irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060704

00:01.02paolob-parroquiaHi guys! How can I send on pstn a security code before the number to dial? i.e., in order to make long distance calls the telephone company gave me a code (*23456), after it I get a dial tone and I can dial 1xxxxxxx. How do I wait for the second dial tone after the code? thank you
00:02.36znoGmaybe you can try the SendDTMF application
00:03.40paolob-parroquiaznoG, will dial("SIP/*2345@pstn|2) work?
00:07.15Juggiepaolob, is your telco tdm or ip?
00:07.32*** join/#asterisk nassy (
00:09.59paolob-parroquiaJuggie, tdm I suppose (normal pstn
00:10.31nassyis there a place i can go to for reviews (recommendations) for standalone hardware ethernet SIP phones. i am looking to use it at home but with the eventual goal of adding it to an office of about 150 users after i become familar with asterisk (and the phone)
00:10.33paolob-parroquiaznoG, How do I tell sendDTMF where to send the dtmf tones?
00:10.37Juggiepaolob-parroquia, what country?
00:10.45paolob-parroquiaJuggie, Dominican Republic
00:10.55Juggiewhat would you normally dial for long distance?
00:11.02Juggieif you didnt have to dial the code
00:11.13nassyso far i am looking at grandstream gxp 2000
00:11.18Juggieare you talking local long distance (inside your country) or international?
00:12.44paolob-parroquiaJuggie, in order to make a long distance call I must wait for the dial tone, dial *2345, then wait for the dial tone again, then dial 18097630026
00:13.06Juggieis the dialtone instant after the code?
00:13.19Juggiei mean its not a long w ait is it? just a second or two?
00:14.13paolob-parroquiaJuggie, half a second
00:15.01Juggieok, then all you do is Dial(whatever your zap device is/*2345www${EXTEN})
00:15.11Juggiewww=1.5seconds (which should be tons)
00:15.15Juggieeach w = 0.5
00:15.38Klydalanyone use FWDout?
00:15.41paolob-parroquiaJuggie, let me try
00:16.05Juggieso, exten=> 1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/*2345www${EXTEN})
00:16.16Juggiereplace g1 with whatever group or channel you have configured
00:17.09paolob-parroquiaJuggie, it's a sip device (sipura spa3000)
00:17.36Juggieyou said you were connected via pstn
00:18.04paolob-parroquiaJuggie, :-( I was wrong, perhaps I hadn't understood the question
00:18.18paolob-parroquiaJuggie, does your trick work with sip?
00:19.13Juggiepaolob-parroquia, most likely no.
00:19.20paolob-parroquiaJuggie, :-(
00:19.27*** join/#asterisk rushowr (
00:21.18Juggiepaolob-parroquia, how are you connected to the telco?
00:21.34Juggiebecause the fact you have a sip device doesnt matter
00:21.55paolob-parroquiaJuggie, I am connecte to the spa3000 in the lan, the phone is with a sipura pap2
00:24.09Juggiethe sipura pap2 is a ata device right? connected to the pstn?
00:24.38anthmisnt the sip version of juggies 'w' thing ... this.. Dial(SIP/foo@somehost,60,D(www${EXTEN}))
00:29.53paolob-parroquiaJuggie, the pap2 is a ata two fxs device, the spa3000 is a one fxo one fxs
00:39.17Juggietry what anthm said
00:39.52*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
00:40.04P-NuThi all.
00:40.53P-NuTI have an external IAX softphone extension, that I want to call the other sip phones in my house but it gives congestion.
00:41.08P-NuTI understand this is because the external IAX connectionis not authenticated?
00:41.17P-NuTHow to I go about solving this?
00:51.34*** join/#asterisk phigwork (
00:51.37phigworkhi guys
00:51.41phigworkI'm trying to compile
00:51.50phigworkit gives me a bunch of errors while working on pbx_dundi.c
00:52.03phigworkanyone else seen this?
00:52.52dlynes_homephigwork: make sure gcc is installed
00:53.19dlynes_homephigwork: also, what make tool are you using?
00:53.30dlynes_homephigwork: i think it's only made to work with gnu make
00:54.17phigworkGNU Make 3.80
00:54.29phigwork$ gcc --version
00:54.29phigworkgcc (GCC) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)
00:54.32dlynes_homewhat're the errors?
00:54.46dlynes_homethe lack of a compiler was me being facetious :p
00:54.53rob0file: ping?
00:55.03dlynes_homerob0: pong?
00:55.03rob0I mean ls
00:55.09sylefacetious wow people are still in the 80's hehe
00:55.25dlynes_homesyle: shenme?
00:55.42syledo you call people tools to heheh
00:55.59rob0dlynes_home: you're not an Asterlinker, are you?
00:56.48phigworkdlynes_home: not workin?
00:57.15dlynes_homeIt's a holiday today
00:57.17rob0I'm just wondering, for Asterlink, is there an advantage to SIP over IAX or vice versa?
00:57.21dlynes_homeSaturday was Canada Day
00:57.29dlynes_homeit's 6pm here
00:57.42phigworkwoah I can't believe I missed Canananana day
00:57.46dlynes_homephigwork: yeah...I got that
00:58.03anthmgo with sip...
00:58.11dlynes_homephigwork:'s not obvious what's wrong?
00:58.13phigworkdamn, that's the first Canananananadadada day I've missed boozin' and bbqin' in .. at least 10 years
00:58.24phigworkoh oops
00:58.36phigworkdlynes: i dunno, when i was looking at it in my terminal, i couldn't see it
00:58.43phigworkbut now that i see it's the first freakin line i pasted in there
00:58.55dlynes_homeThere's only like 20 lines in the output saying you don't have zlib installed
00:58.58rob0anthm: thx
00:59.45phigworkhm, no i only see it in the first line :)
01:00.01phigworki hate figuring out packages
01:00.16phigworkbut if I install source then it messes everything else up :/
01:00.19rob0anthm: are you an Asterlinker, or a user, or just a fan of SIP in general? :)
01:01.44anthmI wrote the entire backend and most of the features in asterisk necessary to produce it.
01:03.57*** join/#asterisk bernardovieira (
01:04.41*** join/#asterisk justinu (
01:09.51*** join/#asterisk alephco1 (
01:14.40*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
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01:46.44*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
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01:51.29*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
01:51.54Strom_Chappy 3rd of july! :)
01:54.18*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
01:55.39P-NuTHi again all.
01:55.48Strom_Chello hello
01:58.54*** join/#asterisk littleball (
02:01.30littleballhello, i am looking for solution based on asterisk server with connectivity to TV. any suggestion? in television?
02:02.18littleballyes Strom_C, i need to display something on TV
02:02.39littleballso, i assume that TV connector, and some vedio codec etc.....
02:02.40rob0Ah, my next guess was tetanus virus :(
02:02.50littleballi am not familiar with these thing and just started
02:02.53Strom_Clittleball: well, use AGI and AMI to write a program that integrates with both asterisk and the television
02:03.17Strom_Cwhat are you writing?  videophones or something? :)
02:03.18rob0The OS and/or GUI will handle any display issues, not Asterisk.
02:03.20littleballStrom_C, how to integrate to television?
02:03.31Strom_Clittleball: beats me
02:03.37Strom_Clittleball: integrating with asterisk is a cinch
02:03.51littleballStrom_C, simple advertisement
02:03.52Strom_Clittleball: integrating with television is beyond the scope of this discussion :)
02:03.57littleballto be shown on TC
02:04.21*** join/#asterisk iq|mobile (n=iq@unaffiliated/iq)
02:04.43Strom_Chowever, if you wanted to pay me consulting fees, I'm quite sure I could find a solution for you :)
02:05.17littleballhehe ,Strom_C
02:05.17rob0I couldn't, but I could surely prolong the problem!
02:08.25*** join/#asterisk stormfr (
02:15.24anonymouz666Does anyone know if CALLERID works on X100P?
02:16.13[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666 : Sometimes.  So close are worse than others
02:16.27[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666 : And it depends on regional support as well
02:17.34anonymouz666same thing on TDM cards? or no?
02:17.46Strom_Cman, what the hell is with the X100P?  Didn't Digium discontinue them ages ago? :)
02:17.56anonymouz666but I still have one.
02:17.59anonymouz666and works.
02:18.23anonymouz666My only problem is callerid
02:18.25Strom_CMore people come in here with x100p problems than TDM400 problems...
02:18.30anonymouz666asterisk never shows it
02:18.37Strom_Canonymouz666: there is a callerid setting
02:18.39drrayit depends on your line
02:18.48anonymouz666yes, there is a callerid setting.
02:18.51[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666 : pastebin your zapata.cong.  Also where are you located?
02:19.54anonymouz666that does not work.
02:19.58anonymouz666already tried this.
02:20.09[TK]D-FenderDTMF CID?  eek...
02:20.17Strom_Cdoes the dtmf come in after a polarity reversal or after the ring?
02:20.41anonymouz666polarity reversal.
02:20.53Strom_Cwhat does adding cidstart=polarity do?
02:23.23anonymouz666well, I am not sure. I think that CID comes in the second ring. So....
02:23.39Strom_Cwhy not try it and tell me what happens
02:24.38anonymouz666I don't have access right now. but that config can be test quickly tomorrow. if that doesn't work do you have any suggestion or no?
02:25.41Strom_Canonymouz666: oh hell, dont pull this "I want you to help me troubleshoot but I don't have access to the system" nonsense.  Come back on IRC when you're sitting in front of the console
02:26.36Strom_Cat that point, I'm sure we will be able to help you
02:27.42anonymouz666you already did a great favor to me. I am sure that will work tomorrow. If not, I can switch to a TDM card and test again.
02:44.42anonymouz666changing the cidsignalling I should do a reload on chan_zap or I must reload the whole pbx
02:44.58anonymouz666stop now and safe_asterisk again?
02:45.01Strom_Cprobably best to restart asterisk
02:45.05Strom_Cjust do "restart now"
02:46.38fileStrom_C: Strommy Boy!
02:46.52Strom_Cfile: FILEFILE!
02:52.22JunK-Yhey mr file!
02:53.26*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
02:53.36JunK-Ywhats up?
02:53.57bernardovieiradoes anyone know what I have to put in the dial string for a zap channel to make asterisk pause for a couple of seconds?
02:54.04filewatching... Dead Like Me and then a movie perhaps
02:54.52VeNoMouS_bernardovieira: why would u need it to pause?
02:55.10anonymouz666bernardovieira: fala cara
02:55.25bernardovieiraVeNoMouS_:  legacy pbx behind a fxo interface...
02:55.49bernardovieiraVeNoMouS_: the pbx takes some 2s to give an outside dialtone
02:55.49anonymouz666bernardovieira: vi sua mensagem na asterisk-brasil.... Você não precisa se matar pra portar o SIP-RTP novo pro Asterisk Dá uma olhada no Já está feito.
02:56.09VeNoMouS_anonymouz666 parla english
02:56.33bernardovieiraanonymouz666: thanks! I'll have a look....
02:56.34anonymouz666that's not spanish
02:57.08VeNoMouS_CJ575058195 KBDownload - View - Edit04/07/2006 - 14:01:44
02:57.08VeNoMouS_<unavailable>190 KBDownload - View - Edit04/07/2006 - 14:01:41
02:57.08VeNoMouS_CJ574895111 KBDownload - View - Edit04/07/2006 - 14:01:29
02:57.08VeNoMouS_A522928523101 KBDownload - View - Edit04/07/2006 - 14:01:22
02:57.15VeNoMouS_fuck ignore that
02:57.18VeNoMouS_stupid mouse
02:58.12[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y : ! ! !
02:58.25anonymouz666Strom_C :)
02:59.18Strom_Cof course, thanks to Terry Gilliam, Brazil to me is now "that place with all the paperwork"
03:02.27bernardovieiraStrom_C: Terry Gilliam didn't know half of it....
03:04.05*** join/#asterisk rene- (
03:04.26rene-this if off-topic
03:04.53Strom_Cno more off topic than "aquarela do brasil"
03:04.55rene-how long a domain transfer takes in average?
03:05.16rene-tsup Strom_C
03:07.00rene-so does anybody knows the average time for a domain transfer (between registrars) to take place?
03:07.15Strom_Cive only done it once and i dont remember how long it took
03:07.19rene-i was like, yeah i will keep paying netsol more than twice what others charge
03:07.51rene-and netsol really hides the epp blocking for allowing transfers to take place
03:32.13[TK]D-FenderI had a "point" the rest of you are jsut stuttering@
03:34.41rene-mine was a counterpoint
03:35.17Strom_Cmine was an omgwtfbbq attack
03:35.25*** join/#asterisk nvicf (n=v@
03:35.35Strom_Cgood afternoon
03:35.40nvicfhow are you?
03:36.26nvicfwhat do you mean?
03:37.14Strom_Cwell, as opposed to buttery
03:38.02*** join/#asterisk Agrajag- (
03:41.18Agrajag-gday. i have an spa-3000 connected to an asterisk box. with some calls from soft phones (sip and iax) that go out or come in through the pstn line connected to the spa-3000, they can hear us fine but we can't hear them very well - it breaks up. using the line connected to the spa-3000 is always ok though (spa-3000 line1 is registered with asterisk too, not pstn direct)
03:41.47Strom_Cwhat is between the spa and the asterisk box
03:42.35Agrajag-not sure i get what you're asking - a switch?
03:42.40Agrajag-they're on the same network
03:43.05Strom_Cthey're both connected to the same switch?
03:43.41Agrajag-which is why i dont understand why the spa line1 always has fine quality but the other softphones (again on the same network) dont
03:44.20Agrajag-softphone to softphone works fine
03:48.04nvicfI have a little problem, my asterisk is giving me at 5038 no signal when user_suspended ocurrs, and the ip frame is giving me user_suspended when a user hangs, so this is giving me problems, any clues as to how can I fix this?
03:52.44*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:52.52Agrajag-ok if that one's too tricky i have another one - if a phone doesn't support conference call, is there a way to add it as a feature in the same way you can add blind transfer?
03:54.15*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
03:55.10[TK]D-FenderAgrajag- : What kind of phone are you referring to?
03:55.33*** part/#asterisk bernardovieira (
03:55.49Agrajag-[TK]D-Fender: iaxcomm for example?
03:56.25[TK]D-FenderAgrajag- : Doesn't support conference?
03:57.15Agrajag-i also have another phone in the office that's connected to the spa-3000 line1 that doesn't have a flash button
03:58.57nvicfhey, why not answering my question?
03:59.31Strom_Cdamned bot
04:03.04[TK]D-FenderAgrajag- : Don't need a flash button... just hook-flash the old fashioned way
04:06.03Agrajag-[TK]D-Fender: how is that done?
04:07.58*** join/#asterisk seb- (
04:08.14seb-is asterisk easy for a newbie to get some basic setup out of it?
04:08.23seb-i'd like to set up 3way calling w/ it
04:11.52[TK]D-FenderAgrajag- : hang up and pickup fast
04:12.05[TK]D-FenderAgrajag- : hence the term "hook flash"
04:13.28russellbasterisk sets itself up
04:13.31russellbit r0x0rz
04:16.47Agrajag-[TK]D-Fender: ahh.. never knew about that, ta
04:25.53*** join/#asterisk lmcdowell88 (
04:27.55nvicfI have a little problem, my asterisk is giving me at 5038 no signal when user_suspended ocurrs, and the ip frame is giving me user_suspended when a user hangs, so this is giving me problems, any clues as to how can I fix this?
04:28.33*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
04:29.52seb-russellb: asterisk "just works" ?
04:30.24seb-russellb: but surely one must do work to understand voip and configure all the cool thingees you can do with it
04:30.42russellbyes, i'm just joking around
04:30.56seb-russellb: is there a nice url to learn it?
04:31.04russellbthere is a book that you can get as a pdf
04:31.16jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
04:39.23P-NuThi all..
04:44.07*** join/#asterisk joe_acme (
04:46.18joe_acmeok, I think I got the configuration files OK this time, but... Asterisk doesn't seem able to bridge calls between two FXO cards. /var/log/asterisk/messages =
04:48.07Strom_Cjoe_acme: are you in front of the computer this time
04:49.40bkw_you can't bridge two FXO's
04:49.56joe_acmebkw_ : positive?
04:50.06bkw_FXO <-> FXO
04:50.30bkw_is that what you're trying to do?
04:50.41bkw_riddle me this.. who provides the dial tone then?
04:50.53russellbthe <-> ?
04:51.06joe_acmethe cares are connected to two different POTS lines
04:51.07bkw_oh taking a call in and back out
04:51.15bkw_thats simple
04:51.18joe_acmeto call a remote phone
04:51.24joe_acmeyes, that should be simple
04:51.30bkw_it is
04:51.35joe_acmedoesn't work
04:51.51joe_acmeasterisk says it has called out, but I get no calls on the remote number
04:52.40Juggielist of things to try.
04:52.57Juggie1) make a outbound call on port 2, or better yet receive an inbound call.
04:53.07P-NuTok, IAX external connections that dial through the sip gateway, are getting congestion.
04:53.14P-NuTHow can I fix this>
04:53.21Juggie2) find out why it thinks its answered, SOMETHING is on the other end, what is it... hook a phone up and find out.
04:53.31joe_acmeJuggie : ok
04:53.52Strom_Cjoe_acme: what happens when you hook a regular phone up to the fxo port?
04:53.53Strom_Cto the line the fxo port is connected to
04:53.54Strom_Cand try to dial out
04:54.06joe_acmeboth lines work
04:54.12joe_acmeI get a dial tone and can use the POTS lines to call out
04:54.35Strom_Cdo you have a phone behind the asterisk box?
04:54.48Strom_Cset one up
04:54.50Juggiecan you dial the exact number your trying to dial from the port2
04:55.01joe_acmei'll do it know
04:55.03Juggie* thinks something answered
04:55.04joe_acmecall into FXO 2
04:55.09Strom_Cno no no
04:55.12Strom_CSET UP A PHONE
04:55.18Strom_Cdial out the fxo
04:55.20Strom_Csee what happens
04:55.28Strom_Cfxs port?
04:55.34joe_acmenot yet
04:55.44Strom_Csoftphones are FREE
04:55.48joe_acmebut I can set an SIP softphone on an other copputer
04:55.50Juggiejoe_acme, what happens on the other end of the line when you dial into fxo1
04:55.57Juggiewhat do you hear?
04:56.13joe_acmeAsterisk goes off hook, and I hear static
04:56.31joe_acmeFWIW, two other people tried the same thing, and got the same result
04:56.45joe_acmeasterisk sits there, silent
04:57.02joe_acmeI can install a softphone on a computer if you want
04:57.02Juggie* thinks the other end answered.
04:57.11Juggiewhat country?
04:57.13joe_acmebut it doesn't actually dial out
04:57.25joe_acmei set the ad hoc settings in zaptel.conf
04:57.26Strom_Cjoe_acme: install the bloody softphone already so we can test
04:57.34joe_acmefirst time
04:58.51joe_acmeanybody knows of a good tutorial on setting up SIP and a softphone?
04:58.58joe_acmeso I don't waste time
04:59.02joe_acmefiguring it out
04:59.07joe_acmeand waste your time
04:59.38joe_acmeno prob, I'll google
04:59.47joe_acmeI didn't look into SIP yet because no need for it
05:04.17joe_acmefwiw, here's the output when I call into Zap/2 from a remote phone
05:04.39joe_acmei'll install a softphone
05:05.19Strom_Cjoe_acme: pastebin zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
05:05.36Strom_Calso are you using regular asterisk or freepbx?
05:05.56joe_acmeregular asterisk, compiled saturday from latest source
05:06.08Strom_Cor svn trunk
05:06.22Strom_Cyes what
05:06.40joe_acmeye, stable version
05:06.47joe_acmedownloaded zip
05:07.03Strom_Cjoe_acme: pastebin zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
05:08.25Strom_Ctry this
05:08.33Strom_Cchannel => 1-2
05:09.20joe_acmemust rmmod zaptel.conf?
05:09.44Strom_Cchange zapata.conf, restart asterisk
05:09.58*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
05:10.27joe_acmesame thing
05:11.02Strom_Ccan I ssh into it from the outisde?
05:11.35joe_acmei'll have to open up the firewall and install/launch sshd
05:11.40Strom_Cwell, no, its not the same thing
05:11.49Strom_Cthe last time, the console returned congestion
05:11.56Strom_Cthis time, the console isn't.
05:12.02*** join/#asterisk _omer (n=_omer@
05:12.19Strom_Cshow me your extensions.conf
05:13.31*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
05:14.35*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:15.01Strom_Cjoe_acme: and you're hearing NOTHING?
05:15.09joe_acmesilence + static
05:15.15joe_acmelike the other two people
05:15.22joe_acmewho tried this
05:15.23Strom_Cwhat happens when you dial the number from a telephone set
05:17.39joe_acmewhen I use line 2 to plug into a phone and dial out, regular dial tone and I can call out
05:17.46joe_acmeboth lines work
05:17.49Strom_Cbut what happens when you call that specific number
05:18.55joe_acmewhen I call the number of line connected to FXO 2, Asterisk detects it but obviously can't work because the two lines use the same contexte
05:19.02Strom_CNO NO NO
05:19.05Strom_Clisten to me
05:19.19Strom_CAttach a telephone set to the telephone line that's currently plugged into Zap/2
05:19.29Strom_Cthen dial the number you're having asterisk dial
05:19.33Strom_Cand then tell me what happens
05:20.27fileStrom_C: my head exploded :(
05:22.15joe_acmeit rings OK
05:22.55joe_acmehas _anyone_ done this before ?
05:23.07joe_acmemaybe we're just trying to do sthing that * can't do at this poitn?
05:23.17Strom_Cjoe_acme: try prepending wwww to ${NUMBER}
05:24.28joe_acmeI kjnow ;-)
05:24.47fileyou do not want Strom_C angry
05:24.55joe_acmeexten => s,n,Dial(${TRUNK}/wwwwwwwwww${NUMBER})
05:25.09Strom_Cthree or four, not seven million
05:25.31joe_acmeexten => s,n,Dial(${TRUNK}/wwww${NUMBER})
05:25.56Strom_Cthat's what I said, yes
05:26.26trelaneall better
05:27.16joe_acmesame thing
05:27.18trelaneI'm concerned strom will start killing the users
05:27.21trelanethat's my job
05:27.40*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=jj@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
05:27.45*** part/#asterisk JerJer (n=jj@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
05:28.33Strom_Ctry this
05:28.39Strom_Cin your extensions.conf
05:28.49Strom_Cexten => s,n,Answer
05:28.56Strom_Cexten => s,n,Wait(1)
05:29.09Strom_Cexten => s,n,Dial(whatever)
05:31.15*** join/#asterisk postel (n=jp@unaffiliated/postel)
05:35.09joe_acmesame thing
05:36.04Strom_Cswitch the lines
05:36.15Strom_Canswer zap/2 and dial out over zap/2
05:36.20Strom_Cdial out over sap/1
05:39.35*** join/#asterisk seb-- (
05:39.38*** join/#asterisk littleball (
05:40.22seb--what hardware do i need to do *conferencing*? does everyone need a sip phone?
05:40.34Strom_Ceveryone needs some kind of phone
05:40.47Strom_Cmeetme needs a timing source - either a zaptel card or ztdummy
05:40.56joe_acmeworked :-)
05:41.09joe_acmeI hear a lot of static when calling into Zap/2
05:41.22joe_acmebut it does go out through Zap/1 and dial the number
05:41.26joe_acmeany idea why?
05:41.39Strom_Cmaybe your hardware is fucked
05:41.49Strom_Cget a TDM400
05:42.34fileI like the TDM2400 better myself
05:42.50Strom_Coh, the TDM2400 is a fine piece of hardware
05:43.06filethe hardware differences between the two... mucho
05:43.14filerussellb: are you excited?!? CHEEBURGER!
05:43.27*** join/#asterisk i2omani (
05:43.36Strom_CI still have my cheeburger cheeburger receipt
05:43.43i2omanihello all
05:44.01i2omanianyone here used Linksys RT32P2
05:44.20*** join/#asterisk geekster_ (
05:44.24joe_acmeok, in any case, * doesn't close Zap/1 when I hang up on Zap/2, so I guess I'll look into either SIP or get some Digium hardware instead
05:44.31russellbfile: meep
05:44.41Strom_Cjoe_acme: is your telco sending disconnect supervision?
05:44.47filehangup detection on analog is evil, unless you get it from the telco
05:44.51filerussellb: you rock!
05:44.52joe_acmeno idea
05:45.12seb--Strom_C: what if clients got pots (old) phones and asterisk server can't accept any new hardware? how call?
05:45.27joe_acmebut I did read that analog lines weren't recommended
05:45.31Strom_Cwhat do you mean "cant accept any new hardware"?
05:45.48seb--Strom_C: remote Xen server :)
05:45.50joe_acmebecause of this kind of issue or problems with caller ID (also impedence issues)
05:46.01Strom_Cseb--: ztdummy and sip then
05:46.06Strom_Cor even better
05:46.07i2omanianyone here used Linksys RT32P2 please help
05:46.09Strom_Cztdummy and iax
05:46.15Strom_Ci2omani: just ask a question
05:46.53seb--Strom_C: i assume ztdummy is software? but pots is harware.....*somewhere* something has to convert pots to digital right?!
05:46.54joe_acmeStrom_C : looks like problem solved :-) Thanks a bunch for putting up with me
05:47.25Strom_Cjoe_acme: any time
05:47.30i2omaniStrom_C: i have one but it's locked for my older provider, and i was wondering if someone unlocked it
05:47.36Strom_Cbut next time I charge hourly :)
05:47.37fileseb--: an ATA would provide you with an FXS port that you could plug a phone into, it would then go via VoIP to your Asterisk box
05:47.50fileseb--: the timing source (ztdummy) is used in Asterisk to provide an audio mixing solution
05:47.55joe_acmeStrom_C : sure :-)
05:48.02filekeep it mad, keep it glad, keep it gay!
05:48.23fileStrom_C: it's springtime for Hitler!
05:48.43Strom_Cwinter for poland and france
05:49.07geekster_hey all, looking for some skilled developers for a 3 month project.
05:49.38russellbfile will do it for free
05:50.03fileif by free you mean... not free
05:50.26Strom_Cby free i think he means muffins
05:50.58Strom_Ci2omani: I've never unlocked one but I can try and crack it at my standard hourly rate
05:51.56i2omaniStrom_C: lol, if i had the money i would go and buy me a tdm card man
05:52.17seb--Strom_C: thanks for help
05:53.42*** part/#asterisk seb-- (
05:59.48Corydon76-homegeekster_: to do what, exactly?
06:07.33Strom_Cyou people are no fun
06:24.40*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
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06:29.51*** part/#asterisk joe_acme (
06:30.26*** join/#asterisk iceyp (
06:30.43iceyphey guys... anyone know where i can get a list of landline prefixs in the UK?
06:31.20iceypalso looking for Australia... Want to allow mates to call countries free but not to mobile or that will cost me heaps
06:31.44Strom_Caren't UK mobile phones segregated off into their own area codes?
06:31.53iceypthats what i mean
06:31.59iceypIm looking for all UK area codes
06:32.59Strom_Choly wow!  type "uk area codes" into google and you get
06:33.20iceypI was typing uk prefix codes
06:33.30Strom_CAREA CODE FTW
06:35.21Snake-Eyesis there a trusted list in asterisk?
06:35.43*** join/#asterisk CoffeeKid (
06:36.21Strom_Cwhere can I get good new york style pizza at 11:36 PM in los angeles
06:36.50CoffeeKidI have a quick question.  Does anyone know of a web based app (written in php) that will show the status on an inbound call queue, such as agents logged in, and people waiting in the queue?
06:37.52CoffeeKidStrom_C: good luck on that, its 4th of july, most places probably closed :(
06:38.11CoffeeKidat least they are here..
06:38.20Strom_Cwhre's "here"?
06:38.29CoffeeKidSalt Lake City, UT.
06:38.40Strom_Cheh.  This is Los Angeles!
06:38.47CoffeeKidheh, good point :)
06:42.32Strom_Cthere is a fairly good pizza joint in west hollywood
06:42.42Strom_Cthey're open till at least 2 AM
06:42.57CoffeeKidthere you go..
06:43.07CoffeeKidLA is huge, how far away is that from you?
06:44.01Strom_C6.2 miles exactly
06:44.15CoffeeKidheh, not bad
06:44.23*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
06:44.24CoffeeKidlet me guess.. google maps?
06:44.43CoffeeKidwhats that?
06:45.18CoffeeKidor a good guess? :P
06:45.27Strom_Ctry a bad joke
06:45.34Strom_Cof course it was google maps
06:45.55*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (
06:46.37LoneShadowDoes video conferencing work in sync with asterisk voip connection ?
06:50.19*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
06:50.29Strom_Cpho really
06:50.42*** part/#asterisk seb- (
06:53.07*** join/#asterisk MstlyHrmls (n=mh@
06:53.27iceyplooks like all landline numbers in uk are 0044 1
06:54.01Strom_Clandline numbers in central london, for example, are +44 (0) 20 XXXX XXXX
06:54.52*** join/#asterisk acehunky (n=chat_jok@
06:55.10iceypok ill add that too
06:55.23iceypi went by
06:55.44Strom_Cnote that the UK recently completely changed its numbering plan
06:56.14iceypare mobiles locked into a specific range? i.e. 02X is cellphones here in NZ
06:56.22Strom_CI believe so
06:56.31Strom_Cbut as far as the specific code, I dont know offhand
06:56.43iceypthnx anyway
06:56.59*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:58.35*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:58.44SplasPoodHrm, I'm trying to setup a dynamic feature for my clients to dial when on a call that they wish to report audio trouble for...   Can't figure out how to get the unique id of the call they're on...   DumpChan shows it, but..
07:01.56*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
07:02.11Juggieyou are over thinking this problem
07:02.20Juggieit already exists in ${UNIQUEID}
07:02.30Strom_CO say can you....uh....gentlemen, start your engines!
07:02.37Juggieautomatically there for every call, enjoy :)
07:02.59SplasPoodJuggie: yes, I realized that was a stupid question :)
07:03.13SplasPoodJuggie: thank you tho...  I was trying CDR(uniqueid) and stuff
07:04.39SplasPoodhrm, be nice if I could do a SetCDRUserField from within a macro called via feature code
07:05.49dlynes_homeiceyp: not here, they aren't...cell phone numbers could be all over the board here
07:06.12dlynes_homeiceyp: here, being Canada
07:07.18*** join/#asterisk Nobbie (
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07:07.59Nobbieheya =)
07:11.48*** part/#asterisk justinu (
07:13.59SplasPoodJuggie: Hrm, do you know much about the uniqueid?  Seems that what I get in my macro as called by feature code varies slightly from what is logged into my CDR
07:14.05SplasPoodby like.. .03
07:14.27SplasPood1151997063.26 vs 1151997063.29
07:15.24*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
07:15.30P-NuTHi all.
07:15.50*** join/#asterisk mbit (
07:16.48mbithey has anyone ever had an issue when receiving calls over an iax trunk and it hangs up after 3 rings?
07:18.01Nobbiembit: have you checked debug info ? is the Dial() application not run with a 3 second timeout ?
07:18.23P-NuTspeaking of IAX
07:18.33mbithow do i do that nobbie
07:19.16*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
07:19.39Nobbiembit: run asterisk -r to attach the the CLI/API, then run: set verbose 3
07:19.47Assidsup poot
07:19.51Nobbiemake your call and look for the Dial() application
07:21.00P-NuTif you have an external IAX extension, apart from putting allow=guest in the top of sip.conf is there a way to let them dial out through your PSTN gateway?
07:21.07P-NuTa safer way>
07:21.18P-NuTcan you do allow=2205
07:21.23P-NuT<-- the extension.
07:21.45Assidallow=2205 ???
07:21.55Assidisnt allow for codecs?
07:22.07*** join/#asterisk boddy (n=e@
07:22.14P-NuTunder general iff I put allow=guest
07:22.15boddyhii I all
07:22.16P-NuTit works.
07:22.27Assidallow= is for codecs that you wish to allow
07:22.41P-NuTYeah I know.
07:22.53P-NuTbut check under general in sip.conf.
07:23.03P-NuTit's also for allowing randoms from external.
07:23.15Assidthats lowbandwith etc.
07:23.15P-NuTmy question is though..
07:23.39Assidsince the codecs have been categorised for low /medium / high bandwith
07:23.52P-NuTinstead of allowing everyone, how would I let this 1 external IAX extension dial out..
07:24.10P-NuTif you have an IAX extension.
07:24.22P-NuTand you want to dial out,
07:24.27Assidthat all depends upon the context
07:24.36P-NuTby default it gives you a congestion barage
07:24.39Assidwhere you can call and who can call you is done by contexts
07:24.53P-NuTI know that,
07:25.02P-NuTthat's not what I'm getting at.
07:25.14boddyI am planing to buy 10 g729 codec  but 20 sip client will register to server and almost 10 client will call in same time
07:25.17P-NuTI'm talking about IAX (from outside calls coming in.
07:25.27Assidif you want to block 1 person from dialling out.. just give him a different context to the locations he can dialout to
07:25.33boddyI have to buy 20 codec license
07:25.52P-NuTalright, I'll just wing it.
07:25.56Assidiax is just a transport.. sip/iax .. nothing to do with calls coming in or out..
07:26.05P-NuTactally it is,
07:26.07P-NuTbut thanks/
07:26.09Assidcalls can be in either direction irrespective of what yuo chose
07:26.50Assidboddy: you need codecs for the number of concurrent calls
07:27.06boddyso 10 enough ?
07:27.11Nobbieanyone have an example of Pickup() application ?
07:27.32Assidso if you have only 10 calls which are being made simultanously.. i'd really just buy around 12-14 to be on the safe side incase more calls do expand
07:27.37Assidyou can always buy more when you scale more
07:27.47boddyok Assid thanks
07:27.50boddyfor help
07:28.03LoneShadowanyone using video with thier voip ?
07:28.09*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
07:29.08Nobbienot yet
07:32.46*** join/#asterisk hads|home (
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07:33.27*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
07:33.33tparcinagood morning
07:34.43Nobbiethanks =)
07:35.47Nobbiehow can callgroup/pickupgroup be used without Pickup() application ?
07:36.42tparcinadoes anybody use unix-odbc (for storing cdr)?
07:37.40AssidNobbie: thats for parked calls
07:37.49Assidpickup works on context
07:38.09tparcinai have problem with unix-odbc, it doesn't connect to mssql 2000 server and i don't know why. I can't find no logs... can someone help?
07:38.45Assidtparcina: you mnay want to check with #unixodbc ??
07:39.36*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
07:39.44tparcinaAssid: there is no #unixodbc channel
07:40.40tparcinaAssid: and i have checked on ##linux, but it doesn't seam that they know the answer
07:44.26drrayare you sure that M$-SQL is set up for an ODBC connection?
07:44.57tparcinadarry, no I'm not.
07:45.08tparcinadarry, i'm not mssql admin, that is another person
07:45.08Assidso you need to verify that
07:45.17drraythat is where I would start
07:45.22tparcinadarry, what should i tell them to check?
07:45.55Assida> odbc is working B> mssql allows odbc C> mssql logs for incoming connections d> verify user/pass
07:46.10drray"Is this server set up for an ODBC connection?  Specifically, I'm having trouble connecting with unix-odbc"
07:46.12Asside> correct unixodbc drivers are installed for mssql
07:46.53drrayit would not shock me to hear that M$-SQL does not play nice with ODBC out of the box
07:47.04tparcinadarry, should that be enabled by default, because i have allready used unix-odbc with mssql and i don't think that my coworker has changed anything particular - as far as i know he just created database and provide me username/pass
07:48.02Sonderbladeanyone know of any softphones which has a configurable sip registration timeout setting?
07:48.10drrayWe are not the droids you are looking for
07:50.04AssidSonderblade: eyebeam/xten
07:50.48tparcinaassid, darry, thank you!
07:52.17SonderbladeAssid: i meant hardphones
07:53.13Sonderbladegrandstream's phones doesn't seem to have such a setting
07:55.16kmilitzerMorning everyone ...
07:55.56Assid"<Sonderblade> anyone know of any softphones......... "
07:56.06Assidanyways.. polycoms do..
07:56.12Assidatleast while provisioning
07:56.38kmilitzerDoes anyone have an idea why I have problems with the bufferings of packets with my TE205P? As it seems my zaptel input buffer runs full and then my output buffer is empty.
07:57.00kmilitzer... as I use chan_ss7 that results in my MTP-Layer flapping
07:57.10kmilitzerAny idea why something like this can happen?
07:57.15tparcinaassid, darry, weary usefull comand is - isql -v MSSQL-asterisk username password : which connects you to mssql server or tell's you why it didn't connect
07:57.32SonderbladeAssid: i typoed :)
07:58.39*** part/#asterisk tparcina (
08:06.18*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
08:24.29*** join/#asterisk niZon (
08:29.29*** join/#asterisk DHuang (
08:29.51Strom_Cgood afternoon
08:30.11*** join/#asterisk AltnTab (
08:30.35DHuanghi Strom_C
08:31.23*** join/#asterisk Arno[Slack] (
08:31.58DHuanganyone know how to setup or ideas how joining 2 SIP calls? like the dialer on site?
08:32.41Strom_Cwhat do you mean "joining"
08:33.42DHuangon that site it dials 2 numbers.. and how to bridge those two outgoing SIP calls?
08:34.07Strom_Cit dials two numbers and conferences them together?
08:34.08Strom_Ceasy file
08:34.57DHuangso you create conference room 1st and then make 2 SIP calls to join that conference room?
08:35.28Strom_Cyou place one call, and then once that call supervises, you have it connect the other call
08:35.56DHuangcan u do that with SIP?
08:36.06Strom_Cyou can do that with any protocol
08:36.09Strom_Cit doesn't matter
08:36.32Strom_CSIP, IAX, or even H.323 if you're feeling particularly masochistic
08:36.47DHuangOh... :-)  Great, where can I read or find sample on this?
08:37.23jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
08:37.24jbotwell, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
08:38.10DHuangExcellent....  I always those Channel: can only be ZAP
08:38.26Strom_Cobviously you have read very little documentation :)
08:39.17DHuangExtension is the 2nd number to dial... I've tried SIP but didn't work?
08:39.49Strom_CSIP is not an extension
08:40.07Strom_Cdo you understand the difference between an extension and the Dial application?
08:40.35Strom_Cthen look closely at that page
08:42.17DHuanggot ya.. call files specify an channel to call and an extension or application to connect with the called channel... so use the application to make the 2nd call..
08:42.52DHuangThanks again.. :-) good to have someone hitting my head...
08:43.06Strom_Cbetter to force you to figure it out than to hold your hand
08:43.16Strom_Cmakes you a better asterisk admin ;)
08:45.27*** join/#asterisk canatella (
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08:45.49Strom_Cgood afternoon
08:47.38*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
08:47.54canatellaI own a virtual server. I would like to have two sip address for my domain name (which is pointing to my server) and be able to register on that server from anywhere on the web to be able to call/receive sip calls. Can asterisk do something for me ?
08:48.18Strom_Cok, what?
08:49.33DHuangAsterisk can do that.
08:50.24canatellaDHuang: for two address, do I need a powerfull server or my small xen virtual server will do ?
08:50.36Strom_CI'm still attempting to resolve just what the hell that means, although it's 2 in the morning here and I'm probably in no state of mind to start picking apart implied and express meaning
08:50.58drrayIf you mean two ip addresses?
08:51.01DHuangcannatella: depends how many simultaneous SIP connections you going to have?
08:51.02*** join/#asterisk reza_ (
08:51.04drraythen asterisk does not care
08:51.08canatellaDHuang: max 2
08:51.15reza_hey - anyone know if a cheap toll free did for the us?
08:51.20DHuangSotrm: go to sleep...
08:51.32canatelladrray: no two sip user address, for me and my wife ;)
08:52.56DHuangcannatella: can you explain more in detail what you are trying to achieve?
08:54.22canatellaso I own the domain which points to a virtual server running debian. I would like to have two sip address for that domain say and
08:54.43Strom_Cthat's easy
08:54.48canatellaI would like to be able to make and receive sip call from home or my work to these address
08:55.03Strom_Ccanatella: that's ridiculously easy
08:55.11Strom_Cin fact, it's easier than pie
08:55.12DHuangya.. no need asterisk to do that
08:55.26canatellaStrom_C: I've not said its not easy =P I just don't know where to start
08:55.34jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
08:55.35jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
08:55.45Strom_Cdoes that work? :)
08:57.23canatellaI've read it but not deep enough (I hope this is correct english) :P
08:57.40Strom_Cwell, read more deeply then :)
08:57.42canatellaI'll reopen it then ;)
08:58.16SheriF_WorKJul  4 12:06:18 WARNING[11064]: app_dial.c:1006 dial_exec: Had to drop call because I couldn't make SIP/130-6a31 compatible with SIP/20026-f1cf <-- any idea why ? both ends should use ULAW .. one is multitech device the other one is xlite softphone
08:58.45Strom_Care you sure they're both using ulaw?
08:59.19DHuangtry "sip debug" and see the codec
08:59.47SheriF_WorKStrom_C: yes i only use ulaw in xlite and the device i use ulaw and also in sip.conf / disallow = all and allow = ulaw
09:00.19Strom_Cpastebin your entire sip.conf
09:00.27Strom_Cand also do a sip debug like DHuang said
09:01.03SheriF_WorKok 1 min
09:02.24*** join/#asterisk abatista (
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09:11.36*** join/#asterisk speedwagon (
09:11.38canatellathx bye =P
09:11.41*** part/#asterisk canatella (
09:14.20*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (n=gunnar@
09:18.05Strom_CFor the laaaaand of the cheeeeeeeeeeeeese in the caaaaaaan that you spraaaaaaaaaaay
09:20.14DHuanghow to pass ARG in the .call files for the application?  Application: appps ${Arg1} ${Arg2}
09:20.43Strom_Cyou dont
09:20.46Strom_Cyou use your custom script to generate the call file
09:21.00DHuangI see.. AGI file
09:21.57mitchelocDHuang, the best way is to connect it to an extension in your extensions.conf file and have all your commands handled there
09:22.22DHuangmitcheloc: trying to connect to SIP connection using the .call file
09:23.26mitcheloci don't use .call files, but ami i can't be of help regarding syntax, only concepts ;)
09:24.26DHuangmitcheloc: trying to do this
09:24.52mitchelocwhat about it?
09:25.20DHuangYou enter to numbers and it connects for you.
09:25.42mitchelocdo you mean you are trying to make your own?
09:25.50DHuangmit: yeah
09:26.13mitchelocshould be simple enough
09:26.47DHuangthat's what I thought.. until I try... :-(
09:27.05mitchelocare you a programmer?
09:27.38mitchelocwhats the troubling part, i think you are looking at it the wrong way
09:28.02DHuangplease shine some light on it..!!
09:28.13mitchelocdon't pass arg1/arg 2, there is no point
09:28.48mitchelocin channel set it up like so: "Channel: ZAP/g1/extension" to call, and then "Extension: numbertoconnectto"
09:29.14mitchelocand set up a context that matches any extension to connect ZAP/* to your outbound trunk
09:29.24mitcheloc(zap/* could be anything else, even another outbound trunk)
09:29.30DHuang:-)  but Extensions can not make SIP out?
09:29.54DHuangHmm... I see.. so realtime you mean..
09:30.07mitchelocusing the "Channel" and extensions.conf syntax you can do that, set up the extensions.conf to match and use the dial command to dial any channel
09:30.47mitchelocyou are an odd one mister Strom_C
09:30.54DHuangStrom: I guess you are going to sleep
09:30.55Strom_Cyes I am
09:33.11DHuangmit: Thanks.. I think I got it.. :-) Shall try it out l8r....  eg. extension 777xxxxxx = dial out xxxxxx   and in the .call file you just set the number 777xxxxxx  :-p
09:33.54DHuangExcellent.... can't wait to try it out later
09:33.56mitchelocsomething like that ;)
09:34.40DHuangthis should keep me busy tonight... :-)  Okay Thanks again...
09:35.09*** join/#asterisk antoninus (
09:37.03*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
09:50.14stoffellwhen dialing invalid (or busy) numbers on a zap channel, how can i make sure the SIP clients of the asterisk can hear the telco error? (and not play circuits are busy for example)
09:50.34Strom_CFXO, T1, or PRI?
09:51.29stoffellit's BRI, does this have to do with priindication ?
09:51.48Strom_CI have no experience with BRI
09:52.19stoffellguess it's the same as for PRI, at least the 'issue' is.. (I have 1 BRI and 1 PRI card in 2 different servers)
09:54.35stoffellyou know how it's handled on an E1 (T1) ?
09:56.14*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
09:56.37Strom_Cdepends on whether you're talking channelized E1 or PRI
09:57.27*** join/#asterisk thedotedge (
09:58.18Strom_Cwell, that's a detailed description of the problem indeed
09:58.22jbothmm... docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
09:58.22stoffellI get 1 E1 cable coming in, wich connects directly to the digium te110p
09:58.35Strom_Cstoffell: but is it PRI?
09:58.45Strom_Cor is it boring old channelized E1?
09:58.47stoffellStrom_C, yes, a PRI, with 30 channels
09:58.51stoffellnot boring old :)
09:58.51thedotedgeI'm experiencing strange behavior while placing outgoing calls from SIP phone to PSTN via Zap channels (TE410P over E1).
09:59.44thedotedgeIncoming calls do work fine, and outgoing calls randomly fail like that: I pick up the hook on the PSTN phone and there is silence there while * says it's still ringing and SIP phone also continues to ring. But sometimes the call go through fine. I don't do any reloads etc, just place one call and then another.
09:59.44thedotedgepri debug span 1 for successful and unsuccesfull calls showed that sometimes * doesn't receive CONNECT (7) and CONNECT ACKNOWLEDGE (15) messages
10:01.45*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
10:03.03thedotedgeplease take a look at
10:03.46RoyK[at]Strom_C: PRI or channalised E1??
10:04.10Strom_CRoyK[at]: catsex on a stick
10:04.24RoyK[at]methinks Strom_C is evil
10:04.30Strom_Cto the core
10:04.33Strom_Calso cheese
10:13.47*** join/#asterisk Bert- (
10:13.50Bert-hello there :)
10:14.38*** join/#asterisk scanna (
10:15.15Bert-I have a little question about ring tone : When I dial a number (throught SIP Trunk), asterisk provide ringtone before receiving the SIP ringing msg. Is a way to wait the ringing msg before sending ringtone to the caller ?
10:15.51RoyK[at]don't use the r flag?
10:16.01Bert-Hi Roy ;)
10:16.04Bert-let me try
10:16.14Bert-I was wondering about Dial parameter
10:16.32Bert-in fact
10:16.37Bert-I use it : exten => s,5,Dial(SIP/${ARG1}@Nextone_OUT,60,Tr)
10:20.35thedotedgehas anyone ever experienced random outgoing call connections not being detected on Zap channels?
10:22.10drrayno, that never happens
10:22.34drrayer, pardon me
10:23.57*** join/#asterisk BertZ (
10:29.55stoffellthedotedge, are you using bristuff?
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10:47.28kay2If my voicemail is saved in .gsm format, and I am using g729 with my softphone. Do I have to get a license for the g729 ?
10:49.41*** join/#asterisk shermster (
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11:08.30thedotedgestoffell no, it's just libpri 1.2.3 and zaptel 1.2.6
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11:10.52_omeranyone know where I can get DBD::ODBC for RH9 ??? I need to make ASTCC (AGI script using Perl) working with Microsoft SQL 2000....
11:15.22markeyGBHi all is anyone using modems and or fax machines out of the back of asterisk? How are you doing it? I have read about people having a lot of problems. Some people say ATA some say TDM400 some say use a channel bank such as the rhino (though I think this look suspiciously like an asterisk box itself)
11:15.45hwtall my spawn extensions exit non-zero. is that normal?
11:33.30*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
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11:40.16Eimann_Hmm, how can i accept all calls with SER and send them to an asterisk, if the customers ATA is offline?
11:41.51hwtwhat's the technical difference between SER an OpenSER?
11:43.39*** join/#asterisk SheriF_WorK (n=sherif@
11:46.21Eimann_don't know.
11:47.10znoGhi, does anyone do QoS on Linux for VoIP traffic?
11:49.33Mw3markeyGB: We're using fax machines and data modemes behind asterisk with ATA's. sometimes there are problems (fax not getting through, low modem speed (4800 baud)), but most of the time it's working well.
11:52.53stoffellmarkeyGB, I'm using IAXMODEM since a few days, seems to work nice..
11:53.01stoffell(better then rxfax/txfax combo)
11:53.03hwtMw3: have you looked at virtualizing the whole thing with spandsp/(rx|tx)fax?
11:53.08hwtthat worked great here.
11:53.24hwtgiven that you have a controlled network environment.
11:53.50jbotit has been said that stun is that feeling you get when you realise your SIP call actually got through!.  Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs
11:53.51hwtstoffell: what's the difference between iaxmodem and spandsp?
11:54.23rob0Okay, but my SIP is not NATed.
11:54.52hwtoh, it uses spandsp.
11:55.11stoffellhwt, I've had better luck using iaxmodem and hylafax, but it also uses spandsp in a way.. (but without the txfax/rxfax apps)
11:56.05DrkShdwI've had the best luck with an analog line + a real fax machine ;)
11:56.12markeyGBthanks for the opinions guys... maybe i will just give them a whirl and if its slow and buggy get some analogue lines in.
11:57.26hwtstoffell: what problems have you had with rx/txfax? they've worked perfectly for me thus far.
11:57.53Mw3hwt: yes. but the girls here doesn't like that :) they love standard fax machines :D
11:58.41stoffellhwt, mainly txfax, rxfax sometimes missed some faxes (incorrect pages, etc..) but sending faxes worked almost never.. (only 5% worked when testing it out)
11:58.54*** join/#asterisk viperdude (
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12:00.10rob0Do I need udp dpt:3478 open for SIP with FWD?
12:00.34hwtstoffell: in what topology are you using it?
12:01.57*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:02.00stoffellhwt, using bristuff on a few ISDN lines..
12:05.36RoyK[at]does bristuff work with 1.2?
12:06.22stoffellRoyK[at], yes, if you use the latest, and patch it a bit to make sure you don't suffer from the hangup bug:)
12:07.45*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
12:07.56RoyK[at]stoffell: if you have the patched-up version, please upload it to :)
12:08.20hwtstoffell: ok, i'm using it in a pure voip-network.
12:08.25hwtstoffell: closed network, that is.
12:11.23*** join/#asterisk madikonda2 (
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12:13.32madikonda2please point correct channell for astcc..
12:13.33__undefcan anyone tell me how i can get rid of "zaphfc[0]: b channel buffer overflow: xxx, xxx"?
12:13.47__undefassigning irqs to the hfc cards didn't help
12:14.31__undefone card is on irq5, the other one on irq7
12:14.50__undefand zaphfc was compiled with florz' patches
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12:17.18rob0sigh ... Jul  4 07:15:10 miniluv postfix/smtpd[25477]: warning: Illegal address syntax from[] in MAIL command: < "fwd user forums">
12:18.15madikonda2astcc is not saving cdrs, what is the configuration to enable cdrs?
12:18.19rob0I can't register at the FWD forums. :(
12:18.42kay2is the video Grandstream phone a good phone ?
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12:26.04Dr-Linuxanybody knows about SCCP?
12:26.20*** join/#asterisk oej (
12:33.03jbotsccp is, like, Proprietary protocol used between Cisco Call Manager and Cisco VOIP phones. Also supported by some other vendors.  Also Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP), a routing protocol in SS7 protocol suite in layer 4, provides end-to-end routing for TCAP messages to their proper database.
12:33.38RoyK[at]Dr-Linux: doing ss7?
12:34.20*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
12:34.31Dr-LinuxRoyK[at]: actually, i have a Cisco 7935 conference phone, tht only supports SCCP, so i just configured all on asterisk server.
12:34.43Dr-Linuxeverything works fine, but a few problems
12:35.46potsboyi hate to ask the obvious... err * what problems *
12:35.58hwtDr-Linux: i think you can firmware-upgrade that one to support SIP.
12:36.44Dr-Linuxhwt: as i said, this device only support SCCP
12:36.51*** join/#asterisk myiagy (
12:36.59Dr-Linuxhwt: but if you are clear with your statement, then please help me
12:38.43*** join/#asterisk telenieko (
12:39.48teleniekoHi ppl. I have a queue with some people with some penalties (some of that people is with more than one penalty) it was working fine until I upgraded to, now everybody that was repeated on more than one penalty is only on the last one. any clue?
12:40.21Dr-Linuxwhat's SCCP new version?
12:47.02tehmazein my tcpdumps I see a lot of INVITE messages, but asterisk seems to just ignore them, I got a section [username] in my sip.conf and a context+extension for it, still it seems to ignore incoming calls .. any tips?
12:53.44*** join/#asterisk acehunky (n=chat_jok@
12:54.40jbotsomebody said skinny was a common name for SCCP, the VoIP protocol used by many Cisco phones, or what people look like when they put computing above eating
12:55.59znoGif I have a Dial command with tTL(3600000), why would a call NOT get hanged up by Asterisk?
12:56.12znoGthey normally get dropped by Asterisk, but this one got away somehow
12:56.14znoG18 hours and counting
12:56.50znoGshould I bet setting an AbsoluteTimeout or something?
12:57.18znoGinstead of limiting the call using L(X) ?
12:58.01*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
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13:09.39yxahow do I strip certain digits of a number {VARIABLE} ?
13:10.17[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Can you give an example on exactly what kind of stipping you're looking to do.
13:11.17yxaok. after stripping weird characters after using FILTER, I am left with the country and area code I want to strip, leaving only a local number
13:11.25MooingLemur${VARIABLE:3} = returns fourth position from the start, through to the end.  ${VARIABLE:0:3} = returns from first position, with the length of 3.
13:12.21yxacool. I thought I can only do that with {EXTEN}
13:12.31[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Nope, any var
13:14.26*** join/#asterisk Qb3rt (
13:16.31madikonda2anyone know about astcc?
13:17.51viperdudehi all, bit off topic I know but does anyone know how to disable the settings button on a cisco 7940 with the sip image on it?
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13:22.04yxacan I specify a call file to not dial out immediately?
13:22.26*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
13:22.57jbotfrom memory, astcc is the asterisk calling card platform.  There have been patches so that now you can use it in either a pre-pay or post-pay model.  You can find more information about it on the wiki (
13:23.39thedotedgeyxa just touch it to future date
13:24.33MRH2yxa then move it to the sppol directory
13:24.41*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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13:27.15[TK]D-Fenderyxa : You can either cron the move of the call file into the folder or you can set the file date to the time/date you want it to execute.
13:27.27trymi want to execute a shell command of some sort that makes asterisk call a number and put the call in a certain extension
13:27.33trymhow can I achieve this?
13:28.18yxatrym we are talking abt it. call files.
13:29.14yxa[TK]D-Fender what's the syntax of touch that does currenttime + x secs?
13:30.38Dr-Linuxanybody knows about SCCP?
13:30.49*** part/#asterisk madikonda2 (
13:31.42Dr-Linuxyxa: i've configured everything on my asterisk box for one of my Cisco 7940, but i'm having some problems so need help.
13:32.20yxaDr-Linux no in-depth knowledge. sorry
13:33.25Dr-Linuxyxa: when i call outside, i can't hear other end, and i hear very strange ring ... that's going to other party
13:33.55*** join/#asterisk Egonis (n=Egonis@
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13:34.22Egonisi just made my own music on hold mp3, which bitrate, etc should it be in? it just crashed mpg123 and asterisk subsequently when I tried to play it back
13:34.56znoG[TK]D-Fender: for setting the maximum time of a call, should I be using L(x) in the Dial command or the AbsoluteTimeout setting?
13:35.06[TK]D-Fenderyxa : no clue, I suck at linux.
13:35.07l-fyhello guys
13:35.25[TK]D-FenderznoG : no idea
13:35.42[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Wait till Qwell shows up.
13:35.50l-fymy asterisk can carry only 250 calls with iax without trunking
13:35.58l-fyhow can i increase the number of calls?
13:36.15[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : Well... try trunking :)
13:36.22Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: yeah, i can't find help even on google :S
13:36.29trymcall files worked like a charm
13:36.37l-fy[TK]D-Fender > in my setup trunking is useless
13:36.43yxaznoG L(x) should do the job
13:37.00l-fyso any idea how can i increase the number of iax calls
13:37.06[TK]D-FenderEgonis : I'd suggest 128kbit and maybe use Native MoH and not MPG123
13:37.09yxaznoG but becareful it is in milliseconds
13:37.30[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : Whats the actualy proble with it?  Connection limit or CPU?
13:37.51l-fy[TK]D-Fender > well, it starts to lose frames, i guess
13:38.01l-fythe connection is enough
13:38.19yxal-fy there's only so many transcoding a cpu can do...
13:38.34l-fyyxa > i don't do transcoding
13:38.44l-fyeverything else there except iax is irevelant
13:39.52[TK]D-Fenderl-fy : Maybe a timing issue.... can't advise any more on this unfortunately.
13:40.57yxal-fy what codec?
13:41.15l-fyyxa > g711
13:41.25l-fy[TK]D-Fender > it dosen't seems to
13:44.31*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
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14:00.32Skarmethhi all
14:01.28Skarmethit's a normal behavior when your run pri debug span 1 and pri intense debug span 1 at the moment your receive a call, the asterisk server goes down?
14:02.06tzangerSkarmeth: nope
14:02.15tzangeryou typically don't need intense debugging
14:02.23tzangerbut it should not crash
14:08.16*** join/#asterisk nXOR (n=drade@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/nXOR)
14:08.36nXORhello ppl, i have a question about visdn, is there a dedicated channel for it or can i ask here ?
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14:09.36doolphanyone know why my X100P don't hungup inmediatly when the party hungup?
14:09.44nXORchannel full of sleeping people .......
14:14.13*** join/#asterisk ionix (
14:14.21tzangerdoolph: because your telco isn't supplying CPD, or the card does not recognize your telco's brand of CPD
14:15.07tzangercalled/calling party disconnect
14:16.02tzangerbasically some way for the telco to tell your phone that the other side hung up on you.  not all telcos support it.  generally it's a momentary battery drop or polarity reversal before you hear dialtone again
14:20.57nXORwho can answer me some asterisk/visdn related questions please
14:21.06nXORor point me to a channel that can
14:22.54*** join/#asterisk LeXo (
14:28.34BertZwhat is the best digital card to buy for 4 isdn lines please ?
14:28.42BertZdoes I need a DSP module ?
14:29.11BertZIn France, we call this kind of lines T0 (a box wich provide two phone lines)
14:29.22BertZbut I don't knwo the english equivalent :(
14:32.21BertZseems that digium card are standard euro compliant ;=)
14:32.46*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
14:33.52RoyK[at]BertZ: they work well in europe, yse
14:34.06RoyK[at]perhaps even in france :)
14:34.15BertZit must
14:34.24RoyK[at]we use digium cards in .no
14:34.26RoyK[at]that is
14:34.32RoyK[at]right now we only use sangomas
14:34.44BertZAs I can see (I'm really not an expert), cards are capale to handle hundreds channels
14:34.56gaupeRoyK[at]: not BRI I guess :)
14:35.03BertZwhat about one for just 4 digital lines ?
14:35.04RoyK[at]a four-port card can obviously handle 120 channels
14:35.20BertZI will have only 4 channels
14:35.25RoyK[at]or 124 if you do ss7
14:35.30_4d4m_I've been playing with variations of what is stated on the wiki regarding the i extension (and more specifically how to set-up a catchall for all unrecognised numbers dialled by my users), but I'm not having any success.  Anyone know of a place that will show/explain how to create such a catch-all?
14:35.30BertZso I mean 4 channels, not 4 ports sorry :)
14:35.38RoyK[at]4 PRIs?
14:35.45RoyK[at]get a good box anyway
14:35.51RoyK[at]or boards with echocancel
14:35.57RoyK[at]the latter is best, of course
14:36.16BertZPentium D 3GHz 512 DDRAM 80GO SATA. Is that ok ?
14:36.19RoyK[at]more expensive, but then you can prolly run eight or sixteen PRIs in a box
14:36.43RoyK[at]the CPU might not handle 120 echocancel
14:36.47RoyK[at]test it
14:37.03BertZI use asterisk with 4 concurrent calls, with transcoding
14:37.07RoyK[at]two crossed E1s
14:37.11RoyK[at]four calls :)
14:37.13BertZon a P III 500 MHZ and 192 SDRAM
14:37.19RoyK[at]but that is four calls
14:37.20[TK]D-FenderRoyK[at] : That's why you buy the 8-Port EC card from Sangoma :)
14:37.22BertZIt work
14:37.31BertZI don''t need more
14:37.32rob0Hahaha ... messing around with FWD, I can get it working with IAX2 but not SIP. And I called their time extension, 612 ... the clock is off by 6 minutes!
14:37.41websaeTK: i have that card!
14:37.53rob0Would that perhaps cause call failures?
14:37.54RoyK[at][TK]D-Fender: I know, but it doesn't work yet with amd64 :(
14:38.02RoyK[at][TK]D-Fender: the sangoma guys are really slow there
14:38.44BertZWell clearly, we will have 5 outbound concurrent calls MAX, all through SIP account and 4 concurrent inbound, all from pstn.
14:38.47[TK]D-FenderRoyK[at] : Only in 64 bit mode maybe... then again at higher densities like this most people looks for a gateway device like AudioCodes anyways
14:38.56*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
14:39.04BertZWe haeonly 4 isdn lines
14:39.19BertZand I don't know which PRI card is the best for us
14:39.31*** join/#asterisk postel (n=jp@unaffiliated/postel)
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14:40.39RoyK[at][TK]D-Fender: still it is _really_ annoying they haven't fixed it.
14:41.19[TK]D-FenderRoyK[at] : There are worse things....
14:41.43RoyK[at]well, i haven't heard from them in a month
14:41.48RoyK[at]and i think that is quite bad
14:42.36*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
14:45.36xhelioxAnyone have any experience with the Sangoma A200?
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14:47.05_4d4m_i'm trying to create a catchall for any extension that a user dials that is not matched in the dialplan for that context.  I've followed suggestions on the wiki, but it does not work for me -->
14:47.12[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : I have.  What's up?
14:47.17_4d4m_the catch-all catches everything (as i thought it would to be honest)
14:47.22xheliox[TK]D-Fender: My hero, I was hoping you were around. :)
14:47.48xheliox[TK]D-Fender: I bought one, just to play, and it won't recognize my FXS port. The driver loads, sees the card, but fails.
14:48.05xhelioxLet me pastebin the error.
14:48.20_4d4m_anyone any hints or tips?
14:49.13[TK]D-Fender_4d4m_ : Your Goto is wrong.  read up on its syntax
14:49.51[TK]D-Fender_4d4m_ : And for the way you set it up, you're better off just INCLUDE-ing the context
14:50.31[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : Sure its all assembled properly?
14:50.37*** join/#asterisk donpaolo (
14:50.45xhelioxAs sure as I can be.
14:50.47*** part/#asterisk donpaolo (
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14:51.42[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : pastebin your zaptel / zapata / wanpipe1
14:52.03*** join/#asterisk Sponge_bob (
14:52.08xhelioxStand by.
14:52.57_4d4m_[TK]D-Fender: the goto got screwed up in pasting.. is what i've tried and is not working
14:53.07_4d4m_is that still wrong context?
14:53.17_4d4m_sip debug shows it is getting passed to the right context and file is played
14:53.23_4d4m_but played no matter what i enter
14:53.33[TK]D-Fender_4d4m_ : Your syntax is STILL wrong.  Go read the INSTRUCTIONS -> "show application goto"
14:56.48_4d4m_[TK]D-Fender: d'oh.. thanks
14:58.03[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : you are defining 2 channels in zapata, but only 1 in zaptel.  What does "wanrouter status" say?
14:58.27*** join/#asterisk magic_1 (
14:58.28xhelioxYeah, my mistake, I changed that earlier, just to test to see if maybe there was a problem with the second module...
14:58.57xhelioxFind if I c/p it to you in /msg?
14:59.16BertZso nobody use Asterisk for only some calls, as an IVR, for a little company ?
14:59.30BertZyou guys work all in big companies which need 120 channels ?
14:59.39BertZdifficult to believe ;)
15:01.36*** join/#asterisk iq|mobile (n=iq@unaffiliated/iq)
15:02.09[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : Doesn't look up.  do wanrouter start
15:02.57BertZTE110P should be ok
15:03.05xhelioxAnd in /var/log/messages is the same error I pasted you to begin with..
15:03.17*** join/#asterisk Egonis (n=Egonis@
15:03.53EgonisI am getting no outbound audio on an outside phone, which registers to an asterisk server on a direct net ip -- any obvious things I am forgetting?
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15:05.43_4d4m_[TK]D-Fender: Goto sorted. catch-all catches all, but I want a 'catch-all-but-the-valid-extensions-i've-defined' - any hints?
15:06.53[TK]D-Fender_4d4m_ : stop using that goto at all and just INCLUDE it.
15:10.55[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : Hmmm...  try the wanrouter card autodetect (don't recall the parm for it)
15:11.11*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
15:11.31[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : Though something seems off in your wanpipe config if you're getting        :      22 - Invalid argument
15:11.43*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
15:12.04xhelioxI created it with "wancfg zaptel"
15:12.21[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : mind you there is a hardware concern getting this error earlier : Jul  3 21:02:23 quagmire kernel: wanpipe1: No FXO/FXS modules are found!
15:12.36[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : Never used that method before..
15:13.05xhelioxDo you have a sample I could just test with?
15:14.59__undefdoes anyone have asterisk running with 3 hfc cards?
15:15.18__undefone works fine, but with three i get buffer overruns and underruns after a few seconds
15:15.56[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : Not offhand, sorry...
15:16.02xhelioxOkie dokie.
15:16.22[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : Try rebuilding your wancfg setup from scratch.
15:17.20eKo1Man, liquidating CDR information is the suX0rz
15:20.02*** part/#asterisk Egonis (n=Egonis@
15:20.33xheliox[TK]D-Fender: Same. :(
15:20.39*** join/#asterisk Tili (
15:20.50xhelioxis there an easy way to verify for sure this is a pci 2.2 system?
15:20.58[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : no ida.
15:21.20xhelioxI'm 99% sure it is
15:23.03*** part/#asterisk clive- (
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15:26.46Sonderbladeon there is a tip for how to reboot a phone using curl, have anyone used that tip and/or know how to get it to work?
15:27.36rob0What ports do I need open for SIP? 5060/udp, or others too? (No NAT involved, FWIW.)
15:28.29eKo1That is all you need for SIP.
15:28.34*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
15:28.45rob0What are the 10000:20000 ports I see mentioned?
15:28.55[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : You need 5060 for SIP, and typically 10000-20000 for RTP
15:29.16rob0ah! So *that* could be by SIP trouble!
15:29.43xheliox[TK]D-Fender: I'm thinking I have a bum card, I just threw in another system.
15:29.49[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : You'll need to set either EXTERNIP or EXTERNHOST + EXTERNREFRESH, nat=yes, and LOCALNET in [general] in sip.conf
15:30.08[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : Try swapping the modules around.
15:30.23xheliox[TK]D-Fender: Did that last night.
15:30.49rob0I'm not NATing ... the * host is directly connected to the 'Net.
15:32.19[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : So * is PUBLIC and you have a NAT'd CLIENT?
15:32.52xheliox[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, they're on holiday today, I'm going to try tomorrow.
15:33.22rob0* is public, there's no SIP client. I was trying to set up inbound calls from a remote DID ( this time.)
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15:35.12[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : then where is NAT involved?
15:37.49rob0um, I said none ... "(No NAT involved, FWIW.)" It's just that most of the instructions at the Wiki seem to assume NAT.
15:38.22[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : Ok, so you should have no issues then... ignore everything related to it.
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15:44.04bochgentlemen, could you helpme understanding what is happening in my asterisk when i try to make a sip call, i can paste you the signaling
15:44.18ctaloiboch - i can try
15:44.22ctaloiwhat've you go
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15:47.01ctaloianyone have any suggestions on a voicemail user interface that will allow moves adds and changes?
15:47.20bochctaloi: this is the signaling since i pick up the phone and dial until hangup
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15:48.18ctaloiboch - can you explain to me what happens when you try to make a call? fast busy, op message ?
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15:49.10bochctaloi: fast busy after almost 10 secs
15:49.57ctaloiextensions '12' and '123' are internal SIP phones on your LAN?
15:51.37boch12 is the peer, an ata186, and in its context there is the extension: exten => _X.,1,NoOp(ok!!)
15:52.56bochthe point is, NoOp is not being exec
15:53.14ctaloiyou might want to try "set verbose 10" at the Asterisk CLI - I see you've got SIP debugging going, but the Asterisk verbose or Debug will give you a beter idea of what Asterisk is up to
15:53.51ctaloitry to following at the Ast CLI: set verbose 10 | set debug 10
15:54.01ctaloithen tail /var/log/astersik/full
15:54.45bochright, didnt know that log, thanks
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16:34.14linlinim attempting to install freepbx/asterisk on my deian machine using this guide:
16:34.26linlinwhen i get to the part about building the asterisk-addons package, make stops with an error
16:34.44linlinheres the output of make
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16:37.10St1ckm4nI think one of my cronjobs is making my asterisk crash but it's happening intermittently
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16:38.07St1ckm4nnot every day but when it crashes it's right on the hour
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16:39.18St1ckm4nI figure the culprit is either 00-makewhatiscron or loadQueueLogs but haven't been able to find any output from either that looks like there was  an error
16:39.46St1ckm4nDoesn't seem like anyone is really out there today anyways so I guess I'm just venting
16:40.33*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
16:45.40dlynes_officeSt1ckm4n: Are you on freebsd?
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16:47.19St1ckm4nno linux, We had a company build the box for us I believe it's using slackware
16:51.49salviadudi use slackware
16:52.12salviadudand like it
16:52.27gaupeI like to shoot my self in the head too
16:52.40gaupebut I'm not paying for it ;)
16:53.25salviadudare u saying slackware is like shooting yourself in the head?
16:53.41gaupeI would prefer shooting myself in the head really
16:53.42Qwellsalviadud: no, shooting yourself in the head is a lot like slackware
16:54.13salviadudcome on, it's not THAT hard...
16:54.27gaupeit's very hard to maintain
16:54.52salviaduddepends on how you handle the packaging system
16:54.59salviadudi use checkinstall
16:55.05dlynes_officeSt1ckm4n: dood....slackware kicks ass
16:55.21dlynes_officeQwell: You're just jealous cause some goon is forcing you to use fedora :)
16:55.31salviaduddlynes_office, agreed
16:55.34Qwellpfft, gentoo
16:55.36St1ckm4nI really haven't developed an opinion on it yet but was listening to Qwell and gaupes discussion about it
16:55.55dlynes_officeSt1ckm4n: listen to salviadud and I :)
16:56.00dlynes_officeSt1ckm4n: but seriously
16:56.14dlynes_officeSt1ckm4n: I'd say there's probably at least 10% of the people in this channel using Slackware
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16:56.32dlynes_officeIt's extremely stable...that's its main claim to fame
16:56.45dlynes_officeIt's other claim to fame is that it doesn't run all the latest and the greatest
16:56.46gaupethere's no fame, rather shame
16:56.51dlynes_officewhich is probably why it's stable
16:57.05salviadudhey, i can make slackware unstable
16:57.10salviadudjust compile from source
16:57.12dlynes_officesalviadud: yeah...just add rpms
16:57.32Strom_CFWIW, I'm a big fan of debian stable - the default base installation is fairly small and apt is rather elegant
16:57.44Strom_Cmakes setting servers up a snap
16:57.46St1ckm4nI haven't been having very much luck with my asterisk since we purchased it, imo I think the company we bought it from did a poor job configuring it and I'm trying to learn the ropes to fix some of their mess
16:57.50Strom_Chey, alliteration
16:58.10Strom_CSt1ckm4n: where are you located?
16:58.16St1ckm4nPortland, OR
16:58.17QwellSt1ckm4n: What company?
16:58.24*** join/#asterisk Qb3rt (
16:58.49dlynes_officeSt1ckm4n: try looking in your /etc/cron.hourly, /etc/cron.daily, /etc/cron.weekly and /etc/cron.monthly directories
16:59.07St1ckm4nQwell: I don't want to throw out names, can I pm you their name?
16:59.09dlynes_officeSt1ckm4n: do a grep for the keyword 'asterisk' in there...see if there's some kind cron job for asterisk
16:59.14QwellSt1ckm4n: sure
16:59.24Strom_CSt1ckm4n: also, just for our amusement, pastebin your extensions.conf file
16:59.37dlynes_officeStrom_C: his issue he thinks is a cron job
16:59.42Strom_Cah ok
16:59.43QwellSt1ckm4n: never heard of em
17:00.01St1ckm4nI think we might of been one of their first clients
17:00.14dlynes_officeSt1ckm4n: they don't do any after market support?
17:00.15St1ckm4nour telecom provider recomended them to us
17:00.40St1ckm4nthey do but they're expensive and after learning some of it myself I'm not that confident with them
17:01.09St1ckm4nwhen my asterisk crashes all calls get dropped and it seems to be right on the hour
17:01.11Strom_Chow much are they charging you?
17:01.49Strom_Cthats about what I charge for consulting, usually
17:02.26St1ckm4nI know that's about standard, it just seems to take them a long time to fix something that seems trivial
17:02.54St1ckm4nplus I'm trying to learn this a little more so we can be more self sufficient, we're a small company :)
17:02.55nassyi am new to asterisk and am trying to get external calls to connect to my software sip phone on my computer. asteris is behind a linksys router with NAT enabled. sip ports 5060-6082 and rdp ports 10000 - 20000 are forwarded to the asterisk server. i enabled sip debug on the sip channel and it looks as though i get some info from teliasip (my VoIP ISP). i can make outgoing calls ok. where can i find info on wha
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17:03.18Strom_Cjust out of curiosity, what are the specs on the entire system and how much did it end up costing you?
17:03.25Dr-LinuxQwell: hi,
17:03.25[TK]D-Fendernassy : pastebin your [general] section of sip.conf
17:03.30jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
17:03.42Dr-LinuxQwell: i was waiting for you for SCCP hints.
17:03.44nassy[TK]D-Fender: thanks. one sec
17:04.04St1ckm4nbrb, I'm gonna go grab the specs
17:04.47Strom_Cyeah, looks like they're an IT firm that went "lol voip" one afternoon
17:06.44St1ckm4nStrom_C: HP Proliant DL360-G4 Server, w/Dual T1 card was $3655
17:07.14Strom_Chow many phones, what kind of phones, and what did it end up costing you in consulting fees?
17:07.18St1ckm4nand for configuring it was around $6,000
17:07.42St1ckm4nwe got 30 phones polycome 301 w/some POE hardware
17:08.01Qwellso, about $15k?
17:08.16Strom_C$6000?!  yow.  does the system have to do anything particularly crazy?
17:08.17St1ckm4nyeah $17 was the total
17:08.27St1ckm4nwe run a call center
17:08.46St1ckm4nabout 30 agents taking roughtly 400 calls a day
17:08.49Strom_Cso standard queues / agents stuff?  or is it outbound
17:08.59[TK]D-FenderSt1ckm4n : thats really high...
17:09.01*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
17:09.27nassyaout hw many simultaneous cal St1ckm4n
17:09.29St1ckm4nI'm starting to realize that now
17:09.33nassyabout how
17:09.49St1ckm4nwe are only using one pri so at the most I've seen we've used 14-18 channels
17:09.50nassypastebin seems to be responding slowly
17:10.15St1ckm4n$17 seemed cheap after we got out of that Nortel BCM :)
17:10.18QwellSt1ckm4n: What problems are you actually having?
17:10.29jhiverhi list
17:10.35jhiverI have this strange message on the CLI
17:10.43jhiverJul  4 19:09:56 WARNING[99244]: channel.c:2492 ast_request: Channel H323 does not support requested formats (g729)
17:10.43jhiverJul  4 19:09:56 NOTICE[99244]: app_dial.c:1029 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'H323' (cause 0 - Unknown)
17:10.43Qwell$20 it's a warning
17:10.49St1ckm4nQwell: asterisk consistently hangs, everyones calls will drop but everything looks normal
17:11.00QwellSt1ckm4n: oh, right, the hourly thing
17:11.03jhiverseems I can't do outbound H323 calling, don't know why
17:11.08jhiverany ideas?
17:11.12St1ckm4nlogs show nothing but it always seems to happen right on the hour and the last thing I'll see in my asterisk -r window is remote unix connection
17:11.17Qwelljhiver: maybe doesn't...I don't g729?!
17:11.35QwellSt1ckm4n: pastebin that cdr cron
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17:11.39jhiverQwell: H323 = signaling, plus it works inbound
17:11.42jhiverso... ???????
17:11.53jhiverI'm not asking it to transcode or anything
17:11.53Qwelljhiver: it says it doesn't support it
17:12.07St1ckm4nQwell: which cron did you want me to paste? loadQueueLogs?
17:12.13QwellSt1ckm4n: yeah, that one
17:12.16[TK]D-FenderSt1ckm4n : You sound like you were in the same setup I was.  We're an all-Polycom + * setup now.
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17:12.22jhiverso it doesn't support it outbound but works inbound? what kind of garbage is that?
17:12.40Strom_Cjhiver: do you have g729 license(s)?
17:12.49jhiverI just do pass-through
17:12.53jhiverso I shouldn't need it
17:13.22Strom_Cis this the same setup and call route in both directions?
17:13.30[TK]D-Fendernassy : Well first of all I should stop at the fact you're running AMP (or leftovers at the very least).  But you are missing all the normally required setting for NAT to work on *.  read up on EXTERNIP / EXTERNHOST, LOCALNET, and set nat=yes in there as well.
17:13.48jhiverit's not the same route, I have an inbound route and an outbound route
17:13.58jhiverI mean, I'll try ulaw
17:14.05jhiverand see if that changes anything
17:14.11Strom_Cplease do
17:14.19Strom_Cand then explain your different routes
17:14.40jhiverwell I have one incoming (H323) and a new one outgoing (H323 too)
17:15.06QwellSt1ckm4n: try disabling that cron for a while.
17:15.10jhiverthe incoming one works because I've made a test connection with my SIP phone (H323 <-> SIP translation working, hurray!)
17:15.17QwellSt1ckm4n: it seems a bit useless - especially if you have much disk space
17:15.25Qwelllow volume won't fill up your logs that fast at all
17:15.30St1ckm4nI need that cron, for my queue metrics reporting
17:15.41jhivernow the outbound route was /supposed/ to be SIP but then we had a "no ring tone" issue
17:15.52nassy[TK]D-Fender: thanks for helping. i didnt think that i had to add nat=1 if both asterisk and the software sip phone were behind the router.
17:16.01Strom_Cjhiver: I asked you to try ulaw /first/
17:16.02QwellSt1ckm4n: I don't like that way it works at all
17:16.02St1ckm4nwe pull the reporting throughout the day to see call stats
17:16.04jhiverso I've asked my provider to switch from SIP to H323 to see if it fixes things, and now it doesn't work at all anymore :)
17:16.11jhiverStrom_C, I'll do that now
17:16.33St1ckm4nseems kind of redundant the way it copies and moves the files
17:16.45Strom_Csurely they can just use mysql?
17:16.58QwellSt1ckm4n: exactly
17:17.09Strom_Cif you need to run metrics and whatnot, that would be the easier way to do it, wouldnt it?
17:17.23QwellStrom_C: yeah, I would agree with that
17:17.24St1ckm4nmy ideal would be real time reporting but I heard that this was buggy
17:17.29Qwellespecially with such a small setup
17:17.38St1ckm4nso the cron runs hourly to dump the queue logs into psql for reporting
17:18.37fileso, I just bought a new hard drive to replace my one that broke an hour or two ago...
17:18.42St1ckm4nI'm glad you guys are seeing my frustration
17:18.44fileand it cost $5 more to send it via ground, then overnight
17:19.11[TK]D-FenderSt1ckm4n : I'm surprised that you aren't using PSQL directly for storing your queue logs...
17:19.26Qwellcan queuelogs be put directly into psql?
17:19.31Strom_CSt1ckm4n: just for shits and giggles, what happens when you log into the asterisk console and type "logger rotate"?
17:19.36[TK]D-FenderQwell : Sure.  ODBC
17:19.40Qwellcan queuelogs be put directly into odbc?
17:20.20Qwellit's not like cdr or anything
17:20.36Qwellyou don't see
17:21.34St1ckm4noutputs:Asterisk Event Logger restarted
17:21.34St1ckm4nAsterisk Queue Logger restarted
17:21.42QwellSt1ckm4n: do it from console
17:21.47Qwellasterisk -rx "logger rotate"
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17:22.07St1ckm4nthat's what I did
17:22.10Strom_Coh wait, must -rx be followed by a command in double-quotes?
17:22.22Strom_Cbecause the script has them in singles
17:22.38Strom_C/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'logger rotate'
17:22.55St1ckm4nworks with single quotes too
17:22.55QwellStrom_C: the quotes are for the console...* never sees them
17:23.00Strom_Chm ok
17:23.53Strom_Cis there anything else that cron is doing hourly to asterisk?
17:23.55St1ckm4nthere's the 00-makewhatiscron
17:24.09St1ckm4nbut those are the only two running at the time of the crash
17:24.26Strom_Cwhat is cron / baby dont run me / dont run me / no more
17:24.36Strom_C*head bobbing*
17:24.36QwellStrom_C: ...
17:24.50St1ckm4nI'm really tempted to update my asterisk but scared that I'll break something
17:25.00QwellSt1ckm4n: what version?
17:25.38Strom_C1.2.5 is kind of old...
17:26.13fileif it works though...
17:26.27St1ckm4nwhat's the best way of going about preparing for an update, I run a backup nightly but I'm not 100% sure it's grabbing everything I might need in a worst case scenario
17:26.41Strom_Cbest?  clone the drive :)
17:26.48evisushot in the dark here, but would anyone happen to be familiar with the voip laws in israel?
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17:30.34evisugot disconnected. did anyone happen to answer?
17:30.43St1ckm4nnope, it was pretty silent
17:31.20St1ckm4nis updating asterisk that difficult or does it tend to go pretty smoothly?
17:31.39Strom_CSt1ckm4n: I've never had a problem upgrading within the same major release
17:32.35St1ckm4nany hints on what I should backup first in case I need to try and roll it back?
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17:36.03jhiverok, no luck with alaw either
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17:39.25Strom_Ci guess either none of us know the answer, or we're all so confident that the upgrade will work that there's no need to worry about it
17:39.55St1ckm4nk, I know where to go when it's 3am and I don't have a working phone switch j/k
17:40.54Strom_CSt1ckm4n: for kicks, i'd be curious to see your extensions.conf
17:41.16Strom_CSt1ckm4n: they dont have you running freepbx or anything, do they?
17:41.26St1ckm4nwhats freepbx?
17:41.36salviadudgood answer
17:41.42Strom_Cperfect answer
17:42.03St1ckm4nno the switch has amp on it but they said they didn't recommend using it so I've never even bothered opening it
17:42.13Strom_CSt1ckm4n: wait wait wait
17:42.23Strom_CSt1ckm4n: the switch has AMP but they said not to use it??
17:42.37salviadudwell, that's actually a good move
17:42.45Strom_Cwell it
17:42.50Strom_Cit's half a good move
17:42.59St1ckm4nyeah they showed it to me on install saying that it was a front end for configuring it but that it could be buggy
17:43.03Strom_Cwhy install AMP in the first plave then
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17:43.13smackus2happy 4th
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17:43.39Dr-Linuxwhat should i use for offhook/onhook
17:43.49fileStrom_C: A PAYPHONE! IN THE CORNER!
17:44.08smackus2nascar fan?
17:44.19St1ckm4nfunny that AMP got brought up, I see it on the top of my extensions.conf
17:44.48smackus2looking for some assistance with the error message: Unable to request echo training on channel 50. Not finding much in google
17:45.07Strom_CSt1ckm4n: I'm not saying you made a bad decision, but I could have probably done the job at 1/3 the cost, hung over, and in a bathrobe
17:45.12smackus2I have a E&M t1
17:45.18smackus2winkstart and such
17:45.24fileStrom_C: and naked?
17:45.27Strom_Csmackus2: channel 50?
17:45.36Strom_Csmackus2: how many T1s do you have>
17:45.39smackus249 and 50 so far
17:45.45St1ckm4nlol, where you located at Strom_C
17:45.51Strom_CSt1ckm4n: Los Angeles
17:45.57smackus2first two are pri second two are e&m wink
17:46.20smackus2we took 7000 calls on asterisk yesterday.
17:46.34smackus2only a couple of hiccups
17:46.38Strom_Csmackus2: does your T1 card have a hardware echo can?
17:46.39St1ckm4nI know I'm not impressed with their abilities either, Asterisk was/is spawning extra processes intermittently and their solution was a cron that kills them
17:46.49St1ckm4ninstead of figuring out why they are spawning
17:47.22smackus2it is the TE411P (so with echo cancel)
17:47.30St1ckm4nand they disabled safe asterisk, which after I looked at the script there were several errors because he used the wrong char to comment out lines
17:47.31fileI wish I had mailing list access
17:48.15St1ckm4nI reenabled safe_asterisk because the processes still spawned even though it wasn't, and I'ld rather have it running as a safety net than not running at all
17:48.40Dr-Linuxanybody knows about SCCP?
17:48.47smackus2The other one I am starting to see is: app_voicemail.c: No more messages possible
17:48.50dlynes_officeSt1ckm4n: you mean intermittent mpg123 processes?
17:49.08St1ckm4nI don't think they were mpg123 processes
17:49.23St1ckm4nwhenever I did ps there would be several asterisk processes sitting dormant
17:49.28dlynes_officesmackus2: you might be out of drive space, or you might be at the maximum number of messages for that user
17:49.45St1ckm4nand if I didn't kill -9 them more would multiply and the phone switch would hang and have to be rebooted
17:49.46fileprocesses or threads?
17:49.48dlynes_officeSt1ckm4n: yeah...probably old call legs that haven't been killed off yet
17:49.57dlynes_officeSt1ckm4n: it was probably threads, as file has enquired
17:49.59smackus2ah, ok.
17:50.16dlynes_officesmackus2: your max messages defaults to 99 if I remember correctly
17:50.19fileI haven't seen a box that represented threads as processes for a long time
17:50.27dlynes_officesmackus2: you can change that in your voicemail.conf file
17:50.35dlynes_officefile: i've got several boxes like that
17:50.40dlynes_officefile: it's how ps groups them
17:51.02dlynes_officefile: basically if the person's running a 2.4 kernel, you'll see it
17:51.07dlynes_officefile: with a 2.6 you won't
17:51.12file2.4, those were the days
17:51.12[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Slackware for the win!
17:51.23[TK]D-Fenderfile : How soon is now? ;)
17:51.25dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: I dont' run 2.4 on slackware
17:51.41[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Yeah, and you have problems :)
17:51.46dlynes_officeI do?
17:51.48smackus2is there a way to search within the cli output?
17:51.51St1ckm4nis anyone else here running a small-medium size inbound call center off of asterisk, and if so what are you using to see live time agent status and queue status?
17:51.58smackus2besides scrolling and looking
17:52.05[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Mistar smart-e pants and his fancy kernels! ;)
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17:52.38smackus2St1ckm4n: we bult an app yesterday that parses show agents and show queues
17:52.48smackus2not real time, but gives the info to the users
17:52.56smackus2astguiclient looks cool
17:52.58[TK]D-FenderSt1ckm4n : I have a live queue stats display on the idle page of my Polycom IP 600 MicroBrowser and have done some web apps as well.
17:53.00smackus2have not used it yet though
17:53.12dlynes_officefscking hell
17:53.24dlynes_office2.6.17.3 is annoying
17:53.26[TK]D-FenderSt1ckm4n : Also am preparing for ACD integration with them.
17:53.35dlynes_officetrying to get it up and running on my laptop :)
17:53.37[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Told you so? :|
17:53.40salviadudi'm on
17:53.47St1ckm4nI wrote a web app that I put up on our big screens but it has to poll every five seconds and only shows agents on a queue call, no outbound or personal inbound
17:53.57dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: nah...bought a new dual core laptop
17:54.01salviadudthey all look the same to me :(
17:54.06St1ckm4nI'm worried that this may be causing problems since it has to poll off the server so often
17:54.09dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: trying to get a kernel up and running on it with dual core optimizations
17:54.32paolobGuys, I access my pstn line throug a sipura spa3000. The telcom gave me a code in order to restrict access to long distance call, so that in order to make a long distance call I must dial *12345 (a dialtone is given almost instantly) 1xxx-xxxx. How do I program asterisk so that it gives the *12345 code before the long distance number? thank you!
17:54.47smackus2is there a command in linux to count files in a directory?
17:54.48[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : That kind of effort is validated when running a wimp like those C3's.... but FFS do yourself a favour and just celebrate getting your hands on anything better :)
17:55.08Strom_Cpaolob: easy
17:55.11dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: i bought the laptop with my own money, not company money :)
17:55.26[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : And spoiled already, I'm impressed...
17:55.29Strom_Cpaolob: prefix the dialed number in the Dial application with *12345
17:55.30dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: heh
17:55.32St1ckm4n[TK]D-Fender & smackus2: did you guys use I forget the term but you telnet in and Action: show agents
17:55.32Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
17:55.58smackus2i use ssh
17:56.02dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: but after this last spate of c3's is exhausted
17:56.07dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: we'll be using semprons
17:56.09paolobStrom_C, the fact is that I must wait one second before dialling the 1xxx-xxxx
17:56.16Strom_Cthen add ww
17:56.18[TK]D-FenderSt1ckm4n : "show queues".  I parse it, as well as dumping VM so I can compile in the VM msg count for the queue MB's
17:56.31[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Sempron is very livable.
17:56.37dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: exactly
17:56.48dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: the via's are huge pieces of crap
17:56.58dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: i don't know how any deals with those on asterisk
17:57.02smackus2St1ckm4n: you are just trying to show live stats right?
17:57.09smackus2how often do you need to view them?
17:57.19smackus2all the time?
17:57.23[TK]D-FenderSt1ckm4n : 5s isn't bad...
17:57.26smackus2do you have someone sitting and monitroing?
17:57.39St1ckm4nwe have two big screens showing the stats to the call center
17:57.45paolobStrom_C, the *12345 gets the answer: "chan_sip.c:9559 handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"Oficina Mision" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as15018f5a'"
17:57.46smackus2do you have or are you your self a developer?
17:58.00smackus2can you do things with php and mysql
17:58.01Strom_Cpaolob: paste your dial statement
17:58.13St1ckm4nall I did was make some quick php pages that parse out show agents like you said and color them depending on their status and what queue they're on
17:58.21rpmshould i get bri's or should i get pri's, a bri is a b-channel which is not always connected right?
17:58.28Strom_Crpm: no
17:58.36Strom_Crpm: BRI is two b-channels and a d-channel
17:58.40smackus2that will not be real time though... you have to have the page refresh every few seconds.
17:58.42St1ckm4nit polls every 5 seconds, and then I show the FOP queue screen,
17:58.45Strom_Crpm: PRI is 23 b-channels and a d-channel
17:58.49smackus2that works
17:59.03smackus2does that not work for you?
17:59.04paolobStrom_C, exten => _918[02]9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/*23153${EXTEN:1}@${TRANSPORTEBETANIA},60,Tt) , where TRANSPORTEMISION=pstn-spa3000-mision
17:59.08St1ckm4nit works but seems hokey
17:59.15dlynes_officerpm: pri is a 23 b-channels and a d-channel if it's a T1, and 29 b-channels and one d-channel if it's an E1
17:59.24St1ckm4nI can only see queue calls, I cannot tell if someone is on a personal call or an outbound
17:59.26smackus2well... hokey is a relative term
17:59.33dlynes_officerpm: pri's and bri's are both always connected
17:59.46smackus2unless you want to write more apps, take a look at astguiclient
17:59.58smackus2it sounds like it already has a lot of what you are looking for
18:00.13St1ckm4nand my next problem comes from mapping the DND button on the polycom to the not busy feature on asterisk so I can tell if someone is putting themselves on DND
18:00.28Dr-Linuxanybody know what's this? >> rtptos = 184                            ; sets the default rtp packets TOS
18:00.33St1ckm4nI did look at astguiclient, it looks like what we need
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18:01.13St1ckm4n[TK]D-fender, I would be curious to see your web page you show on your 600, the managers are using the 600's right now and I could see them liking that ability
18:01.20docelmoDr-Linux, did you bother consulting the Wiki or Google before dumping that question in here?
18:03.50paolobStrom_C, did you see the statement?
18:03.55St1ckm4nastguiclient I think will work for managers, but doesn't look like it would work on the big screens I need to be able to customize it and expand it so it's easily visible
18:03.57Dr-Linuxdocelmo: do you know something about SCCP?
18:04.43Strom_Cpaolob: yeah - im not quite sure, but i think it might be a config issue with your spa3000
18:05.02St1ckm4nFOP would work but I notice it has some ghost issues where calls show in queue that really aren't or it shows someone on the phone after they have left
18:05.14[TK]D-FenderSt1ckm4n : Just disable DND.  Thats a bad thing with queues
18:05.32paolobStrom_C, but is there a way to tell the dial application to wait a second before keeping on with the next numbers?
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18:05.43St1ckm4nI wanted to disable it but people were complaining because they didn't have enough time to finish up their previous call
18:06.03St1ckm4nand needed a busy feature instead of having to log out to avoid the next call
18:06.46Strom_Cpaolob: if you are using a zaptel card, sure.  with an spa3000 i dont know
18:06.52[TK]D-FenderSt1ckm4n : Thats what the "wrapuptime" is for....
18:07.34QwellDr-Linux: ?
18:07.38St1ckm4nwe have that set at 10 seconds right now, the problem is with the variations we have in calls, our talk time can be from 2 minutes to over an hour and we let the agents determine their wrapup on each call
18:07.41docelmoDr-Linux, yes..  why?  Its the default protocol used by cisco
18:08.00Dr-Linuxdocelmo: that's what i'm asking since few days
18:08.10paolobAnyone knows of a irc channel for sipura products?
18:08.24docelmoWell I havent been here what do you wanna know and why the HELL do you wanna use it?
18:08.37Dr-Linuxdocelmo: i have configured SCCP on asterisk for one of my Cisco 7935 conference phone. but i have a few problems, so i'm asking here, maybe someone knows already
18:08.51docelmoflash to sip!
18:09.11Dr-Linuxdocelmo: Cisco 7935 doesn't support SIP :(
18:09.27docelmoIf you flash it with a new IOS Im sure it wil
18:09.54Strom_Cdocelmo: uhm
18:10.03Strom_C7935 doesnt run IOS IIRC
18:10.11[TK]D-FenderSt1ckm4n : have them use pause/unpause rather than DND.  DND really screws with stats
18:10.18docelmoWell not IOS but whatever..
18:10.55St1ckm4ncan I remap DND to the pause/unpause feature, so they don't have to dial that feature
18:11.12Dr-Linuxdocelmo: i'm already using a couple of cisco 7960/40 with SIP firmware, but this device doesn't support SIP, i think and i was told by few folks here
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18:11.27Dr-Linuxdocelmo: if you know it does, then please help me how can i do tht?
18:11.48HuSoftcan someone please help me?
18:12.50Strom_CHuSoft: run "sip show peers'
18:12.57Strom_C"sip show peers"
18:13.13paolobStrom_C, excuse me, when I dial 18097630026 with that dialplan statemente I get: Executing Dial("SIP/oficinamision-8255", "SIP/*2315318097630026@pstn-spa3000-betania|60|Tt") in new stack
18:13.14paolobJul  4 13:56:52 WARNING[4160]: chan_sip.c:9559 handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"Oficina Mision" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as15018f5a'
18:13.24HuSoftzoel/zoel                 D   N      5060     Unmonitored
18:13.31HuSofthusoft/husoft             D   N      5062     Unmonitored
18:13.40HuSoft2 sip peers [2 online , 0 offline]
18:13.56paolobStrom_C, who is giving asterisk the response "Forbidden etc."?
18:14.02docelmoWell have fun with that one then.  I know what sccp is but never had to use it thank god
18:14.06Strom_CHuSoft: then you have to dial SIP/zoel
18:14.12Strom_Cor dial SIP/husoft
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18:14.37Strom_Cpaolob: I already told you
18:14.44Strom_Cpaolob: it's the sipura rejecting the call
18:14.46HuSoftStrom_C, let me try that
18:15.02reza_hey, does anyone know of a cheap 1800 did provider?
18:15.11Strom_Creza_: define cheap
18:15.22paolobStrom_C, apparently it consider it a INVITE statement... what is that?
18:15.30HuSoftYES!!! IT WORKED
18:15.32reza_like under 3c/min ish
18:15.39dlynes_officeDr-Linux: have you talked to qwell at all?
18:16.02HuSoftthanks a LOT Storm_C!
18:16.17reza_i actually want a vanit did
18:16.18Strom_CHuSoft: I should really start charging for advice ;)
18:16.18Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: he was here, but he didn't answer me ...
18:16.24dlynes_officeDr-Linux: ah
18:16.45reza_storm - do you know of any?
18:16.47dlynes_officeDr-Linux: anyways...if your boss greases his palms with a little cash, it might help, too...he might be more inclined to get something working
18:16.56Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: i wanna share with you guys my sccp.conf , there is good comments for everything, maybe your veiw can help
18:17.06Strom_Creza_: there are dozens
18:17.26Strom_C3c per minute is considered to be on the pricey end of things
18:17.34reza_so then that's fine
18:17.36Dr-LinuxQwell: hi
18:17.42reza_i just want a vanity one
18:17.50reza_800-the-reza or something like that
18:18.02dlynes_officeDr-Linux: see what i mean?
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18:18.10dlynes_officeDr-Linux: his ears perk up more when cash is mentioned :)
18:18.35HuSoftStrom_C, is there a way to have these extensions in a database? or asterisk only reads it from extensions.conf?
18:18.54Strom_CHuSoft: what do you mean
18:18.58[TK]D-FenderHuSoft : look up Asterisk Realtime.  But its more trouble than its worth most of the time.
18:19.07Dr-LinuxQwell: as you advised, i have compiled SCCP and configured it, everytihng works fine, voice quality is quite fine. but i have 2 problems
18:19.15Strom_CHuSoft: make life easier on yourself and just use the extension numbers as the names of the sip.conf entries
18:19.16[TK]D-FenderHuSoft : how big a setup ae you looking at having?
18:19.44Dr-LinuxQwell: 1, i can't hangup the call being on the phone
18:19.47reza_what time does the worldcup game start?
18:19.54HuSoft[TK]D-Fender, a big call center
18:20.16Strom_CHuSoft: where are you located?
18:20.22dlynes_officeHuSoft: .do == dominican republic?
18:20.23Dr-LinuxQwell: 2 my voice quality goes very bad, if i make calls via asterisk trunks.
18:20.49QwellDr-Linux: send a message to the mailing list
18:21.16dlynes_officeDr-Linux: it sounds like it's probably not an sccp issue
18:21.19St1ckm4n[TK]D-Fender: when you say that DND screws up the stats, does this affect the call routing strategy, we have approx 20 queues right now and people complain about getting calls back to back while someone else is available, I've tried all available strategys with no luck
18:21.24Dr-LinuxQwell: what mailing list?
18:21.31QwellDr-Linux: chan-sccp-users
18:21.55dlynes_officeDr-Linux: you're using chan_sccp, not chan_skinny?
18:22.19rob0Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
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18:22.38paolobStrom_C, I found how to bypass the sipura barrier. Now I must find the way to give the code, wait for the dialtone (or wait a second) and send the long distance number
18:22.48Qwelldlynes_home: 793x hasn't been tested with skinny
18:22.52Qwelldlynes_home: feel free to send me one
18:22.55dlynes_officeQwell: ah
18:23.02dlynes_officeQwell: not much use to me
18:23.03Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: i'm using chan_sccp bcoz Qwell told me to use it.
18:23.06dlynes_officeQwell: i'm not using cisco
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18:23.16dlynes_officeQwell: if i was, i probably wouldn't have a problem sending you one
18:23.41Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: yes, maybe you are right, it's not chan_sccp issue :S
18:23.50reza_so anyone here want to recommend a toll-free DID provider?
18:24.12Dr-LinuxQwell: please have a look >
18:24.12dasenjoHi, I'm behind NAT and trying to register an iax extension, I got no error registration messages, but when I type "iax2 debug" on CLI I got messages, can you help me?
18:24.23Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: here is my sccp.conf
18:24.30dlynes_officeDr-Linux: and?
18:24.52dlynes_officeDr-Linux: i know absolutely nothing about chan_skinny, chan_sccp, or cisco phones, in general
18:25.05Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: if that's not SCCP issue, then lemme show you my two lines for this device in extensions.conf
18:25.12paolobGuys, what does it happen if I put a dial(*12345,1) followed by a dial(some telephone number) ? after the 1st dial command has timed out, does it send the second?
18:25.20Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: no problem
18:25.29Strom_Cpaolob: why not just try it
18:25.39paolobStrom_C, let me see
18:26.02dlynes_officeDr-Linux: are you running anything besides chan_sccp/cisco phones on that system?
18:26.23reza_so voxbone (my current did provider) added aix support, i'm already configured for sip with them -- any benefit in switching over?
18:26.36paolobStrom_C, it get an answer, and therefore it doesn't proceed until the central or I disconnect :-(
18:27.05reza_astrisk's own protocol
18:27.09Strom_Coh.  IAX
18:27.25reza_hehe, yeah, one of those ;)
18:27.33Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: yes, zap hardwares and SIP etc all kind of stuff
18:27.35Strom_Cpronounced "eeks"
18:27.47Dr-Linuxexten => 2123,1,Dial(SCCP/2123)
18:27.47Dr-Linuxexten => h,2,Hangup
18:27.53reza_no "eaks"?
18:28.07jbothmm... eeks is the Eeks eeks run for the hills IAX2 is here to stay
18:28.07Dr-Linuxthese are my extensions.conf entry for SCCP phone
18:28.32reza_so any benefit in using iax over sip with a did provider?
18:28.34Strom_Cnext up:  chan_omgwtfbbq
18:28.44rob0Looks like "yacks" to me, sorry.
18:30.30Qb3rtis there a way to do load balancing and/or redundency with asterisk servers???
18:31.44dasenjoplease help me. I'm using tp-link asdl modem, I dont know if Im using consistent nat .. or what can I do ..
18:31.45dlynes_officeDr-Linux: and it's only the sccp channels you're having issues with?
18:31.46Dr-LinuxQwell: where is sccp-mailing-list?
18:31.52dasenjoI really need to register this IAX phone ..
18:31.54dlynes_officeDr-Linux: he already told yo
18:31.55QwellDr-Linux: has a link
18:32.10Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: yes, only with this 7935 phone
18:32.11[TK]D-FenderSt1ckm4n : try "rrmemory".  Works the best in my experience.
18:32.47[TK]D-FenderSt1ckm4n : DCC'ing you a pic of my MB screen
18:32.58Qb3rtis there a way to do load balancing and/or redundency with asterisk servers???
18:32.59Dr-Linux"error in upgrading file format"
18:33.15Strom_CQb3rt: dont ask the same question more than once every fifteen minutes please
18:33.45Dr-LinuxQwell: when i reboot the phone i see this on the phone screen "error in upgrading file format" but it boots sucessfully and works, not sure what this ERROR means.
18:33.57QwellDr-Linux: bad firmware in your tftp?
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18:35.09Dr-LinuxQwell: i have 2 files in the TFTP, the phone grabs one and do not grab other one. not sure why. also not sure why i need other one.
18:40.18*** join/#asterisk jetway2006 (n=asd@
18:40.29dlynes_officeQb3rt: check the 'large asterisk systems' section of the wiki
18:40.34jboti guess wikis is
18:40.44jbotsomebody said asteriskwiki was at"
18:41.24jetway2006could someone pls tell me how do calling card system have one access number but are able to support many stimulaneous users calling
18:41.54Dovidjetway2006: you need to get a 'line' that can handle multiple calls
18:41.55dlynes_officejetway2006: pri's
18:42.07DovidI have one with pure VOIP it from the telco
18:42.37dlynes_officejetway2006: a pri is, yes
18:42.47dlynes_officei'm guessing you want it for local callers right?
18:43.22jetway2006i am just curious as how does a single number could support so many users calling at the same time
18:43.26*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
18:43.36jetway2006how many user could pri support
18:43.46dlynes_officeyou mean simultaneous callers?
18:43.51dlynes_officeas many as you want
18:43.55dlynes_office23 per pri though
18:43.59paolobGuys, trying to use Dial(resource,timeout,D(DTMF)), but I must send the DTMF after 3 seconds. How do I do it? I'm exiting to pstn via a sipura spa3000
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18:44.14dlynes_officebut you can have multiple pris per machine
18:44.36dlynes_officeand you can have that number dropped on to anyone of them, or all of them, or a combination thereof
18:44.38jetway2006ok...thanks for the info it same as buying did numbers
18:45.10dlynes_officesorta need to go through your telco's business services section to order a pri
18:45.18tzafrir_laptophmmm that scott withh that well-configured auto-responder... just out of curiosity: any idea what auto-responder he uses? Merak mail server?
18:45.26dlynes_officebut it's a lot more expensive than simple dids
18:45.39dlynes_officedid is a virtual's nothing tangible
18:45.44jetway2006what is pri actually....pls explain a bit further
18:45.48dlynes_officea pri is a physical link
18:45.58Strom_CISDN Primary Rate Interface
18:46.05dlynes_officeprimary rate interface; 23 b-channels and and one d-channel
18:46.09Strom_Ca digital trunk with 23 voice channels and a signaling channel it like the copper wire phone line
18:46.21dlynes_officethe d-channel is your control channel; each b channel is a 56Kbps voice channel
18:46.26Strom_Cno no
18:46.31dlynes_officejetway2006: it's CAT5E UTP
18:46.32Strom_Cb-channels are 64kbps, silly
18:46.39dlynes_officeerm 64Kbps i mean yeah
18:46.46dlynes_officei'm out to lunch
18:46.48Strom_CPRI should not be doing bit-robbing
18:46.54jetway2006thanks dlynes
18:47.04jetway2006go ahead strom
18:47.17Strom_Cjetway2006: do you know what a T1 is?
18:47.18jetway2006do calling cards companies buy pri to support many users
18:47.23dlynes_officejetway2006: but pri is not internet; it's a different signalling
18:47.27jetway2006yes i know abt T!
18:47.34dlynes_officejetway2006: you can get internet on pri
18:47.37Strom_Cjetway2006: a PRI is delivered over a T1
18:47.40dlynes_officejetway2006: but it's used for much more than that
18:48.09jetway2006when a user calls the access number...the connection goes to the pri
18:48.40Strom_Cjetway2006: it works like this
18:48.47Strom_Csay I call 311-555-2368
18:48.47jetway2006pls do tell me
18:49.26Strom_Cthe telco sends a setup message down the PRI saying "call on channel 14 from 323-212-3001 to 311-555-2368"
18:49.48Strom_Cthe pbx on the other end of the line takes the call and does whatever the user wants with it how many pri usually a calling card company have
18:51.06Strom_Chowever many they need
18:51.12Strom_Cthats the science of traffic engineering
18:51.42jetway2006one pri could support 32 channels rite
18:51.49Strom_Care you in europe?
18:52.17Strom_C30 or 29 b-channels
18:52.25Strom_Ci dont remember exactly
18:52.34dlynes_office29 b channels, 1 d channel
18:52.36drrayI've wondered about that, why not use a E1 channel bank in america to have more than 24?
18:52.46jetway2006how does pri relate to voice codec used....i heard some codec uses less more stimulateous calls
18:52.48Strom_Cthanks dlynes_office
18:52.58Strom_Cjetway2006: pri will always be alaw/ulaw
18:53.01dlynes_office1-15, 17-30
18:53.09dlynes_officed-channel is channel 16
18:53.13Igbothom_IIIwoohoo - shuttle is up, all looks good
18:53.32dlynes_officealaw for e1, ulaw for t1
18:53.57jetway2006how abt different codec like gsm ...and others...
18:54.08Strom_Cjetway2006: not over PRI
18:54.12dlynes_officejetway2006: you need to transcode then
18:55.04jetway2006ok...another question abt asterisk....abt stimulatenous calls...calls between extension depends on the processor speed
18:55.26jetway2006and calls to outside * depends on bandwith
18:55.30jetway2006is it rite
18:55.40Strom_Cin a very general sense, yes
18:55.47dlynes_officejetway2006: show translation to see what your transcoding times will be
18:56.12jetway2006do all of u have * set up in our place
18:56.20jetway2006pls share ur experience
18:56.20Qb3rti am calling in 1-800 number with automated message... it answering and working good.. i am even sending digits to browse the menu and its working perfectly.. but after exactly 60 seconds it says number is not in service... in my CLI i see that ---> Nobody picked up in 60000 ms
18:56.26dlynes_officeNope...I don't have it set up your place...only my place
18:56.46jetway2006heheh ...i mean ur place
18:56.55Strom_Cjetway2006: please speak in English
18:57.00Strom_Cjetway2006: "ur" is not English
18:57.08dlynes_officeStrom_C: pls is :)
18:57.26jetway2006how large is your asterisk set up
18:57.33dlynes_officewhatever the hell a weco 500 is :)
18:57.36Strom_CQb3rt: are you sure the remote end is supervising?
18:57.44Strom_Cdlynes_office: old rotary desk phone
18:58.11dlynes_officejetway2006: i've got several asterisk setups
18:58.16jetway2006do calling card companies use did numbers....what are the purpose for it
18:58.24dlynes_officejetway2006: everything from 6 extensions to about 40 extensions
18:58.25Qb3rtStrom_C: spervising?? what do you mean? i am browsing the menu with digits and its working good...
18:58.41Strom_CQb3rt: is it actually sending an ANSWER message back to you?
18:59.05dlynes_officejetway2006: and from 1 phone line to a single pri
18:59.24dlynes_officeQb3rt: disconnect supervision
18:59.35Strom_Canswer supervision
18:59.39Strom_Cnot disconnect supervision
18:59.47dlynes_officewhat's answer supervision?
18:59.50dlynes_officenever heard of it
19:00.14Strom_Cdlynes_office: the transmission of onhook / offhook state across the network
19:00.18Qb3rtStrom_C: in the CLI it is only saying -- Called g1/18006632275 and nothing else
19:00.24evisuhow do calling cards survive with 800 numbers costing $.49 to connect from public payphones ?
19:00.26dlynes_officeStrom_C: don't all phone lines do that, though?
19:00.32jetway2006i mean since pri support many channels ...why do calling card company need did numbers...
19:00.33Strom_Cdlynes_office: not necessarily
19:00.57Strom_Cdlynes_office: with an analog line, for example, you cant tell when the other party answers
19:01.15dlynes_officejetway2006: you need a phone number to call, or the calling card company is going to be out of business if nobody can call their number
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19:01.37dlynes_officeStrom_C: then how do you charge the customer?
19:01.54jetway2006access number = did numbers?
19:02.01dlynes_officejetway2006: correct
19:02.02Strom_Cdlynes_office: if you're smart, you're not using analog lines for trunking
19:02.04anonymouz666the one who likes aquarela do brasil :D
19:02.12dlynes_officeStrom_C: i'm not, but still... :)
19:02.28Strom_CQb3rt: what are you ising for trunking?
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19:02.52Qb3rtStrom_C: iax
19:03.03jetway2006but i heard did number voice data are automatically routed to sip address
19:03.05Strom_CQb3rt: then the called number is not supervising
19:03.25Strom_Cif you're not seeing an ANSWER message
19:03.28Qb3rtStrom_C: so there is no way to fix that??
19:03.40Strom_Cnot unless you have control of the called number :)
19:04.28Qb3rtcan somebody try this number with asterisk server to see if its really not supervising? 1-800-663-2275 = futurshop canada
19:04.52anonymouz666Strom_C: callerid doesn't work unfortunely.
19:05.01anonymouz666dtmf mode with cidstart ring or polarity
19:05.08dlynes_officeQb3rt: you're in edmonton?
19:05.10Strom_CQb3rt: one sec
19:05.24dlynes_officeQb3rt: what number shoudl i hit on the autoattendant?
19:05.48Qb3rtdlynes_office: whatgever number... it needs to play at least 60 seconds
19:06.10*** join/#asterisk SwK (
19:06.11Qb3rtso just browse and make her repeat the menu with #
19:06.20dlynes_officeyeah...that's what i'm doing
19:06.23Strom_CQb3rt: yep, the'yre sending PROGRESS message, but not an ANSWER message
19:06.39dlynes_officeah...thought you were mon itoring it on your end :)
19:07.21Qb3rtStrom_C>  :(
19:07.24jetway2006does anyone here has set up callback system in asterisk
19:07.33*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
19:07.48Strom_Cit does, howeverm supervise once you get through the IVR menu (I pressed 1 repeatedly)
19:08.19dlynes_officeStrom_C: maybe he's not using Answer()
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19:08.30Qb3rtStrom_C> Can i setup my server to take the PROGRESS as ANSWER?
19:08.36Strom_CQb3rt: uh, no
19:08.45Qb3rti think it is not a good idea... anyway
19:08.55jetway2006is rhino channel bank better than digium cards
19:08.57Strom_Cdlynes_office: it's not his PBX
19:09.07Strom_Cdlynes_office: the far end has to send answer supervision
19:09.08dlynes_officeDr-Linux: ?
19:09.20Strom_Cjetway2006: for what purpose
19:09.21Dr-LinuxQwell: please have a look, i phone doesn't hange up ..
19:10.37*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
19:10.37*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk and released with a critical security fix for chan_iax2, please upgrade immediately (June 6, 2006) -=- FreePBX/AMP/Asterisk@Home/Trixbox support in #freepbx
19:10.37Strom_Cjetway2006: how many analog phones
19:10.41Dr-LinuxQwell: i have only way to terminate the call, reboot the phone or restart the asterisk
19:11.08Dr-Linuxeven can't hangup the channel :(
19:11.09Dr-Linux*CLI> soft hangup SCCP/2123-0000000d
19:11.09Dr-LinuxRequested Hangup on channel 'SCCP/2123-0000000d'
19:11.23dlynes_officeQb3rt: so you're in edmonton?
19:11.55Strom_Cjetway2006: that's doable, though I'd recommend an Adtran channel bank over a Rhino one
19:12.04anonymouz666Strom_C: I will test right now with TDM
19:12.14jetway2006please tell me the advantage
19:12.25Strom_Cjetway2006: Adtran is quality stuff
19:12.43jetway2006how abt digium cards
19:13.02Strom_Cjetway2006: youd need a digium T1 card anyway for the channel bank
19:13.26Strom_Cjetway2006: or you can use the TDM2400
19:13.46jetway2006i mean digium 24 analog fXs card..
19:13.53jetway2006is it better
19:13.54Strom_Cjetway2006: yes, TDM2400
19:14.01Strom_Cjetway2006: depends on the size of your install
19:14.07Qb3rtdlynes_office: no...
19:14.20jetway2006is adtrans compatible with *
19:14.32jetway2006rhino channel banks states it is
19:14.42jetway2006how much would it cost?
19:14.46Qb3rtdlynes_office: quebec...
19:14.52Strom_Cjetway2006: adtran channel bank is like the gold standard of channel banks
19:15.00dlynes_officeQb3rt: you're subcontracted out to future shop then?
19:15.25Strom_Cjetway2006: channel bank -> T1 -> T1 card
19:15.57jetway2006how much is it...
19:16.08Strom_Cjetway2006: $1500?  $2500?
19:16.14Strom_Cjetway2006: depends where you get it
19:16.29Qb3rtdlynes_office: no.. one of our customer is trying to call them and he is not able....
19:16.42Strom_Cjetway2006: if you're doing max 24 phones, a TDM2400 is probably right for you
19:16.46dlynes_officeQb3rt: ah
19:17.08Strom_Cjetway2006: if you're doing 48-96 phones, then do a quad-span T1 card and Adtran channel banks
19:17.14Qb3rtdlynes_office: why? you know them?
19:17.19dlynes_officeQb3rt: of course
19:17.31dlynes_officeQb3rt: That's where I just bought my laptop on Friday :p
19:17.32jetway2006oh okk..thx....any of u have experience with gsm terminal
19:17.41*** join/#asterisk Mattwj2005 (
19:17.47Qb3rtdlynes_office: hehe good stuff!
19:17.51dlynes_officegood morning, Mattwj2005
19:18.06dlynes_officeQb3rt: salut, m'sieu
19:18.11Mattwj2005hi dlynes_office :)
19:18.24Strom_CQb3rt: the essence of the problem is that futureshop is being a load of cheap bastards
19:18.31Mattwj2005actually it is 2:15 in the afternoon....I work night shifts
19:18.32Strom_CQb3rt: if they dont answer the call, they dont have to pay for it
19:18.39Qb3rtdlynes_office: lol you speak french?
19:18.51dlynes_officeQb3rt: a little bit...I speak more Mandarin now though
19:18.58dlynes_officeQb3rt: I live in BC...not many French people here
19:19.01Qb3rtdlynes_office: yeah but they dont care about the futurshop name... they care about bestbuy now
19:19.02dlynes_officelots of Chinese, though
19:19.14jetway2006hi ppl....know abt gsm terminal sucks though
19:19.31dlynes_officefutureshop's prices are much better
19:19.32Strom_Cjetway2006: dont ask the same question over and over again please
19:19.45Qb3rtdlynes_office: no! i like bestbuy they have good prices...
19:20.03dlynes_officeQb3rt: I got a much better deal on my laptop at futureshop
19:20.09Qb3rtdlynes_office: smaller store than bestbuy
19:20.22dlynes_officeQb3rt: and I didn't have to resort to buying a crappy hp
19:20.28jetway2006any experience with this provider
19:20.38dlynes_officeQb3rt: bestbuy promotes the hell out of those crappy hp laptops
19:20.45jetway2006where could i find a good voip termination ...
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19:21.04Qb3rtdlynes_office: hehehe yeah
19:21.06jetway2006are voip provider and voip termination the same
19:21.11dlynes_officejetway2006: pick your poison...there's like five hundred voip terminators on there
19:21.20dlynes_officejetway2006: yes
19:21.52jetway2006oh...i get confused...with them...could u recommend any company...from your experience
19:22.01jetway2006dont know whom to choose
19:22.06dlynes_officejetway2006: for residential market they're call voip providers; for wholesale market, they're called voip terminators
19:22.17dlynes_officesame crap, different pile
19:22.45dlynes_officejetway2006: for retail, or wholesale?
19:23.13dlynes_officejetway2006: try Five 9s Network...I've found them to be relatively reliable
19:23.14jetway2006it will be cheaper than residential
19:23.18dlynes_officeQuite cheap, too
19:23.39dlynes_officejetway2006: yeah, but wholesalers expect you to have certain minimum minutes every month
19:24.07jetway2006oh...i get it...minimum requirement
19:24.13dlynes_officeand the higher your minimum is
19:24.19dlynes_officethe better your pricing structure
19:24.27Qb3rt<dlynes_office> lol nice template!!
19:24.45dlynes_officegenerally the best pricing structure is when you have 1M minutes per month, or more
19:25.00dlynes_officeQb3rt: heh...I like ours better
19:25.09dlynes_officeQb3rt: we've got and :)
19:25.40jetway2006another is beter to find a provider nearner to my location or a cheaper provider but located far
19:25.54dlynes_officejetway2006: check the ping times on their sip server
19:26.09dlynes_officejetway2006: if the ping times are too high, find someone else
19:26.30dlynes_officejetway2006: you can get low ping times from providers far away, but on the same continent, too
19:27.06dlynes_officejetway2006: generally you want under 100ms ping times abt stimultaneous many calls do they allow..
19:27.37dlynes_officejetway2006: depends on how many ports you ask them to open for you
19:27.40jetway2006is there any standard among provider
19:28.15dlynes_officewe've got ten ports open right now, and I think we only use 3 or 4 of them
19:28.59jetway2006do u pay extra for number of ports
19:29.23dlynes_officeI don't, but then again, they get their main wholesale phone line through us
19:29.35dlynes_officeso we get special treatment
19:29.52*** join/#asterisk nomego (
19:29.59jetway2006main wholesale phone line??
19:29.59nomegoI want to replace my regular phone with some kind of voip-solution to be able to get regular phone-calls into mythphone and some wireless sip-phone.. is an usb-modem and asterisk the right way to go?
19:30.07dlynes_officethey're based out of vancouver, but their main server is in toronto
19:30.14Strom_Cnomego: "usb-modem"?
19:30.25dlynes_officeYeah...their 604-628-0029 number is coming in on our pri
19:30.33Strom_Cyou want a digium TDM card, my friend
19:30.37dlynes_officewe just forward it off to their talkswitch pbx
19:30.46nomegoStrom_C: yeah.. it's just a single analog phone line to my home about usually need to pay extra for number of ports
19:31.08*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
19:31.09nomegoshouldn't just a voice usb modem suffice?
19:31.11Strom_Cnomego: digium tdm400
19:31.17Strom_Cnomego: you cant use a modem
19:31.41dlynes_officejetway2006: i don't know...I would imagine that they'll only let you have a certain number of ports open, all dependent on how much traffic you generate
19:31.42nomegowhy not?
19:32.07dlynes_officei.e. they won't charge you so much per port, but will only open so many ports, depending on how many minutes you expect to generate per month
19:32.24Strom_Cnomego: no drivers, shitty audio quality, etc etc etc
19:32.51dlynes_officeStrom_C: whatchu talking about mang?
19:32.54jetway2006in the 5 9 rates....there is direct and white route...what is it....the rates..are very much cheaper than other providers
19:32.56dlynes_officeStrom_C: they've got drivers
19:33.02Strom_Cdlynes_office: shhhh
19:33.02dlynes_officeStrom_C: nomego's going to write one
19:33.07nomegoStrom_C: in any way, I need something external (preferably USB), small (to hide behind my tv bench), cheap, and supported by asterisk and linux
19:33.22Strom_Cnomego: for the analog line?
19:33.25Strom_Cor for an analog phone
19:33.36dlynes_officenomego: just get a sipura 3000 and be done with it
19:33.40Strom_Cfor a phone, use a sipura or something
19:33.56nomegoStrom_C: I have an analog phone, but I want to get rid of it and use SIP-phones or MythPhone instead
19:34.11Strom_Cnomego: so then get a sipura spa-3000 or a digium tdm400
19:34.14dlynes_officenomego: at retail rates, a sipura 3000 is a hell of a lot cheaper than going with a tdm card
19:34.15Strom_Cproblem solved
19:34.31dlynes_officenomego: and probably more reliable than a tdm400p
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19:34.55nomegoalright, thanks alot
19:35.02j3gwhat is the best voip gateway to talk to an asterisk box? pap2? something from sipura?
19:35.06jetway2006Mr. dlynes..
19:35.23anonymouz666Strom_C: should I use callerid=asreceived ?
19:35.40jetway2006how abt me....pls explain the direct and white routes...i dont understand..
19:36.46Strom_Cj3g: gateway for an analog telephone set?
19:37.00Strom_Canonymouz666: do you have the tdm400 in now?
19:37.18Strom_Cis it working with the settings we originally tried?
19:37.54anonymouz666its with dtmf and ring.
19:38.06anonymouz666i tested with no callerid in the group config.
19:38.17anonymouz666should I use callerid=asreceived?
19:38.24Strom_Canonymouz666: yes
19:39.35nomegoso how would I handle a linksys/sipura spa-3000? I connect one end to the pstn and then a network cable to my network and then configure it with an ip-address that I add as a channel in asterisk?
19:39.54Strom_Cessentially, yes
19:39.56j3gStrom_C: yes
19:40.19Strom_Cj3g: linksys pap2, sipura spa-whatever, digium iaxy
19:40.21Strom_Cthey're all good
19:40.22nomegonice, I'll have to look into that
19:40.32anonymouz666Jul  4 16:42:32 NOTICE[30150]: chan_zap.c:6061 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)...
19:42.02nomegowould anyone know if the spa-3000 works in sweden?
19:42.35anonymouz666Strom_C dtmf, ring and callerid=asreceived
19:42.44tzafrir_laptopnomego, I figure that our fxs 8 ports usb box is not for you and you're basically looking for something like the discontinued digium s100u, right?
19:43.09Strom_Ctzafrir_laptop: he wants FXO, not FXS
19:44.10*** join/#asterisk BugKham (i=CKGLOB@
19:44.14tzafrir_laptopI heard someone here designing a cheaper (price in the order of magnitude of 100$) box of 4 FXS ports) but I didn't see anything with it
19:44.28BugKhamwhere can I download mpg123 for x86_64?
19:45.26dlynes_officedirect is routes they own; white routes are legal routes into countries where they often have routes with questionable legal implications
19:45.37dlynes_officejetway2006:  direct is routes they own; white routes are legal routes into countries where they often have routes with questionable legal implications
19:45.44*** join/#asterisk seb- (
19:46.24tzafrir_laptopone fxo port through USB... I saw someone here who was working on zaptel drivers for a certain USB modem. I also believe that coppice was working on chan_unicall drivers for something similar
19:46.25dlynes_officenomego: yes, it should
19:46.26BugKhamjust tried to compile * on my new 64-bit machine and had errors
19:46.28anonymouz666Strom_C: it will work if TELCO sends the callerid by FSK?
19:46.29seb-possible to 1. call someone 2. put them on hold 3. call someone else 4. talk to both at same time?
19:46.37tzafrir_laptopBugKham, why do you need mpg123?
19:46.46Strom_Cseb-: yes
19:46.47*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
19:46.49nomegodlynes_office: thanks
19:46.53Strom_Canonymouz666: oh god i dont know anymore
19:47.12Strom_Canonymouz666: pay me consulting fees and ill work on it for you
19:47.15seb-Strom_C: where is a HOWTO for this most simplest of 3way calling?
19:47.16BugKhamtzafrir_laptop: hmm, isn't it required for playing mp3?
19:47.21Strom_Cseb-: um
19:47.25seb-Strom_C: or whatever you call it
19:47.30Strom_Cseb-: are you using a tdm card?
19:47.37BugKhamtzafrir_laptop: I generally use mp3 for music on hold and stuff
19:47.38seb-Strom_C: what 's that?
19:47.56seb-Strom_C: i'm a voip newb
19:47.57Strom_Cseb-: what kind of phone are you using
19:48.12seb-Strom_C: all i got is a gizmo to convert pots phone to digital
19:48.31Strom_Cmodel number
19:48.32seb-Strom_C: Grandstream Handyphone 286
19:48.33anonymouz666Strom_C: digium already do that :D
19:48.50seb-Strom_C: Handytone*
19:48.53Strom_Cseb-: it works just like three way calling on your home phone then
19:48.59Strom_Cwait for supervision you have the server i could test the ping time
19:49.04Strom_Cdial again
19:49.07Strom_Cwait for supervision
19:49.17tzafrir_laptopBugKham, do you need to stream mp3 music? If not: convert the sound fies to wav/gsm/speex and use native moh
19:49.47seb-Strom_C: what is "flash" ?
19:50.04Strom_Cmomentarily depress the hookswitch
19:50.15Strom_Cor use the button labeled FLASH
19:50.18seb-Strom_C: are you saying my Handytone has 3 way calling built in?
19:50.35Strom_Cseb-: why not just TRY IT
19:50.49seb-Strom_C: aren't newbs fun? :)
19:51.13BugKhamtzafrir_laptop: hmm, so mpg123 doesn't support 64-bit CPU?
19:51.20tzafrir_laptophmmm not speex
19:51.24seb-Strom_C: i don't have asterisk yet...i'm using a voip provider
19:51.30seb-Strom_C: will it still work?
19:51.40Strom_Cseb-: just fucking try it already
19:51.43nomegohow about the linksys spa3102-eu, would that work as well as sipura spa-3000 with asterisk?
19:53.14BugKhamtzafrir_laptop: it's just easier playing with mp3 that's all
19:56.19rob0BugKham: * is wonderful on my x86_64 machine ... aaahhhhhhhh ... no more IRQ problems :)
19:58.45tzafrir_laptop . amd64 is not there. It's an unmaintained package
19:59.37tzafrir_laptop(labled as "nonfree" because the author won't do the little required work to change the license officially)
20:01.16tzafrir_laptoprob0, an amd64 system is not that different from an i386 system. Same BIOS. Same baic interrupts handling, right?
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20:21.55tzafrir_laptoprob0, lspci --help; lspci -vb
20:22.15tzafrir_laptopand look for IRQ in the otput of te latter
20:24.59seb-Strom_C: thanks for help...i think i got it
20:25.03rob0The FXO says IRQ 9, the TDM says IRQ 5.
20:32.05anonymouz666Strom_C: doesn't work callerid here. there is nothing else I can do.
20:32.17anonymouz666I tried almost everything
20:34.01Strom_Canonymouz666: I wish I knew how caller ID worked in brazil
20:34.56anonymouz666analog line sucks
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20:36.20kFuQ-lapquestion: what exactly in the hell does this mean ?
20:36.23kFuQ-lapJul  4 13:35:48 WARNING[29148]: app_voicemail.c:2105 messagecount: Failed to obtain database object for 'asterisk'!
20:36.35kFuQ-lapbesides the obvious :-D
20:38.40*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
20:39.23kFuQ-lapdam realtime voicemail
20:40.37kFuQ-lapgoogle hasn't been any help with that error either
20:42.30DovidWhats the error ?
20:42.52dlynes_office<kFuQ-lap> Jul  4 13:35:48 WARNING[29148]: app_voicemail.c:2105 messagecount: Failed to obtain database object for 'asterisk'!
20:43.24DovidI know this is obvoius but it isnt connecting to ur db
20:43.27DovidWhat r u using ?
20:47.27nomegothe linksys spa3102-eu, would that work as well as sipura spa-3000 with asterisk?
20:47.59nomegoit feels like it should be essentially the same piece of equipment..
20:52.13nomegoand how about the D-Link DVG-2001S/E, is that the same type of equipment? does it work with asterisk? is it stable?
21:04.14*** join/#asterisk ozverenm (
21:04.22ozverenmhello all
21:04.34*** join/#asterisk mpruett (
21:04.49ozverenmI have a samgoma A102 pri card and have some problems
21:05.38ozverenmwhen I activate zaptel DACS functionality, sometimles CPU goes up to 60% on a P4 3ghz hardware
21:05.55ozverenmdid'nt understant why
21:06.12ozverenmWhen I done tests on my telco access, no problem
21:06.24ozverenmbut on some sites, CPU load is very high
21:06.47ozverenmwhat about echo cancelling in zaptel module ?
21:06.56mpruettDoes anyone know what the "setvar" field is for on the realtime sipusers table is for?
21:17.33*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
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21:19.15IchebAnyone here has an idea on how to use the manager api to issue '!<shellcommand>', it doesn't seem to be working for some reason
21:20.48Skarmethhi all
21:21.36Strom_Cpls 2 help me asterisk my internets together
21:21.37SkarmethI am fighting with my telco and my E1, and after been able to call non-local numbers, now I just get this ' Channel 0/1, span 1 received AOC-E charging 0 units'
21:21.44Skarmethwhen I try to make a call
21:21.51Skarmethwhat it means?
21:22.07anonymouz666Strom_C needs a TODO list :PPP
21:22.21Strom_Cim just being silly
21:22.23tzafrir_laptopanonymouz666, here as well
21:23.09anonymouz666tzafrir: I can't put CallerID (DTMF) to work here in Brazil on a TDM card.
21:23.21anonymouz666I just tried almost everything
21:23.34anonymouz666I am thinking that I need something to convert from DTMF->FSK
21:24.54Skarmethanonymouz666, you will, look at mailing list
21:25.20anonymouz666everyone there uses something to convert from DTMF to FSK
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21:29.27tzafrir_laptopanonymouz666, is the problem sening caller ID or recieving caller ID?
21:29.41anonymouz666from telco
21:30.07tzafrir_laptopAnd what's the problem?
21:30.09*** part/#asterisk Ludo_ (
21:30.40anonymouz666well, I can't see in Asterisk what caller id is
21:30.53anonymouz666so i'dont know who is calling me.
21:33.35*** join/#asterisk nXOR (n=drade@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/nXOR)
21:34.09nXORhello people, will sangoma a200 card allow me to connect my internal network to PSTN line outside, i have an nt switch which has 2 nalog and 2 digital ports
21:34.21nXORim thinking of buying one
21:34.28anonymouz666I pay you 300 dollars. but If you can't get this working, you pay me 600. What about?
21:34.45nXORanyone have any experience
21:35.36nXORok off to watch some tv
21:35.39*** part/#asterisk nXOR (n=drade@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/nXOR)
21:39.14tzafrir_laptopanonymouz666, just to avoid the obvious: you did set 'callerid=asrecieved' in zapata.conf, right?
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21:40.05tzafrir_laptopAny chance the telco does not send callerid?
21:40.10anonymouz666no chance.
21:40.25anonymouz666I have another telephone in here that shows the number when I connect that line.
21:40.27tzafrir_laptopyou can record the line with ztmonitor
21:40.58tzafrir_laptopyou'll hear the caller ID as a short fax-like voice
21:43.59anonymouz666you mean -a option?
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21:52.10anonymouz666tzafrir I don't think that this can have any utility
21:52.16anonymouz666I know it's coming
21:53.27tzafrir_laptopah, ok
21:54.31tzafrir_laptopThe funny thing is that the chip that the tdm card uses should be able to detect caller id on its own
21:55.13tzafrir_laptopbut that capability is not used
21:55.20*** part/#asterisk Samoied (
21:56.34tzafrir_laptopDo you see anything interesting in the debug trace of asterisk when you enable debug logging?
21:56.54DovidTzafir: boker tov
21:58.18l-fyis there anyone here using sangoma A104d?
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22:00.17anonymouz666tzafrir set debug 1
22:00.39anonymouz666and nothing special shows
22:00.58tzafrir_laptopset debug 5
22:01.07anonymouz666after that i set debug 255
22:01.12anonymouz666just to be sure
22:01.13tzafrir_laptopor even more. 1 misses some things
22:04.33anonymouz666set debug 255
22:04.39anonymouz666no hint
22:05.13DovidTzafir: is sangoma any better than the digium tdm400p ?
22:08.03DovidTzafir: do u know if I can set CID here in Israel ? I was allways told no and just got a call from the us and the CID was +718XXXXXXX
22:08.31Strom_C718 == brooklyn :)
22:08.48DovidI know that
22:08.58DovidI want to know what providers here let u set ur own CID
22:09.16DovidIts something pretty new
22:10.43DovidAnd I would luv to be able to set Cid here
22:12.15mishehuDovid: cid is new in .il ?
22:12.37mishehusince when?  I had cid when I had isdn back in 1999...
22:12.54mishehuor did they finally add the name field?
22:12.57*** join/#asterisk Dimitripietro (
22:13.16DovidNno. I never had a (VOIP) provider that let me set the CID
22:13.29mishehuDovid: oh that, I thought you were talking about bezeq
22:13.42*** part/#asterisk tlow (
22:13.59Dimitripietro<Dovid> Here in Canada we have Unlimitel that let us set the callerid on the fly
22:14.03DovidSo u can set the CID with a bezeq ISDN ?
22:14.24DovidYes. I can set CID to the US. Just cant here
22:15.09mishehuDovid: you mean that when you call a phone in .il via a VoIP provider, the person you call does not see the CID that you set and instead a bunch of gibberish?
22:15.18*** part/#asterisk Mattwj2005 (
22:15.30tzafrir_laptopI figure Bezeq won't let you set CID on analog lines
22:15.43DovidLol. Not analog.
22:15.46tzafrir_laptop(technically: will ignore the value you et)
22:16.01DovidBut some one called me with a calling from the US and I got the US CID
22:16.31mishehuDovid: I don't know what protocol bezeq uses for cid, but the only time I ever received accurate cid from the US was once when somebody called me from florida.
22:16.43tzafrir_laptopon PRI: you should be able to set the CID , at least within a limit. Not sure exactly what they do
22:16.46mishehuI think there's an incompatibility between bezeq and US cid
22:17.13mishehutzafrir_laptop: have they started supporting cidname in .il ?
22:17.14DovidIs it how asterisk sends it ?
22:17.33mishehuI was in a year ago and I didn't pay attention to the phones there
22:17.37DovidHehe. Gona be a while cause all the boxes are english based and they goto have em support ivrit
22:17.43tzafrir_laptopmishehu, no idea
22:18.03DovidSo if I get ISDN mishehu I can set the CID to what ever I want ?
22:18.14DovidI want it when people call me from the US I can see who it is on my cell
22:18.28tzafrir_laptopDovid, is UTF-8 supported in CID?
22:18.28mishehuDovid: that was back in 1999.  it may or many not allow you to override your outbound cid.
22:18.41DovidDont know what that is
22:18.43mishehuDovid: I haven't done work with bezeq since a year after I got out of tsahal
22:18.44tzafrir_laptopAsterisk sends cidname just fine on analog lines
22:19.05mishehuutf8 is a codepage, for encoding characters for textual display
22:19.31DovidTzafir: if I have a bezeq analog I can set the CID Name here now ?
22:20.17mishehuDovid: it doesn't sound like the infrastructure supports cid name display there.
22:20.21tzafrir_laptopIIRC it won't be set
22:20.53DovidSo basicly what do I need to set my own CID number here ? ISDN ?
22:21.08tzafrir_laptopAt least from what we tested with our boxesL they can set cidname/num on FXO, but it is not set on the FXO lines
22:21.14DovidWhats the cheapest way and are there VOIP providers that let me set the CID here
22:21.38DovidTazfir: set it meaning ? In hebrew or over bezeq ?
22:22.25tzafrir_laptophebrew: I am yet to see hebrew caller id anywhere
22:22.44tzafrir_laptopover bezeq: again: doesn't work here
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22:23.15tzafrir_laptopis CID limited to ascii or is UTF-8 used?
22:23.36mishehuwe'd have to consult the spec
22:23.40mishehuand there might be more than one spec
22:24.00mishehuI'd imagine that if it didn't support it originally, there is a newer spec that allows for utf8
22:24.24Dovidmishehu: whats the cheapest way so I can set CID here ?
22:24.25tzafrir_laptopAre accented latin characters supported? cirrylic?
22:25.02mishehugah, prepared statements are annoying me at the moment...
22:25.26mishehuDovid: I've been too far removed from .il to be able to give good advice on that.
22:25.36mishehubeen gone for about 5 years.
22:25.53mishehushit, they built kvish 6 in my absence
22:25.58tzafrir_laptopwell, off to bed...
22:25.59mishehuand a new natba"g
22:26.03DovidDo u remmebr the rates for ISDN ?
22:26.15DovidTook em for ever to do that
22:26.22DovidLayla tov tzafir
22:26.37tzafrir_laptopgood night
22:26.44mishehuDovid: I'm sure they're not relevant to today's pricing.  I still have an old nt1 device and a fritzcard pci isdn card
22:34.05_4d4m_hi all. can anyone tell me why the t extension and ResponseTimout dont work in this model, whilst everything else does? -
22:34.05*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
22:34.05DovidModel /
22:34.06_4d4m_nm.. found out
22:34.06_4d4m_autofallthrough=yes was my problem fwiw
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22:55.32*** join/#asterisk AuPix (
22:57.01AuPixAnyone know how to get trunk cdr_addon_mysql compiled when mysql hasn't been installed from source?
22:58.32MikeJ__AuPix, you should just need headers
22:58.52MikeJ__there is probably a -devel package that goes with it that includes what you need
22:59.23AuPixHmmm... I can't get the configure script to find myql when its in /usr/lib/mysql and /usr/include/mysql
23:00.07AuPixThere also seems to be an issue with the script trying to load -lmysqlclient when all I have is libmysqlclient
23:00.11Agrajag-does iax have presence capabilities?
23:00.56AuPixMikeJ it all worked fine before the updates to menuselect etc
23:01.16MikeJ__dunno.... what dir's is it looking in now for it?
23:02.01MikeJ__the -l looks fine to me
23:02.10AuPixWell I can do the configure --with-mysqlclient= something but the configure script seems to want to then look in that dir /lib and /include
23:02.43AuPixand my install has /usr/include/mysql and /usr/lib/mysql
23:05.08AuPixMikeJ do you have the trunk cdr_addon_mysql working?
23:05.33MikeJ__no.. havent tried
23:05.44MikeJ__but should be easy enough to add to the dirs it searches in...
23:05.56MikeJ__just patch
23:06.08russellb./configure --with-mysqlclient=/usr/lib/mysql
23:06.10russellbthat doesn't do it?
23:06.23MikeJ__or.. patch russellb
23:06.27russellbargh ... dinner time ...
23:06.36AuPixrussellb no I tried /usr/lib/mysql
23:06.52russellbwell why are they in /usr/lib/mysql?
23:06.54russellbthat's sillyness
23:07.15AuPixThat's where my CentOS install put them :-(
23:07.23russellbthat means i'm going to have to address it
23:07.30russellbstupid fedora/redhat/centos/crap
23:07.45MikeJ__russellb broke it!
23:07.51russellbcentos broke it
23:07.54MikeJ__easy fix tho
23:08.16AuPixI'll have a look at thanks all.
23:09.18russellband note, i didn't break it
23:09.26russellbasterisk-addons in trunk was completely broken before i got to it
23:09.29russellbi made it working again :)
23:10.43*** join/#asterisk Asterisk_Newbie (
23:10.54Asterisk_NewbieHi all
23:12.01AuPixRusselb, can trunk be updated simply, or should I look at it myself in the meantime?
23:12.01MikeJ__yeah yeah yeah.. that's what they all say :P
23:12.13Asterisk_NewbieI have a cool idea for asterisk that i need someone to confirm me if it's possible
23:12.20Asterisk_Newbiecan i put in on the channel?
23:13.19AuPixI guess you didn't mean that you'd fixed my issue already :-)
23:13.24l-fyAsterisk_Newbie > try
23:13.34Asterisk_NewbieI from Portugal and i think that i'm lagged
23:13.49l-fyAsterisk_Newbie > ok
23:13.52Asterisk_Newbiesupose that you have a small company
23:13.56jetway2008does any here could pls recommend a good voip termination provider?
23:14.22Asterisk_Newbiewith 40 people who works in a shop-floor
23:14.23l-fyjetway2008 > which country?
23:14.48jetway2008to malaysia
23:14.55jetway2008sri lanka ,india
23:14.59Asterisk_Newbiethey need to fill a form with their number, the order number and the time they took to do it
23:15.31Asterisk_NewbieI'm thinking on using IVR from asterisk
23:15.43Asterisk_Newbieso they dial a special extension like 100
23:15.58l-fyAsterisk_Newbie > ok, what's the problem in doing that?
23:16.01Asterisk_Newbieand the asterisk server ask them the order number
23:16.07Asterisk_Newbiethen their number
23:16.12Asterisk_Newbiethen the time they took
23:16.28Asterisk_Newbieevery value they dial will be saved on a database
23:16.54Asterisk_Newbieit's possible to store this values on a databse using a dialplan?
23:17.18l-fyAsterisk_Newbie > no
23:17.18l-fypeople use agi for that
23:17.19Asterisk_Newbiehope i make myself clear
23:17.24Asterisk_Newbiemmmm thanks
23:17.33Asterisk_Newbiei will try to read something about that
23:19.57*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=john@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
23:21.48Asterisk_NewbieI want to thanks l-fy. I think agi will do the job
23:22.02*** join/#asterisk Kis (
23:22.44Asterisk_NewbieI have to learn how to program :P
23:23.51jetway2008does anyyoe know a good voip termination
23:24.17l-fyAsterisk_Newbie > use fastagi
23:26.52*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blah@unaffiliated/syle)
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23:27.40Asterisk_Newbiethanks again l-fy, i'm already googling fastagi
23:28.12peanuterdoes anyone know who runs ?
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23:34.25l-fypeanuter > the moron named JerJer
23:34.36l-fynever ever asume that nufone works
23:34.37peanuterya figured that out
23:34.38peanuterthank you though
23:34.40l-fybecause it dosen't
23:34.44russellbl-fy: personal attacks are not acceptable
23:34.46peanuterthats fine :)
23:35.00peanuterrussellb: truth hurts :)
23:35.06l-fyrussellb > JerJer was started first
23:35.28l-fyand him also has that attitude of "you're not american so you don't deserve to live"
23:35.41l-fyyou're not white american you don't deserve to live
23:35.53russellbi'd say the same thing to him if i saw him here saying things about you
23:36.15l-fyrussellb > than consider the fact that i have a ban on #asterisk-dev from him
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23:50.51dongswhats everyones opinion on that utstar SIP wifi phone?
23:50.57dongsF1000 or whatever
23:51.05dongsdoes it suck?

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