irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060722

00:05.45empiricok I have copied all 3 zapata,zaptel and extensions.conf
00:06.53*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (n=ivanfm@
00:08.08carl0s-hmm. although everything is working, I am seeing "Got SIP response 400 "Bad Request" back from" whilst running trunk. That's coming from a Csico 7960 with SIP 8.3 (latest) firmware.
00:08.15carl0s-anything to be concerned about?
00:09.31ariel_empiric, your setup for starters has no span as a timing device
00:09.49ariel_empiric, but what is the actually problem your having?
00:10.08empiricok here is what happens dude
00:10.18ariel_besides your not sending anything out your common
00:10.21*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
00:11.17empiricI call local extensions works fine, People call me from PSTN works fine
00:11.21ariel_exten => _XXXXXXX,1,Dial(${COMMONOUT}) should it not be exten => _XXXXXX,1,Dial(${COMMONOUT}/${EXTEN})
00:11.47ariel_empiric, your rule has nothing to send.
00:13.02*** join/#asterisk trelane (i=trelane@unaffiliated/trelane)
00:13.46*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
00:14.21empiricariel your suggestion configured
00:14.37empiricwhen I dial a pstn no. this is what happens
00:17.18CANO-1982hey, someone have experience qith asterisk interfacing radios...
00:19.02knarflyCANO-1982: I read somewhere about ain't ez...the guy had to solder some wires in the system to get it working...gota believe there's a better way
00:19.45ariel_empiric, seems like since it can't go out the G50 it loops back to the default ocntext of yours.  You need to check your settings are correct for your connection to your telco
00:19.47CANO-1982ok, Ive investigating a little
00:19.58CANO-1982and tahts a good way
00:21.08CANO-1982sorry about my english, another way, moro expensive way, is via the PCI radio cards and the digium cards
00:21.18empiric<ariel_> <-- The same channels are recieving fine, there are 24 physical lines coming into a channel bank to produce a t1 , there is no PRI here if that is what you think is the case
00:21.19knarflyCANO-1982: I prefer my mp3 collection but having live radio feed would be a nice touch...although it's still considered a copyright infrigement creame.....steak sandwich.....mmmm
00:21.39CANO-1982the main idea is to link 2 repeaters. Believe me, its all new to me
00:22.09knarflyCANO-1982: tell me more...sounds neat
00:22.25ariel_empiric, incoming is one thing and has nothing to do with outbounds
00:22.37ariel_if your not sending the right info it's going to be rejected
00:22.38empiricok that sounds absolutely OK to me
00:22.38CANO-1982The 2 repeaters could be miles away and they would be conected via VoIP
00:22.45ariel_you also need one to be a timing device
00:22.50CANO-1982in a very chea way
00:22.57*** join/#asterisk rowter (n=Silver@
00:23.02empirictiming device ???? ellaborate please
00:23.40ariel_span=1,0,0,esf,b8zs it should be: span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs
00:23.47ariel_you need to use one for timing
00:23.50knarflyCANO-1982: I'm always trying to do things cheap...thats my style
00:24.06CANO-1982ja j a, yeah, mine too
00:24.33CANO-1982check this,
00:24.40CANO-1982im goona do it
00:24.48carl0s-"warning: 399 Bad MWI NOTIFY". This is what I see with SIP debug.
00:26.20empiricariel ok Timing device cofigured
00:29.22empiricstill same problems
00:30.06CANO-1982did you check it knarfly?
00:30.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
00:30.43knarflyCANO-1982 opening it up now
00:33.12ariel_empiric, seems your config for the ports are not correct.  Or you missing some of your config file in the pastebin you have.
00:33.33ariel_when you dialed g50 it started on Zap/56
00:33.58ariel_you have some of your channels not configured correctly.
00:34.20ariel_[TK]D-Fender, hello
00:34.22*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
00:34.28[TK]D-Fenderariel_ : hey
00:34.37[TK]D-FenderSomething is wrong and I can't connect from home...
00:34.46[TK]D-Fenderlike as if I was banned or something...
00:34.59*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
00:34.59[TK]D-Fenderbut i don't see a match in the list.
00:35.02filebanned? from where
00:35.15[TK]D-Fenderfile : freenode.
00:35.22filewell, it was going insane earlier
00:35.25[TK]D-Fenderif get (connection refused)
00:35.31CANO-1982knarfly, Im leving now
00:35.32[TK]D-Fenderits insane NOW.
00:35.34empiriczap 56 is the phone I dialed from
00:35.44filewhat address are you using?
00:35.47[TK]D-Fenderfile : SSH to work, BitchX from there :)
00:35.48empiricG50 is the group defined in the context
00:35.56[TK]D-FenderI'm on my home mask (fixed IP).
00:36.30[TK]D-Fenderfile : resolves to at home
00:36.40[TK]D-Fenderand I get [20:36] * Unable to connect (Connection refused)
00:36.48ariel_and it did not find the zap channel to go out through
00:36.53[TK]D-Fender-utter BS
00:37.30filethey did the mash, they did the monster mash
00:37.32ariel_empiric, what is your provider? are you sure you don't need e&m wink or other settings?
00:37.44ariel_file, your in a good mood tonight
00:37.53ariel_going around dancing and all.
00:37.57fileI'm barely conscious
00:37.58knarflyCANO-1982: read it.. looks promising but they butcher the king's english
00:38.00russellbariel_: that's pretty normal
00:38.07ariel_what the dancing
00:38.35russellbariel_: yep
00:38.39russellbexcept he doesn't dance at all in person.
00:39.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
00:39.08[TK]D-FenderMany thanks for new IP :)
00:39.24[TK]D-FenderFreenode assyness
00:40.43filerussellb: hi
00:40.53*** join/#asterisk empiric (n=empiric@
00:41.00Toerkeiumguys, I am in a lan with a router dlink.. and calling to a asterisk wich is in a closest lan and.. when I make a test call to "500", it start dropping packets.. any idea why? I see also that this call is using about 50 kbps.. is that normal?
00:41.28empiricok ariel_ man I lost your last few lines
00:42.31*** join/#asterisk type0 (
00:42.34ariel_anyone from digium want to give empiric a hand with his zap configuration. I need to go and feed my baby.
00:43.11SarahEmmToerkeium: what codec?
00:43.25Toerkeiumno idea SarahEmm, I just installed astrisk and installed "make samples"
00:43.31Toerkeiumnot sure how to check codecs
00:43.35*** join/#asterisk andrew` (
00:43.39SarahEmmoh, it's probably ulaw
00:43.41ariel_empiric, I will be back in about 30 it's feeding time...
00:43.43SarahEmmyes, 50kbps is normal Toerkeium
00:44.00Toerkeiumwhat's the lowest bitrate codec?
00:44.06ariel_ulaw should me more like 80kpps
00:44.40andrew`hi, I'm trying to adjust my zapata.conf txgain and rxgain according to the instructions from the wiki link to a post on ast-users...but i can't get the ztmonitor value to 14844 for txgain on the second step...with a tdm400p
00:44.57andrew`and i even got as high as txgain=16 - the sounds are all distored
00:45.01andrew`still i see only 10,000
00:45.26andrew`(instructions from
00:45.38russellbfile: hi
00:45.46*** join/#asterisk icyfire0573 (
00:45.47filerussellb: a/s/l?????
00:45.52*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
00:46.13russellbfile: 9/MF/Canada
00:46.24icyfire0573What is the proper extension line for an ALSA paging device? I have exten => *51,1,Dial(console/default) right now.
00:48.24russellbicyfire0573: i think that's right ...
00:48.44russellber, try Console/dsp
00:48.45icyfire0573:-( thats no good, whenver I dial that number it instantly fails on me.
00:49.09empiricariel Spans I have configured work fine with correct extension mapping
00:49.12icyfire0573By fails, I mean it goes right back to dialtone. I'm going to try /dsp now.
00:49.36russellbicyfire0573: don't think it's going to make a difference
00:49.47russellbperhaps you don't have chan_alsa installed.  can you type "dial" from the CLI and make calls?
00:50.03icyfire0573No such extension 's' in context 'local'
00:50.19russellbok, so it is installed
00:51.25*** join/#asterisk paolob (
00:51.39SarahEmmlol file
00:51.43ariel_russellb, is the genzaptelconf now part of the asterisk's zaptel?
00:52.09russellbariel_: it's in the xpp directory somewhere, i think
00:52.35ariel_just was wonding saw some updates on the mailing list.
00:52.41*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:52.57ariel_empiric, if your zap is unable to be created you have it miss-configured some place.
00:53.19hadsHmm.. xorcom p___ p___
00:53.40*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=sedorox@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
00:53.44empiricok I changed the group only
00:53.52hadsjbot must be having a nap
00:54.08Qwellor the xpp guy never added the xpp phrase...
00:55.01hadsTrue! I thought jbot told you to get bent if it didn't know what you were talking about.
00:55.56*** join/#asterisk BZBW (
00:56.21knarflycan I run ztdummy without loading the
00:56.35paolobrussellb, I'm investigating the problem with "chan_sip.c:12637 reload_config" (you answered me on the mailing list), but I haven't any other program using port 5060
00:56.37BZBWanyone had configure audiocode gw before?
00:57.20BZBWif I configure gw as one extension, how do I send PSTN calls to it?
00:57.41knarflyQwell: yes...when zaptel loads it loads about 8 modules but not ztdummy...I kldload ztdummy manually and then all my conference rooms work. I was wondering if I could omit loading zaptel
00:58.09Qwellknarfly: I'm pretty sure there is no
00:58.16paolobrussellb, no, I saw it, it was ekiga!
00:58.22Qwellthere is the .ko (kernel module), but...
00:58.33*** join/#asterisk russellb_ (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
00:58.33*** mode/#Asterisk [+o russellb_] by ChanServ
00:58.45knarflyQwell: ex-squeeze me, you're right
00:58.57carl0s-speaking of zaptel. I didn't compile zaptel from svn-trunk, but am using asterisk-trunk. Is that bad? There haven't been any complaints, and I'm not using PSTN/POTS.
00:59.42empiriccheck out the pistbin now
00:59.59knarflycarl0s-: I run FreeBSD and when I first started with * I left zaptel out ran fine but no moh and no conference roooms were available
01:00.13hadsIs pistbin a drunk pastebin?
01:00.24carl0s-knarfly: I see. thanks
01:01.13carl0s-yup. I have no "zap" command available in trunk. no worries.
01:05.01empiricariel now I give you a nice little hack, I hardcode channel dialout via 97
01:06.33ariel_empiric, it's not a hack
01:06.39ariel_but it still not configured correctly.
01:07.28ariel_empiric, are you sure you need loop start not kwel start
01:07.54*** join/#asterisk _Vile (
01:07.56empiricdude Loopstart works in pakistan woth fine
01:08.02empiricbut look the pastebin
01:08.34ariel_empiric, ok so your call worked there
01:08.36empiricnow what happens when I do the changes is I have a plan old dial plan, when a pattern is dial pick a ZAP channel and dial it, what happens
01:08.49empiricyeah but I have to dial the same no twice
01:08.50*** join/#asterisk carl0s- (
01:08.57empiricthats why I call it a hack
01:09.27empiricdude have never seen it like this :) before
01:09.44empiricdial once to pick up the line and again to actually dial it
01:10.10ariel_empiric, ok so lets try this change the group from 50 to 5
01:11.11ariel_and then try, exten => _XXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/97www/${EXTEN},20,T)
01:11.44ariel_the www are for waits to make sure your line comes up
01:11.59ariel_ok now change the group to 5
01:12.10empiricok group changed to 5
01:12.41BZBWemm, I just keep banging my head on how to set up my audiocode as one of the extension(it's behind a firewall) and route all my PSTN calls to this extension, WIKI does not seem to help:(
01:12.49ariel_and do COMMONOUT=Zap/g5www
01:13.13empiricworks man but whats the logic behind group no.s as when I change it most of the time messages and errors completely change
01:13.23ariel_then use: exten => _XXXXXXX,1,Dial(${COMMONOUT}/${EXTEN}/20,T)
01:13.24Bobcat_1966ariel are you still having problems with the phonebook
01:13.56Bobcat_1966If you want to talk im on Freepbx, I had a similar issue
01:13.56ariel_Bobcat_1966, just read your post
01:14.02*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
01:14.29empiricI mean I tried every group from say 15 to 96 and 1 to 4
01:14.58empiric:) not to mention 5 has never been my lucky or for that matter unlucky no.
01:15.17ariel_then make it 4 8 or something else other then 50
01:15.53ariel_empiric, it was not one thing that was wrong it was a few things
01:16.00ariel_so fixing one did not fix the other
01:16.12empiricwooops ok 1s the timing
01:16.13ariel_you always need a timing device for zaptel conf
01:16.21empiricand Span I didnt fix it
01:16.38ariel_you can setup 2 or 3 for others if you want as well
01:16.45empiricgot it man just writing down this in a manual so some day this might help someone else
01:16.51ariel_also adding the ${EXTEN}
01:16.59empiricok there you go
01:17.03clyrrad1anyone know where to set how long a Sipura ATA will wait for a number to be input before timing out and going to a fast busy signal?
01:19.01AJaymnclyrradl its in the dialplan
01:19.04*** part/#asterisk AJaymn (
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01:19.19clyrrad1of Asterisk?
01:19.21clyrrad1or the phone?
01:19.25clyrrad1i mean ATA
01:20.15clyrrad1which dialplan are you refering to?
01:20.45clyrrad1hrm - I dont see the option to set that
01:20.56AJaymndo you have Admin access to the device?
01:21.04clyrrad1do you mean its in the actual dial plan string?  Or one of the options on the same page?
01:21.10clyrrad1yes - I have admin acceess
01:21.13AJaymnits under Line i bleive
01:21.20clyrrad1yes I am in there
01:21.22AJaymnits the string
01:21.28clyrrad1I just dont know where in the string to set it
01:21.44AJaymnthats why u have to search the web :P
01:21.53clyrrad1LOL - I been doing that
01:21.58AJaymnyou accually remove some of the string to take less then 10 digits
01:22.14clyrrad1do you have an example from yours?
01:22.20AJaymnsearch for Dialplan How-To  I think thats how i found it
01:22.27AJaymnim not near one i can pull
01:22.29*** join/#asterisk mcolgin (
01:22.30clyrrad1my dial plan says (x.|*.)
01:22.55AJaymnso whats happening when you dial?
01:23.17ariel_that is my dial plan on the sipura
01:23.26AJaymnthere you go.
01:23.27clyrrad1thanks ariel :)  What part of tha string specifies how long it waits before going to fast busy?
01:23.50AJaymnits looking for you to fill in the xxxxxxxxx.. :P
01:24.42clyrrad1Hrm...  Yea dont see where it sets how long the ATA waits though
01:24.45AJaymnthere is a website that walks you through the whole setting up a string
01:24.52ariel_all of them
01:24.59ariel_needs to wait to match
01:25.24clyrrad1Ok - so you cant have a basic (x.) to match evertying....
01:25.27clyrrad1thats why its not waiting?
01:25.37ariel_well it's not asterisk
01:26.36clyrrad1is there anyway to tell the ATA to match EVERYTHING?
01:26.45clyrrad1or is that string you sent me good enough?
01:27.00knarflyanyone know how to connect to Vonage using FWDNET?
01:27.20ariel_vonage: A service which does not support asterisk systems and it should not be used. Support Voip providers that do support asterisk setups instead. Vonage help is available at
01:27.26knarflyThe wiki says how to do it but that doesn't work
01:28.25knarflyI am ...FWDNET supports * and it says I can connect yo Vonage users with **2431-XXX-XXX-XXXX
01:28.42knarflybut it doesn't seem to work
01:28.57ariel_then there network might not be working correctly
01:30.08ariel_but since I don't ever do anything with vonage it does not matter to me.
01:30.29clyrrad1ariel_ that dial plan you pasted me was that the sipura default or you changed it?
01:30.50*** part/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
01:31.19ariel_it's default I use. I don't really look to see if it's the same, I have gotten in the habbit of changing it
01:32.03clyrrad1too bad you cant have a match all in the dial plan - then let asterisk handle whats allowed and whats not
01:32.10clyrrad1it would be neat if you could do that with the ATA
01:32.50*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
01:32.57ariel_clyrrad1, maybe there is. on Voxilla they have more info about the devices then any other place.
01:34.37*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
01:38.26*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
01:39.33*** join/#asterisk Spla4t1 (
01:40.46Spla4t1Has anybody have any experiance with the new nokia E series phones.  Ive got it working on the lan but I cant get it to work from hotspots.
01:41.53quid2478FWDNET... other than free toll-free, not much reason to use them anymore (at least for me)
01:43.11*** join/#asterisk topping (
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01:46.01*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
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01:48.44*** join/#asterisk topping (
01:50.27*** join/#asterisk n9urk (
01:51.03n9urkhi guys, what voip to pots carrier do you all recommend?  I am currently using teliax
01:51.17n9urkare there any better or similar ones that you guys recommend?
01:53.29Sedoroxdon't like teliax?
01:53.43n9urkI like it.  I just don't know what all else is out htere
01:54.05n9urkI have been really impressed with their tech support
01:54.27n9urkDoes anyone else provide a similar level of service?
01:54.50Toerkeiumdoes anyone know a sip number that I could call te test my * ?
01:55.17n9urkyou can get one from stanaphone for free
01:55.29n9urkthey will give you an NYC/NJ number if you are lazy
01:55.45SedoroxI've been thinking about going with teliax
01:55.55ariel_I use Voicepulse and
01:55.58n9urkI recomemd it
01:55.59Synyn_n9urk: what plan you got with them?
01:56.04n9urkpay as you go origination :)
01:56.19Synyn_the unlimited concurrent calls on that plan looks cool
01:56.46xbmodder_newlappn9urk, Atarack
01:57.15n9urkThat and if you divide the max minutes in the "unlimited plan" by the monthly fee then it is close to the pay as you go rate
01:57.42n9urkI get about $10 worth of calls on the plan
01:57.49n9urkso I save money with it
01:58.29n9urkariel why do you not use any unlimited plan?
01:58.42jbotit has been said that unlimited is <Nugget> unlimited voip == punch the monkey to win a free ipod
01:58.42ariel_why I don't need to spend that much
01:58.57ariel_nice Qwell
01:59.39ariel_~weather ktmp
01:59.42n9urkcan someone fill me in does the <Nugget> == crap or something?
01:59.42Qwellnub is if you don't don't what a nub is, YOU are a nub
01:59.52ariel_~weather ktmb
01:59.54clyrrad1wish there was a way to disable the sipura dialplan all toghter.... does not seem like it can be done....
02:00.11Qwell~weather kont
02:00.18n9urk~weather ilm
02:00.24n9urk~weather kilm
02:00.33Synyn_~weather ktx
02:00.39file~weather cyqm
02:00.41Synyn_~weather kiah
02:00.54QwellI win!
02:01.24rob0Qwell: ouch! Hot!
02:01.30n9urkI like the jbot definition of the unlimited plans though
02:02.21*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
02:02.35n9urkI have a friend not using * that is going to use   They wouldn't give me any technical details on their adapter, saying "I don't see why you need to know that"
02:03.03Spla4t1does stanaphone support IAX?
02:03.04*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
02:03.06jboti guess noob is just what someone is before they're a pro
02:03.21n9urkHe is wooed by the $199.99 per yr.
02:03.34jbotfrom memory, jbot is only marginally useful at best,  He got a C- on his Turing Test, or a complete idiot, or a dolt
02:03.42*** part/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
02:04.00jbotsleep is probably overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
02:04.23n9urkwhat does the wikipedia command do?
02:04.39Toerkeiumguys, I am testing my * install.. how can I check if ztdummy is working?
02:05.38n9urk~wikipedia asterisk
02:06.05Synyn_teliax is goofy, corporate plan is unlimited, at 2500 minutes, thats not much if you work on the phone
02:06.31*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (i=alejandr@
02:07.01n9urkSynyn_: how does the teliax 0.019/min rate compare to other carriers?
02:07.32Spla4t1Whats a good provider in the southeast off of time warner/aolHells network?
02:07.50n9urkhell south?
02:07.57Synyn_n9urk: I'm kinda new to this, I'm checking out carries, I just got a pay as you got, PAYG(?) from
02:09.15n9urkThe PAYG 800# on teliax is cheaper
02:09.33n9urkthe US LD is cheaper on voicepulse
02:09.56n9urkthe "Free incoming calls to US phone numbers" is damn nice
02:10.10Synyn_yeah, some as cheap as 0.005 but now most of usa is ~0.001
02:11.05n9urk.019 on teliax
02:11.21n9urkis there a csv file of the rates and areacodes/prefixes?
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02:12.43Synyn_n9urk: somewhere, but they also offer a nice program based on SOAP/SOA and you can use their FlexRate to do automated LCR
02:13.09n9urkIs there a per line charge?
02:13.13n9urkfor the payg
02:13.26Synyn_honestly I don't know ) I have one line
02:13.28n9urkso do you have to pay ca $5 per month just for the line?
02:13.43n9urkWhat did you have to pay to get it going?
02:13.45Synyn_I believe I only pay for my outbound
02:14.10Synyn_I made a 50 dollar deposit, nothing spent from it
02:14.21Synyn_haven't made any outbound calls yet
02:14.29Spla4t1Is there a site that has all the sip gateway address's for the providers.
02:14.30Synyn_I believe they do a 60/6
02:14.48Spla4t1Most of them are a waste of time if the tracert is like 60ms.
02:14.54n9urkwhat is a 60/6?   6 second billing?
02:14.59Synyn_also, each 'line' has 4 inbound and 4 outbound channels for consecutive use
02:15.13Synyn_60 min, 6 increment
02:15.19Synyn_minimum that is
02:15.54n9urkteliax is doing 1 minute billing and not 6 second billing
02:16.21Synyn_ah, that sucks, voicepulse only charges first minute, then goes into 6 sec incremets
02:16.44n9urkI might try voice pulse
02:17.36Synyn_n9urk: they seem very reseller friendly, allows you to do accounting for rebilling easily
02:17.55n9urkhow is the qos?
02:18.17Synyn_no idea, I'm still building my box to setup the service on
02:18.25Synyn_if solaris will play nice I may know tonight
02:19.06n9urklooks like you pay $11 per month for the number
02:19.21Synyn_ah, I don't use a number
02:19.21n9urk# Prepaid pricing model
02:19.22n9urk# 4.9¢/min incoming to toll-free numbers with free CNAM
02:19.22n9urk# $11/month US phone numbers & toll-free numbers
02:19.22n9urk# $25/number port fee
02:19.39n9urkyou just doing outbound?
02:19.49n9urkI might use them for outbound
02:20.00Synyn_nah, was planning to use free inbound number providers to route to my *
02:21.58*** part/#asterisk paolob (
02:22.11*** join/#asterisk Kumba_ (
02:23.00Kumba_Other then the context setting in queues.conf, is there a way where if someone in queue hits 0, it'll transfer them to an extensions? (context will transfer them for hitting any key, correct?)
02:23.48Synyn_n9urk: does teliax charge monthly for the 800 number?
02:25.25Spla4t1check they have very good rates pay as you go.
02:26.49*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
02:27.34n9urk4.95 Synyn_
02:28.37n9urkSpla4t1: did I read that right, did $7.95 and inbound not metered?
02:28.40Synyn_ looks good on the 800#
02:31.22quid2478Is there any good hardware IP phones that will let someone login to a queue by just pressing a memory key?
02:31.57*** join/#asterisk bitboy (
02:33.13Toerkeiumpeople, I am totaly dead with this thing. Is there any place that explains how to configure asterisk.. some kind of "for idiots" explanation?
02:34.11bitboyyes look at the onlamp articles on oreilly....I am pretty new to * as well and the canonical book as well which is available for free off voip-info
02:34.42Toerkeiumthank you, I have 1 day this installed and I am not able to place a damn sip call yet
02:34.47quid2478TOerkeium, are you running pure * or the TrixBox/FreePBX frontend?
02:35.06Toerkeiumno, I installed freePBX but, I prefer my clean * install now
02:35.10bitboyyou should be up and running in 30 minutes if you have binaries
02:35.15Toerkeiumat least I will learn how it works
02:35.37Toerkeiumjust running pure *
02:35.46quid2478Toer:  PDF Book all about *
02:36.09Toerkeiumheh, it's frustrating
02:36.14Toerkeiumcontinue reading that books
02:36.17Toerkeiumthanks guys
02:36.24Synyn_Toerkeium: try this one -
02:36.26quid2478And is full of good info
02:36.27bitboyanyone know how to use .call files?
02:37.34Toerkeiumlet me ask yo something I haven't clear yet
02:37.40bitboyI know what they do.  But documentation says that * uses the file as soon as it is placed in the appropriate how do you control when the call is made?
02:38.25Toerkeiumdialplans are group of contexts?
02:39.21*** join/#asterisk sumsasuma (
02:39.40sumsasumahi i need a help in getting my sipura registered with asterisk
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02:41.33quid2478Anybody using the Sipura SPA-942s?
02:41.53bitboygetting the terminology will drive you @&*^$&*^# crazy.  For example, how "extension" is used....realize that you configure your phones with an extension in trad. sense.  But if you dial a series of numbers/letters on the phone, this can trigger a series of steps associated with this...this is an extension in the * sense
02:42.12brookshirequid: i have
02:42.55Qwellbitboy: I'm curious what swear word is 9 letters...
02:43.49bitboyI apologize for the profanity
02:44.37Qwellone that fits with "will drive you <insert word> crazy"
02:44.41rob0this is fun
02:46.18bitboyI'm all out files anyone?
02:47.01quid2478brookshire:  What do you think of the phones... are they pretty solid construction and sound good?
02:47.08bitboythe documentation is oh so wonderful
02:47.13bitboyoh wait there isnt any
02:47.46brookshirewe switched all of ours out for polycom
02:48.05brookshireout of the 4 we had
02:48.18brookshire1 arrived with the handset not working
02:48.25brookshire1 went dead after a week
02:48.25quid2478I was thinking also maybe the AASTRA phones... since they are essentially Nortel, and Nortel's phones are pretty durable
02:48.32brookshireand the other 2 were pretty solid
02:48.49brookshireso.. if you get a good one, they are great
02:49.01brookshirei just had bad luck with them.. and the speaker phone isn't as good as the polycom's
02:49.11quid2478yeah, I need something tough... going to be switching my dad's business over to * for their legacy Norstar
02:49.30brookshireif you can afford it, but polycom
02:50.31brookshirei highly recommend the polycom 430
02:51.09brookshirehey file!
02:51.20filehi brookshire!!
02:51.47brookshiredid i tell you actually wrote a patch for asterisk :)
02:51.54fileuh oh
02:51.58quid2478I miss the old days of "phone stores"... where you could go in and get "hands on" models.
02:51.59brookshirei know.. haha
02:52.43filebrookshire: misery still happy?
02:52.58brookshirewe had a power outage today though
02:53.22brookshirethe power browned out and half our ups failed
02:53.29brookshirereset themselves
02:54.29brookshirebrb.. going home
02:54.34quid2478haha, nice demeaning shot at office workers on the Polycom page...
02:54.40quid2478"The SoundPoint® IP 430 is designed to meet the telephony needs of general business users – cubicle workers that conduct a low-to-medium volume of calls..."
02:55.12quid2478cubicle workers... yeah, my dream occupation
03:00.29AJaymnDilbert's phone ;)
03:03.34*** join/#asterisk hads|home (
03:03.56AJaymnatleast someone got it :P
03:09.41Kumba_I got polycom 301's for $50/piece... too bad they're not a speaker phone...
03:11.08Kumba_Is there a way in queues.conf that if someone hits 0, it transfers them to an extension? I know there is a context directive... but that will transfer them no matter what key they hit...
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03:17.08sudhir492Hi all
03:17.16*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=bkw_@asterisk/friend-and-developer/bkw)
03:17.24sudhir492Anyone here using Gizmo ?
03:19.09AJaymnmy friend has a gizmo in the dresser drawer ;)
03:23.15Synyn_oh crap, moh requires a soundcard?
03:23.29Kumba_it does it you want a radio as MOH
03:23.34Kumba_otherwise it uses mp3's
03:23.45Kumba_second it = if
03:23.48russellbdoesn't have to be mp3
03:23.50Synyn_oh nm, I needed mpg123
03:24.33hads|homemmm... native MOH
03:25.07russellbfor Asterisk 1.4, we're distributing the freeplay music MOH filse in Asterisk native formats (ulaw, alaw, gsm, g729)
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03:25.22russellband the default musiconhold.conf is to use files mode MOH instead of mpg123
03:25.45hads|homeDown with mpg123
03:25.51russellbheh, indeed
03:25.54Synyn_keep getting "sed: command garbled: s:" when running make
03:25.55russellbthe sounds are already up on the ftp
03:26.10Synyn_i"ll check that out
03:26.14hads|homeHave the non-gsm versions gone up?
03:26.23russellbhads|home: i think, let me look again
03:26.34hads|homeNo matter, just curious.
03:27.09russellbyes, they are there
03:27.13russellbwav, too, forgot that format
03:27.40hads|home1.4 looks like it's going to be a nice release.
03:27.43russellband all the core sound files are released in all of those formats, too
03:28.05russellball generated from new master recordings in 48kHz wav format :)
03:28.29ToerkeiumasteriskTFOT, excellent, I am understanding now :P
03:28.57hads|homeI've noticed that the new sounds seem to have a bit more space at the beginning and end of the sound files.
03:29.28russellbhads|home: yeah, that is still being worked on ...
03:29.32Daminrusselb: Are those based on the ones that Kristian did?
03:29.56hads|homerussellb: Cool, must be a mission for whoever gets to do the editing.
03:30.16Daminrussellb: They seem to have the same 6.gsm 60.gsm issue that his did! ;)
03:30.19*** join/#asterisk dprevite (
03:30.37sumsasumacan anyone please help, as I could not register my SIPURA 3000 to asterisk
03:30.59Daminsumsasuma : What debugging have you done so far?
03:31.26sumsasumai have done with ethereal
03:31.41sumsasumaSPA is sending invite and asterisk is not responding to it
03:32.02sumsasumai have enabled sip debug in the prompt
03:32.19sumsasumai'm not even getting the messages to asterisk
03:32.37sumsasumain ethereal it shows that is send it to asterisk IP
03:32.38russellbDamin: no, they're not.
03:32.51russellbDamin: digium got all of the sounds redone by Allison in 48kHz wav
03:32.52sumsasumait is a local network, not any NAT involved
03:33.09russellband they are created from those
03:33.16*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
03:34.01Kumba_What exactly is call parking?
03:34.26Kumba_Is that where I can put someone on hold for an extension, and they sit there till the extension is free?
03:34.28Synyn_Kumba_: put them on hold at a particular extension
03:34.51russellbKumba_: you "park" a call at an extension.  Another person picks up the call by dialing that extension.
03:35.00Synyn_you park them in a queue and anyone can pick them up
03:36.18Kumba_well hopefully the automated attendent extensions and queue's will handle that for me... I hope...
03:37.18russellbyep.  generally parking is used after a call is given to a person.
03:37.25Daminfile: Then why do they have the same 6 and 60 issue? :)
03:37.37sumsasumaDamin: you got my problem ?
03:37.43russellbsay, for example, you're talking to someone but you want to talk to them on a different phone.  you can park the call, walk down the hall, and pick it back up.
03:38.03fileDamin: you need to learn how to use your IRC client sometime :P
03:38.12russellbfile: agreed :)
03:38.25Daminfile: Bahhh.. :)
03:39.05sumsasumaDamin: can you please help !
03:39.09Kumba_so maybe i'll configure call parking for the fun of it...
03:39.20Kumba_it could have uses...
03:39.39russellbKumba_: the configuration is almost ... nothing, so yeah, you should :)
03:39.48russellbinclude => parkedcalls
03:39.52russellbthat's about it.
03:40.11fileJohn Hodgman rocks
03:40.12Kumba_so... on my phone, i'll sent it to ext 700... and * will tell me what extension it's parked at?
03:40.15Kumba_err send
03:40.22russellbKumba_: correct
03:41.24Daminsumsasuma: Do you have any iptables rules on the linux box where Asterisk is running?
03:41.59Daminsumsasuma: Perhaps a rule that is blocking the SIP packets??
03:42.38sumsasumaps -e | grep iptables <-- not showing anything
03:42.43sumsasumai guess iptables is not running
03:43.08DaminThat's the funniest thing I've heard tonight.. :)
03:43.11sumsasumawhat is the way to check it?
03:43.45Daminsumsasuma: iptables -L perhaps?
03:43.45russellbiptables -L
03:43.46sumsasumaI have fwd account and that is registering well
03:44.02sumsasumaand I could work with fwd account
03:44.34Daminsumsasuma: What distro are you using?
03:45.02russellbdon't distro hate
03:45.16russellbthat's for kiddies :)
03:45.29Daminsumsasuma: So.. do you have any iptables rules?
03:45.37*** join/#asterisk postel_ (n=jp@unaffiliated/postel)
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03:45.50sumsasumai have seen iptables - i could not find anything with regarding to this port 5060
03:46.18*** join/#asterisk tdonahue-laptop (
03:46.47nailbags|laptopi upgraded mpg123 because of a security hole, now my music-on-hold is all distorted. but on another asterisk box (with the same asterisk version and the same mpg123 version) it works fine. anyone know how i'd go about fixing this?
03:47.03russellbnailbags|laptop: you have to be using 0.59r
03:47.24russellbyour best solution is to convert your system to use files mode MOH and forget mpg123 all together
03:48.12nailbags|laptoprussellb: it seems strange that it'll work on one machine but not the other
03:48.21sumsasumaDamin: you want to copy and paste the rules to you?
03:48.22russellbyeah ...
03:48.28Kumba_I'm still in the f's of my .conf's...
03:48.29Daminsumsasuma: Well.. if you do a tcpdump on the linux box, do you see the packets coming in on the thernet?
03:48.33nailbags|laptoprussellb: how do i use files-mode mpg123? is there a doc somewhere?
03:48.38Kumba_haven't gotten to moh yet :)
03:48.57russellbnailbags|laptop: there should be an example in the musiconhold.conf.sample
03:49.06russellbnailbags|laptop: look for an example that says mode=filse
03:49.09russellber, mode=files
03:49.17nailbags|laptoprussellb: ok i see it. ty.
03:49.25Daminsumsasuma: How about just temporarily disabling iptables? /etc/init.d/iptables stop
03:49.25russellbthen, you will need files in the appropriate directory that are in a format that asterisk can read
03:49.32russellbif you use mp3, you'll need format_mp3 from asterisk-addons
03:49.52Daminmpg123 sucks. Use native MOH! It ROCKS! :)
03:50.05nailbags|laptoprussellb: i'm just using the default files included in asterisk. do i still need to add anything?
03:50.17sumsasuma11:48:50.431144 IP > SIP, length: 482
03:50.17sumsasuma11:48:50.431208 IP > ICMP host unreachable - admin prohibited, length 518
03:50.20russellbyes, you'll need new formats of those filse
03:50.35russellbnailbags|laptop: it's the "freeplay" files in there
03:50.51russellbnailbags|laptop: grab wav, or all of the formats if you want
03:51.01sumsasumaDamin: any clue from the above ?
03:51.04russellbtechnically you only need one format, but if you have them all, performance will be better
03:51.29nailbags|laptoprussellb: gentoo has an ebuild 'asterisk-sounds' so i'll try that first
03:51.34Kumba_did you say there were MOH native files somewhere for download?
03:51.38russellbnailbags|laptop: that's not it
03:51.50russellbnailbags|laptop: these files are brand new, and are different from the asterisk-sounds package
03:51.54nailbags|laptoprussellb: what about the asterisk-addons ebuid?
03:52.00russellbthat's not it :)
03:52.03russellbKumba_: yes,
03:52.12sumsasumaDamin: i have stopped iptables
03:52.42Kumba_I wonder if playing pantera and judas priest would make people on hold want to buy something...
03:52.58QwellNo, but it will get you sued :p
03:53.05sumsasumadamin: it is working
03:53.06Daminsumsasuma: And?
03:53.21russellbQwell: oh don't spoil the fun
03:53.35Qwellrussellb: Fun Spoiler is my middle name
03:53.38sumsasumaDamin: It is the problem with iptables
03:53.40Qwell(it's usually hyphenated)
03:54.11nailbags|laptoprussellb: fixed! cheers
03:54.15sumsasumaDamin: can you guide me how to get around with iptables with asterisk ?
03:54.23Daminsumsasuma: Use these rules
03:54.31russellbnailbags|laptop: awesome :D
03:54.58*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
03:55.05sumsasumaDamin: thanks
03:55.10Daminsumsasuma: I accept paypal donations using the address "" ;)
03:55.39nailbags|laptopanyone know of a nice small app in linux where i can record a sound file and crop it (like windows sound recorder)?
03:55.40russellbsumsasuma: it actually just gets forwarded to, so you can just send it there
03:55.49sumsasumaDamin: ;) I will surely send across :)
03:55.58russellbnailbags|laptop: audacity
03:55.59Kumba_Native files mode will find the file that best fits the connection right?
03:56.13russellbKumba_: correct
03:56.18Daminrussellb: STOP IT! :)
03:56.38*** join/#asterisk MACscr (
03:56.47nailbags|laptoprussellb: yeah i was having trouble installing that. keeps bitching that it needs wxGTK without unicode support. but unicode support is off
03:56.50nailbags|laptopany alternatives
03:57.05russellbheh, i don't know.  that's what i use, it's nice ...
03:57.21MACscranyone know of another international voip provider like vonage, that has a UK presense as well as USA one?
03:58.00MACscrim looking for one that provides sip credentials
03:58.24nailbags|laptopif i'm doing a transfer, and while its ringing i decide i don't want to transfer anymore, how do i get the call back?
03:59.34russellbnailbags|laptop: stop having so many problems
03:59.49russellbdid you write up a list?  ;)
03:59.50nailbags|laptoprussellb: sorry =P lol
04:00.17russellbbut anyway, at that point, i don't know if you can cancel it.
04:00.22russellbdon't think you can
04:00.25nailbags|laptopive been wondering that for a while actually. now that i'm on site fixing the MoH problem, i want to figure this out
04:01.09Kumba_hmmm... weird... native MOH you have to leave the files in the .tar?
04:01.20nailbags|laptopKumba_: no
04:01.27nailbags|laptopKumba_: extract them
04:01.56Kumba_well I had the .tar's in the directory... maybe that's why it was erroring out...
04:02.10nailbags|laptopKumba_: fair chance
04:02.46Kumba_Jul 22 00:02:37 WARNING[5458]: res_musiconhold.c:227 ast_moh_files_next: Unable to open file '/var/lib/asterisk/moh-native/asterisk-moh-freeplay-ulaw.tar': No such file or directory
04:03.20russellbmoh reload ...
04:03.24Kumba_it sure looks like it's trying to load the tar...
04:03.34russellband remove the tarball from that directory
04:03.36Kumba_ok... retrying...
04:03.44Kumba_already removed tarball... forgot to reload tho... :)
04:04.13Kumba_there we go :)
04:04.30quid2478What ever * MOH directory needs...
04:07.56Kumba_So... how do I transfer? * + extension?
04:08.04Kumba_like *700 to park this call?
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04:10.46Kumba_ok... evidently I define that in extensions.conf...
04:12.55*** join/#asterisk Garaan (
04:13.03GaraanGood morning
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04:13.20GaraanAnyone have experience with the Grandstream GXP-2000?
04:17.22russellbKumba_: include => parkedcalls
04:17.39russellbKumba_: then use the standard methods for transferring calls to transfer the call to the parking extension (default is 700)
04:18.53Kumba_well, I dont have my phone's context setup in extensions.conf yet...
04:18.56Kumba_so that's why it wont transfer...
04:21.28Kumba_ok... extensions.conf is blowing my mind a lil... *keeps reading*
04:22.49Kumba_Is it best to start from a blank file for extensions.conf or to try and modify the sample .conf?
04:23.41[TK]D-FenderKumba_ : blank.  That sample is full of hodge-podge junk with no coherance.
04:24.19murfKumba_: I personally started by hacking the example... Who cares about useless extra stuff. You can erase the extra later.
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04:25.32murfKumba_: The important thing is make sure that each device (zap,sip,iax,etc) points to a context. Provide the "s" extension for that context.
04:26.17Kumba_do extensions have to be set-up by context? or can they be setup by group from zapata.conf?
04:27.26[TK]D-FenderKumba_ : Go read THE BOOK and start to get a grasp on the concept of context heirarchy first.
04:27.32murfKumba_: At least, for "incoming" calls. For outgoing calls, provide extensions that correspond to what will be dialed on your extensions; use Dial commands to actually make calls to either other extensions, or thru a device to the PSTN.
04:28.34nailbags|laptopdoes anyone know what freqency of asterisk expects for WAV files? i recorded one with windows sound recorder, but asterisk complains 'Unexpected freqency 22050'
04:29.24murfAsterisk operates at 8000 hz. GSM is the "native" format for normal sound files.
04:29.57nailbags|laptopis there an easy way to convert wav to gsm?
04:30.24hads|homemurf: GSM isn't any more native than slin ulaw alaw etc.
04:30.46murfTrue. But all the sound files that * uses internally are in gsm format.
04:31.13hads|homeOnly currently, for 1.4 they will be available in all formats.
04:31.29*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
04:31.33hads|homeActually they are available now, we were just discussing this before.
04:31.54murfI haven't thought about why gsm was favored; does it take up less room?
04:32.06nailbags|laptoplol, used 'sox in.wav' 'out.gsm' and it plays the sound really slow.
04:32.25snazbombyou need to specify the bit rate
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04:32.45nailbags|laptopsnazbomb: yeah i'm looking at the manpage. you don't know the option off the top of your head do you?
04:33.13hads|homenailbags|laptop: There's a page on the wiki with useful sox commands relating to Asterisk
04:33.37snazbombsox -r 8000 -c 1 file.wav file2.wav  (maybe, us eat your own risk :)
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04:34.53nailbags|laptophads|home: yeah i found it thanks.
04:35.54hads|homemurf: Yeah, GSM is smaller, has the new sounds in all the formats.
04:36.00nailbags|laptopworks. thanks all
04:42.01*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
04:42.17murfKumba_: Let me make one last stab, don't ask me why, at the context/extension thing, and devices. Your devices can be separated into two main groups: internal extensions, and devices thru which the outside world has access. You should have at least two contexts, therefore; one for the internal extensions, and the other to welcome the incoming calls from outside. The incoming contexts should use the "s" extension to Answer() the call, IVR, etc. The outg
04:42.17murfoing context should accept dialed numbers, and Dial() the intended targets.
04:45.26murfKumba_: The incoming context will Dial() your extensions. The outgoing context will Dial() thru the PSTN connected devices (if not to other extensions).
04:45.36murfKumba_: clear as mud, eh?
04:46.43L|NUXhello every one
04:47.33L|NUXI have a DID like 419-301-6531 and i want when some one dial it. it will ask for extension and when some one dial extension then it will dial to that how can i achive this goal ?
04:48.43Kumba_sorry, i'm back...
04:49.10*** part/#asterisk nailbags|laptop (
04:49.54murfL|NUX: What I often see is DIDs dial straight to an extension. Main generic nums like 419-301-6500 get a menu.
04:50.11Kumba_murf: I get that... I was just curious if I could only route by context, and not by a group that was specified in zapata.conf
04:50.36L|NUXmurf : menu thingy has been done
04:50.38Kumba_err, not route, but assign an extension to context's...
04:51.00L|NUXmurf : but what if i want to like this please enter your extesion you want to dial and extension should be US/Canada Number ;)
04:51.02*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (n=ivanfm@
04:51.46Kumba_err extensions to groups...
04:51.48Kumba_i'm tired
04:51.51Kumba_i'll shutup now
04:51.52murfKumba_: you can dial a group.
04:52.45murfL|NUX: Sure, you can do that. Hope you got $$ for the phone bill!
04:53.32L|NUXmurf : can you give me little idea :)
04:53.36L|NUXi am stuck with this :)
04:53.52L|NUXbut that does not means i give up ;)
04:53.57L|NUXstill trying :)
04:54.58murfL|NUX: If the device the calls in thru points to context "incoming", then define a context [incoming], with s extension.
04:55.33murf"calls come in thru" in the above, sorry
04:56.31sumsasumai have a peculiar problem with my asterisk, when i register more than 2 users all the register fails
04:56.33murfIn the "s" extension, play the "Enter the number you want to dial" sound file, and provide extensions to match what they will enter.
04:57.29murfFor each match, use a Dial command, and specify a device or group to dial out thru, and the numbers to dial... that's the high-level description.
04:58.27murfL|NUX: You'll need two devices connected to the PSTN (minimum) to do this, one for the incoming call, one to dial out.
04:58.58L|NUXlet me describe you
04:59.41*** join/#asterisk bitboy (
05:00.03L|NUXi have context [incoming] if some one dial number 92-21-8301001 then it will auto answer then i want it to move to another context which is [outgoing] it have provider which will allow me to call US/CANDA and so on but i only want to allow US/CANADA
05:02.14murfL|NUX: So, in context incoming, define extension 92218301001, and there you can Goto(outgoing|s|1).
05:03.18L|NUXbut man i want to allow they can dial any :)
05:03.32L|NUXso it will ask Enter your extension or Number
05:03.39L|NUXthen it will dial out using goto command :)
05:03.44jbothmm... thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
05:03.44L|NUXand for that i use Digittimeout
05:04.02murfL|NUX: and in [outgoing], define extension s, and Background() a sound file to tell them to dial a number in the US/Canada. Then define a couple
05:04.07L|NUXhads|home : i know that thanks for letting me know :)
05:04.19L|NUXmurf : got ya
05:04.25L|NUXmurf : this is what i was missing :D
05:04.28L|NUXmurf : thanks alot
05:05.07Kumba_so I have context [incoming]... does the include => day|blah blah blah going inside as part of that context?
05:05.43murfL|NUX: Don't hide. I was going to say define a couple pattern extensions like _1NXXNXXXXXX and Dial ${EXTEN}. There are examples in the book.
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05:07.05murfKumba_: Start simple. throw out the fancy stuff. Don't include other contexts until you need to.
05:08.27murfKumba_: if the other contexts have cool stuff, copy it into your context. When you find multiple contexts doing the same thing, then rope off the common stuff and include it.
05:08.56Kumba_I was referring to having it fork a context based on date/time...
05:09.22Kumba_would the include be the first thing in the context? or do I do that after I set an exten first?
05:10.02MACscrIf i anyone here used broadvoice?
05:10.06murfKumba_: If that's what you want. But first, if you haven't already, just get something working. Then play with time.
05:10.52bitboyAnyone used the Manager API?
05:11.04murfKumba_: Included contexts don't usually (shouldn't) clash. Order doesn't matter.
05:11.45murfYou should be able to include anywhere. I think.
05:12.15murfKumba_: most people put their include statments up top in the context.
05:18.20*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
05:20.46Kumba_murf: so if I had [incoming], exten => s,1,play(welcome), include day
05:20.59Kumba_it would play the welcome file first, then evaluate the include?
05:21.15Kumba_or will it always evaluate the include before anything else?
05:22.22murfKumba_: bingo. includes are commands to merge in other contexts' contents. They get done first. You then execute inside the merged context.
05:22.47Kumba_So i'm better off evaluating date/time with a gotoif :)
05:23.53murfKumba_: up to you. I'm an AEL guy myself. I use IfTime for that kind of thing.
05:23.59L|NUXmurf : you still arround /
05:24.26murfL|NUX: I'm here.
05:24.32L|NUXlet me show you pb
05:24.36L|NUXi have some errors
05:25.47L|NUXany idea
05:29.31*** join/#asterisk mk500 (
05:30.32murfL|NUX: OK, looks like SIP incoming; everything seems OK except the Dial isn't working...
05:30.32harryvvits to hot in here im boiling
05:30.41harryvvyou people have a good night.
05:30.49L|NUXmurf : yeah
05:31.01harryvvThis fish is jumping out of the sea and onto a cool deck :)
05:32.07L|NUXmurf : what will be the issue :)
05:32.59murfYou might want to define "i" and "t" extensions to handle timeouts and invalid conditions. My bet is that the dialed number isn't matching the pattern for some reason.
05:33.24L|NUXmurf : let me check
05:33.32hads|homeautofallthrough=no or use a goto s,1 at the end.
05:34.12hads|homeYou should probably use the new timeout syntax too; Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=20)
05:34.39*** part/#asterisk MACscr (
05:35.18L|NUXtrying :)
05:36.08hads|homeErm. So what did you try?
05:37.45hads|homeOK, also use the new format to the response timeout, same as digit.
05:37.57hads|homeAnd move the timeout lines above the Background line
05:46.40L|NUXhads|home :
05:46.48L|NUXthis is what i am getting now
05:48.17hads|home17:33:31 < hads|home> autofallthrough=no or use a goto s,1 at the end.
05:48.40hads|homeSorry, can't be of more help now. Have to go on a bus trip to get drunk.
05:50.09sumsasumaanyone had luck in using voipbuster ?
05:50.17L|NUXi did
05:50.24sumsasumait says my calls are unauthorized
05:51.06sumsasumaL|NUX: can you help with your settings ?
05:51.45*** part/#asterisk oej (
05:51.56sumsasumaL|NUX: I have [voipbuster] username=[busteruser]  secret: [password] ....
05:52.27sumsasumain the dial plan, i dialled with Dial(SIP/00{IDD}@voipbuster)
05:52.40sumsasumait is not working for me
05:52.47sumsasumaany info please ?
05:53.03L|NUXdid you checked ?
05:53.17sumsasumai copied all the settings as such
05:53.39sumsasumai have voipstunt account also
05:53.45sumsasumait is not working with that one too
05:53.50*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
05:55.26L|NUXsumsasuma : in your sip.conf add this line after [general] register =>
05:57.52L|NUXcheck i pm ya
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06:13.36bitboyHello, has anyone used the Manager API's "Originate" action?
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07:20.25GaraanAnyone familiar with the GXP-2000?
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07:27.31Corydon76-hometopping: so is that a food or an action?
07:27.55toppingall of the above! ;)
07:28.08Corydon76-homekinky  :-)
07:28.24toppingironically enough...
07:30.58Assidi still dont get how trxtel manages to stay afloat
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07:45.01Assidanyone got a toll free number i can call to test something?
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07:52.39Assidanyone here using trxtel ?
08:11.50*** join/#asterisk jeffik (n=Jeff@kns226.NetSurf.Net)
08:19.43L|NUXcan some one look into this
08:20.48*** join/#asterisk sumsasuma (
08:21.18sumsasumaevery when i restart asterisk , it stucks at a line,
08:21.25sumsasuma-- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '12345' at 12345@ for 30
08:21.31sumsasumawhat is the problem ?
08:22.29L|NUXare you using realtime sip ?
08:22.48sumsasumawhat does that mean?
08:23.02sumsasumahi i'm just back from lunch
08:23.23L|NUXtry to restart
08:23.28L|NUXservice asterisk restart
08:24.10sumsasumano restart
08:24.14sumsasumayou can take it as start
08:24.31sumsasumawhen i start asterisk  it stucks at loading
08:26.03L|NUXCLI> restart now
08:26.11L|NUXand check again
08:26.24sumsasumalet me check
08:29.58sumsasumawhen i do even restart now i have the same problem
08:30.11sumsasumait hangs up for some and comes back
08:30.26sumsasumai disabled the srvlookup
08:30.41sumsasumathought delay might be due to the dnslookup
08:30.48sumsasumabut it is not
08:30.50L|NUXmight be
08:31.22sumsasuma-- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '12345' at 12345@ for 30
08:31.31sumsasumawhat this line is doing ?
08:31.40L|NUXsumsasuma : its checking your db
08:32.03sumsasumaanyway to clean up
08:32.16sumsasumaright now i'm not using any db functions
08:32.59L|NUXcheck your /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf
08:33.10sumsasumathanks L|NUX
08:33.18sumsasumalet me check it out
08:35.42sumsasumaall the lines are commented
08:35.50L|NUXthen no idea
08:35.53L|NUXwhy its doing this
08:36.03sumsasumamm ..
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08:59.39il_profhi to all :)
09:00.06il_profi've a problem.. .can i ask in channel?
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09:07.12il_profthere is someone here?
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09:54.51stoffellcould a module (like xpp_usb) cause high meory usage and lead to hanging server?
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10:13.31stoffellmorning Champi :)
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10:17.55mrpacketheadfollowing on from my question before.. how does openpbx compare to freepbx ?
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10:36.22ChrisDe3hi. still have big problems with asterisk... any ideas:
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11:01.59_omer       anyhelp ?
11:05.26Assidyou dont have the kernel sources installed
11:05.38Assidmake sure you have the kernel source and kernel headers installed
11:05.46_omerhow to check it out ?
11:05.53_omercan I do it with YUM?
11:06.09Assidokay no clue about yum
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11:06.29_omerany idea about package name ?
11:06.56Assidkernel-headers ?
11:07.17_omerok I try it with yum
11:07.42Assidoh wait
11:07.44Assidthats not a food
11:08.22SynUKDoes anyone have/know of a listing of the xml file settings for the SIP firmware on a Cisco 7970 IP Phone ?
11:08.25_omerwhere do I get kernel source for FC4?
11:09.29AssidSynUK: google didnt help ?
11:10.04Assid_omer: well.. not sure... dont really use FC4..and i always use kernel sources
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11:10.27_omerok thanks :)
11:11.01RoyK_omer: and download and install an official kernel :P
11:11.47SynUKsterisk system but another one directly on a voip service provider like
11:12.18SynUKoh ... that lost half the text !
11:13.21SynUKGoogle came up with samples but not a listing os functions.
11:14.00SynUKi can use the samples to get one going on an Asterisk system but need another to work on
11:15.01_omerRoyk : thanks
11:15.09L|NUXRoyk : y0
11:18.15*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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11:22.37_omerRoyk: couldnt find kernel for FC4
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11:28.40RoyK_omer: rotfl
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11:33.46RoyK<ddwyer_perth>  i have an unusual problem with a new install of freepbx on fedoracore
11:33.46RoyK<ddwyer_perth>  freepbx is great , but it is not writting to the *.conf files when you press the redbar to reload
11:33.46RoyK<ddwyer_perth>  i have chmod -R 777 all the files in the etc directory
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12:01.56TheLawHello. I cannot use asterisk with gmx sip. i get a 483 Too many hops error... What should i do?
12:02.22TheLaw1und1 works - which are the same sip servers...
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12:06.42uchmandoI have problem with incoming cas. First everything seems fine but as soon as I answer with my sip-phone the call disconnects. my config files.
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12:36.43brad6254I can make outgoing call from sip to zap on our lan, but sip phone rings, but no voice comes through.  Also zap line does not hear prompts.  What could be wrong?
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12:54.54EyeCuenat? :D
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13:31.57RoyK28c is too much
13:34.09saftsackRoyK, hi
13:34.14saftsackdid you find a tellabs ec?
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13:34.27RoyKnope. just read about it
13:34.29TheLawcan i hide my number with asterisk and sip for outgoing calls? The 1und1 client can do this somehow.
13:34.48RoyKTheLaw: show application setcallingpres
13:35.10saftsackRoyK, on
13:35.32saftsackdoes they fit you environment?
13:35.41RoyKTheLaw: show application SetCallerPres
13:36.04RoyKsaftsack: currently we're using zaptel ec, and that works. can't touch anything without lots of planning
13:37.26TheLawok... thx... What do i want to use with sip here if i want to expose as few as possible? i heard sip needs some stuff for authentication.
13:39.03RoyKTheLaw: setcallerpres only asks the other side "do't tell my name"
13:46.55TheLawhmm... dont know what to expect from the behaviour of the different options...
13:47.00TheLawwill do some trying..
13:47.33Synyn_anyone know of a pci32->pc64 adapter?
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13:56.51RoyKSynyn_: pci64 is just longer. you can use pci32 cards in pci64
13:57.06RoyKif the voltage is correct, that is
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14:07.39TheLawHmm... I dont get id working...
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14:15.13RoyKdoes trunk now provide a stun server?
14:21.36TheLawok. works with SetCallerId(anonymous)
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14:28.00RoyKTheLaw: that works, but it messes up cdr and so on. make sure you set the userfield....
14:29.09TheLawi dont even know what cdr is good for... so i think its irrelevant for me ;)
14:30.08quid2478TheLaw: Good for burning those patches or quick fixes that you want to throw away after
14:34.42quid2478Hmm, is there a way to change the registry for a particular SIP Peer (ie. one provider requires me to register every 60 minutes), but I want to keep the others at 2 mins
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14:55.36Assiddocelmo: i cant sent my traffic through you
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14:59.40eKo1quid2478: look at the qualify option of your SIP peer.
15:03.00quid2478eko1:  Okay, I though qualify was more of a "keep alive' function?
15:04.54Synyn_anyone know of a pci converter to allow a 64bit card to use a 32bit slot?
15:06.14eKo1quid2478: could be but i don't know of anything else that will do what you want.
15:06.34eKo1Synyn_: I don't think that is going to work.
15:15.27TrixV0xwho requires you to reg every 60 min?
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15:28.14Assidits funny how sms is more expensive than 1 minute of calling
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15:29.26quid2478TrixV0x:  VoiceStick... if you register less than 60 minutes give or take, they reject you.
15:29.52quid2478Sort of a lame protection, since their own software will only register at that interval
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15:34.46popvoxdaveDoes anyone know of a good streamer to use with streamplayer included in asterisk?  Trying to stream a large ulaw file.
15:36.52jbalcomb~seen [tk]d-fender
15:37.07jbot[tk]d-fender <n=joe@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 11h 9m 41s ago, saying: 'Kumba_ : Go read THE BOOK and start to get a grasp on the concept of context heirarchy first.'.
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15:42.15carl0s-Can anyone suggest a reason why after 20 minutes or so my SIP client fails to 'talk' to Asterisk? It's a VoIP gateway device and after about 20 mins it stops working.
15:42.58eKo1What VoIP gateway?
15:43.14carl0s-Portech MV-370 GSM VoIP gateway.
15:43.19carl0s-SIP <-> GSM
15:45.04eKo1Well, if it stops working after 20 minutes, reboot it every 20 minutes.
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15:45.27popvoxdaveDoes anyone know of a good streamer to use with streamplayer included in asterisk?  Trying to stream a large ulaw file.
15:45.30carl0s-that's not a workable solution really is it
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16:16.44noname32hi all i was woundering if any one here has used sipsak to send msgs before
16:16.55noname32i am getting a method not allowed
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16:43.55Kernel_corehi all
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16:53.52noname32is there a way to get debug or something chan_sip? cause i am trying to send a message via sip but it keeps dropping the message
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16:56.36robin_szyou could try "sip debug on"
16:57.10Synyn_hey folks
16:57.14joakoDoes anyone know of a good billing solution for Asterisk?
16:57.30Synyn_as in a module?
16:57.44*** join/#asterisk Trazz (n=traderz@
16:58.03joakoAs in anything
16:58.13joakofor billing and for customers to manage their account
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16:58.34joakoAstbill seems promising but there is NO documentation and it just doesnt work
16:59.09fileI've heard of people using it, so it does work... and they aren't under obligation to give you documentation :)
16:59.23eKo1I played around with Astbill but I don't understand it.
16:59.25Synyn_you might check out voicepulse, they use *, try to find out what they are using )
16:59.32alib80hi all has anyone had problems setting the monitor filename in a queue
16:59.33Synyn_they are reseller friendly
16:59.39noname32asterisk not accept message from sipsak please help
16:59.41eKo1So I made my own billing solution.
16:59.58alib80this has really been bugging me, I peform a set and it just don't work
17:00.14filethe thing with billing platforms is that you're going to have a different view of how things should work, and are going to end up modifying it... unless you play within the confines of it
17:00.36Synyn_is there a good billing/calling card module? I was thinking of writing one
17:01.37fileSynyn_: "good" is relative to the needs of the person/company
17:03.04Toerkeiumdoes anyone know why when I start * with /etc/init.d/asterisk start, ps aux | grep asterisk only show "/bin/sh /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk" for about 2 seconds and * never start?
17:03.50eKo1Toerkeium: check your log files
17:03.51joakoeKo: What is that billing solution? Would you be willing to sell a license for it?
17:04.03ToerkeiumeKo1, I did, but nothing cames up related to it
17:04.04eKo1Synyn_: no there isn't. I ended up writing one.
17:04.05joakoI am looking for ANYTHING that works, OSS, commerical, closed source... anything
17:04.21joakoANd you would not be interested in selling us a copy of that?
17:05.01eKo1I'm not authorized to do so.
17:05.15joakoOr write one for us? Modify astbill?
17:05.54eKo1Set up a bounty. I'm sure someone is willing to do the work.
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17:06.37joakoIs there a commerical billing pacakge?
17:06.47joakoa modernbill of sorts for VoIP?
17:07.07eKo1Sure. Google and you'll find some.
17:07.26joakoGoogle for what? I've tried everything... only thing close I've found is Astbill
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17:07.59joakoMaybe "billing" isn't the correct term here?
17:08.24eKo1yes it is.
17:09.49eKo1Go to
17:09.55eKo1I think they have something.
17:16.01ToerkeiumOk, I found this: /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 55: /dev/tty9: Permission denied
17:17.18Toerkeiumany idea how to fix this?
17:18.14eKo1check the permission on /dev7tty9
17:18.41eKo1no jbot, that was not it
17:19.43*** part/#asterisk knoppix_debian (n=jaitonys@
17:19.44Toerkeiumits: crwxrwxrwx  1 root tty 4, 9 Jul 22 13:35 /dev/tty9
17:19.57ToerkeiumI tried a chmod 777 to test
17:20.57Toerkeiumfrom asterisk -cvvv it works ok
17:21.05ToerkeiumI just can¿t use the startup scripts
17:22.48eKo1Then don't use it.
17:23.04eKo1I don't.
17:24.10*** join/#asterisk evisu (
17:24.16Toerkeiumthat would be the solution? :)
17:24.31Toerkeiumis there any other way to run asterisk in backgroupd ?
17:25.02eKo1Just run asterisk
17:25.04eKo1with no arguments
17:25.11Toerkeiumdamn :)
17:25.43Toerkeiumworking, thansk eKo1
17:25.55ToerkeiumI think it's because I am working on a VPS
17:27.57ToerkeiumeKo1, I am reading the asteriskTFOT and so far, no big doubts about it.. but I have something to ask that I didn't find.
17:28.01*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
17:28.18Toerkeiumis there a way to listen other conversations?
17:28.37ToerkeiumI mean, supouse a callcenter, and the manager wants to listen the conversation of NNN operator
17:28.43Toerkeiumhow would that be possible?
17:29.08Toerkeiumgreat, thanks
17:35.15*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
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17:35.35matteofhi all
17:36.52matteofI've a little problem...I've just installed asterisk 1.2.10 but when i try to start it, it returns "illegal instruction"
17:37.03matteofhow can i fix this problem?
17:37.19eKo1matteof: what do the logs say?
17:37.31matteofwhich logs?
17:37.38eKo1the * logs
17:37.46*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
17:38.23matteofwhere does asterisk store the logs?
17:38.56eKo1oh boy...
17:39.16*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
17:39.35matteofcause I've installed * first via apt-get
17:39.56matteofthen I removed that version
17:40.06matteofand installed the 1.2.10 version
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17:40.36matteofso i don't know where the last installation stores the logs
17:42.02matteofcan you help me?
17:43.34Synyn_matteof: astlogdir => /var/log/asterisk
17:43.44matteofok...i found it now
17:44.14matteofok...i found it but when I exec /usr/sbin/asterisk
17:44.52matteofi don't found anything new in the log file
17:46.15joakoDoes anyone know of a good billing solution for Asterisk?
17:47.00Synyn_what kind of features are you looking for?
17:47.01eKo1joako: wasn't this matter discussed already
17:47.07*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
17:48.31riddleboxis there anything in the .conf files that should be set so that when I call someone I hear it ring?
17:49.30joakoindications.conf? also make sure you add a ,r at the end of your dialstring
17:50.40matteofeKo1: can you help me? I haven't any idea where to start
17:52.11eKo1Sorry. I have to go now. I'll be online later to help.
17:52.30matteofanyone can help me?
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18:40.03noname32has anyone ever used ast_sendtext?
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18:41.35n9urkdoes anyone in here have their * setup on a virtual private server at a datacenter?
18:41.46n9urkwe have ours at
18:41.58*** join/#asterisk jsharp (n=jsharp@
18:42.02n9urkand are thinking of setting up a vps for * only.  any suggestions?
18:43.27jsharpWith asterisk, is there a way to remotely monitor PRI/Zaptel span statuses via the manager or SNMP interface?
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19:15.37Amilcar_Everytime one of my callcenters becomes relatively busy, this agentcallback lock problems starts to happen. Anyone here have any example of a dialplan using realtime members that was all the features that agentcallback have??
19:16.38Amilcar_kpfleming itself said in asterisk-devel that digium has changed their queues out of agentcallback to realtime members, to solve that issues.
19:17.11*** part/#asterisk SanketMedhi (n=sanket@
19:20.58Corydon76-homeI don't have an example config, but they converted to using AddQueueMember and RemoveQueueMember
19:21.14Corydon76-homeYou can use VMAuthenticate to do logins
19:23.27Qwellthe macros for it are pretty easy
19:25.35*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
19:32.05Amilcar_I'll take a look at VMAuthenticate.... I need to which agent are receiving the calls (despite of on what extension he is).... That's the major problem of using addqueuemember, as this only add an extension to the queue, not an "agent" (agents are not extensions).
19:32.41Corydon76-homeUh, AddQueueMember adds a channel, not an extension
19:32.59Corydon76-homeThe only way AddQueueMember would add an extension is if you used the Local channel with it
19:33.18Amilcar_Normally in a callcenter, one extension (a SIP channel for example) is used by many people (in different day times).
19:33.42Corydon76-homeSo use the Agent channel, if that's what you want
19:34.08Corydon76-homeLook it up in a database, if need be
19:34.13*** join/#asterisk BugKham (i=CKGLOB@
19:34.25Amilcar_Yeah, that's what i want, but the agent channel has a BIG locking problem....
19:34.37Amilcar_two or three times a day, it locks my entire queue.
19:34.42BugKhamanyone knows hot to change the DNID value in the dialplan?
19:35.05Corydon76-homeAmilcar_: then you're going to need to change how you track agents
19:35.18BugKhamI tried SetVar(DNID=${MYVAR}) and it didn't seem to work
19:35.20Amilcar_I'm looking to use realtime members not by it features, but to solve the agentcallback issue"!
19:36.23Corydon76-homeIIRC, the locking problem was due to the usage of callback login, not due to the agent channel
19:36.39Corydon76-homeSo you might want to try that first and see if you still have any locking problems
19:36.48Amilcar_Corydon76-home: Well.... I'm planning to do this. But reading a message from kpfleming in asterisk-dev, he claims to be possible to have all the features from agetncallback using a realtime queue configuration!
19:36.59Amilcar_And that configuration is what i'm looking for.
19:37.08Corydon76-homeSorry, don't have it
19:37.13*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
19:39.17Amilcar_thanks anyway. Is it true that agentcallback will be deprecated in 1.4????
19:39.33Amilcar_hmmmm :-(
19:40.03*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
19:40.09Corydon76-homeThat means it will exist in 1.4, but should disappear in the next major release, which will presumably be 1.6.
19:40.11Amilcar_Seriously, 99% of the asterisk-based callcenters that i know use agentcallback today....
19:40.15*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (
19:40.29Amilcar_We must have an alternative to do what it does today!
19:40.39Corydon76-homeThen invent one!
19:41.06*** part/#asterisk fulgas (
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19:41.37Amilcar_Why not fix the issues? Everybody considers it "unfixable"?
19:43.01JonR800I don't know what this means.. but "New for upcoming Asterisk v1.4.0 release: (July 2006) Due to various issues with AgentCallbackLogin this feature is likely to be deprecated by Digium (according to Kevin P. Fleming). Similar functionality can be achieved through existing dialplan functionatliy using dynamic members.
19:43.34*** join/#asterisk vpanayotov (n=vdp@
19:45.16Amilcar_JonR800: I can't figure out how can i emulate agentcallback behaviour with dynamic members.... All i can do now is include and drop channels in a queue. But that's only one funcionality of what agentcallback does.
19:45.25*** join/#asterisk imdabest (n=imdabest@
19:49.03fileAmilcar_: realtime queues and dynamic queue members are two completely different things
19:49.37fileAmilcar_: and there will be documentation soon, but there isn't any right now... besides what you can find using Google
19:50.25Toerkeiumguys, could anyone try to place a call to sip:787793@ ?
19:51.06Amilcar_file: ok, thanks.
19:51.34fileAmilcar_: all the tools to do it are out there though
19:52.02Amilcar_file: but the examples i've found are only a way to add and remove members from the queue.... .but that's not really agentcallback funcionalities.
19:52.27fileAmilcar_: what is the functionality you are looking for?
19:52.35Amilcar_agentcallback tracks down an agent, despite of the channel used, giving portability.
19:52.53fileyou can do that as well, it's called chan_local :) send them into the dialplan
19:53.08filethat way you can do group checking so they will only take 1 call as well...
19:53.24Amilcar_So, i can't do a 'show agents' with dynamic members and chan_local....
19:53.42Qwellshow queue blah
19:53.55Amilcar_i can't have entries in queue_log to track down the activities of each agent if dynamic members and chan_local.
19:54.10Qwelldynamic members are logged to queue_log
19:54.16Amilcar_One local channel now maybe used by other person in 10 minutes from now!
19:54.29QwellWhy would another user be using somebodys extension?
19:54.32Amilcar_Yes, but in that case, the channels are logged, not the agents.
19:54.38QwellIf that's the case, your dialplan is BAD
19:55.29Amilcar_I have 30 computers in a callcenter environment.... That computers are used by more than 70 people.... Different working hours, different campagns..
19:55.43QwellSo, give each user an extension
19:55.45Amilcar_This is dynamic.... So, and agent have a number!
19:56.00Qwelldynamic queue members have a "number" also.  It's their extension
19:56.10Amilcar_And with this number, he can log in the queue from any computer....
19:56.18Qwellas can dynamic queue members
19:56.35QwellThat's why they're called dynamic...
19:56.37fileyou can do this with what is available...
19:56.39Amilcar_Well, so i really need an example dialplan! :-)
19:56.56filethe dialplan that will be shown as an example will only be a base
19:57.05filewe can't make one for every situation that a company will want
19:57.08Amilcar_If i only add SIP/1234, for example, i don't know WHO is logging in.
19:57.16Qwellexten => 6438,1,Dial(SIP/1234)
19:57.47Amilcar_6438 can't be always in SIP/1234
19:57.49Qwellfile: How long did that macro take me?  5 minutes maybe?
19:57.54Amilcar_He can use 1234, 1235, 1236....
19:58.01fileAmilcar_: so add capability to be able to adjust that!
19:58.15file:) I can tell you how to do it as well
19:58.18Amilcar_Qwell: that not addresses the problem.
19:58.34filehint: setvar in sip.conf, and astdb
19:58.47fileso when they log in it records the phone they logged in from... and when calls go to them, it goes to that phone
19:58.57Amilcar_Ok, using astdb i know i can do.... But seems like a hack to me! :-)
19:59.10Qwellastdb is there for exactly this type of thing
19:59.33filewe don't control your business decisions, but this is what people should move to... and if not, then fine
19:59.46noname32how do u exec an external program in c?
19:59.58Qwellnoname32: several depends on what you want
20:00.32Amilcar_With agents, i can get statistics, tracks, in realtime, using cli (show agents) or ami!!! Using astdb and other methods (local chan is not an option in this case, Qwell), i have to figure this out of asterisk.
20:00.49QwellYou can do all of that with dynamic queue members...
20:01.04Amilcar_Qwell: ok, ok, man. thanks....
20:01.09noname32Qwell, i am trying to modify res_features to use sipsak to out put the parked ext instead of doing ast_say_digits
20:01.11*** join/#asterisk surfdue (n=surfdue@unaffiliated/surfdue)
20:01.15surfduei need help with jitter
20:01.27ToerkeiumI need to know if I can receive a damn stupid call
20:01.51Toerkeiumcome on, no one with a sip phone able to ring me phone? :=
20:02.01fileAmilcar_: agent callback is a very very bad hack... which is why we're making it go away
20:02.25*** join/#asterisk warrior520 (
20:02.43Toerkeiumguess not :P)
20:02.52Amilcar_file: :-) I understand..... All i want is really a good alternative to it.... I think i just have to refactor the way we work! :-)
20:03.23fileAmilcar_: well, this is good... and improves stability - a lot
20:03.57noname32hmm that deffently wasnt it haha it crashed asterisk
20:04.07Toerkeiumwhen I finish this, I'll make a website to place sip calls for testing!!!
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20:07.09QwellToerkeium: yet another one?
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20:14.59imdabestwe are using queue for incoming setup, now we wants to record incoming call by agent name, how is it possible can any one help
20:15.47surfduefile, ?
20:17.56*** part/#asterisk BugKham (i=CKGLOB@
20:20.32surfdueim looking to stop jitter on my asterisk setup its asterlink -> asterisk -> pap2
20:20.44surfduethe jitter resides in the server the asterisk is on
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20:34.01Daminsurfdude: Are you using SIP or IAX2 between you and Asterlink?
20:34.15Daminsurfdue: Are you running 1.2 or trunk?
20:34.50Amilcar_The biggest difficult in migrating agentcallback to dynamic members, i think, is that i don't keep track of agents (people) anymore, but keep track of channels (terminals) instead. And one terminal can be used by many people. This is not a problem when you have fixed positions (for example) for your agents in your environment. But when many people can use the same terminal....
20:35.24Daminsurfdue: You could try using iax2 and enabling the IAX2 jitter buffer between you and Asterlink.
20:35.56Amilcar_If i have 1:1, for example, the only change is "Agent/1001" to "SIP/1001"! :-) But when "Agent/1001" can use "SIP/1001", or "SIP/1002", or "SIP/1003".... ;-)
20:36.30surfdueDamin, how can we do this?
20:36.55*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
20:37.26Daminsurfdue: 1. Talk to Asterlink and ask them how to setup your connection w/ iax2.
20:39.20fileAmilcar_: it's not that bad.
20:39.49Daminsurfdue: 2. add "trunk=yes,trunktimestamps=yes,jitterbuffer=yes" to your iax.conf file.
20:39.54Toerkeiumwhat is the lowest bitrate codec for free?
20:40.48*** join/#asterisk Trazz (n=traderz@
20:40.53innatechWhat settings should I check if the Digital Receptionist is ignoring DTMF tones?
20:41.06Amilcar_file: For example.... "when this person has answered his last call?" becomes "when this terminal has been used for the last time?" :-)
20:41.53SantaRosaMarkanyone running Cisco's HSRP protocol - moved to a new datacenter - NAT w/XTEN doesn't seem to work now (oh yeah also uped to
20:43.27surfdueDamin, where do you suggest I add that?
20:45.33imdabestwe are using queue for incoming setup, now we wants to record incoming call by agent name, how is it possible can any one help
20:45.47imdabestis there any can help me out with this?
20:48.05Amilcar_imdabest: you have many options. You can use monitor in agents.conf, can use monitor in queues.conf, or even in the dialplan.
20:55.34*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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21:03.47innatechAsterisk isn't picking up DTMF on inbound SIP calls. I'm using a broadvoice trunk and have set dtmf=inband and dtmfmode=inband for the trunk in sip.conf but my menus are timing out. Where should I be looking for a fix?
21:05.35robin_szbah ... someone has the links to the Grnadstream SW repositories all fscking wrong inthe Wiki ... :(
21:06.00robin_sznow, If I can remember my login I can fix it :)
21:06.53*** join/#asterisk Synyn_ (
21:08.31*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
21:09.48Toerkeiumguys, I have this to call throu voipstunt: exten => 01,1,Dial(SIP/00{EXTEN}@voipstunt) .. now, how would I access voipstunt to place a call with this in my internal context?
21:10.08TripleFFFFhey guys.. astcc page should bbe updated to use svn instead of cvs
21:10.20TripleFFFFas its not working.. any idea to install svn client on centos ?
21:11.41TripleFFFFfound it.. its called subversion dummy me
21:11.50innatechyum -y install subversion
21:11.52TripleFFFFsee a problem in astcc lately ?
21:12.23TripleFFFFlike what should i use branch tag or trunk
21:13.36*** join/#asterisk nicox (
21:14.38TripleFFFFthis gonna be fun
21:14.49TripleFFFFsince i install astcc on cluster b and www is on lcuster a
21:15.19TripleFFFFhmm then astcc is nothign else then extension and agi.. the rest is www crap
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21:25.34clive-Hi, is version 1.2.10 considered stable enough for a production box ?
21:25.49TripleFFFFseem nothing else the business edition is stable
21:25.59TripleFFFFsince any other peer can use anyother version
21:26.44clive-trippleF so you using teh business edition ?
21:26.56TripleFFFFno i wish
21:27.07TripleFFFFso many weird thing in new versions
21:27.19TripleFFFFand old ones have so many holes
21:27.24*** join/#asterisk Trazz (n=traderz@
21:27.30TripleFFFFthinking of struipping it all down to 1 module lol
21:27.33clive-My only resaon for upgrading is the sip jitter buffer, besides that...nothing else
21:27.46TripleFFFFthere sip jitter on .10 /\
21:27.55innatechAny ideas on how to fix DTMF detection? Anything at all? Everything else is working, and I'd like to go home.....dealing with a SIP trunk with all inbound calls going to IVR.
21:27.57TripleFFFFcheck v 1.2.10
21:27.57clive-not as far as I know
21:28.01TripleFFFFsee if anything
21:28.18clive-yes, in 1.2.10 it is in
21:28.18TripleFFFFinnatech .. dtmf broken ? what v.
21:28.25clive-but I am at 1.2.4 :)
21:29.09innatechAsterisk svn rev 34876
21:29.40innatechBuilt by the Trixbox ISO a couple days ago.
21:31.12SantaRosaMarkany new issues with 1.2.10 and NAT ???  cant get Xten to register...can even see an attempt....iaxComm works fine
21:36.19innatechI'm guessing I've misconfigured something. Could someone point me towards common points of failure for DTMF detection? I'm happy to tweak and test, just running out of ideas.
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21:43.56SantaRosaMarksob - helps if i spell NAT
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21:46.25innatechOK, DTMF problem solved. The wrong mode was being specified by the upstream provider's instructions. Broadvoice, plz DIAF ASAP.
21:55.38TripleFFFFweird astcc.
21:55.40TripleFFFFjust installed
21:56.12TripleFFFFi create a card with 300 as cost per minute.. then i cacl cost.. on the litle calculator crap ands it says cost for 1 minut is 2.7 cen.. insteaf of 3 cents.. some one ate the .3 cent..
21:57.54quid2478it's the govt tax
21:59.09QwellTripleFFFF: I believe it has something to do with the 6 second billing
21:59.34Qwell300 / 10 = 30, 30 * 9 = 270 = 2.7c
21:59.40*** join/#asterisk Egonis (n=Egonis@
21:59.49EgonisHow do I play .gsm files other than in Asterisk?
21:59.54QwellEgonis: sox
21:59.58TripleFFFFyou right
22:00.05TripleFFFFmissing first 6 seconds
22:00.08TripleFFFFon 60 sec all worked
22:00.13TripleFFFFhey ill charger per 60
22:00.21TripleFFFFoverhead of getting a local number
22:00.29QwellThere is a way to make it bill the first 6s
22:01.01EgonisQwell: sox plays?? I didn't know that
22:01.07QwellEgonis: should
22:01.08Synyn_I think thats why a lot of providers do the 60/6 scheme
22:01.13QwellIf it's compiled with gsm support
22:01.30Qwellcustomers LIKE only being billed if the call is > 6s
22:01.43Qwelland, really, it's a best practice
22:02.07Synyn_yeah < 60s you screwed, < 60s you are done right
22:02.16Synyn_err >
22:02.49Synyn_I've been up too long, bout to hit the 2 day mark
22:03.19*** join/#asterisk jsharp (n=jsharp@
22:03.35Qwellmeh :p
22:03.40QwellSolaris'll do that to you...
22:04.00EgonisQwell: How do I make sox playback to a sound device?
22:04.02Synyn_Yeah, I got it running, sorta, I think I'll wait for it to mature some more
22:04.41Synyn_I've just done 3 new centos installs, tempted to try it on a sparc too )
22:05.03QwellEgonis: tell it to use also
22:05.08Qwellthen give it the path
22:05.18EgonisQwell: ah, ty!
22:05.20Synyn_think the linux zaptel would work on a linux with a sparc arch?
22:05.28QwellSynyn_: maybe..
22:05.37QwellI'm hoping so, heh
22:06.22*** part/#asterisk quid2478 (
22:06.33tzafrir_laptopEggplant, play (1) ?
22:06.35robin_szso ... is there some sort of random GUI for * that will show you what calls are in progrees, from whom, to whom?
22:06.44Qwellrobin_sz: that flash one?
22:06.48Qwellflash operator panel
22:06.51tzafrir_laptopSynyn_, it builds.At least the Debin package does
22:07.04robin_szQwell, is there one? URL?
22:07.08Qwellspeaking of Debian...
22:07.12*** part/#asterisk Egonis (n=Egonis@
22:07.14Qwelland sparc
22:07.21QwellI should install ubuntu on this box today
22:07.48Qwellubuntu == bastardized Debian
22:08.29robin_szinnatech, no, its not.
22:08.57innatechyeah, used to be might be a little more accurate. Anyway, I got the connection.
22:09.09robl^ubuntu is NOT debian.  it is debian-like, based on much of debian.. and fairly debian compatible..  that being said.. I prefer Ubuntu to Debian..
22:09.51robin_szinnatech, trust me on this one .. its *based* on debian, but its not debian ... theres a BIG difference
22:12.06innatechYeah, I understand that. I didn't mean that imply that Ubuntu is identical to the official Debian releases. But they're intimately enough related that I understood what Qwell was getting at.
22:13.27robin_szinnatech, i suggest you try saying that on #debian and see how many nanpseconds you last before getting booted ;)
22:14.15innatechhehe. Yeah.
22:15.05*** join/#asterisk af_ (
22:21.40tzafrir_laptopactually, there is no #debian on freenode anymore
22:22.31tzafrir_laptopoh, it's back. Just unofficial
22:24.45rob0ISTM that a techie kind of user might be happier with Debian than with Ubuntu.
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22:34.05JunK-YQwell: my gf is now on ubuntu since tghis afternoon
22:34.15QwellJunK-Y: scary
22:34.30JunK-Ystill better then win xp, no ? :)
22:34.38QwellJunK-Y: that's why it's scary
22:35.03xbmodder_newlappJunK-Y, install sshD
22:35.19xbmodder_newlappand squid; set squid to upload you the logs every night
22:35.30xbmodder_newlappmake her computer a blackbox
22:35.38xbmodder_newlappis her computer expensive?
22:35.54JunK-Yxbmodder_newlapp: what for ?
22:36.02JunK-Yno an old amd 2400+
22:36.03xbmodder_newlappwhich one?
22:36.08xbmodder_newlappwell anyway
22:36.38xbmodder_newlappthen have a script called "breakup" that fetches a file from your server, and if that file isn't there, it overwrites her nvram with /dev/random, and reboots
22:36.45JunK-Ydont want to install gaimsniff, dont want to know she's chatting with ya bro :P
22:36.50xbmodder_newlappJunK-Y, so she won't breakup with you
22:36.59xbmodder_newlappyou mean aimsniff
22:37.15xbmodder_newlappthe basic stalker toolkit
22:37.37Spla4t1can g729 be used across gprs/edge ?
22:37.50xbmodder_newlappSpla4t1, doubt it
22:37.57surfduexbmodder_newlapp, please use the enter key more efficiently.
22:38.07xbmodder_newlappmy EV-DO phone can barely use GSM
22:38.13xbmodder_newlappsurfdue, shutup, bastard
22:38.29surfduexbmodder_newlapp, excuse me sir?
22:38.31xbmodder_newlappWhy are you here, you don't even know how to configure asterisk
22:38.40surfduexbmodder_newlapp, Excuse Me?
22:38.49Spla4t1does g729 handle voice quality better than g711?
22:39.03JunK-YSpla4t1: no
22:39.16xbmodder_newlappSpla4t1, ulaw uses loads of bandwidth
22:39.28surfdueSpla4t1, I would agree with JunK-Y I think g711 is more common.
22:39.44xbmodder_newlappsurfdue, g711 over EDGE?
22:39.47Spla4t1g711 is better for lan.. how about wan (cable modem)
22:40.34Spla4t1same hold true?
22:40.34surfdueSpla4t1, wan is normally referring to wireless lan
22:40.40xbmodder_newlappSpla4t1, how much bandwidth will you have dedicated to VoIP
22:40.51xbmodder_newlappsurfdue, no, not really thats WLAN
22:40.52n9urkanyone here run * on a vps at
22:40.53fileerm? wan = wide area network, internet usually or in this context
22:41.03*** join/#asterisk nextime (
22:41.21xbmodder_newlappn9urk, you can't, they don't have ztdummy support, but I know that Atarack Comunnications, Inc. does.
22:41.23JunK-Yhey mr file!
22:41.24surfduexbmodder_newlapp, not with my routers.
22:41.31fileJunky! yo yo you're hurting me
22:41.52JunK-Yfile: doubt it, im a good man, julie's hurting ya!
22:42.02*** join/#asterisk bewest (n=ben@httpcraft/bewest)
22:42.32n9urkxbmodder_newlapp: what do you need ztdummy for?  I have * running on a linode and it seems to be doing decent
22:42.34bewestanyone know how to recieve and send SMS messages using asterisk?
22:42.40bewestI've been struggling a bit
22:42.40xbmodder_newlappSpla4t1, go with GSM
22:42.49n9urkbut would like to "improve things" if possible
22:42.51xbmodder_newlappn9urk, meetme
22:43.10bewestis it necessary to have an sms gateway or sms message center, or can asterisk skip it?
22:43.12*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@
22:43.13a1fadamn it
22:43.18a1fai have problems with one of my sip users
22:43.25filebewest: landline SMS, or cellular SMS?
22:43.25a1fa1600 ms lag
22:43.26Spla4t1Im playing with a new nokia phone that is a sip client.  Trying to get the best possible quality from my provider.
22:43.34bewestfile: cell
22:43.35xbmodder_newlappn9urk, well, do you need help?
22:43.40a1faSpla4t1 : what model
22:43.58filebewest: that's out of the range of Asterisk...
22:44.03a1fait has a sip client
22:44.03bewestfile: ok I see
22:44.09a1favia GPRS or g/b?
22:44.17bewestfile: so I'll need a gateway/message center?
22:44.18n9urkxbmodder_newlapp: Just trying to explore all the issues involved in runnign * on a linode and maybe improve it someway or move to another host
22:44.22Spla4t1It can go either wifi for gprs/edge.
22:44.29bewestfile: and asterisk could conceivably interface with that
22:44.33filebewest: I know some companies have some API that you can go into to send messages
22:44.41a1faSpla4t1 : how much was it
22:44.41xbmodder_newlappn9urk, thats the biggest issue, not having a timing device...
22:44.41filebewest: sure, what exactly do you want Asterisk to do with it?
22:44.43bewestok, I think I saw some of those
22:44.44surfduefile, would you know how I can stop this jitter
22:44.45n9urkxbmodder_newlapp: what did you meen by meetme?  What does ztdummy do?  I looked on the voip-info wiki and didn't understand it
22:44.48xbmodder_newlappn9urk, bandwidth is $$$
22:44.58bewestfile: I'm just going to pass it off to some AGI app
22:45.01a1fafucking serbia
22:45.09xbmodder_newlappn9urk, ztdummy is a kernel module that is used to emulate a zaptel timing device
22:45.11Spla4t1a1fa: $500
22:45.13a1fanot bad
22:45.24n9urkxbmodder_newlapp: our bandwidth usage isn't much
22:45.26a1fafucking serbs, i tell you, their core router to users hypes to 1600ms
22:45.27xbmodder_newlappa timing device is needed with many high-end asterisk applications
22:45.31bewestfile: for now I'd settle for "hello world"
22:45.41xbmodder_newlappn9urk, linodes are expensive if your just running asterisk
22:45.42filebewest: yeah you basically need to talk to a company that does this... or get like an SMS modem and stick in a SIM and use it for sending/receiving...
22:45.45Spla4t1a1fa:  I have not got it to hit a server behind nat yet though.
22:45.48xbmodder_newlappn9urk, what codec are you using?
22:46.00a1faeverybody traceroute to
22:46.04a1fasee what I am talking about
22:46.05Spla4t1so its not hitting my server from hotspots.
22:46.07xbmodder_newlappn9urk, would you ever get a virtual T1 to your linode
22:46.19bewestfile: ok, sounds like I need a service provider
22:46.23a1fa213.244.217.113 is a hide-nat
22:46.32filebewest: you need someone who does this... and that's outside the realm of Asterisk :)
22:46.32a1fadamn bastards
22:46.37bewestfile: gotcha
22:46.44bewestfile: ok thanks for the info :-)
22:46.50filebewest: good luck!
22:46.52n9urkxbmodder_newlapp: GSM6.10 is standard on * right, I never changed it
22:46.57a1faReply from bytes=32 time=909ms TTL=38
22:47.07a1fafucking insane
22:47.10n9urkxbmodder_newlapp: is there another host you reccommend?
22:47.18a1faand they sell this service for $25 /mo
22:47.18xbmodder_newlappn9urk, depends on what you've configured the channel with
22:47.21filea1fa: language!
22:47.23bewestfile: for starters, it'd be similar to google's  sms thing... providing some overlapping functionality with a web interface
22:47.27a1fafile : lol
22:47.28xbmodder_newlappn9urk, Atarack Communications, Inc.
22:47.32bewestfile: but right now just trying to get proof of concept
22:47.44bewestfile: simple as possibe; trying to understand how the technology works
22:47.52xbmodder_newlappfile, thats not fair, your an OP, and you work for a VoIP provider
22:47.59filexbmodder_newlapp: I don't.
22:48.09xbmodder_newlappdon't you work for asterlink?
22:48.13fileI no longer do.
22:48.16n9urkxbmodder_newlapp: that is a little cheaper
22:48.23xbmodder_newlappa1fa, what do you need?
22:48.29n9urkxbmodder_newlapp: than linode
22:48.30surfdueyahoo im is down..
22:48.38xbmodder_newlappfile, why not, if I may ask?
22:48.48bewestwhat compared to linode?
22:48.54filexbmodder_newlapp: because I chose to go elsewhere
22:48.54bewestI was just considering signing up for linode
22:49.08n9urkxbmodder_newlapp: how is their support in comparison to linode?
22:49.14xbmodder_newlappbewest, their channel is #atarack
22:49.21xbmodder_newlappn9urk, come in see, #atarack
22:49.30xbmodder_newlappcome in and see
22:49.31filexbmodder_newlapp is a staff member of atarack :D
22:49.32n9urkbewest: xbmodder_newlapp   Linode has great service
22:49.36xbmodder_newlappfile, hehe
22:56.01*** join/#asterisk fa_____ (
22:59.29Spla4t1is gsm better or worse quality compared to 729?
23:01.09a1fag729 is propriatery
23:01.30Spla4t1yea Its pretty cheap though
23:02.04a1faper peer
23:02.13a1fai like gsm better
23:02.14a1faits free
23:02.25fileper simultaneous channel.
23:03.14*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (n=alejandr@
23:03.20Toerkeiumguys, this: Called 00{EXTEN}@voipstunt means that * is appending 00 to the number I dialed?
23:08.34*** part/#asterisk bewest (n=ben@httpcraft/bewest)
23:09.28droopshey can i set the accounting code in the dialplan? or do i have to use iax or sip.conf
23:11.06robl^droops:  yes.. there are MANY ways to set the accounting code.. its not much more than a channel variable
23:12.50droopscan you show me a page with an example or just give an example, i cant seem to google it correctly
23:13.58*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
23:14.11*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:15.15droopsim not usually this dumb
23:15.27a1fayou just shaved dumb this morning
23:21.09*** join/#asterisk newsmafia (
23:34.23TripleFFFFhmm astcc is dumb
23:34.33TripleFFFFif yo dont dtmf it ir tries to call BLANK
23:42.35*** join/#asterisk smurf (n=smurf@debian/developer/smurf)
23:48.11*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (i=troubled@
23:49.10TripleFFFFPhone number is
23:55.53*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
23:59.14TripleFFFFanyone have astcc running ?
23:59.57*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.