irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060801

00:00.02robl^dlynes_office: but are the cards designed for printing using a laser printer?
00:00.04agboris<file> actually i want say is that i have made all settings that i had made before...even i am using same ip...and calls should come that particular ip...and should be recieved without changing any settings
00:00.18dlynes_officerobl^: not afaik
00:00.36dlynes_officerobl^: however, if you talk to david sayson at Sayson Technologies
00:00.44fileagboris: but they aren't, despite everything being the same - so talk to your provider if everything is the same on your side and it shows you registered fine
00:00.48dlynes_officerobl^: he can set you up in the partner program for aastra
00:00.56fileagboris: work it out with them and see if they can help you figure out what is up
00:00.57dlynes_officeerm's not called Sayson Technologies anymore
00:01.06dlynes_officethey're a division of Aastra now
00:01.36dlynes_officerobl^: and then you can get in on cool stuff like rebranding aastra phones with your own branding and you can get extra cards, and that kinda thing
00:01.59robl^dlynes_office: is there a minimum requirement for joinging?
00:02.11dlynes_officerobl^: well, not for the rebranding, i don't think
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00:02.25dlynes_officerobl^: but the other partner-related stuff there are minimum volumes
00:03.13robl^dlynes_office: ahh..  I am not going to have any sort of large volume in the near future.  maybe 15 phones a year
00:03.17agborishow to change the sip port in asterisk
00:03.40dlynes_officerobl^: his number is 604-730-1842, option '1' - their business hours are 10am to 3pm, PDT
00:03.42filesip.conf, bindport option in the general context
00:04.02dlynes_officerobl^: ah...why only 15 phones a year?
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00:04.54dlynes_officevoip systems are pretty easy to sell
00:04.58dlynes_officethey almost sell themselves
00:05.00*** join/#asterisk iq (n=iq@unaffiliated/iq)
00:05.24dlynes_officeespecially when they're asterisk-based
00:05.30robl^dlynes_office: I am not a telecom person by trade.. only hobby at the moment.  I have to asterisk systems I support.  10 phone and 4 phones respectively.  ;-)
00:05.47dlynes_officerobl^: i'm not a telecom person either
00:05.52Corydon-wmog:  we should both get an Ethernet card for our Apple IIe's, then put up a VPN, so we can communicate back and forth between them
00:05.56dlynes_officerobl^: i'm a programmer/system administration geek
00:06.25Qwell[]Corydon-w: You're just sick, you know that, right?
00:06.36robl^dlynes_office: same here.  I provide sysadmin / tech support for a large law firm.
00:06.48Corydon-wThis from the guy who spooned me in Las Vegas
00:06.53dlynes_officerobl^: you're not self-employed're an employee?
00:06.55Qwell[]You wish it wa Vegas
00:07.04Corydon-wOh, right, San Jose was really reno
00:07.14Qwell[](I wish it was Vegas would've stayed there. :P)
00:07.26Corydon-wWell, you might spoon me in Vegas yet.  ;-)
00:07.36Qwell[]note to self: Don't go to defcon
00:08.00robl^dlynes_office: currently.  I did the slef employed thing on and off.   but things really dried up for a while and had too many bills so I re-joined the ramnks of abused IT staff
00:08.25dlynes_officeah...that would explain why you're not planning on selling many units then
00:08.28fileQwell[]: also don't ever go to Nashville since Corydon is near there... he might sense your presence
00:08.43robl^dlynes_office: but things can change.  ;-)
00:08.44dlynes_officeasterisk systems are pretty easy to sell...just don't tell your customers it's asterisk
00:08.47Qwell[]note to self: Don't pick file up from airport
00:08.54dlynes_officetell them it's a black box with phone lines and voicemail
00:09.01fileQwell[]: don't travel with me either
00:09.06filemucho grande bad luck
00:09.21Corydon-wYeah, file might be feeling amorous at the Toronto airport
00:09.40dlynes_officeCorydon-w: there's lots of queers in Toronto...I'm sure file's not the only one
00:09.50fileI don't live in Toronto
00:10.02Corydon-wI prefer Texas for their queers and steers
00:10.15robl^dlynes_office: yeah.  its just a matter of getting the right contacts to get started.  after things calm down at the office, I nay get things in line to try to do some more telecom stuff
00:10.26dlynes_officerobl^: ah
00:10.30robl^*waves Texas flag*
00:10.32fileI just travel through Toronto usually for flights...
00:10.44dlynes_officefile: ummm...hmmmm....sure, sure
00:10.53Corydon-wSure, sure... is that the reason for the 8 hour layover?
00:11.00dlynes_officefile: we know you go check out Wellesley Street every time you're there
00:11.00filethat was in Newark
00:11.11filedlynes_office: I have never actually been around Toronto
00:11.16fileshould go sometime
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00:15.32Nuggetgonna go see dollywood and twitty city?
00:15.49fileCorydon-w: I bet you would...
00:16.04Corydon-wDollywood is 3 hours east of here
00:16.48Corydon-wWell, probably about time to head home
00:17.01fileyes.. go
00:17.11Qwell[]Corydon-w: You scared him
00:17.12Corydon-wBitch.  :-P
00:17.24filebe gone!
00:17.55dlynes_officeI bet file just loves a nice, strong man
00:17.57Corydon-wI'll be back on to pester^H^H^H^H^H^Hentertain you in an hour or so
00:18.15agborisfile: i have talked to my provider they are saying that there is no issue at their end
00:18.39agborisand even the said they dont have support for asterisk
00:19.00dlynes_officeagboris: that was your first mistake
00:19.14dlynes_officeagboris: don't tell them you're using asterisk, or it's automatically your fault that it's not working
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00:19.45dlynes_officeagboris: mostly because those twits usually don't even know what asterisk is
00:19.55agborisBut dear, I know my other asterisk with same configurations is workign well
00:20.17dlynes_officeagboris: probably not the same configuration, or it would be working
00:20.35dlynes_officeagboris: rm -rf /etc/asterisk ; scp -r user@host:/etc/asterisk .
00:20.37file"Can you confirm you are sending an INVITE to me, and if so - what IP address and port are they being sent to?"
00:20.43dlynes_officethat'll confirm that it's the same
00:21.18Qwell[]O M G
00:22.16agborisit will just wipp out my all settings dlyne
00:22.40dlynes_officeagboris: you insisted they were the same
00:22.46dlynes_officeagboris: that'll ensure they're the same
00:23.09filesomething is rotten in the state of Denmark
00:23.38tessier_Sorry, I farted.
00:23.39agborisyes...he is quite busy that why he is ..........
00:23.50dlynes_officeagboris: you can also try tar jcvf /home/username/asterisk-etc.tar.bz2 /etc/asterisk ; rm -rf /etc/asterisk ; scp -r username@hostname:/etc/asterisk /etc
00:24.05dlynes_officeagboris: if you want to make a backup first
00:24.49agborisso deploying backup can help me out form this issue
00:24.58agborisi have backup of my old pbx
00:25.11dlynes_officeagboris: no, but you said you had another machine where everything was working just peachy keen
00:25.14filedlynes_office: you're taking over
00:25.35fuseri want to work at IBM... in something like, the spyware spreading department or something
00:25.47Qwell[]fuser: sales?  why?
00:25.54dlynes_officefile: ?
00:25.58agborisso dlynes_office this not the way u are thinking ..........
00:26.11agborisfile ?
00:26.21fuserbecuase i have issue Qwell[]
00:26.37robl^yo bkw_!
00:26.39fuseri threw a wifi sip phone from the 12th floor of an office today
00:27.42robl^fuser: that was you?!!?!?  that phone smashed the window in my car!
00:27.57agborisfile] i need to ask few things i u can help....
00:28.01fuserrobl^: dont worry, the phone was broken anyway
00:28.03fuserno harm done
00:28.51fileagboris: ask questions and they may get answered
00:31.21*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:33.24andymulAnyone interested in some PHP/Asterisk work please PM me
00:38.39*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
00:38.52fuserpee ache pee
00:39.12fuserhow bout asterisk on rails
00:39.18fuseror, asterisk on roids
00:40.56*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=john@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
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00:41.26fuserhabanero flavored doritos rock. they make it hard to write a dial plan quickly.
00:42.06fileblame the Doritos, uh huh
00:42.15*** part/#asterisk dudes (
00:42.20fuserhaha, i swear it was the chips!
00:42.35fuserhad nothing to do with the budweiser... honest...
00:42.57fileI totally believe you
00:45.45watchy2im fat
00:45.46ariel_or the Cigar?
00:45.56ariel_evening everyone
00:46.40fuserwoohoo! i get to spend tomorrow building out a giganitic coast to coast vpn instead of writing xml into polycom config files
00:46.58ariel_andymul, I would guess there are a few people interested in your project. I would also think that the asterisk-biz would be the better place to ask.
00:47.34watchy2fuser: can i come help
00:47.43fuseri dont know, you are fat
00:47.54watchy2i promise ill try to be less fat around you
00:48.00fusermight not be able to afford the meals
00:48.11watchy2ill pay my own food and labor
00:48.15fuserwatchy2: if i need help i'll call you
00:48.38watchy2where wuold i have to fly to
00:48.58*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
00:49.01fusermy pbx is going to be a hub for 28 locations from florida to california inside of some of at&t's non-routable 'public' address space on the 12.
00:49.28fuserit will be the gateway, firewall, vpn server and a whole host of other shit
00:49.41fusernot to mention transcoding 6 T1's worth of calls all day
00:49.46watchy2is it a super awesome pbx
00:49.55vader--it's the gibson
00:50.01vader--hack the gibson
00:50.13watchy2i need to get a entry level job in asterisk shit
00:50.29vader--watchy there isn't exactly alot of places looking for asterisk administrators
00:50.29fuserit has 2 quad port t1 cards and 2 of those wcte24xp amphenol connections, the 24 port fxs
00:50.30watchy2i put in 1 asterisk phone system here but in my small town aint much work in it
00:50.35ariel_fuser, are you going to create your own MPLS network?
00:50.43fuserariel_: you got it
00:50.50vader--watchy how long did it take you to set it up?
00:51.02vader--im setting up my first one now and it's taken me a couple of months
00:51.08vader--but i haven't been working on it every day
00:51.09watchy2dont make me beg vader
00:51.30watchy2vader: weeks but im still working on it for the company u know? bugs, features etc
00:51.45watchy2i probably got lots more time to do it
00:51.54vader--i spent alot of stupid shit
00:51.56watchy2whats sad is i could do a phone system the way they got it now in afew hours
00:52.02vader--going back and retweaking shit
00:52.12watchy2you using analog/
00:52.17vader--sip and some analog
00:52.23vader--im using 60 cisco 7940G phones
00:52.24fuserariel_: how is that system going?
00:52.29watchy2what kinda cards you connecting to pstn?
00:52.30ariel_well wed. I move off an Avaya an start a full strata-dailer to an Asterisk setup...All over MPLS
00:52.39vader--and like 20 analog channels provided by a wtc2400p board
00:52.46fuserim a little anxious about this. its taken at&t forever to get their outsourcing straight....
00:52.47ariel_fuser, it works
00:53.06fusergood enough!
00:53.12watchy2vader: i got poly 501s and 601s, about 30, adding 30 sipura ATAs
00:53.31fusermy main box is idle atm but we are gonna knock over the main network this weekend
00:53.31ariel_fuser, at least your doing it with just one vendor.
00:53.33vader--im hinde sight i would of probably went with poly's
00:53.36vader--instead of cisco
00:53.37watchy2the ATAs are going in bunkers where they build explosives so they wanted cheap walmart phones haha
00:53.42fuserhaha good point
00:53.43ariel_we have it via Telcove, XO, and Paetec
00:53.45vader--or atleast go with cisco's newer line of phones
00:53.52watchy2u know i bought 7960 for testing 2 of em and played with them, but i didnt like them
00:54.07watchy2i ordered polys for this co without playing with them and havent regreted it one bit
00:54.09fuserwatchy2: you can do alot with those phones
00:54.09vader--they are nice
00:54.17fuserwatchy2: theres a project out to check your pop3 email on one
00:54.26fuserservices, services, services
00:54.27watchy2on polys or cisco?
00:54.36vader--cisco phones are powerful phones
00:54.36fuserim sure you could hack up the same thing for polycom
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00:54.39watchy2yea you can do some insane stuff on the cisco
00:54.44fuserthe api is so much more readily available
00:55.09fuserwe change the soft keys on the polycoms all the time but havent had the time to do anything with services
00:55.26watchy2these people i set this system up for love the polys
00:55.40fuserwho really wants weather on their polycom which is next to a 2000 dollar dell with a 24 inch LCD
00:55.57watchy2id rather have porn on my phone
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00:56.33fuseri think some of the women customers might disagree with that feature set
00:56.51watchy2well we could put dilbert comics on them
00:57.18vader--dilbert comics would be cool
00:57.43watchy2im on a diet so im gonna go eat fajitas in a minute with no rice and beans :(
00:57.52fuserunless there is no pc near a phone like that i cant really see any marketability for services
00:58.13watchy2yea me either
00:58.19vader--im actually using the services button on my cisco phones to display a list of extensions for secretaries and the extensions' availability
00:58.27vader--like if the person is on the phones, etc
00:58.27ariel_fuser, are you in Florida?
00:58.37fuservader--: that stuff is native to polycom phones
00:58.39fuserariel_: houston
00:58.44vader--trust me i know
00:59.08robl^fuser: you must be one of my neighbors ;-)
00:59.35fuserrobl^: oh yeah? what part of town you in?
00:59.42fuserim off the beltway and westheimer
00:59.54robl^fuser: west die.  almost to Katy
00:59.57vader--ok time to leave work
01:00.14fuserrobl^: maybe you can wear my clothes and slackware hat to work tomorrow posing as me
01:01.09fuserjust go around saying 'yeah mpls is cool we 0wn0r at&t f00! iptables MANG!!!"
01:01.12robl^fuser: very close.  westhiemer..  jsut on the east side of bw8
01:01.15fuserthen i can go fishing
01:01.47fuserrobl^: you might need to bust out some serious sed on the polycom files though
01:02.17robl^I like my Aastra... ;-)
01:02.22fuserrobl^: what do you do? know about asterisk and linux and networking and iptables? wanna job?
01:03.25robl^fuser:  I'm a sysadmin for a law firm.. I know Linx and Asterisk.. and basic iptables. ;-)
01:03.43ariel_wow asterisk, linux and networking IPtables. all easy stuff to know.
01:04.20fuseryou'd be suprised how hard it is to find help though
01:04.34fuseri master the image AND pull cable
01:04.48robl^houston is filled with "techs" that can barely change a screen saver on XP
01:05.07fuserrobl^: you got that right. you should see FEMA's IT department here
01:05.20fuserthese guys quick foot locker to work for FEMA so they wouldnt have to talk to people
01:06.04robl^I really need a spel checker for IRC..  ;-)
01:06.36fuseri type too fast to care
01:07.23*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
01:07.27fuserGovernmen Job Posting: FEMA is in need of a Senior Sytem Administrator for their call center. Minimum 1 yr. high school preferred.
01:07.50fuserMust know how to find the 'Control Panel' and 'My Computer'
01:08.13fuserPay DoE starting at 7.50/hr.
01:08.28ariel_wow we start people here in the call center at 10.
01:08.28FaithfulCan you adapt a plantronics headset with an RJ type plug to work on a Linksys phone?
01:08.32fuseryou guys think im joking. this guy calls me when he cant print.
01:08.49litageFaithful: it's a matter of finding the appropriate adapter
01:08.50ariel_fuser, I belive
01:08.59Faithfulwith a name like fuser it is no wonder
01:09.18ariel_Faithful, plantronics head sets work fine. on Polycoms. But I have no Linksys to test with.
01:09.34jbot[fuser] a handy command to 'identify processes using files or sockets' or if you find a port number that you want more info on, do: fuser -n tcp <portnum> ., or some people think it's is short for 'what the f**k is using that damn file!!!!!
01:09.37FaithfulI guess I might be able to make up an adapter
01:09.52fuserahaha... love it...
01:10.36fuserwell, time to kill people in the ae_sniper_challenge
01:13.09*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
01:14.24*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
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01:24.08Ciber311anyone in here compile asterisk on osx?
01:43.23*** join/#asterisk _GiGi_ (
01:43.58*** join/#asterisk livinded (
01:45.08_GiGi_i have some trouble in AGI script when i run record file. Afrer record my script die.. in older version of asterisk its work fine...
01:45.26livindedwould there a reason why 1 of my ipkall numbers goes directly to my asterisk box and another wouldn't? They both have the same sip proxy but different numbers. The one that isn't working, doesn't even hit the box.
01:48.09livindedoh wrong context :D
01:50.05*** join/#asterisk foo (n=foo@unaffiliated/foo)
01:54.16russellbCiber311: yeah, i do some development on my powerbook
01:57.58*** join/#asterisk niteowldave (n=dave@
01:58.11niteowldavefile: do you have a minute
01:58.12russellbmany of the developers do ...
01:58.20_GiGi_i have some trouble in AGI script when i run record file. Afrer record my script die.. in older version of asterisk its work fine...
02:06.12niteowldaveI have a problem with t.38 passthrough in trunk, anybody here got any experience getting this working?
02:11.29Ciber311russellb: will i run into any issues trying to compile it? 10.4.7 here
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02:12.21russellbCiber311: you shouldn't ... you'll need the xcode tools (so you have gcc and such)
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02:55.52*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
02:57.52shmaltzhi everyone
02:58.55livindedwhy is it that support channels are always so quiet?
02:58.57shmaltzhi russellb
02:59.10shmaltzlivinded, it's not
02:59.24shmaltzdon't you see the chatter thats going on here for the last 30 seconds or so
02:59.34livindedshmaltz: sure it is, there are hundreds of people in them and nobody ever talks
02:59.48Juggiebecause its evening in most of the usa
02:59.51russellblivinded: it's usually quite lively
02:59.54shmaltzlivinded, yes they do, on the phones :P
02:59.55russellbtonight has been creepy
02:59.59JTmost people want support, not to give it
03:00.04russellbpfft... i hate using phones
03:00.08Juggiemost of the convo happens during north amercain business hours
03:00.14JTand computer types don't like logging off
03:00.18shmaltzrussellb, then why work with a PBX system?????
03:00.28livindedi guess i'm not in here enough to notice, i usually only come when i need help
03:00.32filephones are evil
03:00.37fileyou pick up and then have to talk to another person
03:00.50russellbshmaltz: i don't know ... because there are a lot of interesting problems to solve, i guess
03:00.57FaithfulDoes anyone know how to take advantage of a VSP's SMS services from asterisk or such?
03:00.58russellbit's fun to work on ... not use :)
03:01.00livindedfile: thats what call rejection is for
03:01.08shmaltzfile, not only that it take away one hand and one ear, and the other person notices imediatly if you are doing something else :P
03:01.18Juggiei only answer when i feel like being helpful
03:01.27Juggiealof of times i see questions and i dont want to help
03:01.37Juggiebecause its obvious the person has made no attempt to solve it on his own
03:01.39shmaltzFaithfuk, whats VSP?
03:01.48JTvoice service provider
03:02.07shmaltzFaithful, you in the UK?
03:02.16Juggie* can deliver SMS over isdn in some situations
03:02.39livindedJuggie: or you can route sms through free online services :D
03:02.46shmaltzJuggie, I think over POTS as well if it's supported as is the case in the uk under BT
03:02.48livindedwhy pay for your own line to do it
03:04.40carrarget rich quick
03:04.43carrarthats funny
03:04.45shmaltzlivinded, no such thing.
03:05.50livindedshmaltz: ya but I can wish can't I?
03:06.04shmaltzlivinded, sure you can wish
03:06.12shmaltzbut the wish can go without asterisk in it
03:06.23shmaltzI think with the lottery you actualy have better chances
03:07.40livindedi'm not old enough to play the lottery
03:08.34shmaltzlivinded, how young are you?
03:09.03shmaltzcool, asterisk has got some teenage fans
03:10.10livindedi wish my parents were fans, i've been trying to convinve them to let me connect it to our punchdown block and run the phones through it
03:10.22livindedevery house should have an ivr and zapateller :P
03:11.02shmaltzlivinded, you realy are young, it's overdone for homes
03:12.00*** join/#asterisk andymul (
03:12.04andymulAnyone interested in some PHP/Asterisk work please PM me
03:12.18shmaltzandymul, for what purpose?
03:12.56livindedshmaltz: why is it overdone for a house?
03:13.00shmaltzanybody seen this? its realy funny:
03:13.02andymulSome AGI scripting and some PHP reports, need someone to finish an app that is about 90% done
03:18.51Faithfulshmaltz: No I am in AU
03:19.20shmaltzFaithful, that link I gave should have it all
03:19.50FaithfulOh thanks shmaltz
03:24.58shmaltznot bad:
03:25.42*** part/#asterisk foo (n=foo@unaffiliated/foo)
03:29.07shmaltzvery funny:
03:30.24*** join/#asterisk n838901_2 (
03:31.01shmaltzn838901_2, helo
03:31.30n838901_2can asterisk be used as a voip gateway for sip software clients?
03:31.40shmaltzn838901_2, yes
03:31.51jbotrumour has it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
03:32.28n838901_2heres my situation...two physical networks connected by vpn
03:32.41n838901_2dont want to use skype..would rather use something within the lan
03:33.03n838901_2any suggestions?
03:33.16n838901_2software only
03:33.25shmaltzn838901_2, yes use asterisk
03:33.30jbotasterisk is the best free PBX in the world.
03:34.05n838901_2do you recommend a good *free* sip client?
03:34.26n838901_2..or any protocol for that matter
03:34.33shmaltzxlite, will do
03:34.38n838901_2thanx a bunch
03:34.46shmaltzand sip is an excellent protocol
03:35.12n838901_2i will trudge through the wiki and get it rolling
03:46.36Ciber311i'm compiling asterisk on a 500 mhz G4
03:46.39Ciber311this is gonna be a while
03:48.28*** join/#asterisk rikstah (
03:49.00rikstahHey all, I'm looking for the name of a VOIP provider that can provide me with a 900 number, do you know of any?
03:50.06watchy2ill do it if you hug me
03:50.12watchy2we can sell porn
03:53.40rikstahit's got nothing to do with porn :)
03:55.07*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=Silik0nJ@
03:56.36watchy2echo ratio = 0.0100 (111.0 / 11145.0)
03:56.40watchy2is that good for fxotune?
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04:03.21watchy2any fxotune users her?
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04:13.09BugKhamhi, there
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04:20.53mpls-ericAnyone at Cluecon?
04:21.45mpls-ericNot much of a lobby here to meet up in...
04:22.07docelmoI will be tomorrow
04:22.50mpls-ericAh, what time you arriving? I haven't looked over the schedule even, but I think things are underway in the AM
04:23.05*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
04:23.25docelmoyep.. I will be there right at 9am
04:23.56*** join/#asterisk Lyfe (n=lyfe@
04:24.43Lyfeanyone know if the functionality from ODBCget has been integrated into asterisk somehow, specifically if it's still done this way? ( is the webpage i'm reading this from)
04:25.08russellbthere is func_odbc
04:25.13russellban ODBC dialplan function
04:25.29russellbin the trunk, but there is a 1.2 backport available ... i think
04:26.08Lyfeso, somewhere, i should be able to find a doc on func_odbc?
04:27.15Ciber311russellb: compiled just fine, thanks! :)
04:28.35russellbCiber311: awesome, you're welcome
04:28.55russellbLyfe: perhaps ...... i don't know :)
04:29.18fuserooh, race wars on /. !!!
04:29.19Ciber311where did it put the configs? lol
04:29.37russellbCiber311: nowhere, unless you did "make samples"
04:29.42Ciber311i did
04:29.44Lyferussellb: heh.. fair 'nuff.. i seem to have stumbled upon a slightly more advanced func_odbc example to do some trickery with voicemail, i think i can manage from there.
04:30.05Lyferussellb: thanks though.. this should keep me from getting too crazy.
04:30.11russellbLyfe: alright.  it's fairly new, so docs are probably slim.  Also see the "show function ODBC" output
04:30.21russellbCiber311: ah, then /etc/asterisk
04:30.40Lyfe*CLI> show function ODBC
04:30.40LyfeNo function by that name registered.
04:30.42Ciber311russellb: what the heck are these? Aug  1 00:30:26 NOTICE[12738]: res_musiconhold.c:511 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
04:30.47Ciber311spamming the console
04:31.01Lyfemaybe part of asterisk-addons?
04:31.14russellbCiber311: yeah, that's because you don't have zaptel ... which isn't available for mac
04:31.30russellbLyfe: no.  if you want it for 1.2, it's in
04:31.37Ciber311now to setup voxbone and axvoice
04:31.43Lyfeso it's not in the 1.2.10 release then?
04:31.47Ciber311this should be fun
04:31.49russellbLyfe: svn co func_odbc-1.2
04:31.57russellbLyfe: no
04:31.59Lyfeahh, i follow.
04:32.15russellbthe 1.2 version is a backport, it's a new feature for the upcoming 1.4 release
04:33.15*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=Silik0nJ@
04:33.16Lyfeis 1.4 looking very promising?
04:33.28russellbi think so, but I'm biased :)
04:33.42Lyfeof course.
04:36.14russellbbut lots of cool stuff has been done ... new features and architecture improvements
04:36.24russellbwe'll have a nice marketing-style list at some point
04:36.41*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
04:37.00Juggiehmmmmmm, rus, i'm having a really weird bug w/ ex-girlfriend logic.
04:37.37Juggieif i do did/1234567890,1,Noop then ,2,Dial(...) it works
04:38.30Juggiebut if i do did/1234567890,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=1234567890) then ,2,Dial(...) it does the first exten but then skips out and doesnt do the 2nd priority.
04:39.22russellbwhy would you set the cid num to be the same as what it already is ...
04:39.42Juggiethat was just an example
04:39.48Juggieits being set to something different
04:39.49fileI'm confuzzled
04:40.02russellbnow, does priority 2 have a cid num match, too?
04:40.20russellbwhich is?
04:40.29russellbthe original, or what you just set it to be
04:41.03Juggieexten => _3354/6131234567,1,Noop()
04:41.03Juggieexten => _3354/6131234567,n,Dial(Zap/g3/6131111111)
04:41.04Juggiethat works
04:41.21Juggiebut if i change the Noop -> Set(CALLERID(all)="Me <111>")
04:41.27russellbWell yeah
04:41.30Juggieit skips out doesnt do the next prority
04:41.34russellbbecause the cid isn't that number anymore!
04:41.41russellbwhy would it continue to match?
04:41.54filerussellb: you so smart
04:42.01Juggiejesus thats a good one
04:42.31Juggiebtw, i looked @ the app_voicemail code in turnk
04:42.41Juggietheres still really nothing thre for language abstraction that i could see.
04:42.42russellbJuggie: so, just remove the cid match on the Dial ...
04:42.55russellbit's the say.c code that has been abstracted
04:42.59russellband, it's currently optional
04:43.02russellbthe old stuff is still there
04:43.09russellblook at configs/say.conf.sample
04:43.09Juggieok thats probally why i didnt see it
04:43.12Juggiei just skimed it.
04:43.23Juggiebut in the future all talk through voicemail will be pushed through say?
04:43.36Juggieso i can just say (psudo code) play(welcome,dk)
04:43.38russellbmost of it probably, i don't know
04:43.43russellbit's pretty far down the priority list
04:43.53filehardy har har... priority list
04:44.14russellband in my extension, I'm pretty sure there is a Hangup() before I get to that project
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04:45.13Juggieidealy, it would be nice to abstract the language out of the code
04:45.24Juggietotally, maybe someday
04:45.50filenot tomorrow...
04:45.54filenot the day after...
04:45.59Juggieso all that voicemail does is say play(welcome) or play(you have x new messages)
04:46.11Juggieand some other nice part takes care of playing that in the proper language
04:46.20russellbwell, app_voicemail should be written in AEL2, IMO
04:46.32Juggiei dunno about that :)
04:46.38Juggiei thought about writing it in php one day
04:46.41Juggiewhen it really pissed me off.
04:46.51Juggiebut then i realized i dont use it
04:46.55Juggieso i said screw it
04:47.16russellbbut you know ... app_voicemail is one of the highest level pieces of code we have
04:47.21russellbit's really a user interface
04:47.37CrashHDisn't dlynes or someone working on rewriting app_voicemail?
04:47.46Juggieits just really un-maintanable due to the language stuff.
04:47.53Juggieif you make a change in one of the menus or whatever
04:47.56Juggieyou have to make it in like 10 places
04:47.57russellbI mean, lots of the stuff we do is network handling, hardware interfacing, audio processing, etc.  that's all great in C
04:48.01russellbuser interfaces in C, not so much
04:48.02Juggieits retarded.
04:48.24CrashHDcould always opt for a xml type interface
04:48.35russellbCrashHD: yep, i have considered that.
04:48.43russellbHowever, a difficult part of that is in the prompts
04:48.47Juggieit would be only about 20% of the size it is now if it were language free.
04:48.58CrashHDlet C do what it does best and offload the other stuff
04:49.04russellbthe prompts would have to be seriously cut up ... and then still sound smooth when pieced together in whatever order your config needs
04:49.15CrashHDya true
04:49.45russellbit's not really an easy thing to do ... and it's hard to justify spending a ton of time on something that works just fine
04:50.19CrashHDit's understandable
04:50.23russellbnot that I would discourage anyone interested in working on it
04:50.32Juggieif i had the time i would
04:50.40Juggiebut i dont, i work two jobs as it is
04:50.40CrashHDstory of my life
04:50.40russellbbut I also think there are other things that could use attention
04:50.42Juggiei really wish i did.
04:50.54CrashHDwish in one hand...
04:51.01*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
04:51.40CrashHDthere is deffinite refinement needs
04:51.48CrashHDI think dlynes is already working on app_voicemail
04:51.53CrashHDsuggest the xml though
04:52.10Juggierus, does the say code in voicemail support just numbers?
04:52.27Juggiei should look at the example config
04:52.34*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=Silik0nJ@
04:53.50Juggieahh i see
04:53.55Juggieits only setup for numbers now really and dates.
04:54.15CrashHDrus could you tell me off hand where the dtmf digits are buffered for feature codes, such as blindtransfer?
04:54.17*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
04:54.37russellbCrashHD: that's does in res_features.c
04:54.57CrashHDthat's where I've been looking. I'll just look harder
04:55.03russellbit's not trivial code ...
04:55.12Juggierussellb, i keep waiting patientally for dialogic support :) i think i'm in week 23
04:55.13CrashHDtrivial as in simple?
04:55.23russellbJuggie: heh
04:55.42Juggieyou have to want my business, i get 85k calls a day :)
04:55.43Juggiehurry up
04:56.45russellbdon't look at me
04:56.52filewe just write stuff
04:56.52russellbCrashHD: right, it is not simple
04:56.57filewe don't think about who uses it!
04:56.57Juggiei know :)
04:57.00russellbCrashHD: specifically, look at ast_bridge_call()
04:57.20CrashHD*nods* saw that code
04:57.33russellbCrashHD: a ways down you'll see something like ...featurecode[strlen(featurecode)] = f->subclass;
04:57.39russellbthat is literally the line where it gets queued
04:57.54CrashHDneeds a patch to dump the queue after feature timeout
04:58.43russellbit's sad that I could point out that line so quickly ... :/
04:58.43CrashHDnot sad
04:58.51CrashHD*searching for a better word*
04:59.05russellbfunny, i don't know
04:59.19filerussellb: homework young man!
04:59.22russellbfile: yes sir
05:08.11linlinwhat might be causing a "registration refused" error when trying to register my aix2 softphone
05:10.23russellbincorrect username, incorrect password, or both
05:10.45jbroomegod, i hope there isn't an aix phone. :)
05:11.16JTquick question for all the north americans out there
05:11.32livindedjbroome: why? whats wrong with iax?
05:11.34russellbthey're all in bed ... or should be, at least
05:11.41JTis there an easy way to determine if a +1 number is a mobile number or landline?
05:11.43russellblivinded: "aix", not iax
05:12.16fileJT: nope
05:12.21russellbnot that i know of ...
05:12.24filerussellb: schooooooool
05:12.27CrashHDI see the code for feature timer reset
05:12.29russellbfile: I AM
05:12.34CrashHDbut it is not working as expected
05:12.35JTso it's just random numbers, no groups of prefixes?
05:12.43livindedJT: use a reverse lookup
05:12.53livindedor if you have access ANI II
05:13.04filereverse lookup won't always be accurate
05:13.10JTisn't that annoying, not knowing if a number you are calling will be charged at mobile or landline rates?
05:13.12livindedfile: but its better than nothing
05:13.28fileJT: we don't have mobile/landline rates
05:13.33livindedits all the same here
05:13.40JTis everything timecharged?
05:13.49livindedtime charged or unlimited
05:14.01JTdoes the call receiver have to pay too?
05:14.11filedepends on their plan
05:14.29JTi can see why voip is taking off so well there :P
05:14.32filetechnically they'd pay per month even if they had unlimited, so yes
05:14.36*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
05:14.43livindedon cell phones its all minutes so both parties pay unless there is free m2m, ot the in stuff , or familyplan
05:16.35CrashHDwhat is the purpose of ast_strlen_zero()?
05:17.22Qwellto check if the len is zero?
05:17.56CrashHDdoesn't return true or false? but rather end of string?
05:19.15CrashHDI don't understand what this: return (!s || (*s == '\0'));
05:19.17CrashHDis doing
05:19.42CrashHDcan someone explain?
05:20.08Qwellchecks that it isn't null or that the first char isn't \0
05:20.20brookshiredamn.. beat me too it
05:20.24livindedme too
05:20.39brookshireto also.. ugh
05:20.49CrashHDwhat would it return if it was null?
05:20.49brookshiremy typing has become sooo horrible lately
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05:20.58Qwellbrookshire: You and me both
05:21.03livindedCrashHD: whatever the program tells it to
05:21.12brookshirecrash: strippers!
05:21.19russellbCrashHD: 1
05:21.42livindedoh :D i didn't see the return
05:21.45russellbCrashHD: that will return non-zero if it is NULL, or if the string is empty (first char is the NULL character)
05:22.07brookshirec is so annoyingly fun
05:22.12russellbC is hot
05:22.30brookshirespeaking of hot.. i just say your girlfriend's myspace page
05:22.38*** part/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
05:22.40brookshireSAW damnit!
05:22.43CrashHDso hasfeatures =
05:22.50CrashHDis setting a bool. value?
05:22.56filebrookshire: you CAN spell and type... right?
05:22.59CrashHDbased on cha_featurecode being non null or not?
05:23.03russellbbrookshire: she r0x0rz
05:23.12brookshirefile: i'm losing it
05:23.24*** join/#asterisk oadaeh (
05:23.27brookshirelately i have been just leaving out whole words
05:23.32filebrookshire: I can sell you it... for a price
05:23.44brookshiresell me what?
05:24.22brookshireonly if you throw in the 'sh'
05:25.14filenope! and now I sleep
05:25.26brookshirei just woke up
05:25.50brookshirei need to sleep...
05:26.33CrashHDbug report time
05:26.38*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
05:26.44russellbthere are no bugs.
05:26.49brookshireonly features
05:26.56CrashHD"special" features
05:26.57russellbbrookshire: word
05:27.26CrashHDrussellb: for whatever reason the dtmf flush for feature timeout is not working
05:27.44russellbbrookshire: sure :D
05:27.45CrashHDI didn't think the code to flush would be there
05:27.47CrashHDbut it is
05:27.51russellbCrashHD: 1.2 or trunk
05:28.00brookshirei just need to firmware file first, lol
05:28.08CrashHDwhatever I see in the doxygen
05:28.13CrashHDhaven't confirmed in my source
05:28.13*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:28.23russellbCrashHD: that's probably trunk, then.
05:28.27russellb1.2 doxygen is available, though
05:28.40CrashHDI'll go through that
05:29.43CrashHDcode is there too
05:33.39Juggieit sure is
05:33.55CrashHDI meant the code for the feature digit timeout
05:34.00*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
05:34.37russellbso, what about it isn't working
05:34.54CrashHDWhen I use ## for blind transfer
05:35.26CrashHDa single # is not sent
05:35.28CrashHDif I sent
05:35.36CrashHDuntil the call is hungup
05:35.56CrashHDso it's as if the system is buffering waiting for the next digit
05:36.04CrashHDbut the first digit doesn't get flushed after timeout
05:36.05russellband never clears it on timeout
05:36.06russellbi gotcha
05:36.11russellblemme test it ...
05:36.41CrashHDit drove me nuts for the longest time
05:36.47CrashHDthought it was my carrier
05:36.58CrashHDthen thought it was the combination of how I had things routed
05:37.15CrashHDthen I saw the dtmf wasn't even leaving my first switch, until channel hungup or additional digits were pressed
05:37.54russellbi don't know my brain can fix this bug at this hour
05:37.56russellbbut i'll try
05:38.14CrashHDwouldn't blame ya
05:38.27CrashHDalthough I'm on nights at the moment so this is early for me
05:39.10brookshirecrash: bribe him with redbull
05:39.12*** join/#asterisk kmilitzer (
05:39.18russellbyep, that will do it.
05:39.42kmilitzerMorning everyone ...
05:39.42brookshirehaha.. that's worth at least 6 bugs
05:39.50russellbpaypal: ... they accept redbull transfers, now
05:40.08Juggiepaste the link to the code in question
05:40.12Juggiein doxygen
05:40.39CrashHDit's 01325-01382 of res_features
05:40.47Juggiecommon i'm lazy
05:40.49Juggiegive me a link
05:41.21russellbJuggie: if you're that lazy, i doubt you'll be helpful :-p
05:41.32CrashHDI see the code
05:41.34CrashHDfor the flush
05:41.37CrashHDlogic makes sense
05:41.40Juggieand whats the problem?
05:41.40CrashHDnot sure why it isn't working
05:42.14CrashHDJuggie: read up
05:42.18CrashHDI'm lazy
05:42.22CrashHD*rolls his eyes*
05:45.54CrashHDlet me run by a thought
05:46.02CrashHDthe else
05:46.05CrashHDon 01371
05:46.20CrashHDif feature_timer was not being set
05:46.21linlingah, why wont this phone connect
05:46.42linlinwhat are some decent iax2 sofphones
05:46.44CrashHDon line 01475
05:46.47CrashHDfor whatever reason
05:47.10CrashHDthen the feature would never go through
05:47.31Juggiei dont think i have the patience to figure this out right now :)
05:48.10russellbJuggie: told you
05:48.41CrashHDwhere are multiple digits concat'd at?
05:50.01russellbCrashHD: the same line i showed you earlier ...
05:50.07russellbbut you are correct, this is not working
05:50.31Qwell#*-bugs :p
05:51.25brookshireyou mean #asterisk-bugs-2,000
05:51.31CrashHDI see
05:51.35CrashHDnifty piece of code
05:51.38CrashHDif featurecode is 0
05:51.45CrashHDadd's the the 0 diminsion
05:51.59CrashHDif it already had a digit adds to the 1 diminsion
05:52.05CrashHDthere is an e in that word
05:52.06CrashHDbut ya
05:53.18russellbi think i found the bug ...
05:53.43Qwellrussellb: Don't hate me.
05:54.02Juggierussellb, where russ.
05:54.40russellbQwell: looks like an old checkout, since it's also talking about g723 ... rm -f menuselect.makeopts
05:54.49russellbthen if you still have a problem, let me know
05:55.01Qwellnah, that always fixes it
05:55.13russellbsomething that happens a lot?
05:55.18Qwelloften enough
05:55.41russellbare you trying to select pbx_kdeconsole?
05:55.49Qwellnah, did an svn up, then make install
05:56.11russellbwell i don't know ...
05:56.21russellbif you can find a way to recreate it, let me know, heh
05:56.24jhamlynCan anyone tell me how to set a peer with a short register time and a local extension with a longer register timeout
05:56.27*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (n=vircuser@
05:56.42Qwellwill do
05:57.27CrashHDrussellb: line: 01339
05:57.35CrashHDchecking the backup feature timer
05:57.44CrashHDwouldn't that do it
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06:01.37angom_hHi, anyone sending & receiving SMS messages over a GSM link ?
06:01.46russellbCrashHD: still looking ...
06:02.04CrashHDit's odd
06:02.06CrashHDit seems it would work
06:02.10CrashHDfrom the code
06:02.29*** join/#asterisk CyberMad (n=cybermad@
06:03.02russellbCrashHD: well, ast_bridge_call() correctly calls ast_channel_bridge() with a feature_timeout of 500 ms
06:03.20russellbCrashHD: so, if nothing happens, ast_channel_bridge() should break back out after 500 ms, but it does not
06:03.25russellbso, onward to channel.c
06:03.48CrashHDI didn't look up the tree that far
06:03.51Qwellfyi: tool <3
06:04.00CrashHDI'm not familiar with the structure of * at all
06:04.20russellbyeah, like i told you when we started this conversation, this is not trivial code :)
06:04.41Juggiei coudnt find anything obvious
06:04.50Juggieand i'm also having a hard time wrapping my head around it :)
06:05.37brookshirei wrote my first res and i still don't understand it, lol
06:05.49CrashHDlol, not trivial, understatement of the night
06:05.59CrashHDI gotta grab some dinner
06:06.02CrashHDbefore I pass out
06:06.08CrashHDI'll be back in a little bit
06:06.26russellbi feel close to fixing it
06:06.40CrashHDlet me know if you come across anything you need my assistance with, testing or whatever
06:07.11russellbwill do
06:07.57Juggieruss, something is blocking that shoudnt be?
06:08.08russellbJuggie: well, sort of.
06:08.26russellbit's the fact that channel.c doesn't give a crap about the feature_timeout at all
06:08.40russellbit's not referenced at all
06:08.47russellbSo ... yeah.
06:08.51russellbit doesn't do anything.
06:08.52Juggieits passed in but not referenced?
06:09.05Juggienice :)
06:09.07russellbit's a part of the bridge config structure that is passed ...
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06:09.44Juggiei see that
06:13.48Juggieits checking for config->timelimit but not for the feature timeout
06:14.02Juggiei guess this will require a lil extra logic
06:14.57Juggiewell that was fun i wish i had more time to learn this.
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06:23.51blitzragerussellb: !!!
06:24.04russellbnothing like working on bugs at 2:30 AM
06:24.13blitzragewell that was a long day of accounting/programming...
06:24.18blitzragerussellb: aye -- good times
06:24.25blitzrageno school to go to tomorrow... why not? :)
06:25.03blitzrageI just walked in the door from driving an hour from Sarnia to my parents house... long day, but bought a new toy :)
06:25.04russellbheh, yeah
06:25.10russellbooh, what'd you get
06:26.28*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
06:26.41blitzragebroke down and bought a blackberry...
06:27.15blitzrage8700r with unlimited* data plan... so when I'm on the road I can still ssh into an asterisk server if I really need to fix an emergency
06:27.52blitzragebrookshire: indeed
06:28.07brookshirei hope you do not want to use it for a phone
06:28.17blitzragestill charging... but I haven't had a new phone for like... 5 years now -- the little nokia has held up surprisingly well!
06:28.17*** part/#asterisk gursikh (
06:28.35blitzragebrookshire: yah, its a phone -- my room mate has one too
06:28.52brookshirebetter get a headset
06:28.57blitzragebrookshire: problem is what I envision for a phone doesn't exist
06:29.04blitzragewhy? I don't understand what the issue is
06:29.15Juggiei havnt found a phone that improves on my t616
06:29.34Juggieeg, menu intuitivenes, sound quality, rf.. etc.
06:29.44blitzrageJuggie: no keyboard
06:29.50Juggiei dont want a keyboard
06:29.56Juggiei just want a slim functional candy bar phone
06:30.19blitzrageyah, I have a nokia which is even smaller than what you have there -- it's actually smaller than a motorola razr
06:30.37Juggiethe t616 is pretty damn small
06:30.39blitzrageawesome phone, but decided to get something that allows me to use data and ssh from
06:30.47blitzrageJuggie: I've seen that phone -- mine is smaller
06:30.49Juggiebut there are better now that phone is 3-4 years old
06:31.04*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
06:31.14Juggiei can use data, but no ssh.
06:31.22brookshirethe razr isn't particularly small.. it is just thin.. so it feels smaller in your pocket
06:31.29Juggiethe java implementation on this phone doesnt support sockets
06:31.56Juggieif i could get a tiny phone with like a lil addon keyboard
06:31.57Juggiethat would be hot
06:32.01Juggiethat i could use if i needed to
06:32.43*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
06:33.31brookshireone day we will look back on the blackberry and laugh!
06:33.31blitzragebrookshire: agreed -- but a larger phone doesn't bother me because I just buy cargo shorts with the big pockets on the side specifically to hold things since regular pockets aren't big enough to carry all the equipment I usually have on me. And I wear shorts all year round (even in the winter). I have 3 pairs of jeans, all of which have the cargo pockets on the sides
06:33.57blitzrageI already laugh at it -- but no other phones really do what I was looking for... the HP iPaq phone was close...
06:34.29brookshireblitz: trust me on this though, i do not know many people without a headset for those things
06:34.44blitzragebrookshire: thats fine... it's bluetooth, so I get a headset...
06:34.47*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
06:34.52blitzragenot sure what the issue is :)
06:34.59blitzrageheck, it comes with a plugin headset :)
06:35.00brookshirethe phone is not high quality
06:35.21Juggieblitzrage, you getting much thunder and lightning in toronto?
06:35.32Juggieits been going crazy here for 2hrs now
06:36.22blitzrageJuggie: I'm in Glencoe right now, but nope, perfectly clear sky here (London)
06:36.29blitzragestars look awesome right now
06:36.37Juggieits been pouring off and on here and lightning all night
06:36.37blitzragestormed here about 2 days ago
06:36.43Juggiei think i'm just outside the storm too
06:36.52Juggieits worse a little further east by the looks of the radar
06:37.08Juggieon the othre side of ottawa
06:37.30russellbCrashHD: I'm getting close to fixing that bug ... but I've got to sleep for now.  I'll fix it tomorrow, get it touch with me on IRC then sometime
06:37.39blitzragethis phone would be perfect if it had 802.11x wireless built in
06:37.58blitzragerussellb: night!
06:38.24Juggieblitzrage, you could probally add wifi to that
06:38.49*** join/#asterisk Dico_ (n=niko@
06:39.04blitzrageyah... with an external SD I/O card... but ugh... probably would get broke
06:39.24Juggiedid you look for another model of that phone rogers doesnt carry?
06:39.36*** join/#asterisk niteowldave (n=dave@
06:39.56niteowldavefile: are you alive
06:40.08blitzrageJuggie: didn't notice any with the wifi
06:40.43Juggiei found some on google
06:40.47Juggiedif models of the hp
06:41.11blitzrageI see
06:41.16blitzrageanyways, I'm off to read then sleep, night
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07:38.51vltHello. Is it possible to send SMS messages with an asterisk server (connected via SIP to my voip provider)? What client do I need (asterisk is running on ubuntu/linux)? Does the provider have to provide SMS sending? Thanks.
07:40.04*** join/#asterisk dlynes__ (
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07:42.18*** join/#asterisk uwe (
07:42.59proxyfrog1how r u
07:43.21uweum ... fine
07:43.36proxyfrog1hows ur asterisk box running?
07:44.21proxyfrog1i'm new to this about u
07:44.48uwei pass by every now and then
07:45.47proxyfrog1can i ask u a question about asterisk email?
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07:46.20uweum, you can ask, in general, but i dont promise to be able to answer
07:46.28Snake-Eyesis softhangup() ment to hang up a call right away ?
07:46.51proxyfrog1i got webmin installed on my box........u know wat webmin is?
07:47.04uweyes, but i never used it
07:47.05proxyfrog1its just a webtool to interface with linux.......
07:47.27Snake-Eyesproxyfrog1, its a evil spider that taps into everything :P
07:47.29proxyfrog1if i use webmin to compose and send email out, the email goes out
07:48.04proxyfrog1when i got a voicemail, the outgoing email gets user authentication error
07:48.42proxyfrog1its odd..........i cant send out my voicemails as emails from asterisk, yet i can send a manually created email out of linux.......
07:49.01Snake-Eyesis this asterisk voicemail module trying to send a email out i assume
07:49.02proxyfrog1what places should i be checking?
07:49.34proxyfrog1yes, asterisk does send out the email.......but gets rejected by my isp's mail server.......
07:49.53proxyfrog1my isp's mail server gives a user authentication error in the bounced email mesg......
07:50.03Snake-Eyesi would start by looking in your voicemail.conf file
07:50.38proxyfrog1i believe my voicemail.conf has only a few lines........
07:50.50*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (n=gunnar@
07:51.07uwewell, i dont know really, but i suppose that a user authentication error is a user authentication error, although im not even sure what you are talking about , but you should check what username/password/protocol you are using to sent these emails
07:51.50uweum, well this should apply only for the last "you"
07:52.13proxyfrog1my voicemail.conf has a [general] section which just says to include and
07:52.31Snake-Eyesproxyfrog1, also look at your program that sends the emails out, we use nullmailer really simple
07:53.07proxyfrog1bro, i would rather use a simpler mta than sendmail........sendmail is too overkill
07:53.30*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
07:53.53proxyfrog1i got trixbox, which uses sendmail to send out emails
07:54.29Snake-Eyesah, well I dont use trixbox thus no sendmail :)
07:54.40proxyfrog1i'd be happy to use anything thats simpler than sendmail..........i've heard of postfix.......havent heard of nullmailer
07:54.57tengulre11hi,all ! when I using IAX2 to connect other asterisk , I got ..
07:55.16tengulre11anybody know why??
07:55.28Snake-Eyesnullmailer just passes the email off to mta, its not a proper mta itself, but seeing how your ISP is providing a mta any way ....
07:56.12Snake-Eyeseg nullmailer sends to postfix
07:56.22proxyfrog1how did u connect nullmailer to asterisk?
07:57.27proxyfrog1hey is it normal that we got over 50 people in this room and only 2 people talking?
07:57.41Snake-Eyesat this time of day yes
07:57.51proxyfrog1more like over 80 people.......
07:57.58proxyfrog1i c......kool....
07:58.34proxyfrog1dude.........this email thing is killing me..........i can send email but not thru asterisk........
07:58.55Snake-Eyesastrisk just users what ever mail program you have installed, so you shouldnt have to change asterisk for nullmailer (not absolutly sure on this)
07:59.38proxyfrog1so wat if i installed nullmailer.........asterisk somehow just knows to use it?
07:59.51proxyfrog1do i need to shut off sendmail?
08:00.49Snake-Eyesdepends on your OS, but yes you wil have to stop sendmail
08:01.12uwehmm, do you need an MTA to send emails?
08:01.51proxyfrog1uwe.....i'm using sbcglobal to send off my email
08:02.28proxyfrog1i just need sbcglobal's smtp server to accept my email.........right now its rejecting it cuz of user authentication error....
08:02.28Snake-Eyesjust stop sendmail install something like nullmailer and put your isp mail details into nullmailer and see what happens :)
08:02.31tengulre11when I connect other asterisk with IAX2, I can not registry!
08:03.30proxyfrog1sounds like a good alternative........
08:03.55proxyfrog1hey i'll be right back......
08:04.06Snake-Eyesproxyfrog1, worst case you uninstall nullmailer and restart sendmail :)
08:05.11Snake-Eyestengulre11, are using zap stuff to connect asterisk ?
08:05.32*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
08:05.58tengulre11Sanke-Eyes: nope! it is IAX2 protocol.
08:09.15tengulre11I have two asterisk servers in different two citys, server A can registered to server B, but server B can registered server A, they are static ip address.
08:10.58tengulre11when I using 'netstat -na| grep 4569' the port is listened.
08:11.04Snake-Eyestengulre11, err do you mean  'but server B can't registered servered server A' ?
08:11.37tengulre11sorry! server B can not registered server A.
08:12.33tengulre11how to config the iax.conf if it cross firewall?
08:14.34Snake-Eyesyou shouldnt have to do anything only NAT can cause problems (besides opening a port up in the firewall)
08:14.42*** join/#asterisk ccherrett (
08:14.48tengulre11in server a: iax.conf,  [general]... register => [servera] type=friend username=servera secret=servera host=dynamic
08:15.19ccherrettis there a way to send a prerecorded message over a simple modem to a phone or do I need a telephony system?
08:15.32Snake-Eyestengulre11, I would just compare configs between the two
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08:16.05wabaI have a SNOM 300 that works fine for SUBSCRIBE. Same config for a 360, but this one ends up with Subbscription-status: terminated;cause=timeout. Any idea why?
08:16.26tengulre11in server a: iax.conf,  [general]... register => [serverb] type=friend username=serverb secret=serverbpwd host=dynamic
08:16.36waba(and so the LEDs don't get updated after registration)
08:16.42tengulre11sorry this is server b
08:16.59ccherrettI am trying to determine if I need to install asterisk or not
08:17.38Snake-Eyesccherrett, far as i know a normal modem cant send voice
08:18.31Snake-Eyestengulre11, are the account details correct for server b
08:18.33ccherrettSnake-Eyes: too bad
08:18.52tengulre11Snake-Eyes: yes!
08:19.09Snake-Eyestengulre11, I dont work with iax2 much, mostly sip ;(
08:19.35tengulre11Sanke-Eyes: but the sip can not cross the firwall?
08:19.59ccherrettSnake-Eyes: I need to allert someone if an event occurs and I thought that a phone call would work best
08:20.20ccherrettSnake-Eyes: Is it complicated to set up in Asterisk?
08:20.30tengulre11most of people suggest me to using IAX2. but I failed!
08:20.38*** join/#asterisk potsboy (n=chrisg@
08:21.09Snake-Eyestengulre11, you getting things confused, anything can cross firewall, the main difference is NAT  
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08:21.48Snake-Eyesccherrett, hehe, depends if you have used asterisk before, and how you plan to do it
08:21.51potsboyhey all, doesnt any know if astericon dallas will be doing dcap certification?
08:21.59tengulre11Snake-Eyes: thank you very much!! I m reading now.
08:22.25ccherrettSnake-Eyes: thanks I will continue to investigate
08:22.44*** join/#asterisk kernelbee (n=Naveed@
08:23.21Snake-Eyesccherrett, also depends on if you use hardware or voip provider to termintate pstn calls, and if you use a frontend/gui to asterisk
08:23.27tengulre11Snake-Eyes: what's NAT function?
08:24.14Snake-Eyestengulre11, Network Address Translation - it takes private ip's and translates them to public ip
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08:24.34Snake-Eyestengulre11, in your case you shouldnt need to worry about NAT
08:24.55tengulre11Snake-Eyes: thank u! :)
08:25.30Snake-Eyestengulre11, if you using public ip address on both machines all you need to do is open up the ports on your firewall for iax2
08:25.59tengulre11Snake-Eyes: all ports is opened!
08:26.05kernelbeeyes, you need to open up the ports
08:26.24tengulre11the firewall only is a simple router
08:26.41kernelbeeits better to set ranage ports in configuration and open only those udp ports...
08:29.29kernelbeeSnake-Eyes: in NAT packets directly goes to sender of traffic, its not caring about the packet define sender ip address :)
08:30.16*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
08:31.03kernelbeeSnake-Eyes: for the security its necessary to open only those ports which you use for rtp and for IAX/SIP protocol.
08:32.51Snake-Eyeskernelbee, huh?
08:33.38Snake-Eyeskernelbee, you want me tell you how SIP and NAT works as well :P
08:40.13kernelbeeSnake-Eyes: I think, knowledge sharing is also a way to incerase knowdlege.. I hope you will be part of those who helps me to increase my knowledge..:)
08:41.08*** join/#asterisk Astinus- (n=aa@
08:43.31Snake-Eyesnow to ask my question again: is softhangup() ment to hang up a call right away ?
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08:47.10kernelbeeSnake-Eyes: yes
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09:04.54jhamlynCan some one help me set the peer register timeout so it is different to my user register timeout - Please :-)
09:05.42jhamlynis it possible....?
09:06.21jhamlynI have a sip provider who requires the timeout to be above 600 and local nat user who have router timout of less than 180 seconds
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09:25.39*** join/#asterisk Bert- (
09:25.44Bert-hello there
09:26.28Bert-I've a little question please : when a users call my IVR, and dials some numbers, in which variables these digits are stored please ?
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09:34.10docelmoAparently you havent done your home work. You can check the basics on
09:34.25docelmobut to answer your question..
09:34.43*** join/#asterisk linlin (
09:34.44docelmoarg2 is only valid if you do it in a macro
09:35.14uwei just did grep number * , and got ; arg1 = trunk number, arg2 = number, arg3 = route password
09:36.50uwei c
09:37.04wabacould my SUSCRIBE-tion getting timed out (as exposed above, @now-20mins) be related to a "sched_settime: request to schedule in the past" message?
09:37.25*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (
09:38.21wabaalso it only seems to happen when the phone dials the SUSCRIBEd for extension, if I change the state from another phone it stays SUSCRIBEd
09:40.10docelmoyour not asking the right questions cause that makes no sense
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09:43.16wabame? how does that make no sense?
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10:11.34kiddyanybody used festival ?
10:12.16kiddywhen I tried festival it is not working means : it is connecting and disconnecting at the same time
10:12.36kiddyno sounds hearing
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10:12.54kiddyany help ?
10:13.34BlafaselG'Day.. I just have to try it again: Is anyone able to lend me a helping hand with a SIP <-> SS7 bridge where connections can listen to MOH, but otherwise are muted on both sides?
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10:20.39kiddywhen I tried festival it is not working means : it is connecting and disconnecting at the same time
10:20.47kiddyany help to slove this ?
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10:29.19Chai_Sangeenhello everybody
10:30.36ZombieI'm technically looking for non-Pompous PHP Coders.
10:30.44creativxthey are non-existant
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10:30.58ZombieI find that hard to believe.
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10:35.05gaspizhi, I am running asterisk 1.2.1 with realtime voicemail, changing the pswd from VoicemailMain doesn't change the value
10:35.19gaspizdoes anyone know something about this?
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10:54.16zaffaAre there a way to add background music to ZAP<->SIP call (or playback a file to both ends)? Like chanspy feature but playback (not recording).
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10:57.37key2kiddy: what u trying to do
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10:59.20Hoondieanyone know what the problem might be with this.. basically when i call out (from my voip phonv via my ISP using SIP)  to my cell, it sounds like it's ringing, but my cell phone never rings.. then i get this on the console "-- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms -- Got SIP response 408 "Timeout after cancelling request" back from"
11:03.21*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
11:06.02kernelbeeHoondie: your isp supporting sip to Mobile network translation ?
11:07.16kernelbeeHoondie: or you have ISDN card?
11:08.32key2kernelbee: he said his ISP
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11:10.21key2that's ur isp right /
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11:12.13shadebobHi, I have a little problem with a server with 2 tdm and 1 te110p. In zap show status, what is the signification of IRQ columns?
11:13.08Hoondiekey2: yep..
11:14.29Hoondiekernelbee: it works if i use xlite to dial.. just asterisk's thinks it's dialing, but it's actually not
11:15.52key2Hoondie: lol :)
11:16.36key2Hoondie: inc the ptime
11:16.37Hoondieit used to work fine.. now it's not for some reason
11:17.32Hoondieshould i add this in the [general] part of sip.conf?
11:18.38Sonderbladehow can you stop asterisk's infinite loop detection? it screws up for my recursive calls
11:18.44kernelbeeHoondie, which version of asterisk you are using
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11:22.32kiddycan anybody help me to configure festival for asterisk ?
11:22.50kernelbeeHoondi, which codec you are using to connect with your isp?
11:23.01kernelbeemy mean for rtp
11:23.22*** join/#asterisk Arnar_ (
11:23.23Hoondieis this what you mean:
11:24.00Hoondiethats all i got in there
11:24.11kernelbeeHoondie, do you know which codec your isp support?
11:25.20HoondieG.711, G.729a, GSM
11:27.19kernelbeeHoondie: ok, remove ilbc, and write  " disallow=all \r\n allow=alaw \r\n allow=ulaw"
11:27.36kernelbeeHoondie: \r\n -> new line
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11:29.43Hoondienope.. still the same
11:30.36Hoondieeven if rtp is not working, should the phone ring at all?
11:30.45*** part/#asterisk Arnar_ (
11:32.31kernelbeeHoondie: do you have firewall on your system?
11:34.30Hoondieon the linux system? nope, there's nothing in iptables.. i am behind a NAT router though, port forwarded 5060 and 10000-20000 to my asterisks box
11:36.33Hoondiewhen i type sip show registry in the console, i get this:       029043xxxx        1785 Registered so it looks like it's registered..
11:38.00kernelbeeHoondie: in configuration do you have nat=yes ?
11:41.33BlafaselApart from port 5060, what do I need for SIP?
11:41.54shadebobsomeone use a sagem dcn shdsl here?
11:41.56Hoondieports 10000-20000 UDP
11:42.36kernelbeeHoondie, monitor system activity  through tcpdump, is traffic bidirectional or unidirectional
11:42.50kernelbeeHoondie: b/w your system and isp
11:44.34kernelbeeHoondie: also on sip debugging in asterisk
11:46.04shadebobanyone use on a same server tdm ad te card? I m lost with span definition....
11:46.30jhamlynIs anyone working on the b410p bri card..
11:46.51jhamlynI have installed drivers and have card running on kernel .26
11:47.29jhamlynlooking for approach to feed from one channel straight back to the other...
11:47.36Hoondiekernelbee: got it working, not sure what the problem.. copied config from someone else on the same ISP from a forum..
11:51.51*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
11:54.32Hoondiefound it, needed this in the config:
11:54.45BlafaselI'm having a SIP v. Network issue here, I guess. Layout: * server <-VPN-> company network. IAX calls from the company network succeed, SIP calls stay silent. Any ideas which prerequisite I might have missed here? I'm looking at tcpdump, but don't see lost/blocked packets so far..
11:55.01*** join/#asterisk antony_ (
11:55.51antony_can someone plz help? When using attended transfer the caller is able to hit # and transfer the callee!
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12:03.39antony_hi all. can someone plz help with an extensions.conf prob?
12:04.12Hoondiewhats the problem
12:06.05antony_when I transfer calls around using blind transfer, only the one receiving the call can transfer again (I use "t"). When I use attended transfer, it seems that everyone can transfer - which is problem when the caller is from my ISDN line
12:06.52Hoondiewhat does this particular line look like in extensions.conf?
12:07.49antony_i.e. exten => 403,1,Dial(SIP/403,,t)
12:08.01antony_is an internal SIP line (through a PAP2)
12:08.47Hoondieand who is able to transfer the call?
12:09.24antony_ok. let's say someone calls from my ISDN line. He gets dropped into the "incoming" context: exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/401&SIP/402&SIP/403&SIP/404,,t)
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12:10.04antony_I pickup the phone, hit # and can send him around any other SIP line and so on. Only the one receiving the call can transfer again
12:10.15antony_But with attended transfer this does not work
12:10.57Hoondiei'm not sure..
12:10.59shadebobI have 2 tdm cards and 1 te110p on my *box. Someone can help me with span definition in zaptel.conf
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12:11.16bkidneyHas anyone seen this problem?  When I dial from my SIP phone to an external line, I still hear ringing in the SIP earpiece after the other extension has picked up (we can talk and he does not here the ringing)?
12:11.16antony_say I receive the call from 402 and hit *2 and transfer to 403. Now the caller from the outside line can hit # and transfer me!
12:12.03antony_bkidney: are you using "r" in the Dial statement?
12:12.24bkidneyAntony: No.  Is that my problem?
12:12.59antony_bkidney: I guess it could be if you were using it :)
12:13.34antony_bkidney: I had the same problem with  an ISDN line. I was using "b" and stopped using it
12:13.50bkidneyantony_: Oh, I thought the problem might be I wasn't using it.
12:14.16antony_bkidney: You can try it anyway...
12:16.21bkidneyantony_: The exact dail statement for the call is:  exten => _9XXX,1,Dail(Zap/4/${EXTEN:1})
12:16.45kiddywhen I connected to festival server it disconnects immediately any help for solving this ?
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12:27.34reehi I have a setup problem that I can't figure out
12:28.03reeI "register" an account on an external SIP server to have an incoming connection
12:28.32reewhen the call comes in, it resolves to the correct local extension, but then I get "Authentication failed"
12:28.57reewhat does it try to authenticate against, at this point? And how could I disable that? Any ideas?
12:29.53reehelping url is appreciated too...
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12:47.49[TK]D-Fenderantony_ : What kind of phones do you have?
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12:50.17antony_SIP phones connected to PAP2 ATAs
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12:50.58DandreHello all,
12:52.25[TK]D-Fenderantony_ : Then stop using *'s DTMF transfers and start using the ATA's native capabilities.
12:52.38DandreI have an asterisk box with one diva isdn card. I use chan_capi and  I can dialout but I can't receive calls on thi interface. I don't see anything in asterisk log
12:52.49[TK]D-Fenderantony_ : that way you won't find yourself giveing callers abilities they shouldn't.
12:53.15antony_any pointers on how to do this?
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12:54.53[TK]D-Fenderantony_ : Your PAP2 manual.  it tells you how to use it to transfer calls, do 3-way, etc...
12:59.22*** join/#asterisk eric-xx (
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13:01.25Hoondieis there anyway i can answer a call to another extension?
13:01.54[TK]D-FenderHoondie : Look for "call pickup" on the wiki.
13:02.22*** join/#asterisk ESCulapio__ (n=ESCulapi@
13:02.42nortexIf I use the ringall strategy on a queue will it only ring members who are not on the phone? or will it ring all members?
13:02.55antony_or you can put all relevant extensions into the same pickupgroup and define in fetaures.conf a sequence to pickup the phone
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13:06.37[TK]D-Fendernortex : Depends on what kind of members, what kind of calls, etc.
13:07.12EgonisI have FXS channels setup with the context 'out', however as soon as I pick up the line/channel, I get Channel Zap/12 is sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default' but no invalid handler
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13:08.14BlafaselWhat's the right syntax in a Dial() to reach someone via IAX on another server? IAX/<What comes here>?
13:08.39nortex[TK]D-Fender, Can you explain what you mean by the types of calls and members? I have 6 static members 3 with a penalty of 1 and 3 with a penalty of 2. But the calls only ring on the first group even if all 3 are on the phone.
13:08.52[TK]D-FenderEgonis : Get rid of "immediate=yes"
13:09.02Egonis[TK]D-Fender: Ah! Thank you
13:09.10[TK]D-Fendernortex : pastebin the config.
13:12.39*** join/#asterisk beyond (n=beyond@
13:12.50shadebobbetween te110p and ISDN CPE I have to use cross cable or streight cable?
13:15.30shadebobbecause I have a blue alarm and I don't known if it's a wiring issue
13:17.53[TK]D-Fendernortex : Should ring all members not on a queue call.
13:18.10nortexshadebob, In my own limited experince the wrong cable would result in a red alarm. But I have never seen or heard of a blue alarm. Have you tried a different cable?
13:19.00shadebobnortex : I have a cable with 1-4 2-5 pineout
13:19.42nortex[TK]D-Fender, No matter the penalty?
13:20.09*** join/#asterisk TheCompWiz (
13:20.34TheCompWizcan anyone recomend a good (cheap is also desireable)  fxs adapter?
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13:23.17nortex[TK]D-Fender, I guess I will try to build cascading queues since the penalty is not doing what I had hoped.
13:23.24[TK]D-Fendernortex : Could be on equl penalty basis... not sure...
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13:23.36[TK]D-FenderTheCompWiz : SPA-2002
13:24.19*** join/#asterisk champster (
13:24.32trnygaarI need to use different trunk for each extension, can make 1 context for each extension, that calls the different trunks, but can this be done with a macro. Like extension "2600" should use trunk "trunk2600"
13:25.56champsterAre there any problems with always having nat=yes and qualify=yes?
13:26.51trnygaarif nat=yes, it will never bridge connections i think?
13:27.28trnygaarI am still trying to learn, so don't take it as an definitive answer :P
13:27.56nortextrnygaar, you could try something like trunk${callerid(num)} to add the extensions number to trunk in a dial command.
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13:30.51trnygaarwas something like that i thought of, just need to figure out the right place to do that, i "cheat" with trixbox :)
13:31.17trnygaarit seems to be set up with a macro that uses numbers
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13:32.12shadebobcrc4 parameter depend of the telco or of the cpe?
13:32.39TheCompWizanyone?  opinions about fxs adapters?  ???
13:33.15BlafaselI'm trying to set a IAX2 <-> IAX2 link up. Can someone correct my terminology here? Those are friends (since the relation is bidrectional), right? Do they have a username and a host entry? Do they exist on both hosts (on one host to configure the link with a password etc., on the other to set an account up to log in to?)
13:34.59nortexchampster, I use qualify=yes on almost all sip devices even though they are on the local net
13:35.49champsterThe NAT issue has me concerned.
13:36.06champsterI used to require a VPN and had them all set to nat=never
13:36.18nortexTheCompWiz, I have used an IAXy and a Linksys ATA with good results, but they are not in the cheap end.
13:36.25CrashHDphones should have built in vpn clients
13:36.29champsterI no longer require a VPN, and had to set nat=yes to get the phone to work from home.
13:36.30hmmhesayshaha that was a blast from the past
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13:37.03champsterphones should have built in vpn clients
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13:37.29coppiceand send e-mail
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13:38.40nortexBased on the books explanation of the nat=yes I would say that it would not be a problem.
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13:38.52champstertrnygaar: By never bridge, you mean the calls can't do canreinvite of something else. (I have only dealt with zap bridging)
13:39.56nortexThe nat setting should not effect reinvites since it only tells asterisk to look at the IP address and port in the IP header instaed of the SIP header
13:40.25noname32i got a question i was to hand code some speed dials wich seem to only work uner ext-local but that ts in my ext_addtional file freepbx .. and it over rights my addions how do i make the addition to extentions.conf or make another conf with my speed dials apart from freepbx?
13:40.35jbalcombIs there a GSM codec for Windows Media Player or another player good for gsm files?
13:40.40hmmhesayschampster: my wrt has a vpn client
13:41.08hmmhesaysnoname32: it is tricky
13:41.21champsterQuickTime plays GSMs. I assume that VLC does too.
13:41.23hmmhesaysi could tell you how
13:41.27nortexnoname32, Look to the extensions_custom.conf to avoid being overwritten.
13:42.21hmmhesaysnortex: thats not entirely true
13:43.00hmmhesaysone well placed include in extensions_additional.conf makes all the difference in the world
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13:43.25nortexhmmhesays, You mean include your own files?
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13:44.40BlafaselAny hints for "Call rejected by No authority found" when I try to call via Dial(IAX2/anothernode/1234)?
13:44.42nortexok, youv'e peaked my interest, even though I have not used it in months, what is this golden nugget you know of.
13:44.49hmmhesaysmy mistake, one well placed include in extensions.conf makes all the difference in the world
13:45.05hmmhesaysi forgot which file held context from-internal
13:45.38hmmhesays[from-internal] include => custom-speed-dial
13:46.04hmmhesayswill not get overwritten, and it gives your extensions access to custom-speed-dial  if you use the default context when you add an extension
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13:48.48hmmhesaysyou smell what i'm cooking nortex?
13:48.51jbsolutiosHi All - I am running 1.2.10 with Snom360 handsets. I have them set up with hints, so that when someone calls you can see, but does anyone know how to set it up so that when press the line button which is flashing, it picks up the call please?
13:48.52BlafaselThe other side says "Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach 'somenumber@'"..
13:49.14hmmhesaysAuth error man
13:49.28DandreI have an asterisk box with one diva isdn card. I use chan_capi and I can dialout but I can't receive calls on thi interface. I don't see anything in asterisk log
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13:49.59hmmhesaysBlafasel: my guess is you have a username auth mismatch
13:50.01BlafaselWell - any more details? I'm calling IAX2/user:pass@otherhost - where the otherhost has a iax.conf section with a peer [user] and the same pass
13:50.15BlafaselCan I get a more verbose output?
13:50.22hmmhesaysiax2 debug
13:50.24hmmhesayssend a call
13:50.29hmmhesayspaste your iax.conf
13:50.36hmmhesaysand the output from the debug in pastebin
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13:50.46hmmhesayssend me a bottle of vodka when i fix your problem, not the cheap shit either
13:51.00BlafaselI'm from germany. We're better at making beer..
13:51.10kpettithaving a queue problem.  From asterisk console I keep seeing calls to a Sip/7777 but there is no sip/7777 anywhere
13:51.19nortexGot it, I had not realized the context was protected, that is much easier.
13:51.48noname32got it thanks nortex
13:51.49hmmhesaysBlafasel: no russian friends?
13:51.50kpettitphones can't foward to a sip peer, and I've grep'd /etc/asterisk and there isn't a 7777 anywhere
13:51.53Shark_yI really need help!! with a tdm400p card with 2 fxo I always get: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
13:51.59hmmhesayslol, noname32 what the crap
13:52.04hmmhesaysi get no love
13:52.10Blafaselhmmhesays: I fear no.. Both iax.confs? Or from which host?
13:52.25Shark_yI really appreciate any help
13:52.41hmmhesaysorigination and termination side iax.conf's and the iax debug from the terminating box
13:53.02nortexShark_y, Can you pastebin the cli output and zapata.conf
13:53.04hmmhesaysthat's ok Blafasel you can paypal me 40 bucks and I'll just go to the liqour store
13:53.46nortexhmmhesays, I appreciate the tip if no one else does ;)
13:53.49Blafaselhrhr.. You're either from scandinavia or drink 40y old vodka from barrels ;)
13:53.58noname32hmmhesays, lol :) i do thank u for responding but i needed to slaped to actualy read the info in ext_custom lol
13:54.06[TK]D-FenderShark_y : pastebin CLI output of the failed call (ALL OF IT). as well as CLI output of "show channels".
13:54.08jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
13:54.16coppiceEveryone is busy/congested at this time == flu season
13:54.43hmmhesayscold/flu season I had a wicked one earlier
13:54.53hmmhesaysawww nortex
13:55.08hmmhesaysBlafasel: 40y old vodka from barrels? lol
13:55.19noname32ohh crap hmmhesays i did see the rest of what u wrote haha sorry thanks mate
13:55.26BlafaselFor 40 bucks (as in Euro) you get 4 good bottles here ;)
13:55.39hmmhesaysBlafasel: I have premium vodka in my home state
13:55.55hmmhesays* made in my home state
13:57.05nortexhmmhesays, You a Crimson Tide fan
13:57.08Shark_yD-Fender pastebin is not working at the moment
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13:57.38[TK]D-FenderShark_y : use .ca
13:57.41hmmhesayshmm, not that I know of
13:58.17*** join/#asterisk n9urk (
13:58.50n9urkhi all.  In the mysql cdr is "duration" in seconds?  so 102 = 102 seconds and not 1 minute 2 seconds?
13:58.56coppicewhy would anyone be a fan of crimson tides? they kill all the sea life
13:59.10*** join/#asterisk jero (
14:00.00nortexcoppice, different Crimson Tide, I was actual refering to the University of Alabama and their football program.
14:00.13n9urkFold Tide Fold
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14:00.43coppicedoes the football team kill a lot of sea life?
14:01.12nortexOnly if it comes on the field :)
14:01.23Bert-* is really the coolest soft  I've ever seen/tried/played with ! ;)
14:01.24n9urkI remember the madess in college when we finally beat the bloody tide
14:01.30coppiceits been a while since we had a crimson tide around here.
14:01.53n9urkwe did it once in something like 20 years
14:01.57n9urkour football program sucks
14:02.04nortexn9urk, Where did you go?
14:02.11hmmhesaysi play nfl xtreme 2 on psx
14:02.13n9urkUniversity of Kentucky
14:02.23Shark_yD-Fender & nortex I'm using loops... instead of ks only as last tests. THX
14:02.50coppicewhy is a football program named after a toxic red algae?
14:02.57Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, i have a question maybe you can help,  problem is:
14:03.05nortexKentucky is legendary in Baskettball though :)
14:03.09lunkgood morning
14:03.47lunkis it possible to create a .call file that will use generic Dial, so it can use my already configured trunk logic?
14:03.53Shark_yD-Fender & nortex I'm in italy ... don't know if it is important
14:03.55n9urknortex: we put all our resources into Basket Ball.  But from the looks of it since spring 1998 it would appear that we are broke ;)
14:04.10Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, Cell phone >> Asterisk 1 >>>  asterisk 2 >> cell phone = hears very low .. almost can't hear
14:04.27n9urkin the cdr logs is the duration in seconds?   so 102 = 102 seconds and not 1 minute 2 seconds?
14:04.48Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, Asterisk 1 internal softphone/hardphone >> asterisk 2 >> cellphone = just fine
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14:06.55Shark_yD-Fender & nortex ztcfg and zttool is reporting that's all right, no alarms
14:06.55macTijn~pb =
14:07.02[TK]D-FenderShark_y : on line 46 : ZAP/2-1 is not a valid tech format, and its only picking 1 channel, not a GROUP.  Also you are running AMP, please read the channel topic
14:07.02macTijn~pb is
14:07.04jbot...but pb is already something else...
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14:07.11macTijn~pb is also
14:07.12jbotokay, macTijn
14:07.21expat_iainAnyone seen negative values using zttest? Like this: Best: 100.000000 -- Worst: -51.184082 -- Average: 95.121913
14:07.21[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work : Translation : cell phones suck
14:07.36macTijntoo bad it's down now :(
14:07.53Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, which cell phone? the one is calling? or far end?
14:08.07[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work : ALL
14:08.07Sonderbladeanyone know of a player that can play .gsm files?
14:08.15[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : SOX, Winamp
14:08.27hmmhesaysvlc can probably do it
14:08.30nortex[TK]D-Fender, Is "alaw => 1-2"  in Shark_y's Zapata.conf file a valid entry?
14:08.39Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, cellphone was just an example even on analog phone as well the same problem
14:08.52Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: sox can't play, it only converts
14:09.02Shark_yD-Fender ZAP/g0 is a valid entry?
14:09.14coppicesox can play
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14:10.46nortexShark_y, ZAP/g0 is valid, but ZAP/2-1 is not.
14:10.50Shark_yD-Fender changing to g0 and with thisExecuting Dial("SIP/301-9c39", "ZAP/g0/338000000|120|r") I got the same result
14:10.52hmmhesaysin mother russia sox plays you
14:11.26coppicein mother russia you wear a lot of sox
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14:13.52hmmhesaysgod I can't get flash working in fc5 for the life of me
14:14.14Shark_ynortex but I've got the same result with ZAP/g0
14:14.18brookshireuse debian :)
14:14.43hmmhesayswhats the use, same gui
14:14.59nortexShark_y, Just on a whim try commenting out "alaw => 1-2" in Zapata.conf.
14:15.00hmmhesaysthis isn't a fc5 v. debian problem
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14:15.57Shark_ynortex ok, I'm trying, I just added that because I want to force alaw
14:17.18nortexShark_y, I have only seen that setting in voip channels.
14:18.05Shark_ynortex done and I still got :Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
14:18.59Shark_ynortex zap show channel 1 tells me: Default law: ulaw
14:19.18Shark_yand surely is not good
14:20.15*** join/#asterisk kiddy (n=achu@
14:20.29kiddywhat this error means :  == Spawn extension (from-internal, 1022, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/2004-09ee4980'
14:21.33kiddyany idea?
14:22.27n9urkwhere is the best place to get an ATA?
14:23.02n9urkgot url?
14:23.10hmmhesayswhat are you looking for/
14:23.37n9urkI am not exactly sure what the best value is right now.  1 or 2 line ATA
14:23.38hmmhesaysi like my mediatrix 2102's a bitch to configure, but so many features
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14:27.38tzangerwhat's the "name" of the spec that allows ethernet interfaces to autonegotiate 10/100 FDX/HDX?
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14:30.15kiddyPlease help me to solve the error : == Spawn extension (from-internal, 555, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/2004-098f9ce0'
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14:31.30Shark_ynortex any suggestion??? Please, I'm desperate!
14:31.32nortexkiddy, That does not look like an error.
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14:32.15nortexShark_y, I'm looking over the zapata.conf info. I have not done zaptel stuff in an international setting before.
14:32.29[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Yeah the 2102's transparent proxy is wicked cool...
14:32.48[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : And while I wouldn't call it "a bitch" its not an SPA, thats for sure
14:33.05kiddynortex : but my connection is ending after this log
14:33.07hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: for the average user it sucks to configure, but I do everything through tftp anyway
14:33.20[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Yeah Joe Blow would be lost in space on it...
14:33.21hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender:  i really like mediatrix ata's though
14:33.32kiddynortex : I mean it is going to handup mode after it
14:33.33[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Me too, too bad they're so pricey
14:33.45[TK]D-Fendern9urk : depends where you are.
14:33.46hmmhesayspricey? what are you paying?
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14:34.06nortexkiddy, that is because Asterisk processed the hangup, if it was not supposed to then there should be something before that entry that says why it is hanging up.
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14:34.34noname32any one here use snom 360?
14:35.17noname32was woundering if there is a way to do attn trans with a button with out the phone hanging up
14:36.15kiddynortex : please look at it
14:36.47*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
14:37.08[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Most plasces list it over $100
14:37.40hmmhesays$105 is our base price for 1
14:37.48[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : 140$ at voipsupply
14:38.01[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Yeah wholesale is decent, its retail that sucks
14:38.54hmmhesaysif you need any drop me a line
14:39.08[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : I might want 1 just to say "yeah I've got one"
14:39.10*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=eKo1@
14:40.01hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: yeah we stock them here, i dunno how much shipping would be to you though
14:40.32[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : the fact it can do dual G729 and transparent proxying really pays in certain applications.
14:40.41[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : I'd pay shipping, my rates are great
14:41.03[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Will think about... I jsut finished buying my 3rd Polycom for home :)
14:41.15tzangervoipsupply is saying how great a deal $140 for a ip430 is and your price to me is $105?
14:41.20l-fy[TK]D-Fender > you should see the new linksys
14:41.22[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : So I should cool it on the telephony expense :)
14:41.25l-fyis a beauty
14:41.26[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : Which?
14:41.37l-fyworks like a charm
14:41.53[TK]D-Fendertzanger We're talking about the Mediatrix 2102.
14:42.14[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : I owned an SPA-941.  Never again.
14:42.28[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : Works = yes, inferior = yes.
14:42.29l-fy[TK]D-Fender > why?
14:42.34l-fyinferior = ????
14:42.59hmmhesaysyeah I have 2102's deployed in many places
14:43.05[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : Polycom offers me much better control, audio & manufacturing quality, presence, etc.
14:43.13l-fykidding right?
14:43.21l-fyit's working perfect
14:43.24kiddynortex : any idea about it ?
14:43.25l-fynever had a problem
14:43.55[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : Not at all... I had them side by side for a long while.  Not saying it was a "problem", but that it their price point Linksyst does not factor into my valuation chart in North America.
14:44.17[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : Now if you're talking about budgets overseas, THEN they come into play where Polycom is noticably more expensive.
14:44.48[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : But an IP 501 outclasses the SPA's.
14:44.56tzangerI really like Lily and Parrots
14:45.06tzanger(sung by Sun Kil Moon)
14:45.11[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : No paying extra for more than a 2nd line appearance, not limited to 1 call per line key, etc
14:45.12tzangerkind of indie/gritty sound
14:45.49[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : Polycom also makes considerably better use of its also larger LCD.  only thing Linksys has going for it is the backlight on the SPA-942.
14:46.04[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : and I for one don't particularly care.
14:46.14nortexkiddy, So you are calling 102 when you get the hangup?
14:46.19[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : For some it is a make or break point, but you can't make EVERYONE happy.
14:46.50kiddynortex : yes  when I dia 102 it going straing to hangup
14:47.23kiddynortex : sorry ,  when I dial 102 it going strait to hangup
14:49.02nortexkiddy, The festival command executed is not part of 102, is exten 102 in the dailplan anywhere else?
14:49.25kiddyno its only in extension.conf
14:49.27Sonderbladewhen an agent picks up a call from a queue, it gets english voice prompts. but in all other places in asterisk i get localized prompts, is there a special language setting for agens or something?
14:49.58hmmhesaysagents.conf maybe? I dunno
14:50.10kiddynortex : I created it for testing purpose
14:51.43kiddynortex , also the festival server is showing this error when I am dialing 102 "accepted from server" "disconnected"
14:51.49Sonderbladehmmhesays: no
14:52.06hmmhesaysSonderblade: was just guessing
14:52.08[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : How does the queue call the agents?
14:52.09kiddynortex , This is happening immediately
14:52.17nortexkiddy, I would look for the command Festival("mary had a little lamb") in the dial plan since you are going there instead of the posted section.
14:52.29Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: im adding the extensions as members of the queue
14:53.19kiddynortex , I have created it also in extensions.conf . It also not working
14:54.23*** join/#asterisk iq (n=iq@unaffiliated/iq)
14:54.40[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : Show me.
14:55.01Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: in the queues section: member => SIP/403
14:55.08*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
14:57.23[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : what language is the call in until that point?
14:57.58hmmhesaysso anyone have experience with vision servers?
14:58.16Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: the caller is in the right language, but i have reportholdtime = yes and the person answering the queued call gets english voice prompts
14:58.45coppicevision servers? is this some kind of hallucinations over IP?
14:59.19hmmhesaysnope vision computers
14:59.24hmmhesaystiger directs flagship model
15:01.02[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : I believe the queue has a language setting of its own.  what is it set to?
15:01.14[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Tigerdirect sucks ass.. avoid
15:01.35Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: i didn't know that.. and it isn't documented
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15:03.02Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: and setting language in the queue has no effect
15:03.20[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : did you check SIP/403's language setting?
15:03.55hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: i buy stuff from there without problems
15:04.34Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: yes, [general] in sip.conf contain the correct language setting
15:04.47[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : The screwed up a pile of my orders, promised delivery failures, etc.  And Vision isn't a really known brand.  Depends what you want I guess... I hat e to say I'd sooner go Dell.  Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM...
15:05.09[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : I asked about the PHONE.  set it in there and tell me how it works out.
15:05.29Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: tried that too, makes no difference
15:05.40[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : hrm
15:05.40hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: vision has a fairly good reputation, they are just smaller
15:05.57[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : If you say so... I did like the price point personally, but they make me nervous.
15:05.59Sonderbladeit must be a bug
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15:06.35hmmhesaysif you are going to go with dell you might as well go straight to compaq, easier warranty info
15:07.35hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: dell has so many config options it gets confusing comparing among models
15:07.35nortexhmmhesays, How do you figure, Dell has never fixed my stuff when under warranty.
15:07.55hmmhesayscompaq's no questions asked replacement policy is good
15:09.36hmmhesaysanyone know a good windows installer builder?
15:10.05[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : BartPE
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15:10.19[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Or are you referring to software installer front-end?
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15:11.33hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: the latter
15:12.23acrgif I have a setup whereby I have a PRI for connection to a telco and all SIP phones for office extensions, how do I prevent an office phone from transferring a call that came in via the PRI to another call going out the PRI?
15:12.29[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Oh.. nvm :)
15:12.56[TK]D-Fenderacrg : You can't really, without cutting off their ability to call out period
15:13.17hmmhesaysi can't get idefisk to run in linux either argh, what a day
15:13.23[TK]D-Fenderacrg : Or attempting to cancel their ability to transfer ANY call at all.
15:13.56nortexhmmhesays, I have used one from Nullsoft and one from Caphyon, the free one :)
15:13.57acrgthat's quite serious :)
15:15.42TheCompWizanyone know why the voice mail system wouldn't work?
15:15.43[TK]D-Fenderacrg : The caller can do whatever the caller can do.....  thats their right
15:15.51acrgdo you know if this is regarded as a bug/flaw ?
15:15.53hmmhesays./idefisk: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
15:16.04[TK]D-FenderTheCompWiz : You could try elaborating on your exact problem you know...
15:16.28[TK]D-Fenderacrg : Neither.  Its what is EXPECTED.
15:16.33TheCompWizI dial *97 .... and something answers... but there is no voicemail greeting & such...
15:17.13nortexTheCompWiz, Does the CLI tell you anything about missing files?
15:17.17[TK]D-FenderTheCompWiz : Do I know your extensions.conf by heart?  Maybe you could show us as well as CLI output of the call thats not working as expected...
15:17.27[TK]D-Fender*97 = who know what...
15:17.28TheCompWiznortex... not that I've seen yet... still looking.
15:17.57filehmmhesays: selinux is running
15:18.03acrgyea, the problem is the caller's right shouldn't be allowed to pass on to an outsider
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15:18.45acrgif a call is transferred as in my example, an outsider is given the ability to keep a toll call open as long as they like :/
15:19.02hmmhesaysfile: yeah caught that
15:19.05hmmhesaysjust now
15:19.15hmmhesaysnow I set SELINUX=disabled
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15:19.41hmmhesaysnow how do I reload it
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15:20.08AndyCaphmmhesays: don't, use getenforce/setenforce instead.
15:20.18[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : "shutdown -r now"? :)
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15:21.50smackushey, all... looking for simple syntax help. I have the Polycom 301 and 501 phones. I notice sometimes that when I dial a number, the phone will automatically send the call. For example if I use all 10 digits of a number. Anything less than that, I have to hit the send button on the phone. How do I make that work for all calls less than 10 digits? here is what I have for dialing.
15:23.39smackusalso, rather than specifying what can be dialed, is it possible to restrict what can be dialed? for example, 900 numbers?
15:24.00acrg[TK]D-Fender In the dialplan I think I could check ${BLINDTRANSFER} to block this cases, but do you know how attended transfers are indicated in the dialplan ?
15:24.26eKo1smackus: You should change the settings on your Polycom so that it dials immediately after dialing whatever x amount of digits you want.
15:24.41smackusis that done in the sip.conf?
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15:24.44Trakkasuresmackus: It's in the phone's dialplan in the sip.cfg file (if provisioning) or directly on the phone's web console
15:25.02eKo1smackus: to answer your second question, yes
15:25.17Trakkasureeko1: I wouldn't do that.. because then 10 digit numbers would have a problem...
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15:25.37Trakkasuretypically, you'd prefix with a 9 or 8 for long distance... or external numbers that aren't extensions.
15:25.52eKo1e.g. to restrict calling 900 numbers, you would have the following in your dialplan: exten => _900X.,1,hangup
15:27.06smackuseKo1: can I specify per sip.cfg a dial plan rather than in the extensions.conf?
15:27.47syzygyBSDso am I the only one that doesn't trust SELINUX cuz it came from the NSA?
15:28.24eKo1smackus: sip.cfg?
15:28.40eKo1syzygyBSD: I don't use selinux and currently have it disabled.
15:28.50syzygyBSDya, I do on all my boxes
15:29.18syzygyBSDon "disable" hmm... it was still compiled into your kernel though
15:29.19smackuseKo1: yeah, is it possible to set the dial plan there instead? rather than doing it in my extensions.conf?
15:29.29syzygyBSDsmackus: no
15:29.40smackusok... thanks
15:29.49syzygyBSDyou can pick what context each extension goes into
15:30.09syzygyBSDwhat are you trying to do
15:30.34hmmhesaysahh it works now
15:30.45hmmhesaysis there any better iax softphone than idefisk?
15:31.07[TK]D-Fenderacrg : not indicated IIRC
15:31.19eKo1hmmhesays: i use iaxcomm
15:31.33eKo1it serves my testing purposes....
15:31.59hmmhesaysi'm looking end user wise
15:32.38[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD : They use it to protect themselves.  Also its open source so all eyes are on it.
15:32.40eKo1You mean dumb-customer wise
15:33.25syzygyBSDoh, i read their page on it, and I know i can see the source if I want.  I still dont' trust it
15:34.13syzygyBSDmaybe it is some of their policies on other privacy issues that has me worried...
15:38.39syzygyBSDI just don't trust anyone with a bunch of secrets to keep mi........NO CARRIER
15:40.29hmmhesayseKo1: exactly
15:40.29*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
15:40.38xnonhello friends
15:40.46Shark_y[TK]D-Fender solved or getting close, the problems is the SPA941 phone because the X-lite works, any suggestion on ho configure that phone?
15:40.55xnoni have any probs with my phone central
15:41.14xnoni have a handytone-286
15:41.39xnonbut i cant enter in a mailbox with him
15:41.46xnonanybody can helpme
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15:42.01xnonvoice box sorry
15:42.05Shark_y[TK]D-Fender maybe the 941 does'nt accept the delay that the tdm400 gives
15:42.24[TK]D-FenderShark_y : what dealy are you talking about?
15:42.30*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
15:42.44eKo1xnon: phone central voice box?
15:43.00eKo1no clue
15:43.01xnoni push 8500 numer
15:43.17tRSSquick question: I have setup an extension in sip.conf and i want the user to be able to have his softphones registered from two different places at the same time. how can I do that?
15:43.25xnonand the operator say that enter mailbox
15:43.33tRSSand I also want both softphones to ring if a call comes?
15:43.34xnonand later password
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15:44.00xnoni try enter dis data but she says that is incorrect
15:44.02TheCompWizis anyone having problems with the "Online Module Repository"?
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15:44.13xnoneKol can u helpme
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15:44.19eKo1tRSS: set up an entry for each phone a sip.conf and an appropriate dialplan in extensions.conf to have both phones ring.
15:44.23ComputerWarmhow does one go about attaching a xml to the dial plan
15:44.32sp0n9eis there any reason festival cuts off the end of a string when speaking?
15:44.35eKo1xnon: I don't understand you. Sorry.
15:44.51tRSSeKo1: i think there should be an easier way then doing what you just said
15:45.09eKo1tRSS: That is the easiest.
15:45.19xnonok my english is not so good
15:45.32Shark_y[TK]D-Fender between the moment that the call is placed and when the called phone is actually ringing
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15:46.35Shark_y[TK]D-Fender the same delay as when I call from external and the moment that * calls the internal extension
15:46.44hmmhesaysis there any reverse arp commands in linux to find an ip address?
15:47.32*** part/#asterisk acrg (
15:48.14Shark_y[TK]D-Fender for example I hear already a ringing when * still has not started to forward the call
15:48.23eKo1hmmhesays: you mean a command that takes a mac address and returns an IP address?
15:48.23fourcheezehmmhesays: arp -n
15:48.33hmmhesayseKo1: yes, reverse arp
15:48.54fourcheezehmmhesays: arp -n | grep MA:CA:DR:ESS
15:49.08hmmhesaysthat is only if the equipment is in your arp cache
15:49.23fourcheezeahh you want to send out a "who has" ?
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15:49.33hmmhesaysyes a reverse arp request
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15:51.18KDanHello. Am trying to set up to point to my asterisk server... my server sits behind a NAT and I've applied the "tips" at .. When I make a call using Xlite from my laptop on the LAN, Asterisk responds. When I call the 0845 with my phone, Asterisk says that the "default" context isn't defined. If I define [default], then all that happens is.. nothing at all - no asterisk notices of incoming calls, nada
15:51.30ComputerWarmany ideas please??
15:51.33[TK]D-FenderShark_y : * considers the line ringing as soon as Zap starts accepting the #.  Thats jsut the ways it is
15:51.49Dr-Linux|workquestion, i just made some changes in zapata.conf,  does it take effect with only "reload" or i need to restart the asterisk?
15:52.00fourcheezehmm, you could do a broadcast ping of the network
15:52.06fourcheezeand then the answer would be in your arp cache
15:52.18KDanam kind of at a loss as to what to do next. is the problem a networking/NAT problem or something else?
15:52.38eKo1KDan: maybe your default context is wrong
15:52.49eKo1Dr-Linux|work: depends on the changes
15:52.52KDaneKo1: when I call my default context from xlite it works
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15:53.18fourcheezes/hmm/ hmmhesays
15:53.18eKo1KDan: and when does it not work?
15:53.27KDanwhen calling using the PSTN
15:54.01KDanif the context isn't defined, asterisk complains that the context isn't defined - so the 0844 number is reaching my server, clearly... but when the context is defined, nothing happens and the line hangs up after a while
15:54.23Dr-Linux|workeKo1, i just changed the txgain
15:54.53eKo1Dr-Linux|work: check the docs. I'm pretty sure that needs a restart (or unloading/reloading
15:55.17hmmhesaysfourcheeze maybe
15:55.31Dr-Linux|workeKo1, unloading/reloading is same like reload
15:55.44eKo1Dr-Linux|work: No it isn't.
15:55.46Shark_y[TK]D-Fender but if I call from external, and I hook as soon as I see "Starting simple switch on 'Zap/1-1'" asterisk contiunes to call the hunt group for at least 5 seconds so the phone are ringing when the call is not anymore active
15:56.22Shark_y[TK]D-Fender the tdm400p seems delayed
15:56.28Dr-Linux|workeKo1, well, i done "reload"
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15:57.52watchyanyone know digiums address so i can fly there and shove these mother fucking tdm400ps up everyones ass
15:58.15sp0n9ethose cards can be sharp too
15:58.20mog150 west park loop suite 100 huntsville al usa 35806
15:58.23mogis our address
15:58.31watchywow al is pretty close i can drive
15:58.33moganything i can assist you with waba
15:58.34KDanthat's not a very nice thing to do, watchy
15:58.39moger watchy
15:58.41eKo1Dr-Linux|work: it is not the same I think. Check the source code.
15:58.47watchykdan: niether is echo that cant be fixed
15:59.00watchyi;m about to shoot myself live on webcam and have it emailed to digium
15:59.11mogthats pretty graphic
15:59.12Shark_yshould rely this on the fact that when I compiled zaptel it has warned that something with rtc is not ok? which are the correct kernel settings?
15:59.16KDanwatchy: I'd rather have echo than a sharp-cornered pci card up my ass
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15:59.19moghave you called support watchy ?
15:59.23kpettitdeath by asterisk.  that's a new one
15:59.30watchyyes he told me try mark2 and that was about it
15:59.34watchyhe was as helpful as a dead dog
15:59.40mogwell let me see what i can do for you
15:59.46mogdo you have a ticket number or anything?
16:00.02watchyi'll give you root to the box if you want
16:00.04watchyi'm so tired of it
16:00.09watchyyea let me check my mail
16:00.10mogi understand
16:00.15mogim gonna get you some help
16:00.25mogjust more information you can give me the better
16:00.32[TK]D-FenderShark_y : You referring to a cally coming IN on the TDM or out TO the TDM?
16:00.37Qwellmog: You're like...level 9 support. :)
16:00.47watchyi got 2 TDM400ps with 8 fxos
16:01.05watchycould the actually fucking phone lines suck so bad its impossible to do echo cancel in software?
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16:01.10KDananyone got a clue about my asterisk problem? :-( Repasting: 17:40 < KDan> Hello. Am trying to set up to point to my asterisk server... my server sits behind a NAT and I've applied the "tips" at .. When I make a call using Xlite from my laptop on the LAN, Asterisk responds. When I call the 0845 with my phone, Asterisk says that the "default" context isn't defined. If I define [default], then all that happe
16:01.15mogits very rare
16:01.25watchyi;m lookin for my ticket
16:01.32mogour software echo can and other stuff rock pretty hard
16:01.40*** part/#asterisk fourcheeze (
16:01.49watchyi belieeve you mog
16:02.02E-bolaIF you got a pure sip based setup and use a provider to connect to PSTN
16:02.06*** join/#asterisk Astinus- (n=a@
16:02.17E-bolais there anything u can do to do echo cancellation?
16:02.19mogjust a bit tricky to get going at first
16:02.37mogfor each individual place that is
16:02.43sp0n9eE-bola: there is both hardware and software echo cancellation
16:02.51watchywe had crackles and pops etc but i replaced the server
16:02.56watchythat fixed that i think %100
16:03.03moggood stuff
16:03.12E-bolasp0n9e: so even if the echo is introduced at my providers connect i can still cancel it out?
16:03.13watchybut i have never beenable to get echo gone
16:03.33Astinus-Is T1/E1 a physical medium?
16:03.37watchymog: you aint vlad are you?
16:03.45JuggieAstinus-, no.
16:03.51mogim mog
16:03.54watchycuz hes a bitch that never answered an email i replied to him
16:03.56mogaka matt ogorman
16:04.01watchyso find him in your off and punch him
16:04.01sp0n9eE-bola: the echo afaik is caused by the line and the left hand rule causing "crosstalk"
16:04.04Astinus-Juggie: more like, a link layer thingie?
16:04.04mogi am sorry for that
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16:04.22JuggieAstinus-, i'm not sure of the exact terminology but something like that yes
16:04.23E-bolasp0n9e: i was under the impression it was also a combination of delay
16:04.31Juggiet1 can run over coper/fiber/ethernet/coax etc...
16:04.34Juggiehence its not physical
16:04.34E-bolasomething about normal phones having such a good responsetime u cant hear the echo
16:04.39E-bolabut the more delay u have the worse?
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16:04.58sp0n9ei'm new to all this
16:04.58Astinus-Juggie: so, i can have a adsl2 line and have a t1 on it?
16:05.02E-bolame too hehe
16:05.14E-bolaWhats anoyign though, is the conversations are always 100% perfect on my end
16:05.15sp0n9ei'm not even finished my first major dialplan, lol
16:05.20Shark_y[TK]D-Fender both but the delay is more evident in incoming calls
16:05.21E-bolaits the ppl im calling who complain im "far away"
16:05.22Juggiei'm not sure.... probally high latency?
16:05.27E-bolaand that they can hear themselfs sometimes
16:05.38Juggielike i said, i'm not really too aware.
16:05.54E-bolawell an E1 line is 2mbit
16:06.00E-bolaso u cant have that on an adsl2 line
16:06.08E-bolaatleast the adsl2 lines we have here are only 1mbit up
16:06.31eKo1adsl2 ?
16:06.35E-bolai dont know how it related to phones though, but data communication wise an adsl2 woudl be too slow upstream
16:06.42jbalcombthis conversation doesn't make any sense.
16:06.43Astinus-E-bola: they are 20 / 12 her
16:06.53E-bolaastinus: u sure thats not vdsl?
16:07.01Astinus-THEY CAll it adsl2+ here
16:07.05E-bolathere is like a million dsl technologies hehe
16:07.21sp0n9ei live in the sticks and i get cable at 3/.25 :(
16:07.26sp0n9ewhere i used to live i had 10/1
16:07.39mutleast you can get cable
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16:07.53mutheh we're the only company with dsl around here and we just rolled that out this year
16:08.05E-bola3rd world country?
16:08.10mutnorthern michigan
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16:08.25sp0n9ethe isp i was at before rolled out fiber everywhere...sometimes i regret moving
16:08.29eKo1mut: adsl or sdsl?
16:08.30E-bolagot a friend in maine, all he can get is 4mbit dsl
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16:09.15mutadsl/adsl2+ and sdsl
16:09.20watchyy un
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16:09.44eKo1mut: does that include phone service?
16:09.56Juggiei wish i could get fiber to the home
16:09.59Juggiethat would be sweet
16:10.05mutyea, we also provide phone service if they want
16:10.07mutor voip
16:10.11Juggiethe best available around my area is fiber to the node
16:10.18sp0n9eJuggie: it's not as cool as you think if your isp doesn't buy enough peering
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16:11.12eKo1mut: you mean you have dsl modems that do voip as well?
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16:11.27mutor use an ata
16:11.45eKo1What modems?
16:12.04Shark_y[TK]D-Fender I'm  recompiling the kernel with RTC enabled, and then try to recompile zaptel, what else can I do to avoid such delays?
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16:13.09KDanif i have a user named "sipstream" in my sip config ([sipstream] ... username=sipstream) then the SIP url for this would be "sipstream@84.x.y.z" right?
16:13.17muti personally don't recommend them
16:13.18eKo1mut: Interesting. Thanks.
16:13.24eKo1Why not?
16:13.38mutif you run ata's over the modems w/o voip they CRASH like crazy
16:13.43mutif you run sip of any kind
16:13.45mutthey die
16:13.58eKo1That's not good.
16:13.59mutthe adsl/voip ones seem to do fine tho
16:14.20mutprocessing power for the quick packet stream maybe i dunno
16:14.27mutbut they can't handle it
16:15.34tzanger23 IP501s for $3800 + shipping, not bad...
16:20.19jbalcombtzanger: where'd you find tha deal?
16:20.35*** part/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
16:21.13smackusI am trying to figure out the dialplan portion of the sip.cfg on my polycom 301 phones. I have in my extensions.conf an extension '#1' for voice mail access... but I suspect that it is not working because of the sip.cfg dial plan. So i added the # to the dialplan. I don't know if i am understanding this portion of the file. Could someone please shed some light?
16:21.23tzangerjbalcomb: -biz
16:21.55jbalcombtzanger: eh?
16:22.01tzangerthe -biz list
16:24.49mtaht4is anyone hacking on T.38 out there?
16:26.03*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
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16:26.59mogmtaht4, what you mean?
16:27.30mtaht4Well, I have just setup a couple asterisk boxes straight from svn
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16:28.03mtaht4was going to give T.38 a try with the ATA I have but there seems to be a gap between documentation and practice
16:28.03mogthen you should have latest t38 pass through stuff we brought in
16:28.08mogits documented in sip.conf
16:28.09Delta239hey is this config that i have on my extensions.conf supposed to do a roll over?
16:28.35Delta239all my sip accounts are registered propperly on sip.conf and on the cli it shows registered
16:29.53mtaht4mog: thx
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16:32.51Dr-Linux|workquestion, what we can tx/rx gain value? is it frequency or what?
16:33.07mogyou can go between -5 to 5 reliably
16:33.13mogany more than that is crazy
16:33.26nortexIt is decibles.
16:33.35E-bolamy linksys phone lets me chose between -/+ 6
16:33.51mogwell different devices can handle it better
16:34.00mogbut i think going between 5 and -5 in software is safe
16:34.01Qwell[]E-bola: Some devices let you go -/+ 100, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea :)
16:34.19mogyou can go between -255 and 255 i believe in software
16:34.22mogit just isnt good idea
16:34.27*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (n=ohyeah@
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16:35.00E-bolaI got a stupid question: Adjusting the gain is simply to get a higher/lower volume right?
16:35.06willy_1234im using freepbx and i cant record incomming calls
16:35.15mogyeah it ups and lowers volume
16:35.21Qwell[]E-bola: pretty much - but it helps (A LOT) with echo
16:35.23willy_1234any help please?
16:35.31mogbut to much can cause echo and top outs
16:35.41E-bolaQwell: to cancel echo should u increase or decrease?
16:35.48mogFreePBX/AMP/Asterisk@Home/Trixbox support in #freepbx
16:35.50Qwell[]So, what's the rule of thumb, if you have echo, lower it?
16:35.51mogin topic willy_1234
16:36.01mogdont do that Quintana
16:36.05moger Qwell
16:36.11mogrule of thumb is dont touch gain
16:36.15mogits the last thing you try
16:36.36E-bolaHmm i increased my spa922's gain to +6
16:36.44E-bolamaybe thats why ppl started telling me they could hear themselfs hehe
16:36.47Qwell[]I know about >< much about tdm
16:36.56Dr-Linux|workQwell[], Red Hat Inc is using strong arm with me for my domain :(
16:36.57E-bolaBut before that they complained i was "very far away" and could barely hear me
16:37.07mogwhat domain do you have Dr-Linux|work
16:37.14Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: Sorry to hear that...  Let me talk to my friend tonight
16:37.32willy_1234so how would u setup call recourding in a queue manually using the commandline and text files
16:37.33Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: He may be able to, at the very least, get you a few bucks (ie; what you paid for it)
16:37.43Dr-Linux|workmog: i have alot of .. about 25
16:37.58Dr-Linux|workmog, but this one is
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16:38.03mogwhich one are they strongarming you about is my question
16:38.11mogwhat are you using it for?
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16:38.19Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: Don't answer that question :)
16:38.25watchyanyone know what 1.6.7 of polycom firmware does 1.6.6 dont?
16:38.29watchyshould i upgrade?
16:38.40E-bolaif ur happy with 1.6.6 why upgrade?
16:38.45E-boladont fix it if it isnt broken :)
16:38.46mogso you have your own red _ hat linux?
16:38.55Dr-Linux|workQwell[], i'm using it for passion .. it's not a commercial :(
16:39.11Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: seriously though, if you haven't already responded to their email...please don't
16:39.11Dr-Linux|workmog, i just wanna know my rights
16:39.19Dr-Linux|worki don't know the stuff
16:39.19Qwell[]and if you would, forward their email to me
16:39.24mogeh /me is not a lawyer either
16:39.32Qwell[]I'll ask my friend tonight about what you can do...he's well trained in this regard
16:39.40mogpersonaly i think your gonna have to give it up
16:39.46Qwell[]mog: definitely
16:39.48Dr-Linux|workQwell[], where you were before :( :( :( i respended them once email reply
16:39.58mogunless you live in pk
16:40.00Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: it's still okay...send me your reply also
16:40.04E-bolaput a picture of a redhat on it
16:40.04mogand pk doesnt observer us law
16:40.08mogin any way
16:40.09E-bolaand claim u are a fan of red hats
16:40.13E-bolaits not a name its a thing
16:40.19E-bolaso i think uir chances are pretty good
16:40.32E-bolalike apple cant claim rights for apple.something
16:40.42E-bolabecause their name is a common object
16:40.49E-bolaatleast that how it works here in denmark
16:40.52Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: I /msg'd you my email address...forward the stuff there, if you would
16:41.17Dr-Linux|workshould i remove all data related red hat linux?
16:41.27Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: Just leave the site as it is, for now
16:41.50Qwell[]they've already got snapshots of the site, and everything...  changing it now is an admission of guilt - which is why I said, don't do anything yet
16:41.51Dr-Linux|workQwell[], thanks dude, hopefully you will help me for other doamins as well
16:41.53mogredhat isnt as common
16:41.58mogits  combo word
16:42.17Qwell[]toyota you could argue, heh
16:42.20mogyou are just trying to piss off the world
16:42.23Dr-Linux|workand many more
16:42.25mogwhy toyota?
16:42.30Qwell[]mog: last name..
16:42.31E-bolaheh u just registered random company names?
16:42.35E-bolai hope they take it form you
16:42.36Qwell[]mog: ala
16:42.39E-bolawithout you getting a cent
16:42.44Dr-Linux|worknoooooooot only companies
16:42.49Dr-Linux|workthe safe one as well
16:43.00E-boladomain pirating is lame
16:43.17mogyeah seriously
16:43.25mogwhy did you do this Dr-Linux|work
16:43.35mogbuying tele or networks is fine
16:43.37Qwell[]Don't answer that question either :P
16:43.55mogbut all the others
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16:43.59burnproofhehehe interesting :p
16:44.04Dr-Linux|workmog: bcoz it's valuable domains, and why the hell they didn't registerd their domains by themself
16:44.12Dr-Linux|workwell, i damn care about all
16:44.17Dr-Linux|workbut care about
16:44.50Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: let me know when you've forwarded those emails, so I can pass them along
16:45.01willy_1234the sound recordings are 3.2K files any ideas why it wont record as it creates the files
16:45.19Dr-Linux|workQwell[], what's your email address?
16:45.21ronaldl79Any recommendations for unlimited incoming DIDs?
16:45.35nortexwilly_1234, Did you check in #freepbx ?
16:45.37Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: I /msg'd you :)
16:45.46Dr-Linux|workaww on wait
16:46.21smackusI am trying to to dial #1. cannot get it to work.
16:46.28smackusi am using the polycom 301
16:46.55willy_1234they dont seem to know
16:47.36E-bolaDo anybody know how u get a SPA922 to dial as soon as u have entered 8 digits?
16:47.49E-bolaall phone numbers in .dk are 8 digits, and its anoying to have to press dial everytime
16:47.51E-bolalike it was a cellphone
16:48.26burnproofE-bola: sorry, i don't know about spa222 but you could also check if spa9222 does have a dial plan
16:48.32watchyok to clarify i dont want to kill digium anymore
16:48.41watchyi will not be shaving tdms up anyones ass today
16:48.45burnproofE-bola: like my PAP-N2 linksys ATA
16:48.48Dr-Linux|workQwell[], i sent you the email
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16:48.53Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: ok
16:48.54E-bolaburnproof: it doesnt as far as i know
16:49.05burnproofE-bola: ouch :p great
16:49.12E-bolait has something called assisted dialing
16:49.16E-bolabut dunno what that is really
16:49.23watchythanks digium and mog
16:50.17Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: Is the server in the us or pk?
16:50.23Qwell[]the server that hosts that domain
16:51.07burnproofmog: i'll really like your jingle stuff really thanks man, my boss was pretty amaze how asterisk + jingle works together
16:51.38mogman i need a gif of the mog dancing from final fantasy 6
16:51.51E-bolawhats jingle?
16:52.07moggoogle talk protocol
16:52.12mogbut its open
16:52.15mogsimilar to sip
16:52.18mogbut over jabber
16:52.31BlafaselNo.jingle is client to client.
16:52.33Dr-Linux|workQwell[], what server?
16:52.35Blafaseljabber is dead.
16:52.40Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: server
16:52.42Blafaselxmpp is the control line more or less..
16:52.43mogare you kidding Blafasel
16:52.48burnproofBlafasel: i beg your pardon
16:52.49mogyou have no idea what you are talking about
16:52.51BlafaselJust nitpicking ;)
16:52.53mogjingle runs over jabber
16:52.57mogits an iq message
16:53.01mogits not peer to peer
16:53.02BlafaselIt's client-side only
16:53.04mogjust the media is
16:53.11mogiq messages run up to server down to client
16:53.16mogbelieve me i know what im talking about
16:53.17Dr-Linux|workQwell[], the hosting server or domain server?
16:53.18BlafaselRight, the routing is xmpp.
16:53.23BlafaselThe server doesn't know jingle though
16:53.29ComputerWarma C api is it compiled ?
16:53.30Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: hosting server
16:53.30mogit passes the message
16:53.41BlafaselRight - it passes the control messages
16:53.44BlafaselNot the voice data
16:53.49mogthats like saying sip is dead long live rtp
16:54.02mogyou need signalling protocol to get to the point you can transfer media
16:54.10mogjingle is just subset of jabber protocol
16:54.10BlafaselNo - jabber = dead was related to the old name.. It's xmpp (im) for a long time ;)
16:54.12Dr-Linux|workQwell[], my hosting is different and domain is different
16:54.21mogxmpp is stupid name
16:54.22Dr-Linux|workQwell[], web hosting is from US servre
16:54.23Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: right, but where is the actual server?
16:54.27mogjabber rolls of tongue much easier
16:54.51mogits like refering to mgcp as rfc 2XXX < me forgot it
16:54.51Dr-Linux|workQwell[], that's no problem for me, i can just change the DNS in 2 minutes
16:54.55mogmgcp just sounds better
16:54.56burnproofmog: any idea google talk will support dtmf in the neat future?
16:55.00burnproofmog: :)
16:55.02BlafaselThat's why I said I was just nitpicking.
16:55.10mogwe will support it today
16:55.16mogi dont know when clients will support it
16:55.20Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: okay, I sent him an email..hopefully he'll get back to me today, if not, I'll talk to him tonight
16:55.21BlafaselBut jingle is related to jabber like sip is to udp..
16:55.23mogjabbin said they will have some test code soon
16:55.28mogno its not
16:55.34mogyour just nubbing all over the place
16:55.43Dr-Linux|workQwell[], can you tell me what you have sent to him? :)
16:55.51Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: I just asked what you can do
16:55.52mogugh lets just stop arguing Blafasel
16:55.55KDanwhen a call is coming in from the PSTN onto SIP, does it automatically have an extension set already, or does it start on s?
16:55.58burnproofmog: the code is already there in trunk?
16:56.02Qwell[]and, how you can get the money back that you paid for the domain, if possible
16:56.06Dr-Linux|workQwell[], i mean to your friend?
16:56.12mognot dtmf code
16:56.17Dr-Linux|worki thought you send an email to red hat :P
16:56.18mogi have been meening to put it in
16:56.20Qwell[]no, heh
16:56.22Qwell[]to my friend
16:56.24mogbut there is a big patch i have been working on
16:56.28mogand i want to finish it
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16:57.04burnproofmog: great i'll be glad to hear from it soon :p
16:57.10mogand i have been working on other secret things that have eaten time
16:57.22mogbut i am finishing it today, so that we can test interop with jabbin tommorrow
16:57.23KDanQuestion: when a call is coming in from the PSTN onto SIP, does it automatically have an extension set already, or does it start on s?
16:57.44mogit does what ever you tell it to KDan
16:57.52mogyou have dial plan in between the two
16:57.57mogit cant just bridge to sip
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16:58.06KDanmog: I'm not telling it, an external SIP provider is forwarding the call to my asterisk SIP server
16:58.31KDani can't seem to be able to make it pick up anything on the context i've forwarded it to
16:58.45mogyou can do a sip debug
16:58.50burnproofKDan: pastebin is your friend :p
16:58.54mogand figure out what its doing real fast
16:59.55burnproofmog: any idea when will be the 1.4-beta will be release ? or any from you guys?
17:00.05KDanmog: i set debug level to 10 and also typed "debug channel sip" but, a) the CLI complained that that channel didn't exist and said it would display all debug channels, and b) there's no more debug messages than there was before
17:00.18mogsip debug
17:00.20hmmhesaysparanoia paranoia everybody's coming to get me
17:00.21mogis the command
17:00.29mogdont need debug level 10
17:00.32mogjust sip debug
17:00.51mogsvn co asterisk-1.4-beta
17:01.01filenaughty mog
17:01.03KDanexcelltn, am getting some debug info now. thanks mog :-)
17:01.09mogno problem KDan
17:01.35mogthere are a few things that need to get settled before we go beta
17:01.46mogone of them being imap support ,yet another thing i need to finish
17:01.52mogsome jingle stuff
17:02.08burnproofimap support on voicemail?
17:02.08mogand im sure there are one or two other projects people need to clean a little before we finsih
17:02.12mogyes burnproof
17:02.14mogits in trunk
17:02.19mogit just has a few kinks
17:02.20E-bolawhats the purpose of that lol
17:02.24moger not in trunk
17:02.27mogin a trunk branch
17:02.38mogso that you check your voicemail from email it gets deleted in voicemail
17:02.39mogfor one
17:02.47E-bolacheck it how?
17:02.52mogin your email
17:02.52E-bolaeach message is an email with attachment?
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17:03.00mogyeah we already do that
17:03.07mogbut if you listen to them in your mail
17:03.13E-bolai know i get a mail everytime i get a msg
17:03.16mogyou still have to delete them from the phone
17:03.17E-bolawith ther msg attached
17:03.24mognow you wont
17:03.25*** part/#asterisk SpaceBass (
17:03.26mogif you use it
17:03.29mogits spiffy
17:03.34E-bolabut u would have to use asterisk as ur imap server then or?
17:03.49E-bolai dont think i understand the architecture
17:03.49mogit connects as a client
17:03.50mogor administarative cleint
17:04.10burnproofok :)
17:04.10E-bolanp :) Enjoy ur dinner
17:07.49hmmhesayswant to put my tender heart in a blender, watch it spin around to a beautiful oblivion
17:08.23tzangerthat is an awesome song
17:08.37coppicebloody windows users. masochistic to the last
17:08.44[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : excellent example of off-time lyrics
17:08.46tzangeralthough that guy must have a lung capacity rivaling that of turtles
17:08.53hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: heh yeah
17:08.56[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : performed it a few times
17:09.08hmmhesayseve 6 was one of the few bands to be signed while still in highschool
17:09.29hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender:  yeah not too difficult
17:10.02tzangernot too difficult?  When the hell do you breathe in that song?
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17:11.10Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, i called a context, digit timeout is defined within this context, so i move the the other context using Goto(other-context), here is no timeout defined. so how it will work?
17:11.27[TK]D-Fendertzanger : It comes to you... not that hard really.. but it is "busy" lyrically.
17:11.31Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, will it consider the previous context digit timeout?
17:11.44[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work : no idea.
17:12.00[TK]D-Fender~8ball Will the new context inherit the previously defined timeout?
17:12.10hmmhesayswe're talking about eve 6 right?
17:12.12hmmhesayswhere do you breath?
17:12.22[TK]D-FenderJBOT HAS SPOKEN!
17:12.33Dr-Linux|worktzanger, any clue about my question?
17:13.12tzangerDr-Linux|work: test it
17:13.39[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : "so cal is where my mind states (breath) I drink sick like ginger-ale (breath) my stomach turns and I exhale (long -ale then breath)
17:14.03[TK]D-FenderBreath in on the "I"'s
17:14.08Dr-Linux|worktzanger, i tested, it's still considering previous context digit timeout
17:14.18[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Correct
17:14.39Dr-Linux|worktzanger, but i don't want that previous context time in new context
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17:15.31Dr-Linux|worktzanger, but i'm not sure, what can i do,  .... asking for suggestions, should i define digit timeout in the new context as well?
17:15.53tzangerDr-Linux|work: precisely.  that's what I'd do
17:15.54[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work : Yes.  think "implicit" and you won't wonder why things don't work all the time
17:15.56*** join/#asterisk sky1234 (n=sky1234@
17:16.27sky1234Hello. Does anyone have experience with Asterisk working successfully behind Astaro firewalls??
17:17.29Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, asking expert suggestions is very good thing i believe
17:19.26*** join/#asterisk Blafasel (
17:19.41[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work : You are trying to find shortcuts that will betray you when you jump from a context with different rules... never assume anything if you don't have to.
17:20.38tzangerheh someone else wanting to bind multiple DSL interfaces
17:20.44tzangerand load balance
17:21.47KDanok... this is what I'm getting in my sip debug... ... still doesn't make any sense though... my asterisk receives an INVITE, responds with NAT details, then an ACK comes in, then for some reason there's a new INVITE, then NAT details again and ACK again... then the line is apparently connected except i can't hear anything on my phone... the call is scheduled to be destroyed, and then it's destroyed...
17:22.55KDanunfortunately it doesn't tell me what context it tries to call and why that fails to do anything (I suspect that's where the problem is)
17:23.01KDanis there a way i can find that out?
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17:26.32Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, yeah, but it didn't Set new digit timeout for me
17:27.28KDanis there any way to enable a debug mode that tells me why this particular call is not being picked up by any extension in the context that I've assigned to it and that it is apparently going to?
17:27.34Dr-Linux|worki defined 6 in next context, but it still coming with previous context digit timeout
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17:34.53signutsOk, I am having a horiffic time detecting a valid dial comand from AGI. Why in the world would Dial return -1 on success and 0 on failure!?
17:35.28signutsThere has to be some logic ot this nature, i'm flabbergasted
17:36.25daysmen3this might be a silly question but im fairly new to asterisks and wanted to know whether anyone has multidialing written into their dial plan -
17:36.33sky1234For major production...running asterisk behind a firewall...what firewall do folks recommend?
17:37.48[TK]D-Fendersky1234 : PF or iptables :)
17:37.51[hC]any of you guys had problems with echo/crackling/etc on polycom phones?  The few unique things about mine are that i do use it as a computer passthru (using the switch in the phone), firmware 1.6.6, and i have a headset plugged in (but not on all of em that do it)
17:38.17sky1234[TK]D-Fender: When you refer to PF whats that??
17:38.35[TK]D-Fender[hC] : nope.  I've got my 4 CSR's using IP600's with headsets daisy-chained into each other.
17:38.48[TK]D-Fendersky1234 : BSD's default firewall :)
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17:38.56sky1234[TK]D-Fender: specifically any good hardware based one out there? Im pulling my hair out trying to use the Astaro..
17:39.11[hC][TK]D-Fender: hmm..... Interesting.
17:39.12sky1234or is it worth going hardware??
17:40.03KDananyone got a clue what could be going wrong here: ?? or does this sip debug log look fine?
17:40.17[TK]D-Fendersky1234 : Not IMO.. then again my * box IS my gateway
17:41.46[TK]D-Fenderdaysmen3 : Care to clarify "multi-dialing"?
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17:43.51h3xsky1234: many hardware based firewalls are actually freebsd, openbsd, or linux based
17:44.00svemuriIs any one running 1.2.10 in production.  We were running with out a lot of trouble except for the bug where * thinks a PRI channel is in use when it is really not and that causes inbound calls to return busy.  I've tried to go to 1.2.10 see if that bug is fixed.  But user complained that calls longer than 4-5min are being dropped randomly and on top that the old bug is still there.
17:44.08Dr-Linux|workit never detects never context digit timeout :S
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17:45.34nDuffCan I disable musiconhold for a queue, such that folks in-queue hear ringing?
17:45.44nDuff(It's a very low-wait queue)
17:45.50[TK]D-FendernDuff : Yes
17:46.07AlricQueue option r I believe.
17:46.27nDuffahh. Thanks!
17:46.29Alric"show application queue" from the CLI just to be sure.
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17:48.01sp0n9ei'm getting a notice "musiconhold.c:511 monmp3thread: Request type schedule in the past?!?!"
17:48.16sp0n9eis this why i'm not hearing music on hold?
17:48.19KDananyone got a clue what could be going wrong here: ?? or does this sip debug log look fine and the problem is somewhere else?
17:48.53[TK]D-FenderKDan : without the SIP debug what is the problem?
17:49.21KDanwhen i dial in with my phone, nothing happens - the line dies after about ten seconds
17:49.37KDanno dialplan is ever executed, even though sip debug clearly shows that something is going on somewhere
17:50.14KDan << dialplan
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17:50.45KDani first tried using extension s, then using the number that i'm dialing on my phone... then using i as well...
17:50.55mountainm2k[TK]D-Fender: Got a sec to coach me through adding a ring-tone?  Or is there a simple doc for it?
17:51.00KDanand even on timeout there's supposed to be something happening - but nothing ever happens
17:51.47[TK]D-FenderKDan : What kind of phone, and what # are you dialing?
17:52.22[TK]D-FenderKDan : An describe the networking between you * box and the point of origin of the call.
17:52.32KDannormal PSTN landline phone, dialing 08444847235, which is a number provided by, who provide free numbers that you can then point to sip addresses
17:52.49[TK]D-FenderKDan : connected how?
17:52.57KDanmy asterisk box is on my LAN, which is behidn a router. port 5060 is forwarded to the * box
17:53.28KDani gave, to, the address S:sipstream@84.x.y.z   (where the latter part is the ip of my router)
17:53.31[TK]D-FenderKDan : How is this phone connected?
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17:53.54KDanthrough a normal phone socket - it goes through an adsl filter too
17:53.55[TK]D-FenderKDan : So esms sends a SIP call to * basically?
17:54.23[TK]D-FenderKDan : I'm confued as to how this analog phone is connected to *....
17:54.26KDanand * clearly receives the call, but then i can't get it to do anything with it other than kill it after about 10 seconds without having played any sounds
17:54.43KDanthe phone is a normal phone. I dial a phone number on it. the phone number is one owned by convert this to a bunch of SIP packets
17:55.02[TK]D-FenderKDan : Then the phone has NOTHING to do with *... its calling somewhere ELSE then?
17:55.03KDanand forward this to the address i gave them
17:55.07mountainm2kI think he's saying the phone is _not_ connected to do with *
17:55.35[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k : And driving me crazy with the irrelevent bits if so...
17:55.46KDani don't know yet which bits might be relevant
17:55.51daysmen3[TK]D-Fender: "hunt groups" i think thats the right wording - what i wanted to know is if its possible to include in dial plan with call forwarding since the numbers would have to be recursively looked at for CF enabled
17:55.52KDansorry if i'm giving tmi
17:55.56mountainm2ksounds like he's calling from a normal PSTN phone to his DID provider, and wishing his * box would answer...
17:56.04KDanthat is right
17:56.28[TK]D-FenderKDan : keep the irrelevent stuff out.  you should also forward 10000-20000 to your router for RTP and make sure your SIP.conf is properly set up to forge your headers.
17:56.56mountainm2kOr use IAX insted...  :-P
17:57.01KDansip.conf contains the nat=yes and the externip settings
17:57.19KDani need to forward 10000-20000 too?
17:57.24Astinus-what does it mean to buy call termination minutes?
17:57.29charles___Hey, did anyone  have had problems terminating calls to 1800 numbers ?
17:57.48KDancan they be forwarded to a single port since i only ever expect one call at a time?
17:57.48mountainm2kKDan: those ports need to forward from your outside IP _TO_ the * box
17:57.57KDanok, on the router then
17:58.02charles___I'm having weird problems over my provider (vonage) can call local and long distance but some 1800 doesn't work
17:58.02mountainm2kKDan You need to forward the entire range
17:58.16mountainm2kany connection to your outside IP on those ports must come through to *
17:58.26[TK]D-Fenderdaysmen3 : You mean for incoming calls?  So that if someone phones you on your primary line and its busy it'll ring on the next, and so on?
17:58.33Qwell[]charles___: Are you/they setting your CID number to a tollfree DID?
17:58.47Qwell[]charles___: because, I've seen tollfree providers straight up reject a call when I do that
17:58.50robl^charles___: that's a Vonage issue.  they have something not set up correctly on their side.
17:59.02charles___Qwell: yes, I've get caller id when I call my cell
17:59.14Qwell[]charles___: yes, but is the callerid that of a tollfree DID?
17:59.20charles___robl^: are you having the same issue ?
17:59.37Qwell[]I had to put a little part in my dialplan, where when I call tollfree numbers, I set it to a "valid" non-tollfree DID
17:59.55Qwell[](literally, the Simpsons phone number...which is in the Philippines)
18:00.00robl^charles___:  no.  I don't us Vonage.  If some calls gor throubh, but not others..  it's 99% likely it is with the provider
18:00.04charles___Qwell: all my calls go out with a 954 caller id
18:00.11Qwell[]charles___: different issue then :)
18:00.15Qwell[]call Vonage
18:00.23charles___Qwell: I did
18:00.38KDanmountainm2k & [TK]D-Fender: unfortunately my router only allows me to forward port ranges to a single mapped port at a time... apart from typing 10'000 port forward rules, does that mean I can't get SIP to connect successfully?
18:00.57KDani.e. i can do 10k-20k -> 10k, but not 10k-20k -> 10k-20k
18:01.15Dr-Linux|workQwell[], do you have any idea, how can i get new digit timeout after Goto(new-context) ?
18:01.20charles___Qwell:  but the problem is, when I call from my BudgeTone-100 from the same vonage Account, it does get complete.
18:01.23KDanor is there a way i can tell asterisk to use only a few specific ports?
18:01.25Qwell[]Dr-Linux|work: dunno
18:01.31robl^KDan: save yourself a hassle and buy a new $50 router
18:01.34Qwell[]charles___: okay, that changes things a bit, eh?
18:01.40charles___Qwell:  exactly
18:01.42daysmen3[TK]D-Fender: yea thats right - also would apply to calls called internally
18:02.05Qwell[]charles___: That doesn't make a whole lot of sense though.  Asterisk doesn't care
18:02.09charles___Qwell:  I believe that some calls to some 1800 go to different gateway inside vonage, and that gateway is using a different SIP version that my asterisk can't handle
18:02.10Qwell[]is it ALL 800 numbers?
18:02.22charles___but running Asterisk
18:02.31hmmhesaysi know who I want to take me hoe
18:02.37charles___Qwell:  yes it is.
18:02.40hmmhesaysI know who I want to take me home
18:02.43KDanrobl^: router cost about 60 pounds from PC World actually, a month or so ago :-)
18:03.24Qwell[]charles___: check your dialplan in *
18:03.28robl^KDan:  you really don't want to set up rules for each and every port 1 by 1.
18:03.38charles___Qwell: all calls going thru the same gateway
18:03.45Qwell[]make sure
18:03.46charles___Qwell: I also tcpdumped it
18:03.52KDanrobl^: that's for sure! :-)
18:04.10KDanguess i'll use AIX for my testing isntead then *sigh*
18:04.21KDansorry IAX
18:04.34daysmen3ive rewritten (almost finished) to asterisk native extensions.conf language
18:04.41robl^KDan: I use a US $50 Netgrear router..  works like a charm
18:04.44*** join/#asterisk alexrch (
18:05.14alexrchhi guys, I have a question regarding queues, is anyone here who has any experiences with Queues and Asterisk?
18:05.15KDanrobl^: tip: don't buy D-link :-)
18:05.23*** join/#asterisk Waverly360 (n=9893acdf@
18:05.37robl^Dlink = EVIL
18:05.54h3xworks almost as good as an airgap(tm) firewall
18:06.41alexrch....anyone ready to answer a newby question :)   ???
18:06.48Astinus-alexrch: shoot
18:06.56*** join/#asterisk paolob (
18:06.58robl^for small / cheap installs, I always use Netgear.. sometimes Linksys.  For larger, I'd suggest maybe Cisco routers..  or a dedicated Linux router
18:07.11daysmen3[TK]D-Fender: theirs no array functionality that allows me to recursively check each number so i wanted to know whether its something i could leave out (for now).  Wanted to knwo how important it was as a selling option?
18:07.53paolobHi guys! I have a fax connected to asterisk via a linksys pap2, but when I receive a fax call and I pass it to the fax, it can't receive it. Anyone can tell me why? thank you!
18:08.21alexrchokie dokie: I'm trying to use the dynamic queue agents, using AddQueueMember, but by adding a new dynamic member (for example: AddQueueMember(testQ,Local/123@context) ) I get queue member of "unknown" state...meaning that calls are never distributed to him/her
18:08.22KDanok, what i've actually done is change the port range in rtp.conf to 10000-10002, and forwarded those ports by hand
18:08.40KDanthat has, however, made no difference :-(
18:08.48charles___Qwell:  always sending the call regularly to Vonage
18:09.06alexrchhow can I use AddQueueMember with Local channel, so that queue member would not be in "unknown" state, but in "not in use" (alias ready to accept calls)
18:09.08charles___Qwell: invite
18:09.31charles___Qwell:  I have a answer from Vonage : TRYING
18:10.02charles___Qwell:  then I start receiving RTP's from another IP , I believe those RTP's are the RINGING
18:10.04KDanso the problem is not with the port forwarding now... what else could cause the symptoms I've been seeing?
18:10.22nortexpaolob, Voip and faxing tend to be very problematic. What codec are you using on the sip end
18:10.37KDani.e.: sip call comes in from DID provider, asterisk does some sip stuff, call dies - nothing else happens
18:10.51alexrch....hmm, was my question clear? :)
18:11.36paolobnortex, do you mean on the sipura where the fax is connected? g711u
18:12.10nortexokay and then you have ulaw in sip.conf for that sipura?
18:12.16hmmhesaysanyone in here using junction networks?
18:13.16h3xi have
18:13.20nDuff(Might try playing with a local iaxfax+hylafax setup at some point)
18:13.24h3xi had 600 lines of it working here
18:13.28h3xover g711
18:13.41nDuffh3x: My LAN's never been particularly reliable -- I could believe it as a jitter issue...
18:13.43[TK]D-Fenderdaysmen3 : Sorry, that just made no sense at all to me.. try again...
18:13.44alexrchdid anyone here ever used AddQueueMember with local agents?
18:14.09h3xJitterbuffers are broken in asterisk
18:14.10nDuffh3x: ...but we lost a *lot* of faxes 'till we gave up and put in a channel bank.
18:14.14h3xturn them off
18:14.36nDuffh3x: Did. I'm talking about in the network (due to collisions and assorted weirdness).
18:14.37[TK]D-Fenderdaysmen3 : Lets see if I can guess this out : You want to "just pick any free line going out", and have calls to the primary number just take up any free incoming line (on analog)?
18:14.53h3xperhaps you should check your duplex / media type settings
18:15.13h3xi screwed that one up on my catalyst a couple months ago
18:15.31*** join/#asterisk SkramX (n=MarkS@
18:15.35SkramXAug  1 13:14:48 NOTICE[15855]: channel.c:2437 __ast_request_and_dial: Don't know what to do with control frame 15
18:15.40SkramXwhat exactly does that mean?
18:16.45charles___Qwell: going to get a sip debug on it
18:16.58hmmhesaysi need a new decent itsp for business purposes
18:17.12charles___Qwell:  with tcpdump I can't differenciate
18:17.26paolobnortex, I have disallow=all, allow=gsm, allow=ulaw, allow=alaw, allow=g729
18:17.43ComputerWarmcan anyone please answer my question about C API scripts... do you compile them or leave them open?
18:17.49nortexset it to disallow=all and allow=ulaw only.
18:17.55*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
18:18.15paolobnortex, let me see
18:21.06svemuriAny one running 1.2.10 with out problems?
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18:21.22hmmhesaysyes yes it can
18:21.32hmmhesaysI'm not having any issues
18:21.36dougheckaAny use the new 8.3 firmware on the cisco phones?
18:21.47nortexBut I do not use a lot of Queues
18:21.53*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
18:22.23svemuriJust upgraded to it this morning (about 60 users) and immediately got complaints about outgoing calls that are more than 4 mins being randomly dropped
18:22.35paolobnortex, I set disallow=all and allow=ulaw in sip.conf for the fax, i reloaded asterisk, but lamentably it doesn't work yet
18:23.08*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/trelane)
18:23.25svemuriI've experienced that myself.  No CDR when that happens either. Had to roll back to
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18:24.24nortexpaolob, You might do a search on wiki to find out how to turn the jitterbuffer off and see if that helps.
18:24.39Un1xanyuone know how much inflation effects the economy like how much things rise up in price, etc
18:24.51paolobnortex, wait, the voip trasmission between the two fax is made throug iax, and it uses gsm!
18:25.00jbalcombUn1x: yes, somewhat.
18:25.47jbalcombpaolob: have you tried an analog phone on that ata just to make sure it works well enough?
18:26.03nortexpaolob, I thought you said the fax was on a sipura.
18:26.16paolobjbalcomb, it works quite well
18:26.39jbalcombpaolob: does your fax pick up the call?
18:26.41paolobnortex, I have two fax connected each one with sipura to a asterisk server,
18:26.50paolobjbalcomb, yes, it pick up
18:27.23paolobnortex, on the receiving one I get !rtp.c:564 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 100 received!
18:28.10nortexpaolob, So is the IAX between the servers?
18:28.16jbalcombpaolob: if it works fine with the phone you shouldn't need to be monkeying with codecs.
18:28.32paolobnortex, yes, and iax uses gsm
18:29.11watchywhat would cause a transfered call to get droped but a blindxfr to work?
18:29.52paolobnow I'm trying to use ulaw with iax
18:29.53nortexpaolob, Ok, the compression of the audio could be the problem with the fax.
18:30.39watchy-- Incoming call: Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from
18:30.42watchywhat would cause that
18:31.16paolobnortex, with ulaw it works! thank you!!!
18:31.30paolobjbalcomb, thank you very much for your attention!
18:31.36*** part/#asterisk paolob (
18:32.41jbalcombnortex: nice work. :) have you heard anything about alaw working better for faxing than ulaw? Any credit to the idea of it?
18:32.45*** part/#asterisk LenOK (
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18:37.02KDanOh well... switching to IAX instead... thanks for your help everyone who helped though
18:37.40nortexjbalcomb, I just remeber that the fax tones could not be compressed and ulaw/alaw are both the codecs used in T1/E1 circuits. Things like jitterbuffers and echo cancelation can also alter the tones/frequency and break faxing. Which is why T.38 is so exciting, if it works. :)
18:39.07jbalcombnortex: yeah, i keep hearing about T.38 but haven't looked into it. It'd be nice cause I have faxes ib an analog PBX I'd like to clobber.
18:39.58jbalcombnortex: is there any way to have jitterbuffers and EC off for certain calls?
18:40.26nortexjbalcomb, Personally my fax modems and machines on a channel bank connected to a Quad t-1 card with the PRI. Someday I would like to fax over VoIP to remote locations though.
18:41.21*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
18:41.37Seba_soyI am receiving faxos on my Fax phone connected to asterisk with 711, then this asterisk is connected to another asterisk witj 711 and that second asterisk have a zaptel 1E1
18:41.40Seba_soyall works ok
18:41.41xnoni have a problem with a sip extensions and voicemail
18:41.47Seba_soyI can receive fax very good
18:41.47jbalcombnortex: pretty much the same setup. i'm thinking i could move the fax lines to another PRI and run it off a single PRI card so i can set up zaptel and zapata the way faxes prefer.
18:41.54xnonSeba_soy do u speak spanish?
18:42.04Seba_soyi am from argentina :)
18:42.07xnoncomo estas
18:42.12xnonsoy de Venezuela
18:42.14Seba_soyq tal
18:42.18xnonincursionando en el mundo del asterisk
18:42.28xnontengo un problema y quizas sabras algo al respecto
18:42.32xnontienes un par de minutos?
18:42.39Seba_soysi, por privado
18:42.51Seba_soyaca hablan ingles
18:43.11jbalcombSeba_soy: how many faxes do you get a day?
18:43.11nortexjbalcomb, The jitterbuffer might be peer device and the EC can be turned off per channel if I remeber right.
18:43.30nortexjbalcomb, EC per Zap channel that is.
18:44.07jbalcombnortex: i think i'm creeping towards my next big asterisk project. (my boss fears the light in my eyes)
18:44.12*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
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18:46.06watchy- Incoming call: Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from
18:46.13watchyim getting that a hell of alot of times
18:46.18watchyanyone know what it is
18:46.33nortexwatchy, Do you have Polycoms and hints configured?
18:46.48*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (n=malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
18:46.53watchynortex: yes
18:46.59watchydo i need to have the phones reboot?
18:47.11jbalcombwatchy: 24/7
18:47.28watchywell i wasnt getting this till i restarted * like 50 times trying to fix echo
18:47.57nortexwatchy, It is not really a problem, but likely the Polycoms are not responding to buddy list watches and nightly rebooting the phones will fix it.
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18:48.58nortexwatchy, My *opinion* is that the hint traffic is more fequent then the phone likes it to be and it quits responding.
18:48.59xnonSeba_soy in a private is all
18:49.41*** join/#asterisk iq (n=iq@unaffiliated/iq)
18:51.08watchynortex: apparently the phones are having problems with transfers
18:51.43E-bolaHow do you go about chosing a prefered codec to use on ur phones?
18:51.58jbalcombE-bola: google
18:52.02*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
18:52.11nortexwatchy, Transfering with the soft keys or the pbxtransfer  feature
18:52.15watchywhats the default l/p for polys web interface?
18:52.15E-bolajbalcomb: isnt there simply one codec ppl chose?
18:52.16jbalcombE-bola: LAN or WAN?
18:52.22E-bolai dont feel like listening to tons of samples
18:52.23watchysoftkeys nortex
18:52.29*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (i=lordkuri@
18:52.33E-bolajbalcomb: well ile be calling both wan and lan if thats what u mean?
18:52.39E-bolathe asterisk server is on the lan though
18:52.44nortexI think
18:52.52Trionniswould anyone be able to point me towards an explanation for this:
18:52.59jbalcombE-bola: LAN + North America = uLaw; LAN + Europe = aLaw;
18:53.01Trionnisover and over and over in my console?
18:53.08watchythats it thanks
18:53.13watchyim gonna reboot it
18:53.26*** join/#asterisk bpiper (n=bpiper@
18:53.32E-bolajbalcom: arent those rather uncompressed?
18:53.50jbalcombE-bola: WAN = GSM ($10.00 USD)
18:54.17jbalcombE-bola: past that you can track down charts, check with providers, and pick your own.
18:54.25nortexwatchy, You can also do a sip notify polycom-check-cfg "devicename" from the CLI
18:54.30TrionnisI found that a few days ago
18:54.33Trionnisisn't very clear
18:54.58TrionnisI have nothing in crontab related to *
18:54.58jbalcombTrionnis: you found google a few days ago?
18:54.58E-bolaif my asterisk server have to transcode or my providers asterisk server has to transcode
18:55.02E-boladoesnt that introduce delay?
18:55.02*** part/#asterisk smackus (n=ckwall@
18:55.15TrionnisI found that particular result when I searched google a few days ago for the same issue
18:55.17Trionnisthat better?
18:55.20watchywhats that do nortex? makes the polys reload conf?
18:55.44jbalcombTrionnis: there are "Results 1 - 10 of about 1,040,000 for Remote UNIX connection disconnected."
18:56.10Trionnisok, I get the point... does anyone else know of the issue besides smartass over there?
18:56.31jbalcombTrionnis: you might check more than just that one. I think .0000001 amount of effort is a bit weak.
18:56.34nortexwaba, it sends a sip packet to the phone telling it to check its config. if the provisioning file has changed the phone will reboot. There is a option in the polycom sip.cfg to always reboot. Very handy in scheduled reboots.
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18:56.54Trionnis'cause you know for a fact that I didn't spend about 4 hours digging through those results, right?
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18:57.08TrionnisI'm just some st00pid n00b that doesn't google things before asking, right?
18:57.26watchyah so if it checks its conf it'll just reboot?
18:57.39bpiperTrionnis: I just joined, what's your question about the Unix connection disconnected?
18:57.40Trionnishere's a hint: I don't come in here and ask about something until I've spent at least a few hours looking for the solution
18:57.54cybertrickle_I am trying to originate a call via the asterisk api. It is setting my context to default even though I tell it to set it to something else in the command. Any ideas ?
18:58.08*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
18:58.12Trionnisbpiper: I'm getting that repeatedly in my console, and searching hasn't come up with much along the lines of a reason
18:58.21cybertrickle_ast_freak, fancy seeing you here
18:58.25Trionnisjust wondering if anyone else has seen it and can point me in a different direction
18:58.26*** join/#asterisk derekS (n=dereks@unaffiliated/dereks)
18:58.33jbalcombhaha.. i just couldn't see how you were relating it to Asterisk is all.
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18:58.52bpiperTrionnis: are you running a GUI? Sounds like the manager API maybe showing that
18:58.57Trionnisnope, no gui
18:59.02watchyanyone know what the new polycom firmware of 1.6.7 does?
18:59.10Trionnisit just started randomly about a week ago
18:59.11derekShi. I am looking for a preconfigured vmware image (or an iso) that includes a working copy of asterisk (so no/minimal install/config needed if i want to use a software client)
18:59.40Trionnisonly thing I have remotely close to a gui is the web cdr scripts, but those aren't being accessed
19:00.12nortexTrionnis, And no cron jobs you said right.
19:00.15NetIQSystemsTrionnis, what do you have???
19:00.26Trionnisnet: this:
19:00.27NetIQSystemsare you using trixbox?
19:00.54Trionnissl-host01*CLI> show version
19:00.54TrionnisAsterisk built by root @ on a i686 running Linux on 2006-07-05 04:47:03 UTC
19:01.02Trionniscvs build
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19:01.09hmmhesaysthats odd my fax came out sideways
19:01.24nortexhmmhesays, Special just for you :)
19:01.26NetIQSystemsit means that something is connecting to your asterisk.
19:01.30*** part/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
19:01.41TrionnisI've determined that much, I'm just trying to figure out what it could be :)
19:01.48jbalcombNetIQSystems: asterisk -r amounts to something connection to your asterisk
19:01.49hmmhesayscan someone send me a fax please
19:02.12hmmhesaysas in yes you'll send me a fax?
19:02.15Trionnisyes, but it wouldn't show a connect/disconnect cycle
19:02.20Trionnisover and over and over
19:02.25NetIQSystemssay yes it would.
19:02.31jbalcombTrionnis: You did try turning off the the manager?
19:02.42NetIQSystemsit really sounds like you are usinf freepbx..
19:02.49TrionnisI'm not, trust me
19:02.57TrionnisI'm not an asterisk noob ;)
19:02.59NetIQSystemsany config managers?
19:03.16Trionnisit's just a raw CLI cvs build
19:03.21NetIQSystemswell then...
19:03.22hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender:  you around?
19:03.26NetIQSystemsset verbose 0
19:03.32NetIQSystemsand forget it.
19:03.40*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=Silik0nJ@
19:03.42[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Yes, good timing
19:03.42ccherrettI would like to have a machine send a prerecorded message to a person on a regular phone line if a certain event occurs. What equipment do I need to make this work. Can it be done with a regular voice modem?
19:03.51[TK]D-FenderJust got SIP1.6.7 from my Polycom vendor
19:03.54hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender:  can you send me a test fax?
19:03.54TrionnisI'm one that prefers to treat the cause, not the symptom ;)
19:04.07NetIQSystemsthen you have a problem.
19:04.12Trionnisit would seem so :)
19:04.18NetIQSystemsbecause we have been over everything it might.
19:04.25E-bolaccherrett: yes
19:04.27NetIQSystemsso you are actually a noob...
19:04.28nortexTrionnis, Anyone esle have access to the system?
19:04.34NetIQSystemsor you can't build asterisk.
19:04.47watchytk: is it worth upgrading?
19:04.49jbalcombccherrett: you can do that with asterisk if it has access to a phone line via FXO (<-right?) or SIP provider
19:04.55charles___Strange, I can call 1800 PETMEDS but can't call 1 800 8828880
19:05.04charles___Over the same termination
19:05.08nortexjbalcomb, right on the FXO
19:05.19Trionnisnortex: no
19:05.20charles___But with my budgetone I can call both
19:05.32TrionnisNetIQSystems: haha :P
19:05.40jbalcombnortex: excellent. only took me six months to stop mixing them up.
19:05.49NetIQSystemsI have 60 installs running.
19:05.51ccherrettE-bola: Yes it can be done with a modem?
19:05.53nortexTrionnis, Well I'm out of ideas :)
19:05.54NetIQSystemsther is always a reason..
19:05.56E-bolaccherrett: yes
19:06.04Trionnisok, thanks for at least thinking about it :)
19:06.15NetIQSystemsTrionnis, what OS?
19:06.16ccherrettE-bola: vgetty?
19:06.27E-bolano idea how its done
19:06.30TrionnisRHEL 4
19:06.33E-bolabut its rather simply os ofcourse it can be done
19:06.36NetIQSystemsthat explains it all.
19:06.37TheCompWizcan someone help me diagnose what's wrong with my voice mail?
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19:06.53Trionnisunless you're being facetious, I'm not sure what you mean
19:07.02NetIQSystemsredhat sux
19:07.09nortexHere comes a distro rant
19:07.11TrionnisI didn't have this issue until I installed it back on 07/05
19:07.17Trionnisyeah, no kidding
19:07.20NetIQSystemsthen quit playing with it..
19:07.32nortexTheCompWiz, shoot
19:07.32Trionnisoh, 1.2.10 is out
19:07.34bpiperNetIQ: although I agree, that definately isn't the root problem
19:07.37Trionnismaybe I'll upgrade to that too
19:07.42NetIQSystemslol yeah
19:07.43Trionnisadd more problems ;)
19:07.54NetIQSystemsREDHAT != LINUX
19:08.04bpiperTroinnis: sounds like you have a Rogue php or perl script that is being accessed
19:08.19Trionniszomg u sux0r! r3dh4t r0x!!11
19:08.32Trionnisbpiper: I'll look into that
19:08.39Trionnismocking NetIQSystems, just ignore it
19:08.40NetIQSystemshmm anyone from cluecon here?
19:09.04TheCompWizum.... help?
19:09.12bpiperGet CentOS & forget RH :-)
19:09.18E-bolaHow can i make my spa922 transmit silence?
19:09.21E-bolacant find an option for it
19:09.24NetIQSystemsTheCompWiz, you need professinoal help.
19:09.44NetIQSystemsI mean.. how can we help someone who claims to be TheCompWiz
19:09.48TrionnisI have centos on another box
19:09.52nortexTheCompWiz, You got a patsebin or more details somehwere.
19:09.57Trionnisbut this one only came with RHEL or Win2k3
19:10.00Trionniswhich would you choose?
19:10.06[TK]D-Fenderbpiper : .... CentOS = RHEL!
19:10.08NetIQSystemsTrionnis, debian.
19:10.20NetIQSystemsI would find a host provider that installed what I wanted. ;)
19:10.22nortexRHEL the format it :)
19:10.42watchyhey nortex
19:10.44Trionniswell this is a cpanel box also, so debian is out of the question unfortunately
19:10.49watchyis that what i want to set 1 on?
19:10.50NetIQSystemspaying $500/mo for a server and I can't pick the OS.. BS>>....
19:10.53nortexwatchy, bingo :)
19:11.00Trionnisthen you're paying too much :)
19:11.10Trionnismaybe I should give you a quote :)
19:11.12NetIQSystemsno.. I just need bandwidth ;)
19:11.24TrionnisI can get you unmetered 100mbit for about 250/mo
19:11.25nortexTheCompWiz, Hello
19:11.27Trionnisbeat that
19:11.29TheCompWizso, NetIQSystems... any chance you can help me?
19:11.31NetIQSystemscogent crap.
19:11.37Trionnisno cogent
19:11.43TheCompWizhey nortex..
19:11.49NetIQSystemsthen quit teasing me..
19:11.57NetIQSystemswho is it?
19:11.58watchynortex: you know how to make a polycom 501 ring when a 2nd call is incoming instead of callwaiting beep
19:12.02TrionnisI could say the same :)
19:12.03nortexTheCompWiz, Waht is wrong with your voice mail
19:12.17Trionnisabovenet, telia, savvis, and at&T
19:12.25TheCompWizvoice mail answers... but there is no "voice" ...
19:12.34NetIQSystemsTheCompWiz, codec issue.
19:12.39nortexwatchy, never tried, But I know that [TK]D-Fender is a Polycom God :)
19:12.40NetIQSystemsnow go RTFM
19:12.56watchyhe says he dunno if it can be don
19:13.03TheCompWizNetIQSystems... ok... that I believe.   and which M would you like me to be reading?
19:13.10nortexTheCompWiz, do you have a CLI output you can pastbin ?
19:13.11NetIQSystemsall of them.
19:13.30hmmhesayswow my tif's are coming out all funneh
19:13.37charles___Anyone have had issues terminating with Vonage ?
19:13.39TheCompWiznortex... I don't even know what to paste.  (not too familiar with CLI)
19:13.43NetIQSystemsTrionnis, I have a pretty good provider right now, but there is always a catch..
19:13.51Trionnisyes, there usually is
19:14.54[TK]D-FenderI'm f'n busy... got something else to add?! ;)
19:15.44[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : There is no current way to have it force-ring through the speaker spcifically.  It will always default to the current audio device, but you CAN substitute the audio BEEP with another sound.
19:16.33ccherrettE-bola: vgetty can do the phone calls for me. Thanks
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19:21.51watchytk: well the guy at poly told me this but u know hes probably a idiot like most people who work at thier company
19:22.06watchyyou probably work with the phones more then him but i havent had time to test his theory
19:23.00watchyhe says set
19:23.01watchybut i havent had time to test it
19:23.35*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (n=c4t3l@
19:23.59nortexwatchy, I use that command. Let me see if it rings.
19:24.17watchyand i gave my asterisk dev box to a company because their server sucked so bad that they needed it yesterday
19:24.39watchyim gonna have to work late to get another dev box up it sucks
19:24.56watchyif it rings these bastards will be happy if not back to square one
19:25.07watchytk already said i should send the woman to the ear doctor
19:25.21[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : No that will simply not cascade the call to the next line key (which people find a NATURAL thing)
19:25.48[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : That will STILL cause a CW bbep.  ANY incoming call while you're on the phone will merely beep.
19:25.58watchyyea thats what i thought
19:26.19watchyim gonna change to beep to FINANSWER.gsm i guess
19:26.24watchyand have it scream ANSWER
19:26.29[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : Oh yeah now I remember... I TOLD YOU ALL THIS BEFORE!  I mean sure I like the sound of my own voice, but not THAT much!
19:26.38*** join/#asterisk luke-jr_ (
19:26.46[hC]have you guys heard about this USF voip tax stuff? The "Universal Service Fund?"
19:26.48watchythis is irc tk there is no voices :(
19:26.51luke-jr_Is landline latency any better than VoIP?
19:27.10[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : They don't like it when you talk about them like that!~
19:29.10watchydont make me cry
19:29.36syzygyBSDlatency... hmmm, do they really use that term in landlines?
19:31.20nortexwatchy, no luck here my pretty 501 just beeps about the second call an flashes me a pretty red light. [TK]D-Fender was right again.
19:31.22Trionnishmm, wonder if NuFone will actually refund my balance without me having to take them to small claims now that I've caught them trying to scam me for $60 to "force the port" of a number that was released into the general pool a month ago
19:31.26watchywould mp3123 missing for on hold music
19:31.29watchyfuck up transfers
19:31.34watchyif you moved everything
19:31.36Trionnisanyone wanna lay odds on it? :)
19:31.41watchyand forgot to install mp3123
19:32.22charles___watchy: mpg123
19:32.32*** join/#asterisk vgster (
19:34.31watchyyea thats what i meant
19:34.36watchyi think its been breaking my transfers
19:35.17watchygod ive been fighting this shit all day
19:35.29watchyi was about to shoot myself
19:35.34Seba_soyhello experts!
19:35.42watchydont look at me
19:36.12watchyim as useful with asterisk as a sped is with ghost recon on xbox 360
19:36.20hmmhesaysanyone really familiar with imagemagick's convert tooL?
19:36.53Seba_soyguys, someone can tell me if asterisk or similar can handle 1.000 concurrent calls?
19:36.55watchygod whys my life suck
19:36.58Seba_soymaybe sipx
19:37.05Trionnis1.000 calls?
19:37.06Seba_soyI want a softswitch solution!
19:37.09TrionnisI'm pretty sure it could
19:37.19[TK]D-FenderSeba_soy : "depends"
19:37.24Trionnisoh wait, EU doesn't use commas do they?
19:37.35eKo1Trionnis: commas?
19:37.37Seba_soy[TK]D-Fender: of what?
19:37.49Trionnis1,000 != 1.0 in US notation
19:37.58Trionnis1.0 = one
19:38.06Seba_soyone thousand
19:38.07[TK]D-FenderSeba_soy : Are you talking 1000 ports of PRI direct by PCI into 1 * box.....
19:38.19Trionniswhat format?
19:38.24Seba_soyno, 1000 sip calls
19:38.24eKo1The comma and the dot are interchanged in some countries.
19:38.26Trionnispri, sip, iax?
19:38.29Seba_soyall voip
19:38.34[TK]D-FenderSeba_soy : If you mean as a pure SIP softswitch, sure... without any transcoding and gigabit.
19:38.34Trionnissip, iax?
19:39.01TrionnisSER might be a bit better if you're using SIP
19:39.06Trionniswith that kind of volume
19:39.11Seba_soyI wanmt a softswitch who accepto 1000,1500 concurrent call and route this to cisco connectedo to pstn
19:39.33[TK]D-FenderSeba_soy : You might be better off with SER and soon FreeSWITCH
19:39.41Trionnisyou said the "C" word
19:40.09Seba_soymaybe freeswitch
19:40.28*** join/#asterisk bcnl (
19:40.29Seba_soywhen it have cdr :)
19:41.02bcnlhas anyone ever seen error messages like this when people are parked and listening to MoH?
19:41.05bcnlWARNING[7526]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 256/256)
19:41.19Trionnisack, anyone remember what the default audio file is for the ringing sound?
19:41.34Trionnisit's not "ring" or "ringing", but I can't find the damn thing
19:41.53bcnlSeba_soy: sorry? are you saying it has to do with the format my MoH is in?
19:42.05Seba_soyit is transcoding problem, sure
19:42.09[TK]D-Fenderbcnl : Yup.. you're trying to transcode to G729 in passthrough mode w/o licenses or native recordings for it.
19:42.24bcnl[TK]D-Fender: I have 8 licenses for g729 though
19:42.26eKo1Trionnis: I didn't know there was an audio file for ringing.
19:42.32bcnl0/0 encoders/decoders of 8 licensed channels are currently in use
19:42.33TrionnisI was thinking there was
19:42.49filebcnl: what version of Asterisk?
19:42.59[TK]D-Fenderbcnl : Hrm
19:42.59eKo1The ringing sound usually comes from the phone.
19:43.16Trionniswell yes, but this is for an IVR menu
19:43.26fileAsterisk generates it
19:43.29TrionnisI need to put a single "ring" at the start of the menu
19:43.38hmmhesaysconvert seems to not like to resample my tiff images
19:43.39Trionnishi file!
19:43.42Trionnislong time no see
19:43.47Trionnishow goes it :)
19:43.49eKo1Trionnis: a single ring? what for?
19:43.55bcnlif I were to take the time to use sox to transcode my MoH to all the formats and put them in a directory with the right file extensions, would that help?
19:43.56fileTrionnis: fine... do I know you?
19:43.56Seba_soyTrionnis try to generate the tone
19:44.02Trionnis'cause right now it drops right into the menu audio
19:44.15Seba_soywhat format have moh now, bcnl
19:44.28filethere's an application called Ringing, then you do a Wait
19:44.30eKo1Trionnis: Just put a wait command
19:44.31*** part/#asterisk nDuff (n=ccd@
19:44.34Trionnisfile: I would hope so, I'm the one that was in here a while back and gave you some kind of "good idea"
19:44.44Trionnisalthough you never would tell me what it was :)
19:44.50fileTrionnis: ah
19:44.54Trionnisack, that's right
19:44.59Trionnisthanks :)
19:45.05bcnlnow back to me :P
19:45.25Seba_soyso, do you think i can handle 1000 concurrent sip calls with asterisk?
19:45.36Seba_soyand some 100 calls per second?
19:45.42Trionnisyou want SER
19:45.52filebcnl: Asterisk will automatically pick the best format when reading stuff like this, so if you were to put your MOH as G729... it should read it in as G729 and just feed it to the channels, no transcoding
19:45.53TrionnisAsterisk can probably do it, but it would be taxing
19:45.57Seba_soyI dont like SER
19:46.08Seba_soyI will wait to freeswitch
19:46.18Trionniswell, if you want to throw enough hardware at it, * could probably do it
19:46.34bcnlfile: ok and if a call is SIP<->SIP then I'll have to use one of my transcoding licenses ?
19:46.39bcnlwhich should be OK since I have 8
19:46.41Seba_soyTrionnis: and what hardware is it?
19:46.50*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@
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19:46.59filebcnl: if transcoding has to take place, then it'll use a license - ie: one side is ULAW, and the other is G729
19:47.13watchyi guess if you dont have mpg123 installed and you transfer folks it dont work
19:47.29eKo1it seems a lot of people are using * beyond its pbx capabilities
19:47.30bcnlbut those errors I'm seeing are related to transcoding
19:47.34Trionniswell, as was mentioned, you'd probably need at least gigabit
19:47.44bcnlI seem to remember going through the hassle of making all my MoH in raw format
19:47.47bcnland using rawplayer
19:47.58TrionnisI'd hazard a guess at a dual xeon with about 4g of ram would be minimum
19:48.08Trionnisthat might not even be enough though
19:48.24Trionnisfile would be the guy to answer that question with more certainty
19:48.48fileme? hehe
19:48.54TrionnisI do know that any transcoding would kill you
19:48.57Trionnishaha :)
19:49.05Seba_soy2 mb bandwidth are 30 calls
19:49.07Trionnisyou know more about the hardware req's than I do
19:49.15Seba_soyso 300 calls are 20 mb bw
19:49.20anthmcall for a live feed of cluecon .... IAX2/  |  SIP/888@ | PSTN: 712-432-7800
19:49.24Seba_soy1000 calls = 70mb bw
19:49.29Seba_soyI am wrong?
19:49.44eKo1that depends on the codec
19:49.45Trionniswell, 100mbit might be enough
19:49.52Trionnisif you're using 729 or something
19:50.06eKo1and you're going to have to take into account packet header overhead
19:50.08Seba_soyif 729 then it is half
19:50.16Seba_soy1000 calls = 40mb bw
19:50.27hmmhesaysbah, convert won't let me change the aspect ratio damnit
19:50.32Trionnisand 729 will add a buttload of overhead unless you're going native 729 end to end
19:50.48Seba_soysure, I will let transcoding on end side
19:50.59Trionnishey anthm: you wanna shoutcast that? I'll offer you a server temporarily
19:51.05Seba_soyI just want softswitch for billing and call control
19:51.41anthmif we can work out to logistics perhaps
19:51.43eKo1haha, me too
19:51.50watchyi just want someone to love'
19:51.54Trionnischeck pm
19:52.24bcnlcan sox transcode mp3's into g729 ?
19:53.01bcnland for MoH if I were to have two copies of the file, one as g729 and one as ulaw, is there a chance that asterisk would pick the "correct" one when it needed a audio file?
19:53.01Seba_soywithout license?
19:53.01watchytoday has been the worst day of my 3month old career in computerz
19:53.03Seba_soyit cant
19:53.07watchyi just graduated from itt tech bitchs
19:53.09watchyand it sucks
19:53.17Corydon-wNo, not until the patent expires
19:53.22bcnlSeba_soy: well I have a license for it, I just want to reformat my Moh
19:53.33nortex[TK]D-Fender, Is Polycom 1.6.7 what they talked about being 2.0? or is that still on the radar?
19:53.40Seba_soythere is a free tool on the web
19:53.47Seba_soyon asteriskguru
19:53.50Seba_soyI think
19:54.00watchywhats 1.6.7 add?
19:54.08bcnlSeba_soy: thanks
19:54.24Trionnisitt tech?
19:54.38Trionnisisn't that kinda like getting a GED instead of going to high school?
19:54.43Trionnis(yes, I'm kidding)
19:54.59filebe nice to the general #asterisk population
19:55.06Trionnishey, it was a joke
19:55.14TrionnisI am being nice :)
19:55.20*** join/#asterisk smurf (n=smurf@debian/developer/smurf)
19:55.40Trionnisunlike some people that like to bash my choice of distro
19:55.57*** join/#asterisk terje (n=joem@
19:56.20terjeHow can I get my asterisk server to dial a number and play a .wav file?
19:56.21watchyi was lying i didnt goto itt tech haha
19:56.23bcnleKo1: blue from holding it's breath between release cycles
19:56.31watchyive been in it for 10 years and im tired of it
19:56.32eKo1bcnl: lol
19:56.49eKo1terje: with the proper dialplan
19:56.52Trionnisthat was a good one
19:57.05bcnlFTR, I've run debian since it was debbie and ian
20:00.18terjethanks eKo1
20:00.27*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
20:01.02TrionnisRinging doesn't seem to be doing anything
20:01.48filedepending on the state of the channel it can either signal back to indicate ringing, or generate ringing as audio
20:01.56*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
20:02.15Trionniswell, my dialplan kicks the incoming call right into the menu
20:02.20eKo1Trionnis: try doing a wait() first, then an answer()
20:02.28Trionniswill do, thanks :)
20:02.31*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
20:02.49watchyi want someone kick me in the face with a loop
20:03.59riddleboxif I want to use a modem connected my sipura box, through asterisk, do I need to do anything special in asterisk?
20:04.08bcnlwatchy: sounds sadistic
20:04.28watchytis been a bad day
20:04.36bcnlriddlebox: you want to use the modem for data connections?
20:04.44watchyfirst echo out the fucking ass but the nice people at digium worked magic and fixed it
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20:04.52eKo1riddlebox: that is a bad idea
20:05.04riddleboxbcnl, I want to dial into some pbx's and voicemails we have
20:05.08eKo1riddlebox: but feel free to try it out. make sure the codec is ulaw or alaw though
20:05.10watchythen transfers didnt work because if you move all your confs to a new box and use MOH and dont have a player well it breaks transfers
20:05.11alexrchwhy does "show queue ..." return "unknown" status for queue member that has just been added to the queue using AddQueueMember:       Local/1@test with penalty 3 (dynamic) (Unknown) has taken no calls yet
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20:05.25arkonadevwe got any dial plan gurus?
20:05.53eKo1arkonadev: no gurus, just experts
20:05.58riddleboxeko1, I have dissallowed all then allowed ulaw, and alaw but it still doesnt connect
20:06.13watchynow theh yare bitching about it not dialing other people
20:06.17nestarlower your baud rate
20:06.17eKo1riddlebox: then it doesn't work. move along.
20:06.27n9urkI have installed asterisk addons.  Do I need to do anything other that to get cdr_mysql?
20:06.28watchyso i have the sec take a call if in 15secs she dont answer it dials like 5 otherp hones
20:06.30nestar14,400 or 9600
20:06.32watchythen theycomplain it dont work
20:06.42watchycuz some fuck answers it on ring #1
20:06.48watchyso they htink it hangs up after 1 ring
20:06.53n9urkI don't see it in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
20:07.18arkonadevwell im sure that will do....i am working with an asterisk sold by a company anyways there dialplan is really different from tutorials and other stuff i have seen basically their extensions.conf consists of only one include and in the included files there is just another list of files so basically i need to add in a call to an AGI script everytime an inbound call comes in or when the call is transfered
20:07.32riddleboxeko1, is there anyway other way to do this or am I out of luck all together?
20:07.43riddleboxbtw I have broadvoice as well
20:07.49nestarriddlebox: try lowering your baud rate
20:07.52arkonadevany ideas
20:07.54eKo1arkonadev: fonality? how did that work out?
20:08.09eKo1riddlebox: get a regular land line
20:08.38arkonadevwel im doing an internship for a car dealership management company and they had licensed at pbxtra to resell so thats what im stuck with using
20:10.10TrionniseKo1: no love, still not generating it
20:10.49eKo1Trionnis: what happens?
20:10.55Trionnisnothing, just dead air
20:11.03Trionnisthen it goes into the IVR audio
20:11.24eKo1arkonadev: I suggest dumping their entire setup and making your own.
20:11.36eKo1Unless you want to reverse engineer what they're doing.
20:12.01*** join/#asterisk Wazb^ (n=wazb@
20:12.04Wazb^hi to all
20:12.08hmmhesayshmm this is working pretty well now
20:12.22eKo1Trionnis: do this then: answer(), ringing(), wait()
20:12.32Trionnisthat's what I tried the first time
20:12.36arkonadevwell the problem is were just trying to make a simple add on app that has an agi script that should be called whenever a call is coming in or transfered......rebuildling the whole system is kind of out of the scope of my project
20:12.39Trionnisoh, hang on
20:12.48TrionnisI might have just caught a typo
20:12.53arkonadevwe can get the AGI script to work but then there stuff doesnt or viceversa
20:13.35eKo1arkonadev: you're going to have to figure out how fonality does things
20:13.53Trionnisstill doesn't work
20:13.56Wazb^i just installed Trixbox with its all updation and i installed 2 lincenses of G729 with it. I want to use this box for Calling Card application. But when DID hit this box i cannot hear nothing , i can see on console say playing 'prepaid-enter-pin-number'
20:14.03arkonadevyeah and fonality really sucks...we called the support lines asking them what we should edit in the conf files and they said it edit them through the web interface
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20:14.16[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, nortex : 1.6.7 adds a bunch of important bug fixes, includes 1.6.6b/c support for the IP430, inproved SIP response time, etc
20:14.20Wazb^do i need all prompts in G729 codec?
20:14.28TrionnisWazb^: read topic :)
20:14.39IvyUKhi all, can anyone confirm if you need to patch asterisk with the uk CID patch when using PRI
20:14.43eKo1Trionnis: how about ringing(), wait(), answer()
20:14.44*** part/#asterisk terje (n=joem@
20:14.45Wazb^oh ok
20:14.52Trionnissure, np :)
20:14.59TrionniseKo1: that doesn't make sense to me though
20:15.11Trionnishow could it play ringing tones before it even answers the channel?
20:15.31eKo1Trionnis: we're running out of options here so might as well
20:15.44TrionnisI'll give it a shot, 1 sec
20:16.27Trionnisholy crap
20:16.37Trionnisthat makes no sense whatsoever
20:16.39Trionnisbut it works
20:16.44Trionnishaha, thanks!
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20:18.06jeroanyone has issues with grandstreams loosing registration after some random time and unable to receive any call ?
20:18.13jero(grandstream budgetones
20:18.33eKo1I've had that and other issues.
20:18.44eKo1Just reboot it.
20:20.02Wazb^ok could anyone tell me is there any utility to convert all gsm files into g729 files ?
20:20.35bcnlsince I just asked that about 15 minutes ago :>
20:20.36jeroeKo1, the problem is, one cannot know when one lost registration
20:20.56eKo1Sure you can because the phone won't work.
20:21.03eKo1So if it doesn't work, reboot it.
20:21.05jeroit does, i can place calls
20:21.22TrionnisWazb^: if you have a bunch of them, you could probably do something in perl to batch convert them
20:21.55E-bolatry explaining a user that
20:22.01eKo1jero: so what is the problem then?
20:22.02E-bola"u have to reboot your phone..."
20:22.06Trionniswho said anything about explaining?
20:22.16TrionnisI just told him of a possibility ^.^
20:22.51eKo1E-bola: I just say: "Unplug the power cord of your phone, wait 10 secs., then plug it back in."
20:23.05Trionnisoh, misread
20:23.21bcnlTrionnis: you can transcode g729 in perl?
20:23.21jeroeKo1, incoming calls go to voicemail without ringing the phone
20:23.26E-bolawell its a phone
20:23.26E-bolanot a windows pc
20:23.26E-bolaits not accesible for it to crash
20:23.28bcnlcause that'd kickass on using a web interface
20:23.32jeroeKo1, which is solved when rebooting the phone
20:23.46Trionniswell, if you have a shell program to do it, why couldn't you?
20:23.55eKo1bcnl: I think mplayer can transcode.
20:23.56*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
20:24.00Trionnisjust awk the file list, and loop it through
20:24.07[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Clearly you've never owned a Snom phone before :)
20:24.15*** join/#asterisk pardove (n=pardove@
20:24.22E-bolaWe are os far basing our clients on Linksys phones
20:24.30E-bolaSpa922 and similar
20:24.35E-bolathey seem pretty stable so far
20:24.35[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Where are you located?
20:24.45eKo1jero: ah, so that is a different problem
20:25.00jeroeKo1, thats evil
20:25.11pardoverx_fax fails to get fax on a bit noisy lines but real fax devices can do that on the same line! what's the problem?
20:27.04[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Yeah I guess where you are they're a noticably cheaper option than Cisco/Polycom...
20:27.19[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Not my preference, but budget does come to mind...
20:27.38[TK]D-FenderE-bola : The SPA's are very stable in my esxperience
20:28.04E-bolaIt is budget phones
20:28.10E-bolaall our clients are in the smb segment
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20:29.13[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Yeah, they're the bottom end (them or Aastra) on my "suggest" list.
20:29.14arkonadevdoes anyone know an excellent reference for diaplan creation?
20:29.15E-bolaheh sucks to be on the internet when there s thunderstorm outside :(
20:29.23[TK]D-Fenderarkonadev : ...
20:29.26jbotwell, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
20:29.27jbotit has been said that book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
20:29.34E-bola[TK]D-Fender: whats a little better than the linksys spa's?
20:29.38E-bolabut not alot more expensive
20:29.43pardoverx_fax fails to get fax on a bit noisy lines but real fax devices can do that on the same line! what's the problem?
20:29.47[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Polycom beats them in just about every way.
20:29.59E-bolai saw the ip501 i think it was called
20:30.04E-bolathat sure doesnt beat them designwise
20:30.10[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Except the backlight on the SPA-942, but frankly I wouldn't make that the deciding factor :)
20:30.52[TK]D-FenderE-bola : I own every model they produce.  Yeah the linksys is a nice deisn, but poor LCD usability, and cheaper feel.
20:31.07E-bola? the LCD on my spa922 is incredible
20:31.58[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Try comparing to the res & text readability of the 601, and then compare the featureset.  SPA's come up pretty short.  No presence support, 2 lines (w/o paying more), poor level of call volume handling.
20:32.01nortexEbola, It is no the same, I have one at home and my Polycoms at work are nicer.
20:32.20[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Clear yes, but the fonts are god-aweful small ajust like the screen..
20:32.26EbolaYou want that guy over there, not me.
20:32.26nortexAlthough I like my linksys for at home :)
20:32.31E-bolaI guess i dont got alot to compare with
20:32.47E-bolaBut it on first looks it scores very high on the coolness factor hehe
20:33.02E-bolai did indeed have problems with call volume though :/
20:33.05[TK]D-FenderE-bola : I had an IP 600 next to my SPA-941 for a while... I had plenty of time to regret my SPA purchase before getting rid of it :)
20:33.18E-bolathe IP line is the polycoms?
20:33.19nortexThats what one of my bosses said about the Cisco, till price came around :)
20:33.34[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Now keep in mind where you are Polycom IS actually noticably more expensive, so that does factor in.
20:33.49E-bolai havent seen any distributors
20:33.53[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Here however, they are close enough that SPA's don't deserve to be on the list.
20:33.54E-bolaso i dont even know if i can get them if i wanted to
20:34.00[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Correct.
20:34.05E-bolai mainly see cisco avaya snom and linksys
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20:34.33[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Cisco's are top-end for sure.  SIP is still a little flakey, but you'll get no arument from me they are a great phone.
20:34.44[TK]D-FenderE-bola : However no real presence support and a few other things.
20:35.13Trionnisok, gotta run, thanks for the help everyone
20:35.27E-bolacant pressence support be handle on the server?
20:35.37E-bolai mean what does a phone need to support?
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20:35.44[TK]D-FenderE-bola : the phone has no way of telling you however.
20:35.55E-bolatrue u'd have to remember
20:36.18[TK]D-FenderE-bola : You want a light on your phone when a resource is in use right?  Like for receptionists to know who's on the phone?  Forget it with Cisco, Linksys.
20:36.29[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Remember?  How would you even KNOW?
20:36.30watchyget a poly
20:36.31E-bolaIve been considering that actualy
20:36.39E-bolaso far it havent been necesary but i bet somebody will want it
20:36.48[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Thats the point... Polycom IP601 + Attendant modules = godly
20:36.58E-bolaand that works flawlessly with asterisk?
20:36.59[TK]D-FenderE-bola : OH YEAH they're gonna....
20:37.04[TK]D-FenderE-bola : WOrks great
20:37.14*** part/#asterisk Trionnis (i=lordkuri@
20:37.14E-bolaalso in a purely IP based setup?
20:37.15watchyyea they do bola, i got about 30 deployed
20:37.21E-bolano fxo ports etc
20:37.23[TK]D-FenderE-bola : thats all they are... SIP phones.
20:37.53[TK]D-FenderI run a 30 seat Ploycom setup here, (60x, 301), and own a 501, 430, and 301 at home
20:38.20[TK]D-FenderE-bola : EU pricing is NOT so kind unfortunately.
20:38.30E-bolait rarely is :/
20:38.39[TK]D-FenderE-bola : which is why I'm not suggesting you just dump yoru SPA's outright :)
20:38.43watchyi love my polys i hate my 2 ciscos i bought
20:38.52[TK]D-FenderI know Linksys is pretty cheap world-wide
20:39.09[hC][TK]D-Fender: how do you like the 430?
20:39.10nortexI have over 70 Polys deployed here and 8 sites to go :)
20:39.11[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : Yeah so far I have not seen anything I'd suggest over Polycom.
20:39.36E-bolalol damm
20:39.45[hC]I have the occasional complaing about polycom audio quality being echo-ey or crackly, but im going to check into my gains in sip.cfg, as someone suggested
20:39.48E-bolaa ip501 is more than twice the price of my spa922
20:40.06[TK]D-Fender[hC] : LOVE it.  great hybrid phone.  great LCD usability for its size, lighted line-key indicators, small frame.  #1 SMB general phone (for PoE).  If you don't need PoE I'd still suggest the 501 in many cases.
20:40.17[TK]D-FenderE-bola : I *sis* tell you about that :)
20:40.20[TK]D-FenderDID *
20:40.27gursikhI purchased the ip 501's based on recomdations here and in #freepbx, Have not been disapointed
20:40.30[TK]D-FenderE-bola : You should call up to find a beter rate
20:40.31E-bolaare cisco's even more expensive?
20:40.47E-bola[TK]D-Fender: true this was just a random shop online in denmark
20:40.50[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Dunno in your area.  You need to really shop around.
20:40.52E-bolabut its still gonna be alot more expensive
20:41.01[TK]D-FenderE-bola : I'd say maybe 50%
20:41.18[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Here a 922 costs about the same as an IP 501.
20:41.22[hC][TK]D-Fender: why would you suggest the 501 over the 430 for non poe installs?
20:42.17[TK]D-Fender[hC] : the 501 has a bigger LCD which is easier to browsethe menus and deal with calls, 3 line keys (more appearances).
20:42.40[hC][TK]D-Fender: nod.
20:42.40[TK]D-Fender[hC] : Owning both the 501 is still higher end. the 430 is a great GENERAL phone however.
20:43.07[TK]D-Fender[hC] : normal people don't NEED more, but I for instance use each line appearance seperate for my customers.
20:43.26[hC]instead of having htem take multiple calls on one line key?
20:43.32[TK]D-FenderIP 430 is the "quicky" PoE phone of choice with a 601+Modules for receptionist for SMB.
20:44.03[TK]D-Fender[hC] : Each line key is its own reg with its own link to my customers PBX's.  Each one supports multiple calls each.
20:44.09watchyi only sell 501s and 601s but 501s are prob overkill for my users
20:44.23watchythey could probably use 430s
20:44.25[hC][TK]D-Fender: oh i see. so you have an appearance on their pbx's.
20:44.27[TK]D-Fender[hC] : this is instead of just dumping all calls on 1 reg and casccading multiple calls.
20:44.37watchyor whatyevers below a 501
20:45.01[TK]D-Fender[hC] : Exactly.  it means I don't have to mangle my dialplan to choose to select their server for testing.  it means I can just dial like they do.
20:45.16[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : IP 301.
20:45.49watchyi think my clients finnaly happy with theri setup as of today
20:45.51[TK]D-Fender[hC] : the 430 is a 301 with better LCD, but the same # of text lines for scrolling.  Just with underline & font support that much nicer in the same footprint.  Full pixel
20:47.02E-bolawhat about the polycom ip300?
20:47.14E-bolathats pretty cheap
20:47.17[hC][TK]D-Fender: and two way speaker phone.
20:47.21E-bolaonly a little bit more expensive than the spa922
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20:48.36[TK]D-FenderE-bola : Great phone, lacks speakerphone, but thats about it.
20:48.46E-bolaso its a 1-way speaker?
20:48.48[TK]D-Fender[hC] : IP 430 = full duplex
20:48.51blitzrageI really like the spa942
20:49.19champsteranyone used one of those with the metermaid patch?
20:49.31champsterWith hints for the parking pos.s
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20:51.55develhey all.  just a quick question regarding realtime.  i have it working but 'sip show peer(s)' is a pretty important debugging tool for me.... any alternatives, once using sip in realtime?
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20:55.20ronaldl79Anyone on trunk noticing excessive timeouts with SIP?
20:55.41Qwell[]devel: sip show peer <peer> load
20:55.44Qwell[]or some such
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20:57.20arkonadevwhats the difference between fxo_ls, fxs_ks,fxo_ks?
20:57.55Qwell[]arkonadev: loopstart vs kewlstart, and fxo vs fxs
20:58.00jbotfrom memory, fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
20:58.08Qwell[]signalling is..."reversed"
20:58.17Qwell[]so, with an fxo, you'll want fxs signalling
20:58.21conveywhat do you guys think of the UTStarcom F3000?
20:58.25jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
20:58.38Qwell[]convey: I hear they suck, but I've not tried one
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20:59.10convey@Quell: I just got one and I think they may suck..
20:59.21arkonadevso in the zapatel.conf they have have it broken into 3 parts each part has the signalling set to one of those values
20:59.26arkonadevso what exactly is that doing
21:00.06convey@Quell: I would not advise that you buy one :)
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21:01.14arkonadevi guess what im really asking is under what condition would the fxo_ls would be used and when would fxo_ks be used and when would fxs_ks be used
21:01.58arkonadevbecuase it looks like based on what signalling is used they go to different contexts in the dialplan
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21:04.20gursikhAnyone, developer or advanced user, provide support services to Local New York City area?
21:05.59charles___gursikh:  full time ?
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21:07.04Waverly360arkonadev: we just use the _ks stuff...but as far as fxo/fxs devices go, you use fxo_ks when you're connecting to an fxs device, and fxs_ks when you're connecting to an fxo device
21:07.14gursikhWell, One time now, Full time possibility
21:07.32arkonadevso which device handles incoming calls and which device handles outgoing calls
21:07.34Waverly360an fxo device is a line that connects your pbx to an analog phone line
21:08.07Waverly360the fxo device (fxs_ks) is the one that deals with incoming and outgoing calls into and out of the pbx.
21:08.23Waverly360an fxs device is a phone plugged directly into the pbx
21:08.52charles___gursikh:  I'm interested in offering but I'm in florida
21:08.56arkonadevfxs would handle all the extensions within a company and the fxo would handle all inbound and outbound traffic
21:09.14Waverly360IF all of your internal lines are analog phones
21:09.26Waverly360god I hope I'm explaining that right..
21:09.35Waverly360someone tell me if I'm explaining it to him wrong
21:09.51gursikhWell, what I REALLY need now is someone extremely knowledgable in ASterisk and all the networking and IT stuff that goes along with it to come in (remotly) and Fix my installation.
21:10.00Tall-guyZTOOL question: When I use "zttool", My 4 PSTN channels all show "Active"...(no calls present at the time tho), whats up with that??
21:10.11Waverly360what's wrong with your gursikh?
21:10.16arkonadevso then one more thing is when does an loopstart get used and when does a kewlstart get used
21:10.40Waverly360that I'm not sure what to tell you.  We've always used kewlstart..and they just work
21:10.51Waverly360I'm somewhat of a n00b apologies
21:10.59gursikhI had hired some guy (off of here or #freepbx I dont recall) and he had done the installation "ok" but many minor issues still exist, and I dont feel confident that he can fix them.
21:10.59arkonadevwell im a super noob :P
21:11.50Waverly360gursikh:can you explain some of the issues?
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21:11.57Tall-guyKewlstart is loopstart with far end disconnect supervision
21:12.15arkonadevso when would a loopstart get used and when would the kewlstart be used
21:12.42Waverly360well...couldn't you just use kewlstart and it just work?
21:13.03arkonadevthats the thing im working with a system already in place that i have to customize
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21:13.52develQwell[], that's the stuff, thanks a lot.
21:14.03Tall-guyarkonadev: use kewlstart, there are VERY few instances where it won't work for you.
21:14.30arkonadevso let me give you a rundown of what is going on when signalling=fxo_ls they go the default context when the signalling=fxs_ks the context is incoming and when the singalling=fxo_ks the context internal so im just trying to figure out a reason for them to do this
21:14.41gursikhPeople cannot Get though to us (fast busy, or nothing) Dialing out gives error messages (it. "dial '1' to reach, when  you dont have to, and when you do dial one it doesn't work) CallerID (outbound) is not working 80% of the time) Certain numbers (especially 1-800's dont work period (outbound). Voicemail drops the call when checking messages. Button's for phone for message and voicemail are not ocnfigured. setup the context in zapata.conf
21:14.50gursikhand so on :-(
21:14.51arkonadevwhy are they going to different contexts based on the signalling
21:15.11Waverly360those devices will go wherever you want them to...look in zapata.conf
21:15.12gursikhAnd he couldn't get AstaTapi to work .
21:15.15arkonadevno i didnt set it up the company i work for bought a pre setup asterisk server from now i have to figure out what the hell they are doing
21:17.13Waverly360gursikh: hmm.  Can you give me details on the hardware config?  PRI? Analog lines? IAX2?
21:18.47arkonadevon quick question thats off the topic of the first couple is if you include a context in another is that context called before the context your in
21:19.16Waverly360well..I think it's inserted where your actual include line is
21:20.08gursikhWaverly360: standby please
21:20.12Waverly360gursikh: I got 1.5 hours of battery life left :P
21:20.26Un1xanyone know of some small adapter or something
21:20.30Un1xi can stick onto a PSTN line
21:20.37Un1xfor it to broadcast the shit over Antenna
21:20.54gursikhMay I PM you, or shall I leave it here?
21:21.07c4t3lif you have a long enough wire I suppose you could use an ATA
21:21.09Waverly360you can leave it here..unless it's HUGE :)
21:21.16gursikhno, I'll just type it as I go
21:21.41c4t3lor you could make a massive tone amp
21:21.44eKo1Un1x: a cordless phone?
21:22.00Un1xi mean some tiny small adapter
21:22.04Un1xcomes with a phone or a receiver
21:22.23Un1xso i could like plug in the adapter into my freinds house :P and bring the reciever to mien
21:22.28Un1xand plug my phone into the receiver :D
21:22.37Bobcat_1966hello All, anybody know what this module does?"". When using asterisk 1.2 it asterisk starts fine but after updating to Asterisk SVN Trunk Asterisks will not start unless I commint the module out in the modules.conf file.
21:22.46eKo1Un1x: you've just described a cordless phone
21:22.49fileBobcat_1966: wipe your modules directory
21:22.57fileBobcat_1966: and do a make install again from trunk
21:23.33Bobcat_1966yep I did but is in the modules.conf file....The system seems to work fine when I comment it out but I was just wondering what it did.
21:23.52fileit was consolidated into another format file since they did the same thing basically
21:24.00fileso it doesn't exist as a seperate module anymore
21:24.03Un1xek01 no i have not
21:24.10Un1xi cannot attach a cordless phone onto a naked pstn
21:24.46Bobcat_1966cool, everytime I do and svn update it uncomments this file and I have to dissable it. Is this a bug?
21:25.06gursikhok Running on DSL line, 6mb each way coming in.  I have this card: I have 2 boxes running A@H, one primary with the digium card, the other secondary asterisk (failsafe) and runs Iptables. I have a dell 2724 managed switch that's supposed to be doing QOS.
21:25.11c4t3lUn1x: i think that the old russians used to use some-such device
21:25.16gursikhI have 6 Polycom Ip 501 Phones
21:25.34fileBobcat_1966: Asterisk won't modify your modules.conf unless you tell it to
21:25.52eKo1Un1x: not the phone, the base station
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21:25.56eKo1the phone is the receiver
21:26.07gursikhI have one fax that uses the pstn and the pstn also is supposed to be inbound and ring ALL the phones.
21:26.08Bobcat_1966Interesting maybe its Freepbx doing it..thanks
21:26.22gursikhVOip service from ThinkBright and VoipJet
21:26.51gursikh(thinkbright primary single outbound line) (Voipjet ALL else outbound.) (Pstn only for fax and inbound collect calls)
21:27.07eKo1gursikh: what is your point?
21:27.21Un1xwhere can i get oen :p
21:27.44gursikhSorry eKo1: This is for Waverly360. He was wanting my config, asked that I state it publicly (please scroll up and see problems and questions)
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21:29.37queuetueHi.  How much can I do from the console?  Can I ring an extension and connect it to voicemail?  I'm not sure if it's a real shell, or just for monitoring and configuration.
21:30.04Waverly360gursikh: chances are I might be able to help you some later on...definitely not right at this moment.  I'm not promising that I can fix everything though.
21:30.15eKo1queuetue: just for monitoring mostly
21:30.30Waverly360gursikh: my areas of expertise are..well..nada in asterisk.  I've done it..and I'm getting better at troubleshooting dial plans and the like
21:30.32eKo1queuetue: you could make an app to do that though
21:30.40queuetueeKo1, Ok.
21:31.11_4d4m_queuetue: u can dial from the CLI
21:31.11Waverly360gursikh: If you want, email your configs to me at and I'll go through them and see if I can't help solve a few probs.
21:31.36_4d4m_queuetue: in the formal dial extension@context
21:32.35gursikhWaverly360: I will seriously consider your offfer, especially if I cannot find an "asterisk guru" to do this by tomorrow
21:32.38gursikhthank you
21:32.41eKo1_4d4m_: do tell
21:32.56Waverly360gursikh: No charge btw...I need the practice.
21:33.09gursikhOh, I c . Thanks.
21:33.42gursikhBut I really only have a very short time to get this fixed (This office is not in the state where I live, here for only  a few days)
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21:34.04wzlwzlanyone know if its possible to use a polycom soundstation conference phone that is not VOIP-capable with a cisco ATA?
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21:35.27Waverly360understood gursikh.  I'm actually at a conference..and was checking out the forum while listening to an uninteresting topic :P
21:36.14[TK]D-Fenderwzlwzl : Sure
21:36.34wzlwzlwe'd just lose the functionality like transferring, right?
21:36.50[TK]D-Fenderwzlwzl : Nope.  ATA should offer all the normal features you'd expect
21:37.06[TK]D-Fenderwzlwzl : All throught hookflash & DTMF signalling.
21:37.11develok, so with extensions.conf info in realtime, how can i look at a dialplan?
21:37.21wzlwzlanyone know how good the polycom soundstations are?
21:37.26[TK]D-Fenderwzlwzl : I run a SoundStation 2W (wireless) on a Sipura ATA.  Works great
21:37.34Waverly360devel: you mean from the CLI?
21:37.41wzlwzlsounds sexy.
21:37.42[TK]D-Fenderwzlwzl : Yup
21:37.45wzlwzland useful, too
21:37.51develaye, Waverly360
21:37.56[TK]D-Fenderwzlwzl : indeed.  I specialize in Polycom IP/analog.
21:38.07Waverly360devel: why is your extensions.conf different from what would be in memory?
21:38.14Waverly360devel: or is it?
21:38.33develthere is no extensions.conf, because it's in realtime.  unless that's wrong, which would explain a lot :)
21:38.53Waverly360devel: Well...when asterisk is first has to read the info from somewhere
21:39.01Waverly360devel: either extensions.conf, or a database
21:39.09develright, realtime == database
21:39.36Waverly360devel: could connect to the database..I've not dealt with the database backend of asterisk
21:39.43Waverly360devel: isn't it just mysql?
21:39.50develaye, it is
21:40.05wzlwzl[TK]D-Fender: nice
21:40.07Waverly360so #mysql asterisk
21:40.08wzlwzlthx for the info
21:40.47develyeah, if you've not worked with realtime, then you'll be as baffled as i am, trust me.
21:40.49gandhijeethere is some stuff about using * with a DB on voip-info
21:41.36Waverly360devel: well..maybe I'm wrong..but I would assume you connect to the database with the mysql commandline client and just select * from extensions;
21:42.09develyeah, you're "wrong" as the case were.  the records are there, so i need to verify that asterisk is seeing those records.
21:43.55develQwell[] just taught me that to see the sip entires, instead of doing "sip show peer 100" you have to do "sip show peer 100 load".  so there must (should) be an equivalent for the dialplan.
21:45.52develi'm looking over the wiki ( again, in case i missed something
21:45.56Waverly360show dialplan
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21:46.20develthat doesn't work if it's in realtime
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21:46.24Waverly360database show
21:46.52develthat is the on disk dbm database i believe
21:47.14Waverly360those are the only cli commands I see that might be useful
21:47.20wzlwzlany suggestions on where to get a soundstation?
21:47.38Waverly360I find it odd that 'show dialplan' won't show the dialplan though..even if it is realtime
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21:48.55Waverly360This looks like it might be useful:
21:49.32Waverly360hrm...maybe not as helpful as I thought..n/m
21:49.32develwait, i see what i'm doing wrong.  i missed the very first part in the wiki.  i _do_ still need extensions.conf, just a shell that points to realtime stuff.
21:49.49Waverly360even with realtime?
21:49.58queuetue_4d4m_, Like "dial SIP/<extension>@<context>" ?
21:50.16queuetueThat doesn't work ...
21:50.18*** join/#asterisk IvyUK (n=mark@
21:50.26develswitch => Realtime/mycontext@realtime_ext
21:51.32_4d4m_queuetue: no 'dial exten@context'.  it's not the full Dial() you are used to working with from within the dialplan, but it does work.
21:52.10*** join/#asterisk adfsadfae (
21:52.47adfsadfaecan someone help me with mysql/php server not giving permissions
21:53.02adfsadfaeto my asterisk server
21:53.03Waverly360devel: Are you sure about that?  I can't seem to find where you're seeing that.
21:53.54develonce i added that line in to the context, it worked.  however, that still leaves me with my original problem (i.e. i can't see what all extensions are defined in the context)
21:53.55Waverly360oh..hah...I just saw bad
21:54.18Waverly360what happens if you do a show dialplan now?
21:54.28develi see the switch statement, that is all
21:54.51Waverly360show dialplan simply outputs the config to the cli?
21:54.59Waverly360the config file I mean
21:55.13develmore or less
21:55.20Waverly360that's unintuitive
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21:55.40develwhich is why i'm here begging for help, i'm a pretty intuitive guy.
21:55.52Waverly360hah..I meant no offense :)
21:55.53adfsadfaehelp me
21:56.08adfsadfaeIve been working on this for days
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21:56.48adfsadfaeproblem connecting to "", port 5038: Connection refused at /home/cron/ line 144
21:56.55develso now i know it's working, and can "trust" it, but for example if i typo'd a context or something, it may take much longer to catch, where 'show dialplan realtime' (or so) i'd see "oh, that exten doesn't show in that context, i'd better examine the record very carefully"
21:57.23Waverly360I see.
21:57.50adfsadfaecan ne body help
21:58.28Waverly360adfsadfae: You've done all the normal stuff like make sure your firewall/iptables isn't blocking that port on that box?
21:58.50adfsadfaeits on the outside
21:59.00Waverly360on the outside...of what?
21:59.12adfsadfaeof the router you have access to the box? linux I assume?
22:00.24adfsadfaewhat do you mean by access
22:01.16adfsadfaeIm on a public IP
22:02.03adfsadfaeanybody still here?
22:02.03eKo1adfsadfae: First question: Is your firewall turned off?
22:02.05Waverly360can you describe your setup in a bit more detail? where are you? what's between you and the box?
22:02.28adfsadfaeits a modem/router with nat turned off
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22:02.59adfsadfaeim accessing it from within a router
22:03.10queuetueHow far behind (time and featurewise) is 1.0.9?
22:03.19adfsadfaebut the 2 servers are outside
22:03.38*** join/#asterisk adorah (
22:03.45adfsadfaeon public IP
22:03.47Waverly360so you're trying to get from one outside server to the other server on the public internet?
22:04.06adfsadfaeim trying to make the 2 servers communicate
22:04.17adfsadfae1 is a mysql/php server
22:04.41adfsadfaethe other one is asterisks/vicidial server
22:04.56Waverly360does the mysql/php server have iptables turned on?
22:05.22adfsadfaehow do i do that
22:05.40adfsadfaesorry THis is my first time working with linux's the thing...iptables is your firewall..if you turn off leave the server wide open to attacks
22:06.07*** join/#asterisk Hughes (
22:06.12redondosCan you please look at that?
22:06.22adfsadfaeim using slackware 10.2
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22:06.34Waverly360since that server is on the need to keep iptables on..but that particular port needs to be opened
22:06.35adfsadfaehow would i access iptables
22:06.41Waverly360I can't walk you through it
22:06.45redondosI have an E200p card and exten => 1120,1,Dial(Zap/g1/4397070,60,m)
22:06.51Waverly360you really need to google iptables...and the commands that go with it
22:06.58Waverly360or find an iptables guru on here.
22:06.58adfsadfaejust let me know the name of the file depends on how it's setup
22:07.11Waverly360man iptables
22:07.32Waverly360I think it might be /etc/sysconfig/iptables/
22:07.38Waverly360but I'm not's been awhile
22:08.09Tall-guycan someone tell me what "ztspeed" does?
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22:08.34HughesHey all.  Any thoughts on why I'd get no audio between two local SIP phones when NAT's not involved?
22:08.37Waverly360adfsadfae: if you're a linux beginner, be careful with your iptables don't wanna leave it open to attacks from hackers.
22:08.57adfsadfaelemme take a look at it real quick
22:08.59Tall-guyhughes: are you sipping thru asterisk, or sipping via ip directly to phones?
22:09.27HughesI'm registering with asterisk and using an extension to call the other phone.
22:09.36Tall-guyhughes: codec?
22:09.39adfsadfaeis it the sbin/iptables
22:09.45HughesNone defined in sip.conf
22:10.08HughesI believe both devices are set to u-law first.
22:10.09*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
22:10.58Tall-guywhat kinda sip devices?
22:11.18Hughesa grandstream 100 and a sipura spa2000
22:12.26Tall-guyhughes: try doing something like calling asterisk voicemail, and leaving a message (and listening to it), from each device in turn......
22:12.43*** join/#asterisk Shark_y (
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22:13.34redondosQuestion: I have an E1 line and an E200P card. All of a sudden I can only dial toll-free numbers. The console says "== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)". Is it safe to assume it is my provider's fault and not Asterisk's?
22:13.41Dr-LinuxQwell[]: Qwell around?
22:13.50redondosWell, not toll-free but the phone company's numbers.
22:14.14Dr-LinuxQwell[]: i got a reply from Red Hat
22:14.25Qwell[]Dr-Linux: good?
22:14.28*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:14.44Dr-LinuxQwell[]: you tell me after seeing
22:14.50Qwell[]ok, fwd it
22:14.55Dr-Linuxlemme forward you
22:15.08Dr-LinuxQwell[]: email? again
22:16.16Dr-LinuxQwell[]: sent
22:16.19Dr-Linuxalong my reply
22:17.04Qwell[]Dr-Linux: slow mail server :p
22:17.18Dr-LinuxQwell[]: mine?
22:17.26Qwell[]yours or mine, heh
22:17.26Shark_yguys, a little help, why is * delaying of at least one ring a call that arrives on a tdm400p ?
22:17.46Dr-Linuxmine looks fine
22:18.11Qwell[]Your last one came really fast
22:18.15Tall-guysharky_ look for a "wait" in your dialplan
22:18.29Dr-LinuxQwell[]: that i sent from gmail account
22:18.37Dr-Linuxthis one is from :P
22:19.06Dr-LinuxQwell[]: do you know how they found my email address?
22:19.08Qwell[]Dr-Linux: It has to stop through US customs
22:19.15Dr-LinuxQwell[]: they use feedback on my site
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22:19.30Qwell[]usually they'll just get the records from the registrar
22:19.44Dr-Linuxand feedback comes to gmail, but i reply them from
22:20.03Dr-LinuxQwell[]: no the records is something else :P
22:20.40Qwell[]Dr-Linux: I might have your server blacklisted :P
22:20.42*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
22:20.44Qwell[]try sending it from gmail?
22:21.10Shark_yTall-guy could be a wait inserted to try to get a CID?
22:21.26Dr-LinuxQwell[]: okey lemme do
22:21.51*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=sedorox@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
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22:22.49Waverly360battery dying..later
22:24.24Qwell[]Dr-Linux: slow slow slow :P
22:25.30Dr-LinuxQwell[]: gmail is not opening .. trying ......
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22:28.32Dr-LinuxQwell[]: sent from gmail
22:28.37Qwell[]there it is
22:28.38*** part/#asterisk viler (i=1000@
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22:29.27Qwell[]Dr-Linux: want my honest opinion?
22:29.38Dr-LinuxQwell[]: sure
22:30.00Qwell[]give it to them, and let them reimburse you
22:30.07Qwell[](not in that order though)
22:30.34Dr-Linuxin the order? what do you mean?
22:30.57Qwell[]say you'll give it to them, and after you get the check, let them have it
22:31.08*** part/#asterisk bpiper (n=bpiper@
22:31.17Qwell[]just say "it cost me exactly this much to register it, and blah, blah, blah"
22:31.27Qwell[]"Here is my mailing address, etc"
22:31.37Tall-guyguys, if I have a TDM400P and a X100P on the same interrupt, should I look to that as the cause of zaptel voice quality issues, even if the cards show no IRQ issues with "zttool"
22:31.47Dr-LinuxQwell[]: you mean only $14 ?
22:31.56Qwell[]Dr-Linux: pretty much ;/
22:32.02Dr-Linuxwhat about this time i spent and hosting .. and blah blah?
22:32.45Qwell[]Dr-Linux: I honestly don't think they'll pay for time you spent on it
22:33.06Qwell[]tell them to send you some goodies :P
22:33.15Dr-LinuxQwell[]: goodies? :S
22:33.20Qwell[]pens, shirts, etc :p
22:33.24Dr-LinuxQwell[]: can i have some bucks from them?
22:33.34Qwell[]I doubt they'll give you more than what you actually paid
22:33.45Qwell[]Dr-Linux: How long have you had the domain?
22:34.03Dr-LinuxQwell[]: 2 months
22:34.10Qwell[]yeah, you won't get much
22:34.56Dr-Linuxhhmm.. :S
22:35.03Dr-LinuxQwell[]: so no way?
22:35.13Qwell[]Dr-Linux: well, you can always ask, but...
22:37.02Dr-LinuxQwell[]: i didnt paid myself for this domain
22:37.11Dr-Linuxsomeone else paid and i got here
22:37.17Dr-Linuxmaybe i'll give to someone else
22:37.24Dr-Linuxand he/she will handle
22:37.53HughesTall-Guy:  Both phones can leave voicemail just fine.  They appear to talk to asterisk okay but when they call each other, no audio...
22:38.00Dr-LinuxQwell[]: i will leave the domain, but i'll never give them with $14 , that's bad for my efforts
22:38.16Tall-guyhughes: any errors on asterisk console when calls are placed? (between phones?)
22:39.33Tall-guyhughes: got the asterisk started with -vvvvvgc?
22:39.59HughesJust the vvvv  hang on.
22:40.15*** join/#asterisk oadaeh (
22:40.28Hughesstill no errors logging.
22:41.13Tall-guyhughes: if you do a "sip show peers" on the console....are they at the "Expected" ports?
22:41.48Hughesyup.  all 5060
22:42.05Hugheswith no NAT
22:42.18Tall-guybeats the hell outta me :)
22:42.31HughesIsn't there a way to force asterisk to handle/convert all audio?
22:42.33*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
22:42.46HughesSeems like I read it yeaterday but can't remember where.
22:44.04Tall-guyI want to pull out a bad Zaptel card that I don't happen to be using...but I don't want to adjust my dialplan with Zap channel numbering, is there a way to "reserve" this channel so I can keep my channel numbering scheme the same?
22:46.27Zodiacalanyone know why features.conf xfersound = beep doesn't beep?
22:49.11*** join/#asterisk Blafasel (
22:49.29Qwell[]Zodiacal: just a guess, but do you have a beep sound?
22:49.52Tall-guyWhat is the weight of an unladen swallow?
22:50.08BlafaselHi.. I'm struggling to understand if I need the zap_ata.conf for a chan_ss7 setup - and if not: How can I try to fix issues with lots of echos?
22:50.08Zodiacalqwell yeah beep.gsm
22:50.51*** join/#asterisk caloi (n=caloi@
22:51.08hadsAfrican or European?
22:51.16*** part/#asterisk caloi (n=caloi@
22:51.27redondosI think my lines don't work because of my provider. Can anyone please help me make sure?
22:51.37Qwell[]redondos: pick up a phone, dial a number
22:51.43Qwell[]if it fails, it's the provider
22:51.51redondosIt's not that simple.
22:51.55Qwell[]the phone, obviously, would be plugged directly into the line
22:51.56[hC]Qwell: but.. what if it works?
22:52.02Qwell[][hC]: Then * is hosed :P
22:52.31redondosI can call my server, but the server cannot call anything other than some free numbers.
22:52.38redondosSuch as '110' (phone directory)
22:53.13redondosIt says: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
22:53.32redondosWhat's this about? -> -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH
22:54.23*** join/#asterisk caloi (n=caloi@
22:54.52redondosNobody knows about that 'SPEECH' thing?
22:55.22Qwell[]'speech' is what it's called when a person makes comprehendable noises with their vocal chords
22:55.30Tall-guyhads :)
22:55.50Qwell[]oftentimes, another party to the "conversation" will also respond, with 'speech'
22:56.19Qwell[]occasionally, party A will respond to his own inquiries
22:56.37Qwell[]and most of the time, said party will be prescribed 'drugs' to 'fix' the situation
22:57.41redondos'ok', can you try to help me now?
22:57.50*** join/#asterisk niZon (
22:57.54redondosPlease. I just want to make sure it's them.
22:58.06Qwell[]redondos: Is this analog?
22:58.16Qwell[]then it's them
22:58.51Qwell[]Have you called them?
22:59.07redondosThey claim everything is fine, but it's not the first time they screw up.
22:59.15Qwell[]get a new provider..
22:59.26redondosThere's only 2 providers here.
22:59.33redondosAnd the second one is really expensive -> I now see why.
23:01.17redondosQwell[]: You think it can't be a problem with zaptel or zapata.conf?
23:01.31Qwell[]it works for some numbers?  I highly doubt it
23:02.36redondosWorks for just one number AFAItried.
23:03.22redondosTwo numbers: 110 and 112.
23:03.33redondosBasically free numbers answered by the providers PBX.
23:04.16Qwell[]yeah, it's them...
23:05.04redondosOk, calling them tomorrow. They don't even have 24x7 support.
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23:10.20Delta239hey where is the place in extensions.conf where i can put the caller id to show to people?
23:14.53BlafaselDelta239: You can Set(CALLERID()) in there..
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23:24.38rene-i ran into a problem today, it also happened yesterday and once one time ago,, while using asterisk with softphones namely SJPhone, in an ACD agents/queues setup asterisk would crash while a very loud static noise would be heard at one of the softphones, this is while using the manager interfase .. somewhat heavily... it has happened to me within an hour or so... what could it be??
23:25.09rene-i wonder if the softphone is what is causing it?
23:25.43jbotEcho Canceler Freak Out, this happens when the rxgain is too high and the echo canceler freaks out.  Some users describe it as "screeching", "feedback", "static", or other useless terms.  If users report "static" on a system where there cannot be static (all digital, PRI, SIP, etc), you might be experiencing ECFO.
23:26.05ManxPowerrene-, run a backtrace on the .core file and file it on
23:26.17rene-that would be pretty much my system: pri + sip
23:26.29ManxPowerSee /path/to/src/asterisk/docs for the README.backtrace (I think it is called that)
23:26.43rene-thanks you read my mind, i do need instructions for doing a backtrace
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23:32.26rene-Manx, would just disabling echo cancelling on my zapata.conf do any good?
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23:44.09znoGOT: anyone use DIDX?
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23:49.07watchy2i tried making my tivo call from a sipura ata but it dont work :(
23:51.23FaithXI think IVR is failing to recognize when people hangup... consequently the line is help open and engaged 1. How can I hang up the line withouth restarting 2. Is this a know bug I can fix
23:51.26redondosNoone will help unless you provide all the necessary technical information.
23:51.45redondosFaithX: Is it analog?
23:51.56redondosWell, uhm, there you go.
23:52.10redondosI haven  got much experience, but I always had that problem with x100p
23:52.14FaithXIt is a TDM4000
23:52.23redondosWhatever. Analog sucks.,
23:52.33FaithXwith FXS ports
23:52.36redondosBut hey, stay around, someone might be able to help, I'm sure,.
23:55.00znoGFaithX: have you got busydetect on?
23:55.13znoGFaithX: it happens from time to time that my zaptel card doesn't detect a hangup
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.