irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060622

00:00.03dlynes_office97F is about 40C or so
00:00.09hadsThis is the first settled snow here in 8 years or something
00:00.19justinu|laptopit's hot
00:00.22justinu|laptopand it sucks
00:00.27P-NuTWe never get snow here.. :-(
00:00.30Nugget97F is 36C
00:00.32dlynes_officeit's the temperature at which old people start croaking
00:00.36Nugget40C is ridiculously hot
00:00.42P-NuTno its not.
00:00.51P-NuT40 is hot, but not unbearable.
00:00.52Nuggetit's a lot hotter than 97F.  :)
00:00.54coppice36 is fine if the humidity is low
00:00.57hadsjustinu|laptop: Lucky you aren't a hippy and have aircon
00:01.02P-NuTtry 47 degrees, then  complain to me.
00:01.05dlynes_officecoppice: you're used to hong kong though :)
00:01.07justinu|laptop40C is hot when the humidity is 100%
00:01.15justinu|laptoplike it is in singapore
00:01.17dlynes_office40C is hot, period
00:01.17Nuggetit doesn't get much over 42C here.
00:01.22dlynes_officei don't care if it's humid or not
00:01.23coppice30 is pretty hot at 97% humidity
00:01.38justinu|laptopyeah, i was in HK in september
00:01.49orlockgoddamn this is annoying me
00:02.10dlynes_officeorlock: so go outside and enjoy the girls with the short skirts for a while
00:02.11orlockcan somebody give me the output of a sip debug?
00:02.20orlocki just want to see what the Contactstring looks like
00:03.56P-NuTdlynes_office: Why does he need a short skirt to enjoy girls?
00:04.31justinu|laptopthe right girl in the right short skirt is pretty enjoyable
00:05.13dlynes_officeP-NuT: you must not get many asian girls in sydney :)
00:05.33P-NuTI think you missed my point.
00:05.37justinu|laptopthere are loads of asians in sydney
00:05.39dlynes_officeP-NuT: a chinese girl in a nice short white skirt, or a nice short plaid skirt is divine :)
00:05.56P-NuTI agree.
00:06.16P-NuTI was trying to make a joke about orlock in a skirt.
00:06.18dlynes_officeor some nice tight tennis shorts :)
00:06.24P-NuTit failed dismaly.
00:06.42justinu|laptopaussies and kiwis
00:06.44dlynes_officewell, your wording is all screwed up :p
00:06.49justinu|laptopalways at each other's throats
00:07.10orlockthey keep trying to fuck our sheep!
00:07.22*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
00:07.27hadsorlock: Are you a kiwi?
00:07.49orlockhell no
00:08.04justinu|laptopoh i thought one of you was
00:08.11*** join/#asterisk notjason (
00:08.17hadsI am. I was minding my own! :)
00:08.24justinu|laptopahh, my bad
00:09.15orlockANybody? Contact: string in sip registration?
00:09.57CunningPikeLater, chaps
00:10.06dlynes_officehave a good scoot
00:11.03P-NuTAussies wording isn't that screwed. We talk proper like.
00:11.29justinu|laptopso sheila is the proper term for a female?
00:12.02P-NuTwe have our own method of safe sex also.
00:12.39P-NuTWe don't spray red x's on the sheep that kick though.
00:12.58P-NuTannnnnd. back on topic.
00:13.30P-NuTanyone want to give me a new job?
00:15.17*** part/#asterisk P-NuT (
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00:16.33*** join/#asterisk adker (
00:16.49*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:17.46P-NuTSo, on Voxilla, they do have tutorials on the SPA2000 and asterisk.
00:18.07P-NuTIs this the same as the SPA3000?
00:18.14justinu|laptoppretty much
00:18.30P-NuTshould I use though to setup the 3000?
00:18.46justinu|laptopall the sipura products work pretty much the same way
00:18.50dlynes_officeP-NuT: they have one on voxilla for the 3000 as well
00:19.01dlynes_officeP-NuT: to set it up as an analog gateway for asterisk
00:25.50*** join/#asterisk nettie (
00:27.36rene-what about a room full of agents using blueetooth headsets.. does that work? is interference an issue?
00:31.14rene-a noname bluetooth headset + bluetooth adapter is comparable in price to some usb headsets and handsets, so i wonder if anyone has installed those  (bluetooth) at large
00:33.34orlockis anybodys Asterisk setup here sending a username for Contact: tats NOT just "s"?
00:39.13P-NuTdlynes_office: I only see the 2000's articles.
00:39.20P-NuTNothing on setting the 3000 up.
00:41.03*** join/#asterisk bugz (
00:41.40bugzso fellas, who is gonna write the voip firefox plugin for linux?
00:41.59Qwellbugz: you
00:42.05bugzQwell: probably
00:42.08bugzhow about...
00:42.30bugzfor ext 4 ;)
00:42.34bugzfor option 4
00:43.04bugzthe protocol would be registered to the plugin based on that plugins connection
00:44.08bugzok, all this feedback is overwhelming
00:44.18bugzone flame at a time please
00:45.02heath__are you trying to autonavigate thru menus
00:45.25bugzjust an idea
00:45.31bugznees to be rfc'e
00:46.23heath__cool, but why not just have your local dialplan do it... senddtmf(xxx) wait(3) senddtmf etc etc
00:46.45bugzfirefox plugin
00:47.04bugzactivates the user's sound stuff
00:47.21bugzbased on a settings dialogue for an existing voip connection
00:47.28bugziax/h323/sip registry etc
00:48.09bugzthunderbird would be just as easy
00:48.17bugz"Click to Call"
00:48.25heath__what i mean is... you don't need a protocol to do it... you can do iax://whatever/1234#4#3#1 and tokenize it automatically in the db, unless i'm missing something
00:48.30dlynes_officebugz: someone's already done that
00:48.32heath__db = dp
00:48.50dlynes_officebugz: it's available as a firefox and thunderbird plugin
00:48.58bugzdlynes_office: for linux?
00:49.09dlynes_officebugz: he's working on it for linux...currently only windows
00:49.12heath__check moziax and jiaxclient.. both work for linux
00:49.25dlynes_officewell, not plugin...extension
00:49.39dlynes_officehe's also working on an equivalent for internet exploder
00:49.56heath__ohhhh click to call... yeah, that's the tel:// protocol
00:50.29dlynes_officeWhen you click on the phone number, it'll call it up through the softphone that you've registered with the extension
00:50.59heath__yeah, moziax does that... or you could pop a small hacked jiaxclient window and achieve the same thing
00:51.11heath__i've even tokenized like that too :)
00:53.26bugzdlynes_office: so you need a softphone registered to the plugin?
00:53.34dlynes_officebugz: correct
00:58.08*** part/#asterisk rene- (
01:00.58Idlehmmm, my zaptel isn't showing up in lspci, so modprobe is failing
01:01.22justinu|laptopit should show up as a tigerjet card
01:01.23bugzIdle: make sure the power is connected to the card..
01:01.55Idleit is
01:02.51Idlehm, I may move everything up 1 slot
01:06.02Idleshould it light with just molex power?
01:06.35*** join/#asterisk sharp (
01:06.43bugztypically it lights up when the module is loaded
01:06.49Idleah, ok
01:06.51bugzbut ive seen some cards light up on boot for some reason
01:06.52Idlejust checking
01:07.01bugzmaybe during pci probe
01:07.02sharpwhat's the copyright status on the voice prompts that come with asterisk?
01:07.37*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
01:07.48bugzsharp: if you steal them, 'the voice' will haunt your dreams
01:07.52bugzit would be bad karma
01:08.28sharpsay i want to make a song with them?...
01:09.27Idleits still not showing in lspci
01:10.02bugzwhat does lspic show?
01:11.22bugzwhat card is it?
01:14.53*** join/#asterisk raulz (
01:17.20*** part/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
01:17.27*** part/#asterisk sharp (
01:17.59*** join/#asterisk dant (n=dan@2001:618:400:3f8d:204:76ff:fe1e:585e)
01:19.47*** join/#asterisk dan__t (n=dant@
01:20.51dan__tI've not used Asterisk for a very, very long time.  I was wondering if there would eventually be a method, ir currently exists such a method, where I can have a PBX dial a phone number, and be able to tell which numbers were pressed on a keypad when that call is hung up?
01:21.06dan__t:s/a PBX/Asterisk
01:21.17dan__t:s/hung up/answered
01:21.59h3xshow application Read
01:24.10dan__tThis may work.
01:26.25Idlebugz: sorry
01:26.31Idleits a tdm400
01:26.38Idleworks great on my desktop :D
01:28.25Idlelspci shows my ISA adaptor, IDE adaptor, Display adaptor, and something else...
01:29.58Idleyea, this is fucked
01:30.17dan__twhat's wrong with it
01:30.32Idledoesn't show up on the PCI bus at all
01:30.39IdleI'm sure its just a hardware thing
01:31.15dan__tdoes lspci -vvvv show anything else of interest?
01:31.21dan__tdoes dmesg bitch about it?
01:31.37Idlethe bios literally doens't see it
01:31.40dan__tdoes the card have any jumpers on it or some shit?
01:32.05dan__tGot a hammer?
01:32.51IdleHost bridge: Intel Corp. 430FX - 82437FX TSX [Triton 1] rev 02
01:33.18Idleand the PIIX ISA, and IDE PIIX, and my ATI 3d rage pro
01:33.47IdleI'm gonna yank the ethernet card, see if that helps
01:35.47IdleI bet this thing only has 4 interupts
01:35.59dan__tAm I going to get beat if I ask in here where I get Asterisk SRPMs?
01:37.14dan__tlooks like the .tar.gz is rpmbuild-able
01:38.57dan__tOr not.
01:39.19*** join/#asterisk benjamin7062 (
01:39.28benjamin7062Are humans here?
01:40.11benjamin7062Please say yes... preferably 'anyone' who can answer some questions
01:41.37Bullseye_Networkno humans here.
01:41.51Bullseye_NetworkThe answer to your question is..... Red
01:42.00benjamin7062I'm desperately trying to convince my company to use Asterisk and replace our Avaya...  I've been reading about this for years.  We are about to spend 20K to upgrade
01:42.26benjamin7062I have the check in my hand ... if I can get some answers I can push a week to test...
01:42.34benjamin7062if I can prove it works.. we switch to this
01:42.45hadsit works
01:42.57benjamin7062Heh, obviously
01:43.03Bullseye_NetworkI run 4 call centers using asterisk.
01:43.17benjamin7062I'm 'very' strong in linux... chances of getting this up in 1 week?
01:43.27Bullseye_NetworkHow many people?
01:43.33benjamin7062For the test... 5
01:43.37benjamin7062for the total install... 45
01:43.40benjamin7062two sites
01:43.48benjamin706220'ish at each site.
01:43.55Bullseye_NetworkPiece of cake.
01:43.58benjamin7062I love you
01:44.02dan__tI'm kinda faced with the same thing here.
01:44.05Bullseye_NetworkI out.!!!
01:44.08dan__tThis will be interesting.
01:44.19dan__tWe have an Intertel Axxcess PBX, which scares me just looking at it.
01:44.23benjamin7062If I gather enough information.. Owner said I have 1 week to prove it works...
01:44.29benjamin7062If it works... We start buying gear.
01:44.34Bullseye_NetworkWhere are you?
01:44.38benjamin7062Austin, TX
01:44.46Bullseye_Networkim in Phoenix...
01:44.58dan__tWhere in Phoenix, Bullseye_Network
01:45.27Bullseye_NetworkCentral and Indian School
01:46.01dan__tJust F'ing around, sorry.  I'm in Chandler.
01:46.02benjamin7062Okay, I have read read read... And will more... Hopefully you guys can save me time... Which phones do you use with this.  There are tons of sips compliant phones.  I need 20+ish programmable buttons.
01:46.41Bullseye_Network20 buttons?
01:46.45Bullseye_Networkspeed dials?
01:46.57benjamin7062well, in addition to keypad
01:47.11benjamin7062Like 'transfer'... conference... mute.. speaker.. park.. etc
01:47.23Bullseye_NetworkI like Cisco 79xx
01:47.35benjamin7062Looking them up now
01:47.36Bullseye_Network7960 are good
01:47.47Bullseye_Networkabout $260 each
01:48.24Bullseye_Networkto cheap I can get you some for $499. :)
01:48.43benjamin7062That's awesome... we pay $350 each for 'proprietary'
01:48.45benjamin7062I can't spell
01:48.52benjamin7062anyway... how programmable is that screen?
01:49.26Bullseye_Networkits supposed to be able to do alot. But I dont use it for more than call info
01:49.28benjamin7062Can I feed it pretty much whatever I send it via some protocol?
01:50.14*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:50.49Bullseye_NetworkI have never set it up, but, supposely it works as a browser to some extent with xml
01:51.07*** join/#asterisk b4ka (
01:51.12benjamin7062do you use these phones in your call center... good quality?
01:51.36Bullseye_NetworkTime for me 2go home....
01:51.46Bullseye_NetworkWe use softphone
01:51.47benjamin7062Thank you 'very' much for the info!
01:51.55Bullseye_Networkwe have 90+ LInux machines
01:52.01Bullseye_Networkwith sjphones on them
01:52.22benjamin7062Well, I have my work cut out...
01:52.41Bullseye_Networkemail me... info @ bullseyenetworks . com
01:52.45Bullseye_NetworkCya L8r
01:52.56*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
01:52.57benjamin7062Later man... thank you very much
01:53.01*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
01:53.07*** part/#asterisk Bullseye_Network (n=info@
01:53.15benjamin7062Damn, a wealth of info just left the building
01:53.21benjamin7062Dan -- how far have you gotten?
01:56.46raulzQ: Are there any hardware requirements to have the Asterisk system up and running.I have the box installed with Asterisk@Home
01:57.37dan__tDoes it run?
01:58.28Idlehmmm, lame
01:58.46*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
01:58.57Idleit seems a p120 w/ 32mb of ram, wont even detect my wildcard
01:59.35P-NuTdo you have zaptel installed?
01:59.38*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:59.41Idledoesn't matter
01:59.52P-NuTdoesn't in?
01:59.53Idleits not showing on the PCI bus
02:00.10P-NuTdodgy hardware?
02:00.16Idlep120 hardware :D
02:00.23P-NuTso true
02:00.48IdleI need a half-assed machine... few hundred mhz would do
02:00.49P-NuTif you move it from 1 PCI port to the other does it detect?
02:01.10P-NuTIf you put it in a real machine, does it work?
02:01.14IdleI've swapped it around with my 2 different video cards a few times... in slots I know that work
02:01.27fileis it a TDM400?
02:01.42filerequires a version 2.2 PCI BUS
02:02.07Idlethatd do it
02:02.31DrkShdwraulz:   technically,  no you don't need any hardware other than the machine. However, you won't be able to use a POTS line with asterisk without it.
02:02.41Idleit doens't even come to mind anymore... I see a machine and go 'yea, its fine'... forget we used to run into shitty problems like this
02:02.57P-NuTspeaking of POTS..
02:03.03filePOTS and pans!
02:03.04Idlen pans ?
02:03.26P-NuTHave anyone had an issue with an extension having eexcho, but not on the other end of the PSTN line?
02:04.19DrkShdwSo..  I'm a little annoyed.   we had a storm come through.   3 tornados touched down (minor damage)  but the power spiked several times.   it killed my battery backup AND the power supply in my main XP machine :/
02:04.50raulzis there a full step by step website that guides me in setting up an asterisk system except ?
02:07.59bugzwe are doomed.
02:08.07bugzi think i'll have a coke.
02:08.40*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
02:15.43FuriousGeorgei have a client that wants to use his voip server (opteron 142 w/ scsi drives) as a file server for a few people with low bandwith needs.  i told him i dont think its a great idea but i wanted to talk it over with someone.  the pbx itself is not at a load at all
02:17.03FuriousGeorgeon a scale of 1 to 10 how bad of an idea is that?
02:17.56FuriousGeorgei guess a better question would be if consistent media io on scsi drives will significantly effect the quality of their phone system
02:22.22YoYohow many concurrent calls are you talking about?
02:22.55YoYoand are you monitoring them?
02:26.16DrkShdwRelaistically,  your phone system is a poor choice to use as your file sharing system.  I personally would nix the idea.
02:26.55DrkShdwrealistically too.   I can type,   I swear it.
02:27.19b4kawhat the hell is this bug of the -rx commands? isnt it fixed in any stable version? i dont want to go patching
02:28.14benjamin7062I've found a ton of wiki's and sites listing a 'ton' of Hard Phones... Are any of you guys using hard phones?  If yes, which ones?
02:28.47DrkShdwSnom 320 here
02:28.49b4kasipura and linksys adapters
02:28.55b4kalike 20 of each
02:29.14*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
02:29.21P-NuTare Snom phones any good?
02:29.28P-NuTTheir incredibly pricy
02:29.43benjamin7062Looking these up right now... thank you...  Specifically I'm looking for phones with a lot of programmable buttons (call fwd, transfer, etc)... if you have any suggestions on those.  Price is no object
02:29.50benjamin7062well, reasonably
02:29.57DrkShdwthe 320's are good.   the 360's were a pile.
02:29.57benjamin7062I will be buying around 50
02:30.00b4kapolycom phones are pretty nice
02:30.05b4kathey have all the crap
02:30.13benjamin7062Looking those up too
02:30.17b4kaand are very well made
02:32.17benjamin7062top link on google
02:32.38benjamin7062And they just happen to be here in Austin TX
02:32.42b4kai have 2 of those
02:32.54b4kaand some soundstations
02:33.13benjamin7062Do you recall cost?
02:33.59b4kanot really
02:34.17benjamin7062anything under $300 works for me
02:34.36benjamin7062Maybe I'll get a bulk rate @ 50 units... maybe
02:35.02benjamin7062Will an asterisk system handle 50+ users well?
02:35.06benjamin70622 PRI's?
02:35.16b4kawe have more than 50
02:35.18b4kawith 1 pri
02:35.27benjamin7062Don't know if you saw above
02:35.31benjamin7062but I have 1 week to get this working
02:35.34benjamin7062and prove it
02:35.38benjamin7062then we replace Avaya
02:35.40b4kaof course at 60% capacity it would collapse
02:35.51b4kabut then, we never get to that point
02:36.20benjamin706260 Capacity.. meaning.. using all 23 channels on your pri?
02:36.51b4kait depends on you link
02:36.58b4kayou can have more or less channels
02:37.18benjamin7062Right... I get that... but as far as your 'system'.. i can handle the 'load' of more than 23
02:37.19b4kaand we do have an IAX provider, 4 telco lines and a gsm phone attached to the asterisk
02:37.24benjamin7062if you had the pri capacity
02:37.27b4kaplus the t1 and a channelbank
02:38.22benjamin7062If I'm 'very' solid in linux... to the dev level.. chances of getting 5 phone demo up in a week?
02:38.34b4kain half a day
02:38.38DrkShdwbenjamin7062: thats a relative question..    a 486 system running asterisk?  probably not.   a p4 2.0ghz could
02:38.42benjamin7062so sweet
02:39.04b4kaif you are just going to put 5 phones interconected and nothing else
02:39.08b4kaits a piece of cake
02:39.20DrkShdwyou hooking a POTS line up to it?
02:39.25b4kabasic dialplan and some sip config
02:39.40benjamin7062DrkShdw -- of course... I'll be more specific... I'll run whatever hardware necessary to run 50+ simultaneous internal and external calls...
02:39.44benjamin7062Money is no object
02:39.50benjamin7062we are about to blow 30K upgrading this avaya
02:39.58benjamin7062I want to replace it
02:40.01DrkShdwhardware notwithstanding,  yes.  asterisk is capable of it.
02:40.02benjamin7062Owner gave me a week to prove it
02:40.16b4kai just replaced our old asterisk yesterday
02:40.29benjamin7062We are hooking 2 pri's.. not pots...
02:40.34b4kaits on a p4 nice intel mobo 2gb ram and satas
02:40.36b4kanothing fancy
02:40.40benjamin7062but for the test.. I just need 5 internal phones talking to each other with extensions
02:40.49DrkShdwbenjamin7062: for a demo?   just download trixbox,   throw it on a machine.  add 5 extensions, and setup an IVR.     2 hours, and you have a working demo.
02:40.51b4kaget yourself a wan card
02:40.56b4kaa decent machine
02:40.57b4kaand you're done
02:41.23b4kai have 3 sangoma cards
02:41.44benjamin7062So, the actual config is somewhat trivial?  I read about this project years ago and it seemed pretty involved.. Nothing I can't do.. Just the time frame to learn it .. if it is crazy involved.
02:42.01benjamin7062But the demo must be using hard phones...
02:42.05b4kawell the dialplan can get complicated
02:42.20b4kabut for only 5 phones and nothing else
02:42.21benjamin7062Polycom happens to be here in Austin, TX... so I might be able to get my hands on 5 in a couple days
02:42.24b4kaits piece of cake
02:42.30DrkShdwright.  the timeframe (learning curve) is the part that'll kill you.    hence the trixbox suggestion.    you can set it up and show how it works in 2 hours.   THEN if you want,    roll your own asterisk install.
02:42.38benjamin7062Dial plan on 'any' phone switch can be complicated.. =)
02:43.05b4kayou can get voip adapters too benjamin
02:43.11benjamin7062Okay... so trixbox is 'kinda' like a knoppix'ish version of asterisk... I couldn't tell if it was a fork or what...
02:43.12b4kawith 3 you can connect 6 phones
02:43.24b4kaand i think they are cheapear
02:43.26b4kathan phones
02:43.28*** join/#asterisk smackus2 (
02:43.47benjamin7062Well, replacing this phone switch.. they want to see similar on phone functionality.. like, transfers, conference calls, hold, etc.
02:43.52DrkShdwyes,   trixbox is the OS (CentOS) FreePBX, Asterisk, and a few other niceties all on a single "boot and install" cd
02:44.18benjamin7062That is what I'll do...
02:44.25b4kai would just try to understand the extensions.conf
02:44.28b4kasip.conf is trivial
02:44.30DrkShdwtrixbox seems to be taboo in this channel.   I personally like it. :)
02:44.37b4kaand you dont need much more to do what you want
02:45.03b4kaand you could get a grasp about what you'll have to do for 50 machines then ;P
02:45.10denonit's not that it's taboo, just that we're not here to support it
02:45.13denonwe're here to support asterisk
02:45.22DrkShdwyou can have a digital receptionest,  music on hold, transfers, and conferencing setup in no time
02:45.31benjamin7062I can learn this stuff relatively quickly (I hope)... Been managing Nortel's and Other systems for years.. I get the concepts.. just perhaps not the asterisk specifics... but I understand the concepts of DIalplan's, etc.
02:45.34DrkShdwdenon:   I realize that ;-)
02:45.35denonyou'll find more knowledge on trixbox in a channel devoted to it
02:45.41benjamin7062Man, you guys rock.. thank you!
02:46.08b4kaspeaking of which, whats with that -rx not showing output bug!
02:46.23b4kawhy wasnt it fixed in 1.2.9 :(
02:46.27*** join/#asterisk Samoied (
02:46.49benjamin7062Well, understanding that it is taboo, I will probably roll a full asterisk install but might use trixbox for the demo if you guys feel it accomplishes the task of proving that 5 hardphones can have business like functions, etc.
02:47.32DrkShdwtrixbox would be ideal for a quick demo.   the point of the demo is to show it's capable.      save the rolling your own,  for after the project is accepted.
02:47.58DrkShdwno sense spending half a day rolling out a demo that they may reject (IMO)
02:48.21smackus2ok, so i am trying to get all of my channels to work on my te411p. I have 4 t1s in the card. all are pri. so i am setting them up with channel => 1-23,25-47,49-71,73-95.
02:48.21smackus21-47 load correctly, then i get the error Jun 21 20:36:14 ERROR[17978]: chan_zap.c:10317 setup_zap: Unable to reconfigure channel '49-71'
02:48.21smackus2where did i go wrong?
02:48.53smackus2sorry about the name change... problems with my irc client tonight
02:48.57benjamin7062Exactly... although, it won't be rejected if it works... They are going to spend the 30K tomorrow... I've been reading about this for years ... They are willing to take it on if it will definately support 50 users.
02:49.21smackus2i currently have 88 users working awesome
02:49.42benjamin706230+ hitting the phones pretty hard?
02:49.51benjamin7062sounds like it with 4 pri's... =)
02:49.53smackus2it is an outbound call center with dialer
02:49.58DrkShdwwell,  like I said,   a very modest system can handle 5 phones for a demo.    as in,  a p200 would be overkill.   for 50 lines,  your hardware demands will rise a bit ;-)
02:50.06smackus2i am building a redundant system right now.
02:50.16smackus2quad xeon procs and lots of ram.
02:50.21smackus2we do alot of recording and reporting.
02:50.30smackus2we also are doing a public conference bridge.
02:50.37smackus2it gets hit hard
02:50.45smackus2the secret in my opinion is to scale out.
02:51.03smackus2use other servers for things like converting recordings to mp3/gsm
02:51.08benjamin7062Multiple boxes talking to each other and fishing out specific services to other boxes?
02:51.14smackus2reports databases also off of the asterisk
02:51.18smackus2yeah, something like that
02:51.31smackus2nfs is what I use. I just pull the recordings off to another box
02:51.40benjamin7062That'll be no problem
02:51.54smackus2and the odbc and mysql support in asterisk is nice. I just push that to my database/web server
02:51.58smackus2for reporting
02:52.34benjamin7062I work for a company that stores 40+ terabytes of digital images...  So hardware for this sounds rather trivial... which I like to hear.  PRI cards... You guys all suggest the Digi's?
02:52.46smackus2i do
02:53.09DrkShdwman for the $30,000 they were planning to drop on a new system..  they could have a beefy asterisk setup, AND still afford to give you $25k ;-)
02:53.09smackus2they have made great improvements in processing so that the load on the server is not so harsh
02:53.10benjamin7062I notice the voltage difference... is that simply for the different PCI spec's... (old and newer)
02:53.33smackus2exactly, with 2 servers with raided hd and dual procs, we are only in $3000
02:53.53smackus2that is with the T1 card for the asterisk box
02:54.02benjamin7062Well, remember, I have to use 50+ hard phones... so add $200ish x 50 ...
02:54.04benjamin706210K ish
02:54.07benjamin7062still WAY cheaper
02:54.18smackus2$100 ish
02:54.34smackus2I use the polycom 301 and 501... 301 for agents, and 501 for managers.
02:54.34dlynes_homesmackus2: no $200ish
02:54.35benjamin7062Well, thing is... they want all the business buttons on the phones... someone suggested the Polycoms...
02:54.41filebuying Digium hardware helps developers buy food, please - think of the developers!
02:54.48dlynes_homesmackus2: where the hell are you getting 501s for $100?
02:54.54smackus2i pay $105 for the 301 and $150 for the 501
02:55.03dlynes_homesmackus2: damn...where?
02:55.05benjamin7062I will .. in fact.. most likely we'll buy business edition JUST for the fact that we WANT to support them
02:55.10smackus2local dealer
02:55.21benjamin7062smackus -- don't suppose you are in TX?
02:55.25smackus2gimme a sec, and I will see if i can find the contact info.
02:55.27smackus2they ship
02:55.28dlynes_homesmackus2: and that's fully supported?  i.e. you get firmware updates with that?
02:55.53smackus2if you get set up with a sales rep, they should provide the fw updates.
02:56.17dlynes_homesmackus2: and that's wholesale price?
02:56.35smackus2well, thats the price we got for ordering 50+
02:56.40benjamin7062smackus2 - dif between a 500 and 501?
02:56.45fileyay BE
02:56.52dlynes_homebenjamin7062: 501 is 500 with newer firmware
02:57.02smackus2that is my understanding
02:57.32dlynes_homebenjamin7062: so the memory might have increased as well...but hardware-wise, i think the two are the same
02:57.58benjamin7062We'll probably go with the 601 for the screen size... key is, I need as many buttons as I can get on the phone
02:58.09benjamin7062smackus2 - those buttons are completely programmable via asterisk right?
02:58.33dlynes_homebenjamin7062: i believe only the soft keys are
02:58.36smackus2that I have not gotten into, the phone is fully programmable, as to what each button is capable of, I do not know.
02:58.45dlynes_homebenjamin7062: and even then, it's phone programmable to an extension on asterisk
02:59.05benjamin7062Ie... it dials some 'code' for asterisk that = a function
02:59.35smackus2i think this is the correct contact info....
02:59.38smackus2Alliance Communication Systems & Wiring
02:59.45benjamin7062that's who I was going to use
02:59.46smackus2(303) 679-1371
02:59.54smackus2they are a dealer for polycom
03:00.16dlynes_homesmackus2: will they ship out of country?
03:00.25smackus2that, I cannot answer
03:00.36smackus2I do not see why not, however it may up the price a bit :-D
03:00.46benjamin7062Wish they were here in Austin
03:00.55benjamin7062They are outta Plano
03:01.05smackus2well, i am in utah, so shipping wont be too much more
03:01.19benjamin7062It's timing really
03:01.27smackus2i get them in two days
03:01.28benjamin7062I'd love to get these 'tomorrow'
03:01.35benjamin7062as in, go to a store.. =)
03:01.47benjamin7062Polycom is here in Austin, so maybe I can call them direct.
03:01.49[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home :Soft keys aren't really that programmable
03:01.50dlynes_homecool...emailed it myself
03:02.03dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: but you can program them to an extension right?
03:02.04benjamin7062They aren't?
03:02.13[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Sure.  And for presence.
03:02.14dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: that's what i gathered from reading the manual, anyways
03:02.16file[TK]D-Fender: !
03:02.20*** join/#asterisk dviner (
03:02.22[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : today I set mine for ACD login/out
03:02.41smackus2[TK]D-Fender: i still have not gotten that to work
03:02.44dlynes_homeand so what do you mean by "soft keys aren't really that programmable" then?
03:02.47dlynes_homekinda misleading
03:02.49[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Don't have Bweschke's tree compiled, but wanted to see the phone side.  Nice
03:03.02[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Sofkey's ~= line keys
03:03.13dlynes_homeYeah, I'm aware of that
03:03.15dlynes_homenever said they were
03:03.22dlynes_homenever told benjamin7062 that, either
03:03.30[TK]D-Fenderbenjamin7062 : Odds are if you need it, Polycom's got it.
03:03.51dlynes_homebweschke's tree for what?  phone side for what?
03:04.15smackus2benjamin7062 take a look at the SIP.cfg for polycom, that will give you a good indication of all of the available features
03:04.18benjamin7062Perhaps I could be more vague.  I need keys that can login/out of ACD, Transfer calls, Conference calls, etc... IE function keys.  I don't know what they are called.. but can this be 'accomplished' even if it's some hack ass solution?
03:04.27benjamin7062I will
03:04.39dlynes_homebenjamin7062: yes, through the soft keys
03:04.41smackus2it is available, without a hack ass solution
03:04.51smackus2take a look at the SIP.cfg
03:04.51[TK]D-Fenderbenjamin7062 : They you're set with any Polycom.  Its jsut a question about PoE / Speakerphone, call volume, etc
03:04.57benjamin7062Going to do that right now
03:05.39benjamin7062They don't support PoE?  Bummer.
03:05.44[TK]D-Fenderbenjamin7062 : Are you hoping to use PoE with your phones?  What kind of call volume?  Budget issues?
03:05.50[TK]D-Fenderbenjamin7062 : Sure they do
03:05.53smackus2the 501 is Poe
03:06.02smackus2as is the 301
03:06.02[TK]D-Fendersmackus2 : ALL of them can do PoE
03:06.03benjamin7062Budget = 30K .. start to finish... System + 50 Phones
03:06.16smackus2that would be major overkill
03:06.29benjamin7062Oh yeah, I have 1 week to learn asterisk and 3 weeks to build the system
03:06.31[TK]D-Fenderbenjamin7062 : You'll come in WAY under that.
03:06.38smackus2what features are you wishing to offer? ie call recording, reporting, conference bridge?
03:06.38dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: i thought the 301 didn't come with poe though?  i.e. it was extra?
03:06.39benjamin7062I know
03:06.51smackus2it does come with a power cord :-D
03:06.54[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : It IS extra, but its still THERE
03:06.55benjamin7062but 30K is what we are about to spend on Avaya... Which is why I'm hear soaking everything in I can
03:07.11[TK]D-Fenderbenjamin7062 : So again, are you looking to use PoE?
03:07.16benjamin7062Yes sir
03:07.34smackus2avaya is going to be the same thing as asterisk, but a rip off in price
03:07.39[TK]D-Fenderbenjamin7062 : Ok, a la cheap : D-Link DES-1526 24port PoE Switch = $400 +/-
03:07.46smackus2it is linux based, and you have to pay for each license and application need
03:08.05file[TK]D-Fender: ooh
03:08.09[TK]D-Fenderbenjamin7062 : And for your lower end users, get them IP430's, and your receptionist an IP601 + 2 Attendant Modules
03:08.23[TK]D-Fenderbenjamin7062 : All PoE native.
03:08.27smackus2for what I have built comapared to what I needed from avaya, they wanted to charge me 1.5 million
03:08.41fileonly 1.5 million? :)
03:08.48[TK]D-Fenderbenjamin7062 : Anybody you'd consider getting an IP 501 for you're probably better off just getting them a 601.
03:09.00smackus2that was after stripping the system down to only one fail over box
03:09.17benjamin7062Features:  ACD/Hunt Groups, Basic Business Stuff (Transfers, Conference, HOld Music), Reporting (if it's in a DB/FIles, I can write the code for this), Programmable Hard PHones, Good quality, 2 PRI support, etc... basically, same functionality of an Avaya IP system... are there apps to monitor call queues and stuff out there?  Ie.. Open source projects?
03:09.44dlynes_homesmackus2: is their phone system made out of brass?
03:09.56[TK]D-Fenderbenjamin7062 : Yup, Queue reporting stuff out there already, * does al the basic PBX stuff you need, Polycom's are your #1 choice, and easy on the budget.
03:09.57smackus2form the price i had thought tTi
03:09.59DrkShdwbenjamin7062: yes,  there are apps out there for all that
03:10.37smackus2most apps are built into asterisk, you just need to figure out your front end.. ie, php, java
03:10.38DrkShdwthere are even apps out there for calling card billing,  and such.  it's really limitless
03:10.43dlynes_homesmackus2: cause they sure have brass balls if they're charging 1.5M for a phone system
03:10.52smackus2i hear ya!!!!
03:11.11benjamin7062I can use any, php, java, x windows if needed,, hopefully windows interface (or java or something that will port nicely)
03:11.14smackus2that was with all of the reporting and recording and such that I already have running in asterisk for free
03:12.24dlynes_homefile: is digium planning any upgrades on their hardware to support any of the modern advances in hardware?
03:12.55*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
03:13.32smackus2[TK]D-Fender: can you tell me the link you used for svn for the Bweschke's tree? i was unsuccessful in connecting it
03:14.17[TK]D-Fendersmackus2 : I haven't DL'd it myself yet
03:14.45filedlynes_home: define modern advances
03:15.17fileeven if I did know I couldn't tell you
03:15.20smackus2then he would kill you
03:15.56fileyay killing
03:16.11dlynes_homefile: i was thinking stuff like autodetecting 3.3V vs 5.0V, onboard carrier grade echo cancellers, ...
03:16.15[TK]D-Fenderfile : If they really earn it I'll lend you my new toy :)
03:16.28*** join/#asterisk Dico_ (n=niko@
03:16.59filethere's one thing that's iffy, it's in zaptel but I don't know if an announcement has been made yet
03:17.13dlynes_homefile: about?
03:17.27filecarrier grade echo cancellation
03:17.44dlynes_homesoftware-based carrier grade echo cancellation?
03:17.48dlynes_homeor hardware-based?
03:18.10dlynes_homeso digium is going to have carrier grade echo cancellers now?
03:18.15dlynes_homeon analog and pri cards?
03:18.37[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : If you don't know about it the answer is "not yet".
03:19.00fileuh let me phrase it this way
03:19.08dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: i thought it was RSN?
03:19.14filethe driver for a board that uses the Octasic stuff *may* be in zaptel trunk
03:19.29dlynes_homefile: mean sangoma?
03:19.30[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : RSN?
03:19.35dlynes_home"real soon now"
03:19.38filedlynes_home: no.
03:19.54[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Time will tell, and someone elses validation :)
03:20.07*** join/#asterisk sep (n=sep@
03:20.12dlynes_homefile: ah...they were just the only ones i knew of that used octasis
03:20.13dlynes_homefile: ah...they were just the only ones i knew of that used octasic
03:20.34dlynes_homefile: everyone i know using hwec with digium is using tellabs
03:20.35filedlynes_home: octasic's echo canceller is very very good, but also very very expensive
03:20.54filemaybe it's only one very...
03:21.08[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Oh!  You mean manxpower!
03:21.30dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: he's the only one i know of using hwec with digium cards :p
03:21.30[TK]D-Fenderfile : I prefer to think of it as "very very worth every penny for even 1 port" ;)
03:21.51Qwellfile: only one very on which?
03:21.53[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : I've seen plenty come through here with TE406P's and an odd TE411P
03:21.59orlockone of our clients complained about echo
03:22.11orlockthey were calling the voip phone hands-free from a phone next to it.. DUH
03:22.13fileQwell: price of the Octasic
03:22.15dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: what's a te406p or a te411p?
03:22.30Qwelltwo, very very good, and very (perhaps an additional very) expensive?
03:22.46Qwellnot sure how I slaughtered that so badly
03:22.52dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: te405 and te410 with hwec?
03:22.58[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : OMG... go rad up on Digium's products!
03:23.18dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: ?
03:23.25fileour product numbers blow my mind, I just... nod my head
03:23.29*** join/#asterisk techie (
03:25.25fileI expect that back!
03:25.35QwellYou can have it back in...18 days!
03:25.45fileooh 18? is that it?!?
03:25.55QwellI think so...unless my math is horribly b0rked
03:26.02filemight be
03:26.10Qwellnope, it's correct(ish)
03:26.23Qwellthat last week kinda flew by, eh?
03:26.33fileI don't remember it
03:26.42benjamin7062How does EC relate to all this VOIP... is it analyzing the voice and trying to remove unwanted noise from the audio?
03:27.02filebenjamin7062: we're talking about in relation to analog and PRIs
03:27.04Qwellbenjamin7062: no, EC (echo cancellation) is mostly for analog/pri
03:27.51[TK]D-Fenderbenjamin7062 :
03:27.58DrkShdwhead -18 file?  I get it!  haha   a *nix joke!
03:28.06filealthough you could incorporate a software echo canceler into an asterisk channel... hrm
03:28.09QwellDrkShdw: -n18!
03:28.14*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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03:28.22filerussellb: !!?!!
03:28.40Qwellrussellb: omg!
03:28.40filegreets to my peep!
03:29.01QwellDrkShdw: You're a pretty hardcore geek btw...
03:29.09DrkShdwyes,  yes I am
03:29.27Qwellanybody who can make a CLI joke, with 1980s syntax...well...yeah
03:29.42DrkShdwI dream in binary :/   it's pretty sad actually
03:30.21DrkShdw1980's syntax.   psshhh    head -18 file will work today :P
03:30.29fileI feel so violated
03:30.39QwellDrkShdw: but, perhaps not tomorrow
03:30.44Qwellin fact, any time now
03:30.47DrkShdwit will on MY boxen :P
03:30.53Qwellit's been deprecated for like...I don't know...
03:30.54*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
03:30.55QwellTEN YEARS
03:31.10QwellThat's one hell of a deprecation, if you ask me :p
03:31.39DrkShdwthats odd,   for a deprecated command,  it's standard on every bsd/linux distro I can think of bugs me
03:31.55Qwellincredibly so
03:32.05filebuggy Qwell!
03:32.15dlynes_homehead -18 only shows you the first 18 characters of the file, no?
03:32.23Qwelldlynes_home: no, it's equiv to -n18
03:32.26DrkShdw18 lines
03:32.32dlynes_homeQwell: not on my distro
03:32.36Qwelldlynes_home: everywhere :p
03:32.42Qwellit's a former posix standard
03:32.48benjamin7062head is not 80's syntax.. =)
03:32.56Qwellbenjamin7062: no, but -18 is
03:32.59Qwell-18 vs -n18
03:33.08fileQwell: btw you're not invited to my special muffin party
03:33.33DrkShdwif we rm -rf file,   will he be defiled?
03:33.34benjamin7062Hmm, thought that was still relevent on Solaris
03:33.35russellbfile: am i?
03:33.39benjamin7062I lose at life
03:33.42dlynes_homehrm...could've sworn one of my installs didn't do 18 lines with that
03:33.44filerussellb: of course, you're the cohost of the party!
03:33.50QwellO M G
03:33.59*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
03:34.10QwellThat's fine...  No special Qwell muffins for you
03:34.18bleblebleanyone had luck with tying asterisk + iaxmodem + hylafax?
03:34.38fileQwell: excellent, I heard they were explosives anyway
03:34.43Qwellfile: extremely so
03:34.54DrkShdwI know a guy who had the AIM name 'file'    He used to have logs of all the RANDOM crazy IM's he'd get from people screwing up
03:35.23orlockDrkShdw: hah!
03:35.24fileI have directory also
03:35.32orlockDrkShdw: hear about the guy with the numberplate "NULL"
03:35.33Qwellfile: on aim?
03:35.38fileno, on here :P
03:35.42Qwellwell..duh :p
03:35.46DrkShdwQwell:  yeah.   his name is Shaun
03:35.48russellbi have drumkilla!
03:35.53DrkShdworlock: nope
03:36.04QwellI sucks
03:36.21filerussellb: you kill drums :(
03:36.26DrkShdwhe also has 'AIM User'  lol
03:36.27orlockDrkShdw: whenever the cops were filling our a report for something vehicle related, if they couldent enter the plate number for some reason, they would enter "NULL"
03:36.42russellbheh, i used to register randoim aim names
03:36.45DrkShdworlock: HAHA   I bet that was fun as hell
03:37.04orlockDrkShdw: yeah, he started getting all sorts of weird and freaky infringment notices
03:37.27filerussellb: oh and what are you doing on IRC, I totally banned you from it - nub!
03:37.27Qwellrussellb: If you count up all the ones that I've owned over time...eeks
03:37.35Qwellseveral hundred, at least :p
03:37.36DrkShdw"Your license is going to be suspended in 30 days" letters,   15,000 times a day
03:38.05russellbfile: fine :'(
03:38.16fileI have the power!
03:38.17Qwellfile: now look what you've done
03:38.39fileI couldn't let him waste his night on IRC
03:41.27benjamin7062Eww.. Important question...  are there cards that will 'feed' analog lines (for fax machines) that work with *
03:42.20DrkShdwan FXS card (or module) will.  I'e never personally done it,  but I've read about it
03:43.42benjamin7062I also know that you can get consumer crap,... like vonage boxes that can talk sip and spit out analog... just didn't know if anyone knew of one for *
03:43.54benjamin7062I can read... or buy a pots for the few fax machines we have
03:45.26DrkShdwwell,   faxing over voip,  is tricky at best.   I would say:  you really need an analog line for 911, and alarm systems..  just make it your actual fax line as well..  all independant of asterisk
03:45.48benjamin7062Good call
03:47.02SkramXtrixter around?
03:47.34DrkShdwspeaking of 911.   Anyone know right off hand,  of how to configure the outbound routes to send 411, and 911 out through the POTS line?
03:48.14DrkShdwa guide would work,  if you can point me in that direction.
03:48.23Qwellexten => 411,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN})
03:49.05DrkShdwoh lordy.   I coulda found that in prolly 2 seconds of playing with the files.   thanks qwell
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03:56.21znoGhas anyone tried those USB phones that can work with DIAX, etc?
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04:10.59*** join/#asterisk flujan (
04:11.34flujanhi guys... I'm getting this error message in my asterisk box: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
04:11.53flujanbut all zap channels are available...
04:20.14*** part/#asterisk benjamin7062 (
04:21.01*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
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04:21.16FuriousGeorgeanyone using snom phones here notice any problems with parking
04:21.48FuriousGeorgenamely that they dont here what spot the call gets parked in on a blind tx and they get incomplete address when they direct dial?
04:21.54*** part/#asterisk sticks (
04:22.41dlynes_homeflujan: zap show status
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04:23.32*** join/#asterisk n3glv (
04:23.44n3glvHi guys
04:23.59dlynes_homeni hao ma?
04:24.04n3glvquick question
04:24.22FuriousGeorge~lastspoke avi-bani
04:24.25n3glvI have two meetme conf's linked by transferring one to the other
04:24.35FuriousGeorge~lastsponke av-bani
04:24.36dlynes_home~seen avi-bani
04:24.51jboti haven't seen 'avi-bani', dlynes_home
04:24.51n3glvhow can I force a disconnect of a call (the conf link)
04:24.51dlynes_home~seen av-bani
04:24.52jboti haven't seen 'av-bani', dlynes_home
04:25.14FuriousGeorge~seen avi-bani
04:25.15jbotFuriousGeorge: i haven't seen 'avi-bani'
04:25.19flujandlynes_home, do you think this problem can occur because I'm using Slackware? This could be a distro problem?
04:25.34flujandlynes_home, permissions or something?
04:25.34dlynes_homeflujan: hell, no
04:25.39dlynes_homeflujan: I use slackware, too
04:25.55flujandlynes_home, cool...
04:25.57dlynes_homeflujan: is there a call currently connected when you try to issue a call?
04:26.15dlynes_homeflujan: actually, a good number of the participants in this channel are using Slackware
04:26.25flujandlynes_home, :)
04:26.51[TK]D-Fender~seen [av]bani
04:26.52jbot[av]bani <n=[av]> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 66d 6h 1m 17s ago, saying: 'robin_sz: how are they?'.
04:26.56dlynes_homeEven if slackware's a small %'age of the rest of the linux world, for whatever reason it's quite high in asterisk
04:26.59FuriousGeorgethats it
04:27.04flujandlynes_home, I already tried a lot of things... and always have this problem... The guy who sold the card, tested the board in a centos an have no errors...
04:27.10FuriousGeorgehe used snoms
04:27.17[TK]D-FenderSlacrware for the win!  #1 in "just works" !
04:27.24FuriousGeorgeanyone using an snom and call parking around?
04:27.37dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: yeah...but let's not saying anything about your uber typing skillz :p
04:27.54flujan[TK]D-Fender, uncle Pat rulez
04:27.57dlynes_homeflujan: how many lines do you have?
04:27.59FuriousGeorgenoticing that i cant park a call right
04:28.18flujandlynes_home, 30 channels in a Pri E1.
04:28.54dlynes_homeflujan: can you pastebin your zapata.conf and zaptel.conf files?
04:29.00dlynes_homeflujan: and lose all the commenting?
04:29.51dlynes_homeheh...calgary's still getting snow and hail :)
04:29.59*** join/#asterisk sticks (
04:30.10flujandlynes_home, thanks for helping... :)
04:30.44*** part/#asterisk sticks (
04:31.00dlynes_homeflujan: change bchan in zaptel.conf to bchan=1-15,17-31
04:31.03*** part/#asterisk n3glv (
04:31.05dlynes_homeflujan: then shutdown asterisk
04:31.12dlynes_homeflujan: and then type ztcfg -vvvvvvvvvvv
04:31.18dlynes_homeflujan: and then reload asterisk
04:31.39dlynes_homeflujan: and then let's see a log of you trying to dial
04:34.03flujandlynes_home, [TK]D-Fender
04:34.31Gamercjmmy garage door open when i dial an ext on my DID now :)
04:34.41flujandlynes_home, so strange this error... isn't it?
04:34.49Gamercjmive been so bored lol
04:35.06dlynes_homeflujan: you need to Dial(Zap/g1/number) that's why
04:35.12[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : SHUP YUO!
04:35.19*** join/#asterisk sticks (
04:35.22dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: ?
04:35.32FuriousGeorgemy parked calls context isnt supposed to have anything in it right?
04:35.33[TK]D-Fender<dlynes_home> [TK]D-Fender: yeah...but let's not saying anything about your uber typing skillz :p
04:36.11FuriousGeorgeim looking at application park, says here its registered internally and doesnt need to be included in th DP
04:36.32dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: it is
04:36.36FuriousGeorgeyet i keep getting address incomplete when i call my park extension, which is **
04:37.08FuriousGeorgeand if i cant park myself, i cant at-xfer
04:37.15FuriousGeorgeand so i cant use parking
04:37.29FuriousGeorgethe wierd thing is that blind x-fer works
04:37.32flujandlynes_home, I know this is strange
04:37.50FuriousGeorgebut then of course i have to guess as to where the call went
04:37.56dlynes_homeflujan: do you have the right signalling and that kinda thing?
04:38.14flujandlynes_home, yeap... we are using ISDN here...
04:38.21flujanso... pri_cpe
04:38.27dlynes_homeflujan: yeah
04:38.29mds2anyone know if cisco 7940/7960 phones can have DND on a per-line basis?
04:38.33dlynes_homeflujan: but i meant the other stuff
04:38.43flujandlynes_home, ?
04:38.47Qwellmds2: with the right firmware and channel driver, sure :p
04:38.59dlynes_homeand switchtype=euroisdn
04:39.04dlynes_homeare those both correct?
04:39.09mds2Qwell: is it documented somewhere?
04:39.31QwellYou'll need to write code :p
04:40.06mds2so it's not a feature of the cisco sip load?
04:40.13flujandlynes_home, just to make sure
04:40.21flujanplease, check my extensions.conf
04:40.26mds2are there any opensource firmware efforts for 79xx?
04:40.38Qwellmds2: no
04:41.03flujandlynes_home, yeap... at least is the configuration I see the guys using here in Brazil.
04:41.27dlynes_homeflujan: turn off autofallthrough
04:41.39mds2Qwell: you're suggesting I reverse engineer the phone, make a SIP load that has roughly the same feature set as Cisco's then add the per-line DND?
04:42.00Qwellmds2: no, I'm saying use skinny, and modify the asterisk channel driver to do what you want
04:42.07dlynes_homeflujan: also after your dial command, add the following:  exten => 5,n,Noop(${DIALSTATUS})
04:42.19dlynes_homeflujan: then call again, and paste the log
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04:43.37mds2Qwell: we're pretty well established on SIP.  I thought the * Skinny code was pretty bare bones?
04:43.56heisonanyone here used $AGI->verbose() ?
04:44.39heisoni can no longer see characters sent to the console... last time i had it working was with Asterisk 1.0, I'm now on 1.2.7
04:45.19flujandlynes_home, :'(
04:46.23dlynes_homeflujan: hrm...not sure
04:46.52dlynes_homeflujan: try using pri debug span 1 or whatever the command is, or pri intense debug to super duper debugging on the pri
04:46.53flujandlynes_home, not sure about what?
04:47.01dlynes_homeflujan: not sure about what th eproblem is
04:47.11flujandlynes_home, me too... :P
04:47.11dlynes_homeflujan: but i've gotta run....gotta install a new server
04:49.35flujanafter i use pri intense debug span 1q
04:49.55*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
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04:54.22flujandlynes_home, i dunno why nor how... but take a look: it works for a second... :)
04:54.38flujandlynes_home, we are almost there... at least I hope. :P
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04:57.09phalaceeI was wondering if it is possible to use a 56k voice-modem in-place of a Digium (or equivalent) PSTN card ...
04:57.21Qwellphalacee: if you write zaptel drivers for it
04:58.07[hc]anyone have any suggestions for debugging/fixing dropped call problems when connecting to pstn using fxo devices (sangoma a200 in my case) ?
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04:59.32phalaceeoh fizzle-sticks ... I was hoping you'd either say yes, or a straight no ... cos my boss wants to set up a demo machine with a 56k modem in place of a PSTN ...
04:59.49phalaceeany projects out there working on making generic drivers already?
05:00.50dlynes_homeflujan: your d-chan is not functional (perhaps your driver didn't load correctly, check dmesg for details), and it looks like you might need a pridialplan and prilocaldialplan for your pri
05:01.00dlynes_homeflujan: but i can't help you further...i'm heading out the door now
05:01.03P-NuTSo, has anyone used SPA3000's with plain vanilla asterisk and NOT something like trixbox or something?
05:01.11flujandlynes_home, thanks...
05:01.12P-NuTand is using it in AUS?
05:01.18flujandlynes_home, I will check it
05:01.34flujandlynes_home, thank you and have a good server install
05:01.48Corydon76-homephalacee: so you're going to spend $5,000 of billable time to write a driver, when you could just buy a card off ebay for $17?
05:01.51SwKp-nut haven't used them in .au area but have used them in the states and they are cool
05:02.52phalaceeCorydon76-home: no, I'm going to do as my boss asks me to do, because he wants to demonstrate that Asterisk is capable of running on hardware you have lying around the house ...
05:03.41Corydon76-homecapable, yes.  The best idea, no.
05:04.04Corydon76-homeFor starters, the modem has to be full duplex, and most modems are only half duplex
05:04.25P-NuTSwK: Have you got the config parts for outgoing trunk to it, and to accept incoming calls?
05:04.50*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (
05:04.56Cherebrumlook what I fond
05:04.57Cherebrumer found
05:05.03phalaceeCorydon, is it feasible/possible to use two modems, and somehow split the work?
05:05.22Cherebrumit's a video of a bunch of people saying "Asterisk" here in Indianapolis
05:05.31Cherebrumbut it has nothing to do with THIS asterisk
05:05.39CherebrumTheir logo even looks like the logo
05:05.42Cherebrumit's weird
05:05.48SwKp-nut well I'm not exactly sure of the "region" settings you need to adjust under advanced admin for aus telco's, but just register the FXO port like the FXS port and it will work just like the FXS side
05:05.52Corydon76-homephalacee: possible yes.  Feasible, probably not.
05:06.11SwKp-nut: if its not registered it just bridges the FXO and FXS together for "failover pass thru"
05:06.30SwKp-nut: you might also want to check out this pdf
05:06.40*** part/#asterisk Cherebrum (
05:07.10SwKp-nut that has the regional changes for aus support in it also
05:09.01akant2Does anyone here have asterisk running with the provider quantum voice?
05:09.29phalaceeCorydon: That page mentions that the Digium X100P FXO card is a cloned Intel v92 fav/data/voice modem
05:10.34Corydon76-homephalacee: yes, it is
05:10.53phalaceeSo I could just use one of those modems, and it would work?
05:10.53Corydon76-homephalacee: but as I said before, it's full duplex
05:11.32Corydon76-homeIt has to be that specific Intel chipset
05:12.11phalaceesee the thing i am getting at here, is that my boss doesn't really care if its a specific modem that works, just so long as a 56k modem will work ...
05:12.29Corydon76-homeSo get some X100P's off ebay
05:12.32phalaceehe doesn't care if it costs $25 for the modem, compared to $17 for the PSTN card ...
05:12.53Corydon76-homeIt's still just analog crap
05:13.24*** join/#asterisk TESTER2 (
05:13.50TESTER2someone has festival installed and working OK?
05:14.01Corydon76-homephalacee: as you quite correctly pointed out, the X100P is a modem.  So why not just get something that you know will work, rather than screwing around with cards that may or may not work?
05:14.38phalacee**nods** I intend to, I'm looking it up on ebay now
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05:17.55erwinismhello, do i need to compile asterisk so i can use speex codec?
05:18.18Qwellerwinism: I don't think I understand the question..
05:18.20P-NuTSwK: I just want to use the SPA as a PSTN gateway.
05:18.22P-NuTThat's all.
05:19.12erwinismQwell, i have my asterisk working right now. I want to use the speex codec on it
05:20.32P-NuTand is it easier to do it through plain ol' asterisk? Or something like trixbox?
05:21.03*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
05:21.49akant2What would cause a "metalic", light jitter sound when accessing music on hold?  I just compiled Asterisk, and compiled mpg123 or whatever.. am I missing a piece?
05:23.56drraydo you have ztdummy?
05:24.07drrayor timing form a zaptel card?
05:24.45akant2all I have no now is a PAP2 with my analog phone
05:24.45flujanguys, I'm having the following error:
05:24.45akant2connected to the box
05:24.49flujanno d-channel available...
05:24.59akant2and am testing by dialing an extension to access music on hold
05:25.13akant2do I need to have ztdummy if I dont use a zaptel card?
05:25.13flujanto make calls, i make just a call the phone ring once and stop
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05:25.52flujanthen, to have asterisk dialing again I have to use ztcfg -v and restart asterisk
05:26.34drrayakant2 - I'm not sure actualyl
05:26.40drraybut that is where I would start
05:27.02akant2last time I had this working I DID have a zaptel card for an analog line, perhaps it was timing off of tht
05:27.13akant2Ill look at ztdummy and see
05:27.33akant2any question, about t1 cards
05:27.52drrayIt may also be required with Music on Hold, i.e. to improve sound quality.
05:27.59akant2I need to get one for testing.. and there cheaper alternatives to Digium?
05:28.11drrayakant2 -
05:28.25drraytehy ahve a 4 span tor2 card for $600 ish
05:28.30drraybut they suck
05:28.43akant2I need a sing T card :)
05:28.53drrayI use a govarion card for a property and like it
05:28.58akant2no 100XP T1  cards :)
05:31.24*** part/#asterisk TESTER2 (
05:40.22erwinismwhat port the SIP uses?
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05:52.34_omerany one?
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05:55.59drraypastebin is lagging for me
05:56.11Qwelldrray: the .com tends to do that
05:57.33_omerdrray ... its lagging for me too
05:59.42joelsolankihi all
06:00.00joelsolankii m using ser+asterisk from last 5 months without any problem.
06:00.08joelsolankinow i want to make following setup.
06:01.07joelsolankiusers on ser should able to save / retrieve voicmail from asterisk.
06:01.18_omerany one?
06:01.20joelsolankiI heard this is possible but dont have idea. how ?
06:02.52joelsolankiany one ?
06:08.22jmaczHi everyone
06:08.49jmaczI have a question regarding the b option of application MixMonitor
06:09.27jmaczI'm making some tests in voice recordings and have tried all the options (v(x), V(x), W(x), a and b)
06:09.32P-NuTHi all, getting an outbound call out of the SPA3000 PSTN line..
06:09.42P-NuTwhat do I have to set on the SPA to make that happen?
06:09.48jmaczall of them make sense to me, except "b"
06:10.12jmaczthe show application MixMonitor shows the following: b      - Only save audio to the file while the channel is bridged.
06:10.30jmaczsorry but english is not my native language
06:10.49Pegasus_Epsilonjmacz: what behavior are you trying to get
06:10.50jmaczwhat does exactly means "while the channel is bridged"?
06:11.32jmaczPegasus_Epsilon, I want to record all the conversations made by some extensions through a PRI
06:11.46jmaczand put them into a single file
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06:11.53jmaczoption A is enough for this
06:12.29Pegasus_Epsiloni presume you have proper authorization or a warrant
06:12.35jmaczhowever, if I use or not the b option (I'm testing between 2 extensions first), doesn't make any difference :s
06:12.49Pegasus_Epsilonor maybe don't need one whereever you are
06:13.19jmaczPegasus_Epsilon, of course, it's fot a Call Center and we will put a warning that "your call may be monitored for quality porpouses bla bla"
06:13.49drrayyes the words "call center" and "quality"...
06:13.52jmaczthe point is I don't get what this b option is for
06:13.57Pegasus_Epsilonby "bridged" in that case i'm guessing it means when you have two extensions talking to one PSTN, or two PSTN lines talking to one extension
06:14.13Pegasus_EpsilonQwell: ESL, he's doing well enough
06:14.23rainkidwhat is the proper way to configure asterisk to allow other extensions to pickup a call on hold? (without doing a transfer)
06:14.30jmaczdrray, know what you mean :'(
06:14.56drrayI actually enjoyed my time in the call center mines
06:15.08Pegasus_Epsilonjmacz: you probably don't want or need the b option for what you're doing
06:15.26Pegasus_Epsilonif it works without it, leave it off, if it doesn't work either way, you're having another problem
06:15.41jmaczPegasus_Epsilon, you mean like when one transfers a call from the pstn to another extension?
06:16.02Pegasus_Epsilonjmacz: no, i mean when one person connects to a call in progress
06:16.10Pegasus_Epsilonso you have a three-way on the asterisk box itself
06:16.22jmaczdrray, do you? :s
06:16.27Pegasus_Epsilon"operator break-in"
06:16.51Pegasus_Epsilonwhat i used to have the operator do to my girlfriend in highschool :b
06:17.04Pegasus_Epsilonsucks that they won't do that anymore
06:17.44jmaczhe he he
06:17.45Pegasus_Epsilonoperators used to be so willing to help you screw with people
06:18.25Pegasus_Epsilon"the number NNN-NNN-NNNN is currently in a call, can you tell me who they're talking to?" "sure, that's NNN-NNN-NNNN, do you need anything else?" "can you connect me to that call?" "sure, just a moment"
06:18.42Pegasus_Epsilonnot anymore. so sad.
06:18.47drrayback before they started selling call waiting
06:18.52drrayand other "plus" services
06:19.02jmaczPegasus_Epsilon, unfortunely yes :s
06:19.10drrayI used to have the operator break the line so I could get on to BBS's
06:19.19Pegasus_Epsilonthey did that for a while after call waiting, too, then they realized that the FCC had rules about that sort of thing, and knowing that it could be done doesn't make you a telco employee
06:19.31jmaczPegasus_Epsilon, I get the point, thanks a lot for your explanation :)
06:19.45Pegasus_Epsilonno problem, jmacz
06:20.37*** join/#asterisk d-tech (n=dtc@
06:21.22jmaczActually, I have only tried call waitting. I'd farly heard about 3-way calling but never needed to use it.
06:21.37jmaczCan't believe FCC has rules for it :s
06:23.28drraythat was before the phone company was converted to a free market system
06:23.41drrayok, I know, it really wasn't
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06:27.45jmaczdrray, tell me about it...
06:28.30jmaczone of the main "Public" Telcos in my country was sold this year to Telefonica (Spain)
06:28.56jmaczand there's more to come
06:29.54dudeswhat country?
06:30.06jmaczdudes, Colombia
06:30.13jmaczhowever, I'm really willing for the approval of less restrictive laws regarding VoIP
06:30.41dudesspain is less restrictive than Colombia?
06:31.03jmaczan advantage of Free Market is how it pushes on over this kind of demands of tech
06:31.23jmaczdudes, I really can't tell
06:31.39dudesSo Columbia isn't capitialism?
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06:32.13dudeserr, capitalism
06:32.32jmaczwhat I was meaning is that Free Market makes things like Statal companies sold to private ones more likely
06:33.01jmaczdudes, Colombia is maybe the most capitalism country of South America at this time
06:33.35drrayfree markets don't build roads
06:33.36dudesright on
06:33.44dudestaxes do though
06:33.48dudeserr, =p
06:34.28dudesthe difference in roads from South Dakota to Minnesota is insane
06:34.36dudesso you know which one has States taxes
06:35.02jmaczsadly we don't see our taxes on roads fixed and new ones build but buying weapons to sustain the internal war
06:35.10Pegasus_Epsilondudes: SD can afford it
06:35.21Pegasus_Epsilonthink about the geography, man
06:35.25Pegasus_Epsilonblack hills vs lakes
06:35.30dudesmaybe they can, however, their roads still suck
06:35.40jmaczI guess the US has a similar problem right?
06:35.41Pegasus_Epsilonoh, you're saying MN has better roads
06:35.45Pegasus_Epsilonnevermind, argument fails
06:36.21jmacza lot of money invested in war, less in roads, health care, etc
06:36.23dudesI was driving to the casino for smokes the other day, and their was pot-holes six inches deep in about 15ft long
06:36.40dudesI doubt the war effort cobtributes to bad roads
06:36.56drraythe war effort is self funding
06:36.59dudesthe federal government only gives so much for funding of roads
06:37.18drrayand there is a profit to it, whereas roads only get worse.
06:37.21dudesSouth Dakota doesn't have sales tax nor does it tax on cigarettes
06:37.31jmaczdrray, that's very true
06:37.44drraynor does South Dakota have any sort of non gorvenment jobs
06:37.57*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
06:38.02x86anyone around speak or understand spoken Urdu?
06:38.05dudesMinnesota doesn't have the issue with roads, but we have a 7% sales tax
06:38.18x86dudes: you're lucky, here it's 8%
06:38.20dudesrather 6.5% rounded up
06:38.29FuriousGeorgeanyone tried to patch source with oel's meetermaid patch
06:38.42drrayTexas (where I am from, originally) pulled a fast one and made most roads federal highways.. so they don't have to pay for them
06:38.45FuriousGeorgei get 1 out of 1 hunk failing
06:38.45drrayhail LBJ
06:38.46neilbags-work10% here, but it used to be 22%
06:38.59jmaczIs the "sales tax" the one applied to most of the things you sell or buy?
06:39.16jmaczHere -> 16%
06:39.16drrayjmacz - sales tax is a consumption tax
06:39.19dudeswhen you buy certain items their is a tax
06:39.21drraysimilar to a vat
06:39.26dudesfood in minnesota is extempt
06:39.43neilbags-workhere in australia, its on anything that is not an 'essential'
06:39.56dudesbeer, candy, and cigarettes are extra
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06:40.17dudesbut since i don't buy candy I'm safe on that tax =p
06:40.29neilbags-worksome foods here are exempt, mostly fresh foods and such
06:40.40neilbags-workanything that the democrats don't think is a luxury
06:40.50dudesso true
06:41.00drrayproblem is sales taxes are regressive
06:41.15jmaczhere even the food has that 16% tax (as well as the tooth paste, the soap, and almost all first need elements :s)
06:41.19dudesMinnesota has more taxes now than when Ventura was in office but that guy kind of screwed us with his refund that broke us
06:41.43neilbags-workdrray: i don't think its regressive here
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06:42.31drrayregressive meaning that poor people pay more taxes than rich people when it is tied to consumption.
06:42.39dudesI'm glad a repub is in office here. Pawlenty  has been doing a good job bring our economy back as well as ensuring border security
06:42.53neilbags-workdrray: oh i missed your meaning sorry
06:42.56jmaczHere's regressive only when you are a Company of the "common" regime and you sell generating that tax
06:43.16jmaczalmost all companies are part of the common regime, of course
06:43.29drrayjnacz :)
06:43.37dudesI don't believe the poor man pays more than rich
06:44.03jmaczwell, that's how it works in some places
06:44.04drraythe poor carry a higher burden, percentage wise
06:44.34drrayand poor people are less likely to be able to avoid taxes
06:44.48jmaczmaybe the poor doesn't actually "pays more" but keeping the propotions, they do
06:44.49dudesyou pay more the more you make
06:44.49neilbags-workwell i guess here the democrats poked their heads in and got a whole bunch of things exempt in an effort to minimise the regression
06:45.06drraydudes - I was speaking of consumption (sales taxes)
06:45.40dudesmaybe in sales taxes, but figure the property taxes as well as other taxes they pay via ownerhsip
06:45.52drraydudes - no doubt about that
06:45.59jmaczof course
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06:46.04drrayand they absorb the cost of renting
06:46.41dudeslike dubya made the latter end of 600k last year and paid 187k in fed faxes (not including state, local, and such)
06:47.01FuriousGeorgeanyway, as i was saying, im trying to apply the meetermaid patch to the asterisk source, i got a file called meetermaid-, used the normal patch syntax, and my hunk failed.  how is that possible
06:47.31dudesmaybe the file wasn't clean?
06:47.36jmaczwhat I said is that taxes like the "Added Value Tax" (16%) that we have here for sells, tends to hit more the poor people than the middle class or the rich
06:47.55FuriousGeorgedudes: i got it from asterisk bug tracker
06:48.04dudesI can see how it could affect the poor more than the upper classes
06:48.24drrayand by poor I meant poverty line poor
06:48.30drray20k family of 4
06:48.36drraynot 30k
06:49.06dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: just cause you got it on asterisk bug tracker doesn't mean it was clean
06:49.09FuriousGeorgeanytax affects the poor more than the rich.  7% of a given item is a larger percentage of a poor man's total salary than a rich man's
06:49.24FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: i suppose anything is possible
06:49.25dudesMy mom of a single mom of 3 working at hardees
06:49.28FuriousGeorgewhat are the odds you think though
06:49.45dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: which issue?
06:50.06dudesFuriousGeorge - have you tried appling the patch manually?
06:50.24FuriousGeorgethere are two files one says meetermaid-v3.txt the other is meetermaid-
06:50.44dudesyou have the "+" "-" and the find lines so it's not too difficult to make sense of them
06:51.04FuriousGeorgedudes: my knowledge of C is pretty redimentary
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06:51.21FuriousGeorgei see what you mean
06:51.26dudeslike I said, their is a portion of code to follow
06:51.29dudesit's not too hard
06:52.02*** part/#asterisk P-NuT (
06:52.30dudesdid you do "patch -p1 patch.txt < patch.c ???
06:52.51moveranyone noticed about an inbound issue to new Nokia E60 Series in cause of missing stun support in this voip UA?
06:52.52FuriousGeorgeerr, i did a p0
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06:53.04FuriousGeorgedudes: ^
06:53.13FuriousGeorgefollowing the wiki
06:53.28jbothmm... book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
06:53.31dudesI don't know if p0 or p1 make a diff I just use p1 myself
06:53.37Qwelldudes: yes
06:54.39dudeswhat's going on Qwell
06:55.02Qwellabout to head to bed
06:55.02FuriousGeorgedudes: when i use p1 it asks what file to patch
06:55.27dudestype the file and hit enter
06:55.34dudesdir includes
06:55.55jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
06:56.35*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=diablo@
06:58.55FuriousGeorgedudes: i think its features.c i wanna patch for meetermaid no?
06:59.14dudesI'm not sure what you're trying to patch
06:59.21dudesit should say in the patch
07:02.48FuriousGeorgeit says its failing to patch res_channels and res_features
07:03.11dudespaste the patch
07:03.35dudesor provide a link to the patch
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07:05.35dudesthe first is, res/res_features.c
07:05.47dudessecond is channels/chan_local.c
07:06.07dudesthird, include/asterisk/features.h
07:06.16FuriousGeorgeyeah, i tried pointing it to both of those files individually
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07:06.25FuriousGeorgeits just not gonna happen, i dont think
07:06.37dudessee if it made a backup
07:06.49FuriousGeorgeit made a .orig
07:06.53FuriousGeorgeand a .rej
07:07.03dudescp the orig in place of the current
07:08.05dudesthen patch -p1 patch.txt
07:08.16dudesthen choose the file in order
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07:09.39LibilaI'm using a TDM04 digium card. When I'm on the phone I can hear "clicking" and static sounding noises in the background. How would I go about getting rid of that?
07:10.10FuriousGeorgedudes: dont you need a < in there after the p1
07:10.34FuriousGeorgeand before the .txt file
07:10.47dudespatch -p1 patch.txt
07:10.56dudesthen enter the paths in order
07:12.05FuriousGeorgedudes: when i do it without the < i just get a new line.  i can type the path to those three files one after another but i got a feeling somethings wrong...  trying
07:12.25dudesdon't have the <
07:12.36dudesit'll ask you for the file to use
07:13.12FuriousGeorgeclaudia asterisk- # patch -p1 metermaid-
07:13.16FuriousGeorgethats what happens
07:13.18FuriousGeorgethats it
07:13.28FuriousGeorgetill i hit ctrl+c it sits there
07:13.44FuriousGeorgei can enter as many files as i want and it just gives me a new line every time i hit enter
07:13.45dudeswell try with < to res/res_featues.c
07:13.52dudesmake sure the file isn't NULL
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07:19.55FuriousGeorgedoesnt matter if i specify the file or not, hunks fail left and right
07:20.14FuriousGeorgeeven the one hunk thats supposed to patch features.conf.sample
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07:21.24dudesI'd read the patch and search for the lines
07:21.44dudesotherwise I can't really help you since I don't use that patch and I'm pissed up
07:22.07*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
07:22.10*** join/#asterisk JT (
07:22.30FuriousGeorgelast thing i wanna do is manually start inserting these lines into code i dont really understand and seeing if it compiles
07:22.42FuriousGeorgei have a feeling if the patch were gonna work it would have worked already
07:22.50FuriousGeorgeif oel were around i could ask him
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07:24.08dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: that was 1.2 branch, not
07:24.16JTanyone got some tips as to the cheapest FXS cards out there?
07:24.19dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: so it was against the code that was to become 1.2.8
07:24.48dlynes_homeJT: grandstream ata
07:25.07JTsorry, i should refine that query
07:25.13JTcheapest PCI based FXS cards
07:25.25*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
07:25.33dlynes_homeJT: well, if you want pci specifically, and an external sip device won't do, you're not going to get cheap
07:25.54JTit's for the app_rpt module
07:26.05JTwhich as far as i know only accepts pci
07:26.09dlynes_homeJT: you've got a choice of digium, digium clones, and sangoma
07:26.25dlynes_homeapp_rpt?  you mean for alarm systems?
07:26.30FuriousGeorgeoh shoot i got asterisk and i want
07:26.42JTnah, 2-way radio
07:26.59FuriousGeorgeand of course svn checkout doesnt work
07:27.18JTdigium clones... what's out there?
07:27.19s0lidFuriousGeorge: you can download it on digiums ftp
07:27.25dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: ncftpget
07:27.38dlynes_homeJT: check out fleabay
07:27.40s0lidi have a problem with tdm2400p
07:27.46s0lidi have 20 fxs and 4fxo
07:27.53s0lidthe problem is with 4 fxo
07:28.16dlynes_homein my mind
07:28.18s0lidhas anyone tried using the 2400?
07:28.19JTcouldn't see much PCI FXS stuff when i last checked
07:28.22*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
07:28.36s0lidyou can't find pci fxs nowadays
07:28.40dlynes_homeit's not worth saving the money on the clones, when you probably get little or no after purchase support
07:28.41s0lidif you find one it's expensive
07:28.50*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
07:28.57s0lidjust buy a tdm400p with fxs modules
07:29.01FuriousGeorgegrr that link crashed kopete looks alright
07:29.15dlynes_homes0lid: you can get tdm400's with fxs modules, too
07:29.17JT1yr warranty
07:29.19FuriousGeorgeim having an opensource moment
07:29.19JT30days support
07:29.26s0liddlynes_home: why?
07:29.31s0lidi got mine with 2 fxs and 2 fxo
07:29.37*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
07:29.49dlynes_homes0lid: cause a tdm2400 costs a hell of a lot more than a tdm400?
07:30.08dlynes_homes0lid: same price?
07:30.08s0liddlynes_home: i have a tdm400p too
07:30.17s0lidin voipsupply
07:30.40s0lidwell that was 6 months ago i'll check just a sec
07:30.41JTbut yeah
07:30.56JTapp_rpt neads 2 FXS ports for every radio channel
07:31.01JTwhich makes it not cheap
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07:31.28JTor you can buy their quad port radio interface cards, but they're only viable if you're actually running a few channels
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07:32.13s0lidcheck it out here fxs modules
07:33.00s0lid$140 for the tdm400 with 1 fxs but at least you still have 3 modules you can use
07:33.17s0lidanyone experience using tdm2400p?
07:33.23FuriousGeorgei can use asterisk with zaptel 1.2.6 and libpri 1.2.3 right
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07:36.23dlynes_homes0lid: i've helped troubleshoot them, but never used one
07:37.28JTs0lid: thanks for that
07:37.30JTnice prices
07:37.38FuriousGeorgethere are so many damn patches for asterisk, using one will generally prevent you from using another right?  the line numbers will be all messed up
07:37.41s0lidno problem
07:37.43JTi will need a minimum of 2 FXS modules for my application
07:38.00JTduplicated by 2, for 2 different sites
07:38.12s0liddlynes_home: you've troubleshoot a 2400p?
07:39.18JTopenvox is about $100 cheaper for a quad FXS config, for what it's worth
07:39.26JTbut i guess it has to be, to be a viable clne
07:40.13s0lidbut that's a clone
07:40.17s0lidyes it will be cheaper
07:40.30s0lidbut you'll take out digiums support
07:40.32dlynes_homes0lid: yeah...a couople of times on here when peeps have had troubles
07:40.34JTi wonder if there's cheaper still
07:40.39s0lidfrom buying openvox
07:40.44JTbecause remember i'm not connecting phones
07:40.50*** join/#asterisk BugKham (i=BugKham@
07:41.02FuriousGeorgegoddamnit, 12 of 12 hunks failed again.
07:41.07s0liddlynes_home: i'm having a problem with my fxo quad module
07:41.22dlynes_homes0lid: what do you get from dmesg?
07:41.39s0liddlynes_home: it's detected by the system and i configured it right but i get circuit-busy when i call it
07:41.42s0liddlynes_home: i'll check that
07:42.42*** join/#asterisk QuAtRo[NL] (
07:43.09*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
07:44.07QuAtRo[NL]I'm trying to call from a dutch landline to a voipbuster account configured in my Asterisk
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07:44.52QuAtRo[NL]But i get an error like: chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call '5b2e46f203bef9824256a93126b16b6a@'
07:45.24FuriousGeorgethis is all too frustrating.  has anyone every applied meetermaid patch, or just happens to know syntax for the patch command it wants
07:46.01QuAtRo[NL]Full error is: Jun 22 08:40:33 DEBUG[6191] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 524288
07:46.01QuAtRo[NL]Jun 22 08:40:33 DEBUG[6191] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on 'de09d71c26004376b61b796f0817039b' of Response 14: Match Found
07:47.20QuAtRo[NL]Does someone know what to do? I already tried google and
07:48.35dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: that's not an error
07:48.51dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: patch < filename
07:50.21FuriousGeorgeso it lists configs/features.conf.sample twice, then asks me file to patch, so i type in configs/features.conf...
07:51.31FuriousGeorgeSkipping patch.
07:51.31FuriousGeorge1 out of 1 hunk ignored
07:51.31FuriousGeorgecan't find file to patch at input line 23
07:51.31FuriousGeorgePerhaps you should have used the -p or --strip option?
07:51.31FuriousGeorgeThe text leading up to this was:
07:52.00*** part/#asterisk littleball (
07:52.05FuriousGeorgeat this point i ctrl c b/c i know its not gonna get the other 3 files right either
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07:55.13dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: maybe what you're looking at already has the patch applied?
07:57.25FuriousGeorgei can always make samples and tell right away
07:57.45FuriousGeorgei dont even have to do that, hold on
07:58.59FuriousGeorgeno its totally not
08:00.31dlynes_homeone sec
08:01.55*** join/#asterisk darkgamer20 (
08:05.14darkgamer20I am a little confused about asterisk and what it can do. one thing I am not clear about is if I can use my existing AT&T phone line with Asterisk and still have all that great functionality like autoattendant and stuff, without switching to a VoIP phone service? if that is possible how can I go about doing that? can someone give me advice or maybe a tutorial or guide to follow?
08:05.24dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: it'll only work on the cvs version
08:05.32dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: not on the ftp downloaded version
08:05.51dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: you can still go through it manually though, and apply the patches yourself to or
08:06.17FuriousGeorgesvn version?
08:06.34FuriousGeorgeyou mean svn right?
08:07.34FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: ?
08:07.39darkgamer20I dont want to be annoying but is there anything you guys know that can help me out?
08:08.09FuriousGeorgedarkgamer20: asterisk does voip all by itself
08:08.17FuriousGeorgeif you want to interface with a phone line
08:08.23FuriousGeorgewhich it soulds like you do
08:08.28FuriousGeorgeyou need special hardware
08:08.53darkgamer20FuriousGeorge: what do you mean special hardware?
08:09.38FuriousGeorgethere are devices that sit on your lan and are called ATAs (analog telephone adapters) or there are cards that go into your computer that you put modules on for phone company lines, or regular analog phones (fxo/fxs)
08:09.44jbot[fxofxs] An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
08:10.04jbotsomebody said docs was probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
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08:11.39darkgamer20thanks FuriousGeorge, but one thing instead of an ATA cant i use a computer modem since that connects the computer and the phone too?
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08:12.19darkgamer20or is that a different function?
08:12.26FuriousGeorgedarkgamer20: there is a modem that will work with asterisk as an FXO
08:12.31FuriousGeorgebut ymmv
08:12.49FuriousGeorgei say drop the extra 50 bucks and get a real ata
08:12.54FuriousGeorgeor tdm with an fxo module
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08:13.34darkgamer20im sorry but whats a TDM?
08:13.57FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: you meant svn version not cvs version, right?  if so shouldnt svn checkout asterisk acheive that
08:14.17FuriousGeorgedarkgamer20: its a card that supports up to four fxo or fxs
08:15.27dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: i doubt sec
08:16.07FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: its definately not working overhere, lemme mess with my syntax a bit
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08:16.16darkgamer20so the ATA and FXO or FXS make my regular phone use SIP? in other words do they make it like a wifi phone?
08:16.43jboti heard tdm400p is
08:17.39FuriousGeorgeif you have a phone you want to interface with asterisk, be it to make a call over sip, or iax or a regular land line you plug that phone into a tdm400p's fxs module.  if you have a phone line from ma bell, you plug that into the FXO module
08:20.29darkgamer20oh ok, so even if I have multiple phone around the house I have to connect them all to the TDM400P which will be in my computer?
08:21.01x86hey guys, when people call into my IVR, none of thier DTMF is recieved... yet, if I call out from my IP phone through the same server, my DTMF is just fine
08:21.05x86what could be causing this?
08:21.22FuriousGeorgetechnically asterisk is a pbx and one module is for one phone, each phone gets its own extension.  in practice one module can power a few phones
08:21.37x86dudes: right, how do i fix it? )
08:21.45FuriousGeorgeolder phones maybe only 2 or 3, newer phones more per module
08:22.05JTit would vary depending on terminating device too, yeah?
08:22.05FuriousGeorgedtmc rfcblah setting
08:22.13dudesdo you have port 5060 and 10k-20k
08:22.13x86dudes: i've tried using various dtmfmode settings for it in sip.conf, but it still does not work
08:22.22x86dudes: yep
08:22.36dudesthen I have no clue
08:22.37FuriousGeorgeisnt the point of svn for me to be able to go out and get a specific version of asterisk
08:22.56dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: just grabbing a specific version right now
08:23.05dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: but i don't htink it'll have the history with it
08:23.24FuriousGeorgeim screwing around with svn ls and from what i can see my options are 1.0 1.2 and 1.2-netsec
08:23.38dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: is there a way you can apply tags to svn co?
08:24.01FuriousGeorgeoh, duh
08:24.07FuriousGeorgeits in the tags dir
08:24.10dlynes_home1.2 that you see there is 1.2 branch
08:24.12dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: nod
08:24.17FuriousGeorgehow perfectly obvious and intuitive
08:24.27dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: you sure?
08:24.43FuriousGeorgeno, but i sure am sarcastiv sometimes
08:24.51dlynes_homesvn doesn't seem to have a -z3 or -z9 option, either
08:25.53darkgamer20FuriousGeorge: I dont understand how more than one phone can use one module since there is a limit to the number of phones you can connect to the TDM400P
08:26.09QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: When i call to my voipbuster number I hear the busy tone...
08:26.15FuriousGeorgeeach module provides an amount of power measuresd in REN
08:26.25FuriousGeorgei believe its 5.0 ren per fxs module
08:26.41FuriousGeorgea modern phone, with dc power, will cost .5 ren
08:26.48drrayand the age of the phone dictates how much rens get used up
08:26.54FuriousGeorgean old phone maybe like 2 ren
08:27.06FuriousGeorgebut thats an OLD phone
08:27.15drraycrank phone
08:27.23FuriousGeorgeanything that has its own power adapter will be around 1.0 ren or less
08:27.39drraythere is also multiple phone devices on the same line
08:27.49drrayfax/modem/tivo/and two phones
08:28.00QuAtRo[NL]And all Asterisk says (in the logs is)
08:28.20QuAtRo[NL]And call from voipbuster to a dutch landline works fine
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08:28.34dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: about a late response
08:28.58dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: anyways..i see nothing wrong there
08:29.04dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: where's the rest of the log?
08:29.11darkgamer20drray: do you mean that i can connect phone to a TDM400P in the similar fashion that i connect computers to a router or switch?
08:29.15QuAtRo[NL]This is what i says when i call..
08:29.21dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: listen
08:29.21FuriousGeorgei got a clock radio that doesnt have its own power that is only 1.0 ren
08:29.28dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: you must have more than just debug logs
08:29.39QuAtRo[NL]Which log might be usefull?
08:29.41dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: the debug information that I see shows no problems
08:30.01dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: edit your logger.conf so you have full => error,warning,verbose,notice,debug,dtmf
08:30.05FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: ok here approaches the moment of truth
08:30.09dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: then do a logger restart
08:30.56FuriousGeorgeof course all my hunks failed
08:31.18dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: wtf are you doing?
08:31.23drraywhat is a hunk?
08:31.31dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: i'm using hte same patch on the same svn checkout, and it's succeeding for me
08:31.46darkgamer20FuriousGeorge: ok i got how the phones use the power and distribute it but what i dont get is how i can connect more than two phones (thats the number of ports for phones i see on the TDM400P) to one TDM400P?
08:31.51*** join/#asterisk Elwell (
08:32.00QuAtRo[NL]What do you want to see?
08:32.00FuriousGeorgepatch -p0 <meetermaid- from the asterisk- dir
08:32.10QuAtRo[NL]Everything since : Asterisk ready?
08:32.14dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: patch < meetermaid-1.2.71.txt
08:32.16x86hmm ok
08:32.20dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: forget the -p0
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08:32.43FuriousGeorgedarkgamer20: i already told you there are up to 4 ports for four lines or extensions depending on the model
08:32.47x86i changed it to rfc2833 for dtmfmode (i've tried auto, inband, and info before) and that seems to work for recognizing digits pressed
08:32.57FuriousGeorgebut in reality one extension can go to more than one phone, i cant put it any other way
08:33.06Snake-EyesIs having a choppy conversation due to jitter? As in jitter can cause a choppy call?
08:33.09x86but when i call it with my cell phone, it rings the extension as it should, but when i hang the cell phone up it does not terminate the call
08:34.12dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: every chunk passed for me, anyways
08:34.13QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: What should I paste in pastebin? Everything since: Asterisk ready?
08:34.20darkgamer20FuriousGeorge: well I got everything except that last part but I think I'll research that on my own, thanks alot really you've helped very much! thanks again
08:34.28dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: sure
08:34.45FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: ok i forgot the p0 now its asking me one by one
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08:36.58FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: <--  thats where im at so far, ill look at yours now
08:37.24QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: If you need config files, let me know
08:38.08FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: so if you check out my pb, its already complainign about not finding the correct  file
08:38.09dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: yeah...just type in the paths, manually
08:38.25dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: so like configs/blahblahblah.conf.sample
08:38.44FuriousGeorgeyeah i know, im just making sure we are on the same page so far since you said you got it to work with the same code
08:39.43dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: didn't i ask you to give me full logs?
08:39.49dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: not debug only logs?
08:41.04FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: failed again, are you sure you applied this patch
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08:41.45FuriousGeorgewhere do you patch that file from?
08:41.57FuriousGeorgethe asterisk- dir?
08:42.02dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: yep
08:42.07dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: where did you patch it from?
08:42.21FuriousGeorgei dont believe you, pastebin please :)
08:42.23FuriousGeorgesame place
08:43.31dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: i'd suggest doing a fresh svn retrieval
08:43.44dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: and patching it the old fashioned way, without the -p0 switch
08:43.55dlynes_homeyour -p0 switch probably screwed things up
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08:44.08*** join/#asterisk Bert- (
08:44.11Bert-hello there
08:45.18x86anyone gotten ztdummy to compile inside of UML?
08:45.26Bert-I have a issue with asterisk and my softphone. I tried X-lite and SJlabs, and when I make a call, I have one way audio. But if I clik on the 'hold' button, I can hear called party for a 1/2 second (I have to click again to hear something for another 1/2 second)
08:45.33x86i need a timing source for mixmonitor, meetme, and musiconhold to work
08:45.43FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: i was in the parent directory of the svn checkout
08:45.48QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: Sorry.. Do you mean this:
08:45.50Bert-Does someone ever had this pb ?
08:45.59dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: ah...that doesn't help :)
08:45.59*** join/#asterisk adorah (n=Asterjet@
08:46.48dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: yes, exactly
08:46.58dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: and your error is plain as day there for why it won't work
08:47.15adorahHi everyone..
08:47.32dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: your extensions.conf is buggy as hell, and your username/password isn't correct for your sip phone
08:47.40FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: i take that back, you working dir is confusing me, you checked out into that asterisk- dir, right?
08:47.48dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: correct
08:48.02adorahHow can I join in another extension to a call on a VOIP trunk?
08:48.09dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: because i've already got an asterisk- directory, and i didn't want to overwrite it
08:48.33FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: i see that was confusing me when i saw /asterisk/asterisk
08:48.42dlynes_homeadorah: conference button on your phone
08:48.53adorahI don't have any..
08:48.58FuriousGeorgewe are actually in the same place, lemme try not patching from the same working dir as you, though i dont see how that would help
08:50.05QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: That last line (login errror) was known.. One phone isn't configured
08:50.06adorahIs there any code to dial or should I set the code to enable such a conference?
08:50.44adorah2 extensions+1 VOIP trunk seems to me a very basic operation..
08:51.31adorahIs there a way to add a VOIP trunk to a meet-me room?
08:52.38dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: i lost you
08:52.50dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: what's the exact problem again?
08:53.03dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: you posted the problem so long ago, I can't even scroll up there now
08:53.30FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: i just noticed the only difference between what you did and what i did is that your patch.txt file was not in the same dir as where you ran the patch command from
08:53.35FuriousGeorgeso i tried that and same result
08:53.53FuriousGeorgewhere yours says (Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
08:53.55FuriousGeorgemine says
08:53.59dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: I didn't run patch -p0 < patchfile.txt beforehand, either
08:54.03FuriousGeorgeHunk #1 FAILED at 72.
08:54.06QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: When i call from a dutch landline to a voipbuster account configured in Asterisk
08:54.12darkgamer20can I have one FXO and two FXS (fax and phone) or do i have to have 2 of both?
08:54.19QuAtRo[NL]I hear the 'busy' tone all the time
08:54.34FuriousGeorgewhy in the world would a patch be applied correctly to the same code on your box and not on mine
08:54.37dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: yeah...i suspect it's the landline giving you the busy signal, not the voipbuster account
08:54.52dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: because you incorrectly applied it to start with
08:54.56dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: and so now it's confused
08:55.16dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: let's see your extensions.conf
08:55.19FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: nope, i constantly delete the dir and recheck it out from svn
08:55.22QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: Strange, because when i configure the voipbuster account in the voipbuster software it works fine...
08:55.26dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: scrub any passwords you have in there first
08:55.42dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: that's what i said...voipbuster's probably fine
08:56.08dlynes_homewhat's your checkout line?
08:56.43FuriousGeorgeclaudia src # svn co asterisk-
08:57.23FuriousGeorgethen i cd into asterisk- then i patch > meetermaid-
08:57.45FuriousGeorgethen it asks me for the first file, so i type in configs/features.conf.sample
08:57.48FuriousGeorgeand that hunk fails
08:58.19dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: that's why
08:58.35dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: you've got your redirection operator pointed in the wrong direction
08:59.14dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: wait a second...what did you download the patch file with?
09:00.07FuriousGeorgemy operator is actually pointed the right way
09:00.13Bert-nobody ever my pb so ?
09:00.20Bert-'ever had'
09:00.23dlynes_homeBert-: ?
09:00.38FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: is there something wrong with downloading the patch from konqueror?
09:00.43dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: maybe konqueror isn't downloading the file correctly
09:00.48dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: do you have firefox?
09:00.53FuriousGeorgei do, ill try it
09:01.05dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: i'm wondering if maybe konqueror screws up the file somehow
09:01.11Bert-my pb is : I have two sip accounts. The first works fine. But about the other, Asterisk is connected to a Nextone softswitch
09:01.17dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: or maybe you downloaded the wrong patch or something
09:01.33*** join/#asterisk abatista (
09:01.33FuriousGeorgei grabbed
09:02.04darkgamer20good night or good (whatever) guys see you later
09:02.10*** join/#asterisk loopt (
09:02.14QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: My extensions.conf is on:
09:02.38dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: yeah, i got it
09:02.46dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: but you need to seriously fix it
09:03.09Bert-And every time I try to call, with the 'nextone account', I have to push the 'hold' button
09:03.10dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: you've got numerous 's' extensions in your default context
09:03.31QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: Isn't that allowed?
09:03.33dlynes_homeBert-: yeah...i have no idea, and i'm too tired to think about it
09:03.38dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: of course not
09:04.14Bert-I suppose it is a bug from one of my conf files, as it works fine with another asterisk... But really don't understand why call is held by default
09:05.21FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: failed again
09:05.38FuriousGeorgei gotta finsih compiling what i got b/c they are gonna open in an hour and not have phones
09:05.44FuriousGeorgeat least ill have
09:06.03dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: pastebin your patch file
09:06.14dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: i'll compare against mine
09:06.22dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: my guess is it's the patch file
09:07.04FuriousGeorgehope you are right
09:07.07FuriousGeorgebut i doubt it
09:07.18QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: What should be on the place of the 's'?
09:07.26dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: well, there's gotta be some simple explanation
09:07.41FuriousGeorgei hope you are right
09:08.00dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: give them an extension number
09:08.21dlynes_homeQuAtRo[NL]: already gave them an extension...why include them twice?
09:10.35FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: notice any difference?
09:11.10FuriousGeorgei think im just gonna have to wait for 1.4
09:11.34QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: removed that...
09:12.23dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: yeah...there's a difference
09:12.26*** join/#asterisk speedwagon (
09:12.42dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: can i just dcc send you my patch file?
09:12.53Bert-what is that plz ?
09:13.18Bert-it is a call I made but what is hint ?
09:13.34dlynes_homeBert-: do you have any blf defined on that phone?
09:13.45dlynes_homeBert-: or do you have subscribecontext= specified in your sip.conf file?
09:13.59Bert-no, and it is a remote phone I called.
09:14.08Bert-No I don't use subscribecontext
09:14.13Bert-let me see what is it
09:14.17dlynes_homeBert-: then something's asking for blf
09:15.06FuriousGeorgesure send away
09:15.17Bert-what means blf ?
09:15.21FuriousGeorgenever tried recieving with this client though
09:15.25Bert-busy lamp file
09:15.36Bert-but don't understand the aim o that thing
09:15.48FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: its gotta be quick though, i got 45 minutes before they open
09:16.25FuriousGeorgewe must be getting the patch from the same place, im getting it from bugtracker
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09:18.19FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: did you try to send it yet?
09:19.04dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: sec
09:20.40dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: i guess you're not able to receive second
09:21.18FuriousGeorgehmm, i wonder why not, i thought only sending required port forwarding, maybe i got it backwards
09:21.43dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: try this instead:
09:22.01dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: download it using firefox
09:22.58Bert-well I really don't understand
09:23.13Bert-all calls I try to make are placed in hold by default
09:23.27Bert-I have to 'unhlod' a call before being able to hear called party
09:23.54dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: did it work this time?
09:24.48FuriousGeorgetell me what i could have possibly done wrong
09:25.24*** join/#asterisk |oranjia| (
09:25.34dlynes_homewell, if you want, i could ssh in, and try
09:26.18FuriousGeorgethanks, but how about you send the 4 files its trying to change as oppesed to the patch and ill just drop them in there
09:26.29FuriousGeorgethat should last until 1,4
09:26.33dlynes_homefour files?
09:26.37dlynes_homeI think it was three
09:27.08FuriousGeorgefeatures.conf.samples res/res_features.c channels/chan_local.c and asterisk/features.h
09:27.31dlynes_homeah...i see a difference between yours and mine
09:27.42dlynes_homemine has cr/lf's; yours doesn't
09:27.57dlynes_homeif anything though
09:27.57FuriousGeorgewhat the patch?
09:28.05dlynes_homethat should make it not work, not make it work :p
09:30.01dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: just checking it out again
09:30.38FuriousGeorgesee i ddint check out the patch, i just dl'ed it from the bugtracker page
09:30.43dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: you're using revision 35390 right?
09:30.46FuriousGeorgewhat command are you using to check out the patch
09:30.46dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: same here
09:31.01dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: right click on the patch link from the web page, and click save as
09:32.35FuriousGeorgei did and same result
09:32.50FuriousGeorgei got 28 minutes to get this compiled and installed so its now or never on those files
09:33.34dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: ok...those four files are on my web server now
09:33.48dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: patch file's still there, too
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09:35.35dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: i thought of one other thing, too
09:35.38dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: type patch -v
09:35.46dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: which version are you running?
09:39.17Bert-hmm why asterisk complains about hint when I try to call ? I mean Asterisk say I should add a hint for 087028xxxx, but that is the called number
09:39.43Bert-sipphone connected to my asterisk are 'hinted'
09:40.00dlynes_homeBert-: i thought you said you weren't using blf's?
09:40.13Bert-but now it is corrected :)
09:40.14dlynes_homeblf's are hinted
09:40.37Bert-I made a context => [blf]
09:40.46Bert-in this context, I declared all my sipphones
09:41.01Bert-and I include [blf in the default context
09:41.40Bert-I'm pretty sure my issue about 'hold by default' state deals with that
09:43.25Bert-the way is, every time I launch my softphone (x-lite), I can see this line in asterisk :  ERROR[11018]: chan_sip.c:10988 handle_request_subscribe: Got SUBSCRIBE for extensions without hint. Please add hint to 0556525138 in context blf
09:43.37Bert-but this number is the one I tried to call
09:43.38dlynes_homei'm having trouble keeping my eyes open
09:43.42dlynes_homei'm hitting the hay
09:43.48Bert-I can't declare it in my blf context
09:43.51*** join/#asterisk yunusyb (n=yunus@
09:43.55Bert-then should go to bed :)
09:43.58dlynes_homeBert-: I'll have to help you next time i see you, if you're still having the problem
09:44.05dlynes_homeBert-: not many people here use blf's
09:44.06Bert-I hope I'll find :)
09:44.21dlynes_homeI'm one of the few that's had any amount of success with them
09:44.23Bert-I don't want to use it as I don't really understand what is it
09:44.26FuriousGeorgepatch 2.5.9
09:44.35dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: i'm using 2.5.4
09:44.43dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: did those four files and the patch work for you?
09:44.53Bert-but as Asterisk complains about that, I'm sure all my issues comes from this blf error
09:44.55FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: compiling now
09:44.58dlynes_homeif not, it might jsut be your patch tool version
09:44.58FuriousGeorgefingers crossed
09:45.01FuriousGeorgehard to type
09:45.03dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: the patch worked?
09:45.17FuriousGeorgeso far i just compiled chan_sip
09:45.23FuriousGeorgeso thats a big step
09:45.28dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: no errors on the patch though, right?
09:45.29FuriousGeorgechan_local just compiled
09:45.42FuriousGeorgeerr, the files you gave me werent patched?
09:46.01dlynes_homei didn't realize you wanted the patched files :)
09:46.24*** join/#asterisk wifi_guy (
09:46.34FuriousGeorgecan you replace those files with patched ones ever so swiftly :)
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09:46.43FuriousGeorgei hate to go this far for nothing
09:47.33*** join/#asterisk Arno[Slack] (
09:47.35Bert-hmm Asterisk don't understand OPTION request
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09:48.05dlynes_homeFuriousGeorge: same place and same files, but it's in
09:48.11Bert-it returns 404 not foun
09:48.53dlynes_homeit've just got other issues
09:49.40Bert-well only error msg I can see is in 'sip debug', I see a packet from my host with OPTIONS request, then asterisk answer sith 404 not found or 405 method not allowed
09:50.17dlynes_home404 means it's working
09:50.36Bert-404 not found means ... not found for me
09:50.43dlynes_homeif options didn't work, you wouldn't get a 404
09:50.52dlynes_home404 means it worked, but it couldn't find the resource in question
09:51.28Bert-but I don't understand why asterisk wnat me to register a remote number in my blf context
09:51.34Bert-I'm missing something
09:51.36Bert-but what
09:51.51Bert-register a local phone, ok. But a remote...
09:52.16FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: compiling again t-8min
09:52.54*** join/#asterisk djtremors (
09:53.30djtremorsyay I'm on... been a while since going on irc that i've forgotten how to use
09:54.11*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
09:54.27Bert-anyway, no one here had the same pb as me
09:54.50Strom_Cpacific bell
09:54.58dlynes_homei guess
09:55.05Bert-on all calls (both incoming and outgoing), I have to push the hold button on my sipphone to hear my correspondant
09:55.33Bert-well yep b for problem :)
09:55.37dlynes_homeBert-: dood...spell out your words so we don't have to play guessing games about what you're trying to say
09:56.16dlynes_homeBert-: we're not literate in aol-speak
09:56.30Bert-you right, sorry
09:56.39Bert-hahaha :)
09:57.15djtremorshey all, anyone use softphones here (probably alot do). which one do you use?
09:57.32Bert-x-lite, sjphone, idefix
09:57.35djtremorsi'm playing about with Express Talk, looks alright but having troubles with asterisk.
09:57.39Bert-(all with linux)
09:57.47FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: as far as i can tell we did good
09:58.29QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: If the logger only says 'simple logging enabled' on startup... Does that mean there are no syntax errors in the extensions.conf
09:58.32FuriousGeorgedlynes_home: thanks so much for all your help, if you handnt provided those files i would have had nothing to show for the last three hours i stayed up
09:59.48*** part/#asterisk yunusyb (n=yunus@
10:00.56Bert-every time I call, call is on hold
10:00.59Bert-by default
10:01.48hads|homeQuAtRo[NL]: 'simple logging enabled' doesn't have anything to do with extensions.conf
10:02.01Strom_CBert-: what kind of telephone is it?
10:06.05Bert-a fuck*** softphone
10:06.16Bert-sorry but I have this issue for two days
10:06.34Bert-If it doesn't work in the evening, we will stop tests and buy a Cisco one
10:06.36iDunnoit does what? ohhh, I want me one of those :)
10:06.38Strom_CBert-: the solution, quite obviously, is to get a real telephone
10:07.00Bert-Strom_C : all softphones I tried have the same problem
10:07.05Bert-so it is from asterisk
10:07.10Bert-but don't know where
10:07.33Strom_Cwhat version of asterisk are you running?
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10:07.48Bert-the last
10:07.51Bert-compiled from scratch
10:07.53Bert-on debian
10:08.12Strom_Care you running freepbx or anything?
10:08.39Strom_Cwhere are you dialing out to?
10:08.54Strom_Cand what kind of facilities are you using for termination?
10:09.09Strom_Cer, sorry...origination /and/ termination
10:11.24QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: My log files don't show any incomming call...
10:11.43QuAtRo[NL]dlynes_home: Does that mean the server isn't reached
10:11.55Bert-well it is really simple
10:12.06Bert-I'm dialing my mother on his PSTN phone
10:12.12Bert-I doing nothing complicated
10:12.17Bert-it just doesn't works
10:12.27Bert-I can call, be called, all is okay
10:12.40Bert-except that I have to push this fucking hold button
10:12.41Strom_Care you calling out over a POTS line, an ISDN line, or VoIP?
10:14.39Strom_CSIP or IAX?
10:14.40Bert-same is with my two accounts
10:14.45Bert-all sip
10:14.47Strom_Cwhich carrier?
10:14.55Bert-it is not a carrier issue
10:15.08Bert-I use free (french internet provider)
10:15.21Bert-and I use a nextone softswitch with A2Z destinations
10:15.32Bert-there is around 780 concurrent calls just now
10:15.37Strom_CBert-: I'm just trying to help you.
10:15.43iDunnowhat's the "fucking hold button" do?
10:15.44Bert-the problem isme
10:15.57Bert-well Strom_Csorry :)
10:16.07Strom_CBert-: what happens when you place an intra-switch call to another softphone?
10:16.11iDunnoand what's the contents of extensions.conf?
10:16.14Bert-when I push the hold button, I can hear and be heard
10:16.26Bert-it is a stupid problem really
10:16.36iDunnohmm. maybe you've got the Dial command wrong in extensions.conf
10:16.50Strom_CBert-: pastebin extensions.conf
10:16.57Bert-let me do it
10:17.24*** join/#asterisk erwinism (i=erwin@
10:18.16erwinismhello, i have a little problem, i have X100P, if someone calls from PSTN, the asterisk wont hangup and leave the PSTN line open. How can i fix this?
10:18.38Strom_Cerwinism: order disconnect supervision from your telephone company
10:19.24*** join/#asterisk Wifi_Guy (
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10:19.39Wifi_Guyhi all
10:19.57yacyachii Wifi_Guy
10:20.53Wifi_Guycan someone give me a basic idea of hardware requirements for running asterisk as a sip server for about 10 clients and 4 trunks?
10:21.01*** join/#asterisk benjamin7062 (
10:21.10Strom_CWifi_Guy: assuming no transcoding, any old PC should handle that just fine
10:22.08Wifi_Guytranscoding? that refers to the audio data in realtime?
10:22.18benjamin7062If this is the wrong channel, just tell me to leave, but... Does 'anyone' use this in a call center environment; if yes, any of you guys have real time stats (queue's, what agents on a call, in bound, outbound, how long the duration is, etc?)
10:22.33Strom_Cthat refers to translating the audio data from one codec to another
10:22.58djtremors@wifi_guy.. there's a PDF on asterisk site which talks about system rewuirements.. not bad.. reading it atm actually.
10:23.10erwinismStrom_C, i mean if someone calls from PSTN and end the call, the asterisk wont hangup. example, "if they just dial and listen to IVR then hangup"
10:23.12djtremorsit's called AsteriskTFOT.pdf
10:23.14Wifi_GuyI see... Well, all clients would be using 711u and the trunk would as well
10:23.23Strom_Cbenjamin7062: I'm afraid you're in the wrong channel.  We discuss nothing but muffins here.
10:23.41Strom_CWifi_Guy: then you should be fine with pretty much any PC made in the last three to five years
10:23.47Wifi_Guymuffins... lol
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10:24.06benjamin7062Strom_C, Dang, someone mentioned that -- I was mislead by the title... sigh, back to college for me
10:24.21Strom_Cerwinism: yes, like I said, call your telephone company and order far-end disconnect supervision.
10:24.22Wifi_Guythanks for the $0.02, I'll check that PDF as well!
10:24.47benjamin7062Any of you guys a dev for asterisk?
10:24.59Strom_Cbenjamin7062: the devs all hang out in #asterisk-dev
10:25.08erwinismStrom_C,  thank you very much
10:25.25Strom_Cbenjamin7062: but you'll have more success asking this question during daytime hours in north america
10:25.38benjamin7062I'm in CST
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10:25.47Strom_Cno, you're in CDT
10:25.49benjamin7062If they were devoted like me... they would be up all night like me!
10:25.55Strom_Cit's daylight time right now :)
10:26.01benjamin7062good point
10:26.13Strom_Cthe actual time zone is "central time"
10:26.29benjamin7062CSTCDT if you ask linux
10:26.42Strom_C"standard time" and "daylight time" refer to specific offsets from GMT, not the physical zone
10:27.17benjamin7062yes master watch sir... I will keep that in mind when typing 'brief' references in the future.
10:27.55hads|homebenjamin7062: There is an app called queuemetrics that does something like that from memory.
10:28.04Strom_Ctick tick tick tick U.S. Naval Observatory master clock tick tick tick at the tone, mountain daylight time tick tick tick...
10:28.15hads|homeI know nothing of it though.
10:28.51benjamin7062Strom_C, lol... nice  I would spew some GPS timing data.. but it's look something like 101010001000111010101000011
10:29.17benjamin7062hads|home, Thank you!
10:29.53*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
10:30.21Strom_Cit's Qwell!
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10:33.32Strom_Cand then...catsex
10:33.45FuriousGeorgeanyone using metermaid?  i just parked a call and didnt get a light.  if i configure the parkexten button to be a park orbit, as suggested in the wiki, i cant transfer there at all
10:34.09FuriousGeorgedoes your CLI say anything as to the status of the channel hint when you park a call?
10:34.38*** join/#asterisk Tili (
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10:48.43backbluemorning all
10:50.33FuriousGeorgeok when i shoe hints i see my parked extensions, which i suppose means the patch went ok
10:50.39FuriousGeorgemy park orbit button is working now
10:50.56FuriousGeorgewhen i show hints, if someone is parked it shows up as inuse
10:51.00backblueppl, i need any kind of special stat in zaptel drivers to receive fax on incoming line?
10:51.00FuriousGeorgeBUT still no light
10:51.06erwinismStrom_C, i set echocancel as true, echotraining as true but the my voice got echo when i call to PSTN, (on voip, i have no problem)
10:51.33erwinismhow can i solve that?
10:51.45FuriousGeorgeexten => 701,hint,Local/701@parkedcalls
10:52.24FuriousGeorgethen i configure the snom to see 701 as an extension, which allows for working presence with sip peers, but evidentally not for chan local
10:53.26FuriousGeorgewhich was the whole point of the patch
10:59.09fnordianis it possible to call a function like sip_header from an agi-script?
11:00.05*** join/#asterisk SheriF_WorK (n=sherif@
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11:02.06muppetmasterDoes a reload pick up changes for zapata.conf and zaptel.conf?
11:02.11muppetmasterOr does one need a full restart?
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11:03.32drrayztcfg -vv
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11:04.36muppetmasterAh, and that reloads?
11:04.44hads|homemuppetmaster: zaptel.conf will require a ztcfg. Some changes in zapata.conf are picked up by a reload and some aren't.
11:04.59muppetmasterSo a ztcfg -vv and then a reload?
11:05.09joelsolankiHi all. i have ser+asterisk ..i want ser users to save/retrieve voicemail on asteris.
11:05.19joelsolankihow can i do that? any hints / docs
11:05.23erwinismreboot is more reliable hehe
11:05.27hads|homemuppetmaster: Some changes in zapata.conf are picked up by a reload and some aren't.
11:05.49muppetmasterSo, even with a ztcfg -vv I should do a restart of Asterisk to be sure?
11:06.32erwinismin zaptel.conf changes, ztcfg will do, in zapata.conf, reload will do
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11:06.59muppetmastererwinism, thanks
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11:11.17moveranyone noticed about an inbound issue to new Nokia E60 Series in cause of missing stun support in this voip UA?
11:11.21fnordiando you know a way to access sip-header-fields from an agi-script?
11:14.01moverfnordian: show function SIP_HEADER
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11:17.02backblueJun 22 12:17:07 ERROR[11876]: chan_zap.c:2689 zt_hangup: What is wrong with you? You cannot use cause 17 number when in state 7!
11:17.08backblueups, sorry :\
11:17.27*** join/#asterisk beyond (n=beyond@
11:17.43fnordianmover: Jun 22 13:09:48 WARNING[14815]: res_agi.c:1091 handle_exec: Could not find application (SIP_HEADER(Proxy-Authorization))
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11:18.53moverfnordian: what version of * us use?
11:19.30moveruse show function SIP_HEADER on cli it is there?
11:19.34fnordiani have SIP_HEADER in dialplans and on the cli
11:19.46fnordianbut i cannot access it from an agi
11:20.13moveron cli??
11:20.25fnordianyes, i have it there
11:20.41*** join/#asterisk tRSS (
11:21.43moveri use EXEC FUNCTION(name)
11:22.36moverif it not work on AGI you can use it in DIALPLAN all is ok. You must bypass the Variables
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11:24.31fnordianAGI Rx << EXEC SIP_HEADER(Proxy-Authorization) -- AGI Script Executing Application: (SIP_HEADER(Proxy-Authorization)) Options: ((null))
11:25.01ModcutsIs any work gonna be done to create a 64bit verison of asterisk?
11:27.00fnordianmover: i guess i have to do it that way, but i dont like that idea so much
11:28.37tRSShow can i run a sql query from extensions.conf to check if something is in the database or not and then process the call accordingly? I guess I just want to know how to run a sql query from extensions.conf?
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11:40.22Bert-It is impossible without licenses, to make a call from a sipphone (ulaw codecs) to a PSTN number, through a gateway only using G729, as asterisk can't do any codec translation ?
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11:41.41FuriousGeorgeanyone using metermaid in here?
11:42.50FuriousGeorgeeverything seems to be working except my device states
11:42.57FuriousGeorgewhich is kida the integral part
11:43.12russellbhe updated something in that branch this morning
11:43.31FuriousGeorgerussellb: im just using the patch for
11:43.37FuriousGeorgenot the trunk branch
11:43.50russellbah, well then your patch probably isn't up to date :)
11:44.14FuriousGeorgerussellb: the alternative then is to use trunk?
11:44.24*** part/#asterisk eivindtr (
11:44.36russellbthat would be best, yes
11:44.41russellbsince it's still in development ...
11:45.01FuriousGeorgerussellb: im kinda wary of that as this is for production.  i thought if he patched it would be guarenteed to be at least as stable as
11:45.03tRSShow can I run a sql query from extensions.conf to check for something in the database?
11:45.13FuriousGeorgeunless the patched code crashes it of course
11:45.59russellbtRSS: look up func_odbc
11:46.18tRSSalright thanks russellb
11:46.19_problem_tRSS: there is a command available called system()..with which u can execute linux shell command try with that.
11:47.54tRSS_problem_: how to use the system command in my case? russellb: I have tried to look up func_odbc, can't find anything?
11:47.55Bert-what is Jun 22 13:47:20 WARNING[11932]: chan_sip.c:2555 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 8, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 8/8) please ?
11:48.18russellbtRSS: it's in trunk, but has been backported to 1.2 as well
11:48.22russellblet me see if i can find a link ...
11:48.58_problem_tRSS: go to and find system and trysystem command..there u can find their descrptions of use
11:49.14russellbthat's it in svn ...
11:49.30russellbsvn co func_odbc-1.2
11:49.41russellbthen check out the README on how to install it
11:50.16russellbthen, once installed ... you should be able to type "show function ODBC" at the Asterisk CLI
11:51.08*** join/#asterisk sandos (n=sandos@
11:51.54tRSSalright thanks. let me explore more into this
11:52.45tRSSoh another question: Does asterisk have the capability to allow a supervisor to barge into a call? I know that someone spy a call (chanspy) but does this allow a person to barge into this call as well?
11:53.53russellbif you're using chan_zap, there is an app called ZapBarge
11:53.54*** part/#asterisk sandos (n=sandos@
11:54.10russellbotherwise, you'd have to emulate the functionality using MeetMe
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11:54.51tRSShmm, i thought of that too, but I wanted to keep things simple, rather then making a complicated mess, you know what I mean
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11:55.55russellbit wouldn't be bad with meetme, though ...
11:57.04FuriousGeorgerussellb: is the metermaid branch of trunk at all different from regular old trunk?
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11:57.51russellbit's different in that it has the metermain changes  :)
11:58.06FuriousGeorgei was hoping it was based on
11:58.12FuriousGeorgei mean .9.1
11:58.16FuriousGeorgeyou know what i mean
11:58.27QuAtRo[NL]How can i test if a certain phonenumber is handled by my Asterisk
11:58.32russellbno, it is based on trunk
11:58.36russellbmaybe he has a 1.2 branch, i don't know
12:00.56FuriousGeorgerussellb: what about that multiparking
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12:02.09russellbi don't know, take a look at his team directory
12:02.16russellbunless it specifies "1.2", it's trunk
12:02.39MikeJ[Laptop]slick move russellb....
12:02.45MikeJ[Laptop]could have said somthing.
12:02.51FuriousGeorgei looked in the CHANGES file and multiparkings top entry is Changes since Asterisk 1.2.0-beta2:
12:03.00FuriousGeorgebut that is the other side of the spectrum
12:03.15russellbMikeJ[Laptop]: heh, what are you referring to?
12:03.25QuAtRo[NL]russellb: Do you know how I can test if a certain phonenumber is handled by my Asterisk..
12:03.36MikeJ[Laptop]bad form
12:03.42russellbMikeJ[Laptop]: yeah, that was rough
12:04.00russellbMikeJ[Laptop]: i thought about sneaking the commit in with something else, but i just wanted to remove it before someone said something to me
12:04.09MikeJ[Laptop]all it takes is saying somthing... instead... you end up coming off like a real jerk
12:04.09russellbQuAtRo[NL]: call it?
12:04.10joelsolankihi all. is possible to disconnect particular sip call in asterisk ?
12:04.14MikeJ[Laptop]you guessed wrong
12:04.21QuAtRo[NL]russellb: You're kidding me :P
12:04.31FuriousGeorgerussellb: is there a specific file i should be looking for that gives the version number or is changes it?
12:04.35MikeJ[Laptop]banning somone from a channel, without bothering saying anything to them.
12:04.41QuAtRo[NL]It should be handled by Asterisk, but no phone is gonna ring..
12:04.51russellbMikeJ[Laptop]: oh, we're talking about totally different stuff
12:05.13MikeJ[Laptop]just wanted to make sure you know that the way you handled that was lousy..
12:06.31russellbnothing personal ... people just have a bad habit of talking about things they shouldn't in that channel
12:06.40russellbbut sorry for not saying anything.
12:07.10joelsolankican i disconnect particular call in asterisk ?
12:07.23russellbjoelsolanki: "soft hangup" from the cli
12:08.11MikeJ[Laptop]russellb, that's the point.. by not saying anything.. you make it personal... remember.. you represent digium and asterisk... pulling stuff like that represents badly on the project. and yourself
12:08.25joelsolankiok let me look at soft hangup
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12:13.08hads|homebracket highlighting is cool.
12:15.22HenkHi, i'm trying to make a call file the calls my cellphone. But it does not work. I've done "sip debug" and compared a call from a softphone with the call from asterisk. It seems asterist is getting the CallerID wrong. The softphone says ^^^ From: Me <>; ^^^ but astersi instead says: ^^^ From: "" <sip:asterisk@>^^^  and the server at budgetphones end responds with 404 unknown use
12:15.22Henkr. To i guess that is where I'm doing it wrong. I've tried many things but i cannot get it right. Can anyone help me ?
12:15.51nettuxHello everybody. I am experiencing a problem on a * machine serving about 150 SIP users (type friend) interconnecting them to another asterisk box via IAX. What happens is that many times the calls are dropped after 1 or 2 minutes and in the logs i found this message channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/XXXXX or sometimes IAX/xxxx whenever the call is dropped. What could be causing this?
12:16.46tRSSi have a PRI terminated in my asterisk box. I have agents answering calls. I want my agents to know what number was dialed and the caller id of the person calling? How can i achieve this?
12:17.50tRSSIf my agents know what number was called, then only they can give a proper response to the caller. so how can i tell my agents about the called number?
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12:19.10[TK]D-FendertRSS : Either give them a pop-up on their computer to relay that info, or you're stuck manipulating the CallerID to incorporate the DID info
12:19.30nettuxtRSS maybe you could send a fake caller id forging it with the called number + the caller
12:19.30[TK]D-FendertRSS : How many different numbers are you looking to track?
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12:20.29FuriousGeorgeso anyone using trunk now that can comment on its stability?
12:20.36tRSS[TK]D-Fender: i would say around 25. How can I give them a pop, I have seen some stuff using TAPI, but don't look that promising?
12:20.43X-RobFuriousGeorge, it crashes NO MORE than once.
12:20.45X-Robper second.
12:20.59nettuxHello everybody. I am experiencing a problem on a * machine serving about 150 SIP users (type friend) interconnecting them to another asterisk box via IAX. What happens is that many times the calls are dropped after 1 or 2 minutes and in the logs i found this message channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/XXXXX or sometimes IAX/xxxx whenever the call is dropped. What could be causing this?
12:21.39[TK]D-Fendernettux : Don't spam it, we heard you the first time.  Be patient as not everyone who might be able to help you is here at any given time.
12:21.55nettux:) ok sorry
12:22.02hads|homeFuriousGeorge: Trunk is stable for me on my home/test system
12:22.18[TK]D-FendertRSS : Many ways.  Auto-refreshing page on the agents PC, socket based program listing to AMI messages for agent callouts, etc.
12:22.35FuriousGeorgeim gonna supress the urge to put trunk on this system even though metermaid would be perfect for these guys
12:22.56FuriousGeorgeeverything in the patch appears to be working except the device states, so oh well
12:23.58QuAtRo[NL]Is there someone where i can see a call come in my Asterisk?
12:24.01FuriousGeorgemaybe when it goes to beta, should be any day nopw from what ive heard
12:26.05Henkcan noone tell me how to get my called ID to say from: "henk <>" instead of "henk <sip:asterisk@> "  ?? I've been at it for too many hours now
12:26.27[TK]D-FendertRSS : But it'd be considerably easier to prefix the CID name with "XX:" to indicate the DID.
12:27.06[TK]D-FenderHenk : pastebin your call file
12:28.34trelaneis there a way to show a list of queue's and how many callers are in them from the CLI?
12:29.31Henk[TK]D-Fender, pastbin is slow hang on
12:30.08tRSS[TK]D-Fender, please check my message that I have sent you in private. Would appreciate some help:)
12:30.56[TK]D-Fendertrelane : "show queues"
12:31.14trelane[TK]D-Fender, I found it right after I asked, early start this morning and no caffeine
12:31.19trelanethank you :)
12:32.12QuAtRo[NL][Question]   Is there a logfile where i can see exactly when a call come in and how they are handled
12:32.14[TK]D-Fendertrelane : My Polycom IP 600's have a MicroBrowser Idle page that shows queue stats @ 10s intervals using that output parsed for readability
12:32.35Henk[TK]D-Fender, -->
12:32.38*** join/#asterisk mmmmmToop (
12:32.49trelane[TK]D-Fender, you can't do that! that's useful! :/
12:33.31[TK]D-Fendertrelane : I've also jsut set up my own phone for ACD login/out, but have yet to try Bweschke's SVN tree to implement it.
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12:35.59P-NuThey all, has anyone overcome their echo problems on the SPA3000?
12:37.08[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : Echo issues are variable based on where you are and which firmware its running.  YMMV
12:37.39[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : Its EC routine is less than stellar, but largely effective most of the time.
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12:42.02stoffellis thery any way to keep logging with debug 4 (or whatever) but 'not' logging the manager.c events ?
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12:42.58[TK]D-FenderHenk : I suggest you let * register to your provider hand have it call a Local channel that will place the call through your registration and therefore gain authentication.
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12:45.04Henk[TK]D-Fender, I guess I have registered with the provider (I can call my number and then get the demo-woman-voice), "sip show registry" shows that i'm connected. So that is ok right? How whould i make a local channel out of that?
12:47.11*** join/#asterisk beyond (n=beyond@
12:48.46SheriF_WorKwhat softphone on linux supports G723 ? will certainly have to pay for it...& why not use g729?
12:51.35SheriF_WorKmmmmmToop: i'm using a voip device with asterisk network ..
12:51.52*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
12:53.52[TK]D-FenderHenk : Set up an exten to do your dialout and call it like "Local/5551212@ContextThathasADialCommandUsingMyProvider"
12:54.25[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : G.723 is nasty on licensing.  Good luck.  And why that codec at all?
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12:59.58alib80hi all
13:00.10SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: i have a multitech device... which is supports G723 G729 G711.1 U-LAW and A-LAW .. but i can't use ulaw and alaw cuz it's eating lots of bandwidth .. the idea is i want ot use g273 g272 when i call the mvp device .. and ulaw when i call using the ZAP channels .. any idea how to ?
13:00.32*** join/#asterisk miztic (
13:00.51[TK]D-FenderG273? G272?  huh?!
13:01.36[TK]D-FenderJust use G.729
13:01.41alib80has anyone had the problem whereby their phone start ringing randomly even though no asterisk channels are open?
13:02.14alib80getting G723 to work legally is a major pain
13:02.20[TK]D-Fenderalib80 : Mayeb you could be more specifig about what kind of phone and how it connects to *
13:02.27SheriF_WorKg723 when i call the device and ulaw when i call via zap channels :-D that what i want to do .. but don't know how i think asterisk should use periorites?
13:02.38alib80swiss voice ip 10s
13:02.55alib80connects to asterisk registering as a sip device
13:03.01AltnTab2n analog gate -> TDM400P -> Asterisk with IVR. On incoming call from gsm_gate  asterisk don't accept nothing dial to go further
13:03.01nettuxhas any of you experience with SER+Asterisk?
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13:03.50nettuxI would need a HOWTO or something
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13:04.13alib80originally i thought it may be a channel that doesn't close properly when you put the phone down
13:04.26alib80and its some sort of call back taking place
13:04.37[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : Set up seperate peers with seperate codec lists, or push everything through * and have it transcode
13:04.43alib80but these phones hadn't been called out on for a few minutes
13:06.31alib80i'm running asterisk 1.2.8
13:06.37SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: everyting should be passed through asterisk already .
13:07.08[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : Then user seperate peers to call the gateway based on the codec desired
13:08.38SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: have a link to read about this seperate peers ?
13:08.49*** part/#asterisk dudes (
13:08.49SheriF_WorKi mean a how to :-) or the syntax to do it where i can find it?
13:10.33[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : Nothing to say about it.  just make another Peer entry in sip.conf
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13:11.10[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : know how you did it the first time?  COPY & PASTE.  Chane the peer name and use that to dial out changing the codec it uses.
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13:11.57Henk[TK]D-Fender, I'm trying to do what you said but im getting an error saying "chan_local.c:378 local_alloc: No such extension/context 0621232999@to-budgetphone creating local channel"      I have a [to-budgetphone] block in the extensions.conf ans extensions reload seems to show it
13:12.16iCEBrkrBLAH I SAY
13:12.20iCEBrkroh.. and moosepenis!
13:12.31_problem_[TK]D-Fender: do u have any information for me ?
13:12.33[TK]D-FenderHenk : Pastebin your dialplan.
13:12.34Henk[TK]D-Fender, -->
13:12.38jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
13:12.45[TK]D-Fender_problem_ : Nope... stumped on your problem from the other day
13:13.05iCEBrkrerr I mean [TK]D-Fender
13:13.11_problem_my mysql cdr is getting worst day by day bcuz of that
13:13.24[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : Someone guessed it right! ;)
13:13.31lunkpostgres never chokes like mysql does
13:13.34[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : First tim in YEARS
13:13.50SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: how to tell it to use a current codec in dialling out ? i'm using disallow =all allow = g723  in the multitech peer section on sip.conf
13:13.57iCEBrkrI've always said that in my head when I see your nick
13:14.19iCEBrkrhrrm, freshair break. well, smoke break for others..
13:14.50[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : Yup.... It started when a friend and I were playing a HL mod in clsoe quarters and were  little "trigger happy" and took as much from friendly fire as enemy fire (See: US Army).  So jokingly named our clan after it :)
13:15.08[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : Can't use G.723 with * now can you?
13:15.22[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : But yes, thats the method to do it.
13:15.30SheriF_WorKno can't :-)
13:16.06*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:16.13[TK]D-FenderHenk : I don't see an exten to handle  0621232999 in there either :)  Time for coffee.....
13:16.29*** part/#asterisk Meaty` (n=meaty3@
13:18.25Henk[TK]D-Fender, do i need to specify each number i want to call in the extensions file?? That is not possible could be anything.
13:18.51Henk   <-- much faster
13:18.59[TK]D-FenderHenk : You need to rethink things a little :)
13:19.38[TK]D-FenderHenk : You're so close but failing to realize the basics of contexts & extens .....
13:19.43*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
13:19.57[TK]D-FenderHenk : tip : your problem is ...... "s" ;)
13:20.33Henk[TK]D-Fender, sorry i'm very new at asterisk its all pretty fuzzy to me. Let me explain: I want to record a message and have asterisk call a number (in this case my cellphone but could be anything) and than playback that recording to the person answering the line.
13:20.55[TK]D-FenderHenk : (and your dial command isn't using your peer entry, but thats cleary the NEXT problem you'll encounter)
13:21.11[TK]D-FenderHenk : *sigh*
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13:21.25[TK]D-FenderHenk : exten => _X.     <------------------------------------
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13:33.52eBodywhat's the difference between a SIP and a HUD??
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13:37.33[TK]D-FendereBody : Define "HUD".
13:39.24eBodyon trixbox, they have the HUD manager
13:39.32eBodyand i'm trying to get HUDlite to work
13:39.41eBodybut it's just like a SIP softphone
13:39.47eBodywhat'd the difference between the two???
13:40.10Henk[TK]D-Fender, --->> <<< i think i'm getting closer
13:40.43Henk[TK]D-Fender, but still not there. you said something about not using the 'peer'
13:40.46[TK]D-FenderHenk : Yup, much.  You sure you want to strip off that leading "0"? ;)
13:41.20Henkno i dont want to strip that of. (i've add one to stop it from loosing the 0)
13:41.24[TK]D-FenderHenk : In your last one the dial didn't say "", it said @ and your DID number....
13:42.18Henkwas that better?
13:42.31[TK]D-FenderHenk : And your peer entry name is "budgetphone", not ""
13:42.41[TK]D-FenderHenk : ALMOST got it :)
13:43.02[TK]D-FendereBody : What does "just like a SIP phone" imply?
13:43.51*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
13:44.03iqGood Morning
13:45.30Hmmhesayswoohoo my EQ shipped
13:45.38eBody[TK]D-Fender, that i installed this software phone called xlite and this HUDclient called HUDlite is just the same thing
13:45.50alib80hi all does anyone know why sip phones would start ringing without a call being routed to them or maybe once a call has been put doen?
13:45.53[TK]D-FenderHenk : another tip : you made this new context to support your call file.  Don't pass it a "padded # just to strip out the leading digit later.  Thats masochistic and confusing :)
13:46.11[TK]D-FendereBody : Well then I guess its just another SIP client.
13:46.25Hmmhesays check that baby out
13:46.49[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : What a steal....\
13:46.56Hmmhesayspretty good deal
13:47.21[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Yeah, Behringer is a serious bang-for-buck company...
13:47.37tzangerHmmhesays: can't see it
13:47.50Hmmhesaysi bought a bunch of behringer stuff yesterday
13:48.09Hmmhesays that too
13:49.09[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Holy crap, midi controllers have dropped through the floor...
13:50.02Hmmhesaysok I'll bite, what the hell do you need a midi controller for
13:50.13[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Behringer has a really nice one that'd be perfect for rack FX processor control.
13:50.35Henk[TK]D-Fender, what is stripping of that 0 ?
13:50.38[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I used to use a Boss VF-1 half-rack digital multiFX processor for stage work
13:50.44Hmmhesaysahh cool
13:50.49[TK]D-FenderHenk " {EXTEN:1}
13:50.59Hmmhesaysi'm kind of a bare bones guy... I have distortion, more distortion and clean are what I use most
13:51.02[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : It has since fried, and I'm on a Boss GT-8
13:51.33Hmmhesaysyeah I remember talking about that one day, I was thinking of going with a podxt live... but i've found... when I have effects, I don't use them
13:51.48[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I do more solo / intrumental work and I like my chorus / flanger / reverb / compression.  I'm nearly as processed as Ashley Simpson ;)
13:52.19Hmmhesaysyeah, I don't need to be very processed for what I do
13:52.20[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : One I've been looking at for about 2 years :
13:52.28Henk[TK]D-Fender, ok made that a exten:0
13:52.40*** join/#asterisk sevard (
13:52.43[TK]D-FenderHenk : Just dits the : altogether
13:52.59sevard[TK]D-Fender: Do you do line apperance
13:53.11Henkxten => _X.,4,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@budgetphone)   << <like that ?
13:53.15[TK]D-Fendersevard : yup.  My home has all 3 in use
13:53.20Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender looks pretty sweet
13:53.25sevard[TK]D-Fender: how do you know?
13:53.33Henkor do i need the .nl ?
13:53.36[TK]D-Fenderexten => _X.,4,Dial(SIP/budgetphone/${EXTEN})
13:54.02[TK]D-FenderHenk : No, the peer entry in sip.conf takes care of the connection details just like ti does when you dial it from a phone on your system.
13:54.11[TK]D-FenderHenk : A call is a call is a call....
13:54.21[TK]D-Fendersevard : What do you mean "how do I know"?
13:54.36sevard[TK]D-Fender: how do you know if all the lines are in use?
13:54.47sevardhow does a SIP client know there's a trunk available?
13:54.48Henkchan_sip.c:1398 create_addr: No such host: budgetphone
13:56.01[TK]D-Fendersevard : You need to seperate the concept of "line appearances" from "trunk connections".
13:56.16[TK]D-Fendersevard : "line appearances" are seperate registrations to a SIP server.
13:57.02sevard[TK]D-Fender: I understand both.  But if you have 2 registered trunks and 5 sip phones or atas how do they know that they can dial eachother but not out to the pstn until one of them hangs up
13:57.33sevardi was thinking about this problem and researched a bit but didn't find anything
13:57.53filethe phones don't care, they call your server and then the server does whatever (ie: reject the call because all outbound lines are in use)
13:58.22[TK]D-Fender... what file said. :)
13:58.59sevardfile: right.. but a traditional pbx will show all the phones that line 1 is in use and you can use line two
13:59.05sevardfile: at least PBXs that I know of.
13:59.39filethat's a key system
13:59.42*** join/#asterisk MattH (n=MattH@
13:59.48sevardfile: learn me paw
14:00.05filekey system does not a PBX make
14:00.09[TK]D-Fendersevard : Don't forget that typically you don't just "pull a line" on a SIP phone, you need to actually dial a number to get it.  Its difficult to replicate "key system" methodology....
14:00.18Henk[TK]D-Fender, i'm still not able to use 'just' budgetphone (although it says so in the sip.conf file) but does not get me anywhere either (i get the wrong sip-user error)
14:00.49[TK]D-FenderHenk : pastebin your new dial-plan, sip.conf entries, and CLI output of the attempt.
14:00.50MattHI've tried asterisk 1.2.6 and    I'm using native music on hold.  When I use mp3s, the volume is nice an acceptable.  When I use wave files, the volume is far too loud, even when the volume on the two files is the same.   Thoughts?
14:03.04X-RobMattH, yeah, it's an issue with the way they're decoded. There's no way to adjust the volume. use sox to reduce the volume of the wav files
14:03.25sevard[TK]D-Fender: Alright, I understand that. .. have you ever run into that problem though?  I can only think how frustrating it would be to try and dial out in a 3 person household with two other people on the line but you can't and you won't know when they've hung up so you can dial out
14:04.32*** join/#asterisk Borgon (
14:05.05Borgonwhen it comes to wireless adapters which is better for a good signal... low or high dm? i get 70 or 86 on left or right of window.
14:05.12*** join/#asterisk __undef (n=jochum@
14:05.33Henk[TK]D-Fender,  do you want the version with .nl or without .nl (the second, cli complains about not finding the host)
14:05.40Borgonso -70 is better than 086
14:06.09sevard-70db is better than -86db, but check your link quality, that matters more.
14:07.00[TK]D-FenderHenk : wITHOUT
14:07.04sevard[TK]D-Fender: REALLY
14:07.09sevard[TK]D-Fender: TWO LINES NOW
14:07.20HmmhesaysLOUD NOISES
14:07.23Borgonappreciate it
14:07.36[TK]D-Fendersevard : I work in caps-lock.  Forgive it or help yourself :)
14:07.58sevardwhy the hell on god's mother fucking green earth do you work in caps lock
14:08.06[TK]D-Fendersevard : my keyboard tray is actually usually pushed in just enough to hide them :)
14:08.07*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
14:08.26sevardare you the weirdo that uses MC?
14:08.27[TK]D-Fendersevard : Because I work a lot in fucking GREEN SCREEN (5250)
14:08.54sevardMC is blue iirc
14:09.32[TK]D-Fendersevard : 5250 <-  Pay attention.  I never said Linux.
14:09.42Henk[TK]D-Fender,  ->>
14:09.53[TK]D-Fendersevard : I work on an AS/400 running J.D.Edwards
14:09.58sevardwhat the crap is any of that
14:10.00__undefthe same question as yesterday...can anyone tell me, which versions of misdn, the kernel and asterisk are known to work together?
14:10.07sevard5250 and as/400
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14:10.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
14:10.09[TK]D-Fendersevard : Welcome to "The Real World"
14:10.19MattHx-rob: so basically I need to, when using wav or ulaw, decreaes the volume even more then when using mp3?
14:10.25[TK]D-Fendersevard : PC's aren't the entire universe you know....
14:10.30X-RobMattH, yeah
14:10.40sevard[TK]D-Fender: no shit, but i've never heard of this platform.  tell me more
14:10.45FaithX__undef: What bri card?
14:10.56_problem___undef: kernel-2.6.12 and lastest install-misdn can work
14:10.58__undefFaithX: acer surfpci
14:11.02*** join/#asterisk nothinman (
14:11.06MattHx-rob: is there any reason that asterisk might become unstable when doing native-moh mp3 as opposed to wav
14:11.15*** join/#asterisk viler (i=1000@
14:11.15nothinmanhello (-:
14:11.24FaithX__undef: What bri card? Not what brand.
14:11.34X-Robnot that I've noticed. freepbx has been using native moh for about 4 months now, I'm sure we would have had reports of it crashing * by now.
14:11.37nothinmanmore questions ;)
14:12.03FaithX__undef: chipset...
14:12.08FaithXHi X-Rob
14:12.10__undefFaithX: cologne ;)
14:12.26X-Roblo FaithX
14:12.37nothinmandoesd anyone know wheter or not it is possible to check who answered the call when executing Dial(SIP/123&SIP/234&SIP/111)?
14:12.49FaithX__undef: then you should use zaphfc for sure
14:13.23nothinmanDial() probably sets some variable...
14:13.48__undefFaithX: hmm... will I be able to use the pri interface, too?
14:14.04nothinmanbut I don't know two things: what variable, and does it set it after the call is finished or before?
14:14.23__undefFaithX: someone wrote on a forum that it isn't possible to use pri and bri together when using zaphfc
14:15.05*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
14:15.13Dr-Linuxwhat's ael module name?
14:15.25FaithXHmmm.... I don't know about that
14:15.43FaithXdid you try?
14:15.49sevardokayu then
14:16.22ghenrycan you setip SIP users in any better way then listing lots of users in sip.conf, just getting a bit boring ;-)
14:16.57[TK]D-FenderHenk : Maybe do a "sip reload"  not sure it took... it should find it.  Something is very wrong
14:17.11heath__ghenry, search for realtime
14:17.17__undefFaithX: i haven't been able to get zaphfc to compile, yet
14:17.19[TK]D-Fendersevard : Go to and look up "iSeries mid-range"
14:17.23ghenryah, will do heath__
14:17.47FaithXX-Rob: see that!
14:17.57X-Robsee what?
14:17.59Henk[TK]D-Fender, could this be it: un 22 14:18:20 WARNING[30353]: acl.c:197 ast_get_ip: Unable to lookup ''
14:18.06X-RobI'm not watching the soccer yet, if that's what you're asking
14:18.16Hmmhesaysi'm watching stargate
14:18.22FaithXCan't get zaphfc to compile
14:18.25[TK]D-FenderHenk : Ok, time to fix your peer setup, your call file and dial plan seem good.
14:18.30Henk[TK]D-Fender, everything else seems ok from than on
14:18.38[TK]D-FenderHenk : Go verify with your provider as to what you should be using.
14:19.07*** join/#asterisk Admin_OS (
14:19.16Henk(remember i CAN call this number and het the asterisk demo with these settings, and i am registered)
14:20.20moverhow i can rewrite the TO header on an asterisk outbound call?
14:20.21__undefzaphfc aborts with "struct zt_chan has no member named bytes2transmit"
14:20.51Henk[TK]D-Fender, ok I changed it to ""  wich seems better i'm now getting different (non working though) results
14:21.39*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
14:21.58[TK]D-FenderHenk : you are almost there.  keep at it.
14:22.15[TK]D-FenderHenk : You've never successfully dialed OUT before?
14:22.39Henk[TK]D-Fender,  IT RINGING!!!! OMG
14:22.49Hmmhesaysman i hate it when the hot chicks get taken over by the ga'ould
14:24.27[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I never watched... a friend of mine has them ALL on XviD.  Thats each series related to (and 100 other shows.... its kinda scary).  Maybe I should start watching them :)
14:24.40Hmmhesaysyeah its pretty good
14:25.33Henk[TK]D-Fender,  it seems to have left a message in my voicemailbox ;)
14:26.10Hmmhesaysok trying to build buildroot one more time
14:27.00[TK]D-Fenderheck : Success
14:27.02__undefokay, the bristuff 0.3 beta seems to compile...
14:27.54Henk[TK]D-Fender, no this was the first time to ever dial out. there are no phones connected to the server. I'ts just a server that one day will do system-to-phone stuff like calling me if nagios is complaining and i appear to be away from the computer etc
14:28.13*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/trelane)
14:28.18[TK]D-Fenderhenk : Cool stuff.  What generates that call file?
14:28.26FaithX__undef: you have the * source in place and you have and have patched it? I think * needs to be patched for bristuff
14:28.36*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
14:28.38[TK]D-FenderHenk : Oh, you mean this is a preliminary test for later use?
14:28.55*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
14:28.57__undefFaithX: i know...asterisk is compiling right now
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14:29.15stoffell__undef, watch out with bristuff beta's, only the last one is a good one (some have an isdn hangup bug, could lead to $$$$ phone bills)
14:29.47__undefstoffell: whoops :)
14:29.58stoffellyeah, indeed:)
14:30.17__undefstoffell: the bri cards are internal, fortunately ;)
14:31.17*** join/#asterisk eBody (n=ehernand@
14:31.19stoffellyeah, most are, that doesn't matter :) the infamous *hangup bug* was introduced in a previous bristuff version :)
14:31.51parylwith an asterisk system behind a firewall, and a sip phone in a remote location behind a DSL router... i have both firewalls opened to port 5060 and 10000-20000.  when i make a call from the sip phone, i can call extensions on the asterisk box, leave voicemails, check voicemail, and make outgoing calls.  but ONLY calls to other sip phones connect without and audio
14:32.31eBodyasterisk .net is used to create softphone apps right, not server apps??
14:33.15Hmmhesayswow this duron 950mhz is rockin
14:33.35*** join/#asterisk tgrman (
14:33.38parylany idea why only SIP-to-SIP calls would fail?
14:34.03eBodyparyl, any error given??
14:34.08FaithXparyl: external?
14:34.31parylthey're calls from a remote SIP phone to local SIP phone
14:34.44FaithXparyl: codec?
14:34.57paryleBody: not so far... the phones ring, etc... it's just that when the call gets connected there's no audio
14:35.00parylFaithX: gsm
14:35.01FaithXread the log
14:35.13*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
14:35.19FaithXparyl: no audio either way?
14:35.50parylFaithX: right.  but audio works fine calling voicemail, and calling out on the local exchange
14:36.09eBodyparyl, that sounds like a sound card or headset prob
14:36.20eBodyasterisk .net is used to create softphone apps right, not server apps??
14:36.25FaithXWhat about remote sip to local exchange
14:36.30paryleBody: it's not a softphone... it's a Polycom 501
14:37.01parylFaithX: yes, that's what i mean... it works perfectly.  only calls to SIP phones are a problem
14:37.18[TK]D-Fenderparyl : So You have * and one phone behind a router.  They work together just fine.  Its an OUTSIDE phone that doesn't get audio?
14:39.42paryl[TK]D-Fender: i have about 35 SIP phones on the local asterisk server's network, which all work fine.  the remote SIP phone can call VM and make outgoing calls through the * box, and audio is fine.  only calls between the internal SIP phones and the remote SIP phone are having issues
14:39.44*** join/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
14:40.12paryli hear the ring, etc... but once the call is connected, it's dead air
14:40.16[TK]D-Fenderparyl : "canreinvite=no" for the outside phone.
14:40.24*** join/#asterisk funxion (n=nunya@
14:40.33paryl[TK]D-Fender: in sip.conf?
14:40.37[TK]D-Fenderparyl : Which I typically suggest globally, but I'll let it slide for now.
14:40.39Borgonparyl: not to be noisy but what type of work requires 35 sip fones
14:40.40[TK]D-Fenderparyl : yup
14:40.44funxionhas anyone seen this before?
14:40.45funxionJun 22 08:22:16 WARNING[3477]: Identifier 1, identifier_type 1 not found in identifier list
14:40.45funxionJun 22 08:22:16 WARNING[3477]: aMYSQL_query: Invalid connection identifier 1 passed in aMYSQL_query
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14:40.58funxionthis happens after a mysql query
14:41.03paryl[TK]D-Fender: ok, i'll give it a try!  thanks!
14:41.13parylBorgon: uuum... an office?  :)
14:42.14[TK]D-FenderBorgon : OMGZ, * can be used in a corporate environment?!?!?! OH NOES!
14:42.33*** join/#asterisk jpablo_ (n=jpablo@
14:43.31paryl[TK]D-Fender: hahahaha :)
14:44.00paryl[TK]D-Fender: when you say you recommend canreinvite=no globally...
14:44.08parylwhat does that control?
14:44.19jpablo_hey people, what would you recommend for a low bw  codec, ilbc or gsm?
14:44.24Henk[TK]D-Fender, thank you for your help. I think I got the hang of it now.
14:44.28[TK]D-Fenderparyl : means "yeah sure pass all the damned RTP through * box".  Why not... its Gigabit uplink to my switches....
14:44.34[TK]D-FenderHenk : ywc
14:45.13[TK]D-Fenderparyl : It means the audio stream passes through * since the phones by nature don't know to forge the return IP whichis why audio gets lost on the re-invite.
14:45.43*** join/#asterisk smackus (n=smackus@
14:46.32smackusok, so since i am new to svn, tell me if I am doing this right.
14:46.37smackussnv co
14:46.39*** join/#asterisk jbalcomb (n=jbalcomb@
14:46.52*** join/#asterisk TESTER2 (
14:46.58smackusI did that from within my "/usr/src/ directory"
14:47.00ptinsley[TK]D-Fender, so what you are saying is that asterisk has real world applications?
14:47.02parylhrmm... that worked beautifully... except now there's like a 5 second delay in the conversation?
14:47.28TESTER2how can I change ringtone of a fxs module (tdm400p) for one extension ?
14:47.46Dr-Linuxwhat's ael module name?
14:47.46smackusthen i cd into the polycom_acd_functions directory and do a make && make install?
14:47.47[TK]D-Fendersmackus : When you spell SVN properly, sure :)
14:47.54funxiondid anyone see my question above?
14:48.02smackusyeah... sorry.
14:48.04[TK]D-Fenderptinsley : I make no such claims!  Tis HERESY!
14:48.20[TK]D-Fenderparyl : can't account for that....
14:48.27smackusso I cd into the polycom_acd_functions and do a make && make install, right?
14:49.03[TK]D-Fendersmackus : its not jsut Polycom functions... its an entire build of *.
14:49.08moverhow i can rewrite the TO header on an asterisk outbound call?
14:49.32moveris there a way?
14:49.57ptinsley[TK]D-Fender, what version did that polycom stuff branch off of?
14:49.58*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
14:50.00[TK]D-Fendersmackus : And I'm not sure how uptodate the rest of it is.
14:50.08[TK]D-Fenderptinsley : not a clue.
14:50.10*** join/#asterisk oej (
14:50.19funxionanyone well versed with app_addon_sql_mysq
14:50.54jbalcombCan the Cisco 7940G AutoAnswer via some SIP Header?
14:51.53[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I'm pretty sure I've seen it around somewhere.  Checked the WIKI yet?
14:52.35jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeah, still looking. Just trying the multi-threaded search. ;)
14:53.11*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
14:53.15smackushas anyone here had experience with adding the acd features of the polycom phones using the svn branch?
14:53.19TESTER2how can I change ring setting of a fxs module (tdm400p) for one extension (set a different ring). Is there a variable to set?
14:53.25ptinsleykinda off topic here but why does sourceforge suck so much?
14:54.00[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Like I said its not "adding the features".  Its an entire build.  You do it jsut you would any other release.
14:54.15smackusok, so clearify...
14:54.17coppiceptinsley: i can't tell you the reason, but i can confirm your view is accurate
14:54.22[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Follow the notes in Mantis entry and just try it
14:54.43ghenrywhy after Background, would I be autofallthroughing?
14:54.59[TK]D-Fenderghenry : "autofallthrough=yes"
14:55.17ghenryso it won't wait with that set?
14:55.32[TK]D-Fenderghenry : Thats a rather implicit instruction you know....
14:55.56stoffellhm, is it good or bad practice to adjust the polycom gains? (in the manual it says "do not alter these values" ..)
14:55.57[TK]D-Fenderghenry : the "new" style of WaitExten does exist.... although WHY I don't know....
14:56.03smackus[TK]D-Fender: looking for something resembling instructions, and not seeing what I think I should be.... I am on the mantis page.
14:56.08ghenrywell, it's not waiting for an exten to be typed [TK]D-Fender
14:56.14ghenry[TK]D-Fender: And that's why?
14:56.25[TK]D-Fenderstoffell : I'd suggest leaveing those alone, but allow each phone to remember its lsat settings on all 3 modes.
14:56.38*** join/#asterisk Bert- (
14:56.42Bert-hi again here :)
14:56.42ghenry[TK]D-Fender: If I add, exten => s,n,WaitExten(10), that should be fine?
14:56.46[TK]D-Fenderghenry : Does it still say "autofallthrough=yes" in your extensions.conf?
14:56.57ghenry[TK]D-Fender: aye.
14:57.01stoffell[TK]D-Fender, did that, but still the customer complains of 'low' volume (sometimes), even when set to maximum on the phone
14:57.03__undefhm. now i get ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 5: invalid argument (22) *sigh*
14:57.04[TK]D-Fenderghenry : THATS WHY
14:57.21HmmhesaysI think I am in awe
14:57.25funxionhas anyone seen this before?
14:57.28funxionJun 22 08:22:16 WARNING[3477]: Identifier 1, identifier_type 1 not found in identifier list
14:57.29[TK]D-Fenderstoffell : If its the customer, you should tweak your pSTN interface, not the phone.
14:57.31funxionJun 22 08:22:16 WARNING[3477]: aMYSQL_query: Invalid connection identifier 1 passed in aMYSQL_query
14:57.34ghenry[TK]D-Fender: OKAY!!!! ;-) But it's nice to have as it picks up any typos you do.
14:57.45ghenry[TK]D-Fender: will switch off ;-)
14:58.27stoffell[TK]D-Fender, highering the rxgain on the zapata that is?
14:59.29[TK]D-Fenderstoffell : Yup.
14:59.50[TK]D-Fenderstoffell : Or txgain.  I forget which :)  Just start playing and testing with the guy who whines the most :)
15:00.02ghenrythanks [TK]D-Fender works fine.
15:00.10stoffellhehe, okay [TK]D-Fender ;)
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15:01.11ptinsleystoffell, ztmonitor can help some with this
15:01.31*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
15:01.44ptinsleyeven if it doesn't sometimes it's just fun to look at :)
15:02.03__undefnext problem...zaphfc works, except that it's spitting out lots of messages (zaphfc: dropped audio)
15:02.10stoffellptinsley, yes, okay, will also play with it a bit ;)
15:03.07*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=AHMAD@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
15:03.10PakiPenguinhello there
15:03.26PakiPenguini have a problem with recording , the recording file i get is very very choppy
15:05.10*** join/#asterisk eBody (n=ehernand@
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15:05.28eBodyis asterisk using h323 by default??
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15:06.11[TK]D-FendereBody : No, its in a seperate add-ons package
15:06.35PakiPenguin[TK]D-Fender, any idea about the choppy sound
15:06.39jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender Are you coded in VB, ASP, or Java?
15:06.40[TK]D-FendereBody : * comes with support for a lot of different protocols in the base.
15:06.49eBodyreally, what protocol is defaulted??
15:07.14jbalcombeBody: TCP/IP
15:07.36paryl[TK]D-Fender: canreinvite=no was a lifesaver.  thanks mucho
15:08.04eBodyit's not running another voip protocol over tcp/ip?
15:08.38[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : No, I'm coded in self replicating DNA/RNA
15:09.09[TK]D-FendereBody : * can do a LOT of things.  Depends what you want it to do.
15:09.32[TK]D-FendereBody : The most popular VoIP protocol is SIP.
15:10.38[TK]D-FendereBody: Quick lists of what VoIP protocols * can support : SIP, MGCP, SCCP, Unistim, H.323
15:10.50[TK]D-Fenderparyl : ywc
15:11.40jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender Hrmm.. sounds nice and impressive but obviously a bit unstable.
15:11.53eBodyhmm, very interesting. then i'm quessing that SIP is the default
15:12.02jbalcombMGCP stands for MeGaCraP
15:12.03eBodysince i'm able to use these sip softphones.
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15:12.43jbalcombSCCP is silly because people call is skinny but it should be skippy
15:12.56ptinsleyi never have figured that one out
15:13.01*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (
15:13.04[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : No..... I'd never be able to eat PB&J again if they did that...
15:13.04*** join/#asterisk Spy000007 (
15:13.08Bert-does someone ever linked a Asterisk with a Nextone Softswitch ?
15:13.08teknoprepwhat is the name of the main .conf file?
15:13.12teknoprepfor asterisk?
15:13.22fileteknoprep: for what?
15:13.26[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : No such thing as "main"
15:13.30TESTER2So no way to change the ringtone cadence on a fxs module of a tdm400p?
15:13.36teknoprepconfigureing it to allow outbound and inbound phone calls
15:13.39[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : This isn't Apache you know....
15:13.49[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : That can take all sorts of files...
15:14.03*** join/#asterisk iq (
15:14.28teknoprepi need 2 things
15:14.28Zeeekthere is an argument for saying extensions.conf is the "main" file
15:14.37teknoprepa windows dialer for voip connection to the asterisk box
15:14.49teknoprepsorta like a voip software phone for windows
15:14.54filethis is already going down hill
15:14.57teknoprepand a how-to on setup of the conf files
15:14.59ptinsleyteknoprep,  you will spend most of your time in extensions.conf to route calls around and handle them, for setting up connections to the world your time based on what you are doing will be split between zapata.conf, zip.conf and iax.conf
15:15.01Zeeekmost softphones *are* for windows
15:15.13ptinsleyzip.conf = sip.conf
15:15.22Bert-nobody here knows Nextone ???
15:15.59Zeeekteknoprep look at htto=p://
15:16.10filejbot: book?
15:16.12jboti guess book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:16.27[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : Go read .... THE BOOK
15:16.31jbotsomebody said book was a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:16.46Zeeekyou can avoid reading the book though. The answer is 42
15:16.46fileI, I won't worry my life away!
15:16.58[TK]D-Fenderptinsley : iax.conf?  largely irrelevent :)
15:17.09ptinsleyok, I spend time in there at least
15:17.33ptinsleypbx to pbx or voip provider type stuff
15:17.35[TK]D-FenderSIP = the protocol the rest of the world cares about.
15:17.59teknoprepsooo anyone know of a free softphone that works with asterisk?
15:17.59[TK]D-Fenderptinsley : Not saying it doesn't have its merits... just a question of relevence
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15:18.05ptinsleybut yes, I get your point, he will probably not touch it :)
15:18.21Zeeekteknoprep X-Lite IAXPhone SJPhone
15:18.45jbalcombthat book is crap
15:18.49Zeeekteknoprep DIAX
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15:19.46ptinsleythe book != what asterisk actually does in some cases, maybe what it was planned for it to do
15:20.40fileAsterisk changes.
15:20.49Zeeekfor people who know nothing the book is great
15:20.54ptinsleyYes, but some of the things in the book have NEVER been in the source code
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15:21.03filelike what?
15:21.05Zeeekit explains the basics of dialplan which is where you spend the most time
15:21.11ptinsleywell the way timeframes work for example
15:21.22Zeeekbeginners don't care about shit like that
15:21.34ptinsleyZeeek, file asked for an example
15:21.40coppiceptinsley: you do realise it stocked in the fiction section, don't you? :-)
15:22.00*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
15:22.24__undefasterisk with zaphfc and a tor2 card really is a PITA...
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15:23.08ptinsleyi do think the book has merit, don't get me wrong, it has just bitten me in the buttox a couple of times, just a tad bitter :)
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15:23.28coppicethey are doing a new one
15:23.45Daminptinsley: Any book that is published about Open Source products is almost immediately out of date anyway..
15:24.01*** join/#asterisk Beighto (n=chatzill@
15:24.09Daminptinsley: But * TFOT is an excellent reference to the 1.0 Asterisk releaseses...
15:24.12ptinsleyTrue, a book on open source stuff is pretty much a unicorn in most cases
15:24.26heisondoes anyone know of a good Asterisk appliance?
15:24.48Daminptinsley: There are changes between releases, which is why some things are different w/ the current 1.2 code..
15:24.59Daminheison: Switchvox and/or Fonality
15:25.01[TK]D-Fenderheison : Contradiction in terms.
15:25.38coppicemaybe the new book will cover 1.2, now that 1.4 is coming out :-)
15:26.04Damincoppice: Hehehe..
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15:26.45[TK]D-Fendercoppice : Procrastination : The art of keeping up with yesterday.
15:27.18coppiceI thought that was the work of a historian
15:27.38Zeeekone thing about books like that is unlike mainstream books, here you can contact the authors easily and tell them things you think are wrong or that need improvement. However, that book was meant as an into and it answers at least 80% of the questions asked here
15:28.24[TK]D-FenderZeeek : Which is scary because it alreay out there and they jsut aren't reading... it should be far less.
15:28.58Zeeekwell, if people say things like "that book is crap" the newbies are less inclined to get off their asses and read
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15:29.30TheCopsps -aux
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15:29.56Zeeekwhat disappoints me - and this is a general "asterisk community" observation, is that for the last 6 months or so, almost all asterisk channels, mailing lists, irc etc are so negative I have to wonder what' it's all about
15:30.03*** part/#asterisk TESTER2 (
15:30.22coppicedon't most people read when they are on their asses? :-\
15:30.26Zeeekif any of you ever look at -biz, it's become the worst kind of pissing contest
15:30.36CunningPikeZeeek: Really? I haven't picked that up - but I don't read -biz
15:30.36ptinsleyya, it's pretty rough, I have stopped reading it
15:30.43Zeeekcoppice I don't know what we'd do without you :)
15:30.57Zeeekbiz is crap :)
15:31.04filecoppice: have you put a DSP into your toaster yet?
15:31.10Zeeekno kidding, it's hish noise to sig tho
15:31.26coppicefile: not, but lots of muffins
15:31.30CunningPikeZeeek: I find -users good, and this channel is actually heaps better than it was 6 months ago
15:31.32filemmm muffins
15:31.33Zeeekrewrite: no, I'm kidding, but it's high noise-to-signal
15:32.01Zeeekthis place was a dream a couple of years ago
15:32.21*** part/#asterisk sticks (
15:32.30Zeeekmaybe because there weren't 7000 people asking questions that they'd know the answers to if they read a three page web site
15:32.44Zeeekyou want /fart
15:32.45CunningPikeZeeek: Well, take comfort that, as a relative newbie, I don't get the negative vibe.....
15:32.53Zeeekgood, glad to hear it
15:33.00fileI just sort of block it out, except for the occasional good question
15:33.21ptinsleyZeeek, i think the biggest thing is it's hard for beginners to find the right resource off the bat
15:33.37CunningPikeZeeek: Any OSS project goes through this as it attracts more users from the "mainstream"
15:33.49Zeeeksince I don't contribute code, I'm pretty patient with questions (as people were with me) but I won't tolerate someone not going to read at least a wiki page
15:33.59ZeeekCunningPike certainly so
15:34.07ptinsleywhen you first start digging you don't see alot of references to the book, alot of times all it takes is for someone to point out that they should look
15:34.09[TK]D-Fenderptinsley : Which is why we have it printed on a Louisville Slugger named the "ClueBat" with which we shall pummel them good and proper ;)
15:34.28ZeeekI know I needed some newbie info about FreeBSD once and I asked a stupid (but unfindable) question and they were very kind
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15:34.39CunningPikeZeeek: I tend to take a "fool me once' approach - no question's too dumb, but if I give you a link and you don't read it, have a nice day
15:35.06ZeeekI used to have a macro with five great links for beginners
15:35.09ptinsleyi love the "read the archives" answers people give on alot of lists
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15:35.26Zeeekby the way, if some one doesn't know what a dialplan is, they need to read something.
15:35.53ZeeekI used to have a direct link to The Dialplan is the heart of asterisk chapter which is easy to understand
15:36.20Zeeekyeah read the archives when the answer is simple (like 42) is a pisser
15:36.42Zeeekexcept when the asker has been around for two weeks jumping on new innocent people with the same dialplan question
15:36.46[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : Actually... no, plenty of questions are too dumb... means they didn't look ANYWHERE before opening their mouths :)
15:36.49ptinsleyespecially when you are talking about a list that has a bazillion posts per year
15:36.57Zeeekheh - yeah
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15:37.24ZeeekWell asking for help on DISA when you don't know the name is legit, but once someone says "go read about DISA" there is no further excuse
15:37.36Zeeekyou can't guess "DISA"
15:38.04ptinsleyya, not much chance on that one
15:38.19CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: Some people need to be pointed at what to look at - there's a lot of info out there - some of which is bollocks
15:38.38Zeeekthere's also a lot of bollocks out there
15:38.52Zeeek(so few females in the asterisk world)
15:39.07Zeeekso I just came home from Astricon Paris
15:39.43Zeeekwhere all those same questions were answered... in French ;)
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15:41.24Zeeekanother tidbit about looking for info is that, because asterisk is still relatively marginal (i.e., eBay isn't grabbing searches with "Find asterisk on eBay") google works very well
15:41.48Beightosticks: how do you do that generic action "sticks is back"?
15:42.21Beightoyes, that
15:42.23ptinsleyman I hate those spam search sites
15:42.28elgcan anyone clarify why asterisk is not detecting the peer properly based on the SIP INVITE here
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15:42.33Zeeekjoin #irc
15:42.39elgalso there is an INVITE that _does_ detect the peer correctly
15:43.59CunningPikeBeighto: My ircproxy used to do it - until I got flamed for it. It's really annoying, apparently
15:44.46Zeeekthe /me will insert your name at the beginning
15:45.20ZeeekThis tidbit fromt he -biz list support my case: "Honestly, who shit in your cornflakes this morning?"
15:45.40Dr-Linuxhere one of my client needs 12 DID's from a US sip provider.
15:45.47Dr-Linuxhere in pakistan
15:45.57Zeeekgot several choices
15:46.10Zeeekmixnetworks comes to mind
15:46.17*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
15:46.51CunningPikeZeeek: Wow - that's bad
15:46.56Zeeekwhat is?
15:47.03CunningPikeZeeek: -biz
15:47.11Zeeekwell in a nutshell -
15:47.46Zeeeksomeone introduced themselves in an awkward manner and sevean barracudsas startned kgnawing at him immediately
15:48.32Zeeeknow I want to know, since many of the -biz people offer DID and all, shouldn't they be on the support phgones or developing instead of attacking people with poor expression skills ?
15:49.05Zeeekbiz could be an interesting place but I find myself ignoring 99% of the posts
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15:49.36ptinsleyyou know, the shit in cornflakes, not a good visual
15:49.46CunningPikeYa - any list with that low an SNR is a waste of time
15:50.11Zeeekyou also see a lot of ${PROVIDER} is bullshit posts
15:50.41Zeeekfor that matter there are a lot of bullshit posts from ${PROVIDERS} as well ;)
15:50.52Spy000007There's so much shit on -biz because every provider wannabe talks about other providers instead of themselves
15:51.12ptinsleyya, i do like when some of the legit providers will actually get on there and respond to problems and help people
15:51.14Zeeekexactly and they think it makes them look good but the opposite is true, obviously
15:51.17Spy000007No one just posts about what they're selling without shitting on someone else's product
15:51.41Zeeeknot good - this is what I was saying, what I regret now
15:51.54coppiceits called a "product eco-system" :-)
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15:52.18ZeeekI will usually say "I have had good experience with $P" but unless I feel they really screwed me not "They suck"
15:52.19EinsteinTaylorcan someone help me with the right terminology so i can read about something i'm trying to do?
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15:52.27EinsteinTaylorjust not sure what to look under yet
15:52.31Zeeekof course EinsteinTaylor
15:52.34*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
15:52.38wasimEinsteinTaylor: rubber blow up dolls
15:52.42EinsteinTaylorlol :)
15:52.44Zeeekwasim stop it!
15:52.50EinsteinTaylori love it
15:53.31EinsteinTaylori have one working server with an ISDN connection to our PSTN switch...i'm building a second asterisk server and i want the stuff to relay through the first one
15:53.41EinsteinTaylorback and forth to the PSTN
15:53.54CunningPikeEinsteinTaylor: IAX trunking
15:53.56EinsteinTaylorjust not sure what to research
15:54.02wasimEinsteinTaylor: Dial(IAX2/server1)
15:54.03EinsteinTayloreven if it is sip?
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15:54.25DaminHmm.. does anyone have a soundfile of allison saying the name "Ryan"?
15:54.27EinsteinTaylorthe actual phones are sip? but it's an IAX trunk between the two?
15:54.46CunningPikeEinsteinTaylor: Phone -> SIP -> Asterisk2 -> IAX trunk -> Asterisk1 guys...that helps a lot...
15:55.14CunningPikeEinsteinTaylor: We are doing this at our place
15:55.20CunningPikeEinsteinTaylor: Works a treat
15:55.35AltnTabHow to make Read() timeout last longer da a few seconds ?
15:55.40EinsteinTaylorwe have about 1000 customers doing voicemail only on server 1
15:55.41ZeeekEinsteinTaylor there is a short mention of trunking here:
15:55.52AltnTabHow to make Read() timeout last, longer than a few seconds ?
15:55.53EinsteinTaylorso i cant be screwing it up while i test other features on the other
15:56.22EinsteinTayloru guys rock
15:56.23CunningPikeEinsteinTaylor: That's exactly what we use our setup for - our test server trunks to our production one
15:56.58CunningPikeYes, we do
15:57.05EinsteinTaylor:) much thanks
15:57.05Zeeekand we will rock you
15:57.13EinsteinTayloru gotta buy me dinner first
15:57.50Zeeekis anyone here using asterisk as a SOHO pbx?
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15:58.47Spy000007Zeeek: No, that's not what Asterisk is for.
15:59.05Zeeekthat's what I use it for
15:59.07CunningPikeSpy000007: ???
15:59.32ZeeekI was asking so I could steal^H^H^H borrow some ideas
15:59.52userdefinedZeeek: i am (in addition to getting it working at work)
15:59.52Zeeekas a toolkit it is for whatever you want to use it for
16:00.06userdefinedZeeek: but just getting started on all of this, so likely not useful ;-)
16:00.06CunningPikeSpy000007: Lots of people would disagree.....
16:00.12Zeeekuserdefined what neat things have you done that an ordinary pbx can't do?
16:00.16ptinsleySpy000007, that seems like a pretty short sighted statement
16:00.29Zeeekuserdefined OR, what would you LIKE to do that other...
16:00.34Spy000007I'm just kidding... haha
16:01.01ZeeekIIRC, astersik was actually invented for exactly that
16:01.01CunningPike~lart Spy000007
16:01.13Zeeekshit, typo city
16:01.13[TK]D-FenderZeeek : Several of my clients do
16:01.20ptinsleySpy000007, damn irc and it's lack of emotion ;)
16:01.40userdefinedZeeek: i don't have any experience with an 'ordinary pbx' to compare with ... but i'd guess the biggest thing is managing sip.
16:01.42Zeeekso TK, what neat stuff do they do that an ordinary pbx can't?
16:01.57Spy000007Asterisk was invented to prank call radio stations
16:02.03userdefinedafik a normal pbx doesn't do sip ?
16:02.04ZeeekI'll be happy to tell you what we do
16:02.14ZeeekSIP isn't really a thing though
16:02.19[TK]D-FenderZeeek : internal / external Follow-me, SpanDSP faxing.  VM alerts sent to pagers, IVR callbacks.
16:02.25Zeeekit's just a way to word the data
16:02.42mountainm2kPolycom IP301 -- how to totally reset it?  It gives me "Config file is error 0x4020" then reboots
16:02.46ZeeekTK so far I've done all that and yes, that's my answer too
16:02.50CunningPikeZeeek: Last Astricon, there was a chap who had hooked it up to Mister House, to control X10 devices by dialing in, and a whole bunch of other stuff
16:03.15CunningPikemountainm2k: Won't help - you need to fix the error in your config file
16:03.18[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k : sounds like you botched just a basica config file.  Do other phones work?
16:03.27ZeeekCunningPike there is a guy now in Astricon Paris who has a lot of that stuff, even sells the controller cards
16:03.33mountainm2kOnly have the one phone...
16:03.33ptinsleymountainm2k, is it pulling that from a boot server?
16:03.46mountainm2kIt says "Can't find boot server, using previous config"
16:03.52mountainm2keven though the FTP server _is_ there
16:03.54ptinsleyoh ya you did a good one
16:03.57[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k : Ok, then reset your provisioning files to the samples that came with your firmware and start over.
16:04.01mountainm2kand I checked in the bootrom the settings are rihg
16:04.02CunningPikeZeeek: Cool - Ed Guy?
16:04.02Zeeekmountainm2k - disconnect it from the network completely and reboot factory init
16:04.03ptinsleydo you have the PlcmSpIp user/pass setup
16:04.25ZeeekCunningPike no he's a local but same idea - he's a ham radio operator
16:04.33Zeeekas I was a hundred years ago ;)
16:04.34CunningPikeZeeek: As am I
16:04.39mountainm2kas am I
16:04.46wasimwe aren't allowed ham here
16:04.48Zeeekwelll shit boys...
16:04.50CunningPikeZeeek: VA7IRL
16:04.51ZeeekCQ CQ CQ
16:05.01mountainm2kde KB0KZR
16:05.01Zeeekformer W0DBJ
16:05.10mountainm2kat any rate -- how to factory INIT it?
16:05.10Zeeekjoin asterham
16:05.16userdefinedZeeek: my plans are to have * manage calls to/from FWD/iptel/INOC-DBA
16:05.21mountainm2kI pulled the network cable
16:05.27Zeeeklook in the book - I forgot the three keys :)
16:05.35CunningPikemountainm2k: There's a key sequence - it's in the manual
16:05.36mountainm2k4, 6, 8, and *
16:05.41mountainm2kbut that doesn't seem to do it...
16:05.47userdefinedZeeek: additionally, once i switch from vonage to ${something-else} it'll manage PSTN via them
16:05.54Zeeekfirst of all turn it off for like 5 minutes
16:06.11mountainm2kit was unplugged all night
16:06.20*** part/#asterisk smackus (n=smackus@
16:06.31Zeeekuserdefined we have accounts with at least 15 providers and we switch around depending on whether we call cell, LD, inhouse etc
16:06.35ptinsleydefault password is 456
16:06.45Zeeekmountainm2k in Norway that's 5 minutes!
16:07.14Zeeekactually isn't there a function key in the reboot sequence?
16:07.24Zeeeklike 456 MESSAGE ?
16:07.43Zeeekyou're gonna make me open the PDF, right?
16:07.46mountainm2kdunno -- everybody said the Grandstream sucked, which after using this, I agree
16:07.55mountainm2kheh, but I *HAD* to monkey with the provisioning stuff,
16:08.01*** join/#asterisk mafkees (
16:08.05userdefinedZeeek: yep, that sounds pretty similar to my grand scheme also.
16:08.12mafkeesheya all
16:08.22ptinsleyit depends on the polycom model, for just reboot it's volume up + volume down + hold + DND
16:08.31ptinsleybut he needs the admin interface which is 4 + 6 + 8 + *
16:09.07mountainm2kso is there any way to clear the config file without having the application running?
16:09.18mountainm2kbecause the application tries to load the config, and fails, and then it reboots again
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16:09.37ptinsleyi am trying ot remember if you can format the filesystem from the bootrom
16:10.15userdefinedZeeek: of course, if i ever get */SER/LCS working together here in the office i could also use my home * to forward calls to our corp. LCS host via our corp SER/* box (in theory)
16:10.25Zeeekupon further examination is is 4 6 8 * simultaneously
16:10.37userdefinedlike i said, still new, and likely quite naive in my expectations/theories =)
16:10.54userdefineds/naive/however it's really spelled
16:11.11Zeeekuserdefined here's my main use: I can be working at home and watch the calls, make calls and receive calls as if I were in the office
16:11.12mountainm2kI see no way to format the filesystem from the bootrom
16:11.32mountainm2kalso 468* only resets the "basic network config"
16:11.43ZeeekI can also have asterisk call me back free at a phone booth
16:11.58Zeeekmountainm2k the docs says Factory Reset
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16:13.12mountainm2kYeah, "Reset to factory defaults" and the paragraph says "the basic network configuration referred to in the preceeding sections "
16:14.04ptinsleyya the 468* does work from bootrom on a 301 just checked
16:14.04userdefinedZeeek: my wife is pretty psyched about being able to set callerid to "answer me" selectively fwiw ;-)
16:14.39Zeeekcallerid manipulation is a killer asset to asterisk
16:14.49ptinsleybut there are some things you can mess up that that won't fix and I can't remember the way to fix it without the application loading
16:15.29Spy000007haha this voicepulse "support services" is great -- i charge the customer $250 for a simple * setup and just pay voicepulse $99 to do it while i sit here and eat lunch
16:15.31userdefinedi'll likely find it useful when responding to customers from home and not wanting to provide my real phone number/name
16:16.02ptinsleymountainm2k, if that doesn't work, do you have the default config files to put on your ftp server?
16:16.27mafkeesuserdefined: I use my home asterisk like that too
16:17.03mountainm2kNo, I don't...
16:17.12mafkeesit's my home system, but I can login any phone as "agent" and that will make that phone act as extension on work asterisk box
16:17.20mountainm2kI have the file it uploaded
16:17.31ptinsleywell, let me know if that doesn't work and i can get you a copy of the default files
16:17.47mountainm2k...and since I can't download anything from Polycom's site
16:17.50mountainm2kwell, the old stuff I can
16:17.55mafkeestoo bad my iax provider wont let me spoof my callerid to something not billed on my iax user
16:18.49Zeeekchange providers
16:18.50ptinsleyhehe, I have been where you are, but I am a partner now so if you need files i can give them
16:18.53Spy000007mafkees: what provider is that?
16:18.53mountainm2kptinsley: if you could send me the defaults, that'd be cool...  I can see it uploading the boot.log file, so I know it can get to my FTP server
16:19.12mountainm2kOr just the full SIP and bootrom ZIP files
16:19.37mafkeesSpy000007: speakup
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16:21.02mafkeesI now setup a trunk to my work asterisk box, and as soon as my phone at home is logged in as agent on my home box all outgoing calls will be routed via the iax trunk to work box
16:21.08ptinsleymafkees, i'm sure thats a CYA on their part, i use teliax at the house and you can set it to whatever you want if you are looking for another provider, they aren't bad
16:21.49mafkeesit's something on their part yeah
16:21.52Spy000007never heard of them... i know voicepulse connect let's you set whatever you want
16:21.58mafkeesit used to be possible
16:22.01mafkeesbut not anymore
16:22.12mafkeesSpy000007: speakup is a dutch iax provider
16:22.37Spy000007ah, ok, makes sense now
16:24.30mafkeesI'm stuck with a specific queue config
16:24.46*** part/#asterisk elg (
16:24.48mafkeesI dont want to announce holdtime or position to the ppl waiting in the queue
16:24.58mafkeesbut I do want to play a soundfile every 25 seconds
16:25.28mafkeesthe file will tell the ppl in the queue: "please stay on the phone or press 9 to talk to operator"
16:25.52mafkeesso I tried with announce-frequency = 0 and periodic-announce-frequency = 25
16:26.18mafkeesbut on -users they told me I need the announce-frequency to something > 0
16:26.30mafkeesbut that will make the holdtime/pos announcement to appear again
16:26.35mafkeesbut that's not what I want
16:27.17_problem_mafkees: what do u mean by  "but on -users they told me I need the announce-frequency to something > 0"
16:27.25mafkeesmailing list
16:27.30mafkeesI asked on the list first
16:27.35mafkeesbefore going to irc
16:27.42mafkeesat work I'm not allowed to irc
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16:28.08ptinsleymafkees, try setting announce-holdtime = no
16:28.30mafkeesok, and how about the position ?
16:31.23ptinsleyso you can't get it to play the periodic without the position is what you are saying?
16:32.19ptinsleyhmm, i have position turned on in all of my configs i think, i am not sure I have tried that setup
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16:39.47variable_officewhat are some good incoming voip services that play nice with asterisk, voicepulses' $12/month for the number seems high
16:40.00Zeeekit is high
16:40.18variable_officeZeeek what do you use/like?
16:40.21Spy000007it includes 4 channels and no per minute, but if you don't need it that much, you can probably get something cheaper
16:40.40Zeeektrue it covers the channel issue that others do not
16:41.07*** join/#asterisk Waverly360 (n=mirc@
16:41.23Waverly360Good morning!
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16:41.43variable_officeZeeek does that mean up to four people could be talking off you number at once on the incoming?
16:42.35Waverly360CunningPike: Are you around today? :)
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16:42.53CunningPikeWaverly360: Yes :)
16:43.01rainkidso... what are some tricks i can use to minimize delay at the asterisk and ATA level?
16:43.09Waverly360CunningPike: Mind if I pick your brain about queues some more? :)
16:43.19CunningPikeWaverly360: Sure  :D
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16:44.18variable_officeZeeek what do you use for incoming?
16:44.22Waverly360CunningPike: Is it possible to set up agents to be automatically logged into a queue?  I don't want them to ever have to actually log in.
16:45.13CunningPikeWaverly360: Certainly - just add their SIP UAs as queue members. In queues.conf, you can have member => SIP/whatever
16:46.08*** part/#asterisk krisguy (
16:46.16CunningPikeWaverly360: But you will want your agents to logon and off - otherwise calls will get presented to agents who aren't there, especially with roundrobin
16:46.46Waverly360CunningPike: Well, this is a special case.
16:47.02Waverly360CunningPike: This queue will always be ringall.
16:47.17CunningPikeWaverly360: Then member => will do it for you
16:47.36Waverly360CunningPike: Awesome.  I'm gonna play around with that for a bit.
16:48.53*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
16:49.14CunningPikeWaverly360: What we do is set up our queue so that if an agent calls the queue from their appearance of the queue on their phones (the linekey/registration that queue calls are sent to), it calls AddQueueMember for that registration
16:49.55kay2what's the way to convert a .ulaw or .alaw into .wav ?
16:50.02kay2is there something doing that ?
16:50.03tRSSif I want to send a URL to an agent, I just simply put it in the Dial application. e.g. exten => 81XX,1Dial(SIP/user1,tT, , correct?
16:50.12CunningPikeWaverly360: We don't actually use agents at all - you really only need agents if you want people to use different phones
16:50.17Waverly360kay2: Look into a program called sox in linux.
16:50.31CunningPikekay2: You can use sox - there's a good page on the wiki about it
16:50.43ptinsleyjust don't install the rpm if you want mp3 support hehe
16:50.53*** join/#asterisk gromm{CA} (
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16:52.21smackuswhat is every ones preference for softphone on linux?
16:52.28smackusI have tried xlite.
16:52.30smackusnot bad
16:52.42ptinsleykay2, sox with mp3 support is a good way to get around mp3 music on hold issues, just convert everything to gsm
16:52.49*** join/#asterisk prodigy7 (
16:53.27Bullseye_Networksmackus: We use sjphone
16:54.08CunningPikesmackus: SJPhone is my favorite
16:54.18tRSSwasim: i am in Lahore ;)
16:54.20smackuswhy is that?
16:54.25mafkeesanyone here has a musiconhold file that plays ringing sound ?
16:54.40wasimtRSS: woo hoo ;)
16:54.56*** join/#asterisk nortex (
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16:55.01Bullseye_Networksmackus: We have 90+ Linux machines here running sjphone at our call centers. The quality is good and easy to seup and use
16:55.02prodigy7i try to get asterisk work as voicebox for an sip number but the asterisk server doesn't answere calls ... i've one message which arrives on calls where i think, that this message shouldn't be ok -> chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - OPTIONS (No RTP)
16:55.06ptinsleymafkees, you have a pbx that won't ring?
16:55.19tRSSwasim: infact, i am at the empress road, right opposite the US Embassy/Consulate/whatever it is
16:55.25nortex[TK]D-Fender, Do you have a minute to answer a PRI question
16:55.28prodigy7someone an idea what could be wrong? i think, i've done all neccessary portforwardings on my router...
16:55.50TheCopsnortex I think he is not online right now
16:55.56prodigy7and nat is enabled and type is peer
16:55.58mafkeesptinsley: I have, but with the help of _problem_ I found out announcement in queues wont work if you call it like this: Queue(name|tr)
16:56.05CunningPikenortex: Speak your question anyway
16:56.15mafkeesptinsley: I want ringing sound on the waiting ppl
16:56.20mafkeesno fancy music
16:56.26SplasPoodis 1.4 beta currently available, or where can I check out the latest tree headed towards 1.4
16:56.35ptinsleyi have a couple that won't ring anywhere except calling through queues but music on hold works fine
16:56.37mafkeesso I provided the r flag to the Queue command
16:56.41gromm{CA}I have a digium TE110P T1 card that appears to be functional, but it doesn't detect the T1 signal. Is there any diagnostic stuff I don't know that could help me get this working?
16:56.46CunningPikeSplasPood: SVN trunk?
16:56.52kay2CunningPike: Is there any soft for Playing .ulaw ?
16:56.54ptinsleyjust dead air
16:57.05mountainm2kThanks ptinsley, the phone actually works now again, lol
16:57.08*** join/#asterisk iDunno (
16:57.12nortexI'm having problems with long distance calling over PRI, I'm being told I need to switch the numbering from E.164 to unknown. How do I do that?
16:57.14ptinsleyawesome, glad i could help
16:57.24SplasPoodCunningPike: So the latest TRUNK is what's going into 1.4?
16:57.26ptinsleythe polycom's are tricky but after you get them down, they are great
16:57.49mafkeesmusiconhold works great here too
16:57.53mafkeesbut I dont want music
16:57.54CunningPikeSplasPood: #asterisk-dev would provide better details, but in general terms, yes
16:57.58mafkeesI want ringing sound ;)
16:58.09mafkeesbut without musiconhold the queue announcements wont wokr
16:58.16RoyKSplasPood: yes
16:58.19prodigy7have maybe someone an working asterisk configuration for 1&1 behind an firewall ?
16:58.23CunningPikegromm{CA}: Do you have any PRI debug output?
16:58.29Waverly360heh..dirty trick...just use a recording of ringing as your moh file... ;)
16:58.38SplasPoodRoyK: Where does all the development for stuff that'll be post 1.4 release end up then?
16:58.40RoyKSplasPood: trunk is to be 1.4 beta and then 1.4
16:58.42gromm{CA}CunningPike: besides 'pri show span 1' in asterisk?
16:58.47mafkeesWaverly360: hehehehe
16:58.51CunningPikekay2: You mean outside of asterisk - just generally?
16:58.58*** join/#asterisk _GiGi_ (
16:59.03RoyKSplasPood: on mantis. what sort of stuff are you talking about?
16:59.05CunningPikegromm{CA}: No - just that - does it show anything?
16:59.11mafkeesWaverly360: I was hoping someone had that soundfile for me
16:59.13gromm{CA}CunningPike: Yup.
16:59.19kay2CunningPike: yeahg
16:59.21CunningPikepastebin it
16:59.22kay2CunningPike: outside
16:59.26wunderkinnortex, /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf pridialplan=unknown, prilocaldialplan=unknown
16:59.31SplasPoodRoyK: I dunno, whatever anyone was working on..  I thought there'd be a branch for 1.4 and trunk would be "unstable"
16:59.31CunningPikegromm{CA}: Pastebin it
16:59.34jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
16:59.52CunningPikekay2: What OS?
16:59.56RoyKSplasPood: email the -dev list about it. it's a good question
17:00.00kay2CunningPike: windows
17:00.11gromm{CA}CunningPike: working on it. :)
17:00.14_GiGi_im trying to run hylafax with sangoma A104 but i cant find any solutions how it make, someone can help me ? :)
17:00.15mountainm2kptinsley: after all that, it still has the SIP info -- where the heck did it get that?!?!?
17:00.20RoyKkay2: running asterisk on windoze?
17:00.22CunningPikekay2: Oh - no idea - don't use it, sorry
17:00.23SplasPoodRoyK: what, to ask why there isn'a a branch for 1.4 beta yet?
17:00.25RoyK_GiGi_: why hylafax?
17:00.27kay2RoyK: NO
17:00.32_GiGi_RoyK: why not ? :>
17:00.37kay2CunningPike: linux then
17:00.54Waverly360mafkees: Well..I'm sure someone does, but that's a really dirty hack.  There's got to be some way to make it work like it should.  We're having a similar problem here.
17:00.56gromm{CA}dammit. Pastebin is fuxxored.
17:01.01_GiGi_RoyK: give me best solution for faxserver :)
17:01.10Waverly360mafkees: It's just not important enough to focus on now..have other issues that take priority.
17:01.23RoyKSplasPood: yeah, or ask _why_ there isn't an 1.4 branch yet, since I agree with you that trunk should be trunk as soon as 1.4 is feature frozen
17:01.34RoyK_GiGi_: spandsp+app_rxfax+app_txfax
17:01.44jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
17:02.00mafkeesWaverly360: I know, but this customer is getting on my nerves ;)
17:02.22kay2CunningPike: under linux, you know anytything ?
17:02.24_GiGi_RoyK: i have it now, 30% faxes get badrows
17:02.31Waverly360mafkees: Hah..I know that feeling ;).  Wish I could help more.  If we figure ours out, I'll let ya know :)
17:02.37RoyK_GiGi_: we use spandsp with sangoma and te410p cards and what not, and it works like a dream
17:02.38kay2CunningPike; that could read this .ulaw properly
17:02.39CunningPikekay2: Not really - I'm a Mac user :D
17:02.41s0lidi have an x100p
17:02.45mafkeesWaverly360: please
17:02.47RoyK_GiGi_: what spandsp version?
17:02.48gromm{CA}CunningPike: keep in mind, that it's not hooked up to the T1.
17:02.52*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
17:02.58kay2CunningPike: OK , under mac then
17:03.00s0lidi have an x100p how do i config it for incoming calls?
17:03.07gromm{CA}Unfortunately they're rather expensive and we've only got 1. :)
17:03.11RoyKs0lid: rtfm :)
17:03.15jbotdocs is, like, probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
17:03.22mafkeesWaverly360: Queue(name|t) works
17:03.23_GiGi_RoyK: (i got ~20faxes per second - active 20 channels)
17:03.33RoyK20 faxes perr
17:03.37mafkeesQueue(name|tr) works too, but wont play the announcements
17:03.38kay2Waverly360: what u trying to do
17:03.38RoyKhow is system load?
17:03.42RoyKcpu load
17:03.59kay2Waverly360: I might be able to help
17:04.03_GiGi_RoyK: 20 active channels everytime
17:04.07Hmmhesayswhat does res_crypto do in asterisk?
17:04.10RoyK_GiGi_: might be a load problem
17:04.14s0lidRoyK: can you give me one since you are so good
17:04.15*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
17:04.17RoyK_GiGi_: what is the system load?
17:04.28_GiGi_not 20 connection per sec :D
17:04.31*** join/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
17:04.34_GiGi_load ~1
17:04.38Waverly360kay2: I'm working on some queue stuff now..but CunningPike answered my question earlier.  Also having some issues with the phone's ringing in the handset when you try to call someone within the office.
17:04.50_GiGi_RoyK: but on iaxmodem and hylafax it works fine...
17:04.52RoyKs0lid: please, the docs are really good, and asking for 'how do I write an operating system' in #kernelnewbies is not a welcoming question
17:04.53Waverly360kay2: mafkees is having a similar problem.
17:05.00ptinsleyya I would buy somebody a pizza if they can figure out why asterisk doesn't ring on some installs
17:05.01_GiGi_but iaxmodem crashes in high load...
17:05.16RoyKi don't use iaxmodem....
17:05.17s0lidRoyK: ok god of asterisk
17:05.40mafkeesptinsley: all voip channels ?
17:05.44kay2Waverly360: well it's normal
17:05.49mafkeesor pri/bri/landlines too ?
17:05.50kay2Waverly360: I patched mine for that
17:05.57RoyKs0lid: not meaning to be rude, but please read some docs before asking. there's a really good book from o'reilly as well if you find the docs hard reading
17:06.08_GiGi_RoyK: uhm, but when i connect it to hylafax i got ~2-3% bad faxes.
17:06.08kay2Waverly360: because when it checks the status, it alows you to send the INVITE if you are In Use
17:06.20_GiGi_RoyK: but sometimes iaxmodem crash :)
17:06.23kay2mafkees ?
17:06.27RoyK_GiGi_: why iaxmodem?
17:06.31CunningPikegromm{CA}: Well, your PRI is down (I'm sure you knew that already :D) - you can't really do much until it's up. You'll need to work with your telco to that the signalling etc correct
17:06.32*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
17:06.43Waverly360kay2: Wait..I'm not sure I understand.
17:06.46CunningPikegromm{CA}: What is the PRI connected to
17:06.54kay2Waverly360: have a look in trunk
17:06.56RoyK_GiGi_: i don't know, really, we have quite a bit of a load on this system, 99% voice calls, though, but a fax here and there
17:06.57mafkeesyes kay?
17:07.05RoyK_GiGi_: just app_rxfax, though
17:07.10kay2mafkees: what's your problem with queue
17:07.12CunningPikekay2: I like Sound Studio
17:07.13*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
17:07.18Dr-Linuxhi all
17:07.28gromm{CA}CunningPike: Actually, we have been. We've also got another asterisk box connected to that T1, and we're using the same settings on the new box as the old box.
17:07.39mafkeeskay2: announcements wont play if I use the r option in the Queue() call
17:07.42AltnTabHow can i make Read() timeout last longer ?!
17:07.57RoyKAltnTab: show function TIMEOUT
17:07.59mafkeeskay2: I dont want musiconhold, I want it to provide ringing sound
17:08.02kay2mafkees: all the rest will
17:08.03_GiGi_RoyK: i have dedicated box for it.
17:08.05CunningPikegromm{CA}: The same PRI? :S
17:08.06gromm{CA}CunningPike: We're starting to think that there's something wrong with the TE110P, since we did get it at a bargain price. :)
17:08.12Dr-Linuxone of my client in pakistan needs 12 numbers, so what's the prices for a US DID from a sip provider?
17:08.18mafkeeskay2: I know, but still it's weird
17:08.19RoyK_GiGi_: but just using app_rxfax?
17:08.24gromm{CA}CunningPike: yup. We have to switch between the two. This is supposed to be an upgrade.
17:08.28mafkeesnone of the docs say the r option will kill announcements
17:08.33_GiGi_RoyK: rx and tx.
17:08.36kay2mafkees: have a look at what's going on on the rtp part
17:08.45Hmmhesaysanyone know what res_crypto does?
17:08.54CunningPikegromm{CA}: Ah, so you unplug the PRI from one server and plug it into the other?
17:09.03mafkeesHmmhesays: It's for the keys you can use for md5 auth
17:09.05kay2Hmmhesays: look into it
17:09.06gromm{CA}CunningPike: yes.
17:09.14Hmmhesaysso I don't necessarily need it
17:09.37kay2mafkees: what is it for at the end ?
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17:09.41kay2mafkees: a call center ?
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17:09.49mafkeeskay2: no, queue per phone
17:09.52Waverly360kay2: Are we talking about the same problem?  I'm curious about why I don't hear ringing in my handset when I'm calling someone else in the office.  If I call an external number it rings fine.
17:10.03gromm{CA}CunningPike: It's also worth noting that when we load the kernel module for the card, sometimes it gives me some odd irq errors "wrote xx but read yy".
17:10.13CunningPikegromm{CA}: And you're absolutely positively sure that the zaptel and zapata.conf are the same - what hardware is in the older server?
17:10.19kay2Waverly360: You are talking about app_queue ?
17:10.45mafkeeskay2: customer has operator. This operator transfers calls to extensions, and wants to be able to put several callers in line for a phone
17:10.49Waverly360kay2: I'm talking about a simple call from one phone to another.  not involving queues.
17:10.49CunningPikegromm{CA}: Hmmm - sounds like an IRQ conflict. What does cat /proc/interrupts say?
17:10.56mafkeeskay2: so I created a queue for every extension
17:11.31gromm{CA}CunningPike: we have a quad pri card in it... a TE405P
17:11.40kay2Waverly360: are you sure you didnt do a answer before or something like this ?
17:11.47kay2cuz what u saying is weird
17:11.52mafkeeskay2: and while ppl are waiting for the phone to become available, they should hear normal ringing sound
17:12.04CunningPikegromm{CA}: Can you pastebin the zapata and zaptel files from _both_ servers>
17:12.05mafkeeskay2: and some commercial every 25 seconds
17:12.27Dr-LinuxCunningPike: hi
17:12.36CunningPikegromm{CA}: And the output from cat /proc/interrupts on the newer server
17:12.39kay2mafkees: what happens when you call from one phone to an other one
17:12.41gromm{CA}CunningPike: okay, will do. I'll include the /proc/interrupts output too
17:12.48CunningPikegromm{CA}: Perfect
17:12.58CunningPikeDr-Linux: Good morning to you
17:13.15kay2hold on, rebooting
17:13.17Dr-LinuxCunningPike: good moring to you, but good night to me
17:13.29mafkeeskay2: ringing sound
17:13.32CunningPikeDr-Linux: Ah yes
17:13.47mafkeeskay2: it's only an issue with the queue command
17:13.57*** join/#asterisk tdi (
17:14.02tdis it possible to use hylafax with sangoma a104?
17:14.57Dr-LinuxCunningPike: one of my client is starting new call center in pakistan, he will have 12 users inbound/outbound, so he will need 12 US and UK SIP DID's,
17:15.10*** join/#asterisk flujan (
17:15.13Dr-LinuxCunningPike: he wants me to configure his setup.
17:15.26Dr-LinuxCunningPike: so what's the price for DID's?
17:15.28flujandlynes_home, are you here?
17:15.51CunningPikeDr-Linux: I have no idea - we haven't really looked at SIP termination
17:16.05flujanguys, i trying to configure asterisk to make calls...
17:16.16CunningPikeflujan: Aren't we all? :)
17:16.21Dr-LinuxCunningPike: not sure how can guide me with this
17:16.32tdii want to use 4xE1 sangoma in such way, that i do not have to use iaxmodem, chan_fax or rxfax
17:16.36Hmmhesaysheh this acutually build for mipsel
17:16.46flujanCunningPike, just to make sure... last time i enter here dlynes_home just leave to install a new server. :P
17:16.49CunningPikeDr-Linux: Didn't someone suggest mixnetworks earlier - I saw them at Astricon and was impressed
17:17.08flujanwell, I will describe the problem again. :P
17:17.10*** join/#asterisk pdt-mobile (n=ptinsley@
17:17.19Dr-LinuxCunningPike: what's there site?
17:17.19flujanfirst, i configure asterisk to work with a ISDN/PRI
17:17.55CunningPikeDr-Linux: - GIYF
17:18.11gromm{CA}CunningPike: Hmm... in /proc/interrupts, it seems to be sharing the IRQ... there's more than one device on that irq.
17:18.13jbotit has been said that google is a search engine found at
17:18.37CunningPikegromm{CA}: Ah - that can cause issues - what's it sharing with?
17:19.07CunningPikegromm{CA}: Although usually they are timing issues, rather than not being able to get a PRI p
17:19.16CunningPikes/ p/up/
17:19.48gromm{CA}CunningPike: see for yourself:
17:20.03nortexWhen using E.164 and sending the caller id number to the telco how should my number beformated?
17:20.21wunderkinnortex, just set it to unknown..
17:20.26gromm{CA}good god, jbot does regexes too eh?
17:20.38mafkeesnortex: countycode + number
17:20.43flujan here goes what I have to make a call.
17:20.47CunningPikegromm{CA}: Do you need USB on your server?
17:20.51pdt-mobileso has anyone here had a non ringing pbx problem that they have fixed.  Sip to Sip don't ring and Sip to PSTN doesn't ring till the pbx downstream creates one
17:20.58gromm{CA}CunningPike: probably not.
17:20.58pdt-mobilebut for some reason queues can make ring
17:21.00mafkeesnortex: full international format without the digits you have to use to get international line
17:21.03flujanlater, I cannot make other calls... I got this error:
17:21.20CunningPikegromm{CA}: Disable it then - it's bad to have it sharing an IRQ with your card
17:21.20mafkeespdt-mobile: yeah
17:21.29mafkeespdt-mobile: add the r flag to the dial command
17:21.33pdt-mobileit's there
17:21.35gromm{CA}CunningPike: okay, I'll give that a try.
17:21.35pdt-mobilemakes no difference
17:22.08CunningPikeflujan: Your PRI isn't working properly
17:22.08CunningPikeflujan: No D-Channel
17:22.12pdt-mobileif i replace it with m, i get music on hold
17:22.13Dr-LinuxCunningPike:  i can't see there DID's price
17:22.16pdt-mobileso that part works
17:22.21nortexmafkees, So for US longdistance 10 digits should work?
17:22.30CunningPikeflujan: What does 'pri show span 1' say?
17:22.37flujanCunningPike, but this is a problem of my configuration?
17:22.43mafkeesnortex: I dont know how usa numbers are formatted
17:22.50CunningPikeflujan: Don't know yet
17:22.50mafkees<--- from the netherlands
17:22.56mafkeespdt-mobile: weird
17:22.58userdefinedheh. a week of playing and *now* i discover the 'asterisk handbook' =)
17:23.07nortexmafkees, No prob
17:23.50wunderkinnortex, yes, 1NXXNXXX
17:24.17gromm{CA}userdefined: Heh. That's okay, we were running a live asterisk server for about a year before the O'Reilly book came out. :)
17:24.35CunningPikeflujan: Your PRI is down - have you contacted your telco?
17:24.38gromm{CA}Mmm. Life on the bleeding edge.
17:24.50pdt-mobilemafkees: Dial(SIP/306,20,rt) but no ring when that goes through... i have seen some references to it on the mailing lists and other places but no resolutions
17:24.55CunningPikeDr-Linux: Well, I can - look under Services.......
17:25.09gromm{CA}CunningPike: so disable USB. Any other recommendations?
17:25.54mafkeespdt-mobile: did you fiddle around with indications.conf ?
17:27.12pdt-mobilewe have a ban on files that start with i
17:27.16CunningPikegromm{CA}: Your card is on an IRQ by itself now?
17:27.17flujanCunningPike, but I have a gren light in zap show status
17:27.32*** join/#asterisk justinu (
17:27.33gromm{CA}CunningPike: I'll see what I can do. It's down at the datacenter right now. :)
17:27.42flujanCunningPike, no alarms...
17:27.43mafkeespdt-mobile: smart move
17:27.47CunningPikegromm{CA}: OK
17:28.06CunningPikeflujan: You call progression says otherwise - what does 'pri show span 1' say?
17:28.07*** join/#asterisk m4rkl4r (
17:28.11mafkeeshow can I record the ringing sound with asterisk ?
17:28.16AltnTabI've Set(TIMEOUT(response)=30), but still 5 seconds at max of timeout ... !?
17:28.34NormSteelinstalling a new copy of asterisk should i go w/ the asterisk-1.2?
17:28.40gromm{CA}CunningPike: one of the other odd things I've noticed is that zttool says "Alarms: Ok", even when it's not plugged into the PRI. :/
17:29.18CunningPikegromm{CA}: That is odd - no errors in dmesg or ztcfg?
17:29.46CunningPikeflujan: "Status: Provisioned, Down, Active" - don't know how else to say it
17:29.51wasimtRSS: isn't empress market in karachi?
17:30.20wasimor did they build one in her favour here too?
17:30.21*** part/#asterisk _alex_mx_ (n=_alex_mx@
17:30.30*** join/#asterisk avpatel (
17:30.32CunningPikeflujan: Have you spoken to your telco?
17:30.32justinuwasim lives
17:31.13gromm{CA}CunningPike: "wcte11xp: Unknown parameter `override'", that's it. Otherwise, it says "Found a Wildcard: Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1" and "TE110P: Span configured for ESF/B8ZS", and that's generally a good thing.
17:31.24avpatelany pointer to add support for T.38 passthrough in ooh323c
17:31.50flujanCunningPike, could it be a problem in my zaptel.conf or zapata.conf?
17:31.52mafkeesavpatel: check the history in the sip channel
17:32.15CunningPikegromm{CA}: I'd suspect the card at this stage.........
17:32.15pdt-mobilemafkees: well... it would seem our ban on files that start with i screwed us
17:32.16mafkeesavpatel: I think there's even a branch in svn for the t.38 stuff in the sip stack
17:32.16pdt-mobileit works now
17:32.28gromm{CA}CunningPike: So are we. :)
17:32.33pdt-mobilemafkees: where do you live, I am going to make good on my free pizza offer
17:32.37CunningPikegromm{CA}: :)
17:32.40*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
17:32.41gromm{CA}CunningPike: we're going to try the irq thing first ,and then give up. :)
17:32.45avpatelmafkees: looks to much complicated, that's the only chance
17:32.45mafkeespdt-mobile: The Netherlands
17:32.50CunningPikegromm{CA}: Where in CA are you?
17:33.00gromm{CA}CunningPike: Vancouver
17:33.03pdt-mobiledo you have pizza places that take mastercard or visa?
17:33.08pdt-mobilei'll totally send you a pizza
17:33.13pdt-mobilethat has been bugging me for WEEKS
17:33.31CunningPikeflujan: Yes - it could be. But we'll never know until you talk to your telco, confirm that the PRI is up and confirm your signalling etc.
17:33.54CunningPikegromm{CA}: Get out! Me too
17:33.59mafkeespdt-mobile: ehm, not that I know
17:34.00tdirussellb: can i priv?
17:34.04pdt-mobileoh well
17:34.08gromm{CA}CunningPike: heh
17:34.13mafkeesnever mind dude
17:34.15russellbtdi: no
17:34.17mafkeesglad I could help
17:34.20wasimpdt-mobile: a pizza hut here does
17:34.33flujanCunningPike, ok. I will talk with then... thanks... now I go home to watch Brazil vs. Japan... Actually, I'm from Brazil. :P
17:34.39*** join/#asterisk dan42 (
17:34.49pdt-mobilemafkees: now I just need to find you a ringing file, what style ring do you need?
17:35.00CunningPikeflujan: Well, good luck with both :) Should be about 10-0 to Brazil
17:35.02tdirussellb: can i know the ban reason?
17:35.04mafkeespdt-mobile: just the normal ringing
17:35.11*** join/#asterisk paolob (
17:35.22mafkeesthe one you get with dial(SIP/400,20,tr)
17:35.55mafkeesI need it in asterisk native moh or mp3
17:36.07mafkeesas long as I can use it in MOH for a queue :)
17:36.53*** join/#asterisk eBody (n=ehernand@
17:37.25eBodywhat mod do i need, if at all, for sms text messaging??
17:37.38mafkeeslook at SMS
17:38.07flujanCunningPike, maybe... ;) thanks for the help
17:38.11flujanCunningPike, see you.
17:39.05*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (n=tsurko@
17:41.31[TK]D-Fendermafkees : There is a queue option for ringing instead of MoH
17:41.59[TK]D-Fendermafkees : However callers would typically find it annoying
17:42.05*** join/#asterisk burizaa (
17:42.06mafkees[TK]D-Fender: yes, but that kills announcements
17:43.22smackushelp!! my system crashed... I get this error when running asterisk -c
17:43.23smackus[root@asterisk ~]# Warning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
17:43.23smackusOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
17:43.28[TK]D-Fendermafkees : Does it?  Oh well.... incessant ringing it is...
17:43.49[TK]D-Fendersmackus : I'm betting a zaptel interface didn't come up
17:44.05smackusok... where should I start looking?
17:44.27mafkees[TK]D-Fender: it's not my call. The customer wants ringing sound
17:44.33tzafrir_GiGi_, you had some questions about something with Asterisk? this may be the channel to ask them. (BTW: don't expect me to have the knowledge to answer...)
17:44.38mafkeesso I did Queue(name|r)
17:44.50mafkeesbut the moment you do that, all announcements stop to work
17:45.00_GiGi_tzafrir: im ask here, but i didnt get answer :/
17:45.03mafkeesso now I'm looking for a MOH file that plays the ringing sound ;)
17:45.03smackushere is my entire output:
17:45.27[TK]D-Fendermmmm KINKY
17:46.04smackusok, now I have this:
17:46.05smackus[root@asterisk ~]# Warning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
17:46.05smackusOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
17:46.06smackusJunk at the beginning 49443303
17:46.06smackusWarning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
17:46.49justinusmackus: asterisk -vvvvc to see where it died
17:46.53*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:47.16fileoej: say it ain't so!
17:47.37*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
17:47.54Zodiacalanyone know if theres a way to switch lines on an analog phone? fxs?
17:48.08Zodiacallike to answer an incoming call
17:48.13justinuflash button
17:48.20*** join/#asterisk rollergrrl (
17:48.33Zodiacaljustinu, coolness.. will that switch back to previous lines too?
17:48.50justinuyeah, i guess you never used call waiting on POTS line?
17:48.52Strom_Cbah, flash button.  real men flash the hookswitch
17:49.07Zodiacaljustinu not in many years
17:49.07tzafrir_GiGi_, I see that you were answered. Maybe ask again, and be a bit more specific.
17:49.08justinusmackus: this is the problem:
17:49.09justinu []Jun 22 11:47:03 WARNING[4345]: loader.c:728 __load_resource: missing mod_data for Segmentation fault
17:49.18smackusbut it is latin to me....
17:49.23smackuswhat do I need to fix?
17:49.31justinudon't use
17:49.41smackushow do I not use it...
17:49.54_GiGi_tzafrir: ok i ask after hour :) im ask on hylafax list and im waiting for answer :)
17:49.54[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : Real men use "immediate=yes" and have a hot chick patch the call with 1/4" phono plugs :D
17:49.55smackussome one else must have turned it on.
17:50.03justinudelete the file in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules?
17:50.10*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
17:50.52*** part/#asterisk burizaa (
17:51.34userdefinedjustinu: i believe it'd be better to add 'noload =>' to your modules.conf'
17:51.48userdefinedbut i'm a noob and could be wrong
17:52.15justinueither way
17:52.40justinui figured rm would be easier for him
17:52.57twisted[asteria]why does people talk to me when i'm not here?
17:53.00*** part/#asterisk paolob (
17:53.05mafkeeslol twisted[asteria]
17:53.13mafkeesthey must be in love with you
17:54.27userdefinedjustinu: heh. i misread the lines and thought you were the one asking ;-)
17:54.51smackusok, so now what does this mean?
17:54.53smackusJun 22 11:53:01 WARNING[5470]: manager.c:2457 init_manager: Unable to bind socket: Address already in use
17:55.03twisted[asteria]it tells you exactly what it means
17:55.28justinuyeah, something is already using that port
17:56.21Spy000007hmm, i need to setup a call in number connected to my sirius satellite radio that includes changing channels...
17:57.22justinusounds illegal to me :P
17:57.25smackusok, so adding the line   noload => did not fix it.
17:57.39Spy000007for me, not for you :P
17:57.59justinuaiding and abetting?
17:58.28Spy000007spys have immunity from such things
17:59.23Spy000007I think half the stuff being done in this channel is illegal. haha
18:00.02justinui don't think that's true
18:00.27*** join/#asterisk burizaa (
18:00.43burizaahi all, quick qn, what does "Unmonitored
18:00.49burizaamean under SIP show peers ?
18:01.00justinumeans you don't have a qualify configured for that peer
18:01.37burizaaand what does insecure settings for ?
18:01.44mafkeeshi oej
18:01.46justinuthat has to do with SIP authentication
18:01.56burizaathnx justinu
18:03.00tRSSmy res_odbc.conf is unable to connect. how can i check if I have the odbc drivers installed. i am using FC4
18:03.13burizaai put qualify=yes but then the status become unknown... any idea?
18:03.30mafkeesit means the phone is not registered yet
18:03.51burizaamafkees, i'm creating a peer trunk
18:04.21*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
18:05.01smackusok, suddenly i get the error Jun 22 12:02:57 ERROR[4335]: chan_zap.c:10702 setup_zap: Unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe'
18:05.06[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Peer trunks would not be "dynamic".
18:05.10justinui know that
18:05.11*** join/#asterisk MatsK (i=MatsK@
18:05.11smackusi have always set it to pri_cpe
18:05.35*** join/#asterisk naturalblue (n=Administ@
18:05.42[TK]D-Fenderburizaa : Rather than dropping little breadcrumbs like you've been doing, pastebi the config as you're using it now.
18:05.49jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
18:05.49burizaajustinu: i put the ip .. host=
18:06.18justinuburizaa: not sure why you'd get "unknown" in that situation
18:07.38*** join/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
18:08.23[TK]D-Fenderburizaa : ALL OF IT
18:08.42[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : That context name is a huge tip-off though...
18:08.43burizaa[TK]D-Fender: i'm using freepbx :(
18:08.50[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : SEE....
18:09.13[TK]D-Fenderburizaa : And the next "commit" you do blows everything we suggest to you away
18:09.38[TK]D-Fenderburizaa : Past it ALL anyways...
18:09.55Strom_Cfor estimating call traffic, is there a standard rough estimate of how many local and long distance minutes the average five-person office will use in a given month?
18:10.06mogStrom_C, you have the coolest junk
18:10.12Strom_Cdo I?
18:10.19Strom_Cooooh :)
18:10.23mafkeesStrom_C: get the last several bills from the current telco
18:10.29*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
18:10.35Strom_Cmafkees: this isn't for any clients I have already
18:10.48Strom_Cthese are hypothetical clients
18:10.51Dr-Linuxquestion, is it for 1 SIP DID price?
18:10.53burizaa[TK]D-Fender: what should i do?
18:11.06[TK]D-Fenderburizaa : .... are you not listening?
18:11.15mafkeesStrom_C: ask bills to your current customers ;)
18:11.25*** join/#asterisk kSquared (
18:11.37burizaa[TK]D-Fender: yes, i'm listeing... sorry for my bad english
18:11.37Strom_Cthat's not what I'm asking
18:11.45[TK]D-Fenderburizaa : Pastbin your ENTIRE peer entry
18:11.47kSquaredis there a way to play a sound from the Asterisk CLI?
18:11.55[TK]D-Fenderburizaa : ALL OF IT.
18:11.59mafkeesStrom_C: I dont think there is any golden rule
18:12.16mafkeesit really depends on the size of the company, field they play in etc etc
18:12.27Strom_Cof course there is no golden rule, but there is surely some sort of rough estimate based on type of industry
18:12.39Strom_Ci.e. the average real estate office will make x calls of x duration in a given month
18:12.50mafkeesI dont keep records
18:12.58mafkeesbecause we call for free :)
18:13.09mafkees<--- working in a 5 ppl ict company
18:13.23justinuwhat's a free Mac OS irc client?
18:13.33mafkeesjustinu: xchat
18:13.48Dr-Linuxanybody knows SIP DID's price/mnt ?
18:13.54mafkeesjustinu: type: /version mafkees
18:15.51burizaathats all i got on my PEER
18:16.11Dr-Linuxany sip provider around?
18:16.26Dr-Linuxwho sell US/UK DID's
18:17.58Spy000007voicepulse is the only one i see in this channel under an official name, there might be others, try sending a /msg    or just look on the wiki under the "Cheapest Services and ATAs" page
18:18.13Spy000007there's a section for "DIDs"
18:19.03[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux :  1/3rd the way down the page is a GIANT FRIGGEN LIST.
18:19.50*** join/#asterisk dlynes_office (n=dlynes@
18:20.09kSquaredalright, so -- if I'm inside the asterisk CLI and connected, is there any way to use AGI through it?
18:20.35mafkeeskSquared: to test the agi script ?
18:20.37kSquaredspecifically I'd like to use the "say number" command over a call to say a few numbers and test things out
18:21.05mafkeeskSquared: agi scripts should run without error on the normal linux/bsd console
18:21.09kSquaredI tried "show agi" to get a list of the commands (of which "say number <number>" is one of them) but there doesn't seem to be a way to actually execute them
18:21.24kSquaredmafkees: I don't actually have a script written up
18:21.26mafkeesto test it, create the agi and create a test extension
18:21.40kSquaredI just wanted to dynamically execute that one line
18:21.41mafkeescall to the test extension to see if the agi works
18:22.27burizaa[TK]D-Fender: have you take a look to my pastebin ?
18:22.56*** join/#asterisk heison (
18:23.45[TK]D-Fenderburizaa : That isn't the full entry from sip.conf
18:25.08*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (n=mark@
18:26.03burizaa[TK]D-Fender: i dont have sip.conf ... i'm using freepbx
18:26.20justinufender, you are truly masochistic
18:26.32justinusomebody buy this man a beer!!
18:27.08Spy000007Wow, Broadvoice in PC WORLD today...
18:28.01justinufender, got paypal?
18:28.48Spy000007"Another VoIP provider, BroadVoice, is the eighth-most-complained-about company in eastern Massachusetts, Maine, and Vermont, according to the BBB office serving those areas."
18:28.59[TK]D-Fenderburizaa : Yes you do.  If you don't even know about the different config files, then you definately need to head to #freepbx
18:29.05[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Yup
18:29.09justinuwell what is it?
18:29.13burizaa << i found it.. sip_additional.conf
18:29.38CunningPikesmackus: Did you get sorted?
18:31.20[TK]D-Fenderburizaa : And what is at that IP address?
18:31.31smackusjust got forced to put new box into production early :-D
18:31.37burizaa[TK]D-Fender: quintum A800
18:31.48burizaasip configured
18:32.19*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
18:33.53burizaanow the SIP status become: UNREACHABLE
18:33.59justinuthis is bullshit
18:34.02justinuThe PayPal website is currently unavailable. We are actively working to restore access to the site as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.
18:35.03Spy000007Doesn't Nufone's carrier-quality VoIP termination use Paypal?
18:35.59filejustinu: can't win them all
18:36.58Spy000007I usually charge for that outcome...
18:38.32*** join/#asterisk d-tech (n=dtc@
18:39.12mafkeesanyone know how I can record the ringing sound on an asterisk box ?
18:39.20*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
18:39.30CunningPikemafkees: Use Monitor()?
18:39.32TripleFFFFquestion: is it possible to use userfield
18:39.46mafkeesMonitor will record the ringing sound as well ?
18:39.46TripleFFFFi mean mmore hten one for a cdrrecord ? having more hten 1 user assigned field.. like..
18:40.20*** part/#asterisk smackus (n=smackus@
18:40.56mafkeesyou can use the MySQL dialplan function or use an agi to write stuff in your own database/table
18:40.57*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
18:42.22TripleFFFFi cant use AGI
18:42.29TripleFFFFover 100 million cdr per day..
18:42.36TripleFFFFi cant even think that
18:42.49TripleFFFFso i would need to ; seperate the userfiel.. and parse later ?
18:43.05mafkeesthat will be the easiest in a setup like that yeah
18:43.25mafkeesbecause the MySQL command will be too heavy too, if agi is not holding it
18:44.02mafkeesor use fastagi with some nice queueing script on the other side
18:44.28CunningPikemafkees: Don't know - try it!
18:46.13mafkeesactually, I think it will
18:46.19mafkeesas long as you dont use the b flag to monitor
18:48.00prodigy7have someone special experiences with fritzbox and asterisk behind it?
18:49.34prodigy7and an other question too: is it possible to crypt the password in the sip.conf ?
18:49.55*** join/#asterisk reza_ (
18:50.02reza_hey all
18:51.12reza_what are those ethernet -> FXS devices called?
18:51.16CunningPikeprodigy7: You mean like md5secret in iax? Don't think so
18:51.22CunningPikereza_: ATAs
18:51.36reza_there's one that someone told me about that was good -- the s2000 or something like that
18:51.43justinusipura 2000
18:52.00reza_any recommendations for a good store?
18:52.13CunningPikereza_: Sears
18:52.14vader--does ansterisk have a way to setup call forwarding by dialing an extension and entering the phone number you want to direct the calls to?
18:52.15justinuthe guys at are great
18:52.24reza_i think sears sucks
18:52.38reza_vander- i just got that shit working
18:52.41[TK]D-Fendervader-- : It does after you invent it in extensions.conf
18:52.43justinuand no, i don't have any relationship with them, other than they ship when they say they're going to
18:53.10justinui ordered a sipura 2100 for them, and had a tracking number in 20 mintues
18:53.15mafkeesno, it doesnt record the ringing
18:54.21vader--tkd i was using call forwarding on my cisco phones but the problem is the phones can handle two extensions but the phone will only forward for both not one of the other
18:54.27[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : THX :)
18:54.34vader--i have a couple people who share offices and have two extensions on the phone
18:54.44vader--if one person wants to forward their line it does it for both lines
18:55.08mafkeesvader--: you use sip or sccp ?
18:55.44mafkeesvader--: then you have to do it in the dialplan
18:55.50mafkeessccp can do it on the phone
18:55.50*** join/#asterisk sevard (
18:56.26reza_what sipura should i get
18:56.32*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
18:56.56_Sam--hey justinu, sorry to sound like the new guy...if im using CHanspy to listen in on my sales guys calls...what is the easiest way to setup something that would record them while i spy?
18:57.20sevardor is it Record()
18:57.22sevardone of the two
18:57.24reza_hmm, dont see the 2002 on store
18:57.25_Sam--while im on a chanspy, if i just want to press a button and record?
18:57.52sevardif you want to just press a button and record things are messier, but if you run Monitor before you enter chanspy, that's easy
18:58.13sevardreza_: no idea about them.  the sipura 2002s are really nice though
18:58.21_Sam--i just want to be able to press something while im in the middle of chanspy when i hear something i dont like...and then start recording
18:58.25_Sam--not record every chanspy
18:58.42mafkeesuse the features.conf automon =>
18:58.47sevardyou could hook up a tape recorder :)
18:58.49mafkeesdont know if it works for chanspy
18:59.02reza_justinu / [TK]D-Fender -- which sipura's do you recommend
18:59.14justinu_Sam--: mixmonitor
18:59.28justinureza: depends on what you want
18:59.39justinui use sipura 2100... 2 lina ATA + nat router
18:59.40reza_an ata that works
18:59.57justinuif you just need a single line, try the spa-1000
18:59.57reza_what's the diff w/ that and the 2002?
19:00.05justinui think the 2002 is just an ata
19:00.05reza_i need two lines, but no nat
19:00.06justinuno nat router
19:00.15reza_ah; what do you want a nat router for?
19:00.25justinuhome broadband
19:00.28justinuit does qos too
19:00.52reza_hmm, i'm using a linux box as a router/nat -- i should figure out how to implement qos on it...
19:01.03justinudiffserve precedence queing
19:02.03[TK]D-Fenderreza_ : reza what do you expect out of it, and in what kind of envirnment?
19:02.18mafkeesI use openbsd for qos :)
19:02.44reza_TK - you actually suggested I get one a few weeks back; forogt the exact model --- thogh 2002 seems right
19:03.10[TK]D-Fenderreza_ : Quite likely, but I'd want to confirm its working envinment before I confirm that blind.
19:03.28[TK]D-Fenderreza_ : You have a router alread right?
19:03.53prodigy7is it possible to crypt the password in the sip.conf ?
19:04.07reza_i'm running a linux router w/ asterisk and a tdm400 w/ 3 fxs no fxo -- a did from voxbone, and one voip phone
19:04.16reza_you suggested the polycom ip 601 which i'm also about to order
19:04.50[TK]D-Fenderreza_ : Hold that though.  What are you going to DO with that IP 601?
19:05.29reza_all calls go to the receptionist at the front desk
19:05.34reza_she gets the 60
19:05.40sevarddlynes_home: wake up
19:05.55[TK]D-Fenderreza_ : I presume you meant just the 601
19:06.20reza_cant type
19:06.47reza_then she can route calls to the various phones via the spa-2002
19:06.53sevardlearning to type is a good thing to do before you go on irc
19:07.26reza_servard - these nuts.
19:07.38reza_japan vs brazil has started
19:07.46[TK]D-Fenderreza_ : so the SPA is for 2 internal extensions?
19:08.01reza_well, i need 2 of them for 3 internal extentions
19:09.18reza_am i cool with that order?
19:09.50reza_hmm -- it's interesting that you can tell if you've got a runnaway process by the sound your computer fan makes
19:09.58sevardreza_: you want two CDs?
19:10.27sevardDEZ NUTS BEOCH
19:10.45mafkeeslol reza_
19:11.34[TK]D-Fenderreza_ : OK, then that confirms it.  Get the SPA-2002.  You do NOT want the one with the built in router.
19:12.02sevardthat's what I said to begin with
19:12.04sevardi'm freaking GOD
19:12.26reza_anyone know what state ships from?
19:12.34sevardcall them
19:12.37reza_i cant find it anywhere on their storefront,
19:12.40reza_no hpone number
19:12.42*** join/#asterisk key2 (
19:12.45Spy000007brazil has the hottest groupies
19:12.56mafkeeswb key2
19:13.12[TK]D-Fenderthen DIE for us :)
19:13.22mafkeesok, time to cleanup
19:13.28mafkees<--- away
19:13.36sevardi have two phones on speaker phone and i'm beeping my computer speaker
19:13.42sevardlistening to the echo
19:13.53sevardi bet this is what being on acid is like
19:14.12kSquaredwould probably be more efficient just to run the echo demo :p
19:14.24sevardI AM THE GOLDEN GOD
19:14.28*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:14.40sevardhi saftsack
19:14.42kSquaredspeakig of which
19:15.10TripleFFFF!tell us about noobs
19:15.14kSquaredI still can't believe there isn't a one-shot way to just play an arbitrary sound from the CLI >:|
19:15.22saftsackare some hylafax experts here? i have a question. if faxgetty is written in the inittab as restart will it automatically started after rebooting the pc?
19:15.34ptinsleyi am a big fan of calling from one polycom to the other on speakerphone and pretending i am a stadium announcer :)
19:15.37TripleFFFFsoftsack i dont know
19:15.42TripleFFFFsaft better lol
19:16.08sevardptinsley is my new friend
19:16.25sevardkSquared: in what since of the word, there is if you have a sound card
19:16.42saftsackand why do i need other TAE pluggers for fax devices as for normal analog telephones?
19:16.52reza_ok, order is off
19:17.17reza_and finally, they show thier address -- it's in florida -- glad i got 2nd day shipping
19:21.48Bullseye_NetworkEasy Question: I Dont need ztdummy just for a voicemail system correct?
19:21.54Qwell[]Bullseye_Network: correct
19:21.57*** join/#asterisk knight_ (
19:22.05knight_hey driz
19:22.49knight_hey can anyone recommend cheap and affordable desktop ip phones that offer extensive feature sets (like web content on the display, etc)
19:23.08Strom_Cdefine "cheap and affordable"
19:23.10Qwell[]17 days?!@
19:23.14fileomg omg omg
19:23.25Qwell[]my boss just pwned himself
19:23.46Qwell[]basically tore the desk out of the wall..heh, moron
19:23.47Bullseye_NetworkIf anybody is interested awhile back I make all the software on opensource. The software was never updated to work with 1.2 but some of you might be interested in some of the code. Its all in Visual Basic.
19:23.52knight_Strom, home use
19:23.56knight_so cheap
19:24.06fileQwell[]: ooh
19:24.06Strom_Cknight_: I was looking for a dollar value
19:24.07existxi had a boss that stomped on a mobo once
19:24.11knight_I have 5.8ghz portables connected to TDM400's right now
19:24.16knight_Strom, $100-200
19:24.25Strom_Cknight_: used cisco 7940/7960
19:24.34existxthe metal spoke that's used to clip the cpu  went into his foot
19:24.35knight_i have a 7960 on my desk here at work now
19:24.37existxit was funny
19:24.44Qwell[]existx: ouch
19:24.46knight_but lots of people here said they'd never buy these ones again
19:24.53Strom_Cknight_: I quite like mine
19:24.55existxQwell[]: that'll teach him :)
19:24.58Qwell[]knight_: feel free to ship yours here
19:25.08Strom_Cknight_: or send them to me :)
19:25.08knight_Qwell, I'm not complaining.
19:25.14knight_Besides, they're not mine.
19:25.17ptinsleyQwell[], how did he manage that
19:25.22vader--is this valid
19:25.22vader--exten => s,1,Set(temp=${DB(data/${EXTEN})})
19:25.23Qwell[]ptinsley: he's a doofus
19:25.29fileQwell[]: muffintastic!
19:25.46Qwell[]file: skinnytabulous!
19:26.15Qwell[]Strom_C: Why's everything always gotta end up "dog balls"?
19:26.23Strom_Cbecause dogballs are amusing
19:26.43fileaccording to you.
19:27.28ptinsleyi prefer monkey
19:27.34justinuto each his own, i guess
19:27.41sevardyout mom
19:28.05knight_any alternatives to the 7960?
19:28.08knight_that is comparable?
19:28.09Qwell[]knight_: 7940
19:28.32vader--anyone know why this line exten => s,1,Set(temp=${DB(data/${EXTEN})}) would cause this output in the asterisk console  Executing Set("SIP/001759E558CE-02-6369", "temp=") in new stack
19:28.47Qwell[]vader--: because that entry doesn't exist
19:28.47knight_qwell, isnt that a step down?
19:28.51Qwell[]knight_: only barely
19:28.54knight_also, any other brands?
19:29.10Qwell[]people here like their polycom 601s
19:29.23Strom_Ci think the polycom phones are a pain in the ass to set up
19:29.48jake1932the new Sipura ones actually look good
19:29.57justinuif you hate XML, don't buy a polycom
19:29.58jake1932haven't tried em yet though
19:30.30ptinsleyafter you figure out the quirks of the polycom phones they are pretty good
19:30.40ptinsleymy big complaint so far is the directory functions on the phone
19:31.09ptinsleyit supports a global directory but there is no good way to update it without a reboot of every phone in a company when you add/edit someone
19:31.11Qwell[]no thank you
19:31.16*** join/#asterisk smackus (n=smackus@
19:31.20Strom_CQwell[]: it's safe for work
19:31.52fileit's safe
19:32.04sevardfile is full of shtie
19:32.05*** join/#asterisk TESTER2 (
19:32.10heison`seen bkw
19:32.17heison~seen bkw_
19:32.20jbotbkw_ is currently on #asterisk (1d 5h 1m 1s). Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 1d 4h 48m 27s, last said: 'Jun 21 06:24:33 NOTICE[16882]: chan_iax2.c:3123 iax2_read: I should never be called!'.
19:32.33sevardStrom_C: that's sfw :P
19:32.46Strom_Csevard: ?
19:32.55sevardsafe for work.
19:33.55Spy000007Worst Logos Ever --
19:33.56TESTER2Where can I enable MWI on my zap channel (fxs module of a tdm400p)?
19:34.06smackusok, need help with my zapata.conf
19:34.15justinuSpy000007: lol
19:34.26smackusExtension '6406' in context 'allcallsinbound' from '8015582352' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/8, span 1
19:34.38smackusit is not doing multiple contexts. i have in my extensions.conf [progrexion] and [evolution]
19:34.39filesmackus: I think that's self explanitory
19:34.44smackusits not
19:34.46smackusi am frazzled
19:34.48smackusi need help
19:35.09smackusi need one t1 to dial each
19:35.12sevardSpy000007: that's pretty awesome
19:35.23filesmackus: it searched in the allcallsinbound context and found no extension... if you want it to search other contexts, include them
19:35.46Spy000007scroll down for animation
19:35.47fileif Asterisk just searched every context in existence it would be very very insecure :)
19:35.49smackussomeone had turned me away from that yesterday.
19:35.53sevardyeah, that's the best part
19:35.58smackushow do i do more than one context in one group
19:36.00Qwell[]file: how silly
19:36.08filewell, you have to figure out how you want it to work... I can't read your mind
19:36.12fileI can only tell you how things work
19:36.14sevardasterisk? secure? haha
19:36.19ptinsleysmackus, you do an include in the extensions.conf not in the zapata
19:36.24ptinsleyleave the interface in your inbound context
19:36.34ptinsleybut include the numbers you want to be able to be called from there
19:36.41ptinsleyjust be careful what you include
19:36.52Bullseye_Networkwrong window
19:37.05IdleQwell[] smells
19:37.23smackusfile: so in the extensions.conf do I need to create a [allcallsinbound]?
19:37.32smackusor can i just do the include
19:37.42filea context has to exist, in order to search it
19:37.46ptinsleyyes, create that context and include what you want to be accessable
19:37.55vader--is there a console command to check the asterisk db?
19:37.56smackusso what would go in it... nothing?
19:38.03justinuall your DIDs?
19:38.04fileI would also highly suggest learning this stuff
19:38.15*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
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19:38.25IdleQwell[]: I still need a machine with PCI 2.2.... gimme your desktop
19:38.34smackusok, i had that before, i think i am too frazzled since my other system crashed, i am just f'ing it all up now.
19:38.38smackussorry to bother
19:38.38Idleyou pay the shipping too
19:38.42Strom_Csmackus: for the sake of you and everyone else in #asterisk, I would strongly recommend that you at least read the asterisk book :)
19:38.42Qwell[]Idle: k
19:38.42ptinsleyor you can do goto's in the inbound context like this: exten => 6404,1,Goto(phones,6404,1)
19:38.58Qwell[]Idle: but I'm shipping via UPS
19:38.59justinusmackus: chill out, take a deep breath, smoke'm if you got'm
19:39.02*** join/#asterisk Meaty (n=meaty3@
19:39.07Idlejust get jj to carry it on his back... so that when he gets here, I can kick him in the nuts, for everyone on efnet
19:39.11*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (n=mark@
19:39.35justinurochambeau him for it
19:39.55mountainm2kptinsley: another question on the provisioning here?
19:40.02ptinsleymountainm2k, sure
19:40.23mountainm2kI set up address, etc in  phone1.cfg a few global things...
19:40.29Idlehow does everyone find an old box that someones throwing away, but all I can find are p120's and 486's
19:40.46mountainm2kMAC.cfg is where I'm trying to specify the auth, display name, etc...
19:40.57mountainm2kthat way I only have MAC.cfg, phone1.cfg and sip.cfg
19:41.16mountainm2kthe manual indicates I should have MAC.cfg which points to EXTENSION.cfg, and sip.cfg
19:41.17IdleI dont want to PAY for one
19:41.23Idlewell, even ship one
19:41.30Qwell[]go rob somebody..
19:41.33mountainm2kwhich would mean each phone has a copy of the global config, which kindof defeats the purpose
19:41.33IdleI bet that 120 woulda run awesome
19:41.40Idlestupid PCI 2.0
19:41.57kSquaredsevard: the server doesn't have a sound card, unfortunately
19:41.59ptinsleywell, not really, it just tells you to reference them
19:42.20ptinsleyand the polycom way is to have a MAC.cfg which points at phoneMAC.cfg and have the guts in phoneMAC.cfg
19:42.36ptinsleybut you don't have to do that, you can just have MAC.cfg if you want
19:42.37Qwell[]Idle: Did you at least snag the ram? :D
19:42.39justinummm guts
19:42.39mountainm2kyeah, but then I have two files for each phone instead of only one
19:42.50justinumountainm2k: it's the way
19:42.59Idleooh, I should ask the local LUG
19:42.59mountainm2kI'd rather have only one file for each phone, and then the generic ones that apply to all phones
19:43.01CunningPikemountainm2k: sip.cfg _is_ your global config - it sets stuff that is the same for every phone. <phone>.cfg is your set-specific config. <mac-address>.cfg links them to your set's MAC address
19:43.02IdleQwell[]: no
19:43.04*** join/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
19:43.08Idleits still sitting in my basement
19:43.19Qwell[]oh, so you snagged the whole thing
19:43.24ptinsleyan example of MAC.cfg is something like this: <APPLICATION APP_FILE_PATH="sip.ld" CONFIG_FILES="phone0004f2029a3f.cfg, sip.cfg" MISC_FILES="" LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY="/log/" OVERRIDES_DIRECTORY="/overrides/" CONTACTS_DIRECTORY="/contacts/"/>
19:43.44CunningPikemountainm2k: When you're looking to add a line appearance to extension 2348, it's a lot easier to find phone2348.cfg and edit it than look for 00043479287492.cfg
19:43.52Idleuhm, not really
19:43.53Idleits mine
19:43.57Idlewas my first computer ever
19:44.01Qwell[]I see
19:44.12Idlethat thing was the shit for 5 years
19:44.18Idlewell, sorta
19:44.26justinuwhat computer is "the shit" for 5 years?
19:44.32Idleit was the shit for the first 2, then it was just shit for the later 3
19:44.36justinumost of them suck after 6 months
19:44.53mountainm2kptinsley:  So can I add to MAC.cfg anything from phone1.cfg?  Like, say:  <phone1>
19:44.59Idlejustinu: this thing was cutting edge when we first got it
19:45.03mountainm2kbecause it doesn't seem to work that way...
19:45.04Idlehad a Mach64 video card :D
19:45.25ptinsleydoes it work with two files?
19:45.37Bullseye_NetworkHow would I disable SIP all together on an asterisk box? noload => ?
19:45.39mountainm2kHavn't tried, trying to avoid that...  :-P
19:45.47mountainm2kI'll give it a shot
19:45.54ptinsleywhat isn't it doing?
19:46.01CunningPikemountainm2k: I recommend it anyway, for the reason I gave earlier
19:46.13*** join/#asterisk Assid (
19:46.30mountainm2kIt doesn't seem take the items in MAC.cfg -- the userid (extension), display name, etc...
19:46.40mountainm2kbut it _does_ have the SIP server, which is coming from phone1.cfg
19:47.25ptinsleythere are some scripts floating around out there that can help you with phone provisioning for polycom stuff it might be worth a google if you are going to do alot of them
19:48.01ptinsleyif the concern is the two files that would cut down on your work a great deal
19:48.03*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
19:48.13TESTER2I get a special dialtone when MWI is on but the MWI ligth (on the analog phone) stay close... any special option? (FXS module on a tdm400p with mailbox= in zapata.conf) ?
19:49.01mountainm2kWell, my concern is for starters two files instead of one, but additionally I want to keep everything as global / generic as possible...  and phone1.cfg contains a _lot_ of stuff...
19:49.18mountainm2kI wanted to get it down to, for each phone, specify the extension/user/etc, then load the global config
19:49.54mountainm2kit _does_ work when I put it in phone1.cfg -- so maybe I just need to give up and do it that way...
19:50.18*** join/#asterisk h0 (
19:50.22justinuresistance is futile
19:51.06mountainm2kstill wish I could globalize it a bit more...
19:51.38justinujust write/steal a script to gen the files for you
19:51.39mountainm2kso I guess the next question is this -- can I edit the "dialplan" functionality to make it provide a second dialtone after they hit "9" ?
19:51.58ptinsleywell you can't really put it all in phone1.cfg if you have more than one phone ;)
19:52.00*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:52.40mountainm2kWell, like I said, the goal was to have a single file with the per-phone info, not a single file that loads another single file that is fairly large
19:52.43justinumy polycoms to HTTPS provisioning, theoretically you could even write a CGI to gen the files
19:52.50ptinsleymy phoneMAC.cfg file only contains the <phone1><reg.... /> and <msg .../> sections
19:53.14mountainm2kWell, there's a lot of other crap in the template
19:53.39ptinsleyjustinu, the only reason I haven't gone that direction is for log files and overrides on the handset that need to be saved to the server incase the phone forgets something
19:53.46syzygybsdi have a Sangoma a104u.  at idle it has 4000 Interrupts a second, and under about a 10 call load it drops to 3000.  Does anyone know if this will cause issues under heavyer load?
19:54.00justinuptinsley: you can do that as well, you just need mod_put in your apache server
19:54.24ptinsleyah, cool, I hadn't looked into it that deeply, the ftp stuff has been working, no reason to fix it if it isn't broken :)
19:54.58ptinsleyit would be optimal for me long term though, all of my configs are generated from database and written to the ftp server so the phones can pick them up.  Would be easier to just have them generated on the fly when they were needed
19:55.07vader--does anyone see anything wrong with this?
19:55.08mountainm2kThinking....  (ouch)...  There's no reason I can't have more than just phone.cfg and sip.cfg, etiher...
19:55.09vader--exten => s,1,GotoIf($DB_EXISTS(data/$EXTEN)}?2:7)
19:55.11*** part/#asterisk TESTER2 (
19:55.41ptinsleyif you had multiple ftp servers, otherwise sip.cfg is sip.cfg to every phone that goes there
19:55.42*** join/#asterisk ghento (
19:56.03sevardno more tetris please
19:56.12mountainm2kbut I could have a generic.cfg and a phone.cfg and load them in the right order from MAC.cfg I would guess?
19:56.30ghentoHi there. I want to use asterisk to call a number just to check if the phone number is working, i don't need the other phone to ring & answer.  Can this be done?
19:56.46ptinsleyactually yes for sip you could do that but phone1 i think is a special one
19:57.01[TK]D-Fendervader-- : exten => s,1,GotoIf(${DB_EXISTS(data/${AVariableNothTheExtenBecuaseItsS}}?2:7)
19:57.29ptinsleybut your best bet is to treat sip.cfg and phone1.cfg as global and do everything from MAC.cfg and phoneMAC.cfg or by phoneEXT.cfg as was suggested for easy admin
19:58.01justinughento: how will you determine it's working?
19:58.43ghentojustinu: just if a connection is made i guess..i'm not exactly sure :)
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19:59.49ghentoif the correct dial-tones are returned or something
20:00.21justinughento: that's generally unreliable unless you use something with some real supervision protocols, like PRI
20:02.08vader--thanks fender
20:02.49mafkeesptinsley: you found the soundfile for me ?
20:03.04mafkeesI tried with monitor, but that is not recording the indications ~(
20:03.14ptinsleywell I made one but I haven't had time to convert it to gsm because I am in the middle of something
20:03.20ptinsleyjust wondering if I shoudl finish it when I get done
20:03.38mafkeesif it's .wav
20:03.43mafkeesI can convert it too
20:04.00*** join/#asterisk eBody (n=ehernand@
20:04.01mafkeesdo that kindda stuff all the time for customers that send me .wav for their ivr
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20:04.20mafkeeshey oe
20:04.23mafkeeshey oej
20:04.55ptinsleyany sangoma experts in here?
20:05.15justinui dunno about experts, but there's some collective knowledge
20:05.16mafkeesI'm not an expert
20:05.19mafkeesbut I use them
20:05.30mafkeesonly PRI though
20:05.42ptinsleyok, have you ever had one of the a200 analog cards wtih echo canceling hardware play no audio?
20:05.49*** part/#asterisk naturalblue (n=Administ@
20:06.00justinusorry, no experience with the analog cards
20:06.04sticksHi.  I am brand new to asterisk.  Does anybody have any idea why, when I run "asterisk -cv" to get the asterisk console, I get continuous white noise out my speakers?  I am running it on NetBSD.
20:06.04eBodyanyone not able to use the text messaging w/ xLite??
20:06.05mafkeesme neither
20:06.14*** join/#asterisk Nix (n=Nix@
20:06.14Hmmhesaysok something is wrong with my Makefile
20:07.12mafkeeshere in .nl analog is only for home use
20:07.34mafkeeswe have ISDN BRI
20:07.48ptinsleyi have two pbx's with the same hardware config 4 port fxo a200 echo canceler
20:08.01ptinsleyand the EXACT same software install, one has audio with echo canceler enabled, one doesn't
20:08.25Qwell[]ptinsley: call sangoma?
20:08.36ptinsleywell I was just wondering if anybody had seen it
20:08.47Qwell[]I'm sure they have :)
20:11.27ghentojustinu: okay thanks, will look into PRI
20:11.53mafkeessangoma is really linux minded
20:12.03mafkeesI have this S518 dsl nic
20:12.07justinutheir wanpipe stuff is in the kernel distro
20:12.10justinuso yeah
20:12.15[TK]D-Fenderptinsley : Yes, you can lock up the audio if the PID is desynched on the EC module.
20:12.19mafkeesfirst thing they asked was: what linux
20:12.25mafkeesso I replied: OpenBSD
20:12.35[TK]D-Fenderptinsley : Effectively all audio goes in, but never gets out.
20:12.45mafkeesthey had to patch me through to some longhaired guy in the basement
20:13.14mafkeessupport couldnt help me
20:13.37mafkeesand the new version of that nic is not supported on openbsd :(
20:13.48mafkeesthe nic I have is borked
20:13.51sevardtry linux
20:14.00sevardit's like bsd
20:14.03sevardexcept less greif
20:14.10ptinsley[TK]D-Fender, it's like a roach motel
20:14.23moglinux is the coolest....
20:14.28mafkeessevard: uhhuh, when linux comes with realtime nat failover and trafficshaping in iptables I'll look into it
20:14.49sevardwhatever that crap is, my linookz makes me happy
20:14.56mafkeesmine too
20:15.01mafkeesbut not for border firewalls
20:15.07sevarduse cisco for that.
20:15.16mafkeesI prefer bsd
20:15.27sevardi tried bsd
20:15.45*** join/#asterisk fholmes (
20:15.47sevardthe only thing i ever liked that ran bsd was that little mac notebook my school borrowed to me for two years
20:19.18jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
20:20.07HmmhesaysI think that is the lamest thing i've seen today
20:20.21sevardi thought it was pretty funny
20:20.36sevardforgot to check uptime before remove condom
20:20.40sevarderm, unmount
20:22.44mitchelocwhy'd they still the ~sex from #freepbx! (or did jbot know it first?) =/
20:23.29*** join/#asterisk podzap (
20:24.15podzapis it possible to send a fax from a real fax machine -> sipura spa-2002 -> asterisk, and have asterisk save it as e.g. a tiff file?
20:24.16*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
20:24.50podzapmy use case is that i need to sign a document and email it to somebody, but i don't have a scanner.
20:25.18mountainm2kOK, back to my Polycom issue -- I told MAC.cfg to load three files, phone201.cfg, genericphone.cfg, and sip.cfg
20:25.29brad_msswpodzap: spandsp / rxfax
20:25.32mountainm2kthe line1 key now shows "...t IP"
20:25.36mountainm2kbut I don't know what that means
20:25.47Spy000007they sell scanners for $20 at best buy on black friday
20:26.20podzapbrad_mssw: thanks, man
20:26.24sevardSpy000007: that's if you get past the 3000 screaming people who all got there 3 days before at 3:30 a.m.
20:26.33*** part/#asterisk sticks (
20:27.22podzapSpy000007: what makes you assume that i live in the USA?
20:30.02mountainm2kWhat's it mean when I get a fast-busy when dialing out, but incoming calls work?
20:31.45mafkeesmountainm2k: your extensions.conf section for outbound calls is wrong
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20:32.56ptinsleyQwell[], thanks for pointing out the obvious, support says it's a bad module on the card, i need smacking every once in awhile
20:32.56smackusI need some help with my T1s and zaptel
20:33.07smackusI have two t1s
20:33.16smackusthe first t1 is working fine.
20:33.18smackusthe second one is not
20:33.57smackusif i swap the cables from port 1 to port 2 and from port 2 to port 1, the one that was working, does not work, and the other one that was not, starts.
20:34.01smackuscan someone gimme a hand?
20:34.44mafkeessmackus: did you call your provider ?
20:34.57mafkeessounds like there's something wrong with the line
20:35.33smackusit works if I put it into channels 1-23 on the card.
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20:35.56smackusit seems like only the 1st port on the card is configured correctly, because no matter what t1 i put in there it works
20:36.09smackusif i take a working one and put it into port 2, it stops working.
20:36.24smackusand it all worked in the other system
20:36.32mafkeesare the jumpers on the card correct
20:36.56smackuslet me verify.
20:37.04smackusfor a pri they should be set to e1 right?
20:39.10mafkeesif you are having a PRI with 30 channels, yeah
20:39.18mafkeese1 == european
20:39.28mafkeest1 == us style, it's 24 channels
20:39.50mafkeesand j1 == ???
20:39.59mafkeesjapanese PRI
20:40.10smackuswhen i do a zap show channels it only shows 1-23
20:40.20smackusshouldnt it have 1-95 minus my dcahn?
20:40.33mafkees1-23 == T1
20:40.40mafkeesit's the first port
20:40.51smackusright...shouldnt it show all the ports with that command?
20:41.03mafkeesyes, if all is configured correct
20:42.02smackusok... so now i know that it is misconfigured.
20:42.07mafkeesyour zapata is correct
20:42.20mafkeescan you pastebin your /etc/zaptel.conf ?
20:42.29smackusyep, i was just gonna ask if you wanted it.
20:42.38userdefinedso, it turns out that even if i use SER as a front to * i still need to figure out how to send all call to LCS from asterisk clients to SER ...
20:44.19userdefinedis it correct that * would need to register to the SER as a user ? (similar to the FWD config in the sample .conf ?)
20:44.22mafkeeswhat does ztcfg -vvv tell you ?
20:44.39smackushang on.
20:44.55userdefinedthen set up extensions.conf such that anything to @lcsdomain is sent to SER?
20:45.16mafkeesuserdefined: I have no idea
20:45.21mafkeesI never played with cer
20:45.21smackusmafkees: i run that at the prompt, right? because it gives me absolutely nothing
20:45.30mafkeesit's a linux command
20:45.42mafkeesrun it as root
20:45.45smackusyeah, i just returns the next line.
20:46.08smackus[root@localhost etc]# ztcfg
20:46.08smackus[root@localhost etc]#
20:46.34mafkeesztcfg -vvv
20:47.14Zodiacalanyone know of phones that have the concept of normal line buttons. i.e. bob is on line one. etc? (not parking tho)
20:47.24Zodiacalor is this something asterisk can't really do
20:47.42mafkeesZodiacal: snom, cisco, polycom
20:47.53Zodiacalmafkess cisco?
20:48.01Zodiacal7960's show calls in a list
20:48.21mafkeesbut it has those 6 softkeys on the right
20:48.30Qwell[]line keys
20:48.33Zodiacalmafkees those can be used as lines? i thought just speed dials
20:48.35mafkeesthey can be configured to be lines, or speeddials
20:48.42Qwell[]or, on skinny, anything you like
20:48.55Qwell[]or, rather
20:48.59Qwell[]anything you pay me for :P
20:49.11Zodiacali have chan_sccp running, but they are speeddials
20:49.15Zodiacalhow would i get them lines off hand?
20:49.19Qwell[]well, chan_sccp sucks
20:49.21mafkeessmackus: restart asterisk please
20:49.25Qwell[]Zodiacal: add more line => lines
20:49.32mafkeesQwell ehm, not in my opinion
20:49.41Qwell[]mafkees: opinion or sucks
20:49.52smackushmmm. seems to have made a difference.
20:49.53Qwell[]it's factual :)
20:49.55Zodiacalqwell and other people can share those lines?
20:49.55smackuslet me make a call
20:49.57fileQwell[]: easy boy!
20:49.59Qwell[]Zodiacal: no
20:50.06Zodiacalqwell so two phones can be configured this way?
20:50.07smackusi hope it was just that easy and that I am a dumb ass
20:50.12Hmmhesaysso close to getting this to work
20:50.14HmmhesaysSO CLOSE
20:50.24Qwell[]Zodiacal: none of the asterisk skinny drivers currently supoprt shared lines
20:50.25mafkeessmackus: a reload will not be enough for zaptel
20:50.35Qwell[]they *could*, but...
20:50.49Zodiacalwhat about sip?
20:51.00mafkeesQwell: I love
20:51.10Qwell[]mafkees: doesn't mean it doesn't suck
20:51.31Zodiacalqwell what sccp driver do you prefer?
20:51.40Qwell[]Zodiacal: the one I'm fixing :P
20:51.51mafkeesQwell: well, it may suxor, but it gives me way more functions on my phone then the sip thing
20:51.59smackusseems to have fixed it...
20:52.02mafkeesQwell: you working on ?
20:52.07smackusi did reload and everything but restarting asterisk
20:52.08Qwell[]I am
20:52.10mafkeessmackus: it's working now ?
20:52.10smackusthanks for the help
20:52.13smackusgo figure
20:52.21Zodiacalqwell i have noticed some strange things with the chan_sccp . i.e. if you press a speed dial 3 times it dials it but the screen loses the current call info.. very strange
20:52.22smackusdo you normally have to restart asterisk?
20:52.24*** part/#asterisk variable_office (
20:52.33Qwell[]Zodiacal: like I sucks
20:52.41mafkeesQwell ok, nice. but I wont comment on it here
20:52.46Qwell[]chan_skinny sucks too, but that's okay
20:52.53mafkees<--- remembers a nasty thread on the mailinglist
20:52.57Zodiacalqwell do you know if sip supports line sharing?
20:53.02Qwell[]Zodiacal: no, it doesn't
20:53.08Zodiacaldoes anything?
20:53.18Qwell[]currently?  no :p
20:53.19mafkeessmackus: no, but for zaptel shit most of the time a restart is needed
20:53.19filethere's a spec for it... bridged line appearances
20:53.34mafkeesccm == cisco call manager
20:54.17*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
20:54.27Zodiacalif * could do that, i would be a happy camper
20:55.05fileZodiacal: it's really a key system-like thing... where you have lines that go to buttons on a phone, people can pick up and use lines and see the status of them on other phones
20:55.30Zodiacalfile is there an open source key system?
20:57.03fileit took me awhile to think of how to answer that, so I'll just say no...
20:58.01*** join/#asterisk Arno[Slack] (
20:58.02mafkeesfile ;)
20:58.07justinu|laptophey file... you know much about SIP-B?
20:59.16mafkeesis chan_xmmp in trunk ?
20:59.25fileif I say yes you'll ask me things, and we can't have that
20:59.50justinu|laptopis it a big secret or something?
20:59.56*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
21:00.00fileno, it's just evil
21:00.00*** join/#asterisk heison (n=heison@
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21:00.12fileangler_ knows ALL about it though
21:00.15fileangler_: don't you?
21:00.29angler_sure do!
21:00.29justinu|laptopi'd really like to see some kinda technical docs on it
21:01.15mafkeesah, it is
21:01.31filejustinu|laptop: let's see here...
21:01.32mafkeesso 1.4 will have jingle support ?
21:02.13filejustinu|laptop: now, are you talking about SIP BLA?
21:02.38dlynes_officeFuriousGeorge: you there?
21:02.51mafkeesfile: I have a question about
21:03.08dlynes_office~seen furiousgeorge
21:03.25jbotfuriousgeorge is currently on #asterisk (13h 9m 10s). Has said a total of 153 messages. Is idling for 8h 39m 24s, last said: 'maybe when it goes to beta, should be any day nopw from what ive heard'.
21:03.25dlynes_office~seen FuriousGeorge
21:03.29jbotfuriousgeorge is currently on #asterisk (13h 9m 14s). Has said a total of 153 messages. Is idling for 8h 39m 28s, last said: 'maybe when it goes to beta, should be any day nopw from what ive heard'.
21:03.41mitcheloc~seen myass
21:03.43jbotmyass <~myass@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 845d 5h 9m 16s ago, saying: 'or BWHAHAHA if u r evil'.
21:03.45dlynes_officeah...guess he's sleeping or something
21:03.45justinu|laptopfile: amonst other things, yeah
21:03.52filejustinu|laptop: that's the draft for BLA
21:03.58mafkeesfile: is it on purpose that the r option to Queue kills the announcements ?
21:04.12justinu|laptopit's the broadcom switch that implemented the proprietary SIP-B stuff, i think
21:04.33dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: yeah
21:04.50dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: they called theirs Shared Line Appearance
21:05.06fileshared line appearance, bridged line appearance... it's all good
21:05.09justinu|laptopyeah... but the polycom phones support that stuff, but they give no details on it
21:05.13justinu|laptopthanks for the link file
21:05.21dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: yeah...same for the Aastras
21:05.40dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: the Aastras also implement Nortel's proprietary NAT navigation, too
21:05.54fileyay proprietary!
21:06.02dlynes_officefile: yeah, no doubt
21:06.03mafkeesfile: if not, I need to file a bug report on mantis
21:06.13filemafkees: I'm not an app_queue guy
21:06.19file(sadly enough)
21:06.29dlynes_officefile: like you want to be :)
21:06.45mafkeesI'll check tomorrow
21:06.57mafkeestime to join the wife in bed ;)
21:07.12justinu|laptopyou're just jealous :P
21:07.23dlynes_officewell maybe
21:07.26dlynes_officeis she chinese?
21:07.37dlynes_officethen i'm not jealous :p
21:07.46mafkeeslatero all !
21:08.15justinu|laptopdlynes been to china?
21:08.36dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: yep
21:08.36sevarddlynes _is_ china.
21:08.40justinu|laptopwhere at?
21:08.51justinu|laptopi was disapointed with the chicks in HK
21:09.00justinu|laptopbut the ones in guangzhou were hawt
21:09.01dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: too materialistic?
21:09.08sevardamsterdam girls
21:09.11sevardwhere's at
21:09.11dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: too much makeup?
21:09.27justinu|laptopi dunno, i just dind't see many good lookers
21:09.41sevarddlynes_office: did you do this? I got an email from sherman today
21:09.47dlynes_officeI'm not terribly impressed with HK'ers or girls from Guangdong, either
21:09.51sevardhe told me to email Yu Chan for authorization
21:10.04sevardthat's your doing?
21:10.07dlynes_officesevard: must've been my email yesterday that started it :p
21:10.12dlynes_officesevard: he never emailed me
21:10.13podzapding da da da ding ding ding ding dong
21:10.13*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=bernd@
21:10.14sevardson a bitch
21:10.14justinu|laptopi wanna go to shanghai
21:10.18sevardwhy will they listen to you
21:10.22podzaporiental classic by la choy
21:10.24sevardbecause you're clearly canadian
21:10.27dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: Beijing's the bomb
21:10.43dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: most girls there are pretty common looking though
21:10.44justinu|laptopi lost a lot of respect for beijing when they put a starbucks in the forbidden city
21:10.56dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: the good looking girls are all in Hangzhou and Suzhou
21:11.18dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: they did?
21:11.27dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: must've been after I was there
21:11.31sevardalright, so you looked at girls
21:11.33dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: i don't remember seeing one there
21:11.33sevardpick any up?
21:11.59dlynes_officesevard: i could've had one easily...but i would have had to wait for her to graduate first :p
21:12.13dlynes_officesevard: she just started at Tsinghua University
21:12.15sevarddlynes_office: next time try one loder than 12
21:12.37justinu|laptopsevard: nothing wrong with 12 year old girls in amsterdam
21:12.49dlynes_officesevard: ok, fine...I won't try picking up your sister anymore :((
21:12.59sevardmy sister is 25 :)
21:13.07justinu|laptopbring it on
21:13.11sevardjustinu|laptop: that's wrong all over the world man
21:13.25dlynes_officesevard: and here I thought you were like 16...
21:13.27sevardjustinu|laptop: i draw the line there
21:13.39sevarddlynes_office: what? you're the one saying "like"
21:14.00sevardOMFG I THOUGH U WER LIK 16!~1~
21:14.29sevard16/yesprz/n e wer u want bebe
21:15.00fileback on topic!
21:15.06sevardthis DJ jsut said "we just got the word gonads, who likes grimy? if you like the word grimey put it up in the chatroom"
21:15.10justinu|laptopok, what's the topic?
21:15.15sevardi think DJs have run out of shit to say
21:15.18fileHow to become a VoIP provider.
21:15.28sevardfile: Lesson 1, begin.
21:15.54justinu|laptopbuy SS7 f-link
21:16.04sevard$$7 you mean
21:16.06justinu|laptopbuy SS7 capable voip gateway
21:16.33*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
21:16.35eKo1What is f-link?
21:16.41*** part/#asterisk generalhan (
21:16.44filesort of like a g-link
21:16.46justinu|laptopit's like a ghetto SS7 link
21:16.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o file] by ChanServ
21:16.54dlynes_officethey had a mcdonald's at tiananmen, and a kfc at beihai, too?
21:16.58justinu|laptopsorta like having a NATd IP network
21:17.06eKo1What SIP message does the caller get back if they surpass their call-limit?
21:17.06dlynes_officenone of that crap was there when i was there
21:17.23*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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21:17.36filerussellb: hug hug!
21:17.44russellbfile: better?
21:17.51filerussellb: meh
21:19.12justinu|laptopi'd have to go browse chan_sip.c to know the answer, i'm sure you're capable of that
21:19.27robin_szmmmm ... beer
21:20.59*** join/#asterisk eBody (n=ehernand@
21:21.24eBodywhat is a HUD??
21:21.44justinu|laptopheads up display
21:23.23*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (n=m@
21:23.29eBodyhow's that differ from a SIP softphone/client
21:23.40lunkis there any way to limit the usage of a trunk to a certain number of minutes?
21:23.58lunklike, i want to use the free 100 minutes i get with broadvoice before dipping into voipjet minutes
21:24.27dlynes_officelunk: Check the documentation for the dial application
21:24.41dlynes_officelunk: check the D() parameter, specifically
21:24.49russellbwell, that's only going to work for the first call :)
21:24.59justinu|laptopyeah, he wants to track usage, then change his dialplan or something
21:25.21dlynes_officewell, obviously he would have to use it conjunction with a database
21:25.36russellbyou could do that with the time limit option to Dial() along with something in astdb
21:25.39justinu|laptopor a script to parse the CDR file, and modify the dialplan
21:25.39lunkdlynes_office: brilliant!
21:25.41russellbusing the billsec variable from the cdr
21:26.00dlynes_officelunk: but afaik, there's nothing precanned for it
21:26.24lunkright, but i could issue a direct mysql query
21:26.30sevardfree skype out to usa and canada -- does anyone know if in the EULA they say you can't resell it?
21:26.33lunkget the sum of minutes used, and then gotoif accordingly
21:26.43dlynes_officelunk: yeah...use an agi script or'll probably be easier
21:27.07eKo1justinu|laptop: found it. thanks
21:27.08dlynes_officelunk: and then based on your return code, it'll jump to the appropriate priority, and then make the call
21:27.17russellbno priority jumping!
21:27.18justinu|laptopeKo1: so what's the response?
21:27.26dlynes_officerussellb: priorityjumping=yes
21:27.30lunki love it when a plan comes together
21:27.33eKo1503 service unavailable
21:27.36russellbdlynes_office: no!!
21:27.48dlynes_officerussellb: what's the 1.2 alternative, then?
21:28.05justinu|laptophey, speaking of priority jumping... the P/p options to app_dial don't set DIALSTATUS right
21:28.05russellbi don't know ... there should be STATUS variables for every app that has priority jumping
21:28.07justinu|laptopit's broke
21:28.19sevardpriority jumping is the shit
21:28.33russellbyou guys are making me sad
21:28.33dlynes_officelunk: ah...yeah...set a status variable...and then gotoif based on that status variable
21:28.55dlynes_officelunk: otherwise, if you make the call inside the agi, it won't get properly logged to the cdr
21:29.10dlynes_officehe left in disgust :p
21:29.34justinu|laptopwe just rubbed salt in the wound
21:29.40dlynes_officeYeah...maybe Corydon doesn't love him anymore
21:30.03lunkselect sum(duration) from cdr where lastdata like 'SIP/BV%';
21:30.19lunk(need some monthly group by and junk, but details schmetails)
21:30.30justinu|laptopyou gnna do that for every call?
21:30.43dlynes_officelunk: nah...i would have a variable that keeps track of how many minutes you've got left on your broadvoice account
21:30.51jbalcombThe US, Japan, and Iran are equally terrible soccer teams.
21:30.54dlynes_officelunk: decrement it every time you make a call with broadvoice
21:31.06justinu|laptopdlynes idea is certainly gonna scale better
21:31.07dlynes_officejbalcomb: eh?  when did Iran become bad?
21:31.12lunkit's just me, so, every call already hits the database multiple times, one more won't cause any trouble
21:31.44dlynes_officelunk: when that variable is down to 0s, or 5s, or whatever you deem to be your minimum, start using the voipjet account
21:32.05dlynes_officelunk: then at the start of the next month, reset the variable to 6000 seconds again
21:32.16lunkhow do you reset that?
21:32.18*** join/#asterisk adorah (n=Asterjet@
21:32.25dlynes_officelunk: using your dialplan and/or agi
21:32.30sevarddlynes_office: I just got 9 pages of forms emailed to me
21:32.35sevarddlynes_office: <3
21:32.36dlynes_officesevard: heh
21:33.08justinu|laptopdid you fill out your 27B stroke 6?
21:33.22dlynes_office9 pages of forms for a lousy login id and password
21:33.26dlynes_officehtat's pretty bad :)
21:33.33justinu|laptopfrom a movie
21:33.37dlynes_officesevard: it was an irs inference, I believe
21:33.41dlynes_officeor whatever :0
21:33.47justinu|laptopcentral services... you do the work, we do the pleasure!
21:34.01mountainm2kTo anybody who cares -- I had asked about a second dialtone after "9"...  The Polycom will do it, if you program the dialplan correctly...  I can provide info if anybody cares...
21:34.10*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
21:34.12*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
21:34.16dlynes_officemountainm2k: it's called Disa()
21:34.20mountainm2k(the dialplan on the PHONE, not *)
21:34.24dlynes_officemountainm2k: oh
21:34.26Dr-Linuxhi all
21:34.27mountainm2kno it's not...
21:34.29sevardyeah, these bastards are almost worse than the vogans
21:34.33mountainm2kI'm talking about a user's IP phone
21:34.42mountainm2kpick up, dial 9, expect another dial tone, don't get one...
21:34.52mountainm2kthe polycom will do it, if you provision its internal dialplan...
21:35.04justinu|laptopmountainm2k: how can I make my polycoms play a reorder (fast busy) after far end hangup?
21:35.07dlynes_officewhy would you want to, though?
21:35.11sevardat least they won't demolish our earth for a hyperspace bypass
21:35.13mountainm2kpretty cool actually -- tell it the basics, and it will dial instantly without the <SEND> key, too
21:35.15justinu|laptopbecause his lusers complained
21:35.21justinu|laptopjust like mine
21:35.38justinu|laptoppeople fear change
21:35.42CunningPikeIsn't there a way to have a blind transfer show the CID of the original caller instead of the transferror?
21:35.51mountainm2kDunno, I havn't made it that far yet...
21:35.55justinu|laptopCunningPike: i did some work on that
21:35.58dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: seems kinda stupid...the only use i've found for disa is for being able to dial into a phone number on the pri, and then make calls out from there
21:36.00justinu|laptopwasn't easy
21:36.12justinu|laptopasterisk core doesn't support it
21:36.15CunningPikejustinu|laptop: What did you end up doing?
21:36.15Dr-Linuxsomeone told me that normaly a DID costs $11/month , so what will be estimated cost if i buy it with 12 channels?
21:36.16mountainm2kI'd like to make it complete the supervised transfer on hangup, too, but it doesn't seem to do that, it leaves the call on hold...
21:36.17dlynes_officeCunningPike: that's the way it normally works
21:36.37dlynes_officeCunningPike: asterisk should transfer the caller id normally
21:36.45dlynes_officeCunningPike: unless you're doing something strange
21:36.49justinu|laptopCunningPike: i patched the code to implement Remote-party-ID tags in the 180/183 sip responses
21:36.56sevarddlynes_office: you're the one rewriting voicemail, right?
21:36.59CunningPikejustinu|laptop: Eww
21:37.01dlynes_officesevard: yeah
21:37.11CunningPikeOK - thanks
21:37.21dlynes_officeCunningPike: are you using agents and queues?
21:37.31Spy000007Dr-Linux: we told you how to research prices, it's time to contact the vendors you're interested in, you won't get any more useful info here
21:37.34CunningPikedlynes_office: Just queues and members
21:37.45dlynes_officeCunningPike: ah...that's why you're having problems iwth that then
21:37.51CunningPikedlynes_office: We don't need agents
21:37.53sevarddlynes_office: a feature request hit me from like 10 people at the same time who would be donverting
21:37.55dlynes_officeCunningPike: i don't use such things, and transfers work just fine
21:37.56CunningPikedlynes_office: Huh?
21:38.15sevarddlynes_office: dialing into your voicemail and pressing a button to get an outside line
21:38.24dlynes_officeCunningPike: i don't use queues, members, or agents, and transfers relay the original caller id just fine
21:38.27*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (n=m@
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21:38.30sevardso that you can get calls billed to your buisness line
21:38.39Dr-LinuxSpy000007: many peoples are using and doing SIP, so i thought maybe someone help me.
21:38.42CunningPikedlynes_office: How are you transfering?
21:38.54dlynes_officesevard: it already has that feature
21:39.06dlynes_officeCunningPike: hitting the transfer button on the Aastra phone
21:39.06sevarddlynes_office: really
21:39.11dlynes_officesevard: yeah
21:39.18sevarddlynes_office: bull
21:39.25dlynes_officesevard: read your sample config file
21:39.26mountainm2kOK, here's a question:  incoming call to ZAP, ends up at a SIP phone, and the incoming call detail says "asterisk"...  There is no caller-ID -- can I make it say "No Caller ID" or something???
21:39.30dlynes_officesevard: it's well documented
21:39.32CunningPikedlynes_office: Interesting - these are just normal calls
21:39.38sevardi did not find said feature
21:39.42CunningPikemountainm2k: Yes - in your dialplan
21:39.43justinu|laptopmountainm2k: yeah... there's a way to change that
21:39.44sevardforward me to the documentation :/
21:40.01dlynes_officeCunningPike: or at least I believe that's the case...none of my customers have complained about it, and I would think that's a pretty basic feature :0
21:40.02jbalcombdlynes_office: Iran is W0-L2-D1, same as Japan and US.. unless I jumped lines while reading.
21:40.08CunningPikedlynes_office: Must be the way that the Polycoms do transfers
21:40.31CunningPikedlynes_office: If my boss gets a call and blind transfers to me, I get her CID, not the original caller.
21:40.40CunningPikedlynes_office: Nothing to do with queues
21:40.42dlynes_officeCunningPike: yeah, i understand the issue
21:40.55jbalcombCunningPike there is a option in the Dial() function to change that behavior
21:41.08sevarddlynes_office: is that in advanced options? because I don't hear it.  maybe if you told me what it's called
21:41.14justinu|laptopoh, that's kinda different from what I was doing
21:41.20justinu|laptopI was implementing connected party ID
21:41.38ph|beranyone got a few to help out on connecting 2 * boxes via iax?
21:41.49justinu|laptopif I call user B, and his phone is forwarded to C, I want to see that I'm ringing/talking with C
21:41.57dlynes_officethere's a volume control for music on hold that never gets installed by default
21:42.06jbalcombph|ber have you read the 'connecting to asterisk servers' document on the wiki?
21:42.19sevarddlynes_office: oh? neat.
21:42.25dlynes_officesevard: muted.conf.sample in your asterisk source root directory
21:42.26ph|beri have em connected.. but im getting this
21:42.30jbalcombph|ber what seems to be the trouble?
21:42.33CunningPikejustinu|laptop: Ah - we'd just be happy to get the CID of person B when we called them
21:42.41ph|berType: IAX     Subclass: REJECT
21:42.56ph|berand i have tried with a register script and without
21:42.59justinu|laptoprespect my authoriTAY!
21:43.19sevarddlynes_office: wtf does it do it by the manager interface?
21:43.55dlynes_officesevard: dialout= option is for the dialing out from the advanced menu
21:44.16sevardsevard: can you include that for individual clients?
21:44.46tzafrir_laptopOff-topic: anybody here with a email? I need to test that our mail server can send messages there. Please /msg me if you can help me test. Thanks
21:44.52dlynes_officesevard: talking to yourself again, I see?
21:45.09sevarddlynes_office: can you include that for individual voice mail boxs?
21:45.25sevardor only each context
21:45.33dlynes_officesevard: yes...individual mailbox basis
21:46.01sevardi thought you said option=dialout
21:46.12sevardthat would only work for a whole voicemail context
21:46.12dlynes_officesevard: yeah...muted.conf is for the manager interface
21:46.25*** join/#asterisk MoutaPT (
21:46.32ph|beri have looked at like 10 of those
21:47.03CunningPikejbalcomb: Aha! Option 'o' for Dial - thanks!
21:47.19jbalcombCunningPike: np. glad it worked out.
21:47.27dlynes_officeCunningPike: oh heh...maybe i'm already using that :)
21:47.28jbalcombph|ber and?
21:47.35ph|beri have not found the problem.
21:48.00jbalcombph|ber any reason to imagine that your circumstances are special?
21:48.01sevarddlynes_office: the format I'm familiar with is 1338 = 1338,User,1338@localhost
21:48.36mountainm2kOK polycom junkies:  Where's a good place to order?  Looking at ~30 IP301's, ~10 501's, and a soundstation
21:48.40CunningPikedlynes_office: ;)
21:48.53mountainm2kthe standard websites don't seem appropriate for that QTY
21:49.36CunningPikemountainm2k: Where are you?
21:49.50dlynes_officesevard: boxnumber => password,user name,email@domain.tld,pager@domain.tld,saycid=yes|attach=yes|serveremail=voicemail@domain.tld|delete=1|dialout=vm-outbound|...
21:50.39sevardyou're really going to have to show me that documentation, i have no idea what delete=1 is for
21:51.01dlynes_officesevard: it means delete the voicemail after it's been emailed as an attachment to email@domain.tld
21:51.03jbalcombph|ber method 1, 2, or 3?
21:51.33ph|berjbalcomb: huh?
21:51.36dlynes_officesevard: do you not have the sample config files for asterisk?
21:51.39sevarddlynes_office: and I'm assuming vm-outbound is a context, hmm
21:51.47sevarddlynes_office: sort of :)
21:51.50sevardI play by ear brotha
21:51.51dlynes_officesevard: your extensions.conf file
21:52.01ph|bermethod 1
21:52.18sevarddlynes_office: I have a very non comformist setup
21:52.32sevarda new sort of way of organizing data within the configurations
21:52.38ph|beri have also tried peer peer
21:52.40dlynes_officesevard: so download the source code then
21:52.45jbalcombph|ber pastebin your iax.conf and the relevant section of your extensions.conf
21:52.46dlynes_officesevard: so you've got a copy of the sample config files
21:52.47sevardthe logic isn't finalized but i'll show you sometime :)
21:53.40sevarddlynes_office: izzight
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21:54.44Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: i got a customer, they wants me to configure their new call center small setup.
21:55.06dlynes_officeDr-Linux: ?
21:55.22Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: they will use outbound/inbound
21:55.23sevardhey, here's a concept, say you have a PRI and have groups of people seperated contexualy.. say you want to give a context of 10 extensions a max of 2 outbound/inbound (the sum) concurrent calls on your PRI
21:55.30sevarddlynes now that's a brain teaser :)
21:55.45dlynes_officesevard: not especially
21:55.54sevardit sounds like a brain teaser :/
21:56.01dlynes_officesevard: even Dr-Linux could figure that out
21:56.02Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: i'll do all for them, but i have no idea about DID's providers etc
21:56.22CunningPikesevard: Outbound is easy - inbound requires the cooperation of your telco
21:56.39sevardso, how would you do it ?
21:56.49dlynes_officeCunningPike: well, i'd just send anything over their limit directly into voicemail
21:57.08CunningPikedlynes_office: It would still tie up the channel though
21:57.18dlynes_officeCunningPike: ok, so hangup on them then
21:57.24CunningPikesevard: Make groups in your zapata.conf
21:57.39dlynes_officeCunningPike: much better solution :)
21:57.39CunningPikedlynes_office: Now _that's_ customer service ;)
21:57.49jbalcombI need to collect all the MAC Addresses of my phones (10.0.X.X) and populate a MySQL DB. What is good and proper way to do this?
21:57.59CunningPikejbalcomb: arpwatch
21:58.07dlynes_officeCunningPike: i figure a ten second voicemail is better than passing the call to them
21:58.21sevarddlynes_office: hrm, that's not working
21:58.33vader--can you playback multiple waves on one line?
21:58.34dlynes_officesevard: what isnt'?
21:58.36CunningPikejbalcomb: Or netdisco
21:58.38sevardyour weiner
21:58.42sevardtee htee hee
21:59.03dlynes_officesevard: old are you again?
21:59.12justinuFYI: don't do any business with a company called in south carolina
21:59.14sevardCunningPike: what if one doesn't want to dedicate 2 slots on the span?
21:59.20jbalcombCunningPike Is netdisco Linux based?
21:59.20justinuthey stiffed me on 1200 bucks of consulting services
21:59.44CunningPikejbalcomb: Yes - it's a little fiddly to set up, but it's an invaluable tool for all sorts of network inventory
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21:59.53sevardCunningPike: For the sake of over selling that is, if you dedicate 2 slots ont he span you can't over sell because those slots will -always- be in use
22:00.33jbalcombCunningPike sounds good. i'll check it out tomorrow.
22:00.38CunningPikesevard: I have no idea what you're talking about - you want a group of phones to use only 2 spans?
22:00.58sevardCunningPike: right, but not dedicated channels
22:01.26dlynes_officesevard: astdb is your friend
22:01.50CunningPikesevard: Ya - it'll need some kind of db tracking mechanism
22:01.53dlynes_officeincrement/decrement call counters
22:02.02CunningPikesevard: Easy to get out of sync
22:02.03dlynes_officeand check those call counters to see if you're able to make a call
22:02.42sevardthat sounds like something Dr-Linux can't do :(
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22:03.43dlynes_officeDr-Linux: subscribe to asterisk-biz, and ask around for who will provide you dids
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22:04.28Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: actually there are many, but i need to know something
22:05.51sevarddlynes_office: 1337 = 1337,User,1337@localhost|dialout=local
22:05.59sevarddlynes_office: per what you were saying that ought to work
22:12.38dlynes_officesevard: doulbe check what I said
22:12.41dlynes_officesevard: that's not what I had
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22:14.55jbotfrom memory, jbot is only marginally useful at best,  He got a C- on his Turing Test, or a complete idiot
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22:16.20dlynes_officejbot hard drive failure
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22:19.39Un1xhello, anyone around was needing to ask a question whats the difference between
22:19.46Un1xthe green and red fxo modules
22:19.57Un1xerr FXS and FXO
22:20.17dlynes_officefxs = where analog phones and/or phone systems plug into; fxo = where phone lines plug into
22:20.33mountainm2kyeah, FXS is a "station", ie accepts dial tone, and FXO is "office", ie provides dial tone
22:20.36Un1xso wich one do i need, if i want to hook up a regular home phone to it?
22:20.45dlynes_officeUn1x: one of each
22:20.48mountainm2kphone lines plug into FXS, phones plug into FXO
22:21.01dlynes_officeUn1x: one fxo for the phone line, one fxs for your phone
22:21.01mountainm2kyou need an FXO to plug a regular phone into it
22:21.17mountainm2kWhoops, am I backasswords?
22:21.22Un1xbut i only need FXS if im providing services for voip to pstn right?
22:21.25dlynes_officemountainm2k: phone lines plug into fxo and use fxs signalling
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22:21.35dlynes_officeUn1x: no...mountainm2k's confusing you
22:21.36mountainm2kI'm back-asswords..
22:21.38dlynes_officeUn1x: you need fxo
22:21.51mountainm2kI'm wrong, listen to dlynes_office
22:21.55Un1xso i need all FXO right if i'm using someonee else as my voip provider?
22:21.59mountainm2k<slinks away slowly>
22:22.10dlynes_officeUn1x: correct, but you still need one fxs port for your analog phones
22:22.21dlynes_officeUn1x: unless you're going to use a voip phone
22:22.44Un1xso FXO is for voip phones, and FXS is for phones like the ones in regular homes?
22:22.58Un1xsorry about that but i'm kinda confused
22:23.01dlynes_officefxo is for analog phone lines (o = office)
22:23.08dlynes_officefxs is for extensions (s = station)
22:23.38Un1xahh i see, like if i wanna be able to dail a extension i.e speak to someone else with a phone in there room kinda thing right?
22:23.43Un1xlike those interoffice phones
22:24.00dlynes_officebut if all your phones will be voip phones (you won't be using your old analog cordless or analog wall phones), you only need the fxo ports for your phone lines; you don't need fxs ports
22:24.37Un1xnoo see youre geting me wrong or im explaining wrong, i will not be using those voip phones, i will be using a phone like one of those from home...
22:24.41dlynes_officeUn1x: that's all dependent on how you set up asterisk
22:24.43Un1xlike one of those cordless panasonic ones
22:24.45dlynes_officeUn1x: yeah
22:24.59Un1xso i need all FXO or FXS?
22:25.03dlynes_officeUn1x: so you need at least one fxs port and one fxo port for every analog phone line you want to have coming in
22:25.23dlynes_officeUn1x: so if you have 2 lines and 1 cordless phone, you'd want 2 fxo ports, and 1 fxs port
22:25.37Un1xi see so the FXS port is for the phone
22:25.43dlynes_offices = station
22:25.47dlynes_officeo = central office
22:26.11Un1xi see but, if im not going to have a standard PSTN line into my asterisk box, then i dont need a FXO module correct?
22:26.19Un1xas if im using a VOIP service from one of those companys
22:26.20dlynes_officeUn1x: if that's the case then, yes
22:26.28dlynes_officeUn1x: you'd only need an fxs port then
22:26.49Un1xthanks Dlynes_office
22:26.55dlynes_officeUn1x: so i would just go with a pap2-na, or a sipura 2002, or something
22:27.06dlynes_officeUn1x: cheaper than buying a telephony card with an fxs port on it
22:27.42Un1xdylnes, i wanna be able to plug my cordless phone in
22:27.46Un1xdont wanna be stuck at my windows pc
22:27.52dlynes_officeyeah, and?
22:28.14Un1xso isn't SIP phones... O/S based?
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22:28.14dlynes_officethose are skype phones and soft phones
22:28.18Un1xahh i see
22:28.22dlynes_officeSIP is a protocol that many of the softphones use
22:28.31dlynes_officebut most hard ip phones also use SIP
22:28.41dlynes_officeas do most voip long distance companies
22:28.55Un1xi see
22:28.59dlynes_officeSession Initiation Protocol
22:29.08dlynes_officeit was developed by Cisco many moons ago
22:29.21dlynes_officeand later standardized by the IETF
22:29.42dlynes_officeand cisco has the worst implementation, for whatever reason :)
22:30.18Un1xdlunes_office: can i get one of these with, all Green modules Aka. FXS
22:30.49dlynes_officeUn1x: yes
22:31.02dlynes_officeUn1x: but why would you want to, if you're only using one cordless phone?
22:31.59Un1xwell i'm going to use 2 cordless phones the voip provider i'm getting allows 2 numbers, one us and one canada or both us or both canada
22:31.59Un1xso i'm going to take one us and one canad,a and thus 2 different phones ;P
22:31.59dlynes_officeok, and?
22:31.59Un1xso i should just leave the 2 green and 2 red?
22:32.04Un1xno need for asking for all green
22:32.04dlynes_officewhy do you need two separate cordless phones?
22:32.14Un1xcan i use one phone with 2 phone numbers?
22:32.20dlynes_officeUn1x: of course...why not?
22:32.57dlynes_officesipura 2002/pap2-na comes with 2 fxs ports, anyways
22:33.15CunningPikeWay easier than setting up a TDM400
22:33.17Un1xyou got a link?
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22:33.33Un1xCunningPike what's so difficult in setting up a TDM400
22:34.16justinu|laptopsomone has to remember that when he comes back asking for help
22:34.27CunningPikeUn1x: It can be tricky getting the interrupts etc. sorted out
22:34.46Un1xi see
22:35.18Strom_Cmost of the time, the TDM400 installation is a no-brainer
22:35.24Strom_Cinstall, compile, run
22:37.35Un1xi see
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22:37.54Un1xwel i like th tdm400 kit i'll get it see how everything goes ;P
22:37.57Un1xthis is going to be fun
22:38.15justinu|laptoptrue dat
22:38.17Un1xnow i gotta find voip providers in Norway and stuff
22:38.27Un1xto pump the data into PSTN lines i want a norway number as well :P
22:38.46Un1xi like this phone tho very nice :P
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22:41.08dlynes_officeUn1x: norway?  i thought you were in Ontario?
22:41.23Un1xyes i am, but i have family in norway...
22:41.43Un1xif you get a voip provider in countrys u intend to call
22:41.50Un1xand can find free incoming or free outgoing
22:41.56Un1xu basicly got free long distance :P
22:42.23Un1xthanks you dlunes
22:42.47dlynes_officeUn1x: whereabouts are you in Ontario?
22:44.02dlynes_officewas thinking you might be in Thunder Bay
22:44.11dlynes_officeThere's a lot of Scandinavians there
22:44.18dlynes_officeEspecially Finlanders
22:44.57Idleholy crap... LUG's are the best place to ask things... I asked for some free/cheap machine (old), and I had 3 responses within, oh, an hour
22:45.05Qwell[]Idle: nice
22:45.05Un1xim not scandanavian tho, my cousins moved there after
22:45.06dlynes_officea lot of those Finnish girls are pretty cute :0
22:45.16Qwell[]Idle: What're they offering?
22:45.41dlynes_officeIdle: in edmonchuck?
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22:45.53Un1xdoes having a better server to run ur PBX on help at all
22:45.55Un1xor even slightly
22:46.08dlynes_officeUn1x: for the amount of lines you're planning on running?
22:46.11dlynes_officeUn1x: not really
22:46.20Un1xhow much bandwidth does one line use
22:46.26Un1xcoz my upload one on line is max 100KB
22:46.27IdleQwell[]: 1 has a 233 K6, not PCI 2.2 tho :(
22:46.37Idleone with a k6 450 or something
22:46.40dlynes_officeUn1x: ulaw about 100K; g729 about 43K(?)
22:46.46Un1xhmm, do all new boards come with PCI 2.2?
22:46.53Qwell[]450...k6 2?
22:46.53IdlePentium 2 IBM Aptiva
22:46.57Qwell[]Un1x: yes
22:47.04Qwell[]Un1x: anything within the last like...5 years :p
22:47.06IdleUn1x: no
22:47.13IdleUn1x: some only have PCI-Express
22:47.15Un1xcomon someone give me a answer
22:47.22Un1xsome have PCI with PCI express
22:47.34Un1xPCI e is mainly for SLI configurations
22:47.34IdleUn1x: yes, but some ONLY have PCI-express
22:47.35Qwell[]If it has pci, it'll be pci 2.2
22:47.42IdleUn1x: not at all
22:47.43Qwell[]Un1x: nah, it's for far more
22:47.52Qwell[]they're selling NICs and such now, that are pcie
22:47.57Un1xoh nice
22:48.01Qwell[]raid cards, etc
22:48.01Idlewe have a PCI-Express server with an onboard graphics card... its scsi interface is pci-e
22:48.17Qwell[]the *REALLY* killer ones use the 16x slot...
22:48.24CunningPikejbalcomb: Option 'o' works perfectly - thanks again
22:49.24IdleQwell[]: the one guy with the k6 wants beer in exchange... ;)  he has a 850/900 laying around hes gonna find
22:49.45Qwell[]is it a k6 2 though?
22:49.46IdleI had to for beer store
22:49.53Idleno idea
22:50.03Idlethe 850 was a celeron
22:50.11Qwell[]but, better than a p75
22:50.23Idlea FUCKload better
22:50.29Qwell[]not really
22:50.36Idleyea really
22:50.43Qwell[]I guess p75 didn't even have mmx
22:51.01Idle2 FXS and 2 FXO, 2 or 3 softphones, and a SIP phone... no problems there
22:51.23Idlewhere did this mysterious p75 come from?
22:51.35IdleI had a p120, that woulda been OK, but not great
22:51.37Qwell[]weren't you saying 75?
22:51.41Qwell[]I swore you did
22:51.47Idleno... :P
22:51.50Qwell[]somebody did
22:51.58Idle32mb ram... that had A LOT of ram for a p120
22:52.09Idlecame with 4 iirc
22:52.20Idledoubled to 8, then to 16, then 32
22:52.31Qwell[]4 x 8?
22:52.39Idlethen replaced it with a machine that had 128
22:52.39Qwell[]or, rather..
22:52.45Qwell[]2 x 16
22:52.48Idle128mb on a 800mhz
22:53.08Idle1x 16, 1x 8, 2x 4
22:53.34Idle1 16mb, 1 8mb, 2 4mb
22:53.41nettieHi guys, I'm test asterisk-dev, what sync device should I use please? It doesnt need ohci usb anymore right?
22:53.43Qwell[]unpaired?  on a p120?
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22:53.53dlynes_officeQwell[]: p75 mmx did
22:53.57Idlepairing wasn't even availible then
22:54.04Idleat least, not afaik
22:54.10Qwell[]Idle: ram needed to be paired on 386s :D
22:54.12IdleSIMMS man
22:54.18dlynes_officeQwell[]: i think you're thinking about me...I set up a P75 with asterisk yesterday
22:54.20Qwell[]good old 30 pin suckers
22:54.23Qwell[]dlynes_office: probably so
22:54.23Idlethese were nice sim's
22:54.34Qwell[]Idle: simms needed to be paired..
22:54.42Idleuh? no
22:54.45Qwell[]72 pin..
22:54.52dlynes_officeQwell[]: but yeah, there was the Pentium, then the Pentium MMX, then the Pentium Pro, Pentium II, ...
22:54.56Idleever use a simm saver? good luck pairing one of those
22:55.02Qwell[]simm saver?
22:55.11Idleyea, 2 sims in 1 sim spot
22:55.30Idlewas this little fucked up riser thing that was an oversized stick of ram with 2 simm slots in it
22:55.49dlynes_officeQwell[]: simms only needed to be paired, and that was only 30-pin
22:56.01Qwell[]72 pin simms also needed to be paired
22:56.05dlynes_officeQwell[]: only certain motherboard manufacturers required 72-pin simms to be paired
22:56.17dlynes_officeQwell[]: not all
22:56.18Qwell[]ahh, that must be it then
22:56.28Qwell[]s/certain/most/ ;)
22:56.39Idlenone that I've ever worked on
22:56.42Idleliterally, none
22:56.45ptinsleyoh god, this dicussion is causing me to have flashbacks make it stop
22:56.47Qwell[]100% of the ones I've worked on
22:56.52Qwell[]maybe it was a canadia thing? :P
22:56.52IdleI just threw ram in them, and they worked
22:56.55dlynes_officeIdle: I'd say about 60% of them required paired simms
22:57.10Idledlynes_office: I must have just been lucky, as I only worked on about 4
22:57.17dlynes_officeIdle: it was only the higher end boards that didn't require paired simms
22:57.19ptinsleydlynes_office, yep, i used to spend so much time going through boxes of ram to find ones that liked eachother
22:57.32Idledlynes_office: yea, mine was top of the line when it was new
22:57.35Un1xso anyone know any VOIP providers in lika Norway or Asia
22:57.38Un1xlike japan or something
22:57.45Un1xcoz i heard it's cheap to call from japan to norway as well
22:57.47dlynes_officeUn1x: voip's legal in japan?
22:58.02Un1xi do not know
22:58.32dlynes_officeUn1x: i'm pretty sure it's one of those asian countries that doesn't allow it
22:58.34Idleif your calling home to, say, india alot, get a voip providor in india and just use that instead of calling long distance
22:58.46CunningPikenettie: What kernel are you running?
22:58.54dlynes_officeIdle: again, that'd be impossible...india doesn't allow voip for sure
22:58.59Un1xim trying to find one in norway
22:59.09wasimUn1x: RoyK
22:59.14dlynes_officeIdle: where there's voip in india, it's only because the telco hasn't found out about it, and ratted the company out
22:59.16Idledlynes_office: was nothing more then an example, hypotheitcal
22:59.22dlynes_officeIdle: ah
22:59.26wasimUn1x: i think
22:59.55Idleanyhow, home time,  time to see if my WIP300 came in today
22:59.56dlynes_officeIdle: heh...if it was legal in India
23:00.00knarflyHelp...I've lost the link I had for musiconhold without mpg123. Can anyone point me to it again?
23:00.11dlynes_officeIdle: we'd be doing probably 100K minutes per month to india right now :)
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23:00.21nettieCunningPike sorry I meant uhci usb -- I'm runign centos 4 latest kernel so 2.6.9-34.0.1
23:00.22Idleha, yea
23:00.29Idleall about outsourcing
23:00.32Idleanyhow, bbl
23:00.36CunningPikeknarfly: Google for native MOH
23:00.39wasimknarfly: mode=files
23:00.56dlynes_officeIdle: the owner of our company is indian, so he can get a lot of customers in surrey (predominantly indian populated city near Vancouver)
23:01.00CunningPikenettie: On 2.6 kernels, zaptel uses internal kernel timing - has for ages
23:01.13knarflyThank. My moh is too choppy with mpg123
23:01.24nettieCunningPike ok sounds great so, all I have to do is try builing it :)
23:01.26dlynes_officeknarfly: do you have a timing source?
23:01.44Un1xhas anyone herer ordered from digium before?
23:01.45CunningPikenettie: If you don't have a card, use ztdummy
23:01.54CunningPikeUn1x: Not directly
23:01.56TESTER2Someone get problem (or heard of) with festival (craching and misfunctionning) when zaptel is started?
23:01.58knarflyI don't run ztdummy if that's what you mean
23:02.04Un1xCunning [ike
23:02.06dlynes_officeknarfly: start
23:02.08Un1xwhat do you mean
23:02.09nettieCunningPike I would like to install it because I'm having issues with jitterbuffer I think it's frames timing problem.
23:02.11dlynes_officeknarfly: moh needs a timing source
23:02.19dlynes_officeknarfly: otherwise it'll be choppy
23:02.24dlynes_officeknarfly: even if you're using native
23:02.33nettieCunningPike I actually have a card but I didnt touch it yet.. it's in the server but I'm planning to use it later
23:02.41knarflyI am still new at this. Can you explain more?
23:02.59CunningPikenettie: Disregard - I got two conversations jumbled
23:03.19dlynes_officeknarfly: music on hold, conferencing, and iax2 trunking all require a timing source
23:03.27dlynes_officeknarfly: so that the audio quality doesn't degrade
23:03.38dlynes_officeknarfly: it's so that asterisk sequences the sound properly
23:03.43knarflyHow do I install this?
23:03.49Waverly360Goodnight guys!
23:03.49dlynes_officeknarfly: install zaptel
23:03.59dlynes_officeknarfly: and then make sure it loads ztdummy at startup
23:04.22knarflyI run FreeBSD. If I install Zaptel from the ports will that do it?
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23:04.33dlynes_officeknarfly:  yeah
23:04.51knarflyLet me give the old college try and see how far I get...
23:04.54nettieCunningPike seems zaptel trunk doesnt build :(
23:05.03dlynes_officeknarfly: and then you'll need to run /etc/local/rc.d/
23:05.14nettieCunningPike maybe I have to prepare modules befor
23:05.19dlynes_officeknarfly: i think that's where it was, anyways
23:05.26dlynes_officeknarfly: it'll be in the same directory as
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23:05.31CunningPikenettie: What error are you getting? spinlock? and yes, there are dependencies
23:05.43Un1xwhats the difference between the soo many pbx's like asterisk and zaptel
23:05.43dlynes_officeknarfly: after you install zaptel, you'll need to recompile and reinstall asterisk
23:05.45knarflyBTW - The freaking strange calls in my log were an anmoly...and you wouldn't believe what else happened today
23:06.01Qwell[]knarfly: You saw a flying pig?
23:06.04Qwell[]I'd believe it
23:06.22dlynes_officeUn1x: zaptel is a telephony driver; asterisk is a pbx that uses that telephony driver
23:06.53dlynes_officeUn1x: erm zaptel is a collection of telephony drivers for predominantly digium hardware
23:07.18*** part/#asterisk m4rkl4r (
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23:08.03jbotsomebody said centosbug was a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
23:08.05jbotfrom memory, redhatbug is is a problem with the latest RedHat Enterprise Linux and CentOS kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
23:08.05bugzits pouring balls here
23:08.26Qwell[]Strom_C: You should sue bugz for TM violations..
23:08.58*** join/#asterisk sevard (
23:09.00bugzi should be the one suing
23:09.03jbotit has been said that centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
23:09.03ptinsley%{__perl} -pi -e 's/rw_lock_t/rwlock_t/' /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h
23:09.05bugzmines registered ;)
23:09.12ptinsleywhoops thats rpmspeak
23:09.13Qwell[]bugz: "balls"? :p
23:09.18ptinsleyperl -pi -e 's/rw_lock_t/rwlock_t/' /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h
23:11.38znoGwhy do people BOTHER responding to such idiots like the guy who posted complaining about CDRTool ?
23:11.48znoGit's *obvious* the guy who posted has some serious issues
23:12.04CunningPikeznoG: That's Harry - he's famous
23:12.22*** join/#asterisk beyond (
23:12.32znoGhe must smoke a loooooot of weed
23:12.40CunningPikeHarry needs a jbot entry
23:14.02znoGharry = if ( ./configure && make && make install != success) { post-to-asterisk-list-complaining-like-a-clueless-moron };
23:14.21*** part/#asterisk TESTER2 (
23:14.43CunningPikeThankfully, he hasn't figured out IRC yet
23:14.55znoGi hope he does
23:15.01znoGso i can abuse him a littl
23:15.09jbothmm... harry is = if ( ./configure && make && make install != success ) { post-to-asterisk-list-complaining-like-a-clueless-moron } ;
23:15.23znoGmaybe ask him a few questions to work out what psychological disorder he has
23:15.45dlynes_officeznoG: how about rehan walla allah?
23:15.57znoG....... should I know who he is?
23:16.13dlynes_officeznoG: the freak on asterisk-biz that keeps trying to resell everyone else's routes
23:16.18CunningPikeThat's some bad hat, Harry
23:16.27znoGthis world has it all
23:16.40Spy000007haha that annoying douche
23:16.42dlynes_officei wonder if he's got an entry
23:16.49dlynes_officeguess not :0
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23:17.35dlynes_officeHe's also the guy that runs
23:17.55dlynes_officeguess that's not in there, either
23:18.23knarflydlynes_office: I just tried to install zaptel and it says it installed already. But I can't find
23:18.46thockhey guys.. what would cause Unknown extension '1' in context 'from-pstn' requested to show up on the CLI?
23:19.00dlynes_officeknarfly: do you know how to list what kernel modules are loaded?  it's been a while since I've used freebsd
23:19.06thockit happens when i call into the pbx on my T1
23:19.18dlynes_officethock: yeah, and you're dialing '1'
23:19.30dlynes_officethock: and there's no extension '1'
23:19.31knarflydlynes_office: No but let me google it and see what I find?
23:19.32CunningPikejbot, harry is also Harry Gaillac, an irascible Frenchman who complains loudly and repeatedly about everything. Some of his posts to -users are quite entertaining. The last words are Harry's own: "Harry is not Harry Potter!"
23:19.34jbotokay, CunningPike
23:19.54jbotit has been said that harry is = if ( ./configure && make && make install != success ) { post-to-asterisk-list-complaining-like-a-clueless-moron } ;  Harry Gaillac, an irascible Frenchman who complains loudly and repeatedly about everything. Some of his posts to -users are quite entertaining. The last words are Harry's own: "Harry is not Harry Potter!"
23:20.08thockthat's the thing though dlynes_home
23:20.19thockthe first thing that does is go to my IVR
23:20.58dlynes_officeyeah, and it's probably detecting you asking for extension 1, or you have a fallthrough to jump to extension 1, and you have autofallthrough=yes enabled
23:21.31CunningPikeDouglas hasn't made an appearance here either......
23:21.44ptinsleyor stang or whatever it is
23:21.49CunningPikeThe same
23:21.58ptinsleyhehe, he's funny
23:22.14ptinsleyin that why isn't he on prozac kind of way
23:22.46CunningPikeHe's actually pretty smart - just kinda psychotic
23:23.03ptinsleyya, he has good thoughts at times
23:23.15ptinsleyprozac should fix him right up
23:23.23dan__tSo I want to play around with Asterisk a bit more.  Can I simply have it answer a call via a standard PCI modem and do whatever with it?
23:23.40ptinsleydan__t, nopers
23:23.46CunningPikedan__t: 'Fraid not - you'll need some kind of ATA
23:23.57ptinsleywould be nice if it was that easy
23:24.00dan__tSorry, I'm still a bit new :)
23:24.04jbotwell, ata is Analog Telephone Adapter which is used to put a normal analog phone onto ethernet, see for more info
23:24.29CunningPikeMan, jbot is great
23:24.32ptinsleyor, if you have a pretty decent internet connection you could get a voip provider for pretty cheap for month just to tinker
23:24.46ptinsleyfor = per
23:24.47Un1xi wanna get one of those cisco colour screen phones
23:24.50Un1xthey look nice
23:24.58justinugreat for demos
23:25.00ptinsleyUn1x, they look great till you price them
23:25.11Un1xhmm well one colourscreen i saw is 500$
23:25.20Un1xi wanna get it but dont know how i will set it up
23:25.24Un1xdirect ethernet to pbx?
23:25.34dan__tExcellent, tahnks.
23:25.46dan__tDare I ask if there's a free or "sampler" VoIP provider for testing purposes?
23:25.54Un1xlmoa no
23:25.57dan__tI remember someone here was doing a very cheap services out of Michigan
23:26.06ptinsleythere are some pay as you go ones
23:26.11jbotextra, extra, read all about it, fxsfxo is an FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
23:26.18justinuthere was one that gives you 25c credit
23:26.31dan__tMan, I forgot what it was
23:26.43dan__tTHey did VoIP services out of Michigan, I remember that much.
23:26.56ptinsley .02 cents a minute with a $10 setup fee, they are who I use for my house but I have the residential service plan
23:27.40Spy000007teliax and voipjet are excellent for testing, wouldn't use them for a live business though
23:27.44*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
23:27.57ptinsleyya, teliax has some challenges
23:28.05ptinsleythings work, then they magically dont
23:28.22Un1xcan somone tell me where i can find a list of voip providers
23:28.25Un1xby area/region
23:28.29Un1xaroiund the world
23:28.34ptinsleysupport "well your account doesn't have the smiggitybop turned on" me: "it worked last week" support :"hmmmmm"
23:28.36[hC]hey, i have some polycom phones here, when i try to add a contact to my personal directory, it sits and sits, then reboots itself
23:28.39[hC]and nothing goes in
23:28.39[hC]any idea?
23:28.45dan__tthanks, ptinsley.
23:29.12ptinsleydan__t, np
23:29.12justinucheck the b2b voip page on
23:29.28ptinsley[hC], you might have a corrupted global directory, i have seen that cause the polycoms to freak out
23:29.33dan__tWould it be dumb to inquire some sort of ATA software to convert a regular computer with an analog modem for this purpose?
23:29.48knarflydlynes_office: Okay, I think I have something here.
23:30.07ptinsley[hC], do you have entries in your 0000....00-directory.xml ?
23:30.16[hC]I think i may have had bad perms in the ftp directory
23:30.22knarflydlynes_office: I found the file but I had to assign some variables to get it to run.
23:30.23[hC]for creating the >mac>-directory.xml file
23:30.36ptinsleythat could cause problems for sure
23:31.17knarflydlynes_office: it crashed saying it could not find /usr/local/etc/zaptel.conf so I touched it and then it ran without errors. But it did not say anthing else either. I assume it loaded.
23:31.46knarflydlynes_office: how can I test the moh now?
23:31.53dlynes_officeknarfly: yeah....modify your so that it loads ztdummy
23:32.02dlynes_officeknarfly: you don't need any of the other modules
23:32.11ptinsleyhas anybody had odd PRI problems since the release?  I have one PBX that had been working fine for months and after that update woudl start screwing up channels and have to have asterisk restarted
23:32.41knarflydlynes_office: how do I do that?
23:32.56dlynes_officeknarfly: vi
23:33.05nettieuhmm guys, I'm testing *-dev but when I make a call, locally or not after a couple of seconds I need very strong buzzzzzzzes, anyone know what could be wrong? I'm running the stble branch since a long time and never had such problems.. any idea please? thanx.
23:33.35knarflydlynes_office: I use ee but what do I type into this file. load ztdummy or kldload ztdummy?
23:35.08Un1xknarfly FreeBSD?
23:35.37Dr-Linuxptinsley: what's your problem?
23:35.45knarflydlynes_office: Yes FreeBSD-6.1-RELEASE
23:35.59Dr-Linuxptinsley: i'm using with two PRI's
23:36.02knarflyUn1x: Yes FreeBSD-6.1-RELEASE
23:36.27Un1xi dont think you can use, kldload
23:36.30Un1xfor ztdummy
23:36.34Un1xnot sure but give it a try
23:37.22knarflydlynes_office: I just was informed that kldstat will list the kernel modules. zaptel.ko is loaded now
23:37.46dlynes_officeknarfly: yeah...that's what it was
23:38.00dlynes_officeknarfly: i'm not a freebsd guy...but i did run asterisk on freebsd for a little while
23:39.10knarflydlynes_office: kldload ztdummy from the command line doesn't work.
23:39.55knarflydlynes_office: if I edit zaptel.conf do I just need one line that says ztdummy?
23:40.06ptinsleyDr-Linux, it sees an incoming line and tries to pick it up on the wrong zap channel and freaks out saying it's in use
23:40.58ptinsleyDr-Linux, i disabled frame buffer and haven't seen the problem since, but it was a very spotty problem to begin with so I am just crossing my fingers
23:41.36Dr-Linuxptinsley: from where you disbale frame buffer?
23:41.54knarflydlynes_office: oky that doesn't work. It wants a <keyword>=<value> syntax? Any ideas?
23:41.56ptinsleyos boot nofb
23:42.03Dr-Linuxptinsley: did you delete your modules when you were upgradign to new version?
23:43.14*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
23:43.16Dr-Linuxptinsley: the same happend with outgoing calls?
23:43.21ptinsleynope, only inbound
23:43.33ptinsleyoubound would still function fine, only inbound calls would fail
23:43.42ptinsleyand callers would get the typical something is wrong fast busy
23:43.45Dr-Linuxanybody hash addict?
23:44.07justinudrugs are bad, mmmkay?
23:45.53Dr-Linuxjustinu: tribal growt post(durg seed) widely
23:46.18Dr-Linuxgrowth or what, i can't spell
23:46.28justinujust grow
23:46.58Dr-Linuxjustinu: and what we call the place where it grow? :S
23:47.09Dr-Linuxthe earth place
23:47.34Dr-Linuxoo yeah fields
23:47.57*** join/#asterisk ctaloi (
23:48.16justinugrowing poppies?
23:48.53Dr-Linuxjustinu: what's poppies?
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23:50.46Dr-Linuxjustinu: yes correct poppies
23:50.57knarflyOkay gang...the docs all explain it with Linux so I'm going to install this spare drive. Build Fedora 5.0 and try it that way. Zaptel and FeeBSD don't seem to get along very well. Wish me luck. I'll report back in an hour or so.
23:51.12justinuit's interesting, in the USA Hash comes from marijuana plant
23:51.22justinubut other parts of the world call opium "hash"
23:51.51Un1xyea Marijuana hash is better then opium hash :P
23:51.57dlynes_officejustinu: Canada calls hashish the oil from cannabis, too
23:52.06justinuless addictive, for sure
23:52.11Dr-Linuxit's Marijuana hash
23:52.33Dr-Linuxi play cricket in Marijauna hash fields
23:52.52justinudon't bogart it, dude
23:53.20Dr-Linuxjustinu: we don't do that, bcoz we grow all these shit and we know how much it's bad :(
23:53.24ptinsleytotally off topic here, does anybody know a decent not too pricey flash resource.  I had one flake out on me for a job so I need to find someone to do the work
23:53.53Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: but really i smoked hash a few time, just to check the quality.
23:54.02Qwell[]just a few, eh?
23:54.03Dr-Linuxbut not hiroin?
23:54.04Qwell[]sure, sure
23:54.07justinuthats my excuse too
23:54.11justinui was testing the purity
23:54.17Dr-Linuxjustinu: what you guys call  Hirion?
23:54.20*** join/#asterisk Ixthod (n=Ixthod@
23:55.26Dr-Linuxjustinu: Ayub afridi is very big dealer sells heroin to USA/UK/CA
23:55.47justinustay away from that stuff
23:56.00Un1xheh, man i'm bored, fuck i wish i lived in asia or somethin
23:56.05Un1xhave bunch of weed fiels
23:56.07Qwell[]instant massive addiction
23:56.08Dr-Linuxhe was wanted by USA, but my country had no power to give him
23:56.19Dr-Linuxso he went to USA by himself,
23:56.30Dr-Linuxbut not sure he came back to work
23:56.32CunningPikeptinsley: Remote OK?
23:56.41ptinsleyCunningPike, ya
23:57.01ptinsleyas long as they are on earth and can speak or write english we are good
23:57.08*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
23:57.13Dr-Linuxjustinu: HE is the one supply stinger miseal to USA, do you remember the afghaistan russia war ... story
23:57.14*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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23:57.36CunningPikeptinsley: Just did this for us:
23:57.39justinuDr-Linux: yeah, but I thought that the USA supplied stingers to the afgan
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23:57.59Qwell[]Dr-Linux: missile
23:58.30Dr-Linuxjustinu: yes, but US was enough smart, they asked to Afghan after ending war they will give back the stingers and they will be paid
23:58.52justinuoh, ic
23:59.06justinubut obviously they kept some
23:59.12Dr-Linuxjustinu: so Ayub afridi sent meseal to US more than then gave to Afghan

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.