irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060821

00:00.21SpacyOkay. So i got another question - if i have a call from chan_capi -> chan_sip, everything works fine. If i have a chan_capi -> voicemail connection, the sound gets chopped. chan_sip -> voicemail also works fine. Any suggestions? (Sorry to be such an annoyance ;)
00:01.08hunmonkhmmhesays:  <-- that's what i have set up so far in iax.conf, and extensions.conf
00:01.23hunmonkhmmhesays: lemme enable debugging now and see what i find
00:02.19Skyelarkavit: I'd say no: it's still open, and there's no message about the patch being committed to either trunk or the 1.2 branch.
00:02.39hmmhesaysi wouldn't use _. extension
00:02.50*** join/#asterisk hads (
00:03.08kavitSkyelar: so one would have to patch chan_sip.c by hand?
00:03.43Skyelarkavit: yes. You might find it's a bit tricky to do too, as that patch is targetted at the SVN trunk, not the 1.2 branch
00:04.31kavitSkyelar: ah alright thanks for your help
00:06.00hunmonkhmmhesays: yeah, i know.  at this point i'm just throwing everything i have at the problem trying to get something to work  :)
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00:09.14hunmonkhmmhesays:  <-- results from the iax debug for the attempted call
00:10.10hmmhesaysusername/password doesn't match
00:10.43*** join/#asterisk rnovotny22 (
00:10.56hunmonkhmmhesays:  where are you seeing that in the results?
00:12.01hunmonkhmmhesays: also looks to me like 'it's taking the domain as the context??  i'm quite confused as to the proper way to place a call to another iax user...
00:12.27*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
00:12.54shodanhow hard is it to unlock a pap2 ?
00:13.02wwalkerrecommendations for a linux based sip soft phone for testing?  (I'll use polycom at the office, but at home, I've just got my server and my notebook, both linux)
00:15.21hunmonkhmmhesays: CAUSE           : No authority found   <-- is that what indicates the user/pass don't match?
00:18.34*** join/#asterisk fafnir (i=hahaha@unaffiliated/fafnir)
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00:27.30quid246wwalker:  check the wiki, surely something there
00:29.22*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
00:33.37*** join/#asterisk daniel_bergamini (
00:35.57AndyCapwwalker: ekiga, x-lite, kphone?
00:36.41Kumba_What's the command i'd used if I want asterisk to play a file if it's not monday-friday, 9-5?
00:36.51Kumba_basically, play a "we're closed" file
00:37.30*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:39.16ariel_Kumba_, if you look at the /usr/src/asterisk/configs/extensions.conf.sample there is a time ivr there that will help you out.
00:39.33Kumba_Hmmm... *looks*
00:39.35*** join/#asterisk Klitz (n=Klitz@
00:41.02Kumba_hmm... gotoiftime...
00:41.39*** join/#asterisk juice (
00:44.25*** join/#asterisk fafnir (i=hahaha@unaffiliated/fafnir)
00:46.54*** join/#asterisk rnovotny22 (
00:48.22Kumba_If i'm transferring from an incoming context (that begins with s,1,answer) to another context, do I still need to start the second context with answer?
00:52.32*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
00:54.21*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
00:56.59Kumba_hmm... if I was to guess... i'd say you only issue an answer when you want to play something on the line... but not for just general call routing right?
00:58.12florzKumba_: right - and it affects the channel, not the context, so you only need to do it once per channel, much like picking up the telephone is required only once per call ...
00:58.44Kumba_ok... so if in my [incoming] context I issue an answer, any sub-contexts wont need it...
00:58.46florzor, more exactly, the "channel instance", as in a call
00:59.04Kumba_or any contexts issued from the incoming context...
00:59.13florzKumba_: Well, when the phone is picked up, you can't pick it upper ;-)
00:59.42Kumba_But would it hurt anything if I had it in there anyways? (incase I use a context somewhere else where it does need to pickup?)
01:00.50florzKumba_: =:-)
01:01.35*** join/#asterisk dos000 (
01:01.37Kumba_exten => i,1,sendnuke()
01:02.26florzWell, I'd probably do that using AGI ... well, then again, I'd probably rather not do it at all ;-)
01:03.15Kumba_This dialplan stuff makes my head hurt... and i'm only doing 2-lines and 6-ext's... (soho)
01:04.07*** part/#asterisk hunmonk (
01:04.27Kumba_florz: You dont know if asterisk has the ability to send SMS messages to a cell phone do you?
01:04.50Kumba_I guess I could make the emergency-call-routing record someone, then call someone's cell phone and play it back to 'em...
01:05.58rg1_I need to send an AGI argument that includes a line-feed from a dial-plan - can anyone help me know how to "encode" that?
01:06.36quid246kumba:  I'm sure I've seen an SMS app omewhere for *, but don't quote me
01:07.28rg1_kumba - you can do that with a multi-tech gsm modem
01:07.49rg1_not necessarily from asterisk, but if you need to send it from asterisk you can do it with an AGI script
01:07.50florzKumba_: Well, there is some modem stuff and an SMS-or-so application that is capable of communicating with SMSC or something - but never used that, so no real clue ...
01:08.09*** join/#asterisk anthonyu (
01:08.39florzKumba_: Otherwise, as rg1_ says, or you could also use some analog phone modem for calling up the SMSC
01:08.40rg1_hey - can someone help me with the insertion of a line-feed in a "string" from a dial-plan
01:09.05florzrg1_: No clue, but why do you need that?
01:09.13rg1_florz - no its not an analog modem - you actually put a gsm chip in the modem
01:09.23*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
01:09.42Kumba_that sounds like way too much work...
01:09.43rg1_florz - i need to send lines of data so that a TTS app I have will see a line feed and give me a more extended pause
01:09.46Kumba_I'll just tell them no :)
01:09.53florzrg1_: That's why I said "or you cold [...]" :-)
01:10.25florzerm, s/cold/could/
01:10.34rg1_so I put like "Hello world. [...]  How are you"
01:10.39rg1_is that what you are saying
01:10.50rg1_and the [...] will give me a long pause?
01:11.09florzrg1_: gnah!
01:11.19rg1_HELP ME :)
01:11.26Kumba_I think that the context that [...] was passed to from came from the [rg1-answer_to_kumba's_question] context...
01:11.26anthonyuhi, i want to send callers to various extensions based on caller-id and number called.  should i do that with agi, ami or something simpler?
01:11.28*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
01:11.41Kumba_or something like that...
01:11.42florzrg1_: You really seem to misunderstand basically everyhing one could not possibly misunderstand =:-)
01:11.44shodanare grandstreams handytone 386 good with * ? I'm thinking of getting one from voipsupply with 1 or 2 voip phones (not decided which yet)
01:11.51rg1_florz, so true
01:12.01Kumba_I need more beer to understand this extensions.conf stuff
01:12.14rg1_so if i want to get a long pause in a TTS string, can you please tell me how to do that?
01:12.18Kumba_Screw mountain dew... give me some Stella Artois...
01:12.52florzrg1_: Well, how about using some random string you make up and do the conversion in the AGI?
01:13.25rg1_didn't think of that
01:13.32rg1_ok, i will give that whirl
01:13.45rg1_try my multi-tech gsm modem thing - it worked
01:14.46Kumba_rg1: thanks for the input... I appreciate it...
01:16.10*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (
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01:24.12*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
01:30.44shodanis this good for use with * => ?
01:38.25*** part/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
01:44.07bkw_rg1_, they have a markup language for TTS to insert a pause
01:44.21bkw_rg1_, if you were to look at mod_rss in freeswitch you can see how we did it with Cepstral
01:44.23wwalkerI've read lots of articles talking about Asterisk on a WRT54G.  Has anyone actually done it?  any idea how many real calls it can handle??  Assume no transcoding, I would force the phones to use the same codec as the VOIP provider
01:44.26*** join/#asterisk uk-wombat (n=root@
01:44.35bkw_and If things go right i'll have mod_festival done this next week followed by mod_sphinx
01:53.01doolphwhere can I get certified online
01:53.13nevynin what?
01:53.16DrRighteouswwalker: asterisk on wrt54g will work, but I wouldn't try voicemail (lack of storage, unless you hw upgrd), and # of channels of about 24.
01:53.31bkw_why on earth would you wanna get certified?
01:53.49puzzledbkw_: maybe the BofH likes it
01:53.51DrRighteousI would suggest SER on wrt54g, which will allow for inside lan phone 2 phone communication, and remotely hosting the asterisk/pbx box
01:53.51doolphbecause a company is asking me for a certification
01:53.57bkw_they need to get a clue
01:53.59nevynDrRighteous: there's always the versions with usb on them put a 512mb flash drive on it and you're laughing
01:54.01bkw_the cert means NOTHING
01:54.09nevynbkw_: they generally don't
01:54.24bkw_Those who can do.. will do.. those that can't, get certified!
01:54.39doolphor I just make my own certification
01:54.50bkw_I am considered the Anti-Asterisk these days!
01:54.55DrRighteousnevyn: a wrt54g with usb?
01:55.01Nivexbkw_: and yet here you are
01:55.06nevynDrRighteous: well wrt54g clone
01:55.13techieby whom
01:55.16nevynthe asus WL500G springs to mind
01:55.30bkw_Nivex, yep.  I still have to support asterisk installations for a year or so more.
01:55.59nevynbkw_: what's your preference?
01:56.10wwalkerDrRighteous!  Thanks!  I'm using a WGT634U actually so have local USB storage of a hlaf a Gig.  But 24 channels is way more than I thought it would handle!
01:56.12Kumba_Does this macro make sense?
01:56.23Kumba_Basically, I call it, and pass the extension, and it routes it...
01:56.29bkw_nevyn, well since asterisk isn't carrier grade we had to write something new from scratch.  You might have heard of it.. its called FreeSWITCH....
01:56.30*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
01:56.39nevynyeah I've heard of it
01:56.51nevynfair enough
01:57.14*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
01:57.31bkw_so far we can't find a sip stack that will take 100cps at 100ms call duration for longer than a few min before the sip stack takes a shit and dies.
01:57.41*** join/#asterisk benjk (
01:57.57bkw_Nobody out there makes a good sip stack.
01:58.19bkw_even Asterisks sip stack will die quickly under the same test conditions
01:58.28puzzledbkw_: did you try the Nokia one too (or was that ericsson)?
01:58.36bkw_that one is even worse
01:58.54bkw_the requirements we have for software are much higher than most Open Source software can meet.
01:59.10bkw_1. Cross Platform supporting at the very least Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
01:59.21bkw_2. Willing to accept patches for bugs we find or features we add.
01:59.36bkw_we have a few projects that have been helping really well.
01:59.39*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
01:59.55nevynbkw_: so your stack does that?
01:59.56bkw_but in all honesty Open Source projects have to work together to accomplish goals...
02:00.13bkw_nevyn, we don't have a stack that is stable yet.  We are looking at the OpenSolaris SIP Stack.
02:00.14nevynbkw_: hericy
02:00.23nevynworking together...
02:00.29nevynthis is MY project goddamnit
02:00.37nevynkde rocks gnome sucks !! etc
02:00.45bkw_we do work with all the projects we depend on.
02:01.03bkw_and so far they have all been good to work with us in both directions.
02:01.09JTdoes SER stack up?
02:01.23bkw_The SER stack isn't something you can break apart
02:01.24wwalkernevyn: if you keep talking that way the BSD guys wills tart fighting over whose side of theflame war you're going to be on.
02:01.28bkw_its GPL and not compatible with MPL
02:01.43JTbut does it handle the load you were speaking of?
02:01.54bkw_I think it can.
02:01.54*** join/#asterisk rushowr (
02:01.56benjkbkw_ w've been there before
02:02.05benjknobody made a good OSI stack either
02:02.05rushowrhey gentlemen
02:02.23rushowranyone know why I'd get the message "no hardware transcoders found" (zaptel card)
02:02.23nevynwhat's the use of a 100ms call?
02:02.28benjkwhite elephants are never materialising in form of good implementations
02:02.32bkw_but I doubt the SER stack is reentrant
02:02.47bkw_nevyn, because thats when you have race conditions in call setup and tear down
02:02.51bkw_once the call is up you're good
02:02.59bkw_but if you do lots of short calls you'll expose race conditions faster
02:03.07bkw_its the true test
02:03.17rushowr(sorry to repost, but a client is on my ass) anyone know why I'd get the message "no hardware transcoders found" (zaptel card)
02:03.36bkw_rushowr, thats a new one to me.
02:03.37anthonyuhow do i send people who are in a list of caller IDs directly to voicemail?
02:03.44rushowrI get the message on startup of asterisk (latest trunk)
02:03.53bkw_exten => 555/918555121,1,Voicemail
02:03.54nevynanthonyu: ooh I want to know that one..
02:04.10filerushowr: you don't have a TC400P card, so therefore no hardware transcoder
02:04.11nevynalso how good/flexible is the rouuting code?
02:04.13bkw_its exten => XXX/CIDHERE,1,
02:04.14anthonyunevyn, is that like something to do in AGI or AMI?
02:04.20bkw_nevyn, for?
02:04.25benjkanthonyu, you create a dictionary in astdb
02:04.33rushowrfile, so shouldn't cause issues with dialing out over the card?
02:04.34nevynbkw_: routing based on Caller ID
02:04.36rushowrI do have a card
02:04.44bkw_nevyn, in asterisk or freeswitch?
02:04.48filerushowr: no, your problem is elsewhere
02:04.52rushowrok thx
02:04.59nevynbkw_: /both
02:04.59benjkdatabase foobar nnnnnnnn 1
02:05.00anthonyubenjk, if i look up astdb and dictionary on google, i can figure it out?
02:05.01JTwouldn't that entirely depend on how you implemented your callerid routing system?
02:05.04bkw_well asterisk is hard coded on the dial plan format.  Freeswitch is 100% plugable on the dialplan options.
02:05.04*** part/#asterisk rushowr (
02:05.11nevynthat's neat
02:05.19benjkdatabase put foobar nnnnnnnnn 1
02:05.28nevynbkw_: so if I wanted to get fancy
02:05.32*** join/#asterisk xachen (i=justin@pdpc/supporter/student/xachen)
02:05.40benjkfor every number
02:05.47benjkwhere nnnnnnnnn is the number
02:05.58nevynroute on callerid to your representative is the plan
02:06.15nevynlooking up your cid number in the database to get the extension of your agent
02:06.22benjkthen in your incoming context you test the callerID against the foobar dictionaty (family in astdb lingo)
02:06.25TheCopsThere's way to specify a range of RTP port PER sip device ?!
02:06.36benjkif it is present you goto voicemail, if not you continue
02:06.41bkw_nevyn, yes you can even treat calls for X or Y module different ... because you get the name of the module doing the lookup
02:06.50anthonyuthank you
02:07.21bkw_nevyn, also if you want to add API calls you don't have to hack the core to do so... you just create a module to extend the API
02:07.53nevynare dictionarys going to do what I want?
02:08.06nevynbkw_: is there a featurelist for freeswitch somewhere?
02:08.14bkw_lets talk in private
02:12.00Kumba__.X = Match Everything right?
02:12.40bkw_but since people dont know how to use _. it gives you a "moron" warning if you use _.
02:12.48*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:12.56Kumba_Yes, I am definitely a moron at dialplans :D
02:12.58Kumba_so that's ok
02:13.36SwK_carefule w/ _. as it matches everything (including special extens like h)
02:13.49bkw_if its directly used in a context
02:13.56bkw_you always use it in its own context then include it
02:14.00bkw_so its considered secondary
02:14.06bkw_otherwise you mess up
02:14.08SwK_but you know people wont do that ;)
02:14.20bkw_you don't even wanna get me started
02:14.23Kumba_So what you all are really saying is to just bite the bullet and set up all the dialing patterns...
02:15.22*** join/#asterisk dos000 (
02:20.24ManxPower_. is almost never REQUIRED.
02:21.43doolphi have _.
02:21.58doolphin a cc billing
02:22.05doolphthat pass the thing to agi
02:22.24bkw_agi? eww
02:22.36bkw_agi is good for small tasks where you get in and exit
02:22.40bkw_but never do a dial from inside an agi
02:22.48bkw_you're askin for it if you do
02:23.13doolphlet me see what it is
02:24.21doolphah no sorry, its not _. heh they just changed it to the right format
02:25.28*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
02:25.37hmmhesaysI wrote a whole calling card dp without agi
02:25.48doolphcool for you
02:25.54*** join/#asterisk paolob (
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02:26.01hmmhesaysit is pretty nice
02:26.24JTmacros, or apps?
02:26.48hmmhesaysno macros
02:26.55hmmhesayspretty heavily dependent on cmd mysql
02:28.00*** join/#asterisk jets (
02:30.18*** join/#asterisk TrixVox (
02:30.47SwK_that has to be painful
02:31.17hmmhesaysnot really
02:31.48hmmhesaysworks pretty well
02:33.51sumawill iaxy works with fxo port ?
02:34.09SwK_and another example of why extensions.conf is less of a config file and more of a scripting language
02:34.18Kumba_What are the toll-free prefixes? 800/877/888?
02:34.24SwK_and 866
02:34.52hmmhesaysmore or less yeah
02:36.34Kumba_Hmmm... anyone got a patter for international calls? I cant seem to find a clear example on voip-info
02:36.47hmmhesayswhat a fantastically vague question
02:36.54*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
02:36.56Kumba_rr pattern
02:37.06Kumba_damn keyboard... needs batteries...
02:38.17Kumba_well, like local is _NXXXXXX, and domestic is _NXXNXXXXXX... what would international dialing be?
02:39.55Kumba__011. ?
02:42.11hmmhesaysban now I can't get my iax client to register
02:43.29*** join/#asterisk hunmonk (
02:45.59hunmonkhmmhesays: got time for a quick question?
02:46.07hmmhesaysi suppose
02:46.57*** join/#asterisk W9SH (
02:47.11hunmonkhmmhesays:  <-- getting errors like this when i try to use any other iax softphone.  i believe both are using GSM as a codec.  any ideas?
02:47.31hmmhesayswith the 1000 & 2000 peers?
02:47.50hunmonkah, great.  thanks!
02:51.11hmmhesaysthis is odd
02:54.25kavithas anyone else encountered this bug ->
02:56.14hunmonkhmmhesays: ha.  the shareware iax phone sounds like ass, the freeware one sounds perfect...  :)
02:56.18bkw_OMG you're joshing me right? Asterisk has bugs?  SINCE WHEN?
02:56.35hmmhesayswhich ones?
02:56.40bkw_their's more than one?
02:56.47sumabkw_: possible to replace iaxy with fxo module ?
02:56.52bkw_suma, No
02:56.59JTshareware/freeware... aren't both these terms not quite applicable to open source software?
02:57.17QwellJT: no, neither are the same
02:57.17bkw_well why on earth would you even have an IAXy in the first place?
02:57.30sumabkw_: removed the fxs module and used in my tdm400p card ! works fine
02:57.31hunmonkhmmhesays: LoudHush (shareware), JackenIAX (freeware)
02:57.33bkw_you can buy something thats got more codecs and can do what you want for half the price
02:57.51bkw_suma, the firmware doesn't deal with FXO i'm pretty sure of that
02:58.46sumabkw_: so, if we change the firmwae we can add fxo module? hardware is ok to work with that?
02:59.01bkw_doubt digium will even release firmware that would make it an FXO
02:59.07bkw_go buy a sipura
02:59.32bkw_SPA-3000 is it? ya ya thats it
02:59.51bkw_I have one.. works great
03:00.06sumaI thought iax is good compared to sip
03:00.24bkw_I hate the IAX protocol with a passion
03:00.26*** part/#asterisk hunmonk (
03:00.51hmmhesaysI think you just have a special dislike for asterisk as a whole
03:00.51bkw_SIP and RTP are perfectly capable of busting NAT
03:01.02bkw_no asterisk has its place
03:01.08bkw_and I still support it.
03:01.21sumabkw_: that is great
03:01.23bkw_but we have already proven we can bust tripple NAT with RTP+ICE
03:01.42bkw_at linuxtag we had calls going thru their tripple nat from here to there using the Jingle protocol with rtp/ice
03:02.26sumabkw_: i c
03:03.08sumabkw_: i had problems with SIPURA in configuring behind NAT
03:03.56ManxPowerbkw_, *nod*  NAT is NOT a big issue
03:04.10sumabkw_: Asterisk -> NAT -> internet -> NAT (SIPURA)
03:04.58sumadid not went quite well through
03:06.33eliXieryou need a STUN or VPN, i think
03:06.45ManxPowerbkw_, I've been building a CATV system at the campground 8-)
03:07.48hmmhesaysnot anymore it is not
03:07.52*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (
03:07.56NoRemorsehi all
03:08.27*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
03:08.29NoRemorseanyone got any idea what can cause this error please? it happens when trying to dial into asterisk as a guest WARNING[10108]: chan_sip.c:3511 process_sdp: Insufficient information for SDP (m = '', c = '')
03:09.52doolphare you trying to make video
03:10.30bkw_ManxPower, kewl
03:10.37hmmhesaysok now my iax clients aren't registereing
03:10.43bkw_I have been looking at doing IPTV using freeswitch as the core
03:12.22doolphanyone know about hotel+asterisk softwares
03:12.27hmmhesaysbah binding to the wrong nic
03:14.26sumaNoRemorse: you have the SIP Messages belonging to that warning ?
03:15.27hmmhesaysdoolph: what do you mean?
03:15.48doolphi wasnt talking with you
03:16.04doolphbut what you want todo
03:16.38JTdoolph: how can anyone know who you're talking to if you don't direct your questions?
03:16.40hmmhesays"anyone know about hotel+asterisk softwares"
03:17.20doolphhotel billing with pbx integrated using asterisk
03:17.35hmmhesayswhat do you want to know?
03:17.53doolphanyone that has or trying to do something like that
03:18.02hmmhesayswhat do you want to know
03:18.24doolphjust that
03:18.37doolphwhat are the features, etc
03:18.41hmmhesaysyou going to have to ask a more specific question
03:20.36*** join/#asterisk trelane (i=trelane@unaffiliated/trelane)
03:21.17bkw_translation for what doolph wants is "I'm wanting to just take the work of someone else if they have already done the work"
03:21.34lowlevelwow that was one spicey burrito
03:21.36bkw_no need to duplicate work
03:22.46shodanhow does call waiting fit in with * ?
03:23.48*** join/#asterisk Dico_ (n=niko@
03:26.12Kumba_Anyone feel like scanning over a dialplan real quick and telling me if you see any blatantly obvious/newbish/retarded errors?
03:27.07CunningPikeKumba_: pastebin it
03:27.14jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use, or
03:27.20CunningPikeWow - you're fast ;)
03:27.34Kumba_Already had it paste bin'd... I just didn't want to incur anyone's wrath by pasting it...
03:27.35NoRemorsesuma: yes
03:27.37NoRemorseSIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here
03:28.56CunningPikeKumba_: ;) This looks invalid to me: Goto(fbd/fbd-closed,s,1)
03:29.22CunningPikeKumba_: Otherwise, nothing else leapt out at me. Are you having a specific problem?
03:29.35Kumba_no... just first dialplan i've done...
03:29.42Kumba_not looking to have any specific problems :)
03:30.08CunningPikeKumba_: Best way to proceed is to traverse its logic and make note of any errors
03:30.22CunningPikeKumba_: By calling each extension etc
03:30.36Kumba_Yeah... i'm just not sure i'm using the proper syntax's on some of the stuff...
03:30.55CunningPikeshodan: How are you connected to the PSTN?
03:32.49shodanCunningPike, 2 fxos to 2 lines
03:33.37shodanasterisk in the box with the fxos and soft/hardphones on the lan
03:34.17CunningPikeKumba_: Best thing is to just try it :)
03:34.24Kumba_CunningPike: Can I use the n directive in a 101, 102, 103 priority? like 'exten => s,10n,hangup'
03:35.02CunningPikeKumba_: I don't believe so - why do you need to?
03:35.18Kumba_Just curious...
03:35.30Kumba_had a need where I could have used it... for 3 lines...
03:35.32CunningPikeshodan: Hmm - not familiar with how call waiting works on POTS lines
03:36.09CunningPikeKumba_: 'Splain?
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03:38.14shodanCunningPike, you are talking on the phone with 1st caller , then 2nd caller calls , your line does a muffled *beep* *beep* at 3 seconds intervals as long as the 2nd caller is ringing , you flash the line (hangup/pickup quickly) and you switch line to the 2nd caller , after that you can flash the line as often as you want to switch between the callers
03:38.17Kumba_I had a part where if the dial'd ext timed out, to start with the 101 priority, and I needed to add a line for a change...
03:39.35CunningPikeshodan: Yes - what I mean was I'm not sure how it works with SIP phones -> Asterisk ->  FXO -> PSTN
03:40.28shodanoh ok
03:41.38shodanI have a cheapo netweb 301 , but it doesn't have a flash button and I'm pretty sure that if I hangup even quickly it will kill the connection (but can't test because call waiting is currently disabled and the phone isn't properly configured yet (can't find the damn cd :( ))
03:42.11CunningPikeshodan: Ya - I doubt if flashing works on a SIP phone - our Polycoms would hang up right away
03:42.46CunningPikeshodan: There might be a *nn code you can use or something - have you checked the wiki?
03:43.32shodanno, you mean ?
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03:51.07CunningPikeshodan: Yes
03:51.11jbotthewiki is probably at
03:52.48shodanah k , I wasn't sure if that was -the- wiki
03:53.04shodanI just checked looks like it's implemented but the phone must have support for it
03:55.56CunningPikeshodan: I wonder if there is some dialplan trick.......
03:56.59shodandunno , I just got * working for the 1st time , my dialplan isn't even done yet
03:57.01*** join/#asterisk Kasimeng (i=WinNT@
03:57.09KasimengHi Everyone
03:57.32KasimengHave any one try Grandstream HT486 with Asterisk?
03:58.55shodanwhile you're asking I was wondering about getting a 386 so I can use old , more egonomic/less flashy analog phone with my *box
04:00.18hmmhesaysok got my user auth stuff one
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04:45.05shodanwhat ATA should I get to work with * ? (2 fxs under about 100$usd)
04:45.36shodandlink, granstream or linksys ?
04:49.13jbot[docs] Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
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04:49.29ManxPowershodan, SIPura
04:52.48shodanisn't that the same as linksys in a different casing ?
04:53.36shodan ?
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04:56.09Jenocinanyone use hudlite?
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05:07.32shodanManxPower, should I go with that linksys sipura spa-2002 or get an older version sipura spa-2002 ?
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05:19.31KasimengDoes anyone know how to fax with Grandstream and *?
05:26.18png6if I want to reach a sertain extension when I dial in, and only have one number - is the only way a menu system that the user meets when he first call?
05:26.21png6or can I dial 012345 and then press the extensionnumber (where 012345 is my phone number)
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05:33.20CunningPikeshodan: The Linksys is the same thing. Cisco owns Linksys owns Sipura
05:33.43CunningPikeJenocin: I could never get it working. We're looking at FOP instead
05:35.39CunningPikepng6: Both are the same from a dialplan perspective - the only difference is whether you play a sound file or not
05:36.06CunningPikeKasimeng: Grandstream what? ATA?
05:37.16shodanis this possible => I want to get one of those grandstream videophones , can I stream a file (xvid or mpeg2 through mencoder to the proper format maybe) on to the screen ?
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05:38.44shodanthat phone
05:39.16CunningPikeshodan: I'm sure I haven't the faintest idea :)
05:41.53shodanI heard if you do a voicemail it will record the video , maybe I can transcode my video into files that * uses for voicemail ..
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06:04.00ManxPowerpng6, unless you have some weird European ISDN, you have to dial from a menu
06:05.07ManxPowerpng6, and the "weird european isdn" setup would still require multiple numbers from the telco
06:07.14benjkwhat's "weird European ISDN" ?
06:08.16JTmaybe he's refering to the type of BRI that most of the planet uses
06:08.17ManxPowerbenjk, Lets say the standard number length for your country is 10 digits.  You can get 12 digit numberd from the telco
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06:11.33JTanyway, what png6 needs is either a DID for each extension if it must be able to be directly dialled from the PSTN
06:11.48JTor it has to be entered when connected to his asterisk box
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06:19.46benjkI see, I thought you were talking about the protocol itself
06:20.02JTso did i
06:20.05JTweird reference
06:20.15JT"weird european isdn" ;)
06:20.35benjkbut I can see the point
06:20.58benjkfrom a US citizen's point of view most if not all things non-US are "weird" or "bizarre"
06:21.39benjkthey even have national league sports that call themselves "world series" and things like that
06:23.26JTtrue true
06:23.38benjkwe're all extra-terrestrials :)
06:24.10JTis it the same national league that uses metric fucktonnes of padding on their players for a contact sport?
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06:24.24JTor should that be imperial fucktons
06:24.34benjkI wouldn't know
06:25.06benjkbut the term imperial for US measurements and stuff seems more and more appropriate
06:25.27benjkswitchtype = imperialisdn
06:25.52JTswitchtype = proprietaryus
06:25.57benjkaka I2
06:26.41benjklanguage = imperialusenglish
06:27.14benjkcodec = imperallaw
06:27.44benjkmind you, we use that here in post-imperial Japan
06:28.18JTannoys me when people outside of north america or others using the same telephony standards use G.711u because they don't know any better
06:28.37JTand most of the documentation does not clearly state that most of the world uses a-law
06:28.41benjknah, NTT uses T1
06:28.43*** join/#asterisk Grnd-Wire (
06:28.47Grnd-WireGood evening gentlemen!
06:28.55JTlike the asterisk book
06:28.55Grnd-Wireerr - and any ladies that might be in here as well :D
06:28.58benjkand our BRI is EuroISDN
06:29.00JTyeah, japan is weird like that
06:29.20JTdo you run a-law or Mu-law over BRI there?
06:29.28benjkso if our BRI wasn't using ulaw instead of alaw, then the codecs between PRI and BRI wouldn't match
06:29.37benjkthat's not something you want to do on a national level
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06:30.25benjkNTT also has an E1 derived PRI spec which was never implemented, but it also uses ulaw instead of alaw
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06:31.14JTis that the J1?
06:31.26benjkJapanese PRI is T1 but different framing == J1
06:31.36JTah right
06:31.43benjkand Japanese BRI is EuroISDN with ulaw instead of alaw
06:31.54tengulrehow to setting h323 in asterisk? I want using windows's netmeeting to dial my sip phone ? but I dont know how to setting the 'gatekeeper'?
06:31.57JTsame number of channels in CAS and CCS modes respectivly?
06:32.24benjkyes, all the same, just the framing is different
06:32.54tengulrebut netmeeting how to register to asterisk with gatekeeper?
06:32.55JTframe synch or something like that?
06:33.04benjkso if you have a T1/J1 controller chip that does the framing transparently, then from your end it just looks like a T1
06:33.24benjkand many controllers do this these days
06:34.54benjkhowever, NTT has implemented a whole bunch of things in the ISDN specs that other telcos didn't
06:35.07benjkand that's where it can become incompatible
06:35.11benjkespecially with Asterisk
06:35.43benjkbecause many things ISDN does and can do, libpri (and thereby Zaptel/Asterisk) simply ignores
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06:36.19benjkI remember a comment by kapejod somewhere in the source code that hit the nail on the head
06:36.29tengulre11anybody using h323?
06:36.47benjkit said something like "ISDN is more than a bunch of analog channels with digital codecs"
06:37.54benjktenguire, I don't think you need h323
06:38.07benjkNetMeeting does support SIP these days, or so I heard
06:38.15JTso i bought some flat 8core modular cable and 8P8C plugs to suit, to make my T1 cable
06:38.18JTthen i got home
06:38.19JTand thought
06:38.23JTwhy did i buy that?
06:38.36Grnd-Wirehmm.. A network cable woulda worked well :D
06:39.00JTGrnd-Wire: you mean cat5... ethernet crossover cable does not do T1 crossover
06:39.05benjkbut it helps if there is some trouble and your customer asks "who made that cable?"
06:39.42JTbut yeah, clearly T1 uses differential signals, so there is no point to using flat cable
06:39.54benjkI always carry a set of NTT supplied T1 cables with me for that purpose
06:39.58Grnd-WireJT: Ya,  know.. 1,2,4,5  .. I didn't know he needed crossover..
06:40.14Grnd-WireIt's hard to make crossover cables out of flat cable, cause you can't really cross them :P
06:40.21JTi must've for some reason thought i heard someone say to use flat cable
06:40.26JTi'm sure it's possible
06:40.29benjksame why I use IBM boxes for demos
06:40.41benjkthe label on the cable or box is most important over here
06:40.59JTbenjk: ntt cables, are they Cat5 UTP?
06:41.28Grnd-WireJT: Oh yes, you can use "silver-satin" for T1.. but only if you're going to connect a NIU to the CSU, since it won't be crossed..
06:41.29benjkpresumably they are, but NTT says they are INS1500 cables
06:41.40benjkso that's what they are in the minds of customers
06:42.01JTGrnd-Wire: silver satin?
06:42.16benjkMoody Blues cabling
06:42.27benjkno wait, that was white satin
06:42.31Grnd-WireHAHA.. You know, everything needs a cute name..
06:42.51JTwhat's the distance limit on using flat cable?
06:42.56benjkyeah, like I saw this truck today
06:42.59Grnd-WireThat flat grey cable.. You just call it silver satin and everyone (except you obviously) knows that I'm talking about :D
06:43.09benjkit said Crystal Clara
06:43.15benjknever heard of that brand before
06:43.27JTit's cremey-beige usually, here
06:43.32benjkbut it kinda sounds familiar :)
06:44.01Grnd-WireJT: hmm - Tricky question.. I know it's REALLY far.. You want twists though.. If you're going more than a couple a hundred feet, you've gotta have them configure the NIU for that anyway..
06:44.25Grnd-WireI know I've never extended a smart jack with anything other than CAT5, cause it'd be crazy to do anything else . :P
06:44.28JTGrnd-Wire: yeah i gathered it would be "far" with twists, i was curious without
06:45.06Grnd-WireJT: Considering what kind of cable is buried in the ground.. T1's are differential, so they're extremely tolerant of noise and such..
06:45.34benjkall new T1s (ahem J1s) in Japan come over fiber
06:46.03Grnd-WireSo maybe I can interject a question in the middle of all of this.. Has anyone ever setup any sort of asterisk peering?
06:46.09Grnd-Wireerr.. I guess it's called "friends"
06:46.20Grnd-WireI'm looking to play with DUNDI, and I'm not sure where to start..
06:46.23benjkany sort of asterisk peering sounds very broad though
06:46.43JTbenjk: are the T1 cables you see STP or UTP?
06:46.52benjkyou'll find that anybody habving done asterisk setups will have done some kind of peering
06:47.08JTall the ISDN BRI S-bus cables I see around here are STP
06:47.13Grnd-Wirebenjk: At the moment I have two working machines that don't know about each other.. when I'm done I want them to know about each other, and know that one machine hosts 2xxx extensions, and the other hosts 3xxx extensions..
06:47.28Grnd-Wirebenjk: Is that a little more specific for ya? :P
06:47.54benjkyou can use the switch statement in the dialplan for that
06:48.16JTbenjk: any observations, re: s-bus cables?
06:48.38benjkI am not into cable science really
06:48.50JTah ok
06:49.03JTwell it's obvious to me because of the shielded modular plugs
06:49.09benjkI use what cables come with the equipment or what generally accepted suppliers ship
06:49.13JTall the metal sheeting around them
06:49.39Grnd-Wirebenjk: hmm.. Switch? That's not in the O'Reilly book.. at least in the Application reference. Is that where I should be looking?
06:49.55benjkI never read that book
06:50.29benjkyou may want to search for dialplan and switch cmd at
06:50.50benjkbasically it is a sort of import of another asterisk server's dialplan (or part thereof)
06:51.36benjkand for transport, you could use IAX trunking
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06:52.04benjkset up a peer and friend in each machine's iax.conf
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06:52.57benjkpeer entry of machine A corresponds to friend entry of machine B and vice versa
06:54.09benjkif you have multiple concurrent calls between the two machines you can enable IAX trunking in those entries and they will then bundle all the calls between them into a single data stream
06:54.22Grnd-Wireok, that's what I was looking for.. So there isn't a specific way to setup trunking.. OOOH, ok..
06:54.42Grnd-WireNow THAT is what I'm talking about. :) Very cool.. ok - Let me go read some more. ;)
06:54.43benjkwell, like I said, you need to have those corrsponding entries in iax.conf
06:55.03benjkand for trunking those entries need to have a line trunk=yes
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06:55.37Grnd-WireSo what's a good IAX softphone to use for testing?
06:55.43tengulreanybody can help me?
06:55.49benjkactually it is peer and user
06:55.51benjknot friend
06:56.05benjkfriend is a way to combine both entries into a single entry
06:56.08tengulreGrnd-Wire, iaxcomm
06:56.23tengulreanybody using H323 in asterisk?
06:57.15benjksome folks like to use friend, but I only use that for terminals, not for peering between servers
06:57.41benjksome people get religious about the friends versus user/peer thing
06:57.43Grnd-Wirebenjk: Ok, so you do NOT use friend? You're recommending against it.. ok That's cool - Until I know otherwise, I'll work on that understanding myself
06:57.50JTbenjk: reasoning?
06:57.58benjkI dunno
06:58.05Grnd-Wirebenjk: I'm sure they do.. I'll just do it your way, cause you're talking to me.. :)
06:58.27tengulreJT, do u using H323 in asterisk? how to using netmeeting with h323 gatekeepter in asterisk?
06:58.34JTtengulre: nup
06:58.36benjkI personally find it easier to keep things clear by separating the incoming from the outgoing connections in separate entries
06:59.00tengulrehow to using netmeeting with h323 gatekeepter in asterisk?
06:59.19benjkif you use friends, then there are some things that are implicit, not explicit
06:59.32benjkso its less to type, but easy to overlook something
06:59.39JTtengulre: ffs, you've asked enough already, perhaps read up on it now since no-one here knows
06:59.59benjkhe doesn't even need H323 for NetMeeting
07:00.14tengulrebenjk: do u know how to do ?
07:00.23e-ddieare there any good video softphones for linux, with h.263 support?
07:00.42benjkall I know is that the Linux clone for NetMeeting (forgot the name) has changed from H323 to SIP
07:00.51benjkif they did that, it means MS changed to SIP
07:01.08e-ddieekiga is the name of it
07:01.16benjkdid they change the name?
07:01.25benjkit was something with meeting at the end
07:01.33tengulrebenjk: my mean is how to using NetMeeting to register to asterisk with gatekeeper?
07:01.51e-ddiewas gnomemeeting before
07:01.56Grnd-Wirebenjk:   Lookey what I found :D
07:02.00benjkah yes , that's the name
07:02.53tengulrenobody know?
07:02.56JTtengulre: and the point is you don't have to if netmeeting can use SIP
07:03.10JTtengulre: have you checked and are 100% absolutely usre that it cannot do SIP?
07:03.38tengulreJT: :(
07:04.17tengulremy mean is  Netmeeting ---> <H323>---->Asterisk ---><SIP>--->sip phone
07:04.34JTi understand that, but do you need to use H.323?
07:04.42JTSIP would be a lot easier
07:04.51JTH.323 requires a gatekeeper
07:05.15tengulreor NetMeeting ----> <H.323>--->Asterisk gatekeeper
07:05.28Juggie~seen theplot
07:05.33jbottheplot <i=ThePlot@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 14d 13h 6m 42s ago, saying: 'I did set in the address field to match the username too'.
07:05.41JTor NetMeeting ---> <SIP> ---> Asterisk
07:05.47JTwhy don't you want to consider it?
07:05.48tengulreJT: no
07:06.06JTwhy not?
07:06.29tengulreJT, because the NetMeeting can not support SIP.
07:07.55tengulreanyway Netmeeing how to register to asterisk with gatekeeper????
07:08.25JTadding extra question marks won't add extra answers
07:08.32JTseems you are living in the past
07:08.34JTWith Windows XP, Microsoft dropped continued development of H.323-based Netmeeting in favor of the SIP-based collection of standards, discussed below. Microsoft has explicitly embedded SIP within its new .Net framework, and SIP is used for its Windows Messenger product (versus H.323 for its MSN Messenger product).
07:09.30tengulreJT, Thanks!
07:13.15tengulreJT, I can not open it!
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07:16.16Grnd-Wirebenjk: hmm - I don't think switch is what I want, since it says you can't use switch in a circular fashion..
07:16.24Grnd-Wire"Notes: You may not establish circular links by switching serverA to serverB and serverB to serverA!"
07:17.04JTtengulre: try
07:18.20tengulreJT,Thank you very much!
07:20.05JTgoogle for netmeeting sip
07:20.13JTheaps of things talk about ms dropping h.323
07:20.20JTand going to ms messenger
07:22.04Un1xanyone do AGI scripting for money :D?
07:32.10Grnd-Wireoh god - This is so cool.. It's actually working properly.. Well.. I should say, I'm seeing diagnostic messages showing up :D
07:36.40benjkUn1x, didn't you talk to asteriasgi?
07:37.01Un1xno whos that?
07:37.07Grnd-Wirebenjk: What does this error mean? Aug 21 00:36:42 NOTICE[4973]: chan_iax2.c:7303 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '000@iax2users' does not exist
07:37.22benjkSwK said they already have an AGI or app that did exactly what you wanted and he said you should contact them on Monday
07:37.35Grnd-Wirebenjk: It's obvious the dial plan stuff is working, cause that is happening when I dial from the other console..
07:37.36benjkI think it was
07:38.29benjkif they don't have what you need, contact me again
07:39.10Un1xi gotta go sleep now tho
07:39.12Un1xkinda late
07:39.19Un1xthanks alot tho benjk have a goodnite
07:39.20benjkbut asteria are good at what they do, so I am confident that you'll find their stuff useful
07:39.32Un1xok goodnight and thanks alot man :)
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07:40.43benjkGrnd-Wire, I have to go to see a customer before end of business and its 4:40 pm here, contact me later if you still have problesm
07:41.04Grnd-Wirebenjk: Sure.. Have a good, err.. night! :D
07:41.10Grnd-WireI appreciate the help you've given me..
07:41.12vltHello. Very strange (for me) NAT behavior here: Asterisk is behind NAT, "extenip" is set correctly in sip.conf. After my external IP changes (every night) Asterisk is still working for a few hours *without* correcting "externip=". When I finally change sip.conf and reload/restart it takes up to 1 hour until it works again. "sip show registry" shows "Request Sent" (for two different SIP registrations). How can I speed up the register process?
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08:01.58boobee2what could be a fast way to enable/disable outbound calling for an exten via a php script? talking to * manager?
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08:05.04Grnd-Wireboobee2: hmm - Some sort of conditional using the AsterDB ?
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08:10.09vltSorry for posting again (my connection was reset) but ...
08:10.10vltHello. Very strange (for me) NAT behavior here: Asterisk is behind NAT, "extenip" is set correctly in sip.conf. After my external IP changes (every night) Asterisk is still working for a few hours *without* correcting "externip=". When I finally change sip.conf and reload/restart it takes up to 1 hour until it works again. "sip show registry" shows "Request Sent" (for two different SIP registrations). How can I speed up the register process?
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08:11.02boobee2Grnd-Wire with some kind of - CLI> database put var value - ?
08:11.15Assidvlt: get a dynamic host name.. and have that update .. then keep using sip reload
08:11.25ChrisDE4hi... whats this:  channel.c: Got a FRAME_CONTROL (3) frame on channel ...
08:11.25Juggievlt, use externhost rather then externip
08:11.32Juggieand setup a dynamic dns somewhere.
08:11.40Assiddidnt i just say that
08:11.48ChrisDE4...WARNING[5854] channel.c: Unable to handle indication 3 for 'SIP/
08:12.22boobee2Grnd-Wire what would you suggest using to write/read that var in astdb from a php page?
08:12.52Assidboobee2: why not use SQL ?
08:13.40boobee2Assid is that stable? setup will be ~500 sip peers loaded
08:14.25boobee2sorry, i read SQL = mysql
08:14.38Assidwelll you could use mysql too
08:15.07Assidthats how realtime works
08:15.09boobee2you mean storing sip.conf in a sql db? realtime isn't it?
08:15.35boobee2i was working that way, but had been noticed of unstability of realtime ATM so i stopped
08:16.56boobee2yup, somebody told me bout it here on friday
08:17.21boobee2but was just general talking
08:18.08boobee2anyway, i'll test it myself so i'll be fixed
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08:20.07VecIs it possible to run 2 high density analogue digium cards without problems? I have heard that slow linux interupts cause problems ?
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08:20.40Assidwell. try and avoid transcoding.. that would help you plenty
08:21.12VecAssid : Do you mean changing from one codec to another between cards ?
08:21.19JTtry to make sure each card has an interupt that is unshared
08:21.31vltAssid: Thank you. What would a dyndns name be useful for? Should I set "externhost=" to that dyndns-addr? Where is the difference to updating the IP manually in sip.conf (I mean, why doesn't it work immediately)?
08:21.37Assidyeah.... between devices..
08:21.50VecHas anyone got 2 cards to work well together ?
08:21.54Assidvlt: not sure.. i use externost
08:21.58ChrisDE4again.. does anyone know what "Got a FRAME_CONTROL (3) frame on channel.." means? ... is this a synonym for "Hangup"?
08:22.37Grnd-WireAssid: I'm trying to get IAX trunking to work between two boxes. I'm following the directions on, but I'm getting an error message - and it's not clear to me what it means.. Even after turning on IAX debugging.
08:22.51Grnd-WireAnyone interested in seeing the error? :D
08:22.59Assidwhat error do you get in the CLI on both the boxes
08:23.13Assidin the one sending the call... and the one receiving the call
08:23.33Grnd-WireAssid: It says it's rejecting the call because: "000@iax2users does not exist"
08:23.51Grnd-Wirethe iax2users is the context I'm placing the call into on the PEER (receiving)
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08:25.26vltAssid: Now I set "". Turning on "sip debug" tells me that outgoing REGISTER requests use my external IP (not the hostname) but it still doesn't work.
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08:27.15BugKhamanyway to identify a call from my E1 if there's no callerid?
08:31.33vltI just added another "register =>" line to sip.conf (a peer I haven't used for at least 3 days), reloaded, but it only shows "Request Sent" ... Could it be a problem on the NAT router (Debian Sarge)?
08:33.16JTBugKham: magic?
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08:33.28Grnd-WireAssid: You still interested in those error messages? I've got them now..
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08:34.29webmancan anyone see anything wrong in this fragment from a sip invite "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 18 8 100"
08:34.30BugKhamJT: just wondering if there's a way
08:35.03Grnd-Wireok, well I'll post these for anyone else :)  The USER (person dialing) is showing me this error: Aug 21 01:32:56 WARNING[4973]: chan_iax2.c:7075 socket_read: Call rejected by No such context/extension
08:35.06webmanBugKham: you could ID it by the uniqueid, or the channel perhaps
08:35.35Grnd-WireAnd the PEER is showing: *CLI> Aug 21 00:35:02 NOTICE[6731]: chan_iax2.c:7303 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '000@iax2users' does not exist
08:36.03Grnd-WireI don't know what it's complaining about! The context exists.. what is that 000@iax2users all about?
08:36.16BugKhamwebman: but that will not tell where the call comes from anyway
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08:37.04BugKhamwebman: any other identity from telco, apart from callerid?
08:38.10webmanBugKham: well, you didn't say you wanted to know where it was *from*.... you could ask the telco to supply CID, and reject any calsl without CID
08:38.25*** join/#asterisk Skaag (
08:38.42webmanGrnd-Wire: what is the dial line on the user box
08:39.02SkaagI'm trying to connect xten lite to asterisk, it says login timed out.
08:39.17JTBugKham: identify their voice? their pretty much is no other way
08:39.21JTunless you're a telco
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08:39.28JTand have SS7 interconnect with them
08:39.32JTthen you could get ANI
08:40.44Skaagoh god, ss7..!
08:40.55SkaagI remember 10 years ago I played with SS7 ;-)
08:41.03Skaagand with the earlier ITUT protocol
08:41.28Skaagboxing the world with tonelock ;-)
08:41.33Skaagand TLO
08:41.41Skaag(The Little Operator)
08:42.16SkaagAnd today, I can't connect a simple SIP client with Asterisk ;-)
08:43.39Grnd-Wirewebman: It's simple, just:   exten => _7XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/to-andy/${EXTEN:1},30,r)
08:43.59BugKhamJT: ok
08:44.09Grnd-Wirewebman: And I've got all the credentials listed in my iax.conf file - I can send you to pastebin if you want, none if it is confidential?
08:44.46webmanGrnd-Wire: well, that is where it is getting the 000 from I suppose (I assume you are dialling 7000)
08:45.02webmanwhat if you add the context in the dial line?
08:45.09Grnd-Wireoh god - I just figured that out myself :D
08:45.15Grnd-WireTHAT is what that :1 means.. drop the 1..
08:45.18Grnd-Wireerr.. One digit
08:45.19Grnd-WireFUCK ME
08:45.41SkaagIt seems like my Asterisk is trying to contact my sip client back, but there's no way it's going to do that through the firewall
08:45.45Grnd-WireYou know - that's what I get for using example code, and not completely understanding it. :D
08:45.46Skaaghow does that work then?
08:46.01Grnd-Wirewebman: yay.. It does what it's supposed to now. :D
08:46.24webmanskaag: the client sends out the data, so the firewall should know to let the data back in again...
08:46.34webmanGrnd-Wire: glad to help :)
08:47.13Skaagwebman: but it looks like the firewall initiates new connections, it doesn't reply on the same initial client connection
08:47.19SkaagI don't see why the firewall would agree to allow that
08:47.38Skaagunless i'm wrong in my interpretation of how this works
08:48.20webmanskaag: yep, you just might be wrong :) since it is working for millions of people out there ....
08:48.53webmanskaag: sometimes the firewall will understand SIP and be able to do extra smart things, but it should work fine without this anyway
08:49.41SkaagI must be doing something wrong then
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08:52.27Grnd-Wireok guys - Time for bed.. Thanks for the help! heh..
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08:55.59E-bolaDo anybody run asterisk on a multihomed server?
08:56.49VecAnyone had any experiance running 2 or more digium cards in a linux box, I have heard that it does not work very well ?
08:58.08E-bolaMultihomed as in running an asterisk on a server with 2 nic's a wan nic and a lan nic
09:02.35*** join/#asterisk pyrom (
09:02.55pyromHaving some register issues, with my sipura 3102 and asterisk, what's best method of debugging?
09:03.12pyromusing sip debug and asterisk -cvvvv
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09:03.57pyrom..."register_verify: Peer 'pstn-spa3k' is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic
09:03.57pyrom"..."Registration from 'pstn-spa3k <sip:pstn-spa3k@>' failed for ''" Where is the sipura
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09:18.28kannanhello all
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09:22.51kannanthanx Jeffjohnson, any link I can learn from on howto?
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09:23.43JTyou really need to provide a little more information on what you want to do, kannan
09:24.05SanketMedhihello, I want to know if Realtime works perfectly with Asterisk
09:24.22AhrimanesSanketMedhi: define perfectly ?
09:24.24SanketMedhiI have faced probs with sip.conf and extensions.conf thru Realtime
09:24.37SanketMedhiAhrimanes: was that fine?
09:24.38Jeffjohnsonkannan: no :) you must spawn the asterisk gui on an serial device, /etc/inittab would help. Should be the same way like connecting over serial to a console
09:24.50AhrimanesSanketMedhi: more accurate, good yes
09:25.15SanketMedhiAhrimanes: good yes?
09:25.21kannanoh ok, I am currently using the gnudialer and vicidial to make out bound calls thru SIP termination, I'd like to interface now thru PSTN and call a telco's number thru the hyperterminal to input old telephone number, the telco will send me back the new telephone number
09:25.25SanketMedhiAhrimanes: is that the answer?
09:25.29AhrimanesSanketMedhi: yep... but it's working nicely here though
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09:26.12Jeffjohnsonkannan: ok you don't want the asterisk interface over serial .p
09:26.17Ahrimanesanyone know an enterprise grade pc switchboard solution for asterisk, that can integrate with exchange to see if people are in meetings etc?
09:26.35SanketMedhiAhrimanes: so you mean I can dump some data into a Mysql DB and Asterisk Realtime will pick it up without any need to reload/restart on the fly?
09:28.16AhrimanesSanketMedhi: yes, we're doing that with sip peers
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09:29.57SanketMedhiAhrimanes: Ok, a friend also says SIP peers works fine, but what about extensions?
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09:33.43kannanok, i get that spawn on a serial device , i'll try that out . Whats the equivqlent of hyper terminal on a linux box? :)
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09:35.45SanketMedhiAhrimanes: ?
09:37.08Jeffjohnsonkannan: minicom
09:37.32VecAnyone had any experiance running 2 or more high density digium cards in a linux box, I have heard that it does not work very well ?
09:38.02Jeffjohnsonkannan: but i thought you want to dial numbers? I dont really know what you want :)
09:38.09AhrimanesVec: there tends to be some problems with interrupts
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09:39.07SanketMedhiare there any compatibility issues between softphones? eg. ekiga and x-lite?
09:39.43kannanthanx again Jeffjohnson :) ; I do need to dial out to one telephone number provided by the telco. If the hyperterminal calls this no, we can input any number and it will respond with the changed number
09:40.13E-bolakannan: what kinda weird ass setup is that?=
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09:40.39kannanso I was thinking I can interface thru 8 WLL phones which come with modem
09:41.14Jeffjohnsonkannan: my asterisk skills are too low :) don't know if the asterisk cli is what you really want
09:41.37kannanheh, I have a huge database of old numbers and a few yellow pages are ready to buy this if I can get the changed numbers also after getting the new number and then doing a telephonic survey
09:45.02kannana large number of telephone exchanges just upgraded from manual to electronic in many towns. The telco company has provided a number which we can call and input the old number, it will then respond with a new number, I was wondering if it is possible to somehow do this on an autodialler like gnuialer or the astguiclient application.
09:45.46kannanthe number can be called only by hyperterminal (or minicom? maybe :))
09:46.53pyromminicom would ofc work
09:47.08kannanty pyrom.
09:47.31tzafrirkannan, minicom/hyperterminal is for a serial console. you can connect to a linux server via a serial terminal using getty and a serail port
09:47.49tzafrirHowever if you connect via a network, use ssh and putty
09:47.58pyrombut do you use some modem?
09:48.14kannanthe dialler came with scratch install instructions , so i felt a bit like like i knew asterisk, but actually i dont i guess , ha hah
09:48.16vlrki could not able to trace where we need to give the user /password ,mysql host for the mysql authentication purpose , i want to use the voicemail with the mysql database . I think extconfig.conf is the place where we mention the  datbase driver name , database name and the table name . so can any body give an hint where can i find my required details
09:48.33kannani can manually do it thru a wll phone thru which i am connected to the net
09:49.05zaswkhi, i'am using a tdm22 card, FXS line is working with a phone but not with a fax/phone device (no ring, but i can call, and even answer): the second one is not ringing, so it is unable to answer and receive fax. Any idea ?
09:49.26VecAhrimanes : I have also heard there is problems with interupts, has anyone sorted those problems out ?
09:49.50kannancurrently i use only SIP ATAs (fxs ports) and a far end termination provider terminates to pstn for me
09:50.42kannanthe WLL phone has in-built modem
09:51.12zaswkVec: digium cards have to be alone on one interrupt line, else i experienced bad things, they really dislike any sharing (at least here)
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09:54.44zaswkVec: i had to disable Pnp and force irqs in BIOS (beware of PCI slots too, e.g. ASUS motherboards 1/5 2/6)
09:55.13AhrimanesVec: basically if you KNOW that you put the cards on seperate pci busses etc, it should be possible to run more cards in one server.. but not sure it's a good idea
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09:57.31zaswkAhrimanes: any idea about why a phone is ringing while another is not on an FXS line ?
09:58.13Ahrimaneszaswk: huh?
09:59.17KasimengDoes anyone know about Asterfax?
09:59.29Un1xjoin #asterfax
09:59.43Un1xim joking dude!
10:00.08Kasimengthen, does anyone use it before?
10:00.53KasimengI mean use it with trixbox
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10:01.06zaswkAhrimanes: i connected a phone on a FXS line (tdm22b port 1) -> ok, then i connected a Sharp ux370 phone/fax -> no ring, but everything else is working. I suspected signalling, tried fxo_ls,fxo_ks but without success
10:04.25Ahrimaneszaswk: ah.. hm no not really, i mostly have experience with ata's for connecting phones and faxes
10:05.10zaswkAhrimanes: ok :)
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10:21.29xnonfriends exist any repositorie for install freepbx in debian with apt?
10:22.13xnoni have debian sarge and asterisk but i cant install freepbx
10:22.47xnonConnecting to database..FAILED
10:22.47xnon[FATAL] mysql PHP libraries not installed
10:26.06xnoni have a freepbx package but i cant install but this error is show me!
10:26.40xnonthe first time i wasnt have this error but latter show it
10:26.51SanketMedhixnon: you don't have the php-mysql package installed
10:27.36xnonwhat is the exactly name of this package?
10:28.26xnoni have a mysql and php installed friend
10:28.58xnonii  php4-mysql     4.3.10-16linex MySQL module for php4
10:29.09xnonii  php4           4.3.10-16linex server-side, HTML-embedded scripting languag
10:29.26xnonii  mysql-server-4 4.1.11a-4sarge mysql database server binaries
10:29.43xnonyou see it
10:30.02xnonor the package is the other one'?
10:33.07*** join/#asterisk ltd (
10:34.53RoyKxnon: /j #freepbx
10:34.54SanketMedhixnon: where is apache?
10:35.12SanketMedhiumm yeah :P
10:35.51SanketMedhican someone tell me about compatibility issues between soft phones?
10:36.07SanketMedhiekiga and x-lite don't seem to work with each other
10:36.12SanketMedhiany clues?
10:38.31Dico_SanketMedhi, what do you mean they don't seem to work together /
10:38.40Dico_you mean on the same computer ?
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10:40.09SanketMedhiDico_: no on two different machines
10:40.36SanketMedhiDico_: I have an Asterisk server and 2 clients, one Windoze with X-lite and the other FC5 with Ekiga
10:40.44SanketMedhiboth clients register
10:41.10SanketMedhiamazingly, when I dial Ekiga's number, I get number incomplete
10:41.43SanketMedhiX-lite does not allow me to add a number like myext@myserver
10:41.53SanketMedhiall I can enter is the number
10:42.13SanketMedhiwhen I dial from ekiga to x-lite, I get an error on my asterisk console
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10:48.20xnonapache is in /var/www
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10:50.15SanketMedhixnon: which distro?
10:50.24xnonDebian Sarge
10:53.19SanketMedhido you know how to use synaptic?
10:54.27SanketMedhixnon: go to #debian
10:54.43SanketMedhixnon: once you have LAMP working, come here
10:55.02SanketMedhiin fact, once you have LAMP working, go to #freepbx
10:56.42*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
10:57.28EmleyMoorIs the Logitech 350 headset OK for use with Linux-based softphones? (asking here because I will be connecting through asterisk)
10:57.57SanketMedhiEmleyMoor: headsets have nothing to do with Asterisk or any softphone
10:58.41EmleyMoorIndeed - it's more to do with support at the audio level I guess
10:59.09SanketMedhiif your sound system is working, it will work
10:59.43SanketMedhiif your system is up to date, your sound system will work :)
10:59.55EmleyMoorThat headset is an additional sound system in its own right - so I need to check elsewhere I guess
11:00.30SanketMedhiEmleyMoor: by sound system I meant your software
11:00.38SanketMedhijust try it
11:00.41SanketMedhiit will work
11:00.55SanketMedhiif it doesn't, ask in your distribution's channel
11:01.22EmleyMoorNobody there seems to know - thanks for the advice anyway
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11:20.16Aurshi puzzled
11:21.30pyromI can't get my sipura to register with asterisk
11:21.39pyromAnything i should look for?
11:22.04pyromManaged once before i upgraded the firmware, but now i can't - might've missed something but i realy dont know : Followed all guides out there.
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11:28.04Dr^Mousecan someone please help? i am getting no effect (as shown in ztmonitor) from adjusting the zapata.conf txgain setting (on a tdm400 card, fxo module)
11:28.54Dr^Mouseeven putting it up to stupidly high figures doesnt help. im on zaptel 1.2.7 (tried on 1.2.6 aswell) and asterisk 1.2.10
11:30.16Dr^Mouseas a result i am unable to get ztmonitor to show tx level of 50%, it is always coming out as arounf 1600-1700
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11:34.23Ahrimaneshey oej :)
11:34.56oejWelcome back
11:34.58oejI am disconnecting soon
11:35.07Ahrimanesoh no why ?
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11:35.45Dr^MouseAhrimanes - dont think he likes you :P
11:36.06Ahrimaneshe knows talking to me means work ;)
11:36.08Aursvery soon Ahrimanes.. hehe
11:36.51Dr^Mousehas anyone else had problems with tdm400 cards not adjusting gain?
11:37.16AhrimanesDr^Mouse: sorry, dont use them
11:37.28Dr^Mousei wish i didnt
11:37.56Ahrimanestried calling digium ?
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11:38.19Dr^Mousebeen nothing but trouble from day one. ive become very good over the last 2 months at solving echo problems, but if i cant adjust the gain...
11:38.40Ahrimaneshm, annoying
11:39.49viperdudehi i have a zap card that is forwarding all calls to another asterisk via IAX but IAX detection is not working on the 2nd asterisk box... any ideas?
11:40.05viperdudeoops meant DTMF detection
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11:45.47Dr^Mouseright, gotta go. must plug back into phone system (this customers network is virused to hell, so weve gotta keep the phones on a sepparate lan :( of meaning no remote administration either :'( )
11:57.56benjkRoyK, I think I saw in the scrollback you wanted to know how to reject calls on PRI, did you sort it out or do you still need an answer?
11:59.43Aurswhy should i use friend in sip.conf? or why not?
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12:10.41mutanyone know why shell commands don't work via manager api?
12:11.05mutif i action: command .. command: ! touch /tmp/somefile
12:11.07mutit doesn't work
12:11.12mutnor does
12:11.16mutaction: command .. command: ! exec touch /tmp/somefile
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12:25.16Aursmut: don't know, but.. do you have permissions to do it (in manager.conf)?
12:25.46mutResponse: Follows
12:25.46mutPrivilege: Command
12:25.46mut--END COMMAND--
12:25.57mutit lets me do it
12:26.03mutbut it doesn't do anything
12:26.10mutif i do it at the cli
12:26.11mutit works
12:27.20rg1_hey, any of you guys know if you can do a "gosub" within a While() loop, where that "gosub" contains its own While()?  i.e. can you execute a while within a while?
12:27.48benjkwhat does the console say?
12:27.58mutsame output benjk
12:28.09mutif i use a command that outputs data
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12:28.13mut! ls /var/log
12:28.16benjkdoes it say something like executing foobar in new stack ?
12:28.17mutin the CLI it shows output
12:28.24RoyKbenjk: it seems to be possible to reply with a PRI cause 34
12:28.29benjkemphasis on "new stack" ?
12:28.29mutin the api it shows what i pasted above
12:28.38RoyKbenjk: 'lying' about 'no more Bchans available'
12:28.44rg1_anyone know if you can execute a While() within a While()?  Can you have nested While()'s
12:28.53benjkif it does execute in a new stack, then you can nest
12:29.10RoyKrg1_: do with gotoif() instead, perhaps
12:29.24benjkRoyK, yes PRI_CAUSE is the one to use
12:29.41rg1_thanks roy
12:29.43RoyKbenjk: I know, and I beleive 34 is the only one that'll work...
12:29.53benjkif you set it to 1 and hangup, you can event fake a "this number is not in service"
12:30.03benjkoh really?
12:30.12benjkI can send anything I want
12:30.17RoyKbut not in service will reject the call
12:30.21benjkincluding 1
12:30.25RoyK34 will say 'use the next link'
12:30.31RoyKor no?
12:30.45benjkah, ok, I wasnt sure what your intent was
12:31.13RoyKmy intent is to stop bothering the telco whenever i want to move a DID from one PRI link to another
12:31.22RoyKbecause they fuck up all the time
12:31.23benjkyou can look up the PRI code in include/asterisk/causes.h
12:31.58benjkor that :)
12:32.22RoyKthat pdf even has some description :)
12:32.33benjkso you want do divert the call to another channel if it doesn't come in on the desired one
12:33.53benjkyou may also want to look at Q.850
12:34.09benjkthat describes additional cause code information elements
12:34.39caio1982tzafrir: looks like the patch i'm backporting to asterisk in debian trunk (t38 support for faxing) is conflicting with bristuff because that patch commands inside debian/rules. although i'm not yet sure about this, what's the best and easy way to disable bristuff so it wont get built?
12:35.17RoyKbenjk: where can i find that?
12:35.34benjkI got a copy from coppice
12:35.57RoyKme have?
12:35.57benjkI can send it to you if you like
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12:37.07caio1982benjk: what about sending it to as well?
12:37.48benjkoh dear, I hope I don't have to send it to 194 people now :)
12:38.24tzafrircaio1982, nullify the bristuff dpatch?
12:39.22benjkjust run the download script without the install script
12:39.43*** part/#asterisk negativecreep (n=xaeem@
12:39.43caio1982tzafrir: i thought there was some variable for it or something like that; i'll just comment the calls to this patch then
12:39.45benjkthat'll fetch all the stuff that bristuff fetches but not patch and not build
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12:40.24caio1982benjk: actually it's about the debian package, not the real bristuff procedures :)
12:40.37tzafrircaio1982, there is a var for the docs :-(
12:40.40benjkah ok, dunno about that one
12:41.02benjkalthough I am running Ubuntu which is a cousin of Debian
12:41.36benjkRoyK, did you get the mail?
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12:42.01RoyKbenjk: yep, thanks :)
12:45.01[TK]D-Fenderbenjk: More like : "If a man and a woman in Arkansas get divorced.... are they still brother & sister?"
12:46.49mutanyone have the latest trunk?
12:46.59muttest shell command via manager api?
12:47.03mutor even latest stable
12:47.45benjkare you sure you want to allow the manager api to execute shell commands?
12:48.33mutright now i only need it for debugging purposes on an app that interfaces with the apio
12:48.55mutnothing that is put in practice
12:49.13benjkI guess you can always use ssh
12:49.28mutnot to test this app
12:49.36muti need to be able to dump a large amount of data from the manager api
12:49.40muton command
12:49.48mutand there is nothing that i can use to do that
12:50.12benjkand gcc and make
12:51.31caio1982benjk: got your mail, thanks
12:51.32mutbut ya know, now that i think about it
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12:52.09mutis there a free dll that does ssh?
12:52.24muti don't think i want to make an ssh implementation just to do what i'm thinking
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12:52.34tzafrirmut: putty?
12:52.35mutwebsite is in asp
12:52.49mutneed to get something i can interface with it via the website
12:53.46tzafrir~google putty
12:53.48benjkputty is a windows ssh terminal application
12:54.18muthow does that help me scripting it in asp/vbscript?
12:54.26benjkhow would we know
12:54.40muti'de assume he knew because he recommended it..?
12:54.51benjkthis is (or at least used to be) a unix centric channel
12:55.31benjkor because he once got stuck trying to connect to a server via ssh when he was unfortunate enough to end up in front of a Windows box
12:56.07mutit's not by choice i use asp
12:57.07tzafrirPut a linux box and be done with it
12:57.20tzafrirAt least then you could ask us for help ;-)
12:57.35mutwell what i origionally asked was asterisk related
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12:58.14rg1_RoyK - I did the GotoIf - here is what I got in the log.  I would have thought based on this log, the logic would have jumped to the stop_asking_for_response - but it just fell through to the next statement - here is the log
12:58.27tzafrirmut, I'm not sure I understand what you orginally asked
12:58.41muttzafrir: you can execute shell commands via cli
12:58.50mute.g ! touch /tmp/filename
12:58.57mutwill create/touch a file into /tmp/filename
12:59.00mutat cli
12:59.01tzafrirmut, basically: no. "!" is not a manager command
12:59.11mutright.. it's a cli command
12:59.19mutwhich i THOUGHT thats what Action: command did
12:59.22mutwas exec cli commands
12:59.47tzafrirIt's implemented by the local process and not by the remote asterisk
13:00.18mutso it's just a dupe of all the cli commands?
13:00.24mutoutput could be totally different?
13:00.27rg1_maybe RoyK is away, -- can anyone else check out that GotoIf and tell me what the heck i'm doing wrong?
13:00.34benjk1 & 0 doesn't look right
13:01.28benjkpaste the line with the GotoIf
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13:01.32benjkjust the one line
13:02.15rg1_benjk - here it is
13:02.16benjkRoyK is busy reading Q.850
13:02.16rg1_exten => s,n,GotoIf([$[${TEMP_NUM_CONTINUE} < ${TQM_USER_DIALOG_MAX_ATTEMPTS}] & $[${TEMP_SPEECH_SCORE} < ${TQM_SPEECH_SCORE_MINIMUM_RESP}]]?:tqmMain_get_user_response_context,s,stop_asking_for_response)
13:02.49rg1_the first condition was true; the second one was false
13:03.49benjkyou may want to break this up
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13:04.30rg1_can the condition NOT have an "&", etc?
13:04.41benjkand calculate the sub expressions first, then do NoOp(${intermediate-result1}, ${intermediate-result2} ...)
13:04.45rg1_or do you need a single result
13:04.58rg1_do that with a "set"?
13:04.59benjkjust so you see whats going on
13:05.04benjkpoor man's debug
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13:07.14[TK]D-Fenderrg1_: Paste the actual line from your dialplan, not its execution
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13:07.32benjkhe already did that
13:07.34[TK]D-Fenderrg1_: NVM... blind this morning
13:08.10[TK]D-Fenderrg1_: But yeah, that clearly isn't right
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13:08.52benjkas I said before [1 & 0] doesn't look right to me
13:09.12[TK]D-Fenderexten => s,n,GotoIf([$[${TEMP_NUM_CONTINUE} < ${TQM_USER_DIALOG_MAX_ATTEMPTS} & ${TEMP_SPEECH_SCORE} < ${TQM_SPEECH_SCORE_MINIMUM_RESP}]?:tqmMain_get_user_response_context,s,stop_asking_for_response)
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13:09.31[TK]D-Fenderbenjk: He broke out of the first [ right away... that = bad
13:11.41mutk he dissapeared
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13:15.05Jeffjohnsoni don't get a dialtone if i dial with my isdn phone. The line is still until the other end answers the phone. With my voip it works as expected. anybody have an idea?
13:17.07puzzledJeffjohnson: not sure but did you try turning on early B3?
13:17.25Jeffjohnsonpuzzled: what's that? :)
13:17.32Jeffjohnsonpuzzled: and how I do it? :)
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13:19.06puzzledJeffjohnson: that tells me that you did not read the docs first :) Iirc early B3 is paasing the sounds from the telco switch. Can't help you how to do it. Read the docs...
13:20.03Jeffjohnsonpuzzled: which doc? "Asterisk: The Future of Telephony" I've searched on allready for a solution
13:20.32puzzledJeffjohnson:the docs that are for the ISDN card you are using to hook up your isdn phone
13:20.51Jeffjohnsonpuzzled: mmh k thx :)
13:20.57Jeffjohnsonpuzzled: wait
13:22.14Jeffjohnsonpuzzled: i've forget to say that i works with also with my isdn phone. But if i use dusnet as provider, i have the describted behaviour. The dusnet support says me that it should also work
13:22.28Jeffjohnsonpuzzled: so i don't think that is a isdn configuration problem
13:22.43puzzledsorry, don't know
13:26.39Jeffjohnsoni dont know, too :E
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13:40.08rg1_Does anyone know - can you have nested GoSubs?
13:40.31*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (n=ohyeah@
13:41.08rg1_you can?
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13:41.23rg1_how about nested While's?
13:43.23rg1_hmmm ?
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13:46.19RoyKrg1_: why not just use macros?
13:46.28hi365im havinh a problem with FOP: it only displays some ot the trunks. how do i go about fixing it?
13:47.01benjkmacros or apps
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13:48.31hi365im havinh a problem with FOP: it only displays some ot the trunks. how do i go about fixing it?
13:49.04hmmhesaysrg1_: i just logged in i have no idea what you are talking about
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13:52.45hmmhesaysi'll keep you my dirty little secret
13:53.03caio1982tzafrir: is it okay or even normal the bristuff patches output lots of 'hunk #XX successed (-X offset lines)" when svn-building the trunk version of asterisk .deb? i'm afraid it's a side effect from my backported patch but i never noticed the bristuff code being applied before
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13:54.34mepplwhat does that mean?
13:54.34mepplAug 21 15:53:47 ERROR[7366]: chan_zap.c:2782 zt_hangup: What is wrong with you? You cannot use cause 1 number when in state 1
13:54.52hmmhesaysmy god meppl what is wrong with you
13:55.17hmmhesaysjust kidding
13:55.50meppli have no idea - thats wrong with me
13:56.04meppli have no clue
13:56.29hmmhesaysis some delinquent behavior accompanied by that message
13:56.56benjkgrep -r AST_STATE include/asterisk/*.h
13:57.31tzafrircaio1982, normal
13:57.41benjkand hangup cause 1 is "unallocated number"
13:57.56mepploh okay
13:58.09caio1982tzafrir: oh (sighs), good to hear :)
13:58.12benjkdid you try something like Hangup(1)
13:58.31tzafrirnote that I had to adapt the latest patch to 1.2.10
13:58.53benjkin general, hanging up only makes sense if state is UP
13:59.16benjkor at least off hook
13:59.26hmmhesaysmaybe in your crazy world
13:59.56benjkbelow off hook it won't make any sense
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14:15.46blitzragehypa7ia: yo!
14:16.08profoundedi want to make sure I got this right:  I get a TDM400p card and an FXS module to hook up to my phone
14:16.23profoundedand then i get a voip line and i should be good right?
14:16.23blitzrageso far so good
14:16.31blitzrageor a VoIP phone
14:16.52profoundedcool.. and can i hook an fxs phone to a regular (not digital) phone temporaily?
14:16.57blitzragethere are several decent VoIP phones for approximately the same price range
14:17.12Unistim_junkyAre there any pros/cons in choosing SER or OpenSER.  Do you all value one over the other.  Also, anyone know how many developers are actually assigned/working each?
14:17.14hmmhesaysno you must use cisco or die heil CISCO
14:17.14blitzragethe FXS port will only work with analog phones -- non-digital
14:17.41hmmhesaysUnistim_junky: OpenSER has more functions now
14:17.45blitzrageall hail CISCO!
14:17.58profoundedwhat module hooks up to digital phones?
14:18.06blitzragelike ISDN?  none
14:18.22hmmhesaysi use openser when need be
14:18.26blitzrageTDM400p is an analog only card
14:18.33profoundedmaybe im confused what the difference between an analog and digital phone is
14:18.43blitzrageI think so
14:19.01blitzragewhen I think digital phone, I think of something like an ISDN phone with ABCD buttons
14:19.09blitzragenot many people are just going to have one of those lieing around
14:19.19profoundedmost office phones are analog then right?
14:19.36hmmhesaysmost office phones are a bastard child of analog and digital
14:19.41blitzragethat too :)
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14:19.46hmmhesayskind of like me
14:19.47Unistim_junkyhmmhesays:  I am seeing that as well.  OpenSER seems to have much more indepth docs/comm
14:20.03hmmhesaysUnistim_junky: there is a lot of documentation for SER also
14:20.08profoundedgot it.. so then repharsing my question: can i use an ordinary house phone temporaily with an FXS port.. i would assume yes?
14:20.21blitzrageyes -- that's what it's for
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14:21.02benjkyou can hook up a digital phone (ISDN phone set) using a sub $50 BRI card
14:21.03profoundedand i can upgrade later to an office phone that has extension 1, extension 2, conferance calls and all that good stuff, right?
14:21.13blitzragethat's what ASTERISK does
14:21.13tzangerbenjk: if you can find a damn card in north america
14:21.25benjkstill, you might want to consider an IP phone
14:21.46benjkthat kinda counts as digital too
14:21.46hmmhesaysyeah definately go the ip phone route
14:21.55benjktzanger you can always order them from TW
14:22.00Unistim_junkyhmmhesays:  The manual that the quick start guide speaks of is a broken link.  I was able to find SIP Express Router v0.11.0 --  Admin’s Guide.  But neither SER or OpenSER is at that version yet.  I will keep digging
14:22.02blitzrageI personally like the SPA942s, and heard decent reviews of the new Polycom IP430
14:22.13benjkhow many do you need, I'll but in an order again next week
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14:22.19profoundedwhats the minimum you can set up ip phone for (assuming not softphone)?
14:22.34blitzragemin < $100, but you don't want those phones
14:22.34hmmhesaysUnistim_junky: read the admin guide
14:22.43blitzragelook for aroudn $180-$200 per set
14:22.48hmmhesaysget an spa-942
14:22.52[TK]D-Fenderprofounded: Don't cheap out on IP phones.  If you are going to spend money, do it right
14:23.03[TK]D-FenderSPA = bleh... no presenece, puny screens...
14:23.11blitzragebut that doesn't mean you have to spend $500 per phone either
14:23.17hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: cheaper than the poly's
14:23.22[TK]D-Fenderprofounded: Where are you located.
14:23.30[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Mildly.....  VERY.
14:23.31profoundedalright i wont, there is no additonal hardware needed though? they hook up to ethernet? or to the server?
14:23.34hmmhesaysthe 942's have presence capability
14:23.36profoundedi live in eastern USA
14:23.41blitzrageethernet port
14:23.43benjkif you want to spend as little money as possible just to play around a bit and "grow Asterisk/Voip legs" then you can do that for about $50 or so
14:23.49[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: I can get an IP 430 for the same price as an SPA-941 here.....
14:23.51blitzragemost can be powered from a switch with PoE too
14:23.57hmmhesaysyou can do that with a softphone for free
14:23.58benjkbut if you want a more solid thing, you may want to spend 100 or more
14:24.34profoundedok so im cool with spending like $150 or so.. You would recommend an IP phone over a TMD400P card then?
14:24.36[TK]D-Fenderprofounded: For analog phones (a few) use ATA's like the SPA-2002.  that'll give you 2 analog phones converted to SIP for $70 USD total.
14:24.42profoundedI think it makes more sense to me
14:25.01hmmhesaysOH YES
14:25.02benjkok ip phones start at around 100
14:25.03[TK]D-Fenderprofounded: If you WANT analog or need it then use ATA's far cheaper and flexible to deploy and use.
14:25.16hmmhesaysip phones are more fun
14:25.18benjkbarbiephones start at about 50 or so
14:25.22profoundedfuck it.. ill go IP
14:25.37profoundedif i can spend 150, hook it up to my router, then why the hell not
14:25.55hmmhesaysand it will keep you arm at night
14:26.00profoundedthat seems to make more sense then 70 for tmd400p 70 for module and 50 for cheap phne
14:26.02[TK]D-Fenderprofounded:  :Here, place for great deals on great phones :
14:26.32*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
14:26.53hmmhesaysanyone ever deal with these netscreen routers from juniper networks?
14:26.56profoundedthx [tk]D-Fender, thx everyone!
14:26.59benjkwill keep you armed at night
14:27.20hmmhesaysthat too
14:27.25benjkneed a firearm license for those IP phones in Europe though
14:27.44mutfukin telco!
14:27.51mutdue to heavy calling!
14:27.56benjkand SIP ammo can blow up in your face
14:28.04hmmhesays"we've been caught with our pants down"
14:28.07benjksafer to use IAX ammo
14:28.21hmmhesaysunless that ammo is bound to the wrong interface
14:28.24benjkbut only if you shoot at a distance
14:28.41benjkif you shoot in your lanyard, SIP ammo is ok
14:28.52hmmhesayswow, we have just traveled down a dark dark path
14:28.57hmmhesayslet us back out slowly
14:29.03benjkor at certified and authorised firing ranges
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14:37.03yxais there an easy way to see the max concurrent calls on a PRI?
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14:39.02[TK]D-Fenderprofounded: Excellent general purpose phone
14:39.14[TK]D-Fenderprofounded: PM
14:41.47hmmhesaysbah this netscreen is a kickin my @$$
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14:46.05puzzled[TK]D-Fender: does it have a backlit screen?
14:46.21puzzledthat's something I miss on my Cisco 7960s
14:46.23[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: Nope, ont thin the 922 has over them.
14:46.37puzzledyou mean linksys 942?
14:46.39[TK]D-Fenderbleh.... can't type today.
14:46.54[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: Well not sure on the 922, I know the 942 has a backlight.
14:47.11[TK]D-Fender922 is really cut-rate....
14:47.32puzzleddon't know the 922. guess I should hit google
14:47.55[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: And yeah I did mean 942....
14:48.25[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: Being in North America just forget LInksys really... Polycom is a far more solid choice.
14:48.51puzzledif only they add the backlit screen...
14:49.07[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: I know, its amongst the top requests on their forums.
14:49.29*** join/#asterisk crlshn (
14:49.36[TK]D-FenderJuggie: I watched it last night... not bad.  Far from amazing though.  A shocker through & through
14:49.48crlshnEndpoint Question...: does Quintum Tenor AX required a especial SIP friend allow registration.
14:49.57puzzledJuggie: that url doesn't do anything in FF 1.5
14:49.58Juggie[TK]D-Fender, check out that site though, you can send your friend a personalized message via phone.
14:50.01Juggieto go see the movie.
14:50.18Juggiepuzzled, it does for me in
14:50.19[TK]D-FenderJuggie: I would never do that to a friend :)
14:50.28Juggieokok, its quite funny :)
14:50.33Juggieand its telephony related.
14:50.33puzzledJuggie: strange, got that one too
14:50.53Juggiepuzzled, it uses flash8 as well
14:51.18Juggiethe page has one image & a flash.
14:52.02Juggiei wonder what the backend is, could be * who knows :)
14:52.13puzzledJuggie: it helps if you make it "play" :)
14:54.05vader--does anyone know if on the cisco 7940G or through asterisk there is a way to control the ringer types for each individual line that goes into the phone?
14:54.35yatesyapparently its possible in asterisk, but i've never got it to work :/
14:54.53*** join/#asterisk crCernier (
14:55.22Juggiesee puzzled, i told you it was cool :)
14:57.08*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=eKo1@
14:57.56vltHello. Can you recommend a SoftPhone for connecting to asterisk running under Windows?
14:58.14hmmhesaysthere are many
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15:02.02vltJuggie: Thank you.
15:04.05*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
15:04.24Anotsuvlt: try
15:04.30xnoni install freepbx but i dont kno what is the username and password to administrate it
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15:05.29Juggiejoin #freepbx
15:07.04*** join/#asterisk dsfr (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
15:07.04[TK]D-Fenderxnon:  : like the channel topic says....
15:07.59coppiceanyone familiar with alarms on Siemens EWSD switches?
15:08.27coppicespecifically, does anyone know what "dis-sa" means?
15:08.48*** join/#asterisk Skaag (
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15:10.44GerbilWrkAnyone have any recommendations for routing hundreds of numbers to hundreds of devices, if the devices context is a mac address, not the same number?
15:11.51*** join/#asterisk adorah (
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15:12.23backbluethere is any context, that asterisk executes, when it is started or reload, or something?
15:13.31*** join/#asterisk kiddy (n=kiddy@
15:13.51kiddyHi , I have configured the asterisk server and setup the extensions
15:14.26kiddynow I got a problem : when I make call to another extension it is not passing voice between the extenisons
15:14.42kiddycan anybody please tell me the reason
15:15.08kiddyThe strange this is that I can hear the voice messages
15:15.31puzzledcoppice: hope your chinese is good
15:19.38*** join/#asterisk Godsey (n=jason@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Godsey)
15:20.14kiddypuzzled : Can you answer my above qn ?
15:20.59puzzledkiddy: nope, perhaps google the error message
15:21.03Godseymight someone be able to tell me a relativly stable svn revision of trunk that works w/ -addons?
15:21.17puzzledGodsey: don't think there is one
15:21.29*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (n=SwK@
15:21.29GodseyI have 40773 built now and it sigsevs on load (no addons either)
15:23.01hmmhesaysthis netscreen sucks
15:23.40kiddypuzzled : actually I am not getting any errors , also I cannot hear anything
15:25.20*** join/#asterisk nn (
15:25.25nnanyone using * with sunrocket?
15:26.47eKo1kiddy: are your phones/atas and * on the same lan?
15:27.02eKo1Godsey: why not use stabe?
15:29.18coppicepuzzled: thanks
15:29.32kiddyeKo1 : No  phones are connected through VPN
15:29.35*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
15:29.46TripleFFFFhow i get latest STABLE 1.2.10  ?
15:29.48TripleFFFFfrom svn
15:29.54TripleFFFFsvn checkout asterisk
15:30.28eKo1from branches
15:30.33TripleFFFFlast one /
15:30.36eKo1trunk has the latest devel stuff
15:30.43TripleFFFFi mean this one has stable crap ?
15:30.46TripleFFFFthink i got ddoes
15:30.50eKo1yeah, the last one
15:30.57eKo1or go to tags/1.2.10
15:31.18TripleFFFFhow lol
15:31.18kiddyeKo1 : you have any idea about the problem ?
15:31.34*** join/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
15:32.00eKo1kiddy: well, I suspect the vpn is to blame then.
15:32.10TripleFFFFwats 1.2.10-netsec/
15:32.32eKo1a version with the netsec patch probably.
15:32.36RoyKit's the asterisk version with network security :P
15:32.39eKo1TripleFFFF: you need to learn a bit about svn.
15:32.40TripleFFFFwhats netsec is the question lol
15:32.43*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
15:33.11kiddyeKo1 : But its ringing well and hearing voice mails with good quality
15:33.58eKo1kiddy: maybe the audio path from phone to phone is getting botched somewhere.
15:34.21eKo1Are these sip phones/atas?
15:34.47kiddyyes these are sip phones
15:35.16coppicepuzzled: can you find me references in Hong Kong or Taiwan Chinese next time. They are easier to read :-)
15:35.36wwalkerI'm trying to run asterisk on openwrt.  It comes up and registers with my main asterisk server.  sjphone registers with it.  then it dies in the next 15 seconds.  no errors in any log (full is on, verbose 30, sip debug, debug 30).  Any pointers as to what to try next?
15:36.19TripleFFFF~bugs zonelock
15:36.42*** join/#asterisk roving_prole (
15:36.49RoyK~lart TripleFFFF
15:37.22TripleFFFFweird.. centos. zaptel.. from tags.. 1.2.7
15:37.44RoyKcentos is evil
15:38.18TripleFFFFwell you guys change your imind ever other fucking week
15:38.26wwalkerTripleFFFF's box is now completely broken
15:38.27TripleFFFFyou guys said to use centos.. wich i did
15:38.44RoyKwwalker: slackware 2.1 is from '94
15:38.48*** join/#asterisk twisla (
15:39.02jbroomerule #1 of IRC: Everyone is full of shit
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15:39.09RoyKi meant 3.2
15:39.12jetsnow now lets play nice in the sandbox this morning!
15:39.14RoyKthat one came with linux 1.1.59
15:39.17wwalkerRoyK: true.  How does that differ from today's slackware?
15:39.24RoyKwwalker: a little :P
15:39.46TripleFFFFaitn that the src crap ?
15:39.50TripleFFFF~bugs zaptel
15:39.54wwalkerI started with 53 floppies (was it 53??) and loved slack.
15:39.59TripleFFFFwhere we had to sed the src
15:40.06*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:40.12wwalkerit just hasn't moved forward in 10 years
15:41.27RoyK~bugs jbot
15:41.35RoyK~lart himself
15:42.09RoyKtry ~lart jbot :P
15:42.10macTijnthat must hurt :)
15:42.16trelane_jbot ab00ze!
15:42.18macTijn~lart jbot
15:42.18*** join/#asterisk sb_mx (n=sb_mx@
15:42.37macTijnRoyK: uhuh, same here
15:42.40macTijnhut what about MFM, ESDI
15:42.50jboti guess centos is better than Fedora Core except for that silly bug, see ~centosbug for details
15:42.50RoyKMFM was nasty
15:42.56jbothmm... centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
15:43.21RoyKtuning the disk interleave down to perhaps five or four?
15:43.33macTijn4 was perfect for Seagates
15:43.48RoyKspeeding it up, closing into 300kB/s
15:43.52macTijnI had 6 on a full height toshiba ESDI
15:44.03macTijnthat stuff was *fast*
15:44.15TripleFFFFed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h
15:44.18TripleFFFFis not right
15:44.26macTijntry the s in front of it
15:44.28TripleFFFFthat pulls.. /2.6.9-34.0.2.ELsmp-i686
15:44.35RoyKTripleFFFF: sed, perhaps.....
15:44.39TripleFFFFwhen it should pull  2.6.9-34.0.2.EL-smp-i686
15:44.43TripleFFFFmissing -dash
15:44.50macTijn<- gone, drinking beer
15:44.52TripleFFFFsed i know lol pasted part
15:44.56TripleFFFFnot the point
15:45.05kiddyeKo1 : I found the problem and solved the issue
15:46.00kiddyeKo1 : Actually if you want to connect extensions through VPN then you have to allow the ports 10000:20000 in your firewall
15:46.07*** join/#asterisk muppetmaster (
15:46.08kiddyI done this and get it work
15:46.15muppetmasterHello all
15:46.25TripleFFFFactually i got to patch on each frigin make ?
15:46.45kiddyOne question : Is there is any other way than VPN for secure VOIP ?
15:46.51muppetmasterIn the SVN TRUNK of Asterisk, the latest from today, has something changed in interacting with the AGI in order to obtain variables.  On v1.2.10 (I am using the Ruby RAGI lib) I do a "GET VARIABLE EXTEN" and all works fine.
15:46.55*** part/#asterisk nn (
15:46.58muppetmasterIn SVN TRUNK I do it and I get a NULL back.
15:47.11muppetmasterSame code set, and this was working as of a couple of days ago on SVN TRUNK.
15:47.16muppetmasterAnyone have any ideas?
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15:48.33nextimewhat exactly are "nbsd and nbsclient"? i can't found any information on google other than some cvs files from digium
15:49.18TripleFFFFis that the DDOS  ? Aug 21 06:49:34 DEBUG[9250] chan_iax2.c: Immediately destroying 4, having received INVAL
15:49.30TripleFFFFi got like 40 of these then a dos
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15:52.08RoyKTripleFFFF: they're coming for you
15:52.16TripleFFFFyeah it seems
15:52.24TripleFFFFso INVAL is the bug indeed ?
15:52.27TripleFFFFor im paranoid
15:52.28RoyKbetter hide
15:52.34RoyKturn off all computers
15:52.40TripleFFFFhehee RoyK
15:52.50*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
15:56.11crCernierI'm searching for PA1688 firmware source code ! Anybody knows something about that ?
15:57.32*** join/#asterisk uk-wombat (n=root@
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16:01.29GodseyI fixed my SIGSEGV
16:01.42*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=eKo1@
16:01.50Godseyfor some reason it resolved itself when I rm'd svn tree and checked out again
16:02.01Godseysvn up didn't do something correctly I guess :)
16:02.11mogwhich version of asterisk are you running TripleFFFF ?
16:02.47filemog: yay loader
16:02.54mogi know
16:03.25mogim building my single binary
16:03.42TripleFFFFnow upped to 1.2.10
16:03.55TripleFFFFhey mog whats up
16:04.11moghey TripleFFFF you know your name has 4F
16:05.15coppicecrCernier: try
16:07.05*** join/#asterisk Qb3rt (
16:09.56vader--hmmm this sucks
16:10.22vader--i have cisco 7940G phones using the sip firmware with asterisk and i have two lines going to some phones and i want to set a different ring for each line and i can't seem to do it
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16:18.17eKo1vader--: cisco == nightmare
16:18.29Qwellno, cisco with sip firmware == nightmare
16:19.21Juggiecisco sucks :)
16:20.52*** join/#asterisk moon06 (
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16:23.04anonymouz666J Rosenberg works for CISCO, they firmware should be at least good heh
16:23.07*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
16:23.21*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|work (n=Linux@
16:23.31Dr-Linux|workhi guys ..
16:24.03Dr-Linux|worki want all /var  data should go to /u  drive,
16:24.24Dr-Linux|workshould i go this way or i need to do re-installation of server
16:25.40eKo1err, what does this have to do with *?
16:25.49*** join/#asterisk joburg (
16:26.50wwalkeranyone here built a recent version of asterisk for OpenWRT?
16:27.47Dr-Linux|workeKo1, aww, /var is an important partition for as asterisk .. isn't it?
16:28.24Dr-Linux|workeKo1, and /u is useless for asterisk .. that is already created by my client ..
16:29.07Dr-Linux|workand he doesn't have /var partition so that will take place in /  which is only 3 GB
16:29.09eKo1Dr-Linux|work: not if you mod. the Makefile to use it.
16:29.34Dr-Linux|workeKo1, actually it will be hight production IVR server,
16:30.07Dr-Linux|workeKo1, what you should, should i suggest them to re-install the machine with required partitions for asterisk.
16:31.02eKo1Well, first of /var is a dir., not a partition.
16:31.36Dr-Linux|workeKo1, you are right in current case
16:31.36*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
16:31.48eKo1You can mount /var on its own partition though.
16:31.59Dr-Linux|workeKo1, but we create /var partition during installation , not a directory
16:32.38Dr-Linux|workwhile he didn't create this partition, so it's not it's a dir
16:32.39*** join/#asterisk soylentgreen (n=fgast@
16:33.39eKo1I'm having a really hard time understanding you Dr-Linux|work
16:33.51vader--blah seems like no one has figured out how to do this
16:33.51Dr-Linux|workanyway .. it will not take much time to him to re-install the server, so later on if someone is else uses hands in this server, he/she she should easily
16:34.02muti spent half my day dealing with a telco outtage
16:34.04Dr-Linux|workeKo1, it's okey thanks for your help
16:34.10mutnow it's finally 'fixed'
16:34.10vader--you can make the default ring on the cisco phones ring in a different pattern but it's sooo small of a change in the ring it's almost unnoticable
16:34.20mutother than one of my t1 are dead
16:34.40*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
16:34.49SuPrSluGhello all
16:35.15eKo1mut: your telco. had an outage?
16:35.48mutsporatic crap going on in the lower penninsula
16:35.56mutand in the upper it was pretty much all dead
16:35.57*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
16:36.01eKo1I wouldn't worry. If you can't call, then noone can.
16:36.08mutoh but i can
16:36.08SuPrSluGi'm having dtmf issues. 12345 is recognized as 123445
16:36.10mutand they can
16:36.23mutall of our on network (voip and pots) customers can still call us
16:36.23eKo1That isn't an outage then.
16:36.33mutbut they can't call outside the network
16:36.43mutand people can very very very randomly call in
16:36.46mutthat is an outage
16:36.58eKo1An outage is when nothing works.
16:37.07mutso what is this?
16:37.09eKo1I call that routing problems.
16:37.22mutwas actually signalling issues
16:38.00eKo1Like when your NSP fucks up their BGP settings and you're disconnected from half the Internet.
16:38.12BladeRunner05hola all, using automon => *1  in features.conf and exten => s,1,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon) exten => s,2,Dial(SIP/xxxxx,,wW) I can record the call pressing *1. I need to record all call automatically, how can I do that ?
16:38.15eKo1That is a routing problem, not an outage.
16:38.20muteh well i call it an outage
16:38.32mutif customers can't call out
16:38.35mutthen its an outage
16:39.10eKo1I'm having one-way audio with my outbound calls...
16:39.22eKo1Is that an outage?
16:39.42Assidis there such a thing as secured sip calls?
16:39.43eKo1Oh well...
16:40.55mutdid something screw up on the net today with some major routers?
16:41.07mutcause i had netsplits on like 4 different networks all approx the same time
16:41.59eKo1In NA, Europe or?
16:43.29*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
16:43.58joburgBladeRunner05 : use the Monitor() app before Dial in your dialplan
16:44.08*** join/#asterisk Givemelove (n=non@
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16:46.47Zodiacalanyone remapped a polycom's hard key's before? how would i change say the hard transfer key to a two digit sequence. i.e. *3? i tried adding this line to my sip.cfg key.IP_600.37.function.prim="DialpadStar"   but it doesn't seem to even change it to the *. is this a bug with the phones firmware maybE?
16:48.14*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
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16:53.30jboti heard centos is better than Fedora Core except for that silly bug, see ~centosbug for details
16:53.39jboti guess centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
16:54.49*** join/#asterisk hfb (
16:54.59joburgwhy do you think centos would be better - seeing that it has bugs?
16:55.14blitzrageeverything has bugs
16:55.23blitzrageyou just learn where they are and work around them
16:55.40jbroomeor god forbid, fix them
16:55.58blitzrageor that
16:56.10wwalkerjbroome: one man's bug is another man's feature
16:56.25[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: What SIP rev?
16:56.38eKo1canreinvite is killing me
16:56.43wwalkermore than half of the bugs I report, on OSS or commercial apps, come back as "we like it broken that way"
16:56.47Zodiacaltkd-fender i think i will have to double check 1 sec
16:57.18joburgis blitz really leif ?
16:57.22[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: I remapped the DND to Messages on a 301 on 1 system, and attempting to do it for another failed mysteriously.
16:57.44Zodiacal1.6.6.0036 exactly
16:57.48blitzrageI really am me
16:58.06[TK]D-Fenderjoburg: Leif is Leif! NA na na na na!
16:58.12*** join/#asterisk eNEMY^x (
16:58.49[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: You can't be "me", I"m ME!  You're YOU!  Get your head on straight!
16:58.54joburgblitz : whats really happening at astricon as far as steve&olaf is concerned ?
16:59.03eNEMY^xWhen I use $AGI->stream_file within a script, in some routines, I have to execute the cmd twice to actually get asterisk to play it... anyone know of this? is it a bug?
16:59.04blitzragewho's olaf? :)
16:59.04[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: And all I want is........
16:59.09blitzrage! ! !
16:59.20Zodiacal[tk]d-fender what version are you using?
16:59.26joburgthe johansen guy
16:59.36[TK]D-FenderThat'd Be Olle
16:59.41joburgsoory i men olle
16:59.43blitzrageyou mean Olle -- and he won't be at Astricon
16:59.53joburggot a few nasty emails from him concerning steve....
16:59.54[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: On the working one, 1.6.6 as well, the failing one is 1.6.7
17:00.14joburgsiad steve owes him money etc etc
17:00.23blitzrageyah well, people can say all sorts of things
17:00.28blitzragedoesn't make them true
17:00.38joburgsounded like astricon was falling apart ....
17:00.48blitzragenope -- we just sold out our exhibition hall
17:00.54blitzrageso I'd say it's far from failing
17:01.10blitzrageand we still have 2 months+ to go
17:01.20Zodiacal[TK]D-fender and your syntax is simmiler to mine? on the working one?
17:01.38Zodiacalin the <keys> tag of course..
17:01.59GivemeloveI do have a problem with my asterisk platform
17:02.09Givemelovesince friday, I have no audio at all
17:02.15[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: Yes, quite.  **HOWEVER*** please note that there are discrepencies betweent he PHOTO shoing the key numbering, and the TABLE describing them.
17:02.34GivemeloveI tried to revert to old versions of my config files
17:02.36Givemeloveno luck
17:02.40[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: So far the photo appears to be more accurate.
17:02.41joburggivemelove : you ears ok ?
17:03.17Zodiacaltkd-fender interesting.. i used the table but maybe its wrong for my key aswell. i'll try the DND key like you did
17:03.32joburgdid you change your conf files on friday?
17:03.37Zodiacalhowever, it does remap it.. just not to the char i specified
17:03.44Zodiacalsome times it adjusts the volume :P
17:03.54[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: Ok thats not good...
17:04.16[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: SOMETIMES?!  Inconsistant = VERY bad
17:04.21Zodiacalwell, allways..
17:04.40Givemelovejoburg : which means?
17:04.40Zodiacalwhen i used a differnt syntax to map to a speeddial
17:04.41Zodiacalbut the speed dial was *3
17:04.43Zodiacalit *allways* ups the volume
17:04.44Zodiacalvery strange
17:05.18Zodiacaltkd-fender i wanted to map to a hard key because i want it to dial the char's during the call insted of placeing the current call on hold like the speed dial keys do.. do you know if this is what i need?
17:05.23*** join/#asterisk TrixVox (
17:05.25Zodiacalor will work for what i need rather
17:05.47[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: And unfortunately you can't do what you're looking to do.  You can't assign a speed-dial to and existing channel, it will always attempt to open a new one.  What are you trying to do by DTMF again?
17:06.08Zodiacalplace a call on park with one key press
17:06.26Zodiacali have the code in * to do it, i can assign it to any key or key sequence and it works if i dial those keys during a call
17:06.31[TK]D-Fenderzod, sorry... 2 buttons required minimum.
17:06.58Zodiacali just wanta map them to a hard key :(
17:07.02[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: Mind you Polys do have some sort of Parking functionality but its poorly documented.
17:07.36Zodiacalmaybe i can make it like ** then
17:07.40Zodiacali guess thats the best i can do.
17:08.50*** join/#asterisk willy1234 (n=IceChat7@
17:09.18willy1234is it east to install a TDM400
17:09.31crlshnhow do i enable the G729 codec in the TrixBox asterisk distribution ?
17:09.33trelane_willy1234, simple, stick it in the machine and call digium ;)
17:09.36FuriousGeorgeive been using asterisk and i gotta restart asterisk like every day, or my users start saying things like "the phones are going haywire".   im about to install another server and i'm a little scared :)
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17:09.54joburgwilly : extremely easy
17:09.55trelane_crlshn, step 1: read the channel topic, step 2: join #freepbx, step 3: ask there :)
17:10.06carrarFuriousGeorge, best not to install the bleeding edge release
17:10.14crlshnno reply yet
17:10.25joburgcrlshn : have you paid the $10 ?
17:10.45jbroomecrlshn: make sure you keep us updated
17:10.48crlshnhow ? where?
17:11.05[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: nope, still not viable. You can't "mcaro" it, and you can't make it send on the existing channel......
17:11.30Zodiacaltkd-fender i mean ill just have the user press ** to park
17:11.49[TK]D-Fendertrelane_: My Sangoma S518 ADSL card works rather beautifully :)
17:11.49Zodiacali can't think of a better way. i tried researching how polycoms park and they don't seem to work that great with asterisk park feature
17:11.56joburgcrlshn : the g729 codec cost $10 / channel
17:12.01Zodiacalthis patch i installed seems to work ok
17:12.08trelane_[TK]D-Fender, right but I want to support digium, though I'm drooling over just that card :)
17:12.15[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: Same thing really.  I use app_valetparking... vastly superior.....
17:12.33Zodiacaltkd-fender i just wish polycoms speed dials worked like cisco's where they dial during the call
17:12.34joburgSangoma works beutifully
17:12.44Zodiacalbut nooo they have to put the call on hold.. sorry venting..
17:12.49[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: Yeah, add it to the wish-list.
17:12.58Zodiacalis there a polycom wish list?
17:13.01[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: Trust me if I had more sway I'd use it...
17:13.13[TK]D-FenderZodiacal:  the y have a feature request forum on  their site
17:13.37Zodiacalokie i might as well vote i'll do it now thanks tho!
17:13.41[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: as it is they are the best thing going, so I'm pretty happy as-is
17:13.55[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: Vote for it to be FULLY scriptable.
17:14.16Zodiacalyeah i might as well say i want the real parking features via softkeys etc
17:15.12FuriousGeorgecarrar: bleeding edge?  im using  1.2.10 is the newest release
17:15.24[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: so you can do thinkgs like <macro name=x useablewhen=incall><transfer/><blind/><senddtmf dtmf=1234/></macro>
17:16.07[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: So you can do extended sequences.  Very viable to to it several comprehensive ways.
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17:16.20[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: Could actually be even easier.
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17:17.06Assiderr.. if 1 extension calls another extension on 729 and if both support 729, that wouldnt need a codec would it?
17:17.54joburgyes it would ned a codec - the g729 codec
17:17.54[TK]D-FenderAssid: Nope.  As long as * never needs to inject audio
17:17.55*** part/#asterisk GerbilWrk (i=GerbilNu@
17:18.32willy1234so u put the card in and rebuild zaptel
17:18.39hmmhesayscan you help me as i'm starting to burn all alone
17:18.41willy1234is that it?
17:18.44joburgg729 : need no license for pass-through
17:18.59Assidso only if it went to voicemail
17:19.26trelane_[TK]D-Fender, I'm assuming I can get similar performance out of a pentium 4 to what I've been used to with my cisco 3725 on a DSL line (my voip still goes through even when getting DDoS'd)
17:19.58Assidone sec.. rebooting my router
17:20.28joburgwilly : zaptel and zapata.conf !
17:20.28trelane_[TK]D-Fender, ordered an S518
17:20.28[TK]D-Fendertrelane_:  Yeah since its a raw device w/o ehternet buffering etc you have much better BW control, etc.
17:20.30hmmhesaysso how many concurrent calls do ya'll think I can get through openser handling the media
17:20.42*** part/#asterisk willy1234 (n=IceChat7@
17:20.45trelane_[TK]D-Fender, well I just turned all the caching off on my WIC-1ADSL
17:20.49[TK]D-Fendertrelane_:  I never got to actually tweaking anything like that and jsut got it to reduce the wiring zoo on my box.
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17:21.12[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: On RS-232 not much... ;)
17:21.22Zodiacaltkd-fender know where the polycom forum is off hand? i can't seem to find it :/
17:21.25trelane_[TK]D-Fender, I run a blacklist and therefore idiots who think that their e-mail not going through is grounds to commit a felony cause occasional problems.
17:21.34[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: no, not offhand....
17:22.27hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: haha
17:22.39hmmhesayssay I have 10 meg up and down
17:22.53Assiddamn.. i wish VoicePulse supported 729
17:22.53trelane_[TK]D-Fender, you know I occasionally consider starting a company providing optical class (OC-X) PCI-Express cards
17:23.00hmmhesaysi can't find many benchmarks for openser
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17:24.31trelane_[TK]D-Fender, I figure my application will really put wanpipe/sangoma through it's paces
17:24.35trelane_finejava, yo
17:24.50trelane_(ghetto tcp/ip)
17:24.56finejavai've purchase and installed ABE A1.5
17:25.09finejavacan i install the B1.1 for free
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17:25.18finejavaor do i need to purchase a license upgrade?
17:25.42Qwellfinejava: I would suggest calling Digium sales, and asking them.
17:25.43trelane_finejava, were I you, I'd use the support you paid for and call digium and ask them, I (and most here) don't work for digium, they'd be the ones with the authoritive answer
17:25.47QwellThey would know for sure.
17:25.52trelane_Qwell, damn you for beating me!
17:25.56QwellI do work for Digium, and I don't know. :p
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17:26.08zoahey ho
17:26.12TripleFFFFwhats this it garbled my line
17:26.13Qwellzoa: y0
17:26.29[TK]D-Fendertrelane_:  well they've been in the business for like 20 years so odds are it'll mathch what one should expect from them.
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17:26.38finejavaehmm...let me write a short email to them
17:26.40TripleFFFFsaw like 10000 on cli
17:27.36finejavaanyway...does any 1 here know whether the dell 1850 is compatible with the te412p?
17:28.11finejavathe hp dl140 is not compatible with the te412/410p
17:28.36finejavathe card is sharing the irq with both integrated eth
17:28.58crlshni had 2 CPE with
17:29.05crlshng729 licenced
17:29.17crlshnhow do I enable passthru  ?
17:29.41QwellYou don't need to do passthrough if you have licenses
17:29.48crlshnif i dial sip:23@ from my Eyebeam the call connects
17:30.09FuriousGeorgeso this polarity reversal, should i worry about that? its never been a problem
17:30.32FuriousGeorgezt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 5
17:30.34crlshnbut if i dial thru the *....the calls says 603 declinne
17:30.48crlshnif i dial sip:23@ from my Eyebeam the call connects
17:30.50crlshnbut if i dial thru the *....the calls says 603 declinne
17:30.54FuriousGeorgeive never found a good source online for further explanaition of some of these error codes
17:31.16eKo1check the code
17:31.34FuriousGeorgeeKo1: i mean for the 99.9% of the population who dont write code
17:31.59joburgsee the console for details : hte console never lies
17:32.00eKo1more like 99.9999%
17:32.11FuriousGeorgeeKo1: i know some C, but i'm not gonna understand the code that goes into asterisk
17:32.19eKo1why not?
17:32.25evisuand to prove that 99.999 statistic.... whats the command to wait 10 seconds before dialing out a trunk? exten => s,1,Wait(10) doesnt seem to work out too well..
17:32.41Qwellevisu: Wait() works
17:32.45eKo1evisu: why not?
17:32.54QwellWhat are you trying to do exactly?
17:32.55evisuit just waits and then hangs up
17:33.04Qwellwell, do you have anything after priority 1?
17:33.21FuriousGeorgeeKo1: what do you mean why not?  there is a difference between "i can write some c code" and understanding how chan_zap code works
17:33.24evisuexten => s,1,Wait(10)
17:33.24evisuexten => _011.,1,Macro(dialout-trunk,3,${EXTEN},,)
17:33.55Qwellevisu: It doesn't work like that :)
17:33.56eKo1FuriousGeorge: the code is commented. Look at the comments.
17:34.10mishehuI've been looking thru the mailing list archives and voip-info pages, and I don't know if there is any update to the polycom presence/buddy limit on the 60x's.  Does anybody know if the limit has been removed so a full attendant sidecar solution will function?
17:34.12eKo1evisu: read up on how to program dialplans
17:34.30evisuyep i have but there is quite a lot to go through
17:34.58FuriousGeorgeeKo1: you make it sound so easy, i'll look at the code and tell you what i think, and you tell me if im right or wrong
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17:35.14eKo1FuriousGeorge: hehe, it won't be easy
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17:36.05FuriousGeorgewhich goes back to my original point:  ive never found a good source online for further explanaition of some of these error codes
17:36.55evisuno chance any of you can correct my 1 line of code ? :P
17:37.19eKo1evisu: sure, but it is better that you discover the correction yourself.
17:39.06FuriousGeorgeanyone using sangoma cards?
17:39.26joburgSangoma A101
17:39.42eKo1I have a two * boxen, A and B. I have a sip extension X with canreinvite=no. When X makes a call, it goes through A which then goes to B which is connected to my PRI. Why do I get one-way audio though?
17:39.51joburgevisu : where did your code come from ?
17:39.54FuriousGeorgejoburg: thats the analog card right?  can you comment on my reliability?
17:40.20evisuwas trying to put it together myself, .. the second line was already there... .workes fine
17:40.25eKo1oops, I messed up. I get one-way audio with canreinvite=yes.
17:40.27joburgFG : no the E1 card ( EUROISDN )
17:40.28evisui just added the wait()
17:40.35eKo1The problem disappears with canreinvite=no.
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17:41.52joburgevisu : try : exten => _011.,1,Wait(10) exten => _011.,2,Macro(dialout-trunk,3,${EXTEN},,
17:42.00[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge:  No, the A101 is the 1 port T1/E1.  The A200 is their anaolg card and it works great.
17:42.09evisumany, many thanks joburg
17:42.15[TK]D-Fenderjoburg: Getting COLDER...
17:42.20[TK]D-Fenderevisu: That won't do it...
17:42.36joburgi concur with Sangoma working great
17:42.38[TK]D-Fenderevisu: You want it to wait for DIALTONE for a few seconds before sending the DTMF.....
17:42.44FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: did you use a tdm400p before then or at any point, especially for fxo?
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17:43.03[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: Yup, owned one myself and consulted for customers possessing both.
17:43.03evisuyeah i see what you're sayin TKD
17:43.21[TK]D-Fenderevisu: Dial(Zap/g1/wwwww12345)
17:43.28vader192Can anyone answer a question about a 4 span t1 card for me?
17:43.44[TK]D-Fenderevisu: add "w"'s in front of your number.  I don't know what to delay is for cetian, but I think it was .5 sec each
17:44.01FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: my hair has started falling out and im pretty sure my tdm400 is the cause, is that possible?
17:44.32evisuwill give that one a try... really many thanks TKD
17:44.34[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: No, the FCC has cleared Digium of radioactive emmissions charges that have been previously levied against them....
17:44.52fileradioactive emissions are bad, mmmk?
17:44.54FuriousGeorgei dont trust the government
17:45.01[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: Maybe you could describe the probelms you're haveing that may contribute to hair loss ;)
17:45.19joburgevisu :  exten => _011.,1,Wait(10)    then    exten => _011.,2,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN})
17:45.26[TK]D-Fenderfile:  Another card, fresh from the particle accelerator!
17:45.36vader192Can anyone tell me if its possible to use a single dchan on a 4 span card for PRI?
17:45.39joburgi tried and tested it - it owrks
17:45.42[TK]D-Fenderjoburg:  AGAIN, not what he's looking to do...
17:45.59FuriousGeorgei was just refering to my general problem..  i gotta get to the location after hours to check it out more, but all i know about the current problem is that i have a strange hookstate on one of my pstn dids, so it cant receive calls
17:46.15[TK]D-Fenderjoburg:  Yes it waits before dialing, but it PULSS THE LINE IMMEDIATLY.  He wasn't it to pull the line THEN wait.  Claer?
17:46.21FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: luckily it works for outbound calling, since its the first in my zap group
17:46.29mishehu[TK]D-Fender: you're somewhat familiar with the polycoms no?  if so, do you know if they have yet removed the presence limit of 8 on the soundpoint 60x's ?
17:46.38[TK]D-Fendermishehu: Since 1.6.6
17:46.39FuriousGeorgeand thank god its the last one in my incoming trunk
17:46.58FuriousGeorges/trunk/"hunt group"
17:47.20[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: A200 is very nice I must say.  Not quite as solid at faxing last I checked but I always advise seperate analog lines for that anyways.
17:47.43FuriousGeorgei advise the same
17:48.00mishehu[TK]D-Fender: ah, and 1.6.6+ must be quite recent then, since somebody stated back in April that it was still a problem
17:48.11[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: Did you try to ensure the telce is issuing CDS?
17:48.28[TK]D-Fendermishehu: 1.6.6 was out then IIRC... could check the changelog.....
17:48.36mishehu[TK]D-Fender: have you used the 60x's with the sidecar ?
17:48.38FuriousGeorgeyou mean telco, right?  whats cds?
17:48.46FuriousGeorgecaller id?
17:48.52[TK]D-Fendermishehu: Yup, 2x fully loaded with presence.... lights up like Christmas ;)
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17:48.59joburgevisu :  exten => _011.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/)    then   exten > _011.,2,Wait(10)   then _011.,3,SendDTMF(${EXTEN})
17:49.02[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: Call Disconnect Supervision.
17:49.22*** part/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
17:49.26[TK]D-Fenderjoburg: NO, and getting colder still....
17:49.57FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the suggestion.  im gonna look into that
17:49.58Assid[TK]D-Fender: you got 1.6.7
17:50.13mishehu[TK]D-Fender: good to hear, gets an idiot customer of mine an alternative to some cheezy Iwatsu phone system.  ;-)
17:50.55hmmhesays0(12276) ERROR: fix_nated_sdp: cannot extract body from msg!
17:51.06Dr-Linux|workbut i'm still looking for 1.4 :(
17:51.14Dr-Linux|workwe are behind
17:51.31vader192No idea on the dchan question huh?
17:51.59mishehuif I'm not mistaken, 1.6.x sip firmware for the polycom soundpoints requires bootrom 3.1
17:52.03Dr-Linux|workvader192, what was the question?
17:52.16MstlyHrmlsmishehu: not necessarially
17:52.28vader192Is it possible to use 1 dchan on a 4 span card?
17:52.49joburgevisu : line open the ZAp channel line 2 waits for 10 sec line 3 sends the digits that was dialled - it worth a shot....
17:53.01mishehuMstlyHrmls: what is the min. bootrom it needs?
17:53.01MstlyHrmlsDr-Linux|work: you're still on 1.3.x? :-(
17:53.11vader192our switch (dms100) can be set to use 1 dchan for up to 20 t1's in one group
17:53.16Qwellvader192: Look for NFAS.
17:53.26Dr-Linux|workMstlyHrmls, i'm on 1.2.x
17:53.29jbothmm... nfas is "Non-Facility Associated Signaling" FixMe: saves a D channel on PRI's orsomethingorother
17:53.32MstlyHrmlsmishehu: I believe it will run on 2.6, but let me double check
17:53.38MstlyHrmlsDr-Linux|work: !
17:53.42Dr-Linux|workMstlyHrmls, sorry i was talking about Asterisk version ..
17:53.58MstlyHrmlsDr-Linux|work: ahhhh, sorry, missed that
17:54.03joburgvader : that the ONLY way it works ! there is one d-chan for every T1
17:54.06Dr-Linux|workMstlyHrmls, heh
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17:54.20Dr-Linux|workanybody is using cisco 7960 phone?
17:54.27MstlyHrmlsDr-Linux|work: that's what I get for only skimming scrollback ;-)
17:54.36joburgvader : and NO if there is 4 spans there will be 4 d-cahnnels
17:54.55Dr-Linux|workmy question is, how many calls i can make at same time? it's doesn't allow me more then 3 at same time ..
17:54.59eKo1joburg: not necessarily
17:55.11evisuhmm, does the wwww work if its a SIP trunk, not zap... ?
17:55.12vader192thank you!
17:55.19mishehuwow, 1 14 button expansion module costs almost as much as the phone itself
17:55.25Qwelljbot: nfas is "Non-Facility Associated Signaling", a way to use fewer D channels than you have PRIs.  ie; 1 D channel for 4 PRIs, instead of the usual 4
17:55.27jbot...but nfas is already something else...
17:55.32Qwelljbot: no, nfas is "Non-Facility Associated Signaling", a way to use fewer D channels than you have PRIs.  ie; 1 D channel for 4 PRIs, instead of the usual 4
17:55.37jbotokay, Qwell
17:56.21joburgnfas : thats new - is it available for E1 ?
17:56.29Dr-Linux|workanybody have cisco 7960?
17:56.39MstlyHrmlsmishehu: ok, the 430, 601 & 4000 require 3.1.x BootROMs; 30x, 50x, and 600 require 2.6.1
17:56.56postelDr-Linux|work: nope, cisco only sold to you
17:57.17joburgi have a cisco 7950
17:57.23QwellDr-Linux|work: chan_skinny ;)
17:57.39joburgnot sure if that helps....
17:57.46Dr-Linux|workQwell, :) that doesn't work for cisco 7935
17:57.52QwellDr-Linux|work: yet
17:58.08QwellIf I had one, I could fix it up
17:58.12joburgi have to add it's a SIP 7950
17:58.19Qwell7950?  No such thing
17:58.27Dr-Linux|workQwell, again, i posted my problem at chan_sccp mailing list, but no answer so for
17:58.37QwellDr-Linux|work: yeah, they aren't going to fix it
17:58.40Dr-Linux|workjoburg, what's 7950? :S
17:58.43QwellSergio is "busy" with other things
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17:59.06Dr-Linux|workQwell, but he should fix this bug
17:59.14QwellDr-Linux|work: I'll say
17:59.32mishehuMstlyHrmls: ah ok, thanks for the info
17:59.38mishehuwe'd be getting 601's.
17:59.47joburgit's a cisco 7950 - a cisco SIP phone
17:59.52Qwelljoburg: no such thing :)
18:00.04Qwell7905 maybe?
18:00.09Dr-Linux|workmy question, is that my cisco 7960 can do only 3 calls at the same time, so can i increase it or not possible,
18:00.12Qwell(though, I didn't think the 7905 had sip firmware)
18:00.23Dr-Linux|workwas a simple question is some one knows the answer
18:01.26Dr-Linux|workjoburg, we have a lot of cisco phones, but never heard about 7950
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18:02.35evisuwould Dial(Zap/g1/wwwww12345) doesnt seem to have the wait effect when used on an IAX trunk.. is there another way ?
18:03.48evisu*no would
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18:04.19joburgevisu Dialing on a IXA trunk won't be  Dial(Zap/g1/wwwww12345) but  Dial(IAX2/something/wwwww12345)
18:04.52evisuyep, got that far :) ... it just doesnt seem to wait, so i figure it may only have that effect on zap
18:05.04Dr-Linux|workcan we raise the number of concurrent calls that are active on cisco 7960?
18:06.59joburgevisu :  i tested it with SendDTMF and it works ....
18:07.26evisuwill give it a go now
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18:11.34clyrradfor some reason my AGI script wont print to STDERR ie the CML when i use fwrite and fflush - but the AGI does execute anyone know why?
18:11.36anonymouz666where you been?
18:11.48[TK]D-Fenderevisu: You can't delay (nor should there be a reason to) a SIP/IAX call.  there IS no tone or anything
18:11.56[TK]D-FenderAssid: I have all SIP/BR releases
18:12.04russellbanonymouz666: moving
18:12.14[TK]D-FenderAssid: 2.0 is due momentarily
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18:13.42hmmhesaysso nathelpers fix natted registration doesn't work worth a shiat
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18:14.28evisuTKD, I know, its strange, but I do need it for my application
18:14.47TheCopsHi, someone can confirm me that TDM2400P are compatible with IBM xseries 226?
18:15.24QwellTheCops: has a hardware incompatibility page.
18:15.32[TK]D-Fenderevisu: Use a .call file and then use your dialplan to enact the wait & send, then forward the call to the remote (calling) end.
18:15.34Qwellgenerally, if it's PCI 2.2, it'll work
18:15.46TheCopsQwell, it is 2.2
18:15.47Qwellbut there are some specific servers/motherboards that just...don't
18:15.52[TK]D-Fenderevisu: It'll become a "call-back mechanism.
18:15.54Qwelllike a couple Dells, I believe
18:16.12TheCopsQwell, yeah I see IBM have a couple too. IBM x345. That's why I want to use the 226
18:16.18[TK]D-Fenderevisu: Unless the "D" option actually does work.... but again, no idea how to delay it.
18:16.58TheCopsQwell, look at this:, This is what I want to buy, I see PCI 2.2 compliant, but not sure about PCI card type
18:17.04TheCopsPCIX and stuff like that
18:17.18evisuaha.. ok I'll look along these lines .. cheers
18:17.18TheCopsI'm not really an hardware guys, difficulties to determine what kind of pci I need
18:17.24QwellTheCops: I'm not going to say it works or not. :)
18:17.32Qwellbecause I simply do not know
18:17.56SplasPoodSo whats the deal with toll free numbers and answer supervision...   Do a lot of them not ANSWER until yer out of the IVR to try and get out of paying for that call time?
18:18.10QwellSplasPood: some, yeah
18:18.12hmmhesaysanyone familiar with nathelper in ser?
18:18.14Dr-Linux|workTheCops, make sure you are buying the correct cards according to your slots ..
18:18.18QwellI think somebody specifically mentioned...what was
18:18.42Dr-Linux|workTheCops, look there, your slots are 3.3v or 5v
18:18.45TheCopsQwell, yeah I know, but can you confirm me that "technical" specs SHOULD work?
18:19.10anonymouz666Qwell: what kind of servers (rack) do you know that works 100% with digium hardware?
18:19.15TheCopsDr-Linux|work, dont know
18:19.15QwellTheCops: as long as it has full height(/length?) PCI 2.2, and molex connectors...
18:19.20Qwellit *should* work, but...
18:19.25TheCopsyeah I know
18:19.26anonymouz666dell poweredge has some problems with e1000
18:19.57TheCopsQwell, molex connectors?
18:20.04QwellTheCops: PC power cable standard
18:20.10Qwellthe 4 pin dealies
18:20.13TheCopsyeah yeah
18:20.18TheCopsthanks :P
18:20.22Qwellthose are needed for FXS
18:20.28Dr-Linux|workanonymouz666, we have 4 production asterisk servers and 2 test server, all those are Dell poweredge
18:21.06Dr-Linux|worki never use molex connection ..
18:21.07anonymouz666do you have onboard gigabit card enabled?
18:21.16E-bolau dont use molex...
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18:21.33clyrradfor some reason my AGI script wont print to STDERR ie the CML when i use fwrite and fflush - but the AGI does execute anyone know why?
18:21.41Dr-Linux|workif card is getting supply from bus, why i need molex connector
18:21.45clyrradIts like its lots its connection to print on the CLI....
18:22.12yatesybecause it needs more power i'm guessing Dr-Linux|work
18:22.25Assid[TK]D-Fender: should i just wait for 2.0?
18:22.36[TK]D-FenderAssid: What are you missing right now?
18:22.38clyrradI define it like this  define('STDERR',fopen('php://stderr', 'w'));
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18:22.59Assidnothing as such.. but who knows , some bug fixes etc?
18:23.01FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: interestingly i saw some stuff on line about sbc not supporting cds in certain areas, so i looked i tried contacting att, which is somehow merged with sbc, but i had to file a trouble ticket cuz no one knew.  so a tech will get back to me re: CDS
18:23.27Dr-Linux|workanonymouz666, i have molex connector jack in my digium cards, also digium cards have jack for molex connector, but i never use that .. everything works fine for me so far
18:23.42Dr-Linux|workyatesy, more power?
18:23.49[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: Telcos = stupid much of the time.  Poeple answering the phone don't know what services they can even offer
18:23.51QwellE-bola: Yes you do, on FXS cards
18:24.00QwellThat's what provides ring voltage to the phones
18:24.17yatesythought so
18:24.18E-bolaQwell: huh?
18:24.23QwellE-bola: molex
18:24.28E-bolaqwell: hehe yes?
18:24.38E-bolai think ur adressing the wrong person :)
18:24.43Qwell<E-bola> u dont use molex...
18:24.49FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: well you may have been onto something, ill let you know what they say
18:24.54E-bolait was ironic hence the ...
18:25.17E-bolai thought he meant he never used molex connectors in computers
18:25.23E-bolawhich is funny cuz the u cant have any drives at all
18:25.30[TK]D-FenderQwell: And theta why your shirts are all soo crinkly! ;)
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18:25.52Dr-Linux|workE-bola, aww, i appritiate your thinking :)
18:25.54E-bolaqwell: american by any chance? :0)
18:26.03Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, relax
18:26.20FuriousGeorgethe polarity reversal in my CLI refer to inverting where the green and the red line are "supposed to go" relative to the TDM?
18:27.01mockerCrap.  I don't think cdr_mysql contains all the info my cdr_custom does.
18:27.16Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, hhm.. don't worry after weekend such things happen around :)
18:27.47[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: Something like that .
18:28.09hmmhesays~seen file
18:28.12jbotfile is currently on #openezx. Has said a total of 70 messages. Is idling for 43m 20s, last said: 'radioactive emissions are bad, mmmk?'.
18:28.42FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: is it something that could cause wierdness?  fxo being reported as in use when there should be no active channel there, incoming calls not being bridged correctly for a "Strange hook state" that sort of thing
18:28.50hmmhesayshey file, you always seem to give me some insight on SER questions, I have another
18:28.52E-bolahi file
18:29.15[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: I am thinking that better disconnect detection may help reduce dead channels....
18:29.16hmmhesaysyou ever use nathelper module?
18:29.16fileask and you might receive
18:29.19SplasPoodQwell: yea, Amex and american airlines seem to do it, at least
18:29.33SplasPoodQwell: interesting.. seems like a great scam...
18:29.42FuriousGeorgethe former i can fix by restarting asterisk and waiting for the dialtone to reset, the latter is still happening after restarting the server iteself
18:29.45QwellSplasPood: nah, it's technical legal, I'd think
18:30.00Qwelltechnically too
18:30.02hmmhesaysif I use fix_nated_register();  it doesn't seem to rewrite anything when I save the location
18:30.03SplasPoodQwell: Well a scam might be legal :)
18:30.15SplasPoodQwell: Doesn't make it less of a scam :)  Legal scams are the best kind
18:30.17hmmhesaysi look at the entry in usrloc and it still has the private IP
18:30.23Qwellrg1_: That's hardcore
18:30.26rg1_Can someone tell me if they see anything wrong with the syntax of that?
18:30.57TheCopsQwell, 33 100 133mhz depend on something with TDM2400P Card?
18:31.01SplasPoodQwell: Its funny.. If you google for "toll free" and "answer supervision" you get a ton of different telco's TOS statements saying the customer MUST provide it
18:31.16hmmhesaysunless i'm missing the point of fix_nated_register()
18:31.34Qwellrg1_: looks okay, first pass
18:31.42filehmmhesays: it should rewrite the contact... but I haven't done SER stuff in a long time
18:31.44rg1_exten => s,n,Set(U_TEMP_USER_RESPONSE=${IF($[400 < 300]?100:200)})
18:31.49rg1_theres a simpler version
18:31.57Qwelllooks just fine
18:32.04rg1_U_TEMP_USER_RESPONSE is getting set to 100 - I would think it should be 200
18:32.17Qwellrg1_: yes, it should be 200
18:32.34hmmhesaysit sure seems to not re-write the contact
18:33.24Qwellrg1_: try to noop the expression, instead of setting the var
18:34.23anonymouz666hmmhesays: fix_nated_contact()?
18:36.36*** join/#asterisk ghotiboy1 (
18:37.00ghotiboy1hi there...does anyone know if I can run asterisk in VMWare and use Digium cards?
18:37.14ghotiboy1i've seen conflicting info on google searches
18:37.19Qwellghotiboy1: I wouldn't do it, personally
18:37.31ghotiboy1any reasons?  timing issues?
18:37.35Qwellasterisk is a realtime application
18:38.01ghotiboy1if i were to set the vmware session as real-time would that help?
18:38.07ghotiboy1is it even possible?
18:38.08clyrradI am having trouble getting my AGI to print to the CLI - I have define('STDERR',fopen('php://stderr', 'w')); but when I try to print to STDERR nothing gets printed on the CLI - but if I rund the agi script from the command line I get the output from the  print to STDERR - how can I interface STDERR with the asterisk CLI for debugging output on AGI scripts?
18:38.09Qwellnot really
18:38.35ghotiboy1ok, well, that pretty much settles it
18:38.47Qwellghotiboy1: I mean, don't get me wrong
18:38.54Qwellpeople have had success with vmware and/or xen, but...
18:39.10QwellIf you're going to do any volume of calls, I would highly recommend using a dedicated machine
18:39.30intralanmanclyrrad: i know i saw something on voip-info about that
18:39.38ghotiboy1it would be dedicated...just virtualized to make for easier backup/recovery/redeployment
18:39.40clyrraddo you have a link?
18:39.44clyrradits been driving me nuts
18:39.49Qwellghotiboy1: there are better ways of doing backups and such :)
18:39.50clyrradit was working before
18:40.03clyrradprinting to the CLI - but for some reason today it does not
18:40.15ghotiboy1Qwell: depends on clients current environment
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18:40.24intralanmanclyrrad: was asterisk restarted recently?
18:40.25Qwellghotiboy1: yes, of course
18:40.32ghotiboy1we want to integrate, not redesign
18:40.35BZBWhi, I have 2 FXO GW, each will dial in to a virtual extension, say 444 and 666, and each of these extensions will then prompt user for different action, but it seems all calls go into extension 666, check many times with no clue, any idea?
18:40.59clyrradintralanman - yes iti was restarted...
18:41.25intralanmanahh.... probably need to change the switches it was started with
18:41.31intralanmanas i recall
18:41.40ghotiboy1another question...different topic...I have some polycom phones and want to accept multiple calls to the same extension...this doesn't seem to happen...just gets forwarded to there a setting for each extension?
18:41.42clyrradi have it started with vvvvvvvvvvgc
18:42.22ghotiboy1the phones are 3-line deals
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18:42.50clyrradintralanman - which switch am i missing?
18:43.00intralanmannot sure.... i don't remember that well
18:43.08clyrraddoes anyone else know?
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18:44.15clyrradhrm... this is frustrating...
18:45.03ghotiboy1anyone know if you can (by default) accept multiple calls to the same extension?  if not, how do I config that for the extensions?
18:45.08intralanmanclyrrad: if that doesn't help, then i don't know
18:45.52clyrradyea it dont answer my question
18:45.54clyrradthanks anyway
18:46.38*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
18:47.29[TK]D-Fenderghotiboy1: Yes you can receive MANY calls against a single registration on all Polycom models. for some reason it isn't forwarding the calls from asterisk...
18:48.20[TK]D-Fenderghotiboy1: : Its all in how you set up the phone.
18:48.33ghotiboy1so it IS the phone setup then
18:48.37ghotiboy1I thought it was
18:48.59[TK]D-Fenderghotiboy1: And don't think of it as the phone forwarding anything.  Its * gigving up and then send the call on to "wherever".
18:49.31ghotiboy1yeah...i figured that the phone was either not responding or sending back a rejection
18:49.55[TK]D-Fenderghotiboy1: I have some of mine using 1 line key per registration (and using all 3 on my IP 501) and allowing each of those to support 5 calls each.  That means I can juggle up to 1`5 calls at a time on that setups
18:50.15[TK]D-Fenderghotiboy1: Yes, that would be a better description.
18:50.28[TK]D-Fenderghotiboy1: At which point * continues on to do whatever you told it to.
18:50.30*** join/#asterisk rbordeaux (i=hidden-u@
18:50.53[TK]D-Fenderghotiboy1: You want to focus on "CallsPerLineKey" and "NumLineKeys" in your Polycom config.
18:51.14[TK]D-Fenderghotiboy1:  How many do you won, and what models?
18:51.31*** join/#asterisk romdav (n=romdav@
18:51.53romdavHi every one
18:51.56*** join/#asterisk Un1x (
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18:52.35romdavi need help on make work a g729 licnces
18:52.57denonyou get free support from digium on installing them
18:53.08hmmhesaysfix_nated_register does not save the registration in the usrloc database
18:53.09ghotiboy1[TI]D-Fender: not sure...a friend is setting it up and I'm consulting...I think 20 phones...some 430 and some 501 (I think)
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18:54.33ki2kwow, big channel today
18:55.10ki2kanyone up?
18:56.32ki2kare there any 'required' contexts in extensions.conf besides what you define in your sip.conf or iax.conf or zap.conf ?
18:56.49ki2kis general and globals required?
18:57.05*** join/#asterisk zedkatuf (
18:58.05zedkatufhi all, what do I need to add to my sp.conf so that when someone phones me, they hear a ring tone (ie a "drrng", or in my case as I'm in the UK, a "drrng" "drrrng") ?
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18:58.47romdavI have a g729 licences and work ok on sip to sip, but not work on sip to asterisk i can't hear the asterisk messages on mailbox check, how i can fix it?
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19:02.44DaKallei think i have got a problem with the dial-command on my asterisk machine: weh someone from outside is calling my asterisk machine, asterisk lets my internal sip phones ring, but they aren't displaying the caller id, but the internal extension-number of themselves
19:03.56HeManHi! I have a SIP account (digisip) that i can connect with and i can recieve calls and forward them to my softphone (ekige) but i have no sound
19:04.07HeManany clues what that could be?
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19:04.46DaKalleportforward ?
19:06.54DaKallei had the same problem and i "fidex" it in forwarding all ports to my asterisk-machine
19:07.05[hC]Interesting.  Clients complaining of their polycom ip501's being too quiet when they're on a call, via voip, over my pri... Ive never had audio level complaints before, I wonder what else could be contributing..
19:07.09HeManDaKalle: i have a NAT firewall but i run linux 2.6.18rc4 with sip-helper
19:07.56*** join/#asterisk kpettit (n=keith@
19:08.05[TK]D-Fender[hC]: You can up the gains direct in their phone configs and/or set the volumes to "sticky" at the very least.
19:08.59[hC][TK]D-Fender: I've set them to sticky already, but left the gains at default.  Do you usually edit anything in sip.cfg aside from the main proxy address, sticky, MWI stuff?
19:09.17[hC]I followed the a@h suggestions for sip.cfg, I never modify anything else really.
19:09.37[hC]NTP, SIP Server, MWI stuff, sticky volume, and I think something to do with Intercom, im not sure.
19:10.14*** join/#asterisk murf (n=steve_mu@
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19:11.53hmmhesayswhat the hell happened to
19:12.27anonymouz666Use OpenSER
19:12.33DaKallehas anyone an answer to my dial-command problem ?
19:14.51*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
19:16.05HeManhmm, seems that the sip-helper wont do the, umm, rtp-ports
19:16.25*** join/#asterisk ki2k (n=ki2k_@
19:16.57ki2kmy xlite doesnt know the other side has hung up. Is that an asterisk or xlite issue?
19:17.30zedkatufhi all, what's the technical term for the "drrng" noise that someone hears in their phone when they dial a number?
19:17.42hmmhesaysanonymouz666: a lot of ser's base documentation applies to openser and is helpful
19:17.59filezedkatuf: ringing tone?
19:18.00alexhopperring tone?
19:19.00zedkatufok, thanks.....when I try my sip phone, I don't hear a ringing tone at all......just trying to google the answer atm
19:19.25[TK]D-Fender[hC]: There is a bunch of little things I do in there, and I usually leave ALL of the reg stuff in the phone file, not sip.cfg main.
19:19.26hypa7ia[hC]: yo
19:19.43[TK]D-Fender[hC]: But I don't typically mess with initial gains.
19:20.02[TK]D-Fenderki2k: *
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19:20.58ki2k[TK]D-Fender: what do you think it may be?
19:21.01filezedkatuf: what's the console output like?
19:21.11kpettitcan anybody recommend any other good SIP/IAX providers other than Teliax?
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19:22.57[hC][TK]D-Fender: Do you know off the top of your head what else you do? Could prove useful! :)
19:23.01[hC]hypa7ia: heyy, how goes
19:23.24hypa7ia[hC]: it goes great
19:23.33hypa7iatrying to solve a polycom line appearance mystery
19:23.51[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Key remapping, global MicroBrowser settings, custom ring-tone's, and so much more.
19:23.56hypa7iathe user doesn't know what he did, but now there are animated arrows by his speeddials and they aren't in the manual :s
19:24.31Assidi still gotta work on key remapping
19:24.53zedkatuffile: shall I pastebin output?
19:24.59filezedkatuf: yes
19:25.08Assidneed to remap "hold" on 301 for contact list
19:25.29[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Also do things like disabling the HTTP admin page so morons don't fsck up my configs ;)
19:25.36[hC][TK]D-Fender: Gotcha. :)
19:25.46*** join/#asterisk rpm (
19:25.51Assidoh yeah.. gotta enable that.. :P
19:25.59TheCopsSomeone can recommend me a good model (around 2000-4000$) of a Dell server for using TDM2400P
19:26.20intralanmanwhy dell? yuk
19:26.21[TK]D-FenderTheCops: Big card.... hrm...
19:26.35TheCops[TK]D-Fender yup big card hehe
19:26.39TheCopsFully-length card
19:27.14rpmHas anyone had any success with the Authenticate() application and jumping to priority n+101 on failure? It seems to never jump to the next priority but hang up my current call. I have put some debugging messages in the app_authenticate.c source to log some warnings. It is jumping to priority inward-dial|s|104 which I have set to jump to my default contexts IVR system.
19:27.16*** join/#asterisk }btorch{ (n=btorch@
19:28.16TheCops[TK]D-Fender, I have some difficulties to found a good server that I willn't have bug or stuff like that
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19:32.16JuggieHello Class!
19:32.42Juggieoooo look who has re-apeared!
19:33.17*** join/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
19:33.28hypa7iahow goes my friend
19:34.08Juggienot too bad, working hard :)
19:34.13Juggieare you going to astricon this year?
19:34.51*** join/#asterisk obiwanmikenolte (
19:36.27hypa7iamaybe... we'll see :)
19:36.58Qwellhypa7ia: hey
19:37.05hypa7iahi :)
19:37.42*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
19:37.48Qwellhypa7ia: see /msg
19:41.05blitzragehypa7ia: hey hey
19:41.15hypa7iasup blitzrage
19:41.17rpm, is the problem I am having with the Authenticate function.
19:41.32blitzragetypo's suck
19:41.57obiwanmikenolteHas anyone had a problem connecting to Asterisk 1.2.10 while it's running? It's not creating /var/run/asterisk.ctl or /var/run/ for some reason. I tried running asterisk as root, and it still doesn't work, so it's not a permissions problem (root can write to /var/run with no problem). I've installed earlier versions without this problem, so it may be a bug, but has anyone else experienced it?
19:41.59ki2kis there such a thing as SIPBarge? like ZapBarge?
19:42.56obiwanmikenolteSorry. ki2k: chanspy?
19:43.02ki2kok looking
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19:43.23obiwanmikenolteBut it's one-way audio
19:43.31obiwanmikenolteYou want to break into a conversation?
19:43.33ki2kmeaning they cant hear you?
19:43.38ki2kwell, both would be nice
19:43.43obiwanmikenolteThey can't hear you
19:43.56obiwanmikenolteYeah, I know. I don't know of an application that lets you break in and talk
19:43.56ki2kwhat would be nice is the ability to wisper into the user's ear too
19:44.04ki2kthe far end cant hear
19:44.06obiwanmikenolteYou running a 900 operation?
19:44.14obiwanmikenolte: )
19:44.26obiwanmikenolteYeah, that'd be sweet.
19:44.27ki2kcall customer service training
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19:44.50ki2kso a supervisor can wisper into the agent's ear to advise him of what to do
19:45.00ki2kthe customer cant hear
19:45.13russellbChanSpy in 1.4 has a channel whisper mode
19:45.27anonymouz666I saw that
19:45.46ki2kwhere do you see this info?
19:45.51ki2kin the svn?
19:45.53anonymouz666russellb kevin wrote it?
19:46.01*** join/#asterisk mut (n=animenod@
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19:46.54harlequin516What is  Auto fallthrough ?
19:47.22intralanmanit's what happens when you walk on thin ice :)
19:47.43intralanmanno configuration needed
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19:49.39klorkhullo guys m setting up asterisk server for my home ..... and hav linux and windows machines........ and wanna know which clients are known to best work with asterisk
19:50.03klorkany links / ideas ?
19:50.17ki2kwhen is asterisk 1.4.x gonna get released?
19:50.24obiwanmikenolteGood question.
19:50.39Kattywhen you least expect it.
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19:51.30generalhanhwy guys, ive got an easy one for you today. im trying to get my voicemail boxes setup so a caller can hit 0 during the message to get to an operator, but i can figure out where to define the "o" extension, in which context i mean
19:52.04vosquecan asterisk be set up to listen to multiple sip ports?
19:52.23obiwanmikenolteki2k: I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but if you're in the cli and type "show application <name>", you can look at the syntax and function of applications. The Good Book has a lot of them, but like 50 have been added since it was published
19:52.35mutgot a question, i got this 1gig stick of ram, its detected as 512mb with one motherboard i have and 1gig with a dell pc
19:52.39mutanyone know why itd do that
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19:52.50Juggiegeneralhan, in the same context as where the voicemail starts
19:52.55Juggiemut this isnt pcsupport.
19:53.12Juggiebut its most likely due to an older motherboard which doesnt support the larger ram.
19:53.15Juggietry a bios update.
19:53.58klorkguys which soft phones work best with asterisk.... plzz help out
19:54.27generalhanJuggie:   like that ?
19:54.38obiwanmikenolteklord: Any phone that supports sip or iax
19:54.44generalhanJuggie: this is my dialplan for that context
19:54.56Juggiesomething like that yes
19:55.03generalhanhmm ... still not working.
19:55.07klorkya fine but i tried some but most hang etc ... need ur experience
19:55.14Juggiewhat happens when you press *
19:55.19generalhani have operator=yes in the global contect in voicemail.conf
19:55.40[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Did you define that in each box's setup?
19:55.59generalhan[TK]D-Fender: im not sure what you mean
19:56.04Juggiegeneralhan, i mean what happens when you press 0
19:56.12[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: each box definition should have operator=yes
19:56.30generalhanyou mean each seperate context in voicemail.conf needs that line ?
19:56.55Juggieit should work just defined once in general
19:58.27generalhanJuggie: the only button that does anything when in VM is the #
19:58.27generalhanand i put it in global AND in that context and still nothing
19:58.30Juggiei dont know then i'm busy with a million other problems atm.
19:58.31Juggieread the docs.
19:58.36obiwanmikenolteIs the call you're making actually going to the macro-incoming-calls-announced?
20:00.09generalhanJuggie: i have read through the docs .. thats how i got it to where you saw it ... but i figured it out anyhow ! lol
20:00.19[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan:  No, each BOX needs it.
20:00.19obiwanmikenolteTry making a test extension and put it in your phone's context. Make it like "exten => 666,1,Macro(incoming-calls-announced) and with whatever arguments you're passing
20:00.36obiwanmikenolteFender: You mean server?
20:01.06Juggiegeneralhan, 'When using the zero '0' and star '*' it's important to note that the context you placed the application voicemail in is irrelvant, it's the context for the voicemail box that we're looking for in the dialplan for the jump to the 'a' or 'o' extention. '
20:01.07generalhanthere is a macro that calls that macro, and when i try from inside the office its not actually going to that context. i called on my cell and it DOES work that way !
20:01.20obiwanmikenolteThat's your problem, then
20:01.26generalhanwhich is what i wanted to begin with ... i dont need people inside the office being transfered to someone from the VM lol
20:01.32[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: You are very mixed up.....
20:01.36obiwanmikenolteThilly General
20:01.39generalhan[TK]D-Fender: VERY
20:02.03*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
20:02.08[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: You can have "o" and "a" in your macros (as well you should), and allow for variable operator's on a per-box basis.
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20:02.38[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: As long as you return to "s" and allow your dialplan to resume after you can even continue on.
20:04.12generalhanso to get it to go to a different place based on which VM a caller is in wouldnt i need each of those VMBoxes in a different context? in order to specify where each go ?
20:06.28obiwanmikenolteI'm guessing that the answer is no, but before I go to the bugs channel: Has anyone had a problem connecting to Asterisk 1.2.10 while it's running? It's not creating /var/run/asterisk.ctl or /var/run/ for some reason. I tried running asterisk as root, and it still doesn't work, so it's not a permissions problem (root can write to /var/run with no problem). I've installed earlier versions without this problem, so it may be a bug,
20:07.31hmmhesaysso my fix_nated_register is working
20:07.54*** part/#asterisk klork (
20:07.58hmmhesaysare you sure it is running?
20:08.04hmmhesaysps aux | grep asterisk
20:08.35obiwanmikenolteYes, it's running.
20:08.44obiwanmikenolteI can make calls, and it does show up on the process list
20:09.05*** join/#asterisk DFiber (n=bwarner@
20:09.05vosqueIs there somewher eother than the sip.conf file that you have to specify the incoming sip port?  I try to change it to 5061 and "sip show settings" stays at 5060
20:09.25*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
20:09.33DFiberAll: I have a simple question, when I call inbound to my asterisk server, my caller id says "asterisk" how can I change that?
20:09.54Skarmethhi all
20:09.56*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
20:09.58DFiberi have my zapchannel set as as received....what gives?
20:10.22obiwanmikenolteDFiber: SetCallerID
20:10.51eKo1vosque: no, sip.conf is where you set that
20:10.54SkarmethI was trying to limit inbound calls to a sip peer to only one, but the call-limit directive, set's both input and output call limit, this way, I lost the Transfer funcion of the phone... any way to limit only input calls?
20:11.24eKo1Skarmeth: not in 1.2; only in 1.0
20:11.51*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
20:11.58vosqueeKo1: any idea why it might not be changing?
20:12.10obiwanmikenoltereload sip?
20:12.29eKo1you mean 'sip reload'
20:12.34obiwanmikenolteErrr... vosque: sip reload in the CLI
20:12.35vosqueobiwanmikenolte: several times, unfortunately.
20:12.46caio1982bleh, coppice isn't around for some faxing torture :)
20:13.14eKo1vosque: It could be a bug.
20:13.33vosqueeKo1: alright.
20:13.35eKo1vosque: what happens when you stop and start *?
20:13.41vosqueeKo1: the same
20:13.41eKo1Does it change then?
20:13.46vosqueeKo1: no
20:13.56eKo1That is strange.
20:13.57*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
20:14.03eKo1What version of * are you using?
20:16.27Dovidanyone have any expirience with diffretn wifi phones ?
20:16.33Dovidi am stuck on which one to get
20:16.39eKo1vosque: where are you reading the port number from?
20:16.46vosquesip show settings
20:17.00vosqueI'm also seeing if it responds on tcpdump with some nc'ing
20:17.23hmmhesaysdoes anyone have a copy of the old SER admin guide?
20:17.46eKo1vosque: I'm getting the same behaviour. It probably is a bug.
20:17.57vosqueeKo1: alright, thanks.
20:18.24*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
20:18.28caio1982does anyone here have some clue regarding this compilation error? maybe it's some obvious syntax mistake that i'm not aware? chan_sip.c related... log at and the original patch at
20:18.50caio1982aware of*
20:18.58eKo1Unless you've fiddled with chan_sip.c, there should be no mistake in it.
20:19.57eKo1caio1982: blame the patch
20:20.01caio1982the patch is pretty big, imho, but it has been applied nicely so far
20:20.46Kattyhmmhesays: mew.
20:21.21eKo1What does that patch do? Does it add t.38 support or something?
20:21.32caio1982eKo1: so blame me :) it's based on a patch from 1.2.7... i'm almost 100% sure that's a syntax problem i dont recognize at the moment, since it applied okay, right?
20:23.23caio1982right now i'm tracking gentoo' svn to check out how they applied it, when they have done it and where
20:23.27eKo1caio1982: it is a syntax problem
20:23.44caio1982eKo1: any hints?
20:23.49eKo1download the modified chan_sip.c and look at the function where the syntax error is.
20:25.31caio1982that's what i'm doing, eKo1, but seems i'm not capable to understand where it is
20:25.53caio1982yet! :)
20:26.17vosqueeKo1: could my bug be acl.c line 310?  Not really a C person.
20:27.17eKo1vosque: I suggest you make a post about it in
20:27.28vosqueeKo1: oh, right on.   Thanks.
20:27.55hmmhesaysHey Katty
20:27.57hmmhesayswhats up?
20:28.27*** join/#asterisk Samoied (
20:29.07*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
20:29.39hmmhesaysoops she left
20:29.49wwalkeranyone here successfully used asterisk with OpenWRT?  I've tried sjphone and IP500.  asterisk segfaults shortly after the phone registers.
20:30.09*** join/#asterisk champster (
20:30.17wwalkerhas anyone seen that failure in regular asterisk?
20:30.51champsterIs there a trick to SendDTMF? I am trying to use it for paging zone selection on a Valcom 3 zone, and I do not get audio back immediately after the SendDTMF.
20:36.33*** join/#asterisk NDT (
20:37.04TrixVoxAnyone try posting to the mailing list today?  My posts never went through...
20:37.10*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
20:37.17Flautohi all
20:37.22*** join/#asterisk nitram (
20:38.24Flautohi trix-vox
20:38.33Flautoare you the owner of
20:38.55TrixVoxhe's in here though, forget his name
20:38.59Flautoi used trxtel for toll free terminations for a while
20:39.12champsterI am using for toll free as well.
20:39.12Flautothe quality is very bad
20:39.36Flautothe other part always telling me that my voice is shaking like crazy
20:39.37champsterI comes and goes, I am not sure if it is my connection to the net or not.
20:39.49TrixVoxhaha, i use voicepulse connect... rate is higher but quality is very good
20:41.10Flautoi only use it for toll free calls
20:41.27Flautoand now, i am using my pstn for toll free calls
20:41.36TrixVoxoh, outbound toll free
20:42.03Flautowhat distro is the best for asterisk
20:43.42jbotbest for what? please define what you mean by "best"  Gloria Gaynor!  Tina Turner!  Aretha Franklin!  Men without Hats!  Women without Hats!  Flock of Seagulls!, or fvwm!  Women without clothes!
20:43.45ki2kFlauto: Microsoft Windows for Workgroup 3.11
20:43.59wwalkerjbot: Women without clothes!
20:44.52Flautoso, they are pretty much the same shit?
20:44.59wwalkerFlauto: the one you have someone to help you with the most, or the one you known the best, or CentOS; in that order
20:45.24wwalkerFlauto: you must be talking about windows
20:45.39hmmhesayshow do you exit minicom
20:45.46Flautowalker, i have been using mandriva, but the webvmail is not working on that
20:45.50intralanmanwwalker: ok, you said the win word, get the f out ;)
20:45.51Qwellhmmhesays: ctrl-q
20:45.54eKo1hmmhesays: C-a x
20:46.00Qwellq quits without reset
20:46.18wwalkerhmmhesays: C-a ?  then x or q
20:46.41NivexThere is a small chance it might be Alt-a, depending on distro
20:46.53QwellNivex: Really?  That's silly.
20:47.06NivexThe lower left corner should indicate which meta is in use
20:47.13NivexQwell: how so?
20:47.14wwalkerFlauto: if you are comfortable with rpms, I recommend CentOS or FC4 or FC5
20:47.18NDTAnyone here able to read Spanish? Heh trying to see if this damn babble fish of Alta Vista's translated some things right
20:47.19QwellNivex: just is
20:51.25*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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20:52.26*** join/#asterisk __bosse__ (
20:52.47*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
20:52.52__bosse__anybody knows how to make asterisk sip channel ignore dtmf? If i set dtmfmode to inband it will still try to detect dtmf and relay it using the rtp code. I just want to relay the dtmf _as is_. I use g711a so there shouldn't be any probs with codec. So basically i just want asterisk to stop detecting dtmf :)
20:54.19obiwanmikenolte_bosse_: the SendDTMF() application might do what you want
20:54.22__bosse__is used to send dtmf digits on the sip channel using the specified dtmfmode.. I wan't * to leave the audiostream and not interfere
20:55.07champsterIs there a trick to SendDTMF? I am trying to use it for paging zone selection on a Valcom 3 zone, and I do not get audio back immediately after the SendDTMF.
20:55.41KDananyone got an IAX address i can point my DID to to check whether it's my server that's wrong? Just wanna make a test call
20:59.34IOscannerI am setting up our own VOIP solution.  I am using for the DID numbers inbound.  What is a good source for outbound calling that will allow me to set the CallerID for my outbound calls for my different office locations.  I want to buy one trunk that will handle all of my DID numbers for outbound calls.
20:59.49IOscannerAnyone know of a vendor I can use?
21:00.45mogssokol, ping
21:01.09ssokolmog: pong
21:01.10obiwanmikenoltessokol owes me a working configuration file
21:01.18obiwanmikenolteFrom the final lab
21:01.22obiwanmikenolteAnd don't think that I'll forget
21:01.39ssokolobiwanmikenolte: these aren't the droids your're looking for...
21:01.48obiwanmikenolteMove along
21:01.55mogshould i register to come to astricon with my 0 discount code , or let digium do it later?
21:01.58ssokolobiwanmikenolte: they're for sale if you want them...
21:02.12obiwanmikenoltessokol: I already paid
21:02.19}btorch{does cdr also keeps record of incoming calls ?
21:02.24obiwanmikenolteOoh, snap!
21:02.33KDanobiwanmikenolte: jedi mind tricks don't work on ssokol - only money
21:02.38ssokolmog: please register.  otherwise debbie will be going insane in October trying to figure out who is registered and who isn't
21:02.39}btorch{for some reason  I only see records of outgoing calls
21:02.49*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
21:02.52mogyeah ill double check with her
21:02.54mogand register
21:02.56obiwanmikenolteHey, even I get boarded sometimes (but I usually have to pay for that too)
21:02.57ssokolobiwanmikenolte: we've had them five seasons...
21:03.12obiwanmikenolteI was in the May class in KC
21:03.17eKo1}btorch{: you're not seeing right.
21:03.23filemog: I registered, Lisa just sent me a  semi-working code
21:03.23KDananyone got an IAX address i can point my DID to to check whether it's my server that's wrong? Just wanna make a test call
21:03.34mogill do that then
21:03.38Skarmethok, my last question about how to limit incoming calls was solved :) I used the device config to do so... Polycom sip.conf call.callsPerLineKey=1
21:03.44Skarmeththanks all
21:04.12obiwanmikenoltessokol: the final lab had a ton of errors, and you said that you'd e-mail out a working copy
21:04.25__bosse__I've dug into the source and it seems that you have to patch the sip_chan code to achieve this :(  .. more specifically i think i need to change sip_chan to set a feature to disable dtmf detect alltogether.. anybody tried this?
21:04.30ssokolobiwanmikenolte: you're looking for the final configs for big lab with db, dnd, fwd, etc., right?
21:04.31obiwanmikenoltessokol: don't let me down in front of everyone.
21:04.47eKo1__bosse__: you mean chan_sip
21:04.58ssokolmog: thanks!  lisa and I really appreciate it.
21:05.11ssokolobiwanmikenolte: let me see what I have here...
21:05.24NivexKDan: IAX2/
21:05.36hmmhesaysis true what they say, you won't give it away and I don't know what to do, to get next to you, next to you
21:05.46KDanNivex: cheers, will try that now
21:05.47hmmhesaysi've been trying all night long and I wanna get next to you
21:05.55KDanwhat's the s@default bit?
21:06.01*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
21:06.17NivexI lifted that straight out of the demo extensions.conf
21:06.26__bosse___eKo1: Yep - chan_sip.c :) - around line 16185 here
21:07.00KDanok, it works
21:07.06KDanso it's my server that's buggered
21:07.08KDancheers :-)
21:07.25hmmhesaysLOL, thats a funneh word
21:07.32hmmhesaysi detect a brit!
21:07.41KDanoh no! I've been found out!
21:07.43Nivexor an aussie
21:07.50KDanfraid not
21:08.12KDanactually I'm swiss, but having spent the last 9 years in england i almost qualify as one of those "brits"
21:08.14hmmhesaysso this new buckcherry album just rocks
21:08.29*** join/#asterisk ilTizio (
21:09.05*** part/#asterisk Samoied (
21:10.52ilTiziohi, I'm using asterisk 1.2.10.dsfg-3 debian pkg. Is there anyone who can help me with a sip.conf register line in which the ":port" part is ignored?
21:11.29IOscannerDoes anyone know of a provider that has IAX or SIP account for outbound calling that will allow me to change the outbound CallerID.  I have DID's from didx.
21:12.05intralanmanIOscanner: i heard voicepulse does, i haven't verified that though
21:12.21syzygyBSDilTizio: post the sip.conf in question
21:12.24IOscannerCool any others
21:12.31ssokolobiwanmikenolte: Just sent you the updated user macros
21:12.32obiwanmikenolteSuite! Thanks, ssokol!
21:12.34obiwanmikenolteGot it
21:12.35syzygyBSDpastebin it
21:13.52ilTiziosyzygyBSD: register => ; Italian SIP Provider
21:14.03ilTiziosyzygyBSD: using sip debug i can see
21:15.00ilTiziosyzygyBSD: Retransmitting #{1 .. 6} (NAT) to
21:15.01syzygyBSDI dont' like using the register command, normally a normal entry will work
21:15.16ilTiziosyzygyBSD: using type=friend?
21:15.41syzygyBSDfriend should work
21:15.54ilTiziosyzygyBSD: I need to receive call on that account so I've to register to the provider
21:16.02syzygyBSDI can never remember if it is user or peer, so I normally use friend
21:16.30syzygyBSDfriend should register too
21:16.48ilTiziolet me try
21:18.40*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
21:21.22ilTiziosyzygyBSD: type=friend doesn't register, I cannot receive call on that account, the port=5061 is ok in the outgoing entry, but not in registry config :(
21:21.45syzygyBSDpastbin your sip.conf
21:21.55syzygyBSDblack out the passwords/usernames though
21:22.23*** join/#asterisk crlshn (
21:30.20*** join/#asterisk lkj235 (
21:31.17lkj235hello all, have a quick (and extremely tame/stupid --- depends how you look at ignorant folk such as myself) question in regards to dialing extensions for one of you asterisk gurus
21:31.55}btorch{eKo1, nope i'm not that crazy yet .. my cdr table for my account code for example only show outgoing calls
21:32.11}btorch{eKo1, did I miss a setting or something ?
21:32.22eKo1incomming from where?
21:33.03}btorch{eKo1, I just tested from another voip user and also from an external phone that comes in through a zap channel
21:34.07*** join/#asterisk GerbilWrk (i=GerbilNu@
21:34.22eKo1For the Zap call, you should see a record with channel = Zap/1 or what not and the number that was dialed in dst.
21:34.37GerbilWrkAny of yall setup a TFTP config server for the Grandstream handytones?
21:35.01eKo1yuck, gs
21:36.02GerbilWrkehh, i've never had an issue with them
21:36.46TrixVoxIOscanner: yeah, lets you set the outbound CID number
21:37.06GerbilWrkI'm liking the LCR of connect.voicepulse
21:37.16}btorch{eKo1, maybe i'm looking at this the wrong way  ... I do an SQL query filtering by a user account code and I swear it only shows outgoing call.
21:37.19TrixVoxGerbilWrk: oh yeah, it's pretty kickass
21:37.36}btorch{of course if I just do a select * without any where statement I seea ll calls
21:37.41}btorch{all calls
21:37.44GerbilWrkhaven't used much through them though, alot of our calls are higher through them then our other carrier
21:38.23[TK]D-Fenderlkj235: Just go ahead and ask.
21:40.32eKo1}btorch{: Why don't you make a call and look at the last record that was inserted?
21:42.05TrixVoxGerbilWrk: who's your other carrier?
21:42.05ilTiziosyzygyBSD: on line 35 is the registry line which is not working
21:42.36TrixVoxGerbilWrk: so you mean lower int'l rates?
21:42.58syzygyBSDilTizio: which one below is it?
21:43.02syzygyBSDor is it there
21:43.05}btorch{eKo1, yes that works fine a said maybe I was looking for something the wrong way.. I thought all outgoing/incoming calls would be recorded under the user accountcode
21:43.14}btorch{but it doesn't seem to work that way
21:43.48GerbilWrkTrixVox, we've used like $1.50 of Voicepulse, and like $4 of Voxee since last Monday or so
21:43.53ilTizioit is there: 35th line
21:43.53TrixVoxGerbilWrk: what i do in that case is send all calls where voicepulse is 1.1c or higher through voxee (or similar flat rate provider) and all the rest through voicepulse
21:44.05syzygyBSDilTizio: no, the other entries
21:44.06GerbilWrkyeah, that's what we are doing
21:44.10GerbilWrkthat's why I like their LCR
21:44.21eKo1}btorch{: that wouldn't make any sense.
21:44.21syzygyBSDhere, comment out line 35, change line84 to friend
21:44.28TrixVoxGerbilWrk: yeah, depends on who you're calling, i have some customers that do a lot of mobile calls, which means voicepulse is more expensive
21:44.44ilTiziosyzygyBSD: I did and I could call but I could not receive call
21:44.44}btorch{oh well life doesn't make sense sometimes :-)
21:44.53TrixVoxbut for landline calls, they are super cheap, most of our calls complete for $0.007 or less through them
21:44.58syzygyBSDdid you change it to friend?
21:45.06syzygyBSDwhat was the status of the line?
21:45.15GerbilWrkyeah, they aren't too bad, either way, we never pay more then 1.1c :)
21:45.34hmmhesaysinteresting mr bond
21:45.36TrixVoxyeah, using both together you're probably averaging less than 1c, which is nice
21:45.48hmmhesaysdearly beloved are you listening
21:45.56hmmhesaysI can't remember a word that you were saying
21:46.08hmmhesaysare we demented or am i disturbed
21:46.26ilTiziowith type=friend I cannot see anything about messagenet in 'sip show registry'
21:46.28hmmhesaysthe space thats in between insane and insecure, oh therapy can you please fill the void, am I retarded or am I just overjoyed
21:46.51hmmhesaysilTizio: could be cause setting a type has nothing to do with what shows up in sip show registry
21:47.04ilTizioand 'sip show peer messagenet-mi-out' show status unmonitored
21:47.24hmmhesaysand will always do so if you have no qualify=yes
21:47.38ilTiziohmmhesays: yes I know, but I cannot understand why the :port in registry line is ignored
21:47.49hmmhesaysI highly doubt it is
21:47.58ilTiziobut it is
21:48.13ilTizioI cannot understand but ...
21:48.28hmmhesaysdo you have the time to listen to me whine.... take it #asterisk
21:48.38ilTiziois my sip.conf and with sip debug i can see the following:
21:48.41[hC]any of you guys use or know of someone who has implemented door locks controlled by asterisk?
21:48.49[hC]like a door buzzer?
21:49.04KDanAug 21 22:47:59 NOTICE[2147]: chan_iax2.c:6899 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request 's@iax' does not exist  <<< Why does it say this "s@iax" stuff when the address i specified was guest@myserver ??
21:49.27fileKDan: you specified guest as the username, and no extension - so it used 's'
21:49.28hmmhesaysit wouldn't be hard being you can do system calls with asterisk
21:49.46fileyou're welcome
21:50.01hmmhesaysgrasping to controllllll so I better hold ooooooon
21:50.11syzygyBSDilTizio: did you comment out register when you put in friend/
21:50.34filehmmhesays: poke!
21:50.38ilTizioyes i did
21:50.38hmmhesayshola file
21:50.46hmmhesaysam I just paranoid or am I just stoooooned
21:50.49ilTiziohmmhesays: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to
21:50.56ilTiziohmmhesays: REGISTER SIP/2.0
21:50.56filehmmhesays: both
21:51.20hmmhesaysis 212... the ip resolves to?
21:51.40ilTiziohmmhesays: yes it is
21:51.54hmmhesaysdo you get that when you are registering or when you send a call to them
21:52.02[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: See.... Basket Case = better opener! :D
21:52.07num000pango awaik?
21:52.16ilTiziowhen registering
21:52.19hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: still hurts to play
21:52.43hmmhesaysmy wrist is still messed up from dumping my bike last month
21:52.44lkj235[TK]D-Fender: Thank you for your response, I apologize for the delay, as I had to take a call. Anyways, my question is: How do you transfer a call from within the dialplan or via AGI (I'm using PHPAGI for the most part) to an extension?: Goto(), Dial(), or some other command?
21:52.47[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: HURTS!?  Really shouldn't.....
21:52.58hmmhesaysi messed it up in the bike accident last month
21:53.11hmmhesays3 minutes of power chords gets painful
21:53.16[TK]D-Fenderlkj235: Well transferring a call on a phone depends on the phone...
21:53.27[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Ok, I guess there's no easy way outta that...
21:53.39hmmhesaysjust some more time, it is getting better
21:53.40lkj235well I'm using a pap2 and soon to be using a utstarcomm f3000 as well
21:53.56lkj235so there's not a whole lot of control since it's (well, at least the pap2t) just going to "dumb" phones
21:54.14[TK]D-Fenderlkj235: Well you use hookflash + maby * codes for the PAP2 depending, and the UTC should have a transfer soft-key somewhere on it.
21:54.49hmmhesaystime to go home
21:54.57[TK]D-Fenderlkj235: Nothing * should have to think about... its up to the end point, and THEN if the endpoint is exceedingly stupid, should offer the options through straight DTMF (a bad practice)
21:55.05ilTiziohmmhesays: thx for your time, bye
21:55.14file[TK]D-Fender: stupid is as stupid does
21:55.39[TK]D-Fenderfile: He's Gump, he's Gump, is he BRAIN-DEAD? .......
21:55.50lkj235k that part is understandable, but I'm saying if I don't answer after say 30 seconds, then how do I get it to route to an extension within my context where I have my voicemail setup with agi
21:56.41lkj235[TK]D-Fender: I'm using queues so that it will fail after 30 seconds and ringing the 2 devices (right now I'm just making use of the pap2's 2 sip ports until I can throw the f3000 in the mix)
21:56.51mogssokol, i cant pay an ammount of 0.00 with paypal :(
21:57.09filemog: email Lisa, she can take care of it... she did for mine
21:57.15mogim gonna use my cc but i dont like giving it out
21:57.23TrixVoxssokol: how many people going to astricon?
21:57.35fileLisa rocks!
21:57.42[TK]D-Fenderlkj235: Queues sounds like massive overkill.. what do you really want to do?
21:57.57lkj235[TK]D-Fender: and I wanted to do my own voicemail system via AGI because I'm needing a ton more flexibility for doing some 'abstract' voicemail stuff than what I'm able to use with the [extremely nice] * voicemail system
21:58.26Juggiemog, get a CC for just online
21:58.29lkj235I just want it to try ringing my devices for 30 seconds or so and then dump into AGI that I have sitting on a seperate extension
21:58.29[TK]D-Fenderlkj235: How do queue's factor into this, let alone "transfers"?
21:58.30Juggieif your not trustworthy
21:58.40mogi do do that now
21:58.51Juggiei think some companies have pre-paid visa avail too
21:58.58Juggiei just trust... perhaps i'm too trusting
21:59.01moghmm wont let me do it with cc either
21:59.05[TK]D-Fenderlkj235: You just dial for 30s and check the dialstatus variable and choose where to go from there.....
21:59.05mogim just paranoid
21:59.15lkj235[TK]D-Fender: transfers was probably the wrong word to use, but basically I just want my AGI sitting on an extension so I can dial into it, or have the call "transferred" to the AGI's extension after 30 seconds. Teh que is so it will try ringing my f3000 and pap2 at the same time
21:59.34filemog: you're also mog
21:59.35lkj235[TK]D-Fender: (that way if I'm up @ college or work or whatever with my f3000 then it will ring at the same time as my house)
22:00.17[TK]D-Fenderlkj235:  Do dial 2 at the same time you just do something like this : Dial(SIP/pap2@SIP/f3000,30)
22:00.18Juggiemog, your not liable for it why worry.
22:00.32[TK]D-Fenderlkj235:  Queue = silly
22:00.54mogyeah i know
22:00.59mogbut i have had to get money back
22:01.05mogdue to a fradulent company
22:01.08mogtook 3 months
22:01.13mogeven though i did everything right
22:01.23mogbut i wasnt liable which was nice
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22:02.02[TK]D-Fenderlkj235:  Do dial 2 at the same time you just do something like this : Dial(SIP/pap2&SIP/f3000,30)
22:02.09Juggieyah i guess the waiting sucks
22:02.09[TK]D-Fenderyes... minor typo.
22:02.11Juggiethats the worst part.
22:02.18Juggieusually its faster
22:02.38[TK]D-Fenderok, gotta jet.. back later maybe
22:02.41Juggieits never happened to me but it happened to a friend of mine and he has his money back in like 2 days
22:02.56mogyeah that is what is supposed to happen
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22:03.06mogalthough with me the company i did it with went dark
22:03.10mogfell of face of planet
22:03.21mogand when visa called they claimed they had shipped it
22:03.22TrixVoxwhat company?
22:03.26mogand then they fell off
22:03.32mogsome company i found of pricewatch
22:03.37mogit happened in highschool
22:03.40lkj235[TK]D-Fender: but I also want to have "ring music" going which is why I use the ques
22:03.42mogi bought a graphics card
22:03.48mogand the deal was too good to be true
22:03.50mogturned out it was
22:04.00lkj235so when people call me right now, they get to hear Irish Beer Drinking songs while my phones rings. :-D
22:04.23syzygyBSDwhen they claimed they shipped it.. ask for a tracking number
22:04.31mogyeah its what i did
22:04.34mogwe had big fight
22:04.35lkj235hence why I use queues instead of just Dial() 8-)
22:04.41mogcc sided with me
22:04.49mogjust took long time
22:04.52lkj235but my question is, how do I sit there and then grab it after 30 seconds and dump it into the extension where the AGI is at
22:04.57syzygyBSDlkj235: you can do that with dial too
22:05.07mogwhat syzygyBSD said
22:05.11mogits like option m
22:05.28*** part/#asterisk Alric (
22:05.29DaKalleappro options in the dial command:
22:05.47syzygyBSDbut queues also have a timeout if I recall correctly
22:05.47DaKalleis it possible that the o option does not what it is said to do
22:05.50lkj235in which case I have that as extension *123 and using the same code to handle each (and just parsing the hell out of the variables when * dumps it into the agi
22:06.59lkj235syzygyBSD: How do you do it with dial()? And if you can ring multiple at the same time and have random songs being played while the caller is waiting, then what's the point of queues having strategy=ringall ?
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22:07.42syzygyBSDlkj235: because queues will handle multiple calls; more calls the phones
22:08.00DaKallebecause my asterisk doesent submit the caller id from the caller, but from the extension which is called
22:08.11Dovidanyone know about polycom and MWI ?
22:08.23mogwhat about it
22:08.50DaKalleand there is no difference between doing the dial command with or without the o option
22:08.58syzygyBSDlkj235: it is the music on hold option for dial, then the random songs is the same random anything with MoH
22:09.32fileDaKalle: what exactly is your issue?
22:10.26DaKallei want my sip phones to ring in different ringtones, one for internal calls and one from outside my company
22:11.09KDananyone know what codec(s) skype uses?
22:11.13Dovidmog: cant seem to get the light to blink when there is a vm waiting
22:11.19DaKalleand when asterisk lets an extension ring, the extension always says it is called by himself
22:11.38fileDaKalle: what is your exact Asterisk version, and dial line?
22:11.39mogi can tell you it works
22:11.45mogyou must have it misconfigured Dovid
22:12.12lkj235syzygyBSD: hmmmmm. So what happens if I use dial() and I pick up a line and someone calls. Does it ring the other phone (the f3000) or just skip over and then goto (my original question :-)) of bouncing to the extension?
22:12.13Dovidmog: i know the question is what. a friend of mine did it b4 but just wit making changes on the asterisk side
22:12.23lkj235syzygyBSD:  (in which case, how do you do that? goto() ?)
22:12.35DaKallei don't exactly know the version, because at my company, there is an internet breakdown
22:12.35mogit should work if you tell it in sip.conf that phone is attached to vm
22:12.46DaKallebut it must be som early 1.2 version
22:12.48Dovidmog: using real time
22:12.57KDananyone know what codec(s) skype uses?
22:13.01Dovidmog: under mailbox i have 12@context
22:13.12lkj235mog: you talknig to me (ref vm and phone) or someone else?
22:13.19syzygyBSDand it depends on how many calls that phone is allowed
22:13.51lkj235syzygyBSD: so if my context is [inbound] then goto(inbound, 2)? I'm just using n for the priority since it's easier to cut and paste in the order I want than to renumber everything
22:13.59Dovid12 being the box number but it still wont work
22:14.38DaKalleand the dial command must be somewhat like Dial(SIP/21 & SIP/22..., 30, tTo)
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22:16.07Dovidmog: ?
22:16.31syzygyBSDlkj235: goto([[context,]extension,]priority)
22:16.32mogsorry got distracted
22:16.38Dovidtis ok
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22:16.57Dovidunder mail box i have exten@context and still dosent work
22:17.07lkj235syzygyBSD: so if my context is [inbound] then goto(inbound, 2)?
22:17.35lkj235so goto(inbound, 2, 1)?
22:17.36syzygyBSDlook at what is required
22:17.48lkj235yeah I saw, but wasn't sure if there was a way to skip the priority part
22:17.58syzygyBSDthat would work to go to exten 2, priority
22:18.12lkj235syzygyBSD: (in which case I'm very appreciative btw, please do not think that I'm trying to waste your time. I'm learning)
22:18.19KDanwhat's the dialplan or AGI function to read digits being typed (e.g. what would you use to read a PIN being typed in? receive_char??)
22:18.40syzygyBSDagi is wait_for_digit
22:18.59syzygyBSDdialplan is just done through the extension
22:19.53IlTizio/last KDan
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22:20.01lkj235syzygyBSD: k I think I got it for now then, is there a way to use Dial() to goto an extension within as well, or is that the whole point of goto()?
22:20.20syzygyBSDwhat do you mean?
22:20.52syzygyBSDdial dials a phone, goto goes to....
22:22.33lkj235syzygyBSD: I'm not articulating this very well, and I apologize, I'm wondering what the best way is for having it dial an extension "locally"?: Goto() or Dial()? From what I understand from you helping me, I'm guessing Goto()?
22:22.34DaKallefile ?
22:23.05fileDaKalle: I need the exact version and exact dial string, plus information about what kind of technology the call is coming in on
22:23.52syzygyBSDlkj235: lol.. well that depends on what you mean by extension
22:24.28lkj235syzygyBSD: well 123 is the extension for my agi'd voicemail system (once again for anyone who's going to respond that * has voicemail, yes, I know, but it doesn't suite my *exact* needs :-))
22:24.37syzygyBSDDial if you want to go to a sip/zap phone.  Goto if you just want to go to another place in the extensions.conf
22:24.44lkj235er *123
22:24.54syzygyBSDyes goto
22:25.33lkj235syzygyBSD: excellent! *THANK YOU* so much for your help!
22:27.28DaKalleok, i will find that out, i will ask her a second time in the next days and i hope the internet connection problem will be solved
22:27.45lkj235ok all, as always, thank y'all so much for all of y'alls help (especially syzygyBSD for spending so much time on helping me) and I hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon/evening :-)
22:28.15syzygyBSDI need a new name, I haven't been on bsd for 4 years
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22:44.56mtghIf I am in the us and want to call 46-31-450..... What do I need to dial first?
22:45.52Corydon-wIt's in the front of the phonebook, btw
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23:08.15syzygyBSDhah, who still has phone books?
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23:12.39ki2kanyone know of ways to decrease lag w/ conference calls?
23:14.23Corydon-wWho here has successfully gotten the phone company to stop delivering them?
23:14.33Corydon-wI haven't used one in probably 5 years
23:14.39ki2kme neither
23:14.43ki2ki hate them
23:15.19jbroomethey get dropped at our common mailbox and i leave ours
23:15.27Corydon-wOh, wait.  I think I used one when my A/C was malfunctioning and I had to shut down my computers due to the heat
23:15.47jbroomeThey're good to have around if you need to hit someone and not leave a mark
23:15.59Corydon-wI used one to find an AC repairman
23:16.11jbroomeYeah, that'll work too
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23:55.05mountainm2kPRI line -- outbound caller ID (to cell phones) shows only the extension...  What's the best way to change that?
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