irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060716

00:00.00*** part/#asterisk n3glv (
00:04.22*** join/#asterisk inv_Arp (
00:04.51*** join/#asterisk topping (
00:07.29*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=Greek-Bo@
00:11.35*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
00:18.48type0im starting to not like rain
00:24.19*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=aroraxm@
00:24.26*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
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00:33.33s0lidhow can i restrict user to register first before dialling
00:33.44s0lidbecause right now even if they are not register they can dial out
00:33.58type0finally my server room has a netbotz online
00:34.02s0lidand it will look like 18005551212@<ip address>
00:34.11s0lidwhat's netbotz?
00:34.24type0temperature and airflow indicator
00:40.15*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
00:40.43*** join/#asterisk asterisk-dud (
00:41.09asterisk-dudhow can i check to see if me tdm400p card is working properly
00:41.22asterisk-dudi can't get astierks to answer or dial out calls of it
00:42.09mitchelocit's obviously not working properly if you can't answer or dial out heh
00:42.29*** join/#asterisk SimoAmi (
00:43.02asterisk-dudi've entered this into zaptel: fxsks = 97-99
00:43.16asterisk-dud(i have a t1 cards also)
00:43.25Strom_Cyou have FXO modules?
00:43.47Strom_Cfxs modules require fxo signaling
00:43.50Strom_Cand vice versa
00:44.10asterisk-dudoh, the tdm400p is fxo correct?
00:44.17Qwell[laptop]asterisk-dud: it can do either
00:44.23asterisk-dudi thought you meant for my channel bank
00:45.23asterisk-dudi know, i have the fxo modules
00:45.31mitchelocare you running the modprobe command? also if it's succesful you will have green lights on the card
00:45.33asterisk-dudthree of them
00:45.41asterisk-dudi have green lights
00:46.16asterisk-dudbut when i try and dial out on it, it says can't create zap channel
00:46.26asterisk-dudcause = 0 unknown
00:46.44asterisk-dudwhen i try and call in, it doesn't pick up
00:47.05asterisk-dudi know my lines are working, i've tested them
00:47.38asterisk-dudwhen i create a dialplan to answer incoming calls, i use the s exten, corst?
00:47.58Strom_Cbut thats not the problem
00:48.34asterisk-dudStrom_C i took you advice about going on from channel 97 and that seems to work, it now says ok in asterisk
00:49.53asterisk-dudcan anyone help me here?
00:50.12Strom_Casterisk-dud: if you quit whining, sure
00:50.18s0lidhow can i do asterisk to authenticate first before user can dial
00:50.35Strom_Casterisk-dud: pastebin your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
00:52.38hadss0lid: Check out the DISA application
00:53.28s0lidhads: i mean the sip client to register first before they can dial out my asterisk box
00:54.32type0does ztdummy work on vmware?
00:54.44Strom_Cs0lid: what do you have for host= in the sip.conf
00:54.48Strom_Casterisk-dud: yes I saw the first time
00:56.00Strom_Cwhy do you have 48 on its own?
00:57.04asterisk-dudwell, i didn't past my whole thing, i have 1-47 before that
00:57.13Strom_Call defined individually?!
00:57.17Strom_Care you totally bonkers?!
00:57.23asterisk-dudi wanted to set the caller if
00:57.40Strom_Choly god
00:57.45Strom_Cshow me the entire file please
00:57.55type0so with vmware and ztdummy will asterisk function?
00:58.05Strom_Ctype0: with a 2.6 kernel I don't see why not
01:00.08Strom_Cwhy do you have immediate=yes configured on the fxo ports?
01:00.32asterisk-dudi did it just now, i read it'll answer faster
01:00.35asterisk-dudi'm just experiments
01:00.44asterisk-duduh huh
01:00.45Strom_Ctake that out
01:01.44type0will vmware workstation repartition exiting NTFS drives?
01:01.49type0existing even
01:02.13Strom_Casterisk-dud: in which order are you loading the drivers
01:02.30asterisk-dudwith modprobe?
01:02.46asterisk-dudfirst wct4xxp, the wctdm
01:02.53asterisk-dudwith the t1 card
01:03.00asterisk-dudfirst the t2 card
01:03.19Strom_Cand you've restarted asterisk, right?
01:03.31asterisk-dudfew times, yes
01:04.09Strom_Coh wait
01:04.11asterisk-dudi just tried again and got errors
01:04.14Strom_CI'm tired
01:04.21Strom_CI totally missed your huge mistake
01:04.25asterisk-dudcannot load channel 97
01:04.27Strom_Cfxo ports require FXS SIGNALING
01:04.43Strom_Cyet you have them set as fxo_ks
01:04.46Strom_Cno wonder it doesnt work
01:05.12asterisk-dudi did have it like that but changed it to see what would happen
01:06.43Strom_Cwell, fix it so it's correct, then try it
01:07.22asterisk-dudi think i've come a step furth now
01:07.30asterisk-dudi can actually dial into the channel
01:07.54type0i cant believe im going through this much trouble, to spoof callerid
01:08.40Strom_Ctype0: oh for god's sake, don't be a schmuck.  don't abuse the network.
01:09.02danpdo macbooks take different RAM than what was in the aluminum powerbooks?
01:09.12type0im not abusing the network
01:09.13danpergh, wrong channel
01:09.29type0I just like to spoof callerid sometimes to catch people abusing my system :)
01:09.41Strom_Cabusing what system
01:09.53type0I own a personals dating line
01:09.57type0sometimes I get prostitutes
01:09.58MikeJ[Laptop]abusing what network?
01:10.01type0that want people to call them
01:10.04Strom_CMikeJ[Laptop]: the PSTN
01:10.17MikeJ[Laptop]blah.. whatever..
01:10.24MikeJ[Laptop]that's what ani is for anyways.
01:16.49*** part/#asterisk s0lid (n=aroraxm@
01:17.10*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
01:19.31*** join/#asterisk nextime (
01:47.42*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
02:05.01*** join/#asterisk pdtmobile (
02:05.45*** join/#asterisk type0 (
02:05.57type0how long does it take to install a virtual machine from a cd in vmware?
02:06.02type0its seeming like its taking FOREVER
02:09.46*** join/#asterisk type0 (
02:12.40*** join/#asterisk h3x (n=h3xor@
02:19.15*** join/#asterisk type0 (
02:19.47*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
02:39.20bugz~seen trelane
02:39.30jbottrelane <i=trelane@unaffiliated/trelane> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3h 24m 2s ago, saying: 'bugz, err what are you using? I'm usually at 99.987'.
02:40.19bugzit was no short journey
02:40.35bugzjust for log reference and google's bot
02:40.45bugzhere is how i got 100% zttest consistently
02:41.02bugzfirst im using a PDSMA mobo from supermicro with a 3.0 ghz dual core p4
02:41.28bugza gig of suitable ram, and the on-board Adaptec raid controller, NOT the intel BIOS raid setup
02:41.35bugzthe board comes with both
02:42.13bugzi built a stage 2 gentoo install with all the optimizations for SMP and NPTL, including EMT64 support in the kernel for this particular chip
02:42.29bugzgcc, the tool chain, all that stuff is optimized
02:42.36bugzand so are the subsequent builds
02:43.33bugzthe trick was telling the kernel to run the timer frequency at 250 HZ
02:43.53bugzif you crank it up to 1000 HZ it manages to drop some IRQs
02:44.06type0this gentoo vmware install is taking *FOREVER*
02:44.12bugzthis way I can run as much digium hardware as the board can hold
02:44.17bugzit has 7 pci slots..
02:44.30bugzthats alot of T1s ;]
02:44.39*** join/#asterisk file2 (
02:44.39*** mode/#asterisk [+o file2] by ChanServ
02:44.45file2yo you
02:45.04type0what's better.. voicepulse or teliax?
02:45.07Luke-Jrbugz: Intel x86_64 chips run 32-bit faster than 64-bit
02:45.26bugzLuke-Jr: too bad support for that was removed from 2.6.16
02:45.36Luke-Jrbugz: what?
02:45.37bugzotherwise id be stacking sangoma
02:46.02Luke-Jrsupport for what was removed?
02:46.06file2okay back to dinner
02:46.21bugzLuke-Jr: running 32 bit code
02:46.34Luke-Jrthere is *no way* x86_32 support was removed from Linux
02:46.42type0i'd agree on that
02:46.45bugzif course not
02:46.51Luke-Jrthat's "32 bit code"
02:46.52bugzim talking about compiling a 64 bit kernel
02:47.03Luke-Jryou want only your kernel to run slow?
02:47.18Luke-Jrif you have an Intel chip, you don't want a 64-bit kernel
02:47.19bugzfor a 64 bit proc - youll find the option to add support for 32 bit binaries is not present when you select the 64 bit architecture
02:47.40bugzLuke-Jr: this is working for me just fine. why do you say that?
02:47.59Luke-Jrfine, yes; slower, yes
02:48.45type0does gentoo usually take THIS long to install gentoo
02:48.56Luke-Jrtype0: Gentoo can be installed in under 30 minutes
02:49.05type0its sitting here at "Copying sys-devel/gcc-3.4.4-r1 13/95
02:49.09jbroomeand it can be uninstalled even faster
02:49.13type0the box is thinking
02:49.30Luke-Jrjbroome: you can't uninstall an OS, just erase or write over it
02:49.43bugzLuke-Jr: good. i guess i will do some upgrading. im pretty proud of how stable my boxen are though.
02:50.03Luke-Jrbugz: like I said, if it's an Intel CPU, it will run faster if you build EVERYTHING for x86_32
02:50.14Luke-Jrpretend it doesn't even support 64-bit, because it really doesn't
02:50.16Luke-Jrit emulates it
02:50.34bugzLuke-Jr: sweet. what a joke.
02:50.51Luke-Jrindeed, Intel's CPUs are a joke
02:51.21type0so is teliax decent?
02:51.30bugzwell, whatever its doing is making digium hardware hum for me. one of these boxes has 16 T1s in it.
02:51.31Luke-Jrif you want to pay Teliax's prices
02:51.48Luke-Jrbugz: well, it'd work better if it were built for 32-bit
02:51.49type0i just want a provider that I can tell it what the outbound ani/clid is
02:51.54bugztype0: teliax is small. they keep getting ddos'ed off the internet
02:51.57Luke-Jrtype0: that's most
02:52.25*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:52.38Luke-Jrtype0: if you just need termination, I suggest VoipJet
02:52.43bugzLuke-Jr: so what about all the other crap for 64 bit processing, like emt64 support
02:52.49Luke-Jrunless you have enough customers for bulk
02:52.52bugzid think those instructions are worth implementing
02:53.02Luke-Jrbugz: 64-bit support is only faster with a non-Intel CPU
02:53.11Luke-Jr"EMT64" merely means 64-bit emulation
02:53.15Luke-Jrin the CPU
02:53.27bugzhence the name.. i get it
02:53.39Luke-Jractually, I have no idea if the name is related, but I wouldn't be surprised
02:53.42bugzit should be called Fake Memory Technology, or FMT
02:53.52Luke-JrIntel basically just made an emulator to add on their current CPUs
02:54.08bugz"extended memory technology" even sounds like a marketing ploy now
02:54.48type0i wonder how well this is going to work
02:54.53type0a gentoo vmware installation
02:55.00type0a 10mb cable modem
02:55.15Luke-Jrtype0: why virtualized?
02:55.23type0cause I dont have a machine right now to install on
02:55.33Luke-Jrtype0: usually, Asterisk has a dedicated server-- other programs can be problematic
02:55.42Luke-Jrlet alone within virtualization
02:55.56type0this isnt going to be for anything other than outbound calls by me
02:56.19Luke-Jrtype0: that's termination
02:56.26Luke-Jrso VoipJet will work
02:56.37Luke-JrI've used them for about a year without problems
02:56.48type0I used to have a guy with a box that you could call in, it would say enter access code
02:56.50Luke-Jrdecent price for non-bulk
02:56.55type0you entered the callerid
02:57.04type0then the outbound number, and it was automatic
02:57.13type0i looked on google and found a decent agi for spoofing
02:57.20bugztype0: PRIs are pretty handy for that
02:57.22Luke-Jrthat would need an origination # to call
02:57.31bugztype0: even SIP supports that to some degree with some providers
02:57.31type0I have a PRI
02:57.44type0but my PRI is being used
03:02.10type0yeah.. this installation is taking *FOREVER*
03:04.27*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
03:10.01*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
03:31.22*** join/#asterisk Voting (
03:34.59VotingThis sounds cool... what does it run on? Normal PC hardware?
03:35.40inv_ArpVoting: ass clearly stated on ts website...
03:37.11Votingwow... how cool! and 197 people talking about it! Must be real! Wow.
03:37.48tzafrirVoting, well, if you squeeze it reall tight it would fit on a gumstick
03:43.14*** join/#asterisk Qwell[laptop] (n=Qwell[]@unaffiliated/qwell)
03:43.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell[laptop]] by ChanServ
03:43.30CunningPikewb, Qwell[laptop]
03:49.00type0i like toast
03:51.32*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
04:01.30type0Fetched 582megs in 9m10s (1187k/sec)
04:12.33goatmilktopsy turvy?
04:13.46asterisk-dudy would asterisk not pick up an incoming call?
04:15.03type0does voipjet offer inbound calling?
04:20.30*** join/#asterisk postel (n=jp@unaffiliated/postel)
04:25.34*** join/#asterisk batphone (
04:43.03*** join/#asterisk Azrael (
04:45.00*** join/#asterisk kayak_12 (
04:49.04batphonehow are you?
04:49.09Strom_Cdoing well
04:49.15batphonehow is business?
04:49.31Strom_Cwho are you again?
04:50.09batphone<- batphone
04:50.25Strom_CI can see that.
04:50.38Strom_Cbut I don't know whether I know you from somewhere.
04:50.43batphonei work for a facilities co. in Houston. we pushed iaxymodem out the door for everyone.
04:50.50batphoneamong other things.
04:51.19batphonewhat do you want? my full name? i dont think we know each other that well ;)
04:51.43batphonebut hey, since your'e awake...
04:51.56Strom_Cwell, I have no idea who you are, so "how is business?" seems like an odd question
04:52.18batphoneive been tasked with putting up some polycoms on wifi bridges in an old building with problematic connectivity
04:52.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
04:52.49batphone... well shit dont get offended ... business is good here.
04:53.19batphoneso im running around with these access points trying to saturate the channel with our signal right?
04:53.45batphoneive dealt with some sip wifi phones before, those the size of cell phones w/o the cool color LCD
04:53.52batphoneand they can be un-fun
04:55.11batphonei was just wondering what luck people have had with these odd situations where it is physically impossible to post-wire a building
04:55.43Strom_Cit means that your witing contractor sucks
04:58.00batphonewell its an old brick ranch house. these guys are good, they just pulled about 3 miles of cable through the facility flawlessly along with almost 72,000 feet of cat 5
04:58.07batphonethis building is a bitch
04:58.25batphoneit would cost an additional 15 grand to mold out 20 drops
04:58.41batphoneits impractical at this point, at least from a penny pinching financial perspective
04:58.43*** join/#asterisk GerbilWrk (i=GerbilNu@
04:58.49batphonewhich i have no control over so...
05:00.19batphonei meant to say they ran 3 miles of fiber for us ;)
05:00.31batphonecool guys, very hard working
05:32.31*** join/#asterisk SheriF_WorK (n=sherif@
05:40.48*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=bkw_@asterisk/friend-and-developer/bkw)
05:44.22type0My asterisk server is up
05:44.30type0but the softphone iaxphone is asking for a username and password
05:44.54*** part/#asterisk pnlarsson (
05:46.47*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
05:48.58batphonetype0: so make an entry in /etc/asterisk/iax.conf like a sip peer
05:49.09batphoneand use that in the soft pho
05:50.39type0i already put the iax info in it
05:50.43type0but ztdummy isnt install
05:50.48type0i did an apt-get install asterisk
05:50.50type0on debian
05:52.05type0debian running 2.6.8-2-386
05:52.43docelmotype0, you need to do a apt-get remove asterisk*
05:52.52docelmoand go download and build from source
05:53.05type0i tried to build from source
05:53.13type0it was giving me these weird ass errors
05:53.20type0ill check
05:53.20type0hold up
05:54.17type0first it was yapping about termsomething not installed
05:54.28hads|homeSo install it :)
05:55.41type0you do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.8-2-386 kernel installed
05:56.22hads|homeapt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
05:56.41hads|homeor maybe kernel-headers depending on what version you are running
05:57.42batphoneim gonna build it on fbsd tonight
05:57.51batphoneon a laptop with 2 nics
05:58.02batphonesee if i can get ztdummy going with some iax action
05:58.37batphoneseriously though, i dont think they make mini-pci digium cards
05:58.52Juggiethere is one thats mini i think
05:58.57Juggiemaybe a single span card
05:58.57batphonewouldnt it rock to have a pcmcia pri card...
05:59.19batphonei could drop in my laptop while i rebiult a system
05:59.28*** join/#asterisk xbmodder_ (i=nobody@atarack/staff/xbmodder)
05:59.37xbmodder_Can I write audio data to a channel?
05:59.42Juggieor you could have two systems and be redundant.
05:59.48Juggiexbmodder_, in what?
05:59.48xbmodder_while its bridged?
05:59.52xbmodder_Juggie, asterisk
06:00.01xbmodder_like there is an active phone conversation
06:00.04Juggiewhat kind of audio data.
06:00.20Juggieoh... not that i know of unless you redirected both people into a conference
06:00.23xbmodder_"You have one second remaining to complete this call"
06:00.32Juggiethats a part of Dial() already
06:00.43Juggielook at the docs for dial
06:00.43xbmodder_that Is?
06:00.58Juggiethere is already support for calling card scenarios
06:01.10*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
06:02.29type0so after zaptel has been built with ztd
06:02.32type0just make install
06:02.38type0then make install asterisk from source
06:02.40type0and i should be good?
06:02.49batphonehmm, what about 'whisper'
06:03.04batphonethis could be accomplished in the same manner somehow?
06:04.20type0also.. in the iaxconfig
06:04.24type0i put in my info
06:04.32type0but what's the softphone looking for as far as username/password
06:04.34type0and port?
06:04.35Juggiebatphone, no... you would have to barge into the channel.
06:07.54xbmodder_how do those work?
06:08.52Strom_Cthey run on alcohol
06:09.37type0i run on alcohol
06:09.42Strom_Cxbmodder_: "show application chanspy" at the CLI
06:10.14type0does a softphone use the linux login credentials or do i need to define them seperately?
06:10.31hads|hometype0: /etc/asterisk/iax.conf
06:10.31Strom_Ctype0: what??
06:10.40type0the softphone I have
06:10.41type0is asking for
06:10.52type0to the asterisk server
06:11.02jbotrumour has it, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
06:11.08Strom_Cyou configure it with whatever credentials you've set in the sip or iax.conf
06:11.29type0alright, I got a voipjet entry for iax.conf
06:11.41type0i also have an extensions.conf entry
06:11.52type0but the softphone is connecting to MY asterisk server
06:11.53Strom_Ctype0: you need to create an entry for the PHONE
06:11.57type0ahh alright
06:12.04Strom_Ctype0: please please please read the book
06:12.11jbot[docs] probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
06:12.15jbotsomebody said book was a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
06:15.39Assidheya Strom_C
06:16.01Assidwhats happening?
06:16.23Strom_Ci am exhausted
06:17.38Strom_Ca week of bootcamp followed by a 24 hour day followed by 4 hours of sleep
06:17.42xbmodder_Strom_C, Has anyone developed chanbarge yet?
06:18.21Assidasterisk bootcamp?
06:18.46Assidtoo bad im on the other side of the world.. wouldnt mind going for it
06:18.57xbmodder_Assid, India?
06:18.59*** join/#asterisk techie (
06:19.05Strom_Cthats not the kind of snake I like to find in pants
06:19.06xbmodder_Assid, where about?
06:19.08hads|homeThat's just really dodgy sounding.
06:20.12xbmodder_Did you get hurt by the bombings?
06:20.12Strom_Chey, that's not nice :)
06:20.23Strom_Cwe all know I'm the gay one of the group
06:21.06Assidnah.. but a friend of mine did.. hes got a small hole in his ear drums.. and a few pieces wedged into his body
06:21.33Strom_Chopefully he'll be OK
06:21.57Assiddoc says 2 odd months for his hearing to come back to normal.. as for his body.. in a few days if he feels strong enough.. he can go and get them removed
06:22.00xbmodder_ear drum holes = bad
06:22.15Assidthey cant remove it cause his body wont be strong enough to handle the pain
06:22.25xbmodder_Your hearing becomes like 1/10th of the power
06:22.30xbmodder_and unfixable for most
06:22.40Assidif hes talking on the phone.. he can hear what your saying
06:22.43Strom_Cone word: tympanoplasty
06:22.55Assidbut nothing except what someone is talking on the phone
06:23.05Assidlike if you are standing behind himn and try to talk.. he wont hear
06:24.44Assidim thinkinng may just go and meet him..
06:24.55Assidhes pretty far off from where i am
06:25.08Assidand the road conditions are horrible at the moment
06:27.58Assidxbmodder_: where you from?
06:29.40*** join/#asterisk pnlarsson (
06:32.16Assidwow,., quiet
06:33.03batphonei always wanted to say that
06:33.32Assidfuck cares where your from
06:33.59batphonegood question
06:34.17batphoneso im putting freebsd on this laptop right
06:34.23batphoneand id like to build asterisk on it
06:34.31batphonebut first i must obtain a clue
06:35.33batphonecd /usr/ports/net/asterisk; make install distclean
06:36.01batphonewelp, thats broken
06:36.20batphonedamn it feels good to run fbsd agian...
06:36.54Assidno clue. dont use fbsd.. wouldnt know
06:36.57batphonethey are going to be all pissed when i show up with the company thinkpad
06:38.20Assidso dont show up
06:42.54xbmodder_Assid, Are you actually in Bombay?
06:46.21*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (
06:46.23NoRemorsehi all
06:46.50NoRemorseshould SetAccount(400) set the 'account" field in  a call cdr to 400 ?
06:47.29Strom_CSetAccount has been deprecated in favor of Set(CDR(accountcode)=account)
06:47.56Assidwhat happened?
06:52.28*** join/#asterisk Eggplants (
06:53.11Assidi love it when a person asks a question but disappears after that
06:59.05Assidsup docE
07:01.43*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (
07:01.57NoRemorsehi again, who eas it b4 who said to use Set(CDR(account)= ?
07:02.25Strom_CNoRemorse: what version of asterisk are you running?
07:03.36Strom_Cthat's ancient
07:03.40NoRemorseit works
07:03.47Strom_Cdo yourself a huge favor and upgrade to 1.2.10
07:03.51Strom_Cand it's full of bugs
07:03.56Strom_Cand security holes
07:03.58NoRemorsemm dont see any bugs
07:04.03NoRemorseits firewalled
07:04.21NoRemorsehow would I do setaccount in that ver?
07:04.26docelmoits not an application
07:04.32docelmoits a function
07:04.36docelmodo a show functions
07:04.38*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
07:04.39docelmoand look for set
07:04.50docelmoGOOD LORD 1.0.9
07:04.58docelmothere is a HUGE IAX issue there
07:05.04Strom_CNoRemorse: it is strongly recommended that you run 1.2, since it's unlikely you'll get help on 1.0.anything in here
07:05.07NoRemorseyeah iax sucks in it hehe
07:05.19NoRemorseok. bye.
07:05.24docelmoNo.. There is a security hole for ddos attacks
07:05.46dlynes_laptopso what's new in 1.2.10 and 1.2.7?  Anyone know offhand?
07:06.37Strom_Csupport for the new octasic echo cancellers is the big one in zaptel
07:07.20AssidNoRemorse: bugs jst dont come crawling out..
07:07.20Assidhes gone..
07:07.23Assidgotta love how people come in.. ask a question.. and bye and out..
07:09.02dlynes_laptopoctasic echo cancellers in the new digium cards, i take it?
07:09.37dlynes_laptopso nothing really new for people that don't use those then?
07:10.03dlynes_laptoplike maybe for sip presence?
07:10.22Strom_Cbeats me
07:10.36Strom_Ci havent been following the sip presence hooha
07:11.35dlynes_laptophads: yeah...i was just lazy :)
07:11.38hads|homeHi BTW :)
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07:31.14docelmoany bgp junkies in here?
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07:39.16agallomorning! i'm a bit confused of connecting asterisk to a sip provider behind nat. Have i to use "nat=yes" or portforwarding UDP from router to the asterisk is enough?
07:41.07docelmoin theory yes
07:41.15docelmohowever do you have a static IP?
07:41.24docelmoand are you registering to the provider?
07:42.12SwKany sip provider worth their salt will work correctly if register and set nat=yes on the peer definition if you are behind nat even on a dynamic ip
07:42.23agallowell outgoing call are working, incoming calls have problems
07:42.51docelmoAre you registering with the provider?  What provider if I may ask?
07:42.58SwKset your registration timeout shorter your nat router is probably closing the UDP nat session too fast
07:43.00agalloEutelia and Messagenet (italy)
07:43.08SwKset it for like 120 secs or 60 secs
07:43.21agallowich param is it?
07:43.53docelmoits in the sip.conf it will tell you the register time
07:44.37agallowith nat=yes the 2nd provider (messagenet) is not working at all since it uses port 5061 not 5060...
07:45.24docelmoyou can tell it to register to port 5061
07:45.25agalloi used 5061 on register=> and used port=5061 in [section]
07:45.47agallobut with nat=yes "sip show registry" always show "Register sent" not "Registered"
07:45.50docelmoport=5061 will only change your local port
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07:48.19agallotryed again it returns "Request Sent"
07:50.12docelmohmmm..  well its late or early depending on how you look at it..  So Im off to show and bed..
07:50.31agallo9am :)
07:54.15docelmo4am here
07:54.46*** join/#asterisk h3x0r (
07:55.00hads|home20:00 here
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08:05.56agallook i made some test again with nat=yes i can call from pbx my mobile phone and voice is working in both way, when i call it from external it said "busy" but "sip show registry" show it as "registered". i've disabled all the port forwarding now. have to re-enable some of them?
08:06.59h3x0ryou dont need port forwarding with sip nat traversal usually
08:12.26agallook it worked now but the provider is hanging up itself the call with a "BYE" message after a few seconds, what it can be?
08:16.16h3x0rthat could be a lot of things
08:16.28h3x0rcodec negotiation problem
08:17.14h3x0rsome other config problem
08:17.21h3x0rbilling problem :P
08:18.09agalloJul 16 10:13:35 VERBOSE[3459] logger.c: Capabilities: us - 0x10d (g723|ulaw|alaw|g729), peer - audio=0x10f (g723|gsm|ulaw|alaw
08:18.09agallo|g729)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x10d (g723|ulaw|alaw|g729)
08:18.15agallono billing problem! :)
08:18.19dlynes_laptopagallo: port forwarding screws everything up for you, if you're using nat=1
08:18.34agalloi've turned port forwarding off and using nat=yes
08:18.53agallofrom pbx to outside is working, from outside to pbx not
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08:54.27aster22hello everyone
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08:57.55aster22when i transfer a call to third person .... does it still get recorded after transfer
08:58.02aster22if call recording is enabled
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09:03.46PakiPenguinhello everyone
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09:03.57PakiPenguincan someone help me with a dlink router and budgetone
09:04.10PakiPenguini can register the phone fine , but no audio gets thru
09:04.48MatsKare you using stun ?
09:05.36PakiPenguini've placed the phone in dmz too
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09:11.48X-Genhey freaks
09:13.47hads|homelo X-Gen
09:17.58agalloi've tried again... could be the problem with my router (Atlantis WebShare 241?) i never had so much problem using asterisk with external sip providers :-(((
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09:27.01jbotbook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
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10:07.16PakiPenguinhey RoyK[uk]
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11:16.51nettieHey guys, I configured iax2 trunking on 2 of * servers I got, anyone know what's the best way to route calls from one server to the other passing them trough the iax2 channel please?
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12:11.27NoRemorsehi all. I have tried to upgrade asterisk on my box, and I am getting a seg fault when it tries to load
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12:11.49NoRemorseI have completely removed the old version, so this should be considered a fresh install
12:12.42NoRemorseare there any known issues with addons-11.2.3 and older versions of mysql perhaps?
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12:40.43WiredXhi all
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13:11.45DarKnesS_WolFwhat is adsi ?
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13:22.27TeePOGis anyone using a bluetooth mobile headset/bluetooth dongle combo as a usb audio device? if so, with which client program?
13:22.38croskHello everyone. I just have gotten everything to work in asterisk as I wanted it, but one thing. Calling users by their e-mail adress. Anyone has a clue about a tutorial for some kind of automatisation thereof?
13:24.49drrayI used firefly with bluetooth for a bit
13:24.52drrayon windows XP
13:25.04drrayyou just ahve to pick which audio device
13:25.12TeePOGi like diax, no registry installation
13:25.46TeePOGjust need to know if the clients generally see Bluetooth headsets as USB audio devices
13:25.46drrayonce the bluetooth is installed (assuming you have a bluetooth stack that supports audio.. fscking M$) you will be able to select where the audio of that application goes from
13:26.05drrayfirefly has an audio tab
13:26.14drrayand you can select, sound car or bluetooth
13:26.21drrayonce you have a second sound device installed
13:26.29drrayand I think you do it for input and output
13:26.40TeePOGok, firefly sounds good
13:27.02drraynow, keeping in mind I used it for 30 minutes as a test of concept
13:27.27drrayI do use firefly all the time to chanspy
13:27.50TeePOGhmm, nice
13:28.04TeePOGcan you record when you chanspy?
13:28.20drrayuhm, not through firefly
13:28.26drrayI mean, directly
13:29.23TeePOGbut can you record even though you're not the sender or the receiver?
13:30.03drrayyou can record via the record application in the dialplan
13:30.16drrayI don't know what you mean otherwise
13:30.24drrayI use channel spy to test lines.
13:30.46drrayto see if the analog phone is in use, or if it is knocked off the hook when it wont clear
13:31.33TeePOGah ok
13:31.34drrayyou could with some hardware, and maybe some software record audio from firefly
13:31.54TeePOGbrb, acquiring energy drinks
13:32.02drraybut I think you can record and playback sip streams from etherreal
13:32.06croskDoes anyone here know of how to tell asterisk to respond to user emails next to their id's?
13:32.52drrayyou can dial by URL
13:32.59drrayI don't know that you can dial by email
13:35.20croskWell, you can dial using a name by matching it _crock,1,Dial(SIP/xxxx,30,...) for instance
13:36.04croskI am guessing  you can do the same for other names as
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13:36.16drrayyou could set up a sip extension called user@USER.COM
13:36.33drraybut that seems like some work
13:36.41drrayassuming that @ passes
13:37.39croskYes, I have done that and it worked. The thing is. I would like to do it for over 100 users. It would be silly to be doing it manually each and everytime while you can figure out some way to automatically do it.
13:37.50drrayyeah, hard work
13:39.10*** join/#asterisk Ralesk (
13:39.16croskHmmm, I guess I should write something for it then :(
13:39.20croskThanks anyhow
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14:03.19Dovidis the CentOS issue only with cent Os or is it the entire 2.6 lunux kernel ?
14:04.01twislaonly with redhat/centos kernels (if we are talking about the spinlock.h issue, i did'nt backlog)
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14:07.46Dovidtwisla: so does FC 5 have it ?
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14:20.04j3gwhat is a proper way to calculate asterisk server capacity? is asterisk SMP aware?
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14:28.16file2yay driving to nashville
14:30.14file2wazzup all?
14:30.30rob0I565 to I65? or up AL-53 to Ardmore?
14:32.19rob0what time's your flight?
14:33.42rob0so you'll be home with plenty of day to spare
14:34.01file2i arrive at 9pm at home
14:34.27rob0wow, that's late!
14:34.41*** join/#asterisk Gr1ncheux_ (
14:34.45rob0long drive on that end of the flight?
14:34.59russellbfile2: i'll beat you home by about 5 hours :-p
14:35.04rob0or, layovers?
14:35.31file2long drive here
14:35.41file2just 3 hour layover at toronto
14:36.54*** join/#asterisk vgster (
14:42.35file2very boring drive.. lots of green stuff
14:43.56mockerJust ordered some swag from the digium site. :)
14:44.48russellbwhat'd ya get?
14:45.31Strom_Cle swag
14:45.55mockerrussellb: A shirt and some stickers. :)
14:46.04mockerhmm, need to calm down on smiley faces.
14:46.19file2mmm swag
14:46.26Strom_Cwhich shirt?
14:46.35[pyro]nothing wrong with super happy funtime smiley faces :)
14:46.36Strom_Cthe bright orange one?
14:46.48mockerStrom_C: Yeawh.
14:47.08Strom_Cthat is the orangest shirt you will ever own
14:47.18mockerAlthough it shouldn't be called swag since it isn't free!
14:48.37mockerStrom_C: Yeah, it's strange that there is no real picture of the shirt on the site.
14:49.02Strom_CIt's a good shirt
14:49.05Strom_CI've got several
14:49.28mockerHopefully it will come more quickly than my dCAP plaque.
14:50.41Strom_Cheh, well, the shirts are all in a cupboard right there behind reception
14:51.03Strom_Cthe dCAP plaques aren't just lying around :0
14:51.05Strom_Cer :)
14:52.14russellbi wore that shirt yesterday ... it r0x0rz
14:52.40file2mmm tshirt
14:53.09Strom_Cwhen I got a few last year to give out, my roommate at the time said "WOW, I have NEVER seen a shirt that orange before!" and immediately commandeered one for himself
14:53.49Corydon76-homeHeh, "roommate"?
14:54.03Strom_Cyes, roommate
14:54.04file2i neeeed an orange one
14:54.10Strom_Cgood friend of mine
14:54.16Strom_Cstayed with me for the summer
14:54.34Corydon76-homeOh, just checking.  ;-)
14:54.40Strom_Cno live-in boyfriends yet, so get yer mind out of there, Corydon :)
14:56.19file2can someone see if there is a... subway.. in any terminal at the pearson airport? crazy... i known
14:58.02Strom_Cyou didnt get your subway fix at HSV?!
14:58.44file2i get in late... probably won't get anything @ home...
14:59.00j3ganyone know a way to calculate machine requirements for asterisk? for example.... X lines using Y codec would require a computer with this much cpu and this much ram?
14:59.14drrayj3g it's more art than science
14:59.25j3gdrray: hehhee
14:59.37Strom_Cfile2: I'm looking
14:59.41drraythe good news is 2 weaker machines are usually better than 1 studly one
14:59.41j3gmore art than science meaning I will have to try it out to find out ? :)
14:59.52drrayj3g - yes :)
14:59.58j3gdrray: so asterisk is not smp-able ?
15:00.07drrayTHAT i don't know
15:00.27file2thx strommy boy
15:00.35j3gwhat was the largest asterisk setup you have ever seen?
15:00.48j3gand what setup were they using
15:01.10drrayI use zaptel channels
15:02.20j3gzaptel channels require encoding as well
15:02.23j3gor not ?
15:02.42Strom_Cfile2: greater toronto airports authority shows no Subway at the airport
15:02.53Strom_Cbut I'm sure there are more sandwich shops at the airport
15:02.57file2meh not surprised
15:03.58file2so strom you missed lots of sillyness
15:04.17Strom_Cyou also missed lots of silliness
15:04.25file2o rly?
15:04.29Strom_Cya rly
15:05.19Strom_Cchris, kinsey, and I made the class into a weeklong phone party
15:07.04*** join/#asterisk krausen (
15:07.23krausenanyone running * on openBSD?
15:08.14file2very double plus ungood
15:08.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
15:09.51rob0Oldthinkers unbellyfeel Ingsoc.
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15:16.02Strom_Cfile2: what silliness did I miss at digium?
15:16.40file2you will never know
15:18.37mockerI wonder if digium has discounts on swag to give out at user groups..
15:19.07Strom_Cmocker: I got free swag to give out at my defcon presentation last year
15:19.47mockerStrom_C: You just sent an email to them?
15:20.30Strom_Cmocker: I asked Mark :)
15:20.37mockerStrom_C: Cheater. :)
15:23.15file2yay cheating
15:24.37*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
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15:31.01file2yay line up at united/air canada check in
15:31.21queuetueHow would I modify my dial plan to prefix a 1 to 10-digit numbers?
15:31.22Dovidfile2: wifi at the airports ?
15:33.16krausenairport wifi is generally a rip
15:33.44krausenspoof someone else's mac, then use a udp/only vpn ;-)
15:33.56krausenpure evil
15:35.01Azraelif the spoofee has paid for the service, you don't need to vpn/tunnel
15:35.04Dovidthey have it on the planes now
15:35.10Dovidjust did a trans atlantic
15:35.15Dovidwifi the whole way and it was good
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15:38.24drrayDovid - how much $$?
15:40.34Dovid$30.00 for the entire 12 hour flight
15:40.47drraybargain at twice the price
15:41.46drrayI'd pay double
15:41.49drraythat's a steal
15:41.56drraysince I hate flying and being bored
15:43.40Dovidit was a boieng 777
15:43.42Dovidlots of movies too
15:43.46Dovidbut I HATE flying
15:43.50drrayme too
15:44.17drrayI did not used to, but we lost an engine flying last year that really put me off of flying
15:44.53Strom_Cone time, i got a flat tire, and it totally put me off of driving
15:45.14drrayyeah, making an emergency hard landing is really the same thing
15:45.19drrayas a flat tire
15:47.13Strom_Cs/a flat tire/into an accident/
15:47.18*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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15:49.53tparcinanew asterisk released? have they fixed problem with queuen's?
15:50.56russellbwhat's a queuen?
15:51.10Strom_Ci think he must mean queen
15:51.16kramit's a very dramatic queue
15:51.18russellbohh, the queen's what?
15:51.26russellbkram: !!!!!!!!!
15:51.35russellbkram: you so r0x0r
15:51.43tparcinaqueue's - are you happy now? :)
15:51.51kramwe all are happy!
15:52.14russellbtparcina: i do believe there were queue related changes, but you'll have to check the changelog for specifics
15:52.20russellbkram: HSV wifi rocks
15:52.39tparcinarussellb: i will, as soon as i download it
15:53.17*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
15:53.23kramat the airport you mean?
15:53.35kramsad you're leaving
15:53.38tparcinaunfortunately at home i don't have so fast internet connection, so it will have to wait tomorow until i go to work
15:53.52Strom_Ctparcina: just look at the changelog on its own
15:53.54russellbtparcina: the changelog is on the ftp by itself if you want to view it
15:54.10russellbkram: but since you r0x0r soooooooooo much, i get to move here in january
15:54.15tparcinadidn't know that, thank you guys
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16:06.12Strom_Cand there he goes again
16:06.24*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=bkw_@asterisk/friend-and-developer/bkw)
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16:11.01fileyo yo
16:11.13fileI bought a 24 hour pass for internet here and it applies to the airport I'm flying to as well :D this day is going well
16:11.20Strom_Cthing on a string that goes up and down
16:11.27Strom_Cthat's awesome
16:11.55fileof course the route to Digium is just weird, but meh
16:12.30russellbooh, i'm boarding ...
16:12.41filerussellb: yay
16:12.45russellbbut i board in the last zone :(
16:12.57filesort of the same here
16:13.17russellbbut wait ....
16:13.25russellbi don't see my plane ........
16:13.34russellbmaybe that announcement wasn't for my flight :-p
16:13.38Strom_Cit's the new Aibus Invisiliner
16:13.46fileooh my name is JOSHUAMR
16:14.14Strom_CJoshua Muffin Rage?
16:14.37fileI hope my backpack fits :(
16:14.53drrayI carry on a big bag
16:14.53russellbi hope ... i fit
16:15.04drrayjust get on and act like you always do it
16:16.14filedrray: I do, I just stuffed in extra stuff
16:16.20fileI sort of picked up extra t-shirts
16:16.27russellbfile: how many
16:16.43fileso I stuffed them in my backpack
16:16.45russellbsame here ... i think i should have gone for more
16:17.01filewe should have each taken a box
16:17.12fileI can see my plane!
16:17.26Strom_Cso you raided the swag cabinet too?
16:17.32*** join/#asterisk enjay- (
16:17.42fileStrom_C: a bit
16:17.44Strom_Chello, Mr. 502
16:17.52Strom_Cgod, I can't type to save my life
16:18.17enjay-623 actually but close enough..
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16:18.23russellbfile: JOSH
16:18.30Strom_Cit was 602 once upon a time
16:18.36enjay-yea for many years..
16:18.45enjay-shit all of AZ was 602 for the longest time..
16:18.55Strom_Cyes, hence the 0 as the middle digit
16:18.59filerussellb: RUSSELL
16:19.37filethere's some person from CBC Newsworld sitting a few seats down
16:19.43fileand I know I recognize him... but don't know his name
16:19.51Strom_Cask him
16:20.14*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
16:20.30russellbthere's someone from alabama near me
16:20.35russellbi don't know their name, though
16:20.42russellbjust a hunch
16:20.51enjay-2.5 teeth give it away?
16:21.17russellbjust the fact that i'm in an airport located in the state of alabama.
16:21.30russellbWHERE IS MY PLANE
16:21.36Strom_CI told you, russel
16:21.38fileit's herer
16:21.43russellbfile: damn you
16:21.44Strom_Cit's the new Airbus Invisiliner
16:21.45fileit was... rerouted
16:21.51russellbStrom_C: lol
16:21.56fileI'm actually on a regional jet!
16:22.04Strom_Coh those things are fun
16:22.13Strom_Cyou get to be the window and aisle seat at the same time
16:22.16enjay-your cessna 206a turbo prop is incoming to the alamaber airport haircare and tirecenter..
16:22.18russellbas long as its a jet, i'm ok ...
16:22.25russellbdamn those prop planes to hell, though ...
16:22.31fileI got all window seats... near the front of the plane
16:22.59Strom_Ci flew a turboprop from Johannesburg to somewhere in the boonies of South Africa once
16:23.02enjay-yea you definately havent experienced turbulence until you've been in a prop plane..
16:23.33fileI suppose I will wobble around terminal 1 in Toronto looking for food
16:23.42pdtmobilerussellb: you connecting through alabama? I've never had to stop there before
16:23.50russellbpdtmobile: heh, no.
16:23.54russellbi was visiting ...
16:24.09filezomg russellb
16:24.14russellbwe had a h4x0r meeting at digium
16:24.23fileyes, much silliness occured
16:24.39pdtmobilelike l33t and everything?
16:24.46Strom_Cnot just 1337
16:24.47file1337 even
16:24.48enjay-I love digium they replaced all my te411p's with 412p's..
16:25.05russellbenjay-: nice, how are they working out for you
16:25.21enjay-they are outstanding..
16:25.31russellbgreat to hear
16:25.31enjay-resolved 100% (of noticable) echo
16:25.43fileyeah those chips are expensive... but great at getting rid of echo
16:25.56russellbyep, seems like the octasic is pretty much ... awesome
16:26.29pdtmobileya, I swapped to sangoma for analog awhile back because of it.  Are there plans for small analog cards with the octastic?
16:26.35enjay-thought they were still in beta so I mentioned them on the phone with tech support and (james) was like uhmm yea I can get you some of those.. how many you need.. was bitchin.
16:27.03russellbjames in tech support?
16:27.12russellbdidn't know there was a james in support :)
16:27.21pdtmobilemaybe there's not ;)
16:27.29pdtmobilemaybe he just showed up for work to give out free shit
16:27.37filenever know...
16:27.40enjay-yea his name was James..
16:27.44Dovidwhat is the file that i have to edit to put the mysql log in and pass in to for real time ?
16:27.44russellbit's possible ...
16:27.48pdtmobileya how many cards you want, suuuure overnight?
16:28.08filefew more minutes and boarding is going to commence
16:28.20russellbfile: you're going to leave before me, and that wasn't supposed to happen!
16:28.25russellbif i miss my connection, i will cry
16:28.29russellbprobably not
16:28.36pdtmobilehell, at the fortune 1xx showing up for work actually works
16:28.39enjay-was overnight actually.. though I had to pay for it.
16:28.50filerussellb: that would make me sad
16:28.59pdtmobileat least the last one I worked at, this guy just showed up and they gave him a desk and hired him...
16:29.06russellbfile: ooh, it's pulling in now ...
16:29.19Dovidnm. found it
16:29.26fileyay soon boarding
16:29.29filebut I am in noooooo rush
16:29.36pdtmobileone guy thought the other guy approved his hire, and figured the other screwed up so rushed the paperwork though
16:30.04pdtmobileyay for screening
16:30.47filenot many people it looks like on this flight
16:33.46*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
16:33.54fileaway we go
16:34.30pdtmobileyou better turn off your BOMB
16:34.48Strom_CBig Ol' Melon Ball?
16:34.58pdtmobilehow do you turn one of those off
16:35.06Strom_Cwith the off button, of course
16:35.11pdtmobileah, gocha
16:35.17pdtmobilei forgot about that
16:35.35Strom_Cfirst they came out with seedless melons, then they came out with button-operated melons
16:35.39*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
16:35.47pdtmobilethe wonders of cross breeding
16:39.23Strom_Clet's not forget the rotary melon fiasco of 1978
16:39.32pdtmobileall those lives
16:39.59Dovidanyone know the polycom default user id and pass for the polycom 601 ?
16:40.19Dovidfor the web menu
16:40.21pdtmobilePolycom Soundpoint IP
16:40.38pdtmobilehonestly I have never logged into the web interface, I have always done it via the xml files
16:40.58[TK]D-FenderAnd you want to AVOID the web setup screens and learn to provision them
16:43.21pdtmobilemaybe if I go find some food
16:43.32*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
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17:07.55vivekhollo all
17:08.24viveki need some help real bad this time. i have just 30 minutes to go before my train ... i can't seem to ssh into my debian box from outside ...
17:08.56vivekmy config is like internet--->router1---->router2--->pc ...
17:10.54Strom_Ccould be one of a dozen problems
17:10.56Strom_Cdead sshd
17:10.59Strom_Cbad router
17:11.22Strom_Calso, why the hell do you have TWO routers between your PC and the internet?
17:12.38Strom_Cdouble-NAT == bad (assuming these are standard SOHO gateways)
17:15.37x86double NAT + STUN == no so bad
17:16.50Strom_Cthats like saying losing two fingers is not so bad compared to losing three.
17:16.52*** join/#asterisk nicu-dot-ro (n=nicu@
17:16.56manyso, i may ask again.  has someone hints on how to get call completion working besides using RetryDial()?
17:17.06Strom_Cmany: what are you trying to do
17:18.00manyCall completion on busy
17:18.30Strom_Cso by "completion" I assume you really mean "try a second time"
17:18.42x86many: voicemail also completes the call ;)
17:18.49manyyea, automatically.
17:18.51manyx86: PSTN outgoing.
17:19.04Strom_Cmany: POTS or ISDN?
17:19.11x86many: busy as in no available PSTN trunks?
17:19.18manyno, as in subscriber busy
17:19.21x86many: or busy as in remote device is busy
17:19.41manystrom_c: zap to a telenovis and sip internal.
17:19.44x86yeah, i think retrydial is about your only hope :P
17:19.47Strom_Cwhat is "telenovis"?
17:20.06manyerr. isdn device, large one (whats that called in english)
17:20.19Strom_Ctelephone company-owned ISDN switch?
17:20.20manyan avaya, so to say.
17:20.24Strom_Cor a PBX?
17:20.34manya large proprietary isdn pbx. :)
17:21.27x86avaya doesnt make "large" switches ;)
17:21.34manyi fear this feature is very uncommon outside europe
17:21.36x86Lucent and Nortel do, however
17:21.49Strom_Cwhich feature
17:22.13manywelps. maybe avaya rebrands them, but they definitily sell them. telenovis-avaya is the local support company. :)
17:22.27manyStrom_C: CCNA/CCNB/CCBS and what they are all called.
17:23.17manyso, to make it clear: no, call completion is not my word-invention for this kind of feature, actually i was suprised that its calle dso :)
17:24.00Strom_Cmany: but what does the feature DO?
17:24.17Strom_C"CCNA" doesnt tell me a thing
17:24.27manyif the subscriber is busy/NA, whatever, the pbx will try to redial the remote end nutil its available
17:24.35manyCall Completion on Not Available, iirc.
17:24.40Strom_Cas far as I'm aware, CCNA stands for "Cisco Certified Network Associate"
17:24.43Strom_Cheh ok
17:24.51Strom_Cthat feature is available in the U.S. as well
17:24.56manystrom_c: you didnt read QSig? :)
17:25.14Strom_Cmany: no, sorry, i have been busy reading everything else instead
17:31.04pdthomewhats a decent price to pay for 1/2 a PRI
17:33.22*** join/#asterisk vivek (n=vivek@unaffiliated/tintin)
17:33.23Strom_Cwhat do you mean "1/2 a PRI"?
17:34.11vivekhello all i have just 20 minutes before i goto school ... i am in deep trouble with ssh config ... i have a config like internet-->adslrouter-router2--p3
17:34.48viveki need to ssh into that machine so that i can configure voip ...
17:34.59Strom_Cvivek: I just told you
17:35.02viveksomehow i can't seem to port forward from router1 to 2 ...
17:35.15Strom_Cvivek: WHY do you have two routers
17:35.16vivekStrom_C: yes i seem to be in deep trouble with port forwarding
17:35.33vivekStrom_C: cos the first one has just can't run openwrt :(
17:35.49vivekok i can setup bridged on the first one ...
17:35.55Strom_Cthat doesnt explain why your PC is behind two routers
17:36.13vivekit should be bridged on the first one and then pppe via the second ?
17:36.37pdthomeStrom_C: channels 1-12
17:36.50Strom_Cpdthome: plus a d-channel on...13?
17:37.01vivekStrom_C: is that the solution that i should try for ?
17:37.10pdthomenah let's say dchan on 12 so only 11 usable
17:37.25Strom_Cpdthome: depends on the telco
17:37.35Strom_Cpdthome: also depends on the PUC tarriffs
17:37.38pdthomewell I don't have a telco preference, just looking for a good deal ;)
17:37.48Strom_Csometimes a full PRI winds up being about the same price
17:37.53*** join/#asterisk paolob (
17:38.04pdthomewell the one I have called so far is 380 for 1/2 and like 5 something for full
17:38.09Strom_Cvivek: you still havent told me why your PC is behind two routers
17:38.31paolobHi guys, I'm trying to descifre something on a pap2, it permits to set a debug server, but how do I configure a linux pc as a debug server? thank you!
17:38.45*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
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17:39.29Strom_Cpaolob: jeez, it took me a whole minute to decipher your spelling of "decipher"
17:39.31vivekStrom_C: ok i have an adsl modem connected to the internet ... that is a router/modem the second modem is to run asterix
17:39.46vivekso that i can vpn between the two ...
17:39.57Strom_Cvivek: I know not of a program called "asterix" - but I do know about "asterisk" :)
17:40.15viveksorry :( just nervous ...
17:40.21Strom_Cfirst calm down
17:40.37Strom_Csecond, your network setup blows.
17:40.48vivek:( yes very true
17:41.17Strom_CI would recommend you try and fix this when you actually have the time to think without panicking, and also are physically at the premises so you can rewire things properly
17:41.25vivekmaybe i should convert my adsl modem into a stupid bridge ..
17:41.35Strom_Cvivek: that would help immensely
17:43.09viveki guess its goodbye voip for now ... pstn for a while ...
17:43.24vivek6 months ...
17:43.28pdthomevivek: don't give up man ;) it can be done
17:43.51vivekin 30 minutes ? if i can't get ssh here then its not going to happen for a while ... :(
17:44.01Strom_Cwell, assuming his network can be administered like that from the outside
17:44.08Strom_Cvivek: why didn't you test this before leaving?
17:44.35viveki have been rtfm ing from scratch for a month but i know nothing of networks ... before i started ..
17:44.52Strom_Cdid you ask in here?
17:44.55vivekso it was a good learning experience while it happened ... but it was obviously not enough
17:45.13vivekStrom_C: yes that's how i got around to openwrt on both ends
17:45.20Strom_Cah, that was my suggestion
17:45.22vivekand a vpn connection
17:45.28vivekStrom_C: yep it was yours ...
17:45.31Strom_Cwhy the trouble of the vpn?
17:45.33Strom_Cjust use iax
17:45.47Strom_Cmake sure 4569 is forwarded
17:45.54Strom_Cand you're good to go
17:45.55viveki need to punch through a webproxy at school
17:46.05vivekso vpn is something i must do ....
17:46.08Strom_Cyou never mentioned that last time :)
17:46.10pdthomeit's the proxy on the other end he has to deal with
17:46.48viveki will take the modems to the otherend and work on it at school and ship it back to my mom ... i know i can do something :)
17:46.53viveker i mean routers ...
17:47.27vivekok that seems like the best idea ...
17:47.35Strom_Cwhat is your end goal, exactly?
17:47.46vivekconnect to my mom on the sipphone ...
17:48.06Strom_Cwhy not have an asterisk server on a public IP that you both authenticate to
17:48.08vivekand talk to her for a couple of hours every day... she is not too healthy ..
17:48.39vivekStrom_C: hmmz it all started with me having two spa3ks .... i don't want to ditch it ...
17:48.49Strom_Cditch what?
17:48.52Strom_Cthe spa3000s?
17:49.03Strom_Cyou're not ditching those
17:49.17Strom_Cyou're using an asterisk server on a public IP address to make your setup simpler
17:49.20vivekhmmz but where do i put up the asterisk ?
17:49.25Strom_Cin colo?
17:49.33Strom_Con a vps somewhere?
17:49.37vivekinside the proxy ?
17:49.54Strom_CI said PUBLIC IP ADDRESS
17:50.37vivekok i gotta leave now, i will talk to you again in a couple of days ... getting on a train (gotta travel 2000kms plus)
17:50.43Strom_Cairplane, man
17:50.45Strom_Cthey're faster
17:50.46vivekStrom_C: no public access at college ...
17:50.52vivekStrom_C: hehe and costlier too ;)
17:50.52Strom_Chence why I said colo
17:51.04Strom_Conly if your time is worthless
17:51.05vivek10 times the cost of the train hehe
17:51.14Strom_Cfrom where to where?
17:51.18vivekwell it pretty much is ;) i am a student ..
17:51.25vivekfrom one end of india to the other
17:51.28Strom_Cah, ok
17:51.33vivekCoimbatore to kharagpur ;)
17:51.44*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
17:51.48vivekok see you all tnx for all the help
17:56.54*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
17:58.00*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:59.15Strom_Chey ManxPower
17:59.27ManxPowerHello, Strom_C
17:59.36Strom_Cwhats cookin
17:59.53ManxPowerI'm in a bad mood.  Where are there some newbies to abuse?
18:00.12Strom_Coh just hang out here for a few minues and I'm sure someone will nub it up
18:00.44*** join/#asterisk itnomad (
18:01.04Strom_Chello itnomad
18:01.21Assidanyone ever swallowed alcohol into their windpipe by mistake?
18:01.23*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
18:01.37Strom_CAssid: ouch
18:01.39itnomadhi Strom_C
18:01.45Assidi did that last night.. and im feeling stuffed at my neck the whole day
18:01.59Strom_CAssid: you'll recover
18:02.18Assidi hope so.. the feelning sucks
18:02.26itnomadsounds like a quick high, though.
18:03.11Assidyou feell totally messed up.. throat feels WEIRD
18:04.09itnomadI ate a can of nutmeg about a wierd feeling.
18:04.23Assidnutmeg ?
18:04.27itnomadbtw, I don't suggest trying it.
18:08.27*** join/#asterisk cHr1Zt1An (n=kvirc@
18:10.07AssidStrom_C: you ever done that?
18:12.42Assidmaybe i should try swallowing water down the windpipe
18:12.52Assidso the alcohol doesnt do any damage
18:18.59znoGhey some people say the Digium FXO cards are *just* a winmodem (with a special chipset, of course) with a minor solder job so that Zaptel can recognize it as a Wildcard FXO... is this true? is this the *only* difference?
18:29.49Strom_CznoG: the X100P is very similar to a winmodem, but there's a reason Digium no longer manufactures it
18:33.47*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
18:37.03znoGStrom_C: and that reason is?
18:37.20rob0crap :)
18:37.49Strom_Cit's a piece of junk
18:38.09*** join/#asterisk sugardave (
18:39.17rob0Mine has crashed the zaptel driver before (twice, I think.)
18:39.44sugardavehello all, is there a searchable archive of #asterisk logs?
18:40.01sugardaveno luck there, I'm afraid
18:40.03dlynes_laptopI've had x100p's work fine, and then on the next reboot, the zaptel drivers don't even recognize it
18:40.09dlynes_laptopThey're really flaky
18:40.10Assidwll.. it may be rudimentary.. but.. it does the job..
18:40.18Assiddepending on your requirmeent ofcourse
18:40.21*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (n=trbldwin@
18:40.23dlynes_laptopSometimes next to impossible to get rid of echo on them, too
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18:44.13znoGStrom_C: only problems I have with it is that it sometimes acts strange. Random call drops, voice quality problems, things like that.
18:44.25znoGStrom_C: is that what you're talking about when you say "crap"?
18:45.11Strom_Camong other things, yes
18:45.26Strom_Cand I didn't say crap
18:45.34Strom_CI said "piece of junk" :)
18:45.37znoGoh rob0 did :)
18:45.55znoGso is there an alternative to the single port FXO made by somebody else perhaps?
18:46.09Strom_CTDM01B :)
18:46.21znoGthat's kinda out of my budget :)
18:46.40Strom_Cused TDM01B
18:47.18znoGmaybe, yeah.
18:48.22*** join/#asterisk Ralesk (
18:48.29Strom_Cor you could go with a Sipura SPA3000, though that can be tricky to configure
18:49.04*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
18:49.46sugardavethe asteriskgeeks archive is just throwing up 404s, unfortunately...does anyone work with D-link 1120S ATAs?
18:50.03Strom_Cnever touched one in my life
18:53.28*** join/#asterisk i-ball (
18:54.22Strom_Chello i-ball :)
18:54.32*** part/#asterisk itnomad (
18:54.37i-ballSo here's my problem....
18:55.17i-ballI want to stream the audio input from one channel to any other channels calling into a certain extension
18:55.31russellbuse MeetMe
18:55.50russellbusing talker only and listen only if you wish
18:55.58i-ballIs there a way to use MeetMe() without any of the prompts that it gives?
18:56.21russellbyeah, if you provide the conference number in the MeetMe arguments, and there is no pin
18:56.24russellbit won't prompt for anything
18:57.08russellbno configuration needed, no prompts given :)
18:57.24russellb(additional configuration)
18:57.33i-ballwy the |d?
18:57.37i-ballwhat's that do?
18:57.41Strom_Cdynamically add
18:57.51russellbbasically, so you don't have to configure it in meetme.conf
18:57.52i-balldynamically adds anybody who joins?
18:57.55Strom_Cdo "show application metme"
18:58.00russellbdynamically creates the conference itself
18:58.27i-ballIt won't even prompt for a name?
18:58.41russellbno, it only does that with an option
18:58.45russellb'i' or something
18:59.32russellbyou are very welcome
19:00.24Strom_Cdespite the size of this air conditioner, it isn't making my apartment much cooler
19:00.24russellbthat will be $50, kthx
19:01.46*** join/#asterisk NDT (
19:02.55dlynes_laptopHas anyone else run into issues where the sip presence code causes phones to go offline, spamming spurious SIP 489's and SIP 500's?
19:05.22*** join/#asterisk denon (
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19:06.29i-balldoes stanaphone pass cid?
19:07.04Strom_Cbeats me
19:07.05Strom_Ctry it
19:09.59i-ballit does.
19:18.08*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
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19:25.34*** join/#asterisk iPBX (
19:25.37iPBXanyone know an IAX2 provider in the UK?
19:25.43iPBXsimilar to voicepulse or broadvoice
19:29.24*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
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19:36.38i-ballokay, I have a question about IceCast
19:36.48i-ballCan an icecast server on one machine stream the audio that's provided by Asterisk on a different machine?
19:37.36Strom_Ci-ball: when I did that, I had to run one icecast server on the asterisk machine and stream it to a different icecast server for redistribution
19:40.15i-ballStrom_C: yeah, I'm thinking of doing either that or having the IceCast box run a soft-phone and call into the Asterisk box
19:40.29i-ballPipe out the audio from the soft-phone into the streaming feed.
19:40.53Strom_Cdont do it that wau
19:40.55Strom_Cer, way
19:41.02i-ballwhy not?
19:41.07Strom_Ckeep it as centralized as possible for easy operation
19:41.42i-ballBut it'll take the main asterisk more if it has IceCast running on it.
19:41.58i-ballI'll need to be doing on-the-fly conversions.
19:42.09i-ballPlus, I shouldsay, we'll be streaming 3 separate feeds.
19:43.03*** join/#asterisk TrixVox (
19:44.34Strom_Cso you stream those and then do the transcoding elsewhere
19:46.36*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (n=bkw_@asterisk/friend-and-developer/bkw)
19:48.08i-ballthat was my first idea.
19:48.31i-ballActually, let me make sure if I'm understanding you.
19:48.37i-ballWhat do you mean by "transcoding"?
19:48.42i-ballConverting it into mp3?
19:52.18i-ballYeah, that was my original idea. I just don't know how to stream the gsm format files elsewhere.
19:53.17Strom_Cyou dont
19:53.32Strom_Cyou transcode to mp3 on the asteisk box and then stream from there
19:55.10*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
19:57.20i-ballusing icecast?
19:58.39Strom_Casterisk + ices + icecast
19:59.55i-ballah, k
20:00.06i-balllast question though
20:00.17i-ballices != icecast, right?
20:01.03*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
20:01.22i-ballcool. Thanks for the help!
20:03.41Dr-Linuxanybody can explain what's "packetization rate" ?
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20:18.32*** join/#asterisk callsign (
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20:18.48callsignhi does anyone need any computer memory or other parts msg me.
20:20.25Strom_Ccallsign: stop spamming the channel
20:20.32*** part/#asterisk callsign (
20:20.54fileStrom_C: how effective
20:31.51*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
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21:02.14*** join/#asterisk eBody (
21:02.56eBodyafter editing zaptel and zapata for my tdm2400, what is the next  step to  start  making calls  out?
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21:03.46[TK]D-FendereBody : Extensions.conf might help...
21:03.59Dr-Linuxanybody can explain what's "packetization rate" ?
21:06.09[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : RTP typically uses 20MS frames.  thats what determines latency
21:06.22eBodydoes each POTS line get an extension?
21:06.47saftsackyou can configure them into a trunk or what to you mean?
21:07.43Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i'd grab some time from you to discuss this, even my problem has been solved, but i wanna understand the logic.
21:07.56[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : when you increase the MS per pactet you reduce the UDP overhead ratio.
21:08.28eBodyand after  they are in a trunk?
21:08.59[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Imagine every pakey has 50 bytes of "header"  if you ewre to send voice packets of 50 bytes of DATA, that means that HALF of your speed is wasted in HEAADER alone.  get it?
21:09.04pdthomeStrom_C: why did you run him off I needed some "other parts"
21:09.20[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : So if you put MORE data into a larger packet youreduce the % of packet overhead.
21:10.03Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: my asterisk box is connected to a MultiTech VOIP gatway which was using packetization rate 60 ms and was just working fine ..
21:10.28fileincoming doesn't matter, it all evens out internally...
21:10.33[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : * typically uses 20ms packets
21:11.06Dr-Linuxin that case both (asterisk and MT gateway) has same codecs i.e g723  ... SIP
21:11.55filehuh, a line up
21:11.57filethis might not be good
21:14.12Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: we got some problem with our h323 voices system that also MT gateway we are using for .. so we contacted their support, and they changed our packetization rate to 80 .. and enabled "forward error correction" so by doing that our h323 traffic got fixed .. but SIP .. MT and asterisk got damage,
21:14.42Dr-Linuxand i was having errors loop at the CLI .. something "wrong RTP codec recieved"
21:14.57Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: so what i did here to fix the problem:
21:16.19Dr-Linuxi revert back packetization rate to 60 ms on the MultiTech gw and select g729 codec for asterisk SIP port ..
21:16.37Dr-Linuxand problem is solved
21:17.28hadseBody: Read chapter 4 of "the book"
21:17.31Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: so my this scenario is just working fine with 60 packetization rate..
21:18.25Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: so can you get me an idea .. why it have been bad/errors with 80 packetization rate and not with 60 ...
21:19.24Dr-Linuxdo you think to reducing paket rate? so if i reduce it more .. how will be the game?
21:23.41*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
21:24.13Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: sorry sir, i got DC due to bad connection.
21:24.37Dr-Linuxnot sure if my messages are missed that i sent ..
21:26.23Assidmultitech... i remember that gw
21:26.32Assidfriend of mine bough it
21:26.56Assidcomes with fxo and fxs ports
21:27.44eBodywhat book
21:27.51jbotit has been said that thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
21:28.09eBodythank you.
21:28.12hadsRead the whole thing, it's good.
21:28.44quid2478Looking for a little advice... want to implement * into my family's business... in terms of echo cancellation, is it better to go with a TDM400 card or buy a seperate FXO gateway?
21:29.01Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: that 20ms packet size based on Codec or on something else?
21:29.02[TK]D-Fenderquid2478 : A200
21:29.11sugardaveI have a Dlink DVG 1120S ata that I'm trying to use the FXO for calls out on my PSTN, has aybody gotten this to work?
21:29.34[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : What you are describing is RTP packet size.  Codec is the PAYLOAD (data) portion of the packet, so no.
21:30.28quid2478D-Fender:  Yeah I was lookin at the non-Digium cards... is the A200 built the same as the TDM or is it a little better hardware wise?
21:31.03Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: so sir, if we increase the packetization size, it's just wasting out, or it won't work?
21:31.31[TK]D-Fenderquid2478 : Considerably better in most cases.  Lower PRI ustilization, expands past 4 port w/o add'l interrupt load / PCI port requirements, optional HWEC.
21:31.41[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : has to match on moth sides.
21:32.28quid2478D-Fender:  Thanks for the advice... will look into that card.
21:33.50Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: that's my point. currently my MT gateway is sending g729 packets date to asterisk with 60ms and have no problem.. but had erros on CLI and oneway audio with 80 packetization rate
21:33.58Dr-Linuxwhat you guide about this?
21:35.53Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: does that mean, my asterisk is using 60ms RTP or i need to reduce the MT side packet size to 20ms to get more good performance
21:36.33[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Forget performance, think FUNCTIONAL.
21:37.16Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: but with 60 it's just working fine.
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21:57.06*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
21:57.13Dovidhi i am getting this message
21:57.13DovidJul 16 17:54:10 NOTICE[4253]: chan_sip.c:11564 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer '11010' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 0
21:57.36TripleFFFFput a ; before qualify in sip entry
21:57.47Dovidi am in real time
21:57.52Dovidso remove the qulify ?
21:57.59TripleFFFFput the field empty
21:58.02TripleFFFFinstead of 1000
21:58.05TripleFFFFor whatever
21:58.16Dovidqualify is for how many ms it is from the serevr ?
21:58.19TripleFFFFthat means to qualify as online ping should be less or equal then 1000ms
21:58.22TripleFFFFor 1 sec
21:58.31TripleFFFFbut on lots of request it will false positiv
21:58.35Dovidits companing that its only 0 ms away and acting up
21:58.39Dovidah ok
21:59.03Dovidqualify is set to yes, i switch it to ?
22:00.34*** part/#asterisk tparcina (
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22:17.39_Vileanyone have NVLineDetect working?
22:20.56TripleFFFFcan we include the trasnfer # crap on a per user basis ?
22:21.04TripleFFFFlike needs to be a user from context=blah
22:23.07Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i'm still confused and searching ..
22:23.10*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
22:23.10Dr-LinuxPacketization delay: This is a function of the codec speeds. Low-speed codecs, such as the G.723, take around 67.5 milliseconds to convert analog signals into digital packets. The extra time is required because these packets have to compress the packets to reduce their size. High-speed codecs such as the G.711 can do the packetization in approximately one millisecond.
22:25.44*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
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22:46.40icyfire0573I can't get my SIP phones to dial out.  My extension line is "exten => _98XXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/$EXTEN)
22:46.40icyfire0573" But whenever I dial that it dosen't dial out. However if i changed the line to  "exten => _98XXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/9865866)
22:46.40icyfire0573" it dials (thats my home number so i'm not bothering anyone else with my test calls)
22:46.47TripleFFFFanyone ?
22:47.15TripleFFFFnot $EXTEN
22:47.22TripleFFFFhurts my eyes
22:47.28Dovidusing asterisk and for some reason when one phoen calls another even after i pick up, i dont see in the CLI the call being bridged. in the CLI it says just ringing. but on the phone it says that i picked ip. its killin me :(
22:47.29TripleFFFFno problem
22:47.48TripleFFFFahah! dovid.. seems like.. hmm
22:47.58TripleFFFFover what protocol
22:48.09TripleFFFFhow you push
22:48.14TripleFFFFand you connected
22:48.14Dovidpush ?
22:48.22TripleFFFFyeah example problem descruption
22:48.34icyfire0573TripleFFFF, THank you so much, I've been trying to hunt that down for a while now. I got $EXTEN from a sample config on the web and didn't know the proper format for it.
22:48.47TripleFFFFim usig a spa941 connected to asteris k and dialing my provider via sip .. as in SIP/${EXTEN}@priovider and blah
22:48.49Dovidtriple can i PM ?
22:49.00Doviddont wana hog channel
22:49.08*** join/#asterisk SimoAmi (
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22:50.34TripleFFFFpm me
22:50.36TripleFFFFbut ill brb
22:50.57TripleFFFFwhy i get Registered extension context 'void' ?
22:52.49*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
22:57.29TripleFFFFwhere is cangelog on 1.2.10
22:57.42jbotrumour has it, changelog is dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile whatever.deb | tar xOf - '*changelog.Debian.gz' | gzip -d | less
22:57.42TripleFFFF~bot changelog
22:58.04TripleFFFF~jbot asterisk changelog
23:00.34*** join/#asterisk nitram (
23:02.09TripleFFFF~seen qwell
23:02.21jbotqwell is currently on #asterisk (1h 6m 46s), last said: 'DEATH'.
23:02.23QwellQwell quit IRC 3 hours, 41 minutes ago
23:05.38DovidTK: u herer
23:07.57*** join/#asterisk adker (
23:09.09Dovidanyone have an experts-exchange accounthere ?
23:10.38NuggetI just browse their site with Safari, which seems to completely bypass their cornball user-side security.
23:10.56TripleFFFFreally ?
23:11.00TripleFFFFfuck you save lmy life
23:11.21NuggetKonq would probably behave the same way, for anyone unfortunate enough to not be on a mac.  ;)
23:11.22TripleFFFFits mac ?
23:11.34pdthomeNugget: get the hell out, I never even checked to see if it's client side
23:11.55pdthomedefault safari config?
23:12.10Dovidwhere can i get safari ?
23:12.13Nuggetit looks like it's blocking you, but you can just scroll down
23:12.21TripleFFFF~jbot gogle safari
23:12.35TripleFFFF~jbot google safari
23:13.14pdthomethats awesome
23:13.42pdthomei wonder if FF without javascript would do the same
23:13.46Doviddont see a download link for windows
23:13.59pdthomeDovid: there isn't one
23:14.04hadsThat's because it's for Mac
23:14.14*** join/#asterisk switch (
23:14.44Dovidso can u go to this link and tell me the solution ?
23:14.46pdthomeDovid: turn off javascript in firefox
23:14.50pdthomei just tried it, it works
23:14.59pdthomeor actually I tried it in camino but close enough
23:15.07TripleFFFFwow you guys are good lol
23:15.24*** join/#asterisk ncjp (
23:15.30pdthomeaw crap
23:15.33pdthomethat doesn't work
23:15.46pdthomesome of them work... i wonder why
23:16.04Dovidwell my astreisk dosent detect that I pick up my calls. its pissin me off
23:17.16pdthomeNugget: damn you for getting me all excited ;)
23:17.36pdthomeI hate everything about expert exchange
23:17.40Nuggetme too
23:17.42pdthomei wanted to exploit them a bit
23:17.52TripleFFFFsays i need to subscripbe firefox on centos
23:18.30TripleFFFFyou need kde for conqueror
23:18.33TripleFFFFim on gnome
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23:41.08eBodythe freePBX entension config i  modifying the extension.conf file, correct? can i config my tdm2400 through freepbx?
23:45.08rob0eBody, see /topic about FreePBX.
23:45.08docelmoebody check in #freepbx
23:45.14rob0that too :)
23:45.50docelmoIm guessing no one ever reads the damn topic..  I mean seriously..  #asterisk is for serious asterisk related issues..  Not restrictive knock-offs
23:49.22NuggetBut I can still get asterisk@home support in here, right?  ;)
23:49.40*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
23:49.44docelmoA@H sucks just as much as the others
23:50.06docelmoNugget here's a thought..  its a little out there but try /topic #asterisk and read
23:50.07rob0For Nugget we make an exception. :)
23:50.32docelmoWell I dont know him so not from me..  I cant stand those apps
23:50.54rob0I'm sure it was a joke.
23:52.07docelmoWell for the most part..  I will answer unlying asterisk questions but top level A@H or Tix or whatever no way
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23:52.15Strom_Chere's a legitimate question
23:52.53docelmook shoot
23:53.10Strom_Cif you've got two asterisk boxes, one of which sits on a PRI and uses IAX trunking to connect to the other, can you set the PRI hangup cause on the second box and pass it back over the IAX trunk, or must the hangup cause be set only on the box to which the PRI is directly connected?
23:54.09docelmothe PRI hangup cause is passed by the box with the PRI in it.
23:54.16docelmoYou cant force it otherwise
23:54.30Strom_Cno, not passing hangup cause from the network
23:54.36Strom_Cpassing hangup cause /to/ the network
23:54.56docelmoWell if the call originated on the non PRI box then it would be passed the cause
23:55.09Strom_Cok, let me explain in more detail
23:57.02Strom_Ccall comes in over the PRI to box A, and box A sends it via IAX to box B.  box B sends a PROGRESS message and then plays a recording to the effect of "that number has not yet been assigned."  Box B then sets PRI_CAUSE to 21 and does a hangup().  Will the PRI_CAUSE be set back to box A so that when box A releases the b-channel, it sends hangup cause 21 to the network, causing a reorder tone?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.