irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060708

00:00.00ariel_v5 I know works
00:00.07XARiUS.. stock linksys firmware?
00:00.08ariel_your forwarding ports
00:00.09fileBullseye_Network: next 1.2 release will only show that during debugging
00:00.22Bullseye_NetworkI dont have debugging on.
00:00.31filethat's why I said next 1.2 release
00:00.32XARiUSshouldn't have to do any port forwarding really =/
00:00.33fileI just changed it
00:00.43fileif you want to backport the fix, you can grab it from the commit list
00:00.47XARiUSbut if I have to and it works, that'll make me happy
00:00.49ariel_so your asterisk is outside the wrt
00:00.50PakiPenguinXARiUS: WRT54GL
00:00.58XARiUSGL works? outta the box?
00:01.10PakiPenguinyup , its the Linux version of the router
00:01.16PakiPenguinsupports talisman
00:01.20XARiUSAHHHHHH sweet..
00:01.24XARiUSI thought they'd discontinued it
00:01.33PakiPenguinno , they kept the linux version
00:01.38znoGXARiUS: wrt54g v6 with openwrt?
00:01.46XARiUSare they special order most places or available in retail stores?
00:02.06XARiUSznoG I looked at ddwrt, but that implementation on the v6's seemed flakey
00:02.08XARiUSlots of folks bricked'em
00:02.15XARiUShaven't tried openwrt
00:02.37RoyK[at].-. --- - ..-. .-..
00:02.57PakiPenguinjust look around for wrt54gl
00:03.04PakiPenguinit states on the box too
00:03.06XARiUSyeah think I'll run over to frys now actually
00:03.16XARiUSI brought one of the 501's back to the office to test with
00:03.26Qwell[]speaking of fry's....
00:03.31Qwell[]You know they use *, right?
00:03.34XARiUShiya qwell
00:03.36XARiUSno shit really?
00:03.42XARiUSsomeone needs to teach them HOW to then.
00:03.45XARiUStheir phone setup SUCKS.
00:03.51Qwell[]internally, iirc
00:04.30XARiUSokay guys thanks for the info, I owe you beers and a donkey show from TJ
00:05.13XARiUSokay you can skip the donkey show.. I would.  If I were you.
00:05.14ariel_I found the GL are still selling for over 60 dollars.
00:05.20znoGXARiUS: what hardware does the v6 have?
00:05.40XARiUSznoG: not sure, I tried looking online and linksys info, it's not even on there yet
00:05.53XARiUSerr *at linksysinfo
00:06.11PakiPenguinanyone know much paypal charges on recieving money ( i mean the percentage ? )
00:06.31znoGXARiUS: ah, so does the device come with builtin VoIP support or something?
00:06.44XARiUSnope, nothin like that
00:06.45ariel_PakiPenguin, from 3 to 5%
00:06.49PakiPenguinariel_, how? it ranges from 3.8% -> 4.6 here
00:06.54XARiUSbut I deployed a v5 2 weeks ago, and it handled about 6 7960's just beautifully
00:06.59ariel_I rounded off
00:06.59XARiUSdid all the proper port mapping on it's own
00:07.01PakiPenguinhmm depends on the amount of money?
00:07.16XARiUS(as a sane router should)
00:07.51ariel_I have used the verson 5 without issues. But I like there v4 better.
00:07.59ariel_too bad they have changed it.
00:08.07PakiPenguini have a v4 sitting right infront of me :)
00:08.19XARiUSsomeone drive one over to me then, save me a trip..
00:08.27XARiUSactually I enjoy frys.. if only I can get out of there with JUST a GL.
00:08.31PakiPenguinwhats the best place to start learning about php-agi
00:08.40ariel_I have mine as well here as a v5
00:08.43ariel_sorry 4
00:08.53XARiUSokie bbiaf guys, thanks again.
00:09.46ariel_PakiPenguin, don't take this wrong but the freepbx uses it allot. You can look at how they have there php-agi's setup.
00:10.11PakiPenguinariel_, i need mysql + festival + agi :p hehe
00:10.48PakiPenguinariel_, do you run talisman
00:15.04PakiPenguinno bacon for me
00:15.04ariel_I used to run sveasoft a few years ago. But I did not like that if you made any changes you had to reboot the wrt
00:15.18CunningPikeWoohoo - finally got queue_stats working
00:22.30*** join/#asterisk techie (
00:25.46NewSoleAnyone here want a VegaStream 400-4 CHEAP.... lol
00:27.39Qwell[]It's a good should take it
00:28.09PakiPenguint1 or e1?
00:28.38NewSolecan do both... its a Quad T1/E1
00:29.18NewSoleI have a shit load of stock here.... and I have to ship back next week
00:30.13NuggetIs that USD or CAD?  :)
00:30.13Qwell[]nah, too high for me
00:30.21Qwell[]Nugget: CAD, naturally
00:30.21fileNugget: monopoly money
00:30.32Nuggetcan I pay in world of warcraft gold?
00:30.33Qwell[]file: ooo, I can do $3 MMD
00:30.47Qwell[]Nugget: That's like real gold
00:31.00Qwell[]Nugget: feel free to donate to the poor nub though...
00:32.21*** join/#asterisk linlin (
00:32.56Qwell[]TAKE THAT...or something
00:35.35XARiUSbleh.. neither frys or BB had the GL
00:36.21XARiUSso I brought back a new dlink to test
00:36.31Netgeeks~seen russelb
00:36.44jboti haven't seen 'russelb', Netgeeks
00:36.44Qwell[]routers are for sissies
00:36.44XARiUSI normally despise them, but the last one I had worked well with my cisco.
00:36.44Qwell[]real men hand route their packets
00:36.51Qwell[]Netgeeks: two l's
00:39.13Netgeeksso what have you been up to latelyl Qwell?
00:39.31Netgeekshrm, there is that extra l
00:43.26russellbNetgeeks: greetings
00:45.28Qwell[]russellb: How often do people accidently drop an l?
00:45.35Qwell[]I imagine quite a bit..
00:45.57Netgeekshey, I just got it stuck in the buffer out of order, it showed up a couple sentences later!
00:46.06Qwell[]I said accidently :p
00:46.09filerussellb: car good?
00:46.38russellbit's 2 large bags of trash cleaner
00:46.58russellbQwell[]: quite a bit, yes :)
00:47.10russellbQwell[]: though for IRC, i have that in my highlight list
01:06.21*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
01:06.22tenletanyone here use asterisk as an alternate means of communications than their original phone service provider?
01:07.36*** join/#asterisk mrtwister (
01:09.46*** join/#asterisk lirakis (
01:09.54lirakishello all
01:10.08tenlethi lirakis
01:10.38lirakisi just setup my very first asterisk box (trixbox) to play around.  Im reading the orielly asterisk book .. but for now.. i am not sure how to get some thing simple setup
01:10.43lirakishey telnet
01:10.43Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
01:10.46lirakisha ha
01:10.51tenletim a newb
01:10.59tenletlirakis: whats a trixbox?
01:11.15lirakisits a distro that comes with asterisk.. and a lot of management tools
01:11.37tenletso analogy: asterisk=linux, trixbox=slackware?
01:11.42lirakislike.. smoothwall is to firewall/routers .. trixbox is to PBX's
01:11.47shashuis trixbox free Lirakis?
01:11.50lirakistelnet.. uh
01:12.00lirakisno.. and shashu, yes
01:12.27shashuBTW i am a newB... so please giude me how to download it ... lirakis
01:12.44lirakisuh.. shashu.. go to download the iso.. burn it and use it
01:12.52shashuah thanks
01:13.09lirakiswhew.. maybe im in the wrong place here..
01:13.11*** part/#asterisk mrtwister (
01:14.23lirakisi was going to ask.. I set up two sip extensions: 200 and 201.  I dial one of the extensions from my softphone and it always tells me that number cant be found
01:15.17shashulirakis ... is not working for me
01:15.23lirakisi set them up through freepbx.. and i havent spent a whole lot of time with it yet.. so i just thought I would ask if anyone had a quick solution
01:15.29lirakiswow shashu.. prepare to be flamed
01:15.32*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (
01:15.57lirakisif you can read that i said trixbox.ORG .. or you cant figure out to try .org on your own, i expect you have a high chance o failure
01:16.23shashuah.. ok
01:17.21XARiUS. k.. dsuck = cisco 7960 works.
01:17.24XARiUSerr *dlink :)
01:20.24lirakisokay .. well i guess i will go back to my gentoo install on my new laptop :D
01:24.53*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
01:26.00dan__tHello, my pretties.
01:27.48XARiUSbah.. cisco works flawlessly behind the dlink, ip501, notta :(
01:31.18dan__tSo what type of application would I want to use if I were doing something such as reading input on the keypad from a user?
01:32.00XARiUSread :)
01:33.18XARiUSnot to be confused with me saying rtfm, I'm saying use the application 'read' :)
01:34.15dan__thaha, thanks :)
01:34.21dan__tI'll read, about read().
01:37.17dan__tThat's still an "application", right?
01:41.46dan__tI've been training on an Intertel PBX for work for the past few days.  I'm trying to adapt that knowledge to Asterisk.
01:46.07*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (
01:46.34*** join/#asterisk hfb (
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01:47.07XARiUSwould be nice of vendors unformed you that upgrading firmware just.. resets all your settings to factory defaults.
01:47.31XARiUS... *informed
01:47.36XARiUSI should just go drink now and get it over with.
01:58.58*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
01:59.43filemitcheloc: moo
02:00.02mitchelochey file i'm at digium :)
02:00.24fileI noticed
02:00.27fileshould have come next week
02:00.55mitcheloci might see about staying for another week or so
02:11.43*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (
02:13.17*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
02:16.56shashuhi i am Newb... so can someone help me in installing asterisk
02:17.21drraywhat's the problem?
02:17.44shashui have a linux server installed and ready .. and now i have downloaded asterisk from
02:17.47*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (n=ivanfm@
02:18.08shashunow i suppose that i have first compile it .. and then install it .. correct .... drray?
02:18.16*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (
02:18.39XARiUSmeh, I give up.
02:18.47shashuok .. to compile i have to use make cmd . correct drray
02:19.21shashumake ..(command)
02:19.32PakiPenguinXARiUS, i told you to get a gl :p
02:19.41shashuah thanks drray
02:19.52drraythat's a basic of what you have to do
02:19.58drrayseason to taste
02:20.01XARiUSno one had any!! :(
02:20.13XARiUSI can't believe the cisco works great behind this pos dlink
02:20.14PakiPenguinXARiUS, ebay!
02:20.22XARiUSPaki: newegg, faster.
02:20.31shashuthat will help me .. thanks drray
02:20.39drraythe wiki knows all
02:20.40PakiPenguin:p yup
02:20.56XARiUSI'd just hoped to get this solved for monday, but oh well, tuesday it is.
02:21.05XARiUSI'll order the GL from newegg this weekend.
02:21.22XARiUSis openwrt better?
02:22.09TheCopsThere's a way to get SIP On Hold event via API manager ?
02:32.50*** join/#asterisk nain (i=nain@
02:37.55*** join/#asterisk codestr0m (
02:41.53*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
02:52.55*** join/#asterisk pdtmobile (
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03:00.34*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
03:08.44*** join/#asterisk asterisknewbiezz (
03:09.13asterisknewbiezzanyone know how I setup SER with asterisk?
03:10.27*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
03:10.50|Vulture|Anyone here have a solution for faxing over an * system?
03:11.44rob0ftp ;)
03:13.04|Vulture|well really I wanted to know if for example an iaxy would work... Ive tried channel banks and they are iffy
03:14.33rob0I don't know. It's FAQ here, though. Search the wiki?
03:15.24|Vulture|wow... refered to the wiki... I remember when i use to do that lol
03:17.10*** join/#asterisk kio (
03:19.42pdthome|Vulture|: look into IAXModem + Hylafax I recently switched to that and have been happy so far
03:19.59pdthomethere are a few moving parts so it will take a bit to get it all going but it seems to work well
03:20.19pdthome|Vulture|: do you mean fax to pdf type faxing or real faxing?
03:20.20|Vulture|pdthome: thank you I will look into it right now
03:20.29|Vulture|real fax machine to our PRI
03:20.43pdthomeya you don't want that then ;
03:20.48|Vulture|haha okay
03:20.55|Vulture|Ive used spandsp to do pdf inbound
03:21.03|Vulture|but outbound are my issues
03:21.11pdthomei just do native bridging from the pri to an analog card
03:21.14pdthomewhat is the problem?
03:22.25pdthomeand one other question, are you mostly printing things out and then faxing them? or are they hand written type documents?
03:22.29|Vulture|right now i have fax machine-->channel bank-->t1 card-->*-->t1 card-->PRI
03:22.44|Vulture|mostly printed... then signed
03:22.54|Vulture|so the signature is the important part
03:23.11pdthomeah signatures can be a pain unless you want to scan everything (which we do) so we don't have to keep paper copies for ever
03:23.30pdthome|Vulture|: what happens when you fax?
03:23.42*** join/#asterisk kiong (
03:23.47|Vulture|some are fine.. some come through half pages and garbled
03:23.56|Vulture|enough that it is a problem
03:24.09|Vulture|pdthome: I agree scan/email or scan/electric fax
03:24.56pdthomehmmm, do you have echo cancelation turned on on the channel bank side ?
03:25.07kiongif i want to save my configuration using database, do i need extra software? or any recommendation to achive this?
03:25.30|Vulture|echocancel=no; echocancelwhenbridged=no
03:28.41|Vulture|gunna run some tests tomorrow
03:28.58pdthomethats odd
03:29.54coppicepdthome: he's using 2 cards. the timing is not synced. this *is* a problem
03:29.58|Vulture|well there is
03:30.20|Vulture|guess I should have gotten a A102
03:30.45pdthomeya, everytime I have done it it's been on a multiport card or PRI to analog
03:30.56coppiceyou could get a rubidium clock module for the channel bank. that would fix it :-)
03:31.17|Vulture|rubidium clock module... I have never heard of that
03:31.40coppiceits a kind of atomic clocks. its at the heart of every telephone exchange
03:32.01|Vulture|dare I ask the price of that lol
03:32.21coppicethe clock you get from an E1/T1 off the PSTN, and the line scan rate of broadcast TV are both atomic accurate, and for the same reason
03:32.28coppiceabout $5000 :-)
03:32.30rob0ntpd ... I use other folks' atomic clocks :)
03:32.47codestr0mI'm about to sell a friends atomic clock on ebay :P
03:32.49|Vulture|yea.... getting Bellsouth to put in a POT is sounding a lot better
03:33.04coppicentpd won't give you accurate clocking for VoIP, though
03:33.36|Vulture|coppice: if I ran it directly for outbound faxing it would solve my issue though
03:33.39|Vulture|cut out *
03:34.04tzafrir_laptopcoppice, getting one side "attomically accurate" is not enough. They both have to be in sync
03:34.21rob0Hey that reminds me ... the other day I called FWD's time extension (612) and found their clock was off by about 6 minutes. Might that account for my inability to SIP with them?
03:34.36rob0(I can connect with IAX2.)
03:34.42coppicewhat do you mean by directly? plugging the channel bank into the PSTN line? of course that will be clean
03:34.56coppicetzafrir_laptop: master of the blatantly obvious
03:35.27|Vulture|coppice: yea that seems like the cheapest method
03:35.28coppicentpd won't get either side atomic accurate, though. people misunderstand how ntpd is used
03:35.37pdthomethen why would I have no problems with analog card -> * -> TE110P -> PRI
03:35.48coppicepure luck
03:35.53|Vulture|yea I had issues with that
03:35.59|Vulture|TDM with FXS?
03:36.10|Vulture|wow.. that works for you?
03:36.13coppiceand it probably only works at one temperature :-)
03:36.16pdthomeya like a champ
03:36.22|Vulture|wow interesting
03:36.25pdthomei have never had a failed fax on it, no shit
03:36.43codestr0mI'm not sure how to word this quetsion properly, but I'm thinking if there is a way to originate a call through my asterisk box to number X and when X answers have it automagically dial Y which was designated when this process is started.. (basically I want to be able to dial numbers from my laptop, ring my phone and when i pick up.. automatically call the number.)
03:36.44pdthomebeen running like that for a year or so
03:37.11*** join/#asterisk phsdshft (n=nkoenig@
03:37.58phsdshftI am upgrading the version of asterisk I have.. I downloaded the newest stable (I believe 1.2.9) zaptel, libpri and asterisk source.. I compiled the zaptel drivers successfully, and instaled them..
03:37.58|Vulture|a year? about a year ago was when I gave up on TDM faxing
03:38.18|Vulture|still works with
03:38.21phsdshfthowever, the zaptel drivers give unresolved symbols for devfs, which I'm not using... Is it now requird to use devfs?
03:38.31pdthomeya but now my pri goes bat shit crazy about once a day
03:38.39pdthomesince i went to
03:38.58pdthomeno, asterisk seems to get confused about what channels are actually in use
03:39.14pdthomea call will come in on 13 and asterisk will say nope, sorry channel in use.  Then telco will try 14 it says it again and the telco gives up
03:39.20pdthomebut outbound calls continue to work
03:39.23|Vulture|codestr0m: yea that should be easy
03:39.26pdthomerestart asterisk, everything better
03:39.49|Vulture|does a ztcfg fix it?
03:39.56pdthomehaven't tried that
03:40.26codestr0m|Vulture|: how would I accomplish this.. would I somehow bridge the call or.. ?
03:40.26|Vulture|thats not good though... a phone system that constantly needs monitoring
03:40.36pdthomeno it's really not
03:40.43pdthomei am replacing it with another pbx to rule out hardware
03:40.55pdthomebut it started right after so I am not very hopeful
03:40.59|Vulture|codestr0m: your talking about dialing a #.. then waiting for Answer() and then sending it another number?
03:41.01phsdshftAnyone? Do the new zaptel drivers (1.2.9) require devfs?
03:41.12|Vulture|phsdshft: cant answer that :(
03:41.49phsdshftIts 1.2.6, sorry..
03:42.06|Vulture|what version are you running now?
03:42.47codestr0m|Vulture|: dialing a number from my laptop... when that number answers.. having another number be automatically dialed.. the call from my laptop would never really exist. it would just start this process.. there must be a program that does this, but not sure....
03:43.28codestr0mbasically pass asterisk two numbers.. one that rings first and upon answer then calls another. (I think that's worded better)
03:43.50|Vulture|calls the other #.. and then makes it so your calling the other #?
03:43.57|Vulture|you trying to hide your CID or something?
03:44.11codestr0m|Vulture|: nope.. I'm trying to be lazy and not actually dial from my phone
03:44.18DrkShdwcodestr0m: have you looked at  is that what you are talking about?
03:44.54pdthomecourse I called the telco and they are saying it might be because we don't have a full pri, just a partial and something about how they do their channels.  But it sounded like a bunch of BS to me
03:44.57|Vulture|so you dial say 555-1234 then it picks up
03:45.06|Vulture|and you dial 555-5555?
03:45.28codestr0myes, but it's all done through a program I have on my laptop..
03:45.54codestr0msnapanumber is pretty much it in a nutshell
03:46.50coppicepdthome: for telcos, bs is habitual
03:47.36pdthomeand I hate that I can't fire back.  I have a decent bit of knowledge in the short time I have been doing this.  But not enough to call him on the spot
03:47.43DrkShdwcodestr0m: I only used it for a while.   worked well,  and it's from one of the developers of FreePBX,  so he's active in updating maintaining it
03:48.11*** join/#asterisk jero (
03:49.47pdthomeand he said they handle DIDs differently than they handle our main number, but that doesn't make sense to me
03:49.57pdthometo them they should all just be numbers that they route via my PRI
03:50.15pdthomebecause last time it screwed up the DIDs didn't work but the main number did
03:50.26pdthomebut all previous times the whole thing has gone down
03:50.49*** join/#asterisk type0 (
03:51.00type0anyone alive tonight?
03:52.01*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:52.32type0I have a few questions?
03:52.36pdthomezombies the lot of us
03:52.50*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (
03:52.52type0how far along has asterisk come to supporting dialogic T1 cards?
03:53.32pdthomesorry can't help ya there I only have experience with sangoma and digium
03:53.47type0alright, well .. lets just say I had a digium card
03:53.55type0I have yet to see a live chat application for asterisk
03:54.05coppicetype0: dialogic cards will always work rather poorly with *, because of their design
03:54.26|Vulture|anyone here use XO?
03:54.42type0where someone calls in, signs up for an account - and records an ad. the ad is then approved and put into the queue with other approved ads..
03:55.01type0the caller can then go through the system, listen to ads.. send messages, or request for a live chat
03:55.11pdthomeyou mean like a singles thing?
03:55.18type0I already own a network of them
03:55.23type0and I'd like to migrate to asterisk
03:55.42pdthomei have see a few people talk on the lists about doing such a thing
03:56.06type0I only saw one question on an old list
03:56.08type0from 2002
03:56.40pdthomewell the messages I have seen are people describing it like you do not as a dating line
03:57.12coppicetype0: for that kind of thing dialogic + asterisk should work fine. its actual chatting where the dialogic cards have problems
03:57.40type0I wonder why asterisk is so picky, my application is using the globalcall api
03:57.45type0it conferences just fine
03:58.02codestr0mDrkShdw: I installed the snapanumber and is this a winbloz only thing.. cause it's not added any menus or preferences or anything to my browser.. simple says.. it's installed..
03:58.03coppiceit conferences because the dialogic hardware does the conferencing
03:58.22type0as where asterisk is doing the conferencing OFF the board?
03:58.36coppiceyes. using the host processor
03:59.04coppicewhy do you say asterisk is picky?
03:59.17[TK]D-Fendertype0 : I know a company using * for jsut that...
03:59.32DrkShdwcodestr0m: erm,  I dunno if it's 'winbloz only'   I used it on windows xp.
04:00.59codestr0mDrkShdw: what did it add to your FF browser though.. I really hasn't added anything.. just says it's installed..
04:05.40pdthomeDrkShdw: did you install this as well:
04:06.44codestr0mpdthome: did you mean.. did I install it? cause I installed the extension and in FF 1.5 Linux.. got nothing..
04:07.12pdthomeoh, ya it's windows only
04:07.24type0[TK]D-Fender.. i messaged you
04:07.37DrkShdwcodestr0m: it added a plugin.   pdthome:  yes
04:07.45codestr0mokej.. so I'll have to look and see what the TAPI api is actually doing and if it can easily be done in linux
04:08.21pdthomecodestr0m: if you go to a webpage that has phone numbers do you have an extra right click option on the numbers or a mouseover?
04:10.32type0hmmm d-fender musta left
04:11.18kiongis there any issue if i use freebsd to run asterisk ?
04:12.11codestr0mpdthome: There is a right-click option on this US number.. Hmm.. testing further. thanks
04:12.26jbotA stable secure open source operating system.. URL:  FreeBSD: Nothing runs like a daemon with a pitch fork.
04:12.38rob0kiong: I hear Zaptel support isn't as good.
04:13.12kiongrob0: i see, what is the 'most suitable OS' them since i'm going to install it
04:14.19pdthomewonder how that FF extension communicates with the snap app
04:14.22rob0Probably some recent form of Linux, if you're using zaptel hardware.
04:14.43kiongx100p is zaptel ?
04:18.42pdthomecodestr0m: what does the right click option say, I am trying to find it in the source code, but I am running camino, it doesn't like the extension
04:19.43*** join/#asterisk danp (
04:20.32codestr0mpdthome: Default Menu , Copy , Dial Differently  (It also changed the number so that it's snap://) Turn on js though.. otherwise when trying to configure this it won't work
04:21.12tzafrir_laptopsnap basically communicates with asterisk through the manager interface
04:21.46tzafrir_laptop(manager interface acces for each user with a dialer)
04:22.03pdthomewell he was wondering if he could get the FF extension to work in linux so I was looking through the .xpi source to see how it was interfacing with snap
04:22.13codestr0mtzafrir_laptop: how can I do this w/o snap. this isn't going ot work in linux
04:22.30tzafrir_laptopdo what, exactly?
04:22.30codestr0mlooks like it might call a snap.exe from the command line
04:23.10codestr0mtzafrir_laptop: from my laptop send two number to asterisk.. the first being my number and the 2nd being the number I want dialed upon my answer
04:23.13rob0yes, x100p is zaptel
04:23.25pdthomeno, it looks like they are adding a uri handler for snap, just like you can for telnet, ssh, or anything really
04:23.25Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
04:23.42pdthomejust a few registry entries in windows to make that happen
04:23.55tzafrir_laptopcodestr0m, one basic option is a simple call-files based script.
04:23.57pdthomei added that option to putty so you can do ssh://
04:24.22pdthomebut I don't know how FF on linux handles custom URI handlers, you might be able to add one that would do a system call
04:24.51codestr0mtzafrir_laptop: call failes script? maybe an example floating around.? I'm just not sure how to tie this all in..
04:25.19tzafrir_laptopcodestr0m, call files, manager interface, whatever
04:26.11codestr0mtzafrir_laptop: which app might do this.. I'll go read on it.. or is this something I could add to my dialplan maybe..
04:26.42tzafrir_laptopto get to the dialplan you have to generate a call
04:27.57codestr0mtzafrir_laptop: so which app can you think of that would do this fairly easily.. or just tie into the AGI..
04:29.02tzafrir_laptopcodestr0m, again, an AGI will only work inside a channel. What exactly do you try to do?
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04:31.30codestr0mtzafrir_laptop: there's a snap.exe that gets installed along with the extension.. I guess duplicate that functionality in linux.. not sure what the source is doing.. or.. (I'll try to install under wine, but the TAPI support for wine might be iffy or none at all.)
04:32.49tzafrir_laptopWhat I don't like about snap is that it tries to take the lazy path by simply giving every user a direct access to the manager
04:33.40codestr0mtzafrir_laptop: is the source floating around? for snap.exe
04:35.48tzafrir_laptopcodestr0m, considering its not free software, there is no source floating around
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04:38.15pdthomeyou can easily browse all the code of the ff plugin but snap itself is not open
04:39.21codestr0mwell.. knowing what the snap.exe actually does to make this happen I guess is a start, but I don't have a windows computer floating around.. (which in most cases is a good thing.)
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04:40.12pdthomecodestr0m: there are some open source dialers out there
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04:41.18jetway2008could trixbox be installed without cd rom
04:41.38jetway2008i have a laptop but the cd drive is not workin
04:41.58danpis it not possible to use FastAGI in AEL?
04:42.05danpsince // is the comment marker
04:45.31pdthomewhat voip providers have high concurrent line count packages?
04:45.37pdthomelike if I wanted to do 8 lines at a time
04:47.13codestr0mpdthome: which part of the world, commitment, cost.. more info?
04:47.42pdthomeAlaska as a special case, Tennessee as another
04:48.08pdthome12 months contract
04:48.19pdthomeno idea what to even say on cost,
04:48.36codestr0m8 lines isn't a lot, but I won't spam IRC with provider names.. pm me if interested
04:52.58asterisknewbiezzanyone know how I setup SER with asterisk?
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06:05.38dlynes_laptopso dead tonight
06:09.45coppiceonly the vampires and people in asia are here
06:10.04codestr0mc'est un vampire?
06:10.31Corydon76-homeI vant to suck file's blood
06:11.20coppiceooh, lots of vampires, but i feel safe far away in asia
06:13.03Corydon76-homeand I vill get a chance, next veek
06:15.43docelmopdthome, I do.  Check out  US/Canada term @ .0095 and fairly inexpensive everywhere else.
06:17.09codestr0mdocelmo: Isn't plainvoip just a L3 reseller or do you have other connectivity?
06:18.06dlynes_laptopdocelmo:  does plainvoip do iax2 trunking?
06:18.27dlynes_laptopdocelmo:  and does it do DIDs for 514 area code?
06:22.16dan__tSo... I finally broke down and bought the Asterisk book.
06:24.54docelmoL3 can suck my balls
06:25.01docelmoThere is NO L3 in my network
06:25.15docelmoIAX yes trunking no
06:25.39docelmoWhere is 514?   We are turning up a new provider and may have some from there
06:27.30docelmoIsnt that canada?   I dunno..  I can check and see how many do you want?
06:28.41type0how about you show me a provider that gives DID in 907
06:28.55type0i will hook you up with a hot blonde to do whatever you wish with
06:29.11docelmoWhere is 907?
06:29.29docelmoThats dooable..  Lemme check w/ my contacts
06:29.32codestr0mtype0: LOL
06:29.49codestr0mdocelmo: the blonde or the number
06:30.01docelmoI will probably be able to get ankorage(sp?) and the other one..
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06:30.12type0i DOUBT that
06:30.34docelmoYou would be amazed at what I can pull off..  Lemme see what I can do
06:30.35codestr0mtype0: send a picture of the blonde ;)
06:30.42type0name the blonde
06:30.45docelmoWhat blonde?
06:30.46type0i'll pull her for you
06:30.56type0I know for a FACT there are no open DID ranges for voip in anchorage
06:31.03type0if there were, i'd have them
06:31.04type0and you'll say
06:31.07type0BLAH BLAH LEVEL 3
06:31.10type0*csh* negative.
06:31.21codestr0mtype0: are the on backorder like 212?
06:31.22docelmoAs I said b4 about L3..
06:31.32type0there arent enough people
06:31.38type0to start assigning more
06:31.54type0npa/nxx .. anchorage alaska
06:31.57codestr0mtype0: I've got a list of LEC/CLEC up there.. not to say I can get this, but that may be something to look into
06:32.10type0I can NAME them
06:32.21type0there are only like
06:32.24type05 clecs
06:32.26type0and 2 lec's
06:32.42type0the RLEC is ACS.. Alaska Communications Systems
06:32.44codestr0mso what stops you from just doing your own PRI interconnect?
06:32.59dlynes_laptopdocelmo: yes, it's Montreal, PQ
06:33.01type0even if i did a pri interconnect, I'd still have to get them to AGREE
06:33.17type0and filing for a CLEC is pretty expensive
06:33.43codestr0mso unless they are forced to allow an interconnect it ain't happening is what you're saying?
06:33.54codestr0myou think they'd be happy about more traffic
06:34.02type0they are happy about more customers
06:34.20type0they cried when the CLEC here started going DLPS
06:34.28type0alaska is a warzone
06:34.30codestr0mthere's a lawyer in Portland that specializes in twisting their balls.. or doing the CLEC paperwork.. sounds costly in the end though
06:34.40type0I dont give a shit about money
06:34.46type0I can get it back
06:35.10type0Money is no object, as long as I can tell the people who give it to me - "You will make this back"
06:35.20type0alaska is such a small market
06:35.22codestr0mwell.. if it opened the market. that would be quite the opportunity is sounds
06:35.30type0there's 590,000 people here
06:35.37type0380 of which.. are in my city
06:35.49type0the coolest thing done with phones here, its MTA ( has done IPTV
06:35.55type0they run their TV Network off twisted pair
06:37.49pdthomethere is a lec around here that is doing voice tv and data over 20 mb DSL
06:37.58pdthomethey wired the entire county to be in range of 20 mb dsl
06:38.01pdthomeit's sick
06:38.10type0haha nice
06:38.13pdthomegranted they are in a small county
06:38.26codestr0mpdthome: where is this?
06:38.36pdthomebut still slick, I took a tour of their CO, I have never seen that much OCx gear
06:39.05type0the coolest datacenter ive EVER seen
06:39.14type0is when i walked drunk into the Globix Datacenter in new york city
06:39.24*** join/#asterisk smackus2 (
06:39.31codestr0mpdthome: I've never seen more fiber than in Romania, but even if you can get 1Gb of connectivity to your door.. doesn't mean it's also not the most problematic and mismanged network in the world
06:39.52pdthomecodestr0m: they actually seem to do it right
06:40.03type0romania is a sore subject
06:40.06codestr0mpdthome: you must be kidding me?
06:40.10type0I'm a federal felon, because of romania.
06:40.10smackus2I had the net admin turn threading off on the asterisk server. now the T1s are all red alarmed. the box has not be touched. any advice?
06:40.36pdthomecodestr0m: i really expected it to be the biggest mess, but their head tech actually has his head... well, somewhat out of his ass
06:40.38codestr0mtype0: what do you mean?
06:40.53type0look up "hackers" in romania
06:41.09codestr0mpdthome: I've never seen so many BGP routing issues in my life.. not ot mention. .messed up SLA or crashing linux boxes because of HTB
06:42.14type0did you hear about that romanian indicted for hacking ingram micro?
06:42.19type010,000,000 worth of hardware?
06:42.40codestr0mtype0: do you know how many hackers are in in Romania?
06:42.45codestr0mit's like going to defcon
06:42.48codestr0mevery day
06:42.52type0do you know how many have been extradited?
06:43.09type0im in the middle of being sentenced for being involved with "Dr. Mengele"
06:43.17coppicethey get tax breaks as a valuable export industry :-)
06:43.38codestr0mtype0: there's a word.. spaga
06:43.46codestr0m== get out of jail free card..
06:44.00type0not when interpol and the US DOJ has indicted you on 2 coasts in the US
06:44.22type0Warren Bailey, 21, of Anchorage, Alaska.
06:44.22pdthomei can't believe I am gonna miss defcon this year, I might still fly out
06:44.26type0defcon is gay
06:44.28type0stop going
06:44.34pdthomewell, I have friends I meet up with their
06:44.35type0I stopped at defcon 7
06:44.40pdthomeonly time I see them
06:44.48type0do you remember barby?
06:44.55type0the blonde chick with the huge fake tits?
06:45.03type0she flashed in that main place there at the alexis?
06:45.08type0i was on the CTF team
06:45.11type0i told her to do that shit
06:45.30type0she later gave me a blowjob, at 16, in my hotel at the luxor
06:45.33type0"scene whore"
06:48.52codestr0mtype0: Umm.. well. that's a cookie of a problem...
06:49.01dan__tOk, so... I wish not to use either the Zaptel module, nor the wct1xxp module.
06:49.05dan__tI don't think I want wct1xxp, anyway.
06:50.10dan__tHowever, the init scripts are trying to modprobe for them thus resulting in asterisk not starting up.
06:50.25dan__tWould it be common practice to simply remove these modprobe lines, if neither module were to be used?
06:51.00codestr0mdan__t: modules.conf or whatever similar file with foo *nix dist
06:51.11smackus2should I be having issues with T1s just by turning off hyper threading? Do i need to reinstall zaptel or anything like that? all of my T1s are red alarmed now.
06:51.37dan__tYeah, nothing is referenced in modules.conf in regards to these modules.
06:51.58denonsmackus2: I havent heard of anything like that, but it may be worth doing a quick recompile of zap and *
06:52.19denonIve also got to wonder if you have HT optimizations in your kernel build
06:52.46smackus2would that cause red alarms? or i/o errors?
06:53.21denonhard to say - like I said, a quick rebuild of zap, libpri, * would be pretty painless
06:53.26denonand would answer some Qs in a hurry
06:53.41codestr0mAnyone worked with the LumenVox speech engine or similar product?
06:53.42smackus2ok, i did asterisk and zap. libpri to?
06:53.49coppicesmackus2: do you even have the drivers now? if its a single core box, changing will have swapped you from an SMP kernel to a single processor one. you may need to rebuild zaptel
06:53.51denonI would
06:53.57denonI'd do libpri before the others
06:54.03dan__tAs I understand it, I don't need zaptel and wct1xxp if I'm doing strictly VoIP, right?
06:54.29denondan__t: sorta, if you do meetme, you'll want a timing source
06:54.44dan__tI'm sorry, I'm not familiar with meetme just yet.
06:54.49smackus2dan__t:you will need ztdummy
06:54.53denonyou can use the dummy, but you'll need 2.6
06:54.59smackus2need to have some sort of a timer
06:55.14dan__tI've got 2.6, read in the book that ztdummy was no longer needed because the kernel already contained a 1khz timing source
06:56.09denonyou mean a zap hardware device is no longer needed
06:56.22denonI believe it still uses ztdummy, just that ztdummy doesnt require hardware
06:56.24dan__tI was refering to the USB timing device.
06:56.33dan__tHmm...  I'll have to re-read that.
06:57.00denonthat may have changed, dunno
06:57.11denonI prefer hardware anyway, myself - I dont run a lot of 2.6 in prod
06:57.20dan__tI just started digging into this, this evening
06:57.27dan__tI'll apologize in advance for my arrogance
06:57.50denonyou've obviously not seen this place at like 4am CST
06:57.56denoneveryone should be apologizing for their ignorance
06:58.03denonand their lack of language skills
06:58.09dan__tWell, I'll make an attempt to get ahold of this, how's that
06:58.28dan__tI liek this author, he's a very good writer.
06:58.33dan__tHowever, he tends to jump around a lot it seems.
07:01.16dan__tWhy is a timing device needed if I'm just using VoIP?
07:01.36dan__tI'm not doubting what you said, just trying to get a better idea of how this all works.
07:02.49coppiceyou only need the timing source for some things. VoIP simply passing through the box doesn't need it
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07:05.41denondan__t: like I said, the main thing you'd probably want it for, is MeetMe
07:05.44denon(conference room)
07:06.03denonthe only reason I say it, is because people always jump into * without a timing source, then come back later and whine about meetme not working right
07:07.43dan__toh, ok.
07:07.48dan__tI don't suppose I'll be using that anytime soon.
07:08.05dan__tFor the sake of keeping things simple in the beginning, I will not worry.
07:09.11dan__tok, i'm just going to edit the init script, this is bothering me.
07:09.23RoyK[at]denon: methinks meetme shouldn't bother to even start without one
07:10.20dan__tok, works now heh.
07:11.12dan__tSo for just starting out, should I backup and remove the contents of /etc/asterisk and go by what the book tells me to enter in for sample confs, or what?
07:12.27coppicewell, the popular approach is to ignore everything people say, make a complete balls up of the configuration, and then complain bitterly on IRC and mailing lists that things don't work :-)
07:12.53dan__tI'll far exhaust the manual before I start doing that.
07:12.56dan__tBut there's a chance heh
07:13.01coppiceonly you can decide if that is the right strategy for you
07:13.19dan__tI'm just concerned about what Asterisk might complain about upon startup.
07:13.24dan__tWhich configs are requred etc etc.
07:16.14dan__tGuess we'll find out soon enough, eh? ;)
07:33.15*** join/#asterisk Nobbie (n=corne@
07:33.18Nobbieheya =)
07:36.11Nobbiewhere can i find a device which can provide 30 FXS ports ? to use combination of mostly analog phones with asterisk
07:39.41RoyK[at]Nobbie: that's  called a channel bank :)
07:39.58Nobbiecommonly used  where IP Phones aren't an option ?
07:40.10RoyK[at]~channel bank
07:40.18jbotit has been said that channel bank is a box that has a T1 port, and 24 analog ports, the analog ports can be FXS, FXO, or a mix of both. If FXS you can plug your analog phones into the channel bank, and the T1 from the channel bank into a T1 card in your asterisk box
07:40.41RoyK[at]it may be 30 as well, then with an E1 port, not T1
07:40.47RoyK[at]that is, 31
07:40.48Nobbievendor/make/model ?
07:40.50NobbieValiant ?
07:41.00Nobbie31'st is for signalling right ?
07:42.07RoyK[at]chan 0 is sync. chan 16 is dchan, but you won't need a dchan when just talking to a channelbank, methinks. just as a T1 is 23B+D, but makes 24 analog lines with a channel bank
07:42.27Nobbieany idea of price range ?
07:42.46RoyK[at] is a nice start
07:43.10RoyK[at]t1 banks are usually quite a bit less expensive too, someone told me
07:43.11Nobbieany suggested hardware vendors ? NetSapien, Rhino ?
07:43.25RoyK[at]sorry. i don't use that stuff
07:43.25Nobbiewe'll want E1
07:43.42RoyK[at]it's probably cheaper with two T1s AFAIK
07:44.26coppicemarket forces have made T1 channel banks much much cheaper than E1
07:44.29smackus2stupid question... if "/var/log/asterisk/messages" is deleted, will it be automatically recreated by asterisk?
07:46.13RoyK[at]smackus2: as with (almost?) all unix systems, the file isn't actually deleted until all links are removed and all handles to it are closed. then it's deleted. so doing a 'logger reload' might help. if not, do a 'logger rotate'
07:46.53eaperezhNobbie: take a look at   its a FXS to SIP, 48 port.
07:47.09smackus2ok, do i need to be within the "/var/log/asterisk" directory to do that?
07:48.06RoyK[at]smackus2: no :)
07:48.22RoyK[at]you need to be inside asterisk CLI
07:49.09smackus2ohhh. gotcha
07:49.14eaperezhsmackus2: do an   asterisk -rx "logger reload"
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07:49.40smackus2thank you
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07:52.32dan__tdid i break pastebin?
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07:56.20dan__tWhat the gay.  Anyone mind taking a look at this one?
07:56.26dan__tI cannot quite figure out what causes Asterisk to not start.
07:56.36dan__tI notice I'm missing stuff left and right, but they're all issued as WARNINGS
07:56.53dan__tcoppice, I'm taking the "delete stuff and start from scratch" approach
07:58.31eaperezhif you can read phone.conf then chan_phone will fail. if one module fails...asterisk will not start.
07:58.45eaperezhcan't read.....i mean
07:59.04dan__tI did not know that.
07:59.59eaperezhit just takes one module *.so not being loaded and the entire asterisk wil fail.
08:00.25eaperezhusually modules do not load due to incorrect .conf values (or lack of)
08:01.13dan__tAre there any preperations which must be made for the inclusion of said modules, i.e. a search path and such?
08:01.38eaperezhwhen a "true" asterisk book gets written, it will be in PDF form, cause no one will print one million pages...there's so much black art in asterisk....
08:03.21eaperezhmodules are usually in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
08:04.02eaperezhand no. there should be no need to modify your search path. compiling takes care of almost all.
08:09.51dan__tJul  8 02:05:43 WARNING[14722]: loader.c:414 __load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
08:11.48eaperezhyou have been playing with modules.conf
08:11.52eaperezhnoload =>
08:11.52eaperezh;noload =>
08:12.40dan__tI haven't.
08:13.19dan__toh, 'cause modules.conf was not included in that dir.
08:14.25eaperezhwhat dir?
08:15.18eaperezhwhat distro you're using?
08:16.02nomegoDoes anyone know how to make an account in sip.conf for ekiga?
08:21.41nomegoyeah it only talks about ?
08:21.43eaperezhnomego: always try the wiki first.
08:22.55nomegoI have looked on that page before.. but it says "I got ekiga working, but how do I do it with"
08:23.17nomegoI haven't got to the place where ekiga works by itself and that page doesn't help
08:24.05eaperezhyou want the ekiga client to work with asterisk? or your ekiga client with the ekiga network? if the later, then wrong channel i guess.
08:24.27nomegothe first
08:24.43nomegobut that page only tells how to make asterisk register with ?
08:25.38dan__tI'm using CentOS 4.
08:25.54dan__tI got it to work... Like I said, I re-created all confs from scratch just to learn more about *
08:26.39eaperezhdan_t: ok.
08:27.46eaperezhnomego: how's your entry in sip.conf for the ekiga client?
08:31.18nomegoeaperezh: type=friend, host=dynamic, username=xxx, secret=xxx
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08:46.38nomegoI just get: *CLI> Jul  8 10:36:39 NOTICE[1579]: chan_sip.c:7759 handle_request: Registration from '<>' failed for ''
08:50.57*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
08:52.31nomegoyay I got it to register
08:52.44nomegonow how do I call? ;)
08:52.53nomegoI've registered two users on different computers
08:53.54nomegosip:<username> doesn't work
08:54.01*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
08:54.41frenzyis it possible to create a SIP extension and only allow one simultaneous call ?
08:54.58frenzyAs-in only one channel
08:55.29nomegodoes every user need its own realm?
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09:10.18nomegohmm I can call 1234 and get to some demo
09:11.32nomegobut I can't call users that have registered with a softphone
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09:26.46shashuhello is thr anyone to reply me
09:26.48shashui got stucked
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09:40.59shashuis anyone thr?
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10:25.23TheGeniusanyone mess with uplink at all?
10:26.21Royk[at]TheGenius: how?
10:26.41TheGeniuswell did you get it working?
10:26.51TheGeniusthat's what I meant to say.
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10:28.14Royk[at]TheGenius: well, if you ask about something asterisk related in here in an understandable question, i might even have an idea if how to start answering
10:28.30TheGeniusok let me be more specific.
10:28.50TheGeniusHave you been able to get uplink working properly with asterisk and dialing outbound to landline numbers with it?
10:30.25tzafrir_laptopshashu, did you actually ask anything?
10:31.16TheGeniusI guess that was too specific.
10:40.10Royk[at]TheGenius: that was probably one of the least specific questions i've heard for a very long time
10:41.33TheGeniuswell if you can tell me if wether or not you are familiar with it, I can ask you a more specific question.
10:41.48Royk[at]jbalcomb: TheGenius is a guy that slightly fails to live up to his nick
10:41.58Royk[at]jbot: TheGenius is a guy that slightly fails to live up to his nick
10:42.00jbotRoyk[at]: okay
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10:42.29Royk[at]TheGenius: i'd tell you if i had a slight clue of what you are asking
10:42.47TheGeniusok let me make it simple, "do you know what uplink is?"
10:42.54*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (n=tsurko@
10:44.49jbot[docs] probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
10:47.54jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
10:48.30Royk[at]TheGenius: I am quite aware of what an uplink is, but I fail to understand your question
10:52.25tzafrir_laptopTheGenius, do you have asterisk installed?
10:54.03*** join/#asterisk DrkShdw (
10:57.30Royk[at]tzafrir_laptop: rotfl
10:59.48TheGeniustwisted[asteria], yeah I have asterisk installed.
11:00.08TheGeniusBut I was trying to setup uplink to work with asterisk so I can dial out on skype.
11:00.17TheGeniusuplink is a virtual sip gateway for skype.
11:00.31tzafrir_laptopgood thing yo didn't confuse me with tza nger
11:00.43tzafrir_laptopfirst off, it's usually referred to as "trunk"
11:00.47TheGeniusdamn tab
11:01.27TheGeniuswell, here is the thing everything registers properly and shows to be working, but when I dial out it says "All circuits are busy"
11:01.38tzafrir_laptopAnyway, what you have is basically a type of SIP trunk
11:01.38TheGeniusI followed a tutorial online.
11:02.03TheGeniushave you ever used uplink?
11:02.16tzafrir_laptopis asterisk registered to the gateway/ (or should it be vice-versa?)
11:02.50TheGeniusyes asterisk shows registered.
11:02.52TheGeniusfor sip
11:03.04TheGeniusand uplink also shows registered to asterisk extension
11:03.18tzafrir_laptopSo what's the problem? what should happen and what does happen?
11:03.45Royk[at]what is your precise definition for 'uplink', TheGenius?
11:03.48TheGeniusthe call should go through and ring and I should be able to talk, but instead when I dial a number it plays that blasted message all circuits are busy.
11:04.08tzafrir_laptopI wonder why they call it "virtual SIP gateway". SIP is as virtual as skype...
11:04.11TheGeniusRoyk[at], uplink is a software I said that earlier.
11:04.22TheGeniusbut you were too busy being an ass to even care.
11:04.35Royk[at]TheGenius: what sort of softwhere? a sip  client?
11:04.43TheGeniusok here is how it works
11:04.52tzafrir_laptopTheGenius, attacking others won't do you any good
11:05.05TheGeniusit act's as a gateway between skype and any other sip device.
11:05.13TheGeniusbecause you know skype doesn't do sip.
11:05.17TheGeniussorry about that Royk[at]
11:05.23TheGeniusjust got a little frustrated.
11:05.52TheGeniusgoogle skype uplink
11:05.53tzafrir_laptopTheGenius, usually the next stage at such a debugging is to get a trace from the asterisk CLI (set verbose 3 beforehand)
11:05.57jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
11:05.57TheGeniusand you will find what I'm talking about
11:06.08TheGeniusverbose 3
11:06.11tzafrir_laptoppastebin that along with relevant arts of your config
11:06.32TheGeniushow would I do that?
11:07.02tzafrir_laptopDo you connect to asterisk from an ssh terminal?
11:07.08TheGeniusI'm in the CLI
11:07.45TheGeniuswhat's the command to set it to verbose 3?
11:07.55tzafrir_laptopset verbose 3
11:08.08tzafrir_laptoptry set <tab><tab>
11:08.24TheGeniusgot a bunch of stuff now
11:08.38TheGeniusthis tells you everything
11:12.19Royk[at]TheGenius: also try 'help' on the command line
11:13.09TheGeniuspastebin is being extremely slow tonight
11:17.17Royk[at]it always is
11:17.19TheGeniusthere that works
11:17.44Royk[at]configs too, please
11:18.07TheGeniuswhich ones?
11:18.44Royk[at]hm. i'd say start with a simple dialplan at first
11:19.06TheGeniusthe dialplan is just 8|X.
11:19.16Royk[at]pb extensions.conf and the sip.conf part
11:19.41Royk[at]and turn on sip debugging to see what happens
11:19.48Royk[at]sip debug peer skype
11:20.13Royk[at]and pastebin all of it. it'll be rather a lot
11:27.05TheGeniushere it is
11:27.07TheGeniusit's huge
11:27.56TheGeniusthis is just a temp install so if you want I can even give you access to the shell
11:28.00TheGeniusit's running on vmware.
11:28.15TheGeniustrying to get everything working good here first before I go for my actual setup
11:29.13TheGeniusdid you get it Royk[at]?
11:31.31*** part/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
11:33.27Royk[at]TheGenius: i don't know, sorry
11:33.54TheGeniusdid you even look at all that already?
11:34.07Royk[at]so. you're trying to dial into asterisk?
11:34.12Royk[at]no, out
11:34.20TheGeniusout of asterisk
11:34.23Royk[at]which one is at .101/
11:34.23TheGeniusto uplink
11:34.38TheGeniusthat is my ata
11:34.46Royk[at]uplink == ata?
11:34.55TheGeniusuplink is a software
11:35.02Royk[at]oh, ata -> asterisk -> uplink?
11:35.15TheGeniusI'm trying dial with a phone through the ata through asterisk through uplink through skype to landline
11:36.00Royk[at]then you've sent me the wrong sip debug, since i can only see the asterisk <-> ata stuff, which looks ok
11:36.24TheGeniusyeah that part is fine
11:36.35TheGeniusit's the part going out that causes the problem
11:36.41TheGeniusI get "all circuits are busy"
11:36.49TheGeniuswhat would cause that usually?
11:37.12Royk[at]exactly what is says
11:38.02*** join/#asterisk techie (
11:38.12Royk[at][13:19] Royk[at]    -- Executing Dial("SIP/602-9367", "SIP/skype/15594557889|120|r") in new stack
11:38.45Royk[at]does the skype peer register with asterisk?
11:38.53Royk[at]if not, how is asterisk supposed to get its ip?
11:39.01TheGeniusasterisk show sip registry
11:39.04TheGeniusshows registered
11:39.15*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
11:39.20Royk[at]insecure=very combined with host=dynamic == insanity
11:39.31Royk[at]better add host=ip
11:39.32TheGeniusit's just testing right now
11:39.35Royk[at]better add host=x.x.x.x
11:39.50TheGeniuswill that just secure it or actually fix the problem?
11:39.50Royk[at]if it's on a static ip anyway....
11:40.03TheGeniusoh yeah
11:40.19TheGeniusyeah this will be going down in like a day or so.
11:40.24TheGeniusit's just till I get it working right
11:40.36TheGeniusthen I will go through with my actual roll out, this is running on vmware
11:41.16Royk[at]anyway - try adding the ip and do 'sip no debug' and 'sip debug ip box's ip'
11:42.43TheGeniusk tried it
11:42.45TheGeniussame problem
11:43.17TheGeniushow can all circuits be busy, non are even in use
11:48.31Royk[at]well, i meant can you turn on debugging for that acual host and pastebin it, so someone can analyse it?
11:49.15TheGeniusoh yeah
11:49.23TheGeniuswhich extension do you want?
11:49.43Royk[at][13:41] Royk[at]anyway - try adding the ip and do 'sip no debug' and 'sip debug ip box's ip'
11:51.21*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:53.02TheGeniusthere you go
11:56.58*** join/#asterisk af_ (
11:59.27TheGeniuswhat does this mean?
11:59.42TheGeniusExecuting Macro("SIP/602-6c30", "outisbusy|") in new stack
12:03.02*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
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12:07.00SparFuxHow can I send digits, # and * over a capi channel? I don't mean DTMF, but real capi messages.
12:10.51tzafrir_laptopTheGenius, I can't see any error in that trace
12:11.53tzafrir_laptopmaybe you missed the error further down? Look for a return status ox 4xx (error) rather than 200 (OK)
12:13.18*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (
12:20.09SparFuxOnce a channel is connected on a bri phone and I type additional numbers in, are they DTMF?
12:32.10*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
12:35.50lirakisthis is a silly question im sure.. but if i have a softphone on two computers.. one is configrured to ext 200 and the other 201.  I have sip entry's for both.. if i call 200 from 201.. and my softphone software isnt running for 200.. shouldnt i get voicemail if i enabled it? .. it keeps saying number doesnt exist
12:41.50tzafrir_laptopTheGenius, a macro is basically a way of reusing dialplan code. look for the context called macro-outisbust (show dialplan macro-outisbusy) to see it. You should see trace messages further on with the rest of the run
12:42.15*** join/#asterisk Drew99 (
12:45.03Drew99hi! can anybody help me to split voip-provider into 2 contexts in *. I need to route incoming calls to context=fromsipnet, and outgoing throught context=tosipnet
12:45.15*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
12:47.16SparFuxIn Asterisk, how can I call a party with a bri device and if it doesn't pick up within 5 seconds press HOLD, *, 1, 9 in that order?
12:51.31tzafrir_laptopwhat would you recommend for a Skype replacement?
12:52.47tzafrir_laptopI don't want to install Skype, as it can't talk with my Asterisk. Is there any soft phone that is easy to install and JustWorks?
12:55.38*** join/#asterisk anto9us (
12:57.53riddleboxtzafrir_laptop, there is ekiga I think
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14:06.04kciocan some1 give me a hand with a dialplan?
14:17.31riddleboxkcio, I can try
14:17.42riddleboxI get this error when compiling:
14:17.44riddleboxā€˜pri_event_setup_ackā€™ has no member named ā€˜callā€™
14:18.02*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
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14:31.59*** join/#asterisk RoyK[at] (
14:32.07*** join/#asterisk pmowry911 (
14:34.16pmowry911Can anyone help me troubleshoot an IAX trunk to freeworld dialup?    Sorry to ask here, but I'm still waiting for a confermation email from the FWD FOrum.
14:34.52pmowry911I hit the checkbox to activate iax 2 days ago.
14:35.19*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
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14:45.03rob0pmowry911: you won't get that confirmation. The forum confirmation is broken.
14:46.07rob0Jul  4 07:15:10 miniluv postfix/smtpd[25477]: warning: Illegal address syntax from[] in MAIL command: < "fwd user forums">
14:46.48rob0I emailed Jeff Pulver about it, no response. I don't know who else to tell.
14:47.54rob0Anyway, for me, IAX2 to/from FWD is working fine. But I can't SIP to/from them.
14:53.35*** join/#asterisk Eecplat (
14:55.52pmowry911Sorry,  I was trying to check my email from another machine.  Thanks for thie info.  I'll just wait a few more days, maybe the reqest is still processing.
14:58.20pmowry911I've been using * for about a year now with my own PSTN gateways,  this is the 1st time I've tried a trunk over the Internet.
15:03.38pmowry911Time to feed the kids,  Thanks again
15:09.40*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
15:11.52*** join/#asterisk daysmen3 (
15:11.58rob0Well, no ... it's NOT "still processing." It was rejected by pmowry911's mail server. Most sane mail servers won't accept illegal syntax. (And yes, I know he's gone.)
15:13.59daysmen3newbie question here - how does a macro inherit variable or ARG1 ARG2 variables from a macro it is being called by.  So macro is being called by a macro and macro wants to make use of the calling macro vaiables.
15:15.27*** join/#asterisk flynux (n=flynux@2a01:38:0:0:0:0:0:1)
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15:18.48*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:19.17kcioguys, my asterisk is behind a nat, when I call an outbound trunk, the call is fine, but when I call an external extension which is not behind a nat, I cant hear him, what could it be?
15:19.52ManxPowerkcio, sounds like your localnet= is not set
15:20.02rob0Or, you've called a mime.
15:20.04kcioManxPower it is
15:20.16ManxPowerkcio, what is it set to?
15:20.52kciohe is not on my localnet, he is my two houses away
15:21.16ManxPower*nod*  Just making sure Asterisk knows that it is NOT local.
15:21.32ManxPowerand the other person is not behind NAT?  You are sure?
15:21.53kcioyes, hes using a rt31p2,which is connected to a dsl
15:22.05ManxPowertry setting nat=yes for that person's sip.conf entry just to see if anything happens different.
15:22.05*** join/#asterisk mog_home (n=mogorman@
15:22.48ManxPowerbe sure to do a reload after you change the config file.
15:24.59riddleboxcan someone help me with this error when compiling: chan_zap.c: In function ā€˜pri_dchannelā€™:
15:24.59riddleboxchan_zap.c:9038: error: ā€˜pri_event_setup_ackā€™ has no member named ā€˜callā€™
15:24.59riddleboxmake[1]: *** [chan_zap.o] Error 1
15:27.02kcioManxPower nothing
15:27.14fileriddlebox: upgrade libpri
15:29.17Skarmethhi all
15:29.50Skarmethit's possible to take a E1 link on a router and then use TDMoE to link it with Asterisk?
15:29.51ManxPowerkcio, it was worth a try.
15:30.05ManxPowerkcio, I guess your next step is some "sip debug"
15:30.19ManxPowerSkarmeth, no router supports tdmoe
15:30.20kcioManxPower ill do that and show to you ok?
15:30.44Skarmethlike PSTN <---> E1 <---> Router <---> Asterisk
15:30.45ManxPowerkcio, no,  I don't help people with sip debug.  It's far, far too much work 8-)
15:31.52RoyK[at]skrapstn - e1 - asterisk - router - whatever - router - asterisk might help
15:32.01RoyK[at]Skarmeth: pstn - e1 - asterisk - router - whatever - router - asterisk might help
15:33.04SkarmethRoyK[at], I don't have a free E1 card, but I have a free E1 router, that's source of the question
15:33.21Skarmeththis way, I need to buy a new E1 card
15:35.49RoyK[at]anyway, a router with tdmoe will most likely cost far, far more
15:36.01RoyK[at]what sort of router is it?
15:36.27kcioManxPower how do I turn sip debug off?
15:36.33RoyK[at]sip no debug
15:36.35ManxPowerkcio, sip no debug
15:36.50ManxPowerSkarmeth, TDMoE is a Digium thing, not a standard thing.
15:37.17RoyK[at]i see
15:37.26SkarmethManxPower, I know
15:37.28RoyK[at]it runs directly on a dedicated ethernet link?
15:37.40RoyK[at]Skarmeth: then what sort of router would you think supports it? :)
15:38.07ManxPowerRoyK[at], Does not have to be dedicated, but TDMoE uses raw ethernet frames, not IP.  So it's low latency, but can't go between networks.
15:38.34Skarmethit's a AS5300
15:38.53RoyK[at]Skarmeth: then perhaps the as5300 can forward the calls with sip
15:39.10kciohas anyone here seen mcc billing?
15:39.13SkarmethAsterisk - Router - PSTN
15:39.29ManxPowerRoyK[at], most Cisco E1/T1 cards do not support voice.
15:39.38SkarmethI will look more about it when I get the router at work
15:39.52RoyK[at]ManxPower: as5300 is a voice/sip router
15:40.13ManxPowerRoyK[at], Then it prolly has the cards that support Voice. 8-)
15:40.31ManxPowerI believe they are called VWICs
15:40.49RoyK[at]i've never seen one without voice cards
15:43.47ManxPower16,000 messages in my trash folder.  Ick.
15:46.37kcioManxPower do you know mcc?
15:47.14ManxPowerkcio, Metro Community Church?  My ex was involved with them.  They seem ok for a church.
15:47.37kciono mcc opensource billing :)
15:49.27ManxPowerI don't bill for calls.
15:52.16*** join/#asterisk jonnysupersonic (
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15:55.35riddleboxcan someone tell me what I can do to fix this? Loading module failed!
15:56.36tzafrir_laptopI considered openwengo/wengophone. But it seems its developers have a serious OpenOffice problem: the wengophone distribution includes its own embedded copies of just about any library it uses, with some modifications.
15:56.46tzafrir_laptopThey even use a modified scons
15:57.00tzafrir_laptop(let alone the fact that they use scons)
15:58.28kiongon my Console i get "rtp.c:331 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389)" what should i do? which config should i change?
16:00.02anonymouz666you must disable Confort Noise support in your endpoints
16:00.52kiongokay done i can call now :D
16:01.01kiongbut i heard some "zzzzzz"
16:06.04*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
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16:11.17anonymouz666"if wasn't for bad luck, I would have no luck at all"
16:12.38Qwellwouldn't have
16:12.44anonymouz666thats right
16:14.51jbalcombAnyone familiar with upgrade the firmware on Dell PowerConnect switches?
16:15.56TheCopsjbalcomb, if I remember, this is like a cisco or very similar
16:16.18TheCopsen console, a copy tftp flash I guess
16:21.01riddleboxcan someone help me with this error when starting asterisk
16:21.05riddleboxLoading module failed!
16:21.15Qwellriddlebox: What are the errors before that?
16:22.14*** join/#asterisk breakdisk (n=breakdis@
16:23.27Corydon76-homeriddlebox: I suspect Asterisk is already running in the background
16:23.52kiongwhat should i do to cancel noise ?
16:26.41riddleboxCorydon76-home, I run killall -9 asterisk, then asterisk -cvvvv and I get a different error now
16:27.05riddleboxit seems no matter what I do, when I run asterisk -r I get an error about asterisk.ctl does it exist?
16:28.15ManxPowerriddlebox, asterisk -r "reconnects to an already running asterisk process"
16:28.29ManxPowerof course, you need to run it as the same user as the existing running asterisk process
16:28.29*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=Ariel@
16:28.36Corydon76-homeriddlebox: what's the new error?
16:28.40jbalcombTheCops: yeah, its pretty close to ios actually which is nice. the instructions are terrible though and i don't see where to copy the firmware to, how make it active, and also how to update the boot rom at all.
16:30.00riddleboxManxPower, I can do asterisk, then asterisk -r and I get that same error
16:30.18ManxPowerriddlebox, then asterisk did NOT start up.
16:30.22ManxPowerdo "asterisk -c"
16:30.38ManxPowerget that working before you try "safe_asterisk" and "asterisk -rvvv"
16:30.51riddleboxManxPower, thats what I do when I get the dundi error
16:32.30ManxPowerriddlebox, It looks to me like you installed 1.2 and then installed 1.0 over it.
16:32.48ManxPowerregardless just put a noload in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
16:33.23ManxPowerand the "address already in use" usually means Asterisk is running.
16:33.32ManxPowerI assume you did a "killall -9 asterisk"?
16:33.43ManxPowerthen did a "ps -ax | grep asterisk" to confirm it's no longer running?
16:34.11ManxPowerThis is BASIC Linux stuff.
16:34.29riddleboxManxPower, I have done that, I know it is not running
16:34.41file"netstat -a" is useful to see if something is listening on that port
16:34.46ManxPowerWell SOMETHING is running on that port.
16:36.07ManxPoweryou DO realize that if you use safe_asterisk the script will automagically restart Asterisk if you kill it, right?
16:36.20Corydon76-home"netstat -tunap" will typically tell you what it is that is running on that port
16:36.44fileif you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
16:37.32riddleboxManxPower, I am not running it as safe_asterisk
16:38.00riddleboxI havent even edited the /etc/default/asterisk file yet I just want to run it from the command asterisk
16:38.24ManxPowerriddlebox, something is listening on the port dundi wants to use.
16:38.37riddleboxI am looking
16:39.13ManxPoweryou can either stop whatever process it is from listening on that port, or noload =>
16:39.35*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
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16:52.01riddleboxManxPower, I went into synaptic and removed everything involved with asterisk, with comlete removal and then reinstalled and now it works
16:52.06riddleboxthanks for the help
16:52.22*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
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16:57.19salviadudwho uses vertical keyboards here?
16:58.00Dr-Linuxsalviadud: PakiPenguin uses
16:58.28salviadudi'm wondering if i should get one
16:58.37salviadudto ease the pain of writing code
16:59.13Dr-Linuxsalviadud: what code you are moving on?
16:59.16*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
16:59.27PakiPenguinDr-Linux, said something?
16:59.39salviadudjava, perl
16:59.48salviadudjust the usual duct tape code
16:59.56Dr-Linuxsalviadud: cool!
17:00.08Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: nope, sorry
17:00.13PakiPenguinoh okay
17:00.32salviadudwell, i do happen to like asterisk code too, it's fun and easy
17:00.46salviadudbut sometimes, it needs some duct tape
17:00.55Nuggetshow me source code that doesn't.
17:00.59salviadudto patch it on to something else
17:01.01Dr-Linuxsalviadud: you should play with chan_sccp code
17:01.14salviadudisn't that skinny?
17:01.33*** join/#asterisk netmedix (
17:01.46Dr-Linuxsalviadud: nope
17:02.01salviadudthen, what is chan_sccp?
17:02.32Dr-Linuxsalviadud: skinny comes with asterisk bydefault, but chan_sccp not
17:02.38netmedixHas anyone had any experience with the TDM2400 w/ echo cancellation
17:03.00salviadudDr-Linux, what protocol is chan_sccp?
17:03.22salviadudso it doesn't stand for anything?
17:03.29Qwellit does
17:03.53Dr-Linuxsalviadud: Skinny Client Control Protocol
17:04.08salviadudDr-Linux, thank you
17:04.23salviadudbut isn't that in C?
17:04.35Dr-LinuxQwell: i have a question from you, i know you were right, but someone asked me but i had no answer
17:04.43Dr-Linuxsalviadud: that's in C
17:05.24Dr-LinuxQwell: after facing bugs in chan_sccp my manager asked me that why i'm not using skinny in asterisk as it comes default with *
17:05.26salviadudDr-Linux, i'll probably play with it when i get my keyboard, my hands are killing me.
17:05.37Dr-LinuxQwell: so what you stopped me to not use that? :S
17:05.49QwellDr-Linux: because skinny doesn't support many of the softkeys
17:05.57Qwelland it doesn't work with the 7935/7936 (yet)
17:06.21*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
17:06.30Dr-Linuxsalviadud: :)
17:07.14QwellDr-Linux: feel free to send me one though (with prepaid return shipping..)
17:07.25Dr-Linuxfile: why you guys not put chan_sccp in asterisk? :S
17:07.29PakiPenguin:) i want one too;p
17:07.32netmedixI need some advice on the TDM2400.  Has anyone had experience with the echo cancellation new to the TDM2400
17:07.53fileDr-Linux: because it's impossible?
17:08.06filewhat an answer!
17:08.29fileuh but anyway the maintainer would have to get disclaimers for every individual who contributed to chan_sccp, plus himself...
17:08.36Dr-Linuxfile: yeah, so far only SIP and IAX is possible nothing else.
17:08.50Qwellfile: He won't be getting my disclaimer :D
17:09.35QwellI actually should put in an exemption for chan_sccp
17:10.13fileDr-Linux: MGCP should work for basic stuff... so should OOH323...
17:10.27Dr-LinuxQwell: create a patch for that problem ;)
17:10.30QwellDr-Linux: I can't
17:10.37Qwellfor legal reasons
17:11.21Dr-LinuxQwell: but chan_sccp .de maintainer has dead i think ..
17:11.25Dr-Linuxwho will fix it
17:11.34QwellDr-Linux: I'm actually assuming (hoping?) that's the case
17:11.40PakiPenguinDr-Linux, har cheez muft  main kahan hoti hai , note dikhao us ko
17:12.26Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: main waise iss ko explore kar raha hoon, maira kaam ho chuka hai
17:12.45PakiPenguinDr-Linux, theek hai lagay raho lagay raho :p
17:12.55PakiPenguinwhich cisco phone do u have Dr-Linux ?
17:13.33*** join/#asterisk MatsK (i=MatsK@
17:13.57Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: i have almost all 79xx series, but i have problem with 7935 conference phone.
17:14.30QwellDr-Linux: The phone isn't in the US, is it?
17:14.34PakiPenguinDr-Linux, where do u get them in .pk? i want a 7960.. but milta hi nahi hai
17:14.47Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: i compiled a third party's chan_sccp module , everything works but there is a little bug
17:15.13Dr-LinuxQwell: the phone is with me here in Pakistan ..
17:15.19PakiPenguinDr-Linux, you use 7960s on sccp too?
17:15.27PakiPenguinDr-Linux, you'r in lahore right?
17:15.46Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: nope , i use 7940/60's on SIP
17:15.57Dr-Linux7.4 firmware
17:16.04Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: correct!
17:16.25Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: i didn't get them from .pk
17:16.33PakiPenguinDr-Linux, the next time i am there ( should be around next week inshAllah ) can we meet up?
17:16.40PakiPenguinDr-Linux, us?
17:17.12Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: sure, why not
17:17.32Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: where from you?
17:17.50Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: i see
17:18.18*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
17:18.19Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: you have your own voip/asterisk business? sorta termination in pakistan
17:18.24Dr-Linuxor consultancy or what?
17:18.39PakiPenguinDr-Linux, almost all of that
17:19.08PakiPenguinwe'r getting our own LL lisc inshAllah in 2 weeks time and our LDI by the mid of next year inshAllah
17:19.11Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: cool!
17:19.36PakiPenguinDr-Linux, where you working at?
17:19.50Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: what you prefer in pakistan? ITI or flag?
17:20.36Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: working for a US company
17:20.45PakiPenguini have both , iti and flag , iti for 2 of my call centers , they work good , except i have to get the routing straight at the start
17:20.57PakiPenguinflag is goodie
17:21.16PakiPenguindamn gotta run , ttyl Dr-Linux
17:21.19Dr-Linuxyeah, i think so
17:21.35PakiPenguinplus iti is implementing mpls
17:21.35Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: cya
17:21.43PakiPenguinthey are in the process of ...
17:22.01Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: they already done
17:22.32Dr-Linuxi posted there news from urdu newspaper :)
17:24.16*** join/#asterisk olor1n (
17:25.16olor1nanyone can give some hints about bad hang-up detection ?
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17:27.57netmedixI need advice on a TDM2400 Issue
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17:29.05netmedixI call out, it rings once, then I hear nothing but the person I call receives the call but I can't hear them.  They can here me though and it is the same on an inbound call
17:30.45netmedixthe TDM2400 has echo cancellation on it
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17:40.42QbYAre SIP redirects possible with * ?
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17:56.48shashudo anyone have idea how i can forward all the dialed calls from one * to other
17:57.45anonymouz666dial(SIP/blah/${EXTEN}@bar) ?
17:58.39shashui have 2 * server .. one in india and one in US. I have all the calls divided on both box but the only US box has E1 Pri. So i need to forward all the calls dialed form india to my US * box. does anyone have any idea how to do that? any help will be appriciated
18:00.07salviaduduse IAX2
18:00.52Marcel_Stutzi know that the trixbox Support is not here but i have a problem and nobody give me a answer @ Freepbx and i also not find a solution on google by searching so i will ask you here maybe somwehre has a answer for my Problem Some wehre use Trixbox 1.1 with HFC-S Cards ? I use a P IV System with a ISDN PCI Card with a Cologne Chip (Acer ISDN 128 Surf PCI) but after install-ZAPHFC and restart zaptel my Console and message will be floodet with this
18:01.13Marcel_Stutzsorry for my bad english
18:07.24anonymouz666I don't know this card, sorry
18:11.36*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
18:17.21shashualso i have 2 analogue 16 port Dialogics cards and i need to configure them to orignate calls from IP to tell. Do anyone have any idea how to do that with asterisk. please help me out. Thanks
18:17.57shashualso i have 2 analogue 16 port Dialogics cards and i need to configure them to orignate calls from IP to tel. Do anyone have any idea how to do that with asterisk. please help me out. Thanks
18:18.56*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
18:20.51ariel_shashu, first one is easy to setup dialing rules to send calls from one box to another. And how did you get an E1 connection in the US?
18:21.25shashuyes in states i have E1 commming into that box /...ariel
18:21.27ariel_The 2nd one Dialogic is not fully supported by the normal gpl asterisk. I think there is a paid driver for them for the ABE
18:22.29ariel_shashu, you can send calls from one box to the other via iax2 trunking or even sip setup it just a matter of setup the account and the dialing rules.
18:23.05shashuis thr any web link avilable to help me on this?
18:23.27ariel_sure the wiki has allot of info on connect two boxes together.
18:23.58jbotit has been said that voip-info is the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
18:24.01jboti guess docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
18:24.43olor1nis bot for use from everyone ?
18:24.47olor1n*the bot
18:25.09ariel_shashu, who in the US provided you an E1 and not a PRI?
18:25.47ariel_~weather TMB
18:25.57shashui have a Pri running into the box fron XO comm. ... ariel
18:25.59ariel_~weather KTMB
18:26.25ariel_shashu, ok, that is 23 channels and one data channel.
18:26.43shashuyes correct ariel
18:27.17ariel_shashu, thanks, I knew there was no US provider suppling E1
18:28.52shashuah ... that is my mistake ... i havent slept for past 48 hrs ... working on this voip setup
18:29.06shashuexcuse me for that
18:30.16olor1nis there someone (from france #^%^&*) that strugled with a hangup detection problem
18:30.35olor1nthe issues from the net didn't help a lot
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18:30.48ariel_olor1n, sorry I am in the US
18:31.16olor1nariel_ lucky one
18:31.25shashualso anyother info on Dialogics cards  and *?...ariel
18:32.18ariel_shashu, Dialogic cards are not very well supported. The driver is not free and last I tried it was only 1/2 duplex.
18:34.08shashuareil, hmm ok tell some other alternative to Ip to tel termination on analogue lines... with the help of *
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18:36.24danpi started on an asterisk textmate bundle if anyone's far i just have AEL
18:36.27ariel_shashu, digium and sagoma make some good analog boards
18:37.35shashuok let me chech digium's website ... BTW my intentions are to setup this gaeway at min cost ... areil
18:37.44shashusorry ariel
18:38.01ariel_good luck
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18:51.04shashuariel, i jus checked digium website for analogue cards, they dont have any card which can support 24FXO...any other help.. you can provide me on this?
18:51.16russellbshashu: TDM2400P
18:53.05shashuthanks russellb
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18:55.46filerussellb: omg I'm cleaning up my desk and grabbing stuff I needz!
18:55.51russellbfile: yay
18:55.59russellbfile: i just got a new phone!
18:58.48QwellI'm stealing files phone...but he doesn't know it yet
18:59.58fileI have your phone right beside me!
19:00.12filewanna see it?!?
19:00.45Qwellsure :D
19:02.47*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
19:10.35Strom_Chi hi
19:10.53nainCan any one guide me, why asterisk user registration time is more then ping time. ????
19:12.49*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
19:13.36ariel_nain, what does ping times have to do with registration time? Please explain a little more?
19:17.05nainariel_: Well, When i ping my server, the AVG ping time is around 230ms but when i do sip show peers, in status tab it show me  "OK (364 ms)"
19:17.37ariel_ok so your doing qualify=yes
19:17.46ariel_which needs to send and get a responce back.
19:17.53ariel_two ways.
19:19.22nainariel_: so what's wrong
19:19.58Strom_Chere's a hint
19:20.01Strom_Cqualify is not ping
19:20.22nainariel_: should i remove qualify from context?
19:20.47ariel_but anything more then 100ms will give you sound issues from time to time.
19:21.05nainariel_: actually i have experience when status is less then 300ms voice is fine but when it's more then 300ms voice is breaking and delay in voice
19:22.45nainHere "fine" mean acceptable voice not good one....
19:25.16nainAny clue???
19:30.12*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=Greek-Bo@
19:32.11nainHi, can any one let me know that how i can bind user A to sip port = 8060 and rest of one to 5060 default port ?
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19:39.23mockerCan anyone recommend a good residential IAX2 provider?  I've heard mixed reports for companies like Broadvoice and Voicepulse.
19:40.45NuggetI'm reasonably happy with
19:43.48nainHi, can any one let me know that how i can bind user A to sip port = 8060 and rest of one to 5060 default port ?
19:44.27anonymouz666hmm I did a context with 68 priorities using app_mysql
19:44.49anonymouz666lots of services
19:45.09anonymouz666it works, but i don't know about performance under heavy load
19:46.37*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
19:46.40anonymouz666if MySQL got down, bye bye dialplan.
19:47.42Splatsetup a mysql cluster *grin*
19:52.57Nuggetewww, mysql.
19:56.29anonymouz666at least it's better than db1
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20:07.54naincan any one let me know that how i can bind user A to sip port = 8060 and rest of one to 5060 default port ?
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20:09.17anonymouz666led zeppelin - kashmir
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21:33.13*** join/#asterisk andrew` (
21:34.06andrew`hey, i'm having issues getting callerID to show up on my zaptel line, I just ordered caller ID, it works on a phone, but asterisk doesn't see it.  actually, it did see it once..but then never again.  Any ideas?
21:34.21Strom_Candrew`: pastebin zapata.conf
21:34.25jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
21:35.26Strom_Calso, what kind of zaptel card is it?
21:37.09andrew`some generic junk my office threw out when we go the tdm400
21:37.28andrew`i basically just want an answering machine so it works fine for that simple use
21:37.51Strom_Cso it's not even an x100p - it's an x100p cline
21:37.55Strom_Cer, clone
21:38.03andrew`i think that's correct
21:38.23andrew`it wasn't good at work so i got them to get the tdm
21:38.47Strom_Cwhy do you have a switchtype line if this isn't a PRI?
21:38.49andrew`but i don't care about quality for home, i don't even give out my home number, i just want to be able to take messages from people on the intercom on the street really
21:38.59andrew`i took the example file and added a line or two iirc
21:39.38Strom_Cyou've got "switchtype=national" uncommented
21:40.02andrew`i'll commment that out
21:40.11Strom_Calso try adding callerid=asreceived
21:41.00Strom_Cand holy hell, rxgain is at SIXTEEN?!
21:41.02Strom_Care you mad?
21:41.29andrew`these cards are really quiet
21:41.39andrew`i think it was at 12, but i read online increasing that can help with callerid issues
21:41.56Strom_Chave you called up a miliwatt test?
21:42.11andrew`don't know of any, i searched once upon a time and couldn't find any that worked
21:42.19Strom_Cwho is your local telephone company
21:42.25andrew`at&t now
21:42.28andrew`was SBC/Pacbell
21:42.32Strom_Cgood, one moment
21:42.38andrew`san francisco, ca (415)
21:42.59Strom_Ci need your prefix
21:43.07Strom_Cok, hold please
21:44.51Strom_Ci've got the test line search bookmarked on my laptop, but thats in the car
21:45.22andrew`safely out of view i hope!
21:45.54Strom_Crun ztmonitor 01 -vv
21:46.06Strom_Cand call the test line, and tell me what the miliwatt reads back at
21:47.35*** join/#asterisk viler (i=1000@
21:49.32Strom_Cthis is taking an unusually long time :)
21:49.57andrew`ouch that pastebin messed it all up
21:50.04TheCopsSomeone is developping based on API event manager ?! I want to know if there's a way to see if a SIP line is on hold or not.
21:50.07andrew`i had to reconfigure to dial out on the zap as i normally don't ;)
21:51.23*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:51.33Strom_Cwhat value is the milliwatt test reading back at in ztmonitor?>
21:51.40andrew`i was trying to paste the output
21:51.46[TK]D-FenderCould use a quick hand with a linux issue on a box I'm instlling * onto :
21:51.51Strom_Candrew`: dont bother pasting it, just tell me what the number is
21:51.53andrew`like that?
21:52.02andrew`with no call, it was  Rx: 32124 (32124) Tx:     0
21:52.02[TK]D-FenderDon't have the kernel headers and don't know the YUM line to get them
21:52.06[TK]D-FenderRunning FC5
21:52.07Strom_Choly shit, you have your receive gain set WAY too high
21:52.31andrew`it varied some but always between 27k and 28k
21:52.37Strom_Cbring it back down to 5.0 and try again
21:53.33Strom_Cstill too high
21:53.35Strom_Ctry 2.0
21:54.17Strom_Cmuuuuch better
21:54.58andrew`callerid worked
21:55.31Strom_Cyeah, it tends to work when you dont have yor receive gain set so ludicrously high that it totally distorts the FSK data beyond all usability
21:55.35andrew`twice in a row even
21:55.49andrew`i went with the bigger is better motto ;)
21:55.55Strom_Cuh, no
21:55.57andrew`as the voicemails i was receiving before i had caller id service were so quiet
21:56.34bugzVerbosity was 30 and is now 96
21:56.39andrew`thank you strom :)
21:56.44Strom_Cwelcome, andrew`
21:57.05NivexVerbosity was 30 and is now omgwtfbbq
21:57.20Strom_Ci want omgwtfbbq verbosity!
21:57.26andrew`now i can find out who the hell is calling me several times a day and leaving me hangup voicemails
21:57.30andrew`likely their numnber will be blocked though lol
21:58.08Strom_Cyou owe me beer now
21:58.23andrew`sure, where do you live? lol
21:58.43Strom_Clos angeles - but I'm driving to the bay tomorrow
21:58.44bugzbeer is on sale at wal-mart @ 12.99 for 20 bud bottles
21:58.53Strom_Cbud doesn't count as beer
21:59.02bugzattention digium customers, beer is on sale at wal-mart @ 12.99 for 20 bud bottles
21:59.02Strom_Cunless you think Kraft Singles count as cheese
21:59.13bugzbull shit
21:59.30bugzwhat do you drink? i have a beer bottle collection that rivals alot of big bars'
21:59.33bugzand i love bud
21:59.37Strom_CGuinness :)
21:59.40Nuggetany time they're required by law to spell it "Cheez" it can't be good.
21:59.43andrew`guinness is nice
21:59.55QwellI don't see why people like guinness...
21:59.57Qwellit taste like...
21:59.59QwellI don't know...
22:00.01NuggetGuinness is perfect.
22:00.04bugzmaredsous is better, samuel smiths is even better
22:00.05*** join/#asterisk cybertooth (
22:00.26cybertoothhello and good evening.
22:00.27NuggetGuinness is not so nice on a hot day, though. It's a better winter beer.
22:00.37cybertoothHi Nivex.
22:00.59E-bolaIm sory to say americans knows very little about beer :)
22:01.11cybertoothWell we do know how to drink it.
22:01.20cybertooth... and when.
22:01.29E-bolai'd bet on a euro dude in a drinking contest any day
22:01.40Nuggetthat's just crazy talk.
22:01.42E-bolaremember in europe its normnal to start drinking at 13 or so
22:01.47Nuggetthere's good been in america.
22:01.49Nuggetbeer, even.
22:01.53E-bola+ we drink like what 20x more than u do on average
22:02.03cybertoothWell here is an on-topic question...
22:02.05andrew`I'm not american :P
22:02.33Strom_C#asterisk on-topic?!  NEVER!
22:02.38[TK]D-FenderAnyone able to give me an assist on this?
22:02.39cybertoothI'm compiling the latest and greatest from subversion and not getting any channel_zap
22:03.17cybertoothNo errors during compile - it just skips building any of the zap modules
22:03.43cybertoothI'm guessing that I need to back out to an earlier version and was wonder which was best to use.
22:04.18cybertooth[TK]D-Fender: what is your quest?
22:05.54[TK]D-Fendercybertooth : Need the YUM line to install the kernel headers on an FC5 system
22:07.43cybertoothyum install kernel-headers ?
22:08.18cybertoothyou could simply do a: yum list kernel*
22:08.33[TK]D-Fendermake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.
22:08.50[TK]D-FenderI sut install the devel... that seemed familiar.  This is the "now" error :/
22:09.29jlgdeveloperI had the same issue. I reverted to the latest release tarball. That fixed it.
22:10.37cybertoothjlgdeveloper: to me? Thanks. I'll do that tonight and test.
22:22.16jlgdeveloperYep, cybertooth, same issue. I would also grab the latest libpri and zaptel while you are at it. I did, and it worked as it should.
22:23.47cybertoothgrab all three
22:25.04cybertoothI had to grab an earlier zaptel-trunk to compile the drivers for my new Wildcard TE412P... but worked okay.
22:25.52cybertoothI'm afraid to drop too far back on the zaptel tree. I want the latest and greatest echo cancelation (and jitter control)
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22:48.54Overworked554hello! Does anyone know how to use asterisk with lumenvox speech engine?
22:49.18Dr-Linuxwhat's lumenvox?
22:49.31Overworked554speech recognition engine developer
22:50.41Dr-LinuxOverworked554: i'm also looking for one, someone said sphinx is a good voice recognition program, but i never worked for me
22:52.07Overworked554digium partnered with lumenvox to do this
22:52.19Overworked554digium wrote a bunch of code but there is no doc for it
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22:53.54fileOverworked554: there's a document called speechrec.txt right in the doc directory which tells you how to use the speech recognition stuff
22:54.15Overworked554mm i dont have that
22:54.16filebut as for the Lumenvox component, you have to buy it
22:54.24Overworked554i did :-) $750
22:54.40filedid you patch your 1.2?
22:54.52fileand it's not there?
22:55.08Overworked554lumenvox sent me a zipped file with a ast mod and a patch file
22:55.20Overworked554and there was a short text file that said how to apply it but no dialplan samples
22:55.30Overworked554maybe i have an old version?
22:55.32filethat's because the patch file installs the speech stuff, including the documentation
22:58.09Overworked554i just found another zipped file on their ftp
22:58.19Overworked554im going to try downloading that and apply that patch and see if i get the docs this time
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23:00.58Overworked554yeah!  i got it now
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23:13.04Strom_Cslow day in here
23:13.13Strom_CI can see text from almost an hour ago at the top of my terminal :)
23:13.22fileall the action will probably happen tomorrow when I'm gone
23:13.51*** join/#asterisk nassy (
23:14.24Strom_Cunless I drive to san jose tonight!
23:14.42fileyou should *totally* do that
23:14.52john867530Well I can get some action going!!!  What do I need to setup SMS would I need ss7 or something else?
23:15.16filecellphone or landline?
23:15.28john867530well it's at a telco so it is all landline
23:15.36Strom_Cis SMS even part of the SS7 spec?
23:15.59john867530I thought it was but I did some reading and I may need a connection to a GSM provider
23:16.08john867530but I wasn't sure
23:16.11filejohn867530: so it's to cellphones?
23:16.19filebecause landline SMS does exist... it's a UK thing
23:16.44Strom_CI don't think SMS is part of SS7, unless of course there's some weird subset of MAP that I'm not aware of
23:17.14john867530I think your right, and that is what I was thinking, but it is always nice to get some verification
23:17.36Strom_Cby the way, you forgot the
23:17.46Strom_Cyou forgot the 9 on the end of your handle
23:17.53fileSMS is carried on the SS7/C7 network, and it makes use of SS7/C7 for the required signaling procedures.
23:17.59john867530yeah  somebody else has it :(
23:18.18Strom_Cah, i stand corrected, file :)
23:18.30fileStrom_C: it is done with MAP
23:18.46john867530awesome,  So I could use the app_ss7 to maybe try and send a message that ROCKS
23:19.14filejohn867530: yeah uh huh have fun with that
23:19.24john867530yeah I'm all talk
23:19.26john867530no game
23:19.27fileStrom_C: so can I get an SS7 link with you?!?
23:19.50Strom_COMG TOTALLY
23:23.11[TK]D-FenderNeed some help.. working on a sysme, jsut installed FC5 kernel headers, seem to be missing "cc" for zaptel.  What do I need to get this rolling?
23:23.47Strom_Cdid you install gcc?
23:24.04fileit's yummy
23:24.11Strom_C(I'd expect FC5 to be dumb enough not to include gcc by default)
23:24.53john867530isn't there a rpm out for FC?
23:25.24Strom_Cjohn867530: asterisk and packages?!  /me beats you with a dms-100 line module
23:25.57john867530Well third party... It would get you going...
23:26.39john867530while I turn around and sell your dms-100 line module for 1 dollar on ebay
23:27.01[TK]D-FenderFsking stripped FC5 install....
23:27.28[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : I'd sooner be on Slack thanks....
23:27.43john867530yeah I would use slackware as well
23:27.55Strom_Cwhat are you talking about?  I said "Choose red, Keenan"
23:34.02[TK]D-Fender- /usr/src/zaptel/wcusb.c:1452: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
23:34.17[TK]D-Fenderusr/src/zaptel/zaptel.c:188: warning: āfcstabā defined but not used
23:34.26Strom_CO RLY?
23:34.31[TK]D-FenderNothing but trouble with this fsking distro
23:35.00[TK]D-FenderAny hints?  I'm up against the wall with this BS....
23:35.09[TK]D-FenderAnd I'm sure 10 packages away from sanity :/
23:35.14Strom_Cwhy are you using FC5?
23:38.46[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : Thats whats installed on this clients box
23:38.56[TK]D-FenderNot my call
23:39.26Strom_Czaptel 1.2.6 right?
23:41.32[TK]D-FenderDone this before.  So very manyt imes...
23:43.59Strom_Cdid you install the required libraries and whatnot?
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23:45.00[TK]D-FenderTried from what was provided, installed headers, then GCC, now god knows what is missing
23:45.38Strom_Cright, but im talking about the libraries mentioned on
23:47.31russellb[TK]D-Fender: that was a bug, but it was fixed long ago
23:47.37russellbperhaps there hasn't been a release since then
23:47.58russellbdue to an API change that occured in a later 2.6 kernel release
23:48.08Strom_Cjust for kicks try the 1.2 branch from svn
23:48.16russellbthat should fix it, yes
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23:48.44russellbor since i seriously doubt you're using wcusb, remove it from the modules list in the makefile
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23:49.20russellbactually, that was fixed on January 18th of this year
23:49.49russellbyou probably have some kernel that is labeled 2.6.15-testblah or something
23:49.52rbdhey guys, does anyone have some experience running asterisk on win32? What's the "best" way to do this (Astwind, AsteriskWin32, etc)?
23:50.09russellbwhich actually includes stuff from 2.6.16 (which is where the API change occurs in the real releases)
23:50.24Strom_Crbd: .......and why for the love of mayonnaise would you want to do that?
23:50.24russellbrbd: the best way is to not do it
23:50.30russellbrbd: there is no reliable way to do it at this point
23:50.57ManxPowerTheCops, There is no such thing as an API Manager.  The term you are looking for is AMI (Asterisk Management Interface)
23:51.49rbdthe problem is that this is for my work, they built their whole platform on win32. I usually run asterisk on linux :( ... all I really need is SIP/H.323 trunking and the ability to run AGI scripts. It will just be a IVR system with a SIP/H323 interface (e.g. no attached phones, no telephony hardware)
23:52.35[TK]D-Fenderrussellb : I tried to exocise it actually.. in my own inept way... just did it wrong I guess
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23:52.38ManxPowerrbd, you are on your own, since nobody here runs Asterisk under Windows.  The "asterisk for windows" is really a port to Cygwin, which is about as unix as you can get on Windows.
23:53.16[TK]D-Fenderrussellb : I'm actually a real linux-n00b
23:53.17rbdManxPower: yeah, it looks like there is one that runs in colinux (linux kernel running in windows w/o virtualization software) as well
23:53.23Strom_Crbd: explain to them that asterisk on windows is a kludge at best and should be avoided in a business environment
23:55.03[TK]D-Fenderrussellb : Care to point me to to where I'd need to remove it? :)
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