixa: Thats the "easy" way to let a user forward to any number they can dial and have it do so recusively.  So if A forwards to B, and B to C, and C to and external number it'll look through pretty much transparent to the originating caller
13:24.39aixaI dont need to handle billing
13:24.41kmilitzeraixa: Do you get correct CDRs?
13:25.33Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, great,
13:26.16kmilitzerRecursiv Call Forwarding is cool, I am playing with it right now, too, but it kills your CDRs :(
13:26.52aixa[TK]D-Fender: so that in my setup if A changed seats with B, A could froward his calls to B and B could forward his calls to A
13:27.14aixaand nboth would receive their calls at their new places respectively
13:27.48aixathats why i needed diferent context than "default"
13:28.11willy_1234how do u restart asterisk from the CLI
13:28.25[TK]D-Fenderaixa: Ok, perhaps the term "nested" would be more appropriate.... you could always set an inherited var to check for nesting depth as a safeguard...
13:28.31aixaas in default direct call to B would be transfered to A and from A to B and sp neverending stroy
13:28.47[TK]D-Fenderaixa:  Trust me... segfaults end EVERYTHING ;0
13:29.03aixa[TK]D-Fender okay now you got me really calm
13:33.37aixai already have crashed that box with txfaxf for a number of times
13:33.48aixastill trying to figure out whats the cause
13:33.58aixaspandsp, libtiff or glibc
13:34.21aixaso no big worries for crashing it again with forward :PP
13:36.11aixaok, jokes aside - I`ll let this config a try and see what happens, if it is really that unstable then I'll have to lok for workaround
13:36.43shodanhmm ,   sip phone calls outside  => * => cheap fxo   ,,.            sip phone hears ringing , callee picks up , caller and callee can talk , but caller can still hear ringing  !
13:36.50shodanwhat's up with that !!
13:37.34shodanwork hours start in 20 mins ! crap :((
13:38.15fourcheezeshodan: was it working before?
13:39.37aixaanyway - anybody else has these issues with txfax? That it crashes the * if it gets *.tiff file it can't read?
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13:42.49shodanfourcheeze, yes !
13:43.03shodanI didn't change anything
13:43.20aixaat first - with older libtiff asterisk gave at least some error output before it went belly up
13:43.38aixanow its silently dies
13:44.48shodanbut all of a sudden echo cancelling works ?!?!
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13:46.09phearlesswhen I left, I used /quit or /part ?
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13:48.51shodanok apparently my x100p isn't detecting that the callee has answered and it keep ringing , what could cause that ? how does it know that the callee has answered ?
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13:53.23rados___is there a way I can verify that ooh323 is installed properly?
13:54.31xyklopzI know this is probably a retarded question, but is there anyway to flash the line in Asterisk over DTMF
13:54.33xyklopzmy cordless handset doesn't support it ...
13:55.07xyklopzthe idea would be similar to the way blind transfer works using # but this is for call waiting
13:56.29[TK]D-Fenderxyklopz: Look at "dynamic features" on the WIKI, and "show application flash" in * CLI
13:56.33*** join/#asterisk DrukenHME (
13:58.14xyklopzthanks [TK]D-Fender
13:59.49xyklopzI can't find "dynamic features" on the wiki
14:02.15xyklopzI assume it would be something like adding ...
15:39.15*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
15:39.15*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk 1.2.11, Asterisk-addons 1.2.4, and Zaptel 1.2.8 released! (August 22, 2006) -=- FreePBX/AMP/Asterisk@Home/Trixbox support in #freepbx -=- Please use a pastebin when needing to show others large amounts of data. That is all.
15:39.18SplasPoodmaybe it won't crash
15:39.42blitzrageSplasPood: 8.3 (I think thats what I have) just locks up randomly on my 7960
15:39.54vader--im still using 7.x on mine
15:39.54SplasPood8.4 or some other more recent revision just came out
15:39.57SplasPoodrumor has it, it fixes
15:40.04SplasPoodvader--: no compelling reason to upgrade
15:40.26blitzragefile: any idea how I can determine if a module is in the middle of a reload so I don't start reloading another module too soon inside my script?
15:40.29SplasPoodyea I'm saying there isn't
15:40.31vader--only thing i wanna get rid of is the IP address crap it displays on the screens
15:40.33filenot off the top of my head
15:40.44SplasPoodyea thats annoying...
15:40.47vader--but i wouldn't risk stability for something like that
15:40.49blitzrageSplasPood: I'm actually thinking of going back to 7.3 -- it's the only version that has ever worked consistantly for me
15:40.58blitzragefile: doh'eth :)
15:40.59SplasPood7.5 was rock solid for me
15:41.14blitzrageI think I even had problems with 7.5...
15:41.14BlackNTani'm having a problem getting my asterisk box to 'register' with Broadview....  and the logs aren't very clear as to what the problem may be (just timing out)...  if I change the 'secret' I get an authentication error earlier in the log which leads me to believe that I am communicating with Broadview but for some reason I just can't register...  any one know what this could be?
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15:48.16fileblitzrage: it would probably be possible to add the ability
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15:55.54GeeJayI have got an issue with cdr in Asterisk. It appears to me that Asterisk logs CDRs even if the call has NOT been established by a 200 ok under certain circumstances. This seems to happen when the remote party CANCELs its INVITE (before it has been okayed by Asterisk) and also sends a BYE after the cancel. (Some clients fire off BYEs after a Cancel to make sure that in case the INVITE has been already 200 Okayed by Asterisk that such established conversation
15:59.47SomeJok, sorry about the spam earlier, logs and configs along with the issue can be seen here :
16:00.30[Yatta]i'm trying to add h.264 support to my * box
16:00.33[Yatta]i did svn checkout asterisk-addon
16:00.51[Yatta]do  i need to configure asterisk-addon then confgiure asterisk??
16:01.14[Yatta]or just confgiure asterisk and it will look into the addon??
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16:05.49leejohngood day guys, has anyone from you encounter dtmf problems in recent trunk with regards to rfc2833 ?
16:06.15fileleejohn: come to #asterisk-bugs
16:06.24leejohnmy setup is PAP2-NA -> SIP -> Asterisk -> TDM400 -> PSTN
16:07.48kumbalaeleejohn: what is your problem?
16:10.54leejohnkumbalae: rfc2833 doesn't work well on trunk :)
16:11.40fileno, there's a zaptel issue with vldtmf that we are trying to get solved - rfc2833 reception and transmission should be fine
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16:21.23blitzragefile: oh yah? How complicated do you think it would be?
16:21.41blitzragefile: would be very handy for those of us doing 'asterisk -rx "reload"
16:21.57fileerm that's more complicated
16:22.11blitzrageeven if I could check it from an AMI first though
16:22.41filechan_sip doesn't reload stuff when reload is called, it sets a variable that gets checked in the main thread for it
16:22.43blitzrageif there was like a Reload event or something that triggered a start and end of reload to the AMI?
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16:22.58fileI think.
16:23.03rift0rso any of you guys use analog adapters with FXS?
16:23.49blitzragefile: heh :)
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16:34.54zaptelhello everybody
16:35.34zaptelhas anyone tried to connect an asterisk box to a Toshiba Strata PBX with a T1 card?
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16:40.59Vlasis_hello all
16:43.39wunderkinvoipsupply is on the ball, too bad i did not call them yesterday
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16:48.04mountainm2kOK, so Voicemail() will transfer back to the "a" extension if the caller hits star...  How can I set up the "a" extension differently for each user?
16:48.22blitzragewhat do you mean?
16:48.32Strom_Chow about this
16:48.40mountainm2kI want *MY* voicemail to transfer to my cell, but nobody else's...
16:48.57Strom_Cexten => a,1,Goto(whee,${CALLERID(num)},1)
16:49.10Strom_Cor some kind of conditional branching logic
16:50.29blitzrageif you can save the value of ${EXTEN} or something, then yah, you could just use a Goto() like Strom_C said
16:50.37mountainm2kso I have a macro for building users -- I want to simply pass in the number/extension I want it to call...  Can I have it set a channel variable $COVEREXTEN, then a,1,Dial($COVEREXT) ?
16:50.37Strom_Cyeah, there we go
16:51.01Strom_Cjust save the name of the voicemail box to some temporary channel variable
16:51.07shodanis there some doc about ADSI & asterisk ? I have a nortel telecom vista 350 and I'd really like to give that a try !
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16:51.21Strom_Cand then...instant lol
16:51.30QwellStrom_C: instant lol?
16:51.34kannanhello all
16:51.36QwellDoes that come in a tin can?
16:52.02Vlasis_bye all :)
16:52.04*** part/#asterisk Vlasis_ (n=Vlasis@
16:52.07Strom_Cactually, it comes from the lol-in-a-box company of City of Industry, CA
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16:53.18Strom_Cwell, what do you want?  lol-in-a-packet?  lol-on-a-plane?
16:53.27QwellI prefer my lol-in-a-cup
16:53.34Strom_Cahh, i see
16:53.43shodanhey there's 4 match on google for lol-in-a-box
16:53.47[TK]D-Fendershodan: If you own it already, its locked.
16:53.52Strom_Chahahaha, is there?
16:54.46shodan[TK]D-Fender, what about those lock codes or just removing the "cmos" battery in the lcd module ?
16:55.28[TK]D-Fendershodan: I do believe that this is non-volatile.  You'd need to flash the eeprom or something.
16:55.39*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
16:55.56[TK]D-Fendershodan: Ma Bell doesn't want you having fun with their rip-off services
16:56.07shodanall those adsi phones on ebay ? also locked ?
16:56.31[TK]D-Fendershodan: Some may be unlocked, and would normally be advertised as such.
16:56.57[TK]D-Fendershodan: Hey... near Joliette, QC?
16:57.09*** join/#asterisk madero (
16:57.19Juggie[TK]D-Fender, DAMN QC!
16:57.28shodan[TK]D-Fender, yeah , just like my xbox, my dish receiver, my nintendo ds and just about anything else with a warranty sticker , but I showed them !
16:57.29maderohello ... do you think it would be possible to use asterisk to broadcast over the internet?
16:57.30shodan[TK]D-Fender, yep
16:57.31[TK]D-FenderJuggie: Too late!!!! ;)
16:57.45Juggie[TK]D-Fender, someone in 'QC'
16:57.54Juggiemanaged to get a copy of my bank card somewhere.
16:58.02Juggieand empty a little less then 1000$ out of a bank machine
16:58.03[TK]D-Fendershodan: I've got an Aastra PT390 ADSI unlocked phone that I've used with * that is for sale if you're interested.  I'm in Montreal.
16:58.05Juggieoutside montreal.
16:58.06maderobasically, we need to have a speaker, talking almost-realtime ... questions being asked using a web-chat , and
16:58.07JuggieDAMN QC.
16:58.26Strom_CInstant LOL:
16:58.27maderolot of clients connecting using something like xmms, media-player or similar... andy idea?
16:58.44shodan[TK]D-Fender,  yes probably , unless I can manage to hack this one  , $?
16:59.18[TK]D-Fendershodan: Lets say $75.  And It is unlocked and ready for * (U ised it with a TDM22B)
16:59.49[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: Whats so funny about that phone?
16:59.58maderoany suggestion?
17:00.22QwellThat is quite possibly the ugliest phone I've ever seen
17:00.22Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: the joke is that it isn't funny; it's just a quick and simple solution to the problem of "I want ADSI"
17:00.26rift0rso any of you guys use analog adapters with FXS?
17:00.33[TK]D-FenderQwell: I've seen FAR worse....
17:00.40shodan[TK]D-Fender, any idea if it'd work with a spa-2102 ?
17:00.42rift0ri am looking at the 496
17:00.54[TK]D-Fenderrift0r: Yes, most of us. Got a more specific question?
17:01.04[TK]D-Fenderrift0r: Avoid GrandSUCK at all costs.
17:01.11rift0rwell which ones do you use and what are your opinions on the good ones
17:01.27rift0r[TK]D-Fender really, it said it won best of voip show 2006 or something
17:01.30rift0rlooked pretty featureful
17:01.37[TK]D-Fenderrift0r: For general use get an SPA-2002.  Best general purpose one for the money.  Tons of options and prettys imple to use.
17:01.39Strom_Cwhich voip show was that?
17:01.42rift0rwhat should i go for then?  linksys?  digium iax?
17:01.44mountainm2kOK, in my cover-extension macro, I'm doing Set(CoverExt=${ARG2}  --  Should I do that with a ExecIf (IE if there _is_ a ${ARG2} ?
17:01.53QwellStrom_C: grandstreamcon
17:02.04[TK]D-Fenderrift0r: Linksys SPA-2002 is your best bet.
17:02.06knarfly_wk[TK]D-Fender: I use Grandstream and it's great as far as I'm concerned....also only cost $58
17:02.23Strom_Cwinning best of show at grandstreamcon is like being the tallest midget
17:02.24[TK]D-Fenderknarfly_wk: And for $10 more you get a REAL one.....
17:02.36rift0rwhat about the iax
17:02.39rift0rfrom digium
17:02.50Qwellrift0r: I like my iaxy.  It kinda...just works
17:03.00[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: Also like running in the Special Olympics : Even if you win... YOU'RE STILL A RETARD!
17:03.05Qwell(disclaimer: I work for Digium)
17:03.12shodan58$ ?! crap , my spa-2102 cost me 90$ :( I got ripped !
17:03.17rift0ri am still bent on the whole sip / iax issue
17:03.17bkw_"kinda" is the key word here
17:03.21knarfly_wk[TK]D-Fender: It really is a good phone. U must have had a bad experience
17:03.24rift0ri am new to this about to set up a pbx
17:03.26Qwellbkw_: troll :P
17:03.39[TK]D-Fendershodan: Well you picked the router-included model which I am NOT suggesting as well...
17:03.58shodan[TK]D-Fender,  they didn't have the 2002 :(
17:04.00[TK]D-Fenderbkw_:  s/just//
17:04.07rift0r[TK]D-Fender does the linksys one you recommended have tftp config support
17:04.39[TK]D-Fenderrift0r: Yes, as well as HTTP as I recall in addition to a really nice web interface (which if its just 1 or two you'll want to use probably).
17:04.44shodan[TK]D-Fender, where do you get your voip gear in mtl ?
17:05.09[TK]D-Fendershodan: Depends.  Gentek has great pricing and is on-island.  Aside from there depends what I'm wanting.
17:05.19rift0r[TK]D-Fender hrm, ya i saw the linksys one it actually was similarly priced to the 496
17:05.27rift0rthx for the input
17:05.42[TK]D-Fenderrift0r: np
17:06.10shodank, I'll give them a visit next time instead of online stores !
17:06.26[TK]D-Fendershodan: They are a wholesaler only, no storefront.
17:06.28rift0r[TK]D-Fender one more thing, did you unlock the SPA2002?
17:06.40[TK]D-Fenderrift0r: No need.  never locked
17:06.55rift0rk i thought i read something about that
17:07.10[TK]D-Fenderrift0r: That''d be the PAP2, many of which were locked to Vonage, etc....
17:07.32rift0rahh i see
17:07.35bkw_all I can say is ... AAA meetings are fun
17:07.38[TK]D-Fenderrift0r: Also the PAP2 has a more limited featureset IIRC... so SPA-2002 is the A1 choice for you for starters.
17:07.39*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (
17:07.46rift0rok thx
17:07.49[TK]D-Fenderbkw_: Road trip?
17:07.49bkw_Asterisk Alcoholic Anonymous
17:07.50rift0rill pick one of those up
17:08.20[TK]D-Fenderrift0r: If you want a GODLY one (and know you need it) then look at the MediTrix 2102.
17:08.34rift0rhow much is that
17:09.27shodaneven better :)
17:09.48rift0rhmm $110
17:09.53[TK]D-Fenderrift0r: Much more.  how/where do you intending on using your ATA?
17:12.38SplasPoodAnyone know of a vendor within china that will sell the digium FXO cards?  (need to interface to two chinese pots lines)
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17:15.32maderoone more question ... has anyone tryed any "web phone"? something in flash/activex/javascript/whatever that would allow someone to connect to an asterisk server?
17:16.12shodan[TK]D-Fender, thanks for the tip, I had been searching for a wholesaler for a while now :)
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17:19.58mutis there a prerecorded sound  for like
17:20.00IronMan2000I am looking to hire someone that can help me setup my asterisk server..
17:20.10mut"this feature is unavailable" or something to that effect
17:20.18BlackNTananother plea for help:
17:20.19BlackNTani'm having a problem getting my asterisk box to 'register' with Broadview....  and the logs aren't very clear as to what the problem may be (just timing out)...  if I change the 'secret' I get an authentication error earlier in the log which leads me to believe that I am communicating with Broadview but for some reason I just can't register...  any one know what this could be?
17:20.58mutwhy not call them..
17:21.34tessier__Anyone see anything wrong with this?
17:21.40tessier__I am trying to dial long distance on my PRI and it fails.
17:21.44IronMan2000anyone for hire to help with asterisk setup?
17:21.48tessier__I can dial local numbers even with 10 digit dialing.
17:21.55tessier__IronMan2000: Lots of people are.
17:22.22tessier__My telco insists that long distance is working properly
17:23.02IronMan2000well, I guess everyone must be out to lunch
17:23.08Strom_CIronMan2000: I'll gladly consider it :)
17:23.32IronMan2000Strom, thank you.
17:23.33carrarIronMan2000, whats your pay?
17:24.49IronMan2000$150.00 for the features I need setup. Can pay via PayPal
17:25.02[TK]D-FenderIronMan2000: PM
17:25.22Strom_CIronMan2000: yes, PM here as well :)
17:25.24tessier__IronMan2000: It usually helps to say how much you are paying and what you need up fron
17:25.44tessier__If you want help setting up H323 I'm not interested. If you need help setting up other things I might help.
17:25.45carrar$150/hr right?
17:25.56tessier__But it looks like you already have helpers so good luck.
17:27.10carrarIronMan2000, personaly I think you should attempt to try to do it yourself
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17:28.17carrarYou need to have your telco watch as you dial LD
17:28.43tessier__carrar: I have done that
17:28.43Qb3rton my asterisk server i need to forward calls to another country in one avaya system... is there a manner for me to bring back the call in canada and forward it to another location on keypress by the guy on answered the call in the other country??
17:28.49harlequin516The Dial cmd has the options h, and H.  How can you turn off both?
17:29.01*** join/#asterisk SeicherlBoB (
17:29.12harlequin516Can you specify -h?
17:29.39Qwellharlequin516: Just don't add them
17:29.57SeicherlBoBhi there! it seems the only extension i can catch a call via my voip-provider is with "_." though i registered the connection to extension 1   any ideas?
17:30.00tessier__carrar: When I dial a local long distance number with 11 digits (like 1858XXXXXXX or 1619XXXXXXX) it works fine. And they see the number dialed. If I dial a long distance number like 16319240517 (which is a number they told me to test with) I get the above error.
17:30.06BlackNTanmut: broadVOICE sorry about that
17:30.37harlequin516Are they all off by default?
17:30.54carrartessier, what about if you call that with your cell?
17:31.14carrarwhat do they say when you dial the number that does not work when they are watching?
17:31.25carrarassuming it works with your cell
17:31.25Qwellharlequin516: yes, options are only enabled when you add them
17:31.48tessier__So now I have a fingerpointing situation with my telco it seems.
17:31.55tessier__carrar: It works if I call it with my cell.
17:32.00carrarwell drop them if they can't help you
17:32.15carrarthey can watch as you dial
17:32.17mutanyone used chan_ss7?
17:32.22carrarbbl (meeting)
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17:32.37tessier__carrar: When I dial a long distance number they say they see the line flash and that's it
17:32.55SeicherlBoBon extension s my machine wont answer. it only answers when using _.     any suggestions why s extension is not working?
17:33.29[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: What interface are your calls coming in under?
17:33.44*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
17:33.51SeicherlBoB[TK]D-Fender: its a voip-only system.
17:34.37[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: Well most SIP calls come in TARGETING a number (usually the same as a DID you have registered to them.  Since the target is always know, "s" does not come into play.
17:35.15SeicherlBoB[TK]D-Fender: ok. this is all rather new to me. i just did what o'reiley told me ^^ can you explain that a bit more to me?
17:35.16[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: You shoul use a simple exten like : exten => 2135551212,1,Goto(mymainmenu,s,1) or something to cath that incoming call.
17:35.46[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: The only device that needs "s" for incoming calls is an analog line on a Zaptel interface.
17:35.58SeicherlBoB[TK]D-Fender: ahhh
17:36.15[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: Zaptel analog channels have no idea WHY they are ringing, just that they ARE.
17:36.51[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: All digital channels know what resource the caller is trying to access (DID's fall on PRI's, etc...)
17:36.59SeicherlBoB[TK]D-Fender: so if i have my SIP-account registered in some context like sip_in i should put it on a extension like 12345 and catch that extension in the dialplan?
17:37.10[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: Exactly
17:37.27SeicherlBoB[TK]D-Fender: ok. i'll try that. hold on
17:37.38[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: Your catch-all really does just that, but you should be able to put a SPECIFIC value for them.
17:38.30[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: Make the first priority of your catch-all do something like this : exten => _.,1,NoOp(The actual exten that was called was ${CALLERID(number)})
17:39.11[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: Then you'll have a confirmation on what they are sending so you can make the change.  It should also be the last things after the last "/ in your "register" line in sip.conf
17:39.47SeicherlBoBahhh... ok. wait a moment
17:39.54mountainm2kHey, wow, I caused a loop...  Nifty...
17:40.06Qwellmountainm2k: That's easy
17:40.11Qwellexten => s,1,Goto(s,1)
17:40.26mountainm2kYeah, well, I'm still trying to figure out where mine is looping...
17:40.36Qwellahh, accidently...yeah, that's different :p
17:40.50mountainm2kin my "user extension" macro, I have Set(CoverExt=${ARG2})
17:41.23mountainm2kthen back in the parent context, I have exten => a,1,Goto(extension-context,${CoverExt},1)
17:41.48mountainm2kso then in Voicemail(), I should be able to hit star, and go to $CoverExt
17:41.49SeicherlBoB[TK]D-Fender: and that output should be stated on the console?
17:41.52mountainm2kbut that caused a loop
17:41.55[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: Careful with global vars like that... protect your scope...
17:42.05[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: Exactly.  Then place a call to it and watch.
17:42.11mountainm2kShould be a channel var, yes?
17:42.20mountainm2kas in, specific only to this call, not global?
17:42.30[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: Pastebin your entire context and everything related to it.
17:42.36jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
17:42.45mountainm2khey, wow, jbot works again!
17:42.47SeicherlBoB[TK]D-Fender: what you told me just echoed the calling number, not the called extension
17:43.00[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: OOPS
17:43.10[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: Make the first priority of your catch-all do something like this : exten => _.,1,NoOp(The actual exten that was called was ${EXTEN})
17:43.21[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: Yeah... silly reflex made me type that! :)
17:43.59SeicherlBoBwell, makes more sense now - i should start thinking aswell
17:45.23SeicherlBoB[TK]D-Fender: ok. first i get "The actual eyten that was called was +43720505187" then i get "The actual eyten that was called was t"
17:45.35SeicherlBoBoh... t is for terminated?
17:46.26mountainm2kOK, Here it is...
17:46.39SeicherlBoBso do i have to register that account to that extension AND catch it with that extension on the dialplan? including the "+"?
17:46.44mountainm2kNot the entire thing, but it should be what's required for this...
17:46.53mountainm2k(I can do the entire thing if this part isn't clear)
17:48.01[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: Thats because the exten eventually runs out and your catchall is cathcing things twice
17:48.22[TK]D-FenderSeicherlBoB: Now that you know exactly how the call comes in remove your catchall and replace it witrh the fixed value.
17:48.59*** join/#asterisk voipman (
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17:49.50[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: "a" should be in your macro, not outside.  And should look more like : exten => a,1,Goto(internal-ld,${MACRO_EXTEN},1)
17:49.58*** part/#asterisk Avalone (
17:50.01*** part/#asterisk mog (
17:50.27[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: And that variable Hint you have there does NOT work.
17:50.30mountainm2kOh?  But then it'll define the a extension for every time the macro is called...
17:51.31[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: Actually more like : exten => a,1,Goto(internal-ld,${ARG2},1)
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17:51.58seicherlso, now i terminated ^^
17:51.59mountainm2kthat's inside my macro?
17:52.09[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: it is only important local to the dialplan being called and is not GLOBAL.  its limited to the channel calling it.
17:52.11seicherl[TK]D-Fender: sorry, lost connection
17:52.42seicherl[TK]D-Fender: first i got "The actual eyten that was called was +43720505187" then i got "The actual eyten that was called was t" (because the call was terminted ?)
17:53.37*** join/#asterisk mog (
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17:53.49mountainm2kOh...  hehe, crossed in the mail...
17:54.14[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: Yeah, virtually identical.  You are learning...
17:54.51mountainm2kSee, I thought when I first started all this that the macro would define a seperate "a" for each actual user phone (IE each time I say the macro)
17:54.59mountainm2kBut that just isn't the case, is it...
17:55.03[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: Why do all phones have 4 versions?
17:55.05*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
17:55.31seicherl[TK]D-Fender: so do i have to register that account to that extension AND catch it with that extension on the dialplan? including the "+"?
17:55.42[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: No you should call the macro with unique parameter indicating where to go.
17:55.42mountainm2keh?  Not sure what you mean...  I have internal, internal-local, internal-ld, and internal-intl
17:56.01mountainm2kRight...  Well, if ARG2 isn't set, that means don't do anything...
17:56.11mountainm2kIn other words, I'm guessing some people won't want this "feature"...
17:56.15[TK]D-FenderSeicherl : the "+" is a relevent char.  so exten => +43720505187,1,GetMoving()
17:56.55[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: You'll need to pass a set of parameters that is relevent to the specific call on a case-by-case basis
17:57.58[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: like say Macro(mydialmacro,2000,internal-ld,8005551212) for instance.  in your macro you'd test to see if parm is set and then act accordingly.
17:58.33*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
17:58.51mountainm2k  -- OK, so in exten => a the NoOp becomes Goto -- then I reload pbx_config and it totally ignores the star
17:58.56mountainm2kwhen I call
17:59.17mountainm2kand zero, too, for that matter
18:00.36[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: Thats just not normal.... works great for me...
18:00.51QwellYou need to enable...something...somewhere
18:01.20*** join/#asterisk seicherl (
18:01.20[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: Chow CLI output while you're at it.
18:01.51seicherl[TK]D-Fender: great. got disconnected again.... can you help me with that extension stuff again?
18:02.00Qwelloperator=yes, is it?
18:02.16[TK]D-FenderSeicherl : Seicherl : the "+" is a relevent char. so exten => +43720505187,1,GetMoving()
18:02.44seicherl[TK]D-Fender: and do i have to register the SIP-account under that extension aswell?
18:03.10[TK]D-FenderSeicherl : Well thats just what they send you.  I take it thats the # you pay them for?
18:03.29*** join/#asterisk unmanaged (n=unmanage@
18:03.35mountainm2kHere's my CLI:
18:04.02mountainm2kI dial an extension that prompts for the mailbox, then dial my mailbox number, and I get my greeting...  star and zero are both ignored...
18:04.04seicherl[TK]D-Fender: i mean in sip.conf where i register my SIP account. do i have to add the /+43720505187 ?
18:04.22[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: I don't see your macro being called anywhere in there....
18:04.39[TK]D-FenderSeicherl : Just do the extensions.conf part I mentioned first
18:04.42mountainm2khahaha, of course, damn...  One sec...
18:05.10unmanagedhmm When trying to push about 500 calls to test a system I am hitting what seems to be a limit of 126 channels, everything else after 126 calls go to UNAVAILABLE... what are some tips for high volume of calls....
18:05.13[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: My apples are CLEARLY superior to your ORANGES....
18:05.36*** join/#asterisk smackus (n=ckwall@
18:05.43mountainm2kmy "go to voicemail" ext doesn't actually call the macro, that'd be why...
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18:06.26smackusis it possible to run ztcfg on just one span of my t1 card? i have only one span that I need to change, but dont want to affect the calls on the other spans
18:06.52mountainm2k;smacks himself upside the face...
18:07.17mountainm2kOK, it works for outside calls, anyhow...
18:07.37tessier__Anyone familiar with snom phone dialplans able to tell me why this doesn't work for dialing international from the US:  |^(9011[0-9]*)|sip:+\1@\d|
18:07.39mountainm2kAnd perhapps it's best that the "go to voicemail" function doesn't allow zeroing / staring back out...
18:07.57tessier__It looks like it should begin with 9 then 011 then any number of digits 0-9 but the phone never matches it.
18:07.57mountainm2k[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the help...  :-)
18:07.58[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: Ok, either way you've got some confirmation and a better feel for macros.  Congrats.
18:08.14*** join/#asterisk toerkeium (i=oo@
18:08.15seicherl[TK]D-Fender: ok, if i have no extension set in sip.conf and only in extensions.conf (as you told me) i get no answer
18:08.26tessier__Note that I do not have a trailing d which would mean it is a complete number since we do not know how long the international number might be.
18:08.47[TK]D-Fenderseicherl: PM me your "register" line from sip.conf
18:08.56seicherl[TK]D-Fender: typo! ^^
18:09.04tessier__The rest of the dialplan works fine.
18:09.26mountainm2kHmmm, any way to only define the a extension if ${ARG2} is set to something?
18:09.35mountainm2kPerhapps a GotoIf
18:09.57seicherl[TK]D-Fender: looks good ^^
18:10.09mountainm2kGotoIf{${ARG2}!=''|blah ?
18:10.23[TK]D-Fenderseicherl: So all is goo with the fixed #?
18:11.00[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: GotoIf($["${ARG2}"=""]?blah)
18:11.04seicherl[TK]D-Fender: yeah. no extension set in sip.conf but in the dialingplan ^^ seems to work. i'll try to call my softphone
18:11.59[TK]D-Fenderseicherl: They maye ALWAYS target the exten related to your account regardless of whats sent.  Depends on them a bit....
18:11.59*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
18:12.13mountainm2kexten => a,1,GotoIf($["${ARG2}"=""]?internal-ld,${ARG2},1)
18:12.16mountainm2kshould work...
18:12.49mountainm2kand then the next priority dumps them back to VoiceMail -- ?
18:13.29*** join/#asterisk DasTech (
18:13.41DasTechok anyone here work with pix firewalling
18:13.45seicherl[TK]D-Fender: looks good. ^^
18:14.04DasTechI have the page from the wiki but it does not say where to make the protocols
18:14.14seicherl[TK]D-Fender: yeah, i just thought i could assign an internal extension to the sip-account
18:14.41[TK]D-Fenderseicherl: Well you use your dialplan to make it do whatever you want.
18:14.56DasTechI did the sip and rtp stuf
18:15.01[TK]D-Fenderseicherl: Its not a "pass-through.  * isn't a proxy, its a B2BUA (back To Back User Agent)
18:15.44seicherl[TK]D-Fender: yeah. gotta get used to that a bit more. and how can i use that for external calls now? (or should i better as mr o'reily again
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18:15.53DasTechwhere do you create the protocol
18:16.16bochis it possible to do: host=x.x.x.x,x.x.x.x in sip.conf ?
18:17.30tessier__Sometimes I really hate voip. :(
18:17.34[TK]D-Fenderseicherl: Depends how you set that guy up.  Yeah, give it a few tries and come back here after you've failed at a whole bunch of different ways :)
18:17.40mountainm2kexten => a,1,GotoIf($["${ARG2}"=""]?internal-ld,${ARG2},1)
18:17.41mountainm2kdidn't work
18:17.54mountainm2kWARNING[10494]: pbx.c:2357 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'SIP/603-697a' sent into invalid extension 'a' in context 'internal-ld', but no invalid handler
18:17.57tessier__So many other people to deal with, weird hardware, weird software...
18:18.11tessier__This should work! It is copied straight from the example.
18:18.37[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: Read that line carefully.. there is a tragic error in it.
18:20.18*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:21.22mountainm2kHmmm...  It would appear it's going all the way out to internal-ld extension 'a' -- that's not what I want...  D'oh...
18:21.51[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: Read it again... obvious error in there....
18:22.09mountainm2kpulling out my book -- looks like I missed the :
18:22.30vader--does anyone know if there is a way to build a gotoiftime where it's a file filled with dates?
18:22.36vader--i want to fill a file with dates that we are not in the building
18:22.44mountainm2kwell, not from what you wrote...
18:23.05mountainm2kYeah, no : after the ?
18:23.12[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: Break up that gog and ask yourself what variables are filled with and what will happen....
18:23.13mountainm2kor else I need a != as my expr
18:23.27[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: That might help in a way.....
18:23.40[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: read the logic :)
18:23.46mountainm2kIt seems the GotoIf was incorrect -- bassackwards logic
18:24.00mountainm2kI reversed the logic in the GotoIf, and it does what I wanted...
18:24.04[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: :)
18:24.37mountainm2k[TK]D-Fender: heh, guess I should learn to actually read the errors...  I usually am pretty good at that...
18:24.40*** join/#asterisk zeppelin_ (n=a@
18:25.46seicherl[TK]D-Fender: sorry, i was AFK. thanks for your help. that was an importain lesson to learn.
18:25.59[TK]D-Fenderseicherl: np
18:26.18*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (n=c4t3l@
18:26.25[TK]D-Fendervader--: well you can make a seperate file with the pile of dates in it to merge into your main extensions.conf if you like...
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18:29.58*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=dijungal@
18:30.37dijungalWhat calling card program can i use with trixbox. Let's say if i want to issue calling cards..?
18:31.03bochis it possible to do: host=x.x.x.x,x.x.x.x in a peer entry in sip.conf ?
18:31.07Strom_Cif you want to run a calling card company, don't use trixbox
18:31.11[TK]D-Fenderboch:  Yes
18:31.18dijungaluse what.?
18:31.30[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: Normal * like the rest of us
18:31.32*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
18:31.41dijungalStorm_C: I wanna do an internet cafe with voip service also
18:31.50Strom_Cmy name is not storm
18:31.56dijungalbut trixbox is soo much easier to manage
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18:32.08dijungaloooh crap... Strom_C... lol
18:32.21[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: Yes, an idiot interface for idiot level functionality.
18:32.30Strom_Cdijungal: if you can't use vi, you're not really in a position to be administering a production PBX
18:32.30dijungalso what calling card service can i add to asterisk...?
18:32.47[TK]D-Fenderdijungal:  Go look on first then come back.
18:32.51dijungali don't like vi ... i use nano
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18:33.08[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: Good then use nano and lean * thr proper way
18:33.11dijungali'm always on that's how i found this IRC channel
18:33.45dijungali've tried the proper way month ago.. by configuring the .confs but it's too tedious for what i wanna do
18:34.00dijungalthe asterisk box is on;y gonna be running prolly 4 or 5 phones.. nothing big
18:34.13dijungalthen i'm thinking of running the calls through vonage or skype out
18:34.26jboti guess hafc is hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
18:34.26[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: Then you clearly missed the obvious page :
18:34.26dijungalcause asterisk out seems to be more expensive these days
18:34.51[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: Which I GOOGLED in like 10 seconds flat in response to your saying you looked there first and felt you had to come here for the answer....
18:35.46[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: Indeed, HIFC.....
18:35.51budaircit's possible change the ring?! one type for internal context and other for external context??
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18:36.24[TK]D-Fenderbudairc: try rephrasing that into an actual sentence please....
18:37.10budairc[TK]D-Fender: sorry.. but my english is sux
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18:37.44[TK]D-Fenderbudairc: I'll respond to french as well.... take your pick.
18:38.08Strom_CMauvais numero!
18:38.17Strom_Cand that concludes my entire knowledge of French
18:39.18seicherl[TK]D-Fender: great. i can also make my own public extensions and redirect them to internal users ^^. thanks man. i think i now have a whole lot more of a clue about that than before
18:40.03DasTechok I need help understanding what is to be done for pix firewall I am fallowing the wiki page but it says create a protocal  where what file
18:40.10DasTechits not very clear
18:40.38[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: Add "Va-t'en mon ostie, et retournera jamais TABARNAC!" to your repetoire then ;)
18:40.48Strom_Cwhat does that mean?
18:40.52[TK]D-Fenderseicherl: Great to hear.
18:41.03[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: "Hello newb!" ;)
18:41.05mountainm2kCan I call a macro from within a macro?
18:41.32[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k:  Yes
18:41.34Strom_Cwhat's the literal translation?
18:41.45seicherl[TK]D-Fender: may i ask you one last thing? i need a procedure to show a client which extension or number was called (not calling). you know how to do that?
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18:42.18[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: Just because of the nesting I'd read it back as "Get the fuck outta here and never come back (asshole)".
18:42.26mountainm2kin -- the zero-out (to "o") isn't working...
18:42.30mountainm2kjust ignores the digits...
18:42.37[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: The french swearing doesn't translate literally as one might think...
18:42.38variable_officedoes anyone here use voipjet with asterisk?
18:42.45seicherl[TK]D-Fender: something like rewriting the CallerID to the number that was called
18:42.57Strom_Cseicherl: easy
18:43.09seicherlStrom_C: tell me
18:43.16Strom_Cseicherl: Set(CALLERID(num)=${EXTEN})
18:43.29[TK]D-Fenderseicherl: Yes, that'd be one way, but there are some discreet ways.  Like prfixing the CID name with a MINIMAL set of chars to indicate the channel the call came in on.
18:43.49Strom_Cthat too; mine is the "lol bruteforce" method
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18:44.05Strom_Csimple and totally not what you'd actually want to do
18:44.07[TK]D-Fenderseicherl: I suggest using only a prefix to the NAME rather than losing all of the original CID info.
18:44.30budairc[TK]D-Fender: so.. can i change the ring (type)? for external context one type of ring.. and for internal context other!? (understand?)
18:44.35[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: Brute is highly effective, but so very little difference to improve it vastly.
18:44.52seicherl[TK]D-Fender: the thing is, all SID-accounts should lead to one client phone and the secretary there shall know what company is beeing called
18:45.03[TK]D-Fenderbudairc: depends, but likely yes.
18:45.22mitchelocdoes anyone have the bt500?
18:45.25[TK]D-Fenderseicherl: how many incoming DID's do you need to uniquely ID?
18:45.26Strom_Cseicherl: better idea: set distinctive ringing for different companies, or have the different DNIS route to different line appearances
18:45.32mitcheloc*jabra bt500
18:45.39*** part/#asterisk sigwerk (
18:46.06seicherl[TK]D-Fender, Strom_C: there are about 20-50 different SID-accounts ^^
18:46.17seicherl[TK]D-Fender, Strom_C: different ringtones are a bad idea
18:46.25Strom_Cmaybe you should look into doing screenpops or something then
18:46.35Strom_Crunning an answering service, are you? :)
18:46.43seicherlStrom_C: depends on the client i'm using
18:46.52seicherlStrom_C: somehting like that
18:47.17Strom_Ccall center?
18:47.31seicherlStrom_C: no. but never mind.
18:47.44Strom_Chey, I was just guessing :)
18:47.52*** part/#asterisk variable_office (
18:47.54Strom_Cone option is this:
18:47.56seicherlcan i do some string-manipulation to the Calleid?
18:48.23Strom_Cuse queues.  Have a separate queue with agent callbacks for each company, and have it play the operator a recording before patching the caller through
18:48.52seicherlStrom_C: hmm.... got no clue about queues yet
18:49.01Strom_Cso (s)he picks up, hears "Super Happy FunCo" and then knows to answer "Super Happy FunCo, can i help you?"
18:49.45smackusis there a way in one line to do RemoveQueueMember <member name> from <ALL QUEUES>? is there a variable or some other phrase so that I do not have to go through and do them all one at a time?
18:50.44smackusseicherl: i just use the caller id and they like it alot
18:50.47seicherlStrom_C: well... sounds not bad. dont know if they want it like that.
18:51.07Strom_Cthat seems like the best way to do it in lieu of screen pops
18:51.09seicherlsmackus: you got something like that?
18:51.12LoneShadowanyone in here who is good with Sipura 3000 PSTN setup ?
18:51.19Strom_Caltering the caller ID information is generally a Bad Idea(tm)
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18:51.49seicherlStrom_C: well, its a bloody workaround... nasty hack. but if it works, noone asks ^^
18:52.15Strom_Cseicherl: having the recording is a better idea
18:52.24seicherlcan anyone gimme a codesnipplet? or tell me where to put that statement?
18:52.37Strom_Cso you have one queue for Super Happy FunCo, another for Free Candy Athletic Shoes Inc., and so on
18:52.39seicherlStrom_C: one after another. i'm just learning
18:53.41seicherlStrom_C: and i will have to ask my customer anyway what they want. but before i must have at least one solution
18:55.21*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (n=Justin@
18:55.27C6Vette${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%I%M%S)} reflects GMT time in dialplan is there a setting somewhere to compensate for timezones?
18:55.38SplasPoodOther than the fact that almost every device on earth supports RADIUS, any other benefits to using it to log my CDRs rather than direct to mysql, etc?
18:56.20MikeJradius loggin would typically be realtime cdrs, so if your box takes a dump mid call, you would still get a record...
18:56.37MikeJI don;t know that there is a realtime radius cdr for asterisk
18:57.08MikeJall the major billing packages generally uses radius
18:57.40seicherlStrom_C: although its no good idea ^^ can i write " exten => 1234,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=somestring)   "?
18:58.12*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
18:58.29SplasPoodMikeJ: Well wouldn't using cdr_odbc or _mysql to a remote db server be the same diff..  oh mid call...  you mean two records.. start/end rather than just 1 at the end?
18:59.24NuggetSee?  This is exactly why I log to /dev/null.  No messy ambiguity.
19:01.10seicherlsmackus: you manipulate the callerid, you said. how would i do that? can you gimme a codesnipplet or some explaination?
19:01.31mountainm2k -- extension "a" works (Thanks TK!), but extension "o" does not...  Any ideas?
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19:01.48SplasPoodNugget: :)
19:01.55Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
19:01.57sb_mxC6Vette, yes. this link might help you
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19:03.38[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: For "o" to work you need to set that up in voicemail.conf on a per-box basis with "|operator=yes"
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19:05.22mountainm2kAhhhhhh, of course it does...  Thanks again TK...  (slaps himself in the face...  again...)
19:06.23mountainm2kYup, that sure fixed it...
19:07.28rift0rwhat's the cheapest place online to get voip stuff... is voiplink seems pretty cheap, are they reliable?
19:07.53Nuggetmountainm2k is making is "o" face.
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19:08.53Adrian__hallo michael
19:08.56seicherlStrom_C: how would i manipulate the CALLERID? i tried but i still get the original callerid at the client phone
19:09.29Strom_Cpastebin extensions.conf
19:09.42wunderkinrift0r, the only advice i can give right now is not to order from redorbit, i placed an order today from voipsupply and so far it seems good
19:09.56*** join/#asterisk spr1te (i=spr1te@
19:10.10NuggetI've bought several phones from voipsupply with no problems at all.
19:10.33wunderkinmy only problem with voipsupply right now is that it took them an hour before anyone actually got in from sales
19:11.05justinu|laptopi don't like voipsupply... got a big runaround with some cisco 7960s i bought from them
19:11.05Strom_Ctry Set(CALLERID(name)=
19:11.43justinu|laptopnot in stock, after they said they were... shipped bad phone/power supply, took over 30 days to complete RMA process, etc.
19:11.58Strom_Cyeah, voipsupply dicked around with a client of mine with regards to credit card processing
19:12.02Strom_Cdelayed the install by a week
19:12.06Strom_Cnever again with voipsupply
19:12.09[TK]D-FenderCisco is eeeeevil!
19:12.19bkw_cisco isn't evil they do actually work
19:12.22kannanhi to all
19:12.27vltHello. I just discovered features.conf and the transfer functions.
19:12.29vltWhere can I define the AT timeout?
19:12.34seicherlStrom_C: works!
19:12.38justinu|laptopyah, phones are fine once I got non DOA hardware
19:12.43[TK]D-Fenderbkw_: Doesn't preclude their being evil :)
19:13.11rift0rok so I am looking at the SPA2002 and Grandstream HandyTone 496
19:13.15wunderkinvlt, i was looking for that too, it didnt seem to be in the example conf, i think i just had to change it in the source, i dont think there is a setting for it yet
19:13.15rift0ri may just pick up both =/
19:13.31Strom_Crift0r: RUN, do not walk, from grandstream
19:13.41rift0rok you are the second person to say that
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19:13.45seicherlStrom_C: man, thank you! that was one of the most importaint things to do today!
19:13.48rift0rso SPA2002 it is
19:13.56Strom_Cyou're welcome
19:13.57[TK]D-Fenderrift0r: Yup
19:14.07kannani am build one asterisk server on linux slackware for my friend,I would like to support him remotly from windows I get the xwindow of linux slack on my windows xp
19:14.11justinu|laptoponly customers i have who like Granstream are NOCs
19:14.13vltwunderkin d: Thank you.
19:14.18vltHow can I stop calling the phone I try to transfer the call to (would be flash on an ordinary PBX)?
19:14.18bkw_[TK]D-Fender, so qualify that satement?  Why is cisco evil?
19:14.19seicherlStrom_C: is it hard to get fax supported on asterisk?
19:14.33wunderkinvlt, the hangup feature code
19:14.36Strom_Cseicherl: faxing is like 10% skill, 20% knowledge, and 70% voodoo
19:14.50seicherlStrom_C: is it worth trying?
19:14.54Qwellonly 70?  you must have years of fax experience
19:14.59Strom_Cseicherl: if you're in an all-TDM environment it will work
19:15.13Strom_Cno voip
19:15.15Strom_Call T1s
19:15.21vltwunderkin: The *0 by default?
19:15.22seicherllol. i have VOIP only
19:15.24c4t3ltime division multiplexing
19:15.41wunderkinvlt, not sure, do a show features
19:16.09seicherlsomething like fax-to-mail working?
19:16.18[TK]D-Fenderbkw_: They resist working with the more open standards, etc....
19:16.34c4t3lfax-to-email does work
19:16.40bkw_[TK]D-Fender, didn't they just drop SCCP in favor of SIP?
19:16.48Qwellbkw_: allegedly, but...
19:16.53seicherlc4t3l. from within asterisk?
19:16.54Qwellno clue how true that is
19:16.57bkw_they did
19:17.07Qwellbkw_: I plan on having a chat with a cisco sales guy at VON
19:17.10vltwunderkin: There's a       "Disconnect Call           *       *0" line
19:17.10bkw_the fact that I have a 7970 on my desk right now running SIP sums it up
19:17.12Qwellor a tech, if there is one
19:17.15Qwellbkw_: true
19:17.31c4t3lseicher, no. using a pair of programs known as iaxmodem and hylafax
19:17.47c4t3lasterisk does help tho :(
19:17.52wunderkinvlt, yes
19:18.10seicherlc4t3l: ok... i will check that the other day. now i start celebrating the manipulation of the callerid ^^
19:18.22vltHow can I set up the following: Hitting *2 and a target number dials a phone. If I wait I can talk to the 3rd person and then transfer the call by hanging up (that's how it works now), but when I hangup while the other phone still rings I want the behavoir of hitting #1: Connecting the other two phones.
19:18.23vltIn short: a mix of Attended and Blind Transfer
19:18.25justinu|laptopSCCP is pretty cool.. an open specification would have helped it out
19:18.37Qwelljustinu|laptop: would have helped immensely
19:18.42seicherlc4t3l: just have to check if it works on the hardware-phone they use aswell^^
19:18.44Qwelland yes, sccp as a protocol is very cool
19:19.11c4t3lseicher, ahh.  Good luck
19:19.16Qwelljustinu|laptop: glad to see I've infected you, btw ;)
19:19.21jbotit has been said that faxing is 8% knowledge, 5% skill, 11% luck, and 76% voodoo
19:19.32c4t3lfaxing sucks!
19:19.35justinu|laptopi like thin clients
19:19.42seicherlbye mates
19:19.54Qwellsccp is so incredibly flexible
19:19.56fileevery time you fax... the fax machine takes a piece of your soul
19:20.04bkw_c4t3l, faxing rocks
19:20.08bkw_when you do it with cisco gear
19:20.09Qwellevery time you fax over voip, god kills a kitten
19:20.14c4t3lwhy do poeple STILL insist on using it????
19:20.31Qwellc4t3l: because it's difficult to sign emails?
19:20.57c4t3lwe should all just move back into caves and use paper cups and string!
19:21.04bkw_because it works
19:21.07bkw_faxing has been reliable for ages
19:21.26bkw_yes it has
19:21.34bkw_I do millions of faxes a month on cisco gear
19:21.43justinu|laptopfax is a really funky mix of ancient protocols
19:21.44bkw_and have very few errors
19:22.14c4t3li've gotten fax to work reliably with *, but I just hate it so much!
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19:22.42bkw_things like Digium hardware cause fax not to work on TDM
19:22.52justinu|laptopbecause there's no PLC?
19:22.54tzangerbkw_: I have no trouble with digium hardware and faxing
19:23.06tzangerat least not digitally, I haven't had an analog line in a long time now though ot test taht
19:23.09tzangerjustinu|laptop: no
19:23.11bkw_tzanger, we have had issues with frame slips
19:23.13justinu|laptopno jitter buffers?
19:23.15Qwellmy faxing solution is the best
19:23.22tzangerQwell: fax machine? :-)
19:23.29QwellI go to Kinkos, hand them a piece of paper, and a dollar, and it gets to the recipient...maybe
19:23.32bkw_and doesn't DTMF cause zaptel drama?
19:24.03tzangerbkw_: I haven't had a chance ot revisit that... it *did* but I odn't think it does that any more
19:24.41vltHow can I let my phone ring again after an unsuccessful blind transfer (#1)?
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19:25.28rajiv|workanyone know why * might stop aswering zaptel calls ?
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19:26.06rajiv|worki have a sangoma a200 and it was working fine for 33 days. but it just stopped asnwering ports 2, 3, and 4.
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19:28.01*** join/#asterisk Egonis (n=Egonis@
19:28.19EgonisHow do I allow incoming callers to exit Voicemail and return to the main menu?
19:29.35wunderkinEgonis, show application voicemail
19:30.10vltHow can I park a call? I thought by pressing 700 while active call but that didn't work. Do I have to transfer the call to 700 by pressing #1 700?
19:30.30Strom_Cyou must do an attended transfer to 700
19:30.33vlthotroot: Thanks
19:31.09vltBut then how can I hear the number it is parked to?
19:31.22Egoniswunderkin: so by making an extension 'exten => a,1,Goto(blah,s,1) would allow VoiceMail(u0) to return?
19:31.22hotrootastersik will tell you
19:31.25Strom_Cthat's why you do an ATTENDED transger
19:31.31Strom_Cer, transfer
19:31.50vltStrom_C: by pressing *2 (in default conf)?
19:32.06Strom_Cvlt: beats me; i always use the transfer feature on my sip phone
19:32.10vltThink I got it know ;-)
19:32.59vltStrom_C: And when you use sip transfer you can hear asterisk telling you the parking lot?
19:33.26*** part/#asterisk hotroot (
19:34.50[TK]D-Fendervlt: You'd have to use a catch-all cotext that would attempt to pass-on the call and return on failure
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19:35.59vltIs there an example extensions.conf somewhere?
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19:36.20DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: where i can read about asterisk codecs ? and if i want asterisk to use a codec based on the client .. i mena the client chose the codecs not astersik . any idea ?
19:36.32frenzyhello all...
19:37.22rajiv|workhmm. i'm not the only one:
19:38.10frenzyI have an issue with my phone provider... when a call comes in and the caller hangs up the phone provider isnt sending any tones or hangup messages.
19:38.50[TK]D-Fendervlt: There are no "magic examples" for such things.
19:38.55[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Read the WIKI and the BOOK, aside from that, no idea.
19:39.01frenzyI have to hangup for the call to really hangup... Is it possible for asterisk to hangup on silence?
19:39.11DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: all the wiki :P?
19:39.21DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: thx i'll dig the book as i think :-)
19:39.40[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Get off your ass and read the resources you know are there...
19:40.04DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: dah why u assum i'm not geting my ass and reading ? i do ! but sometimes i have problem to know what i need to search for
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19:43.20Strom_Cfrenzy: are you using VoIP or POTS?
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19:44.10frenzyZap (Analog Pots) -> Asterisk -> SIP
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19:44.34Strom_Cfrenzy: get your telco to add disconnect supervision to your phone line
19:45.07frenzyi dont think they would be willing to do that :)
19:45.12Strom_Cwhy not?
19:45.13frenzywhats hanguponpolarityswitch?
19:45.23Strom_Cwho is your telco?
19:45.25frenzythick folks :(
19:45.38Adrian__i seam to have some problems with ENUM/direct IP calls. they only work one way. the other party hears me but i do not hear them. i am behind a NAT - i checked the ports and firewall rules, ports are forwarded according to my rtp conf (10000-10100) and i have according firewall rules to allow that traffic - any ideas?
19:45.40frenzysome african monopoly teleco
19:46.01*** join/#asterisk phalacee (n=Sunforge@
19:46.02eKo1Adrian__: What happens if you turn of the firewall?
19:46.47Adrian__eKo1 - there is no easy way to do that... :/
19:48.38[TK]D-FenderAdrian__: Pastebin the [general] section from your sip.conf
19:48.48jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
19:50.16*** join/#asterisk dswillia74437 (n=me@
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19:50.45dswillia74437what is the maximum numbers of stored messages comedian will handle per box?
19:50.51*** part/#asterisk Egonis (n=Egonis@
19:51.05Qwelldswillia74437: 9999, unless you change a #define in app_voicemail.c
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19:51.25Qwellhowever, there is an option in voicemail.conf, that limits it also
19:51.53dswillia74437great, has anyone heard of using asterisk just for voicemail off an avaya pbx?
19:52.22willy1234how do u set up fax to email
19:52.31bkw_use a cisco AS5300
19:52.35Qwellwilly1234: That is a loaded question
19:52.54mountainm2kwilly1234: a VERY loaded question
19:53.09[TK]D-Fenderwilly1234: Read the WIKI... obvious samples there : Canaplus YTD 2006-08-31 vs YTD 2005-08-31.xls
19:53.14mountainm2kwilly1234: I got it working using a program called iaxmodem and HylaFAX...
19:53.14willy1234what do u mean by loaded
19:53.38[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: No, he's definately shooting blanks ;)
19:54.14willy1234looks hard
19:54.35[TK]D-Fenderwilly1234: Life is like a dick... if it gets too hard FUCK IT.
19:54.41Adrian__D-Fender -
19:55.20[TK]D-Fenderwilly1234: And not that hard... go read up on SpanDSP while you're at it.  start there just being able to RECEIVE a fax before you start worrying about how to spit it back out...
19:55.24willy1234i have hang up issues on a tdm04B
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19:55.49[TK]D-FenderAdrian__: Thats not quite right.....
19:56.02mountainm2kwilly1234: I had a hard time getting the rxfax() and txfax() (the applications provided by SpanDSP -- google that)  to work
19:56.05willy1234ive a fax machine for sending
19:56.25mountainm2kwilly1234: So I found iaxmodem (google that too), and HylaFAX (google that too)...
19:56.28*** part/#asterisk rados___ (
19:56.37Adrian__D-Fender - what part?
19:56.55[TK]D-FenderAdrian__: Missing the canreinvites, and its host, not IP and you need the matching part...
19:57.15mountainm2kwilly1234: In our company, we gave every single employee a dedicated fax-to-email number...  With only a few mods to the HylaFAX script, I had it read from * Realtime for the email address...
19:57.21[TK]D-Fenderwilly1234: what are you looking to do?  Use your fax machine like a scanner?
19:58.14willy1234i have a fax mackhine connected to a pap2 but it sometimes fails
19:58.25mountainm2kI should document what I did to make it work...
19:58.54willy1234i would like the pbx to email a copy aswell as send it to the fax
19:59.17willy1234any tips on tdm04b hang up issues
19:59.31mountainm2kwilly1234: Unless your fax machine is also a network printer, I'd say that won't work real well...  Again, in my experience...
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19:59.42willy1234it wont dectect the pstn hang up signal
20:00.00willy1234it is a newtork printer
20:00.03dswillia74437Ok so my biss is ready to throw away our audix system that we use on our avaya, wanting to replace it with asterisk/comedian i dont think i would be able to light the mwi on our avaya phones.  Am I wrong?
20:00.04mountainm2kwilly1234: But keep in mind -- if you're using VoIP for the incoming phone lines, it's not going to work at all...
20:00.13Adrian__[TK]D-Fender - ok i filled that stuff in, still doesnt work
20:00.53willy1234the incomming line is a pstn line it is then sent to the sip fax extension
20:01.28[TK]D-FenderAdrian__:  Check your headers on a SIP debug
20:01.30mountainm2kwilly1234: OK...  I've found that my fax machine, connected to a TDM400 analog port works reliably...  I have not tried a SIP ATA...
20:01.53[TK]D-Fenderwilly1234: Doesn't work that way.  * can't spy passively on a fax like that
20:01.59mountainm2kwilly1234: I use that for outbound, and the iaxmodem / HylaFAX solution for inbound (incoming faxes are only emailed, NOT printed)
20:02.23[TK]D-Fenderwilly1234: * would have to receive it electronically through something like SpanDSP/hylafax and then FORWARD it internally.
20:03.10[TK]D-Fenderwilly1234: I would suggest using SpanDSP for inbound fax in that case and use your fax machine for only outbound if you NEED to have fax-2-email.
20:03.16willy1234if i can get it to email then they could print it out
20:03.31[TK]D-Fenderwilly1234: Otherwise I'd say get * the hell away from your fax machine and leave it on its own line.
20:03.57[TK]D-Fenderwilly1234: Upon receipt there is no reason you couldn't have your * print it directly itself.
20:04.27willy1234yeah i was tying to use line hunting to use the fax line as a fall over to the main line when it was busy
20:05.11mountainm2kHeh, I set up 3 fax ports...  no more busies...  lol
20:05.44willy1234ok the TDM04B hang up problem is more important to solve
20:05.49[TK]D-FenderI use SpanDSP on my PRI with WAY more channels that I can forsee needing... same here ;)
20:06.04[TK]D-Fenderwilly1234: Ask your telco to add  "disconnect supervision" to the line.
20:06.21willy1234what does that do
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20:06.50filewilly1234: it adds a way for the card to know that someone hung up
20:06.57filepolarity reversal I believe
20:07.04mountainm2kwilly1234: Basically the PSTN will signal your * box that the guy on the other end hung up...
20:07.13mountainm2kwilly1234: Usually drops the talk-battery for 500ms
20:07.17mountainm2kbut sometimes it is reversed
20:07.32[TK]D-Fenderwilly1234: 2 popular options : momentary circuit-cut, or polarity reversal.
20:07.38willy1234thanks so much
20:07.49kannani am build one asterisk server on linux slackware for my friend,I would like to support him remotly from windows I get the xwindow of linux slack on my windows xp
20:07.53file[TK]D-Fender: I'm calling today... Sleepy Wednesday
20:08.07willy1234so will the provider be able to do that?
20:08.10[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Who needs xwindows? :)  Get Putty :)
20:08.30[TK]D-Fenderfile: Calling for what?  Your new system still?
20:08.31kronenpjkannan: Look at Exceed (purchase) or Cygwin for an X server for your windows box.
20:08.44file[TK]D-Fender: no, I just slept really horribly lastnight
20:08.46kronenpjkannan: Then use PuTTY to tunnel the X connection securely through SSH.
20:09.11kannani need linux slack xwindow(server) from my windows xp(client)
20:09.32kannanin putty its show only command promt
20:09.48kannansomebody says vnc server
20:10.01kannanshow xwindow of linux
20:10.10Qwellkannan: nx is WAY better than vnc
20:10.12kannanbut i dont know how its work
20:10.32Qwellkronenpj: That's almost exactly what nx does
20:10.45kronenpjQwell: And a little easier to set up, in my experience.
20:10.46Qwellexcept it's got a lot of tweaks to make it really fast
20:10.53kannanwhere i get that
20:10.59mountainm2kkannan: Incidently, I've been administering Unix/Linux boxes for a long time using only PuTTY (without xwindows)
20:11.23[TK]D-Fenderbesides, who installs Slackware to run X? :)
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20:11.30kannani would like work on my xwindow
20:11.30mountainm2kkannan: and Asterisk is text-only -- there isn't much of a GUI to it...
20:11.34[TK]D-Fender(aside from me) ;)
20:11.49kannanadmin pages
20:12.02mountainm2kwhat admin pages?
20:12.10[TK]D-Fenderkannan:  Again X doesn't help you with * in any meaningful way...
20:12.39[TK]D-Fender(prepare for FreePBX/Trixbox revelation)
20:13.06mountainm2kkannan: If you insist on using X, I recommend X-Win32 -- it has an SSH client built in, and is less expensive than Xceed (but more than Cigwin)...
20:13.23Qwellmountainm2k: Then you haven't looked at nx :)
20:13.26kannanif i do any changes on vicidial,astguiclient admin pages to change the settings,in command promt it dosnt show properly
20:13.42Qwellmountainm2k: I swear, if you use it, you'll never use anything else again, heh
20:13.51mountainm2kQwell: Send URL pls?  dunno
20:14.02mountainm2kQwell: Incidently, I never use Xwin32 either, although I did buy it...
20:14.05QwellIt's semi-GPLed
20:14.15QwellThere is freenx, and the official nx client is free
20:14.19mountainm2kahhha, ?
20:14.23Qwellthat's the one
20:14.32*** join/#asterisk new2voip (
20:14.34IOscannerI have inbound/outbound termination from an external provider.  I don't have to register.  They just route the calls into my PBX.  I have a trunk setup for outbound and it works.  Inbound is not working.  I have a trunk the system answers the call but doesn't seem to know what to do with the call and plays a noservice msg.
20:14.41Qwellit's very, very cool, and very, very fast
20:14.44IOscannerI am on the CLI and I see the DID is set to the correct number.  I have an inbound route setup, but it is not using that route.
20:14.53Qwellmountainm2k: for real, I watched a movie in totem over it
20:15.00Qwelland it looked GREAT
20:15.05IOscannerwhen the call transfers to me I do see: Received incoming SIP connection from unknown peer to 8661111111
20:15.17IOscannerany ideas what I might be missing?
20:15.20fileIOscanner: are you a FreePBX/Trixbox user?
20:15.29mountainm2kQwell: Interesting, I'm going to give it a try...
20:15.31IOscannerYes FreePBX
20:15.36Qwellmountainm2k: iirc, it can do sound and printers and stuff too :)
20:16.05fileIOscanner: yeah... #freepbx - they can help you hopefully get it configured properly...
20:16.19mountainm2kQwell: Not like I have any machines requiring X
20:16.25mountainm2kQwell: but still...
20:17.24IOscannerI think it is just a trunk configuration issue.  I know the system Just not sure what asterisk needs to allow this trunk to be passed correctly
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20:28.15hmmhesayswell I got my 2102
20:28.32_deg_Is this possible to have Asteterisk 1.2 and Realtime Static?
20:31.01[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home, BBIAB
20:38.06c4t3ldoes anyone know of a way to find out if a phone is forwarded to itself?
20:39.03MikeJin a pure sip environment, that is what loop checking is for... most protocols should implement somthing like a max-forwards
20:39.24*** join/#asterisk [Yatta] (n=noe@
20:39.56MikeJwhen you get into a b2bua behavior like asterisk, I am not sure what the sip spec says to do on that, it may be to pass the max forwards (decreased by 1) to the other end in the case of a forward...
20:40.08MikeJI do not beleive that is acutally done right now...
20:49.16*** join/#asterisk flashnet (
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20:52.09Serbaniaoticquick question, is there any BLA/SLA built with any of the recent releases?
20:54.32jbotmethinks sla is service level agreement.  if they're down for more then XX minutes, they pay *YOU*
20:54.43Qwellshared line appearances
20:55.01c4t3ldoes anyone know of a way to find out if a phone is forwarded to itself?
20:55.02Qwelland I think he means BLF
20:55.07jbotit has been said that blf is Busy Lamp Field, aka little lights next to speed dials that light up when the person is on the phone and blink when that line is ringing.  hint extensions are static mapped to SIP or other channels.
20:55.15Serbaniaoticbridged line appearance / shared line appearance... the bane of my existence since parking is too many keystrokes according to my users
20:55.21*** join/#asterisk volp (n=volp@
20:56.02new2voipI  am trying to connect an IAX soft phone to my server internally and the client tells me the server cannot be contacted.  SIP works fine, any clues as to why IAX client will not connect?
20:56.43CtRiXwatch at the logs... may be helpful
21:01.09*** join/#asterisk dashu (
21:01.17Serbaniaotichas any one been able to figure out a way to repark to the same parking spot after an accidental pickup?
21:01.25mercestesc4t3l:  Check out the polycom -phone.cfg files.
21:03.57dashu:o got some questions just have seen that there is a windows version of asterisk can u tell me if i can do the same stuff with the asterisk for the windows version that i could do with the linux version ? my boss would be happy about it cause we are running some asterisk linux server for quiet some time now but he isnt really good with linux and wanted to be able to use asterisk too
21:04.50c4t3li've gotta box with a S!@T load of asterisk processes.  is there a command line tool that can help me trace which phone may be forwarded to itself?
21:05.13Qwellc4t3l: show channels might give you a clue
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21:10.21dashu:p i know my english is bad but an answer would still be nice
21:11.11MikeJthe only windows version I know of is stuff...
21:11.41MikeJI ported most of that stuff to the 1.2 branch in tree, but some of the build stuff was sacraficed in the recent build system reorg in trunk
21:12.41MikeJthe only windows stuff is cygwin stuff.. and it has never been gotten to really work on anything after 1.0 branch... and no one was interested in helping maintain it..
21:14.15dashuhehe XD not ur fault
21:14.27MikeJthe code is pretty close to being fine for cygwin, the build will have to be re-worked to get the linking right again
21:14.51MikeJbut it should be fairly trivial.. the problem i had was I could never properly debug anything in cygwin as gdb never worked well
21:15.35MikeJthe gdb for mingw is supposed to work better, but getting asterisk to compile with mingw would be a decent chunk more work..
21:16.12Serbaniaotici'm tweaking around getting colinux to run on my xp machine then using gentoo build to install asterisk
21:16.31MikeJdon't bother..
21:16.55MikeJit's a waste of time, you might as well use vmware at that point
21:16.57dashuoh well :p thanks for the info guess the linux server will have to do for a little longer ^^
21:17.01Strom_Cdo you people just love pain or something?
21:17.15SplasPoodwow.. the Zimbra asterisk zimlet is INSANE
21:17.28Serbaniaoticwe are geeks, we're prone to pain and punishment
21:17.52nick125_lappywtf, my associate just told me that just suspended our account because we made a 5 hour phone
21:20.07CunningPikedashu: Why don't you want your linux server? License cost too high? :)
21:23.25Strom_Cdynamic meetme conferencing
21:24.01nick125_lappyI think its a flag you pass to app_meetme, but, I don't remember it off hand
21:24.50bkw_how can you not remember that?
21:25.34Toadyusstrom_c - is that a addon?
21:25.58Strom_Cyou pass the d flag to Meetme()
21:26.26Toadyusnever set up meetme before
21:26.40Strom_Cit's balls-easy
21:27.35*** join/#asterisk keith80403 (
21:28.54nick125_lappyunless you are running in a xen VM which doesn't have a RTC device, which causes zaptel to cry and pout
21:29.05*** join/#asterisk km- (
21:29.39km-hey guys, got a quick question (I hope)
21:29.43km-Sep  6 16:27:53 NOTICE[3084]: chan_iax2.c:5258 authenticate: Asked to authenticate to with an RSA key, but they don't allow RSA authentication
21:30.07km-Is that error produced when the key is wrong too?  I'm trying to figure out why I can't originate a RSA call
21:30.23nick125_lappykm-: that usually means the host you are trying to connect do doesn't like RSA
21:30.39*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
21:30.42km-nick125_lappy: I'm trying to figure out why :)
21:31.13nick125_lappywhat kind of host are you trying to connect to? you might want to look in the logs on that box as well
21:33.50km-the remote system doesn't show any connect attempt that I can see
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21:35.48frenzyhow do I enabled Call waiting on BT102 I have the option enabled in the admin section and rebooted it however asterisk still says call waiting disabled
21:37.39Vorondilhey y'all, quick question: what do the letters output by 'iax2 jb debug' mean?  (i.e. - vvvvvllvvvvlsvvv, etc)
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21:37.54anthonylj #blackfin
21:38.34km-rsa keying is a pain in the butt I guess
21:41.44kannanany recommendations for a DID number is USA that will be supported by my asterisk ox, I need one DID number that has 20 simultanous lines at least
21:41.52bkruseVorondil: dont take my word, but jitter buffer debug?
21:42.32Vorondilbkruse: :-P indeed.  any idea what each letter signifies?
21:45.11*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
21:45.16Adrian__i am having a problem with ENUM - normal sip calls work. ENUM calls work, but i do not get any audio (the other person can hear me but i cannot hear them)
21:45.24Adrian__any ideas?
21:46.44RyushinHow many people are using tftp for their polycom phones instead of ftp?
21:47.01Strom_Ci set up tftp this weekend
21:47.35RyushinI'm just wondering if that is why my ip430's are having problems.  I'm using vsftpd.
21:47.55CunningPikeWhat is the name of the PBX appliance that Digium is involved in?
21:47.57Strom_Ci just used atftpd
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21:48.27blitzrageAdrian__: thats odd because ENUM should just be a lookup scheme I'm pretty sure... ?
21:48.31RyushinYea, I just installed atftpd.
21:48.37blitzragealthough I've not done much (really any) work with ENUM
21:48.43blitzragebut I don't think it's a transport
21:48.49Strom_Cwhat is the problem you're having, Ryushin?
21:49.17*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
21:49.54droopshey strom, ive almost got it working
21:50.00*** join/#asterisk basty (
21:50.06Strom_Cdroops: cool
21:50.10Strom_Cwhats your solution?
21:50.11droopsi just need to use SET() from my agi
21:50.16bastyAnyone familar with using Asterisk with Zaptel on Heartbeat?
21:50.18droopsim using meetme, thats working fine
21:51.33RyushinThe ip430's go into this constant reboot.  I told formatted the file system on three of them, and those can no longer fine the application and go into a reboot loop.  I have about 8 others that kept rebooting, and three of them fixed themselves by turning of vsftpd.  I'm thinking that somehow vsftpd might be the issue, but the 601 worked fine with it.  It's supports case sensitivity, and the phones have been reading and dumping files to
21:51.33Ryushinit just fine.
21:52.32bastyI need to find a way on how to stop zaptel in case of a failover. Problem is that when I setup haresources on heartbeat like "... zaptel asterisk ..." Zaptel is getting starting before asterisk....Thats okay...but in case of a failover it first tries to stop zaptel while asterisk is still running.
21:52.55bastywell - and that doesnt work.. ;-)
21:53.06RyushinI'm wondering if I should just use tftp until the ip430's have the new 2.0.1 firmware and 2.3.2 bootroms.
21:53.45RyushinThe phones aren't pulling anything from the tftpd daemon though.  Even after pressing 1357, to force them to reset.
21:56.03RyushinI don't have onsite access to the phones right now.  Is there a way to force a polycom phone to pull from tftp instead of ftp?
21:56.20CunningPikeRyushin: It's in the phone itself
21:56.39CunningPikeRyushin: ftp is better - you can poll for updates etc
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22:00.59dieno2can any one tell me how to listen live Calls on Asterisk
22:01.44RyushinCunningPike:  That's why I wanted to use FTP.  But for right now, I just want to get these ip430's to work.
22:02.27dieno2can any one tell me how to listen live Calls on Asterisk\
22:02.39RyushinIt's just to remove vsftpd as the culprit.
22:04.36CunningPikeRyushin: Hmmm - we use vsftp without issues
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22:08.12RyushinYea, the 601's don't have any issues, but I'm sure having issues with the ip401's.
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22:14.27_DAWhello mates
22:15.13CunningPikeRyushin: I'm wondering if the firmware on the 430s is newer than what is on your vsftp server
22:22.14*** part/#asterisk Vorondil (n=vorondil@
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22:23.01dienocan any 1 tell me how to listen LIVE CAlls
22:23.25C6Vettedieno, look up ChanSpy
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22:23.50C6Vetteand/or ZapScan
22:24.07droopsanyone ever set a variable with a call file?  i cant find an example of the syntax
22:24.08*** part/#asterisk Serbaniaotic (n=mikep@
22:24.23droopsSet:prop_id=4 isnt right
22:24.25C6Vettedroops, yes. hold on
22:24.43dienook thnx
22:24.56C6VetteSetVar: var=607554
22:25.00RyushinCunningPike:  Well, I installed 3.2.2 and 2.0.1 yesterday.  They don't seem to be picking it up.
22:25.10droopsthanks C6Vette
22:25.24RyushinI think I'm going to have to go onsite and hard code the problem phones to use tftp.  See if that fixes it.
22:25.55CunningPikeRyushin: I'd be interested to hear how it goes....
22:26.23dienoand now how to install Zapscan or Chanspy
22:27.30*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=teknopre@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
22:27.37teknoprepi am looking for an ata that supports asterisk and GSM
22:27.40teknoprepanyone know of one?
22:27.49CunningPikedieno: Do you have a specific question about the procedure, having read all the available materials?
22:29.04RyushinI'll let you know.  If it fixes the problem, I'll add it to the ip430 info on the the voip-info wiki.
22:29.35CunningPikeRyushin: Sure :)
22:29.41budaircwhat is the best codec?!? low bandwidth and good quality
22:29.59budaircand is free?
22:30.03teknoprepgsm is great
22:30.10teknoprepaprox 33kbit/sec
22:30.24CunningPikebudairc: Ah. You didn't specify ;)
22:30.26droopsC6Vette, that worked like a charm, thanks
22:30.44C6Vettedroops, glad I could help
22:31.06Cresl1ng.729 sucks
22:31.09Cresl1nit sounds awful
22:31.14*** part/#asterisk basty (
22:31.16budaircCunningPike: and ata supports g.729?
22:31.41CunningPikeSipura does - at least the SPA-3000
22:32.42budairchmm.. G.729 is good or is sucks? ehhe
22:32.50budaircCresl1n: why?
22:33.03teknoprepgsm codec with ata?
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22:33.06teknoprepanyone know of one?
22:33.12Cresl1nbudairc: is just does
22:33.31*** join/#asterisk rollergrrl (
22:33.39Cresl1nlisten to ulaw on a good speaker, and listen to g.729 and there's a world of difference
22:33.40budaircCresl1n: for u.. what is best?
22:33.53trevarthanhello. Can someone here recommend GUIs for office use and call center use?
22:34.06Cresl1nbudairc: g.729 works for most people. it just doesn't sound that great
22:34.12Adrian__SIP calls over my sip provider work, but SIP direct IP or ENUM calls do not work (no incoming audio)
22:34.15Cresl1nwell, it sounds good enough for most people though
22:34.44trevarthanI prefer open source, but if there is a commercial GUI that is clearly superior for a particular purpose then I'd like to know about it.
22:34.46teknoprepis it possible to have asterisk behind a nat... and a sip phone behind a nat.. and have them talk properly... even after forwarding ports it did not work properly... do i have to edit any conf files forthis?
22:34.58budaircCresl1n: but.. low bandwidt
22:35.06teknoprepbudairc use GSM
22:35.08Cresl1nyeah, that's the problem :-)
22:35.09teknoprepGSM OWNS YOU
22:35.17*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
22:35.22budaircteknoprep: :D
22:35.22teknoprepbudairc even my phones on the lan use GSM .. with a GSM trunk
22:35.34budairci'm using GSM
22:35.35*** join/#asterisk vosque (i=e40djoee@
22:35.44trevarthanteknoprep: I made asterisk talk to a SIP phone while both were behind a firewall. You have to publish the ports on the asterisk server and use a STUN server though.
22:36.02teknopreppublish the ports on the asterisk server?
22:36.06teknoprepwtf does publish ports mean?
22:36.10vosqueIs there anyway to make the ZAP channel not pick up right away?  I've still got a POTS phone that I would like to have an opportunity to answer.
22:36.37Strom_Mvosque: buy a terminal adapter
22:36.38rollergrrlHow would one combine gsm files, on the fly, so you can use them in one Read?
22:36.44trevarthanteknoprep: publish the asterisk ports on your firewall. "punch a hole in the firewall" might be a better term.
22:36.55teknoprepthat would be port forwarding or dnat
22:36.59vosqueStrom_M: eventually, yes, but is there anything I can do in the meantime?
22:36.59teknoprepdestination nat
22:37.01trevarthanvosque: yes. use wait(), I think.
22:37.18teknopreppunching a hole into the firewall is still even a bad term but ty for the help
22:37.30teknoprepnow the stun ... do i have to do that on asterisk or do i do that on the phone?
22:37.42trevarthanteknoprep: port forwarding. right. you're seriously arguing with me over terminology?
22:38.00trevarthanteknoprep: STUN is for the phone.
22:38.15teknopreptrevarthan no... i am arguing for the fact that if you at least said somethign with similar viability towards port forwarding i wouldn't have said anything
22:38.15budaircteknoprep: do u know how i change the ring type.. differents for internal extension.. and external extension?
22:38.19trevarthanteknoprep: the asterisk server needs a static IP on the firewall's public interface.
22:38.21teknoprepbut i had no idea what you were tlaking about
22:38.40budaircteknoprep: sorry for my english.. i know that sucks..
22:38.41teknoprepbudairc its settings on the phone
22:38.42Adrian__any ideas about how to fix one way audio with direct IP/ENUM calls?
22:38.58teknoprepbudairc you can also doit with asterisk but i don't know
22:39.09Strom_Madrian: are the calls sip?
22:39.31Adrian__Storm_M - yes
22:39.31teknopreppersonally i would never put a voip server behind a NAT firewall.. but i was just asking for gerneral knowledge.. as i have tryed to doit and it won't work
22:39.33trevarthanagain: can anyone recommend GUIs for asterisk in a call center and/or office environment?
22:39.35budaircteknoprep: hmm.. its settings for softphone too?! (x-lite)
22:39.55Strom_Madrian: behind a nat?
22:40.18Adrian__Storm_M - SIP calls work as long as they run over my SIP provider - but when i try to call a SIP adress directly i do not get audio (the other person can hear me)
22:40.25Adrian__Storm_M - ya behind NAT
22:40.36trevarthanteknoprep: I assure you that it does work. I can take a preconfigured hardware VoIP phone and plug it into anyone's cable/dsl and get dialtone to my asterisk server.
22:40.36Strom_Madrian: the problem is the nat
22:40.54Strom_Madrian: put the asterisk server in front of the nat
22:41.11Strom_Mand stop calling me storm
22:41.30teknopreptrevarthan is your Asterisk box behind a NAT ?
22:41.34budaircAdrian__: i'm solve my problem using in front of of the nat
22:41.36Adrian__Strom_M - oops sorry...
22:42.20teknopreptrevarthan did you have to edit any conf files to add the ip to?
22:42.38Adrian__budairc/Strom_M - i am behind a ADSL router - and i only get one IP - so i need NAT don't I?
22:42.43trevarthanteknoprep: "behind" is a loose term. Yes, it's physically connected to a NAT. No, it doesn't use NAT to get to the outside world because the ports are forwarded.
22:42.45teknopreptrevarthan i would think you would need to fake the external ip of the trixbox to SIP phones
22:43.04trevarthanteknoprep: just a moment.
22:43.11teknopreptrevarthan yes actually you still use NAT if you take Ext.IP and forward it to an Intern.IP
22:43.14teknoprepthat is still nat
22:43.20Adrian__i forwarded the pords, set up the firewall rules, etc. it sould work :(
22:43.36teknoprepif you just Forward through a Firewall... then no its just a port forwarding Packet Filter that allows said ports to IP
22:43.44teknopreplike an ACL in a Router/Pix
22:43.48wunderkindocelmo = nubb
22:43.52Strom_Madrian: double nat does not work well with sip
22:43.54budaircAdrian__: hmm.. use DMZ for the server.. all ports send to the server
22:44.05trevarthanteknoprep: do you want me to help you, or do you want to keep correcting me?
22:44.37teknopreptrevarthan i was just informing you.. i would never take the standpoint to correct you in how your setup is... as its working.. so no i am not doing either in your question
22:44.45teknopreptrevarthan yes i do want help
22:44.49Adrian__Strom_M - double NAT?
22:44.54Adrian__i only have one...
22:45.07Strom_Mnat on the other end of the call
22:45.21budaircin and out
22:45.23trevarthanteknoprep: just a moment. I have to find the config.
22:45.29teknoprepnat <-> Inet <-> Nat
22:45.39teknoprepphone - nat - inet - nat - *
22:46.06budaircteknoprep: thnx for help me.. ;)
22:46.14Adrian__but that doesnt make sense - i called a guy who also has a nat - he can hear me but i cant hear him :/
22:46.55teknoprepbudairc np
22:46.55Strom_Madrian: please go read up on sip
22:46.56budaircAdrian__: yeahh.. is a nat problem.. with rtp ports
22:47.17*** join/#asterisk Beighto (n=chatzill@
22:47.26trevarthanteknoprep: in sip.conf you need to set externip and localnet.
22:48.57trevarthanteknoprep: I believe I also have the 'nat' option commented out. I think that defaults to nat=no.
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22:49.46trevarthanteknoprep: I tested this setup with two Grandstream hardware phones (the ATA and the one that came out before the GXP. I can't remember the model.)
22:50.01trevarthanteknoprep: STUN is absolutely necessary.
22:50.09teknoprepits not for me
22:50.13teknoprepits for someone in #freepbx
22:50.20teknoprepi don't hook up voip servers behind nat
22:51.11trevarthanteknoprep: well, as long as you have a static IP for the server it works pretty darn well. You might try it sometime.
22:51.16teknopreptrevarthan is localnet= look right?
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22:51.33teknoprepalso where do you comment out your nat=no at?
22:52.12trevarthanteknoprep: I'm not sure if it accepts the short subnet form. I used / on mine.
22:52.27trevarthanteknoprep: nat=no is in sip.conf also.
22:53.55trevarthannow.... would anyone on the list be able to recommend a GUI for office or call center use? Anything at all that works nicely? I've got non linux people who need to admin an asterisk box and I need a workable solution...
22:54.20teknopreptrevarthan hold up trying to get jhs here.. the guy that needs help
22:55.00trevarthanteknoprep: :) *I* need help. You just happen to be asking something that I have an answer to. :)
22:55.12teknoprepwhat help you need?
22:55.41trevarthanYeah, sorta. I need a GUI recommendation for a linux server application called asterisk. :)
22:55.42budaircwhy nat as comment by default.!? if the option don't change for users in front nat...
22:55.58BeightoTwo issues for someone to take a whack at:  When someone dials in my dialplan sometimes their dtmf is not registering correctly to the server, for example: 123 will show up as 1233.  Second issue:  When people are conferencing in meetme their words will be sparatically cut off for a split second about every 30 seconds or so.
22:56.09Beightotrevarthan:  why don't you just use Trixbox?
22:56.45trevarthanbeighto: will that work well for an office with up to 50 people and a PRI line?
22:56.51teknopreptrevarthan how do you comment it out.. with the normal # ?
22:56.57*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:56.57Beightotrevarthan absolutely
22:57.06trevarthanteknoprep: semicolon.
22:57.25trevarthanbeighto: how hard are security upgrades?
22:58.10Beightotrevarthan: don't know, never got that far with the thing.  I hear ever since it went from @home to trixbox it got very easy
22:58.11trevarthanbieghto: also, does the webgui allow full configuration of extensions, voicemail, etc... ? Or is it only a subset?
22:58.24teknopreptrevarthan i don't use a tab completion that adds a :
22:58.38teknopreptrevarthan i am on mirc
22:58.54teknopreptrevarthan i have alot of windows only applications for admin'ing a very large ammount of remote offices
22:59.00Beightotrevarthan: I think it is full configuration, if not you can change things the old fashioned way if you can find the correct conf file
22:59.29*** join/#asterisk dalekurt (n=DaleKurt@
22:59.33trevarthanteknoprep: I don't understand. You asked how to comment out a line. Use don't use a hash (#), you use a semicolon (;)
23:00.00trevarthanbeighto: ok. that's the sort of info I'm looking for. I'll check it out. Anyone else have any recommendations?
23:00.36*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
23:05.23Adrian__could somebody test call my ENUM?
23:06.03teknoprepwhat is is?
23:06.07trevarthanI'm gonna head over to freepbx and ask some trixbox questions. If you need me teknoprep, I'll be there for a few minutes.
23:06.15*** part/#asterisk trevarthan (
23:06.43teknoprepAdrian__ what is the number?
23:08.07justinu|laptopsomeone should tell trevarthan about joining more than one channel at a time
23:08.22tessier__Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw
23:08.31tessier__Turns out our PRI provider won't let us set our own callerid
23:08.43tessier__Only for long distance calls
23:08.54tessier__That's why my system has been jacked for the past few days
23:09.00teknoprepi have CID set to a number they own but not on our asterisk box
23:10.56*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
23:12.02knarflytessier__: Have a look at
23:12.46tessier__knarfly: splitinfinity? I have one of your coffee mugs in my kitchen...
23:12.50tessier__knarfly: You based in San Diego?
23:13.34knarflytessier__: No, Miami...but my simple setup may not be as complex as yours....however, I can set my CID to whatever I want
23:14.17knarflytessier__: Makes it easy for certain tasks in my life
23:17.08tessier__knarfly: I have worked with a few T-1 and DS-3 PRI's before and they always let me set my CID. I have heard of ones that don't but this is the first time I have run into it.
23:18.12knarflytessier__: Spoofing my CID was what got me into * in the 1st place.
23:18.26CunningPikeCan anyone remember the name of the turnkey Asterisk box that Digium was working on?
23:19.09wunderkinCunningPike, are you thinking of poundkey? i think that is just a linux distro
23:19.23CunningPikeAha - that's it! Thanks :D
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23:31.20tessier__They changed it. They used to allow us to set our own callerid, we tested everything, signed off on it, then things broke and we find out they no longer allow us to set our own CID.
23:31.49rollergrrlHow would one combine gsm files, on the fly, so you can use them in one Read?
23:37.45Strom_Ctessier__: who is your PRI provider?
23:38.51tessier__Cox Communications
23:39.11Strom_Cwell, duh
23:39.20Strom_Cyou're getting your phone service from a TV company
23:41.30Strom_CI've looked at the way they do things, and it horrifies me
23:42.40justinu|laptoptrue dat
23:42.40justinu|laptopTV/cable companies don't have experience providing reliable service, and it shows
23:42.54Strom_CLike I told one of my clients once:  who would you rather get your phone service from - a company that has, in one form or another, been providing telephone service for the last 130 years and really knows what they're doing, or a cable company that went "LOL Phones!" a few years ago?
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23:43.27linageeStrom_C: cable companies can offer single hop service though. :-D
23:43.50Strom_Cand that means balls if the plant is garbage
23:44.35linageeStrom_C: all companies should offer their customers SLAs. you should get lots of money back from cox if they have downtime on their phones.
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23:45.07Strom_Cwell sure, they can pay you back but the idea is to avoid the stupidity in the first place
23:46.17linageeStrom_C: who's been providing phone service for the past 130 years? ma bell?
23:47.16freeepbxxnoobbbcan someone help me out with my phones are not able to communicate with each other sip phones cant dial each others extensions
23:47.45CunningPikefreeepbxxnoobbb: Check the topic...... ;)
23:47.48Strom_Cfreeepbxxnoobbb: are you running real asterisk now, or are you still running freepbx?
23:48.11freeepbxxnoobbbfreepbx ....But no one helps me in there
23:48.26CunningPikefreeepbxxnoobbb: Good luck finding help here too :)
23:48.28Strom_Cwell, it's time to buckle down and learn how things are REALLY done
23:48.42Strom_Cget rid of freepbx and start fresh with asterisk and nothing else :)
23:49.03CunningPikeThat's how we did it when I were a lad - uphill, both ways
23:49.06freeepbxxnoobbbI will on the next system i build
23:49.33freeepbxxnoobbbbut this one i have to fix and im gonna get fired
23:49.44linageeyou're going to fix it and get fired?
23:49.58Strom_Cyour first foray into asterisk is a PRODUCTION system?
23:50.14freeepbxxnoobbbyea bit off more then i can chew
23:50.32jbotwell, hafc is hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
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23:50.39freeepbxxnoobbbmy first was actually astguiclient on slackware
23:50.43linageefreeepbxxnoobbb: find someone to contract it to and present it to your boss about how great it is, or find a new job. :-D
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23:52.02CunningPikejbot, wglwat is well, good luck with all that
23:52.03jbotCunningPike: okay
23:52.18jbotmethinks wglwat is well, good luck with all that
23:52.37nick125_lappyyeah, I agree with ~hafc
23:52.55nick125_lappybecause, you'll end up hiring someone *anyways*, _AND_ you'll have to buy a wig ;)
23:53.01wunderkinheh, freepbxnubbbbbbbbbb
23:53.43wunderkinmy favorite word on irc is nubb :D
23:53.56linageefreeepbxxnoobbb: tell your boss that you can have asterisk up and running, but it will take a few years. :-D
23:54.15freeepbxxnoobbbnever mind i got it
23:54.28freeepbxxnoobbbi just had to unregister the phones
23:54.34CunningPikeMine is asshat
23:55.47linageefreeepbxxnoobbb: don't forget to tell your boss how much the current system sucks. :-D
23:56.01freeepbxxnoobbbi know
23:56.29freeepbxxnoobbbill probably start from scratch next time since i know what to do
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