irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060705

00:18.55*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
00:19.07jbot[centosbug] a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
00:36.30*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
00:48.00*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=Junaid@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
00:55.54*** join/#asterisk RoyK[at] (
01:32.11*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
01:34.02*** join/#asterisk eipi (
01:37.16*** part/#asterisk Asterisk_Newbie (
01:55.38*** join/#asterisk paolob (
01:57.12paolobGuys, anyone knows how can I get asterisk sending a DTMF to an existing (i.e. answered) call? I connect to the pstn via sipura spa3000 ATA. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
01:57.40dongsmaybe try using inband dtmf and no compression between ata and asterisk box.
01:58.12paolobdongs, could you explain more simply, please?
01:58.34dongsi'm not sure how much simpler it could be
01:59.10dongsset dtmf for inband mode for the sipura peer config, and disallow all codecs except ulaw
01:59.50paolobdongs, the fact is that when asterisk executes the dial application, it doesn't keep executing the next priorities until the calls ends, so that placing a SendDTMF application after the dial one haven't any effect
02:00.20dongsoh THATs waht oyu mean.
02:00.29dongsi thought you meant like, pressing DTMF after answering a call.
02:00.32dongslike physically on the phone.
02:00.45dongsyea i duno what to do you about that.
02:00.57paoloband placing a D() option in the dial application sends the DTMF before connecting the caller with called
02:01.33paolobbut what is a D() option executed that way? I find in unuseful!
02:01.56dongsI find a lot of thigns in asterisk unuseful
02:02.43paolobdongs, so you don't know how can I get * sending the DTMFs tones to the called person?
02:03.08dongsi can think of a lamehack way of doing it with meetme, but otherwise, no
02:03.40dongsyou could bridge caller + dtmf generating extension into a meetme and let it go, but that;s so dumb I cant believe i even thought of that.
02:03.47paolobMeetme doesn't work in my ubuntu installation, someone told me I should recompile *
02:06.25paolobdongs, But thinking in making the call in two moments? 1st moment: dial the called number - then wait some seconds so that the called person answers - and then sending the 2nd part (the DTMF). Isn't a way to make this in *
02:08.31paolobThat would be useful for companies with some menu before presenting a human, sending the DTMF with asterisk would permit to navigate automatically in the company's menus and present directly the human to the caller
02:12.18dongspaolob: no
02:12.32paolobdongs, :-(
02:13.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
02:13.24*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=john@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
02:38.15*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
02:39.59*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
02:40.39paolob[TK]D-Fender, do you know a way to get * send automatically dtmf tones to a called person after the connection is established? I connect to the pstn through a sipura spa-3000? For example in order to have * navigate automatically in the menu of a company...
02:43.14*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
02:43.35dlynes_homepaolob: Use the D() option of Dial()
02:44.33paolobdlynes_home, unfortunately the D() option sends the dtmf tones _before_ (why?!?) the sipura connects me with the called  person
02:45.26paolobdlynes_home, would it be a bug?
02:48.02*** join/#asterisk mbit (
02:48.45mbithey does anyone know a fix for this?
02:48.45mbite know a fix for this
02:48.45mbit<mbit> Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 002 Type: IAX     Subclass: ACK
02:48.45mbit<mbit>    Timestamp: 00192ms
02:49.40filewho says that is broken?
02:51.37mbitit basically rings then hangs up after 2 rings
02:53.45*** join/#asterisk RoyK[at] (
03:00.11*** join/#asterisk Qwell[\0] (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/qwell)
03:00.46*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
03:01.50*** join/#asterisk reco (
03:02.22recodoes anybody know a good how to for asterisk on debian for a total nebe like me?
03:07.25jbot[docs] probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
03:07.27jbotwikis is, like,
03:07.32Qwell[\0]bbl, shit blowing up
03:11.05fileso russellb
03:11.49fileso hi
03:12.12russellbsup kid
03:12.26fileDoctor Who!!! you?
03:12.54russellbcheese ballz
03:12.57fileor better, Chee______
03:13.08russellbB U R G E R !!!_--!@#@$!!!!!!!!!
03:13.17fileomg omg omg
03:16.52russellbso file
03:16.57fileso russellb
03:17.12russellbi totally thought we were talking in #asterisk-dev
03:17.18russellbi'm usually not this silly in #asterisk
03:17.30fileit's a slow evening
03:17.39*** mode/#asterisk [+o file] by russellb
03:17.50filenow I will take over the channel
03:18.03filebut I'm lazy
03:18.09russellbi bet there are other people here ... lurking
03:18.13russellb... lurkers ...
03:18.33recojbot: thanx
03:18.33jbotreco: my pleasure
03:18.48recojbot: are you real?
03:19.06russellbif by real you mean a bot, then yes
03:20.24recorussellb: what is the recommended way to install asterisk on debian. use the packages inlcuded in the debian tree or build from source?
03:20.47russellbeh, it's up to you ... as long as the packages are up to date it's probably fine
03:21.04russellbbut packages do include some patches not officially supported by the asterisk dev team
03:21.22*** join/#asterisk babyju (
03:21.31hads|homeDid somebody say lurkers?
03:21.38recorussellb: 1.0.7
03:21.44russellbreco: that's ancient
03:22.01russellbreco: you should download and install the latest version of 1.2
03:22.03fileonce upon a time it was the latest
03:22.09russellbor pull it from the 1.2 branch in svn
03:22.17russellb1.0.7 was a pretty solid release ...
03:22.29filerussellb: you're biased
03:22.30russellbbut, i mean, even the 1.0 branch is up to 1.0.11 i think
03:23.34recorussellb: i cee thanx
03:23.43russellbI <3 1.0
03:23.45russellbit's sentimental
03:24.18*** part/#asterisk mbit (
03:24.20fileI bet you printed out it's source and used it to cover your walls
03:24.21russellbi run trunk on my boxes, so don't listen to me :)
03:24.31russellbno, but that's a hot idea
03:24.49russellbwe should print books of the asterisk source
03:24.54*** part/#asterisk seb- (
03:24.58recois sombody using here zimbra with asterisk?
03:25.10russellbwe use zimbra
03:25.15russellbbut ... not tied into asterisk
03:25.16*** join/#asterisk AJmn (n=mycock@
03:25.35russellbfile: my brother's wife works there
03:25.49AJmnhey guys i know alot factors into this... but how many calls should i be able to do on a dual 500mhz machine with 512Meg ram?  using mix of G711 and g729?
03:26.00filerussellb: o rly?
03:26.01recoi am pretty new i think of moving from stalker communigate to zimbra, do you like it?
03:26.11filereco: meh it's decent, I have my gripes
03:26.19russellbi have gripes as well ...
03:26.29russellbbut it's cool overall
03:26.31fileI think we all do
03:26.40russellbit's just little things
03:28.32filelittle big big little
03:29.05russellbfile: quick, convert the asterisk source into a PDF
03:29.13russellbi want to know how much this will cost ....
03:29.24filea lot!
03:29.30fileunless we outsource to China
03:30.01russellbfile: for a 200 page 8.5 by 11 inch book, less than $10 !!!!
03:30.15russellbwe are so doing this with 1.4.0
03:31.34russellbor ... SVN-trunk-r36959
03:32.08filerussellb: why are you not partying?
03:32.15russellbbecause i have no friends?
03:32.22fileI'll be your friend!
03:32.56russellbit's not much more costly to do hardback
03:33.08russellbor ... hardcover
03:36.46*** join/#asterisk bobbercheng (n=chatzill@
03:37.27Corydon76-homerussellb: Nashville had the 3rd largest fireworks display in the world tonight
03:38.10Corydon76-homeLet that be a lesson to all you larger American cities:  Nashville is kicking your ass
03:39.05fileo rly
03:39.22*** part/#asterisk AJmn (n=mycock@
03:39.44*** join/#asterisk hohum (
03:39.54Corydon76-homefile: they said something like 7000 fireworks
03:40.29filenot enough!
03:49.57*** join/#asterisk [1][Outcast] (
03:51.59*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
03:52.17*** part/#asterisk P-NuT (
03:52.52*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:53.37*** join/#asterisk RoyK[at] (
03:54.58*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
03:55.39*** join/#asterisk chandi (
03:57.31*** join/#asterisk Paavum (
03:58.05PaavumHello. I uninstalled mysql4 and installed some mysql5 binaries
03:58.34Paavumhowever when I want to use the mysql_cdr it says not found
03:59.02Paavumso I created a link named that pointed to
03:59.05Paavum(which I have=
03:59.24Paavumbut I am still getting the funny message " not found"
04:02.15chandiHi, I've got a problem between my sipura ATA and my asterisk box that are on the same network. Sometimes when I make a call or I receive a call from the sipura it drops the outgoing RTP. I know it's between the sipura and the asterisk because it never happens when I make calls from the asterisk box (inbound or outbound). Anybody has an idea ?
04:03.19*** join/#asterisk SwK (
04:04.33*** join/#asterisk seb- (
04:04.42seb-how remove echo?
04:05.13Corydon76-homeYou can't remove echo
04:05.16seb-my Grandstream Handytone 286 analog-2-digital claims it can but doesn't say how
04:05.40seb-lemmie find exact quote
04:05.50Corydon76-homeEcho is a law of nature.
04:06.08seb-Support Silence Suppression, VAD (Voice Activity Detection), CNG (Comfort Noise
04:06.08seb-Generation), Line Echo Cancellation (G.168), and AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
04:06.24seb-Corydon-w: G.168?
04:06.28*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (
04:06.41seb-Corydon76-home: G.168 i think
04:06.54Corydon76-homeNote that the channel name is #asterisk not #grandstream
04:07.38Corydon76-homeIn other words, go ask the vendor
04:07.54seb-maybe G.168 is a general protocol to take care of echo effects?
04:10.38chandinobody has an idea about my prob ?
04:13.06*** part/#asterisk dec (
04:13.14Corydon76-homeApparently not
04:13.32fileYour call can not be completed as dialed. Please check the number and try your call again later.
04:13.35*** join/#asterisk tipizo (
04:13.59chandiok ;)
04:14.16tipizowhen I type this export
04:14.17chandiwhat's the number I should call then ? ;)
04:14.34filetipizo: we do not use CVS at all anymore
04:14.50jbot[cvs] concurrent versions systems.  more info here  The asterisk CVS is no more.  Please see svn.
04:14.52tipizoHow i get the latest head
04:15.09jbotmethinks subversion is version control software. see it aims to be a better CVS than CVS.
04:15.26Corydon76-homesvn co asterisk-trunk
04:23.40*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (i=lordkuri@
04:26.02nomegohow do I configure an entry in sip.conf for an ekiga softphone?
04:26.27tipizosuppose that my asterisk server is behind a firewall... And I would like to use my ATA to where ever I'm to connect to asterisk server
04:26.32tipizohow do do that?
04:27.03Trionnisport forwarding
04:27.21Trionnissip and rdp ports to the * ip
04:27.30tipizoI try it it does not work?
04:27.31*** join/#asterisk hads|home (
04:27.45Trionnisyou sure you have the right ports?
04:27.52*** part/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
04:28.01Trionnisand explain "does not work" please
04:28.11Trionnisdoesn't connect, no audio, etc?
04:29.12tipizoI'm using an SPA2000 and try to point to my asterisk server from friend house.. I got no dial tone
04:29.35*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
04:29.44Trionnisand have you checked the logs?
04:29.48Trionnisto see what's happening?
04:30.16tipizono i did not
04:30.25Trionnismight be a good place to start :)
04:30.54*** join/#asterisk Trazz (
04:30.58tipizoOK I will try it again l
04:31.11Trionnisyou should get some indication as to the issue
04:31.36Trionnisif not, turn on sip debug and be ready for a crapflood (if it's even connecting)
04:33.22tipizogreat idea... I will try that
04:33.45Trionnisok :)
04:33.49tipizodo i need a stun server!
04:33.51*** join/#asterisk hads|home (
04:33.58Trionnisyou shouldn't
04:34.12Trionnismake sure you have nat enabled in sip.conf
04:34.39TrionnisI'm assuming "connecting from a friend's house" means the ATA is on the back side of another nat router?
04:35.03tipizoYes, that is correct!
04:35.15Trionnise.g. ATA -> his router -> internet -> your router -> asterisk
04:35.23Trionniswant an easy solution?
04:35.27Trionnisget an IAXy
04:35.59Trionnissip + nat stinks, imho
04:36.18tipizoATA --> his router --> internet  internet-->my router -->asterisk
04:36.45Trionnisthat's a bad way to try to run sip
04:36.55Trionnisit can be done, but I personally wouldn't prefer it
04:37.03tipizoWhat Do i need to look for in sip.conf to make sure that nat is enabled?
04:37.40Trionnisunder your channel config for that particular device, you'll want "nat=1"
04:37.59Trionnisalso "host=dynamic" couldn't hurt
04:38.12tipizowhat is IAXy
04:38.30*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
04:38.45Trionnisuses IAX instead of SIP
04:39.06TrionnisIAX = much better NAT handling, and also has jitter compensation if you want/need it
04:39.15*** join/#asterisk BugKham (i=BugKham@
04:39.44BugKhamanyone knows how to get mpg123 compiled for 64-bit CPU?
04:41.01Trionniscan't say I do mate
04:41.02Trionnissorry would IAXy fit in my existing confiuration...
04:41.14Trionnisit's an ATA
04:41.19Trionnisyou would replace the Sipura with it
04:42.30tipizoWhat if I turn my asterisk server into router/firewall using shorewall... Would that be a good solution?
04:42.58Trionnisit could be
04:43.04Trionnisdepends a lot on hardware
04:43.16Trionnisit takes a bit to crosscode channels and such
04:43.21nomegoI should be able to connect an FXO-gateway beside my regular phone until I get it all working, right?
04:43.28Trionnisbut yes, that might make it a bit easier
04:43.48Trionniswell, you'd need 2 phones, or a 2 line phone
04:43.49Trionnisbut yes
04:43.54BugKhamanyone knows how to get mpg123 compiled for FC5 x86_64?
04:44.13BugKhamor knows of anyother mp3 stream player for *
04:44.24nomegomaybe mpg321 works
04:44.38BugKhamnomego, u reckon?
04:44.44tipizodon't understand why would i need two lines
04:44.50nomegoBugKham: try it
04:44.55Trionniswell, you said "regular phone"
04:45.04TrionnisI'm assuming you're referring to a POTS line?
04:45.12tipizonope...sip phone
04:45.23tipizothat's what i'm using now
04:45.24Trionnisyeah, you might have some trouble with routing though
04:45.24nomegoI said regular phone ;)
04:45.40Trionnismy bad
04:45.50Trionnistoo much going on at once :)
04:46.14BugKhamnomego, it was last released on 2002 I don't think it will work
04:46.52nomegohow about me.. would an FXO-gateway work as a regular phone?
04:46.58tipizoAll I care to do right now is cary my ata with me on the road... have it connect to my asterisk server ... get a dial tone and make phone calls
04:47.14Trionnisthen an IAXy will be the easiest no-hassle solution for you
04:47.16BugKhamnomego, but will give it a try
04:47.39nomegoBugKham: you do that
04:47.58tipizokinda vonage like
04:48.13Trionnissomething to consider
04:48.21TrionnisVonage has their gateways on the live net
04:48.31*** part/#asterisk Trazz (
04:48.34TrionnisNAT messes with SIP something terrible
04:48.58*** join/#asterisk Trazz (
04:49.03TrionnisI'm guessing this is on a residential connection?
04:49.23*** join/#asterisk RalphieII (
04:49.39RalphieIIanyone in tonight?  for real?
04:49.40tipizoforget about nat... Let's connect my asterisk server directly to the net using shorewall to turn it into a router/firewall
04:49.53Trionnisthen you should be ok so long as you open the proper ports
04:50.06Trionnisand add those 2 lines to sip.conf as I mentioned
04:50.17filealso setup sip.conf, externip/externhost and localnet with your external IP information and local network information
04:50.20tipizothat would 5060:5082 and 10000:20000
04:50.28tipizofor sip
04:50.35RalphieIIMy install of trixbox 1.1 fails, anyone have info on this?
04:50.37Trionniswhatever you're using
04:50.51Trionnis-=- FreePBX/AMP/Asterisk@Home/Trixbox support in #freepbx'
04:51.04Trionnispoints :)
04:51.48RalphieIIanyone in tonight?  for real?(
04:52.04tipizochief thanks so very much!!!
04:55.01tipizoWould you recommand using asterisk head or stable?
04:55.16luke-jr_depends on what you want to do
04:55.31russellbjk ...
04:55.32Trionnisif it's basic sip, stable should be just fine for you
04:55.33luke-jr_for some things, trunk is more stable than 1.2
04:55.35tipizoso stable will be
04:56.10luke-jr_Trionnis: if he wants to use ugly extensions.conf stuff, maybe =p
04:56.25luke-jr_russellb: hurry up with 1.4 =p
04:56.32russellbdon't look at me ...
04:56.45fileit's all my fault
04:56.53Trionnisyes, we know
04:57.31luke-jr_file: is it?
04:57.33tipizohow do I get the stable using svn
04:57.50luke-jr_tipizo: rtfw?
04:58.50tipizoIt's better to ask when you don't know....
04:59.06*** join/#asterisk joe_acme (
04:59.15*** part/#asterisk joe_acme (
04:59.23tipizoyou showed a while ago to do this svn co asterisk-trunk
04:59.39tipizoI'm assuming this is head not the stable version
05:00.10filethere's no "stable" version, there is a 1.2 release branch though
05:00.12filewhere only bug fixes go
05:00.37fileso therefore... svn co asterisk-1.2
05:00.41luke-jr_tipizo: HEAD refers to the latest code for any version-- past, stable, or trunk
05:01.00luke-jr_file: and even some bugfixes aren't allowed :(
05:01.37tipizoyou guys are fabulous... thanks for the education
05:01.39fileI sense a bug tracker incident
05:02.08luke-jr_file: well, nobody cares to fix AEL, deeming AEL 2 the fix-- but there's no release with AEL 2
05:02.55luke-jr_that's one of my reasons to be anxious over 1.4 =p
05:02.59fileuh huh
05:03.05tipizoBut I saw on version is that head or stable?
05:03.11file1.2.9.1 is a release
05:03.21luke-jr_tipizo: HEAD of 1.2 at the time of the release
05:03.23filenote I'm not using the term stable
05:03.58luke-jr_tipizo: there's HEAD of 1.2 and HEAD of trunk. two heads.
05:04.10Trionnisyeah, you want stable, get a cisco
05:04.19Trionnis(yes, I'm kidding)
05:04.32hads|homeArgh! This two headed monster will kill us all!
05:04.34tipizoKinda confuse a bit... 1.2 and
05:04.45fileTrionnis: hehe
05:04.47luke-jr_tipizo: 1.2 is the branch
05:04.54luke-jr_tipizo: is the release/tag
05:05.25tipizoI don't want to be ban so I will not ask anymore question...
05:05.40file1.2.9.1 is a snapshot of the 1.2 branch at a specific time when was released, it won't get updated - 1.2 will get updated and another snapshot will occur to create the next release
05:05.50luke-jr_tipizo: FWIW, I think Trionnis was scared of himself being banned for a bad joke, not expecting you to get banned
05:05.52fileyou won't get banned... it takes a lot to get banned
05:06.01Trionnisjust look at me
05:06.10TrionnisI'm the channel clown, and they haven't booted me yet ;)
05:06.24luke-jr_they should, as a joke
05:06.30TrionnisI'm suprised they haven't
05:08.00luke-jr_file: so when can I expect 1.4? =p
05:08.09luke-jr_at least an alpha or beta or something?
05:09.07fileO wpm
05:09.11fileI won't answer that
05:09.30Trionnissecond Tuesday of next week
05:09.37Trionnisnot a day earlier! ;p
05:09.40filethere's only so many and so much time
05:09.43fileer so many people
05:10.22luke-jr_file: aww :(
05:10.43luke-jr_not even a 1.3 or something? =p
05:10.46fileTrionnis: I thought there's only one Tuesday in a week :P
05:10.55Trionnisexactly my point
05:11.05*** join/#asterisk af_ (
05:11.08filenext week... is possible...
05:11.11filewe'll see
05:11.20TrionnisO RLY?
05:11.21luke-jr_really? o.o
05:11.49*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
05:12.37fileactually, I need to write myself a note now
05:12.40fileyou've given me an idea
05:12.45TrionnisI did?
05:13.10fileactually I have to write about 3 notes as some other stuff just flooded back into my thoughts
05:13.17Trionnisguess I need to leave the channel now... I can't be *productive* fer god's sake
05:14.15fileI hope my replacement hard drive arrives ... ::looks at clock:: today ... I want to get my workstation back to working before I leave
05:14.57filesilly moving parts
05:15.11luke-jr_so it has 47 minutes + [0..23] hours to get here... =p
05:15.21fileit's 2:15AM here :D
05:15.52luke-jr_what timezone is that anyhow?
05:15.58Trionnisest I'm guessing
05:16.00luke-jr_middle of the ocean?
05:16.06luke-jr_no, Eastern is 1:15 AM
05:16.26Trionnisatlantic standard time?
05:16.32fileTrionnis: bingo
05:16.33Trionnismaybe he lives on a boat?
05:16.33luke-jr_doesn't the ocean fill the next timezone?
05:16.52luke-jr_file: you use satellite or smth?
05:16.57luke-jr_from a boat?
05:17.15luke-jr_file: hey, so what are the ideas/notes? =p
05:17.49fileuh one I can't say
05:17.59fileone is whether I want to pack my Polycom phone and take it with me
05:18.10fileand the other is... darn, I forgot it
05:18.21luke-jr_what's the one you can't say?
05:18.26luke-jr_before you forget it....
05:18.30*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
05:19.05luke-jr_aww, can't type it either? =p
05:19.38filemy brain is preventing it!
05:19.42luke-jr_or you have some fancy voice recognition IRC? =p
05:19.54luke-jr_we can fix that then
05:20.25fileI really don't remember this second thing and it's really bugging me
05:20.25filemaybe it's the second one
05:20.46luke-jr_is it to offer me a job?
05:21.00fileI am *so* not the person for that
05:21.26*** join/#asterisk tlow (
05:23.13luke-jr_download a movie?
05:23.22fileit was something to do with packing
05:23.31luke-jr_oh, you moving?
05:23.42fileno, going elsewhere for a week
05:23.52luke-jr_fed up with that weird timezone, eh?
05:23.55fileI remembered it when I went to Subway and told myself to write a note when I got back but forgot
05:24.24luke-jr_maybe you need to check the weight of a suitcase or such
05:24.49luke-jr_or pack your toothbrush
05:24.50fileoh, need to remember to pack an extra set of clothes in my backpack
05:25.03fileI have horrible luck with luggage
05:25.03luke-jr_is that it? or something else?
05:25.39filenope, that's it!
05:25.52luke-jr_so what was that first note again? =p
05:25.55fileI still won't tell you the other thing though
05:26.00luke-jr_aww ;)
05:26.50TrionnisI know
05:27.02Trionnishe's going to code a free porn auto-downloader into 1.4
05:27.06luke-jr_Trionnis: you ask, you gave him the idea
05:27.10TrionnisI did?
05:27.15Trionnisthat doesn't happen
05:27.19TrionnisI don't have good ideas
05:27.27Trionnisjust smartass wisecracks
05:27.35luke-jr_* Trionnis salivates with anticipation
05:27.35luke-jr_<-- mog (i=ejabberd@ has left #asterisk
05:27.35luke-jr_<file> actually, I need to write myself a note now
05:27.35luke-jr_<file> you've given me an idea
05:28.05fileit's crazy as a canary!
05:28.14luke-jr_so am I!
05:28.23luke-jr_I don't know how crazy canaries are tho
05:28.28luke-jr_but I am tired!
05:28.36luke-jr_and probably don't make sense
05:28.36filekeep it gay!
05:30.12luke-jr_if you delete a time zone, does that make every hour 2 and a half minutes longer?
05:30.54luke-jr_so let's delete 8 time zones
05:31.13luke-jr_to make a nice even 0x10 hour day
05:31.31luke-jr_and each hour can be 150% as long
05:31.49*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
05:32.23luke-jr_I really should go to bed
05:32.37luke-jr_the current hexadecimal time is
05:32.48luke-jr_ttyl :)
05:34.36Trionnissounds like a good idea
05:34.37Trionnisnight all
05:34.42*** part/#asterisk Trionnis (i=lordkuri@
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05:37.08*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:38.44*** join/#asterisk MISGroup (
05:39.33*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
05:43.43MISGroupHas anyone not been able to delete an extension from A@H?  I created a receptionist at extension 0 and now I am unable to go into the config page to modify it.  Can't delete it either....ideas?
05:44.07drraytry the asterisk at home irc channel?
05:46.05*** join/#asterisk MISGroup (
05:47.57docelmoACK!  A@H What a SUCK ASS application..   Geesh buy the book and learn the RIGHT way to configure asterisk..  This canned shit is for the birds
05:51.26drraydon't be coy
05:54.54MISGroupHmmmm  well I was given two weeks to implement a phone solution for a non-proffit org.  I was able to get them set up with a A@H system for 15 extensions.  Give me another month and I might understand your narrow minded comment.
05:55.30MISGroupI had not dealt with * yet and this was a quick intro.....
05:56.19russellbi really don't like it when people so harshly put down the efforts of others that are just trying to make asterisk easier to use
05:56.33russellbany efforts like that that are released as *free* should be applauded.
05:56.43drrayI agree
05:57.04drrayI referred him to the a@h group because I don't have the first clue how to help him
05:57.14drrayother than making him use asterisk
05:57.43russellbyeah, well generally it's not supported in this channel
05:57.49russellbbecause the help for that is different
05:57.57russellb*not* because there is a hostile environment towards it
05:58.00drrayI do think that asterisk@home is a solution in search of a problem
05:58.02russellbwhich many people here make it out to be
05:58.57russellbanyway, end rant :)
05:59.14docelmoA@H Has its on place and that is for the novice that wants an easy unflexable system.  I have tried it and found it easier to compile from source
06:00.36MISGroupso clairify this a bit.... If I am using the CLI of an A@H box would you consider that Asterisk?
06:02.19russellbprobably not, no :)
06:02.52russellbproblems with freepbx generated configuration would probably best be addressed by those familiar with it.
06:03.11*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
06:04.56docelmoIf you type asterisk -r your using asterisk in a round about way.  Your still controlled by what am lets it do
06:05.13docelmoI have tried some custom things with amp and it just drove me nuts to get it to work
06:06.38*** join/#asterisk loopt (
06:19.39seb-say if i hear my voice twice when i that what they mean by 'echo' ?
06:19.51seb-is it common and is there anything i can do about it?
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06:49.32docelmoseb what hardware are you using?
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06:54.19*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
06:54.57jhiverhi all
06:55.30jhiver1) do g729 codecs work for FreeBSD
06:55.50jhiver2) What is a good store with fast response to buy g729 licenses
06:55.56*** join/#asterisk kristalino (
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07:03.10docelmojhiver, to my knowledge BSD isnt supported for g729 via digium
07:03.39docelmoYou can however check digium's website, or their FTP server where the codecs are listed.
07:04.16acehunkydocelmo i recently saw g729 compiled codec on digium ftp site
07:04.24acehunkyfor freebsd
07:14.59*** join/#asterisk freebsd_fan (
07:15.09dlynes_homedocelmo: there's g729 compiled for freebsd on digium's ftp site as well as a register utility for freebsd....they're just not officially supported
07:15.57dlynes_homejhiver: just go to digium's web site to buy your g729 licenses; then use the g729 codec and register utility for freebsd
07:17.02*** join/#asterisk Arno[Slack] (
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07:19.14jhivermhhh let's hope I have linux binary compat enabled on the freebsd box :)
07:20.50jhiverhey what should I grab for opteron processor: i368, i586, i686 ?
07:22.48Assidhey docelmo!
07:22.50Assidwassup man
07:23.46*** join/#asterisk somegeek_ (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
07:25.30Assidjhiver: i think i686
07:25.36Assidunless they have AMD specific
07:26.42jhiver./register: Exec format error. Binary file not executable.
07:26.51BugKhamhi, anyone using * on FC5 x86_64?
07:26.57Qwelljhiver: chmod?
07:27.03jhiveris there no bsd compatible 'register' utility ?
07:27.08jhiveryeah it's been chmoded
07:27.29BugKhamhi, wanna know what you use for playing mp3 files
07:27.30jhiverok found it
07:27.46BugKhamdlynes_home, what OS are you using for *?
07:28.10jhiver./register G729-273393D3
07:28.11jhiverELF interpreter /libexec/ not found
07:29.40*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
07:32.20dlynes_homeBugKham: linux
07:33.10dlynes_homejhiver: are you using the freebsd register utility, or the linux register utility?
07:34.13dlynes_homejhiver: and why do you need linux binary compatibility enabled on the bsd box?
07:34.24dlynes_homejhiver: i never had it enabled on mine
07:36.18jhiverI've tried both actually
07:36.25jhiverso i will try first the BSD one
07:36.51jhiverit's for freebsd 5.2, I use 6.0, but hell
07:37.01dlynes_homeI've only used 6.0
07:37.11jhiverI get this
07:37.14jhivere82-103-133-162e# ./register
07:37.14jhiverELF interpreter /libexec/ not found
07:37.19dlynes_homeI couldn't tell you if it works on 5.2 or not
07:37.28jhiverno I use 6.0 too
07:37.32jhiverI use this toos:
07:37.33LoneShadowanyone using ubuntu or debian here ?
07:37.34jhivertool: you not have ELF support installed?
07:37.50jhivernot sure, I'm not that good with freebsd :)
07:37.55dlynes_homeone sec...i'll tell you what i grabbed
07:38.23jhiverdlynes_home, how do you enable that? is there a port or maybe something in /usr/src/ ?
07:40.01dlynes_homeis that what you used?
07:40.21dlynes_homeI have no idea how to enable sec
07:42.27*** join/#asterisk nagl (
07:43.08jhiveryeah I used that
07:43.28jhivermaybe it's because I have a 64 bit (AMD Opteron) architecture?
07:44.01*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
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07:52.22dlynes_homejhiver: and you're running 64-bit freebsd?
07:53.43jhiverI'm not sure, that was installed for me, I guess I can dmesg to check
07:53.54dlynes_homeyeah...i suspect your'e running 64-bit freebsd
07:54.03dlynes_homeand you forgot to install the 32-bit compatibility libraries
07:54.28jhiverright, as I said that wasn't set up by me, so...
07:54.38jhiverthink i can fix it with /sbin/sysinstall?
07:55.01dlynes_homei have no idea
07:55.12dlynes_homei'm almost completely useless when it comes to freebsd
07:55.18jhiverok :)
07:55.23jhiverso am I
07:55.28dlynes_homeI was only running it for a while because we had someone in house that knew it
07:55.31jhiveralthough I find it very stable for asterisk
07:55.37dlynes_homebut I got tired of having to rely on him for everything
07:55.45dlynes_homeand the lack of compatibility with asterisk
07:56.08dlynes_homeso i said forget it, and made slackware our standard
08:00.02linlinI cant seem to build the asterisk-addons components, I get errors when attempting to "make":
08:00.32mitcheloclinlin, can't you use odbc support in asterisk?
08:01.05linlini'm sorry?
08:01.13linlini dont understand what you mean
08:01.21mitchelocyou should also keep your support requests limited to one channel, not  #asterisk & #freepbx
08:01.49mitchelocis the reason you want asterisk-addons for the mysql logging?
08:03.04linlinwell, im not sure why I want it, im following the FreePBX "INSTALL" file
08:04.14mitchelocokay well keep the questions in #freepbx :) no offense, but they will know more
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08:18.57*** join/#asterisk FreezeS (n=Gladius@
08:19.22FreezeSI've got a problem: MoH in a queue stops after 2 loops
08:19.39FreezeSanyone else had this problem ?
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08:34.58*** join/#asterisk AltnTab (
08:35.40AltnTabhow to make _0. and _088XXXXXXX work together ?
08:36.33AltnTabwithout putting them in different contexts, they have to be viewable by all users
08:36.55dlynes_homeAltnTab: and how is putting them into different contexts going to prevent that?
08:37.41AltnTabdlynes_home, i think by specifing wich user on which context uses
08:38.13dlynes_homeAltnTab: you can define contexts and include those contexts in other contexts though
08:39.02dlynes_homeAltnTab: [operator] exten => _0.,1,blahblah [ld] exten => _088XXXXXXX,1,blahblah [mycontext] include => operator ; include => ld
08:39.05AltnTabdlynes_home, yes, i know ... but how can i use those two work together
08:39.27AltnTabdlynes_home, is this going to solve the problem ?
08:39.32dlynes_homethe above example will make the operator context take precedence over the ld context
08:39.49AltnTabbecause everything goes thru _0.
08:39.58dlynes_homeif you include [mycontext] in your user's context, or assign the mycontext to your user
08:40.28dlynes_homeYes, but becuase you're using the include => statements, it forces asterisk to include the extensions in the specific order that you've specified
08:41.25RoyK[at]methinks the ordering logic should be rewritten......
08:41.37dlynes_homeSo, you can either include operator first, or include ld first, depending on which one you want to take precedence
08:41.47RoyK[at]splitting it up into several contexts just makes a mess
08:41.55*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
08:42.03tparcinagood day channel
08:42.10dlynes_homeRoyK[at]: you mean the ordering logic within the asterisk code?
08:42.14AltnTabdlynes_home, no, no sorry for messing thigs up
08:42.18tparcinahi dlynes!
08:42.21AltnTabthey are now in one context
08:42.25dlynes_homeheya tparcina
08:43.24dlynes_homeRoyK[at]: nobody's stopping you from fixing the code
08:43.27RoyK[at]dlynes_home: yes
08:43.33RoyK[at]no, i know
08:43.38tparcinadoes anybody use voipbuster?
08:44.03AltnTabdlynes_home, so i have to put this ext which i prefer in default context and include the other which is with lower priority in other context ?
08:44.04tparcinai read on their web pages that you can make free sip calls
08:44.10AltnTabtparcina, i use them
08:44.25tparcinaAltnTab: you use them with asterisk?
08:44.26AltnTabi have several accounts
08:44.58tparcinaAltnTab: are cals realy free?
08:45.13AltnTabto some destinations
08:45.28AltnTabthe register thing is free and you have 1 minute free call
08:45.50tparcinaAltnTab: yes, to somthing more than 30 destioations... it's cool!
08:45.52AltnTabbut other prices are much cheaper than other
08:46.13AltnTabi mean than other VoIP operators
08:46.25AltnTabthe quality is good
08:46.25*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
08:46.28AltnTabi use g726
08:46.53tparcinaAltnTab: so, i need to register (do i have to pay anything?) and i can call for 1 min for free. if call last longer than 1 min they will charge me? is that the way they work?
08:47.30AltnTabtparcina, no afrer a minute the call  disconnects
08:47.41FreezeSdoes anyone know why MoH is stopped in a queue after 2 loops ?
08:47.50AltnTabif the charge you they have no way of taking your money or finding you
08:47.56AltnTabthe method is prepaid
08:49.37nounoursfreAltnTab :  You have implant the codec G726 in your asterisk ?
08:49.43AltnTabtparcina, the deal is of you want to talk with free destinations for more than a minute pay us 10 bucks
08:50.48AltnTabnounoursfre, i was using G.711 at first but i've used it with gsm gateway and there was no compatible codecs
08:51.04AltnTabnounoursfre, and i moved to the next free one, g.726
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08:52.06tparcinaAltnTab: how do you make phonecalls that last more than 1 min?
08:52.07nextimehi, i have a problem with a random crash with latest 1.2 svn branch when i get more that 15/20 calls on a zaptel PRI ( Wildcard TE405P ). any hint on it?
08:52.54AltnTabtparcina, i pay 10 bucks which i have to spend on calling within 3 months
08:53.01AltnTabafter that my money are gone
08:53.33AltnTabtparcina, i am not shure but 10 is the minium price
08:55.27tparcinaAltnTab: do you know where are their servers located? are they all in USA or they have some in the rest of the world?
08:57.27AltnTabtparcina, i think they are somewhere in Europe, i am not shure
08:57.57tparcinaAltnTab: can you please send me your sip.conf and extensions.conf that are related with voipbuster?
09:01.19AltnTabtparcina, it is very basic as connecting to any other SIP provider, first use register => user:pass@name than define [name]username,secret,codec,
09:02.42AltnTabin sip.conf, all destinations have to be dialed with the soecific country prefix ex: america 001.....///
09:03.08AltnTabdlynes_home, i worked, tnx :)
09:06.34*** join/#asterisk telenieko (
09:07.28teleniekoHi! When I originate a call from a call file (/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing) how can I set the CallerID of the call? I mean, my phone rings, I pickup, then when asterisk calls the other party there's no callerID. thx :)
09:09.20*** join/#asterisk RoyK[at] (
09:10.15tparcina<AltnTab> tparcina, it is very basic as connecting to any other SIP provider, first use register => user:pass@name than define [name]username,secret,codec,
09:10.15tparcina* RoyK[at] has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
09:10.15tparcina<AltnTab> in sip.conf, all destinations have to be dialed with the soecific country prefix ex: america 001.....///
09:10.40tparcinaAltnTab: thank you, i'll register now and try their services.
09:14.27tparcinaAltnTab: final question, is it posible to register without downloading and installing their software?
09:14.55hads|hometparcina: All this info is on their site.
09:23.14tparcinahads|home: thank you, i have look on their site and i couldn't find that is possible to register without downloading their software. so i have asked here. it wouldno't be the first time that is possible something that they haven't put on their web pages...
09:25.20x86how would i represent this UK DID in E164 format: 08458681772
09:28.46RoyK[at]tparcina: que?
09:28.51*** join/#asterisk Kizmet (
09:29.17Kizmetfile, can i download the whole svn tree now :P
09:30.42tparcinaRoyK: que? - sorry, i don't speake zulu language :))
09:32.06*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (n=otaku42@madwifi/developer/otaku42)
09:32.09otaku42moin all
09:32.15jhiverright... now on my hosted server I can run digium's register tool (for g729)
09:32.19jhiverHowever I get:
09:32.22jhiverUnable to determine hostid.  You must have at least one ethernet card
09:32.27jhiverand it doesn't reg...
09:32.32jhiverI use FreeBSD 6.0
09:33.51jhiverany ideas?
09:33.53otaku42question: when asterisk registers for a SIP account for, for example, 1800 seconds, it will schedule to re-register in 1785 seconds. is there a way to modify this 15 seconds difference with an option in the configuration file?
09:34.30Kizmetotaku42, does it really make a difference ?
09:34.50otaku42Kizmet: in my case yes. it's a very special situation, but it definitely makes a difference.
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09:35.17Kizmethmm im sure you can set it sumwhere
09:35.35RoyK[at]jhiver: it probably searches for eth0, which doesn't exist on fbsd iirc
09:36.03otaku42Kizmet: astiersk is running in an vmware server which has a huge rtc lag. this needs to be fixed otherwise, but for now working around this by using a larger "reregsiter offset" would help.
09:41.26Kizmetotaku42, *cough* Xen :P
09:42.41otaku42Kizmet: yes, but unfortunately i can't easily change the solution that is already in use here :(
09:56.27tparcinacan anybody tell me one free calling number in USA? - i would like to try voipbuster but i don't have anybody to call...
10:10.52*** join/#asterisk Zerthimon (n=Zerthimo@
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10:21.18E-bolaCAn anybody help me figure out how to connect my asterix server to the outside world?
10:21.42E-bolaIm new to asterisk, and not completely sure how i enable asterisk to receive calls from normal phones, and how i can call out to normal phones
10:21.56E-bolaI want to use a SIP provider, but im not sure how to set that up in asterisk
10:22.22*** join/#asterisk olivier__ (
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10:28.34AuPixHas anyone got asterisk/trunk to configure h323 yet?
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11:03.11jbotdocs is probably probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
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11:19.02vivekhello all
11:20.03vivekWhat's the best ata with aix2 support and fxo and fxs ports ? I would be nice if they keep updating codecs (i know its a uptopian dream but ...) spa3k seems nice except for the lack of aix2 and global ip codecs ...
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11:42.26Zerthimonanyone alive here and able to help with zap ?
11:42.28jhiverhey guys
11:42.57jhiverdo you know of any hardware solution that can handle SIP and / or H323 codec conversion and optionally which does echo cancellation?
11:43.24vivekjhiver: spa3k handles sip ...
11:43.32vivekand spa2k does sip too ...
11:43.41vivekbut no h323 ...
11:44.12jhiverspa3k is like one channel
11:44.26jhiverI need something with more capacity, for softswitching type requirements
11:44.31*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
11:44.31jhiverlike minimum 30 channels
11:45.52jhiverAsterisk doesn't handle g723 which is kind of annoying
11:46.42*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
11:47.26*** join/#asterisk BugKham (i=BugKham@
11:48.08BugKhamwhy is mpg123 still with package?
11:48.37BugKhamin the wiki it said "In Asterisk 1.2.x and above you no longer need to use the mpg123 player  .."
11:50.27*** join/#asterisk acehunky (n=chat_jok@
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12:18.44negativecreephi all
12:18.45negativecreepi am planning to run asterisk on openvpn.
12:19.09negativecreepthe client will be behind a nat while the asterisk server is on a public ip.
12:19.32negativecreepi wnat to setup a tunnel between the asterisk server and the client and then communicate between them on private ip addresses.
12:19.37negativecreepis it possible?
12:20.46*** join/#asterisk B4 (n=B4@
12:21.15B4hi ... anyone alive at this time?
12:21.59AltnTabAnyone said, alive ?! ;)
12:22.06B4hmm no
12:22.18AltnTabhmodes, my mistake ... back 2 sleep
12:22.33B4k who can I poke regarding problem with E1 outbound calls
12:22.48*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (
12:23.15negativecreepnot me..
12:24.09ACiDVHi all =^) Anyone have an idea of what can be this error : ERROR[11790]: pbx.c:5913 pbx_builtin_serialize_variables: Data Buffer Size Exceeded!
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12:25.20ACiDVshowed on CLI 10-20 lines per seconds. Using Asterisk SVN branches...
12:25.25B4Vorondil ... bjohnson ... can you guys help for problem related to E1 outbound calls?
12:25.55bjohnsonI don't have E1
12:26.02negativecreepguys...does it sound plausible to run asterisk over a vpn..using a private ip for the asterisk server and a private ip for the client..
12:26.08negativecreepjust one client needs to connect.
12:26.10negativecreepover the vpn.
12:26.17bjohnsonnegativecreep: yes
12:26.50ACiDVexcept this error about Data Buffer Size, asterisk work perfectly on a server (callcenter) w/ 8 full T1
12:26.53bjohnsonbut depending on the protocol, it doesn't have to be a full vpn.  If a one port protocol, a ssh tunnel would suffice
12:28.32negativecreepbjohnson: thnx for the explanation...could u point me to some link which explains this in a bit more detail.
12:28.40negativecreepor if you can explain this ssh scenario.
12:28.42negativecreepi am using sip
12:28.46negativecreepbut looking into using iax.
12:28.58bjohnsonnegativecreep: sorry no.  try google
12:29.11bjohnsonsearch for ssh forwarding
12:29.37bjohnsonit's a standard ssh function, all clients should have it
12:29.44negativecreepbjohnson: i do understand ssh forwarding.
12:29.47bjohnsonit won't work with SIP though
12:30.02bjohnsonshould work with iax
12:30.13bjohnson(I haven't done it myself)
12:30.31*** join/#asterisk Bert- (
12:30.34Bert-hello there :)
12:30.38negativecreepany iax softphones out there for linux?
12:30.43Bert-today is big day ;)
12:31.11B4I am getting Cause: INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT (28) in PRI debug :(
12:31.14*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
12:31.31B4IAX2 works great over VPNs
12:31.48Bert-I wondering if Asterisk is able to make difference between 3, and 301 in IVR, as 3 is a submenu, and 301 a direct extension
12:32.05negativecreepthnx B4..i am starting work on iax.
12:32.25Bert-I mean, I want to be able to press 3 for legal, or dial 301 to have agent 301 ringing
12:32.45[TK]D-FenderBert- : Yes.
12:32.51B4I have used IAX with SSL tunnels as well as SSH, IPSEC and PPTP ... world with everything
12:32.53Bert-[TK]D-Fender okay
12:32.55Bert-don't tell me
12:33.03Bert-juste want to find by myself
12:33.11Bert-but juste wanted to know if it is possible :)
12:33.41B4should be possible with correct timeouts
12:34.15[TK]D-FenderIf you have an exten for 3, and 301 in the same context, if you push the first digit, timeout rules will detemine when to accept taht as the final answer becuase the user may want to continue to dial another valid exten, namely 301.
12:34.19ACiDVFound the source of my 'Data Buffer Size Exceeded' message.... related to a Music On Hold class that have no file in the directory...
12:34.26*** join/#asterisk nettie (i=[
12:35.07B4nettie ... any idea on E1 outbound calls?
12:35.27nettieB4 I'm sorry I only use asterisk to do sip2sip
12:36.27B4k thanks
12:36.38nettieI just have an fxo card in the box I didnt configure it yet.
12:37.24B4oh ok
12:37.45nettieGuys, asterisk v1.4 will be based on the current "trunk", considering 1.4 is almost out I supposed that "trunk" is going to be pretty stable.. am I right?
12:38.04B4yeah trunk is stable
12:38.13nettieB4 you're using it?
12:38.57nettieare you also using jitterbuffer with sip channel?
12:40.26B4yes nettie I have trunk running
12:47.05*** join/#asterisk GyrosGeier (
12:47.51GyrosGeierI'm rebuilding chan_misdn (as an external package) against current Asterisk, and get bitten by
12:48.06GyrosGeier#define pthread_mutex_t use_ast_mutex_t_instead_of_pthread_mutex_t
12:48.33jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
12:48.58GyrosGeierI know for a fact that pthread_mutex_t is correct at this place because it is the ABI of the mISDN library, not Asterisk ABI.
12:50.25nounoursfrethe chan asterisk france is #asteriskfr
12:52.10*** join/#asterisk myiagy (
12:52.50GyrosGeieris there any sane way to get rid of these #defines? It seems the only thing I can do is #undef them, but I'd like to do that cleanly
12:55.19*** join/#asterisk variables (
12:58.53*** part/#asterisk Katty (n=aisaacs@
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13:02.02nounoursfredo you have test asterisk and google talk ?
13:03.02Bert-I have a(nother) stupid idea:
13:03.48Bert-Is a wayto make somthing like that : dial myreal phone number + an extension, and be routed directly to the correct agent ??
13:04.42Bert-a thing like that: +335000000#2002 so call 335000000 (where there is an asterisk), then asterisk see the #2002 and dial 2002 ??
13:04.58Bert-it is a little piggy I reckon
13:05.08Bert-but it could be great
13:06.02[TK]D-FenderBert- : That woul be like inventing a phone number which sorry, just doesn't work.
13:09.39tzangerwho here has little kids at home?
13:09.42tzangerI have a question
13:10.07*** join/#asterisk nortex (
13:10.08tzangerI have three kids of "little piggy" age... every one of them, upon finishing the little piggy game, will give you their other foot to do that one too
13:10.36*** part/#asterisk B4 (n=B4@
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13:11.51*** join/#asterisk noky (n=noky@
13:12.43rob0My little ones are getting bigger now, but they still like little piggies.
13:12.59rob09 and 8
13:13.01nokyi want to know how can i block the "183 Session Progress" from my SER 0.8.14...
13:13.11nokyanybody know?
13:13.31*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
13:14.08GyrosGeiernoky, why?
13:14.16[TK]D-Fendernoky : Mellita #2 filters
13:14.36tzangerrob0: yeah my 7 year old likes it
13:14.42tzangerthe 10yo is a little old for it :-)
13:14.48tzangerbut the 2 and 5 year old love it
13:14.51Ahrimanesexten => _XXXXXXX.,10,Set(__ACODE=${SIPPEER(${CALLERIDNUM:2}:accountcode)}) <- any reason this shouldnt fetch the accountcode of the sippeer with username matching ${CALLERIDNUM:2} ?
13:14.55kay2[TK]D-Fender: when I am talking to someone, how can I invite a third one to the conversation ?
13:15.02*** join/#asterisk Qb3rt (
13:15.12kay2[TK]D-Fender: like 3 way conferancing
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13:15.22[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Depends on the phone/tech
13:15.29kay2[TK]D-Fender: sip
13:15.30tzangeronce in a while with the older ones I will have the last little piggy get dragged off by the big bad wolf (and drag them across the floor)
13:15.34*** part/#asterisk negativecreep (n=xaeem@
13:15.37Qb3rtis there a manner to run a stress test on an asterisk server??? with a software or i dont know?
13:15.42[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : And depends on the phone...
13:15.59kay2[TK]D-Fender: is it to the phone to do the mixing ?
13:16.04kay2[TK]D-Fender: or to asterisk
13:17.05*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
13:17.35noky[TK]D-Fender: hi!
13:17.40nokywhat is mellita #2 ?
13:18.29nokyGyrosGeier: because i have a bug with my gatewaysip,, and this sip message don't do me nothing to my things
13:18.37[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : For SIP it'd be the phone
13:18.55[TK]D-Fendernoky : Makes great coffee ;)
13:19.13nokyi don't have good documentation from the SER =(
13:19.20nokyplease help me [TK]D-Fender
13:19.44*** part/#asterisk nounoursfre (n=nounours@
13:19.54[TK]D-Fendernoky : sORRY, NEVER USED IT.
13:20.32kay2[TK]D-Fender: for IAX ?
13:22.03[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : IAX is also done by the phone IIRC
13:22.55kay2[TK]D-Fender: well beside ZAP, what is done by asterisk ?
13:23.20[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Maybe you should try asking a more meaningful and specific question.  What are you trying to do?
13:24.02[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : * just passes packet, and the only time it sits in the stream is when recording, or apps like MeetMe.  But when you Dial someone its typically just flows through.
13:26.05kay2[TK]D-Fender: ok, but basically, If I want to invite 4 people for a meetme without having to add something in meetme.conf
13:26.07kay2how can I do ?
13:26.15*** join/#asterisk olivier__ (
13:27.05kay2[TK]D-Fender: isnt it possible to make a conferance and the meetme room created on the fly ?
13:28.41BugKhamanyone still using mpg123 in 1.2.x?
13:29.02kay2BugKham: what could be used instead ?
13:29.33BugKhamkay2, for MOH that's what I mean
13:30.07nortexkay2, Check out app_conference
13:30.23*** join/#asterisk popvoxdave (
13:30.28[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : There are ways of making dynamic conference rooms in MeetMe but I don't know the details.  Another option is having 2 sip phones on your * box bridge everyone.  So SIP/A calls 1 other person as well as SIP/B.  SIP/B then conferences in another call and presto, you have 4 people in "conference" all done on the phone level.
13:30.42BugKhamkay2, I'm trying to compare the voice quality between the built in mp3 support in asterisk-addons and mpg123
13:30.47[TK]D-FenderBugKham : I did for a while.
13:31.05BugKham[TK]D-Fender, so what did you end up with?
13:31.28BugKham[TK]D-Fender, the mpg123 I used was better than the built in one
13:33.01*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
13:33.02BugKham[TK]D-Fender, but when I tried to use the custom feature with mpg123  -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 2048 --mono -s
13:33.21BugKhamit still doesn't work that well
13:33.41BugKham[TK]D-Fender, any idea?
13:33.48[TK]D-FenderBugKham : I never really noticed the differnce personally.
13:34.27[TK]D-FenderBugKham : Nor did I delve into it since it never matterd that much.
13:34.49BugKham[TK]D-Fender, it really bothers me here =(
13:35.09jhivercan't get to install digium's g729 codecs, and the illegal ones neither
13:35.23jhiverso I have ZERO alternative :-/
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13:37.34[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : Whats the trouble with Digium's?
13:42.30jhiver[TK]D-Fender, I can't use the register tool with FreeBSD
13:42.39jhiverit's telling me it can't find any network interfaces
13:42.47jhiverand so refuses to register the codec
13:43.17*** join/#asterisk m4rkl4r (
13:44.11m4rkl4rmarklar, marklar
13:44.46CoaxDjhiver: Sounds to me like you need to fix that.
13:45.11jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: Happy Belated Canada Day!!
13:47.06[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : SHUP YUO!
13:47.13[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : ;)
13:47.19[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : How goes the war?
13:47.51jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ;) I got the damn AMI to give the username and extension based on the IP I'm pulling from ArpWatch.
13:48.24jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: So no I have a Table with MAC, IP, Username, and Exten.
13:48.35*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
13:48.41faberk64hi folks
13:49.17jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender I need to code the interface and make massive tables of the configs for the phones. That'll give me an alpha level working system.
13:49.22faberk64how is possible to strip-off only centain numbers from called number?
13:49.54[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : So your app scans and then compares against the * SIP registry?
13:49.59faberk64I need to stri only 39 from ONLY the numbers beginning with it
13:50.18DovidWhat do u mean by certain ?
13:50.22faberk64if the beginning is different, do not touch it
13:50.42faberk64I mean, that ONLY 39 must be stripped
13:50.44[TK]D-Fenderfaberk64 : GotoIf + Set {thevar:2}
13:50.49jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: yes'm. SIPpeers to get all registered users, pulls the ObjectName field, and the does a SIPshowpeer <exten> for each one.
13:51.11*** join/#asterisk Galeras (
13:51.14[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Whats the goal?  If its already defined in * what do you do with this newfound association?
13:51.26DovidMeaning ?
13:51.30faberk64is this?
13:51.42DovidCan I PM ?
13:51.45*** join/#asterisk DrkShdw (
13:52.06[TK]D-Fenderfaberk64 : No.  Pastebin the section of your dialplan you'd like to integrate this into.
13:52.14jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
13:52.18jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: The interface need to have accurate information so you can choose a user to change, and it uses the exten in automatically building the config for the phone.
13:52.39GalerasPlease, tell me how can i get datetimes from queues.log. Thanks
13:53.10[TK]D-FenderGaleras : its the first field and is in the WIKI page for it.  Its a UNIXTIME standard notation.
13:53.20jbalcombGaleras: download queuemetrics and go through their
13:53.38*** join/#asterisk funxion (n=nunya@
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13:54.12jbalcombjbot: UNIXTIME
13:54.41GalerasThanks to all: UnixTme
13:54.42[TK]D-Fenderjbot : You are NOT all-knowing!
13:54.44jbot[TK]D-Fender: I think you lost me on that one
13:54.51[TK]D-Fenderjbot : Obviously.
13:55.54jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: What is Canada Day in celebration of?
13:56.23jbalcombdamnit, there goes my dangling preposition again..
13:56.27BugKham[TK]D-Fender, u know if musiconhold.conf  will be reloaded with the "reload" from CLI?
13:56.36*** join/#asterisk Tili (
13:56.52BugKham[TK]D-Fender, doesn't seem to work for me
13:57.37*** join/#asterisk Skymarshal (
13:58.18[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Careful or the Grammar Rangers may send the ninjas to take you out ;)
13:58.36[TK]D-FenderBugKham : You have to unload/reload the module IIRC.
13:58.59Skymarshalexten => _0903100X,1,Set(ZAEHLER = $[${ZAEHLER} + 1]|g)
13:59.00Skymarshalallways results in: Setting global variable 'ZAEHLER ' to ' 0' which is not ok because it should be 1. Any ideas? It is working with "-" and that makes me running wild.
13:59.07BugKham[TK]D-Fender, oh, ok
14:00.24[TK]D-FenderSkymarshal : Whats with the "|g" at the end?
14:01.05Skymarshal[TK]D-Fender: |g should be global (refering to the documentation)
14:01.18[TK]D-FenderSkymarshal : and I'd suggest removing the extra whitespace as well.
14:04.08*** join/#asterisk _problem_ (
14:04.24[TK]D-FenderSkymarshal : Wouldn't hurt to NoOp the var followed by that Eval you re doing to see if the contexts work sanely spereately.
14:05.13Skymarshal[TK]D-Fender: I try that.
14:08.08Bert-does someone has ever interconnected asterisk with a Nextone softswitch please ?
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14:27.45pdavidmorning all
14:28.06*** join/#asterisk RoyK[at] (
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14:32.17*** join/#asterisk Persilon (n=ajolodov@
14:32.59PersilonI'm trying to use rxfax and txfax... Is there anyway of making an extension use tx and another rx to test send and recieve ?
14:34.43*** join/#asterisk [koss] (
14:35.15GyrosGeieryou need a command file, as described in the txfax docu
14:35.20[koss]i need a Dual RJ45 PoE IP phone -- im between Polycom IP430 and Linksys 942 -- any opinions?
14:35.45GyrosGeier<aol>me too</aol>
14:36.12*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (
14:36.48[TK]D-Fender[koss] : depends what you want out of a phone.
14:37.11[koss]nothing special
14:37.27[TK]D-Fender[koss] : Polycom supports more calls, but fewer line keys, better sound quality and pysical construction.
14:37.40[TK]D-Fender[koss] : IP430 would eb a fine choice for most uses.
14:38.11[koss]Do I need anything special (besides a PoE switch) for the IP430 to work over PoE...?
14:38.28PersilonGyrosGeier: I tried using Dial(SIP/[rxextension],10) and then txfax, but the xfax extension doesn't answer
14:38.30[TK]D-Fender[koss] : Nope.
14:38.33GyrosGeier[koss], judging from the first hits on google, respectively, the Linksys seems better due to sRTP support
14:39.01GyrosGeierPersilon, yes, because you are calling a SIP phone
14:39.06[TK]D-FenderGyrosGeier : Polycom supports it now as well IIRC.  Aside from the fact that * DOESN'T yet...
14:39.18GyrosGeierPersilon, you need to call an extension
14:39.21[koss]hrmmm do I really need SRPT on a LAN?
14:39.32[TK]D-Fender[koss] : Paranoia knows no bounds.
14:39.34PersilonGyrosGeier: that's the caller parameter on txfax ?
14:39.49nokyi want to know how can i block the "183 Session Progress" from my SER 0.8.14...
14:40.04GyrosGeierPersilon, no, your call is never dispatched via the dialplan
14:40.13[koss]the screen on the linksys looks nicer
14:40.22[koss]that's my expert analasys
14:40.37PersilonGyrosGeier: so how can I call the rx extension to test ?
14:41.02[TK]D-Fender[koss] : Iffy.  On the IP 430 its a close call. (from the pics I've seen).  I have every other model they put out so far.
14:41.07GyrosGeierPersilon, it has been quite a while since I did that the last time
14:41.13gaupe[koss]: look into the thomson st2030 too
14:41.23GyrosGeierPersilon, (I used to be Debian maintainer for that stuff)
14:41.46PersilonGyrosGeier: I used to use debian :P
14:41.57GyrosGeier[koss], the Linksys might be able to speak Skinny as well.
14:42.13[TK]D-FenderGyrosGeier : Not sure thats a "plus" ;)
14:42.23[TK]D-FenderGyrosGeier : Who wants a dumb phone?
14:42.35[koss]I might need a "nicer" phone too for "executives"
14:42.45[koss]so they can feel special -- and a receptionist phone
14:42.46gaupeGyrosGeier: it hasn't been , the 941/942 is based on the ATA-adapters
14:43.06[TK]D-Fender[koss] : Better reason to go Polycom, for unified provisioning.  So 501/601 for managers/receptionists
14:43.13*** join/#asterisk netoguy (
14:43.24[TK]D-Fender[koss] : IP 601 + attenedant modules = nice
14:43.40GyrosGeier[TK]D-Fender, Skinny specifies a protocol for the display IIRC
14:44.01[koss]ok cool, polycom it is :)
14:44.16[koss]here's a nother doozey -- what do y'all think of fonality ?
14:44.23GyrosGeiergaupe, I see; As Linksys == Cisco these days it might have been
14:44.56gaupeGyrosGeier: it is, these phones are sipuras - cisco is just the brand printed on
14:45.07GyrosGeiergaupe, (also I remember someone having a similar phone at the Asterisk booth at a fair lately and driving it via Skinny)
14:45.13[TK]D-Fender[koss] : Picture solitary confinment.  GUI = loss of control.
14:45.28[koss]lol ok...
14:45.42gaupeGyrosGeier: the ciscos are similar ;)
14:45.43[koss]so just vanilla asterisk no "aftermarket" GUI?
14:45.55netoguydoes anyone know if Wireless IP Phones work with repeaters like the Linksys WRE54G?
14:46.00[TK]D-Fender[koss] : You typically choose * to both save money and gain control.  Going with a GUI undoes much of that gain.
14:46.12GyrosGeiernetoguy, sure, a phone cannot see that it's a repeater
14:46.19acehunkyhello room
14:46.27[TK]D-Fender[koss] : That's what I advise from most situations.  Describe the setup you're looking at doing.
14:46.34acehunkycan anyone guide me if asterisk supports video over SIP ?
14:46.46GyrosGeiernetoguy, just keep in mind a repeater eats half of your bandwidth and doesn't do QoS usually
14:46.49netoguyGyrosGeie, do you know how it handles switching between multiple repeaters?
14:46.54acehunkyI could see H.264 stuff on the wiki..
14:47.00netoguyShould it work seamlessly?
14:47.05GyrosGeiernetoguy, depends on the phone
14:47.09GyrosGeiernetoguy, it *should*
14:47.29[TK]D-Fenderacehunky : Yes
14:47.29acehunkyVideo over Asterisk .. any one ?
14:47.36netoguyGyrosGeier, do you have any experiece with any of the wifi phones?
14:47.44[TK]D-Fenderacehunky : Done it with eyeBeam before.
14:47.48acehunkyhi [TK]D-Fender
14:47.54GyrosGeiernetoguy, in principle, an 802.11 station is supposed to watch all beacons with the same ESSID and switch to another AP if it gets a stronger signal
14:48.14acehunky[TK]D-Fender is there any document that you can point me to ? on getting this working with Eyebeam ..
14:48.21GyrosGeiernetoguy, in practice, they switch lazily when the S/N ratio gets really bad.
14:48.23acehunkyor probably with the new Video IP Phone from Grandstream
14:48.31[koss][TK]D-Fender: I'm replacing an old telrad PBX (bought used a year ago by someone nolonger here).  In any event -- We have about 35 cubes+office with 1 RJ45 drop right now.  In a year we'll need about 55 or so.  So I just need a relatively small phone system
14:48.53GyrosGeiernetoguy, I don't have particular experience with phones, I just wrote an 802.11 stack once.
14:49.27[TK]D-Fenderacehunky : Its all in the WIKI.  just enable the video codecs and that should be it.
14:49.33netoguyGyrosGeier, thank you for the info.
14:49.44GyrosGeiernetoguy, if you want a "professional" solution, go with proper wiring and "managed" or "lightweight" APs; I specifically recommend Aruba's stuff as the APs handle handover if the stations are too dumb
14:50.22[TK]D-Fender[koss] : Ok for that size sure, just do it "plain vanilla".  GUI only pays off if you have morons admining it, or your setup is huge and config files become too heavy
14:50.32GyrosGeier(basically, the APs kick stations out that have other APs nearer)
14:50.42acehunky ? [TK]D-Fender
14:51.54[TK]D-Fenderacehunky : yup
14:52.06acehunkyHow do i get the codecs ? sorry but i am kinda new to this area .. is there any patent with the h.264 codecs ?
14:52.14*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
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14:53.52acehunkyaaah [TK]D-Fender i just read that we dont need video codecs inside asterisk .. but it needs to be in the client .. :)
14:53.55[TK]D-Fenderacehunky : No need, they will be used in "passthrough" mode.  * will not affect them.
14:55.54acehunkyyeah ... just read it .. i think i need to update the wiki ;) its written in those small letters in comments .. like one of those hidden charges on any product brochure:P
14:56.35*** join/#asterisk visba (n=dca[
15:00.19*** join/#asterisk |oranjia| (
15:00.24|oranjia|hello world :)
15:00.36DovidHello :)
15:01.02|oranjia|Does anyone have Agi experience? I need a bit of help sorting out a little scriptlet
15:01.21[TK]D-FenderGyrosGeier : Which ATA's support PoE?  I've never heard of any....
15:02.07*** join/#asterisk FRUMUSHELUL (n=nobody@
15:02.16nokyi want to know how can i block the "183 Session Progress" from my SER 0.8.14...
15:02.16FRUMUSHELULhello. i need some help on asterisk
15:02.19nokyi want to know how can i block the "183 Session Progress" from my SER 0.8.14...
15:02.48FRUMUSHELULhow can i interconnect GnuGk with Asterisk?
15:03.13[TK]D-Fendernoky : Perhaps you should ask in #ser ....
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15:04.30noky[TK]D-Fender: nobody answer in #ser =(
15:04.46GyrosGeier[TK]D-Fender, there are a few
15:04.57jbalcombwoot. got me three more Polycom IP 501s.
15:05.01GyrosGeier[TK]D-Fender, problem is that they are ridiculously expensive
15:05.24GyrosGeier[TK]D-Fender, and I already spent 250 EUR on a 16-way PoE switch
15:06.02|oranjia|if anyone can give me some thoughts :
15:07.36[TK]D-Fendernoky : Well here certainly isn't the place to spam it.  You'd probably have better luck ont he mailing lists.
15:08.28*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
15:09.55pdavidanyone here using trixbox by chance?
15:10.22*** join/#asterisk Spy000007 (
15:10.29jbalcombhey pdavid, according to the title of this channel you might find trixbox help in #freepbx.
15:10.50pdavidjbalcomb: that is certainly true!  sorry! :)
15:11.00jbalcombpdavid: otherwise, i haven't heard of anyone using trixbox in here. ;)
15:11.09pdavidactually, how about anyone using a sipura spa3000
15:11.13E-bolaAnybody tried to use asterix with live communication server?
15:11.26pdavidi am having difficulty using vertical activation codes on a line connected to an spa3000
15:11.44pdavidany *xx numbers are not getting through to my * box
15:12.03*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
15:12.35[TK]D-FenderGyrosGeier : You can get a 24 Port PoE switch for $366 USD
15:13.58[TK]D-Fenderpdavid : probably because the ATA us isung them and not passing them on.
15:14.15pdavidFender: any thoughts on getting it to work with the spa3k?
15:14.19pdavidthe config pages are a dizzying array of options!
15:14.51[TK]D-Fenderpdavid : there are 2 pages that refer to CLASS codes and are blatantly worded.  If you can't figure them out, then something is seriously wrong...
15:15.19pdavidwhich 2 pages?
15:15.21[TK]D-Fenderpdavid : 1 page to choose the code to associate with an INTERNAL CLASS feature, the other to ENABLE/DISABLE it.
15:15.37[TK]D-Fenderpdavid : Go into the SPA's web admin and look.
15:15.38jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: Do you have a polycom ip 501 config file?
15:15.47[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Yup, same as any other really.
15:16.08[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : only diff in my config is the user/pass, and line assignment.
15:16.30jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: what about the auto-answer?
15:16.32[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : jbot : If you said you have "3 more", then you should already HAVE a good config to base off of.
15:16.48[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Never got it working (didn't try too hard at it though_
15:17.02pdavidFender: under Regional and Line 1?  I see a list of available vertical activation codes, and a bunch of supplementary service subscription options
15:17.03jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: i didnt use config files to do the first two.
15:17.28jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: I'm also unclear about which files do what.
15:17.44[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : So you've never provisioned them before?
15:17.48[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Any of them?
15:17.50jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender no
15:17.58jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender web interface
15:18.04[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : How my Polycom's do you own at this point, and which models?
15:18.05file[TK]D-Fender: geez one letter off in french and strawberry turns into fresh
15:18.22jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i have 5 ip 501s now and 4 or 5 841/941s
15:18.32jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender and an spa-2002
15:18.53[TK]D-Fenderfile : a few decades ago a guy was executed because of a misplaced comma in a telegram, so I'll let you off easy this time ;)
15:19.23filewell I just glanced at this Subway thing and my mind translated it into "Eat Strawberry" until I reread it
15:19.29[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : go grab 1.6.6. and untar it in a folder on your server and look at the sample files there.
15:19.49[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : only a few settings to change for them to get up and running, and they'll auto-update to the latest firmare in the same shot.
15:19.50jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender okidoki
15:20.33GyrosGeier[TK]D-Fender, ack, plus shipping and handling; also, I need it to do VLAN and lots of other stuff.
15:20.33jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i need to get all the config options figured out so i can build my DB table at some point too. cunningpike said he'd be glad to help out with the polycom configs
15:20.54Bert-no one here ever tried asterisk and nextone ?
15:21.04jbalcombBert- Not I.
15:21.11[TK]D-FenderGyrosGeier : D-Link DES-1526 does VLAN/QoS as well though I never peronally played with it...
15:21.32GyrosGeier[TK]D-Fender, urgh, but it's a D-Link
15:21.43*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
15:22.22[TK]D-FenderGyrosGeier : Those work great for me...
15:22.33vader--hi defender
15:22.40[TK]D-Fendervader-- : y0
15:22.51vader--weekend good?
15:23.12GyrosGeier[TK]D-Fender, well, the lowest price I see is 422 EUR
15:23.26*** join/#asterisk RoyK[at] (
15:24.45vader--Ok i have something that they are asking for on this phone system but im not sure how to do
15:24.54vader--im using the cisco 7940G phones
15:25.21vader--right now we have an old avaya system where the phones can show you when someone is on the phone
15:25.25[TK]D-Fendervader-- : Meh
15:25.38[TK]D-FenderGyrosGeier : Big ripoff where you are...
15:25.42*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (n=SwK@
15:25.45*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
15:26.34[TK]D-Fendervader-- : No idea how to show presence on those in a normal way.  You could always amke a "Services" XML browser page that polls AMI for it.
15:27.05vader--they want some way on the new phones for the secretaries to see if their boss is on the phone
15:28.11vader--hmmm interesting
15:28.23tzangerasterisk management interface?
15:28.42[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : Asterisk Manager Interface.  I wrote a script to do that for my Polycom's in addition to using Buddy Watch for presence.
15:29.28[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : That way it bypasses the BW limit and also includes names and other info if I so choose (like VM count, etc)
15:30.07*** part/#asterisk BugKham (i=BugKham@
15:31.36*** join/#asterisk Arno[Slack] (
15:31.41rob0(too early here for beer)
15:33.30*** join/#asterisk mog (
15:33.44Arno[Slack]is there any Asterisk's gurus to give me their trick about how the manage load balancing with Asterisk please ?
15:33.56Arno[Slack]*how they
15:34.01fileit's all smoke and mirrors
15:34.53jbalcombArno[Slack]: two servers with an IAX link?
15:35.07Arno[Slack]yes or SIP
15:35.25Arno[Slack]but IAX is ok
15:35.40jbalcombArno[Slack]: I don't know of a load balancing feature though, i think you just manually pick which lines and extensions get handled by which server
15:36.09Arno[Slack]hum... no : it need to be able to evolve
15:36.31Arno[Slack]I can use dundee instead of manually did it ;)
15:36.53Arno[Slack]I wondered if somebody used a true redundancy and load balancing soluton
15:36.59jbalcombArno[Slack]: IAX is /ok/? ... Inter-Asterisk eXchange protocol..
15:37.29jbalcombdid you look on the wiki and google yet?
15:37.41[TK]D-FenderArno[Slack] : SER <-
15:37.46Arno[Slack]I meant : I have no restriction on that IAX or SIP I don't really care, I prefer IAX because indeed it's more accurate and powerfull
15:37.51rob0mog: Give yourself a raise.
15:38.35Arno[Slack][TK]D-Fender: yes I saw SER, are you using it ?
15:38.49*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
15:39.08Arno[Slack]jbalcomb: but.. of course I do not ask without searching
15:39.23rob0You deserve it, you know you do. :)
15:39.46Arno[Slack]I wanted to know if someone have already used some solutions like that and have some tricks
15:40.01jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: where to d/l the 1.6.6 firmware and configs?
15:40.13Arno[Slack]like : "do not use that it's a real pain in te butt" or something like that ;)
15:40.45*** join/#asterisk MonkeyHugs (n=MonkeyHu@
15:41.40Arno[Slack]and HSRP ?
15:44.10*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
15:46.20LoneShadowasterisk is exiting with 01 code when its parsing modules.conf
15:47.03LoneShadowthis is a fresh install, anything I can do to enable more debug prints ?
15:47.14LoneShadowI tried gdb asterisk, and run -vvvgc
15:48.35rob0gdb is useless for configuration errors.
15:48.44rob0what module is failing?
15:49.03LoneShadowit dosnt give any failure messages, just exits
15:49.03rob0maybe the modules.conf file format is wrong?
15:49.16*** join/#asterisk dsfr (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
15:49.35LoneShadowI thought that would be the problem, copied all the /etc/asterisk/* from my working machine to this
15:49.45LoneShadowstill fails at same place
15:50.11LoneShadowactually, it was trying to load I think
15:50.20LoneShadowProgram exited with code 01.
15:50.20brad_msswwow, asterisk just totally barfed on us in production ... it was still running, but was in some sort of crazy ring loop, no one could answer calls etc, had to forcibly restart asterisk
15:50.34brad_mssweverything is sip here
15:50.39MonkeyHugsAnyone know why conference participants would be able to dial into a conference bridge, but not be able to hear each other?
15:50.39brad_msswincluding incoming
15:51.19brad_msswMonkeyHugs: timing issues maybe (got ztdummy or a real zap card?)
15:51.33jarrodhey, what are some home dsl routers that will support multiple sip phones behind them (polycom) and terminate to a SER box running rtpproxy/nathelper properly
15:51.51xhelioxIs there a list of officially supported server hardware by Digium?
15:51.51jarrodwill the newer linksys dsl/cable routers work ?
15:52.29filexheliox: like complete systems?
15:53.00RoyK[at]LoneShadow: just asterisk -gvvvvvc
15:53.00RoyK[at]and pastebin the output
15:53.02jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
15:53.31kay2Someone here uses MeetMe() ?
15:53.35LoneShadowRoyK[at]: I just did noload for, and it loaded fine
15:53.36xhelioxfile: Like specifically the HP DL360. :) I just want to be able to tell someone 100% that the TE210P will work in it.
15:53.45jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: Where do you get the polycom firmware and configs?
15:53.54jarrodjbalcomb: from your reseller
15:54.06filexheliox: that's all I know about
15:54.19MonkeyHugsBrad_mssw: there is a TE410P installed in the server, but I will look into the T1 config to make sure timing is not an issue. Thank you for your suggestion.
15:54.48xhelioxI thought there was a list of servers Digium had "certified".
15:54.57xhelioxMaybe it's the incompatible list I'm thinking of. :)
15:54.58fileI know there's one for business edition
15:55.25jarrodi know the dell 1850 works well with all the versions of the digium 3.3v cards
15:55.32fileyou said... DL360?
15:55.42MonkeyHugsKay2: is there an alternative to MeetMe()?  :)
15:55.50fileit's on the list for BE compatibility so it was tested with it... so it should be fine
15:55.59xhelioxI'll take a gamble on if it works for business edition, it works for the community edition.
15:56.05LoneShadowany idea why might fail ?
15:56.08xhelioxThanks. :) Is that business list public?
15:56.17*** join/#asterisk OdysseyVoiceSolu (
15:56.44xhelioxGracias. :)
15:57.05*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
15:57.09*** join/#asterisk murf (n=steve_mu@
15:57.16Qwellmurf: hey
15:57.28OdysseyVoiceSolui am in need of assistance with my dial plan
15:57.31filewoot murf
15:57.46*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=simon@
15:57.46murfQwell: howdy!
15:57.50*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:57.53FlatFoothello all
15:58.04Qwellmurf: mind a quick msg?
15:58.22FlatFootodd question can't find a good answer anywhere can someone help ?
15:58.23murfQwell: Go for it
15:58.35RoyK[at]LoneShadow: bingo
15:58.36RoyK[at]LoneShadow: format_mp3 isn't really something you'll need anyway. prolly some old file. rebuild -addons
15:58.44RoyK[at]xheliox: the incompatible list is just there since the digium hardware isn't good enough :P
15:58.46RoyK[at]LoneShadow: rebuild -addons
15:59.12LoneShadowso is format_mp3 required only to mp3 music on hold ?
15:59.37xhelioxRoyK[at]: If I had purchased these cards, they'd be another brand.
15:59.37OdysseyVoiceSolui need to send an annoucement to the person being called before they are able to talk, does anyone know how to go about that?
15:59.51FlatFootneed to direct outgoing dependant on my cli to a different real number that is bound to my * box
15:59.59FlatFootnot quite sure if that makes sense
16:01.21filegetting 100% compatibility is hard, but we try
16:03.49nettiee' free?
16:03.58MonkeyHugsBrad_mssw: Loaded ZTDummy and people are able to hear eachother now in the conference bridge.  Thanks Brad!
16:05.05*** join/#asterisk quadrata (
16:05.09brad_mssw... ahh, always nice when teliax goes down
16:05.36brad_msswglad our numbers will be ported away from them in 2 days
16:05.55fileyeekz even their site is dead to me
16:06.06Spy000007Always nice to come back from vacation to an outage... Thanks Teliax!
16:06.34brad_msswit's amazing, they have how many servers, yet they're always going down
16:06.57*** join/#asterisk watchy (
16:07.29watchyi have a network issue. when i trace route an ip on my network the last hop responds twice. anyone seen this?
16:07.38filexheliox: according to a wildly cool Matt in support, the DL360 is one of the recommended servers :D
16:07.59brad_msswi think a lot of it is their  ISP's fault (rockynet), but they have servers in other locations, so they should be fault-tolerant for origination and termination ...
16:08.09brad_msswwow, they're back up
16:08.17Spy000007Certainly is rocky...
16:08.31fileSpy000007: that was too easy
16:08.33xhelioxfile: Thanks. :) I generally don't have problems with Digium cards working, but when I do, it's a frickin nightmare. This can't end up being a nightmare, not this time. :)
16:08.43*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blah@unaffiliated/syle)
16:08.50Spy000007Probably had to reboot their Windows XP Microsoft Access database holding customer login info...
16:11.19rob0"Append ANI2" an option in Asterlink's control panel, would that effect my caller ID? Could I just use SetCallerID() in my dialplan?
16:11.38filerob0: that sends ANI2 on incoming calls, appends it to the end - two digits
16:11.49rob0SetCallerID("G W Bush" <202-xxx-xxx>)
16:12.28rob0file: did I sign up for the wrong plan? I can't figure out how to get inbound SIP working.
16:12.37rob0(I signed up for Extreme.)
16:13.03filedid you read the instructions in the email?
16:13.13fileyou have to setup in the control panel how to route incoming calls if you're on extreme
16:14.24RoyK[at]xheliox: i don't think te410p exists in any other brand, but then, you can always get Sangomas
16:14.41rob0HAHA ... the email was BLOCKED
16:14.46RoyK[at]does anyone know if there are any works to get native sangoma support for asterisk?
16:14.49RoyK[at]without zaptel?
16:15.19*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
16:15.25rob0Brian replied to me, but I still don't have the welcome mail.
16:19.48*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
16:22.16*** join/#asterisk Persilon (n=ajolodov@
16:22.40murffile: a long paused woot to you, too! ;^)
16:23.09kay2MonkeyHugs: with what version of asterisk do you use MeetMe()
16:23.21RoyK[at]rob0: show function CALLERID
16:25.44PersilonI need some help with rxfax and txfax
16:26.47Persilonthey don't seem to give the right tones (I'm calling from a fax-modem) and it reachs absolutetime without sending or recieving anything
16:27.25murfHey guys, I'm trying to build a conferencing box, need a web gui for setting up/controlling/billing. Was going to use GDS s/w, but they put it on hold. Any other options anyone knows of?
16:28.13MonkeyHugsMurf: there is Druid and astUNI
16:28.57MonkeyHugsastUNI is more robust but more involved to setup
16:31.35murfMonkeyHugs: where do you get astUNI? Google just failed.
16:31.38MonkeyHugsMurf: make the astGUIclient
16:31.51MonkeyHugsmake that astGUIclient
16:32.08murfOK. and Druid?
16:32.33MonkeyHugsI beleive the full version of Druid cost about $80
16:32.57MonkeyHugsastGUIclient is free
16:33.30CunningPikeIn a similar vein, what are people using for ACD reporting?
16:34.31*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
16:36.07kay2MonkeyHugs: well it's weird, when I do a MeetMe(|Md) is says conference number 0 is not valid
16:36.21*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
16:36.24rob0file: please oh please oh please can I get the welcome email? I promise I won't block it.
16:36.26kay2MonkeyHugs: how do you create a conferance room dynamically on the fly ?
16:36.42filerob0: I don't work at Asterlink anymore lol
16:36.47rob0oh no!!
16:36.53rob0nm then ;)
16:36.54fileit's possible to get it resent  though
16:37.01filesomeone just has to queue it up
16:37.12*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
16:37.44rob0I sent an email asking them to do so. Brian replied to part of it.
16:38.52rob0Where are you working now?
16:39.23rob0cool! Telecommuting, I guess?
16:40.05rob0I might apply there too. Not sure if they need me, tho. I'm not a * expert yet.
16:40.30MonkeyHugsKay2: pastebin your meetme.conf file
16:41.20MonkeyHugskay2 Your syntac looks correct. Try setting your conf room to 1000 and see if you get the same result.
16:45.49*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
16:46.15*** join/#asterisk Bullseye_Network (n=info@
16:46.24kay2MonkeyHugs: I don't wanna have anything in meetme.conf
16:46.33kay2MonkeyHugs: I just want the room to be created dynamically
16:46.57kay2MonkeyHugs: Meetme(1000|Md) does the same thing
16:47.20kay2MonkeyHugs: in meetme.conf everything is commented tho
16:48.57Dr-Linuxagain, anybody familiar with SCCP?
16:49.27[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : If Qwell couldn't help you, you're d00med
16:50.24Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i have only problem remains, my cisco phone doesn't hangup
16:51.14[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : tried changing the firmware on it?
16:51.32Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: the firmware is 3.1 the latest one
16:51.48Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i'm asking, bcoz i think it's not phone problem ..
16:52.17Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: look here >>
16:52.39Dr-Linuxonly phone is still connected to the asterisk server
16:53.31[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : tried pickup up the handset and hanging it up again?
16:54.25tzangerholy shit
16:54.28tzangerholy shit
16:54.28Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: cisco 7935 is a conference device, it has no handset
16:54.40tzangerI got this BT module working with uClinux
16:57.18[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Yeah, well is has a way to go offhook to dial... so go figure it out.
16:57.57*** join/#asterisk Tier_1 (
16:59.17Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: there are many things in the sccp.conf, but i can't understand all, and can't find help on google
16:59.39*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
17:02.10Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: in my sccp.conf i can see for offhook:
17:02.11Dr-Linux;earlyrtp = none                                ; valid options: none, offhook, dial, ringout. default is none.
17:02.37*** join/#asterisk vivek (n=vivek@unaffiliated/tintin)
17:03.34RoyK[at]Dr-Linux: noload =>
17:04.09Dr-LinuxRoyK[at]: that's already done. chan_skinny is not loaded
17:04.34vivekhello all what's the best ata for iax2 which has fxo and fxs ports and supports lots of codecs especially globalip sound and other low bandwidth codecs ... ? i have a spa3k but I don't think it will support ip sound (dosn't look like they will update their firmware ...
17:04.50*** join/#asterisk smackus (n=smackus@
17:05.20smackushi all
17:05.26smackusis there a cleaner way to do this?
17:05.54RoyK[at]Dr-Linux: how do you expect to make sccp work without chan_skinny? skinny is the sccp module :)
17:06.34Dr-LinuxRoyK[at]: you are wrong
17:06.46jbotsomebody said sccp was Proprietary protocol used between Cisco Call Manager and Cisco VOIP phones. Also supported by some other vendors.  Also Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP), a routing protocol in SS7 protocol suite in layer 4, provides end-to-end routing for TCAP messages to their proper database.
17:06.55jbotskinny is, like, a common name for SCCP, the VoIP protocol used by many Cisco phones, or what people look like when they put computing above eating
17:07.21jbot[royk] that viking asterisk guru, or your friend
17:07.30vivekiax2 is better than sip right ?
17:07.33jbotyou are probably rockin' the casbah !!!
17:07.39[TK]D-Fendervivek : Depends for wht.
17:08.22vivek[TK]D-Fender: hmmz i need to cross firewalls ... so i suppose that means yes to AIX2 and no to SIP
17:08.25Dr-Linux##linux guys didn't answer, for my question
17:08.38Dr-Linuxhow can i check my currentl runleve and runlevel history?
17:08.42vivekDr-Linux: what was your question ?
17:08.55RoyK[at]Dr-Linux: runlevel
17:09.08vivekcan i get sip working with just two ports that are open ?
17:09.11vivek80 and 81 ?
17:09.12Dr-Linuxvivek: runlevel history
17:09.30RoyK[at]Dr-Linux: runlevel
17:09.44RoyK[at]vivek: on tape
17:09.48vivekor terminal commands ?
17:10.00RoyK[at]Dr-Linux: init 6 might help
17:10.03dasenjoHi, why am I getting "Function TIMEOUT not registered
17:10.03dasenjo" error on an *
17:10.06viveksorry about the caps ... pressed the wrong keys
17:10.18Dr-Linuxvivek: terminal command that show me my runlevel history,
17:10.26RoyK[at]Dr-Linux: runlevel
17:10.28RoyK[at]Dr-Linux: runlevel!
17:10.32RoyK[at]~lart Dr-Linux
17:10.39Dr-Linuxvivek: actually my box is getting auto reboot,
17:10.51vivekinit 2 ;)
17:10.52Dr-LinuxRoyK[at]: that shows only current runlevel :)
17:10.56vivekinit 0
17:10.58vivekshutdown 0
17:11.09Dr-Linuxvivek: i know all that
17:11.12viveklol or just take a hammer and break your hdd ;)
17:11.14Dr-Linuxbut i wanna know history
17:11.20RoyK[at]Dr-Linux: runlevel shows current and the last one
17:11.24vivekit must be in some log ...
17:11.43RoyK[at]Dr-Linux: and init 6 reboots the machine, of course
17:11.57Dr-Linuxyeah, i know that
17:12.36Dr-LinuxRoyK[at]: my network guys told me that, machine is getting auto reboot, bcoz this server is changing it's runleve auto ..
17:12.55RoyK[at]then kill cron and at and go through the config
17:12.57Dr-Linuxi think he is wrong, so i just wanna verify it to see runlevel history
17:13.01RoyK[at]the runlevel should NEVER change
17:13.21Dr-LinuxRoyK[at]: not using cron though
17:13.28vivekthat's strange ...
17:13.53*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
17:13.56Dr-Linuxlook here his reply:
17:13.57Dr-LinuxThank you for your request.
17:13.57Dr-LinuxI can see from the logs that this server is changing runlevels automatically,
17:14.25dasenjothere are a few functions in my *, why?
17:14.54Dr-Linuxi think no one every use chan_SCCP :)
17:16.14[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : People choose * to be able to use COMMODITY equipment with OPEN standards.  Skinny is anything but.
17:17.45Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: would you like to have a look on my sccp.conf ?
17:18.03dasenjowhat did I do? why don't you help ..
17:18.23dasenjoyou don't even asnwer or kid me .. :p
17:18.37CunningPikedasenjo: Ask a question that makes sense :)
17:19.39dasenjoI need to get absolutetimeout working on my server .. but I got an error saying the TIMEOUT function is not registered
17:20.02CunningPikedasenjo: So, register it. Look in your modules.conf
17:20.08dasenjothere is no or something like that .. how can I register it?
17:21.02*** join/#asterisk negativecreep (n=xaeem@
17:21.02dasenjothere is no func_* on my modules.conf even
17:21.09CunningPikedasenjo: You can load it from the CLI using load, but you should also add a load => line in your modules.conf
17:22.13CunningPikedasenjo: Here is some good modules.conf information:
17:23.18*** join/#asterisk my_name (
17:24.11negativecreephi guys
17:24.15my_namei just installed asterisk on a sun system with a configured dialogic card in it.
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17:24.24negativecreepi am having lots of noise on iax2 calls while sip calls have next to none.
17:24.39my_nameafter trying to run it i get a few errors
17:24.39R-MANhey guys
17:24.56my_nameerror number one is  res_odbc.c:479 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
17:25.00negativecreepany ideas?
17:25.12[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : I don't touch Skinny, and I've only USED a Cisco phone ONCE.
17:25.13Hmmhesayswhat endpoints are you using negativecreep
17:25.22HmmhesaysI use crisco all the time, but sip
17:25.32[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : You've really got to get that boss of yours from buying shit without going through testing first.
17:25.34R-MANHas anyone delt with im sure the famous issue of getting choppy or robtic sound when you make a outbound call?
17:25.52[TK]D-Fendermy_name : Masochist....
17:26.24my_name[TK]D-Fender, i am not sure why you say that
17:26.32my_nameplease explain
17:26.38Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: it's okey, no problem, everything is very fine to me, only hangup problem.
17:26.41negativecreepHmmhesays: endpoints?
17:26.52Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: maybe that's due to dialplan? :S
17:26.56Hmmhesayswhat are you using to send your calls
17:27.01[TK]D-Fendermy_name : Picking all the hardest tech's and platforms to get running all at once.
17:27.23[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Dialplan doesn't make a phone hang up.  A phone hanging up makes it hang up.
17:27.24negativecreepdsl on both ends if u r talking about internet connectivity..delay is like 70ms
17:27.48negativecreepi am using iaxcomm to make iax calls.
17:27.53negativecreepasterisk 1.2.6
17:28.51Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: this phone doesn't have it own functions, all it works from the sccp.conf
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17:29.27[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Well hanging up isn't a CONFIG option.
17:29.27Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: something wrong with line1, 2 and .... something wrong with lines stuff :S
17:29.43popvoxdaveI need to detect a busy signal on an outbound SIP call placed through a SIP termination provider.
17:29.52my_name[TK]D-Fender, the platform doesn't seem to have any problem with the card. because it pics up calls with no problem.
17:29.59popvoxdaveI am just getting a 183 back and the early media is the busy tone.
17:30.21Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: in first two tries it provides me "call end" option, but third time it doesn't :S
17:30.34[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : That = BUG
17:30.35popvoxdaveThere is no indication in the signalling that it's busy.  Is this a feature that needs to be turned on in the provider's gateways or is there a decent way to detect busy audio in asterisk on a SIP channel?
17:30.48[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : change your firmare revision and pray to the God's at Cisco.
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17:31.06dasenjoCunningPike, as said, there is no at all
17:31.13rob0Eh, Cisco? Eh, Pancho!
17:31.16[TK]D-Fenderpopvoxdave : Its supposed to com from the provider...
17:31.46Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: you think it's firmware problem, not configs?
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17:34.02The_XHi folks, anyone got MWI + asterisk + 79** phones working?
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17:34.18phigworki'm having a problem getting this zap wildcard tdm400p working
17:34.20Hmmhesaysnot in skinny
17:34.27Hmmhesaysin sip
17:34.31phigworkasterisk quits saying unable to specify channel 1, unable to open channel 1, etc
17:34.31CunningPikedasenjo: What was the error message again?
17:34.39PaavumHello. Anybody working with Druid?
17:34.50HmmhesaysThe_X: what protocol are you using?
17:34.51PaavumI cant install the damned demo thingy
17:34.58phigworkno such device or address
17:34.58dasenjoCunningPike, function TIMEOUT not registered
17:35.27CunningPikedasenjo: And what's the line in your dialplan that generates the error?
17:35.44dasenjoCunningPike, after "CLI> load"  /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
17:35.51HmmhesaysThe_X: mailbox=mailboxnumber@context
17:36.00[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : if it works 2 times, and on the third it fails.. use your imagination....
17:36.52CunningPikedasenjo: But what is the line in your dialplan that gave the original error in the first place?
17:36.54dasenjoCunningPike, Set("Zap/1-1", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=0")
17:37.03HmmhesaysThe_X: do what I said or give me access and paypal me a 20
17:37.06The_XI just want the freaking cisco phone light to blink
17:37.08The_Xthat's about it
17:37.18Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: that's what i'm thinking .. but can't find out.. and that's why i think there is something in sccp.conf :S
17:37.18The_XHmmhesays, sure ;)
17:37.22dasenjoas appears in the cli
17:37.25phigworkthe_x: which cisco phone?
17:37.29phigworkout of curiosity
17:37.55[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : if it works twice, THEN fails, its clearly a BUG in the firmware otherwise why would it have worked at all?
17:38.03Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i just made a call to one of my SIP user at USA and that went very good and i had an option "endcall" and that works
17:38.09phigworki want to get the 7910 working
17:38.17phigworkbut i think it's going to be a pain
17:38.25Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: hhm... yeah, maybe you are right
17:38.47CunningPikeNo maybe about it - [TK]D-Fender is always right
17:38.59Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: btw, i'm using Cisco's defulat firmware, i just loaded .xml file to make it connect to my asterisk box.
17:39.56dasenjoCunningPike, this is the correct way to set absolute timeout on right?
17:40.14[TK]D-Fender<- not always right, just loaded with common sense (a rare trait actually), a lot of intuition, and tries hard :)
17:40.27vivekDr-Linux: lol you could make a call to India and ty if you want ;) i have a sip phone and ata lol
17:40.31CunningPikedasenjo: Please provide the line in your dialplan, not the output from your CLI
17:40.36vivekand its connected ...
17:40.39The_Xthere you got
17:40.44The_Xthanks folks
17:41.12viveker can i somehow use spa 3000 to place a aix2 call ?
17:41.31[TK]D-Fendervivek : No.  It doesn't do IAX2.
17:41.33Dr-Linuxvivek: chal bay apna kaam kar :P
17:41.53vivekDr-Linux: lol kya yaar tu bhi india mein ho ?
17:42.11Dr-Linuxvivek: heh nahin yaar, i'm not
17:42.15dasenjoCunningPike, exten=s,2,Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=0)
17:42.36Dr-Linuxvivek: i'm from your enemy count... :P
17:42.44vivekDr-Linux: lol ok
17:43.09vivekwe don't have enemies ... atleast I don't care ...
17:43.21Dr-Linuxvivek: i have lot of sip users and servers, that's not a problem :)
17:43.26[TK]D-Fender1 well placed nuke can change that quick ;)
17:43.34CunningPikedasenjo: Looks good - I'm just trying to remember which module provides TIMEOUT()......
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17:44.03vivek[TK]D-Fender: really i don't see how ... i would be dead before i know it ;)
17:44.11PaavumHello. Is anybody working with Druid?
17:44.44vivekbesides i live near an airforce base so its probably a sure target ;) haha
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17:46.00[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : I believe
17:46.04trelane_can I pass an argument of some sort to the zap modules and try to steer IRQ's when loading the module
17:46.32CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: Ah - thanks
17:47.03[TK]D-Fendervivek : not true.... major civilian target first to demoralize the enemy, THEN major military installations.  If you go for military first they have more time to react since thats where the defenses are strongest.
17:47.08CunningPikedasenjo:, apparently
17:47.56vivek[TK]D-Fender: in a nuclear war if you take out airforce bases and cities that's the end of it ...
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17:48.37Hmmhesaysanyone ever configured a dialpeer in an as5300?
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17:50.13BugKhamanyone using madplay for moh at all?
17:50.28RoyK[at]~lart rob0
17:50.38rob0that was uncalled for.
17:50.46Hmmhesaysdude you so yelled WAR
17:50.46generalhanHmmhesays: im having the same issue as The_X ... my MWI doesnt come on at all on some phones and stays on, on others ... i went through and put mailbox=XXXX@default in the sip.conf for half of my entries and still after reboot none of the cisco ones are working ??
17:50.57trelane_Hmmhesays, yeah, what is it good for?
17:51.09dasenjoCunningPike, thanks a lot!!
17:51.15rob0Well I expected nastiness, but not LAWYERS, ugh.
17:51.24CunningPikedasenjo: Don't thank me, thank [TK]D-Fender
17:51.42dasenjopbx_functions is the correct module
17:51.54Hmmhesaysgeneralhan cisco's?
17:51.57dasenjo[TK]D-Fender, thank you
17:52.18Hmmhesayswhat f/w?
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17:52.25generalhanyou just helped The_X with this same issue ... ive been dealing with it for a while and changing the mailbox line doesnt help me at all
17:52.47phigworki'm trying to install a tdm400p card
17:52.50phigworkgetting chan_zap.c: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address
17:52.58HmmhesaysI'd have to log in and poke around
17:53.01phigworkwhat am I forgetting?
17:53.21rob0phigwork: ztcfg -vv
17:54.28rob0phigwork: Likely a misconfigured zaptel.conf
17:54.44phigworkit says "did you forget that FXS channels use FXO signalling" etc
17:55.08phigworkso does that mean they should be backward in /etc/zaptel.conf or in /etc/asterisk/confs?
17:55.10phigworkor both?
17:56.13rob0well I have fxoks=1 and fxsks=1 where channel 1 is my FXS and 5 is my FXO
17:56.43rob0(The FXS is on a TDM card with 4 slots for modules.)
17:56.53phigworkyou have both =1?
17:57.08rob0ooops no
17:57.21rob0fxsks=5, sorry
17:58.02Hmmhesaysgeneralhan: that is kind of odd that they are staying ON
17:58.10rob0Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)\nChannel 05: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 05)
17:59.37rob0genzaptelconf is your friend
18:00.09rob0I think [TK]D-Fender suggested it to me some days ago. [TK]D-Fender is your friend too. :)
18:00.48PaavumHello. Is anybody working with Druid?
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18:01.35[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : Nope, never suggest these "auto" tools.  Anything worth doing is worth doing yourself.
18:02.07generalhanHmmhesays: i know .. and that is the one that im most concerned with too
18:02.27generalhanHmmhesays: this is just a guy who is leasing space from us and he is non to pleased with the light in his face
18:02.47nettiehey guys anyone know if installing a second asterisk server on the same box is fine? I would like to try the trunk version and slowly migrate to it. I'm woried mostly about paths or other possible issues. I dont have a spare box at the colo and virtualization is not possible. Thanx in advance.
18:03.10generalhani was thinking about just downgrading his phone only back to 8-2-00 because it didnt happen with that f-w ... the only problem is that i was having issues with the phone locking up durring a transfer with that f-1
18:03.47walhalais there some french people here ?
18:04.00[TK]D-Fenderwalhala : Pas de chance...
18:04.36CunningPikenettie: I would say that that is a high-risk strategy, at best
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18:05.18Hmmhesayswell I can login and try to fix it, but I ain't doing it for free
18:05.38nettieCunningPike yeah.. maybe the best way is just migrate them considerign I already did some tests and keep stable src handy to replace it if problems happend
18:05.48phigworkchan_oss.c:585 setformat: Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: No such device
18:05.58Hmmhesaysin the words of anthm yesterday "i'm a busy sumnabitch"
18:06.22generalhanHmmhesays: i understand ... my boss is the cheapest person you will EVER know so that wont work ... ill keep messing with it ... i was just looking for ideas
18:06.39Hmmhesayssip debug and watch your notify messages
18:06.49Hmmhesayscheap people are only cheap till customers start getting in their face
18:07.09anthmbusy *as* a son-na-ma-bitch
18:07.36generalhanHmmhesays: is there a way to do a sip debug and save the output somewhere? my CLI scrolls soo fast that i cant make anything from debugs
18:07.53Hmmhesaysum, I use putty ssh, 4000 line buffer and logging
18:08.19generalhanif i put verbose to 1 and use a sip debug will that still work ?
18:08.27phigworkam I missing some sound drivers or something?
18:08.36generalhancause without seeing all the phone calls i could prolly make something of it
18:08.57generalhanbut we get about 30 calls every 2-3 minutes so its tough to watch all that !
18:09.24CunningPikenettie: If you only have one server, you can use some clever symlinks to point /usr/sbin/asterisk at whatever version you want to run at any time - that would make switching even faster
18:09.40CunningPikenettie: But I would seriously caution against running trunk in production
18:10.34Qwell[]CunningPike: sissy
18:10.44CunningPikeQwell[]: :P
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18:13.19Hmmhesaysgeneralhahn: up sip debug a single ip
18:16.06nettieCunningPike as far as I can see 1.4 is almost out
18:16.17nettieCunningPike isnt 1.4 based on trunk
18:16.26Qwell[]nettie: it is
18:16.45nettieCunningPike this means trunk is supposed to be pretty stable imho
18:16.45CunningPikenettie: Yes - and we'll be upgrading once it's a stable release - it has lots of stuff in it that we want
18:17.08nettieCunningPike I cannot live anymore without jitterbuffer on sip chan
18:17.10CunningPikenettie: It ain't neccessarily so.....
18:17.50CunningPikenettie: We're waiting for called party ID, Polycom ACD functions........
18:18.32nettieCunningPike ok, those are cool features BUT without jitterbuffer it's not even possible make a decent call!
18:19.19CunningPikenettie: We take the view that we run whatever version we need to get stuff we need working - sounds like you need trunk :)
18:19.41nettieCunningPike yeah .. it's not that I need it to play cards :)
18:19.49nettieCunningPike I'm definitely in a bad position atm,
18:20.09CunningPikenettie: What sort of network do you have that you need jitterbuffer so bad?
18:20.22nettieCunningPike eheh.. I have the offices phones (polycoms) behind DSL and the asterisk server is at the colo
18:20.36CunningPikenettie: Ah - that'll do it
18:21.04nettieCunningPike if the upstream is heavely we stard having problems.
18:21.27nettieCunningPike conidering the upstream is only 256Kb youcan imagine what a couple of meial could do
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18:22.08CunningPikenettie: Yuck - if I were you, I'd be running a teeny asterisk box inside your LAN and IAX2 trunking to your colo.
18:22.20nettieCunningPike that's the second otion
18:22.45chandiHi, I've got a strange problem. When I make a call from my sipura ATA through my asterisk on the same lan... the sipura won't receive the audio. It's strange since it works on calls that are only from the asterisk to the sip provider.
18:22.46nettieconsidering I stil have a tftp server for phones provisioning and stuff.
18:23.04nettieCunningPike jitterbuffer on IAX2 is great?
18:23.08chandiOne more: when the callee's line is busy it does ring normally on the sipura
18:24.13nettieCunningPike do you know if 1.2 and trunk configuration files are 100% compatible?
18:24.36CunningPikenettie: It's not so much the jitterbuffer being great, it's that a) IAX has one b) trunking makes more efficient use of your bandwidth c) a local server prevents internal calls having to pass through your colo server d) the firewalling is easier........
18:25.32pdthomenettie: iax2 is pretty much meant for what you are doing, have a small server like Cunning is saying and send outbound calls over the iax trunk
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18:26.28nettieCunningPike yeah.. right know interna calls are going out, because of NAT I actually configured it disabling re-invites
18:26.40pdthomeya the firewalling is much better
18:27.08CunningPikenettie: Yup - I really would look at a local server - it doesn't have to do much, and can be a really small box - how many local phones have you got?
18:27.36nettieabout 8
18:27.42nettieI Alreadyhave a local server
18:27.44nettiewe use
18:27.49nettiefor smb and stuff
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18:27.56vivekiax2 is better at nat ? so its better for a firewall blocked lan with only a couple of ports open ?
18:28.28CunningPikenettie: You could try a shared server - might be better with a dedicated one, though
18:28.30nettieI actually have an epigy pbx as well which is left from a couple of project we had eheh
18:28.39CunningPikevivek: Totally
18:28.43nettieCunningPike sure
18:28.57fileI don't wanna run away, but I can't take it... I don't understand... if I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
18:29.02nettieCunningPike I'll definitely use the one we laready have
18:29.07pdthomevivek: it talks about the natting issue
18:29.11vivekCunningPike: hmmz can i somehow make sip work in the same environ ... i have a couple of sip adapters ...
18:29.42CunningPikevivek: You can, but you need to open the correct ports on your firewall......
18:30.15vivekCunningPike: I can't do that ... i don't control the firewall :( ...
18:30.40CunningPikenettie: Shouldn't be a problem with a light load - try it :D
18:30.58nettieCunningPike okie I'll give it a shot :)
18:31.02CunningPikevivek: Then you need IAX, and probably on a port that's open already. Sounds like SIP is out of the question
18:31.08vivekCunningPike: only 80 and 81 are open and RTP packets do flow through those ports ... (atleast skype and google talk work ...)
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18:31.29pdthomevivek: do you have any udp ports open?
18:31.36vivekCunningPike: that's bad news ... with two spa 3ks in the bag ..
18:32.02todhello,  does anyone know if you can do a regex compare with an "if" statement in ael?
18:32.06vivekpdthome: any traffic other than http and https ports are blocked ..
18:32.17CunningPikevivek: Why can't you get the firewall configured the way you need it?
18:32.28pdthomedid they maybe forget dns?
18:32.34vivekCunningPike: cos i am inside my college ...
18:32.43pdthomea lot of times you will find 53 udp open
18:32.45vivekand ican't talk to the admins .. they are all crazy ...
18:33.03CunningPikevivek: Sucks to be you :)
18:33.16vivekCunningPike: yeah it does ...
18:33.27vivekI am hoping iax2 will help me out ...
18:33.28CunningPikevivek: IAX softphone?
18:33.33pdthomevivek: do you nave nmap?
18:33.43vivekpdthome: hmmz whats nmap ?
18:34.05vivekCunningPike: i need to get my parents a hardphone though ..
18:34.07Nuggetnmap is a unix utility that lets you probe remote machines.
18:34.20vivekthey are not going to muck around with a computer ..
18:34.22Nuggetsee what ports are open, make an educated guess about what OS it's running, etc.
18:34.35vivekNugget: they run linux
18:34.43vivekall the servers i.e.
18:34.53vivekAll outside access is via proxy servers ...
18:35.04pdthomevivek: so you are trying to connect from you to your parents?
18:35.11vivekpdthome: yes
18:35.13Nuggetit's a handy network diagnostics tool that can be used to some success for malicious or harmless shenanigans.
18:35.26CunningPikevivek: Skype?
18:35.26vivekNugget: tnx ;)
18:35.34vivekCunningPike: Skype works ...
18:35.48CunningPikevivek: So, use that then.....
18:35.48vivekbut not feasible ..
18:36.03jbalcombvivek: setup a proxy server at your parents place using port 80 or 443
18:36.04vivekno computers at home ;) they simply can't use one ..
18:36.22vivekjbalcomb: ok i can do that on a router ...
18:36.22pdthomevivek: do you have any hosts outside your college?
18:36.36jbalcombvivek: easy enough solutions
18:36.47vivekpdthome: i can arrage one at home on my wrt router ...
18:36.54vivekwrt54gl router i.e.
18:37.09jbalcombvivek: whats all this yacking about if you can just do that?
18:37.25pdthomevivek: there are some skype hard phones these days
18:37.57vivekjbalcomb: er i need more info than just put up a proxy server ..
18:38.26pdthomecordless skype phone, that should work for them
18:38.37salviadudskype suxxors
18:38.57vivekpdthome: i would like to work with what i have atm ;) which is two spa 3ks ...
18:38.58salviadudcan't get an ata to work with skype...
18:39.07CunningPikesalviadud: It has its uses - this happens to be one of them.......
18:39.16vivekgetting hardphones ... for skype seems crazy ..
18:39.22pdthomesalviadud: lets see... it's free for skype2skype, they already have the infrastructure, there are plenty of devices, yep for his purposes it sucks don't use it
18:39.36CunningPikevivek: You should talk to Dr-Linux - he's ramming a square peg into a round hole too :)
18:39.44salviadudi'm just talking about the protocol.
18:39.58pdthomevivek: you don't have a bastion host to speak of currently, you don't have inbound port access, and your parents can't use a computer, you are not leaving alot of options :)
18:40.07jbalcombsalviadud then you might clarify when making such generalizations
18:40.17Dr-LinuxCunningPike: what's up? :)
18:40.37salviadudjbalcomb, i will now speak in the third person
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18:40.45vivekpdthome: yeah i see that ... but how does a proxy help ? I could do something about the proxy outside my college ..
18:40.57CunningPikeDr-Linux: Not much - get your skinny phone working yet? And, before you ask, I have no clue about skinny
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18:41.16pdthomewell you can tunnel stuff via  proxy to an external host from your location, from your parents house I would assume you won't have the same firewalling issues
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18:41.36vivekpdthome: no firewall issues at home ...
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18:41.49salviadudand thats about it
18:41.54Dr-LinuxCunningPike: heh, everything works fine but only problems remains, it doesn't hangup after 2 tries.
18:42.17vivekpdthome: cool that could work .. maybe i can run the proxy on my ruoter ...
18:42.21vivekat home ..
18:42.34pdthomepossibly, the wrt is a little tight on resources so you'll have to give it a shot
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18:43.14jbalcombi thought i saw an asterisk implementation that your could load on the linksys wrt?
18:43.26vivekjbalcomb: yes there is one ...
18:43.27pdthomei think there is one
18:43.38jbalcombresources can't be that tight then..
18:43.55jbalcombjust change the default ports that it listens on and your done..
18:44.02pdthomewell if he loads asterisk and a tunnel server, etc. etc etc... it could get tight quick
18:44.22n3^I have an AGI script triggering Festival... anyone know the best way to interrupt it similar to the background command?
18:44.27pdthomewith the size of his project though cpu power shouldn't be a problem
18:44.39pdthomeonly real worry is ram
18:44.40jbalcombpdthome any reason port forwarding wouldn't suite as well as a tunnel server?
18:44.45vivek16mb could be a problem though ...
18:45.17pdthomejbalcomb: he said his college is full proxy, so he has to get out somehow
18:45.34jbalcombunless the college is doing content based packet filtering...
18:45.45Hmmhesayscould be
18:45.53vivekhmmz why can't i just try using port 80 as my sip port and connect to an external provider ?
18:45.56pdthomeParents house -----> (INTERNET) <--- |Proxy only FW| <---- vivek
18:46.03jbalcombpdthome: so his phone connects to port 80 on his parents router?
18:46.16pdthomeif it's a true proxy fw that won't work
18:46.18pdthomesip aint http
18:46.20n3^should I be using the ExternalIVR command?
18:46.20*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
18:46.42pdthomeproxy tunnel software makes all the stuff going across look like valid http traffic
18:46.49pdthomeit just depends on what they are using
18:46.54jbalcomboh.. i wondered why they called them different names when i thought they were the same protocol...
18:47.27CunningPikevivek: If I was looking after your uni's network, I would be filtering port 80 to just http requests. It's unlikely that they will allow inbound UDP on port 80
18:47.29pdthomethe port 80 thing might work, but the chances that they also opened up 80 udp are pretty slim
18:47.44jbalcombhow is /valid/ http traffic different than any traffic destined for port 80?
18:48.05jbalcombCunningPike inbound wouldn't be 80
18:48.17pdthomethey dont' allow inbound anything to vivek
18:48.24pdthomehe can go outbound on 80 and 443
18:48.28pdthomevia a proxy
18:48.29jbalcombthe matter of udp being open is a much more valid concern
18:48.49vivekwell as far as i know they just filter urls and look for some 3000 blacklisted words ..
18:48.54jbalcombonly way to know is to try
18:49.03pdthomethen it's either IDP or a real proxy
18:49.07viveki can't do that untill i get there ...
18:49.10jbalcombvivek: if that is the case then you should be fine
18:49.38pdthomeeither way you are probably screwed without a proxy that looks like legit http/https traffic
18:49.47pdthomewell legit https traffic is a bit of a funny statement
18:50.04BugKhamhow to uninstall zaptel drivers?
18:50.20BugKham"make uninstall" doesn't exist
18:50.33vivekpdthome: i am flumoxxed... i shuld put up a proxy and try and tunnel in ?
18:50.39jbalcombpdthome yeah.. you think they are checking the packet and doing fuzzy logic on the contents to see if it matches what /valid/ html would be?
18:50.40vivekor tunnel out ...
18:50.55vivekjbalcomb: i don't think they do that ...
18:51.02pdthomejbalcomb: ya, GET/POST/HEAD headers, etc...
18:51.17jbalcombvivek: i'd be a bit surprised if they did
18:52.04pdthomevivek: to test it just setup an ssh server on port 80 somewhere and see if you can connect, if you can, your good
18:52.22pdthomei would doubt they have 80 udp open out, that doesn't make much sense
18:52.30pdthomeso you will have to have a tunnel of some sorts
18:52.33pdthomeeither way
18:52.56vivekso how does skype work its way through and google talk ?
18:53.02pdthomebut a softphone with an ssh tunnel would be much easier
18:53.12*** part/#asterisk BugKham (i=CKGLOB@
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18:53.42pdthomeskype is tcp
18:53.51pdthomeand google talk is jabber based which is also tcp
18:54.05pdthomeIf the above is not possible, Skype versions 0.97 or later can use a HTTPS/SSL proxy. In order to do that, you have to configure the proxy address in Internet Explorer options. Then Skype will be able to use it as well.
18:54.08Hmmhesaysso switch your sip shiat over to tcp
18:54.18pdthomeskype automatically uses your proxy settings
18:54.25pdthomei would assume gtalk does the same
18:54.47vivekHmmhesays: hmmz are you joking ? ;0
18:54.49pdthomeso in theory with skype if you can browse the internet it will work
18:54.54jbalcombHmmhesays: isn't it more customary to use IAX for external phones?
18:55.08pdthomejbalcomb:  hehehe, that was our initial suggestion but he has sip phones already purchased
18:55.14Hmmhesaysis there a customary? If you're using hard phones, use tcp
18:55.15pdthomeor ATAs i believe
18:55.39jbalcombHmmhesays: there certainly is a customary. it's usually what ends up working best for the most people.
18:55.46viveki think i will go ahead and get aix2 ata's ...
18:55.47*** join/#asterisk linlin (
18:55.47jbalcombATAs i thinks
18:55.59HmmhesaysSER handles tcp sip just fine
18:56.00pdthomevivek: try a softphone from school before you purchase
18:56.03pdthomesee what you can make work
18:56.18jbalcombvivek: buy them a PC from me and using MSN messenger with headsets
18:56.26Hmmhesaysor drop an openvpn wrt in front of the phone
18:56.29linlinWhat are the fees associated with using asterisk for a small business environment, only 5-15 employees, only maybe 10 phones or so. Is there licencing involved?
18:56.32pdthomesomeone in here I am sure will let you connect to their server when you are ready to test.  I have a couple of servers sitting on the net for testing you can use if I am around when you are testing
18:56.50Hmmhesayslinlin: 10 bucks a chan if you want g.729 thats about it
18:56.53jbalcomblinlin: perhaps would be a good place to go for that
18:57.04pdthomeopenvpn rcks
18:57.06pdthomerocks even
18:57.17Hmmhesays~8ball kick in the nuts?
18:57.19jbotPlease ask again.
18:57.21vivekpdatnx tnx i will check back in 10 days in that case ... ;)
18:57.24*** join/#asterisk boch (n=root@
18:57.29viveker i mean pdthome
18:58.13Hmmhesaysno thanks to me eh?
18:58.22pdthomevivek: np
18:58.27vivekHmmhesays tnx ;)
18:58.35vivekand tnx to everyone who helped
18:58.46Hmmhesaysi use openvpn on wrt's that go back to an asterisk box, takes care of pretty much every network situation you would come across
18:59.01bochguys, do you know what this msg means: WARNING[278]: channel.c:2328 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to slin
18:59.24fileboch: Asterisk wants to transcode g729 to signed linear, and you have no codec installed to do it
19:00.14bochwhats signed linear? a kind of codec? im only trying to do g729 passthrough
19:00.58[TK]D-Fenderboch : your endpoints dont match if its trying to translate
19:03.14vivekHmmhesays: are you in the black gold territory to use vpn for voip ? i hear UAE blocks all voip calls ... my college servers kinda seem like that ;)
19:03.31Hmmhesaysblack gold?
19:03.39boch[TK]D-Fender: is there a way to fix this without buying a g729 license ?
19:03.39vivekblackgold is oil ...
19:03.47Qwell[]boch: don't use g729?
19:03.47*** join/#asterisk myiagy (
19:03.56Hmmhesaysvivek kind of
19:04.00vivekUAE is united arab emarites ...
19:04.03vivekHmmhesays: ok ;)
19:04.20bochQwell[]: i wish i could, but im using it only for passtrough
19:04.50Qwell[]boch: If you're using any apps, (background, playback, voicemail, etc) that doesn't have g729'll transcode
19:04.53Qwell[]and you need a license to transcode
19:05.15Qwell[]you can get g729 sounds for those though, of course
19:05.59Juggieor, you could use sox and generate g729 files for every sound file * has in a few minutes.
19:06.04*** join/#asterisk davegrin (
19:06.15bochjust Answer, Dial and Hangup, i have a license in other ast, can i copy it? i think the file is
19:09.03*** part/#asterisk BugKham (i=CKGLOB@
19:09.22fileboch: is that the Intel one?
19:09.53[TK]D-Fenderboch : Well if its passthrough you shouldn't have an issue.  verify that both ends support it and that * KNOWS it.
19:14.10*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
19:17.48*** join/#asterisk my_name (
19:18.37my_namei just installed asterisk and seems to be working "fine" but i have no clue as to what to do with it
19:18.41*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
19:19.06[TK]D-Fendermy_name : ...
19:19.08jbotsomebody said docs was probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
19:19.11jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
19:20.40my_namehmmm let me read through that then
19:20.47my_namei'll get back to you
19:21.13[TK]D-Fendermy_name : Was your statement about how to configure it or what to USE it for?
19:21.29my_namei know what my general purpose was i know asterisk should accomplidsh that
19:22.04my_namei just don't know how to continue on i hope the book helps
19:22.25CunningPikeIs FOP still the best 'console' solution?
19:22.37my_name[TK]D-Fender right configuration
19:22.38[TK]D-Fendermy_name : Ok, well read the book, its a good one and should give you a good place to start from.
19:22.51[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : Depends what for.  What are your goals?
19:23.37CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: Right now, our receptionist has a Nortel console that lets her assign incoming calls to extensions, see who's on the phone.......
19:23.57CunningPikeDivert to voicemail etc
19:24.13[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : How many ext's to monitor?
19:24.33smackusif I use the AgentLogin command to log in, how do i get them to log out? exten => 2001,2,AgentLogin()
19:24.43CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: Fewer than can be accomodated on a 601 with sidecar(s) ;)
19:24.49smackuswhen I call the extension it asks for user name and pass, then says logged in.
19:24.56smackusif I dial it again, it says user already logged in
19:25.01[TK]D-Fendersmackus : they log themselves out by #, or get kicked off for not answering, etc
19:25.05CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: But we're interested in a 'soft' solution
19:25.53smackusso when i dial my login extension, it asks first for user name then #, then pass then #. When do I give it #?
19:25.54[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : Hrm... thats what FOP is for....  You could always make your own easily enough (to see who's on the phone at least), but for "active" features that'd require some real work.
19:26.15[TK]D-Fendersmackus : You do that on the phone that IS logged in.
19:26.35smackusso i dial the extension, then just press #?
19:26.54my_namesee ya folks i'm gonna be reading for a while
19:27.06CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: OK - I'll go with FOP - I just wanted to check before I installed it that it hadn't been overtaken by a better one
19:27.53[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : not to my awareness... I am considering updating my Polycom MB one for "web" use....
19:28.09[TK]D-Fendersmackus : No.  Do you know how AgentLogin works?
19:28.25CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: Well, if anyone would know, you would ;) Thanks
19:30.44[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : Not true.... I avoid GUI's wherever possible, don't work with DB's, and noting fancy involving AMI or Apache.
19:30.57*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
19:31.19CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: Ya, I hear you - this is our first foray into anything like that
19:31.30[TK]D-FenderI've only logged into an AMP install a handful of times remotely to look at a guys system, and I am running a GUI here as well, but have little experience in the setup and full capabilities of them all
19:34.31rob0Can "host=" in a sip.conf use a wildcard, like say, "host=*"?
19:34.56quadrataI would think not - name has to be resolvable
19:35.08boch[TK]D-Fender: have a minute to see this ?
19:35.24filerob0: no.
19:35.25smackus[TK]D-Fender: i was using agentcallbacklogin, and was suggested to switch to agentlogin.
19:35.41[TK]D-Fenderboch : clearly not compatable.  Pastebin your sip.conf entries for those 2 devices.
19:35.43smackusit is not working the way I thought it did, so to answer your question, no I dont know how it works
19:36.02rob0 is probably what I want.
19:36.03[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Sounds like AgentCallbackLogin didn't kick them out.
19:36.37*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (
19:36.43smackuswell, we have no one logged in.
19:36.47smackusrestarted the system
19:36.55smackusand now are trying to log them in using agentlogin.
19:37.14vader--Which do you guys like better FOP or HUDLite?
19:37.29boch[TK]D-Fender: here it is
19:38.08[TK]D-Fenderboch : What are these 2 enpoints?
19:38.40rob0Asterisk+sip+permit-deny-mask doesn't show CIDR addressing, do I have to use the full netmask, / instead of /24?
19:39.06[TK]D-Fenderboch : And what is that place that you are dialing?
19:39.58[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : Forget masks, isn't safe when dealing with DNS to simply assume that it'll always fall in a range.
19:47.16*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
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19:48.38AuPixrussellb, are you on line?
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19:55.44boch[TK]D-Fender: the first one is a spa2100 and the second one a provider (only uses g729)
19:58.35Dr-LinuxSphinx Voice recognition program is working for anyone?
20:00.32[TK]D-Fenderboch : you really shouldn't be dialing by IP and they are clearly not liking your codec choice.
20:01.16[TK]D-Fenderboch : do a SIP debug on the call to confirm what they're offering
20:02.50*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
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20:21.57*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (n=root@
20:22.02jsaundersGood day all.  :D
20:24.47jsaundersAnyone had issues with a Dial() string such as "SIP/101&IAX2/201" where it will dial both channels simultaneously, and if I answer say the IAX2 channel, the softphone (SJPhone in this case) will continue ringing?
20:26.14[TK]D-Fenderjsaunders : No.  It will stop.
20:26.26jsaundersSo it must be SJPhone.
20:29.04[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home, BBIAB
20:29.44*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
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20:45.35jbot[docs] probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
20:45.37jbot[book] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
20:47.55*** join/#asterisk dacleric (
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21:03.21skraelings001hello everybody
21:03.28*** part/#asterisk quadrata (
21:04.15CunningPikeIs AstManProxy still on the go?
21:04.35skraelings001i have problems with directed pickup app. i'm just able to pick sip and iax call but not zap. any idea?
21:09.57ManxPowerskraelings001, put the console info on
21:16.59*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=Junaid@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
21:17.37CunningPikeNo-one knows if AstManProxy is still a going concern?
21:18.03*** join/#asterisk backblue (
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21:19.02PakiPenguincan i increase the parking time
21:20.05popvoxdaveyes, astmanproxy is on version 1.21
21:20.48VorondilPakiPenguin: i believe features.conf would be what you're looking for
21:20.55*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
21:21.17PakiPenguini want to increase it more then 60 secs
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21:22.33ManxPowerCunningPike, Yes, it is.  Why do you think it is not.
21:22.42ManxPowerPakiPenguin, Yes.
21:23.56*** part/#asterisk Vorondil (
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21:25.08skraelings001ManxPower: sorry late, i have added portions of dial plan
21:25.16CunningPikeManxPower: I don't - just making sure.....
21:25.40popvoxdaveI put up an early version of astmanproxy 1.21 a couple of days ago which had a typo and caused a crash.
21:25.50popvoxdavepls be sure you get latest 1.21 rev if you are downloading fresh.
21:27.09CunningPikepopvoxdave: Great - thanks for the headsup
21:27.49nortexWhat causes this?
21:28.33jwahello .. i've got an older version of asterisk ( SVN-branch-1.2-r25015 ) that's been segfaulting and locking up.  should i download the tarball & rebuild it, or should I fetch the latest 1.2 branch ( branches/1.2  ) ?
21:29.30nortexIt has happened 3 times today and I can't figure out why there is a deadlock
21:29.50*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
21:30.35ManxPowerjwa, only released tarballs are expected to work.
21:30.45bleblebleanyone ever try something like this, i want an internal fax machien (ata / sip) to send all of its faxes to our hylafax server and then have hylafax queue the items and send them out via a true modem/pstn line doable? suggestions?
21:31.15jwaManxPower: that's what I would expect .. I inherited this setup & I'm trying to figure out the best way to fix it :-)
21:31.29*** join/#asterisk P4C0 (n=ash@
21:31.29ManxPowernortex, Nobody knows what causes it, Digium seems to say "it's just a warning, not an error, it's not a problem."
21:31.51ManxPowerblebleble, FaxOverVoiceOverIP is not reliable
21:32.11P4C0hello guys, I'm having problems sending email notifications (for mailboxes) is there a way to tell asterisk to use a smtp server?
21:32.24ManxPowerP4C0, no.
21:32.30rob0well ... maybe
21:32.33ManxPowerit will use the local sendmail command.
21:32.49jwaI'm also getting 'app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)' -- lots of 'em .. what do they mean?
21:32.52rob0nail(1) is a replacement for /bin/mail (BSD mailx) which can use SMTP.
21:32.59ManxPoweror whatever command you tell it in voicemail.conf
21:33.05CunningPikeP4C0: You can try using to set options.....
21:33.23ManxPowerjwa, that means it cannot send a call to that destination.
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21:33.34nortexManxPower, It is for me, because once it starts to deadlock all incoming and outgoing calls drop.
21:33.36ManxPowerDoes "sip show peers" show those devices as having an IP address/
21:33.41P4C0ManxPower, CunningPike  thanks
21:33.42ManxPowernortex, I know.
21:33.49*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
21:33.56ManxPowerPerhaps you need to report it.  Try #asterisk-dev or #asterisk-bugs
21:34.20nortexManxPower, I'll try
21:34.25ManxPowerrob0, that would be useful if voicemail used /bin/mail
21:35.02*** join/#asterisk alvariux (n=Administ@
21:36.04ManxPoweralvariux, ask your question or go away
21:36.16phigworkAnyone using FWD through IAX?
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21:37.18alvariuxim getting some problems registering to broadvoice
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21:37.34rob0"mailcmd=/bin/mail" in voicemail.conf? I don't know if that would work tho; /bin/mail (nail) might have different requirements.
21:37.50phigworkI'm wondering if they've disabled 411 and *1800 through their iax gateway. Anyone know?
21:38.01rob0phigwork: in fact IAX was the only way I could get FWD working. SIP fails.
21:38.28*** join/#asterisk R-MAN (
21:38.34phigworkrob0: I can register and I -think- I'm able to place calls to other FWD numbers
21:38.53phigworkbut when I try 411 or *1800xxxxxxx it rejects the call
21:39.09rob0haha, I tried to sign up at their forums yesterday ... my MX rejected the confirmation
21:39.16alvariuxProbably a DNS error for registration
21:39.38bleblebleManpower: that was kind of my point of trying this, forcing faxes to go internal to a hylafax server, and then piping them out over pstn
21:39.56rob0Jul  4 07:15:10 miniluv postfix/smtpd[25477]: warning: Illegal address syntax from[] in MAIL command: < "fwd user forums">
21:39.59phigworkrob0: can you try ringing me over fwd?
21:40.10rob0phigwork: sure
21:40.19alvariuxim using this register =>
21:40.35alvariuxany idea
21:40.43alvariuxeverything seems ok
21:42.27CunningPikeWhat are people using for ACD stats?
21:44.07NuggetEvery time I see "ACD" I parse it as Apple Cinema Display and get confused.
21:44.29jbotit has been said that acd is All Cats Down, a Jazz term used when the musicians are passed out drunk (props to ManxPower)
21:44.30Nuggetthere aren't enough TLAs to go around.
21:44.40P4C0do I need to have sendmail running as a daemon to send mails?? humm
21:44.40*** part/#asterisk Trazz (
21:45.05dlynes_officeI like jbot's definition better than CP's :)
21:45.08smackusI started using agentlogin today instead of agentcallbacklogin... now I periodically have asterisk just quit and shutdown. Has anyone else had an experience like this?
21:45.12*** part/#asterisk alvariux (n=Administ@
21:45.23smackusI had this same issue with mixmonitor, it went away when I went back to monitor.
21:45.34smackuswondered if there is anything like that going on with agentlogin
21:45.45CunningPikeHey, dlynes_office - where ya bin?
21:45.49*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
21:45.50dlynes_officeJust busy
21:45.59dlynes_officeBought a new laptop on Friday
21:46.06dlynes_officeGreat sale at Future Crap
21:46.14CunningPikedlynes_office: Neato - what did you get?
21:46.16dlynes_officedual core laptop for $1000 :)
21:46.22CunningPikeNot bad
21:46.23dlynes_officewith 1GB RAM to boot
21:46.26dlynes_officeexpandable to 4GB
21:46.56dlynes_officeYeah...i didn't want to be stuck with one that was only expandable to 2GB's, in case I needed more
21:47.18CunningPikeAlways need more :)
21:47.26dlynes_officeIt'll be mostly a development machine
21:47.32dlynes_officebut i will use it for site administration, too
21:47.49dlynes_officeSo it has Linux on it, and Windows XP
21:48.07dlynes_officeAnd i'm putting all the network scanning tools and VOIP bandwidth tools
21:48.12dlynes_officeon it
21:48.58CunningPikeNeat - I'm just installing CentOS on a box to run AstManProxy so we can host FOP or HUDLite, ACD stats etc on it
21:53.45*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
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21:53.53Dr-Linuxhi all
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21:57.29Dr-Linuxrob0: why?
21:57.40rob021:46 < dlynes_office> dual core laptop for $1000 :)
21:58.16dlynes_officerob0: ?
21:58.25dlynes_officerob0: oh...nvm
21:58.36dlynes_officerob0: it was a toshiba satellite
21:58.45Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: what's up?
21:58.48*** part/#asterisk smackus (n=smackus@
21:58.59dlynes_officenot much
21:59.05dlynes_officeJust busy setting up some phones
21:59.06rob0Toshibas used to be real good, but I've heard their quality has gone down (I wouldn't know)
21:59.10dlynes_officegotta install a new system tomorrow
21:59.17dlynes_officerob0: some people have had bad luck with them
21:59.24dlynes_officerob0: but in general, they're still pretty good
21:59.32rob0My first computer was a Toshiba laptop, 8086 CPU :)
21:59.41dlynes_officerob0: for the most part, you probably want to go with a toshiba satellite pro, or higher
21:59.56dlynes_officerob0: but i figured for $1000, who cares
21:59.57rob0it was a real champ until /dev/kid poured Coca-Cola in it.
22:00.05skraelings001ManxPower: i think i've solved, when i make a call like this 61072XX and it should dial 2XX the current extension is 61072XX and not 2XX so Pick up must be checking if the extension 2XX has been called, but it hasn't been as we see, so i should modify the current extension.
22:00.08rob0haha ... mine was $1k too
22:00.10Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: okey, when you get free then lemme know, i wanna discuss something with you
22:00.24dlynes_officeDr-Linux: what's she look like?
22:01.15Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: Cisco 7935
22:02.38dlynes_officethought you were talking about some hot new girl you had your eye on :(((
22:02.53dlynes_officethought you were gonna show us some naked pictures :((
22:03.10CunningPikeOf Dr-Linux?? No thanks :O
22:03.12Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: not eye, i was all on her a day before.
22:04.02CunningPikeBetter not let Katty hear you talking like that......
22:04.17dlynes_officeCunningPike: moi?
22:04.28CunningPikedlynes_office: ;)
22:04.46dlynes_officeI don't know her from adam :)
22:04.52Dr-LinuxCunningPike: katty has big ..... so i don't like with her
22:04.54dlynes_officeI talk to her...that's about it
22:05.32Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: she is not a hot girl, she is an old lady
22:05.40dlynes_officeDr-Linux: who?
22:05.50Dr-Linuxso forgot about her and let's hug 7935
22:05.55Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: Katty
22:05.59*** join/#asterisk jeffgus ( already tried hitting on her?
22:06.19dlynes_officeyou sad, sad individual...
22:06.32Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: No, but he tried hitting on all
22:06.48dlynes_officekatty's a transtesticle?
22:07.03Dr-Linux~dict transtesticle
22:07.22dlynes_office~dict transvestite
22:07.41*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
22:07.51dlynes_officeTripleFFFF: !!!  You're just in time
22:07.57TripleFFFFwow why
22:08.00dlynes_officeTripleFFFF: We're talking about transtesticles
22:08.04CunningPikeTripleFFFF: Run! Run for your life!
22:08.05*** join/#asterisk hads (
22:08.10TripleFFFFanyoen had dropped calls .. its the router im sure
22:08.16CoffeeKidhas anyone ever got a polycom (or other hard phone) working over a vpn?
22:08.18TripleFFFFbold mode off
22:08.46TripleFFFFthe guy was saing its me.. when even is vonage crap drops after 300 sec
22:08.47Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: let's fuck cisco 7935 ?
22:08.49dlynes_officewhat is it?   why do so many peeps want to run sip phones over a vpn?
22:08.54TripleFFFFso its the router that flushes something every 300
22:09.08dlynes_officeTripleFFFF: set qualify=300
22:09.09TripleFFFFvpn so no ./rtpcapture
22:09.11*** join/#asterisk Coeus (
22:09.24CoffeeKidits a polycom 301, we wanna do it so its secure, and we can have a connection to work, with an extension from home:)
22:10.33CoffeeKidmy whole network is routed through the vpn... through a linux server (ip tables), i can get ftp access to the phone to update software, but can't call in or out.
22:11.06CoffeeKidwell, routed as in, any traffic to that subnet goes through the vpn, not all traffic.
22:11.16*** part/#asterisk jwa (
22:11.26Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: you are helping me only with sex :( but not asterisk
22:11.48CoffeeKidsex is easier than asterisk :)
22:12.07P4C0CoffeeKid, agree
22:12.30TripleFFFFdlynes_office touhgt qualify would just make as unavail of ping ove  xxx..
22:12.44TripleFFFFas in qualify 2000 .. if ping > 2sec.. mark as not there
22:12.53TripleFFFFhence needs 2000 ms to be qualified
22:13.14skraelings001c u
22:13.16P4C0I found the problem... if I send a mail like sendmail -f myuser@mydomain touser@todomain it works, but not sure how asterisk is sending it... cause he add my domain to the relay part or something strange... how can I modify this?
22:13.22CoffeeKidanyone have any clue about my vpn deal? anyone give it try?
22:13.23TripleFFFFi think its something in there that just craps it out
22:14.21CoffeeKidP4C0: what do you mean "he add my domain to the relay part"?
22:14.37nortexCoffeeKid, I have Polycom 500/600's connected via a site-to-site VPN
22:14.45Dr-Linuxanybody ever use Cisco 7935 phone?
22:14.50CoffeeKidnortex awesome, how'd you get it to work?
22:15.00riddleboxif you have an alternate number with broadvoice, do you just have to have the main number in sip.conf, or both?
22:15.23P4C0CoffeeKid, not sure, but if I send something calling the command directly it works, and throw asterisk it doesnt... not sure how exactly is asterisk invoking sendmail
22:15.26pdthomedoes the wrt get any more stable with the custom firmware on it, mine reboots a few times a day with the factory software
22:16.22*** join/#asterisk Coeus (
22:16.37dlynes_officeTripleFFFF: i've found the wrt54g's huge poc's...anything over 300ms makes them unusable
22:16.48CoffeeKidP4C0: perhaps try an AGI script?
22:16.52dlynes_officeTripleFFFF: maybe 1000 for the wrt54g
22:17.02dlynes_officeTripleFFFF: maybe it was 300 for the netgears
22:17.03P4C0CoffeeKid,  AGI script? what is that?
22:17.10TripleFFFFwell still
22:17.18dlynes_officeTripleFFFF: but the wireless routers definitely seem to be worse than the wired ones for that
22:17.28TripleFFFFsomething is weird since it drops exaacty 300 sec after answer
22:17.28CoffeeKidP4C0: an external script written in php or something, that asterisk calls when you tell it to.
22:18.01P4C0CoffeeKid, naa, now it works, I just missed the -t in the asterisk call ;) thanks
22:18.07P4C0I mean in the sendmail call
22:18.18CoffeeKidP4C0: ah, cool, glad i could help.. hehe
22:18.30*** part/#asterisk Bullseye_Network (n=info@
22:20.07TripleFFFFhey .. your pos arugment doesnt hold..
22:20.16TripleFFFFsince x-lite works over 1 hour no prob
22:20.25TripleFFFFonly the pap2-t and pap2 from vonage do that
22:20.30dlynes_officewaht do yo umean?
22:20.40TripleFFFFxlite i can make calls for 23940852-0947529380 seconfs
22:20.43dlynes_officewhat does pap2 have to do with whether linksys is a pos or not?
22:20.56TripleFFFFpap2t-na and pap2-vonage they drop after 300 sec..
22:21.16TripleFFFFwell.. i kind of got to the point its the router.. but if xlite works.. its the paps.. now.. why .is a good one
22:21.24*** join/#asterisk Eecplat (
22:21.30TripleFFFFim returning 50 of tese crap pos'
22:21.41dlynes_officelinksys routers?
22:21.44dlynes_officeor pap2t-na?
22:21.51TripleFFFFpap2-t under a linksys..
22:21.57TripleFFFFpap2vonafe under same linksys
22:22.06TripleFFFFxlite on pc under same linksys
22:22.09dlynes_officeI'd just return the whole boatload and all the chinamen that came on it, too
22:22.37*** join/#asterisk Bullseye_Network (n=info@
22:23.05*** join/#asterisk CvR (
22:23.55TripleFFFFso yeah
22:23.57dlynes_officeI blame America!
22:24.03TripleFFFFits bush
22:24.06TripleFFFFi  just know it
22:24.24TripleFFFFhe just messed all pap's so we use normal lines and he can tap us
22:25.06TripleFFFFwell.. thing is all points to linksys.. UNLESS hmmm yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:25.19TripleFFFFill revert to something else brb
22:29.20*** join/#asterisk P4C0 (n=ash@
22:33.34P4C0is there a way to customize the language of the voicebox?
22:34.31CoffeeKidw00t! got my hardphone to work over vpn!
22:34.38P4C0I mean I can record a message but even like there's like a fixed voice telling "after the tone say your message and hangup or press the # key" or like that
22:34.42*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
22:37.39TripleFFFFs = silent pos
22:37.51Dr-Linuxanybody ever use Cisco 7935 phone?
22:41.24*** join/#asterisk morex (
22:41.26morexHello all
22:41.36morexAnybody seen these before?
22:41.46morexJul  5 20:19:46 WARNING[2917]: chan_sip.c:2561 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 64/256)
22:42.11morexI'm getting them when I try to unpark a local channel connection through two sip phones...
22:43.01CvRHi all!  I've got some problems connecting Asterisk via a TE110p to a DMS100.  Whenever I place a call pri debug shows the SETUP message being replied to with RELEASE COMPLETE (Cause 44)   Similarly if I call the DID associated with the PRI I can see an incoming SETUP which * replies to with CALL PROCEEDING, but the dms100 then immediately sends a RELEASE (Cause 6).  If * sends the call to a SIP phone * replies to the SETUP with CALL PROCEEDING and ALER
22:43.01CvRTING, but then immediately receives a RELEASE (Cause 6) from the dms100.  ---  I'm stuck. Does anybody have an idea what could be wrong?  Does anybody have the time to look at the complete output of pri debug?
22:43.15[TK]D-FenderP4C0 : Yes * supports multiple languages
22:43.57PerlStalkerIs it possible to disable voice mail forwarding in asterisk's v/m sub system?
22:44.20[TK]D-FenderPerlStalker : Yup.  Go read the WIKI
22:44.42CoffeeKidI have a strange issue with music on hold... if more than 2 people are on hold, the music sound really terrible, anyone ever run into this?
22:46.04P4C0[TK]D-Fender, how can I change it? for mailboxes... need to change vm-intro and auth-thankyou
22:46.39*** join/#asterisk brockj49464_home (n=chatzill@
22:46.42PerlStalker[TK]D-Fender: Ok. I must be dense today. Is the wiki just
22:46.58Agrajag-gday. using the Echo command i hear myself about 0.5 - 0.75 seconds after i talk. this is on a local lan, ping time to the box running asterisk is about 0.140. is this normal?
22:47.21CoffeeKidPerlStalker:  ... i think
22:47.35Agrajag-im using u-law. using iaxcomm as the softphone
22:47.54*** join/#asterisk eipi (
22:50.35riddleboxdoes anyone have a broadvoice number with an alternate number on that account?
22:50.35CoffeeKidAgrajag-: doesn't sound normal, should be realtime... but I've never used u-law
22:53.01TripleFFFFso ..
22:53.59Agrajag-CoffeeKid: it's about the same with GSM too
22:54.30Agrajag-i have no idea what the issue is though or how to fix it
22:55.17*** part/#asterisk morex (
22:55.20P4C0exactly where should I put the language=fr for voicebox?
22:58.34*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (
23:07.20knarflyAnyone had any luck setting up X-Lite to connect to * from remote location?
23:08.00Nuggettens of people have, for sure.
23:08.15[TK]D-FenderP4C0 : Do that in your device setup or in the dialplan before you execute it
23:08.33knarflyAnyone care to help out a dummy who can't get it working...?
23:08.38[TK]D-FenderP4C0 : You need to download a language pack.  Go get the professional ones made by June Wallack
23:09.00[TK]D-FenderP4C0 : it is a complete replacement for all the defaults
23:09.30P4C0[TK]D-Fender, thanks, but exactly where? device setup? you mean sip.conf?
23:10.17[TK]D-FenderP4C0 : For SIP phones yes.  You define the "default" language on an interface level first, then in your dialplan (like in an IVR).
23:10.32P4C0[TK]D-Fender, thanks!
23:10.59[TK]D-FenderP4C0 : Whenevr * plays a sounds it looks in the /[language] folder for a native language version before falling back to the default (english)
23:11.30Dr-Linuxexten => _346XXXXXXXX,11,GotoIf($[ "${CHANNEL}" : "SIP"]?41)
23:11.30Dr-Linuxexten => _346XXXXXXXX,12,GotoIf($[ "${CHANNEL}" : "195"]?21)
23:12.14Dr-Linuxmy first line works fine, but 2nd doesn't work. is there anyway i can use both string in the same line?
23:12.22Dr-Linuxor anyway to make 2nd one work as well?
23:12.52Dr-Linuxthe second never returns true
23:13.31*** join/#asterisk yanz7 (
23:14.35yanz7hi everyone...i would like to ask few newbie questions about seting up trixbox
23:14.56Dr-Linuxyanz7: #freepbx
23:15.20*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
23:17.27*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
23:17.48*** part/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
23:26.27CunningPikeWell, that bites - I was just about to install AsteriskGuru Query Stats when their web site went down
23:31.34*** join/#asterisk mrtwister (
23:35.14CunningPike~seen pop
23:35.16jbotpop <pop@> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 686d 9h 4m 59s ago, saying: 'help! i've got a problem, when I execute: echo test | mail root -> then the command waits 3 seconds, and goes back on the prompt, how is that possible? i'm just mailing to the local user. when i kill named (which runs locally) it goes very fast, but i still need ...
23:35.19CunningPike~seen popvoxdave
23:35.20jbotpopvoxdave is currently on #asterisk (10h 4m 57s). Has said a total of 6 messages. Is idling for 2h 9m 30s, last said: 'pls be sure you get latest 1.21 rev if you are downloading fresh.'.
23:36.08*** part/#asterisk knarfly (n=bwatson@
23:36.47CunningPikeDoes anyone know if AstManProxy helps with applications like HUDLite and FOP?
23:37.25CunningPikeIs it a valid strategy to connect those applications to AstManProxy and have it make a single connection to asterisk?
23:39.15*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
23:41.19mitchelocthey already have their own proxies
23:41.41CunningPikeOK - good, thanks
23:42.24*** join/#asterisk Mattwj2005 (
23:42.27CunningPikeJust for fun try this: 'yum whatprovides php' :S
23:44.50[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : How about you NoOp that var before you go testing it....
23:45.07[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : And maybe use the = sign instead of :
23:45.29*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
23:50.33*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
23:53.51phigworkAnyone seen this randomly come up in the cli or in logs? chan_sip.c: handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register
23:53.57phigworkdunno what that means
23:54.02phigworktho it is just a warning
23:58.31*** part/#asterisk generalhan (
23:59.57*** join/#asterisk Sponge_bob (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.