irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060621

00:00.36Qwell[]TESTER2: are you jumping 6 at a time?
00:00.39Qwell[]You should be trying like .5
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00:07.05MarcPtzanyone knows if a2billing can be configured to bill calls between users on the same asterisk box? with no external voIp trunks
00:20.53asterboyYes, the Dell has 4 slots and a Dlink 520TX in one of them.
00:21.10asterboy530TX that is
00:22.04asterboyTESTER2, did you run fxotune?
00:23.08asterboyTESTER2, also play with txgain for shits and giggles
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00:32.13*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
00:32.51asterboybrokeback howdy or just viagra howdy
00:33.39Dr-Linuxasterboy: i am very innocent guy, don't use bad words
00:33.50digimeanyone here have experience with a polycom ip400?
00:34.12digimeits an old model and i need the right firmware to make it work
00:34.17asterboyI've used 300,500 and 600 but never heard of a 400
00:34.39coppicedoes fxotune still take ages, or was it speeded up?
00:34.45asterboylol, ya If I took Viagra everytime they emailed me....
00:34.56asterboymine goes quick
00:35.11Dr-Linuxasterboy: you use wht? Viagra?
00:35.12asterboyfrom 1.2.8 to
00:35.41asterboynever tried it...I need something that will keep it down.
00:36.32dlynes_officeanyone know what needs to occur during asterisk compile for show translation to be a valid command?
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00:38.55dlynes_officeis 112/113 too high for a translation time?
00:42.26zwelchdlynes_office: it depends on the app, probably
00:42.51dlynes_officezwelch: just for ordinary phone calls
00:43.00zwelchwell, that's a lot of latency
00:43.05dlynes_officezwelch: where I want to spew out a precanned file
00:43.13dlynes_officezwelch: no lasting conversation
00:43.19zwelchright, not really interactive
00:43.25dlynes_officeconversations will only be ulaw
00:43.35dlynes_officeand will save voicemail as ulaw
00:43.39zwelchi.e. not human to human, but computer to human, right?
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00:43.56Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: you know i also called digium support, when my 2nd pri was down
00:44.36zwelchthat's probably okay then; it'd add a tenth of a second delay between the server playing the file and them hearing it
00:44.39Dr-Linuxafter long hold they said, my zap config is fine, ask your telco ..
00:44.43zwelchthat's probably acceptable
00:45.33Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: but when i changed zap on my way, and shown them, thay said, it's wrong
00:45.46Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: but it worked for me :)
00:46.05Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: so not sure, what happend :S
00:46.38dlynes_officeDr-Linux: no idea
00:47.17dlynes_officezwelch: yeah..ulaw to gsm is 113 (playing back prompt, and recording voicemail (maybe))
00:47.29Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: i think if everything is working fine, i should not change the things
00:47.49dlynes_officezwelch: slin to ulaw is 1, ulaw to slin is also 1
00:48.13dlynes_officeDr-Linux: if it ain't broke, don't fix it
00:48.38Dr-Linuxit's not
00:52.06*** join/#asterisk brockj49464_home (n=chatzill@
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00:58.00yxais there a company that does voice prompts in tamil and thai?
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01:10.18rene-hello, im #including the members of my queue, so far agentlogin still going strong, if i were to switch to realtime queues would this still work?, i believe it would since  passwords are taken from agents.conf regardless if queues was static o realtime
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01:20.16asteriskmonkeyanyone here work with asterisk and sangoma alot on production systems?
01:23.29dlynes_officeasteriskmonkey: somewhat...what's up?
01:23.57dlynes_officeasteriskmonkey: i just started with them about 2 or 3 weeks ago, but i might still be able to help
01:24.08dlynes_officeasteriskmonkey: i've set up a101's, a200's, and a200d's
01:24.14ariel_when you have an agi setup is 0 ok or 1 ???
01:24.36ariel_that is returned number from the agi
01:33.17asteriskmonkeydlynes_office: ive been using them for about 6months i use a101's but ive never upgraded my wanpipe/zaptel on a production box , i was wondering if i could do the ./Setup install thing while there was still the wanpipe loaded it barks that i shouldnt :P
01:36.10dlynes_officedo a wanrouter stop before upgrading
01:36.15dlynes_officeThat's what I would do, anyways
01:36.25dlynes_officeI would also shutdown asterisk during the upgrade, too
01:37.10dlynes_officeif for whatever reason asterisk decides to reload the driver, your system will end up locking up
01:37.23dlynes_officeit's happened to me on freebsd before
01:38.20asteriskmonkeyah :P crap will have to wait for a serious off hr .. its production
01:38.45dlynes_officeyeah...I always do mine at 4am
01:41.53dlynes_officeI just ordered a spare sangoma pri card so that if one machine goes down for whatever reason, I can have another one back online within the amount of time it takes me to drive to the colo
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03:09.36kpettitI'm using asterisk 1.2.9 and it seems music on hold can't work the same was as normal asterisk
03:10.04dlynes_officekpettit: come again?
03:10.10kpettitI can't use the same wav fils I call from asterisk for Playback and Background.  I've tried converting to mp3 but it's quit compared to .wav
03:10.15dlynes_officekpettit: you mean it doesn't work the same as it did before?
03:10.43kpettitbasically I'm trying to setup a auto attendant and some msuic on hold.  All the files were recorded at the same time
03:10.45dlynes_officekpettit: your English is kinda jumbled up...I'm having difficulty understanding you
03:11.06dlynes_officeyour last statement's fine
03:11.13dlynes_officego on
03:11.14kpettitthey are all high quality, alittle too high quality I think.  I can use the normal wav files in extensions.conf for Playback and Background
03:11.17*** join/#asterisk zepmantra (i=wahhh@
03:11.28kpettitbut if i try to use these .wav files for musiconhold it dosen't seem them.
03:11.39dlynes_officeDoes music on hold even support wav files?
03:11.45dlynes_officeI thought it only supported mp3?
03:11.57kpettitI think it's becuase they 16 bit, stereo 44100 Hz
03:12.09dlynes_officekpettit: you need to downsample them to 8KHz
03:12.17kpettithow do I do that?
03:12.34Qwellnative MoH supports every format asterisk does
03:12.34kpettitI've tried moving them to mp3's with lame.  I can get a clean sound but it's too quite
03:12.34dlynes_officekpettit: take a look at the wiki's section on music on hold
03:12.40dlynes_officeQwell: ah, ok
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03:12.59kpettitQwell, in my case it dosent seem to support the 16bit stereo .wav's
03:13.04dlynes_officeQwell: but it still needs wav files in 8KHz, too?
03:13.45dlynes_officekpettit: there's an example in the music on hold section of the wiki on how to downsample using sox
03:14.53kpettitI've been trying a bunch of them.  haven't found a good quality/sound level yet
03:15.01kpettitthey either sond crappy or are too quiet
03:16.16kpettitwow got it
03:16.26kpettitdoing it in "raw" sounds really nice
03:16.38kpettitsox -V moh.wav -r 8000 -c 1 -w moh.raw
03:16.42kpettit8k is a good number
03:16.54kpettitdlynes_home, thanks for the suggestion
03:17.15dlynes_officekpettit: it's because asterisk operates at 8K, internally
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03:17.40dlynes_officekpettit: so any other sample rate either won't work period, or will sound like crap
03:18.12kpettityou think that would be mentioned prominatly somewhere in the musiconhold docs.
03:18.31kpettitThere are tons of examples on how to convert stuff, but I haven't seen anytihng on the reasoning for using 8k
03:18.34dlynes_officei think it's mentioned somewhere prominently in the music on hold section of the wiki
03:18.42*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
03:19.21kpettitthere are alot of music on hold wiki pages.  I've got 4 open now on
03:19.38dlynes_officekpettit: try the one on faxing and music on hold
03:19.49dlynes_officekpettit: it's the best of the bunch, i think
03:20.32dlynes_officewell, faxing, music on hold, and one other thing that I can't recall off the top of my heaed
03:20.44kpettit?? this page or some other one?
03:20.55dlynes_officenah...that's not it
03:20.56dlynes_officeone sec
03:22.17dlynes_officethat one
03:22.40dlynes_officeAsterisk + ISDN HFC_PCI + Music-on-hold + Soft fax HOWTO
03:22.58kpettitI love doing fax.
03:23.09kpettitI usually use hylafax/iaxmodem now.
03:23.10dlynes_officekpettit: yeah...especially over voip
03:23.12dlynes_officeit's so much fun
03:23.20dlynes_officeespecially when it blows up in your face :p
03:23.29kpettitI do all mine over SIP, got it working 100% at most places
03:23.40dlynes_officewhat's your secret?
03:23.41kpettitI even have one going over a vsat at 800ms + times working good.
03:23.46kpettitthat was kind of tricky though
03:24.10*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
03:24.11kpettitOur t-1 provider is our sip provider so there is no jitter/latency
03:24.26dlynes_officeOr do you only use hylafax?
03:24.30dlynes_officeno real fax machines?
03:24.45kpettiton the vsat one we kind of did somem tricks with hylafax.  It stores the fax in a PDF the send ot to a different machine to send.  and the other machien gets faxes and does the oposite to send back
03:24.57kpettiton this vsat one we do both
03:25.37kpettitthere is this floating oil right that has a * box.  The real machien faxes to it.  hylafax turns it into a PDF, then a cron job sends it on shore to a PBX with a good connectinos and it faxes from there.  And the same for the receiving
03:26.07kpettitkind of nice. It's not realtime but the connection can go down and yoru still good.
03:26.22dlynes_officeI don't have that luxury
03:26.29dlynes_officenot all of our customers have asterisk boxes
03:26.44kpettitthe iaxmodem/hylafax compbo gives us alot of options
03:26.48dlynes_officesome of them just have sipura ata's hooked up to conventional phone systems
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03:27.01dlynes_officebut your idea is still a good idea
03:27.09kpettithylafax deals with faxes alot better than just plain spandsp, and you have a larger feature set
03:27.32dlynes_officebut with hylaxfax, you're still using spandsp, right?
03:27.42kpettitI've never had good luck with faxing over DSL, or another other non point2point type connection
03:27.53kpettitit's a hacked version of spandsp basically
03:28.09kpettitif you get iaxymodem it comes with it
03:28.12*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
03:28.14dlynes_officebut it's still spandsp...just not using app_rxfax/app_txfax
03:28.31dlynes_officebut iaxymodem is an iaxy ata, isn't it?
03:28.57dlynes_officeor are you talking about a piece of software?
03:29.06[TK]D-FenderIAXmodem is jsut a "softmodem" built on SpanDSP
03:29.07kpettitso in extensions.conf I just do  exten =>555123444,1,Dial(IAX2/iaxmodem1,10)
03:29.27dlynes_officeso it's the thing that gives you multiple virtual phone lines for hylafax then?
03:29.31kpettitthen I kind of build a channel back of them.  Depending on how many faxes I want to recieive
03:29.43kpettitto hylafax they look like normal modems
03:30.01kpettitthen you can do what you normally would like to do with hylafax
03:30.04dlynes_officeso your sip traffic comes into asterisk, and then you get asterisk to reroute it to iaxymodem?
03:30.09[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : You'd need to creat an instance of each, but yeah
03:30.20kpettitit's all local
03:30.26dlynes_officeyeah...that might actually work well
03:30.35dlynes_officemuch better than rxfax/txfax i guess
03:30.36[TK]D-FenderI'd avoid taking in SIP for IAXMODEM, its shaky enough as it is.
03:30.41kpettitI've got it running on 20 different boxes in different locations.  works great
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03:30.54dlynes_officethose two apps are highly unreliable
03:30.58kpettitonly way I've been able to get it to work reliably
03:31.23kpettiton some of them I'm using a PRI /ZAP but most are Sip and they work great
03:31.25dlynes_officekpettit: you have control over what fax machines connect to it too, right?
03:31.29rainkidi want to limit the registration of an extention in sip.conf to a single IP address. what is variable i need to set? ipaddr?
03:32.08rainkidso.. do i set host=$IP, or ipaddr=$IP?
03:32.14dlynes_officekpettit: yeah...that makes it significantly easier then :)
03:32.33dlynes_officekpettit: I don't have a choice for most of my customers..they could be receiving faxes from just about anyone
03:32.51dlynes_officekpettit: so it could be coming in from a 14.4K fax modem, or a 4800 baud fax machine
03:32.52kpettitoh they get faxes from everywere
03:33.02kpettitoh yeah that all works great for me
03:33.16kpettitI've done a bunch of tests, with hylafax I can support more fax types
03:33.19dlynes_officehylafax isn't stupid when it comes to 14.4K faxes then?
03:33.32dlynes_officei.e. when it's going through iaxymodem, i mean?
03:33.43kpettitwith the cheap ass fax machien here I could only get 1/2 the fax types to work with tx/rx fax but I got all of them to work using the iaxmodem/hylafax combo
03:33.57dlynes_officesounds good
03:34.02rainkidwhen is set the host=$IP of softphone, i get registration failed, Username/auth name mismatch
03:34.21dlynes_officerainkid: notice how you're getting username/auth name mismatch?  not host?
03:34.29dlynes_officerainkid: your username and/or password aren't correct
03:34.35rainkidi didnt change them
03:34.46dlynes_officerainkid: do you have a username= field?
03:34.47rainkidi only changed host from dynamic to ip address
03:35.28dlynes_officeso say like [phone] username=phone ; ; secret=mysecret ; ...?
03:35.48dlynes_officeso the square bracket value is the same as the username value?
03:36.05dlynes_officerainkid: and how about on the phone?  same thing?
03:36.13rainkid[101] username=101 secret=101 host=IPADDIE
03:36.23rainkidit all works if host=dynamic
03:36.32dlynes_officerainkid: username and authname are the same on the phone?
03:36.34rainkidwhen i change it to host=IP of softphone, it doesnt work
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03:36.56dlynes_officeoh actually wait a second
03:36.56rainkidwhat i am trying to do is limit registrations of my extension to set IPs
03:36.59dlynes_officei'm half awake
03:37.03dlynes_officeone sec
03:37.19rainkidi read the docs on sip.conf, but it wasnt very clear
03:38.12rainkidif i set host=dynamic and ipaddr=$SOMIP, it works, but doesnt limit registration to $SOMEIP
03:40.04dlynes_officerainkid: permit =>
03:40.35dlynes_officerainkid:  or deny => ip.address.not.permitted/mask.mask.mask.mask
03:40.52dlynes_officerainkid: so say like permit =>
03:41.00bkw__dlynes_office, that takes cidr format also
03:41.14dlynes_officebkw__: you mean like permit =>
03:41.30bkw__I'm the one that bugged mark to do that
03:41.34dlynes_officegood to know
03:41.45bkw__that whole ip/mask stuff is so 90's
03:41.48dlynes_officeyeah, you'd think it'd be pretty much a given that it would support it
03:41.49Qwellbkw__: glad somebody's...yeah...
03:41.55Qwellso 90's :p
03:42.44dlynes_officeyeah, but mark's a programmer, not a sysadmin, right?
03:42.59Tilihey where can i get full protocol specs of T.30 for free
03:43.13dlynes_officeTili: #warez
03:43.36rainkidhmm. i tried permit= and permit=, yet can still register it
03:44.01Qwellrainkid: deny=
03:44.06Tilidlyness_office: really?
03:44.07Qwellerm...  /0?
03:44.34dlynes_officeQwell: yeah
03:44.39Qwellseems wrong
03:44.43dlynes_officeTili: yeah...really...go try :)
03:45.02bkw__deny deny deny
03:45.35fileACCESS DENIED
03:45.41Qwellfile: no, access allowed
03:46.02Qwellit's like the anti-firewall
03:46.35TESTER2fxotune with the last patch (same as the unpatched) always give all 0's (Found best echo coefficients: 4=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) (echo ratio = 0.0170 (86.4 / 5082.0))...... 1) is it normal?  2) the rx sound level is to low with this setting 3) MG2, KB1 or MARK2?
03:47.55dlynes_officeTili: try's an ietf spec
03:48.39Tilidlyness_office: thanks man. I'll look for it.
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03:49.30Tilidlyness_office: I want the Telco Fax over HDLC.
03:49.37Tilidlyness_office: IETF is about IP
03:49.45dlynes_officeerm....that's a CCITT spec
03:50.00dlynes_officeand that you probably have to pay for
03:51.00rainkidif anyone cares to know, you need deny= and then permit=x.x.x.x/y.y.y.y
03:51.04rainkidand order does matter
03:51.11Tilidlyness_office: yeah. coppice wrote spandsp and I am interested in reading that code, so i need that spec
03:51.28hadsTESTER2: It's aparently common to get all zeros in your fxotune.conf file. Do make sure you check that fxotune is clearing the dialtone though as there is a bug around which prevents it doing this.
03:51.42dlynes_officeTili: CCITT T.30
03:52.00TESTER2hads: I applied the 3 patches
03:52.33hadsoh 'the' three patches :)
03:52.42TESTER2fxotune_5.patch  fxotune-filehandles-b.patch
03:52.42TESTER2fxotune_b.patch  fxotune_simplebugfix.patch
03:53.09TESTER2but one of them are already include
03:53.35kpettitis there a bug in asterisk 1.2.9 when doing asterisk -rx "sip show peers" or basically any asterisk -rx command?
03:53.56dlynes_officekpettit: not afaik, but the latest version is 1.2.9 too
03:54.05kpettitI've got two different machiens with the same problem now.  In the asterisk console the commands all work fine but asterisk -rx dosent' give but the top 1 line of output
03:54.18TESTER2so maybe it is normal to get all 0's but why the sound level (rx) is so low?
03:54.54filekpettit: you're the second person to say that, and it's already been fixed in the 1.2 branch and will be in the next release
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03:56.53kpettitfile, cool thanks
03:57.04kpettitfile, is the bug sitll there in
03:57.08kpettitI haven't used that one yet
03:57.12dlynes_officeTili: [25]  CCITT-T.30, "Procedures for Document Facsimile Transmission in the
03:57.12fileI don't remember
03:57.32dlynes_officeTili: iow, you need to order it from itu
03:57.34Tilidlyness_office: thanks
03:58.03s0lidi've also seen a bug for when i do show queues it does nothing
03:58.21dlynes_offices0lid: yeah...damned thing does that to me, too
03:58.25s0lidand i tried to reload and restart asterisk on CLI it does not respond
03:58.30dlynes_offices0lid: erm wait...i'm not even using queues...
03:58.33dlynes_officeforget what i said
03:58.35Tilidlyness_office: I will try to get someone who already has membership there and let me download it
03:59.06s0liddlyn: well i tried to sip show peers too asterisk doesn't respond
03:59.21dlynes_offices0lid: sounds like you've got other issues
03:59.22s0lidi downgraded to
03:59.33s0lideveerythings fine with
03:59.46dlynes_offices0lid: sip show peers works just fine on
03:59.58s0lidhmmm.... i wonder why
04:00.16s0lidthis just happen when lots of calls are in queue
04:00.19s0lidaround 5-10 calls
04:00.27kpettits0lid, I've had the exact same problem
04:00.48dlynes_officeyet nobody ever reports any bugs
04:00.50dlynes_officefunny about that
04:00.57kpettits0lid, had a large call center and when the queue would start filling up, asterisk would shit processes and couldn't do show queues or sip show peers, etc.
04:01.13kpettits0lid, I had to change the way I was doing the queues, the agets were buggering alot of stuff up.
04:01.19s0lidkpettit: hmmm... same problem as i have it's also a large call center
04:01.46kpettits0lid, I have polyhcom phones.  I removed the DND button and the "Forward" button wich got rid of alot of problems
04:01.52s0lidkpettit: my solution is downgraded it to
04:01.56kpettitthen I remove agent login and just did it via sip extensions
04:02.06s0lidkpettit: im using linksys spa-941
04:02.07dlynes_officekpettit: heh...sounds like you had a user problem :0
04:02.15kpettitAlot of my problem was agents trying to screw up the queue so they didn't have to work
04:02.45kpettitthey would just do DND if they wanted a break, or forward to a non exsistant number, etc.  very anoying
04:03.01kpettitthe phone of course dosen't check weather a extensions exists before it enables forwarding
04:03.32s0lidkpettit: do you have agents.conf enabled?
04:03.55kpettits0lid, I'm not using it now.  I just specific all the sip pressences in queues.conf
04:04.17kpettitI couldn't trust them with the login processes, they would bugger it up constantly
04:04.38kpettits0lid, how do you like that phone by the way>  I havent tried that one yet
04:04.59s0lidkpettit: you need to implement procedures and policy :)
04:05.16kpettitit's not my company, which sucks.  We just do the phones/pbx for them
04:05.24s0lidkpettit: it's fine with me i haven't tried polycomms yet
04:05.30kpettitbut we seem to have to keep fixing things there
04:05.38kpettitthey looped up there network like nuts earlier.
04:05.44s0lidkpettit: it's not as good as the old analog plantronics
04:06.03kpettitfor call center type stuff I want a sip phone that has no buttons at all.
04:06.09kpettitexcept the keypad.
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04:07.24dlynes_officekpettit: hehe....good phone :)
04:07.25s0lidim thinking of implementing quintum boxes for the agents phone
04:07.40kpettitanybody had any luck trying to find a all in one SIP pager?
04:08.05kpettitPaging with a UTI really seems to suck for me.  I'm supprised there isn't a full VoIP paging solutions yet
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04:08.44kpettits0lid, I haven't heard of quintum before
04:08.50dlynes_officepaging through the handsets, or through a paging horn?
04:09.03kpettitwall mounted speakers
04:09.20dlynes_officekpettit: you can already do that
04:09.22kpettitnormally we'll use a FX port or a ATA and plug that unti a UTI which powers a couple speakers
04:09.31dlynes_officekpettit: it's called chan_alsa/chan_oss
04:10.00kpettitIdieally I'd love a POE device(s) so I don't have to run the power.
04:10.30kpettitdlynes_office, haven't had the best of luck on that one.  that was actually the first thing we tried.
04:10.40kpettitthe fx/ata thing works good enough, but the UTI's all kind of suck.
04:11.01kpettitthat's why I keep hoping for 1 device that sip/poe/speaker so its' simple to setup/use
04:11.31[TK]D-Fenderkpettit : BT-101 chopped up and plugged into an AMP.
04:12.38kpettitwhere there's a will there's a way I guess.
04:20.37*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
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04:29.44*** join/#asterisk ph|ber (
04:30.45ph|berquestion, if i a * pbx at my office that has an IAX2 connection to my voip provider, and i add an iax to my pbx at home, how would i route outgoing calls from home pbx, to office pbx iax voip connection?
04:32.26*** join/#asterisk W9SH (
04:38.16*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
04:38.20*** join/#asterisk digime (
04:38.43digimeI am currently out of town with an IP 400 (a rare, older model Polycom) and it is locking up with the newer IP500 firmware.
04:38.43digimeI cannot get ANY info on what firmware and SIP version I need for this phone.  Polycom does not have end user support and my voip reseller refuses to tell me anything about it!
04:38.43digimeI really, really need to get this phone up and running asap.  Can you help me find out what exactly I need to do to get this phone live?
04:42.33*** join/#asterisk hellop (
04:44.22orlockHmm.. Interesting problem.
04:44.44orlockour asterisk srever is working fine, except that it cannot receive calls from other sites using the same SIP provider
04:48.19*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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05:07.30*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
05:15.35*** join/#asterisk Beighto (
05:15.59Beightodoes the meetme application install with the asterisk install?
05:17.35Beightothat sucks, doesn't look like mine installed
05:18.40tlowe_in order to get it working you need zaptel or ztdummy i think.
05:18.48*** part/#asterisk droops (
05:19.07Beightoyeah, got ztdummy working fine... just recompiled asterisk and it seems to have loaded this time
05:20.33TESTER2I'm trying to compile and I got this error:
05:20.33TESTER2/bin/sh makelist -bc common.c emacs.c vi.c > help.c
05:20.34TESTER2awk: cmd. line:33: (FILENAME=- FNR=2115) fatal: attempt to access field -2147483648
05:20.34TESTER2make[1]: *** [help.c] Error 2
05:20.34TESTER2make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/asterisk_1.2.9.1/asterisk-'
05:20.34TESTER2make: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 2
05:26.14Beightodid you do a yum -y update TESTER2?
05:27.07TESTER2nop, what do I need to update?
05:27.49Beightoeverything, I had compiling errors till I ran "yum -y update" and it updated all base installs
05:28.49TESTER2ok I'll do thaht
05:36.53*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
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05:48.56*** join/#asterisk variable_office (
05:49.54variable_officeso i have a decent simple little asterisk setup, what is a good service you all have had experience with to provide me with a line to connect me to the rest of the world?
05:50.06variable_officei was looking at voicepulse? they decent?
05:50.59Beightonobody is decent
05:51.20variable_officeBeighto who would you recommend?
05:51.46BeightoI have yet to find a good one
05:52.03variable_officethen who have you settled for?
05:52.08variable_officewhy are they not decent?
05:52.53BeightoI use freedigits for inbound and sipdiscount for outbound
05:53.49BeightoI haven't found a good price with the codecs I want and the quality and customer service I expect, but there are 400 and some out there, so I'm sure one of them is good
05:54.22Beightosip discount and freedigits are both free if you want a 515 area code for incoming and poor quality outgoing
05:54.45*** join/#asterisk zwelch (n=chatzill@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/zwelch)
05:57.17variable_officewell all i want is for asterisk to take in from my pots line and forward it to my cell phone
05:58.51Beightoso, get a digium card and pay a 10 euro one time fee at sipdiscount
05:59.09Beightobut don't you pay for incoming on your cell phone anyway?
05:59.49variable_officei already have pots setup
06:00.00variable_officeyes, but i want my missed office calls to go to my cellphone
06:01.01Beightothat works
06:14.48variable_officeBeighto so just try sipdiscount for my use?
06:15.40BeightoI would, you can sign up for free and get unlimited 1 minute calls
06:16.08variable_office1 minute calls, what good is that?
06:16.23Beightosee if you like it and then pay their one time fee
06:16.29Beightoand get unlimited calls
06:16.48Beightocallerid won't work right though
06:16.49variable_officewhats the onetime fee?
06:17.03Beighto10 Euros = 12 USD ish
06:19.03*** join/#asterisk littleball (
06:20.10littleballhello, i have pstn to sip call. If nobody to answer the sip phone incoming call, i prefer to the system automatically divert to my mobile. What is a good solution?
06:22.01dpryodial your sip for say 30 seconds, then dial your mobile
06:22.22dpryopretty easy to configure
06:23.25zwelchpresumably, you need two pots lines for that, right?  one to take the call, and one to place the forward.
06:25.42zwelch... unless your mobile can take sip/voip calls (which probably takes pay-to-play telco integration)
06:28.25*** join/#asterisk oej (
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06:31.51dpryozwelch: You could also ask your telco if they provide a service for that.. some do, mine does.
06:32.37zwelchdpryo: yeah, i plan to check into that when i renew my service contract
06:34.11zwelchbut in the general "forward to another number" scenario, the second pots line seems to be the practical solution
06:37.14*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
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07:03.36*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
07:03.48tparcinagood morning channel
07:05.32dlynes_homegood morning, tparc
07:10.20tparcinaDlynes, you are still awake?
07:10.43tparcinahas anybody tried to run Asterisk on ESX?
07:11.03dlynes_homeIt's only midnight here
07:12.33*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
07:12.47tparcinayes, and at midnight i allready sleap (at least for half hour :))
07:13.08dlynes_homeyeah i don't usually hit the hay until 1am or 2am
07:18.09*** join/#asterisk Tili (
07:18.31tparcinawell, i wake up at 6:50, and i need 8 hour beauty sleep, so i have to go to bed around 23...
07:21.31QwellRoyK: stuff from trunk?
07:21.39Qwelland...that site totally doesn't load
07:21.52Qwellhelps if you spell it right, eh?
07:21.59*** join/#asterisk orlock (
07:22.09orlockWhat is responsible for setting the Contact: field in asterisk?
07:22.18QwellRoyK: I suggest putting func_odbc on there too, from svncommunity
07:22.39orlockI have done a tcpdump, and noticed that i am sending out Contact: <sip:s@my.ip.address>
07:22.51orlockwhich doesnt seem corrrect, and it only seems to be asterisk sstems that do his
07:24.05QwellRoyK: there.  first public mod :p
07:25.21Qwellborked email link for steve underwood on main page
07:26.03orlockheh, wow
07:26.12orlockwe just got our first "real" incoming call on asterisk
07:26.18Qwellorlock: congrats?
07:26.22orlock"wtf.. why is that ringing!"
07:26.37dlynes_homeoh, i'm sorry...wrong number
07:26.37Qwellorlock: I used to get a lot of wrong numbers to my tollfree DID
07:26.42Qwelldlynes_home: exactly
07:26.47QwellI've had a few really weird ones too
07:26.56Qwellguy was trying to call...god knows what
07:27.05Qwelland, I guess he was bored, and felt like messing with me, heh
07:27.21dlynes_homeQwell: if you want to have lots of fun
07:27.22Qwell"This isn't a business.  Sorry."
07:27.29dlynes_homeQwell: try 1-888-310-4NET :p
07:27.41Qwell"Well...who are you?" "Qwell" "Hi Qwell, I'm <insert name>.  What's going on?"
07:28.07Qwellprobably went on for a good 5 minutes, before I tried to *1 the call, and asterisk crashed :D
07:29.21dlynes_homeerm 1-877-310-4NET, I mean
07:29.32Qwelldlynes_home: What is it?
07:29.56dlynes_homeQwell: Telus IVR hell
07:31.30dlynes_homemaybe I should set up a sip extension for people to call it :p
07:31.46QwellI have eth0 and eth1..  both have a unique IP on the same subnet
07:31.48dlynes_homein case the number's not reachable outside of alberta and bc
07:32.04Qwellif I telnet from (eth0) to (eth1), will it go over the wire?
07:32.04Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
07:32.12dlynes_homeQwell: the question is
07:32.22dlynes_homeQwell: which nic to go out on, to reach that subnet?
07:32.39Qwellokay, so the answer then, is "probably not"
07:32.49dlynes_homeprobalby not, no
07:32.49florzQwell: in case you are speaking of Linux: no
07:33.02QwellSo, what would you recommend?
07:33.15dlynes_homeputting them on separate subnets?
07:33.37Qwellwhat if I setup some good routing?
07:33.42florzdlynes_home: Why would you want it to go over the wire?
07:33.53Qwellflorz: testing
07:33.53dlynes_homeflorz: mean qwell?
07:34.03florzdlynes_home: yeah :-)
07:34.09Qwellso let's say something like..
07:34.21Qwell192.168.1.11/32 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
07:34.27Qwellpretty close?
07:35.00florzQwell: nope
07:35.01dlynes_homeQwell: maybe something like route add -host ; route add -host
07:35.13dpryolinux is incapable of such ;P
07:35.14dlynes_homeno...that won't work
07:35.25Qwelldpryo: alright, how about solaris?
07:35.33RoyKQwell: I moved your stuff a little... ok?
07:35.35QwellI'd like to keep them on the same subnet
07:35.37QwellRoyK: no!
07:35.41QwellRoyK: yes, of course :p
07:35.48florzQwell: have a look at ip route show table 0
07:36.08dlynes_homeflorz: actually...i think he can do it on linux
07:36.13*** join/#asterisk ngai (n=D@
07:36.16dlynes_homeflorz: just needs to be on a different class of subnet
07:36.25dlynes_homeneeds to be on a class E, I think it is
07:36.27florzdlynes_home: how ya mean?
07:36.43dlynes_homeThen you can you multicasting
07:36.56florzProbably, messing with routing table #0 should do, I guess
07:37.27dlynes_homes/you can you/you can use/
07:37.33dlynes_homethere we go
07:38.24QwellI'm gonna be sending a shitton of traffic over the wire...
07:38.50Qwellthousands and thousands of iax2 calls :D
07:39.18dlynes_homethere's a lethal weapon 4?
07:40.41Qwellfile is gonna hate me tomorrow
07:41.01QwellI'm gonna abuse the living hell out of his iax2 threading fixes
07:41.34tparcinai have install asterisk on FC4 on vmware ESX. and sound is terrible in one way but in another is fine. how can i check what is the reason?
07:41.43Qwell#define DEFAULT_MAX_THREAD_COUNT 100
07:41.47Qwellyeah...not even close...haha
07:42.06*** join/#asterisk swytch (
07:42.13Qwellwatch me trunk 5000 channels...
07:42.29dlynes_hometparcina: take vmware out of the picture...i bet that's the cause's configurable from iax.conf now!
07:44.33dlynes_homeguess you're not going to trunk 5000 channels :p
07:45.05Qwell256 threads would barely scratch the surface...
07:45.51swytchhello.  im the person putting annoying questions here from time to time.
07:46.02Qwellswytch: you and 280 others
07:46.29dlynes_homemax 256 threads, qwell, not 280
07:46.39Qwelluntil I add like 8 0s
07:47.14*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
07:47.46swytchnow i wonder if * _could_ possibly  be to blame for two artificials calls in my * CDRs with duration 96 both.  the calls was just attempts that did not get it.  and the are from the same phone.  wich cannot do simultqneous calls.
07:48.21RoyKswitch: can you please pastebin the entries?
07:48.38swytchand if so, would a "T,1,ResetCDR(w)" be a cure to not facturate the poor caller.
07:49.01swytchRoyK: ok.  a minute..
07:52.00tparcinadlynes, yes, but plan was to install asterisk on vmware. and i need to find a way to make it work
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07:52.43tparcinathing is that machine will be 2000 km from me, and to ensure it will stay on i would like to run it on ESX as virtual macihne
07:52.50hads|hometparcina: yes, but vmware is probably your problem
07:53.05swytchRoyK: you are scandinavian?
07:53.51septparcina, vmware esx on 2.6 kernel have serious timing issues. even the clock drifts several houers a day
07:54.08tparcinahads, i supose so, but i need to find a way how to solve it (and not how to remuve ESX)
07:54.17hads|hometparcina: good luck
07:54.43tparcinasep, any link where i can read more about it?
07:54.43RoyKswitch: indeed i am >P
07:54.59RoyKswitch: norweegian
07:55.54swytchRoyK: me too.  but im in france.  i still have a norwegian keyboard.  but the placement of '/' sucks.  ill go for an US kbd i think.
07:56.26*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
07:58.15tparcinahads, sep: does it work better with Microsoft virtual server? any problems dovumented?
07:59.06septparcina, i use 2.4 kernels on my linux on vmware and have no problems , but i dont run asterisk there tho
08:00.24septparcina, i'd use xen, or native if you cant work it out with vmware
08:04.34tparcinasep, you use 2.4 kernel on vmware gsx or vmware esx?
08:05.33tparcinaxen is not an option right now.
08:08.14septparcina, search vmware knowledgebase for 2.6 and clock there are quite a lot of posts about that
08:10.00*** join/#asterisk anachronoks (
08:10.52anachronoksHello, what does everyone think about the Allworx PBX? Does it have any advantages over Asterisk?
08:11.30dlynes_homeanachronoks: i thought it was asterisk?
08:13.07anachronoksI haven't really had the chance to look at it in detail, but I thought it was a closed system
08:14.55*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
08:15.21dlynes_homeanachronoks: anyways...that company's been around for a while
08:15.36dlynes_homeanachronoks: but i don't think anyone outside the telecom industry has ever heard of them
08:16.10*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
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08:18.07tparcinasep, thank you
08:18.14anachronoksdlynes_home: they sell a small business model PBX called the Allworx 6x. A friend asked me whether it would be easier to set up than Asterisk. I can't make heads or tails of it really.
08:18.56Tuskerheya guys, I was wondering if it is possible to have a redundant/backup outgoing SIP peer?  Ie, if provider A fails to call, automatically switch to provider B ?
08:20.37dlynes_homeanachronoks: yeah, i know...i've seen it advertised
08:20.58dlynes_homeanachronoks: i've called them up and asked them about only does sip, and they refuse to admit it's asterisk
08:21.23dlynes_homewho knows...maybe it really isn't asterisk
08:27.19anachronoksdlynes_home: interesting.. i'll have to look into it. it does sound pretty easy to set up
08:30.33*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
08:35.40tparcinai was looking for Qatar SIP or IAX provider and one guy replied me with - "We can offer TDM A-Z" - what does this mean? Is this Time Domain Multiplexing - TDM? what is A-Z for? And I was looking for SIP or IAX, what TDM has to do with it?
08:44.50*** join/#asterisk pjchilds (i=pjchilds@pdpc/supporter/student/pjchilds)
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08:47.21Tuskerheya guys, sorry to repeat, I was wondering if it is possible to have a redundant/backup outgoing SIP peer?  Ie, if provider A fails to call, automatically switch to provider B ?
08:50.05pjchildsyou might be better off doing that with something like SER
08:50.17pjchildsit all depends on your definition of what a failure is...
08:50.32pjchildsfailure to provide a provisional response to an invite ? (ie network dead, SIP service dead...)
08:50.35RoyKTusker: just dial, check DIALSTATUS and retry another?
08:53.43tparcinaRoyK, can you pastebin extensions.conf example?
08:59.21*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
09:00.01*** join/#asterisk littleball (
09:00.20littleballhello, for SIP to SIP call, how to get the caller ID?
09:01.58P-NuTHey all, How do I make an extension for the message key pn my phone that doesnt check the password? It's voicemailmain...something..
09:02.40TuskerRoyK: ok, I'll look into that one
09:03.57*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
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09:14.24kionezhi all! i would like to know if anyone could use BLF on a Grandstream GXP2000
09:15.01kionezi have tryed all solutions from google's searches
09:15.07*** join/#asterisk freakUK (n=mark@
09:15.12kionezbut with any results.. :\
09:15.42tparcinawhat is BLF?
09:16.07kionez(Busy Lamp Field)
09:16.10*** join/#asterisk rogier (
09:16.21hads|homeThat japanese sign is classic
09:18.47*** join/#asterisk tRSS (
09:19.33tRSSanyone knows of any application that would show a popup on the screen to the agent when a call comes in?
09:24.01*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
09:31.58RoyKtRSS: any app you make yourself by plugging into the management interface :P
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09:46.50nothinmanguys.. i messed up something with zapata/zaptel config, and asterisk is not even showing "Starting simple switch on..." message. And when I dial out via Zap/1-1 it says: Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
09:46.57nothinmanwhat did I fu* up?
09:55.18_4d4m_hi all.  been reading around about the options I have for LCR with *.  There doesnt seem to be too much available, and I'm wondering if there is a 'recommended' memthod of applying LCR across multiple terminators, or whether everyone just rolls their own?
09:55.18drrayztcfg -vv?
09:56.13nothinmandrray: are you talking to me?
10:00.34drrayI might be
10:03.42ghenryTo ring a group off exten, is a queue the best way?
10:05.13*** join/#asterisk oej (
10:07.56nothinmandrray: so it doesn't work.
10:14.57*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:20.56jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
10:21.25drrayztcfg -vv does not work?
10:32.50*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
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10:39.56nothinmanztcfg does work, but it's not showing any errors
10:40.06nothinman[root@asterisk1 asterisk]# ztcfg -vvvv
10:40.06nothinmanZaptel Configuration
10:40.06nothinmanChannel map:
10:40.06nothinmanChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
10:40.08nothinmanChannel 02: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 02)
10:40.10nothinmanChannel 03: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 03)
10:40.12nothinmanChannel 04: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 04)
10:40.14nothinmanChannel 05: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 05)
10:40.16nothinmanChannel 06: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 06)
10:40.18nothinmanChannel 07: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 07)
10:40.20nothinman7 channels configured.
10:42.37jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
10:42.55RoyK~lart nothinman
10:43.38jbotwell, pubic is something most geeks know nothing about
10:43.51Zeeekwho feeds these lines? :)
10:44.06Zeeekanyway, it's not true, they know a lot about their own
10:50.40nothinmani know, i know. but no one is typing even one letter, so this flood wasn't really painful
10:51.05nothinmani meant you sit quiet ;)
10:52.12Zeeekeveryone is waiting for people to jump on for not using pastebin :)
10:52.13tparcinakionez, BFL or hint should work. you only need to upgrade firmware
10:55.01nothinmanZeeek: INDEED!
10:55.17nothinmanokay, I found this crap in logs: app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
10:55.43nothinmanit makes me sick! it was fine yesterday. all i've changed is zaptel/zapata files
10:59.34ghenrywhat's the best way to do a group ring/
11:00.01nothinmanghenry: the best way is to ring the group
11:00.24ghenryAh, that's it. Thanks nothinman
11:00.29ghenryLife saver ;-)
11:00.42nothinmanghenry: Dial(SIP/123&SIP/234&SIP/456,,r)
11:00.50nothinmanor macro.
11:01.13ghenryah, cool. What happens when more than 2 poeple answer?
11:01.41*** join/#asterisk ronn (
11:03.56RoyKghenry: the first one that answers gets the call
11:04.06RoyKghenry: perhaps queues are better
11:04.12ghenrywhat about SetGroup?
11:04.16ghenrythat for zap only?
11:04.32ghenryI think queues are better too.
11:04.33RoyK~lart ghenry
11:04.46RoyKgroups are something completely different :)
11:05.35ghenrythe * book has not a lot in it once you move on form basics ;-)
11:06.11ghenryRoyK: Quick one liner on what they provide, if you have time?
11:07.18jbotfrom memory, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
11:07.55*** join/#asterisk userdefined (
11:08.43ghenrywill lok
11:09.01nothinmanokay, who's gonna help ME?
11:09.37*** join/#asterisk McLazarus (n=mcallist@
11:11.14ghenrygot it
11:11.23ghenrylimit number of people
11:14.12*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
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11:20.42Zeeekjbot, you flooded the channel !
11:21.18nothinmanplease, what the hell is the problem here...
11:21.19nothinmanJun 21 07:03:12 VERBOSE[3964] logger.c:     -- Reloading module '' (Zapata Telephony w/PRI)
11:21.20nothinmanJun 21 07:03:12 WARNING[3964] chan_zap.c: Ignoring signalling
11:21.20nothinmanJun 21 07:03:12 WARNING[3964] chan_zap.c: Ignoring rxwink
11:21.20nothinmanJun 21 07:03:12 WARNING[3964] chan_zap.c: Ignoring signalling
11:21.20nothinmanJun 21 07:03:12 ERROR[3964] chan_zap.c: Unable to reconfigure channel '1'
11:22.04*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
11:23.26hellop-afkheheh astmasters
11:25.20hellop-afkim an astmaster and it's time to get wit it, just bend over spread yo cheeks while I hit it
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11:26.03*** join/#asterisk Nix (n=Nix@
11:28.38Zeeekyou're either an astmaster or an ast-baiter
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11:51.56userdefinedhrm. am i correct that ${EXTEN:1} should be stripping the first char out of the dialed number ?
11:52.43Zeeekshow the code
11:52.52Zeeekis it really passing thru the extension?
11:52.59nothinmanoh mum; why everything must be so complicated...
11:53.30userdefinedexten => _5.,1,Dial(SIP/ser/${EXTEN:1},30,r)
11:53.37nothinmanany idea why * is hunging up and at the second time connecting the call from zap?
11:53.47nothinmanmakes me sick...
11:54.08Zeeekuserdefined are you using a Noop in the next priority to see what EXTEN:1 is?
11:54.31Zeeekactually you should see it at exec time anyway
11:54.43Zeeekthe EXTEN:1 begins with a 5 ?
11:55.32X-RobI have just written _THE_ best ring groups macro.
11:56.21userdefinedZeeek: not sure what you mean wrt the Noop, but yes, the extension starts with a 5
11:56.24nothinmanX-Rob: Dial(SIP/123&SIP/234&SIP/456)? ;-)
11:56.37X-Robnothinman, slightly more complex than that 8)
11:56.39userdefinedthe theory is dialing 5user@otherdomain gets the call routed to the SER
11:56.53userdefinedwhat i'm seeing is: To: ""<>;tag=as1f57d396
11:57.05nothinmanX-Rob: I thought it is the best macro... ;)
11:57.30userdefined(and actually i'm adding the @host bit so really just dialling 5user is all that's needed
11:57.35Zeeekduring the execution of the line Dial, you should see the EXTEN:1 translated - does it have a 5 at the beginning?
11:58.30X-Robnothinman, Kinda. What if you use SIP/provider/cellphone in there?
11:58.42X-Roband that phone diverts to voicemail?
11:59.23nothinmanX-Rob: Dial(SIP/provider/123456789&SIP/provider/987654321,15,r)? ;-)
11:59.26*** join/#asterisk blitz[laptop] (n=blitzrag@
12:00.08X-Robnothinman, as I said - what happens when a cellphone diverts to voicemail?
12:00.22blitz[laptop]the call is answered
12:00.26nothinmanX-Rob: can you see this "15"?
12:00.37ronni checked the bandwidth required for g729 and it is 47.26 Kbps (both ways) ..  does that mean a 1 minute call wuold consume 47.26 X 60 kbps = 2.83 MB ??
12:00.47X-Robyes, it'll ring for 15 seconds before endign the dial.
12:00.59blitz[laptop]G.729 is 8kbps + IP overhead (approx 24kbps)
12:01.17userdefinedZeeek: just from reading the 'debug peer' output all i can tell is that the 5 is still present in the sip "to" name and uri.
12:01.21X-Robblitz, about 28k IRL. It won't fit through a 256k uplink.
12:01.25nothinmanX-Rob: means if you get your voicemail after 20 seconds and set timeout to 15, you won't get it ;)
12:01.32userdefinedbut that sounds like not what you were asking, is there someplace else to check for that ?
12:01.39X-Robnothinman, and if you're out of range?
12:01.46X-Roband it goes immediately to voicemail
12:01.51coppiceblitz: assuming the packets are every 20ms. some people send every 10ms, and g.729 really starts to look silly :-)
12:02.07blitz[laptop]coppice, oh I see :D
12:02.07nothinmanX-Rob: then you have to tell me how did you do that, because I've got the same problem at the moment! :)
12:02.29X-Robnothinman, as I said. THE best ring groups macro.
12:02.36X-RobI just committed it to freepbx svn
12:02.42Zeeekblitz you here?
12:02.46blitz[laptop]Zeeek, nope
12:02.53blitz[laptop]Zeeek, I'm over there
12:02.54coppiceblitz: though I think 16k overheads on 8k voice looks pretty silly anyway
12:02.59nothinmanX-Rob: yy... link...?
12:03.04blitz[laptop]Zeeek, I'm in Paris now, yes
12:03.15X-Robuh, click on browse svn
12:03.32nothinmanhm, was so easy... ;)
12:03.36nothinmanlet me have a look
12:03.55blitz[laptop]Zeeek: been going around Paris taking lots of pictures and using the subway system :)
12:03.57Zeeekblitz so am I! but then I live here so it's no big deal
12:04.27blitz[laptop]I'm near the Porte Maillot station
12:05.35blitz[laptop]Zeeek: you're coming to AstriCon?
12:05.50blitz[laptop]brb -- gotta let someone check their email
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12:06.45nothinmanX-Rob: can't find it man, there are so many scripts there...
12:06.57Zeeekblitz, please, don't be common and vulgar - of course I'll be there, I am speaking !
12:07.03nothinmanX-Rob: probably it's easy to find when you're using it every day
12:07.16X-Roblatest commit to freepbx/trunk/ast_etc/extensions.conf
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12:09.08nothinmanwhich macro did you modify?
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12:11.16nothinmanX-Rob: anyway. could you just quickly tell me HOW? because without some confirmation it is almost impossible
12:11.41X-Robnothinman, uh you can do a diff, right?
12:12.56nothinmanhehe, I can.
12:13.15X-Rob(It does a DBSet of a unique ID, then dials Local/stuff, the local/stuff repeats a push-1 or wahtever, checks to see that the db key exists still and loops. When you push 1, it deletes the db key, so anyone else gets the toolate option)
12:13.19nothinmanpeople seem to be really lazy here :-)
12:14.29blitz[laptop]Zeeek: cool!  Oh yah... you're supposed to come and introduce yourself :)  Probably see you at registration
12:14.40blitz[laptop]Zeeek: msg me your real name so I know when you give me your business card :)
12:15.31ZeeekMuhahahaha business card
12:15.43ZeeekI don't need no stinking business card
12:15.52Zeeektoo much business already
12:16.38blitz[laptop]I hear ya :)
12:16.45blitz[laptop]ok... I'm outta here for a bit -- lates!
12:18.18tparcinawhere can i find list of SIP or IAX providers? I need SIP provider in Doha, Qatar.
12:18.42_4d4m_hi, am setting up Asterisk RealTime (for the first time). latest stable asterisk and ast-addons. am going through the instructions in the wiki, but am missing a file res_mysql.conf in /etc/asterisk (I want to connect via mysql driver).  Is this part of something i've missed out?
12:20.52[TK]D-Fender_4d4m_ : its in the docs folder in asterisk-addons
12:21.18[TK]D-Fender_4d4m_ : And would likely have been copied over had you done a "make samples" after installing it.
12:21.49[TK]D-Fender_4d4m_ : (I think...)
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12:22.36_4d4m_[TK]D-Fender: thanks.. just looking now.  make samples was something i definitely didn't do
12:23.01[TK]D-Fender_4d4m_ : Always make sure to back up your config before doing thta of course...
12:24.19bugmehi all
12:24.44bugmei have a question , are there any free managment scripts for asterisk
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12:26.54_4d4m_[TK]D-Fender: sure.. all my configs live in svn.  btw, theres no automatic install of res_mysql.conf or cdr_mysql.conf in any make samples or make install process
12:27.01[TK]D-Fenderbugme : Maybe you should rephrase that into something a little more "complete" and coherant.
12:27.06_4d4m_[TK]D-Fender: the files are in the source tree though
12:27.32[TK]D-Fender_4d4m_ : As long as you can find them, thats what counts :)
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12:36.12userdefinedso, if i wanted to have anyone that dials a sip uri of '' get forwarded to a SER
12:36.21userdefinedwould this be a decent way to do that?
12:36.24userdefinedexten =>,1,Dial(SIP/ser/${EXTEN},15,r)
12:37.19userdefinedwhere 'ser' is defined as a peer in sip.conf
12:39.13*** join/#asterisk satlan32 (n=pargit@
12:40.06[TK]D-Fenderuserdefined : You should probably be using SER as your front-end to *, not the other way around as it is a proxy, and not use * as one.  * is a B2BUA.
12:40.07Zeeekuserdefined I'm not even sure anything after the . is evaluated
12:40.35[TK]D-Fenderuserdefined : And ther first part of that line is an EXTEN, not a DOMAIN.
12:41.39userdefinedwell, our theory is to use * as a call manager and only route to SER for calls to MS LCS
12:43.11userdefinedthough i suppose it's not much different to route to SER and pass everything but LCS to *
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12:46.06userdefinedthe thought was to do something like the following architecturally:
12:46.08userdefined{net} -> | <- [SER] <-> [asterisk] <-> {SIP_endpoint/CCM} <-> [cisco_phone]
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12:47.29userdefinedwhich would let us do a slow migration of the cisco phones/phasout of the CCMs since we could (theoretically) let * handle translation for SIP->Cisco
12:47.33userdefinedand vice-versa
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12:47.57userdefinedall of which is based on about a week of cram-studying various docs and none of which may actually work ;-)
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12:51.08userdefinedactually, on thinking that out loud, it does make more sense to use SER as the front to *
12:51.32userdefinedthat would let us eventually make internal sip devices 'callable' from other sip networks
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12:53.44userdefinedthanks for letting me rant . going back to redo this setup =)
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12:59.31ghenryHow do I fix this: Didn't finish Caller-ID spill.  Cancelling.
13:02.59akkeanyone here can offer flat fee SIP/IAX dial-out to belgium landlines?
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13:08.25littleballhello, my sip phone connects to asterisk. when internet is down, i want to divert the call to my mobile, any suggestions how to do this?
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13:10.49[TK]D-Fenderlittleball : Maybe you should describe your entire setup more including what technoligies you have available at each site....
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13:18.52ghenryhow do you provide an analogue phone dial tone connected to a Zap line, (tdm400p module)?
13:20.46littleball[TK]D-Fender, PSTN---E1-->Digium card-->Asterisk-->SIP phone
13:21.02X-Robghenry, uh. Plug it in? Give it a context?
13:21.18littleballif internet is down and then the connection between Asterisk and SIP phone down. I want to forward the call to mobile under this case
13:21.25X-Robif your question is 'how do I configure zaptel', then go read the asterisk book
13:21.29jbothmm... book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
13:21.32ghenryYup, X-Rob, done. that. It goes into our internal context
13:21.44ghenryall that is configured, cheers
13:21.57ghenryshould there be  dial tone?
13:22.40[TK]D-Fenderlittleball : OK and where is the "internet" in that picture?
13:22.40speedwagonghenry, you have the fxs green modules in the card. And the power plug in to it.
13:22.44littleball[TK]D-Fender, what i prefer to is that : try SIP phone oone time, if failed, try mobile
13:23.05uwehello, im trying to compile asterisk-addons, it keeps failing claiming not to find asterisk/logger.h in format_mp3 common.c , i fixed INCLUDES in Makefile in format_mp3 and had to fix CFLAGS in make in asterisk-addons, but still it wont compile ... any reason why it wont accept the new includes ??
13:23.18ghenryspeedwagon: Yup, and setup with fxo_ks signalling
13:23.35littleball[TK]D-Fender, don't make things too complext :-)
13:23.49speedwagonif you set it up and ztcfg -vv shows them you should get a dial tone on a phone yes.
13:23.58[TK]D-Fenderlittleball : Just look at the ${DIALSTATUS} after trying to call your SIP phone and then send it off to a ZAP call to your cell if it failed.
13:24.05ghenryspeedwagon: that look ok:
13:24.56speedwagonok so you have 2 fxs and 2 fxo in the setup.
13:25.01X-Robuwe, you haven't done a 'make install' in asterisk yet, probably
13:25.04ghenryspeedwagon: yup
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13:26.41ghenrywhat's pseudo in zap show channels?
13:27.00X-Robyour timing source
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13:27.27funxionare newer versions of zaptel backwards compatable with older versions of *?
13:27.33ghenrythanks all, will try again later
13:27.42uweX-Rob, i dont want to compile asterisk
13:27.48[TK]D-Fenderfunxion : Not really, you should have matching releases.
13:27.49uwei just need the cdr_mysql module
13:28.06X-Robuwe, well, you'll need to compile and install asterisk before you can compile the addons
13:28.19uwei have it installed X-Rob
13:28.30funxionis there a place I can find which release of zaptel I need for my version of *
13:28.30X-Robyou haven't COMPILED it
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13:28.37uwei have a precompiled one
13:28.45uwexorcom package
13:28.50X-RobNow, look, we're back where we were before
13:29.06X-RobYou need to do a 'make install' inside asterisk before you can compile addons
13:30.03uweX-Rob, but i dont want to replace the current asterisk, its working like a charm , if i need to run make to compile it , its fine,
13:30.08uwebut not install
13:30.16X-Robuwe, call xorcom. ask them.
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13:46.41tamp4xwhere can i find lightening resisters for amphanol cables?
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13:50.05Hmmhesayssoldier them in 1 by one
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13:56.33nortexQuick question about the cli, why do I sometimes see colored text and sometimes I don't. It seems that right after a startup I do, but after a restart I don't.
13:57.14Hmmhesaysi need a good CC toolchain for mipsel
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13:58.45rene-nortex: you must mean inverted color (white text over black background) because i have never seen color in the asterisk cli
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13:59.02rene-tho color in the cli would be nice
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13:59.16[TK]D-Fenderrene- : CLI is coloured normally..
13:59.23rene-not mine :(
13:59.31[TK]D-Fenderrene- : And has been for me for over 2 years...
13:59.43[TK]D-Fenderrene- : What are you running it on?  Bad termcap?
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13:59.55littleballanybody run sip service here?
14:00.02nortexrene-, There is an command line switch to disable it -n
14:00.07littleballrun sip service for customers
14:00.14sevardhaha ariel_ is a speedwagon
14:00.23rene-really? mine aint.  when i am running outside X11 i have never seen color, and i certainly have never seen color while sshing from windows, linux or mac os x
14:00.26sevardor is a speedwagon an ariel_ :/
14:00.30ariel_sevard, yes
14:00.38Hmmhesayssevard, what town you in?
14:00.44sevardHmmhesays: your mom's vag
14:00.57Hmmhesaysconsider yourself lucky, she's a hottie
14:01.15sevarddamn right she is, momma-bombshell we call her back at the drinkin' hut
14:01.16rene-Hmmhesays: what will you be building for mipsel?
14:01.39sevarddoesn't openwrt have mips builds for asterisk?
14:01.51Hmmhesaysbuildroot is kicking my ass though, because my arch has no MMU and buildroot for uclibc doesn't like to build for no mmu arch
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14:02.13nortex[TK]D-Fender, Any idea why I get color and it seems to go away after a restart of asterisk?
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14:02.43Hmmhesaysproblem with fork()
14:04.20Hmmhesaysrene- you have any experience building for mipsel?
14:04.32rene-oh no, i was just curious
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14:07.43sevardDoes openvpn on the openwrt support anything other than just shared keys?
14:07.59sevardmost importantly public/private keys
14:08.05[TK]D-Fenderrene- : I only run Linux in CLI and alweays got colour.
14:08.28[TK]D-Fenderrene- : Both at the Linux CLI, remote SSH from other linux boxes, and from Putty on WinXP.
14:08.35[TK]D-Fendernortex : Not a clue.
14:09.06nortex[TK]D-Fender, Okay, well back to google
14:10.11sevardokay, better question
14:10.19sevarddoes _anyone_ use openvpn on their wrt?
14:10.51nortexDifferent topic, where should I start to troubleshoot echo in SIP to SIP connections?
14:11.15[TK]D-Fendernortex : Should have echo on SIP to SIP.  Unless you're using a sucky GXP-2000
14:11.26rene-[TK]D-Fender: i do have color in VIM so this is quite weird
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14:12.03[TK]D-Fenderrene- : What distro are you running it on, and anything special about its install?
14:12.33rene-[TK]D-Fender: sarge, and no i didnt do anything special
14:12.34X-Robnortex, acoustic feedback in the handsets. Tell the other end to turn their volume down.
14:13.34nortex[TK]D-Fender, Do you mean I should not? I have a lot of echo and it is typically the back to the user. I'm using all Polycom 501/601's
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14:14.02nortexX-Rob, I have tried that on the speaker phone with some success.
14:14.12rene-nortex: codec can be caused by electric interference on analog lines or by lousy end points, where part of the audio that goes out of the speakers enters the mic, if codec is caused by the latter then you could experience echo in any technology
14:14.32X-Robs/codec/echo/ there, rene-
14:15.24HenkHi, i'm trying to get outgoing calls working, can I somehow make asterisk do a "test" call to my cell-phone? I''m able to call the asterisk demo from my cellphone but the other way around i cannot get to work (i've tried call files)
14:15.26rene-if you have an integrated microphone in your computer (like in apple gear, you will must certainly experience echo
14:15.39Henk(from the CLI i mean)
14:15.57af_i have setup an * with bristuff. in the pc there are: a) hfc isdn card b) eagle usb modem. the usb modem is just fine linked to the net, when I do ztcfg -vv the modem freezes any idea why?
14:15.58trelane_Henk, not unless you have chan_oss or chan_alsa loaded with a working sound card.  You might try generating a call file
14:16.27[TK]D-Fendernortex : Ok, makes little sense then...
14:16.42nortexrene-, I suspected that is what is causing problems with the Polycom speker phone.
14:16.50Henktrelane, i would be happy to call the cell-phone and make asterisk play the demo for me once I pick up.
14:16.55[TK]D-Fendernortex : and its SIP direct from phone to phone on the same * box?
14:17.29nortex[TK]D-Fender, does the echo settings in zapata.conf have any effect on SIP?
14:17.41nortex[TK]D-Fender, Yes same box phone to phone.
14:17.47[TK]D-Fendernortex : No if you're talking straight phone-phone.
14:18.03[TK]D-Fendernortex : is it only specific users, or ALL users?
14:18.15nortex[TK]D-Fender, wait, asterisk may not be reinviting
14:18.31[TK]D-Fendernortex : You should disable re-invites... they are evil...
14:18.45Henktrelane, what whould the channel be in the call file for my cellphone number? I';m currently trying SIP/  but it seems that is not ok
14:18.46HmmhesaysArgh farking sales did it again
14:18.50coppicei find asterisk gets less inviting as time goes by
14:19.05Hmmhesaysit makes no sense to give away a remote install of a gateway just so the company will buy from us in the future
14:19.31nortex[TK]D-Fender, I kind of like not having them so far. It does not seem to be specific users, I have had echo sometimes and other times none.
14:20.12[TK]D-Fendernortex : so the situation is not repeatable consitantly?
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14:21.41burnproofhi! good day guys has anyone here knows how can i use chan_jingle in trunk? thanks
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14:21.52nortex[TK]D-Fender, Not that I have found. There are people I know will have echo because I cannot get them to turn the volume down enough on the speaker phone, but others seem to have echo on the handset.
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14:33.36tzafriruwe, any problems?
14:34.29tzafriroh, the mysql... ok...
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14:35.04burnproofhey guys good day, has anyone use chan_jingle? thanks sorry for repeating this question :p
14:37.06DovidIf I make a dynamic meetme room what should the next line be if the confrence room is invalid ? Because as of now it just dumps the call
14:37.17rene-chan_jingle is asterisk-gtalk integration right? what does it means? can gtalk be a client of asterisk in the same way sjphone or others are? does this turns asterisk into a jabber server?
14:37.51*** join/#asterisk nettie (
14:38.02burnproofrene-: as far as i can no, jabber server is seperate
14:38.28nettiehey guys anyone is using sip jiterbuffer patch on the stable tree please?
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14:39.24burnproofneittie: i think there's a seperate branch for this please take a look on the bug tracker or you can dl on trunk
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14:40.00nettieburnproof I already aptched it
14:40.21kay2[TK]D-Fender: Is it possible to do a AgentCallbackLogin() if the agent is not in agent.conf ?
14:40.22nettieI also edited sip.conf accordling
14:40.31nettiebut doesnt seem to work
14:40.45burnproofnettie: what error do you encounter so far?
14:40.48nettieI just wanted to know if there was some monitoring command to see it's actually enabled and so on
14:40.51nettieI dont
14:40.57nettieI mean asterisk works
14:40.59nettieas usually
14:41.02burnproofenabled jb-debug
14:41.11nettielemme see
14:41.25burnproofnettie: enabled jb-debug then look on /tmp folder
14:41.59*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
14:42.06nettieburnproof what's the console command to enable jb-debug pls?
14:42.08nettieI Cant fidn it
14:42.25burnproofnettie: on svn trunk you can find it on sip.conf
14:42.36nettiethanx checking righntaway then
14:42.45burnproofnettie: sure np
14:43.02nettieburnproof are you actually using it?
14:43.11[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : what do YOU think?
14:43.15burnproofnettie: yeah, it works fine for me
14:43.22kay2[TK]D-Fender: I dunno
14:43.29kay2[TK]D-Fender: maybe with some parameters
14:43.30nettieburnproof on the svn tree
14:43.35kay2[TK]D-Fender: or option
14:43.41nettieburnproof or on the stable tree?
14:43.47[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Hard for an agent to login if they don't exist.... why do you think it asks for an agent #?
14:43.52bkw_this one always cracks me up
14:43.52burnproofnettie: on trunk
14:43.53bkw_Jun 21 06:24:33 NOTICE[16882]: chan_iax2.c:3123 iax2_read: I should never be called!
14:44.13nettieburnproof mine is patch for the stable tree
14:44.14kay2[TK]D-Fender: and there are no Agent in Realtime
14:44.32kay2[TK]D-Fender: so basically It's not really possible to add an agent on the fly without restarting asterisk
14:44.35nettieburnproof let's hope it's just a port and it will behave exaclty the same
14:44.35burnproofnettie: to be honest i haven't tried it for stable release :p
14:44.43nettieburnproof :0
14:45.50burnproofnettie: since i'm experementing on chan_jingle i prefered for now to use trunk :)
14:45.54*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
14:46.05nettieburnproof what it does?
14:46.46burnproofnettie: well as far i can tell you can receive a call from gtalk by using chan_jingle but i haven't figure it out well :p
14:47.00nettieburnproof damn that's hot
14:47.27*** join/#asterisk variable_office (
14:47.36nettieim checking trunk sip.conf.sample the options seems different
14:47.39nettiein my patch
14:47.43rene-polycom SMS to jabber client, is it possible?
14:48.06tzafriruwe, is the problem with the old 1.0 packages or with the 1.2 packages?
14:48.12burnproofnettie: really?
14:48.20nettieburnproof afaik
14:48.26nettielemme doublecheck
14:48.38burnproofneittie: i'll check it here either
14:48.53kay2[TK]D-Fender: the pb is that when you do a AddQueueMember, it doesnt call the application Dial()
14:50.30burnproofnettie ok i'll check
14:52.19burnproofnettie: set jb-log = yes you'll get want you want
14:52.32[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Show me how you're calling it.
14:52.50nettiejb-log will logs fame
14:53.14nettieand I dont know where
14:53.16nettiemaybe tmp
14:53.19burnproofnettie: i'll try to produce some output
14:53.19nettielemme try :)
14:53.19*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
14:53.26burnproofnettie: yes it's on /tmp
14:53.26DovidWhat does this mean ?
14:53.28Dovidchan_iax2.c:2839 auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
14:53.33DovidWhat is slow response ?
14:53.45*** join/#asterisk Jason99 (
14:54.00Spy000007It means voipjet sucks :b
14:54.11burnproof:( aw
14:54.17Jason99I'm trying to limit a sip user from placing more then 1 simultaneous call.  I set call-limit=1 but it doesn't seem to work.  Should it work?
14:54.25DovidIts also happening to my telia
14:54.30DovidTeliax, can it be my cable ?
14:55.02burnproofDovid: can you do a traceroute from your end to voipjet/teliax end
14:55.03nettie.. /tmp is empty
14:55.18burnproofnettie: i'll produce some output for you w8
14:57.23DovidSip is working fine. Its IAX that is acting up
14:58.10DovidTraceroute isnt working. Stupid cable vision
14:58.50DovidOn a ping I get 55ms
14:58.57DovidThat should be ok ?
14:59.11burnproofDovid: there she be no problem with that latenc i guess
14:59.22burnproofDovid: there should be no problem rather
14:59.37burnprooflatency lol
14:59.37DovidAnd voipjet is 53 ms
14:59.45DovidCan it be a router/NAT issue ?
15:00.13burnproofDovid: could you check iax show peers?
15:00.29burnproofDovid: iax show registry rather
15:00.52burnproofDovid: iax2 show registry
15:01.06burnproofDovid: are you registered?
15:01.17DovidYes. They are both there
15:01.18*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
15:01.55DovidIax2 show peers under status says unmoniterd
15:02.11burnproofDovid: is this the first time it's happening on your end?
15:02.17DovidNever worked
15:02.19DovidUsing real time
15:02.25DovidGona do static and see if it changes
15:03.20burnproofDovid: are you really sure that you are really registered?
15:03.31burnproofDovid: can you pm me your iax2 show registry?
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15:04.23burnproofDovid: how about some peer entry on your iax.conf?
15:04.35DovidThere is nothing there except the register
15:04.54burnproofDovid: just ommit the password and username and please some dial string on your extensions.conf
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15:05.35DovidOmit it in the dial ?
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15:06.15burnproofDovid: can you show me your peer entry on your iax.conf
15:06.34Dr-Linuxburnproof: hi :)
15:06.36burnproofjust remove your username and password for obvious reason :)
15:06.45smackusok, so I am still trying to figure out how to do the ACD log in stuff with the polycom phones. I have been reading over the svn branch stuff for it, but I am new not only to asterisk and such, but svn also. could someone coach me?
15:06.55burnproofDr-Linux: hi
15:07.15*** part/#asterisk GarethTheGreat (n=gareth@unaffiliated/gareththegreat)
15:07.33Dr-Linuxi need to kill my un-required services out of "ps aux"
15:08.15burnproofDr-Linux: just pe -ef | grep `pidof your_daemon/process_you_want_to_kill`
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15:08.22burnproofDr-Linux: ps -ef rather
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15:10.45burnproofDovid: how do you construct a dial?
15:10.53DovidReal time
15:10.59DovidIt was a real time issue
15:11.07DovidFor some reason when I put it in static it works great
15:11.15burnproofDovid: oic
15:11.20DovidAlso anyone here know meetme ?
15:11.30burnproofDovid: what's the problem with meetme?
15:11.44Flautoanyone uses with asterisk?
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15:11.56DovidI am using _5XXX and if they enter an invalid exten it dupms the clal
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15:13.16Flautoicall offers free to usa and canada calling, but it does not easily work with asterisk. anyone can make it to work?
15:13.29burnproofDovid: can you paste here your dialplan snippet?
15:14.21DovidYea one sec
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15:15.10smackusCan anyone coach me how to apply the svn patch for /team/bweschke/polycom_acd_functions
15:17.44MikeJ__smackus, you have a patch to that branch?
15:17.56smackusI do not know where to find it
15:18.03smackusI have only found the docs
15:18.04MikeJ__the branch?
15:18.22MikeJ__it is an svn branch, not a patch
15:18.30MikeJ__you check it out like you check out trunk
15:18.45MikeJ__but with that path instead
15:19.10smackusall i have is the link to the cvs page.
15:19.16smackuswhere do i go from there?
15:21.15filesvn co
15:21.54kay2Anyone ever used Agent Realtime ?
15:23.33[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : I asked you to show me how you were calling AddQueueMember....
15:24.15Flautonobody is interested in free calling, i guess
15:24.19*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
15:25.23smackusok, so did I do this wrong?
15:25.48smackusSorry, I have never done this before, I do not know what I am doing.
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15:29.05ghenryis this valid syntax:
15:29.08ghenrychannel => 1
15:29.08ghenrychannel => 2
15:29.21burnproofghenry channel => 1-2
15:29.21ghenryor do channel => need to be seprate?
15:29.25ghenryah, cool
15:29.30ghenryno wonder no dial tone
15:29.59*** join/#asterisk oej (
15:31.41[TK]D-Fenderghenry : No, they don't need to be together, and for analog phones (like what you're doing) its not suggested.
15:32.34ghenrywhich is not suggested?
15:33.12[TK]D-Fenderghenry : Don't put them together.  If you're not getting dialtone then you either did not pug in the molex ocnnector and/or did not setup zaptel.conf properly most likely.
15:33.36ghenrydon't put them together, ok
15:33.50ghenryyeah, port 1 & 2 are FXO, and only port 1 is getting dial tone
15:33.54*** join/#asterisk freebsd_fan (
15:34.12burnproofghenry: please check your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf for this
15:34.32burnproofon zaptel.conf fxs_ks=1-2
15:34.35ghenryam doing ;-)
15:34.41*** join/#asterisk robin_sz (
15:34.44ghenryah, maybe it
15:35.21burnproofghenry: the entry should be fxsks=1-2
15:35.37kay2[TK]D-Fender: sorry
15:35.43*** part/#asterisk palad1n (
15:35.55kay2[TK]D-Fender: AddQueueMember(my_queue|SIP/my_user)
15:36.24Dovid[TK]D-Fender now tryind dynamic confrence in static and if invalid room is enterd it dupms the call too
15:36.29ghenryI have burnproof:
15:36.41ghenrythat last one is uk,
15:36.46ghenrydidn't copy properly
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15:37.04kay2[TK]D-Fender: the probleme is that if I do AddQueueMember(my_queue|LOCAL/something@conext), then the channel would be Unkown and even if the one is in communication it would still send him the next call, thing that I don't want !
15:37.51ghenryzapata burnproof :
15:38.12burnproofghenry: on your TDM cards how many active FXO ports do you have
15:38.37burnproofghenry: the entry fxsks=1-2 should be suffice enought to activate the two channel
15:38.39ghenry1&2 are FXS ports, and 3&4 are FXO
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15:40.07burnproofghenry: the entry should be fxsks=3-4 fxoks=1-2 right?
15:40.18ghenryin zaptel,conf, yeah
15:40.32burnproofon zapata.conf
15:40.51[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Is your agent registered directly with *?
15:40.58burnproofchannel => 3-4
15:41.04kay2[TK]D-Fender: no
15:41.11kay2[TK]D-Fender: my queue member is registered on a SER
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15:41.30[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Then thats no good.  I told you this at least a week ago.  * can only track the status of phones registered to it.
15:41.45ghenryburnproof: 3 & 4 are fine, they are FXO with FXS signalling, correct
15:41.47kay2[TK]D-Fender: not really true
15:42.03kay2[TK]D-Fender: I succeded to make asterisk say the status of someone not registered on it
15:42.17jake1932status=not registeres
15:42.17ghenryburnproof: But they have sperate contexts, but they are both fine. it's FXS ports 1 & 2 that are the prob
15:42.31[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Really?  Give me a code snipped of exactly how you're calling the "add"
15:42.33kay2[TK]D-Fender: basically all I do is with realtime, I add the user to sip.conf as soon as I do a AddQueueMember
15:42.35ghenryburnproof: The same analogue phone on port 1, doesn't work on port 2
15:43.05[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : So you dynamically create the SIP user based on the SER user?
15:43.36kay2[TK]D-Fender: as soon as the user comes from the SER for being added as a queue member, I add him to the Realtime SIP
15:43.47kay2[TK]D-Fender: and when he RemoveQueueMember() I remove it from the sql
15:43.59jboti heard redhatbug is is a problem with the latest RedHat Enterprise Linux and CentOS kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
15:45.19[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Very nifty implementation... so what part isn't working?
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15:45.40kay2well the only thing is that app_queue doesnt do a Dial()
15:46.01[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : What is it doing?
15:46.09kay2[TK]D-Fender: I mean it doest call Dial but does the job bridging itself
15:46.41ghenryzapata burnproof :
15:46.47ghenryI have burnproof:
15:47.03ghenryCan Dial dial 3 phones at once?
15:47.08Qwellghenry: sure
15:47.43[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : And what happens because of that?
15:48.05rene-kay2: nice
15:48.08kay2[TK]D-Fender: well Since I use a Outband proxy, it doest care about
15:48.23kay2I also patched chan_sip.c to be able to use a outbandproxy
15:48.35[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : OH, so you want it going through SER to get there?
15:49.09*** part/#asterisk postel_ (n=jp@unaffiliated/postel)
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15:49.18rene-kay2: are you using local channels to refer to the users that are registered to SER?
15:49.20[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Have you tried setting "host=[ip-of-ser]" for the SIP entry of your dynamic device and letting it take over from there?
15:49.36*** join/#asterisk podzap (
15:49.44kay2[TK]D-Fender: that would work but not respect SIP
15:49.45kink0I got this error while compiling : chan_zap.c:9038: error: structure has no member named `call'
15:49.48kink0any sugestion ?
15:49.53filekink0: upgrade libpri
15:49.54kay2[TK]D-Fender: because what if I need to call
15:50.01podzaphello, anybody know how i can get an incoming test call via sip?
15:50.13kay2[TK]D-Fender: I would need to do a INVITE
15:50.22ghenryQwell: How? ;-)
15:50.23kay2and tell SER to send the INVITE
15:50.24ghenry& ??
15:50.53podzapor would somebody give me a test call, if there is no website to do one from?
15:50.58[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : and set "fromdomain=[SER-domain}" maybe?
15:51.08kay2[TK]D-Fender: so if I do an Invite something@ser_ip, if something is registered on this SER, everything is fine, but if "something" is on an other ser, then it's fucked up
15:51.10[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Or simialr...
15:51.23Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i just rebooted my server and now 2nd PRI is again down :S
15:51.27filewhy are you going through SER?
15:51.27[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : You are in one hell of a complicated setup :|
15:51.27kay2[TK]D-Fender: that won't do anything
15:51.36kay2file: because I need to
15:51.45filebut you haven't said why
15:51.45kink0file: thanks !!!
15:51.57kay2[TK]D-Fender: well I patched asterisk for having outboundproxy=something in sip.conf
15:52.04kay2[TK]D-Fender: so that's perfect
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15:55.52ghenryhow to dial more than one phone anyone? Sorry, can't see any examples on asteriskfguru or wiki
15:56.08Dr-Linuxfile: my both PRI's span was up and active, i just rebooted my server and now span 2 is down, what could be happened
15:56.15[TK]D-Fenderghenry : "show application dial"
15:56.24Dr-Linuxfile: "dmesg" shows that span 2 is configred and started
15:56.25*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
15:56.52ghenryAH, tanks [TK]D-Fender
15:57.25rene-kay2: you are saying that you are able to get your agents into the queue?
15:57.32rene-but there is no bridge?
15:57.36rene-of calls?
15:58.08*** join/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
15:58.33podzaphello, anybody know how i can get an incoming test call via sip?
15:58.37rene-wouldnt it be possible to register your agents as Local channels in asterisk and then do the dialing from the dialplan to asterisk?
15:58.55rene-i meant to SER..
15:59.01rene-from the dialplan to SER
16:00.04rene-podzap: if you have a second handset/softphone just set its context to match that of sip incoming
16:00.22[TK]D-Fenderrene- : He needs * to know that the exten is busy so as not to send another call to it.  Can't do that with Chan_local
16:00.45[TK]D-Fenderrene- : He CAN dial right now, its a control issue
16:00.56podzaprene-: i need a firewall test
16:01.42rene-oh i see, well then whatabout hardcoding a DBGet/DBPut status var in app_queue.c??
16:02.35eKo1Dr-Linux: Are you getting any alarms?
16:02.42*** part/#asterisk podzap (
16:03.56Dr-LinuxeKo1: when i do "zap show status" it shows my both span are "OK"
16:04.08Dr-Linuxbut when i do "pri show span 3"
16:04.13eKo1What does zttool say?
16:04.15Dr-Linuxivr1*CLI> pri show span 3
16:04.15Dr-LinuxPrimary D-channel: 72
16:04.15Dr-LinuxStatus: Provisioned, Down, Active
16:04.15Dr-LinuxSwitchtype: National ISDN
16:04.15Dr-LinuxType: CPE
16:04.26Dr-LinuxeKo1: it shows down
16:04.39eKo1What alarm? RED or YELLOW?
16:05.28Dr-LinuxeKo1: no one,
16:05.40Dr-Linuxalarms are "OK"
16:05.51Dr-Linuxivr1*CLI> zap show status
16:05.51Dr-LinuxDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
16:05.51Dr-LinuxT2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1                OK         0          0          0
16:06.46`lymeare all zaptel channels on the same group considered 1 trunk? or are trunks on a per channel basis?
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16:09.48[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : that isn't Span 3.....
16:10.20Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: yeah
16:10.51Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: here is span 3
16:10.51Dr-LinuxT2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1                OK         0          0          0
16:10.52Dr-LinuxT2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 2                RED        0          0          0
16:10.52Dr-LinuxT2XXP (PCI) Card 1 Span 1                OK         0          0          0
16:10.58Dr-Linuxand it's okey
16:11.18PeacefulAre there any known security vulnerabilities with IAX2?  I'm using the md5 password method and want to expose my office IAX2 port on a public IP address for some of our remote workers
16:11.41Peaceful...just wondering if there are any security implications
16:12.30Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: but PRI 3 is down, when i do "pri show span 3"
16:15.16smackusok, so i have created a macro for my extensions, but i have a question about how to do the voicemail extension on it.
16:15.36smackuscan i just do something that points to whatever s is?
16:15.49smackusi am not understanding what I am reading on the docs
16:16.37[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Sounds like no D-Chan .  Time to call the Telco
16:16.54variable_officewow, asterisk is the coolest
16:17.31[TK]D-Fendersmackus : How is that a macro?  It only dials 1 fixed person... you only want a variable mailbox?
16:17.59smackuswell... it is over simplified for purposes of asking my question.
16:18.09[TK]D-FenderPeaceful : With IAX2 you automatically have "Security Through Obscurity" ;)
16:18.13smackusbut yes, can i do a variable mail box?
16:18.43[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Go look at the STDEXTEN macro that came in the sample extensions.conf.
16:18.53[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Short answer = yes
16:19.07smackusso is that where i would use ARG1?
16:20.52variable_officei have setup voipjet (iax) for outgoing calls, how can i setup iax incoming calls? ie. what companies do incoming?
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16:21.49Spy000007variable_office: try for incoming
16:22.11variable_officeSpy000007 i am just looking at them now.
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16:22.19thockhody all
16:22.28variable_officedo they give you an actual phone # ?
16:22.39Spy000007see the Availability page on the website
16:23.05thockAnyone here worked with an E&M wink T1 system and asterisk before?
16:23.34DrkShdwI just added a TDM400 to my machine..  getting lots of errors from zaptel now (looks like it's failing on some module loading)    anyone know of a guide for when you add hardware to an existing installation?
16:23.34variable_officei am using this for a business exchange though, does those numbers become mine? or is there a chance they could change?
16:23.51Spy000007change? they won't change
16:23.56Peaceful[TK]D-Fender: Heh, so no hacks yet, eh?
16:24.17variable_officeok, so as long as i have them, and keep the account paid the numbers are securely mine?
16:24.55Spy000007it's a paid service and they've been around longer than most other asterisk ITSPs, so i would think so
16:25.57variable_officehow do you actually go about getting those numbers, do you talk to the lec in that area for them?
16:26.23Spy000007you want an incoming US phone number delivered to you via IAX2?
16:26.48Spy000007just sign up for the service and they'll tell you what lines to put in your iax.conf
16:27.06Spy000007buy the number in the account center and it'll start ringing in a few minutes
16:27.12variable_officei mean how does voicepulse or whomever do it, is it a t1 pri from the lec?
16:27.39Spy000007probably more than a t1, but yeah
16:28.19Peaceful[TK]D-Fender: Hmm.  IAX2 buffer overflow in pre-1.2.9.  Looks like I'll need to keep up on the asterisk version.
16:28.26CunningPikeIs anyone else getting "SIP response 500" with Polycom buddies?
16:29.02Spy000007Peaceful: just spend all day, every day in here
16:29.11Dr-Linux<[TK]D-Fender> Dr-Linux : Sounds like no D-Chan .  Time to call the Telco
16:29.14variable_officeSpy000007 ah ok, so they have a big line of some size coming in and then they purchase numbers from the lec too or is their some number management organization like arin is to ips ?
16:29.28eKo1I have one of my PRI spans connected to a PortMaster digital modem server. Everytime a pass a call to it, the call immediately hangs up. What could be causing this?
16:29.37Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: so what you think, it could be telco problem or my end problem, even it was working fine before rebooting the server.
16:29.39PeacefulSpy000007: good idea.  You guys love me so much.  <sob>
16:30.08Spy000007someone has to interface with the LECs... many of the other ITSPs don't, they just resell someone else's voip
16:30.36variable_officeah, ic
16:30.49variable_officebut the numbers are in fact managed by the lec
16:31.06eKo1Spy000007: I interface with the LEC AND resell VoIP.
16:31.32variable_officeeKo1 so how did you get telephone numbers? talk to the lec?
16:32.24eKo1No, you have to 'order' them from the governing telco. ministry/commision/asociation.
16:32.35PeacefulDoes IAX2 go over udp or tcp?
16:32.44`lymeis it hard to add an external phone number as an extension (like dailing 450 would actually have the system dail a cell phone number)
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16:33.04variable_officeeKo1 does that mean something like att or some overwatch organization?
16:33.14eKo1Like the FCC.
16:33.39variable_officeso the line is ordered from the lec, the numbers from the fcc
16:33.43variable_officemakes sense i suppose
16:34.03Spy000007the fcc?
16:34.09Spy000007variable_office: what are you trying to do?
16:34.10CunningPikePeaceful: UDP
16:34.14Spy000007start an ITSP?
16:34.25variable_officeSpy000007 no, i was just wondering how to do it
16:34.40PeacefulCunningPike: thanks
16:34.47variable_officeSpy000007 ill start an itsp if you send me the money though, lol
16:35.04Spy000007contact a local LEC and get a PRI and they'll assign you numbers, it's much more simple than it seems
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16:35.38Spy000007ITSPs just have contracts with nationwide LECs or many smaller LECs all over the country, but it works the same
16:35.51variable_officeah, ok
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16:36.28eKo1The problem is though, that the numbers you get from the LEC aren't yours.
16:36.46eKo1i.e. you can't resell them.
16:36.59Kte2im having an issue with my fxo gateway passing inbound calls to my box...i can dial out (thru gate to pstn) from an internal extension, but any inbound calls are rejected with a '403 forbidden'. where should i start looking for the problem?
16:37.28variable_officeeKo1ah ok, and then for resellable number you must talk to fcc?
16:38.10*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
16:38.13eKo1variable_office: I don't know how it is in the USA, but that is the way it is here.
16:38.13jbalcombAnyone have a list of SipHeaders the Cisco 7940, Polycom IP 501, and/or Grandstream gxp-2000's understand?
16:38.14thockAnyone here worked with an E&M wink T1 system and asterisk before?
16:38.24justinu|laptopthock: yes
16:38.50thockjustinu|laptop: Did you ever come across an issue where dialing the number / an outside line would ring about 10-20 times and then instantly hang up the zap channel?
16:38.52CunningPikeKte2: Looks like an authentication problem......
16:39.44Hmmhesayswoohoo getting some shure e2 earbuds
16:40.09justinu|laptopthock: not following you... who's calling who, who's hanging up?
16:40.40thockI'm calling the outside world
16:40.41thockit just rings
16:40.55thockif someone calls the number on the T1, it rings 4 times and says service disconnected
16:41.06[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Only one I know of is the AlertType for Polycom
16:41.10thockmy telco has verified several times that the T1 is in proper working order, have been out to test it, etc.
16:41.16justinu|laptopthock: ok... i had a lot of problems with winkstart and asterisk
16:41.31thockany suggestions on where to read or something to point me to?
16:41.31justinu|laptopthock: i eventually changed it to imediate on the telco side and asterisk side, and it worked
16:42.17[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Go rad up on macros on the WIKI....
16:42.20*** join/#asterisk Beighto (n=chatzill@
16:42.25kay2rene-: well yeah
16:42.28kay2adding them realtime
16:42.52thockjustinu|laptop: does that go to in the zapata?
16:42.59thocker, in the zapata, rather
16:43.00variable_officewhat are some good non-voicepulse incoming call services?
16:43.00justinu|laptopthock: there's an rxwink setting in zapata.conf as well
16:43.33justinu|laptopthock: it sounds like asterisk isn't recognizing the rxwink, and not sending the txwink right for whatever reason
16:44.30thockjustinu|laptop: so add the 'em=yes' to zapata.. where can i find instructions on rxwink on the wiki?
16:44.42thocksignalling = em
16:45.24*** join/#asterisk Waverly360 (n=mirc@
16:45.50dlynes_officeDr-Linux: Not at 7:30 in the morning, no
16:45.52thockThanks :)
16:46.02justinu|laptopthock: you will have to ask your telco to change from wink start to immediate start
16:46.12justinu|laptopif indeed that is the problem
16:46.17Waverly360Good Morning/Afternoon.
16:46.18thocki'll give it a shot.
16:46.21thockThanks for the help :)
16:46.21*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
16:46.36Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: thanks, my problem is sloved.
16:46.44[TK]D-Fenderthock : You mean you didn't get that craptastic T1 converted to PRI yet?
16:46.53[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Cool.. what was it?
16:46.57justinu|laptopreally... PRI would be ideal
16:47.09justinu|laptope&m wink start is so 1970s
16:47.29Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: today, my 2nd PRI got down, after rebooting, so i configured it now in different way, it worked :S
16:47.36dlynes_officeDr-Linux: heh
16:47.47dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: btw...another cool thing about sangoma cards, too
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16:48.02Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: today i'll think about it's logic, that how it's doing :S
16:48.09dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: if you have more than one cpu, you can assign each card to a different cpu :)
16:48.21Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i made some changing again in zaptel.conf
16:48.27[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : This mean you're sold on them?
16:48.34dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: lol
16:48.44dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: I just need to figure out one more thing on them
16:48.55feld_[TK]D-Fender: i'll be getting a sangoma for my next asterisk box.
16:48.56dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: how to configure them to fractionalize my pri
16:49.32[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Thats on their WIKI, and it is their strong-suit
16:49.33dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: but i was sold on the first one, after I didn't have to do any screwing around with it
16:49.52dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: can you still fractionalize it when using the zaptel drivers?
16:49.53justinu|laptopput that in your wanpipe and smoke it!
16:50.00Waverly360Anyone here familiar with call queues in asterisk?
16:50.23dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: and i'm guessing you need to have either a pri or a digital t1 to take advantage of it, right?
16:50.26thock[TK]D-Fender: No, haven't yet. My LD rates and 1800 rates would skyrocket :(
16:50.36justinu|laptopyou need a T1, yes
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16:50.41justinu|laptopPRI not necessary
16:50.42[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : That'd be my guess....
16:50.52dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: but you can't use an analog t1, right?
16:50.58justinu|laptopwhat's an analog t1?
16:51.04[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : It practionalizes jsut about the same way as Digium's do IIRC.
16:51.05justinu|laptopT1 is by very definition digital
16:51.15[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : When in doubt, call them :)
16:51.25dlynes_officean analog t1 is an analog trunk (24 analog channels, no digital)
16:51.36dlynes_officeor maybe it was less channels
16:51.43dlynes_officeIt's been a while since I read up on the definition
16:52.05justinu|laptopif it's analog (not PCM) it's not a T1
16:52.07Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: why it working in different way now? :S
16:53.38dlynes_officeDr-Linux: because it's all in your warped little world :p
16:54.35justinu|laptopback in the old days, telco's used FDM carriers, which were analog... but with the invention of T carrier, they pretty much stopped using that shit...
16:55.02justinu|laptopand the days of hetrodyne, and noise on long distance calls went away
16:55.17dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: Yeah...I just remembered something about one of the two types of t1's had more latency than the other one
16:55.55dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: this is going back about ten years or so
16:55.55justinu|laptopask brettnam about this stuff, he knows a lot
16:56.03Waverly360Hey guys, I'm having a ton of problems getting the asterisk call queues to work right.  I created a queue, with two agents, and set it up to ringall.  Only one phone rings.  I tried removing that one phone/agent, but it still wants to ring.  I even manually logged the agent out from the console, but that phone still rings...I can't figure out how to make it stop.
16:56.08justinu|laptopbut most "T1s" these days are really DS1s
16:56.34justinu|laptopDS-1 describes the data rate (1.544mbps), whereas T1 described the entire carrier system, with repeaters, etc.
16:57.38*** join/#asterisk Bullseye_Network (n=info@
16:58.00justinu|laptopbottom line is that T1 is really just a high speed (not so high speed anymore) synchronous serial link
16:58.05Waverly360Are the queues for asterisk simply just broken?
16:58.49Hmmhesaysdid you break them?
16:58.59Waverly360If I did, I'm not sure how.
16:59.18filethe definition of broken is different for each individual
16:59.20filehow are they broken for you?
16:59.39DrkShdwI recently ordered a TDM400P, with 2 fxo and 1 fxs modules.  Put them in a machine, and am now getting errors.   Can anyone clue me on where to look?  the errors are:
16:59.41Waverly360well..I explained above...  There are several things I'm having issues with.  the first, is logging out an agent.
16:59.55Waverly360I have a queue setup, with two agents
17:00.05justinu|laptopdlynes_office: and on your T1, there is 24 timeslots called DS0s... one DS0 can carry a PCM 8bit 8000samples/sec voice call, or 64kbps of data
17:00.19Waverly360the queue is ringall, but only one phone will ring
17:00.27justinu|laptopso you can fractionalize it any way you want by combining the DS0s in different ways
17:00.40dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: that's why asterisk's internal frequency is 8KHz
17:00.42Waverly360so I decided to remove that phone/agent from the queue
17:00.58justinu|laptopyeah, 8khz is /the/ clock frequency of the PSTN
17:01.01CunningPikeWaverly360: Pastebin your queues.conf and agents.conf
17:01.06jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
17:01.06Waverly360well...that phone still rings...
17:01.25Waverly360ok..gimme a second
17:01.27[TK]D-FenderWaverly360: Shut down *, flush the AstDB and restart
17:01.36[TK]D-FenderWaverly360 : then re-login
17:01.48justinu|laptop8khz comes from nyquist therom, which states that you need double the sampling rate for the bandwidth you want to encode
17:01.49dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: so basically what you're saying then is that phone calls have all been digitized for quite some time now?
17:01.59dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: just not digitized over the internet?
17:02.03DrkShdwCan anyone look at my pastebin, and give me an idea of where to look?
17:02.08justinu|laptophuman voice needs 4khz of bandwidth to be understandable, hence 8khz sampling rate
17:02.08[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : T1 dates to 1954 IIRC
17:02.17dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: damn
17:02.20justinu|laptopyeah, T1 has been around forever
17:02.32*** join/#asterisk markus99 (n=markus@
17:02.35justinu|laptopbut it wasn't until the mid 1970s until telco switches themselves started speaking T1
17:02.52jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: What does AlertType for the PolyCom specify? I have 'SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: answer-after=0)' for the gxp-2000s.
17:02.53justinu|laptopbefore then everyting used channel banks
17:03.00dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: after arpanet started needed faster networks
17:03.05markus99is there a way to get music to caller while in parked calls
17:03.11Waverly360Do you think something's corrupted TK?  Or do I have to do that everytime I want to remove an agent?
17:03.27CunningPikemarkus99: It just happens for us.......
17:03.37justinu|laptoparpanet probably was behind the drive towards universal adoption of T1 at least partly
17:03.50dlynes_officewell, arpanet and milnet
17:03.58dlynes_officeand the universities/colleges in north america
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17:04.26dlynes_officebut i would suspect the early drive was from arpanet, and possibly milnet
17:04.32DrkShdw   I would appreciate any hints, tips, or clues.
17:05.01Bullseye_NetworkIm having a problem with one way audio every other call or so. Im using soft sip phones to a VOIP provider via SIP.
17:05.21thockjustinu|laptop: you wouldn't happen to know of some default values for Qwest T1's for rxwink, wouldja?
17:05.32[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : You set it to a value that matches a RingType entry in sip.cfg and it'll process accordingly. You can use this for distinctive ringing, autro-answer, etc.
17:05.37justinu|laptopstandard wink time is probably 250ms
17:06.28CunningPikeDrkShdw: What hardware do you have - it looks like you have one card that works and one card that doesn't?
17:06.41CunningPikeBullseye_Network: NAT?
17:06.42dlynes_officeDrkShdw: you have channel 2, 3, 4 but not channel 1
17:06.48Bullseye_NetworkNo nat
17:07.00CunningPikeBullseye_Network: Codec?
17:07.01justinu|laptopthe telcos desperately wanted to get away from FDM, because it required thick, expensive coax... and it sounded like shit
17:07.04Bullseye_NetworkIt everyother call
17:07.10Bullseye_Networkgsm and or ulaw
17:07.14DrkShdwdlynes_office: right,  I ordered the card with 2 fxo and 2 fxs,  but only needed one fxs..  so I removed one..
17:07.18dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: ah....whatever fdm is
17:07.24Bullseye_Networkthe Cisco's can only do ulaw
17:07.38Bullseye_Networkbut they are not the problem
17:07.44dlynes_officeDrkShdw: You should put your fxos into slot 1 and 2, and your fxs into slot 3 to make everything easier to work with
17:08.01DrkShdwok,   and that will resolve the error?
17:08.08[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Slightly dated, but "almost there" is a guide at
17:08.16dlynes_officeDrkShdw: and after you've done that, pastebin your zapata and zaptel files
17:08.26dlynes_officeDrkShdw: and a log of the load again
17:08.40DrkShdwok,  it'll be a few.  those modules don't like to come out easily once they're in :)
17:08.41dlynes_officeDrkShdw: I suspect you've got a conflict between your zaptel.conf and your zapata.conf
17:08.42justinu|laptopFDM= frequency division multiplexing... layering channels across the an RF spectrum... just like how the radio in your car works
17:08.56dlynes_officeDrkShdw: ah...wouldn't know
17:09.14dlynes_officeDrkShdw: the sangoma modules look like they'd come out pretty easy...never seen a tdm400p
17:09.31DrkShdwthanks for the hints.  I'll be afk while making hardware changes
17:09.32CunningPikeDrkShdw: Like the VPM module for the TE4xxP - needs a lot of persuasion :)
17:09.46dlynes_officeCunningPike: vpm?
17:09.53Waverly360Pastebin's not working
17:09.57Waverly360anyone else having trouble?
17:10.02DrkShdwCunningPike: this is my first digium card,   it looks like a nice unit :)
17:10.03dlynes_officeWaverly360: yeah, it is...just damned slow
17:10.13CunningPikedlynes_office: Voice Processing Module - hwec board
17:10.19Waverly360hrm..well I got a db error after waiting awhile....
17:10.23Waverly360ok Bullseye
17:10.28dlynes_officeWaverly360: I have issues with from time to time, because they use ipv6/ipv4 mix
17:10.58rene-DrkShwd: what does it does? transcoding?
17:11.30dlynes_officerene-: it's a 3 port tdm400p card (analog card)
17:12.01Waverly360I apologize for all of the spaces in my queues.conf
17:12.15Waverly360I have a script that reads the queue settings from a db and populates that file
17:12.17dlynes_officeCunningPike: got asterisk up and running on a P75, and it actually sounds pretty good :)
17:12.41rene-dlynes_office: i meant VPM? those are transcoding devices arent they?\\
17:12.53dlynes_officerene-: apparently a hardware echo canceller
17:12.59dlynes_officerene-: voice processing module
17:13.11dlynes_officerene-: see cunningpike's post above
17:13.20justinu|laptopdlynes: details on you P75 config?
17:13.26CunningPikedlynes_office: Cool - they do say it'll run on anything :)
17:13.33_Sam--damn that sucks, VOIP providers have to pay into the USF now
17:13.39_Sam--7% of gross
17:13.41*** join/#asterisk denon (
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17:14.03BeightoWhats the USF?
17:14.04justinu|laptophey sam... ltns
17:14.14dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: P75, 32MB's of memory, Slackware 10.2, Linux 2.4.31, x100p card (only used for timing), Sipura 3000 (for fxs and fxo ports), gsm and ulaw codecs
17:14.15_Sam--hey justinu!  beighto:  universal service fund...
17:14.26_Sam--Beighto :
17:14.26CunningPikeWaverly360: So, which queue is giving trouble?
17:14.46Waverly360the last one
17:14.48dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: so it's a pure analog solution, with the analog lines coming over sip into the asterisk box
17:14.52justinu|laptopdylnes: cool setup... how come you need the x100 for timing? conferencing?
17:14.58Waverly360but just because that's the one I'm testing with
17:15.05Waverly360none of the queues really work like they should
17:15.07dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: better sound quality
17:15.12Waverly360ringall never rings all phones..just one
17:15.16dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: asterisk will use a timing device if it's available
17:15.16[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Days from Slack 11 apparently....
17:15.22justinu|laptophmm... we run pure sip softswitches with ztdummy
17:15.25dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: says who?
17:15.25justinu|laptopzippo problems
17:15.27[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : And still 2.4.x as default.
17:15.34dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: I can't run ztdummy on this machine, though
17:15.44[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Chater from those "in the know".  And mentioned on distrowatch
17:15.45dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: no usb
17:15.49DrkShdwdlynes_office: are you positive about the fxo in ports 1&2, and fxs in 3?   all the pictures of the TDM400P I am looking at,  have the FXS in the lower numbered ports
17:15.53Waverly360there are also a lot of other assorted problems.  I'm hoping it's something that's obvious
17:15.55justinu|laptopand the only reason we need ztdummy is Async RTP & conferencing
17:16.08Waverly360maye just a bad config problem..
17:16.08[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Can't get 2.6 running on that box?
17:16.29dlynes_officeDrkShdw: yeah, i'm's just easier to deal with them in 1 and 2...then you know 1 and 2 are for dialing out on, and 3 is for your phones
17:16.40CunningPikeWaverly360: But you only have one agent - of course it will only ring one phone.......
17:16.51DrkShdwok,   still monkeying with these damed modules.. lol
17:16.59dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: probably could...probably would be slower, use more memory, and take three days to compile
17:17.00Waverly360well...that's the way it is now
17:17.04Waverly360but I had two in ther
17:17.13dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: besides...I probably don't have the drive space to compile it :p
17:17.20justinu|laptopdlynes_office: the real question is how long did it take to compile asterisk on a P75?
17:17.20Waverly360what's that the agent it's ringing right now isn't in that queue config file
17:17.28Waverly360it's ringing 115
17:17.28dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: it's only a 10GB drive
17:17.31CunningPikeWaverly360: Did you reload?
17:17.41Waverly360I can try again just to be sure
17:17.42dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: about an hour to an hour and a half
17:17.46justinu|laptopnot bad
17:17.50justinu|laptop32meg of ram helps no doubt
17:17.56Bullseye_NetworkI just rolled back to and dont seem to be having the problem with one way audio, I will continue to monitor it.
17:18.09dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: it was running at 94.6% cpu usage on the compiler and 54% memory usage
17:18.09Beighto_Sam-- : The FCC really sucks
17:18.10Waverly360yeah..just reloaded again
17:18.16Waverly360it's still ringing 115
17:18.18Waverly360and ignoring 215
17:18.19justinu|laptopi remember it taking around 24h to compile linux 0.97a on my 486DX2/66  with 8 meg of ram
17:18.22dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: load average was pegged at about 1.07
17:18.31CunningPikeWaverly360: Do a 'show queue 16'
17:19.02*** join/#asterisk TESTER2 (
17:19.07Waverly360that's small..can I paste it in here? just a couple of lines
17:19.18justinu|laptopso I went out and bought 16meg of ram... for a whopping 500 bucks
17:19.24Waverly360pbx01*CLI> show queue 16
17:19.24Waverly36016           has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'roundrobin' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:1, A:0, SL:100.0% within 0s
17:19.28dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: heh...I remember about 5 or 6 hours to compile linux 2.2.x on a 486dx4/100 w/64MB's of RAM
17:19.33Waverly360heh heh
17:19.43dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: so yeah, I guess memory helps a great deal with the compile process
17:19.44*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
17:19.59justinu|laptopyeah... otherwise the system pages like crazy
17:20.13justinu|laptoplike my wife's macbook which came with 512meg of ram
17:20.17TESTER2Is there a way to accelerate asterisk (fxo on tdm400p) for detecting incoming call (for now it takes 2 rings before sip devices and fxs module begin to ring) ?
17:20.49_Sam--Beighto:  yeah, i just feel bad for the companies that now have to give away 7% of their gross.
17:20.53Waverly360I thought maybe it was because the 115 agent was still logged on
17:20.57_Sam--ones that made no profit have to give away 7% more.
17:21.10dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: but i also have a 256MB swap file set up on the P75
17:21.13Waverly360so I manually logged that agent off from the console
17:21.17CunningPikeWaverly360: So, I'm thinking that the problem is not with your queues, but with your agent logins - Agent 215 is related to a different phone than you are expecting
17:21.20dlynes_officeerm swap partition, i mean
17:21.57dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: sounds like the first hard drive i bought
17:22.07Beighto_Sam--: If they keep it up, there won't be much of a price difference between POTS and VOIP
17:22.07dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: Seagate 130MB hard drive for $550
17:22.40dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: but I guess that 16MB's for $500 wasn't that long ago?
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17:22.59dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: I remember around the time I bought that hard drive, it was up around $120-130/MB for memory
17:23.27justinu|laptop16mb for 500 bucks was circa 1995
17:23.28dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: and that was only about 15 years ago, or so
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17:23.38_Sam--Beighto:  why should it be less than pots? you get more services... ?
17:23.39*** join/#asterisk babyju___ ( not that long ago
17:23.46Waverly360CunningPike: I just did a test to make sure that dialing extension 215 would take me to the correct phone
17:23.51justinu|laptop30pin SIMMs
17:24.18CunningPikeWaverly360: Go to the 115 phone, and try to logout Agent 215
17:24.23dlynes_officeyeah...but even the price you paid was still cheap at that time
17:24.25justinu|laptopnot that long ago... heh
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17:24.30justinu|laptopseems like ancient history to me
17:24.37plasmoduckwhat port does asterisk use for the web config?
17:24.41dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: well, you must be pretty young, then :)
17:24.41justinu|laptopthis was before windows 95
17:24.45Waverly360CunningPike: well..I can't get agent logouts to work over the phone
17:24.48justinu|laptopi'm 29
17:24.52Waverly360CunningPike: I have to do it via the console.
17:25.00dlynes_officedamn...thought you were younger than that, by the way you talk
17:25.16CunningPike29 - so young...........
17:25.18Beighto_sam-- True, more services, potentially better quality.  But most people don't care about that stuff.  I imagine the only way VOIP is going to be mainstream is if their prices are significantly less.
17:25.18justinu|laptopthis was before AOL had anything to do with the internet
17:25.31dlynes_officeaol still has nothing to do with the internet
17:25.36CunningPikeWaverly360: OK  -try it from the console then
17:25.39Waverly360CunningPike: Ok...that gave me the hold music
17:25.41justinu|laptopi remember one of me friends ran up a huge AOL bill talking to some fat chick in tenesee
17:25.47dlynes_officeaol only has to do with the further degrading of the collective american intelligence
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17:26.00Waverly360CunningPike: So what you're saying sounds accurate..but I really don't see how it's happening
17:26.05CunningPikeWaverly360: Because no agents are logged in.......
17:26.21Waverly360CunningPike: I understand that...oh...wait a minute...
17:26.30CunningPikeWaverly360: Now, log agent 215 to 215's phone.....
17:26.35dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: i guess you don't remember compuserver, delphi, bit something or other, and all those other crappy services?
17:26.35Waverly360CunningPike: I might know what's happening.
17:26.49justinu|laptopas sad as it is, windows 95 was a real milestone in mainstream computer usage... before that you had to use crap like trumpet winsock, win3.1 and NCSA mosaic to browse the web
17:26.56justinu|laptopoh yeah... i had compuserve
17:27.03dlynes_officeyeah...trumpet winsock sucked
17:27.07justinu|laptopthat was my CIS id
17:27.14justinu|laptopoctal user IDs, lol
17:27.17_Sam--i owned an ISP, we used to send out cds with trump winsock on it...what a mess.
17:27.38TESTER2[TK]D-Fender: thanks ... callerid and faxdetect at off solve the problem but sip devices and the fxs module continue to ring two rings after hangup
17:27.41dlynes_officeOS/2's dialup was a huge milestone in dialup connectivity
17:27.41_Sam--they developed the first tcp/ip stack? (trumpet)?
17:27.43justinu|laptopif you search google groups, youi'll find a usenet post I made in 1987
17:27.45Waverly360CunningPike: >< I misunderstood how this thing worked...I the agent id's are the same as the extensions..
17:27.51dlynes_office_Sam--: no...unix did
17:27.55justinu|laptopi was 11
17:28.08justinu|laptopsam: first TCP/IP stack for windows
17:28.10CunningPikeWaverly360: Great - I was just in the middle of typing something to that effect :D
17:28.25Waverly360CunningPike: so for some reason, I thought I could log the agent in on another phone...but that just married both agents to the first phone.
17:28.29dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: but still not the first tcp/ip stack for a microsoft os :)
17:28.35CunningPikeWaverly360: Glad you got it figured out :)
17:28.36dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: there was others for MS-DOS
17:28.42_Sam--how did that company, trumpet, make any money?  it was free?
17:28.49justinu|laptopi never got to try them... we were stuck using IPX on DOS
17:28.55dlynes_office_Sam--: it wasn' was shareware
17:28.56Waverly360CunningPike: bah..thanks...though that's not the answer to all of my at least gets me moving on :) Thanks a ton.
17:29.00dlynes_office_Sam--: you were supposed to pay for it
17:29.25CunningPikeWaverly360: No problem - come back to me if you have further queue problems
17:29.39justinu|laptoptrumpet winsock was SLIP only, iirc
17:29.45justinu|laptoplame ass precessor to PPP
17:29.47_Sam--at that time, the trumpet winsock era...the windows 3.1 computers didnt speak tcp/ip even over lan connections? did ppp too
17:29.52_Sam--yeah it did ppp
17:29.55Waverly360CunningPike: Gimme a few minutes and I'm sure I will :P
17:30.01CunningPikeWaverly360: ;)
17:30.14dlynes_office_Sam--: don't think so, no
17:30.14justinu|laptop_Sam--: windows for workgroups came out eventually, and it might have had a TCP stack...
17:30.24CunningPikejustinu|laptop: It did
17:30.26justinu|laptopbut they spoke NetBIOS, which ran on L2
17:30.33TESTER2[TK]D-Fender: thanks ... callerid and faxdetect at off solve the problem for delayed ring but sip devices and the fxs module continue to ring two rings after hangup, any idea why?
17:30.49DrkShdwdlynes_office: ok,  still errors.  the erros changed though.   you wanted a pastebin of the errors,  and what files?
17:30.57dlynes_officeDrkShdw: zaptel and zapata
17:31.20dlynes_officeDrkShdw: you've got two fxo ports right?
17:31.24dlynes_officeDrkShdw: and one fxs port?
17:31.39dlynes_officeDrkShdw: and the two fxo ports are in port 1 and 2, and the fxs is in port 3?
17:31.53BeightoHere is my problem for the day:  When someone calls my conference number they get in the conference fine and everything is just peachy until they hang up their phone and asterisk thinks they are still in the conference.  For example, if I call the number and get in the conference, hang up and call back it says there is already 1 person in the conference, and it never times out and disconnects them
17:31.55Beighto.  The network traffic just builds and builds with each call that is made.
17:32.03dlynes_officeDrkShdw: and where on earth did you get a wcfxs driver from?
17:32.17justinu|laptopBeighto: what country are you in?
17:32.31Beightojustinu|laptop : US
17:32.32justinu|laptopBeighto: can you use kewlstart for disconnect supervision?
17:32.55DrkShdwdlynes_office: yes,  2 fxo.  1 fxs.     fxo's in port 1&2,    fxs now in 3
17:32.59Beightojustinu|laptop: never heard of kewlstart
17:33.33dlynes_officeBeighto: it's also called coolstart
17:33.33[TK]D-FenderTESTER2 : * needs a few secs to realize the next ring isn't coming
17:33.33justinu|laptopBeighto: signalling type fxo_ks in zaptel.conf
17:33.35dlynes_officeBeighto: at least in the zapata.conf file it is
17:33.42dlynes_officeerm koolstart i mean
17:33.52justinu|laptopks means kewlstart (or koolstart for the canadians amongst)
17:34.04dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: no...kewlstart up here, too
17:34.10TESTER2[TK]D-Fender: so 2 rings is a normal delay?
17:34.16dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: but the stupid sample zapata.conf file refers to it as koolstart
17:34.21BeightoI don't have any zap lines, just the ztdummy, makes no difference?
17:34.25[TK]D-FenderTESTER2 : For CallerID, yeah.
17:34.30justinu|laptopahh, well... kewl is more 1337
17:34.40[TK]D-FenderTESTER2 : Most places transmit between the 1st & 2nd ring
17:34.43justinu|laptopkool is a brand of cigarettes
17:34.50dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: well, actually we call it disconnect supervision
17:35.06justinu|laptopyeah, i'd never heard of kewlstart before asterisk
17:35.07dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: i think kewlstart is actually a proprietary name for it
17:35.21justinu|laptopi always called it "loop current drop disconnect supervision"
17:35.23dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: there's a couple of different phone systems that refer to it as that
17:36.03justinu|laptopi never really worked with analog lines until asterisk... i got my start with T1s and Dialogic D240SCT1s
17:36.06*** join/#asterisk mr_claus (
17:36.32justinu|laptopsome of my collegeues worked on DID analog lines with the dialogic DID/120 boards
17:36.46mr_claushi, is it possible to call skype with an asterisk box?
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17:36.50CunningPikejustinu|laptop: I never worked with phones until asterisk :)
17:36.56TESTER2[TK]D-Fender: I set the callerid and the faxdetect to off. This solve the delayed incoming ring, but after the caller hangup (if no one answer) the ring continue on the sip desvices and fxs module for about 2 rings. I just want to know if there is something to do about that?
17:37.09dlynes_officeCunningPike: same here
17:37.12justinu|laptopCunningPike: as much as we bitch about it sometimes, it's so much easier nowdays
17:37.19justinu|laptopdialogic was pure shit
17:37.20Beighto; The following are used for Radio interfaces:
17:37.21Beighto; fxs_rx:         Receive audio/COR on an FXS kewlstart interface (FXO at the
17:37.23Beighto;                 channel bank)
17:37.27DrkShdwdlynes_office: I think I see part of the problem.   hold off on that pastebin.  (trying to do this myself, as much as possible)  hehe
17:37.28dlynes_officemr_claus:'d need to write a channel driver for it, and use the skype library
17:37.45dlynes_officeDrkShdw: well, that's better if you can figure it out for yourself, then
17:37.47CunningPikejustinu|laptop: No kidding - our Nortel guy sweats bullets to do stuff I can do in 20 seconds in asterisk
17:37.49dlynes_officeDrkShdw: then you learn it better
17:37.57BeightoI don't see how it is relevant
17:37.59DrkShdwthats the goal.. ;)
17:38.14dlynes_officeCunningPike: heh...if you only knew how much half those phone techs really know, you'd be scared
17:38.17mr_clausdlynes_office: perhaps i should ask if there is a solution available yet (plugin or gateway)?
17:38.32justinu|laptopCunningPike: yeah... i was thinking about my time with Dialogic, and how I can set up something with asterisk and a TE110 card in about an hour that might have taken me weeks/months on dialogic
17:38.35CunningPikedlynes_office: It's arcane shit
17:38.38dlynes_officemr_claus: i haven't seen one, personally
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17:39.02dlynes_officemr_claus: but what I would do is do a search on sourceforge, freshmeat, google, and voip-info
17:39.13justinu|laptopoh yeah, it's also about 1/5th the price... TE110 card is about 450USD and software is free, and servers are pretty cheap
17:39.26justinu|laptopdialogic d240 cards were about 4000USD back in the day
17:39.32justinu|laptopand did nothing unless you knew C
17:39.34dlynes_officeCunningPike: Meridian 1 option 11 or something, right?
17:39.42CunningPikejustinu|laptop: Yes - we're migrating users from Nortel to asterisk, so we have to delete them from the Nortel and add them to asterisk. I love bugging our Nortel guy - you not done yet? lol
17:39.42_omerhow to get ASTCC???    "export"   doesnt work...
17:39.51CunningPikedlynes_office: 11C, yes
17:39.56[TK]D-FenderTESTER2 :Nope, nothing you can do about that really.
17:39.56mr_clausdlynes_office: i found the PSGW but it's only available on windows, i don't know how it works buti think it takes calls and route them to skype
17:40.01_omerUnknown host
17:40.08justinu|laptopthey don't use CVS anymore
17:40.09dlynes_officeCunningPike: yeah...we've got one of those beasts on our office floor collecting dust
17:40.13justinu|laptopthey switched to subversion
17:40.28[TK]D-FenderTESTER2 : Asterisk needs to see that it has skipped a ring or so before knowing that it has indeed stopped.
17:40.32*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
17:40.35_omersvn or snv?
17:40.44justinu|laptopi've got a potential contract coming up to replace a midsize definity system with a VoIP soultion
17:40.46[TK]D-FenderTESTER2 : Thats the problem with analog circuits. Not real indications
17:40.49CunningPike_omer: svn  - sorry - finger trouble
17:40.51Waverly360CunningPike: I have my next question/problem for you :)
17:40.52dlynes_office_omer: -> click on downloads
17:40.58_omer:)  .... thanks
17:41.08CunningPikeWaverly360: Shoot :)
17:41.22*** join/#asterisk JackEStorm (
17:41.27dlynes_office_omer: then you'll see all the svn branches you can download, too
17:41.30TESTER2[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks!
17:41.58Waverly360CunningPike: In Roundrobin mode, after the first phone stops ringing, I get shot directly into that agents voicemail.  It's never moving on the next agent.  Is there anyway to make it stop doing that aside from killing that agents voicemailbox?
17:42.26dlynes_officeCunningPike: we had a nortel tech over here a few weeks back...took him about 2 or 3 hours, and still never figured out how to log into the option 11
17:42.27CunningPikeWaverly360: Agent phones generally shouldn't have voicemail for that reason
17:42.52Waverly360CunningPike: ...really?
17:43.02DrkShdwdlynes_office: no go :/     
17:43.10Waverly360CunningPike: Is there no way around that?
17:43.39CunningPikeWaverly360: For our agents. we give them 2 lines - one is a personal line with VM, the other is there queue line
17:43.56[TK]D-FenderWaverly360 : Stop using chan_local with extens that include VM in it.   <----
17:44.21CunningPikeWaverly360: If you think about it, it doesn't make sense for agents to have voicemail
17:44.53dlynes_officeDrkShdw: your config files should work just fine
17:44.56dlynes_officeDrkShdw: let's try this
17:45.15dlynes_officeDrkShdw: modprobe -r all your zaptel modules that you see loaded in lsmod
17:45.24DrkShdwthe error changed to hardware related
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17:45.47Waverly360CunningPike: hmm.  That complicates things a bit for me...
17:45.57thockanyone feel like calling 480-355-1841? :D
17:46.10thocki don't have access to a long distance line
17:46.14dlynes_officeDrkShdw: yeah...i suspect it's a driver issue
17:46.21*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
17:46.23dlynes_officeDrkShdw: that's why i'm asking you to unload those drivers
17:46.29CunningPikeWaverly360: If you think that's complicated, you ain't seen nothing yet ;)
17:46.42dlynes_officeDrkShdw: lemme know when they're unloaded
17:46.44[TK]D-FenderWaverly360 : 2 minute fix.
17:47.38Waverly360CunningPike: Well no...that's not what I mean.  My friend and I developed a front-end for asterisk.  We didn't really understand call-queues all that well, so when we designed it, our agents were automatically created from a list of our users..but agents were only created from users that had a that we could use the same password for both voicemail and agent login.
17:47.38[TK]D-Fenderthock : FAILURE.  Not in service
17:48.00DrkShdwmodprobe -r is giving me a FATAL module is in use
17:48.11dlynes_officeDrkShdw: type cat /proc/modules
17:48.11thock[TK]D-Fender: arse.
17:48.17thockback to the drawin' board.
17:48.21dlynes_officeDrkShdw: you'll see what modules are using what other modules
17:48.23Waverly360CunningPike: So according to what you've told me...I'm going to have to redesign the way our agents are defined.
17:48.28_omerASTCC  is not available at ..
17:48.29CunningPikeWaverly360: Ah. You may have to rethink that.........
17:48.37dlynes_officeDrkShdw: you need to unload hte ones that aren't in use first, and then unload the ones that are in use
17:49.04Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Could you explain that a bit more?
17:49.11DrkShdwworking on it
17:49.20[TK]D-FenderWaverly360 : Pastebin your extensions.conf
17:49.37jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for images use
17:49.37CunningPikeWaverly360: Do your agents need to log in from different phones? Or always the same phone?
17:52.42DrkShdwok,   I have 3 modules left related to zaptel in lsmod.  crc_ccitt used by zaptel, zaptel is using wctdm  and wctdm doesn't show it's being used by anything.  yet when I try to unload it,  I get the fatal in use message
17:53.00dlynes_officeDrkShdw: is asterisk running?
17:53.09justinu|laptopthock: your number isn't working still
17:53.14dlynes_officeDrkShdw: stop asterisk
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17:53.47thockjustinu|laptop: yeah i know
17:53.57thockyou can do 480-355-1660
17:54.01thocki KNOW that one works.
17:54.02dlynes_officeDrkShdw: you should just have to unload wctdm
17:54.12dlynes_officeDrkShdw: it'll unload zaptel, which will unload crc_ccitt
17:54.15thock(pay no attention to the attendant.)
17:54.21iqmsg Dr-Linux Salam -  #voip-pakistan
17:55.34dlynes_officesalam aleikum
17:55.53iqdlynes_office: Wa Alaikum assalam.
17:56.49iqDr-Linux: sorry. typo
17:57.35DrkShdwdlynes_office: ok,  done
17:58.17*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
17:58.34DrkShdwdlynes_office: I guess I should let you know,  this is a trixbox install.  don't know if that matters.    it's been running fine until I got the TDM400
17:58.40*** join/#asterisk Heimidal (n=Heimidal@phpbb/styles/heimidal)
17:58.43justinu|laptoptrix are for kids
17:58.51DrkShdwyea, yea..  I've heard.
17:59.05justinu|laptopsorry, that name is just a bit much
17:59.05Heimidalhi, is anyone using the Shipping gem?
17:59.26Heimidaloops, wrong channel :P
17:59.36dlynes_officeDrkShdw: yeah...this part doesn't matter
17:59.53DrkShdwI figured not,   but I figured better to give the whole story
17:59.58dlynes_officeDrkShdw: your asterisk config files otoh, I can't help much with...trixbox totally fubars them
18:00.14dlynes_officeDrkShdw: ok. do modprobe wctdm
18:00.29dlynes_officeDrkShdw: then wait about 10 seconds or so
18:00.33dlynes_officeDrkShdw: then type ztcfg -vvvvvvvv
18:00.49dlynes_officeDrkShdw: then we'll see if you've got an error
18:00.54DrkShdwline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'  <--   from modprobe
18:01.18dlynes_officeDrkShdw: sounds like you've got other issues then
18:01.30CunningPikeDrkShdw: Maybe permissions?
18:01.32justinu|laptopudev issues
18:01.38DrkShdwruh roh.    heh  not what I wanted to hear ;)
18:01.50dlynes_officeDrkShdw: what do you get from uname -a?
18:02.06DrkShdwshouldn't be permissions,  I haven't ever used chmod or chown on this box,  and it's been running fine
18:02.14justinu|laptopdoes /dev/zap/ctl exist?
18:02.36DrkShdw# ls -al /dev/zap/ctl
18:02.37DrkShdwcrw-rw----  1 asterisk asterisk 196, 0 Jun 21 14:00 /dev/zap/ctl
18:02.45dlynes_officeDrkShdw: uname -a??
18:02.48DrkShdwuname -a
18:02.48DrkShdwLinux asterisk1.local 2.6.9-34.0.1.EL #1 Wed May 24 07:40:56 CDT 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
18:03.28DrkShdwWatch me get booted for spamming, rather than using pastebin  lol
18:03.31dlynes_officeDrkShdw: make sure all your modules are all seated properly
18:03.41justinu|laptop1-3 lines isn't flooding
18:03.43dlynes_officeDrkShdw: also make sure your card is firmly seated in the pci slot
18:03.53DrkShdwdlynes_office: they are.  I triple checked before putting the card back in the machine
18:04.08dlynes_officeDrkShdw: do an lspci -v
18:04.21*** join/#asterisk Nix (n=Nix@
18:04.25dlynes_officeDrkShdw: see if you have your digium card show up there
18:04.30DrkShdw02:11.0 Network controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
18:04.31dlynes_officeDrkShdw: it'll show up as an ISDN card, i think
18:04.43dlynes_officeDrkShdw: ok, and is it sharing irqs with any other cards?
18:04.50dlynes_officefile: yeah
18:04.50DrkShdwyes, file
18:05.25dlynes_officeDrkShdw: check lspci -v and cat /proc/interrupts to check for interrupt sharing
18:05.27DrkShdwnope,  it's on IRQ3,  and nothing else is using it
18:05.43dlynes_officeDrkShdw: no?  I think you might want to check again
18:05.50dlynes_officeDrkShdw: com2 is usually on irq 3
18:06.07dlynes_officeDrkShdw: wctdm and usb are both on irq 3
18:06.10Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Here ya go,
18:06.15dlynes_officeDrkShdw: disable your usb in your cmos
18:06.23Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Sorry about the delay.
18:06.42DrkShdwok..   I don't need usb on this box,  so that should be fine.   brb
18:07.03justinu|laptophowever, would that stop the modules from loading? not in my experience
18:07.06dlynes_officeDrkShdw: turn off asterisk and zaptel autoload on bootup, too
18:07.12DrkShdwtoo bad this isn't freebsd.  I'd be at home. lol
18:07.18dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: no idea...I'm just trying to narrow down the problem
18:07.18DrkShdwtoo late :P
18:07.27justinu|laptopit needs to be done anyways, yeah
18:08.47dlynes_officeDrkShdw: it's actually better just to disable every last thing that you don't need in your cmos
18:08.57dlynes_officeDrkShdw: including apm/acpi
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18:12.13DrkShdwredoing it now.
18:13.06dlynes_officeAnyone heard of NetVoce?
18:13.43*** join/#asterisk ajaxcr (n=joe@
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18:14.04ajaxcrAnyone know how I can get the package with lpadmin in it onto my asterisk box? i'm pretty new to linux. :x
18:14.13DrkShdwok, box is coming back up now
18:14.38dlynes_officeajaxcr: You should really ask that question in ##linux, and when you do, let them know which distribution of linux you're using
18:14.46Bullseye_NetworkIm having a problem hearing the ringing on an outbound call. I can force it with ,r in the dial command but what else can be causing the ringing not to be heard
18:14.57ajaxcrshould I say my distro is Asterisk?
18:15.07justinu|laptopdebian, or redhat based?
18:15.11dlynes_officeajaxcr: no, unless you wanna look like you have no clue
18:15.23dlynes_officeajaxcr: asterisk is a pbx software, not a distribution of linux
18:15.29ajaxcrlol k
18:15.32justinu|laptopwell... there is astlinux :)
18:15.47ajaxcrI didn't set this one up, a co-worker did. I believe it's red hat. i'll figure it out. thanks :)
18:15.56dlynes_officeajaxcr: cat /etc/redhat-version
18:15.57justinu|laptopif it's redhad, try "yum install lpadmin"
18:16.13ajaxcrSuSE that was it
18:16.27*** join/#asterisk Kerry_G (
18:16.27dlynes_officeajaxcr: cat /etc/*-version
18:16.29DrkShdwok dlynes_office   I've disabled asterisk and zaptel on boot.   restarting the machine 1 last time.
18:16.34justinu|laptopsuse... not sure what package system that uses
18:16.41DrkShdwhey Kerry_G
18:16.45dlynes_officeyarn i think
18:16.48Kerry_GHas anyone used a cisco 7940 with a Dell PowerConnect PoE switch?
18:16.53dlynes_officebut yeah, it uses rpm
18:17.04dlynes_officeits installer is something like 'yarn'
18:17.07CunningPikedlynes_home: NetVoice?
18:17.09justinu|laptopnot yum?
18:17.10dlynes_officei can't remember the exact name
18:17.14dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: no
18:17.20justinu|laptopi never used suse
18:17.20dlynes_officeCunningPike: NetVoce
18:17.34*** join/#asterisk podzap (
18:17.37CunningPikedlynes_office: Nope
18:18.00DrkShdwdlynes_office: ok,  box is up without asterisk, and without zaptel
18:18.03podzapcan i get somebody to test call me via sip, to make sure my firewall / nat is working?
18:18.05dlynes_officeI was just curious if it was a misspelling for Netvoice :p
18:18.15*** join/#asterisk tech9iner (n=hacim@unaffiliated/tech9iner)
18:18.21carrarKerry_G, you need to cross some wiress as the cisco 7900 are using a different wiring for power
18:18.29justinu|laptoppodzap: get a FWD account for testing
18:18.35dlynes_officeDrkShdw: ok do an lsmod to make sure
18:18.57DrkShdwno zaptel modules loaded
18:18.57dlynes_officeDrkShdw: do you see any zaptel modules loaded?
18:18.59tech9inerany hopes on suse10.0 with a Agere Systems 56k WinModem (rev 01) modem for asterisk joy mates please.. an better yet.. where is a modem compatibility list please?.. thanks..
18:19.11dlynes_officeDrkShdw: ok, now do an lspci -v to make sure no irqs shared
18:19.12CunningPikedlynes_office: Doesn't look like it.....
18:19.33dlynes_officeDrkShdw: and then do a cat /proc/interrupts to make sure no interrupts shared there, either
18:19.46dlynes_officeCunningPike: yeah...doesn't look like it to me, either
18:19.53dlynes_officeCunningPike: but i figured i'd verify :)
18:19.58DrkShdwIRQ 5,  and nothing shared
18:20.00CunningPikedlynes_office: :D
18:20.11dlynes_officeCunningPike: but NetVoce took those guys for a lot of dough
18:20.15CunningPikedlynes_office: Why do you have 2 nicks?
18:20.26dlynes_officeCunningPike: one for home, one for the office?
18:20.27justinu|laptopa lot of people have multiple nicks
18:20.31CunningPikedlynes_office: Plenty of shady operators about
18:20.43dlynes_officeCunningPike: i log irc from both locations
18:20.45justinu|laptopit's because IRC has no friggen clue about multiple presense
18:20.51CunningPikedlynes_office: Screws up my auto-complete ;)
18:20.52justinu|laptopunlike more modern protocols :)
18:21.01CunningPikedlynes_office: I use a proxy for that
18:21.03_Sam--dlynes_office :  you could use screen
18:21.16DrkShdwjustinu|laptop: try screen irssi ;-)
18:21.30dlynes_office_Sam--: you have no clue just how bad my firewall at home sucks for ssh
18:21.35justinu|laptopi use screen, but not for IRC
18:21.44justinu|laptopi prefer a GUI client for chat
18:21.58dlynes_officeyeah...besides...I'm using xchat, not bitchx :)
18:22.12DrkShdwdlynes_office: it appears IRQ 5 isn't being shared now
18:22.20justinu|laptopif they would just fix a few bugs in gaim, it would rule
18:22.21dlynes_officeDrkShdw: ok
18:22.28dlynes_officeDrkShdw: try modprobe wctdm now
18:22.49DrkShdwline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
18:23.06DrkShdwlet me google that error
18:23.11dlynes_officeDrkShdw: this might seem like a stupid question , but are you running modprobe wctdm as root user?
18:23.11justinu|laptopwhat happens if you try the modprobe twice?
18:23.33DrkShdwyes,   as root
18:23.42Waverly360I think TK took off :P
18:23.51justinu|laptopWaverly360: he'll be back
18:23.58dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: zaptel isn't smart enough to autounload itself if it fails during init
18:24.25justinu|laptopi've had that /dev/zap/ctl issue before (with ztdummy) and modprobe ztdummy twice seems to solve it
18:24.26DrkShdwthe odd thing is,   even with that error message.. on the console, it says freshmaker passed register test, shows the modules, and says it found a wildard tdm400p
18:24.44dlynes_officeDrkShdw: what the hell is freshmaker?
18:24.57Waverly360dlynes_office: Mentos :P
18:24.59justinu|laptopi think that means that your wctdm driver loaded, but zaptel module didn't?
18:25.05dlynes_officeWaverly360: i meant besides that
18:25.47fileDrkShdw: are you on a udev based system?
18:25.58DrkShdwfile:  CentOS.   I'm a BSD guy,   dunno if centos is udev or not
18:26.01dlynes_officeDrkShdw: type ps auxffww | grep udevd
18:26.06justinu|laptopcentos is udev
18:26.14justinu|laptopbut his /dev/zap/ctl exists
18:26.28DrkShdwdlynes_office: googling that error message,   I'm understanding the error message is no big deal.  it just means zaptel module isn't loaded yet
18:26.42Kerry_Gcarrar - tech on site says he followed the pinouts and it didnt work, wondering if there is any additional info with regards to the Dell PoE switches
18:26.58dlynes_officeDrkShdw: type ztcfg -vvvvvvvvvvvvv then, and see what happens
18:26.58justinu|laptopcisco 7940 supports PoE?
18:27.15*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
18:27.15justinu|laptopafaik cisco phones support Cisco CDP power over ethernet, which your dell switch likely doesn't
18:27.18DrkShdw4 line paste ok?
18:27.24DrkShdw3 channels configured.
18:27.24DrkShdwChanging signalling on channel 1 from Unused to FXS Kewlstart
18:27.25DrkShdwChanging signalling on channel 2 from Unused to FXS Kewlstart
18:27.25DrkShdwChanging signalling on channel 3 from Unused to FXO Kewlstart
18:27.25dlynes_officeDrkShdw: and what the hell is causing freshmaker to run (whatever the hell freshmaker is)
18:27.35dlynes_officeDrkShdw: looks fine to me
18:27.39justinu|laptopyeah, looks good
18:27.40dlynes_officeDrkShdw: try running asterisk now
18:27.43justinu|laptopmodprobe zaptel
18:27.53justinu|laptopor is that already oaded?
18:27.53DrkShdwfreshmaker gave that message when I loaded the module
18:28.07dlynes_officeDrkShdw: what is freshmaker?
18:28.07DrkShdwno, zaptel isn't loaded
18:28.12_Sam--i dont know if this means anything...but "on Cisco's site the 7940G does not support the IEEE 802.3af PoE standard"
18:28.22justinu|laptopnope, they don't
18:28.26DrkShdwno clue what freshmaker is.   probably trixbox specific
18:28.38justinu|laptophowever, you can buy a litle box for 20 bucks that converts 802.3af Poe to cisco PoE
18:28.40_Sam--you need a specific cable to make it work
18:28.40Kerry_GI know the pinouts for the cables are different
18:28.48dlynes_officeDrkShdw: whatever it is, it sounds like it's interfering with yoru driver loading
18:28.50justinu|laptopnot just the cable
18:28.56_Sam--this should be whats needed?
18:28.59justinu|laptopyou need the converter box to speak CDP
18:29.10justinu|laptopotherwise the phone won't know the power is available
18:29.24DrkShdwok, asterisk is running
18:29.31podzapcan i get somebody to test call me via sip, to make sure my firewall / nat is working?
18:29.46justinu|laptopi found a better one
18:29.50TommyTheKidI am having a problem with iaxclient based soft phones setting the MIC Gain too high, is this a known problem, or is there maybe some .h file I can edit to cause it to set it about 10 lower than it does now?
18:29.54TESTER2Is there 2 patches for festival 1.95 ? (one 1.95diff and another for gcc>2.95)?
18:30.01Waverly360CunningPike: I have another question for ya man.
18:30.17CunningPikeWaverly360: Speak, O Chosen One
18:30.18TESTER2If compiling using gcc>2.95? you may need to use this patch =====> but the link is dead
18:30.30Waverly360CunningPike: is there a variable that is set when I call comes from a call queue that would let me know that I'm receiving a call from a queue?
18:30.59CunningPikeWaverly360: You could set one in your dialplan
18:32.02CunningPikeWaverly360: Just before you call the Queue app, use SET to set a variable
18:32.08Waverly360CunningPike: Ok...I think we're gonna play around with that and see if we can just have the dialplan ignore the voicemail for that user.
18:32.12TommyTheKidI am also consistantly getting "(date) IaxWrapper::event_unknown() Uknown message: Type=4" on the window I launch it in
18:32.24dlynes_officethey've got mentos condoms now
18:32.29CunningPikeWaverly360: That would work
18:32.45CunningPikedlynes_office: Is Mentos a new Linux distro? :|
18:32.56justinu|laptopthis is the box we used to connect Cisco phones to 802.3AF switches:
18:33.00DrkShdwdlynes_office: quick googling suggests that Freshmaker is part of the wtcdm driver for certain digium cards
18:33.02*** join/#asterisk Kokey (n=jramirez@
18:33.19dlynes_officeCunningPike: no, but there's freshmaker (not sure what the hell it is) for astlinux, trixbox, asterisk @home, and i'm not sure what else
18:33.23dlynes_officeDrkShdw: no, it's not
18:33.42CunningPikedlynes_office: The ;| was my deadpan face
18:33.48dlynes_officeDrkShdw: I'm running zaptel drivers (t1, quad t1, 4 port analog), and I've never run into it
18:33.53dlynes_officeCunningPike: heh
18:34.22DrkShdware you using a digium card?    on googling the message,  it appears it's only from digium tdm400p's
18:34.36dlynes_officeah...never used a digium tdm400
18:34.58dlynes_officesounds like it must be some pain in the ass thing to make sure nothing works properly :p
18:35.19DrkShdwI can download the wtcdm driver source real fast,  and grep for freshmaker if you think it's necessary
18:35.46smackusso in the zapta.conf, is there a way to make it more dynamic? right now i am specifying channels 1-10 to one context and 11-24 on another. can I make it so that all 24 channels are available to all of the contexts? is that possible?
18:35.50justinu|laptopDrkShdw: i like your persistence
18:35.55DrkShdwtoo late,   already did it :P
18:35.58DrkShdwwctdm.c:        /* Check Freshmaker chip */
18:36.01filethe Freshmaker refers to the TDM400 board...
18:36.15justinu|laptopdid jim dixon come up with that name?
18:36.16carrar"available to"?
18:36.37*** part/#asterisk paolob (
18:36.44DrkShdwjustinu|laptop: I've been very determined to learn asterisk (and voip in general) with as little help as possible.   but this has had me stumped since the day I got this card.
18:36.57justinu|laptopyeah... i resort to reading source code myself
18:37.04Waverly360CunningPike: Ok...I'm having more issues.  I removed all the voicemail stuff from my extensions.conf.  all I have in there for both agents are the answer and dial commands.
18:37.18smackuscarrar: was that to me?
18:37.24DrkShdwThe odd thing is,   from the reviews..   it's supposed to work *really well* with linux and asterisk
18:37.27dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: yeah...that's how i found out there's another logging option that's not documented
18:37.33carrarthings can only match 1 place
18:37.35justinu|laptopyour TDM400? should work just dandy
18:37.38dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: the 'dtmf' logging option
18:37.48Waverly360CunningPike: But now, on roundrobin, the pbx just hangs up on me after if finishes ringing the first phone. It never hits the second one.
18:37.50smackusso I have to specify a number of channels to one context?
18:37.51justinu|laptopthere's myriad undocumented features
18:37.57*** part/#asterisk tech9iner (n=hacim@unaffiliated/tech9iner)
18:38.08DrkShdwI'm sure the physical hardware is working.  It's just..  the errors at boot time with modules
18:38.16smackusthere is no way to make it so that all 24 channels can be for all contexts?
18:38.19justinu|laptopDrkShdw: where do we stand? we got wctdm loaded, ztcfg done, zaptel loaded, asterisk loaded?
18:38.27CunningPikeWaverly360: Hmmm - what does the CLI say?
18:38.30dlynes_officeeverything's working, afaik
18:38.32DrkShdwyes,   all of the above
18:38.39dlynes_officeDrkShdw: one quick tip
18:38.40justinu|laptopso you just need to get your rc scripts sorted
18:38.42carrarsmackus, this for incoming calls or outgoing?
18:38.45CunningPikeWaverly360: And, what does 'show queue whatever' say?
18:38.48*** part/#asterisk podzap (
18:38.50dlynes_officeDrkShdw: change your startup, so you don't have all those other drivers loading
18:38.54DrkShdwI haven't tried rebooting with asterisk/zaptel auto starting though
18:38.58dlynes_officeDrkShdw: wait 5 seconds after loading wctdm
18:39.04smackusincoming. (if i understand why context is defined in the zapta.conf)
18:39.06dlynes_officeDrkShdw: then do a modprobe zaptel
18:39.08Waverly360CunningPike: pbx01*CLI> show queue 16
18:39.08Waverly36016           has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'roundrobin' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:2, A:0, SL:100.0% within 0s
18:39.14dlynes_officeDrkShdw: then wait another 5 s, and then do a ztcfg -vvvvvvvvv
18:39.18DrkShdwdlynes_office: this is where my BSD background hurts.  I have no clue how to do that in centos.   I'll hit google.
18:39.19carrarso make it 1-24
18:39.21dlynes_officeDrkShdw: then load asterisk
18:39.34Waverly360CunningPike: lemme try again though.  Some people are using the pbx so my CLI was flooded :P
18:39.37dlynes_officeDrkShdw: you've got all the driver loading disabled now, right?
18:39.38carrarthen just have a match and a goto
18:39.47CunningPikeWaverly360: Yup - I get that all the time.......
18:39.48dlynes_officeDrkShdw: so just do the driver loading and asterisk loading in rc.local
18:39.56justinu|laptopcentos uses a SYSV style startup
18:40.01dlynes_officeDrkShdw: for zaptel
18:40.04justinu|laptopS99zaptel -> /etc/init.d/zaptel
18:40.16DrkShdwdlynes_office: centos has a utility called ntsysv,   I used that to disable asterisk and zaptel.   just disabling those stopped modules from loading
18:40.30smackushang on... let me pastebin my zapta.conf
18:40.31dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: ewww...does centos actually have a gui?
18:40.33Waverly360CunningPike: gonna spam the channel's the error I got...   pbx01*CLI>
18:40.51justinu|laptopit probably does, however I just use the chkconfig script to turn things on/off
18:41.30DrkShdwI'm not a big fan of gui's for server machines :)
18:41.43justinu|laptopwhen I install centos on headless boxes, i don't even bother with X
18:41.48dlynes_officeDrkShdw: try slackware then :)
18:41.49TESTER2someone has the patch for festival 1.95 and gcc>2.95?
18:41.58justinu|laptopgentoo :)
18:42.00DrkShdwno thanks,  I'll stick with freebsd :P
18:42.07CunningPikeWaverly360: I'm not sure of the effect of auto fallthrough on your dialplan - we don't use it......
18:42.12dlynes_officeDrkShdw: it's the most unix like out of all the linux distros, and you have to fight like a bear to get a gui up and running :0
18:42.16justinu|laptopi bet bsd guys would like gentoo
18:42.24smackusis the context in zapta.conf used for inbound or outbound calling?
18:42.28dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: or sourcemage
18:42.41justinu|laptopthat's one I hadn't heard of
18:42.42Waverly360CunningPike: Hrm....well...lemme see.  I didn't create this if we don't need it..I'll take it out :P
18:42.47DrkShdwI got started years ago on slack.   then moved to fbsd.  never looked back
18:42.54justinu|laptopi got started on slack too
18:42.55justinu|laptophated it
18:43.10dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: sourcemage is like bsd ports tree on linux
18:43.10justinu|laptopi've been toying with the idea of freebsd on my laptop
18:43.27DrkShdwanyway,   dlynes_office and justinu|laptop   I really appreciate the help.   From here..  I'll google how to stop the autoloading of those modules.  should be good to go :)
18:43.30justinu|laptopsimply because *BSD's atheros driver supports powermanagement
18:43.38justinu|laptopDrkShdw: checkconfig zaptel off
18:43.42justinu|laptoper chkconfig zaptel off
18:43.57dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: linux supports power management too, non?
18:44.10filemanaging power is SOOOOOOO 1990s
18:44.17justinu|laptoplinux does, but the atheros driver doesn't
18:44.30justinu|laptopthe reason I even care about PM on my wifi card is it sits right under the right palmrest
18:44.36justinu|laptopand if PM isn't turned on, it gets really damn hot
18:44.38DrkShdwwait..   so I don't need the zaptel module?
18:44.45smackuscan I do something like this? or will this not work:
18:44.50CunningPikeWaverly360: "If autofallthrough is set, then if an extension runs out of things to do, it will terminate the call with BUSY, CONGESTION or HANGUP depending on Asterisk's best guess (strongly recommended). If autofallthrough is not set, then if an extension runs out of things to do, asterisk will wait for a new extension to be dialed (this is the original behavior of Asterisk 1.0 and earlier)."
18:44.54justinu|laptopno, you do... but you said you wanted to stop it from autoloading?
18:45.33[TK]D-Fendersmackus : PRI's don't use 24 channels....
18:45.36DrkShdwoh,  no no.   It's not autoloading now (used ntsysv to disable)  I'm trying to figure out how to stop the other modules from autoloading
18:45.37Waverly360CunningPike: does that roundrobin thing work?  I mean..if an agent gets a call, but doesn't answer..what's the queue supposed to do then?  Won't it move on to the next person in the queue?
18:45.41smackuswell, yeah, sorry 23
18:45.56CunningPikeWaverly360: Yes - it should......
18:46.01justinu|laptopDrkShdw: ah, you'd have to edit that zaptel init script
18:46.11smackuswould that work though, so for every context specify 1-23?
18:46.13CunningPikeWaverly360: Each agent is on a different phone, right?
18:46.14Waverly360CunningPike: I turned off autofallthrough, and got this error instead.  -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms
18:46.14Waverly360Jun 21 13:44:13 WARNING[12684]: pbx.c:2415 __ast_pbx_run: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'phones'
18:46.14[TK]D-Fendersmackus : And zapata defines your zaptel interfaces.  What you choose to do with it is up to you.
18:46.17DrkShdwok!   finally something I can handle myself :)
18:46.49CunningPikeWaverly360: Can you pastebin the relevant section of your extensions.conf?
18:47.12*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
18:47.21DrkShdwsince I have the TDM400 now,  I don't need ztdummy,  correct?
18:47.41Waverly360CunningPike: Here's the whole thing...minus the exact phone numbers.
18:47.59*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
18:47.59DrkShdwlooks like ztdummy was the one loading all the other modules.
18:48.34rene-[TK]Defender: what did kay2 end up doing?
18:48.55[TK]D-Fenderrene- : No idea.... been AFK too long.
18:49.32[TK]D-Fendersmackus : What do you mean "for every context specify 1-23"?
18:50.27Waverly360CunningPike: keep in mind, on my version, for extensions 115 and 215 I've commented out the voicemail and hangup lines
18:50.30m4rkl4rhi, i'm seeing the following errors when compiling
18:50.42smackus[TK]D-Fender: I am trying to get around assigning a specified number of channels to one context. I want all contexts to have whatever open ports are available on the T1
18:51.18[TK]D-Fendersmackus : You are very backwards in your understanding of contexts.....
18:51.22CunningPikeWaverly360: Can you get a CLI output for the whole call and pastebin it?
18:51.29smackusthat I am sure of
18:51.36Waverly360CunningPike: Sure thing..gimme a bit
18:51.41CunningPikeWaverly360: Sure
18:51.57[TK]D-Fendersmackus : If you want all incoming calls to go to 1 context, define them together as "channel => 1-23" with a single "context=[thenamehere]"
18:52.18smackusright... thats how i have it now
18:52.24m4rkl4rlet me note in advance, I've built libpt and openh323 according to the docs, set OPENH323DIR and PWLIB, done the ldconfig thing
18:52.29smackusi have two companies that are on the system.
18:52.44[TK]D-Fendersmackus : And to place calls using the first avainable channel within your PRI use "group=1" in your zapata definition of it and "Dial(Zap/g1/[thenumber]) to dial in extensions.conf
18:53.02*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
18:53.23m4rkl4rso when I try to compile from /usr/src/asterisk-1.2.8/channels/h323, I get the following:
18:53.48m4rkl4rIn file included from ast_h323.cxx:51:
18:53.48m4rkl4rast_h323.h:159: error: type specifier omitted for parameter `RTP_QOS'
18:53.54m4rkl4rfollowed by some other stuff.
18:53.55smackus[TK]D-Fender: so the context i am entering into zapta.conf needs to be the same as the context I am using in extensions.conf, right?
18:54.10smackusso i have [progrexion] in extensions.conf
18:54.31smackusif i want 24 channels open to them in the g1 on zapta.conf needs to have context = progrexion, right?
18:54.56m4rkl4rwhen I compile from /usr/src/asterisk-1.2.8 with in ./channels/Makefile,
18:55.01ptinsleyIn an setup where you have a PRI as your inbound PSTN interface with faxdetect=incoming and zap interfaces behind it with fax machines on them.  How do you get a call to go through?  I would assume inbound meant litterly that, only inbound calls would be scanned for faxes.  But as soon as the call is connected across the PRI it detects the fax and redirects the call
18:55.08*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
18:55.28m4rkl4rit says:
18:55.28m4rkl4rmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `h323/libchanh323.a', needed by `'.  Stop.
18:55.55m4rkl4rSo, it would have been polite to ask before pasting all of that, but:
18:56.13m4rkl4rhelp please?  I seem to have done what I'm supposed to
18:56.49ptinsleythat probably needs more clarification Fax (Zap/25) -> Asterisk -> PRI (Zap/g2), fax is "picked off" as it attempts to pass through
18:57.12eKo1m4rkl4r: pastebin the exact steps that you did.
18:57.42m4rkl4rok.  If you want exact detail, that will take a minute
18:57.49CunningPikeWaverly360: Another little gotcha for agent extensions - you don't really want a timeout either - the phone should ring until the agent answers or rejects the call (this sends 'Busy' back to asterisk which prompts it to try the next agent
18:58.04justinu|laptopdlynes: so what is it about the way I chat that makes you think I'm immature?
18:58.16m4rkl4rI will redo it and paste as I go
18:58.23Waverly360CunningPike: So what if the agent doesn't actually reject the call?  Does his phone just keep on ringing?
18:58.26TommyTheKidis the h323 driver capable of handling the Avya PBX h323 channels (apparently they "enhanced" h.323, or so I was told)
18:58.44TommyTheKidthanks jbot
18:58.54CunningPikeWaverly360: Yes - that is the nature of being an agent - you log off when you're not there, or face the Wrath of Khan
18:59.20[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Yes, for INCOMING calls.
18:59.24CunningPikeWaverly360: If an agent is logged in, asterisk (any PBX) assumes they are available to take calls and will present the call to them
18:59.31TommyTheKidofcourse a no-answer should auto-logout the agent too
18:59.35TommyTheKidoops meeting :)
18:59.54CunningPikeTommyTheKid: Yes - that's good practice also
18:59.56smackus[TK]D-Fender: so far i am with you then.
19:00.07smackusi have two groups set up on one t1
19:00.21Waverly360CunningPike: But if the agent hits reject....what then?  It just hangs up on the caller?
19:01.11ptinsleyYou just need to rename the reject button to IN DA FACE
19:01.18CunningPikeWaverly360: Not for us - our phones (Polycom) send 'Busy' back to asterisk, which then tries the next agent
19:01.55Waverly360CunningPike: Well, we're using Polycom phones.  501s and 601s mostly.  I just hit reject, and it killed the call.
19:02.00CunningPikeWaverly360: But we're using dynamic members rather than agents, so ymmv
19:02.07smackus[TK]D-Fender:one group goes to context progrexion and the second group goes to context pts. group 1 has channels 1-10 and group 2 has channels 11-23
19:02.28*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
19:02.42smackus[TK]D-Fender: so i have limited each to aprox 10 channels instead of them each having whatever is available from the 23
19:02.44Waverly360CunningPike: What's the difference in using dynamic members rather than agents?
19:02.49[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Not the way to work things unless you want to guarantee a cetain minimum of channels per division (rarely good in my eyes).
19:03.07CunningPikeWaverly360: Change your dialplan for extension 115 to simply 115,1,Dial(SIP/234) and see what happens
19:03.11smackusso my question is, how is the correct way to do this
19:03.25*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
19:03.40[TK]D-Fendersmackus : To limit each division to a certain # of channels?
19:04.00CunningPikeWaverly360: Well, the key thing for us is that agents only use their own phone to take calls. Using dynamic members allows us to have them log on and off easily without the need for passwords and all that crap
19:04.11smackussorry, no.. .I want each context to have the maximum potential of 23 channels per T1
19:04.13ptinsleymaybe it's the answer thats confusing the situation
19:04.24[TK]D-Fendersmackus : then it alredy does.
19:04.25*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
19:05.07smackus[TK]D-Fender: not they way I have it... I have it the way I described.
19:05.13smackusi am trying to change it to the other
19:05.25smackussorry... I am having a hard time expressing my question.
19:05.35[TK]D-Fendersmackus : I see that....
19:05.37Kerry_GGot the 7940's working on the Dell switch just fine, the pinouts at was exactly what I needed
19:06.26smackus[TK]D-Fender: currenly I have each group restricted to a number of channels. ie, 1-10 and 11-23
19:06.27[TK]D-Fendersmackus : BTW, get rid of those god-aweful Answer's in front of the exten's your queue is dialing otherwise it'll never redistribute the call.
19:06.38[TK]D-Fendersmackus : At the telco level I presume...
19:06.47smackusok.. hang on.
19:06.50smackuslet me catch up here.
19:07.21smackusgod-aweful Answer's... where are you talking?
19:07.58CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: Was that meant for Waverly360 ?
19:07.58*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
19:08.04blebleblehow can i reset a single sip peer?
19:08.28justinu|laptopit's device dependant
19:09.24[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Uhh.. yeah, oops :)
19:09.41[TK]D-FenderWaverly360 : Please see my "subtle" comment about your chan_local usage :)
19:09.52blebleblelike i have an extension that shows in use and its not, just rings busy
19:10.13CunningPikeWaverly360: [TK]D-Fender has also said to remove the Answer() line from your extension
19:10.15bleblebledialparties.agi: Extension 122 is not available to be called
19:10.34*** join/#asterisk vechers (n=svecher@
19:10.36[TK]D-FenderI        HAVE      SPOKEN!
19:10.40*** part/#asterisk vechers (n=svecher@
19:11.11[TK]D-Fenderblebleble : Please ready the channel topic... not going to find much help for AMP/FreePBX around here....
19:11.56CunningPikeOr whatever it's called this week
19:12.04blebleblei'm on the asterisk cli
19:12.20[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : Only had 2 names....
19:12.39smackus[TK]D-Fender: sorry to be so dense. I need to see if I understood you correctly.
19:12.53dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: amp is freepbx now....asterisk at home is trixbox now
19:12.57[TK]D-FenderME dense? :)
19:12.59smackusfor inbound calls, I can have 1 t1, two groups, both groups with channel=1-23
19:13.03dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: why not just stick with the same name ? :)
19:13.10[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Correct.  As am I :)
19:13.27[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : They didn't feel gay enough apparently ;)
19:14.01dlynes_officeactually, i thought asterisk management portal was an appropriate name
19:14.05dlynes_officefreepbx means nothing
19:14.22dlynes_officesame for trixbox
19:14.45[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Sure it does... it means that a moron can set up Asterisk without having to pay one of us to compensate for his inability to learn ;)
19:15.00[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Hence "FreePBX" ;)
19:15.22dlynes_officewell, you get morons on asterisk, too
19:15.25dlynes_officea la kernel20
19:15.27[TK]D-Fender<- Answer for EVERYTHING.
19:15.31smackusi am one
19:15.36*** join/#asterisk dan42 (
19:15.40dlynes_officeno you're not
19:15.46[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : No, again I have been able to get something across to him, so he's lazy, not stupid :)
19:15.52dlynes_officeyou couldn't even hold a stick to kernel20, smackus
19:16.14smackusI try
19:16.15sevardDoes anyone know a good little one line output command like 'uptime' that shows load averages only? i could uptime and cut and crap, but bleh
19:16.18[TK]D-Fendersmackus : You're still learning and appear to have gotten places on your own so you don't count :)
19:16.33smackusi hope not to be like kernel20
19:16.36HmmhesaysWell, just ordered a 32 channel mixer, 2500w power amp, e2 ear buds and a 2 channel 31 band eq
19:16.40jbotfrom memory, kernel20 is an annoying user that is allergic to reading documentation.
19:16.42smackuseven at my level he frustrates me
19:16.52CunningPikedlynes_office: You just beat me to it lol
19:17.02[TK]D-FenderYeah, he's not dumb... jsut a DUMB-ASS
19:17.05smackusall that being said :-D
19:17.12dlynes_officesee...even jbot remembers hime
19:17.20smackusI still dont understand what I am doing with these channels. hehe
19:17.23jboti guess [tk]d-fender is rockin' the casbah !!!
19:17.31dan42is there anyone alive here interesting in a problem im having with voicemail odbc?  ive dug into the code as far as i know how
19:18.27Waverly360[TK]D-Fender & CunningPike: Taking the Answers out seems to have solved the problem with the queues not quite acting how they should.  That's made everything happy in our asterisk box.  I really appreciate the help.
19:18.39[TK]D-FenderWaverly360 : ywc
19:18.40*** join/#asterisk algorithmn (
19:18.42jboti heard hmmhesays is trying too hard...
19:18.47*** part/#asterisk dan42 (
19:18.56Hmmhesayshaha thats a blatant lie
19:19.07Waverly360FYI, this irc channel has made a permanent home on my desktop now... :P
19:19.15[TK]D-Fenderjbot : Hmmhesays is just lazy
19:19.16jbot...but hmmhesays is already something else...
19:19.28HmmhesaysI'm so so sorry Waverly360
19:19.30MikeJ[Laptop]jbot : no, Hmmhesays is just lazy
19:19.31jbotokay, MikeJ[Laptop]
19:19.33CunningPikeWaverly360: Great - glad you got it sorted out
19:19.43MikeJ[Laptop]jbot : no, Hmmhesays ROCKS!
19:19.47HmmhesaysMikeJ[Laptop]: why were you asking about Perham?
19:19.52Waverly360Hmmhesays: Hah hah :)
19:19.56MikeJ[Laptop]long story
19:20.00HmmhesaysDo tell
19:20.05smackus[TK]D-Fender: So for inbound calling, with this work?
19:20.19MikeJ[Laptop]short story is, might need hands on site for somthing
19:20.28smackuseach context is from my extensions.conf
19:20.34HmmhesaysMikeJ[Laptop]: that could be arranged
19:20.41HmmhesaysI'm out that way often
19:20.44[TK]D-Fendersmackus : PM
19:20.50*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
19:20.51MikeJ[Laptop]I will let you know
19:20.51HmmhesaysI go diving in a lake 5 miles from there
19:21.12MikeJ[Laptop]how far is it from you?
19:21.14smackuswell... I typed the first context wrong... but general idea of my understanding of this.
19:21.16HmmhesaysIf you need to get ahold of me drop a message to my gmail account
19:21.25Hmmhesays50 miles from where I sit right now
19:21.30dlynes_officestephane_: soir
19:21.33MikeJ[Laptop]I'm gone for a week,,,
19:21.36Hmmhesays15 miles from the gf's lake place
19:21.39MikeJ[Laptop]so if so, it'll be a bit
19:21.47HmmhesaysFine by me
19:22.42dlynes_officethis author's name is Ashfaq
19:22.46Beightog .
19:23.14HmmhesaysIts going to be so nice to have monitors again
19:23.17dlynes_officeI wonder if he knows what it sounds like English when you say it fast :)
19:23.43dlynes_officeCunningPike: be quiet...Corydon might hear you
19:23.52CunningPikehee hee
19:24.01m4rkl4reKo1: I have pasted the build log for my build attempt:
19:24.05NuggetCorydon is an OSShole, not an asshat. mean nugget actually says something once in a blue moon?
19:24.37dlynes_officei thought it was just that telnet trigger :p
19:24.37Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
19:25.17[TK]D-FenderWhat about telnet?
19:25.22[TK]D-FenderWhat about telnet ?
19:25.29[TK]D-Fender*trigger failure*
19:25.39dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: it's only set to trigger within a certain period of time
19:25.49dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: after it's been triggered, you have to wait to trigger it again
19:26.27smackus[TK]D-Fender: did you see my
19:26.27smackusI am wondering if that is the way to meet my needs for inbound calling.
19:26.46[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Yes, and I commented in a private message which I alerted you to here.
19:27.12smackussorry... too many open chats. I see it now.
19:27.36funxioncan anyone suggest a sip carrier for trafffic termination?
19:27.45*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (n=tsurko@
19:27.48dlynes_officefunxion: did you try
19:28.12dlynes_officeIt's got probably about 500 terminators on there
19:28.18dlynes_officewholesale and retail
19:29.20CunningPike~seen kpfleming
19:29.36jbotkpfleming <~kpfleming@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 447d 13h 33m 23s ago, saying: 'no, there is no specific plan at this time'.
19:29.36dlynes_officeCunningPike: better luck checking in asterisk-dev
19:29.36justinu|laptophe hands on #asterisk-dev
19:29.48*** join/#asterisk morex (
19:29.52justinu|laptophe said #asterisk has way too much noise @ astricon
19:29.54dlynes_officedamn...kevin's damned busy in this channel :p
19:30.01CunningPikeDon't need him - just wondering if he ever comes here
19:30.16CunningPikeThis channel? Noise? Feh......
19:30.17morexWill Asterisk work on ia64?
19:30.32justinu|laptopCunningPike: that's what I thought =)
19:30.39dlynes_officemorex: in 64-bit mode, or 32-bit mode?
19:30.59CunningPikeIt's actually a lot more sane than it was a few months ago. It was nuts back then
19:31.25CunningPikeIf you need a rest, check out #asterisk-stable
19:31.35dlynes_officeCunningPike: heh
19:31.37eKo1m4rkl4r: please do what the README file under the channels/h323 dir. says.
19:31.48dlynes_officestable and asterisk in the same channel name?  you're a riot :p
19:31.58*** join/#asterisk backblue (
19:32.02*** part/#asterisk blebleble (
19:32.09CunningPikeNow, now - you'll hurt file's feelings
19:32.20dlynes_officei guess that's not true
19:32.21justinu|laptopi've only been here since october, but i've always thought this channel was amazingly well behaved for IRC
19:32.31dlynes_officeif you run certain parts of asterisk, it's quite stable
19:32.33justinu|laptopnot much flaming, and plenty of help
19:32.44dlynes_officeJust don't run sip or iax
19:32.58CunningPikejustinu|laptop: That's true - it is a good spot
19:33.14CunningPikeBetter than most of the distro channels
19:33.16m4rkl4rwell, who's unable to read ascii here?  I put /usr/src/pwlib and /usr/src/openh323 in instead of /usr/src/pwlib/lib, etc.
19:33.26dlynes_officeCunningPike: #slackware's not too bad
19:33.56CunningPikedlynes_office: The channel might be OK, but the distro........ :P
19:33.56dlynes_officeCunningPike: #perl is 50/50; ##linux is pretty good, too....but too many peeps
19:34.03dlynes_officeCunningPike: screw you :)
19:34.03jbalcomb#cisco has been the most regularly helpful channel for over 6 years. :)
19:34.13fileI'm amazed we have this many people in here, and yet most of them never talk
19:34.13CunningPikedlynes_office: Right back atcha ;)
19:34.33justinu|laptopfile: loggers?
19:34.39filejustinu|laptop: must have a lot
19:34.42eKo1If everyone started talking, nothng would get done.
19:34.45dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: i'm always logging...dunno about everyone else
19:34.51denonfile: they're hoping to learn by osmosis
19:34.52jbalcombAnyone auto-provisioning GrandStream GXP-2000 yet?
19:35.00CunningPikefile: That is true - it is unusual
19:35.29justinu|laptop~seen Poincare
19:35.31jbotpoincare is currently on #asterisk (8d 18h 56m 20s). Has said a total of 14 messages. Is idling for 1d 22h 17m 48s, last said: 'that's the idea yes, to make sure i don't make a second outgoing call through a provider'.
19:35.51justinu|laptop~seen plasmoduck
19:35.53jbotplasmoduck is currently on #debian (2h 11m 25s) #asterisk (2h 11m 25s). Has said a total of 16 messages. Is idling for 1h 37m 24s, last said: 'does cp *.* work?'.
19:36.01dlynes_office~seen wintix
19:36.02jbotwintix is currently on #debian (1d 3h 50m 31s) #asterisk (1d 3h 50m 31s). Has said a total of 7 messages. Is idling for 1h 2m 18s, last said: 'jemt: oh, i see, sorry, no idea then.'.
19:36.02justinu|laptophmm, bad choices, i guess
19:36.13justinu|laptopapparently these people do talk now and then
19:36.15CunningPike~seen CunningPike
19:36.16jbotcunningpike is currently on #asterisk (1d 3h 57m 41s). Has said a total of 154 messages. Is idling for 1s, last said: '~seen CunningPike'.
19:36.32dlynes_office~seen W9SH
19:36.34jboti haven't seen 'w9sh', dlynes_office
19:36.49jbalcomb~seen jbot
19:36.50jbotjbot is currently on #asterisk-doc (1d 22h 55m 47s) #ubuntu-utah (1d 22h 55m 47s) ##t42 (1d 22h 55m 47s) #how (1d 22h 55m 47s) #ol (1d 22h 55m 47s) #flyspray (1d 22h 55m 47s) #asterisk (1d 22h 55m 47s) #byumug (1d 22h 55m 47s) #va (1d 22h 55m 47s) #orkut (1d 22h 55m 47s) #nslu2-linux ...
19:36.57CunningPikeInteresting - I'm in a whole bunch of other channels, but jbot doesn't mention them.....
19:37.14CunningPikeOh - I guess jbot isn't in them lol
19:37.15dlynes_officeCunningPike: cause you're not in any jbot monitored channels
19:37.22W9SHhi guys, just reading the mail, and starting some dev soon.
19:37.23jbalcombjbot your are one busy dude
19:37.25jbot...but your is already something else... of the lurkers speaks :0
19:37.51jbotextra, extra, read all about it, your is the possessive of you, and is not "you're", which means "you are"
19:38.22DrkShdwman,  you guys rock.    I just finished configuring asterisk with that digium card.   sounds as good as a land phone (which was expected) and the quality over teliax was nearly as good.
19:38.23dlynes_officefile: see?  you just have to do a ~seen on them, and then they talk :)
19:38.34CunningPikeI think they're all bots
19:38.39dlynes_officeDrkShdw: if you use a decent codec, it'll sound better than a landline
19:38.59dlynes_officeDrkShdw: assuming you're going pure voip
19:39.09jbalcombjbot mu is The Japanese idea of an actual position of neither negative or positive.
19:39.10jbot...but mu is already something else...
19:39.19jbotWhen asked by a monk if a dog had Buddha Nature, Joshu said "Mu."
19:39.19CunningPikeDrkShdw: Some VOIP connections are so good they need something called 'comfort noise'
19:39.52filedlynes_home: hehe
19:39.55jbalcombthats wild. Who is Joshu?
19:40.09dlynes_officejbalcomb: who knows?
19:40.24jbalcombgoogle knows...
19:40.33dlynes_office~wiki joshu
19:41.09dlynes_office~wiki mu
19:41.54m4rkl4reKo1: having looked at the readme, it does seem that I messed up as noted before by incorrectly setting the library path.
19:42.28m4rkl4reKo1: however, that does not seem to be the problem.
19:42.41m4rkl4reKo1: the first error: ast_h323.h:159: error: type specifier omitted for parameter `RTP_QOS'
19:42.57dlynes_officem4rkl4r: btw...i'm guessing you nick is a play on the old censorship phrase, 'marklar'?
19:43.34m4rkl4rno, unless that is where matt parker and trey stone got the name for their characters named  Marklar
19:43.44jbalcombDoes is seem like the nuance in English of anything not positive is in fact negative? I've tried explaining 'mu' to people but it seems to lose it's exact feeling when translated.
19:43.57DrkShdwwell,   I'm assuming our voip will only get better.    right now I'm just learning about voip and asterisk and whatnot.   we'll be implementing QoS for it soon,  and we actually are only 2 hops away from the new voip provider we'll be using.   In fact,  we're discussing an ethernet connection between us and them :)
19:44.30dlynes_office~wiki fictional races in south park
19:44.46dlynes_office~wiki fictional races in south park#marklar
19:45.02dlynes_officeguess that doesn't make any difference :(
19:45.15dlynes_officebut if it's to do with south park
19:45.20jbalcomb~wiki Marklar
19:45.43m4rkl4reKo1: this error is plainly the result of RTP_QOS being undefined at the time.
19:45.47dlynes_officeyeah...i'm guessing marklar race and marklar censorship phrase are one and the same
19:46.14m4rkl4rhave you got a reference for the "censorship phrase" usage?
19:46.22dlynes_officeback in the days of bbs'ing, swears were usually replaced with 'marklar'
19:46.41dlynes_officem4rkl4r: no, i lived that era
19:46.42[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : You have forever damaged me by referencing that page...
19:47.14m4rkl4rrmm. that's interesting.  i didna know that
19:47.33jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender The 'mu' page?
19:47.44[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : No.. Marlar
19:47.49*** part/#asterisk TESTER2 (
19:48.10jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ah, haha.. m4rkl4r is the root cause of the trouble, sorry.
19:48.14*** part/#asterisk morex (
19:48.34m4rkl4roh, marklar.
19:49.18jbalcombmarklar! marklar!! marklar!!!
19:49.51jbalcombThe CEO really really wants his Cisco 7940G to beep when it auto-answers. :/
19:49.52[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : YOU said it though....
19:50.35m4rkl4reKo1: RTP_QOS is defined nowhere in the asterisk, openh323, pwlib source trees, nor is it defined anywhere in /usr/include.
19:51.16*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
19:52.00eKo1m4rkl4r: upgrade to
19:52.08jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, 'last chance of avoidance' I guess was mine. Perhaps another trip to would save you?
19:52.16dlynes_officem4rkl4r: Here ya go, and they even talk about feltching :p
19:52.59dlynes_officem4rkl4r: i guess it's just a general word replacement, and the only time i'd seen it was when it was replacing a swear word
19:53.26eKo1in other words, a euphymism
19:53.28m4rkl4rit's actually, precisely, a replacement for any noun
19:53.35m4rkl4rproper or improper
19:53.54dlynes_officenoun, verb, adjective, adverb, doesn't matter
19:54.12dlynes_officelike the marklaring marklar marklared up my marklaring lunch!
19:54.20*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (
19:55.06m4rkl4rin the the context of south park, that is a little bit incorrect:
19:55.16m4rkl4rThe word marklar stems from an alien race named the Marklars, which appeared in an episode of the animated series South Park. The Marklars use the word marklar as a generic word, similar to a pronoun, that can refer with specificity to any thing, place, person, idea, concept, or otherwise represent the meaning of any noun, including proper nouns. (A technique previously used — to a lesser extent — by the Smurfs. ...
19:55.23dlynes_officethe word's been around a lot longer than south park
19:55.48m4rkl4rHowever, the english language is quite flexible in shoehorning nouns into other tenses, so the above is not far of
19:56.01CoffeeIV_I am writing a php AGI script using hte phpagi class from sourceforge.  How do I read the arguments passed in from the dialplay ?  $ARGV[1] is empty . . .
19:56.01dlynes_officeit was probably popularized by the smurfs, and that's how it ended up on bbses
19:56.13dlynes_officebbses were popular around the time the smurfs was a regular cartoon show
19:56.36NivexThings a Smurfy Smurf would Smurf?
19:56.45dlynes_officeI'd like to smurf you!
19:56.57Nivexdlynes_office: not in public ;)
19:57.07smurfAh, smurf off folks
19:57.20dlynes_officefile: another lurker :)
19:57.58m4rkl4rwell, this smurfing smurf is getting smurfy, so I suppose its time to move on :0
19:58.12[TK]D-FenderMarklar Marklar!
19:58.38*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (
19:58.43wintixdlynes_office: any problems with my being in the channel?
19:59.16dlynes_officewintix: nope...we were just testing for lurkers :)
19:59.59wintixdlynes_office: hehe, k.
20:00.00ACiDVI'm using Asterisk and since last day I've switch from Monitor to MixMonitor application and I now get random core dump... I check w/ gdb and get error about ast_channel_spy_remove ( I presume, I'm not a gdb/c/debugging guru)
20:00.10ACiDVothers have similar problem w/ MixMonitor ?
20:00.46dlynes_officeACiDV: after how many invocations?
20:01.29*** join/#asterisk fholmes (
20:01.57fholmesI have setup a user in my manager.conf.  How can I test if it is working properly or not?  I don't think it is and I don't know how to test it properly.
20:02.31ACiDVI have 6 PRI that receive calls 2000 calls per hours, I've get a core dump at 9h50, 10h50, 11h00, 11h45 and 14h55 ... so I cannot exactly tell you after how many invocation of MixMonitor
20:02.51[TK]D-Fenderfholmes : If you don't know how to test it, how do you know its not working? ;)
20:03.46*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:03.48fholmes:-)  I have tried telnetting, sshing, etc and it keeps denying me.  I am also trying to use the asterisk plugin for sugar and it deny's me also.
20:04.18clive-hi all, how does one stop a bash script running
20:04.29m4rkl4reKo1: asterisk-, which is listed as being a security fix to iax2, does not solve the problem.  Same compile errors.
20:04.29eKo1ACiDV: remove MixMonitor and move on.
20:04.30dlynes_officeACiDV: yeah...i've heard it crashes out after about 1000 calls or so
20:04.46fholmesclive-:  you can try bg and then fg and then ctrl-c.  That helps sometimes.
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20:04.53eKo1m4rkl4r: did you do exactly what the README says?
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20:04.59Waverly360I'm baaack :)
20:05.22clive-fholmes its a "while true...." thing, ...I am new to bash stuff
20:05.37fholmesclive- DId you do ctrl-c?
20:06.12ACiDVdlynes_office: Ok, the last line I have in my gdb is spy->read_queue.head = f->next ... so it can be a limitation problem ... anyway I will try to check... I just start using gdb and I have some bug (deadlock) that I want to find why it occur (ex. on show channels)
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20:06.19clive-fholmes yes, didnt seem to stop it
20:06.28fholmesclive- ctrl-z?
20:07.01[TK]D-Fenderfholmes: pastebin your manager.conf
20:07.13clive-no luck with that either
20:07.17[TK]D-Fenderfholmes : And the telnet line you issued to try and access it.
20:07.53Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: You mess around with inbound faxing much?
20:08.11*** join/#asterisk _alex_mx_ (n=_alex_mx@
20:08.39[TK]D-FenderWaverly360 : I use SpanDSP and analog faxes...
20:08.56Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Hrm
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20:09.24Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Can I bounce a problem off of you?
20:09.44fholmes[TK]:  Too many connections on pastebin right now.  A quick question though:  under [genereal] enabled = no was set.  That is the problem correct?
20:10.13[TK]D-Fenderfholmes : use .ca if .com is slow
20:10.27*** join/#asterisk beyond (n=beyond@
20:11.37[TK]D-Fenderfholmes : and enabled should clearly be set to "yes"
20:11.45_alex_mx_hello, i checked out zaptel yesterday and again today.  With both, while ztcfg returns 31 channels configured when i start asterisk chokes returning ERROR[7961] chan_zap.c: Channel 24 is reserved for D-channel.  Reverting to an older trunk works fine...any ideas?
20:12.02fholmes[TK] -
20:12.20fholmes[TK] - I did have an enabled = yes in my [username] section.
20:13.20*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
20:13.57[TK]D-Fenderfholmes :
20:14.40*** join/#asterisk DJ-Pyro_ (
20:14.42fholmes[tk] - Thanks I will brb.  Especially if it does not work.  Which I am positive it will.  :-)
20:15.06m4rkl4rThe readme in ./asterisk/channels/h323/README says:
20:15.17DJ-Pyro_question, I seem to be experiencing a problem with my PRI...according to the debug our provider is telling us to use channel 0, but when we go to ack the connect request we don't send which channel we want it on, so the provider releases the call
20:15.21m4rkl4rTested with Open H.323 version v1.17.1, PWLib v1.9.0 and GCC v3.2.2. Usage of any
20:15.21m4rkl4rother versions is not supported.
20:15.28m4rkl4rso it's still my fault
20:15.31DJ-Pyro_this only happens when channel 0 is used, channels 1-3 work fine
20:16.20DJ-Pyro_we're running 1.0.7 but from looking at the svn trees, not much has been done with the pri stuff that might affect this
20:17.47DJ-Pyro_here's the entire pri debug for the call
20:21.13_alex_mx_m4rkl4r, we have it working with gcc 3.4.5-2  pwlib 1.9.1 open h.323 1.17.2 but i just joined so this might not mean anything to you :P
20:21.27m4rkl4rno, wonderful
20:21.31m4rkl4rwhere did you find pwlib 1.9.1
20:22.01_alex_mx_m4rkl4r, give me a sec i'll check
20:23.24m4rkl4rand open h323 1.17.2 also? The latest on (which claims to have the latest versions) are 1.5.2 and 1.12.2
20:26.12_alex_mx_m4rkl4r, look for older packages of each
20:28.28_alex_mx_no devs on that could shed some light to my question?
20:28.43[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home, BBIAB
20:29.14m4rkl4rtahnx, _alex_mx_
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20:42.03fholmeshow do I change the verbosity of the messages from the cli?
20:42.17justinu|laptopset verbose 5
20:42.20rene-set verbose X
20:42.38fholmessorry.  Thanks.  I thought it was just verbose and it was not.
20:42.58Waverly360Ok guys...need help with another problem.
20:44.20Waverly360If I have a fax machine connected to my pbx on an analog interface and I try to fax something out through my pbx's pri interface, asterisk basically intercepts the fax rather than allow it to reach the fax machine elsewhere in the world.
20:45.08Waverly360Is there a way to prevent this?  I want asterisk to interpret incoming faxes and direct them where they should go..but outgoing faxes shouldn't do that.
20:45.08*** join/#asterisk esculapio__ (n=ESCulapi@
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20:45.35rainkiddoes anyone know any echo test numbers in the US?
20:45.47*** join/#asterisk MattB2 (
20:45.49MikeJ[Laptop]rainkid, you need one?
20:45.53MikeJ[Laptop]I can set you up one
20:45.58MattB2hi all
20:46.00esculapio__hola quien puede ayudarme, estoy buscando la forma de como integrar un asterisk a un cisco call manager
20:46.09MattB2qq on BLF and GXP-2000...
20:46.14MattB2it don't work ;)
20:46.18denonesculapio__:  not much in the way of spanish speakers in here
20:46.23esculapio__help my please, How to integrate cisco call manager to asterisk using h.323
20:46.27rainkidpeople have been complaining that there is a huge delay in my voip calls
20:46.28sevardwe're coming to get you barbra!
20:46.45MattB2i've setup hints, sorted out subscribecontext, setup keyts on the GXP but no flashy lights and packet sniffing shows no SUBSCRIBE messages anywhere
20:46.47MikeJ[Laptop]rainkid, give me a sec... let me set one up
20:46.50MattB2any pointers people pls?
20:47.51eKo1esculapio__: Are you fluent with Asterisk and the Cisco CM?
20:48.51eKo1Waverly360: Find out where Asterisk is intercepting the fax and remove the offending lines.
20:48.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
20:49.47Waverly360eKo1: The only place I have faxdetect enabled is on the pri side..and it's setup to detect only on incoming faxes.
20:49.51MikeJ[Laptop]rainkid, 712-432-7898
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20:50.15MattB2any ideas on BLF pretty please?
20:50.24MikeJ[Laptop]there will be a little bit of extra lag inthat... maybe an extra 40-50 ms
20:50.39esculapio__eKo1, yes, have asterisk and want integrate to cisco call manager using h.323
20:51.05eKo1esculapio__: well then you know what you need to do.
20:51.35eKo1Waverly360: I treat faxes as regular calls. They go in and out of my PRI just like any other call.
20:51.45*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
20:51.56__undefcan anyone tell me which versions of asterisk and misdn are known to work together? i'd have used the ubuntu dapper packages, however, asterisk-chan-misdn seems to be broken (undefined symbol ast_load)
20:51.57eKo1However, it doesn't work all the time, especially for sending.
20:52.10rainkidhmmm..sounds like a 3/4 second delay
20:52.21rainkidanything i can do to minimize this?
20:52.26Waverly360eKo1: Well, on incoming faxes to certain DIDs, I want asterisk to detect whether a fax is coming in.  If so, I want the faxes interpreted, and a pdf emailed to the owner of that DID.
20:52.30eKo1__undef: I think ast_log is a function form Asterisk 1.0
20:52.35rainkidthanks Mike
20:52.50esculapio__eKo1, I do not have idea
20:52.55eKo1Waverly360: OK, that is out of my league.
20:53.20Beightodoes anyone here have a good working conference in asterisk?
20:53.20__undefwhen i tried compiling it myself, i got other undefined symbols...pretty annoying. and when i didn't get undefined symbols, i got segfaults in
20:53.22Waverly360eKo1: No sweat.  I appreciate the help anyhow.
20:53.47eKo1esculapio__: then you aren't fluent...
20:54.03eKo1esculapio__: when you have a specific question, get back to us.
20:54.18justinu|laptopesculapio__: if you expect someone here to do your work for you, for free, it's not going to happen
20:54.21eKo1Waverly360: How are you converting the e-mails to PDF?
20:54.31Waverly360eKo1: email2fax
20:54.49Waverly360eKo1: er..maybe
20:55.02Waverly360eKo1: I'll need to check and make sure.
20:55.35__undefokay, different it possible to use hfc isdn cards in nt mode (with zaphfc; bri) together with a quad e1 card (pri)?
20:56.27esculapio__sorry my english is not good
20:56.45Waverly360eKo1: Oh, looks like a custom script that someone before me wrote.  Uses tiff2pdf to create it.
20:57.16esculapio__eKo1, please, single I want to connect my asterisk to call to manager
20:57.26eKo1esculapio__: no, deja de molestar
20:58.12*** join/#asterisk Elwell (
20:59.06Waverly360Anyone here familiar with the idiosyncracies of faxdetect in the zapata.conf file?  I think that's where my problem is coming from.
20:59.31dlynes_officeesculapio__: you want to hook up an extension on your asterisk box so that when you dial that extension, it will call your manager?
21:00.14esculapio__dlynes_home, yes
21:00.28esculapio__dlynes_office,  yes
21:00.36dlynes_officeesculapio__: btw, you know that there is an #es-asterisk or #asterisk-es, right?
21:00.53dlynes_officeesculapio__: it's the same as this channel, but everyone speaks spanish
21:01.14CunningPikeDifferent people, though.....
21:01.20dlynes_officeCunningPike: of course :)
21:01.44CunningPikedlynes_office: You're quite the linguist.....
21:01.52dlynes_officeCunningPike: ?
21:02.00dlynes_officeCunningPike: i only speak english, mandarin and french
21:02.06sevardvendor_id        : CentaurHauls
21:02.10sevardhow many people can say that?
21:02.12esculapio__dlynes_office, but there is nobody
21:02.17CunningPikedlynes_office: Well, that's three languages more than most
21:02.25dlynes_officeesculapio__: ah...probably sleepy time for them
21:02.32dlynes_officeCunningPike: heh
21:02.57dlynes_officeesculapio__: is your manager on a voip phone, or are you calling him through pstn?
21:03.01sevarddlynes_office: I worked at a mandarin camp for 3 years so I know kitchen talk
21:03.13dlynes_officesevard: ta made bi!
21:03.22Waverly360CunningPike: to share anything about Fax detecting? :P
21:03.41CunningPikeWaverly360: No thanks :) We're waiting for T.38
21:03.41sevardI can ask you for one cup of white rice or chopsticks or a bowl or milk or tofu or some other stuff
21:03.54justinu|laptopdlynes_office: lol, we wants you to integrate cisco call manager and asterisk w/ h323
21:03.54sevardi can also scream at you and ask you what it's called in chinese
21:03.56dlynes_officesevard: ah...I thought you meant real kitchen talk :)
21:03.56drrayhmmm that sounds good
21:03.59florz__undef: why do you think it should not work?
21:04.02justinu|laptophe doesn't want to call his manager
21:04.03Waverly360CunningPike: T.38?
21:04.05dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: oh
21:04.09sevarddlynes_home: as in?
21:04.21dlynes_officesevard: like ta made bi :)
21:04.30jboti heard t38 is see for a decent overview of how it all works, no, it's not ready yet, we'll let you know. a really lousy spec.
21:04.32sevardyour inflection is bad.
21:04.40dlynes_officesevard: that's standard putonghua
21:04.43esculapio__dlynes_office, the call manager is manager on a voip hone
21:04.55dlynes_officeesculapio__: yeah i don't know squat about cisco
21:04.57__undefflorz: i read somewhere that it's not possible to use bri and pri with zaptel
21:05.13eKo1__undef: You mean both at the same time?
21:05.19*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
21:05.26sevarddlynes_office: people asked me for shit and I had to know what they were asking for :/ being their cook and all
21:05.28dlynes_officesevard: but it's slang, it's not formal mandarin
21:05.30eKo1probably not. to many hacks on bri that break pri
21:05.41justinu|laptopsevard: you're a cook too?
21:05.51sevardjustinu|laptop: was a cook.  didn't get paid enough.
21:05.57justinu|laptopdamn, homey got skillz
21:06.08sevardwith the hours that they gave me and the salary I was on it came out to .23/hr
21:06.08drraygotta eat
21:06.11sevardwhich isn't cool
21:06.13esculapio__dlynes_office, yes
21:06.13Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: hi there
21:06.17dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: he's still not getting paid enough though
21:06.18__undefeKo1: it would work with misdn...
21:06.18justinu|laptopdrray: that's what the wife is for :P
21:06.21sevardjustinu|laptop: you cook too?
21:06.28dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: he can't afford $40 for a lousy voip phone :)
21:06.34justinu|laptopi can in a pinch... i prefer to let the wife do it
21:06.47esculapio__dlynes_office, yes, callmanager is the one that you handle the calls
21:06.48sevarddlynes_office: I got a really nice ATA for next to nothing :D
21:06.56dlynes_officesevard: define really nice?
21:07.00justinu|laptopheh, yeah, that's why he can't afford the phone
21:07.12dlynes_officewtf is an rtp300?
21:07.15dlynes_officenever heard of it
21:07.17sevarddude, 0.23/hr, that was a horrible job
21:07.23sevarddlynes_office: yo momma
21:07.30justinu|laptopit's a linksys 2 line ata + nat router
21:07.44sevardit looks like they shoved the sipura code inside of a router
21:07.49dlynes_officeso basically the pap2-na with a router
21:07.56sevardit has to be sipura code, it's all of same options
21:08.03sevardlooks like it was implemented in 5 minutes too
21:08.06dlynes_officesevard: the pap2 is a sipura
21:08.07sevardbut works really well :)
21:08.07justinu|laptopi dunno, i bought the Sipura 2100 to replace that RTP300
21:08.12dlynes_officejust has linksys's name slapped on it
21:08.12justinu|laptopsipura is much nicer, imo
21:08.22Dr-Linux0.23/hr, aww where is this? i'm getting more than it in PK
21:08.25justinu|laptopbut it doesn't have the 4 port enet swith in it
21:08.26sevardi thought linksys only bought the sipura shit like a year ago
21:08.26dlynes_officethe cisco ata-286 is also a sipura
21:08.35Waverly360I just found a post online regarding faxing...does anyone know if this is true?
21:08.36sevardthe rtp300 i thought was 2002-2003
21:08.44dlynes_officeyeah...the 2002 is much nicer than the pap2-na
21:08.53Dr-Linuxanybody knows about cisco 7920 phone?
21:08.55dlynes_officethe pap2-na comes inside a really crappy form
21:09.00sevardi have a couple 2002s but their not mine :/ they're really nice
21:09.11dlynes_officebut otoh
21:09.11justinu|laptopi like the sipura stuff
21:09.18justinu|laptopamazingly cusomizeable
21:09.25dlynes_officethe pap2-na's do have all those nice blinky lights that the 2002 doesn't have
21:09.32sevarddoes anyone have stock 2002 cfg file that comes with the sipuras? I've been emailing sipura but they won't respond
21:09.50dlynes_officesevard: why not just do a factory default?
21:10.09sevardI want a factory default cfg to start off with since I like the factory defaults but want my custom addons
21:10.23dlynes_officethen that's not a stock 2002 cfg file
21:10.25sevardI want to prevision them remotely though, since lots of times they're nat'd and I realise i have to change an option
21:10.30dlynes_officethat's a bastardized sevard 2002 cfg file
21:10.38Spy000007you need that spc.exe program i think
21:10.42sevarddlynes_office: I bastardize everything
21:10.54sevardi thought spc salts the cfg
21:11.02sevardmakes it all binary/encrypted shit
21:11.07Spy000007i believe it has an option to spit out a default config
21:11.09dlynes_officespc compiles the txt file into a cfg file
21:11.21sevardi want plain text :|
21:11.30dlynes_officespc will spit out your default cfg's, too
21:11.45dlynes_officeJust tell it you want to spit out a default cfg
21:11.47sevardbut how do you get a default cfg =from= the ATA?
21:11.58dlynes_officeI don't think you can
21:12.04dlynes_officeUnless you bribe sipura
21:12.08sevardI need a factory default cfg
21:12.16sevardthose bastards just delete my emails
21:12.30Spy000007yes, spc.exe spits out the default config of that firmware version, the same as what's on the spa when you do a factory reset
21:12.43sevarddo you have spc.exe?
21:12.52sevardor a nice.. linux.. version? :)
21:13.35dlynes_officethe provisioning kit comes with spc.exe and spc-linux
21:13.58dlynes_officeI think you have to do a minimum order of 20 sipuras or something to get it
21:14.13sevardI've emailed them over 5 times for that kit
21:14.17sevardand I have well over 20
21:14.24dlynes_officeOr you can email them to get access to their vendor page
21:14.33sevardi also asked them for that
21:14.41sevardthe only response i ever got was a link to the admin pdf
21:14.44dlynes_officeone sec
21:14.55dlynes_officesevard: yeah...if you got access to the admin pdf
21:15.04dlynes_officeyou got access to the provisioning tools, too
21:15.16dlynes_officethey're on the same page
21:15.17sevardthey didn't give me a username/password
21:15.21sevardand it was a direct link
21:15.31dlynes_officeone sec then...i'll give you my contact there
21:15.35justinu|laptophack around
21:15.38*** join/#asterisk Borgon (
21:16.09sevarddlynes_office: how much can i measure your love
21:16.21sevardby the pounds or kg
21:16.38Spy000007i don't have spc.exe, but here's the default cfg --
21:16.47dlynes_officesevard: who did you mail at sipura?
21:17.02BorgonExcuse me, if my current dial plan  is exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial to dial local american numbers, what do i change it to predial unlimited internatial number ? my provider suppers regular 10 digits or 011 so how can i make it do both? for example exten:> xxx. something?
21:17.30sevardI mailed since it was the only address I got, then the one response I got was from mr Sherman Scholten who I BCC'd all my emails to since then
21:17.40tlowe_exten => _X.,1,Dial
21:17.51dlynes_officesevard: ah...yeah...those are the only two addresses I have, also
21:18.01dlynes_officesevard: pm me
21:18.01tlowe_your provider will love that.
21:18.06Borgontlowe_: what would make it possible to for me to predial 10digit american and 011+anycountry i want on the go?
21:18.19Borgonthank you
21:21.17Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: i thought about my issue that i was facing, btw your both point was correct.
21:21.29Spy000007sevard: did you see the link i sent?  that's the last default config for a 2002 i had, should be up to date
21:21.35dlynes_officeDr-Linux: ?
21:21.40sevardSpy000007: I didn't, can you repaste?
21:21.49Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: but logic is not cleared to me
21:21.49Spy000007"i don't have spc.exe, but here's the default cfg --"
21:22.12Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: if you remember, once your told me "can you reboot your server?"
21:22.21dlynes_officeDr-Linux: yeah, and?
21:22.25sevardSpy000007: how did you aquire such awesomeness?
21:22.49rainkiddoes bindaddr in sip support multiple addresses? if so, what is the syntax?
21:22.56sevardjesus it's 1857 lines]
21:22.59Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: so you were right.
21:23.05tlowe_put instead of your ip.
21:23.10justinu|laptopwait till you see a polycom xml config file
21:23.11CunningPikeDr-Linux: He usually is
21:23.15dlynes_officeDr-Linux: so a reboot fixed your problem then?
21:23.16rainkidi want it to bind to two of my many many IPs
21:23.22dlynes_officeCunningPike: :)
21:23.28sevardmy Aastra's cfgs are a nice ~100 lines
21:23.40Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: my problem was fixed, but in such a wrong way .. :S
21:23.43dlynes_officeyou can afford an aastra
21:23.49sevardi didn't buy it!
21:23.55dlynes_officebut not $40 for a cheap crappy chinese phone?
21:23.57Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: right configuration was not working.
21:24.13rainkidhey, i have a cheap crappy $40 chinese phone
21:24.15rainkidworks pretty well
21:24.16sevarddlynes_office: do you think I bought 40 2002s and an Aastra 480i CT?
21:24.21sevardyeah freaking right
21:24.24Dr-Linuxbut when i change to right zaptel.conf and reboot, everything works in a right way.
21:24.25rainkidno kidding
21:24.33rainkidit's branded intellitouch
21:24.35rainkidnot too bad
21:24.39Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: but not sure what's beyond the reboot??
21:24.40rainkidit was actually $50
21:24.48*** part/#asterisk _alex_mx_ (n=_alex_mx@
21:24.57dlynes_officeI was selling off my demos for $35
21:24.58rainkideverything works , even MWI
21:25.02*** join/#asterisk Jason99 (
21:25.09sevardI almost bought dlynes_office's phones
21:25.09dlynes_officeWe paid over $100 for them originally
21:25.17sevardbut i forgot about them :/
21:25.24rainkidi'llpay $35 for em :)
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21:25.33dlynes_officerainkid: I still have about 6 of them
21:25.35Dr-LinuxCunningPike: is there anyway so i can monitor my PRI's status from the network?
21:25.45Jason99If I want a SIP user to be authorized by IP and not need to authenticate with user/pass, is that possible?
21:25.47dlynes_officethey're not as crappy as i let on though
21:25.51rainkiditc-3002s ?
21:26.02CunningPikeDr-Linux: I believe there is a Naigos plugin - hang on
21:26.05dlynes_officethey're just kinda ugly and their handsets aren't terribly heavy
21:26.21Dr-LinuxCunningPike: we are already using nagios
21:26.23dlynes_officerainkid: one sec
21:26.24rainkidthey are definitely cheap, but they do work well when properly configured
21:26.41dlynes_officeWell, these phones are considerably better than the Grandstreams
21:26.44Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: so can you tell me what made you think to tell me reboot my server?
21:26.52dlynes_officebut they sure as hell ain't no aastras or polycoms, either
21:26.59rainkidthat is true
21:27.03dlynes_officeDr-Linux: to reinitialize your card
21:27.05rainkidi bought my first polycom yesterday
21:27.07CunningPikeDr-Linux: search check_zaptel  at
21:27.08dlynes_officeDr-Linux: i.e. hard reset
21:27.08rainkidworth the money
21:27.38*** join/#asterisk speedwagon (n=Ariel@
21:27.41dlynes_officeDr-Linux: some stuff only gets reset when you actually reboot the computer
21:28.08dlynes_officerainkid: the non-demos, we'll be selling for about $75 I think
21:28.22Jason99If I want a SIP user to be authorized by IP and not need to authenticate with user/pass, is that possible?
21:28.29Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: in this server i'm also using asterisk and zaptel init startup scripts
21:28.34Hmmhesaysdon't use a secret
21:28.36rainkidthats robbery! :)
21:28.45rainkidactually they 'retail' for $199
21:28.53dlynes_officerainkid: what do?
21:29.06rainkidthe intellitouch itc-3002s
21:29.07Jason99Hmmhesays: Interesting, never tried that.. Thanks
21:29.17HmmhesaysOne bottle of vodka pleas
21:29.18dlynes_officethey a multiline phone?
21:29.32sevardvodka :(
21:29.50rainkidbut i picked mine up for $50
21:29.50sevardpotato acid
21:29.51dlynes_officeah....yeah ours are four line multiline
21:29.53dlynes_officeplus it does vlanning
21:29.54rainkidwhat model are they?
21:30.11rainkidthey all do vlanning
21:30.15dlynes_officeand it's got a 10base-t out for the computer
21:30.22dlynes_officerainkid: no they don't
21:30.32dlynes_officerainkid: grandstreams don't do vlanning
21:30.41rainkidoh, no experience with the grandstreams
21:30.52dlynes_officerainkid:'s a past post:
21:31.35dlynes_officerainkid: there's more info about the Azatel IP Call 104 on the voip-info wiki
21:31.37rainkidif anyone wants to know, bindaddr only takes 1 IP, or
21:32.34justinu|laptopi think gxp2000 is vlan capable
21:32.50dlynes_officeyeah...i was thinking more along the lines of the budgetones
21:32.50*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
21:32.57dlynes_officei haven't tried the gxp2000 yet
21:32.59saftsackexten => 0.,1,NoOp("Hallo")
21:33.03rainkidare you guys using VLANs for QoS?
21:33.05Borgontlowe_: the local us dialing seems to be working for _x. but when it the 011countrycode# dialing i get an error, but it seems to work 011 dialing when done in the softphone connected to voicepulse
21:33.10CunningPikedlynes_office: Don't bother
21:33.12saftsackthis doesnt work :( i type 0512312 for example
21:33.20dlynes_officeCunningPike: heh...i wasn't going to
21:33.22saftsackbut the NoOp cmd isnt executed :(
21:33.23justinu|laptopi've got some gxp's sitting in boxes
21:33.27dlynes_officeCunningPike: it's not worth it
21:33.31justinu|laptopi was planning on installing them next to the crapper
21:33.35CunningPikesaftsack: You need an _ in front
21:33.40*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
21:33.49saftsackoh yes i forgot, ok :)
21:33.57dlynes_officeCunningPike: the 9133i is pretty nice, it's Canadian, no importing, it works for us, and it's probably cheaper than the grandstream
21:34.06dlynes_officeCunningPike: and i sure as hell don't need video :0
21:34.30justinu|laptopaastra is nice if your lusers are used to nortel systems
21:34.34CunningPikedlynes_office: We looked at Sayson, but some of the features we needed just weren't ready in their SIP application
21:34.47sevardbut your grams might want to see you in your whitey tighties in the morn
21:34.47dlynes_officeCunningPike: yeah, i can understand that
21:34.59dlynes_officeCunningPike: but some of our customers are quite budget conscious
21:35.14justinu|laptoplol, that's one way to put it
21:35.14sevardbudget concious
21:35.16dlynes_officeCunningPike: they're willing to sacrifice stuff like that, as long as they're not paying as much
21:35.17sevardha cheap asses
21:35.22CunningPikedlynes_office: Are they much cheaper than the Polycoms?
21:35.32dlynes_officesevard: dood...shut the funk're the cheapest bastard i know :p
21:35.42sevardi'm the POORest bastard you know
21:35.43CunningPikeIs sevard a 'random comment' bot?
21:35.51dlynes_officeCunningPike: you would think :)
21:35.54sevardCunningPike: I'm a fuckyouinthefaceyoufucker bot.
21:36.11sevardPlease Insert Girder
21:36.11BorgonAnyone know why _X.,2 works when dialing local us numbers, but gives error when doing 011 international?
21:36.17dlynes_officeCunningPike: well, the 9133i can do pretty much everything the 501 can do, save for the xml interface
21:36.20CunningPikesevard: Ah. I see
21:36.29sevardPlease Insert Girder
21:36.35justinu|laptopbzzzt, 501 has no microbrowser
21:36.44dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: oh...that's only on the 601?
21:36.58dlynes_officeso 9133i can do everything the 501 can do then
21:36.59*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
21:37.16sevardSo, my main office PC is a POS, I found a x86 router that runs 4x as fast and has 4x RAM in it.  So i'm running DamnSmallLinux off of it at the moment :D
21:37.18CunningPikeBorgon: What happens when you try an 011 number?
21:37.20dlynes_officethe 301 can't do full duplex speaker phone; the 9133i can
21:37.25sevardthe video card in this router supports 1280x1024
21:37.35CunningPikedlynes_office: What's the price of the 9133?
21:37.37dlynes_officeCunningPike: i think the 501 might have an autoanswer feature or something though
21:37.50dlynes_officeCunningPike: for us right now, it's $155 from Williams
21:37.59CunningPikedlynes_office: Not bad.
21:38.11dlynes_officewhereas the 501 is 230
21:38.32dlynes_officeerm 152, not 155
21:38.35CunningPikedlynes_office: We were looking at the 480
21:38.40dlynes_officeIt's 203
21:38.48CunningPikeDidn't like it
21:38.50dlynes_officeI didn't see any advantage to going with the 480i
21:38.56dlynes_officeIt's kinda ugly actually
21:39.06sevardthe 480i is the best phone I have ever used
21:39.15CunningPikeWe've been really happy with the Polycoms
21:39.18justinu|laptopi have one
21:39.24justinu|laptopi prefer my polycom 601 over the 480i
21:39.27dlynes_officesevard: dood...the Nortel i2007 kicks ass
21:39.38rainkidsometimes my voip provider is congested. how do i handle this in my dialplan?
21:39.39justinu|laptopthe 480i is a good phone tho
21:39.39sevardi love the weight in the Aastra's handset
21:39.47dlynes_officesevard: yeah...exactly
21:39.50dlynes_officethe 9133i is pretty nice
21:39.53justinu|laptopit doesn't take an hour to boot up like the polycom
21:40.02dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: polycom's that bad?
21:40.06CunningPikejustinu|laptop: You exagerate - 55 mins
21:40.11sevardthe Aastra boots REALLY quicly if you don't have a tftp provision set up
21:40.14BorgonCunningPike: i receive the following error, 2 lines dont mean to spam
21:40.15BorgonJun 21 17:39:31 NOTICE[4041]: chan_iax2.c:7051 socket_read: Rejected connect att
21:40.15Borgonempt from, request '0115072666950@outgoing' does not exist
21:40.22justinu|laptopit takes maybe 2-3 minutes to boot
21:40.38sevardmy aastra 480ict boots in about a minute
21:40.46CunningPikeBorgon: Does your ITSP permit international calling>
21:40.50justinu|laptopamazingly enough... and I tested all of them
21:40.55justinu|laptopthe gxp2000 boots the fastest
21:40.59sevardit boots in about 15 seconds if you don't prevision them
21:41.00justinu|laptop< 20 seconds
21:41.02BorgonCunningPike: yes ic an do it fine, through the softphone using iax2 and sip
21:41.16dlynes_officeBorgon: you either don't have an outgoing context in your dialplan, or you don't have a pattern that matches 0115072666950 in your outgoing context of yoru dialplan
21:41.17CunningPikejustinu|laptop: Polycoms are reknowned for slow bootp
21:41.17BorgonCunningPike: i dial that exact 011 and it works when using the softphone
21:41.23*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
21:41.46justinu|laptopthe sipura 841 boots fast too
21:41.50justinu|laptopjust like their ATAs
21:41.53dlynes_officeBorgon: and by outgoing, i mean literally, as in look for [outgoing] in extensions.conf
21:41.56Borgondlynes_home: i can dial regular local number.s. 1xxx3459933 on outgoing
21:42.07Zodiacalanyone know if there are wireless headsets available that let me answer multiple lines? i have asterisk server and cisco 7960 phones...  i.e. how do these let you pickup multiple lines or do they?
21:42.09sevarddoes anyone think (><) looks like a vag with teeth
21:42.10dlynes_officeBorgon: those begin with '1', not '011'
21:42.10Borgondlynes_home: now for the pattern i have th edial plan set to this one second.
21:42.23dlynes_officeBorgon: can you pastebin your extensions.conf file?
21:42.23justinu|laptopi like the fact that my sipura 2100 boots up in about 5 seconds
21:42.29justinu|laptopsipura is cool like that
21:42.30x86sevard: sick bastard ;)
21:42.39Borgondlynes_home: well i was told that doing .x,2(dial ix2 blah.. would make it so i can dial us numbers
21:42.39dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: yeah...sipuras are damned fast
21:42.53Borgondlynes_home: or if iw anted to dial local france or panama nubmers doing 011 with country code and number
21:43.06sevardx86: ))<>(( back and forth. forever.
21:43.14*** join/#asterisk flujan (
21:44.04x86sevard: heh
21:44.09sevardx86: :D
21:44.42*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
21:44.46flujanhi all.. I'm trying to use chanspy... I start to spy a channel but i have no output in the channel which spoof in the conversation... For instance, I make a call between A and B... C start to spy the conversation on channel A. But I have no outuput in the C headphone.
21:44.52flujanany idea?
21:45.05*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
21:45.09Dr-LinuxCunningPike: where is nagios plugin for PRI? :S
21:45.42CunningPikeDr-Linux:  search check_zaptel  at
21:46.04sevardflujan: try ChanSpy(SIP)
21:46.31dlynes_officeBorgon: got a pastebin done yet?
21:46.47flujansevard, I'm using it on a iax2 channel
21:46.56sevardflujan: I found that out the hardway, trial and error.  In the wiki it says ChanSpy(scan)
21:47.04sevardflujan: than replace SIP with your tech
21:47.16saftsackwhere to find asterisk initscripts?
21:47.24sevardsaftsack: make your own
21:47.33dlynes_officesaftsack: vi
21:47.50Borgondlynes_home: let me write one up quick, 2 mins
21:47.54sevardsaftsack: put this in your rc.local
21:47.55sevardecho Starting asterisk...
21:47.55sevardsu - asterisk -c /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk
21:48.03saftsacksounds good :)
21:48.05dlynes_officeBorgon: you mean paste one?
21:48.19dlynes_officeBorgon: i just want you to copy/paste to pastebin, not type something up
21:48.24Dr-LinuxCunningPike: can i /msg you?
21:48.33sevarddlynes_office: pico/nano you vi loving mother
21:48.50dlynes_officesevard: can you say ewwwww?
21:49.05mountainm2kGot my Polycom IP301 in, seems like a better phone, but it's harder to get working on a one-off...  Seems like they really want me to have a boot server, and know WTF I'm doing...  :-P
21:49.17justinu|laptopreal men use vi
21:49.26sevardreal men don't have hair because they use vi.
21:49.28mountainm2kgetting username/password mismatch when it tries to register
21:49.34sevardreal BALD men
21:49.45sevardprove it.
21:49.46dlynes_officesevard is probably about 20...he's not a real man yet, anyways
21:50.01justinu|laptopwhat, you want to see a picture or something?
21:50.08sevardyeah, show us your wig.
21:50.22mountainm2kAny tips from IP301 users?
21:50.54justinu|laptopfancy toupee:
21:51.02*** join/#asterisk MatsK (i=MatsK@
21:51.05justinu|laptopmountainm2k: tips on what?
21:51.22mountainm2kWell, getting it to register for starters, heh
21:51.33flujansevard, I have the message Spying on channel IAX2/123456-2... I just don't have output sound in the spy channel.
21:51.34justinu|laptopmake sure that the authuser and "address" are the same
21:51.34dlynes_officemountainm2k: that's an error on the phones, or in your sip.conf file
21:51.54sevardflujan: pastebin your dialplan
21:51.59mountainm2kAlso it seems like they won't let me have the latest software rev without calling a "certified voip provider"
21:52.02Nugget  <-- justinu
21:52.24justinu|laptopmountainm2k: that can be recitified by asking certain people very nicely
21:52.45justinu|laptoplol @ emacs
21:52.47mountainm2kso under "Lines", Line1, enter the auth user and address are teh same?  Where does it get the host to register to?
21:53.12justinu|laptopmountain: it can either pick that up from sip.cfg or phone.cfg
21:53.48mountainm2kI'm pretty much config'ing it from the web-UI at the moment -- figured I'd get it working, then monkey with provisioning?
21:53.52mountainm2kOr is that a stupid idea?
21:54.01dlynes_officeNugget: heh
21:54.09mountainm2kI don't have any XML config files to start with, there don't seem to be any templates or anything...
21:54.16sevardjustinu|laptop: you look like a freaking italian mob boss who maried some picture-sqew fairy you found in the woods while looking for a gingerbread house/ jimmy hoffa
21:54.22Dr-Linuxanybody is using asterisk on RHEL?
21:54.27justinu|laptopsevard: lol, thx!
21:54.29mountainm2kI am
21:54.30mountainm2kwell, Centos
21:55.01x86hmm, my asterisk is no longer recognizing DTMF
21:55.08jbotmethinks centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`-`uname -m`/include/linux/spinlock.h"
21:55.09x86this happened before but I forgot how to fix it
21:55.09Dr-Linuxmountainm2k: using what? rhel 3 or rhel 4 ?
21:55.11mountainm2khey, wow, that got it to work -- who would have thought that "address" had to be set to the auth, instead of the address of the SIP server
21:55.31Borgondlynes_home: any ideas?
21:55.55mountainm2kDr-Linux: 3, I couldn't get things to compile on 4
21:56.13mountainm2kDr-Linux: Actually CentOS-3, but should be the same thing
21:56.22dlynes_officeBorgon: sorry...didn't see it...i see it now
21:56.38CunningPikeDr-Linux: RHEL4 - why?
21:56.39Dr-Linuxmountainm2k: i'm using RHEL 3 and RHEL 4 both servers, having Digium cards installed.
21:56.55jbotfrom memory, suggestions is 1) Don't ask to ask. Just say your problem, 2) Don't repeat until 5 mins after, 3) Read and re-read the docs first, then admit it if you REALLY don't understand. You're wasting your time and ours if you haven't at least tried. 4) If your problem ain't solved, come back in 12 hrs or 24 hrs later. We're very international. 5) Be polite ...
21:57.00Dr-LinuxCunningPike: can i /msg you?
21:57.01sevardflujan: Is that all of your dialplan?
21:57.17CunningPikeDr-Linux: Never stopped you before...... ;)
21:57.30sevardflujan: because it better not be
21:57.30dlynes_officeBorgon: Could you paste your extensions.conf file?
21:57.33sevardor I'm going to slap you
21:57.50dlynes_officeBorgon: i have nowhere near enough info in that pastebin to determine your problem
21:57.53*** join/#asterisk freebsd_fan (
21:57.58Borgondlynes_home: it has passwords, there is a context or whatever call outgoing,, thats why the us calls work
21:58.10Dr-LinuxCunningPike: but some ppl stops later :P
21:58.16dlynes_officeBorgon:  so replace all the passwords with XXXXXXX or something then
21:58.46dlynes_officeBorgon: but regardless, i can't help you without seeing your extensions.conf file
21:58.49sevardstill alive?
21:59.13sevardjustinu|laptop: did you get your monies? my bank isn't saying so
21:59.19justinu|laptopnoyt yet
21:59.26*** part/#asterisk TommyTheKid (
22:00.10Borgondlynes_home: thanks for the help, the problem seems to be with asterisk and the dial plan.. if i cant do the .x how cna it make it so i can dial local france numbers preconfigureD? like for us is _1NXXNXXX now would be _01133<local areanmber>  since 33 is france country code
22:00.22mountainm2kInteresting -- this phone seems to mostly just "work"...  heh, once I got it registered...
22:00.28Borgoni dont understand the iax softphone works connecting to the same proxy and 011 works but not with asteriksk
22:00.29mountainm2kthe polycom that is
22:00.37justinu|laptopmountainm2k: polycom is good
22:00.39dlynes_officeBorgon: exactly
22:01.01dlynes_officeBorgon: _01133X.,1,...
22:01.26sevardjustinu|laptop: I just called my bank and they said monies were with drawn
22:01.39justinu|laptopsevard: it'll probably come thru any time now, no worried man
22:01.50mountainm2kOK, so, where can I get the new software?  :-P
22:01.56mountainm2kwho do I need to bribe?
22:01.57sevardjustinu|laptop: Ohh I see.  Paypal says 'uncleared'
22:01.58justinu|laptopoh yeah s/thru/through/
22:01.59justinu|laptopjust for you
22:02.13sevardExpecting clearnign date June 22
22:02.19sevardtomorrow :)
22:04.42justinu|laptopmountainm2k: leeseee....
22:04.51justinu|laptoppolycom sip software?
22:04.56mountainm2kyeah, and the bootrom
22:04.59mountainm2kfor ip301
22:05.16CunningPikemountainm2k: From your reseller ;)
22:05.23justinu|laptopit'll write it's XML file to a provisioning server if you have it setup
22:05.29justinu|laptopit should at least
22:06.23*** join/#asterisk BRADEEINFOTECH (n=dbradee@
22:06.23fholmesI have a question as far as trying to record calls with Asterisk.  Is it possible to start recording the call from a remote Management session?  Would it be better to start the recording of the call from the remote management session or through the extensions.conf in my dial plan?
22:06.25CunningPikemountainm2k: It will send any exceptions to the provisioning file to the FTP server, but not its entire config
22:06.42dlynes_officeWTF is with these people with all CAPS in their nicks?
22:07.00decI DONT KNOW
22:07.16dlynes_officedo they have trouble finding the caps lock key?
22:07.29dlynes_officeIT'S IRRITATING AS ALL HELL?
22:08.25Bullseye_NetworkI CoUlD Be AlOt WoRsE tHoUgH.
22:08.46justinu|laptopBRADEEINFOTECH: why are you shouting?
22:08.48carrarBRADEEINFOTECH, is that Info Tech of Federal Way, WA?
22:08.49flujansevard, my extensions.conf
22:08.51dlynes_officeBullseye_Network: heh...i don't know which is more irritating
22:08.54BRADEEINFOTECHGeesh!  should I change it?
22:09.02flujansevard, which is the problem with it?
22:09.04BRADEEINFOTECHtouchy touchy
22:09.28justinu|laptopno, not touchy... it's proper netiquete
22:09.29dlynes_officewhat's so hard about that?
22:09.40*** part/#asterisk BRADEEINFOTECH (n=dbradee@
22:09.59justinu|laptopwhat a loser
22:10.02dlynes_officeHe's an IT guy...what do you expect?
22:10.12Nivextehre was a sutdy taht siad as lnog as the frsit and lsat ltters are the smae, the sntence is siltl radelbe
22:10.21CunningPikeDon't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out
22:10.22*** join/#asterisk bhima (
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22:10.34justinu|laptopnivex: yep, interesting isn't it?
22:10.48Nivexjustinu|laptop: yeah, but dang that was hard to type :)
22:10.53*** join/#asterisk bradeeinfotech (n=dbradee@
22:11.01carrarHoy cow
22:11.08carrarHoly even
22:11.09justinu|laptopyou just need a short perl script to fix you up
22:11.29justinu|laptopaye, python is superior
22:11.32bradeeinfotechwouldn't wanna be a perriah
22:11.47carrarbradeeinfotech, is that Info Tech of Federal Way, WA?
22:11.57bhimaI'm looking to set up VoIP stuff at work to replace PSTN phone services. We'd like something that is reliable and robust. Without worrying that we're about to lose all our DIDs. packet8 and vonage both seem to use heavily proprietary stuff.
22:12.12CunningPikeNo, carrar - he's Bradee in Fotech
22:12.37justinu|laptopvonage isn't proprietary... they just don't give out the sip credentials to their ATAs
22:12.41CunningPikejbot, you disappoint me
22:12.45flujansevard, ???
22:12.48bradeeinfotechpariah, yes
22:12.49justinu|laptopotherwise it's normal SIP
22:12.50CunningPike~wiki pariah
22:13.01justinu|laptopdamn canadians
22:13.06justinu|laptopalways thinking the same
22:13.07CunningPikeHey - I was there first
22:13.17bradeeinfotechas in outcast
22:13.17dlynes_officemy text got put on the screen first :p
22:13.23justinu|laptopnot here
22:13.27CunningPikeNot on mine :P
22:13.31bhimajustinu: ahh, ok. packet8 explicitly claimed to me that they didn't use SIP; vonage's web site just says you have to use their system.
22:13.33dlynes_officebradeeinfotech: yeah...we're not stupid...we know what it means
22:13.49flujanguys, I'm trying to chan_spy a channel, but I have no audio output in the channel I'm using as a spy.
22:13.53CunningPikeInteresting - his nick is still caps for me......
22:13.56justinu|laptopbhima: regardless of what they say, packet8 is using SIP...
22:14.03dlynes_officeCunningPike: nah...fixed here
22:14.12dlynes_officeCunningPike: maybe your client's not updating for you properly
22:14.17CunningPikeProbably not
22:14.23bhimajustinu: interesting. The salesman I spoke with absolutely denied that they used SIP.
22:14.27CunningPikeWho said that?
22:14.31dlynes_officeCunningPike: you're not using xchat?
22:14.35flujanthe command I'm using and the output:
22:14.36justinu|laptopbhima: but there are lots of BYOD SIP providers who'll let you use anything you want.
22:14.41CunningPikedlynes_office: No - Colloquy
22:14.50justinu|laptopbhima: however, Voice over the internet is inherently unreliable at this point
22:14.51dlynes_officeoh...that mac client or something?
22:15.00CunningPikedlynes_office: Yea
22:15.08knarflyI think some yay-who hacked my * server from the outside. Can anyone tell me how to confirm this?
22:15.10bradeeinfotechso... looking for anyone with experience with the IAXy.  Is it possible to configure them to talk back to back without a server?
22:15.14dlynes_officeCunningPike: and you call yourself an IT guy...sheesh... :)
22:15.25justinu|laptopbradeeinfotech: it is not possible
22:15.29justinu|laptopnot with IAX protocol
22:15.31CunningPikedlynes_office: :D All the real IT guys use Mac
22:15.44bhimajustinu: indeed. I've used various ones. I'm looking for something in-between right now - somebody who will sell me hardware that they have tested to work, but who'll at least let me plug in my own SIP or Asterisk gear when I want to start customizing.
22:15.46CunningPikedlynes_office: Best of both worlds
22:15.49bradeeinfotechOK, IAX2 to Televantage?
22:16.09justinu|laptopbradeeinfotech: sip phones can do what you want
22:16.11dlynes_officebradeeinfotech: televantage doesn't speak iax2, unless they've upgraded their software lately
22:16.53justinu|laptopbhima: i can't offer you much guidance... other than a general sense of caution
22:17.06bradeeinfotechI though so but thought I'd ask the group anyway
22:17.15*** part/#asterisk m4rkl4r (
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22:17.36bhimajustinu: oh, I'm definitely aware that caution is needed. But we're international and spending way too much on traditional telephony, so we're willing to assume some risk.
22:17.52bhimapacket8 said they use MGCP and not SIP.
22:17.55justinu|laptophow about setting up your own PSTN gateway?
22:18.08justinu|laptopi still doubt packet8's ATAs speak MGCp
22:18.23justinu|laptopi suppose its possible, it's just unlikely
22:20.16bhimaTheir salesman claimed they did use it; it's possible he was wrong or lied, but it's a fairly specific claim.
22:20.35justinu|laptopand we all know how much salesmen know about the product they sell
22:20.41dlynes_officeno kidding
22:20.47bhimaOur own PSTN gateway would be sub-optimal since we want numbers in various area codes and a few other countries.
22:20.49CunningPikejustinu|laptop: lol
22:20.50dlynes_officebut they could be using that bastardized protocol
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22:21.01dlynes_officethe one that's a modified mgcp
22:21.08dlynes_officethe cable companies use it
22:21.24bhimaMy parents had a toshiba fax salesman explain how their faxes were better than Amstrad's - he was justifying them being twice the price.
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22:21.34bhimahe explained that Toshiba fax machines had three circuit boards instead of one.
22:21.44bhimaAnd if one of the boards died, the next one would take over.
22:21.59justinu|laptopi generally dislike sales people
22:22.08justinu|laptoptoo full of shit
22:22.13dlynes_officethat's the funniest thing i've heard all day
22:22.21bhimaI wished I was there; I would've asked him why they didn't just sell them at 1/3 the price and replace the boards if they died.
22:22.22rene-something funny happened, i was logged as an agent with agentlogin, but i hangup the call and i am still logged on, my queue has callers but none of them gets connected
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22:22.41Nivexjustinu|laptop: sing it brother!
22:22.42bhimaI'm sure what he had heard was that Toshiba machiens had multiple boards and they could repair or replace the parts if needed...
22:22.58rene-wow talk about redundancy lol
22:23.11dlynes_officerene-: you mean redundant bullshit?
22:23.14bhimaBut, triple redundancy, on a fax machine. Are your faxes really that important?
22:23.49dlynes_officebhima: besides that...did he explain how you know a board has blown? :)
22:23.58rene-haha, that would be a nice tagline if youi inverted its sense
22:24.19bhimadlynes_office: I think he was suggesting it would just automagically switch...
22:24.39rene-maybe he could give some clues to the people over linux-HA
22:24.44dlynes_officeyeah...but you need to replace the blown board, so that when the other two boards blow, it has something to failover to :)
22:25.07bhimaSo does anybody here have any suggestions for VoIP providers who use standard protocols and who are trustworthy at least from a business standpoint?
22:25.26dlynes_officebhima: nobody uses just one voip provider
22:25.33dlynes_officebhima: because none of them are truly reliable
22:26.12justinu|laptopi can recommend L3 wholesale orig/term services, but that's inaccesible to most
22:26.18justinu|laptophowever, there are some resellers around
22:26.29jbotI disclaim all of you!, or "fortune -m 'Void where'"
22:27.01bhimadlynes_office: Is there any way to get failover on DIDs?
22:27.15dlynes_officebhima: explain what you mean
22:27.41rene-i dont know what the proper names are in mexico but we had a provider (clec/ilec) who is a licensed carrier (but not the major one) in mexico who had a couple of hours downtime per week. so if you find failures at this level, you will certainly find failures if you are buying from someone down the food chain
22:27.54justinu|laptophours/week? how many nines is that :P
22:27.57rene-how do i flush down agent logins other than restarting asterisk?
22:28.02rene-dunno not many
22:28.09justinu|laptopprobably none
22:28.12justinu|laptopthat's bad
22:28.38rene-we were terminating via SIP
22:28.56bhimadlynes: well, we want our incoming numbers to work. Using more than one provider is a bit difficult with that AFAIK.
22:29.09bhimajustinu: It's probably 0.01 nines. :)
22:29.27bhimaPerhaps a few degrees of the arc segment of a nine.
22:30.30justinu|laptopbhima: most of the wholesalers who will let you hook up your own equipment wil lmake you go thru a fairly extensive interop test
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22:31.38generalhanwhats up all
22:32.30rene-to be fair, that happened on sunday and it happened twice in two weeks. my relationship to the user of this service went south so i dont know how good are they now or overall, but last time i talked to one of the engineers working there they told me that the service was shitty, and they are connected by 2.0mb copper to the carrier so it should not be shitty at all,
22:32.51generalhani have a quick question ... i need to have a user be able to go into my recorded calls and rename them ... how can i do this without giving them root access ?? casue i gave this person write access to the folder they are in .. but every new call on has perms for the Asterisk user
22:33.10justinu|laptopadd that person to the asterisk group
22:33.16*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
22:33.26CunningPikebhima: Some telcos provide PRI failover - at a cost
22:33.55justinu|laptopSS7 is where it's at if you want redundancy
22:33.58rene-since nobody answered me here is the answer in cli: agent logoff agentchannel
22:34.19bhimaIs sunrocket any good?
22:34.31justinu|laptopthey're just another wannabe vonage
22:34.54generalhanjustinu|laptop: i dont volunteer this info cause i get made fun of ... but the asterisk user is root. so i dont want to give them root access just access to the recorded calls ... is there a way to make it so the calls are saved with 646 perms or something like that 666 maybe
22:35.19CunningPikegeneralhan: umask?
22:35.20justinu|laptopgeneralhan: well, it's not all that difficult to make asterisk run as non-root
22:35.36justinu|laptopi would highly suggest you go that route
22:35.41CunningPikegeneralhan: But I agree with justinu|laptop - it's better to run as non-root anyway
22:35.55CunningPikegeneralhan: There's a really good wiki page about it
22:35.59justinu|laptopespecially if you're gonna let arbitrary users on the box
22:36.01CunningPikegeneralhan: It's easy
22:36.16generalhaneceryone does ... does that mean that if i set it up to run as user "asterisk" (lets say) can i still run safe_asterisk as root ?
22:36.29justinu|laptoproot can do anything
22:36.40justinu|laptopbut why do you need to?
22:36.56bhimaLingo is a division of Primus. Anybody familiar with them?
22:37.06CunningPikegeneralhan: Yes - you specify -U and -G options in safe_asterisk and asterisk forks with the appropriate user and group
22:37.09generalhanjustinu|laptop: i VPN to this box as root .. and i just dont want to have to su to be able to restart * if i ever have to
22:37.25justinu|laptopbhima: coworker of mine had lingo
22:37.28justinu|laptophe had some problems
22:37.32justinu|laptopbut i dunno specifics
22:37.37justinu|laptophey could just be a moron
22:37.53Bullseye_NetworkWhat are the disadvantages/advantages of running asterisk ast root?
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22:38.05CunningPikebhima: I use Primus for residential long-distance - no problems
22:38.40bhimaLingo doesn't support third party VoIP software. bastards.
22:38.47tekatiIs that
22:38.51justinu|laptopBullseye_Network: disadvantage: if anyone finds a buffer overflow exploit in asterisk, your box is owned
22:39.00CunningPikeBullseye_Network: What he said
22:39.15justinu|laptopadvantage: easier for lazy people to install/run
22:39.26Bullseye_NetworkOk, thats a good reason not to. Are there any reasons too run as root?
22:39.37generalhanlol .. only the ONE he just said !
22:39.42generalhanthats why i did it !
22:39.48CunningPikeBullseye_Network: If you want helpdesk people to be able to reset vm passwords etc, you don't want them doing it as root
22:40.12Bullseye_NetworkI dont let anybody else do anything with asterisk... :)
22:40.12generalhanjustinu|laptop: where is the group definitions for asterisk held ...
22:40.15generalhanwhat config file ?
22:40.24Bullseye_NetworkExcept me
22:40.25knarflyHelp - I think my * server was hacked. Can anyone tell me what logs to look at to see what may have happened?
22:40.27CunningPikeBullseye_Network: Running asterisk as root is akin to chmod -R 777 /
22:40.40CunningPikeBullseye_Network: Laziness - nothing else
22:40.42generalhanBullseye_Network: it was nice when thats how i had it too .. but now i have so much on my plate that i HAVE to deligate some stuff
22:41.01justinu|laptopgeneralhan: i don't remember... check the wiki site for instructions
22:41.09CunningPikeknarfly: What makes you think it was hacked?
22:41.14Bullseye_NetworkIm actually looking to hire someone to work with me now.
22:41.42knarflyCunningPike: Some calls showed up in the logs my VOIP provider keeps.
22:41.59knarflyCunningPike: I did not make them
22:42.00dlynes_officeknarfly: and?
22:42.26dlynes_officeknarfly: check your logs?
22:42.32knarflyCunningPike: The calls were to Rwanda and the Russian Republic at a time I wasn't home.
22:42.46knarflyCunningPike: Which log files would show me this?
22:42.48CunningPikeknarfly: Sounds like you have a hole in your dialplan
22:42.55CunningPikeknarfly: Check you CDR
22:43.22knarflyCunningPike: Please help...I don't know what CDR means.
22:43.33jbotfrom memory, cdr is Call Detail Record, a log of what happens to the call at each step through its traversal of the PBX, details like from, to, time, duration, number dialled etc, useful for billing also - it could also be Compact Disc Recordable, see cdrw
22:44.05Bullseye_Networkknarfly: /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv
22:44.11CunningPikeknarfly: By default, /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv
22:44.42knarflyOkay cool...standy while I read it.
22:44.50bhimacomments on viatalk?
22:45.56mountainm2kOK, I got the "boot server" up...  It gave me a two log files, but no config file...
22:46.18CunningPikemountainm2k: Right - you need to provide it with a config file......
22:46.41knarflyCunningPike: Okay thanks. The calls do not appear in my logs.
22:46.42mountainm2kOK, but I need a config file to start with...
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22:47.05CunningPikeknarfly: Then they didn't come from your asterisk server
22:47.11knarflyCunningPike: The VOIP provideer thinks that one of his techs may have been checking somethings for me.
22:47.25knarflyCunningPike: They are crediting my account.
22:47.38CunningPikeknarfly: So even your provider doesn't think you made the calls - far cry from a hacked server
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22:48.40knarflyCunningPike: Yes but there was something that made me very suspicious. The call log at my VOIP provider showed the calls were made using a callerid that is on my * server.
22:50.10knarflyCunningPike: The tech who helped me yesterday knew I was using this callerid but I guess the logs at his side could have shown this too. It just seemed strange that this showed up.
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22:50.57knarflyCunningPike: And when I told the operator this he said there is a chance someone came in from outside. Looks like it is a false alarm.
22:51.21justinu|laptopyou should find a rootkit detector if you're worried
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22:54.18bhimaAny comments on broadvoice?
22:54.23generalhanjustinu|laptop:   this is the site im looking at ... do i REALLY have to follow the recompile instructions as well ?
22:54.52justinu|laptopgeneralhan: i don't see why a recompile would be necessary
22:55.10justinu|laptopit's all about the permissions
22:55.28generalhanso i creat the user with the -u asterisk then chown all the directories with asterisk:asterisk and i should be good
22:55.32generalhanyes ?
22:56.03justinu|laptoppretty much
22:56.08*** part/#asterisk darius_ (
22:56.09generalhantime to test
22:56.14generalhani hate working on production systems
22:56.19justinu|laptopthere's always something that will snag ya, but you'll get help with details here
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22:57.06justinu|laptopgeneralhan: this section is your friend
22:57.08justinu|laptopAs root run the command:
22:57.08justinu|laptop strace -eopen asterisk -U asterisk
22:57.08justinu|laptop<font size="3">And look for failures to open files. Modify the ownership and permissions of the culprits and try again.</font>
22:57.08h3xis it still a bad idea to use ztdummy with SMP
22:57.15rainkidokay, two questions - when making a call, how can i see which codec is used to my asterisk machine, and from my asterisk machine to my voip provider?
22:57.21h3xspecifically freebsd smp heh
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22:57.44rainkidand 2) does setting a jitterbuffer on my ATA only buffer jitter to my asterisk box, or jitter buffer the whole call?
22:57.47generalhan<justinu|laptop>  strace -eopen asterisk -U asterisk ???
22:57.58justinu|laptopif you have trouble
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22:58.10justinu|laptopit shows you what file asterisk couldn't open
22:58.26generalhanwithout the crazy A's right ?
22:59.00justinu|laptopi dunno, not seeing the crazy A's
22:59.07justinu|laptopprobably a cut/paste artifact
22:59.17justinu|laptopit's on that page you quoted anyways
22:59.20*** part/#asterisk YoYo (
22:59.28DrkShdwgeneralhan: he's prolly cut/pasting from a windows machine.   yes,  without the A's
22:59.35justinu|laptopyeah... windoze here
22:59.37dlynes_officejustinu|laptop:'ve got a bunch of Angstrom symbols in your text
23:00.00justinu|laptopwhat causes that?
23:00.03dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: erm capital A's with a circumflex over top of them
23:00.35dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: maybe you're using a different character set?
23:00.52Dr-Linuxwindows Vista will have unix kernel?
23:00.57justinu|laptopi'd like to solve it, if I knew how
23:01.02dlynes_officeDr-Linux: i think you're dreaming
23:01.15justinu|laptopmaybe longhorn will :P
23:01.30dlynes_officeboth of y'all are dreaming :)
23:01.34DrkShdwI wouldn't doubt it.   microsoft ripped all their networking code from bsd
23:01.38CunningPikeDr-Linux: Windows Vista will have a WFWG 3.11 kernel, just like all the other Window
23:01.56Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: i tried to install longhorn 2 years ago
23:02.10dlynes_officeDrkShdw: and then added on all that shitty asynchronous socket crap
23:02.29bhimaBroadVoice's ToS say "we can bill you for 5cents/minute from the start of your account if we want to. Plus $100 for the trouble."
23:02.29dlynes_officeDrkShdw: and convinced all their stupid programmers to use that instead of using non-blocking sockets
23:02.49justinu|laptopbhima: yeah... beware of anything that says "unlimited"
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23:03.00CunningPikedlynes_office isn't bitter, though
23:03.09DrkShdwjustinu|laptop: control panel > regional and langauge settings > languages > see if you have far eastern languages checked
23:03.11dlynes_officeDrkShdw: btw...had they actually ripped off bsd sockets code
23:03.22justinu|laptopDrkShdw: ok, do I want them, or not?
23:03.24Dr-LinuxCunningPike: i can't install linux on my home's PC, VGA doesn't work with X
23:03.25dlynes_officeDrkShdw: earlier versions of windows would not have been limited to 1024 sockets
23:03.46DrkShdwjustinu|laptop: depends :)   do you understand/read mandarin, chinese, japanese, etc?
23:03.46dlynes_officeDr-Linux: linux doesn't require X windows
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23:04.34dlynes_officeCunningPike: no, i'm not bitter
23:04.43rene-anybody here selling recent model computers by the lot?
23:04.45DrkShdwdlynes_office: True.   but I remember running the NT netowrking code through 'strings'  and seeing the BSD copyrights.
23:04.45dlynes_officeCunningPike: but have you ever done any socket programming in windows?
23:04.54CunningPikedlynes_office: Hell, no
23:04.56dlynes_officeDrkShdw: yeah, possibly
23:05.10dlynes_officeDrkShdw: but, i don't think they used it wholesale...probably just the core
23:05.19CunningPikedlynes_office: Life's way too short
23:05.22dlynes_officeCunningPike: heh
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23:05.26dlynes_officeCunningPike: anyways...i have
23:05.31Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: then how can i browse and MSN/yahoo and irc.
23:05.32YoYoTNT+SIP anyone?
23:05.42DrkShdwof course..  they had to MSify it,  and make sure they removed some RFC compliance.  LOL
23:05.43dlynes_officeCunningPike: I've done socket programing in OS/2, Windows and Linux
23:05.51dlynes_officeDrkShdw: heh
23:06.02CunningPikedlynes_office: That explains your late night ravings then ;)
23:06.51dlynes_officeDr-Linux: ummm....there's a really good console app for icq
23:06.56Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: you should be school teacher,
23:06.57dlynes_officeDr-Linux: trying to recall the name of it
23:07.15dlynes_officeDr-Linux: it does irc, icq, msn, yahoo, jabber
23:07.19Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: i don't use icq though
23:07.36dlynes_officeoh yeah
23:07.45Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: and what about browsing?
23:07.58dlynes_officeDr-Linux: links, lynx, elinks
23:08.09Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: i also play with my website
23:08.10dlynes_officeDr-Linux: elinks even has a graphics mode
23:08.25dlynes_officeDr-Linux: it runs in 640x480
23:08.34generalhanok one more question for you guys then ... how do i add a user that already exists to the 'asterisk' group
23:08.54DrkShdwgeneralhan: edit /etc/groups
23:08.57generalhansorry for my ignorance ... if it wasnt for * i still would have never touched a linux system !
23:09.55dlynes_officegeneralhan: usermod -G `groups $username | sed -e 's/ /,/g'` $username
23:10.21generalhandlynes_home: uhhh
23:10.58DrkShdwyep,  dlynes_office is bored.   Maybe I should ask him some more TDM400p questions :P
23:11.27dlynes_officegeneralhan: usermod -G `groups $username | sed -e 's/[a-z]* (.*)/\1/g' | sed -e 's/ /,/g'` $username
23:11.34dlynes_officeforgot to strip off the primary group first
23:11.39DrkShdwyep,   WAY bored..  :P
23:12.05dlynes_officeoops...forgot the asterisk group
23:12.06knarflyCunningPike: Thanks for the helpful advice
23:12.17generalhandlynes_home: i have 0 idea what the hell youre talking about lol
23:12.26dlynes_officegeneralhan: usermod -G `groups $username | sed -e 's/[a-z]* (.*)/\1/g' | sed -e 's/ /,/g'`,asterisk $username
23:12.40dlynes_office<generalhan> ok one more question for you guys then ... how do i add a user that already exists to the 'asterisk' group
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23:12.43knarflyCunningPike: The VOIP provider was a great help too.
23:12.55dlynes_officegeneralhan: type man sed
23:12.59generalhandlynes_home: LOL yea i know what i asked i just have no idea about all that stuff youre typing in
23:13.14CunningPikeknarfly: np
23:13.28generalhandlynes_home: if i type in exactly what you have written there but replace the $username with the user im trying to switch to the asterisk group it will work yes ?
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23:13.37knarflyIf anyone is looking for VOIP provider let me recommend
23:13.54dlynes_officegeneralhan: it takes the output of your groups command, strips off the first group (your primary group), replaces the output so that any spaces are now commas, and add asterisk to that list, and then applies that to the user's secondary groups listing
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23:15.14dlynes_officegeneralhan: there might be a slight bug in it, but it should work, yeah
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23:15.27generalhansed: -e expression #1, char 18: invalid reference \2 on `s' command's RHS
23:15.32Dr-Linuxtwisted[asteria]: where all gone
23:15.32dlynes_office#asterisk let all the channel lurkers back in
23:15.32CunningPikeNetsplit, anyone?
23:15.33Dr-Linuxwelcome back all :)
23:16.24dlynes_officegeneralhan: please see my reply above
23:16.25knarflyWhat the fu** was that all about?
23:16.25Dr-Linuxme and twisted[asteria] was alone :P
23:16.25generalhandlynes_home: i see
23:16.28dlynes_officebut method's overkill
23:16.28DrkShdwway overkill :P
23:16.28dlynes_officegeneralhan: just do a groups username
23:16.47dlynes_officegeneralhan: then type usermod -G group,group,group,asterisk username, where group,group,group are the groups you already have listed above (except for the first one),
23:17.39generalhansee the BS part is that i dont really want to give this user access to all asterisk stuff ... all i want is for this user to be able to rename the recorded ( monitor() ) calls. this is a lot of work just for that
23:18.17dlynes_officeyou give him access to renaming, you'll also need to give him read/write privilege to the file
23:18.28dlynes_officeso he can delete it as well
23:18.45dlynes_officeNow, maybe Secure Linux solves that problem with ACL's...I really don't know
23:18.49generalhandlynes_home: right i know that ,,, and that im not worried about .. the person that i am giving this control too is the office manager for this firm
23:19.12dlynes_officegeneralhan: then i would just give him read only access
23:19.22dlynes_officegeneralhan: managers tend to fuck everything completely up
23:19.44generalhanthats why i ONLY want her to have access to the recorded calls directory ...
23:19.44Dr-LinuxCunningPike: did you try SELinux in RHEL4?
23:19.48P-NuTHi everyone.
23:19.58P-NuTI have a strange echoing issue.
23:19.58CunningPikeDr-Linux: Yes - we run SELinux
23:20.03generalhanbut she needs to have the ability to rename them (and i know that means she could delete them too but she wont)
23:20.12DrkShdwgive her read access,  and setup logrotate to handle the log renaming.
23:20.35generalhanDrkShdw: what do you mean ?
23:20.58CunningPikegeneralhan: Write a script to rename the file and set the suid bit on it
23:20.59P-NuTWhen I call someone from my cisco 7905 phone through my x100p they can hear me fine and it all sounds great, but My phone gets some echoing of me talking. What's that all about?
23:20.59dlynes_officegeneralhan: groupadd dumbmanager ; usermod -G groups,dumbmanager managername
23:21.14DrkShdwlogrotate can do the renaming and rotation of the logs,  via a cron job.   then she can just read them
23:21.34dlynes_officegeneralhan: chown -R dumbmanager:managername /usr/lib/asterisk/recorded
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23:22.00dlynes_officegeneralhan: or man logrotate to understand more of what DrkShdw's talking about
23:22.58dlynes_officegeneralhan: or type log rotate inside of asterisk cli, and then check your log directory to see what he's talking about
23:23.09DrkShdwpgsql -d divesites
23:23.14DrkShdww/w sorry
23:23.23SwK[Work]anyone with a lotta polycom 501s using POE around?
23:24.03*** join/#asterisk flujan (
23:24.53flujanguys, I'm trying to use chanspy... The chanspy app attach to a channel, but I have no audio output in the channel I'm using to spy.
23:25.00flujansomeone already have this problem?
23:25.27DrkShdwdlynes_office: yes,  it's psql ;-)   I was talking to someone over IM,  and he kept calling it pgsql..   and I've been seeing it that way all day.  LOL
23:31.00knarflydlynes_office: psql is the executeable for PostgreSQL
23:31.33*** join/#asterisk brockj49464_home (n=chatzill@
23:31.45sevardSo, my RTP300 says I still have messages
23:31.46dlynes_officeknarfly: i know that...that's the only database i use
23:31.52sevardeven thought I deleted them 3 hours ago
23:31.54sevardvoicemail that is
23:32.08sevardmy sipura 2002s don't do that, they stop ring splashing
23:32.17knarflydlynes_office: Yes I use it too but not with *. That's my next venture with *.
23:32.27dlynes_officeknarfly: i use it with asterisk postpaid
23:32.32dlynes_officeknarfly: but not with asterisk itself
23:32.51knarflydlynes_office: Do you run Linux or one of the BSD's?
23:33.59dlynes_officeknarfly: Slackware
23:34.14knarflydlynes_office: I run FreeBSD
23:34.34dlynes_officeknarfly: yeah...I did before, but I found the FreeBSD zaptel drivers weren't stable enough, so I switched back to Linux
23:35.18knarflydlynes_office: If you build PostgreSQL from source like I do, it doesn't conform to the BSD arch and it causes the ported version of * to crash. So I have had to postpone psql with * for now.
23:35.26dlynes_officeknarfly: besides...I'm much more comfortable with Linux...I know it backwards and forwards...I know next to nothing about FreeBSD
23:35.51dlynes_officeknarfly: do you build it from source from the bsd ports tree?
23:35.57justinu|laptopspeaking of ring splashing
23:36.04justinu|laptopanyone know how to disable it on the polycom IP series?
23:36.14knarflydlynes_office: Our problems are reversed. I don't know it like the back of my hand but I'm not as easy in Linux as with FreeBSD.
23:36.16justinu|laptopeverytime asterisk sends the notify to the polycom, it makes the phone trill
23:36.21dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: unplug the power
23:36.24justinu|laptopeven tho the MWI light is already on
23:36.28justinu|laptopfunk dat
23:36.36*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (
23:37.03knarflydlynes_office: I built * from the ports tree. It's the easiest way I found to get all the dependcies installed too and in the right place.
23:37.12dlynes_officeknarfly: far
23:37.23dlynes_officeknarfly: but you didn't install postgresql from ports tree, i take it?
23:38.09knarflydlynes_office: No. I will get around to that someday soon. Then the or something that * looks for will be in the right place.
23:38.38dlynes_officeknarfly: instead of going through all that horseshit
23:38.43dlynes_officeknarfly: just install unixodbc
23:38.50dlynes_officeknarfly: and use the unixodbc drivers instead
23:38.52knarflydlynes_office: * sees pgsql on my system even so and then just crashes
23:39.44knarflydlynes_office: Sounds like a plan. I will check into that. I thought that unixodbc installed by default.
23:40.14dlynes_officeknarfly: well, if you already have unixodbc installed, asterisk would have compiled in support for it automatically
23:40.21dlynes_officeknarfly: but you still need to configure it in asterisk
23:41.13knarflydlynes_office: No I don't think so. My newbie-ness is showing now. I don't know if it's installed I only know I see messages on unixodbc scroll by on the CLI console.
23:41.40knarflydlynes_office: I'm probably not paying attention and the messages are saying it can't find it.
23:41.46dlynes_officeknarfly: heh
23:42.15dlynes_officewe might be getting one of those english doubledecker bus companies for a customer :0
23:42.25knarflydlynes_office: I'll watch the log and see.
23:43.33P-NuT[TK]D-Fender; I now concur with you that x100p cards are crap.
23:44.12rene-mmm pizza
23:44.18*** join/#asterisk znoG (
23:44.34dlynes_officeP-NuT: heh...took you long enough :)
23:44.37rene-i paid 100 for that crap back in the day, (pls shipping and taxes)
23:44.48drrayx100p cards are good enough to get your feet wet
23:45.29*** join/#asterisk speedwagon (
23:45.33orlockCan anybody here tell me what their * system is sending out for the Contact: datain the sip session?
23:45.48orlockmine is sending out Contact: <sip:s@my.ip.address>
23:45.52CunningPikeSwK[Work]: How many is a lot?
23:46.02orlockmy SIP provider seems to think that is causing issues with inbound calls
23:47.05P-NuTI knwo
23:47.25P-NuTI am warming to SPA3000's.
23:47.29P-NuTAre they ok?
23:47.38dlynes_officeP-NuT: yeah
23:47.38P-NuTThey don't seem to ahve the same issues.
23:47.41CunningPikeP-NuT: We like them
23:47.45dlynes_officeP-NuT: i wouldn't expose them to extreme heat though
23:47.50P-NuToh yeah?
23:48.04dlynes_officeP-NuT: they tend to fail readily in those kind of environments
23:48.19P-NuThow's 40 degrees celcius?
23:48.21dlynes_officeP-NuT: and where you've got fluctuating power sources
23:48.24drrayI need to find a simpler phone than the 7960
23:48.35drrayI have a site that can't learn to transfer calls
23:48.36dlynes_officeP-NuT: 40 degrees C is fine, as long as its not extended periods of time
23:48.38orlockdrray: sipura?
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23:48.43drrayI dunno orlock
23:48.58CunningPikedrray: Give them an ATA and teach them to flashhook ;)
23:49.02drrayI came to the site and they had used the CallFwdAll
23:49.10drrayPike - I am thinking of that
23:49.18drrayor the #
23:49.29drraythey might get the budgetone
23:49.39orlockdont make me read the source!
23:49.41hadsP-NuT: The 3102 has replaced the 3000 incase you didn't know.
23:49.50P-NuToh really?
23:49.55P-NuTis it any better?
23:49.57dlynes_officehads: since when?
23:50.05*** join/#asterisk mrbnet (n=sureal@cust-static-blk197-45.BHI.COM)
23:50.12dlynes_officehads:  I just bought 3000's a few weeks ago, and they weren't shipping 3002's then
23:50.25dlynes_officeerm 3102's i mean
23:50.43hadsI didn't say they were available, but they have replaced them :)
23:51.03dlynes_officehads: i'm guessing  their heat tolerance is still not that good though, right?
23:51.18hadsNot sure sorry. I'm waiting on the Linksys rep to give me a timeframe. I think they are available some places though
23:51.23P-NuTdo they really heat up that much?
23:51.32dlynes_officeP-NuT: no...they don't heat up at all
23:51.49dlynes_officeP-NuT: but i have not had good luck with them in offices that don't have air conditioning
23:52.02P-NuTdamn, really?
23:52.04hadsAustralia gets hot.
23:52.18P-NuTso if I have 2 under the  stairs in my house, i'm gonna be screwed.
23:52.33dlynes_officeP-NuT: a lot of our customers have offices that get up to 35-40C easily
23:52.38P-NuTbut if i'm moving to the UK, then it's all cool
23:52.42dlynes_officeP-NuT: cause they're too cheap to buy aircons
23:52.45justinu|laptopdamn hippies
23:52.51justinu|laptoptell them to quit the weed and buy some AC
23:53.22P-NuTwell, I'm not going to but an SPA3000 if they fail all the time.
23:53.29dlynes_officejust got a new customer with a building with glass windows everywhere and no aircon :)
23:53.41P-NuTin Sydney?
23:53.50dlynes_officeP-NuT: the yoda g620's have slightly better heat tolerance
23:53.57dlynes_officeP-NuT: they're rated for 45C
23:54.11dlynes_officeP-NuT: I don't know what the sipuras are rated for
23:54.33hadsP-NuT: I wouldn't say they fail all the time. Most people have pretty good luck with them.
23:54.52dlynes_officehads: yeah...i only have them fail in extreme heat
23:55.03dlynes_officehads:  well, and weird power sources
23:55.13dlynes_officehads: but in general, they're pretty stable
23:55.19hadsWhich can make anything fail
23:55.28P-NuTand their not that hard to setup with asterisk?
23:55.36dlynes_officeP-NuT: no...extremely easy
23:55.53hadsAnd far better than an X100P ;)
23:55.59dlynes_officeP-NuT: there's even a step-by-step howto on the sipura users' group forum on voxilla
23:56.04P-NuTI saw the 2 page document to set them up with freepbx and that was a bit... hard.
23:56.19P-NuTthere is?
23:56.30P-NuTcool, wuold you have a link?
23:56.42dlynes_officeP-NuT: yeah..they're rated for 45C also
23:56.49dlynes_officeP-NuT: but i wouldn't trust that rating
23:57.00dlynes_officeP-NuT: probably means anything higher than 45C they'll fail immediately
23:57.08dlynes_officeP-NuT: 35-45C, they'll fail eventually
23:57.15P-NuTwell, if their crappy WAG54G is anything to go by their quality then....
23:57.24dlynes_officeP-NuT: 35C or lower they can last for a while, probably
23:57.36dlynes_officebut even 35C is probably pushing it
23:57.51P-NuTit'll be alright.
23:58.02dlynes_officebut i have found, when they do fail from high temps
23:58.06dlynes_officethey don't come back
23:58.19justinu|laptopcheap spec resistors probably
23:58.23P-NuTSummer's 6 month a way so that's not an issue.
23:58.32justinu|laptopuntil simmer
23:58.38dlynes_officeP-NuT: ours is just starting
23:58.46dlynes_officeP-NuT: and it's a scorcher this year
23:58.57hadsThere's bloody snow out my window :/
23:59.10dlynes_officehads:  you're in victoria?
23:59.20P-NuTit's FREEZING here is Sydney
23:59.23hadsNa, New Zealand. Which is really odd for here
23:59.33justinu|laptop97 degrees F here
23:59.43dlynes_officeI just know in northern Victoria it's usually snowing this time of the year
23:59.44hadsShutup :(
23:59.52P-NuTFarenheight? Sorry? WHat';s that?

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