irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060820

00:00.14delmarfile, right. I use busy detect actually.. and it works ok.
00:00.19delmarfile, but its dodgy I hear
00:00.29delmarfile, anyway.. since u understand what im on about...
00:01.15delmarfile, the problem i have is that... the call hits the * box, which has tdm400p in it... dials out via FXO-4 .. which has a gsm gateway on it.. just providing 2wire dialtone to the FXO...
00:01.29fileI already don't like where this is going
00:01.57delmarfile, the problem is.. as soon as the call is placed out the FXO.. and the caller is connected... there is a huge amount of silence while the gateway gets the call established on the gsm network
00:02.14joburgyou get gsm gateways that has a tone while it's processing the call
00:02.22delmarfile, i can play ring tones and all that.. right up to when the FXO goes "Answered" ... then we are waiting for ages... for the call to get going
00:02.28joburgmaybe thats your solution
00:02.33delmarjoburg, right.
00:02.39delmarjoburg, that sounds damn perfect.
00:03.15delmarfile, so what i was wondering is.. if there is a way to inject some noise.. either to the Zap channel.. or on the SIP side.. or.. something
00:03.41delmarfile, for about 10seconds.. long enuf for the gsm call progress tones to kick in.
00:04.02delmarnah i didnt think so either.
00:04.55delmarso.. back to my remote-access DISA thingie problem...
00:05.08delmarjoburg, I hear what u are saying regards dial patterns...
00:06.34delmarjoburg, however.. for example... cell phone numbers here.. come in different lengths... 02XXXXXXX and 02XXXXXXXXX sorta thing. so I guess I can do 02XXXXXXX.
00:07.11delmarsurely there must be a way to lengthen the wait time to at least 3secs. right now it seems shorter than that.
00:07.18joburgno rather have them all seperate
00:07.25compu73rg33kare voip plans cheap?
00:08.06delmarjoburg, how so?
00:08.30joburgiow : have _02XXXXXXX and _02XXXXXXXXX
00:09.33delmarjoburg, that said....
00:09.51delmarjoburg,  im not sure the matching has anything to do with it...
00:10.15delmarjoburg, the call hasnt been placed via the dialplan at this point....
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00:10.59delmarjoburg, but ill give this a go
00:10.59delmarjoburg, the longer match before the shorter I would assume, otherwise it will match the shorter one always...
00:11.39joburgif you dont have them both the shorter one will not be exepted
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00:12.53joburginstead of DISA you can use a ivr and force the user the end with a #
00:14.22joburgI allow DISA only based on the callers Callder ID for example , adding to the security then taking them to a menu where their calls gets processed
00:15.17delmarjoburg, I wouldnt consider CallerID to be a form of security.
00:15.30delmarjoburg, a security hole in most respects
00:16.03joburgyou can also add a pin coupled to a callerid
00:16.14delmarjoburg, so .. the pattern match for cell phones .. not such a big issue.... and national dialing.. are fixed length also.. but waht about international?
00:16.28joburgit also depends in what country you are i guess
00:16.47delmarI can think of a fairly short number already... 00XXXXXXXX
00:16.57delmarbut there are plenty that will be longer than this
00:17.29joburgthe same goes 4 international yes - have all the possibilities seperate
00:17.34delmaranyway.. im still thinking that its a wait time issue ahead of the matching which is done in the dialplan when the call is actually being placed.. so ill go test that a sec
00:17.43delmarjoburg, u reckon?
00:18.44delmarjoburg, I think it would be easier if the damn thing would wait a sec or two longer for the user to finish entering :P
00:18.52joburggottago - its past 2am already!
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00:32.13*** join/#asterisk vaq (
00:32.20vaqis anybody online?
00:32.39vaqMy asterisk is up and running with a VoIP provider, now how can i connect skype with my asterisk server
00:34.15Nuggetyou can't
00:35.06vaqNot with skypeOut?
00:35.08crochatNugget: That's not true... he can with a strange manipulation ;-)
00:36.22Nuggetwell you can buy one of those cheap skype fxs thingeys and then plug it into a sip or iax fxo device.  but I didn't expect that was what you were really asking.
00:36.23crochatIn my house, I can call Skype contact through my Asterisk server, and I can also receive Skype calls on my VoIP phones (SIP, IAX, etc...)
00:36.30Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
00:36.55vaqcrochat how?
00:37.00vaqplease tell me how
00:37.12crochatvaq: I wrote a howto, but it's in french... sorry ;-)
00:37.29Nuggetthose nutty swiss.
00:37.47vaqcrochat: i cant read that, can we go in private?
00:38.04fileNugget: !!!
00:38.33crochatvaq: No, sorry, it's 02:38 AM in Switzerland... I'll go in bed !
00:38.45Nuggetcrochat: where in switzerland are you?
00:39.27crochatNugget: La Chaux-de-Fonds... the highest city (city=more than 10000 persons) in Europe
00:39.31fileit's a trap! don't answer
00:39.36fileNugget is from the CIA
00:39.39delmarbah. I was right. its nothing to do with pattern matching.
00:39.49crochatfile: lol
00:40.15Un1xanyone know a site where i can purchase a DID?
00:40.27delmarUn1x, what state?
00:40.44crochatvaq: You can ask for a translation on the forum, or write me an email... but I haven't much time now ! I have an exam in one week :-(
00:40.52delmarUn1x, you can get a free Iowa number from trxtel
00:41.09*** join/#asterisk Mportnoy (n=test@
00:41.19Un1xdelmar i dont need usa i need canadian numbers :D
00:41.34crochatNugget: Basel is one hour (in car) far from me ;-)
00:41.36delmarUn1x, no clue.
00:41.45Nuggetbasel is nice.  :)
00:42.00crochatNugget: Geneva is better ;-)
00:42.26crochatNugget: For me, Geneva is the most beautiful city in Switzerland
00:42.36Nuggetyes, but basel is the weirdest.  :)
00:42.38crochatNugget: You should go in Geneva
00:42.43NuggetI've been
00:42.53crochatOh, good
00:42.56NuggetI have been to basel and zurich and geneva
00:43.44crochatOk guys ! Sorry, vaq ! Probably somebody here can translate my howto for you, or you can ask Google ;-))
00:44.04*** join/#asterisk webman (
00:44.13crochatGooooooooooogle powa ;-)
00:44.28crochatBye !
00:44.47crochatNugget: Tu parles français ?
00:45.02crochatNugget: Oups, je vais me faire kicker... héhé
00:45.34vaqMy asterisk is up and running with a VoIP provider, now how can i connect skype with my asterisk server
00:45.39vaqdoes anybody have any good howtos
00:46.09webmanvaq: you need an FXO interface, and a skype FXS interface, or vice versa
00:46.27vaqi can do it with asterisk and skypeOut
00:46.34crochatvaq: Good luck ! I must say that you must have an Asterisk server, and a f*** Windows computer running Skype... and skipe2sip software
00:46.50vaqcrochat: I got skype2Sip!
00:46.59vaqcrochat: but im getting: Aug 20 02:44:35 NOTICE[19322]: chan_sip.c:7708 handle_request: Registration from '<sip:vaq@>' failed for ''
00:48.10crochatvaq: If your Skype contact name is "vaq", you can't call "vaq", even for testing !
00:48.27vaqcrochat my skype name is vaggie1
00:48.34vaqand my asterisk account name is vaq
00:49.00crochatforget it
00:49.13vaqthanks for your great help
00:49.51crochatvaq: Try to translate my howto with Google
00:50.13vaqi dont know how to do that, but i followed your guide for setting up the sip.conf
00:50.15vaqdidnt work out
00:50.26crochatvaq: Or register on the forum, and ask for a translation ! Perhaps I could make that today ! ok ?
00:51.24crochatGood night, guys !
00:51.38MportnoyANyone from Costa Rica?
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02:16.34talljon84Is anyone using the new 8.x SIP firmware for the Cisco phones? I have a question about the behavior of the MWI light with it:  It flashed when there was a new message in the 7.5 firmware but doesn't under 8.0. Is there a new paramater that I need to configure or is anyone aware of a bug?
02:18.01qaiQuestion for those dialplan guru's - my VOIP service provider allows adapter connected users and asterisk server connected users.  He has a feature for the adapter connected users that allows them to initiate 3-way calling by dialing the first number, pressing hook flash, then appending *23 to the beginning of the second #, then via another hook flash, all three parties are connected.  Anyone have an idea what the *23 dialplan would look like?
02:24.59qaitalljon84 -  Seems as though there are a few issues being reported.
02:29.52talljon84qai: thanks
02:30.44*** join/#asterisk Gabriel25 (
02:31.33Gabriel25hi guys I find Mailcall for asterisk
02:31.50Gabriel25I don1t have trixbox ... but I want to use this ...
02:32.39Gabriel25where can I add the basic code ? In extension.conf ?
02:32.42Gabriel25but where ?
02:47.57*** join/#asterisk benjk (
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02:58.30LoneShadowanyone know for what reasons spa3k's line1 would keep going off hook ?
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04:04.18sidWindows binary anywhere?
04:04.23*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
04:05.29sidI wanted to setup a I could use my computer(in New York) and connect to my brother in law's computer in Romania..then from his computer jump onto his phone line...and make phone calls with his phone line. So I don't have to pay rates per minute from America(New York) to Europe(Romania). I can just pay rates from his city in Romania to his town in Romania. heh
04:05.54ManxPowersid, the best thing to do is use Skype
04:06.25ManxPoweror FWD or any number of similar services
04:06.45sidManxPower: right, but I want to call my aunt and uncles, and they don't have computers.
04:07.30ManxPowersid, Asterisk does not work on Windows.  Asterisk requires Linux.  In order for you to set up a system like you want you will have to learn telecom, networking, Linux, and VoIP.
04:07.43ManxPowerDo you really want to do that to save a few dollars?
04:07.56ManxPowersid, Asterisk is phone system.
04:07.56sidIt's like $200 a month for phone bill
04:08.05ManxPowersid, How much do you pay per min?
04:08.08sidVerizon and Vonage both offer $0.33 cents per minute
04:09.02sidI use Debian GNU / Linux sid on my laptop right now.
04:09.09sidheh, I can apt-get install asterisk and I'm done in 5 seconds.
04:09.15sidBut my brother in law uses Windows XP
04:09.25ManxPowerAre you calling cell phones?
04:09.39ManxPowerTeliax has calls to Romania for 8 - 10 cents/min
04:12.08ManxPowersid, in theory you can get a SIPura box that has FXO (phone line) and FXS (phone) ports on it and use that to get your call out to the Romanian PSTN, no asterisk needed
04:21.20Gabriel25who is from romania ?
04:22.10Gabriel25sid ...
04:24.01Gabriel25sid maybe you want to check
04:24.45sidManxPower: I don't know what calling cell phones are
04:25.44ManxPowersid, mobile - cell phone
04:26.48sidShe uses motorolla cell phone
04:28.21ManxPowercalling mobile phones is expensive in most of the world.
04:28.56fileJunK-Y: one of your patches is silly
04:29.03Gabriel25especially in Romania
04:29.29Gabriel25ivn if you are in romania From cel to cel it`s 15 c an min
04:32.28*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
04:32.33shmaltzhi every1
04:54.50pcmit's late
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05:41.36novafirsthi guys
05:42.20novafirstthis is my first visit to this channel, but probably not the last one
05:44.20novafirstI have one problem. Asterisk is trying to run under asterisk:asterisk username/group but I have another username/group set so how do I direct asterisk not to use default one
05:47.00intralanmanare you using an rc script to start it?
05:47.05intralanmanand what OS?
05:50.08*** part/#asterisk sid (i=emanresu@tor/regular/sid)
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07:15.56adelashey, what is easier or better for a noobie with alot of customization need, trixbox or freepbx (which one has more support ;))?
07:18.01*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
07:18.58hads|homeadelas: Both are supported in #freepbx I believe.
07:19.33adelasis there any major difference?
07:20.01hads|homeI don't think you'll find many people here using either (me included).
07:20.23hads|homefreepbx is a web GUI that is used by trixbox.
07:20.31adelasah okay
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07:22.48Gabriel25how I make asterisk to a text file ?
07:23.28Gabriel25I want to create an extension when people call that extension to start reading a text file
07:23.50hads|homeWhat do you mean by reading? Text to speech?
07:24.27Gabriel25i have to do it in extension_custom.conf
07:24.38Gabriel25but I don`t know how ...
07:24.46hads|homefestival and cepstral are the most common from what I know.
07:25.04Gabriel25festival I do have it installed
07:25.10hads|homeIf you are using A@H/Trixbox/FreePBX then you will get more help in #freepbx
07:25.22Gabriel25I don`t
07:25.33Gabriel25i have asterisk installed on fedora 5
07:26.12hads|homeI don't use TTS so I can't really help.
07:26.32Gabriel25Ohh ok
07:33.21delmarhas anyone setup something like the portable-extensions idea on here  ??
07:36.26delmarmy brain is on a go-slow tonight. I can see how that is all working in terms of the activation/deactivation and all that... what I don't get is the first part of the portable-extensions context.
07:37.36benjkyou can always get a good night's rest and look at it again tomorrow ;)
07:37.57delmar7:30pm here
07:38.04delmarso im a little ways off from sleep.
07:38.44benjkwell, you said "my brain is on a go-slow tonight", so I figured it may be a good idea to go to sleep early and get up early
07:39.07delmarbut yeah.... im a little tired. got 3hrs sleep, up from 4:30, then got a couple hours nap this avo, but im still a bit buggered.
07:39.13benjkI do that sometimes when I get stuck
07:39.50delmarfor sure. i was lookin at something last night and decided I would look at it with a fresh brain in the morning.. not that i was too fresh after 3hrs sleep this morning but.. i spotted the problem instantly after that.
07:41.16benjkI don't know what portable extensions means, but as for follow me, I use astdb
07:41.21delmarsomeone wanna take a look at  .. at the portable-extensions context and run through a few things with me? I have some questions about how this is implimented really.
07:41.56delmarok. well thats all I want really.. some way to run follow-me ...
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07:42.13delmarbenjk, so maybe your way is another option I can look at...
07:42.28benjkit involves a bit of macro programming though
07:42.50delmarbenjk, the example there on that link... is that not using the asteriskDB ?
07:42.51benjkbut basically what I do is, I only have a single extension for everybody
07:43.30benjkI define my local extension range in a global variable LER = 30XX for example
07:43.39benjkthen I have a local context
07:43.58benjkexten => _${LER},1,....
07:44.14benjkwhich calls a custom macro
07:44.27benjkeach extension has a dictionary in astdb
07:44.46benjkone of which is an unconditional call forward
07:45.04benjkand another of which is a follow me forward
07:46.50benjkCLI> database show ext2001
07:47.15benjkCLI> database show ext2001
07:47.26benjkand a bunch of others
07:47.35benjkeverything is controlled by the entries in astdb
07:47.54benjkfor each active extension there is such a dictionary
07:48.04benjkext2001, ext2002, ext2003 etc etc etc
07:48.14delmaryeah ok that part I get
07:48.21delmarit's really the dialplan side I need to get going.
07:48.24benjkthen the custom marco looks at those and decides what to do
07:49.04benjkif it sees there is a number in /extXXXX/followme, then it will dial that after a dial timeout with dialstatus NOANSWER
07:49.54benjkbasically I call Dial() always with the g flag for "continue in the dialplan"
07:49.58delmarah thats something i had not really thought about.. followme is really.. something that happens after the other phone rang for a bit...
07:50.21benjkthen I look at the value of DIALSTATUS and depending on that I do whatever the next action should be
07:50.26delmarwhat I wanna do is have it so an extension can be remotely set for call-forward
07:50.37benjksame thing
07:50.55benjkthe /extXXXX/callforward entry in the database controls that
07:50.58delmarnot if follow me .. does it's thing after ringing the extension for X seconds before forwarding
07:51.10benjkif the macro sees a number there, it will dial that straight away
07:51.12Assiderr,, if im using manager api.. and i want to make a call using a macro .. how would i do that?
07:51.26Assidits what should i use in the channel
07:51.41benjkthe thing is you have to work out the order in which to process things
07:51.56*** join/#asterisk BrainSurg (
07:52.00benjka DND setting would be the first thing to look at
07:52.10benjkif DND is set, you go straight to voicemail
07:52.13BrainSurgSalvete omnes
07:52.13delmarbenjk, sounds interesting. do you have your macro and stuff posted anywhere? I might like to see if I can make that work.
07:52.20benjkthen next is unconditional call forward
07:52.32benjkif that is set you dial the forwarding number straight away
07:52.49benjkthe next is the actual peer where the extension can be reached
07:53.04benjkthen if this times out, you examine the follow me entry
07:53.22benjkits 3500 lines of code :D
07:53.54delmarbenjk, all I wanna really do right now is thus... if i go upstairs and forget to set fowarding on the Polycom downstairs... I wanna pickup the phone upstairs and tell asterisk to send calls for the other extension .. to the phone upstairs.. without having to run down and do it :P
07:54.01delmarbenjk, as an example .. :P
07:54.05benjkits a universal dialplan that takes a whole bunch of things into account, different countries, loads of user control
07:54.50delmarbenjk, still sounds pretty cool. you should rip out any sensitive bits and post it up sometime !!
07:54.52benjkan example is not as easy as you make it sound because all my macros call each other
07:55.04BrainSurgQuick question for all: Can one suggest a good book for learning to configure asterisk?
07:55.07hads|homedelmar: Simple way; you could just setup an extension which sets a value in the db which sets up which phone to call.
07:55.20jbotrumour has it, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
07:55.20sevardthe book!
07:55.25benjkfor what you want to do its really not that complicated
07:55.40benjkset up a structure in the database for each extension you have
07:55.51delmarBrainSurg, also... is a really good place to get info
07:56.03benjklike database put extXXXX callforward nnnnnnnnn
07:56.21hads|homeAlthough take everything on the wiki with a grain of salt - some of it is out of date or just wrong.
07:56.21benjkdatabase put extXXXX followme nnnnnnnnn
07:56.21BrainSurgThanks, very helpful.
07:56.27delmarhads|home I think this is what this thing on is doing?
07:56.56benjkthen write a little macro [macro-dial-extension]
07:57.12benjkthat macro should first check if there is a value in callforward
07:57.19benjkif there is, you dial that number instead
07:57.24benjkif not you continue
07:57.41benjkthen it should check where the extension lives
07:57.41delmarI think .. what is on here.. at  ... will do it... and I understand whats in that example quite well... accept the part at the top... im like.. WTF is it going to do here...
07:58.00hads|homedelmar: Not really what I'm talking about there.
07:58.13benjkthen you dial that route
07:58.34benjkthen after the call times out you check followme and if there is a value you dial that
07:58.40benjkthat's the entire flow
07:58.53benjkyou can change the database from anywhere
07:59.11benjkyou can set up a short dial extension for letting users change their settings by phone
07:59.23benjkyou can log in via ssh and change settings on the CLI
07:59.29hads|homeFor your simple case you could just add a db key which has the extension you want to call (you could use a global variable too) and then on your incoming extension just to a Dial(${VALUE_FROM_DB})
07:59.30benjkand you can change via AMI
08:00.22benjkso no matter what situation you're in and what location you are, you can change the forwarding and follow me numbers for any given extension
08:01.29delmarcool. I think i have a few ideas now.
08:01.48benjkthis scheme is most flexible and you can extend it over time to add more parameters
08:01.52benjklike DND
08:02.31benjkdial timeout when internal, dial timeout when forwarding, mailbox number etc etc
08:02.45benjkI even have a VIP caller list for each extension
08:03.01delmarsounds pretty cool
08:03.10benjkso users can enter their important customers/friends/etc and treat incoming calls from them differently
08:03.17hads|homebenjk and I are talking about pretty much the same thing, his way is just more expandable.
08:03.51benjkthis is just an outcome of adding more stuff over time
08:04.12benjkonce you draw parameters from the database, you may as well draw everything from there
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08:04.32delmaryeah. sounds pretty powerful
08:04.44benjkand you don't have to do this all in one go
08:04.51benjkyou just start with forwarding
08:04.58benjklater on, you add DND
08:05.06benjkthen follow me, etc etc
08:05.24benjkessential is that each extension has its own dictionary
08:05.31benjkor family as asterisk docs call it
08:07.31benjkits also helpful to be aware of the different types of forwards
08:07.48benjkunconditional forward, forward on busy, forward on no answer etc
08:08.00benjkfollow me is basically a fwd-on-no-answer
08:08.40delmarwhat i wanna do is setup unconditional forward, which is able to be activated for a given extension.. from any other extension.
08:08.45delmarfor now at least
08:09.32benjkyou should distinguish between the storing and retrieval of the foward parameter itself
08:09.39benjkand the ways to change it
08:09.49benjkthose should be implemented independently
08:11.10benjkthe macro that dials extensions should only be interested in that database field, it should not have to worry about how the number got into the database
08:12.12benjklikewise, your IVR or whatever instrument you use to change the forwarding number should only have to worry about putting the value into the database, it need not know about the macro that will read from it
08:15.55*** join/#asterisk darkgamer20 (
08:18.16*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
08:18.36Assiderr.. how do i get the caller id of an incoming call using manager
08:18.42delmarbenjk, ok thanks for the tips dude.
08:19.14Assidhey benjk: whats your experience with manager api
08:19.19darkgamer20is there a way to direct a call from an external number to another external number if an external number calls my asterisk server?
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08:21.27hads|homedarkgamer20: Asterisk doesn't really care if the number is internal or external.
08:22.58darkgamer20hads|home: hmm oh ok, so lets say I use Dial(ZAP/r1/REDIRECTION NUMBER) to direct the call to that number would i be charged for making the call?
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08:24.20darkgamer20is there a way to not get charged and redirect the call?
08:25.35delmarunless the number u are directing to .. costs you nothing when you dial it normally... No
08:25.52benjkthere is if you have SS7
08:25.57benjkand a class 5 switch
08:26.08hads|homeWell yeah
08:26.14benjkbut you'd not be asking if you had that ;)
08:26.18delmari thought of that also.. but wasnt gonna bother going into that :P
08:26.21*** join/#asterisk svenna (
08:26.26darkgamer20haha yea
08:26.45adelasdo you guys know of any sip voip provider thats cheap and good?
08:26.53benjkin some countries BRI also has caller pays call deflection
08:26.53adelaslike viatalk or junctionnetworks?
08:27.12darkgamer20what about in the US?
08:27.45benjkthe US doesn't really like BRI so even in those places where you get it, they probably don't bother to implement fancy features
08:30.31benjkAssid, I don't really make much use of the manager interface, I think it ought to be replaced by something decent
08:44.02remissanyone else used the execif-app here? i can't seem to get it to work...
08:44.03remissAug 20 10:42:30 WARNING[6146]: app_while.c:110 execif_exec: Count not find application! ( SayDigits)
08:44.36remisse.g. ExecIf( some test, SayDigits, 123)
08:46.58*** join/#asterisk pcm (n=pcm@
08:47.43pcmanyone has cheap server hosting for asterisk ?
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08:57.14hads|homeremiss: From your WARNING message it looks like ExecIf might not like the spaces in your arguments, try taking them out.
08:57.43benjkthat's because those kids don't know how to parse arguments
08:57.59benjkall they do is strchr, strrchr and strsep
08:58.24benjkI have replaced loads of those
08:58.54remisshads|home: thanks, mate :)
08:59.13remiss*put it in the wiki*
09:02.47*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
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09:09.03muppetmasterWith the new AJAM interface, it is easy to do a request/response, get status, etc.
09:09.31muppetmasterBut is there a way to do a callback that would allow one to monitor all events and build state models for various devices.  Or does one still need to go to the traditional Manager API port for this?
09:10.19*** join/#asterisk Jenocin (
09:10.30Jenocinhey people, anyone using voicestick ?
09:11.29muppetmasteralso, according to the readme, show http is meant to give you a list of all functions, but that command does not exist
09:11.33muppetmasterOnly http show status seems to
09:12.50*** join/#asterisk abatista (
09:15.39remissis there a better wiki than the voip-info stuff?
09:15.57hads|homeNot really
09:21.37tzafrirremiss, better technically or more "informed"?
09:22.28benjkyou should be glad you've got that wiki
09:22.47benjkwhen we started out, there was no documentation, none whatsoever
09:22.59tzafrirremiss, pastebin the relevant parts of your dialplan
09:23.01benjkother than the source code
09:23.32hads|homebenjk: You're so hard done by ;)
09:23.54tzafrirYeah. And we had to write the binaries by hand
09:23.56benjkI am just saying, people don't know how good they have it
09:24.24hads|homeI know, just giving you a hard time :)
09:25.13benjkno, we had to custom order binaries from a distant voodoo master by sending in rat tails and monkey skulls
09:25.23remisstzafrir: i've figured things out now.. it's just that voip-info is slow and not that good..
09:25.39remissbut it's better than nothing :)
09:26.22hads|homeThe fact that Asterisk has changed and the wiki hasn't kept up can make it a little difficult though.
09:27.19benjkwell, you can always take the headers literally "Asterisk, a telephony toolkit"
09:27.37benjkthen assemble what you need from the available parts
09:27.44benjkand leave those parts you don't need
09:28.18benjknot everybody buys the latest model of the car they drive just because there is a new model number
09:28.36benjkusually you drive it for a number of years
09:28.59benjkmost people would be better off if they took a lesson from that for their use of software
09:33.27muppetmasterNo one is informed on AJAM?
09:33.50delmarbenjk, i agree
09:34.42delmarbenjk, 340days up time on my colocation box. i used to be always wanting the latest kernel.. or latest software... but the thing just runs non-stop. i don't wanna touch it apart from a few minor software updates.. patches.. security issues.. the usual
09:35.06delmarbenjk, I forgot to add forced module unloading tho.. so its gonna get a kernel compile soon.. but yeah
09:35.07benjkway to go
09:35.39gordonjcpbenjk: and some of us deliberately choose to drive 15-year-old cars because they are technically superior to anything new on the market ;-)
09:35.59gordonjcp(which is why I like Citroens and VMS)
09:36.57benjkYou gotta love the DS
09:37.07gordonjcpI would indeed love a DS, but I can't afford one
09:37.26gordonjcpnot really what you'd want to use as a daily driver anyway
09:37.44benjka friend of mine in Europe used to be a driving salesman, he had a phobia of flying
09:37.49gordonjcpI have a CX and an XM as my daily drivers
09:37.54benjkso he drove the entire continent
09:38.02gordonjcpI can't be arsed flying, driving is much more fun
09:38.23benjkaccording to him, you can drive from Denmark to Munich in one go in a Merc
09:38.37gordonjcpI can believe it
09:38.37benjkbut to Athens you can only do it in a Citroen
09:38.48gordonjcpthey are very very comfortable
09:39.11gordonjcpbenjk: my XM is as comfortable as a Bentley but can outhandle a Subaru Impreza
09:39.12benjkwell, you probably know the difference between German and French car making
09:39.23gordonjcpbenjk: yes
09:39.31delmargotta love the speed limits in parts of EU.. or lack of.
09:39.39benjkthe Germans would build the most advanced car with the latest tech and when they are done they realise ...
09:39.41delmararent there parts of canada that are limitless too?
09:39.42benjkOh shit!!!
09:39.48gordonjcpGerman cars, they need to fasten two parts so they make one extra thick and drill a blind hole and tap it
09:39.49benjkfour people ought to go in there
09:39.56benjkwhat are we going to do now?
09:40.04benjkso they put four chairs in
09:40.21gordonjcpFrench cars, they have a sort of spring washer, a stud with a hole up the middle, a kind of locking screw with a bristol spline head, and a thing a bit like a rawlplug
09:40.35benjkthe French on the other hand will take 4 of the most comfortable living room arm chairs and build the car around it
09:41.01gordonjcpit's documented over four pages in the manual, and when you get to it, it's actually rusted into a blob because they didn't bother to cadmium-plate the steel bits, and made part of it out of aluminium
09:41.15gordonjcpbenjk: haha
09:41.35gordonjcpbenjk: I've actually fallen asleep in the CX, just parked up outside the house
09:41.48gordonjcpsat for a moment to listen to the end of the news or something, and nodded off
09:41.56benjkwhen I lived in France I had a GSA
09:41.59gordonjcpmy gf can fall asleep in the car driving across town
09:42.04gordonjcpGSAs rock!
09:42.08benjkthe predecessor of the BX
09:42.44gordonjcpgood for embarrassing ricers when the lights change...
09:42.44benjkthat was 10 years old second or third hand, but it was marvellous
09:43.08benjkone of the best cars I had was a Renault 16TX
09:43.31benjkand I also had just about every BMW (3, 5, 7) and Merc
09:44.08gordonjcp^ my old GSA
09:44.18gordonjcpI had a Merc 230TE, that was good
09:44.31benjka French car may have a problem with things like wipers not working when the radio is on and it rains
09:44.39benjkor you may have a door lock rust off
09:45.10gordonjcpbenjk: yes, my XM does occasionally complain about the ABS being out of use (in French) when it's low on petrol and raining
09:45.19gordonjcpthe ABS is perfectly ok, it's just grumbling
09:45.35benjkbut the stuff that you absolutely need to keep moving (and which is more expensive to repair or replace) will be rock solid
09:45.49gordonjcpthe plumbing scares people, but it's easy to do
09:45.57benjka German car will never have a door handle rust off
09:46.13gordonjcpI've got to replace a couple of bits of the hydraulic pipe in the CX
09:46.17benjkand it will never show any weird electrical behaviour with radio, wipers and stuff
09:46.30gordonjcpbenjk: yeah but just you try and buy a set of brake discs ;-)
09:46.51benjkbut if you have a tiny little problem with the cooling and you don't immediately go to the next garage, you will look at a hefty bill for a new engine
09:47.02benjkbecause it;ll die in an instant
09:47.20benjka French car will go 20.000 kms with no oil
09:47.20gordonjcpbenjk: BMW E30 cracked rockers, perchance?
09:47.57benjkI had a BMW 525 which lost a tiny little bit of cooling water
09:48.08benjkI noticed it barely
09:48.25benjkI thought I could drive the 30 kms back home and bring it to the garage there
09:48.35benjkengine exitus after 5kms
09:49.08benjkI also had a Renault 4 which I drove for 20.000 without any oil
09:49.14benjkI didn't know it then
09:49.39benjkbut the gear shift was so heavy that I got back pain from the exercise
09:49.53benjkand after the winter season, I was to change the oil
09:49.58benjkwhat oil?
09:50.03benjkthere was no oil in there
09:50.08gordonjcpbenjk: my XM dropped its coolant one dark and wet morning
09:50.14benjkok, so lets put some oil in
09:50.26benjkand afterwards the gear shift was soft like butter
09:50.30benjkoh well
09:50.41*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
09:50.42gordonjcpI thought the cloudy stuff I could see in my mirror was just spray, until after about two miles the heater wasn't working
09:50.46benjka German car would have never ever forgiven that
09:50.54gordonjcpand then after another mile, a big red <STOP> light came on
09:51.03gordonjcpsplit the top radiator hose
09:51.14gordonjcpseems to have survived, and that's the rather fragile V6-24 engine
09:51.53benjkyeah, the French have to build their cars that way because there are regions in France where there is no garage for 50 kms
09:52.11benjkin Germany you have a garage every 5 kms or so, no matter how far in the country side you are
09:52.46*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
09:52.59benjkalso, the French tend to design their stuff so that a blacksmith in some remote village can fix it
09:54.53benjkif your door handle rusts off, what's the problem? have it wielded back on by your local blacksmith, don't make a fuzz
09:55.01gordonjcptie it on with string
09:55.09benjkor duct tape
09:55.19benjkbut if your engine dies, that's it
09:55.41benjkturns the entire car into a pile of junk
09:55.49coppicestring. that's luxury. when I was lad we would have had to hold all the pieces of the car together with our bare hands
09:56.24benjkthat's British cars for you, not even compatible with string or duct tape
09:57.11coppicepeople are strange about the concept of "serious problem" with cars. to many people a lot of total breakdowns don't count as serious, because the cause is something trivial breaking
09:57.43Un1xanyone do AGI scripting for money :D?
09:58.29benjksure, there are plenty of folks who do that
09:58.43benjkI think there's even a channel for that
09:58.54benjkasterisk-biz or so, not entirely sure though
09:59.26Un1xno i think it's the mailiing list
09:59.34Un1xnot sure if there is a channle would like to know if there is tho :D
09:59.38remissanyone know how to get festival to go into the background instead of hanging around?
10:00.12benjkI usually write my stuff as a macro first and if it gets out of hand, I turn it into an app
10:00.20benjkso I bypass the whole AGI thing
10:01.50Un1xwell i need this app to call people from a list
10:01.57Un1xso im not entirely sure what to use
10:02.07Un1xweather to make it .c or agi or phpi dont know :S
10:03.42benjknot sure what you mean "call people from a list"
10:03.51benjkdo you mean a predictive dialer?
10:04.12benjklike telemarketers use?
10:04.28benjkif so, there is vicidial for asterisk
10:05.45benjkotherwise, you may want to explain in more detail
10:08.02gordonjcpbenjk: you need to get Lucas string, the ends are a slightly different size
10:08.05Un1xbenjk i just need to call people from a list play a certain recording and wait for input via DAILPAD and have that input stored into a txt file
10:10.14benjkI see
10:10.59benjkcould be done either way
10:11.23benjkof course it'll be least clutter if it is an app
10:12.11benjkhow fast do you need this?
10:13.15SwKgordoncjp have that already contact us at the office on monday
10:13.23SwKor email sales@
10:13.38SwKerrrr unix
10:13.41benjkfor a piece of Lucas string?
10:16.50benjkgordonjcp, are you running * on VMS?
10:19.31gordonjcpsadly not
10:19.42benjkwhy not then?
10:19.44*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
10:20.03gordonjcpI wonder if it could be ported...
10:20.27gordonjcpI'm actually running it on NetBSD-i386
10:20.27gordonjcpteh boring
10:20.27benjkI would just give it a try
10:21.06benjkI sold my last AXP and also my last VAX a few years back, couldn't really try
10:21.21gordonjcpI've got a microvax II and a microvax 3300
10:22.00benjkif you have the POSIX environment ("Unix services for VMS" IIRC) it should build out of the box
10:22.15benjkwithout Zaptel of course
10:22.56benjkwould be interesting to do IAX over LAT
10:23.16benjkand then do a cluster failover in the middle of a call
10:25.04benjkthe 3xxx have DSSI cluster capability, you'd need to get one more though ;)
10:31.33gordonjcpbenjk: I can't get one more
10:31.43gordonjcpI need to get rid of some stuff first...
10:31.53benjkheh, sounds familar
10:32.13benjklike I said, I sold my last DEC stuff a few years back
10:32.16gordonjcpsell at least one car and find a new home for the MVII, I think is the current deal
10:32.24benjkincluding a complete set of printed documentation
10:33.09benjkto the guy who bought it I said he'll need to bring a van for the documentation
10:33.17benjkhe thought I was joking
10:33.30benjkshould have seen his face when I showed him the boxes
10:33.36gordonjcpI fitted a fair chunk of greywall, the MVII, the MV3300 and some other bits into the back of my CX
10:33.49gordonjcpthe MVII is in a rack about 40" tall
10:33.57benjkyeah, I know
10:33.57gordonjcp*just* fitted across the back seat
10:34.24benjkthe documentation fills a 2m by 3m booksheld
10:34.51benjkin those nice old grey DEC folders
10:35.17gordonjcpsome of mine have the horizontal fold that acts as a stand...
10:35.48gordonjcpmine has two Fujitsu Eagle drives, the MVII in a BA23, and a big tape drive
10:36.18benjkyes those are the folders I was talking about
10:38.35benjkeverything was solid back in those days
10:38.41benjkeven the folders
10:43.38Jenocinhey people, anyone using voicestick ?
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11:52.13remissanyone here gotton sphinx to work?
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13:15.17RoyKhi. if trapping all calls from PSTN with an exten => _X.,1,....., is there a way to later reject calls from certain numbers, having the switch trying them on the next PRI?
13:26.22xhelioxwrong window.
13:26.59*** join/#asterisk png6 (
13:27.27png6if I want to reach a sertain extension when I dial in, and only have one number - is the only way a menu system that the user meets when he first call?
13:28.04png6or can I dial 012345 and then press the extensionnumber (where 012345 is my phone number)
13:29.23png6are you with me?
13:46.10*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
13:46.51queuetueHi.  How do I indicate "asterisk" in an asterisk dialplan?  It's a hard combo to google for. :)
13:47.38*** join/#asterisk somegeek_ (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
13:53.22*** join/#asterisk mrec_ (
13:54.32rogierHello there. What is currently considered the best and most up to date documentation for asterisk ? I checked the asterisk handbook on digium's site, but it says "Last edited 3/3/03" !
13:56.11RoyKhi. if trapping all calls from PSTN with an exten => _X.,1,....., is there a way to later reject calls from certain numbers, having the switch trying them on the next PRI? will setting a certain hangup cause help?
13:57.55remissrogier: perhaps..
13:58.19rogierremiss, ok, will check there
14:01.06*** join/#asterisk dongs (
14:01.14dongshey whats the word on this ->
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14:08.35dongsno! what is FULL of wrong information
14:08.45xhelioxJust no, alright?
14:09.04ManxPowercheck /path/to/src/asterisk/docs  also "show applications" in the asterisk CLI, also The Book
14:09.07jboti guess docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
14:09.11jboti heard book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
14:09.23ManxPoweruse is your last source is a good source of examples, but the person presenting the examples may or may not know what the f* they're doing.
14:10.41ManxPowerMany of the examples are wrong.
14:10.49xhelioxFor example, I have entries over there, and if people are following my suggestions, there's no telling how screwed they'll end up. ;)
14:10.59ManxPowermuch of the docs apply to 1.0.x, but not to 1.2.x, but there is no indication of that
14:11.45ManxPowermuch of the info on the asterisk apps is out of date, "show applications" and "show application X" is better (in the CLI
14:12.04xhelioxshow application X is excellent.
14:16.14*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:19.19mrec_-- Executing Playback("ALSA/plug:au600capture", "invalid") in new stack
14:19.24mrec_isn't this a bit misleading?
14:19.44mrec_output is set to au600playback in the alsa.conf file
14:19.56mrec_but it tries to access the input device which makes no sense
14:20.09mrec_not in that "Executing Playback" context actually
14:20.39rogierManxPower, ok thanks for that notice !
14:22.04rogierHow do you rate the O'Reilly pdf hosted at ? It's from august 2005 and says it covers asterisk 1.2 , which I currently have installed.
14:22.21dongshey whats the word on this ->
14:23.24mrec_dongs: are you looking for something like that: ?
14:23.28rogierdongs, I'm just starting out on this asterisk adventure. I have no idea how good that is .....
14:24.09dongsno, i found that particular card on intel's site and im wondering whats the big deal
14:24.12*** join/#asterisk tmccrary (
14:24.30tmccraryIs the TE410P pretty reliable for use as a general data T1 interface card?
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14:36.36RoyKhi. if trapping all calls from PSTN with an exten => _X.,1,....., is there a way to later reject calls from certain numbers, having the switch trying them on the next PRI? will setting a certain hangup cause help?
14:36.49mrec_bah asterisk's alsa implementation sucks
14:37.34RoyKmrec_: really? I thought the whole of asterisk was perfect??
14:39.06mrec_alsa itself is already a big bad documented beast ..
14:39.15qaiQuestion for those dialplan guru's - my VOIP service provider allows adapter connected users and asterisk server connected users.  He has a feature for the adapter connected users that allows them to initiate 3-way calling by dialing the first number, pressing hook flash, then appending *23 to the beginning of the second #, then via another hook flash, all three parties are connected.  Anyone have an idea what the *23 dialplan would look like?
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15:33.02mrec_is matthew fredrickson still around?
15:33.26mrec_wonder what he thinks an output/input device should be
15:35.14yxatrying to do variable multiplication: syntax error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '-' or '!' or '(' or '<token>'; Input:
15:41.33Corydon76-homeyxa: you passed it an empty string
15:45.25mrec_is there anything special about the alsa implementation? I really really wonder why I don't get a single tone out of it using alsa
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15:45.33mrec_the device itself works fine with aplay and arecord
15:45.48mrec_there's just one thing aplay needs to run in order to get arecord work with it
15:46.20yxaCorydon-w no, its Set(CALLDURSEC=$[${CALLDURSECS} * 60]);
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15:51.45yxaunless I found a bug
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15:57.23mrec_grr I hate it
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16:06.02Corydon76-homeyxa: is CALLDURSECS perhaps ""?
16:06.32Corydon76-homebecause that isn't a variable that I know of
16:08.45*** join/#asterisk jwsh (
16:09.42mrec_could it be that this alsa module is a bit weird and broken?
16:10.07mrec_there's a nosound flag in the source which is set to 0 ..
16:10.12mrec_actually it should be set to 1 ...
16:11.53jwshDoes SIP not support callerID, or am I doing something wrong?
16:12.36jwshno matter what I set CALLERID(num) / CALLERID(name) to, I just get "asterisk" on my SIP phone as the callerID
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16:13.27jwshif I call from another sip phone it shows that phone's callerID, but when I call in from outside it doesn't display it
16:16.17Assidare you getting the caller id from your incoming provider?
16:17.30crochat!seen vaq
16:17.44jwshactually I'm not, which is another issue alltogether (they didn't set it up apparently). I'm hard coding it in the dialplan
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16:18.55jwsheg:  exten => s,6,Set(CALLERID(name) = "Unavailable")
16:20.05crochatjwsh: What's your Asterisk version ?
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16:22.49jwshcrochat: asterisk - apparently if I hard code it in zapata.conf it works?
16:22.55BugKhamwhich variable contains the agi exit status?
16:23.01jwshbut if I set it from the dialplan it doesn't?
16:25.26crochatjwsh: Did you try with the variable CALLERIDNUM ?
16:25.34crochatjwsh: As if it was an older Asterisk version...
16:25.42jbsolutiosHi all - could anyone confirm that RTCP support is going to be included in 1.4 please (from bug 2863)? Thanks
16:26.32jbsolutiosto stop the problem we are having whereby a Cisco gateway terminates voicemail calls over around 38 seconds because no RTP audio is being received
16:32.42jwshcrochat: very weird - it appears to ignore what I set from the dialplan
16:34.11jwshcrochat: but it'll pass along whatever I setup in zapata.conf
16:36.02jwshoh well, good enough for now
16:37.14muppetmasterHello all, anyone here familiar with AJAM?
16:37.34*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
16:38.06TheCopsSomeone using IBM Xseries 345 with Digium or sangoma board ?
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16:40.13joburghi from south africa
16:40.38crochatjoburg: Hi from Switzerland ;-)
16:41.08muppetmasterHi from Barcelona
16:41.27crochatHi from the Earth
16:41.51coppicehi from !south afria && !switzerland && !barcelona
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16:46.57BugKhamhi, anyone knows which variable contains the agi exit status?
16:47.02BugKhamin the dialplan
16:47.07blitzragecheck README.variables
16:47.25blitzrageI don't think you can get the exit status codes though of an app
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16:57.29joburgif the variable exist you should be able to
16:58.59TheCopsWhat kind of PCI Rhino PCI T1 card is needed?
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17:03.23BugKhamblitzrage, joburg : actually, I just wanna pass a variable from agi to the dialplan
17:04.05joburgbe back soon
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17:08.23mrec_why has the driver to take care about DTMF detection?!
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17:08.39blitzragethat wasn't really a question...
17:09.04JunK-YBugKham: use the chanvar called AGISTATUS
17:09.25Flautoi am installing asterisk on centos, anything i need to prepare the installation
17:09.27mrec_well I read I have to implement DTMF tone detection by myself into a driver if I want to use it..
17:09.41BugKhamJunK-Y: yeap, I had it done now
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17:10.45techieanyone know how to meet dependencies related to using menuselect? i installed libgsm but it wont compile
17:12.20JunK-Ytechie: which lib exactly?
17:13.15KDanwhich is the recommended php-agi lib to use? I'm trying to use but the record_file function isn't working for some reason... was wondering if there's another php agi lib that's a bit more documented?
17:13.54techieon debian, libgsm1
17:14.34JunK-Ytechie: on that ubuntu box, this is the correct one, u need to ./configure again, then make menuselect
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17:25.08techieJunK: it compiles but it crashes on startup (Broken Pipe)
17:25.12techieany ideas?
17:25.46JunK-Ywhats the backtrace saying?
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17:29.18Flautoany thing i need to know for installing asterisk on centos 4.3
17:29.37carraryeah let me know how it goes
17:29.42carrarI run it on 4.2
17:29.47carrarhave issues with 4.3
17:30.00carrarcould have just been me
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17:30.53Flautowhat problem did you have
17:31.02oelewapperkeanyone seen this before ? : Aug 20 19:29:05 NOTICE[5413] channel.c: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/kotjeleuven-4 of format g729 since our native format has changed to gsm
17:31.06carraror maybe it was the unistim drive I was using had issues
17:31.25carrar(nortel ip phone driver)
17:31.29techieno core file, just crashes, interesting
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17:32.12JunK-Ytechie: start it with -g
17:32.46techieI did
17:32.53techieand with -dddddddd
17:33.06techie[]output: fwrite: Broken pipe
17:33.47JunK-Ytechie: on debian?
17:34.37techieyes Sir
17:34.41joburgtechie : what is the broken pipe complaining about? what mod ?
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17:40.43KDanwhich is the recommended php-agi lib to use? I'm trying to use but the record_file function isn't working for some reason... was wondering if there's another php agi lib that's a bit more documented?
17:51.07oelewapperkehow do you check what codecs your install supports ?
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17:54.18Assidshow codecs
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18:00.05shmaltzhi every1
18:00.25*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
18:00.49clyrradGood Afternoon Folks
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18:01.55KDanwhy would this agi record() call fail? ::: $agi->record_file("/asterisk/test", "gsm", "0#", 10000, null, true, 1);
18:02.23KDanit just doesn't record anything... test.gsm stays size 0, and the php script never exits
18:04.08clyrradmy guess is your record_file call is not correct
18:04.21clyrradif the agi hangs and never exists then its getting stuck in there
18:04.45KDanthe asterisk console also never says anything about recording stuff - although i do hear the beep
18:04.48clyrradalso ps aux and check if you have multiple copies of the agi running - if so kill them
18:04.59KDanyeah i've killed them
18:05.15clyrradcheck the syntax of record_file
18:05.22clyrraddo you need "/asterisk/test"
18:05.28clyrrador just "asterisk/test"
18:05.29KDanit is correct according to the docs
18:05.34clyrradit can be something really simple like that
18:05.44KDan(which admittedly are very sparse docs)
18:05.57clyrradyea im betting its a mistake in the parameters
18:06.22clyrradnot sure if this wil make a difference but remove the spaces between parameters
18:06.28muppetmasterI am trying to use Dial(Jingle/ to an address that does have the Gtalk client installed on Windows, but I keep getting the message 'no jingle capable client to talk' back from the CLI and the call does not go through.
18:06.32KDannah, in php it makes no difference
18:06.37muppetmasterAny ideas?
18:06.51clyrradalso have you instantiated your agi object?
18:07.02KDani've tested it with say_digits
18:07.03clyrradused new
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18:07.47clyrradtake out "gsm" and put "wav"
18:09.36clyrradalso you should be in the format like this $AGI->record_file($wavfile, 'wav', '0123456789', 1080000, 1);
18:09.58KDank now it creates a 44-bytes long wav file but still hangs
18:10.12clyrradah so we getting somewhere
18:10.19clyrradits your parameters that are wrong then
18:10.33KDanwell not really, since the wav still is effectively useless
18:10.36KDanand the script still hangs
18:11.01clyrradlike I said your arguments must be wrong becase it never exits the record_file call
18:11.07clyrradhave you changed your format like this $AGI->record_file($wavfile, 'wav', '0123456789', 1080000, 1);
18:12.21clyrradall exampls that i find are using single quote instead of double - i know PHP dont care - but try and see if thats whats snagging it
18:13.04KDan$agi->record_file('/asterisk/test', 'wav', '0123456789', 1080000, 1);
18:13.07KDantrying with this now
18:13.22clyrradhere is a 3 line working example i found
18:14.06clyrradlooks like filename should be in double quotes - and the parameters in single quotes
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18:14.23KDanhmm, crap, looks like the last one screwed the asterisk ports or something... gotta restart asterisk..
18:14.24clyrradunless they are integers then obviously you dont need quotes
18:14.49clyrradyea - put the file name in double quotes as in the example above
18:15.33KDancreated the 44-byte wav again... php stil lhanging
18:15.42clyrradpaste your line
18:15.51KDansingle/double quotes in php are only for escaping purposes
18:16.07KDanie they use single quotes fo rthe second param there so that they can have '""' instead of "\"\""
18:16.09clyrradI know - but AGI strange sometimes
18:16.30KDanwill try the same as above line for line then (Except for the file name
18:17.42KDan$agi->stream_file("beep", '""');
18:17.42KDan$agi->record_file("/asterisk/test", 'gsm', '0', 3000);
18:17.43KDan$agi->stream_file("beep", '""');
18:17.46KDantrying now
18:18.46KDansame result
18:18.56KDan(except 0-byte gsm instead of 44-byte wav)
18:18.57clyrradhere is the function prototype
18:19.00clyrradarray, record_file (string $file, string $format, [string $escape_digits = ''], [integer $timeout = -1], [integer $offset = NULL], [boolean $beep = false], [integer $silence = NULL])
18:19.40KDanthat's what i pasted earlier :-)
18:19.54clyrradso $agi->record_file("/asterisk/test", 'GSM', '0', 3000,NULL,1,0);
18:20.11clyrradI found it here:
18:20.48KDanyeah that's the same description as on the site
18:21.01clyrradwhat happens when you use the line i put above
18:22.16KDanAug 20 19:22:45 WARNING[25136]: file.c:988 ast_writefile: No such format 'GSM'
18:22.21KDantrying lowercase
18:22.52clyrradits case sensitive? lol
18:23.41KDansame as before... hangs and produces a 0-byte .gsm
18:23.54clyrradcan you paste bin your PHP
18:23.54KDanwould have thought recording would be easy!!! :-P
18:25.05clyrradmay be a dumb question... but....
18:25.28clyrradyour script is ../ below phpagi/phpagi.php right?
18:25.46clyrradso saydigits is working?
18:25.49clyrradyou hear it
18:26.00*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
18:26.01KDanand i hear the beep too
18:26.04clyrradstreamfile beep work?
18:26.11KDanin the case of this latest sample, i actually hear two beeps
18:26.23Flautomake[1]: *** No rule to make target `../makeopts'.  Stop.
18:26.23Flautomake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/menuselect'
18:26.23Flautomake: *** [clean] Error 2
18:26.37clyrradtake out the NULL so that its just ,,
18:26.38Flautoi got this when i installing asterisk on centos
18:26.46KDanthat won't work in php
18:26.55QwellFlauto: Do you have the absolute latest revision of trunk?
18:27.13QwellWhat do you have?
18:27.13Flautoso, i should get 1.2?
18:27.22clyrradand put a $agi->say_digits("12345"); after record just to see if it really is not getting there
18:27.37QwellFlauto: Just do a `svn update`, then try again
18:27.54clyrradhowdy Qwell
18:28.34clyrradKDan - does it do the last say_digits ?
18:28.44Flautoqwell, i got this same thing after the update
18:28.47KDanlet me try that
18:29.38techiemenuselect hell
18:29.48KDannope, can't hear the digits
18:29.51KDan(At the end)
18:30.13Flautoi thought i would run into problems on zaptel installation with centos, but i did not at all
18:30.25clyrraddamn... its like that function is hanging waiting on something.... how are you trying to end the recording?
18:31.07KDanpressing 0. i'm going to try doing the recording directly from the dialplan, see if that works (thanks techie for the suggestion)
18:31.11clyrradand does the function ever reach its timeout parameter and stop?
18:31.25KDanno, it doesn't seem to reach them. let me just try doing a standard record
18:31.30KDansee whether that works..
18:32.40Flautoqwell, i got the same thing
18:32.48Flautoafter updated
18:32.58Flautoanything else i can do
18:33.10QwellDon't use trunk, if you don't know how to figure out what broke...
18:34.58KDanexten => _X.,4,Record(dan-message:gsm)
18:35.02KDanalso hangs :-(
18:35.31KDanwith a 0-byte .gsm
18:36.04clyrradi wonder if its not getting the DTMF to tell it to stop recording
18:36.21Qwell# terminates Record(), not 0
18:36.36KDani tried # as well. let me try again to make sure.
18:37.37KDansame result
18:37.55KDanit just doesn't hear the DTMFs, and never puts anything in the file... could it be that x-lite doesn't send the DTMF's properly?
18:37.56clyrradit looks like its not getting the DTMF from your phone to tell it to stop
18:37.56Qwellset a maxduration of like 5
18:38.44clyrradwhat version of Asterisk are you running KDan?
18:39.15KDanexten => _X.,4,Record(dan-message:gsm|5|5)
18:40.04KDanok it did time out and hang up
18:40.15KDanbut the .gsm file is still empty
18:40.33clyrradso looks like i may be correct its not getting the DTMF when you press #
18:40.42clyrradare you using an OLD phone?
18:40.46clyrrador is it a newer one
18:40.52KDani'm using the latest version of x-lite
18:41.02KDanabout as new as it gets :-)
18:41.05clyrraddo you have a hardware phone
18:41.15KDanyes, but my asterisk is not connected to the pstn atm
18:41.22clyrraddoes not have to be
18:41.26Qwellhardware phone isn't going to solve anything
18:41.41clyrradwell i want to rule out if its his config in the software phone
18:41.42QwellJust make sure you have the same dtmfmode in both sides
18:42.01clyrradif the hardware phone works and the software one dont - then we know the issue is in the phone and not asterisk
18:42.08clyrradanyway im betting its the DTMF
18:42.12clyrradwhat do you have it set to?
18:42.40KDanhaven't even touched the x-lite dtmf setting
18:42.48KDantrying to find it
18:42.54clyrradim betting its wrong
18:42.55yatesyjust by chance, does anyone know of a device that'll do FXO and FXS in one box that then connects to a machine running asterisk using ethernet? i can't get a PCI card caus the asterisk machine runs OpenBSD
18:42.58clyrradlet me know what its set to
18:43.08Qwellyatesy: sipura spa3000
18:43.09clyrradalso its connected with SIP right?
18:43.30clyrradok find the DTMF setting
18:43.49KDancan't see a DTMF setting in x-lite
18:44.12clyrradits there you just gotta find it
18:44.57yatesyQwell: thanks, looking into it now
18:48.40KDaneven if the dtmf's are not being sent, surely the recording should work?
18:48.52KDanie cut off after 5 seconds and dump what's already been recorded?
18:49.05clyrradone step at a time my friend
18:49.09clyrradfirst you need to find that setting
18:49.32KDanyeah, it's not in the snazzy x-lite interface. it appears they don't care about such mundane settings :-)
18:49.51clyrradthat is a pretty important setting
18:50.34KDanperhaps... got a better softphone to recommend?
18:50.51clyrradI only ever used XLite
18:50.57clyrradbut if you have a hardware phone try it
18:51.05clyrradthat will rule out so many variables
18:51.09KDancan't - no pstn or hardware connection
18:51.15clyrradim betting your config is fine and hte softphone is screwed
18:51.17KDanjust plain old IP
18:51.29clyrradyou have an IP phone?
18:51.36clyrradohhh you have just a regular phone...?
18:51.38KDanxlite is an IP phone
18:51.45clyrradno a hardware IP phone
18:51.50KDanno, i don't
18:52.14clyrradno ata?
18:52.44clyrradk that answers my question hehe you dont have it
18:52.48joburgdial from your console
18:52.57KDanjoburg: how do i do that?
18:53.01clyrraderrrr the softphone is your prolblem it would bet money on it if I was a gambling man
18:53.20joburguse the dial command from your console
18:53.34joburgthen use it again to dial the digits
18:53.45KDanbut then it definitely won't record anything?
18:53.57joburgto end simply use the hangup command
18:54.26joburgit will record if you have a speaker/microphone
18:54.39joburgthe console is the best softphone for asterisk
18:55.10KDanwell, the console is running on a dell server in my friend's bathroom, 2 hours away by train :-)
18:55.17KDanso i'd need a pretty serious microphone
18:55.34yatesybathroom?! haha what a legend!
18:55.37remissKDan: you can make it.. don't have to go to bed yet, right?
18:55.54KDanremiss: nah, only got a massively busy day at work tomorrow... don't need sleep :-)
18:56.03KDanyatesy: coolest room in the house :-P
18:56.29joburgwell if you send it digits it will porbably record the digits.....
18:56.39KDan(note: he does not take his showers in that bathroom... he has another one)
18:57.01remissjames blunt is ok MOH, right?
18:57.10yatesyKDan: ah ok heh
18:57.26adelascan asterisk support video  ?
18:57.30Qwelladelas: yes
18:57.38adelasyour bsing me/
18:58.17adelasis there even a softphone that has video?
18:58.24*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
18:58.41KDangonna try a different softphone first
18:58.59adelasQwell, are you serious?
18:59.08Qwellyes, it supports video
18:59.16clyrradKDan - i bet its the softphone - it will fix your problems im sure
19:00.08KDanclyrrad: let's hope so!
19:00.36adelasQwell, is the video feature on by default? just need video clients?
19:00.37joburgurl of this video softphone ?
19:01.01Qwelladelas: sip.conf, videosupport=yes
19:02.15adelasQwell, are there any free video clients out there?(softphone)?
19:02.41Qwellwhatever gnomemeeting renamed itself to, I believe
19:02.44Qwellekiga or something
19:03.01KDanhmm, great, 3CX Phone gives a "protocol error, layer 2". NEXT!
19:03.40KDanlet's try an iax phone... *sigh*
19:03.54adelasawesome, thanks
19:09.35KDanit works with IAX + ePhone
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19:13.41adelashey does anyone know if its possible to have a cisco conference phone to work with asterisk?
19:13.46adelasb/c it dosn't support sip..
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19:13.59adelasor so it says, but its a polycom based phoned
19:14.57adelascisco 7935
19:14.58joburgis the cisco a skinny phone?
19:15.05KDanfyi, the php works fine now with the iax ip-phone
19:15.23KDanso the error was with the soft-phone - thanks everyone :-)
19:15.50KDan>> goes to grab some food
19:16.08adelasany ideas if its possible?
19:16.40joburgnot if it's skinny
19:17.01adelaswell its cisco thingy, so
19:17.53joburgyou can convert cisco skinny to sip but it's a mission!
19:18.09adelasnope. theres no sip converting for this crap
19:18.26adelasits not a regulart cisco 7960/7940, but a conference phone
19:19.04adelasi tried to do some bsing update with the phone, and tftp server says file not found ect
19:19.10adelasand file not matched
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19:36.24rogierI'm having some issues with the sip module. Firstly it won't load automatically. Is that default behaviour ? Then, if I load it from the terminal, it loads, but won't bind to port 5060. If I try to load it through modules.con, the load fails.
19:37.06rogierLoading through modules.conf failes with:  WARNING[12590] loader.c: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_park_call
19:37.17rogierHow can I effectively debug this ?
19:37.53rogierI use 1.2.10
19:38.02rogierasterisk version that is.....
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19:57.15Un1xisn't there a channel
19:57.19Un1xfor Asterisk Biz?
19:57.30Un1xthere is a mailing list but no channel weird :/
20:00.59ruskiehmmm if I want to use multiple sip providers through asterisk to dial out I guess I need to assign them extensions right?
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20:02.40Un1xruskie: id assume so or you could build a AGI script to select
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20:03.28ruskiehmm anyone have a sample config for ekiga?
20:04.30shodananyone got the manufacturer's site for netweb 301 phones ? a friend just lended me his but forgot the cds and manuals
20:05.16ruskiehmm how about for incoming calls? I have this in my default: exten => s,1,dial(SIP/205) will this work for all or do I need to do anything else?
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20:10.58oelewapperkehow can this be :
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20:10.58oelewapperkeAug 20 19:28:36 WARNING[25605] channel.c: Unable to find a codec translation path from gsm to g729
20:11.05oelewapperkewhen show codecs shows both gsm and g729 in my asterisk installation
20:14.26fileoelewapperke: show codecs does not show you what codecs are installed
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20:28.51stinkpadis there any way to detect remote hangup on an x100p in the uk?
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20:38.02KDannot strictly an asterisk question, but since .mp3 is read-only in asterisk, what's the recommended software to use to convert recorded wavs to mp3s as soon as they're finished recording?
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20:47.15pcmUn1x: what do you want done ?
20:47.39pcmanyone needs a bounty coded/made ?
20:50.33rogierif I set autoload=yes in modules.conf , all modules should be loaded automatically right ? Not working here....
20:51.00rogierAny tips what I should be looking for to make that work ?
20:51.03pcmand what doesn't load ?
20:51.27rogierWell, specifcally the module, but also no codec is loaded
20:51.50pcmthe reason is that chan_sip propably blocks
20:51.59pcmsince one of the ports it tries to request is used by something else
20:52.12pcmstop asterisk
20:52.13pcmnetstat -l
20:52.24pcmcheck if 5060 or other port is used ...
20:52.29pcmkill the guilty process
20:52.31pcmor reboot the box
20:52.34pcmtry again
20:52.38rogierIf I hardcode in modules.conf to be loaded, it does indeed block, but if I load it from the asterisk shell, everything works...
20:52.58pcmok, then try this
20:53.03pcmput unload =>
20:53.08pcmand from CLI load
20:53.25pcmit propably will block the CLI ...
20:53.36pcmand then you know something there goes bad
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20:54.32rogieror everything, rather I mean, the module loads without errors, I can register with a softphoen an it registers to voip providers. I cannot yet call the pbx with my softphone to run the echo test for example, without any codecs loaded.
20:54.40rogierOk, will try that ocm, thanks.
20:54.47rogiererr, *pcm*
20:58.02*** join/#asterisk Stormy (n=maryann@p3m/member/Stormy)
20:58.38StormyCould someone tell me of a utility that I can see my microphone on some kind of a sound meter in linux.  I'm trying to debug this thing and i'm not sure if my microphone is even working
21:00.03rogierah, pcm, you put me on the right trach. It was actually that was blocking the autoloading of all modules. Thanks
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21:04.50KDanStormy: is there a skype for linux?
21:05.17KDanyep there is~
21:05.29rg1_When I setup for "Record" function, and I'm looking for "Silence" to indicate the person has stopped talking - is there a way to adjust for ambient noise (i.e. in a car on a cell phone)
21:06.03rg1_like maybe be able to specify what "noise" is recording range or something?
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21:09.27shodanis there some reasonably (under 200$usd) priced voip videophone that works with * ?
21:09.43rg1_darkness - you know anything about adjusting the frequency range that asterisk recognizes as "voice"?
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21:10.14calleehi, i have a short question: can a normal isdn modem using spandsp send fax?
21:10.30calleeor even better recieve faxes?
21:10.57calleei am asking because i would like to get rid of an analog modem
21:13.41pcmI think it would
21:13.56pcmISDN BRI .... card under vmisdn ?
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21:20.04KDani have a system (based on asterisk) that occasionally records .wav files to a directory... I want some sort of script to check this directory ever half-second, and if the file is there, to quickly encode it to mp3 and move it to another directory... what would be the best encoder/utility/magic button to use?
21:20.29*** part/#asterisk asterisk_bounty (n=pcm@
21:20.52calleeit is a hfc-based card running with misdn
21:21.05calleedunno yet what bri is
21:22.36daniel_bergaminiKDan I think mplayer will do conversions like that, cron is likely your best bet
21:23.16hadsIndeed, also if you have a lot of them it may be better to do the transcoding on another box
21:23.33KDanyeah as it scales up we no doubt will
21:23.59hadsOh and lame may be a better choice if you want mp3
21:24.26KDansweet, great link
21:24.27daniel_bergaminiyeah that's true
21:24.31KDanthanks both of you :-)
21:24.38daniel_bergaminisorry that example did use lame
21:25.53Jenocinwhat do you guys consider to be the best trunk provider? voicepulse?
21:25.57hadsBTW cron only goes down to 1 minute, not seconds.
21:26.18daniel_bergaminiyou could just use a looped script
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21:26.37hadsYeah, or decide if you really need it every second :)
21:26.39daniel_bergaminiok I give up, what username and password do I use to install freePBX?
21:27.26hadsdaniel_bergamini: No idea sorry, but the people over at #freepbx may be of more assistance. I don't think many people here use it.
21:27.31daniel_bergaminiwhether I try my account or root I get "Connecting to database..FAILED"
21:27.35daniel_bergaminioh yeah?
21:27.56daniel_bergaminiok then I don't necessarily need to use it I'm just having trouble with the basic configuration and figured it might help
21:28.37hadsFreePBX will take you from basic config to having mucho complex config files in a matter of seconds.
21:28.58hadsWhat exactly are you having trouble with?
21:29.05KDanhads: do need it every second. every half-second preferrably!
21:29.14KDani guess i'll use a looping php script :-)
21:29.44hadsPHP wasn't really designed for daemon processes, but OK.
21:30.55daniel_bergaminiI'm trying to get a basic setup going
21:31.04daniel_bergaminiright now I'd be happy with X-lite being able to login
21:31.51hadsdaniel_bergamini: Have you read 'the book'?
21:32.05jbotit has been said that thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
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21:32.28daniel_bergaminiyeah I got a copy of that book, but it droned on and on. will that step me through everything
21:32.51KDani found it was really very readable
21:33.03hadsIf it was too wordy for you then there is a chapter in there with sample configs that you might like to copy from.
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21:38.51uk-wombatHi, has anyone managed to compile libss7?
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21:43.56hmmhesaysdaniel_bergamini: you want to skip the research you better have the cash to compensate
21:46.05daniel_bergaminiis this bad? WARNING[6892]: res_odbc.c:565 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
21:46.22daniel_bergaminihmmhesays I have time to compensate for both
21:46.31daniel_bergaminithis is just a home project I'm playing with
21:46.42shodanI have a problem, my dad used to own a business in a nearby town but now he moved and his phone number can't move , so he asked another business to host his phone number so he can use call transfert to the new number , but now I just installed asterisk at the new location (residential aera) he has 2 phone lines and apparently I can't stack phone lines in a residential aera , so is there a way I can have people who call t
21:46.42shodanhe old number not hit a busy signal if there is already someone on the line ? maybe I can redirect to a voip number and have that number redirect to another number alternating between the 2 lines ?
21:48.00KDanshodan: you could set it up with a DID provider so that it goes straight into asterisk through SIP or AIX
21:48.11KDannot sure if they allow you to transfer an existing number though
21:48.50KDan(some of them must, i guess)
21:49.29shodanthe problem is that the internet connection at the new location is not reliable enough so I can't use it for the phone
21:49.49KDanah... well that would be a problem :-)
21:51.03shodanit's probably good enough for extra outbound lines , but I can't risk the connection being down to cause a phone blackout (it's a WISP :\ )
21:51.28daniel_bergaminiwireless isp?
21:51.47shodanit's the only thing available here
21:52.54hmmhesayscallforward on busy should be something your telco providers
21:53.06hmmhesaysor unconditional forward
21:53.08*** join/#asterisk Spacy (
21:53.11daniel_bergaminiyeah if I recall it's something like *68
21:53.17hmmhesaysyou coul duse that also shodan
21:53.56SpacyGood evening... or whatever time it is at your location ;)
21:54.02shmaltzSpacy, hi
21:54.14shodanoh forward on busy would be great I could set that on the first line and essentially my line would be stacked
21:54.38shodanI'm using Bell Canada btw, I'll call them to see if it's available
21:55.28*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
21:56.56shmaltzshodan, in most cases the telco will block anything more than one channel from being forwarded on regular POTS
21:57.37shmaltzand by "on regular POTS" I mean that the phone number does NOT belong to a cell phone
21:57.54rg1_ANYONE know if you can make some adjustment on asterisk to account for ambient noise - so that for it to detect "silence" it will do that if someone is not talking - but yet there is background noise?
21:58.50shodanshmaltz, ok , so since my line is already forwarded it won't get forwarded a second time ?
21:58.52shmaltzrg1, not yet
21:59.01hmmhesaysif you call forward onconditional you can just forward all calls to a voip number
21:59.08hmmhesayswow this vnc is farked up
21:59.09shmaltzshodan, exactly, only the first caller will get forwarded
21:59.10rg1_shmaltz - you know of any plans for them to do that?
21:59.24SpacyI have a problem recording voice mail (* trunk) and would like to know if anyone experienced the same problem. The recording is very choppy. It's coming in on chan_capi (Fritz card PCI). I tested connection with SIP softphone and had no probs so far. So I think its a voicemail (recording) problem. Playback of menu-messages is just fine.
21:59.31shmaltzrg1, no clue
22:00.14shmaltzhmmhesays, you could forward to voip number, but only the first caller will get to the forwarded number, and the 2nd will get a busy signal
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22:01.00shmaltzshodan, the best -and most expensive - workaround to my knowledge, is to convert the phone number to a remote forwarding number with the telco, and purchase mutiple callpaths
22:01.52shmaltzshodan the seceond best workaround and a bit cheaper is to PORT the number (not forward) to a VoIP provider (like vongage) and use their call fowarding services, which usualy will allow you for more than one call to be forwarded.
22:02.50shodanbell said "that's not possible" (or something) :\ are they BSing me ?
22:03.04shodanbut I wasn't very specific on doing that
22:04.00shodanit already costs 53$cad/month just to keep the number and forward so that would be great
22:04.02shmaltzshodan, that whats not possible?
22:05.17shodanshmaltz, well it was my dad speaking with the phone rep and I wasn't there, she told him the current hosting in another business and forwarding was the only way he could keep his number
22:05.37shodanshe probably didn't consider switching to the competition a possibility ;)
22:05.39oelewapperkefile: then how do I check what codecs are installed ?
22:06.21shmaltzshodan, here:
22:06.46Spacynobody experiencing problems with current trunk voicemail? or is just nobody using it? *g*
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22:07.28shmaltzSpacy, I would assume the former, which of course implies that you should read the docs
22:07.38daniel_bergaminijoin #freepbx
22:07.42daniel_bergaminiheh oopsies
22:09.08shmaltzshodan, you followed the link?
22:09.11shodanshmaltz, that Remote Call Forwarding, it costs long distance to the receiver for each call right ?
22:09.43shmaltzshodan, of course, so does it now, it's actualy cheaper than what you pay now ($53)
22:09.58SkyelarWith the Asterisk 1.2 Manager API, is there any way to match up a synchronous Originate with the associated Newchannel?
22:10.11shmaltzalso each talkpath will cost some more money (like $8 per month in the US)
22:10.29shmaltzSkyelar, you mean brdige 2 known channels?
22:11.00shmaltzSkyelar, the best you can hope for is dump them both in a meetme room
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22:11.13Skyelarshmaltz: I'm doing an Originate, and I want to be able to find the unique ID of the created channel so I can follow the calls progress
22:11.36shmaltzSkyelar, you don't need unitque ID for that
22:12.52Skyelarshmaltz: this is in the manager API, not the dialplan - the success response to the Originate doesn't contain any information that I can see for matching up later Newchannel / Newexten / etc. events to the initial Originate
22:13.11shodanshmaltz, I haven't received the first bill yet but are you saying I will have to pay long distance charge on top of the 53$/month ? the old number is in 450-754 and the new number is in 450-755 I can call this number toll-free but it costs long distance to forward ?
22:13.13shmaltzSKyekar, yes it does
22:13.24shmaltzshodan, yes
22:13.29*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:13.40shmaltzif you forwarded it to a number that incures LD charges
22:14.30KDanthe poor little broke phone companies have to get their money *somewherE*
22:14.50shmaltzKDan, exactly
22:15.48Skyelarshmaltz: all I get back from Originate is "Response: Success\nActionID: XXX\nMessage: Originate successfully queued" - shortly afterwards, there's a Newchannel event, but I can find nothing to match the two together (_reliably_ - without looking at just Channel, which leaves me open to a race condition)
22:16.59shmaltzSkyelar, the channel info will always hold:
22:17.01shmaltz1. The channel you originated the call to + numbers if any.
22:17.02shmaltz2. The other end of the channel (dial command etc.) which in most practical cases is unique enough
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22:20.04Skyelarshmaltz: you understand I'm talking about the manager interface, right? I can't see how to tell if a Newchannel event is the result of my Originate, or of someone else calling them at the same time.
22:20.33shmaltzSkyelar, I do understand you are talking about the manager API.
22:21.05Skyelarshmaltz: is this race just something I'll have to live with for the moment?
22:21.06shmaltzSkyelar, I personaly have never worked with the manager API, but I'm sure that the manager API has got as much info as asterisk CLI command: show channels
22:21.31shmaltzif it doesn't then you can use shell: asterisk -rx "show channels"
22:21.39shmaltzthen a grep for you channel
22:21.53shmaltzthen: asterisk -rx "show channel justgrepted"
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22:23.01shmaltzSkyelar, there are plenty of ways to do what you want, I just gave you one, and for some reason I'm sure that the manager API gives you all the info
22:23.06shmaltzgood day guys
22:23.20Skyelarshmaltz: unfortunately it doesn't, so I'll have to keep working on it... or patching it :)
22:23.30Skyelarshmaltz: thanks for your help
22:23.47shmaltzSkylear, patching is not the solution as the info is available as I showed you thru the shell
22:25.13Skyelar(belately) unfortunately not in any way I can see
22:25.19rg1_for Record() - is there an easy/any way to know if the recording was stopped because of "Silence" or if the user pressed the "*" key?
22:27.17Skyelarrg1_: it doesn't appear to return any differently either way, at least in 1.2.10
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22:34.07SpacyHm. can someone confirm that app_voicemail in latest trunk (last change was 45hours ago) is recording messages fine? or could anyone imagine a cause why my recorded messages are chopped?
22:39.19Kumba0In asterisk the help command doesn't list any zap commands... any ideas why?
22:42.06adelashey for the cisco SCCP (cisco confereence phone 7935), is it possible to get it to work?
22:47.23shodandamn, I just found out my dad took a 1 year contract with bell :( too bad..
22:47.59shodananyone knows what is the *number for forward on busy with bell canada ?
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23:00.48Kumba0zap isn't even listed on the channel type
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23:09.29wwalkeranyone have a pointer to a very simple extensions.conf?  the sample is 350 lines of every feature and macro around.  I'd like a starting point I can explain to people.  just a couple of extensions, outgoing call context, incoming call context maybe.  I'm fairly new to asterisk (well used it a long time, but as an AGI developer, not as one who configures it
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23:20.02Kumba_I've installed two X100p's, set them up in Zaptel, according to 'ztcfg -vvv' it's installed both cards as channel 1/2... set the cards up in zapata.conf... but I dont see any zap commands/channels in asterisk...
23:20.05Kumba_any ideas?
23:20.53hadsDoes show modules show
23:21.33Kumba_lemme see...
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23:26.37hadsSpacy: Voicemail works fine for me.
23:26.50Kumba_is there a way to get show modules to dump to a file? it scrolls out of buffer...
23:27.10Kumba_when I do a show modules like
23:27.13Kumba_it returns nothing
23:27.20Kumba_says no modules found
23:27.32hadsasterisk -rx "show modules" > file
23:28.14hadsIt sounds liike you don't have zap support.
23:28.26Kumba_is it from compiling asterisk before zap?
23:29.18hadsYes, if you did that then it will be.
23:29.32Kumba_ok... so recompile asterisk...
23:29.33hadsYou need to compile and install zaptel and then compile Asterisk
23:30.02Kumba_Then I can have all the fun and excitement of fiddling through a dialplan :D
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23:34.18hmmhesaysok i'm sick of writing dialplan today
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23:36.41hunmonkhi all.  i'm an open source developer trying to configure asterisk for the first time, and having a little trouble.  i was hoping somebody here could help me figure out a few things, and i'm willing to pay for it.  anybody interested?
23:37.11Kumba_hmmhesays: You can write my dialplan if you like... it's simple :)
23:37.15Kumba_i'll even buy you a beer?
23:38.05hunmonkKumba_: i'll pay better than a beer  :)
23:38.36Kumba_I only know how to compile asterisk wrong...
23:39.00hmmhesayssure for cash
23:39.18hunmonkKumba_: i've got it compiled and installed just fine.  the problem is the dialplan, i think
23:40.14hunmonkhmmhesays: i can pay via paypal.  i have 3 or 4 basic things i'd like to get working, and i'd like somebody to help me figure out where i'm screwing up  :)
23:40.32Kumba_Yeah... the dialplan is fun...
23:40.37hmmhesayswhat are you looking to do?
23:40.42Spacyhads: thx for the info. any idea what i could try to get rid of the choppy messages?
23:40.59Kumba_Anyone got a dialplan command reference link somewhere? (gives me the command, and options for it)
23:41.08hmmhesaysuse ztdummy
23:41.17hmmhesayshunmonk wha are you looking to do?
23:41.20hunmonkhmmhesays: 1) place outbound IAX calls to anywhere, including another IAX user
23:41.39hunmonk2) configure so an IAX user can call the demo
23:41.57hunmonk3) configure so an IAX user can call a voicemail box
23:42.14hadsKumba_: 'show application $foo' from the CLI
23:42.26hunmonk4) possibly get a cheap FXO card set up  :)
23:42.33hadsSpacy: Sorry, I don't know if I'll be much help there.
23:42.35hunmonkhmmhesays: that's it
23:42.41hunmonkhmmhesays: think you can help?
23:42.41hmmhesaysi wouldn't both er with cheap fxo
23:42.51hmmhesayshehe, yeah
23:43.15hunmonkhmmhesays: well, that's not critical.  i think when it goes production it'll be all VOIP
23:43.21hmmhesayswhat iax2 client you got?
23:43.43hunmonkhmmhesays: couple of different ones.  iaxcomm for windows.  loudhush for mac
23:43.47hmmhesaysi'm building a dialplan right now for a 120 user box
23:43.55hmmhesaysso where is your issue?
23:43.59wwalkerIf I call exten 307 and this line is hit, will the argument passed to the macro be 307?  exten => NXX,3,Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN})
23:44.23Spacyhads: what coded do you use to record and playback the messages? gsm, wav?
23:44.28hunmonkhmmhesays: at the moment the peers i have set up can't seem to place any outbound calls
23:44.46hunmonkhmmhesays: lemme pull an error message for you
23:44.50hmmhesaysset verbose 5 and make a call
23:45.11hunmonkhmmhesays: trying
23:45.19hadsSpacy: In voicemail.conf? format=wav49|gsm|wav
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23:46.27Spacyhads: okay thx. i tested all of these on their own too. So the codec doesn't seem to be the problem either. -.-
23:46.27hmmhesaysbah i'll be back
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23:48.13kavithow do I know if a particular patch was included in a release or not?
23:49.18Kumba_Can asterisk send SMS messages?
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23:50.30hunmonkuh oh.  my tech support left.  anyone else willing to help me set up a few dialplan things for some cold hard cash??  :)
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23:54.06daniel_bergaminion a simple asterist setup, I just want to add an extension I can use with xlite. what is the quickest route to that end?
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23:55.02hunmonkhmmhesays: i didnt find that error message terribly informative  :)
23:55.28hmmhesaysiax2 debug
23:55.36hmmhesayswill tell you more
23:56.41Kumba_looks like you didn't supply a login/pass for IAX?
23:56.57Kumba_that's my guess anyways
23:57.32hunmonkKumba_: maybe.  as of yet i haven't found much info on how to call another iax phone from an iax phone  :)
23:57.59kavitdoes anyone know if 1.2.10 fixes this ?
23:58.03hmmhesaysso what are you looking to do for a final install?
23:58.06hunmonkhmmhesays: ok, gimme a second to get that set up, and i'll also pastebin the users i have set up, and the stuff in the dialplan..
23:59.47*** part/#asterisk hads (n=hads@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.