irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060728

00:04.30*** join/#asterisk rushowr (
00:04.42*** part/#asterisk rushowr (
00:09.49InnatechIs anyone here experienced with connecting a Linksys RPT-300-NA ATA to * ?
00:12.40carrarWe're gonna need you to move downstairs to the basement
00:13.45fgwallerInnatech: I did
00:15.08Innatechfgwaller: Did you have to do anything unusual to get it registered? I can't get it to register, and * fails it over to the default IVR. I can then reach softphone extensions, but if I try to call the RPT-300's assigned extensions, I get the out-of-service message.
00:16.13*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:16.22fgwallerswitching off silence suppression and T38 I think, the rest was efault i think
00:16.39fgwallerDo you see in attempting to register at all?
00:16.45InnatechDo you recall the dial patter you set in the RPT?
00:17.02InnatechI see it attempting on the RPT's side, but not in the * output.
00:17.20fgwallernot off hand and the device is currently not hooked up anymore...
00:17.48*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:18.06Innatechah. I've been nosing around list and forum archives, I imagine I'll find a dial pattern sooner or later.
00:18.14InnatechThe registration thing is odd, though.
00:18.17fgwallerare your asterisk settings ok?
00:18.38InnatechMy test X-ten extension and broadvoice trunk is working normally.
00:18.56fgwallerohh... my faint memory comes back....
00:19.01InnatechI'm trying now to add ATA's before I buy better multiple trunks and go live.
00:19.32carl0s-peice of shit.  0776608767  0a0a9cf7360  00102/00000  g729  No       Init: INVITE
00:19.41carl0s-accept the INVITE goddamit
00:19.50fgwallerbut the dialpattern only controlls on which dialed number the ATA tries to establish a connection instantly
00:20.11Innatechyes, I figure that's why I'm getting the default IVR somehow.
00:20.45Zodiacalanyone know how i can run something when a parked call times out?
00:20.59fgwallerI dont remember what the pattern syntax was, but it was in the online help of the AAT or on the linksys website
00:21.33InnatechHmm. I'll check Linksys again. Didn't find anything very useful there earlier.
00:21.43fgwallersomething like 2**,3**,1**********
00:21.59InnatechBut you had no registration problems, eh?
00:22.17fgwallerno, not a bit...
00:22.33InnatechHmm. Curious. Well, I'll fiddle with it some more.
00:22.52fgwallerbut we had problems with the silence suppression on ;-)
00:23.09InnatechNice to know. =)
00:27.26Zodiacalany ideas?
00:28.51carl0s-what does insecure=invite do?
00:32.36*** join/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
00:34.25*** join/#asterisk jcaz (
00:34.31jcazHello all
00:35.18*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
00:35.28jcazi was just viewing a site when I saw this :(
00:43.14*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
00:45.49NetgeeksAnyone here running extremely high load asterisk systems?  400+ concurrent calls?
00:47.23Netgeeksinsecure=invite causes asterisk to not challenge a user/peer upon an invite for the user/peer entry which you've set that directive.  Otherwise if you have a secret specified, asterisk will challenge the invite
00:48.07NetgeeksI think is was added primarily to deal with situations where you might want to challenge a registration, but not challenge an invite for the same device
00:48.17Netgeeksbut thats pure speculation by me
00:48.53carrarhahah jcaz
00:50.27*** join/#asterisk leejohn (n=leejohn@
01:01.46*** join/#asterisk trivex (
01:05.03*** join/#asterisk paolob (
01:05.17Zodiacalanyone know of a way to get the parkandanounce cmd to speak the parked number on the same call and not call back again?
01:05.38Zodiacalparkandanounce = ParkAndAnnounce
01:06.23Zodiacalexten => _2XX,3,ParkAndAnnounce(pbx-transfer:PARKED|7200|SIP/${EXTEN:1}|default,${EXTEN:1},1)
01:06.42Zodiacalis there a better way to dial than SIP/${EXTEN:1}
01:06.50Zodiacalor somthin
01:07.26*** part/#asterisk paolob (
01:09.19*** join/#asterisk Un1x (i=Sean@
01:09.27Un1xhow much upload speed is needed for Ulaw?
01:09.40jbotextra, extra, read all about it, ulaw is pronounce "mu"-law and consumes 64 Kb/s in each direction.  It is considered a loss-less CODEC with a sampling rate of 8,000 hz and is 8 bit.  It delivers quality equivalent to that of a POTS line.
01:10.06Un1xnot bad
01:10.24jboti guess g.729 is It was in November 1995 that the G.729 standard, also referred to as CS-ACELP was adopted by the ITU, a United Nations organization. Similar, quality-wise, to 32 kbps ADPCM, G.729 offers toll quality speech. Furthermore, being only an 8 kbps codec, G.729 offers opportunities for significant increases in bandwidth utilization to existing telephony ...
01:11.38*** join/#asterisk hypnox (n=dan@
01:12.10hypnoxanyone know if you can run a dialplan function from an agi? (That's function not application)
01:13.20*** join/#asterisk lilalinux (
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01:13.48*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:17.01*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
01:23.55Qwellhypnox: sure, just use Set()
01:25.26JunK-Yhypnox: yes u can.
01:26.42mivckhypnox: For example, I use: $AGI->stream_file('beep');
01:27.03InnatechOK, so I've made some progress with the RTP-300. If I disable the second line, then the * extension assigned to the first line rings. If I enable the second line, then both extensions show as unavailable, and * sends the call to congestion limbo.
01:27.25InnatechAny suggestions/ideas would be welcomed.
01:32.09*** join/#asterisk mog_home (n=mogorman@
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01:35.03leejohnhi guys, does BLA/SLA stuff can be consider on 1.6 by developers?
01:35.46russellbthere is some SLA stuff in the upcoming 1.4 release
01:35.47*** join/#asterisk Hunter_SC (i=Junior@
01:38.14*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
01:39.04Hunter_SCWho has a SPA-3102? It could help in a dial plan me?
01:41.12*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
01:42.48JunK-Yis a demo for sla.conf is comin' too?
01:55.13awkwhat could cause mwi to stop working all the sudden on a polycom?
01:55.16awkthe configs look fine
01:55.18awkthere is just no mwi
01:56.22awkall polycoms are broken this way
01:56.26awkafter a visit from a 'tech'
01:57.15JunK-Yand u still have mailbox=foo in ur sip.conf?
01:57.43JunK-Ydoes he changed something on the polycom config?
01:57.48awkegrep ^\\[\|mailbox /etc/asterisk/sip.conf|sed 's/\[//g;s/\]//g;s/mailbox\=//g'|awk '{print $1}'|uniq -c
01:57.53awkthis shows perfect results
01:57.55awk2 of each
01:58.20*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (i=troubled@
02:01.51InnatechAnyone know why Line 1 on a Linksys RTP-300 would register with the second line disabled, but fail to register both lines with both enabled?
02:02.13Hunter_SCWho has a SPA-3102? It could help in a dial plan me?
02:09.48awkgrep msg *.cfg | grep mwi | grep -v phone[0-9]|sed 's/^.*.:/&\ /g;s/msg.mwi.[1-9].subscribe=//g;s/msg.*.$//g;s/phone.//g;s/.cfg//g;s/://g;s/\"//g'|uniq -c
02:09.54awkthis has no problems either
02:09.59*** join/#asterisk linlin (
02:10.12awkthere is nothing in sip.cfg that resembles MWI functionality
02:11.57*** part/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
02:14.01*** join/#asterisk russellb_ (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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02:14.52*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
02:14.56shmaltzhi everyone
02:16.16[TK]D-Fenderawk : Pastebin your configs (sip.conf sip.cfg)
02:16.46[TK]D-Fenderawk : and the phones config from 2 phones that don't work.
02:18.17*** join/#asterisk Splas (
02:23.07*** join/#asterisk [koss] (
02:23.39*** join/#asterisk mog_home (n=mogorman@
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02:26.19*** join/#asterisk nailbags|work (n=neilbags@
02:28.11*** join/#asterisk shad0w1e (
02:28.27shad0w1eanyone familiar with this error?: NOTICE[5411]: pbx.c:1741 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'stl'
02:29.16shmaltzshad0w1e, why? you don't understand english?
02:29.44shad0w1ewhy didnt it come with my install
02:29.48shad0w1eand where do I Get it?
02:30.00[TK]D-Fendershad0w1e : thats a dialplan error
02:30.31shad0w1eit means im not registered/?
02:30.57*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
02:30.59[TK]D-Fendershad0w1e : When do you get this error?
02:31.09shad0w1eright after my client connects
02:31.13shad0w1eand it keeps spamming the log
02:31.19shmaltztengulre, hie
02:31.29[TK]D-Fendershad0w1e : check your client config file
02:31.37shad0w1eoh the one i didnt configure
02:31.39tengulre11can the asterisk as a gateway?
02:31.45shad0w1ei thought it was a missing file issue. thanx
02:32.12shad0w1eonce I'm here... anyone know how to get a Linksys RTP300 to connect to this thing? I keep getting authentication errors
02:32.51tengulre11anybody can help me?
02:32.54shad0w1eI read an article how to connect the PAP2 and this one doesnt seem to have that "use authentication" option
02:32.59shad0w1eas that does
02:33.25tengulre11can the asterisk as a gateway?
02:34.27tengulre11anybody here?
02:34.37wunderkin/ignore tengulre11
02:34.46shad0w1e[TK]D-Fender thanks
02:37.53awkwhat change could one make to an asterisk polycom system that would hose mwi
02:38.09awkthat would make mwi not appear to be operational
02:38.19*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=diablo@
02:38.44awkgawk: dont just stand there staring, help
02:39.01gawkhaha. i cant do anything!
02:39.07gawkthast why im here!
02:39.50*** join/#asterisk Synyn_ (
02:41.33awk~seen batphone
02:41.48jbotbatphone <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 23h 6m 42s ago, saying: '   '.
02:48.28*** join/#asterisk benjk (
02:48.48[TK]D-Fenderawk : You might want to consider PB-ing your configs like I asked if you want our help...
02:50.00*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
02:53.39*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:56.55*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
02:58.33awk[TK]D-Fender: didnt seee you ask
02:58.35awkwhat files?
02:58.42awksip.conf i assume
02:58.49awkphone.1.cfg as well
02:58.53[TK]D-Fender[22:16] <[TK]D-Fender> awk : Pastebin your configs (sip.conf sip.cfg)
02:59.02[TK]D-Fender[22:16] <[TK]D-Fender> awk : and the phones config from 2 phones that don't work.
02:59.19awkwould you like root access as well
02:59.28awk/etc/shadow perhaps
02:59.45mrdigitalfile: would you mind helping me for a second? i need to configure the fxo port on my ata to talk to asterisk
03:00.03[TK]D-Fenderawk : No, but I *would* like fries with that
03:00.36fileI'm not a walking manual for ATAs, sadly enough
03:00.47mrdigitalno idea huh?
03:00.49filebut if you ask questions then others may join in
03:00.53mrdigitalwhat about you [TK]D-Fender?
03:00.57mrdigitali got the fxs port working
03:01.05mrdigitali can make /recive calls to asterisk extenstions
03:01.07[TK]D-Fendermrdigital : What kind?
03:01.12mrdigitalbut now i need incoming pstn calls to goto asterisk
03:01.15mrdigitalZoom 5801
03:01.31[TK]D-Fendermrdigital : Oh yeah, we talked about this one... never set one up.
03:01.46mrdigitaltk: would you like vnc access to maybe look around?
03:01.52[TK]D-Fendermrdigital : Gotten ANYWHERE with the FXO side?
03:02.25[TK]D-FenderFor a good time call!
03:05.46*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
03:08.01filelet the fun begin, hey!
03:09.38*** join/#asterisk Clausian (
03:10.28awkthis is way too much crap to PB
03:10.48awkas far as i know there are only 2 places to look for problems. the phone.x.cfg and sip.conf
03:11.22awki could PB the output of `cat /dev/sda`
03:11.44[TK]D-Fenderawk : give me sip.conf and the phone conf's to start
03:12.27file[TK]D-Fender: so how about that weather eh?
03:13.32[TK]D-Fenderfile : Craptastic!
03:15.14Clausiancan i have more than one register => statment?
03:15.26QwellClausian: sure
03:16.05*** join/#asterisk fritz5150 (n=erik@
03:16.40fritz5150does anyone have any experience in setting up caller id spoofing on asterisk?
03:17.20awksip add header
03:17.36awkworks with some of my providers
03:17.55filefritz5150: Asterisk just allows you to set the callerid to what you want, it's up to where you send the call to allow it... ie: on your PRI your telco has to allow, on VoIP your carrier has to allow it
03:18.05fritz5150i have followed the examples set out by the document on
03:18.39fritz5150What I need to do is set up a spoofing service. It looked easy at the start, but i'm in a little deep.
03:19.17fritz5150basically i want to be able to call the did number and then enter the spoofing number , and then the number to call.
03:19.29fileeverything you need to do that is available in Asterisk
03:19.59*** join/#asterisk StewLG (
03:20.09fritz5150this is my first attempt at an asterisk configuration. quite familiar with linux, unix, and such, but asterisk is all new to me.
03:20.16*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
03:20.35*** join/#asterisk DrkShdw (n=DrkShdw@unaffiliated/drkshdw)
03:21.02filejust off the top of my head you might want to make a flow chart of how it's going to work and break it down, and plan out each part... might help you learn better instead of looking at it overall all the time...
03:21.29fritz5150I would be willing to trade product and or services for a little remote help.
03:22.00awkfritz5150: got any smack
03:22.10fileawk: don't make me smack you :P
03:22.24*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
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03:22.24awkbut i need a fix. some zsh will do though.
03:22.30Clausiandoes anyone know why if i do 'exten => _X.,1,Answer' it works, but if i do 'exten => s,1,Answer' asterisk directs people straight to my isp's voicemail service?
03:22.59fileClausian: the s extension is for when the extension dialed is not known (like on analog lines)
03:23.10fritz5150I want to be able to call the number assigned to me by voicepulse, have asterisk answer, then ask for the fake number, then the number to call.
03:23.16fileClausian: in this case your ISP is sending you the number the person actually dialed, so the _X. pattern match matches it
03:23.57[TK]D-Fenderfritz5150 : Quite doable.
03:24.10file[TK]D-Fender is a respectable person who could probably set you up
03:25.29fritz5150TK: I am willing to trade a website design, network configuration help, just about anything else you can think of :)
03:26.47*** join/#asterisk RageMax (
03:27.03fritz5150[TK]D-Fender: I am running the latest version of Asterisk, FreePBX, CentOS4.3.
03:27.46RageMaxcan someone exactly tell me what "Facility rejected" means (cause code 29)
03:28.20*** part/#asterisk redondos (n=redondos@
03:29.17fritz5150[TK]D-Fender: do you have a skype id?
03:29.30fileI'll pretend I didn't read that
03:29.35awkfritz5150: i dont think many people in here pay for their phone bro
03:30.28fritz5150<awk>: sorry man. I just use skype to skype calls only. Kind of a newbie to VoIP
03:30.47RageMaxfile: any knowledge you can provide? ;)
03:31.07fileRageMax: my knowledge of PRIs is ... not so good
03:31.28RageMaxthis isn't a PRI, it's a IAX registration
03:31.42fileoh is it?
03:31.42filethen I can probably help you!
03:31.46filedo an iax2 debug and pastebin it
03:32.05awkhaha. i set up some sip from teliax today. those guys are good (when they arent getting ddos'ed)
03:32.40[TK]D-Fenderawk : Funny... I don't see any mailbox parms for those phones...
03:32.50[TK]D-Fenderfritz5150 : Nope..... I only do SIP/IAX
03:32.56awkoops. i deleted them.
03:33.01awkthey are in the config though
03:33.09awkthey all say mailbox=2299
03:33.12fileRageMax: oh that's easy, registration attempt was rejected
03:33.24awkegrep ^\\[\|mailbox /etc/asterisk/sip.conf|sed 's/\[//g;s/\]//g;s/mailbox\=//g'|awk '{print $1}'|uniq -c
03:33.24RageMaxyes, but why is my question
03:33.27fritz5150[TK]D-Fender: this is an IAX setup
03:33.38fileRageMax: it won't say there
03:33.45[TK]D-Fenderawk: Hard for me to trust them... pastebin "sip show peer [peer]" for your phones.
03:33.46awk[TK]D-Fender: that command shows 2 instances of each
03:33.50fileRageMax: that would open it up for like brute force attacks and stuff... look on when you're registering if you can
03:34.12RageMaxpacket capture?
03:34.24filewhen? where...
03:34.34Clausianwhen it says 'ResponseTimeout is deprecated, please use Set(TIMEOUT(response)=timeout) instead.' where do i put Set(TIMEOUT(response)=timeout)? in the same place i had ResponseTimeout?
03:34.55fileRageMax: just an iax2 debug server side, plus any applicable messages that show up on the CLI regularly about it
03:35.14RageMaxcan't, I'm registering with ipkall
03:35.49filewell, there's not really much you can do then... if you're using the right information on your side and it's not working, it has to be something on their side
03:36.06fileIAX2 registrations are pretty simple
03:36.13RageMaxok, let me ask you this, if this registration process doesn't work, then I won't be getting incoming calls right?
03:36.17RageMaxunlike sip
03:36.30[TK]D-Fenderawk : remove the subscribes for MWI in your phone.cfg file, and your "address" field should only be the username not including the IP or anything else.  may be pollution things....
03:36.32filewhy would SIP be any different?
03:36.41RageMaxit's different in the way they have it setup
03:36.43[TK]D-Fenderawk : and your config look really far off the beaten path....
03:36.45RageMaxthey don't make you register
03:37.00filethat's up to the way they have it configured, but one would assume
03:37.14fileif they have no IP address in your IAX2 peer, then they can't send you a call
03:37.22fritz5150Just so you all know, I'm not much for begging..... except this time.
03:37.43RageMaxwell they have my dyndns address, at least they should
03:38.16RageMaxthe reason I got an IAX setup though is because I couldn't get SIP to work with my router
03:38.37RageMaxit would drop the packet even when I had all ports forwarded, it was driving me mad
03:38.37fileRageMax: well if they have a host specified for your peer, you can't register then since it's not dynamic
03:39.12fritz5150RageMax: what router are you using?
03:39.25RageMaxfritz5150: linksys wrt54GL with dd-wrt
03:39.53RageMaxit didn't work with either the default firmware or dd-wrt, hence my confusion
03:40.01RageMaxfile: they just use a static IP??
03:40.01awkRageMax: you might have to add some forwarding rules to get SIP to work on the linksys
03:40.16fritz5150RageMax: if it was a Cisco, Nortel, or Enterasys, I could fix you up no problem.
03:40.22fileRageMax: I'm not then, I don't know how they have it all setup - I'm just telling you how chan_iax2 works
03:40.26RageMaxawk: I did, 5060, and 10000-20000
03:40.28fileeep, s/then/them/
03:40.57RageMaxawk: and again, I even forwarded all ports via the DMZ and it still wouldn't work
03:41.09RageMaxthe only time I actually got the packet was when I plugged straight into the modem
03:41.09fileRageMax: no packets came into Asterisk?
03:41.12awkRageMax: i mean like generic forwarding rules
03:41.18filesilly router
03:41.36RageMaxyeah, who knows what it was doing
03:42.11fritz5150Ragemax: instead of forwarding rules, can you do a static NAT Translation on the Linksys?
03:42.13*** join/#asterisk eBody (n=ehernand@
03:42.14RageMaxthen the clincher when I finally decided to throw SIP out the window, someone actually tried to call my asterisk box anonymously and *that* got through
03:42.22RageMaxdon't ask me how
03:42.54eBodyhey guys. i keep getting crackle using a tdm2400 over POTS lines. which would be the best codec for this situation?
03:43.01RageMaxfritz5150: not with the firmware I have on there now, you probably can with openwrt, which I didn't try yet
03:43.28awkthis is a setup i built running a dozen or so linksys routers with openvpn on them
03:43.40awkyou can ping any address from any network
03:43.44fileeBody: what's the call flow like?
03:43.45fritz5150RageMax: static NAT should resolve your situation about packets being dropped.
03:44.07RageMaxawk: wrong url ;)
03:44.11fritz5150file: can you recommend anyone else who would be able to help me set up the spoofing?
03:44.23eBodyfile, moderate
03:44.25filefritz5150: there are tons of consultants out there
03:44.35fritz5150file: I have to get this set up tonight.
03:44.51fileeBody: that's not quite the answer I was expecting, I meant are you calling from a SIP phone out it... or what
03:44.58awkfritz5150: what do you mean by 'spoof'?
03:45.00filefritz5150: well, it's tomorrow where I am so you've already past that deadline :D
03:45.02fritz5150it has been kicking my rear for 4 days now.
03:45.11awkif you want to send out a number in a trunk group you should be able to do so
03:45.19eBodyfile, yes. from a SIP phone through the asterisk box and tdm2400 through POTS lines
03:45.37fileeBody: and what codec is the SIP phone using, and do you have any gains on the TDM2400?
03:45.41RageMaxanyway, I'm going to get some rest, thanks for your help guys
03:46.02fritz5150I want to call the DID assigned by my IAX Provider, have asterisk answer, then ask for the spoof number, then ask for the number to call, and place the call.
03:46.05awkfritz5150: if you need to use different routes for the calls you can set up contexts for each extension, per provider/account
03:46.07fileawk: he just needs some dialplan stuff to run a service where someone calls in, types in the number to spoof as, number to dial, and it sends the call out
03:46.12eBodyi was defaulted with ulaw, but switched to GSM and added a little rx and tx gain
03:46.17eBodyseemed to fix it a whole lot.
03:46.20eBodybut still some crackle
03:46.34awkah, ok.
03:47.01fileeBody: take the SIP phone out of the equation, perhaps set it up so you can call into the TDM2400 and use Echo... see if there is still crackle... or even Record it... anything to eliminate some variables
03:47.18fritz5150awk: the only problem is that this problem has me running in circles.
03:47.19awkRageMax: my point was simply to show that i had to build some for loops to allow the routing to take place otherwise those packets get sent to /dev/null
03:47.22eBodyok i'm gonna actually check the lines right now.
03:47.25*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
03:47.35eBodyfile, u don't think it's a config issue?
03:47.58fileeBody: crackle? meh, not really
03:48.34fileif you can trace it down to the TDM2400 you should be able to give support a call, and they can try debugging the issue... might just mean tweaking your gains more, I dunno... I don't do hardware a lot
03:48.39awkfritz5150: to do that your carrier/voip provider needs to allow you to set the outbound caller id
03:48.48fileif they let me near the hardware department stuff would explode
03:49.04awkfritz5150: if they are using a good implementation of SIP you can ask them about using extra sip headers to do so
03:49.05fritz5150awk: they let me set my own caller id.
03:49.19fileawk: I find it curious you're using extra SIP headers...
03:49.20eBodyfile, TDM support?
03:49.25awkfritz5150: but it sounds like it has to be in your trunk group to work
03:49.25eBodywho would that be? digium?
03:49.33fileeBody: Digium technical support
03:49.48awkfritz5150: adding a sip header allows you to send extra data for their end to parse while still not bypassing their own security measures
03:49.58filefritz5150: who is your outbound carrier?
03:50.06fileyeah they allow it
03:50.14fileby regular methods, so you're fine
03:50.15fritz5150that's why I chose them.
03:50.30filehow do you want to authenticate callers?
03:50.38*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:50.41fritz51504 digit password.
03:50.54filefritz5150: let me type up something quickly
03:50.58fritz5150I have a script, but I can't figure out why it's not working.
03:51.03awkaha... im doing something similar with a .call file atm
03:51.04fritz5150I'll paste it here.
03:51.15fritz5150Oh, Ok.
03:51.16filethat'll be fine...
03:52.09fileI just lost part of my net
03:52.39fritz5150What part? Hopefully not the packets! ;)
03:52.54filemy secured network gateway
03:53.00fileand my development machine
03:53.26fritz5150yowch is right!
03:53.53awkfile: do you have immediate physical access?
03:54.19awklucky you. if that happened to me right now id be s.o.l.
03:54.30awkand on the road
03:54.35fritz5150file: are the packets being dropped? or some other type of outage?
03:54.45filerestarting the box
03:54.49fileit's back up :D
03:54.58awki set up a 1u prototype today
03:55.35fritz5150file: Lucky you!
03:56.39fileneeds error checking, but meh
03:57.54awkit runs off of 2 CF cards, no moving parts whatsoever
03:58.03awkhandles between 10 and 20 users
03:58.12filemy devel box is a dual core Athlon64 4200+ with 1GB of RAM... does basic routing too
03:58.19filebridges two other networks to mine here
03:58.42awkfile: i have a similar setup. my devel box, aptly named 'devel' does imaging as well
03:59.07awkits a dual xeon
03:59.18awk80gb sata mirror
03:59.46filefritz5150: I even commented that for you so you could learn what it does ;)
03:59.53fileand expand it...
04:00.34fritz5150Does this go in the extensions.conf or extensions_custom.conf?
04:00.51awkhaha thats pretty sweet
04:01.40filefritz5150: have you read the dialplan part of The Book?
04:02.05fritz5150file: Yeah, but that's what's the most confusing to me.
04:02.50fritz5150believe me, I know.
04:03.02fritz5150I just want to get this thing done, and out of my hair.
04:03.25fritz5150I know you will all laugh at me, but I even used FreePBX to set it all up so far.
04:03.37fileyeah that's what's further ungood
04:04.39fritz5150Give me a routing project, DNS, Web, Wireless, PKI, I'm your man. Just not with asterisk:( It'll take me a while to learn.
04:05.24fileto quote the email I just read on asterisk-dev:
04:05.26file"Asterisk is a lot like sex, you fear it first, then once you get into it and its ALL you can think about!!!"
04:06.10fritz5150It has me intrigued... That's probably not good though cause I'll be obsessed with it until I fully understand it.
04:06.28filethat's how it starts...
04:07.09fritz5150To be good... You must possess one important tool... an obsessive-compulsive personality!
04:07.32fritz5150file: would you be up for a remote session?
04:07.50*** join/#asterisk niteowldave (i=niteowlO@
04:08.20fileno, I'm afraid not
04:08.29fileif you wait till morning you might be able to snag someone to help you
04:08.42fileniteowldave: it's Mr. T38 guy ;)
04:08.48fritz5150I have 5 hours to get this completed.
04:09.03niteowldavefile: Hi there, how r u going
04:10.07niteowldaveI undersdtand, still no luck getting passthrough to work, I don't quite underdstand why the re-invite does not work.
04:11.01niteowldavefile: Connected the ATAs back up to ser and all works OK, but I would rather use asterisk
04:11.29niteowldavefile: must be about 1 in the morning there!
04:11.39fileniteowldave: naturally it'll work with SER... it's a proxy, while Asterisk is a B2BUA... each side gets negotiated independently, and we want at the minimum audio
04:11.43fileit is 1:11AM
04:13.04niteowldaveFile: I understand that much, I don't understand the whole NAT/re-invite issue though. Do you know where I can find a good explanation of that issue?
04:14.07niteowldavefile: If i could get my head around the re-invite problem and how to resolve that I might get somewhere
04:14.10fileniteowldave: not really, if I saw sip debugs though I might be able to say more... and it depends on what you mean by reinvite exactly... ie: reinviting the devices to talk directly, or them reinviting to Asterisk
04:15.40niteowldaveeg, when the two devices are on the same lan the re-invite for the switchover to t.38 works ok, when I use the same ATAs behind a nat at different locations the re-invite for t38 fails
04:16.29fileokay so you're talking about Asterisk sending a reinvite to each side so they talk directly?
04:17.23niteowldaveyes, there is a sip trace at that I did the other day
04:19.34fileis that a full sip debug of the entire dialog from start to finish?
04:19.48niteowldavefile: sorry that one is for a straight t38 only call
04:20.12filethat's why I was confused
04:21.21russellbfile: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
04:21.40russellbyay file, you so r0x0r
04:21.50russellbi don't know.
04:21.55russellbbecause it's late and i'm going insane
04:23.00*** join/#asterisk roving_prole (
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04:24.34filerussellb: now if you change your mind again it'll be silly
04:24.58russellbmaybe I will!
04:25.03russellbprobably not on that part, though
04:29.23*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
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04:34.46NetgeeksHeya Qwell, Russell!
04:34.53JunK-Yanyone knows how to sip notify a gxp-2000 to reboot it? since Event=>sys-control seems to go nowhere.
04:35.46niteowldavefile: sorry, just running a new trace
04:35.51Un1xeh some help quick question wich is better to install asterisk on, Gentoo or Slackware?
04:35.59russellbUn1x: whatever you are most familiar with
04:36.08russellbdoesn't matter in regards to asterisk ...
04:36.28Un1xwhat about zaptel drivers?
04:37.07russellbstill doesn't matter
04:37.58russellbas long as you don't run SuSE 10 ... since they decided to make it near impossible to build custom kernel modules
04:38.58fileJust say no!
04:39.27fileI guess I have powers over people...
04:39.38russellbjust say yes
04:39.49russellbNow, everyone must choose between us!
04:39.51*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
04:40.03filerussellb: unless they are undecided
04:40.17russellbor intent on lurking
04:40.24russellbor ... not here
04:41.45*** join/#asterisk SwK (
04:45.08niteowldavefile: try this trace
04:48.06fritz5150file: I added that script to a custom context in extensions_custom.conf.
04:48.12fritz5150Still no worky
04:48.24filedoesn't like the SDP for T.38, eep
04:48.58filefritz5150: that dialplan logic was a base, it won't work outright - it has to be tweaked - for example the right DID needs to be specified, you need an entry in voicemail.conf to authenticate as, plus you need to make sure incoming calls are going to it
04:49.46fritz5150Incoming calles are going to it, but I left out the authenticate for testing
04:49.59filehave you looked at the CLI to see what it's doing?
04:50.34fritz5150I set it up as exten 555 then I have the inbound route set to go to exten 555
04:50.52filebut what is it really doing?
04:51.58niteowldavefile: asterisk or the ata?
04:52.27fileniteowldave: Asterisk is sending the INVITE with T.38 SDP, but your ATA does not like the SDP
04:55.00fritz5150file: the CLI isn't showing me anything
04:55.59filefritz5150: when you dial the number?
05:00.08fritz5150file: nope it hust sits at the CLI> prompt
05:01.06filethen you have other problems, such as incoming calls not getting to your box... and Voicepulse hopefully has configuration instructions to some capacity that you can double check because it's 2AM and my mind is gone
05:01.30fritz5150I can see on the freepbx interface that the call is answered.
05:01.31sharpfritz5150, set verbose 3
05:01.39fritz5150I have the verbose set to 15
05:01.58fileand you saw nothing on the Asterisk console?
05:02.11fritz5150I am ssh'd in and not at the console. But that shouldn't matter, should it?
05:02.52fileasterisk -r
05:03.03fritz5150file: exten 555 answers the call.
05:03.14fritz5150I did asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvv
05:03.29fileoh, and you do realize I just put in imaginary filenames for the sounds? :)
05:03.52*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
05:03.53fileand imaginary information for the actual dialing part
05:04.07Un1xfile if i use Ulaw, then it wont use too much sys resources right, as in processor and sutff coz my server is, sempron 2200+ with 600megs ram...
05:04.24fritz5150I know I customized the dialing part.
05:04.57fileUn1x: you should be fine
05:05.29fritz5150file: (IAX2/${DIAL_NUM})
05:06.30filethe console output would be nice though... so you can see what it is actually doing, not what it should be doing
05:06.50fritz5150I will call the number again. and watch the cli
05:12.45*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
05:13.25fritz5150file: exited non-zero on 'IAX2/Voicepulse1-1'
05:13.50filesorry, but I'm going to sleep
05:14.22*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
05:15.15filefritz5150: pastebin ( full output
05:22.01websaeanyone know  where i can get a good deal on a 1 u server?
05:22.14Qwellwebsae: telcomjoshvoxmart
05:22.22Qwell(I want my commissions)
05:22.26Qwellwebsae: telcomjoshvoxmart
05:22.35websaeis there a website
05:22.46Qwellno, just a guy in an alley
05:24.52websaewhere do i find him
05:25.09Qwellhe finds you
05:28.42niteowldavefile: Hi there, one of the ATAs had not taken a change to its settings correctly, here is the correct trace
05:35.56Un1xfile you know the caller id spoofing
05:36.02Un1xthe set caller id in asterisk...
05:36.12Un1xwas wondering is it possible i can like lift of the phone and press something like 9 or somethign
05:36.18Un1xand it ask me for a caller id number and dest number
05:48.19fritz5150file: can you see anything from the output?
05:56.01*** join/#asterisk tlow (
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06:12.59RaHaiLany one alive that can do a small project
06:14.38russellbunless the project involves crawling into bed, not me
06:14.51Qwellrussellb: It very well might
06:14.58QwellYou'd regret that statement then
06:15.03russellbindeed, i would
06:16.22*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
06:16.46RaHaiLlol i need some one to make interface for me
06:16.54RaHaiLwhere i can dump all my cdr
06:17.12RaHaiLand people aka client can login and see there usage and charge kind of like billing
06:20.27RaHaiLany one
06:22.46*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=jlq@
06:31.16droopshey RaHaiL thats not hard to do with a little php and a cron job
06:31.31RaHaiL0 exprince on php
06:31.37*** join/#asterisk nailbags|work (n=nailbags@
06:31.44RaHaiLjust i know how to make website with html
06:32.53droopssounds like you need a book
06:33.11RaHaiLstill reading anything i find about php
06:33.33*** join/#asterisk Arno[Slack] (
06:35.12docelmowhat the hell does this mean vayansea la verga dejen de enviar spam
06:36.36*** join/#asterisk sponix (
06:36.49Qwelldocelmo: means "I didn't want to be automatically added to the freeswitch mailing list, don't spam me"
06:38.01MikeJheh.. funny thing is.. he manually subscribed...
06:38.56docelmohay qwell coming to cluecon?
06:39.03docelmoanyone actually from this cannel going?
06:39.57*** join/#asterisk TeePOG (
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06:41.06QwellMikeJ: I didn't :P
06:41.09Qwelldocelmo: nope..
06:43.29MikeJto dev?
06:47.34*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
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06:54.32*** join/#asterisk Un1x (i=Sean@
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06:55.25Un1xis there a problem if i use a pci nic in my asterisk box?
06:55.48Un1xit wouldn't cause any problems would it, because i have a PCI, linksys nic and dont want to use, the onboard nic wich is onthe mobo...
06:57.52rob0The onboard NIC is surely PCI as well, FWIW.
06:58.45rob0Yes, some zaptel hardware has trouble with shared interrupts. There's no way to say for sure that you will or won't have that problem.
06:59.44*** join/#asterisk MacWeenie (
07:01.04*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
07:04.33*** join/#asterisk Stephnie (
07:05.34StephnieI want to connect TWO INBOUND calls to each other.....(just like SIP Peer to SIP Peer) but these inbound calls are not peers....any idea how to let them talk to each other? ....
07:08.44*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
07:08.46RaHaiLany one know where can i go change my defult codec
07:09.00RaHaiLi have my defult codec ulaw i want change to gsm
07:09.08AssidRaHaiL: in your context
07:09.08Clausiananyone in here running astpp?
07:09.08*** join/#asterisk ma_dzen (n=ma_dzen@
07:09.12RaHaiLfor the h323 route
07:09.46RaHaiLi mean what directory i can go and do that
07:10.13Assidi dunno about h323
07:10.54RaHaiLthank you
07:11.10StephnieAssid : what about my questions ?
07:12.57AssidStephnie: didnt see them.. i just logged in
07:14.13StephnieI want to connect TWO INBOUND calls to each other.....(just like SIP Peer to SIP Peer) but these inbound calls are not peers....any idea how to let them talk to each other? ....
07:14.20*** join/#asterisk vlrk (n=vlrk@
07:14.41Assidor use conference on your phone
07:15.02carrarcall the phone directly
07:15.23Stephnieokey thanks
07:15.46benjkmeetme only works if you have zaptel hardware
07:16.05benjkif you don't, there's app_conference
07:16.07Stephnieno I dont have zaptel...both are inbound callers through SIP DID
07:16.17benjkapp_conference then
07:17.09Assidmeetme also works with ztdummy
07:17.23benjkwhich is a terrible hack that can bring your system down
07:18.38benjkits a driver that runs inside the kernel mimicking hardware that you don't have
07:18.54*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
07:19.09Assiddamn.. and i had these guys remove a zaptel wcfxo cause i wanted to use dummy
07:19.24vlrkhow does intercom basically works with asterisk
07:19.40benjkuse app_conference
07:19.49benjkits completely userland
07:20.03benjkintercom is obsoleted
07:20.04Stephniebenjk : but it was a terrible hack that can bring our system down ;)
07:20.23benjkuse app_conference and throw out meetme
07:20.33benjkthen you are safe
07:20.44benjkand don't load ztdummy
07:20.58benjkthen there are no kernel modules involved
07:21.17Stephniedont load ztdummy?  u mean I shouldnt install zaptel if I dont have it ?
07:21.32benjkyeah precisely that's the point
07:21.44benjkwhy should you run zaptel drivers if you don't have zaptel hardware
07:21.48benjkdoesn't make any sense
07:22.18*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
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07:22.45Assiddoesnt IVR need zaptel drivers for timng?
07:23.16benjkIAX trunking and meetme are the two things that use zaptel as a timing source
07:23.34benjkapp_conference can be used in place of meetme
07:24.14benjkIAX trunking you won't be able to use, but it's not such a big issue, just set trunk=no in your iax.conf
07:24.43vooduhalHey guys.  I've got a quick question.   I've got a Sangoma A104 with two active PRIs and a Digium TDM card with 1 FXS and 1 FXO and I'm trying to setup my zatel.conf and zapata.conf.  I'm having problems figuring out which channels are listed on which interface.   Is there a way to tell which channels belong to which interface?
07:25.04benjkits only useful if you have many many concurrent IAX calls between the same two asterisk servers
07:26.25*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
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07:27.02benjkthen again, have a patch for chan_iax to use trunking without zaptel as a timing source, so if absolutely needed, it can be done too
07:27.13Assidi always thought background or something needed that
07:27.31benjkas I said, only IAX trunking and meetme
07:28.28Assidim guessing it can handle much more load as compared to the likes of meetme ?
07:29.09benjkI haven't noticed any difference in performance
07:29.25benjkthere are a few options that meetme has which app_conference doesnt
07:29.45benjkon the other hand, app_conference creates conferences on the fly, so its easier on maintenance
07:30.42*** join/#asterisk vlrk (n=vlrk@
07:33.10Assidlooks interesting.. will play with it
07:33.32Assidno timing device and no resampling.. thatmeans everyone gets their native format
07:33.36vlrkiam using two snoms and asterisk to workout the intercom is . Is anybody successull in doing this ?
07:37.35carrarmeetme is broken
07:37.40carrarbut works mostly
07:37.58benjkuse app_conference then ;)
07:43.52*** join/#asterisk Stephnie (
07:44.10Stephnieforgot to ask....where do I get this app_conference from ?
07:44.56Stephnieinformation on wiki is out dated
07:50.50*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (n=gunnar@
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07:59.08thx2000Anyone know why my sipura would be trying to dial an IP address instead of the number im passing it?
08:02.25*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
08:06.39Un1xwich ports does asterisk and zaptel use...
08:06.44Un1xso i can open them in, my firewall :)
08:08.04rob0That depends which protocols you are using.
08:08.24Un1xwell isn't there a list already
08:08.31Un1xof, Ports/protocals..
08:16.07*** join/#asterisk Formater (
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08:17.16Formaterhi, I have problem with ooh323 + asterisk... when I make calls from SIP to H323, connection is made... but only one-way audio... I got audio from h323 endpoint... but nothing goes from SIP :(
08:17.36Formaterso when there is audio at h323 endpoint I see:
08:17.37FormaterGot RTP packet from (type 3, seq 36267, ts 77120, len 33)
08:17.37FormaterSent RTP packet to (type 18, seq 22305, ts 73600, len 20)
08:18.02Formaterbut when I talk or send dtmf in x-lite, nothing happens, no rtp packet on CLI
08:18.04Formaterany idea?
08:21.10*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
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09:14.22Stephniehi, i have installed app_conference do I need to make conference.conf
09:14.34*** join/#asterisk suma (n=kans@
09:14.53sumai want to have asterisk sending rtp to a single port
09:15.01*** join/#asterisk andew (
09:15.18sumai configured rtp.conf  , rtpstart=7078 & rtpend=7078
09:15.19folder136ms qualify for a locally connected (fast eth) SIP gateway is pretty poor isn't it?
09:15.39sumabut when asterisk sends rtp it is sending to a different port in the SDP
09:15.52folderStephnie: dunno. 1 sec.
09:16.07Stephniefolder: okey...
09:16.32*** join/#asterisk parag_ast (
09:16.34Stephniefolder: in my asterisk ...exten=> 111,1,Conference(111/BLA)  doesnt work
09:16.35folderStephnie "There is no configuration file. Conferences are created on-the-fly. "
09:16.47sumaanyone please help me regarding the rtp problem ?
09:16.49Stephniefolder: dont get any error too..
09:16.54folderStephnie: that's from
09:17.05parag_astCan anybody let me know that what are the parameters used in /usr/src/zaptel/zonedata.c...
09:17.58folderStephnie: also have a look here:
09:18.35parag_ast{ 1, "au", "Australia", {  400, 200, 400, 2000 },
09:18.43parag_astwhat is this 400, 200, 400, 2000
09:19.26*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
09:21.21buzzdeeehi, I have a problem with DID, I have overlapdial=yes and immediate=no in zapata.conf, I also tried to raise the matchdigittimeout to 10000 in channels/chan_zap.c, as suggested by benjk, but nothing helped, any idea what else I can do?
09:21.40buzzdeeeis there a way to tell asterisk to wait for a given number of digits? as all have the same length?
09:21.42parag_astHello can anybody look at these frequencies and let me know where do i need to change in zonedata.c ....
09:31.20*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
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09:38.28parag_astHello can anybody look at these frequencies and let me know where do i need to change in zonedata.c ....
09:38.51Nobbiei need some help with Digium PRI TE205 card. where can i get installation docs  and help to connect it to telco ?
09:42.15*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
09:42.26parag_astHello can anybody look at these frequencies and let me know where do i need to change in zonedata.c ....
09:43.33folderDo we think it's ever likely that there'll be firmware updates for hardphones to support speex?
09:47.10*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
09:47.29tparcinahi channel!
09:47.42folderhi tparcina
09:49.28folderNobbie: Have you tried ?
09:49.29*** join/#asterisk Zauephuaes (n=guido@
09:49.52ZauephuaesI'm having trouble getting Asterisk to play a file via AGI STREAM FILE
09:50.12Zauephuaesit accepts the command, returns 200 (ok) yet only silence ...
09:52.12*** part/#asterisk angom_h (
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09:58.11tengulreI m backing!
09:59.08tengulrewho can tell me what's the 500 in mean?
09:59.31UlbabraBhi, I have two ip addresses on my * it possible to originate SIP calls to two different voip providers with the two different ip adresses as source addresses?
09:59.51foldertengulre: From what I remember I think it means that calls coming from that upstream provider which are to unknown extentions will be sent to extension 500.
09:59.59UlbabraBtengulre: the user is registered at extension 500
10:12.26RoyK~lart gr0mit
10:13.52L|NUXRoyK : how can we know that how many channels are allowed in DID ?
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10:37.48*** join/#asterisk NoNeo (n=ankamins@
10:37.58tempyhi all, does anyone know where to get some cheap clone FXO/FXS cards in australia?
10:38.05*** part/#asterisk NoNeo (n=ankamins@
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10:39.04foldertempy: eBay
10:39.16foldertempy: You mean X100P / X101P of course
10:39.42folderThat's not a recommendation to use them BTW. They're not very well supported really.
10:39.56folder(as in.. you don't get much help. Not saying whether or not they work well)
10:41.01RoyKtempy: use isdn instead. pots is evil
10:41.19tempyfolder: only 3 on and they are not cheap, nor clones
10:41.37benjkthose cards are only good for one thing: zaptel timing
10:41.45tempyhmm, isdn ...
10:41.52benjkthey are no good for sending phone calls through
10:41.59*** join/#asterisk NoNeo (n=ankamins@
10:42.04gr0mitisdn is cheaper than pots in most civilised places
10:42.13tempyso what is? one of the vendor devices?
10:42.46tempyit isn't too big in australia, i wouldn't use isdn to connect for internet, surely wouldn't use it for VoIP
10:42.50benjkget a passive single port HFC PCI card and use BRIstuff
10:42.52gr0miti have 3 isdn lines using billion
10:43.02gr0mit15 euros/card
10:43.09tempygr0mit: you in .au?
10:43.13benjkits not for data, its not for VoIP
10:43.30folderISDN isn't cheaper here in the UK though. Calls cost the same but you have to buy an ISDN2e and then you need to keep a POTS line for your ADSL. So you end up paying three times the cost of a single POTS line.
10:43.34benjkits for connecting to a landline
10:43.47gr0miti said in most civilised places.
10:43.55gr0miti do not include .uk in that list.
10:43.56tempyi have broadband via cable tv system
10:43.58benjksell DIDs and you get your line paid for
10:44.22benjkhow much is an additional DID on your ISDN line in the UK?
10:44.37folderbenjk: what, and use my ASDL so I act as a SIP provider for clients?
10:44.41folderbenjk: £10 I think
10:44.51benjkwhat area code are you in?
10:45.18benjksilly me
10:45.27foldergr0mit: sure, uk certainly isn't civilised when it comes to this sort of stuff
10:45.51gr0mitactually for a business line ISDN does work out about the same as pots
10:45.52benjkanyway, it is quite possible that you can sell three or so DIDs for more than what you have to pay BT
10:46.04benjkthat may cover the cost of your line rental
10:46.15folderbenjk: but offer them for nothing.
10:46.18RoyKtempy: anyway, even if isdn is a little more expensive, it works far better
10:46.21RoyKpots is ugly
10:46.29benjkmany people want DIDs over IAX
10:46.37folderbenjk: good point
10:47.09benjkanyway, those PCI modem cards are no good
10:47.19gr0mitfor anything other than mickeymouse installations do not use analogue trunks.
10:47.32gr0mitthey are a waste of effort.
10:47.35benjkthey are based on a chipset that is no longer manufactured
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10:47.56RoyKtempy: the 'standards' of pots vary between countries and unless you're really lucky, you'll end up using hours of debugging and at the end, call the telco, ask 'can you PLEASE give me ISDN' and then get a $15 ISDN card with an HFC chipset.
10:47.58tempyhmm, i might as well just buy an Engin box then, save the hassle, connect it to my Lan
10:47.59benjkbut demand is there so the Chinese make new cards from refurbished chips
10:48.20benjkand also they have started using left over chips that didn't pass quality control
10:48.25tempyi have no idea of the cost of an ISDN line in .au
10:48.42gr0mitwe just installed a Telstra ISDN-10
10:48.56benjkthose cards were never really great, not even when they were made from new chips
10:48.57macTijnisdn-10 ?
10:49.10benjkbut today, they are just trashy
10:49.12folderbenjk: one of my 'genuine, original' X100P's came with a capacitor rolling around in the antistatic bag. The other one needed solder applying to two other capacitors as they were ready to fall out of the unsoldered holes.
10:49.12Assidhrmm i gotta put together a list of providers for UK and australia
10:49.15macTijnisn't that just an isdn-24/30 with only 10 channels enabled ?
10:49.24gr0mita PRI with 10 chans enabled
10:49.47macTijnwe only have 15 here in .nl as a minimum
10:49.48benjkif you really insist on analog, get a Sipura 3000
10:49.53folder(I say 'genuine, original' sarcastically. That's what the eBay sellers describe them as, because they've changed the PCI IDs so it's recognised as an X100P)
10:49.56macTijnand it's only marinally cheaper
10:50.07gr0mithere BT do them min 8 chans
10:50.18benjkit has got one stage dialing and the newest firmware even supports UK caller ID now I think
10:50.18gr0mitthen you can add chans 1 by one
10:50.28macTijngr0mit: wow
10:50.37benjkthere was never ever any such thing as an X100P
10:50.50benjkthey are Ambient MD3200 softmodem PCI cards
10:50.52macTijngr0mit: does it save much in comparison to a full PRI ?
10:50.54benjkall of them
10:51.07gr0mityes - you pay per channel.
10:51.20gr0mitso a full pri they charge you for 30 channels.
10:51.32gr0mitfor 8 chans they charge you for 8 channels.
10:51.34macTijnno base price ?
10:51.38gr0mithmmm let me see
10:52.10benjkbut you can use those modem PCI cards for zaptel timing
10:52.50benjknot as an FXO interface though
10:53.00tempyISDN Home from telstra, one line after connection will cost 75% of my broadband line, stuff that
10:53.11tempyi'll go engin
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10:53.41benjkhere in Japan a BRI ISDN circuit costs exactly the same as an analog line
10:54.02benjkbut on the analog line you pay extra for DTMF
10:54.08macTijnhere in .nl it's around twice as expensive
10:54.25folderEurope as a whole seems to be mostly retarded.
10:54.26benjkso unless you want to use pulsedialing the ISDN circuit is actually less
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10:55.01folderbenjk: and the same for Caller-ID I seem to remember you saying..
10:55.05macTijnfolder: I think that's an overstatement, ever looked ad how cruddy .us is like nowadays ? :)
10:55.17benjkyeah, everything costs extra on the analog line
10:55.30macTijnanalog lines here come with everything extra for free
10:55.46benjkincluding shitty sound quality :)
10:55.53macTijnbenjk: no way :)
10:55.54benjkanalog just sucks
10:56.02macTijnhere it doesn't
10:56.05foldermacTijn: well i meant everything is too expensive here (UK). Where are you located macTijn?
10:56.10benjkif I was in government, I would impose an analog phone tax
10:56.17macTijnfolder: .nl, Amsterdam
10:56.27macTijnfolder: phones are getting cheaper here
10:56.35macTijnand VoIP is getting quite popular
10:56.46folderwell you chaps are quite relaxed overall really aren't you?
10:56.53macTijnofcourse :)
10:56.54benjkobsolescence tax
10:57.10folderlol :D
10:57.21macTijn<- gone
10:57.33benjkanalog should be smoked out
10:57.46benjkdouble the tax every year
10:58.03benjkthis is 150 year old crap that you are using there
10:58.08folderbut it's required for the DSL.
10:58.21benjkDSL should be retired too
10:58.39benjkthere is FTTH now
10:58.48folderThere was a time when BT were pushing an ISDN2 variant into the homes. Pre-DSL. It was called "HomeHighway". It was basically (I think) ISDN2e but with a permanent POTS converter fitted to the second B-channel.
10:59.12benjkthe Europeans were so retarded that they spend an outrageous amount on 3G wireless licenses
10:59.36benjkso much that it is mathematically impossible for any network to recover the cost of the license fee they paid
10:59.46folder3g works well for me. Prices from Orange are more reasonable than most. 80p/megabyte. Vodafone charge £2.36/megabyte and no option to bundle.
10:59.51gr0mityes they have written it off
11:00.16benjkthe money would have been sufficient to connect every pig stall in Europe with fiber
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11:00.44folderFTTH - Fibre to the Home. Is that any different to Cable?
11:01.08vgsternot all the europeans, i thought the french refused to pay what the gov was asking for 3G licenses so they brought the price down
11:01.21vgsterin the UK everyone had to jump on the 3G wagon, only for the wheel to come off
11:01.40benjkin the UK, in order for the license fees to be recovered during the validity period of those licenses, every UK citizen, including new  born toddlers, would have to spend an average amount of 450 pounds per month for the next 20 years
11:01.58vgsteryes it was crazy billions many new hospitals...
11:02.22benjkand like I said, the money would have been sufficient to completely cover all of Europe with fiber
11:02.35folderWhy did they pay it then?
11:02.39benjkincluding every pig stall in the remotest mountain village
11:02.54vgstercos they thought they would miss out on the next big thing
11:03.01vgsterso paid what the gov wanted
11:03.08vgsterwhich  in the UK was rediculous
11:03.15benjkbecause nobody thought they could afford to let their competitors have a license and not get one themselves
11:03.25folderwell it is useful. I can sit in my car with my thinkpad and my k610i and connect to customers VPNs and do remote tech support.
11:03.36benjkthey didn't pay "what the gov wanted"
11:03.42benjkit was an auctions
11:03.58vgsterok, but an auction with a starting price of X billion
11:04.00benjkthey paid what they thought they had to pay to be on top of their competitors
11:04.12vgsterbut when they all have it whats the point
11:04.14benjkand the dynamics of the auction drove the cost through the roof
11:04.45benjkthey had better spent that money on fiber
11:04.56benjkwho needs DSL
11:04.56vgsterdidnt the money go to the gov for the airspace privelidge
11:05.07benjkDSL is just another transitional technology
11:05.19folderso where can I get my FTTH?
11:05.36benjkin Belgium, NL, Sweden, Korea, Japan
11:05.53benjkwe three FTTH providers here
11:05.53folderwhat's the typical bandwidth provided?
11:06.14benjkone of them have a 50 USD per month all you can eat 100MBit full duplex package
11:06.20foldergood greif
11:06.26benjk100MBit/sec full duplex
11:06.32folderare you on that then?
11:06.33Assidi would love to have that kinda bandwith
11:06.48benjkand the ones with that package even give you a block of 8 ip addresses with it
11:07.04benjkall the others charge you quite a bit for the IP addresses
11:07.09Assidhrmm.. i wonder when ipv6 will mainstream
11:07.16benjkotherwise you get a dynamic ip
11:07.21benjkin 2035
11:07.31folderthat sucks. dynamic ip.
11:07.50benjkyeah, but the base service is cheap, typically 50 USD per month
11:08.00Assidsucks.. we falling short of ips already.. i thought by 2007-2010 tops i'd see it
11:08.01benjkwith one fixed ip it can be double that
11:08.04folderhow much extra for a single static IP?
11:08.23benjkin Japan ip addresses are what costs money
11:08.29benjkconnectivity is dirt cheap
11:08.43benjkI pay 1000 yen for 8MBit ADSL per month
11:08.50benjkthats about 9 USD
11:08.52mutkinda like babies
11:08.56mutdirst cheap to make
11:08.59mutbut hosting costs money
11:09.00folderthat is cheap. Dynamic IP though?
11:09.12benjkbut I pay about 100 USD for 8 ip addresses
11:09.42benjkalso, for reverse DNS, they charge you another 20 USD per month
11:09.44Assidi pay like $30/mo for 256kbit!
11:09.56folderMy dsl is being upgraded to "up to 8mbps" (448kbps u/s) for free, but it still costs £25/month (about $40)
11:10.16Assidhave your isp contact my isp!
11:10.26benjkour building just got fiber
11:10.42benjkso next month I am going to ditch my analog line which I had to keep for ADSL
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11:10.49MACscris DISA what is used when your voip phone is not connected directly to the asterisk system? ie, your remote
11:11.08benjkDISA == provide yourself a dialtone
11:11.29Assidman.. 1 day.. i will get 1mbit line.. i'd be soo damn happy
11:12.00benjkI think Singapore also has FTTH
11:12.37MACscri guess i dont get that, usually dialtone is created by the phone system, which makes sense, but i get dialtone no matter if im hooked up to anything or not with my stupid grandstream gxp
11:12.39benjkso if you're in AU, you may want to consider moving to SG ;)
11:12.52benjkif you're in the UK, you may want to consider moving to BE or NL
11:12.52Assidwhats FTTH again?
11:12.57benjkFiber to the home
11:13.04benjk100MBit full duplex
11:13.20benjksome providers may limit that bandwidth though
11:13.39benjkI have heard of some FTTH service which was limited to 20MBit
11:13.56Assidgreat i see all this technology .. i feel even more depressed cause of the way we are conned
11:13.56benjkand some other which was limited to 50Mbit
11:14.49benjkyeah, well, fiber is the natural way to send large amounts of digital data around over large distances
11:15.00benjkanything else is rather quaint
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11:15.35benjkor an immense waste (ie wireless broadband)
11:15.49mutwhats wrong with wireless broadband
11:15.58benjkits a waste of resources
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11:16.06muthow ya figure?
11:16.11MACscrmut, if its the only option, then its ok =P
11:16.11benjkthe wireless spectrum is limited by nature
11:16.24benjkyou cant make it more than it is
11:16.33mutwell sure, wireless broadband in new yourk city is crazy
11:16.50mutour company covers almost all northern michigan tho
11:16.59benjkwasting that on mobile data is as waste for most of the applications offered
11:17.04mut60 some odd towers
11:17.27benjkit would make more sense to cover every bit of the inhabited surface of the planet with fiber
11:17.44mutand also be prohibitivly expensive to do so
11:18.01benjkthen work out a scheme of unlicensed spectrum used for sharing the available bandwidth over fiber
11:18.12benjkless expensive than wireless
11:18.24benjkwhy do we need wireless operators?
11:18.33benjkthey are a waste of resources too
11:19.04benjkjust put a regulatory framework in place that makes every low range base station sharable
11:19.32mutyou must have never been in a rural eara before
11:19.36benjkthen you walk down some alley some place where people live and you hop from base to base getting access to the underlying fiber
11:20.07mutsure, if you can cover a city in fiber more power to ya
11:20.15benjkthis would be far more efficient and cost effective than all those mobile data services
11:20.19mutbut what about the other 95% of the world
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11:21.07benjkif you are in a really remote place, like a desert or a farm where there isn't any other living being for 100 miles, then wireless makes sense
11:21.17benjkbut for 99% of the worlds pop that isn't the case
11:21.17mut100 miles..
11:21.44mutso you propose we run fiber down all these rural areas
11:21.59benjkI say it is cheaper than 3G mobile
11:22.03mutand that is less expensive somehow than wireless
11:23.07benjkits only about politics
11:23.14Assidgreat this stupid politics sucks
11:23.18benjkgovernments don't like anything that is decentralised
11:23.27benjkthey want large centralised things
11:23.37Assidevery phone prvider needs to have their own wires in the buildings to give us connetivity
11:23.50Assidthey dont have it like in the US .. 1 line.. just change provider
11:24.01benjkif there is a fiber strand, you don't need that
11:24.11mutAssid: we run our own pairs
11:24.12Assidthey dont wanna co-operate
11:24.18mutwe don't run over verizons pairs
11:24.43benjkthat's why I said "if the regulatory framwork was put in place"
11:25.01benjkits a political decision, not a technical one
11:25.14muttheres a pipe dream that won't happen for a very very long time
11:25.35benjkI was talking about what is economical and what is wasteful
11:25.41benjkhas nothing to do with pipe dreams
11:25.42Assidwell.. most providers over the world can just change the providers but still use the same carriers
11:25.53benjkfact is, the way things are organised is wasteful, that's all
11:25.54muta fiber network everywhere is not economical
11:26.03Assidthe same copper cable can be used for anyone else.. you just make it such that the network is expandablre to all
11:26.07benjkit is more economical than what we have now
11:26.30Assidimagine.. 3 telephone providers.. each has to fibre up.. cause they dont wanna share resources
11:26.37muti dunno how ya figure that benjk but ok
11:26.47muti'll just let ya think that
11:26.55Assidso every building needs 3 lines coming in.. means more equipment usage.. more lines.. etc
11:27.00benjkits not my figure, it was a study of the Yankee Group or Gartner, a few years back
11:27.15mutfor urban areas probably
11:27.16Assidbuildings dont like to have their ground dug up.. so they dont give permission.. means i lose out
11:27.24benjkno, for the whole of Europe
11:27.39muturban areas
11:27.40benjkspecifically every little corner in the whole of Europe
11:28.07benjkincluding the north of Norway and Sweden and Finland where there isn't a living soul for a 100 miles
11:28.25muthow did they propose funding it?
11:28.35benjkthey didn't propose anything
11:28.40mutall the fiber, installation, interconnecting equipment, maintainance, etc..
11:28.56benjkthey calculated that the money spent on 3G infrastructure could have been used for such a fiber network
11:29.11Assidi justcalled up a provider ready to give me 256kbit for 30% cheaper than what im paying.. i cant chose it.. cause they dont have any cabling to me
11:29.23benjkand they gave very sane reasons why that would have been better value for money than a 3G network
11:29.48muti can't speak for what they're spending on the 3G network and it's coverage/costs
11:30.07benjkand I have to say it makes a lot of sense
11:30.17mutbut i know building a fiber network compared to running wireless here is still prohibitivly expensive
11:30.38benjkbut fiber has far better economies of scale
11:30.57mutthen you run into big business controlling it
11:31.02benjkits more universal
11:31.02mutand singular entities
11:32.11benjkcouldn't be any worse than what the status quo is already
11:33.12benjkallow two or three providers in the big cities, force a single provider into universal coverage in return for a monopoly in the places with less pop density
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11:34.30mutthen you run businesses like ours right out of existence
11:34.42mutif a single company could provide fiber to all areas
11:34.44benjkthat's the status quo already today
11:35.01benjknot in the US, but in Europe it is
11:35.15mutthere would be no need for any dialup companies anymore, no dsl companies, no wireless companies
11:35.33benjkthere are those former PTTs who have a universal coverage obligation and a de facto monopoly in rural areas
11:35.56benjkand there are multiple providers in higher pop density areas
11:36.41benjkwho needs DSL or dialup anyway
11:36.49benjkthat should be phased out asap
11:37.05mutdialup is a cash cow for rural areas
11:37.12mutyou have no idea man
11:37.16MACscri like my dsl connection
11:37.40mutthere is no infrastructure for anything faster in most of the US
11:37.41MACscr6mb for $45 isnt bad
11:37.50mutjust larger cities
11:37.56mutdsl is expanding fast tho
11:38.03MACscrwhich still pay out the wazoo as well
11:38.07mutbut that only reaches to city limits
11:38.14benjkwell of course the US is technologically behind
11:38.27mutno, the us is just larger than europe
11:38.36benjkthey don't even have a functioning train system, get out of here
11:38.41MACscrand we have had A infrustructure a lot longer
11:38.42mutpersons per mile is smaller
11:38.45MACscryour just getting yours
11:39.11benjkthe reasons don
11:39.13benjkt matter
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11:39.35benjkfact is the US is run by lobbyists with exconomic interests that are not always for the best of the country
11:39.37mutthats like me putting you in jail
11:39.40mutcause the reasons don't matter
11:40.13benjkfor example GM destroying the railways
11:40.13MACscrbenjk, where are you from again?
11:40.13benjkthat was good bbusiness for GM
11:40.13ZauephuaesAGI stream file doesn't output any sound for me (even with a gsm file from the asterisk distro). how can i troubleshoot this?
11:40.13MACscrbenjk, we could care less about trains
11:40.14benjkbut it was bad for the country
11:40.26muti see plenty of trains around here..
11:40.26benjkyou better start caring about trains
11:40.42MACscrand why should we start caring?
11:40.51benjkbecause the oil price isn't going to stop rising
11:40.56mutthey carry lots of crops around
11:41.16benjkit;ll go over 100 USD a barrel and further, you'll see
11:42.35MACscrmaybe im retarded, bunt most of our trains here run on diesel
11:42.48Zauephuaesis there an asterisk channel anywhere around? I see this is politics :-)
11:42.50MACscrwoops, meant, but
11:42.52benjkbut the efficiency is way higher than with cars
11:42.54Zauephuaesand economics :-)
11:43.24MACscrbenjk, we dont like trains because they arent convenient enough for us
11:43.40benjkin Australia they have road trains, they're essentially trains that are road based without rails
11:43.51EyeCuetheyre called trucks.
11:43.51MACscrand if you havent figured it out yet, we have a lot more money than you =P
11:44.01benjkthat's for cargo only, but its efficient, far more efficient that individual trucks
11:44.15EyeCueyes :)
11:44.25mutomfg i'm going to die happy
11:44.41benjkthey are not trucks, and they are not called trucks
11:44.47benjkthey are called road trains
11:45.05EyeCuetheyre called road trains, but theyre trucks with > 1 trailer.
11:45.20folder^^ that's mental!
11:45.43EyeCueyeh, trucks :)
11:45.57mutit's a road train
11:45.58MACscrexactly, did u see below where it says "truck"
11:46.00mutget it right
11:46.33mutit'de definatly suck driving one of those
11:46.38MACscrheck yeah
11:46.42benjkthe longest road train is about a mile long and it has about 2000 wheels
11:46.43EyeCuetalk about jack knifing.
11:46.46EyeCuegood luck reversing.
11:46.49benjkthat's clearly not a truck
11:46.58mutthats a fricking truck
11:47.04MACscrlol, its a truck
11:47.06EyeCueits a fscking truck.
11:47.07benjkits a road train
11:47.10MACscrit just has multiple trailers
11:47.18folderdude, they definately call them Road Trains
11:47.20benjka mile long
11:48.07MACscri think truck was repeated about 20 times in that article
11:48.16folder"A road train is a truck design used in remote areas of Australia, United States and Western Canada to move bulky loads efficiently.". So it's a truck with many trailers, which is then called a Road Train :D
11:48.55MACscrTruck is the official name, road train is slang
11:49.06folderYou're all correct. Lets have a group hug.
11:49.10benjkthe point is however that there is one or two engines which pull engineless trailers/carriages
11:49.33benjkand that this is more efficient than a one engine per carriage scheme
11:49.35mutgood job
11:49.41MACscrlol, duh
11:49.47MACscrwhat does that have to do with anything?
11:49.56mutit's not much more effcient tho
11:50.02benjkit has to do with efficiency and avoiding waste
11:50.03mutyou still use more power to carry the load
11:50.10benjkthats what we were talking about
11:50.30benjkthe cost per ton of cargo is still significantly less
11:50.50benjkand in passenger transport, the cost per passenger is significantly less
11:51.03MACscrcorrect, btu we dont WANT IT
11:51.08MACscrwoops, i meant but
11:51.09benjkyou soon will
11:51.44benjklets see what happens when the oil prices go above 100 USD per barrel
11:51.48MACscrwe will use other technologies to make cars more efficient
11:51.59folderI so looked like that dude who likes free software just then. I came downstairs with a keyboard in my hand tapping away at it and when I looked in the mirror I thought "geek!"
11:52.05MACscrwe already have a hacked prius that does 100mpg
11:52.09mutdid you guys see the tesla roadster?
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11:52.14mutit's frickin badass
11:52.28benjkthats friggin wasteful
11:52.58folderyeah. I'm guessing they nicked the name from Nicholas Tesla..
11:53.24benjkTesla is going to spin in his grave
11:53.33mutyea folder thats the name of the company
11:53.39MACscrthat car rocks
11:53.43benjkbecause he was all about efficiency
11:53.44ZauephuaesHi everyone, I don't mean to be insistent and don't expect free help. it would be great if someone just said go away and check the mailing list or something
11:54.03Zauephuaesbut hearing trucks when we want to talk asterisk is a bit ...
11:54.05mutZauephuaes: i have no idea what the problem would be if that helps
11:54.16EyeCueZauephuaes, if you want to talk asterisk, then talk it.
11:54.17benjkhe quit his job with Edison because he found Edison's philosophy too wasteful
11:54.17Zauephuaesmut: thanks!
11:54.25mutnor does anyone else if they aren't helping
11:54.27EyeCueall nerds must have downtime
11:54.29benjkthen he went to Westinghouse
11:54.30mutEyeCue: he already did...
11:54.42benjkwhere his ideas of efficiency were appreciated
11:54.44ZauephuaesI'm using STREAM FILE via AGI but it isn't playing anything. no sound output to my softphone.
11:55.01MACscryep, and who is remembered more?
11:55.10benjkTesla of course
11:55.18benjkthere ins't any unit called Edison
11:55.26benjkthere is a unit called Tesla
11:55.30Zauephuaesi get a beep playing from get data, but no sound from stream file. grr
11:55.44benjkand whose system is standard today?
11:55.47benjknot Edisons
11:55.52benjkTeslas is
11:55.52mutpastebin the agi..
11:56.02Zauephuaesahh well. enjoy the trucks. I think I can solve my problem by myself!
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11:56.18benjkand Edison himself later said not listening to Tesla was the biggest blunder in his life
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11:57.02benjkthat was about the power distribution in case you don't know
11:57.06benjkAC versus DC
11:57.10mutwell i was going to try to help him and he left
11:57.18benjkDC distribution is inefficient and wasteful
11:58.39muti best get back to work tho
11:58.45mutget some coffee
11:58.49benjkyeah, good idea
11:58.51benjksee you
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12:00.20folderbrb again
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12:08.41folderthe train kept a rollin', all night long.. train kept a rollin' all night long..
12:08.48folderor should that be truck?
12:09.27rob0"Edison" will be the name of the first electric pickup truck.
12:09.41folderyeah right. Although it does have a sort of truck ring about it
12:09.58rob0(If the marketers think the "Edsel" connection is distant enough.)
12:10.34folderoh ffs. I need to shutdown again. I've left my USB <-> IDE cable on site and am fixing someones hd.
12:12.54*** join/#asterisk bkidney (
12:13.33bkidneyCan anyone help me with a zaptel setup problem?
12:16.54benjkjust ask your question, if somebody can and want to help they will answer
12:18.05*** join/#asterisk Mashy (
12:18.29bkidneyI am trying to change my FXO port on a TDM11 card from fxsks to fxsgs, but when I run the "ztcfg -vv" I get the error "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 4: Invalid argument (22)."  Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
12:19.10*** join/#asterisk truckdrivingman (
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12:19.32benjkhave you rebooted the system?
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12:20.51benjkinvalid argument (unless its a misleading error message) sounds a lot like some typo in the configuration file though
12:20.53ModcutsAnybody used voipGate in the uk as iax2 provider?
12:21.07javarhi benjk
12:21.18benjkhi javier
12:21.28javarhow are you?
12:21.52javari was trying contact to you...
12:22.01benjkI was overseas
12:22.20tzangerbenjk: your mom's basement isn't overseas
12:22.41benjkactually it is
12:23.08bkidneyThe config file works fine if I change the fxsgs to fxsks and make no other changes.
12:23.21bkidneyI think it is a misleading error.
12:23.50tzangerbenjk: :-)
12:23.54benjkthen all I can suggest is google for the error message and/or look in the source code for clues
12:24.38bkidneyI tried google, so I it's into the code for me.
12:24.43bkidneyThanks for the help.
12:25.03benjksomebody else here may know better
12:25.33*** join/#asterisk antgel (n=antony@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/antgel)
12:25.45antgelhi all
12:26.14folder(only kidding)
12:26.14antgelyou're kidding, right?
12:26.26folderthink i've had too much coffee
12:26.30antgelhey, you're mirroring what i type
12:26.39folderheh yeah :)
12:26.56benjkthe last TDM400 card I was laying my hands on has been blown up by the Israeli Air force
12:27.18antgeli'm new to asterisk, and new to complex telephony. a simple question...
12:28.10antgela customer with a conferencing venue wants people to be able to dial in to hear the conference. is this a job for asterisk?
12:28.31docelmoyes you can do this in asterisk
12:28.45antgeli think i will recommend streaming it over the internet, but i'd like to explore this possibility as well
12:28.56*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/trelane)
12:29.03antgelis this the "conference bridging" feature in the feature list?
12:29.23[TK]D-Fenderantgel : Yes, and relatively easy to set up
12:29.36benjkhow many people in the conference?
12:29.42antgelsmall. circa 5
12:29.48benjkthat's peanuts
12:29.58benjkand the setup is very simply
12:29.59[TK]D-Fenderantgel : What you are talking about is *'s MeetMe application. I've done some decenlty sized conferences on my PRI over here with it.
12:31.11antgelokay. i'm not sure if the lines will be pstn or isdn, but presumably it doesn't matter as long as i configure * properly :)
12:31.17benjkbasically a single line in the configuration file
12:31.29antgeland presumably i configure it to take input from a sound card?
12:32.30benjkhow the participants dial in doesn't matter, it could be VoIP as well
12:32.39*** join/#asterisk kiddy (n=achu@
12:32.55antgelthanks a bunch, much appreciated all
12:33.01Dr-Linux|workanybody can tell me please what's wrong with brakets? >> exten => 9,1,GotoIf($["${DB(DISA/${CALLERID(num))}" = "1"]?2:5
12:33.04kiddycan anybody tell me how to record calls (INand OUT)
12:33.28kiddyI see some configuration option for this in freepbx front end
12:33.53benjkI think there is a dedicated channel for freepbx
12:33.59[TK]D-Fenderkiddy : Please read the channel topic...
12:34.06benjk#freepbx probably
12:34.25kiddybenjk : Can you tell me how manually we can do the call recording ?
12:34.46benjkmonitor is your friend
12:35.08benjksearch for "asterisk monitor" there should be plenty of examples
12:35.23kiddyBut what extension we have to dial for record the calls ?
12:35.37benjkas I said, there are examples available
12:39.53benjkDr-Linux, your parentheses are off
12:41.04[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work " exten => 9,1,GotoIf($["${DB(DISA/${CALLERID(num)})"="1"]?2:5)
12:41.05*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:41.14benjkshould be GotoIf($["${DB(DISA/${CALLERID(num)}))}" = "1"]?2:5)
12:41.32[TK]D-Fenderbenjk : now yours are off ;)
12:41.49benjkno, you need to close the parens for (DB and (DISA
12:42.05benjkah, no DB is {
12:42.11[TK]D-Fenderbenjk : ;)
12:42.18benjkbut yours don't match either ;)
12:42.56[TK]D-Fenderbenjk : True...
12:42.57*** join/#asterisk aRJAy (
12:43.11aRJAyre all
12:43.11[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work " exten => 9,1,GotoIf($["${DB(DISA/${CALLERID(num)})}"="1"]?2:5)
12:43.15[TK]D-Fenderthere !
12:43.42aRJAyI could do with a hand configuring a Sipura 3000. Is there anyone about that has some experience in that area? :)
12:43.43benjkCALLERID(num) then } for closing {CALLERID then ) for closing (DISA then } for closing {DB then "] for closing "[
12:43.54*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
12:43.58benjkand finally ) at the end to close GotoIf(
12:44.59benjkDr-Linux, you may want to use an editor that matches parentheses, braces and brackets for you
12:45.20folderdoes vi do that for the asterisk styles?
12:45.27[TK]D-FenderBah... fingers & toes is where its at!
12:45.49benjkotherwise, you should close each opening paren/brace/bracket immediately and insert your stuff later
12:46.08aRJAy<--- Needs help with a SPA3000 config. Anyone here got experience on that product?
12:46.24benjkyeah, unfortunately
12:46.31benjkSPA is a nightmare to configure
12:46.42aRJAySo I'm finding out.
12:46.56aRJAyAnd there seems to be little support on their site too..
12:47.07benjkbest is to factory reset the damn thing and start over in very small steps
12:47.40aRJAyI'm trying to force a dial code that enables me to hook directly to a POTS connection (regular phone)...
12:47.57aRJAyI'm a total newb in the area... so eaaaasy on me :)
12:48.04[TK]D-FenderaRJAy : Go to Sipura forum.  there are some excellent guides in th
12:48.08aRJAyI'm sure it's something simple
12:48.18aRJAyThanks Fender..
12:48.44[TK]D-FenderaRJAy : Np.  I'v seen them, very comprehensive by users who reall use these things for FAR more that ust *
12:51.29*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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12:56.44docelmoTony, do you know anything about who fixed the issue in asterisk to pull back the 2nd VIA in a sip header?
12:57.23aRJAy[TK]D-Fender: looks like a good resource. Thanks again.
12:57.35*** join/#asterisk roving_prole (
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12:59.44anthmme tony or someone else?
13:01.35benjkwasn't that "me, my clones and Irene" ?
13:01.55docelmoyou tony
13:03.39anthmi just made a patch the other day for doing a count on how many of a certian header there was and a way to access it by index #
13:04.40anthmoh yeah here
13:06.01*** join/#asterisk jbalcomb (n=jbalcomb@
13:06.46jbalcombThe internet is down. :(
13:06.46*** part/#asterisk kiddy (n=achu@
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13:07.01anthmi have not even run svn trunk but i made the patch against it since that is usually all they take it was for a guy who complaining about it in the dev channel and being told he didnt beling there asking such silly questions so I was motivated to toss it up there he was using 1.2 and he had to backport it a bit
13:08.48*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:08.56*** join/#asterisk Alric (
13:09.03AlricHello everyone
13:10.47AlricI upgraded a machine to 1.2.10 asterisk and 1.2.7 zaptel two days back, and the whole machine has deadlocked 2 times since then.  Didn't seem to have problems on 1.2.6.  There aren't any logs that I've seen indicating what the problem is.  Any ideas?
13:10.59*** join/#asterisk boddy (n=e@
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13:12.22benjkgo back to the version you were running before
13:12.47*** join/#asterisk s41ted (n=christop@
13:13.09s41tedhi all! could any one help me with a quick astrisk voicemail question?
13:13.36s41tedWhere would i be able to find documentation on the astrisk voicemail IVR?
13:14.21benjkfor astrisk I don't know
13:14.26[TK]D-Fenders41ted : As in something like a "Quick User's Guide" for the menu structure?
13:14.36benjkbut for asterisk, you may want to try
13:14.37boddyhii all I configured * with one port digium e1/t1 card to connect meridian but Ican make just one call when I am trying to 2 call in same time I have received "Jul 28 16:03:03 NOTICE[17121] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
13:14.42[TK]D-Fenderbenjk : Don't be anal... bkw may be lurking~!
13:14.46boddyhave you any idea ?
13:14.48RoyK~nickometer s41ted
13:15.03*** join/#asterisk dacleric (
13:15.17boddyI am trying to sip call
13:15.32s41ted41 has a meaning by the way.... not much of a leet speaker myself, but i just dont do it for kicks :)
13:15.40[TK]D-FenderRoyK : If your lack of lame-ness to the jbot nickometer is going to be your "claim to fame", then your 15 seconds ran our a LONG time ago...
13:15.59RoyK[TK]D-Fender: just playing with it...
13:16.24s41tedin particular how long does the temporary message stay for?
13:16.33coppice~nickometer [TK]D-Fender
13:16.45s41tedwhen you record it?
13:17.02*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (n=Merceste@
13:17.12[TK]D-Fenderjbot_ : What are you talking about?!?!  I am FULLY mobile!
13:17.47MercestesIs Jbot abusing the residents again?
13:18.02coppicewhat exactly does 76% lame mean? slightly more than 1.5 legs missing?
13:18.38*** join/#asterisk Iam8up|lpy (
13:18.45RoyKcoppice: :)
13:18.46Iam8up|lpycan anyone tell me where the voicemail messages are stored?
13:18.59Iam8up|lpyi thought it was /var/lib/asterisk/vm but that dir doesn't exist
13:19.25*** join/#asterisk |oranjia| (
13:19.32Iam8up|lpyMercestes - could you be a huge help and give me a dir structure on those?
13:19.33|oranjia|hello world :)
13:19.50MercestesIam8up|lpy Yes....
13:19.52Iam8up|lpysuch as voicemail/default and voicemail/extension?
13:20.00Iam8up|lpyor is it voicemail/default/extension?
13:20.10boddy[TK]D-Fender have you any idea ?
13:20.10Mercestesgive me a /msg.
13:20.12Iam8up|lpyour asterisk box has _no_ voicemail folder...
13:20.13MercestesI can't spell your name..:P
13:20.16boddyabout my problem
13:21.05*** part/#asterisk Alric (
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13:25.38boddyJul 28 16:03:03 NOTICE[17121] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
13:26.46Mercestesboddy:  check under /dev/zap and make sure ./zap and the channels under it aren't owned by root or something.
13:26.56Mercestesboddy:  and make sure you *have* zap channels...
13:27.36[TK]D-Fenderboddy :show CLI output of the successful & the failed call.
13:28.35s41teddoes any one know the purpose of recording a temporary message in the voicemail IVR?
13:28.40s41tedwhat is the purpose?
13:30.20boddyMercestes I can make one call without error
13:30.41hmmhesaysso you can chroot your buildroot filesystem on this badboy
13:30.45hmmhesaysso you can test stuff out
13:31.03*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
13:32.39boddyMercestes How can I sure I have zap channels
13:32.41*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
13:33.22boddy[TK]D-Fender :sip debug enable
13:33.32boddyand you want sip messages ?
13:33.36boddyon cli ?
13:35.04*** part/#asterisk s41ted (n=christop@
13:35.19Mercestesboddy:  /dev/zap/ should list zap channels.
13:38.10*** join/#asterisk volp (n=volp@
13:38.26InnatechCan anyone explain/suggest why on a two-line Linksys RPT-300 ATA, the first line will register and work normally with the second line disabled, but with both lines enabled neither line will register with * ?
13:39.20boddyasterisk:/dev/zap # ls
13:39.20boddy.   10  13  16  19  21  24  27  3   4  7  channel  timer
13:39.20boddy..  11  14  17  2   22  25  28  30  5  8  ctl
13:39.21boddy1   12  15  18  20  23  26  29  31  6  9  pseudo
13:39.21boddyasterisk:/dev/zap #
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13:43.09[TK]D-Fenderboddy : I wanted basic CLI output at verbose 10.
13:44.29*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
13:44.51benjkverbosity 10?
13:44.59benjkI think the highest is 3
13:45.43boddy[TK]D-Fender output rushing
13:45.45jbalcombbenjk: 99 is the highest
13:45.53benjksince when is that?
13:46.11jbalcombatleast 1.2.1
13:46.12benjkI have never seen anything in the source that would look for anything higher than 3
13:47.09*** join/#asterisk andew (
13:47.58jbalcombbenjk: it'd be nice if anyone had any idea what is shown at each number regardless of how high the number goes
13:48.31benjkfeel free to comb through the source code and document it
13:49.16jbalcombfeel free to not speak uselessly
13:49.46*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:50.17boddyI am trying to make to g729 call in same time
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13:53.04boddy[TK]D-Fender is there any way to redirect output to a file ?
13:53.16boddybecause everything is rushing
13:53.32Mercestesboddy:  yes....
13:53.38boddyhow ?
13:53.39Mercestesboddy:  asterisk -r >> catchme.txt
13:55.01mutjust a little injection for the lull
13:55.03mutHarry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe is to appear on the London stage next year, playing a stable boy who has an erotic relationship with his horses.
13:55.24benjkseems appropriate
13:55.31Mercestesyou've got to be kidding me.
13:55.46hmmhesayscan I disable logger completely?
13:56.08coppicemut: a new use for his magic wand
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13:56.52jbalcombhmmhesays: i would think you could unload the logger and put load=no for the logger in modules
13:57.00MercestesIs Hermironie going to be in it?  I might want that on DVD>
14:00.34[TK]D-Fenderboddy : How is basic dialplan flow "rushing" when you can't even get 2 calls in?
14:02.29boddyPlease wait I pasteing pastebin
14:04.34*** join/#asterisk mivck (i=1000@
14:04.53jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: did you test your connection yet?
14:05.28aRJAyhmm... still got probs with my Sipura
14:05.47aRJAyno matter what plan I put in there, I'm getting engaged signal...
14:06.02*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
14:06.21cy3o3What do you guys think of voicepulse as a voip provider?
14:06.35*** join/#asterisk Kernel_core (i=Kernel_C@
14:06.40Kernel_corehi all
14:07.33[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : tonight
14:07.48Kernel_coreI asked this question in #FreePBX but nobody answered , maybe you could help me :)
14:08.01jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: alright. I'll be in tomorrow around noon if your available.
14:08.05*** join/#asterisk rvn (
14:08.06Kernel_coretoday I translated AMP to FARSI ... but when I choose FARSI , I get "???????" in my browser instead of correct characters ....( I used in my .po file UTF-8 as charset ) what is wrong ? and how could I fix it ?
14:08.26*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:09.41[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Tomorrow afternoon is eaten up for me.  I'd like to do the SSH today with you actually.
14:10.40hmmhesaysKernel_core: sounds like you are missing a language pack
14:10.49rvnhi guys, just wondering if anyone on here has managed to get the Cisco 7936 conference phone working with asterisk using skinny.conf?
14:11.27[TK]D-Fenderload ;)
14:11.31jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ok. Testing the connection houldn't take but two minutes.
14:12.04[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : yup.  hopefully we can synch up for a "group tour" of your layout.
14:13.44dlynes_officervn: give qwell a demo phone, or pay him a few bucks to get it working; he's the developer of the module
14:13.53trelane_is there a way to tell a digium te110p to not be the CPE end of the T!?
14:13.55trelane_T1 even
14:14.08jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ok. i have soccer from 6 - 9, perhaps after?
14:14.22dlynes_officetrelane_: I'm sure that's configurable in zaptel.conf is it not?
14:14.33jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: unless we can do it before 5
14:15.00trelane_dlynes_office, I havn't seen an option for it as yet
14:15.50rvndlynes_office: forgive my ignorance, but demo phone????
14:16.15dlynes_officervn: courier him a phone, temporarily, or donate one to him so he can use it for testing
14:16.48dlynes_officervn: cisco phones are damned expensive; he doesn't have a whack of cash stored up to make sure every cisco phone works with
14:17.06*** part/#asterisk mivck (i=1000@
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14:18.51jbalcombtrelane: yeah, pri_cpe and pri_net
14:19.05jbalcombtrelane: for signalling on that zap channel
14:19.06*** join/#asterisk Arnar (
14:19.13dlynes_officetrelane_: there ya go....jbalcomb's got the skinny on it
14:19.38trelane_jbalcomb, thanks much :)
14:20.40dlynes_officetrelane_: oh's in zapata.conf, not zaptel.conf
14:20.51[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : before 5
14:21.17jbalcombsheesh, the watchguard mobile user VPN software REQUIRES the Zone Alarm firewall software...
14:21.46dlynes_officejbalcomb: dood...the zone alarm firewall software is like the totally best firewall software i've ever seen, bar none!!!
14:22.25rvndlynes_office: i get you now
14:22.52jbalcombdlynes_office: yeah but do i care to have firewall software on my pc when i spent $3,000.00 USD to have one for my whole network?
14:23.03dlynes_officejbalcomb: no kidding
14:23.12*** join/#asterisk signuts (
14:23.18dlynes_officejbalcomb: or when you've got better firewall software such as iptables and netfilter?
14:23.39dlynes_officejbalcomb: i was being sarcastic...I absolutely hate zone alarm
14:23.46signutsQuick question, Hope easy answer, how do I set the  CDR UserField from an AGI? Is it a enviornment variable? Or should I just $agi->exec("SetCDRUserField ..")
14:23.59jbalcombdlynes_office: ;)  true true. I'm working on a new project to set up Xen on my laptop
14:24.10*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
14:24.28jbalcombdlynes_office: i want one XenU to be my firewall and bridge my net connection through for another XenU that acts as my Desktop
14:24.42dlynes_officewhatever xenu is :)
14:24.57jbalcombdlynes_office: dude, you don't know about Xen??!?!
14:25.06dlynes_officeYeah, i know wtf xen is
14:25.09*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
14:25.10dlynes_officejust don't know wtf xenu is :)
14:25.31jbalcombdlynes_office: Xen0 is the main Xen server and XenUs are the babies
14:25.58jbalcombWe use Xen quite a bit at my company
14:26.00dlynes_officeyeah...i don't actually use vm's
14:26.35jbalcombdlynes_office: we have these jerk ass filemaker servers. they can only handles 120 DB files a piece so we have to run 7 different servers to handle all our files.
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14:27.02jbalcombdlynes_office: so we made a Xen server and put all 7 filemaker servers on the same physical machine.
14:27.15dlynes_officethat's pretty lame
14:27.31*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
14:27.41dlynes_officeIsn't filemaker some really old application, too?
14:27.52jbalcombyeah, quite. we have three other servers that just run filemaker client so /hold/ the files open so the web server can access them.
14:28.19jbalcombdlynes_office: its still in development but we are 3 major versions behind so kinda yeah.
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14:28.46jbalcombdlynes_office: its for one of our clients and they don't want to shell out the cash to have us move them to MySQL
14:28.56dlynes_officeI wouldn't either
14:29.04dlynes_officeI'd much rather use postgresql :)
14:29.06mut<3 our new tri-DS3 11ghz radios
14:29.14jbalcombdlynes_office: i don't know who the moron is that started using filemaker to begin with but it happened... ;)
14:29.37*** part/#asterisk Arnar (
14:29.54jbalcombdlynes_office: postgres is a bit slower than MySQL. Either is pretty damn good though and free-ish to boot.
14:29.55dlynes_officejbalcomb: probably a mac nut...I'm pretty sure filemaker originated on the mac
14:30.10*** join/#asterisk Pj_ (
14:30.23jbalcombdlynes_office: i think so too
14:30.23dlynes_officepostgres is slower than mysql?  Maybe if you're not doing any joins
14:30.38dlynes_officemysql is damned slow at doing joins
14:30.56jbalcombdlynes_office: i dunno the low level stuff but the story i heard time and again was that postgres was more reliable but mysql is faster
14:31.14*** part/#asterisk volp (n=volp@
14:31.29jbalcombdlynes_office: i have heard the developers talking about not doing joins so much..
14:31.36dlynes_officejbalcomb: yeah...mysql's faster only if you do all your logic in your interface language
14:32.10dlynes_officejbalcomb: if you place that logic in the database query language and/or stored procedures, mysql comes far behind postgresql
14:32.30jbalcombdlynes_office gotcha.
14:32.39dlynes_officejbalcomb: ideally you don't want that code in a high level's slower there than on the database
14:32.59jbalcombdlynes_office: MySQL still seems more popular though, any reason for that?
14:33.02dlynes_officejbalcomb: mysql users generally return the entire result set, and then fiddle with the full set of data
14:33.19dlynes_officejbalcomb: it's simpler, and more people understand it
14:33.31dlynes_officejbalcomb: postgresql requires that you actually know how to use a database
14:33.31Pj_jbalcomb: yes as you said it's faster for basic stuff, though totally not realiable, and there's no way to lock things properly
14:33.32*** part/#asterisk parag_ast (
14:34.26jbalcombPj_ I heard something about improving locking by changing our tables formats? something about not using myisam I think?
14:34.30Pj_which makes it unusuable for anything more than a news portal and I'm not even sure about that
14:34.33*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
14:34.43jbalcombdlynes_office: Does Postgres have corporate support?
14:35.04dlynes_officejbalcomb: there's plenty of consulting companies that offer support for postgres, yes
14:35.15jbalcombPj_: =) perhaps but i know our DB files are 8 GB so I think we do a bit more than a new portal.
14:35.24Pj_anyway this is #asterisk not #flamesql there are plenty of post Vs my articles on the net
14:35.43Pj_jbalcomb: I can get you 8GB of news
14:36.01jbalcombdlynes_office: is there a main corporate sponsor?
14:36.05hmmhesays8GB Boobies
14:36.17Pj_hmmhesays: oh yeah baby
14:36.38*** part/#asterisk km- (
14:37.00jbalcombPj_: umm.. no thanks.
14:37.02[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Pervasive Systems <-
14:37.08dlynes_officejbalcomb: check the postgresql web site...there's one or two main consulting companies (the two the contribute the most amount of code to the project)
14:37.10hmmhesaysif only they would build a skype client for mipsel
14:37.15dlynes_officejbalcomb: yeah...what [TK]D-Fender said
14:37.49*** join/#asterisk blaylock (
14:38.13jbalcombI want to start a company that only does enterprise level Linux support for apache, mysql, postgresql, sendmail, bind, and asterisk
14:38.28jbalcomband maybe snort
14:39.18dlynes_officeand you're looking for a company that specializes in postgres to do that?
14:39.51jbalcombdlynes_office nah, just thinking outloud for the time being
14:40.13dlynes_officeah....anyways...just do a google search
14:40.30dlynes_officethere's plenty of companies out there that have experience with most of those
14:40.31jbalcombdlynes_office: i'm pretty sure i need four partners to make this work and about 100,000 in capital for the first year
14:40.46dlynes_officeI, myself use all of the above
14:40.55dlynes_officeI just try to avoid mysql whenever possible
14:40.59*** join/#asterisk sb_mx (n=sb_mx@
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14:41.33nighty_would anyone know of a WIFI SIP Phone that can do PTT ?
14:41.37dlynes_officebut when i'm testing new stuff, I usually use mysql because it's just easier to work with
14:41.39mockerjbalcomb: Hmm, do you think that other's who use that technology are likely to call for help?
14:42.41jbalcombmocker: i should think so. we are getting ready to pay out 4,000 to have someone from mysql come out for 3 days.
14:42.59*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
14:43.14SpaceBassanyone got the new google talk working with *?
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14:44.42n9urkanyone running asterisk on tektonic?
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14:47.42X-Gengoogle talk = jabber, SpaceBass search for jabber and *
14:49.44n9urkIs it wise to use canreinvite=yes in 1.2.10?
14:50.20n9urkI set it to that and then started having problems with one way audio and such
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14:53.12Dovidanyone know how to set up QOS for asterisk
14:53.25Dovidso that the asterisk box flags it on its end ?
14:53.53Dovidi looked at QOS on the wiki and it speaks about it but dosent mention how to use it
14:54.05*** join/#asterisk aRJAy (
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14:55.14harryvvany comments on vitelity buying out sixtel or how good vitelity service is? seems thay are using 3coms backbone for its traffic.
14:57.37Dovidanyone on QOS
14:58.14jbalcombDovid: perhaps you could base your QoS on VLANs?
14:58.46*** join/#asterisk linlin (
14:58.51Dovidjbalcomb: can u explain a little more
14:58.59Doviddo i have to set something up ont he linux box ?
14:59.52jbalcombDovid: your switches need to support VLANs, you configure a VLAN interface on your asterisk server, your setup the VLAN on your phone if it supports it
14:59.58*** join/#asterisk brad6254 (
15:00.38jbalcombDovid: configure a vlan interface on your router with routes from your normal network to and from the VLAN. all done
15:00.40Dovidthe server is in a data center. will thsi still work ?
15:01.06harryvvjbalcomb is that to seperate his data network from the phone network?
15:01.14jbalcombDovid: do you mean that it is off premise?
15:01.47jbalcombharryvv: not so much becase they will still run on the same switches but you can setup QoS based on VLAN ID
15:02.03harryvvI see
15:02.15jbalcombDovid: then no, this will certainly not work then
15:02.16*** part/#asterisk Innatech (
15:02.33Dovidso the setting on the phone for Vlan is only if the server si local ?
15:02.35jbalcombDovid: QoS via ToS if probably your best bet
15:02.37Dovidis local*
15:02.41brad6254I'm having trouble dialing sip to zap using a grandstream ht-386.  If i set it to inband, i can't get call parking to work, if i set it to rfc2833, i can't dial 9, wait for dial tone, then dial number.  Do i need some other setting?
15:02.46Dovidok. what us Qos via TOS ?
15:02.50harryvvI need a good switch that will handle poe and qos I guess the cisco series will work but are there others.
15:03.21harryvvbrad, you can change the dialplan where you wont need to dial 9
15:03.23Dovidharryvv: Yes a lot of good ones out there but expensive
15:03.29jbalcombDovid: its only for if you use VLANs and the way to use VLANs off premise is if you and a point-to-point connection
15:04.00Dovidah so if i use the internet i am screwed ?
15:04.02jbalcombharryvv: Dell PowerConnect is mostly what I use
15:04.06brad6254harryvv:  it seems the line doesn't recongnize the tones that are dialed.
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15:04.09Dovidis there any other solutions ?
15:04.53jbalcombDovid: probably the most important point for QoS is at your router
15:05.03harryvvdovid, well cost is a issue. I need to make a more professional voip demo unit instead of lugging everything in cardboard boxes. Was thinking of a aluminum frame with black plastic sides and wheels so it can be toted around.
15:05.04Dovidso if i get a good route
15:05.19*** part/#asterisk brad6254 (
15:05.22jbalcombDovid: you should be able to give SIP and RTP a higher priority and/or reservce a segment of bandwidth for them
15:05.25harryvvdell mmm
15:05.43Dovidjbalcomb: wht routers dot hat ?
15:05.46Doviddo that*
15:05.59SpaceBassX-Gen, thanks for the tip on searching for jabber....still not finding anything that suggests its clear cut...IE lots of folks working on it, but no solutions
15:06.04jbalcombDovid: anything non-residential mostly will
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15:06.23Dovidah. he wants to go the non residential route cause he has phones all over
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15:07.13Dovidjbalcomb: what do u say about this ? and this ?
15:07.29jbalcombharryvv: have you considered a musicians mobile rack? they are generally the same format and footprint as standard IT racks
15:07.30Dovidharryvv: whay are you walkin around with boxes ?
15:07.44harryvvdovid, to demo my * system
15:08.05harryvvWould be nice to buy or build something a little more professional looking :)
15:08.07jbalcombDovid: WRT54GS is a residential wireless router
15:08.31jbalcombharryvv: they probably make mobile IT racks as well
15:08.33harryvvjbalcomb ohh really never though of it.
15:08.48harryvvjbalcomb as long as its water proof
15:08.50Dovidharryvv: why not have the equipment in a date center and just bring a phon
15:08.51jbalcombharryvv: the musicians racks look nice though
15:09.07Dovidjbalcomb: I know. do u think that will work ?
15:09.17harryvvdovid, customer firewall may not agree with my phone.
15:09.17jbalcombharryvv: i'm sure they make them that way. removeable panels too.
15:10.11jbalcombDovid: i dont know what your doing, how much poower you need, or what your planning on doing in the future so i really couldn't say.
15:10.15harryvvheard a noise outside brb
15:10.30jbalcombDovid: i wouldn't consider it a professional solution.
15:10.44Dovidjbalcomb: server is in a data center, the max amount of phones per location is 2
15:11.37tzangermusician's racks (1/4 rack) is nice and cna look really snazzy
15:11.45Dovidjbalcomb: i know it isnt profesional but its what he wants to spend. he dosent wana spend $300 - $400 a router for all his employees that are working out of home
15:11.49tzangerput hard rubber on the corners, nice set of caster wheels
15:12.44*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ermsewrk@
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15:13.10nfi|ermeshi all
15:13.14tzangerwe have some really nice cases made by PMW case sales out of mississauga..  I think the case itself is a boxer case
15:13.22nfi|ermeshow can i stop asterisk from a shell script ?
15:13.27tzangerrugged, pull-up handle, wheels.. very nice
15:13.28tzangernot cheap though
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15:13.41harryvvdo you have a web site?
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15:14.11harryvvtzanger sorry do you have a site on that portable rack?
15:14.22harryvvor what ever it is :)
15:14.59*** join/#asterisk Arnar_ (
15:15.15tzangerportable rack?  any music store I'd imagine
15:15.21SpaceBasscan anyone help me understand jabber functionality...basically is there a way to use googl talks' voice chat via asterisk?
15:15.46tzangergator makes EXCELLENT boxes
15:16.06tzangersnap off the ends and you have your connection points
15:16.10[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Most portable music rack cases don't have the necessary depth for computer enclosures, measure it off well....
15:16.34[TK]D-Fendertzanger : ESP that one :)
15:16.36nfi|ermeshow can i stop asterisk from a shell script or from a web link ?
15:16.52*** join/#asterisk eBody (n=ehernand@
15:16.53[TK]D-Fendernfi|ermes : "asterisk -rx "stop now"
15:17.03nfi|ermesthx [TK]D-Fender
15:17.04MikeJasterisk -rx "stop now"
15:17.13*** part/#asterisk Arnar_ (
15:17.46tzanger[TK]D-Fender: don't get 1U full-depth servers
15:17.51harryvvtzanger I want it so I wont have to hookup all the ethernet connctions untangle the wires...everything is basicly ready to go once i come on site. Just plug in power and cable and go :)
15:18.05tzangerharryvv: see if you have the requisite depth
15:18.07*** join/#asterisk IvyUK (n=mark@
15:18.37harryvvkinda like a min rack with wheels that wont get wet if I outside with it.
15:18.44tzanger15" deep
15:19.07harryvvsomething like that.
15:19.39tzangersomething like that would work but is not really rugged
15:20.23harryvvyea going up stairs ramps bumping into things
15:20.53tzangerbut yeah google for musician rack, mobile rack... nice rack... heh
15:21.16harryvvOr modify a portable lugage rack
15:21.40tzangermeh, I'm sure you can find a musician's rack with wheels and a sliding handle
15:22.25*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
15:22.31tzangeras soon as yo ustart modifying things you are going to put a lot of energy and time into making it look good, and likely could find something similar that would be cheaper if you factored your itme and materials into it
15:22.34harryvva rack that tils back with extending handle
15:22.44harryvvI know
15:23.07harryvvI am trying to get quotes to have a aux fuel tank made for my truck and its expensive.
15:23.14Qwellaren't music racks a little smaller?
15:23.32Qwelllike, not as wide
15:23.54harryvvdoes not look big enough to hold at least one or two ip phones
15:24.19tzangerthere's the site
15:24.22tzangerthat's a 3U
15:24.30tzanger17" deep, 19" wide
15:25.00tzangerthey go up to 6U with wheels and retractible handle
15:25.26tzanger13.5" high
15:25.39harryvvthat migh be just right
15:25.48tzangerput a 2U server in there, mount a tiny switch at the back, stuff a couple ip501s in there loose
15:26.12tzangerpower bar and long (spring-coiled?) power cord and you're off to the races
15:26.55fileemail here, email there
15:27.00harryvvin fact, this would also be excellent to rent to a agency for a short time. Say rent it to a temp voting office with phones.
15:27.23harryvvtemp office that has no phones i mean.
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15:28.34[TK]D-Fendertzanger : This is what I need now :
15:28.54[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Now only to find it reasonably priced shipped to me :)
15:29.03tzangerdouble keyboard stand?
15:29.20tzangerthat looks like it should be relatively cheap to ship
15:29.26tzangeroversize (length) might kill you though
15:29.30aRJAy[TK]D-Fender: managed to fix my problem here.. Thanks for the redirect.
15:29.49harryvvaRJAy what was the problem
15:30.32aRJAySPA3000... setting it up. Wasn't dropping down to gw0 (PSTN)
15:30.58tzanger[TK]D-Fender: ahh I see what you mean about the depth on that gator case.. oops, I thought it was deep too, but it's 12U and shallow. I figured it was 2U or 4U :-)
15:30.59aRJAywas putting the wrong string in the wrong place... if that makes sence :)
15:33.38filewrong string... wrong place... cool!
15:33.49aRJAyaye :)
15:34.03*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
15:34.28aRJAynot so cool though when you've banged your head so hard on the keyboard that you've created a new letter-ordering system!!
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15:36.07salviadudaRJAy, come on! you didn't bang your head on the keyboard
15:36.24salviadudi'm wondering if anyone here uses a SafeType?
15:36.49salviadudi'm thinking about buying one, writing lines and lines of code, and chatting on irc will kill my hands eventually
15:37.00*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
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15:37.53thx2000Anyone know why my spa3102 would be trying to dial an IP address instead of the number im passing it?
15:38.17*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (n=uros@212-200-196-125.adsl.sezampro.yu)
15:38.25clyrraddid you check your dialplan?
15:38.37thx2000in the sipura or asterisk?
15:38.39*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:38.40clyrraddo you have the "Dial IP Address" box checked
15:38.43clyrradin the sipura
15:39.06salviadudfor you to dial an ip address on a sipura
15:39.21salviadudyou need to dial * between the numbers
15:39.32salviadudlike 200*33*122*0
15:39.51aRJAyWhy are people calling me QWERTY  ?
15:40.23thx2000well im trying not to dial one...lookin for the dial ip address option
15:40.23fileqwerty... cutey... hrm
15:40.24salviaduddoes anyone do dvorak?
15:40.35Nuggetmy girlfriend uses dvorak.
15:40.41harryvvI remember in the service the guys in the hanger called me pinger fresh out of tech school :)
15:40.50Nuggetshe says it's great.  she never has to lock her workstation at the office -- nobody touches it.
15:41.06Ast001Is it possible to install asterisk on point A and connect ordinary phone to it and then place and recieve calls from other ordinary phones which are not connected to Asterisk ?
15:41.12salviadudNugget, your GF uses unix?
15:41.34salviadudwell lucky you
15:41.44Nuggetnot really.  when we met she used linux.  :(
15:41.47clyrradNice! - been trying to convince the wife to do that for 2 years now :s
15:41.49Nuggetbut I fixed her
15:41.56harryvvbtw, is there a device that when I plug it in will tell me if rtp/sip will pass though the customers firewall?
15:41.58Nuggetnow she uses a mac and afreebsd.
15:41.59salviadudlinux, unix, whateva man
15:42.59salviadudmost girls i know that use mac, don't even know how it works, or how to open a damn terminal
15:43.22salviadudthey're graphic designers... no clue about what goes on inside the box
15:43.28Qwellsalviadud: you're supposed to wear it!
15:43.33Qwelllike...on your face
15:44.23salviadudputa, no comprendo
15:44.27xbmodder_lappyQwell, !
15:44.30salviadudwell, yeah, i agree
15:44.53harryvvI guess nmap is one free way to detect if a customer sip ports are open. but dont care to lug around a laptop for that.
15:45.01*** join/#asterisk pdtwork (n=ptinsley@
15:45.19pdtworkanybody know of a little vpn router with PoE that is decent?
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15:46.15thx2000m0n0wall on a wrap
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15:47.40clyrradAnyone know if its possible to force queues.conf to use extension based rules from extensions.conf to reach a member?  I am trying to get call forwarding to work for queue members - but I need it to be done server side instead of phone side - has anyone done this before?
15:48.09MikeJclyrrad, chan, local
15:48.19[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad : You can use chan_agent driven agents to use your dialplan to determine who to call.
15:48.40clyrradMikeJ - what do you mean chan local?
15:48.49*** part/#asterisk Ast001 (n=uros@212-200-196-125.adsl.sezampro.yu)
15:49.02clyrradTKD - you mean using agents.conf?  Does that not mean the person has to log onto a queue?
15:49.07harryvv <-- test to see if sip port is blocked. Does also test for mgcp but not rtp or aix
15:49.11MikeJyou use chan_local.  it's a proxy type channel.. lets a call go back into the dialplan
15:49.39clyrradMikeJ - can you please PM me the syntax for that so i can research it - I have not seen this before
15:49.44MikeJagent is a proxy channel as well prettty much
15:49.58MikeJclyrrad, there will be stuff on the wiki about it.
15:50.16clyrradoh NICE :)
15:50.19signutsAny asterisk developers around? I am wondering why AGI (agi://localhost ) returns -1 and causes dialplan to stop execution. I thought jumping to priority n + 101 is deprecated but i need this support. Is there a way to check the return status of a AGI(...) command and proceed elsewhere in the dialplan upon failure?
15:50.22clyrradand that can go in queues.conf?
15:50.55MikeJthat can go anywhere somthing like SIP/blah could go
15:51.04*** part/#asterisk aRJAy (
15:51.24clyrradMikeJ - I am going to try that in queues.conf - thanks for that information bud :)
15:51.32*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (n=ohyeah@
15:52.32hmmhesaysbah usb is pissing me off
15:53.01mutdewd usb is rawk
15:53.02hmmhesaysif I plug any device into usb I should get *something* in dmesg right?
15:53.09muti never realized how small usb flash mem got
15:53.13hmmhesayseven if there is no driver for it?
15:53.20moglsusb will show you whats connected
15:53.23signutsit's like 3 lines of code in res_agi.c to get my required behavior. Why would this not be implemented?
15:53.27muti got a 1 gig stick like 2mm thick, 3 in wide and 1 in long
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15:54.31muttheres jumps now signuts
15:55.30*** join/#asterisk nortex (n=nortex@
15:56.16signutsnut, is that only asterisk cvs? How does jumps work? I
15:56.40signutsnut, of course it's not in asterisk 1.2.10
15:57.32mutwhats in your agi
15:57.38mutsomething is causing it to hangup in the agi..
15:58.08signutsmut, I am using a socket agi and need to recover from connection refused messages.
15:58.14*** join/#asterisk fritz5150 (n=erik@
15:58.35signutsmy agi is _intentionally_ not running
15:58.54mutyou sure it's not running?
15:59.00*** part/#asterisk fritz5150 (n=erik@
15:59.06signutsmut, 100% positive
15:59.10Juggiesignuts, agi should return a connection refused.
15:59.22signutsJuggie, it does but it halts dialplan execution
15:59.32Juggieit shoudnt.
15:59.35signutsI want n  + 101 to try a different method
15:59.37Juggiei've never seen that.
15:59.44hmmhesaysi plug in a device and get nothing
15:59.48hmmhesaysnothing at all
15:59.48signutscrazy.... pretty well defined behavior in the source code
15:59.48Juggien+101 doesnt exist anymore unless yuo forcefully enable it
16:00.55clyrradMikeJ - are you still there?
16:01.52Juggiesignuts, only if you enable it.
16:01.54Juggieit was removed in 1.2
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16:03.30signutsJuggie, well regardless n + 101 was my hack solution. that won't work anymore then. The main point is AGI(agi://localhost) returns -1 causing dialplan execution to halt upon a failure (connection refused)
16:03.32*** part/#asterisk sponix (
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16:04.10Juggiesignuts, are you sure
16:04.52signutsJuggie, are you? lemme show you my dialplan and its execution
16:05.03Juggiesignuts, i'm pretty sure i've done that.
16:05.11Juggiepastebin your dialplan and the asterisk output
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16:05.37harryvvI know most of you are linux lovers but anyone here use windows and recomend system mechanic?
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16:06.07folderharryvv: yes and no.
16:06.20harryvvyes and no for ?
16:06.23hmmhesayslsusb should show something even if the driver is not found right?
16:06.28folderrecommending 'system mechanic'
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16:06.46folderyes I use windows, no I don't recommend system mechanic
16:07.08harryvvwhy did you have a bad experaince with it?
16:07.42folderno. just don't need it. do you really need yet more software to keep your computer working normally?
16:07.55Juggiesignuts, waiting on that pastebin.
16:08.51harryvvfolder, for some time my performance on my opteron system has been slow and yet to really pinpoint the problem. I have done all the required things like scandisk,defrag,check for errors, empty the cache, you name it.
16:09.16signutsJuggie, sorry. .
16:09.38signutsJuggie, had to anonymize it :)
16:09.45folderI tend to find that the sort of people who use that kind of program, have windows XP machines clogged up with on average 5 or 6 of the following running: norton or mcafee antivirus, spamkiller, personal firewals, history cleaners, evidence scrubbers, cookie cleaners and on.. and on.. .(and ariston)
16:10.58Juggiesignuts, you've modified res_agi.c?
16:10.59*** join/#asterisk MamboKing (
16:11.01MamboKinghey guys
16:11.08signutsJuggie, just one line..
16:11.15MamboKingits been a while since I touch asterisk, did they get rid of zttool?
16:11.19signutsJuggie, it's only a printf on error
16:11.22signutsor wahteer
16:11.23Juggieno, make zttool
16:11.32Juggiein zaptel source.
16:11.34MamboKingi tried the compile fails :(
16:11.45MamboKingany alternative to it?
16:11.45Juggieyour missing newt probally.
16:11.53MamboKingnewt, kool i'll install that now
16:12.00Juggiebe sure to install -devel
16:12.09MamboKingawesome, thanks man
16:12.11*** join/#asterisk citats (
16:13.34signutsJuggie, you have an asterisk box to reproduce it? It should be simple. .I'm on 1.2.10 here
16:13.39MamboKingyup, that did it, thanks again
16:14.14*** join/#asterisk rene- (
16:14.27Juggiesignuts, trying to figure out if -1 causes a hangup.
16:14.35Juggieok it does.
16:14.36rene-question: if i set a variable using the manager originate event, is this variable a global or a channel variable?
16:14.37signutsJuggie, I believe it does
16:14.40Juggiethen i see the problem.
16:14.40*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
16:15.57signutsReturns -1 on hangup (except for DeadAGI) or if application requested hangup, or 0 on non-hangup exit.
16:16.01Juggiesignuts, are you ok with editing some source?
16:16.13signutsJuggie, I have no problem with it
16:16.21Juggiego to line 166
16:16.25Juggieor aronud there, in res_agi.
16:16.35Juggieres_agi.c within the res dir.
16:16.37signutsaye, there now
16:17.48*** part/#asterisk kram (n=mark@pdpc/sponsor/digium/kram)
16:17.49signutsBut if doing what you say by changing that to return 0 won't do the trick. getbhostbyname isn't what is failed.
16:18.18Juggiethe proper fix might be to change them all.
16:18.31Juggieagi needs a return variable.
16:19.00Juggiechange the one @ 210
16:19.04Juggieand recompile, change it to 0.
16:19.06Juggiesee if that helps.
16:19.12Juggiethats where its bailing on you.
16:19.34signutsmy sugested change would be to add ast_goto_if_exists(chan, chan->context, chan->exten, chan->priority + 101); inside agi_exec(..) but I don't know what I need to return to make that work
16:20.14harryvvvery cool voip test site
16:20.28*** join/#asterisk Seba_soy (n=s@
16:20.32Seba_soyhello all!!
16:21.22Seba_soyI am having a problem, I send a call to an asterisk with a zaptel card connected PSTN, when I hear ringing, I hear 2 rings one over other
16:21.54Seba_soytogheter, one is ring from pstn, Argentina, other is ring like USA
16:22.07Juggiesignuts, * is moving away from +101
16:22.11Juggieso now that isnt a solution
16:22.21Juggiethe appropriate soludion would be a ${AGI_RESULT} variable
16:22.25Juggiewhich AGI() would fill
16:22.28Juggiewith the reason it exited.
16:22.33*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (n=tsurko@
16:22.59harryvvanyone here sucsessfully use asterisk with skype
16:23.21signutsJuggie, aye. So use a GotoIf expression to check ${AGI_RESLT}
16:23.26NuggetI do, but you won't be enthused about how I do it.
16:23.37EyeCueskype isnt sip/iax right?
16:23.42EyeCueits its own protocol, so to speak?
16:23.45Nuggetright, it's a closed protocol.
16:23.55EyeCuethought so
16:23.57SpaceBassits sip with a wraper from what I understand
16:24.05SpaceBassthere is a gateway you can run
16:24.20EyeCuedamn proprietary shit.
16:24.24*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
16:24.43Nuggetskype fills a void that asterisk and the open solutions haven't yet.
16:25.00RoyKi know
16:25.11signutsJuggie, the n + 101 behavior may be deprecated but it still functions. I just got it working
16:25.16RoyKi've had customers telling me that too
16:25.29RoyKsignuts: even though, it's ugly
16:25.44*** join/#asterisk asterisk-dud (
16:25.44harryvvSomone just told me skype will start charging 2 cents per call for skype to skype calls at the end of the year.
16:25.54RoyKsounds wonderful
16:26.10RoyKthat way, people will focus more on open solutions
16:26.15signutsRoyK, I don't think so. it's uglier than any normal asterisk expression..
16:26.21NuggetI really have a difficult time believing that.
16:26.31Nuggetit doesn't make any sense at all
16:26.39RoyKwhat doesn't?
16:26.47Nuggetthat skype has plans to charge for internal calls.
16:27.04asterisk-dudI have a tdm405p card for fxo ports and channel banks for fxs ports and asterisk keeps hanging up calls after about ten minutes when the come in for the fxo port and are routed to a fxs channel, can anyone help me?
16:27.09RoyKit might, though. time'll show :P
16:27.20NuggetI'm putting it in my "specious rumor" bucket.
16:27.21signutsHopefully AEL saves asterisk dialplan garbage. How in the world can exten => XXX,101,HandlErrors() be uglier than exten => s,6,GotoIf($[ "${CALLERIDNAME}" : "Privacy Manager" ]?callerid-liar|s|1:s|7)
16:27.59*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=eKo1@
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16:28.02RoyKsignuts: i'd use agi :)
16:28.20salviadudskype will now kick the bucket
16:28.29signutsRoyK, AGI is the point of failure i'm trying to circumvent
16:28.41salviadudwhy charge for internal calls, when you can get them for free, with any other service
16:28.49RoyKsignuts: i don't see the point of failure, really
16:29.20[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Ok... what about them?
16:29.25RoyKsignuts: with huge amounts of calls, it may not be scalable, but we're running a rather large ITSP with AGI, and it works
16:29.41signutsif the daemon is down or it timesout doing a query inside agi things need to be able to recover
16:30.15signutsI to am running some fastAGI apps w/ much success. I just like covering my bases
16:30.38*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
16:30.58RoyKsignuts: what daemon?
16:30.58RoyKI just AGI, not fastagi
16:31.00signutsI'd like having a IPVS setup or some load balancer. Scaling AGI isn't the problem, scaling asterisk probably is
16:31.10signutsRoyK, ahh. gotcha. Regular AGI
16:31.29asterboyPutting together a quote and just want to verify that for a block of 25 DID #s I only need 1 T1 card priced at about $500?
16:31.37eKo1I never use agi, I stick to c modules.
16:31.39MrChimpyit's easy to do fastagi, so don't do AGI
16:31.57jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: nothing, potentially interesting for you.
16:31.57MrChimpyfastagi also doesn't have the odd sighups etc
16:32.33harryvvFree calling within the US and Canada.
16:32.34harryvvBut remember, you can make free calls within the US and Canada to both landlines and mobile phones until the end of the year.
16:32.37signutseKo1, good call, but development on those is harder and more time consuming. My perl daemon is incredibly smple
16:32.52MrChimpyon a 2G Xeon 2x2.summinkGHz
16:33.11eKo1signuts: yep, I had to sacrifice simplicity for scalability.
16:33.37MrChimpyi found I could start 240 threads of fastagi in about 0.2s using about 200meg, which is rather better
16:33.50signutseKo1, understandable, i've written core components in C apps but I like prototyping out and seeing if sh!t works w/ scripting languages first. I'm at a time where I don't need to scale quite yet
16:33.52harryvvAny idea what voip engine skype uses?
16:34.02MrChimpy...though still obscene compared to what C would do
16:34.07*** join/#asterisk ringhals (
16:34.24eKo1Although my CPU is maxing out already :(
16:34.28signutsasterisk is pretty well written too the structures and functions all make pretty good sense
16:34.35asterboyShould be all I need for 1 channel bank.
16:34.43MrChimpyC for AGI apps is overkill IMHO - though I've spent years using C for CGI apps ;)
16:34.45RoyKsignuts: scaling asterisk is indeed a problem...
16:34.49asterboyanyway, about $500 by the looks of it.
16:34.54RoyKI've just used perl for AGI
16:35.08ringhalsI like php
16:35.08RoyKhigh memory footprint, but with a couple of gigs of RAM it works well
16:35.14RoyKthat is, asterisk doesn't really use that much
16:35.16NetgeeksAGI's & Asterisk in comibination present some significant scaling issues
16:35.17signutsThe bigest problem i've encountered with asterisk is load balancing across multiple servers and routing the calls to the correct server the UA is registered at
16:35.36RoyKNetgeeks: how many concurrent calls? calls per seconds?
16:35.36Netgeekshowever, as you approach 400+ calls on a system, you begin to run into other problems
16:35.38MrChimpynot managed to load test properly yet, but looks promising
16:35.56NetgeeksRoyK:  I really haven't ever pushed testing past 50 concurrent
16:35.59RoyKNetgeeks: asterisk itself scales horribly with 400+ concurrent calls with RTP bridging
16:36.03Netgeeks50 calls per second I mean
16:36.13RoyKconcurrent calls or call setups per sec?
16:36.16eKo1Netgeeks: I've approached 130 simultaneous calls and I already have problems.
16:36.20harryvvsignuts how many calls per min are going though those servers and how many channels do thay handle
16:36.22MrChimpyperl with standard agi simply won't work with more than 60 or so sessions
16:36.28RoyKeKo1: we've done 200 without problems so far
16:36.36NetgeeksI've pushed concurrent call testing to 1000+  (with alot of failures)
16:36.48signutsharryvv, two boxes in the lab w/ 4 T1 pri's I dont have any concrete numbers yet
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16:37.08eKo1Netgeeks: I've pushed about 300 calls in about 5 minutes with lots of FAILED and NO ANSWER calls.
16:37.08Netgeeks<-- on the phone - will rejoin thsi conversation in a sec
16:37.15signutsMrChimpy, I bet perl FastAGI would
16:37.17harryvvnetgeeks, what cpu/ram did you use.
16:37.42harryvvek01, did you use stress test software for that ?
16:37.58eKo1No, this is on my production box :/
16:38.08ringhalsI have an issue with meetme rooms having extremely poor quality when I get more than about 5 iax remote clients in one room
16:38.11MrChimpysignuts: it probably does. as I said I started 240 clients ok of the same stuff written as fastAGI in 0.2s. Not actually tested it with asterisk itself under that sort of load yet.
16:38.16harryvvek01, what would a opteron 244 with half a gig push for calls?
16:38.28eKo1harryvv: no clue.
16:38.30ringhalswith that said the cpu is under 1% util and load is at .02
16:38.37*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (n=Merceste@
16:38.40ringhalsanyone have any suggestions
16:38.50harryvveKo1 what disto are you using
16:38.56NetgeeksHarry:  I've tested many different combinations,  anywhere from a Dual Xeon 2.8G through a 12 Processor Sun system with 12G of memory
16:39.11eKo1All I know is, I'm migrating * to a more powerful box with quad Intel Xeons and 2 GB of RAM.
16:39.18eKo1harryvv: FC2
16:39.26NetgeeksAll my tests assumed that RTP traffic was carried as well as signalling traffic, and i only tested SIP to SIP or SIP to PRI
16:39.32harryvvI love fedora
16:39.55ringhalsCentOS 4.3 :-)
16:40.06eKo1ringhals: I'm using that as well.
16:40.07harryvvnetgeeks which combo did you see that has the most calls with the least dropped or poor quality connections ;)
16:40.11NetgeeksRTP traffic begins to present a problem around 400 calls (800 legs of SIP), due to the packet per second interrupt rate
16:40.19eKo1The quad CPU box is RHEL3 though.
16:40.40*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (n=bartpbx@
16:40.48eKo1Netgeeks: Is that a problem with * or the net interface?
16:40.59NetgeeksEven on the sun, I ran into the same issue, because a physical interrupt locks onto a single proc.  You can move around which proc it locks on, but it still is locked to 1
16:41.03harryvvnetgeeks so are you saying to play it safe its best to go with a call rate of 350 per second?
16:41.22Netgeeksso then if you want to push more, you have to implement some kind of interrupt mitigation scheme
16:41.37*** join/#asterisk Kernel_core (i=Kernel_C@
16:41.49harryvvI see
16:41.55NetgeeksHarry: yeah, unless I use the 400 number as tops for now
16:42.01Netgeeks400 seems pretty reliable
16:42.19NetgeeksThats on a dual 2.8G Xeon machine
16:42.29harryvvso what phone ratio have you seen that may work. I suspect call centers have a high call to phone ratio.
16:42.46muthow many raises should a person expect a year, a fairly high performance person at an IT job
16:42.49NetgeeksI'm going to have the chance to test a dual Intel Core Duo T2500 machine here shortly
16:43.02harryvvnormal pstn network is 10 phones to one channel i think
16:43.16ringhalseKo1: most of my machines (distributed arch) are duel X 2.8 2 gig ram OR P4 2.8 1 gig
16:43.51ringhalsmut: mine are bi anual
16:44.18NetgeeksFor deployment in most situations I fall back on the old 10 to 1 ratio with average 3 minute call, and then modify that based on the clients guestimates or statistics and just tell them if things look different, be ready to spend some more money to bring the cluster up to requirements
16:44.22*** part/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
16:44.22ringhalsmut: yes
16:44.25harryvvso asuming you had to setup a 1,000 phone network as long as the call rate did not exceed 350 cps
16:44.40mutwhat kinda raise ya get?
16:44.49hmmhesaysmy wrtsl54gs is now running asterisk with chan_oss working
16:44.50mutlike size in comparison to what ya make
16:44.53hmmhesaysand a usb sound card
16:45.10ringhalsdepends but on averarge between 3 and 5 percent every 6 months (over the last 3 years)
16:45.14Netgeeks350 cps? what is the Siezure rate on those calls?
16:45.29harryvvNetgeeks so you use a cluster instead then a standalone server
16:45.48tzangerhmmhesays: what hardware for OSS on the wrt?!
16:45.53tzangerahh usb sound card
16:45.54Netgeeksharry: yes, I use the cluster approach over the monolothic approach.
16:46.15harryvvbeawolf cluster i guess
16:46.23harryvvor if thats the correct spelling.
16:46.27Kernel_coreguys...  today I translated AMP to FARSI ... but when I choose FARSI , I get "???????" in my browser instead of correct characters ....( I used in my .po file UTF-8 as charset ) what is wrong ? and how could I fix it ?
16:46.28hmmhesaystzanger yessah
16:46.48NetgeeksOh, sorry, no, let me rephrase, I use a group of asterisk servers with extra scripts to provide a cluster like environment
16:46.59NetgeeksI don't use OS level clustering
16:47.00salviadudKernel_core, duuuuuude, #freepbx
16:47.02mutso i guess theoretically i should be lookin forward to a $660/yr raise sometime this year
16:47.03harryvvthats interesting.
16:47.14eKo1Netgeeks: I though you were using mosix or something.
16:47.21Kernel_coresalviadud: nobody has knowledge about it there !
16:47.36Kernel_coresalviadud: I asked it many many times there , nobody answered
16:47.51*** join/#asterisk philippel (
16:48.05salviadudKernel_core, that's freakin' amazing... well, patience I guess, if they don't know, we don't know times 2
16:48.06Netgeeksgod no, I'd actually have to be pretty smart to run asterisk on a cluster platform!
16:48.30harryvvmut what kind of work do you do? im looking for a good designer or my self to make a good web page. Get my crap and services online :)
16:48.38eKo1I like Mosix. Pretty easy to set up.
16:49.18mutcouldn't design interfaces, just code them to do what ya want
16:49.32ringhalsSo with my meetme room issue. 5-10 remote iax clients using gsm codec attempt a conference call. the sound quality goes out the window almost instantly. However all 10 can be on concurent calls to a PRI int the same box and suffer 0 quality issues ... any help would be much appreciated
16:49.40*** join/#asterisk Bobcat_1966 (
16:49.40muti'de never sell my design work to others, tho i know people who do much worse that make money from it
16:49.58tzangerringhals: what CPU
16:50.07tzangerhell what network card
16:50.15tzangerneither are used much with PRI meetme
16:50.32ringhalsP4 2.8 no load on the server. Load is under .1 and CPU util is under 5%
16:50.33jbalcombharryvv: if you are quite serious I may be able to help you with getting started
16:50.45ringhalsnot PRI meetme
16:51.11ringhalswhen placing standard calls there is no degredation of service.. but when they conference together is when it go to pot
16:51.17NetgeeksFor my service platform I have a number of boxes I call media servers which run a modified asterisk and some otehr code related to load balancing, a true DB cluster for the backend, and a file system cluster for storage of voicemails/recordings, etc.
16:51.40eKo1Netgeeks: Nice setup.
16:51.47eKo1I just have on monolithic box running everything.
16:51.49eKo1It sucks.
16:51.53jbalcombNetgeeks: Are you familiar with this?
16:52.16NetgeeksWe've got an installation going in right now that is designed to handle 300,000 accounts.
16:52.30Netgeeksjbalcomb: I'm aware of the product, I've never played with it
16:52.46ringhalstzanger I believe its a broadcom gig nic
16:52.47jbalcombNetgeeks: You have a MySQL cluster?
16:52.50muthow in the world do you manage users
16:53.14Netgeeksjb: Yes, a shared memory cluster using SCI interfaces
16:53.16Seba_soyI am interestedo on that about a cluster using scripts.
16:53.16tzangermut: flat files!
16:53.35Seba_soyNetgeeks how do you do that?
16:53.45jbalcombNetgeeks: How does one go about setting that up?
16:53.51mutsomeone manually go in and say create this file
16:53.56mutand add it in the includes
16:54.11*** part/#asterisk foo (n=foo@unaffiliated/foo)
16:54.33Seba_soyare you using some type of SIP REDIRECT?
16:54.41NetgeeksSeba: there is alot of documentation on that out there in the MySQL world.  It's pretty neat, and has alot of gotchas.  I'm not real familiar with it, as I have an expert on staff who is responsible for the file system cluster and the sql cluster
16:55.01jbalcombNetgeeks: Ok, I see that it is covered in the MySQL documentation. Do you find it to be quite stable? Any big glitches to watch for?
16:55.34jbalcombNetgeeks: What are you using for the file system cluster?
16:55.39Seba_soyNetgeeks: I will search more info
16:55.45Netgeeksjb: there are a shitload of gotchas... some really silly stuff that bites hard (like no field or table names can be over 32 characters, etc.)
16:56.58eKo1that is one dumb gotcha
16:56.59Netgeeksjb: we looked at GFS (from RedHat) and Luster (Linux clUSTER) and chose Luster for it's redundancy, failover, and performance/growth benefits
16:57.03eKo1typical mysql nonsense
16:57.50ringhalsso anyone else have suggestions on my conferencing woes?
16:58.06Netgeeksjb: however once you get past all the gotchas, it seems to work great... it wasn't cheap to build, the share memory model requires all cluster nodes to have the memory to hold the entire DB in memory all the time, MySQL recommends 16+g per node...
16:58.41NetgeeksYou can go with a non-shared memory cluster, but then you lose some reliability
16:59.38jbalcombNetgeeks: ok, very good to know. both our current DB servers have 8GB so it's not too bad a jump. thank you very much for the notes.
17:00.10Netgeeksjb: no problem.
17:01.01hmmhesaysnot to try and compile zaptel on a wrt
17:01.22NetgeeksSeba: we are using both SIP 302 redirect and re-invite to do load balancing.
17:05.00*** part/#asterisk StewLG (
17:06.58ringhalsSo with my meetme room issue. 5-10 remote iax clients using gsm codec attempt a conference call. the sound quality
17:07.47*** part/#asterisk DrCool (n=DrKewl@
17:08.41Juggiecpu usuage? what kind of server?
17:09.14ringhalscpu is under 5% util and load is like .2
17:10.49*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=gus@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
17:10.56jbotcentosbug is probably a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
17:11.08jbotrumour has it, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
17:11.14xhelioxsorry to do that twice :)
17:14.29*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (
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17:15.13Juggiesignuts, are yuo still around?
17:17.04Dr-Linux|workquestion, my asterisk doesn't recognize CallerID for all incoming calls? what could be happend?
17:17.13Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, could you help?
17:17.45hmmhesaysi can't seem to find a guide for configuring wcusb
17:18.39*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
17:20.36Seba_soyDr-Linux|work from where are yuo accepting call
17:20.44Seba_soySIP, ZAP, etc
17:22.00Dr-Linux|workSeba_soy, Zap
17:22.37Seba_soyand you know if callerid is coming?
17:22.54Seba_soymaybe it is blocked
17:22.57Dr-Linux|workit can get callid from most of callers, but for some callers it says  something "warning" callerid returns with error on Zap/2 .."
17:23.10Dr-Linux|workSeba_soy, i see
17:23.15Dr-Linux|workSeba_soy, blocked where?
17:23.21Seba_soyfrom pbx
17:23.49Dr-Linux|workSeba_soy, you mean blocked from caller's provider comany?
17:23.57Dr-Linux|workor block on my lines?
17:24.05Seba_soyfrom provider
17:24.18Dr-Linux|workSeba_soy, i see, it make sense
17:24.32Dr-Linux|workSeba_soy, so it's mean it's not my asterisk problem?
17:24.39Seba_soyask you provider if he is blocking callerid
17:24.53bartpbxI'm looking for a asterisk Logo in good quality. I thought there was a logo download page somewhere on, but i cannot find it
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17:24.54Seba_soysure, if he is blocking then you will not receive it
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17:25.43Dr-Linux|workSeba_soy, actually i'm prvoding outgoing calls via my asterisk on callerid basis
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17:26.26Dr-Linux|workSeba_soy, i have 10 numbers that i've have added in DB
17:26.45Seba_soymaybe that is the problem, provider side problem
17:27.02Dr-Linux|workle me email them to enable callerID on their phone
17:27.31Dr-Linux|workSeba_soy, they are very old using it, so i never recieve callerids from their specific numbers ..
17:27.39Dr-Linux|worklet me discuss with them
17:31.09bartpbxnobody  has a logo for me? Or can point me to a logo?
17:31.56tzangerbartpbx: email digium
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17:32.56bartpbxtzanger, thanks, I'll do this
17:33.39hmmhesayswildcard usb fxs anyone?
17:35.48tzangerI want an S518 with FXO integrated
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17:37.29hmmhesaysdo i even have to configure anything in zaptel.conf?
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17:38.12ComputerWarmhello all question from with in a system() command how can i have ASterisk search a mysql database to check if a caller id is in there?
17:38.36Qwell[]ComputerWarm: Why not use the builtin mysql/odbc functionality?
17:39.14ComputerWarmthat would be fine but i still need to figure out a way from in extensions.conf to check a caller id
17:39.38ComputerWarmok thanks i will look it up
17:40.36*** join/#asterisk mountainm2k (
17:41.57anglerhmmhesays, what device are you using to use wcusb?
17:42.42mountainm2kdoes Asterisk Business Ediditon not support Realtime?
17:42.45anglerhmmhesays, if it's a usb fxs device, you configure it in zaptel/zapata just like you would any other fxs/fxo device
17:42.51hmmhesays[root@fc50 ~]# ztcfg
17:42.52hmmhesaysZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
17:43.04hmmhesaysyeah but then I get that when I use  fxoks=1 in zaptel.conf
17:43.05philippelariel: where would you go to get a list of any new zapata.conf variables that I may want to mess with (other than looking throught he source)? and would that be in zaptel 1.2.7 or in libpri?
17:43.09syzygyBSDhmmhesays: did you modprobe your card first
17:43.14ComputerWarmyou didn`t configure it correctly or you didn`t load the modules hmmhesays
17:43.17syzygyBSDtry ztcfg -vvvvvvvvvv
17:43.36hmmhesaysusbcore: registered new driver wcusb
17:43.36hmmhesaysWildcard USB FXS Interface driver registered
17:43.36hmmhesaysRegistered tone zone 0 (United States / North America)
17:43.55*** part/#asterisk bartpbx (n=bartpbx@
17:44.13tmartinsAnyone knows a better Debian package then the one from / ?
17:44.29hmmhesaysModule                  Size  Used by
17:44.29hmmhesayswcusb                  19328  0
17:44.29hmmhesayszaptel                202244  1 wcusb
17:44.33tmartinsor a channel asterisk debian specific ?!
17:44.48bkw_hmmhesays, you doing USB on a WRT?
17:45.03syzygyBSDtmartins: why not just install from source or apt?
17:45.17syzygyBSDI install from apt, has everything I want
17:45.38anglermountainm2k, theres nothing really stopping you from using realtime with ABE
17:45.47tmartinssyzygyBSD, bacause the last packages for asterisk 1.2.10 isn't stable
17:46.03tmartinsthe stable packages is an old version of asterisk
17:46.08hmmhesaysbkw_ yeah
17:46.15hmmhesaysbut right now i'm just trying to get this to work in fc5
17:46.39mountainm2kangler: It appears it does _not_ support res_mysql or cdr_mysql however
17:46.51hmmhesaysbkw_ i got chan_oss running with a usb soundcard on my linksys here
17:46.52mountainm2kangler: but I did get cdr_odbc to work with MyODBC
17:46.52anglermountainm2k, odbc
17:47.07bkw_ABE ships with cdr_odbc?
17:47.13anthmtsk tsk you should't have cancelled you cluecon reg you could have brougt it with
17:47.43bkw_I wrote that :P
17:47.46mountainm2k;looks around, confused...
17:47.51mountainm2kO I C...
17:47.54*** join/#asterisk cybergypsy (
17:47.54hmmhesaysi wish i could make it to cluecon this year
17:48.22mountainm2kbkw_: Heh, did you write the ODBC for Realtime as well?  Cause I can't get it to work..  :-P
17:48.33bkw_anthm wrote that
17:48.43anglerbkw_, :)
17:48.55hmmhesaysso I have the driver loaded, but ztcfg errors
17:49.24bkw_ABE is part of the reason I don't contribute to Asterisk any more...
17:49.25anthmhmmhe, then go
17:49.49salviadudwhat is ABE?
17:49.56hmmhesaysanthm: cash flow problem
17:50.03Qwell[]jbot_: stupid bot
17:50.09mountainm2kbkw_: I'm somewhat disapointed that it's so far behind the open source version...
17:50.29anglermountainm2k, has to be due to testing and how fast Asterisk changes
17:50.34mountainm2kbkw_: I can see where you'd be ticked that they're selling your work, heh
17:50.43salviadudi still don't know what ABE is
17:50.43bkw_well they had to strip out some stuff not considered stable yet
17:50.47jarrodanyone working with billing interfaces for cdr?
17:50.53Qwell[]salviadud: Asterisk Business Edition
17:50.56mountainm2ksalviadud: ABE == Asterisk Business Edition
17:51.08salviadudo yeahhhh, i saw that at
17:51.17salviadudis it 1337 or somethin?
17:51.29mountainm2kFor us, ABE seemed like a good idea -- tested, stable, supported
17:51.32*** join/#asterisk linlin (
17:51.45mountainm2kI'll reserve judgement until I've actually used it for more than, say, an hour...  :-P
17:52.02Qwell[]mountainm2k: You must be new here :p
17:52.50hmmhesaysanyone see anything wrong with this?
17:52.59hmmhesaysbeside the fact that ztcfg fails
17:54.05*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (
17:56.16XARiUSanyone seen this before?
17:56.23XARiUS"channel.c:787 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for...."
17:59.41folderXARiUS: Yes I've had that. Repeated up to about thirty times right after each other. It just went away though.
18:00.23XARiUSfolder: yeah my customers had been reporting that their phones would just start ringing and not stop.. finally caught up with the issue
18:00.35XARiUS* console went nuts with ringing device.. etc.. and deadlock messages.
18:01.18XARiUSof course initially I thought they were all on crack.
18:01.22XARiUSbut I guess they had something there.
18:01.34lilalinuxis it still true, that MeetMe only works for Zaptel?
18:01.51XARiUSeh, nope?  I use meetme quite a bit, no zap channels.
18:02.00XARiUSsip/iax, using kernel timer.
18:02.03*** join/#asterisk beyond (n=beyond@
18:02.15folderapparently app-conference is the better choice, so I heard.
18:02.34lilalinuxXARiUS, folder: thx will google for it
18:02.34syzygyBSDwhat do people here use as a tiff to pdf converter?
18:03.43bkw_it comes with the libtiff stuff
18:03.49syzygyBSDk, thanks
18:03.49lilalinuxsyzygyBSD: tiff2pdf
18:03.59*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (
18:04.01mountainm2kQwell[]: New to ABE, perhapps, been using * for a month or two now...
18:04.08syzygyBSDsure enough, should have installed libtiff first
18:04.19fgwallerdid anyone notice before that chan_alsa crashes asterisk in runtime if the soundcard ddi not detect a PCM device ;-)
18:04.30foldermountainm2k: is it any different to regular Asterisk? Other than the support of course?
18:04.33*** join/#asterisk _4d4m_ (n=adam@
18:04.55syzygyBSDof course, he paid for that...
18:05.04foldermountainm2k: posh front-end?
18:05.39mountainm2kno front-end at all, heh
18:05.44mountainm2kunder the covers, it's just asterisk
18:06.03mountainm2kand an older one at that
18:06.23*** join/#asterisk innatech (
18:07.05*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (
18:07.09*** join/#asterisk sivana (
18:07.45sivanaanyone see this before?  Zap/pseudo-687787378 s@longdistance_tdm:1 Rsrvd   (None)
18:07.53sivanain "show channels"
18:10.54*** join/#asterisk convey (n=kvirc@
18:16.33jbalcombwhats the command to send messages to other users on a linux box?
18:17.00salviadudwrite user tty
18:17.11salviadudjust type write and you'll get the syntax
18:17.15salviadudi forgot it
18:18.11jbalcombso like `write root pts/0 "What's up?"
18:18.34salviadudkind of
18:18.37salviadudits more like
18:18.43salviadudwrite root
18:18.45salviadudthen enter
18:18.49salviadudand then your message
18:19.28jbalcombah, ok
18:20.10brad_msswhmm, iaxtel doesn't forward callerid information ?
18:20.53*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/trelane)
18:22.10asteriskmonkeyanyone knwo who provides cheapest trunks in canada that actually has working dtmf?
18:22.25Zodiacalanyone know the property i need to set so that the messsages button on my polycom phone dials into *97?
18:22.35Zodiacalright now it just dials the ext..
18:23.58*** join/#asterisk bkidney (
18:25.24hmmhesaysso anyone fix my wcusb problem yet?
18:29.13cr0nim getting a huge amount of echo but only from my side when talking to somebody over FXO, they cannot hear the echo and neither do they echo. its not my headset. any solutions or where could i start? ive read many tutorials and they dont really help.
18:29.48tzangercr0n: your voice is bouncing off their hybrid.  This can mean several things.
18:30.18tzangerFirst of all: What FXO device is this?  Have you used fxotune?  Have you dialed the telco's miliwatt number and adjusted your gains?
18:30.22cr0ntzanger: if i speak for long enough, theres no echo but a sudden "yes" or something and it echos
18:31.09cr0nFXO device: digium TDM400P
18:31.34cr0nmiliwatt number? never heard of us having one of those
18:31.34tzangercr0n: run fxotune, dial your telco's miliwatt number and adjust your gains.
18:31.51tzangeryou need to corner a bell tech and ask them for the miliwatt and quiet term numbers
18:32.11cr0ni hope that even they would know
18:32.11*** join/#asterisk froguz (i=froguz@
18:32.31froguzHi ppl
18:32.38Qwell[]~seen ppl
18:32.50jbotppl <> was last seen on IRC in channel #kde, 617d 11h 22m 37s ago, saying: 'I'm out to bed. Thanks aseigo.'.
18:32.51tzangerI'm telling you what you need to do; take the advice or don't, but that's what's needed.
18:33.00*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
18:33.00Qwell[]froguz: just missed him
18:33.01tzanger~seen dead people
18:33.05jbottzanger: i haven't seen 'dead people'
18:33.40froguzhahaa you're funny
18:33.51*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:33.53tzangertime for the classic
18:34.03tzanger~seen my dick in three years, and god that's depressing
18:34.11jbottzanger: i haven't seen 'my dick in three years, and god that's depressing'
18:35.29Corydon-wFat bot
18:36.12froguzok, here we go... is there a way to send 'one by one' numbers to the zap channel? or even better, can i send block of numbers??
18:36.30syzygyBSDfroguz: senddtmf?
18:37.01*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
18:37.34froguzi'm sending 092885125 to a siemens hipath using E1 interface, but the hipath exoect to recieve 09 as the first blovk and then te rest of the number
18:37.55*** join/#asterisk greendisease (n=jack@fedora/greendisease)
18:38.03eKo1the what now?
18:38.19syzygyBSDhmm.. I am guessing you just want Dial(Zap/1/09wwww2285125)
18:38.22cr0ntzanger: any guess to what these values should be? something along the lines of some most commonly used defaults?
18:38.36*** join/#asterisk BugKham (i=CKGLOB@
18:39.18*** join/#asterisk derekS (n=dereks@unaffiliated/dereks)
18:39.22froguzsyzygyBSD, i've tried with w and ww... maybe i should play more with those pauses
18:39.43*** join/#asterisk cytrak (
18:40.12derekShi. if i setup an asterisk server with no outside lines (so basically just allows internal calls)... is there an adapter that will allow me to use my cellphone to make calls?
18:40.42syzygyBSDderekS: look up gsm gateway
18:41.18*** join/#asterisk linlin (
18:42.12cr0nsyzygyBSD: without forwarding the call through a gsm gateway is there perhaps something that you can connect, an adapter of some sort as derekS asked?
18:42.54*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
18:42.58syzygyBSDnope, not that I know of, if you are going to connect an adapter, why not just get a normal phone?
18:43.01*** part/#asterisk fulgas (
18:43.20tzangercr0n: there aren't any, you need to tune it to your specific installation
18:43.32cr0nsyzygyBSD: perhaps there are no landlines in the area.. or for whatever reasons
18:43.38derekScr0n: what i wanted to do was forward through a gsm gateway :)
18:43.40cr0ntzanger: ill try
18:43.49cr0nderekS: ahh okay, i was wondering in anycase ;)
18:44.03syzygyBSDcr0n: wait.. what do you want to do?
18:44.29*** join/#asterisk Jamez^7 (
18:44.36cr0nsyzygyBSD: im just wondering if there is a way to connect a cellphone up so that if the <cell extenion> is dialed that it would rather go via the cellphone than the POTS?
18:44.40syzygyBSDwhat I can tell derekS wants to go:   cellphone -> ?? -> asterisk
18:44.54cr0nsyzygyBSD: for cost reasons of course.
18:45.06syzygyBSDcr0n: ya, that is backwards from what derekS wanted
18:45.19folderThere are some
18:45.21derekSthanks for oyur help
18:45.22*** part/#asterisk derekS (n=dereks@unaffiliated/dereks)
18:45.59syzygyBSDcr0n: you want a gsm card, look up junghanns
18:45.59folderdon't lots of people use those cellphone FXO port cradle thingies?
18:46.16folderI use a GSM <-> SIP gateway from
18:46.36syzygyBSDhmm, never heard of one of those
18:46.46folderhaving trouble with it though. It seems not to respond to the SIP INVITE requests sometimes. About 60% of calls come through (either in or out)
18:47.12syzygyBSDfolder: you got reinvite=yes in sip.conf?
18:47.26foldersyzygyBSD: it's like a single-SIM version of the 2N Voiceblue Lite.
18:47.43syzygyBSDk, nice
18:47.49foldersyzygyBSD: No, I have specifically set reinvite=no, so that it doesn't try to do a direct link to the upstream sip provider.
18:48.00foldersyzygyBSD: why would reinvite=yes help?
18:48.06syzygyBSDi dun know :)
18:48.11folderoh ok :)
18:49.38folderI dunno if pissing around with SIP Expire timers would help, but I set it to 24hrs and when I got in bed I called it, and it just rang.. and rang.. and rang. Then I tried again and it worked.
18:50.11cr0nsyzygyBSD: problem with using a gateway over the net is bandwidth, so i guess something like a gsm card would be the way to go
18:50.25cr0nsyzygyBSD: is this how leascostrouting is setup for mobile phones?
18:50.56syzygyBSDcr0n: k, just a question, can't you get more bandwidth?  is a cellphone bill worth a increase in bandwidth bill?
18:52.33foldercr0n: this is exactly how GSM LCR is done. With traditional phone systems people use something like a Nokia Premicell. That's a cellphone module with an FXS (rj-11) port and its' used as a trunk by the phone system. This thing I have is the same but for SIP. There are also adapters which plug into your mobile phone and provide an RJ11, complete with dial-tone. You need to use one of those with an FXO card though.
18:54.07*** part/#asterisk bkidney (
18:54.13MamboKingwhats the name of the util for createing new mailboxes anyone know off the top of their head?
18:54.58Nuggetthere's a utility to creat mailboxes?
18:55.02Bullseye_NetworkMamboKing: In 1.2.x you dont have to create them anymore it will automatically create it just add it to voicemail.conf and call it once and it will do it
18:55.30MamboKingkool thanks
18:55.34MamboKingI figured as much
18:56.14filedan42: I just fixed bug 7552
18:56.26jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: you ready to check it out?
18:57.11cr0nsyzygyBSD: more bandwidth is very expensive here, plus, since im very new to this im just viewing my options
19:00.36*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
19:00.39MamboKinganyone know if version 2 of the firefly softphone can be configured to point to your asterisk server?
19:00.51MamboKingit looks like the value is hard coded in
19:01.11*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:01.35SpaceBassok....heres a question
19:01.50SpaceBassmy company is moving to cisco phones, which includes the ability to use a softphone on my pc
19:02.01SpaceBassof course that only works when connected to the VPN and through a headset
19:02.17SpaceBasssince my * box is not on the corporate VPN, is there anything I can do?
19:02.27SpaceBassCan I bridge that VPN connection though my laptop to my * Box?
19:02.33denonhave them expose the pbx without vpn
19:02.35Zodiacalanyone know what i set the msg.mwi.1.callBack="" to on my polycom 601 so that the messages button will dial the users voicemail?
19:02.35*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
19:03.37SpaceBassdenon, I wish, but NOTHING happens outside of our VPN
19:04.00*** join/#asterisk mitemous (
19:04.04SpaceBassI'm convinced that we have no SMTP server...that someone actually prints out the mail outside the VPN and manually re-types it inside the corprate network
19:05.15SpaceBassI have a 7960 cisco on my desk...I'm not giving that up for a soft phone on a laptop....even for a local extension (I'm a remote employee)
19:07.12svenna_does someone know, how ti get "Recording Calls With Asterisk" 2 work? says: "Asterisk 1.2 now comes with the new "automon" ... permits a user to turn on/off call recording ..." i enabled it in features.conf, but when i dial *1 nothing happens - so what have I forgotten? :-)
19:07.38Qwell[]svenna_: w or W to Dial()
19:07.46*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
19:07.55*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
19:08.17SpaceBassback....dropped my connection
19:08.35svenna_jepp, i did that
19:08.42*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
19:08.42SpaceBassso if that cisco VPN connection is just a network interface, and i bridge it to one of the two NICs on the laptop?
19:08.44*** join/#asterisk Frogdude (
19:08.56svenna_or, i did both of them - is this wrong?...
19:09.16Qwell[]svenna_: no, it's okay, if you want either side to be able to record the call
19:09.29Qwell[]svenna_: the most common reason I've seen that automon doesn't work...
19:09.44Qwell[]is that you aren't dialing *1 fast enough.  You have literally half a second between the digits
19:10.09svenna_ok, i give it a FAST try :-)
19:10.12Qwell[]You can change the timeout in features.conf, or just buy faster fingers :)
19:10.56mitemousanyone know what a telephone INVITE normally looks like in SIP?
19:11.16mitemousie.. 12125551234@
19:11.23eKo1It looks like a bunch of characters
19:11.24mitemousor maybe.. +12125551234@
19:11.41*** join/#asterisk Frogdude (
19:12.49fileor if you're crazy, sip:800551212;npdi=yes;phone-context=potato@;user=phone
19:13.11Frogdudehi guys
19:13.17Frogdudecan someone please tell me what this message means?
19:13.20FrogdudeJul 28 12:40:07 WARNING[4638]: pbx.c:2415 __ast_pbx_run: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'outgoing'
19:13.41fileFrogdude: something timed out, and normally it goes to the 't' extension... but there wasn't one, so it bailed out
19:13.42FrogdudeI'm just trying to get asterisk working with voicepulse connect and x-lite
19:14.01mitemousfile: is that what a cisco phone or something else would use by default.. sip:2125551234
19:14.05cr0nfolder: thanks for the info on the GSM
19:14.07filepastebin your dialplan logic for the context outgoing and all the messages you see on the Asterisk console
19:14.14Frogdudefile: thanks
19:14.19filemitemous: they would just do plain
19:14.38Frogdudesomething like a flakey internet connection?
19:16.41svenna_@Qwell : lol! i typed it in very fast and it worked :-)
19:16.51svenna_thx !
19:17.20svenna_i guess i cant affort such fast fingers and will change that value :)
19:18.41jarrodare their dialing rules for intl country codes
19:19.46filejarrod: what do you mean?
19:20.23jarrodwell, intl country codes are of variable length
19:20.33jarrodand i want to pull the country code from the cdr
19:20.41*** join/#asterisk dacleric (
19:20.46jarrodbut its not like an area code in the states where i can get the 3 digits
19:20.57*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
19:20.58jarrodit seems to be either 2, or 3
19:21.02jarrodi was wondering how to determine
19:21.06hmmhesaysbah this is pissing me off
19:21.43filejarrod: I vaguely remember coming across something, lemme look
19:21.48jarrodthanks man
19:21.48[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : PM
19:23.10filejarrod: can't find it :\ but I believe it was a C function that was able to take in a phone number and get the country code out of it
19:23.31filewhether it was accurate or not, no clue
19:23.55eKo1cc are 1 to 3 digits long
19:24.36eKo1they all start with a digit in the range 1-9
19:25.30jarrodim not worried about what the start with
19:25.31jarrodthats easy
19:25.39jarrodbut determining how long they are is what is necessary
19:26.02eKo1look here:
19:26.16eKo1Your going to need a function that compares and matches
19:26.21eKo1so make one up
19:26.37*** join/#asterisk stopher (
19:27.11mitemousscrew this..time to whip out a packet sniffer
19:27.16stopherGot a quick question, Can anything other than FXO/FXS work on a asterisk pbx, or do you NEED to have those?
19:27.26Seba_soyto get Country code you have to have stored all country codes on a database and then make a comparision
19:27.28stophersuch as a modem /internal/external
19:27.55mitemousstopher: what would you use the modem for
19:28.11mitemousstopher: you cant terminate calls with a modem, if that's what you are asking
19:28.19stopheryeah thats what im asking
19:28.26*** join/#asterisk ComputerWarm (n=donc@
19:28.30eKo1a modem is not made for that
19:28.31Seba_soyyou can make a C app and save al Country Codes on a matrix, and then make some function to find there...
19:29.05eKo1you need an fxo/fxs card
19:29.05ComputerWarmcould anyone take alook at this please
19:29.05mitemousstopher: if you havent already looked, just check out some of the internet voip companies
19:29.05mitemousyou can connect asterisk to them for next to nothing
19:29.06ComputerWarmits a call back script i am working on. under the question i posted what i am getting from the cli
19:29.25stophermitemous: I don't really want to have VoIP but i want to use the asterisk as a back-end to a REAL pbx
19:29.55stopheror KSU
19:29.56Seba_soythen do you need some digium cards?
19:29.57eKo1* is a REAL pbx
19:30.06mitemousstopher: yeah, as far as i know, you need an interface card or you have to use a voip provider
19:30.15stopherlol * is a computer alternative eKo1
19:30.25stopherokay, mitemous. thanks.
19:30.25ComputerWarmany phpagi scripters here?
19:30.31Seba_soydo you wanna interconnect actual pbx with a new * based pbx?
19:30.47eKo1stopher: no, asterisk is a BETTER alternative
19:30.51stopherSeba_soy: that's my plan
19:31.09Seba_soyI did that some times
19:31.12stophereKo1: For a smaller scale maybe, but for more than 25 phones, its a bit extreme don't you think?
19:31.12Seba_soybut is really bad
19:31.32stopherSeba_soy: really bad? how so
19:31.56eKo1stopher: guess how many phones I run on one * box?
19:32.09stophereKo1: I have no clue.
19:32.16Seba_soyit is difficult to configure
19:32.22CunningPikestopher: Guess how many we have at a local government site?
19:32.23Seba_soyand is not better quality
19:32.31TommyTheKidI honestly wouldn;t want to deploy even a 5,000 seat asterisk PBX, but I wouldn't want to have anything to do with any 5,000 user voice deployment :)
19:32.35eKo180 - 90
19:33.07mitemouseko1: did you deploy QoS in the network as well? (i'm assuming yes)
19:33.10TommyTheKidI was asked if I would want to deploy * company wide.. ~35K (at least till Aug 3)
19:33.13stophereKo1: You have to have some strong networking then, background music alone robs bandwidth on IP phones
19:33.13Seba_soystopher: how many lines on actual pbx?
19:33.15eKo1mitemous: of course
19:33.24stopherSeba_soy: run that by me again?
19:33.28eKo1stopher: strong networking?
19:33.38mitemouseko1: did you run them on their own vlan, or some other way?
19:33.52Seba_soysome switch 100mbps and good network cards I think
19:33.58shido6g729 is g729, music or not :)
19:34.14stophereKo1: yea, so you can get enough bandwidth on a system
19:34.17eKo1mitemous: no vlans. they are all either in the same lan or different lans
19:34.19Seba_soyfor music simply make it compatible with codec
19:34.27TommyTheKidits not the g729 or the g711 you need to watch out for, its FTP, HTTP and BitTorrent :)
19:34.28ComputerWarmany one interested in taking a look at a script for me please and maybe point out my mistakes
19:34.29Seba_soyso, if you use g729, transcode music to it
19:34.49mitemoussox works great for transcoding
19:34.50eKo1I use g729. bandwidth is of no concern yet
19:34.50TommyTheKidWell and NFS, X11, etc :)
19:35.05shido6and if you have iaxy's use adpcm
19:35.17stophersay this: metallica day on the radio, EVERY user in the building turns on BGM .. so you have 90 phones @ 40mbps / phone
19:35.35stopherwouldn't you think it would be a little hard on anything to put up with that much PLUS calls?
19:35.53Un1xwhere is dlynes
19:35.56Un1xdid he die or something
19:35.59mitemousstopher: you dont get all 90 lines active at once
19:36.13stophermitemous: if all of those phones have BGM on at once, you do :)
19:36.20CunningPikeUn1x: I was talking to him last night
19:36.29CunningPike~seen dlynes_office
19:36.36jbotdlynes_office <n=dlynes@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4h 43m 43s ago, saying: 'bbiab...'.
19:37.32Un1xok, well i gotta install asterisk
19:37.41Un1xso should i ninstall asterisk first
19:37.45Un1xor insert my card first
19:37.48Un1xity's a tdm400p :p
19:38.04stopherI'm hoping that i can use asterisk as alternative VM and AA
19:39.01stopherAutomated Attendant
19:39.09*** join/#asterisk eBody (n=ehernand@
19:39.30eKo1Ah. The answer is yes.
19:39.40eBodyin order for my sip phone to roll over incoming calls when the line is in use what do i need to do?
19:40.20eKo1roll over?
19:40.23TommyTheKidUn1x: I'd suggest installing the card, dealing with kudzu (if you have that) as you boot, then installing the zaptel/libpri/asterisk/ast-sounds/etc
19:40.26eBodyadd incominglimit=8 to sip_additional.conf?
19:40.31stopheryou don't know what roll over is eKo1?
19:40.47eBodyif the line is in use and somebody else calls, i want another line to ring.
19:41.01stophereBody: is it with POTS or VoIP?
19:41.13stopherYou need to get that from yer Telco
19:41.13eKo1eBody: that can be done with *
19:41.36stopherTelco will sense busy, and transfer to line two, if busy transfer to line three, etc, etc
19:41.37Seba_soyeBody: put dial statements one after other
19:41.45Seba_soyif lines is busy then asterisk will dial next
19:41.56stopheryeah, it will DIAL.. taking two lines, not just one
19:42.11stophereBody: You are talking about INCOMING lines right?
19:42.28Seba_soysimply put dial after other
19:42.32*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
19:42.35Seba_soyif you need 10 phones, put 10 lines
19:42.49Seba_soyfrom exten => 1 to exten => 10
19:43.42stopheraaadn eBody is silent
19:43.46Seba_soymake a meetme room and put all lines inside...
19:43.52eBodyyeah incoming lines
19:44.01eBodysorry guys, it's all hecktic here.
19:44.17stopheryeah, with asterisk, im assuming this, it will sense it is busy and will tell the caller its busy
19:44.25stopherTelco will sense busy, and transfer to line two, if busy transfer to line three, etc, etc
19:44.33stopherit will ring on yer asterisk as the line
19:44.40stopherinstead of one as busy
19:44.50eBodyi saw a line that could be added to the sip_addtional.conf
19:45.01stopherfor that same feature?
19:45.16stophera POTS line can't be answered twice and forwarded while yer on it.
19:45.25Seba_soywhat exactly do you want to do eBody?
19:45.48stopherhe wants incoming call on line one, to go to line two if line one is busy... i think... right eBody?
19:45.52eBodySeba_soy, we have POTS lines coming to our *box using a tdm2400.
19:46.02eBodystoffell, exactly
19:46.04Seba_soyyes.. then?
19:46.19eBodyi have the gxp-2000 and the manual says it's supposed to do just that!! but it's not
19:46.40eBodywhen a call comes from the outside world i want it to goto one place and one extension.
19:46.51eBodyif that person is on the phone, i want it to "roll over" her her next "line"
19:46.53stopherlike DID
19:47.13stopheryou want it to intercom differently
19:47.19Seba_soyok, so you have 4 pots lines with rotative
19:47.20stopherignore everything i said then.
19:47.40Seba_soya person call you and you make a internal phone to ring
19:47.55Seba_soyif that phone is busy you want to make another internal phone to ring
19:47.57Seba_soythat is?
19:48.09*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
19:48.15eBodyyeah, but the same extension.
19:48.18stopherhe wants the same internal phone to ring on a different intercom line  -- thats what i got from it
19:48.27eBodythese phones have 4 virtual lines on them.
19:48.38stopheryeah each virtual line is an 'intercom line'
19:48.43eKo1VoIP phones?
19:49.50Seba_soywell I think if it is only 1 phone with 4 virtual lines, it should not return BUSY instad all 4 lines are busy
19:50.08Seba_soymaybe you can assign different sip account to each intercom line
19:50.40eBodyi have but it doesn't really solve the problem. :(
19:51.17XARiUSebody: I've never used the gxp, but if it works like cisco and polycom's,  it should roll over to the next "virtual" line.  Try toying with the call waiting features on the gxp.
19:51.24Seba_soyso if you have it registered with 4 sip different accounts, just make ring each one.
19:51.35ComputerWarmany php agi scripters in here if so could you please take a look at and see if you can help me figure out why it won`t execute.
19:52.39eBodyXARiUS, just did, man this is messed up.
19:52.47XARiUSebody: I forget the specifics, but on the cisco, disabling call waiting caused it to roll over to the next virtual line.  or something like that, it's been awhile.
19:53.10*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
19:53.38XARiUSwhile I'm not afk, anyone seen this msg before?
19:53.46XARiUSNOTICE[2108]: chan_sip.c:11245 handle_request: Unknown SIP command 'SI17676P/2.0' from ''
19:54.00XARiUSI keep getting them spammed in the console.. it's coming from a sip 7960
19:54.30*** join/#asterisk GerjanT (
19:54.33XARiUSit doesn't have vad/garp enabled, so not sure what it's all about.
19:56.12*** join/#asterisk Bobcat_1966 (
19:56.16asterboyAny suggestions on printable material about Asterisk to add to my quote?
19:56.54asterboyPamplets and what nots
20:00.45*** join/#asterisk moon06 (
20:01.50stoffelluhm? lol
20:01.56foldermy eyes hurt and I was all nervous and tense and twichy when I went to Tesco just then. It's all Asterisk's fault.
20:02.03Un1xwhen i try login into, cvs for digium
20:02.07Un1xit say's unknown host
20:03.07XARiUSwow tesco.. must be UK :)
20:03.30XARiUShaven't been in one of those in a while.. the buggy's kill me, in the US the rear wheels are fixed.
20:03.39XARiUStesco's go sideways, I was a maniac, running into everyone.
20:03.55folderI've been glaring at this computer for probably a minimum of 12hours per day, all week, and it makes me feel really wierd when I go out in public.
20:04.07XARiUSneed to get out more then!
20:04.08folderactually, more like 16 - 17 hrs per day
20:04.18nortexUn1x, cvs is no longer used. Check the website for svn instructions
20:04.18folderneed to give up on this shit for a week.
20:04.27stoffellfolder: get a 2nd monitor ;)
20:04.49folderhow does that help? :D I could try wearing sunglasses,..
20:05.12stoffellfolder: you could do the same stuff in half the time, so... 8hrs a day in front.. and 8 hours in the sun? ;)
20:05.34folderlol :D
20:05.53*** join/#asterisk jbsolutios (n=jbenson@
20:05.56XARiUSoh man.. breaking news, mel gibson arrested for DUI in LA County.
20:06.01XARiUSJesus is going to be very dissapointed :(
20:06.01stoffellfolder: it IS hot in uk isn't it? ;)
20:06.10folderstoffell: Is it right now, hell yeah!
20:06.10clyrradWhen using local_chan is there anyway to access the variables that were set in the originating channel?
20:06.38folderstoffell: but 90% of the time is miserable. Right now, and this last 2 - 3 weeks, it's been unbearably hot (for us.. who aren't used to it).
20:07.13jbsolutiosHi. I am using a Junghanns QuadBRI card with 3 x ISDN2e lines in the UK. When I set it to use Point to Point, it complains that there is no D-channel. Does anyone else have any experience with BRI please?
20:07.14stoffellfolder: tell me 'bout it, I'm in belgium, same story.. hot hot hot and sometimes flooding a few hours.. lol
20:07.27clyrrad... Is there some way to propigate the variables into the local_chan from the originating channel?
20:07.47stoffelljbsolutios: your zaptel.conf ?
20:07.58eBodyi'm not getting callerid info from the outside via my zap trunks.......
20:08.17eBodyshould i change the context = in the sip.conf???
20:08.40clyrradwhat do your phones say who is calling?
20:08.40eBodyfrom like context = from-sip-external to context = from-trunk ??
20:08.43Bullseye_NetworkIs there a way to disable manager transfers for a specific SIP phone? SO a call CANNOT be transfered via manager API?
20:09.07clyrraddo you have Caller ID="Unknown" in your [general] section?
20:09.26clyrradthats why
20:09.28clyrradtake it out
20:09.37eBodyjust take it out and the callerid info will come through?
20:09.49clyrradyou are overriding the caller id with Unknown
20:09.50eBodynice! :)
20:09.53jbsolutiosstoffell: I am guessing that BT have set up the line as PTMP instead of PTP. What do you think?
20:10.04eBodyclyrrad, then context= is fine??
20:10.17clyrradthats how i have mine set
20:10.19stoffelljbsolutios: could very well be, try the zapata.conf sample included with bristuff, and try other "signalling" modes..
20:10.39jbsolutiosstoffell: do you use BRI in the UK with BT?
20:11.01stoffelljbsolutios: no,using it in belgium, but it's pretty much the same
20:11.21jbsolutiosstoffell: I have a feeling that BT may have set up the line using PTMP rather than PTP. Have you used this before?
20:12.00stoffelljbsolutios: try the sample (zapata.conf) of bristuff, it shows a ptmp example..
20:12.34clyrradDoes anyone use chan_local??
20:12.51TommyTheKidpeople who install * on their desktop? :)
20:13.12eBodyin sip.conf.....which context is the context= referring to??
20:13.15eBodyin zapata.conf?
20:14.16eBodythank you clyrrad
20:14.58*** join/#asterisk Seba_soy (n=s@
20:15.24TommyTheKideBody: in sip.conf, the default for unregistered users
20:15.37TommyTheKideBody: in zapata the context of inbound calls
20:15.53TommyTheKidrefer to extensions.conf for more details :)
20:16.55jbsolutiosstoffell: many thanks
20:17.36jbsolutiosstoffell: I have exactly the same config on another system working fine with PTP
20:19.28asterboyhow many DID #s can * handle?  say 3 blocks of 25 for 75 total on a regular PC, 1Gb Ram, Dual core 3.4GHz?
20:19.45Seba_soysomebody knows why ANI is not received on zaptel PRI if it have mark of Not Screened
20:19.45[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : Easily.
20:19.52TommyTheKidasterboy: my LX50 had 400 did's
20:19.56asterboyholy shit
20:19.56TommyTheKidcoming in over 4 PRIs
20:20.00TommyTheKiditwas less than that
20:20.07*** join/#asterisk n3tim (
20:20.08TommyTheKiddial P3 1.4GHz
20:20.11TommyTheKiddual that is
20:20.28TommyTheKidour provider is dorky, they give us 100 DID's per PRI
20:20.36CunningPikeasterboy: Concurrent calls is the key..........
20:20.37asterboyIn the business setting, I've not been too happy with the way VOIP lines work.
20:20.38TommyTheKids/give us/make us take/
20:20.44TommyTheKidthx jbot :)
20:20.58asterboyso the DID and rotary trunk thing looks attractive.
20:21.26asterboyglad I can get them in blocks of 25
20:21.31asterboy100 is a bit much
20:21.36TommyTheKidI am getting them from my internal PBX
20:21.48asterboyanyone else unhappy with VOIP termination quality
20:21.52TommyTheKidvia cross-over T1 to my ast box
20:22.04asterboyjust does not seem to be good for business...great for home.
20:22.06[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : I run about 110 on my PRI
20:22.18[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : Zeon single 2.8
20:22.21asterboyon 1 T1?
20:22.50asterboymust have a couple of dual channel PRIs
20:22.50eKo1asterboy: VoIP is not as reliable as regular PSTN so it is natural that people complain.
20:22.59TommyTheKidessentially, you can probably get away with about a 10:1 ratio of users to lines, in most cases, people call eachother and it doesnt cost a line :)
20:23.02asterboyya, thats what I'm finding
20:23.19Un1xnow i have to get a free domain
20:23.29TommyTheKideasy there
20:23.51asterboyok, thanks for the input
20:23.53x86Un1x: i'll give you one of mine, but it's close to expiring
20:24.20TommyTheKidI had the unfortunate experience of renewing a .nu domain the other day... 70 EUR .. ouch
20:24.33rene-i am getting Ext: 1  Cause: Unallocated (unassigned) number (1), in my incoming calls via PRI ISDN... does anybody know what the F that means?
20:24.38TommyTheKidtime to move to another suffix
20:25.02TommyTheKidI am getting missing halding for madatory IE 12 :)
20:25.04[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : no.. 110 DIDs on 1 PRI
20:25.06*** join/#asterisk gchaix (n=gchaix@osuosl/staff/gchaix)
20:25.16TommyTheKidbut I know why, cause the dipshit wont set their caller id right
20:25.25rene-fucking caller id woes
20:25.29[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : Low occupancy.  this is so I have 2 blocks of 50#'s.  1 for extensions, 1 for direct fax (SpanDSP)
20:25.54*** join/#asterisk unmanaged (n=unmanage@
20:26.12Seba_soyi am very happy with voip on my company
20:26.44Un1xx86 whats the name
20:26.53TommyTheKidis there something in AST that I could (from a web app for example) cause two numbers to be dialed and brided to gether?
20:27.33rene-an originate event to the new AJAM manager interfase?
20:27.42TommyTheKidwe have a "click to dial" button on our corporate directory, but it uses a java conferencing server that doesnt set the caller ID right
20:28.26clyrradcan anyone help me with a Local Chanel issue?
20:29.10eKo1TommyTheKid: You can with the manager API.
20:30.01TommyTheKidso.. I need to write another webapp to accept the numbers, do some input validation and submit them to the local manager interface...
20:30.12Seba_soyTommyTheKid: what if someboyd answer line before another one?
20:30.26asterboy[TK]D-Fender, that sounds like a nice setup
20:30.30TommyTheKidSeba_soy: you wnat to dial 1.. wait till they answer then dial the second
20:30.49Seba_soyI supposse, yes...
20:30.56Seba_soyput it on a room.
20:31.02TommyTheKidso when people are searching the "namefinder" (searches ldap) they can click the little phone icon and they will be connected to the other party
20:31.32unmanagedSo here is the question, CDR MYSQL adds the 'uniqueid' field to the SQLDB but I need to know how to record a file with this 'uniqueid' in the filename, it looks like epoch time but in ther DB they end in .1 (32523535.1, 21312312331.2, and so on) I need the filenames and uniqueid to match... any idea? is this a asterisk var? or is there anyway to c ontrol the format of the field 'uniqueid'?
20:31.34Mercestescan someone msg me a working page example?  Polycom phone does not pick up only rings.  I have set(ALERT_INFO=AUTO_ANSWER) and it's not happy..:(
20:32.12eKo1unmanaged: not that I know of.
20:33.38[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : I'm running all my favourite gear, you bet that I like it :)
20:33.57TommyTheKidthe unique id is created (most likely) by the database as the record is inserted, so it wouldnt exist till after the call was done (and the CDR was inserted to the DB)
20:34.23unmanagedTommy I know that... :)
20:35.00unmanagedI am just trying to figure out how to get epoc time into that db
20:35.08unmanagedwith the call record
20:35.21eKo1just convert the calldate to epoch
20:35.35clyrrad..TDK-Fender are you farmiliar with local_chan?
20:35.51eKo1clyrrad: you mean chan_local
20:36.07clyrradare you farmiliar with it?
20:36.24clyrradOk- how can i propigate varables?
20:36.28clyrradwith out using globals?
20:36.41Un1xfuck man no-ip is slow
20:36.46[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad : Somewhat.. whats your question?
20:37.02[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad : explain how you're using it...
20:37.15clyrradI have my queues.conf file set to member=Local/200@context.....
20:37.34clyrradproblem is when the call jumps back into the dial plan - all the preset varibles that were set before are gone...
20:37.40Un1xyo you know during installation of slackware, slackware asks, you for a Server name, and a domain name i put in canucks and then it asked me domain name i put in foob.tar
20:37.44[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad : Let me guess... you want to "push" info to the client PC for queue calls right?
20:37.53clyrradso when a call comes in on the toll free line - i have tollfree=1.....
20:37.57Un1xbut obviously it doesn't, resolve because it's no domain, but now my domain is active how do i change it, ...
20:38.23MercestesCan someone give me a working page syntax please?  set(alert_info="auto_answer") isn't working on a polycom..
20:38.35clyrradnow when you dial a queue and you reach a queue member.... it sends you back into the dialplan becase of the use of "Local" - but all the variables are reset - so tollfree=""
20:38.37TommyTheKidclyrrad: you could use astdb :)
20:38.38clyrradfollow me?
20:38.51*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (n=ivanfm@
20:38.56Netgeeksanyone here give me a quick tip on getting the current head of asterisk?  svn checkout gives me an error
20:38.58clyrradhow would astdb help in this situation?
20:38.58MercestesSip.cfg reads: <AUTO_ANSWER"Auto Answer" se.rt.3.type="answer"/>
20:39.22TommyTheKidit wouldn't be a global variable, you could set it in there .. probably "misuse" but  :)
20:39.54[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad : cheap trick for you : Push the vars into AstDB, then change the callerID name before entering the queue.  inside all "Local" dials you would then strip the family/key info from the callerid name and use to putt the "pushed values".  You'd naturally want to run a clean-up program once in a while to ensure it doesn't flood.
20:40.11[TK]D-FenderTTK : short version, but yeah :)
20:40.34clyrradekkkkk - is there not a better way to do this?
20:40.50TommyTheKidSIP phone instead of local
20:41.02[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad : Have you tried referencing the vars with "_" in front for inheritance?
20:41.06clyrradno - becase then call forwarding wont work from queue
20:41.18clyrradno - I have not tried that
20:41.20*** part/#asterisk stopher (
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20:41.26clyrradlet me give that a shot
20:42.46clyrradlike this? ${_tollfree}
20:42.53clyrrador like this _${tollfree}
20:43.05rene-rule #1 of IT management: blame the provider
20:43.11*** part/#asterisk TommyTheKid (
20:43.56[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm outta here... later all.
20:44.17*** part/#asterisk ComputerWarm (n=donc@
20:45.44Un1xCould not resolve for
20:45.52Un1xthere we go cvs is down
20:45.53filewe don't use CVS anymore
20:45.59filewe haven't for quite some time
20:46.05Un1xheh i was following directons from ther book i received with the card...
20:46.26Un1xfile so should i just download the tar.gz?
20:46.31Un1xand do it that way or use ftp...
20:46.34jbsolutiosstoffell: I have checked. it is PTP and I keep getting this error with the BRIstuff: WARNING[16281]: chan_zap.c:2506 pri_find_dchan: No D-channels av
20:46.34jbsolutiosailable!  Using Primary channel 3 as D-channel anyway!
20:46.36fileyou can if you wish
20:47.23eKo1Un1x: use svn
20:48.37*** join/#asterisk esculapio__ (n=ESCulapi@
20:48.58Un1x«file» wich one is the latest version of Asterisk...
20:49.06folderIs it normal for SIP messages to be coming through every 30 or so seconds? Mostly "CSeq: 102 OPTIONS" ?
20:49.28folder(with sip debug enabled)
20:49.33file1.2.10 is the most recent 1.2
20:50.24Netgeekshrm, is it coincidence that the three people talking now are Unix file folder?
20:50.48folderfile.. come here let me encompass you :)
20:51.30*** join/#asterisk hads|home (
20:51.52folderI changed mine to folder for a laugh after seeing file
20:52.03folderthat's how exciting I am
20:52.43gchaixinode, anyone?
20:52.47inodelol :D
20:52.50inodefancy that!
20:52.57directoryI have lots of nicks :D
20:53.07directoryfile, filesystem, devicenode, partition, directory, symlink
20:54.59mountainm2kOK, another ABE question -- or maybe not strictly ABE...  musiconhold doesn't seem to work...
20:55.08gchaixHere's one for y'all: anyone ever tried to run * on a Gentoo Xen slice?  More specifically, gotten the zaptel stuff to compile so the MeetMe app can be used?
20:55.19folderThis is frustrating. I've got sip debugging on, ready to log a failed call through to my GSM SIP gateway. But the calls aren't failing :(. I guarantee that when I leave the house or try it from bed, it won't work. sip show channels says "Last Message: tx INVITE" when it's not working. it's like the gateway box isn't answering the INVITE.
20:57.49gchaixI suspect zaptel is unhappy because Xen is not letting it talk to the hardware clock
20:58.06Zodiacalpolycom's kick cisco's butt
21:00.18folderIs there any point in me messing about with SIP Expire times to try to fix this?
21:00.36nighty_would anyone know of a WIFI SIP Phone that can do PTT ?
21:00.54folderPTT? like a walkie talkie?
21:00.54*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
21:00.55nighty_Push to Talk
21:00.57mountainm2kas in push-to-talk, like the nextel?
21:01.11mountainm2kI don't know of any...
21:01.30folderwhat purpose does PTT have on a phone?
21:01.40nighty_walkie talkie like
21:01.48eKo1might as well buy a walkie talkie
21:01.50mountainm2kI would guess for hooking Asterisk up to a radio system...
21:01.56Qwell[]eKo1: app_rpt!
21:01.58mountainm2kwhich it is capable of
21:02.00mountainm2kyeah, that
21:02.08nighty_eKo1: no, not when you also need phone caps
21:02.21eKo1nighty_: buy a cell phone
21:02.36nighty_eKo1: would that works ? I just need the wifi part
21:02.38unmanagedfolder, use can use asterisk as a repeater control
21:03.03folderis that a radio term?
21:03.12eKo1nighty_: i dunno
21:03.22Johnnieapt_rpt kicks butt!
21:03.40nighty_what I need is SIP multicast PTT
21:03.42Zodiacalanyone know if polycom hints can display caller id?
21:03.50nortexWhat kind of hardware is needed for app_rpt?
21:04.16JohnnieYou basically need to build a custom board to interface with COR/COS, then apply that to a TDM card.
21:04.21nortexZodiacal, So you can see who someone is on the phone to?
21:04.41mountainm2knortex: They also make a quad pciradio board
21:04.42Zodiacalnortex yeah
21:04.49Un1xhey you know in zaptel.conf you have to add youre, loadzone.. and defaultloadzone, well mines is canada i added CA and deleted the US
21:04.54Un1xbut it says no such loadzone as ca
21:04.55unmanagedI had seen someplace that someone was useing a channel bank to do something like that, johnnie
21:04.56Un1xwhy is that?
21:05.06mountainm2knortex: but that's for hooking asterisk into a radio system -- like ham radio...
21:05.11Zodiacalnortex now it just displays "line in use"
21:05.16nortexZodiacal, I have not, I have only seen status.
21:05.26Zodiacalnortex okie thanks
21:06.00CunningPikeZodiacal: Consider FOP for that sort of thing
21:06.13Un1xloadzone = us
21:06.18Un1xi changed them to CA
21:06.23Un1xand it dont work someone.. file?
21:06.28unmanaged asterisk & networked repeaters
21:06.35CunningPikeUn1x: Just use US
21:06.49*** join/#asterisk woolbeo (
21:07.41folderdear god. George Bush "wants a lebanon with a free and pro-american governmen"
21:07.45woolbeoIs it possible to configure * so that one can forward voice mail between different voice mail contexts?
21:07.45nortexWhat about hooking it to a motorala walkie talkie sysem? is that possible without some custom boards?
21:07.51folderthat sounds like just what they were saying about Iraq
21:07.56MercestesCan anyone give me a hand with extension app Page()?
21:08.28Johnnieunmanaged: I've heard of that being done...
21:08.49unmanagednortex, look here, also check out fcc.goc for what you can leagly do on non licenced bands
21:08.50JohnnieI have some UHF amateur repeaters in service, and I have them tied together with Asterisk.
21:09.20unmanagedjohnnie, KE4TVV here what is your call?
21:09.30JohnnieThe only thing I haven't bothered with is GMRS, since you can't really piddle with telephony on GMRS anyway.
21:10.01JohnnieA friend of mine has a crossband link running Asterisk's a lot of fun.
21:10.26unmanagedhow much does it cost?
21:10.28JohnnieThe fact that we can link repeaters on IAX2 sort of fascinates the hell out of me.
21:10.34JohnnieWhat part?
21:10.49unmanagedradio interface?
21:11.09JohnnieWell, a friend of mine built mine... I gave him $150 per interface, not sure what the actual cost was.
21:11.13Un1xisn't Digiums tech support 24/7
21:11.14JohnnieI can right back.
21:11.16Un1xor customers timwe zone
21:11.20Un1xi could say im on PST lol
21:11.38folderWhere is SIP Expire time set in Asterisk?
21:12.34syzygyBSDUn1x: Mon. - Fri., 8 am - 5 pm (customer's time zone)
21:13.26Un1xheh yea,. if im in PST or MST im i can stil call them :)_
21:13.42Un1xi wish zaptel deves would hurry up and fix the drivers for freebsd ;)
21:13.46Un1xthen i wouldn't need linux :P
21:13.59Johnnieunmanaged: I think he bought the boards for $25 and $55 for the parts.
21:14.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:14.33JohnnieHe went on site and did the interfacing for me when I was away, plus he's a heck of a good guy anyway, so I gave him extra...haha
21:14.56Un1x?. i bought the tdm22B :P
21:14.57JohnnieSo, you're talking about $80 or so.  I think he got all of his parts from DigiKey and Mouser, perhaps Jameco.
21:15.03Un1x2 fxs and 2 fxo digium card brand new hehe :)
21:15.38directoryUn1x: someone else has taken it upon themselves to port the drivers to FreeBSD
21:17.15*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (
21:18.00hads|home8 am - 5 pm (customer's time zone) <- That's bizzare, I'm GMT+12 - who wants to be up in the middle of the night to take calls from here.
21:19.09*** join/#asterisk MatsK (i=MatsK@
21:19.39anglerSupport is 24/7 for customers that have a 24x7 maintainance agreement
21:19.46folderWhat does having 'a crossband link running Asterisk' do? Is this Asterisk doing radio stuff, like for radio-freaks, or is it the radio gear doing phone stuff, like for phone-geeks?
21:23.21MercestesCan someone please help me with Application Page() on Asterisk 2.10 with a Polycom 501 using Sip_1.6.6?
21:23.38MercestesPOlycom just rings..:(
21:23.46CANO-1982nortex,I thik you could use the phonepatch project for asterisk
21:24.37eKo1Asterisk 2.10?
21:25.01MercestesAsterisk 1.2.10
21:25.49nortexCANO-1982, Never heard of it
21:26.00CANO-1982wait a minute
21:26.10nortexCANO-1982, k
21:27.09CANO-1982nortex, Im curretly trying to use it
21:27.46CANO-1982but it seems that i cant control my serial port, yet
21:27.56CANO-1982take a look
21:30.10CANO-1982nortex, I think it cold help you
21:30.38nortexLooks useful. I may have to bookmark this in case someone ask if we could do this here.
21:33.18unmanagedfolder. both
21:33.45folderunmanaged: ah I see.
21:34.00CANO-1982ok, how could I know if it worked for you?
21:34.18CANO-1982nortex, because Im having some troubles
21:36.41unmanagedoh this is cool
21:37.03unmanagedI have a 12v truck mount pc that I got out of a old cop car
21:39.00nortexa mobile pbx :)
21:39.37macTijnhmm, build in a nice gauge that moves like KITT ;)
21:39.57CANO-1982nortex,aj aja, cool
21:40.17CANO-1982could I email you?
21:40.28CANO-1982sorry, my english sucks!
21:41.32nortexCANO-1982, Are you having problems with phonepatch stuff? I am probably no help since I just read the page a few minutes ago.
21:42.11*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
21:43.16*** join/#asterisk mikea (n=mike@
21:43.53mikeaAnyone know of any issues with the latest svn snapshot (as of a week ago) and problems recognizing RFC2833 DTMF in the voicemail app?
21:44.06mikea* isn't recognized, but # is.
21:44.57syzygyBSDis it possible to not allow users to change their voicemail messages? either a parameter passed to voicemailmain or in voicemail.conf
21:45.40*** join/#asterisk mikea (n=mike@
21:45.55Bullseye_NetworkHow is letting agents login based on the callerid or the sip phone? I changed the callerid in sip.conf for a phone and it would not let them agent login.
21:46.28mikeasorry, my IRC client is half broken.. any problems w/ recent snapshots and rfc2833 digits?
21:47.36CANO-1982nortex, teah, but maybe its a problem with my PC
21:47.47nortexBullseye_Network, The sip information is recorded in to the astdb for dynamic agents.
21:47.55CANO-1982nortex, well, Im leaving now
21:48.07nortexCANO-1982, Good Luck.
21:48.13Bullseye_Networkim having problems with some sip phones somehome getting the callerid from another phone
21:49.24*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (n=dlynes@
21:49.24folderwhat does the 'g' at the end of the s/i asoicasjcs/i can't spell/ line mean?
21:49.44Bullseye_Networkin vi its global...
21:49.53*** join/#asterisk mikea (n=mike@
21:50.00mikeaalright, my client is fixed.
21:50.17folderoh. i'm non the wiser then. :)
21:50.37*** part/#asterisk unmanaged (n=unmanage@
21:50.47mikeaI am having a problem hitting * to access my voicemail login with recent versions of asterisk.
21:50.53Bullseye_NetworkIt replaces all occurences on the current line. without g it only replaces the first occurance.
21:51.06folderahhh. now I understand.
21:51.08mikeaI'm not sure if it's a DTMF problem, or if the voice mail app just doesn't recognize * now. I can use # to hang up.
21:51.13nortexlater all have a good weekend.
21:51.14*** join/#asterisk adorah (
21:51.22*** part/#asterisk Vorondil (
21:52.14mikeaah, you know what, my sip phones can't hit * locally.
21:52.45folderhow come?
21:53.18mikeaWhen i dial voice mail
21:53.33mikeaon older versions of asterisk, you could hit * to log in and check your voicemail
21:53.43mikeawith the snapshot I'm using, that's not working.
21:54.30anglermikea, do you have the "a" extension in extensions.conf?
21:54.31folderoh yeah I understood that, but I thought you were saying it was because your sip phones couldn't send it or something
21:54.45mikeaangler, no.
21:54.47*** join/#asterisk Kernel-Kris (
21:55.04Kernel-Kris$20 USA PayPal to someone that will build a dial plan for me
21:55.20mikeaI'm not using AMP or anything. I built my extensions.conf by hand.
21:55.21anglermikea, woops mis-read what you had typed
21:55.23mikeaAm I missing something?
21:55.52Kernel-Kristhe dial plan is for only 6 people with one incoming call attendant and voice mail
21:55.56anglermikea, you should be able to just make an extension "*" that dumps into voicemail
21:56.00mikeaHas the voicemail application changed since 1.2.10?
21:56.04sharpi get Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such file or directory
21:56.08sharpztdummy is loaded
21:56.40mikeaangler: it will dial that extension if I hit it even during the recording?
21:56.49adorah<Kernel-Kris>it is sooo easy to do with freepbx interface..DIY..
21:57.30Kernel-Krisadorah: freepbx ...can i have a link please.....also i cant get the zaptel drivers to compile in sarge
21:57.38anglermikea, is your setup basically you dial into your own extension which gives you your own voicemail and then you want to press * to login?
21:58.25anglermikea, then you need "a" extension in the context the Voicemail app is called which calls VoicemailMain
21:58.54mikeaangler: what does the "a" extension do?
21:59.03anglermikea, it's been this way for awhile, not sure how you were doing it before without it
21:59.06adorah<Kernel-Kris>either or to get a bootable build linux=*=freepbx in one run..
21:59.07hads|homea = *
21:59.42anglermikea, you will route the "a" extension to voicemailmain. The voicemail app itself jumps to "a" when * is pressed
22:00.06mikeaah, that's what I am missing
22:00.21mikeaThat works perfectly.
22:00.44mikeaI'm trying to move away from AMP and build my own extensions.conf. I didn't see the "a" extension in there.
22:00.45Kernel-Krisadorah: well i would like a fully functional non cripled debain distro this box will be doing other things
22:00.55mikeaAMP probably hid it away someplace.
22:01.31adorahKernel-Kris: u better use a dedicated machine for *..
22:02.05mitemousever use a VPS for a deployment with a few phones
22:02.28Kernel-Krisadorah: its a 1.2ghz dual processor box with 1gig of ram.....and 9 raid 5 scsi drives....i would like for it to do more than just PBX
22:02.33adorahI have that annoying bug that when an incoming call dial an extension and no-replay the line can keep busy for hours-zap lines mainly..
22:02.35mitemousin case anyone was wondering..NAT is a bitch
22:02.55eKo1mitemous: use iax
22:03.26adorahKernel-Kris: than get a cheaper box even PIII and use it only for *..
22:03.38dlynes_laptopmitemous, i see people bitching about it constantly on here...once i figured out how to get asterisk to work with it, i've never had an issue with it, save for 1 or 2 routers with flaky firmware
22:04.13mitemousi'm not actually working with *
22:04.22Kernel-Krisadorah: and do you recomedn the above linx for *.... i would like somthing i didnt have to compile all these drives for my one port card, and i will be ading 1 more card in the future
22:04.22mitemousi'm playing with a SIP component in visual studio
22:04.33hads|homeKernel-Kris: You will run into sound issues if you try and use your Asterisk box for other things.
22:04.49dlynes_laptopa .NET sip component?
22:04.50mitemousgotta figure out how to add the rport parameter into the Via field ;)
22:05.03mitemousdlynes: exactly.. Sip.NET actually
22:05.10dlynes_laptopah...never heard of it
22:05.12dlynes_laptopbut sounds cool
22:05.19eKo1Sip.NET?! oh boy...
22:05.22mitemousyeah, just went surfing for one..and that one came up
22:05.25dlynes_laptopIt's extension to the Socket class?
22:05.28woolbeoanyone had problems with a dsl modem causing noise on a line even with a dsl filter before the tdm card?
22:05.34mitemousyeah, it sits on top of it
22:06.24mitemousi'm about to head home to the cable modem so i can do some more programming without being behind NAT though
22:06.30dlynes_laptopcool...rewrite asterisk in C#, so it'll run on both windows and mono :)
22:06.31*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=teknopre@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
22:06.34teknoprephi all
22:06.44teknoprepi can't connect to my asterisk server over the inet
22:06.46teknoprepvery odd
22:06.52teknoprepyet i can connect to it form the local network
22:06.57teknoprepusing IAX or SIP
22:07.00AvoidingDeadlockyou don't have a default gateway set?
22:07.07teknoprepfor the asterisk box?
22:07.13teknopreplike a network defauilt gateway
22:07.15teknoprepof course i do
22:07.25teknoprepit has an INET ip not nat'd
22:07.53dlynes_laptopteknoprep, do you have port 5060, 4569, and your rtp ports blocked on the firewall?
22:08.01teknoprepi opened all ports for testing
22:08.03*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
22:08.08dlynes_laptopyes, or no?
22:08.13mitemousdlynes: that'd be an awesome project..i cant imagine how long it would
22:08.13teknoprepno i block nothing
22:08.16dlynes_laptopYou're telling me yes, they are bocked
22:08.22teknoprepthey are not blocked
22:08.22dlynes_laptopbut now you're saying they're not
22:08.25dlynes_laptopwhich is it?
22:08.26teknoprepi read your question wrong at first
22:08.58x86anyone know of a place that will manufacture calling cards for me?
22:09.13x86just physically make the cards
22:09.15mitemousdlynes: i'm actually just trying to build a dirty prototype of a click-to-call app
22:09.25eKo1x86: where?
22:09.45x86eKo1: in the US preferrably, but if cheaper overseas, so be it ;)
22:10.05dlynes_laptopx86, It's a North Vancouver, BC, Canada company
22:10.37mikeaangler: that fixed my problem. It's working fine. Thanks!
22:10.49dlynes_laptopmitemous, what for?
22:10.56dlynes_laptopmitemous, why reinvent the wheel?
22:10.59x86dlynes_laptop: i clicked on the cards and got a list of companies they resell phone cards for
22:11.08x86dlynes_laptop: i want want that will print MY cards for me
22:11.08mikeadlynes_laptop: Goldline is good?
22:11.17dlynes_laptopx86, they do
22:11.19mitemousdlynes: because i dont have an extra server laying around to install * on :)
22:11.22dlynes_laptopx86, they do private labelling
22:11.33dlynes_laptopmikea, yeah..he's been around for a while
22:11.45mikeadlynes_laptop: They might be one of my customers :-)
22:11.49dlynes_laptopmikea, he sells about 20 different brands of cards himself in the local vancouver market
22:12.01x86dlynes_laptop: private labelling of companies they resell for right
22:12.04mikeaThere's a voip provider called Goldline. :-
22:12.05x86dlynes_laptop: not my service ;)
22:12.16x86dlynes_laptop: they'll put my name on some other company's card
22:12.22x86dlynes_laptop: i want my name on MY OWN cards ;)
22:12.33dlynes_laptopx86, oh...that I don't know...I thought they did private labelling for your own company
22:12.40x86dlynes_laptop: nope
22:12.44Kernel-Krisok any recomendations on a asterisk that works better than *@Home
22:12.56x86Asterisk ;)
22:13.26macTijnubuntu + apt-get install asterisk-bristuff
22:13.48MercestesAnyone have paging working in 1.2.10?
22:13.55dlynes_laptopKernel-Kris, how about
22:14.09mikeaI just had thw worst experience with a zaptel card.. I rebooted.. after reboot my T1s wouldnt come up.. the driver wouldn't use any interupts.. couldn't get anything to work
22:14.10dlynes_laptopMercestes, not yet, but i will tonight
22:14.16mikeauntil I moved it to a different PCI slot
22:14.20mikeathen boom, works perfectly
22:14.21Mercestesdlynes_laptop:  I'm having issues...
22:14.27mikeathat's the second time it's happened.
22:14.36dlynes_laptopMercestes, you're using regular overhead paging, or phone paging?
22:14.38Kernel-Krisasterisk disrto as in OS+Asterisk not just the package itself
22:15.21mikeaPersonally I just installed CentOS and installed compiled asterisk myself. AMP is great if you're just looking to setup a PBX.. but if you want to make asterisk do some fun stuff, it's frustrating.
22:15.22Mercestesdlynes_laptop: it.
22:15.34dlynes_laptopKernel-Kris, and grab slackware, install it, then go to and install asterisk
22:15.53hads|homeKernel-Kris: Whatever distro you are comfortable with.
22:16.21hads|homeHey dlynes_laptop
22:16.32dlynes_laptophads|home, world domination by slackware is coming to an irc channel near you, soon
22:18.23mikeaI used to love slackware when I was into being being a geek and doing things manually.
22:18.27mikeaNow I'm old and lazy.
22:20.03*** join/#asterisk HolyGod (
22:22.46XARiUSso whats better now days, just compiling from svn or using the binary releases?
22:23.13dlynes_laptopx86, yeah, they do exactly what you want to do
22:23.21dlynes_laptopx86, they just haven't added that info to the website yet
22:23.43*** join/#asterisk esculapio__ (
22:23.48dlynes_laptopx86, You can email the president of western canada operations (vp of glprint) at
22:24.18dlynes_laptopx86, just email him telling him what you want to do, and that you want pricing on it
22:24.47dlynes_laptopx86, if you want, just tell him daniel at 24/7 communications sent you
22:24.50dlynes_laptopx86, :)
22:29.54x86dlynes_laptop: thanks
22:31.25*** part/#asterisk Kernel-Kris (
22:34.04*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
22:39.58*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (
22:44.14*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (
22:44.28*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
22:44.30SpaceBasshey folks
22:44.35*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
22:44.39SpaceBassanyone registering with gizmo and doing inbound routing?
22:50.34jbotmethinks fxsfxo is an FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
22:51.22Un1xso i gotta plug my phone into a FXS port then
22:51.26*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:55.01Un1xanyone here?
22:55.19hads|homeYes. Phone into FXS
22:58.56*** part/#asterisk woolbeo (
23:04.46*** join/#asterisk Amilcar_ (n=amilcar@
23:04.49SpaceBassanyone registering with gizmo and doing inbound routing?
23:05.30Un1xanyone aroudn to help with extensions.conf
23:05.37Un1xit's the only problem im having,....
23:05.45Amilcar_Anyone here knows why digium have choose Mantis as the tracker??
23:05.46Un1xother configs where fine and easy but extensions.conf is weird...
23:08.44Un1xbah wish phone worked id call tech support :P
23:08.54SwKun1x ask about the problem
23:09.10SwKsomeone might answer
23:09.14Un1xerr well, on page 33 of the book they send with there tdm22b cards
23:09.23Un1xsays i should add this dail plan in extensions.conf...
23:09.25directoryyessss? what?
23:09.36Un1xbut see here, the problem, is imnot going to use PSTN lines...
23:09.40*** kick/#asterisk [Un1x!n=twisted@pdpc/supporter/active/twisted] by twisted[asteria] (Wake up, call them.)
23:09.40*** join/#asterisk Un1x (i=Sean@
23:09.42Un1xthis is direct to voip..
23:09.58Un1xthat wasnt nice :/
23:10.02SwKwell then dial the sip channel you need
23:10.03Un1xheh directory
23:10.05Un1xcan ya help
23:10.10twisted[asteria]then dont' send me private messages telling me to wake up
23:10.13Un1xwell i need a dailplan according to the book
23:10.17Un1xheh k twis
23:10.28directoryyour dialplan doesn't have to follow the book, you can make it do whatever you want
23:10.36Un1xive never made the dailplan
23:10.39directoryand if my house burns down because I wasn't watching what I'm cooking, I'll blame you
23:10.40Un1xdirectory do you have the book
23:10.43Un1xlook at page 33
23:10.47directoryI do not
23:10.57Un1xgr8 whyd they send me this then :/
23:11.04directoryand I'm also not in technical support
23:11.09Un1xanyway directory any help on where or how i can create a dailplan
23:11.12Corydon-wUn1x: you do that again and you'll be removed.  You can interrupt me when you're paying me at my going rate.
23:11.25twisted[asteria]Corydon-w, haha, you too?
23:11.39directoryhe probably messaged every op
23:11.40Un1xtwisted yea
23:11.56Un1xok guys, im sorry was stupid thing of me to do...
23:12.05Un1xso now back to my dailplan, can i get help directory...
23:12.06directoryUn1x: ask a specific question and someone may answer it
23:12.14Un1xpage 33 on the book...
23:12.19directoryUn1x: otherwise you can call Digium technical support for installation assistance
23:12.20twisted[asteria]what book?
23:12.29Un1xa dailplan at the end of extensions.conf i dont need the pstn..
23:12.32hads|homeUn1x: That isn't a question.
23:12.36Un1xthe digium book
23:12.47Un1xusers manual i did everything following it but now i cant do what it's asking..
23:12.58twisted[asteria]oh, you bought ABE?
23:13.04*** join/#asterisk roving_prole (
23:13.17twisted[asteria](asterisk buisness edition)
23:13.19Un1xno i bought the, TDM22B kit...
23:13.30twisted[asteria]oh, then you should be talking to digium tech support
23:13.32twisted[asteria]this is the asterisk channel
23:13.50directorymy french fries are done!
23:13.52Un1xlol comon, asterisk is kinda 'owned by them' ;P
23:14.02twisted[asteria]asterisk is an open source project
23:14.04hads|homemmm fries
23:14.14Un1xwell yes, but there managing or supporting it or something ;P
23:14.22twisted[asteria]only if you buy it from them
23:14.23Un1xanyway there help thing says, join asterisk on freenode hehe
23:14.27Un1xi did...
23:14.33Un1xi bought from digium direct :/
23:14.34directoryyou have installation support with the card, why don't you call?
23:14.37twisted[asteria]you bought the card
23:14.42twisted[asteria]you get install support
23:14.44Un1xbecause i cant dail the number ...
23:14.54twisted[asteria]you don't have a phone line?
23:14.57Un1xthe number only allows us calls not, from canada ;/
23:14.58directoryerm, I cooked these too long
23:15.12twisted[asteria]parse error 271
23:15.35Un1xdirectory; can you pointme to where i can create my own dailplan or already created one, ...
23:15.53jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
23:16.03twisted[asteria]have fun.
23:17.08*** join/#asterisk bcnl (
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23:26.03*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=john@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
23:28.30*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
23:34.25*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (
23:47.08SpaceBassanyone registering with gizmo and doing inbound routing?
23:50.09*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=teknopre@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
23:50.11teknoprephey all
23:50.19teknoprephow do i change the codec used with freepbx?
23:50.21teknoprepon asterisk
23:50.37teknoprepor is that all client based?
23:51.37jbotrumour has it, freepbx is NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
23:51.44teknoprepwrong channel
23:56.39*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
23:59.21Un1xfuck man
23:59.27Un1xdigium needs to get another number,
23:59.31Un1xthat 1877 linuxme doesn't work
23:59.50Un1xi get a ring after a bit it say's `sorry youre call could not be completed as dailed'

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.