irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060719

00:00.06Dr-Linuxcarl0s-: :P
00:00.19Dr-Linuxdlynes_laptop: now ask carl0s- what it does :)
00:00.42dlynes_laptopDr-Linux, it didn't do anything
00:00.57Dr-Linuxdlynes_laptop: you are not using mIRC
00:01.03dlynes_laptopof course
00:01.11dlynes_laptopi'm using x-chat like normal people
00:01.18carl0s-it worked for me. I'm connected via mIRC. (ew.) I was up until recently running FC5 on my machine but I got so absolutely sick of Evolution crashing every other time I tried to check my Exchange mailbox, and the flash-plugin not working properly.
00:01.20*** join/#asterisk Kumba_ (
00:01.21bitboyAnyone know if following possible-->dial an extension which dials a number. As soon as that call hangs up, another number is dialed, without closing the channel after the firsts call
00:01.21Dr-Linuxyes i know
00:01.23Dr-Linux[dlynes_laptop VERSION reply]: xchat 2.6.2 Windows XP [Intel /1.60GHz]
00:01.31dlynes_laptopit lies!
00:01.35bitboyso like an autodial
00:01.39dlynes_laptopi'm running Intel 1.66GHz
00:02.20*** part/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
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00:02.47carl0s-hmm xchat on windows. I tried X-Chat on my girlfriends Intel iMac and it wasn't great. I think the OSX X-server doesn't integrate 100% with the desktop there.
00:04.06jbroomecarl0s-: i think there's an osx native xchat build
00:04.18*** join/#asterisk rowter (
00:04.31jbroomexchat-aqua actually
00:04.36dlynes_laptopjbroome, yeah..i seem to recall seeing one when I was looking for one for windows
00:04.42*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
00:04.56rowtera TE205 card should go green even tho there is no channel configuration right?
00:05.00carl0s-ah. I'll have a look at that when I'm next over there. She's finally got a wireless network again so I can use my thinkpad from now on when I'm there anyway.
00:05.04*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
00:05.07dlynes_laptoprowter, no
00:05.27Kumba_It should quit scrolling if the driver is loaded correctly... right?
00:05.30dlynes_laptoprowter, it'll only go green if you have your zaptel.conf set up, and you've run ztcfg -vvvvvvvvvv
00:05.42rowterdlynes_laptop, it will go red ? if there is no channel config? oohh
00:05.50rowterdlynes_laptop, let me set it up then..
00:05.53dlynes_laptopKumba_, to what do you refer?
00:06.17dlynes_laptopKumba_, what should quit scrolling?
00:06.24Kumba_the lights will quit scrolling once a driver has loaded and correctly found the card...
00:06.29wunderkini think he means the night rider thing
00:06.36Kumba_Yeah, nightrider...
00:06.38dlynes_laptopyeah, correct
00:06.43Kumba_sorry... forgot the technical terms :)
00:06.48Strom_Cdamn you, it was Knight Rider :)
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00:07.02wunderkinok well im not familiar with it
00:07.17Strom_Cam I the only one who actually watched the show? :)
00:07.29Kumba_I watched it... but I was 10...
00:07.33Strom_Cand I was 7
00:07.38droopsi never watched it
00:07.40Strom_Cso you have no excuse :)
00:07.49droopsand im older than strom
00:07.52Kumba_I blame the molten hops and bong residues?
00:08.18dlynes_laptopStrom_C, no...i used to watch it every week
00:08.37dlynes_laptopStrom_C, then david hasselhoff defected and started babewatch
00:08.39Kumba_The only thing I remember from that show was the car and Goliath...
00:08.56*** join/#asterisk carl0s- (
00:09.11dlynes_laptopKumba_, how about the limey?
00:09.13Strom_Cdlynes_laptop: they filmed 'baywatch' in my neighborhood growing up
00:09.20Kumba_Dont remember the limey...
00:09.42Strom_Cdlynes_laptop: i can clearly recall driving down PCH in the morning in february and seeing them running around in bathing suits in the cold
00:09.43dlynes_laptopStrom_C, well, the blond grew up in my neighborhood
00:09.59dlynes_laptopStrom_C, the one that starred in the pr0n with the motley crue guy
00:10.09Kumba_I'm sure i'm about to get a beat-down for asking... but should I even bother with Trixbox when I plan to bring a T1 into one side of my TE205p and put a channel bank on the other? Or should I just start from source?
00:10.14Strom_Cjennifer titsalot?
00:10.17Kumba_dlynes: Pamela Anderson?
00:10.24dlynes_laptopKumba_, correct
00:10.30dlynes_laptopKumba_, she's from down the road
00:10.33Strom_CKumba_: dont bother with trixbox
00:10.38dlynes_laptopKumba_, white rock, bc
00:10.48rowterdlynes_laptop, does asterisk needs to be off ? so ztcfg works correctly?
00:11.02Kumba_Strom: Kewl...
00:11.13dlynes_laptoprowter, do you have loaded?
00:11.33Kumba_So if I go from Source... is CentOS still the linux variant of choice for *?
00:11.37rowterdlynes_laptop,  yeah, I loop the card and it goes green..
00:12.01Strom_CKumba_: ew no
00:12.02dlynes_laptoploop the card?  you mean put a loopback mod end in the port?
00:12.14Strom_CKumba_: you can use whatever distro you like best
00:12.18wunderkindlynes_laptop, you can do a remote loopback now
00:12.19Kumba_I used to use slack before I converted to OBSD...
00:12.20Strom_CKumba_: I happen to like debian
00:12.32dlynes_laptopwunderkin, remote loopback?
00:12.51Kumba_Any preference as far as 2.4/2.6 kernel?
00:12.55dlynes_laptopKumba_, come back into the fray
00:12.57Strom_C2.6 definitely
00:13.03*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (
00:13.08NoRemorsehi all
00:13.14Kumba_is debian a somewhat minimalist install?
00:13.17dlynes_laptopKumba_, yeah...slack 10.2 upgraded to a 2.6 kernel is the total shizzit
00:13.17rowterdlynes_laptop, it was a fisic loop.. set the cables together and it goes green.. but with the E1 it goes blinking..
00:13.22wunderkindlynes_laptop, well maybe im not using the right words but you can remotely loop the csu now
00:13.30Kumba_I go into epilleptic seizures everytime I watch CentOS boot...
00:13.35Strom_CKumba_: you can do a very minimal debian install
00:13.50dlynes_laptopwhatever fisic means
00:15.01dlynes_laptoprowter, anyways...what I would do is shutdown asterisk, make sure your driver is loaded, and then do a ztcfg -vvvvvvvvvv
00:15.14dlynes_laptoprowter, then do a dmesg to make sure you didn't get any errors
00:15.19NoRemorseI am using firefly/IAX as a softphone, and when I call the client, iax2 debug shows the call being rejected by the client due to no compatable codecs, yet the calls etup shows it is trying to use: CODEC_PREFS     : (g729|gsm|ulaw|alaw)    (all codes are ticked in firefly config) any clues please?
00:15.31dlynes_laptoprowter, then make sure your zapata.conf channel configuration matches your zaptel.conf channel configuration
00:15.41dlynes_laptoprowter, then load safe_asterisk
00:15.48Strom_CNoRemorse: what does your iax.conf show?
00:16.02NoRemorseit allows all those codecs
00:16.34NoRemorseI also have an iaxy behind the same nat firewall it works fine
00:17.10*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
00:17.35Kumba_dlynes: I need both slack CD's to install? or is disk 2 the kernel 2.6 version?
00:19.17carl0s-What's the deal with the Molex power connector on the TDM400P? Is it only needed if you have FXS modules, or if you have more than one module, or what. I just though, but I'm sure I didn't connect it up on mine, and it's working (apart from unbearable echo - I can hear myself through my earpeice).
00:19.25*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
00:19.33hadscarl0s-: It's for FXS modules.
00:19.40Kumba_carl0s: My understanding is FXS mod's...
00:19.40Strom_Ccarl0s-: connect it anyway
00:19.48carl0s-hads, thanks
00:19.53carl0s-Strom_C, OK. I will do.
00:19.55*** join/#asterisk awe6 (
00:20.20hadsYeah, like Strom_C said though, connect it as I have sometimes has weird issues when loading modules without it connected.
00:21.37NoRemorseon a different topic I am getting this alot from a client and it then becomes unreachable and re-registers Unknown SIP command 'SI16384P/2.0' from '
00:21.48carl0s-Right. I'll check it in a min. just trying to find an acceptable font for X-Chat/win32.
00:21.56NoRemorsealways the same trash
00:23.25Strom_Csounds like the client has gone bonkers
00:23.57carl0s-jbroome, that's the version I'm using. Thanks though. The other one was the official non-free version.
00:24.01NoRemorseit works apart fromt hat lol
00:24.10*** join/#asterisk jbsolutios (n=jbenson@
00:24.19andrejkwUmm for some reason my PAP2 Line 1 always comes up as "Busy Here". Can someone help?
00:25.18carl0s-jbroome, that nice default font looks all blurry at size 10 on my system. size 9 is too small. I'm using courier normal now but it's a bit thin and badly spaced
00:25.56Strom_Ccarl0s-: Lucida Console
00:26.45Kumba_Mmmm... torrent downloads... *watches his T1 croak*
00:27.00andrejkwOk, I did *60 by accident, how do I undo?
00:27.03carl0s-Strom_C, that's not too bad. thanks :D
00:27.21Kumba_Anyone got any experience with Polycom 301's?
00:27.36NoRemorsecan anyone recomend another iax2 softphone please?
00:27.40jbsolutioshi all - I see that is pointing to
00:28.12jbsolutiosis that intentional?
00:29.22*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
00:31.30Kumba_the span command is span = <card>,<Span>,<Timing>,<coding>,<framing> right?
00:34.08wunderkinthe syntax is in the file..
00:35.13wunderkinit is in file..... omg... watch out
00:36.03Kumba_I dont see it in there... but i'll google around...
00:36.36wunderkin# span=<span num>,<timing>,<line build out (LBO)>,<framing>,<coding>[,yellow]
00:37.34wunderkinthere are also examples in there
00:38.17Kumba_well i've got a trixbox file... doesn't have anything... i'm just trying to get the lights to go green on my card while i'm waiting for slack to download so that I dont have to figure the settings out later :)
00:38.21Kumba_I do appreciate the paste tho
00:38.39Strom_CKumba_: like we said: eewwww trixbox
00:38.45wunderkintrix are for kids!
00:38.55Strom_Calso the lights wont go green unless there's a circuit or a loopback connected
00:38.56Kumba_I know... but ztcfg is still the same... kinda :)
00:39.09Kumba_I have an RBS T1...
00:39.22Kumba_Robbed Bit Signalling...
00:39.32Kumba_Full-Channel T1... ESF/B8ZS...
00:39.48Kumba_It's an existing circuit... I didn't feel like going through the hassle of having a PRI dropped in...
00:39.48Strom_CPRI for the win :)
00:40.14wunderkinspan=1,1,0,esf,b8zs like that i think
00:40.15Kumba_20/20 Hindsight...
00:40.31Kumba_Yeah... that's what i've come up with after your paste :)
00:40.36Kumba_signalling = fxsls
00:40.45Kumba_err that's zapata
00:40.52Kumba_fxsls = 1-24
00:41.17*** part/#asterisk kcortez (n=kcortez@
00:48.40*** join/#asterisk eDIsonxl (
00:52.38carl0s-hmm. interesting. "The first thing to check if you experience echo cancellation with analogue (eg TDM400) cards is that the PSTN loadzone is set correctly. For instance if running in (default) FCC mode, and you are connected to a UK PSTN line, then you *will* observe harsh echo. You will need to change to using UK mode (see TDM400P) in this instance."
00:53.06carl0s-(I'm in the UK. when wctdm loads, it does say it's using FCC something-or-other). I have bad echo on calls out of the TDM400.
00:53.41wunderkini think it means loadzone line in /etc/zaptel.conf
00:54.05carl0s-when I ran genzaptelconf, I did specify "-c uk". but i'll check now.
00:54.24*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (
00:54.37NoRemorsehi all, has the voicemail.conf file format changed between 1.0 and 1.2?
00:54.42carl0s-yup. loadzone = uk. bugger.
00:54.54*** join/#asterisk Druken (
00:54.59carl0s-fxsks=4 ?
00:56.07Drukenif i set nat=yes shouldn't it show a Y in the sip show peers?
00:56.08*** join/#asterisk Splat (
00:57.02Kumba_yay... green lights :)
00:58.43NoRemorsehi all, has the voicemail.conf file format changed between 1.0 and 1.2? logs are saying voicemail box blah not found in config file and it is there...
00:59.19*** join/#asterisk Azrael (
00:59.24Strom_CNoRemorse: man, 1.0 was sooo long ago
01:00.08NoRemorsebut voicemail.conf didnt change did it?
01:00.12wunderkinwell you can check the sample file in /usr/src/asterisk/doc/configs or something like that
01:00.41NoRemorselooks the same :(
01:00.53NoRemorsei'll diff it on the 1.0.11 sample hehe
01:00.55carl0s-"While the TDM400P is certified for many countries, simply specifying the loadzone will not set your card up to suit local line imedences etc. This can lead to echo or bad sound quality even with agressive echo cancelation. "
01:01.23hadscarl0s-: It's probably talking about the OPERMODE parameter when loading the module
01:01.24Strom_CNoRemorse: are you sending it to the right voicemail context?
01:01.25carl0s-sems I need to edit wctdm.c . Can I not just specify a parameter to the module?
01:02.04carl0s-hads, that'd be better. The document I'm reading says I need to edit wctdm.c and recompile. I guess they've made it easier now then?
01:02.16Kumba_two green lights... this is the most fun i've had with this thing all night... (LOL)
01:02.22Kumba_Time for dairy queen
01:02.26NoRemorseahh there are voicemail contexts?!
01:02.53hadscarl0s-: Yes, you can specify the OPERMODE parameter in /etc/modprobe.d/zaptel or /etc/modprobe.conf or whatever it is on $DISTRO
01:03.05carl0s-hads, oh, sorry. I should have carried on reading. You're quite right. The document was telling me to *look* at the source to see the available OPERMODE options
01:03.06NoRemorseis it 400|default or 405,default ?
01:03.09Drukenhas anyone gotten a wip300 connected and working properly on asterisk ?
01:03.24*** part/#asterisk rene- (
01:04.27hadscarl0s-: This is mine: install wctdm /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wctdm opermode=NEWZEALAND boostringer=1 fastringer=1 && sleep 1 && /sbin/ztcfg
01:04.51*** join/#asterisk rene- (
01:05.15carl0s-hads, thanks. I'm just reading about boostringer now.
01:05.27rene-if an agent is logged of when in pause, when it logs back in will it be in paused state?
01:06.04NoRemorseso it is still Voicemail(u400) syntax?
01:06.22wunderkinNoRemorse, that changed recently but you want to specify the vm context there too
01:06.34NoRemorseahhh ok ty
01:07.20NoRemorsedamn still not finding it
01:07.47Strom_CNoRemorse: pastebin your voicemail.conf and the exact error
01:08.17NoRemorseah ok fixed it had wqrong context, NOW.. it is not using my old voice mail reocrdings ?
01:08.55*** join/#asterisk kodok (
01:09.44NoRemorsehmm new vm dir lol
01:11.02NoRemorsethanks guys
01:11.19*** part/#asterisk jbsolutios (n=jbenson@
01:12.35carl0s-YAY. Module 3: Installed -- AUTO FXO (UK mode)
01:13.13carl0s-see how it sounds tomorrow. 2am is too late to be ringing people
01:13.18*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (
01:16.45rene-Qwell you are the acd resident expert, do you know weather an agent that was paused and then logged off from a queue will be in either paused or unpaused state whenever it logs back in??
01:21.09carl0s-has anyone ever seen a miniPCI -> PCI adapter? It's the reverse of the normal PCI->miniPCI adapters. e.g. I want to try a TDM400P in a mini-pci slot
01:22.20rene-carl0s i havent,  i remember looking for them in the past but didnt find nothing, i wanted to do the same that you
01:22.20[andromeda]I guess you can't use the free gizmo PSTN number with asterisk, every time i call in, i see the call on asterisks, but then i get redirected immediately to Gizmo's callwave voicemail
01:23.49carl0s-rene-, oh well. These guys apparently have some interesting miniPCI stuff. miniPCI u160 scsi? :)
01:25.06rene-there are some oscure devices like miniPCI video cards and such,
01:25.18rene-minipci voice cards would surely be cool
01:26.03carl0s-rene-, Junghanns has a miniPCI quadBRI ISDN card which will be available for purchase in less than a month
01:26.27rene-those junghanns guys are cool
01:26.35carl0s-yeh, but no analog stuff :)
01:26.37rene-the gsm stuff is also really cool
01:26.48*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
01:27.22rene-they should do analog, i mean not everybody has fancy isdn bri at home or at their pbx heh
01:27.38*** join/#asterisk gandhijee (
01:27.49carl0s-OH YEAH.
01:29.35rene-those are awesome
01:29.50*** join/#asterisk W9SH (
01:30.25rene-are core duo/solo  mini itx motherboards available?
01:30.36carl0s-I don't know if the miniPCI slot on a WRAP board is PCI 2.2, but if I can get one of those cheap enough I'll be trying my TDM400P on a WRAP embedded board.
01:30.48rene-most centrino motherboards have minipci instead of pci
01:31.41carl0s-rene-, I'm not sure. I'm trying to not use PC hardware hence the WRAP board, but it's only for playing. I think LEX might have had a centrino mini-itx board.
01:31.47dlynes_laptopcarl0s-, yeah, it's PCI 2.2; it's identical to regular PCI, but it only comes in 3.3V
01:32.08dlynes_laptopcarl0s-, there's even miniPCI->PCI and PCI->miniPCI converters
01:32.32rene-but wrap does have full size pci doesnt it? or that was pc engines?
01:32.45hadsOne of the Soekris boards (4801?) has PCI
01:32.52carl0s-dlynes_laptop, cool. well, that miniPCI -> PCI convertor says it gives 2x PCI. 1 @ 3.3v and 1@5v. I don't know if that means the host miniPCI slot needs to be 5v though.
01:33.13carl0s-rene-, I think there might be a WRAP board with a PCI connector on it's edge, but not the one I've ordered.
01:33.15dlynes_laptopcarl0s-, there's no such thing as 5V miniPCI
01:33.43rene-i saw the astlinux guy demo one of those at astricon
01:33.47dlynes_laptopcarl0s-, so it probably uses a transformer to boost up the voltage to 5V
01:34.05carl0s-that's good then. I already knew of the PCI -> miniPCI adapters, but hadn't seen any the other way round for using full size PCI cards from a minPCI slot.
01:34.36Drukenfinally got my WIP300 to register from behind the nat
01:34.36*** join/#asterisk tlow (
01:34.52dlynes_laptopDruken, congrats
01:35.09Drukenthanks :)
01:37.38*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
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01:37.48*** join/#asterisk digime (n=digime@
01:38.16eDIsonxlI am testing on my asterisk box
01:38.49digimeanyone recommend a good incoming local DID provider?
01:38.57eDIsonxlbut when I called , returning 'Forcing Marker bit, because SSRC has changed'
01:39.25eDIsonxlThen I had a one-way audio seesion
01:39.37dlynes_laptopdigime, usually helps if you define 'local'
01:39.49dlynes_laptopdigime, not everybody on here lives in the same city as you
01:39.53eDIsonxlHow could I solve this problem
01:40.19dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, welcome bakdc
01:40.24*** join/#asterisk pdtmobile (
01:40.48digimedlynes_laptop: yes, let me give details: san diego 619 or 858
01:41.13*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (n=ivanfm@
01:48.41eDIsonxlHave anybody met a problem like I described?
01:49.26rene-dlynes_laptop: how expensive is that device, the minipci-pci adapter
01:50.13fileor oom, but I'm not out of memory
01:50.28dlynes_laptoprene-, no idea...never bought one...i don't have any systems with miniPCI slots
01:50.53rene-they are not very commercial
01:52.25[andromeda]hmm, this is the same problem I am experiencing:
01:54.13*** join/#asterisk bitboy (
01:55.05*** part/#asterisk SkramX (
01:55.50bitboyanyone tried predictive dialing in asterisk?  Any suggestions
01:56.37rene-write your own, b) try the opensource ones like gnuidialer and vicidiarler
01:56.50rene-or stuff like sine dialer
01:57.17bitboyvicidialer doesnt seem to have it implemented yet.  I would like to write one...but cant think of algorithm for autodialing
01:57.29rene-well people have been developing those for years
01:58.04rene-but basically it amounts to poll the pbx for connected users,  available users and average call times
01:58.33bitboywithin asterisk though....the idea is to dial a number after the current call ends...but how to do this without closing the channel after first call?
01:58.53rene-well if you only have one channel you cant do predictive
01:59.16rene-predictive dials ahead so you can have ready calls before or at the same time your current call ends
01:59.39rene-if you dial after the current call ends then you are doing what is called progressive
01:59.46rene-or automatic dialer
01:59.56rene-predictive dialer screens for busy signals
02:00.04bitboyah.  Ok then how to do progressive dialing :)
02:00.04rene-fax signals
02:00.23rene-the easiest way would be to use the call files
02:00.32rene-they wont get triggered
02:00.43rene-unless there are available channels
02:02.33bitboybut again...lets say I dial a "1" on my phone...this opens an extension which picks a number from a queue and dials it.  How do I not have the channel close at the end of the call before picking off next number?
02:03.43rene-you want to trigger dialing using AGI
02:04.26bitboyhmm...I guess I better read up on AGI and call files....I have only set up a basic phone network with *
02:04.42rene-real man use manager interface
02:04.50rene-just kidding
02:05.04rene-i think call files are the way to go
02:05.17bitboyOh cool...well thanks for the ideas
02:05.17rene-for progressive
02:05.27rene-your welcome
02:08.50*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
02:12.40Hmmhesaysanyone here good with as5300's?
02:16.38[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I can throw them pretty far.....
02:16.52*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (n=ivanfm@
02:17.27*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
02:17.34shmaltztzafrir ping
02:17.47shmaltztzafrir_laptop ping
02:18.48Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender yeah
02:18.51Hmmhesaysthat doesn't help me
02:19.08*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (
02:19.18NoRemorsehi all, can anyone recomend a decent iax softphone please?
02:19.49wunderkinsoftphones es teh suk
02:20.09NoRemorseyeah, but i still need 1
02:20.10Kumba_softphones... sounds like something from a Skinimax movie...
02:20.35rob0haha, I've got a Linux console-based softphone which does SIP and IAX and call routing.
02:20.55rob0It's called ... asterisk
02:21.01dlynes_laptoprob0, heh
02:21.34Kumba_I got green lights... that's all I care about...
02:21.35*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
02:21.36rob0No kidding, I just set that up on my laptop for that very purpose.
02:21.43Kumba_atleast until this ISO finishes downloading...
02:21.59Kumba_use your sound card as an extension?
02:22.13NoRemorsestupid firefly keeps ringing when I click answer call
02:22.28dlynes_laptopNoRemorse, try ekiga?
02:22.54*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
02:22.59NoRemorsethansk will have a look
02:23.11dlynes_laptopNoRemorse, it only runs on linux, just so you know
02:23.24NoRemorsecanceling link now...
02:23.31Kumba_So green lights on my TE205p means that I have a good circuit? (IE, all that's left is to make asterisk work)
02:23.32*** join/#asterisk fnordus (
02:23.44dlynes_laptopKumba_, correct
02:23.50Kumba_Or can I get green lights and still have a messed up circuit?
02:24.03dlynes_laptopNoRemorse, heh...well that's why it works doesn't run on windoze :)
02:24.15dlynes_laptopKumba_, means all circuits are go
02:24.34wunderkinwell things can still go wrong
02:24.34Kumba_now if I can get this whole asterisk thing to work... i'll be set...
02:24.39dlynes_laptopso if you get asterisk fired up and it doesn't work
02:24.52dlynes_laptopthen that means your zapata.conf is screwed up, usually
02:25.06dlynes_laptopbut you could have hardware issues, too...and green light will mask that
02:25.36Kumba_I guess I crimped my T1 crossover cable right too :)
02:25.39dlynes_laptopzaptel.conf and zapata.conf are not hte same
02:25.43Kumba_good thing... only got 1 connector left
02:26.03Kumba_yeah... but if my zaptel.conf looks good, I can just copy/paste it back in after I format and get rid of trixbox...
02:29.16Kumba_Would I want to set channel 1-24 coming in from my T1 as fxsls in zaptel.conf, and channel 25-48 to fxols that is going out of my TE205p to the channel bank?
02:29.23Kumba_or do I have that backwards?
02:29.23dlynes_laptopyeah....lose that piece of kruft
02:29.52dlynes_laptopKumba_, it depends on what kinda signalling you're using
02:30.06dlynes_laptopKumba_, do you not have disconnect supervision?
02:30.40Kumba_Mmmmmm... disconnect supervision? (not sure exactly what you mean)
02:30.50Strom_C...on a T1?
02:31.06Strom_Ct1 just has to set the supervision bit on again
02:31.27dlynes_laptopStrom_C, he said he's got 24 channels coming in...i figured it was an analog t1
02:31.57Strom_C"analog t1"
02:32.01Kumba_It's esf/b8zs with loopstart...
02:32.20Strom_Cthats like saying digital LP
02:32.25Strom_Cthere's no such thing
02:32.34dlynes_laptopLP?  you mean 33-1/3?
02:32.44Strom_Ctheres CAS T1 and theres PRI, but there's not "analog T1"
02:33.00Kumba_This isn't a PRI...
02:37.04bkw_Strom_C, well if you run FXO or FXS over a T1 what is that called?
02:37.09bkw_like to a channel bank?
02:37.27Strom_CPCM :)
02:37.53Strom_Cthe T1 is digital.  You may have analog inputs and/or outputs, but the T1 itself is digital.
02:38.35Kumba_So... the 23 channels that are coming into the T1 I would want to setup as FXSLS in zaptel.conf?
02:38.38Kumba_err 24
02:39.20Kumba_and the next set of 24 channels that i'm coming out of asterisk and going to the channel bank would be FXOLS?
02:39.48Kumba_or do I set that as FXSLS because I want to send FXSLS out of the channel bank?
02:39.49Strom_CI /think/ you can set your FXS ports on the channel bank to use FXO_KS, but dont quote me on that since I don't remember what I used for the only channel bank job I've ever done
02:40.07Strom_Cmmm, waffle house
02:40.16Kumba_waffle house...
02:40.26Strom_Cscattered covered diced
02:40.30Strom_Cwith tabasco
02:40.34Strom_Cand coffee
02:40.35Kumba_Scattered covered chunked
02:41.03Kumba_vi wafflehouse.conf
02:41.33Strom_Ci think 75% of the reason i like waffle house so much is that I'm nowhere near one
02:42.29*** join/#asterisk }btorch{ (
02:42.50}btorch{hey guys , what's up wioth asterisk and IAX2 ?
02:43.24Strom_C}btorch{: I don't know.  What /is/ up with asterisk and IAX2?
02:43.41}btorch{I got a p4 system which I set that uses iax2 and zap ... I have bought USB headsets and the iax2 to iax2 link is still kind of bad
02:43.53Strom_C}btorch{: which version of asterisk
02:44.38}btorch{the linke from iax2 to zap is not ok either ... some times the connection is ok iax-to-iax and iax-to-zap but other times during the call the other end sounds like a robot talking
02:44.49Strom_C}btorch{: which version of asterisk
02:45.05Strom_Cpastebin your iax.conf files
02:45.10Strom_Cand consider upgrading to 1.2.10 ;)
02:45.27}btorch{I don't think that is it though
02:45.40Strom_Cpastebin your iax.conf files
02:45.45}btorch{what about using sip ? is iax more cpu intensive ?
02:45.50Strom_Cpastebin your iax.conf files
02:46.17}btorch{btwe is offline ?
02:46.18fileStrom_C: keep it gay!
02:46.23*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
02:46.52rob0"Up" is ^^ that way, altho it varies with global position. (My "up" might be down for an Asian.)
02:47.37*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
02:49.35Strom_Clongest pastebin time in the history of pastebin
02:50.01}btorch{on totaly unrelated question is it possible for a user to be registered like this ? 1506/lwaski  (D)  34674
02:50.15Strom_C}btorch{: do you want me to help solve your problem or not?
02:50.25}btorch{that's what iax2 show peers display for this user
02:50.38}btorch{Strom_C: I'm pasting the file
02:50.46Strom_Cit's faster
02:50.51Strom_Ceh is good too
02:51.28filewhip it into shape!
02:51.35Strom_Cshape it up!
02:51.47fileactually I'm in a Rent mood...
02:51.52fileLa Vie Boheme!
02:56.04Strom_CI bet I could play every single one of my Cars albums before }btorch{ pastebins his iax.conf files
02:57.42Strom_Ci dont mind you coming here / and tying up my line / cause when you're dialing oh so near / i hear the tones just fine
02:58.01Strom_Cit's not the buttset that you wear / your thousand feet of twisted pair / i don't mind you coming here / and tying up my line
02:58.11Strom_C[instrumental break]
02:58.37pdthomescattered covered smothered and chunked the occasional diced
02:59.13Strom_Cewww, fake cheese
02:59.58pdthomeit's waffle house for the love of god, it's not like the rest of it is fine dining
03:00.13Strom_Cwell, true
03:00.21Strom_Cbut american cheese is not actual cheese
03:00.38filemmm cheeburger
03:00.45Strom_C}btorch{: that's it/
03:00.50Strom_Cwhere's the rest of it?
03:00.52pdthomeanybody going to cluecon?
03:01.00}btorch{yes the rest of it are extensions
03:01.07*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
03:01.10}btorch{let me add one for you
03:04.42Strom_C}btorch{: how far away are the machines from each other?
03:04.51*** join/#asterisk jzpian (
03:04.52Kumba_Should I do anything special with partitioning the drive? or just swap and the rest as / ?
03:04.54}btorch{well , here is the deal
03:04.57Kumba_for an asterisk server
03:05.37rob0Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.
03:05.59}btorch{when someone call from iax to iax within the office is ok , but now I got a use in japan that talks to me on iax-toiax and sometimes from his iax-to-my home phone
03:06.28}btorch{when he calls me on either sometimes he sounds jitterty
03:06.35Strom_C}btorch{: so its only on calls to japan?
03:06.35}btorch{I hear my echo
03:07.01}btorch{no the problem is that not a lot of people have been using the system so I can't really tell
03:07.11Strom_Cor, specifically, on calls to and from his line?
03:07.28}btorch{but when I first setup the system I used zmonitor to arrive at the correct rx tx rate
03:07.45Strom_C}btorch{: ztmonitor doesnt have a thing to do with iax
03:08.01pdthomeapples and bananas
03:08.06}btorch{I think his end the call quality is ok according to him , on my end is where the problem seems to occur
03:08.09Strom_C}btorch{: if iax-iax calls are fine but its just problems with a single user, i would blame the user's internet connection
03:08.39}btorch{I thought so but when I call from my cell to a user inside the office it s the same
03:09.04Strom_Cok, so when you call from your mobile phone into the pbx, how are you coming in?
03:09.09Strom_Cvia iax?
03:09.29}btorch{if I speak slow that its ok but as soon as I start talking fast my voice starts to break up ton their end
03:09.44Strom_Canswer my questions please
03:09.53}btorch{my asterisk is connected to the PSTN
03:10.08}btorch{goes from my mobile to PSTN asterisk
03:10.14Strom_Cvia IAX, or via a CAS T1, or via PRI, or via POTS?
03:10.27}btorch{phone T1
03:10.50}btorch{I have a digium on my asterisk
03:11.03Strom_Cwhere is the user in relation to the PBX?
03:11.05}btorch{that is plugged into my PSTN PRI  line
03:11.46}btorch{It's a iax user and the user is located in the LAN where the asterisk server is located
03:12.00}btorch{same physiucal bldg
03:12.04Strom_Cwhat kind of station equipment?
03:12.16fileStrom_C: you are far too patient
03:12.18}btorch{P4 2.8Ghz 2Gb
03:12.31Strom_C}btorch{: they're using a softphone?
03:12.40*** join/#asterisk i-ball (
03:12.48Strom_Cbuy your users real phones :)
03:12.56}btorch{hehe tell my boss
03:13.16Strom_C}btorch{: have you run point-to-point pings?
03:13.26Strom_C}btorch{: what kind of variance in latency do you have
03:13.47}btorch{they still have their old crappy siemens PBX with a bunch of siemens phones which gave me a hard time to configure asterisk with that box
03:13.59}btorch{no have not checked on that
03:14.08Strom_Cthat would be a very good thing to test
03:14.26*** join/#asterisk pdtmobile (
03:14.29Strom_Cgo test it for 300 pings and tell me what happens
03:14.36}btorch{I'll check on that meanwhile I'm gona go over my iax.conf file and enable a few things
03:14.45}btorch{can't do that now
03:14.46Strom_Chang on man
03:14.51Strom_Clets work on ONE THING AT A TIME
03:14.57Strom_Cwhat do you mean "cant do that now"
03:15.01Strom_Cits a PING test
03:15.10*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
03:15.15}btorch{you want me to ping a box at my office when I'm there in the LAN tright ?
03:15.29}btorch{I guess I can vpn
03:15.29Strom_Cssh into the asterisk box and run the ping from there
03:15.34DovidDo i need ztdummy for 2.6 kernel ?
03:15.36}btorch{hold on
03:15.41}btorch{doing that now
03:15.53Strom_CDovid: if you have no tdm or t1 card and need timing, then yes
03:16.19Dovideven for 2.6 kernel or only 2.4 ?\
03:16.23}btorch{any special flags for ping besides -c 300 ?
03:16.56*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
03:17.09Strom_C}btorch{: no
03:17.16Strom_CDovid: for both, yes
03:22.00}btorch{ok it's done
03:22.28Qwell"it said..stuff"
03:23.31Strom_C}btorch{: at this point I would probably blame the station equipment.  Try it with an IAXy or something.
03:23.54}btorch{IAXy ?
03:24.11Strom_CDigium S101i IAXy analog terminal adapter
03:24.18}btorch{oh ok
03:24.38Strom_Cwhat codec are you using for your on-network calls?
03:24.45DovidStrom_C: do i need to uncoment ztdummy or just make linux26 ?
03:25.00Strom_CDovid: just make linux26
03:25.09Dovidso make clean
03:25.15Strom_Cmake clean; make install
03:25.21Dovidthen make make linnux26 ?
03:25.24Dovidwhats the ordeR?
03:25.30Strom_Cno no no no no no
03:25.36Strom_Cmake clean; make install
03:25.49}btorch{ulaw, alwa and gsm
03:26.04Strom_C}btorch{: gsm?!  why?
03:26.09Dovidand i still need to oply the cent os bug fix ?
03:26.20Strom_CDovid: YES
03:26.27}btorch{what do you use ?
03:26.37jboti guess centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
03:26.38Strom_C}btorch{: only ulaw for on-net calls
03:27.04}btorch{so on your iax.conf you disable all and only have ulaw ?
03:27.18*** join/#asterisk Telamon (
03:27.26}btorch{what if the call originates from a cell or a regular phone
03:27.34}btorch{doesn't matter ?
03:27.39Strom_C}btorch{: that comes in over your PRI, right?
03:28.41}btorch{yes outside call , but I also have regular digital phone connected to a siemens PBX which is also plugged to my * box over a zap
03:28.58Dovidhow do i finr out my kernel ? uname - ?
03:29.20Strom_C}btorch{: so if its not coming in via iax, what difference does it make?
03:29.30}btorch{when user dial 7 + extension the PBX routes the calls to my * box and that decides what to do according to my dialplan
03:29.45Strom_C}btorch{: the zaptel cards pass everything to your asterisk box as slin anyway
03:29.48TelamonDoes anyone know if IAX2 trunking still has jitter issues?  I want to use it to connect a remote server to my main one (over the Internet, not LAN) where the PRI resides, but I don't want to introduce an echo problem.  The phones will be using SIP to talk to the remote server via the LAN, if that makes a difference.
03:30.02TelamonDovid: uname -a
03:34.16i-ballokay, so I'm reading this
03:34.40i-balland it shows the following:
03:34.58i-balleh.. shows the following as being in musiconhold.conf
03:35.00[andromeda]Just in case if anyone is wondering, this actually works:
03:35.13i-ballrandom => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,-z
03:35.23i-ballwth is "random =>"?
03:37.33*** join/#asterisk cHr1Zt1An (n=cHr1Zt1A@
03:38.07}btorch{Strom_C:  check this
03:38.41i-ballis the author of the tutorial implying that we can put in some random extension in place of "random =>"?
03:38.44Strom_C}btorch{: so?
03:38.57jbothmm... centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
03:39.02}btorch{it chooses gsm automatically ?
03:39.12Strom_Ci-ball: no, thats for musiconhold.conf
03:39.20Strom_C}btorch{: dude, you have to disallow it
03:39.27i-ballbut what does "random =>" mean?
03:39.50hadsi-ball: It's a MOH class
03:40.13i-ballis this covered in the Asterisk: TFOT book?
03:40.22hadserm.. sorry, not quite a class.
03:40.24*** join/#asterisk santiago (i=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
03:40.46hadsi-ball: See the sample musiconhold.conf for a description.
03:42.31i-balllooking in there now
03:42.51*** join/#asterisk fnordus (
03:44.12i-ballmaybe I'm looking in the wrong place but I don't see it in there
03:44.35i-balldoes asterisk put the samples into /etc/asterisk or some other location by default?
03:44.51Strom_Ci-ball: did you do 'make samples' when you installed asterisk?
03:44.56i-ballI found it
03:45.32i-ballah, yeah, it's the one I was looking at already
03:46.00i-ballthe only mention of "random" in there is:
03:46.30DovidStrom_C: can u look at this ?
03:47.12Strom_Cwhat did you type?
03:47.17Dovidmake clean
03:47.25Strom_Cfrom zaptel-1.2.7?
03:47.32TelamonDovid: You have the zaptel source installed somewhere other than /usr/src/zaptel-1.2.7
03:47.51Dovidclean machine
03:48.14TelamonDovid: Do a "ls /usr/src/zaptel-1.2.7" and make sure there is a Makefile in there.
03:48.45Dovidrebooted server
03:48.46Dovidone sec
03:49.13*** join/#asterisk TommyTheKid (
03:50.45TommyTheKidSo, while I am working the "Sangoma" angle at work (we currently have a few digium cards)... I was wondering if its worth my time to setup a 64 bit CentOS network boot and re-install my opteron server to take advantage of 64 bit? is it a major gain in performance?
03:51.05DovidStrom_C: yup there is a mak file
03:51.46Dovidand when i do make I get
03:51.55Strom_CDovid: what distro are you running?
03:51.59mog_homeTommyTheKid: whats wrong with your digium stuff if you dont mind me asking?
03:52.06DovidYou do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.9-34.0.2.ELsmp kernel installed.
03:52.06Dovidmake: *** [linux26] Error 1
03:52.12DovidcentOS 3.4
03:52.13TommyTheKidmog_home: not dense enough?
03:52.16TelamonDovid: Try "make -C /usr/src/zaptel-1.2.7  SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel-1.2.7"
03:52.19Dovidi did the spinlcok.h fix
03:52.28TommyTheKidI am looking at the 8 port card and I want 3+ cards in one server
03:52.31TommyTheKid... I think :)
03:52.39mog_homeyour gonna hit same problems with asterisk
03:52.48mog_homei have heard of yate scaling more cards
03:53.00DovidTelamon: then i get this
03:53.02TelamonTommyTheKid: You might want to look into external channel banks if you are going to have that many PRIs.
03:53.02mog_homebut benchmarks are you usually about the same
03:53.18mog_homei see 2-3 cards in our machines here
03:53.21TommyTheKidhow does an external channel bank help?
03:53.23mog_homei have heard of 5
03:53.27mog_homebut never seen it myself
03:53.35mog_homedigium ones at least
03:53.35Dovidbut i do have kernel sources
03:53.40TelamonTommyTheKid: You can load balance between multiple Asterisk servers.
03:53.45Dovidactually did yum install kernel-devel
03:53.49TommyTheKidoh, I plan to Telamon
03:54.03mog_homeso why do you need 3+ in one machine ???
03:54.17TommyTheKidI want to build 2 Sun X4200's each with as many lines as I can cram into them
03:54.30TommyTheKidconferencing servers
03:54.47TommyTheKidunderstood mog :)
03:54.48mog_homewell doing that i would imagine you get same count
03:54.56*** join/#asterisk shidan (
03:55.07mog_homeesp with our new echo can board ^_^
03:55.15Telamonmog_home: Hey, as a Diguim guy...  Do you know if the jitterbuffer problems with IAX2 trunking have been fixed?
03:55.19mog_homewhich does work in 64 bit machines why the sangoma card doesnt ^_^
03:55.33mog_homedtmf still an issue i believe Telamon
03:55.34TommyTheKidI have read about problems with the digium cards and intel e1000gX ?
03:55.37mog_homeother wise it works
03:56.00russellbTelamon: if you're talking about a timestamps issue, that was fixed last year sometime
03:56.02TommyTheKidnot sure if our specific MB would have it, but that would kill the operation
03:56.45TommyTheKidheh, I am also trying to use Solaris, which is always more fun when it comes to drivers :)
03:57.09Telamonmog_home: Hmm, even if DTMF is sent out of band?  IE, via SIP-INFO?
03:57.10*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
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03:57.15mog_homewhy hurt yourself
03:57.23mog_homedtmf is always out of band in iax2
03:57.23TommyTheKidSun on Sun :)
03:57.28russellbTelamon: that makes no sense ... how is DTMF sent with SIP INFO with IAX trunking?
03:57.40mog_homeissue is to do with way frames are parsed
03:58.10Telamonrussellb: IAX2 version of SIP-INFO.  Basically, in the control headers rather than the RTP packets.
03:58.12TommyTheKid"to fly our own airplanes" .. something about dogfood? I dunno, take your pick, we'd rather run it in Solaris
03:58.23russellbTelamon: there is no RTP in IAX2 ...........
03:58.48mog_homewell TommyTheKid you are gonna have a fun time getting stuff working in solaris no matter which way you go
03:58.54mog_homei heard  someone is porting zaptel
03:59.03mog_homebut only have tdm cards done
03:59.05TommyTheKidyea, saw that
03:59.06mog_homefun as in pain in suffering
03:59.12TommyTheKidi know
03:59.17wunderkinyeah, mog_home is kinky like that
03:59.18Strom_Cpain and suffering doesnt begin to describe it :)
03:59.19russellbmog_home: fun as in not possible
03:59.26mog_homeit could be done
03:59.28mog_homegiven time
03:59.32mog_homebut how legal it would be
03:59.36mog_homethere we get into some fun
03:59.50TommyTheKidI have compiled ast several times, there are "issues" still, but that Joe guy has nice little packages, if a bit out of date :)
03:59.51mog_homea gpl dirivitve driver in a non gpl compat. kernel
04:00.06mog_homeman i cant spell
04:00.24*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
04:00.28TommyTheKidthey have to be re-written from specs I think.. I am no driver devl tho :)
04:00.32shidanWho understands T38 really well here
04:00.42mog_homethere are no specs
04:00.48mog_homethey are writing it from code
04:00.54mog_homeis no other way to do it right now
04:01.02*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
04:01.03TommyTheKidhmm, well like I said, I have no clue, plus we use the te412p's right now
04:01.14TommyTheKidthat was strange..
04:01.21mog_homemmmm octasic echo canceller
04:02.05TommyTheKidwe are hoping that by using the cards with onboard DSP we will be able to get more simultaneous calls
04:02.12Strom_Cfor some reason, it always looks like "Ocasek echo canceller" to me
04:02.14mog_homeyeah a few
04:02.34TommyTheKidI am hoping I can put at least 8 T1s worth into a dual/dual opteron
04:02.35mog_homei mean 30mhz or so goes to echo cancelling
04:02.41TommyTheKid.. using conferencing
04:02.51Kumba_So should I go straight for Kernel Or is asterisk not stable with it?
04:03.10mog_homeasterisk has very little to do with linux kernel Kumba_
04:03.15mog_homeuse whats stable
04:03.34TommyTheKidwas hoping for 12-16 but got advice against it for IRQ issues? (which I am not sure how there could be with 4 CPUs) :)
04:03.46Strom_C16 cards?!
04:04.10TommyTheKid4 cards (or 2 x 8 porters if I went non-digium)
04:04.10iPBXwhere can i find the wav or gsm for the ring sound?
04:04.29TommyTheKidisnt the ring generated?
04:04.37Strom_CiPBX: it's generated; it's not a sound
04:04.40mog_homeits generated
04:04.46mog_homeyou can do a monitor of it
04:04.56mog_homeand sounds.txt in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
04:05.01mog_homesays what all the files are
04:05.20TommyTheKidas with every question I see here... what are you trying to accomplish, if you want to change it, I think thats quite possible
04:05.36iPBXany way to turn the ring volume down/
04:05.44Strom_CiPBX: why?
04:05.53iPBXi noticed that the ring volume on the system is about twice as load as the ring sound i get from my telco
04:06.06Strom_CiPBX: whats your connection to the telco like
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04:06.30SkramX*anyone* making it to HOPE?
04:06.36TommyTheKidis there something like a PRI over T3?
04:06.48Strom_CTommyTheKid: PRI is not inherently T1
04:06.57Strom_CTommyTheKid: you can do a 671B+D
04:06.58mog_homei mean you can get a t3
04:07.13mog_homeand an adtran multiplexer to break out to 28 t1s if you want
04:07.19TommyTheKidessentially I am using a back-to-back connection (T1-cross) from the corp PBX
04:07.26iPBXi have IAX service. When I call my #, I hear 1 ring by the telco, then my PBX picks up, the rings i hear from the PBX are twice as loud as the Telco Ring
04:07.50iPBX(quiet) ring... (loud) ring... (loud) ring... (loud) ring...
04:08.16Strom_CiPBX: are you supervising before the pbx rings?
04:08.25TommyTheKidhave it answer and say "I am trying that extension now... (jeapordy music) ....." :)
04:08.44mog_homewell i have to go to work tommorrow
04:09.04*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (
04:09.05NoRemorsehi all
04:09.06Kumba_i'm still at work :(
04:09.06iPBX4 second delay before autoattendant answers
04:09.16NoRemorseI am using the DISA function to allow indials to 'call the extension of the party if they know the extension number" etc, and it all works fine, but I get 2 CDR records with the same uniqueid, which is playing havoc with my rating software. can anyone suggest how to cancel the first CDR from the dialplan?
04:09.16Strom_CiPBX: are you supervising
04:09.25iPBXi guess that's a yes
04:09.47iPBXyes, the call is answered by the PBX immediately when recieved
04:09.47Strom_CiPBX: or are you passing a "ringing" message
04:10.04Strom_Cso there should be no telco-side ringing at all then
04:10.17iPBXthere's 1 ring before the call get's thru to me
04:10.28iPBXsometimes it's half a ring
04:10.29Strom_CiPBX: what bonkers iax provider are you using
04:10.31i-ballthe sample file for musiconhold.conf is completely outdated
04:11.04Strom_Cthats extremely odd
04:11.19Strom_Ci havent had voicepulse do that on my number
04:11.29iPBXthat's even more disturbing, a ring that's 1/3rd quiet and 2/3's loud
04:11.46iPBXand the ring is 1.5 times normal length
04:12.05iPBXthere's some delay getting the call from the telco to voicepulse
04:12.06Strom_CiPBX: whats the number
04:12.09shidanIve had that happen to me too but only when using freepbx
04:12.13Strom_CiPBX: let me call it
04:12.19Strom_CiPBX: are you using freepbx?
04:12.44iPBXyep, nm
04:12.52Strom_Coh god
04:13.00Strom_Cwhy can no one ever read the damned topic
04:13.05Strom_Cwhy why why why why
04:13.11iPBXi know the topic
04:13.12TommyTheKidsettle :)
04:13.40iPBXi asked the same question there...
04:14.01iPBX<iPBX> where can i find the wav or gsm for the ring sound?
04:14.02iPBX<iPBX> /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/????
04:14.02iPBX<N3GLV> should be in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds or something like that
04:14.07iPBXthat was the sum of the response
04:14.10iPBXand it was even wrong
04:14.11shidanwell why dont u paste bin the console during a call
04:14.32iPBXnumber is 207 321 5063 if you still wanna hear it
04:14.37shidananyone here worked with t38 before?
04:14.44Strom_Cmy guess is that all that bonkers stuff freepbx has to do before it even gets to the answer() is delaying and causing the ring
04:15.00iPBXStrom_C that very well could be...
04:15.20Strom_CiPBX: seriously, dude....get rid of freepbx
04:15.26Strom_Clearn asterisk :)
04:16.36jbot[centosbug] a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
04:16.54iPBXi know asterisk pretty well actually. I use it because i do alot of installs... every different client wants things to work differently. freepbx lets me do everything i want in about an hour's setup...
04:17.09iPBXand generally everything works very well
04:17.10Strom_CiPBX: ewwww
04:17.32iPBXplus i'm a coder and some of my code is in freepbx :-D
04:18.07shidanfreepbx is much better now than it used to be
04:18.19iPBXi've done plain old asterisk installs before... sometimes would take me days to get it all working right
04:18.32iPBXi don't think i've done a setup since that's taken me more than 2 hours
04:18.46Strom_CiPBX: usually doesnt take me very long at all to get plain old asterisk working exactly as the client wants
04:19.13TommyTheKidSo, I am having a problem that I am not sure how to "solve" .. When I add a "user" (an extension) I endup having to add an IAX entry (for IAX soft phones), a SIP entry for SIP soft phones, and SIP entries for every hard phone that may be associated with them (2 for my boss). People have already had problems with having more than one soft phone running.. one at work, one on laptop for example. The way I am handling it currently (adding a new
04:19.15Strom_CiPBX: and I find that freepbx severely limits flexibility
04:19.48Dovidhow do i do the oposite of modprobe zaptel ?
04:19.54Strom_Crmmod zaptel
04:19.57iPBXzaptel modprobe
04:20.06Dovidreally ?
04:20.11Strom_Crmmod zaptel
04:20.13TommyTheKidlsmod rmmod modprobe
04:20.18*** join/#asterisk godsmoke (
04:20.19iPBXrm /* -rf
04:20.38iPBXsorry... couldn't resit
04:20.42iPBXdon't try that command
04:21.22TommyTheKidI freaked out my PBX when I installed a new zaptel earlier today, I didn't realize it was going to try to replace the driver live
04:21.57iPBXi assume you mean it wouldn't take you long to setup the a POAS (plain old asterisk system??) because you aren't talking about writing out all the conf's by hand... you use some kind of generic template to start with right?
04:22.14Strom_CiPBX: I write it all out by hand
04:22.38TommyTheKidI started from the "make samples" actually... its not that bad, once you get a "system" going
04:22.58shidanstrom sounds like pretty simple systems if they are that easy
04:23.09Strom_Cthere's beauty in simplicity
04:23.14TommyTheKidI actually really make use of include's .. you can use wildcards so something like users/*.conf is handy ;)
04:23.42TommyTheKidjust copy a file and change the name/ext/etc and you have a new user
04:23.55TommyTheKid(well XXX reload obviously
04:25.21bkw_that doesn't scale at all
04:25.28bkw_once you reach a point it will take too long to reload
04:25.35bkw_and the system will go nutz
04:25.42iPBXthat's fine if they only need a simple system... i get people that want every feature under the sun...
04:26.10Strom_CiPBX: so its your job as a consultant to figure out what they really need and what they will never use
04:26.40iPBXi have trouble selling them if they can't do everything a traditional standard off the shelf PBX can do
04:27.08TommyTheKidyeah, so that goes back to my indication that I was having trouble routing the call from one extension to several different possibilities of the user being logged in
04:27.39TommyTheKidI need some way for them to just have one SIP and one IAX account and if they are registered with 3 devices, it rings all three
04:27.51DovidStrom_C: can u look at this ?
04:28.15godsmokeudev not set up properly?
04:28.24godsmoke(to Dovid)
04:28.33Dovidudev is ?
04:28.38TommyTheKidi can do the sip part by frontending chan_sip with something like ser, but that adds yet another layer of complexity
04:29.00godsmokeDovid: too complicated to explain here -- wikipedia it if you like -- but there's a README.udev in the source dir for zaptel
04:29.02iPBXnice chat Strom_C, thx for the insight
04:29.21Kumba_I just want a dial tone :)
04:29.51iPBXI just want a fat white woman, but i think you'll have more luck getting what you want here Kumba_
04:30.17Kumba_although, i'm sure there are fat white women on IRC...
04:30.21iPBXany single fat white women?
04:30.30iPBXin Maine?
04:30.51iPBXIs there an asterisk PhoneSex mod?
04:31.12*** join/#asterisk Dico_ (n=niko@
04:31.59iPBXlol #include "handcuffs.h"
04:32.13russellbi have app_ohbabyohbaby.c
04:32.23russellbdidn't think it was appropriate to submit back to the community
04:32.53*** join/#asterisk CoderCR (
04:33.00Kumba_I wonder when someone's gonna write some games you can play on the phone with the softkeys...
04:33.24*** part/#asterisk CoderCR (
04:33.27Kumba_I could look busy as hell playing a mean game of SipSolitare...
04:33.36TommyTheKidi wish someone would write app_iax for the polycom phones so I could turn off SIP :)
04:33.47*** part/#asterisk SkramX (
04:33.53russellbKumba_: there are some already ...
04:34.15russellbi wrote one over a year ago, don't know where it is now
04:34.24russellband there is a blackjack app to demo the speech recognition stuff
04:34.33Kumba_Port zelda to asterisk... lol :)
04:34.33iPBXcall 1800 555 TELL and say BlackJack at the main menu for IVR BlackJack w/ Voice Recognition
04:34.55Strom_CiPBX: their network engineer is my good friend :)
04:35.50iPBXcool... i've known that number for about 4 years now I think? I'm not on the road much anymore, but when I was travelling all over the states, i used to use it for driving directions religiously
04:35.59iPBXi mostly use it to listen to the AP news updates now
04:36.27iPBXi did actually play blackjack for a bit today :-p
04:36.39iPBXgod i'm such a loser
04:37.04Strom_Ci first used 800-555-TELL in...2000?
04:37.20iPBXi think it was about 2002 for me, but i'm not sure
04:37.56iPBXaround that time anyways. i was working for a interconnect at the time... they had me drving everywhere
04:38.54TommyTheKidblackjack is cool
04:39.02iPBXat one time i could punch down a whole 25 pair cable in 1 min 45 seconds
04:39.16Strom_CiPBX: recite the color code
04:39.19iPBXon to a 66 block
04:39.38iPBXand the inside
04:39.42Strom_C....and the others?
04:39.55TommyTheKidas in the voice recognitian and sound quality was good
04:39.58Dovidgodsmoke: i did what the file told me and still having issues
04:40.04iPBXtook me a second, i had to think
04:40.09godsmokeDovid: the same issues, or different ones?
04:40.19godsmokethen ask someone else
04:40.19Strom_CiPBX: who the hell told you it was "purple"?
04:40.21Dovidbut if i do it again it goes thru
04:40.29iPBXviolet w/e
04:40.31Strom_CiPBX: violet :)
04:40.47iPBXi remember purple because of the acronym while running backwards you puke
04:40.47Dovidmeaning i do modprobe ztdummy and get error
04:40.53Dovidand i do it again and it goes
04:41.07Strom_CiPBX: i heard it as "Why run backwards?  You'll vomit!"
04:41.15iPBXyea, puke and vomit
04:41.25Strom_Cah, telco humor :)
04:42.23*** join/#asterisk surfdue (n=surfdue@unaffiliated/surfdue)
04:42.35iPBX1:45 sec on a 66 block, i could do a 110 or bix block in 1:10
04:42.36surfduehow do I check what time it is if its after 10pm est for example go to message machine
04:42.47Strom_Csurfdue: gotoiftime()
04:43.12iPBXof course that was just if i was challenging another tech... generally on site, I took my time to make sure it was perfect
04:43.13surfduethank you
04:44.02iPBXnothing more annoying when you terminate the cabling with a few flipped pairs, then you go to hook up the phone system a few weeks later and something doesn't work, and it's like wtf
04:44.30iPBXmore annoying when some other tech does that, and doesn't leave the slack to fix it
04:44.38surfdueStrom_C, the internet broke
04:44.44*** part/#asterisk TommyTheKid (
04:44.52Strom_Csurfdue: what?
04:44.59surfdueStrom_C, the internet is down
04:45.08surfduegood says they are merging databases
04:45.13surfdueif google is down the world is down
04:45.21iPBXit's ok, I just finally finished reading the internet today
04:45.23iPBXnothing more to see
04:45.30hadsI hate it when the Internet is down.
04:45.33godsmokeright, like when cogent and l3 had their bitchslapping cotest
04:45.44surfduecan you explain Strom_C what the function is please, im not kidding i cant get to anywhere :/
04:46.04*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
04:46.09iPBXit must be Al Gore's fault...
04:46.17godsmokeit was
04:46.38godsmokeviruses, worms, spyware, and identity theft are also his doing
04:46.41surfduestupid people
04:46.42konfuzedhey can these skype phones be configured to use a login from an asterisk server ?
04:46.43surfduenot you
04:46.47godsmokeI see no reason why we shouldn't lock him up
04:46.49surfduethe internet is a series of tubes
04:47.06surfdueif someone comes and puts alot into the tubes it blocks it for the rest of us
04:47.06iPBXthat would be weird if he won the next election for president... i mean we'd have the inventor of the internet, as president... how cool would that be?
04:47.19iPBXtax breaks for the more time you spend on the net
04:47.24surfdueal gore invented the net?
04:47.36godsmokedon't you know anything?
04:47.41surfdueno really?
04:47.45surfdueyour fucking kidding me :/
04:47.47iPBXal gore invented the internet
04:47.51iPBXyou didn't know that?
04:47.54surfdueno one invented the internet
04:47.59surfdueit was started as a college project
04:48.03konfuzedno no no no no really Al Gore had nothing to so with the invention of the internet
04:48.09iPBXal gore did
04:48.12surfdueno lies
04:48.17surfduei dont belive you
04:48.19godsmoketest it out for yourself
04:48.24surfdueim smarter then that i was in the college
04:48.25surfduewhen they did it.
04:48.39surfduei had one of the firt 26k modems
04:48.42surfdueits not al gore
04:48.59godsmokedirect quote:
04:49.01konfuzedthe internet is merely TCP/IP with routing tables
04:49.03godsmokeAl Gore: "I took the initiative in creating the Internet."
04:49.09konfuzedtimes as many computers running it
04:49.20konfuzedor dedicated computers called routers
04:49.39surfduewell just explain to me the gotoiftime function please
04:49.43surfduecuase al gores internet is dead
04:50.12surfdueoh i got to voip info
04:50.37konfuzedmore importantly , is there any hacks out there for using a skype phone to login to asterisk
04:51.09docelmoNo cause skype isnt SIP
04:51.57docelmoerr skype doesnt support sip they are proprietary
04:52.49surfdueim so confused
04:53.47surfdueis that right/
04:53.51surfdue10am - 8pm
04:53.55konfuzedso not to be presumptious, does Asterisk support the protocols or technology used by Skype??
04:54.05hadskonfuzed: No
04:54.25konfuzedok but take the usb skype phone and flash it to run a something like pc-phoneline code
04:54.37konfuzedor just embedded linux or something
04:54.56surfdueexten => 18006170141,1,GotoIfTime(10:00-20:00|mon-frii|*|*?open,s,1)
04:54.56iPBXanyone know the name Leonard Kleinrock ?
04:54.59konfuzedits just a phone set with a usb cable and a processor isnt it
04:55.00surfduewhats ?open mean?
04:55.08iPBXanyone ever heard of him?
04:55.23iPBXi went to UCLA and studied under him
04:55.29iPBXhe's a professor there, look him up
04:55.45surfdueexten => 18006170141,1,GotoIfTime(10:00-20:00|mon-frii|*|*?open,s,1)  << whats ?open mean ?
04:56.10iPBXfirst person to look up Leonard Kleinrock on google and tell me why he's important gets a cookie
04:56.10russellbsurfdue: open is the context
04:56.18russellbit's the same as any other goto in asterisk ....
04:56.20surfduecan i jsut take it off
04:56.22i-ballyeah, what's up with the |?
04:56.31i-ballDo those just replace the comas?
04:56.55hadsi-ball: Yes you can use | or ,
04:56.57russellbi-ball: yes, asterisk actually replaces commas with pipes '|' before processing
04:57.02russellbthough | is really the standard
04:58.51konfuzedbang !
04:59.05i-ballyeah, they really need to update the book
04:59.14iPBXi guess since no one cares who Professor Kleinrock is, I'll tell... He did almost all of the early development for ARPANET... the predecessor to USENET... he's credited as having the FIRST node on the internet
04:59.15Dovid~seen Dovid
04:59.17jbotdovid is currently on #asterisk. Has said a total of 49 messages. Is idling for 2s, last said: '~seen Dovid'.
04:59.22*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
04:59.30docelmo~seen my_butt
04:59.33jbotdocelmo: i haven't seen 'my_butt'
04:59.37iPBX~seen my_penis
04:59.38jbotiPBX: i haven't seen 'my_penis'
04:59.38*** part/#asterisk krisguy (
05:00.01*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:00.32Dovid~seen sean2222
05:00.34jbotDovid: i haven't seen 'sean2222'
05:00.36Dovid~seen shaun2222
05:00.38jbotshaun2222 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 29d 9h 42m 22s ago, saying: 'does it require vontage or can i use it to connect via sip to my asterisk server'.
05:00.53docelmo~seen docE
05:00.54jbotdoce <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 11h 56m 54s ago, saying: 'whadup'.
05:01.10}btorch{is there a way that on a dialplan context to have say exten => 2,1,.... and also a exten => _1XXX,1,...  and not allow it to go two 2 when a user calls press 1244
05:01.21iPBXfrom now on| I think I'll replace all my commas with pipes| i mean| i don't think it'll be that confusing| atleast now in this channel| right?
05:01.38surfdueyay it works
05:01.42iPBXomg i'm tired.... l8r folks
05:01.46}btorch{I'm calling my system and I go through a menu and on that menu context I have an extension for 2 and also _1XXX
05:01.47surfduenow how do i set my voicemailbox 200 to a new message
05:01.52Dovidcan some one help me with this again ?
05:01.54surfdueinstead of the person at extension bla..
05:02.10_Vilehmm I'm in a while on an ast_waitfor(chan, -1) with an fr = ast_read(chan) and an if below that on if(fr->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) and it's just looping, never detecting that frametype -- any thought on what could cause that?
05:02.12Dovidsirfdude: log in to ur boz
05:02.15Dovidsirfdude: log in to ur vm box
05:02.17surfdueim in
05:02.26surfduei have a gsm
05:02.28}btorch{some times when I press 12XX its like it doesn't see the 1 but just the 2XX
05:02.30*** join/#asterisk fnordus (
05:02.30surfduei mean mp3.
05:02.33surfduei have an mp3
05:02.35Dovidexten => 888,1,VoicemailMain
05:02.51Dovidexten => 888,1,VoicemailMain(@context)
05:03.09Dovidcan anyone help with ???
05:03.55surfduecan I use an mp3?
05:04.34Dovidbut u have to convert it to gsm file and rename the file that is there now with ur gsm file (that was an mo3)
05:04.46surfduewhere is it
05:04.53surfduethe file taht says where yor recording is
05:04.54Strom_Cyou dont have to use gsm
05:04.59Strom_Cyou can use wav of slin
05:05.29surfdueStrom_C, i did have a question aswell i think you may know anyone else feel free to help, I have 20mb/s toll free => asterisk => pap2
05:05.33surfduei get alot of in and out
05:05.38surfduelike its trying to cancel echo
05:05.43surfduehow can I disable this?
05:06.05Strom_Csurfdue: i'll be able to answer your question once you actually phrase it such that it makes sense
05:06.17DovidStromC: can u look at my paste bin ?
05:06.28surfdueStrom_C, im sorry sir. Can you call my number and list what it sounds like?
05:06.54surfduewait it wont work cause I change the extensions
05:07.01surfdueStrom_C, basically its going in and out for some reason
05:07.11Strom_Csurfdue: what do you mean "going in and out"?
05:07.22surfduelike works then doesnt everyother second
05:07.34Strom_Csurfdue: put it back the way it was and let me dial it
05:07.43_Vilesounds like cpu or jitter
05:07.54_Vilelatency issues maybe
05:08.13Strom_CDovid: what version of linux
05:08.21Strom_CDovid: what distro, rather
05:08.22i-ballThe free one.
05:08.25surfdueok call
05:08.30DovidStrom_C: Cent OS 4.3
05:08.41surfdue_Vile, anything can help im on 1 gb proc and duel athlon
05:10.00surfduetry now Strom_C sorry
05:10.09surfdueit just dosnt wanna work
05:11.10Strom_Csurfdue: jitter
05:11.15surfdueok how do i fix that?
05:11.21Strom_Csurfdue: you fix your network
05:11.27surfdueim sorry sir
05:11.51surfduei dont know what you want me to do
05:11.58Strom_Csurfdue: what kind of connection is the asterisk box on
05:12.03surfdueStrom_C, 20mb/s
05:12.13Strom_Cok, who is providing your number
05:12.28surfduewe are outputting a mier 0.38 KB/s of that 20mb
05:12.53Strom_Cwhat happens when you try a different provider?
05:13.53DovidStom_C: any idea ?
05:15.00Strom_CDovid: i dont know.  centos is garbage.  use something else.
05:15.13Dovidmachine is in dedicated center
05:15.18Dovidnever had this issue b4
05:15.39Strom_CDovid: well reinstall the OS or replace the machine or learn how the hell to use linux
05:15.53*** join/#asterisk __flag__ (n=__flag__@
05:16.26Kumba_zaptel is installed... again... and I got green lights... go me...
05:17.07godsmokeif I used SetMusicOnHold correctly, and then use "m" in a Dial command -- is there any explanation for why the music would work fine while on hold, but not during the ringing time?
05:21.12Kumba_Think a 2.4ghz Machine with 1gb Ram can handle 18 lines and 8 phones?
05:21.22Strom_CKumba_: easily
05:22.16*** join/#asterisk brut- (n=brut@
05:22.44brut-question: can asterisk play a straight mp3 or does it still have to be converted as of release 1.2.10?
05:22.59Kumba_for future reference, if I want to add a module to asterisk, does that normally require recompiling? or does asterisk just link to it as an external module?
05:23.19Strom_CKumba_: what do you mean "module"?
05:23.36Kumba_Like if I want to add a web-based receptionist console...
05:23.51jboti guess centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
05:23.54Strom_Cyou mean FOP?
05:23.57Kumba_like flash panel or something
05:24.02Strom_Cyou dont need to recompile for that
05:24.07Kumba_ok... good...
05:24.09Strom_Cthat uses the manager interface
05:24.16*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
05:25.07Kumba_Will I need to recompile if I plan on using SQL instead of hard files for the dialplan/etc?
05:25.19Strom_Cno, dont think so
05:25.23Kumba_Or is that loaded at runtime?
05:25.40*** join/#asterisk sponix (
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05:26.43Kumba_And would you guys recommend MySQL or Postgre? (or does it not matter?)
05:27.06surfdueStrom_C, never tried
05:27.07hads|hometext files are good :)
05:27.17Strom_Csurfdue: try it
05:27.22surfdueStrom_C, like who?
05:27.48Kumba_hehe... installed the P4 thermal notification on this kernel compile... and it keeps beeping that the CPU is too hot... guess i'll hafta fix that :)
05:27.49Strom_Csurfdue: i dont know, voicepulse connect?
05:28.22shidanKumba you wouldnt use a module for a web based console
05:28.49Kumba_shidan: well I dont know what i'd use for a web based console... it's all new... :)
05:28.57Strom_Csurfdue: no, you have to pay
05:29.00shidanyoud use the manager api
05:29.02surfdueoh :(
05:29.08surfdueStrom_C, who can i test for free?
05:29.13Strom_Csurfdue: for god's sake, it's FIVE DOLLARS
05:29.20shidanits a simple telnet interface
05:29.20Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
05:29.27brut-oh, aha, its in the readme
05:30.58*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
05:30.59Strom_Csurfdue: or set up an account that I can dial into
05:31.42brut-so with format_mp3 compiled in, you can use mp3's running in 8kz mode in the moh application?
05:32.03*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
05:34.13}btorch{anyone here uses meetmet ?
05:34.24Strom_C}btorch{: I use meetme
05:35.12}btorch{for some wierd reason when I dial a conf number and join it musicon hold starts play like 2 seconds and then stops
05:35.38}btorch{my music on hold is all default stuff
05:36.11*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
05:36.31Strom_CSkramX: no, I will not make a FWD number for my conference bridge :)
05:37.27SkramXStrom_C: right on
05:37.31SkramXpfft, IAX would be better
05:37.33SkramXim there now
05:37.40Strom_Cyou're on?
05:37.41SkramXim trying to get a wraspy voice so I can say "Hey big boys"
05:37.49Strom_Coh just talk
05:37.56SkramXi shall
05:39.57}btorch{Strom_C:  what you use to play the mp3 files ?
05:40.22}btorch{you are using 12.x ?
05:40.44Strom_Csorry, forgot it was 2018
05:40.56Strom_Cyes i'm using 1.2.x
05:41.07Kumba_In zapata.conf, if I set signalling = fxsls, all associated groups (as you go line-by-line down the file) will be set-up using that signalling, till I define another type, and then all groups below that second type will inherit the second signalling type... right?
05:41.20Strom_CKumba_: yes
05:41.35Kumba_ok... :)
05:41.57*** join/#asterisk timscott (
05:42.02timscotthai i m a nub plz halp
05:42.35Strom_Ctimscott: i think you want #freepbx
05:44.55Kumba_YAY! I got dial tone...
05:46.28Strom_CKumba_: awesome
05:46.59Kumba_Now I just need to get asterisk to hook the channel bank up to the outside T1...
05:47.14Kumba_temporarily... till I can get these polycom's working right, and dialplans done, and etc...
05:48.17Kumba_what would you suggest is the easiest way to have anything from Channel 25 sent to channel 1, and vica-versa?
05:49.31Strom_Cso wait, you just want to have each channel ring an individual station?
05:50.39Kumba_well... since it's 2am, i'm tired, and I think i've accomplished enough learning/brain meltdown... I just want to make asterisk be a pass-through...
05:50.58Kumba_so that channel 1 is passed through to channel 25... and vica-versa...
05:51.11*** part/#asterisk timscott (
05:51.20Kumba_Since I dont feel like learning IVR/extensions/etc...
05:51.58Kumba_but I did verify that I get tone from my channel bank now... and that I can call asterisk and it picks up... so that's good...
05:52.06Strom_CKumba_: don't you have DNIS?
05:52.20Strom_Cdialied number identification service
05:52.34*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
05:52.44Strom_Cdialied number identification service
05:53.10_Vilesimilar concept, the switch you are talking to wil tell you the number *dialed*
05:53.16hads|homeThe number someone dialed to get through to you.
05:54.23_Vilerequires cas/e&m wink or a pri
05:54.36_Vilethere's a few other standards that use it too'
05:54.43_Vilebut those are the most common
05:55.05Kumba_Dont have none of that...
05:55.24Strom_CKumba_: barbaric
05:55.26Kumba_I know...
05:55.30_Vilekumba, what's your setup?
05:55.50_Vilei saw channel bank
05:55.55Kumba_TE205p... one span has a full T1 coming into it... the other span outputs to a channel bank..
05:55.56_Vileand loopstart above i think
05:56.15Kumba_I have verified that I get dial tone from the channel bank... and I can call in and here the asterisk example set-up
05:56.41_Vileso you have #s assigned to each channel on the bank
05:56.50Kumba_now since I dont have dial plans/etc ready to go yet...
05:56.55_Vileerr each channel on the t1
05:57.06Kumba_the T1 originally just plugged into the channel bank
05:57.28Kumba_I believe it used RBS... which is pretty basic...
05:57.31Kumba_or... barbaric...
05:58.07Kumba_I guess i'm just trying to shortcut it too much :)
05:58.21Strom_CKumba_: each channel has a separate number associated with it?
05:58.47Kumba_Each incoming channel from my provider has a phone number... (well 18 do, the other 6 aren't connected to anything on their end)
05:58.56Kumba_but I have a full 24 channels coming in...
05:59.04Kumba_Jul 19 01:54:21 WARNING[12400]: chan_zap.c:3922 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 9
05:59.06Strom_Cdear god, it's 1978 again
05:59.24Kumba_What do you think that error is from?
05:59.33Strom_Cbeats me
05:59.34benjkcan somebody please tell me their zaptel rules in /etc/udev/rules.d
06:00.13benjkfor some reason the rules disappeared
06:00.40benjkseems to be volatile
06:00.50benjksecond time this happened after a reboot
06:01.18Kumba_I guess to do it right, I need to assign each channel on the Channel bank an Extension... and then set the routing of that extension to go to a channel on the T1... and then set the incoming routing for each channel on a T1 to go to a specific extension on the channel bank...
06:01.23Kumba_but DAMN that sounds like work :(
06:02.44benjkcan somebody please do grep -r zap /etc/udev/rules.d/* and tell me what it returns
06:02.53Strom_CKumba_: please do yourself a favor and at least convert it into a hunt group with DNIS
06:03.14Strom_Cbenjk: it returns dead hookers
06:03.19_Vilehe can't w/ ls
06:03.21Snake-Eyesis there a better way to grab real time cdr's other than using Asterisk Manager? eg some AGI script
06:03.38_Vilefor each channel
06:03.43_Vilein zapata.conf
06:03.57_Vileyou need a context
06:04.04benjkif you are running a 2.6 kernel and you have a zaptel device, you will have to have rules in /etc/udev
06:04.19Kumba_benjk: I sent it to you in message
06:04.31benjkyes saw it thanks a lot
06:05.06_Vilebuild in your extensions.conf
06:05.09_Vilethose contexts
06:05.52_Vileuse [t1_1]
06:05.56_Vileexten =>s,1,Dial(Zap/25)
06:06.03_Vileexten =>s,1,Hangup
06:06.18_Vilecopy/paste a bunch of times
06:06.33_VileZap/26 for t1_2
06:06.35_Vileget it?
06:07.47Kumba_mmmm... so all my incoming channels I set the context as t1_<chan>... like t1_1, t1_2, t1_3...
06:07.51*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:08.05Kumba_what exactly does setting the context like that accomplish? (just so I can understand)
06:08.10_Vileand build contexts for those t1_1, t1_2, etc
06:08.19_Vileit'll route that first channel to t1_1
06:08.22_Vilein [t1_1]
06:08.27_Vileyou will then dial zap/25
06:08.37_Vilewhich is the first channel on the t1 going to your channel bank
06:09.00Kumba_so in extensions I will have [t1_1] with the dial plan to go to chan 25?
06:09.20Kumba_and then I would need to do the same thing for the second T1... but in reverse...
06:09.31Kumba_so when channel 25 picks up, it send it to channel 1...
06:09.35Strom_CKumba_: seriously dude....DNIS
06:09.42_Vileyeah dnis is easier
06:09.55*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
06:09.57Kumba_well... I could wait a few weeks and get a PRI too...
06:10.04Kumba_then I could set CID as well...
06:10.08_Vilekumba, yes you will need to play with that
06:10.35_Vileoutbound, you could do a macro.. or something to save code
06:11.09_Vileif you don't care what channel it comes out on for outbound
06:11.20_Vilethen using callgroups would make life easier for you
06:11.22Kumba_I could just hook the channel bank back to the T1
06:11.29_Vilethat's easiest
06:11.41Kumba_go home... finish my 6-pack... and play dead :D
06:11.51Kumba_damn straight...
06:13.07_VileI'm in a wait on an ast_waitfor(chan, -1) with an fr = ast_read(chan) and an if below that on if(fr->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) and it's just looping, never detecting that frametype -- any thought on what could cause that?
06:17.46Kumba_I'd love to help but i'm still mastering the complexities of channels :)
06:18.46*** join/#asterisk fnordus (
06:24.11Kumba_hey vile... to use that context method you used... would I want to set group 1 (t1_1), and group 2 (t2_2) as call/pickup groups?
06:24.56SkramXStrom_C: people still on your conferencia?
06:30.13_Vilekumba, you could, just not sure how it'd help you..
06:32.25Kumba_ok... each zap channel has a context...
06:32.28Kumba_now for the extensions...
06:34.41SkramXStrom_C: hrmm, right on
06:34.49SkramXim chilling with the telephreak kids
06:36.19russellbtelephreak?  sounds l33t
06:36.31Strom_Cbah, you just dont like my conference
06:36.58russellbwho, me?  i didn't know you had one
06:37.02*** join/#asterisk littleball (
06:37.05Strom_Cno, SkramX
06:37.19littleballhello, i am looking for voice whole sale provider in Germany. who can help or recommend?
06:37.46russellbbut but but ... that costs money
06:37.56russellband i need to sleep, anyway
06:38.00Strom_Chehe ok
06:43.21*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
06:43.58_Vilei'll call the conf if someone there can help me w/ this:
06:44.04_VileI'm in a wait on an ast_waitfor(chan, -1) with an fr = ast_read(chan) and an if below that on if(fr->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) and it's just looping, never detecting that frametype -- any thought on what could cause that?
06:44.52Kumba_vile: I did that set-up you suggested... and it works for calls coming in from the T1... but if I try to originate a call from the channel bank... it doesn't connect...
06:45.02_Vilekumba yes
06:45.24SkramXBAH! On my 12SP+ the caller can hear me, but I cannot hear  them...
06:45.26_Vilein zapata.conf
06:45.47*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (n=gunnar@
06:45.54_Vileyou need in extensions.conf
06:46.09_Vilemmm sec
06:46.27*** join/#asterisk s0lid (
06:47.06Kumba_that's what I did for all the channels on the second T1... gave them contexts from T2-1 to T2-24...
06:47.22Kumba_then in extensions.conf, I did the same set-up as I did for the first T1...
06:47.28Kumba_was extensions.conf where I messed up?
06:47.32_Vileexten =>_.Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
06:47.47_Vileexten =>_.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
06:47.49i-ballhow do I stream a conversation from asterisk to the net?
06:47.54_Vileexten =>_.,2,
06:48.07_Vileerr exten =>_.,2,Hangup
06:48.12*** join/#asterisk vlt (
06:48.25_Vileand T2-2 would be
06:48.36_Vileexten =>_.,1,Dial(Zap/2/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
06:48.46_Vileexten =>_.,2,Hangup
06:49.31*** join/#asterisk nagl (
06:50.03Kumba_So what exactly is going on here?
06:50.11Kumba_I understood the call incoming part ok...
06:50.18_Vileyou have your inbound contexts
06:50.20Kumba_this isn't as intuitive for me...
06:50.25_Vilenow you need to set outbound contexts
06:50.33_Vilewhihc would be on t2
06:51.04_Vilepri = easier
06:51.14Kumba_mental note: next time get a PRI
06:51.22*** join/#asterisk kmilitzer (
06:51.45_Vileall you are doing is specifying a context for t2
06:51.49_Vileabove say channel 25'
06:51.53Kumba_but is _., all part of telling it what to do on outgoing (originated) calls?
06:51.57_Vilesaying use this context to dial out
06:52.06_Vilethat's saying match anything
06:52.12_Vileand dial it
06:52.28_Vileit's a match
06:52.29Kumba_But what if I want T2-2 to go to Zap channel 2?
06:52.44Kumba_would I replace ${Exten with 2?
06:52.45_Vilethen you are saying that by saying
06:53.16_Vilethe $EXTEN crap
06:53.20_Vileis the # they dialed
06:53.29Kumba_ohh... gotcha...
06:53.32_Vilethe _. says to match anything
06:53.44_Vileand execute your dial command
06:53.51_Vilewhich dials the number they dialed
06:53.54_Vileover zap/2
06:53.55*** join/#asterisk fnordus (
06:54.09Kumba_and the MSD strips the digit off the front?
06:54.15rob0i-ball: is it your wife talking to her bf? :)
06:54.17_Vilein your case
06:54.24_Vileyou may want to set trunkmsd to 0
06:54.28_Vileinstead of 1
06:54.39_Vileignore trunkmsd
06:54.57Kumba_ahhh... ok...
06:55.05Kumba_since I have 1978 technology
06:55.24_Vileactually, channel banks are still used a lot
06:55.32_Vileand you can do a lot with your current setup
06:55.44Kumba_I just didn't wanna buy ATA's...
06:55.56Kumba_and this channel bank is provided under my contract...
06:56.01_Vilejust gotta learn how to use zap
06:56.04Kumba_figure it's the way to go :)
06:56.11_Vileand the extensions
06:56.20_Vileyou'll have an auto attendant before no time
06:56.45*** join/#asterisk vgster (
06:57.09_Vileno real big need to change unless you have a bunch of did's that do a bunch of different things
06:57.24*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
06:57.35Kumba_well... I have to get all our voice prompts recorded for the Attendant...
06:57.46Kumba_and do a dial plan...
06:57.55_Vilehardest part :)
06:58.17_Viledo you read
06:58.22_Vileit will help you
06:58.24Kumba_and then add timeslots to it... so from 9-5 people can bug the shit out of you... but the rest of the time you can die in voicemail hell...
06:58.31Kumba_Yeah... i've been over it a lot...
06:58.38Kumba_But I determined my problem was Trixbox...
06:59.06Kumba_so I formatted, put slack 10.2 on it, upgraded to kernel 2.6... and an hour or two later i'm almost done... for today :)
06:59.34Kumba_spent more time trying to make trixbox give me green lights on my digium card then I have doing a from-source install
06:59.45Kumba_including downloading the iso's at 178K/sec
06:59.49_Vileinclude => aa-announce-oper-offhours|00:00-23:59|sat-sun|*|*
06:59.49_Vileinclude => aa-announce-oper-offhours|17:01-7:59|mon-fri|*|*
06:59.49_Vileinclude => aa-announce-oper-onhours|8:00-17:00|mon-fri|*|*
07:00.40_Vilei only use asterisk
07:00.53_Vilethough bkw made freeswitch which im looking at too
07:01.40DarKnesS_WolF_Vile: hehe cool setup ;-)
07:08.57Kumba_dear god...
07:08.59Kumba_it... works...?
07:09.19*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=grb@
07:09.20Kumba_it... just... works...
07:09.47Strom_CKumba_: congrats :)
07:10.21_Vilehmm I'm in a while on an ast_waitfor(chan, -1) with an fr = ast_read(chan) and an if below that on if(fr->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) and it's just looping, never detecting that frametype -- any thought on what could cause that?
07:10.34Kumba_Did you check the flux capacitor?
07:11.31Kumba_wonder how faxes will work through this...
07:12.05Kumba_I keep getting this in my logs...
07:12.07Kumba_Jul 19 03:11:37 WARNING[12560]: chan_zap.c:3922 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 8
07:12.13Kumba_Think it's anything to worry about?
07:12.55Kumba_it's always the channel answering the line that's giving that message...
07:13.34*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
07:14.09_Viletake this: "Ring/Off-hook in strange state" and --
07:14.14_Vilewill turn a bunch of results
07:14.53_Vilemore results from
07:15.35*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
07:15.59Kumba_haha... guess the fax will work fine... just send a fax, from the CB, through *, through the T1, Trought the PSTN, back through the T1, back through *, and back out the CB... no problems...
07:16.11Kumba_I dont think I can add anymore latency then that...
07:16.25_Vilefax will work fine
07:16.46_Vilecheck out the strange state tho
07:17.00Kumba_Hmm... here's a new one... unable to create channel of type zap...
07:17.25_Vilemore info?
07:17.55Kumba_The T1 just went yellow...
07:18.06Kumba_or atleast, the CLI said all 24 channels had an alarm...
07:18.21_Vilecould explain it
07:18.30Kumba_Jul 19 03:17:33 WARNING[12535]: chan_zap.c:6337 handle_init_event: Detected alarm on channel 24: Red Alarm
07:18.35_Viledo a zap show channels from the cli
07:19.00_Viledon't paste here
07:19.22Kumba_it's showing them all with the right context's...
07:20.28_Vilewell channel 24 is not up right?
07:20.39_Vileyou said 19-24 was not live?
07:21.12_Vileyou only have 1-18 active circuits on your telco provided t1 right?
07:21.16Kumba_Right... only 18-24 are assigned numbers and accessible to the PSTN... but all channels had an alarm...
07:21.22Kumba_err 1-18...
07:21.30Kumba_19-24 = unassigned, but are there...
07:21.44_Vilecheck the back of the pbx and see if the t1 is red/yellow
07:21.48Kumba_Jul 19 03:17:33 WARNING[12535]: chan_zap.c:6337 handle_init_event: Detected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm
07:21.56Kumba_both lights are green
07:22.18Kumba_shitty T1 line?
07:23.10*** join/#asterisk creativx (
07:24.11_Viledid it just happen, all 24 channels at the same time? or?
07:24.27Kumba_Yeah... all done... 2-seconds later... all up...
07:24.35Kumba_done = down
07:24.46_Vileprobably a bounce, they work now? if so, don't worry about it
07:25.39*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
07:25.56_Vileif it bounces once a week
07:25.59_Vilethen call the telco
07:26.14_Vileonce every few months, don't :)
07:26.24Kumba_I do keep getting a lot of notices about funny hooks and unable to create channel...
07:26.37_Vilecould be a bouncing T
07:26.46_Vilei'd look into it
07:27.02Kumba_well... since I have the ability to log it now... I can see how many times it bounces...
07:27.04_Vileyou need zttool
07:27.14Kumba_didn't it come with the zaptel package?
07:27.19_Vilezttool can tell you how many violations you get
07:27.34_Vileif you get bpv's/bi-polar violations
07:27.40_Vile*let the telco know*
07:27.54_Vilecould be a timing thing too
07:28.09Kumba_I need to put FOP on here too... cheaper then buying a receptionist phone for when the queue's get busy :)
07:28.10_Vileare you pulling timing from them in zaptel.conf?
07:28.15*** join/#asterisk SwK (
07:28.17Kumba_yeah... i'm slave...
07:28.26_Vilewatch logs
07:28.30_Vileuse zttool
07:29.21Kumba_it didn't compile zttool... *read the makefile*
07:29.27benjkIs there any way to set the TON part of the called number in the Q.931 call setup message when dialing out?
07:29.37_Vilebenj sec
07:29.46benjkI have got this ...
07:29.47benjk> Called Number (len= 6) [ Ext: 1  TON: Subscriber Number (4)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1) '116' ]
07:30.04benjkbut 116 is a special number of the phone company
07:30.18benjkthus TON must not be set to Subscriber Number
07:30.29benjkit has to be 0
07:30.44_Vileyou got that msg back from *
07:31.34benjkbri intense debug will show you the complete Q.931 message transcript
07:31.43benjkor likewise pri intense debug
07:31.58benjkand when I switch that on and dial 116
07:32.04benjkthen I see this
07:32.05benjk> Called Number (len= 6) [ Ext: 1  TON: Subscriber Number (4)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1) '116' ]
07:32.10benjkamongst other stuff
07:32.35benjkthe phone company says that for calling 1xx numbers, TON must be set to 0
07:32.39benjkbut its 4
07:32.44*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
07:33.01benjkwhich makes perfect sense because 116 is the phone company operator, therefore not a subscriber number
07:33.06Kumba_zttool wont compile... joy...
07:33.10Kumba_*digs more*
07:33.20benjkyeah zttool is broken
07:33.30SkramXStrom_C, my buddy....
07:33.32SkramXapp_cepstral.c:26:33: ../include/asterisk.h: No such file or directory
07:33.32SkramXmake: *** [] Error 1
07:33.32SkramXsentien-support apps # pwd && file ../include/asterisk.h
07:33.33Kumba_ahhh... in new zaptel?
07:33.34SkramX../include/asterisk.h: ASCII C program text
07:34.12tzafrir_laptopKumba_, you need newt/libnewt?
07:34.24benjkso anybody any idea how to set the TON field on an outgoing call
07:34.28Kumba_for the new ZTTool to compile?
07:35.08_Vilechannels/misdn/isdn_lib.h:      NUMPLAN_SUBSCRIBER=0x4,
07:35.22benjkI am using Zaphfc
07:36.16_Vileyou could set it there
07:36.18benjkso you're saying this is something that can't be configured
07:36.33benjkhas to be changed in the source code
07:36.35_Vilenot as far as i know
07:36.52_Vileit could be coded
07:36.53benjkok, not a problem then
07:36.55_Vileand patched in
07:37.00_Vilefor future release
07:37.01benjkyeah, I will patch it
07:37.10*** join/#asterisk }btorch{ (
07:37.21*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=john@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
07:37.27benjkDigium isn't going to accept the patch anyway
07:37.32}btorch{Strom_C: hey do you know where I can increase the registration timeout for iax ?
07:37.50_Vileprobably not :)
07:37.59}btorch{I got a that user now in japan who is trying but the registration times out in 30 seconds
07:38.01benjkand it will send some business my way
07:38.34benjkthat's likely to be a firewall issue though btorch
07:39.04benjktell them to enable qualify=yes
07:39.10benjkin their IAX peer
07:39.27benjkthis should keep the entry in their NAT router's conntrack table alive
07:40.08*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
07:40.21benjkotherwise you could write a script that pings your server once every 29 seconds and let them run it in the background
07:40.59benjkreduce the interval in 1 sec steps until you find the exact value where its still working
07:41.18creativxwell have ya seen.. mpg123 hogging 99% cpu
07:41.23creativxwhy am I still using that crap
07:41.33benjkuse madplayer instead
07:41.40}btorch{benjk: you mean turn qualify on on the user extension on eax.conf?
07:42.01*** join/#asterisk implicit (
07:42.05benjkno, your user will need to turn qualify on in their iax.conf
07:42.10benjkin the entry for your server
07:42.51Kumba_Who was saying that zttool is broken?
07:43.08}btorch{well I can turn on qualify to an individual per too
07:43.10Kumba_is there not a working version somewhere?
07:43.26_Vilezttool works for me currently
07:43.26benjkwhat probably happens there is that when they register, their NAT router keeps track of the connection to your server so if your server sends something back, the NAT router still remembers where it has to be sent to
07:44.00benjkbut at some point those conntrack entries expire
07:44.00_Vilewant me to check my ver?
07:44.02Kumba_1.2.7 zttool wont compile for me
07:44.13Juggie#1, upgrade to 1.2.10
07:44.17Juggie#2, whats the error?
07:44.27benjkif that time is shorter than your client re-registering, there will be no valid return path because the NAT router has forgotten you
07:44.33Kumba_they have a zaptel 1.2.10?
07:44.41Juggieer, my bad.
07:44.52Juggiei wish they kept the version numbers in sync :)
07:44.55Juggiewhats the error
07:44.58Juggiefrom the compile.
07:44.59Kumba_I was just wanting to use zttool to tell me how many bounces i'm getting on my T1
07:45.07Kumba_since now I have means to log it...
07:45.07benjkbtorch, the point is that the connection has to be reestablished from their end, not yours
07:45.08Juggieuhhuh, whats the compile error.
07:45.11}btorch{there is no way to increase the registration timeout too ?
07:45.23Juggiereg timeout is in the sip.conf
07:45.42benjkit won't help you to increase the time out
07:45.49JuggieKumba_, you going to tell me the error or not.
07:46.02Juggieyou can set the registration time in there? what are you talking about.
07:46.08Kumba_the compils error is a page and a half long... lots of implicit declarations of functions... and undeclared's...
07:46.11Kumba_err compile
07:46.14benjkbecause what really matters is the entry in the user's NAT router's conntrack table
07:46.24Juggiepaste it there, and send me a link.
07:46.41_Vilelater kumba, bed for me, good luck
07:46.56Juggiebenjk, registration wont help nat.
07:47.03Juggieyou need to use sip qualify
07:47.08benjkif they can reconfigure their NAT router to increase the expiry period for conntrack entries, that would be ok, but I doubt a) the router allows that and b) they will know how to do it even if the router allowed it
07:47.18Kumba_Thanks a million Vile...
07:47.30benjkJuggie that's for IAX not SIP
07:47.39Juggiesip has qualify
07:47.41benjkat least he'd asked about IAX
07:48.01JuggieKumba_, what linux are you running?
07:48.15Kumba_Slack 10.2 with kernel
07:48.27benjkbut its a moot point because the issue is the conntrack table entry in the NAT router of the user, in particular the expiry period of those entries
07:48.33Kumba_The rest of the zaptel package works like a charm
07:48.34*** join/#asterisk creativx (
07:48.55JuggieKumba_, does slack have a package manager? i'm not famalir with it.
07:48.58Juggieyum, apt?
07:49.12Kumba_what am I looking for?
07:49.18Juggiewell, newt.h
07:49.26Juggieobviously means you need i'm guessing newt-dev
07:50.02Juggieon centos its newt-devel
07:50.06Kumba_well... lemme look...
07:50.11Juggiewhich would also install plain ol newt as a dependancy.
07:50.37Juggieinstall that, and you will be good to go.
07:50.58Juggieallways look @ the first couple of lines of the error.
07:51.01Juggiethe rest are junk
07:51.14Juggiebecause they all exist because newt.h failed to include.
07:51.17rob0I don't think Slackware has newt. At least, it didn't in 10.0 and earlier.
07:51.34rob0I built it from source once.
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07:52.47Kumba_10.2 doesn't have a newt package... i'll be building from source...
07:53.21rob011 is coming soon. You should consider upgrading to -current.
07:53.50TordahHey, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this error message: "Jul 19 08:49:26 NOTICE[10706]: app_dial.c:1040 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type '(IAX2' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
07:53.51Juggiei cant even find the newt source
07:55.18manysounds more like is not loaded
07:55.18Kumba_I found it...
07:55.22rob0I don't remember how I found it. But I do remember now that I didn't consider zttool worth the bother. :)
07:55.43Tordahwell iax is working for incoming calls
07:56.01rob0I've moved my zaptel over to a Slamd64 box.
07:56.23Juggiei use centos x86_64
07:56.26Juggiewith success.
07:56.30manyin that case.. :)=
07:56.35Kumba_all done
07:56.39Kumba_and... it's bed time...
07:56.48*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
08:00.39*** join/#asterisk littleball (
08:00.41littleballhello, i am looking for voice whole sale provider in Germany. who can help or recommend?
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08:01.53i-ballwhen using MeetMe and using the "d" flag does the teleconference that is created get a random number assigned to it?
08:02.03i-ballor will it always use the number specified?
08:06.22Strom_Cspecified number
08:06.46}btorch{I hate windows
08:06.50i-ballexcellent, thanks
08:06.56Strom_Ci-ball: think about it
08:07.16Strom_Ci-ball: how can you get people to meet in a conference if you're throwing them in random conferences?
08:07.34i-ballI'm starting to understand that asterisk-ice tutorial
08:07.38i-ballI'm not
08:07.52i-ballI'm just making sure that it's going to use the assigned number.
08:07.58i-ballI don't want to assume these things.
08:08.05}btorch{benjk: As I thought it's not the qualify is just that stupid windows keeps trying to talk to my server external IP when copnnected over the vpn and not the internal ip
08:08.30}btorch{windows does that all the time
08:08.34}btorch{it sucks
08:09.09benjkyou should have told me about there being alternative routes (VPN and all that) ;)
08:09.55benjkand to be clear, it wouldnt have been anything to do with qualify even if it had been the NAT router's forgetfulness
08:10.08Strom_Cbenjk: he quit
08:10.22benjkoh well
08:10.43Tordaherm any idea with my problem?
08:13.55littleballhello, i am looking for voice whole sale provider in Germany. who can help or recommend?
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08:29.49TordahHey, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this error message: "Jul 19 08:49:26 NOTICE[10706]: app_dial.c:1040 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type '(IAX2' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
08:33.14*** join/#asterisk moon06 (
08:33.23moon06hi all :)
08:34.45moon06I'm having a big problem with my Asterisk installation under Gentoo ... I do not have any sound passing thru with SIP hard/soft phones
08:35.22moon06if the incoming call is managed by chan_capi, it works great
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08:35.50moon06but between 2 internal sip phones, there's absolutely no sound :(
08:36.23moon06and I got the same Asterisk version with the same Asterisk config working on a redhat computer :(
08:37.48moon06anyone that could help me ? :)
08:39.41MrChimpytcpdump the sip ports on UDP to look for traffic
08:39.49MrChimpycheck logs
08:39.50MrChimpythe usual
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08:41.39moon06MrChimpy, nothing in the logs
08:42.59moon06gonna check tcpdump
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08:46.31moon06MrChimpy, my SIP phone has it's "UDO port 5004 unreachable" ...
08:48.24moon06WTF it simply was my Grandstream SIP phone not working that time :(
08:50.00i-ballyou said TWO internal SIP phones
08:50.25i-ballYour Grandstram SIP phone is one.
08:50.29i-ballWhat's the other?
08:53.59nicoxHello, did anybody know something about the chan_ss7 channel dirver?
08:55.23nicoxanybody who tested it?
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08:55.53tparcinahi channel
08:56.02nicoxhi tparcina
08:56.08tparcinahi nicox
08:58.55CMikeAnyone know I how hide a callerid on a outgoing zapchannel ?
08:59.29moon06i-ball, X-lite
09:00.17moon06when the capi incoming call goes to the Xlite SIP softphone, the sound works great
09:01.02CMikeWhat does the "restricicid" field in SIP.conf do?
09:01.15CMikeI thought that was for hiding the user callerid ?
09:01.39CMike<-- need an easy way to control the callerid for different sip-users
09:01.55nicoxi don't know if asterisk is using this field also for outgoing zap channels
09:02.06tparcinaCMike: analog or PRI?
09:02.30CMikeso .. pri :)
09:02.45nicoxtalk with your telco
09:02.58nicoxit must work with setcallerpres
09:03.03tparcinaCMike: then you need to contact your provider to tell you how to send call to them so that CID is hiden
09:03.16CMikewell the CID should only be hidden for some users
09:03.26CMikeI have about 50000 DID numbers on that pri
09:03.42tparcinaCMike: well, you will configure your dialpan for only those users
09:04.47nicoxHello, did anybody know something about the chan_ss7 channel dirver?
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09:07.58CMikeTHe dialplan is the same for all users.. I used to use the callerid field for setting "Anonymous"  but that was when I was using a SIP gw to PSTN.. Now I'm using zaptel
09:08.08*** join/#asterisk kmilitzer (
09:08.22CMikeso I have to figure out a way to hide the callerid with a database entry
09:08.27CMikeso to speak..
09:10.34tparcinaCMike: do you know how to hide callerid on one outgoing call?
09:11.05tparcinaCMike: if not - contact you provider, it yes then do it like this
09:12.12CMikethe q931 status says "number not screened" when I dial out
09:12.19qdkCMike: you use SS7?
09:12.21tparcinaCMike: check who is calling, if he needs to hide callerid, let him dias thrue 1st dialplan, if he doesn't need then let him dials thrue 2nd dial plan.
09:12.50CMikeI'll have to try a few different dialplans I guess
09:13.20qdkCMike: i have the same issue when the call goes through a IAX channel
09:14.23qdkCMike: the SIP.conf setting gets lost and i cant trigger the setcallerpres on the (in my case) SS7 machine.
09:14.38CMikeah ..
09:14.54CMikeI have to learn how to use SS7 later on :)
09:15.14CMikeI guess I'll have to  put the "hidden users" in a different context..
09:16.01qdkCMike: i fixed the issue with a dedicated (screened ID) IAX channel, and switch to it by context in sip instead of the sip options which is lost in IAX.
09:16.09qdkCMike: correct
09:16.17CMikeok..  thnx,.
09:16.34CMikeanother question ..
09:16.42*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
09:17.22CMikeif I have a PRI that shows incoming CID, even if prohib.  how to I screen the CID before dialing a SIP client.
09:17.39CMikeis there a way to see on the zapchannel that this call is screening prohib ?
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09:19.44qdkCMike: you need it on the ZAP for log and billing issues, but you can screen it on the channel you forward the call to.
09:20.07CMikesort of
09:26.00moon06it's incredible, I jute tried with my 2nd Grandstream GXP-2000 phone, and still no sound !
09:26.38Modcuts<moon06> :No errors? just no sound?
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09:26.53moon06Modcuts, yes, just no sound passing thru
09:26.53_omeranyhelp ......
09:26.59moon06but it works with Xlite
09:27.11moon06between an outbound (capi) line and xlite
09:28.20Modcutsmoon06: you got the vocoders in the grandstream set right?
09:28.34moon06"vocoders" ?
09:28.41moon06Codecs ?
09:29.57Modcutsyep, they are codecs but grandstream calls them vocoders on the account page
09:30.23Modcutsmake sure you are using the same ones as set in asterisk or in the sip.conf?
09:30.23moon06Modcuts, oh yes
09:30.31MrChimpyvocoders? who do they think they are? stevie wonder? cher?
09:31.04ModcutsMrChimpy: Don't ask me ask grandstream.......
09:31.11MrChimpysparky the magic piano?
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09:32.08Modcutsmoon06: any luck?
09:32.22moon06tried to change smth
09:32.33moon06trying to make a call
09:33.20moon06Modcuts, still nothing
09:33.41moon06and if by example, I internally call the Voicemail, I don't hear anything
09:33.58djuliusHi everyone - newbie question here: I have a SIP account on an asterisk server in the US. I would now like to configure my Asterisk system at home to connect to the remote server, and allow me to make calls between the two. Can somebody help?
09:34.13Tordahyou said voicemail.conf correctly?
09:34.30_omeranyhelp ......
09:35.05moon06Tordah, yep
09:35.30Tordahwhat error message comes up?
09:35.47Tordahthere's just no sound?
09:36.00Tordahyou got the sound files set up? :p does it say playing etc. file on asterisk console?
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09:37.52moon06Tordah, no error messages, and the console shows "playing ..."
09:38.08moon06the Voicemail works great from an outbound ISDN line
09:38.14Tordah-- Playing 'vm-login' (language 'en')
09:38.35Tordahthat's strange
09:39.05Tordahi haven't set up external voicemail. just works fine internally.. shouldnt be any problem with it really.
09:40.06Tordahwhat do you have in extensions.conf?
09:40.19moon06Tordah, actually, there's no sound at all with this SIP hardphone at all
09:40.34Tordahwhat phone is it?
09:40.53moon06but it still works with an Asterisk RedHat installation
09:41.03Modcutsi swear it's the codec stuff sounds like it, what codec are written in the sip.conf
09:41.14Tordahyeah it could be
09:41.34moon06but smth strange in tcpdump on the Asterisk machine
09:41.43moon06let me go look for a sec
09:42.09Tordahif its registering with server and dialing out, i had that problem it would dial with no sound, so it could be an issue with ports. But then it's internal there should be no problem
09:42.30Tordahuse tethereal to see whats being sent between the two?
09:43.36moon06my Asterisk machine says : ICMP udp port 5008 unreachable, length 36
09:43.55Tordahthat's another thing on your server do you have a firewall enabled?
09:44.27moon06actually I do have one on my gateway
09:44.35moon06but this one isn't the gateway
09:44.37Tordahbut it's internal. so that wouldn't affect it
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09:45.10Tordahmake sure phone settings are correct to be honest.
09:45.34ModcutsThe voicemail calls should be working i use the exact same phone and i have no problems with sound, the vocodders are all ulaw yes? and the message type is sip?
09:45.54moon06Modcuts, yes and yes
09:46.04Modcutsthat is very strange
09:46.10moon06Tordah, gonna try with the settings that work for my other Asterisk installation
09:46.40Tordahgood idea
09:48.01Tordahwhen I set it up it was as simple as "exten => 500,1,VoiceMailMain() ;"
09:48.01moon06that's what I did
09:48.26Tordahis this just one phone it isn't working on
09:48.27Tordahor both?
09:48.44moon06but even DTMF don't work :(
09:48.56moon06still not workin
09:49.47ModcutsUse a syslog server and set type to debug, and see what message are being sent, and you have two gxp2000s your trying this on or one?
09:50.03moon06Modcuts, 2
09:50.09_omerany body ......
09:50.20Tordahmoon, can you hear anything at all on anything else?
09:50.27Tordahexcluding voicemail
09:50.39Tordahif you dial from one to the other
09:50.53Tordahsomething isn't set up on phone properly then:p
09:51.22moon06that's so strange cause it was working few mins ago with another Asterisk gateway
09:51.50Tordahip address changed?
09:52.05moon06Tordah, no ...
09:52.47*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
09:53.10Tordahalright, try dialing from one phone to the other directly on phone using ip addresses of each phone for example 192*168*23*59.
09:53.11*** join/#asterisk Synyn (
09:53.30Tordahactually, if you said it was working before probably dont need to check that:p
09:53.45moon06ok, I try this
09:54.24Tordahsomething definitely is being blocked if they can dial and then not hear anything..
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09:59.04Synynanyone used the OEM X100P from DigitNetworks?
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09:59.38moon06Tordah, direct call doesn't work either
09:59.54_4d4m__omer: you need to install gnu c++ libraries
10:00.11Tordahsounds to me like an issue totally with the phones then
10:00.50moon06when I call 192*168*1*23 it tells me 404 error
10:00.50_omer_4d4m_ : let me check plz.....
10:01.11Tordahmaybe yours doesn't support that
10:01.54Tordahi don't know what to suggest really. can't even pinpoint the problem..
10:02.12_omer_4d4m_ : yum install gnu  (Cannot find a package matching gnu)
10:05.19_4d4m__omer: try yum update libstdc++
10:06.04_omer""""libstdc++ is installed and the latest version."""
10:06.59moon06Tordah, let's hard reset all :p
10:07.34Tordahyeah. start from scratch xD
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10:08.59_4d4m__omer: has it installed anything, or is it telling you theres nothing to install?
10:09.29_omerno it didnt install anything ..
10:09.30_omerFinding updated packages
10:09.31_omerDownloading needed headers
10:09.31_omerlibstdc++ is installed and the latest version.
10:09.31_omerNo actions to take
10:10.29jm|homeso I'm guessing mpg123 not terming is a known bug :S
10:10.29_4d4m__omer: what distro/version are you running?
10:11.00moon06Tordah, still not working :(
10:11.16Tordahwhat are your settings, perhaps we should go through them
10:11.16moon06for sure the problem comes from the machine
10:11.31moon06which settings ?
10:11.40Tordahwell, if you dial out to external can you hear through it?
10:11.50_omer_4d4m_ : RH9
10:12.18Tordahsettings from the phone, i.e. sip settings and network settings
10:13.45moon06Tordah, actually, they're all the same as my working asterisk installation :(
10:13.57_4d4m__omer: I'm guessing your system has the wrong version of libstdc++ libraries.  I'm afraid I'm not familiar with festival so cant really help there either
10:14.25Tordahalright then, copy the confs from the working one then
10:15.20_omer_4d4m_ : okey....but thanks for your efforts..
10:15.56moon06Tordah, that's what I did :p
10:16.26moon06but are these "unable to reach UDP port 5004" normal ?
10:17.56moon06okay, I go eating
10:18.02moon06see ya later
10:18.33Synyn_omer: did you try yum install compat-libstdc* ?
10:18.39jm|homeanyone else experiencing multiple instances of mpg123?
10:20.05kay2someone here uses musiconhold with something else than mpg123 ?
10:20.24kay2jm|home: mpg123 is not a very good idea
10:20.32kay2jm|home: better use something else
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10:20.49_omerSynyn : no ..but let me try
10:22.08_omerCannot find a package matching compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpm
10:22.08_omerNo actions to take
10:22.14Synynwhat system do yuou use?
10:22.47Synyn_omer: do you know the lib version you are missing?
10:23.48_omerSynyn : RH9  ...and you can check my paste at
10:23.56_omer to get the version
10:25.03Tordahmoon06. it shouldn't be blocked I swear thats a communication port
10:25.11Synynhmm, try yum install
10:26.07_omerCannot find a package matching
10:26.07_omerNo actions to take
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10:26.24Synyn_omer: tough crowd there
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10:27.12_omershould I forget about installing festival ?
10:27.46Synyn_omer: /shrug, I'm new to asterisk :D
10:28.36_omerI am very old in linux but still like a newbie
10:28.41Synyn_omer: you just need to get a copy of on your system and it will probably work
10:28.42FlatFootmoon86: UDP Port 5004 - RTP Windows Media Services
10:28.52FlatFootsorry moon06
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10:29.47_omerSynyn : yeah ...but the prob is still there..where do I get it from and where do I copy this file in my system to get festival working ?
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10:31.01Synyn_omer: where to put it is easy, any $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
10:31.50_omermeans ?
10:32.04Synyn_omer: like /usr/lib
10:32.12Synyn_omer: what version of gcc do you have?
10:32.51_omerhow to check ?
10:33.34backbluegcc -V?
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10:40.27ChrisDE4anyone experienced with call-limits now?
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10:41.01moodpersonhi asterbots =)
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10:52.17TeePOGhi hi
10:56.12kay2someone here uses musiconhold with something else than mpg123 ?
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11:02.43Sonderbladehow do you implement dnd in asterisk? Do you do it by adding logic to the extensions.conf file?
11:03.35drrayI played with changing contexts
11:03.49moon06Tordah, what's amazing is that with exactly the same conf in sip.conf, Xlite works great for incoming/outgoing calls
11:04.05drraydialing 363 from the phone changed teh context
11:04.27Tordahthat's bizzare
11:04.41DarKnesS_WolFthe CF syntax is changed on 1.2.x asterisk ??
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11:10.21jbsolutiosHi everyone - any Manager experts around please?
11:10.48kay2jbsolutios: ??
11:10.52kay2jbsolutios: ask ur question
11:11.07Sonderbladejbsolutios: yes
11:11.16jbsolutiosin it seems that there is a problem with the manager interface and SIP channels
11:11.27kay2jbsolutios: what problem
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11:14.31jbsolutiosit seems that the callerID being passed over is the DID being called not the DID of the caller
11:15.07jbsolutiosworks fine with IAX
11:16.25moon06wow, my network cards mac adress is 00:00[...]:00
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11:18.21jbsolutiosit seems to be with the NewCallerid event I think
11:19.40DarKnesS_WolFgreeeeeeee the CFIM is not working !
11:22.18jbsolutioshas anyone else seen this please?
11:23.06backbluejbsolutios: check the line in the code, that sends the callerid in the event
11:23.14backblueand check out what it's append
11:24.24Synynhas anyone used the OEM X100P from DIgitNetworks? good/bad/ugly?
11:24.59jbsolutiosbackblue - working my through it now
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11:32.44moon06Tordah, you wont believe it
11:32.51Tordahwhat is it?:d
11:33.10moon06it *so simply* was the network cards mac address on the asterisk gateway !
11:33.41Tordahit always is something so simple that gets you  for hours
11:33.43moon06I simply plugged into the computer another card, this one has a nice mac address, and it works great !
11:34.03moon06now let's begin the configuration of Asterisk :D
11:34.11cy3o3Sup guys
11:34.12Tordahi got my thing working too;d iax incoming calls ;p
11:34.27moon06;-) Tordah
11:34.27Tordahsip incoming was so much easier=/
11:34.47Tordahwell, smooth sailing from now on =o
11:35.28Tordahwell, i havent really helped much! moral support i guess
11:36.03Tordahwhat you gotta setup now?
11:36.18Tordahive almost finished with my confs =o only gotta work out how to use groups now
11:36.37moon06one chance here is being alone using my PBX :D
11:36.54moon06so it'll be much easier than using groups and stuff
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11:37.10Tordahim doing it for my dads work
11:37.28Tordahkeeps me entertained;)
11:37.57moon06but I'll have to configure transfer on busy, transfer on unanswered calls -> my cellphone, and maybe moh (not that complicated, already works :p)
11:38.08moon06and incoming faxes
11:38.18saftsackare there any telephon books based on mysql databases available for *?
11:38.33Tordahah, that isnt that hard actually though
11:38.43saftsackor it would be possible to do on every number that calls an inverssearch for the name
11:38.50Tordahonce you get used to it
11:38.51Sonderbladehow does dnd work when you have call groups?
11:38.52moon06the thing I'm happy with is having my Asterisk working on Gentoo, and doing my own config (I used to have my conf made by AMP)
11:39.35TordahI've been doing this for just under 2 weeks. I'm a newb:<
11:39.51moon06u mean Asterisk ?
11:40.28moon06I started using it about 1 year ago ... I still remember nights along trying to configure Asterisk :p
11:40.44Tordahit seems addictive!
11:43.21moon06Tordah, more than that :p
11:45.50Tordahyou started off with amp though, i just started with the proper thing=)
11:46.15backblueSynyn: x100p from digitnetworks? show me the url please.
11:46.31backbluei have bought 2 from, and none of them work.
11:46.43backbluethey dont even are recognized in my pci slots.
11:47.43Tordahwell they are under warranty, send em back;p
11:48.21backblueno tks, they are far way from my country, would be shipper by other 2.
11:48.47gr0mitbackblue, if you do lspci do you see them in the list?
11:49.00gr0mitthey probably show up as tigerjet cards
11:50.06backbluegr0mit: offcourse not, as i said, they dont even are detected in my pci slots.
11:50.28Synynare they 3.3 or 5v?
11:50.54Synyncan anyone do a sanity check on this...
11:51.30SynynI wanna build a asterisk with fxo card to my PSTN, which is a vonage line, think I'll have any issues with that?
11:52.06*** join/#asterisk mmmmmToop (n=mmmmToop@
11:52.13gr0miteeew Synyn
11:52.20gr0mitlooks nasty
11:52.37Synynwhat? its smooth )
11:52.48gr0mitlots of 2-4 wires
11:52.49backblueSynyn: that it's what i have to check.
11:52.55gr0mit= lots of ech
11:53.25mmmmmToopAnyone fighting with bug: 0006626: Queues freeze if AgentCallbackLogin is used ...?
11:53.26backbluei dont know if they are for 3.3 or 5 volts
11:53.31gr0mitbetter to find a proper ip-telco
11:53.43Synyngr0mit: what would cause all the echo in that scenario?
11:53.59backbluei dont see any echo in the fxo i have used.
11:54.09gr0miteach time you have a 2-4 wire hybrid you _will_ get echo
11:54.18SynynI probably will, but I wanna try to use my vonage line as the PTSN so I can dial out while travelling
11:54.37Synyncan't the echo cancellation compensate?
11:54.57gr0mitwell the prb with echo can is it adds distortion
11:55.24drrayyou can turn off echo cancel as well, as that can cause echo.. I've had luck turning the sound down to reduce the annoyance of echo
11:55.37Synynwell, its more of a test / learning thing, so as long as I can get it to make the call, I'm happy )
11:55.38gr0mitso you will get artifacts from multiple e/c
11:55.58gr0mitif you are just playing around it should be ok
11:56.01backbluei have here a couple of x100p clones, they suck very hard, they dont suport callerid.
11:56.08gr0mitbut not for production
11:56.32gr0mitbackblue, they should support caller id.  which country are you in?
11:56.44Synynyeah, I read a lot on cards, the clones seem to be bunk, not the real firmware on them, the OEMs are supposed to be ok
11:57.03backbluegr0mit: portugal. they dont suport.
11:57.18backbluei never get them working, and they crash the machines.
11:57.25gr0mitwhat type of caller id do you use in .pt ?
11:57.36backbluethe chip it's ambient / md3200
11:57.43backbluegr0mit: clip.
11:57.48gr0mityes yes
11:58.14gr0mitbut do they send caller id after first ring, or after polarity change?
11:58.30backbluehow can i know, if the card i bought its for 5V or 3.3V?
11:58.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
11:58.49backbluegr0mit: i dont know that, i dont have experience in analog lines
11:59.06Synynbackblue: its based on what your MB supports, you should be able to lookup the card and finds its pci voltage
11:59.18backbluei just pickup this clones, and they give me so much mess, i never had time to play with them, but i know they never worked for me, because they dont send callerd.
11:59.36Synynbackblue: if you can see it in devices, it most likely is working at your MB's voltage
11:59.48backblueSynyn: i know it depends on my mboard, but i this x100p does not say anything.
12:00.04backblueSynyn: has i sayed, i not see it in my devices.
12:02.35Sonderbladehow do you do to call a ring group with more than one extension in it and one of the extensions has DND set?
12:05.53backbluewhat it's a DND set?
12:07.22Sonderbladebackblue: DND set = extension has Do Not Disturb turned on
12:08.37backbluehoo.. :D
12:08.50backblueso you want to call a extension that have DND set...
12:09.00backbluewhy you should do that?
12:09.32benjkbackblue, its not for 3.3V systems, a friend of mine burned his G5 PCI slot because he tried the card
12:10.16backblueso that's the problem, i was suspecting that.
12:10.25Sonderbladebackblue: no.. I have a ring group that i want to call but when Asterisk Dial():s the ring group the extension with dnd set is also called which is wrong
12:10.27benjkbesides, that card is so old, it couldnt possibly be 3.3V
12:11.33benjklook at the chip, its an Ambient PCI softmodem, then think about how long ago Ambient disappeared
12:12.38[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : No it isn't.  DND is not something the phone tells the server is "ON".  It tells the phone to reject the incoming call as it occurs.   Thats how SIP works.
12:13.21backbluebenjk: i have ambient cards clones, and they are 3.3, but they dont have callerid suport in my country.
12:13.55backbluebenjk: where do i find 3.3V x100p good cards?
12:13.55benjkwell, you only have to blame yourself if your mobo burns off
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12:14.12Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: i have DND implemented as a bool setting in AstDB so in my case it is something that is handled by asterisk
12:14.20benjkthere is no such thing as a good Intel/Ambient softmodem card
12:14.34benjkthe chipset is no longer manufactured
12:14.55benjkthe Chinese manufacturers are now using refurbished chips to make "new" cards
12:15.33benjksome even use left over chips from earlier production runs which didn't make it through quality control
12:15.55[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : Congratulations, thats DIALPLAN based DND, but it won't stop the Dial application you call.
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12:17.14Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: well obviously :) but I bet someone has solved it and I wanna know how
12:18.00[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : Solved what?  If you put that device into the dial string, its going to dial it, period.
12:19.06[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : YOU have to check for the AstDB value and CHOOSE not to include the affected device from the dial-string.
12:20.59Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: so the idea is to take a dail string like: SIP/100&SIP/101&SIP/102&SIP/103 and then filter out those extension in that list that has DND set before you call them?
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12:22.29[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : or the reverse would probably be better
12:22.37Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: it is not trivial to write that kind of code in asterisk's extensions.conf file
12:23.06lunkdoes anyone know how i can set flags for dialing with a .call file?
12:23.23lunki need to set the tr flag, so the called party can make menu selections
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12:25.55[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : Fairly easy 20 line macro TOPS.
12:27.23Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: can i see how you have done it then? :)
12:28.02[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : I haven't done it on a multiple dial scenario before, just single, but I've already thought up how I'd do it.
12:29.43Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: we have DND implemented for single dial, it is multiple dial that is the tricky part
12:30.38Sonderbladeyou need to do a string split, create a list, loop through list and then concatenate the good extensions into a new dial string
12:31.01Sonderbladebut afaik, asterisk neither has a string split function or a for loop or an array type or string concatenation :)
12:31.31tzafrir_laptopstring split as in Cut?
12:31.54tzafrir_laptopor splitting a string into an array?
12:32.18tzafrir_laptopstring concatination in ${VAR1}${VAR2}
12:33.01[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : easy way out = call a macro with multiple parms, and loop through the parms and concatenate THEM.
12:33.48*** part/#asterisk jcims (
12:36.34Sonderbladetzafrir_laptop, [TK]D-Fender: Thanks, now I know im on the right track
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12:56.36E-bolahey guys
12:56.45E-bolajust setup my new linksys spa922
12:56.56E-bolaand its allmsot 5 seconds slower dialing out than my softphone is, do anybody know why?
12:57.40*** part/#asterisk IMG-SD (
12:58.05E-bolahmm ignore my question
12:59.51[TK]D-FenderE-bola : ... sorry, did you say something? ;)
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13:15.25bochis possible to know the maximum channels used in simultaneous in a pri ?
13:15.52E-bolahehe woudl be so cool if u could get the loinksys 922 to use its led as a niterider pulse
13:15.56E-bolalike the car kid
13:16.15Synynnp, know asm? )
13:16.25E-bolavery very little hehe
13:16.36Synynjmp 14 ->
13:17.39Synynmy claim to faim is I did a cd crack for my windoze game back in the day, I was so proud of myself
13:18.15MrChimpyyou did a crack for your own game?
13:18.44Synynfriend was trying to teach me how to use assembly, and I hated putting my cd in for rogue spear )
13:20.08MrChimpyi like knightrider mode on the TE411P
13:21.34Tordahdavid hasslehoff pwnage
13:22.05Synynheh, was surprised to see him recently in a movie
13:22.20Tordahwhat movie was he in?
13:22.34[TK]D-FenderDodgeball :)
13:23.00Tordahwhen did click come out?
13:23.11Synynfew weeks ago
13:23.15E-bolai need a click to call app that works with internet explore
13:23.17Tordahseen dodgeball that isnt recent! besides he didnt have that big a part, and it was just funny as hell;D
13:23.28Tordahah kwel, maybe ill see it. whats it about?:p
13:23.43lunkchuck norris > david hasslehoff
13:23.46Tordahnaw naw
13:23.46lunkwho also was in Dodgeball
13:23.55Tordahlance armstrong!
13:24.05lunk2 balls > 1
13:24.15Synynits about adam sandler getting a remote that stops/fastwards time
13:24.30Tordahsounds fun.
13:24.30|oranjia|has anyone used "answeronpolarityswitch" in zapata.conf. I am not getting any ringtone if i set it to "yes". When I set it to "no" the call duration is incorrect :(
13:24.49Synynits funny, and actually kinda tragic too
13:24.55Synynbut a good ending
13:25.23Tordahhas anyone seen that movie knightrider?
13:25.25Synynsandler has come a long way from SNL
13:25.30Synynbut not that far actually
13:25.37Tordahwith the crazy pwn car, and kits like zomg!
13:26.01Synynlmao, how long you been up Tordah?
13:26.26Tordahi think its more of the variable how many hours sleep i had
13:26.38Synynknightrider2k is what you mean!
13:26.43Tordahyes! that's it
13:27.17Synynhave to have the reverse missle launchers pop out and blast you far far away
13:27.20Tordahand everyones like, omg the new one rox! and then david's like, no. no. no.
13:27.36Tordahold one had lasers >.<
13:27.51Synynand a friendlier eye
13:27.57Tordahanyway more on the right context you know anything about grouping? :p
13:28.08Tordahyeah, and a camper voice
13:28.36Synynman, I wish my cards would get here already
13:29.09SynynI ordered them like 7 hours ago... /tapfoot
13:29.17Tordahstrong with the force this one is
13:29.53Tordahbut patience he must learn
13:31.54[TK]D-FenderPatience.... yeah yeah... how long is that gonna take?!?!
13:32.29Tordahdepends how long it takes for the cards to arrive;)
13:33.29nicoxanybody there who tested chan_ss7
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13:34.09Qwell[TK]D-Fender: boot to the head
13:34.12Tordahanyone help me with grouping? cant find it in the Orly? Book
13:34.36Synynbuenas dias
13:34.53jm|homesomeone test my URI inbound for me?
13:35.22jbalcombi can test it with my nessus server.
13:35.31jm|homeSynyn: ok to pm?
13:35.44E-bolaanybody uses click to call
13:35.46E-bolain windows?
13:37.21E-bolasnap crashes :( with some font option
13:38.01jm|homeI broke something
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13:40.21Sonderbladehow do you use a macro that takes a variable number of arguments?
13:41.00[TK]D-FenderQwell : *shooomp*!
13:41.47TordahBush: *fwap*!
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13:46.37[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : ALL macro's take a variable # of args.
13:47.03[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : loop through them till you hit a blank.
13:47.54VecHow can I output a variable to the CLI for debugging, like an echo $var ?
13:48.14delmarHi everyone. I am having trouble with a TDM400P card I just received. lspci shows it as 0000:02:04.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface.  cat /proc/pci also shows it there, and it has IRQ10 and nothing else is on IRQ10.  when i load wctdm I see it find the card, module 0 and 1 not installed, 2 and 3 installed Auto FXO etc.  ztcfg -vv  outputs two channels 01 and 02 both FXS Kewlstart etc.
13:48.14delmar2 channels configured...
13:48.17docelmoerr NoOp()
13:48.23Veck thanks
13:48.27delmarbut.. asterisk will not work at all
13:49.19docelmoStart asterisk with -vvvvvvvc and see what the problem is
13:49.30delmaralso, when i try to use fxotune ie  fxotune -i 2  to at least tune the FXO's and create the file /etc/fxotune.conf it doesnt work
13:49.39delmarsomething is in fact wrong with the Zap channels
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13:50.56delmarwhen i do ./fxotune -i 2   i get output like.. /dev/zap/1 absent: No such device  .. same for /dev/zap2 but for 3 onwards its /dev/zap/3 absent: No such device or address
13:51.50delmarSo, as far as loading the modules and ztcfg is concerned.. the FXO modules are there... when I try to use fxotune, or run Asterisk.. it fails
13:51.53docelmoyour using CentOS right?
13:51.54Tordahhow can I set up grouping?
13:52.28delmardocelmo, who are u talkin to?
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13:52.47delmardocelmo, no. Im running debian sid, kernel 2.6.10
13:52.51_MDC_ok, so now I've figured out why I get the "(Not enough bandwidth)" when trying to make a call to a H323 gk via oh323. The problem is that its not registrated correctly, asterisk/oh323 says it is, but only when using the gk's global h323 not my ordinary user account. OK, so short question; is the only thing I have to do in oh323.conf is to set alias to my h323 username and set gatekeeper to the gk ip? Obiovisly not, so
13:52.51_MDC_what have I missed?
13:53.17delmardocelmo, but what was your idea anyway...
13:53.24docelmodelmar well shit.. that killed my idea..  I would check /dev/zap and make sure it exists
13:53.38docelmoif not there is a known centos bug that prevents them from being created
13:53.40delmardocelmo, the device is there in /dev
13:53.42docelmoI had the same problem
13:53.54*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (
13:54.07docelmoI would say call Digium directly as you get free tech support from the masters for the cards
13:54.09Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: how do i loop through them?
13:54.11delmardocelmo, for example.. under /dev/zap there is.. crw-r--r-- 1 root root 196,   1 Jul 19 20:00 1
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13:54.23[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : GotoIf
13:54.34docelmoif you go into /dev/zap does 1,2,3,etc exist?
13:54.38sevardHow would one set '
13:54.46sevardHow would one set 'tos' without root privs?
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13:55.30delmardocelmo, yeah .. for example.. in /dev/zap there is  crw-r--r-- 1 root root 196,   1 Jul 19 20:00 1
13:55.33Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: no i meant how to refer to the n:th argument?
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13:56.08[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : ${ARG${count}}
13:56.43Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: thanks i didn't know that was possible
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14:03.24Hmmhesaysbah, I hate cisco's documentation
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14:05.52HmmhesaysI might be willing to pay someone if they can help me with this
14:06.18sevardHmmhesays: see a doctor, use a comb and the ointment.
14:06.30sevardpay up.
14:06.30Hmmhesayssevard, funny
14:06.45sevardI need 30.00 via paypal
14:06.54sevardgive it back.
14:06.56Hmmhesaysfark you
14:07.02SynynFor his crack and hooker
14:07.06Hmmhesaysit was worth it
14:07.08sevardbieach you still haven't got me a sixer
14:07.09jm|homeer ....
14:07.14HmmhesaysI gave you some kickass dp shiat for free
14:07.19jm|homeI can use an FXO card to pickup calls from the PSTN, right?
14:07.28sevardfuck that nigs
14:07.36sevardactually that hang up when called shit was tizzite
14:07.43Hmmhesaysjm|home: I'll tell you if you configure my as5300
14:07.48sevardwhat was a pretty neat trick
14:07.57sevardHmmhesays: how can you set tos without root privs?
14:08.16Hmmhesayswhat a fantastically vague question
14:08.26sevardin asterisk poopyface.
14:08.42sevardif you run * as a nonroot user and try to tos your rtp streams tis not allowed.
14:09.03sevardin sip.conf
14:09.04Hmmhesayswhy not?
14:09.28sevardJul 19 08:52:06 WARNING[21832]: rtp.c:1017 ast_rtp_settos: Unable to set TOS to 184
14:09.28Hmmhesayswhat does it tell you?
14:09.40sevardI really don't want to go messing with iptables.
14:10.02sevardtotally not comfortable doing on that on anything but a linksys running openwrt
14:10.02Hmmhesayswhat is that calling that needs root privileges
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14:10.55Hmmhesaysiptables on a linksys is the same as iptables on a linux box
14:11.51Sonderbladehow do you remove the last character of a string?
14:12.22sevardas far as i know you can't set tos in usermode
14:12.30sevardyou'll need to give privs to something.
14:12.32sevardand i can't figure out what
14:12.59Hmmhesayslook at rtp.c
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14:14.08Hmmhesaysfigure it out
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14:15.08SynynHmmhesays: could you just setup a sudo or root sticky bit?
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14:16.59sevardmy girlfriend's dad was telling me about his old office job in a school doing books and you could smoke in the building so he'd smoke and drink tar all day, the secretary would do the same and all the girls in the next office smoked and drank coffee all day
14:17.03sevardwhat an awesome office.
14:17.26*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
14:18.34jbalcombWho is using call Queues in Asterisk? Do you play an announcement before you send the call to the queue? How do you handle calls to the queue after hours? How do you handle calls to the queue during business hours when the queue has no members? If a member is available do they get the call directly without an announcement or hold music?
14:18.52sevardso many questions
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14:19.16sevardjbalcomb: lemme show you my company_x plan
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14:19.48Hmmhesaysgot a wip-300 coming in the mail
14:20.11fileHmmhesays: tell me how it works...
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14:20.42Ludo_some people already try to install web-meetme ?
14:20.47Hmmhesaysfile: prelim tests from my partner in crime say it works quite well
14:21.14fileHmmhesays: neat, I think it's an interesting phone considering it runs Linux and the source is available for some of it :) enough that you can build your own image
14:21.20jbalcombHmmhesays: your dog uses a phone?
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14:21.38Hmmhesaysdoes asterlink offer did's othere than 800 numbers?
14:21.44HmmhesaysI was poking around the website last night
14:22.04filepoke MikeJ[Laptop] or bkw
14:22.05Hmmhesaysjbalcomb: huh?
14:22.10sevardjbalcomb: show answer most of your questions, highly commented,
14:22.16Hmmhesaysyou still work for them?
14:22.23fileno I do not
14:22.32HmmhesaysI see says the blind matty
14:22.37smackusI am trying to figure out how to make an autoattendant extension repeat once then hang up. The only thing I can figure out is the last priority sends to the first priority, but I do not want to send an extension into a loop. Is there a better way?
14:22.52filesmackus: have a variable that increments and check it
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14:23.10smackusare you willing to teach me how to do that?
14:23.20fileyou have everything you need
14:23.36Hmmhesaysfile: ever configure an as5300?
14:23.42fileHmmhesays: no
14:23.48fileHmmhesays: and even if I had, I wouldn't admit it
14:24.01HmmhesaysI got one sitting in somalia right now being a paperweight
14:24.13smackushere is my current extension that I need to repeat:
14:24.31jbalcombHmmhesays: have you asked in #cisco? super helpful peeps over there.
14:24.51jbalcombsevard: looks good. thanks. i'll go through it now.
14:24.51filesmackus: all the tools you need to do this are in Asterisk, you just need to THINK about what it requires, and look and learn
14:25.02Hmmhesaysyeah a few times
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14:25.13smackusunderstood... just don't even know where to begin to look
14:25.19filewell think
14:25.30tamp4xis there something special needed to recognize e.164 numbers in asterisk
14:25.33Hmmhesaysalthough I'm a cisco n00b so my questions are probably pretty stupid sounding
14:25.40fileyou need a variable that starts out at 0, you need to increment it when the timeout happens, you need a check on the value
14:25.53jbalcombmake variable, write variable, check variable increment variable, check variable, break?
14:25.56tamp4xkeeps on looking for exten 's'
14:26.14jbalcombHmmhesays: what seems to be the trouble?
14:26.53jbalcombwoot!! all that and i'm the biggest hack coder i've ever worked with. ;)
14:26.56Hmmhesaysjbalcomb: i have an as5300 with isdn e1's that I need to configure to terminate traffic from IP to Pots
14:27.30HmmhesaysI got the e1 up, I think, did the h323 gateway stuff
14:27.31jbalcombHmmhesays: hrmm.. that sounds like no small task.
14:27.58Hmmhesaysconfigured a dial-peer, but the cisco documentation is confusing
14:28.57tamp4xwhat variable other than ${EXTEN} can be used to find the extensions ( the TO:  number)
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14:30.23zamolxeshi. My setup should allow users to prepay $4 or something , and then talk for $4. The system should hang up when the credit is consumed but play a sound file 1 minute before that. Everything interface-wise I wrote in perl with a postgres backend. I don't really know how to tackle the hanging up part . Some pointers on what should I be reading next?
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14:34.11VecCan you dial a name, for an extention rather than a number, or is the correct way to dial a number, I am using a soft phone ?
14:34.26zamolxesuhm, should I rephrase? :)
14:34.28jbalcombsevard: i thought the timeout option in the queue function was deprecated in 1.2.4?
14:35.06Synynzam: h = hangup
14:36.09zamolxesSynyn: ok, and how can I watch the call constantly and hangup when her credit is exhausted? My problem is I don't really know where to begin :)
14:36.43Hmmhesayszamolxes: set the absolute timeout before the call is connected
14:37.18Synynzam: ah, you are trying to catch a event or poll for credits and then launch an event?
14:37.37tamp4x   <- anyone know why this is happening, i have +12037743993 as an exten in the dialplan, wtf is it coming up in the domain?
14:38.55zamolxesSynyn: basically when the user dials, I want to get the phone number, lookup the prefix+credits in postgres, decide how many minutes does the user has depending on that, and tell asterisk to hangup after N  minutes and play after N-1 minutes
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14:41.36anglerzamolxes, absolutehangup
14:42.38jbalcombsevard: exten = s,5,Goto(company_x-closed,s,1) means that if they don't get into the queue because its full, nonexistent, or there are no members they go to company closed?
14:43.10anglerzamolxes, absolutetimeout actually, which looks like its not in trunk anymore
14:43.39anglerfile, thanks
14:43.41*** part/#asterisk Ludo_ (
14:44.37zamolxesthanks, i'll go hit the docs about all these
14:44.38anglerzamolxes, also the S flag on Dial
14:50.24jbalcomb~seen [TK]D-Fender
14:50.31jbot[tk]d-fender is currently on #asterisk (2h 51m 52s). Has said a total of 16 messages. Is idling for 54m 23s, last said: 'Sonderblade : ${ARG${count}}'.
14:51.05X-Gen~seen jbot
14:51.07jbotjbot is currently on #asterisk-doc (15h 4m 59s) #ubuntu-utah (15h 4m 59s) ##t42 (15h 4m 59s) #how (15h 4m 59s) #ol (15h 4m 59s) #flyspray (15h 4m 59s) #asterisk (15h 4m 59s) #byumug (15h 4m 59s) #va (15h 4m 59s) #orkut (15h 4m 59s) #nslu2-linux (15h 4m 59s) ##ducleague (15h 4m 59s) #storm ...
14:52.33jbalcombWhat does this 'i' do? exten = i,1,Goto
14:52.49smackusfile: ok, so here is what I have been trying prior to asking the channel: But I do not think that the syntax is right, because it still hangs up on me at the end of the auto attendant recording. I cannot find any asterisk specific documentation on how to do this. I have pieced this together from other boards I have read.
14:53.07jbalcombIs that just when they press a key that doesn't match anything we account for?
14:53.26jbalcombah, ok. danke
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14:53.52nicoxanybody there who tested chan_ss7
14:54.23anglersmackus, use WaitExten after Background
14:54.31[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : here
14:55.04[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : link me to what you're looking at
14:55.09anglersmackus, or set autofallthrough=no in general section of extensions.conf
14:56.12smackusangler: what does autofallthrough=no do?
14:56.49anglerold behavior of asterisk where it waits for an extension to be entered if there is not another priority
14:56.54jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: the uppers want to change the way our queues function.
14:57.33gr0mitnicox : yes, we are using chan_ss7
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15:00.36Toerkeiumhello guys, anyone know a good SIP provider?
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15:03.51nicoxgood sip provider is
15:04.01Toerkeiumthanks nicox
15:05.21pdtmobileI see new sip providers just about every time somebody asks that question, at some point I am going to see the same one twice... i just know it
15:05.50pdtmobilelaw of averages and all
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15:07.00[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : ok, so whats your question on this PB?
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15:09.52jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender How can I make my queues work the way I'm being asked to do?
15:11.37[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : ... I lost track of your requirements...
15:11.56jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: I think I'll have to find out why we aren't using GotoIfTime and why our queues are memberless during business hours.
15:12.34jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: they want me to do something with the caller when they can't join the queue.
15:12.39[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : memberless during business hours is important.  working hours is also important, but I keep manual on/off hour overrides in my setups
15:12.44*** join/#asterisk dhill (
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15:12.59dhilldoes libpri allow me to use _any_ t1 card?
15:13.02dhillor just zaptel?
15:13.09[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : They should ALWAYS be able to join the queue if it is considered "open for buisiness"
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15:13.42[TK]D-Fenderdhill : just say what model you are looking at...
15:14.01jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: I would think so as well. So if I turn off nojoin and leaveempty, what do i do with a call on hold for three minutes while someones on break?
15:14.38dhillI was looking at Sangoma and accoom (
15:14.42[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : let them sit around, or have a queue timeout.  if you let them sit, ALLOW them to quit to VM at their discretion.
15:15.04[TK]D-Fenderdhill : Can't speak for the latter, but Sangoma uses ZAptel/libpri.
15:15.15dhilli will be using OpenBSD
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15:15.43[TK]D-Fenderdhill : I wouldn't touch that other card with a 10ft pole...
15:16.05dhillopenbsd has the san driver
15:16.10jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: That's what I think. I wish I knew why these guys think theres a difference between someone sitting on hold because all members are unavailable and sitting on hold because there are no members.
15:17.40[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : there IS.  "Leaveempty" would kick them out if there are no agents LOGGED.  If there are logged (but busy) agents then they would sit and wait
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15:18.38jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: i mean why they are willing to let someone sit for unavail but not unmanned.
15:18.52jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender from a customer services perspective
15:19.17[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : unmanned has no future in sight, unavail can end their call.
15:19.56dhill[TK]D-Fender: I am just trying to figure out if I can get Asterisk to work on OpenBSD using the sangoma driver and libpri.  I do not want to use the wanpipe driver.
15:20.00[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Unmanned shouldn't happen during bunsiness hours and staffing+policy should enforce that.  with taht in mind you should always leave you caller in queu until THEY decide to leave.
15:20.13[TK]D-Fenderdhill : You require Wanpipe.
15:20.31jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ... yes, that is where I was leaning.
15:20.58dhillhow so?
15:21.11*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=eKo1@
15:21.41[TK]D-Fenderdhill : Sangoma runs off their driver which interfaces with Zaptel.  ZAptel is second-banana in their setup
15:22.04[TK]D-Fenderdhill : Whats the problem with it?
15:22.31dhillIs it an open or closed source driver?
15:22.44jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: the way i see it there are four situations i need to account for in my queue structure...
15:22.57[TK]D-Fenderdhill : Open.  So again, whats the problem?
15:23.22[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : 1/2 of them no doubt require reprogramming app_queue
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15:24.16jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: (1) 1+ members available; (2) 0 members avaialble; (3) no members, full, or nonexistant; (4) after hours
15:24.57dhillI am wondering why wanpipe is not in OpenBSD then.
15:25.05dhillperhaps it GPL'd
15:25.13jbalcombbecause openBSD is awesome?
15:25.41[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : after hours = dial plan.  No members = joinempty/leaveempty. 1+ Avail (as in just ring, no MoH which I suspect is what you're thinking) = No-go.
15:25.56[TK]D-Fenderdhill : What do you mean "not in OpenBSD"?
15:26.08dhillas the driver for sangoma cards
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15:26.18[TK]D-Fenderdhill : Clarify...
15:26.38nicoxdo anybody know if  is it possible to get 2 asterisk boxes working with only 1 SS7 link under chan_ss7
15:26.56[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : the intermittant queue message just plays on interval regardless of anything and won't trigger instantly if they are all busy.
15:27.05dhillalex from sangoma told me the san driver is old.. and that I should be using wanpipe
15:27.09jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ok, so after hours is handled by GotoIfTime and/or our DND check
15:27.49dhillso i am wondering what wanpipe has that the OpenBSD driver does not
15:27.54jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: maybe we can put calls in the queue even if its unmanned...
15:28.01[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Don't trust phone-DND, use an AstDB to force it open/closed/normal.
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15:28.18[TK]D-Fenderdhill : Check their wiki, and when you're done with that, PHONE them.
15:28.25jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: yeah, i'm using AstDB for that
15:28.27[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : You certainly CAN.
15:28.56[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I use STD hours + manual overrides on all my setups.
15:29.10eKo1nicox: What do you mean?
15:29.22mutstds are nasty
15:29.43jbroomeit burns when i call!
15:29.47[TK]D-Fendermut : LIFE is a sexually transimtted disease which is in all cases FATAL.
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15:29.52eKo1nicox: you should have one * box as the ss7 gateway and whatever number of * boxen sending calls to it.
15:30.01mutah yes
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15:30.16muti'm immortal
15:30.23jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: so now, if [0 members avaialble == no members] then i need a welcome msg, bail msg, and hold music ...
15:30.49[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : 0 avail != 0 members.
15:31.12jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: if i'm putting them both in the queue why wouldn't they be?
15:31.19[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : and you can't really test that easily before entering the queue.
15:31.26SynynAnyone used the DigitNetworks x100P cards?
15:31.51[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : they are different statuses.  only diff is if you kick when no members logged.
15:32.16jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender if i was gonna kick why would i let them join?
15:32.39[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : You might want to kick when the agents leave once they MADE it in.
15:33.30jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ok, so if leavewhenempty kicks in or the TIMEOUT runs out, doesn't it just drop to the next priority?
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15:33.49[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : timeout is a seperate event unto itself.
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15:34.08[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : and all 3 return different queuexit values
15:35.17jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: hrmm.. i though 0 and -1 were the only two values
15:35.17[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : there is a channel var set on queue exit...
15:35.47n9urkhi all, * 1.2.5 is not recording the cdr data.  I have not changed any settings to make it stop logging but nevertheless it does not record.  Is there some setting in 1.2.5 that turns off cdr by default?
15:35.50jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ok, so if they have different values, i can check the values in a GotoIf?
15:36.19[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : naturally.
15:36.22jbalcombn9urk i upgraded from 1.2.1 to 1.2.5 last week and nothing broke
15:36.34n9urkjbalcomb: Thanks.
15:36.37Hmmhesaysyou one a windoze box?
15:37.02jbalcombs/one/SAY WHAT!!/
15:37.11n9urkjbalcomb: is there something obvious that I may have unintentionally did that killed the cdr logging?
15:38.07*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
15:38.26eKo1n9urk: What module(s) are you using for cdr logging?
15:39.10jbalcombn9urk i'm not familiar with it enough to say. sorry. i would certain check the wiki for cdr logging though.
15:39.49n9urkjbalcomb: thanks anyawy!
15:39.57eKo1n9urk: is the cdr_csv module loaded?
15:40.35n9urkeKo1: good question.  What is the best way to know for sure?  It seems that my cdr data ends approx. the time I upgraded to 1.2.5
15:40.58RoyKperhaps 1.2.10
15:41.00eKo1In the Asterisk CLI, enter: load
15:41.33n9urkeKo1: it says it already exists
15:41.42jbalcombn9urk you might do show modules to see it
15:41.43eKo1Good, then it is loaded.
15:41.56jbalcombn9urk and you might try unloading it and then loading it
15:42.03eKo1I don't like show modules because it floods your screen.
15:42.08jbalcombn9urk i have to do that to my voicemail module sometimes
15:42.19hi365deos anyone know how to uninstall the Sangoma wanrouter drivers? they are detecting non existent cards and drining my system nuts!
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15:42.31jbalcombeKo1: `asterisk -rx "show modules" | grep <module>`
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15:42.37n9urkjbalcomb:   do I need to restart * afterwards?
15:42.42jbalcombn9urk nope
15:42.45wunderkinshow modules like?
15:43.04jbalcombyes, modules like show
15:43.11eKo1jbalcomb: yeah, but you have to exit the cli for that
15:43.32pdtmobilehi365: you could just remove your wanpipe1.conf or not run wanrouter
15:43.48jbalcombeKo1: i don't spend much time in the CLI realy
15:44.22eKo1n9urk: check your cdr.conf to see if anything has changed.
15:44.29eKo1n9urk: check your log files too
15:44.32n9urkjbalcomb: after reloading the mod it gave me an error message on permissions
15:44.37jbalcombeKo1 the CLI seems about as usefull as tail -f /var/log/asterisk/messages
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15:44.40n9urkso I will attact that
15:44.45n9urkThanks for the help thus far
15:44.59eKo1jbalcomb: well, that depends on how you have logging set up.
15:44.59jbalcombn9urk you have been checking your logs i hope/
15:45.00hi365pdtmobile: but i will need tor un it eventualy. It is needed to run the card. wanpipe1.conf doesnt mention anything about extera modules (FWI: im using 1-4, no way near the 9-10 and 16-17 its detecting)
15:45.48pdtmobilewell then why are you asking how to uninstall it ;)
15:46.01smackusok, I am looking for a bidder. My asterisk is not stable. it works, but over the course of a couple of days it starts throwing deadlock errors and eventually crashes. It is a production box, so it can have no downtime during the day. So I have been pulling 16 hour days for a couple of weeks trying to stabilize this bitch. Any takers? PM me.
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15:46.32n9urkjbalcomb: I have just been monitoring the logs at teliax and that has served all the purposes I have needed, until now
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15:47.29hi365pdtmobile: good point. even with the card physicaly out of the computer it still "sees" the modules. So i need someway to flsu its "memory" and then ill reinstall it
15:47.47pdtmobilehi365: do you have zaptel.con configured for zap interfaces 8 9 16 17?
15:47.54n9urkjbalcomb: eKo1:  Ok I got the problem fixed due to your guy's help.  Thanks
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15:48.44eKo1smackus: I suggest rebooting sometime late at night.
15:48.50eKo1Every day.
15:48.52pdtmobilehi365: the A200 takes up 24 channels even if you only have two, just like a T1 card does.  So you have to start numbering your other zap interfaces 24 +
15:48.57hi365pdtmobile: at the moment its configured for nothing! #fxsks = 1-2
15:48.57hi365#fxsks = 9-10
15:50.05hi365hu? I dont understanbd what your trying to say, but surely regardless of where we start counting it should be in numerical order
15:51.01pdtmobileso your saying it's just picking those randomly?
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15:51.45hi365Sangoma tech guy David claimed that means that the cards are defective, but thats only resonable IF the cards are randomly numbered when their in the system
15:52.06hi365If their all out of the system, their obviously not to blame
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15:56.19Nobbiei have a problem with calls being dropped when they're blind transferred to a busy extension. how can i make them ring back to the transferee instead of dropping the call ?
15:57.11asteriskwannabeSo I am looking at putting together a system that will handle two phone lines and one phone.  Is the 4 port FXO/FXS card what I need?  What kind of modules do I need?  FXO or FXS?
15:57.42*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
15:57.46anglerasteriskwannabe, TDM12B.... 1 FXS, 2FXO
15:58.38[TK]D-Fenderasteriskwannabe : only 1 phone?
16:00.08mutdo money market accounts usually have deposit and withdrawl limits, as in # of times?
16:01.01*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (n=Merceste@
16:01.08asteriskwannabeYes. It is a portable phone with a second base station.
16:01.17asteriskwannabe(Small office)
16:01.42asteriskwannabeThe second base station does not have to connect to the phone line.  It is more of a charging station and second phone.
16:01.52salviadudthis time i called a rehab clinic in new york, like if i were british, i gave them a stanaphone number (also in new york) so they could contact me later.  i love asterisk... it's sooooo evil
16:01.55riddleboxcould me only allowing a couple of codecs affect not recieving caller id info on cingular cellphone?
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16:03.26hi365pdtmobile: my mistake
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16:03.48hi365apperently it was in the messages scince yesterday
16:04.20stubertIs it possible for asterisk to manage sip and rtp traffic when the client attempts to connect via a url?
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16:06.57asteriskwannabeThanks angler
16:07.23gandhijeeanyone here use mdev in conjunction with zaptel?
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16:10.54snoogThis is probably a stupid question.. But if its in TFM I cant find it, or perhaps I'm looking in the wrong FM. I have been running asterisk as root, and I want to stop doing that. But when I try to run it as non-root, it is unable to create in /var/run, becuase that is owned by root and is not world-writable. How do I eithe
16:11.05snoogThis is probably a stupid question.. But if its in TFM I cant find it, or perhaps I'm looking in the wrong FM. I have been running asterisk as root, and I want to stop doing that. But when I try to run it as non-root, it is unable to create in /var/run, becuase that is owned by root and is not world-writable. How do I tell asterisk it cant do that, and to stop trying
16:11.15snoogoop.. sorry for the dp
16:11.54gandhijeeyou can A) make the space use writeable, B) change the location of the pid
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16:12.18gandhijeeor you can have it switch some how, like apache does
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16:12.23snoogB would be preferrable.. how would I do that (and/or which FM should I look in to see how)
16:12.39gandhijeeits probably something you modify in the sources
16:12.43gandhijeeor makefile
16:13.04gandhijeeand i am pretty sure there is info out there on how to run * as non-root
16:13.08snoogI would think that designin something that requires it to write to a location which is traditionally only writable by root would be poor security
16:13.17gandhijeei remember seeing some guides myself
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16:13.25snoogone would hope
16:13.33snoogbut i havent been able to find up to now
16:13.50gandhijeegoogle is your butt-buddy
16:14.08stubertchown <astuser>: <fullpathandfilename>
16:14.16snoogsilly me, I was googling for the Unable to open pid file '/var/run/': Permission denied message
16:14.27gandhijeeasterisk non-root
16:14.31snoogthinking that any such howto would say 'if you get this message, try this'
16:14.40gandhijeesince thats what you are actually trying to do.
16:15.46snoogIf everyone suggests running asterisk not as root, you'd think that they wouldnt leave it set by default to have to run as root.. becuase im sure that encourages lots of people to do just that, instead of taking the time to manually adjust it to not
16:16.09gandhijeeu wouldn't happen to know how to use mdev would you?
16:16.11snoog'they' = the * devs
16:16.21snoogi doubt it, since im not sure what it is
16:16.27gandhijeefair enough
16:16.32snoogwhat is it?
16:16.53gandhijeea replacement for udev for embedded systems
16:18.22snoogwell I suppose if im gonna be recompiling I might as well go get the newest version
16:18.36gandhijeeprobably not a bad idea
16:19.01snoogi wish the freebsd port of it worked right
16:19.11snoogactually I suppose that wouldnt help much
16:19.11gandhijeewhats wrong with the BSD port?
16:19.27gandhijeeyou can setup jails/chroots in linux too IIRC
16:19.29snoogi dont remember.. i think it depends on zap, and zap doesnt work on freebsd.. or something
16:19.37snoogi remember i never could get it to compile
16:19.42snoogso I gave up and did it manually
16:19.49snoogand I dont even need zap
16:19.49gandhijeeit should, zap was originally written on BSD
16:20.00snoogwell lemme go see what make in the port does
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16:20.51snoog===>    Verifying install for /usr/local/include/zaptel.h in /usr/ports/misc/zaptel
16:20.51snoog===>  zaptel-0.11 "does not build on FreeBSD \< 5.x".
16:21.14snoogYes, I need to upgrade, but the server is remote colo, and Im just not ready yet
16:21.57snoogIn fact when I am ready, it will pretty much be leaving the exiting one running and building a new box to transition to
16:22.20snoogupgrading from 4 to newer is rather complex, i hear
16:22.31snoogas in far easier to just build new
16:23.34snoogHrm.. -DWITHOUT_ZAPTEL
16:23.49snoogOf course I'll need to figure out how to patch rxfax and txfax into the port...
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16:24.11snoognot to mention redo this after a cvsup, since its grabbing not the newest version of *
16:24.41snoogset out to do a simple thing like stop running * as root, and end up cvsuping my enteir system
16:25.17wunderkindont use the port?
16:25.33snoogIf I knew where to suggest that the * devs make * run as non-root properly by default, I' do so.. But I can't imagine where I do that that anyone would listen to
16:25.40snoogYeah.. for now I think
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16:26.03snoogstick with local src
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16:31.34nortexWhat would be the best way to trigger an event in Asterisk, like run a call file, when an IAX trunk is unavaliable?
16:32.02*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
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16:37.56jbalcombnortex: maybe the AMI
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16:44.44Sonderbladesome hardphones have a "feature" so that when you press the "button" on the phone the old call is not hangup but you get a new dial tone
16:45.08Sonderbladei think it is supposed to be used for 3-way dialling, anyway is there a way to disable that really annoying feature?
16:45.13russellbasterisk sounds ... english, spanish, french ... ulaw, alaw, wav, gsm, g729 ...
16:45.16*** join/#asterisk smurf (n=smurf@debian/developer/smurf)
16:45.33russellbenjoy :)
16:46.10Qwell[]don't forget the fpm :D
16:46.30russellboh yes, moh files in the same formats :)
16:46.34russellbno more mp3 for you!
16:47.34*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (n=Merceste@
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16:50.24jbalcombIf anyone wants the Polycom SoundPoint IP 501 SIP 1.6.6 firmware it is here:
16:50.28nortexjbalcomb, I was thinking more within the dialplan, Like if peer unreachable then do a system command to move a copy of a predefined call file to the spool
16:51.17jbalcombnortex: use the AGI but just initiate a call based on values from the DB so you don't have to make a system call.
16:52.32*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
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16:53.17TripleFFFFwhen one trasnfers a call .. A call B .. B transfers to external line../...... why is B charged on the cdr ?
16:53.20TripleFFFFor how to prevent
16:54.24nortexBut is there away to "trigger" this when a peer becomes unreachable or only when a call attempts to go accross that trunk?
16:55.11TripleFFFFtriugger what .. just came
16:55.22jm|workI always have to wait 4 rings before * picks up from PSTN ?!
16:55.38TripleFFFFan option somewhere
16:55.42TripleFFFFwhats the card
16:55.47jm|workdespite immediate=yes
16:56.03[TK]D-Fenderjm|work : Immediate=yes is NOT for LINES, its for PHONES.
16:56.08TripleFFFFdialing plan is blah ,s,1,answer ?
16:56.12TripleFFFFno wait there ?
16:56.22jm|workTripleFFFF: me?
16:56.26jm|workI have a Wait(1)
16:56.30[TK]D-Fenderjm|work : Your issue is echo-training, callerID, and fax detection.
16:56.37TripleFFFFwell pstn .. hmm
16:56.44jm|work[TK]D-Fender: cool.
16:56.49TripleFFFFremove the wait to see
16:56.56jm|workTripleFFFF: did that
16:57.04[TK]D-Fenderjm|work : the 1 second wait isn't the issue.
16:57.06TripleFFFFwats the card
16:57.12jm|worksome cloney thing
16:57.13TripleFFFFclone x ?
16:57.24TripleFFFFclones have problems getting callerid also
16:57.31TripleFFFFand caller id is between 2nd and 3rd ring
16:57.45TripleFFFFso maybe your version has a switch that says ..need caller id ;)
16:58.00jm|workit does say that in zapata
16:58.01TripleFFFFhence the 4-5 rings.. 2-3- for callerid + 1 for wait
16:58.08[TK]D-Fenderjm|work : Adding echotraining ADDS delay, and CID occurs between the 1st and 2nd ring.
16:58.08TripleFFFFhere you go
16:58.10TripleFFFFnect !
16:58.23TripleFFFFwheres BKW.. lol
16:58.24jm|workoh :(
16:58.27[TK]D-Fenderand 1 ring +/- 4 sec
16:58.42[TK]D-Fenderso wait(1) doesn't factor in.
16:58.46TripleFFFFI always have to wait 4 rings before * picks up from PSTN ?!
16:58.47TripleFFFFhe said
16:58.50TripleFFFFnot seconds.. but rings
16:59.10[TK]D-FenderTripleFFFF : Correct.  But I never validated his analysis of the CAUSE.
16:59.21[TK]D-FenderTripleFFFF : Nor yours :)
16:59.35jm|work'Unknown' called me
16:59.44[TK]D-FenderTripleFFFF : You're batting 0 for 2 so far ;)
16:59.59jm|work[TK]D-Fender: so I removed a load of stuff from the zapata.conf
17:00.01[TK]D-Fenderjm|work : Could be lack of caller ID, bad card, bad settings....
17:00.19jm|work[TK]D-Fender: we have calledID on that line and I'm ringing from my mobile which sends
17:00.59Dr-Linux|workmy sound card is detected on my linux system, but i can't hear anything :(
17:01.32[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work : do you think it just magically creates sound?
17:03.12Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, a song is playing ...
17:03.57Sonderbladehow do you control which language asterisk chooses when it gets an incoming call?
17:04.00[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|work : What app?  What environment?  Checked your mixer?  Checked your speakers?  MRI?
17:04.38jm|workI'll just have to live with four ringhs
17:04.51Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, i checked with different players, currently it's playing with RealPlayer
17:04.59jm|workgives us chance to pick up the serial phone, I guess: it we're in the house
17:05.11[TK]D-FenderQwell : Magnetic Resonnance Imaging.... I'm not sure he's "all there" ;)
17:05.32Qwell[]I'm just hoping that was sarcasm :P
17:05.43[TK]D-FenderMOI?!?!! NEVER
17:06.01*** join/#asterisk ph|ber (
17:06.12ph|beris there any difference in the free * and the business one??
17:06.22ph|berand does the business come with the 729 codecs?
17:06.26[TK]D-Fenderph|ber : Yeah, Business one is supported and costs.
17:06.33ph|beryea. i saw that.
17:06.38[TK]D-Fenderph|ber : Nope, still have to pay seperately like everything else.
17:06.53*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
17:06.58ph|berso other than cost and support theres no difference?
17:07.04shmaltzwhat type of hangup detection is used in the US?
17:07.10[TK]D-Fenderph|ber : Business one also allows integration in proprietary solutions without GPL getting in the way
17:07.27ph|bercan you buy just the manual?
17:07.33ph|berthe tech manual>
17:07.34*** join/#asterisk System010 (
17:07.34[TK]D-Fendershmaltz : Polarity reversal usually (where even offered)
17:07.42[TK]D-Fenderph|ber : ....
17:07.44jbotbook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:08.07shmaltz[TK]D-Fender, in my experience it's always offered, at least under Verizon Teritory
17:08.13Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, thanks , it's fixed
17:08.29*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=eKo1@
17:08.34System010has anyone worked with an inter-tel axxess system before?
17:08.36shmaltz[TK]D-Fender, so you telling me what verizon gives is Polarity reversal
17:09.05ph|beranyone use the astgui?
17:09.22*** join/#asterisk dmesg (n=dmesg@netbsd/user/dmesg)
17:09.59[TK]D-Fendershmaltz : Should be.
17:10.11dmesgasteris is good for phreking? :P
17:10.14shmaltz[TK]D-Fender, thanks
17:10.33[TK]D-Fenderph|ber : No GUI for yoooouuuuu!!!!
17:11.02*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
17:11.03dmesgwhere can i download the iso to install asterisk ?
17:11.23System010dmesg: you mean the install?
17:11.33dmesgSystem010 yes
17:11.46[TK]D-Fenderdmesg : * is an APP.  there is no "ISO" :)
17:11.56System010source files are on
17:11.58dmesg[TK]D-Fender ahhh
17:12.03System010under the download section
17:12.09dmesgi see
17:12.16[TK]D-Fenderdmesg : Install a Linux distro, download source, compile, enjoy.
17:12.25dmesgso it can work on netbsd rigth?
17:12.25Dr-Linux|work[TK]D-Fender, now thinking how can i import .pst file from outlook to linux evolution mail client
17:12.29snoogI actually went ahead with trying the port
17:12.33snoogwhich wanted an upgraded spandsp
17:12.37snoogwhich was installed from port
17:12.40[TK]D-Fenderdmesg : Dunno, but wouldn't bet on it.
17:12.47snoogbut the new one keeps giving me some crap about std=c99 not being valid
17:12.53dmesg[TK]D-Fender ok
17:13.01snoogand now, the existing asterisk wont start becuase spandsp is missing,
17:13.17snoogand i dont think its possible to revert the port for spandsp back to its old one
17:14.17[TK]D-Fendersnoog : "port"?
17:15.02snoogfreebsd /usr/ports
17:15.37[TK]D-Fendersnoog : Ah... more masochists trying to run * non-Linux....
17:15.56snoogwell is was running fine until I decided I wanted to stop running it as root
17:16.04snoogthen I decided i might as well bump the version while I was at it
17:16.17snoogthen I decided Id try the version in ports insead of local src
17:16.33snoogand linux is great for workstations, crap for servers
17:16.44snoogbut I do prefer freebsd on a server
17:17.16snoogunfortunately, im using a rather old dog.. RELENG_4 is getting crusty, but im not ready to upgrade yet
17:17.22[TK]D-FenderI prefer "functional" on a server :)
17:18.20snoogwell everything else is functionall.. this box does quite a lot.. im just caught trying to use the 'official' install methods for a rather old version of 'official', and the world has passed me by
17:18.39snoogone of these days I need to buy some new iron and install a fresd freebsd6 on it
17:18.54jm|workis that why my callerid isn't working?
17:19.46snoogi doubt it
17:20.42snoogmaybe if I install a newer gcc
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17:21.47kay2Is it possible to do videoconferencing with SS7 ?
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17:23.13RoyKkay2: ss7 is a signalling protocol, so it should be able to control any sort of communication
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17:24.51kay2RoyK: but basically, if someone calls a pstn number with a 3G phone in 3G mode, what happens ?
17:25.41docEThat is stupid
17:26.15RoyKi would guess the call is rejected by pstn, unless it's setup to allow extra b channels for the video
17:26.47RoyKcall the telco and ask if you can do that
17:29.47*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
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17:30.12mmmmmToopanyone know how to stop a Snom from transfering with the Transfer button?
17:30.49mmmmmToopWierd request I know...but this is the story: we need to transfer a call out a queue
17:31.03kay2RoyK: and If I have a E1
17:31.04mmmmmToop& it works fine using # to transfer, but if one uses the feature transfer it looses the call...
17:31.20kay2and I call from my softphone using 3G mode, would it still be rejected ?
17:31.23*** part/#asterisk smackus (n=ckwall@
17:31.48kay2or it would send the data directly to the channel ?
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17:32.30RoyKkay2: 3g call -> some switch. that switch will most prrobably send the call to another switch which will reject the call since it's got incompatible media
17:34.21System010so has anyone had luck connecting and Inter-Tel Axxess system to asterisk?
17:36.34TripleFFFFpeople got compiled --WITHOUT-BRAIN
17:37.02TripleFFFFlans to have 600 million people from the western hemisphere jump simultaneouslyThey claim this will move the Earth out of its current orbit
17:37.20*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
17:37.53TripleFFFFnow why the hell would one want that.. even why would 600 mill want to suicide like that.. gravity is a precise thing.. me dodenst think getting sun and moon out the equatin is any good..
17:38.01kay2RoyK: but when using a E1, it sends 32 channel of 64kb each right ?
17:38.35RoyKchan 0 is sync and (usually) chan 16 is dchan
17:40.59kay2well even chan 0 and 16 is 64kb channel
17:41.21RoyKkay2: but the telco _will_ need to support this. any idea of how much bandwidth the video is?
17:41.41RoyKkay2: E1 is 2048kbps, yes, so each timeslot is 64kbps
17:41.43*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
17:42.23gandhijeei am trying to run some TMDoE, i belive i have my setup correct, but asterisks reports my TDMoE span as down
17:42.38gandhijeedo i need an asterisk on the side that is exporting the TDMoE or something?
17:44.29*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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17:47.27g__I give up.  Is there was I can test if an extension exists before jumping to it?
17:48.28Qwell[]g__: According to show application goto, if the exten doesn't exist, it'll continue on in the dialplan
17:48.39kay2RoyK: but I can use one of the 64kb channel for data right ?
17:48.42g__really?  Cool.. I'll try it.
17:48.46g__Thanks Qwell
17:48.50kay2RoyK: or no ?
17:48.53Strom_Calso, if you're designing your dialplan correctly, this shouldnt be an issue
17:49.07Qwell[]Strom_C: BAD
17:49.10Qwell[]BAD, BAD, BAD
17:49.16Qwell[]nevermind :P
17:49.36Qwell[]I was gonna dock you a point for forgetting a ' in shouldn't
17:49.38i-balluh..there's an outhouse, you know
17:50.06g__Strom_C: I guess it's a matter of opinion..
17:50.31g__And context (in original def' of context, not the asterisk one.)
17:51.27RoyKkay2: isdn-based videophones use one channel (or more) for video, yes
17:51.42*** join/#asterisk okdo (n=goldenol@
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17:52.31g__Qwell: actually, I suspect control is passed to the 'i' context rather than going to the next line.
17:52.39okdoI am using the fax extension  --- which works well, I answer the channel and it drops to the fax extension when it detects the ring tone but it always rings the SIP phone (1) ring prior to passing the call to the fax extension --- I've inserted up to 3 seconds of Wait() and it doesn't help --- any thoughts?
17:53.29RoyKokdo: do you wait() after picking up the call?
17:53.33Qwell[]g__: Not with goto..not according to the docs
17:53.51kay2RoyK: but is it possible to call from a 3G phone to a ISDN phone ?
17:54.45okdoyeah i do a Answer() and then Wait(2) and then Dial(SIP/....
17:55.18RoyKokdo: perhaps playtones(ring) will help the users dialing in not to be disturbed.....
17:56.04okdohmmm! good thought, let me test
17:56.21RoyKalso, try wait(5) or so
17:56.35RoyKperhas 2 is a little too low
17:57.23g__Qwell: well I tried.. I guess the documentation is wrong.
17:58.02*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
17:58.20kay2RoyK: when I call from one ISDN to an other ISDN, it uses directly the line as a data channel
17:58.21kay2right ?
17:59.05tessier_What's the start of the art in VOIP faxing? Is it still a mess?
17:59.15tessier_I've been out of the asterisk biz for the last year.
17:59.30RoyKkay2: it would be using one or more bchans for video in addition to the bchan for audio, yes
17:59.54kay2RoyK: but when someone has a video phone and he places a call to an other number
17:59.57kay2if it's just one call
18:00.02kay2there is just one bchannel used
18:00.20kay2am I right ?
18:02.28*** join/#asterisk linlin (
18:02.43RoyKiirc isdn-isdn video is done with one bchan per media or with several bchans for the video
18:03.17kay2RoyK: with a digium quad E1 card
18:03.25kay2RoyK: can I get the data directly from one channel ?
18:03.30kay2RoyK: in raw ?
18:03.57*** join/#asterisk ^Tr4sh^ (
18:05.18RoyKkay2: i don't think that would be the problem. i would rather think either the call would be rejected by the telco's switch or the video would be discarded on the way
18:06.02i-ballcan anybody explain to me local channel creation in Asterisk?
18:06.11jbotit has been said that local is like, is your system local to you?  Can you physically touch it from where you're sitting, or maybe by going to another room?  As opposed, say, to being 1500km from you, accessible only via air and sea (combined) travel, and installed in a restricted-access facility?  This matters if we, say, try to restart your system and it doesn't.
18:06.25jbotsomebody said docs was probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
18:06.27jbotit has been said that book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
18:06.43RoyKkay2: do you
18:07.09RoyKkay2: do you really get a call on the PRI when dialling from the 3g phone?
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18:08.01RoyKkay2: take a look with a full pri debug
18:08.08RoyKpri intense debug pri 1
18:09.39RoyKi-ball: it's a kind of advanced goto
18:09.48RoyKor perhaps not so advanced
18:09.59*** join/#asterisk benjamin7062 (
18:10.25kay2RoyK: well there is a local number when I call it with 3G option, I get video
18:10.39i-ballWhen I say that I need to know how to create local channels I mean:
18:10.43i-ballI saw an example that said:
18:11.09RoyKkay2: erm. what do you mean? from 3g to 3g?
18:11.13benjamin7062I have a channel that seems to be locked; when I do a show channels I get this.  Can anyone explain this line:
18:11.15benjamin7062Local/8090@phones-73 s@phones:1           Down    (None)
18:11.22benjamin7062It's just 'stuck' there?
18:11.33kay2RoyK: from 3G to a ISDN
18:12.10RoyKwell. i really don't understand what you're asking about. sorry...
18:12.11benjamin7062It shows the correct status of 'down' but won't go away and the phone is no longer in use... or making any sort of calls.. etc
18:12.31*** join/#asterisk Bobcat_1966 (
18:12.50RoyKbenjamin7062: does a 'soft hangup' work? or a restart? does asterisk want to restart at all?
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18:13.29benjamin7062RoyK, well, I was hoping to understand the issue before I clear the state.  Since I'm not sure I can reproduce it reliably
18:13.31RoyKkay2: what sort of isdn phone do you use with video? how is this connected? i do not understand
18:14.03RoyKbenjamin7062: just a sec
18:14.13benjamin7062RoyK, I'm sure a restart will fix it, but I don't want to have to restart with these.. so I was wondering if anyone knew what condition would cause a 'Local' channel, and why they would sit there.  It's showing the state of 'Down' correctly, just not going away
18:14.20RoyKlocal show channels?
18:14.35benjamin7062yeah, it shows up there.
18:15.02RoyKbenjamin7062: also, gdb -p asterisk-pid, thread info and 'thread apply all bt full' and file it in
18:15.42benjamin7062bummer.. so it's probably a bug
18:15.53benjamin7062okie dokie
18:18.59snoogalrighty.. so I installed gcc33, told the spandsp port to use it instead, and now its not complaining about c99 anymore..
18:19.08snoogbut not, its griping about 'INT16_MAX' undefined
18:20.09snoogin any case, i did manage to reinstall the old spandsp from a package.. so at least my existing setup is still working
18:20.25*** join/#asterisk supjigatr (n=syslod@
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18:21.23supjigatrAnyone seen occasional DTMF tones not recognized on inbound PRI calls to a menu?
18:21.36snoogOk, I'm going to pretend I'm shopping for a new box.. Anyone have any recomendations for mainboards, cpu, etc?
18:21.45RoyKsupjigatr: i beleive so
18:21.52snoogits been so long since I built any new machines
18:21.57jboti heard local is like, is your system local to you?  Can you physically touch it from where you're sitting, or maybe by going to another room?  As opposed, say, to being 1500km from you, accessible only via air and sea (combined) travel, and installed in a restricted-access facility?  This matters if we, say, try to restart your system and it doesn't.
18:22.09jbot~/ is your home dir silly!, or root, of all Unix
18:22.20jbotEvery moment in which im called upon is torture
18:22.20RoyK~lart i-ball
18:22.25jbotaw, gee, trelane_
18:22.29jbothmm... windows is a 32 bit hack on a 16 bit operating system, originally designed for an 8 bit CPU, with a 4 bit system bus, made by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition... or the World of Warcraft bootloader, or the most important collection of bugs
18:22.32supjigatrRoyK: Any fix?
18:22.32i-ballshit, can anybody point me to a tutorial on local channel creation?
18:22.41jbotACTION farts, releasing large quantities of methane and sulfur dioxide. "Evacuate the channel! GO! *gag* SAVE YOURSELVES *cough* MOVE *choke* MOVE!"
18:22.41i-ballwhat conf file do I need to edit?
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18:22.49jbotsomebody said billgates was
18:22.49Qwell[]wow bootloader...haha
18:22.58RoyKsupjigatr: not yet. it was some time ago. think it works now
18:23.17supjigatrRoyK: HEAD or asterisk current?
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18:24.14Qwell[]russellb: having problems?
18:24.43russellbQwell[]: yes
18:28.05Bullseye_Networkwhen asterisk dumps where would it write the log?
18:28.19*** join/#asterisk Cubano (n=Cubano@unaffiliated/cubano)
18:28.28TripleFFFFor depends on core
18:28.45TripleFFFFcould look there
18:28.54TripleFFFFor sysctl -a |grep core
18:29.21TripleFFFFdefault is where app got aluched
18:29.22*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
18:29.32TripleFFFFso if you lauched from /root/ its in /root/pid.core
18:29.40TripleFFFFsorry my enter key broken
18:30.12Bullseye_NetworkLaunch with safe_asterisk on boot
18:30.31gandhijeei am trying to run some TMDoE, i belive i have my setup correct, but asterisks reports my TDMoE span as down
18:30.35gandhijeedo i need an asterisk on the side that is exporting the TDMoE or something?
18:30.54i-ballfor SIP channels I need to edit sip.conf
18:30.54i-ballfor iax channels I need to edit iax.conf
18:30.54i-ballfor local channels I need to edit --?
18:30.54i-ballor does nothing need to be edited?
18:30.57i-balland they're just dynamically created?
18:31.00Bullseye_Networkit should be in tmp but there was nada
18:31.38[TK]D-Fenderi-ball : Local channel is a wait to dial INTO the dialplan from withing the dialplan.  Like a GOTO, but more.
18:32.20i-ballah, okay
18:32.32i-ballso can you explain to me the parts of the following line:
18:32.40*** join/#asterisk lindy_R (i=HydraIRC@
18:33.08i-ballis @stream the context?
18:33.14i-balland 101 the extension?
18:33.14[TK]D-Fenderi-ball : Correct
18:33.25[TK]D-Fenderi-ball : yes
18:33.32i-ballThanks a lot!
18:33.40benjamin7062How do I hang up a 'local' channel if it's hung?
18:33.50benjamin7062That is, if restart isn't an option
18:34.27benjamin7062And soft hangup no workie
18:34.41eKo1restarting is the only way
18:34.42*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
18:39.31jm|workso has anyone got UK CallerID working on a FXO?
18:39.51jm|workthe howtos I keep finding are somewhat legacy
18:40.10i-ballthat's an understatement
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18:50.59marv[work]are there any docs on asterisk's locking scheme?
18:51.20*** join/#asterisk redondos (n=redondos@
18:51.32redondosAFAIK, I'm not using SQLite, but I'm getting this error:
18:51.32redondosJul 19 12:50:19 ERROR[10145]: cdr_sqlite.c:157 sqlite_log: cdr_sqlite: attempt to write a readonly database
18:52.17redondosAnd `grep -i sqlite /etc/asterisk/*' finds nothing.
18:52.45eKo1in your cli, type unload
18:52.58*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:53.20redondosGood. Is it gone for good, or will it be brought back when I Restart?
18:53.44redondosIt's back. :(
18:54.01mmmmmToopwouldnt even try...;)
18:54.01redondosWhat database does it want to write in?
18:54.05redondosThere's nothing in /var/log/asterisk
18:54.17redondosmmmmmToop: What do you mean?
18:54.17eKo1You need to add a noload => in modules.conf
18:54.26redondosGreat, thanks.
18:54.30mmmmmToopsorry...wrong chat ;)
18:54.35redondosBut what is it complaining about, where is the database supposed to be located at?
18:56.00jm|workbugger :|
18:56.11jm|workI patched the #DEFAULT_CIDRINGS 2
18:56.14jm|workbut still no joy
18:56.34*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
18:56.53eKo1redondos: no clue
18:56.59redondoseKo1: Ok, thanks.
19:02.35vader--ok power over ethernet experts
19:03.04vader--can i create a box that has 3 outlets that is fed by one line that has poe and 3 data cables?
19:03.10vader--to power 2 phones and an access point?
19:04.52benjamin7062vader - no
19:05.00eKo1probably not but feel free to experiment
19:05.07benjamin7062vader -- you can feed 2 net connections in one line but that eats up the pairs for power
19:06.52benjamin7062vader--, Never tried but you 'might' be able to split the power three ways... but to get 3 data AND poe devices on the same line won't work... since the data requires 4 wires each... no matter what
19:07.08*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
19:07.40benjamin7062vader--, all of that was assuming the 'one line' feeding the box is standard cat-5
19:07.40vader--no i would bus the pairs for the poe and run 3 lines for data
19:08.18vader--in 568B wireing schema the brown and blue pairs are for poe?
19:08.31vader--and the orange and green are for data
19:08.35benjamin7062yes sir
19:09.17*** join/#asterisk nortex (
19:10.15benjamin7062I'm assuming you want to pull 1 cat 5 cable to a location that has PoE -- then split that out 3 ways.  That is too many -- even if you did some trickery on the other end of the line.  There aren't enough wires in a standard cat-5 cable.
19:10.53vader--i want to pull 3 wires
19:10.58vader--but only one wire has POE
19:11.06vader--i want to split just the poe over the 3 plugs
19:11.24[TK]D-Fendervader-- : Buy another PoE switch
19:12.47benjamin7062vader--, I suppose in theory -- that'd work but I'm not sure if you'd get enough power outta the pairs.
19:13.45benjamin7062vader--, I'd have to agree with [TK]D-Fender -- just put another PoE switch in the back room.. =)  If you are pulling 3 cables then it makes sense.  But, I suppose we don't know what you are trying to accomplish
19:13.53godsmokeyeah, the wires are going to have safety limits
19:14.00godsmokeabout how much power can go through them
19:14.24*** join/#asterisk sevard (
19:14.26benjamin7062Is it 24v dc?
19:14.33*** join/#asterisk mog_home (n=mogorman@
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19:15.39benjamin7062I would think it would work so long as long as 3x power for devices !> 24v dc (or whatever the magic number is)
19:15.48*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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19:16.05*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
19:16.08benjamin7062I'd spend $50.00 personally.  ;-)
19:16.30godsmokewell the voltage doesn't go down by splitting the power
19:16.34godsmokejust the current
19:18.39benjamin7062<-- not a power expert... was speaking in theory... like, having a 20amp circuit in a house.. and splitting that circuit off to several outlets...   So long as the outlets combined don't go above 20amp.. the breaker never trips.  That kinda thing, however it works in the real world
19:19.23TripleFFFFcurrent does go down neither
19:19.52TripleFFFFall dpeends on which leg pulls the most.. thing to consider is using wires htat can take avg 15 amp so usually 20% more. .hence 20amp gage
19:19.54*** join/#asterisk froguz (
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19:22.11TripleFFFFhi there
19:22.20froguzwath is the simplest way to know wich codec is being used in a call?
19:22.25froguzany CLI command?
19:22.52sevardsip debug.
19:22.56RoyKsip show channel ...
19:23.05RoyKsevard: that's overkill and only works with call setup
19:23.13RoyKfroguz: sip show channels
19:23.15RoyKif it's sip
19:24.52*** part/#asterisk g__ (
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19:26.53DaminAnyone using a Plantronics CS50 headset w/ a Polycom 501?
19:27.15*** join/#asterisk Vorondil (
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19:29.21*** join/#asterisk Ironhand (
19:30.00[TK]D-FenderDamin : I've used a simial unit, what of it?
19:30.27gandhijeeanyone know where i can find the newt libs so i can compile zttool?
19:30.49[TK]D-FenderDamin : Yup, it uses the same optional handset lefter as mine did.
19:31.52Damin[TK]D-Fender: Do you need the lifter to have it answer from the headset Call Control button?
19:32.32[TK]D-FenderDamin : Yup... very annoying.
19:32.43[TK]D-FenderDamin : this is not an "intelligent" solution
19:32.46Damin[TK]D-Fender: Yes.. extremely annoying..
19:33.06[TK]D-FenderDamin : I ran my call center on IP 600's with lifters.  means you don't see the caller ID, etc.
19:33.18*** join/#asterisk nighty_ (
19:33.18[TK]D-FenderDamin : if you're away from your desk.
19:33.23nighty_hi :)
19:33.27froguzis there a way to know if asterisk is making transcoding?
19:33.46[TK]D-FenderDamin : more function to often just use an ATA with a cordless phone w/ BT
19:34.03[TK]D-Fenderfroguz : use "show channels" and look at both sides of the call.
19:34.04nighty_anyone succeeded in compiling chan-sccp under freebsd 6.1 ?
19:34.07*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
19:34.42sevardI have a question -- in sip.conf you can set the astdb= field to set fields in the database, but it doesn't look like that's working, is there something you haev to enable?
19:35.37[TK]D-Fendersevard : pastebin what you're doing to set it, and what you're doing to test it.
19:43.37*** join/#asterisk jgoo (
19:43.57jgooquick way to test is asterisk is running? (something like -vvv??) thanks
19:44.19[TK]D-Fenderps -A|grep asterisk
19:44.41jgooaah yes :)
19:45.31jgoo:( no not running, I just setup trixbox and it died when I did install-ZAPHFC
19:45.48jgoohrm, I will keep that part in #freepbx ;)'
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19:47.20sevard[TK]D-Fender: in sip.conf astdb = CLIENTS/SIP-1338=pimpninjas
19:47.53sevard[TK]D-Fender: extensions.conf: exten => s,4,Noop(${DB_EXISTS(CLIENTS/SIP-1338)}) ; should be "pimpninjas"
19:48.26sevardshould be "1", not "pimpninjas"
19:48.33sevardbut it returns 0
19:48.54[TK]D-Fendersevard : that a raw paste?
19:49.22sevardif you're asking if they've been censored in any way, no
19:49.35*** join/#asterisk linlin (
19:49.36[TK]D-Fendersevard : REMOVE TH WHITESPACE
19:49.50sevardbetween astdb and = and CLIENTS?
19:50.41smackusquestion... when upgrading the polycom provisioning files, ie phone1.cfg and sip.ld and such... what files do I have to mess with. Can I just add the new sip.ld file and call it good?
19:51.00[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Should have sip.ver as well.
19:51.01sevardsip reload, database show CLIENTS, nothing
19:51.15[TK]D-Fendersev, do another exten text
19:51.43sevardstill returns 0
19:51.55[TK]D-Fendersevard : more complete pastebing of sip/extensions/CLI
19:52.26*** join/#asterisk TommyTheKid (
19:52.49sevardhang on.
19:53.06*** part/#asterisk ariel_ (n=ariel_@
19:54.16TommyTheKidHaving a slight problem with IAX.. I have a trunk between two hosts. One of the two hosts has multiple IP addresses. It appears like IAX is sourcing the connection from the primary system IP address and not the address it receive the connection on.
19:54.42TommyTheKidthe first (old) server says that the new one is unreachable because of this (I think)
19:56.10vader--ok i made the box to do the poe
19:56.15vader--it powers two phones
19:56.17vader--no problem
19:56.26vader--when i plug the access point in it no power up
19:56.42vader--if i plug the access point in before plugging the phones in and then plug the phones in it works
19:57.39[TK]D-Fendervader-- : high initial current draw overload
19:59.16*** join/#asterisk TrixVox (
19:59.46vader--but all 3 are working
19:59.52vader--i smert
20:00.21smackusok, so I have changed those files and I am still getting a config error. 0x2040
20:01.02smackuswhat I read is that it is looking for a bootrom.ld. isnt that the same as sip.ld?
20:01.19sevardpastebin fails:
20:03.36*** join/#asterisk Egonis (n=chultay@
20:04.09EgonisI just got a Sangoma A200 w/ Hardware Echo Cancel, but when I enable it, I get no audio -- the /dev/wp1ec device node exists, should I change it's ownership?
20:04.12*** join/#asterisk lirakis (
20:04.14lirakishello hello
20:04.56lirakis... ive got moh setup.. and in my console.. it shows that it trys to start moh.. then it gives me some output about trying to schedule some thing in the past.. then it immediatly terminates moh
20:05.00lirakisNOTICE[10430]: res_musiconhold.c:511 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
20:05.05lirakisthat is the exact line i get
20:06.30TripleFFFFdoes that
20:06.37TripleFFFFuse madplay
20:06.42TripleFFFFand uninstall mpg123
20:06.46TripleFFFFnext !
20:10.40[TK]D-Fendersevard : those only get reset if you place a CALL.
20:10.54russellblirakis: install ztdummy
20:11.11sevard[TK]D-Fender: to or from the SIP line in question?
20:11.15*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=john@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
20:12.08[TK]D-Fendersevard : from IIRC
20:12.26sevardwell it's not getting set when i dial that extension from 1338
20:12.29[TK]D-Fenderlirakis : SCrew both of those and use native MoH.
20:12.38[TK]D-Fendersevard : SHOW
20:13.04smackus[TK]D-Fender: bootrom.ld and sip.ld are the same?
20:13.07sevardshow what?
20:13.15[TK]D-Fendersmackus : NO.
20:13.22[TK]D-Fendersevard : the call being placed.
20:13.29sevardoh, alright
20:13.38smackuswhat i thought... but bootrom was not in the zip file
20:15.33[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Correct.  SIP application & BootROM are 2 entirely seperate packages
20:16.15sevardunless they're only set after Answer(), i don't see the problem
20:19.48[TK]D-Fendersevard : do you see ti in "database show"?
20:19.51*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
20:20.00adude, a is a tight nick.
20:20.28aduring or after the call?
20:20.32rob0~nick a
20:20.41Strom_Cbut now your terminal will ding every time someone says a word
20:20.42[TK]D-Fendera : after
20:20.46[TK]D-Fendera : as in NOW.
20:21.12jbotextra, extra, read all about it, a is not b
20:21.13[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : He clearly isn't as self-absorbed as you ;)
20:21.33Cresl1na = b
20:21.38Cresl1nnot it is :-D
20:21.39rob0a lot of things will be falsely flagged as being addressed to "a"
20:21.44Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: ?
20:22.57[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : For having his name all highlighted and alarms, bells, whistles, and fireworks at the mere mention of your name :)
20:23.20Dr-Linuxwow today i  have 36 contact online in MSN
20:23.43sevardDr-Linux: fuck you, child of bitch -- what do you think about?!
20:24.21smackussevard: easy
20:25.22Dr-Linuxsevard: your sister is also onilne with me, she is nude on cam.. she has sexy cunt .. woww so please DND
20:25.40sevardthat'd work if i had a sister.
20:25.44sevardyou must have my grandmother
20:25.53Strom_Csevard: will you please cool it
20:26.06sevardStrom_C: chillax dude.
20:26.18Dr-Linuxsevard: what the fuck with you?? huh
20:26.19sevard[TK]D-Fender: what do you think
20:26.40fileboth of you, Dr-Linux & sevard, cool it
20:26.47Juggieyah really.
20:26.50Juggiewtf do you think this is.
20:26.53Dr-Linuxfile: why he is abused me first????
20:26.56Cresl1nfor shizzle, that's what I say
20:27.00sevardnobody is angry at anyone, we're fucking around - relax :)
20:27.05Qwell[]Cresl1n: fo :)
20:27.06Dr-Linuxi didn't come here for that,
20:27.10Juggiethis isnt 'the fucking aronud' channel
20:27.10filethere's other channels to do that in
20:27.12Juggiethis is about asterisk
20:27.15smackussome of us dont appreciate it.
20:27.18Cresl1n#drama for one
20:27.23sevard[TK]D-Fender: what do you think
20:27.30Dr-Linuxif he is drunk or what then he should go and fuck her month, but he shouldn't abuse someone :@
20:27.34[TK]D-Fendersevard : not sure, but IG@G for now.  back considerably later...
20:27.39fileDr-Linux: stop
20:28.14[TK]D-Fenderfile : Gimme Ops ;)
20:29.05file[TK]D-Fender: :D
20:29.20[TK]D-Fender(actually asking for it seems wierd.... and questionably appropriate from a business perspective though not a moral one)
20:30.33[TK]D-Fenderok, but seriously I'm off.. later all!
20:30.55fileStrom_C: Strommmy Boy
20:31.21Strom_CJohnJacob: dont start
20:31.25Strom_Cfile: file file
20:33.16jbotSphinx is a speaker-independent large vocabulary continuous speech recognizer under Berkeley's style license.
20:37.15TripleFFFFwhats advatages of using ael ?
20:37.22*** join/#asterisk n9urk (
20:37.36MikeJ[Laptop]TripleFFFF, it's easier to look at
20:38.08TripleFFFFwell a pretty girl too and that dont make it into the cvs ;)
20:38.28TripleFFFFyeah got sphynx working here.. in fact ill recompile all that crap on my laptop
20:39.00*** join/#asterisk js_78743 (n=me@
20:39.03TripleFFFFseems some clients cant tell what to press even if theres only 2 options... so ill accept help ,help me , and help me m#$%!@# ucker
20:39.37n9urkcan someone help me with getting cdr logging my mysql set up?  I have installed unixodbc and have downloaded mysqlodbc and cannot figure out where odbcinst.ini is.  Can anyone help?  I have been following the instructions on the voip-info wiki
20:39.56TripleFFFFhmmm locate is your friend
20:40.02TripleFFFFnormally /etc/odbcinst.ini
20:40.17TripleFFFFwhy not use mysql module instead of odbc ?
20:40.17Dr-LinuxTripleFFFF: sphynx?
20:40.32TripleFFFFi had prolblems in the past on lots of coonenect
20:40.40TripleFFFFDr-Linux yeah
20:40.59TripleFFFFwell Dr-Linuxsphinx
20:41.02Dr-LinuxTripleFFFF: what's sphynx?
20:41.11TripleFFFFits same app.. with a typo
20:41.16Dr-Linuxthat's what i'm looking for since last month
20:41.41n9urkTripleFFFF: The wiki isn't the best linked around.  can you send me a link to using the MYSQL mod?  I would much rather use that mod but couldn't figure it out
20:41.45Dr-LinuxTripleFFFF: can i PM you?
20:41.52TripleFFFFhehe works nice.. basically you make a server listen to packets.. client sends packets to it ( audio  ) it interprets and send a string of what recognized back to client
20:41.57TripleFFFFnot really
20:42.07TripleFFFFDr-Linux its hell to compile etc
20:42.16TripleFFFFbut since im redoing ,.,. ;)
20:42.40Dr-LinuxTripleFFFF: i can't find any document for it on net
20:42.48Dr-LinuxTripleFFFF: can you point me any?
20:43.08Dr-LinuxTripleFFFF: i compiled new version 3.x
20:43.19Dr-Linuxbut still not understanding it
20:43.34TripleFFFFhmm .. mybraindump --all-data --table=sphinx-location >> braindump.tql         <-- .tql extensions is new. .its the triplefff query language
20:43.43TripleFFFFi use 2
20:43.50TripleFFFF3+ is .. hmmm too slow
20:43.53TripleFFFFbut nice recog paterns
20:43.57TripleFFFFjust too slow for voip
20:44.05sevardso what does everyone think
20:44.12TripleFFFFv2 has like 1 sec delay . 3+ 3-4-5-6 sec
20:44.13sevardi can wait an underdermined amount of time for a 42 inch plasma
20:44.16sevardand i've been waiting since may
20:44.23sevardor i can get a 37 inch hdtv LCD right now
20:44.24TripleFFFFget one now
20:44.32TripleFFFFdepends on room lights
20:44.35sevardkeep waiting for the huge crystal clear plasma? or settle for the 5 inch smaller LCD righ tnow
20:44.37TripleFFFFwhere is it gonna be ?
20:44.38sevardboth HDTV both widescreen
20:44.42sevardin my living room
20:44.48TripleFFFFlight from windows on it ?
20:44.50froguzmy FXO gateway has allways activated the VAD for G.729. is there a way i can make asterisk support this?
20:44.51TripleFFFFif so plasma
20:44.51sevardmoderatly light some glare sometimes
20:45.01TripleFFFFif no lights at all.. (sun/etc) lcd if you can afford
20:45.06sevardi have a 19inch crt curtis mathis
20:45.14sevardit's free
20:45.16sevardi won it
20:45.16TripleFFFFg;are+lcd = bad
20:45.22TripleFFFFwon from where
20:45.23n9urkcan anyone send me a link or more info on loading cdr_mysql?
20:45.27TripleFFFFi want to win one too
20:45.30sevardi'm talking about tv clarity, i've seen LCDs in the stores and they blow
20:45.33TripleFFFFvoipinfo type cdr mysql
20:45.45TripleFFFFsevard but on glares youll see nothing
20:45.55sevardthe plasma is like worth 2400 and the LCD is ~1200
20:45.58Dr-Linuxn9urk: what you need about cdr_mysql?
20:46.04TripleFFFFwhere you get it from ?
20:46.20Dr-Linuxn9urk: that's in asterisk addons
20:46.21sevardi've been waiting since may for them to 'get it in stock'
20:46.23TripleFFFFyou need to give bJ's for it ?
20:46.27sevardbut seriously they're at *#$&^@ing walmart.
20:46.35n9urkDr-Linux: what do I need to do to get it to load?
20:46.38sevardTripleFFFF: nah, i'm already on the master list.
20:46.52n9urkDr-Linux: the wiki doesn't really tell how to load it.
20:47.06TripleFFFFload =>
20:47.29Dr-Linuxn9urk: just compile asterisk addons and copy the mysql conf file to /etc/asterisk/ dir
20:47.42TripleFFFFoh is a spam me i love it thing ok
20:47.45TripleFFFFnever mind
20:48.07sevardyeah, it's all a scam unless you know how to play the game
20:48.18sevardbut i played and i just want my damn tv.
20:48.37sevardso would you keep waiting for a plasma or get the 5 inch smaller lcd right now
20:49.06n9urkDr-Linux: thanks.  Where do I get it?
20:49.16*** join/#asterisk jgoo (
20:49.26jgoookily doke, all working, w00t
20:49.39Dr-Linuxn9urk: do you have asterisk-addons source?
20:49.43sevardNugget: that's priceless.
20:49.43TripleFFFFsevard tell us man; )
20:49.45jgoonow, specifics of SIP sertup for this Xlite softphone, I get a 408 / 404...
20:49.49TripleFFFFjust signup then cancel ?
20:49.55TripleFFFFsignup call MC card stolen ?
20:49.57TripleFFFFwhat what
20:50.00*** join/#asterisk IvyUK (n=mark@
20:50.03Dr-Linuxn9urk: if not, then get one from
20:50.23TripleFFFFjgoo make sure your xten is passing username  in displayname
20:50.25Dr-Linuxand compile it
20:50.33jgoook it worked, I chenged domain to proxy
20:50.34sevardTripleFFFF: a friend of mine gave me his 'debit' card, which was a giveway from boing i have the card at home and can tell you where he got it, anyway, it's a gift card that's in the form of a debit card not tied to anyone
20:50.43jgooerm, waht is default dial out code?
20:50.56jgooalso - where do you set the country codes?
20:51.02jgoo(for which dial tones)
20:51.16TripleFFFFyou subed on all things on that 300$ filled card.. then they will rebill and get niet
20:51.23TripleFFFFso get your prize while they dont know it
20:51.24sevardit had 25 bucks on it and all the offers cost 23.75 to sign up
20:51.36TripleFFFFsevard pm me 10-20 on card
20:51.45sevardi can't refill the card
20:51.54n9urkDr-Linux:  Aha.  I am dling it now.  Thanks
20:51.57sevardoh, 10-20, heh
20:52.03sevardi'll do that when i get home
20:52.03TripleFFFFlocation ;
20:52.09*** join/#asterisk carl0s- (
20:53.10jm|workare you man?
20:54.01n9urkHow do I get * add ons for 1.2.5 ?  When I downloaded asterisk-addons-1.2-current.tar.gz and tar -xzf'd it it came out saying 1.2.3.?
20:54.35TripleFFFFsip and sip ?
20:55.18TripleFFFFjust make sip context on both to incoming .. then in extensions .conf ad d[incoming] and in there add _X.,1,dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@OTHERPROVIDERSIPNAME)
20:55.30Dr-Linuxn9urk: do not care about that
20:55.32TripleFFFFeven s,1,dial
20:55.35rob0n9urk: ... see "Asterisk Downloads"
20:55.41js_78743yes, both SIP.  I'm trying to prove to the provider that their SIP isn't working (or at least isn't SIP).  It works fine with my 941
20:56.08TripleFFFFwho might provider be
20:56.15jgooOK so it seems my outbound lines are not setup, hrm
20:56.18n9urkDr-Linux:  ok addons for 1.2.3 == addons for 1.2.5 ?
20:56.33jgooalso, anyone use linphone applet?? any good? I want to reskin if possible
20:56.39js_78743Zingotel ...
20:56.44TripleFFFFnever hear
20:56.45Dr-Linuxn9urk: the same as your asterisk version
20:57.03Dr-Linuxn9urk: but don't care, just have one
20:57.19*** join/#asterisk hohum (n=dcorbe@
20:57.31sevardi'm taking the LCD
20:57.35js_78743I've been using the default context across the board and am just trying to Playback(hello-world) on in-bound
20:57.42websaego #Freeswitch :)
20:58.32n9urkDr-Linux: Ok thanks.  am I missing something there is not a configure file in the tar
20:59.17jgoooh ok so I just plugged my line from S0 on the ISDN box to my HFC card, and I got a shyteload of 'empty HDLC frame to bad CRC received' messages come up on my console
20:59.40*** join/#asterisk nicchap (n=nicchap@
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21:00.14Dr-Linuxn9urk: didn't you compile it?
21:00.37Dr-Linuxtar -zxvf ..asterisk-addons.....tar.gz
21:00.42n9urkDr-Linux:  How do I compile it.  there is no configure file
21:00.46Dr-Linuxmake install
21:01.09n9urkDr-Linux:  does it not need to configure?
21:01.49Dr-Linuxn9urk: when compilation done, you will get a config file
21:02.03Dr-Linuxthen just copy and paste it in the /etc/asterisk/ dir
21:02.11Dr-Linuxthen configure it
21:04.13n9urkDr-Linux: Thanks for the help I think I have it compiled now
21:04.37Dr-Linuxn9urk: cool
21:06.28*** join/#asterisk foo (n=foo@unaffiliated/foo)
21:06.37n9urkDr-Linux: then do I need to load a module in the * console?
21:06.56*** part/#asterisk foo (n=foo@unaffiliated/foo)
21:07.06Dr-Linuxn9urk: yes do it
21:07.16n9urkDr-Linux: how do I do it?
21:07.31Dr-Linuxn9urk: you need to put mysql info in the mysql .conf file to make it wor
21:08.26*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
21:08.27n9urkDr-Linux: you mean the cdr_mysql.conf?  I did that.  from the console do i need to do this "load"?
21:09.25Dr-Linuxn9urk: you may have somehting like cdr_addons_mysql
21:12.41n9urkDr-Linux: got it.  I got this error: "Jul 19 17:12:16 ERROR[5255]: cdr_addon_mysql.c:437 my_load_module: Failed to connect to mysql database asterisk on localhost."
21:13.12lirakisi totally fuxored my pbx messing with moh.. he he
21:13.28Dr-Linuxn9urk: your asterisk is not connecting to mysql DB
21:14.09lirakisn9urk: what is your cdr_mysql conf like?
21:14.27n9urkDr-Linux: I figured that much.  I have the db up in phpmyadmin.  I have the username and pw right
21:14.47lirakisn9urk: make sure you have the right host specified.. i e . also the domain must be right for your mysql user..
21:15.17n9urkI have hostname=localhost
21:15.19lirakisn9urk: nurk wtf are you talking about... stop posting for no reason
21:15.27lirakisn9urk: try
21:15.34TripleFFFF~tell enter
21:15.40Dr-Linuxn9urk: comment the port line then check
21:15.47n9urklirakis: ummmmmmmm wtf are you talking about?
21:15.48TripleFFFF~tell about enter key
21:16.44*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
21:16.48lirakisn9urk: if you dont want to play nice then just go read this on your own..
21:17.08lirakisn9urk: i just set mine up today without any trouble by following those directions
21:17.41n9urklirakis:  thanks for the link
21:18.18n9urkDr-Linux: I commented out the port line and that didn't work
21:18.29Dr-Linuxn9urk: just paste your cdr_mysql.conf file in my pvt
21:19.12*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
21:19.41lirakishumm... i guess i didnt fnark up my pbx.. a reboot did the trick
21:20.07Dr-Linuxn9urk: hhm.. i saw your config
21:20.15Dr-Linuxn9urk: just put that >> sock=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
21:20.24Dr-Linuxand uncomment last line as well
21:21.02Dr-Linuxn9urk: then "reload" and check the cdr status on cli
21:21.19n9urkstill not connected  Dr-Linux
21:21.45n9urkDr-Linux: I have connected to mysql via the cli with the username and pw in the conf file
21:22.09Dr-Linuxn9urk: change hostname=localhost
21:22.32n9urkDr-Linux: that didn't work
21:23.01Dr-Linuxn9urk: did you reload the module?
21:23.19n9urkDr-Linux: yes I did
21:23.41Dr-Linuxn9urk: what distor you are using, and what's mysql version?
21:23.51TripleFFFFsphinx guy u there ?
21:23.51Dr-Linuxit looks like problem with your DB setting
21:23.56n9urkDr-Linux: Gentoo
21:24.15n9urkDr-Linux: mysql 4.1.14
21:24.23Dr-LinuxTripleFFFF: i'm also looking for a sphinx guy , but never find one
21:24.29*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
21:24.30lirakishrmm.. i got moh to work
21:24.33lirakisbut it sounds like buthole
21:24.35lirakisha ha
21:24.47Dr-Linuxn9urk: hhm.. try update your mysql users password
21:25.29n9urkDr-Linux: what do you mean?  I am able to log into mysql from the cli with the username and pass in my cdr_mysql.conf file
21:26.50Dr-Linuxn9urk: please make sure about mysql.sock path
21:27.05Dr-Linuxi don't know about gentoooo
21:27.53lirakisDr-Linux: are you referring to my install?
21:28.38Dr-Linuxlirakis: i'm talking to n9urk
21:29.01lirakisDr-Linux: im still using mpg123 .. im emerging madplay right now.. i am making the assumtion it can play a stream the same way.. (im streaming for moh) .. although i have tried the default moh setup too and it sounds terrible over the phone also.
21:29.03n9urkDr-Linux: I think that is going to fix it
21:29.05TripleFFFFahahahah sphinx up and running
21:29.07lirakis.. oh i see.. i am running gentoo as well
21:29.11TripleFFFFtotal time to get up 4 minutes
21:29.21TripleFFFF# ./ yes.gsm
21:29.21TripleFFFFFTYPE: gsm
21:29.21TripleFFFFResult: YES
21:29.33TripleFFFFremote server : SERVER RESULT: YES
21:29.39n9urkDr-Linux: hmmmm, that didn't do it
21:30.11TripleFFFFnow making asterisk to work with that .. so i can call home and say. ( is anyone in my home.. ) will check microphone activity and answer ;) yes or no
21:30.15*** join/#asterisk TeePOG (
21:31.36Dr-Linuxn9urk: hhm... i have done that alot of time even mysql server on remote end , never had a problem
21:32.19Dr-Linuxn9urk: can i paste you my mysql .conf file in your pvt?
21:32.27n9urkDr-Linux: please do
21:32.31TripleFFFFlinux stil need phinx help ?
21:32.56Dr-LinuxTripleFFFF: yes
21:33.06TripleFFFFhehe got my second server up
21:33.20TripleFFFFonly 267 words recognize
21:33.24TripleFFFFbut still
21:33.29TripleFFFFrecongnizxed laugh and coughs too
21:33.56n9urkDr-Linux: is it 'username' or "user"
21:34.25Dr-Linuxn9urk: user
21:34.29n9urkchanging username to user seems to have fixed it
21:34.37n9urkthanks for your help
21:34.45Dr-Linuxn9urk: yeah please try
21:34.56n9urkDr-Linux: looks like it connected
21:35.05n9urkDr-Linux: I will make a call and see
21:35.36Dr-Linuxn9urk: ok good to know
21:35.48Dr-Linuxsave those setting with you for the future
21:36.02*** join/#asterisk tdonahue-laptop (
21:37.21n9urkDr-Linux: it is working now.  Thanks for the help
21:37.44Dr-Linuxn9urk: cool
21:41.46lirakisis it still required that you have "[class]" verbatim .. some where in your music on hold config?  my sample doesnt have it .. i replace 'class' with my class name .. that is correct right?
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21:44.10jbotextra, extra, read all about it, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
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21:50.51Dr-Linuxfile: the command given for redhatbug doesn't work
21:51.12lirakisis there a way to enable moh for all extensions??
21:51.42TripleFFFFwhat thats that bug ?
21:51.45*** part/#asterisk krisguy (
21:51.47Dr-Linuxlirakis: why are you so so AFTER moh?
21:52.09lirakisDr-Linux: i am just playing around with a pbx in my basement to learn about asterisk
21:52.14lirakis.. right now im just playing with moh
21:52.16TripleFFFFspinlock is what ?
21:52.26jbotrumour has it, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
21:53.12Dr-Linuxlirakis: then remove mp123 player and use asterisk native player, anthm or someone developed
21:53.18TripleFFFFoh for zaptel
21:53.30TripleFFFFlikaris or madplay
21:53.44lirakisi have emerged madplay
21:53.52lirakisbut i should totally get rid of mpg123??
21:54.16TripleFFFFsome libs make that
21:54.53TripleFFFFwhy no accoutn number sound ?
21:55.07TripleFFFFso we can you .. please-enter-your.gsm then account-number.gsm
21:55.10TripleFFFFbut no accountnumber
21:55.58*** join/#asterisk MatsK (i=MatsK@
21:56.13TripleFFFFgot it
21:56.31TripleFFFFpress-enter.gsm your-account.gsm number.gsm
21:56.47TripleFFFFoh no its press .. darn anyone knowo what i gen bu ?
21:57.24lirakisokay.. im unmerging mpg123 .. thanks for the advice
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22:07.08Zodiacalwhat should i know before buying a polycom soundpoint 601.  it says it comes with sip.  will i be able to upgrade that firmware? will polycom give me access to the firmware?
22:07.21Zodiacaldo i need a service contract with polycom like cisco?
22:07.46Zodiacalthe firmware upgrades are public?
22:08.05Zodiacaldr-linux no to all those questions?
22:08.31hadsZodiacal: You will need to get the firmware from an authorised reseller.
22:08.44*** join/#asterisk enmaca (n=enmaca@
22:08.54hadsbut you don't need a contract.
22:09.18Zodiacaldoes polycom list their authorized reselers?
22:09.52Qwell[]The person who sold you the phone would be an authorized reseller...
22:10.06hadsUnsure, just ask the reseller you are thinking about buying it off if they can supply you the firmware. If not, buy it somewhere else.
22:10.43Zodiacali was just going to buy one off amazon to try it out... anyone know of a better place?
22:10.49Zodiacalamazon = $250
22:11.18Zodiacaleven "like new"
22:12.30Zodiacaldoes mgcp offer a lot more features than sip?
22:13.07*** join/#asterisk Agrajag- (
22:13.08jarrodit definitely does not
22:13.14jarrodand it is much older
22:13.18jarrodand the asterisk mgcp code is crap
22:13.20Zodiacalthanks guys i'll give it a try!
22:16.20Synynafternoon guys
22:16.42Dr-Linuxgood morning
22:16.56drraythe polycoms are ugly
22:16.59*** join/#asterisk tempest1 (
22:17.02drraypardon me
22:17.12Synynanyone using the OEM X100P cards?
22:18.14Synynjust got me 2 for 30 bux, damn cheap, I hope they are not really that cheap )
22:19.38Dr-Linuxdigium x100p comes with $25?
22:19.58*** join/#asterisk nortex (
22:20.04nortexGot a polycom question, does anyone know of a way in the configuration files to have the phones keep the ringer volume level through a reboot? I have the other volumes taken care of, but I cannot find how to set this in the admin guide.
22:20.49*** join/#asterisk Egonis (n=chultay@
22:21.18Zodiacaldrray what do u prefer?
22:21.22EgonisI have a Sangoma A200 w/ HW Echo Cancel but when I enable it, there is no audio -- any ideas? I am using the latest Wanpipe
22:22.04drrayZodiacal - I like cisco, it's the ultimate pretty girlfriend.  Treats you like garbage, but looks better than someone that would treat you better
22:22.26Zodiacalciscos are getting on my nervs..
22:22.30Dr-LinuxZodiacal: really i have Cisco and polycom on same desk, but cisco one is nice
22:23.23drrayI don't like cisco one lick
22:23.28drraybut the phone just works
22:23.35drrayonce you jump through all the hoops
22:23.55Zodiacalsip doesn't have hints
22:24.06Dr-Linuxdrray: you don't like Cisco, you don't like Polycom, what you like then??
22:24.18*** part/#asterisk tempest1 (
22:24.57jm|work0800 dialup?!
22:24.59jm|workthat's going back a bit ;)
22:26.02drrayI use cisco
22:28.37enmacaI there
22:29.40TripleFFFF.install Asterisk::AGI
22:29.44TripleFFFFhow one installs this ?
22:29.52TripleFFFFwhat cpan name i mean lol
22:30.11Strom_Cdownload the tarball and follow the directions
22:30.19enmacaits posible to asterisk generate sip calls on a specific interface via configuration option on sip.conf?
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22:35.22enjay-Anyone know a site that could help me troubleshoot jitter issues..
22:36.34nortexAnybody here use the penalty option in a queue?
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22:52.34Dovidany way to set a certaine ext. on the polycom to ring silently ?
22:56.19Dovidany way to set a certaine ext. on the polycom to ring silently ?
22:57.28*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
22:57.47rue_mohrhello, I'd like to do something, I'm not sure quite how
22:57.47TripleFFFFok i know why sphinxs doesnt work
22:58.21rue_mohrI have extensions 6402 and 6430, which I need to ring togethor, nomatter which one is called
22:58.36rue_mohrdo I do that in extensions.conf?
22:58.48TripleFFFFwhat king of idiot would write this
22:58.48TripleFFFFwhile (defined(my $b = read $fh, my($buf), 4096)) {
22:59.21Dovidlet me understand
22:59.31Dovidu have 2 phones and when one ie clled u want the other to ring ?
22:59.44Dovidcan u have one ext. that rings at both ?
22:59.52enjay-ring group
22:59.53rue_mohrhold wait
23:00.07rue_mohrdialing either number to ring both phones
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23:00.24Dovidso create 2 new extensions that call them
23:00.35Dovidgona do it in paste bin
23:00.37Dovidand post here
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23:00.49rue_mohrno, I need the old extentsions to ring both phones
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23:01.24rue_mohrif I make two entries in extens... no that would recurse... ick
23:01.53rue_mohrmaybe I should see if I can do this on the norstar sets
23:02.07Bullseye_Networkexten => 444,1,Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2)
23:02.09rue_mohrI dont think it does it though
23:02.18rue_mohryes, but I cant do
23:03.04rue_mohrexten => 6402,4Dial(zap/g2/6402&zap/g2/6430,15)
23:03.10Dovidrue_mohr: look at this
23:03.19rue_mohrI'm pretty usre it wouold not like that
23:03.38rue_mohrbut, I cant change the destinatins numbers
23:03.52rue_mohrit needs to be dialed as 6402 and 6430
23:04.02Dovidso the phones that u have now
23:04.07Dovidchange thier extensions
23:04.16Dovidand switch around the exten numbers
23:04.21jm|workwhat # do people use for voicemail?
23:04.27rue_mohryea, I'm believing thats the only way
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23:05.09rue_mohrjm|work well, our local office uses 6100 numbers with 6100 being hte * box
23:05.19jm|workI see
23:05.19TripleFFFFlook AGI records a gsm hmm and send to sphinx server.. but it wont work.. only finds coughs... now. if i go in and take the 14868.gsm it wrote and send direct to server .. i get/ =>  /installs/sphinx/work/ ./14868.gsm
23:05.23rue_mohrso we use 6100 6300 and 6400 as per our 3 offices
23:05.23TripleFFFFFTYPE: gsm
23:05.23TripleFFFFResult: HELP
23:05.32jm|workI was thinking '123'
23:05.36jm|workbut seems a bit ..... meh
23:05.47TripleFFFFso i guess. the bin streaming of a gsm soesnt work great
23:05.50rue_mohrjm|work depends on your dial plan really
23:06.10jm|workatm I have 1xx and 2xx extensions
23:06.12jm|workfor two sites
23:06.27rue_mohrour phones are 6000 mv boxes are 5000
23:06.32rue_mohrwith sites int eh 100
23:06.45rue_mohrsite 1 is 6100 site 2 is 6200
23:06.57rue_mohrextenal numbers are 6800
23:07.07*** join/#asterisk brockj49464_home (n=chatzill@
23:07.09rue_mohr6900 is portable numbers
23:07.22rue_mohr6700 are testing targest
23:07.30jm|work6000 makes festival say "Mary had a little lamb"
23:07.31*** part/#asterisk umay (
23:07.42rue_mohrno wait, thats 7000 is testing
23:07.51rue_mohr7121 1mw source
23:07.59rue_mohr7123 hold music
23:08.01jm|workI need to read up on Festive now :S
23:08.16rue_mohr(not that we use hold music as nobody agrees on what it should be)
23:08.19*** part/#asterisk brockj49464_home (n=chatzill@
23:08.29jm|workI need to set up a # for the operator
23:08.46jm|work"To check your voicemail press 1 ...."
23:09.01rue_mohrjm|work use the same pattern as the local cell phones
23:09.14jm|workthat's 123 for voicemail :/
23:09.16jm|workdepends on carrier
23:09.22rue_mohrhere its 1 for first message 5 to repeat, 7 to delete etc etc
23:09.31rue_mohryea, use what people are farmiliar with there
23:10.01jm|work"to repeat the message, press 1 .... to store the message, press 2 .... to delete the message, press 3"
23:10.07jm|work"Message deleted.  Main menu ...."
23:10.36rue_mohrjust remember   '9 to hear a duck quack'
23:10.40jm|workthe automagic emailling of messages is good
23:11.03rue_mohrI have to go read a think norstar book...
23:11.50rue_mohrsee if I can make the phones right togethor at the ics level
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23:13.34TommyTheKidHas anyone use the sangoma A108d?
23:19.24okdoanyone have issues with spandsp and fax receive quality being bad?
23:19.30okdoa lot of the pages seem to get chopped up
23:19.33TripleFFFFim trying to push a binary file trough a socket to remote server listening .. can one tell me how in c ?
23:19.43TripleFFFFwrong chan.. sorry
23:20.30rue_mohrwaddya bet two norstar phones wiht the same line assignment ring togethor...
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23:26.42rue_mohr"broadcast ring group ability is possible with multiple target line assignment across a group of sets
23:26.48rue_mohrso I think thats "yes"
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23:31.45Kumba_Are there any utilities for planning out extensions.conf?
23:32.11Qwell[]Kumba_: only tool required is your brain
23:32.12Qwell[]pen/pencil and paper might also be good
23:32.40Strom_CKumba_: you could always hire a consultant
23:32.46rue_mohrwhats complex about your extensions conf
23:33.06Kumba_I've never done one before... :) that's about it...
23:33.23rue_mohrok, well, what external numbers are you handling
23:33.53Kumba_8 inside extensions
23:34.07rue_mohrand how many external numbers are bound to your 12 lines
23:34.15Strom_Csee, why would you trust someone who misspells "amateur"? :)
23:34.33Qwell[]or "experience"
23:34.42hads12 lines and 8 extensions?
23:34.47rue_mohrok, map out which phones each of the 12 numbers go to
23:34.57rue_mohrhads its plausable
23:35.12Qwell[]Strom_C: dcap allowed you to add "highly"?  heh
23:35.12rue_mohrdid each plus a depeartment number
23:35.22Strom_CQwell[]: yes :)
23:35.33hadsrue_mohr: That's numbers, not lines.
23:35.34Strom_Cim going to milk this dcap thing for all it's worth
23:35.42rue_mohrso its 2 peoplple in each of 4 departments
23:36.13rue_mohrso you have 12 numbers from the telco, and 8 phones
23:36.21rue_mohrmap them all out
23:36.30rue_mohrsay when
23:37.45JT12 lines and 8 extensions would seem a little pointless, unless most call response work is done by IVR or other automated process
23:37.54rue_mohrKumba_ done?
23:38.04rue_mohrJT not neccissarily
23:38.17JTwhy not
23:38.18rue_mohrlets say you have 8 emplyees, divided into 4 departments
23:38.22Kumba_I need 4 queue's... one for sales, warranty, accounting, and customer service...
23:38.28JTi said lines not numbers
23:38.32rue_mohrso each employee would have a did
23:38.40rue_mohrand each department would have a did too
23:38.47Strom_CKumba_: I seriously recommend you upgrade to a PRI with DIDs
23:39.05rue_mohrthe cost point is 13
23:39.05lirakisim trying to figure out how to make a menu type dial plan.... i want to dial 2000, then have it say enter the extention of the person you want to reach, then if they enter 1, or 2, it will dial 2001, or 2002 (wich are defined in my sip.conf) .. i cant figure out how to do that.. it asks the question.. but then it just hangs up.  and if i dial 1 or 2  instead of 2000 .. it connects me to 2001 or 2002 respective..
23:39.09Toerkeiumguys, I am trying to install *. I need it for a pure VOIP install. Do I need zaptel and libpri packages? I want to use meetme and IAX
23:39.19JTKumba_: so not actually 12 physical phone lines?
23:39.32Kumba_It's 12 physical phone lines...
23:39.41hadsToerkeium: You will need zaptel but not libpri.
23:39.42Strom_CKumba_: i thought it was a T1
23:39.47Toerkeiumthanks hads
23:39.49rue_mohrKumba_ if it goes over 13, go to a T1
23:39.51PazzoToerkeium: meetme needs zaptel (ztdummy)
23:39.53lirakisim  finding a pastebin to post my extensions.conf
23:39.53Kumba_It is... but it's not PRI...
23:40.08Kumba_There are 12 lines in the round robin for my 800-number...
23:40.11JTah, so you're in the US? so they would be analogue lines, which can't do DID :(
23:40.21Strom_CKumba_: "12 physical phone lines" would indicate 12 POTS lines
23:40.27Strom_CJT: you can do DID with analog
23:40.33Strom_CJT: its kludgy though
23:40.37JTStrom_C: distinctive ring?
23:40.47rue_mohrKumba_ so you have 12 channels on a T1?
23:40.52rue_mohrdosn't matter anyhow
23:40.54Strom_CJT: no, polarity reversal and then DTMF
23:40.57lirakishere is my extensions.conf file that i have tried to setup a menu with
23:41.02JTsounds fun
23:41.22Kumba_I have a full T1... 24 channels... each channel represents one FXS line...
23:41.35rue_mohrbut you have only activated 13 channels?
23:41.37JThalf a dozen BRIs are so much nicer than a dozen analogue lines :)
23:41.48Strom_CKumba_: like I yourself the headache and change it to PRI
23:41.54rue_mohryou DO know that 11 lines is more than enough for an office of about 100+ people usually
23:42.02JTKumba_: sounds like he already has one
23:42.13Kumba_We fill up all 12 lines daily
23:42.14Strom_CJT: no, I helped him yesterday
23:42.21Strom_CJT: it's a CAS T1
23:42.27rue_mohrI suppose if its a call centre
23:42.33JTwith a channel bank?
23:42.44Strom_CJT: going into a digium t1 card
23:43.21Kumba_That part is all working...
23:43.42lirakisany help on this phone menu ?? .. the asterisk book i have is not very clear on this
23:43.54Strom_Clirakis: lemme have a look
23:44.07Kumba_if I had DID on 6 lines... once those 6 lines are full i'm done correct?
23:44.23lirakisStrom_C: thanks for taking a second to look at it
23:44.45Strom_Clirakis: you want extension 2000 to goto extension s of a second context where you play the menu and have extensions 1 and 2
23:45.02Strom_Clirakis: but this begs the question of why you're doing that when you can just dial 2001 and 2002 directly
23:45.33lirakisStrom_C: i mjust doin git for academic purposes... i have a asterisk box i set up in my basement.. i want to learn how to do stuff with it
23:45.54Strom_Clirakis: ok ;)
23:45.56lirakis.. certainly its not necessary.. and is faster to dial 2001 .. or 2002.. but i want to know how to set up a meny
23:46.10lirakis.. i will see if i cant figure it out from what you have said
23:47.56rue_mohrKumba_ sorry, I cant answer that
23:48.24rue_mohrKumba_ I know you can have just 1 line with a did number on it, and you can fill all your channels with calls to that number
23:48.58rue_mohrI think this is just outside my scope
23:49.13rue_mohrnumbers must apply to the T1 as a pool
23:49.14Dovidcan i have a Queue have an extension as a member ?
23:49.27Qwell[]Dovid: sure, use chan_local
23:49.37Dovidi didnt see that on the wiki
23:49.46Dovidlet me search for it
23:49.52*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
23:50.07rue_mohrpeople asking questions are like mice in a field, every so often a hawk swoops down and answers one
23:50.29Qwell[]most people are expected to have RTFM
23:50.46*** join/#asterisk murf (n=steve_mu@
23:51.04DovidQwell so i do Member => Local/exten@context ?
23:51.12Qwell[]Dovid: pretty much
23:51.24rue_mohranyone know norstar that well, I have assigned multiple line assignments to the same two phones, and they dont ring togethor...
23:51.24lirakisStrom_C: okay.. i have moved the menu to a seperate context called [menu] so my first line of [internal] is exten => 2000,1,Goto(menu) then i play the soun & etc.  Now i cant dial 1 or 2 and have it connect to 2001 or 2002 directly.. which is good, but if i dial 2000 it plays the message then hangs up immediatly
23:51.58lirakisdo i need a goto(menu,s,2) to keep it looping for input??
23:52.08lirakisha ah
23:52.22Strom_Cyou need to goto(menu,s,1)
23:52.26lirakis.. i think i need to make it loop.. otherwise it doesnt wait for input.. it just hangs up
23:52.40lirakisStrom_C: right.. ha ha it just took me a second to realize that
23:55.02*** join/#asterisk nentis (
23:55.28nentisIs it possible to use an ATA for connecting a modem?  If not, is there a way to use dialup over VoIP?
23:55.55Strom_Cnentis: it'll work if all you're doing is connecting over a LAN to a PRI :)
23:56.21nentismm. nope.  VoicePulse is our PSTN provider using IAX.
23:56.26Strom_Cnentis: but for longer-distance communications, modem over voip is tricky at best and just a miserable exercise in failure at worst
23:58.06rue_mohrOH answer DN's!
23:58.25Strom_Crue_mohr: uh...what?
23:58.54rue_mohrI'm trying to figure out the norstar ics that we use to interface with teh norstar phones
23:59.07rue_mohrI need to get both phones to ring with each other
23:59.20lirakisStrom_C: is there a way to have a kind of "dummy" extension that i can use just to jump back to?  right now i Goto(menu,s,2) (which is right after Answer()) and it plays the "enter the ext... " over and over again while it waits for input.  Can I creat a dummy exten entry just after the Backgroud() .. so it doesnt play the sound over and over again?
23:59.24rue_mohrI think I need to add answer DN's
23:59.28Strom_Cdude, this is #asterisk, not #nortel :)
23:59.40rue_mohris there a #nortel?
23:59.48Strom_Clirakis: how about setting the response timeout
23:59.55Strom_Cand making use of the t extension :)

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