irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060603

00:00.24*** join/#asterisk BZBW (
00:00.55JASON99I'm wondering why they should press 9 too?  heh
00:01.13GarethTheGreatthey could press any digit from 0-9, doesn't matter
00:01.23GarethTheGreatthough i'm thinking of 0 to repeat the menu
00:01.26BZBWemm, anyone knows what kinda variable I can use to refer to the extension number that initiate a call?
00:01.44GarethTheGreatnaain: where do i start configuring this?
00:02.01GarethTheGreatthe tutorials i'm reading don't give much clues
00:02.04BZBWi.e, exten => ${fromEXTEN}000
00:02.58BZBWJASON99: you mean this is the extension number that initiate the call?
00:04.02JASON99BZBW: that will show you the number that is set in the callerid line
00:05.08BZBWexten => _*2, 1, ParkAndAnnounce(pbx-transfer:PARKED|120|SIP/${EXTEN:2}|my_context,${EXTEN:2},1)
00:05.31*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
00:05.57BZBWAbove is what I'm trying to do, when user press *2, the call will be announced to the caller and park it into a parking lot.
00:06.09asterboyNOTICE[19229]: callerid.c:322 callerid_feed: Caller*ID failed checksum
00:06.37asterboytried increasing the gains.
00:06.39*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
00:06.52BZBWand I want to pass the caller extension number to SIP/${EXTEN}
00:06.56asterboystill get this on 1 out of 5 calls approx.
00:07.46JASON99BZBW: I'm not familiar enough with that to help you.. I'm sorry..  I'm pretty new myself
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00:39.17GarethTheGreatgetting this when i dial in:
00:39.19GarethTheGreatAsterisk Ready.
00:39.19GarethTheGreatFound route to, output from our address
00:39.19GarethTheGreatCheck for res for
00:39.21GarethTheGreatStopping retransmission on '2707C1F2-F1D011DA-8C97C62B-D7E64309@' of Response 101: Found
00:48.40JaxxanGarethTheGreat: you should use pastebin or #flood
00:50.29jbot[pastebin] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
00:53.32*** join/#asterisk talljon84 (
01:03.37*** part/#asterisk paolob (
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01:17.36Sponge_bobanyone here use cisco as their voice gateway?
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01:25.58*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
01:26.14TripleFFFFif my upstream is sending me 1XXXXXXXXXX how can i trim if there and not trim if not ?
01:26.30TripleFFFFi mean .. change the src number directly
01:29.08JASON99I would do something like this.. Not sure if there is a better way..
01:29.09JASON99exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,Goto(context,${EXTEN:1},1)
01:29.09JASON99exten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,DoWhatever
01:30.48JASON99If it matchs a 1 it will resend it to the context without the 1
01:31.08JASON99matches rather
01:32.02TripleFFFFnot too good yet
01:32.23TripleFFFFhad _ instead of -
01:32.25TripleFFFFlol works
01:32.45TripleFFFFi hear weird clicks when i call it lol
01:32.58TripleFFFFlike .. clack .. clack.then all ok
01:33.03*** join/#asterisk iq|mobile (
01:33.20TripleFFFFweird..but hey got quebec numbers nowlol
01:34.43GarethTheGreati just setup my first IVR
01:36.39JASON99TrippleFFFF do you want other canadian numbers
01:37.09Jaxxanone-touch pause/unpause for agents in SVN TRUNK
01:37.14Jaxxanwell that's kewl
01:38.00TripleFFFFhow much
01:40.14*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
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01:50.29*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
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01:55.14naainHi Can any one explain me why asterisk is picking up dynamic SIP port other then 5060?????
01:55.44Dr-Linuxnaain: whats in your sip.conf?
01:57.01Jaxxanis there a variable that will return your agent ID ?
01:57.07Jaxxanie: Agent/1000
01:57.10naainDr-Linux>: [general]
01:57.38Dr-Linuxnaain: what you are using bindport?
01:57.52naainDr-Linux:>i have explicitly define 5060 port in softphone at client end but asterisk is picking up dynamic port.
01:58.02naainDr-Linux>:yes bindport
01:58.44naainDr-Linux: is there any thing wrong with bindport?
01:59.32Dr-Linuxnaain: how you know that asterisk is picking up dynamic ports other than 5060?
02:00.09naainDr-Linux>: sip show peers
02:00.28Dr-Linuxnaain: awww
02:00.29naainDr-Linux>: even in Diagnostic log of Sip phone
02:00.37Dr-Linuxthat's not sip ports man
02:00.41Dr-Linuxthat's  source ports
02:01.03Dr-Linuxnaain: what port you can see when you do "sip show status" ?
02:04.17Dr-Linuxnaain: what sip client you are using?
02:04.52naainDr-Linux>:Eyebeam, Bosoft etc...
02:05.28Dr-Linuxnaain: what sip port you see when you do "sip show status"?
02:05.38naainDr-Linux>: I didn't see any command in help "sip show status"?
02:05.53naainNo such command 'sip show status' (type 'help' for help)
02:07.03Dr-Linuxnaain: hhm.. sorry my box is not infront of me, so i don't remember the exact command
02:07.17Dr-Linuxbut you are wrong
02:07.21Dr-Linuxthese are not sip ports
02:07.30Dr-Linuxthose are source ports from client
02:09.02naainDr-Linux>: but if these are the source port then why some time it binds to the particular port or if even if 5060 port is block by ISP then why it client wont register to asterisk on 5060 port
02:12.14Dr-Linuxnaain: where from you?
02:12.27naainDr-Linux>: When i did "sip show settings" it shows me "SIP Port: 5060"
02:12.40Dr-Linuxnaain: bcoz server sip port 5060
02:12.51Dr-Linuxso your sip port is 5060
02:13.12Dr-Linuxnaain: whre from you, if you ISP is blocking SIP port?
02:13.17naainDr-Linux>: Yes sip port is 5060 but sip show peers or sip log shows dynamic port connecting
02:13.29naainDr-Linux>: Pakistan
02:13.55markus99I have an issue with a sip termination account not passing audio (neither party can hear the other) with no asterisk errors when a call is placed from a sip device, any ideas?
02:14.16Dr-Linuxnaain: where in Pakistan?
02:15.01Dr-Linuxnaain: most of Paki ISP do not allow sip port
02:15.09Dr-Linuxnaain: but you can use any other port for SIP
02:15.26Dr-Linuxnaain: or better use 3 ports for SIP ;)
02:15.39Dr-Linuxnaain: kia samjhey ;)
02:16.11naainDr-Linux:> My 5060 port is open, i have tried it by binding other port as well and it works, but the thing is that the port on which i bind to sip client some time it works and some time it pick up the dynamic port
02:16.45naainDr-Linux>: exactly wahi jo aap samjha,
02:17.05naainDr-Linux>: 3 ports sa kia muraad ?
02:17.21Dr-Linuxnaain: i mean 2 ports for sip
02:18.18Dr-Linuxnaain: well, on client side use 8080 for sip and on the server redirect 8080 port to 5060 and fuck PTCL ;)
02:18.43Dr-Linuxnaain: you purchase eyeBeam or cracked version? :S
02:18.48Jaxxan should be in SVN Trunk right ?
02:19.02Jaxxanlike, i should have it available to me right?
02:19.26naainDr-Linux>: I still didn't got your point, I can bind port other then 5060, and i have done it and it's working but this is not my problem, the only thing is that why asterisk is not showing port that cilent is connecting to 8060, some time it connects to 8060 but some time dyanmic port like 63831 etc...
02:20.00*** join/#asterisk joat (
02:20.09naainDr-Linux>: i have even tried X-Lite with same issue....
02:20.33Dr-Linuxnaain: that's not an issue dude
02:20.37naainand even free ware sip dialer ...
02:21.29naainDr-linux>: then what u suggest
02:21.39Dr-Linuxnaain: your soft clients are not registering with the server?
02:21.57Dr-Linuxnaain: city?
02:22.01naainDr-Linux>: Successfully Registering with server and i can make call and recieve as well
02:22.17Dr-Linuxnaain: so what?
02:22.17naainDr-Linux>: lhr
02:22.23Dr-Linuxwhat's your problem?
02:22.29Dr-Linuxnaain: where in lhr?
02:22.47naainDr-Linux>: Actually i am facing voice breakage issue while i have enough bandwidth........
02:23.12Dr-Linuxnaain: so that's not ports issue
02:23.16naainI noticed that client is binding to different port other then i specified althought it can't be integrated with voice break but just for info
02:23.28Dr-Linuxnaain: you are using any cards?
02:23.36naainDr-Linux> No dear
02:23.56naainDr-Linux>: From where do you belong in PK?
02:24.41Dr-Linuxnaain: check your client side setting.
02:25.15naainDr-Linux>: for example what to check, I have override Sip Listen port, Outbound Port, and even proxy with port binding
02:25.48Dr-Linuxnaain: nope, just mic/volume setting etc
02:26.00Dr-Linuxforget about ports
02:26.08Dr-Linuxnaain: now adays i'm in lhr
02:26.14Dr-Linuxdon't ask where :P
02:26.16naainDr-Linux>: for satisfication i have retune the client for voice but same results
02:26.35naainDr-Linux>: Good to know
02:27.07naainDr-Linux>: What are you doing here any special task....
02:27.54Dr-Linuxnaain: no way, just walking around ;)
02:28.05techman97_andyevenin' all - anyone worked with the * Manager API using C# or VB.NET?
02:30.01*** join/#asterisk Eight (
02:38.07Jaxxandlynes_office: you there ?
02:42.44Jaxxanhow do i add a custom function ?
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02:55.09kaz0358has anyone ever gotten back a 404 bad request on an invite? The message says "Malformed/Missing Contact field". i have enabled sip debugging and i have noticed something stange. when my asterisk box is doing an invite it is putting From: "callerid name" <sip:extension@asterisk-dns@asterisk-ip> ... that sip URI does not look avalid to it?
02:55.26dlynes_homeJaxxan: ?
02:55.27kaz0358i have googled around, but there is almost nothing on that weird 404 message
02:56.11Jaxxanhey man
02:56.16dlynes_homeJaxxan: no idea what a custom function is :)
02:56.28Jaxxani want to install that patch
02:56.33Jaxxanwhich adds a function
02:56.33dlynes_homeJaxxan: or you mean like your own dialplan application?
02:56.43Jaxxani'm just not sure how to do it
02:57.19dlynes_homeyeah..i'm bringing it up
02:57.37dlynes_homeit might not be a patch against the latest stable...usually patches are applied against trunk
02:59.29Jaxxanso i use agents in my queue
02:59.43Jaxxanand let's say for example, i do an agentcallbacklogin and my agent ID is 1000
03:00.09Jaxxanwithin my dialplan, i want to use pausequeuemember/unpausequeuemember, but i have to know what the agent ID is.
03:00.39dlynes_homeJaxxan: it's in the current trunk
03:00.41Jaxxanhow can i retrieve the Agent ID based on callerid to insert into pause/unpausequeuemember applications
03:00.55dlynes_homeJaxxan: i haven't checked to see if it's in 1.2.8 or not
03:01.05kaz0358anyone have problems making a call from asterisk to a Cisco SIPGateway?
03:01.07dlynes_homeJaxxan: but it should be in 1.4 for sure
03:01.11Jaxxani'm using 1.2.6
03:01.19dlynes_homeJaxxan: it's not in
03:01.35Jaxxanthis is a production box
03:02.06GarethTheGreatin mainmenu here, i have a few SIP calls
03:02.30GarethTheGreati want them to actually dial the same SIP address but somehow make the person picking up aware of what the nature of the call is
03:02.37dlynes_homeJaxxan: i'm downloading 1.2.8 to see if it's there or not, too
03:02.52dlynes_homeJaxxan: but normally, you would go into your src directory
03:03.12GarethTheGreatwhat's the best way to implement this?
03:03.12dlynes_homeJaxxan: and then type patch < filename.patch
03:03.12dlynes_homeJaxxan: then remake and reinstall
03:03.47dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: modify callerid(num) to reflect the nature of the call
03:04.02Jaxxanso you're saying that agent function is in SVN ?
03:04.02Jaxxanerm... Trunk
03:04.10dlynes_homeJaxxan: correct
03:04.20GarethTheGreatdlynes_home: how does one do that?
03:04.25dlynes_homeJaxxan: but it's also in that patch file that you see on the page
03:04.46Jaxxanso i can just copy that patch file and it should work against my 1.2.6 ?
03:05.01dlynes_homeJaxxan: did I say that?  I did not.
03:05.11Jaxxani didn't think you did (=
03:05.19dlynes_homeJaxxan: I said _____try_____ applying that patch against 1.2.6
03:05.25dlynes_homeJaxxan: i did not say it would work
03:05.39Jaxxanworst case scenario, what happens if it doesn't work?
03:05.40dlynes_homeJaxxan: it's written against trunk, not any particular stable release
03:05.54dlynes_homeJaxxan: just untar your source files again, and your source code directory is back to normal
03:06.22Jaxxancan you lemme know if it's in 1.2.8?
03:06.49Jaxxanif it is i'll just upgrade to that
03:06.55dlynes_homeJaxxan: it's not
03:07.02dlynes_homeJaxxan: guess you're going to have to wait for 1.4
03:07.31GarethTheGreatcan SetCallerID take a string?
03:07.32dlynes_homeJaxxan: btw... is considerably more stable than 1.2.6
03:07.40dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: that's asterisk 1.0
03:07.56dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: Use Set(CALLERID(number)=xxxxxx)
03:08.05dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: or Set(CALLERID(name)=xxxxxx)
03:08.35dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: To get the caller id, you can do Set(mystring=CALLERID(number))
03:08.56dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: num will also work if you're too lazy to type out number
03:08.58Jaxxanwhat do you think of
03:09.08*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
03:09.14anonymouz666hello all
03:09.17anonymouz666I am drunked
03:09.22anonymouz666I love Johnnie Walker
03:09.45GarethTheGreatexten => 2,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=parent)
03:09.47GarethTheGreatis that valid?
03:09.54dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: yes
03:10.01anonymouz666kram is got rich
03:10.13anonymouz666he doesnt not access anymore?
03:12.02GarethTheGreatnext part - how do i make it dial whoever answers from a pool of SIP or PSTN users?
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03:13.11Jaxxanso trunk just has all the kewl stuff that doesn't quite make it to stable right ?
03:14.20dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: how many would be in the pool?
03:14.24dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: and how big is the office?
03:14.27Jaxxangrabbing trunk
03:14.31dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: and how many pools?
03:14.32Jaxxani think i'm gonna try it out this weekend
03:14.46dlynes_homeJaxxan: that issue was closed, but I can't figure out why
03:15.08dlynes_homeJaxxan: so, I wouldn't recommend using it, for fear that it might not be stable
03:15.15Jaxxanone touch pause/unpause seems kewl though (=
03:15.22dlynes_homeJaxxan: doesn't seem to be any review of the code in question
03:15.23GarethTheGreatdlynes_home: not a physical office, but there'd be 3 pools
03:15.38justinuare those pools heated?
03:15.51GarethTheGreatwell, actually would be more efficient to have 1 large pool and get volunteers to handle all 3 types of call
03:15.53dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: are these three pools for three small offices, or something?
03:16.06GarethTheGreatlet's just call it one large pool
03:16.07dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: so it's a call center then?
03:16.17dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: then you want to look at agents and queues
03:16.56GarethTheGreatwhen going through to an agent can the agent still see the CallerID name?
03:17.15dlynes_homeJaxxan: yeah...I wouldn't know if it was cool or not...I know nothing about the needs of a call center :)
03:17.21dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: yes, afaik
03:17.31dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: jaxxan might be able to answer that question better than me though
03:20.04dlynes_homeDr-Linux: you there?
03:20.30GarethTheGreatfeel like a n00b asking this but can multiple calls actually come in from the number?
03:20.56GarethTheGreatgives free PSTN numbers with SIP
03:21.15dlynes_homeah...that would depend entirely on whether they allow it or not
03:21.34dlynes_homebut yes, voip trunks are capable of sending many simultaneous calls
03:21.55GarethTheGreatso it is technically possible but depends on whether they allow it?
03:22.46Jaxxanlemme catch up real quick. you're setting up a call center, and want calls to rollover to overflow groups ?
03:22.59dlynes_homeGarethTheGreat: correct
03:23.21GarethTheGreatJaxxan: i'm setting up a virtual call center of sorts
03:23.29Jaxxanare you using queues ?
03:23.34GarethTheGreatnot yet
03:23.55GarethTheGreatso far i've got a basic menu that prompts for the purpose of the call and sets the caller id name to reflect it
03:23.55Jaxxanhow many people you have in this virtual call center ?
03:24.12GarethTheGreatwell, it's still under development so none as of yet
03:24.18Jaxxanlemme give you a quick rundown of how i handle a call center
03:24.21GarethTheGreatwill probably have around 10 people max
03:24.45Jaxxani have a 24/7 call center with about 4 agents logged in at a time that handle about 1000+ calls a day
03:25.19GarethTheGreatdoubt i'll get that amount of traffic
03:25.27Jaxxani have one queue. and multiple types of calls (ie: customer care, directory, operator calls, etc...)
03:26.03Jaxxaneach call that i dump into a queue, i tag their calleridname to reflect the type of call (ie: customercare, directory, operator, etc...)
03:26.11GarethTheGreatsimilar to my idea
03:26.27Jaxxani also set that calls accountcode for easy CDR parsing
03:26.39GarethTheGreaterr, CDR?
03:26.49JaxxanCDR= Call Detail Record
03:27.15Jaxxanso i can go back and bill, or just see how many calls were handled in a timeframe etc...
03:27.42GarethTheGreatnot required for basic functionality though, right?
03:27.43Jaxxani use agentcallbacklogin application for my agents.
03:27.47Jaxxannot required no
03:27.48TheCopsSomeone know an easy way to make a load test with asterisk ?
03:27.57dlynes_homeTheCops: sipx
03:28.03dlynes_homeTheCops: erm sipp i mean
03:28.12Jaxxanit works out pretty decent for my callcenter
03:28.30TheCopsdlynes_home, I read on that, seem to be powerful, do you have an xml example ?!
03:28.36naainJaxxan: Hi
03:28.38Jaxxani also use queuemetrics to analyze the call center so the manager knows what's going on
03:28.47dlynes_homeTheCops: nope...haven't had time to shit, much less try sipp :)
03:28.50Jaxxanbut that's probably outside of what you're trying to do with a basic call center
03:28.57GarethTheGreati just need something extremely basic
03:29.15GarethTheGreatgoing to all be run by volunteers
03:30.04JaxxanGarethTheGreat: what you want is
03:30.17GarethTheGreatso, do all agents just get shoved into a context where AgentLogin() is done?
03:30.26GarethTheGreati.e a different context for each agent and then:
03:30.42GarethTheGreatexten => s,1,AgentLogin(whatever)
03:30.46GarethTheGreatthat correct?
03:30.46Jaxxanall the agents get added to my single queue
03:30.56Jaxxanagentcallbacklogin is what i use
03:31.07Jaxxango to that web page i just linked and read man
03:31.17Jaxxaneverything you want to know is there
03:31.21GarethTheGreati'll get playing with this
03:31.25GarethTheGreatthanks for your help
03:31.25Jaxxannaain: sup ?
03:31.26naainJaxxan: For inbound QueueMatric and agents application work fine. How can we utilize it for Outbound Call Center
03:32.07Jaxxannaain: that's a good question, my call center manager just asked me if they could monitor outbound calls for our collections department.
03:32.33Jaxxanto be honest, i dont know at this time and haven't tackled it yet.
03:32.55Jaxxanalso, i dont really plan to work on it either (=
03:33.16Jaxxani know queuemetrics has that oubound feature
03:33.26Jaxxanso it must be doable
03:34.06*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
03:34.09P-NuTHi all,
03:34.22GarethTheGreatany way for agents to put callers on hold?
03:34.45JaxxanGarethTheGreat: yeah, they press the hold button on their phone
03:35.19P-NuTI've installed asterisk and zaptel from source and it can't seem to find my x100p card. I heard something about udev stuffing it up? Apparently when I run ztcfg it says line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
03:35.21GarethTheGreatbut will that play hold music?
03:35.29coppicecome on. the very first thing you develop in any telephone system is caller on hold, with really bad music :-)
03:35.32GarethTheGreatit's client-side isn't it?
03:35.33JaxxanGarethTheGreat: yes
03:35.45JaxxanGarethTheGreat: no
03:35.56GarethTheGreatthat's cool
03:37.45GarethTheGreatok, so to transfer my inbound calls to a queue do i just do Queue(whatever) ?
03:39.38GarethTheGreatso, this will work then?
03:40.37Jaxxanpretty much
03:40.37Jaxxanbut, might i suggest a macro
03:40.40Jaxxanlet me show you an example
03:41.54dlynes_homeP-NuT: are you sharing interrupts?
03:42.49dlynes_homeP-NuT: so you don't know?
03:42.58GarethTheGreatexten => s,1,AgentLogin(1001)
03:42.58GarethTheGreatexten => s,2,Hangup
03:43.03GarethTheGreatis that correct?
03:43.27dlynes_homeP-NuT: lspci -v | grep IRQ
03:43.37Jaxxanyeah, dont use agentlogin though
03:43.42Jaxxanuse agentcallbacklogin
03:43.42dlynes_homeP-NuT: do you see any IRQ's that have the same number there?
03:43.55Jaxxanunless you want to listen to holdmusic for hours on end while waiting for calls
03:44.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
03:44.33GarethTheGreatbah, i don't mind
03:46.35JaxxanGarethTheGreat: This is kind of what i do
03:46.43P-NuTI have this..
03:46.49P-NuToh hang on..
03:47.36*** part/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
03:47.43Jaxxani call other macro's within my version for special emergencies and stuff, but in a nutshell that's an easier way to handle your call center
03:48.12P-NuTdoes this make any sense to you>?
03:48.27kaz0358btw, i figured out my problem with the invalid SIP URI from field being invalid on an INVITE. the short answer is do not put an "at" symbol in your callerid. i was following the ISN cookbook. hopefully they will correct it soon after i email them.
03:48.32P-NuTI think I have to go.
03:48.38P-NuTI'll come back and ask
03:48.39dlynes_homeP-NuT: as you can see you've got two shared interrupts
03:48.42P-NuToh ok.
03:48.47P-NuTI'll work from there then
03:48.48dlynes_homeP-NuT: i'm guessing that's your problem right there
03:50.08JaxxanGarethTheGreat: if for whatever reason, there aren't any agents logged into my queue, and a call comes in destined for that queue, the call will continue to 8 and dial every single phone in my office
03:50.14*** join/#asterisk postel_ (n=jp@unaffiliated/postel)
03:50.26Jaxxanso i can ensure that someone answers the call
03:51.00Jaxxanalso, the SetCIDName(blah) is deprecated
03:51.06Jaxxandont use that
03:51.16*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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03:51.36Jaxxanalthough it still works (=
03:53.51*** join/#asterisk hayburn (
03:55.32GarethTheGreathaving trouble getting an agent login
03:58.03GarethTheGreatlogin and get no hold music
03:58.55*** join/#asterisk digdug (
03:59.10Jaxxanhold music is defined in your zapata.conf
03:59.20Jaxxanand your musiconhold.conf
03:59.27digdugare there any software sip clients to which you can attach a file (image or pdf, or something) to fax?
04:01.51Jaxxanhey dlynes_home, do you think it's possible to have an application modify the light on my cisco 7960 ?
04:02.09Jaxxanlike, it lights up when i have voicemail and when my phone is ringing
04:02.35dlynes_homeJaxxan: you mean make it green instead of purple?
04:02.43Jaxxani need some sort of visual indicator for my agents as to whether they're logged into the queue or not
04:02.51GarethTheGreatafter logging it hangs up within a few seconds
04:02.55Jaxxanand none of their phones have voicemail attached to it
04:03.58dlynes_homeJaxxan: do those phones have buddy lights?
04:04.13Jaxxanit has a red light on the handset when it's in the cradle
04:04.26*** part/#asterisk digdug (
04:04.28Jaxxani dunno what you mean by a buddy light
04:05.48dlynes_homebuddy light is a light that lights up when a particular user is on the phone
04:05.59dlynes_homeso that you can see the status of the other extensions in the office
04:06.00Jaxxanoh no
04:06.34Jaxxanmy old legacy pbx handsets had that functionality though
04:06.54Jaxxanno one in my call center cares about that, they'll go right on talking anyways (=
04:07.35dlynes_homeJaxxan: they can't tell if they're logged into the queue or not?
04:07.48dlynes_homeJaxxan: i would think if they were, their phone would ring
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04:08.16Jaxxanthat's not what i mean, every once in a while, i get a user that *thinks* they logged into the queue, but didn't.
04:08.35dlynes_homeJaxxan: ah
04:08.43dlynes_homeJaxxan: way of doing it
04:08.58dlynes_homeJaxxan: is assign that user a mailbox
04:09.19dlynes_homeJaxxan: and whenever they're logged into the queue, dump a voicemail with a corresponding txt file into their inbox directory
04:09.33Jaxxanhey that's doable
04:09.36dlynes_homeJaxxan: when they log out, move the voicemail and the txt file out of their inbox
04:09.53dlynes_homeJaxxan: you could probably achieve something like that with an agi script
04:10.36Jaxxani'll look into that next week sometime
04:10.48Jaxxanfor now, i'm going to go home
04:10.54Jaxxanhave a great weekend everyone
04:10.59[TK]D-FenderThat idea is way to flakey
04:11.14Jaxxan[TK]D-Fender: it would totally work though
04:11.24[TK]D-Fenderthey leave their desk for 2 mins, someone calls them and leaves a message direct and wham, they think they're logged in...
04:11.38dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: not if you don't forward to voicemail
04:11.43dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: he said he doesn't use voicemail
04:11.55Jaxxanas long as i dont add voicemail to their dialplan it wont be an issue
04:12.01[TK]D-Fenderyes it can work, but it unreliable... what are they going to do?  Leave the VM in there?  Constanlt look in a secondary box not knowing if the missed one?
04:12.18dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: listen
04:12.19[TK]D-FenderYou're talking Cisco.... for crying out loud use the XML browser!
04:12.22Jaxxanmy call center people dont use voicemail
04:12.22dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: he's not using voicemail
04:12.32dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: well, i know nothing about cisco, either :)
04:12.45Jaxxani have 6 phones dedicated to the call center that aren't attached to voicemail
04:12.59Jaxxanyou have something else in mind [TK]D-Fender ?
04:14.04JaxxanXML yeah, but i'm not sure if i can turn the red light on and off with that
04:15.03Jaxxananyways, i'm taking off, ttyl
04:16.34GarethTheGreathmm, found why agent login wasn't working
04:16.38GarethTheGreatDTMF not recogonised
04:22.52GarethTheGreatInband DTMF is not supported on codec gsm. Use RFC2833
04:22.56GarethTheGreatget flooded with that
04:23.04GarethTheGreatwhen i try rfc2833 it still doesn't respond
04:23.08GarethTheGreatresponds fine with dialins
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04:45.14jarrodany reason why reinvite with asterisk on sip would cause voice quality to sound like crap when the rtp stream is redirected to the pstn gateway
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05:06.55kernel20how can i connect my analog phones to asterisk?
05:08.42[TK]D-Fenderkernel20 : Buy ATA's.  Sipura/Linksys are very affordable and decent
05:10.07*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
05:10.07neilltkernel20: check out
05:10.13kernel20[TK]D-Fender: our company has and old PBX programmed through KSU, now all telephone modules where tapped at some points on our outlets
05:10.33kernel20what i want is to retain all the modules
05:10.38kernel20all the phones
05:10.55kernel20just by a device that could connect all the phones( around 50+)
05:11.46*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
05:11.51P-NuTHi all.
05:12.06kernel20the card that has fxs, only provides 1 fxs port, so in my understanding only one analog phone can be connected from there
05:12.29P-NuTI have an irq conflict w/ 2 pci devices. how do i resolve it?
05:13.00kernel20is my understandingh correct?
05:13.02neilltkernel20: you want to retain the KSU modules?
05:13.31kernel20no the lines
05:13.35kernel20connected to it
05:13.39kernel20i want to transfer ity
05:13.45kernel20to asterisk box
05:13.58neilltand the phones are analog?
05:14.07kernel20about 50+
05:14.10neilltok... you want what is called a channel bank
05:14.18neilltyou will need several for those kinds of numbers
05:14.31kernel20channel bank?
05:14.33neilltthey take your phone lines in, and spit out a digital T1 like
05:14.38[TK]D-Fenderkernel20 : What kind of system are you replacing?
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05:15.22kernel20is there a wiki for that?
05:15.36kernel20the KSU [TK]D-Fender
05:16.14[TK]D-Fenderkernel20 : KSU is like saying its a "car motor".  I need to know exactly what KIND it is.  Whats the model/manufacturer?
05:16.57[TK]D-Fenderkernel20 : Those old phones are worthless then.
05:17.08neillt[TK]D-Fender: I was afraid of that
05:17.13kernel20yeah sort of but we want to retain it
05:17.15[TK]D-Fenderkernel20 : they cannot be used
05:17.39neilltkernel20: if they are the panasonic phones with the display then they won't work with anything other than the panasonic system
05:17.56[TK]D-Fenderkernel20 : those are digital set for which there is no way to adapt them for use with *
05:18.09neilltactually, they don't even need a display to be the hybrid digital/analog type of phones
05:18.15P-NuTCan anybody help  me with my x100p card.
05:18.30[TK]D-Fenderits a Panasonic KSU.  100% useless
05:18.33kernel20hmm, got confused with u guys
05:19.40kernel20what is your recommendation [TK]D-Fender?
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05:21.23[TK]D-Fenderkernel20 : Nothing to recommend.  Your old equipment is worthless.  You're going to have to start from scratch.
05:22.36neilltkernel20: if you have the panasonic hybrid digital/analog telephones, then [TK]D-Fender is 100% percent correct
05:23.06neilltkernel20: if you have "old skool" analog phones (no feature buttons, displays, etc) then those will work
05:23.21neilltbut to be honest, you will spend just as much on a good channel bank as new phones
05:29.14neilltkernel20: yeah, it's a bummer, I know
05:31.32P-NuTGuys, when I build the zaptel drivers from source, I use the following commands. make, make install, ....... what else should I do? make devices?
05:32.55neilltP-NuT: Normally you only need make && make install.  You may have to modprobe zaptel to get it to load at first.
05:33.14[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : "modprobe zaptel" and whatever module is required for your card, check "cat /proc/interrupts" to ensure your card got its own IRQ.
05:33.47[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : Set upt your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf and the run "ztcfg -vvvv" to ensure that everything looks ok
05:34.06P-NuThere's the go...
05:34.18P-NuTmodprobe zaptel gives me --> FATAL: Module zaptel not found.
05:34.33P-NuT/proc/interupts doesnt list th ecard at all
05:34.50[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : Did you have your kernel sources & headers ready when you compiled?
05:35.10P-NuTI had,
05:35.37P-NuTand the kernel-image (exact server version)
05:35.45P-NuTso yeah
05:35.54[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : What distro?
05:35.56P-NuTI've had this prob on ubuntu b4,
05:36.04P-NuTubuntu dapper 6.06
05:36.23[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : and you've installed the tons of app devel stuff you need for *?
05:36.35*** join/#asterisk chandi (
05:36.39P-NuTlike what?
05:37.53P-NuTlike dev packages like gcc?
05:37.57[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : GCC, make, bison, and so on.. I forget the list since I only work with general-purpose distro's
05:38.18[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : It's mostly listed on
05:38.34P-NuTyeah I got those..
05:38.47P-NuTit all compiles ok,
05:39.09P-NuTbut zaptel doesnt come up when I do a modprobe
05:39.21chandihi folks, I've got little questions about the dial command in extensions.conf. I'm trying to make asterisk send dtmf after the called party answers.  But Dial(SIP/15143867626@account,130,A(transfer)rD(DTMFTOBESENT))  doesn't work. It never sends the dtmf and never bridges the calls even though it says it does on the console
05:40.09P-NuT[TK]D-Fender: What do you think?
05:40.19chandiit works only when I don't have options A(x.gsm) and r
05:41.58P-NuTBasically, I run ztcfg and it spits out "line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'"
05:42.29P-NuTI don't know if it can't find the card bacuse it's sharing an IRQ or what?
05:42.53*** join/#asterisk Mother (
05:42.59[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : OH... being Ubuntu there is the issue of how you become root to compile and install all this stuff... thats another can of worms I don't know the details around.
05:43.05P-NuTI don't see the card listed when I tail /var/log/messages
05:43.45*** part/#asterisk Mother (
05:43.50P-NuTubuntu is a big no no then....
05:44.47P-NuThere's another scenario
05:45.00P-NuTwhat if I did this whole thing on Debian?
05:45.06P-NuTwould that be easier?
05:45.48[TK]D-FenderI would definately think so.
05:46.23[TK]D-FenderJust pick something standard.  RHEL, CentOS, FC, Debian, Slackware....
05:46.36[TK]D-FenderSUSE tends to cut a number of things out lately.
05:46.46P-NuTUbuntu isnt standard?
05:47.00P-NuTI know it's a total shit to compile things on./
05:47.17P-NuTok, I'll try Debian Sarge 3.1r2
05:47.17[TK]D-FenderNot to say you can't get it running on just about anything its a question of inconveniences along the way.
05:47.28P-NuTI hear you there.
05:47.38[TK]D-FenderUbuntu was built to be a desktop distro and run off binaries....
05:47.39P-NuTI just want it to be clear cut and up and running.
05:47.45P-NuTyeah true
05:48.10P-NuTwell I'm comfortable with Debian.
05:48.13P-NuTSound good?
05:48.37[TK]D-FenderFor me Slackware has always meant instant success.  Debian is really solid.  FC can have issues, centOS has 1 or 2 well documented ones so its very suggestable.
05:49.25P-NuTYeah, I kinda want to intergrate VHCS or ISPConfig with it, so  I think Debain would be better for that.
05:50.02P-NuTOn the asterisk with x100p front though, do we all concur that it can be done with debian 'sarge'?
05:50.56[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : You could do it on Ubuntu I'm sure... just not HOW :)
05:51.19[TK]D-FenderDebian has always been a solid choice.  pick a full install mode and you should be good to go.
05:51.24P-NuTYeah, I need a clear cut, do this then this, then this.
05:51.36P-NuTnot working stuff out for a month completely on my own.
05:51.55P-NuTSo if you have heard that it can be done on debian, then I will give that a go.
05:51.57h3x0rthe freebsd port rocks
05:52.00h3x0ras long as you dont need t1s
05:52.55h3x0rwait no
05:53.00h3x0rtheres a wct4xxp.ko
05:53.16*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
05:53.22[TK]D-FenderAvoid BSD unless you know what you're doing...
05:53.27P-NuTfull install? what do you mean by that?
05:53.43[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : Well dont skimp on "minimal packages".
05:53.55h3x0rits f'n easy
05:54.06P-NuTI have a netinstall CD
05:54.22h3x0rfreebsd is easier than debian or fedora
05:54.32P-NuTno it's not.
05:54.51h3x0r"make install"
05:54.55P-NuTI'll give it a go with debian
05:55.03h3x0rits like gentoos instructions with asterisk
05:56.25P-NuTapart from these packages, what else do I need? --> ssh subversion linux-source-2.6.15 linux-headers-2.6.15-23-server libncurses5 libncurses5-dev openssl libssl0.9.8 libssl-dev bison make gcc
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05:56.57[TK]D-FenderP-NuT : that looks good.  no need for subversion really, but why not...
05:57.10[TK]D-FenderI always suggest download from FTP for the release versions.
05:57.22P-NuTwell, the sources you cant get via cvs anymore
05:58.08[TK]D-FenderFTP <-
05:58.15[TK]D-Fenderdirect linked off
05:58.31justinuthat's a good suggestion
05:58.49P-NuTwell, I'll be back
05:58.55P-NuTthanks for your help
06:06.38*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
06:18.57[TK]D-Fendersoir :)
06:20.52[TK]D-FenderOk, I'm finished... later all.....
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07:10.33dlynes_homeh3x0r: the wct4xxp is the only thing on freebsd drivers that's stable :)
07:14.27x86sweet, just got my MySQL-backed AGI script working to allow 7 digit dialing :)
07:19.07dlynes_homewhat's great about 7-digit dialing?
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07:42.46Eric-xxchannel.c: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to slin
07:42.52Eric-xxdoes anyone know what is slin
07:43.29Qwellsigned linear
07:44.20Eric-xxwhats that
07:44.35kay2Qwell: 8khz 16bit ?
07:47.20*** join/#asterisk LoRez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
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08:01.24dlynes_homeEric-xx: 16-bit raw signed audio data
08:01.45Eric-xxhmm stange don't think i enable such codec in any conf
08:02.24dlynes_homeEric-xx: did you enable ulaw or alaw?  one of those two is slin...I can't remember which
08:02.46dlynes_homeEric-xx: i think it's the alaw
08:03.31Eric-xxi see
08:03.44Eric-xxbut in my trunk i did not enable ulaw/alaw
08:03.55Eric-xxi have set my trunk to only have gsm|ilbc now .. The xlite i used is using libc , does asterisk always try to use alaw for the first contact?
08:04.10dlynes_homeEric-xx: do you have disallow=all?
08:04.20Eric-xxi need that?
08:04.31dlynes_homeyeah, otherwise alaw and ulaw are allowed by default
08:04.50Eric-xxi see
08:05.11Eric-xxok another question
08:05.21Eric-xxwhat codec does asterisk supports?
08:05.52Eric-xxcause when i try just now , it looks like it don't support any other besides gsm/ilbc
08:06.06dlynes_homeEric-xx: type show codecs in the cli
08:07.09dlynes_homeEric-xx: now all the ones you show in that list, asterisk doesn't support transcoding on all of them
08:07.25dlynes_homeEric-xx: it might only support passthrough on some, such as g.729 and g.723
08:07.36dlynes_homeEric-xx: g.729 you can purchase licenses for it, for transcoding
08:08.17Eric-xxok example i don't use g.729
08:08.49dlynes_homeoh yeah...and g726, asterisk only supports g726-32
08:09.11dlynes_homeasterisk doesn't support g726-16, g726-24, or g726-40
08:10.19Eric-xxthis will be it right
08:11.25dlynes_homeEric-xx: g726,ilbc,gsm,ulaw,alaw
08:11.44Eric-xxoh i took ulaw and alaw out.. bandwidth consuming too high
08:11.48dlynes_homeEric-xx: speex as well, if you download doesn't come with asterisk because someone owns the patent
08:12.06dlynes_homeEric-xx: but they allow people to freely implement the engine
08:12.48Eric-xxso does g726,ilbc and gsm do auto translation
08:13.12dlynes_homeEric-xx: yes, asterisk can handle transcoding between them
08:13.43*** join/#asterisk Teeli (
08:16.57Eric-xxso if i wish to install other codecs , will that be hard?
08:17.13Eric-xxwhat are the codecs that i can choice anyway
08:17.28dlynes_homeg.729 and speex
08:17.47dlynes_homeg.729 you need to pay for...licenses are $10USD/ea from Digium
08:17.59dlynes_homespeex is free, but it's patented
08:18.12dlynes_homeyou need to download it from another site besides digium's
08:18.28dlynes_hometry looking on the wiki for speex to find out where to download it from
08:18.34dlynes_homethere's also lpc10
08:18.40dlynes_homebut apparently that codec's really really bad
08:19.07Eric-xxi see
08:19.12Eric-xxwow .. thank you very much
08:19.17Eric-xxyou really helped me a lot
08:20.33Eric-xxchannel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/AGLOW-70bf
08:20.46Eric-xxhmm do i need to put the frame size anywhere?
08:21.23dlynes_homewhat's the full error?
08:21.45Eric-xxJun 3 16:19:47 VERBOSE[8377] logger.c: -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/1000001-64cc and SIP/AGLOW-70bf
08:21.45Eric-xxJun 3 16:19:49 DEBUG[31167] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call '6a4b08a32dd2c9bc10e9746c6c6fc5cd@'
08:21.45Eric-xxJun 3 16:19:53 DEBUG[8377] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/AGLOW-70bf
08:21.45Eric-xxJun 3 16:19:53 DEBUG[8377] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/1000001-64cc and SIP/AGLOW-70bf
08:21.46Eric-xxJun 3 16:19:53 DEBUG[8377] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(91886260) - decrement call limit counter
08:21.46Eric-xxJun 3 16:19:53 DEBUG[8377] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER.
08:21.54dlynes_homeuse pastebin for shit like that :)
08:22.22dlynes_homeIt looks fine to me
08:22.40dlynes_homeWhat makes you think there was a problem?
08:22.51Eric-xxerr.. everything is smooth
08:23.01dlynes_homeand that's bad?
08:23.05Eric-xxjust saw this log about not getting a frame channel
08:23.15Eric-xxso wonder if i need to do anything to improve it
08:23.22dlynes_homethat's normal
08:23.40dlynes_homeyou'll get dropped frames every once in a's one of the hazards of using udp
08:23.51dlynes_homeif you get excessive dropped frames
08:23.54dlynes_homethen that's a problem
08:24.12Eric-xxi see
08:24.22dlynes_homewhen you do get a dropped frame, however
08:24.32dlynes_homeyou'll notice degradation in call quality
08:24.34Eric-xxafter reading some stuffs about g.729 , i understand that pass-thru is okay
08:24.42dlynes_homeEric-xx: exactly
08:25.16Eric-xxso if i am just running asterisk, one of the extension uses g.729 and i pass it to my SIP provider (which supports g.729) , than asterisk will just pass over right
08:25.57dlynes_homesending end needs to be g.729 and receiving end also needs to be g.729, and you cannot attempt autonegotiation, unless canreinvite=yes
08:28.01Eric-xxclient g.729 ---> Me ---> SIP provider which supports g.729
08:28.25Eric-xxso i have to make sure client is g.729 and sip provider is g.729 right
08:29.13dlynes_homeEric-xx: is either end behind a firewall, and passing through that firewall to get to asterisk?
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08:30.01Eric-xxonly the sip provider have a firewall
08:33.01x86anyone know where i can get local weather information in text form?
08:33.16x86I would use, but I don't want to parse HTML that could change next week
08:33.25x86dlynes_home: they have text output?
08:33.31dlynes_homeEric-xx: yeah, so you're going to have to set g.729 as preferred codec on both ends then
08:33.53dlynes_homex86: afaik, yeah....ummm...what's that stupid xml schema again....
08:34.41x86dlynes_home: XML and HTML are markup... not text ;)
08:34.58dlynes_homex86: wanted pure text
08:35.12dlynes_homex86: say text/plain then, not text :)
08:35.26dlynes_homex86: thought you wanted something other than mp3s
08:36.37x86dlynes_home: well XML may work...
08:36.49x86dlynes_home: you know where to get XML wheather info per a zip code?
08:36.57dlynes_homex86: rdf format...that's what it was
08:37.37x86that's better than HTML :P
08:38.01dlynes_homex86: thought cause it's not plain text, it's not useful? :)
08:38.37x86well i still have to write a parser for it, but XML would be more predictable than crap HTML :P
08:39.09dlynes_homex86: xml you don't have to write a parser for...just use xerces
08:40.06x86dlynes_home: for my application i would... anyway, what's the URL you're getting this from?
08:40.15dlynes_homex86: one sec
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08:43.03dlynes_homerss, not rdf
08:43.08dlynes_homethat's what it was
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08:48.35Eric-xxwhat if
08:48.53Eric-xxclient g.729 ---> Me (suppports g.729)---> SIP provider which does NOT support g.729
08:49.07Eric-xxi will be able to do the conversation before sending to sip provider right
08:49.39dlynes_homeEric-xx: nope, not when SIP provider is behind a firewall, because asterisk will be part of the media path
08:50.00dlynes_homeEric-xx: and asterisk does not autonegotiate properly when it is part of the media path
08:50.20Eric-xxso if my provider asterisk does not have a firewall will it works?
08:50.52dlynes_homeEric-xx: correct
08:51.03Eric-xxi see
08:52.47Eric-xxi believe the $10 from digium is a one time fee right
08:52.51Eric-xxnot monthly
08:53.18Eric-xxdo i need a zap card for this
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08:53.40Eric-xxhmm but the cpu consuming is real high
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08:54.02Eric-xxi think i have to put another server seperately that supports g.729
08:54.25dlynes_homeEric-xx: possibly...all depends on how many calls you plan to handle, and the speed of your current cpu
08:55.05Eric-xxif i separate them its better right? cause i have a P42.66gig and i wish to use this as the basic server (gsm,libc and such)
08:55.21Eric-xxthan i will purchase another server to accept (g.729 alone)
08:55.39dlynes_homeEric-xx: yeah...go for it
08:56.00dlynes_homeEric-xx: if you're planning to handle a lot of calls, figure on about 30 licenses, and a dual cpu, or a dual-core
08:56.11dlynes_homemaybe as many as 40 licenses
08:56.30Eric-xxhmm is there away to create a asterisk load balancing system
08:57.33dlynes_homeEric-xx: yeah...see the section on large asterisk systems on the front page of the asterisk wiki
08:58.12Eric-xxg.723 looks expensive
08:59.50dlynes_homeEric-xx: you can't currently get it for asterisk
09:00.10dlynes_homeEric-xx: however, digium does have plans to bring out a card with dsp codec support for g.723 and g.729
09:00.19Eric-xxi see
09:00.25dlynes_homeEric-xx: they haven't set a release date, or even an approximate release date
09:00.34Eric-xxso for now only g.729 is something i need to setup
09:00.52dlynes_homeEric-xx: correct
09:01.04dlynes_homeEric-xx: and if you encounter a provider that needs g.723, you're pretty much hooped
09:01.51Eric-xxhmm i think it's okay .. since is so expensive, don't think a lot of provider will be using it
09:02.00Eric-xxdoes asterisk support h.232 ?
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09:40.16Qwellheh, g723 is ungodly expensive
09:41.38x86moreso than g729?
09:42.15Qwellx86: ungodly
09:43.48x86why dont people just use GSM or g728?
09:43.57MGSsancholike $20?
09:48.20Qwelltry tens of thousands, before they'll even talk to you
09:49.37RoyKx86: g.728?
09:49.59x86RoyK: was that a question?
09:50.56RoyKdidn't think there was any g.728 support in asterisk
09:51.35RoyKg.723.1 is insanely priced
09:52.01Qwellit's far beyond "unreasonable"
09:52.29MGSsanchois there any major advantages? i dont meanlike 2-5%.
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09:55.20RoyKMstlyHrmls: advantages of what?
09:55.51RoyKhm. wtf is ast_frame declared?
09:56.24MGSsanchog.723 over g.728
09:57.33RoyKwhy G.728? There's no support for that in *
09:57.59MGSsanchooh hmmm
09:58.12MGSsanchowhats recommended?
09:58.17RoyKfor what?
09:58.40QwellRoyK: silly non-US codec :P
09:58.47RoyKQwell: only sane one :)
09:59.00QwellREAL men use G.711u
09:59.09RoyKQwell: bloody USAnians
09:59.19QwellRoyK: our codec is better than yours! ;)
09:59.28MGSsanchowhy not use .wav
09:59.31RoyKQwell: :)
09:59.42dpryoMGSsancho: wav is a container format ;P
10:02.18MGSsanchoso g.711a for non US, and g.711u for US?
10:02.49RoyKg.711a is used in the sane world on PSTN
10:02.55RoyKg.711u is used elsewhere :)
10:03.12MGSsanchoahh ok
10:04.09MGSsanchogsm for ) and gsm cell phones. any simularties? or just the name?
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10:29.55Eric-xxusing g.729, how much in and out bandwidth if i talk for one hour ?
10:30.23MGSsancho3.14tb <__<
10:30.41MGSsanchoPI tb
10:31.21MGSsanchommmmmmmmm pi. *goes offto get some cake while win98SE installs on a clients laptop*
10:32.49Eric-xxany people able to tell me how to calculate ?
10:35.15Eric-xxwiki explained as a voip provider view
10:35.53Eric-xxbut if i am a consumer, and i wish to know by using g.729 and talk for one hour, how much up and down bandwidth i have used
10:36.19MGSsancho8 Kbps
10:36.40Eric-xxfor an hour?
10:36.56MGSsanchothats 28,880Kb
10:37.20Eric-xxwhat's the formul
10:37.23MGSsancho3.515625 MB
10:37.57Eric-xxhmm ... for one hour is already 3MB? damn...
10:38.03GarethTheGreatanyone here familiar with kphone?
10:38.13MGSsancho8kb x 3600 secs in hour = 28,880kb
10:38.46MGSsanchothat / 8 = 3,600Kb.   then      3,600Kb / 1024 = 3.515625MB
10:38.53Eric-xxghoss 8kb of transfer per second ??!
10:39.21MGSsanchokillo bits
10:39.25MGSsanchonot bytes
10:40.05Eric-xxya but 1 hour takes 3 mb? that's a lot :(
10:40.27MGSsanchoa 14.4K modem can handle that lol
10:41.13Eric-xxhmm but 8kb is based on upload + download
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11:25.10[Airwolf]Can someone tell me if the mp3's for Asterisk moh need to be in a special frequency ?
11:29.10[Airwolf]Because I keep getting this:
11:29.11[Airwolf]Jun  3 13:28:33 WARNING[10444]: interface.c:215 decodeMP3: Junk at the beginning of frame 49443303
11:36.11MGSsancho4:35 am = bed time ga'night and good luck
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12:01.58psyco-obiwancan i have sipsak let a sip phone ring ? i want to alert over voip from an internet server
12:05.28psyco-obiwanbasically i need some scriptable ua for a shell env.
12:06.54tzafrir_laptoppsyco-obiwan, sipp may be a better choice
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12:07.10tzafrir_laptopor another asterisk
12:07.23tzafrir_laptopwhat do you need it for?
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12:08.52tzafrir_laptopjust establish one SIP connection?
12:08.57WeezeyWhat's up with -addons ?  why won't it compile
12:09.21tzafrir_laptopAlso, the iaxclient distribution includes some simple IAX comamnd-line clients
12:09.23psyco-obiwani have a wireless webcam, the cam images get grabbed from a shell account on an internet site and saved on motion detection....what i want is to let a phone ring upon motion detection beside storing the image, so that people can switch on their monitor and see the fox live ;-)
12:10.11psyco-obiwana whole asterisk seems to complex for the job of just letting a phone ring, but the iaxclients sound interesting..
12:11.03psyco-obiwantzafrir_laptop: apt-cache search sipp yields: sipp - create and render 3-d scenes
12:11.21tzafrir_laptopon Debian it's called 'sip-tester'
12:11.33tzafrir_laptopbut maybe sipsak will be better
12:11.39tzafrir_laptopor linphonec
12:13.30psyco-obiwanthx for the hints, ill check them
12:19.41Weezeydammit.  Why would they leave -addons in the fucked position?
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12:43.44RoyK~nickometer [a]freebsd_fan
12:44.29[a]freebsd_fanyour daddy is 98% lame :P
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13:11.26kay2tzafrir: what's sip-tester
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14:36.37brockj49464_homeWhy would my outgoing calls end after 120 minutes? How can I remove this?
14:36.57ManxPowerbrockj49464_home, We don't know.
14:37.07dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: Are you using any parameters to the Dial command?
14:37.10ManxPowerAre you using something like Asterisk@Home?
14:37.31brockj49464_homeAAH upgraded manually a few times
14:37.44dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: please read the topic
14:38.04*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (n=Ariel@
14:38.25brockj49464_homeSo if I look in the dial command in the log what would it look like if a limit was set?
14:38.32dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: unfortunately, amp/freepbx's configuration files are such a mess, we're not familiar enough with them in this topic
14:39.14dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: it would have some bracketted parameters after it, in the third position of the dial command
14:39.49ManxPowerdlynes_home, There could also be an AbsoluteTimeout set before thge Dial
14:39.58dlynes_homeManxPower: that too
14:40.24ManxPowerCalls also may NOT be ending at exactly 120 mins.  That could be caused by busydetect or callprogress options to Zap.
14:40.34dlynes_homeManxPower: btw...what's the point to the absolutetimeout variable?
14:40.51ManxPowerdlynes_home, To limit the time a call can run
14:41.05dlynes_homeManxPower: yeah, but those parameters to the dial command already manage that
14:41.19dlynes_homeManxPower: oh...nvm...they don't control that for incoming calls though
14:41.43[Airwolf]Is it possible in the dailplan to use a goto and return to the same context after the goto is finished ?
14:41.44ManxPowerdlynes_home, those Dial options are reasonably recent additions.  Also, as you said Dial isn't run for IVR, etc.
14:42.03ManxPower[Airwolf], Use a Gosub or a Macro
14:42.14dlynes_home[Airwolf]: gosub
14:42.21brockj49464_homeJun  2 22:43:47 VERBOSE[19176] logger.c:     -- Executing Dial("SIP/164-9406", "SIP/Z8921d0b95Out/16417744539|120|r") in new stack
14:42.29ManxPower[Airwolf], asterisk does not do any of that sort of checking.  you can goto anywhere.
14:42.40[Airwolf]I found that out :P
14:42.47dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: it's not your dial command then...there's probably an absolutetimeout set
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14:43.35ManxPowerbrockj49464_home, "r" will hide any error messages.
14:43.52ManxPowerThat 120 in your dial says the call must be answered by the far end within 120 SECONDS
14:43.57dlynes_homeManxPower: ah...didn't know that...thanks for the info
14:44.15dlynes_homeManxPower: the ',r', that is
14:44.54ManxPowerdlynes_home, Imagine this: You dial an extension and it sends the call to a cell phone with something like Dial(Zap/1/5551212).  If the cell phone is turned off or out of area or the number is disconnected you will hear that message from the carrier.
14:45.18ManxPowerIf you add ,,r  then you will hear ringing instead of the "the number you have dialed is disconnected" or other telco message.
14:45.29dlynes_homeManxPower: yeah, makes sense
14:45.47ManxPowerIt is also not REQUIRED ever.
14:46.09ManxPowerI use it so the callers do NOT hear the telco message because after the timeout they will be sent to the local voicemail.
14:46.21WeezeyManx: I have some IAX connections where if I don't put in the ring, the user hears dead air until the other party answers
14:46.25ManxPoweronly really useful for hiding the telco messages
14:46.28dlynes_homeManxPower: not according to someone on here earlier...although, they never bothered to mention in which extenuating circumstances it's required
14:46.31brockj49464_homegrep "absolutetimeout" /etc/asterisk/* did not find anytime...
14:46.42ManxPowerWeezey, then there is some OTHER problem, like lack of /etc/asterisk/indications.conf on one end.
14:46.42dlynes_homeManxPower: and why would you want to hide them?
14:46.44*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
14:46.54WeezeyManxPower: cool, good to know.
14:47.01ManxPowerdlynes_home, so the caller does not hangup before the call goes to voicemail.
14:47.56ManxPowerdlynes_home, also it makes the users stop yelling about it.
14:48.07dlynes_homeManxPower: ah...but how are you going to know if the carrier is going to tell you all circuits are busy?
14:48.19dlynes_homeManxPower: erm actually
14:48.22ManxPowerdlynes_home, in THIS specific case, I don't care.
14:48.31dlynes_homeManxPower: in that case you wouldn't be forwarding to voicemail, anyways
14:48.53ManxPowerSince the caller dialed a 4-digit extension they don't even know what number was actually dialed.
14:48.58dlynes_homeManxPower: the only reason I can think of for that, is if you're forwarding an extension to the user's cell phone or something
14:49.12ManxPowerdlynes_home, That is what I was describing.
14:49.15dlynes_homeManxPower: ah
14:49.30ManxPowerManxPower dlynes_home, Imagine this: You dial an extension and it sends the call to a cell phone with something like Dial(Zap/1/5551212).  If the cell phone is turned off or out of area or the number is disconnected you will hear that message from the carrier.
14:49.48ManxPowerNORMALLY you want to hear the carrier's messages.
14:50.02dlynes_homeManxPower: yeah, and in that case you don't want the user to hear it because as you said, they'll hang up
14:50.12brockj49464_homeI do find this, could this be the reason the call drops after 120min? "Didn't get a frame from channel:"
14:50.28dlynes_homeManxPower: the only other time i've enabled it is when I've got users bitching about how long it takes before they start hearing a ringing
14:51.03dlynes_homeManxPower: most of them are able to deal with it after I tell them sometimes it takes a while before it starts ringing on voip
14:51.09dlynes_homeManxPower: but others can't deal with that concept
14:52.05[Airwolf]dlynes_home, if I would execute a Macro, would Asterisk always return to that context, no matter what I do in the macro ?
14:52.10dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: that shouldn't be an issue, unless you're getting a lot of those
14:52.38*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
14:52.51dlynes_home[Airwolf]: i wouldn't know...manxpower would probably be more qualified to answer that...i've never used macros
14:52.57brockj49464_home22 in 24 hours
14:53.09dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: on the same call?
14:53.20brockj49464_homein the full log file
14:53.30dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: how many in a single call?
14:53.38dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: more than one?
14:54.09dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: also, what kind of internet connection are they on?
14:54.22[Airwolf]Like if I do something like this:  s,1,macro(blaat,100) s,2,system(do something)  [macro-blaat] s,1,goto(call,{arg1},1)
14:54.26brockj49464_home1 per call
14:54.39[Airwolf]ManxPower, do you know this ? :)
14:54.58dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: is it a telco dsl line, or a cable carrier internet service?
14:55.18brockj49464_homeMotorola Canopy.
14:55.26dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: wtf is taht?
14:55.37brockj49464_homewireless broadband
14:55.48dlynes_homeas in 802.11?
14:56.07dlynes_homeor something similar?
14:56.09brockj49464_homeno in 5.8ghz
14:56.32dlynes_homeis it cellphone band or soemthing then?
14:56.43brockj49464_homeuses a dish aimed at an atenna, not cell phone
14:56.53TheCopsbrockj49464_home, canopy own :)
14:57.10dlynes_homeTheCops: is it something available in montreal?
14:57.21TheCopsFor services ? or to buy ?
14:57.26brockj49464_homecan't get dsl or cable
14:57.28dlynes_homefor services, yeah
14:57.50TheCopsfor services, Xittel is offering services and Hypertelecom (I've started this compagny 2 yeras ago)
14:57.51ManxPower[Airwolf], a goto breaks all macro or gosub returns
14:57.54TheCopsbut this is not at montreal
14:57.59TheCopsthis is in little city
14:58.07dlynes_homeTheCops: ah...i think [TK]D-Fender told me you were in Montreal
14:58.23TheCops1 hours from Montreal :)
14:58.25[Airwolf]ManxPower, ok, then I have to find out how to do what I want then. :)
14:58.28dlynes_homewell, close enough
14:58.38dlynes_homeThat's a suburb to me
14:58.45ManxPower[Airwolf], you can call a macro inside of a macro
14:59.02TheCopsdlynes_home, where you are living if you can't get DSL or cable ?!
14:59.15brockj49464_homeif my provider terminated the call what kind of message would I see in the log?
14:59.16dlynes_homeTheCops: it's brockj49464_home that can't get dsl or cable, not me
14:59.26[Airwolf]ManxPower, well I want to have a function that records a call and e-mails the recording after the call.
14:59.32dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: offhand, i wouldn't know for sip
14:59.33TheCopsbrockj49464_home where do you live
14:59.37dlynes_homebrockj49464_home: never really looked at it
14:59.51dlynes_homeTheCops: btw...i'm in vancouver
15:00.04[Airwolf]But I have some lcr, so for call I need to go to that context.
15:00.16TheCopsdlynes_home, yeah I just remember:)
15:00.22ManxPowerbrockj49464_home, Dial sets the variable HANGUPCAUSE  check the status of that Noop(HANGUPCAUSE=${HANGUPCAUSE}) after the Dial
15:00.29ManxPoweryou may need the "g" option to dial
15:00.40dlynes_homeTheCops: ah...didn't think i'd mentioned it to you before...never really talked to you before that I remember
15:01.09TheCopshehe true, but someday with Fender around we was talking hehe
15:01.26dlynes_homeyeah...CunningPike's just across the river from me
15:01.29dlynes_homeHe's in Richmond
15:01.35dlynes_homeand works in North Van
15:02.06dlynes_homeI work all over the place...I'm a subcontractor for an interconnect
15:02.06TheCopsBell ?
15:02.12dlynes_homeinterconnect, not ilec
15:02.30TheCopsdlynes_home, this is a road job ?
15:03.06dlynes_homeinterconnect is a company that does cabling from demarc into the suite, runs all the data and phone runs, terminates them into jacks and mod ends, and patch panels, ..., and sells phone systems and does all the programming for the phone systems
15:03.20TheCopsHa :)
15:03.35TheCopsdlynes_home, and sell annual contract I guess hehe
15:03.45dlynes_homeWe also sometimes have to run new cable up through the risers too
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15:04.03dlynes_homeTheCops: atm, we don't do that
15:04.10TheCopsdlynes_home, ok
15:04.12dlynes_homeTheCops: but I've been trying to push the boss to start doing that
15:04.23TheCopsdlynes_home, this is why Bell exist today.
15:04.32TheCopsyears contract $$
15:04.53dlynes_homethen it would give us some guaranteed income we could start growing the business on and it would make the customers have the warm fuzzies going with us instead of someone else
15:04.56TheCopsdlynes_home, Do you have an URL ?
15:05.16dlynes_homeIt needs some major work on the website :)
15:05.23dlynes_homesome idiot wrote the whole thing in flash
15:06.15dlynes_homeIt'll probably be getting redone next month
15:06.34dlynes_homeThe owner's getting married in another week, so he's not thinking about anything else atm
15:07.07[Airwolf]Is it better to have all the functions in my dailplan as macro's ?
15:07.25TheCopsdlynes_home, I'm consultant for new technologies, VoIP, Barcode/RFID, automate, basic,advanced,isp networking, security and stuff like that.
15:07.25[Airwolf]So I can call them more easy.
15:07.45TheCopsdlynes_home, I dont see Cisco stuff on your website, if you need Cisco, just call me hehe
15:07.52TheCopsI'm reseller stuff and services
15:07.57*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
15:08.15queuetueHello.  How would I append a "1" to outgoing calls that don't have it?
15:08.44dlynes_homeTheCops: heh...i'll keep it in mind
15:08.57mostyqueuetue, use 1${EXTEN} in your Dial command ?
15:09.01[Airwolf]queuetue, Dial(SIP/1{EXTEN}) something like that
15:09.04dlynes_homeTheCops: at the current time though, we don't need's priced themselves out of the market
15:09.12[Airwolf]mosty, don't be so fast :P
15:09.22TheCopsdlynes_home, 24/7 services is very the best services to make money easy hehe
15:09.45dlynes_homeYeah...we truly are 24/7 too
15:09.56dlynes_homeWe just got, too :)
15:10.01dlynes_homeI'm surprised it wasn't taken :)
15:10.12queuetuemosty, [Airwolf] Won't that always add a 1?  I only need to add one when the user did not...
15:11.02[Airwolf]queuetue, then you should use the if statement. If the exten doesn't contain a 1 then add it.
15:11.20dlynes_homequeuetue: use a GotoIf
15:11.32dlynes_home[Airwolf]: there's no such thing as an if statement
15:11.34queuetueI'm pretty sure you can just do it with the numeric notation...
15:11.39[Airwolf]And use substring on the exten if you want it to be on a special position.
15:11.42dlynes_home[Airwolf]: unless of course there's on in AEL
15:12.13[Airwolf]dlynes_home, I'm unsure how to call it in Asterisk.
15:12.22ManxPowerIn general anything you can do in AEL you can do in regular dialplan since AEL is translated into standard dialplan stuff.
15:12.27mostyqueuetue, send that user to a specific context, and do it in that context
15:12.29[Airwolf]I just had java at college and they called it and if statement.
15:12.31ManxPowerAEL is never RUN, it's translated
15:13.06dlynes_home[Airwolf]: java has an if statement, asterisk extensions.conf has a gotoif statement; the two are not related; java is a programming language, extensions.conf is not
15:13.27[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : More like 30mins ;)
15:13.32dlynes_home[Airwolf]: you need the final forward slash
15:13.34[TK]D-FenderTheCops : PM
15:13.35mostymethinks asterisk is turing complete, most likely
15:13.42[Airwolf]dlynes_home, tnx.
15:14.02[Airwolf]But according to the wiki extensions does have an if thing. :)
15:14.21dlynes_home[Airwolf]: but like i said...AEL might have an if
15:14.35dlynes_home[Airwolf]: i've never used ael, so i don't know for sure
15:15.29[Airwolf]dlynes_home, but it doesn't matter. :P
15:15.33dlynes_homeah...never used functions
15:15.40dlynes_homeonly used dialplan applications
15:15.57dlynes_homealways assumed functions were for manager api, agi, or ael or something
15:16.35[Airwolf]since 1.2 not more apperently.
15:16.40dlynes_homewell, i've seen people use cut, but i thought that was a dialplan application
15:17.00dlynes_home[Airwolf]: yeah, and iwth 1.4 AEL2 will be available
15:17.59[Airwolf]dlynes_home, but I have another question. Right now I have a dial plan and I have made diffrent sections in my dial plan (like external, local, services) and in those sections I have context for every function.
15:18.10dlynes_homeheh...that's weird...seeing a country singer with an earring in both ears
15:18.20[Airwolf]But I really don't know if that is the best way to setup a dail plan.
15:18.41[Airwolf]And I can find any best pratices, it's like trail and error.
15:18.53dlynes_home[Airwolf]: whichever way is the easiest to work with and readable for you
15:19.20dlynes_homefor me, I have an entire tree structure set up with common files in each directory
15:19.52dlynes_homeand so my main extensions.conf file just consists of a whole bunch of exten => did,1,Goto(context,s,1)
15:20.22dlynes_homeand obviously a whole bunch of #includes too
15:20.29[Airwolf]I get it. Well, my extentions.conf is still one long file. But I'm running into the fact that it's no longer handable
15:20.56dlynes_home[Airwolf]: are you doing any ivr stuff in there?
15:21.14[Airwolf]yes, also
15:21.20[TK]D-Fender[Airwolf] : Pastebin the whole thing and let me hav a look.
15:21.24[Airwolf]It's about 315 lines now might want to move your ivr off into a separate file
15:21.42dlynes_homeand maybe put your outbound routing into another file
15:21.57[Airwolf]I think I will do that.
15:21.58dlynes_homeand your extensions into another file
15:22.14[Airwolf][TK]D-Fender, well I'm going to upload it somewhere
15:22.24dlynes_homethen the only thing left in your main file will be your macros and your incoming dialplan
15:23.08jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
15:23.25[TK]D-Fender315?  hah!
15:24.02dlynes_homeI think mine if it was all in one file would probably be about 2000 or 3000 lines
15:24.22[TK]D-FenderOne of my AstDB driven STDEXTEN macro's and their supporting setup scripts is 326 all by itself!
15:24.25[Airwolf]dlynes_home, well it's a small organisation with alot of voip wishes. :P
15:25.03[Airwolf]And for me, I just am a student who like to play alot with Asterisk
15:25.07dlynes_home[Airwolf]: yeah, same here
15:25.14[Airwolf]And make some money on the side.
15:25.21dlynes_homeand i'm the one that gets saddled with implementing it
15:27.23dlynes_home[Airwolf]: try putting all those *-out contexts into a separate file called extensions/outbound.conf
15:27.24[TK]D-Fender[Airwolf] : Your setup isn't too bad.  A little cleanup, and conversion required for proper 1.2 compliance, but I wouldn't mess with that...
15:28.07dlynes_home[Airwolf]: and maybe move your menus out into menus/menuname.conf
15:28.28[Airwolf]dlynes_home, I will do that. Thank you for the tip
15:28.35[Airwolf][TK]D-Fender too
15:28.44dlynes_home[Airwolf]: and extensions/internal.conf for the [internal] context
15:28.51*** join/#asterisk ms345 (n=mike_sim@
15:29.01dlynes_home[Airwolf]: and extensions/macros.conf for the macros
15:29.02[Airwolf]But first I'm going to finish the last functions they want.
15:29.23[Airwolf]dlynes_home, so like all the sections I made just in seperate files.
15:29.24dlynes_home[Airwolf]: and extensions/queues.conf, extensions/services.conf for your queues and services
15:29.45dlynes_home[Airwolf]: then you can find everything easily
15:29.57dlynes_home[Airwolf]: and it'll be easier to follow your logic
15:30.13asterboydlynes_home, looks like turning up the txgain has reduced the number of callerID checksum errors.
15:30.25dlynes_homeasterboy: that's what i told you :)
15:30.29dlynes_homeasterboy: to adjust your gains :)
15:30.30[Airwolf]dlynes_home, I get it.
15:30.39asterboybut you don'
15:30.47asterboydon't work for digium do you?
15:30.52[Airwolf]dlynes_home, do ever do anything with the queue application ?
15:31.06asterboyinteresting that when I asked that, none of the digium staff on here repsonded.
15:31.09dlynes_homeasterboy: actually, if you want, I have a c program to allow you to loop through your gains until you get it just right
15:31.24asterboyya, that sounds perfect
15:31.33dlynes_home[Airwolf]: nah...never used queues or agents
15:31.38dlynes_home[Airwolf]: never had to set up a call center
15:31.55[Airwolf]Ah ok
15:32.30[Airwolf]I needed a way for checking if there where any agents logged in for a specfied queue.
15:32.44[Airwolf]But it seems that feature isn't yet avalible in Asterisk.
15:33.35*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
15:41.44dlynes_homeasterboy: try
15:42.05dlynes_homeasterboy: just do gcc -Wall -pedantic -o letsdoit letsdoit.c to compile it
15:42.17dlynes_homeasterboy: then type ./letsdoit to get the usage instructions
15:42.51*** join/#asterisk burizaa (
15:43.13dlynes_homeasterboy: it's a pretty crude tool, but it does the job, without manually having to make a whole bunch of changes
15:43.39*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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15:51.21*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:51.24asterboyI ran dlynes_home and now this message comes up: "Sucker, you've benn rooted!"
15:51.28asterboywhat does that mean?
15:51.36burizaawhere i can get the newest asterisk-addons
15:52.07dlynes_homeasterboy: lol...liar
15:52.57burizaafound it  !
15:53.23dlynes_homeasterboy: and it's
15:54.03*** join/#asterisk Zer0HiT (
15:55.45asterboyletsdoit -6.3 6.3 .1
15:56.41asterboySeems to be stuck with this message repeating: This run used rxgain=-7, txgain=-7
15:56.41dlynes_home-7, -7?
15:56.41*** join/#asterisk cfassoni (
15:56.41asterboyis the min allowed to be negative?
15:56.55asterboyalso, I have three rx/txgain lines in my zapata.conf
15:56.58dlynes_homeasterboy: yes, but I also only use integers
15:57.03dlynes_homeasterboy: I don't use floating point
15:57.37asterboyok, that seems to do it.
15:57.42asterboyletsdoit -6 6 1
15:58.02burizaaguys, anyone tried to hook asterisk with gnugk ?
15:58.03dlynes_homemight want to try -6 12 1
15:58.50dlynes_homewtf is this stupid flavor of love show supposed to be about?
15:59.05dlynes_homeFlavor Flave's the host of the show
15:59.26asterboyit set 6 for both
15:59.39asterboyI had a -6.3 for txgain and 2.0 for rxgain
15:59.44dlynes_homeasterboy: ?
15:59.57dlynes_homeasterboy: Yeah..i increase both
16:00.12dlynes_homeasterboy: Like I's quite crude
16:00.16asterboybe nice to have it test each individually
16:00.24dlynes_homeasterboy: so modify it then :)
16:00.29dlynes_homeasterboy: you've got the c code :)
16:00.59asterboy/usr/src/letsdoit -5 12 1
16:01.13asterboytrying that in case it just took my arguments
16:01.17asterboyas what to set
16:01.35asterboyc code...been a while
16:02.21dlynes_homeasterboy: restarts asterisk every time if I remember correctly, so you can test each increment
16:02.28dlynes_homeasterboy: it's been a while since I wrote it :)
16:02.36asterboyya that's what it did...took my arguments to set the file.
16:02.58dlynes_homeyeah...sleeps 2M milliseconds each iteration
16:03.18dlynes_homeso 2000 seconds
16:03.34dlynes_homeerm microseconds
16:03.40dlynes_homeso sleeps for 2 seconds
16:04.16dlynes_homebetween iterations
16:04.28dlynes_homeso you have to hit ctrl-c on asterisk each time after you've finished testing
16:04.50dlynes_homethen it'll increment to the next gain setting
16:08.11*** join/#asterisk adorah (n=Asterjet@
16:13.52burizaafor h323, which one is better? h323, oh323, ooh323c, woomera ?
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16:19.35dlynes_homeburizaa: none of the above :)
16:20.13dlynes_homeburizaa: if you can possibly avoid h323, avoid it like hte plague
16:20.39*** join/#asterisk saaib (n=nabudoco@
16:20.46*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
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16:21.22PMantisHi... can someone clarify:
16:21.58PMantisDoes the [pin] parameter *enter* the pin for the person, or prompt the use for that pin, overriding the pin n meetme.conf?
16:23.03*** join/#asterisk markit (
16:23.49markitplease, I need help with the translation of a sound (I can't understand it, I need some explaination):  vm-saveoper.gsm press 1 to accept this recording, otherwise, please continue to hold
16:24.07markit"continue to hold"... what happens? what is the meaning of "hold"?
16:25.24eimajenthatIf I have an asterisk server running at my house, how does it connect to people with regular phones or on other VOIP services?  If you can't tell, I'm a complete ignoramu about this asterisk stuff, but ti sounds interesting.  Would love to read anything like an "Asterisk for Dummies" page, if you've got one.
16:26.03*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
16:26.17eimajenthatI checked the page listed in the subject.
16:26.21PMantiseimajenthat, There are many options... You can buy a card that allows your * server to connect to your home phone line.
16:26.56PMantiseimajenthat, ...or you can sign up with a VoIP service that assigns you a pone number, then sends/receives calls to/from yur * server over the internet.
16:26.58russellbeimajenthat: you should check out the asterisk o'reilly book
16:27.01mostyeimajenthat, you have to pay someone who has a link to the regular phone system, either via a regular phone line at your house, or over the internet to someone who has a connection to the regular phone system
16:27.24jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
16:28.21PMantisAlso, read my local article here:
16:28.28*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
16:28.29PMantis(well, local to my city) :-)
16:29.37eimajenthatso, Vonage and companies like that have to pay to connect to the regular phone network, right?
16:29.46*** join/#asterisk mmmmmToop (
16:29.47PMantiseimajenthat, Exactly.
16:30.16eimajenthatbut if I paid Vonage, I could hook my asterisk box into the network via Vonage
16:30.17PMantiseimajenthat, They get a PRI, the run a VoIP PBX system that takes the PRI phone calls, and sends them over the internet to your LinkSys PAP2.
16:30.36PMantiseimajenthat, no, Vonage only allows you to use *their* device.
16:30.53eimajenthatoh, hrm
16:31.02kukhuvudcan anyone recomend some * billing software? i dont need it to process CC's or anything, but it needs to at least link extensions to a group/company and tell me how many minutes they've used, how much i'm charging per minute for them etc
16:31.03burizaadlynes_home: i tried to avoid h323, but my friend in singapore has quintum which just support h323 only :( so sad.. and i can't connect to his VoIP SS (MERA) ...
16:31.07PMantiseimajenthat, Check out viatalk.  or broadvoice, voipjet,, etc
16:31.21eimajenthatwill do
16:31.31mmmmmToopany ideas on retrieving which an agent is getting a call from Queue() cmd?
16:31.44eimajenthatso all these will let you use your own asterisk box?
16:31.46PMantisViaTalk and BroadVoice offer inlimited inbound/outbound plans.
16:32.09PMantiseimajenthat, The companies I mentioned allow for Asterisk, on a BYOD (bring your own device) otion.
16:32.12eimajenthatwhat about SIP.  What's that all about?
16:32.22PMantisThat's the protocol.
16:32.34PMantisThere's H.323, SIP, IAX2, and some others.
16:32.56PMantisThey're different ways of sending voice over and IP network.
16:33.12eimajenthatSkype uses SIP, no?
16:33.30PMantisHeh, actually Skype has their own version.
16:34.05PMantisThere's a bounty out there enticing anyone to decipher the Skype protocol, and make a channel module for Asterisk... nothing yet.
16:34.41PMantisSo, anyon have a clue about MeetMe?
16:34.53PMantisDoes the [pin] parameter *enter* the pin for the person, or prompt the use for that pin, overriding the pin n meetme.conf?
16:36.22eimajenthatanyone here using ViaTalk?  $15 a month sounds like an awesome deal.
16:36.30PMantisYup, me
16:36.52PMantisI signed up when they had the $200/year special with 1 year free
16:37.07PMantisSo... $100/year for unlimited calling?? I'll take that.
16:37.27PMantisMy biggest complaint is that they're very rigid in their plans, and wont' budge...
16:37.42*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
16:37.47PMantisThey allow for simultaneous 2 inbound and 2 outbound calls.
16:38.13PMantiseimajenthat, What kind of internet connection you have?
16:38.37eimajenthatCable, TimeWarner RoadRunner
16:38.46PMantisok, me too.
16:38.58*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
16:39.03PMantisYou'll want a "Broadband Booster" it *really* cleared up my calls.
16:39.16eimajenthatwhat is it?
16:39.25eimajenthata hardware device, or a service?
16:39.38PMantisA little $50 box that you plug your cable modem into, then on the other side, your router or computer.
16:40.00eimajenthatwhat's it do?
16:40.12eimajenthator is that one of those great mysteries of life?
16:40.20PMantisIt simply prioritizes the voice communications, so that a download doesn't cause a oice cal to break up and sound choppy, robotic, etc.
16:40.58eimajenthatso it's specifically for people running VOIP stuff
16:41.01Zer0HiTbut wouldn't a QoS setting in your router do the same thing as that?
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16:41.24PMantisZer0HiT, Essentially, yes... but I tried that and it didn't help me.
16:41.27PMantisThis device did.
16:41.46PMantisI think has it on sale with free shipping, too.
16:41.53Zer0HiTsweet currently between VoIP companies as i'm tired of vonage BS and haven't tried the QoS setting personally.
16:42.21Zer0HiTdoes viatalk only do SIP?
16:42.42eimajenthatI'm doing alright for now with just my cell phone.  But my parents have dial-up and Bell phone service.  I'm not sure how much their phone bill is, but I'm thinking if I got them to go with RoadRunner and VOIP, it might be pretty close to the same price.
16:42.46PMantisZer0HiT, if you use their router, it should include QoS...
16:43.10*** part/#asterisk saaib (n=nabudoco@
16:43.31PMantiseimajenthat, viatalk is great for that... they offer LinkSys PAP2's and have no problem giving you the admin password so you can unlock it ater, fi you want.
16:43.45PMantisVonage will *never* help you unlock the device they give you.
16:44.09PMantisZer0HiT, viatalk does SIP or IAX2, but they discourage IAX2.
16:44.18PMantisStrongly, too.
16:44.55Zer0HiTreally i thought IAX2 was preferred over SIP?
16:45.14Dr-LinuxZer0HiT: NO
16:45.21wunderkinif it worked right it would be
16:45.27Dr-LinuxSIP rocks!
16:45.30PMantisSIP and IAX2 both have their place... but what makes SIP annoying for NAT makes is preferable for some situations.
16:45.43markitplease, I need help with the translation of a sound (I can't understand it, I need some explaination):  vm-saveoper.gsm press 1 to accept this recording, otherwise, please continue to hold
16:45.44Zer0HiThow so?
16:45.47markit"continue to hold"... what happens? what is the meaning of "hold"?
16:46.21PMantisZer0HiT, If a provider resold SIP servive, you'd have this:
16:46.39PMantisZer0HiT, Provider1--->Provider2--->Asterisk
16:47.26[Airwolf]Can someone tell me if it's possible to execute something when a channel is disconnected ?
16:47.27PMantisWith SIP and reinvites, the SIP control channel takes that path, but the RDP packets (voice) go straight from Provider1-->Asterisk... avoiding the extra lag of the middle provider.
16:47.44PMantis[Airwolf], exten => h,1,DoSomething()
16:47.53Zer0HiTbut w/ IAX2 it'd still go through the middle provider(provider2)?
16:48.03[Airwolf]PMantis, what does the h stand for ?
16:48.23PMantisZer0HiT, Yes, AFAIK IAX2 doesn't support reinvites, because it's all in one TCP connection. (better for NAT, however)
16:48.28PMantis[Airwolf], h=hangup
16:48.41[Airwolf]Ah, thank you
16:48.42*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
16:48.43PMantis[Airwolf], t=timeout, i=invalid...
16:49.12Zer0HiTPMantis: thank you, i'll have to read up on IAX2 more, a friend suggested i should look for companies that provide IAX2 service over SIP
16:49.23PMantisZer0HiT, and in my case it's even worse sometimes... :)
16:49.28*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
16:49.42PMantisZer0HiT, Provider1-->Provider2-->Asterisk-->my remote device/laptop
16:50.23salviadudthat's kind of odd
16:50.43salviadudPMantis, why would it go through 2 providers first?
16:51.24PMantissalviadud, A SIP provider may buy their telephone service from another SIP provider (Reseller), *or* they may have their own PRI's.
16:51.51PMantissalviadud, Just using it as an example, to show where SIP has an advantage.
17:03.57*** join/#asterisk feld_ (n=feld@
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17:07.10burizaahow to set SIP codec ?
17:07.45Dr-Linuxburizaa: at the server?
17:08.21Dr-Linuxburizaa: you can do that in sip.conf in general section
17:09.18burizaai want to do it for once trunk only...
17:09.30burizaathey ask me to use g723 :( no idea how to set it out
17:09.48Dr-Linuxburizaa: you can do that
17:10.00burizaai put disallow=all allow=g723 i think it's correct right ?
17:10.12Dr-Linuxburizaa: just put there "allow=g723"
17:10.24burizaafile: need to put .1 ?
17:10.33Dr-Linuxg723.1? :
17:10.40burizaaDr-Linux: should i put "disallow=all" ?
17:10.50filemeh, they're the same
17:11.15Dr-Linuxburizaa: yes, but we should follow file's guide.
17:11.38*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte (
17:11.48Dr-Linuxfile: what's difference between allow=g723 and g723.1 ?
17:12.01burizaafile: i put allow=g723.1    and remove "disallow=all" right ?
17:12.10fileinternally they're the same because everyone put g723 and forgot the .1
17:13.52Dr-Linuxi see
17:14.31*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
17:14.59Dr-Linuxburizaa: in the gerneral section use "allow=g723" and then disallow=all
17:15.01[Airwolf]I use the system command to send a mail after a call is hangup
17:15.13[Airwolf]I see on the console that it gets executed
17:15.25*** join/#asterisk Tili (
17:15.26Dr-Linuxburizaa: but you must have g723 codec's module, it's not free
17:15.41[Airwolf]But the mail doesn't even get send.
17:16.20Dr-Linux[Airwolf]: check mail logs /var/log/maillog
17:16.35*** part/#asterisk markit (
17:16.36dlynes_homeburizaa: why can't you connect to his mera softswitch?
17:17.22dlynes_homeDr-Linux: there is no g723 codec module; only a g723 format module
17:17.36bon-win µ+
17:17.50Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: same i said,
17:18.04dlynes_homeDr-Linux: no, it's not
17:18.09dlynes_homeDr-Linux: the g723 format module is free
17:18.17dlynes_homeDr-Linux: the g723 codec module is simply non-existent
17:18.41*** join/#asterisk burizaaa (
17:18.46burizaaasorry just got disconnected
17:18.52Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: hmm.. it's ok thanks :)
17:18.59dlynes_homeDr-Linux: the codec format modules allow pass through
17:19.07dlynes_homeDr-Linux: the codec modules allow translation
17:19.11Dr-Linuxburizaa: your net connection is still better than mine :)
17:19.29burizaaadlynes_home: do you know my problem? :p
17:19.35dlynes_homeburizaa: lar
17:19.37burizaaai was dc before
17:19.38[Airwolf]Dr-Linux, I did but no new log.
17:19.51[Airwolf]It seems that Asterisk doesn't execute it.
17:19.58[Airwolf]But hey says he does. :P
17:20.03dlynes_homeburizaa: your problem with what lah?
17:20.12Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: i have separate modules for g729 and for g723 , i put them in modules dir and i load them from CLI
17:20.18Dr-Linuxand i can see in them in traslation
17:20.27dlynes_homedlynes_home: yeah...format_g729 and format_g723
17:20.51dlynes_homeDr-Linux: unless of course you mean the illegal versions
17:21.07Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: mine is not like that
17:21.24dlynes_homeDr-Linux: so you must be using the illegal versions then
17:21.37burizaaaoke... i got SIP provider they using voipswitch and only accept g723. i try to call asterisk using express talk (sip) and i saw from the console that the call is answered but it's got disconnected after that
17:21.42Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: nope i use legal stuff
17:21.43dlynes_homeDr-Linux: i.e. the ones that are legal in countries that don't respect intellectual property rights
17:22.26florzdlynes_home: what's otherwise illegal about them?
17:22.41dlynes_homeflorz: nothing...just a patent licensing issue
17:22.57Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: i'm paid for them, so it's legal for me
17:23.11florzdlynes_home: Well, that's what I was thinking, which is why I wondered :-)
17:23.13dlynes_homeflorz: and i doubt very much Dr-Linux has paid $100K for the rights, and $50/seat or whatever ridiculous amount it is they charge for the licensing
17:23.17Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: check PM
17:24.14florzdlynes_home: But if you are in a country where there is not patent on it? Or if you are just using it privately?
17:24.24dlynes_homeflorz: i'm not using it, period
17:24.33dlynes_homeflorz: i'm in a country where the patent is quite enforcable
17:24.55Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: but not in my country
17:25.02florzdlynes_home: Even when you are using it just for your own private pleasure?
17:25.23dlynes_homeflorz: i don't know what the specifications are regarding that, but it's irrelevant to me
17:25.30dlynes_homeflorz: I work for an interconnect
17:25.36dlynes_homeflorz: everything has to be completely legal
17:25.41Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: i'm damn sure, many peoples are using in the same way .. but do no tell!!!
17:26.08florzdlynes_home: sure ;-)
17:29.41Dr-Linuxanybdoy know what softphone supports g723 codec?
17:29.46*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
17:29.49dlynes_homewhat's with all these peeps using ipv6 addresses lately?
17:30.35salviadudit's the future
17:30.46salviadudsoon, my microwave oven will have an ipv6 address
17:30.56florzsalviadud: Only one?
17:31.13salviadudyeah with 128 bits... i think it's enough
17:31.29salviadudi'll get an ip for everthing
17:31.40salviadudYES GENTLEMEN
17:31.49salviadudfinally, we will be able to ping that missing tubesock
17:32.20dlynes_homeflorz: yeah...i noticed you were using one
17:32.22Dr-Linuxwhen ipv6 is coming out?
17:32.31dlynes_homeflorz:'s dns servers are using ipv6, too
17:32.51florzdlynes_home: I guessed so, yeah :-)
17:32.55dlynes_homeflorz: but where do you get the ipv6 address allocated from?
17:33.07florzdlynes_home: From my provider? :-)
17:33.12dlynes_homeflorz: i.e. who decides what ipv6 addresses you're allowed to have?
17:33.27dlynes_homeflorz: ok, and where did they get it allocated from?
17:33.39dlynes_homeand what are the reserved subnets for private networks?
17:33.41florzdlynes_home: RIPE I guess
17:34.04justinucool thing about ipv6 is you get a /64 by default
17:34.14Dr-LinuxDIANA decides
17:34.15justinuif you ask, you can get a/48
17:34.18burizaaahow to i get th g723 codec? dl from right? then put the file under /usr/lib/asterisk/modules, am i correct ?
17:34.18florzdlynes_home: AFAIK those are deprecataed (as in "there are none")
17:34.45burizaaa*how do i, typo wrongly
17:34.45dlynes_homeflorz: so you're stuck with ipv4 for private subnets then?
17:35.08florzdlynes_home: No, just use some of your IPv6 addresses!?
17:35.21dlynes_homeburizaaa: well, I don't help people get around patent issues
17:35.33justinuthere's no point for private address space ipv6
17:35.53burizaaadlynes_home: okay sorry :)
17:36.03*** join/#asterisk feld_ (n=feld@
17:36.05dlynes_homeflorz: yeah, and then if someone else on the internet has the same ipv6 address as you, your network isn't going to know where to route that ip address
17:36.34florzdlynes_home: I mean yours as in yours, not as in someone else's =:-)
17:37.09salviadudwell, i know an IRC server that uses ipv6, and you can get connected via port 8080
17:37.11dlynes_homejustinu: i remembered about the cd this time, but i think i might have left it in the van, instead of taking it home in the car :p
17:37.17salviadudit's an efnet server
17:37.37salviadudpretty useful if you're at work and you can't get irc
17:37.46salviaduddoesn't apply to me though
17:37.59justinuwith IPv6, you get assigned a network prefix, then your computers basically auto append their MAC to that prefix
17:38.13justinuand your "subnet" is 64bit address space
17:38.21florzdlynes_home: I mean, amongst those 18446744073709551616 there will be some to spare for that purpose, no?! :-)
17:38.27justinuso the idea that other people will have the same adress as you is kinda silly
17:39.32dlynes_homejustinu: well, i'm sure mac addresses get reused, too :)
17:39.34burizaaadlynes_home: how do i get the legal codec?
17:39.49justinuMACs only have to be linklevel unique
17:39.52justinuso it's not a problem.
17:40.05dlynes_homeburizaaa: pay the patent owner $100K for the right to use their codec, and then an additional $50 or something per channel
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17:40.24dlynes_homeburizaaa: or wait for digium to come out with a codec for it
17:40.29dlynes_homeburizaaa: or sangoma
17:40.32dlynes_homeburizaaa: or whoever
17:41.04burizaaaomg !
17:41.19burizaaa100k.... cool !
17:41.20florzerm, and BTW, I didn't even ask for a /48 and still got one, so in case 18446744073709551616 are not enough, that really should do ;-)
17:41.26dlynes_homeyeah...exactly why I don't use g723
17:41.51dlynes_homeThe patent on g723 from what i understand will be expiring soon, anyways
17:42.05dlynes_homeSo when the patent expires, I'm sure a free implementation will emerge
17:42.42dlynes_homeafaik though, g729 has a while before it expires
17:42.47justinug729 sounds just as good, and is cheaper
17:43.13dlynes_homejustinu: yeah, but unfortunately a lot of the carriers are using g.723
17:43.50justinui've only run across g729 and g711
17:44.03dlynes_homei've only run across g729 and g723
17:44.22justinuthey don't offer 711? that sucks
17:44.34dlynes_homeabout 80% of my wholesalers carriers within north america do g723
17:44.34chandihey guys, I need help from someone with a good imagination ;) I want to use Dial dialplan's command to call a number. I want it to hang up if the callee has NOT sent a DTMF within 15secondes. How can I do that ? I might be willing to hack the code if it's impossible
17:44.39dlynes_homethe remainder do g729
17:44.49florzBTW, TelDaFax in .de seems to be nice: They seem to support any codecs * knows of and the prices are quite affordable, especially for low volume ...
17:44.49dlynes_homemost of the overseas traffic is g729
17:45.29dlynes_homeflorz: the transatlantic lag would kill us :)
17:46.42dlynes_homeI need to find a wholesale carrier that'll do iax in north america, though
17:46.50dlynes_homePreferably Canadian
17:46.53florzdlynes_home: Well, I don't know whether they're affordable for international calls, but rates to landline within .de are pretty good - and in that case you couldn't avoid the lag anyway =:-)
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17:47.01dlynes_homejustinu: to cut down on our bandwidth costs
17:47.13dlynes_homejustinu: sip's bandwidth consumption is killing us
17:47.31justinusip, or rtp?
17:47.49dlynes_homeobviously the rtp portion :)
17:49.21dlynes_homeI just want to use iax trunking to cut down on the channel overhead
17:49.42justinudoes that even work right?
17:49.53dlynes_homejustinu: what do you mean?
17:50.02justinui remember a lot of people having trouble with trunking
17:50.08dlynes_homejustinu: hasn't it been being used for a couple of years now?
17:50.23dlynes_homejustinu: i've never had a problem with it, doing trunking between my pbxes and my main softswitch
17:50.52jsaundersAnyone run accross this?  "frame.c:179 __ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end"
17:51.01dlynes_homethe only issue i've ever had with it, is that it doesn't seem to work with asterisk boxes that are on a dynamic ip address
17:51.12dlynes_homejsaunders: yeah...all the time
17:51.17dlynes_homejsaunders: just ignore it
17:51.53dlynes_homejsaunders: for whatever reason, they didn't do a if( option_verbose>5 ) { printf( "frame.c:179 __ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end" ) ; } on it
17:52.02burizaaaany idea which softphone using g723 ?
17:52.10dlynes_homeburizaaa: probably none
17:52.14justinueyebeam might
17:52.18burizaaaWAW !
17:52.30burizaaajustinu: free one
17:52.34justinuno free one
17:52.35jsaundersdylnes_home: Audio quality is horrible though, I believe it's dropping packets.
17:52.41jsaunders* 1.2.8
17:53.14justinuhow could someone pay 100k + $50 per seat and then give the software away?
17:53.19jsaundersIt's not including annexb=no in SDP which I believe was the fix as per RFC.  Once again, not sure.   Just goin' off what I'm reading thus far.
17:53.58burizaaagoes crazy :D
17:54.26jsaundersFound this article.
17:54.48jsaundersApparenlty it was dealt w/ in 2005 but it's creating a problem for me w/ a certain provider.
17:54.59justinujsaunders: you said you're not getting annexb=no in your SDP?
17:55.01justinuthat's a problem
17:55.18jsaundersk, thanks, I'll do some more sniffing in that direction justinu.  :)
17:55.38justinuotherwise your provider probably thinks they can send you annexb 729, which has VAD enabled.
17:55.45justinuwhich we all know asterisk can't handle
17:55.52jsaundersAs do I, now.
17:56.45*** join/#asterisk opc0de (
17:57.03opc0dehey can anyone tell me if it's possible to do a three way call through an asterisk system from a remote line?
17:57.22justinu"remote line"?
17:57.30justinube specific here, we can take it
17:57.51opc0deI'mm at home with a POTS phone line, want to make a conference call through my asterisk box at work
17:57.54dlynes_homejustinu: no we can't...we'll just run away screaming mad
17:57.59justinuwuss :P
17:58.03opc0dewe've got 4 POTS lines going into the asterisk box
17:58.18justinuopc0de: you want to take a look at app_meetme
17:58.36opc0deI thought meetme required people dialing into the system
17:58.43opc0deI want to be able to initiate both outgoing calls
17:58.58justinuah. not sure if zap channels offer 3 way calling features
17:59.36opc0deyeah I can do it easily enough from a SIP phone through the asterisk box, but never done it through a POTS phone remotely
17:59.37dlynes_homejsaunders: creates a problem for me with certain sip devices
18:00.04justinuyou'd need some way to trigger the 3 way calling, and flash hook ain't gonna work thru PSTN
18:00.36justinuhowever, i'm sure you can come up with some thing creative to make it work
18:00.49jsaundersdlynes_home:  There's a hack @ that apparently removes the dropping of packets, may prove fruitful.  Want to do some more debugging 1st.
18:01.18justinucertain g729 implementations maybe ignoring the annexb=no
18:01.26justinuin that case, i think you're hosed.
18:02.09justinui don't understand why digium doesn't put time in implementing things like VAD
18:02.50dlynes_homeWell, they're not making any money from asterisk directly
18:02.56jsaundersIn which case you respond w/ an invoice for them.  :D
18:03.07dlynes_homeThey're the same as every other consultant...they make money by supporting asterisk
18:03.15jsaundersProlly wouldn't go over too well.  Heh.
18:03.20dlynes_homeBut they also make money from the g729 licensing and from selling their cards
18:03.40justinuyeah... they sell a half ass implementation of g729
18:03.52dlynes_homebetter than none
18:03.54justinui mean don't get me wrong
18:03.55justinuit works
18:03.57justinuand I use it
18:04.13dlynes_homeyeah, i know what you mean
18:04.23dlynes_homeit doesn't fully implement g729, and it's less than optimal
18:04.25justinui'm just an impatient and whiny mofo
18:04.30russellbwhat is half-ass about it?
18:04.35justinulack of VAD support?
18:04.52russellbthat's something that isn't supported in asterisk
18:05.13russellbthat is absolutely not specific to the g729 module
18:05.21justinui don't see how that changes anything
18:05.48russellbwhy would the g729 module support g729b, when asterisk can't do anything with it
18:06.05justinuso the real question is why doesn't asterisk support it?
18:06.30dlynes_homebecause justinu hasn't implemented that functionality yet
18:06.34russellbbecause it's a non-trivial thing to do, and we have a million non-trivial things on our list to do
18:06.51dlynes_homerussellb: and what i said :)
18:06.58russellbyes, that too
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18:08.37justinunow /that's/ customer service
18:08.56dlynes_homerussellb: btw...for that app_voicemail2.c do I just submit the entire thing after I'm done, or should I submit it in stages?
18:09.22dlynes_homerussellb: the entire thing after I'm done, I'm guessing right?
18:10.03*** join/#asterisk JakBeatZ (
18:10.48JakBeatZAny current user experiences with asterisk + FreeBSD?  Need to build a simple system with MoH, Meetme and a TDM400P with an FXO.
18:11.58salviadudfreebsd is da' devil!
18:12.08Nuggetif you need meetme I strongly encourge you to stick with linux for asterisk.
18:12.10blitzrageI don't think Zaptel works in FreeBSD
18:12.17justinupeople make it work
18:12.20Nuggetzaptel works in freebsd, but just barely.
18:12.23blitzrageI guess...
18:12.33salviadudbetter off using slackware
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18:12.36blitzrageseems like a "make work" project
18:12.37dlynes_homeblitzrage: it does, but it's only considered mostly stable for the wct4xxp driver
18:12.39salviadudif you like bsd that much
18:12.40blitzragejust use Linux and be done with it
18:13.04blitzrageno point in overcomplicating matters
18:13.15NuggetYeah, it sucks but it really is the best way to go.
18:13.23justinublitzrage: you can't insult people's religion like that man
18:13.25dlynes_homewell, i think freebsd sucks
18:13.30dlynes_homebut that's my personal opinion
18:13.58Nuggetif you don't need zaptel, then asterisk will happily run on just about any unix you can think of
18:14.03dlynes_homethat crap about freebsd being more secure I think is just freebsd religion
18:14.12[Airwolf]dlynes_home, I'm using the system command to execute a script.
18:14.22dlynes_home[Airwolf]: now that truly is not secure :)
18:14.25[Airwolf]But the problem is, Asterisk says it is executing the system command.
18:14.27Nuggetdlynes_home: freebsd has much better tools for securing the system against local attacks.
18:14.35Nuggetfor remote attacks I agree, the differences are minimal
18:14.36[Airwolf]But it doesn't execute the scru[t
18:14.46[Airwolf]And I don't know why
18:14.47justinui think there's a key difference... linux is a kernel
18:14.48blitzragejustinu: I insult religion all the time :)
18:14.50justinufreebsd is an OS
18:14.56dlynes_homeNugget: and why are you letting someone try to access your system locally that's not authorized?
18:15.01JakBeatZWhat are people's opinions of the different linux OS'?  Gentoo vs. Slackware?
18:15.08dlynes_homeNugget: a padlock on the cage works just as well
18:15.09JakBeatZ(for asterisk, that is)
18:15.18dlynes_homeJakBeatZ: slackware ownz all
18:15.19justinuJakBeatZ: people say use what you like
18:15.19JakBeatZdon't want to start a shitstorm :)
18:15.23Nuggetdlynes_home: well, it could be that I sell shell service account, or it could be that I don't trust phpbb or other shitty code I run to keep people out.
18:15.28Nuggetthere are plenty of reasons
18:15.36blitzrageI use CentOS happily
18:15.37dlynes_homeNugget: i don't use php anywhere
18:15.43blitzragephp r0x
18:15.45Nuggetgood for you.  tens of millions of people do.
18:15.53Nuggetthe point is still valid even if you don't use php
18:15.58Nuggetthat's just a single example
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18:16.06dlynes_homeNugget: yeah, but you can throw them all into UML
18:16.29Nuggetyes, that's an approach that does add another layer of security
18:16.45dlynes_homeNugget: or you could chroot them into their home directories
18:16.47JakBeatZwell, I was using gentoo, but I really don't like it's system utilities..  compared to FreeBSD that is.. what's why I wanted to stick with FreeBSD, but if Linux is the cats ass for Asterisk, then I'll have to find a suitable distribution.
18:16.48Nuggetbut, the point still stands.  freebsd provides better tools for protecting against local exploits.
18:17.05JakBeatZ*system management utilities, that is
18:17.06dlynes_homeNugget: yeah, but if that's the case you can just port those tools to linux, too
18:17.23Nuggetgood luck with that.  if anyone ever does then the situation will be different
18:17.44NuggetI think it would be more of a challenge than you let on/think, though
18:17.55salviadudlocal exploits? come one, not everybody is an BOFH...
18:17.56dlynes_homeI mainly just don't like freebsd ports tree, or the lack of all the commands i'm used to being able to use in linux
18:18.10Nuggetwhat commands don't exist in freebsd?
18:18.22asterboylfs rulez!
18:18.29dlynes_homeNugget: lemme see....lspci -v, cat /proc/..., ...
18:18.36jbotmethinks asterboy is a weed smoker
18:18.40justinuwhat's up dude?
18:18.43Nugget"proc" really isn't a "command"
18:18.53dlynes_homeno, it's a filesystem
18:18.59Nuggetand yeah, if you're used to the bastardized linux proc I can see how you'd miss it in other unixes.
18:18.59Dr-Linux :P
18:19.00JakBeatZdlynes_home:  That's interesting.. I think exactly the opposite..  I can't find a linux equivilent to pkg_version to tell me new versions of packages compared to what's already installed..  I can't find that for gentoo.. does one exist for slackware?
18:19.15dlynes_homebut it still gives me a lot of info that's easier to find than cat /proc/...
18:19.28dlynes_homeerm sysctl or whatever the equivalent freebsd command is
18:19.29JakBeatZAlso, I really love periodic(8) but it doesn't seem to exist (or an equivalent) in Linux
18:19.31justinuJakBeatZ: centos has yum, debian based distros have apt-get
18:19.49Nuggetand lspci is linux specific, but it's not like there isn't a totally equivalent command in freebsd.
18:20.00salviadudJakBeatZ, slackware has pkgtool
18:20.07JakBeatZThere is an lspci in freebsd
18:20.10dlynes_homesalviadud: it's not the same thing
18:20.10JakBeatZit's in ports
18:20.21dlynes_homeJakBeatZ: ls /var/log/packages in asterisk
18:20.28dlynes_homeerm slackware i mean
18:20.30salviadudi compile everything from source dammit, why would you want binaries?
18:20.55dlynes_homesalviadud: i only compile from source once, and deploy binary packages everywhere else
18:20.57NuggetI think proc is a hideous, ugly, maldesigned mess.  but now we're just talking preferences, not anything actually subjective or compelling.
18:21.13bruno_asteriskhi all! how can i Know if TE405P is dead? lspci is not finding it
18:21.15salviaduddlynes_home, are you using gentoo?
18:21.15dlynes_homeNugget: you can also use devfs
18:21.17JakBeatZdlynes_home:  that will just give a list of installed packages, right?   That's not what I'm looking for
18:21.21dlynes_homesalviadud: slackware
18:21.30dlynes_homeJakBeatZ: correct
18:21.33salviadudi'm using slackware too
18:21.35[Airwolf]I hate this
18:21.36JakBeatZsalviadud:  I compile everything from source too.. I don't use binaries.
18:21.43justinuhey nugget, i bought a macbook
18:21.48justinufor wife
18:21.48Nuggetfreebsd has a dynamic dev too.  that's nothing unique
18:21.49salviadudhow the hell do you compile from source on installation?
18:21.52[Airwolf]justinu, me too
18:21.53dlynes_homeJakBeatZ: you're wanting to see if there's newer versions on the net of what you've got currently installed?
18:21.58[Airwolf]I'm working on it right now
18:22.04JakBeatZdlynes_home:  Right, I need something that's going to compare installed packages to current versions and tell me what needs to be upgraded.  FBSD has that built-in
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18:22.14justinu[Airwolf]: i took mine apart and redid the thermal grease on the heatpipe
18:22.17dlynes_homeJakBeatZ: i.e. something like portsnap ; ports manager or whatever the command is in freebsd?
18:22.31JakBeatZpkg_version is what I use in FBSD, yes.
18:22.31[Airwolf]justinu, do you have the pro or the normal one ?
18:22.42justinuwhite macbook 2.0ghz
18:22.44[Airwolf]Because I don't have any heat problems what so ever
18:22.53dlynes_homeJakBeatZ: yeah...for something like taht in linux, you'd have to write a shell script i believe
18:22.57justinumine still runs kinda hot when the CPUs are busy
18:23.02salviaduddlynes_home, is it possible to install slackware like a source distro?
18:23.04justinubut it's much cooler at idle now
18:23.11JakBeatZDarn :(
18:23.12Nuggetyay macbooks.
18:23.19dlynes_homesalviadud: i don't follow you?
18:23.20JakBeatZYa, that's why I was looking for FreeBSD stability :(
18:23.24NuggetI've got a trip next week and it's really tempting to pick one up beforehand.
18:23.24justinuthe fans don't kick in until the CPU gets above 70C or something
18:23.31justinuwhich seems ludicris
18:23.42[Airwolf]justinu, why ?
18:23.42dlynes_homeludicris is that rap star
18:23.43JakBeatZFor me, the freebsd system management utils are a little better than linux..
18:23.43salviadudyeah, slackware has a bunch of packages at the beginning of the install
18:23.48dlynes_homei think you mean ludicrous :)
18:23.53[Airwolf]These core duo's can take 120c
18:23.56salviadudcould you use the source cds to package everything yourself
18:24.01salviadudfrom source?
18:24.03justinuyeah, but my legs can't take 120C :)
18:24.07dlynes_homesalviadud: yes
18:24.12[Airwolf]justinu, hehe
18:24.16dlynes_homesalviadud: you mean to make your own binary distributions, right?
18:24.22salviaduddlynes_home, exactly
18:24.22justinunugget: over all, an impressive machine.
18:24.30dlynes_homesalviadud: yeah...entirely possible
18:24.32JakBeatZWell, I have some time so I think I'm going to mess around with FreeBSD + Asterisk and see how it works
18:24.33justinui really like the display too
18:24.38salviaduddlynes_home, i've never tried it, i don't know if its worth it though...
18:24.39justinunice res, nice size, nice color
18:24.47bruno_asteriskAnyone has just installed a TE405P? I'm with a big problem or my motherboard does not work with the Digium card or My digium card is broken. LSPCI not show up the TE405P
18:24.50dlynes_homesalviadud: i've made my own slackware distribution
18:25.06salviaduddlynes_home, what makes me curios is the fact that my boss installed gentoo, and it was fast
18:25.10dlynes_homesalviadud: had to, so that the admin over in our China office could install everything easily
18:25.11justinui'm not a fan of hugebooks
18:25.23justinumy laptop is a thinkpad x60s, and the macbook feels huge!
18:25.27JakBeatZI need the screen realestate and the FW800 port
18:25.28dlynes_homesalviadud: the admin in China was a Windows admin
18:25.33JakBeatZI love my 17" powerbook
18:26.04dlynes_homesalviadud: so I had to create a Slackware distro that would install Oracle 9i, KDE, Java, Tomcat, JBoss, and a bunch of other crap
18:26.17NuggetI've got a 15" powerbook that really ought to have been replaced a year ago.
18:26.19justinui'm used to 1024x768, so the 1280x800 on the macbook seems like opulence
18:26.42salviaduddlynes_home, what are the necesary packages so i can build everything from scratch?
18:26.51NuggetI'm used to 2560x1600, so any laptop feels like I'm wearing shoes that are a size too small.
18:27.02salviaduddlynes_home, i've read its GCC and some other compiling packages, i don't remember
18:27.10dlynes_homesalviadud: i think slackware only includes the source code for the build tools
18:27.21dlynes_homesalviadud: erm for the packaging tools i mean
18:27.26justinunugget: i know what you mean... i run dual 1600x1250 screens on the desktop
18:27.45JakBeatZI came from Dell Inspiron lane where I had 1600x1200 resolution so I was always looking for screen realestate so to go down to 1400 on the powerbook was a sacrifice for me, but the payoffs of using OS X far outweighed the screen realestate.
18:27.49dlynes_homesalviadud: if you want the source code for all the packages, you'll have to download the source code, and use the packaging scripts
18:27.54justinubut yeah... OSX is running really nicely on the core duo
18:28.17justinui run windows inside parallels for a few things, and windows runs fast
18:28.21dlynes_homesalviadud: anyways..gotta run...gotta get a couple pbxes set up and a backup completed
18:28.31Nuggetjust shut up about the macbook, justinu.  You're going to make me go to Fry's and buy one.
18:28.36salviaduddlynes_home, sure thing, thanx for the info
18:28.36justinuthe curse of the drinking man!
18:28.44NuggetI'm dreading taking this TiBook to London
18:28.51justinunugget: i'm responsible for a lot of people spending a lot of money :P
18:28.59justinuyou should get one
18:29.09justinui just sold my 15" Ti 667
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18:30.18justinuoh, the superdrive seems to be picky about ejecting certain discs
18:30.21justinudunno what that's about
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18:34.29bruno_asteriskHas anyone done Oracle Database Integration with  asterisk?
18:34.55jeffpcfor whatever reason, I'm getting "No authority found" with my psql/realtime setup
18:35.07bruno_asteriskor tryed
18:35.22chandihey guys, I need help from someone with a good imagination ;) I want to use "Dial" command to call a number. I want it to hang up if the callee has NOT sent a DTMF within 15secondes. How can I do that ? I might be willing to hack the code if it's impossible
18:36.27salviadudblank background
18:36.32salviadudwith 15 second timeout
18:36.42chandisalviadud yup ;)
18:37.15chandiI just want to detect if it's me that answers or if it's my cell phone provider's voice message that says I'm unavailable
18:37.28justinuit's possible, but you will need to modify the code
18:37.30chandito transfer it to *'s voicemail
18:38.02justinuthere's an app included in openpbx called app_icd
18:38.06justinuintelligent call distributer
18:38.12justinumaybe more suited to what you want to do
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18:38.23chandijustinu I'm actually reading app_dial.c and I wanted to insert a timeout from the t option that transfers a call if * is pressed
18:38.37justinugood luck
18:38.41chandihahaha thanks
18:38.45justinuapp_dial is a nightmare
18:39.18chandijustinu but the code that "receives" and deals with the * dtmf is not in app_dial. I'm trying to find it. But I don't want to end up working in 10 different source files
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18:39.34justinuyeah, all the dsp stuff is in dsp.c
18:39.45justinubut there's a pseudo api that app_dial uses to talk to it
18:39.51justinuso just try and work thru that API
18:40.09archvileis there anyway to specifiy the timeout range for the trunk? for some reason i keep getting timeouts
18:40.20chandijustinu ok... but I'm trying to find where that dsp.c would tell app_dial that it has received that DTMF
18:40.32justinuchandi: that happens thru control frames, iirc
18:41.06chandijustinu ok. Is app_dial running for all the duration of the call or is it only initiating it ?
18:41.26justinuit runs for the duration in most situations
18:42.17chandijustinu okk.. and what do these control frames look like in the code ?
18:42.57justinuafaik, what happens is this: app_dial realizes that you want to attach a DSP DTMF decoder to the channel (assuming inband DTMF), so it calls a function that patches the dsp code into the incoming RTP stream
18:43.33justinuit's actually technology agnostic, so there's some internal representation of audio
18:43.33chandijustinu ok..mine is inband
18:44.08chandijustinu I don't actutally want to work with that representation, only the signals that are sent to app_dial
18:44.13justinuwhenver that DSP code detects a digit, it sends DTMF control frames to the file descriptor the channel driver is reading from
18:44.57justinucase AST_CONTROL_DTMF:
18:45.02justinutry looking for that
18:45.11justinuerr AST_FRAME_DTMF
18:45.23chandijustin ok.. 1 sec
18:45.37justinuyou might ask about this kinda stuff on the #asterisk-dev channel
18:45.53justinumaybe you'll have better luck getting an explanation that I did
18:46.23jeffpcany why I would get "No authority found" with my psql/realtime
18:46.37jeffpcit happens when I want to place a call
18:46.47jeffpcas far as I can tell, registration works well
18:46.50chandijustinu well.. you've been really helpfull! thanks! I'm going to read the code now
18:47.11justinuno prob, good luck
18:48.39chandijustinu the AST_FRAME_DTMF seems to be the dtmf coming from the caller not from the callee. Have you got any idea ?
18:48.56archviledoes anyone where to specifiy the timeout range for the trunk?
18:49.01justinuit just depends on which channel you're reading from.
18:49.05justinuthe inbound caller, or outbound caller channel
18:49.11burizaahow do i detect which codec in use ?
18:49.38chandijustinu in app_dial it seems to be used only for the caller's channel.. I'll keep on reading ;)
18:49.38justinuchandi: i've spent a fair bit of time trying to figure out what's going on in app_dial, but it's still not very clear to me
18:50.35chandijustinu ahaha ;)
18:50.55justinuone of the problem is bad variable names
18:51.32justinualot of this stuff needs a refactoring that no one has the time, skill, or motivation to do i guess
18:52.59justinuchandi: search for the line "f = ast_read(winner);"
18:53.28justinui believe that is where app_dial is reading from the outbound call, forwarding control indications and voice frames to the inbound call
18:53.39chandijustinu ohh thanks
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19:04.19jeffpcwhat's "restricting registation for peer 'jeff' to 60 seconds (requested 300)" ?
19:04.36justinudo you have maxexpiry=60 set in sip.conf?
19:04.42Tiliis it possible in SIP to re-route RTP after some specific time to another gateway. even though first time RTP stream is opened to first gateway
19:04.54chandijustinu the only place I see something about the flags is line 1556 of svn 1.2 :  if (ast_test_flag(peerflags, OPT_CALLEE_TRANSFER))
19:05.00*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (
19:05.01chandithat's it
19:05.01jeffpcjustinu: I don't use sip
19:05.04justinutili: yes, that's called a reinvite. but you can't make it happen after a specific time.
19:05.12jeffpcjustinu: only iax
19:05.19justinujeffpc: then check for the same thing in iax.conf
19:05.24chandijustinu that's weird.
19:05.27Tilijutinu: so if RTP is opened it is opened. later cant change path
19:05.42justinuchandi: the problem with those AST_FEATURE things is that they only apply after the call is bridged
19:05.49chandijustinu it only detects '*' from the caller in app_dial. I don't get it
19:06.01justinutili: it can... like if you transfer the call, etc.
19:06.09chandijustinu so it's not app_dial that deals with it anymore, is that what you're saying ?
19:06.16justinuafter the call is bridged no
19:06.18Tilijutinu: yeah but still be in control of call to monitor it
19:06.22justinuthat happens is res_features.c, i believe.
19:06.29justinutili: then you can't do reinvites
19:06.34chandijustinu okkk
19:06.43jeffpcjustinu: ah, that did it
19:06.45justinuchandi: however, as I understand it, you want to do this before the call is bridged, no?
19:06.51Tiliyeah so even if i transfer call media will go through Gateway
19:06.59justinutili: if you're recording, yeah.
19:07.02Tilithe one where it first came
19:07.09Tilino we dont want to record
19:07.21Tilijust need to monitor call hangup
19:07.26justinuoh, that's different.
19:07.29Tilihere is situatioon
19:07.34justinuin SIP, signalling and media plane are two different things.
19:07.46justinuso media can not pass thru asterisk, yet you can still monitor for hangup.
19:07.58Tilijutinu: I know that
19:08.00Tililisten to this
19:08.21*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
19:08.31chandijustinu nope, after it is. I want it to happen within the first 15 seconds after the call is bridged
19:09.08justinuok... then start checking into res_features, i believe.
19:09.27chandijustinu thanks!
19:09.47TripleFFFFan y regex expert ?i need a way to match any in 555-1212 up yo 1-(555)-555-1212
19:09.52TiliCall comes in to gateway A adn RTP is opened to play prompt. after prompt I want RTP to go to Gateway B.
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19:10.15justinutili then set reinvite=yes for the peer entries
19:10.24justinuer canreinvite=yes
19:10.51Tilijutinu: but then will it be able change RTP path dynamically from what it was initially and what it is later
19:11.32justinuyeah, after * plays the prompt, it'll reinvite itself out of the RTP path.
19:11.52justinuas far as reinviting itself INTO the media path, i've never experimented with that.
19:12.03justinus/INTO/back INTO/
19:12.13Tiliback into may not be possible
19:12.28Tilibut in such case it will receive the SIP headers
19:13.32Tilinow the point is how I tell asterisk to send re-invite after it has accepted the call
19:14.27justinuhappens automatically
19:15.13jeffpcbleh, I removed all the realtime/psql bits, and it still gives me "no authority found" when I try to dial locally
19:16.01justinutrying to dial an IAX peer?
19:16.29jeffpcjust iaxcomm -> asterisk extension with a simple playback
19:16.53justinuok, your entry in iax.conf for iaxcomm probably doesn't have the right context set.
19:17.48*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
19:18.11Blackvelhi all
19:18.37Tilijutinu: I want to play a prompt from Gateway A and then after prompt want SIP client to start sending RTP to B instead of A anymore
19:19.13justinuthen call B w/ app_dial after playing the prompt
19:19.33jeffpccontext looks fine..
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19:20.10justinujeffpc: i'm not very good with iax... maybe someone else here knows more about the basics of getting it running
19:20.38jeffpcI'll try to poke around the iax config file
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19:20.49*** join/#asterisk sfbosch (
19:21.13justinui remember seeing that same problem (no authority found), and it had something to do with sending the call into an invalid context, or context that iax user didn't have access too
19:21.22justinubut it's been a while, and my memory sucks
19:21.24sfboschI am getting TDM PCI Master Abort messages and my system locks up hard
19:21.39jeffpcjustinu: ok, thanks
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19:22.16justinusfbosch: check for IRQ conflicts, try a different slot, etc.
19:22.32sfboschjustinu: have you seen this before? Do those measures help?
19:22.48justinunever that specific problem
19:22.58justinubut yeah, IRQ conflicts with digium wildcards is common issue
19:23.22sfboschokay, I will try moving the card; I have already tried manually assigning an IRQ
19:23.30justinucat /proc/interrupts
19:23.47justinumake sure the kernel module for your TDM card isn't sharing an IRQ with something else.
19:24.48justinuIME, running the SMP kernel (even on a single CPU machine) can help with IRQ conflicts
19:25.03justinusince it activates the APIC support in linux, i guess
19:25.32Blackvelis anyone running bristuff RC8r?
19:26.08Blackvellooks like there are some configuration changes.
19:26.15Tilijutinu: then all stream goes via A and then B
19:26.37BlackvelI get the error when starting asterisk: WARNING[10222]: chan_zap.c:955 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
19:27.24jeffpcsanity check...context=default in iax.conf will make all the calls made by that user start in [default] in extensions.conf, correct?
19:27.47justinuyeah, at least thats how it works in the SIP world
19:28.35jeffpcit's the same for both, IIRC
19:29.46Tilijutinu: yeah that is what I dont want.
19:30.23justinui dunno then
19:30.25Tiliok is there anyway to to play sound while ringing. I know in territorial networks some telcos do that. they play message like THE NUMBER IS BUSY when the numebr is busy instead of tudu tudu tudu ring
19:30.45justinuyes, that is called SIP Early Media
19:30.48Tiliin such case they dont actually pickup the call
19:31.07justinumedia that is played before the 200 OK
19:31.14Tilijustinu: yes exactly. how do we control that in asterisk.
19:31.14justinutriggered by a 183 Session Progress
19:31.22Tiliyeah during 183 session in progress or 100 Trying
19:31.31Tiliok we are now coming on smae level
19:31.52justinutry using Playback(prompt|noanswer)
19:31.54TiliNow I wonder if SIP client can send DTMF during this also
19:32.00justinuas the first command in your dialplan entry
19:32.26justinuhowever, it will /not/ work if your provider isn't sending RTP to you during early media phase
19:32.34justinuasterisk cannot generate one way RTP without patching.
19:33.02Blackveloh, I fixed my problem with bristuff 8r
19:33.14BlackvelI forgot to call ztcfg before starting asterisk :)
19:33.43Tilijutinu: yeah. but that I can fix may be in *
19:33.50Tilior is there patch available for that?
19:33.58justinuthere is a patch.
19:33.59Blackvelreally NEVER do computer stuff after fitness training :)
19:34.09justinusearch for "Async RTP" on the site
19:34.14justinui use the patch sucessfully
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19:36.33Tilijustinu: thanks a lot man.
19:36.36justinuno prob
19:39.16Blackvelhow lives in san diego or LA?
19:39.26justinui'm in LA
19:39.42justinuit sucks, 100F outside now
19:41.16*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
19:41.40Qwelljustinu: feels like shit outside
19:42.38*** join/#asterisk ambriento (
19:43.44jeffpcjustinu: it was peer vs. friend :)
19:44.04justinujeffpc: ahh... nice and intuitive, isn't it :)
19:44.24justinusounds good
19:44.26jeffpcjustinu: I thought I used to use peer for everything..
19:44.34jeffpcQwell: :)
19:44.49justinui just started using friend for everything
19:45.05blitzrageI never use friend -- I just use peer
19:46.20MikeJ[Laptop]blitzrage, I thought I was your friend?
19:46.38blitzrageMikeJ[Laptop]: pfft
19:46.41sfboschjustinu: okay, I switched to PIC in the BIOS, then forced the TDM-400 PCI slot to IRQ11 and restarted
19:46.46blitzrageMikeJ[Laptop]: if you bring rye -- then yes :)
19:46.47sfboschsame behaviour
19:46.50QwellMikeJ[Laptop]: denied
19:46.57MikeJ[Laptop]so you do use friends...
19:47.04blitzrageIRQ11? isn't that used by like... everything?
19:47.04MikeJ[Laptop]for their rye
19:47.12sfboschWhen I try to load the FreePBX home page, the card locks
19:47.21sfboschIRQ11 is not in use, no
19:47.22Qwellsfbosch: see topic
19:47.33jeffpcQwell: btw, thanks for reminding me to watch some more stargate sg-1 :)
19:47.33blitzragefreePBX? please go to #freepbx
19:47.40blitzragesg-1? ewww
19:47.40Qwelljeffgus: eh?
19:47.46sfboschguys, this has nothing to do with FreePBX
19:47.49sfboschthe card is locking up
19:47.50MikeJ[Laptop]freepbx haters here?
19:47.58jeffpcblitzrage: what?
19:48.04sfboschI get a "TDM PCI Master Abort" message
19:48.06MikeJ[Laptop]sfbosch, what does locking up mean?
19:48.18sfboschI get the above noted message on the console
19:48.32sfboschI cannot break out of it, I lose network connectivity, everything
19:48.34MikeJ[Laptop]when you start asterisk?
19:48.37sfboschI have to hard reset the machine
19:48.45sfboschno, asterisk starts okay
19:48.50blitzragewierd... when hidd shuts down... it segfaults
19:48.55sfboschit happens whenever I try to change configurations
19:48.57blitzrageI don't even know what hidd is :)
19:48.59MikeJ[Laptop]trying to figure out what that has to do with starting a webpage
19:49.03Qwellblitzrage: hid or hidd?
19:49.09sfboschIt varies
19:49.14Qwellnever heard of it
19:49.24sfboschsometimes I get as far as the Setup option in FreePBX, but when I try to apply changes, bang
19:49.29MikeJ[Laptop]sfbosch, what specifically are you doing in asterisk when it does that?
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19:49.39Qwellsfbosch: #freepbd :p
19:49.43Qwellfreepbx too
19:49.56sfboschQwell: thanks for the tip
19:49.59sfboschNow, as I was saying
19:50.14jbotfrom memory, amp is NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
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19:50.27sfboschI am trying to add an inbound route
19:50.29justinuHIDD? sounds like something for usb devices
19:50.35Qwelljustinu: That'd be hid
19:50.41Qwellhuman interface device
19:50.47justinuso it couldn't be the HID daemon?
19:50.49MikeJ[Laptop]sfbosch, does it happen if you just do a reload in asterisk console too?
19:51.00sfboschyes, it has happened at least once there
19:51.08sfboschI can try doing that again
19:51.18sfboschlet me restart the machine (it is locked up again)
19:51.24MikeJ[Laptop]after any config changes?
19:51.34MikeJ[Laptop]or just randomly when you do a reload it does that?
19:52.20MikeJ[Laptop]wassup w/ the freepbx hatred in here?
19:52.30blitzrageits not asterisk :)
19:52.36blitzrageyou have to be hardcore :)
19:52.48MikeJ[Laptop]that's lame.
19:52.53blitzragedown with pants! up with skirts!
19:53.02*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
19:53.09justinuno one wants to support the freepbx generated dialplans
19:53.10Qwelleven Dr-Linux doesn't use freepbx
19:53.13tzafrir_laptopMikeJ[Laptop], my rule is: we answer Asterisk questions here.
19:53.13Qwellright Dr-Linux?
19:53.13justinui think that's the only bias
19:53.25MikeJ[Laptop]how bout zaptel ?
19:53.25Qwelljustinu: dialplans, and configs
19:53.30QwellMikeJ[Laptop]: ^
19:53.38sfboschMikeJ: Okay, the machine has been restarted
19:53.41tzafrir_laptopSo if you have a freebpx system, feel free to ask Asterisk questions but not freepbx questions
19:53.43MikeJ[Laptop]I understand not dealing with configuring freepbx
19:53.51MikeJ[Laptop]I don't know how to either
19:53.58sfboschwe're not talking about FreePBX
19:54.05sfboschWe are talking about a hardware problem
19:54.06MikeJ[Laptop]but the guy is having an issue with zaptel choaking.
19:54.10sfboschyes, exactly
19:54.13Dr-Linuxfreepbx just gives bunch of shit macros , and it's setting takeover you configs
19:54.14sfboschso sod off
19:54.22QwellMikeJ[Laptop]: ever seen the zaptel configs generated by freepbx? :)
19:54.39sfboschThis is a Trixbox install
19:54.45sfboschFreePBX is just one part of it
19:54.46MikeJ[Laptop]the dialplans are not eiven that bad
19:54.49Qwellsfbosch: /msg trixter help
19:54.57tzafrir_laptopQwell, actually they use an old version of my script
19:54.58QwellMikeJ[Laptop]: They are if you have to follow the ratsnest of macros
19:55.17MikeJ[Laptop]to find a zaptel hardware problem...
19:55.21MikeJ[Laptop]I think not.
19:55.36sfboschMikeJ: So, I can log into the box and get an asterisk console.
19:55.40MikeJ[Laptop]so.. sfbosch, what kind of cards ya got?
19:55.50sfboschIt's a TDM-400 -- the dev-kit one
19:56.03sfboschthere's also an intel ethernet card
19:56.05Dr-Linuxwho likes freepbx? :S
19:56.09MikeJ[Laptop]are you able to pass calls at all?
19:56.22sfboschI can't get to the point where I can configure the card
19:56.31tzafrir_laptopin the CLI, what do you get for: 'zap show channels' ?
19:56.33MikeJ[Laptop]what do you see?
19:56.49jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
19:57.02sfboschhang tight
19:57.03MikeJ[Laptop]both questions  :P
19:58.25Dr-Linux~dict anticipation
19:58.26tzafrir_laptopBTW: if they have not fixed it, the version of genzaptelonf that they use has a broken TDM400p detection. I only fixed it recently
19:59.01MikeJ[Laptop]you can just do zaptel.conf manually, can't you?
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19:59.34MikeJ[Laptop]sfbosch, oky.. so the card is there...
19:59.41MikeJ[Laptop]what about your conf files.
19:59.46tzafrir_laptopsfbosch, next: modprobe wctdm
20:00.02tzafrir_laptopafter that, what do you see in /proc/zaptel ?
20:00.02MikeJ[Laptop]stuff all setup in the conf files right?
20:00.17tzafrir_laptop(ignore errors. They may be due to incorrect zaptel.conf)
20:00.30sfboschi added some things
20:00.37sfboschchecking conf files
20:01.13tzafrir_laptopasterisk sees the channels. Good. no need to mess with zaptel.conf etc.
20:01.28tzafrir_laptopAsterisk would have failed to load if those channels were invalid
20:01.57sfboschtzafrir: So, don't bother with /proc/zaptel?
20:02.21MikeJ[Laptop]so when does it die on you?
20:02.34sfboschI can log into trixbox
20:02.42sfboschWhen I click on FreePBX, I get the FreePBX home page
20:02.54sfboschthe moment I click "Setup", it will die
20:03.02MikeJ[Laptop]don't say the bad words around here
20:03.08tzafrir_laptopThat's a freepbxquestion.
20:03.19Qwellask it as an asterisk question, and we might be able to help
20:03.23tzafrir_laptopnot an asterisk q.
20:03.25Qwellremove freepbx from the equation
20:03.43sfboschokay, I will now try to restart asterisk from the CLI
20:03.44MikeJ[Laptop]I am more thinking more about what's up w/ your PCI errors your getting
20:03.48sfboschit locked up at least once doing that
20:04.17sfboschlet me give that a whirl
20:06.18sfboschhow am I going to get this to work so that I can make outbound calls from my Polycom 501 through the PSTN interface on the TDM-400?
20:06.34sfboschI'm prepared to do it from the console
20:06.44MikeJ[Laptop]add it to the dialplan
20:06.54jboti guess docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
20:07.07MikeJ[Laptop]lots o info on basic config on the wiki
20:07.18sfboschI know, I've read lots of it
20:07.20tzafrir_laptop(Actually freepbx makes this more difficult than it should be)
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20:07.23sfboschit's rather overwhelming
20:07.29MikeJ[Laptop]there are -additional files in freepbx that you can put your own stuff in that won't get run over
20:07.30sfboschdon't say that word
20:07.37Dr-Linuxsfbosch: why don't you use simply asterisk new version 1.2.8?
20:07.47sfboschI'll consider it
20:07.53sfboschbut i don't want to spend days messing around
20:08.28tzafrir_laptopsfbosch, I suggest you simply dump trixbox and start with a default installation of Asterisk. That is: if you want to have any chance of actually understanding what's happening
20:08.28MikeJ[Laptop]from #freepbx : <bduncan1975> okay...gotta linux question
20:08.28sfboschI like the Trixbox because I can start it from a livecd and have it up and running fast
20:08.28tzafrir_laptopThe dialplan of Freepbx is a complete mess
20:08.34MikeJ[Laptop]sfbosch, not this time :P
20:08.42sfboschwell, yeah
20:08.53sfboschI'm a gentoo user and gentoo installs take time
20:09.00sfboschbut you're right, I'm wasting a lot of time here
20:09.18Dr-LinuxMikeJ[Laptop]: thre is no #linux channel though :)
20:09.23MikeJ[Laptop]centos seems to get a lot of attention
20:09.33QwellDr-Linux: there is.  It forwards to ##linux
20:09.34MikeJ[Laptop]Dr-Linux, that's funnier then
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20:09.52sfboschMikeJ: yes, but it's a redhat based distro
20:09.53Dr-LinuxQwell: yes it's then ##linux
20:09.59sfboschi prefer source builds
20:10.23MikeJ[Laptop]and I prefer things to just work...
20:10.35MikeJ[Laptop]but we can't always get what we want now can we :P
20:10.35sfboschso do i -- generally, source builds do
20:10.40sfboschbut they take longer
20:10.56MikeJ[Laptop]you can do your own asterisk source build onto a live cd :P
20:11.10sfboschI think I'll try that, then
20:11.28sfboschSo, I guess you guys all detest Trixbox/AMP/FreePBX/Asterisk@Home?
20:11.56Dr-LinuxQwell: yes night i was facing a weird problem with international dialing.
20:12.20MikeJ[Laptop]just linux
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20:13.18chandiHi, i've got questions about Macros
20:13.37chandiI'm writing one that is ran from the dial application
20:13.46chandisomebody knows about macros ? ;)
20:14.12Dr-Linuxchandi: yes , Qwell is master of Macros :)
20:14.17chandigreeat ;)
20:14.39chandihaha but qwell knows about what I'm actually working on
20:14.44chandithis is my small macro :
20:14.51jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
20:15.04Dr-LinuxQwell knows everything except dance ;)
20:15.10QwellDr-Linux: I can dance
20:15.42Dr-LinuxQwell: coool :)
20:16.30Dr-Linuxchandi: what does your nick meaning?
20:16.33Qwellblitzrage: yes, that
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20:16.48chandimy macro :
20:17.10Dr-Linuxsome guys can dance good with girls, but can't do that alone
20:17.22blitzragenumbered priorities? eww :)
20:17.42chandiDr-Linux : I've got 2 answers to give you ;) It actually means "Silver moon" and it's my first name :)
20:18.04blitzragechandi: you don't need to set that globally -- the MACRO_RESULT will be availabel to the channel even outside the macro
20:18.20chandiDr-Linux : it's in Sanskrit, the sacred language of india. I've been conceived in India
20:18.31chandiblitzrage ok, but the thing is that it never goes into timeout
20:18.46blitzrageyou don't have a 't' extension
20:18.48chandiblitzrage : it always end up bridging the 2 channels
20:19.06chandiblitzrage line 13 and 14 ?
20:19.11blitzrageand you have a space after the comma on line 17
20:19.18blitzrageoops -- missed it :)
20:19.35Dr-Linuxchandi: is it something like: >> chandi , sona , mooti , hera ? :P
20:19.36Qwelland no space after exten on lines 2 through 9
20:20.03chandiblitzrage should the 't' extension be in the context or in the macro ?
20:20.14Qwellchandi: in the macro, I'd think
20:20.17chandiOkkk spaces do change things
20:20.42blitzrageyah -- in the macro
20:21.26Dr-Linuxchandi: i'm also Desi , that's why i asked ;)
20:21.42chandiDr-Linux ahhhhhhh. great. Where are you from ?
20:22.13chandiDr-Linux I've actually spent 6 months in India last year. I did take some Hindi classes but I forgot a lot of it since I'm not practicing a lot here ;)
20:22.13Dr-Linuxbut i don't think chandi could be a male name :S
20:22.18Dr-Linuxchandi: Pak
20:22.35justinuDr-Linux: how goes?
20:22.38chandiDr-Linux hahaha It's been the name of a male poet (can poets be male?)
20:22.39Assidthat would be chandni
20:22.44chandiDr-Linux great!
20:22.46chandiohh shit
20:22.51Dr-Linuxjustinu: hey my friend,
20:22.52chandiI've got a girl's name
20:23.04Dr-Linuxjustinu: my fuckin yahoo doesn't work :(
20:23.07justinuDr-Linux: how is your wife?
20:23.38Dr-Linuxchandi: dude, chandi name is for a girl :)
20:23.41*** join/#asterisk Mattwj2006 (
20:23.53chandiIf I come back to my Macro... the lines that you've pointed me aren't the ones I've got trouble with :I
20:24.01Mattwj2006hey guys how good is bluetooth support with linux?
20:24.04chandiDr-Linux grrrrr shiiit...
20:24.07Dr-Linuxjustinu: i was just talking to her on phone, she is nice .. for bad thing is that, we are far away from each other
20:24.15Dr-Linuxjustinu: how about jen?
20:24.18chandiDr-Linux  I've noticed pics of "Chandi Mason" on the web, what a girl
20:24.20Mattwj2006I was thinking of getting bluetooth headset
20:24.21justinujen is happy
20:24.32*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
20:24.49Dr-Linuxjustinu: great , and you? :)
20:24.53blitzragechandi: agreed
20:25.05Dr-Linuxchandi: believe me chandi is a girl name in Pak/Ind
20:25.19justinuDr-Linux: here is a photo:
20:25.19chandiDr-Linux I believe you. I'm just a little ashamed :I
20:25.51Dr-Linuxjustinu: lemme see
20:25.58Dr-Linuxchandi: where're you right now?
20:26.16justinuDr-Linux: click the link
20:26.24chandiDr-Linux Montreal, Canada. U ?
20:26.26Mattwj2006I guess I could always use it in Windows ;)
20:27.49Dr-Linuxjustinu: wowwwwwww very nice, really i'm happy to see you both :)
20:28.01Dr-Linuxchandi: Pakistan
20:28.23Dr-Linuxjustinu: did you guys feel any change in the life? :)
20:28.27justinunot much
20:28.30justinua little bit
20:28.46chandiDr-Linux whereabout in Pakistan are you ?
20:28.53Dr-Linuxjustinu: hhm.. you will ... when  you have a small cute Justin ;)
20:29.03chandiDr-Linux I wanted to go last year but I got sick and had to go back home :(
20:29.05Dr-Linuxchandi: Lahore
20:29.06justinuDr-Linux: unknown at this time :)
20:29.22Dr-Linuxchandi: to pakistan?
20:29.23chandiDr-Linux a few friends of mine loved pakistan a lot
20:29.26chandiDr-Linux yup!!
20:29.36chandiDr-Linux but I got sick in India
20:29.42Dr-Linuxjustinu: hehe .. you won't, but she will be crazy to have one :)
20:30.00Dr-Linuxchandi: pakistan is cool
20:30.12Dr-Linuxchandi: but tribles rocks
20:30.16justinuDr-Linux: she's not so crazy yet... we will see
20:30.29Dr-Linuxjustinu: i'll be waiting for you guys in Pakistan :)
20:30.35justinui hope to visit someday
20:30.44justinui have met many friends in lahore from the internet
20:30.53justinulahore and islamabad
20:31.17Dr-Linuxjustinu: great, you should visit then :)
20:31.29Dr-Linuxlemme save your pic, i'll show it to my fiance
20:32.48Dr-Linuxjustinu: our all US employee is coming to pakistan this month, to clelebrate AGM
20:33.25Dr-LinuxAnual Grand Meeting
20:33.50Dr-Linuxmost of them are coming to pk for the first time
20:34.53chandiDr-Linux I've been to the pakistaneese border not too far from Amritsar(india) to see the closing of the border ceremony. It was amazing fun
20:35.45Dr-Linuxchandi: heh do you know India and pakistn are ..... you know :P
20:35.48chandiso.. does somebody understands why my macro never goes into timeout ?
20:35.50justinuDr-Linux: that's cool...
20:35.53chandiDr-Linux I know I know!!!
20:36.48chandiDr-Linux I've read as most as I could about the creation of Pakistan
20:36.56chandiDr-Linux and about kashmir
20:36.56Dr-Linuxchandi: i live in Lhr , but i'm from Kohat
20:37.26*** join/#asterisk chino (
20:37.40Dr-Linuxchandi: yes, Kashmir is the main issue between pakistan and india
20:38.25chandiDr-Linux what's the situation like now ? is there a ceasefire ?
20:38.43chinoi have  a linksys pap2t-na  phone adapter but i cant figure out what ip address it has to configure it via its web app
20:39.50*** join/#asterisk timscott (
20:39.53Dr-Linuxchandi: the situation is as always, but govt: do not let it open now.
20:40.09*** join/#asterisk gcarrillog (n=gcarrill@
20:40.13chandiDr-Linux ok..
20:40.20timscottHello there. :)
20:40.23gcarrillogalguien habla español?
20:40.42Dr-Linuxgcarrillog: wtf did you just said? :S
20:40.44timscottNo, sorry. :S
20:41.30chandigcarrillog I speak french if you do
20:41.50gcarrillogthanks but i dont speak french
20:41.59chandigcarrillog let's try mandarin then
20:42.10*** join/#asterisk stf4449 (
20:42.14Dr-Linuxi prefer Punjabi and urdu , Pashtu will be much better ;)
20:42.29gcarrillogim trying configure asterisk
20:42.36gcarrillogi have a X100p on FreeBSD
20:42.40chandigcarrillog we are all trying to do that :I ;)
20:42.48gcarrillogbut xDD
20:42.49chandiit's a work in progress
20:43.20stf4449Anybody knows why what causes this after receiving a SIP INFO request "X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing"
20:43.29gcarrillogi have wekks trying with little advance
20:44.15gcarrillogi need documentacion more soft than asterisk handbook
20:45.03Dr-Linuxgcarrillog: why don't you like a bit hard?
20:45.29gcarrillogi found a ebook of asterisk from o´reylli
20:46.22gcarrillogDr-Linux i dont understand many tecnics clues
20:46.35gcarrillogi need some more basic
20:46.47Dr-Linuxgcarrillog: it takes some time to understand
20:47.38Dr-Linuxgcarrillog: TFOT or something is a best book for asterisk
20:47.45jbot[book] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
20:48.05gcarrillogso i will print that book
20:48.19Dr-Linuxgcarrillog: this is one is nice, ever i found
20:48.28gcarrillogok thanks
20:50.39timscottis there an html or .ods version of that anywhere?
20:51.22timscottof the Asterisk TFOT book, I mean.
20:51.25MikeJ[Laptop]go buy the book
20:51.49MikeJ[Laptop]or print the book.. and paypal the authors :P
20:52.11*** part/#asterisk Mattwj2006 (
20:52.37timscottCan't afford it ATM.
20:53.03gcarrillogMikeJ[Laptop] thats good idea
20:53.06Dr-Linuxtimscott: why you need in html?
20:53.11timscottDon't need, want.
20:53.16gcarrillogbecause the send is too expensive
20:53.21gcarrillogmore than book
20:53.23timscottI prefer to read in HTML format, as opposed to PDF...
20:53.36gcarrillogi dont have pda
20:53.41timscottthen I can open it in my web browser, and have a whole ton of different pages open at the same time, etc.
20:53.46Dr-LinuxPDF is very nice over the HTML text
20:53.49timscottbut whatevs
20:53.59timscottWell, maybe PDF for printing, but I prefer HTML texts for reading online
20:54.07gcarrillogbut you can read html in console
20:54.11timscott"online", ie on my computer screen
20:54.29timscottpdf2html anyone?
20:56.51Dr-Linuxtimscott: download Acrobat Reader
20:57.03timscottI have it.
20:57.07timscottWhat about it?
20:57.59Dr-Linuxtimscott: but you said you dn't have PDF file reader?
20:58.14timscottNo, I didn't say that
20:59.37Dr-Linuxwhat's pokes mean?:S
21:00.05timscottWhat's your first language?
21:00.18stf4449anybody knows something about this -> "X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing"
21:00.59Dr-Linuxtimscott: Pashtu (Tribals Language) 2nd lang... is Urdu (Paki)
21:01.09timscottDr-Linux, poke is like, "pushing someone with the end of my index finger"
21:01.16timscottdoes that make sense?
21:01.23*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
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21:01.31dlynes_officetimscott: oh...i thought you meant in the sexual sense
21:01.53timscottdlynes: working on a saturday? :S
21:02.14dlynes_officeyeah...i work 7 days
21:02.14Dr-Linuxtimscott: my understanding is the same like dlynes_home
21:02.29dlynes_officesetting up two new pbxes, and a backup softswitch
21:02.37dlynes_officeand backing up and restoring another machine
21:02.45timscottI've got a question about symmetric vs. asymmetric RTP streams
21:02.55timscottwhat is the advantage of symmetric RTP streams?
21:03.00timscottwhat is the difference?
21:03.07dlynes_officetimscott: are you trying to be funny?
21:03.14dlynes_officesymmetric == the same
21:03.19dlynes_officeasymmetric == different
21:03.20timscottI know what the *words* mean.
21:03.32timscottI'm asking what is the difference in reference to SIP RTP streams.
21:04.00*** join/#asterisk feld (
21:04.13dlynes_officefeld knows
21:04.22timscottdlynes: do you know?
21:04.23feldof course
21:04.26timscottah, whatever. i'll ask google
21:04.51dlynes_officei'm the opinion that if it works, don't ask why it works..just be happy :)
21:06.14dlynes_officeman, i abhor windows
21:06.19timscottAh, I guess all it means is that it uses the same socket/port for sending and reciveing RTP traffic
21:06.32timscottwhen running symmetric, of course.
21:06.53dlynes_officeand asymmetric uses different ports for sending than it does for receiving
21:07.06dlynes_officeDr-Linux: don't poke me there again, ghey boy
21:07.23znoGjust wondering.. if I have 10 G729 licenses and all are in use, is there a fallback codec?
21:07.34timscottI usually just use gsm as my fallback codec
21:07.52timscottIf you're in a bandwidth bind, and need g729, then you'll probably want to use gsm as your fallback
21:09.16znoGyeah, so basically disallow=all, allow=g729, allow=gsm ?
21:09.29znoGthat's how you specify the fallback?
21:09.35timscotti'd say so, that's just how I did it
21:11.01znoGso basically if I convert all prompts from gsm to g729, and all my ATAs use G729, then in theory I wouldn't need that many licenses
21:11.20timscottI dunno how you're set up
21:11.25timscottthat could make it better, or make it worse
21:11.35znoGexcept when I receive calls from FXO which then get transcoded to G729 and sent to the ATA
21:11.50timscotthow is your system set up?
21:12.06znoGi have an asterisk box at each of the 2 branches
21:12.26znoGand a big asterisk box at the central branch which is connected to a Lucent Definity PBX through a TDM2400 card (many FXS/FXO ports)
21:12.33*** join/#asterisk adker (
21:13.00znoGso when the branches want to call each other, they do it over the Internet (asterisk<->asterisk)
21:13.13timscottIs that where you're using g729?
21:13.20znoGif they want to call an extension that is connected to the Lucent PBX, the central branch Asterisk box calls out through the FXS modules
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21:13.41znoGwell i want to use G729 mostly when the branches want to call out of their systems
21:13.48timscottso for the remote branches to call the Lucent, they have to go through the central one, eh?
21:13.48znoGie. interbranch connections
21:14.11znoGthe central one is more or less a VoIP gateway for in/out calls to/from the lucent
21:14.26timscottwell, you only need to use a g729 license for converting g729 into something else
21:14.31znoGthats right
21:14.46znoGso for the 2 branches (NOT the central one) there is no transcoding done
21:14.51znoGas its all G729
21:15.04znoGbut when they call the central branch, it would be transcoding there
21:15.09timscottso then you're probably better off recording all your prompts/voicemail/etc in g729
21:15.11znoGso probably about 10 channels needed there
21:15.17znoGyeah I'll be doing that
21:15.37znoGi'm currently using GSM but I thought G729 would give me better quality and less bandwidth usage
21:15.54timscottwell, slightly better quality, and slightly less bandwidth use ;)
21:15.55znoGwhen both the outside branches call the central office during peak hours, i think the gain from using g729 over GSM will be noticeable
21:15.57timscottnothing to write home about. :)
21:16.11timscottif someone is calling through the lucent, they'd need codecs to talk to the branch offices
21:16.27timscottis voicemail all run off the central server?
21:16.38znoGas it comes in as analog over FXO and needs to transcode to G729
21:16.51znoGnope, each asterisk box at each branch has the voicemail
21:16.51timscottMOH is on the central server?
21:16.56timscottoh, okay, that's cool then
21:16.57znoGnope, on each server
21:17.13timscotti was gonna say, if it was all centralized, then you'd have to transcode to reach your MOH or voicemail ;)
21:17.17znoGif they had a dedicated pipe between the branches then I would have more stuff centralized
21:17.19timscottwhich would probably be a pain in the ass
21:17.33znoGbut since they don't, I do it this way
21:17.49timscottdo you expect to run out of codecs?
21:17.54feldCan someone give me an idea of difficulty here on a scale from 1-10? Asterisk setup, 1 server, voicemail, extensions for phones with a few that will be dynamic addresses. Real phone numbers needs to be called out, too.
21:18.12timscottBecause if your prompts are recorded in g729, and you're out of licenses, you won't be able to decode them, iirc.
21:18.15znoGi put it together mainly using a complicated dial plan and a AGI script that I coded in Perl.. but I'll always wonder if there are better ways of doing what I'm doing
21:18.40*** join/#asterisk topping (
21:18.50znoGtimscott: yeah, bit of a worry.. not sure if I'm gonna go ahead with this since I'm not sure how much better quality I'll get out of this
21:18.56timscotthee, there probably are, i'm sure someone else could find a better way, but not likely me ;)
21:19.11timscottwell, even having a fallback codec won't really matter if your prompts are g729, since no one will be able to reach them
21:19.23timscottis anyone going to need to hear an IVR calling between branch offices?
21:19.43timscottor alternatively, the central office, are they going to need to hear an IVR on the branch machines?
21:20.01timscottor are they just calling phones like, directly, without going through an IVR at the branches?
21:20.35*** part/#asterisk chino (
21:20.59znoGthey don't usually go through the IVR
21:21.01znoGbut sometimes they do
21:21.03TripleFFFFwhatn the best way to start asterisk on boot ? in a screen
21:21.08znoGkinda hard to determine how many codecs they'll need
21:22.09feldTripleFFFF: it can be backgrounded and u can connect and disconnect to the asterisk console at will
21:22.14timscottwell, you could maybe build an IVR in gsm, and force calls coming from the central server to the branches onto the gsm IVR.
21:22.33timscottthat way, it would save you from having to use g729 until you actually connected with the party on the branches
21:23.35timscottjust an idea.
21:24.09TripleFFFFi mean from freebsd
21:24.11TripleFFFFas in
21:25.28TripleFFFFas in /etc/rc.conf -> screen -d -m asterisk -vgc
21:27.09TripleFFFFmeant /etc/rc.local
21:31.11chandiHi guys, somebody good with macros ?
21:33.02chandiI've got this macro here that never goes into 't' timeout extension
21:35.19*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
21:38.50tzafrir_laptopAsterisk is a daemon. Why run it in screen?
21:39.05tzafrir_laptopfor a remote console, use asterisk -r
21:39.30justinui run my remote consoles in screen
21:39.30tzafrir_laptopto tail logs, use tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full
21:40.18tzafrir_laptopscreen is lousy at scrolling
21:40.47tzafrir_laptopyou can't use the terminal's native scrolling. You must use screen's
21:40.54timscottchandi: sorry, i'm waiting to hear what the answer to your question is, but I can't answer it myself :S
21:41.36justinuoh, yeah... i don't mind screens history tho, i just crank it up to something like 50,000 lines
21:41.44justinuyou can search back in it, cut/paste, etc.
21:41.46justinukinda nice
21:42.27tzafrir_laptopbut you can simply scroll up and down in an xterm
21:42.40justinuyeah, i have to hit ^A-ESC
21:42.42justinuthen page up
21:42.48tzafrir_laptopYou have to use the wierd ctrl-a-somethings
21:42.49justinubig deal :)
21:44.01tzafrir_laptopjustinu, if you like that so much, run an asterisk -r in a screen session
21:44.13justinui do
21:44.15*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
21:44.20blitzrageme too
21:44.23justinuone window on asterisk -r
21:44.28Dr-Linuxme too
21:44.32justinuone on tail -f /var/asterisk/messages
21:45.27Dr-Linuxits not >> /var/log/asterisk/messages ?
21:47.09gcarrillogi ve already installed my x100p but when i call the number, they not respond
21:47.36chanditimscott I've just found out. you want to know how I made it work ?
21:53.43timscottchandi: yes please. :)
21:54.15timscottBy all rights, I'm still learning about asterisk, so I'm always interested in seeing other people's problems and solutions. ;)
21:54.58chanditimscott 1 sec, I'll put it on pastebin
21:55.23jhiverhi all
21:55.30jhiveranybody gave a try to sipxpbx?
21:55.33jhiverany comments?
21:57.11chanditimscott :  the highlited line is the line that made it work
21:58.10timscottoh yeah, that makes sense >_<
22:01.26tzafrir_laptopjhiver, what issippbx?
22:01.43dlynes_homegcarrillog: ok, adn what does them not answering have to do with your x100p card?
22:02.30Dr-Linuxcan i use pattern in the GotoIf application?
22:02.34jhiversipxpbx is a sip based pbx which looks nice
22:02.42jhiverit's open source too
22:02.51jhiverI'm downloading the VMWare image to give it a try
22:02.59Qwelljhiver: There is this other new open source pbx, that's pretty cool
22:03.07QwellI think it's called asterisk, or something
22:03.27dlynes_homethere's like ten different open source pbxes now
22:03.38dlynes_homeand they all have their problems
22:03.50dlynes_homewhy doesn't everyone just focus their time and energy on one to make it better?
22:03.53mitchelocand 8 of them are based on asterisk
22:04.01jhiverI was just wondering if somebody gave that one a try because if it's crap I don't want to be wasting my time with it :)
22:04.06dlynes_homemitcheloc: yeah, no kidding :)
22:04.39dlynes_homejhiver: but asterisk is good, it's relatively stable
22:04.45jhiverAsterisk is cool, sure :)
22:04.55jhiveralthough I've had my share of problems with it
22:04.57dlynes_homejhiver: it just needs some loving tender care, and some rewrites of some poorly written code
22:05.02jhivermaybe I should get the business edition :)
22:05.05mitchelocuh you guys better say that or i'll have denon/ressellb kick you haha
22:05.23jhiverBTW do you know which version of * is used in the business edition?
22:05.28dlynes_homemitcheloc: ummm...russellb and denon would probably agree with me
22:05.38jhiverthe problem also is that asterisk isn't terribly suited for what I want to do
22:05.52jhiverwhat I need is more of a proper softswitch than a pbx
22:06.07dlynes_homejhiver: then why don't you go with freeswitch, or yate?
22:06.12Dr-LinuxQwell: can i use pattern in the GotoIf() application, if not then what should i do
22:06.12jhiverbut commercial softswitches are so expensive :)
22:06.21QwellDr-Linux: yep, $[]
22:06.25jhiverfreeswitch doesn't look ready for production
22:06.30dlynes_homejhiver: neither one of them is really designed to be a pbx
22:06.31Dr-Linuxexten => _91NXXXXXXXXX,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "_4XXX"]?5:2)
22:06.35jhiverI haven't heard about yate
22:06.42QwellDr-Linux: yep, exactly
22:06.49dlynes_homejhiver: yate's been around almost as long as asterisk...maybe longer
22:06.53Qwellor, wait, no
22:06.58Qwellnot patterns like _4XXX
22:06.59jhiverIs it any good?
22:07.03dlynes_homejhiver: or if you want to roll your own, bayonne has a good sip stack
22:07.13Dr-LinuxQwell: then how can i use? :S
22:07.14dlynes_homejhiver: well, there's a lot of telcos using it
22:07.19dlynes_homejhiver: same with bayonne
22:07.24dlynes_homejhiver: that should tell you something
22:07.37jhiverI'm gonna look at it then :)
22:07.39jhiverthanks :)
22:07.44dlynes_homejhiver: try #bayonne and #yate
22:09.00Dr-LinuxQwell: i want to monitor only 4XXX extensions while they dialout. so i'm not understand what should i do :S
22:09.03*** join/#asterisk WiredX (
22:09.35Dr-Linuxexten => _91NXXXXXXXXX,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "4040"]?5:2)  << a single extension works for me
22:09.47Dr-Linuxbut now sure how can i put there a pattren
22:12.49blitzrageDr-Linux: what do you mean?
22:12.55blitzrage${EXTEN:1} ?
22:13.16Hmmhesaysthis game is impossible to fine
22:13.50Dr-Linuxexten => _91NXXXXXXXXX,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "4040"]?5:2)  << a single extension works for me
22:14.14Dr-Linuxblitzrage: but i want patterns instead of 4040 extension
22:14.33blitzrageREGEX() ?
22:14.37Dr-Linuxexten => _91NXXXXXXXXX,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "_4XXX"]?5:2)  << like this
22:14.48blitzrageyah -- regular expressions
22:15.07Dr-Linuxblitzrage: does it work, as i pasted in last?
22:15.26Dr-Linuxblitzrage: so what should i do? :S
22:15.36blitzrageregular expressions
22:15.49Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i don't understand, how can i do that?
22:15.50blitzrageusing REGEX()
22:16.21Dr-Linuxblitzrage: what it does? can you give me an example to put this in my above line? I think
22:16.30blitzrageno -- I suck at regular expressions
22:17.36Dr-LinuxServer not found
22:17.37Dr-LinuxFirefox can't find the server at
22:17.52Dr-Linuxoopsss lemme remove .
22:18.10Dr-Linuxsame happend
22:19.45timscottthat might be your problem, mate
22:20.32Dr-Linuxtimscott: but blitzrage didn't explain anything, or i didn't understand :S
22:20.50blitzrage'show function REGEX
22:20.52timscottwhat is the question?
22:21.09timscottI see
22:21.14timscottyou want patterns instead of 4040.
22:21.21timscottSorry, I'm not familier with the REGEX() function
22:22.01Dr-Linuxtimscott: yess
22:23.10Dr-LinuxWIKI also don't know :S
22:23.16*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
22:24.43jbotsomebody said regex was ^[$%]?s/.*?:(?:\\\\\\\\\\\\\)+/.*[^\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]/[i]?$
22:24.46dlynes_homejbot knows
22:25.04chandihi guys, in the dialplan, how can I read a variable from a text file ?
22:25.22*** join/#asterisk jorgito (
22:26.02dlynes_homechandi: why would you want to?
22:26.07Dr-Linuxwtf is this,
22:26.09Dr-Linuxhow to understand
22:26.13jorgitohi have a problem with asterisk , i had in paste time three registers in sip.conf , two i have commented out (;) but they are still shown when i do sip show peers
22:26.21jorgitoand also are working
22:26.31jorgitobut the one i need that has to work is not ...
22:26.46dlynes_homejorgito: did you do a sip reload?
22:26.53jorgitomaybe this is in some cache how clear cache,
22:27.02Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: any clue on my question?
22:27.05jorgitodlynes_home, i did reload of asterisk, nothing changed
22:27.11chandidlynes_home : I've got a script that writes the phone number to reach me in a text file
22:27.15dlynes_homejorgito: did you do a restart of asterisk?
22:27.23jorgitodlynes_home, i did also reload of whole server did not help
22:27.28*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
22:27.29jorgitodlynes_home, looks like bug
22:27.44dlynes_homechandi: if you've got a script to do that, get the script to write you a whole context
22:27.48chandidlynes_home : I actually use it for other functions for asterisk
22:28.10dlynes_homechandi: and then just do an extensions reload after you've rewritten it
22:28.22dlynes_homechandi: make sure you use #include to include that file
22:28.30chandidlynes_home : how can I make the script do an extension reload ?
22:28.44dlynes_homechandi: asterisk -rx "extensions reload"
22:29.33dlynes_homejorgito: sounds like you've got some stale entries in your astdb
22:29.50chandidlynes_home thanks
22:29.51Dr-Linuxmaybe file will help me, once he gets in
22:29.53dlynes_homeDr-Linux: i've got a clue on your question, but it seems to me you're not trying hard enough to learn
22:29.58jorgitodlynes_home, how to remove this entries ?
22:30.21dlynes_homeDr-Linux: you need to read the documentation for regex carefully to understand it
22:30.27dlynes_homeDr-Linux: open your mind, don't close it
22:30.31Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: i'm trying, but what to try?
22:30.38dlynes_homeDr-Linux: regex is difficult to understand
22:30.49dlynes_homeDr-Linux: but once you learn it, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it
22:31.09dlynes_homejorgito: i don't know...i'm not terribly familiar with astdb
22:31.22jorgitodlynes_home, ok
22:31.27dlynes_homejorgito: but i would imagine there's a cli command like database refresh or something like that
22:31.45dlynes_homejorgito: or database clear all
22:31.47Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: regex is asterisk application or what?
22:31.54dlynes_homejorgito: or get the idea
22:32.58dlynes_homeDr-Linux: show function regex at the cli
22:34.02blitzragetype REGEX though because its case sensitive on the CLI
22:34.05jorgitodoes anybody know how to delete a register from registry in astdb ?
22:34.11dlynes_homeblitzrage: no it isn't
22:34.17dlynes_homeblitzrage: i just typed it all in lowercase
22:34.17blitzragesince when?
22:34.21blitzragethats new then
22:34.25dlynes_homeblitzrage: mistake
22:34.28dlynes_homemy memory's bad :p
22:34.43dlynes_homei typed in a lower case r, and hit tab ;)
22:34.54dlynes_homeit modified it to be a capital R
22:35.12dlynes_homei'm too lazy to type shit in
22:35.16dlynes_homei always use tab completion
22:35.47blitzrageREGEX is a dialplan function that will return a 0 or 1 if the regular expression matches or not -- if you place that in the $[ ] part of GotoIf, then the 0 or 1 will be interpreted as false or true
22:35.52blitzragedlynes_home: I hear that
22:36.18Qwellblitzrage: No need to put it into an expression
22:36.21dlynes_homeblitzrage: yeah...all programmers hear that :)
22:36.24Qwellall $[] does is return 0 or 1
22:36.36blitzrageQwell: but if you're using GotoIf()...
22:36.39Qwellno need :)
22:36.43dlynes_homeblitzrage: not to mention sys admins :)
22:36.45blitzragestill seems like good form :)
22:37.05Qwellblitzrage: maybe so
22:37.09blitzrageor else you get burned on things like not using $[ ] While() :)
22:37.21blitzrage$[ ] in While()*
22:37.27blitzrageQwell: s/,/?
22:37.35Dr-Linuxblitzrage: any example for my case?
22:37.45blitzrageDr-Linux: no -- I suck at regular expressions (still)
22:37.47Qwellblitzrage: yeah, whatever :p
22:37.54Dr-Linuxexten => _91NXXXXXXXXX,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "_4XXX"]?5:2)
22:37.58De_Monin my dialplan I've got a Read(), but if no numbers are entered before the timeout it jumps to the next priority instead of the t extension.. what gives?
22:38.35QwellDe_Mon: Things That Are Supposed To Happen - Chapter 6, Page 2
22:39.28blitzragedlynes_home: GotoIf(${REGEX("011[0-9]*","01191923473984")}?0:1) I think is what you want there...
22:39.28dlynes_homeDe_Mon: maybe read() doesn't honor the timeout extension?
22:39.45dlynes_homeblitzrage: why the ${...}?
22:39.56Qwelldlynes_home: It's a function
22:39.57blitzragebecause its a function and you need to use ${ } to return a value
22:40.14dlynes_homeoh...thought qwell was complaining about how that wasn't necessary?
22:40.21blitzragethat $[ ]
22:40.22Qwell$[] != ${}
22:40.28dlynes_homesquare brackets
22:40.36blitzragethe way I'd do it would be:
22:40.41QwellGotoIf(${REGEX("011[0-9]*","01191923473984")}?0:1) vs GotoIf($[${REGEX("011[0-9]*","01191923473984")}]?0:1)
22:40.56dlynes_homeblitzrage's solution looks damned ugly
22:40.57Qwelleither way will work
22:40.57blitzrageGotoIf($[${REGEX("011[0-9]*","01191923473984")}]?0:1) I think is what you want there...
22:41.24De_Monhmm, okay... so check the length of the variable after reading it
22:41.26dlynes_homebraces and no square brackets looks much more eloquent
22:41.34blitzragestandard form for GotoIf() is:  GotoIf($[<expression>]?true:false)
22:41.49jorgitohow to delete register from registery field in astdb ?
22:42.07blitzragedatabase deltree registry (if thats the family name)
22:42.16blitzragenotice that will delete ALL registrations
22:42.33dlynes_homewhat does database deltree asterisk do?
22:42.35blitzragedatabase del <family> <key>
22:42.48blitzragedlynes_home: it deletes all keys within a family
22:42.58dlynes_homeand database deltree *.*?
22:43.04blitzragenada work
22:43.11*** join/#asterisk assorted_mike (
22:43.23assorted_mikehey all can anyone help me out with a few problems?
22:43.23jorgitonothing works
22:43.30blitzrageassorted_mike: just ask a question
22:43.43jorgitoblitzrage, nowthing what you mentioned works
22:43.53dlynes_homewp?  where hte hell is that?
22:43.57De_Monassorted_mike don't ask to ask just ask
22:43.59blitzragejorgito: database show <enter> for the form
22:44.20blitzragedatabase del <enter>
22:44.32assorted_mikei setup an asterisk box using the trixbox install, it works inside my netowrk fine however when itry and connect over the internet x-lite connects but when i dial a number it doesnt ring on the other end and it says number is unavalible.  any ideas?
22:44.36jorgitoblitzrage, yes i did database del *.* but if i do database show it is still there
22:44.40dlynes_homeassorted_mike: where's
22:44.44blitzragejorgito: ummm... I just said that won't work
22:44.50*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
22:45.05blitzrageassorted_mike: check the topic
22:45.36assorted_mikeit says its asterisk 1.2.8
22:45.39assorted_mikethats what i am using
22:45.45assorted_mikeoh sorry
22:45.48dlynes_homeassorted_mike: nah...he means about the trixbox stuff
22:45.51blitzrageassorted_mike: trixbox*
22:45.52assorted_mikefreepbx is where i want to go
22:45.56blitzrageaye :)
22:46.03assorted_mikethanks guys
22:46.06dlynes_homewhat the heck is trixbox, anyways?
22:46.12dlynes_homea bastardized freepbx?
22:46.15blitzrageits a@h
22:46.24dlynes_homeah...the new name of it?
22:46.49*** part/#asterisk cfassoni (
22:47.11dlynes_homeit's all part of the conspiracy to get #asterisk to support freepbx :p
22:47.30jorgitodoes anybody know how to delete a register from registry in astdb ?
22:47.38Qwelljorgito: dude, he told you
22:50.29Dr-Linuxgotoif(regex("011[0-9]*","01191923473984")?0:1)  << still thinking but not sure how can i modify it to need :S
22:52.04dlynes_homeDr-Linux: GotoIf(${regex("011[0-9]*","01191923473984")}?0:1)
22:53.00timscottwell, i'll be damned. I didn't even know asterisk had regex support :S
22:53.07*** part/#asterisk assorted_mike (
22:53.16dlynes_hometimscott: you can use it for extension names, too
22:53.46dlynes_hometimscott: but in taht case, you don't use the regex() function
22:54.16dlynes_homeDr-Linux: type man regex
22:57.19De_Monregex is best learned by example, not all that jibber jabber in the manpage
22:57.38blitzragetimscott: yah -- but its a fairly simple implementation unfortunately
22:57.59blitzragealthough its supposed to support extended regex
22:59.12blitzrageme thinks
22:59.21blitzrageDr-Linux: try that
23:00.17Dr-Linuxblitzrage: someone said this works >> GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" : "4..."]?5:2)
23:00.18blitzrageactually -- replace the , with a space
23:00.32blitzrageDr-Linux: thats another way of doing regex - yes
23:00.51blitzrageI had forgotten about it though
23:00.58Dr-Linuxblitzrage: so that was is very easy i think
23:06.06*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
23:09.27Dr-Linuxblitzrage: GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" : "45.."]?5:2)   << is also fine?
23:09.59*** join/#asterisk _4d4m_ (n=adam@
23:13.10*** join/#asterisk zagaya972 (
23:13.13blitzrageDr-Linux: try it and let me know how it went
23:13.26*** part/#asterisk jeffpc (
23:14.12blitzrageDr-Linux: if you're using 1.2 or later, you should really not be using priority numbering
23:15.39*** join/#asterisk Bullseye_Network (n=info@
23:16.09TripleFFFFanyone good with ajax ?
23:16.21Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i don't know priority numbering, but i just use it for GotoIF , bcoz i need that
23:16.32Bullseye_Networkwhy would I constantly get: SIP/2.0 404 Not Found - from SIP phones not in use?
23:16.44Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i'm at home and i was searching for this solution since 1 month
23:17.18Dr-Linuxblitzrage: and why i sholdn't use priroity numbering?
23:17.42blitzrageTripleFFFF: I wish.. :(
23:18.49blitzrageDr-Linux: priority number is bad because when you want to insert things with bigger dialplans, you have to renumber everything. Plus, when you do something like GotoIf($[ ]?5:2) -- what the heck is happening at 5 and at 2? sooo....
23:19.15blitzrageexten => 123,n,GotoIf()
23:19.56blitzrageso all the numbers are figured out automatically by Asterisk -- now, you might ask... "Well how do I know where to go?". You use priority labels to do that
23:20.06blitzrageexten => 123,n(call),Dial()
23:20.14Dr-Linuxblitzrage: that i know, i asked maybe there is something else
23:20.36blitzragewhat something else? you aren't using priority labels -- you're using numbers -- don't do that.
23:20.38Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i'm not talking about >>> ]?5:2)
23:20.39*** join/#asterisk |ryan| (
23:20.58blitzrageI know you're talking about the RegEx part of it -- and I told you to actually try it.
23:21.08Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i only use it for gotoif() application
23:21.26blitzrageDr-Linux: ONLY? thats one of the worst times to use priority numbers
23:21.31blitzrageif not THE worst
23:21.44Dr-Linuxblitzrage: if i'm using all  "n"  then what should i use at the >>> ]?5:2) ?
23:21.47blitzrageuse priority labels
23:21.54|ryan|hi, can someone reccomend a good howto for a first time asterisk user with an x100p card?
23:21.57blitzrageI was trying to tell you that -- but you said you already knew it
23:22.11blitzrageso where I left off...
23:22.26blitzrageexten => 123,n(call),Dial() <-- this is how you define a priority label
23:22.43Dr-Linuxblitzrage: sorry, i said, i already knew that pirority numbering is hard to manage when insert new.
23:22.53blitzrageexten => 123,n,GotoIf($[<expression>]?call:hangup) <-- this is how you use them
23:23.10blitzragemuch nicer to read eh?
23:23.15Bullseye_Networkthats cool. I didnt know I could do that.
23:23.23blitzrageyah -- thats what you really should be using
23:23.37blitzragepriority number is so 90's
23:23.41Bullseye_NetworkThat makes it alot eaiser to... awesome
23:23.57blitzrageBullseye_Network: a lot <-- two words :)
23:24.27Dr-Linuxblitzrage: thanks, but if i have all "n" what should i'll use at "true:faluse"  area?
23:25.26blitzrageyou use the priority label
23:25.41blitzrageexten => 123,n(call),Dial() <-- this is how you define a priority label
23:25.45blitzrageexten => 123,n,GotoIf($[<expression>]?call:hangup) <-- this is how you use them
23:25.50Dr-Linuxblitzrage: what's >> ?5:2)  , so if i'm using "n" what i'll use instead?
23:26.03blitzrageDr-Linux: are you seeing?
23:26.25*** join/#asterisk WiredX (
23:26.53SplasPoodanyone happen to have or know where I can find a list of voicepulse connect's domestic us rates now that they have this FlexRate stuff..
23:28.07Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i'm sorry, i just understood now. i seee
23:28.40Dr-Linuxexten => 123,n(call),  << this is totally new to me
23:30.13blitzrageexcellent -- glad you learned something
23:30.25Dr-Linuxblitzrage: thanks :)
23:31.34Dr-Linuxblitzrage: asterisk will be the hotest product in my country by next year :)
23:32.55blitzrageDr-Linux: what country?
23:33.17Dr-Linuxblitzrage: Pakistan
23:34.07SplasPoodDr-Linux: When I learned about using 'n' and priority labels it was a near religious experience :P
23:34.55Dr-LinuxSplasPood: what's religous in it? :)
23:35.08blitzrageeverything is religious
23:36.07Dr-Linuxi didn't get though
23:36.31mitchelocasterisk isn't a product
23:38.15Nuggetflying into KAUS yesterday some moron asked tower for the "localizer 34 practice approach".  controller said she didn't even understand what e wanted and that they were too busy, so try someplace else.
23:38.37Nuggetthe guy persisted and she finally explained that KAUS doesn't have a runway 34 or a localizer approach.  that seemed to work.
23:38.50Nuggetit's scary who else is in the sky sometimes
23:39.25*** join/#asterisk jorgito (
23:39.40jorgitohow do i clear some channels which are hanging on * ?
23:39.48Qwelljorgito: soft hangup
23:39.56Nuggetjorgito: shutdown -r now  :)
23:40.06Dr-Linuxsoft hangup <channel>
23:40.31Dr-Linuxjorgito: noooooooooo
23:41.48Dr-LinuxQwell: in what case channel gets hanged?
23:42.11Dr-Linuxand how can we verify if the channel is in use or hanged?
23:42.38blitzrageQwell: !!
23:42.55blitzrageDr-Linux: show channels
23:43.31Dr-Linuxblitzrage: that only shows bridged channel. but this is not question
23:43.34Qwellblitzrage: y0
23:43.48blitzragesip show channels?
23:45.09Dr-Linuxthat will show connected channel, hanged channel is also connected.
23:45.36Dr-Linuxhhm... but maybe that helps :S
23:46.51blitzrageno idea... never thought about showing channels that weren't bridged
23:47.07mitchelochas anyone seen ZK on source forge?
23:47.43*** join/#asterisk topping (
23:48.22Dr-Linuxohh hi
23:49.17toppinganyone using a mac to set up asterisk ivr prompts?  would like to be able to edit voice, save as gsm
23:49.19QwellNugget: So, who was the idiot?  ATC, or the pilot?
23:50.38Dr-Linuxtopping: i suggest you should use WavePad program, thats very easy and good
23:50.47toppingnice, thanks
23:51.03Nuggetthe pilot
23:51.18QwellNugget: That went WAY over my head.
23:51.22QwellWhy was it a stupid thing to ask?
23:51.39toppingDr-Linux: that's windows... need OS-X
23:51.44toppinglooks nice tho
23:51.58Nuggethe was asking (at a busy airport at a busy time of day) to perform a practice procedure on a runway that didn't exist, using ground facilities not present at that airport.
23:52.27toppingare you guys pilots?
23:52.35QwellI, obviously, am not
23:52.40Nuggetonly recreationally
23:52.45toppingnice, me too
23:53.04toppingused to have an old mooney
23:53.18NuggetI just rent.  I don't fly enough to justify buying anything.
23:53.38toppinghaha, yah i learned that i barely broke even buying versus renting
23:54.07Nuggetwith the new g1000 glass cockpit stuff now, I'm glad I didn't buy anything with the old instrumentation, too.
23:54.22Nuggetwe just got a new 182 at my place with the g1000 and it's really slick.
23:55.03toppingi got rid of mine after a really hairy trip home once.  didn't have turbo to go over it, de-ice to go through it, or a stormscope to go around it
23:56.06*** part/#asterisk sfbosch (
23:56.06toppingthought i would get a nicer platform that i could put some of that stuff on and get the resale out of it, but then saw the literature on the eclipse (and gas prices) and decided things might change pretty quickly in the industry
23:56.50Nuggetyeah, I agree with that completely
23:57.22toppingbuying a share of an eclipse would rock
23:57.46Nuggetyeah, no doubt.  even if that doesn't become totally approachable, it's got to kill prices on turboprops.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.