irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060615

00:04.47*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
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00:19.59FuriousGeorgehey all
00:21.11NewSoleor is it CuriousGeorge
00:21.58dlynes_officeJust like strom is really storm...he just doesn't want to admit it :)
00:22.27dlynes_officeright, Strom_C?
00:22.39FuriousGeorgei wouldnt either.  storm is best known as the female x-person
00:23.25dlynes_officei don't keep up on all the cartoons and comic books
00:23.44drrayI'm a DC weenie not a Marvel stooge
00:24.06FuriousGeorgedlynes_office: i dont keep up on em but i did when i was 7
00:24.17dlynes_officelast time i read a comic book
00:24.27dlynes_officei think was when the Submariner was still popular
00:24.44dlynes_officeIt was around the time Heavy Metal Issue 1 had just come out
00:25.05orlocki used to like 2000AD
00:25.28orlocksome of them were realy really well drawn
00:25.32dlynes_officeorlock: you make it sound like 2000 was a long time ago
00:25.54FuriousGeorge200ad?  was that the comic about the post y2k-bug apocolypse
00:27.03FuriousGeorgei'll be here all week
00:27.42orlockdlynes_office: well, i read it like, 15 years ago or something :)
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00:40.38rbdhi guys, I'm trying to play a gsm file via AGI from /var/lib/asterisk/sounds (debian, .asterisk 1.2.1...) with the files already there, I can play them no problem (e.g. I play 'beep' for instance), however if I try to move a file into that folder, (say from voicemail/1234/busy.gsm, and play 'busy', it can't find the file...however trying the file at its previous location, 'voicemail/1234/busy' works fine) any ideas?
00:41.17Strom_Crbd: sounds like you're mistyping the path somewhere
00:41.22rbdthe permissions and the owner are all the same
00:41.32Strom_Cand also: holy shit, 1.2.1 is WAY OLD
00:41.49dlynes_officewell, not only that
00:41.55dlynes_office1.2.1 has a severe memory leak bug
00:41.58Jason99Anyone know what this means?    Jun 14 20:38:41 WARNING[15194]: chan_sip.c:2542 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 4/4)
00:42.31dlynes_officeJason99: type 4 is ulaw, 256 is g729
00:42.41Jason99ah ok
00:42.44dlynes_officeJason99: you don't have g729 trancoder codec installed
00:42.52Jason99thats right.. I dont
00:43.05dlynes_officeJason99: at the cli, you can type show codecs to see what the bit values are for the various codecs
00:43.39dlynes_officeI just happen to have those two memorized because they're so common
00:43.47Jason99but if both phones support g729 it should work right?
00:43.53dlynes_officeJason99: correct
00:44.06dlynes_officeJason99: assuming you don't tell asterisk to stay in the media path
00:44.17dlynes_officeJason99: then you might have issues, or you might now
00:44.18dlynes_officeJason99: then you might have issues, or you might not
00:44.43Jason99From what I've read it should pass through without having the codec installed.. but it wont transcode which is what I'm doing..
00:45.10Jason99I thought both phones were setup for g729a, I'll have a look thanks
00:45.11dlynes_officewell, yeah, cause you're trying to convert g729 to ulaw
00:45.31dlynes_officeJason99: I would check your sip.conf file, too...not just your phones
00:45.48Jason99Can I force g729 on both phones in SIP ?
00:45.50dlynes_officeJason99: also, is any sip traffic going to be going outside your firewall?
00:45.52Jason99oops.. sip.conf
00:45.53dlynes_officeJason99: yes
00:46.17dlynes_officeJason99: keep in mind, if your phones are using g729
00:46.28dlynes_officeJason99: and you want to check your voicemail with them
00:46.34dlynes_officeJason99: you'll probably run into problems
00:46.50dlynes_officeJason99: voicemail is usually recorded in pcm, or gsm
00:46.52Jason99dlynes_office: I'd like the phones to use G729 if they can, and if they can't use g711.. is that possible?
00:47.01dlynes_officeJason99: yes, it is
00:47.14Strom_CJason99: do you have the bandwidth to support G711 all the time?
00:47.27dlynes_officeJason99: disallow=all ; allow=g729 ; allow=ulaw
00:47.40Jason99Strom_C: no I don't I'd rather not use g711 for all calls
00:47.41dlynes_officeJason99: however, if you can handle g711 all the time, i'd forget g729
00:47.51dlynes_officeJason99: g729 is horrible quality
00:48.00dlynes_officeJason99: it was invented to save bandwidth
00:48.21Strom_Cit sounds like a really bad cellphone connection
00:49.03Jason99It will be on selective endpoints that are on bad quality connections
00:49.08dlynes_officeStrom_C: well, actually...if you're calling india
00:49.18dlynes_officeStrom_C: g729 still sounds better than a land line
00:49.23Strom_Chahah true
00:49.31Strom_Cbut thats like being the tallest midget
00:49.48Jason99thanks for your help guys
00:50.05Jason99actually.. does the order of the allows mean anything?
00:50.50dlynes_officeJason99: yes...hte order indicates the order of preference
00:51.15Jason99thanks it works now try checking your voicemail :p
00:51.59dlynes_officeor listening to your music on hold ;)
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00:53.32Jason99Is there a way around that?
00:54.25dlynes_officewell, that's why i suggested using ulaw for your default, not g729
00:55.01Jason99Can you force a codec in a context?
00:55.29Jason99I agree that ulaw is the best.. but in my case I have to use g729 for some endpoints
00:55.46dlynes_officeyes, you can
00:55.53Jason99what command would I lookup?
00:56.00dlynes_officebweschke wrote a patch for doing just that
00:56.22dlynes_officego to and do a search for codec
00:56.33dlynes_officeyou should be able to find bweschke's patch for it there
00:56.42dlynes_officeit's a patch against trunk though
00:56.53dlynes_officeso you might have to manually patch instead of using the patch tool
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01:14.26websaeI am curious.....if I have 2 polycoms in an office........Polycom A and Polycom B....when i put a call on hold on polycom A, can i pick up that hold call on polycom b?
01:14.29websaeis that possible?
01:14.46dlynes_officewebsae: yes
01:14.50dlynes_officewebsae: with asterisk, no
01:15.03websaehrm...not possible with asterisk darn...
01:15.08websaewhat does one need to do?
01:15.25dlynes_officewell, you might be able to do that starting with asterisk 1.4
01:15.35dlynes_officethere's a feature for shared line appearances going into 1.4
01:15.40dlynes_officeI just don't know the particulars
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01:16.11dlynes_officewebsae: it'll probably be released sometime in july
01:16.16dlynes_officebut no firm date's been set yet
01:16.18Dandanre all
01:16.23rbdokay with this missing prompts problem. Say I have a file /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/vm-youhave.gsm ... playing this file through AGI works fine (the file name is 'vm-youhave')...however if I cp vm-youhave.gsm to test.gsm in the same sounds directory, and try to play 'test'. I get "ast_openstream_full: File test does not exist in any format"
01:16.55Dandanrbd: are permissions ok?
01:17.03dlynes_officerbd: and?  did you try the suggestions Strom_C made earlier?
01:17.19rbdyeah guys, upgraded to asterisk 1.2.7
01:17.26rbdpermissions are the exact same as the other files
01:17.29dlynes_officerbd: that was only one of the suggestions
01:17.30Dandanstill that's 2.1 versions behind
01:17.49dlynes_officeDandan: yeah...taht's the price you pay for not using the source code
01:18.12Dandandlynes_office: i always use it :)
01:18.19rbdhmm that's the newest debian has in 'testing'...interesting its so out of date for testing
01:18.21Dandani even wrote my own compilation scripts
01:18.46dlynes_officeDandan: same here, but most peeps rely on debian's, or redhat's or insert-your-distro-here's binary packages
01:19.08DandanBLAH :)
01:19.11Dandanslackware rulez :)
01:19.22dlynes_officeDandan: i use binary packages on slackware, too
01:19.24Dandanit takes 10 mins to update and upgrade and restart asterisk :)
01:19.31dlynes_officeDandan: but i compile it once on one machine
01:19.36Dandandlynes_office: yeah, but only precompiled by me...
01:19.42DandanEXXXXACTLY :)
01:19.43dlynes_officeDandan: create a package, and then deploy it by packages on all the other machines
01:19.50Dandanyup yup yup :)
01:19.54Strom_Crbd: just compile the damned thing from source already
01:19.57schirpichI have a TE410P currently using 3 span and I am attempting to hook up a 4th T1 in the 4th span... I believe its working.  How can I actually test and verify its working as it should be?
01:20.01dlynes_officeStrom_C: lol
01:20.21rbdStrom: the version I was trying this with earlier was compiled from source :) ... then I got too lazy and started using the deb
01:20.24Dandani also add many expensive-optimizations and funrolls to the scripts to even further optimize asterisk :)
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01:20.28rbdI'll try then
01:20.48Strom_Cschirpich: does it appear to work?
01:20.51Dandanrbd: tar xfvz asterisk*.tar.gz && ./configure && make && make install :)
01:20.52Strom_Ccan you place calls?
01:20.58dlynes_officerbd: anyways...the problem you're running into is not a problem with 1.2.7, or 1.2.1
01:21.05dlynes_officerbd: and it's not going to be solved by upgrading
01:21.13dlynes_officerbd: it's a problem with your configuration
01:21.26schirpichzap show channels shows all of them and the zttool shows its ok
01:21.47schirpichbut other than getting a high volume of calls, how else could i test it?
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01:22.02rbddlynes_office, yup...never have run into this kind of things's almost if the sounds are being cached somewhere else. I will mess with the paths
01:22.07dlynes_officeDandan: yeah...i just stage addons, asterisk, and sounds all in the same directory
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01:22.18dlynes_officerbd: i suspect it's probably an issue with your dialplan
01:22.23Dandanoh, I didn't think of that :)
01:22.29Dandanthat's easy though :)
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01:22.47dlynes_officeDandan: that way i've got one integrated package
01:23.19dlynes_officeDandan: libpri and zaptel otoh i can't put into that package type stuff
01:23.20Dandani see :) gotta try that
01:23.31dlynes_officeDandan: those i have to compile for each platform I'm targetting
01:23.34Dandani had to drop zaptel from packages though... damn sangoma drivers...
01:23.42dlynes_officeDandan: well, that's not hte only reason
01:23.53dlynes_officeDandan: sometimes i use sangoma, sometimes digium, sometimes x100p
01:24.02dlynes_officeDandan: and sometimes ztdummy
01:24.09Dandanbut you can compile zaptel for all of them
01:24.13Dandansame with libpri
01:24.26dlynes_officecompoile once, install sangoma, compile again
01:24.34Dandanright, for sangoma
01:24.42Dandanbut for x100/ztdummy?
01:24.47dlynes_officeand so if i have something compiled for sangoma
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01:24.57dlynes_officei can't use that on x100p/ztdummy/digium
01:25.07Dandanof course you can't
01:25.13Dandanthat's sangoma thing... :/
01:25.14dlynes_officeDandan: well, there you go
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01:25.42Dandanbut if, let's say you have only x100/zaptel/ztdummy tyhen you can pre-package the whole thing
01:25.58Dandanand libpri doesn't change anyway :)
01:26.01dlynes_officeDandan: if they all have the same kernel, yeah
01:26.02Dandanthat can be precompiled
01:26.13Dandandlynes_office: which I keep the same :)
01:26.15dlynes_officeDandan: certain machines i've customized kernels for though
01:26.20mgobany other artificial way of raising the volume on a prompt other then rx/tx or re-encoding the file?
01:26.30Dandandlynes_office: but you keep it up to date?
01:26.36dlynes_officeDandan: because those super slow piece of crap via c3's i optimize the piss out of for the kernel
01:27.07Dandanlol, you can compile the kernel on a quad opteron and copy to c3... :)
01:27.07dlynes_officeDandan: the newest kernel i'm running is
01:27.23dlynes_officeDandan: you wanna buy me a quad opteron?
01:27.36CoffeeKidhello, I need help making the agi service run on a address different then .. I need to make it run on anything within my subnet, what file do i need to edit to do this? :)
01:27.36Dandanwell, maybe not at the moment
01:27.42rbdfound the problem... stupid me...two seperate sounds directories... it was reading from an old one
01:27.43Dandanbut wait a few... years... decades... :)
01:28.25CoffeeKiddoes that make any sense? :)
01:29.15DandanCoffeeKid: not really
01:29.17dlynes_officeCoffeeKid: manager.conf
01:29.57CoffeeKiddlynes_office: once i modify it,do i need to do a reload? or a total service restart?
01:30.29dlynes_officeCoffeeKid: no idea...never used it
01:30.38Dandani used it ONCE :)
01:30.52dlynes_officeoh wait
01:30.55dlynes_officei modified it once
01:30.58dlynes_officeso i could disable it
01:30.59Dandanfor a cool experiment called yaacid - Yet Another Asterisk CallerID :)
01:31.04Dandanwhich was pretty cool :)
01:31.05CoffeeKidi have the following lines in there.. does it look correct?
01:31.09Dandana pop up when a call came :)
01:31.27dlynes_officeCoffeeKid: nope
01:31.34dlynes_officeCoffeeKid: that netmask looks fubar
01:31.44CoffeeKidon which line? the permit?
01:31.47Dandanwhich one?
01:31.49Dandani have:
01:31.53dlynes_officeCoffeeKid: it should probably be more like permit=
01:32.10Dandanyou can subnet the way you want it
01:32.13Dandanno probs
01:32.30CoffeeKidokay, so if i do:
01:32.30dlynes_officeyeah...but then what's the point of running a class A subnet, instead of a class C?
01:32.32Dandanat my place is our data network and is our voice :)
01:32.52CoffeeKidokay.... hmm
01:33.15CoffeeKidso probably would work?
01:33.26Dandandlynes_office: if you need max. 254 devices on your net
01:33.32Dandanthen /24 is adequate :)
01:33.41dlynes_officeDandan: 253
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01:33.48dlynes_officeDandan: don't forget your gateway
01:34.04CoffeeKidthen, how would i restart the service so that it listens on that ip address?
01:34.04DandanCoffeeKid: is enough anything is gonna get to it :)
01:34.08mgobany other artificial way of raising the volume on a prompt other then rx/tx or re-encoding the file?
01:34.17DandanCoffeeKid: restart now?
01:34.29Dandandlynes_office: yeah, gw is another network host :)
01:34.43dlynes_officeDandan: yeah, but it's sacrificed for routing
01:34.46CoffeeKidrestart asterisk? or just do a reload?
01:35.02Dandandlynes_office: not necessarily, my voice net has no gw, it is not routed outside the company
01:35.04dlynes_officeshutdown -r Now NOW!!!!!!!
01:35.16Dandandlynes_office: don'[t be that RADICAL :)
01:35.19CoffeeKidno way, this is a production box :P
01:35.31Dandando restart when convenient then
01:35.54Dandan# uname -a
01:35.54DandanLinux voip #1 SMP Wed Dec 21 12:13:09 EST 2005 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
01:36.01riddleboxhas anyone heard of a company called quintum?
01:36.03Dandanyou are right, I am behind the schedule too
01:36.07dlynes_officeriddlebox: never
01:36.09Dandanriddlebox: not me
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01:36.46dlynes_officeQuintum's one of the oldest voip hardware companies, riddlebox
01:36.47riddleboxthey are selling sip gateways and ata devices that will do sip or h.323
01:37.04dlynes_officeriddlebox: and their prices are off the charts
01:37.21Dandanjbot: ~quintum
01:37.34riddleboxthey contacted my company the other day asking if we will support asterisk boxes for one of their customers
01:37.34CoffeeKidOMG! that worked, you guys are awesome!
01:37.36Dandanblah :)
01:37.45DandanCoffeeKid: aren't we :)
01:37.54Dandanjbot: :P
01:38.26riddleboxdlynes_office, have you configured one of their tenor products?
01:38.33dlynes_officeriddlebox: ask them to give you a couple free quintum boxes for testing with, and you'll think about it :)
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01:38.53dlynes_officeriddlebox: nah...never worked with their equipment at all
01:39.01dlynes_officeriddlebox: but all their stuff is pretty high end
01:39.06riddleboxdlynes_office, the one gateway they sell will provide sip to 800 connections
01:39.21riddleboxlook out broadvoice lol!
01:39.32dlynes_officeriddlebox: yeah...they have other stuff for four ports, too
01:39.43dlynes_officeriddlebox: they have the low end and the high end
01:39.47DandanBV rox :)
01:39.51dlynes_officeriddlebox: all high quality, and all high prices
01:40.00riddleboxyeah they gave us a two port and 4 port, but their documentation sucks
01:40.17dlynes_officeriddlebox: i guess you've never tried an epygi gateway :p
01:40.17riddleboxthe 2 port was like $130 I didnt think it was that bad
01:40.23dlynes_officeriddlebox: those things freaking blow
01:40.25Dandanthey are high quality too :)
01:40.31Dandanwith HiFi sound :)
01:40.45dlynes_officeDandan: grandstream?  high quality?  who the hell are you trying to kid?
01:41.10orlockHmm.. Has anybody hereused a netgear managedswitch?
01:41.11Dandandlynes_office: i only had like 2 bad phones out of 75 :)
01:41.20Dandanorclo: i have 5 of them
01:41.22Dandanafair :)
01:41.31orlockDandan: yes, but could you kill somebody with a grandstream?
01:41.34Dandanorlock: i have 5 of them
01:41.37orlockthe cisco's feel like you could
01:41.40dlynes_officeDandan: i've only had one bad phone out of 25 or so
01:41.44dlynes_officeDandan: but the voice quality sucks
01:41.51orlockDandan: do you know the default management ip/port for the web interface?
01:42.08Dandani do not, of the top of my head
01:42.09Dandannmap them
01:42.18orlockdunno the ip :)
01:42.18Dandanthere is this utility
01:42.26Dandanthat recognizes them by mac...
01:42.30orlockyeah, there is always this utility.. FOR WINDOWS!
01:42.34Dandanit is avail. on netgear's website
01:42.40Dandanoh right
01:42.40dlynes_officeorlock: nmap -v -Ss
01:42.41Dandanwindows :)
01:42.54Dandanthen VmWare :)
01:42.59Dandanthe player IS free :)
01:43.35orlockdlynes_office: :P
01:43.41dlynes_officeorlock: ?
01:43.53Dandanhe meant dandan: :P :)
01:44.04orlockdlynes_office: do you _know_ its on the 192.168.1 range? :)
01:44.07dlynes_officenah...I think he's scared of you
01:44.17dlynes_officeorlock: was just an example
01:44.34orlocki dont wanna have to sit there sniffing packets
01:44.39orlockmaybe i will look for the box...
01:44.58dlynes_officeorlock: maybe walk over to the computer and type '/sbin/ifconfig'?
01:44.58Dandanorlock: it would be faster to install win :)
01:45.01Dandanprolly :)
01:45.30dlynes_officeit's a crappy cisco phone
01:45.30Dandanorlock: hmmm... 8080? 8081?
01:45.32Dandanor 80 :)
01:45.51Dandandlynes_office: it is a bit too expensive :) - cisco phone
01:46.00Dandanwe were switching from 15 yrs old NVM phone system
01:46.02Dandanto voip :)
01:46.05dlynes_officecan't you find out the ip address of a cisco by hitting a few buttons on its keypad?
01:46.12dlynes_officenortel voicemail?
01:46.15DandanNitsuko NVM
01:46.27Dandanor something similar :)
01:46.37dlynes_officewe have some joker that was trying to get us to to become a dealer for nitsuko
01:46.44dlynes_officei thought those crappy pbxes died a long time ago
01:46.55trelanedlynes_office, <settings> <3>
01:47.12dlynes_officeorlock: there ya go, orlock
01:47.17dlynes_officeorlock: no need to use nmap
01:47.34Dandannitsuko is alive and well
01:47.41Dandantheir POS phones are $400/piece...
01:47.59dlynes_officeso how many companies in your city have a recent model of nitsuko?
01:48.58Dandanhm, definetely quite a few...
01:49.08Dandani know a dealer still marketing them...
01:51.47DandanHot, humid weather will be the rule on Sunday with highs of 90+ degrees away from Long Island Sound.
01:51.51DandanBLAH lovely new england :/
01:53.05dlynes_officeheh....high of 66 for us :)
01:53.40*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:53.42DandanBC? Heh...
01:53.48dlynes_officeDandan: but...your weather is the best you know why?
01:53.57dlynes_officeDandan: the hotter the weather, the shorter the skirts :)
01:53.58Dandandlynes_office: why?
01:54.11Dandandlynes_office: LOL! :) I am married though :)
01:54.16dlynes_officetoo bad :)
01:54.30DandanI know :)
01:54.33Dandanoh well :)
01:54.34dlynes_officedoesn't mean you're not allowed to look though :)
01:54.44dlynes_officejust can't touch :)
01:54.53ManxPowerIn the USA many television stations are switching to digital and broadcasting multiple "stations".  So, I think to myself, "Self, I wonder how much a DTV tuner for my standard TV would cost?" and apparently the answer is "You'll have to wait since you can't buy one."
01:55.39Dandanwell... looking but no toucing? :) i got used to touching though :)
01:55.41dlynes_officethe cable station will only too gladly sell you one
01:55.58denonManxPower: you can buy standalone HD tuners
01:56.00DandanManxPower: ATCS? or CATV?
01:56.03denonOTA HD
01:56.18dlynes_officeforget all that crap
01:56.23Dandanmine came with OTA HD, but I have no antenna :)
01:56.25dlynes_officedigital satellite hdtv is where it's at
01:56.34denonyeah, Ive got dish HD personally
01:56.36ManxPowernoky, not OTA HD, OTA SD
01:56.45dlynes_officeeverything's digital, instead of that crappy analog/digital hybrid setup that cable has
01:56.46ManxPowerI don't have an HD TV, I don't expect to get an HD tv.
01:56.47DandanOTA SD sux! :)
01:56.52Dandanbut it is digital though :)
01:57.12DandanManxPower: i got a great deal on 40 inch lcd and i have an hd tv...
01:57.19ManxPowerBut I would like to see the 24-hour weather feed many stations have in addition to their normal feed.
01:57.20Dandanit's for my wife though :)
01:57.27DandanI IRC from 15 inch CRT :)
01:57.45dlynes_officeDandan: damn...i irc from dual 17" flat screens
01:57.48ManxPowerdanalien, I want to pipe the output thru a closed coax system to analog TVs.
01:58.25ManxPowernow that we all understand I want a TUNER, not a TV, we can proceed.
01:58.25dlynes_officeDandan: you're an alien now
01:58.57Dandanyeah i see :)
01:59.32DandanManxPower: hmmm... no idea if there are OTA HD/digital receivers
01:59.38Dandanto use your tv as a monitor only
01:59.42ManxPowerOh, and it needs RCA audio/video out, since that's all the agile TV converters I have can handle.
02:00.47Dandanrequirements: single rich and availavle :)
02:00.53Dandan*available :D
02:00.55ManxPowerDandan, DTV people say "no, people won't have to buy new televisions, they can buy a low-cost box for use with their standard televisions", but like the unicorn or an honest politicion it seems like they are a myth
02:01.34ManxPowerAnd people that watch OTA TV tend not to be a wealthy group of people.
02:01.45DandanManxPower: true, besides, i used to own a cox digital cable with all this HDTV crap - sorry, but it is not worth spending extra money on just like 10 channels with digital quality 720p/1080i...
02:02.25Dandanotoh, if you want a nice HD sig, install a dish and play with Bev :)
02:02.34Dandanthey have a pretty nice sat signal :)
02:03.01*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
02:03.53orlockwe have a dtv box here
02:04.06orlockonly cost $100 or something
02:04.29Dandanids2500: nice number, what is it?
02:04.37ids2500not sure
02:05.01orlockDandan: standard rf signal
02:05.16ManxPowerDandan, I could not care less about HD.  I want all the cool multicast channels/
02:05.19dlynes_officewhat a stupid phone number
02:05.26ManxPowerorlock, where are you located?
02:05.26dlynes_officedevil's paradise?
02:06.14ManxPowerSee this:
02:06.38Dandandlynes_office: did you call? :)
02:06.41dlynes_officedamn...32MB's to install asterisk
02:06.44dlynes_officeDandan: yeah
02:06.54dlynes_officeDandan: it was a really stupid autoattendant
02:06.55Dandani didn't have no phone in my basement
02:06.57*** join/#asterisk iq|mobile (
02:07.02Dandani have a reflashed at&t dlink though :)
02:07.10ManxPowerthat URL is why I started looking for DTV tuner
02:07.15Dandancallvantage :)
02:07.44ManxPowerHell, in the UK they have like 15 free DTV stations called FreeView
02:07.49Dandanfor only $30 you get a fully blown voip (sip)+router
02:08.00DandanManxPower: that's uk, we are miles behind :)
02:08.03Dandanlike with cell phones
02:08.10Dandani always get one when I go to europe :)
02:10.46*** join/#asterisk mrtwister (
02:12.47techman97_andyhey y'all, I have my test * box registering to my prod * box...I can recieve calls just fine, but when I dial from the test * box, I get a SIP circuit-busy message on the test box...and nothing on the prod box - any ideas?
02:13.30ManxPowertechman97_andy, "sip debug"
02:20.09*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
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02:21.55okdothis is going to sound retarded but I can not figure out the syntax for the life of me, does anyone have an example of using sox to boost the volume of a gsm file?
02:22.14okdoi can't get vol to actually make it sound louder so I am either a moron or I am a moron :)
02:22.57*** join/#asterisk tclark (
02:23.16Qwellokdo: The second one
02:23.57Qwellokdo: and it's just -v
02:24.04*** join/#asterisk kio (
02:24.34okdosox in.gsm -v2 out.gsm ?
02:24.39Qwellsomething like that
02:26.54Jason99Does anyone know of a way to only do a reinvite if the gateway/phone is behind nat?
02:32.02*** join/#asterisk nexstar (
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02:36.19ManxPowerJason99, I doubt it.
02:36.38*** join/#asterisk sergiovel (
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02:36.48ManxPowerJason99, if both sides are behind NAT then you would have to port forward at least
02:36.57sergiovelhello everyone
02:37.45ManxPowerone router
02:37.47sergiovelI have a quick question, I am visitin Boise Idaho, usa. Does anyone know of a shop here that sells voip phones?
02:38.57Dandanor brick and mortar?
02:39.05Qwellvoip is illegal in Idago
02:39.06sergiovelbrick and mortar
02:39.08QwellIdaho too
02:39.17Dandanbrick and mortar?
02:39.21Dandanbest buy?
02:39.24Dandancircuit city?
02:39.26QwellDandan: yeah...right
02:39.38QwellDandan: unlikely
02:39.40sergiovelok, thanks, I am from argentina and not used to here
02:39.41Dandanno idea, i'd rather buy it online
02:39.45Dandanwith next day delivery
02:39.55Dandansergiovel: welcome to the us :)
02:39.58sergioveljust on a business trip but wanted to take advantage of the trip
02:40.08Dandansergiovel: it is better to buy something online
02:40.14Dandan(and cheaper)
02:40.24sergiovelit sounds very good
02:40.30Dandanand have it delivered to your hotel/business the next day
02:40.33Dandanit is possible/doable
02:40.41Dandanit all depends what you are looking for...
02:40.51sergiovelsure will, any site you recomend?
02:41.04sergiovellooking for a voip phone
02:41.13Dandanstart with - that is like... kelkoo or any other site that compares prices...
02:41.33sergiovelbeautiful guys, thanks a bunch!!!
02:41.51Qwellmight as well just hit voipsupply
02:41.55ManxPowerany kind of IP phone you can buy at a store will be locked to a provider
02:42.06QwellManxPower: indeed
02:42.46Dandancall them while ordering and tell them that you want to have it delivered to your hotel/business and sent immediately :)
02:42.57sergiovelgood idea
02:43.27Dandanbesides, I was married by a priest from argentina :)
02:43.35sergiovelyou are kidding
02:43.37*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
02:43.41schirpichwhen I run "pri show  span 4"  the 'Status' shows "Status: Provisioned, Down, Active
02:43.41schirpich"   How do i change it from down to up?  it is a new T1 btw
02:43.42Dandanno, really
02:44.05Dandanvery nice guy though :)
02:44.06sergiovelwhere in las vegas? :)
02:44.11Dandansomewhere from... grenada...?
02:44.20sergiovelwe all are nice guys ;)
02:44.22Dandansergio, naaah, never been to west coast... :)
02:44.38QwellYou've NEVER been to Vegas?
02:44.41Dandansergiovel: lol, all priests in argentina? :) (just kidding)?
02:44.56DandanQwell: nah, my farthest point west is niagara falls :)
02:45.09Dandanand farthest south is new jersey :D
02:45.19Dandan(except costa rica and aruba ofc)
02:45.21QwellYou don't get out much...
02:45.21sergiovelprists in argentina are really not that good. sorry I hope i dont offend anyone
02:45.41DandanQwell: I do, it is not going west yet :)
02:45.53Dandani go to europe 2-ice a year and some caribbean :)
02:46.07Dandansergiovel: yeah, like everywhere, there are exceptions though :)
02:46.18Dandanthose, that 'do it' really out of faith
02:46.20sergiovelyou are right
02:46.38Dandan(do not confuse with fanatics) :D
02:47.25sergiovelim concern about the ammount of them that have a lot to do with child abuse down here, you know?
02:47.33DandanI would say that the quote of my lifetime is: "Any form of fanatism is dangerous)
02:47.35sergiovelbut there are exceptions
02:47.49Dandansergiovel: same here
02:48.01sergioveloh well
02:48.09Dandanthere has been a big scandal couple years ago... the diocese of boston had to pay millions :)
02:48.15Dandanbut, that's just politics...
02:48.20sergiovelyeah i remember
02:49.00Dandanso, anyway, did you find what you were looking for @ voipsupply?
02:49.49schirpichafter installing a new T1 on the last span of my TE410P do i need to restart asterisk to get the new T1 up and active?
02:50.09Dandandon't you?
02:50.20Dandanrestart when convenient should help
02:50.30Dandanunless you messed with kernel modules/config
02:51.01Jason99Qwell: do you code at all?
02:51.11Dandanhe prolly is too lazy to code :D
02:51.21schirpichwell, span's 1-3 are working and have been for quite some time.  we're just expanding and adding a last t1 to this card
02:51.31QwellDandan: I am, but I do anyways
02:51.38QwellJason99: why?
02:51.48Dandanthen i would say you have to restart asterisk
02:51.55*** join/#asterisk \lart (
02:52.08DandanQwell: lol, I am too :D
02:53.53Jason99Qwell: Unless this already exists.. it would be a good thing to add. A peice of code to compare the "real" ip compared to the ip received in the SDP. If the IPs are different Asterisk would have a variable in readable in a context that would tell us that it's behind NAT.  This way you can make a simple if statement telling it to reinvite or not.
03:00.51*** part/#asterisk newsmafia (
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03:07.59sergiovelsorry dandan, I was looking at voipsuppy
03:08.25sergiovelyes, I am trying to find something that would work for a doorphone at my house
03:08.36sergiovela mixture of fxo and a doorbell
03:08.45sergiovelor just a cheap voip phone
03:09.05sergiovelthat i can connect to asterisk
03:09.57asterboyuse some paging equipment
03:10.04asterboyI bought mine from ebay
03:10.12sergiovelwhat did you buy?
03:10.18asterboyBogen PCM
03:10.34sergiovellet me see
03:11.12asterboyyou have to hookup a talkback device like a mic.  Sound is played over the loud speaker.
03:11.30asterboynightringer is used to indicate solicitation
03:12.10sergioveland to open the door...does it have a relay or smth?
03:13.38*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (n=mark@
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03:20.26onixxhi All ! anyone figured out if early dial works with an ata-286, latest firmware
03:23.17Qwellgod I love these new mac commercials
03:24.14Qwell"I can run macos 10 or windows" "touche" "No, you aren't using that word right..." "touche" "no, see, you have to make a point first, then I make a counterpoint, then you can say it." "touche" " haven't made a point yet."
03:24.44onixxThis early-dial thing drives me nuts !! It's been broken for years !!!
03:28.26*** join/#asterisk juice (n=juice@
03:32.21rbdhey guys, when I run the AGI 'festival' command, it runs fine (the synthesized voice says whatever I supplied), but I get a response "RESULT_LINE: 510 Invalid or unknown command"
03:34.11Dandananyone knows how to change bearer capabilities on PRI line?
03:38.06*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
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03:50.24froguzis a real geek question but, does anybody have a cool * wallpaper?
03:51.55froguzi want it for my office PC XD
03:55.24*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
04:00.15*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
04:01.32[hC]Hey guys... I have a DID coming in off a PRI, and im sending it into a macro, and want to execute a command on hangup, however, i only want it done after this particular DID hangs up, is it possible to do like an exten => somedid,h, or smething?
04:01.45[hC]or would i have to use a Goto() to go to a new context to handle it all, or something?
04:02.06[hC]its for fax to email, it needs to do rxfax, then after hangup, send it off via email, just cant think of the right way to do that
04:02.14[hC]wthout hijacking the global h,1, exten.
04:03.14*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
04:05.13[hC]guess i could do it in the macro..
04:05.21pdunkelhC: I did it in a seperate context with a goto. Works fine. Unless you know the caller id there is no <somedid>,h,1.
04:06.02pdunkelYou could not do it in the Macro, since the specials h,t,T,i,o,... are just not relevant within a macro. (They'll never be called)
04:06.23[hC]Yeah... I'll have it call a goto, which then calls the macro
04:06.25[hC]and do it in the goot.
04:06.27[hC]er goto.
04:06.49pdunkelThe Only way you could do it in a macro would be to use TryExec(RxFax(<file>))
04:07.16pdunkeland then check the REMOTEID which will only be set on successful receive.
04:07.40*** join/#asterisk WeeZyyy (
04:07.50[hC]This is easier with the goto.
04:08.01pdunkelI just dont get why you would even need a macro at all if you'll do it via goto
04:08.12*** join/#asterisk tdonahue-laptop (
04:08.18pdunkeljust exten=>,,Goto(fax,s,1)
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04:08.37[hC]cause i want a generic fax processing macro that will take parameters
04:08.52[hC]for a handfull of DIDs for various people
04:09.06pdunkelYou could do that using Channel Variables or the exten
04:09.48Jason99Qwell: are you still around
04:09.53pdunkelor exten=>Set(PARAM='VALUE')
04:09.57[hC]nod, could do that.
04:10.48pdunkelWell, anycase. Got to rush.
04:10.54*** part/#asterisk pdunkel (n=pdunkel@
04:17.24*** join/#asterisk variable_office (
04:17.57x86anyone have multiple fax lines working with spandsp?
04:18.02x86care to share?
04:18.03variable_officein order to get from zaptel card to sip what is the order of things i need to configure?  zaptel.conf and then extensions.conf or is there more than that that i am missing?
04:18.55x86that's pretty much it... maybe sip.conf too
04:19.08x86and modules.conf to slim out the stuff you dont need ;)
04:19.24x86like MGCP, SCCP, H323, etc
04:20.07variable_officewhen i type zap show channels i still just get pseudo default is that correct?
04:21.03variable_officewhen i do ztcfg -vvvv i get 1 channels configured, so i asume i did it right?
04:22.35x86that i'm not sure of
04:22.42x86i only use SIP and IAX trunks
04:22.52variable_officeah, no zaptel eh?
04:23.49*** join/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
04:25.12variable_officewell how would you make an iax talk to an sip?
04:25.24*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
04:25.29x86you dont have to manually tell it to convert
04:26.01variable_officeno i mean say you have a main iax line coming in, and you want xx number to go to xxx on sip how would you do that?
04:26.43x86in your inbound context (extensions.conf)
04:26.49x86you can route on destination
04:28.47*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:39.49P-NuTHi all.
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04:44.39*** join/#asterisk rushowr (
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04:45.08rushowrhey all, anyone experienced with AEL? Have a stupid issue with context not being merged, and don't know what the issue is
04:47.46rushowreven a pointer as to how I might figure out why it won't parse the extensions.ael file would help...maybe an app out there that test parses the file?
04:47.47*** join/#asterisk juice (i=1000@
04:49.42asterboyI have an AEL button on my Camera.
04:49.48asterboyDoes that count?
04:49.58rushowrI wish
04:50.22asterboyI use bash to parse my stuff
04:50.33asterboyawk, sed and grep
04:50.51rushowrUnfortunately, I don't know where I'd begin there
04:51.15*** join/#asterisk af_ (
04:51.16rushowroh shit I see where the prob is
04:51.21asterboywell you can start by 'cat extensions.ael |grep <whatever>'
04:51.53rushowrthe voip-info page's example for if statements didn't show the need for $[...]
04:51.58rushowrit's in a note at the bottom...
04:52.22asterboyya voip-info leaves a lot to the imagination.
04:52.51rushowryep, unfortunately, I haven't found anything else even slightly in-depth on AEL, and I just started using it
04:52.53asterboythe learning curve is at a pace akin to walking in mud
04:52.56rushowrah well ;-)
04:53.09jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
04:53.10rushowrI've got the standard syntax practically down to a science
04:53.20asterboyany of the other sites might have info
04:53.47rushowrthanks, I hadn't seen before... I got it loaded, thanks mates
04:54.27asterboyya the owner of that site is on here often...he HATES skype
04:54.34rushowrright on
04:55.11rushowrdamnit that still wasn't it
04:55.12*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
04:55.19rushowrspoke to soon I guess :D
04:55.39rushowrdamned stray ('s
04:56.13Mavvieanybody here (a little bit) experience with app_rxfax?
04:57.08asterboyAnyone on that knows how to fix garbled talk resulting from overlap when people talk at the same time?
04:57.40asterboySeems * is good to go, it's the VOIP providers.
04:58.03*** part/#asterisk rushowr (
04:58.24asterboywondering if * has a way to mitigate or balance the call
04:59.34asterboyok, no takers there...
04:59.43asterboyhow about services for the blind?
05:00.17asterboywell blind is a misnomer anyway.
05:00.23asterboyno such thing really.
05:00.34Mavvieaha, problem resolved for them then.
05:00.58asterboybut for those with poor optics that can't read a Polycom phone display.
05:01.14asterboywould be nice to have some voice command prompts.
05:01.22asterboyis that a festival thing?
05:01.43asterboyor skinny
05:02.39asterboydam no takers there either...
05:02.48asterboyok, fuck it...time to smoke dope
05:03.03asterboybeen a long day anyway
05:04.41Mavvierxfax returns -1 if the user hangs up.
05:05.06Mavvienow I have to find a way to ignore that 01
05:08.28[hC]hmm. i sent a fax, came thru great
05:08.35[hC]now all of a sudden like 5 times in a row rxfax fails
05:10.41variable_officeis zaptel something that needs to be started seperatly from asterisk, or does it start with asterisk?
05:12.29Mavvievariable_office: it's the device driver for the digium cards.
05:12.44Mavvieso it needs to be there before asterisk is started (unless you don't have digium card)
05:14.13*** join/#asterisk DrkShdw (
05:14.16variable_officeMavvie i am just trying to setup a test box to forward my calls from my generic x100p to a single sip user.  do you know if i need to edit any other files but extensions.conf and zaptel.conf?
05:14.39Mavviezapata.conf is my guess.
05:15.02variable_officewhats zapata.conf do?
05:15.27Mavvieit tells asterisk what is in your zaptel.conf
05:15.46variable_officeah, ic
05:18.57*** join/#asterisk Grubs (
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05:19.29websaedoes anyone know how to do shared line appearances?
05:19.52websaeso polycom a can put call on hold....and polycom b can pick it up
05:20.20drraycall parking
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05:26.59variable_officein the extensions.conf file what is the context of each line?
05:30.20*** join/#asterisk satlan32 (n=pargit@
05:30.41satlan32good morning
05:30.46satlan32anyone heer?
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05:38.04variable_officeanyone here using realtime?
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05:43.54variable_officei keep getting "pbx.c: Requested contexts didn't get merged"
05:44.03variable_officewhat does that mean/how can i fix this?
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05:47.40Mavviethe h extension has to happen in the original incoming context
05:47.43variable_officeMavvie you know this error?
05:48.01MavvieI know about it now.
05:49.08*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
05:49.17variable_officeso would that be defualt,h,1,xxx,xxx
05:49.20*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (n=shoragan@
05:50.29niZondamn wiki is down again
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06:18.21Mavvieheh... hylafax/rxfax is funny.
06:18.57Mavviefaxes send with hylafax to an rxfax machine get incorrectly terminated, so that rxfax sees it as a faail transfer.
06:19.49*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
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06:23.27lplatypusmy work is currently installing CISCO VOIP equipment for the internal phone system... will asterisk let me write a bot which can make phone calls?
06:28.06lplatypuscool... I'm dipping into the Asterisk book now (any other pointers would be welcome)
06:31.29*** join/#asterisk austinnichols101 (
06:33.41DrkShdwlplatypus,  check your private messages.  I gave you a bit of advice.
06:33.51jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
06:33.59MikeJ[Laptop]read a lot is my advice
06:34.28lplatypusthanks guys
06:35.12*** join/#asterisk Keybuk (
06:36.45KeybukHi, I'm having a problem and can't find a useful answer in the docs so far ... have asterisk sitting between a SIP/PSTN proxy ( and a softphone (ekiga) ... the voice from the softphone can be heard fine on a pstn phone; but the pstn phone voice cannot be heart ... doesn't matter which dials first
06:37.02Keybukif I set up an Echo in the dial plan, it works for both the pstn and softphone
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06:49.03Jameno123point me to the right location, but, when i do "/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "show queues""  shouldnt it return the exact same thing, as if i did asterisk -r, then typed "show queues" ?
06:49.35Jameno123cuz, well, its not..
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06:49.58Jameno123it returns about half the info, and cutts it off, right in the middle of the result
06:50.13Jameno123almost as if theres a max string size, on the "remote unix connect"
06:50.33littleballhello. who can tell me how to reset a specific ZAP channel without restart the asterisk system. Because other channels works fine
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06:52.36clive-littleball does soft hangup work ?
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06:54.59Keybukhmm, debugging with tcpdump suggests that the voice from the pstn is arriving at the asterisk server, but not getting sent to the softphone ... and the softphone is sending its voice directly back to the pstn gateway, not via the asterisk server
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07:06.24cjkhi, is there a way to have voicemail on an external server so that i dont need to start those mpg processes?
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07:45.10dlynes_homecjk: mpg?  what does mpg have to do with voicemail?
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07:47.16dlynes_homeGamercjm: no
07:47.32Gamercjmwait till i ask something before you say no
07:47.43dlynes_homewell, whatever it was you were gonna ask
07:47.46dlynes_homethe answer's no :P
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08:10.28cjkdlynes_home: sorry, i meant musiconhold
08:11.20dlynes_homecjk: yeah, you can do streaming
08:12.10cjkok, i will search for it
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08:15.47satlan32i guys,
08:16.00satlan32i need help with running mysql query from the dialplan
08:16.16satlan32when i use this: MYSQL(Fetch foundRow ${resultid} firstname)
08:16.43satlan32if there is a result, foundRow will get the value of "1"
08:16.49satlan32am i correct?
08:17.08satlan32and then i can use GotoIf($[${foundRow} = 1]?23:20) ?
08:17.59dlynes_homesatlan32: just so you know, there's not a lot of active people on right now
08:18.44satlan32i can see ;)
08:20.13*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (n=rich@
08:23.34*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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08:33.41fourcheezeprobs with asterisk logging. It seems to have got stuck logging to a deleted file
08:34.15fourcheezeanyway I can encourage it to unstick short of a restart?
08:37.45fourcheezeis there a module that does the logging?
08:39.07*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
08:39.08hads|homefourcheeze: help logger
08:39.33hads|homeNo probs :)
08:39.49fourcheezeso should I run logger rotate each night?
08:40.20*** join/#asterisk nortex (
08:40.51hads|homeIf you like.
08:41.40fourcheezeor maybe I should just log to syslog
08:44.59*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
08:45.47dlynes_homefourcheeze: i usually do an asterisk -rx "logger rotate" once a week, myself
08:46.15fourcheezeis it possible to get * to put a date next to the log?
08:47.07shadebobhi, I encount a little problem. In my csv cdr, and mysql cdr, dstchannel is truncated. I put a w after dialstr like the 0005861 report in
08:48.02shadebobbut I have always the same problem. Someone can help me?
08:48.38dlynes_homefourcheeze: it already does
08:49.32dlynes_homefourcheeze: check your dateformat= line in your logger.conf...maybe you've got it set to empty
08:51.41fourcheezeI seem to have:
08:51.47Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: how to re-set spa-2100?
08:51.48fourcheezein my logger.conf
08:51.56dlynes_homeDr-Linux: define reset
08:52.10dlynes_homefourcheeze: it should be logging dates and times then
08:52.10fourcheeze* * * * R E S E T
08:52.19fourcheezefor a factory reset
08:52.42Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: whre define reset?
08:52.53dlynes_homefourcheeze: check your messages log file
08:53.17dlynes_homeDr-Linux: check your manual.  It'll tell you how to do a user reset, factory reset, password reset
08:53.26fourcheezedlynes_ahh ok it seems to do it now I restarted the logger
08:53.32dlynes_homeDr-Linux: but you never stated which particular reset you're wanting
08:53.56Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: i need admin password reset
08:54.17dlynes_homeDr-Linux: so do the user reset then
08:54.34dlynes_homeDr-Linux: you'll need to reprogram your user1, user2 settings though
08:55.05Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: how can i do that, if i can't logged in
08:55.26dlynes_homeDr-Linux: plug a phone into phone jack 1 on the sipura 2100
08:55.26Dr-Linuxhave this:
08:55.34dlynes_homeDr-Linux: unplug the network cable
08:55.47dlynes_homeDr-Linux: hit **** to enter the sipura dtmf menu
08:55.57dlynes_homeDr-Linux: and then I can't remember what the code is for user reset offhand
08:56.22dlynes_homeI think it was 73987 or something
08:56.51dlynes_homeDr-Linux: download the user manual from
08:58.17Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: **** doesn't do anything,
08:58.42Dr-Linuxnetwork cable is out, and analog phone is connected to line1
08:59.02*** join/#asterisk hads|home (
08:59.44dlynes_homeDr-Linux: plug the network cable back in and try line 1 again, then
09:00.29dlynes_homeDr-Linux: if you get a pap2 though, i don't think that works with it
09:01.27*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
09:01.40fourcheezedlynes_reset is 73738 - spells reset on the phone
09:02.38dlynes_homefourcheeze: yeah, but that's factory reset, not user reset
09:02.42Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: you mean **** won't work on spa-2100?
09:02.46dlynes_homefourcheeze: that'll reset everything
09:02.54dlynes_homeDr-Linux: no, it will
09:02.57dlynes_homeDr-Linux: just not on pap2's
09:03.29dlynes_homefourcheeze: a user reset will only reset the pages accessible by the 'user' username
09:03.32Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: i pluged back the network cable, but sitll **** doesn't do anything, phone is connected to line1
09:03.39*** join/#asterisk abatista (
09:03.47dlynes_homeDr-Linux: i don't knwo what to tell you then
09:03.52dlynes_homeDr-Linux: it works just fine for me
09:04.53Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: it worked
09:05.07Dr-Linuxwhat's the code to reset admin password?
09:05.23dlynes_homeoh yeah...nvm...he needs to reset the admin password
09:05.29dlynes_homenot the user settings what fourcheeze said
09:05.41dlynes_homei'm half awake here
09:06.24dlynes_homefourcheeze dlynes_reset is 73738 - spells reset on the phone
09:07.15Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: yes that's spells reset, but not admin password reset
09:07.31dlynes_homeDr-Linux: if you forgot your admin password
09:07.38dlynes_homeDr-Linux: that's the only way you're going to reset it
09:07.47dlynes_homeDr-Linux: so, next time
09:07.53dlynes_homeDr-Linux: don't forget your admin password
09:08.58Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: i did 73738  , it said, option 1 2  confirm or exit
09:09.01*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
09:09.07Dr-Linuxi press 1 2
09:09.12Dr-Linuxit said scucessfull
09:09.19dlynes_home1 to confirm
09:09.20Dr-Linuxnot sure what's gone successfull?
09:09.22dlynes_homenot 1 2 confirm
09:09.39dlynes_homeafter hitting 1, you need to hit # to accept
09:09.39Dr-Linuxbut it said confirmed
09:09.55dlynes_homeok, so log into it now then
09:09.55Dr-Linuxbut what it will do?
09:10.04dlynes_homefull system reset of the sipura unit
09:10.08*** join/#asterisk littleball (
09:10.13dlynes_homeso all information on it is defaulted now
09:10.29dlynes_homeincluding passwords, sip registrars, ...
09:11.34Dr-Linux1 2 is confirmed
09:11.41Dr-Linuxyou were wrong there
09:11.48*** join/#asterisk speedwagon (
09:11.51Dr-Linux1 2 confirm
09:11.59Dr-Linux* 2 is exit
09:11.59dlynes_homeI've done it enough times
09:12.04dlynes_homeIt's 1 to confirm
09:12.15dlynes_homethe voice on the ivr on the sipura unit is horrible
09:12.31Dr-Linuxit is perfectly fine for me
09:12.37dlynes_homeI've gone trhough the sipura 2000, 2002, 2100, and pap2
09:12.46dlynes_homenot to mention the sipura 3000
09:12.56Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: now i have only ethernet port on my system, not sure how to access the sipura
09:13.11Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: can i access the spa-2100 on local network?
09:13.17dlynes_homeDr-Linux: yes
09:13.23dlynes_homeDr-Linux: hook your phone back up
09:13.30dlynes_homeDr-Linux: then hit **** to enter the ivr menu
09:13.44dlynes_homeDr-Linux: then hit 110# to find out what your ip address is
09:13.55Dr-Linuxi know the ip
09:14.12dlynes_homeso go to http://ip.address.of.sipura/admin/advanced
09:14.22dlynes_homethen type in admin for the username, and no password
09:14.44Dr-Linuxafter resetting, old IP address is not working
09:15.08dlynes_homei told you
09:15.17dlynes_home****, 110# to find out what the ip address is
09:15.23dlynes_homewhen you default it, it goes to dhcp
09:15.56Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: it says
09:16.00littleballhello, how to force end an active channel?
09:16.04littleballZAP channel
09:16.36*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
09:17.11dlynes_homeDr-Linux: i guess you're not running a dhcp server, or your ethernet cable is unplugged
09:17.48dlynes_homelittleball: soft hangup 1-1
09:17.53dlynes_homelittleball: or whatever your channel is
09:17.53Dr-Linuxi'm running DHCP
09:18.09dlynes_homelittleball: erm soft hangup Zap/1-1 i mean
09:19.55dlynes_homeDr-Linux: unplug the ethernet cable then, and plug it back in
09:20.02dlynes_homeDr-Linux: then unplug the power and plug it back in
09:20.09dlynes_homeDr-Linux: then after the lights finish blinking on it
09:20.20*** join/#asterisk JDofFED (
09:20.23dlynes_homeDr-Linux: do the **** and the 110# to find out what hte ip address is, again
09:20.49dlynes_homeDr-Linux: if it still doesn't work, do a **** and then 100# to find out whether dhcp is enabled or not
09:21.07dlynes_homeDr-Linux: if you need to enable it, you can do a **** and then 101#, and then 1# to enable
09:21.31Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: it's enabled
09:21.44dlynes_homeDr-Linux: did you check?
09:21.52dlynes_homeDr-Linux: or are you assuming?
09:22.46Dr-Linuxi checked
09:23.26JDofFEDi am having problems install asterisk on a freebsd port
09:24.19dlynes_homeJDofFED: on ports tree?
09:25.54JDofFEDi even updated the ports via cvsup
09:26.05*** join/#asterisk Yalla-One (n=yallaone@unaffiliated/yalla-one)
09:26.39wintixsorry to bother, but i need to aks a simple question. what does the ${EXTEN:3} in the following line do: exten => _8.,2,Dial(IAX2/15...@fwdOUT/${EXTEN:3},60,r)
09:26.52Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: problem is DHCP server, that assigns IP address on MAC base
09:26.55dlynes_homecd /usr/ports/misc/zaptel ; make ; make install ; cd /usr/ports/misc/libpri ; make ; make install ; cd /usr/ports/comm/asterisk ; make ; make install or something like that
09:26.56puzzledJDofFED: iirc there is an asterisk-bsd list. perhaps they can help you. check the digium website
09:27.03Dr-Linuxnot sure about spa-2100's mac
09:27.09dlynes_homeDr-Linux: so add the mac of the sipura to your list
09:27.32dlynes_homeDr-Linux: the mac is on the label stuck to the underside of the sipura unit
09:27.35JDofFED•puzzled• okay
09:27.51Yalla-OneWhat's the best "mini-implementation" of Asterix for home use (one small family) to control what times other people can call us, and basic features only?
09:27.53dlynes_homeJDofFED: iow, compile and install zaptel, then libpri, then asterisk
09:28.05drrayYalla - asterisk from svn
09:28.13hads|homewintix: It strips the first three digits from the number stored in ${EXTEN}
09:28.23JDofFED•dlynes_home• okay, I will try that
09:28.26dlynes_homeYalla-One: I would try freepbx for that
09:28.31dlynes_homeYalla-One: try #freepbx
09:28.49dlynes_homeYalla-One: it's not well suited to complex installations, but for something simple like that, it should be just fine
09:29.01Yalla-Onedlynes_home, Thanks - from what I can see it seems like the full-blown asterisk might be overkill on a small linux box for a 3 person family :)
09:29.16Yalla-Onewill check #freepbx - thanks much for quick pointers!
09:29.24dlynes_homeYalla-One: freepbx is still full blown asterisk, but it includes a nice easy to use web management system
09:29.41dlynes_homeYalla-One: if you install Asterisk@Home, it includes freepbx and a bunch of other stuff all from one nice easy to install cd
09:30.11Yalla-Onedlynes_home, I don't want asterisk@home as it comes with its own distribution, and I want to run it just as another service on my fine-tuned Slackware server :)
09:30.24dlynes_homeYalla-One: ah
09:30.30wintixhads|home: are there the numbers after the 8 stored? (if i set .8_ )
09:30.32dlynes_homeYalla-One: then you want asterisk, not amp
09:30.41dlynes_homeYalla-One: amp is a huge freaking pain in the ass to set up on slackware
09:30.57dlynes_homeYalla-One: because it's got huge dependency issues
09:30.59Yalla-Onedlynes_home, Uhm - amp ?
09:31.06dlynes_homeYalla-One: amp/freepbx
09:31.13dlynes_homeYalla-One: amp is the old name, freepbx is the new name
09:31.22dlynes_homeYalla-One: Asterisk Management Portal
09:31.23Yalla-Oneaha - OK - so I'll just go with asterisk then and install it as a package under slackware.
09:31.27shadebobAnyone with cdr dstchannel truncated?
09:31.34littleballhello, for SIP, whether the REGISTER is authenticated or INVITE should be authenticated?
09:31.48dlynes_homeYalla-One: if you want, i have a package already made for slackware 10.2
09:32.00Yalla-OneI don't want web-GUIs etc - all I want is to configure it easily via some .conf files and get it going for managing my incoming phones (ie block sales people, and stop anyone calling after 2300 at night)
09:32.03hads|homewintix: eg. if you dialled 8223000 then ${EXTEN:3} would be 3000
09:32.09dlynes_homeYalla-One: you'll need to compile and install zaptel and libpri though
09:32.14Yalla-Onedlynes_home, That would be most kind of you. Does it include a slackBuild ?
09:32.24dlynes_homeYalla-One: nah...I just built it myself
09:32.33wintixhads|home: thanks for your help
09:32.40hads|homeNo probs :)
09:32.40dlynes_homeYalla-One: It's got all the asterisk-addons, sounds, documentation, ...
09:32.43Yalla-Onedlynes_home, ./configure&&make&&checkinstall?
09:32.50dlynes_homeYalla-One: heh...not quite
09:33.01dlynes_homeYalla-One: no such thing as configure for asterisk, unless your'e using turnk
09:33.07Yalla-Onedlynes_home, If you have it available - yes please :)
09:33.13dlynes_homeYalla-One: and even then, it's non-gnu autoconfigure
09:33.48Yalla-Onedlynes_home, I don't have any PRI stuff - I've got IP telephony from an IP only operator, and will terminate SIP directly in asterisk, so probably won't need libpri. zaptel I never head of... will google
09:34.26littleballhello, for SIP, whether the REGISTER is authenticated or INVITE should be authenticated?
09:34.45*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
09:35.44dlynes_homeYalla-One: you can do cd /usr/local/src/zaptel-1.2.6 ; make ; make install ; cd /usr/local/src/asterisk- ; make ; make install ; make samples ; make progdocs ; cd doc ; mkdir -p /usr/doc/asterisk- ; cp -R . /usr/doc/asterisk- ; cd /usr/local/src/asterisk-sounds-1.2.1 ; make install ; cd /usr/local/src/asterisk-addons-1.2.3 ; make ; make install ; cd format_mp3 ; make ; make install ; cd ../asterisk-ooh323c ; .
09:35.44dlynes_home/configure --prefix=/usr ; make ; make install
09:36.10dlynes_homeYalla-One: oh yeah...forgot libpri-1.2.3 in between zaptel and asterisk
09:36.15Yalla-One"that's it" ? ;)
09:37.00dlynes_homeYalla-One:'ll probably want zaptel so you can install ztdummy, and you'll need crc_ccitt and rtc modules installed from your kernel
09:37.06Yalla-Onedlynes_home, Maybe I should try to make a slackBuild from it ...
09:37.17Yalla-OneOK - thanks - and ztdummy is?
09:37.48dlynes_homeYalla-One: if you want to install any telephony cards, you'll want to compile libpri as well (libpri isn't used by them, but won't get compiled unless you have libpri installed)
09:38.10dlynes_homeYalla-One: it's a timing source for when you don't have any telephony hardware installed
09:38.36hads|homechan_zap compiles without libpri
09:39.11dlynes_homehads|home: so why would it not compile on certain systems then, until after you've compiled and installed libpri?
09:39.25dlynes_homehads|home: or is it zaptel drivers installed that it's dependent on?
09:39.29*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
09:39.46hads|homeThat I do not know, but I've never installed libpri and use TDM400's often.
09:40.02dlynes_homehads|home: ah...must be dependent on the drivers being installed then
09:40.27hads|homeI just compile zaptel and install and then compile asterisk and install.
09:41.39dlynes_homeYalla-One: also, if you're using linux 2.6.x, make sure udev 071 or newer is installed
09:42.00dlynes_homeYalla-One: run udevinfo -V to see which version you're running
09:42.23hads|homedlynes_home: Sorry, I missed one of you lines. Yes, it is the Zaptel drivers that chan_zap is dependant on.
09:44.16Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: my sipura device has grabed an ip address via dhcp
09:44.33Dr-Linuxbut when i do
09:44.44Dr-LinuxNot Found
09:44.44Dr-LinuxThe requested URL /admin/advanced was not found on this server.
09:45.52dlynes_homeDr-Linux:  how about ?
09:46.00Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: same
09:46.11Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: but i guess, it won't work from network
09:46.20Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: bcoz once already i have expereinece with that
09:46.35Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: but you said, so i tried again
09:46.39Dr-Linuxbut nothing seems to work
09:46.41dlynes_homeDr-Linux: how about telnet 80 and then type in GET /admin/advanced HTTP/1.0?
09:46.41Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
09:46.46*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
09:46.49Yalla-Onedlynes_home, Am on latest -current so I have udev 071. Thanks
09:47.03Dr-Linuxlemme try
09:47.16dlynes_homeDr-Linux: and then show me what it says for the http server version
09:47.24SheriF_WorKand my asterisk only supports g723
09:47.28SheriF_WorKwhat is slin anyway !?
09:47.42dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: there's no legal g723 codec transcoder for asterisk
09:48.26dlynes_homeslin is signed linear
09:48.48Gamercjmif i got a "PCI X100P FXO" does that mean i can use my analog phone? or do i still need to get a phone adapter?
09:49.11JDofFEDwhat is this looking for? ===> Patching for zaptel-0.11
09:49.11JDofFED-e: not found
09:49.11JDofFED*** Error code 127
09:49.14dlynes_homeGamercjm: it gives you an analog passthrough port, not an fxs port
09:49.27dlynes_homeJDofFED: it means you've got a bug in your shell script
09:49.39JDofFEDnice, what shell should I be using?
09:49.48dlynes_homeJDofFED: probably bash or bourne
09:49.55JDofFEDahh, I was using sh
09:50.17dlynes_homeJDofFED: your sh is a symbolic link?
09:50.24dlynes_homeJDofFED: or is it bourne shell?
09:50.24JDofFEDno's bourne shell
09:50.36JDofFEDdefault root shell, i can't remember which
09:50.40Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: are you sure, it can be accessible via network?
09:50.41dlynes_homeyeah...try bash instead
09:50.45dlynes_homesee if that fixes it
09:50.51JDofFEDokay, ty
09:51.00dlynes_homeDr-Linux: of course it can
09:51.28Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: so what my PB says?
09:51.29*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
09:51.32dlynes_homeDr-Linux: you're a dumbass
09:51.39dlynes_homeDr-Linux: that's your redhat server, not your sipura unit
09:51.49*** part/#asterisk littleball (
09:51.51*** join/#asterisk swytch (
09:52.06JDofFED: that did not work, should I be using make or gmake?
09:52.10swytchsomeone with experience using the Cdr events in the manager API?
09:52.20dlynes_homeJDofFED: i would imagine gmake
09:52.40JDofFED: Makefile:26: *** missing separator. Stop.
09:53.02JDofFED: that does not work at all
09:53.34dlynes_homeJDofFED: which freebsd version are you using, anyways?
09:53.36*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
09:54.00Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: so what you suggest now?
09:54.14dlynes_homeDr-Linux: telling me the correct ip address?
09:54.17*** join/#asterisk LH-euhost (
09:54.25dlynes_homeDr-Linux: instead of the ip address of your redhat server?
09:54.41Dr-Linuxsipura device ip address is
09:54.45dlynes_homeit's not
09:54.53dlynes_homelook at your pastebin output
09:55.03JDofFEDdlynes_home : FreeBSD asterisk1.local 5.4-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE #0: Sun May 8 10:21:06 UTC 2005
09:55.04dlynes_homeit's clear as day that is a redhat server, and not a sipura unit
09:55.20swytchhello, with my 1.0.7-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC7k i have problems with my M-APIs Cdr durations.  Some calls seem to overlap.
09:55.24dlynes_homeJDofFED: ah...yeah...i've only ever run asterisk on freebsd 6.0
09:55.37Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: it's clear that is sipura device ip address
09:55.46dlynes_homeDr-Linux: look at your pastebin output
09:55.58JDofFEDdlynes_home: intresting. It seems like the makefiles are broken
09:56.03Dr-Linuxred hat is production server and it has IP, that's asterisk server :)
09:56.04X-Rob<address>Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat) Server at Port 80</address>
09:56.09X-RobThat's a sipura all right
09:56.22Dr-Linuxthat's not sipura
09:56.23dlynes_homeX-Rob: yeah...he's very stubborn
09:56.31dlynes_homeDr-Linux: now you agree with me
09:56.34dlynes_homeDr-Linux: make up your mind
09:57.02X-Robdlynes_home, it could be that he's got a transparent proxy grabbing everything. But I think it's pretty unlikely.
09:57.06Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: well, i just typed what you told me
09:57.09X-Robwhy didn't he use 'GET' anyway
09:57.14Dr-Linuxi telenet the sipura device
09:57.21Dr-Linuxand i issued the command you given
09:57.25Dr-Linuxlet me try from windows
09:57.35dlynes_homeDr-Linux: yeah, you telnetted the "sipura" device, and you connected to apache 2.0 on a redhat machine
09:57.57dlynes_homeDr-Linux: type nslookup
09:58.02X-Robthat won't work
09:58.06dlynes_homeDr-Linux: see if you don't get back
09:58.08X-Robwho knows what his DNS is
09:58.23dlynes_homeyeah, true
09:58.52X-RobDr-Linux, What -exactly- makes you think ghat is the sipura? You've gone ****110# into the phone?
09:58.55dlynes_homeyeah...just realized the 'GET' command was missing before the path
09:59.01swytchhello, i wander what extension i can add to enshure that my Cdr durations are not passing the reality.
09:59.05dlynes_homeX-Rob: of course not
09:59.07swytch=> h,1,Hangup     ?
09:59.11dlynes_homeX-Rob: he wants to keep us guessing :p
09:59.20X-Robswytch, I think it's ResetCDR
09:59.30X-Rob'passing the reality'
09:59.39X-Robdlynes_home, heh
10:00.08swytchX-Rob: ok.  durations are sometimes evidently too big in the M-API Cdrs.  they overlap the next call from the same caller.
10:00.18Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: yes i'm 100% sure
10:00.32dlynes_homeDr-Linux: well, you need to fix your network then
10:00.37Dr-Linuxlet me ping the and unplug the sipura cable
10:00.44dlynes_homeDr-Linux: because you telnetted into a redhat machine, not a sipura unit
10:01.19*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
10:01.40SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: sorry i didn't get it :-s?
10:01.49X-Robswytch, 'ResetCDR(w)' I believe should do it
10:02.01SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: i'm trying to integrate asterisk with Multitech voip device
10:02.14wintixi am trying to link two asterisk servers together. on the one side, i configured an extension 50 with a host=dynamic and a password, this pbx has DMZ to make sure nothing comes in it's way. on the other side, i have the following entry in sip.conf: register=> 50:password@host but this pbx doesn't register with the first pbx, any ideas what might be the problem?
10:02.19Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: that's very strange
10:02.27X-Robwintix, why register?
10:02.48X-Robyou only need to register if there's not a fixed IP address
10:02.55Dr-Linuxok sure
10:02.57dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: the multitech only does g723?  no other codecs?
10:03.00wintixthere is no fixed ip adress, X-Rob
10:03.09X-Robdlynes_home, OMG! He finally believed you!
10:03.27X-Rob<address>Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat) Server at Port 80</address>
10:03.35dlynes_homeNo, dood!!!!
10:03.36X-RobI can't see how ^^^ that can't give it away
10:03.39swytchX-Rob:    => h,1,ResetCDR(w)  ?
10:03.44X-Robswytch, yeah
10:03.54dlynes_homeApache/2.0.46 (Red Hat) Server is a synonym for Sipura 2100
10:04.08X-RobThat must be the new confuse-o-matic firmware
10:04.11X-RobI've been avoiding that one.
10:04.20dlynes_homeIt's Cisco's ultra new secret codename for their new Sipura product
10:04.28dlynes_homeBut shhhhh...don't let anyone else know
10:04.29X-Robl33t c1sc0.
10:04.38SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: g723 / g729 / net coder
10:04.48wintixah, i think i get my problem. is it ok to register the one pbx with the other or do i have to register them both against each other?
10:04.50dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: tell it to use g729 then, instead
10:05.02dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: asterisk only supports g723 in passthrough mode
10:05.06X-Robwintix, registration is to tell the other machine where you are, so it can send calls to you.
10:05.07SheriF_WorKi know that g729 i should buy it for asteirks 10 USD per chanel ?
10:05.18dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: exactly...that's still pretty cheap
10:05.33swytchX-Rob: ah, i see from the "doc" that that will then erase the duration from an eventual existing (Up) call..
10:05.44X-Robswitch, yes
10:05.45SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: will talk with boss about it :)
10:05.45swytchX-Rob: ..from the _same_ caller?  am i correct?
10:06.00X-Robfrom the call that's doing that stuff in the dialplan
10:06.16X-Robit's very hard to affect another call from the dialplan
10:06.45dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: well, if he doesn't mind spending a bit of cash on the multitech, i can't see why he wouldn't splurge for about ten g729 licenses or so
10:07.03swytchso if a new call from the same callerid is hitting asterisk, then asterisk will clear the duration from an existing call from that caller and store that cleared Cdr.
10:07.16X-Robswytch, no
10:08.43swytchi sont understand from the "doc" what the command does exactly..  do you know it?
10:10.29X-Robswytch, it ensures that the CDR is closed when the call is hung up.
10:10.45*** join/#asterisk Sonderblade (
10:11.04swytchX-Rob: but i wonder why i have my problem in the first place.  is there a way to fix the real problem?  seems like calls are not preperly hung up.
10:11.30*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
10:11.50swytchX-Rob: so i actually needs to use the ResetCDR without the w option (since i want to know about the duration).
10:12.54fourcheezemy provider uses g729 which is what I want mostly. Is it possible to ask for g711 part way through a call, and if so how?
10:13.28swytchseems like anyone using asterisk as src for CDR should have =>h,1,Hangup and h,2,ResetCDR
10:13.39hads|homefourcheeze: I don't believe it's possibly to change codecs on the fly at present.
10:13.56fourcheezehads|home: is that an asterisk limitation or a SIP one?
10:14.17swytchfourcheeze: SIP lets you change stuff in SDP with re-INVITE
10:14.42fourcheezebut there's no way to get * to do this?
10:14.47fourcheezeexcept to write a module perhaps
10:15.14swytchfourcheeze: so (i didnt know) apparently * (which _can_ do re-INVITE) dont let you change that specific thing, eg. codec
10:15.30hads|homefourcheeze: I'm not sure. I'll need to do some reading.
10:15.48*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
10:16.04swytchX-Rob: thanks for grat help.  and -- am i correct in my "conclusion" that it seems like anyone using asterisk as src for CDR should have =>h,1,Hangup and h,2,ResetCDR
10:16.58SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: yes he should ;-)
10:17.05*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
10:19.27X-Rob'h' is already after it's hung up
10:19.32X-Rob'h' is already after it's hung up <-- swytch
10:20.31swytchso it would be better to do like .,1,Dial + .,2,Hangup + .,3,ResetCDR  ?
10:20.55fourcheezeI've never needed to ResetCDR - am I missing somethng?
10:21.13dlynes_homeDr-Linux: figured out where your sipura unit is yet?
10:21.47swytchfourcheeze: my problem is that i see in my Cdrs (event from the Manager API) that according to the durations of my calls i have calls from the same caller overlapping.
10:25.51swytchbut maybe all my problem is that i didnt have an explisit Hangup after the Dial.  i had h,1,Hangup wich i now understand is nonsense
10:26.08*** join/#asterisk Tili (
10:26.53wintixhm. i try to register a pbx with another, but i get the following error:  Got SIP response 481 "Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist"
10:27.47wintixuser and password are correct, foreign pbx is reachable and has an entry for the connectiong pbx in the sip.conf
10:28.16wintixany ideas what i do wrong?
10:32.40*** join/#asterisk postel (n=jp@unaffiliated/postel)
10:35.09LH-euhosthello all, i have a problem with callback on *.  When i get called back, i am able to enter a number like "01733516818".  But often the * recognices a wrong number like "017335168118"  (double 1, although i never entered two 1 digits).  any hints?
10:35.19pjowintix: that response typically means there's no matching INVITE for a BYE or CANCEL packet. do you have any firewalls inbetween you and them?
10:35.57RoyKmmm. strawberries
10:36.14AursRoyK: .no or .be? :P
10:36.33Aurshmm.. so it's not too early for .no strawberries?
10:36.38RoyKnot at all
10:36.48RoyK28 degrees in oslo the other day
10:36.52AursI'm used to living in the cold north you know
10:37.02AursI know. I live in Oslo too
10:37.33RoyKstemmer, du er norsk....
10:37.44Aursyes, i'm norsk
10:37.50Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: i just change the ip for spa device
10:37.56Dr-Linuxit's not
10:38.24swytchRoyK,Aurs: ich auch
10:38.39Aursswytch :)
10:38.52Dr-Linux[root@LHR-PBX root]# telnet 80
10:38.52Dr-Linuxtelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
10:39.19swytchRoyK,Aurs: /j?eg oxo/    (c8
10:39.21RoyKswytch: nei, ikke tysk
10:40.06swytchRoyK: ikkj?e tusj nei(n)
10:41.41Dr-Linuxany idea? apache is not running on spa-2100
10:41.54swytchyeah.   i live_d_ in oslo too.  now i live on the french riviera   (c8
10:42.44Aurshva har tusjer med saken å gjøre.. hehe
10:43.16swytch*tysker.  jeg har selvsagt mitt norkse tastebrett
10:44.11Aursfrench riviera... senior citizen? ;)
10:44.31Aurshmm.. no.. that's spain.. my bad
10:44.35swytchnope. im anno 76
10:46.38swytchim here trying to cope with a few callshops (calling to algerie etc) using asterisk, and audiocodes GW in the callshops.
10:49.18*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
10:50.44swytchMatsK: ennu en skandinav   (c8
10:58.02*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
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11:04.21*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
11:04.26Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: around?
11:10.53X-RobDr-Linux, you manage to figure out the correct IP for your sipura yet?
11:11.25Dr-LinuxX-Rob: yes, but dlynes_home was wrong ..
11:11.39Dr-Linuxspa-2100 can't be accesible from network
11:11.53Dr-Linuxi plugged the PC cable and i accessed it
11:11.53X-Robno he wasn't. that machine you were connected to was a linux box, running red hat and apache.
11:12.11Dr-Linuxand it's now confiugred with 2 different sip servers
11:12.31Dr-LinuxX-Rob: yes that's correct
11:12.35swytchX-Rob: could my problem in the Cdr come from the fact that i often do reload *   ?
11:12.38Dr-Linuxbut later i changed the IP address
11:12.50X-Robswytch, possibly yes
11:13.20Dr-LinuxX-Rob: everything is configured
11:13.21swytchX-Rob: i do a "sip reload" every 15 min from cron to synch my user-list
11:13.29Dr-LinuxX-Rob: 2 problems:
11:13.39X-Robswitch, hmmm. Dunno.
11:13.49X-Robyou might be better to be using realtime
11:14.06Dr-Linux1. how can i access the spa-2100 from network, however i can access it via PC :)
11:14.19Ciber311hey guys
11:14.19swytchX-Rob:  my "sip reload" is causing bad Cdrs then?
11:14.30X-Robswytch, I don't know.
11:14.34Dr-LinuxX-Rob: 2nd, when i dial any number it takes some time to send the number
11:14.36Ciber311i hear like a crackling type noise in all my sip calls
11:14.45Ciber311through like 3 providers
11:14.49X-RobDr-Linux, dial '#' to finish
11:14.49Ciber311could it be the codec?
11:14.52*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:14.58X-Roband read up on sipura dialplans
11:15.12X-Robwith your not being able to access it, no idea.
11:15.48swytchDr-Linux: your problem is not finding the correct ip address of a device?
11:15.59Dr-LinuxX-Rob: i can access it when i connect PC cable, and i access it via internal IP
11:16.13Dr-Linuxswitch: no that's not a problem
11:16.34Dr-Linuxonly thing, i can't access my spa-2100 from local network
11:16.46swytchNAT problem?
11:17.22Dr-Linuxswitch: what do you mean NAT problem?
11:17.31Dr-Linuxboth spa and my system is on same subnet
11:17.34Dr-Linuxlocal subnet
11:23.35*** join/#asterisk samourai1 (n=shadebob@
11:25.52samourai1plz can u help me i have a sip provider registration connected to asterisk when i tape sip show registry the line is registered ,i can make outbound calls but when i call to my number
11:25.58samourai1it doesn't work
11:26.36samourai1it seems not to be registred
11:30.29samourai1plz can anyone help me
11:34.00mitchelocX-Rob: i thought you don't like godaddy?
11:34.06X-RobI don't.
11:34.10X-Robbut they're still cheap.
11:34.21mitchelocthe new name is registered with them no?
11:34.26mitchelochaha, true
11:34.40mitchelocdid you ever recover your files?
11:35.43*** join/#asterisk kreenaa (n=dsfghrft@
11:36.36kreenaaanyone here to help me
11:36.55kreenaais it possible to integrate crystalvoice voi with asterisk
11:37.16drraywhat transport does crystalvoice use?
11:37.35*** join/#asterisk backblue (
11:37.43kreenaanot surew
11:37.45kreenaanot sure
11:38.01kreenaai just got the news abt this technology
11:38.12kreenaaanyone else heard abt it
11:40.53samourai1plz can u help me i have a sip provider registration connected to asterisk when i tape sip show registry the line is registered ,i can make outbound calls but when i call to my number it doesn't work seems not to be registred
11:41.28samourai1plz i have a sip provder registration connected to asterisk
11:41.49samourai1xhen i tape sip show registered
11:42.00samourai1the line is registered
11:42.34samourai1when i make calls on outbound it work but when i call the number of the line it doesn't work
11:43.19*** join/#asterisk effective (
11:43.57effectiveany uk isdn junkies out there?
11:45.31RoyKeffective: what exactly is an ISDN junkie?
11:45.47X-Robpoor bastards that can't get ADSL, I guess.
11:45.50X-Rob(Heya RoyK)
11:46.50effectivethis is for asterisk
11:47.19effective(hence being in the asterisk chan ;))
11:47.35RoyKanother bingo
11:47.52kreenaaanyone know abt crystalvoice?
11:48.09effectiveI've not (ever) touched isdn but am needing to do an asterisk install on a bt 2e. Anyone have any experience with that?
11:48.22samourai1no one can help me with sip registration
11:48.30*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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11:50.14effectivejust don't really know what card i'll need to get etc...
11:50.41effectiveisdn seems to be a world of acronyms
11:51.19*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
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11:52.52effectiveah well - guess noone knows
11:54.20*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
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11:55.58effectiveanyone know any regulars who might - so i can watch out for em
11:55.58\larteffective, it's a world of TLAs (three letter acronyms).  what are you looking to know about isdn cards?
11:56.16\lartwhile not a super-genius on the topic, i know a thing or 2.
11:57.15effectivebasically. I'm just starting the install and am wanting to know the cheapest compatable card for the system. I've got a diva card (only now to find out there are server and client cards :/)
11:57.24\lartbri or pri?
11:57.34effectiveInstalled is an isdn2e from bt with 2 channels ptp
11:57.42\lartok, that's bri
11:57.56\lartwhich card, specifically?
11:58.19effectivejust the eicon diva client pci isdn card
11:58.29\lartit has no model #?
11:58.45effectivei'd heard that diva cards worked before i realised that they come in 2 flavours
11:59.12effectivediva 2.01 pci
11:59.53effectiveah there it is... DIVA ISDN 2.01 PCI S/T UK
12:00.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:01.39\lartfrom what i'm reading, you might just be buggered with that particular card.  everything i see is for the diva server cards
12:01.50effectiveyeah that's what i thought
12:02.18effectivedo you know the cheapest card which is compatable with that setup?
12:02.35\lartlooks like from those guys it's diva server v-bri and diva server bri for the 1 line cards
12:02.36*** join/#asterisk beyond (
12:02.49\larthave a look at the wiki -
12:02.52\lartit's got bri cards
12:03.43\lartalthough, now i see that you might be able to use the client card if it's got hardware echo cancellation, at least according to that page
12:04.44*** join/#asterisk tamp4x (n=tampon@
12:04.51Ciber311there any reason to use g729 other than to save BW?
12:04.55\lartthis other page may also prove helpful -
12:05.19luke-jr_Ciber311: bandwidth is the only reason to use compression...
12:05.30\lartCiber311, I was pondering the same thing...  I've got 2 stations, one on ethernet, the other 802.11g.  I suspect no.
12:05.40Ciber311well just checking
12:05.58Ciber311cause i keep hearing like a crackling pop type noise in all my sip calls
12:06.11Ciber311and it's driving me nuts
12:06.15luke-jr_I generally try to stick to ulaw and gsm where I need it
12:06.25effectivehmm i'll see if i can work out if it has
12:06.26Ciber311using alaw/ulaw in my configs
12:06.49Ciber311luke-jr_: any ideas? 3 providers... same noise through all
12:07.17luke-jr_Ciber311: bad phones on your end?
12:07.40*** join/#asterisk McLazarus (
12:07.46Ciber311polycom 501's
12:07.50kreenaaany way to distribute bandwidth among several providers using asterisk??
12:08.01Ciber311get the sound through both speakerphone and handset
12:08.17Ciber311the noise is not particularly loud
12:08.27Ciber311but i can hear it in the background if i raise the volume
12:08.39McLazarusCiber311: what is the problem you are having with poly 501's?
12:08.57Ciber311i don't think it's the phone
12:08.59McLazarusI just joined, but I have about 200 poly 501's deployed with asterisk.
12:09.04luke-jr_kreenaa: meaning?
12:09.05Ciber311just some sort of background noise
12:09.13Ciber311through sip calls
12:09.20luke-jr_kreenaa: if you're going to spam a question that often, you'd better rephrase it
12:09.31McLazarusCiber311: like a hum?
12:09.48McLazarusdoes it override audio, or is it only in the silences?
12:10.08Ciber311in the silence pretty much
12:10.14Ciber311like crackling popping
12:10.27McLazarusis it SIP to SIP calls?  or SIP to PSTN?
12:10.37Ciber311sip to sip
12:10.43kreenaais it possible to use 2 providers to make more stimultaneous calls using asterisk>>>
12:10.46Ciber311my providers are sip
12:10.51Ciber311people i call are on PSTN
12:11.01Ciber311both incoming and outgoing calls
12:11.04luke-jr_kreenaa: sure, but most providers don't limit them
12:11.06Ciber311through different providers
12:11.24McLazarusso you have had the problem with different providers?
12:11.34Ciber311oh and it's not there in the echo test
12:11.47kreenaais it possible with asterisk...lets  say
12:11.49*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
12:11.55Ciber311yeah i get it through incoming calls from voxbone
12:12.06McLazarusmy first thought is that it would be a problem on their connection to the PSTN, maybe their PRI card (or whatever) is broken or timing is wrong.
12:12.06Ciber311and outgoing and incoming through axvoice
12:12.26McLazarusare the using compression do you know?
12:12.32McLazaruswell more than ulaw
12:12.33Ciber311no idea
12:12.39kreenaaat some time the bandwith is not sufficient ....then the next calls will be routed through another providr
12:12.41McLazarusthat could effect sound quality.
12:12.43Ciber311well they both support g729
12:12.57Ciber311well when the person talls
12:13.02Ciber311it sounds VERY clear
12:13.31McLazaruswhat version of software is on the 501s?
12:14.11McLazarusthat is the newest, or at least it is the one I am running on mine.
12:14.21Ciber311they are up to 1.6.6 now
12:14.30Ciber311but the sobs don't release it to us peons :P
12:14.33McLazarusI'll have to see what was "fixed"
12:14.47McLazarusyeah, my reseller gets it.
12:15.03Ciber311get it for us little people ;)
12:15.39McLazarushah, well I don't want to annoy polycom in my official capacity
12:16.27McLazarusNot sure what that could be.  Strange that you had the problem through different providers.
12:16.44McLazarusmy poly's are clear even in silences.
12:17.05Ciber311i'm way too lazy to test with the other one
12:17.17Ciber311these phones are way too annoying to deal with
12:17.28Ciber31110 minute reboots for everything ;)
12:18.19luke-jr_kreenaa: whos bandwidth?
12:18.32luke-jr_kreenaa: if your bandwidth is not sufficient, using another provider won't help
12:20.58kreenaai mean get another provider so there will be more bandwith
12:21.19kreenaapls explain
12:21.22kreenaai am new to this
12:21.26Ciber311luke-jr_: i think he/she means get a new ISP
12:21.33*** join/#asterisk marvy (
12:21.35kreenaanew ISP
12:21.38kreenaa2 ISP
12:21.44kreenaawill asterisk support 2 ISP
12:21.57kreenaaif 1 ISP not sufficient
12:22.12kreenaathen following calls will be routed to 2nd ISP
12:22.28mutilatoryerp its possible...will it be difficult to implement
12:24.00RoyKkreenaa: that's not an asterisk issue, but a routing issue
12:25.07*** join/#asterisk aze_ (
12:25.29kreenaaits diffrent from asterisk...
12:25.36kreenaait has nothing to do with asterisk
12:25.50kreenaado u know abt crystalvoice
12:25.54*** part/#asterisk Yalla-One (n=yallaone@unaffiliated/yalla-one)
12:26.04mutilatorRoyK: i think he's talking a sip or iax provider
12:26.11mutilatorrouting calls thru 2 diff people
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12:27.17RoyKerm. ok
12:27.20kreenaacrystalvoice enable voip to be used even with dial up
12:27.25RoyKshouldn't be too hard
12:30.20[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : Shouldn't complain about the waits on the web interface... you should wake up and learn how to provision them :)
12:31.17Ciber311hehe i know how to use the configs
12:31.31Ciber311but the reboots are still anything over the smallest change
12:31.38Ciber311err annoying
12:33.45SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: my saviuor what do u think about that ?  -- Got SIP response 302 "Redirecting..." back from 212.103.170.XXX    -- Now forwarding SIP/108-13d4 to 'Local/20026@67888' (thanks to SIP/67888-23c3) <--- this redrecting should be me to Local .. why it add local ?? " where 67888 is the context for some kind of MVP Sip server . asterisk is registering as a client. but i don't know why asterisk trying to do Local/ channel when it get redirecti
12:33.46SheriF_WorKng ?
12:34.03SheriF_WorKsaveior * as i think my english is bad anyway :D
12:34.27SheriF_WorKJun 15 15:41:05 NOTICE[32239]: app_dial.c:232 wait_for_answer: Unable to create local channel for call forward to 'Local/20026@67888'
12:34.46SheriF_WorKit's not local it's a phoonbook on the SIp server.
12:37.43nortexOT: Has Anyone been able to get Polycom phones to send status to a Micro$oft Live Comm server? I heard this feture was coming out, but I have not heard if it is out and working.
12:39.12[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : No idea...
12:39.42[TK]D-Fendernortex : Its in SIP 2.0 coming out momentarily
12:40.47*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
12:41.03[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : I've learned to live with it since I have a habit of doing things right the first time :)
12:41.06nortex[TK]D-Fender, Thanks
12:42.00[TK]D-Fendernortex : M$ LCS... *shudder*..... Blue Sine-Wave of Death? :D
12:42.19*** join/#asterisk mtaht3 (
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12:43.41AnsonmusHello, we encounters some strange problems
12:44.11mutilatorwow V for Vendetta got a 8.2/10 rating on imdb, was it that good?
12:44.24Ciber311i liked it
12:44.48*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
12:45.02Ansonmuswhen connecting to our asterisk using putty sometimes it takes much time. Also there are connection problems with our Grandstream phones to asterisk. Losing registrations and so on. Anyone an idea or an idea to begin debug this?
12:45.07coppicepeople are just worried about a vendetta if they say something bad :-)
12:45.39nortex[TK]D-Fender, The 2003 version has run really well, but I'm also looking at Wildfire with spark clients. I just don't think Polycom will send status updates to it, like out to lunch or in meeting.
12:45.57Corydon76-homeAnsonmus: sounds like an overloaded network.  Any Windows machines with infections?
12:46.23AnsonmusCorydon-w: whe have tested it with only a asterisk + switch + hardphones
12:46.45Corydon76-homeswitch or hub?
12:46.59Ciber311[TK]D-Fender: how soon is momentarily?
12:47.03Corydon76-homeI'd still go with network problems above and beyond anything else
12:47.36AnsonmusWe run asterisk at home on a celeron 2.8 Ghz
12:48.11jbotaah is, like, AMP and amp is, like, NOT supported here! people using it should join #freepbx (the new name of amp)
12:48.14jbotrumour has it, freepbx is NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
12:48.42Ciber311isn't it trixbox now? lol
12:48.44AnsonmusCorydon-w: tested with a hub and a switch
12:48.53Ciber311whoever came up with that name needs to be shot
12:49.03Corydon76-homeAnsonmus: see the previous messages from jbot
12:49.07*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
12:49.33AnsonmusCorydon-w: why should I not ask this question here? Do you think this is a freepbx related question?
12:50.01Corydon76-homeI think this is related to you running AAH and not Asterisk
12:50.30[TK]D-Fendernortex : SIP 2.0 has HUGE LCS compliance add-ons.
12:50.31Ciber311Ansonmus: it's a penis issue :P
12:50.36[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : Within a month.
12:51.02Ciber311so we'll finally get shared line appearances and all that jazz? :P
12:51.23Ansonmuscan you tell why you think it is AAH related? On an other machine AAH works fine
12:51.45mitcheloc[TK]D-Fender: are there any documents/articles you can point me to about SIP 2.0 & LCS?
12:51.56*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
12:52.00[TK]D-FenderAnsonmus : sounds like its bandwidth is being choked out globally...
12:52.10Corydon76-homeAnsonmus: this channel is for asterisk questions.  You're running AAH, not Asterisk.
12:52.13[TK]D-FenderAnsonmus : Check all of your routing and do a network scan.
12:52.37[TK]D-Fendermitcheloc : its only in the SIP 2.0 Beta release notes.
12:53.00mitchelocbeta release notes bundled with LCS?
12:53.42*** part/#asterisk noky (n=noky@
12:54.34Ansonmusaah does not change the asterisk build so I think it is not forbidden to ask questions about asterisk here
12:55.11[TK]D-Fendermitcheloc : no, the Polycom SIP 2.0 Beta release notes like I just said...
12:55.14Ciber311Ansonmus: you're wasting your time... they don't care :P
12:55.35AnsonmusOk, must i say: I don't have AAH ? :p
12:56.00Ciber311too late
12:56.03mitchelocAnsonmus: if you read the topic, you will see that questions like those should be directed elsewhere, it's like saying an volkswagon and a honda use the same engine, let's bug the engine manufacter and not the car manufacturer....
12:56.06[TK]D-FenderAnsonmus : You have not offered ANYTHING of use in defining your problem let alone showing that its * related at all.. SSH being slow and getting cut has nothing to do with *.
12:56.08Ciber311go change your name and come back
12:57.02Ansonmusare you all in real life the same as virtual?
12:57.08[TK]D-FenderAnsonmus : Please do tell what SSH being slow to connect has to do with that?  Have you done bandwidth monitoring?  Did you even tell us where the PC you were connecting to it from was relative to *?  ANYTHING?!
12:58.18Ciber311[TK]D-Fender: or even what's the load on the server
12:58.20[TK]D-FenderAnsonmus : How about you start over, be thorough in your description and point us to what you think is failing in your scenario exactly...
12:58.28[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : Don't get fancy now!
13:00.24AnsonmusHmm my english is not so good that doesn't help me. But I'm trying to help my collegua out of the shit. 1 hardphone direct connected to the asterisk server will sometimes not register. All incoming ISDN calls from outside comes in on the asterisk machine. The machine is a intel celeron 2.8 Ghz. I hope you will not fire me but help me at my nivo
13:00.38*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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13:01.33[TK]D-FenderAnsonmus : You meantioned "Grandstream" for a phone , so by "direct connected" I presume you mean on a local LAN right next to *?
13:02.04AnsonmusI mean a crossover cable between phone and networkport of * server
13:03.20[TK]D-FenderAnsonmus : And you're running DHCPD on your server?
13:04.06[TK]D-Fendermutilator : Old joke, sold "as new" :)
13:05.50mutilatoranyone know if there were any solar flares hittin earth this morning? our 5.8ghz radios have been going nuts
13:06.02mutilatorsignal is slowly getting better now
13:07.07Ansonmus[TK]D-Fender: normally we run dhcp on a adsl router. But for the test phone direct to * was the phone configured on a fixed ip. I don't think dhcpd is running. I don't know how to check it
13:07.20[TK]D-Fendermutilator : Wow... one bad day and you think the whole UNIVERSE is out to get you... sheesh
13:07.40Ciber311mutilator: yeah one nearly blew the building next to me in half!
13:07.52[TK]D-FenderAnsonmus : Ok, well if its jsut SSH being slow not sure what to tell you.... Where are you connecting from?
13:07.55*** join/#asterisk lunk (
13:08.02mutilatorthese radios cover the northern half of michigan
13:08.05mutilatorfrom saginaw up
13:08.23mutilatorand all the ones in the northern part of that are acting weird
13:08.27Ciber311well google it :P
13:08.28CoaxDhate. oracle.
13:08.32Ciber311should not be hard to find out
13:08.47Ciber311it could just be the black helicopters blocking your signal
13:08.50CoaxDEverybody commercially says "Postgres sucks.  MySQL sucks. Go oracle!".  Oracle sucks just as frickin bad.
13:09.00*** join/#asterisk g__ (
13:09.14Ciber311CoaxD: EVERYONE SUCKS!!! YAY!!!
13:09.36CoaxDyes. now we can all be happy
13:09.39Ansonmus[TK]D-Fender: My questions and answers are not clear I know. Problem 1: Losing connections or registrations between phone and *. Problem 2: (but we think related) is that connecting to SSH using putty takes sometimes relative much time and sometimes is fast
13:10.02*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
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13:10.14[TK]D-FenderCoaxD : Typically few people trash PostgreSQL users... its a very respectable product that didn't cut a lot of corners... True Oracle is huge and for those needing it, hey... but MySQL's infractions are well known, and their sacrifices shunned by many.
13:10.33[TK]D-FenderAnsonmus : Where are you connecting FROM?
13:11.09[TK]D-FenderAnsonmus : and the quick analysis says something globally affecting networking is at fault there.... not *.
13:11.25drrayplug a sip phone into the local subnet
13:11.45mutilatorCiber311: i don't think they post that kinda stuff that fast
13:11.50mutilatorless you know of something i don't?
13:12.05Ciber311i remember seeing a site that posted those
13:12.16Ciber311had like sattelite graphs or something
13:12.21Ciber311but they were constantly updated
13:13.47Ciber311got that from
13:14.33Ansonmus[TK]D-Fender: I've not enough information to tell about the SSH problem. I'm now not on the location where the * server is. Now connection from my computer (windows xp + putty + adsl) to that server (adsl from the same provider). But that is not a big problem. But the first, losing connection between phone and server, also when phone is direct plugged in into * server is our big problem
13:14.49mutilatorso there was more activity today according to that..
13:15.05mutilatorno idea what that graph is of but..
13:16.28Ciber311[TK]D-Fender: are SIP-B and SIP 2.0 the same thing?
13:16.38mutilatorwell the graph trends match the radio outtages
13:16.43mutilatorso thats probably what it was then
13:16.48Strom_Cgood morning
13:16.53*** join/#asterisk boch (n=root@
13:17.23bochhow can i read the return code of a system() cmd ?
13:17.46Ciber311why hello to you too!
13:17.57mutilatorand you guys thought i was crazy
13:18.29Strom_Cmutilator: you're in #asterisk.  Of course you're crazy.
13:19.05*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
13:21.22[TK]D-FenderAnsonmus : So you're saying that if you use that phone to directly call an * application like VoiceMail that it'll drop all by itself while you're playing around?  Not using ANY other tech like a line or VOIP connection?
13:21.28[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : NO.
13:21.48bochhow can i read the return code of a System() cmd in extensions.conf ?
13:22.00*** join/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
13:22.09Ciber311[TK]D-Fender: what's the difference? there's like 0 results for sip 2.0 on google
13:22.10[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : SIP 2.0 is referring to the Polycom SIP applicatio version number much like Cisco is at version 8.x (Maybe they'll get it right somewhere in the double digits...)
13:22.25Ciber311ah ok
13:22.38[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : Its a closed Beta right now... you SHOULDN'T find anything on it...
13:23.39Ciber311so are we ever gonna get shared line appearances etc in asterisk?
13:24.07*** join/#asterisk m4rkl4r (
13:24.32LH-euhosthello all, i have a problem with callback on *.  When i get called back, i am able to enter a number like "01733516818".  But often the * recognices a wrong number like "017335168118"  (double 1, although i never entered two 1 digits).  any hints?
13:24.51[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : Planned with * 1.4
13:25.12Strom_CLH-euhost: what kind of channel is the call going over?
13:25.32[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : Polycom-Asterisk integration is going to get so much better shortly including a hope merge for bwesche's ACD patch.
13:25.37Strom_Cwhat kind of equipment is at the terminating end of the call
13:25.38boch[TK]D-Fender: do you know if is there a var with the last return code ?
13:25.42Ciber311and we're at 1.2.9.... *dies*
13:25.57[TK]D-Fenderboch : Not a clue.... last I recall System always returns -1
13:25.58Strom_CCiber311: 1.4 is scheduled for release soon
13:26.01LH-euhosta cellphone
13:26.18Ciber311they're skipping 1.3.x? :P
13:26.25[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : 1.4 is currently expected this summer.
13:26.34Strom_CCiber311: 1.3 is the development branch which will become 1.4 release
13:26.35Ansonmus[TK]D-Fender: I will test things again. For now I will thank you for your patience and time. But the problem is not easy. 70% of time all things are ok so we spend much time to test and so. I hoped someone says: yeah that is a know problem or something like that.
13:26.37[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : Do YOU remember * 1.1.x?
13:26.50Ciber311sort of :P
13:26.50[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : Get with the program!
13:27.32Ciber311[TK]D-Fender: that's good about the polycom integration
13:27.39Ciber311you don't work for polycom right? :P
13:28.43[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : You'd think so :)  But no, I just promote the WORTHY.  If they turn on us, I turn on them.  Simple as that.  So far * is the PBX catching my eye... FreeSWITCH is becoming very interesting now, so in the future, who knows?
13:29.00LH-euhostStrom_C:  and i have  alaw, ulaw, g729, gsm and sliniear   allowed for codecs in sip.conf
13:29.07LH-euhostmaybe this is not good?
13:29.49mutilatorwe're not worthy, we're not worthy!
13:30.06Strom_CLH-euhost: which codec is the call actually using?
13:30.10[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : To me the most valuable aspect of *'s position in the PBX world is its REPLACABILITY.  If I buy a standard T1 card, standard SIP phones following the greater volume of RFC's and well built, then no piece is dependant on the other and NOBODY owns me.
13:30.29[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : Thats what prevails with me.
13:30.43[TK]D-Fendermutilator : Not now... maybe later ;)
13:31.56bochcant belive all commands returns an exit code, and there is not a way to read it
13:32.11*** join/#asterisk W9SH (
13:32.12tzangerboch: yep, it's totally gay
13:32.14Ciber311[TK]D-Fender: just looked at FreeSWITCH site... lol
13:33.49ids2500LH-euhost: inband or rfc2833 dtmf ?
13:34.19LH-euhostStrom_C, i am not sure which codes is used. can you tell me how to see which codes is used?  is this output in debug mode?
13:34.30ids2500it doesn't matter what codec you're using euhost
13:34.35ids2500it matters what dtmfmode you're usig
13:35.01LH-euhostthen other question, where can i check which dtmfmode is being used?
13:35.03ids2500if you're using rfc2833, then asterisk's rfc2833 implementation is known to be broken
13:35.05ids2500euhost: sip.conf
13:35.08ids2500dtmfmode =
13:35.21LH-euhosti didnt set anything there.. is there a default value for it?
13:35.27ids2500no idea
13:35.40LH-euhostoh, i am wrong. its set to: dtmfmode=inband
13:35.56ids2500if your endpoints can use rfc2833
13:35.59ids2500try that instead
13:36.01ids2500see if it works better
13:36.05LH-euhostok, will try
13:38.11bochtzanger: and whats the return code for? do you know
13:38.35[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : Whats so funny?
13:40.14Ciber311the wheels thing
13:40.50*** join/#asterisk nazgool (
13:40.50nazgoolhi all
13:41.07LH-euhostids2500: i tried rfc2833 and we have still the same problem. any further hints?
13:41.10[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : It is a better wheel, no? :)
13:41.21Strom_CLH-euhost: maybe the cellphone sucks
13:41.36Strom_CLH-euhost: do you get the same problem with other phones?
13:42.49Ciber311[TK]D-Fender: lot of places are saying 1.4 in july?
13:42.59Strom_CCiber311: that's the goal, yes
13:44.43tzangerboch: it's not used *at all* and htere is no way to get at it
13:45.06Ciber311guessing it would be pointless for me to test with my 501's using 1.6.5?
13:45.17[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : enough
13:45.28[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : huh?
13:45.58[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : What are you running on the IP 501 now?
13:46.33[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : I was distributed with SIP 1.6.2 from factory, so no reason not to bump to 1.6.6 as it contains a LOT of little fixes from 1.6.5
13:46.51[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : but that has nothing to do with * 1.4 ....
13:47.17Ciber311i'd love to get 1.6.6, but polycom won't release it to us peons :P
13:47.46[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : Don't have a reseller?  Just ask VoipSupply or Atacomm, and they'll typically refer you to their FTP where you can just DL it.
13:48.23Ciber311voipsupply doesn't have it yet
13:48.33nazgoolin the example sip.conf there is a section sip_proxy that is supposed to work only for incoming calls and a section sip_proxy-out supposed to work only for outgoing calls. what if i'd like to do both with  the same external sip account and same proxy? do i have to fill out both these sections?
13:48.45Ciber311suppose i could check with atacomm
13:51.28LH-euhostStrom_C: callback on a fixed line phone doesnt have this issues.. only a callback on a cellphone  (its always only a problem with one or two digits, that they are double)..  hmm :(
13:51.40Ciber311atacomm has it on their ftp
13:52.14Strom_CLH-euhost: figure out which dtmfmode you're using
13:52.56LH-euhosti tried it with inband and now rfc2833.  is there any other i can try? or any other setting to tune?
13:53.15Hmmhesaysso my abstinence from excessive drinking is going well
13:53.33Strom_CLH-euhost: do you have the same problem with different cellphones?
13:53.35Kattywhat now, Hmmhesays?
13:53.45LH-euhoststrom_c, yes.
13:53.57HmmhesaysI've had 1 beer this week
13:54.29KattyHmmhesays: whyfor?
13:54.38HmmhesaysI dunno
13:54.43Hmmhesaysjust haven't felt like drinking
13:57.03Hmmhesaysbeen playing a lot of guitar though
13:57.05Hmmhesaysand video games
13:57.14Hmmhesaysits like i'm regressing
13:59.28*** join/#asterisk satlan32 (n=pargit@
13:59.30nazgooli get a strange warning:
14:00.16nazgoolchan_sip.c:12708 reload_config: Empty context specified at line 54 for domain ''
14:00.59nazgoolwhat did i do wrong?
14:01.01satlan32need help please
14:01.08satlan32in this line MYSQL(Fetch foundRow ${resultid} firstname) the var foundRow get the value 1 if there is a line found?
14:01.13nazgooli said domain= in my sip.conf
14:01.40Ciber311stupid fedex drivers
14:01.52FreezeSnazgool, shouldn't you also specify context=... somewhere ?
14:01.53Ciber311Jun 15, 2006  9:20 AM
14:01.53Ciber311Delivery exception  
14:01.53Ciber311NEW YORK, NY
14:01.55Ciber311Customer not available or business closed
14:02.02Ciber311what the hell is up with that
14:02.10Ciber31140 mins ago i was sitting right here
14:02.17Ciber311bastard never rang the door bell
14:02.29*** part/#asterisk sevard (
14:02.34nazgoolin the [general] section. and there's a context=default as the very first line of that same section
14:02.41FreezeSCiber311: can't you give them a call ?
14:02.44Ciber311i'm getting the last laugh though, just called to have his ass re-attempt
14:02.52Ciber311FreezeS: yeah
14:03.04Ciber311paid for priority overnight, no way in hell i'm waiting another day
14:03.36FreezeShere usually the courier has my cellphone # and calls me when he is near
14:04.39satlan32any1 can help??
14:04.40bochtzanger: and have you used ${SYSTEMSTATUS} ?
14:05.31Ciber311FreezeS: they're sending him back to re-attempt
14:05.36Ciber311freaking loser
14:05.46Ciber311bet it's a temp
14:06.07Ciber311never have a problem with the regulars
14:06.21FreezeSis your door clearly labeled ?
14:06.44Ciber311it's a dumb temp, i'm sure of it
14:06.51Ciber311or a new guy
14:06.56oejnazgool, that is a bug that I've fixed recently
14:07.03Dandananyone knows how to change bearer capabilities on PRI line?
14:07.05oejadd domain=<domain>,<context>
14:07.07Ciber311i know the regular fedex/ups guys by name :p
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14:09.38nazgooloej: recently as in "more recently than" ?
14:09.51oejYes, after that
14:10.00nazgoolok thx
14:11.16nazgoolso i'll have to build an svn version
14:12.09*** join/#asterisk tRSS (n=tRSS@
14:12.11Hmmhesaysanyone familiar with using libtool?
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14:21.14tRSSwhat is the purpose of context = default in queues.conf. the comments say that the agent can press a single digit extension to get out of the queue. what is a single digit extension/
14:23.01[TK]D-FendertRSS : its exactly what it says.. you define a context for your queue and if a caller in the queue presses a single digit that matches an exten in that context the queue will abort and the caller will then continue being processed on that exten.
14:23.33[TK]D-FendertRSS : For options like "You may press 1 at any time to leave us a voicemail"
14:24.21tRSS[TK]D-Fender: does this mean the agent would be out of the queue but still be on the phone the ongoing call and may be able to transfer this call to some other extension
14:24.51[TK]D-FendertRSS : This isn't an option for AGENTS, its for callers in the queue.
14:25.09*** join/#asterisk fgravato (
14:25.14tRSSooh ok.. let me re-read the comments again :)
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14:25.44fgravatoanyone in here flash 7970G from CallManger to SIP
14:26.28tRSSooh ... now I get it. so if I am in the queue for the past 20 mins (as a caller, obviously), then I would have the option to press 1 and leave a voicemail for the agents to later retrieve and may be call me back.. or something along these lines!?
14:26.50*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
14:27.30[TK]D-FendertRSS : Yes the "I don't feel like waiting around, let me out" option... you can have it do whatever you want naturally as its just more dialplan to execute.  It leaves an entry in the queuelog with "EXITWITHKEY"
14:30.08tRSS[TK]D-Fender: that clears a lot of the things. thanks
14:31.09tRSSoh one more thing: what is the timeout option in queues.conf file. I thought if we are using round robin, it should keep ringing all agents until any of them picks it up, all the while putting the caller on hold?
14:33.12nazgoolthere's one thing i don't understand in the example sip.conf:
14:33.36[TK]D-Fendertrrs : Timeout is how long before passing to the next agent
14:33.56key2[TK]D-Fender: do you know for what reason I could have an echo of the sound
14:33.59nazgool(the number at the left is the line number)
14:34.21key2[TK]D-Fender: I basically means that when A calls B, A says something to B and A hears half of a second later what he said
14:34.43nazgooland then
14:34.55nazgoolso that seems like a contradiction to me
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14:35.08tRSSnazgool: peer: some that places calls to us (us being the asterisk box) and user: someone that we place call to (i.e. from asterisk to the user)
14:35.37[TK]D-Fenderkey2 : Try actually telling me useful DEATILS about the situation.... A & B doesn't mean anything.
14:35.56[TK]D-Fendernazgool : Please don't spam the channel like that, use pastebin
14:35.58jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
14:36.03nazgoolthen shouldn't the type on line 321 in [proxy-out] be user instead of peer?
14:36.49nazgoolsince it says " we only want to call out, not be called"
14:36.55[TK]D-FendertRSS : You are backwards on that...
14:37.04*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
14:37.17[TK]D-Fendernazgool : You use a PEER to call OUT to the provider.  You use a USER to RECEIVE calls from them.
14:37.27tRSS[TK]D-Fender: i just realized that. nazgool: i meant it shold be the other way
14:37.52nazgoolok then, then shouldn't line 316 be type=user?
14:38.06nazgooli just mean the example sip.conf uses peer in both cases
14:39.19[TK]D-Fendernazgool : pastebin the larger part of that sample
14:39.23De_Monnazgool you going to side with the example or a real talking human?
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14:42.14nazgoolthe numbers added on the left are line numbers
14:42.33nazgooli don't understand why there's peer in both cases
14:43.27*** join/#asterisk FreezeS (n=Gladius@
14:43.45nazgoolso on line 316 it would be type=user ?
14:44.13De_Monyoure a smart person, I think you can figure this out without handholding
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14:49.18smackusif i use AgentMonitorOutgoing for all of the calls dialing outbound, for example:
14:49.18smackusexten => _1XXXNXXXXXX,2,AgentMonitorOutgoing(c)
14:49.18smackusexten => _1XXXNXXXXXX,3,Dial(Zap/g2/${EXTEN:1})
14:49.18smackusHow do I record the agent calls inbound? My goal is to have the agent information and such in the file name of the recording, as well as the other information added to the CDR.
14:49.18*** join/#asterisk skrusty (
14:49.38smackusworks for outbound correctly.
14:49.41skrustyanyone know if 07096 is pn1 or pn2?
14:51.09Hmmhesaysdoes anyone know of rhel caches the rpms it uses anywhere ?
14:51.43gaupeHmmhesays: try /var/spool/cache
14:51.46asterboyOne of my VOIP providers is real choppy.  Can * compensate for the bad connection? You know...a miracle kinda thing.
14:54.26smackusi have read that agentmonitoroubound is for outbound recording only, is there an equivalent for inbound monitoring?
14:54.38key2[TK]D-Fender: In what situation could asterisk send back the RTP to the one sending it?
14:54.45[TK]D-Fendersmackus : "MixMonitor"
14:55.04*** join/#asterisk loopt (
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14:59.34_Adam^does anybody help me ?
15:00.21*** part/#asterisk loopt (
15:00.31hypnoxyou have to ask a question first _Adam^
15:00.35Hmmhesaysi don't know do they?
15:00.58[TK]D-Fender_Adam^ : WWW.DRPHIL.COM
15:01.32_Adam^hypnox: i installed asterisk on OpenSuse (Dell Power Edge 2850, P4 3G 1G RAM)
15:01.52*** join/#asterisk umay (
15:02.01_Adam^when i call to asterisk to post mail , voice is very slowly
15:03.12_Adam^music on gold is too very slow
15:03.19RoyKdon't use suse for servers
15:03.25RoyKdon't bang head against walls
15:03.30RoyKdon't piss in pants
15:04.10_Adam^RoyK: which distro dou you prefer ?
15:04.31Strom_Cmusic on golf
15:04.48*** join/#asterisk jcims (
15:04.52_Adam^ups ;-) my mistake ;-) music on hold ;-)
15:04.53[TK]D-Fender_Adam^ : Take your pick of CentOS, RHEL, Debian, Slackware
15:05.05Strom_Cwoot, debian!  /me high-fives RoyK
15:06.12_Adam^why not Suse ?
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15:12.47_Adam^ok thx
15:14.00*** join/#asterisk tlowe_ (
15:16.53asterboySuse is ok, but any distro with a 'try to be everything for everybody' setup...well sucks.
15:18.15[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : .... he left
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15:19.53znoG_hi all. I have a PAP2-NA ATA and I'm trying to figure out if it supports T.38 .. does anyone know?
15:20.08znoG_and my second question is whether Asterisk 1.2.x can be patched for t.38 passthrough?
15:21.26LH-euhostStrom_C + ids2500, i fixed my problem with false recognition of digits on a callback (callback on a callphone): we now set only to use the alaw & ulaw codecs + dtmfmode=auto   - not it works perfectly afaik
15:21.58*** join/#asterisk Ateboy (
15:22.39AteboyHi there,  Little problem about voicemail.  I didn't override the default e-mail format in voicemail.conf and I only get the callerID name, not the number, is this normal?
15:22.58AteboyI'd like to have the number as well, and the default format seems to be supposed to include it...
15:23.32CunningPikeAteboy: Do you get name in the message body?
15:24.14*** join/#asterisk thermf (
15:24.19AteboyCunningPike: yes, I do get the name in msg body
15:24.55CunningPikeAteboy: OK - then yes, we had the same issue, and I made a change to the subject line to get name to appear - give me a minute to look up what we did
15:25.03Strom_CLH-euhost: awesome
15:25.54mutilatoranyone know anything about private stockholding laws?
15:26.12AteboyCunningPike: I dont really want name in subject... I want number in body...
15:26.32CunningPikeAteboy: Oh - do you get number in the subject?
15:27.22*** join/#asterisk fgravato (
15:28.11fgravatohas anyone manage to convert 7970G callmanager to SIP using the latest firmware?
15:28.39dpryoHm.. Are there sip-images for 7970?
15:28.48Qwellyes, but they suck
15:29.46dpryoFigures ;P
15:29.56AteboyCunningPike: no, I get "[PBX]: New message 1 in mailbox 0" in the subject
15:30.01dpryoThing is.. I have a dusty 7970 somewhere
15:30.14Qwelldpryo: It works fine with chan_skinny, in my branch :p
15:30.25Qwellor you could donate it to the cause
15:30.40Qwell"the cause" being "the maintainer of chan_skinny"
15:30.52AteboyCunningPike: and in the body I get ...0:11 long message (number 1) in mailbox 0 from NAME LASTNAME, on Thursday,...
15:31.11mutilatoror just donate to me
15:31.13dpryoQwell: I rather use my cisco callmanager ;P
15:31.22CunningPikeAteboy: OK - we use emailsubject=Voicemail message from ${VM_CIDNAME} <${VM_CIDNUM}> in our voicemail.conf
15:31.25Qwelldpryo: get me an ethereal dump :P
15:31.43AteboyCunningPike: and I'd like to have ...0:11 long message (number 1) in mailbox 0 from NAME LASTNAME, 555-555-5555, on Thursday,...
15:31.43mutilatorhow bout i just mail you the 50 cds?
15:31.53dpryoQwell: Sure.. But I need to get my 7970 to boot first.. It's kind of broken.
15:32.04Qwelldpryo: yeah...I could fix it :p
15:32.08Qwellbut, then I'd keep it :D
15:32.09AteboyCunningPike: I know this could be a workaround, but is this a bug?
15:32.12dpryoQwell: hehe
15:32.50CunningPikeAteboy: We use the default message body - we get: Just wanted to let you know you were just left a 0:32 long message (number 1) in mailbox xxxx from NAME, on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 11:13:27 AM so you might
15:32.55CunningPikewant to check it when you get a chance.  Thanks!
15:33.48*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
15:34.16AteboyCunningPike:  if you look, in the emailbody parameter
15:34.34CunningPikeAteboy: You have set yours?
15:34.41CunningPikeAteboy: If so, what to?
15:35.31AteboyCunning: no, I only set format, serveremail, emaildateformat and minmessage
15:35.47AteboyCunning: so it should use the default one right?
15:36.05AteboyCunning: (so... in mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX}\nfrom ${VM_CIDNAME} (${VM_CIDNUM}), on ${VM_DATE}...
15:36.33*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
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15:36.51AteboyCunning: So it should look like " in mailbox xxxx from NAME 555-555-5555, on... no?
15:36.52CunningPikeAteboy: Yes, which, in the example I posted, doesn't include number. You need to set a custom message using emailmessage that includes VM_CIDNUM and VM_CIDNAME
15:37.04CunningPikeAteboy: That'll work
15:37.16CunningPikeAteboy: Or something like it....
15:37.48AteboyCun ning: but, according to the link I posted, the default includes VM_CIDNUM
15:40.13Ciber311[TK]D-Fender: don't know if it's a coincidence, but that noise is now gone using 1.6.6
15:42.00*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:42.02CunningPikeAteboy: Not everything in the wiki is accurate :) We use the default and it doesn't contain number - we know VM_CIDNUM works because we use it in our subject (VM_CIDNUM and VM_CIDNAME were broken in older versions of asterisk - pre 1.2, iirc)
15:44.43znoG_anyone doing fax passthru with Asterisk?
15:45.13Hmmhesaysbuilding my toolchain building my toolchain
15:45.53*** join/#asterisk znoG_ (
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15:46.52Dandananyone knows how to change bearer capabilities on PRI line?
15:47.22*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
15:51.17tRSSquick question: when I am setting up my queues.conf file and when I mention members, e.g. members=>SIP/user0; members=>SIP/user1, then I define these members in sip.conf instead of agents.conf, correct? and when I do a members=>Agents/user0, then these users will be defined in agents.conf, right?
15:51.51*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/trelane)
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15:52.20McLazarusCiber311: you upgraded to 1.6.6 and it got rid of that noice?
15:52.22*** join/#asterisk znoG_ (
15:52.43McLazarushm, maybe I shouldn't upgrade then, since I don't have the noise now :)
15:52.46alunt2003anyone know what i need to do, to show an incoming call from "012345" as "Dave"?
15:53.00BlackthornI have a spa-2000 unit that is droping calls both incoming and outcoming to the local dialing area (* with DID Pri service). How can I log or determine why calls are being droped?
15:53.37*** join/#asterisk Tili (
15:54.00TiliDoes Echo Cancellation on Sangoma work with 2.4 kernel?
15:54.08Blackthornalunt2003: thers a callerid field in the sip config i belive, and theres a way inthe extenions.conf that you set the clalder-id.
15:55.09AteboyCun ning: thanks...
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15:55.16Blackthorni think this may help
15:55.16CunningPikeAteboy: It worked?
15:55.22Ateboycunning: trying
15:55.23Ciber311McLazarus: what version are you on right now?
15:55.31CunningPikeAteboy: OK - great
15:55.36alunt2003Blackthorn: Thanks,i'll have a look
15:56.40McLazaruslooking at 1.6.6 release notes now.  Doesn't look to exciting
15:57.21LoRezwould it be illegal to claim that a company is closed on a DID that a lot of people misdial?
15:57.38*** join/#asterisk momelod (
15:57.42momelodhello people
15:58.07[TK]D-FenderTili : Yes.  Zaptel EC works on anything zaptel runs on, and Sangoma HWEC is well... HWEC... nothing to do with Kernel even
15:58.12Ciber311LoRez: can't that fall under libel or something??
15:58.16momelodanyone know of a place where i can read reviews on all the available hard phones compatible w/ asterisk?
15:58.16*** join/#asterisk blaylock (
15:58.37LoRezCiber311: could it?  what if I didn't specify the name of the company?
15:58.51*** join/#asterisk mopri (n=jjohn@
15:58.53Ciber311LoRez: do you really want to risk getting sued?
15:58.54blaylockwould anyone know what this warning means? WARNING[8816]: format_wav.c:247 update_header: Unable to find our position
15:58.59Ciber311this is america
15:59.05Ciber311they don't even need to be right :P
15:59.10LoRezsued for idiots calling the wrong number...
15:59.17[TK]D-FenderMcLazarus : 1.6.6 fixed a LOT of bugs in 1.6.5 and previous.  Als inclresaes presence support to a functional level for receptionists on IP601 + Att modules
15:59.41Ciber311fixed my weird noise too :P
15:59.43LoRezmaybe I should just record a message saying "I'm sorry, but you're a dumbass, please check the number and dial again"
15:59.45Strom_CLoRez: just pass along a recorded message without supervising
15:59.52Strom_Cthat way the call never gets charged for
16:00.05[TK]D-FenderLoRez : If its your DID, you can whatever the heck yuou want with it...
16:00.15McLazarus[TK]D-Fender: yeah I do see the presence stuff.
16:00.26LoRezStrom_C: why would I want to do that?
16:00.34[TK]D-FenderMcLazarus : 1.6.6 is worth it no matter what if your on 1.6.x at all
16:00.34LoRez[TK]D-Fender: that's what I would think.
16:00.51Strom_CLoRez: well I assume you're paying for inbound calls on that DID, right?
16:01.21tRSS[TK]D-Fender: may be you can help me. if I say members=>SIP/user0 in queues.conf, then user0 would be defined in sip.conf and when I say members=>Agents/user0, then user0 would be defined in agents.conf, correct?
16:01.24McLazarus[TK]D-Fender: cool, I'll have to check it out.  The onlything in their release notes that interests me is the FTP thing.  Sometimes the config doesn't download.
16:01.31LoRezit's on a PRI that's paid for, it's not costing me more to tell them off :)
16:01.39Strom_Cheh alright
16:01.49Strom_Cstill, I like the not-supervising idea
16:02.01Strom_Cbut then again thats just my bell-shaped head
16:02.19LoRezunfortunately the pri doesn't terminate in a * box :(
16:02.23AteboyI just tested using emailsubject=Voicemail message from ${VM_CIDNAME} <${VM_CIDNUM}> in my voicemail.conf, but it only applies to the e-mail, not the pager notification
16:02.25LoReznot this one.
16:02.35AteboyAnyone knows how to apply it to both?
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16:03.37Ciber311LoRez: you can always play some pr0n sounds as an answering msg ;)
16:03.38samourai1got 200 ok  on register that isn't a register
16:03.48samourai1who knows the issue
16:03.55samourai1for this bug
16:04.07samourai1plz can anyone help me
16:04.13Ciber311calm down dude
16:04.22Strom_Csamourai1: calm the hell down
16:04.27samourai1on asterisk sip registration
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16:04.50samourai1stom_c:want u to help me?
16:04.56samourai1strom_c:want u to help me?
16:05.20Strom_Csamourai1: don't worry about it if it isn't causing you problems.
16:05.45samourai1i can't receive calls Strom_c
16:06.13[TK]D-FenderAteboy : Pager doesn't have a body or attachments IIRC.. you've have to include it in the topic...
16:06.28samourai1and instead i can make outbound calls
16:06.38samourai1Strom_c:can u help me
16:06.58[TK]D-Fendersamourai1 : How about you pastebin the SIP debug of a failed incoming call attempt so we have something to help you debug this...
16:07.03AteboyTKD-Fender -> from what I can see on my cell, it has a subject only...
16:07.18samourai1asterisk don't detect incoming calls
16:07.24samourai1no debug
16:07.37[TK]D-Fendersamourai1 : then its a networking problem.
16:08.01[TK]D-FenderAteboy : So tahts where you'll have to put the name/number
16:08.09samourai1i'm behind a nat
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16:08.37samourai1strom_c:but when i put externip in sip.conf
16:08.45samourai1it doesnt work too
16:08.46[TK]D-Fendersamourai1 : pastebin your [general] section of sip.conf
16:08.52jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
16:08.52AteboyTK-D: I put it in the subject and it didn't change
16:08.55[TK]D-FenderAteboy L Hmmm
16:09.00[TK]D-FenderAteboy : Dunno...
16:09.37AteboyTK: I'll try in the body
16:10.11[TK]D-FenderAteboy : I though we just confirmed that the body doesn't get sent to pager accounts
16:11.16samourai1TKD-Fender:its too long my sip.conf what do u want to know about
16:11.37Hmmhesaysnothing is too long
16:11.52[TK]D-Fendersamourai1 : How can the [general] section be "too long"?  I've pastebined 400+line diallplans....
16:11.58tzangerHmmhesays: you have not spoken to my gf then.  :-P
16:12.09[TK]D-Fendersamourai1 : And what I saked for should only be a dozen tops..
16:12.14Hmmhesaysshe complaining about your pink sock?
16:12.27*** join/#asterisk znoG_ (
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16:14.17*** join/#asterisk Teeli (
16:14.33Strom_CSTOP THAT
16:14.40samourai1bindport=5060; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard port is 5060)
16:14.42Strom_Csamourai1: STOP NOW
16:14.42samourai1bindaddr=; IP address to bind to ( binds to all)
16:14.44samourai1srvlookup=yes; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls
16:14.46samourai1language=fr; Default language setting for all users/peers
16:14.50samourai1dtmfmode = auto
16:14.56samourai1;compactheaders = yes; send compact sip headers.
16:15.00samourai1;sipdebug = yes; Turn on SIP debugging by default, from
16:15.02samourai1authdebug = yes
16:15.02Strom_Choly catsex
16:15.06samourai1; Gestion des appels entrants
16:15.25droopsno saying catsex in #asterisk
16:15.46Ciber311lol this guy...
16:15.53Strom_Cdroops: do you have a notification set up for catsex?
16:15.54samourai1;projet ipbx----------------*****************-------------------
16:15.56Ateboycan someone kick this guy out?
16:16.11droopsno notification, just a 6th sense
16:16.24samourai1callerid="20404040" <20404040>
16:16.34Ciber311this guy is gonna paste the entire source code at this rate
16:16.48*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
16:16.48samourai1TKDfender :this is my sip.conf
16:16.48De_Monno. just a very large sip.conf
16:16.50samourai1i'm sorry Strom_c
16:16.52samourai1this guy want some help
16:17.01Strom_Csamourai1: NEVER NEVER NEVER DO THAT AGAIN
16:17.03droopshey strom, im bringing lowtek_mystik with me, and the wife might tag along, although i doubt it
16:17.11Ciber311De_Mon: i'm joking :P
16:17.15*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
16:17.27TripleFFFFhey guys.. anyway to see actual realtime trascoding ? ..
16:17.37TripleFFFFliek if a bridge is being transcoded
16:17.38TripleFFFFor not
16:17.51De_Monsamourai1 you may not get kicked now, but you will. incase you wonder why, this is the reason.
16:18.09Hmmhesaysdr fraiser on stargate sg-1 is teh hot
16:18.12Hmmhesaysi'd hit that hit that
16:18.28droopstommorow is goign to be a fun day
16:18.38De_Monuh, you like old people eh?
16:19.33*** join/#asterisk Qb3rt (
16:21.04TripleFFFFalso why does each menu in an IVR trigger a CDR
16:21.07TripleFFFFthis is weird
16:21.15tzangeryeah she's kind of cute
16:21.17TripleFFFFso if you press 1 then 3 then 4.. you get 4 cdr records
16:22.07Strom_Cdroops: so tomorrow, realistically, I should expect like six carloads of people to be tagging along with you
16:22.44Ciber311Hmmhesays: fraiser?
16:22.54Hmmhesayson stargate, the doctor
16:22.54momelodanyone know of a place where i can read reviews on all the available hard phones compatible w/ asterisk?
16:22.56droopsme, another nerd, and maybe my wife
16:23.00droopsand 5 other car loads
16:23.15Ciber311Hmmhesays: didn't she die like seasons ago?
16:23.23Hmmhesayshush i'm only on season 4
16:23.28[TK]D-Fendermomelod : Company use?
16:23.31droopsat around noon
16:23.32Ciber311that would do it
16:23.34TripleFFFFjust rename #asterisk to #blahblah
16:23.35*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
16:23.38momelod[TK]D-Fender: yes
16:23.38coppicei think he's talking about Frasier, not Fraiser :-)
16:23.51Ciber311yeah she's dead :P
16:24.01Hmmhesaysstuff it
16:24.02momelod[TK]D-Fender: i wanted things like message waiting, call transfer, hold..
16:24.12momelodoh, and a headset would be nice too
16:24.27[TK]D-Fendermomelod : Only I'd suggest for you are Polycom's lineup.
16:24.27Ciber311Hmmhesays: don't worry she doesn't die for 3 more seasons
16:24.38[TK]D-Fendermomelod : You have/want PoE?  What kind of call volume?
16:24.39dlynes_homemomelod: on the asterisk wiki
16:24.57momelodwhat is PoE?
16:25.06dlynes_homemomelod: only ones worth looking at, unless you've got a boatload of cash for ciscos are:  Aastra and Polycom
16:25.12momelodive got a call center with 12 employees
16:25.22[TK]D-Fendermomelod : Power Over Ethernet.  So you can power them through their Rj45 wiring and not have to plug in a power brick
16:25.24coppiceyou've never heard of Edgar Alan PoE? :-)
16:25.42momelodwow, thats possible?! do i need a special switch for that?
16:25.48dlynes_homemomelod: yes
16:25.49[TK]D-Fendermomelod : Yes.  PM
16:26.33*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=fenlande@
16:26.37Ciber311i need to get a smaller POE switch
16:26.55Ciber311got a 24 port in my room and it's loud as hell :P
16:27.17[TK]D-FenderCiber311 : You don't need smaller, only quieter :)  Often smaller means NOISIER.  Look at 1U rac servers :)
16:27.34Ciber311i meant smaller as in like 4 ports :P
16:27.48Ciber311i don't need 24 POE ports in here
16:27.52Ciber311well not usually
16:27.58Ciber311at one point i used them all... :P
16:28.30Ciber311or maybe i'll just open it up and unplug the fans ;)
16:28.37Ciber311air conditioned anyway
16:29.08dlynes_homeCiber311: you could donate it to me, if you want
16:29.16coppicehow come by air con moves several kilowatts around the room and is almost silent, but the fans driving a couple of hundred watss from my PC drive me nuts? something is seriously wrong with PC cooling
16:29.37momelodbecause the fans are smaller they have to spin faster
16:30.09dlynes_homecoppice: because the fans in your aircon use grease and metal ball bearings; the fan in your pc is plastic ball bearings and air
16:30.20Ciber311these damn switches need to be tempeture controlled
16:30.30coppicebut they don't have to be. the designs are silly. you have a big back panel, with little noisy fans on it.
16:31.16coppiceI think Daikin should try making PCs
16:35.07nazgooli have domain= listed in the general section of my sip.conf. still i get a strange error when my sip phone (inside the lan) wants to register to my asterisk:
16:35.30nazgoolchan_sip.c:11043 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:fritzbox@>' failed for '' - Not a local SIP domain
16:35.45nazgoolany clue what i'm doing wrong?
16:36.21nazgool10.0.0.91 is the ip of the sip phone, the ip of my asterisk server
16:37.08momelodnazgool whats your subnet mask?
16:37.34*** join/#asterisk Twister (
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16:39.36Twisterhey all, im trying to compile asterisk on a fedora core 3 box, ive compiled zaptel but when i compile asterisk it errors out when trying to copile and says /usr/bin/ld Cannot find -lidn, whats your reccomendation?
16:39.44[TK]D-Fendernazgool : Check your SIP realm.  that seems to be the problem, and its not on *'s side
16:40.40nazgoolok thx
16:42.29*** part/#asterisk gambolputty (
16:43.09tRSSquestion: I have defined members=>Agents/user0 in queues.conf and I have defined user0 as agent=>101,101,user0 in agents.conf. how do these agents register their softphones with * box or how do they log into the queue, even if I register the softphone for them somehow?
16:45.30[TK]D-FendertRSS : "show application agengcallbacklogin"
16:46.05tRSSnever mind, found a page about the same stuff at asteriskguru, thanks for the help anyhow Fender :)
16:46.13jbotjustinu is probably some other d00d
16:46.14dlynes_home~seen justinu
16:46.29jbotjustinu <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 15h 55m 9s ago, saying: '~seen sevard'.
16:46.29Hmmhesaysok me and buildroot are fighting again
16:46.29Hmmhesayslibc/sysdeps/linux/common/vfork.c:13: error: `fork' undeclared here (not i
16:46.35dlynes_home~seen justinu|laptop
16:46.37jbotjustinu|laptop <n=Justin@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 16h 54m 7s ago, saying: 'spa2100 runs my phones at home, and canada rules for providing such a wonderful crop'.
16:47.42dlynes_homeTwister: you need to install libidn
16:48.03*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
16:48.28dlynes_home~lart Qwell[]
16:48.46Qwell[]~kill dlynes_home
16:48.49jbotACTION shoots a magneto-ionized fluxproton gun at dlynes_home
16:51.44*** join/#asterisk mountainm2k (
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16:54.43Kte2anyone know how to compile zaptel on FC5? says im missing sources for 2.6.15 but i have 2.5.16?
16:55.13Kte2er, sorry, 2.5.16
16:55.24Qwell[]That's what I just said
16:55.34Kte2>.< i cant type right now
16:55.34CunningPikeKte2: Bet you don't have kernel-devel installed
16:55.37*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (n=wunderki@
16:55.49Kte2i check
16:56.13CunningPikeKte2: Or, you don't have a symlink in your /usr/srtc
16:59.18Kte2ive got the kernel-devel package
17:00.17*** join/#asterisk sparkleytone (n=abstephe@
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17:05.23*** join/#asterisk Tanker_ (
17:06.14Dandanoops :)
17:06.54sparkleytonei can't seem to get conferencing with PINs to work :/
17:07.27sparkleytoneif i don't set any PINs, then the conference works beautifully...but when i set either or both user/admin pins, i get disconnected once it is connected
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17:08.59tRSSwhen I use the AgentLogin() application in my extensions.conf, the agent is unable to login. It just keeps saying that agent login incorrect, please try again. I have member => Agent/101 in queues.conf and agent => 101,101,user0 in agents.conf, but surprisingly, the agent is unable to login
17:09.19mountainm2ksparkleytone: any output from verbose / debug on the CLI?
17:10.14key2what's this error: Jun 15 18:56:24 WARNING[6550]: chan_sip.c:1216 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 6D8186BB-D2FA-4DF6-86AC-9699E493BC46@ for seqno 2 (Non-critical Response)
17:10.23tRSSwhat am I missing that doesn't allow the agent to login?
17:10.34key2tRSS: everything
17:10.49tRSSkey2: good one ;)
17:10.56sparkleytonemountainm2k: i'll post two on of a working conference with no pins and one with a broken with pins
17:12.25sparkleytonehmmm...think i found it
17:12.29*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
17:12.47sparkleytoneworking:   broken:
17:13.15sparkleytoneis that an audio file that i somehow don't have?
17:13.36*** join/#asterisk hfb (
17:13.51[TK]D-Fendersparkleytone : You won't find much help with FreePBX/AMP here.. read the cahnnel topic...
17:14.17sparkleytonehehe i am in there too...they don't really respond to questions that are more advanced
17:15.08sparkleytonehow did you know i was using fpbx anyway?  you whois me?
17:15.31[TK]D-Fendersparkleytone : No, the blatantly obvious parts of your dial-plan exectution.
17:16.00[TK]D-Fendersparkleytone : I can smeel that junk a mile away, especially from those trying to hide the fact thats what they're using...
17:16.42sparkleytonei'm not hiding anything, btw.  if its any consolation, i'm generally not a noob.  just in asterisk i am.  but i am more than capable of helping others help me ;)
17:16.49[TK]D-Fendersparkleytone : contexts like "from-internal", "from-sip" are somewhat unique to them.
17:17.05sparkleytone[TK]D-Fender: gotcha.
17:17.15[TK]D-Fendersparkleytone : let me look at that a sec for you....
17:17.17dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: nah...I had those contexts, too...they were leftovers from the previous asterisk admin
17:17.24*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (
17:17.28dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: we were never using freepbx or @home
17:17.34sparkleytoneis the enter-conf-pin-number an audio file i need to find?
17:18.20sparkleytonehmmm...they are made in my src already...i thought i installed them
17:18.46[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Yeah... AMP *leftovers*, EQUALLY trustworthy ;)
17:19.08sparkleytoneat least AMP let you edit configs directly...>:o
17:19.30[TK]D-Fendersparkleytone : Yup, go huinting for that file.. its clearly not there...
17:19.38*** join/#asterisk trimi` (i=aaa@
17:19.38sparkleytonewell i found the file
17:19.44sparkleytonenow i just gotta find out where its looking
17:19.47Qwell[]I found him too
17:19.48sparkleytoneguess i'll find gsm files
17:20.00[TK]D-Fendersparkleytone : So does vi/emacs/pico/nano/jed/mc/gedit.................................................. .ETC
17:20.04Qwell[]sparkleytone: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
17:20.18sparkleytonenano, ftw ;)
17:20.32Qwell[]real men use ed
17:20.39*** join/#asterisk marl (
17:20.44marlhi there folks
17:21.07*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
17:21.26trimi`errr can any1 tell me why i have very high latency when i use g729 codec? The voice comes after 1 sec.
17:21.41Qwell[]trimi`: are you on an incredibly slow box?
17:21.44dlynes_officetrimi`: i don't think it's g729 causing that
17:21.55Qwell[]like, 8mhz
17:22.03Qwell[]or...a sunfire T2000 :D
17:22.04trimi`Qwell[] 1GHz
17:22.15trimi`i dont have prob with other codec
17:22.16sparkleytonecan i just drop everything from asterisk-sounds to my /var/lib/asterisk/sounds?
17:22.19trimi`only with g729
17:22.24Qwell[]sparkleytone: yes, just run a make install
17:22.58sparkleytoneQwell[]: could have sworn i had done that when i set up the box on tues...guess we'll see
17:23.15sparkleytoneah...nice little sh script
17:23.35sparkleytoneinteresting i hadn't run across a sounds issue until now
17:24.33LH-euhostHello, i have a callback set up with * and use the DISA feature to establish a second phone line.  How can i get the entered phonenumber in extension.conf after the "exten => _.,7,DISA(no-password|custom-callback)" entry?  in which variable is the number saved?
17:25.16Qwell[]LH-euhost: line 1 of TFM answers this question
17:25.23Qwell[]and using _. is STUPID
17:25.35sparkleytonethanks for the help guys/girls
17:25.40Dandanis anyone on the asterisk-user link? can someone check if my post is there?
17:26.22dlynes_officeDandan: huh?
17:26.37Dandandlynes_home: i decided to post my problems to asterisk-user
17:26.50Dandanand I can't see my own post :)
17:27.01sparkleytonehmmm...the sound doesn't say to press the # key :/
17:27.53LH-euhostQwell, can you point me to an URL?  ${EXTEN} is not working
17:28.07Qwell[]LH-euhost: I assure you, it works
17:28.08filewhat's not working about it?
17:28.13Qwell[]thousands of people use it daily
17:28.28*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
17:28.29dlynes_officeDandan: Dan Elder?
17:28.41SexyKenHey guys -- is it possible to execute a macro using the manager API?
17:28.48LH-euhostlol, but in ${exten} i have "s"  inside.. not the number entered from the user
17:28.49Dandanjust arrived
17:28.56dlynes_officeMy folder hasn't finished refreshing yet
17:29.02dlynes_officeI've got way too many messages in it
17:29.05DandanI still have no email though...
17:29.05Qwell[]LH-euhost: like I said...using _. is STUPID
17:29.15Dandandlynes_home: maildir go go go!
17:29.31dlynes_officeDandan: i am using maildir
17:29.37dlynes_officeDandan: over imap
17:29.47LH-euhostqwell, any hint what to use instead?
17:29.49Qwell[]over atm, over pppoe, over ssh
17:29.56Qwell[]LH-euhost: how about a proper pattern match?
17:29.58SexyKenHey guys -- is it possible to execute a macro using the manager API?
17:29.59Dandandlynes_home: i am mbox user over imapS :)
17:30.07dlynes_officeDandan: but that particular folder has about 15K messages right now, because I haven't had time to optimize it
17:30.19Dandanwhoa :)
17:30.25mopridoes anyone know how make asterisk work with callerid from alcatel..?  I live in CostaRica, and the telephone Co, works with alcatel equipment.  Ive tried the cidsignalling=bell,v23,dtmf and the cidstart with polarity and ring.  any suggestions?
17:30.30*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
17:30.48dlynes_officeDandan: it's got all the asterisk-users mail from June 28, 2005 onwards
17:30.59LH-euhostis there a difference if i write _XXX.  or _. ?  if i want match all phone numbers
17:31.03Dandanmopri: CR is so BEAUTIFUL! :) i have been there. :) OTOH they just lost to ecuador 3:0 :D
17:31.05dlynes_officeDandan: minus the messages I've already sorted out into subfolders
17:31.18Qwell[]LH-euhost: yes, but neither are "proper"
17:31.19*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
17:31.25Dandandlynes_home: sizeable :)
17:31.36*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:31.46jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
17:31.46Qwell[]LH-euhost: start there
17:31.47Dandanjbot is asleep
17:32.20LH-euhostthx then i go back to manuals
17:32.38mopriDandan:.. CR sucked in the world cup.. :S
17:33.34Twisterdlynes_home: thank you for your help
17:33.42dlynes_officeDandan: oops....62,591 emails in my main asterisk-users folder
17:34.11dlynes_officeDandan: 466MB's of email
17:34.29Qwell[]That's why I don't subscribe to -users ;)
17:34.53[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Thats why I just browse it on :)
17:35.24dlynes_officeQwell[]: well, only 105MB's in code commits :)
17:35.53Dandanmopri: they still have to play my home country
17:36.01*** join/#asterisk jero (
17:36.20mopri..:S, yeah but we-re both out of the worldcup.. :S
17:36.35*** join/#asterisk timscott (
17:36.37Dandanmopri: heh, true, oh well, RSA here we come :)
17:36.44Dandan(Rep. of S. Africa)
17:37.03dlynes_officeDandan: only 1.7GB's of email, so asterisk-users is a considerable portion of it
17:37.07SexyKenAre you guys not here?
17:37.20dlynes_officeSexyKen: no, we're definitely not
17:37.22Dandandlynes_home: rm -rf ~ :>
17:37.26SexyKenSure seems lik eit
17:37.32DandanSexyKen: no, those are our talk-bots
17:38.05Dandanfrom changelog, i would say that slack 11.0 is coming!
17:38.13*** part/#asterisk Tanker_ (
17:38.23dlynes_officeDandan: ummmm
17:38.30*** join/#asterisk timscott (
17:38.31dlynes_officeDandan: it's been coming for more than six months now
17:38.36dlynes_office~lart dandan
17:38.52Dandandlynes_home: yeah, but recently Pat made quite a few updates
17:38.54Dandanto the tree
17:38.57*** join/#asterisk reister (
17:39.01marlive been looking around th enet trying to find a solution to this problem but havnt found anything that seams to relate to it :( im getting a LOT of distortion on some of the recordings from monitor, can anyone give me any pointers to try and work out whats happening? in using sox/soxmix to combine in and out bound channels into sterio, and am finding that both channels are distorted
17:39.10Dandanjbot, you dumbass :)
17:39.14dlynes_officeI'll believe it when I get a shiny new set of cds or dvds in the mail.
17:39.31Qwell[]with Gentoo
17:39.33Dandandlynes_home: :) i am staying on bleeding edge :)
17:39.43DandanGENTOO! BLAAAH!
17:39.56Qwell[]wtf, you just said you wanted bleeding edge :P
17:39.58dlynes_officeDandan: he's kidding...I think he uses slackware, too :)
17:40.00marlrunning AMD2200+/512Mb Ram/ only running asterisk
17:40.01DandanI do not have a whole week to get my distro installed
17:40.14Qwell[]3 hours
17:40.21DandanQwell: i have bleeding edge with slackware :D
17:40.28DandanQwell: with stage 3?
17:40.29Dandanno way!
17:40.35Qwell[]there is only stage 3 now
17:40.36wintixdebian ftw!1 ;)
17:40.45dlynes_officeQwell[]: yeah...on a Sunfire 15000Ghz, octal processor smp machine maybe
17:40.56Qwell[]on my athlon xp 2000
17:40.56Dandanlol :)
17:41.14Dandanall the way?
17:41.14Qwell[]dlynes_office: I should add it to my distcc though :D
17:41.43Qwell[]Dandan: gentoo takes no time to install
17:41.45SexyKenAnyone here ever do a click-to-dial script using PHP?
17:41.50SexyKenclick to call
17:41.52dlynes_officeso i'm guessing the initial install of gentoo with all software that you would need for a normal desktop machine comes as binary packages, not source code on gentoo?
17:42.03Qwell[]dlynes_office: depends..
17:42.04[TK]D-FenderDandan: Is he finally caving to 2.6 as default stock kernel yet?  Its been years now...
17:42.13dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: probably
17:42.14Qwell[]gnome etc can be binary
17:42.17dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: he would have to
17:42.26dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: i would think, anyways
17:42.27Qwell[]or, you can compile everything (including glibc and gcc)
17:42.34[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : No he doesn't... look how long he's lasted :)
17:42.55Dandan[TK]D-Fender: it is in testing
17:42.55[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : I just have HOPES...
17:42.55Dandanand I like it that way :)
17:43.01Dandan2.4 is MUCH more stable
17:43.09[TK]D-FenderI'm just afraid to upgrade my kernels :)
17:43.11Qwell[]does slackware still not have pam?
17:43.34Dandanit NEVER had
17:43.39Dandanand NEVER will :)
17:46.11*** join/#asterisk znoG_ (
17:46.20*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
17:46.32SexyKenCan you
17:46.35SexyKenExecute a macro
17:46.41SexyKenUsing whatever it's called
17:46.43SexyKenManager API
17:47.56*** join/#asterisk twilson (n=terry@
17:54.56AteboyWhere can I find what is the default setting for 'messagebody' in voicemail.conf?
17:55.07Qwell[]Ateboy: app_voicemail.c
17:55.13dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: the kernel is the only thing on slackware that I change right away
17:55.26Ateboyqwell: ok
17:55.40Dandandlynes_home: well... :)
17:55.48Dandani do too :)
17:56.25dlynes_officeDandan: I'm just not using anything higher than 2.6.15 right now...i've seen too many people having problems in this channel trying to use 2.6.16
17:56.47dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: btw... seems to be working fine with sangoma a200d
17:56.53dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: at least the driver's loading, anyways
17:57.03*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
17:57.13dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: stupid thing still doesn't recognize that I have udev installed though (i even upgraded to the latest udev, and still no dice)
17:57.46*** join/#asterisk znoG_ (
17:57.47Ateboyqwell: no way to see its voicemail.conf equivalent?
17:58.05dlynes_officeAteboy: take a look at the sample voicemail.conf that ships with make samples
17:58.42dlynes_officeAteboy: if you're running a prepackaged binary distribution of asterisk, it might be called voicemail.conf.sample, or voicemail.conf-dist, or something similar
17:59.07Ateboydynes :got it
17:59.28AteboySo it is not sending the CALLIDNUM by default...
17:59.39Qwell[]Ateboy: read the note
17:59.49timscottdlynes_office: I still use 2.4.32 as my kernel of choice.
18:00.13*** join/#asterisk rene- (
18:00.23rene-hi, which package hold MOH?
18:00.30Qwell[]rene-: asterisk
18:00.39rene-really? i cant find it
18:00.43rene-in Mac OX
18:00.45rene-OS X
18:00.47AteboyQwell: oh, 512-char limit?
18:00.48Qwell[]install zaptel
18:00.58Qwell[]Ateboy: no, the note about CIDNAME
18:01.00rene-zaptel? really?
18:01.15Qwell[]rene-: meetme won't be compiled unless zaptel is installed
18:01.23rene-i dont want meetme
18:01.28rene-i want MOH
18:01.33AteboyQwell: nice
18:01.36Qwell[]then it'll be there by default
18:03.02AteboyQwll: how will I force it to send the VM_CIDNUM every time?
18:03.16Qwell[]by putting it in the message?
18:03.46Ateboybut if the CIDNAME is null, I will get CIDNUM twice, no?
18:03.57Qwell[]reread the note
18:04.09Ateboy; The following definition is very close to the default, but the default shows
18:04.09Ateboy; just the CIDNAME, if it is not null, otherise just the CIDNUM, or "an unknown
18:04.09Ateboy; caller", if they are both null.
18:04.49*** join/#asterisk eipi (
18:05.52AteboyI guess your are suggesting I use something like "\n\tHi ${VM_NAME},\n\n\tYou have a ${VM_DUR} long new voicemail message (number ${VM_MSGNUM}) in mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX}\nfrom ${VM_CIDNAME} (${VM_CIDNUM}), on ${VM_DATE}\nso you might want to check it when you get a chance.\n\n"?
18:06.25*** join/#asterisk gr0mit_home (
18:06.40rene-nothing in /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
18:06.49Qwell[]rene-: trunk?
18:07.23rene-did not made samples
18:07.24Qwell[]they were probably taken out
18:07.31Qwell[]rene-: go find some MP3s to put in there
18:07.38rene-i did skip make samples
18:07.41Qwell[]or use native, and find another format
18:08.45AteboyAnother question: what makes Asterisk send the busy message instead of unavailable?  When I'm already on the phone?
18:08.58Qwell[]show application voicemail
18:09.37Qwell[]or look at macro-stdexten
18:10.44*** join/#asterisk Bullseye_Network (n=Kyle@
18:11.14Bullseye_Networkanybody know what happened to the addmailbox script in I dont see it anywhere
18:11.25AteboyQwell: in s-BUSY
18:11.34Qwell[]Bullseye_Network: it hasn't been needed in well over a year
18:11.36*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:12.08Bullseye_Networkok, whats the eaisyest way to create the mailboxes then?
18:12.19Qwell[]Bullseye_Network: add it to voicemail.conf
18:12.23rene-note to all Asterisk1.2.x requires asterisk-addons to be installed for MOH to work
18:13.07Qwell[]rene-: No it doesn't
18:13.07Bullseye_Networkit will create the dir its self?
18:13.07Qwell[]Bullseye_Network: yes
18:13.08Bullseye_NetworkMaybe thats why im having problems with it not recording.
18:13.20Qwell[]rene-: okay, well it's wrong
18:13.22rene-it is in bold
18:13.29Qwell[]I'm telling you, that that isn't the case :)
18:13.54Qwell[]If you want mp3s to work with native moh, then yeah, you'll need format_mp3, but any other sound file will work just fine
18:14.25Qwell[]ie; ogg vorbis
18:14.49*** part/#asterisk m4rkl4r (
18:15.06AteboyWhat triggers s-BUSY?
18:15.18Qwell[]Ateboy: reread the macro
18:15.31Qwell[]it's very clear
18:17.01Bullseye_Networkok it did NOT create the directorys for the voicemail
18:17.04AteboyQwell: all I can see is that I have a section of s-BUSY that invokes Voicemail() with "b" and a section of s-NOANSWER that invokes Voicemail() with a "u"
18:17.12Bullseye_Networkor do I have to completely exit asterisk
18:17.13Qwell[]Bullseye_Network: it creates them when you leave a message
18:17.21rene-ah cool i am putting mp3 in those
18:17.21Qwell[]you do need to reload voicemail.conf though, obviously
18:17.25Ateboyso I must set my phone to DND to get the busy message?
18:17.28Qwell[]Ateboy: there is a goto
18:17.43reisterDoes anyone know of a way to install asterisk + zaptel on a virtual private server if you don't have access to the kernel source?
18:17.53Bullseye_Networksays it cant accept messages
18:19.17AteboyQwell: I can see it, it is based on the ${DIALSTATUS}
18:19.31Ateboybut what makes that the ${DIALSTATUS} is set to one or the other?
18:20.05Qwell[]Ateboy: show application dial
18:21.50AteboyQwell: I'm there
18:22.53Bullseye_Networkits definately not creating the sirectory
18:23.00rene-install a kernel source inside your VPS for the version  of the OS your VPS is running?
18:23.03Bullseye_Networkunless a reload is not sufficient
18:23.16*** part/#asterisk oej[home] (
18:23.23Qwell[]Bullseye_Network: It creates it when you leave a message
18:23.48Bullseye_NetworkI called and it says: it cant accept messages
18:25.10Qwell[]pastebin the cli
18:25.30AteboyQwell: I can't find anything relevant there, I also looked in the book and in README.variables
18:25.34Bullseye_NetworkIt appears that reload does NOT reload voicemail.conf
18:28.22*** join/#asterisk d-tech (n=dtc@
18:28.47AteboyBTW, my pager body works perfectly now :)
18:29.40mountainm2kSilly question:  any dialup solutions available for a * with a PRI?  iaxmodem looked a bit promising, but it appears to _only_ do fax -- not regular modem calls...
18:30.01rene-Qwell: my files were mp3 so i did needed to install addons after all
18:30.01Qwell[]mountainm2k: use something else
18:30.22Qwell[]Don't use asterisk for the sake of using asterisk
18:30.26mountainm2kan external modem on a Zap?
18:30.50mountainm2kI want to use asterisk because I'm already implimenting it -- won't be a ton of traffic...  Like, one port is fine...
18:31.48*** join/#asterisk tamp4x (n=tampon@
18:32.19MikeJ[Laptop]you want to try to do modem traffic on the TDM400 cards?
18:32.23MikeJ[Laptop]does that work well?
18:32.57mountainm2kDunno, havn't tried it...  Gotta believe it's better than, say, an IAXy or other ata
18:33.12MikeJ[Laptop]for sure...
18:33.24mountainm2kmostly this is for "I'm in the boonies, and need a connection"...  It'll almost _never_ get used...
18:33.36MikeJ[Laptop]I would bet a t1 card w/ a channel bank would work better.
18:33.46mountainm2kI only bothered asking because I see it _will_ handle ISDN dialups
18:34.02mountainm2khah, yeah, well, that's a lot more expensive...  I'm talking about a single port here, not an ISP, heh
18:34.33*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
18:34.42MikeJ[Laptop]hello NewSole
18:38.26Bullseye_Networkok here is whats happening with voicemail.... When I call the mail box from an internal extention it works fine. When I call from outside the office it syas the mailbox cannot take more messages
18:39.26*** join/#asterisk znoG_ (
18:40.14Bullseye_NetworkOR it says its recording but there is no file in the box
18:40.54*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (n=Justin@
18:42.14*** join/#asterisk opus_ (n=opus@
18:42.17[TK]D-FenderBullseye_Network : Pastebin your whole config...
18:42.20jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
18:42.35opus_hey guys have you ever expereniced astierks music on hold just dying after about a day?
18:42.40gregjwhenever I try to call someone via asterisk, I get: Jun 15 11:42:06 WARNING[52387] app_dial.c: Dial requires an argument (technology/number)
18:42.46gregjwhat is it, and what might cause it ?
18:42.52gregjI am using SIP
18:43.33dlynes_officegregj: you've got a line in your dialplan such as exten => 1,1,Dial, or exten => 1,1,Dial()
18:43.50dlynes_officegregj: the dial command needs arguments, just as the error tells you
18:44.11dlynes_officegregj: so like exten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/100)
18:44.32gregjI am setting it up via astbill/realtime
18:44.48dlynes_officegregj: well, obviously you're not doing it correctly, then
18:45.39gregjhonestly, I can't find any straight forward howto
18:45.43gregjso I am doing things blindly
18:46.08CunningPikegregj: What is your dial command?
18:46.24dlynes_officeCunningPike: he's using astbill/realtime to generate it
18:46.37gregjdunno, I am trying to dial between two accounts using linphone
18:46.38dlynes_officeCunningPike: so i'm guessing it's something fubar in his astbill setup
18:46.46CunningPikedlynes_office: Aha
18:47.07dlynes_officebut i know absolutely nothing about astbill
18:47.24gregjI am trying to setup small office pbx, that will have SIP gateway
18:47.45gregjbut since we change things a lot, I want it to run over SQL db, so I thought astbill would be the best solution
18:47.47opus_has anyone else had problems with Music On Hold just dying after a while?
18:48.02dlynes_officejust found a great system admin web site
18:48.21gregjso in case I would like to add someone to the list, the whole service wouldn't need to go down
18:48.28*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
18:49.20[TK]D-Fendergregj : You shouldn't ahve to take everything down jsut to add someone...
18:49.42Gamercjmi know this isnt about asterisk, but any one know about micro relays?
18:49.45Gamercjmor relays
18:50.05*** part/#asterisk Ateboy (
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18:50.14gregj[TK]D-Fender: but astbill sounds like the best solution here, managable via www, etc
18:50.20gregjgreat deal for dumb managers here
18:50.48dlynes_officegregj: if they're that dumb, i, personally wouldn't let them anywhere near the phone system
18:51.09gregjthere's not many smart managers
18:51.17gregjat least not in my life expierence there was
18:51.24dlynes_officegregj: a lot of managers just appear dumb on purpose
18:51.36dlynes_officegregj: so that they can get the upper hand
18:52.21CunningPikeThose who can, do. Those who can't, manage
18:52.32[TK]D-Fendergregj : You really want dumb managers managing a PBX?
18:52.34Qwell[]no, no, no
18:52.37dlynes_officeQwell[]: well, your statement is true in a large company
18:52.51*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:52.51Qwell[]Those who can, do.  Those who can't, teach.  Those who can't teach, manage.
18:52.55dlynes_officeQwell[]: in a smaller company, the owner/manager is usually the brains of the operation
18:53.07Qwell[]dlynes_office: maybe
18:53.21Qwell[]but, all I really know is the corp world
18:53.28Qwell[]and let me tell you...most of my managers have been idiots
18:53.37gregjso, anyway
18:53.41Qwell[]...I get a new one on a yearly basis
18:53.45gregjI add two users via astbill,
18:53.49dlynes_officeQwell[]: well, that's because managers higher people that are dumber than them so that they have job security
18:54.00gregjwhat should I do to let them call each other
18:54.06gregjin mysqldb
18:54.17dlynes_officeQwell[]: the guy at the top doesn't have to worry about that, cause he's the guy at the top
18:55.42*** join/#asterisk Teeli (
18:56.06[TK]D-Fendergregj : Don't expect much help on GUI's around here, especially the less popular ones...
18:56.44gregjso which one should I use :)
18:56.49NewSoleMike you there
18:57.10dlynes_officehey....who the hell was it that said vista and longhorn were the same thing?
18:57.24justinu|laptopofftopic: what's the current state of the art in repartitioning software? still partition magic?
18:57.31*** join/#asterisk jsolares (n=jsolares@
18:57.34dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: and parted
18:57.35Qwell[]justinu|laptop: parted
18:57.43gregjjustinu|laptop: on windows, yes
18:57.44Qwell[]qtparted rocks
18:58.09dlynes_officeQwell[]: parted also does ntfs formatting?
18:58.20Qwell[]qtparted does anyhow
18:58.31justinu|laptopwell, i assume I can boot some live CD distro and use parted instead of having to pay for partition magic
18:58.33Qwell[]I've used it several times to resize an ntfs partition
18:58.40Qwell[]justinu|laptop: knoppix comes with it
18:58.53Qwell[]there is also fips, but...may it die a long slow death
18:59.06dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: slackware comes with it,'s in the extra directory
19:00.26dlynes_officeQwell[]: seems kinda stupid that qtparted supports ntfs formatting, but the linux kernel doesn't
19:00.49Qwell[]dlynes_office: I think it links to something that's lgpl
19:00.55dlynes_officeQwell[]: or rather mkfs
19:00.57*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
19:01.06dlynes_officeThe kernel is lgpl too
19:01.15gregjlinux ?
19:01.18Qwell[]dlynes_office: hard to link to userspace stuff in the kernel though :)
19:01.22gregjis it just a joke ?
19:01.34dlynes_officegregj: yes, it is.  That's why you're using it.
19:01.37gregjkernel is GPL with one exception - it allows to run non GPL stuff in userspace
19:01.39gregjand that's it
19:01.53gregjnot LGPL at all
19:01.55dlynes_officeah...thought it was lgpl
19:02.07dlynes_officemaybe it was gpl v2 then?
19:02.14gregjit is GPL licence, and at the bottom of it it says:
19:02.18mountainm2kmany a hardware vendor (tivo, linksys) has been bitten by that
19:02.39mountainm2ktivo now impliments their media filesystem as a user-space application, rather than a kernel module
19:03.00gregjdlynes_office: that's is what it says on top of the license, than plain GPL license follows
19:03.49justinu|laptopknoppix says it uses libntfs+fuse for NTFS write access
19:04.02dlynes_officeah...never read the license for the kernel, because i've never had the need to know
19:04.18gregjthat was the fist thing I read before browsing the source
19:04.22gregjbut that was in 2.0 days
19:04.33gregjanyway, I still can't get bloody thing to work
19:04.38gregjnor help from anyone on it
19:04.44gregjnor good docs
19:05.17dlynes_officegregj: still can't get what bloody thing to work?
19:05.18Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: my spa-2100 is working fine :)
19:05.32gregjdlynes_office: well, not the kernel obviously
19:05.34dlynes_officeah...i would think that would be easier than writing kernel drivers
19:05.39justinu|laptopDr-Linux: hey man
19:05.39Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: where can i find, the spa-2100 ivr codes?
19:05.50dlynes_officeDr-Linux: in the spa-2100 user guide
19:05.52gregjwhat is "the trunk" in asterisk terms ?
19:06.05Dr-Linuxhey justinu|laptop: how are you friend?
19:06.05gregjit says everywhere that I should delete and recreate "the trunk"
19:06.05dlynes_officegregj: the latest bleeding edge that's sorta stable
19:06.06justinu|laptopgregj: latest development repository
19:06.22justinu|laptopDr-Linux: ups and downs :/
19:06.31justinu|laptopmy spa-2100 works great tho :)
19:06.40Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: happy with jen?
19:07.02dlynes_officegregj: trunk == phone line
19:07.09redondosI need serious help, guys. Asterisk doesn't even start:
19:07.13gregjand how can I delete it ?
19:07.14Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: you know Pakistan main provider installed a software to stop the voip traffic :(
19:07.18gregjfrom mysql
19:07.24justinu|laptopah, that kind of trunk
19:07.24dlynes_officegregj: they mean the trunk configuration
19:07.29*** join/#asterisk aze (
19:07.32justinu|laptopDr-Linux: wow, that really sucks
19:07.32dlynes_officegregj: not the trunk itself
19:07.42Dr-Linuxour h323 voip devices are not working since 2 weeks
19:07.58justinu|laptopanyone know why trunks are called such?
19:07.59dlynes_officegregj: you're gonna need to find someone on here that knows asterisk realtime configuration to help you
19:08.05Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: but just yesterday, SIP starting work
19:08.21gregjdelete from asttrunk; might do it
19:09.45dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: a trunk is usually defined as a group of communications banded together to form a trunk
19:09.54justinu|laptopyeah, but why "trunk"
19:10.06dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: but for whatever reason, the telecom industry also refers to it as a single copper pair for one analog phone line, too
19:10.29justinu|laptopwell, in real telco vernacular a trunk is a intermachine connection
19:10.37justinu|laptopand a line goes to a customer
19:10.53Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: << i placed here the PK provider stuff, it was in today's URDU newspaper
19:11.20dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: well, what is the base of a tree called?  you know hte woody part that carries the water and food to all the extremeties of the tree's branches?
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19:11.47justinu|laptopanyways, the explanation I heard is that trunks are trunks because the very first coax that could carry FDM traffic was as thick as an elephant trunk
19:12.04justinu|laptop4-5 inches in diameter
19:12.32Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: can you include 1 inch more :P
19:12.46dlynes_officeDr-Linux: He's only got 5 inches
19:12.50drrayno way, then my penis would be a trunk
19:12.56drrayooops lag!
19:13.22*** join/#asterisk geoffl (
19:13.25dlynes_officedrray: go blow on your trunk, then
19:13.33*** join/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
19:13.34Dr-Linuxdrray: what codecs? :S
19:14.16drraycapn crunch
19:14.26Qwell[]oh boy
19:14.33Qwell[]drray: bad idea to say that name in here :P
19:14.49Dr-LinuxQwell[]: what name?
19:14.59Qwell[]Dr-Linux: oh no, you aren't going to trick me
19:15.00dlynes_officeDr-Linux: cap'n crunch
19:15.19Qwell[]crunch man == ultraperv
19:15.24Dr-LinuxQwell[]: i don't know what's cap`n crunch
19:15.38Dr-Linux~dict cap`n crunch
19:15.39dlynes_officeDr-Linux: a high profile phreaker from the late 60's/early 70's
19:15.52dlynes_office~wiki cap'n crunch
19:15.54justinu|laptopwhy is it a bad idea ?
19:16.08Qwell[]gby: ...too nice
19:16.09dlynes_office~wiki john draper
19:16.30Qwell[]c'mon, read the last paragraph in the wiki article..
19:16.43Qwell[]I dare you :D
19:17.01*** join/#asterisk martijn_ (
19:17.20justinu|laptopdraper told me he phreaked a call to richard nixon
19:17.20dlynes_officeQwell[]: whistle that was, at the time, Qwell's favorite toy....
19:17.36drraywhile he was blowing 2600hz
19:17.45Dr-Linuxsorry guys,
19:17.45drrayI apologize to all for starting this
19:17.45*** join/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
19:17.51Qwell[]he blows more than 2600hz...
19:18.05gbyjustinu|laptop: yeah, he also says he once reached the whitehouse secretery and asked for toilet paper...
19:18.36Dr-Linuxgby: who gave him toilet paper? Bush? :S
19:18.37justinu|laptopafaik, a lot of telco guys blow more than whistles
19:19.02gbyDr-Linux: try tricky dicky. it was the 70s ;-)
19:19.08drrayI think this would be nixon
19:19.21drraysince this story is older than a lot of you
19:19.32Qwell[]justinu|laptop: this is true
19:19.48justinu|laptopworst kept industry secret ever
19:19.55Dr-Linuxgby: :S sorry?
19:19.55Qwell[]captain crunch is just scary
19:19.58drraykeep that secret
19:20.07Dr-Linuxgby: i know dick word though
19:20.20gbyDr-Linux: it's a nick name for Richard Nixon
19:20.30justinu|laptopdick is a nickname for anyone named richard
19:20.39Dr-Linuxwho the fuck is Richard Nixon?
19:20.40justinu|laptophow the hell did that get started, anyways?
19:20.41drrayand a few people who are not named richard
19:20.43Qwell[]pardon the pun...
19:21.00Qwell[]but, if crunch learned any secret information, while calling Nixon...
19:21.05*** join/#asterisk viler (i=1000@
19:21.06Qwell[]he could blow the whistle on dick?
19:21.08Dr-Linuxone of our manger name is Richard  ...
19:21.11justinu|laptopDr-Linux: 37th president of the USA
19:21.13drraydeep throat!
19:21.13Dr-Linuxlet me ask him
19:21.19Dr-Linuxi see
19:21.31justinu|laptophe resigned because of impending impeachment in 1974
19:21.38Qwell[]okay, nobody liked my pun(s)..
19:21.42drrayI did!
19:22.20drrayhere is a virtual bluebox I wrote
19:22.25drraysound 2600,5
19:22.28drraythe end
19:22.31*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
19:22.35Dr-Linux~dict Richard
19:22.36justinu|laptopdr-linux: his most famous line was: "I am not a crook"
19:22.56Dr-Linux~dict crook
19:23.17justinu|laptopcrook == a criminal
19:23.23justinu|laptopa theif
19:23.30Dr-Linuxi see
19:23.32Qwell[]i before e..
19:23.50Qwell[]stop teaching our foreign friend bad grammar :p
19:23.59drraynixon ordered wiretapping of DNC headquarters, then covered it up
19:24.22Dr-LinuxQwell[]: i know criminal and theif meanings, bcoz we have many here :P
19:24.32Qwell[]justinu|laptop: See what you've done?
19:24.37justinu|laptopexcept words like vein, freight, deceive, etc.
19:24.39Qwell[]You broke him. :P
19:24.57drraywhich is odd because deep throat, was also arrested and sent to prison for wiretapping political adversaries
19:25.10*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=jdlewis@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
19:25.41redondosI solved my previous problem: a card was not tight enough, it appears that the owner was mangling it earlier today.
19:25.50vilerIt is possible to config a Queue with a member sip account from another host ?  member => SIP/USER1@another host  ????
19:25.51justinu|laptopdeep throat turned out to be FBI associated director
19:26.00drraywho was passed over when Hoover died
19:26.02justinu|laptopi never heard he went to jail
19:26.18drrayreagan pardoned felt
19:26.18redondosCan you help me creating reports from the logs generated by asterisk? Is there some documentation about this?
19:26.23drrayso he might not have gone to jail
19:26.42Dr-Linuxhow can i cross my ISP's software? :S
19:26.43justinu|laptoptough guy:
19:27.09mpruettHe didn't go to jail - they just found who deep throat was a several months ago
19:27.26drrayI just wonder what would ahve happened had Felt not been passed over, nixon would not ahve been charged
19:27.33justinu|laptopyeah, it's true that reagan pardoned him
19:27.42Dr-Linuxdrray: you are a bad guy or nice one? :S
19:27.53drrayDr-Linux, probably bad
19:28.09*** join/#asterisk C4T3l (n=rcall01@
19:28.10Dr-Linuxdrray: grrrr, you like Bush?
19:28.17drraynot so much
19:28.23*** part/#asterisk geoffl (
19:28.37C4T3lhello all
19:28.44Dr-Linuxdrray: someone told me he is a gay :S
19:28.53justinu|laptopcan't be
19:28.55justinu|laptophe's not in telco
19:29.08drraywell, unless it was the guy getting 2 1/2" inches from him, I'd dispute it
19:29.17*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/trelane)
19:29.36justinu|laptopbesides, the guys at the top have a lot worse fetishes than homosexuality
19:29.45*** join/#asterisk W9SH (
19:30.09Chotairegreetings all.. short question: is it possible to set Call Duration in a .call file?
19:30.24Chotairelike call shall be disconnected after specified amount of minutes.. I'm missing that feature.
19:30.49Dr-LinuxChotaire: i don't think it can be done.
19:31.31justinu|laptopsince outgoing spool calls don't go thru app_dial, probably no
19:32.01gbyanyone knows how to keep busydetect from detecting flase detecting the telco ring tone as a busy signal?
19:32.19gbyanyone knows how to keep busydetect from false detecting the telco ring tone as a busy signal?
19:32.23Chotairehm, that would suck ;)
19:32.56*** join/#asterisk fholmes (
19:33.00gbyChotaire: it happens with the biggest Israeli telco :-/
19:33.01Delvariv got to say it INGERLAAAAAND! 2 nill :D
19:33.48*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=Greek-Bo@
19:33.54gbymuk_ibook : it works with the qemu in CVS or so reported on the mailing list
19:33.56Chotairegby: you changed indications?
19:34.23Chotairehm, I wonder if that would have any impact on busydetect though
19:34.24gbyChotaire: as far as i could see from the code busydetect does not *use* indications...
19:34.58gby#qemu : muk_ibook  it works with the qemu in CVS or so reported on the mailing
19:35.07gbystupid IRC client
19:35.20Chotairegby: no other idea, sorry.
19:35.31gbyChotaire: thanks anyway
19:35.46Chotaireopen a bug report on that one.
19:36.08gbyChotaire : i prefer to open bug reports only when i can attach the patch to fix it;-)
19:36.29justinu|laptopgby: so how does it work then? hardcoded cadence?
19:36.31Chotairesince there were problems with different dial parameters, I was forced to use .call files instead.. now that .call files won't handle "call duration", I am getting pissed by the dial command again.. I think I should keep bugging people about fixing app_dial too
19:36.45justinu|laptopChotaire: trust me, you're not alone
19:37.27Chotairejustinu: I have had to use dial with several mixed parameters in a very specific configuration. they did not work together, they were simply ignored.
19:37.31Chotairehopefully that will be fixed one day.
19:37.34gbyjustinu|laptop : as far as i can tell it measures the differences between high cadence and low one and if it falls in certain ranges it flags it as a "busy" beep
19:38.10justinu|laptop"high cadence"?
19:38.29*** join/#asterisk d-tech (n=dtc@
19:38.54gbyjustinu|laptop : grr... english is not my mother tongue, sorry.
19:38.57justinu|laptopno prob
19:39.11justinu|laptopcadence is the rhythm of the tones
19:39.42justinu|laptopit's usually a lot easier to detect a tone based on its cadence, than to analyze the frequencies in the tone with an FFT or something
19:39.47dlynes_officeGreek-Boy: hey...still having problems, eh?
19:41.07Greek-Boydlynes; yes :(
19:41.16Greek-Boybut I applied for my service contract
19:41.17gbyjustinu|laptop : the source for busydetects has a remark about being in "half cadance"
19:41.21Greek-Boynow i gotta wait 2 weeks!
19:41.45Greek-Boyyeah thats cisco! unbelievable how the biggest networking company on earth can treat us like this :(
19:41.56dlynes_officeGreek-Boy: because they're cisco
19:42.09dlynes_officeGreek-Boy: they know you'll put up with their bs, and still love them afterwards :p
19:42.16justinu|laptopwhat's the problem?
19:42.23Greek-Boycisco = network version of microsoft
19:42.36gbyjustinu|laptop : anyways, basically yes, except it only cares about detecting alternating silence and tone in a constant rythm, it does not seem to care what that rythm is and the Israeli dial tone sadly fits the pattern :-(
19:42.45Strom_Cdifference being that cisco products actually tend to work
19:42.53Qwell[]Strom_C: pretty much..
19:43.20dlynes_officeI notice how Qwell[] wasn't too much in the affirmative on that one... :)
19:43.30justinu|laptopgby: so your "ringback" indication and "busy" indication are very similar in israel?
19:43.33Greek-Boywhat's the best way to record all calls in mp3 format (all channels) ?
19:43.53dlynes_officeGreek-Boy: probably mix-monitor, or monitor
19:43.55gbyjustinu|laptop : not to a human ear, but yes for the busydetect algorythm :-)
19:43.56justinu|laptopi don't think there's any code in ast that can encode an MP3
19:43.58Qwell[]Greek-Boy: Nothing
19:44.00Strom_CGreek-Boy: use monitor, then sox to mix em, then lame to encode em
19:44.11justinu|laptopor mixmonitor and cut out the sox step
19:44.12dlynes_officei didn't see the mp3
19:44.23Strom_Cmixmonitor only does gsm though
19:44.27Strom_Cand that's icky sounding
19:44.37Dr-Linuxi'm still using sox package
19:44.37Qwell[]you sure?
19:44.38justinu|laptopwe lay down calls in PCM ulaw with mixmonitor
19:44.45Strom_Coh, does it do that now?
19:44.46dlynes_officemixmonitor will do any format that asterisk is capable of saving in
19:44.50Strom_Clast I checked it was only gsm
19:44.56Qwell[]hell, it still uses the old Monitor format
19:45.18gbyjustinu|laptop : anyway, instead of trying to analyze the tones or rythm, i figure it will be much simpler to introduce a channel variable that will determine if busydetect will operate or not on specific calls
19:45.20dlynes_officewell, any format that asterisk is capable of transcoding to, i men
19:45.37Greek-Boyso in the internal context i can setup recording in each extension or just add it to my main macro. and then for incoming context
19:45.56mountainm2kSpeaking of recording, anybody have a good way to put a feature button on a SIP phone that starts recording a call when pressed?
19:46.05gbyjustinu|laptop : then i can only turn it on for incoming calls and not for outgoing calls. sort of a hack, but a generic one for all the places where busydetects misbehaves but still is useful
19:46.06*** join/#asterisk izod (
19:46.41gbymountainm2k : any button that you can program to send DTMF of "*8" will do that with a default asterisk install and proper dialplan
19:47.25izodanyone have an agi or dialplan solution for mass dialing radio contests?
19:47.27mountainm2kdefault asterisk, but the book had me write a dialplan from scratch...
19:47.34justinu|laptopizod: lol
19:47.38mountainm2kizod lol
19:47.41mountainm2knice idea
19:47.48dlynes_officeizod: heh...i used to use my telix autodialer for that
19:47.57justinu|laptopi was doing that 10 years ago with dialogic D240SCT1 cards
19:48.00mountainm2kI used to do that w/ old PBX and PRI -- redial was so damn fast it was unbelievable, I won all kinds of crap
19:48.03izodgotta ask, eh?
19:48.54[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : As in the old DOS comm prog?
19:49.13izodwe've got a nortel pbx here, but I'm not the telecom guy, so I don't get to jack with it much
19:49.22dlynes_officeizod: why not just have an extension you dial into that dials a certain phone number, then loops when it's busy, hangs up, and redials?
19:49.31izodbut I'm running an asterisk box on this DS-3 connection
19:49.35dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: yeah, DOS and Windows...never used the windows version
19:49.44justinu|laptopbah... real BBSers used telemate
19:49.45dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: minicom would work though, too
19:49.56dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: yeah...that's what i used later on
19:50.10dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: and then zcomm or something like that later, in OS/2
19:50.23justinu|laptoplol viva OS/2!
19:50.24izoddlynes_office: yeah. could do that... I was looking for an easy way to light up 50 or so lines and be connected to the one(s) that didn't get a busy
19:50.25[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : I remember using it way back it was my favourite.  Qmodem (I believe it was called) was another, as well as one I wrote based on those.
19:50.51justinu|laptopgparted has a liveCD that's only 32meg
19:50.52dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: yeah...the best all round one for DOS thought was Telemate
19:50.59[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop : Yesh, Telemate was fn... that one had psuedo-multitasking IIRC)
19:51.09justinu|laptopd-fender: indeed
19:51.13dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: i just liked telemate cause it had a 60 line mode
19:51.19[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop : And "window'd" etc
19:51.26justinu|laptopi liked that you could edit a text file while downloading something
19:51.28dlynes_officeoh yeah...and it had a windowing mode
19:51.31dlynes_officeforgot about that
19:51.33[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Mine rocked, but then again... I did write it myself :)
19:51.38izodmy favorite term program was JRComm on the Amiga... slick stuff
19:51.47justinu|laptopJRcomm was ok
19:51.56justinu|laptopthe real shiznit on amiga was Cnet BBS software
19:52.04izodayep... ran a Cnet bbs for a while
19:52.18dlynes_officei had to log into that crap on some loser's bbs that was running cnet bbs on a c64 :)
19:52.46izodhaha... I think I ended up with a $600 phone bill one month calling BBS's all over the country
19:52.56justinu|laptopdirectory opus was also very cool
19:52.57dlynes_officeizod: yeah...$500 here
19:53.06dlynes_officeizod: but i rang up $500/mo bills regularly
19:53.09justinu|laptopapparently they're still developing it for windoze!
19:53.12izoddir opus rocked.
19:53.33*** join/#asterisk gbodemantv (n=gbodeman@
19:53.36gbodemantvhi all
19:53.43izoddlynes_office: ouch. I hovered around $150 usually... $500 every month would have killed me
19:54.24gbodemantvany ever get 482 Loop detected??
19:54.36gbodemantvnot allowing me to dial my sip peers
19:54.45gbodemantvjust goes to voicemail
19:54.57gbodemantvchan_local.c:496 local_alloc: No such extension/context 8201@default creating local channel
19:54.59dlynes_officeizod: well, this was $500Cdn/mo, but still
19:55.16dlynes_officeizod: i lived in Thunder Bay, so every decent BBS was long distance
19:55.16Greek-Boyi already have a receipt for my service contract even though I dont have the number. Lets hope that can stand in lawsuits if there is any cisco employees in here. lol
19:55.17gbodemantvapp_dial.c:473 wait_for_answer: Unable to create local channel for call forward to 'Local/8201@default' (cause = 0)
19:55.18justinu|laptopreal men just hacked a tymnet account and used local outdials to call remote BBSes :P
19:55.22gbodemantvany clues???
19:55.37dlynes_officeizod: i specialized in Amiga, Macintosh, OS/2 and programming software
19:55.42*** join/#asterisk elriah (
19:55.51justinu|laptopman, the glory days of X.25
19:56.07elriahHi all.  For some reason, after doing a 1.07 to 1.2 upgrade, my directory won't find name matches from voicemail.conf, any suggestions?
19:56.31izoddlynes_office: yeah... I was in the middle of nowhere... it was cheaper to call out of state bbs's than in-state
19:56.35dlynes_officeelriah: might help to pastebin your voicemail.conf file
19:57.01izodjustinu|laptop: heheh.. local bbs's? ha! none around unfortunately
19:57.02justinu|laptopif you had a local indial to an X.25 network, it was almost as good as the internet
19:57.03dlynes_officeizod: well, everywhere was long distance though for me...even other cities in the same province
19:57.11elriahIt's just a bunch of entries like this: 801 => 4444,First Last
19:57.17justinu|laptopand thanks to compuserve, there were quit a few indials to x.25 nets
19:57.20dlynes_officeizod: most of the time, i usually called to Alabama and Texas
19:57.43dlynes_officeizod: they were the bbses with the largest file troves, and they ran Courier HST's, so I could connect at 14.4K
19:57.45izoddlynes_office: yeah... I usually hit New York, New Jersey and California
19:57.51elriahIs there something I have to do to turn on the directory in 1.2?
19:58.00dlynes_officeoh yeah...and Rusty 'n Edie's in California...forgot about them :)
19:58.02justinu|laptopcourier HST, telebit trailblazers
19:58.06justinu|laptopthose were the days
19:58.25justinu|laptopi remember spending 600 bucks on a courier dual standard
19:58.29dlynes_officethey had a lot of great FLI files :)
19:58.38elriahGot it.  Wrong context. lol
19:58.46dlynes_officeYeah...I spent $700 on an HST, myself
19:59.01dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: i ugess you must've bought that dual standard after the prices had started to come down
19:59.08mountainm2kOK, I have my test *, with a single FXO, and a single IP phone...  Only I could be using it...  But still I get a fast busy sometimes when dialing out -- what can I do to see why?
19:59.15justinu|laptopi remember getting some kinda "sysop" discount
19:59.25dlynes_officeI still have my HST sitting on my bookshelf :)
19:59.39justinu|laptopthen I had to go buy some 1336 16550 UARTs so I could run the com ports at 56k
19:59.42Nuggetthe sysop prices were 50% off ($500 or so for a classic HST)
19:59.42justinu|laptopor 115k
20:00.05dlynes_officeI have no idea why I lugged the HST all the way out here from thunder bay, though
20:00.17*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
20:00.23dlynes_officeIt's a 3500 mile trip to get here
20:00.31justinu|laptopthe USR modems could dial the fastest, and detect busy faster than anything I ha
20:00.48tzangeroh man
20:01.20C4T3lwhat is q921 protocol?
20:01.30tzangerwith v32bis and what?
20:01.36justinu|laptopi got a supra v32bis modem that ran so hot I could cook my breakfast on it
20:01.40tzangernormally you would say MNP5 but it doesn't say that
20:01.46tzangerjustinu|laptop: I had a friend with one of those
20:02.05tzangerthe supra 2400 you could set s11 so low that it'd dial faster than the telco could discriminate
20:02.07justinu|laptopC4T3l: you mean q931?
20:02.10Qwell[]Nugget: motd for USR?
20:02.14Qwell[]Did they pay you?  heh
20:02.16NuggetI miss the round-led hst with the mechnical relay that went *click* whenever it connected at 9600.
20:02.20justinu|laptoptzanger: USR was like that too
20:02.30NuggetQwell[]: no, but the modems were half-price if you did that.
20:02.34justinu|laptopi never had one that old
20:02.35Nuggetsaved $500.
20:03.35justinu|laptopyeah, even at half price they were insanely expensive for 15 year olds
20:03.39alunt2003Guys,Im trying to get caller-id to show names instead of numbers. I have "exten => 6458155,2,Set(CALLERID(07929902xxx)=Alun Mobile)" but i get this error "Unknown callerid data type" Any ideas?
20:04.03Qwell[]alunt2003: Set(${CALLERID(name)})
20:04.05Qwell[]erm is so confusing, even the windows-heads over at ##windows don't even know what the difference is between longhorn and vista :p
20:04.11Qwell[]alunt2003: Set(${CALLERID(name)}=blah)
20:04.18[TK]D-FenderQwell : Equally bad
20:04.24Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: ?
20:04.29filesilly people
20:04.30alunt2003Qwell[]: Thanks i'll try that
20:04.31[TK]D-Fenderalunt2003 : Set(CALLERID(name)=blah)
20:04.35*** part/#asterisk opus_ (n=opus@
20:04.36Qwell[]oh, duh
20:04.40gbydlynes_office : longhorn is the engineering code name for what marketing vall vista
20:04.50dlynes_officegby: see?  you don't know either
20:05.11Qwell[]I know the difference!
20:05.14dlynes_officegby: Vista is the Desktop/Home Edition version of the next version of Windows.  Longhorn is the server version
20:05.19Qwell[]longhorn was going to have every feature under the sun
20:05.23Qwell[]vista has none
20:05.37gbydlynes_office : i am no exactly what you would call a windows expert. or Windows user for that matter :-)
20:05.57justinu|laptopdid you guys see that vista premium will require hybrid harddrives?
20:05.58dlynes_officeeverybody and their dog seems to think that longhorn is the codename, and vista is the release name, including everyone in ##windows
20:06.04mountainm2krepost: OK, I have my test *, with a single FXO, and a single IP phone...  Only I could be using it...  But still I get a fast busy sometimes when dialing out -- what can I do to see why?
20:06.10dlynes_officeit's pretty funny
20:06.16mountainm2kI've even restarted asterisk, totally restarted, not reload
20:06.24mountainm2kseems like that channel is just wedged
20:06.25gbydlynes_office : the better questions is: who cares? :-)
20:06.28Qwell[]dlynes_office: Did you ever think, that maybe you're the one that's wrong? :D
20:06.29mountainm2kand I can't un-wedge it
20:06.34dlynes_officeQwell[]: nope
20:06.35Qwell[]10 out of 10 people can't be wrong ;)
20:06.43justinu|laptopdlynes_office: wait, you think that windows iwll market a product called "longhorn"?
20:06.53dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: yes
20:06.58dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: they already are
20:07.02Qwell[]the server version is called "Vista Server edition"
20:07.05justinu|laptopso I can go buy longhorn?
20:07.09dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: longhorn and vista are both in beta 2
20:07.13justinu|laptopand the box says longhorn on it?
20:07.20justinu|laptopi'm so there
20:07.20dlynes_officeI would imagine so, yeah
20:07.40dlynes_officeThey just unveiled both of them at WINHEC
20:08.10izodwell... off to figure out this radio contest thing... whee!
20:08.28nazgooli have my asterisk on a machine that does nat/firewall. i'd like it to be able to place and receive calls with a sip provider (e.g. sipgate), but that no one else can log in to sip on my asterisk. what do i have to do to make this sure?
20:08.40jbotsomebody said nat was Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
20:09.29nazgoolnote: my asterisk isn't operating from behind the nat a priory (should i do that?)
20:09.43mountainm2kwhy is there no "zap debug" ?
20:09.56Qwell[]dlynes_office: I could go on..
20:10.01justinu|laptopnazgool: "a priory"?
20:10.29justinu|laptopforgive my ignorance
20:10.59dlynes_officeQwell[]: then why are they still referring to the server edition as longhorn and the desktop edition as vista?
20:11.18Qwell[]ask them
20:11.27Qwell[]but, those articles were pretty clear about the name..
20:11.32VoicePulseBecause the server edition doesn't have a retail name yet.
20:11.39alunt2003Qwell[]: I put in exten => 6458155,2,Set(${CALLERID(07929902xxx)}=Alun Mobile) but still no joy.
20:11.48VoicePulseIn keeping with established naming conventions, the next version of Windows Server, currently codenamed Longhorn Server, will retain the Windows Server 200x moniker used its predecessors, Microsoft officials said at the TechEd 2006 trade show this week in Boston Massachusetts. Given its projected late 2007 release date, Longhorn Server will therefore be named Windows Server 2007 or Windows Server 2008.
20:11.51Qwell[]alunt2003: remove the ${}
20:11.52filethis is interesting
20:12.02alunt2003Qwell[]: Ok
20:12.15nazgooljustinu|laptop:  ahm "a priori" actually (typo). means something like "unless there should be a very good and unknown/unstated reason for the opposite to be true"
20:12.26justinu|laptopnazgool: ah
20:12.29dlynes_officeQwell[]: there ya go, longhorn is not hte same thing as vista
20:12.37dlynes_officeQwell[]: just ask voicepulse :p
20:12.43Qwell[]well, voicepulse are idiots
20:13.05justinu|laptopvoicepulse: thems fightin' words
20:13.30nazgoolso anyways, my asterisk isn't behind a nat. i could place it behind the nat though, since it's on the same machine that does the nat. should i put it behind the nat (i always thought asterisk behind a nat means more problems) ?
20:13.45vader--hmmm any of you guys have a like a asterisk going live check list
20:14.23justinu|laptopnazgool: no, your initial instinct is right
20:14.41nazgoolok thx
20:14.44justinu|laptophowever, does that machine have multiple ethernet interfaces?
20:14.50nazgoolyup 2
20:15.03justinu|laptopthere might be some issue with asterisk binding to the wrong one in certain situations
20:15.03nazgoolone internal (lan), one external (ppp)
20:15.07justinu|laptopi remember having problems with that before
20:15.11dlynes_office"Longhorn Server will feature the Windows Workflow Foundation, IIS 7, Serial ATA, Communications Foundation, Federated Identity, Network Access Protection, Dynamic Partitioning, Windows Virtualization Hypervisor, Service Hardening Windows Firewall, a next generation TCP/IP stack, and enhanced Terminal Services" - Bob Muglia, Sr. VP of Server and Tools Business at Microsoft
20:15.24nazgoolwell so far it seems to work with respect to that
20:15.28justinu|laptopi still think it's a codeword
20:15.32dlynes_officeThat's a quote from last month, Qwell
20:15.35mountainm2kit appear's I have accidently joined a MSFT channel...
20:15.47alunt2003Qwell[]: I removed the brackets. I now get a new error "Function $CALLERID not registered"
20:15.52dlynes_officemountainm2k: lol
20:16.18*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
20:16.27filealgorithmn: Set(CALLERID(name
20:16.34filealgorithmn: Set(CALLERID(name)=My CallerID Name)
20:16.45filethere, setting name and number
20:17.24dlynes_officeQwell[]: even microsoft's calling it Longhorn:
20:17.24justinu|laptopor even Set(CALLERID(all)=John Doe <8005551212>)
20:18.05justinu|laptopdlynes_office: the html title of that page is 'Microsoft Windows Server code name "Longhorn" Beta 2 Home'
20:18.28dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: yeah, and mentions nothign about vista
20:18.41alunt2003file: but my original line was "exten => 6458155,2,Set(CALLERID(07929902xxx)=Alun Mobile)" thats correct isnt it,but it doesnt work
20:18.51fileno, it's not correct
20:19.03nazgoolis it longHORN? i thought it was longWAIT ?
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20:19.11justinu|laptopnazgool: heh, exactly
20:19.12droopshey im trying to use set,    Set(callagent=12223334444)    but then i do a   noop(${callagent})     and i get nothing
20:19.25MartianLobsterwhat is a good way to restart the asterisk server from trixbox?
20:19.33MartianLobstersafe_asterisk, doesn't seem to do it
20:19.39MartianLobsterjustinu|laptop: ok thanks
20:19.42dlynes_officeMartianLobster: shutdown -r now NOW!!!!!!!
20:19.46justinu|laptopwtf is trixbox??
20:19.54dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: the new name of AAH
20:19.57justinu|laptopoh boy
20:19.58*** join/#asterisk S^P (n=masood@
20:20.13justinu|laptopsilly wabbit, trix are for kids!
20:20.31Kattyrut roh
20:20.32Kattyi need help.
20:20.33dlynes_officejustinu|laptop: it's #freepbx's way of trying to trick us into helping their little army
20:20.48Katty <- that's my usb flash drive.
20:20.51Kattyhow do i mount it
20:21.08filemount /dev/sda1 /mnt
20:21.23fileprovided you want it mounted on /mnt
20:21.24mountainm2kyeah, that'd do it
20:21.27dlynes_officeor mount /dev/sda1 /mnt -t vfat
20:21.34Kattyfile: dankou
20:21.41S^Phi I'm configuring a call center, and wana knw about the number of g.729 license we need . setup is => call recieving using SIP and forward on a SIP channel to Quintum.
20:22.05mountainm2kIt appears I waited long enough, my ZAP channel un-wedged itself -- wish I knew what was causing that, as it's very irritating...
20:22.10S^PI enabled CDR functionality of asterisk (MOH)
20:22.12filewhen did I become opped?
20:22.20justinu|laptopa while ago
20:22.32mountainm2k"wedged" in that it won't call out -- when I try, I get a fast-busy
20:22.43mountainm2kalthough incoming calls still work
20:22.43dlynes_officefile: russell opped you in asterisk-dev; i don't know who opped you here
20:22.52mountainm2konly one phone, and only one line, so it's got to be me...
20:22.56fileI have access for dev... oh well!
20:22.59justinu|laptopmountainm2k: what's in your debug files when you try and dial out?
20:23.05*** join/#asterisk rene- (
20:23.48mountainm2kjust says "Executing Dial(), then Called <number> and then Zap/4-1 answered
20:23.50mountainm2kthat's it
20:23.55NetgeeksHey folks, quick question, is there a general consensus on asterisk performance on Hyperthread systems, in other words HT on or off preferred?
20:24.08dlynes_officeNetgeeks: off
20:24.15justinu|laptopmountainm2k: it says that when you get a fast busy?
20:24.15Qwell[]Netgeeks: Which NIC did you say you were using in the e4500?
20:24.24*** join/#asterisk syzygybsd (
20:24.34fileooh broadcom
20:24.38mountainm2kjustinu|laptop: yes, I can pastebin if you want, but it's really only that simple...
20:24.46dlynes_officebroadcom kicks ass
20:24.52mountainm2kand it doesn't actually dial out, it's not the co giving me that...
20:24.52dlynes_officeespecially if you're using a digium card
20:25.16justinu|laptopmountainm2k: so what is giving you fast busy?
20:25.17dlynes_officemy firmware's toast on my broadcom network card :(((
20:25.36dlynes_officesomething went super screwy under freebsd and then my broadcom went bye-bye
20:25.52dlynes_officehad to throw a couple of 3com's in there, instead
20:26.02mountainm2kHmm, actually...  I just dialed out from SIP, got fast busy, and while I was listening to it I dialed in from outside world, got a busy...  So maybe it _IS_ the CO giving me that...
20:26.12Qwell[]Netgeeks: and that's a quad port, right?
20:26.20justinu|laptopmountainm2k: if you're reall interested in solving it, it can be solved
20:26.30dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: actually, my install for for sangoma a200d went quite smooth
20:26.35NetgeeksI'm using the 5700 which is a two port card
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20:27.04mountainm2kjustinu|laptop: Well, I obvioulsy need to solve it...
20:27.13justinu|laptopmountainm2k: if you want to verify whether it's CO generated fast busy, or something else, turn on sip debug peer <yoursipphone>
20:27.15Netgeeksthere are some quad port broadcoms, but you have to be careful, some of them use 'software' to drive all 4 ports and some have hardware
20:27.26justinu|laptopmake your call, pastebin the sip dialog
20:27.31[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : So it was only that bad UDEV version hmm?
20:27.43Qwell[]Netgeeks: tried a cassini?
20:27.50NetgeeksI don't know the details myself, but I was warned to make sure I got the right card
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20:27.56syzygybsdhas anyone installed zaptel on 2.6.15 or later?
20:28.18NetgeeksQwell: cassini?  um the only thing that I know that has that name is a space probe of some sort
20:28.28syzygybsdafter looking up the error it looks like an option was removed from the kernel that it is trying to set, I can't compile it with this kernel
20:28.40Qwell[]It's a NIC the Sun techs have suggested using
20:29.08Netgeeksah, no, never tried it
20:29.11justinu|laptopanother offtopic: if I have a bootable ISO image, and a USB key, how do I put that ISO onto the USB key so I can boot off it?
20:29.22Netgeeksthe 4500 has been turned off for over a month now  :(
20:29.27Qwell[]Netgeeks: heh
20:29.32gbydlynes_office : /quit
20:29.33alunt2003file: Nope,i'm horribly confused. If i put "exten => 6458155,2,SetCIDName(Alun Mobile)" it works-unfortunatly for any number that calls they become "Alun Mobile". If i use exten => 6458155,2,Set(CALLERID(07929902xxx)=Alun Mobile) it just wont work
20:29.38mountainm2k  -- from CLI, debug 10 and verbose 10
20:29.46Qwell[]Netgeeks: I get to test Linux on a new sunfire next week (or tomorrow, with any luck)
20:29.57NetgeeksQwell: what model?
20:30.03Qwell[]T2000, 8 core ;)
20:30.15filealunt2003: which is all correct in behavior, you just don't understand exactly how it all works and what's right/not - what are you trying to do?
20:30.20justinu|laptopmountainm2k: so yeah - it looks like that fast busy is coming from CO
20:30.26Netgeeksnice, I guessing you will have some serious issues getting linux to work on it
20:30.41mountainm2kGrrr...  OK, test-set in hand....  Back in a few...
20:30.46Qwell[]Netgeeks: nah, I have 100% support from Sun...and that's straight from Jonathan Schwartz. :)
20:30.51justinu|laptopmountainm2k: i thought your sip phone itself might generate the busy, but the SIP dialog says otherwise
20:31.00alunt2003file: Im trying to get my own mobile number to show up as "Alun Mobile"
20:31.05mountainm2kfast busy for ALL numbers I try, not just ofc...
20:31.31NetgeeksQwell: hrm, nice, keep me up to date.  I'm interested in how well a non-transcoding asterisk will run on the T1/2000
20:31.40filealunt2003: when you're placing outgoing calls?
20:31.48justinu|laptopmountainm2k: how about "0"?
20:31.53alunt2003file: No incoming
20:32.03*** join/#asterisk cardiffit (
20:32.16dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: no, i suspect it was other "issues"
20:32.25fileexten => 6458155/07929902xxx,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=Alun Mobile)
20:32.28dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: including a botched sangoma install
20:32.34dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: that I couldn't seem to undo
20:33.30[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Well its all sounding "gold" now...
20:33.45*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
20:34.13dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: asterisk all configured for basics
20:34.25dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: but i'm getting wrtdm Board 1                            UNCONFIGUR 0          0          0
20:34.36vader--asterisk doesn't include sound files for regular numbers 0-9 with their sound addon?
20:34.42dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: when i do a zap show status
20:34.51Strom_Cvader--: those come with asterisk :)
20:35.02vader--in the lady's voice?
20:35.11vader--whats the sound file for number nine?
20:35.14Strom_Cher name is Allison
20:36.07vader--thank you
20:36.17fileStrommy Boy!
20:37.34mountainm2kPlugged my test-set between FXO and the CO
20:37.39mountainm2kverified I can dial
20:38.05mountainm2kwhat it sound slike is the Zap isn't waiting for dial-tone before actually dialing
20:38.15mountainm2kso it goes offhook and dials immediatly
20:38.23mountainm2kand the CO is sometimes missing the first digit
20:38.45mountainm2kalso we have 10-digit dialing here, and it's dialing 9 digits, then a short delay (500ms maybe) and then the last one
20:39.04Qwell[]mountainm2k: Dial(Zap/g1/w${EXTEN})
20:39.23*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
20:39.29mountainm2kthe "w" says wait for dialtone, Im guessing?
20:39.33justinu|laptopmountainm2k: yeah, w will add a short pause to your dialstring
20:39.34justinu|laptop500ms, iirc
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20:39.50alunt2003file: That works perfect for my mobile now,but times out for normal phones so i guess i have to add more rules or something. error: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'inbound'
20:39.51justinu|laptopyour CO must have a damn slow digit receiver
20:39.51Qwell[]justinu|laptop: I want to say 250ms...but...I may be wrong
20:40.12justinu|laptop250 sounds more correct
20:40.15mountainm2kit's weird, some of our lines in this area are like that and some aren't
20:40.18filealunt2003: essentially what it does is for priority 1, if the callerid matches your mobile it executes that instead, while other calls go to the regular priority 1
20:40.31filealunt2003: so based on what I said... you should be able to put two and two together and figure something out
20:41.45justinu|laptopmountainm2k: probably depends on what type of switch the line originates at
20:42.19justinu|laptopjust add more "w" until it works reliably
20:42.23syzygybsdhmmm, I see a patch for fixing my problem in 2.16 but I am running 2.15  upgrade the kernel or patch the source...
20:42.23justinu|laptopif indeed that was the problem
20:42.24alunt2003file: Yeah,I'll read my "Asterisk,The Future Of Telephony" book. It's very good at explaining dial plans,but i just couldn't work out the caller-id setting. Thanks again
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20:47.23nazgooltickle fetish?
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20:50.16mountainm2kOK, that seems to have fixed my problem -- just one W
20:50.31mountainm2kit still dials 9 digits, then a short delay, then the 10th
20:50.37mountainm2kbut that doesn't matter too much
20:52.14syzygybsdthere a good link for how to create a patch using svn
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20:52.28syzygybsdI did one using cvs but now I need to do anohter
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21:01.59mountainm2kOK, now, here's another question -- how can I simply record ALL incoming and/or outgoing calls?  Just drop a call to monitor() in front of dial() ?
21:02.41justinu|laptopyeah, but use mixmonitor
21:03.38mountainm2kwhat diff?  *7 works now (*R, hah), it recorded two files, then mixed them...
21:04.00justinu|laptopmixmonitor will take the two records and mix them together
21:04.06justinu|laptopmonitor requires you to do it yourself
21:04.27mountainm2kHmm, the automon function must use mixmonitor then -- it mixed them for me, I didn't do it...
21:04.38justinu|laptopyeah, probably does
21:04.44justinu|laptopmonitor is old and silly :)
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21:05.14okdois it possible to use sox within the asterisk dialplan so I can automatically raise the volume on the file?
21:05.27Qwell[]I bet mixmon could go away, by just adding an option to monitor
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21:08.00mishehuI have libpri 1.2.3 installed, zaptel 1.2.6 installed, and then I built and installed asterisk   why might it be that is reporting that 'pri_cpe' is an unknown signalling type?
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21:10.53tgrmananyone else using wav49 as their voicemail storage format with trunk?
21:10.59justinu|laptopmishehu: switchtype set?
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21:12.16fnordiantgrman: i remember some problems with wav49, but that was in 1.2.7
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21:12.22dlynes_officethere we go
21:12.30dlynes_officegetting asterisk set up on a P75 :)
21:12.57mishehujustinu|laptop: it's set for pri_cpe
21:13.07mishehunational I mean
21:13.08tgrmanI think that there may be something screwy with the gsm conversion being done with the wav49 format as the file generated will not play in windows media player. things work fine with 1.2
21:14.13smackusis it possible to SetVar(CALLFILENAME=${the unique cdr id for this call here}? or is the cdr unique id created after the call is completed?
21:15.07*** join/#asterisk QbY_ (
21:15.27QbY_Is Find Me Follow Me not installed by default with Asterisk?
21:15.35tgrmanthe wav49 file will play fine through app_voicemail and using the play command in Linux, although sox does complain about an invalid gsm frame size
21:18.30tgrmananyone willing to help confirm this? don't want to submit a bug if it's not really a bug, although looks like a bug at present
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21:22.09smackuswho is a good sip provider, low rate high quality.
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21:27.25outsrchi room
21:28.16Strom_Ch hi
21:28.36outsrci am having a trouble in inbound call that when i receve call it says unable to authanticate unknown
21:28.59outsrcwhat could be the possible reason
21:29.05Strom_Cwhat kind of channel?
21:29.09justinu|laptopsounds like iax?
21:29.33outsrcnow its g729
21:29.42Strom_Cno, thats the codec
21:29.44justinu|laptopg729 is a codec
21:29.49Strom_Cwhat protocol are you using?
21:29.51justinu|laptopSIP or IAX?
21:30.00Strom_Cjustinu|laptop: ha!
21:30.03justinu|laptopdo you have the proper friend/user entry in sip.conf?
21:30.12outsrcyep i do
21:30.56outsrci had same conf working on my other mechine which carsh so i turn my backup mechine up but i having this trouble
21:31.04shmaltzhow can I change the PCI latency for a device?
21:31.55outsrcand when i dial my # it singel buzy
21:32.47justinu|laptopoutsrc: turn on sip debug, make your inbound call, paste the output to
21:33.09justinu|laptopoutsrc: and pastebin your sip.conf friend/user entry, with password obscured
21:34.05outsrcand then?
21:34.16justinu|laptopsomeone looks and finds the problem, hopefully
21:34.34*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
21:34.52outsrci am new here where this ?
21:35.00jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
21:35.14TripleFFFFcdr_msql has the userfield=1 and loguniqueid=1
21:35.27TripleFFFFhowever they both empty
21:36.37twilsonTripleFFFF: Right, then on all incoming calls, use SetCDRUserfield(${CALLERID(DNID)} and you will be good.
21:37.11twilsonTripleFFFF: if you have an inbound context where all calls come in, you can just set it once there.
21:38.47TripleFFFFyeah trying
21:39.42TripleFFFFBAD (
21:40.04TripleFFFFok fixed.. trying
21:40.12*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
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21:41.48*** join/#asterisk amdtech (
21:42.21TripleFFFFok its there
21:42.39Dr-Linuxanybody know Multitech VOIP gateway?
21:43.13TripleFFFFok then i mod my billing system to user userfield right ?
21:43.19TripleFFFFwhat happened in last revisions ?
21:43.37twilsonTripleFFFF: trying to bill off of lastapp, etc. is a pain.  never understood why the actual dialed number was never in the cdr.  :-)
21:44.04twilsonTripleFFFF: should work.  last revisions?
21:44.07Corydon-wamdtech: on 7357, you tested the patch?
21:44.07TripleFFFFwell.. not only that.. but i get weird shit.. like.. S, !< i mean i get multiple CDR's for same channel
21:44.16TripleFFFFeach time it goes into queuen.. or jumps somewhere
21:44.28TripleFFFFsame channel id
21:44.52amdtechi think the !ast_fileexists is looking at the text file which does exist
21:45.01amdtechso it's not even dropping into there
21:45.17Corydon-wamdtech: no, ast_fileexists specifically does NOT look at the txt file
21:47.18TripleFFFFthanks mate
21:48.15Corydon-wast_fileexists only looks at registered file types
21:49.39TripleFFFFphp question
21:50.22rene-if php is the question the answer is no
21:50.46TripleFFFFnam i need to add : $blah="\${CALLERID(DNID)}";
21:50.54TripleFFFFdo i need ot escape the { too ?
21:54.35justinu|laptopi can't believe IBM hadn't figured out how to make a bootable cd by the time they releassed OS/2 warp 4
21:55.19justinu|laptopi guess i shouldn't be surprised... the factory install routines for the thinkpad still uses .BAT files
21:55.21justinu|laptoplots of them
21:57.10*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
21:57.51gigahzhi all. is this channel good for asking on trixbox?
21:58.04dlynes_officegigahz: type /topic
21:58.38TripleFFFFtwilson ?
21:59.07twilsonTripleFFFF: yeah?
21:59.25TripleFFFFif i use that i need to mod my whole set of apps
21:59.29TripleFFFFso i wanna be sure
21:59.55TripleFFFFis in and out right ?
22:00.07TripleFFFFif i dual out 1231231234 that wat it will contain ?
22:00.59*** join/#asterisk rikstah (
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22:02.40*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
22:03.32twilsonto the best of my knowledge, barring some bug I'm not aware of.  It will be on all incoming calls to asterisk, so since your phones and your peers will all dial into asterisk, you should be fine.
22:04.18TripleFFFFmodding CDRtool
22:04.19TripleFFFFthat pos
22:04.32SwK[Work]anyone had to deal with a nat'd sip-ua behind a microsoft internet connection sharing thing on SBS?
22:04.37*** join/#asterisk tecnico (n=tecnico@
22:05.49twilsonTripleFFFF: Of course, the best thing to do is run through every type of call that you allow your users to make and examine the CDRs that are produced.  Billing w/ Asterisk is always a little tricky.  Especially if you through in transfers, etc.
22:06.18twilsonTripleFFFF: wow, I meant throw... not through.
22:06.24*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
22:07.31*** join/#asterisk JoseBravo (n=jdbravo@
22:08.15TripleFFFFi mean lol
22:08.30JoseBravoHow can I configure my asterisk, for aoutgoing calls. I have bought SIP channel with g729?
22:10.31AlexCTISomeone knows how can I increase the priority of a call to make it keeps his position on the queue?
22:10.38*** part/#asterisk kitche (
22:11.43dlynes_officeAlexCTI: you mean you want to be able to hang up, call back, and maintain your original position in the queue?
22:13.08*** join/#asterisk hads (
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22:13.30AlexCTIdlynes, I'll make better my question, How can i make the a call comes into a queue with hight priotity than others that actually be there before?
22:14.10JoseBravodlynes_home,  may be can you help me with my question?
22:14.15dlynes_officeAlexCTI: you'd have to write your own code for that
22:14.31dlynes_officeAlexCTI: someone's already written code to be able to hang up, call back, and maintain original position in queue
22:14.45mfedykcrap, I forgot the local milliwat number in the PSTN
22:14.47dlynes_officeAlexCTI: you might be able to look at that code to consider how to write your code
22:15.07dlynes_officeJoseBravo: take a look at the sample extensions.conf file that comes with asterisk
22:15.13dlynes_officeJoseBravo: also, check the wiki
22:15.20jbotdocs is probably probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
22:15.37dlynes_officeholy crap is google spreadsheets ever damned buggy
22:17.01AlexCTIdlynes, actually i'm trying to play with ${PRIORITY} but i'm not sure how tell to that variable attach with the call that comes high
22:17.24tgrmananyone notice that the latest trunk produces wav49 files that WMP can't play when the ones 1.2 generated worked fine?
22:17.30dlynes_officesame here, but then again, i don't use queues or agents, either
22:19.29shmaltzhow can I change the pci Latency for a specific device?
22:21.33*** join/#asterisk loonacy (
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22:22.11loonacyAnyone know where i can find a sample dialtone plan for North America?
22:22.23shmaltzloonacy, to do what?
22:22.36shmaltzloonacy, I think you mean dialplan and not dialtone plan
22:22.44loonacyI have an ATA that has chinese dialtones on it.
22:23.27shmaltzloonacy, that should be a setting in the ATA, it has nothing to do with asterisk
22:25.20loonacyI know it's on my ATA, i was just hoping someone could point me to a standard NA dialtone plan... I've been googling for an hour.
22:25.50shmaltzloonacy, I think that /etc/asterisk/indications might help you
22:26.13Strom_Cis dial tone in north america
22:27.06Strom_CDial Tone is 350 Hz and 440 Hz held steady at -13 dBm0/frequency.
22:27.13Strom_CAudible Ring Tone is 440 Hz and 480 Hz for 2 seconds on and 4 seconds off at -13 dBm0/frequency.
22:27.48Strom_CLow Tone is 480 Hz and 620 Hz at -24 dBm0/frequency.
22:27.57Strom_CLine Busy Tone is Low Tone on and off every .5 seconds.
22:28.40Strom_CReorder Tone is Low Tone on and off every .25 seconds
22:29.04Strom_Cloonacy: does that answer your question, or do i need to throw the entire Bellcore book at you? :)
22:31.49Dr-Linuxanybody know Multitech VOIP gateway?
22:32.39gmfmif I start monitoring a channel in the dialplan when the call is set up, is it possible to use features.conf to provide a dynamic way to stop monitoring?
22:33.14gmfmI tried this (stopmon => *7,callee,StopMonitor) but it doesn't stop it
22:36.51Bullseye_NetworkI've been having problems with VoiceMail All day. I had it working fine and then after a while it stops working again.
22:37.01Bullseye_Networkmy voicemail.conf ---
22:37.19Bullseye_Networkit says this mailbox cannot accept messages
22:37.30Bullseye_Networkand there are no messages in the box.
22:37.57Bullseye_NetworkI deleted all the boxes and let the system recreate them and it might work for a while and then back to the ssame problem
22:38.48*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
22:39.57Bullseye_NetworkSometimes if I do a reload it will start working again
22:42.06*** join/#asterisk Ironhand (
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22:43.18hadsAnyone understand fxotune more than me and is able to tell me why I always get 1=5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
22:43.48hadsfxotune from trunk BTW
22:44.40*** join/#asterisk bmac2 (
22:45.12bmac2I am setting up Asterisk and need to know how and where to get a phone number assigned to my server so I can test it.  I have vonage and am looking ot replace it iwth asterisk
22:45.18bmac2where can I get a phone number?
22:45.46loonacyStrom_C: Thanks, everything sounds a lot better now.
22:46.05*** join/#asterisk SRCR ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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22:48.39TripleFFFFoh im good
22:50.05twilsonTripleFFFF: I suppose that means I'm good too?
22:51.13JoseBravoI bought a SIP account for international callings. Now I want to configure my asterisk for use this account like channel. How can I do that?
22:51.45mountainm2kwhat your dialplan look like?
22:51.48mountainm2kextensions.conf ?
22:52.11mountainm2kI have a seperate context for outbound-long-distance
22:52.22mountainm2kyou just need one for outbound-intl, like
22:52.46mountainm2kexten => _9011xxxxxxsomething,1,Dial(SIP/something)
22:53.03mountainm2kthen include that context in your internal context
22:54.24*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=sedorox@smartserv/cna/Sedorox) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:54.27bmac2mountainm2k, can you direct me to where to get a phone number assigned to  my asterisk so I can test it?
22:55.16mountainm2kheh, wish I could...  I'd like to get a block of a few numbers so I can test DID, but I havn't been able to as of yet...
22:55.32bmac2so yours is set up to be outgoing only?
22:55.35mountainm2kI'm using a TDM board with an FXO module, and a spare phone line...
22:55.43mountainm2kI'm not doing any VoIP to the outside world
22:55.47bmac2oh ok
22:55.58mountainm2kbut Dial() is Dial()
22:56.04*** join/#asterisk braniff (n=dfjk@unaffiliated/braniff)
22:56.11justinu|laptophow you gonna do DID with an FXO module?
22:56.13bmac2ok thanks
22:56.15mountainm2kso if you have your dialplan set up for int'l already, just need to tell it to use the SIP...
22:56.24mountainm2kI'm not -- that's why I havn't tested it yet...
22:56.35mountainm2kEventually I'm going to get a T1 board and a PRI line
22:56.44justinu|laptopanalog sucks
22:56.47mountainm2knot keen on getting all my phone lines from VoIP
22:56.55justinu|laptopVoIP is one thing
22:57.02justinu|laptopvoice over internet is a whole different world
22:57.10mountainm2kVoIP over the internet is ...  Yeah, what yo said
22:59.37*** join/#asterisk mpruett (
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23:01.47*** join/#asterisk dan__t (n=dant@
23:02.43dan__tI'm for sure out of my league here, so for sake of sounding like a 'tard, I'll just go ahead with it - we have a rather large Intertel PBX system, which I'm not too fond of.  I'm wondering what kind of role Asterisk can play in the administration of that system
23:04.04charles___dan__t:  nothing
23:04.18dan__tFigured as much.
23:04.20*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
23:04.21DrkShdwasterisk would replace your current pbx..
23:04.27generalhanwhats up all !?
23:04.34charles___dan__t:  Asterisk can be your pbx but not manage your current pb
23:04.44dan__tAhh ok, that's what I was looking for.
23:05.07generalhanim looking for a really good wireless conference room phone ... anyone had good experiences with a particular one and Asterisk ?
23:05.10braniffwhat's a good linux softphone ??
23:05.16dan__tI'd rather not get all new equipment to interface all the existing phones and stuff with Asterisk.
23:05.16Qwell[]wireless conf phone?
23:05.20Qwell[]can't say I've seen any
23:05.34generalhanyouve never even seen any Qwell[] >?
23:05.47generalhanPolycom makes like 3 i think
23:05.57Qwell[]wifi, or like analog?
23:06.16generalhanwith a WIRED base ... but a WIRELESS station
23:06.17Qwell[]oh...well, yeah
23:06.23generalhanthats what im talking about
23:06.25charles___dan__t:  come on, you said big company, you guys have the bucks
23:06.29Qwell[]so just get a polycom :p
23:06.38generalhanwireless just as in my boss doesnt want a trailing wire running across the huge table
23:06.38Qwell[]charles___: You must've never worked for a big company
23:06.50DrkShdwyour intertel pbx,  is it voip?
23:07.08generalhanQwell[]: i knew about the Plycoms but i just wanted to know if anyone had used it and liked it ... or if someone knew of one better
23:07.31charles___Qwell: I've worked for the biggest company group from latin america
23:07.38braniffcan someone recommend a good linux softphone ??
23:07.50mountainm2kIAX support :-)
23:09.44rene-i am scripting the manager interfase, i am issuing originate events with async, after origination i want to catch call link events,  i think i can have some race conditions here if the number of calls originate is large, as in i can miss, linkages before the origination is over
23:10.07*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
23:10.14rene-so the question is what is best to use threads in process or different processes
23:10.15moprihi anyway had anyluck setting up caller id in europe o latinamerica?
23:10.15*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
23:10.38rene-mopri: you mean forging callerid
23:11.01dan__tcharles___, I said nothing of a big company heh
23:13.00*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
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23:15.09dan__tSo I've got a few boxes of crap.  This is going to be fun
23:15.35knarflyCan anyone with a FWDNET account give me a test call?
23:16.54jsaundersThat'd be cool if you could set the outbound codec w/ the Dial() cmd, or something along those lines, instead of on a peer or general basis.
23:17.05jsaundersOr am I just retarded and missing the big picture here.  Hmm.
23:23.45*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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23:25.26justinu|laptopjsaunders: no, i think a per call codec feature would be useful for a lot of people
23:25.50jsaundersAmen brotha
23:26.02justinu|laptopof course, you could define two peers, with two different allows, but that wouldn't work for dynamic devices that register
23:26.46generalhanQwell[]: would you recommend an IP conference room phone or an analog ?? cause i have that room wired with a connectection from my TDM and my TE210
23:27.18justinu|laptopwe use an analog polycom soundpoint connected to a Sipura ATA
23:27.48justinu|laptopa lot cheaper than going out and buying an soundpoint IP
23:28.04generalhanjustinu|laptop: well i wouldnt need the Sipura since i have the TDM ports ... but i just dont know if it would be better to have an IP version rather than an analog
23:28.56generalhanjustinu|laptop: let me put it this way then i guess .. the IP4000 is only $100 more than the Soundstation2W ... would it be a $100 benefit to use the IP4000 rather than the analog ?
23:29.42justinu|laptopnot sure... the analog phone will work in more places, and be easier to setup
23:29.56justinu|laptopdepends on how much you wanna eat your on VoIP dogfood :)
23:30.07*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=jdlewis@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
23:30.29generalhanjustinu|laptop: yea ?? is that really what you meant to say ? lol
23:30.52justinu|laptopchoice was easier for us, because we had a sounpoint already, and no way were they gonna buy another
23:31.33moprihi anyway had anyluck setting up caller id in europe o latinamerica?, i can-t get the callerid from the local pstn analog line
23:32.51moprii think i'll look for callerid translators.. maybe they are
23:34.11*** join/#asterisk dlynes_office (n=dlynes@
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23:45.08mountainm2kOK, another question...  I'm trying XLite soft phone -- works, nice...  But if I use same extension for hard-IP phone and soft-phone, it seems like the last one to connect is the one that gets incoming calls -- they don't both ring
23:45.28mountainm2kany way to make Dial(SIP/xxx) go to all those signed in under that name?
23:45.39DrkShdwumm..    you want ring groups
23:46.06DrkShdw1 extension per phone,  then configure the ring group accordigly
23:46.31justinu|laptopmountainm2k: asterisk doens't support multiple presence like that... make your phones register as seperate peers and use a Dial(SIP/device1&SIP/device2)
23:46.45mountainm2kHmmm...  Havn't done that yet, as it wasn't covered in the book, heh...  More reading for me!
23:47.05mountainm2kAhhh...  OK, that'd work...
23:48.22*** part/#asterisk umay (
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23:51.18knarflyCan anyone with a FWDNET account help me with a test call?
23:51.33*** join/#asterisk implicit (
23:53.49braniffi tried to set up asterisk....when i try to run it by typing "asterisk", nothing happens, and the process does not start (pgrep asterisk shows nothing) should i start debugging this ?
23:54.29generalhanbraniff: type 'safe
23:54.48generalhanor asterisk -cvvv
23:55.47*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
23:55.51braniffah that gave me lots of errors to work with
23:56.14generalhanyou already compiled all that you needed (ie zaptel and libpri)
23:56.36braniffi loaded the fedora package
23:56.46generalhanthen asterisk and thats it ?
23:57.19braniffi meant i loaded the fedora asterisk rpm and all its dependencies...
23:57.33generalhanbraniff: what kind of setup are you using on your * server ? like any digium hardware, ect
23:58.15braniffi'm trying to use Ekiga softphone with asterisk on the same laptop
23:58.23braniffvery simple setup
23:58.41generalhanusing a VoIP provider ?
23:59.08generalhanok i think that you need to modprobe ztdummy if youre not using any hardware
23:59.49branifflooks like i don't have that module...

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.