irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060822

00:01.05profounded>modprobe ndiswrapper
00:01.14profoundedsays it cant find ndiswrapper
00:01.25profoundedany ideas?
00:01.42profoundedi think i dont have paths setup if that helps
00:01.46profoundederrr wrong chat
00:03.19*** join/#asterisk Freman (
00:03.58FremanG'day folks. I have a little trouble with my asterisk. "hanguponpolarityswitch=yes" is causing outgoing calls to be hung up as soon as the remote party answers
00:06.08[hC]so fix your polarity
00:06.54FremanI need "hanguponpolarityswitch=yes" to detect the end of an incomming call tho (the telco switches polarity to end the call)
00:08.09[hC]well, okay, however if you start out with inversed polarity, youve got a problem
00:08.56JTthis is true
00:10.21JTFreman: make sure you got the tip and ring connections the right way around
00:10.21Fremanwhere do I have to go to look at this?
00:10.21[hC]at your demarc
00:10.22[hC]where the lines go in to your pbx
00:10.22nailbags|workFreman: iirc, you have to ask telstra to enable polarityswitchonhangup on their lines if you want to use it in asterisk
00:11.16*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
00:11.16Fremannailbags: we have ROIC enabled nailbags, it's been working fine for incomming calls - I've just got to work out how to stop it from hanging up on incomming calls
00:11.16JTtrue nailbags|work, but there's a problem if calls are being hung up when answered
00:11.16FremanWe ring out, the phone at the other end rings, but as soon as they pick up... it hangs up
00:11.16JTFreman: stop it from hanging up on outgoing calls you mean?
00:11.16nailbags|workk, just checking ....
00:11.16*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
00:26.10Fremanyes, all outboud calls are hanging up - inbound ones are working perfectly
00:26.10nailbags|workFreman: what advantage is ROIC?
00:26.11nailbags|workdo you have trouble with hangup detection?
00:26.11FremanIt means that it hangs up as soon as the remote party does
00:26.11nailbags|workFreman: its just than mine seems to hang up instantly w/out ROIC
00:26.11JTwhat does roic stand for?
00:26.11nailbags|work"Reverse On Idle Condition"
00:26.11FremanReverse .. that
00:26.11JTis it free?
00:26.11nailbags|workit is on business lines apparently
00:26.11Fremancan I split the setting and set it up so zap/1 has hanguponpolarityswitch=yes and zap/2 has hanguponpolarityswitch=no?
00:26.11JThow many lines do you have?
00:26.11JTisdn2 is plentiful and priced ok in .au
00:26.11JTah ok
00:26.12*** join/#asterisk RealUser5802370 (
00:26.12ki2kanyone know if ztdummy is laggy for meetme's?
00:26.12RealUser5802370ki2k: I use it all the time, works fine.
00:26.12FremanIt's a helpdesk setup - there should be next to no outgoing calls made (They're normally voip routed), and it's important that incomming calls are hug up as quickly as possible
00:26.12ki2kunanmed: you do a lot of conference calls?
00:26.12ki2kunanmed: do you happen to know how much lag you get?
00:26.13JTFreman: just curious why analogue lines are being used for business voice
00:26.13unanmedAnyone have any experience with rx/txfax? Im trying to find out why it faxes to some and not to others(I suspect the headers but I have set it and still nothing)
00:26.13nailbags|workFreman: asterisk seems to detect hangups pretty much instantly for me. i've never bothered with ROIC. how much lag do u get?
00:26.13Fremanbecause it's what was here.
00:26.13unanmedki2k: I wouldnt say a lot, its not high use, but i find no lag at all with 3 people in it. Im sorry but I dont know the exact lag
00:26.13*** join/#asterisk roving_prole (
00:26.13FremanThere's 4 analogs on a rotary for main office function, 2 extras (one is a fax) and then the helpdesk lines
00:26.13unanmedki2k: I use the dynamic meetme conferences if that makes any difference
00:26.14JTwouldn't have any of these polarity issues with isdn
00:26.14JTbut you have to work with what you've got sometime i guess
00:26.14FremanIt took me a year to convince them to get this far
00:26.14nailbags|workFreman: so you get a noticable lag with hangup detection?
00:26.14*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (n=Nuke@
00:26.15Freman6 busies
00:26.15nailbags|workusing busydetect=yes?
00:26.15nailbags|workwhat hardware?
00:26.15FremanIf they fixed the issue with our backbone, I wouldn't need to provide pstn fall over, I could just re-route the packets
00:26.15unanmedanyone ever use rx/txfax? Trying to get it working properly
00:26.15JTheh, "fall over"
00:26.16*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
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00:26.16mountainm2kunanmed I recommend you give that up, and check out iaxmodem and Hylafax instead
00:26.16unanmedmountainm2k: I tried hylaxfax, not luck there either. At least with rx/tx i was able to receive and send fine, it just seems to not like "certain" faxmachines, 70% no problem, that 30% makes no sense
00:26.16mountainm2kHmm, I had exactly the oppisite problem with tx/rxfax -- couldn't get it to work
00:26.16mountainm2kI occasionally get "failed" messages, but not very often
00:26.16unanmedmountainm2k: Also not looking for high volume faxing which from what ive read is more what hylafax/asterfax is good for?
00:26.16unanmedmountainm2k: Hows your success with hylafax? most go through no problem?
00:26.22mountainm2kWe're not too high a volume -- few per day...  Although I did set up DID-faxing for everybody
00:26.31mountainm2kI don't send with it, etiher, only receive
00:27.23unanmedmountainm2k: Yeah its what im looking for too, assign the 5 people in the office a did and have the tiff's/pdf's emailed to them. ive got that far, but the sending out is bugging me.. its just certain faxes too, some fax 100% of the time over and over
00:28.24unanmedmountainm2k: Do you have any issues with faxes that demand a header? i think that might be my problem but ive tried setting one without any change
00:28.38mountainm2kHmm, dunno...  It received OK from my fairly old (though not thermal paper) machine at home, and our fairly new (with high speed modem) machine here at the office
00:29.01mountainm2kDon't know on that one -- I've never used HylaFAX to send at all...
00:30.26unanmedyeah im afraid of the same thing with hyla, but will revist it.
00:31.25mountainm2ksorry -- lots of people when they say "Anybody have any experience getting rxfax to work?" can't get it to work at all
00:31.37mountainm2kso my stock answer is "I tried, give it up, and use iaxmodem with hylafax"
00:31.51unanmedfair enough :)
00:37.31harryvvI need to look into hylafax some time.
00:38.22*** join/#asterisk SwK (
00:38.25harryvvBTW, has anyone here done some market resurch into useing wifi to link two buildings in a downtown enviroment for voip reasons? I just talked to proxim and thay have done this in the past.
00:39.03harryvvThats a really good money maker idea. No need to up the bandwith and have qos issues.
00:39.48JTmoney maker in what sense?
00:40.46AndyCapharryvv: wifi@2.4ghz is pretty crowded in most areas, so qos issues galore
00:41.24harryvvAndy, yes thats possibly true.
00:42.47JTnot to mention the fact that it's a free-for-all at 2.4GHz with no protection to interference afforded to anyone
00:43.22harryvvWith very directional yagi antennas that may not be a issue.
00:43.39JTyeah well i wouldn't bed a business on it
00:43.53*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
00:43.57*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:43.58IOscannerI am looking to buy DID numbers.  What is the best priced vendor to purchase from?
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00:45.02harryvvproxim has already sold some high priced units for this application.
00:45.45JTharryvv: licensed frequencies?
00:46.06harryvvunlicenced freqs
00:46.34harryvvBut I can use the licenced freqs if I wish as long as my FCC licence supports it.
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00:49.14[hC]harryvv: I work for a company that does that, solely.
00:49.24[hC](downtown metro wifi links)
00:49.28[hC]We use some proxim radios, too
00:49.31[hC]not all though
00:50.35*** part/#asterisk Freman (
00:51.39harryvvhc, how do you rate these radios?
00:52.18[hC]the proxim's?
00:52.26[hC]which model? and what distance are you shooting?
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00:53.37daniel_bergaminire all
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00:54.48daniel_bergaminianyone used netzerovoice with asterisk?
00:54.55[shodan]if you want to link just 2 buildings just use the 10 terahertz band
01:02.13*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
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01:03.42*** join/#asterisk Ahmuck (
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01:03.57harryvvwhat make of transmitter would that be
01:03.59*** part/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
01:04.22Ahmuckwhat does it take to hook up asterisk to an old merlin legend system.  can we keep the same phones ?
01:04.23harryvvhc, no model i have no client that I know of yet to show
01:04.44Daminfile: You have to be alive, right?
01:05.04fileI am alive
01:05.06DaminAhmuck: Yes, but that isn't a question for the developers channel, because it doesn't deal with code..
01:05.07fileI'm trying to fix trunk
01:05.16DaminAhmuck: It's an #asterisk question..
01:05.19filewell, "make it better"
01:05.24[hC]harryvv: they work well though, genereally, yes.
01:05.29fileDamin: you're in #asterisk
01:05.54Daminfile: OK.. so your p2pbridging merges.. the comment "It's easier to start anew than to fix this".. whas that related to the idea? Starting fresh with it? Or rebuilding the entire core of Asterisk kind of new?
01:06.01DaminWhat the?
01:06.09DaminWhat a retard I am! :)
01:06.10filelet's move over to dev
01:06.15IOscannerI am looking to buy DID numbers.  What is the best priced vendor to purchase from?
01:06.48filemv Damin #asterisk-dev
01:06.58*** part/#asterisk Damin (
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01:21.30*** join/#asterisk kratzers (
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01:26.16*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:27.31tengulrehow to using asterisk as a h323 gatekeeper?
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01:33.49kratzerslook at GNU Gatekeeper
01:35.31Flautoi am trying to install webvmail
01:35.35Flautobut it does not work
01:35.47Flautois there anything i need to do to prepare the installation
01:35.57kratzersdefine does not work
01:37.04kratzersmake sure the script is in your cgi-bin directory and that it is executable
01:37.34Flautokratzers, i tried, and it is showing in red color
01:37.39kratzersalso make sure permissions are correct on the spool directory and files
01:37.51kratzersand make sure to set the correct context in the script
01:38.18*** part/#asterisk mog (
01:38.23kratzershave you gotten past the 'make'?
01:38.52kratzersanybody have experience with Lucent/Ascent TNTs and SIP/H.323?
01:39.23Flautowould you tell me how to edit the spool directory?
01:40.41intralanman/join ##linux
01:40.53intralanmanthen ask them
01:40.56kratzersthe users that httpd is running as needs to have read access to the voicemail text and audio files to list and listen to them, and write to delete them
01:50.31kratzersnegative on the TNT+VoIP?
01:50.55tengulrewhy not register with h323 gatekeeper in asterisk, client I using openhone?
01:51.37tengulrewhy not listener port 7000 in asterisk?  is it a gatekeeper port?
01:53.20*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
01:54.25*** join/#asterisk diablopico (
01:54.50*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doolph@
01:55.19diablopicohello, is there anyone here that can help with a delay problem on h323
01:55.41doolphwhat h323 are you using
01:56.06diablopicoits a long story ,, but h323 that comes with asterisk v1.0.6
01:56.20doolphwell you should upgrade to oh323
01:57.13diablopicook . is there any particular place i should look to get the upograde ?
01:58.26diablopicook .. let me explain ,, i am not an expert ,, but i think i have graduated from novice
01:58.36diablopiconow for the question.
01:58.48*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
01:59.13diablopicoi use openh323 and pwlib that is requested by the files in h323 directory of asterisk before i compile.
01:59.28diablopicothis should work ,, and does
01:59.51diablopicobut only if i wait 20 seconds after the phone connects ,, and then i can talk as usual
02:00.03diablopicowhat caused the delay
02:00.16doolphmaybe your comp?
02:00.21doolphor your provider
02:01.03diablopicook ,,,, i have the same computer it was working on, and the same provider. it did work without the delay before i recompiled openh323
02:01.41diablopicoany ideas ?
02:02.10doolphdid you compile it right for your os?
02:02.31diablopicoi get no errors
02:02.45doolphsometime you need to tune it
02:03.34doolphand did you compile with the latest version?
02:04.02doolphwhy not
02:04.06diablopicoi compiled with the versions asked for by the h323 files that came with asterisk
02:04.26doolphthe h323 that came with asterisk eh
02:04.40doolphwhy did you do that
02:04.42diablopicoin the h323 directory ,, the readme specifies the versions of openh323 and pwlib ot be used
02:05.11doolphwell actually that h323 is pretty old i think
02:05.18diablopicoi get errors if i use the newest versions of openh323 and pwlib
02:05.30diablopicoyes ,, but it worked......
02:05.46doolphwell my oh323 is working perfectly
02:05.52doolphI followed the steps in this page
02:06.12diablopicook ,, i will give it a try
02:06.18*** join/#asterisk jart (
02:06.26diablopicogot nothing to lose now ,, i have a broken system anyway
02:06.32jartgood morning!
02:06.37diablopicothanks for you help doolf
02:06.38doolphgood luck
02:08.03diablopicowhat version should i get doolf
02:08.19doolphlet me check
02:11.14doolphread all the readmes
02:19.35*** join/#asterisk mog (
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02:42.22*** join/#asterisk DoktorGreg (n=Greg@
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03:00.16*** join/#asterisk lordbaron (
03:02.50JTwhat's the ? for, lordbaron?
03:03.05lordbaronlearning how this ui works
03:03.10lordbarondidn't think that would 'post'
03:03.35lordbaronanyone here have experience with the TDM400P ?
03:04.23JTa few people probably do
03:05.28TrixVoxIs something wrong with asterisk-biz?
03:05.30lordbaronI am having a problem with a configuration. I have two cards in a server, 1.2.10/1.2.7 - when configd for kewlstart, outbound dialing does not work. The lines hang up almost right away, and say lines congested
03:05.41lordbaronincoming works just fine
03:05.54mognot that i know of TrixVox
03:06.29TrixVoxThere were only 10 posts today?  I know I tried posting and they never showed up in the archive...
03:07.18lordbaronloopstart works fine, but then does not detect incoming callers hangup in the IVR
03:09.36mogi havent seen any posts from you as of late
03:10.17*** join/#asterisk profounded (
03:11.32lordbarondoes KewlStart require any options to affect/control outbound dialing?
03:16.57lowleveljt; remember my odd analog line problems with that funny error message the other night? (something about weird mode 3??)
03:18.35lowlevellordbaron: I read that the boards dont work well when you put 2 on the same pci bus.
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03:19.45lordbaronhadn't read that..but that does seem to explain the problem
03:20.03lowlevellord: the board generates ALOT of irqs apparently , and its recommended to only have one per box.
03:20.44nevynit's 8000 interupts/second
03:20.45lordbaronto handle more than 4 pots...iax bridge 2 machines?
03:20.56lowlevellord: theres a sagoma (or something like that) board thats expandable with addons that would work well I think.. or you could use the 24port card
03:21.03nevynlowlevel: get E1 card?
03:21.10lowlevelor that if that would work for ya
03:21.28lowlevel8000/second eh.. geesh
03:21.43lordbaronI am only guessing, but I think the spare machine is cheaper than the 24port card
03:22.07lowlevellord: well, I dunno, if you were to buy 2 fully loaded 4 port cards, you could have got the 24port card with 2 4 port modules
03:22.10lowlevelI think...
03:22.20lowleveldepends wher eyou get it
03:22.36lordbaronhmm, thats a good point
03:22.53lowlevelI use mine at home and I can only ever have 2 phone lines in this apartment, so I'm find on the little card
03:22.56fileare you talking about the TDM2400?
03:22.56lordbaronthe interupts not a problem?
03:23.21lowlevelfile: yeah, tdm2400 with 2 4port modules seems to be about the same price as 2 fully loaded 400's
03:23.26nevynfile: I'm probably wrong
03:23.34lowlevelmaybe a slight bit more
03:23.48lowlevellord: well, no, because youd'e only have one card
03:24.07filethe hardware design of the TDM2400 is better then the TDM400 as well
03:24.07tengulrewhy asterisk can not register to remote gatekeeper???
03:24.11fileless compatibility issues
03:24.22lowlevelfile: thats good to know
03:24.31tengulrehow to setting gatekeeper username and secret in /etc/asterisk/h323.conf??
03:25.02lordbaronsince I have 8 fx? (red) cards these will fit the tdm2400?
03:25.07lowlevellord: no
03:25.16lowlevellord; the tdm2400 board uses different modules
03:25.24lordbaronahh..too bad
03:25.25lowlevellord: they combine 4 fxo's or 4fxs's on one module
03:25.38*** join/#asterisk justnulling2 (
03:25.44lowlevel(and as such, cost over 3x as much)
03:25.44lordbaronthat makes sense..looking at pics now
03:25.59fileit's insane that it can all fit on one module
03:26.11filepretty close together... the components
03:26.25lowlevelits a bulky card if youaskme
03:26.32lowlevelbut I'm not complaining
03:26.34filewell it's a full length PCI card
03:26.42filesilly goof
03:26.43justnulling2anyone has voicestick configured? i keep on getting  423 "Interval Too Brief" from them
03:27.40fileand now I run to Subway
03:28.02lowlevelhmm, subway
03:28.11lowlevelback in afew
03:30.32kratzersdigium sell the cables that connect to the TDM2400P?
03:31.22mogwe do now
03:31.25mogon the website
03:31.40kratzersI couldn't find them, have a link?
03:39.47*** join/#asterisk profounded (
03:39.49lordbaronanyone have experience with the E7520 chipset and TE412p?
03:40.09lordbaronI am having a lot of trouble with call disconnects under heavy usage
03:40.32lordbaronDigium Support is saying that the chipset is to blame, but all the recommended servers have this same chipset
03:41.28lordbaronserver is dell poweredge 2850
03:43.18lowlevelman I'm craving that spicey burrito place all of a sudden...
03:45.41*** part/#asterisk mog (
03:46.37kratzerswhat chipset?
03:47.13lordbaronIntel e7525
03:47.22kratzersthe compatibility list is really an incompatibility list
03:47.33kratzersread it more closely
03:47.46*** part/#asterisk DoktorGreg (n=Greg@
03:47.47lowlevelheh, isn't that always the case? ;)
03:47.49lordbaronright-but the ast-biz server lists the 2850 as the tested server
03:48.04lordbaronGuess dell did a switcharoo on the chipset?
03:48.32lordbaronbut more confusing is digium told me to get a compaq with 365 with the e7525 chipset
03:48.34kratzershmm, as I prepare to deploy a 2850 myself
03:48.36lordbaronsame chipset
03:48.57CunningPikelordbaron: You may be being sold a line.....
03:49.06lordbaronI am afraid of this
03:49.32lordbaronit is a long saga..but I have a pile of servers now at the recommendation of digium
03:49.36lordbaronincluding a new 2950 dell
03:49.38CunningPikelordbaron: Plenty of people use 2850s - I don't personally, but lots of people on this channel and the list do it unrealistic to expect a single server to handle 4 t1's with all usres on the phone with a 'simple' dialplan?
03:50.51lordbaronserver does nothing more
03:51.05lowlevellord: yeah sounds unrealistic to me ;)
03:51.18lowlevellord: especially if they all start conferencing
03:51.26lordbaronno, all outbound calls -- call center
03:51.27lowleveland having phone orgys etc.
03:51.33CunningPikelordbaron: How many sets?
03:51.51lordbaron100 sets, 96 users + 4 monitors (listen in)
03:52.07CunningPikelordbaron: Sounds reasonable - how many concurrent calls?
03:52.18CunningPikelordbaron: Also, are you transcoding?
03:52.20kratzersdepends on server specs, protocols in use, echo cancellation, etc. I guess
03:52.24lowlevelprobably 100ish. :|
03:52.59lordbaronno compression _u_law, hardware echo cancel, 4gb ram, dual 3ghz processor (disabled hyperthread)
03:53.08[TK]D-FenderWitha  good card setup you could load up 2 full 4-port cards I'm sure with those needs...
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03:55.38[shodan]considering the cost of the telephony hardware vs the pc hardware wouldn't it be more economical to load balance that ?
03:56.15lordbaronDo you have a good doc on how I would do that? I am having so many problems, this is the best option I think
03:56.39lordbaronI am just not sure how that would work with phone registrations, lines, etc. A good doc to explain the dial plans would be helpful
03:56.41lowlevellord: think your network is adequte for all those phones traffic?
03:57.13lordbaronI think..gigabit back bone, 24 clients per switch, 10 switches all layer 2, going to a single layer 3
03:57.13CunningPikelordbaron: What problems are you experiencing?
03:57.54lordbaronworks fine for 2-3 days, then stops dialing. Outbound calls never connect, incoming calls never answer. The TE412P card appears to be 'hung'
03:58.04lordbaronztcfg -vv usually solves it
03:58.14CunningPikelordbaron: Have you tried reseating it etc?
03:58.16lordbaronbut then a reboot is often necesary
03:58.20lowlevelhmm, k, so it does work for some time atleast
03:58.36lordbaronyes, 3 days, and over 65000 calls
03:58.40CunningPikelordbaron: Taking off the VPM?
03:59.02lordbaronvirtual processor? yes
03:59.50lordbaronzttest will show 99.9875 as average until the problems start, then it is 99.974 and as low as 99.33
04:00.27CunningPikelordbaron: Interesting
04:01.10CunningPikelordbaron: The Voice Processing Module - the plug-in hardware echo cancellation module that makes your 410P a 412P
04:01.16CunningPike~vpm that could be physically removed to be tested? The only test I have done is echocancel=no
04:04.06CunningPikelordbaron: So you could rule it out as a possible failure point
04:04.24lordbaronsure, makes sense. Is this easily identified?
04:05.40lordbaronI see the pics on the digium site...guess the purple part is the vpm?
04:05.52CunningPikelordbaron: It's a daughterboard that plugs on to the PRI card
04:06.07CunningPikeOurs was green, but ymmv - ours was one of the older ones
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04:06.50lordbaronas I understand the echo, since I am not compressing and using t1's, this should not be required anyway. Is this correct?
04:06.50bprice20hey I am using 1.2.10 and when tossing calls from one asterisk box to another I always receive a 603 declined
04:06.59bprice20any assistance would be greatly appreciated
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04:09.21CunningPikelordbaron: It depends - if you are getting far end echo, you might need it. Without it, s/w e/c takes over. You can test this by editing your modprobe.conf to add vpmsupport=0 to the line that loads wct4xxp
04:09.33CunningPikelordbaron: That will disable the VPM
04:09.45lordbaronok, great. Thanks, I will try this
04:09.54CunningPikelordbaron: Worth a shot.......
04:10.22CunningPikebprice20: Try carefully placing your calls instead of 'tossing' them ;)
04:10.28lordbaronyes it is. Do you know of any docs explaining loadbalancing a server?
04:10.37bprice20gee thx
04:10.52CunningPikelordbaron: Are you there yet?
04:10.53bprice20funny though
04:10.54tlowi was just configuring a load balancer, you want a foundry doc ?
04:11.11lordbaronyes, that would be nice
04:11.13CunningPikebprice20: ;)
04:12.03CunningPikeNow, I have a question - which of the Sipura SPA-3000 options for DTMF corresponds to RFC2388?
04:12.55CunningPikeI have InBand, AVT and INFO
04:13.09lordbaronwe use inband
04:13.12benjkCunningPike, it depends whether you get head or tails call as a result of tossing the call
04:13.17lordbaronthis worked with our provider
04:13.27CunningPikebenjk: Heh heh
04:13.52CunningPikelordbaron: OK - thanks - I'll try that.....
04:14.32lordbarontlow: thanks..are you doing this with asterisk?
04:16.08tlowwith asterisk i use a cisco load balancer, i use foundry for http servers.
04:16.33lordbarondo you share outbound lines between more than 1 box?
04:16.36tlowbut its the same topology mostly, one virtual server, then you add real servers.
04:16.46tlowi dont do tdm.
04:17.21lordbaronis it possible for a user registered on box a to dial out box a, but if no lines avail on a, dial out of b?
04:19.03benjkyou need to register on both servers or allow unauthenticated calls or authenticate by ip
04:19.54lordbaronsame sip ext listed on both servers? (same user/pass) ? Or register 2 different connections?
04:20.27benjkeither way, you have to allow the user to place a call on both servers
04:21.10lordbaronok, so once that is done, what does the dial plan look like? The zapata.conf where you setup groups..can group1 span 2 servers?
04:21.52benjkwith TDMoE it can, but that's not exactly rock solid, lots of kernel panics and stuff
04:22.23lordbaronya, I am looking for a rock solid method. My current method is 2 day solid, then need a hard reboot
04:22.42benjkthen TDMoE is probably not what you want
04:23.12*** join/#asterisk b1ch0 (
04:24.12lordbaronso if no lines are available on group 1, can group 2 be defined as a group on server 'B'?
04:24.24lordbaronI feel real dumb here, but I can't find a doc on this
04:25.03benjkdo you want to protect against server failure or just trunk failure?
04:25.41lordbaronwell the current problem appears to be that there is too much activity on the TE412P, 96 users all the time
04:25.45*** join/#asterisk TrixVox (
04:25.48lordbaronso I am trying to split up the load
04:26.01lordbaron1 T1 is local calls, 3 are long distance
04:26.11benjkyou could just do DNS load balancing
04:27.07lordbaronso if the local t1 is on 'A', then 'B' can have a plan to try 'A' first for local calls?
04:27.11*** join/#asterisk b1ch0 (
04:27.13benjkotherwise, write a dial macro that examines the number of channels in use and then places the call either locally or via an IAX peer through the other server
04:27.54benjkthat won't load balance local calls then though
04:28.10lordbaronbut that is few as compared to the remaining
04:28.11benjkall your local calls would again be concentrated on server A
04:28.20lordbarona single t1
04:28.25benjkfair enough
04:28.35lordbaronI agree..not perfect
04:28.38benjkanyway, you should peer the two servers
04:28.46lordbaronok, I will work on this. Thank you
04:28.48benjkvia IAX
04:29.02benjkyou need to add a user and a peer entry in each server's iax.conf
04:29.18benjkuser entry of A corresponding to peer entry on B and vice versa
04:29.37lordbaronok, that makes sense
04:29.57benjkthen on A, the ISDN trunks of B are available via IAX and vice versa
04:30.06lordbaronis there a way to define a dial group on A that is a group on B?
04:30.22lordbaronor is it only via dial strings?
04:30.45benjkyou'll dial an IAX peer and the grouping is done locally on that machine
04:31.05b1ch0hi, its my first time
04:31.05benjklike you dial IAX2/foobar@machineB
04:31.22benjkand on machine B it is then dialed as ZAP/g1
04:31.31lordbaronok, that makes sense
04:31.45benjkso whatever comes in from A via that IAX peering connection is dialed locally on B as a zap group
04:31.45b1ch0does anybody tell me if * could be considerer a softswitch or not ?
04:31.54*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
04:32.14lordbaronOk, thanks benjk...that helps a lot!
04:32.16benjkyes for various definitions of softswitch
04:32.31benjkno for various other definitions of softswitch
04:32.50JTlowlevel: good to hear you found a lead on that problem
04:34.05b1ch0does a softswitch things that * cant ?
04:34.22benjkdepends on your definition of softswitch
04:34.50lowleveljt: just upgraded zaptel and asterisk to latest cvs, and the problem went away totally (for now ;)
04:35.03JTstill with 2 cards?
04:35.07lowlevelnah I only had 1
04:35.20*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:35.25benjkdoes a vehicle do things that a <your favourite brand and make of car> can't ?
04:35.35JThowcome you mentioned multiple cards?
04:35.36benjkdepends on your definiton of vehicle
04:35.51lowleveljt: lordbaron was running more than one in a box
04:35.53lowlevelor is
04:35.55benjkif vehicle includes boats, then yes
04:36.08lowleveljt: you need more hello kitty wake up mints.
04:36.25lowlevelj/k ;)
04:36.35JTlowlevel: oh, so you summonsed me, but did not continue on with your problem, heh
04:36.44lowleveljt: exactly
04:36.50lowleveljt: you didn't reply, so I didn't continue
04:37.10JTyeah i was busy reading readmes and source for bristuff stuff
04:37.21JTand hadn't checked this window
04:37.22lowlevelno problem
04:37.25benjkaka BRI stuff squared
04:37.40JTlowlevel: so just a problem with the version?
04:38.32JTi'd like to nominate this as coolest idea ever, btw:
04:38.47JTlet's ignore the fact it's implemented in php
04:38.51lowleveljt: yeah I guess, I really have no idea what was causing it...
04:39.15JTlowlevel: yeah not really sure, were you using testing code?
04:39.43lowlevelnah I was using stable code supposedlyt, and now I'm on latest cvs
04:39.43b1ch0well i know the wiki definition of softswitch, my question was if i can use * (maibe with SER) working to control and switch calls between a pstn user and voip world (or maybe to another pstn user)
04:39.54lowleveler, subversion
04:39.57JTb1ch0: yes
04:40.20JTlowlevel: hmm
04:41.14[shodan]hmm , if I get this correctly whenever I open a channel to my * box , the line "exten => s,1,*******" always get's executed first ?
04:42.10benjknot exactly
04:43.14benjkif you drop a call into a context which has an s extension and you don't specify any extension explicitly, then it will use s
04:43.50[shodan]oh I need to read some more , I just noticed the local context has a s,1 line but so does the demo context and it's included in local , so there are 2 s,1 lines
04:44.28lowlevelshodan: get that 'Asterisk - The Future of Telephony' book/pdf
04:44.37jbotthebook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
04:44.37lowlevelshodan: it does a really good job of explaining that
04:44.45lowlevelthe book.
04:44.47lowlevelfigures ;)
04:44.51CunningPikeG'night all
04:44.57lowlevelnight pikey
04:45.38*** join/#asterisk b1ch0 (
04:46.33lowlevelgawd I can't wait to ditch this stupid air conditioner
04:46.39lowlevelits so freaking loud
04:47.57benjkfor the avoidance of doubt, an air conditioner is generally not considered a softswitch and it usually does things a softswitch can't do, likewise a softswitch usually does things an air conditioner can't do
04:48.32JThrm, so i'm not sure if it was lowlevel, or more lordbaron, but someone was talking about TDM400Ps and TDM2400Ps
04:48.53JTthere's a company that make a 12port analogue board, too, which takes 400P modules
04:48.58JTjust to muddy the waters
04:49.27[shodan]my softswitch is a reverse air conditionner ;)
04:50.09JTreverse cycle with no forward cycle
04:52.09*** join/#asterisk b1ch0 (
04:52.41benjkJT, for sure you mean polarity reversal
04:53.45[TK]D-Fenderbenjk : Which clearly supports my theory that apples are nideed MUCH better than oranges...
04:54.19benjkif you want to hit someone hard, they would indeed
04:55.02benjkthey also can also be kept without rotting for much longer
04:55.04JTbenjk: heh
04:55.21*** join/#asterisk justnulling2 (
04:55.31benjkbut if you like it colourful, some oranges may be better than some apples
04:55.42JTif you wanted to make a stink bomb, orange would be superior
04:55.58benjkif you want to make cider on the other hand ...
04:56.08*** join/#asterisk linlin (
04:56.42JTif you wanted to make orange fragrance dishwashing detergent, neither would do
04:57.05benjknow, that's a surprise
04:57.24lowleveljt: insteresting (re: 12port board that takes the 4port modules from digium's TDM2400P)
04:57.59lowleveljt: same connector on card ? (50pin)
04:58.39*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
04:58.58JTmight be different
04:59.01JTnot sure
04:59.02JTactually no
04:59.24b1ch0hi again, does anybody integrated (or heard about) with Ericsson GSM
04:59.54b1ch0i mean, * used with a GSM telephony system
05:00.03benjkJunghanns has a GSM PCI card
05:00.09b1ch0handling all voip trafic
05:00.12JTi remember, 3 X RJ45s deliver the linex, lowlevel
05:00.27lowleveljt; yuk
05:00.41JTlowlevel: yeah? connectors are easy to get though
05:00.52JTso what's yuck
05:01.03benjkonce you get into that kind of density with analog, you may want to consider a T1 channel bank
05:01.04lowlevelI prefer the prewired cable > bix :/
05:01.46lowlevelbenjk:  I've only had ot deal with 6 to 8 lines so far, and usually , they analog pairs are already in place
05:02.57lowlevelour telco's here make it ridiculously expensive to go digital anyway
05:04.05JTlowlevel: how is a cable going from a TDP2400P any different to 3 X RJ45s functionally?
05:04.08JTi don't get it
05:04.55lowleveljt: well, once  its hooked up its irrelevant of course
05:05.21JTdifference being it's much easier for any person to make the appropriate RJ45 cables :)
05:07.11bprice20ok I am stuck here folks, I have several asterisk boxes and am unable to send calls from any one box to any other they always reply with a 603
05:07.14JTfull length PCI, as you can imagine
05:07.20bprice20as anyone seen this before?
05:07.34lowleveljt: *shrug* really its easier to patch from bix > bix than to mess with rj45 cables for me.
05:07.49lowleveljt; of course one needs the appropriate tool
05:08.01bprice20and this is only after upgrading to 1.2.10
05:08.02*** part/#asterisk bprice20 (
05:08.14JTmost people into telephony or networking have a cable crimper
05:08.19JTyou actually don't even need one
05:08.25lowleveljt; yeah I have one, btu I hate to use it ;)
05:08.46JTyou could buy premade cables, cut ends off one side, and punchdown the other sides into Krone punchdown blocks
05:09.30lowleveljt: Krone?
05:10.05JTi have no idea what you call them over there
05:10.13JTkrone is the main brand that make them
05:10.15lowlevelthen I'de have to buy a stupid 110/66 tool
05:10.17lowlevelI dont wanna do that
05:10.44JTerr, you can buy the expensive tool, or you can even use a couple of dollar disposable tool to do punchdown
05:10.56JTyou can even use a screwdriver but that is painful
05:11.01lowleveljt: I woudlnt recommend it
05:11.21JTanyway, i was assuming you were wanting it terminated in a professional manner, hence 110
05:11.36JTthe disposable krone tools work fine
05:11.44JTthey just don't have automatic cutters
05:11.51JTwhich are usually more annoying than good
05:11.55lowleveljt; BIX is more common here, and my tool has the automatic cutters
05:12.12lowlevelit looks crpapy to have 6 bix blocks on the wall, and 1 110
05:12.27lowleveljt: yeah its the northern telecom punchdown
05:12.43JTwhat's the difference?
05:13.16lowleveljt; size/spacing/price
05:13.23lowleveljt: other than that, no diff.
05:13.48JTah ok
05:13.51lowlevelwe're talking about a peice of plastic, with metal contacts embedded in it.
05:14.53JTanyway, 8P8C is much easier than big high density connector :P
05:15.54lowlevelI'de still rather slap in a pre-wired 25pair cable, with the right cable, and snap the bix block in.
05:16.18lowleveler right connector
05:16.19JTbut obviously it's the right tool for the job when you're trying to pull 24 lines out of a PCI backplate
05:16.33lowleveljt: yep, its unbeatable
05:16.45lowleveljt; no broken clips, etc.
05:17.02lowlevelI screw up those rj45/rj11 connectors too much anyway
05:17.15x86for some reason I can't get any of my static queue members to ring when I exec a Queue() command in my dialplan
05:17.18JTdon't want to know what your T1s are like if you have any :P
05:17.24x86anyone have experience with queues?
05:17.28lowleveljt: nah, dont have any
05:18.00*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
05:18.15x86using RealTime queues with MySQL
05:18.24x86defining the queue was easy enough
05:18.34*** part/#asterisk bprice20 (
05:18.39x86but i'm not sure I did the queue members and/or agents setup correctly
05:20.39*** part/#asterisk b1ch0 (
05:21.58JTneed to get some 25pair cable for my channel bank
05:22.40JTelectrical wholesales screwed me over twice on the weekend
05:22.56JTwent there on saturday, they had a stocktake on
05:23.15JTcalled on sunday, said they'd be open till 4, arrived just before 3, they were closed
05:36.03*** join/#asterisk profounded (
05:37.46*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
05:41.01*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
05:41.06denonyou lost? :)
05:41.16J4k3nah, I just remembered to identify before trying to join this channel ;)
05:41.55denona cable must have come lose at the top of the big stick, J4k3's thinkin' straight
05:41.57denontrixbox? ew
05:42.04J4k3well... had no fun with it until I bothered to read the instructions
05:42.32denonfdisk, install fresh debian, svn co asterisk :)
05:42.32J4k3well, trixbox isn't the final destination... I just wanted to try something I knew "worked"
05:42.37J4k3so I knew what to expect when I built it myself later.
05:43.33J4k3the machine is also trash, it won't pass 24 hour memtest
05:43.40J4k3with any *good* ram stick I stick in it.
05:44.04denonthis the same motherboard you tried to jtag with an nbd cell phone special?
05:44.29J4k3I doubt I could actually compile something on it, its already kernel panic'd once
05:44.39J4k3in about 20 hours.
05:45.37*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
05:45.41J4k3nah, this is some piece of junk gigabyte built.
05:45.56J4k3kt133/686a tbird 700 junk.
05:46.03denonactually, there are a couple pretty good gigabyte boards
05:46.08denonsounds like that's not one of em though
05:46.11J4k3this wasn't one of them ;)
05:46.31J4k3first gigabyte board I ever bought
05:46.41denonI think it was the GA-6vx7-4x we used in a ton of workstations back in the dya
05:46.42denoner day
05:46.53denonor at least that string of chars rings a bell
05:46.55J4k3first 75 mhz fsb socket 7 board, too... quite solid (at 66, never put a 75 mhz cpu in it...)
05:47.39denonall time favorite mobo is still intel's vx440fx ppro boards
05:47.41denonsolid as a rock
05:47.45denonI still know of some running
05:47.55denoner vs440fx
05:48.09denonpretty much anything with that chipset owned
05:48.12J4k3the only thing that will kill those is the caps drying out
05:48.37*** join/#asterisk hunmonk (
05:48.42denonin fact, I think I know of some IBM Intellistations running that same chipset still running as well
05:48.45J4k3and they're not bad caps... its just that they're not designed to last this long :)
05:49.22J4k3I gotta order me up a local DID
05:49.35J4k3or an 800#...  having only outgoing calling is kinda weak.
05:49.50denonor a PRI
05:50.16denonDIDs are more fun in blocks of 100
05:50.25J4k3I'd only consider that with the ILEC
05:50.31J4k3since I can't port #'s otherwise
05:50.43J4k3but they will port local #'s to a PRI
05:50.49J4k3well, a PRI you buy from them
05:51.04J4k3but at $650/month just for the circuit and trunking, thats painful
05:52.12x86J4k3: you can do LNP with an SS7 trunk ;-)
05:52.38denonx86: prollly not on trixbox <G>
05:52.53x86denon: hehe, is considered beta anyway ;)
05:53.28x86i wish i could get this queue shit working :(
05:53.34x86i dont want the agent to have to login/logout...
05:53.40x86they should always be logged in ;)
05:53.50x86how can i do that?
05:54.07denonstatic agents?
05:54.13J4k3denon: pft, this is going straight on openwrt-on-broadcom.
05:54.14J4k3... not
05:54.17*** part/#asterisk hunmonk (
05:54.28x86denon: that's what i'm trying to do
05:55.34x86denon: in agents.conf, i have group = 1, agent => 100,0000,Secret Agent, agent => 101,0000,Double Agent, and in queues.conf i tell it members => @1
05:56.01x86but an inbound call will sit in the queue forever until an agent does an AgentLogin or AgentCallbackLogin
05:56.12x86or the timeout is reached, obviously ;)
05:56.36denondunno, I avoid agents like the plague
05:56.43x86not sure what I'm doing wrong
05:56.52x86I think it might be that I'm trying to use agent groups
05:56.57x86perhaps incorrectly even ;)
05:57.19x86i wonder if i do member => 100, member => 101 in queues.conf if that will help
06:00.29lowlevelwhoa, this potato salad is amazing
06:02.36*** join/#asterisk [pyro] (i=pyro@tor/regular/bracketed-pyro)
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06:25.05*** join/#asterisk Dico_ (n=k@
06:27.03*** join/#asterisk KaiHanari (
06:29.07KaiHanarinomatter what i try, my SIP extension wont allow my softphone to authenticate.... but it looks like the phone is set up right because im using similar settings for FWD, and they work, the asterisk cli is telling me Username/auth name mismatch
06:29.18KaiHanarihave i forgotten to do something in a conf?
06:29.53denonKaiHanari: double check your sip.conf, and dont forget to reload
06:30.53*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:31.02KaiHanaridenon, been using freepbx to do it, so i checked the sip.conf, doesnt appear that freepbx puts anything in it... yet it did put an entry in extensions.conf.... so i manually entered the sip info in sip.conf, and it still didnt work.
06:32.04denonyou might want to try #freepbx or somewhere that knows more about it
06:32.15KaiHanarinoticed soemthing
06:32.25KaiHanarisip show users returns an empty list
06:32.48denonall these silly asterisk "distributions" add a level of complexity ..
06:32.53denonthat make it so hard to troubleshoot
06:33.45KaiHanaridenon, as i said. i tried manually entering in the sip information in the sip.conf. and freepbx is not a distribution, its only a web frontend, i have official asterisk from source code on the asterisk site
06:34.17JTit modifies the way you interact with asterisk
06:34.35KaiHanarithat doesnt matter, the problem is what matters
06:35.17denonactually, it's the solution that matters
06:47.11*** join/#asterisk vlt (
06:50.17vltGood Morning. Same Problem as yesterday. My exernal ip has changed and now my asterisk behind NAT can't register to (three different) SIP accounts. Yesterday I changed "externip=" to "" and debugging sip tells me that the correct IP Address is used while trying to register but it does'nt work. Any idea?
06:52.27bionoidvlt: Can you monitor traffic on the NAT firewall? Ie observe if there is any traffic destined for your asterisk box that doesn't get forwarded?
06:54.45vltbionoid: Yes I can. It's a Debian Sarge Box so I'll LOG some packets and see ...
06:55.56bionoidvlt: apt-get install iptraf (if you don't have it already)
07:00.24*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
07:00.38vltbionoid: Thank you. I'll try that. I just began to create LOG rules in iptables and watch syslog ... ;-)
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07:23.37BugKhamhow do we get the variable "EXTEN" or "DNID" in agi?
07:23.41BugKhamget_variable("EXTEN") doesn't work for me
07:24.14[shodan]anyone knows if the grandstream GXV-3000 works with h.261 or h.263 ?
07:27.20*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
07:32.52vltbionoid: WTF!?! iptraf (thanks for the hint) tells me that each UDP:5060 packet from LAN is sent out to ppp0 *from* yeserday's IP address!
07:33.48bionoidvlt: Sounds like an entire evening of fun ;)
07:37.10*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/trelane)
07:38.50vltbionoid: For better debugging I stopped asterisk and tried to send some packets manually. After about 2 minutes I restarted asterisk and registering worked immediatly. Now packets are sent by Debian NAT from my new IP ...
07:40.09bionoidHmm that sounds kind of sketchy ;P I don't like when things (on a sane operating system) starts working for no particular reason.. but hey - better than broken anyway ;)
07:41.07bionoidvlt: Now, please, fix the noise issues on my TDM400P :\
07:42.56*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
07:43.28sjobeckhey all, hope all is well, any one familiar with sangoma cards for a question
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07:44.54BugKhamhi, anyone using phpagi here?
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07:58.36phearlessasterisk is awfully complex :(
08:00.27mogwhats the prob bob
08:03.41*** join/#asterisk Wonka (i=produzie@madwifi/support/wonka)
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08:04.22tengulrehow to using asterisk to register remote openh323GK?
08:04.52Wonkacan anyone help me with chan_capi compile problems (latest chan-capi-cm-HEAD, latest asterisk-svn, "make CC=gcc-3.4" in chan_capi)?
08:05.02Wonka/usr/local/include/asterisk/compat.h:23: error: syntax error before "__extension__"
08:05.38Dico_Wonka, do you really need the SVN version ?
08:05.40Wonkaline 23 is "char* strsep(char** str, const char* delims);"
08:05.44mogyou are gonna have a lot of problems
08:05.50mogid wait for them to update
08:05.55mogor push svn of asterisk back some
08:06.13Wonkamh. last time i tried using *, months ago, nothing else would work at all...
08:06.50Wonkai want to use a HFC-S with mISDN in NT mode and a AVM B1 with chan_capi
08:06.52Dico_Wonka ; try the stable version ?
08:07.09Wonkais there a known working chan_capi for it?
08:07.09benjkWonka, use BRIstuff
08:07.44Wonkabenjk: at least zaptel tended to very brutally hang my machine...
08:07.50Dico_Wonka, sorry there is no capi in stable version
08:08.11benjkBRIstuff is the most straightforward method to do BRI with *
08:08.26Wonkamh. I need capi, my externel line is attached to that B1, which is capi.
08:08.37benjkanything else requires fiddling with things
08:08.52benjkyou don't need capi
08:09.02Wonkawhat then?
08:09.13benjkBRIstuff and the drivers that come with it
08:09.20Wonkafor an AVM B1?
08:09.43benjkdidn't you say HFC?
08:09.55benjkif it is HFC it'll work with BRIstuff
08:10.00Wonkathe HFC works nicely with mISDN
08:10.05Wonkamy problem is the B1
08:10.06*** join/#asterisk SHad|Work (n=kvirc@
08:10.40SHad|WorkDoes anyone here have any experience with Sipura/Linksys SPA-942 ?
08:10.44benjknot all too familiar with AVM cards, are you saying they're not HFC based?
08:11.04Wonkait's an _active_ ISDN card
08:11.18Wonkaone of those who can do G3 faxing in firmware, and stuff
08:11.18*** part/#asterisk mog (
08:11.19benjkHFC has nothing to do with passive and active
08:11.30*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (n=ivanfm@
08:11.32Wonkaand also, it's an ISA card...
08:11.39benjkthere are passive and active HFC cards
08:11.43Wonkaand definitively has no HFC chip
08:12.36benjkwell, the fact that the leading supplier of ISDN for Asterisk used to author chan_capi and abandoned capi for something else should tell you something
08:12.44benjkperhaps it is time to go PCI
08:13.29benjkat the very least it should tell you that this isn't going to be a smooth ride
08:13.51Wonkasomeone other took over chan_capi...
08:14.02sjobeckhi all, do I need "crc-ccitt" for zaptel on 2.4 ? just build wanpipe for sangoma but now zaptel wont start.
08:14.48sjobeckSHad: i know that phone a bit
08:14.54BugKhamanyone using agi here?
08:14.55benjkI didn't say that it isn't maintained anymore, but the very fact that kapejod abandoned it for something else should tell you that this was a route not worth pursuing any further
08:15.21*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=mbryars@
08:15.35SHad|Worksjobeck: I've got a weird auth problem, I can call the phone, but when I try to call another one from it I get an auth failure
08:15.49SHad|Worksjobeck: is there something I forgot to set?
08:15.58zoachan_misdn works best for us
08:16.19sjobeckSHad: can call in but not out
08:16.29zoa -> some more info here
08:16.35benjkyou will find that the more time passes the more "anything else" will work better than chan_capi
08:17.08Wonkabenjk: which absolutely doesn't help me when all i have is this AVM B1, and only the ISA slot it's in
08:17.30benjkas I said, its not going to be a smooth ride
08:18.02benjkpeople are moving away from both ISA and capi to other technologies for a reason
08:18.54Wonkazoa: interesting, they mention the B1 PCI working with mISDN
08:20.46bionoidI'm having some weird issues with my Asterisk - I had a 100FXO (cheap-ass $10 thingie) that worked perfectly well, then installed a TDM400P. The audio quality is horrible (compared to the 100fxo), and I can't seem to get it better by adjusting the regular echo cancelling parameters etc. Any tips for that?
08:21.34benjkprobably an interrupt issue
08:22.12SHad|Worksjobeck:  yes
08:23.49bionoidbenjk: I've checked the hardware interrupts, no conflicts there.
08:23.57SHad|Worksjobeck: does it perhaps use md5 by default?
08:24.11phearless<mog> whats the prob bob
08:24.23phearlesswhen I make a call it is written :
08:24.31phearlesscall failed, 404 not found
08:24.33benjkthey may not share, but it is still possible that your machine can't handle two cards
08:24.35phearlesson the softphone
08:24.43phearlessand I try to call my cisco voip phone
08:24.47bionoidbenjk: There is only one card, though
08:25.32benjkah, misunderstanding then, I thought you added the TDM400
08:26.29bionoidNope, replaced it :)
08:26.33phearlessand I do not know what to do to find the problem
08:27.55BugKhamanyone knows why $cid = $agi->parse_callerid(); is returning "Array"?
08:28.18phearlessanybody can help me ?
08:28.40phearlessI am trying to make asterisk work everyday since 2 weeks and half ...
08:28.42benjkcallerid is an array
08:28.51hads|homeMakes sense :)
08:28.52BugKhambenjk: ic
08:29.07benjkmade up of callerid name and callerid number
08:29.21benjk"Foobar" <012345>
08:29.44BugKhambenjk: get_variable(); also returns an array right?
08:30.14benjkdoes it? I am not too familiar with perl agi stuff
08:30.26benjkbut I know that callerid is actually two values
08:30.29BugKhambenjk: I tried get_variable("DNID"); and it returns an array also
08:30.57benjkI do this in C, so my functions are not always going to be the same as yours ;)
08:31.45benjkDNID should be a single string, technically an array of chars
08:32.50[shodan]why would I get an error "Cannot find extension context 'local' "  because I have a [local] context in my extensions.conf     , the context= from sip.conf refers to context in extensions.conf right ?
08:33.02benjkbionoid, how many modules in that TDM400?
08:33.40[shodan]it used to work earlier, I must have screwed something up :(
08:33.56benjk[shodan] verify if you *really* have such a context by doing show dialplan on the CLI
08:34.30benjkfrom time to time I get things that look weird because I swear I have stuff in extensions.conf
08:34.55*** join/#asterisk inspired (n=mikael@
08:34.55benjkbut then when I check with show dialplan, I realise that what I thought was there, didn't actually end up that way in memory
08:35.34benjkso always verify with show dialplan first to see what Asterisk actually made of your extensions.conf
08:36.02[shodan]oh it didn't work , there's only parkedcalls in there !
08:36.14benjksee :)
08:37.12[shodan]oh !
08:37.22[shodan]4.0K -rw-r----- 1 root root     3.0K Aug 22 04:36 extensions.conf
08:38.24bionoidbenjk: 2xFXO
08:38.30bionoidon channel 3/4
08:39.06benjkhave you swapped them around and tried to use just a single module in different slots?
08:40.05vltI have set up a queue in asterisk. When I dial its extension from connected SIP phones I hear moh (gsm file in native mode) and the youarenext voice. The same when I dial in from outside over a SIP peer I registered to. But when I use one of the SIP phones and dial out from asterisk over a SIP provider back to the same asterisk server I only hear ringing (though I can watch asterisk playing moh and voice in CLI). When a queue member answers they
08:40.32sjobeckhi all: any sangoma experts out there tonight/morning?
08:40.54*** join/#asterisk nassy (
08:46.00bionoidbenjk: No, that I havn't tried. I only tried moving the card itself to different PCI slots
08:46.53benjkI'd also swap the modules around and try each of them without the other in all the slots
08:47.38benjkif there are no differences, I'd build another system from scratch with stock software and stock example configs
08:47.57benjkif that still shows no change, I'd go back to Digium and ask them to replace the card
08:49.09benjkor at the very least open a ticket and see if they can fix it
08:50.36*** join/#asterisk postel (n=jp@unaffiliated/postel)
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08:59.22phearlesshello !
08:59.29*** part/#asterisk Wonka (i=produzie@madwifi/support/wonka)
08:59.35phearlessanybody understand what is the *context* in sip.conf ?
09:00.07jbotwell, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
09:00.10jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
09:00.14jbotmethinks rtfm is Read The F*cking Manual (TM). It is a suggestion to do your homework before posting a question. Sometimes used as RTFM $SPECIFIC_MANUAL to refer to a specific source of information. See also
09:00.44phearlessI RTFM since ages
09:01.51phearlesseach "tutorial" use another thing in "context"
09:01.58phearlessand never explain what does that mean
09:02.20*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
09:03.18RoyKthe context is the [context] in extensions.conf
09:03.22RoyKwhere the call is placed
09:04.43phearlessokay i will have a look
09:06.07*** join/#asterisk linlin (
09:06.12SHad|Workanyone here got a Sipura-SPA942 to work with asterisk? My inbound calls work fine, but outbound results in a SIP auth error.
09:09.09*** join/#asterisk inspired (n=mikael@
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09:16.06phearlessI can't create an :
09:16.11phearlessexten => something
09:16.20phearlessto call between internal phones
09:16.26phearlessthis is awful
09:16.29*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
09:16.58jbothmm... thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
09:17.22Sonderbladehas anyone recorded their own set of voice prompts for asterisk?
09:18.41phearlessi got the goddamn book
09:19.50hads|homeIf you have read it you should understand this.
09:20.18*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan@
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09:27.23RoyKwtf?????? Aug 22 12:16:58 WARNING[7966]: channel.c:2559 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'PUf'
09:28.19macTijntypo ? :)
09:28.45RoyKgrepping through /etc/asterisk doesn't find a single match for PUf
09:29.16RoyKthis happens when I Queue(somequeue) and none of the SIP peers in the queue are connected
09:29.49phearlessgrep the source maybe
09:30.13RoyKdone it. no matches
09:30.21macTijnRoyK: haha :>
09:33.06*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (n=duh@
09:33.26LoneShadowanyone using spa3k ?
09:33.49*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
09:37.47*** join/#asterisk moon06 (
09:39.00backblueanyone here using realtime? even with cache enabled, i have nat problems, when i do a reload, can anyone give me a hand?
09:39.49*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
09:40.11*** join/#asterisk Un1x (
09:40.42vltI have set up a queue in asterisk. When I dial its extension from connected SIP phones I hear moh (gsm file in native mode) and the youarenext voice. The same when I dial in from outside over a SIP peer I registered to. But when I use one of the SIP phones and dial out from asterisk over a SIP provider back to the same asterisk server I only hear ringing (though I can watch asterisk playing moh and voice in CLI). When a queue member answers they
09:40.47backblueRoyK: i have done queue() without any peer connected, and have not that behaviour.
09:41.48backbluevlt: using some iax trunk or some card?
09:42.41IOscannerI am looking to buy DID numbers.  What is the best priced vendor to purchase from?
09:43.06*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
09:44.16backblueIOscanner: you should be asking prices in the vendor's, not here.
09:45.42vltbackblue: All connections are SIP.
09:46.23vltbackblue: Exeption: The test from complete outside to the SIP provider asterisk is registered to.
09:46.42IOscannerI am just trying to find a good vendor to buy did's from when using asterisk.
09:47.11*** join/#asterisk Muck- (n=Muck@
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09:48.47IOscannerHow about outbound termination?
09:51.00RoyKbackblue: so have I, but I keep seenig this anyway....
09:56.55*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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09:58.06IOscannerYes they do.  Union Datacom
09:58.53vltbackblue: Even when I dial out over one SIP provider to another SIP provider and the call "comes back" to * I hear no moh and voice ...
10:00.45vltbackblue: It's possible that there's a bit of PSTN between the two SIP providers because it's an ordinary PSTN number I call ...
10:01.09backblueit's not a sip call?
10:01.38backbluelike sip/${exten}@server ? or sip/server/${exten} ¿
10:02.40*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
10:02.57vltbackblue: Setup:  SIP phone 1 --> asterisk 1 --> SIP provider 1 --> (mybe PSTN) --> SIP provider 2 --> astersik 1 --> queue()
10:03.37vltbackblue: SIP/${EXTEN}@server
10:04.23*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
10:05.15vltbackblue: To complete it: queue() --> queue member with SIP phone 2 -- but the missing moh and voice should be heard at position queue() ...
10:06.05vltbackblue: SIP phone 1 --> asterisk 1 --> queue()     WORKS.
10:06.25vltbackblue: PSTN --> SIP provider 2 --> asterisk 1 --> queue()     WORKS.
10:07.46*** join/#asterisk hlpz (
10:07.51backbluehow can you say (mybe pstn) ?
10:08.07backblueif you make dial as i sayed, you can only have that maybe pstn, after asterisk2.
10:09.57hlpzhi there, does anybody know something about g729 codec available for OpenBSD?
10:16.56backbluedo you will use asterisk with openbsd? :o
10:24.10*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
10:25.01sjobeckhi all, how are things: any one help me with why I might be seeing this after upgrading * & zaptel :
10:25.01sjobeck[] => (Zapata Telephony w/PRI)
10:25.07sjobeck[root@phonesystem zaptel-1.2.7]# Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
10:27.03*** join/#asterisk AsteriskAlbania (n=info@
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10:27.19AsteriskAlbaniaAug 22 12:27:12 WARNING[4810]: chan_zap.c:8970 pri_dchannel: PRI Error: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too.
10:27.20Jaxxanhey guys
10:27.27AsteriskAlbaniawhat wrong with it ?
10:27.33AsteriskAlbaniawhat is CPE ?
10:27.36AsteriskAlbaniaAug 22 12:27:12 WARNING[4810]: chan_zap.c:8970 pri_dchannel: PRI Error: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too.
10:27.42Jaxxanyour zaptel.conf is incorrect
10:27.43sjobeckcustomer premise equipment
10:27.54sjobeckmy zaptel ?
10:28.08Jaxxanare you trying to connect to a DMS100 ?
10:28.25sjobeckjaxan: who ?
10:28.26hlpzbackblue: asterisk is running perfect on OpenBSD and g.729a would be greate as we have license.
10:28.36AsteriskAlbaniaJaxxan: I am trying to connect to QUINTUM
10:29.01JaxxanAsteriskAlbania: i encountered that the first time i tried to establish a pri to a dms100
10:29.27AsteriskAlbaniaJaxxan: what is the line to check at zaptel.conf
10:29.42JaxxanAsteriskAlbania: sorry, i said zaptel.conf but i meant zapata.conf
10:30.01Jaxxanhop over to #flood
10:30.44Jaxxanhop over to flood and i'll paste what i use in mine
10:31.27JaxxanAsteriskAlbania: /join #flood
10:31.54Jaxxanis that similar to what you have ?
10:36.23Jaxxani'm not familiar with a QUINTUM, but basically, your error msg explains it to a T
10:36.41sjobeckany one seen this one before with a full PRI:
10:36.41sjobeckUnable to specify channel 25: Device or resource busy
10:37.08Jaxxansjobeck: means that you're trying to use a channel that doesn't exist
10:37.17*** join/#asterisk Tebi_ (
10:37.21Jaxxansjobeck: either your 2nd pri isn't configured properly or doesn't exist
10:37.40sjobeckjaxxna: hrm, didnt think I changed config at all, just an upgrade
10:37.51Jaxxanupgrades can do it to ya
10:38.10Jaxxandouble check your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf with the samples config files
10:38.56sjobeckjaxxan: card says:
10:38.56sjobeckChannel Base    1-24
10:40.10Jaxxanstop trying to use channel 25 then
10:40.34Jaxxandouble check your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
10:40.47sjobeckin etc? or etc/asterisk ?
10:41.00sjobeckor one in each, yes
10:43.29*** join/#asterisk muppetmaster (
10:43.33muppetmasterHello all
10:43.43muppetmasterAny opinions on Fedora 5 and Asterisk SVN TRUNK?
10:43.47muppetmasterGood, bad, indifferent?
10:43.58sjobeckjaxxan: zaptel =
10:43.58sjobeck# Span 1: WPT1/0 "wanpipe1 card 0" RED
10:43.58sjobeck# ??: 1 WPT1/0/1 FXSKS
10:43.58sjobeck# ??: 2 WPT1/0/2 FXSKS
10:43.59Jaxxancommercial or private ?
10:43.59sjobeck# ??: 3 WPT1/0/3 FXSKS
10:44.01sjobeck# ??: 4 WPT1/0/4 FXSKS
10:44.03sjobeck# ??: 5 WPT1/0/5 FXOKS
10:44.05sjobeck# ??: 6 WPT1/0/6 FXOKS
10:44.07sjobeck# ??: 7 WPT1/0/7 FXOKS
10:44.09sjobeck# ??: 8 WPT1/0/8 FXOKS
10:44.11sjobeck# ??: 9 WPT1/0/9 FXSKS
10:44.13sjobeck# ??: 10 WPT1/0/10 FXSKS
10:44.15sjobeck# ??: 11 WPT1/0/11 FXSKS
10:44.17sjobeck# ??: 12 WPT1/0/12 FXSKS
10:44.19sjobeck# ??: 13 WPT1/0/13
10:44.21sjobeck# ??: 14 WPT1/0/14
10:44.23sjobeck# ??: 15 WPT1/0/15
10:44.25sjobeck# ??: 16 WPT1/0/16
10:44.27sjobeck# ??: 17 WPT1/0/17
10:44.29sjobeck# ??: 18 WPT1/0/18
10:44.30muppetmasterHey, should that not go in a Pastebin???/
10:44.31sjobeck# ??: 19 WPT1/0/19
10:44.33sjobeck# ??: 20 WPT1/0/20
10:44.35sjobeck# ??: 21 WPT1/0/21
10:44.37sjobeck# ??: 22 WPT1/0/22
10:44.39sjobeck# ??: 23 WPT1/0/23
10:44.41sjobeck# ??: 24 WPT1/0/24
10:44.45sjobeck# Span 2: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1"
10:44.52*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (n=jaxxan@
10:44.57sjobeck# Global data
10:45.01sjobeckloadzone        = us
10:45.03sjobeckdefaultzone     = us
10:45.11jbotmethinks paste is see, or
10:45.19sjobeckall: sorry for large paste there, larger than I thought
10:45.23sjobecki know
10:45.28macTijnuse it ;)
10:45.31sjobeckjaxxan: see that last paste? mean anything to you?
10:45.38muppetmasterSo, anyone on Fedora Core 5?
10:45.55Jaxxandude, dont paste in this channel
10:46.19Jaxxanuse pastebin
10:46.28Jaxxanmuppetmaster: private or commercial ?
10:47.16muppetmasterJaxxan Apologies, that paste messed me up.  The app is for a private (although stability is needed) scenario where we need an internet PBX between three users at three sites and some call in IVR apps.
10:47.37muppetmasterWas thinking about Debian Sarge 2, but my hoster is having problems with making that available, so I have a limited number to choose from.
10:48.10muppetmasterOpenSuSE (no go because of their kernel policies), Mandrake, Debian (just Sarge for now), CentOS
10:48.12Jaxxanwell, i stopped using fedora core at version 2. and sarge is kewl, but .... your choice
10:48.23Jaxxanfor maximum stability though, dont install any gui crap
10:48.28muppetmasterI did not like FC through 3, but thought 5 might have gotten better
10:48.35muppetmasterCorrect, headless only
10:48.48muppetmasterThis runs at a server farm in Copenhagen, no screens, no need for a GUI
10:49.08Jaxxani'm sure fedora core 5 will be fine for you
10:49.18Jaxxanit's a easy install
10:49.20Jaxxanthat's for sure
10:49.33Jaxxani've heard good things about it, alot of people use it in their servers
10:49.44Jaxxani'm a RHEL fan these days though
10:50.01muppetmasterI have never been a RHEL fan, but only because I do not like the red fedora.
10:50.01Jaxxancorporate support and all )=
10:50.04muppetmasterLike the green lizard
10:50.36Tebi_anyone using trixbox with digium TE110P card?
10:50.45muppetmasterI do like Ubuntu, but not available at my hoster
10:50.51muppetmasterUbuntu Server would be nice, then I get my debs too
10:51.28Jaxxanis asterisk designed not to compile without make install ?
10:51.47Jaxxanzaptel and libpri compile fine with just make
10:51.50Jaxxanbut asterisk fails
10:52.10Jaxxani wanna make sure everythings working before i do this upgrade on my production box
10:53.19*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
10:54.30Jaxxanyou ever try to do a make instead of a make install ?
10:54.55Jaxxantrying to compile 1.2.10
10:56.30tzafrirJaxxan, 'make' builds everything
10:56.45Jaxxanweird then )=
10:57.00tzafrira plain 'make' in an unconfigured trunk sadly exists with an error. run ./configure first
10:57.06*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
10:57.28Jaxxanthere's no configure in asterisk though
10:57.45Jaxxanleast, not in a traditional location
10:57.50tzafrir(what I wrote reffered to trunk, and not to 1.2)
10:58.05Jaxxanoh (=
10:58.45tzafrirJaxxan, anyway, pastebin the error you get
11:02.05Jaxxani'm thinking it's just cause i haven't done a make install on zaptel and libpri
11:02.18*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
11:02.26Jaxxani'd love to be sure though
11:05.52bionoidbenjk: I've changed to a single module, moved it around in all positions in all pci slots, and done the same operation with an identical card (I bought one production/one backup). No difference whatsoever. I'll try a clean build next, thanks for your input.
11:12.41*** join/#asterisk smackus2 (
11:13.27Dr-Linux|workanybody is using iax2 trunk between 2 servers?
11:13.28smackus2i have a syntax error and I am not seeing where... can you guys double check me... been working since 8am yesterday... now 5am today. eyes are shot...
11:13.29smackus2exten => s,n(loop),Set(ERROR_COUNT=${IF($["${ERROR_COUNT}" = ""]?0:${ERROR_COUNT}$)
11:17.30smackus2nevermind... bad copy paste exten => s,n(loop),Set(ERROR_COUNT=${IF($["${ERROR_COUNT}" = ""]?0:${ERROR_COUNT})})
11:19.04bionoidsmackus2: I don't speak this language (yet), but in other languages I'd terminate the if() before the ?0:.. :P
11:19.32smackus2already found my answer... my copy paste cut off the last few char:
11:19.33smackus2exten => s,n(loop),Set(ERROR_COUNT=${IF($["${ERROR_COUNT}" = ""]?0:${ERROR_COUNT})})
11:24.11*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
11:24.12*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:24.14jhiverhi all
11:24.33jhiverhas anybody managed to compile chan_h323 under debian sarge?
11:24.50jhiverI have compiled pwlib and openh323
11:25.36jhiverand when i do 'make opt' in /usr/src/asterisk/channels/h323 i get ../../include/asterisk/strings.h:280: error: declaration of C function `
11:25.36jhiver/usr/include/stdlib.h:188: error: previous declaration `long long int
11:25.38jhivermake: *** [ast_h323.o] Erreur 1
11:25.43jhiverany ideas?
11:27.01jhiverchan seenms pretty dead...
11:27.11jhivermaybe it should be called chan_h323 hehe :)
11:29.53tzafrirjhiver, sure.
11:30.36tzafrirjhiver, trying to build h323 is a formedable task. mere mortals take openh323 from pkg-voip
11:31.07jhiverwhy should it be so hard
11:31.19jhiverit works out of the box with freebsd port
11:31.23jhiverit's crazy :)
11:31.24tzafrirI've rebuilt the packages from there on sarge nad it builds just fine, if you want to make sure
11:32.10JunK-Yjhiver: which * version?
11:32.26jhiverCVS head, but that's nothing to do with asterisk at this stage
11:32.55tzafrirCVS head of what?
11:32.56*** join/#asterisk daurn|laptop (n=quae@unaffiliated/daurnimator)
11:32.58daurn|laptophi all
11:33.00jhiverso tzafrir, what line should i add in the apt-sources.list to add this repo
11:33.14JunK-Ycvs-head is +1 years old.
11:33.23*** join/#asterisk QbY (
11:33.33jhiversvn checkout asterisk
11:33.38jhiveris the command i've used
11:33.40daurn|laptopwhat is a good, easy guide for setting up asterisk?
11:33.58jhiverTFOT is a good start
11:34.04jhivergoogle asterisk tfot
11:34.09tzafrirdeb sarge main
11:34.10JunK-Ydaurn|laptop: theres a book on oreilly, read that book.
11:34.14jhivertzafrir, thx
11:34.32jbotmethinks tfot is "The Future of Telephony", a book about Asterisk from O'Reilly Publishing, ISBN: 0-596-00962-3, click for more details
11:34.38jhiveralso about chan_h323
11:34.52jhiverdo you know if there is an option similar to progressinband=yes?
11:34.52QbYIf you had a choice, would you build Asterisk on a 2x XEON 3.06 with 2gb Memory, or on a 2x Opteron 250 with 2gb Mem?
11:35.02jhiverto tell it to forward early rtp?
11:36.28jhiverok then I can just apt-get install asterisk-h323 ?
11:36.32jhiversounds cool :)
11:37.52*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:38.31jhiverok my version of asterisk is Asterisk SVN-trunk-r40796
11:38.42jhivermaybe that's a little bit too bleeding edge :)
11:41.29jhiverI think i'll go fetch release instead :)
11:48.43*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
11:49.44QbYQueues/Agents question...  I have agents that will be logged into multiple queues.  Where do I set the priority of the queues?  As in, queue #1 should be answered before queue #2
11:54.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
11:57.38Jaxxanyou set that in your queues.conf
11:57.50Jaxxanerm... wait
11:57.58Jaxxanyou set a priority on the incoming calls
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12:03.12JunK-YQbY: see penalty stuff in queues.conf
12:05.31jhiveri don't really understand what WaitForRing() is for
12:05.36jhiverne ideas?
12:10.23idoi believe WaitForRing(timeout) waits for the next ring that comes after 0 or timeout seconds, when the line is ringing.  this (I THINK) lets you time events based on when the user hears a ring.
12:10.49idothis is done before answering the channel
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12:11.49idoso for example WaitForRing(20) followed by Answer() would answer after the ring succeeding a 20 second wait.
12:13.28bionoidI'm having some very inconsistent noise issues with my TDM400P. I've tried using only one module, two different cards, in all possible slot combinations. No difference. Now I've rebuild asterisk and zaptel from source, and still no improvement. I've tried every audio tuning options that I can find documented, including disabling software interrupts in the zap source. I can make one call and not hear a single noise for ten minutes, then hangup,
12:14.12bionoidAlso note that the exact same PC works perfectly well, without any interference, using a 100FXO card.
12:15.13jhiveroh great!
12:15.16jhiverERROR: Could not open H.323 listener port on 1720
12:15.16jhiverJul 18 13:33:12 ERROR[14280]: chan_h323.c:2367 load_module: Unable to create H323 listener.
12:15.16jhiverJul 18 13:33:12 WARNING[14280]: loader.c:414 __load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
12:15.22jhiverany ideas what's going on?
12:15.48SaTLaN32hi guys
12:15.54SaTLaN32need help with this var:
12:15.54idojhiver: is the port in use?
12:15.58bionoidjhiver: Is port 1720 already taken? Check with netstat -an|grep 1720
12:16.31jhivernothing there
12:16.41SaTLaN32how do i send it to a Audiocodes M2K (SIP to E1 gw) so it will be in the Redirected ID field?
12:16.45bionoidAny further information in your logs, perhaps?
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12:17.05jhiverbionoid, which ones?
12:17.14bionoidasterisk logs, presumably
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12:17.47jhiverwell in /var/log/asterisk there is just cdr-csv     cdr-custom  event_log   queue_log
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12:18.06jhiverand in these logs there is nothing relevant
12:18.07caio1982coppice: hi steve, are you up for some faxing issues using your t38 code? :)
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12:20.51Jaxxanhow do i restart a PRI from the console ?
12:21.14Jaxxansay i want to restart span3 on a t400p
12:21.25Jaxxanwithout resetting the whole damn card
12:21.35caio1982coppice: i'm adapting your 1.2.7 patch to 1.2.10 ( but it seems that i did something wrong editing it and since i'm not a real C programmer, it might be the cause for it: any hints about syntax errors?
12:22.12jhiverok i found the error
12:22.17jhiverthe bindaddress=was wrong
12:22.21jhivergreat :)
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12:23.36caio1982coppice: the reason i'm editing it right now is because there was some changes between 1.2.7 and 1.2.10 and it doesn't apply ok since then
12:24.19coppicecaio1982: no idea. the code went into SVN, for what its worth, and people have abandoned the patches since then
12:24.59Tilihow can i get the src_ip from a sip channel in extensions.conf
12:25.02coppicewhat went into SVN will need heavy mods to be useful, though. the real world doesn't work like the specs that code was developed against :-(
12:25.10Tilii believe there is some variable for that. but i dont know what it is
12:26.24caio1982coppice: uh that's bad... well, i'm gonna try a little bit more to work on this .diff, just to see what i can get from it in 1.2
12:26.30caio1982coppice: thanks one more time steve
12:28.18muppetmasterWhen compiling SVN TRUNK, what else does one need for the jabber stuff besides iksemel and iksemel-devel?
12:28.43coppicecaio1982: if you want to see a working solution, you can look at the openpbx SVN. that has been modded to work with the real world, and supports T.38 termination, as well as passthrough
12:28.47vltDoes anyone know how to suppress the CallerID in outgoing SIP calls? I tried SetCallerID() but it doesn't work.
12:29.27caio1982coppice: i did a checkout from their code to analyse, yep
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12:30.41coppicethe UDP handling is separated from RTP and UDPTL. they plug into the UDP code dynamically as needed. that way they can share a single UDP port, and live with the real world
12:31.25muppetmasterI am currently getting this error when I try to compile SVN TRUNK on FC5:
12:33.05*** join/#asterisk prog (
12:33.12proghello asteriskgeeks
12:33.33progim hope some of you is alive ;-)
12:33.50zoaeverybody just died
12:33.53zoatime to move on
12:34.09zoa*** this is an automated message ***
12:34.15zoaso whats the problem ? :)
12:34.29mitcheloczoa: be nice ;)
12:34.46zoai am nice
12:34.57zoai just asked what his problem was
12:35.12zoai kind of suppose he has a problem with asterisk :)
12:35.25zoaor maybe he was interested in you mitcheloc
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12:35.55mitcheloceek, no! /me rolls over and plays dead
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12:38.07proghad i phone call ... sorry guys :-) .... well my question is ( on next row )
12:39.48progcould you (please) advise me, where to look to make possible this situation: telefon user( with analog phone) want to leave and need to switch all calls to another pho mechine ? it is usually done with for example *80[number] ...
12:40.32*** join/#asterisk bXi (
12:40.37progthank you in advance for your hints ... i do not require all the steps but one url link is appreciated :-) thank you
12:40.50proghi bxi
12:40.56zoagoogle for ASTDB
12:41.08bXican i put stuff like sip configuration in a different file ?
12:41.10zoaor follow me
12:41.16zoabxi : yes
12:41.17progok ok zoa, thx ... what this abreviation means ?
12:41.22zoaits standard a different phone
12:41.25zoaasterisk database
12:41.41zoayou could set a value with forward = 1
12:41.47zoaif he dials a certain extension
12:41.50progzoa, aaah, yes yes
12:41.50zoaand when a customer calls
12:41.53zoacheck it first
12:41.56zoaif its yes dial A
12:42.00zoaif its no, dial B
12:42.15Aursor if it gets anything, dial its value
12:42.15proghmmm ... it sounds intelligently ....;-) great great
12:42.17bXito be more specific
12:42.43progzoa ... is it done in extensions.conf, isn`t it ?
12:42.43bXii want to make a sip_$user.conf which contains the sip entry and the exten entry
12:42.47bXiis this possible?
12:43.01progzoa , thank you very much !!!!!
12:43.30progufff, how simple is asterisk configuration with such great people ;)
12:44.22progbXi, you mean something like include ?
12:44.29progbXi, include="some file" ?
12:44.51zoabxi, i think it can include config files for users
12:45.04zoawith include in the main sip.conf file
12:45.19bXii have something like that already
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12:45.36bXibut i'd like to include the exten for each user in the file
12:45.38progand doesn`t work ?
12:45.44bXiso its not spread accross files
12:47.03e-ddiedo any of you guys have any experience with encoding videos/images to .h263?
12:47.51progsorry e-ddie, no
12:48.04Irulkahi to all! can you help me... I want to make attended call transfer using Grandstream BT102. I get call from another terminal(for example 111), talk with person on this terminal, then press 'flash' and dial new extension, where i want the received call to be transfered(222). Now i can talk with 222 and tell that i am going to transfer the call to him. After that i press 'transfer' and get 111 and 222 connected with each other. Transfer i
12:48.04Irulkas successful and i can hang up. The problem is, that i am not able to do the same if i get not the direct call from another extension, but a call from the queue (agent is logged in on BT102 and it is his turn to answer the call). In this case, when i press 'transfer' BT102 is hanged up and 111 and 222 are not connected with each other....  do you know what can be the reason of that?...
12:48.09*** join/#asterisk cbrake_ (
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12:51.35zoabxi i dont really get what you ask for :/
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12:59.35hi365Hello! anyone know about Sangoma a200? after installing drivers the computer doesnt c the card :-(
12:59.36hi365[root@asterisk1 ~]# wanrouter hwprobe
12:59.37hi365| Wanpipe Hardware Probe Info |
12:59.37hi365Card Cnt: S508=0  S514X=0  S518=0  A101-2=0  A104=0  A300=0  A200=0  A108=0
13:02.30bXinormally you'd define an extension in extension.conf
13:02.35bXiand a sip entry in sip.conf
13:02.47bXilets say i have an user called linksys
13:03.05bXii want to define the extension AND sip entry in linksys.conf
13:04.44kmilitzerHi everyone ... sorry to be off topic, but does anyone know if an IRC channel for SER or OpenSER exists?
13:07.01*** join/#asterisk kagato (
13:07.27kagatoAnyone up to answering an echo canceling question?
13:08.37kagatoI have one of the TE4xxP cards with hardware echo cancelling.  Do I need to set echocancel=yes to enable echo cancelling or is that only for software echo cancelling?
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13:13.41champsterIs anyone using overhead paging connected to a analog port?
13:13.57champsterIf so, how are you selecting the zones?
13:14.28champsterI could make the user do it, but I would prefer to give the 3 buttons. (Office, Shop, All)
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13:19.57hi365Hello! anyone know about Sangoma a200? after installing drivers the computer doesnt c the card :-(
13:19.57hi365[root@asterisk1 ~]# wanrouter hwprobe
13:19.57hi365| Wanpipe Hardware Probe Info |
13:19.58hi365Card Cnt: S508=0  S514X=0  S518=0  A101-2=0  A104=0  A300=0  A200=0  A108=0
13:20.07[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Stop spamming
13:20.33[TK]D-Fenderhi365: and for crying out loud use PASTBIN.  And you MIGHT want to actually consider showing your CARD config while you're at it.
13:20.50[TK]D-Fenderkagato : Yes
13:21.26hi365[TK]D-Fender: cant config a card if its not "there"
13:21.35coppicehi365: did you move the card? the default install options tie the config to a particular PCI slot
13:21.54[TK]D-Fenderchampster: Well each analog port is its own zone when you think about it so you'd need to pull them all into a conference to do a "page all".  Some people use .call files with a Meetme conference for that.
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13:23.35hi365coppice: no. fresh install. will re-installinhg the drivers re"tie" it?
13:24.22[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Pastebin your card config
13:24.42cbrakeI am trying to get asterisk to dial and automatically enter calling card account info.
13:25.22cbrakefirst I dial the 1800 #.  How do I then enter the call card account # and the # I am calling after the calling card service answers?
13:25.23[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Hrm... yeah I'd try re-seating the card and then trying another slot...
13:25.23hi365[TK]D-Fender: i didnt config the card yet! do u want the zaptel+zapata?
13:25.27coppicehi365: its not the install of the drivers that ties things. its the generation of the config file. the config files usually say the exact slot the card is expected to be in
13:25.33[TK]D-Fenderhi365: see the point on it just not showing up...
13:25.42zoabXi: aaah, i dont think that is possible
13:26.24[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Skip the config I see your point on it not being ID'd anywhere. LSPCI & DMESG show nothing as well?
13:27.35hi365[TK]D-Fender: dmesg in a min...
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13:32.16FarrisGIf I know what I've been doing, and have managed an asterisk box for a couple of years, is there any substantial reason for/against using trixbox?
13:32.28[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Modprobe wanpipe
13:32.46Unistim_junkyIs anyone using Transfer() to send call to a remote box?
13:33.17[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: Only rason to use it is to drop it in a place where they will be 100% with the functionality out of the box and you feel lucky enough that their scripts won't break on them
13:33.20hi365[TK]D-Fender: FATAL: Error inserting wanpipe (/lib/modules/2.6.9-34.0.2.ELsmp/kernel/drivers/net/wan/wanpipe.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
13:33.52[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: Against..... well if you wanted a canned PBX just go out and buy one.  Anything goes wrong with Trixbox you know what you're in for... noone wants to think about it.
13:34.00zeedoFarrisG: depends what you want to do with it, TrixBox becomes a problem when you start to get complicated/large with the setup
13:34.13zeedoFarrisG: but for most smallish deployments it's simple and effective
13:34.28[TK]D-FenderSounds like something didn't compile right and those dmesg errors.... I'd say rebuild your drivers and make sure to point them everywhere they need to.
13:34.50FarrisGzeedo: It's for an office of about 100.
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13:35.08zeedoFarrisG: thats at about the limit of what Id want to run TriixBox at
13:35.10hi365[TK]D-Fender: did twice. will have another go
13:35.14[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: Actually the only place it becomes validated is in certain LARGER scenarios where * becomes a more sizable burdon and their staff is somewhat "challenged".
13:35.21zeedoFarrisG: if you're happy with managing Asterisk yourself Id stick with it
13:35.36FarrisGzeedo: What's the logic? What makes the limit on trixbox any lower than * proper?
13:35.53FarrisGGot it
13:36.09zeedoFarrisG: the fact that it can only run on one box, the minute you go beyond that you lose most of the benefit of TrixBox
13:36.22phearlessI'm back
13:36.30phearlessexten => 200,1,Dial(sip/200)
13:36.37phearlessI manage to make a call thanks to this
13:36.54phearlessbut it should be better if I had the same for all the extensions, no ?
13:37.00phearlessis it possible ?
13:37.15Unistim_junkyfolks,  can you please check out an tell me where I screwed up on transfer
13:37.32Irulkacan anyone help me with making attended call transfer on Grandstream BT102, please?
13:37.44inspiredphearless, exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
13:37.44muppetmasterUnder SVN TRUNK, how should one go about adding mysql support from Asterisk addons?
13:37.59FarrisGSo then I guess my next question is: My current asterisk box is very old. I'm installing a new one, with latest versions of everything. I've never used any of the web interfaces, but with the office growing, I'd like some sort of web-admin functionality. Is there any reliable method to this, or is it still true that if you want any semblance of stability, you should stick with managing via console?
13:38.08phearlessok inspired ! I will try to decrypt your line
13:38.10inspiredphearless, if you then dial 59129 and have a peer named 59129, it will call it
13:38.28phearlesswhat is _X. ?
13:38.44phearlessX is any number
13:38.54phearlessbut _ and . I do not know
13:38.58inspiredphearless, _ specifies that this exten is a pattern. the X matches anything, and "." means that the exten can have a variable length
13:39.01zeedoFarrisG: the console is more about flexibility than stability. Adding a web interface doesnt destabilise but you do have to follow the configuration conventions of the interface
13:39.17phearlessthanks inspired
13:39.18champsterIs anyone using overhead paging connected to a analog port?
13:39.20champsterIf so, how are you selecting the zones?
13:39.21champsterI could make the user do it, but I would prefer to give the 3 buttons. (Office, Shop, All)
13:39.45inspiredphearless, and since we have an X there, it must be minimum 1 digit long
13:42.05[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: Every GUI out there takes COMPLETE control of your * config so there is no "half-way"
13:42.17[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: Without writing it yourself....
13:42.28phearlessit works
13:42.35phearlessbig thanks toooooo..........
13:42.37[TK]D-Fenderchampster: I already answered you.
13:42.38phearlessinspired !
13:43.09[TK]D-Fenderphearless: That is VERY unhealthy...
13:43.11FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: Meaning, if you're using a GUI (FreePBX, or whatever), you'll screw stuff up but good if you go underneath it and mess with your conf files?
13:43.49[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: Maybe yes, maybe no.  The thing is if you go into the conf files and change anything, the moment they "commit" a change from the GUI all your work becomes ERASED.
13:44.03*** join/#asterisk Poincare (n=jefffnod@
13:44.12[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: All of those GUI's rebuild EVERYTHING from scratch....
13:44.28[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: and if you don't like the "standard" way it dials a phone well... tought luck.
13:44.33champsterSorry, Missed it.
13:44.46FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: That's gross. There's not some standardized way to fry the confs based on a DB instead of using baked?
13:45.18[TK]D-Fenderchampster: Well each analog port is its own zone when you think about it so you'd need to pull them all into a conference to do a "page all". Some people use .call files with a Meetme conference for that.
13:45.21champsterThe analog port connects to a Valcom V2003A which is a 3 zone pageing unit with one port.
13:45.22inspiredphearless, np
13:45.49champsterIt needs a DTMF tone to select the zone.
13:45.52[TK]D-Fenderchampster: Oh the unit has 3 zones and 1 analog port?  Odds are you enter the zones by DTMF after it answers the ringing port.
13:46.22[TK]D-Fenderchampster: Time to crack open that manual....
13:46.35champsterI have tested with dial the extension, then manually enter the port and it works OK.
13:47.05FarrisGTo be honest, I really don't NEED a gui to manage the box. There are a few pieces I'd like to be able to delegate control via some abstraction, though. For instance, it would be really nice to give ownership of a meetme line to someone, and somehow allow them to change the password, etc.
13:47.09champsterIf I use the D option of dial, it doe not give me the ability to talk for a few seconds.
13:47.51champsterIf I use the M option and have a macro with senddtmf, it takes even longer before I get the ability to speak back.
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13:47.56filechampster: well you have to do give it time to send the DTMF, have it played back, plus setup the audio stream
13:48.10FarrisGAlso, is there any non-flakey way to (a) manage conversation recordings (b) give an operator some sort of software switchboard panel, so she can tell who's on the phone and who isn't?
13:48.54champsterI should have shopped arround and bought 2 single zone units.
13:50.16[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: you can make your own "phones in use" panel rather easy.  You could give the receptionist a phone with good presence support (like a Polycom IP 601 + multiple attendant modules), there are several other programs like FOP that a "general" and "passive" tools to see the running state of things
13:50.42[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: As for managing recordings, depends how they are named, and created.
13:51.35[TK]D-Fenderchampster: If you just call the unit direct, how long do you have to wait before entering the zone in DTMF?  After that how long a wait until you can start talking?
13:52.06file[TK]D-Fender: ! ! !
13:52.11*** part/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
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13:52.17[TK]D-Fenderfile: I don't want to meet your mom!
13:52.25FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: One of my receptionists has a Polycop 501. Will that do what I want? The other has a Grandstream GXP2000. A decent little cheap phone. Do you know if the 2000 (and/or its optional sidecar) will support presence?
13:52.54champsterIf I do it manually, 1 second or less for the unit to beep, I enter the zone digit and can talk immediately.
13:52.57[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: the 501 can only watch 7 other devices, which I suspect is too little.
13:53.13[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: The 601 can watch up to 48 w/ attendant modules.
13:53.35[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: Mine has 2 of them full loaded and lit up like a christmas tree :D
13:54.07champsterI think the issue is that the ammount of time it takes to bridge is normally done durring the ringing, or immed. after.
13:54.08FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: 7 might be enough actually.
13:54.29FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: She only really needs to see management's presence
13:54.48champsterUsing the D or M option, the caller knows that the call is connected and has to wait for the bridge, with no signalling to let them know it is done.
13:55.07hi365[TK]D-Fender: same problem (cant c card) im trying to remove the wanrouter and reinstall. do u know what need to be deleted ?(besides /etc/wanrpipe)
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13:56.39[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: Well you could view them through the buddies screen.  Not the friendliest, but it'd work.
13:57.56FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: I didn't realize there was any other way. To see the 7 you mention on the 501, does that require an extension/sidecar?
13:58.48[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: only the 601 supports a sidecar.  No, to view them you'd use the "buddies" soft-key on the 501 which would give you a scrollable list of those your phoen has been configured to watch.
13:59.05FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: Ah, I see now. Thanks
13:59.40[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: np.  But seriously... get her a 601 and at least 1 module :)  Good for speed-dials, etc....
13:59.58*** part/#asterisk miller7 (n=999@
14:00.58JThow do you set asterisk up to show line/extension usage on voip phones anyway?
14:01.15champsterthe hint priority
14:01.15FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: Not gonna happen soon. :)
14:02.14JTchampster: ?
14:02.22FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: Geez, that thing looks like kind of a waste of space. Seems like they could have put a lot more lines on one
14:03.06Unistim_junkyFolks I have helped lots of newbies in the past now I really need your help.  Please view .  Free Beer (STRONGBOW) to whoever finds it.
14:04.44Unistim_junkydrumroll #####
14:05.34[TK]D-FenderFarrisG: If it was only a tiny light, yes, but you get a nice full line to write the name meaningfully.
14:06.19*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
14:07.02[TK]D-FenderJT: Look up "asterisk presence" on the WIKI
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14:08.49MrChimpyunistim: strongbow isn't beer, it's cider
14:09.21Unistim_junkyWhat it is is the wife's
14:09.34[TK]D-FenderUnistim_junky: Something tells me you shoudl be providing SIP debug info if you are expecting any kind of help....
14:09.38MrChimpyyou sure you can risk giving it away then :)
14:10.22JT[TK]D-Fender: ok
14:11.29hi365[TK]D-Fender: Card Cnt: S508=0  S514X=0  S518=0  A101-2=0  A104=0  A300=0  A200=1  A108=0
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14:16.11xorotudeimpressive user list...
14:16.37[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Cool... get cracking on it now..
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14:24.30jtexter3Has anyone had experience setting up a Grandstream GXP-2000 with sidecard?
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14:25.10jtexter3I have the config generated and placed in my /tftpboot directory.  When I tell the phone to use it, it says TFTP provisioning, and shows the file downloading, then it reboots and resets to factory defaults
14:25.14jtexter3very annoying
14:25.55Irulkacan anyone help me with making attended call transfer on Grandstream BT102, please?
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14:26.31hi365jtexter3: not with the sidecard maybe this will help:
14:26.37FlatFootanyone used one of these ( any success ) ?
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14:28.41hatamenhi,all. Do you have used a MSN asterisk Group? hehe :)
14:29.05[TK]D-FenderOMG, a GrandSUCK expansion module!
14:29.09Dr-Linux|workquestion, can i forward the call to two numbers on cisco 7940/60?
14:29.30[TK]D-FenderIrulka: I'd read its manual again if I were you....
14:29.44vltQuestion: How can I stop aserisk if it's running in safe-mode? `/etc/init.d/asterisk stop`or `asterisk -rx stop gracefully` don't work ...
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14:29.57vlt... from a script ...
14:30.08[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work:  Well you can forward the call to an exten on * that CALLS 2 numbers if you want...
14:30.24hatamenAdd to your msn friend list, and "nudge" to this friend , then you will see us! it's in testing... Cool!
14:30.32Aursvlt: tried with sudo?
14:30.36[TK]D-Fendervlt: Gracefully waits till there are no more open channels.
14:31.03pnlarssonQ: I'm using AMI to initate a call, first calling the agent and when he picks up, the call is placed to the customer. The prob is if the user rejects the call, the call is still placed to the customer...
14:31.08Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, yes sir, i know that, but from the phone am looking for this option
14:31.09jtexter3yeah, that's got the basics.  I've downloaded the firmware, which I can tell the phone is now talking with the sidecar.  But I still can't provision over TFTP
14:31.11Aurs/etc/init.d/asterisk stop should stop it even if there are open chans
14:31.46[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work: No, you cannot forward to 2 things.  Only 1.  * can then take that request and CHOOSE to ring 2 things, but thats not a SIP spec....
14:32.24jtexter3D-Fender: Grandstream seem to get mixed reviews, so I bought one to check out for myself.  One thing I like is that the sidecar has 56 buttons.
14:32.36jtexter3I've had good luck with Polycom, but with 3 side cars, you can only have 42 extensions
14:32.40Qb3rtwhere can i remove the reminder option that makes the phone ring for 2 seconds when i have a voicemail waiting? this thing ring the phone every 15 minutes!
14:32.44Irulka[TK] D-Fender: the problem is that i can do transfer, if i get direct call from another terminal, but i can't do that if the call came from the queue...
14:32.51hatamenha ha
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14:32.55[TK]D-Fenderjtexter3: Yeah sure it has lots of lights, but its still junk...
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14:33.19[TK]D-Fenderjtexter3:  if you need more than the 48 you can get on an IP 601 well... eek...
14:33.47Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, Thanks sir, i'd like to ask another question as well, >> cisco 7960 allows me only 3 calls at same time, can i increase calls?
14:33.50[TK]D-FenderIrulka: What ver of * are you on?
14:34.10[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work: No idea.... don't do Cisco, you know that...
14:34.18pnlarssonAnd i can't find a var the is telling me if the first leg is still up...
14:34.52[TK]D-FenderIrulka: There is an issue with using transfers to apss off queue calls not freeing up the agent for more Queue calls. I *think* they helped correct this in recent versions....
14:35.07Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, it's okey, actually myself i never seen cisco phones, but we have a bunch of cisco phones in US, so all i can do is google or ask here .. anyway thanks for your help
14:35.58[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work: Oh well, sorry.
14:36.20Irulka[TK]D-Fender, Asterisk
14:36.37[TK]D-FenderIrulka: Well it may still be an outstanding issue then...
14:36.44[TK]D-FenderIrulka: But a known one.
14:38.42jbalcombWhats the best conference room phone around?
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14:39.14operat0ranybody ever do anything similar to this ?
14:39.48operat0rI figured with a uber asterisk script I can make free phone calls
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14:40.25Irulka[TK]D-Fender, ok, thank you
14:40.55backblueIrulka: why dont you use misdn?
14:41.15[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: I'd be tempted to say a high-end Polycom... there is such a crazy range of them though.  How big a room?  How many people?  Need ex-mics?  Mobility?
14:41.39hi365does anyone know what steps need to ba taken to install the Snagoma Remora card OTHER than updating the zaptel+zapata files?
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14:42.44tzangerwtf is a remora card
14:42.45champsterThe person with the ad pays just like a toll free.
14:42.57coppiceremora is another name for the A200
14:43.14[TK]D-Fenderhi365: wancfg and setup your wanpipe1.conf file for it, add to startup, ztcfg -vvv it and you should eb good to go.
14:43.16benjkI think the name refers to the stackable nature of the card
14:43.20jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: no mics, stationary, 18 people tops. the Polycom IP 4000 looks nice or the Avaya 4690 if its SIP
14:43.26Irulka[TK]D-Fender, because we use zaptel
14:44.08[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: well what I did (and typically suggest), is getting a SoundStation 2W (wireless!!!) and slapping it on an SPA ATA....
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14:44.42[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb:  Also its one of their least expensive models and requires well... no wiring (in the place you use).  offers mobility and quality.
14:44.44cybertrickleI need the possible error messages for "Show Channels" and "Show Queue QUEUE"
14:45.09[TK]D-Fendercybertrickle: What kind of error messages?  I've never gotten an error before... clarify.
14:45.38cybertrickleFor example. I know of 1 for Show Queue, "Invalid Queue"
14:45.59[TK]D-Fendercybertrickle: And why is it you'd be entering an invalid queuename?
14:46.11jbalcombcybertrickle: you can certainly download the source and look at what error messages they put in there
14:46.54jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: most likely i'd think error handling in a script, perhaps using the AMI
14:47.53tzangerwow is like home of the pizza-faced 13 year olds
14:47.59tzangerreminds me of my youth, heh
14:48.06operat0rtzanger hey now im 25
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14:48.24operat0rchampster it is free
14:48.26Qb3rtwhere can i remove the reminder option that makes the phone ring for 2 seconds when i have a voicemail waiting? this thing ring the phone every 15 minutes!
14:48.37operat0rchampster   how is it not free
14:48.52tzangeroperat0r: ok?
14:49.00jbalcombQb3rt: asterisk is doing this or the phone?
14:49.12[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: Anything scripted should protect you from entering in junk anyways.
14:49.14hi365<[TK]D-Fender>: I whish it were that simple!
14:49.39Qb3rtjbalcomb dont know! its doing this when asterisk is reloaded
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14:49.44jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: proper coding chooses to account for unknown situation as best you can, never think it /won't/ happen
14:49.46operat0r"tzanger> wow is like home of the pizza-faced 13 year olds
14:49.58jbalcombQb3rt: my guess would be the phone
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14:50.00[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: I suppose....
14:50.09Qb3rtjbalcomb is suspect the phone but i just want to be sure
14:50.26Qb3rtjbalcomb k thanks ill see the phone configurations
14:50.34jbalcombQb3rt g'luck
14:51.22[TK]D-Fenderhi365, keep looking at your configs....
14:52.12[TK]D-Fenderhi365: might have a bad module....
14:52.24[TK]D-Fenderhi365: play areound and then try to swap taht one out.
14:52.29hi365[TK]D-Fender: btw, 4 work fine
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14:53.06[TK]D-Fenderhi365: sounding like a bad or poorly seated module.  inspect, test and deal :)
14:53.30hi365will do!
14:53.59champster<operat0r>  - Not all ads have that feature, that is because they must pay for it. The link you posted suggested someone getting thier own button. That would not be free since the person with the button pays for its use.
14:54.11[TK]D-FenderOMGZ itz m4tt!
14:56.04operat0rchampster  explane this then
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14:57.32champsterThe feature is free, the usage is not.
14:57.39filetzanger: voodo magic.
14:57.43fileor rather, voodoo
14:58.07champsterIt generates a call to your hose, then a call to the company, and bridges them.
14:58.17champsterThey then charge the company for the call.
14:58.25champsterIt is just a convenience feature
14:59.08champsteror home ;-)
14:59.35*** join/#asterisk rpm (
14:59.43rpmhas anyone successfully configured a mediatrix 1204?
14:59.54vltAurs, [TK]D-Fender: Yes, as root ;-)    And "-rx stop ..." doesn't work: No such command 'stop' ... ???
15:00.26champsterDoes anyone know how to send DTMF on an already bridged call?
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15:02.09hmmhesayswith a keypad
15:02.14hmmhesaysrpm yes
15:02.22hmmhesayspain in the @$$ they are
15:02.41hmmhesaysI've done extensive testing with the 1204
15:02.43[TK]D-Fendervlt : You are missing quotes : asterisk -rx "stop gracefully"
15:02.46hmmhesaysthey will NOT register with astersik
15:02.52hmmhesays*asterisk even
15:03.02[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: I found the 1124 pretty easy... 1204 sucks though?
15:03.24hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: whole different beast
15:03.32jtexter3okay, figured it out.  Had to change to use TFTP, then unplug the power instead of a soft reboot
15:03.45hmmhesaysthe 1204 is just junk in general, it is really the weak link in the mediatrix product line
15:03.52rpmhmmhesays: so its garbage? im trying to get a list of hardware which will work with this pbx
15:03.57[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Entirely believeable.  Their PRI series is a complete import wonder even to them and its a HORRID beast....
15:04.04operat0rchampster  what if the company call just gets fwd they still charge for the call and what would it be under ?
15:04.12operat0ras in cell
15:04.15hmmhesaysrpm: oh it will work
15:04.26hmmhesaysdepends on the scenario
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15:04.42hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: their fxs line is fantastic ... the rest of the line, not so much
15:04.59hmmhesaysI have hundreds of 1104, 2102 and 1102 in the field
15:05.03[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Oh thats the FXO..... yeah, my hopes would be dashed....
15:05.19boobee2hmmhesays do you know 1124 (24fxs tdmoe)?
15:05.30hmmhesaysdo I know it?
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15:05.33[TK]D-Fenderboobee2: Thats not TDMoE....
15:05.42[TK]D-Fenderboobee2: Its a SIP gateway.
15:05.51hmmhesayssip fxs gateway with 24 ports
15:05.55benjkI was about to say, since when does Mediatrix do TDMoE
15:05.59[TK]D-Fenderboobee2: And I do.  Works well, fairly simple to web configure and does the basics.
15:06.08hmmhesaysadvanced config via snmp
15:06.11boobee2oh well sorry.. but i'm planning using those
15:06.16boobee2i have 300~ analog phones
15:06.19hmmhesaysboobee2: i have a few in the field
15:06.19bXiwhen i start asterisk it says parsing /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf : found
15:06.25boobee2and thought about those as a solution
15:06.25hmmhesaysto say the least
15:06.26bXithen it says []
15:06.28bXiand it quits
15:06.32hmmhesaysand a good solution they are
15:06.34bXiany idea what could cause this?
15:06.57[TK]D-Fenderbenjk: * barely does TDMoE, and there must be like what... 3 people using it?! ;)
15:07.10hmmhesaysi've replaced a bunch of old nortel pbx's with asterisk and 1124's
15:07.11file[TK]D-Fender: 2.9345 statisically!
15:07.17backbluebXi: increase verbose, coment chan_misdn, so you can check what's happening!
15:07.27[TK]D-Fendertrunc(file) !!!
15:07.39joaoviannaVery simple question here... I bought a TE110P from Digium and I'm ordering a T1. What T1 should I order ? PRI/T1, Voice T1, Data T1 ???
15:07.40benjkyeah, unfortunately TDMoE isn't there yet, if it ever will
15:07.43hmmhesaysso I started working on the "gel" solo again after the accident
15:07.45boobee2hmmhesays that's kewl indeed, thanks for the kind info
15:07.52[TK]D-Fenderjoaovianna: PRI
15:07.54backbluejoaovianna: portugues?
15:07.57jtexter3so, anybody else have a good solution for an operator console that can support a decent number of extensions?  Looks like the only other option is the Snom 360 with 2 sidecars?
15:08.00[TK]D-Fenderjoaovianna: And nothing else...
15:08.02hmmhesaysboobee2: np
15:08.12joaoviannabackblue: Sim
15:08.13hmmhesaysdrop me an email if you need any help with those
15:08.21backbluejoaovianna: n compres da digium :P
15:08.25bXibackblue: if i comment it out it starts properly and it doesnt give any information
15:08.27hmmhesaysbuildroot buildroot, its a buildroot day
15:08.37boobee2ok 10x :D
15:08.38jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: the 2w only costs $100 USD less than the 4000. i'm not seeing the joys of a mobile conference phone
15:08.48hmmhesaysso building for mipsel instead of mips.. thats bad mkay
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15:08.58tzangerjbalcomb: which phone?
15:09.02backbluebXi: so the problem it's chan_misdn?
15:09.09jbalcombtzafrir: Polycom SoundStation
15:09.11[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: Then you'll love the IP 4000.  One of my latest customers has one...
15:09.13backbluejoaovianna: és do ist?
15:09.29joaoviannabackblue: New York
15:09.30[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: Sets up like an IP 301.
15:09.37bXimy guess is that i dont have the module
15:09.41jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: also, i'd like to hang all my ATAs from a tree by there ether and practice my hatchet tossing
15:09.44bXibut i'm not sure
15:09.47[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: PoE that puppy so you don't feel over bound by it.
15:09.49backbluejoaovianna: em new york? heheh, boa vida! i wish.
15:09.51*** part/#asterisk operat0r (
15:10.01[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: Leave it to Cleaver!
15:10.03jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: PoE for sure.
15:10.05backbluemy city dream.
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15:10.55jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: I let fly the PO
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15:11.27p1pim having some trouble compiling asterisk-addons from svn, I keep getting file not found when its working with asterisk.h. This seems to be a fairly common problem but I cant seem to figure out a way around it, anyone have any suggestions?
15:12.27hmmhesaysupdatedb; locate asterisk.h
15:12.35p1ptheres a pastebin of my errors
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15:13.25p1phmm: I can find asterisk.h in the asterisk source directory but I cant seem to find where in the makefile its pointing to it. And what do you mean updatedb?
15:13.43hmmhesaysupdatedb just updates the locate database
15:14.24hmmhesayswhere is your asterisk.h?
15:14.37eKo1find is your friend
15:14.45p1pits in the includes directory in the asterisk source dir
15:14.57bXidoes somebody know a good doc on how to get asterisk working with mISDN?
15:15.05bXii've read a few and they all lack some info
15:15.12rpmi need an external fxo, fxs, internal fxo and fxs (we have chosen sangoma hardware for the internal stuff, it seems to work quite well and you don't need to worry about multiple cards and irq problems)
15:15.33hmmhesaysquintum 2nd generation: i use it a lot
15:15.41tzangerlots of bullshit about digium and irq problems
15:15.55tzangerolder cards had this issue, yes, but the hardware and drivers are much better than they were
15:16.11[TK]D-Fenderrpm:  AudioCodes.....
15:16.16tzangerDigium's got a LOT of work to do to eradicate that old image
15:16.29filethe TDM2400 also uses a completely different hardware design, which has better compatibility
15:16.43MrChimpytzanger: in my experience the te411 is still crap
15:16.44[TK]D-Fendertzanger: And its not like new reports don't keep flying in here daily.
15:16.58MrChimpymy experience being last 6 months
15:17.02[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Progress is a good thing though.
15:17.18MrChimpyte411 KILLS my app at anything over 600 calls/min
15:17.29rpm[TK]D-Fender: yeah, we have a couple audiocodes gateways here now, the only thing they don't support is 90 volt message waiting and lack of kewlstart signalling on the fxo gateways..
15:17.33[TK]D-FenderTill then I still save them a small fortune on tech-suupport monkey calls :)
15:17.41hmmhesaysrpm: quintum 2nd generation
15:17.43[TK]D-Fenderrpm:  Ugh.
15:17.44file[TK]D-Fender: :D
15:17.54hmmhesaysI use them almost exclusively for fxo gateway applications
15:18.06[TK]D-Fenderfile: Scary isn't it?  Credit where credit is due, and help for all!
15:18.29[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Whats the bad-point of Quintum if you had to pick something?
15:18.36fileI don't care what hardware people use, as long as if they have problems with Digium hardware - they call support and try to get them solved
15:19.09hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: the inability to register each port as a seperate sip user
15:19.10backbluerpm: sangoma it's far better then digium cards.
15:19.14fileif in the end it doesn't work out and they go elsewhere, at least they tried and they learned
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15:19.20backblueMrChimpy: it was for you, not for rpm.
15:19.34batphonewhat tool can i use to obtain information on a per-host basis for bandwidth usage for my phones going through iptables?
15:19.43hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: that is the only drawback I have seen, in comparison to other fxo gateways in my opinion they are king
15:19.54MrChimpyyep, i've figured sangoma is way better. seems the old view still stands
15:19.57batphonei need like a graph showing how much traffic a specific phone is using
15:19.59fileI want the answers now, must be all confused somehow... did you say what I heard about?
15:20.17hmmhesaysbatphone: asterisk-stat-v2
15:20.21[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Its a plus AND a minus at the same time.  So it does all the other signalling you could want?
15:20.32hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: indeed it does
15:20.46MrChimpydigium have released new echo canelling boards, but i can't go through evaluation again giving them a 2nd chance
15:20.50IOscannerI am looking for good rates for inbound DIDs for asterisk. I have outbound termination with callerID modification.
15:20.55[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: I should investigate.... wish I had one local to play around with.
15:21.01IOscannerany good vendors?
15:21.04hmmhesaysand their engineers usually have a patch fixing any bugs I might find within a week
15:21.16hmmhesaysIOscanner: i use sixtel
15:21.27[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Become an officaial tester there?
15:21.56hmmhesaysthe company I work for just sells a lot of quintum and I don't ask their techs stupid questions so they are nice to me
15:22.01filetzanger: post is up!
15:22.07tzangerI don't have any kind of call volume like that, but I'd be curious if the A104 did anything different
15:22.12hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: the 2 port fxs/fxo unit runs about 600 I think
15:22.45IOscannerSixtel?  do you have a URL?
15:22.47hmmhesaysit has 2 fxs ports 2 fxo ports and you can use a combination for 2 calls is their old url .. they merged with some other company now though
15:23.38hmmhesaysdolla fiddy for a DID and 1. something cents a minute, stay away from 'em
15:23.59hmmhesaystzanger: i've had nothing but solid service from them
15:24.13tzangerhmmhesays: I've had the opposite :-)
15:24.13hmmhesaysespecially since they merged with ... bah, can't remember who exgen?
15:24.15tzangerit's weird how that goes
15:24.24tzangermy experience is older though, so they may have changed
15:24.34hmmhesaysmine is within the last 6 months
15:24.47hmmhesaysi've got 8 or 9 did's with them
15:26.46hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: I was way off on the price of the asm200
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15:28.53[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Haven't found a lto of retailers for them either... very limited selection.
15:28.58[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Got a good link?
15:29.55hmmhesayswe let them go for $325 for 1
15:30.31bXii've succesfully loaded the capi stuff i think
15:30.32[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: ! ! !
15:30.33hmmhesaysshipping to canada would probably be another 30-40 bucks
15:30.42[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: But no, we are talking about Quintum FXO gateways
15:30.44bXicapi info in CLI says i have 2 free channels
15:30.58bXi2 free B channels
15:31.13bXiwould it be possible to call an external number now?
15:31.26[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: And's pricing is very unimpressive
15:31.45[TK]D-FenderbXi: How about you go try it...
15:31.51blitzragebut I get my stuff on time, and I know Nabeel
15:31.58bXihow does one try it is my question :)
15:32.05blitzragethere is something to be said about that
15:32.07hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: if you want one, drop me an email I'll have a sales person send you a quote
15:32.23blitzrageI'd rather have someone who is responsive and sends me my stuff rather than save a couple of bucks
15:33.56hmmhesaysthat does have its advantages
15:35.04blitzrageand shipping comes from Hamilton which is just down the road
15:35.18jtexter3okay, another phone question
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15:35.25jtexter3I have a snom 360, and I have the web interface up
15:35.39jtexter3How do I set the record button to do *1?
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15:37.01[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Well I don't have a personal need, jsut would like to gain experience with to see if it fits into my suggested amterials category.
15:37.32hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender:  all the docs are free to the world
15:37.46hmmhesaysno crappy firmware licenses either
15:38.26hmmhesaysso what happens when you try and run a binary built for mipsel on a mips machine? SEGFAULT
15:40.35benjkI like that
15:40.44[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Docs != real world experience.  I'd need to actually implement a system using one.
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15:41.15hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender:  of course, of course
15:41.23AssidVoicePulse you there?
15:42.32*** join/#asterisk eNEMY^x (
15:42.35hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: one of the things they excel at is legacy pbx integrations. You can drop one in on the trunk side of the pbx and pick calls off you want to send voip
15:43.36benjknot with any of the PBXes that are the norm over here
15:43.48benjkall proprietary digital
15:43.56eNEMY^xwhen using EAGI with perl, I`m experiencing that several of the wavs don't get played. I`ve figured out that this is because $AGI->stream_file doesnt wait until it's finished streaming the file before it goes further to the next $AGI->stream_file statement. By adding sleep 4; it will actually spit out the wav. Is there a good way for me to actually verify that the stream has completed?
15:43.59[TK]D-Fenderbenjk: Nearly a contradiction in terms ;)
15:44.14benjkproprietary and digital?
15:44.16p1pIm currently using an 8port fxo Quintum gateway for a clients pbx and it is working flawlessly
15:44.21benjkmost certainly not
15:44.40blitzrageQuintum eh? Never heard of that one
15:44.41p1ppulled out their legacy pbx, dropped in the quintum and an ast box and we were off and running
15:45.16*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
15:45.23benjkyou can implement any number of proprietary digital protocols, there is nothing that says it has to be open if digital
15:45.50hmmhesaysp1p: yeah they are nice
15:46.05hmmhesaysbenjk: trunk side of the pbx
15:46.20hmmhesaysnot the user/station side
15:46.55*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:47.13benjktrunk side is almost exclusively ISDN over here, either BRI or PRI
15:47.29[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: Scary Price on new monitor :
15:47.52hmmhesaysbenjk: yes hardly proprietary
15:47.56Qwell[TK]D-Fender: That the sub $300 20"?
15:48.08[TK]D-FenderQwell: Just over in USD$
15:48.14[TK]D-FenderQwell: And 22" :)
15:48.32benjkstill no way to sell any quintum boxes into any of those accounts
15:48.37Qwellfile (I think?) mentioned a $350ish CAD 20"
15:49.00[TK]D-FenderQwell: and now I should you a sub $400 22" :)
15:49.03Qwell[TK]D-Fender: That's decent though
15:49.05blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
15:49.11fileI mentioned that there $390 CAD 22"
15:49.18rpmfucking mediatrix piece of shit.
15:49.19[TK]D-FenderI think I'm gonna ditch my 19" WS for it
15:49.29hmmhesaysrpm, whats the problem
15:49.31Qwellso that is CAD, okay
15:49.35[TK]D-Fenderrpm:  No, tell us how you REALLY feel....
15:49.37blitzrageI just use my laptop now instead of a desktop
15:49.39filencix has it too
15:49.44Qwell[TK]D-Fender: Send the 19" over here
15:49.45hmmhesaysi use my desktop for gaming
15:49.51blitzrageHD Discovery is amazing
15:50.06coppicewhen is the 30" Dell going to get cheaper? :-)
15:50.07[TK]D-FenderQwell: You get them cheap enough as it is....
15:50.17QwellNot <= $0
15:50.24anthmsweep sweep sweep under the rug
15:50.25QwellI'm proposing $0 here :P
15:50.47rpmhmmhesays: im trying to make a call to my pbx, i've got the line plugged into fxo port 1, i have a guest account setup which sends all calls which are unauthenticated to the [default] context..
15:51.02hmmhesaysyou got this bad boy on a public ip?
15:51.18hmmhesaysor at least port forward 161?
15:51.19Qwellanthm: a very similar patch was committed
15:51.24Qwellin 7563
15:51.41hmmhesaysrpm can't help you much then
15:51.41anthma less functional one...
15:51.45rpmlemme see if i can setup the port forward.
15:51.48Qwella more proper one ;)
15:52.21Qwellanthm: but, feel free to write a patch to add the index
15:52.51anthmsell out some more
15:52.54anthmfor sale
15:53.14anthmnothing is proper in chan_sip it's ass from head to toe
15:53.46blitzragewe could all learn something here...
15:54.58*** join/#asterisk mog (
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15:55.08blitzragemog: !
15:55.10hmmhesaysi need food in mah bellah
15:55.16*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doolph@
15:55.49rpmwhen i call this mediatrix 1204, i get a second dialtone once it picks up, although i want to to pass all traffic to the pbx and not handle stuff itself.
15:56.06hmmhesaysrpm yeah
15:56.10hmmhesaysthats cause you set it up wrong
15:56.34doolphanyone here good with ipcop?
15:57.03hmmhesaysbah I can't find any documentation that tells me if my target proc has built in fpu or not
15:58.03Cresl1nanthm: you're in a lovely mood as usual
15:58.07coppicewhat is your target proc?
15:58.44Cresl1nhmmhesays: probably not
15:58.52coppiceCresl1n: considering the state of chan_sip he's being tactful :-)
15:59.06coppicehmmhesays: very unlikely
15:59.23Qwellcoppice: "tact" is such an interesting word...
15:59.26hmmhesaysI realize this, but i'd like some documetation to confirm
15:59.48hmmhesaysbah I spchell gut
15:59.52[TK]D-Fendercoppice: You're using Chatzilla right?
16:00.03coppicehmmhesays: of course its true. some guy you never met in the internet told you so
16:00.13coppiceI am using chatzilla
16:00.15Qwell[TK]D-Fender: chatzilla is kinda cool
16:00.23QwellI prefer it over anything in Windows
16:00.37[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I don't seem to see join/departs for some reason, do you know where I should see the option to enable them again?
16:00.38hmmhesaysthis could by why my binary is segfaulting if you look at it funny
16:00.50Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I couldn't find such an option :p
16:00.59Assidi gotta find another place for dedicated boxes
16:01.09QwellYou'll notice that you *DO* see joins/parts in the second+ tab in a server
16:01.15coppicethere is such an option, but I can't remember where
16:01.16Qwelljust...not the first one...
16:01.25Aursvlt: asterisk -rx "stop now"
16:01.30Qwellor maybe it was only the first tab...I forget
16:01.35Aursvlt: asterisk -rx stop now <- won't work
16:02.10[TK]D-FenderQwell: I don't :(
16:02.27Qwellit was a little funky in that regard
16:03.25hmmhesaysaccording to what I've found it could go either way with fpu on the mips32 proc
16:10.15*** join/#asterisk intralanman (
16:10.53hi365i alway forget: how do you get asterisk display in color?
16:11.13hmmhesaysclick your heels together and repeat "there nothing like color"
16:11.23hmmhesayspost on youtube
16:11.32hi365wow it worked! but no color...
16:12.25*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
16:12.36TripleFFFFanyone have a baldecenter from ibm ?
16:13.16intralanmanno, i don't have a baldcenter, but i have a receding hairline though
16:13.37coppicehmmhesays: there is an FPU option for MIPS32, but its very uncommon on the embedded versions. I assume you are playing with an embedded chip?
16:13.52hmmhesaysyeah on an audiocodes box
16:14.25TripleFFFFgot       Item number: 200019439844      on ebay to selel for it BM eServer Blade Optical Pass-thru Module 02R9082
16:14.32hmmhesayscoppice: i wonder if that would explain my segfault problem
16:15.06*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
16:17.23benjkbaldcenter doesn't explain segfaults, no
16:17.59benjkin fact, the balder you go, the less segfaults you should have as you are supposed to get wiser
16:18.53*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
16:19.25*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
16:21.28*** part/#asterisk Poincare (n=jefffnod@
16:21.37hmmhesaysok compiling without fpu support and no native so loader support
16:21.42hmmhesayswe'll see how this goes
16:25.37hmmhesaysbah this thing is using an ancient version of uClibc
16:25.53*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
16:26.55doolphwhy dont u install it on a normal pc
16:27.23Dovidjust rebooted my server and my sangoma card decided not work (the fxs ports only !!) can anyone have a look at this and tell me what they think it is ?
16:28.45*** join/#asterisk tlow (i=unknown@gateway/tor/x-a33a87f1982126c9)
16:29.24bkw_Dovid, "No such device or address" should give you a clue
16:29.35bkw_the device node doesn't exist ?
16:29.55Dovidit was working 20 min ago
16:30.01Dovidi made no changes what so ever
16:34.38*** join/#asterisk brif8 (
16:36.22jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: wheres the config for the voicemail button on the 501's web interface?
16:36.27Dovidbkw_: and now it started working again
16:36.35Dovidu think its the card ?
16:37.50*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
16:38.24[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: You're KIDDING, right?
16:38.51jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: bah
16:39.00[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: You know I don't go in there!
16:39.20[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: People going in there end up on milk cartons!
16:39.34jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: I'm sorry I overestimated your overall understanding of your corporate sponsors phone
16:39.56doolphanyone have ipcop firewall
16:41.25*** join/#asterisk profounded (
16:41.37[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: General >User Preferences
16:42.57[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: set "Bypass Instant Message" and "One Touch Voice Mail" to Enabled, and under"Message Center" in your "lines page for the contact
16:43.44DovidTK: can u look at this ?
16:44.09Dovidsome times it works and other times it dosent. can it be the card ?
16:44.26*** part/#asterisk FarrisG (
16:46.35*** join/#asterisk evisu (
16:46.54[TK]D-FenderDovid: Show a lot more before asking people to look.
16:47.05Dovidwhat do i need to show ?
16:47.26[TK]D-FenderDovid: How about all the related configs?
16:47.47Dovidi didnt think of using ztcfg till then end then when i ran it, it showed it was working so i tried to run asterisk and now its working
16:47.50Dovidgona post em
16:47.51Dovidone se
16:48.23*** join/#asterisk soylentgreen (
16:48.48*** join/#asterisk BugKham (i=CKGLOB@
16:49.12[TK]D-FenderDovid: if its working, don't bother for now.
16:49.13Corydon-wIs People!
16:49.24BugKhamis coppice still here?
16:49.40Nivexonly coppicebot
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16:49.57BugKhamcoppice, thanks =)
16:50.15Dovidok. tryin to figure out if it will act up again. i am leavin the country and dont want the client to get screwd, if its the card then i wana replace it now
16:50.34BugKhamcoppice, where are the app_rxfax.c, app_txfax.c and apps_makefile.patch for spandsp pre30?
16:50.53BugKhamcoppice, for 1.2.x I mean
16:51.04jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: Thank you
16:51.17*** join/#asterisk topping (
16:51.22BugKhamcoppice, sorry pre22
16:51.39jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: now I can look at the diff file and set it in the phone.conf
16:51.42coppicethere isn't an app_rxfax or app_txfax for * for spandsp 0.0.3
16:52.38BugKhamcoppice, oh
16:52.55*** join/#asterisk profounded (
16:52.59jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: 36 linux boxes and the Senior SysAdmin thinks his alone has no reason to run remote logging. what an emotionally retarted tool.
16:53.07*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
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16:53.47*** part/#asterisk techie (
16:54.06BugKhamcoppice, so I will need 0.0.2 to send/recieve faxes?
16:54.20*** part/#asterisk jtexter3 (
16:55.52hmmhesaysugh yet another reason not to fly on any former soviet union aircraft
16:56.13hmmhesays3rd one to explode this year
16:57.02coppiceyou can use 0.0.2pre26 with *
16:57.28*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
16:57.40brif8Can AstLinux be run on a std desktop PC without USB and flash memory?  and is there any advantages to this ?
16:57.47BugKhamcoppice, ok thanks
16:58.06BugKhamcoppice, what is the 0.0.3 for? may I ask?
17:03.18coppicefor things other than * right now
17:03.42coppice0.0.3 has ECM, and T.38 support
17:04.45*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
17:05.49BugKhamcoppice, great job =)
17:07.30*** join/#asterisk crochat (
17:10.20*** join/#asterisk Givemelove (n=non@
17:10.22benjkbrif8, the advantage is that what you don't have cannot break
17:10.44benjkthe fewer parts your installation consists of, the more robust it will be
17:12.06*** join/#asterisk Avalone (
17:14.16*** join/#asterisk manopulus (
17:14.53manopulushello, can i playback many files? i.e. playback(file1&file2&file3...&fileN|noanswer)
17:15.09doolphjust do it with priority
17:15.15Qwellmanopulus: That works just fine
17:15.19doolphor that way
17:15.49manopulusQwell, thank you. i had to rebuild saynumber and saydigits for prepaid platform.
17:16.51*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
17:17.00TripleFFFFanyone heard of a pcmcia card yet ?
17:17.02manopulusanother question. exten => .... background(you-have&ten&minutes)    exten => ....dial(sip/${EXTEN}) - will it work by playing announcement before caler will hear ringing?
17:17.02TripleFFFFfor voip ;)
17:17.15manopulusTripleFFFF, what card, quicknet?
17:17.18benjkwhat do you mean PCMCIA card for voip?
17:17.25TripleFFFFto pstn
17:17.26*** join/#asterisk KaiHanari (
17:17.32TripleFFFFlike the 100x crap
17:17.34benjkthere are ISDN BRI and PRI cards
17:17.35manopulusFXO card?
17:17.35QwellTripleFFFF: There is one, but there are no asterisk drivers. :)
17:17.39TripleFFFFfxo yes
17:17.46benjkOdin makes them
17:17.47TripleFFFFoh cool
17:17.51TripleFFFFgot a link ?
17:17.52Qwellbenjk: yes
17:17.56TripleFFFFill get a team for drivers for it perhaps
17:18.17QwellTripleFFFF: there is an issue that will make it very difficult to do that
17:18.20benjkCorydon is working on chan_odin
17:18.25TripleFFFFthe ts trew me off
17:18.29benjkfor those cards
17:18.34TripleFFFFwat issue
17:18.49benjkat least that was the status some time at the end of last year
17:19.06benjkmight want to ask him about progress
17:19.57TripleFFFF2 T1/E1/J1 interfaces. Software switchable between T1, E1, and J1.
17:20.02hmmhesaysbah this ac* is a piece of sh*t
17:20.03TripleFFFFstill to much.. not 1 port ones ?
17:20.06*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (n=John@
17:20.32fiber0ptihow can I set up my dial plan to do the following: Someone hears another phone ringing and they want to pick it up from their phone. How can I do this?
17:21.05hmmhesaysgoogle it
17:21.07syzygyBSDumm.. what if many phones are ringing, how do you know the one that is
17:21.28hmmhesaysyou have little electrodes wired to different parts of your body
17:21.28benjkthose cards are mostly intended for onsite trouble shooting
17:21.45hmmhesaysif you feel a tingle in your junk you know its one phone, your tonque.. another phone
17:22.03benjkso you usually need two PRIs to go inside the loop you're analysing
17:22.14[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti: Lookup "pickupgroup" on the WIKI
17:22.30syzygyBSD[TK]D-Fender: a bit slow on that today...
17:22.35hmmhesays12:22:10) hmmhesays: pickupgroup
17:22.35hmmhesays(12:22:14) hmmhesays: google it
17:22.47[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: chan_lag :)
17:23.23syzygyBSDI think they could make some improvements to that
17:24.13*** join/#asterisk TrixVox (
17:26.40hmmhesaysso I got my eye on this hamer at the local music shop here
17:26.56*** join/#asterisk overworked554 (
17:28.51*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
17:29.23dijungalAny detailed reporting for Asterisk..?
17:29.39hmmhesayswhat a fantastically vague question
17:29.40dijungallike time of call, call start, call end, time call was connected.. etc..
17:29.51hmmhesaysasterisk generates cdrs by default
17:29.54dijungalCDR does not give me enough info
17:29.57hmmhesayswhat you do with them is your choice
17:30.03Qwellit gives you all of that
17:30.11dijungali'lll look at it again
17:30.14hmmhesaysas you should
17:30.18dijungalthanks guys
17:30.27benjkdijungal, you need to write your own report writer
17:30.39hmmhesaysyou can have custom cdrs also
17:30.40dijungalbut where do i pull the info from..?
17:30.47dijungaltell me
17:30.49benjkread in the info from the CDR files and generate the reports
17:31.34dijungalalso i'm in Ubuntu... and i'm looking for a good softphone to connect to my asterisk box...
17:31.36dijungalany ideas..?
17:31.52hmmhesaysidefisk works in ubuntu
17:32.04overworked554anyone here using ragi?
17:32.37syzygyBSDragu? I use that on my pasta
17:32.44dijungalwhat about twinkle..?
17:32.51manopulusoverworked554, ruby?
17:33.01manopulusoverworked554, just play or know well rails?
17:33.11syzygyBSDmis type of eagi?
17:33.27overworked554well i have an app that i built and im having some troubles keeping it happy, is it possible to run ragi with lighty?
17:33.38overworked554or is there a better way to deploy it other than using webrick
17:33.40hmmhesaysragu makes a fantastic alfredo sauce
17:33.42manopulusoverworked554, it is basically fastagi
17:34.01manopulusoverworked554, and i guess better to use perl (and keep rest with ruby)
17:34.06benjkI have a friend who is Indian, his name is Raghu
17:34.30hmmhesaysdo you put his sauce on your pasta?
17:34.51overworked554manopulus: i guess im just looking for some best deployment practices for ragi
17:34.56hmmhesayswhat the crap is ragi?
17:35.05Qwellhmmhesays: ruby agi
17:35.10benjkreverse engineered agi
17:35.45hmmhesaysi see
17:35.56*** join/#asterisk Samoied (
17:35.58hmmhesaysi knew a chick named ruby
17:36.01manopulusoverworked554, i like perl
17:36.16benjkdid you put here sauce on your pasta?
17:36.26manopulusoverworked554, for web development i think about rails but only think :) too much load for my head  now :)
17:36.48overworked554my web apps work great, they take a beating on a daily basis
17:36.49hmmhesaysyeah it was all red an bloody, it tasted like placenta
17:36.57overworked554it just gets very angry when i bring the ragi handler into the picture
17:37.01AndyCapadventure game interpreter in ruby? :)
17:37.10hmmhesaysbet you didn't see that coming
17:37.27*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
17:37.46benjkits almost like we're in the wrong channel .... ragi, lighty, webrick ....
17:38.17manopulusbenjk, why, ragi is related to asterisk where he can ask ? only here
17:38.30*** join/#asterisk momelod (
17:38.34momelodhello people
17:38.35benjkI didn't mean that as criticism
17:39.28dijungalanyone has an asterisk box i can try interconnecting with..?
17:39.33momelodis it possible to have asterisk detect the difference between a voice and fax call, and then send the call to a different extension depending on the type of call?
17:39.47eKo1momelod: kinda
17:39.51benjkexten => fax,1,Foobar()
17:40.20momelodeKo1, u mean i have to hack the code or something?
17:40.36benjkjust put the above in your dialplan
17:40.48momelodno way, its that easy
17:40.52benjkbut you have to replace Foobar() with something that makes sense
17:41.09manopulusmomelod, it is not so easy :)
17:41.16momelodbut wouldnt there be a goto if line..
17:41.17benjkand it needs to be in the context that handles your incoming calls
17:41.18manopulusmomelod, better to take different fax #
17:41.40benjkthe exten => fax.... already is a kind of goto
17:42.17momelodso why shouldnt i try it then? is it unreliable?
17:42.30benjkI think it only works on zap channels
17:42.43intralanmanor that's what the docs say
17:42.46benjkmay not work if your fax is coming in on some SIP device or so
17:43.00momelodi only have zap channels.. (sorry should have mentioned)
17:43.15benjkin that case it should work
17:43.16momelodno, im not interested in ip faxing..
17:43.32momelodsweet, thanx soo much..
17:43.46benjkwell, using a SIP FXO gateway box on your LAN isn't necessarily IP faxing
17:44.34benjktechnically it is, but some people use something like Sipura 3000s to connect their landline to Asterisk
17:44.52momelodoh, well i just have some clients that fax us.. if u could add those fax lines to our hunt group and have asterisk route the call to a fax device zap<->zap then i would be adding two lines to my system for no extra charge :D
17:45.27benjkyeah, with an all zap based setup it should work
17:45.46benjkI was testing and using it once about 3 years ago or so
17:46.20*** join/#asterisk copantl (n=copantl@
17:46.34benjkthe downside is that asterisk has to pick up the line first before it can decide if it is a fax or not
17:46.52benjkor at least back then this was the case
17:47.17benjkmaybe with ISDN fax you can detect that it is a fax before you pick up
17:47.26benjkbearer capability should tell you
17:48.03benjkwith analog you have to listen to the fax machine's noise before you know
17:48.03momeloddont have isdn just yet.. but when i do get pri ill keep that in mind
17:48.19hmmhesaysthis mips box is pissing me off today
17:48.36benjkso if you have a dedicated line just for fax, then you obviously know in advance that what comes in there should be a fax
17:48.58hmmhesaysbenjk: that would be logical, but most people as you know are devoid of this
17:49.10*** join/#asterisk Beighto (n=chatzill@
17:49.38benjkyeah, well, I don't even run the fax through asterisk
17:49.55hmmhesaysi've had some success with it
17:49.56benjkI have an analog line which I need for ADSL
17:50.04*** join/#asterisk rollergrrl (
17:50.33benjksince I have to have it for ADSL and its there anyway, I may as well hook the fax machine up to it, and so I did
17:50.37rollergrrlDoes anyone know what the typical packet size is for iax with gsm?
17:50.47*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
17:50.50benjkjust under 30K
17:50.53hmmhesaysare you a female?
17:51.06intralanmanhmmhesays: down boy
17:51.11rollergrrlvery funny dork
17:51.13Dovidhmmheasys: this isnt sex chat
17:51.27hmmhesaysi've read about you mythical creatures on the internets
17:51.27rollergrrlhe just does that to annoy me
17:51.36Dovidalthough first time i saw girrrrrrrrrrrl here.
17:51.40justinu|laptopbenjk: crunchman still looking for ya :)
17:51.52benjkoh dear
17:51.56hmmhesaysalong with the sun and vaginas
17:52.21benjkI will contact him when I finished the hashtable lib
17:52.57rollergrrlalthough I'm not one of them... there are transgenders here too
17:53.01docelmodude..  asterisk chic's rull!
17:53.26benjkrollergrrl, one might say this is an understatement
17:53.40*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
17:54.11hmmhesayscan you help me as i'm starting to burn all aloone
17:54.20hmmhesaysto many doses and i'm starting to get an attraction
17:54.32intralanmantell us about your confidence
17:54.33Dovidhmmhesays: whats ur problem ?
17:54.55hmmhesaysDovid: why do you ask?
17:55.10Dovidfor such issues do /join #INeedLove
17:55.33benjklooks like it may be time to leave this channel alone for today
17:55.39Dovidhmmhesays: if its asterisk related i can help
17:56.00hmmhesays./commence whining about being off topic
17:56.09rollergrrlnobody liked my question
17:56.13benjkyeah, his asterisk has got an attraction, whatever that may mean
17:56.22Dovidrollergrrl: what is ur question ?
17:56.35intralanmani thought it was answered
17:56.36benjknobody noticed you asked a question
17:56.38hmmhesaysI believe benjk answered your question
17:56.38AndyCaprollergrrl: or we don't carry all samplesizes in our head.
17:56.54rollergrrlit's like talking to a group of guys and all they do is stare at your boobs
17:57.03benjkah yes
17:57.08benjkjust under 30K
17:57.12hmmhesaysum benjk answered your question about 3 seconds after you asked
17:57.18hmmhesaysyou were too busy being upset with me
17:57.19Dovidhehe. were a bunch of nerds that dont get any (i am talking for the others )
17:57.40AndyCaphmmhesays: 30k packet size?
17:57.46rollergrrlit's just under 10000000k too then
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17:57.51rollergrrljust under 23094810284029384012834092834092834k
17:58.02rollergrrlnow 30 bytes would be more like it
17:58.04Dovidrollergrrl: y not run ethereal and see ?
17:58.08benjksomething like 28. something K
17:58.10AndyCaprollergrrl: I guess you should dig out ethereal
17:58.29hmmhesaysI bet people would stare more if you only had 1 boob
17:58.49AndyCapbtw. did anyone try this? is it worth it?
17:58.55Dovidwhere is a mod when u need one ?
17:59.02rollergrrlit looked interesting
17:59.11hmmhesaysDovid: lol
17:59.22hmmhesayschances of me getting kicked out of here are slim
17:59.31benjknot so sure their GSM calculation is correct though
17:59.33hmmhesaysbeing I help people all the time
17:59.45benjkyou can hold a single channel IAX call on a 32K dialup link
17:59.54hmmhesaysindeed you can
17:59.59rollergrrlI'll just stop being lazy and sniff then
17:59.59cekcthis echo makes it sound like I'm in a stadium
18:00.00Dovidlooks cool
18:00.03AndyCapbenjk: bit or byte then?
18:00.09Dovidi would get it if they had if for IAX and SIP
18:00.16rollergrrlbenjk: packet size
18:00.20rollergrrlnot bandwidth
18:00.20hmmhesaysdo the math
18:00.46benjktoo late in the day for that, you'll have to calculate it yourself
18:00.48Dovidrollergrrl: please report back so that we can remain lazy
18:01.17rollergrrlgonna go eat a salad first
18:01.23hmmhesaysyou know the average bandwidth and packet time
18:01.36AndyCapHaha: This document should not be viewed as a consultative document. It is the readers' responsibility to ensure that the most appropriate telecommunications strategy is applied to his or her business. No liability is accepted by the authors for omission or error.
18:01.45cekcanybody know what causes echo?  I get echo on my phones even when I remove power from the ATAs and their relay clicks over to the analog line
18:02.09Dovidcekc: the analog line
18:02.20hmmhesaysSo Dovid: you seem to have an extremely rigid or non-existant sense of humor
18:02.25Dovidcekc: try having asterisk remove the echo for u
18:02.29justinu|laptopdelay causes echo
18:02.36eKo1latency causes echo
18:02.38AndyCapcekc: evil telco gremlins from the kremlin.
18:02.41Dovidhmmhesays: I do. but there is a time and place for everything
18:02.44Cresl1ncekc: are you using zaptel?
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18:02.52hmmhesaysDovid: this is IRC, not paid support
18:02.54justinu|laptoplatency and high energy
18:02.59Dovidhmmhesays: dont llike when u hit on them. there is AOL for that
18:03.09hmmhesayshit on who?
18:03.19AndyCapDovid: oh, I thought myspace was all the rage these days
18:03.20Dovidthe girrrrrrrrl that came in the room
18:03.21TrixVoxhmmhesays: Asstricks is serious stuff!
18:03.23cekcI've tried a SPA3000 and some Grandstream box.  What about the analog line makes the echo?
18:03.34cekcthe internet - serious business
18:03.36DovidAndyCap: it is ? maybe go there and get some
18:03.50hmmhesaysbwhahaha the day I hit on a girl in IRC is the day I put a gun to my head and pull the trigger
18:03.52justinu|laptophybrid network reflects energy back to you
18:03.53Dovidcekc: u r using only analog ?
18:04.27cekcI removed power from my entire asterisk setup.  when power cuts the ata's click a relay to connect the analog line to my internal phone.  I get horrible echo
18:04.43justinu|laptopadjust the gains on your ATA fxo port
18:04.44hmmhesaysand what happens when you remove the ata
18:04.55Dovidcekc: when u plug a regular phone in do u still have echo ?
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18:04.56cekcwhen I remove the ata I hear no echo.
18:05.09Dovidthen it seems to be the ATA
18:05.20cekcI've tried about 4 different kinds
18:05.36AndyCaptold you it was gremlins. :)
18:05.40Dovidcekc: just get a sangome card or digium card
18:05.54hmmhesaysyou got this thing duct taped to a fluorescent light?
18:06.02AndyCapthat's sangoma btw.
18:06.14cekci duct taped it to a flux capacitor
18:06.38hmmhesayscekc: thats off topic, you shall die by my sword
18:07.16hmmhesayswhen you have your ata connected to the line, are other phones on that circuit affected?
18:07.39cekci only have one two line phone
18:07.42benjkecho is caused in the same way as when you are in the mountains and you can hear echo when you shout
18:08.18benjkits sound waves bouncing off something and back to your ears
18:08.18cekchow do I remove the mountains from my phone line
18:08.18benjkyou dont
18:08.24hmmhesaysso when you pull the chord out of the fxo port and plug that same chord into the analog phone the echo disappears?
18:08.28benjkbecause in this case the mountain is the telco switch at the other end
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18:08.42benjkor it may be the ATA
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18:08.56benjkyou have to filter the bouncing back waves out
18:08.59cekci get the echo when I plug the phone into the fxs port which is electrically wired to the fxo port (via a relay) plugged into the analog line
18:09.04benjkhence echo cancelation
18:09.20hmmhesays9:28) hmmhesays: so when you pull the chord out of the fxo port and plug that same chord into the analog phone the echo disappears?
18:09.52hmmhesaysthat is freaking weird
18:10.01justinu|laptopyelling more softly usually helps
18:10.13cekcmy phone is all fancy electronic, it might be doing some echo cancellation
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18:10.15hmmhesaysyou get echo if you send a call fxo-->ip
18:10.16benjkadjust down your gain
18:10.30cekchow do you adjust gain when you don't have the unit powered
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18:10.31hmmhesaysbenjk there is no gain adjustment if the ata has no power
18:10.51benjkhow can the ATA work if it has no power
18:10.58cekcif I call my asterisk box and leave a recording I hear echo but the recording is fine
18:11.00hmmhesaysspa-3000 has 1fxs 1 fxo
18:11.04justinu|laptopmetallic bridge
18:11.25benjkso you're running your call through the passthrough of the ATA then?
18:11.34benjkin that case its the transformer in the ATA
18:11.44hmmhesaysI think its just a relay
18:11.57cekcit's a relay, you can hear it click
18:12.08benjkused to electrically isolate the telco's network from your end
18:12.09hmmhesaysyou got a relay with 6 miles of wire in it?
18:12.20cekcI wouldn't put that past sipura
18:12.34hmmhesaysbenjk I don't think so
18:12.42hmmhesaysif it was electrically isolated the phone wouldn't be powered
18:12.52cekcthe phone has it's own power source
18:12.53benjkif its got FCC then thats what will be in there
18:13.11hmmhesayscekc plug in a regular phone
18:13.13DeeewayneDoes anyone know if there is an upper verbosity limit for handling 240 simultaneous calls?
18:14.06benjkget rid of analog altogether and you will live happily ever after
18:14.28cekcjust the telco or the internal phones too?  (i.e. no FXS)
18:14.39benjkthe less analog the better
18:14.51cekcbecause I'm planning on getting all IP phones
18:15.01benjkgood move
18:15.18benjkbut if you can, you might also want to get rid of your POTS lines
18:15.31benjkor only keep a single one for ADSL and fax
18:15.36cekcwe have cablemodem
18:15.40benjkand as a backup
18:15.55benjkwell, then you may not need any POTS at all
18:15.55cekcwe have 2 voice and 2 fax lines
18:16.14benjkI have only got an analog line because I have to have it for ADSL
18:16.27benjkand I plug in the fax machine to that and nothing else
18:16.29cekchow much more do digital lines cost?  and who provides them?
18:16.31*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
18:16.40benjkdepends on where you are
18:16.55cekcour fax machines have horrible connections, I wouldn't mind switching fax to all digital
18:17.14benjkwell, I only use the fax once or twice a year
18:17.49BeightoRecording a meetme conference call records in signed linear .sln  Is there a way to convert this to wav?
18:18.00benjkusually when I need to fax my passport to some embassy to get a visa for some country that needs that kind of bureaucracy
18:18.52AndyCapbenjk: reverse this?
18:19.15cekcthank you all
18:19.50BeightoAndyCap: sox doesn't recognize the sln format when going the other way
18:19.57benjkwhat do you mean "reverse"?
18:20.46*** join/#asterisk jmang (n=not@
18:20.52jmanghello everybody.
18:21.20benjkwhy not just keep it in sln
18:21.45Beightobenjk: I can't find anything to play it outside of asterisk
18:22.11jmangI have a question, I use eyeBeam 1.5 and Asterisk.  My asterisk box is connected to my provider via IAX but the provider is using a quintum SIP switch.
18:22.17benjkwell, I can just double click it and it plays
18:22.36Beightoplays in what?
18:22.46benjkQuickTime I presume
18:22.48jmangI need to know how I can use Asterisk to resample the eyebeam media from the 80ms frame size, to the 20ms frame size the switch needs.
18:22.58jmangis this possible?
18:23.12Beightohaven't tried quicktime... trying now...
18:23.58Beightono luck with quicktime
18:24.20benjkquicktime may not be complete on Linux though
18:31.30Beightotrying to play on a windows machine
18:31.32sb_mxBeighto, have you tried using play from the command line? that command is included in sox
18:31.32benjkquicktime may not be fully features on windows either
18:31.34benjkits mostly there so that you can use itunes
18:31.38Beightosb_mx I have not, but even if that works, how would I convert that to another format aside from putting a microphone in front of the speakers
18:31.38benjkon OSX quicktime plays just about everything
18:31.39BeightoI thought Videolan covered just about everything, but maybe it's not the best for audio
18:31.40hmmhesaysbah, what is
18:31.42sb_mxBeighto, i think you can convert slinear files with sox. at least the man page says the sample data encoding can be slinear
18:31.42hmmhesaysyeah it makes everything segfault on my mipsel box
18:31.43AndyCapBeighto: so "sox -t raw -r 8000 -s -w -c 1 infile.sln outfile.wav doesn't work?
18:31.44benjktry -b
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18:31.45benjkinstead of -w
18:31.46blaylockhas anyone seen the error !! Got reject for frame <number>, retransmitting frame <number> now, updating n_r! ?
18:31.48BeightoI know it can convert TO sln, but not back.  Every time I try it says it doesn't recognize sln format, I'll try again with that -b
18:31.49blaylockor have any idea what it means?
18:31.50benjk-w would mean 16bit, I think its more likely its 8bit
18:31.52AndyCapbenjk: that does sound probable
18:33.13benjkand if it is 8 and you tell it 16, then it would have trouble making sense of every second byte and tell you it can't recognise the format
18:33.14BeightoIt worked with the -b
18:33.14AndyCapnothing sox can't do
18:33.14Beightoand the -w...
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18:33.14Beightomust not have used sox correctly when I tried
18:33.14benjkyeah, sometimes that's the trouble with sox
18:33.18AndyCapthat's listed under bugs in the manpage
18:33.19benjkits not always obvious what you have to feed it
18:33.58caio1982tzafrir: hello there, those problems with t38 hadn't nothing to do with bristuff obviously... i've found 3 stupid errors in my backported patch... it's building fine now and i'm gonna file a bug to include it in the next .deb revision. do you think it's okay to commit?
18:34.00*** join/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
18:34.22kwardHi!  New to this group ... have a need for "QSIG ISO Path Replacement" in LibPri ... anyone interested in a [bounty} ???
18:34.54benjkmight want to ask in #asterisk-dev
18:35.02Beightothanks for the help
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18:35.46kward#asterisk-dev ... thnx!  Will go there!
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18:39.03mountainm2kPRI...  outbound caller-ID show only the extension, or nothing at all...  Any recomendded ways to correct?
18:39.18mountainm2k(presumably I need SetCallerID() or something)
18:39.49benjkyou need to set CALLERIDNUM
18:40.15mountainm2kBut if I want to set it to the full DID of the callor?
18:40.47mountainm2kor make that NPA-NXX-X-EXTEN
18:41.05*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
18:42.39benjkyoull have to set it to the full directory number
18:43.10mountainm2kwhere 234 is the extension, how do I set that?
18:43.25benjkdepends on the version of asterisk
18:43.30mountainm2kie, right before I Dial()...
18:43.34benjkthe set command keeps changing all the time
18:43.35mountainm2kassume 1.0 for the moment
18:43.39*** join/#asterisk dhill (
18:43.46mountainm2kheh, ABE...
18:44.08dhillI am using  Does Dial() jump priorities by default?
18:44.13dhillor so i need the j option?
18:44.31benjkyou need j
18:44.33mountainm2kSetCallerIDNum(2125551${EXTEN}) ?
18:44.40dhillbenjk: ok. thanks
18:45.16benjkthat would work too, but only if all your extensions are part of your assigned block of numbers
18:45.26mountainm2kthey are...  Well, most of them are...
18:45.29benjkunless your telco doesn't care what you send
18:45.40mountainm2kThey probably don't -- I should test that...
18:46.01benjkstill you'd want to send the right numbers in case somebody wants to call you bacl
18:46.46mountainm2ktrue -- although one could play lots of games with cell-providers voicemails that don't require the password if calling from own number :-)
18:47.37benjkwaste of time though
18:48.41benjkyou could put all your numbers into astdb
18:48.58mountainm2kI have them all in Realtime already...  Well, not the full number...
18:49.02mountainm2kjust the exten
18:49.16benjkdatabase put ourblockofnumbers 2125551234 234
18:49.20mountainm2kGuess I need an If() is_numeric($EXTEN)
18:49.25mountainm2kbut I'm guessing that won't work...
18:49.45benjkthen you look up before each call if the extension trying to dial out is in that database family
18:50.07benjkif it is, you set the callerid accordingly, if it isn't you use the main switchboard number caller id
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18:50.21teknoprepis there a way to increase outgoing volume for sip/iax calls?
18:50.26dhillwhat is the proper way to hangup after a Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}, 60) is not answered? Just Hangup() ? or Congestion() ?
18:50.29mountainm2kis there a function to tell if ${EXTEN} is all numeric?
18:50.49benjkI have a patch for pbx.c which adds ${ISNUM(...)}
18:51.08mountainm2khah, well, that doesn't help me too much -- ABE...  No source...
18:51.12benjkbut you can always fake it with a numeric context
18:51.19mountainm2k...which I'm gathering is more trouble than it's worth
18:51.22Juggieshuodnt that be a function?
18:51.44benjkexten _X,1,SetVar(ISNUMERIC=TRUE)
18:51.45*** join/#asterisk Alric (
18:51.54benjkexten => _XX,1,SetVar(....
18:51.55mountainm2kNow that the new ABE is out, which is based on 1.2 -- perhapps that'd help me with this crap...
18:51.57benjketc etc etc
18:52.07benjkup to the number of digits you need
18:52.26benjkexten => i,1,SetVar(ISNUMERIC=FALSE)
18:52.32AlricAnyone want to help with a seg fault that just happened, 1.2.10?
18:52.55AlricOr look in to.  Seems to be voicemail related, but I can't really read gdb output.
18:53.08dhillbenjk: So if Dial() is BUSY, does it go to the next priority or does it still jump n+101 ?
18:53.21benjkwith j it jumps
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18:58.21[TK]D-Fenderpriority jumping = ICK
19:02.34intralanmanICK indeed
19:03.14dhillif the Dial() is unanswered after X seconds, then what do you recommend to end the call?  Hangup or Congestion?
19:03.28dhillor should it ring forever? :)
19:03.49*** join/#asterisk bernardovieira (
19:06.44eNEMY^xwhen using $AGI->stream_file, is there any good way to make my script wait for the stream to finish before trying to launch the next stream_file statement?
19:06.46hmmhesaysif you don't use voicemail I would let it riong
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19:11.53backbluej perl
19:13.35*** join/#asterisk CrossRoad (n=SilentVa@
19:13.47trelane_now honestly, who the fuck puts "caution wear eye protection" on an RJ45 crimping tool
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19:17.08CrossRoadhi guys.. I'm fairly new to asterisk, lately I have a issue where asterisk route calls to the wrong ext, - like 262 will either ring 226 or 266, please suggest a way to handle this or point me to the right direction
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19:21.06doolphchek ur extensions.conf
19:21.32CrossRoadany specific thing to look for?
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19:21.58fumasterdkHi chan
19:23.02fumasterdkDoes anybody know if Asterisk supports any Dialogic cards? And maybe even so the model called Dialogic DTI300SE ??? Any hints would be greately appreciated
19:24.33jbroomesomeone must have blinded themselves if it's on there
19:25.09[TK]D-Fenderfumasterdk: A correction I received concerning this : There is SOME Dialogic support COMING.  What model, how well, and WHEN are entirely debatable.  If you are considering a future hardware purchase of them, think again.
19:25.19[TK]D-Fenderfumasterdk: Its on the WIKI
19:25.31fumasterdkOki link to the WIKI???
19:25.44fumasterdkI have 2 old cards laying here so I wanted to play wth them
19:26.01fumasterdkWiki on
19:26.01[TK]D-Fendertrelane probably the guy who squeezed to hard, snapped one in half and lost an ey to shrapnel.
19:26.43[TK]D-FenderCrossRoad: Sounds more like a DTMF detection error
19:26.59fumasterdkThx D-fender
19:28.54CrossRoadD-Fender: Thx, but is there a way to check this like where its actually detecting it wrongly. I used DTMF=rfc2833
19:30.45sixsensHI ALL
19:31.07sixsenswho speak russian
19:31.25doolphdoes exists russian
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19:31.36Deeewaynefumasterdk: chan_dialogic is the channel driver that supports 23 different Dialogic cards.  Your card is supported
19:31.51NivexIch spreche Deutsch, aber nicht so gut.
19:33.15*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
19:34.59Deeewaynefumasterdk: the DTI/300 card has network interfaces only.  You will also need CSP-capable resources
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19:35.33[TK]D-FenderCrossRoad: Describe whats on both ends of the call.
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19:37.01CrossRoad-Fender: VoicePulse is our provider, we use polycom 501s
19:37.41CrossRoadD-Fender:and they are SIP
19:38.19doolphvoicepulse sucks with dtmf
19:38.52TrixVoxworks fine here, incoming calls to ivr
19:39.07jbroomewhoah, pretty colors
19:39.09TrixVoxCrossRoad: plain asterisk? freepbx? trixbox?
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19:39.19CrossRoaddoolp: can you suggest any good provider..
19:39.33Nivexjbroome?  cripes they'll let anybody in here.
19:40.03CrossRoadTrixVox : Plain Asterisk
19:40.04hi365hello! im having a problem with the FOP. when i run ./
19:40.04hi365i get: Can't listen to port 4445
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19:40.28TrixVoxCrossRoad: codec?
19:44.13*** join/#asterisk topping (
19:44.18benjksounds like jitter
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19:45.06sixsenswho speak russian
19:45.59TelamonI'm getting a lot of "chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '<long string>'@IP" errors in my logfiles, any ideas as to why?  Some of them are from too, which is odd.
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20:02.11hi365Can you help with FOP?
20:02.18*** part/#asterisk ajohnson_laptop (
20:02.33hi365im getting: cant connect top port 4445
20:07.57*** join/#asterisk The_LightSide (
20:08.19The_LightSidehi all
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20:08.39foldertrunk not out yet then?
20:08.56The_LightSidedoes any1 know anything about pri, and "audio before answer"
20:12.12moghello is anyone in here having jingle problems?
20:12.12folderIs there any kind of timeline for svn-trunk anywhere? Like a release schedule? I will be doing my first Asterisk project soon and would like to use 1.4 with the enhanced echo-cancel/jitter buffer and whatever other new features there are. I'm sure I read a date of June 30th at some point.
20:13.04Cresl1nmog: looks like jingle uses asn.1
20:13.13mogheh you why encode in xml
20:13.17mogwhen you can use asn.1
20:13.25Cresl1napparently it already does
20:13.30mogi got all these bug reports and when i started testing today i cant make it break
20:13.32Cresl1nlooks like it's a new dependency
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20:14.00mogi think everyone who has problems cant configure it
20:14.29Cresl1nyou know that that library is for asn.1 encoding/decoding, right?
20:14.29fiber0ptiIn my featers.conf file I have set the pickup group to be *8 but it does't work. How do I configure this feature?
20:15.30x86you have to also put something in your dialplan
20:15.44x86not sure what, but i remember coming across the same issue ;)
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20:16.13cekcis it possible with those digium T1 cards to get both phone lines and internet access?
20:16.31Cresl1ncekc: yep
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20:17.45cekcI might just cancel my 4 analog phone lines and cablemodem and get a T1 line to handle botht
20:18.10x86Cresl1n: wouldn't you need to do the DSX upstream from the asterisk box?
20:18.28cekcwhat's a DSX upstream?
20:18.28x86Cresl1n: iirc, the digium cards dont have data CSU/DSU on them, do they?
20:18.38x86cekc: drop-and-insert
20:18.46x86cekc: what you'll be doing ;)
20:18.47cekcI don't mind using my asterix box as a linux router
20:19.12x86cekc: probably dont have a CSU/DSU though
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20:19.53cekcsome company is supposed to call me back, they mentioned something about just giving me an ethernet terminal to handle both internet and phone
20:19.57x86cekc: you're going to come off the smartjack with RJ48S and run right into your digium card... nothing is doing CSU/DSU for data
20:20.23x86a T1 would be a better solution
20:20.52x86it's used more widely, and it's far more reliable than cable, dsl, etc ;-)
20:21.03cekcbetter than what?  I thought I was talking about a T1
20:21.12x86plus they've been running voice and data over T1's for years
20:21.18x86ethernet != T1
20:21.46cekcso I'm going to need a digium card for the voice, and then a csu/dsu for the internet
20:21.48Cresl1nlook for datamode zaptel
20:21.53Cresl1nthat should do it
20:22.00Cresl1nyou can use the zaptel card for everything
20:22.04x86Cresl1n: software CSU/DSU?
20:22.24cekchow well does zaptel work with asterisk?
20:22.34Cresl1nyeah, google for zaptel data mode
20:22.37[TK]D-FenderYes you can do voiec & data on a single T1...
20:22.38Cresl1nthat should probably do it
20:23.10cekc[TK]D-Fender: but what kind of equipment do I need to do that
20:24.02jbalcombIs anyone capturing the call quality metrics via ${RTPAUDIOQOS}? How and are you doing anything useful with them?
20:24.04hi365[TK]D-Fender: im having a problem with FOP. do you think you can help?
20:24.04hi365when i run ./ i get: Can't listen to port 4445
20:24.12Cresl1ncekc: just a zap card
20:24.16Qwellhi365: Something is probably already running on that port
20:24.17[TK]D-Fendercekc: Just a Digium or Sangoma digital card.  its all in software period.
20:24.21Cresl1nand compile zaptel with datamode enabled
20:24.36cekcI'd like to buy digium just because of brand name
20:24.56jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: are you familiar with ${RTPAUDIOQOS}?
20:25.12[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb: nope.
20:25.16hi365Qwell: any idea of what? fop was working. i tried to upgrede, unsuccesfuly. tried to go back and thats what i got
20:25.27Qwellhi365: netstat -lp
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20:27.07jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: you might wanna check it out. seems like good stuff. Its part of the RTCP patch committed to trunk in June.
20:28.23*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:28.56jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: there was also talk of phone passing back QoS reports with the BYE message that you can pull with SIP_HEADER
20:29.06jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: i wonder if the polycoms can do this
20:29.19jbalcombs/can do/do
20:30.22*** join/#asterisk dwrecktion (n=dwreckti@
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20:31.05cekc   I'll probably buy this one
20:31.13dwrecktionanybody have an experience running Asterisk on an 2GHz AMD Opteron 246?
20:31.17Qwellhi365: yeah, perl is already running on that port
20:31.57hi365is that a good thing?
20:32.22Qwellonly if you want it to be already running
20:32.52hi365im still a bit fresh with all this. do i need pearl for the FOP?
20:32.56x86dwrecktion: you'll have better luck describing your issue than seeing if anyone has a similar setup ;)
20:34.12dwrecktionx86: i don't have an issue, I'm just looking to buy a server to host asterisk and i was seeing if anyone had an experience with it running on that processor
20:34.22fiber0ptiwhere do you define if a phone is in a pickup group? in sip.conf?
20:35.07*** join/#asterisk ArchimedesTwo (
20:35.28x86dwrecktion: the general conscience is to use Intel platforms, and stay away from 64bit like the plague
20:35.40x86fiber0pti: yeah
20:36.07dwrecktionx86:  thanks, that's the kind of info i was looking for.
20:36.13ArchimedesTwoWhere can I find the file format I need to pass to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing to call an outside phone number and connect to a known extension?
20:36.15The_LightSidehi, im looking for some information on audio before answer on a digium pri card
20:37.41*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
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20:46.04xnonfriends is posible use asterisk for send sms to a movil phone or PDA phone?
20:46.42tzangerxnon: yes
20:46.54xnonhow to¿
20:47.08tzangereither through sending the message to an email-sms gateway, using an SMS service, or using the app_sms command if you have access to the carrier's SMSC
20:47.10xnonhave you any example for help me!
20:47.48tzangerxnon: emailing is as simple as sending an email to the cell carrier's SMS email gateway
20:48.32xnonhave u any manual or link to a website with a example for this?
20:48.45*** join/#asterisk rvhi (n=rv@
20:49.05xnonhave you this service in your asterisk personal server?
20:49.26rvhican * realtime read dialplan on the fly?
20:49.34hmmhesaysthat would be the point
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20:49.45rvhii.e. if i modify mydql dial plan, will be effect right away
20:49.52hmmhesaysthat would be the point
20:50.10rvhisomewhere i read that need to do a 'reload' or somehting like that
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20:50.40hmmhesaysyou are mistaken
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20:50.49obiwanmikenolteextensions reload at the cli
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20:51.51rvhithat's not good, if i allow users change dial plan (indirectly though), every time there is a change, i need reload
20:52.09rvhiwhy doesn't it work like ast_data?
20:52.21obiwanmikenolteWhy would you allow users to change the dialplan? How would you even orchestrate that?
20:53.29rvhiok, not user, say our own provisioning people
20:53.35hmmhesaysasterisk realtime doesn't require a reload
20:53.43hmmhesaysunless you change db info
20:53.48Qwellstatic realtime does
20:54.18rvhiwhat's the difference? static realtime and realtime?
20:54.37Qwellrvhi: static realtime is for the actual config file, where it reads the DB at load time
20:54.48hmmhesaysswitch => Realtime
20:54.50hmmhesaysthat does not
20:55.42rvhii'm using ast_data, so with realtime, no need, right?
20:56.24hmmhesaysi dunno
20:56.25hmmhesaysnever used it
20:57.01rvhiso realtime would so a sql query for each dial plan priority, right?
20:57.51hmmhesaysi don't remember if it does it per call or not
20:58.09hmmhesaysa query per priority sure seem inefficient
20:58.19Qwellit's per priority
20:59.01rvhithat's the same as ast_data, also what i want. thanks!
21:00.32The_LightSidei assume no1 can help me with my PRI query?
21:00.58obiwanmikenolteFirst, you have to ask a question
21:01.05The_LightSidei have....
21:01.14obiwanmikenolteWhat information?
21:01.18The_LightSideim looking for some information on audio before answer on a digium pri card
21:01.44clive-lightside, I have read stuff about that, hmm, google for it in the archives, there is a way to do that
21:01.48The_LightSidebasically, the pri equipment does not generate its own ring/busy tones
21:02.16The_LightSidebut * does not seem to be passing the audio stream thru until answer
21:02.26x86you can Answer(), do something, then Ringing()
21:02.53x86and it wont appear to the caller that the call is ringing until Ringing() is called
21:03.02*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (n=c4t3l@
21:03.06The_LightSideok, im the lazy type here, im using one of the preconfigured ones :/
21:03.27The_LightSidewith the freepbx interface ...
21:03.35The_LightSidenot trixbox tho
21:03.55The_LightSideclive-, i havnt had much success with the googling
21:04.04*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
21:04.07x86The_LightSide: did you read what i said?
21:04.25x86The_LightSide: you'll have to Answer, do whatever you want, then Ringing
21:04.32x86that's how it's done
21:05.17The_LightSideand for things like billing info... the call should only be billed from the time the call is actually answered
21:10.20jbalcombAnyone coding apps or functions for Asterisk should check this out:
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21:28.10eKo1jbalcomb: that's pretty cute
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21:28.32teknoprepi have asterisk behind a nat firewall.. do i have to edit any configs to tell my trunks my external ip and all that jazz ?
21:28.40teknoprepthis was working great when asterisk had an external ip
21:29.33eKo1why yes because nat sucks
21:29.43*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
21:30.00obiwanmikenolteBut how many people are using IPv6?
21:30.14teknoprepeKo1 thats great.. how to make it work?
21:30.34[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: you need to set EXTERNIP, LOCALNET, and NAT=YES in [general] in sip.conf
21:30.55eKo1[TK]D-Fender: you're assuming that SIP is being used.
21:31.18[TK]D-FendereKo1: Yes, but stop talking about my ass ok? ;)
21:32.36teknoprepyeah that didn't work
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21:58.06rvhican mp3 file be used for MOH?
21:58.24obiwanmikenoltervhi: You so crazy
21:59.26obiwanmikenolteAll these questions, but not even so much as a Google search to find the answers
22:00.59rvhiok, found the answer
22:05.16*** join/#asterisk ki2k (n=ki2k_@
22:05.47ki2kanyone know what happen to conferences if your zttest is below optimal?
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22:16.53k31thany prefered distro for asterisk ?
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22:19.55xnonanybody have ur asterisk server configured for send SMS Mensages to a movil ?
22:20.10xnonanybodt know how it is posible?
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22:23.15cr_0is there any utility that can test and report on MOS scores that i can set to run in a cron?
22:23.33tzangercr_0: nope
22:23.33tzangerand hello again :-)
22:23.37cr_0hey, howdy.
22:23.45*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
22:23.48[Outcast]sup all
22:23.54tzangerMOS isn't a single value, it's a number gained through dozens if not hundreds of tests
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22:24.02tzangerthat's why there's no MOS score utility
22:24.07cr_0why not?  i don't know how to calculate MOS, but appart from that, it doesn't seem that hard.
22:24.20tzangerbecause it's really a combination of a poll/survey and research project
22:24.22cr_0tzanger, there are commercial apps.  i know. i have seen them.
22:24.22tzangerit's not a single test
22:24.33tzangeryes, but AFAIK they're not really giving you MOS
22:24.40tzangercoppice would be able to give more detail if he were around
22:25.20tzangerI've been hankering to write an asterisk dialplan command to report the variance between a known waveform and what was received to give a quality value
22:25.23tzangerbut I've just not had the time
22:25.46annonimousis there a way to setup my asterisk with a double nat isp?
22:27.15cr_0let me see if i can dig up how the guys at Bell are doing it.  i've trialed the software, but at the time i only cared about the QoS queue metrics.
22:28.15cr_0they do get a "MOS score" graph between "service POPs" in a full mesh.
22:29.49cr_0i love how the old guys tell stories about how they used to calculate it.... with "expert listeners".
22:30.48hadsMean _Opinion_ Score
22:30.52annonimousis there a way to setup my asterisk with a double nat isp (providers who assing ips like 10.0.0.*)?
22:31.17cr_0hads: yup :)
22:31.32PESQhow is 10.0.0.* tell you it is double nat'ed?
22:32.06annonimousPESQ, he, i guessed that was double natted cause the inet provider who send it send it in that way
22:32.29cekche probably has a nat router of his own, or is trying to connect to a remote host behind a nat
22:32.58annonimousits a customer who have a cable connection instead of xdsl and i want to see if asterisk can link external ata's?
22:34.03annonimouswell here in mexico its common to see that kind of connections of providers like cable or antennas
22:36.01cr_0if there is no MOS tests, what do other people use to ensure their network is of good quality for voice?
22:37.06cr_0tell me it isn't ping.
22:37.41eKo1annonimous: no, you can't
22:38.51annonimouseKo1, so i need to tell to my custome to change for xdsl or something like that, arent he?
22:39.00*** part/#asterisk xai (i=pasta@about/networking/
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22:42.36bethaudtrying to setup an X101P, and all I get is static on incoming POTS. Any ideas?
22:43.36eKo1annonimous: make them use iax
22:43.56annonimouslet me read about iax
22:44.11SuPrSluGbethaud:zap show channels output?
22:44.20bethaudI should add that the demo app responds just fine to DTMF, so *something* is getting through ...
22:44.51SuPrSluGbethaud:demo uses psuedo zap
22:45.29SuPrSluGbethaud:output from ztcfg?
22:45.39bethaudSuPrSlug :   Chan Extension  Context         Language   MusicOnHold
22:46.42SuPrSluGbethaud:you should paste stuff at or you'll get some flak
22:47.00bethaudSuPrSlug: looks like it does indeed - so what is that? I guess google is my friend ... I did also try setting up an extensions,conf that just answered and did an echo, but got the same results ...
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22:47.44bethaudSuPrSlug: Apologies - IRC is a new experience ( like 10 minutes ! )
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22:48.13Jenocinis it still possible to reflash a linksys pap2, can only find the vonage branded ones in stores around me
22:48.14SuPrSluGbethaud:i'ts ok that was a small one.
22:49.16SuPrSluGbethaud:how about the output from zap show status . should say ok
22:49.57bethaudSuPrSlug: OK and 3 zeros, for a Generic clone board ( it's an MD3200 chipset )
22:49.57SuPrSluGbethaud:also dsl or cable? if dsl is it filtered?
22:50.15SuPrSluGbethaud:same as mine
22:50.46IOscannerAnyone know a source to buy DID's for Dallas, Texas?  Everyone seem to be out.  I need about 20.
22:50.54bethaudSuPrSlug: DSL, and I've got the card filtered ( always assuming the filter works )
22:51.34*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
22:51.58SuPrSluGbethaud:try it w/out
22:52.20bethaudSuPrSlug: I'm in the UK, so the wxfco is set with opermode=1, which I believe is correct?
22:52.54SuPrSluGbethaud:not familiar w/ uk telco
22:53.03bethaudSuPrSlug: OK, I'll get a socket doubler in the morning. I guess that might be why it doesn't spot the line hanging up as well?
22:53.37bethaudSuPrSlug: Not being familiar with UK telco is no crime, as it appears most of the UK phone companies share your position ;)
22:53.57SuPrSluGbethaud:there should be info on that in the wiki
22:53.59generalhanhey guys, i have an aastra phone with the same firmware as the other 30 that i have, but for some reason, this one phone cannot send digits to the VM system? like... when he dials the VoicemailMain for his extension and it asks for his pasword, no matter what he hits * says he didnt hit anything, so of course the password is invalid. any ideas?
22:54.33generalhanbut he can call into the autoattendant and hit digits all day long that register
22:54.56bethaudSuPrSlug: yep, I dug out the caller ID stuff, although the debian packages appear to be patched already as of a couple of versions ago. Didn't see anything about the DSL filters, though.
22:57.46SuPrSluGbethaud:look here to see if ti helps
22:58.27ki2kanyone know what happen to conferences if your zttest is below optimal?
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23:00.39bethaudSuPrSlug: Thanks for that, I dug that up earlier but still no joy. I'm guessing I need to get the basic voice stuff working as a first step. I'm just digging through a web page on the pseudo zap ( havent reached it yet :)
23:03.33*** join/#asterisk nailbags (
23:06.08SuPrSluGbethaud:options wcfxo opermode=UK     maybe?
23:10.33bethaudSuPrSlug: tried that, but digging through the wcfxo source it looks like opermode=1 selects the CTR21 DAA mode. opermode=UK seems to be for the specific impedance tuning the the tdm400 cards ( and mebbe some others, I only had a quick look )
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23:12.48dhillIf Dial() is picked up, does the extension end there?  Or does it pick back up after a user hangs up?
23:12.58bethaudSuPrSlug: many thanks for your help, however I now need to go and get some sleep - the kiddies are up in 6 or so hours .. :) I'll try the no filter thing tomorrow .  Cheers !
23:13.09dhillI have an answering machine that picks up.. but when the caller hangs up.. the answering machine doesn't know...
23:17.35*** join/#asterisk Bullseye_Network (
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23:19.19ringhalsI just had an asterisk server bomb. I am running 1.2.7 and the error was in channel.c and was about blocking a deadlock 10 retries
23:19.34ringhalscan anyone point me in the right direction?
23:19.40Bullseye_NetworkI've got a system using SIP to a voip provider and inbound audio is choppy but outbound is not. What would be the most probable problem.
23:19.41trelanehave you upgraded to the recent version as there's been numerous bugfixes
23:20.01trelaneBullseye_Network, insufficient inbound bandwdith or borked provider
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23:20.07ringhalsno because it is in production from 5 am to 12 am :-(
23:20.15generalhantrelane: did you happen to see my post about a phone not sending digits to the voicemailmain ?
23:20.20ringhalsany idea what to look at that may be causing it?
23:20.25trelanegeneralhan, check your dtmfmode
23:20.29trelane(I've seen that one before)
23:20.35generalhantrelane: what should it be set to >
23:20.43trelanegeneralhan, what phones are you using?
23:21.05generalhanthey are Aastra SIP phones
23:21.10trelaneringhals, I'd look at the out of date asterisk you're running that may have bugfixes
23:21.20trelanegeneralhan, are you doing anything with dtmf= in sip.conf now?
23:21.22Bullseye_Networktrelane, thats what I thought but bandwidth is not a problem. And ofcoarse the proveder says its not them. :(
23:21.31trelanetry dtmf=inband and if that doesn't work dtmf=info
23:21.45trelaneBullseye_Network, of course it's not them, and every provider's honest, done any traceroutes to their sip gateway?
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23:23.15Bullseye_Networktrelane, yes I get 45ms and no packet loss.
23:23.39smashingnickhello all im having a problem with ground start signaled pots lines
23:23.51trelaneBullseye_Network, interesting, dunno quite what to tell you
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23:24.03trelanesmashingnick, digium hardware?
23:24.15trelanethey have free support, check out "contact us" on their website
23:24.16smashingnicktwo tdm400p fxo modules
23:24.28generalhantrelane: ok i tried both and neither work. but all of the other 30 of these phones i have are working just fine with no dtmf settings defined
23:25.07trelanegeneralhan, there's one other possibility, hang on a tick...
23:25.13generalhansure thing
23:25.16generalhanthanks for the help
23:25.18*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (n=Justin@
23:25.29generalhanhey hey justinu
23:25.41trelanegeneralhan, try dtmfmode = instead of dtmf =
23:26.39trelaneand if that doesn't work try it with rfc2833
23:26.41generalhantrelane: but would i need that for one specific phone ? if all the others dont have that and work just fine ?
23:26.45trelanedtmfmode = rfc2833
23:26.48generalhanthis phone was working just fine until this morning !
23:26.51trelanegeneralhan, are they all the same model?
23:26.52generalhanok ill try that
23:27.02trelaneok well possibly a bad phone?
23:27.08generalhani have 35 Aasta 9112i SIP phones and 15 Cisco 7960sw
23:27.29generalhanwell everything else works just fine ... ONLY the VMMain doesnt acceot the digits for that phone.
23:27.32dhillbullseye in southfield sucks
23:27.47trelanegeneralhan, for that phone = 1 phone not 1 phone model right?
23:27.50generalhani can call any auto attendant including our own and it will take digits we send to them
23:28.00trelanegeneralhan, it's a DTMF issue
23:28.02trelanetrust me
23:28.13generalhantrelane: yes of the 35 Aastra's this is the only one doing this
23:28.22trelanegeneralhan, busted phone, have it RMA'd
23:28.26generalhanand i have one other one that wont let anyone transfer to it ... but i think thats a dial plan issue
23:28.37generalhantrelane: thats great i cant RMA anymore lol
23:28.42trelanewhy not?
23:28.42generalhanhad them over a year
23:28.43Bullseye_NetworkGood thing in southfield
23:29.08Bullseye_NetworkGood thing im NOT in southfield
23:29.35*** join/#asterisk pyrom (
23:29.57pyromchan_sip.c:11988 add_realm_authentication: Format for authentication entry is user[:secret]@realm at line 483 <--- why do i get that statement?
23:30.28generalhani have an RTP setting for the web portal for this phone that has an option of DTMF Method that i can chose between RTP, SIP INFO, or BOTH
23:30.33pyromAll sipura 3000/3102 guides/configs i've found says i should put auth=md5 under [pstn-spa3k]
23:30.33generalhanwould that have anything to do with it >?
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23:31.50trelanegeneralhan, set it to "Both" and remove the dtmfmode line from your config
23:31.57generalhanand an option that says "Force RFC2833 Out-of-Band DTMF " that i can enable
23:33.13generalhanbut it is disabled by default
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23:33.31teknoprepwhere do i set default on to call waiting?
23:34.18pyromD**n this spa3102 is hard to setup, even tried the "online wizard" at voxilla with no use.
23:34.34pyromeven that one says "auth=md5" but asterisk gives me warning on that one.
23:34.44pyromAnd the sipura fails to authenticate, so i guess this is the problem.
23:35.10pyromAnyone got any advice, would realy make my day!
23:38.01generalhantrelane: thanks a lot man ... switching that to both worked perfectly !~
23:38.05generalhanthanks again for all your help !
23:39.58trelanepyrom, I don't use sipura phones at all or i'd try to help, you might stick around as many do
23:40.23trelanepasting your connection block to might point out any obvious errors :)
23:40.23pyromtrelane, thanks ofr the advice, it's a sipura ATA device, linksys sipura 3102.
23:41.58trelaneright paste the stuff from sip.conf
23:42.27pyromtrelane, 25 secs.
23:42.30*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
23:46.11trelaneI'd have to have my hands on one
23:46.14trelanethat config looks right
23:46.19trelaneperhaps someone else will be able to assist you
23:46.25*** part/#asterisk brif8 (
23:46.53pyromThanks anyway.
23:47.06*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
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23:49.44TripleFFFFguys.. with $agi->request['agi_callerid'] /// how can i get the name portion fo the callerid apssed to agi ?
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