irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060612

00:00.45*** join/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
00:01.43CN_BUY_ROUTESanyone have routes/termination for sell us ?
00:01.51*** join/#asterisk w32 (n=234@
00:05.12*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
00:08.31*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
00:09.22MrBelvedrwhat is the linux command so I can watch what another user is doing?
00:09.46mitchelocask in #linux
00:10.00MrBelvedr#linux is not on freenode anymore
00:10.26mitchelocthen connect wherever they are
00:12.08shmaltzMrBelvedr, try screen
00:13.16timscottMister Belvadere...from nettwerked?
00:17.36*** join/#asterisk abatista (
00:23.44*** join/#asterisk hads|home (
00:24.26*** join/#asterisk esculapio__ (
00:24.58esculapio__help my please
00:25.04esculapio__quien habla espanol
00:25.56esculapio__Ciber311, me puedes ayudar un problema que tengo con una tarjeta x100p
00:26.19Ciber311depender que el problema es
00:26.42esculapio__puentra al canal de asterisk-es
00:26.58esculapio__bueno mi problemas es que tengo dos puertos
00:27.37esculapio__Ciber311, uno fxo y el otro creo que es un fxs por que tengo el telefono conectado a el
00:27.59abatistaen la misma tarjeta?
00:28.36abatistael x101p/x100p es nada mas on fxo el otro purto es nada mas pass through.
00:28.41Ciber311no creo que la x100p tiene un fxs y un fxo
00:28.56abatistana da mas un fxo
00:28.57esculapio__abatista, si
00:29.09esculapio__abatista, ok
00:29.41esculapio__abatista, ese puerto donde esta el telefono analago, yo no puedo registrarlo?
00:29.42Ciber311esculapio__: necesitas una tarjeta con fxs para cornetar un telefono analogo o un ATA
00:29.52*** join/#asterisk dusan2 (
00:30.20Ciber311puedes husar in softphone mientras tanto para testing
00:30.21esculapio__Ciber311, pero tengo el telefono analogo conectado y suena cuando me llaman
00:30.44esculapio__Ciber311, y tengo varios softphone tambien
00:30.51abatistasi es pur la tajeta es pass through
00:31.11abatistalo mismo como un fax machine
00:31.25esculapio__abatista, y ese puerto yo no puedo configurarlo
00:31.42esculapio__abatista, y como ?
00:32.02Ciber311no puedes
00:32.08Ciber311esculapio__: necesitas una tarjeta con fxs para cornetar un telefono analogo o un ATA
00:32.17abatistano lo pudes configuralo pur que no esta.
00:32.41esculapio__Ciber311, si
00:32.54abatistamy spanish is bad but it's just a passthrough port
00:32.54esculapio__Ciber311, pero como el telefono suena cuando me llaman
00:33.04Ciber311same here abatista
00:33.32esculapio__Ciber311, ok
00:33.42abatistaesculapio__, no es un purto es como parte de la linia..
00:33.44Ciber311suena por el vorteaje de la senal, pero no vas a poder hablar
00:34.29abatistaif you pick up the phone before it's answered by asterisk you can talk through it
00:35.03Ciber311well yeah, i meant through asterisk :P
00:38.18ariel_esculapio__, ya estiende?
00:39.07*** join/#asterisk dusan2 (
00:39.34Ciber311he said yes a couple lines up
00:40.18*** join/#asterisk gopherspidey (
00:41.00gopherspideydoes anyone use a polycom 601?
00:41.09Ciber311i use a 501
00:41.30gopherspideyWould you happen to have the 1.6.6 firmware?
00:41.35ariel_I use a 500 and a 501
00:41.41Ciber311only 1.6.5
00:41.44ariel_I only have 1.6.2
00:41.55Ciber311i'll use 1.6.6 if you send it to me ;)
00:41.56ariel_if it works dont change in my view
00:42.05Ciber311those fruitcakes at polycom don't distribute it
00:42.19gopherspideythat pisses me off
00:42.36Ciber311only reason i have 1.6.5 is because i got it from voip-info
00:42.43gopherspideyI am trying to monitor more than 8 lines with one
00:43.05Ciber311the 601 supports like 48 right?
00:43.15ariel_monitor like hint
00:43.21ariel_you have a sidecar
00:43.22gopherspideyonly with 1.6.6
00:43.33gopherspideyone is in the mail.
00:43.47gopherspideyIam trying to prep for the arrival
00:44.22Ciber311gotta love their 300 dollar cart :P
00:44.30Ciber311probably cost them like 5 dollars ;)
00:44.33*** join/#asterisk linux777 (
00:44.51linux777Ciber311, please enter channel asterisk-es
00:44.52Ciber311so do you have 1.6.6? :P
00:45.00ariel_I can't wait for there 430 to come in.
00:45.11*** join/#asterisk {Sean} (
00:45.16{Sean}hey man
00:45.21Ciber311i'm sure the 430 will be very overpriced
00:45.31Ciber311watch them sell it for 300
00:45.32ariel_it's suppose to be less then the 501
00:45.34{Sean}i am having trouble asterisk binding to an IP or interface, could any body help me troubleshoot it?
00:45.43Ciber311then release the 530 for 500
00:45.49Ciber311and get rid of the old ones :)
00:45.53ariel_why the 501 is far better
00:46.13ariel_well the 430 is a 301 with poe and speaker phone/mic
00:46.24Ciber311i know
00:46.34Ciber311you'll see
00:46.41Ciber311they'll kill the whole old range
00:46.45linux777Ciber311, help my please, I have problen, My Inglesh no god
00:46.45Ciber311and release the new one
00:46.47ariel_but I need some cheap good phones in stead of the linksys 942
00:46.54Ciber311and up the price by 100 because of built in poe
00:47.12ariel_linux777, que nessisitas
00:47.33Ciber311linux777: habla aqui
00:48.09linux777ariel_, conectarme a otro asterisk,pero si hablamos aqui no ban
00:48.13Ciber311so gopherspidey do you actually have a 1.6.6 file?
00:48.41gopherspideynot yet
00:48.51gopherspideyI am searching
00:49.01ariel_I might be able to get it from voipsupply
00:49.03Ciber311lot of fixes in it
00:49.08ariel_let me see if I can login to there ftp
00:49.19linux777ariel_, please enter a channel asterisk-es
00:49.27gopherspideyThanks for the pointer to voip I at least found 1.6.5.
00:50.08linux777Ciber311, yo tengo dos asterisk en diferente localidades
00:50.19gopherspideyThat is a step up from the 1.6.0 that I am running
00:50.41Ciber311i installed it last night
00:50.46Ciber311good so far
00:51.25linux777Ciber311, yo tengo dos asterisk en diferente localidades
00:52.07linux777Ciber311, quiiero que cuando yo marke un numero
00:53.21linux777Ciber311, o el codigo de area el sarga dependiendo la localidad del area
00:54.12linux777Ciber311, ej. 1800 para eeuu por el server que tengo hay
00:54.30linux777Ciber311, me entiende?
00:55.20linux777Ciber311, como yo puedo conectar los server y poner un trunk que me realice eso
00:55.23Ciber311vas a tener que aser una connection con iax entre las dos servidoras
00:55.39Ciber311right ariel? :P
00:56.09linux777Ciber311, ?
00:56.14ariel_voipsupply only has 1.6.5
00:56.18*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
00:56.26gopherspideythis is fun. I have not tried to read spanish since Highschool.
00:56.45gopherspideyariel_, thanks for checking
00:57.05ariel_I need to send them an email there ftp is having issues
00:57.07Ciber311yeah thanks :)
00:57.18Ciber311tell them to get the new firmware ;)
00:57.57Ciber311do they only give the ftp info to special people? :P
00:58.06Ciber311i've bought stuff from them and never got it ;)
00:58.52Ciber311i haven't bought anything from them recently though
00:59.16Ciber3111. their prices are usually higher than other places
00:59.21Ciber311but the real reason is...
00:59.25Ciber311i live in new york
00:59.30Ciber311so i get taxed lol
01:00.01ariel_linux777, no entiendo que es lo que queres.. Mi espanol no es bueno
01:00.34ariel_Ciber311, I have another place that I get the polycoms for less then voipsupply but I get other items from there
01:00.56Ciber311ariel_: it seems he wants calls from a server to be routed to one in another location based on the area code
01:01.20Ciber311ariel_: who?
01:01.37Ciber311i get them for less than them also with the POE cable
01:01.41ariel_ahh that is what I was thinking he said but it will be hard to help when my spanish is really bad
01:01.48Ciber311much hate for power cubes
01:02.38Ciber311yep that's who i use
01:02.41ariel_it's time for the nba games see you all later.
01:02.48Ciber311later ariel_
01:03.16*** join/#asterisk devel (
01:08.39*** part/#asterisk w32 (n=234@
01:11.12*** join/#asterisk cybergyp1y (
01:12.08*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:24.23*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
01:28.19Qwellwtf, they changed google amsp
01:29.09*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
01:29.56*** join/#asterisk anderiv (
01:30.02*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
01:31.55TheCops[TK]D-Fender, there?
01:34.14*** join/#asterisk LlamaGuy (
01:38.31*** join/#asterisk LlamaGuy (
01:42.15*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
01:43.15*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
01:45.25*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
01:48.24*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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01:57.14*** join/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
02:04.47*** join/#asterisk Dico_ (n=niko@
02:05.22*** join/#asterisk jake1932 (
02:09.30*** join/#asterisk {zombie} (
02:10.11*** join/#asterisk mog_home (n=mogorman@
02:15.12*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
02:23.34*** join/#asterisk Sponge_bob (
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02:25.42paolobHi guys! I'm trying to connect to asterisk via twinklephone, because I want to use tinkle's stun feature in order to have a external call entering to asterisk from outside the router. However, when I set twinklephone to redirect calls at asterisk, it never connects to asterisk. Any idea?
02:29.32*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
02:33.35*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=diablo@
02:33.56yxafor TE4xxP with echo cancellation on board, do I still need to put echocancel=yes in zapata.conf?
02:43.59Eric-xx00|+001.i have set my dial plan to 00|+001. this means if i dial 00554698782 in xlite, the trunk should sent as 001554698782 right?
02:46.35MikeJ[Laptop]are you talking about asterisk dialplan?
02:47.44MikeJ[Laptop]and if so, what exactly does the extension line you are talking about look like?
03:15.31*** part/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
03:24.07*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
03:27.30*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=rene@
03:27.59rene-hey, i want to use mysql commands from the dial plan, NO cdr no realtime, how do i specify access control to asterisk?
03:29.15*** join/#asterisk hayburn (
03:31.27*** join/#asterisk fjean (n=fjean@
03:32.23fjeanmm, somebody had problems registering with SIP after upgrading to ?
03:34.07fjeanI have put a really simple user but it's a no-go..
03:35.09*** join/#asterisk jake1932 (
03:39.54mishehufjean: nah, the only weird thing that I've noticed is that my pap2 won't accept inbound calls anymore.
03:41.51mishehuI don't know if it's related or not
03:41.56mishehubeen too busy
03:42.53rene-answering to myself, the myql connect function takes auth credentials
03:47.49filefjean: you can't register to a user
03:50.46*** join/#asterisk akant2 (
03:51.21akant2does anyone here use asterisk with Quantum Voice or similar?
03:51.57*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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03:52.57jake1932similar in what way?  what are you looking for in particular?
03:55.26akant2This might sound basic, but I want to connect my PAP2 ATA to asterisk and have asterisk register and become a sip client with quantum/ route calls there
03:55.36akant2and receive calls and then route to my internal extensions
03:55.48akant2am alittle confused on how to setup my sip.conf for this
03:55.59[TK]D-Fenderakant2 : Yup, easily done
03:56.20jake1932they didn't provide docs?  usually these places give you examples
03:56.41akant2they claim to support this, but have not updated that part of their site
03:56.45jake1932are they sip or iax?
03:57.18akant2I had my PAP2 working to them directly... never had problems
03:57.28akant2I have reconfiged this to register and work with asterisk
03:57.39akant2and I edited my sip conf to register to quantum
03:57.53jake1932is it registering?
03:58.01akant2I believe so
03:58.09jake1932sip show registry
03:58.10akant2I was receiving calls for a bit
03:58.14akant2one sec
03:58.41akant2state says registered
03:58.49jake1932good sign
03:59.11akant2let me re-check my extensions.conf
04:01.43Sponge_bobanyone know a good conference manager ?
04:02.22akant2so my question is how do I setup my extensions.conf under my "from-sip" context to send the out going call through quantum.
04:02.28akant2I have the following for this now"
04:03.27akant2_9X.,1,Dial(SIP/<what should I put here?
04:03.33akant2ok that is rough
04:04.02akant2my internal extension for my ATA phone is 300
04:04.16[TK]D-Fenderakant2 : Dial(SIP/user:pass@provider/${EXTEN:1})
04:05.18akant2do I need to have any
04:05.23jake1932believe you can use the user and pwd from the peer entry
04:05.45*** part/#asterisk rene- (n=rene@
04:05.48akant2Let me restate, do I need to have any quantum login/pass associated with my sip.conf entry for my PAP2 ?
04:06.16[TK]D-Fenderakant2 : The 2 are completely seperate from the other.
04:06.20jake1932it's a different peer
04:06.27*** join/#asterisk babyju (
04:06.31akant2my PAP2 is peered with my local asterisk
04:06.39akant2and asterisk is peered with quantum
04:07.17*** part/#asterisk hayburn (
04:07.38L|NUXhello every one
04:07.43jake1932hmm.  i just say asterisk has 2 peers (pap2 and quantum)
04:08.13akant2So am I correct in my thinking that when and if I get a call placed, all of my media/data connections to quantum will be actually running through asterisk
04:08.14jake1932as long as it makes sense to you
04:08.35jake1932if canreinvite is no
04:08.54akant2ok I have this set to yes currently
04:09.21akant2I am weak on my terminology here, can you tell me more about canreinvite ?
04:09.46jake1932direct media path between pap2 and quantum
04:09.51jake1932if possible
04:10.08jake1932no asterisk in the middle
04:10.09akant2so it will attempt this if I have that set to yes
04:10.36akant2in which case would my local PAP2 need authentication info for quantum?
04:10.48akant2or wil that already by authenticated ..etc
04:11.13jake1932asterisk will take care of that
04:11.59akant2fun stuff :)
04:13.08akant2I really do appreciate the help as I learn this.
04:13.56jake1932np - plenty on here help(ed) me.  so I try to give back as much as possible
04:14.26akant2I am going to make some changes, one sec
04:14.47*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
04:15.21fjeanhelp, help  :-)   I have to identical friends on two different machines (sip.conf), but I can register to only one machine. I get user not found SIP 401, where should I look at ?
04:17.49fjeanI guess the sip listener binds to a LAN ip, can it be my problem ?
04:22.44*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
04:25.32L|NUXcan some one please look into this
04:25.35L|NUXwhen i dial 11
04:25.40L|NUXmessage works
04:25.44L|NUXbut when i press 3
04:25.55L|NUXcall will not go to queues
04:27.01akant2ok, well I changed my line in the extensions.conf to kick the call to quantum and I am getting a "Channel Unavailable (cause 3 - No route to destination)   it shows that it is using:<dialed phone number>
04:27.20akant2is this quantum telling me I am not right or asterisk?
04:28.24L|NUXany one
04:28.30L|NUXcan some one please look into this when i dial 11 message works but when i press 3 call will not go to queues
04:28.59kaldemarL|NUX: does you phone have default as it's context?
04:29.41akant2it says that is issuing a dial command for "SIP/<dialed number>
04:30.01L|NUXakant2 : user:pass is for IAX2
04:30.03L|NUXnot for sip
04:30.12L|NUXyou need to register your sip in sip.conf
04:30.23L|NUXregister => user:pass@host:port/exten
04:30.32akant2that is what I have done
04:30.52L|NUXthen in asterisk cli
04:30.52akant2and when i dial, that is the console output
04:30.55L|NUXtype this
04:30.59L|NUXsip show registery
04:31.00Sponge_bobL|NUX: have you checked the sip debug?
04:31.12akant2I have, and it says I am registered to quantum
04:31.12L|NUXlet me check
04:31.41*** join/#asterisk scardinal (  7342987121         105 Registered
04:32.15akant2now you can all call me :D
04:32.26akant2but still nothing works
04:32.31akant2dialing out
04:33.42akant2but it looks like calls are coming in correctly
04:33.46*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
04:34.35L|NUXakant2 : well not really
04:34.50L|NUX~pb your sip.conf remove your pass
04:35.20akant2one sec
04:36.09L|NUXmy debug log
04:36.11Sponge_bobL|NUX: have you dealt much with queues?
04:36.16L|NUXextensions.conf :
04:36.38L|NUXshould i show you my queues.conf
04:38.16*** join/#asterisk mog_home (n=mogorman@
04:39.15Sponge_bobL|NUX: can you pastebin the console messages from an initiated call?
04:42.06*** join/#asterisk ATravelingGeek (
04:42.16*** join/#asterisk Seggy (
04:44.47akant2here we go
04:44.56akant2my sip.conf
04:44.59akant2had to clean it up
04:49.33*** part/#asterisk fjean (n=fjean@
04:51.39akant2dialing out and it is saying no such host
04:52.49akant2what is srvlookup ?
04:53.37*** join/#asterisk MACscr (
04:53.42MACscrhello everyone
04:54.03MACscrx86, you around?
04:55.04*** join/#asterisk fjean (n=fjean@
04:58.32akant2Jun 11 23:53:40 WARNING[18361]: chan_sip.c:1980 create_addr: No such host:<dialed number omitted
04:58.39akant2my error :(
04:59.06Sponge_bobakant2: is dns working?
04:59.10akant2yes sir
04:59.16akant2I can ping that host
04:59.27akant2and I am using that dns for registery to their sip
04:59.34akant2and it says I am registered
04:59.50akant2so I am guessing that the trailing /<phonenumber>   is causing this?
05:01.42*** join/#asterisk ixx (
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05:02.48Sponge_bobthat doesn't look right for some reason.  it should be like sip/number@sipdr.....
05:10.53*** join/#asterisk ivanfm_ (
05:11.05akant2is there a way to enter dns server into my sip.conf just for my quantum connection?  I have gone over what is required from quantum, and the only thing I see as a possible problem is I do not have their dns setup somehow?
05:14.12akant2here is the full error:
05:14.42*** join/#asterisk alegh (
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05:19.01thermfdoes anyone have the version of rxfax/txfax that has t.38 capability?
05:20.55*** join/#asterisk dongs (
05:21.17*** part/#asterisk rleyba (
05:22.02*** join/#asterisk WeeZyyy (
05:22.42WeeZyyyWhen I dial 7777 I get not in service can someone help me
05:24.01WeeZyyyWhen a call somes in from a unknown peer to a particular extension  I get the same message
05:33.53x86MACscr: heya
05:34.07MACscrhey Bryce
05:34.40MACscron those phones, which model should i get. 101, 102, or go crazy and get the 200 =P
05:34.47MACscrsry, 2000
05:35.16x86MACscr: you'll be happier with the GXP if you use it a lot
05:35.29x86MACscr: but like i said, the BT101 has been perfectly fine for me...
05:35.56x86MACscr: except my BT101 stopped displaying caller ID info after it upgraded itself with firmware from the manufacturer's website...
05:36.20x86but that's not a big deal, I just implemented screen pops so when someone calls, it pops up on my screen :P
05:36.44mitchelocx86: you mean, you used snap to implement the screen pops***
05:37.01x86no heh ;)
05:37.13x86app_notify + growl, essentially
05:37.23MACscri think i might get the GXP for myself so that i will have one to show clients if end up wanting to implement this for some of them
05:37.30thermfwhat is the highest latentcy (in ms) that you would tolerate on a server that you use for call termination?
05:37.30x86and some mac client for the asterisk management interface which talks to app_notify
05:37.45x86thermf: around 150-200ms usually
05:38.06Flautoi was trying to use xten to connect to my asterisk from china but i had a problem
05:38.14mitchelocx86: mac or windows?
05:38.20MACscrx86, recommend a place to buy the phone?
05:38.23Flautoit was telling me that unknown rtp codec
05:38.27x86MACscr: you should get the Linksys / Sipura SPA-942 or the Cisco 7971G for that ;)
05:38.30Flautoor something like that
05:38.37x86mitcheloc: mac
05:38.46thermfx86: call quality doesn't suffer on that sort of latentcy?
05:38.57x86thermf: not usually... anything over and it will
05:39.03mitchelocx86: well then nevermind
05:39.15thermfx86: thanks for your input
05:39.18dongswhat is one good reason for having canreinvite=yes to be on by default
05:40.41MACscrnice thing about the 2000 though is that you can add attendant consoles
05:40.44MACscragain, cheaply =P
05:40.54x86MACscr: true
05:41.14x86MACscr: but the cisco 7971g has a nice color graphical screen ;)
05:41.29MACscrlol, yeah, for $200 more
05:41.50x86all 7971g's are color
05:43.02dongslol, opensores support
05:43.03*** part/#asterisk dongs (
05:44.06yxahi i have variables such as DBHOST = localhost and are used in ${DBHOST} and I have included them. but they are not appearing.
05:45.58h0i got a quick question if i may, if i have an asterisk server on my network can i just conect IP phones to the switch or do the phones have to be conected to a card in the server
05:50.02*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
05:50.07x86PakiPenguin: !
05:50.18x86h0: IP phones just connect to your LAN switch
05:50.29PakiPenguinx86,  :)
05:50.39h0x86, k thanx
05:50.41x86h0: only need FXS cards or channel banks if you want to support legacy phones
05:50.55h0ya makes sence
05:51.04x86PakiPenguin: what's been going on? long time no see
06:15.53*** join/#asterisk shmur (
06:16.28shmurHi, I have a simple question about FSX's vs FXO's can anyone help?
06:16.42shmurIt's pretty noobish
06:16.47*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:20.55shmurIf i have 8 phones internally, then i would need 2 4 port FXS modules, correct? Since FXS is what is used to send out calls
06:21.44*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
06:23.13L|NUXcan some one look into this and tell me why this is not working
06:28.36yxahi i have variables such as DBHOST = localhost and are used in ${DBHOST} and I have included them. but they are not appearing.
06:38.03*** part/#asterisk MACscr (
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06:44.19cjkhi, does anyone know the protocoloverhead in iax2? I
06:45.51kaldemar might give you some info on it.
06:46.54*** join/#asterisk FreezeS (n=Gladius@
06:47.24*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
06:47.33cjkkaldemar: i used that one
06:48.58Dico_hello everyone
06:49.12Dico_i've got a question about the subscribe/notify
06:49.33Dico_when a peer through a subscribe for another peer ;
06:49.51Dico_is it asterisk which aswer or it's the other peer which answer ?
06:50.14*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
06:53.49fjeananybody using firefly with the latest release ? I notice I can't Register on port 5060 but if I redirect port 8080 to 5060, I can register without a problem using 8080...might be with other softphones as well..
06:54.59fjeanx-lite would register on 5060....
06:55.30fjeanthis is weird
06:55.33Dico_have you checked there is no another sip apalication running ?
06:56.00fjeanonly asterisk...
06:56.22*** join/#asterisk thermf (
06:56.34fjeanI think x-lite is able to register on 5060 because he has Auth implemented...
06:57.40fjeanthat's the only difference I saw from the sip traces...other than that, I get sip 401.
06:57.42*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
06:58.41fjeanso nobody is using firefly ?
07:00.44*** join/#asterisk ivanfm_ (
07:02.44fjeanok, just did a test, I can actually connect to asterisk on port 7070  (...) I don;t know why..
07:05.01*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (n=rob@
07:05.13fjeanmust be firefly, too weird
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07:27.33alucard064re all
07:43.44*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
07:43.48P-NuTHey all/
07:46.55*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
07:47.02tparcinagood morning group
07:47.20tparcinaerrr, channel :)
07:47.49*** join/#asterisk WiredX (n=matthew@
07:48.00P-NuTwhen setting up asterisk, what do you need to get music on hold working with it?
07:48.48P-NuTasterisk addons?
07:51.47*** join/#asterisk tparcina_ (
07:54.27SheriF_WorKP-NuT: mpg123
07:54.46P-NuTwhat if I wanted to use the MOH native?
07:55.02P-NuTmpg123 has too many security holes in it
07:55.11tparcina_you don't need mpg123 then. and i prefer to use native
07:55.29P-NuThow do I go about setting that up?
07:56.11P-NuTIf I have compiled asterisk, libpri, zaptel what else do I need?
07:57.30P-NuTBueler? Bueler?
07:57.34tparcina_just copy music in /var/lib/asterisk/mohnative and edit your musiconhold.conf like this
07:58.24P-NuTdone that, still doesn't play.
07:58.25tparcina_music has to bi in ulaw, gsm g729 or any other format that you use
07:58.35tparcina_what error do you get?
07:58.55P-NuTno errors, it says music on hold has kicked in and doesnt play my mp3
07:59.02P-NuTso I have to convert them to ulaw
07:59.08P-NuTis that right?
07:59.27P-NuTwhat formats do they handle?
07:59.52tparcina_have you installed asterisk-addons?
08:00.15P-NuTyeah, AFTER I installed and setup asterisk, llibpri and zaptel
08:00.21P-NuTdo I have to do it first?
08:00.24*** join/#asterisk Arno[Slack] (
08:00.48tparcina_no, you can do it on end (and i'm not even sure it's required, just i install it so i asked :)
08:01.18tparcina_yust encode the music in format that you use for conversation
08:01.50tparcina_if it doesn't work then enable full logging
08:02.02tparcina_it should tell you something
08:02.23P-NuTwhat if internal clients are ulaw, iax externals are 729 and external sip are GSM?
08:02.29P-NuTam I screwed then?
08:03.21tparcina_i thouth that i now how to work with tdm400P, but now i can't start asterisk with that hardware. i allways get this message - Unable to open channel 1: No such device here = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
08:04.56*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
08:05.15tparcinano, just encode in gsm, g729 and ulaw
08:05.23tparcinait should work fine
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08:26.03Zeeekhey now
08:26.51*** join/#asterisk KriS83 (n=KrYpTo@
08:27.26KriS83Could someone tell me what this "Don't know what to do if second ROSE component is of type 0x6" means?
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08:38.30ghenryHow does voicemail work on ZAP lines? Just a stuttered tone?
08:39.40Zeeeksomephones have a little icon as well
08:40.31*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
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08:47.40*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (i=me@
08:48.06Guest^DJhi all, is it possible to build a GSM gateway with few GSM phones?
08:48.08s-ndh-chow can i setup my mISDN card to be used as connection between asterisk and my existing pbx?
08:49.07s-ndh-ci just want to test if it works, so i thought i could connect some sip phones to my asterisk and test if i can do outgoing call over the existing pbx and maybe call phones that are connected to the existing pbx
08:49.41ghenryZeeek: Can you password protect the VM per zap channel?
08:51.02*** join/#asterisk Sonderblade (
08:52.02Zeeekyou mean use the same vmail box and have different passwords?
08:54.23SheriF_WorKghenry: i have an idea
08:54.39ghenrySheriF_WorK: go on ;-)
08:54.42SheriF_WorKghenry: fwd the vm mail for each zap file to any sip extension .
08:54.58SheriF_WorKand then each extension has it's own password
08:55.04ghenryAH, yes. cool
08:55.09ghenrythen a user dials that sip ext
08:55.11ghenryto get it
08:55.14SheriF_WorKand in extensions.conf u do like 5555 and asks u for the exten number ;-)
08:55.38ghenryor set s{EXTEN$} or whatever the syntax
08:55.40SheriF_WorKghenry: or dials the exte for examle 5555 for zap 1 voice mail with password 9999
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08:55.51SheriF_WorKthen 5556 for zap too with password 88888
08:55.52SheriF_WorKand so on
08:55.57ghenrycheers. nice
08:56.00SheriF_WorKghenry: it's ugly idea but will work
08:56.12SheriF_WorKghenry: can be done better for sure but that just jumped out into my head.
08:56.19ghenrywill have a think
08:56.52SheriF_WorKghenry: if u sed $EXTEN thats mean as  i think the exten number u'll call from ..
08:56.58s-ndh-chow can i configure my mISDN card as gateway interface between asterisk and my existing pbx?
08:57.09ghenryyeah SheriF_WorK
08:57.10s-ndh-ccan anyone point me in the right direction
08:57.14SheriF_WorKghenry: here i made it like u said with $EXTEN cuz i want each sip phone can access only the vm mail for the sip number ;-)
08:57.34SheriF_WorKs-ndh-c: i have no experince with mISDN at all .
08:57.47*** join/#asterisk dec_ (
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08:58.17s-ndh-chm but how would i do this in generall?
08:58.43ghenryhave a search on s-ndh-c
08:58.54s-ndh-cghenry:  no
08:58.58s-ndh-cwill look there
08:59.07*** join/#asterisk mbit (
08:59.21ghenrys-ndh-c: Lots of good stuff and tips/tricks on there
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10:23.27trimi`hi every1
10:23.50trimi`can any of you tell me why do i get this msg when im using g729 for SIP calls ?
10:23.51trimi`RFC3389: 1 bytes, level 256...
10:23.51trimi`Jun 12 11:35:28 NOTICE[10105]: rtp.c:316 process_rfc3389: RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
10:23.51trimi`RFC3389: 1 bytes, level 256...
10:24.01trimi`i dont get this msg for other codecs
10:34.47*** join/#asterisk satlan32 (n=pargit@
10:37.21satlan32is this correct? Set(direct=TRUE)
10:39.15*** join/#asterisk MedozasSVR (
10:40.54MedozasSVRHello, i have a real weird problem with asterisk - compiling the asterisk-addons pacakge goes well, installing same, but when i try to initialize asterisk i get
10:40.55MedozasSVRJun 12 12:31:57 WARNING[16148] loader.c: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: __pure_virtual
10:40.55MedozasSVRJun 12 12:31:57 WARNING[16148] loader.c: Loading module failed!
10:41.01MedozasSVRcan anybody help?
10:41.34MedozasSVRi use a suse 10.0 box with
10:42.02MedozasSVReverything works fine there, i just want to get the cdr with mysql to work
10:45.33MedozasSVRcan anybody help, please?
10:46.08SheriF_WorKMedozasSVR: do u have libmysql-dev or libmysql-devel installed ?
10:46.26MedozasSVRi have installed mysql-devel package
10:46.41MedozasSVRthe compilation of the module went through without errors
10:46.45LokeshIndianMedozasSVR:have you loaded to modules.conf
10:46.51MedozasSVRyes i did
10:47.51MedozasSVRasterisk doesn't even get up without having that entered, it enough to have the modules in  /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
10:48.28SheriF_WorKi googled but seems it not asterisk issue
10:48.40MedozasSVRi did already too
10:49.16*** join/#asterisk astra^^ (n=muhajir_@
10:49.24astra^^hai all
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10:50.47MedozasSVRmight there be any suggestions, because i really have no idea to go ahead with this
10:51.12SheriF_WorKMedozasSVR: u didn't compile asterisk from the source?
10:51.29LokeshIndianMedozasSVR: i would like you to again install your asterisk-addons as there is something wrong in your is working fine for me
10:51.45MedozasSVRi compiled asterisk from source, and patched it with EUROISDN capability
10:52.17SheriF_WorKMedozasSVR: have no idea :-s
10:52.33MedozasSVRLokeshIndian: i believe that you have it working, but it is not doing that here
10:53.38MedozasSVRcould it be, that i need an earlier asterisk-addons-package?
10:53.49LokeshIndianMedozasSVR: well you tell me what i can do for you, as i did nothing special in my installation
10:53.58MedozasSVRim using and addons package 1.2.3
10:54.29LokeshIndianMedozasSVR: i m running asterisk-1.2.8 addons-1.2.2
10:54.45LokeshIndianbut i m sure this is not version issue
10:54.59MedozasSVRill try 1.2.2 - will take some time
10:55.06MedozasSVRstay tuned ;)
10:55.10LokeshIndianok sure
10:55.52*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=mbryars@
10:58.24MedozasSVRundefined symbol: __pure_virtual
10:58.49LokeshIndiancan u rebuild everything again..including asterisk
10:58.55MedozasSVRthe error is supplied by all compiled modules with mysql
10:59.11LokeshIndianif possible try asterisk-1.2.8
10:59.44LokeshIndianwell i dont have any clue what is wrong happening there :-(
10:59.52MedozasSVRwell, then i would have to repatch everything with bristuff - and that would take a heck of time - i will try with
11:00.00MedozasSVRno prob, well find out
11:00.09LokeshIndianwhich card u r using for BRI ?
11:00.11MedozasSVRhow do i have to set links?
11:00.18LokeshIndiani m also running BRI
11:00.29MedozasSVRstandard cards with cologne chipset
11:00.33LokeshIndiani m using beronet BN4S0 card
11:00.54MedozasSVRbut i need euroisdn capability
11:01.01LokeshIndianwith install-misdn
11:01.16LokeshIndianwell i dont have any clue about euroisdn
11:01.20MedozasSVRnah, misdn is different
11:01.31MedozasSVRim from germany here
11:01.39LokeshIndiani m from portugal
11:02.05MedozasSVRnice goal yesterday (by the way)
11:02.10ZeeekI'm from Mars where it's 114 o'clock
11:02.16LokeshIndiandid u have setup ur linux well ..r u sure nothing is missing from linux part
11:02.36LokeshIndianhahaha: ya portugal wins against angola
11:02.37MedozasSVRits setup is like a charm - no dependency problems at all
11:02.59MedozasSVRhow do i link asterisk into asterisk-addons?
11:03.24LokeshIndianlink to asterisk-addons ??i didnt understands ?
11:04.00MedozasSVRmy mistake
11:04.19SheriF_WorKMedozasSVR: do u hav in ur /var/lib/asterisk/modules ? and cdr_mysql.conf @ /etc/asterisk/ ?
11:04.21MedozasSVRi thought you meant me to compile asterisk-addons only
11:04.35MedozasSVR@ SheriF_WorK: yes
11:05.22MedozasSVRall setup, but the error is something really confusing: loader.c: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: __pure_virtual
11:05.35MedozasSVRpure_virtual?!?! thats what i dont understand
11:05.43MedozasSVReverything else works like a charm
11:06.27X-Rob_do you really want the SQL() function? If not, just delete
11:06.34X-Rob_fix the problem when you need it.
11:06.35LokeshIndiani never got pure virtual like error..plz wait a min..i have to chk in my installation..but there is no cdr_mysql.conf file in /usr/asterisk
11:07.02LokeshIndianabout that i already asked here and in developers channel and no body responded
11:07.27MedozasSVR@X-Rob: i doesn't make any difference - the error occurs with any compiled module from the asterisk-addons package
11:07.31LokeshIndianso i copied from old installation ..the cdr_mysql.conf file
11:07.54LokeshIndianbut /usr/asterisk contains all other sort of cdr conf files
11:08.00yxahi i have variables such as DBHOST = localhost and are used in ${DBHOST} and I have included them (but in another file). but they are not appearing. what gives?
11:08.34X-Rob_ooh, when you're trying to compile it
11:08.43X-Rob_edit the Makefile and take app_addon_sql_mysql out of it
11:09.52MedozasSVRok - i try
11:12.17MedozasSVRno change
11:12.55*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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11:14.24MedozasSVRwell - still stuck
11:15.12MedozasSVRdoes anyone know the source itself, where could that symbol __pure_virtual be used as reference?
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11:15.56MedozasSVRcould it be the problem that im using mysql 5?
11:16.10LokeshIndianno way
11:16.27MedozasSVRits  5.0.22
11:16.31LokeshIndianits not prob of mysql if it is giving prob with all the modules of addons
11:16.55MedozasSVRbut they rely partially on mysql-devel, don't they?
11:17.59LokeshIndiando u have /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ present ?
11:18.10LokeshIndianyes they rely
11:18.21MedozasSVRyes i have
11:18.28X-Rob_MedozasSVR, if it's still trying to compiles cdr_addon_mysql then you didn't take it out of the makefile
11:18.50MedozasSVRi did that too, now change
11:18.54MedozasSVRi reverted it again
11:19.01MedozasSVRsry, no change
11:20.15MedozasSVRi will try a revert to mysql 4
11:20.38MedozasSVRjust to get that possible option away
11:25.05*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
11:25.17TagorHow can I disable the caller id for outgoing calls?
11:26.20LokeshIndianTagor: use setcallerid() function with blank parameter
11:27.33MedozasSVRok, recompiling addons now
11:28.48MedozasSVRthat was it
11:28.52MedozasSVRnow i get it up
11:28.57LokeshIndiandid it worked now ?
11:29.01MedozasSVRyes, it did
11:29.03LokeshIndianohh great
11:29.11MedozasSVRi used the 5.0.22 rpms from mysql
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11:29.20MedozasSVRthey seem to have messed up something
11:29.30LokeshIndianok ...
11:29.37LokeshIndiannow what u used ?
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11:29.55MedozasSVR4.1.13 from APT repository of suse
11:30.30MedozasSVRi know just have MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server  on . Check debug for more info.
11:30.40MedozasSVRmaybe i messed up the config
11:30.50MedozasSVRill look and keep you in touch
11:31.05LokeshIndianok sure
11:37.07*** join/#asterisk wintix (
11:40.49tdiis it possible to call N channels in such way, that if first is busy, the call is done by second one, etc. ( in IAX )
11:40.56tdiusing CallGroups
11:43.11LokeshIndiantdi:try ChanIsAvail() in extensions.conf
11:43.41*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
11:44.04hi365Hi all! im looking for a way to return a caller to a dialtone after a DISA
11:44.13hi365say if he wants to make another call
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11:46.39satlan32i want to know how to create my own *27 frefix
11:46.59satlan32i want to dial *27112233 and then use the 112233
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11:55.42*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
11:56.19alucard064someone knows about the version of centos in the trixbox
11:56.57alucard064not the 4.3
11:58.12[TK]D-Fenderalucard064 : Just look at the kernel version.  Thats likely to tip you off.
11:58.33*** join/#asterisk paolob (
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12:05.54paolobHi guys! I must receive a redirected call from a softphone (ekiga or twinklephone), but I can't get the redirected call acepted from asterisk. Where should I tell asterisk to acept these calls? thank you!
12:07.14KriS83Could someone tell me what this "Don't know what to do if second ROSE component is of type 0x6" means?
12:08.22[TK]D-Fenderpaolob : Why is Ekiga or Twinkle getting the call directly in the first place?
12:11.05paolob[TK]D-Fender, I can't understand your question... I configured twinklephone to redirect the call to 600@myasterisk, and it transmits the call using the parameters of the voip connection ( as username). I can see something setting sip debug in asterisk, but I can't understand what is there between asterisk and twinklephone in that sip dialog they perform...
12:12.04[TK]D-Fenderpaolob : If you are using Askterisk, ASTERISK should be the one connected to your VoIP provider, not Twinkle.
12:12.29[TK]D-Fenderpaolob : Twinkle & Ekiga should only be used as clients of your PBX.
12:13.32hi365hi! how can i return a user to a dial tone (disa) after he completes a disa call?
12:13.59paolob[TK]D-Fender, the reason why I register with the voip provider is that I am between a router I can't modify, and I need stun support in order to receive calls. I can receive calls with ekiga and twinklephone, but not with asterisk. Do you mean I can't redirect the incoming calls from the softphone to asterisk?
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12:16.14[TK]D-Fenderpaolob : So you can't port forward to *?
12:16.50paolob[TK]D-Fender, no, I haven't access to the router. More, there are at least two routers between me and the internet
12:17.09*** join/#asterisk MedozasSVR (
12:17.15hi365does anyone know how can i return a user to a dial tone (disa) after he completes a disa call?
12:17.42MedozasSVR@LokeshIndian: sorry i had to leave, thanks for your help!
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12:19.17[TK]D-Fenderpaolob : Ok, good reason.... sucky circumstances.  In sip.conf add "allowguest=yes" and set a default context "context=whatever".  When you redirect from your client send the calls to a specific EXTEN on * like 0108937227 and you should be OK from there.
12:20.31*** join/#asterisk Vorondil (
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12:20.56paolob[TK]D-Fender, let me see
12:22.41tdiis there a call limit in IAX?
12:29.01key2is there a way to do Agent in Realtime ?
12:30.48*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
12:31.51yxahi i have variables such as DBHOST = localhost and are used in ${DBHOST} and I have included them (but in another file). but they are not appearing. what gives?
12:32.16paolob[TK]D-Fender, It still doesn't work... twinklephone register in the voip provider, and when it redirect the call it arrives "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;"  - in my external IP address.
12:33.25yxahow do I make my variables GLOBAL?
12:35.21key2[TK]D-Fender: Do you have an idea ? how to do Agent in realtime ?
12:35.28paolob[TK]D-Fender, twinklephone uses por 5062, and asterisk port 5060
12:36.23paolob[TK]D-Fender, is the sip debug result of the call from twinklephon to asterisk
12:40.27[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 501 not implemented yet
12:40.36[TK]D-FenderNot good..
12:40.40[TK]D-Fenderpastebin your SIP.CONF
12:41.12[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Pastebin the related bits.
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12:42.39yxa[TK]D-Fender no need. DBHOST is in settings.conf, in extensions, i've included it. but it just won't appear
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12:44.09jaikehelp please. when doing show queues, what does W: and A: stand for?
12:44.14jaikehas 0 calls (max 15) in 'leastrecent' strategy (24s holdtime), W:0, C:2, A:0, SL:0.0% within 30s
12:44.25[TK]D-FenderJackEStorm : Avg Wait Time / Abandoned
12:44.28jaikei know C: is number of calls and SL: is service level
12:45.12key2[TK]D-Fender: how can I add an agent like in Real Time ?
12:45.35[TK]D-Fenderkey2 : No idea, never touched realtime
12:45.55yxa[TK]D-Fender any ideas?
12:46.58paolob[TK]D-Fender, here is sip.conf:
12:47.22[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Where should I find a sample for settings.conf?
12:48.03[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Its not documented on the WIKI nor is it in 1.2.4 's samples folder
12:48.10yxa[TK]D-Fender its just a custom conf i made up with a couple of variables inside that I'll need to use globally
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12:48.37[TK]D-Fenderpaolob : I think the "canreinvite=no" is probably hurting things....
12:48.51mutthe iax security bug is all version affecting?
12:49.21[TK]D-Fendermut : Yes, everything prior to the fix
12:49.34[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Where is it included into?
12:49.46[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Please pastebin all the related bits......
12:49.50yxaand in extensions.conf, i have a line #include
12:50.28*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
12:51.14paolob[TK]D-Fender, apparently when twinklephone calls asterisk, asterisk tries to communicate with the external IP... Why?
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12:52.14paolob[TK]D-Fender, Retransmitting #5 (no NAT) to
12:52.14paolobSIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
12:52.14paolobVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKfuhdpeio;received=
12:52.14paolobFrom: "don Paolo Benvenuto" <>;tag=onqir
12:52.17coppicedoes twinklephone have pictures of barbie on it? :-\
12:52.34paolobcoppice, ?!?
12:52.40Sonderbladeim trying to get another asterisk to call my asterisk but i always get the error: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '762@' anyone know why?
12:53.23paolobSonderblade, probably in your iax.conf you have a register command or a peer definition
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12:53.41SplasPoodSometimes when making a SIP call that returns CONGESTION I get an error on console that complains about the remote trying an INVITE to the CALLERID(num)
12:53.46SplasPoodAnyone know why?
12:53.49Sonderbladepaolob: yes?
12:54.13paolobSonderblade, ... in the other asterisk iax.conf
12:55.09Sonderbladepaolob: otherwise i cant get them to communicate with each other
12:56.14tdidoes teh Chanisavail have some buffer?
12:56.15*** join/#asterisk Vorondil (
12:57.07tdiit does not return properly availibility of a channel
12:58.13[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Those globals have to be included in the [globals] context or they just won't work.  You can't merge optiosn like that just anywhere you know....
12:58.37[TK]D-Fendertdi : Show use your usage of it and your expectations....
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12:59.50yxa[TK]D-Fender so the whole have settings.conf have to be moved to [globals] under extensions so that other files that I have include can use them?
13:00.03*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
13:01.17[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Globals, yes.
13:01.23[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Rules are rules.
13:01.47[TK]D-Fenderyxa : If they were called "suggestions", who'd follow them? ;)
13:02.19SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: hey how are u ;-)
13:02.20key2[TK]D-Fender: how does the channel Local work ?
13:02.46[TK]D-Fenderkey2 : I suspect its the duct tape holding it together....
13:02.53[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : Still breathing.
13:03.23SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: thats great :P
13:03.26key2[TK]D-Fender: I mean what's particular about the channel Local ?
13:04.22muti'm making a road trip to virginia from michigan this weekend who should i stop and see?
13:04.30[TK]D-Fenderkey2 : Its just a local connectin in which you can dial/bridge/whatever and if it connects to a 3rd party then disconnects after hangup normally.
13:04.48[TK]D-Fenderkey2 : Maybe you should be a little more specific.  Hell even a LOT more specific.....
13:05.41*** join/#asterisk Makenshi (
13:07.42jaikekey2: useful for dialing into extensions..or you could use got
13:08.17key2[TK]D-Fender: ok, here is my problem, I want to use queue but queue takes an interface and not an URI
13:09.13key2[TK]D-Fender: so aparently last time you told me to use the interface LOCAL for doing it
13:11.19[TK]D-Fenderkey : agent=Local123@context .  Yes.  Just make sure not to ANSWER the channel unless you mean it otherwise it won't redistribute
13:11.52*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
13:13.30P-NuTHi all.
13:13.51key2[TK]D-Fender: ok
13:13.54P-NuTI'm having some trouble with outbound calls from my x1--p card.
13:13.55RoyKhi, nutty
13:14.07P-NuTI'm getting this....
13:14.10P-NuTJun 12 09:10:22 WARNING[1211]: chan_zap.c:10886 setup_zap: Ignoring switchtype
13:14.10P-NuTJun 12 09:10:22 WARNING[1211]: chan_zap.c:10886 setup_zap: Ignoring signalling
13:14.10P-NuTJun 12 09:10:22 WARNING[1211]: chan_zap.c:10886 setup_zap: Ignoring rxwink
13:14.39P-NuTI can seem to dial ok, I just wondered what it wqas all about.
13:14.46jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
13:14.59[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : You left a ton of garbage in your config that does not relate to an analog line.
13:15.00key2[TK]D-Fender: then the probleme is that the Queue Member in this case doesn't have a statut!
13:15.22[TK]D-FenderRoyK : Its 3 lines... thats still cool... 4 and you'd be green-lighted to kill him ;)
13:15.26key2[TK]D-Fender: so it's always Unknown and keeps on sending INVITES to the Queue Member while he is in communication
13:15.51*** join/#asterisk feld_ (n=feld@
13:16.05P-NuT[TK]D-Fender: Oh. Ok cool. So nothing to worry about? Just clean it up and they'll go away?
13:16.10[TK]D-Fenderkey2 : If its unknown then you should put him as qualify=yes.  How would you normally dial that phone?
13:16.24[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : Correct.  Nothing to worry about.
13:17.22nettie[TK]D-Fender hi, how are you? I'm wondering if you actually know where I Can find the parameters to enable and tune jitterbuffer in sip.conf please?
13:17.41jaikesip.conf has jitterbuffer?
13:17.52nettieyes with patch
13:17.58nettieyou need to patch asterisk
13:18.02[TK]D-Fendernettie : There is no jitter buffer yet, and I don't count SVN, only release.
13:18.16nettie[tk] I patched miy 1.2.6.
13:18.43[TK]D-Fendernettie : I don't work with patches.... sorry.
13:18.45key2[TK]D-Fender: I would DIal it trough my [SIP_EXPRESS_ROUTEUR] context
13:19.22key2[TK]D-Fender: so I would do Dial(SIP/MY_PHONE@SIP_EXPRESS_ROUTEUR)
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13:19.37[TK]D-Fenderkey2 : Don't think you'll be ABLE to monitor that then... siorry.
13:19.49key2[TK]D-Fender: yeah I know
13:20.11key2[TK]D-Fender: I would be able to monitor it if on the fly, I could add him as a SIP user
13:20.18nettie[TK]D-Fender ah ok.. thanx anyway
13:20.20key2[TK]D-Fender: Is it possible from the dialplan to add a user ?
13:20.45barroshave anyone here used progressinband=no?
13:21.35[TK]D-Fenderkey2 : NO.
13:21.54[TK]D-Fenderbarros : Thats the DEFAULT for non analog channels....
13:22.11key2[TK]D-Fender: not even if I activate Realtime on SIP and do a MYSQL() in my dialplan ?
13:22.41[TK]D-Fenderkey2 : Doubt it... I'd suggest you not use SER for your agents and just host them directly in *
13:23.05key2[TK]D-Fender: how do I do if they come from FWD for example ?
13:23.10barros[TK]D-Fender: yes.. but if I dont explicittly force it to no, I get two ring back tones when using zap channel
13:23.15key2since they are registered on an other SER somewhere else
13:23.28[TK]D-Fenderkey2 : Make them register DIRECT.  its the only way
13:23.45[TK]D-Fenderkey2: Actually Dual reg won't even work in that case....
13:24.11[TK]D-Fenderkey2 : I don't think * will be aware of any activities on that exten that it is not responsible for....
13:24.21barros[TK]D-Fender: but I have a very strange problem when it is =no. sometime (almost all calls) when the audio comming from the zap channels starts, I get a very loud beep in my hears!
13:25.08barrosit seems like a a short and loud scream!
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13:25.34[TK]D-Fenderbarros : You might want to actually describe the circumstances of your problem.....
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13:29.53barros[TK]D-Fender: when I place calls through a azp channel, I want to hear just the rinb back tone comming from the pstn..
13:30.09barros[TK]D-Fender: do achieve this I set progreinband=no
13:30.28[TK]D-Fenderbarros : Just remove the line entirely.
13:30.33barrosbut when I get the first tuuuu coming from the pstn, I get a very short and loud sound
13:30.38[TK]D-Fenderbarros : What are you using for phones?
13:30.47barrosit is a PAP2-NA
13:32.17[TK]D-Fenderbarros : You should not have any kind of line relating to call progress in any of those devices, the system deafults should be fine as is.
13:34.06*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
13:34.07barrosyeah, but I dont know why it is not working as expected.. if a do a Dial(ZAP/g1), I get two tones mixed.. ones coming from the pstn and another from the PAP2
13:34.35Hmmhesayslady picture show she hids behind the bedroom door
13:35.07sevard. . .
13:35.25mutshine on your crazy diamond
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13:36.27WiredXhey.. i have 2 ring groups. the first has a ring time of 7 seconds then the 2nd one has all the extensions of the first ring group plus management with a ring time of 60 secs.. now the first group rings then stops for 7 seconds and then rings the 2nd group.. how can i make it not stop?
13:36.45barros[TK]D-Fender: maybe theres some command to send to PAP2 to it not send the ring back tone.. but dunno!
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13:42.36[TK]D-Fenderbarros : Pastebin your zapata & sip.conf entries
13:42.50barros[TK]D-Fender: ok.. just a sec
13:43.10feld_Jun 12 09:42:53 WARNING[21426]: chan_sip.c:5455 transmit_register: Probably a DNS error for registration to, trying REGISTER again (after 20 seconds)
13:43.20feld_^^ but it's not DNS. any other reasons this would happen on  my end?
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13:44.02barros[TK]D-Fender: link?? :)
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13:46.01jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
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13:48.43feld_okay who has a good VOIP company that they're registering with? mine wont register and their tech support # goes nowhere LOL
13:49.38MikeJ[Laptop]feld, who?
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13:50.06[TK]D-Fenderbarros L Hmmm, yeah that looks pretty normal, but I don't know about the intricacies of E1 tech...
13:50.11Hmmhesaysok this guitarist is way to busy on this song
13:50.19[TK]D-Fenderbarros : Guess you'll have to ask elsewhere for your answers...
13:50.28[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Which?
13:50.37HmmhesaysI want you to want me (live) - cheap trick
13:50.49tzangerfeld_: I use nufone and unlimitel
13:50.50[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : thats a great one...
13:50.59feld_tzanger, k thanks
13:51.00MikeJ[Laptop]speaking of cheap tricks, how are you Hmmhesays?
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13:51.15HmmhesaysMikeJ[Laptop]: har har - disease free... still!
13:51.39HmmhesaysOther than that, not bad, I have about 10 solo's to learn before the 2nd weekend in july
13:51.59Hmmhesaysgot a new behringer 32 channels mixer and behringer 2500 watt power amp on the way
13:52.06barros[TK]D-Fender: anyway, thanks for you help..
13:52.17WiredXheh, no one seems to have ever had the problem im experiencing :-(
13:52.30barrosi'll try to find it out..
13:52.56[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : OUCH.... do share a demo :)
13:53.15Hmmhesaysyeah we're finally filling out the PA
13:53.39jake1932save for the Allen and Heath
13:53.52MikeJ[Laptop]yay fun
13:54.33coppice2500 watt power amp? must be for headphones
13:55.17Hmmhesaysthat one is going drive the 18inch ev subs
13:55.19[TK]D-Fender"Everything louder than everything else"
13:55.56[TK]D-Fender"I...I wanna hear it loud... RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES".
13:56.01coppice18"? those headphones are even bigger than mine
13:56.25Hmmhesayswe need a 3rd to drive the monitors, but that will come down the road
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13:56.50[TK]D-FenderDrive them?  That enough to acheive escape velocity!
13:57.03Hmmhesaysbehringer has a lot of bang for the buck
13:57.16Hmmhesaysi mean they setup is no crown/yamaha quality, but it will get the job done
13:57.32[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Indeed.... pound for pound equivalent to Line^ only 1/2 the price.
13:57.50jake1932you doing small gigs?
13:58.13Hmmhesaysmost of the bars around here are about 500 capacity
13:58.27Hmmhesaysthe outdoor bars more like 1000
13:58.38jake1932only 2500W sub? sounds a little light
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13:58.56Hmmhesaysfor outdoors yes, thats when you rent some gear for the night
13:59.11Hmmhesaysfor a smaller bar that is just fine, the bigger bars provide their own PA
14:00.21Hmmhesaysthats 2500W for subs and 2500W for the tops
14:00.45RoyKsounds strange. why so much for the tops? wouldn't 1kW for the tops be sufficient?
14:01.30Hmmhesaysnot running at full gain for the tops
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14:02.02Hmmhesaysand a behringer ep1500 is only 100 bucks less than a behringer ep2500
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14:03.40Blackvelwhere got the security bug introduced. 1.0.10? I am using 1.0.10
14:04.13[TK]D-FenderBlackvel : The bug has always existed prior to the fix.
14:04.45hi365how can i stop a dial tone as soon as the user starts to dial after a Playtones(dial)
14:05.03cjkhi, will signal 11 kill asterisk?
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14:05.08[TK]D-Fenderhi365 : Consider using DISA instead....
14:05.12Blackvel[TK]D-Fender: ohh okay. seems like i have to manually merge somehow
14:05.30Blackvelor capegod releases a new bristuff ;)
14:05.38hi365[TK] i actualy swiched from disa cause it wsnt doing what i wanted either
14:06.05BlackvelDoes someone know if there are very many changes between 1.0.10 and
14:06.08hi365can the Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=10) be set to anything else other than digits?
14:06.45jake1932actually - the cheap trick reference says it all ;o)
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14:09.02coppicewhy do they hold astricon in germany during the world cup? isn't that going to make the hotels a wee bit pricy? :-\
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14:09.39Blackvelyeah. try to find out. you will have fun, definitely :) I had the luck to get a cheap hotel room in Munich for a BEA course
14:09.49BlackvelI mean, try to find one...
14:10.17dpryopoor planning ;P
14:10.51coppiceMunich is always expensive
14:11.02coppiceespecially during oktoberfest :-)
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14:11.16Blackvelbut that is not only a matter of world cup. if there are exhibitions its kinda difficult too (my experience for munich and mid of july)
14:12.12Vorondilhi all, quick question:  has anyone had problems with sipura phones (in my case: SPA-841) always returning SIP-486: "Busy Here"?  It's like it's in DND, but it's not.  I can dial from it just fine, just not to it.
14:12.13zkalHave what I hope is a simple question - how can I either accept dtmf during ringing(), or, does anyone know where I can get a gsm sound file that sounds exactly the same that I can use with background() ?
14:12.46coppiceexhibitions really make prices go crazy in some places. I wonder what Taipei was like last week? Exhibition weeks in Guangzhou jack the hotels up 5 fold
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14:14.48hi365Question: how can i set an extension to cancel the current call and start again at x,x (i.e. end current call and go to x,x,dialtone)
14:15.25zkalhi365, you could use disa
14:15.48zkalbut be careful to ensure that anyone reaching that ext is allowed to dial anything at the context you disa() them to
14:16.01hi365how would i , say press #, end current call and start disa again?
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14:16.34zkal#,x,disa(context,s) even
14:16.38zkalor.. one sec
14:16.44Qwellzkal: not quite
14:17.08zkalwell replace x with an appropriate priority
14:17.20zkaland actually,, you prolly want the pri at the end
14:17.22hi365whats ,s?
14:17.23jake1932no you'd have to enable hangup from your dial cmd first
14:17.25Qwellif they're in a call...
14:17.29Qwelljake1932: exactlhy
14:17.31zkalso exten
14:17.47zkaler, yeah, is this when a caller is still in your menu, or after they are already talking?
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14:18.06zkalif they are already talking, i dunno, defer to quell, he apparently does
14:18.10hi365after they are allready talking
14:18.39zkalQwell, you can do that?
14:18.55zkaldinnit know that
14:19.15jake1932check the dial cmd...  it says you can make it continue after a hangup   - never tried though
14:19.25jake1932show application dial
14:19.32hi365simply put: i call u at 18005551212. then i want to dissconect from u and call my mom at 18006664432. what can i put after exten => disa to return the caller back to the exten=>disa
14:19.56Qwellhi365: You need to find a way to hangup the called party
14:20.16Qwellprobably with something in features.conf
14:20.36rae_workwhen i need to match any numbers matching 0[1-9]00-$something for an extension... would a "exten => _0X00.,[...]" be sufficient?
14:20.42zkalthe docs say if you add the h, it lets you hang them up by hitting *
14:21.02Qwellzkal: yeah, that would work
14:21.08zkali presume it continues after the dial() after that
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14:21.28jake1932called party or you too? :o)
14:21.31zkalso exten => whatever,x, dial(18005551212)
14:21.35hi365k, but i have exten => s,2,Playtones(dial)
14:21.42zkalexten => whatever,x+1, dial(18005345345)
14:21.47hi365and i dont want to limit to a specific number
14:22.05zkalwell, then you could have the disa() after the first dial then
14:22.11qdkzkal: dial() without TECH?
14:22.24hi365but the first dial is also not a static number
14:22.27zkalqdk, no, I was pseudo-coding
14:23.03zkalso what do you have now, it answers your incoming call, gives you disa and lets you then dial out?
14:23.10qdkzkal: ok, please continue. :-D
14:23.30Ahrimanesqdk: smartass
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14:23.49rae_workanyone? :o)
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14:24.12qdkAhrimanes: hehe, you cant be my bitch right now, please stand in line like everyone else. :-P
14:24.24Ahrimanesqdk: haha
14:25.37zkalwhat do you have in your from-internal-to context?
14:25.55hi365here are two version: v1 = DISA. v2 = no disa
14:25.55zkaldefault context
14:26.07hi365i dont think im using default
14:26.12zkalbasically, in whichever context where you have the dial()
14:26.25zkaladd the h to let you hang them up by hitting *
14:26.44zkalthen, *after* the dial, in the next priority, add another disa sending it back to the desired context
14:27.04hi365i dont have a dial()
14:27.10zkalthe disa commands in what you pasted  go to the default context
14:27.19zkali think
14:27.35hi365no the @default is refering to voice mail
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14:28.08zkalwhat context is allowing you to dial the 18005551212
14:28.21hi3651 sec
14:28.23zkalthat would have to have a dial() command, I would think
14:28.51eKo1How do I pass a call from one of my spans configured as pri_cpe to another span configured as pri_net? Will a simple dial() do?
14:29.15hi365which includes include => custom-block-all-vm and include => outbound-allroutes
14:29.17zkaland from-internal-do doesnt have any dial() ???
14:29.30zkalok, then outbound-allroutes would have to
14:29.36zkalyou have to have a dial somewhere
14:30.31zkali think im gonna defer on this, you've got a setup a bit more complex than i use, so i dont entirely understand what you have - i wouldnt want to lead you into letting random callers run up your LD
14:30.42zkaldid you write this config yourself?
14:31.29hi365the outbound-allroutes links to the outbound routs
14:31.46hi365in the routes there are lines like this
14:31.49hi365exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Macro(dialout-trunk,3,${EXTEN},,)
14:31.52zkalanyway, like I said, Im gonna let someone that can grok what you have better than I
14:31.54hi365exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,Macro(outisbusy,)
14:32.12zkalHave what I hope is a simple question - how can I either accept dtmf during ringing(), or, does anyone know where I can get a gsm sound file that sounds exactly the same that I can use with background() ?
14:32.33[TK]D-Fenderzkal : Just make a looped recording of Ringing yourself.....
14:32.55hi365[TK] can u take over from zkal?
14:33.13zkalI was sort of hoping there already was a ringing.gsm  that it used for the ringing normally ;P
14:33.46zkalwhats the quickest way to cleanly make such a recording?
14:34.07zkalwhat would be nice is a BackGroundRinging() command :))
14:36.49hi365zkal: do u think this right? (do u know) exten => s,8,Dial(${OUT_${ARG1}}/${ARG2:${length}}H)
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14:41.04mandrettihello all
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14:42.17[TK]D-Fenderzkal : Load it up in your audio tool of choice, or make a dialplan exten that will bridge a local channel and MONITOR on it and set ringing for a few minutes on it.
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14:44.28[TK]D-Fenderhi365 : What are those contexts you're referring to and what in that macro?
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14:44.42eKo1How do I pass a call from one of my spans configured as pri_cpe to another span configured as pri_net? Will a simple dial() do?
14:45.14[TK]D-FendereKo1 : Yup
14:45.26jake1932i had 2 VOIP phones in a MeetMe. no echo..  added 1 analog guy. echo.  had him hang up and conferenced in him using the conf feature on my VOIP phone.  no echo.  any ideas?
14:45.49hi365hi [tk]! macro = (now with the H)
14:45.56coppicejake1932: sounds pretty normal
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14:46.06eKo1[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
14:46.16rae_workah, what i wanted was "exten => _0Z00.,[...]"
14:46.32jake1932coppice: but in both cases analog was present?  why the echo the first time?
14:47.19hi365context ends up here:
14:47.33hi365[tk] context ends up here:
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14:48.16eKo1I have one of the PRIs connected to a portmaster modem server. Everytime I place a call on it, it hangs up.
14:49.10hi365[tk] wrong macro. sorry
14:50.15hi365[TK]D here is the macro
14:50.47[TK]D-Fenderhi365 : Ok, way too messy for me to deal with right now...
14:51.19[TK]D-Fenderhi365 : And I don't touch AMP....
14:51.57[TK]D-Fender~seen iCEBrkr
14:52.05jboticebrkr is currently on #asterisk (3d 2h 9m 7s). Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 3d 2h 9m 4s, last said: 'Freaks!'.
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14:54.58zkal[TK]D-Fender, hrm.. i tried but it didnt record.. i guess it doesnt start recording until after answer()
14:55.14zkaland it only plays ringback *before* answer
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14:57.19zkalso how can I tell asterisk to put ringing into a gsm file?
14:57.27[TK]D-Fenderzkal : Nope....
14:57.28zkalor to play ringing in the 'background' ?
14:57.44[TK]D-Fenderzkal : "Ringing" is an audio application that will answer a line.
14:57.48trelane_zkal, what are you trying to do, I think you're probably going about it the wrong way
14:57.54hi365[TK]D : can u please help me just with the dial command?
14:58.06zkalwell I can see that.. if it was the right way it would be working ;)
14:58.11[TK]D-Fenderhi365 : "show application dial"
14:58.34hi365i know just tell me if the H is in the correct spot: exten => s,14,Dial(${OUT_${ARG1}}/${OUTNUM},120,${TRUNK_OPTIONS},H)
14:58.36trelane_zkal, what are you trying to do?
14:58.48zkalbasically, instead of silence, i want a caller to continue to hear rigning for an amount of time, but be able to press a digit to make a selection.. then if they dont, the t rule will send them to voicemail
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14:58.53darkskiezhi365: kill the comma before H
14:59.24darkskiezhi365: or add it to TRUNK_OPTIONS wherever that is defined/setup
14:59.36zkalbasically, if its someone calling fin, they get no prompt but just hear ringing, but I still know I can hit '0' to retrieve voicemail
14:59.36[TK]D-Fenderzkal : Load up the GSM in your favourite audio editor and loop it...
14:59.47zkalwithout an awkward pause between the ring
14:59.48[TK]D-Fenderzkal : You should be FINISHED by now if you did...
14:59.50zkalwhat gsm?
14:59.55zkalI dont have a gsm of ringing
15:00.03zkali cant figure out how to record one
15:00.12zkali tried monitor, but it didnt record anything
15:00.24[TK]D-Fenderzkal : Did you do a "monitor" before dailing LOCAL/ into a exten the includeds only ringing?
15:00.38zkaland I dont have an 'audio editor' - id be happy with an unlooped recording of maybe 6 rings
15:00.40[TK]D-Fenderzkal : Pastebin your dialplan segment and the CLI output.
15:01.15[TK]D-Fenderzkal : Use a softphone and call into ringing, and use the local record capability (eyebeam has it... I think X-Lite does too)
15:01.16zkalI just added an exten => xx,1,monitor(gsm,filename,mb)
15:01.21zkaland exten xx,2,ringing()
15:01.33[TK]D-Fenderzkal : That doesn't work
15:01.50zkalive never heard of eyebeam or x-lite, but I presume they are windows apps, and I am non-MS here
15:02.20[TK]D-Fenderzkal : You need to follow that with exten = xx,2,Dial(Local/666@ringingonly) and so on.  Monitor ony records DIAL output.
15:02.48zkallemme try that then
15:02.52[TK]D-Fenderzkal : write it up as I described
15:03.45jake1932it's a usa ring
15:04.36hi365[TK] can u think of ant reson y the system doesnt dissconect the call after i hit * ?
15:06.52jake1932hi365: using sip and reinvite?
15:07.30hi365yes. canrenvite=no
15:08.08jake1932jake1932: that looks fine
15:08.53jake1932was that a typo?  should be canreinvite
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15:09.52iCEBrkrDid someone say my name? :D
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15:09.58[TK]D-Fenderhi365 : Show me the line as it is executed.
15:10.12jake1932hi365: do you have another trunk option that may be conflicting?
15:10.12barroswhat is the replacement for SetVar(_ALERT_INFO=XXX)? asterisk complains about the deprecated SetVar, and I cant use Set(ALERT_INFO()=XX)
15:10.13hi365btw, for ME (the caller) to hang up i need H not h right?
15:10.14Vorondilhi all, quick question:  has anyone had problems with sipura phones (in my case: SPA-841) always returning SIP-486: "Busy Here"?  It's like it's in DND, but it's not.  I can dial from it just fine, just not to it (returns busy and goes to voicemail).  it's registering to my asterisk machine.
15:10.35zkalsigh.. ringing() appears to NOT be answering the line
15:10.40zkalperhaps I am using the wrong 'ringing'?
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15:11.07jake1932hi365: according to the docs
15:11.26zkalH allows the *called* person to hangup with *
15:11.34zkalh allows the *caller* to hangup with *
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15:12.01hi365from show aplication dial
15:12.03zkaloh yeah, 'called party'
15:12.04[TK]D-Fenderhi365 : Wheres taht CLI output line I asked for?
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15:12.18zkalwith H, the *other* person would have to hit *
15:12.27zkalif you the caller want to be
15:12.52hi365very confused
15:12.52zkalH is what you want
15:13.00mutVorondil: try new firmware?
15:14.41jake1932barros: are you missing the '_' before ALERT_INFO?
15:15.40barrosjake1932: got it.. i was using Set(_ALERT_INFO()=XX).. it is Set(_ALERT_INFO=XX)
15:16.14zkalfor the record I just tacked on H on a dial command I have and was able to disconnect with *
15:16.29zkalof course, i didnt get dialtone after that, and if I tried to dial I got congestion, so not sure whats up there
15:17.39zkalim still trying to figour out how I can tell asterisk to put its ringing tone into a gsm file
15:17.40jake1932zkal: may have to use the 'g' option also
15:17.58zkaljake1932, ah yeah.. that might be it
15:19.32zkaljake1932, yeah, but it sounds 'different' than asterisk's.. id like it to sound the same.. also, its only one ring, and I honestly have no way to make it loop
15:19.41zkalappreciate the help tho
15:19.45jake1932sox can't do it?
15:19.47Vorondilmut: i was about to try that
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15:19.52hi365ok: so H dissocnects the call. Great right? NO i want to be returned to the dialtone!!
15:19.57nokyhi buddies
15:20.07zkaljake1932, i know OF sox, but would have no idea how to use it to do that
15:20.09jake1932hi365: try the 'g' option
15:20.14zkalhi365, it disconnects the outbound call
15:20.22Vorondilmut: but it only started doing it after i moved it from one office to another and changed the extension  =/
15:20.24zkalhi365, not your inbound one to asteris
15:20.28nokyanybody is know where can i found some examples with the RTP's Stack Library oRTP ?
15:21.22zkalhi365, theres two calls, right, one where you call *in* to asterisk, and the second where you call out to wherever? I assume you arent using a local extensions, becuase you could just hangup and pick it back up
15:21.24mutVorondil: you sure the phone is registering to the right number?
15:21.29mutor maybe another phone is registering to that number
15:21.40mutit only does that when all lines are busy
15:22.00muttry maybe unplugging that phone then calling it
15:22.08mutsee if you still get a response, maybe another phone logged in?
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15:22.23cardiffithi all
15:22.44hi365zkal: right one in one out. H (*) dissonect BOTH
15:23.04zkalhi365, no, it only disconnects the one made by the dial.. what happens after that depends on what else you set
15:23.24zkalfor instance, you want to use 'g' to tell it to continue in the dialplan after the dial()ed call is hung up
15:23.30zkalthen add something appropriate in the dialplan to handle that
15:23.39hi365right. trying that now!
15:23.43zkalthat leads to a disa
15:23.51zkali tried it, but didnt get dialtone
15:23.53zkalso not sure
15:24.21zkalstill baffling that asterisk doesnt have a backgroundringing() command
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15:24.53Vorondilmut: yep, it shows up in the "sip show peers" list, makes calls just fine, and sends a sip-486 (in the asterisk console) back to asterisk when you call it.
15:25.29mutVorondil: if you unplug the power to that phone, and you call that exten, does it still reply?
15:25.48hi365zkal: should the next instruction be in x,x or in h,2 ?
15:26.04jake1932zkal: have you tried the 'd' option?
15:26.13zkalno idea.. like I said, it didnt work when I tried it..
15:26.46hi365jake: u also sugested the g option. where would the next instruction go?  x,x or in h,2
15:26.56zkalthe g option goes next to the H
15:27.08hi365no! the next instruction
15:27.21hi365i.e. give me the dialtone back
15:27.28jake1932it says it continues at the current extension
15:27.28zkalthe g option is to the same dial command that you put the H option on
15:27.36zkalit tells is 'when the * is hit, continue in the dialplan'
15:27.57jake1932X,1,Dial (using gH option)
15:28.18zkalthats the idea.. but I will note it didnt work when I tried it
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15:28.38zkalexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,dial(SIP/${EXTEN},60,WHg)
15:28.55Vorondilmut: no, it's just like dialing a non-existent extension
15:29.04hi365k. so i looped the next instructio bank to s,1 instead it just loops. here is the dialplan :
15:29.30zkalyou need disa if you want dialtone
15:29.30mutweird then, try flashing new firmware to it
15:29.36zkalgoing basck to s wont get you another dialtone
15:29.43hi365and the dial = exten => s,14,Dial(${OUT_${ARG1}}/${OUTNUM},120,${TRUNK_OPTIONS}gH)
15:29.50mutit will erase the whole config (i think), so incase something weird was messed up it'll reset it
15:29.54hi365do I? i got one without disa
15:30.05zkaldunno then
15:30.12hi365but i have no problem using disa, if u can show me how
15:30.13Vorondilmut: yeah, i think that's what i'll do then
15:30.16zkalyou had some disa in what you pasted up the first time
15:30.21zkalso maybe its leading to one of those
15:30.36hi365no, that a differen context. not using that now
15:30.38zkalif its doing what you wanted, then you are set
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15:30.50zkalregardless of how you got there
15:31.00hi365its not going back to the dial tone
15:31.12hi365and now its not lettinf me dial at all its just looping
15:31.18zkalif you got dialtone, it was either from your device, or from disa
15:31.33zkalafaik, its the only way asterisk makes dialtone
15:31.48*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
15:31.54zkalwell perhaps you got where I was
15:31.55hi365what about this: exten => s,3,Playtones(dial) ?
15:32.02zkallike I said, i didnt get it to work.. not sure why
15:32.07hi365that produces a dial tone as well
15:32.20zkalyeah, that might play a dialtone, but it wont be a 'dialable' dialtone
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15:32.34zkalat least not on its own
15:32.58hi365i dont mean to argue here but that dial tone is dialing for me together witht the dial plan i posted
15:33.09hi365but im going to try to do the disa as its alot less messy
15:34.06jake1932with DISA
15:34.13hi365k. im trying now
15:36.17jake1932hi365 - here's what i did (that worked):
15:36.19jake1932exten => 4005,1,Dial(SIP/8511,15,gH)
15:36.19jake1932exten => 4005,2,DISA(no-password|from-sip-internal)
15:36.43hi365* during ring returns a "all circuts are busy"
15:36.55jake1932during ring is different
15:37.13hi365not a big deal though
15:37.19jake1932thought you meant while in a call
15:37.23hi365i did
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15:37.43jake1932you may want to try 'd' also
15:37.44hi365but in ur exaplme im constantly using the same sip connection, right?
15:38.00hi365no patern matching and auto chosing the trunk
15:38.26jake1932make it work that way first and add from there
15:38.43hi365but then i need to do the call matching 3 times
15:38.59hi365and it defenatly would be rather extera with a@h
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15:39.31zkalok, lets try another tack
15:39.51zkallets say a call has gone to the 'leave a message' voicemail prompt.. how can one 'escape' from that to log into the mailbox to retrieve messages?
15:40.21Neptune__is a DAT/DDS-3 Tape downwards compatible to a DAT/DDS-2 streamer?
15:40.30hi365good question as was wondering the same
15:40.42Neptune__ups sorry wrong channel
15:41.11zkaljake1932, er.. where do I set that?
15:41.19jake1932cmd Voicemail
15:41.23zkalthen what do I hit at the 'unavailable' message to get to the login
15:41.25zkalalright looking
15:41.34[TK]D-FenderNeptune__ : DDS3 drive can read DDS2, not the other way around
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15:41.55eject_ckhow make GSM sound ?
15:42.28jake1932put it close to the speakers
15:42.42zkalhrm.. I really dont want to have to make a special entry in *every* contect to get to voicemailmain()..
15:42.51zkalbecuase voicemail(xxx) gets called from different places
15:43.07zkali would think voicemail() would have a built in way to get to voicemailmain()
15:43.13Neptune__[TK]D-Fender - right - but could i use a empty DDS3 tape and write to it in a DDS2 drive? - sorry about OT
15:43.14zkalwithout going back to the dialplan
15:44.31[TK]D-FenderNeptune__ : I seriously doubt it.
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15:45.04hi365*OT* can i use GOTO(x,n) somehow?? maybe x,n,xxxxx?
15:45.45jake1932zkal: did you check out exitcontext in voicemail.conf
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15:46.38zkalits not mentioned
15:47.52zkalmost voicemail systems I have seen allow logging in if you hit 0 or something during the greeting
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15:47.58zkalid like to emulate that behavior
15:48.19filezkal: WELL, it's already programmed
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15:48.42fileThe Voicemail application will exit if any of the following DTMF digits are
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15:48.48[TK]D-Fenderzkal : * can do that... using either 0 or * as a trigger.  go RTFM
15:49.02[TK]D-Fender(non-offensively intended)
15:49.17fileit's a [TK]D-Fender!
15:49.18MikeJ[Laptop][TK]D-Fender, echo?
15:49.30jake1932but i don't understand French
15:49.32[TK]D-Fenderfile: ! ! !
15:49.39zkalperhaps im not understanding...
15:49.39file[TK]D-Fender: ! ! !
15:50.03zkalhow can I configure voicemail globally, so that 0 drops immediately to voicemailmain if pressed during the voicemail greeting?
15:50.18zkalno matter what context it was called from
15:50.23trelane_zkal, I've determined you're working too hard
15:50.32[TK]D-Fenderzkal : Read the instuctions on Voicemail <------ "show application voicemail"
15:50.47zkalok, thats nice.. it says '0 drops to the 'o' extension'
15:50.52zkalwhen they exit voicemail
15:51.10zkali want to skip the 'listening to the greeeting and leaving a message' parts
15:51.22zkaland I dont want to have to define a new extension in every possible context
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15:51.39Vorondilmut: i did a firmware upgrade, but... it preserved it's config.  so i did a factory reset (which is curiously only accessible on the phone itself and not it's web interface),  re-entered the extension stuff and it works.   ^_^
15:51.44jake1932zkal: try exitcontext
15:51.56jake1932i think it's a global parameter in voicemail.conf
15:51.59zkalpressing 0 seems to NOT interrupt the greeting
15:52.24filethis is like... just... ugh
15:54.01zkalok, I created a new context, vmmain, with just exten => o,1,voicemailmain()
15:54.02hi365ALL: the * works, BUT it returns "all circuts are busy now" and then HANGS UP. it dosnt continue!
15:54.11zkalI added exitcontext = vmmail in voicemail.conf
15:54.22zkalwhen I hit 0 at the greeting, I get "Im sorry, I did not understand your response"
15:54.26mutdied over $2 for a tow truck
15:54.36jake1932vmmail != vmmain (a typo?)
15:54.39Dr-Linuxquestion, my asterisk verbose is set to 100, but it doesn't show me all the things, when i do "extension reload" it should be only context, also it doesn't show me anything when a user hangs the call :S
15:54.40Qwell[]wtf tow company only charges $2?
15:54.41zkalyes, typo
15:54.46zkalthey match in the actual files
15:54.59mutQwell: it was $78
15:55.08mutand the guy wanted his change cause he only had $80
15:55.13hi365jake: zakl: ALL: the * works, BUT it returns "all circuts are busy now" and then HANGS UP. it dosnt continue!
15:55.27[TK]D-Fenderzkal : You have to set "operator=yes" for eacho box you want to allow that for. RTFM
15:55.40zkali cant set it globally?
15:56.06[TK]D-Fenderzkal : NO. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. <_
15:56.09Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: please have a look here >>
15:56.11filework with what you have, instead of trying to work around what you think you want
15:56.30zkalwell the instructions in show application voicemail didnt say anything about any other required setting
15:56.42jake1932hi365: pastebin your extensions.conf
15:56.44[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Yeah... and?
15:57.09Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: my asterisk verbose is set to 100, but it doesn't show me all the things, when i do "extensions reload" it should be only context, also it doesn't show me anything when a user hangs the call :S
15:57.22zkalfine, I set that.. it STILL says "Im sorry, I did not understand your response"
15:57.26zkalyes I reloaded
15:57.38fileand you have an extension matching it?
15:57.45MooingLemur"I'm sorey"
15:57.53Dr-Linuxeven now i set to :
15:57.54Dr-LinuxVerbosity was 100 and is now 2147483647
15:57.58Dr-Linuxbut same happend:S
15:58.03zkalexten => o,1,voicemailmain()
15:58.06fileDr-Linux: is your logger.conf setup to output to the console?
15:58.27mandrettiDoes someone have good experience with RealTime Queues ? I have a problem with static members.
15:58.42Dr-Linuxfile: it was just fine till friday?
15:58.48Dr-Linuxfile: how can i verify that?
15:58.51zkalxxxx =>  pass,xxxx,some@email.addy,operator=yes
15:58.57fileDr-Linux: your open up logger.conf and look
15:59.30jake1932700 lines????
15:59.58hi365trixbox. the part that where using now is macro-dialout-trunk
16:00.16zkal'operator' seems to only apply when a message is being recorded or after it has.. nothing to do with *when the greeting is being played*
16:00.41Dr-Linuxfile: what option should i check in logger.conf?
16:00.50zkalis it possible to be able to hit a key, during the 'th person at ext blah is unavail' greeting, and get immediately to the voicemailmain() app?
16:01.00fileDr-Linux: the console
16:02.15jake1932hi365: too complex for me
16:02.30Dr-Linuxfile: there is >> console => notice,warning,error
16:02.46hi365me to. what to do?
16:03.12jake1932hi365: i installed asterisk - took way too much time with those log files
16:03.20Dr-Linuxfile: so it looks fine, so what could be the issue :S
16:03.20jake1932conf files
16:03.41zkalTFM doesnt seem to mention anything about either being able, or not being able, to have voicemail work this way
16:03.45hi365jake: did u read the macro-dialout-trunk? i think thats the main
16:03.50zkalat least no where Ihve been able to find
16:04.13jake1932hi365: yes i saw a bunch of macros and got a little scared
16:04.16[TK]D-Fenderzkal : Yes it does.  The "a" and "o" extens.....
16:04.28fileDr-Linux: dunno
16:04.45hi365just that 1! o need to be afraid it doesnt bite!
16:04.48Ahrimaneszkal: hm try adding some extension the the context (like exten => 0,1,voicemailmain()) and hit 0 and see what happens?
16:04.57Ahrimanesah a and o yes
16:05.03zkalyou mean like this:
16:05.05zkalzkal [vmmain]
16:05.05zkalzkal exten => o,1,voicemailmain()
16:05.08Dr-Linuxit doesn't even show me when i hangup the call :S
16:05.13zkalit *doesnt work*
16:05.27zkalpressing 0 during the voicemail greeting leads me to 'im sorry, i dont understand' response
16:05.31[TK]D-Fenderzkal : pastebin your extensions.conf and voicemail.conf.  ALL OF IT.
16:05.34jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
16:06.47Ahrimaneszkal: for exten => o to work you need to set operator=yes in voicemail.conf afaik
16:06.48hi365jake: what did u say about the config file?
16:06.52zkali'll have to sanitize it, and im going to remove the unrelated sections
16:07.03zkalyou mean like this? :
16:07.05zkalzkal xxxx =>  pass,xxxx,some@email.addy,operator=yes
16:07.13zkalmentioned, done, still doesnt work
16:07.49filezkal: I just tested it, and it works
16:07.52jake1932hi365: it's too much.  when i'm trying to make something work i start with 1 cmd and add until it breaks.  Not 20+ with macros :)
16:07.53fileusing a very simple example
16:07.57zkalduring the *greeting* ?
16:08.00fileno extra configuration options or anything
16:08.10zkalok.. let me sanitize my config
16:08.12fileexten => *99,1,Voicemail(6067@default)
16:08.12fileexten => o,1,Noop
16:08.19fileI hit 0 during the greeting, and it sent me to o
16:08.22mandrettican anyone help me with a little problem I'm having with realtime queues?
16:09.10hi365ok thanks
16:09.44mandrettiI would like to call it a bug in realtime queue system, but I like to find out what other people think
16:09.48zkalhow can I do it witout adding o to *every* context voicemail might be called from? exitcontext was suggested, which I tried without success
16:10.41jake1932zkal: how many contexts do you have roughly?
16:10.48jake1932(with voicemail)
16:10.55fileI'd ask why you have voicemail sprinkled over so much, but I wouldn't like the answer
16:10.58zkalseems baffling to me that this isnt the default behavior, or that there isnt a global option in voicemail.conf to tell it to do that
16:11.17zkalsince every vm system I have ever used anywhere behaves that way
16:11.33filepatches welcome
16:11.41eject_ckwhere I can get localized sounds for Setting up a Multi-Language Asterisk Installation
16:11.46fileand fyi, 0 isn't usually for this... it's for getting an operator
16:11.49jake1932i can't see a reason for more than a 2-3 contexts with voicemail
16:11.51file* is usually for going to voicemailmain
16:12.20jake1932(even on a large install)
16:12.27zkalwell * would be fine.. but the idea is that its global, not defined in each place someone might be calling in from
16:12.41drrayvirtual hosting
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16:13.01yassinehi everyone
16:13.04Ahrimaneszkal: make sure that services like that are defined in their own context and included where needed?
16:13.05Dr-Linuxfile: i can see  notice,warning,errors , but i can't see if the call hangup or whole reloading :S
16:13.35*** part/#asterisk jake1932 (
16:14.31[TK]D-Fenderzkal : You missed a "," in your VM line....
16:14.48zkaland for the record, I now tried adding the o def to the same context that the voicemail is being called from, and I *still* get the 'im sorry'
16:15.06zkali'll note I tried 0 *again*, and it finally got to it
16:15.12zkalhow can I skip the first 'im sorry'
16:15.33zkali missed a , where?
16:15.57[TK]D-Fenderzkal : on your line with "operator=yes".
16:16.08[TK]D-Fenderzkal : Please reread the formatting very carefully.
16:17.22zkalI have the box number, => the password, the ext#, email address, options
16:17.24zkalwhat am I missing?
16:17.32[TK]D-Fenderzkal : PAGER.
16:17.35eject_ckdoes anybody hear about russian localized sounds?
16:17.58zkalhrm.. where are those fields documented
16:18.14zkalgot it
16:18.46zkali would hope that can be left empty (with an extra comma) if there is nothing for a particular mailbox
16:18.48[TK]D-Fenderzkal : Slow down and pay attention.
16:19.18*** join/#asterisk nextime (
16:19.51[TK]D-Fenderzkal : HOPED?!?! Stop inventing the rules and read the ones already written.  They aren't SUGGESTIONS.
16:20.06zkalthe rules dont mention wether it can be left blank or not
16:20.55zkaland since it would be just moroning to require that a mailbox have a pager email in order to set options on it, i would assume that if there ISNT a pager email address applicable for a particular mailbox, it could be laft blank
16:21.17zkalas it happens, that seems to be correct.
16:21.54[TK]D-Fenderzkal : Blank yes, CSV violation = NO.
16:22.01[TK]D-Fenderdouble-comma it.
16:22.06zkalit might also be a good idea for the docs for 'show application voicemail', to actually mention that operator=yes is required for o and a to work
16:22.14zkalyes, thats what I was saying as I did just that
16:22.25zkalthat wasnt my explanation for leaving out the comma
16:22.39zkali hadnt noticed an extra email address in the examples
16:23.23zkalit says, without qualification 'the voicemail app will exit if the following keys are hit'
16:23.41zkalnot ' AND the operator=yes option is set for the current mailbox'
16:23.49[TK]D-Fenderzkal : The rest is on the WIKI page for voicemail.conf.
16:24.31[TK]D-Fenderzkal : You should be a bit more thorough in your research.
16:24.50zkaldocumentation should not make unqualified statements that are false
16:25.17zkalin any case, since it is free, there is no point griping
16:25.20mandretti[TK]D-Fender, you seem like a helpfull fellow. Might I trouble you with a question?
16:25.23zkalthank you for you help, and I must be off
16:25.25Qwell[]zkal: submit a patch
16:25.35*** join/#asterisk Batfink2001 (
16:26.16[TK]D-Fendermandretti : Questions are free, answer's are $4.95/m ;)
16:26.28Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: mo?
16:26.34mandrettifair enough ;p
16:27.04*** join/#asterisk asterisk-dud (
16:27.23mandrettithe problem is as follows: I've set up realtime queues according to voip-info (I can give the full URL if desired).
16:27.28mandrettiit works fine except for one thing
16:27.30[TK]D-FenderQwell : No.. MINUTE :)
16:27.47asterisk-dudasteriskk@home has a feature where you can view all the extensions and a history of the phone calls made
16:27.53Qwell[]asterisk-dud: cdr
16:27.58[TK]D-Fendermandretti : Ok, your odds have jsut dropped... I don't do realtime... time to see if the proble really applies to that...
16:28.00Qwell[]write your own
16:28.28mandretti[TK]D-Fender: I think so, I don't have this problem with static configuration
16:28.28Dr-LinuxQwell[]: can i pickup your brain for a while? :)
16:28.36Qwell[]Dr-Linux: pickup, no
16:28.48mandrettiproblem: static members still need to manually register and are able to unregister as agent
16:29.07*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=phil@
16:29.08asterisk-dudis there anything available that I can download?
16:29.22asteriskmonkeyhas anyone tried put a fax machine on an iaxy?
16:29.43[TK]D-Fenderasterisk-dud : Yes, go on the WIKI and start looking....
16:29.50mandrettinormal behaviour should be: static members to a queue are always logged in to the queue and cannot log out
16:30.10Dr-LinuxQwell[]: <<< i can't complete logs in the CLI, also i can't see if the user hangs the channel, any idea why?
16:30.25Dr-LinuxQwell[]: my logger.conf is just fine.
16:30.28mandrettiin queues.conf putting the line "realtime_family = queues, queue_members" did not help
16:30.41[TK]D-Fendermandretti : Hmmm.... no idea on that one... maybe if you could show me a static sample that doesn't work.
16:31.11mandretti[TK]D-Fender: yeah, I don't have that, since statics work ;p anyhoo thanks for your help
16:31.28[TK]D-Fendermandretti : Sorry...
16:31.38Dr-LinuxQwell[]: when i do "extensions reload" it shows me only context, not the whole stuff.
16:31.38mandrettino probs ;p
16:31.49Qwell[]Dr-Linux: verbose is on?
16:32.30Dr-LinuxQwell[]: verbose is set to hight .. as you seen in PB ..
16:33.00Qwell[]Dr-Linux: do set verbose 100
16:33.06Qwell[]not some rediculously high number :p
16:33.24Dr-LinuxQwell[]: tried many, it was 100 though, but lemme do
16:33.41eKo1verbose 3 is enough
16:34.14Qwell[]eKo1: There are some things that don't show unless verbose is like 20
16:35.12iDunnojust in case :)
16:35.15Qwell[]iDunno: indeed
16:35.26eKo1Qwell[]: oh? Please name one.
16:36.15*** join/#asterisk h0 (
16:36.31Dr-LinuxQwell[]: still no luck, i dialed a number than i hanged up, but it didn't show me, so when i check "show channel" i found channel is hangedup
16:36.41eKo1Vorondil: There is no max. Asterisk is flexible that way.
16:36.43Qwell[]eKo1: res/res_jabber.c:       if (option_verbose > 77)
16:36.58Qwell[]cdr/cdr_odbc.c:         if (option_verbose > 10)
16:37.08Corydon-wThere is a max, it's just bigger than you think
16:37.13CunningPikeasteriskmonkey: I tried putting a fax machine on an IAXy - it broke. Too heavy :D
16:37.20iDunnoI'd imagine the max is MAX_INT
16:37.28mogQwell, thats a joke
16:37.30*** join/#asterisk smackus (n=smackus@
16:37.33moggo  read it
16:37.42Qwell[]mog: yes, of course it is, but, the cdr_odbc ones are real
16:37.46VorondileKo1: well, there is a number x such that any number > x doesn't make any difference, right?
16:38.02Qwell[]as are the > 30 in res_jabber, eh?
16:38.08eKo1Vorondil: I tend to use 3. It shows everything I need.
16:38.12Dr-LinuxQwell[]: any clue?
16:38.14mogno you could use em
16:38.15smackusok, I am looking at the record command and monitor and i am a little confused. I am trying to record all calls on specified channels of my T1s. Do i use the monitor command to do so?
16:38.21eKo1I can't believe someone would bother with higher verbose levels.
16:38.26mogthey are pretty pointless
16:38.28eKo1That is just plain dumb IMO
16:38.44Qwell[]mog: !!!  I found a typo
16:38.54Qwell[]genearlly :D
16:39.16trelane_is anyone aware of a superior solution for terminating a T1 line for asterisk that is superior to digium/sangoma? (lower cpu utilization or otherwise general betterness?)
16:39.17Qwell[]line 117 :p
16:39.39eKo1If a module needs more than 3 levels of verbosity, then I think that module is should be reworked.
16:39.52Qwell[]eKo1: feel free to submit a patch
16:39.53trelane_eKo1, verbosity starts at 40 man!
16:39.55Corydon-wWell, a loopback plug terminates a T1 and generates no CPU load at all...
16:40.20trelane_Corydon-w, right but  I actually wanted to DO something with the T1 card smartass :)
16:40.42Corydon-wtrelane_: what's wrong with the CPU load of a Digium card?
16:40.55Qwell[]heh, I need to make a device...
16:40.56trelane_Corydon-w, nothing, except I just got bit pretty bad by a tdm24xxp
16:40.59trelane_irq hell
16:41.05Qwell[]to "clean the cache" of network cables
16:41.17Qwell[]"make sure to plug your cable into this device before placing it on a network"
16:41.20Corydon-wtrelane_: this is why it's suggested not to put more than 2 cards per machine
16:41.44smackusok, if I use the dial plan to do the recording it would look like this:
16:41.44smackus exten => 2060,1,Answer
16:41.44smackus<font size="3"> exten => 2060,2,Wait(1) </font>
16:41.44smackus<font size="3"> exten => 2060,3,Monitor(wav,myfilename) </font>
16:41.44smackus<font size="3"> exten => 2060,4,Meetme(1,ps)</font>
16:41.50Corydon-wThe cards (necessarily) eat PCI bandwidth
16:41.59smackusis there a way to make the file dynamically named, rather than fixed.
16:42.19Corydon-wsmackus: ${UNIQUEID}
16:42.23smackussorry about the font size stuff... copied off of a web.
16:42.48smackusexactly typed ${UNIQUEID}?
16:43.05Corydon-wOr even Monitor(wav,meetme-${UNIQUEID})
16:43.35Qwell[]ugh, that syntax bothers me
16:43.37smackusthen do i have to define a variable for &{UNIQUEID}?
16:43.41Qwell[]smackus: no
16:43.49smackusok, good
16:44.02smackusthen does it save the recordings in the sounds directory?
16:44.08*** join/#asterisk websae (
16:44.18smackusok, I will play with it. Thanks
16:44.25Corydon-wNo, it saves them in the monitor directory
16:44.34Qwell[]Monitor claims that it returns a value
16:44.35smackusoh, duh... thats right
16:45.04trelane_Corydon-w, I didn't have more than one card in the machine
16:45.06sevardls *justin*
16:45.09sevardwow, thought that worked
16:45.32*** join/#asterisk jaike (i=jaike@
16:45.46trelane_sevard, there is one file
16:45.52Corydon-wtrelane_: then it's probably a motherboard issue
16:46.12jaike6000 calls and counting with mixmonitor and no seg faults..yes!!!
16:46.16trelane_Corydon-w, concur, which is why I was looking for an external solution, sip server with a t1 interface or somesuch
16:46.20sevardfile == justinu?
16:46.22jaike1.2.9.1 rocks
16:46.25Corydon-wNot all motherboards are as compliant with the PCI standard as we'd like
16:46.32trelane_sevard, no clue
16:46.44fileI'm not justinu.
16:46.44trelane_but file is a file and therefore would be displayed after ls
16:46.53Dr-Linuxfile: i'm using 1.2.0, maybe someone else faced the same problem like i'm facing :S
16:46.57Corydon-wtrelane_: sure, I'll sell you an external Asterisk box with a good motherboard
16:47.05trelane_Corydon-w, heh
16:47.17file0.0.9.1 difference
16:47.18Corydon-wThat way you can hook up your inferior motherboard
16:47.24jaikeDr-Linux: 1.2.0 was really buggy
16:47.30trelane_Corydon-w, I already lost the motherboard in the process
16:47.33trelane_Asus K8N
16:47.58trelane_at some point digium needs to release lists of motherboards that do/don't work
16:47.58Dr-Linuxjaike: but everything is working fine for me since 6 months, and still
16:48.20Corydon-wThat list would be obsolete the day after it's compiled
16:48.22Dr-Linuxjaike: have a little problem, i can't see all the logs at CLI :(, and no one have any solution :S
16:48.46eKo1Dr-Linux: Did you check logger.conf?
16:48.47jaikeDr-Linux: i just came in. dont know the problem
16:49.03Dr-LinuxeKo1: logger.conf is just fine.
16:49.49Dr-Linuxjaike: problem is that, i can't see all the logs in CLI, even verbose is set to 100, even logger.conf file is just fine.
16:50.21jaikeDr-Linux: thats weird. if that were my box, id be reformatting
16:50.24eKo1Dr-Linux: Strange. Have you restarted *?
16:50.34*** join/#asterisk cardiffit (
16:50.57Corydon-wDr-Linux: what do you mean by "just fine"?
16:51.02Dr-Linuxjaike:  << look here, on extensions reload  it show me only context name
16:51.19Dr-LinuxCorydon-w: where i said?
16:51.37Dr-LinuxeKo1: yes
16:51.42Corydon-w[11:49:03] <Dr-Linux> eKo1: logger.conf is just fine.
16:52.07jaikeDr-Linux: i would be reinstalling already. some problems you just cant explain
16:52.09Dr-LinuxCorydon-w: i said, bcoz i show that to "file" and another expert folk,
16:52.58Dr-Linuxjaike: it's my production server, and still everything is just working fine since 6 month, so not sure if i should re-install the asterisk due to this issue :S
16:53.47Dr-Linuxi like to find the solution, re-installing is not a good idea :S
16:53.47jaikeDr-Linux: am running RAID 1 so usually i install on one disk first, leaving the other as backup should i need to go back
16:54.34jaikeDr-Linux: although i would want to know what causing it too
16:54.47Dr-Linuxjaike: you would be an expert, but i'm not :S
16:55.05eKo1Dr-Linux: Why would reinstalling be a problem? Just make and make install.
16:55.08Dr-Linuxjaike: actually my calls are working fine.
16:55.14eKo1And restart
16:55.35*** join/#asterisk nexstar (
16:55.44Dr-Linuxonly this problem, so i have option to check this stuff, bcoz it's not bothering my live calls
16:56.24jaikeDr-Linux: try backing up your modules, then recompile. if its fixed, try copying back your old modules. if the problem reappears, its one of the modules
16:56.43Dr-LinuxeKo1: actually, i'm running a lot of other things, like reporting, plugins, remote mysql server. so i afraid if i lost something working.
16:56.48nexstarcan someone help with external phone problem? 16 internal phones work just fine, 4 external phones from office wont connect (config file error: 0x10020) where would my error be in the config file?
16:56.50jaikehappened to me once,  cdr was freaking out
16:57.11jaikerecompiling addons fixed it
16:57.48Dr-Linuxjaike: i think it could be GSM codec problem
16:58.11jaikeweird. whats gsm got to do with CLI
16:58.20smackuscan someone please see if I did this correctly? I am trying to record my phone call and I did not find any recording, and the output of the CLI gave me no indication that anything was happening.
16:58.21smackusexten => 6000,1,SetVar(CALLFILENAME=${EXTEN:1}-${TIMESTAMP})
16:58.21smackusexten => 6000,2,Monitor(wav,${CALLFILENAME},m)
16:58.21smackusexten => 6000,3,Dial(SIP/6000,20)
16:58.22smackusexten => 6000,4,VoiceMail(126@spherous)
16:58.22smackusexten => 6000,5,PlayBack(vm-goodbye)
16:58.24smackusexten => 6000,6,HangUp()
16:58.31Dr-Linuxbut that was generating a big loop of waringins,
16:58.40Dr-Linuxso i put the GSM format at the end
16:59.01websaehas anyone made a simple fax to email gateway?
16:59.14nexstaranyone out there to help?
16:59.31smackuswebsae: that is my next project, so good luck with that
16:59.33jaikeDr-Linux: its 1.2.0. that code is crawling with bugs
17:00.00websaenext project?
17:00.05websaeit's not very hard to setup
17:00.13smackusjust havent gotten to it
17:00.18websaei am just wondering how well it works for people
17:00.24smackusgood to know
17:00.34Dr-Linuxjaike: what code is just fine?
17:00.36websaeI am just dealing with a simple PSTN line to FXO card
17:00.48smackusso, should my dial plan for 6000 have recorded?
17:00.52smackusor is it wrong?
17:02.48jaikesmackus: it should, with filename 000-timestamp
17:03.59[TK]D-Fenderwebsae : Good morning.
17:04.12Dr-Linuxjaike: which code is not a bugy?
17:04.24websaegood morning
17:05.01jaikeDr-Linux: i would say is tremendously less buggy than 1.2.0. no codes perfect i guess
17:05.12jaikebtw, y stick with 1.2.0?
17:05.39nexstaranyone to help?
17:05.46Dr-Linuxjaike: bcoz it's just working fine since 6 month
17:05.47smackusdoesnt seem to be working.
17:06.08Dr-Linuxjaike: and i think log is not a big reason to re-install
17:06.09jaikesmackus: pastebin your CLI when you dial 6000
17:06.25*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (n=mbryars@
17:06.29jaikeDr-Linux: for me it is. thats how you monitor
17:07.17smackusok... so then troubleshooting mode.
17:07.34smackusif it did not record, what should I look at?
17:07.50smackuslet me reload again...
17:07.56smackusmay be my issue
17:11.12smackusnope... still no.
17:11.42smackusdoes monitor not provide cli output?
17:12.02jaikesmackus: CLI should show the problem
17:12.13jaikesmackus: unless your looking at the wrong folder
17:12.28smackusI did a locate on the system for *timestamp*
17:12.36smackusnothing matched.
17:12.54jaikesmackus: /var/spool/asterisk/monitor?
17:13.35smackusmyfilename-in.wav  myfilename-out.wav are the only files there.
17:14.40jaikesmackus: pastebin CLI when you dial 6000
17:14.48smackusok, hang tight.
17:15.21*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
17:16.03smackusok... maybe i have the issue found. Should this record when calling from 6000?
17:16.17feld_hey guys i have a question. calls coming in from the PSTN are too quiet. what settings can change this? is it the rxgain?
17:16.41jaikesmackus: to 6000
17:17.07smackusthat would explain it :-D... How do I make it record all calls in and out?
17:17.36jaikeput monitor on all extensions
17:17.52smackuswhat about calling outside numbers though?
17:18.04jaikelike i said, put monitor on all extensions
17:18.37smackusok, but explain to me how that works, I have not grasped this concept yet
17:19.03smackusIf all extensions have monitor on them vs just one extension, how does that affect recording outside numbers?
17:19.17*** join/#asterisk mountainm2k (
17:19.27jaikeexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Monitor......
17:19.35jaikeexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial......
17:19.51smackusohh, my bad. now i understand
17:22.59jaikesmackus: have a go at MixMonitor, lesser load on your server
17:23.16smackusok, will give it a shot.
17:23.20smackusthanks for the advice.
17:23.26*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
17:23.30generalhanwhats up all ?
17:24.14generalhananyone using the 8-3-00 SIP Firmware for a 7960 ??
17:24.20*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
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17:27.50smackusok, another quick question... 8015582352-20060612-112433.wav is the file name, how can I adjust this so that the file name will include the extension called from, ie. 6000-8015582352-20060612-112433.wav?
17:27.50feld_my Asterisk -> PSTN is too quiet. I can hear them just fine. Any tips?
17:27.53smackusis that possible
17:29.49jaikesmackus: ${CALLERIDNAME}
17:29.51*** join/#asterisk philippeg (
17:29.57mountainm2kfeld_ == what your PSTN interface?
17:30.02jaikeor ${CALLERIDNUM}
17:30.24mountainm2kif using ZAP, check out the rxgain and txgain settings in zapata.conf
17:30.29[TK]D-Fenderjaike : Deprecated....
17:30.34*** join/#asterisk viperdude (
17:30.50feld_mountainm2k, Digium TDM400P
17:30.56philippegI'm looking for a pro in or near Montréal, Québec
17:31.06viperdudehi, is anyone else having problems with the new version of x-lite behind NAT's?
17:31.16feld_viperdude, what version?
17:31.18generalhanhas anyone had issues with the MWI on the Cisco 7960's ?? i cant get it to go away, even when the user doesnt have messages ? WTH is going on here ?
17:31.21feld_im using xlite behind nat....
17:31.25mountainm2ksame here...  Check out the txgain and rxgain settings in zapata.conf...  I ran accross them when trying to solve my rxfax issue
17:31.29[TK]D-Fenderphilippeg : Ask on MLUG <-
17:31.38feld_3.0 build 29712 viperdude
17:31.39viperdudefeld_: is this that the new video version?
17:32.14viperdudefeld_ some of my users are getting cut off after 30 - 50 seconds of being on a call
17:32.14*** join/#asterisk loonacy (
17:32.16[TK]D-Fenderphilippeg : Or you can just ask me :)
17:32.30[TK]D-FenderQuoi de neuf? :)
17:33.00viperdudeits the same behavior if you disable send audio when silent on the older versions
17:33.21jaikegnite guys. its 1:30am here
17:33.34[TK]D-Fenderphilippeg : <- Pierrefonds / Ville St-Laurent
17:33.45*** part/#asterisk jaike (i=jaike@
17:34.11viperdudei can use it fine but I am not behind a nat
17:34.29feld_[TK]D-Fender, rxgain=20.0
17:34.46[TK]D-Fenderfeld : Congrats....
17:34.53feld_that's HUGE
17:35.08feld_i was reading that 15 is pretty damn high.....
17:35.28[TK]D-Fenderfeld_ : And you're at *2* so quit 'yer whining!
17:35.58eject_ckHow enable PostgreSQL CDR - I already made /etc/asterisk/cdr_pgsql.conf and database with correct tables and reloaded asterisk but it continue use CSV
17:36.19cardiffitanyone here a DCAP?
17:36.25mutfeld.. isn't that a lil loud?
17:36.43feld_mut, that's what it takes to make people audible
17:36.51feld_i kid you not.
17:36.51mutthats crazy
17:36.58feld_othrewise u cant hear shit
17:37.06muttalk to your provider?
17:37.13feld_but the provider isnt the problem
17:37.19*** join/#asterisk eipi (
17:37.20feld_because on the current phone system, not asterisk, it is fine
17:37.37feld_i know it's strange isnt it?
17:37.42mutheh um does the current one autogain?
17:37.44eipiwhy I'm getting  484 Incomplete address on large numbers?
17:37.50cardiffithi eipi
17:37.53mutyea that is really strage
17:38.06feld_mut, the current system is Avaya and I dont know what they do
17:39.41*** part/#asterisk philippeg (
17:44.53*** join/#asterisk LoRez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
17:48.06eipiwhy I'm getting  484 Incomplete address when i try to dial large numbers?
17:49.02Qwell[]define large numbers?
17:50.17generalhan35+ digits ... that would be a large number
17:50.31feld_he's dialing mars
17:50.34Qwell[]not's just a string
17:50.46Qwell[]feld_: Mars is covered by MANPA
17:51.10feld_lol Qwell
17:51.42generalhandoes Jbot know that ?
17:51.46Qwell[]bonus points if you figure out what the first A stands for :p
17:51.50generalhan~dict MANPA
17:51.58generalhannope Jbot doesnt know
17:52.13jbotsomebody said nanpa was North America Numbering Plan Administration:  an integrated telephone numbering plan serving 19 North American countries that share its resources.  Regulatory authorities in each participating country have plenary authority over numbering resources, but the participating countries share numbering resources cooperatively.
17:52.28generalhanwell i KNEW he'd know that one !
17:52.36Qwell[]here's the real test
17:52.40jbotextra, extra, read all about it, manpa is Mars Aliens Numbering Plan Administration
17:52.54jbotsomebody said generalhan was THE MAN
17:53.00generalhanoh did they ?
17:53.54*** join/#asterisk terrapen (n=cjs@
17:55.55generalhanQwell[]: you heard any issues with the MWI on the 7960s with the newest SIP firmware ?
17:56.26generalhan2 of my 15 users with that phone are not able to make that light go away ... even though there is no message waiting
17:56.58generalhanim just confused as to why it would be only 2 phones, they are all set up the exact same way in sip.conf and they are all using the same firmware
17:57.39generalhani wouldnt really care much if one of those 2 wasnt the owner ! lol ... he doesnt seem to like that red light, or me because of the red light
17:58.05*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=jdlewis@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
18:00.40moghey Qwell
18:00.44mogi need your number
18:01.06Qwell[]uh oh
18:01.59*** join/#asterisk MatsK (i=MatsK@
18:02.07*** join/#asterisk mroth_imm (n=chatzill@
18:02.40mroth_immDoes anyone have any experiences purchasing from
18:02.41*** join/#asterisk dec_ (
18:03.05Qwell[]mroth_imm: I don't trust the has phony right in it!
18:03.20mroth_immThey are offering bare Sangoma A200s for $60 <>
18:03.29Qwell[]I now trust it even less
18:03.53mroth_immThat price for the same care at is $140.
18:04.05mroth_imm(no fxs/fxo modules)
18:04.50mroth_immQwell[]: I'm wary as well which is why I'm asking here. Searching the lists reveals people have had pretty good experiences.
18:05.22nexstarim going threw the install and im stuck at trying to install freePBX, im running: /usr/src/freePBX/install_amp and its giving me an error (no such dir) its looking for the php folder under /usr/bin/php but im using php4 and the php4 folder doesent reside there, ive tried making a link to it there but that didnt work eather
18:05.56*** part/#asterisk Peaceful (n=Peaceful@
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18:06.08mroth_immnexstar: #freepbx
18:06.15extremiscould someone send me a pcap of a video session over iax?
18:07.06opc0dehey can anyone tell me how to get the advanced features for voicemailmain? stuff like being able to change the envelope? it says it's been "mergerd into the Asterisk developement CVS tree as of 4/27/2004", but does that mean it's available in the general asterisk source download? I didn't compile from svn
18:07.10mroth_immjoin #sangoma
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18:14.17generalhani really need to figure out why the MWI wont turn off on my 2 out of 15 7960's. anyone had a similar experience ?? ive upgraded and downgraded to every sip firmware version i have over the weekend and STILL it wont go away (and before anyone says it ... no they dont have messages waiting LOL)
18:14.54filedo they have marbles waiting?
18:15.00generalhanthey may ! lol
18:15.11filemakes sense
18:15.12asteriskmonkeyscrap cisco for the win
18:15.31generalhanlike i was telling Qwell[] i wouldnt even care about it ... if one of those 2 wsant the owner of the firm
18:15.57generalhani was thinking about just giving him my phone cause im sure i can deal with a little red light on my phone
18:16.15*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
18:16.42loonacyIs it possible to dial OUT through a SIP account without having to create a SIP entry in sip.conf for that? (i.e. something like Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@sipserver:username:password), although that doesn't work)
18:18.37loonacyI tried Dial(SIP/username:password@sipserver/${EXTEN}) and it tells me "Unknown host sipserver/${EXTEN}"
18:19.43cardiffiti have channel => 4 in my zapata.conf, asterisk will not start unless i comment it out - how can i troubleshoot this problem
18:20.55*** join/#asterisk JrPrado (n=jrprado@
18:23.51JrPrado* the this not completing boot, stops in this codec, some solution? Somebody already passed here therefore?
18:24.59eKo1Where did you get our g729 codec from?
18:27.23fileand what version of Asterisk are you using?
18:27.42JrPradoI tested all the Codecs, and nothing: (
18:28.08filepastebin what you get on your screen when you try to start Asterisk
18:28.16jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
18:29.04JrPradoThe compilation of it was normal, without codec it makes makes the correct process of boot.
18:29.24fileyou need to show us what problem you're seeing
18:29.48docelmoloonacy to dial a direct sip exten its SIP/${EXTEN}@host  unless you have to use digest then yes..  You will have to create one
18:30.15docelmoWell then again I Think you can use SIP/user:pass@host/${EXTEN}
18:30.21*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
18:31.41JrPradoI find that the problem is in glibc 2,4-8 therefore has others asterisk correctly functioning but with the CentOS.
18:34.15*** join/#asterisk jrprado (n=jrprado@
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18:36.24geofflHi, I have a problem with connecting from behind NAT to a SIP peer. I'm forwarding UDP/5060 to my Asterisk machine. In sip.conf I have nat=yes and have defined both externip and localnet but the logs suggest that Asterisk isn't replacing my local IP with the public IP of the NAT router.
18:36.52filepastebin the relevant sections plus sip debug if available
18:37.14geofflI'm an IRC newbie - how do I pastebin?
18:37.23jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
18:38.48loonacydocelmo: Dial(SIP/user:pass@hostname/${EXTEN} returns chan_sip.c:1966 create_addr: No such host: hostname/${EXTEN}
18:38.54ghenryhow do you play *.gsm files in GNU/Linux (Fedora)
18:39.04loonacyghenry:  play file.gsm
18:39.17ghenrydoh, thanks
18:39.45*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=Silik0nJ@
18:40.53SplasPoodwhom would people reccomend for "carrier class" termination these days?   (ie, I'd be pumping a lot of resold minutes, and I don't want a high incidence of echo/noise)
18:40.58SplasPoodI'm currently toying /w RNK
18:41.01SplasPoodand they seem to suck
18:41.07SplasPoodeven tho they put on a good front..
18:41.47geofflfile: sorry for the delay. I've pastebinned to
18:41.56*** join/#asterisk rene- (
18:42.20filegeoffl: what's the sip.conf look like?
18:43.26*** join/#asterisk r_evolution (i=_evoluti@
18:44.29filenothin' here but us chickens
18:44.29r_evolutionjust noticing how quiet everything seemed to be
18:44.31r_evolutiona little scary.
18:44.36filewell you had just entered
18:44.49r_evolutionyeah but I expect trumpets and fan-fare
18:44.59filegeoffl: externip and localnet goes under general
18:45.02Qwell[]jbot: add fanfare r_evolution
18:45.04filegeoffl: it's not a per-peer option
18:45.04[TK]D-Fendergeoffl : externip and localnet have to be filled out in the [general] section, not you peer entry...
18:45.13r_evolutionha ha.
18:45.14Qwell[]r_evolution: happy?
18:45.21geofflAh - thanks guys, I'll give that a try!
18:45.30*** join/#asterisk archvile (
18:45.48r_evolutionbut i've got the official d'oh! of the day
18:45.56jrprado* the this not completing boot with codec g729, I used all the possibilities of, I am using in a FC5 with glibc 2,4-8 some solution? Somebody already passed here therefore? I have others * functioning with the CENT0S
18:46.11r_evolutionlady calls in... saying the voicemail and call-fwd'ing on her phone right
18:46.21r_evolutionon her phone isnt working right
18:46.26filejrprado: you still haven't shown us what isn't working
18:46.41r_evolutionso being the concerned (and slightly bored) person that I am
18:46.47r_evolutioni call her number and watch  * to see what's going on
18:46.57archvileim having a problem getting incomming calls to go through on one of my extentions, when i try to dial into the extension it tells me the ext is on the phone. from the asterisk cli it says "Returned from dialparties with no
18:47.09archvileanyone know what the problem is?
18:47.10r_evolutionit immediately becomes apparent why her calls aren't being forwarded after 4 rings and picked up by voicemail after 4 more
18:47.14filearchvile: that's Asterisk@Home
18:47.16fileor AMP
18:47.23r_evolutionshe has her answering machine set to answer the phone after 2 rings :-\
18:47.29*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
18:47.43r_evolutionand wonders why the calls aren't fwd'ing after 4 :(
18:48.00archvilefile: do you know what the problem is or where i can find out how to fix this
18:48.17filearchvile: go to #freepbx and see if they can help you
18:48.26filearchvile: as dialparties is not part of Asterisk
18:48.35[TK]D-Fenderarchvile : Like the channel topic says, don't expect help here for FreePBX/A@H here
18:48.43[TK]D-Fenderarchvile : Go to #FreePBX
18:48.45r_evolutioni love it file... he catches the first part... where you address him... but misses the part where you tell him where to go
18:48.59[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : Incredible isn't it?
18:49.03geofflfile, [TK]D-Fender: thanks for your help - that did the trick!
18:49.03r_evolutioni was amazed.
18:49.11[TK]D-Fendergeoffl : ywc
18:49.13filegeoffl: great, have a nice day
18:50.12Poincareanyone experienced with cascaded isdn channels and asterisk?
18:50.28*** join/#asterisk qseek (
18:50.30eKo1cascade isdn?
18:50.36qseekhello all
18:50.47*** join/#asterisk aze_ (
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18:51.12cardiffithi qseek
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18:53.04smackusok, so I wanted to give MixMonitor a try.... exten => _1XXXNXXXXXX,1,SetVar(CALLFILENAME=${CALLERIDNUM}-${EXTEN:1}-${TIMESTAMP})
18:53.04smackusexten => _1XXXNXXXXXX,2,MixMonitor(gsm,${CALLFILENAME},m)
18:53.04smackusexten => _1XXXNXXXXXX,3,Dial(Zap/g2/${EXTEN:1})
18:53.13smackusthis gives me the file output of gsm.raw
18:53.26asterboyDoes zttest apply to Sangoma?
18:53.30smackuswith Monitor and wav, i get the correct output.
18:53.37smackuswhat did I do wrong?
18:54.00asterboyI know it works while a Sangoma card is installed, but do the numbers mean anything using that hardware?
18:54.39[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : depends... do you like what its telling you? ;)
18:54.49asterboylol, not really.
18:55.01r_evolutionthen it doesnt matter! :)
18:55.04r_evolutionyeah right.
18:55.21r_evolutioni wish i could apply that to reality sometimes
18:55.21asterboywish that was true
18:55.25r_evolutioni dont like that... so it doesnt matter!
18:55.57asterboy99.267578% 100.000000% 99.645996% 99.694824% 99.316406% 99.987793% 100.000000%
18:56.18asterboyI'm getting hits below the 99.975%
18:56.44[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : I believe the timing in how it drops off frames may seem misleading.  If there an actual issue?
18:56.54asterboyDigium suggests that is the reason I'm getting bad call and line drops
18:57.09asterboydue to the zttest numbers.
18:57.30asterboySo I'm trying another box to bring on site to the has a Sangoma card insttead.
18:57.37loonacyOkay... if i can't dial out through SIP without a sip.conf entry, is it possible to generate temporary sip entry from a dialplan?
18:57.47cardiffitIf i make a change to zaptel.conf how do i activate my change?
18:57.54asterboyI can't have the same issues of call dropping
18:58.07asterboysure would like a stress test
18:58.16asterboyor some way to know the card will perform well
18:58.45asterboyOtherwise, I'm off to a shop to find the holy grail of motherboard.
18:59.02asterboySeems the CPU/Memory is the least of my worries.
18:59.13asterboyI need a motherboard that handles PCI efficiently
18:59.45[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : So let me get this straight.  A TDM400P is dropping call, and are swapping for an A200 and you're wondering if it'll be ok?
18:59.55rene-how much time before digium hardware is pci-express compatible
19:00.12[TK]D-Fenderrene- : Lets aim for PCI  first, k? :0
19:00.56[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : Well I and all those I've worked with have had a 100% success rate so far.  Keep in mind FAXING is not quite proper yet, but for voice is great.
19:01.01asterboythe zttest numbers on the A200 is similar in that there are bad numbers
19:01.11rene-i am having greater difficulties to find pci enabled motherboards from intel
19:01.24*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
19:02.05asterboyI've had some bad calls on the A200, but I don't know if it's the card or the VOIP service that converts to POTS before the A200.
19:02.25rene-nothing, i ve been playing with * on a mac intel
19:02.27[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : that should be easy to prove...
19:02.29asterboyThe client has pure POTS lines, so guess I'll find out.
19:02.30rene-works well
19:02.36PakiPenguinrene-, works with zaptel?
19:03.00PakiPenguinasterboy, what do you suggest to use when using pure pots with asterisk? what card?
19:03.17rene-PakiPenguin: i dont think so
19:03.30asterboyWell if the A200 in the same machine works for the client...I'll not be touching Digium ever again.
19:03.44rene-probably under linux
19:03.53*** part/#asterisk yassine (
19:03.54rene-but then again i have no pci slots in this laptop
19:03.56PakiPenguinhaha personally i like sangoma too!
19:04.34*** join/#asterisk h0 (
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19:07.59rene-it is outrageously expesive the machine, but i like it a lot for doing rubyonrails job
19:08.24*** part/#asterisk cardiffit (
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19:09.56r_evolutionhey its a h0!
19:11.30*** join/#asterisk timscott (
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19:11.57trelane`has anyone seen "Jun 12 15:04:40 WARNING[5233]: chan_zap.c:3926 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 2
19:12.04trelane`sigh stupid carrige return on the end
19:12.07trelane`hang on let me fix that
19:12.09trelane`has anyone seen "Jun 12 15:04:40 WARNING[5233]: chan_zap.c:3926 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 2"
19:12.15trelane`ok that didn't work either :/
19:12.28jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
19:12.58trelane`r_evolution: to paste < 1 line of text?
19:13.01trelane`seems a waste to me
19:13.24r_evolutioneh. im just suggesting something that could display it as you like perhaps?
19:13.43trelane`at the moment I'm going to read up a bit more, I wasn't entirely intending to ask the question yet merely beginning to form it
19:13.55r_evolutionreading != bad idea :)
19:14.38*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:14.54trelane`r_evolution: I'm not usually this clumsy I'm using irssi from an ssh session as I'm out on site
19:15.42r_evolutiontis ok :) i dont really do anything with zap... I was just suggesting a means for you to start...
19:16.12r_evolutiondid you google to find out what this strange state 6 is?
19:17.08PakiPenguinrene-, which macbook do u have?
19:18.44trelane`r_evolution: found a bug filed by vechers and am now bugging him
19:20.29r_evolutionsomeone take the sun-flower seeds away from me before i dehydrate myself :(
19:21.23*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
19:21.43docelmoyum..  sunflower seeds..  NOT!
19:22.25r_evolutionthey = good!
19:22.28r_evolutionbut dehydrating me :(
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19:23.18r_evolutionyou know... sometimes... i feel like i must just DRAW trouble like a magnet
19:24.36docelmohaha.. tis life of an IT guy
19:25.15r_evolutionyeah but not really like this
19:25.31r_evolutiona couplea weeks ago... my girl and i were going back to my friends house so i could spin records...
19:25.36r_evolutioncop pulls her over for speeding
19:25.39r_evolutionand asks ME for my ID!
19:25.49r_evolutionim like !!!!! IM THE PASSENGER!
19:27.07*** join/#asterisk _4d4m_ (n=adam@
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19:28.36MikeJ[Laptop]did the officer respond well to that?
19:29.01_4d4m_Hi all, i'm working with a manufacturer of a videophone, trying to get it working with asterisk
19:29.37_4d4m_and whilst we've got it registering, upon trying to get communicate with it, i am recieving an error: WARNING[17081]: chan_sip.c:3563 process_sdp: Error in codec string 'ideo 5010/1 RTP/SAVPF 99'
19:29.41asterboyr_evolution, you need to watch this!
19:29.41docelmook what do you wanna know except video phones are experimental right now
19:29.59r_evolutionhey aster... I'm on probation... i've got 25 years over my head
19:30.03r_evolutioni'm not flexing shit :)
19:30.28r_evolutionlest i flex my wrists back into a pair of cuffs ;)
19:30.54_4d4m_it seems * only accepts media streams of "RTP/AVP", and we need support for "RTP/SAVPF"
19:31.07_4d4m_does anyone know if any trunk version of * will play ball?
19:31.37file_4d4m_: nope
19:31.56*** join/#asterisk squinky86 (n=squinky8@gentoo/developer/squinky86)
19:31.57_4d4m_file: nope as in dont know, or nope as in aint gonna work
19:32.05filenope as in not supported
19:32.10asterboyr_evolution, take a look anyway, it is pretty common sense stuff.  Might help you with those bad cops.
19:32.11_4d4m_ok.. thanks
19:32.18*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:32.27asterboyand there are a lot of bad cops out there.
19:32.33docelmo_4d4m_ ask -dev guys..  this is their neck of the woods
19:32.50docelmoalthough josh is one of the guru's..  :)
19:33.14_4d4m_docelmo, file: thanks for you help
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19:38.40Blake0PSI think one of the modules on a TDM card is dying, is it possible to remove them from the board itself?
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19:40.02extremisanyone seen a poc for the asterisk vuln yet?
19:40.11extremisrather, the minvid vuln
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19:47.34*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (
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19:48.02DagMollerhi all, wats wrong in this: Set(contexto=${CUT(sigame,"::",1)})
19:48.24DagMolleri ghot this error:  ERROR[3437]: app_cut.c:391 acf_cut_exec: CUT() requires an argument
19:48.47Qwell[]DagMoller: two things, I think
19:48.52Qwell[]1) You don't want quotes
19:48.59Qwell[]2) I think you can only use one char as the delim
19:49.35DagMollerQwell, i try to remove the delim, and i got the same error...
19:49.35*** join/#asterisk cardiffit (
19:50.10DagMollerQwell[], i try to remove the delim, and i got the same error...
19:50.14cardiffiti have pulled the telephone line out of my tdm01b, should zttool still report OK - no alarms?
19:51.12brad_msswDagMoller: should be CUT(contexto=${sigame},:,1);   afaik
19:51.44brad_msswerr, wait, get rid of the ${} around sigame
19:52.10Qwell[]brad_mssw: cut doesn't set vars
19:52.26brad_msswsure does
19:52.36Qwell[]That's the application
19:52.37*** join/#asterisk feld_ (n=feld@
19:53.00brad_msswis there a difference between  Cut and CUT  then ?
19:53.11brad_msswbecause 'Cut' is documented as setting a var
19:53.29Qwell[]one is an application, the other is a function
19:53.52brad_msswok, that's the difference then
19:53.56DagMollerbrad_mssw, same errori have using a function
19:53.58brad_msswI'm using Cut() in my applications
19:54.17brad_msswDagMoller: yeah, you'd have to use   Cut(contexto=sigame,:,1)   from my example
19:54.18mountainm2kAny spandsp / RxFAX() experts?
19:54.23brad_msswDagMoller: notice the lowercase  'ut'
19:54.28*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:54.32brad_msswbut apparently 'Cut' is deprecated
19:57.12*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:59.09DagMollersame error
19:59.45*** join/#asterisk clive- (
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20:02.53[TK]D-FenderDagMoller : Set(contexto=${CUT(sigame,:,1)})
20:03.20clive-Hi, anyone here clued up about timming and iax2 trunking?
20:03.41generalhanclive-: please just ask your question
20:03.43DagMoller[TK]D-Fender, same error... :(
20:03.58*** join/#asterisk techie (
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20:04.26DagMolleri'm using asterisk
20:04.43clive-the question is, would a score of 99.5 on zttest possibly be the cause of bad quality on a iax2 trunked voip connection
20:04.59[TK]D-FenderDagMoller : Pastebin your dialplan including that segment in it.
20:05.52[TK]D-FenderDagMoller : And include the CLI output of it being called as well as the CONTENTS noop'd prior to calling CUT.
20:06.01KranZbrb, noop
20:06.20*** join/#asterisk caio1982_ (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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20:10.45DagMoller[TK]D-Fender, resolved... i use realtime, change ',' for '|'...
20:10.49DagMollerthanks for all
20:10.54[TK]D-FenderDagMoller : exten => _*89.,2,Set(contexto=${CUT(sigame,\,,1)})
20:10.59[TK]D-FenderTOO MANY COMMA's
20:11.12[TK]D-Fender",," <-----
20:12.20brad_msswseems that he escaped the first comma
20:12.22mountainm2kThis seems like a simple problem / question, but SIP phone doesn't provide a second dial tone after "9"
20:12.28DagMoller[TK]D-Fender, thanks, btu the problem is realtime... no ',' only '|'...
20:12.30mountainm2kany way to change that?
20:12.47brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: that should be proper, if you want a literal comma to be used for the delimiter
20:14.04[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k : that depends on your phone and the answer inn every case I've seen is "no".
20:14.21[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : He already had "\" in there...
20:14.47[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : Unless "\" counts as a legit escape...
20:14.47mountainm2kd'oh...  Seems like a simple, easy thing to fix, and without it will confuse users...
20:14.55mountainm2ksorry, I'm a newb...
20:15.04[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k : Why use a "9" prefix anyways.....
20:15.10brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: according to  "To specify a comma as a delimiter, escape it with a backslash: CUT(foo,\,,1)"
20:15.11[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k : Its so... 1980's
20:15.19terrapenSun Microsystems is DOOMED
20:15.19[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : :O
20:15.21mountainm2kheh, true that...
20:15.38terrapeni'm calling them for the first time, trying to get a sales rep and some quotes
20:15.46terrapenand they're telling me to send an e-mail
20:16.06brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: but notice the error 'Jun 12 17:06:31 ERROR[3519]: app_cut.c:391 acf_cut_exec: CUT() requires an argument'  ... why is it from app_cut.c  if it's a function now?  seems like app_cut shouldn't be being called ... no ?
20:16.09terrapenDell is going to destroy them.  I can call Dell and talk to a rep in less than 30sec
20:16.09*** join/#asterisk mopri (n=jjohn@
20:16.21mountainm2kI live in Denver (10 digit dialing), so as long as my part of the dialplan doesn't sart with 1, 3, or 7, it would work...
20:16.21*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
20:16.43terrapeni've been on hold with Sun, and navigating their IVR, for over 10 minutes
20:16.51moprii have 2 fxo zap channels, but i need to wait for tone to be delivered, is there a way in the extensions.conf or in the Dial( command to ask it to wait for tone?
20:16.56mountainm2kwhy would you put yourself through that?
20:17.00terrapenmaybe IBM will treat me better
20:17.28terrapenhey brad
20:18.19hi365is there anyway to dissconect the outbound part of a call without breaking the user -> server part?
20:18.39brad_msswterrapen: sup ...
20:18.47brad_msswterrapen: still going ok in Utah ?
20:19.01brad_msswterrapen: ever get that bike ?
20:19.14hi365is there anyway to dissconect the outbound part of a call without breaking the user -> server part?
20:20.11[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k : Irrelevent.... dial length doesn't really matter much.  Quick rule : Allow anything + wait = dial.
20:20.12hi365Juggie: is that yes for me? how?
20:20.52Juggiehi365, 'show application dial' or
20:21.09Juggiethere is a 'h' and 'H' option you can pass to dial to allow users to hangup w/ *
20:21.44Juggiei also think you might want the g option
20:21.45hi365right, but apperently that disconects BOTH sides of the call
20:22.01Juggiewhich allows the dialplan to continue after dial terminates.
20:22.13*** join/#asterisk TheCompWiz (
20:22.22hi365correct, but after * there is no continuing cause u allready hung up!
20:22.45*** join/#asterisk liran_ (
20:23.15Juggieif you use Hg you would be able to procede after you hangup
20:23.30hi365is that different than gH?
20:23.59hi365cause gH is droping both sides of the call
20:24.25Juggiewhat happens if you pass in g and you just hang up the other side of the call.
20:24.36Juggieby hanging up the old fasioned way :)
20:25.04hi365im not in cintrol of the other side of the call, am I?
20:25.11Juggieno i know your not
20:25.13Juggiei am just asking
20:25.21Juggieto see if g & H are not working together
20:25.29hi365no prob
20:25.30hi365i c
20:25.46Juggieso can you do a test call where you call someone else with g
20:25.47hi365but i dont have a way to do it
20:25.53Juggieand then they just hangup
20:26.02*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:26.23moprii-ve tried putting Dial(zap/1); wait(4); Dial(zap/1/######);  that wasn't a good idea, anyone know how to wait?  My zap channel takes about 3sec to give tone. :S
20:26.23hi365i guess. thanks ill try it later (2maro)
20:27.16Juggiemopri, you put a pause in your dialstring
20:27.22mopriis weird cause my asterisk console says.. (Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'), but still is giving me dial tone,  but it doesn't dial the number
20:27.27[TK]D-Fendermopri : Dial(Zap/1/wwwwwwwwww12345)
20:27.41moprii tried that.. i'll try many www's..
20:28.24Juggieeach w is .5 seconds
20:28.36Juggieyou should use about 7-8 to get 3-4 seconds pause
20:28.37mogi thought it was 100 millaseconds
20:29.45Juggiethe wiki says D(####) in app dial is 0.5seconds
20:29.54Juggiei dunno if in a Zap Channel its different
20:29.55Juggiethats possible
20:31.18Juggienah, according to Zap docs on wiki its 0.5
20:32.02moprididn't work.. :S, could it be something with the notice on console about unable to create channel type zap?
20:32.21Juggiesounds like a definiate possibility :)
20:32.30Juggiei dont know much about analog zap
20:32.37Juggiewhich card is it?
20:32.50mopridigium tdm
20:33.06Juggiethis may be a stupid question
20:33.13moprigo ahead
20:33.14Juggiebut sometimes stupid questions are best :)
20:33.22Juggiedo you have your line plugged into port 4 per chance
20:33.24Juggieand not port 1.
20:34.07Juggiealso have you tried dialing into the phone number on the line
20:34.10moprinop, ..  is weird, cause when i do this dial().. it won't dial the number ####, but it will open channel, so if i dial the #### again, it works.
20:34.11Juggieto see if asterisk sees the call
20:34.23*** join/#asterisk jsk- (
20:34.39Juggieif you dialin does it work?
20:34.43jsk-is there a way i can capture the dialed digits and put them in a variable?
20:34.55*** join/#asterisk amarus18 (n=amarus18@
20:35.01mopriyes, if i dial again .. it works
20:35.23Juggiejsk-, if someone is using * to dial, they are allways in ${EXTEN}
20:35.41moprii have it like this.. (exten=>_9.,1,Dial(${.... )   so i dial something like 922222,  it gives dialtone, then i would have to dial 2222 again
20:36.52mopriis something that happened after i upgraded to v1.2.. on 1.0.9 worked, i've been looking all around conf files to see its something diff.
20:37.18TheCompWizcan someone help me setup a "record" button for a sip phone... so when the button is pressed... it starts recording the conversation... & press again to stop?
20:37.27amarus18quick question: when i dial out and i encounter a touch tone menu, my touch tones aren't recognized by the remote menu.  is there a setting that controls this?  thanks! (<- total newbie)
20:37.52TheCompWizamarus18... what kind of phone?
20:37.57Juggiemopri, to be honest i dont know the solution to your problem
20:38.09Juggiedid you redo your configuration files?
20:38.21Juggieworking config files from 1.0.9?
20:38.29*** join/#asterisk aze_ (
20:38.35Juggieor did you use your working config files from 1.0.9 i mean
20:38.42*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
20:38.45amarus18i am using a softphone (sjphone) and then we have regular phones... not sure which brand, i'm new to this company but i can certainly find out :)
20:39.18moprii used the demo on the v1.2 and redid everything
20:39.32Juggiedo you still have your old config files?
20:40.32moprii tried that..
20:40.43mopriweird.. i'll try to reinstall asterisk i guess
20:40.48Juggienah that wont help
20:40.49moprilater tonight though
20:40.55*** join/#asterisk Heimidal (n=Heimidal@phpbb/styles/heimidal)
20:41.09Heimidalcan anyone help me with setting up Music on Hold?
20:41.12Juggiemopri, try asking again later or searching the wiki
20:41.15mopriand the unable to create channel zap? i've looked everywhere.. but nothing about that
20:41.22moprii'll try later :P
20:41.34Juggiemopri, if you dial the number associated with the lnie
20:41.41*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=moo@
20:41.42Juggiedoes asterisk see the call and answer?
20:42.46jsk-Juggie: after the call is answered, though, i want to capture the digits.
20:43.05Juggieyou want to get dtmf input?
20:43.36Juggietwo ways to do it, redirect the calling user into a context that will accept the input, or use app read
20:43.37jsk-juggie, yeah.
20:44.05*** join/#asterisk TommyTheKid (
20:44.13Juggiei'm gone, work is over, ciao.
20:44.28jsk-what is app read?
20:44.42x86read digits from a user
20:45.25TommyTheKidIs there a pleasent operator voice saying something along the lines of "Hay, dumbass, you forgot to dial 9" (paraphrased of course) available anywhere?
20:45.53jsk-got it, thanks
20:46.04x86TommyTheKid: i always peice crap together from the asterisk-sounds package :)
20:46.18x86you might have to play 10 files to get the message :)
20:46.39TommyTheKidI keep looking and looking, but cant find dumbass anywhere :)
20:46.57x86"I'm sorry", "but", "something is terribly wrong"
20:47.11TommyTheKidwe have several unfortunate extensions.. 186xx-188xx
20:47.13x86jedi-extension-trick is good too
20:47.19x86or gambling and getting drunk ;)
20:47.39x86TommyTheKid: are they 11 numbers long?
20:47.54TommyTheKidno, but we are just hanging off a corporate PBX
20:48.25x86if they are not 11 digits long, your dialplan should not be that dumb ;)
20:48.38TommyTheKidthe other 34950 employees are on an avya pbx
20:48.45x86so there should be no "unfortunate" in there :P
20:48.59x86TommyTheKid: definity ?
20:49.56TommyTheKiddunno, either way, the dialplan is such that as they dial 1 .. 8 .. 7 .7 ... X to call their conference call (att) it catches on the first 5 and sends the call to us over a crossover PRI
20:50.29TommyTheKidmakes for a lot of fun forwarded calls if I get mad at someone :)
20:55.17mountainm2kHaving issues with Spandsp and RxFAX, too -- sounds like rxfax() can't hear the other end trying to handshake with it...
20:55.35*** join/#asterisk mercestes (n=merceste@
20:56.13x86mountainm2k: you should try iaxmodem
20:56.27x86i had all kinds of issues with spandsp / rxfax
20:56.37*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (i=negative@
20:56.45Hmmhesaysaight this endpoint is pissing me off
20:56.55mountainm2khavn't mucked with iaxmodem -- but I'm trying to DID fax to email....  That what I need???
20:56.58HmmhesaysJun 12 15:56:47 NOTICE[27005]: chan_sip.c:6000 check_auth: stale nonce received
20:59.07*** join/#asterisk nexstar (
20:59.49mountainm2kx86:  iaxmodem is just a softmodem, it doesn't provide the actual fax RX application...
20:59.55mountainm2kor am I misunderstanding something?
21:02.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:05.04gmfmiaxmodem is to be used as a fake modem for hylafax
21:05.16mountainm2kso I'm reading...
21:05.48TommyTheKidCan I only be "registered" once per IAX line? I was testing kiax, and it seemed to be "fighting" tkiaxphone for the registration.. both clients are based on iaxclient library
21:06.43*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
21:06.53Hmmhesaysanyone ever run into a problem when trying to register a sip endpoint behind nat, it doesn't seem to like it if you use a secret
21:07.11TheCompWizcan someone help me setup a record button?
21:07.59*** join/#asterisk beyond (n=evandro@
21:09.42Hmmhesaysok what is a stale nonce?
21:10.11TommyTheKidgoogle MD5 authentication
21:11.43*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
21:12.42extremisdoes anyone know how to prevent asterisk from hanging up on # when forwarding a call to an agent where the agent must ack the call?
21:12.55extremisit seems that if the agent hits # before teh announcement is done, it will just hang up the call
21:14.36*** join/#asterisk smackus (n=smackus@
21:15.34smackusregarding caller ID. I have a PRI T1 which has a name displayed on it, I have multiple companies tenanted on the phone system. I can set the number on the sip.conf and make it change, but the caller id name does not. how do i change that? can I change that?
21:15.53Blake0PSI think one of the modules on a TDM card is dying, is it possible to remove them from the board itself?
21:17.01*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
21:18.07clive-how do you show which modules are loaded?
21:18.58smackusshow modules
21:19.16clive-smakus, tried that, ...doesnt work
21:19.32smackusyou are trying this in the CLI?
21:19.45smackusah, where then?
21:19.53smackuskernel modules?
21:19.54clive-at the prompt
21:20.48smackushow do i set the name on my outgoing caller id, I am only able to change the number displayed, but the name remains the same
21:22.38smackuswow, it is really quiet in here right now.
21:22.45smackuseveryone must have gone back to work
21:22.54smackusor home for the day
21:22.57harryvvnot me
21:22.59TommyTheKidcallerid=My Name <123-456-7890>
21:23.00TheCompWizI just wanna figure out how to make a "record" button ... :(
21:23.45smackusthe work around i used on the polycom phones was to do a speed dial to the extension I had set up for recording
21:24.23TheCompWiz... well... I don't suppose you can point me in the direction of "how?"
21:24.32smackuswhat phone do you have?
21:24.49smackusI have no experience there.
21:24.50TheCompWizbut I'd take a speed-dial method anyday
21:25.07smackusdo you know how to set up the speed dial?
21:25.20TheCompWiz... but what do I dial?
21:25.24smackusok, then read up on the command "record"
21:25.48TheCompWizI have been.   all the examples I can find show how to set it up BEFORE the call is made...
21:25.54smackusthen work out your own variations
21:26.08smackusyou can use variables as opposed to fixed file names
21:26.19*** join/#asterisk NeonLevel (n=NeonLeve@
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21:26.57Heimidalcan anyone tell me why my hold music doesn't play? I have it in MP3 format in the right directory, haven't changed the default moh context (the dir is right), and am using SetMusicOnHold(default)
21:27.04*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
21:27.27harryvvWhat are the common reason this would come up in cli if the phones config is not right?  -- Executing AbsoluteTimeout("SIP/", "15") in new stack
21:28.24NeonLevelgood day everyone, i'm looking for somewhere in California, to buy IP Phones, (that could have retail store, no virtual store), could someone please help me? or point me to someone... thanks for your help
21:30.41*** join/#asterisk Skinzy (
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21:35.01smackusi am trying to set caller id so that it will show a specific name as well as number. I have tried to set it in the sip.conf... just changes the number, name remains.
21:35.05smackusi also tried the following:
21:35.06smackusexten => 6000,1,SetCallerID("blah" <9991112222>[|a])
21:35.06smackusexten => 6000,2,Dial(SIP/6000,20)
21:35.06smackusexten => 6000,3,VoiceMail(126@progrexion)
21:35.06smackusexten => 6000,4,PlayBack(vm-goodbye)
21:35.06smackusexten => 6000,5,HangUp()
21:35.18smackusdoes not change anything
21:36.39*** join/#asterisk mercestes (n=merceste@
21:38.41[TK]D-Fendersmackus : Stop pasting large amounts like that into channel
21:38.49jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
21:38.56[TK]D-Fendersmackus : And "SetCallerID is deprecated.  use the CALLERID function.
21:39.06Strom_Csmackus: also, try setting caller ID name and number separately
21:39.31harryvvarggg, no fricken wonder why my ip500 would not register.
21:40.34smackussorry about the flooding.
21:40.37smackusnew to the channel
21:40.40[TK]D-Fendersmackus : And you CAN'T change the name on a PRI.
21:40.53smackuswill test out the CALLERID function. thanks
21:41.03[TK]D-Fendersmackus : CNAME is not something yuo can change on your end.
21:41.09Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: he's sending a call out a SIP trunk, not a PRI
21:41.10harryvvTK, you use the polycom?
21:41.22smackusyeah.. just saw that.
21:41.47smackuswell the PRI is accessed via the dial plan.
21:42.15harryvvWhy did polycom embed in address under line one of the sip conf? I just configured that to the sip.conf and now its working...
21:42.24harryvvaddress as not in ip address.
21:42.34harryvvbut a name for the phone in sip.conf.
21:42.40Strom_Csmackus: because polycom is, by definition, a pain in the ass to configure?
21:42.44Strom_Cer, harryvv
21:42.58*** join/#asterisk Kokey (n=jramirez@
21:43.08harryvvwell this was very retarded on there part. Address is IP address not phone name!
21:43.48harryvvnow, im getting complaints that my phone sounds quiet on the other end. I can also say its a little quiet on my end.
21:47.41[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : I TOLD you that a while ago.... LEARN dammit! ;0
21:48.26*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
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21:49.17harryvvit should say extension
21:49.20harryvvnot address
21:50.03Strom_Cwell bitching about it in here certainly isn't going to change anything
21:50.16harryvvbtw, the LCD extension number has a bouncing arrow in it...any reason why that is ?
21:50.27Strom_Cbecause it's forwarded perhaps?
21:50.39harryvvyea thats probebly true.
21:50.42TommyTheKidi honestly thought that the Polycom SP500 wasnt too bad
21:51.32TommyTheKidexcept that it reboots every time you change anything, and takes forever to reboot .. its like dealing with windows :)
21:51.53*** join/#asterisk QbY_ (
21:51.55harryvvwell call forward is canceled still the arrow. its a new feature to the firmware upgrade.
21:52.32QbY_Question..  Is it possible for Asterisk to hand a call off to another device (ie.  OpenSER or a SIP Client) and then be removed from the media path?
21:53.02Strom_CQbY_: yes
21:53.17QbY_Strom_C:  What command?
21:53.50Strom_Cyou put canreinvite=yes in the sip configuration and let the other devices handle the reinvites
21:54.37[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : Bouncing arrow = forward
21:55.04loonacyAny Asterisk source code gurus want to look at my changes to chan_sip.c to allow Dial(SIP/authname:password@host/exten),
21:55.15[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : Thats because you're using the web interface which you should never even approach....
21:56.14TommyTheKidI am?
21:56.41TommyTheKidoh, on the phone
21:56.55TommyTheKidI can't control my boot server address, thats all I set on the cisco's
21:57.28TommyTheKidand they are all remote too, which is always more fun :)
21:57.35harryvvGetting this again. seems there is a error generated in the db when call forward is trying to cancel
21:57.53*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
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22:02.11*** join/#asterisk mgob (n=goldenol@
22:02.19terrapenso i'm reading this bug on (5126)
22:02.33terrapenhow do i tell if the patch has been applied to the current version of zaptel?
22:02.34mgobI am noticing the zap channels ring twice before the card picks up the call --- is there anyway to shorten this or is this just life?
22:02.39NeonLevelgood day everyone, i'm looking for somewhere in California, to buy IP Phones, (that could have retail store, no virtual store), could someone please help me? or point me to someone... thanks for your help
22:02.52Zodiacalmgob disable callerid
22:03.02QbY_NeonLevel..  What brand?
22:03.23terrapenretail voip? heh
22:03.29terrapengood luck!
22:03.33QbY_for sure..
22:04.04QbY_but if he's ok with Cisco gear, I've got a place ..
22:04.40[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : Did you verify the EXISTANCE of that family/key?
22:05.34[TK]D-FenderNeonLevel : Good luck finding retail outlets for VoIP gear... its not exactly "Best Buy" material you know....  Not that they wouldn
22:05.42harryvvno but need to work on understanding my sql
22:05.43[TK]D-Fender't charge you twice what its worth anyways....
22:05.52terrapendarn, it looks like this TDMoE patch is not in Zaptel 1.2.6
22:06.03[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : thats DB1, not even SQL :)
22:06.12mgobso there's no way to have my cake and eat it too? caller ID and quick answering? :)
22:06.12*** join/#asterisk robin_sz (n=robin@
22:06.21terrapenI haven't tested this tdmoe.diff, but I have tested Fabio Ferrari's patch, which works well
22:06.30terrapenanybody tested the patch in bug 5126?
22:06.31Strom_Cmgob: on analog lines, the caller ID is sent between the first and second rings
22:06.36harryvvsorry was ment to say mysql
22:06.42Strom_Cmgob: if you want caller ID and fast setup, get an ISDN line
22:06.48harryvvanyway its using db1 which i have no experaince with
22:07.49[TK]D-Fendermgob : Get a PRI.
22:08.04mgobk :)
22:08.04Strom_Cthats what I just said
22:08.07ghenryHi all
22:08.17ghenryjust trying a authenticate app
22:08.30ghenrywhat's wrong with this? Auth never accepts password
22:09.54ghenryextensions reload might help!
22:10.56harryvvokay did a database del CF 200
22:11.02harryvvand says it does not exist
22:11.56terrapeni'm probably one of three people actually using TDMoE
22:15.18*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
22:15.43RoyK[00:15] RoyK~disclaimer
22:15.43RoyK[00:15] *c888 18:13 r(300) the terms and conditions are as follows, by agreeing to contribute to asterisk you are disclaiming any rights you may or may ever have to own any of your own code. you also must relinguish your first born male child to digium and at least 100 liters of blood per year. please be advised that these terms are non-reversable and are binding forever
22:15.57Zodiacalanyone run sccp? can you test something for me? press a speeddial twice to see if you loose softkeys
22:17.53philippelany ideas on tdm card not detecting hangup? I've tried fxs_ks and fxs_ls. (Eastern Tennessee - spring claimed loop start but I tried both to check). I can get it to hangup with busydetect but not otherwise?
22:18.07philippel(Sprint line, not spring)
22:18.28Strom_Cphilippel: is Sprint doing a battery drop on far-end disconnect?
22:19.11philippelI don't know - just started looking at this, helping someone else out - I could check. I'm far from an expert on analog telco signalling
22:19.28philippelisn't that ks though?
22:21.59Strom_Cphilippel: if your telco isnt doing a battery drop on far-end disconnect, then there is practically no way to detect far-end hangup
22:22.15Strom_Cyou must call your telco and request that they provision battery drop on your line
22:22.27Strom_Calright, I'm out
22:23.49philippelok - thanks, I guess if they say they are doing loopstart (and not kewlstart) they are not doing the battery drop
22:24.03philippelmost of US is kewlstart I though so was surprised
22:24.10Poincareanyone experience with 'cascading' isdn lines on * ?
22:25.21eKo1Poincare: define cascading
22:26.22PoincareeKo1: if you got more than 1 isdn line from your operator, they should put an incoming call on the first free timeslot available on either isdn line
22:26.56PoincareeKo1: so if you got 3 calls to the same number it should but the first 2 calls on the first line and the 3rd on the second isdn line
22:27.19eKo1Wouldn't it just pick the first line that is available?
22:27.45eKo1We're talking about a PRI right?
22:28.03PoincareeKo1: no, multiple BA's
22:28.49PoincareeKo1: Basic Acces or BRI :-)
22:29.06eKo1Contact your BRI provider.
22:29.12eKo1I'm outta here.
22:30.10Poincareok, anyone else experience with 'cascading' BRI lines on * ?
22:33.54amarus18hi, would anyone know why my outbound phone calls on a soft phone (SJPhone) are unable to communicate with touch tone menu systems?  My touch tones seem to be unheard by the remote client.
22:34.26*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (
22:37.56Poincareamarus18: check your dtmf settings... probably you're sending them 'in band' instead via sip info, ...
22:38.20*** join/#asterisk DonX (
22:38.44DonXDoes anyone know if a Cisco 7936 conference station can be loaded with SIP?
22:38.50DonXerr the SIP image?
22:39.15Qwell[]DonX: I think it can now, actually
22:39.27Qwell[]not sure though
22:39.48DonXYou know of any sites that might have some documentation on it? I checked VoIP-info but no joy
22:40.02*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (
22:40.51*** part/#asterisk QbY_ (
22:42.15*** join/#asterisk Bert- (
22:42.17Bert-hello there
22:44.14Bert-I've a question about the nat option for a client
22:44.47terrapenerror: structure has no member named `call`
22:44.58terrapen( is not building for me)
22:45.47Bert-if my client is connected to an asterisk server, on the same lan, but lan is behind a nat firewall, should I set nat=yes or nat= no ?
22:46.02Qwell[]Bert-: no
22:46.12Qwell[]but do set externip and localnet
22:46.39Bert-ok thx
22:46.51Bert-it is set (on asterisk)
22:47.36terrapenwhy the hell is chan_zap.c not compiling
22:48.32Jason99does anyone know of any load balancing system that supports SIP and MGCP that works well with Asterisk?
22:48.53terrapenoh, nm
22:48.56terrapenneed the new libpri
22:49.01terrapenhee hee
22:53.59*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
22:54.06KranZJason99: for SIP use SER+mediaproxy
22:54.13*** part/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
22:54.50KranZJason99: i wouldn't get into supporting mgcp, stay away if you can
22:55.39Jason99KranZ: I know asterisk doesnt do mgcp too well.. we still have 2000 or so users with MGCP gateways
22:56.51Qwell[]KranZ: It's spelled "iax"
22:57.02KranZwhat is?
22:57.16jbotextra, extra, read all about it, eeks is the Eeks eeks run for the hills IAX2 is here to stay
22:57.21Qwell[]Thank you
22:57.56KranZyeah, i was *eeking*.... not iax
22:58.06Qwell[]No, you "eeks"'d
22:58.14philippelquestion: if a telco is using loopstart signalling (not kewlstart), is there any way other than busydetect to detect a hangup? If not, does ~15 from hangup until asterisk seeing it sound about right? (busydetect=3 - default value)?
22:58.15Qwell[]quite distinct
22:59.04KranZi say spell out iax when i say it anyways
22:59.29KranZ...but i'll know you're not disgusted when i hear "eeks" and you're talking about iax
23:00.21KranZi wish there was a way to force a client remotely to renew their dhcp binding
23:00.49*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (n=tsurko@
23:02.55Jason99is OpenSER and SER the same?
23:03.27*** join/#asterisk mgob (n=goldenol@
23:03.31Qwell[]Jason99: no
23:03.36KranZopenser is a fork of ser
23:03.42Jason99Where do I find SER?
23:03.51mgobthe "unavailable" and "busy" messages --- what is the condition that sets these off?
23:04.16Qwell[]mgob: options u or b, to Voicemail
23:04.44mgobah, can you toggle this in the dialplan depending on the phone status?
23:04.57*** join/#asterisk redondos (n=redondos@
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23:05.26redondosHello. Does anyone know if a Linksys PAP2 can be unlocked to use an asterisk server instead of vonage? (not the PAP2-NA, just PAP2)
23:05.44Qwell[]redondos: no
23:05.50redondosNo can do?
23:05.56redondosToo bad.
23:06.06*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
23:15.08Jason99so if I point my SIP users to SER would I also point my PSTN gateways to SER?
23:16.14*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
23:20.56*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
23:21.19jhiverHi all
23:21.29jhiverI have something *really* strange going on
23:21.45jhiverI had Asterisk + Postgres working fine (using ODBC)
23:22.08jhiverand now when Asterisk inserts cdrs in the database they're just not recorded anymore!
23:22.24jhiverAnd it like just stopped working when it was doing fine...
23:22.47jhiverno errors on the command line either, as far as asterisk is concerned the query is successful
23:22.54P-NuTMorning all.
23:23.23*** join/#asterisk mgob (n=goldenol@
23:23.43mgobanyway to change the default callerID from asterisk to like "no caller id"
23:24.02*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
23:24.48CunningPikemgob: Yes - simple dialplan logic - check the existing CID for 'asterisk' and if it matches, change it
23:24.55*** join/#asterisk trelane (i=trelane@
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23:33.21coplandIf a incoming call is on TrunkA and "follow me" calls an outbound pstn number can I make it always make all incoming calls from Trunk A go out via TrunkB and not Trunkc C-D which are use for other outbound traffic
23:33.52shmaltzanybody know why I would get this when loading zaptel? as far as I can tell udev is in place:
23:33.54shmaltzline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
23:35.18Sponge_bobanyone know of a good GUI conference manager?
23:35.35shmaltzSponge_bob, webmin and use file manager
23:35.50Sponge_bobhum...where can i get file manager?
23:36.26*** join/#asterisk wikkid (n=Chris@
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23:37.06wikkidI really hate to ask the noob question here, but does anyone know a good guide to getting started with asterisk?  i'm trying to figure out if i need FXS or FXO on a card
23:39.20wikkidthanks,i was on that site eariler, trying to figure out the difference between FXS / FXO..
23:39.43wikkidi'll keep looking thanks
23:39.47jhiverany ideas why asterisk just _stopped_ recording CDRs ?
23:40.12jhiversome ODBC weirdness?
23:40.27terrapenpeople stopped calling.
23:40.36jhivereem, nope :)
23:40.41*** part/#asterisk extremis (
23:40.44jhiveri did some tests with my IP phone
23:41.05jhiverI really can't understant this
23:41.21jhiveryou set up everything, it works fine for 3 days, and then it stops working :-/
23:41.32CunningPikewikkid: Here some FXO/FXS info:
23:41.35jhiverand it's not like I get an error or anything
23:41.39jbotfxofxs is, like, An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
23:41.55jhiverit says it inserts the cdr record fine
23:41.55*** join/#asterisk kio (
23:42.00jhiverexcept it doesn't :-/
23:42.25CunningPikeshmaltz: Permissions? What kernel are you using?
23:42.28wikkidahhh!  ok
23:42.31jhiverI'm gonna give it a shot with the cdr_pgsql module instead of using odbc
23:42.38jhiversee if that makes a difference
23:42.44CunningPikewikkid: Don't get them mixed up - you'll let the smoke out
23:43.06wikkidso ideally ( PHONE COMPANY : FXO ) <-------( LINE ) -------> ( FXS: PHONE)
23:43.40CunningPikeshmaltz: Are you using udev?
23:43.45shmaltzCunningPike here is what my udev.rules looks like:
23:43.47shmaltz# zaptel devices with ownership/permissions for running as non-root
23:43.49shmaltzKERNEL=="zapctl", NAME="zap/ctl", OWNER="asterisk", GROUP="asterisk", MODE="0660"
23:43.50shmaltzKERNEL=="zaptimer", NAME="zap/timer", OWNER="asterisk", GROUP="asterisk", MODE="0660"
23:43.51shmaltzKERNEL=="zapchannel", NAME="zap/channel", OWNER="asterisk", GROUP="asterisk", MODE="0660"
23:43.52CunningPikewikkid: Precisely
23:43.53shmaltzKERNEL=="zappseudo", NAME="zap/pseudo", OWNER="asterisk", GROUP="asterisk", MODE="0660"
23:43.54shmaltzKERNEL=="zap[0-9]*", NAME="zap/%n", OWNER="asterisk", GROUP="asterisk", MODE="0660"
23:44.00jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
23:44.02shmaltzCunningPike,I think I am, how do I know for sure?
23:44.06shmaltzsorry for the paste
23:44.11*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
23:44.12wikkidso if i wanted to have a card that would only interface with the phone company, and let's say i used softphones or IP phones for internal use, i'd want FXS
23:44.37CunningPikeshmaltz: That looks like your permissions file, not your rules file?
23:44.43shmaltzCunningPike, also I'm running asterisk as root
23:45.26CunningPikeshmaltz: Well, you don't need udev permissions lines then - but you need the correct lines in your rules file
23:45.30jboti guess udev is at , or broken and shit
23:45.37shmaltzCunningPike no, it's my rules file, in fact make install on zaptel src will copy a zaptel.rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d that contains these lines
23:45.44Sponge_bobshmaltz: how do i manage a meetme conference with webmin?
23:46.00shmaltzSponge_bob its the same as using vi
23:46.02shmaltzor vim
23:46.29wikkidok awesome thanks.. :)  one more question... if i had an office of just IP phones / SIP softphones, and i wanted those to connect to asterisk, could i plug each phone into the switch, and then plug asterisk into the switch itself?  (in other words, can asterisk deal with 4 lines coming in on one NIC?)
23:46.35Sponge_bobmanage not edit the meetme.conf
23:47.03Sponge_bobi need a graphical interface to see who is in the conference
23:47.06shmaltzCunningPike, do I need hotplug support installed in order for udev to function?
23:47.26CunningPikeshmaltz: Just pm'ed you
23:47.31*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
23:47.43CunningPikeshmaltz: ACPI, you mean? No.
23:48.01shmaltzCunningPike, no I mean hotplug support
23:48.18CunningPikeshmaltz: Don't know what you mean by that........
23:48.57loonacyI have a SIP provider that requires using an outbound proxy. I can register INCOMING calls with register=>user@host:secret:authname@proxy but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to dial OUT.
23:49.28*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
23:50.48CunningPikeshmaltz: Did my pm help?
23:51.52shmaltzCunningPike, no
23:52.00shmaltzCunningPike that is the old one anyhow
23:52.18CunningPikeshmaltz: Works for me :D
23:52.28shmaltzCunningPike what distro?
23:52.35*** join/#asterisk iq|mobile (
23:53.25dlynes_homeshmaltz: no, you do not need hotplug for udev to work
23:53.42CunningPikeHey, dlynes_home
23:53.46shmaltzdlynes_home, how can I see if udev is working?
23:53.48dlynes_homehey cp
23:53.57dlynes_homeshmaltz: ps auxffww | grep udev
23:54.05shmaltzCunningPike, well I'm using slackware which might answer some things
23:54.09dlynes_homeshmaltz: you should see udevd as a process
23:54.25dlynes_homeshmaltz: so am i...I'm running everything from slack 10.0 to 10.2
23:54.29shmaltzdlynes_home, I'm getting this:
23:54.31shmaltzroot      3665  0.0  0.0   2896   636 pts/0    S+   19:54   0:00          \_ grep udev
23:54.42dlynes_homeThat's it?
23:54.58CunningPikeshmaltz: Just double-check the ps command by running it as root......
23:55.33shmaltzdlynes_home, yep
23:55.38dlynes_homeCunningPike: ps auxffww means list all processes from all users, show attached terminals, show the user names, show it in wide format, and show full information
23:55.53dlynes_homeshmaltz: which version of slackware?
23:56.02CunningPikedlynes_home: But if you're not running it as root, you won't see all processes.........
23:56.17CunningPikedlynes_home: At least not on RHEL - ymmv
23:56.23dlynes_homeCunningPike: even when specifying the 'a'll users parameter?
23:56.32shmaltzdlynes_home, slamd64 10.2b, but I had the same problem on 10.2 32 bit version
23:56.36CunningPikedlynes_home: Yup - I think they call it 'security' ;)
23:56.51shmaltzdlynes_home, I'm sure I'm missing a package
23:56.57dlynes_homeshmaltz: do you have udev installed?
23:56.58shmaltzI'm just not sure which one :(
23:57.05shmaltzdlynes_home yes I do
23:57.15dlynes_homeshmaltz: type uname -a
23:57.33dlynes_homewhat do you get from uname -a?
23:57.37shmaltzdlynes_home, wait it's rebooting now
23:57.45dlynes_homeuname -a made it reboot?
23:58.13shmaltzdlynes_home, no, shutdown -r 0 made it reboot :P
23:58.16*** join/#asterisk SwK (
23:58.48dlynes_homesome peoples' children...sheesh
23:59.22shmaltzLinux pbx #1 Thu Jun 8 19:27:41 EDT 2006 x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
23:59.28shmaltzoutput of uname -a
23:59.30Bert-how to accept direct incoming calls on asterisk please ?
23:59.49shmaltzBert- just use the latest shoe polish on the box
23:59.50dlynes_homeshmaltz: and on slackware 10.2, 32-bit were you running a 2.6 kernel as well?
23:59.51Bert-I mean sip//
23:59.58shmaltzdlynes_home, yep

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.