irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060810

00:00.30TommyTheKidit was a test conference, we asked everyone who had some free time to dial in in our IT org
00:01.27TommyTheKidwe are trying to figure out how to roll this out company wide, but there are problems with H.323, PRI cards are an expensive alternative, and we still had an issue that I would like to squash
00:02.16TommyTheKidI think the scalability would be better with the talker detection thing, as opposed to mixing in 77-(2 or 3) silent streams
00:02.56quid246Yeah... definitely silence suppression would help
00:02.58TommyTheKidWe really need it to be able to handle 650-ish people for our All Hands (uh maybe less after the RIF)
00:03.09*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
00:03.29TommyTheKidI  am notseeing that happen unless we can link server to server (meetme clustering?)
00:03.34quid246with that many calls... what is your CPU running at?
00:03.59TommyTheKidwell, we would probably run it in a Sun Fire x4600 (or whatever the 8 way Opteron 280 is)
00:04.44hoytbowUECan anyone please tell me how to get the mysql cdr support going in 1.2.x, I have downloaded latest tarball for asterisk-addons and latest trunk svn and when I compile, is not there... Menuselect doesnt have a mysql option under the res... Mysql-server 4.1.11 and the dev pkg are installed
00:04.46TommyTheKiddual core opteron with 8 physical chips = 16 way
00:05.17quid246I'm trying to figure out what kind of server to run... the info is all over the place... I want capability to do a mix of SIP/IAX (400 channels/200 calls)
00:05.50TommyTheKidI suppose that depends a lot on the codecs more than anything
00:05.55quid246hoy:  I dunno off hand, but I followed the WIKI and I got it to work for me
00:06.03quid246Tommy:  Yeah.. I only plan on running ULAW
00:06.09TommyTheKidwe were using mostly PRI lines (96) and a few SIP people on ulaw
00:06.10quid246so no transcoding
00:06.45TommyTheKidquid246: then it depends on what you plan to do.. lots of IVR type functions might take more than simple call routing
00:07.08TommyTheKidI can't claim to be an expert cause 77 people on my server today was the most we have ever had
00:07.34quid246Tommy:  Nope, just pure bouncing of calls
00:07.51quid246but * will stay in the media stream, no reinvites
00:08.02TommyTheKidI would think you could get away with something like a X2100 (one dual core opteron CPU)
00:08.14TommyTheKidbut like I said, no expert here
00:08.21*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:09.48quid246yeah I was thinking Opteron... regardless I am going to put mySQL on another machine,
00:10.25TommyTheKidyeah, that gives you the ability to scale up another server quite easily
00:11.19quid246yeah, I think for the mySQL though..> I can probably go "bottom of the barrel" and run something like an older P4.
00:12.04*** join/#asterisk Bobcat_1966 (
00:12.13TommyTheKidI think I'd get something that I knew was reliable, cause if you use it for call routing (for example) it will be down hard when mysql is down
00:12.59quid246true enough.
00:13.28TommyTheKidthe "lower end" X2100 is only like $750 I think (retail)
00:14.01TommyTheKidit would be pretty cool to have the SP for remote powercycles and/or console access in case of unforseen events
00:14.19TommyTheKidaka "remote lights out management"
00:14.30*** join/#asterisk hfb (
00:15.00quid246yeah, I've never seen KVMoIP... but it sounds pretty coo.
00:18.02*** join/#asterisk w32 (
00:24.38*** join/#asterisk henk (
00:25.26henkHi is it possible to use asterisk to send sms though a sip registrar like sipdiscount?
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00:42.13*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
00:44.17TbbThanks Guys!... You all kick a$$!
00:44.45*** part/#asterisk Tbb (
00:51.04*** join/#asterisk terrymr (n=terrymr@
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00:55.56TommyTheKidso, the "-- Playing 'some-sound' (language 'en')" could *really* use a channel name in it.. is it as simple as adding it on the end, or do I need to jump thru flaming hoops to get the channel name there?
00:56.09TommyTheKid.. or better stated, is there some reason its not already there :)
00:56.18*** join/#asterisk draco_710 (
00:57.00ManxPowerMANY of those sorts of messages could use a channel name on them
00:57.03De_monhow do i make sure all my sound files are the same volume using sox?
01:00.19ariel_Hello everyone
01:04.51*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (i=troubled@
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01:19.08*** join/#asterisk oadaeh (
01:19.55[TK]D-FenderHey I've got a funny problem I could use a hand pinning down :   using GotoIfTime it doesn't seem to be working
01:19.57[TK]D-FenderI do :  -- Executing GotoIfTime("Zap/1-1", "08:00-17:00|mon-fri|*|*?5:10") in new stack
01:20.44[TK]D-FenderAnd the time on the server (per "date") = Wed Aug  9 20:14:24 CDT 2006
01:21.07[TK]D-FenderDouble checked my syntax and something is still off and I'm missing it...
01:26.58xhelioxI'm using the exact same syntax, and it's working.
01:27.30xhelioxSorry, not quite... but it should be basically the same...   exten => s,3,GotoIfTime(8:00-18:00|mon-fri|*|*?mainmenu-day,s,1)
01:27.42[TK]D-Fendermaybe the leading 0 is bad...
01:27.52xhelioxHmm, perhaps.
01:29.14*** join/#asterisk grabeez (n=Owner@
01:29.29[TK]D-FenderUGH... heres the ${TIMESTAMP} NoOp'd - 20060809-202244
01:29.35[TK]D-Fenderso it looks 100% legit....
01:30.47[TK]D-FenderWait a sec....
01:30.58[TK]D-Fenderthere doesnt' seem to be an "else" clause.....
01:31.01[TK]D-FenderI may have goofed
01:32.19[TK]D-FenderYup... I = silly :)
01:32.37fileyou're not silly... you're uh...
01:32.40fileokay, maybe silly
01:33.09[TK]D-Fenderleast I'm not a troll!
01:33.17fileor are you?
01:33.38[TK]D-Fenderthat'll learn me... for assuming apps were built uniformly and SANELY.
01:33.40*** join/#asterisk Nuwave (
01:33.44xhelioxsilly boy.
01:33.46fileassumptions kill, mmmk?
01:33.54filea doctor could just *assume* you were healthy
01:34.06[TK]D-Fenderfile : I jsut need to fine tune my targets ;)
01:34.08QwellI've been meaning to fix the *If* apps
01:34.09fileand then boom, you're a VoIP provider - and that's unhealthy
01:34.47xhelioxUgh, no wonder I've been so worn down lately.
01:34.59Qwellxheliox: unhealthy?
01:34.59[TK]D-FenderI keep trying to change my laser printers from "stun" to "kill" but haven't quite gotten that down pat yet...
01:35.37*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (n=duh@
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01:48.04*** join/#asterisk paolob (
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01:48.36*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
01:48.37Snake-EyesAny one know why type=peer (sip.conf) isn't looked at for incoming calls?
01:50.22Snake-EyesI have two trunks to the same machine, one is friend, other is peer yet asterisk seems to choose which trunk to use by the order they are set out by and doesn't look at the type
01:53.16*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
01:55.48*** join/#asterisk omal (
01:57.44*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
02:02.15*** join/#asterisk dos000 (
02:02.45dos000how do you get rid on asterisk once it is installed ? there is no uninstall ?
02:02.54De_monSnake-Eyes peers are only for outbound calls
02:03.33De_mondos000 how did you 'install' it?
02:04.09*** join/#asterisk Zorix (
02:05.24dos000De_mon, this is version 1.2.10 and i installed it using the src make install .. winth no istall prefix
02:06.02Snake-EyesDe_mon, then how come, when i swap the order of the trunks in sip.conf the peer trunk will have calls coming in on it instead of the friend trunk
02:06.53De_mondos000 look at the makefile and see if there is a remove option... or just see what intall does and delete the files manually
02:07.51dos000De_mon, there is no install nor remove ... but it seems there is a patch
02:08.09De_monhuh? make install
02:08.19De_monSnake-Eyes are you reloading sip.conf?
02:09.23Snake-EyesDe_mon, reloading everything :)
02:09.42Snake-EyesDe_mon, been there ages ago
02:09.56*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
02:10.09De_monwell, like it says peers are for outgoing calls, so what makes you think it's being used for an incoming call
02:10.48De_moneither you a) didn't configure it right, b) are jumping to the wrong conclusion or c) need to file a bug report.  I'm leaning towards b right now
02:11.44Snake-EyesDe_mon, cause its says it in the cli, i gave both trunks a different account, I can see which account it is trying to use
02:11.59De_monpaste your sip.conf and whatever CLI output that you're drawing conclusions from on and go from there
02:12.14De_mon(don't forget to blank out acct info)
02:13.13*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
02:13.40*** join/#asterisk deb_user (
02:13.54deb_userhello all
02:14.13deb_useri'm having some trouble dialing out on a zaptel interface
02:14.33deb_usersometimes the call goes out, and others it hangs and I get an operator "your call did not go through" message
02:14.47deb_userI'm thinking this is codec related
02:15.00deb_useranybody have any experience with this sort of thing can give me some tips?
02:16.18*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=jlq@
02:17.51De_mondeb_user did you try adding W+?
02:18.09deb_userde_mon: i'll check that out
02:18.12deb_userthanks for the tip
02:18.40De_mon^^ just googled exactly what you asked...
02:19.17dos000De_mon, so nice of you ... to answer these !
02:20.00De_monoh yeah.. I was looking for Makefile source to see if there was a remove/uninstall option
02:21.01dos000De_mon, no .noo .. i meant the help you are providing. there was no tongue in cheek
02:21.37De_mondos000 trunk has uninstall support btw
02:21.50deb_userok, sounds like the guy was having my same problem
02:22.05deb_userbut, I don't know what adding W+ to AMP is
02:22.18dos000De_mon, not ssure why this did not make it to release 1.2.10 ...
02:25.18De_monSnake-Eyes I'll assume the @x.x.x.x is to the wrong host...
02:25.54De_monSnake-Eyes line 34, is using [back-trunk-ulaw] ?
02:27.03Snake-EyesDe_mon, its  replying to back-trunk, the @x.x.x.x is another server sitting behind back-trunk
02:27.18Snake-EyesDe_mon, back-trunk is a plain ser setup
02:27.45Snake-EyesDe_mon, it just forwards to asterisk
02:29.00Snake-EyesDe_mon, if i swap the order of the two trunks in sip.cfg it works perfectly and line 33 changes to 8880006111
02:29.38De_monare both contexts using the same host?
02:30.10*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
02:30.23De_monI don't think you can receive calls from the same ip on 2 different accounts
02:30.24deb_useranybody know where to add the w+ to get asterisk to wait a half second before dialing out?
02:30.31deb_userin extensions.conf
02:30.34deb_useror in zapata.conf?
02:30.42Qwelldeb_user: extensions.conf
02:31.13deb_userI can put the w anywhere within the number?
02:31.19deb_userbefore the 1?
02:31.25deb_userand what about the plus?
02:31.26Snake-EyesDe_mon, I dont want back-trunk-ulaw (type peer) to recieve calls only make outgoing calls to x.x.x.x
02:31.31Qwell+ does nothing, afaik
02:31.50deb_userthanks qwell
02:31.53deb_usermuch obliged
02:31.56dos000de_mon isnt there a way to tell asterisk where to look for ?? it looks like the make file is in need of some autoconf love
02:32.15De_monoh yeah.. forgot the problem
02:32.39dos000De_mon,  where to look for zaptel, libpri headers ...
02:32.49deb_userqwell: what if i'm using an expression? like exten => _6NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUND6}/${EXTEN:1})
02:32.59Qwelldeb_user: w${EXTEN:1}
02:33.01dos000De_mon, i am on to other problems .. i fixed that using the patch
02:33.06deb_userqwell: thanks again
02:33.51dos000De_mon, the make file is kind of ... retarded
02:34.26dos000De_mon, but i know autoconf is a nightmare
02:35.59De_monSnake-Eyes duno, i'm stumped.
02:36.18*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
02:36.37deb_userlooks like its working fine now
02:36.39deb_userthanks guys
02:36.40Snake-EyesDe_mon, ah ok :(
02:37.25Snake-Eyesif i keep the order it will be fine but should it ever be changed.....
02:37.36deb_usercan anybody recommend a good sip softphone besides x-ten lite?
02:37.47Snake-Eyesdeb_user, sjphone
02:38.58Snake-EyesDe_mon, maybe I'll email the mailing list and see what comes back, thanks for the help
02:40.04deb_userhow bout a good iax softphone snake eyes?  I like to keep my options open :)
02:40.56Snake-Eyesdeb_user, some one was pushing a iax phone in here the other day but i forget the name ;(
02:42.41LoneShadowIdefisk is a good iax soft phone
02:42.57LoneShadowI think its on
02:43.07deb_useroh, sjphone is cool
02:43.22deb_userI hate the contact manager in x-ten
02:43.25deb_userits awful
02:44.55*** join/#asterisk derrick_ (
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02:48.12dos000deb_user, very awful
02:49.24dos000deb_user, did you try openwengo ?
02:49.41dos000hmmm .. its not iax maybe
02:52.35deb_userdidn't try openwengo
02:52.38deb_useri'll check it out now
02:53.21deb_useri've also been using kiax
02:53.26deb_usernice little iax softphone
02:53.35deb_usera little limited in terms of available codecs though
02:54.47*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
03:01.08*** part/#asterisk trbldwine (i=troubled@
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03:11.53*** part/#asterisk TommyTheKid (
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03:14.04*** join/#asterisk webDEViL (i=webDEViL@
03:14.35*** part/#asterisk webDEViL (i=webDEViL@
03:14.47*** join/#asterisk logicwrath ( i'm trying to decide if my asterisk issues are bad asterisk config or firewall/routing issues
03:18.04omalmy situation:
03:18.43omali've got asterisk running on a server on my LAN.  I can dial into it from a SIP phone on my laptop, or from a traditional analog phone plugged into a sipura-3000 thats registered with the server
03:19.13omali've got my firewall configured to port forward both the data and control ports for SIP to my asterisk server
03:19.30omalbut i can't seem to dial into it from outside my LAN, and nmapping it shows the port as closed
03:20.45omali thought perhaps it was just my ISP filtering the traffic, but i have the same results running it on a different port
03:21.11omali doubt they go to the trouble of having some sort of heavy duty packet analyzing firewall in place just to keep me from running my own VOIP
03:21.19[TK]D-Fenderomal : What ports precisely and please pastebin your sip.conf
03:21.26jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use, or
03:22.02*** join/#asterisk TommyTheKid (
03:22.13jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use, or
03:22.18omali have UDP on 5060 going
03:22.31omaland 10000-10100 udp
03:23.37[TK]D-Fenderomal : Does 10000-10100 match your rtp.conf?
03:24.40[TK]D-Fenderomal : May be important...... also please show us the [general] section of yo sip.conf
03:25.23logicwrathIs sip.conf the only file that affects registering with the voip provider? seems like when I start calling myself over and over to test changes i become unregistered and the peer becomes unreachable
03:25.38logicwrathand im not changing the sip.conf
03:25.56*** part/#asterisk terrymr (n=terrymr@
03:26.24omali don't see myself in the asterisk console at all
03:26.36omalwhen i'm on the LAN, i see myself register, and the calls going through
03:26.39omaloutside, nothing
03:27.49*** join/#asterisk MacWeenie (
03:28.27[TK]D-Fenderomal : Can you please provide what I asked you twice for...
03:28.27TommyTheKidHello, I had a crash that I think was cased by meetme.. has the bt.. does anyone have any advice?
03:28.47omal[TK]D-Fender, absolutely, pastebin is lagging on me
03:29.18[TK]D-Fenderomal : use .ca
03:29.52omalthere we go.  yeah .com was slammed
03:30.08omalits practically the stock config
03:30.09*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
03:30.31[TK]D-Fender(possibly) Polycom specific SIP question : On an INVITE it seem they convert # to %23 (hex for #), and * does not seem to like this very much.  is there a workaround for this?
03:30.31omali left out my two entries at the end for registering the two SIP devices
03:31.32omalhmmm, i have the roaming user set to "nat=no"
03:31.33[TK]D-Fenderomal : You are missing nat=yes in [general] as well as externip entry
03:31.44omalthat makes sense on the lan, but not roaming clearly
03:31.54[TK]D-Fenderomal : you should also set canreinvite=on gloablly
03:32.05omalwhat does that do?
03:32.20fileplease sir, I want to reinvite
03:32.33[TK]D-Fenderomal : It prevents enpoints in your lan from attempting to reconnect direct on a bridged call.
03:32.49[TK]D-Fenderfile : Care to venture a guess on my previous question?
03:32.55*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
03:33.18file[TK]D-Fender: erm, you can try turning on pedantic
03:33.50omalhm, no i do have an externip entry
03:33.54omalbut its wrong :D
03:34.35[TK]D-Fenderomal : Spelling counts ;)
03:34.53omalspelling, and the fact that i've moved since first setting this up
03:34.54[TK]D-Fenderomal : I was waiting for you to realize that or spout out "yeah I did that!" ;)
03:34.59omalnew ISP = new ip
03:35.14[TK]D-Fenderthat too :p
03:35.49omalshould setting nat to yes make any difference for local users that aren't natted?
03:37.11[TK]D-Fenderfile : Most excellet!  Party on!
03:37.38[TK]D-FenderLearned something new today.....
03:38.00[TK]D-FenderTrying to improve my outlook by counting the number of new things I can learn....
03:38.11filepedantic makes chan_sip more... careful
03:38.17omaloooh, its showing as "filtered" instead of closed.  although i'm still not connecting
03:38.28[TK]D-Fenderfile : I'll take that as "sane".
03:39.07file[TK]D-Fender: sane might not be the right word
03:40.08[TK]D-Fenderfile : More like "not lazy".  I don't think this should necessarily be taken as a negative option.  I see no documented downside.  know of something?
03:40.23fileit makes it more slower, but not a lot
03:40.41[TK]D-FenderWhat will I do with my newfound ms?!?! Oh noes!
03:41.13crochatHello !
03:41.38*** join/#asterisk erwinism (n=erwinpog@
03:42.15crochatI have problems with the Monitor application ! With the parameter "m", there are still two files : in and out ! Asterisk does not mix anything ! Why ?
03:42.42[TK]D-Fendercrochat : Use Mixmonitor instead.
03:42.59[TK]D-Fendercrochat : that option you use depends on sox which you might not have.
03:43.02erwinismhello, I have a t1 line, I already have an Asterisk running. What should else should i need in order to accpept 24 simultaneous calls from PSTN ?
03:43.30derrick_you need top score on centipede
03:44.03crochat[TK]D-Fender: No, I have sox and soxmix installed
03:44.25[TK]D-Fendercrochat : Tell you what, try that other app I mentioned.  Very effective.
03:44.37erwinismI have a plan to get TE412P. what else should i need?
03:44.54[TK]D-Fenderericsmythe : you already have enough with that 1 card....
03:45.12*** join/#asterisk RF_MIA (
03:45.15crochat[TK]D-Fender: But in /etc/passwd file, asterisk's shell is /bin/false ! Could that be a problem ?
03:45.26crochat[TK]D-Fender: Ok, I'll try MixMonitor
03:45.55[TK]D-Fendercrochat : No clue.  No real experience with * as non-root.  can be very tricky.
03:46.20erwinism[TK]D-Fender: Do I need a CSU/DSU to connect my T1 line to TE412P card?
03:47.04[TK]D-Fenderericsmythe : nope.
03:47.19[TK]D-Fenderericsmythe : Striaght Cat5 fromt he smartjack to the card, thats it
03:47.32docelmocdu/dsu.. do they even exist anymore?
03:47.39[TK]D-Fenderericsmythe : Digium/Sangoma cards have a CSU onboard.
03:48.09derrick_crochat no, /bin/false is fine
03:48.17[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : Yeah I had a DS0 leased data circuit not too long ago in my company..... used an Adtran for that spitting out V.35 to a Cisco router :)
03:48.31crochat[TK]D-Fender: Thanks a lot ! MixMonitor works fine ;-)
03:48.51[TK]D-Fendercrochat : Quite welcome
03:48.55*** part/#asterisk RF_MIA (
03:49.16docelmoouch.. I havent used a csu in a LONG time
03:49.30[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : I was paying over 1500$/mo for a 56k DS0.  Psychotcally stupid, no? :)
03:49.39erwinism[TK]D-Fender: how about setting up one Telephone number to the callers.. i mean call routing? where can i setup this?
03:49.40docelmoThe land where a 2nd language is required..
03:49.53docelmoWell that was back in the day
03:50.00docelmoI can get a DS3 for 1500 now
03:50.03*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
03:50.26[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : No we had cheap DSL and VPN options... head office is manned by a bunch of people living it up Jurassic-style ;)
03:50.57[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : And worse.... they're NEW-ENGLANDERS ;0
03:51.12docelmoIm working on Fios for my office in newark
03:51.16docelmoI want the 30/5
03:53.00[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : It took me a long time beating into their head that VPN over DSl would be just fine... they phased it in only because all out e-mail was being pumped through that pipe in addition ot 5250 TE.
03:53.10[TK]D-FenderAnd was choking the shit out of our performance :)
03:53.29[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : So when they brought it in the ONLY thing they did was route e-mail through it!
03:54.05docelmowhat a waste
03:54.17erwinism[TK]D-Fender: do you have any idea how to route calls? because I am only giving one telephone to the callers.
03:54.41docelmoRoute calls?
03:55.23[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : yeah I told them to wake to ^%$# up and kept sending them analysis sheets showing $1500+/mo savings potential if they got off their dumb asses and jsut went with the flow...
03:55.44erwinismI mean, i have T1, i will give One telephone number to the callers. can the Asterisk handle it so that the number will not always be busy?
03:55.45[TK]D-Fendererwinism : huh?
03:55.52*** join/#asterisk michaelo (
03:56.31CunningPikeerwinism: If you have a PRI, yes - you can handle up to 23 incoming calls at once to the same number
03:56.36[TK]D-Fendererwinism : You mean DID.  Your T1 will have likely either 23 or 24 channels depending, and if should pick the first available channel till your circuit is full.
03:57.00erwinismthe server is expecting 24 simultaneous calls. And i onlu give one telephone number to the callers
03:57.10[TK]D-Fendererwinism : And since you seem rgey on theat do make very sure of the signalling you are going to have on that line.  If its anything but PRI CHANGE IT.
03:57.38[TK]D-Fendererwinism : Server doesn't "expect" anything.  calls come in on available channels.  Thats it thats all.
03:58.41*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=jlq@
04:01.36[TK]D-Fenderblarg.. I can't type worth shit tonight....
04:04.17TommyTheKidhah, in 3 lines of code, I made it so that an admin can do *# (like on ATT concalls) on a app_meetme conference to get the number of users
04:04.26TommyTheKidmostly copied too :)
04:12.45erwinism[TK]D-Fender: thanks
04:19.54*** join/#asterisk Trazz (
04:22.33TommyTheKidok i lied, it was 5 lines (with the case and the break;) and I had to put it in twice (once for users and once for admins menu) to make to work for everyone.. the hardest part would be recording the menu prompt again :)
04:25.41*** join/#asterisk JT (n=jon@unaffiliated/jt)
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04:28.38[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : I'm sure you could remove all tht unnecessary white-space and do it in 1 line :)
04:29.40*** join/#asterisk inventor_ (
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04:30.15kuku5hey all
04:32.41Flautohey kuku5
04:33.06kuku5Any large changes since 1.2 ?
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04:37.10logicwrathdoes asterisk need 69-69 UDP open?
04:37.18logicwratherr 60-69
04:38.02ionix10000-20000 + 5060
04:38.15logicwrathwhat do i lose if 10000-20000 is not open?
04:38.25ionixnot a big deal
04:38.53ionixyou can specify the range in rtp.conf
04:39.03logicwrathyea i saw that
04:39.14logicwrathim trying to figure out why i keep losing my broadvoice proxy
04:39.51Flautohow to adjust time under linux?
04:40.09Flautomy linuxbox is one hour ahead of my time
04:40.39Flautobroadvoice sometimes is not stable
04:40.46logicwrathTo set the system clock under Linux, use the date command. As an example, to set the current time and date to July 31, 11:16pm, type ``date 07312316''
04:41.05kuku5logicwrath: I have the same problem
04:41.21logicwrath•kuku5• are you down right now?
04:41.24Flautoone or a few of their proxies would not work well
04:41.25*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
04:41.44kuku5its a nat problem
04:42.05logicwrathif i was DMZ would i be ok?
04:42.11kuku5i dont kwno
04:43.54logicwrathi would switch providers if i knew it was a BV issue
04:44.05kuku5i dont think it is
04:44.10kuku5i had it working fine
04:44.10Flautologicwrath, did you setup hosts for bv proxy?
04:44.14kuku5then i changed routers
04:44.15De_monlogicwrath what is qualify set to?
04:44.37Flautowhich proxy you are using
04:44.38logicwrathno nat line
04:44.48Flautoare you in chicago?
04:44.56logicwrathim on the chi backbone
04:44.58logicwrathwith comcast
04:45.12Flautoi was using teir dc proxy
04:45.16logicwrathi get 15-20 ms pings to chi
04:45.19Flautothat one was more stable
04:45.19De_monwell set nat=yes
04:45.34logicwrathive tried nat=yes but i still dont register
04:45.36Flautologic, you should set nat=yes
04:45.38logicwrathi change it and reload
04:45.49logicwrathive got the ports routed to my asterisk box
04:45.53logicwrathis that considered nat/
04:45.58Flautoand open ports 10000-20000
04:46.00De_monlogicwrath do you have a register => line?
04:46.21Flautoyou should be all good
04:46.22De_monyou can do sip debug peer <peer> to see why the registrations arn't working
04:46.30Flautouse dca proxy
04:46.33logicwrathive tried that but it doesnt make sence to me
04:46.39Flautothat one is further away but more stable
04:46.50logicwrathi can only sip debug peer when registered
04:46.54De_monmesa going to bed
04:47.08De_moneh? well to sip debug ip then
04:47.13logicwrath1 sec
04:47.16Flautogood night, de_mon
04:47.43Flautoi used bv for almost a year
04:47.54Flautoi quit on them about half year ago
04:48.13Flautoi now, use a cheap ass service voipstunt
04:50.15logicwrathwere you losing registration with BV?
04:51.00Flautobut i went through the tough time when they lost some contracting provider and for a while the service was almost not working
04:51.20Flautoi just followed their setting and i had no problem
04:51.24[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm off, back tomorrow
04:52.02hadsGrr. mantis needs a date format setting
04:52.49Juggieits php i'm sure it can be edited.
04:53.37Flautochange it to dca
04:53.42Flautoand see what you will get
04:56.15*** join/#asterisk s0lid (
04:56.20Flautowhen i used bv, i sometimes had to change proxy from one to another
04:56.35Flautowhich plan are you using?
04:57.48logicwrathi switched and it works now
04:57.54logicwrathno the 9.99 plan
04:58.00Flautoas i was telling you
04:58.07Flautothe dca proxy is the stable one
04:58.21Flautoeven though, it is a little bit further away from you
04:58.38Flautoeven the nyc and bos are more stable than chi
04:58.43Flautochi is the unstable one
05:01.00logicwrathya but im still not able to dial out
05:01.08logicwrathim just registered now
05:01.32Flautomaybe bv is fucked up now
05:01.56Flautoyou want to call them to ask them?
05:02.03logicwrathit might be my dial plan
05:02.13Flautodo you have fwd or something?
05:03.01logicwrathi have nothing defined in ext-local right now
05:03.01logicwrathas i stopped using amp and i want to find an example before i rewrite it
05:03.34logicwrathi created my extensions in sip.conf and from-internal
05:04.04logicwrathstill need to do something with ext-local before my ring group will work right i think
05:04.28*** join/#asterisk hads|home (
05:04.38logicwrathnow its dialing
05:04.43logicwrathi didnt change anything
05:05.03logicwrathim starting to think its a BV issue
05:05.10ManxPowerlogicwrath, that's the way VoIP works.
05:05.18ManxPowerThat's why I try to avoid it 8-)
05:05.58logicwrathneed some kind of redundant DID system
05:06.03logicwrathlike tiered MX records
05:06.12logicwrath10, 20, 30
05:11.59*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:11.59*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk 1.2.10 and Zaptel 1.2.7 released! (July 14, 2006) -=- FreePBX/AMP/Asterisk@Home/Trixbox support in #freepbx
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05:12.18rene1g nite
05:12.34*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
05:12.40rene1i have been looking at the queues and queue_status asterisk manager actions
05:14.07*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
05:15.08rene1well they seem the same except that the first is formatted to be read by humans (i.e. in the same way as CLI show queues) and the later is formatted to be parsed by computers (one key,value per line) anyways were Queues show events like (Unavailable, Available) Queue_status shows status (1,5), and then of course there are the status reported  via show agents, whew
05:16.58hads|homeAnyone here use the pickupexten feature (*8) with SIP phones? I'm getting some weird voice distortion on calls when using this.
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05:22.12rene1question: can apps like app_machine_detect or NV machine detect app be used to reliably detect  calls answered by PBX systems?
05:22.55rene1and second: what  do people that are doing auto dialing do when they encounter a PBX. does the agent navigates tru the IVR and try to reach the contact?
05:23.44*** join/#asterisk benjk (
05:28.46erwinismWhat is the good computer specification to handle a T1 line accepting 24 calls at the same time not included the IP based clients?
05:29.15rene1t1 line is 23 calls
05:29.37erwinismrene, sorry 23 youre correct
05:29.37rene1it depends, will you be doing recording? and if so with compression?
05:29.50erwinismrene yes, recording is a must
05:30.15rene1you could get a way with a P4 3 Ghz 1 G RAM
05:30.21erwinismbut i have another  linux box  to handle the data files
05:30.21Qwellisn't a T1 24 channels?  a PRI is 23 + D
05:30.37JTT1 PRI
05:30.40QwellI'm fairly certain
05:30.45erwinismI will be requestion 23B + 1D
05:30.48JTcan't say PRI without saying the line type
05:30.49rene1Qwell you are right
05:30.54erwinismI will be requesting 23B + 1D
05:30.59JTit could be an E1 PRI
05:31.07erwinismyes :)
05:31.17QwellJT: That becomes just semantics
05:31.25Qwellbut, saying that a T1 only has 23 channels is incorrect
05:31.27rene1can run 24 calls on a PRI t1 tho
05:31.40Qwellrene1: sure you can, with something like NFAS
05:31.52JTQwell: saying it has 23 traffic channels when used in CCS mode is correct though
05:31.58rene1with a single T1?
05:32.02JTyou can with CAS
05:32.07rene1JT is right
05:32.22Qwell<rene1> t1 line is 23 calls
05:32.27QwellThat, unqualified, is incorrect :)
05:32.43erwinismrene, so P4 3GHZ and 1GB of ram will be enough for my Asterisk to handle right?
05:32.43rene1it was correct in the context
05:32.44Qwellit's important to specify exactly what you mean
05:32.55rene1yes erwinism
05:32.56budmangQwell and his BS :-)
05:33.16rene1it will do the job nicely just dont buy an el cheapo system
05:33.40JTi'd say it's better to get a slightly slower machine IF it means more server grade hardware
05:33.49erwinismrene thanks.. hehehe i already told my boss i need opteron server which is overkill. hehe
05:33.52JTeg redundant power supplies and RAID1 or 5
05:34.04erwinismi will cancel the request
05:34.21SkramXwhat needs to be done after installing astetisk-addons? I need the mysql application... do i need to recompile the main asterisk code?
05:34.24JTif you can pull it off, faster is just great
05:34.29JTbut make sure it's server grade
05:34.59Un1xerwinism dont cancel send the opteron server to me :D
05:35.13Un1xbtw are you concerned about bandwidth, and upload usage
05:35.19erwinismlol Un1x :)
05:36.10rene1Qwell: remember your suggestion of using astmanproxy?
05:36.13rene1it has helped me a lot
05:36.22rene1i even ended up using two of them LOL
05:36.25rene1in the same box
05:36.37rene1i needed both http and standard i/o
05:36.46budmangwhy would my que all of a sudden just start saying "later"
05:36.47erwinismwe already have good bandwidth here. I am requesting a good codec thou.. if the company will accept then it wpuld be great. I am still looking forward to implement speex
05:36.58rene1it is very cool and it eats very little resourcs
05:37.22rene1speex is cool it just that there aint not much gear that talks speex
05:37.24Un1xerwinism is the company big and make more then excess of 1million dollars in profit if so send me that server lol
05:37.31Un1xi think it's about time i got something back from companys
05:37.36Un1xthey always take money and never give :(
05:38.27rene1servers are made by companies, if you send them a check they might send you a server, you just need good credit
05:38.42rene1SkramX: after compiling mysql addons
05:38.45erwinismlol un1x, i dont have any idea on the revenue, i just do the implementation of making this voice blogging/podcasting project
05:38.48budmangwhy would my que all of a sudden just start saying "later"
05:38.51rene1you need to configure res_confi_mysql
05:38.51SkramXrene1: what about it
05:38.59SkramXforgot abou tthat part
05:39.05SkramXoh, ill find it
05:39.18rene1in '/etc/asterisk'
05:39.22Un1xSkramX: do you need to type 3 word lines?
05:39.23rene1you did issue make install?
05:39.34SkramXrene1: Indee
05:39.37*** part/#asterisk w32 (
05:39.42SkramXdamn, Sorry about that;
05:39.50rene1budmang: saying later?
05:39.56rene1what do u mean
05:40.19Un1xAnyway, i'll be back on in a bit going to go play some xbox and mayube get something to drink and then come back up, cya guy's in 5 minutes or so..
05:40.22SkramXrene1: in modules.conf?
05:40.38SkramXor should there be a res_mysql.conf?
05:40.49rene1SkramX: res_mysql.conf
05:40.53*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
05:40.53SkramXI see none
05:40.56SkramXjust a res_odbc.conf
05:41.01rene1you may need to copy from your build directory by hand
05:41.26rene1look into your asterisk-addons build directory
05:41.36rene1it surely is there and copy it to /etc/asterisk
05:41.43*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
05:41.49SkramXrene1: will look
05:41.54rene1then from within the CLI do
05:42.06rene1realtime mysql status or mysql realtime status
05:42.15*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (
05:42.20rene1and that will show you if asterisk connected to the DB
05:42.56*** join/#asterisk rajiv|work (n=rajiv@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
05:44.08rene1the format for queue_log is weird
05:44.20rene1cant really make much sense of it
05:45.38SkramXrene1: will try all that shortly
05:46.20*** part/#asterisk TommyTheKid (
05:49.02SkramXrene1: so.. i do make
05:49.04SkramXmake install..
05:49.25*** join/#asterisk topping (
05:51.08rene1i have to fo
05:51.14SkramXpeace out
05:51.35rene1make install and if that doesnt land you a res_mysql file in /etc/asterik cooy by hand
05:51.41rene1bye then
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06:03.06dos000anyone know what diff params they used to get this patch output
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06:03.29Qwelldos000: svn diff
06:03.57dos000tow ... there is no possible way to get the same output from diff standalone ?
06:05.05dos000Qwell, i tried -urNX ./diff.exclude src dst .. it still list binary files
06:05.25*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
06:07.53dos000Qwell, btw i think there should be a diff.exclude file for all the files that asterisk generates .. to make life easier on people doing patches .. is it already there
06:08.23Qwelldos000: no, but one could easily make one from the svn:exclude property
06:08.29Qwellerm, svm:ignore
06:08.32Qwellbah, svn:ignore
06:10.49*** join/#asterisk digime (n=digime@
06:11.02digimehas anyone here used "request tracker" ticketing software?
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06:13.51jasloanAnyone around that can help me troubleshoot a macro?
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06:14.49jasloanIt doesn't run the script if the caller hangs up from voicemail.
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06:21.19BugKhamanyone running asterisk on Pentium D with x86_64?
06:21.48BugKhamasterisk reload very slowly on mine
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06:29.45SkramXdo you do agi(script.agi,${variable})
06:29.47SkramXis that it?
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06:35.01jasloanSkramX: is that to me?
06:38.04jasloani don't think you use the comma
06:38.32jasloanagi(script.agi ${ARG1})
06:38.55QwellYes you do
06:39.35SkramXno comma between arg.. or is a comma okay?
06:39.44Qwell| is better
06:39.56mogomg its qwell
06:39.58SkramXexten => 3,1,AGI(mysql_blacklist.agi|${number})
06:40.03Qwellomg mog!
06:40.04SkramX${number} is set
06:40.06mogthey are interpretted same
06:40.11mogQwell, why you up so late
06:40.13QwellSkramX: agi debug?
06:40.16Qwellmog: It's only 11:30
06:40.21SkramXQwell: okie dokies
06:40.41mogheh 140 here
06:42.10*** join/#asterisk Shaun2222 (
06:42.24SkramXsame here
06:42.27*** join/#asterisk my007ms (n=noor@
06:42.29SkramX<-- Austin, TX
06:43.15SkramXdidnt work though
06:43.22SkramXso... something inside the script?
06:43.29SkramXif i echo in it.. will it print to the console?
06:44.03Qwellmog: 2 days ;)
06:44.11mogcall in sick
06:44.13mogstart early
06:44.15SkramXQwell: so...?
06:44.24L|NUXmog : O_o
06:44.30L|NUX11:44 AM here
06:44.31Qwellmog: I'm going to say my goodbyes at work tomorrow, at my old building
06:44.37Qwellthen Friday is smooth sailing
06:46.51SkramXcould i get a little help with agi?
06:46.59SkramXwill the variable be shown in agi debug?
06:48.45*** join/#asterisk threat2 (
06:50.42mogstill one more bug with this stuff
06:50.49mogand i need a machine for the test set up
06:52.06threat2whats up mog ?
06:52.21mogeh stupid sla stuff
06:52.38threat2no good
06:53.49threat2Attemping to run windows XP within qemu under Linux :)
06:54.05threat2competely asterisks unrelated I know :P
06:54.43threat2I need to use Visual Studio for a uni project, I refuse to install XP onto any of my hard drives so I am installing it in an image file
06:55.11SkramXhow do i see the variables of the agi?
06:55.16mogi had similar problems in some of my cs projects
06:55.23mogi convinced teacher to let me use make though
06:55.47threat2yes I "could" you wine, but I find that unstable / reliable compared to a CPU emulator type program
06:55.50threat2mog, haha
06:56.06threat2your teacher needed to be convinced for you to use make? wtf
06:56.42*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
06:56.43threat2what was your teachers experties (Icant spell)? VB ?
06:56.59mogheh some of em are vb heads
06:57.03mogthinking vb is future
06:57.15threat2mog, did they insist you have a shit load of goto lines in your code?
06:57.28mogschool is anti goto
06:57.35threat2same at my uni
06:57.50threat2but you should see some VB code :S
06:58.45mogi dont look at vb code
06:59.33threat2heh, you point and click?  or just stay completely away from it ?
07:00.00mogi try to stay away from windows
07:00.05threat2good man
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07:00.21threat2and / or women
07:00.52*** join/#asterisk Mother (
07:00.59L|NUXmog : still at work ?
07:01.22mogtrying to think of way to fix this code properly
07:01.51Snake-EyesAny one ever used softhangup?
07:02.21Shaun2222anybody know where the correct table scheme for the mysql addon is for extensions?
07:02.23*** join/#asterisk jhamlyn (i=jhamlyn@
07:02.31mogvoip-info does Shaun2222
07:02.36mogi dont remember sorry
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07:03.31Shaun2222mog: voip-info has about 10 versions
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07:03.49Snake-Eyesmog, so come when I use SoftHangup(SIP/trunk-1) or SoftHangup(SIP/trunk|a) in a macro it doesnt hang up the other active call on the trunk ?
07:04.19mogthree second look up Shaun2222 .....
07:04.48moga hangs up all sub channels for that single channel i believe
07:04.53SkramXin an agi.. how do i send txt to stderr so it shows up in the asterisk console
07:06.09Snake-Eyesmog, sub channels ? ?
07:06.09AssidSkramX: just use noop
07:06.36SkramXi just need to insert someting into a db
07:06.37Snake-Eyesmog, you can only have one call per channel, right?
07:06.41SkramXand mysql() doesnt want to compile
07:07.36moger one per channel but not per device
07:07.59mogso it hangs up all sip/myprovider
07:08.02mognot all sip
07:08.19mogor it should i think
07:09.24mogi wonder if i should take a nap
07:09.24Qwellmog: redbull
07:09.24mognone on this side of office
07:09.24mogand i dont have key to other side
07:09.24QwellYou're still in the office?
07:09.24Qwelldude, go home ;/
07:09.26Snake-Eyesmog no you cant i still have questions :P
07:10.22Snake-Eyesmog, so if 1 call is using a trunk and the 2nd call uses softhangup shouldn't the 1st call be hangup ?
07:11.27*** join/#asterisk Fraeggl (
07:11.29Snake-Eyescrap he's dropped dead already
07:12.37SkramXarg i really need help
07:13.03*** join/#asterisk Agrajag- (
07:14.44Shaun2222how can i set a preferred codec for a iax user?
07:14.54*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (n=ivanfm@
07:15.37Assidsame way you set it for a sip user
07:15.38Shaun2222hmm, actually looks like it goes in order of the allows
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07:21.31Snake-EyesShaun2222, are you using g729 ?
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07:28.40Chris-NBanyone tried out high availability and loadsharing with only two boxes ?
07:28.49Chris-NBlinux HA and ultramonkey
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07:48.55DarKnesS_WolFAug 10 10:45:08 NOTICE[14218]: chan_zap.c:4661 zt_read: Fax detected, but no fax extension any idea ?
07:49.37x86you need a "fax" extension
07:49.59x86exten => fax,s,1,Goto(recieve-fax|s|1)
07:50.41DarKnesS_WolFahh not s?
07:50.49x86Well, you dont have to create an entire context for it, but it's advisable :)
07:51.47DarKnesS_WolFx86: i have done that
07:52.16*** join/#asterisk suma (n=kans@
07:52.17DarKnesS_WolFexten => fax,1,Set(FAXFILE=/var/spool/astersik/fax/i${CALLERIDNUM}-${TIMESTAMP}.tif)
07:52.20DarKnesS_WolFexten => fax,n,rxfax(${FAXFILE})
07:52.31x86looks good
07:52.39sumais T.38 supported in asterisk ?
07:52.46x86suma: chan_t38
07:52.53x86suma: it's "beta" though
07:52.59sumax86: thanks, i c
07:54.24mogstill breathing out here
07:54.33mogt38 pass through is support in trunk
07:54.55Chris-NBnoone tried ultramonkey out ?
07:56.33DarKnesS_WolFx86: Aug 10 10:54:57 NOTICE[14555]: chan_zap.c:6057 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)...
07:56.35DarKnesS_WolFAug 10 10:54:58 NOTICE[14555]: chan_zap.c:6057 ss_thread: Got event 2 (Ring/Answered)... == Starting Zap/2-1 at fax-in,s,1 failed so falling back to exten 's' == Starting Zap/2-1 at fax-in,s,1 still failed so falling back to context 'default'
07:56.39DarKnesS_WolFAug 10 10:54:58 WARNING[14555]: pbx.c:2357 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'Zap/2-1' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
07:57.08hads|homeCreate a dialplan.
07:57.20DarKnesS_WolFi have dialplan
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08:00.08Snake-Eyeshmm so softhangup wont hangup another call on a trunk ?
08:00.59DarKnesS_WolFx86: what is wrong about that
08:03.07hads|homeDarKnesS_WolF: Look at the messages, Zap/2 is initially going into the fax-in context, extension s, which doesn't exist. So Asterisk then tries extension s in the default context, which doesn't exist either.
08:03.29DarKnesS_WolFyes i created s in fax-in
08:03.30DarKnesS_WolFtesting now
08:04.51hads|homeMessages are good like that, they tell you what's going on.
08:05.10x86DarKnesS_WolF: [fax-in] exten => s,1,Set() exten => s,n,rxfax()
08:06.03DarKnesS_WolFx86: u mean fax,s,set()?
08:06.26DarKnesS_WolFx86: that what i have in the1st and i got that fax extion dosn't existes
08:06.51DarKnesS_WolFahh i got it !
08:08.11x86exten => fax,1,Goto(fax-in|s|1); [fax-in]; exten => s,1,Set(); exten => s,n,RxFax();
08:08.32DarKnesS_WolFyep done that ;-)
08:08.47DarKnesS_WolFexten => fax,s,goto(fax-in|S|1)
08:08.52DarKnesS_WolFi didnt read this when u posted it
08:08.53DarKnesS_WolFsorry :P
08:09.49DarKnesS_WolFx86: i'll put them all in [fax-in]
08:09.56x86DarKnesS_WolF: dumbass
08:09.59DarKnesS_WolFexten => fax,s,Goto(fax-in|s|1)
08:09.59DarKnesS_WolFexten => s,1,Set(FAXFILE=/var/spool/astersik/fax/i${CALLERIDNUM}-${TIMESTAMP}.tif)
08:10.01DarKnesS_WolFexten => s,n,rxfax(${FAXFILE})
08:10.01DarKnesS_WolFx86: why ?
08:10.09x86that wont work
08:10.14x86think about the logic
08:10.24x86tell me when you see the recursive loop there ;)
08:10.34DarKnesS_WolFcorrect !
08:10.50x86no recursive loop, but still it's wrong and dirty, and you should go jump off a bridge now
08:11.15DarKnesS_WolFok :P
08:11.19DarKnesS_WolFi'll put it in default :D?
08:11.48x86exten => fax,1,Goto(fax-in|s|1)
08:11.52x86put that in default
08:12.03DarKnesS_WolFdone :D
08:12.05DarKnesS_WolFtesting :P
08:13.27*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
08:15.33erwinismis codec g729, $10 per channel? am i right?
08:15.49DarKnesS_WolFx86: same error :(
08:17.02DarKnesS_WolFexten => fax,s,Goto(fax-in|s|1)
08:17.11DarKnesS_WolFexten => s,1,Set(FAXFILE=/var/spool/astersik/fax/i${CALLERIDNUM}-${TIMESTAMP}.tif)
08:17.14DarKnesS_WolFexten => s,n,rxfax(${FAXFILE})
08:17.31DarKnesS_WolFx86: and in zaptel this zap2-1 is context=fax-r
08:17.56x86PUT YOUR FUCKING exten => fax,1,Goto() IN YOUR DEFAULT CONTEXT
08:18.01x86and use 1 not s!
08:20.16DarKnesS_WolFdon't hate me :P
08:21.27DarKnesS_WolFx86: oky done that will test now if didn't work i'll kick u in the nuts :P
08:21.38erwinismDarKnesS_WolF: x86 has a good humor.
08:21.38x86i think your turbin is too tight bro ;)
08:21.56DarKnesS_WolFturbin ?
08:22.01DarKnesS_WolFwhat doe turbin means?
08:22.59x86towels worn on heads ;)
08:23.29L|NUXx86 : O_o
08:24.59*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
08:25.09DarKnesS_WolFx86: will test it now
08:26.05DarKnesS_WolFx86: see now all astersik gurus kicking me :P
08:26.38DarKnesS_WolFexten => s,1,Set(FAXFILE=/var/spool/astersik/fax/i${CALLERIDNUM}-${TIMESTAMP}.tif)
08:26.41DarKnesS_WolFexten => s,n,rxfax(${FAXFILE})
08:26.47DarKnesS_WolFexten => fax,1,Goto(fax-in|s|1)
08:26.49L|NUXDarKnesS_WolF : me not guru
08:26.55L|NUXDarKnesS_WolF : i am just n00b like you are
08:27.00x86DarKnesS_WolF: looks good
08:27.00DarKnesS_WolFx86: correct ?
08:27.05DarKnesS_WolFok th
08:27.56L|NUXDarKnesS_WolF : you understand that
08:29.09DarKnesS_WolFL|NUX: what do u think :P
08:29.23L|NUXDarKnesS_WolF : about
08:29.32DarKnesS_WolFyepp understand that
08:29.42L|NUXthanks to ALLAH
08:30.10*** join/#asterisk ken___ (n=ken@
08:31.20ken___quick question, i'm running 2.6.17-2-686-smp and i'm trying to compile & install zaptel -- compilation happens just fine, however when i try to go modprobe zaptel or modprobe wctdm i get a FATAL: module zaptel not found ... anyone know what this is off the top of their heads?
08:31.57ken___the modules are being compiled, and are being installed in /lib/modules/2.6.16/ instead of /lib/modules/2.6.16-2-686-smp/
08:32.14DarKnesS_WolFx86: Aug 10 11:30:32 NOTICE[16826]: chan_zap.c:6057 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)...
08:32.22DarKnesS_WolFAug 10 11:30:32 WARNING[16826]: pbx.c:2357 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'Zap/2-1' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
08:34.43*** join/#asterisk Nobbie (
08:34.46Nobbieheya =)
08:36.00Nobbiei'm having a problem getting my PRI/Digium/Zaptel setup to work properly. i have the channels defined, and inbound calls work correctly, but outbout calls don't work. The PRI Debug shows these Message Types: > SETUP < CALL PROCEEDING < DISCONNECT. any suggestions ?
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08:38.10henkHi, what do i need to do to set up sms using asterisk and ? I see they offer sms now and i was wondering if it is possible to get that working from asterisk
08:39.03*** join/#asterisk Sonderblade (
08:40.17ken___henk: why pay for sms? all sms providers provide email -> sms gateways ... just write an AGI script to handle it
08:40.36ken___er, of course, that didn't handle your question
08:41.33*** join/#asterisk vgster (
08:41.49henkken no it did not but i'm interested. how would i set that up i've not heard of free email2sms that is capable of sending sms to 'unregistered' phones.
08:42.11*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
08:42.17ken___henk: nawh, it's really simple, just get an NPA NXX database, and use that for the providers
08:42.30ken___henk: you won't get 100% sms coverage, but you'll get like.. 95% coverage
08:42.54ken___henk: so you write a script that looks up in the database for who owns the phone number you're trying to sms to
08:43.00*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (
08:43.25ken___henk: then you just search in that for AT&T or Sprint or Rogers CA or whatever, and then have a mapping table for the owner
08:44.02ken___henk: so you know, you just then send a text message to the <phonenumber> or whatever
08:44.29ken___er, not a text message, an email message
08:44.34ken___works really well
08:44.44ken___it's how i have my servers alert me if they go down or whatever
08:44.52ken___i also use it for some sms list management stuff
08:44.56ken___really easy shit
08:45.41*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@
08:46.43henkOk but still the person that you are trying to reach must have an telefphone operator that offers that for all their customers (here in holland that is a service you need to dign up on) and you apprarently can get userinformation on a cellphone from the number? wow that kinda kills your privacy... I think that cannot be done here either
08:47.01ken___henk: no ... i'm in the states
08:47.07ken___what's one of those cut & paste places ?
08:47.20ken___i'll drop a bunch of code off on you, so you can look at what i have
08:47.43henkbastebin you mean?
08:47.57*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
08:47.58ken___yeah is ok is too damn slow
08:49.04xnonhello friends my problem with codecs is fixed but the quality of calls is so bad!
08:49.22xnonim using g711
08:49.34websaetry g729
08:49.46xnonwith g729 or g723 or g729 is so much bether?
08:50.03xnonok but g729 is a pay codec isnt it?
08:50.56websaenot if you don't need to do transcoding
08:51.15websaeas long as your endpoints (phones) and service provider support it
08:53.13ken___can't compile zaptel correctly
08:53.15ken___this is killing me
08:53.26ken___i've been using asterisk for years now, and i can't figure this out ... horrible !
08:54.25henkken___: thanx
08:54.29xnonwebsae, is free for develop?
08:54.43ken___henk: that stuff probably won't do you any good in europe tho
08:54.59xnonwebsae, g729 is free for develop? i need for a personal use
08:55.07mogwhats wrong ken___
08:55.33xnoni have a others probs with my asterisk!
08:55.48xnoni have a errors in my asterisk shell
08:55.59xnonabout dns asterisk
08:56.07ken___mog: i'm running kernel 2.6.16-2-686-smp when i do make linux26 && make install on zaptel, then a modprobe zaptel i get a "invalid format" message from insmod
08:56.19xnonfor example: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, andno default driver specified
08:56.21mogdo a dmesg and pastebin it
08:57.05ken___zaptel: version magic '2.6.16 SMP 686 gcc-4.1' should be '2.6.16-2-686-smp SMP 686 gcc-4.0'
08:57.12ken___la la la
08:57.15ken___fucking debian
08:57.24ken___ok, got the problem !
08:57.32mogno problem
08:57.34moghappy to help
08:58.07Nobbie*argh* i need PRI help =(
08:58.46ken___mog: will doing CC=gcc-4.0 work on make linux26 ?
08:59.11mogor just change the sim link
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09:00.07henkken___: as far as i can tell european providers do not do that kind of stuff
09:00.22ken___henk: heh ... well, complain !
09:01.07henkken___: it wont help. here sms makes them far too much money i think we are one of the most expensive countries for sms in the world
09:01.24henknot enough competition i guess
09:01.27xnonwoao i cant send the i was paste in :S
09:08.57ken___henk: what kind of volumes of sms messages are you talking about sending ?
09:09.27henkno much, couple of hundred a month maybe is working pretty well for just 5 cents
09:09.50ken___henk: ok, so ... you should be able to do that via a script and a bluetooth cellphone or a usb cellphone
09:10.48henkna too much hassle that way
09:11.29ken___henk: so what do you want asterisk to do exactly ?
09:11.57ken___BAM ! got zaptel running
09:12.00ken___sons of bitches!
09:12.48henkuse my sipdiscount account to send sms using the php agi scripts I already have. whould have been the easiest way to do it. But i can write some other lib too
09:13.11ken___henk: i mean, where are the sms messages originating? on a VoIP phone ?
09:13.47henkservers, websites, email, anywhere... i dont care i like to intergrate everything ;)
09:14.11ken___henk: ok, well, if it's not coming from a phone, you probably don't need to integrate it with asterisk
09:14.33*** join/#asterisk Arno[Slack] (
09:15.24henknot for in comming no. but for outgoing having my already working sipdiscount setup work with some sms tool in asterisk whould have been handy
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09:19.00ken___aiight, thanks mog! i appreciate it
09:19.02ken___later everyone
09:19.17*** part/#asterisk henk (
09:19.49xnoni cant send anything for pastebin :(
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09:24.53xnoni have a router is posible that my router is not allow me for send anything with pastebin
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09:26.24Tommmois anyone here good with Realtime? I'm trying to find a way around having to define the realtime contexts in extensions.conf
09:26.28Tommmoeg :
09:26.38Tommmoswitch => Realtime/mycontext@realtime_ext
09:26.53Tommmois there a way I can tell it to use Realtime for ALL contexts?
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09:29.25*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
09:30.52xnonhey friends
09:30.57xnonthere is my problem
09:31.13xnonthis is my error in my asterisk console
09:31.22xnonone of more
09:35.35xnonhello anybody here?
09:36.54xnoni have few errors in my asterisk console and i wish resolve it
09:38.26*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
09:40.37xnonthe pastebin is
09:43.01Chris-NBanyone tried out ultramonkey with two asterisk ?
09:46.44mogplease dont post links to warez in channel
09:47.55DarKnesS_WolFanyone manged to get rx_fax to work ?
09:48.02_4d4m_xnon: looks like you have not specified a valid DSN in res_odbc.conf.  I dont use odbc connections myself so doubt i can help much further..
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09:48.31_4d4m_Chris-NB: what are you trying to accomplish? active/active? active/passive?
09:48.58Chris-NB_4d4m_, active/active with only two boxes
09:50.08_4d4m_Chris-NB: i've played around with it a bit, but long ago dropped it in favour of load balancing solutions
09:50.23_4d4m_for active/active setups that is
09:50.44Chris-NB_4d4m_, what load balancing solutions do you mean? a third box?
09:50.48Chris-NBinfront of them
09:50.57Chris-NBdoing the balancing thing?
09:51.00_4d4m_you can do it that way
09:51.02_4d4m_or you can use DNS
09:51.15_4d4m_some people use dundi
09:51.28mogdundi is way to go
09:52.10Chris-NB_4d4m_, mhm, thought about DNS. but I've to do failover as well
09:54.01_4d4m_then i'd either suggest dundi, or replcating proxy's that provide load distribution, the vovida load balancer (or even some active/passive SIP aware router/firewall set-up could distribute the load)
09:54.03Chris-NB_4d4m_, now I'm at that point, that I can share load on incoming tcp requests for the manager interface with rr and wrr. but only on 1 box, not on the other one : /
09:54.35Chris-NB_4d4m_, and had no success for sip requests until now : /
09:57.09*** join/#asterisk inspired (n=mikael@
10:03.49xnonhey friends
10:03.53*** join/#asterisk phearless (
10:04.13DarKnesS_WolFi hate faxing in asterisk !
10:04.15xnoni want to install a g729 and g723.1 codecs free
10:04.35benjkinstallation is free
10:04.39benjkuse is not
10:05.11benjkDarKnesS_WolF, I hate faxing
10:05.12xnonwhat can i do?
10:05.19benjkpurchase a license
10:05.24xnoni want to do these codecs
10:05.40benjkpurchase a license or use codec hardware
10:05.41xnontake a look this
10:05.54benjkits not free
10:05.58DarKnesS_WolFxnon: u can't have them for free only for education
10:06.19benjkits not legal, unless you are using it for educational purposes
10:06.52benjkI don't understand all those codec freaks
10:06.55xnonummmm ok
10:06.59benjkI want a Mercedes for free
10:07.09benjkand I want a Jaguar for free, too
10:07.14*** join/#asterisk cian (
10:07.33xnonjejejejejje mercedes! woao i want a Mustang Shelby GT 550
10:07.43benjkyeah, right
10:07.58benjksee, how unreasonable your "I want free" is?!
10:08.07benjkits not free, period
10:08.10xnonok i understand
10:08.17xnoni dont care if is necesary pay
10:08.21benjkwhy use those codecs anyway, they suck balls
10:08.23DarKnesS_WolF any idea guys?
10:08.27xnonbut how i can pay for this
10:08.35benjkthere are good free codecs avaialble
10:08.39benjkSpeex and ILBC
10:08.44benjkalso GSM 06.10
10:09.12benjkyou can go to Digium's website and purchase a license for the g729 soft codec
10:09.24xnonyea but my IP phones only support g711 g729 and g723.1 but g711 is not so good friend!
10:09.34benjkor you can go to Digium's website and purchase a G729+G723 hardware codec (PCI card)
10:09.52benjkg711 is actually much better
10:09.59docelmoThe card isnt out yet
10:10.04benjkits superior sound quality
10:10.16benjkwell, then you have to wait a little
10:10.20DarKnesS_WolFxnon: why i'm using g711 here
10:10.44DarKnesS_WolFbenjk: any idea ?
10:11.04xnonyes g711 for local net is good but in extern red is not so good
10:11.40xnoni have a ALL7050 IP Hardware Phone
10:12.10xnonand my asterisk have some problems with these codecs
10:12.19xnoni dont know what
10:12.28*** join/#asterisk trixter (
10:12.39xnonbut ired that g729 is excelent and g723.1 too
10:13.23xnoni read sorry
10:13.42xnonDarKnesS_WolF, this screip is for send faxes?
10:13.58DarKnesS_WolFthis what?
10:14.14*** join/#asterisk hads|home (
10:14.23xnonyour pastebin code
10:14.38xnonis for recive fax? or send or what?
10:14.55xnonsorry my english is not the bether
10:17.30benjkI don't use fax
10:17.38benjknot through a PBX
10:17.51xnoncool and it work?
10:17.54DarKnesS_WolFokay :)
10:17.59DarKnesS_WolFxnon: read there is errors:P
10:18.11benjkanalog line used for ADSL, directly plugged in to an old fax machine
10:18.18xnonyou have any hardware?
10:18.44*** part/#asterisk trixter (
10:20.27xnonin your extensions.conf are u including fax-in context?
10:21.48*** join/#asterisk nounoursfr (
10:21.52nounoursfrhi all
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10:22.48nounoursfrdo you have a test asterisk en contrak sip ?
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10:23.23nounoursfrfor loadbalanc asterisk on multi box
10:24.38xnonfriends for use G729 Codec is necesary a Dual Xeon 2.8GHz processors?????
10:25.20nounoursfrno for use codec G729 I use 1 P4 2.8Ghz
10:25.45nounoursfrasterisk do not use Multi Processors
10:26.11erwinismmy asterisk server is P3 933Mhz and it works perfecly
10:26.19xnoni have a P4 2.0 Ghz
10:26.54xnonerwinism, i mean for use G729 codec no Asterisk
10:27.22nounoursfrerwinism: you control how much call?
10:27.53erwinismnounoursfr:two pstn and 10 voip
10:29.04phearlessI try to upgrade my cisco voip phone  7960 to the last firmware, and this stupid phone request by TFTP the firmware "P003-07-.bin" .... why ?
10:29.09xnonhey friends take a look!
10:29.10xnonNote: Should you want to operate 5 G.729 channels on one machine
10:29.39benjkDEBUG: spawn extension (macro-DialExtension, s-DIAL-EXT, 4) returned '0' in macro 'DialExtension'
10:29.50xnonthis mean that 1 license can used only for a 5 extensions number in a asterisk server?
10:29.59benjkfinally app_macro knows how to go to h
10:30.09erwinismmy cisco 7960 voip phone is useless too.
10:30.09benjkthat was a tough one
10:30.17xnonbenjk, used for this
10:30.33benjkfour lines is still ok
10:30.59benjkanyway, your Asterisk won't do this :)
10:31.10benjkcause its broken
10:33.01xnonbenjk is with me?
10:33.47benjkyes, that's the softcodec
10:35.11xnonbut is onlye for a 5 extensions number for my asterisk or all my asterisk server?
10:35.31benjkits for one channel
10:35.44benjkmeans you can have one call at a time use G729
10:35.59xnonok 1 channel = 1 extension number in my asterisk server?
10:36.13xnonok ok i understod
10:36.21benjkone channel means one call at a time
10:36.32mutilatorthink anyone else would have a use for an activex control to interface with manager?
10:36.39benjkyou want two calls at the same time which can use g729, you need two licenses
10:37.06xnoni dont like it
10:37.11benjkbut it doesn't matter how many extensions you have
10:37.24benjkonly how many CONCURRENT calls you want to do G729
10:38.52xnonand if i want to do calls for a sip provider channel
10:38.56xnon???????? = ISP Provider, i have a 100251 SIP number with they, this number 100251 is asociated in my asterisk server how a SIP provider context in sip.conf
10:40.51benjkit doesn't matter where the calls come from
10:40.59benjkit doens't matter where the calls go to
10:40.59xnonsorry is a SIP provider
10:41.18benjkthe only thing that matters is how many calls need to use the G729 AT THE SAME TIME
10:41.27*** part/#asterisk evol-emil (
10:42.22xnoni have send calls and recieve calls for this  numer SIP but the quality for this calls is so bad
10:42.45benjkthen use a different provider
10:43.14xnonif i do call for the extension 113 to a adamvozip numer 100251, the call quality is so bad
10:43.40xnonwhat sip provider are you use? for example'??
10:46.52xnonsoftphone comatible with FWD?
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11:13.00erwinismguys i have to go thanks for the help
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11:19.08fourcheezehow much overhead is involved in calling a sip client that doesn't exist?
11:19.29fourcheezee.g. dial(sip/123) where 123 isn't registered
11:19.49*** part/#asterisk daysmen3 (
11:19.50fourcheezeis it something * handles easily or is it something I should test for?
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11:26.32fourcheezeby extension of that, if I had 3 * boxes and didn't know which one a user was logged into would it be terrible to call the user at each one simultaneously, knowing that 2/3 would fall through?
11:27.32Assidwhy are you doing that?
11:28.24Assidif i were you.. i'd just use asterisk realtime.. and let asterisk automatically pickup
11:30.28Assidand it just checks if there is a registration in the astdb if not.. it sends back not registered
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11:45.56fourcheezeAssid: I'm using realtime
11:45.59*** join/#asterisk rogier (
11:46.02fourcheezehow do I know where a user is logged in?
11:48.19Assidif your using realtime.. then you dont need to worry
11:48.25*** join/#asterisk lsackette (
11:48.26Assidjust call that extension and it will work
11:51.15fourcheezethat's never worked for me before
11:51.36fourcheezewhich table is it using to store that?
11:51.47Assidwhatever you setup for realtime sip
11:51.55fourcheezeI'll try again now
11:52.09fourcheezewhich field?
11:52.14fourcheezemaybe I have an old schema
11:52.22*** join/#asterisk vcon (
11:52.30Assidnot sure
11:52.38fourcheezeAssid: but you have this working?
11:52.57Assidnah.. i just got 1 box on realtime.. cause im playing with it
11:52.58fourcheezewhat should my Dial() command look like?
11:53.22fourcheezeyeah, that doesn't work for me
11:53.41Assidsip show peer sipuser load
11:54.11Assiddo it on the box that doesnt have the user registered
11:54.25queuetueHow do I check if an extension actually exists?  (Trying to automate extension setup)
11:54.35vconhello, i look for a stun plugin for asterisk or something else. has someone an idea?
11:54.56fourcheezeAssid:   Status       : UNKNOWN
11:54.59Assidvcon: you need an stun server..
11:55.16queuetueSorry, if a SIP peer exists - not if it's connected, but if it exists.
11:55.23Assidfourcheeze: but do you get the basic info?
11:55.23vconyes i know, but i need a tool which makes the stun request
11:55.45Assidqueuetue: realtime???
11:56.02fourcheezeAssid: yep
11:56.18fourcheezeAssid: I get everything apart from any indication that the user is available
11:56.21Assidvcon: nah.. not sure but as far as i know.. stun should work on its own.. as long as the server is ona public network.. i dotn see why there should be a problem
11:56.33fourcheezevcon: there's a stun client there
11:56.34queuetueAssid: Well, as real as possible.  I'm not sure how you mean that question - unless you meant to ask about "runtime"...
11:56.38Assiddo you have a regcontact field in your database?
11:56.48DarKnesS_WolF any idea?
11:56.57Assidqueuetue: do you know what realtime is?
11:57.20fourcheezeAssid: yes I have regcontact and Reg Contact shows on sip show peer for anyone logged into the server
11:57.36AssidDarKnesS_WolF: whats the problem.. the error says its wrong
11:57.42queuetueAssid: Yes.  When a program's execution is assured to execute within specific parameters.
11:57.51Assidqueuetue: no.. !
11:58.45vconAssid: my server is behind nat and i have random ip changes. now i look for a tool which makes stun request for asterisk. a tool which tells asterisk what the current public ip address is.
11:58.46Assidfourcheeze: i remember ssomewhere about the table definition being changed to add more ffields. dotn remember what tho..
11:59.03fourcheezeAssid: can you list your fields and paste somewhere?
11:59.09queuetueOk, can anyone else explain how to test for the existence of a SIP peer?
11:59.21Assidsure i fi can get to my box!.. nets all messed up cause of the rains here
11:59.45Assidalso you may want to rtcache and stuff
11:59.49DarKnesS_WolFAssid: why ut's wrong it's should be fine :-s
12:00.36AssidDarKnesS_WolF: ug 10 12:02:55 WARNING[18906]: pbx.c:2357 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'Zap/2-1' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
12:00.46Assidi dont see an s extension in you default context
12:00.54DarKnesS_WolFyes what it should be?
12:01.05DarKnesS_WolFshould i have s extension ? and why ? what it should be look like?
12:01.05Assidi see a fax extension in your default context
12:01.10fourcheezeAssid: yeah I have rtcache
12:01.19Assidexten => fax,1,Goto(fax-in,s,1)      exten => s,1,Goto(fax-in,s,1)
12:01.33DarKnesS_WolFboth ?
12:01.38DarKnesS_WolFi should have both ?
12:01.44Assidfourcheeze: theoretically it should work since the information is taken from realtime
12:01.54Assidunless.. asterisk needs astdb database to be seeded as well
12:02.03Assidthat could be the reason why its not working
12:02.10DarKnesS_WolFor u mean i remove the fax on ?
12:02.17queuetueCan macros be used in other files, such as sip.conf?
12:02.19DarKnesS_WolFif i did i get error about fax extension dose not exists
12:02.21Assidreplace it .. or add it.. no issues..
12:02.22*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:02.34Assidadd it then
12:02.42DarKnesS_WolFAssid: if i removed it it will never work :-s
12:02.47queuetueSoy, can I define a sip peer via a macro?
12:02.50DarKnesS_WolFtelling me fax extenesion dosn't exists
12:02.54DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: wb ;-)
12:02.55Assidqueuetue: macros are for dialplans..
12:02.59Assidmornin tkd
12:03.01[TK]D-Fenderqueuetue: Nope.
12:03.15[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF, Assid : y0
12:03.20fourcheezeAssid: what should happen? Should asterisk call the Reg Contact, or call the extension at the server where it is registered?
12:03.32DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: what is wrong in this any idea?
12:03.52Assidasterisk should call the sip registered user/device.. but apparently it seems astdb needs to be seeded
12:03.53queuetueAre there any efforts underway to abstract away the dialplan from asterisk?  Maybe consider it a replaceable module?
12:04.11Assiddialplan away from asterisk ?
12:04.29[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: just like it says.. there is no "s" in [default]
12:04.32queuetueIt would be nice if the DP language was replaceable.
12:04.56DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: what it should look like
12:05.02Assidqueuetue: you could use ael
12:05.25[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF:  "fax" only works while * is processing other stuff and THEN catches the tone.  It does not imply that it will sit an WAIT for in when entering the context for any reason.
12:05.51*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
12:05.55[TK]D-Fenderqueuetue: Think of AGI.  Though its implementation is "heavy".
12:06.40[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: And you should never make a context so generic as to be called [default], that is a bad habit
12:06.41DarKnesS_WolFhum Assid told me to add exten => s,1,goto(fax-in,s,1) adding it in the default
12:06.55queuetue[TK]D-Fender: Could you really build a call manager, define sip/IAX/Zap interfaces, all through AGI?  Haven't been through those docs yet, but I got the impression it was limited.
12:06.58DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: i swear it was empty :D i was using fax-in only
12:06.58[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: What else falls on that context?
12:07.12DarKnesS_WolFdefault is tottaly empty
12:07.38fourcheezeAssid: how would I seed that?
12:07.43[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: is this from a dedicated Fax Zap channel?
12:07.57[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Or do you really need to detect it first?
12:08.32Assidfourcheeze: i have no clue!!!! :(
12:08.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:08.54Assidoh wait.. tkd is here.. he could dream up a code in a jiffy
12:09.04Assidtkd.. you up for a small mind bender?
12:09.38[TK]D-FenderAssid: As long as the bend doesn't set :)
12:09.39DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: yes it is
12:09.53DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: for the incoming no it's the fax only channel
12:10.02Assidcouple of asterisk boxes.. no clue where the sip user registers.. using asterisk realtime.. how do we call back  to the sip user from a box that doesnt have the user seeded
12:10.10DarKnesS_WolFbut for the outgoing i use this channel to do normal phone calls
12:10.22fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: this must be a FAQ by now surely?
12:10.24[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Then just chage "fax" to "s" in [default] and that will fix everything.  you simply want to START RECEIVING assuming its a fax.
12:10.52[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: You only use[fax] in your first level IVR so that you don't NEED a dedicated line.
12:10.57DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: u done that already and i got this erro that there is no fax extension.
12:11.19[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Just do it.
12:11.52[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF:  : Oh and remove that "include"
12:12.00DarKnesS_WolFit did it will told me fax detected but there is no fax extenstion then it's said no 't' in fax-in for timeout
12:12.12[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: And the "t" exxetn while you're at it
12:12.27[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Just do it.
12:12.44DarKnesS_WolFexten t,1,hangup ?
12:12.57*** join/#asterisk benjk (
12:13.15[TK]D-FenderAssid: You mean the client chooses which server to reg to and the config is mirrored between them?
12:13.39fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: config is in realtime - 1 config for a number of servers
12:13.43[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Yes, no need.  "s,3" could simply be "Hangup"
12:14.06Assid[TK]D-Fender: well. using realtime.. so the authentication isnt a problem.. but since the client connects to server 2 as opposed to server 1 and 3.. the seed is in 2 , how would 1 or 3 call the sip user.. he says it doesnt work
12:14.41DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: good like this ?
12:14.44[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: Nice try on trying to create a "cloud" but * is NOT a SIP proxy.  Making roaming virtual users across server is a royal PITA.
12:15.02fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: well all I need to know is where each user is
12:15.06[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Chang the "t" for "s,3"
12:15.15fourcheezesince each * is connected to the same db surely this can't be hard
12:15.34[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: And I think you might want to do "Answer" first....
12:15.41*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
12:15.55Assidoh crap your right theres no answer
12:16.10fourcheezeAssid: as I feared
12:16.17[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: WRONG.  When phone 123 reg's to server A, how does B know that?
12:16.18fourcheezeso assuming that I can't know where each user is
12:16.36DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: ok added s,1, in fax-in as answer anything els?
12:16.46[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: Forget assuming "you can't" and tell me how you think you CAN <-
12:16.46AssidDarKnesS_WolF: try it
12:16.47fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: well it would be simple for a field in the realtime sip peers to have that information
12:17.13Assidquery astdb? :P
12:17.16DarKnesS_WolFok will ask a freind to send a test
12:17.20[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: If you made your dialplan
12:17.44[TK]D-Fenderhold on
12:20.16*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
12:20.33*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
12:20.39Assidexten => s,1,Goto(fax-in,s,1)  ------ change s to fax
12:20.44*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
12:20.51Assidand in fax-in context change all s to fax
12:20.58*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
12:21.17Assidyou may want to add a h extension as well
12:21.22*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
12:21.24DarKnesS_WolFAssid: if i have done i'll have the error of no S ext.
12:21.28Assidh,1,Hangup   -- maybe redundant but okay
12:21.38[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: Trying to see how you can share a reg DB..... doen't make sense
12:21.54fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: what doesn't make sense?
12:22.04AssidDarKnesS_WolF: No you wont.. cause we are specifyig it to go to fax extension not s extension
12:22.20fourcheezeif there was a field in the DB where when the user registered it recorded the host they registered with
12:22.26AssidDarKnesS_WolF: reload your extensions and try it
12:22.30fourcheezethen surely I can dial(sip/user@host)
12:22.37[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Disable fax detect from that Zap channel;
12:22.43sumasumaCan asterisk work with decentralised networks ?
12:22.48fourcheezeof course there is no field, but I'm wondering if there's some other mechanism
12:23.09fourcheezelike just dialling the reg contact
12:23.17sumasumais there any mechanism to make it decentralised ?
12:23.18[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: You'd have to use only a pattern match for your extensions then and query the DB on each to try and determin if it was local.
12:23.21fourcheezewhich I should be able to get to in realtime, but can't seem to
12:23.35fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: that sounds like a lot of work
12:23.36DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: hum ok
12:23.38[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: Again, * is NOT a SIP prox.  thats why people use SER.
12:23.55Assidi need to work with ser..
12:24.01fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: sure I understand, but ser doesn't do presence very well
12:24.08fourcheezeif at all at the moment
12:24.22AssidDarKnesS_WolF: did you do it?
12:24.43Assidi tried reading some  openser code.. i thought i was reading C
12:24.43fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: so here's a related question - how bad would it be to call all of the servers at once?
12:24.57fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: knowing that all except one would fail
12:25.07DarKnesS_WolFAssid: wait
12:25.09Assidfourcheeze: do you give users voicemail?
12:25.23fourcheezeAssid: yes, but I'm planning to have that on a separate server
12:25.28DarKnesS_WolFAssid: [TK]D-Fender : anything else\:?
12:25.56Assidexten => fax,1,Goto(fax-in,fax,1) NOOOO
12:25.56DarKnesS_WolFAssid: ?
12:26.02Assidexten => s,1,Goto(fax-in,fax,1)
12:26.06DarKnesS_WolFAssid: ahh ok
12:26.10fourcheezeif I could sort this out then * would just scale perfectly
12:26.20fourcheezeand even without SER
12:26.26Assidfourcheeze: if i were you.. i'd use SER
12:26.41fourcheezeAssid: as far as I can tell SER can't be highly available either
12:26.56*** join/#asterisk dioedu (n=dioedu@
12:27.07fourcheezeAssid: I want to have redundancy in all core functions
12:27.07Assidfourcheeze: err. i thought SER can handle thousands of users
12:27.16fourcheezethis is fine until server breaks
12:27.25Assidso add a round robin dns..
12:27.43fourcheezewell then I can still be registered at either server
12:27.56Assidright.. also .. you could use heartbeat
12:27.58fourcheezeas far as I can tell SER is no better at doing this than asterisk
12:28.04fourcheezeheartbeat is a kludge
12:28.05[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: I think I'm going to step away from this.
12:28.10ionixyou are wrong fourcheeze
12:28.13fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: ahhh coward
12:28.18ionixSER is much faster to link internal SIP
12:28.23AssidDarKnesS_WolF: did you get it up
12:28.41ionixso let say you'd have an organization with 40 phones, I would link them with SER.
12:28.41Assidyep.. its just that i have no clue how to work with SER
12:28.44fourcheezeionix: you mean I can have 2 SERs and call across them automagically?
12:29.05ionixAsterisk takes care of the dialplan and such
12:29.11[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: No, mearly not CRAZY trying to do things * wasn't designed to do.  asking for a world of pain.....
12:29.28fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: I'll happily accept a product B solution
12:29.38Assidfourcheeze: cant you use ser with realtime?
12:29.44[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: Broadsoft?
12:29.47fourcheezeI don't think ser talks to realtime
12:29.52ionixif you have two phones on SER, SER will route the call between them and inform asterisk.
12:29.54fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: never heard of that one
12:30.05fourcheezeionix: what about 2 phones on 2 separate SERs
12:30.26fourcheezeionix: where each phone could be registered with either
12:30.57fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: is that FLOSS?
12:31.04Assidi wanna learn SER :|
12:31.05*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
12:31.09[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: LOL!!!! $$$
12:31.19fourcheezeAssid: SER isn't hard when you get your head around SIP
12:31.27fourcheezeI just don't think it does what I want
12:31.39DarKnesS_WolFAssid: didn't work the other end said he heard the tone
12:31.45DarKnesS_WolFand then it got d.c in the middle
12:31.53Assidheard the tone ?
12:32.01DarKnesS_WolFthe fax tone
12:32.01Assidthe fax tone?
12:32.13*** join/#asterisk [koss] (
12:32.28Assidbefore that did he hear the fax tone?
12:32.51Assidtry with faxdetect on.. and also paste the CLI output
12:32.54fourcheezeall I want is a cluster where any one server can go down and I don't need to worry about heartbeat
12:33.06fourcheezein my experience servers die but can hang on to IP numbers
12:33.14fourcheezewhich is why I don't trust heartbeat
12:33.33Assidfourcheeze: thats why you use heartbeat router.. and internal ips for the rest of the servers
12:33.36fourcheezeit should be possible to build-in such redundancy
12:34.07fourcheezeAssid: still not completely convinced
12:34.10DarKnesS_WolFAssid: the command line didn't show anything strange just the fax the file and then hangup in h
12:34.27fourcheezealso I don't think that SER is good for presence
12:34.34fourcheezeso I really need users to register with *
12:34.43fourcheezeeven if they go through SER in some way
12:34.43AssidDarKnesS_WolF: did you try with faxdetect on ?
12:35.05*** part/#asterisk fourcheeze (
12:35.18Assid[TK]D-Fender: they might be buying that sangoma card.
12:35.29Assidsaid they will let me know
12:35.32DarKnesS_WolFAug 10 15:33:43 WARNING[24246]: pbx.c:2415 __ast_pbx_run: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'fax-in'
12:35.44Assiderr.. you removed the t extension?
12:35.48DarKnesS_WolFAssid: it was always faxing detect incoming
12:35.52DarKnesS_WolFAssid: yep :-s
12:36.01Assidokay weell
12:36.09sumasumaDarkness_wolf: i have been seeing you with this problem from the morning
12:36.14Assidset absolute timeout to 300
12:36.19sumasumaDarkness_wolf: i appreciate your patience
12:36.20Assidand add a t extension
12:36.43DarKnesS_WolFsumasuma: lol i have too fix it !! i'll never give up ! even [TK]D-Fender x86 always kicking my ass
12:36.48DarKnesS_WolFAssid: ok
12:36.58DarKnesS_WolFbut i can ask my friend to send again he sents like 40 fax :P
12:37.10Assidisnt fax free?
12:37.40DarKnesS_WolFAssid: nop :-) it costs phone call
12:38.05DarKnesS_WolFAssid: exten => t,1,hangup ?
12:38.07AssidSet(TIMEOUT(absolute) = 300)
12:38.21DarKnesS_WolF300 sec?
12:38.28*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
12:38.31Assid5 mins.. for getting all your faxes in
12:38.43Assidif its hung.. it will timeout and hangup as per t extension
12:39.59*** join/#asterisk sergee (n=opera@
12:41.57Assidhrmm.. i wonder if i can accept fax over ulaw instead of having a zaptel device ring
12:41.57[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Did you disable it in zapata?
12:42.05DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: disabled
12:42.14DarKnesS_WolFall that didn't work :D
12:42.28DarKnesS_WolFnow i need to find someone to send me faxes to a lcal phobe in eg:P
12:42.44Assidjust call the number
12:42.51Assidsee igf it stays on
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12:52.54xnonif i want afiliated a FWD account in my asterisk server i must use IAX extensions in my asterisk server or i cant use SIP extensions protocol?????????????
12:53.11*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
12:54.09sumasumaxnon: what is your problem ?
12:54.21sumasumayou want to register with SIP to fwd ?
12:55.33*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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12:59.41[TK]D-Fenderxnon:  you can register to them either way you want.  You can use IAX to talk to FWD and SIP to talk to your phones and * will translate, or just go direct and that will work as well.
13:00.52*** join/#asterisk sergee (n=opera@
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13:08.27jhamlynHelp please - How do I tell asterisk to accept an incoming call from an anonymous sender using SIP .. I want to direct any incoming call to a special extension
13:08.48*** join/#asterisk MattH (n=MattH@
13:08.49jhamlynI have it working for authenticated calls .. but cant get the un authenticated calls to work
13:08.59MattHHi.. when doing an 'iax2 show netstats' what does 'Lost' mean on the 'LOCAL' side?
13:11.47[TK]D-Fenderjhamlyn: Set a context in [general] and "allowguest=yes"
13:12.18[TK]D-Fenderjhamlyn: And of course be very careful what is permitted in that context
13:18.38hmmhesays~seen russelb
13:18.41jboti haven't seen 'russelb', hmmhesays
13:18.47hmmhesays~seen russellb
13:18.49jbotrussellb is currently on #asterisk, last said: 'Strom_C: knew abount what?'.
13:21.11*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (n=Merceste@
13:21.23[TK]D-Fender~seen [TK]D-Fender Whats redundancy?
13:21.25jbot[TK]D-Fender: i haven't seen '[tk]d-fender whats redundancy'
13:25.04hmmhesaysif you set a variable inside a macro, can the context the macro was called from access it?
13:25.05*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
13:26.10blitzragemog: !!!
13:26.15blitzragewhat are you doing up so early? :)
13:26.19mogim still up
13:26.26blitzragesounds like me usually :)
13:26.28mogbought to clock out for the day
13:26.39mogi hope
13:26.44blitzragenice, just woke up and already into the land of fires (and I'm on vacation :))
13:27.02[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: I don't want to meet your mom!
13:27.13mogwhat are you doing online then?
13:27.22blitzrageopen question: I have a Cisco 7960 calling from line 1 to line 2, and after 16 seconds, the 2nd line (after answer) drops the call -- does it with canreinvite=no or not...
13:27.24[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Sure
13:27.49blitzrageIt's the same phone, so maybe it's a hairpin issue? Although it is two separate registrations
13:28.15blitzragemog: because Mr. Smith is driving across the country, and I'm the only one to help with the issue unfortunately
13:28.42blitzragetrying to figure out why I can't perform a SIP transfer
13:28.55blitzrageand why trunk keeps crashing on me :)
13:29.48hmmhesaysi need the set the epoch into a variable when a call is answered
13:30.19blitzrageisn't there an EPOCH var?
13:30.27blitzrageor something similar?
13:30.28[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: OH you mean in a macro called by DIAL...
13:30.35benjkhmmhesays, were you one of those folks yesterday who were interested in dialstatus info after hangup?
13:30.51hmmhesaysbenjk: no
13:31.06hmmhesaysi was interested in writing the cdr before extension h was called
13:31.14[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: I don't think reversin inheretance works.  You'd need a more persistant storage like AstDB or something.
13:31.22benjkwell, sort of what I meant
13:31.31blitzrageok, so the 8.0 FW image for a 7960 is really crappy :)
13:31.36hmmhesaysrussellb wrote a patch to do so but... it is broken for 1.2.10
13:31.39benjkI added support for h in app_macro
13:31.44hmmhesaysi'm still on 7 someghing
13:32.00benjkso you can now have your dial macro do some actions in h inside the macro
13:32.10hmmhesaysi see
13:32.18blitzrageyah... for some reason the later 8.x FW files didn't take... only got up to 8.0... although I should have just left it on 7.3 where it was working
13:32.24hmmhesayswrite a patch to write cdr's before extension h is called
13:33.21*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
13:33.45benjkwell, my CDRs are no longer off now
13:33.49*** part/#asterisk trbldwine (
13:34.03benjkit sort of fixed itself as a result of handling the CANCEL properly
13:36.08benjkwhat was your issue with the CDRs again
13:37.54jhamlynI set allowguest=yes and still find that there is a Authetication request failing on the connection...
13:39.20*** join/#asterisk potsboy (n=chrisg@
13:39.25inspiredanyone seen this?
13:39.25inspiredAug 10 15:31:59 WARNING[7742]: pbx_spool.c:346 scan_service: Unable to open /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ Permission denied, deleting
13:39.25inspiredAug 10 15:31:59 WARNING[7742]: pbx_spool.c:388 scan_thread: Failed to scan service '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/' belongs to user asterisk and group asterisk
13:39.51inspiredand asterisk is running as asterisk.asterisk
13:41.29[TK]D-Fenderinspired:  : Possibly a problem with part of the path?
13:41.46inspiredwhat do you mean?
13:41.55[TK]D-Fenderjhamlyn: Also make sure their callerID does not match a peer entry....
13:42.08[TK]D-Fenderjhamlyn: (of the incoming caller).
13:42.25jhamlynok - follow the logic -
13:42.55jhamlynI have been calling from one asterisk to another... assuming the sending party to be anonymous
13:43.37*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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13:43.42Sonderbladeis it possible to make the voicemail phone menu not be password protected?
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13:43.57jhamlynexten => 303,1,Dial(Sip/
13:44.21jhamlynsee the request come into the rxing machine and fails authetication..
13:44.59jhamlynThe rxing asterisk knows nothing about the sending system.. no registrations, peers etc
13:45.16*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
13:45.45jhamlynhave context to rx any incoming calls...
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13:55.47sumasumais public calls allowed through fwd ??
13:55.57sumasumai mean calls from other domains ?
13:56.28[TK]D-Fenderjhamlyn: Wel in "otherasterisk" you made a context, filled it with those extens, added "allowguest" and made sure that the callerID of  the personall being sent over does not match a peer there?
13:57.12*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
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14:07.57pigpenDoes anyone know if I can have an agi or app that will update a users vm pass to a database when they change their pass?
14:09.30[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: Yes, yyou can have a trigger program called on change.
14:09.46murfsumasuma: as far as I know, no, fwd wasn't doing public calls anymore... too much abuse.
14:10.51pigpen[TK]D-Fender, could you give me a hint where to start...I have been google'ing for quite a bit....tks.
14:12.12*** join/#asterisk mut (n=animenod@
14:12.25[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: Guessing you didn't look to hard...
14:12.37[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: "EXTERNPASS"
14:12.51pigpenerr...sorry.   Thanks though.
14:12.58*** join/#asterisk stack_ (n=sgerstac@
14:13.34stack_I have a Grandstream HT-386 that stops working after a while.  It doesn't get a dial tone.  If I reboot it, it works fine... Anyone here experience this?
14:15.21[TK]D-Fenderstack_: Where is located relative to your * server?
14:16.31stack_[TK]D-Fender: It goes HT -> Switch -> Server
14:17.14[TK]D-Fenderstack_: Do you have "qualify=yes" for its entry?
14:17.41xnonhey friends i cant register mi FWD number in my asterisk
14:17.43stack_[TK]D-Fender: no I don't... what does that do?
14:17.56xnonshow me registration refused!
14:18.55*** join/#asterisk W9SH (
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14:23.54xnonRegistration of '791710' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
14:24.01xnon:S why i cant
14:24.24xnonError opening firmware directory '/usr/share/asterisk/firmware/iax': No such file or directory
14:24.31*** part/#asterisk serg_b (
14:24.46xnonanybody can help me with my errors in console
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14:40.27hmmhesaysbah, damn math
14:42.41sumasumaanybody does asterisk consulting for pay ?
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14:44.15queuetueIs there perhaps a debugger for asterisk dialplans?  So we can watch (and possibly interact) with call progress?
14:45.04[TK]D-Fenderqueuetue: Nope.  Write it and watch it in CLI.  Thats all we've got.
14:45.16*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
14:45.26hmmhesayshmm can you use math to do something like (1+2)/(3+4)?
14:45.43*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
14:46.12hmmhesaysMATH($[1+2]/$[3+4]); doesn't seem to want to work
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14:53.22dlynes_laptopSounds like Digium will be growing even faster...they just got 13.8M in VC funding...
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14:55.26rg1_need some help please on an "IF" statement
14:55.31rg1_Here it is:
14:56.09rg1_what is happening is that if the expression is true, the prompt_to_play IS getting set to the FIRST_REQUEST - but if it is not, it is not getting set at all
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14:56.32rg1_i'm thinking it might have something to do with the bracketing i am doing "[ ]"
14:57.09queuetueI have the following line sin my dialpla: When I dial 603-878-XXXX, I see "LD: 1 detected." and get connected over my voip, as I would expect to.  When I dial 603-235-ZZZZ, I get a fast busy.  This behavior is repeatable. There is nothing I can discern in this dialplan that is specific to either number - why the heck does one work and the other not?
14:57.27*** join/#asterisk javar (
14:58.02xnoni have some problems autenticating my FWD account in my asterisk server and other things anybody can helpme this is my console
14:58.10filequeuetue: NXXNXXXXXX is what you want
14:58.26rg1_can someone help me on that IF thing above? TQMUR...
14:58.39queuetueOh!  N must be special?  Hitting docs.
14:58.49queuetuefile: Thanks, once again.
14:59.22filexnon: did you setup your FWD account for IAX2, and wait?
14:59.27hmmhesaysAug 10 09:57:09 DEBUG[6219]: pbx.c:1589 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Expression result is '0' why does asterisk do that when I have a float number smaller than 1 as a result?
15:00.07xnonfile yes!
15:00.23sumasumacan anyone help me in configuring sipura
15:00.27sumasumai can pay for the same !
15:00.36xnonwould u like see my extensions.conf and iax.conf?
15:00.56hmmhesayswhats the issue?
15:00.58filexnon: if your FWD number is right, and your password is right... but the registration gets rejected, there's not a lot you can do about that
15:01.17*** join/#asterisk fernando (n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb)
15:01.20fernandohi all
15:01.22fernandoAug 10 11:58:01 WARNING[2059]: res_musiconhold.c:278 monmp3thread: unable to spawn mp3playe
15:01.23hmmhesaysfile: why is my math broken?
15:01.44filehmmhesays: "why is" are dangerous words
15:02.00dlynes_laptopsumasuma: I thought you said you were having a different problem?
15:02.05xnonfile i dont know what must i do?
15:02.12hmmhesayswhy does asterisk return zero  when my expression results in a floating point number
15:02.25dlynes_laptopsumasuma: something to do with agent queues, or something?
15:02.35xnoni was do all in the FWD page explain
15:03.15hmmhesaysbah, i see now
15:03.25filexnon: there's not a lot you can do, I mean a registration line consists of a username, password, and the hostname - if all those are right, then something is not right on the other side... so talk to FWD
15:03.31xnonbut the error go agead
15:03.35rg1_can anyone help me with a "Set..... using an IF function?
15:03.36xnonAug 10 09:58:55 NOTICE[10000]: chan_iax2.c:7438 socket_read: Registration of '791710' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
15:03.38sb_mxrg1_, this works for me. i think it has to do with the way you set up your { and [
15:03.42sb_mxrg1_, exten => *99999,1,Set(TEST=${IF($[${CALLERID(num)} = 1001]?1:0)})
15:04.06rg1_ok sb_mx - i will try that - thanks!
15:04.28dlynes_laptopxnon: your username or password is incorrect, or your account just plain doesn't exist
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15:05.10hmmhesaysbah, because expressions math operators don't support floating point numbers
15:05.26jbotfrom memory, mcc is the distribtution that started it all
15:05.32queuetuefile: You may recall that last weekend, you patched and rebuilt asterisk on my server.  Do you recall where you did it, in case I need to rebuilt it again and want to preserve the patch?
15:05.51xnondlynes_laptop, my account is correct because i can enter with this user in the page
15:05.55filequeuetue: #undef ZAPTEL_OPTIMIZATIONS in file.c
15:06.06queuetuefile: Ok.
15:06.10dlynes_laptopxnon: but perhaps that account doesn't exist on their sip server yet
15:06.45*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=eKo1@
15:07.15xnondlynes_laptop, and so what can i do?
15:07.32dlynes_laptopmake sure your sip context, sip username, and sip secret all match
15:07.57dlynes_laptopxnon: and if you're sure all of those match, phone up your ITSP's tech support
15:07.58*** part/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
15:08.10xnondlynes_laptop,  must i type this user in my sip.conf?
15:08.18dlynes_laptopxnon: but whatever you do, don't tell them you're using asterisk
15:08.27dlynes_laptopxnon: or they'll refuse to help
15:08.57dlynes_laptop[myusername] username=myusername ; secret=mypassword
15:09.03rg1_sb_mx - yep, that did the trick - thanks ever so much!!!!!!
15:09.17sb_mxexactly, even carriers over here are like "what kind of pbx are you using.." and we say "an open-source linux based pbx". guess what they answer is next
15:09.22sb_mxrg1_, np
15:09.41xnondlynes_laptop, in iax.conf?
15:09.56hmmhesaysbah this sucks I have to call MATH function like 3 times to get this to work right
15:10.05dlynes_laptopxnon: or sip.conf, depending on what technology you're using to connect to your ITSP
15:10.23dlynes_laptophmmhesays: write a function to handle it then
15:10.28xnonim using FWD
15:10.29dlynes_laptophmmhesays: you know C, right?
15:10.42dlynes_laptopxnon: Yeah...I don't want to sign up for fwd
15:10.56*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
15:10.58dlynes_laptopxnon: but if you use it, you should know whether it supports iax or sip
15:11.12rpmbah my tdm400p is dieing. [6784658.785000] Power alarm on module 4, resetting!, i get a couple of those every day now
15:11.12coppicesb_mx: "why, so are we"? :-)
15:11.18*** join/#asterisk mcreedjr (
15:11.22rpmunless its my power supply
15:11.44mcreedjrIs there any way to target a specific Zap channel with the flash command?
15:11.50xnonwhat ISP provider is recomended for agree in my asterisk server?
15:11.54mcreedjrerr flash application even
15:11.58hmmhesaysdlynes_laptop: somewhat, but... I can just call MATH a bunch of times
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15:12.29sb_mxcoppice, haha i wish.. they have always answered "ahhh.." as if to say its your problem . of course, after a while we slap em silly :P and make em see its their problem
15:12.29dlynes_laptophmmhesays: yeah...just remember you telling someone yesterday that they should write an app, instead of writing an agi in c :)
15:12.33xnondlynes_laptop, can you say me what SIP Provider can you recomended¿
15:12.48dlynes_laptopxnon: there's plenty of people using fwd with asterisk...i'm sure it works
15:12.55hmmhesaysdlynes_laptop: I was?
15:13.10dlynes_laptophmmhesays: i think it was you...maybe my memory's bad though
15:13.14dlynes_laptophmmhesays: it was in #asterisk-dev
15:13.20xnondlynes_laptop, but why i cant so?
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15:13.29coppicesb_mx: if you say avaya or nortel they will still say "aah". If you point out that smoke is billowing from their exchange building they will still say its your fault
15:13.32hmmhesaysdlynes_laptop: wasn't me then, I haven't been in dev in awhile
15:13.38dlynes_laptopxnon: rephrase?  your sentence does not compute
15:13.46sb_mxcoppice, hahaha, so true
15:13.47xnoni dont understand all data is right in the scripts
15:14.08dlynes_laptopxnon: just make sure the part in between
15:14.26xnonthe error is: Aug 10 10:09:45 NOTICE[10000]: chan_iax2.c:7438 socket_read: Registration of '791710' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
15:14.30dlynes_laptopxnon: just make sure the part in between '[' and ']' is the same as the part after username= and that it matches your username
15:14.43dlynes_laptopxnon: also make sure that the part after secret= is the same as your password
15:15.05dlynes_laptopxnon: erm...actually....i'm half awake
15:15.20dlynes_laptopxnon: it's failing on your register => username:password@hostname line
15:15.21xnonummm ok
15:15.43xnonregister =>
15:15.55xnonthis are
15:16.01dlynes_laptopxnon: you just told the whole world what your username and password are for fwd
15:16.03xnonare this or whatever jejee
15:16.04dlynes_laptopxnon: good job
15:16.29dlynes_laptopxnon: now everyone can use your account to make long distance calls
15:17.15dlynes_laptopxnon: but, yeah...that's the line
15:17.22xnoni dont care i have other accounts this account is only probe account
15:17.23*** join/#asterisk TheCompWiz (
15:17.38dlynes_laptopxnon: you need to make sure that the username and password match whatever fwd gave you
15:17.58*** part/#asterisk mog (
15:17.58dlynes_laptopxnon: if they do match, and that account hasn't been cancelled, call up their tech support and complain
15:18.00*** join/#asterisk Trakkasure (
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15:19.25fourcheezeand if it hasn't been cancelled yet, ask for it to be now
15:20.15pigpenhi all, I am trying to get externpass working with voicemail.  I have: externpass=/usr/sbin/ in my voicemail.conf file, which grabs $1 $2 $3 and echo's it to a file in /tmp.
15:20.19pigpenhowever it isn't working...
15:20.37pigpenI figure If I cannot get this to work, no sense in trying to have it update a database...
15:20.46xnondlynes_laptop, the username that i use for enter from the website is pbxwvt
15:20.52Idlewe have a ISDN PRI (t1) here in the office, going to a nortel PBX,  what would be the easiest way to interface these so we can maintain our existing phones, and still add voip (sip) phones
15:21.18dlynes_laptopxnon: yeah, but that's not necessarily the same name as the one you use to connect, right?
15:21.19xnonin this line y need to type the number or the username?
15:21.23TheCompWizIdle... when you le me know... share the wealth ;)
15:21.34xnonummm let me see it
15:21.34fourcheezepigpen: put some debugging/logging in your script
15:21.41TheCompWiz* when you know... let me know & share the wealth.   (brain isn't working yet this morning)
15:22.01pigpenfourcheeze, well, with the debugging I have done, it doesn't look like it is even calling it.
15:22.06Idlewell, I was thinking get 2 T1 cards for asterisk, and use 1 t1 as a trunk, and the other out to the telco
15:22.07TheCompWizI need (would like) to do the same thing
15:22.20pigpendebug level at 10 in asterisk...with no mention of the script running.
15:22.27fourcheezepigpen: is it executable?
15:22.28xnonyes in the site i cant enter with fwd number and username
15:22.33TheCompWizIdle... I'd be happy if I could find out how to get my pbx to talk to the nortel box.
15:22.37xnonis the same
15:22.47TheCompWizbut I know almost nothing about nortel systems.
15:22.49Idle:S   well, a T1 is just a standard line, at both ends, no?
15:22.54Idlenor do I
15:23.00pigpen777 in /usr/sbin .... which the directory is 755
15:23.03xnondlynes_laptop, i think that the error is the domain name!
15:23.03Idleits not even 'ours', its more of a clients
15:23.21dlynes_laptopxnon: maybe it's, and not
15:23.22fourcheezepigpen:ok,when you run it from the command line does it behave as you expect?
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15:23.38dlynes_laptopxnon: i'd do some checking around on their website to find out what it is
15:23.52TheCompWizIdle... I know with T1s... you need to configure 1 side to control the timing... and beyond that... no clue.  I know how to setup data t1s ... point-to-point... but never really messed with telephone stuff until now.
15:24.00[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: Are you running * as root?
15:24.08pigpenfourcheeze, it is a simple shell script....  just an echo -e "$1 $2$3" > /tmp/file.txt
15:24.08Idlethey have a few things that they really hate about their telco... like it takes 1 month notice to setup a phone conference call...
15:24.21pigpen[TK]D-Fender, no...asterisk:asterisk
15:24.22IdleTheCompWiz: same
15:24.38TheCompWizheh... why 1 month for phone conference?
15:24.38[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: The how on earth do you expect it to have ANY rights to SBIN?
15:24.39IdleI know one side is the DCE and one is the DTE.. generally the DCE is the telco
15:24.45IdleTheCompWiz: yea, its bad
15:24.51[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: ..........
15:25.18IdleTheCompWiz: I guess I need to find a T1 capable of the DCE
15:25.20pigpen[TK]D-Fender, drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4824 Aug 10 10:00 sbin/
15:25.33*** join/#asterisk gaspiz (n=gaspiz@
15:25.38fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: normally users normally have rights on sbin
15:25.41[TK]D-Fenderpigpen:  I suggest moving the file elsewhere for now
15:25.58fourcheezepigpen: can you su asterisk and still run the script?
15:26.01*** join/#asterisk ESCulapio__ (n=ESCulapi@
15:26.11gaspizhi, in my CDR table some calls have the src 't' did anyone experience this?
15:26.54eKo1gaspiz: I have.
15:27.06gaspizcould you fix it?
15:27.19eKo1No. I usually ignore those.
15:27.41gaspiznobody knows the answer on how to fix it?
15:28.04gaspizI want to do some billing in the future and I can't with this bug
15:28.10eKo1I think that is normal behaviour and hence not fixable.
15:28.24eKo1Just ignore those records.
15:28.36pigpenfourcheeze, yes...I can su to asterisk and it works fine.
15:28.47blitzrageok, so if I enable 't' in Dial(), then want to use the *2 in the featuremap of features.conf, after removing the default ; comment from the features.conf file, do I need a full restart to make it active?
15:28.54pigpenthe funny thing is that in the asterisk cli, I see no error.
15:29.13dlynes_laptopblitzrage: shouldn't...should just be a simple reload
15:30.54blitzrageyah thats what I figured... but *2 does nada...
15:31.13blitzrageand 't' is to allow the called party to transfer... which I see... so... shoudl be good to go...
15:31.17*** join/#asterisk Gregabyte (
15:31.25blitzragecan't get any transfer stuff to work at all on this version of trunk for some reason...
15:31.51blitzrageSIP transfers don't work, and Asterisk doesn't seem to respond to *2 for an attended transfer after uncommenting it from the feature map
15:32.39dlynes_laptopblitzrage: is it showing up in show features?
15:33.00blitzragelets see
15:33.20blitzrageshows it in the Current column
15:33.23dlynes_laptopblitzrage: then the reload worked
15:33.35blitzragelet me double check to make sure the 't' flag is really really there :)
15:33.44blitzragestupid stuff like that is always a pain :)
15:33.45phearlesswhere is the doc to make ouside calls ?
15:34.50dlynes_laptopphearless: that's for both outside calls and internal calls
15:34.59phearlessthank you i will have a look
15:35.09dlynes_laptopphearless: you might also want to read the channel specific documentation for iax2 and sip as well
15:35.19dlynes_laptopphearless: it's available on the same website
15:35.25jbotwell, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
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15:37.39mcreedjrIs there any way to flash a specific Zap channel?
15:37.59[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Actually, supplemental to all that sounds like you shold read... THE BOOK
15:38.00mcreedjrI'm trying to get call forwarding to work from the phone
15:38.03jbotrumour has it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:38.27parylhey guys!  i'm having an issue with an IAX2 connection... periodically one side of the conversation just goes to dead air, and it comes back within 3-10 seconds.  i *just* found a real error on it (it's been happening for a long time, but i couldn't find the actual error in the logs)... it is "Aug 10 10:23:43 WARNING[22108] app.c: No audio available on IAX2/[ip censored]:4569-1??"
15:39.03dlynes_laptopmcreedjr: You can only flash on a connected zap channel
15:39.21phearlessok [TK]D-Fender ... damn this is a lot of stuff ...
15:39.23dlynes_laptopmcreedjr: so, yes, you can flash a specific zap channel (the one you're connected to)
15:40.21parylany idea how on earth i can track the source of that error down?
15:40.31*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
15:40.46[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Well you do seem to be only starting.... the book is the best guide from scratch out there, and the rest (wiki, etc) are more like reference material once you are ready to taget something more specific later
15:41.42mcreedjrdlynes_laptop: ermm.. so when a call comes in on a PSTN line, rings SIP extension and receives a 302 Moved Temporarily response, it forwards the call to the local extension. I want to flash the Zap channel there, but the active channel is Local.
15:41.49mcreedjrdlynes_laptop: Any idea how to do that?
15:42.03phearless[TK]D-Fender: a colleague just told me that he got a hard copy of it
15:42.07phearlessthats great :)
15:42.08TheCompWizanyone in here have a gxp-2000 with the current firmware (not beta)
15:42.09mcreedjrdlynes_laptop: I'm trying to do call forwarding with transfer.
15:42.25mcreedjrdlynes_laptop: err three way calling with transfer
15:42.50mcreedjrdlynes_laptop: since the Local context answers the Zap channel, shouldn't I be able to flash it somehow?
15:43.40[TK]D-Fenderphearless: I have nice laser printers @ work and don't care to run copies of things like this for myself at will...
15:44.06[TK]D-Fenderphearless:  I've cleared entire forests single-handedly IMO....
15:45.57[TK]D-FenderPaperless society MY ASS!  At 55ppm I'm PAPER-FULL in no time flat!
15:46.40*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
15:46.42eKo1More like treeless society
15:46.48pigpen[TK]D-Fender, you sound like your are from Texas
15:47.04salviadudI reckon he is
15:48.17blitzragehe's not
15:48.20blitzragehe's a frog ;)
15:48.21pigpenwell, I cannot get this dam externpass script to run to save my life at the moment...
15:49.19*** join/#asterisk monkey13 (n=monkee13@
15:49.34blitzragepigpen: externpass=/usr/bin/php -q /etc/asterisk/include/externpass.php
15:49.36blitzragefor example
15:50.36*** join/#asterisk aydiosmio (n=aydiosmi@
15:50.39blitzragethen there are 4 arguments passed to it from Asterisk: the script called, the vm_context, the extension, and the passwd
15:51.11blitzragefrog is a not so nice way of saying Quebecker
15:51.14aydiosmioanyone remember how to request a variable length of input digits terminated by a # key with $AGI->get_data?
15:51.26pigpenwell, I have:   externpass=/usr/sbin/ which just is echo'ing the values to /tmp/test.txt
15:51.52TheCompWizanyone using a granstream gxp2000?
15:52.02blitzrageI'm sure some people are
15:52.06pigpenall of which , asterisk is not showing that is it trying to run it, nor is the file being created....and all the perm's are fine, as I can su to asterisk and run it fine.
15:52.34pigpenQuebec eh?
15:52.34blitzrageand you're doing this via voicemail?
15:52.37TheCompWizwell.. I keep getting wierd problem... I dial any  *XXX number  and after the 2nd digit... the phone goes back to no digits being dialed.
15:53.01blitzragesounds like it's matching on built in *XX numbers
15:53.02TheCompWiz(dosn't reboot... but current state resets or something)
15:53.19TheCompWizas far as I know... there are no built-in *XX numbers in the phone...
15:53.25TheCompWizor any built in numbers.
15:53.34TheCompWizall config is menu-driven or via a web page.
15:53.49pigpenblitzrage, yes., i have it in the general section..,.
15:53.54xnonanybody have a fwd account configured in your asterisk iax.conf?
15:55.43pigpenTheCompWiz, I know the polycom has a digitmap section...maybe the grandstream does too...
15:56.22xnonanybody have a fwd account configured in your asterisk iax.conf?
15:56.38TheCompWizdefine "fwd account"?
15:57.15xnoni was do it!
15:57.19xnonbut have errors
15:57.30xnonthe error is Aug 10 10:52:51 NOTICE[10275]: chan_iax2.c:7438 socket_read: Registration of '791710' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
15:57.50TheCompWizbecause your registration information is incorrect.
15:58.01xnonno my information is correct
15:58.07xnono was comprobed!
15:58.10xnonin the website
15:58.21parylif i update asterisk to the most recent version, do i /have/ to update zaptel and libpri at the same time?
15:58.31TheCompWizyour registration was rejected... because your information is incorrect.  don't argue.
15:58.44paryli'm at libpri-1.2.2 and zaptel-1.2.5
15:58.44*** join/#asterisk Zalbag (
15:59.06xnoni have other error relationed with this error posibily
15:59.07xnonAug 10 10:37:51 WARNING[10261]: chan_iax2.c:1387 reload_firmware: Error openingfirmware directory '/usr/share/asterisk/firmware/iax': No such file or directory
15:59.30eKo1Crap, I just crashed * after an 'extensions reload'
15:59.31xnon:S i dont know why?
15:59.32TheCompWizI doubt it's related.
15:59.35blitzragexnon: not an error unless you're trying to reflash an IAXy
15:59.42TheCompWizit sounds 100% like you have your box setup wrong.
15:59.45*** part/#asterisk Zalbag (
16:00.38xnonother error is:
16:00.39xnonAug 10 10:37:51 WARNING[10261]: chan_iax2.c:9599 load_module: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory
16:00.55blitzrageyou have no timing interface -- i.e. hardware or zt_dummy
16:01.06blitzragethus you can't use trunking with IAX2
16:01.13xnoni dont hardware only asterisk in my pc
16:01.18*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
16:01.34xnonwhat can i do ?
16:01.41blitzrageuse zt_dummy, like I said
16:01.50blitzrageor, turn off trunking in iax.conf
16:02.13xnontrunking context?
16:02.19*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
16:02.37blitzragelook for "trunking" in the iax.conf.sample file and read the description
16:02.47[TK]D-Fenderxnon: Anywhere you use"trunk=yes" should be removed
16:03.06blitzrageguess [TK]D-Fender is more likely to hand-hold than I :)
16:03.28*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
16:03.33xnoni dont have trunk=yes text in my iax.conf
16:03.59xnon[TK]D-Fender, i dont have this text in all my iax.conf
16:05.15[TK]D-Fenderxnon: Ok, then just ignore the message
16:05.39xnonbut my fwd account cant register!
16:05.45fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: apropos our discussion about a cloud of asterisks
16:06.03fourcheezesuppose I just did the following:
16:06.16fourcheezesipusera calls sipuserb on server 1
16:06.30fourcheezeif sipusera answers then all well and good
16:06.37fourcheezeif not server 1 tries sipuserb on server 2
16:06.50fourcheezeif still no answer -> voicemail
16:06.51eKo1How come the country us-old get's parsed as us-o in indications.conf. This must be a bug.
16:06.58fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: does that sound completely mad?
16:07.02eKo1err gets
16:07.25nounoursfrdo you have test loadbalancing on asterisk ?
16:07.48*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
16:08.43quid246noun:  Load balancing or just load testing?
16:09.28dlynes_laptopmcreedjr: do you have 'link' capability on your line?
16:12.09fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: so the general rule is that first the current server is tried, then the others in turn (just 1 other to start) and then to voicemail
16:12.12*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
16:12.17fourcheezeany reason why that wouldn't work?
16:12.42*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
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16:21.29*** join/#asterisk nobell (n=jdegraff@
16:21.41nobellany body using hudlite?
16:21.57*** join/#asterisk vlt (
16:24.16vltHello. How can I SET ${EXTEN} to a new value (I need this to transform incoming calls with national code prefix). I tried "exten => _49.,1,SET(EXTEN=0${EXTEN:2})" but it doesn't work ... How is the correct synatx?
16:27.04syzygyBSDVLT: goto
16:27.12*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
16:27.35syzygyBSDvlt: goto(${EXTEN:0},1)
16:28.02vltsyzygyBSD: Thank you, I'll try ...
16:28.04syzygyBSDor something.. you get the idea
16:28.55*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:29.32saftsackwould it be smart to combinate asterisk with a patton 4552 bri switch?
16:30.18vltsyzygyBSD: Yes it works, thanks.
16:30.19dos000anyone can explain the pro cons of using odbc instead of mysql ???
16:31.04vltWhy is it not possible to define an exten rule with pio 1 and then with prio 3? Why is prio 2 needed?
16:32.09fourcheezedos000: odbc means you can use any rdbms back end
16:32.29aydiosmioany db with an ODBC driver.
16:32.49aydiosmioand lol @ unixodbc and mssql on linux.
16:33.12aydiosmiothat's a fricken trainwreck.
16:33.20*** join/#asterisk smackus (n=ckwall@
16:33.25smackusI am looking for the ability to make and take calls while logged into a queue. I have found that I can do that with AgentCallbackLogin. The problem is as I read the bugs on this command that it is potentially system crashing. Is there another way to do this? I want to be able to log into a queue at the beginning of the day, and log out at the end of the day. not have to log in after every time I cradle the phone lik
16:33.51*** join/#asterisk _w^x_ (n=w^
16:33.58nobellmysql has come a long way in the last few years - and does most everything that any other major database system does. It's worth learning how to use it.
16:34.00dos000in terms of stability are both libs the same when it comes to asterisk integration ?
16:34.55ionixstores procedure?
16:35.04[TK]D-Fendersmackus: User static members and use pause/unpause
16:35.09fourcheezedos000: I don't think there's much to choose, but for the record I use odbc with mysql backend
16:35.28smackus[TK]D-Fender: ok, thank you.
16:36.03smackusso would static members mean that agents are assigned to the phone. cant just move around?
16:36.11[TK]D-Fendersmackus: Yup.
16:36.22nobellmysql 5.0 has stored procedures.
16:36.43smackusi really wish they would get this one fixed so I can have the best of both worlds.
16:36.53fourcheezenobell:  does it have foreign keys yet?
16:38.01SkramXIs there a female voice to be used with asterisk?
16:38.06SkramXsuch as festival?
16:39.07nobellit's also important to learn how to create indexes - so that your left joins run smoother. research on how to optimize queries. I have been told that an optimized mysql database will run faster than oracle.
16:39.52*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
16:40.10hmmhesaysok why is my TIMEOUT(absolute) not working?
16:40.49nortexSkramX, Check Cepstrail
16:41.04nortexI mean Cepstral
16:41.18SkramXnortex: Yeah.. I know, but no; I use them but this is for a friend that needs a FREE female voice
16:41.30*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
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16:47.25coppiceSkramX: i've never seen one. despite most of the world's TTS being based on Festival, very little ever seems to have been contributed back to it.
16:47.36*** join/#asterisk sergee (
16:47.43SkramXcoppice: indeed
16:47.50SkramXi use cepstral for my own projects
16:49.34*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
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16:50.36hmmhesaysno is there any way I can play a beep to the calling party while the call is active?
16:50.44MRH2Hi anyone know what effect srtp has on bandwidth consumption - i am budgeting 90kbps for g711 and wondering what extra srtp might add
16:51.37dlynes_laptopMRH2: you might want to budget 100kbps for g711 before srtp
16:51.45dlynes_laptopMRH2: there's sip and tcp overhead as well
16:54.58*** join/#asterisk inv_arp[work] (
16:56.22MRH2so how much more is srtp likely to add to this? :)
16:56.48sevardHas anyone ever used an AudioCodes IAD?  I have an MP-118FXS sitting here and every time it registers I get    -- Got SIP response 481 "Call/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from <ip>, it happens for each registration and since there's a different sip client on each port I get it 8 times.
16:57.19*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
16:57.20sevardI've tried sip debug <peer> to try and isolate why it's throwing those messages but I can't track it down.
17:01.35*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
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17:04.09hmmhesaysanyone use option L in their cmd dial?
17:04.39sergeehmmhesays: i do
17:06.02sergeeMRH2: you can plaay beep periodicaly with L() option to dial, to both - caller and calle
17:06.05*** join/#asterisk kevinfcn_ (
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17:06.40sergeeoops :) wrong man
17:06.41hmmhesaysserge  if I wanted to limit a call to  60 seconds playing the warning every 5 seconds at 30 seconds left it would be Dial(SIP/foo,,L(60:30:5)) right?
17:09.53wunderkindoesnt really  make sense to me to have that in ms
17:10.31sergeehmmhesays: exactly
17:11.20_deg_Anybody here using trunk on a macosx ppc?
17:12.02*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
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17:12.11hmmhesaysso it is in milliseconds
17:12.16hmmhesaysmine did not want to play
17:12.17hmmhesaysat all
17:12.39abozanichDoes anybody know who I should contact about a security problem w/ asterisk?
17:12.48hmmhesayswhat security problem?
17:13.15abozanichcan't say at the moment
17:13.21abozanichis there a security contact?
17:13.52anglerprobably contact
17:14.04abozanichthanks. the irc bots just flag that address for a million spam messages...
17:14.36dos000is there a way i can see the logs for odbc messages only .. i am starting * with -cvvvv and the logs fly too fast
17:14.46fileMRH2: our spam filtering is really good :D
17:15.02angleryes it is actually
17:15.03*** join/#asterisk TrixVox (
17:15.40sergeeyou can redefine sounds with appropriate variables
17:16.00fileangler: !!!
17:17.36*** join/#asterisk viperdude (n=jon@
17:18.08viperdudehi, anyone had issues with soxmix not being able to find ?
17:18.26Dr-Linux|workfuck Israel
17:18.32*** join/#asterisk topping (
17:19.09sergeeviperdude: find / -name "*"
17:20.10viperdudesergee: its in /usr/local/lib  and i am passing that through in LDFLAGS on the configure script but it stills complains it can't find it  even though the configure script reports support for mp3
17:20.15*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
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17:21.43vader--anyone here ever hook up asterisk through tdm2400p card to an elevator phone
17:22.00vader--im having a problem where the box in the elevator places the call and then rings and hangs up
17:22.06vader--someitmes it doesn't even ring
17:22.15vader--asterisk is showing through the console everything is fine
17:22.40vader--is there something i may need to adjust in my zapata.conf?
17:25.38blitzragenub question: in svn trunk, where does it get the version from? I just updated and svn info gives me a different version than 'show version' in asterisk...
17:25.39quid246anybody played around with AstCC?
17:25.39sevardhmmhesays: have you ever dealt with something like that?
17:25.43hmmhesaysand my calling card application is complete
17:25.56hmmhesayssevard: two chicks at once? unfortunately not
17:25.56Un1xhmmhesays youre making a calling card agi script?
17:25.59blitzragehmmhesays: congrats
17:26.33sevardhmmhesays: you need a million dollars for that
17:26.40hmmhesaysUn1x: no agi
17:26.44hmmhesaysall in the native dp
17:26.45quid246hmmhesays:  Does it allow simultaneous calling per card?
17:26.45mutpost on
17:26.54mutmax $5000 bid for a voip billing prog
17:26.54hmmhesaysquid246:  yes
17:27.12hmmhesaysbut the math would be a little funkified
17:27.19quid246hmmhesays:  nice, I'm trying to figure that one out now... not the code, but the concept so I can't ger orbbed blind
17:27.38hmmhesayswhy do you need simultaneous calls per card?
17:28.09quid246because it's a possibility
17:28.27quid246What if a user wants to three wy?
17:28.35*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=eKo1@
17:28.41quid246a call I mean ;)
17:28.44hmmhesaysbuy another freaking card
17:28.58hmmhesaysusers always complicate things
17:29.24quid246rentacoder - the outsourcing whorehouse
17:29.45hmmhesaysyou'd need some seroius coding to do the time calculations accurately on a multi user card
17:29.58hmmhesays*serious even
17:30.38MRH2whorehouse? they are young students who need the money ;)
17:31.02blitzrageI whore myself out on a consulting basis :)
17:31.14MRH2are you pretty?
17:31.19QwellMRH2: very
17:31.26blitzrageQwell: shush you :)
17:31.43blitzrageI meant asterisk consulting, not... that kind of consulting
17:31.50filesilly blitzrage
17:32.08blitzragefile: so transfers work on this OTHER box... just not on that one particular rev...
17:32.21MRH2but it still comes with a  a happy ending i am sure
17:32.28*** join/#asterisk evilbit (i=hhoffman@gateway/tor/x-f548ff6adeea47d2)
17:32.33QwellMRH2: that costs extra
17:32.49blitzragedid anything since 38826 change in re: to SIP transfers?
17:32.54blitzrageMRH2: lol
17:33.02fileblitzrage: commit list :P
17:33.08*** join/#asterisk quid246 (
17:33.14evilbithi, what type of wav file is compatible with *? I'm d/l'ing a prompt from digium and am not sure what format to use
17:33.29blitzragefile: yah, I was looking there... but wasn't sure how to filter out all the other branches
17:34.44blitzrageaha... think I got it now...
17:35.21*** join/#asterisk kevinfcn_ (
17:36.05[TK]D-Fenderfile, blitzrage : ! ! !
17:36.15filezomg hi
17:36.29quid246I've seen one provider do the following... they freeze 2 hours of credit (based upon call cost) from your account, then relinquish anything after the call is complete (and so on for the second call)... thing is I don't know how to handle what would happen if one went over the time limit
17:36.40blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: I don't want to meet your mom!
17:37.02[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: : I just wan....
17:37.09blitzrage! ! !
17:37.11nortexIs there a way to play a tone to both ends of a call after connect? I have used the A option in my dial statement to play a sound file after the callee picks up but I want the caller to hear a tone too.
17:37.13[TK]D-Fender(cue file)
17:37.17filebang bang bang!
17:37.26evilbitah, n/m
17:37.51blitzragelol... "Really destroying SIP dialog..." soooooo many! :)
17:38.02*** join/#asterisk EvilDeshi (
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17:41.54blitzragewow... 8.0 FW for 7960 is useless!
17:42.09charles___blitzrage:  get 8.3
17:42.20blitzragegotta get my soekris working with astlinux sometime so I can get a tftp server setup to upgrade it
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17:44.05*** join/#asterisk Samoied (
17:44.26sb_mxhey guys, is there a way to concatenate commands? ie: exten => s,n,Read(VAR,Playback(audio1&audio2)) ? since Read wont allow audio1&audio2 syntax
17:45.05charles___sb_mx:  no
17:45.22charles___sb_mx: you can playback while reading already
17:45.27charles___sb_mx:  what do you want to do ?
17:45.42blitzragesb_mx: no, but you can use sox to create a new file that is a concatonation of those two files
17:46.09sb_mxblitzrage, yah, i've done that in the past. was wondering if there was an "easier" way of doing it
17:46.42sb_mxcharles___, basically ask the user for a password by playingback more than 1 audio file since that's how our audio setup is atm
17:47.12charles___sb_mx: just concatenate the audio cat audio1.gsm audio2.gsm >fullaudio.gsm
17:47.22charles___sb_mx: cat may not work, I will recomend sox
17:47.49smackusok, so i have two phones logged in using addqueuemember(queuename) but only one of them ever gets the calls. even if it is on the phone. if the phone is offhook, i dont want another queued call to be delivered to it. what could i be doing wrong?
17:47.51sb_mxcharles___, yup, will do just that (or i might just get my hands dirty and enable Read's concat syntax?)
17:48.04mutdcc exploit
17:48.08*** part/#asterisk nobell (n=jdegraff@
17:48.11mutisn't that like.. old..
17:48.22charles___sb_mx: yes go ahead, it's going to be very usefull for yourself
17:48.26[TK]D-Fendermut L just got the /msg?
17:48.38mutya just like everyone else
17:49.02sb_mxcharles___, might be usefull for someone else too. anyway thanks for the help
17:49.06charles___sb_mx:  no one uses that
17:49.21*** join/#asterisk Ixitxachitl (n=m@
17:49.36charles___sb_mx:  no need to open two or more fd while sox do the job
17:49.56blitzragesuppose someone doesn't already have 8.3 FW for a Cisco on a TFTP server they could let me use for a few minutes to upgrade this phone?
17:50.34sb_mxcharles___, yeah i understand that. i was just wondering why playback and background have that option and read doesnt. of course, playback/background and read have different functionality
17:50.36charles___blitzrage:  that person can get arrested, their hands put in a dark wall and they will get shot in the back
17:50.50quid246anybody still play around with AstCC?  Everything works but the Generate Card option... Apache gives me a header error in the logfile
17:51.14blitzragecharles___: I think Cisco gives away the firmware now
17:51.28*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
17:52.09quid246haha, I doubt that... Cisco would charge you for the light that a 7960 gives off, if they could figure a way
17:52.24quid246blitz:  If they give it away, go get it from them
17:52.37*** join/#asterisk topping (
17:52.38Idlecisco doesn't give anything away
17:53.11quid246Idle:  That's not true... I had a pretty good free lunch at a free Cisco seminar once.
17:53.22nortexblitzrage, The version 8.2 is avaliable for download, but not 8.3
17:53.34blitzragenortex: ahhhh, ok, I knew one of them was
17:53.50[TK]D-Fenderquid246: Let us know if they gie you your Immortal Soul back ;)
17:53.53Idlequid246: how much did you pay for the seminar... I guarentee it was paid from that
17:54.03blitzragequid246: because I don't have a tftp server setup, and don't really have the time right now, so figured if someone already had it up and running I'd try and save some time -- and if you don't already know me, feel free to ignore me
17:54.06quid246Idle:  Read my comment again. :)
17:54.07Idlewell, not you, but how much did your seat cost whomever
17:54.15quid246oh no, it was *totally* free
17:54.28quid246I don't work for a company... I just singed up
17:54.59charles___blitzrage:  lito, tftp server setup ?  tftp  dgram   udp     wait    nobody  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.tftpd
17:58.00watchyyay at&t is giving me a /21
17:58.17Idlehow many servers do you have
17:58.24watchyi run a wireless isp
17:58.29Idlea /21 for 4?
17:58.36*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
17:59.17sevardwatchy: wherein?
18:00.20watchysouth arkansas
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18:03.26Shaun2222watchy: why dont you get ip space directly from arin?
18:03.43watchyShaun2222: no idea, i dont really handle that should i?
18:04.01Shaun2222why get it from a upstream when you can get it from the source :)
18:04.31Shaun2222watchy: from a abuse and management standpoint it's better... but it's more difficult and lengthy to get ip space from arin.
18:04.41*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
18:05.55dos000darn ... how do you normally tell asterisk where zaptel,odbc include headers are installed ? mine are located in a different location
18:05.59Shaun2222course your running a wireless isp, so not like you cant just renumber easily... with hosting it's more of a pain in the ass to renumber all customers :)
18:07.02dos000mind you autoconf is only nice .. to the user !
18:09.07*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
18:09.10watchyShaun2222: you know anything about running an isp?
18:10.41*** join/#asterisk hohum (n=dcorbe@
18:14.31xnoni have some warnings in my console asterisk anybody can help me?
18:14.40xnonanybody have a time for help me?
18:15.08docelmoAparently not much..
18:15.26xnonthis is my asterisk console
18:16.58*** join/#asterisk beyond (n=beyond@
18:18.39clyrradanyone know of a command like show queues that will show the FULL name of all queues?
18:18.58watchyu know what i hate i got a client that complains about clipping over a wireless connection
18:19.09watchybut theyont find out if the people local to it experience clipping
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18:19.20watchyso i dunno where to fucking start lookin
18:20.00watchyanyone here ever use QOS for voip?
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18:21.42javarxnox, what do you need?
18:23.01_MDC_I've got trouble hearing background noice in one end, using alaw codec, is there any more option I could change? This happens both in SIP and ZAP
18:26.08*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (n=c4t3l@
18:27.22c4t3lhas anyone ever had problems using ADT alarm system => asterisk => ADT call center?
18:27.44c4t3lthe system dials out but ADT can't receive data
18:27.55watchydata dont send worth shit over voip man
18:28.06watchyyou cant tivo over it either
18:28.15watchyjust hook it straight up to analog
18:28.32c4t3lgoing out over PRI
18:28.38*** join/#asterisk _eMAC_ (
18:28.56watchyi dont think its gonna work
18:28.56c4t3lthe previous alarm ran through an adtran IAD
18:29.05c4t3li agree with you watchy
18:29.10watchyi never could get my tivo to work it sucks
18:30.05c4t3lshould I just give up and get an analog line?
18:30.20watchywell u might wanna ask a little more in here but fax dont really work worth shit
18:30.37watchyand from what i understand its next to impossible to send computer data over voip
18:30.56c4t3lmy provider seems ok generally. I use Cbeyond
18:31.11watchywell ive gone directly from ata to pstn
18:31.15watchyit still didnt work for me
18:31.44c4t3lwatchy, which car did you use
18:31.52*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:32.09watchy2 tdm400p analog cards, using sipura ATA
18:32.21c4t3lyep, same here
18:33.29c4t3li've been going crazy trying to get this to work
18:34.04*** join/#asterisk Mike (n=mike@
18:34.36watchyyea me to i needed my tivo to sync
18:34.47*** part/#asterisk e-MAC (
18:36.16charles___usa Alaw
18:36.27charles___watchy: it should work over g.711
18:37.10c4t3lso allowing alaw should do it??
18:37.38watchycharles: at like 28,8k +?
18:37.38hmmhesaysand my calling card dialplan is finished
18:37.53hmmhesaysNO AGI, woot
18:38.59clyrradis there a command that will return the FULL name of all Queues?
18:39.10clyrrador an application?
18:42.27fernandoanyone have x-lite audio (/dev/dsp) problem? I'm using ubuntu 6.06.
18:42.46[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Check out the AMI optiosn.  Maybe in there
18:44.43clyrradhey TKD :)
18:45.00clyrradI found a Manager Command QueueStatus
18:45.03clyrradjust not sure how to use it
18:45.18clyrradits shown here:
18:45.19c4t3lnow I have to wait for this guy to test his alarm
18:45.19*** part/#asterisk unlord (
18:46.13Ixitxachitlhmm, once zaptel is compiled, im left with UNCONFIG status in zttool/CLI (zap show status) for my TE205P do i 'configure' it?
18:46.44c4t3lvery strange... Asterisk shows the call being dialed,the hand-off and the connection status
18:46.55c4t3lthe data is just not getting through
18:47.11Un1xanyone know some good places
18:47.14Un1xto get toll free dids?
18:47.48c4t3lset up some different codecs in sip.conf. now I'm just wating for this guy to finish up before we can test
18:48.34c4t3lI hate wating >:|
18:48.43*** join/#asterisk imdabest (n=imdabest@
18:48.52imdabesthello roo
18:49.07Un1xanyone know some good palces to get 8** dids ONLY!
18:49.54_MDC_OK, seems like this background noise is a feature - is there a way to turn this off?
18:51.16imdabesthi i am having trouble with inbound calls is there any one can help me out
18:51.55*** join/#asterisk GerbilWrk (i=GerbilNu@
18:52.17GerbilWrkAnyone know of a cheap place online to order ATA deviecs, like the linksys pap2?
18:54.37hmmhesaysSevard you're a little biatch
18:55.14[TK]D-FenderGerbilWrk: Depends where you are
18:55.16*** join/#asterisk momelod (
18:55.20momelodhey people
18:55.22sevardhmmhesays: lick my balls
18:55.28momelodis there a gsm player for linux
18:55.33momelodor like a codec?
18:55.44*** join/#asterisk zedkatuf (
18:55.51justinu|laptopsevard: making friends? :P
18:55.54GerbilWrk[TK]D-Fender, US
18:56.11sevardjustinu|laptop: no idea what provoked that, i think he's been doing drugs
18:56.11*** join/#asterisk kevinfcn_ (
18:56.21hmmhesayson teh drugz
18:56.34GerbilWrk[TK]D-Fender, awesome, thanks
18:56.38hmmhesayssevard you need to test out my calling card app now
18:56.47sevardlike a fucking 5 year old
18:56.49sevardwhere is it
18:56.57hmmhesaysyou want the dialplan?
18:57.03hmmhesaysbah, nevermind
18:57.09sevardI'd have to turn on the non-production servers
18:57.14hmmhesaysi'm going to post it on the lost packet with the database schema
18:57.22sevardmeeeeeeeh, they're all the way across the room, meeeehhhhh
18:58.00sevardhmmhesays: send me something to eat
18:58.10sevardall i got is this god damned awful ramen
18:58.47justinu|laptophmmhesays: there's a website that will fedex overnight ppl dogshit for you
18:59.10hmmhesaysthe woman made me breakfast the other day, then she gave it up
18:59.12Supaplexor if your neighbor complies, you'll get it free
18:59.13hmmhesaysit was a good day
18:59.20*** join/#asterisk eBody (n=ehernand@
18:59.20eBodyhey guys how can a tdm400 come w/ more than 1 fxo mod if there are only 4 input jacks?
18:59.23hmmhesaysI'm wondering what she wants me to buy her
18:59.31*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (n=jeebusmo@
18:59.58*** join/#asterisk dapatrick (
19:00.07sevardjustinu|laptop: sweet, where
19:00.25dapatrickI have a quick question - how would I configure a zap channel to do *nothing* on incoming calls.
19:00.30dapatrickThat is, just ignore them.
19:00.39sevarddon't configure it.
19:00.48fileeBody: huh?
19:01.12eBodyfile, u know the tdm400 digium card....
19:01.24dapatrickI need to be able to use it for outgoing.
19:01.32*** join/#asterisk topping (
19:01.33fileeBody: yes, you can put 4 modules into it - and each module corresponds to a jack
19:01.54sevarddapatrick: send it into a context that just gives instant congestion and hangup
19:02.11eBodyso it's not like a tdm2400 fxo mod that supports 4 lines per mod??
19:02.12dapatrickYes, I'm sort of doing that now.
19:02.26fileeBody: the TDM400 modules are 1 per mod
19:02.49dapatrickThe intricacy there is that there is another device that answers on that channel/line (a Windows server running GFI fax).
19:03.12eBodyoh! so they are different than the fxo mods i have in my tdm2400??
19:03.17clyrradAnyone know how to use the Manager Command QueueStatus?  I cant find it documented anywhere
19:03.25eBodybecause thos fxo mods support 4 lines each
19:03.29filethe ones for the TDM2400 fit more circuitry onto each single module
19:03.31sevardeBody: he's said that over and over.
19:03.38justinu|laptopsevard: can't find it anymore... the man must have shut them down
19:03.41eBodythank you.
19:03.42dapatrickRight now, I'm sending the calls on that channel to a context that does Wait(120), then Hangup.
19:04.01sevardjustinu|laptop: proably for heath hazord reasons and other such nonsense
19:04.11justinu|laptopnonsense indeed
19:04.25sevarddapatrick: why are you waiting so long?
19:04.34sevarddapatrick: just CONGESTION, Hangup
19:04.40sevardbam bye call
19:05.31dapatrickOkay, but let's say I CONGESTION hangup, that will hang up the call, perhaps before the the Fax server can answer it.
19:05.56sevard..... i thought you wanted no incoming calls
19:06.12dapatrickI don't want to get rid of the call entirely, I just don't want Asterisk to answer the calls on this particular analog line.
19:06.36c4t3ldapatrick, then don't route the line through asterisk
19:07.09_MDC_OK, small question; is silence_suppression on or off by default?
19:07.20dapatrickYes, that's what we were doing previously, but we need to be able to use the line for outgoing calls when it is not in use for faxing.
19:07.39Lyfewould anyone have a link to a page describing the best recommended way to implement queues & agents?  I've been looking around at stuff, and am rather confused by that there seems to be a lot of outdated stuff all over, incluing on the voip-info wiki.
19:07.56Lyferather, use queues & agents.
19:08.42sevarddapatrick: so set it up like this, line from telco -> fax machine -> fax machine line out -> fxo card, and set your fax to answer on the first ring
19:09.08dapatricksevard: Genius.
19:09.11sevardyou'll still be able to make outbound calls via * but yourfax will pick up calls before your * does
19:09.29dapatrickExcellent solution.  Thank you very much!
19:09.33dapatrickSo simple and elegant.
19:09.40sevardsee fuckers? i'm smrt 2.
19:09.40dos000anyone tried compiling asterisk with unixodbc and zaptel headers located in a non standard place ?
19:10.04c4t3lhave any of you ever tried to route ADT alarm through * ?
19:10.18c4t3lalarm system that is...
19:10.28dos000why ???
19:10.32IdleI have 2 fxo cards, and 2 fxs cards... one line was used for faxing before, but now I have them both auto-bridge with my second fxs module... its pretty neat stuff dapatrick
19:10.41*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
19:10.54sevardIdle: explain this auto bridging
19:11.14dapatrickHow does that work Idle?
19:11.14Idleits on the wildcards
19:11.23c4t3lcustomer doesn't want to pay for another analog line... been fighting with this for a few hours
19:11.46sevardc4t3l: can you hook it up to an ATA?
19:11.53sevardhowever stupid that may be
19:11.53c4t3lit is now
19:11.58Idleexten => fax,1,Dial(Zap/3)
19:12.00[TK]D-Fenderdapatrick: Not a great idea... set a context for that Zap channel that has an s,1,Hangup on it.
19:12.04c4t3li knowm i know
19:12.48[TK]D-Fenderdapatrick: Don't take chances with the machine answering first.... thats an accident waiting to happen.
19:12.48sevardc4t3l: why don't you put the alarm system on the analog line and run all their voice on the ata?
19:13.13c4t3lits a cellular back-up line :(
19:13.14*** join/#asterisk Manipura (
19:13.27Idlefaxdetect=both   in your zapata.conf   then itll dial the 'fax' extension on the context
19:13.34dapatrickOkay, let me weight the options a bit.
19:13.36[TK]D-Fendersevard: SMRT ..... you forgot ass++ <-
19:14.04c4t3li feel the flames a' comin'
19:14.04Idledapatrick: mine accepts fax'es on both of my lines, as well as making proper phone calls
19:14.12sevard[TK]D-Fender: <homer> I am smart, s,m,r,t
19:15.05c4t3li've set allowable codecs to alaw only in the ATA's peer listing
19:15.37dapatrickIdle, but you're not using a normal fax machine, are you?
19:15.51dapatrickOr are you, and it's sitting at the end of an extension?
19:15.52c4t3lnow i'm waiting (ever so impatiently) for the owner to test the damn alarm again
19:15.54Idleyes I am
19:15.57*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
19:16.06sevardhe's using a normal fax machine but also using an extra fxs port
19:16.07Ixitxachitlhmm, is there somewhere i can check the reasons for getting a yellow alarm after trying to set up zap span
19:16.07Idleits some mamoth HP all in one device
19:16.16Idleyea, thats the downside
19:16.19sevardwhere my solution frees up a port
19:16.36sevardi didn't know about faxdetec tthough
19:16.40Idleif you do that, itll take 2 rings to even start ringing on asterisk
19:16.43sevardi have a good use for that
19:16.53Idledepending on the fax machine
19:17.10c4t3lwhy don't you switch to iaxmodem??? :D
19:17.22Idlefax on voip still sucks
19:17.30puppetidle: no it all depends
19:17.34Idlenot that its an especially good protocol to begin with
19:17.38Idlepuppet: true
19:17.41c4t3liaxmodem has a buffer!!
19:18.02Idlebut its still a dumb idea IMHO... I would rather have a fax machine or fax modem recieve it, then email it off
19:18.03sevardIdle: I have about 5 sipura 2002s at different locations all running fax machines, sip to my * box then out of my tdm
19:18.17c4t3lfax is based on old ass telegrapghy!! I can't beleive its still around
19:18.17Idlesevard: decent
19:18.19sevardIdle: I agree whoeheartedly, fax is retarded, why pay when you can email.
19:18.29sevardc4t3l: exactly
19:18.35Idlenot to mention its unreliable
19:18.40sevardmost fax machines nowadays scan as well as fax anyway
19:18.48IdleI get fax spam... makes me cry
19:18.57sevardno shit, unreliable even on good analog phone lines
19:19.02sevardi thought fax spam was illegal
19:19.06Idleits funny, sometimes fax detection puts telemarketers to my fax machine
19:19.10c4t3lme too
19:19.18Idlesevard: canada. :(
19:19.41puppethaha idle
19:19.43sevardthere are services out there that will take your emails and fax them and take your faxs and email them
19:20.03c4t3loh lord
19:20.04Idlemy wildcard has some shitty hangup detection... and when using sip -> zap, I get major echo for the first 10 seconds
19:20.05sevardhell with * you could start one
19:20.30Idlewe had it at work
19:20.35Idlelinked with our FirstClass server
19:20.42sevardyarg at FC
19:21.02sevardi'd hate to maintain an fc server
19:21.13Idleits actually stupid easy
19:21.13c4t3li use gentoo
19:21.26IdleI love my FC
19:21.30*** join/#asterisk AlexCTI (
19:21.31sevardIdle: really now, it looks quite complicated and bloated from the outside
19:21.45Idleits complicated, but damned easy to admin :D
19:21.55Idlewe cant break the thing... we've tried
19:21.56sevardit's expensive ,no doubt
19:21.56AlexCTIhi, there is someone familiar with queues?
19:22.01Idleoooh yea
19:22.03c4t3lFC has very good init scripting as well
19:22.09sevardAlexCTI: fireaway
19:22.09Idlebut we run 1300+ users, unclustered
19:22.29sevardIdle: I know the school districts here run them and they have well over 14,000 employees
19:22.32Idlec4t3l: yea, the batch admin scripting is pretty decent
19:22.54Idlesevard: yep, we're on the advisory committee... half the places that use it are school
19:22.55c4t3lbetter than Gentoo's runscript stuff
19:23.07Idlec4t3l: I think we're talking about different fc's
19:23.17sevardhe's talking about fedoracore
19:23.18ManipuraAnyone know anything about dynamic load balancing asterisk?
19:23.21sevardwhich, imho, blows
19:23.32sevardc4t3l: we're talking about FirstClass
19:23.34justinu|laptopFC sucks... half the shit is broken on initial install
19:23.40sevardno shit
19:23.44sevardslackware 4 leif.
19:23.46IdleFC is amazing, you can run sooo many users before clustering... and there is so much clustered services in it... I love it
19:23.53Idleyea, Fedora Core licks some nuts
19:24.10sevardfor the same reasons I don't use Fedora Core I don't use CentOS
19:24.12c4t3lManipura, check out SER
19:24.51sevardI'm goin to try out these fancy new Ubuntu and Gentoo one of these days, I haven't used anything but slackware on a daily basis for a long time
19:25.09c4t3li like gentoo only for the portage app
19:25.18c4t3lemerge kicks ass
19:25.20justinu|laptopubuntu works nicely out of the box
19:25.21Manipurac4t3l, SER with asterisk? Or SER without Asterisk
19:25.34c4t3lwith *  :D
19:25.37sevardI heard portage is neat, but tooks like those scare me, I don't like anything that's installing and compiling shit on my box automatically
19:26.01IdleI like breaking package managers and building everything from source
19:26.03sevardI'd rather know every library every module that I'm putting into my system, i'm an administrator, I don't trust or need other administrators to administrate my boxen.
19:26.20Idlesevard: hear hear!
19:26.35Idlelol :D
19:27.20*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (n=duh@
19:28.00c4t3lever use *BSD??
19:28.11puppetisnt it possile to connect a regular modem and that way get ONE zap channel?
19:28.47*** join/#asterisk e-MAC (
19:29.27*** join/#asterisk Rawplayer (
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19:29.41sevardyes, i've used BSD, my personal opinion is bleh, i don't like it that much -- i do enjoy using linux -- on the flipside os x is pretty -neat-
19:29.48Rawplayerhi, i have a question about voip/astrisk but its not about configuration
19:29.56Rawplayerits about traffic
19:30.13Rawplayerwhen you have 1,2mbit upload how many clients can make usage of that?
19:30.21SplasPoodRawplayer: depends on the codec used
19:30.28Rawplayeror is it just depended on the latency
19:30.35SplasPoodRawplayer: if you search for codec bandwidth on there's a nice chart
19:30.45Rawplayerokay thanks
19:31.31*** part/#asterisk smackus (n=ckwall@
19:32.43nortexI'm trying to implement a paging setup where * accepts a call to the chan_oss and then plays a tone to both the caller and soundcard before the caller says anything. What I have done is use the A option in Dial to play an announcement tone, but it is only for the soundcard in this case. How can I do this?
19:32.58sevardpuppet: those are horribly doctored photographs
19:33.07sevardone could almost do better in paint
19:33.22puppetlol sevard
19:33.46*** join/#asterisk smackus (n=ckwall@
19:33.54c4t3lALMOST ;)
19:34.05Un1xsevard: youre more of a windows guy you love guis :p
19:34.38smackusif i am using the addqueuemember command. is there anywhere that shows logged in status of the device? similar to show agents?
19:34.44sevardUn1x: ....what..?
19:34.56smackusfound it... show queues.
19:34.56nortexpuppet, Mind reposting the link?
19:35.36smackusnow.. can i make addqueuemember add the device to multiple queues?
19:35.39sevardUn1x: At the moment i'm in console, talking to you on a TTY, in epic5 connected to shell, I IM from centericq and do most of my browsing in lynx
19:35.57sevardhow am I a "GUI guy"?
19:36.15watchyi have phones over a 3mbit wireless link should i change the codec from ulaw to something else?
19:36.18smackussevard: show off...
19:36.22watchythey say they are gettting clipping
19:36.24eKo1watchy: nay
19:36.34smackusi am using a screen keyboard and clicking each letter with my mouse :-D
19:36.43watchyeko1: hrm, i gotta fix the clipping some how
19:36.53eKo1eKo1: change the codec and see if it helps
19:37.09watchytalking to me?
19:37.12sevardi'm using a handspring visor writing asm with my stylus with my teeth talking to you over a telnet connection on irc
19:37.17eKo1watchy: oops, yeah
19:37.20*** part/#asterisk Ixitxachitl (n=m@
19:37.26watchyeko1: what should i change it to?
19:37.27c4t3loh yeah... well i'm connected through my Pcom and typing this out to you through the System() command in asterisk!!!
19:37.34eKo1watchy: gsm
19:37.50sevardeKo1: 'sudeen' confuses me.
19:37.50watchyso in sip.cfg put codecallowed=gsm or whatever?
19:37.58watchyi cant remember the exact setting name
19:38.29watchyi mean sip.conf
19:38.50eKo1Looks like everyone is confused today :P
19:39.07watchythats what its set to now
19:39.20watchyif i set it to gsm can i just reload without issues?
19:39.45*** join/#asterisk easel (
19:39.49eKo1Make sure the phones/ATAs support it though.
19:39.55watchywhats the command to see if any calls are in place
19:40.07watchyeko: the phones are polycom 501s601s im sure they support it
19:40.31justinu|laptopthey do not support gsm
19:40.43watchythat sucks
19:40.51justinu|laptopg711 and g729 only, iirc
19:41.00eKo1use g729 then
19:41.16watchydont you gotta buy g729
19:41.32eKo1You don't have a license?
19:41.32*** join/#asterisk topping (
19:41.59*** join/#asterisk pingwin (n=pingwin@
19:42.00sevardlicenses are 10 dollars from
19:42.08easelanyone here have some sort of 'send call to voicemail' button working with cisco 7960's with sip firmware?
19:42.12sevardPay with a CC and get it in about 4 minutes
19:42.38*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
19:43.00watchyeko1: hrm i need like 30 of them
19:43.00*** join/#asterisk rene1 (
19:43.12rene1how do i pull a file from asterisk svn
19:43.15rene1a specific file
19:43.31watchyare g729 licenses worth it?
19:43.51*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
19:44.01sevardwatchy: no idea, I'm about to test g729 on my network next week
19:44.35watchysevard: why do you need it instead of say ulaw?
19:44.45*** join/#asterisk angom_w (
19:44.57watchyi know i think i need something that will conserver bw though since im using like 6 lines across a wireless link
19:45.18sevardwatchy: ulaw == 64Kbps (plus overhead) @ toll quality, g729 is supposedly toll quality but takes 8Kbps plus overhead
19:45.23Shaun2222doesnt gsm have the ability to use low bw?
19:45.25justinu|laptopg729 sounds pretty good
19:45.49justinu|laptopfor voice... however it makes call progress tones and music sound like shit
19:45.52angom_whello, someone that can recommend a CDMA PCI card o gateway that works with asterisk ?
19:45.58watchysevard: wow
19:46.00*** join/#asterisk sp0n9e_ (
19:46.00sevardjustinu|laptop: it's highly compressed, no?
19:46.10sevardtakes lots more CPU
19:46.12justinu|laptopyeah, 10kbps streams
19:46.33justinu|laptopmodern cpus are pretty powerful, so you can do a fair bit of transcoding
19:46.54watchysevard: so your saying ulaw is 64kbps as in isdn would be 128kbps
19:47.31justinu|laptopno, he's saying it ends up beig about 80kbps
19:47.34sevardiirc isdn is 64Kbps, but I don't recall that nonsense
19:47.34DrkShdwjustinu|laptop: at the expense of a single dropped packet causing a lot more of the voice data to be lost
19:47.38justinu|laptopbecause of IP/UDP/RTP overhead
19:47.42Shaun2222does the cisco7960 and polycom phones support g729?
19:47.46[TK]D-FenderGSm is nearly interchangeable with G729 for normal use.  I'd rather use GSM where possible for license reasons.
19:47.48watchyjesus christ
19:48.12watchyulaw eats a shitlaod of bw
19:48.23sevardI'm an audiophile and I can tell a noticeable difference between ulaw and GSM, gsm sounds like -shit-
19:48.39justinu|laptopmakes you realize how poor cell phone calls really are
19:48.41pfngsm is effectively voice-only
19:48.54hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: i'm thinking about getting the gf a keyboard, she had to give up piano a few years back for lack of piano
19:48.56pfngsm will compress any non-voice data into worthlessness
19:49.03sp0n9ei'm having issues with wanpipe on x86_64
19:49.06pfnaudiofile or not, gsm is worthwhile to compress to if you're low on bandwidth
19:49.08Shaun2222how great of quaility are we trying to get here.,.. it's a phone..
19:49.10[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Get her one like I just got :)
19:49.12justinu|laptopi have a yamaha s80
19:49.16justinu|laptopnot a bad setup
19:49.24hmmhesaysi need some suggestions for under a grand
19:49.25[TK]D-Fenders80?  High end... sweet
19:49.28watchyhow many kbps is say g711a?
19:49.37hmmhesaysabout 70
19:49.41sevardShaun2222: once you use ulaw for a year then switch to Speex, then you can talk
19:49.44*** join/#asterisk rephorm (
19:50.01[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop: : Mine :
19:50.01pfnulaw is about 80kbps
19:50.26justinu|laptopfender: how's the action on that?
19:50.47[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: If she has a computerthis is a great unit.  Cost me $375
19:50.53Shaun2222so does the cisco7960 and polycom phones support g729 then?
19:50.58watchyso could i say get 6 licences on g729 and leave the rest on ulaw?
19:51.00[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop:  Love it.  More than my Roland HP-137 even.
19:51.16watchyit looks like the polys do
19:51.17justinu|laptopthe hammer action on the s80 is pretty good, but the piano sounds kinda suck
19:51.31[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop: Although I really do understand the hammer difference from one piano to another of any kind.
19:51.45watchyjesus i may just buy 6 copies of g729 to test across my wireless network
19:51.51watchyand see if that fixes clipping
19:51.56Shaun2222i cant seam to get the poly's to work on a nat connecting to a remote asterisk server..
19:52.00watchywould you guys recommend that?
19:52.00[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Use G7.29 only from * to the outside and leave all internal on ULAW
19:52.12Shaun2222the phone connects and it rings and stuff
19:52.17justinu|laptopwatchy: you need to know if your problem is caused by packet loss
19:52.17Shaun2222but i cant talk through it
19:52.27justinu|laptopwatchy: if you have packet loss, g729 will suck too
19:52.33watchytk: i have 6 phones across a 3mbit wireless network
19:52.41justinu|laptopwireless is tough
19:52.47watchythey are complaining about clipping
19:52.55justinu|laptopany interference from a microwave, or something, and you can kiss your voice calls goodbye
19:53.00eKo1What is the sample size for g729 in *?
19:53.26sevardRun your wireless voice data on a 5.7 wireless network
19:53.28watchythis is high end 5.8ghz wireless equipment just this aint 802.11b/g
19:53.30[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Packet loss is packet loss... I seriously doubt you hve BW concerns at all.  I'd lay bets its JITTER.
19:53.35watchysevard: its 5.8ghz
19:53.44sevardwatchy: there you go, which product?
19:54.06watchybut were getting jitter/clipping from what the client says
19:54.08sevardwith that high of a frequency you need *direct* line of sight
19:54.14watchyyea it is
19:54.21sevardhow does your SnR ratio look?
19:54.36justinu|laptopclean up the thruput/jitter, and g711 will be fine
19:55.09hmmhesayscan you change your global variables with cmd SET?
19:55.33watchynot sure. lemme call my wireless guys and get the ips for the radios and ill let you know
19:55.34sevardSnR, DSCP (if your radios will do it) and make sure your rtp packet sizing is at 0.020 (20 ms)
19:55.45sevardgive me the IP aswell
19:55.52watchywhere do i check the rtp packet size? in asterisk?
19:55.58justinu|laptopon the phones
19:56.01justinu|laptoppolycom defaults to 20ms
19:56.05sevardin your sip client
19:56.11justinu|laptopsipura defaults to 30ms
19:56.15sevardlots of the sipura atas love to set themselves to 30 ms, which is a no no
19:56.22watchysevard: its polycom phones
19:56.28sevardespecially on a netwoek like yours
19:56.37justinu|laptopbitch to your wireless ppl about your QoS
19:56.39sevardare you doing DSCP? TOS? QOS?
19:56.43justinu|laptopit's obviously not good enough for voIP
19:56.51justinu|laptopDSCP can really help
19:56.57justinu|laptopif the link is saturated
19:56.58AlexCTISevard: I didn't found the way to put a msg into a queue that say a soon the caller arrive the systm tell him  the agents are busy, and either a msg that say please press 0 for leave a msg.
19:57.14watchysevard: none i dont think.
19:57.14sevardno, a 3mbit 5.8 wireless backhaul will do voip fine, but if your wireless people fucked up dscp they deserve to be slapped
19:57.23sevardwatchy: dscp man :) go go
19:57.29watchythey have 2 linksys vpn routers that connect the 2 places
19:57.44watchyand the phones run over them. they are RV082 model linksys routers
19:57.51justinu|laptopwow, spare no expense
19:58.07watchyok check this sevard
19:58.10sevardthere's another variable, ssl encapsulation takes extra bandwidth
19:58.16watchyshould i replace them with cisco 501s?
19:58.26sevardI don't know much about the 501s
19:58.27[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI: You can't have it play immediately, only on interval.
19:58.34justinu|laptopwell, cisco IOS has endless QoS options
19:58.47watchyso i really need QoS probably?
19:59.01justinu|laptopi would say yes
19:59.09*** join/#asterisk Wazb^ (n=wazb@
19:59.11[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop: So now he make sure his VoIP packets are the first ones lost? ;)
19:59.12Wazb^hi to all
19:59.17watchyi wonder if my radios have QoS built in
19:59.20*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
19:59.40justinu|laptopwell, the idea is that if the radio channel is saturated, you want to Queue non-voip packets for transmittal
19:59.44AlexCTITKD-Fender, OK, and how can i make to play a press 0 to Voicemail, i used announce but it didn't take it.
19:59.47sevardAlexCTI: for your 'press 0 to leave a message' use context=queue-out
19:59.47justinu|laptopand forward VoIP packets without delay
20:00.04watchyso should i do it in the wireless radios or in the routers?
20:00.08[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI: PB your queue definition.
20:00.22clyrradDoes anyone have any documentation on the parameter for QueueStatus?
20:00.22Wazb^is it possible to use Macro which is in Extensions.conf file in AGI ?
20:00.28jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use, or
20:00.52justinu|laptopit depends on whether your wireless radios understand layer 3 or not
20:00.59AlexCTIsevard: I did and if i press 0 it works, the only thing is that i cann't make that the msg be played. during the queue hold
20:01.13justinu|laptopi dunno much about wireless, other than my linksys wrt54g running dd-wrt
20:01.29rpmwhats the best way of doing authentication via sip? should i be doing md5 such as auth = username#md5secret@context ? or sticking with the username=user and secret=plaintext secret?
20:01.45clyrrad... TKD - Do you know about this function QueueStatus?
20:01.45sevardAlexCTI: announce-holdtime = yes
20:01.47rpmdo the phones have to support the md5 hashing or does asterisk do the hash?
20:02.06sevardalso, announce-frequency = 30
20:02.11*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
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20:02.29[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad:  the AMI one?  Nope
20:02.34AlexCTIseverd: that command is enable, but it says the hold time
20:02.40Wazb^is it possible to use Macro which is in Extensions.conf file in AGI ?
20:02.47takerHello! I'm using bristuff-0.2.0-RC8s. Which chan_capi should I install?
20:02.47[TK]D-Fendersevard:  Double-wrong.
20:02.57clyrradyea the AMI one - it has ZERO documentation
20:03.01clyrradcant find it anywhere
20:03.04[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI: "periodic-announce"
20:03.06AlexCTIand the announce-frecuency too
20:03.11sevard[TK]D-Fender: that works fine fo rme
20:03.46[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI: read the big print in
20:04.04[TK]D-Fendersevard: that does position announcements, but not where you should be putting general stuff.
20:04.06sevard[TK]D-Fender: unless that is what he was asking for those two options i posted work great for me, there's eriodic-announce and periodic-announce-frequency i guess
20:04.13[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI: "New feature (Jul 31, 2005 CVS HEAD)"
20:04.30AlexCTITK D Fender: periodic-announce = <filename>   without extension? path or something else?
20:04.30[TK]D-Fendersevard: Thats sort of expressly what its for.
20:04.47[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI: It works the same way as every other sound file in *
20:05.04*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
20:05.07rene1QueueStatus takes no parameter as far i can tell
20:05.08AlexCTITK D Fender, Thnks, ill read the big print..
20:05.14sevardAlexCTI: sound files are pulled from /var/lib/asterisk/sounds, you define it without extension in the config file.
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20:05.25rene1AMI QueueStatus that is
20:06.07rene1it will just tell you about members, callers and general queue stats
20:06.18AlexCTII'll take care about that too, sevard, thanks
20:06.45watchyi need to find out if the radio supports QOS i guess
20:06.50watchyor ToS or someething
20:08.07watchyhmm in the radio conf it says something about ToS
20:09.36sb_mxrene1, are you using AGIs to communicate with AMI?
20:09.58rene1sb_mx: no i am using the astmanproxy
20:10.23rene1astmanproxy can be queried asterisk way or via http
20:10.27rene1it is quite cool
20:10.40rene1you can use even JavaScript to query it (ajax)
20:10.47smackusdoes anyone know if it is possible to auto log off an agent who is not in the agents.conf, one that is added using AddQueueMemeber(<queuename>)?
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20:11.26wunderkinsmackus, remove queue member
20:11.29sb_mxrene1, yup. i've used it before. im trying to use an agi atm but all i'm getting is a msg saying "Queue status will follow" :S
20:11.31xnonanybody here agree your accound fwd in your asterisk server?
20:12.00rene1it sometimes happens to me, but i reissue the command and it shows
20:12.20rene1the action QueueStatus triggers QueueParams and QueueMember events
20:12.26sb_mxrene1, does the manager need any specific read/write permits?
20:12.33rene1you need to capture those, maybe you are filtering them out
20:12.37smackussorry... I did not provide the full question. What I was looking for is if an agent does not answer a call delivered to them by the queue, can they be auto logged off. I am looking for the same function as provided by the agents.conf "autologoff="15"
20:12.53sb_mxrene1, ahhh of course. that must be it. stupid me. thanks man. im gonna kick this agi's butt
20:13.10[TK]D-Fendersb_mx:  it doesn't respond immediately to the packet, it sends out info packets later so you have to wait to poll for them.
20:13.22wunderkinsmackus, use a local channel, and after the dial check the dialstatus for noanswer
20:13.50xnonAug 10 15:08:08 NOTICE[20614]: chan_iax2.c:7500 socket_read: Registration of '791710' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
20:13.58sb_mx[TK]D-Fender, k, ty
20:14.14smackuswunderkin: ok... sounds over my head. can you elaborate and maybe give some guidance?
20:17.20wunderkinsmackus, check the wiki for local channels and dialstatus
20:17.29smackusawesome, thanks
20:17.34[TK]D-Fendersmackus:  Option : make the agent ring time in your Local channel less than the queue timeout and use the dialplan to kick them.
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20:18.11smackus[TK]D-Fender: hmmm. interesting.
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20:18.59smackusso something to the effect of if it rings more than 15 seconds then next priority would be removequeumember? something like that?
20:19.34[TK]D-Fendersmackus: You learn quickly my young Jedi ;)
20:20.10smackusbetter than being the guy everyone flames cuz there a dumbass :-D
20:21.19[TK]D-Fendersmackus: Extremely few have caught anything worth calling "flames" from me.  Only the persistantly stupid.
20:24.20[TK]D-Fender/mewaves back
20:24.34justinu|laptopsome of us even tip fender for helping the noobs
20:24.49[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop:  ;)  Even I have my limits
20:25.18sevardthe only flames that come from [TK]D-Fender is out his ass
20:25.21sevardbada tish.
20:25.59rene1ahaha that was retarded but funny
20:26.14[TK]D-FenderFor idiots of (g)astronimical proportions ;)
20:26.30[TK]D-Fendersevard: oneup++ :D
20:26.43sevardyou always have to oneup somebody's bad joke with one of your own
20:26.46sevardah, you beat me to it
20:27.59Lyfeinteresting, so you can do a queue dynamically like that, to add agents and delete agents, and the way to delete is to have the fallthrough go to 'removequeuemember' and then return to the queue?
20:28.22Lyfe(with a goto, or whatnot)
20:29.35Manipurawhats the point of a blade server? Is it just smaller or something?
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20:30.02ManipuraMy friend says blades are the best.. but I'm trying to find out why....
20:30.32eKo1Yes, blade servers are much more compact.
20:30.41eKo1I wish I had one.
20:30.59eKo1Instead, I have three racks with towers and 4U servers in there.
20:31.08eKo1there being my server room.
20:32.37Lyfeblade: high investment price, good space requirements.
20:33.03Lyfemyself, i'm more interested in 1U & 2U servers, and virtualization.
20:33.16[TK]D-FenderLyfe: no need for goto.
20:33.44[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home, BBIAB
20:33.46*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
20:34.00Lyfei think i'm confused on how the queues work then.. need more info :\
20:34.17*** part/#asterisk javar (
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20:34.32rene1well a blade server has mainly two purposes, comitting suicide with it when it crashes or threaten to cut those porn downloaders heads or worse with it,
20:34.53rene1really man, once you tell them you have a blade server they will look up to you, i mean
20:35.00*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
20:35.06cybertrickleI have a low load of about 2, 70% idle, 90% free memory. But I have static on all of the lines. Anything I can try ?
20:35.28*** part/#asterisk trbldwine (
20:35.43eKo1cybertrickle: Are you using an FXO/FXS card?
20:35.51pingwinaren't blades the half cabinet that you can stack 1U's into?
20:35.58cybertrickleeKo1, Yes
20:36.16Lyfei have click's on my t1 (e&m wink, not a pri)
20:36.38cybertrickleeKo1, These servers have 3 T1 zap cards. They just handle that zap channel and a connection to a sip server.
20:36.55cybertrickleeKo1, The problem happens when they use more then 2 of the zap cards.
20:37.00x86cybertrickle: why not just a single quad port?
20:37.30cybertricklex86, opps. Sorry its a single card, quad port card.
20:37.36Lyfepingwin: typically blades are smaller than 1U servers, and they're not exactly a generic cabinet.  they tend to have very very specific form factors, and often they're mounted vertically, instead of horizontally like a typical 1U server (or whatnot)
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20:37.47eKo1cybertrickle: maybe it is grounding problem
20:38.02x86cybertrickle: did you look at the LBO for each circuit?
20:38.05pingwinLyfe: yeah that's what I thought. are they clustered?
20:38.09Lyfeand, once you go with a particular blade server vendor, you have to stick with their parts, ('cept generics, like harddrives).
20:38.13pingwinotherwise,whats so good about them?
20:38.14x86cybertrickle: and have you tried frogging the circuits?
20:38.19Lyfepingwin: depends how you set them up, far as i know.
20:38.44Lyfedunno, that's part of the unknown world to me, is in-depth blade server knowledge.
20:38.49cybertricklex86, How do I check LBO?
20:39.02cybertricklex86, How do I frog curcuits ?
20:39.06Lyfeone of those "eh, for now, 1U & 2U servers make more sense, since we buy one every 4-5 months, and that's it."
20:39.23cybertrickleeKo1, How would I be a grounding problem ?>
20:40.08x86cybertrickle: not sure with a zaptel card...
20:40.15x86cybertrickle: (how to check LBO)
20:40.33Lyfepingwin: i believe the big thing about blades is that performance per U is higher.
20:40.43x86cybertrickle: but you can easily frog circuits just by swapping which port they are connected to
20:41.33Lyfecause, you can jam 10 or so servers into a <10U space.
20:41.37cybertrickleWhy would you do that again ??
20:41.41pingwini do have a quick asterisk question tho, and I'm new to asterisk, PBX's, VOIP, Pri and well everything asterisk hehe
20:41.57x86cybertrickle: to see if it was the 3rd circuit that has issues?
20:42.03De_monI setup the extension 'exten => _51NXXNXXXXXX' how can I forward another extension to it?
20:42.25x86cybertrickle: if you take the 3rd circuit and put it in the 1st position and still have issues with it, you know it's the circuit
20:42.39pingwinbut if I don't have the Pri card yet, can I still configure asterisk to use the phones over the PoE switch?
20:42.43LyfeDe_mon: I think you might be interested in the "goto" command.  (there might be another more appropriate way)
20:42.46x86cybertrickle: if you still have issues with the 3rd port after the swap, you know it's a problem with the card or some settings
20:43.18Lyfepingwin: i don't see any reason you couldn't.
20:43.54cybertrickleAll ports have static issues, when you move a t1 off of that machine. the issues completely go away.
20:44.08pingwinLyfe: cool, thanks.
20:44.19Lyfepingwin: many walkthroughs on setting up asterisk walk you through configuring phones before configuring any way to get out of the system (eg, through pots, or fwd, or whatnot)
20:44.21x86cybertrickle: RMA your card then
20:44.42pingwincompiling it all now, the pri card should be in next week, but we're anxious to know if this equipment will work at all
20:44.59cybertrickleRMA ?
20:45.01Lyfepingwin: ahh, i see.
20:45.33x86cybertrickle: return to sender ;)
20:45.43x86cybertrickle: Return Merchandise Authorization
20:45.57*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@
20:46.10a1fai am trying to add an extension event s-* for "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)"
20:46.11Lyfesounds like he needs to RMA the system instead of the cards
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20:47.25x86Lyfe: why would you suggest his system was to blame, as opposed to the card?
20:47.35Lyfecause he said all the cards give static, i believe.
20:47.53x86he said all the CIRCUITS give static when plugged into that card
20:48.10x86but he plugs them up to another device and they work fine
20:48.29Lyfeahh.. got confused by this one: cybertrickle> All ports have static issues, when you move a t1 off of that machine. the issues completely go away.
20:48.52justinu|laptopmaybe he has interrupt sharing problems
20:49.01x86justinu|laptop: single card, single interrupt?
20:49.19De_monLyfe:    -- Executing Goto("SIP/jon-3958", "518638774177") in new stack -- Goto (local,18638774177,2147483647)
20:49.25*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
20:49.42De_monit didn't goto local,51863... and I duno where that 214etc came from
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20:50.31justinu|laptopx86: sorry, i haven't exactly been paying attention
20:50.35watchysevard: you there
20:50.41Lyfehmm.. goto takes 3 parameters?
20:50.45De_monI'm trying to move a call from _1NXXNXXXXXX to _51NXXNXXXXXX
20:50.46aydiosmiocan asterisk speak currency? or am I gonna have to bust out festival?
20:51.23Juggiedo you think festival is really required to say 'dollars' & 'cents'?
20:51.24De_monwith: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(5${EXTEN})
20:51.38aydiosmioJuggie: yes
20:51.48De_monJuggie he'd have to write a complex dialplan otherwise!
20:51.49Lyfeit'd be exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(5${EXTEN},1) (i think)
20:52.06aydiosmioor else you get five one six seven dollars and six one cents
20:52.18De_monLyfe heh.. You may have a point
20:52.19Juggieaydiosmio, * does not support currency.
20:52.40Lyfegoto threw me off on that priority part too.
20:52.44aydiosmioI just want to have the number spoken instead of spelled out.
20:52.46a1fai am trying to add an extension event s-* for "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)"
20:52.56Juggieaydiosmio, asterisk does the number properly, use SayNumber instead of SayDigits
20:53.06aydiosmiothank you
20:53.23a1fawhere can i find extensions events for s-BUSY,s-...?
20:53.23Juggiethen break your number into the part before the decimal and the part after
20:53.27De_monperfect. woot
20:53.54LyfeDe_mon: glad it works.
20:53.55Juggieso SayNumber(100) Background(Dollars) Saynumber(45) Background(cents) would say, 100Dollars 45cents
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20:54.15jarrodany particular reason why asterisk seems to ignore my featuremap entries from my polycom?
20:54.17Juggieyou would obviously have to record 'dollars' & 'cents' or find the voice files somewhere else.
20:54.39De_mona1fa huh? exten => s-BUSY is the extension for s-BUSY
20:54.49Juggienp, gl.
20:55.08Juggieaydiosmio, if your going to use it alot, i suggest looking @ writing a macro for it.
20:55.13rephormjarrod: thigns like *8?
20:55.17jarrodrep: yea
20:55.17a1faDe_mon : i need for no route to destination
20:55.23jarrodrep: during a call
20:55.54De_mona1fa you mean...
20:56.30De_monhrm, thats not specifically for no route, but it does mention it
20:56.36rephormjarrod: i don't have features set up yet (just got some phones in yesterday) but there is a weird pause between hitting * and a digit. like the polycoms 'dialplan' doesn't like it
20:57.04GerbilWrkis there a way to change the voicemail prompting?
20:57.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
20:58.14De_mona1fa i can't find it, but +101 is a failure even, so if dial failes (no route and other reasons) it jumps to n+101
20:58.50aydiosmiocents.gsm, dollars.gsm -- lovely
20:59.41jarrodrpe: i'll delete my dialplan on the polycom so it sends what i dial
21:00.04rephormGerbilWrk: doesn't it use the vm-*.gs files?
21:00.12GerbilWrknot sure
21:00.26*** join/#asterisk topping (
21:00.27rephormvm-instructions.gsm iirc
21:00.49[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : x.T|#x.T|*x.T
21:01.06*** join/#asterisk CrummyGummy (
21:01.08[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : and ImpossibleMatchHandling ="2".
21:01.27[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : that'll tell Polycom's to take whatever the heck you feel like feeding it.
21:02.06*** join/#asterisk Trakkasure (
21:02.10Lyfeanyone know if there's a way to execute an AGI when a call in a queue is answered by an agent?
21:02.34Lyfe(or execute *anything*)
21:02.37rephormwhen you guys provision your polycoms, do you just modify the xml configs or do you keep the originals and have an override file listed earlier?
21:03.03rephorm(i found a white paper recommending the later, which seems to work for most things but doesn't want to override th MESSAGE_WAITING warble)
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21:05.28blitzrageeveryone's calls terminating today? :)
21:05.54[TK]D-Fenderrephorm primary, phone config next.  I always build my from the base firmware pack and rebuild between revisions (1.5, 1.6, 2.0)
21:06.04jarrodbut once in a call is what you push matched against a dialplan on your phone?
21:06.39[TK]D-Fenderrephorm : <mac>-phone.cfg should never be used.  Local settings = bad
21:06.41blitzragedialplan execution stops during the Dial() app
21:07.10syzygyBSDUnless you cheat
21:07.14[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : with my sample the phone won't care what you give it, it'll jsut pass it on the * to be refused or accepted
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21:07.49jarrodwell it seems like asterisk isnt reading my digits in order to access the feature
21:08.06[TK]D-Fenderjarrod :During a call the phone doesn't process the DTMF for anything.  Its in-channel.  Dialplan is for when you are trying to dial.
21:08.23[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : what feature?
21:08.49jarrodblindxfer - #1, or automon - *1, or my testfeature #9
21:08.58jarrodthe stream is going thru asterisk
21:09.32[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : Sounds like you aren't using the dial app properly or your DTMF mode is wrong.
21:09.32[TK]D-Fenderanthm : you around?
21:09.50jarrodi have to specify an option in the Dial statement to allow for features?
21:09.53[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Just another big thanks for app_valetparking :D
21:09.58[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : Yes.
21:10.06jarrodoh well dangit
21:10.44[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Its so ludicrously simple and versative its kinda ridiculous :)  Makes me wonder why we bother with * Parking at all....
21:10.53jarrodi suck
21:11.03anthmshh you gonna start a flame war
21:12.04AlexCTITK-D Fender: Thanks.. it worked fine..
21:12.22[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI : Quite welcome
21:14.08[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Lt me guess... didn't want to disclaim it?
21:14.22anthmactually i believe it was over the name
21:14.37anthmthey wanted me to change the name to not confuse it with the other parking
21:14.42anthmand i was not in the mood
21:15.07justinu|laptopit's always something
21:15.15rephorm[TK]D-Fender: on polycom's site they have a whitepaper (by the link to the admin guide) that recommends doing something like: CONFIG_FILES="${mac_addr}-registration.cfg, phone1.cfg, sip-local.cfg, sip.cfg" where phone1.cfg and sip.cfg are the unaltered ones that came with the firmware
21:15.35rephorm[TK]D-Fender: the other two just include the tags you need
21:15.41anthmi think in openpbx they copied a version of it and hooked it up to the sip phones park button or someting iirc
21:15.49rephorm[TK]D-Fender: i.e. ones that differ from the default
21:16.03rephorm[TK]D-Fender: so, when i new firmware comes out you don't have to rebuild, just replace the default ones
21:16.21[TK]D-Fenderrephorm : Thats jsut psycho....
21:16.47[TK]D-Fenderrephorm : only run into issues in major releases and its so quick to build this stuff anyways I harly see the point...
21:17.37[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.... pick people sheesh...  I'd like to toy around with the parking feature on my Polycom's next.  Ever tried this yourself?
21:17.44jarrodis there anything that needs to be specified in Dial to use BlindXfer?
21:18.08[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : You have a SIP phone.. you should NOT be using * DTMF features for transferring calls....
21:18.16aydiosmiowhat genius didn't include a decimal round in perl?
21:18.18rephorm[TK]D-Fender: i kinda like how it keeps it cleanly separated. (esp. since those configs are about the worst example of xml i've ever seen)
21:18.19jarrod#1 is blind xfer
21:18.24[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : And more than that... a aPOLYCOM.
21:19.02[TK]D-Fenderaydiosmio : There are only 2.0 kinds of people.... those that understand decimals, and those that don't ;)
21:19.17[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : #1 = waste of time.  use your phone like it is intended.....
21:19.33jarrodi dont have a blind feature
21:19.36Lyfesure it's not 2.5?  there are people that can read it, but have no idea what it means. :)
21:19.45[TK]D-Fenderrephorm : I only needed 2 levels.  Global and Phone.
21:19.52[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : yes you certainly do.
21:20.05[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : Transer, then the blind soft-key.
21:20.38*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:21.00[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : [Transfer] [Blind] *then* the number....
21:22.13*** join/#asterisk clyrrad1 (
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21:25.58[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : Found it?
21:26.19hmmhesaysdamnit I just farked my site up
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21:36.28a1fai figured it out
21:36.47a1faexten => s-CHANUNAVAIL
21:36.57a1faworks like a charm
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21:48.16dos000anyone tried compiling asterisk with unixodbc and zaptel headers located in a non standard place ?
21:48.33dos000this is driving me nuts
21:48.57rene1an asterisk engineer, who could mm hack something like chan_whisper or chan_net2phone how much could earn in the marketplace? i would guess they can command a lot more money than other integrators as they are in the top of the food chain.. but how much in $ per year would such a guy can make?
21:49.16rene1would suck a guy make
21:50.15twisted[asteria]freudian slip?
21:50.15eKo1rene1: That question is not specific enough so the answer is: it depends.
21:50.43eKo1dos000: just mod. the Makefile so that it finds the headers.
21:52.08brookshirerene1: 1 billion dollars
21:52.39eKo1brookshire: yeah right dr. evil
21:53.55rene1twisted: no
21:54.23rene1poor written english skills
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21:55.51dos000eKo1, prob is i cant see if this freakin thing detected the headers or no
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21:58.45eKo1eKo1: Sure you can. If you have and, then you're golden.
21:58.54eKo1and res_odbc*
21:59.13rene1eko1: a guy who programs asterisk at the chan_, or app_ level, probably would make more money that someone who just hacks at AMI or AGI level, and much more than someone whose experience is limited to @home systems, right? on the other hand the demand for such specialized asterisk people might not be too high, so money-wise is there a ball-park for the income such knowledge generates when being an employee for somebody else?
21:59.40rene1a so called market -rate for such knowledge?
22:00.33rene1i know not every kernel-hackers is worth millions but on the average they probably are making more than say web developers
22:00.45eKo1rene1: I have programmed several app_*'s. Do I get anything more for it? NO
22:01.13eKo1Quite frankly, I'm debating whether I should move to AGI because it is much more flexible.
22:01.44rene1really? weird well C programming isnt that
22:01.49eKo1app_*'s are so inflexible when you need to upgrade them.
22:02.07eKo1C programming is a PITA
22:02.12rene1attractive to me
22:03.11rene1there are some things that can only be done on C, and it is just plain hard, and yet no more money for it? :(
22:04.37eKo1rene1: You mean C as a whole or the Asterisk's C API?
22:05.07rene1asterisk C
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22:06.17rene1i have seen monster jobs for SIP engineers that pay 100K-120K / year
22:06.23eKo1I can't think of any examples that I could do in a C app_* that I couldn't do with an AGI. Can you?
22:06.48eKo1I was talking about app_*'s.
22:06.48rene1chan_skype net2phone
22:07.01rene1well apps can be made in AGIs
22:07.11rene1or AMI scripts
22:07.25eKo1Channel drivers have to be made in C because the API is C.
22:07.35rene1i mean you could implement asterisk app_queue in an agi
22:07.38rene1but it could be slow
22:07.46eKo1I think...
22:08.44eKo1Hmm...I think you could code a channel driver in any other language. As long as you produce a .so module for it, then it doesn't matter what language it is in.
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22:09.23rene1well but  lets talk about the depth of knowledge involved, that should matter shouldnt it?
22:09.39eKo1Then again, I know nothing about programming dynamic modules in Linux in non-C languages.
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22:10.41rene1or is something one should learn for the love of it and hopefully find a way to profit from?
22:12.12eKo1What is your point rene1?
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22:13.48rene1my point is learning asterisk and C programming to the level of creating chan_whatever is a worthy goal (money-wise_
22:17.12eKo1Worthy to who?
22:22.11rene1ok rephrasing: i can code ami scripts for asterisk, my C is rusty and my knowledge of Asterisk C API is non existant. you said it didnt make a difference in terms of $$ for you to learn how to code app_*s do you think it could make a difference for others? you said that what you were doing for asterisk in C could be done by means of AGI scripting. what about chan_*s stuff, do you think such a developer would do mucho money?
22:23.55eKo1The more expierence you have, the more marketable you are (generally).
22:24.35eKo1expierence meaning time-wise and software-wise
22:31.39*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
22:32.57dos000eKo1, is there a way i can tell i have odbc support in asterisk ?
22:33.31eKo1You should have app_odbc and res_odbc stuff in your modules directory.
22:35.27dos000eKo1, ok now .. i changed the make file in apps to add ODBC support however odbc is still not compiled. and i dont get errors !
22:36.34eKo1dos000: Post the relevant Makefile somewhere so I can look at.
22:37.50dos000eKo1, i only removed the couple of comments ...
22:38.29eKo1err, then how is it supposed to find the odbc headers if you don't give it the path?
22:38.54eKo1you need to hardcode it in there
22:38.57dos000eKo1, ok .. i'll post it .. one sec
22:39.43blitzrageeKo1: there is an odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files in /etc/ which creates the interface to the drivers
22:40.40blitzragethe inst file declares the drivers, then you define the interface (DSN) which Asterisk references and connects with
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22:41.09eKo1blitzrage: yes, I know.
22:44.11dos000blitzrage, i have all that figured .. i just cant get asterisk to support odbc when i compile it
22:44.47sb_mxdos000, what we had to do was compile it and then install it with yum. we can't find why tho
22:45.36dos000eKo1,  this is the first apps/Makefile
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22:47.02blitzrageyum install odbc-devel ?
22:47.15blitzragewithout the dev packages asterisk won't create the modules
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22:50.19dos000eKo1, i posted the diffs to the main makefile ...
22:50.21rowteranyone had problems with overruns on sangoma cards?
22:50.35dlynes_laptoprowter: overrun? no
22:50.41dos000blitzrage, i am trying to install from source
22:50.46dlynes_laptoprowter: what kind of overrun problem are yhou getting?
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22:51.53dos000eKo1, it does not even complain about missing libs ... because it just never gets compiled
22:52.01eKo1dos000: Looks like the Makefile expects the ODBC libs to be in /usr/lib. You need to make it point to your custom install.
22:52.19eKo1It never complains because it doesn't find them.
22:52.46rowterdlynes_laptop, am noticing, overruns increases with big load of calls, and suddenly the E1 slot goes down, and I need to restart sever..
22:53.10dos000eKo1, which line is that ?
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22:53.18eKo1dos000: that is good question
22:53.23dlynes_laptoprowter: as in you're getting more calls than you can handle?
22:53.33dlynes_laptopi.e. more than 29 simultaneous calls?
22:53.35dos000eKo1, this is 1.2.10 i am working with !
22:53.39eKo1The interesting think I'm noticing is that DUSE_ODBC_STORAGE never gets used anywhere but in that Makefile.
22:54.18eKo1Maybe that CFLAG is obsolete or something.
22:54.23dos000eKo1, tow !
22:54.45rowterdlynes_laptop, well yeah, its a 4E1 card, so am filling it up.. and overruns its going up.. but it handles the calls without problem, the problem is on the E1 that controls a rhino, that one is droping
22:55.05eKo1wait, nevermind
22:55.07eKo1I found them
22:55.20dos000pray tell
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22:56.20eKo1Yes, they're being used by app_voicemail.
22:56.43Z_Godis there a command in asterisk to so it eat one or more digits?
22:56.50dos000i just greped in my source to no avail !
22:56.56eKo1If I were you, I would just install the ODBC lib and headers in /usr/include and /usr/lib and be done with this.
22:57.02Z_GodI'm using goto commands, but I want to drop the digit that's used to determine the goto
22:57.05dos000eKo1, which version are you looking at ?
22:57.15eKo1dos000: you need to grep for USE_ODBC_STORAGE.
22:57.46dos000eKo1, i cant touch the installed odbc on the target system !
22:58.47*** join/#asterisk MatsK (n=mats@
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22:59.16dos000eKo1, just explain how it determines to use odbc or not
22:59.16niter3hey guys, just wondering how I can make an extension do dial the default context so I can see what it's like when somebody dials into the pbx
22:59.43dos000eKo1, i have been staring at this makefile with no  success
23:00.52jboti guess book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
23:01.57jbotrumour has it, dialplan is the thing configured in extensions.conf
23:03.38MatsKniter3: you set the context in sip.conf or what ever channel you are comming in over and match it with what you have the same context as "somebodys" has
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23:06.14niter3MatsK: huh
23:06.22niter3i have a sepearte context for sip users
23:06.29niter3and the dial in context is something different
23:06.37niter3is there a way I can set an extension up to call the other context?
23:07.10eKo1dos000: I didn't write the Makefiles so I can't give you specifics.
23:07.52MatsKniter3: huh, thats well explained in the ~book
23:07.58dlynes_laptoprowter: yeah...i'm lost there...I know nothing about channel banks
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23:08.20dlynes_laptoprowter: you might try asking [TK]D-Fender though...I know he's worked with Sangomas and channel banks
23:08.29rowterooh thanks
23:08.38dlynes_laptoprowter: you could also try contacting have a 3 yr warranty on the hardware
23:09.03niter3got it
23:09.09niter3MatsK: yah I found it
23:09.13rowterdlynes_laptop, yeah am trying to.. thanks..
23:09.21niter3ok that's what I wanted.
23:09.25dlynes_laptoprowter: yeah...they're pretty good about answering their phones
23:09.41dlynes_laptoprowter: if you get voicemail, just leave a voicemail; they'll call you back
23:10.01rowterdlynes_laptop, let me call them thanks.
23:10.02mike800Anyone wanna talk about Asterisk and its faxing capabilities? :-)
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23:11.09MatsKbiter3: nice the book is a deep well of knowledge
23:11.54dlynes_laptopmike800: depending on how you're attempting to do it, you might have good success, little success, or no success
23:12.16mike800well, no success when trying to go T.30 over ulaw :-)
23:12.17dlynes_laptopmike800: there's even the lucky few that have no problems
23:12.38dlynes_laptopmike800: yeah...forget ulaw, unless it's in a lan environment
23:13.04dlynes_laptopand even then, it's dicey
23:13.18mike800Well...thats my question...cause my sister has Voicepulse (their normal res service), and she's able to fax flawlessly
23:13.30mike800Voicepulse uses Astrisk
23:13.43dlynes_laptopi think they do, anyways
23:13.56mike800so, how are they so successful at it?
23:13.59dlynes_laptopbut they probably also have expensive head end equipment to deal with faxes
23:14.18dlynes_laptopusing t.38
23:14.22dlynes_laptopnot t.30
23:14.23mike800how is the t.38 implementation coming along in astrisk?
23:14.44dlynes_laptopShe's using a sipura 2000 unit or something similar right?
23:14.48dlynes_laptopWith two ATA ports?
23:15.05dlynes_laptopAnd she can only fax from the one ATA port, not the other one, right?
23:15.06mike800and thats exactly what im using in my test environment
23:15.27mike800Well, the unit is capable of handling 2 lines, and she only has VoIP service on line 1
23:15.38mike800so the fax and phone both connect into Line1
23:16.07dlynes_laptopAnyways...probably autodetecting fax and switch appropriately into different head end equipment
23:16.11dlynes_laptopThat would be my guess
23:16.22dlynes_laptopOr, voicepulse has invested into some custom programming for asterisk
23:16.36mike800so my best bet is having astrisk send faxes out over Zap channels?
23:16.45dos000loader.c:325 __load_resource: /home/sswitch/dist/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: odbc_smart_execute
23:17.04dlynes_laptopmike800: pri channels
23:17.17rene1mike800: yes, fax over zap is the only thing reliable. even lan faxing over atas isnt
23:17.44dlynes_laptopdos000: load
23:17.57dlynes_laptopdos000: then load
23:18.05mike800So, its fully possible to have a SIP ata (or iaxy?) conenct a fax machine to asterisk, and send a fax over a pots line conencted to a TDM400?
23:18.45dlynes_laptopmike800: yes, but as rene1 stated, it's not reliable
23:19.14dos000dlynes_laptop, ok .. i see why ... is not getting built because of the stupid makefile issue i have
23:19.17mike800ohh...i get it
23:19.56dlynes_laptopmike800: as soon as a network becomes part of the equation, your reliability rate goes out the window
23:20.08mike800So if I was to have the fax machine connect to the TDM400 using a FXS port, and send it out over FXO, then we're all good
23:20.16niter3how can I play an mp3 in the background
23:20.25niter3Backgroun(file.mp3) does not work
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23:20.29hadsmike800: Yeah, that usually works
23:20.29dlynes_laptopmike800: from what I understand, fxs ports are not terribly reliable either
23:20.31niter3background that is
23:20.34dos000if anyone understand the wisdom on how res_odbc gets built i would apreciate
23:20.45dlynes_laptopmike800: and that's why so many people end up using channel banks instead
23:20.48niter3i can do MP3Player, but I need to play in the background
23:20.50hadsdlynes_laptop: FXO -> FXS native bridge always works for me
23:21.11sb_mxdos000, this is what we do:
23:21.13sb_mx./configure --disable-gui --sysconfdir=/etc
23:21.13sb_mxmake install
23:21.17dlynes_laptophads: ok, so why is it so many people on here have problems with it?  or are they just too good for analog?
23:21.18mike800hads, what device are you using?  a TDM?
23:21.52sb_mxdos000, oh wait, that's not for res_odbc. that is for unixODBC
23:21.58mike800apparently, digium states that their hardware doesnt support fax :-)
23:21.59hadsdlynes_laptop: Probably going from PRI -> FXS over the PCI bus probably isn't as reliable.
23:22.07dos000sb_mx, in unixodbc ?? i already have that compiled . i just cant get asterisk to figure where the include and libs of the odbc are located.
23:22.15dlynes_laptophads: are you using a tdm400p, or an a200?
23:22.16hadsBut on the same card I've never had trouble yet.
23:22.24dos000sb_mx, i mean i mean this is freakin black magic to me so far
23:22.45hadsSorry, were you talking a200's?
23:22.56dlynes_laptophads: no...he's talking about a tdm400p
23:23.07hadsOK, I just butted in like normal ;)
23:23.26dos000sb_mx, where is the logic that decides whether to build odbc or not ! .. shuld be in the make file right ? .. guess again !
23:23.28dlynes_laptophads: I've heard sangomas don't have an issue, but the people that are complaining about having to use channel banks were all using digium hardware
23:23.50dlynes_laptophads: but yeah...maybe they were using pris and trying to use tdm400p's with te110p's or something
23:24.11hadsYeah, that's what I've heard too. But staying on the same card, i.e. all analog seems to work fine from my experience.
23:24.21niter3yah this is gay
23:24.34mike800thanks for the help
23:24.45niter3i want it to play a mp3 and when I hit 1 it will automatically go to an extension, but instead i hit 1 then it starts wating for a extension to be dialed
23:24.54sb_mxdos000, that's why we compile it and then run "yum install MyODBC" . afterwards we compile libiodbc and then we run "yum install unixODBC" . unfortunately i cant remember exactly why we do it like this
23:25.02dlynes_laptopmike800: but yeah...faxing over voip is kinda hit and miss
23:25.34mike800dlynes_laptop, ya...with most ITSPs it doesnt work, but I was surprised when it did with Voicepulse
23:25.34hadsActually, I do have one office with two TDM400's and faxes go over the PCI bus from one card to the other and that works too. That might be just luck though :)
23:25.35dlynes_laptopmike800: you get between 0% and 99% success ratios, depending on hardware, location, internet service provider, ...
23:26.01dlynes_laptopmike800: i bet if you try using voicepulse from someone else's house, it won't work so well
23:26.13dlynes_laptopmike800: your sister probably just got lucky
23:26.25hadsYeah, even putting fax over a LAN can be dubious.
23:26.50rene1and those fucking g3 faxes make things much worse
23:27.05dlynes_laptophads: yeah, but at least on a LAN, if you do all the cabling yourself, and you don't use dubious hardware, you can pretty much guarantee it to work
23:27.19mike800rene1, what are g3 faxes?
23:27.28hadsdlynes_laptop: Agreed.
23:27.35dlynes_laptophads: just don't use crappy terminators like leviton and the like
23:27.42dos000sb_mx, the issue is not about odbc .. the problem is i cant figure how asterisk decides to pull in odbc support ! i can get the freakin module built. ..
23:27.44hadsDown with fax!
23:28.34mike800dlynes_laptop, what do you recommend? (my house is wired with ALL Leviton
23:28.40mike800(came that way)
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23:29.43rene1mike800: g3 faxes are newer faxes that can do 33.6 speeds and stuff like color and such that t.34?
23:30.10rene1mmm maybe i am not sure
23:30.25rene1those are harder to use with *
23:31.08dlynes_laptopNo-name Taiwanese stuff is usually pretty good, as is Nortel and AMP
23:31.29dlynes_laptopLeviton is absolutely horrible though
23:31.37dlynes_laptopThey don't keep a very good connection
23:31.48dlynes_laptopThe cable used can also make a difference
23:32.03dlynes_laptopMohawk and Taihan cable are both pretty good
23:32.20mike800i use the no-name taiwanese rj-45 heads :-)
23:32.31dlynes_laptopIf you're using anything less than CAT5E, you're just asking for trouble
23:32.58dlynes_laptopCAT5 isn't really up to the task for voip
23:33.04*** join/#asterisk watchy2 (
23:33.10watchy2does sjphone support multiple lines?
23:33.10mike800whats the diff between Cat5 and Cat5e?
23:33.20dlynes_laptopmike800: frequency rating
23:33.45dlynes_laptopmike800: CAT5E has about three times the frequency rating of CAT5
23:33.47mike800but isnt VoIP just data passing over a line anyway?
23:33.49MatsKI use CET3 and it work nicely
23:34.01MatsKCET = CAT
23:34.04dlynes_laptopMatsK: do you try to pass fax over voip on CAT3?
23:34.38dlynes_laptopMatsK: and btw, CAT3 won't pass building code for data cabling, nor will CAT5
23:35.07dlynes_laptopMatsK: CAT5E is minimum for passing code nowadays, and CAT6 is now being recommended
23:35.23watchy2wow i didnt know sjphone charged
23:35.25MatsKWhats the difference if its IP with fax or voce 100Mbit is 100Mbit
23:35.30dlynes_laptopat least in North America (Canada and the USA)
23:35.42dlynes_laptopMatsK: signal loss makes a huge difference
23:36.07MatsKWell it passes IP nicely
23:36.21MatsKat 100MBit rate
23:36.33dlynes_laptopMatsK: normal ip transmissions can handle signal loss by compensating (tcp), fax going over udp loses a packet or two, and it's screwed (udp doesn't retransmit)
23:36.51mike800doesnt asterisk only support udp at the moment?
23:36.57dlynes_laptopmike800: exactly
23:37.15dlynes_laptopmike800: so a lost packet makes a huge difference
23:37.32dlynes_laptopmike800: especially when you're talking packet critical stuff like faxing
23:38.03dlynes_laptopeven one lost packet will usually screw up the fax transmission
23:38.19mike800unless your fax supports error correction...right?
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23:38.40dlynes_laptopmike800: even's designed to handle line noise
23:38.45dlynes_laptopmike800: not data corruption
23:39.20mike800whats wrong with t.38?  why hasnt there been more of a push to have it implemented in asterisk?
23:39.21dlynes_laptopmike800: so depending on where the packet got lost, it may or may not be able to recover
23:39.38dlynes_laptopmike800: probably because not many service providers support it
23:40.03dlynes_laptopmike800: until it's more widely implemented, I would imagine it'll take a back burner on asterisk's priority list
23:40.35dlynes_laptopmike800: but, when 1.4 comes out, it's supposed to have t.38 passthrough support
23:41.15dlynes_laptopmike800: it was supposed to come out last month, idea when it's coming out now
23:41.29mike800well, i think they're shooting for reliability
23:41.37vltHello all. I have a big problem: Sometimes when I initiate a dial command from asterisk's CLI the server hangs completely (even doesn't respond to pings) until the called phone answers. A few minutes ago I dialled a currently not available number ... Any idea how to get the server back to life again?
23:41.50Rawplayerwhen you are using pots its only possible to use one telephone right?
23:41.55Rawplayeralso with call parking
23:41.56dlynes_laptopi'd rather see it late and reliable, than on time and unreliable, myself
23:42.12mike800dlynes_laptop, definitely
23:42.13dlynes_laptopRawplayer: nah...there's call waiting
23:42.35dlynes_laptopRawplayer: if you're using an fxo port on a tdm card that is, and not a sipura unit
23:42.42Rawplayeri'am thinking about buying this one for that TDM01B: TDM400P + 1-port FXO bundle
23:42.50dlynes_laptopRawplayer: i haven't found a way to handle call waiting on a sipura unit yet
23:43.03dlynes_laptopRawplayer: but i'm not the only person using sipura units, either
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23:43.47dlynes_laptopvlt: stop doing that?  use a normal phone?
23:45.26hadsAnyone using the pickupexen feature (*8) with SIP phones? I'm getting some weird voice distortion if I do.
23:45.31vltdlynes_laptop: I'm afraid it's too late now for stopping ... What is this function for when I can't use it?
23:46.19hadsvlt: kill :)
23:46.28dlynes_laptopvlt: probably brief testing, but that's a guess on my part
23:47.24vlthads: The server doesn't answer me anymore ... how to kill asterisk then?
23:47.29dlynes_laptopwell, and it was probably a feature put in to get everyone stop whining about why there wasn't a dial command from the cli :)
23:48.11vltdlynes_laptop: Yes, brief testing was exactly what I did. Mmh, but I didn't want to test that server but the called number ... :-(
23:48.11hadskill `cat /var/run/asterisk/`
23:48.41hadsvlt: Or you might try stopping it nicely first.
23:49.08hadslike stop now from the CLI or /etc/init.d/asterisk stop
23:49.14vlthads: If you have any idea HOW ...
23:49.14dlynes_laptophads: heh...when asterisk gets locked up nicely like that, stopping it nicely doesn't usually work, and stop now often doesn't work, either
23:50.00mike800Alright, I'm out...
23:50.02hadsdlynes_laptop: Yeah, just covering myself incase someone pipes up and says 'Don't just kill it' :)
23:50.23*** join/#asterisk oadaeh (
23:50.51vlthads: I'd kill it ... twice ... with great pleasure ... if I only could ...
23:51.20hadsvlt: Are you at the console or remote?
23:51.58vlthads: remote (150 km)
23:52.01dlynes_laptopvlt: well, if you just want to kill it, and don't mind a memory leak, try the following:
23:52.13dlynes_laptopvlt: killall -9 safe_asterisk ; killall -9 asterisk
23:52.34hadsOh, I just realised you said it doesn't respond to pings. I guess that means you can't ssh in :)
23:52.37dlynes_laptopvlt: and then reboot it afterwards, so you can reclaim your memory leaks
23:52.47dlynes_laptophads: oh...didn't know that
23:53.20dlynes_laptopvlt: have a nice drive
23:53.28dlynes_laptopvlt: grab a coffee on the way
23:53.29hadsHah, nasty
23:53.43vltIt's 01:53 am here
23:53.52hadsGet two coffees then
23:55.25hadsRemote access to the UPS?
23:55.27logicwrathWhy doesnt this work "exten => s,n,Background(custom/Thankyou1)" if I have the .gsm file in the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom directory
23:55.41logicwrathI have to remove the custom/ and then copy to the sounds directory
23:56.13vlthads: No (could ask a neighbor to go to the basement and turn off fuse ...)
23:56.31*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
23:58.15vltI expierienced that behavior before when I was sitting local at the server. In that state when it sometimes(!) hangs waiting for the other phone to answer I can't even do a single key stroke on keyboard ... WTF could cause such a big show stopper?
23:59.22hadsNo idea, I've never used originate

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