irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060723

00:02.09TripleFFFFSELECT * FROM routes WHERE '234534234'  RLIKE pattern ORDER BY LENGTH(pattern) DESC;
00:02.15TripleFFFFmeans the patern by default sucks
00:03.57QwellIs that valid?  Never heard of it
00:04.10TripleFFFFastcc is fucked up in svn
00:04.23TripleFFFFdefault patern on install should be ^1.*
00:04.25TripleFFFFnot 1*
00:04.32TripleFFFF1* matches anything even BOB
00:04.37Qwellahh, regex?
00:05.13TripleFFFFsucks.. i made ^1.* and now all works even invalid numbers
00:05.22TripleFFFFthe sucker wasd ailing out on anything even 13423
00:05.38TripleFFFFnot good for installs.. hacked and pakistanese dis will be dialed
00:24.00*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:24.01*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk 1.2.10 and Zaptel 1.2.7 released! (July 14, 2006) -=- FreePBX/AMP/Asterisk@Home/Trixbox support in #freepbx
00:28.48Spla4t1is there a problem with the 729 codec that causes dead air.
00:28.54Spla4t1other codecs work fine
00:31.00*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (i=alejandr@
00:35.43Spla4t1also as far as the licensing goes for g729  if I have 1 trunk and 1 phone does that require licenses for 2 channels?
00:36.07fileyou pay per simultaneous channels, so if you want 2 calls up at a time - you need 2 licenses
00:36.45Spla4t1Ok so I should be fine with 1 phone using 729 calling a phone provider with 1 channel using 729
00:38.56Qwellsorry, but...this is a pretty stupid idea
00:39.06ariel_Spla4t1, using the pass through options sometimes works. make sure you have setup canreinvite=yes
00:39.48ariel_Qwell, well yes and no.  I will get allot of geeks would get it.
00:40.01Qwellyeah, but like...that's too bulky
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00:40.26ariel_I would not use it.
00:40.32ariel_but I guess it has it's use
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00:41.00ariel_have you seen the verizon gps route... the display gets you there but sucks.
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00:43.14Spla4t1I get a out of license error with only the trunk configured for g729
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00:45.08ariel_Spla4t1, if you have not installed either the testing one from intel or the paid one from digium your not going to get it working if that what it said.
00:45.55Spla4t1I just went through the registration process.
00:48.07Spla4t1I see it licensed 1 channel when I do a show g729
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00:51.23ariel_Spla4t1, ok one but you really need 2 to get started.
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00:53.23Spla4t1ariel:  It looks like its not freeing up the decoder
00:53.41Spla4t1on a show g729 it shows 0/1 encoder/decoders in use.
00:55.57ariel_Spla4t1, normal
00:56.19ariel_when you setup asterisk with g729 you really need 2 lic
00:56.22ariel_not one.
00:56.32Spla4t1huh.. I have 1 license and 1 channel configured for g729.  I get the error saying that the it is out of licenses for the decoder.. This is normal.
00:57.34ariel_when you do show channels don't you see 2 up for a call
00:58.05Spla4t1I do but the connection from my phone to asterisk is ulaw not g729
00:58.42ariel_asterisk needs to do the transcoding
00:59.07ariel_if you setup the phone to do g729 and setup canreinvite=yes it should work
00:59.18Spla4t1lemme try that real quick.
01:02.27Spla4t1Ok that did it..
01:02.42Spla4t1although the sound quality was worse than ulaw or gsm I think.
01:03.04Spla4t1that might be my phone though.. Im not sure it has the horsepower to do wpa and g729 at the same time.
01:03.08[TK]D-Fenderyou don't need reinvites for G729 to passthrough, and can cause routing issues...
01:04.52Spla4t1now to see if I can get it to work over gprs/edge..
01:08.28Spla4t1I removed the reinvites and it still worked.
01:11.26*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
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01:14.15Spla4t1although its not freeing up the encoder/decoder after the call is ended.
01:16.07*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
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01:23.42Spla4t1what codec does vonage use by default?
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01:33.56Bobcat_1966Hello all, does anybody know if there is a trick to install the trunk version of asterisk-addons? I keep getting an make: *** [all] Error 2
01:34.09anonymouz666well guys
01:34.15anonymouz666good luck for you
01:34.22anonymouz666it's time to drink my black label
01:37.29*** join/#asterisk Synyn_ (
01:38.51russellbBobcat_1966: what is the error before that
01:39.06Bobcat_1966let me check
01:39.08russellbpastebin it
01:39.15Bobcat_1966sure will give me a sec
01:41.05Bobcat_1966russellb: Here it is
01:41.10Bobcat_1966I appricate the help
01:41.23russellbno problem
01:41.37russellbif it's broken, it's likely my fault :)
01:42.10russellbalright, easy fix, actually
01:42.19russellbyou need to do a "make install" from asterisk before trying to build asterisk-addons
01:42.30russellbactually, no
01:42.37russellbyou probably did do that
01:42.48russellbit's broken, and not to much surprise, it *was* my fault
01:42.49Bobcat_1966yep I did a make clean; make install
01:43.27russellbi'll let you know after i commit the fix
01:43.43Bobcat_1966thanks Ill be here
01:44.01*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
01:48.13russellbBobcat_1966: ok, it should be fixed in revision 263
01:48.23Bobcat_1966cool let me try
01:48.26russellbres_config_mysql and chan_ooh323 were broken due to recent API changes
01:48.40russellbonly the chan_ooh323 breakage was actually my fault :)
01:48.51russellbit may take up to 15 minutes or so for it to make it to the mirrors
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01:49.13Bobcat_1966yep its still hsowing 262... Ill be paitent
01:49.42Bobcat_1966Thanks again russellb
01:50.04russellbyou're welcome
01:50.17russellbthanks for pointing out it was broken :)
01:51.00*** part/#asterisk techie (
01:51.05Bobcat_1966russellb: can I ask you a quick question, I noticed that after installing the latest trunk that my calls work fine but when I hang up the call, flash operating panel still shows the trunk active...any ideas on that one
01:51.36Bobcat_1966has something changed that requires a change to FOP?
01:51.44russellbpossibly, i'm not sure
01:51.54russellbFOP probably just hasn't been updated to the trunk
01:52.09Bobcat_1966thats what I figured,,,thanks
01:52.29Spla4t1is it possible to connect a client from behind nat if it does not support stun or ice?
01:55.32Spla4t1would like to connect from hotspots.
01:58.14Bobcat_1966russellb: Ok that did it and I can now run make install on the asterisk addons, but im noticing that a module I was loading in my old 1.2 stable is no longer working. I have to comint it out of my module.conf for asterisk to start. The module is called any ideas on this one.
02:00.00Bobcat_1966hmmm I dont even see it in the modules directory. I wonder if its obsolete and what it was used for
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02:08.35Bobcat_1966Hello All, Just upgraded from 1.2 stable to the newes asterisk trunk and now my ENUM is not working. Is there a trick to getting it backup and running?
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02:36.20bkw_~seen strom_c
02:36.25jbotstrom_c <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 6h 54m 51s ago, saying: 'very welcome'.
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02:40.09jbotTest Failed!
02:55.05*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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03:24.17*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
03:30.51*** join/#asterisk Asterisk_Newbie (
03:31.18Asterisk_Newbiehi all, from portugal
03:32.07Asterisk_NewbieI'm trying to learn how to use AGI
03:32.14Asterisk_Newbiewith java
03:32.28Asterisk_NewbieDo I need to install any modules?
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03:53.21*** join/#asterisk bmg505 ( poweroutage in data center. woops :)
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03:59.37harryvvSeems it would be best to have two seperate data centers or some kind of redundent power system. I worked for one of the largest electrical measuring companies in the united states and the data center with its one hundred plus servers went off line.
04:00.29harryvvseems the fire sprinker techs that normally test the system do it on sundays..that was a friday and the entire electrical system collapsed.
04:06.28nestar99.9 is easy
04:06.33nestarthe .1 is hard/expensive
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04:38.01asterisk_NewbieHi all from Portugal
04:38.18asterisk_NewbieAnyone knows anything about AGI?
04:46.38tzafrir_laptopmaybe. ask your question and find out
04:52.03*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
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05:09.41*** join/#asterisk microw (n=mike@
05:10.39microwhello, asterisk can't show the callid
05:11.06microwthe callid from zap pstn line can't be showed, anyone knows what happenned?
05:11.26microwmy x-lite said "unknown"
05:11.46microwanyone could give me a clue?
05:12.24microw??anyone not sleep?
05:17.34tzafrir_laptopmicrow, where do you expct the caller ID to show up?
05:17.46tzafrir_laptopa call from pstn?
05:18.24tzafrir_laptopif so: do you have 'callerid=asrecieved' in zapata.conf for that channel?
05:18.37microwyes, callerid is set right
05:19.02microwi want it to show on my x-lite screen
05:19.27microwx-lite is a extension  softphone
05:19.47microwi am wondering what cidsignalling does
05:20.08microwwhat should i set for cidsignalling?
05:20.43microwtzafrir_laptop: you there?
05:20.54tzafrir_laptopsort of
05:21.03microwwhat should i set for cidsignalling?
05:21.44tzafrir_laptophow do you know it is set right? does it show correctly in any other phone? or in the CDR data?
05:22.30microwit doesn't show on any other phone, what is CDR data?
05:22.49microwi only have a x100p
05:23.15tzafrir_laptopif not: set debug to 10 or so, and look at the logs...
05:23.59tzafrir_laptopmake sure debug is going to some log. look at "full" in logger.conf
05:24.33microwhere is trixbox, how to set debug :(?
05:25.13tzafrir_laptopset debug 10
05:25.17tzafrir_laptopfrom the cli
05:26.18tzafrir_laptopBTW: I would really recommend to connect with ssh and asterisk -r
05:26.34tzafrir_laptopyou'd probably get mor debugging clues, generally
05:27.52microwamportal stop; and asterisk -r; right??
05:38.07jbot[trixbox] NOT supported here!  People using it should join #trixbox or #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
05:43.32tzafrir_laptopno no no!
05:43.38L|NUXhads|home : hey
05:44.01L|NUXhads|home : i still have no success :(
05:44.15tzafrir_laptopmicrow, don't stop asterisk
05:44.23L|NUXhads|home : can you help me
05:44.46tzafrir_laptopasterisk -r open a remote session to the running asterisk server
05:44.57hads|homeL|NUX: Maybe, what was your problem again?
05:45.15tzafrir_laptopthat said, #freepbx may be a better place
05:46.02L|NUXsee i have DID which is being used by * all i want when some one call to that DID then it will ask for number/extension and then it will dial out using my provider to USA/Canda
05:47.53hads|homeOK I remember now. You were pretty close from memory. What can't you get to work?
05:48.51L|NUXwhen i press numbers
05:48.54L|NUXit will not work
05:51.09*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
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05:52.36L|NUXany idea
05:52.41trumeeguys, sometimes asterisk stops making outgoing calls for me, and i get Avoided initial deadlock for '0x81b11b8', 10 retries
05:52.52trumeeis this some sort of bug?
05:56.18hads|homeL|NUX: Don't PM.
05:57.01hads|homeL|NUX: So it seems that it's working and you dialled 7 which didn't match anything, so it went to the i extension and hungup.
05:57.17L|NUXwell i dialed 4193017228
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05:58.02hads|homeL|NUX: OK, well that won't match _1NXXNXXXXXX either.
05:58.20L|NUXi also dialed 14193017228
05:58.26L|NUXbut give same
05:58.52trumeeis  "Avoided initial deadlock for '0x81b11b8', 10 retries" a bug?
05:59.02hads|homeSo try hard coding an extension such as 800 and testing with that first.
05:59.04Qwelltrumee: Is it a warning?
05:59.10Qwell(tip; it is)
05:59.29QwellThen you can ignore it
05:59.58trumeeQwell:but asterisk stops making outgoing calls. and i get a 503 Service Unavailable
06:00.19trumeeQwell:on a production system, it will be ugly
06:00.34trumeeQwell:to have such a downtime
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06:04.01*** join/#asterisk Un1x (i=Sean@
06:13.01L|NUXhads|home : i have tested it on local
06:13.32L|NUXhads|home : and it shows that when i press keys it will find last digit
06:13.37L|NUXand dial it
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06:24.01EyeCuedo meetme confs need context and stuff?
06:28.54*** join/#asterisk RippPPppE (n=ripppppp@
06:36.06*** join/#asterisk Un1x (i=Sean@
06:41.53L|NUXany one good with AGI
06:56.06RippPPppEanyone know why this error come in ABE
06:56.52RippPPppENo application 'Set' for extension (macro-superdial, s, 1)
06:57.19QwellRippPPppE: I would call Digium..  Probably not many people here know much about ABE
06:57.37QwellThough, to answer your question (possibly), you might try using SetVar
06:57.46RippPPppEoeky thanks
06:57.59RippPPppEnot much diff in the end result i think
07:00.34L|NUXcan some one help me with AGI
07:01.05L|NUXi have write an AGI which is working fine with softphone but when i try it with hard phone it will not work
07:02.26RippPPppEwhat does the AGI script do
07:02.41RippPPppEsoft or hard phone normally should not matter (much)
07:02.54L|NUXwell brother
07:03.02L|NUXwhen i dial a number it will ask me for number
07:03.11L|NUXfrom softphone when i dial number it works
07:03.24L|NUXbut from hard phone or regular PSTN phone it will not working
07:05.54RippPPppEcan you send me the agi script
07:07.24*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
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07:11.50L|NUXRippPPppE :
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09:11.27EyeCuehmm , prolly silly question, but can i have my iax/sip users in a mysql backend?
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09:16.15hads|homeEyeCue: You can with "realtime"
09:16.32hads|homeBTW your quit message is pretty harsh.
09:16.47EyeCueit's probably warranted.
09:16.51EyeCuebut nonetheless :)
09:17.08EyeCuei cant even recall what it is, unless its about pissing into the wind
09:17.41hads|homeYes, it is.
09:17.48mitchelocwell if you are good at it, you can do it into the wind ;)
09:17.58EyeCuenow, this realtime, a mod/plugin?
09:19.08hads|homeI don't know anything much about it, I don't have a need to run phone systems on a database.
09:19.18hads|homeThere should be info on the wiki etc.
09:19.25EyeCuesok, got it :)
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09:52.16Assidrealtime rocks
09:52.24Assidim planning to move my stuff to realtime as well
09:55.14robin_szanyone tried the latest grandstream stuff, v
09:55.50robin_szand in particular, know how to downgrade to
09:56.22robin_sz(yes, I know, the version numbering system is screwed up ...)
10:06.39*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
10:14.24kay2has someone successfully used Sphinx with asterisk ?
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10:22.45microwasterisk can't show the caller id from my x100p
10:22.55trumeeguys, can somebody recommend a wireless headset with a microphone
10:23.16microwanyone knows what happenned?
10:23.20trumeei can find wireless headsets but no wireless microphones
10:24.39microwusecallerid = yes
10:25.32microwwhen incoming calls come, the caller ID is unknown, but this line do have caller id service.
10:25.55microwanyone know what happenned?
10:27.27kay2microw: yeah
10:27.35microwhi kay2
10:27.55microwkay2: could you help me?
10:28.03kay2microw: no unfortunatelly
10:28.07kay2because it's ur card
10:28.09kay2that is not OK
10:28.33kay2and then pastbin
10:28.42jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
10:28.42microwx100p can't show call id?
10:29.00kay2give me the info about it, pastbin the "dmesg"
10:29.03kay2and I'll tell u why
10:29.12microwok, kay2
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10:32.06microwit is here, kay2,
10:32.45microwkay2: did you get it?
10:32.49kay2lol it's weird
10:32.54kay2where did u get ur x100p card ?
10:33.34microwfrom openvox
10:33.42microwit is a a100p card
10:34.09kay2cuz it's a clone
10:34.15kay2and clones don't show the callerid
10:34.22kay2unless u replace the 2 resistors
10:35.22microwwhich 2 resistors?
10:36.10microwi don't have schemetic of this card, but I work with iron all the day
10:36.44microwit is a very simple card, with only a motorola chip
10:37.15microwkay2: which 2 resistors i have to replace?
10:38.24microwkay2: r21 looks weird
10:40.10microwkay2: there?
10:41.57kay22. The other alternative is to make the same modification to the card that Digium did when they turned them into "genuine" X100P cards. Simply carefully remove R13 and R19 with a soldering iron. R13 & R19 are pull down resistors that affects the vendorID number that is read from the card. With these two resistors gone, you now have a card that will appear as a genuine Digium X100P card to the Asterisk software.
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10:43.16microwwhat is option 1??
10:43.34microwkay2: I didn't see you option 1.
10:44.36kay2I past it from the web
10:44.39kay2go look for it
10:44.55microwwhere is it?
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11:16.17Assidyou just remove the 2 resistors?
11:27.33*** join/#asterisk vpanayotov (n=vdp@
11:31.50*** join/#asterisk Vinsik (
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11:32.46Vinsikqdk: does asterisk support SIP-T? If not, will it ever?
11:32.55clive-whats sip-t?
11:33.26VinsikSIP-T: Session Initiation Protocol for Telephones RFC3372
11:33.45Vinsikencapsulated in sip message
11:34.16clive-supports SIP, never heard of the "t" part before
11:35.09Vinsikin my scenario, i was trying to connect astrisk server as trunk, but there is no rtp media before reinvite. The gateway supplier says that asterisk does not support SIP-T thats why it does not work
11:35.59clive-what gateway is this
11:36.13Vinsikairspan itone
11:37.22Vinsikhas anybody heard about SIP-T?
11:38.06clive-why dont you try it and see, most stuff using SIP does work with asterisk
11:39.13Vinsikclive-: im sorry, my first question was not as informative.
11:39.37Vinsikclive-: i have the trunk already up.
11:39.54Vinsikclive-: and when i dial out through it, there is no voice for 90sek
11:39.58clive-and its not working ?
11:40.06Vinsikclive-: untill RE-INVITE comes in
11:40.17clive-90 seconds,,,,silence,...and then it works after 90 seconds?
11:40.33Vinsikonly after another INVITe message from the softswitch
11:40.39clive-well just set the re-invite to be after 1 second
11:40.54Vinsikclive-: they cant
11:41.04Vinsikclive-: and the reinvite must come from the ssw
11:41.35Vinsikclive-: and they say that its asterisk fault. It does not support SIP-T.. so i just wondered maybe someone else had a similar problem or encounter
11:41.54clive-my advice to you,,,just pay someone $100 to fix it for you in asterisk....although I have never heard of such a thing like this before
11:42.33clive-maybe try another version of chan_sip
11:44.15Vinsikis it stable?
11:44.18clive-yes, its out there
11:44.37clive-if it works, then it works
11:51.38Vinsikchan_sip does not support multipart messages
11:51.51Vinsikthats why the problem occures
11:59.22clive-does chan_sip2?
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12:16.16Vinsikclive-: i have to test ;)
12:18.23Vinsikanybody know does current asterisk support multipart/mixed sdp messages?
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13:49.36nanotalki want to use my voice modem + mic + headphone to connect to pstn.. do I need to use asterisk, or is there simpler solution?
13:53.32ManxPowernanotalk, Asterisk does not support voice modems
13:53.54ManxPowernanotalk, Use one of the MANY softphones out there.
13:53.55nanotalkManxPower, any recommendation?
13:54.10ManxPowercome to think of it, the softphones don't do that either.
13:54.38*** join/#asterisk krausen (n=krausen@2002:18aa:3e3f:0:0:0:0:1)
13:54.49ManxPowerBecause there is no standard for using the resources on voicemodems basically nothing out there uses them.
13:56.48nanotalki c
13:57.05nanotalkI thought it's standard :(
13:59.30ManxPowerThere is enough of a standard API for data and fax, but not for voice.
14:00.32*** join/#asterisk uwe (
14:00.35nanotalkthanks for your help, ManxPower
14:02.03uwehello, ive been trying to move asterisk and freepbx from one system to another with identical asterisk and freepbx versions! still i always need to change something in the extensions
14:02.40krausenjust copy the extensions.conf file
14:02.43uweto get them working ! i dont see why although i moved the /etc/amportal, /etc/asterisk the database @
14:02.46krausenand the sip.conf, etc.
14:03.25krausendoes it use mysql for some of the storage?  If so, you'll want to do a db dump and restore on the new box
14:04.36uweim not sure of that, mayb it does with freepbx! but i moved the database too, i didnt use mysql dump, but i copied the whole db and fixed permissions! isnt that the same thing?
14:05.16krausennot always
14:05.24krausendepends what db engine you're using
14:05.39krausenif you're using innodb, you'll want to do the dump
14:06.06krausenmysql uses one or more of about 6 engines
14:06.40krausenplus with the dump, you get all the db usernames / passwords / permissions replicated
14:06.41uweoh ... ic
14:06.46kay2yo ManxPower
14:07.37uwewell, i will try that, although i tried to restore from a backup created with freepbx on the old machine and it didnt work ether!
14:08.01krausenwhat is freepbx?
14:09.16uwekrausen, a web interface to ease the management of asterisk, was called amportal
14:09.47krausennever used either
14:09.52krausenjust straight *
14:10.38krausenguess I'm a masochist
14:12.06kay2any PRI guru here?
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14:26.12DaveHopeHello all. Am I right in assumingthat "Call from user '200' is 1 out of 0" generally indicates a SIP ReInvite problem ?
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15:16.37Synyn_morning folx
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15:59.53tsurk0hello, I have a question
16:00.05tsurk0an iax client is behind nat and have to connect to asterisk
16:00.29tsurk0should I redirect any ports to accomplish this?
16:00.50EyeCuenat=yes for the iax client user directive
16:01.00EyeCueif the server is behind nat as well, you'll want to port forward 4569
16:01.03EyeCueto the server
16:01.44tsurk0the server is also behind nat, but other clients from the same net connect without trouble (i've redirectet udp 5060 and 4569)
16:02.01*** join/#asterisk droops (
16:02.02tsurk0i forgot about this option, i'll check it out
16:02.03tsurk0thank you
16:03.12Sedoroxif the server and clients are behind a nat, and all are on, say, then you don't need to add the nat option, only its if going through a nat server, like if a client if out on the internet, connecting to the server behind nat
16:05.23tsurk0Sedorox, yes, the server and the client are "on the both sides" of the NAT
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16:21.00matteofhi all
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16:21.26matteofI've a one-way audio problem, can someone help me?
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16:24.37matteofI've a one-way audio problem, can someone help me?
16:24.42tsurk0EyeCue, works perfectly
16:24.44tsurk0thank ypu a lot
16:27.15Muppis_Hello there fellow asterisk users. Im new to asterisk and Im trying to register my thomson modem with MGCP to asterisk.
16:27.45Muppis_ive googled a bit but its quite quiet about mgcp :(
16:28.19eKo1That's because MGCP sucks.
16:28.43eKo1matteof: You're probably having NAT issues.
16:28.55Muppis_eKo1: yeah, i figured that :P
16:29.03Muppis_I get alot of Maximum retries exceeded for transaction 6 on [ST716_A14D13] in asterisk
16:29.28eKo1Muppis_: If and when you do get it working, please feel free to add it to the wiki.
16:29.57Muppis_does asterisk have its own wiki?
16:30.11Muppis_or are you referring to ?
16:31.32*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
16:31.39matteofeKo1: it's not possible everything is on the same subnet
16:33.29matteofeKo1: can you help me?
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16:36.44matteofeKo1: now it is ok...I've changed canreinvite from yes to no in sip.conf
16:38.16eKo1Muppis_: I'm refering to
16:38.48matteofthank you for support
16:38.50*** part/#asterisk matteof (
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16:41.18Muppis_hm, i think i read that asterisk just does mgcp in call manager mode. my modem says call agent address in its config, i figure call agent and call manager is not compatible?
16:43.21*** join/#asterisk Terlouw (n=Terlouw@
16:46.49ManxPowerCall Manager is a Cisco product.
16:46.59Muppis_ah, okay
16:47.06Muppis_my bad
16:47.23ManxPowerLast I heard Asterisk supports MGCP as a SERVER, but not as a CLIENT.
16:47.29russellbMuppis_: but you're right ... asterisk can only be the master in the MGCP relationship
16:47.36russellbManxPower: jinx
16:47.49ManxPowerTherefore you can connect MGCP phones to Asterisk, but you cannot connect Asterisk to a MGCP Gateway.  I don't know if this has changed or not.
16:48.41Muppis_i want to connect a analog phone trough a PSTN-port in my modem that speaks mgcp, so that should be okay?
16:49.15ManxPowerMuppis_, Modems do not talk MGCP.  Modems talk RS232.
16:49.32Muppis_this is a adsl2+-modem over ethernet
16:49.34ManxPowerPerhaps you mean an MGCP adapter.  I.e. a device that connects Analog<->MGCP.
16:49.36Muppis_i should have told you that
16:49.49ManxPowerMuppis_, We don't care what else the device doesn.
16:50.09ManxPowerHowever, those All-In-One devices are frequently locked.
16:50.20ManxPowerNow what is your specific issue?
16:52.11Muppis_my modem says authentication error in its gui
16:52.19Muppis_not so informative
16:52.24ManxPowerMuppis_, What does the Asterisk console show?
16:52.30Muppis_Verb: 'RSIP', Identifier: '306151622', Endpoint: 'aaln/1@ST716_A14D13', Version: 'MGCP 1.0'
16:52.48Muppis_lots of those, lots of `retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded for transaction 135 on [ST716_A14D13]` too
16:53.11Muppis_RSIP means RestartInProgress of what i read in the rfc of mgcp
16:53.33ManxPowerMax retries exceeded is usually a NAT issue.
16:53.52ManxPowerIs the Asterisk box also your firewall/NAT box?
16:53.58*** join/#asterisk sumasuma (
16:54.16Muppis_asterisk is on my server, the modem has
16:54.30sumasumahi what is the way to play mp3 in asterisk using Playback application ?
16:55.02sumasumait looks conversion from mp3 to wav is tiresome
16:55.04ManxPowerMuppis_, Does your Asterisk server have more than 1 network interface?
16:55.14russellbsumasuma: install format_mp3 from asterisk-addons
16:55.15Muppis_ManxPower: nope, just one
16:55.38ManxPowerMuppis_, is "iptables" or "ipchains" installed on your Asterisk server?
16:55.38sumasumarusselb: where can i get asterisk addons ?
16:55.43sumasumacheckout ?
16:55.46russellbsumasuma: the same place you get asterisk
16:56.02Muppis_ManxPower: im using freebsd, and ive run without firewall and got the same results
16:56.14sumasumarusselb: you saved my time, thanks a million
16:56.24ManxPowerMuppis_, run without firewall until you get it working
16:56.30russellbsumasuma: you can send that million to paypal :)
16:56.53sumasuma <---- page not found
16:57.02sumasumaeven without / also
16:57.04russellbwell, just click the downloads link at the top of the page
16:57.24sumasumarusselb: thanks it is download
16:57.31russellbah, oops
16:57.48*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:58.42Muppis_ManxPower: im running without firewall now, it says the same things. do you want log output or something?
16:58.57ManxPowerMuppis_, gads no.
16:59.05ManxPowerI cannot help you further.
16:59.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
16:59.45sumasumasvn checkout asterisk-addons
16:59.54sumasumais this checkout correct?
17:00.00sumasumacursor sleeps on my system
17:00.10russellbthat's correct for the trunk version
17:00.17ManxPowersumasuma, why not just download the tar.gz?
17:00.37sumasumaoh where is it ?
17:00.52sumasumaok thanks
17:00.54sumasumasorry about it
17:00.58sumasumai was checking it out
17:02.28*** join/#asterisk tuxick (
17:04.05Muppis_russellb: sorry to disturb, but do you know anything about mgcp?
17:05.01russellbsome, but I can't really help with it right now.
17:05.50Muppis_russellb: okay, you don't know if it has happened anything to mgcp in the newest asterisk? im using right now
17:06.26russellbthat code is very rarely changed
17:06.35sumasumarusselb: million, i will talk with bill gates, since he is going to be out of microsoft, that might help me also ;)
17:08.58Muppis_russellb: is there a problem with mpq321 hanging around after a bad shutdown of asterisk?
17:09.19russellbwell,  you shouldn't be using mpg321 at all
17:09.34Muppis_mpg123 then :P
17:09.42russellb*mpg123*, version 0.59r ONLY
17:10.08Muppis_Version 0.59r (1999/Jun/15).
17:10.35Muppis_ive shutdown asterisk with ^c a couple of times, i saw that mpg123 was hanging around after that
17:10.36russellbwell there should not be a problem there.  You should switch to use files mode MOH, anyway
17:10.57russellbMuppis_: you should be stopping it with "stop now" ...
17:11.42Muppis_russellb: ah, thanks
17:11.52*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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17:12.26Muppis_russellb: could that be the reason i get lots of `Maximum retries exceeded for transaction 3 on [ST716_A14D13]` too?
17:12.57sumasumarusselb: that format_mp3 really killed my song !
17:12.58russellband that is not indicative of a bug
17:13.11Muppis_russellb: broken software in my modem?
17:13.14russellbsumasuma: your mp3 should be in 8kHz mono
17:13.14sumasumado i need to convert to any known format ?
17:13.39sumasumahow will i convert that ?
17:13.44russellbMuppis_: perhaps, or it's not responding
17:13.45sumasumacan i used sox ?
17:14.12russellbsumasuma: look for a README in the asterisk-addons package somehwere that tells you how ... it's in there somewhere
17:14.17russellbi've got to run, folks ...
17:14.22Muppis_bye :)
17:14.27sumasumarusselb: thanks
17:14.31russellbyou're welcome
17:14.56tuxicki've got sjphone working when calling 1000 for demo, but getting NAT/Firewall: blocked when calling external
17:15.21tuxicksjphone and asterisk on same box
17:15.50tuxickit seems to register with ISP proxy ok
17:20.46*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (n=tsurko@
17:23.28Muppis_why does asterisk list my modem as a gateway? that sounds quote wrong.
17:23.41Muppis_in the `mgcp show endpints command`
17:23.46Muppis_* endpoints
17:31.15*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (
17:32.19Muppis_this was weird, i restarted asterisk and i got chan_mgcp.c:3256 handle_request: Unknown verb 'AUEP' received from
17:32.29Muppis_192.168.1.64 is the box running asterisk
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17:33.45Muppis_i don't have any softphones or anything like that
17:38.13*** join/#asterisk DrkShdw (n=DrkShdw@unaffiliated/drkshdw)
17:38.25sumasumaformat_mp3 has some bugs
17:38.42sumasumaanybody has the same problem ??
17:38.55sumasumait drops saying
17:39.13sumasumaIII_dequantize_sample: mpg123: Can't rewind stream by 2 bits!
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18:01.10Toerkeiumhello everyone
18:02.34Muppis_i did a tcpdump on port 2427 and 2727, the ports that mgcp uses. i can't see asterisk responding to the modem, i changed to nat=yes in mgcp.conf but the problem still persists :-\
18:02.47*** join/#asterisk malverian (n=malveria@gentoo/developer/malverian)
18:05.44Muppis_it seems that my modem does something quite weird. it connects to port 2727, but asterix outputs that it talks to port :2427 or something :-\
18:05.53Muppis_* asterisk
18:06.09Muppis_no wonder it behaves weird
18:06.28*** join/#asterisk I-MOD (i=opticron@
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18:19.35Skarmethhi all
18:21.03*** part/#asterisk fulgas (
18:22.09SkarmethI have a Asterisk system up and running with about 30 extensions (IP 301) and 4 queues, all polycom phones was configured to have only one line and one call per line, but my users frequently receive more than one call from it's queue. The users are part of only one queue, this way I have q1 (4 users), q2 (4 users), q3 (4 users), q4 (10 users), q3 (2 users)....
18:22.33Skarmeths/I have a Asterisk/I have an Asterisk/
18:23.51Skarmeththe last queue it's the recepcionist :) but it receive a lot of calls :)
18:24.04Skarmethit's on his normal behavior
18:24.24Skarmethbut the 4 first queues not
18:27.40*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
18:29.20tuxickwhat does "SIP/2.0 404 Not Found" mean?
18:29.30tuxickit doesn't say what isn't found :)
18:30.20[TK]D-Fendertuxick : Means the # dialed doesn't match anything
18:30.58tuxick[TK]D-Fender: so a numberplan/extensions.conf thing?
18:31.37[TK]D-Fendertuxick : Or jsut what you dialed
18:33.37tuxickwell the number i dialed exists
18:33.56tuxickit's my own landline # :)
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18:37.10uchmandoI have a problem with my asterisk. Every incoming calls hangs up as soon as i pick up the call. The only thing I've done was to upgrade asterisk.. för config-files.
18:37.35RoyKuchmando: diskettstasjonen din er opp ned
18:38.21[TK]D-Fendertuxick : Not according to your dial-plan then
18:38.28uchmandoRoyK, Ajfan. :/
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18:40.44Synyn_whats the max debugging I can start with *?
18:40.51Synyn_and verbosity
18:43.06tuxickhow to get the "sip debug" noise in logfile?
18:43.17tuxickon console it flies by too fast
18:44.03Synyn_tuxick have you tried redirecting to file in startup?
18:45.20tuxicki meant using syslog/logger.conf
18:45.36tuxickredirecting output of a consoler isn't really the way :)
18:45.48Synyn_ah )
18:46.49RoyK4x5 is the film format.... in inches....
19:00.08*** join/#asterisk tuxes (i=Deloreor@
19:00.14tuxickugh what was the name of the x-lite executable?
19:00.24tuxickdocs don't bother telling
19:01.39tuxickgot it
19:16.08Toerkeiumanyone knows how can I make a call TO exten jonh from exten paul from CLI ?
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19:20.27tuxickwhatever i add to extensions.conf i keep getting 404
19:20.57tuxickexcept "100" for my own client :)
19:24.34*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
19:33.13ManxPowerI don't believe you can do that in the CLI
19:33.19ManxPowerDo it from a softphone
19:33.37russellbyou will be able to in 1.4 with the originate CLI command
19:33.40russellbfwiw ...
19:34.05ManxPowerrussellb, originate a call as a specific device?
19:34.13ManxPoweri.e. as a sip.conf section?
19:34.47russellbyeah, something like ... originate SIP/john application Dial SIP/paul
19:35.04ManxPowerAh.  Why?
19:35.24russellbsame functionality you get with call files, or the originate manager command
19:35.26russellbjust from the CLI
19:35.36russellbit's nice for testing
19:36.13Toerkeiumthanks russellb
19:37.02*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
19:38.27russellbToerkeium: like i said, this is a future feature for 1.4, it's not in 1.2
19:40.17Toerkeiumwhen it's going to be released? as you said, that's nice for testing
19:40.20*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
19:40.34russellbi'm not sure ... when it's ready
19:40.44russellbstill some big features left to get finished
19:41.29*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
19:41.33Toerkeiumany place to read about it ?
19:41.40Toerkeiumthe new features?
19:41.45russellbnot yet.  i need to start working on that, though ...
19:42.07Toerkeiumseems like need some help :)
19:42.16russellbheh, yep
19:42.47russellbsvn diff
19:42.52Bobcat_1966Hello All, trying to figure out why ENUM Lookup does not work in Trunk, It worked fine until I went from 1.2 stable to svn trunk...any thoughts?
19:42.53russellbi bet that would take a really long time :)
19:43.03Toerkeiumlet s see
19:43.03*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
19:43.04filerussellb: do it internally :D
19:43.06russellbBobcat_1966: i believe the arguments to that function changed
19:43.21russellbfile: i wonder what the diffstat would look like
19:43.25ManxPowerBobcat_1966, Setting up a test system?
19:43.44Bobcat_1966thats what I figured but wanted to check, I have a test system
19:44.11Bobcat_1966thanks not a big deal, just learning
19:44.21ManxPower"show application enumlookup"
19:44.30russellbfile: it's running :)
19:44.35Bobcat_1966let me try that
19:44.50russellbshow function ENUMLOOKUP, actually ....
19:45.29*** join/#asterisk Vinsik (
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19:46.03russellbfile: the diff is 8.6 MB
19:46.18Vinsikdoes anybody know about multipart/mixed SIP messages?
19:46.32russellbfrom 1.2 to trunk ... 602 files changed, 147968 insertions(+), 67679 deletions(-)
19:47.17Vinsikquestion is simple. When declaring Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="idstring" .. <= can there be " signs?
19:47.19Toerkeiumand still work left
19:47.19*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
19:47.55Vinsikor does it have to be Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=idstring
19:52.50xbmodder_newlappKnoppix5 is out?
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19:57.28enjay-sup Strom
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19:57.51Strom_Cdo any of you have experience configuring an spa-3102 for voip-to-pstn dialing?  Every time I try to place a pstn call from the asterisk box, the spa-3102 returns a 404
19:59.17Strom_Cthe documentation is, of course, bad
20:01.57*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
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20:16.15enjay-Is it possible to tell a IAX trunk what zap group to use when dialing out? I.e. I have a trunk coming into my server I want it to use group=5 how do I define in my extensions.conf that ONLY that trunk can use group 5?
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20:16.20tuxickStrom_C: i just learn that means there's no match in extensions.conf
20:16.38tuxickthe 404 that is
20:17.02tuxickso maybe check if right context= is used
20:17.14ManxPower404 means "not found" or in Asterisk terms "extension not found"
20:18.23tuxicki'm now trying to figure out why i get "busy" signal when calling my SIP account from landline
20:18.48tuxicksip debug shows some noise when i call so i guess it's not a port forwarding issue?
20:19.22tuxickalso suggests ISP is forwarding call
20:23.04tuxickor am i really suppose to forward the all those rtp ports?
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20:24.20Strom_Cno, the 404 comes from the sipura
20:24.31Strom_Cnot from the asterisk box
20:26.14enjay-Is it possible to tell a IAX trunk what zap group to use when dialing out? I.e. I have a trunk coming into my server I want it to use group=5 how do I define in my extensions.conf that ONLY that trunk can use group 5?
20:27.40JunK-Ydo u guys have any script for the melissa db?
20:35.04ManxPowerThen the dialplan for the incoming PSTN port is not correct.
20:35.25ManxPowerenjay-, only have g5 in the
20:35.32jbotmethinks centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
20:35.32ManxPowerDial line
20:41.44enjay-ManxPower; I have other stuff dialing on that box as well though, but I want everything on that IAX trunk to go over a specific zap group and nothing else to go over it..
20:43.57ManxPowerenjay-, then put the IAX ""trunk" in a different context.
20:46.23*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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20:47.04enjay-ok I'll try that..
20:47.38*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
20:55.25Synyn_using asterisk -vvvvvvvvgcd, all I see is a general timeout for a registered sip using makeing a call, the cdr shows no answer, is there any way to get more debugging info on this?
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20:59.49*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
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21:10.09*** join/#asterisk burnproof (n=burnproo@
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21:12.53burnproofhello guys, anyone experience weird problem on attended transfer on asterisk-1.2.10?
21:12.58*** part/#asterisk paolob (
21:13.18burnproofas soon as i press a single digit it says Jul 24 05:42:37 WARNING[13119]: res_features.c:844 builtin_atxfer: Did not read data.
21:13.47burnproofon SVN trunk i don't experience this problem thou
21:14.29Vinsikany developer online here?
21:17.15QwellVinsik: What do you need?
21:18.10enjay-Thanks ManxPower....
21:18.25*** part/#asterisk uchmando (
21:18.30russellbQwell: your soul!
21:19.06enjay-vpdtmfsupport disabled by default in zap1.2.7...
21:19.07burnproofGood day russellb: can i ask a question please?
21:19.15enjay-is that due to meetme?
21:19.51enjay-on the wct4xxp mod rather..
21:20.22*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
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21:23.31ToerkeiumGuys, does this topology is correct? :
21:24.03*** join/#asterisk jmang (
21:24.42jmanggood afternoon all.  I find myself frustrated trying to connect two asterisk servers.
21:25.25Assidjmang: why ? they are fun
21:25.35Toerkeiumextension 2 > Analog PBX > extension 1 > linksysPAP > Ethernet-to-* > Voip-provider > call termination ?
21:26.11Vinsikqwell: i have quick question about multipart sip messages
21:26.16Toerkeiumso, from extension 2 I call to extension 1 (all this with analog PBX), extension 1 connects to linksysPAP, and linksysPAP to *, and then asterisk make the call through VOIP
21:26.18Toerkeiumis this correct?
21:26.27jmangI have a server connected in a data center with a very high bandwidth connection.  It has several IVR's and handles call queing.  I want to have agents that are connected to a server in my office connect to the queues via an IAX2 trunk.
21:27.01jmangMy problem is, I don't understand where to start.
21:27.23Assidjmang: i dont think you can have queuing and iax calling.. since the agents would have to be logged into the server in the DC
21:27.50Assidi would think the agents need to register with the server directly
21:28.00Assidbut then i could be wrong
21:28.03filejmang & Assid: nope it's possible
21:28.07jmangThe documentation on connecting servers seems rather vague to me.  My understanding is that this should work if I provide an extension to log them into the server.
21:28.22filewhat type of agents are you using?
21:28.33jmangThe are SIP soft phones.
21:28.41fileI mean what sort of agents in Asterisk
21:28.59Assidfile: how would the agents be registered online and how would the box know when te agent is busy if the call needs to be transferred to the asterisk box on the end point
21:29.15jmangum...?  I use AgentCallbackLogin.
21:29.16fileAssid: that's why I'm asking what type of agents
21:29.34filestill may be possible
21:30.24Assidokay this is something even i would like to know how it could be done
21:30.42jmangI understand that by setting up peering I would basically be connecting the two server's dialplans.
21:30.57Assidwhen the the call queue would have remain on the main server
21:31.04jmangSo I could dial an extension on DC server from a softphone connected to office server.
21:31.07fileAssid: dynamic queue members, chan_local, groups, chan_iax2
21:31.23Toerkeiumguys, anyone could tell me if what I am trying to do is possible?
21:31.24Assidfile: even then
21:31.52jmangThis whould register the agents, then, the would be calledback via a peer connection from DC server to Office server.
21:32.47jmangThe point of this is that we have low bandwidth(1Mbit) connection at the office but need to handle A LOT of incomming calls.  DC has 100Mbit connection for queues.
21:33.54jmangfile: you seem to think this could be done?
21:34.01Assidnormally i would probably handle this by sending it to the queue on the office server.. and what i would do is put a channel limit.. that way anything over a limt say 10 calls.. id send them to voicemail or have them wait in queue ont he DC
21:34.25*** join/#asterisk hads (
21:34.38Assidwhena  slot opens up in the office quue.. send it to the office queu
21:35.02jmangHow would I make a queue in the office, an agent for a queue in the DC?
21:35.46fileugh, the only way to know if this would work is to try it out
21:35.51filein theory I think it would
21:35.52Assidthe simplest way would be use a holding / parked area or something.. and then pickup the call from the agents extension
21:35.59Assidusing Pickup()
21:36.15Assidthats the simplest way i can think about
21:36.25Assidthat is if you want to use a queue
21:36.40Assidelse.. if you want to send EXCESS calls to voicemail -- that would be easier
21:36.53jmangI can't send excess calls to VM.
21:37.01filejmang: so you've got two ways of doing this...
21:37.04Assidi mean you really dont want people to wait too long..
21:37.40Assidi mean you really dont want more than a few calls being run off a 1mbit line. so you need to throttle everything at the DC
21:37.42jmangassid: I know, but I don't make the decisions.
21:38.10jmangassid:  That's the whole point of this setup.
21:38.10Assidjmang: ask them if you can send to voicemail, IMHO, that might be a bit better
21:38.22Assidelse... put them in parked calls and pick them up
21:38.37jmangassid: 5 min hold time before sending to VM.
21:39.04jmangfile: what are these two ways...?
21:39.10Assidokay in that case, use park and pickup
21:39.13Assidand you should be fine
21:39.20Assidthat way the agent picksup the call when hes ready
21:40.00Assidyour final alternative would be have the sip clients register with the DC  directly
21:40.04jmangokay.  That could work.  Park them in a queue on the DC, and pick them up from there.
21:40.06Assidand use only 1 queue
21:40.42Assidthat way you never exceedd your bandwith more than nthe number of active calls
21:40.48jmangThe other side of this, is that we actually have 12 different queues being handled by a group of agents.
21:41.34Assidhave your DC host the actual queues..
21:41.49Assidthat would take care of everything
21:42.21jmangYes, but I don't want the clients registering with the server in the DC.
21:42.43Assidcause if you use agentlogin ...... you need agentlogin on the DC for EACH agent n the office anwyays
21:42.52Assidelse the queue wont know when to send the call
21:43.40jmangYes, but I want the queue to send the call to the agent through an IAX trunk link to the server in the office.
21:44.26jmangIt seems like it should possible.
21:44.44Assidwell.. thats the thing
21:44.51Assidthe queue checks for agents which have logged in
21:45.04Assidif you have 1 agent -- viz thew iax link
21:45.08Assidthat will always be busy
21:45.32Assidyou could try it.. since normally.. sip devices return 'busy here'
21:45.46Assidbut if you use iax.. ad channel-limit .. you could actually get away with it
21:46.34Assidyou just have to make set the agent channel (the one set with agentcallbacklogin) manually to the IAX path
21:46.49Assiderr.. make sure to set
21:47.37Assid!ping !pong
21:48.09Assidwent quiet there
21:48.17jmangjust reading.
21:48.18fileI'm just trying to warp your idea through my head
21:49.04Assidread the part after however...
21:49.58fileI'm doing up... a page... on mine
21:50.08Assidremember.. we work on single registration, multiple lines.. even on sip phones.. that means a single phone can handle multiple lines..
21:50.22Assidfile ?
21:50.27filemy idea
21:50.43Assidoh ok
21:50.49Assidi thin this is totally doablew
21:50.56Assidwith little effort actually
21:51.13jmangThis all seems a little more advanced then my skills at the momement.
21:51.23jmangI'm relatively new to asterisk
21:51.35Assiddo you know how to setup call queuing? and agents?
21:52.01jmangI have done it, it's what is currently running in our office.
21:52.31*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (i=troubled@
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21:53.05Assidokay.. thats all there is to it
21:53.18Assidmake an iax connection.. put a channel-limit of say 10..
21:53.37jmangAn IAX connection to where, from where?
21:53.38Assidthen make a queue on the DC.. with 5 minute time out and forking off to voicemail after that
21:53.50Assidiax connection between DC and office
21:54.55jmangOK, what "type" is that?  user at the office end?  and peer at the DC?
21:55.24Assidas for the members themselves.. in agents.conf .. USE IAX2/user:pass@officeconnection/extensiontoqueue instead of Agent/1234
21:55.39Assidin the queues.conf
21:55.44Assidot agents.conf
21:56.12Assidnot even
21:56.52*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
21:57.07jmangok, I think I'm starting to get it.
21:57.20Assid <-- here
21:57.26fileI still find Assid's idea overly complex
21:57.29AssidA member assigned to a queue ("member => Agent/1234" etc above) can be a phone (e.g. "member => SIP/phone1").
21:57.50Assidtherefore.. in queues.conf .. use  IAX2/user:pass@officeconnection/extensiontoqueue instead of Agent/1234
21:57.50filebut meh
21:58.12Assidand you use iax2's channel-limit to limit the number of connections..
21:58.31Assidanything over 10 calls wont allow it.. and i think would return 'busy here'
21:58.58Assidits pretty simple actually
21:59.13Assidhrmm.. i guess that vodka is getting outta my system
21:59.27Assidwhat did you make me do!?!?!? you made me think again !!! :(
21:59.55jmangSo I make queues on both servers, and a trunk with a 10 call limit to transfer b/w queues.  I think I get it, agents connect only to office server, and connection b/w dc and office is always setup.
22:00.17Assidnow you get it
22:00.32Assidqueue remains ont he DC and in office..
22:00.34jmangIf I have multiple queues I'll just use multiple IAX channels with lower limits.
22:01.06Assideven if you have 5 agents in  the office.. you can have 10 channels, thereby leavin the people in a smaller 2nd queue
22:01.42Assidits like a big line.. then a short break.. and then a smaller line..
22:02.03jmangI wonder about having this work with multiple queues.
22:02.11Assidbig line.. you put a 3 limit time out.. cause really.. they are gonna hangup anwyays..
22:02.43Assidthe smaller line.. you put a small announcemment and make the queue with 5 minutes.. since they are closer to the finish line.
22:02.59Assidjmang: i dont see a problem
22:02.59jmangWe have 12 queues being handled by the same group of agents.
22:03.12jmangHow do I get the Announce through...
22:03.21Assidyou can have 1 big line.. then jumping off to 10 different offices with each office being an agent/agency to the DC
22:03.29*** join/#asterisk swytch (
22:03.52Assidsince your gonna be sending the call.. even a simple play would do fine
22:04.43Assiderr. playback
22:05.11Assidokay need mroe water.. and then im hitting the sack
22:05.58*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:07.06Assidalrite time for me to go beddy bye
22:07.14Assidgnight file, SarahEmm, jmang
22:09.05*** join/#asterisk robin_sz (
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22:11.34jmangthanks for the help
22:11.39filegood luck!
22:15.58*** join/#asterisk Egonis (n=Egonis@
22:16.08EgonisWhat is the command to page an extension / channel?
22:16.09*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:16.20Egonishow do I use it? I want to page Console/dsp which autoanswers and playback a file
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22:30.47rajivany wanpipe users around ? what should /dev/w1g1 be ?
22:33.42xachenIs asterisk PPP optimizable?
22:40.31*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
22:41.03*** join/#asterisk hads|home (
22:56.44Toerkeiumguys, I am using voipstunt to place calls, and I realize that all calls use atleast 74 kbps. Is there anyway I can force to use a lowest bitrate codec for all outgoing calls? or it will be determined by the voip provider?
22:59.29*** part/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
23:00.11*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:00.40wunderkinwhatever they allow
23:01.37*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
23:02.02RoyK~nickometer r0d3nt
23:02.18r0d3ntscrew you.
23:02.46r0d3ntRoyK, if i wanted any shit from you, I'd squeeze your head.
23:03.25RoyKr0d3nt: say hi :)
23:03.34r0d3ntEAD (tm)
23:05.39r0d3ntI don't have to explain my nick to you and definitely not the stupid bot... I've been the ratman/rodent/khu-nyou/nutria/secretsquirrel and variations for over 15 years....
23:06.03RoyKwhatever :)
23:07.46SarahEmm~nickometer SarahEmm
23:08.37RoyKhi, SarahEmm
23:08.52RoyKSarahEmm: you're not as lame as r0d3nt, i hear?
23:09.18nutriayou fucking happy ???
23:09.41filebehave you two
23:09.58nutria~nickometer nutria
23:10.08nutriaRoyK, do you approve ??
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23:10.38Toerkeiumwhat's the usual codecs that VOIP providers are using ?
23:10.59RoyKnutria: indeed
23:11.21ToerkeiumVinsik, what bitrates uses g711u/a ?
23:11.26hohumlots employ either G.729 or G723 as well
23:11.36hohumulaw and alaw are 64K
23:12.10*** part/#asterisk nutria (
23:12.20Vinsikulaw/alaw supports dtmf thats why its most common for pstn termination.. but it depends. In my experience g711 is most used.
23:12.20ToerkeiumI was told that there was possible to use a codec at 24kbps, not sure which is
23:12.25Vinsikim off to bed :)
23:13.19hohumVinsik: RFC2833
23:15.03hohumToerkeium: you can get down as low as 5-6k
23:15.09hohumbefore you add IP overhead
23:15.24hohumbut you'll never achieve decent mos ratings either
23:16.36Toerkeiumhohum, what would the combination of dtmfmode and codec?
23:16.45Toerkeiumto altast go to 24 kbps
23:17.22hohumDTMF rfc2833 and if you want to get the payload size down to 24k then you have lots of options
23:17.29hohumgsm, g723, g729
23:17.49hohumwhat are you connecting to?
23:17.55Toerkeiumto voipstunt
23:18.13Toerkeiumtried with allow=gsm only, but it doesn't low from 74 kbpd
23:19.03hohumtry 723 or 729
23:19.16Toerkeiumlet me see
23:19.52Toerkeiumchan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 1 (read/write = 1/1)
23:19.56SarahEmm729 needs a license tho
23:20.05Toerkeiumif I set g623
23:20.35hohumyou need a license for g723 too, don't you?
23:22.41*** join/#asterisk fugi (
23:23.19Toerkeiumg723/729 with licence, and gsm at 74kbps, I am dead
23:23.51hohumthere's no way GSM is 74Kbps
23:24.42Toerkeiumthat's what I see in my bandwidth shaper, while using a voip service with a ISP which uses g729 I see 24kbps
23:24.56SarahEmmlast i heard * only supported passthru for g723
23:25.08SarahEmmand *processing* 729 needed a license, passing it through did not
23:25.11SarahEmmthat was awhile back tho
23:25.24hohumToerkeium: there's no way, that's incorrect
23:25.41hohumGSM is 13Kbps
23:25.49hohumand when you ad IP overhead, 15 at the MOST
23:26.08Toerkeiumg729 gives me the same than 723: Jul 23 20:30:50 WARNING[1944]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 256/256)
23:26.46*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
23:26.51Toerkeiumhohum: Do I need anything alse apart of configuring dtmfmode=rfc2833 and allow=gsm ?
23:27.57*** part/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
23:28.36Toerkeium<hohum> and when you ad IP overhead < what does this mean?
23:29.05hohumwell an RTP packet isn't just the audio stream
23:29.21hohumthere's IP and UDP overhead that you have to add into your bandwidth figures
23:29.34hohumheaders, etc
23:29.42Toerkeiumoh, yes..
23:29.45hohumgenerally 2k (if it is compressed) or 4-5k uncompressed
23:30.04Toerkeiumyes, I see tha traffic too.. but it's insignifican here
23:30.16hohumso its save to assume that G729 (8Kbps) runs at 12Kbps
23:30.17Toerkeium2k as you said
23:30.26Toerkeiumbut gsm at 80kbps
23:30.36ToerkeiumI know I know..
23:30.42hohumyou're reading/doing something incorrect
23:30.44wunderkinulaw is 80 not gsm
23:30.49hohumGSM does not run at 80+K
23:30.56hohumulaw is NOT 80k
23:31.02hohumulaw is 64k
23:31.03wunderkinwith overhead
23:31.12hohumno, not even with overhead
23:31.12Toerkeiumprobably.. asterisk is using another codec
23:31.12wunderkinit is closer to that
23:31.32Toerkeiumprobably because of voipstunt not having another codec available
23:31.36ToerkeiumI should try with another voip
23:33.13Toerkeiumgsm 13 kbps, nice
23:33.25ToerkeiumI don't even expect that much
23:33.45Toerkeiumbut 80 (totaly) it's absurd, I guess
23:34.00wunderkinIncoming bandwidth used is: 79.63 Kbps for ulaw
23:35.19wunderkinit was probably using ulaw, make sure you have a disallow=all before your allow
23:35.27hohum*shrug* it must be asterisk's implementation of ulaw then
23:35.27Toerkeiumyes I have it
23:35.36hohumbecause in my lab it doesn't run at 80Kbps
23:35.46hohumthat's dumb
23:35.47wunderkinum no its just you arent counting all of the overhead
23:35.50hohumlook at the spec
23:36.25hohumthere's no way in hell that there is an additional 16K of IP overhead unless your network is braindead
23:37.35Toerkeiumit's always in UDP 17
23:40.28hohumSource IP address (32 bits)
23:40.29hohumDestination IP address (32 bits)
23:40.29hohumblank filler(0) (8 bits)
23:40.29hohumProtocol (8 bits)
23:40.29hohumUDP length (16 bits
23:40.37*** join/#asterisk Maan (
23:40.42Maanhi all
23:41.12wunderkinRTP: 4.69 Kbps UDP: 3.13 Kbps IP: 7.81 Kbps
23:41.56hohumthat's 96Bits per packet, right
23:42.05hohumand RTP is usually done in 20ms windows
23:42.08Toerkeiumfrom voipstunt to my * box I have: 18.1kbps (could be now gsm)
23:42.14hohummeaning every second a total of
23:42.22Toerkeiumand from my softphone to * 80
23:43.13hohum50 packets? that doesn't sound right
23:44.03Toerkeiumno, from voipstunt to * 18.1kbps, and from my softphone to * 80kbps
23:44.17Toerkeiumso the problem is me between *
23:44.25Toerkeiumyour gsm setup did work
23:44.30ToerkeiumI guess
23:44.32hohumBTW bandwidth is cheap
23:44.38Toerkeiumnot here :)
23:44.44hohumwhere is "here"
23:44.55Toerkeiumit's pretty expensive, including local bandwidth
23:45.20hohumSouth America is a hodgepodge of fiber, satellite, microwave and WiMax
23:45.25Toerkeiumin fact, some part (because it's divided in 2 NAP) is more expensive than international bandwidth
23:45.39*** part/#asterisk fugi (
23:47.12hohumI know how expensive remote regions can be
23:47.19hohumwe have stuff all over africa
23:47.25*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
23:47.33hohumand in most countries in Africa there's no infrastructure
23:47.56hohuma great deal of the continent is accessible by sat links only
23:48.01Toerkeiumwell.. it's not a problem of infrastructure here
23:48.12hohumwhich is the most expensive type of bandwidth you can buy
23:48.13rajivwhats a quick way to get asterisk to play back "three zero two" if ${EXTEN} contains 302 ?
23:48.14Toerkeiumit's a telco "monopolio" sorry,, don't know the translation
23:48.27SarahEmmmonopoly :)
23:48.30Toerkeiumheh :)
23:48.34*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (
23:49.04hohumToerkeium we have a similar issue in brasil
23:49.11Toerkeiumit's abour USD 800 1Mbps indiscrimined (local (g4 and NAP)) and international
23:49.22hohumbecause Embratel has like a 95% market share
23:49.26Toerkeiummost cheap, it's about USD 400
23:49.41Toerkeiumand if you have problems, "anda a cantarle a gardel"
23:49.42hohumbut Embratel was just recently purchased by Telmex and we have a good relationship with them
23:49.51rajivoh i think i want saynumber() or saydigits()
23:49.54Toerkeiumwhich means, if you have problems "go to sing to gardel"
23:50.08*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
23:50.10hohumwho is the local incumbent?
23:50.39*** join/#asterisk techie (
23:51.02Toerkeiumwell.. G4 is: telecom, telefonica, impsat and prima (grupo clarin), they have the 60/70% of internet users
23:51.14Toerkeiumin the other hand all other medium ISP (NAP)
23:51.24b4kaoh, another argentinian
23:51.26hohumwe know the Telefonica guys well
23:51.43Toerkeiumyeah, that's what monopoly is basically :)
23:52.02Toerkeiumbut I guess they don't have too much time doing this
23:52.06Toerkeiumthanks to VOIP :)
23:52.11Toerkeiumactually, I use only voip lines
23:52.25Toerkeiumbut ok, I pay them anyway. they terminate the calls
23:52.54Toerkeiumare you from AR b4ka ?
23:53.06b4kacapital federal
23:53.21Toerkeiumyou know, capital federal is pretty big ;)
23:53.36b4kai live in villa del parque. why?
23:53.43Toerkeiumjust courious
23:53.53b4kaso, you use asterisk?
23:54.09Toerkeiumbut I will sleep today
23:54.16b4kaonly voip?
23:54.17ToerkeiumI finished my test configs
23:54.26Toerkeiummixed with my analog PBX
23:54.50b4kawhere do you work, curious :D
23:55.01Toerkeiumexten analog PBX > linksysPAP > asterisk > voipstunt
23:55.12Toerkeiumthat's what I did, and today I feel like an expert :P
23:55.29Toerkeiumtomorrow will be an idiot like everyday...
23:55.38*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
23:55.42b4kai use analog lines + iax provider + e1 with voice channels
23:55.47ToerkeiumI am running a very small web hosting company
23:55.50b4kaand sip/iax phones
23:56.23Toerkeiumwho provides you the e1 ?
23:56.29b4katelmex heh
23:56.45Toerkeiumin V. del parque ?
23:56.57b4kai dont have this at home :P
23:57.36Toerkeiumit would be a nice toy
23:57.46b4kaedxpensive toy
23:57.55Toerkeiumhow much for the e1 ?
23:58.03b4kabut lots
23:59.25b4kayou have iplan? :D
23:59.32b4kawhere are you?
23:59.38Toerkeiumyeah, at work
23:59.43Toerkeiumiplan and datco

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.