irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060827

00:01.14caloinot sure about zillions of dollars; we are looking to supplement our SMB hosted product with a small call center application.  The app will service 20 sessions X 20 tenants
00:03.59tessier__400 simultaneous calls? Asterisk can handle that on a good sized box.
00:04.15tessier__I've run a few DS-3's off of one box.
00:04.27tessier__I think I hit 8 DS-3's when I started having problems.
00:04.51tessier__For that many calls definitely offload the PSTN stuff to some other gear though.
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00:05.35caloii saw an added benefit of SER/load balancing being the ability to have multiple 'matched' asterisk boxes behind it - if one asterisk box takes a dive, the other takes over
00:06.02caloithis scenario is all SIP; all the TDM -> SIP is done with our gateways
00:06.14tessier__And yes, that is an advantage to SER
00:06.34tessier__That is pretty much the key to asterisk load balancing right there. Do it in SER.
00:06.48tessier__Just be careful of any sort of state being saved on the individual asterisk boxes.
00:07.03caloithat's where i'm at now...... trying to figure out how :)
00:08.10caloiquestion though, since this app is going to be a call center app, and dependant on Asterisk queue app - is there a way to make that redundant? It seems if i lose an asterisk application server that the queue lives on, there's no way to recover from that.... right?
00:08.21tessier__caloi: Unfortunately, yes.
00:08.52caloiso... in my scenario, i don't know if there is a benefit to SER before Asterisk, ya know what i mean?
00:08.55tessier__caloi: You might want to set up a dedicated machine to just run the queue. And have another hot spare or another machine configured with the queue which can be made into the queue machine quickly
00:09.19tessier__Really you only need SER if you are going to be handling so much volume that the media stream will overload the box.
00:09.29tessier__Or if you want certain other kinds of redundancy.
00:09.32tessier__Like call routing etc.
00:09.34tessier__SER is good at that.
00:10.05tessier__Just got phone to phone calling to work....sweet. If things keep going this easy it will be the easiest asterisk setup I have ever done.
00:10.34tessier__Just need to figure out this PRI/zaptel/sangoma driver issue.
00:10.39caloiif i'm using asterisk real time for my queue and sip configs; and i offload the DB on a third box; if I lose my master asterisk will the second box maintain that queue state? like agent availability?
00:10.58caloitessier: sorry i can't help ya with your pri foo
00:11.06tessier__I don't know about that...I have never messsed with queues before. But the call center system I am setting up now will use queues.
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00:45.25*** join/#asterisk finejava (n=12345@
00:45.31finejavahi guys
00:45.46finejavai've dot 1 question on dial application
00:46.10finejavain IAX i can dial(IAX2/
00:46.17finejavahow can i do that in SIP
00:46.35finejavai can't seems to get it working with the same format
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00:48.20finejavaanyone out there can help me with the issue above?
00:48.52aigroinei think that it should work by replacing IAX2 by SIP
00:49.00aigroinebut i may be wrong
00:49.31finejavai tried it
00:49.39finejavabut it says no route to host
00:49.57finejavawhich means it's trying to find in the sip.conf
00:50.10aigroinethis problem seems to be related to network ..
00:50.30finejavai can ping
00:50.38finejavai'm using an internal DNS server
00:50.48finejavait works with IAX
00:50.51Aursany help in "show application Dial" ?
00:51.14finejavacan't seems to find the dialing format guide
00:52.08finejavaNo such host:
00:52.22finejavathis is the error that i'm getting
00:52.31finejavafrom SIP
00:54.30Aurswhat are you trying to call here?
00:54.44Aursa sippeer on another box?
00:56.20finejavai'm trying to call asterisk to asterisk
00:57.05finejavawhere do i put the username and secret?
00:57.43finejavai wan the hostname to be in the dial application so that it can do a srv lookup
00:59.28finejavaif i do that which means the B side must not set the password
00:59.40finejavaor else it will request for authentication
01:00.21finejavathe issue here is my B side is a dynamic IP
01:00.26aigroinefinejava: to my mind .. you don't have to give a username/password to call somebody
01:00.31aigroinethis would be insane
01:00.50aigroineyou have a username/password to register on a server
01:00.55Aursthe person calling is probably a sip friend
01:01.03finejavathis is my issue
01:01.04Aursand he needs to have a password to be registered
01:01.25finejavai've * PABX on A side
01:01.37finejavaand SIP GW in B side
01:01.49finejavaB side has multiple user
01:02.13finejavaand A is running on dynamic DNS
01:02.23finejavawhich changes every 2 hours or so
01:02.23aigroinei think the solutions is to search in sip.conf
01:02.35aigroinesomething like defining a new sip peer
01:02.40aigroinelet me check my configuration
01:02.41finejavaunfortunately...if i set it as a peer
01:02.51finejavait will not lookup when the dns changes
01:03.33aigroineas B is your gw with a static address, it doesn't matter
01:03.33*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
01:03.49aigroineyou define a new section in sip.conf like [gw]
01:04.22finejavahow bout when B trying to call A
01:04.38finejavaA to B is fine cos B is on static
01:04.39aigroinethe same
01:04.45*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (
01:04.59aigroinei don't know if resolution is at loading or at usage
01:05.06finejavaunfortunately in B
01:05.16finejavait cache the IP in asterisk
01:05.32Aursyour ip is changed every 2 hours?
01:05.54finejavaunstable connection
01:06.09Aurssounds perfect for voip
01:06.15aigroinefinejava: if A is registered on B, i think that B may be able to forward calls to the [client] in its sip.conf
01:06.36aigroinein A extensions.conf , you may call extension at gw
01:06.38Aursin sip conf
01:06.58aigroineAurs ;)
01:07.08Aurswhen you send a registration, * will get the correct ip
01:07.08finejavatried it...didn't work
01:07.17finejavaworks 1 way...
01:07.21finejavabut not the other
01:07.43Aursyour sip-gw is on a static ip, right?
01:07.49*** join/#asterisk Crashsys (
01:07.50Aursand your asterisk-client is on a dynamic
01:07.52aigroineso the problem is perhaps in B extensions.conf ...'s in B
01:08.23finejavaproblem is in B
01:08.29finejavaB can't reach A
01:08.30aigroinelike Dial(SIP/5000@client)
01:08.34finejavaA can reach B
01:08.42CrashsysIs a P3-500 w/ 256-megs of ram enough system for 2-pots and 6 extensions? (Just basic automatic-attendant with voicemail)
01:08.49finejavai can't use client which is in sip.conf
01:08.54Aursregister =>
01:09.00aigroinewhere client is related to a [client] section with host=dynamic in sip.conf
01:09.02finejavait will not lookup
01:09.05Aursdo you have something like that in sip.conf on the * client?
01:09.22aigroine19~/win 8
01:10.33finejavayeap i have that
01:10.41Aursnow i think i understand
01:11.29Aursbut the lookup of fails
01:11.35Aursthat is your problem, right
01:11.50finejavalookup works with IAX
01:12.08finejavaok lookup works if i do this
01:12.10Aursdoes have a sip peer named 12345 then?
01:12.21Aursand is that peer registered?
01:12.40finejava12345 is an extension
01:12.46*** join/#asterisk shidan (
01:13.05finejavain my test 12345 will just playback a voice to simulate the scenario
01:13.18finejavait works fine
01:13.20Aursbut is not just a host in this case
01:13.52finejavabut when i do this
01:14.06finejavait doesn't works at all
01:14.28aigroinefinejava: but to my mind, this is not the right syntax to DIAL(SIP/...)
01:14.52aigroine${EXTEN} may looks like user@context
01:14.55*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
01:15.00CrashsysDoes anyone know if a PRI is less prone to red alarms then a CAS T1? (My provider is telling me that I have a clean line all the way to the smart jack, yet i'm still getting seemingly randomn alarms where all 24-channels will go down then come back up)
01:15.12finejavatried that...
01:15.29finejavabut where do i put the username and scret?
01:15.38finejavacos it needs authentication
01:15.42_DAWHey everyone.  Can someone tell me if during a call forward, does * send a diversion header in the invite if it does not recieve one in the 302 from the phone?
01:15.56Aurswhy do you need to auth incoming calls again?
01:16.34finejavasecurity reasons
01:16.59finejavaB -> A(PABX) -> user
01:17.09Aursso this call is going to be "forwarded" to PSTN or something?
01:17.32*** join/#asterisk Fender22211 (
01:17.33finejavai'll pass the calls to * PABX which will then forward it to voip user
01:17.36aigroinefinejava: you put in in a context section in sip.conf
01:18.36Fender22211anyone had any success implmenting the Voicemail ODBC Storage?
01:19.01Aursfinejava: then you need a [client] in A's sip.conf
01:19.03aigroinethe context section in sip.conf is something like [gateway]    username=toto  secret=1234
01:19.04Aurswith type=friend
01:19.15finejavaproblem is
01:19.23finejavaif i uses context
01:19.32finejavait will not lookup on the DNS
01:19.34Aursand in B's sip.conf: register => client:pass@A
01:19.54aigroinefinejava: as A is registering on B, only A has to do some lookup
01:20.12finejavaA is on dnydns
01:20.22finejavacos it's on dynamic IP
01:20.27aigroinefinejava: yes , we understood
01:20.31finejavaif u check out sip.conf
01:20.58finejavait will only take effect if FQDN is uses in the Dial application
01:21.20finejavai've manage to get it working with IAX
01:21.23finejavabut not SIP
01:21.41aigroinehmm ..
01:22.09aigroinecannot help further .. have never worked with srvlookup and IAX
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01:22.41finejavaIAX i got it working
01:22.46finejavajust that SIP
01:22.49adelashey guys, can you tell me whats teh default ports to forward for sip to asterisk?
01:22.53adelasi know 5060 udp
01:22.57adelaswhats the other ones?
01:23.08Aurs10000-20000 for rtp traffic
01:23.09finejavasame format doesn't work with SIP
01:23.18aigroineadelas: RTP port are defined in rtp.conf
01:23.34adelaswell, my thing ins't free asterisk :\
01:23.50aigroineadelas: read the doc
01:23.51adelasit uses sql webinterface, dosn't use the normal asterisk
01:24.04adelasthis is like a properitery asterisk thing
01:24.16Fender22211unless you can open all those RTP ports or set your box to DMZ, stick with IAX..
01:24.20adelasit dosn't use the normal extension/sip.cfg ect files
01:24.24aigroineyou could try to tcpdump but 10000-20000 may be a good start for a quick setup
01:24.39adelaswell i did a 6000-max for udp port
01:24.45adelasi just wanted to narrow it down in a couple of days
01:24.52adelasthe 10000-10100 didn't work
01:24.53aigroineisn't rtp in tcp ?
01:25.04adelasumm, also it was using udp
01:25.06adelastcp didn't work
01:25.32Fender22211SIP will use the complete range in the ports 10000-20000 so yo literally have to open them all for SIP.
01:25.41adelasbascially right now i got 5060 udp + 6000-max udp
01:26.07adelasheh 10k in open ports
01:26.18adelasi'll give that a try tomrrow to see how it goes
01:26.41adelasbetter then everything i'm doing heh
01:26.41Fender22211yeah, that's why IAX is nice.. everything goes through the one port ;-)
01:26.47adelascisco phones are sip only :*
01:27.07Fender22211Good luck Adela
01:27.12adelasokay thanks
01:27.14Aursfinejava: google around for "sip trunk"
01:28.19Fender22211I'm trying to programatically (PHP) build something that will allow me to pull a voicemail per the CDR record. Does anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this?
01:29.20aigroineFender22211: what do you mean "per the CDR record" ?
01:30.23Fender22211well we are trying to build a custom app that will pull up the CDR record in a php web app and give the option to listen to the voicemail (if any).  I'm struggling to find a programatically link between a call and a voicemail
01:30.45Fender22211my first thought was to use the VOICEMAIL ODBC STORAGE method but that ended up seg faulting my test box.
01:31.31Fender22211my second thought was to use SetCDRUserfield($VM_MESSAGE) which in theory should store the path in the CDR userfield but I have yet to get that to work.
01:32.20aigroineinformations related to calls are stored in a .txt files having the same name that the message .wav
01:32.54Fender22211right, but I haven't been able to see a link (i.e. UNIQUEID) between the CDR record and the voicemail?
01:33.51Fender22211i know it's possible because the voicemail web app does this.. I'd rather not parse those .txt files if given the choice
01:38.12finejavathx guys...will do more rnd on it
01:38.17finejavaappreciate it
01:38.24aigroineFender22211: don't know
01:39.00Fender22211me either :-) I'll keep searching, thanks aigroine
01:39.37*** join/#asterisk xtr-II (
01:41.56aigroinenp :)
01:42.40*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
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01:57.49_DAWAnyone here know if during a call forward, does * send a diversion header in the invite if it does not recieve one in the 302 from the phone?
01:59.04_DAWwhat for me?
01:59.34fileI'll just answer no
02:01.27fileas in to your original question, Diversion header is never sent... and it's only parsed under one circumstance, which doesn't apply to call forwards - I think, I'd have to follow the code path to be sure
02:05.16_DAWI am speaking about diversion as specified in draft-levy-sip-diversion-04.txt .  I read up in the * bug 0005484 but am having some issues.
02:05.36*** join/#asterisk Druken (
02:06.54hacked``lets say i want to accept 4 incoming calls at the same time
02:07.00hacked``whats a good provider to go with
02:07.05hacked``know what i mean ?
02:07.17Strom_Cvoicepulse connect?
02:07.17hacked``that isnt expensive, and is reliable
02:07.25hacked``is that a question or a statement
02:07.26file_DAW: ah, well trunk doesn't support it... and can't say I have ever used that branch
02:07.30Drukenfrom where?
02:07.33*** join/#asterisk spr1te (i=spr1te@
02:07.35Strom_Chacked``, thats a half-suggestion
02:07.42filehacked``: you want it cheap and reliable?
02:07.47_DAWfiel: I guess that was my question.  Thanks.
02:07.51_DAWer  file
02:07.54Corydon76-homehacked``: your primary concern is your own ISP's bandwidth, not the voip provider
02:08.12hacked``file, never said cheap, i said reasonable
02:08.18Corydon76-homePersonally, I'd go with NuFone
02:08.23hacked``Corydon, cable 10mbit has been great for me..
02:08.51Corydon76-homehacked``: specifically, the problem with an ISP is going to be your upload limit
02:09.46hacked``cory, what do i need for 4 incoming
02:10.24Corydon76-homeIt depends upon the codec and protocol you're using
02:10.42Fender22211hacked: check out for their bandwidth calculator
02:13.58Drukenanyone got the freeware g729 working?
02:14.22aigroinehmm ..
02:14.44aigroineI'm trying to get a music on hold depending on extension reached
02:14.59aigroineis the only way to setup a class by extension ?
02:15.07aigroineit seems so without patching asterisk
02:15.45Drukenaigroine: wtf are you talking about?
02:16.13_DAWaigroine: you can set it by sip peer
02:17.29aigroine_DAW: don't think i can do this as my clients are created with autocreatepeers=yes
02:18.38aigroineDruken: what i want is asterisk playing different mp3 depending on phone extension reached when the person press the hold button
02:19.09Drukenok, so setmusiconhold before you ring the extension
02:19.39aigroineDruken: it is what i do ... but it means i must have a class by extension right ?
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02:20.16Drukenyou'd need a diffrent context, yes
02:20.47aigroinehmm ok .. it sux ... having as many mpg123 as context running ...
02:21.39Drukenwhy would you want that?
02:22.10_DAWdont use mpg123.. just use native
02:22.50aigroine_DAW: with format_mp3 ?
02:23.02aigroineI've tried to setup it .. but it seems it's not loaded
02:23.19aigroineso i put this in to todo queue for the moment
02:23.51aigroineDruken: we have several clients and we may like to have one different music on hold file per client
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02:27.02Fender22211anyone here using the VOICEMAIL ODBC STORAGE method?
02:27.44Drukensomeone needs to send me a working g729 codec module :)
02:29.41Strom_CDruken, just spend the $10
02:30.15Drukeni did, put the order in today, hours ago, but the fuckers are taking forever to process it
02:30.24Drukenpurchased 3 licenses
02:30.26Qwellit IS Saturday...
02:30.29Strom_CDruken, because today is Saturday
02:30.32Strom_Cand the business is CLOSED
02:30.37Drukenwtf is your point?
02:30.42Drukeni work on saturdays
02:30.49Drukenso should everyone else :)
02:30.58QwellDruken: pay me, and I will :P
02:31.55Drukengot nothing for ya to do at the moment..... sorry Qwell
02:32.08Qwellno, no, you misunderstood
02:32.19QwellPay me, and I'll work on Saturdays - but not for you. :P
02:33.28Fender22211I'll pay someone to install this damn VOICEMAIL ODBC stuff.. this documentation is shotty at best
02:33.32Drukeni'm just annoyed at the moment, cause my god damn carrier will only accept g729, so i can't make any calls till i get it
02:33.55Strom_CDruken, what kind of stupid carrier will only accept g729?
02:34.21Drukenexactly that... hehe
02:37.04coppiceDruken, what kind of stupid user signs up for a carrier that is incompatible? :-)
02:37.16hmmhesaysbah I can't figure out wtf is going on with this
02:37.18QwellNo comment
02:37.32hmmhesays: channel.c:2706 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate
02:37.40file256 to 4?
02:37.58Qwell4 to 12
02:38.04filenooo not 12
02:38.07Qwelluh huh
02:38.22hmmhesaysfile what is wrong with this box
02:38.39filehmmhesays: paste me the complete one and I can tell you what...
02:38.52*** join/#asterisk Druken (
02:39.54fileone side negotiated at g729, the other at ulaw
02:40.07hmmhesaysyet I don't understand why
02:40.26hmmhesaysand how'd you get that out of that small log
02:40.28filesip debug the somalia_trunk
02:40.34filethe numbers beside each name
02:40.36Qwellhmmhesays: format numbers..  256 and 4
02:40.46file256 = g729, 4 = ulaw
02:40.55Qwell12 == format_qwell
02:41.01fileQwell: !
02:41.05hmmhesaysso the codec negotiation is broken
02:41.12Strom_C800km == format_file
02:41.16QwellI'm like ulaw + alaw
02:41.30Qwellhmmhesays: What codecs is the device allowing?
02:41.38filedo a sip debug
02:41.39Qwellthe somalia trunk
02:41.40fileon the somalia_trunk
02:41.45fileand I can tell you what it is doing.
02:41.51hmmhesaysthe device is allowing g723 g729 and g711
02:42.07Qwelland in sip.conf, you allow ulaw?
02:42.22hmmhesaysulaw g729 and ilbc in that order
02:42.28aigroine_DAW: is the native mp3 format for a* 1.2.x is supported by the format_mp3 pluggin from asterisk-addons ?
02:42.51Qwellaigroine: yes, format_mp3 will let you play mp3s from asterisk
02:42.58aigroinehmm ok
02:43.04_DAWlike Qwell said..
02:43.10aigroinewill check if it can help
02:45.56hmmhesaysok something is farked up here
02:46.37fileThe Guten Tag Hop-Clop!
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02:51.29hmmhesaysso found description format G729 is there
02:51.37hmmhesaysand i'm still having the problem
02:52.26filecan't analyze it if I don't see it
02:53.01hmmhesaysyou want to see the sip debug after dial?
02:53.21*** part/#asterisk _Vile (
02:55.29fileit only has G729 in the outgoing SDP
02:55.59hmmhesaysso it should be working
02:56.14fileno, your other leg negotiated ulaw
02:57.15hmmhesaysPeer audio RTP is at port
02:57.15hmmhesaysFound description format PCMU
02:57.15hmmhesaysFound description format G729
02:57.53filelike I said, one side negotiated at ULAW and the other only appears to have G729
02:58.00fileso thus why this is popping up
02:58.10fileplus your trunk doesn't appear to be responding, but that's different
02:58.34hmmhesaysyeah, i'm way too tired for this right now
02:59.42hmmhesaysbah I had ulaw before g729 in general section of sip.conf
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03:27.39tiabhey all
03:28.50tiabanyone here able familiar with asterisk + odbc + postgres?
03:29.40tiabI;m having some trouble getting asterisk to store voicemail in the voicemessages table in a postgres db
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03:55.49*** join/#asterisk Rahail (n=rahail1@
03:55.59Rahailhi any one here used a2billing ?
03:59.02Rahailknock knock
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04:09.20tiabnope rahail
04:10.12tiabdon't spose you've used asterisk with a postgres db connection via odbc? ;)
04:10.52tiabor anyone else watching for that matter..
04:13.37*** join/#asterisk novafirst (
04:14.04novafirstinside sip.conf can I use this callerid=${CALLERIDNUM}
04:16.00Strom_Cformat is:
04:16.10Strom_Ccallerid="Name Here"<5552368>
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04:32.52novafirstcan "Name Here" be set automaticaly ?
04:36.00RahailAny one here who can make a billing interface when my client they reach there Prepaid amount it desabel there account
04:42.50*** join/#asterisk tessier (n=treed@
04:43.15lowlevelRahail: yes.
04:43.24Rahaildo you think you can do something like that
04:43.36lowlevelRahail: I could definately.
04:43.50lowlevelRahail: kind of like pre-paid calling cards ?
04:44.03Rahailcan we talk on private
04:44.08Rahailif you preffer
04:44.20Rahaili dont like pasting big lines here
04:44.35lowlevelwell, I'm not going to do it .. you just asked if I could ;)
04:45.53Rahailhowever if you do it I will realy appricate it
04:45.57*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
04:51.50*** join/#asterisk Tommmo (n=tps@
04:52.06Tommmoin asterisk realtime extensions, how do i insert an 'include' statement into the database
05:03.20Tommmois there any way to have different call parking configurations for different contexts?
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05:07.39*** join/#asterisk BugKham (i=CKGLOB@
05:08.31BugKhamanyone using PlayDTMF in 1.2.11?
05:09.16BugKhamor knows if it's available in 1.2.11?
05:10.32RahailAny one here who can make a billing interface when my client they reach there Prepaid amount it desabel there account
05:16.27*** join/#asterisk BlepsoaF (
05:16.40BlepsoaFhello all, does ztcfg have to be ran each time at boot?
05:20.17Corydon76-homeAlthough, if you use it according to how the Makefile installs the modules, the ztcfg is done automatically when the module is loaded
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05:23.58Rahailany one used a2billing
05:24.08BlepsoaFCorydon-w: I autoload the module at boot time
05:28.45BlepsoaFCorydon-w: can you think of a reason why its not working then?  I compiled it from source
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05:48.06Rahailcan some one help me to configure a2billing
05:48.09Rahailknock knock wake up
05:48.15EyeCuewhos there?!
05:48.21Rahailno one
05:48.24EyeCue*goes back to sunbaking on balcony*
05:51.15*** part/#asterisk mog (
05:52.46BlepsoaFfigured it out, must be a bug in the Makefile
05:53.02BlepsoaFit doesnt generate the correct modules.d/zaptel for a wct4xxp
06:01.20*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
06:01.36afrosheensomeone please tell me you know of a mirror for spandsp, their stupid website is down
06:03.32EyeCuecheck out master_sites section
06:03.48EyeCueshould be able to pull the sources from anyone of those
06:04.22afrosheenwill it matter than I'm not using freebsd but this is listed as a port?
06:04.37EyeCueshouldnt do
06:06.29EyeCue I'm missing the app_fax and other .c files
06:06.31EyeCuedar joo go
06:06.38EyeCuelater version on another mirror
06:07.11afrosheenapp_rxfax and app_txfax
06:07.18afrosheenplus the patch
06:07.28afrosheengah I hate it when people can't maintain a simple website or encourage mirroring
06:07.46EyeCueblows donut
06:08.05afrosheenseriously how hard is it? you can have a 486 under a pile of newspapers running a website
06:08.12mishehuugh.  speex takes a shit on opteron x86_64 builds  :-/
06:08.32afrosheenmishehu: I don't trust native 64bit stuff yet :/
06:12.39mishehuafrosheen: it's really the only thing other than non-x86_64 asm code (i.e. zaptel MMX opt code) that craps out on me.
06:12.59afrosheenmishehu: I guess 64bit stuff has come a long way in the last year
06:13.07mishehuafrosheen: *nod*
06:13.19afrosheenI wouldn't touch it with a yardstick before
06:13.53afrosheenmishehu: do you see any real benefit from using it vs. 32bit?
06:13.57mishehuafrosheen: yeah, I run slamd64 for over a year, been doing some dev work on it, even playing kwak 4.
06:14.42afrosheenlol kwak 4
06:15.00mishehuafrosheen: yeah, with transcoding media files especially, and with working with big numbers (> 32bit integers, for example)
06:15.20afrosheenso a 64bit linux is faster at ripping dvds maybe?
06:15.39mishehuafrosheen: I don't know about *ripping* them, but at transcoding them yes.
06:15.49afrosheenwell transcoding is part of the process
06:15.53afrosheenthat's cool then
06:16.04mishehunah, ripping is just copying it to disk.
06:16.11mishehui.e. dvdbackup.c
06:16.19afrosheenwell when most people say 'ripping this or that' they mean rip + reencode
06:16.30mishehuI know, I'm just being technical ;-)
06:16.32afrosheenlike, you rip an audio cd, it usually ends up a nice stack of mp3s
06:16.45afrosheenor oggs
06:18.11mishehuoddly enough,, when I lame some cd's, it's slower than if I ogg/vorbis encode them
06:19.01x86lame uses a constant bit rate, which requires more CPU, and vorbis is usually variable
06:19.26mishehux86: I thought that lame can do both cbr and vbr
06:20.20hads|homeIt can
06:20.27*** join/#asterisk SaTLaN32 (n=satlan32@
06:22.39SaTLaN32i need some help
06:22.44SaTLaN32i have a 4 fxo card, everything is working, but when i hang up either sides of the call, asterisk still hold both of them, and not being disconnected
06:22.58SaTLaN32the dial string i\m using is: ZAP/g1/*43${cldid},60
06:23.35*** join/#asterisk bugz (
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06:26.27x86hads|home: last i knew lame could only do CBR
06:30.58hads|homex86: Dunno, I thought it did VBR. Doesn't matter though, not really Asterisk talk :)
06:33.52*** join/#asterisk firewired (n=firewire@
06:34.06SaTLaN32anyone here can help
06:42.51tzafrirSaTLaN32, soft hangup helps to disconnet?
06:43.09tzafrirAlso: any chance busydetect will help here?
06:43.54*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
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07:04.19*** join/#asterisk mikeeeeee (
07:04.31mikeeeeeehi, has anyone got h.264 running in asterisk?
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07:05.15mikeeeeeei need it for some grandstream gvx3000 phones to run in asterisk and they only support h.264? i kind of compiled the newest asterisk from the trunk sources, but it never worked properly. How can i get this working as its quite mission critical i get it up asap
07:06.02loptI'm having a pri problem.  My Zaptel and Zapata configs have not changed in over a year but now I'm getting this No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 24 as D-channel anyway any thoughts?
07:06.10mikeeeeeewas running trixbox, got the latest zaptel, asterisk and asterisk-addons, zaptel and asteisk compile fine, but not the addons
07:07.26mikeeeeeei can actually start asteisk and get into the cli, but i go into freepbx, and when i goto the extensions, it says asterisk manager not started.
07:09.04bugzanyone have experience with the grandstream GXV-3000
07:09.16mikeeeeeeyeh i had the running
07:09.26bugzhows the performance?
07:09.36mikeeeeeesomehow, dont ask me, but asterisk never worked properly, like coudl get shit from freepbx but the cli would nolonger run
07:09.39mikeeeeeeumm excellent
07:09.51mikeeeeeeon lan, im yet to try them over net
07:10.00mikeeeeeewill do as soon as i get this asterisk working properly
07:10.06bugzi cant believe how inexpensive it is.
07:10.17mikeeeeeei payed 1300 AUD for 3
07:10.35bugzive found them on the net for around $260 US
07:10.35mikeeeeeecan you help me with h.264 in * :)??
07:10.53bugzhavent done that yet but i can try
07:11.07bugzive built a couple pbx's though ;)
07:11.28mikeeeeeeok i managed to compile it all, had to miss some modules in addons
07:11.36mikeeeeeebut when i goto freepbx and then the extensions bit
07:11.46mikeeeeeeit says cannot connect to the asterisk manager
07:12.05mikeeeeeei can start asterisk with asterisk -c and then get into the CLI
07:12.09mikeeeeeeand it is running
07:12.14mikeeeeeeany idea what im doin wrong?
07:12.41mikeeeeeei installed latest trixbox, then went off and compiled new zaptel asterisk and addons
07:13.09*** join/#asterisk JonZombie (
07:13.16bugzmanager.conf is configured?
07:13.32bugzi'd assume the corresponding codec/module file would need to be configured to log into AMI
07:14.19JonZombieI need some help with my Zaptel TDM card.
07:14.36bugzJonZombie: RMA it...
07:14.41bugzbest advice i can give
07:15.31bugzsangoma has a superior product if you can get it working
07:15.55JonZombieI got it installed, and configured
07:16.07JonZombieproblem is, it holds the line offhook.
07:17.47JonZombieAm I missing something.
07:18.05JonZombieWith 252 people, I'm surprised no one has anything to say. :)
07:19.11bugzthere is a reason for that
07:19.14bugzreplace the card
07:19.29mikeeeeeewhat needs config in manager.cong
07:19.30mikeeeeeewhat needs config in manager.conf
07:19.38bugzmikeeeeee: a login
07:19.56mikeeeeeemmm ok thought it woudl be there
07:22.09*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
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07:30.40hads|homeJonZombie: There's nothing wrong with the TDM400, bugz appears to be single minded.
07:31.41hads|homeJonZombie: Usually the problem with holding lines open comes down to not having disconnect supervision from the telco.
07:33.35*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
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07:46.23JonZombieIs there anything I can do about it?
07:46.39JonZombieAs soon as I plug a phone line into the card, it goes offhook
07:46.51hads|homeAh, different story.
07:47.14hads|homeAll the lines/modules?
07:47.24SaTLaN32i have a strange problem.
07:47.31JonZombieI only have one module (fxo)
07:47.47hads|homeOK, tried a different cable?
07:47.47*** join/#asterisk marta (
07:47.55JonZombieI have tried putting it into all 4 slots, same results
07:48.03JonZombieI have used 2 different cables
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07:48.21SaTLaN32when i use Read() and dial the dtmf's, everything is ok, beside the time i dial at least 2 fast "0" which hangs the call
07:48.38SaTLaN32everything else (1111,4444,etc.) is doing ok.
07:49.48hads|homeJonZombie: Interesting. I can't think of anything that would do that off the top of my head. It could be a faulty module/card.
07:50.03JonZombieThat's the conclusion I have come to.
07:50.25JonZombieI bought it on Ebay... I am guessing the guy wanted to dump a dead card on someone.
07:50.39JonZombieI went back and looked again, his return policy is 3 days.
07:50.57JonZombieI suspect he knew it was bad.
07:51.29*** join/#asterisk infoaddict (
07:52.11JonZombienext time I will buy one from a vendor so I can get a warranty on it.
07:53.09QwellJonZombie: What color is the module?
07:53.32Qwellyeah, it's an fxo..
07:54.20JonZombieI had a X100P that was working fine... till some kids broke into my house and stole the computer.
07:54.36JonZombieSad thing is that the computer video taped them breaking in.
07:54.41hads|homeNot having a good run then.
07:54.47QwellJonR800: nice...
07:54.50Qwellerm, JonZombie
07:55.49JonZombieI never thought anyone would go into the closet and still a computer.
07:56.08JonZombieI thought theives knew computers were worthless at pawn shops.
07:57.32JonZombieThey stole 2 IP phones, and the Asterisk Server.
07:58.08JonZombieSo, now I am building a new one.
07:58.26*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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08:05.50*** part/#asterisk JonZombie (
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08:31.26*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (n=me@
08:33.00Newbie___hi all, when i make outbound voip calls. i get background noise. is there a way to eliminate it ?
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08:34.19sxpertNewbie___: you need some echo-cancellation fu
08:35.30Newbie___sxpert: tks but is sip-sip calls. where do i put the echo cancellation ? in sip.conf?
08:37.00Newbie___sxpert: hrm all along i though echo cancellation can only be done when TDM is use
08:37.08X-RobEcho cancellation is done in zaptel
08:37.12X-Rob(and only zaptel)
08:37.24X-Robif you're not using zaptel, you don't need echo cancellation
08:37.30X-Robcan't have it
08:37.42hads|homeSIP echo is possibly related to handsets.
08:38.09Newbie___hads|home: is not echo. is background static noise
08:38.38hads|homeOK. That could be handsets too.
08:38.53X-RobSaTLaN32, sounds like you're matching XNNNN rather than X.
08:39.07hads|homeWell, when you say outbound calls, are you making calls out a provider.
08:39.10X-Rob(ps, DTMF detection is done in software, nothing to do with hardware)
08:39.37sxpertI have issues with the meetme app. it doesn't do what it says on the box :D
08:40.01hads|homeHmm, questions look odd when you forget the question mark.
08:40.05Newbie___hads|home: yes SIP-voipbuster
08:40.31hads|homeSo there is quite possibly PSTN involved.
08:40.34sxpertat some point in my dialplan, I have "exten => 8600,n,Meetme(,1qdEMp)"
08:40.46sxpertwell. despite the 'q', I get a ton of prompts
08:40.51Newbie___rather asterisk-voipbuster using sip protocol
08:41.11sxpertlike "you are entering conference blah"
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10:02.02EmleyMoorI'm getting "No route to destination" when I try to make a call over FWD
10:02.58EmleyMoorI can still call internal numbers, but FWD is not working
10:04.55EmleyMoorHow do I trace why that would be? I've tried restarting asterisk to no avail
10:11.43EmleyMoorIt worked last night, up to a point
10:11.48*** join/#asterisk littleball (
10:13.23littleballhello, i am looking for a asterisk box hosting ISP provider because i need to be able to connect to E1 easily and also be able to get DDI number for this E1 line. who can recommend? I need super voice quality for my special application
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10:27.35EmleyMoorAug 27 11:27:24 NOTICE[17566]: chan_iax2.c:7875 iax2_poke_noanswer: Peer 'iaxfwd' is now UNREACHABLE! Time: 0
10:27.52EmleyMoorBeen getting that since sometime last night - it worked before and I didn't change anything
10:33.14sxpertah HA... my super-quiet option works ;D
10:33.35KDanis there an option/command to validate whether a jar is a valid jar?
10:33.56KDanwrong channel
10:42.03EmleyMoorI suspect fwd may have a fault - is it fairly easy to set up two-way SIP with them in asterisk? (my asterisk server is on a public IP)
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10:53.28EmleyMoorIs there some other service I can sign up to for free to do some testing, if I am NOT in the USA?
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10:57.13kumamotovoipdiscount & sipdiscount
10:57.31kumamotothey are the same thing
10:58.00EmleyMoorI'm trying to register for fwd's forums to report the fault - but it's taking forever to send me a confirmation#
11:02.02EmleyMoorThis is ridiculous
11:05.19*** join/#asterisk alawguy ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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11:08.55EmleyMoorOK - suppose I do sign up for sipdiscount - is there a sample configuration entry for asterisk for it?
11:14.36aigroinehi ppl
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11:55.22jhiverhi all
11:55.45jhiveri must be blind or something but I have a strange issue
11:55.58jhiverin my sip.conf, i have a peer called [gecko]
11:56.06jhiverand on the asterisk CLI, I see:
11:56.21jhiverAug 27 13:42:24 WARNING[16714]: chan_sip.c:1980 create_addr: No such host: gecko
11:56.26jhiverwhat's going on?
12:10.34tzafrir(next time use a pastebin)
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12:15.56warthoganyone know how to deal with rr_delay=xx, iax2 protocol failure
12:16.20*** join/#asterisk Druken (
12:16.24warthogis see very little about this on google or asterisk knowledgebase
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13:00.45BugKhamdoes anyone have "Action: PlayDTMF" present in 1.2.11
13:01.57*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
13:04.30russellbdid it ever exist?
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13:14.41jhiverso lads
13:15.12jhiverwhy am i getting this 'chan_sip.c:1980 create_addr: No such host: mediant
13:15.12jhiver' error
13:15.27jhiverwhen i _do_, in fact, have a [mediant] in sip.conf? or do I,
13:15.49Strom_Cdid you put a host= line in [mediant] ?
13:16.03RoyKperhaps, just perhaps, you have added host=mediant?
13:16.21Strom_Cthat too
13:16.48jhiverno it looks like the conf is ok
13:16.58RoyKjhiver: i beleive it isn't :P
13:17.02RoyKjhiver: pastebin the lot
13:17.08BugKhamrussellb: 1.2.8
13:17.18BugKhamrussellb: that's I saw from the wiki
13:17.40*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
13:17.55jhiveractually something kind of wierd
13:18.08jhiverwhen i do sip show peers, mediant doesn't appear in the list of peers
13:18.24Drukendid you reload since adding it?
13:18.40jhiveri'll paste bin the stuff
13:18.43Drukenthen you fucked something up...
13:20.35jhivercan you see something wrong in the conf?
13:20.50Drukeni don't see a TYPE
13:21.02jhiveraaah ;)
13:21.08jhiveri was being blind :)
13:21.12jhiverthanks man :)
13:23.42BugKhamrussellb: I never use it either but just wanna make use of it now
13:25.29*** join/#asterisk hatamen (n=hatamen@
13:26.21jhiverDruken, thanks so much man, it's good to have an extra pair of eyeballs sometimes when you're stuck on something that silly
13:27.38Strom_Cjhiver, the official term is "sanity check" :D
13:30.26jhiveror CRC : Completely Ridiculously and some word that would start with C making this a funny line
13:31.59BugKhamanyway to interrupt Playback in a particular channel uisnf manager API?
13:32.09Drukencompletely riciculous calamity?
13:32.12BugKhamI can't find anything about this
13:32.42BugKhamDruken: ?
13:32.52Strom_CDruken, i prefer "completely ridiculous cock-up"
13:33.51BugKhamDruken: are you using manager api at all?
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13:34.47BugKhamjust wanna know if anyone has tried "Action: PlayDTMF"
13:35.09BugKhamit doesn't seem to exist in 1.2.11
13:35.18Drukenask in the mailing list... ?
13:36.00BugKhamit's strange that russellb hasn't heard about it
13:36.32BugKhamDruken: yeah, probably that's a better way
13:37.52BugKhamDruken: and do you know how to process other things in the same channel while in "Playback" or "Background" ?
13:38.44BugKhamDruken: from the wiki, this doesn't seem possible
13:39.06Drukenyou want to do what ?
13:39.36BugKhamDruken: ok
13:39.56*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
13:40.00gambolputtyHi.  I want a called party to hear something before the calling and called parties actually talk together.  Is this possible?  I have tried the G option of the Dial command and it doesn't do this so far.
13:40.12BugKhamI want the callers to listen to music while waiting for the "http post" outcome
13:40.54Drukenyour using agi of course, i belive there's a thing in agi that allows that....
13:41.07BugKhamI'm using agi
13:41.22Drukentodo processing while moh or playback or something...
13:41.22BugKhambut still can't see a way
13:41.59BugKhamso I will use stream_file()
13:42.10BugKhamplus Action: PlayDTMF
13:42.16BugKhamto make it possible
13:42.56BugKhamu know where to find that info, processing with moh or playback
13:44.03Drukenbeen a long time since i've seen it... i tend not to play with agi... it frusterates me :)
13:44.48BugKhamagi is really good to implement complicated IVR systems
13:45.37BugKhamI only see this on the wiki "Background: Play a sound file while processing other commands "
13:45.57brimstoneBugKham, try calling background, then working whatever you need to process the http post
13:46.03BugKhambut actually Background cannot do it
13:46.48BugKhambrimstone: process at the next priority?
13:47.12brimstonenah, process as in whatever your script needs to do
13:47.36brimstonethen call a playback or noop or something with the results
13:47.45brimstoneman, if i had time, i'd play with that now
13:48.55BugKhambrimstone: ok, i'll give it a try
13:49.11brimstonesnazzy, let me know how it turns out
13:49.15brimstonei'm curious too
13:55.41BugKhami'm looking for a large file for Background =)
13:58.43BugKhambrimstone: doesn't work
14:00.57BugKhambrimstone: I did exec('Background','demo-instruct');
14:00.59brimstoneahh, well, not sure right off then, sorry
14:01.22BugKhamthen wait_for_digit(10000);
14:01.27BugKhamand exit;
14:01.43BugKhamthe file is longer than 10 secs
14:02.04BugKhamif it works it should stop at 10th sec, right?
14:02.50brimstonenot sure, since you're asking asterisk to pause
14:03.00brimstonetry a 10sec pause in your agi language
14:03.16brimstonethen exit
14:05.33brimstonelet me know how it works out BugKham
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14:55.54lordbaronwhat is the proper way to config the TE412P for PRI_NET? I am connecting 2 for stress test. I need to know how to config the timing on the NET/CPE sides
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14:56.57zoaput 1 on 0 and 1 on 1
14:57.49lordbaronso..pri_net side: span1=1,1,0,esf,b8zs; span2=1,2,0,esf,b8zs, etc?
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14:58.12lordbaronerr span2=2,2,0,esf,b8zs
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14:58.35lordbaronand of course...span=2,2,0,esf,b8zs
14:58.37lordbaroncan't type today
14:59.07krausenquestion:  Is it possible to have an asterisk release installed and asterisk from SVN, and be able to switch inbetween them on a whim?
14:59.19lordbaronand then on the cpe side, second position is 0 for all?
14:59.24lordbaronmakes sense
15:01.34krausenanyone else messing with asterisk/googletalk in svn?
15:03.38lordbaron<krausen> I do this for testing, but it requires that you remove all your modules, etc.
15:05.27krausenso might be easier to just cron the SVN pull, and re-build/install if I want to monkey with it, then do "make install" again in the release directories if I want to toggle back?
15:10.46tzafrirkrausen, get yourself a nice little chroot jail. Build and install Asterisk there, until you're happy with it
15:10.55tzafrir(in debian: use debootstrap)
15:12.22tzafrirHowever this will not be as effective if you want the program to listen on some ports, unless you have a space IP on that system
15:13.26krausentalking about concurrently with another asterisk running?
15:16.05ctaloihey guys - do you know if  issuing a 'reload' impacts calls waiting in queue?
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15:23.05litnimaxhello folks. I am trying to use ExternalIVR . I don't get H event (H: the channel was hung up by the connected party). Anyone can advise?
15:24.34*** part/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
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15:29.53mtgcogreetings having trouble compiling asterisk-addons seem to have all of the packages but getting this error: app_addon_sql_mysql.c:78: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
15:31.01*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
15:31.02blitzrageinitial guess is that you're missing the mysql-devel package
15:31.40*** join/#asterisk spr1te (i=spr1te@
15:33.00mtgcothought that two but a check of packages in web min shows its there mysql-devel 4.1.20-1.RHEL4.1 also did a yum install mysql-devel and it informed me that there was nothing to do????
15:34.48mtgcodid a pretty good google search and that didnt turn up anything either
15:35.18*** part/#asterisk krausen (
15:35.59blitzragehrmmmm... not really sure. Compiling should be fairly straight forward...
15:36.13blitzragealthough I've never tried to compile that package, so it might be expecting something else
15:36.45mtgcoodly enough i would have thought the ./confugure would have flaged an error if i didnt have the correct complier or packages and that ran clean
15:38.16mtgcoany way to find out what packages asterisk-addons requires to compile?
15:39.47tzafrirmtgco, try to build it. It should fail pretty early on (by rpm)
15:40.11tzafrirNot sure if there's anything better. My rpm experince is a bit rusty
15:40.56hacked``lets say i want to accept 4 incoming calls at the same time
15:41.00mtgcoi am building asterisk-addons from svn tzafrir that is what is failing
15:41.01hacked``whats a good provider to go with
15:42.15tzafrirmtgco, a missing mysql dev package?
15:42.51tzafrir*mysql*-devel . Shouldn't be too many of those in your distro
15:43.09mtgcoyeah checked that have msql-devel and yum says no more action  heres the error again:app_addon_sql_mysql.c:78: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
15:44.53mtgcoapp_addon_sql_mysql.c:78: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
15:44.53mtgcoapp_addon_sql_mysql.c: In function `unload_module':
15:44.53mtgcoapp_addon_sql_mysql.c:420: error: `STANDARD_HANGUP_LOCALUSERS' undeclared (first use in this function)
15:44.53mtgcoapp_addon_sql_mysql.c:420: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
15:44.53mtgcoapp_addon_sql_mysql.c:420: error: for each function it appears in.)
15:44.54mtgcoapp_addon_sql_mysql.c: At top level:
15:44.56mtgcoapp_addon_sql_mysql.c:441: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
15:44.58mtgcomake[1]: *** [app_addon_sql_mysql.o] Error 1
15:45.00mtgcomake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk-addons'
15:45.02mtgcomake: *** [all] Error 2
15:45.16*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
15:45.16Strom_Choly christ, man
15:45.23Strom_Chave you not heard of pastebin?
15:45.30jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use, or
15:45.52mtgcosorry all was trying to paste that
15:48.43*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
15:51.31*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
15:52.10mtgcohere is the full error that i get when i do the make of asterisk-addons:
15:53.08*** join/#asterisk FTexcom (
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15:55.25*** join/#asterisk mmurdock (
15:55.42mmurdockHowdy everyone.
15:56.44hacked``is there some sort of review site
15:56.47hacked``for voip providers
15:56.52hacked``dont know who to choose
15:57.01hacked``for like 3 incoming lines, and 2-3 outgoing
15:57.21mtgcocheck out he has a few reviewed
15:57.30hacked``im looking there now
15:57.37hacked``cant find any that are good
15:58.00mmurdockI've got a TDM2400 with the echo cancellation on it and when I have that daugter card plugged in I can't hear the phone ringing or the caller, but they can hear me.  When I take it out, everthing seems to work normally.  Any suggestions?
15:58.30FTexcommmurdock try playing with the rxgain and txgain on the zapata.conf
15:58.32russellbmmurdock: have you contacted digium support?
15:58.33Strom_Cmmurdock, FXO or FXS modules?
15:58.51blitzragehacked``: has some too
15:58.57hacked``like im interested in telasip, but the thing is, whats the difference between residential and business plans, the residential plans look more attractive
15:59.00mmurdockStrom_C: I have both.
15:59.15Strom_Cmmurdock, have you contacted digium support?
15:59.30mmurdockStrom_C: I have not.  Thought I would try here first.
15:59.46Strom_Cmmurdock, well, ok...wait till tomorrow and contact them :)
15:59.54mmurdockStrom_C: Will do.
16:00.56hacked``anyone here use telasip ?
16:09.03*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
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16:20.30mmurdockis rxgain the only way to increase the volume of a call other then the volume control on the phone?
16:21.06Strom_Cmmurdock, you use rxgain to compensate for attenuation on analog trunk circuits
16:22.12Strom_Cmmurdock, where are you located?
16:22.29mmurdockStrom_C: k, by the way I got that card to work.  I had to turn off echotraining in the zapata file.  I'm in Utah
16:22.36lordbaronI have a pots line that will not use KewlStart on my TDM400P..does this indicate a line problem, or just an incompatibity with the telco?
16:22.52Strom_Clordbaron, what do you mean, exactly
16:23.17Strom_Cmmurdock, find the number to your switch's local milliwatt test and use that to tune the rxgain on your FXO lines
16:23.17lordbaronstrom_c: when I use KS, and dial out, it dials, and then hangs up. Status shows ANSWERED
16:23.38Strom_Clordbaron, what kind of switch is your line served out of?
16:23.41lordbaronif I use LS, then dials like normal, but I do not get disconnect supervision
16:24.04lordbaronSWBell - Dallas, TX. I don't know much more, but I did confirm that they placed disconnect supervision on it.
16:24.10lordbaronWhat more should I ask the telco?
16:24.45Strom_Clordbaron, is your line doing something like polarity reversal upon answer supervision?
16:24.54mmurdockStrom_C:  I will do that when I put this machine into service.  Right now I am testing it using my Vonage phone line.
16:25.03Strom_Cmmurdock, EWWWW
16:25.04lordbaronI do see those messages if I start the mod with a debug=1
16:25.13mmurdockStrom_C:  :)
16:25.14Strom_Clordbaron, which messages
16:25.23lordbaronPOLARITY REVERS 0 => 1
16:25.37Strom_Cdo you have a way of testing line polarity?
16:25.55lordbaronI probably have the tools, and just lack the knowledge :>
16:25.57mmurdockStrom_C: Just a side note, I volunteered to setup this Asterisk box in a new school.  We will be running 30+ phones off it.
16:26.17Strom_Cmmurdock, 30+ analog phones?
16:26.40mmurdockStrom_C: Nope, 30- Snom 300's and 3 Snom 320's
16:26.44Strom_Cok, good :)
16:26.59lordbaronI have a buttset, with a red light. I swapped the tip/ring, and the red light went away
16:27.01mmurdockI really like how the Snom phones have worked out.
16:27.12Strom_Clordbaron, ok, do this
16:27.30Strom_Clordbaron, hook up the buttset correctly and then dial a local call
16:27.35*** part/#asterisk mtgco (
16:27.41Strom_Clordbaron, tell me whether the red light goes away after that call answers
16:28.13Strom_Cok, then you have answer supervision on your line, not disconnect-only supervision
16:28.19lordbaronso...use reversepolarityonanswer=yes?
16:28.26*** join/#asterisk Splas (
16:28.42Strom_Ci think you use that option
16:28.44lordbaronis that a problem for KS?
16:28.48Strom_Cit's not a KS line :)
16:28.55Strom_Cit's an LS line with answer supervision
16:29.02lordbaronic, so I need to use LS..gotcha
16:29.07*** part/#asterisk mmurdock (
16:29.31lordbaronif I enable that, will that help fix the disconnect problem? Rightnow, it is not working.
16:29.46Strom_Creversepolarityonanswer=yes in zapata.conf?
16:30.25Strom_Cgive it a shot.  I don't have a line that supervises like that, so I can't test it
16:30.30lordbaronI have not tested that part yet, To test, I grab a zap line, dial direct to a cell phone, answer, and then hangup the cell phone After the telco 'blips', I get a fastbusy, but b
16:30.41lordbaronbusydetect nevers detects this fast busy
16:30.43Strom_Cfast busy == reorder
16:30.46lordbaronit is 10ms on, 20 of
16:30.53Strom_Cfast busy is not a busy signal busydetect will never get that huh?
16:31.29Strom_Clook, youve GOT answer supervision on the line.  you don't need busydetect :)
16:31.39lordbaronok, makes sense
16:31.46Strom_Cbut please test that
16:31.49Strom_Cand let me know if it works
16:31.54lordbaronwill do now..thanks
16:32.29Strom_Clordbaron, where is the reversepolarityonanswer option documented?
16:34.55*** join/#asterisk spr1te (i=spr1te@
16:36.09UForgottenhow would I configure a zap channel to wait 6 rings before answering?
16:36.32Strom_Cfigure out how many seconds 6 rings is, and then issue a Wait() before the Answer()
16:36.57Strom_Cbut why would you want to do that?
16:37.26UForgottenbecause my wife is getting pissed that the pbx is answering before she can get to it, then she can't shut it off when it does
16:37.41Dovidthe variable chanisavail only checks to see if asterisk is using that channel
16:37.44UForgottenIf she answers first, meaning we're home, I don't want it to answer at all, so the wait won't work
16:37.59zoaso that woulld work
16:38.07Strom_CUForgotten, asterisk is not designed to function as an adjunct to an existing home telephone network
16:38.11zoamaybe its easier to find another wife :)
16:38.15Dovidi want to have both asterisk and a fax machine plugged into a pots line and before asterisk tries to make a call to see if the fax machine is using that channel
16:38.19UForgottenlol, I had considered that
16:38.38Strom_CUForgotten, the assumption is that any analog lines will be trunk lines between a telco and the pbx
16:38.42Dovidanyone ?
16:38.46Strom_CDovid, that is not how chanisavail works at all
16:39.03zoahmm no bot
16:39.03DovidSrom_C: its only for internal like for asteirsk calls ?
16:39.04Strom_CDovid, asterisk cannot check to see if the pots line is busy before picking it up
16:39.09*** part/#asterisk clive- (
16:39.29Dovidthere has to be a way. I know that my $30.00 cordless can see if the line is in use or not
16:39.45Strom_CDovid, im answering roughly the same question for UForgotten
16:39.57Strom_Casterisk is not designed to function as an adjunct to an existing home telephone network
16:40.05Strom_Cthe assumption is that any analog lines will be trunk lines between a telco and the pbx
16:40.13DovidStrom_C: can it be patched to check the line ?
16:40.16Strom_Cand therefore will not have anything else connected to them
16:40.16Dovidi am willing to pay
16:40.25Strom_CDovid, run your fax machine through the pbx
16:40.32Strom_Cfxs port, fxo port
16:40.37DovidStrom_C: i did that but now they dont go thru
16:40.38Doviddid that
16:40.52Strom_Cdid you configure your rxgain and txgain correctly?
16:41.04Dovidthey are good for voice calls
16:41.07UForgottenalso mus use ulaw or alaw
16:41.08Dovidhow do i ajust them ?
16:41.19jboti guess echo is an issue which can be best fixed using this link:, or fixed with fxotune:, or best fixed by troubleshooting your pci bus:, or of ...
16:41.19Dovidhow do i force them to use ulaw ?
16:41.29Strom_CDovid, you find your telco's milliwatt test and use that to adjust rxgain and txgain
16:41.41Dovidi am still learning
16:41.47Dovidwhats a milliwatt test ?
16:41.49UForgottenStrom_c: I wish it were that easy - you have to practically TORTURE a lineman for them to give you any info
16:41.59Strom_CUForgotten, thats why you dont ask the linemen
16:42.12Strom_Cyou use the AT&T test line directory :)
16:42.14*** join/#asterisk lordbaron2 (
16:42.27DovidStorm_C: how do i do that ?
16:42.36Strom_CDovid, 1004hz tone at 0dbm
16:43.02Strom_CDovid, who is your telephone company?
16:43.02lordbaron2storm_c: Sorry--got bumped. I was wrong. answeronpolarityswitch is the proper
16:43.04DovidStrom_C: Chineese to me. i am linux guy. not telco. still leanring
16:43.06UForgottengoogle has been unhelpful on that
16:43.15UForgottenI'm on BellSouth ac 352
16:43.50Strom_CUForgotten, i dont know where bellsouth maps their test numbers
16:44.04Strom_Cbut search for their CLEC website
16:44.23UForgottenI've searched their clec website, you have to have a login/password for the good stuff
16:44.44DovidStrom_C: how do i find out verizon's ?
16:44.46Strom_CUForgotten, so wait till AT&T finishes the acquisition :)
16:44.52Strom_CDovid, which state?
16:45.11Strom_Cbell atlantic...hmmmm
16:45.20UForgottenok, I'll keep futzing around.  ttyl
16:45.39Dovidwhen i googled verizon milliwat i got thsi
16:45.56Strom_CDovid, the key is finding the milliwatt test on your local switch
16:46.01Strom_Cit can't come from anywhere but your local switch
16:46.13Strom_Ctrunks may incur additional transmission loss
16:46.25Dovidlocal switch meaning the verizon switch that my home connects to ?
16:46.40Dovidok so how do i find that out ? i need to call verizon ?
16:46.52Dovidor is there an app that i can run ? app?
16:47.06Dovidwell i dont even know what it is
16:47.19Strom_Cyou lost me
16:47.20Dovidif i play with the tx and rx gain i should get it working ?
16:47.25Dovidif i play with the tx and rx gain i should get it working ?
16:47.25lordbaron2strom_c: I put those options in place, but still does not detect disconect. Should I be using callprogress?
16:47.35blitzrageDovid: if it works, then yes, if not, then no
16:47.41Strom_Clordbaron2, wait till tomorrow and contact digium support
16:47.55Dovidtx gain is for ??? and rx gain is for ??
16:48.06Dovidrx is in and tx is out ?
16:48.09*** part/#asterisk lordbaron2 (
16:48.37Dovidright now i have
16:48.50Strom_Cwhy do you have that?
16:48.52Dovidwhat do u think i need to change ?
16:49.03Dovidjust coppied my last configs that a friend did and it worked great
16:49.17Strom_Chow many feet long is your copper loop?
16:49.20Dovidtill the faxing...
16:49.29Dovidfrom me to the telco ? no clue
16:50.04Dovidalso relaxed dtmf is on should it be off ?
16:50.08Strom_CDovid, find out what your local milliwatt test number is, and get back to me
16:50.23Strom_Cfor faxing, you bet your ass it should be off
16:50.34Dovidthat means calling verizon which never picks up so i will never get backt o u :(
16:50.49Strom_Cthat just means you're not persistent enough
16:50.52Strom_Ccall repair service
16:51.00Dovidit should be no correct ?
16:51.08Strom_Cthat's what I just said
16:52.14*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
17:05.28*** join/#asterisk rg1_ (
17:07.05rg1_in a dialplan - is there a "defined" variable I can use to print the current date/time?
17:07.29rg1_like ${CURRENT_TIME} ?
17:07.36rg1_that would reflect the system date and time?
17:09.05*** join/#asterisk spr1te (i=spr1te@
17:09.17rg1_test - anyone see me here?
17:09.32Strom_Ctry ${EPOCH}
17:09.42rg1_ok, thx
17:12.18*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
17:18.59rg1_Strom_C-ok, i got epoch, but in form:
17:19.42rg1_is there any (easy) way to get that formatted into something human readable? (i.e. 08 Aug 2006 12:20)
17:19.52rg1_within the dialplan?
17:19.54Strom_Cthe number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight, st january 1970
17:20.21*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
17:20.28Strom_Cperhaps ${DATETIME} but I think that has been deprecated
17:20.30rg1_but is there a function or something to make that a tad easier
17:20.35rg1_let me try that
17:20.38EmleyMoorfwd back :-)
17:20.43*** join/#asterisk novafirst (
17:20.52russellbin trunk, there is STRFTIME ...
17:21.29russellbfile: !
17:21.42novafirsthow can I asign language setting per sip user?
17:21.44FTexcomhow can I make that if I press a number I can pickup a ringing extension?
17:21.59Strom_CFTexcom, pickup groups
17:22.01florzStrom_C: Actually, it's the number of days that have elapsed since then plus the number of seconds since last midnight in UTC - and even that isn't completely exact yet ... =:-)
17:22.14florzStrom_C: Actually, it's the number of days that have elapsed since then times 86400 plus the number of seconds since last midnight in UTC - and even that isn't completely exact yet ... =:-)
17:22.22filerussellb: ?
17:22.31russellbfile: i was blaming you for something
17:22.32Strom_Cclose enough
17:23.06florzStrom_C: Well, depends on the application - but the UTC part is important to mention ...
17:23.47Strom_Cflorz, I was giving the short short version
17:24.26EmleyMoorHowever, I can't receive calls on it...
17:24.36EmleyMoorI get this when a call comes in:
17:24.55EmleyMoorAug 27 18:23:09 WARNING[32422]: channel.c:506 ast_best_codec: Don't know any of 0xf800 formats
17:25.07EmleyMoorAug 27 18:23:09 ERROR[32422]: chan_iax2.c:7383 socket_read: No best format in 0xf800??
17:25.25EmleyMoorAug 27 18:23:09 NOTICE[32422]: chan_iax2.c:7388 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability 0x4/0xf804 incompatible with our capability 0xff03.
17:25.38EmleyMoorWhy do I get this, and what do I have to do to fix it?
17:29.52EmleyMoorI can't proceed any further until I can receive calls :-(
17:29.56*** join/#asterisk Druken (
17:30.39Strom_CEmleyMoor, show me your iax.conf
17:30.47jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use, or
17:31.04EmleyMoorOK - will pastebin shortly
17:32.49rg1_exten => s,n,NoOp([DateTime()]-ALMSG-2006-08-27
17:33.18rg1_I was hoping above would print the date/time in the log - instead it just printed "[DateTime()]....
17:33.27Strom_Cthats because you didnt listen to me, rg1_
17:33.30rg1_any idea how i get that to evalulate
17:33.33Strom_Ci said ${DATETIME}
17:33.53rg1_one more try.....
17:34.58FTexcomEmleyMoor the extensions.conf would be useful too
17:35.09EmleyMoorOK - will do that too...
17:35.27*** join/#asterisk paolob (
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17:35.58Strom_CEmleyMoor, add allow=ulaw to your user entry for iax
17:36.19*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
17:36.25EmleyMoorStrom_C: My entry? Which entry?
17:36.38Strom_Cyour FWD user entry in iax.conf
17:36.42rg1_Strom - that evaluated to a blank
17:36.44EmleyMooruser - ah
17:37.04Strom_Crg1_, show me your noop statement
17:37.05EmleyMoorttp:// is my extensions.conf
17:37.11EmleyMoorhttp... even
17:38.44EmleyMoorSorted - thanks Strom_C
17:39.19Strom_Crg1_, perhaps try ${TIMESTAMP}
17:39.21rg1_log showed:  -ALMSG-2006-08-27-1214a-tqm_start)
17:39.25EmleyMoorYes, Strom_C: I can now receive calls...
17:39.27rg1_let me try that
17:39.36Strom_CEmleyMoor, good
17:39.46Strom_CEmleyMoor, you have bandwidth=low in your general section
17:39.52EmleyMoorAnyone want to give me a try on FWD 794933?
17:39.58EmleyMoorIs that a bad thing?
17:40.00Strom_Cand bandwidth=low does not include ulaw
17:41.52*** join/#asterisk benjk_ (
17:43.19EmleyMoorNow I've solved that, I can read a bit more of the book and try and set up some other cool stuff
17:43.32EmleyMoorCalls to my FWD number are welcome, within reason
17:46.35*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
17:52.18rg1_exten => s,n,NoOp([ALMSG-${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%m/%d/%Y-%H:%M:%S)}]-
17:52.21rg1_that worked!
17:52.43russellbrg1_: nice :)
17:52.57rg1_thanks strom and all.
17:58.18EmleyMoorSound generated by my asterisk sounds awful - is it possible that that is because it's under-spec hardware?
17:58.30zoanormally no
17:59.41FTexcomEmleyMoor using zap?
17:59.56EmleyMoorFTexcom: No - entirely iax
18:01.07*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
18:01.08FTexcomnovafirst add the line language=whatever inside the extension conf file
18:02.08FTexcomEmleyMoor strange, perhaps using wrong codec?
18:02.39EmleyMoorThe sound is badly broken up, as if the machine is too slow (which, I suppose, it is)
18:03.07EmleyMoorI will be buying new hardware before making this a fully deployable solution but am hoping to confirm this first
18:03.14*** join/#asterisk dieno2 (n=dienno2@
18:04.39dieno2can  n e 1 tell me how can i solve this prb
18:04.54EmleyMoorLocal echo test sounds similar - remote echo test via FWD sounds OK
18:05.39novafirstFTexcom: but I don't want to set global language settings, instead only per user
18:05.42dieno2iz this for me :P
18:06.34FTexcomnovafirst inside the [extension]...
18:06.45dieno2how can i solve it
18:07.24novafirstdid anyone applied asterisk-1.2.11-patch ?
18:07.29zoacheck with a sniffer to see if its normal there
18:07.31zoamaybe its your phone
18:17.03EmleyMoorCan someone please call me on FWD 794933 or offer to take a call from me, so that we can test how my setup works on a real call?
18:18.49Dovidfor an FXS port on asteris
18:19.04Dovidto transfer calls , dnd etc. where are these options set ?
18:19.04*** join/#asterisk wulfy814 (
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18:31.28dieno2can ne tell me best Quality of Cedec Please
18:32.43*** join/#asterisk harlequin516 (
18:32.47harlequin516How can I get asterisk to output to the logs the same way that `asterisk -c -vvvvvvvvv -dddddddddd` does?
18:33.15harlequin516I have this fgeeling there is no standard way to do this.
18:35.18harlequin516Anyone here?
18:36.13harlequin516There's like a billion people here, and no one is talking.
18:38.55*** part/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
18:40.45*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
18:41.54Flautowhat is the package called in debian for php-cli
18:48.43*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
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19:03.20harlequin516Sorry, gentoo here
19:07.52docelmoFlauto its for running php from the CLI or Command Line Interface
19:08.07docelmoits not however a module for Apache etc..
19:08.16docelmoIm assuming your new as linux
19:09.41b4kadocelmo: he asked how was the package called...
19:10.21docelmoohh misunderstod
19:10.25docelmomy bad..
19:10.36docelmodo a apt-get install php*
19:10.51docelmothat should install all php associated packages
19:11.03b4kawhy would he do that?
19:11.36zoahey ho docelmo
19:20.52zoaiiiits ooooh so quiet
19:20.57zoaiiiits oooooh soooo stilll
19:22.27docelmosimple way to find the cli package for php
19:22.48docelmoWhy do poeple use vonage for their phone?   People just do dumb things..
19:26.55Qwelldocelmo: That's their slogan, right?
19:27.15Qwell"People do stupid things." or whatever
19:27.38*** join/#asterisk Fender22211 (
19:28.04Fender22211anyone here have any experience with VOICEMAIL OBDC Storage?
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19:28.50Qwellmog: !!!
19:29.18mogQwell, !
19:29.50fileQwell: do you want my black Digium shirt? it's obviously a medium despite what the label says
19:30.10Qwellfile: yeah, they run big.  the small is almost too big, heh
19:30.25Qwellor...hmm, that wouldn't make sense, would it?
19:30.35Qwellmine ran big, yours ran small? :P
19:30.37mogDeeewayne, !!
19:30.38fileno, but anyway - my orange one is fine, but this black one... ungood
19:30.47Qwellumm, sure
19:30.57Deeewaynemog!! file!! qwell!!
19:31.00QwellDeeewayne: !
19:31.49fileDeeewayne: !!!
19:31.56Fender22211other than modifying the voicemail.c source, is there anyway to add the Caller ID Phone number only to the MSG***.txt file?
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19:36.53QwellFender22211: It stores the callerid already, doesn't it?
19:37.39harlequin516Can you specify an incoming context and an outgoing context in the iax.conf or sip.conf?
19:38.19Strom_Cyou dont need to specify an outgoing context
19:38.38Strom_Cyou call that entry using the dial() app
19:38.46QwellYou specify an incoming context for your provider, then an outgoing context on your device
19:39.16Strom_Chi, btw :)_
19:39.17Strom_Cer :)
19:39.23jbothello, qwell
19:39.33Strom_C~hi bob
19:39.34jbotMany greetings, bob, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
19:39.39Strom_Chah!  thats how it works
19:39.43Qwell~hi randomperson
19:39.44jbotMany greetings, randomperson, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
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19:40.51Strom_Cnow that I'm rested, it feels amazing to be back home :)
19:40.51fileStrom_C: Der Waffle Haus!
19:41.06Strom_Cno tengo Der Waffle Haus in Los Angeles, unfortunately
19:41.12QwellStrom_C: start one
19:41.21Strom_CQwell, I looked into it
19:41.33Strom_Cunfortunately it's incredibly difficult to become a Waffle House franchisee
19:41.41fileyou have to already be an empployee
19:41.43fileer employee
19:41.59QwellYou have to work there, before you can start one?
19:42.08harlequin516hmm... I'm confused is iaxtel and freeworld dialup two different things?
19:42.13Qwellharlequin516: yes
19:42.15fileharlequin516: yes
19:42.22Strom_Charlequin516: yes
19:42.25Qwellharlequin516: yes
19:42.33harlequin516Okay I get itr!   ;)
19:42.35Strom_Charlequin516: yes
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19:49.19Fender22211anyone familiar with editing voicemail.c?
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19:58.45pyromharlequin516, yes
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20:03.20Strom_CI'm always horrified when people describe the mechanical ringer inside an older telephone set as having a "ring tone"
20:04.49trelaneStrom_C, but it does... and it has to be tuned by adjusting the bell
20:05.05benjk_a discrete ringtone
20:05.14benjk_in the sense of discrete hardware
20:05.53Strom_C"tone", at least in the context of telephony, is more suggestive of something generated by an electronic device than a noise generated by striking a bell
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20:06.13benjk_that depends on your age
20:06.20trelanetone equates to perceived frequency
20:06.22trelaneie how it sounds
20:06.38trelaneso the bell on the old phones did in fact have a perceived ringing frequency, or a ring tone
20:06.51trelanein fact some of them rang out of tune and had to be acoustically tuned before shipping
20:07.27Strom_Cand the sound of a mecanical bell is more than just tones...there's the noise of the hammer actually striking the bell and the noise of the head of the hammer rattling against the stiff wire it's mounted on
20:07.46benjk_its not
20:08.10Strom_Cs/mechanical bell/mechanical bell ringer/
20:08.13benjk_its the entire perception of whatever noise comes out of the phone when it rings
20:08.27benjk_thats the ringing tone
20:09.13benjk_you can have the very same ringing tone including the hammer artifacts as a digitally sampled ringing tone on a mobile phone
20:09.37Strom_Cwell, sure, but the tiny speaker on the mobile phone can't really do the original sound justice
20:09.38trelanebenjk_, I have such a ring tone on my cell phone
20:09.43trelaneStrom_C, concur
20:09.53benjk_just because one is created mechanically and the other not, doesn't make them a tone in one case and not a tone in the other
20:11.12Strom_Cby your definition, you could also call the sound of a Boeing 747 a tone
20:11.34h3xStrom_C: im sure the wireless companies would sell it for $0.49 if people would buy it
20:11.53Qwellh3x: $0.49?  You must not live in the US
20:11.58h3xok well
20:12.01h3x$0.49 per week
20:12.03Strom_Ctry $3?
20:12.04h3xuntil you send CANCEL to 51398753195731985713
20:12.06benjk_if you use the sampled noise of a 747 on your phone as a ringing tone, then yes of course
20:12.43trelaneStrom_C, the sound of a 747's engine is a tone, and if it's sympathetic to any other resonant frequency on the aircraft it will shake itself apart
20:12.46benjk_some guy I know uses a flushing toilet sound as a ringing tone for disctinctive ring
20:12.53Strom_Cbenjk_, hahahaha
20:12.56Strom_Cthat's awesome
20:13.07h3xi bet he dosent answer the phone when in a public bathroom
20:13.20h3xor maybe i should say
20:13.28Qwelltone: a sound of definite pitch; a note.
20:13.29h3xtries to answer the phone when he leans forward to find out there was no call
20:13.33Qwell747 != note
20:13.40h3x747 == noise
20:13.44Strom_Cmechanical noise != note
20:14.08Qwell440/480 == tone
20:14.10benjk_a ringing tone is whatever sound/noise you use to let your phone ring
20:14.29benjk_you are confusing indication tones with ringing tones
20:14.37QwellNo, the word "tone"
20:14.43benjk_nobody says ringing noise
20:14.50Qwellwell they should ;)
20:15.33benjk_you can just as well call an indication tone an indication noise
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20:15.48Qwellyes, and both would be correct
20:16.09Qwellbut calling some guy screaming "answer your phone!" a "tone" is so horribly wrong
20:16.22Strom_Cbut, just as all squares are rectangles while all rectangles are not squares...
20:17.10benjk_ringing tone has become a distinct kind of its own
20:17.49benjk_independent of the uses otherwise usual for the word tone on its own
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20:22.25benjk_in Japan, ringing tones are called chaku melo
20:22.37benjk_which means arrival melody
20:22.44Qwellyes, and melody makes more sense
20:22.52benjk_now, you could argue that not all are melodies
20:23.05Qwella melody is a composition of tones.  "ringtones" used to be polyphonic
20:23.05benjk_but natural language doesn't work this way
20:23.24QwellSo, the term needs to change ;)
20:23.28hmmhesayswell the mp3's that get played these days could be considered melody
20:23.44Qwellmidis are melodies
20:23.52benjk_a certain term becomes popular and eventually it gets a meaning on its own, independent of its components
20:23.54Strom_C"arrival melody" somehow makes me think of a Sirius Cybernetics-esque musical jingle played when an automatic taxicab reaches its destination
20:24.12hmmhesaysfrom robocop?
20:24.12QwellStrom_C: what movie was that?
20:24.17hmmhesays6th day
20:24.19Strom_Cit wasnt a movie
20:24.33Strom_Cit was just something that my mind conjured up
20:24.39Strom_Ci do have an independent imagination, you know
20:24.55hmmhesaysall your imagination are belong to us
20:24.55QwellYou lose
20:24.56QwellThe Sirius Cybernetics Corporation is a fictional company from Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
20:25.11Strom_CI know that
20:25.20Strom_Cit's known for producing horrid products
20:25.26benjk_it would be nice if the asterisk code base would be equally scrutinised for misnomers and ambiguous or plain wrong uses of language
20:26.55hmmhesayswhat do you call those christmas trees you use in car doors
20:26.57benjk_coders with lazy fingers find it justified to use something thats cryptic, non-obvious, ambiguous or otherwise confusing because they say it is easier to type
20:27.03Qwellhmmhesays: wreaths?
20:27.17hmmhesaysno the plastic plugs used to put door panels on
20:27.35benjk_but at the same time, ordinary folks shouldn't have the same right to convenience taking short cuts in every day language?
20:27.47Qwellbenjk_: give me an example
20:28.24benjk_for example the variable transfer
20:28.42benjk_I think its in channel.c
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20:29.07benjk_it used to be once only for the purpose of transfer flags
20:29.25benjk_but it has accumulated so many more flags that its become a totally confusing misnomer
20:29.36QwellI'm not seeing any such thing in channel.c
20:30.21benjk_maybe its in pbx.c or dial, can't remember now where it was, but if you read any code, there is plenty of this stuff
20:30.21hmmhesayswhat a sad state of affairs cable tv is in
20:30.39mogand they do if you read the code
20:31.10mogi mean asterisk is far more readable than any other similliarly sized project i have had the pleasure of reading
20:31.11mountainm2kLittle help building zaptel on 2.6 kernel...
20:31.31hmmhesaysi need a decent dhcp server
20:31.34hmmhesaysand a good guide
20:31.42mountainm2khmmhesays: dhcpd
20:31.50hmmhesaysoh yeah?
20:31.51benjk_non-obvious and ambiguous or misappropriated terms in daily life language also makes sense if you know what it means or if you listen in long enough to learn from context
20:32.27mountainm2khmmhesays: I actually use Windows 2003 DHCP server, but not because I want to......
20:32.35benjk_the point is that readability and comprehensibility suffers if such terms are used
20:32.57mountainm2kAll:  trying to diag problem building zaptel on 2.6 kernel...  It won't build, errors out with a bunch of crap...
20:33.01moglike i said i find asterisk to be quite readable
20:33.19mogas do the other core developers
20:33.26Strom_Cmountainm2k, pastebin the error
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20:33.30benjk_that's why you wouldn't use ambiguous terms in natural language if the audience is wide enough, for example a report, a newspaper article, an open letter, a news item
20:34.08Strom_Cmountainm2k, you're on centos / RHEL, arent you
20:34.09EmleyMoorIs there an example of how to connect to fwd using SIP? I'm getting unexplained busies using iax, but not to all numbers
20:34.09mountainm2kStrom_C: To make matters worse, it's ABE-B -- they told me I needed to have RHEL4 (which is 2.6 kernel)...
20:34.17mountainm2kStrom_C: Yes
20:34.19Strom_Cmountainm2k, see the following:
20:34.26jbotit has been said that centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
20:35.02mountainm2ksed: can't read /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.0.2.ELsmp-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h: No such file or directory
20:35.11hmmhesaysthat's the the problem with rhel4
20:37.00benjk_it has absolutely no relevance if you know what it means or anyone else who reads it on a daily basis, readability and comprehensibility is defined by whether or not something is readable/comprehensible without any prior knowledge of the "text"
20:37.00mountainm2k(latest-and-greatest kernel from yum)
20:37.51mountainm2kahha...  jbot has a bad bit in the macro there...
20:37.57mountainm2kI see how to fix
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20:39.02benjk_in any event, the point is that if you take the liberty for yourself to use shorthand in your own domain, then you have to extend the right to others to do the same in their domain
20:39.14mountainm2kIt looks like that fixed it, thank you...
20:39.45mountainm2kFYI the issue w/ jbot's command is that the path including the unames doesn't work correctly for SMP kernels...
20:39.54mountainm2kbut I got it figured, and it built now, TY...
20:39.57Strom_Cmountainm2k: so fix it
20:40.22mountainm2knice...  :-)
20:40.44Strom_Cyou can tell it things like so:
20:40.54Strom_Cjbot, giggityflorp is total nonsense
20:40.56jbotStrom_C: okay
20:41.03jbotsomebody said giggityflorp was total nonsense
20:41.13Qwelljbot: no, giggityflorp is something else
20:41.15jbotokay, Qwell
20:41.15Strom_Cjbot, forget giggityflorp
20:41.41benjk_so if the general public likes to "misappropriate" the term tone for something you would rather call melody or sound sample because they feel tone is shorter and more convenient, then you should tolerate it as much as you expect others to tolerate your own shortcuts in the asterisk code base
20:42.09Strom_Cbenjk_: I'm not a coder, so your demand has no relevance to me :)
20:42.33mountainm2kHmmm, this is probably better:
20:42.34mountainm2kjbot, centosbug is centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
20:42.36jbotI think you lost me on that one, mountainm2k
20:42.37benjk_I am sure that you are using similar shortcuts in whatever your own domain of expertise is
20:42.54mountainm2kjbot, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
20:42.56jbot...but centosbug is already something else...
20:42.57benjk_at least I would be surprised if you didn't
20:43.22Strom_Cjbot, no, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
20:43.24jbotStrom_C: okay
20:43.40doolphhow can I dial an extension with agi
20:43.41benjk_in general I agree with you that proper use of language is important
20:43.55mountainm2kjbot, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
20:43.57jboti already had it that way, mountainm2k
20:44.06Strom_Cmountainm2k: I already set it
20:44.09jbotit has been said that centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
20:44.11mountainm2ko i c :-)
20:44.14benjk_yet, natural language is defined by its use, and use can change over time
20:45.30benjk_English is the outcome of a Saxon population trying to learn French and they didn't quite get it right
20:45.48Strom_CEnglish is more than that
20:45.53mountainm2kThanks to hmmhesays and Strom_C for that
20:45.55Strom_CEnglish is the Frankenstein's Monster of language
20:46.00benjk_French itself is the outcome of a Frankish population to speak Latin and they didn't quite get it right
20:46.50Strom_Cbenjk_ is the outcome of someone reacting overly pedantically to what was essentially a JOKE
20:47.05hmmhesaysis there any programming languages that aren't english based?
20:47.07E-bolaEnglish is easy
20:47.13hmmhesaysbesides something like assembly
20:47.14E-bola10x easier to learn than french
20:47.17EmleyMoorCan call my own fwd number over iax and it rings - can't phone a friend
20:47.37E-bolahmmhesays: pascal maybe?
20:47.40benjk_there have been several localised versions of Pascal for teaching purposes
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20:47.57EmleyMoorhmmhesays: Like BASIC but in French perhaps?
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20:48.22benjk_Pascal itself is all English, but some compilers where created with translations of the key words into local languages for teaching
20:48.45h3xquebec spent a ton of money making a C language in french
20:49.09h3xwhich is dumb because it could be done with a bunch of #define's
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20:49.28Strom_Cwell, that's quebec for you
20:49.33benjk_its very easy to do if you have the source code for gcc
20:49.42benjk_just recalculate the hashes
20:49.50benjk_change 'em and recompile
20:50.04h3xi suppose the error messages and everything were translated
20:50.35benjk_oh well, that's a few hundred or a few thousand dollars worth of farming out to a translation agency
20:55.01benjk_also there is APL, which is not English but pure mathematical notation
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20:57.07mogbenjk_, you realize this is a total fruitless argument rihgt?
20:57.17h3xmy personal favorite language is Brainfuck
20:57.22dhanesi was learning
20:57.28benjk_somebody asked if there was a language not based on English
20:57.31mogthat asterisk and other code should just be in english
20:57.40dhaneshad never heard of APL
20:57.56benjk_mog you should read more carefully
20:58.05mogsorry i jumped back in
20:58.07benjk_I responded to somebody asking a questio
20:58.14mogbut usually you are running on one track
20:58.15mogmy bad
20:58.33h3xi think we should respond to mog in french from now on
20:58.57mogim always up for learning something new
20:59.06dhanesmog tres penible
20:59.14dhanesmog est tres penible :)
20:59.45mogviva la babelfish
21:00.03dhanesi've pissed off in-laws  using that damn thing
21:00.13dhanestype something in, have them look at it
21:00.25dhanesand get a strange look from them
21:00.28h3xit says "go screw yourself with a fork" ?
21:00.43dhanesfrom 'I think your dinner was wonderful!'
21:01.14hmmhesays'your daughters vagina tastes like rotten eggs'
21:01.21mogbabel fish only works if you know how to use it
21:01.35moghave to speak in broken english or whatever language
21:01.40mogso it works more like a dictionary
21:01.43dhanesi just rely on the wife, speaks cantonese, castillian spanish, portuguese
21:01.50mogthan a real language translator
21:02.07dhanesmon chochon est grand!
21:03.28JunK-Ydhanes: le mien sent la crevette!
21:03.58Qwelloh no, it's a real Quebecian :p
21:04.31rg1_anyone here use AGI calls to PHP scripts?
21:05.07hmmhesaysevery once in a great while
21:05.11dhanessorry about that Junk...i wouldn't be telling ppl that :)
21:05.19rg1_hmmmehsays - that for me?
21:05.28hmmhesaysrg1_: yeah
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21:06.39rg1_in dialplan -     exten => s,n,AGI(getsstatus,"routine1","prompt1")
21:07.17rg1_in the php script "getsstatus", how would I reference the two arguments?
21:07.51hmmhesaysset them before you call the script?
21:08.10JunK-Ylike any programming language
21:08.23hmmhesaysJunK-Y: i didn't know that, but cool
21:08.27rg1_junky - $argv[0] ?
21:08.37rg1_1, and 2?
21:08.49h3xperl starts with 0
21:08.50JunK-Yrg1_: depends on ur programming language (agi script)
21:08.53h3xeverything else starts with 1
21:08.58h3xi think
21:08.59rg1_php junky
21:09.31h3xer wait i think its the other way around
21:11.28hmmhesaysit is unfortunate you have to call an interpreter for every single call
21:12.20JunK-Yuntil u get res_php
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21:13.15benjk_hmmhesays, don't worry about it, the dialplan evaluation is so wasteful on cpu cycles, you are acutally getting much better performance once you called an interpreter of another language environment
21:15.49hmmhesayshonestly I really don't care, because hardware is cheap
21:17.04bugzhmmhesays: thats ok until you build a box for a call center
21:17.11benjk_I was only going by your statement
21:17.50mogyour gonna say cpu evalutaion to evaluate dial plan is faster than executing a php script?
21:18.14mogmaybe you could get close with C agi
21:18.15Qwellmog: Do you have that script of murfs?
21:18.15benjk_php uses tokenizing and hash table lookups
21:18.19mogbut dial plan will still be faster
21:18.27Qwellthe cycles thing
21:18.49benjk_that's one to two orders of magnitude faster than dialplan evalutaion and lookups
21:19.41benjk_of course you get most benefit if you do a little bit of work in your AGI script, not just a one liner
21:20.51benjk_and just in case you wondered, astdb lookups are faster than variable lookups
21:21.34benjk_too bad you can only access the db from the dialplan by stuffing the intermediate values into variables
21:22.05JunK-Ybenjk_: do u have any papers on that: astdb is faster then var?
21:22.19benjk_astdb uses hashtables
21:22.43benjk_variable lookup uses linked lists and strcasecmp() many times over
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21:25.12JunK-Ybenjk_: ya, i know, the same stuff over and over, like the pbx_findapp
21:25.17CrashsysI know this is an asterisk channel, but is anyone familiar with grandstream phones? (My BT-200 isn't giving a dial tone)
21:26.01JunK-Ybenjk_: that could be changed one day or another.
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21:27.11QwellI'm pretty sure variable lookups don't use strcasecmp...
21:27.56benjk_they do
21:28.01Qwellshow me
21:28.15JunK-Ybenjk_: ya, i saw ur hash branch yesterday
21:28.20benjk_its all in pbx.c
21:29.16benjk_it walks the variable linked list and strcasecmp the name found in the dialplan with the name in the variable struct
21:30.16benjk_apps and vars are case insensitive, they use strcasecmp
21:30.31Qwellvars are not case insensitive...
21:30.32benjk_other objects are case sensitive, those use strcmp
21:30.56benjk_maybe its only the builtin vars then
21:31.14benjk_still, strcmp isn't much faster
21:32.25nDuffCrashsys: I have some familiarity with the GXP-2000s. Given what junk their "enterprise phones" are, I don't have much faith in any of Grandstream's still-cheaper models.
21:33.32Qwellbenjk_: That is not asterisk
21:33.40benjk_if current asterisk uses strcmp for this (in pbx.c) then it has been changed in the last 10 months
21:33.42mountainm2kOK, same CentoOS/RHEL-4 server:  iaxmodem / libaix2 claims my C++ preprocessor fails sanity check...
21:33.47mountainm2kIs this another similarly easy thing to fix?
21:34.14mountainm2k(or I should say ./configure claims my C++ preprocessor fails sanity check)
21:34.33nDuffCrashsys: That said... is it registered with your server presently?
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21:35.22ViTahello everyone
21:35.25bugzwhat would cause mpg123 to eat up the cpu?
21:35.41bugzseveral running processes of it but only 2 are really using the cpu
21:35.43benjk_and if it has been changed, it most likely has been changed to strcmp, which isn't really much different
21:36.42benjk_interpreters have been using tokenizing and hash compares for at least 50 years
21:36.44bugzthere are no calls on this box either..
21:37.56JunK-Ybenjk_: feel free to provide a patch to speed up * :)
21:38.16mountainm2kHahah, nice -- my problem was gcc-c++ wasn't installed...
21:38.52benjk_JunK-Y, my code is MIT licensed
21:39.22JunK-Ylunch time
21:42.12Strom_CI just made my first call to someone who has music instead of audible ringing for the progress audio on their mobile phone, and holy shit is that an irritating feature
21:42.55Strom_Cpass the m option to Dial()
21:43.24mountainm2kfor inbound calls?  Interesting, I thought it would actually be difficult...
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21:43.36Strom_Cdifficult?  Asterisk?
21:43.55mountainm2kof course, what the hell was I thinking?
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21:45.57Strom_Chmm, latest svn release branch download of zaptel isn't compiling right
21:46.23Strom_Cwell, actually, it compiles
21:46.27Strom_Cbut it doesn't install
21:46.58Strom_C"install: cannot stat `*.ima': No such file or directory"  -  I think it's failing to build the octasic firmware because I don't have that in my system, yet the install script wants to install it...
21:47.40*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
21:48.48sx-wksnewbie question: on an E1 span where multiple numbers terminate, how can I get the requested number ?
21:49.12Strom_Cor whatever the equivalent name for it in Europe is
21:50.05benjk_doesn't matter if it is called differently, the identifier in asterisk is still the same
21:50.32Strom_Cyes, but it does matter if he's trying to order the service from the telco
21:51.10benjk_looked more like a how-do-I-access-this-in-my-dialplan question to me
21:51.25Strom_Cit's ambiguous
21:52.21Strom_Cbut it makes sense to confirm that the number is being delivered in the first place before banging on asterisk :)
21:55.25sx-wkswell. the thing is that I get surcharged and regular numbers ending on the same span, and want to differentiate users on what number they dialled (that is, on the surcharged number, saturation does not apply)
21:56.01*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
21:56.02Strom_Csx-wks: is the telco delivering the number to your equipment?
21:56.14Strom_Csx-wks: and is this a PRI or is it straight channelized E1?
21:56.40sx-wksStrom_C: yes. this is euro-isdn blah in .fr
21:57.21sx-wks(we are working on replacing Rekoll/dialogic with asterisk, and rekoll can see the number, and act on it)
21:57.58Strom_Csx-wks: ok...assuming the telco hasn't munged things up, and assuming what you have doesn't operate too differently from DNIS here in the U.S., the dialed number should be available within your dialplan as the extension the zaptel channel attempts to reach upon call setup
21:58.40*** join/#asterisk redondos (n=redondos@
21:59.09Strom_Cso, assuming you have "context=inbound_pri" or somesuch in zapata.conf, having a single extension in that context called _. will let you see what the telco is passing as DNIS information
21:59.18sx-wkshah, so I should have "exten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,blah" as the first instruction ?
21:59.28redondosHello. I'm looking for a way of limiting the number simultaneous connections using a VoIP account (a sip peer). I've tried setting type=peer and call-limit=1 in sip.conf with no success: asterisk lets me use that SIP account any number of times, simultaneously.
21:59.33Strom_Cexten => _.,1,NoOP(${EXTEN})
21:59.45Strom_Cthen base your pattern match strings off of what the telco is sending you
22:00.05Strom_Credondos: loo into using the GROUP() function
22:00.45redondosOh, ok, thanks. No way to do it like it's explained with call-limit?
22:00.55Strom_CI believe call-limit is deprecated
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22:01.02sx-wksStrom_C: so, I start the thing with one extension per number, doing the right thing for each...
22:01.08sx-wksok. Pretty simple :D
22:01.56redondosI see. Thanks man. The wiki is very-very outdated.
22:02.03Strom_Cyes it is
22:02.27sx-wksStrom_C: btw, I have a patch for app_meetme . how do I submit it ?
22:02.40Strom_Cvia the bug tracker
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22:09.09redondosStrom_C: Will I have to SET(GROUP) for *every* extension that wants to use the VoIP channel?
22:09.27Strom_Cno no no, you set it in the extension that dials the channel
22:09.35Strom_Cyou put it before the dial() statement
22:09.40redondosOh, right on.
22:09.59redondosWell, but there are many extensions that dial it.
22:10.33Strom_Cwhen someone dials 13115552368
22:10.48Strom_Cthere's a pattern-match in your dialplan for _1NXXNXXXXXX, right?
22:11.05Strom_Cyou do the group checking in THAT extension
22:11.11Strom_Cdon't confuse extension with station
22:11.14redondosThat was what I was asking.
22:11.22Strom_Cextension in asterisk == series of commands
22:11.25Strom_Cstation == telephone set
22:11.29redondosIf I had to do the group checking in all of the extensions that will be using it.
22:11.40redondosI think we misunderstood each other, that's all.
22:11.43redondosLet me give you an example.
22:12.16redondosIf I want to make the checks there, would I have to set the group first?
22:12.26redondosAnd then for _0031 set the group once again?
22:12.37redondosOk, that was my question :)
22:12.58Strom_Cbut if you were smart, you'd set the pattern match to minimize the number of extensions in your dialplan that do exactly the same thing :)
22:12.59redondosI guess I'll have to use a different context to summarize. could have them all funnel through a catch-all extension and then do a goto()
22:13.28redondosWell, yeah. But that's one hard regex right there :]
22:16.18mountainm2kHey, why does * restart the B-channels every so often?  Or, a better question is, can, or should, I make it stop doing that?
22:17.11Strom_Cmountainm2k: it restarts them once per hour
22:17.26Strom_Cmountainm2k: it is completely harmless and actually a Good Thing(tm)
22:17.39mountainm2kbut it _doesn't_ restart those that are active, right?
22:18.05mountainm2kSo, even if it doesn't do anything useful, it can't hurt, so why monkey with it?
22:18.07*** join/#asterisk delmar (
22:18.48mountainm2kIn other words, it doesn't do any harm, and it can be a good thing, so let it be, rather than trying to disable it...
22:18.59mountainm2k(the answer is yes, that is correct)
22:19.29Strom_Ci thought you were asking me why you should monkey with it after I said you don't need to
22:20.11mountainm2kheh, no, I was basically answering my own question...  I just had never heard of a PBX doing that -- but perhapps they all do it and just don't bother telling me about it...  :-P
22:20.37Strom_Cthere is actually a fairly good reason for why it does that, but I don't remember what it is
22:22.04delmarHas anyone come accross an issue where a router (in this case a WAG54GP2 .. the DSL router with 2 FXS ports) ... goes into a state where calls are suddenly "one way audio" and all sorts of problems... resetting the router and things are ok again....
22:22.29Strom_Cdelmar: what protocol?
22:22.35Strom_Cand what's on the rest of the network
22:23.10delmarStrom_C, the * box is behind the router, talking to a SIP based DID service.
22:23.31Strom_Cuh, no.  don't do that :)
22:23.39delmarStrom_C, I was even starting to see the SIP registrations failing all over the place
22:23.49Strom_Csip + nat == headache
22:23.52delmarStrom_C, no choice i the matter.  it works fine...
22:24.26Strom_Cif it worked fine, you wouldn't be asking this question
22:24.34delmarStrom_C, just recently tho.. it all turned to crap... ive just replaced the router .. if this Linksys is going to go nuts like this i might as well test another type
22:25.01delmarStrom_C, SIP and NAT is a pain yes.. but it works... im just havin router issues.
22:25.14delmarFrankly I think these new Linksys WAG's are hopeless
22:25.22Strom_Cwell, the problem is definitely your router; swap it out or something
22:25.25delmarthere isnt even any documentation on the QoS for this router
22:25.49redondosStrom_C: I'm having a hard time setting this up, do you mind giving me a hand please?
22:26.05Strom_Ci'll try
22:26.06delmarStrom_C, yep. back to the alcatel for now. it all came back up nice right away. two-way audio.. calls in/out.. fully tested... all going mint.
22:27.02delmarStrom_C, I wonder what the Linksys is doing to need a reset after a while like this and stuff.
22:27.06sx-wksdelmar: you can try 2.6.18 something that has experimental sip support :D
22:27.33delmarsx-wks, how would that help my situation ? :)
22:27.34Strom_Credondos: your gotoif syntax is borked
22:27.46delmarsx-wks, im not using a Linux box as the router in the middle or anything.
22:27.47sx-wksdelmar: use this as your router :D
22:27.47redondosAgain, copy/pasted from the wiki.
22:27.56Strom_Cline should read:
22:28.15Strom_Credondos: by the way, what version of asterisk are you running?
22:28.19*** join/#asterisk websae (
22:28.24delmarsx-wks, nah. if I had a Linux box as the router in this situation... things would be real nice.. * would be running on the box with a public IP.. no NAT issues... and .. I would have better QoS.
22:28.31redondosStrom_C: 1.2.10
22:28.44Strom_Cexten => _0.,2,GotoIf($[${GROUP_COUNT()} > 10]?103)
22:28.45delmarsx-wks, so yeah... I would love to do that... might be able to talk them into letting me do that... we shall see.
22:28.57Strom_Credondos: ok...because you're using really outdated extensions.conf syntax
22:29.17redondosBecause of the =_ instead of '=> _' ?
22:29.30Strom_Cpriority numbering
22:29.55redondosAs I said, I pasted those few lines from an article explaining how to use Groups.
22:29.59redondosHow should it read otherwise?
22:30.01Strom_Cexten => _0.,2,GotoIf($[${GROUP_COUNT()} > 10]?103)
22:30.10Strom_Cfor starters
22:30.19Strom_Cbut also, you
22:30.26Strom_Cyou're passing the wrong number to broadvoice
22:30.32Strom_Cit needs to be 011xxxxxx
22:30.44mountainm2kOK, so if somebody his * from within Voicemail() it goes to extension 'a' in the current context...
22:30.51mountainm2kHow to set that based on who's voicemail it is?
22:31.11mountainm2kIn other words, I want *MY* cover to go to my cell...
22:31.15mountainm2kbut not everybody else's...
22:31.20Strom_Cexten => a,1,VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(num)}) ?
22:31.23mountainm2kHeh, that should be an option to Voicemail()
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22:31.41Strom_Cor you can set a variable before executing Voicemail()
22:31.42redondosStrom_C: Ok, it's good now. Now how can I pass the real extension to the new context?
22:31.56Strom_Cwhat do you mean
22:32.01redondosWell, the call matches: exten=_00054[1-8].,1,Goto(broadvoice,_0.,1)
22:32.16redondosThen how do I reference ${EXTEN} from within the [broadvoice] context?
22:32.19Strom_Cwhy arent you just having users dial 011 from the outset?
22:32.32redondosIt's a requirement of the company.
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22:32.55Strom_Credondos: please find a large screwdriver and find whoever made that requirement and stab them in the eyeball
22:33.08Strom_Cbut I digress
22:33.14redondosI agree.
22:33.20Strom_Cyour broadvoice context already contains a pattern match
22:33.32num000can i tell asterisk in the CLI to load all the modules which are mentioned in modules.conf?
22:33.32Strom_Cso why are you putting that pattern match again in your goto statement?
22:34.00redondosThis? -> _00054[1-8].
22:34.07redondosThat's the pattern match itself.
22:34.18redondosOh, _0 ? Because I copy/pasted, my bad again.
22:34.19Strom_Cyou have Goto(broadvoice,_0.,1)
22:34.31Strom_Cyou need to think rather than just blindly copying and pasting
22:34.42redondosShould I name it whatever I want?
22:35.08Strom_Cyou should be doing Goto(broadvoice,${EXTEN},1)
22:35.31redondosBut then broadvoice will have to have a set of these for every possible extension?
22:35.51Strom_Cyour pattern match in the broadvoice context will catch all of those
22:35.51redondosThis got me confused.
22:36.14Strom_Cthen of course in your broadvoice context, you strip off the company's required 000 nonsense and then prepend 011 before the country code
22:36.27num000what can be the problem although i say autoload=yes in the modules.conf asterisk does not load the modules
22:36.39redondosSure. 011${EXTEN:3}
22:37.19redondosNicely done. Thanks a bunch.
22:37.51redondosYup :)
22:38.04Strom_Cyou're welcome :)
22:38.48redondosThe limit isn't really being applied.
22:39.07redondos(I changed it to >1) I can make any number of simultaneous calls, it seems.
22:39.24Strom_Cdo a noop() and see what groupcount is returning
22:41.00redondos-- Executing NoOp("SIP/101-b760b298", "#{GROUP_COUNT()}") in new stack
22:41.57Strom_Cwell what happens when you don't nub up the syntax?
22:45.57redondosOk, what is happening is that the GROUP_COUNT var is local to every SIP user.
22:46.02redondosI want it to be global.
22:46.34redondosCurrently, the limit doesn't get applied if it's two different users the ones making the calls.
22:47.41Strom_Care you sure you're using it correctly?
22:48.52redondosPretty much,
22:50.18redondosDoes it look ok to you/
22:51.20Strom_Cyou should be doing GROUP_COUNT(Broadvoice)
22:51.32Strom_CI think
22:52.53*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
22:53.29redondossame prolem: a same user can't make 2 calls
22:53.38Strom_Cthats what you want :)
22:53.55Strom_Climit the number of calls, right?
22:53.57redondosNo. I want to limit it globally. :)
22:54.09redondosIf a user is using the Broadvoice channel, then it's busy for everyone else.
22:56.12redondosMaybe with SerGlobalVar instead of just Set? Hm...
22:56.16Strom_Ci'll fiddle with it shortly
22:56.22Strom_Cim tackling a zaptel problem
22:57.25redondosIt works!
22:57.44redondosI'm immensely thankful, Strom_C for your attention. :}
22:57.46Strom_Cah, using group with setglobalvar?
22:59.30filezaptel problem? there is no zaptel problem.
22:59.36fileI don't know what you're talking about!
22:59.58Strom_Cfile is my hero
23:01.02filehero? sorry, we don't serve that
23:01.04fileonly french fries
23:01.55Strom_Cfile is my french fries
23:02.06filewoah, let's not get too personal
23:02.17Strom_Cok ok
23:02.26Strom_Cwould you settle for being my ketchup/
23:04.27redondosStrom_C: No, there was no need.
23:04.34redondosStrom_C: I had a problem in the way I was making the calls.
23:04.39Strom_Coh heh
23:04.42Strom_Cwhat was the problem?
23:05.06redondosThat the other person that was helping me test this was using the 'actual' format for making calls and not my 'testing groups' format.
23:05.23Strom_Cer, ah
23:05.26redondosCan't trust anyone, I just didn't want to load another softphone... my bad.
23:05.39Strom_Cthis is the point at which you get a big Sharipe and write NUB on their forehead
23:05.40redondosAnyway, is it possible to send a console command from the shell?
23:05.44redondosWithout attaching to the console.
23:05.48redondosHehe :)
23:05.50Strom_Casterisk -rx "command goes here"
23:06.29redondosI was on the -U.. -v part of the man page.
23:06.33redondosI Was getting there :)
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23:07.20mtghHi everyone, does anyone know where I can find some doco on the sip config files for cisco 7960 version 8.5  I have a cco acccount
23:09.15mtghsorry thats 8.4
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23:15.10tuxd00dAnyone want to help be figure out noise on Z
23:15.16tuxd00dZAP channels
23:15.38Strom_Cwhat kind of zap channels
23:16.29tuxd00dIt is making awful noise on both FXO and fXS
23:16.31Strom_Ctuxd00d: you want me to call tha number?
23:16.39tuxd00dsure, you can hear it
23:16.50Strom_Cis it an analog line going into the zap channel?
23:17.00tuxd00dwhen the VM picks up
23:17.08tuxd00dit is an analog
23:17.33Strom_Cwhat kind of card
23:18.12Strom_Cwhat kind of card is it?
23:18.54Strom_Cthis is not a complicated question :)
23:19.13fileStrom_C: tuxd00d is a friend, be nice! or I revert the Makefile fixes!
23:19.23tuxd00dTDM400P Rev e/f
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23:19.35Strom_Cwhat does zttest return?
23:19.37tuxd00dhad to look it up
23:20.25tuxd00dStrom_C: hold please
23:20.32tuxd00dthanks file ;-)
23:20.47Strom_Chehe, i was just getting impatient, not angry :)
23:21.19filedo you want to try our new lobster sub?
23:21.22fileis it made with real lobster?
23:21.26filewe got another one asking if it's real lobster!
23:21.30*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
23:21.42filethey say lobster in this commercial in every sentence
23:21.49QwellIs it real lobster?
23:21.55*** part/#asterisk f1assistance (
23:21.56fileI honestly don't know
23:22.37tuxd00dBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793 -- Average: 99.988091
23:22.58Strom_Cis it sharing an interrupt?
23:23.14tuxd00dIt is sharing an IRQ with ACPI
23:23.43*** join/#asterisk BlepsoaF (
23:23.44tuxd00dMust have chaned, it didn't used to
23:24.06Strom_Cthat might be the problem
23:24.17BlepsoaFHello all, I just hooked up my nortel system to asterisk ( also new to this ), but I'm having trouble with calls outgoing... can someone take a look at to see what is wrong in my dial plan...Im sure its stupid
23:24.28tuxd00dokay, I'll find a monitor and keyboard and turn it off
23:24.36tuxd00dor move it or something
23:24.41Strom_CBlepsoaF: i'm looking
23:24.52tuxd00dthanks Strom_C
23:25.08Strom_CBlepsoaF: because you dont have a pattern match for seven digit numbers
23:25.08BlepsoaFits not working when I try to dial XXX-XXX-XXXX but works for X-XXX-XXX-XXXX
23:25.53BlepsoaFim not trying to dial 7 digits
23:26.04Strom_CBlepsoaF: in that example, something is dialing 203-9552
23:26.11Strom_Cand nothing but 203-9552
23:26.18BlepsoaFright thats the issue
23:26.43Strom_Cwell, either fix the translations in your nortel system or add a seven digit pattern match
23:27.10Strom_Cto asterisk
23:27.32*** join/#asterisk ANTILOCAS (n=uoiuyiu@
23:27.33BlepsoaFits works fine with nortel just plugged into the t1 so I dont think its something with the translation there
23:27.45Strom_Casterisk is between nortel and t1?
23:27.55fileI wish I had a Lenny's sub right about now
23:27.59BlepsoaFt1 into asterisk
23:28.00Strom_Cwell, the T1 accepts seven digits then
23:28.09BlepsoaFthen a patch to the nortel from asterisk
23:28.13Strom_Cand the nortel is picking up the T1 to asterisk and dialing seven digits into it
23:28.18Strom_Cso, like I said
23:28.45Strom_Ceither modify your nortel translations to send ten digits to asterisk, or modify your asterisk configuration to accept seven digits from the nortel system
23:29.29ANTILOCASAbybody uses the Grandstream HandyTone HT-496?
23:30.21BlepsoaFOk thanks
23:30.38Strom_CBlepsoaF: are the T1s PRIs or just straight channelized T1s?
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23:33.48ANTILOCASIm trying to install the Grandstream HandyTone HT-496. My network arquitecture is star topology where even the modem-router is conected to my switch. The HandyTone manual says conect
23:33.57ANTILOCASa) insert the eternet cavble into the WAN port of HandyTone and conect the other end of the eternet cable to an uplink port"
23:33.58ANTILOCASb) connect a PC to the LAN port of HandyTone
23:34.06ANTILOCASKnowing my architecture how would this be?
23:34.12Strom_Cignore step B
23:34.42Strom_Cor, alternatively, buy the handytone without the built-in router
23:37.46ANTILOCASu mean this handytone comes with a router?
23:38.24Strom_Chence the WAN and LAN ports
23:38.55ANTILOCASbut if i ignore step B, how would i control the calls? with a software?
23:38.59ANTILOCASis it independetly?
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23:39.53Strom_CANTILOCAS: you plug a telephone into the handytone
23:40.22ANTILOCASyeah i know but when i sign with voip provider. will they just need the ATA ip?
23:40.47Strom_Cno, you need to configure the ATA
23:41.08Strom_Cpreferably you configure your asterisk box to talk to the provider and configure your ATA to talk to the asterisk box
23:41.19ANTILOCASi dont use asterisk yet
23:41.31Strom_Cnow would be a fine time to start :)
23:41.36ANTILOCASi was thinking to use net2phone
23:41.58tuxd00dStrom_C: It's on it's on IRQ now, but it is still wack
23:42.11Strom_Ctuxd00d: weirdful
23:42.23Strom_Cthat's the only card in your system, right?
23:42.24tuxd00dYes, very weirdful
23:42.49*** part/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
23:43.26tuxd00dStrom_C: Yes, online on TDM
23:43.35tuxd00donly one
23:43.48Strom_Ci'm stumped...wait till tomorrow and call digium tech support
23:44.08tuxd00dsounds good, thanks for you help
23:44.37Strom_Csorry i couldnt fix the problem
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23:49.49mmurdockhowdy all.
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.