irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060530

00:00.51InfraRedthanks trixter
00:01.02InfraRedi think i wont bother tbh
00:01.25InfraRedI can get DIDs from magrathea. i suppose the 0871 is my best case for now
00:01.32trixterwhen you start reselling like that you end up with lower quality generally
00:02.14InfraRedits not reselling
00:02.33trixterdo you own the number directly?  if so then its reselling :P
00:03.02InfraRedfair point
00:03.03trixterwhen you get something from A to sell to B and are a middleman that is kinda the definition of reselling
00:03.07[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3 : Looks like you're trying to fax over G729... NOT a good codec for faxing in as much as ANY VoIP codec is big trouble.
00:03.15trixterbut I meant with the free ones
00:03.29InfraRedg729 is bad for fax :)
00:03.35trixtereven though both stanaphone and ipkall are directly connected..  ipkall is even the telco (itltd)
00:03.37InfraRed711u is just about achieveable
00:03.45trixterjitter is the fax iller
00:03.52InfraRedT.38 ftw
00:03.53[TK]D-Fenderoops.. G726, NOT G729
00:04.17InfraRedany codec compression is not healthy for faxing
00:04.17trixtert.38 uses 2x bandwidth and in some cases even more
00:04.24[TK]D-FenderStill half-rate and not a harmonic compression, but still practically a seal of doom.
00:04.30tomcontr3I have been trying the hole day
00:04.49InfraRedtrixter: but it gets through
00:04.49[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3 : Stop wasteing your time with Fax of SIP.
00:05.04InfraRedya, you'll fail
00:05.10tomcontr3what should I do instead?
00:05.11InfraRedlisten to [TK]D-Fender
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00:05.42[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3 : If you want to do faxing, use a REAL line.
00:05.44InfraRedtomcontr3: look up T.38 it's about the only option for faxing over voip but like trixter suggested, it's not a free ride
00:05.47trixterI personally prefer t.37 (store and forward) from a network point of view..  I know the argument for t.38 that you lose capabilities of the end fax machine and delivery reports may not be quite what you expect, but meh
00:06.00[TK]D-FenderInfraRed : Don't expect much of him, he's using AMP anyways.
00:06.16InfraRedyou'll fail then
00:06.30InfraRedgive up
00:06.53MoutaPTany one has experience with mISDN with beronet telephony carD?
00:06.59[TK]D-FenderT.38 is not always an agreed upon interoperable standard by those that claim to adhere to it...
00:07.07trixterT.37 is largely based on existing standards too, smtp and mime..  as in email attachments more or less..  way nicer on your network than t.38 :D
00:08.03trixter[TK]D-Fender: yeah why I said that it takes 2x bandwidth sometimes more..  when the t.38 reinvite is issued some devices dont stop the original codec so they have t.38 plus whatever the other was..  on top of that there are vague spots in the spec (what I think you were getting at) where different companies impleement it different, some are just lazy but the spec itself is not that good
00:11.03[TK]D-Fendertrixter : So T.37 woul be better termed a "post transmission relay" which once the receiving end receives the transmission will repeat to the other side as a new call?
00:11.30tomcontr3where do I set the Fax Mode? T.38....etc..
00:11.38trixterstore and forward is what I always heard it called
00:13.02trixteryeah you have a gateway that receives typically via TDM but it can even be in the fax machine itself (ie a scanner and computer) which then using specific formatting uses smtp and mime will send over some network (maybe inet maybe not) and then at the remote end does a local call
00:13.10trixterthere is a free fax gateway you can use on the internet
00:13.20trixterif you dont want anything too fancy and since its free ...
00:14.56InfraRedi just print to it and it magically appears on the other side as fax :)
00:15.35InfraRedi call it magic
00:15.45trixterit would appear that it is
00:20.43coplanddoes anyone know of any softphones that support g729
00:21.03trixterg729 is patented so it wont be free
00:21.12coplandwell yeah
00:21.15trixterbecuase the person who distributes it has to pay the g729 consortium
00:21.19trixterbut yes there are some
00:21.20coplandbut one that not too overly price
00:21.42trixterwell the license only costs $0.10 in quantity
00:21.55trixterso more can do it if they choose to
00:22.04copland60 dollars for ip is a little excessive
00:23.22trixterwhat platform do you want this softphone to run on?
00:23.30trixterthat is a major component to whether or not there is one available
00:24.20coplandI only need 6 or so channels so I will get those digium licences for g729 bought tommarow
00:24.48coplandit just finding a reasonable softphone for the few people who are going to be using it outside our lan
00:24.56[TK]D-FenderInfraRed : I have 3 HP 4345 MFP's and with the DSS I can basically remote photocopy to any IP printer :)
00:25.03mitcheloccopland: eyebeam or idefisk...
00:25.07trixtertoo bad they are g729a only (but  then asterisk cant really handle b ...) and they are hardware locked to one machine instead of floating licenses
00:26.24InfraRedl33t :)
00:26.29InfraRedthis is a GP215
00:26.48InfraRedbasically a photocopier + options
00:27.44[TK]D-FenderInfraRed : nice set of trays on it
00:28.03trixtersounds like my ex
00:28.41trixtershe had a nice set of trays
00:30.24MoutaPTany one has here has experience with chan_misdn?
00:30.25InfraRedcanon always wins
00:35.59dlynes_officeHas anyone used any Konftel products with Asterisk?
00:36.42InfraRedwhy is debian so retarded when it comes to iptables
00:37.02dlynes_officeInfraRed: iptables is pretty generic....has nothing to do with debian
00:37.34InfraRedwhen it comes in .deb it becomes a debian problem
00:37.53De_MonInfraRed youre joking right?
00:37.54InfraRedthe whole thing with startup scripts and config with iptbales
00:38.03dlynes_officeInfraRed: so it's a debian iptables script then, not iptables :)
00:38.04InfraRedand the whole write your own rc scripts is bit silly
00:39.01coplandwhat does everyone thing about the gsm codec
00:39.16De_MonMy computer says microsoft windows on it, does that make zonealarm's stupidness a windows problem?
00:39.18dlynes_officeInfraRed: not terribly silly....if you want a consistent environment across all of your machines
00:39.32InfraRedit's pretty when it comes in purbple
00:39.51De_Monits packaged for windows so, clearly it is!
00:40.12InfraRedit's not packaged by microsoft, when it is its a windows issue
00:40.13dlynes_officeDe_Mon: that made no sense, whatsoever
00:40.13coplandDe_Mon: yes if microsoft maintain a package for zonealarm
00:40.25InfraRedapache comes with its own startup script, exim does
00:40.27InfraRedwhy not iptables
00:40.32coplandif iptables are foobared it because debian package maintainers foobared it up
00:40.36InfraRedit's retarded, stop defending it
00:40.54dlynes_officeInfraRed: because then iptables team would need to write a script for 2000 something different linux distributions
00:40.57dlynes_officeInfraRed: it's not feasible
00:41.16InfraRedi spifically said debian iptables package
00:41.19De_Mondlynes_office you've never used a windows installer that didn't work?
00:41.27coplanddlynes_office: no they would leave it up to the maintiners for the various distro to make a script
00:41.31coplandwhich they normally do
00:41.32dlynes_officeDe_Mon: the odd time
00:41.51dlynes_officecopland: that's exactly what I was saying
00:41.51De_Mondlynes_office the same is true about debian install packages
00:41.53coplandSlackwars iptables package comes with a proper script maintain by Patrick creator of slackware
00:42.06coplandstill iptables is stupid
00:42.07mitchelociptables is fine but it's not very flexible =/
00:42.16coplandand ipstables as a whole can be a pita
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00:42.18dlynes_officecopland: yeah...I don't use pat's script though...I use shorewall...much easier to work with
00:42.41InfraRedit's clean and sensible
00:42.46coplanddlynes_office: blah shorewall.  PFSense/MonoWall here
00:43.05mitchelocblah linux, windows here
00:43.13mitchelocwhoops, ignore that ^^
00:43.16coplandmitcheloc: pfsense is bsd
00:43.16InfraRedbah windows, OS/2 here
00:43.16dlynes_officecopland: well, whatever you're comfortable with, as long as it's secure
00:43.21dlynes_officecopland: that's the main thing
00:43.39mitchelocoooh, monowall looks ace
00:43.54coplandpfsense is more active than monowall
00:43.57dlynes_officebut, otoh I could probably run without a firewall and be just fine
00:44.15coplandI use both byt I stop using monowall as they are slow on development
00:44.22coplandPFSense team is very active
00:44.41mitchelocpfsense looks like monowall?
00:44.59mitcheloccopland: did you ever donate money to monowall?
00:45.22InfraRedi donated to openvpn because they deserve it
00:45.23InfraRedthey rock
00:45.56InfraRedi suggest everyone else do the same
00:46.01mitchelocdoes aah come with some sort of pfsense style software?
00:46.05coplandmitcheloc: Yes the company that I consulted did donate 200 dollars for the 5 installed we used
00:46.18mitcheloccopland: cool, okay, then i have no point
00:46.28coplandAAH uses Freepbx which is a nice webgui
00:46.45coplandmitcheloc: I have also dumped money into pfsense
00:47.06InfraReddump some money here <---
00:47.20coplandI adovcate opensource but i also tell my clients that paying them at less a little something helps keep up with the updates
00:47.21mitchelocokay, i was only going to say how do you expect them to move development quickly if they aren't makin money ;), but you already are ontop of that
00:47.34InfraRedthe infra study fund, studying the effects of alcohol on human body, I volenteers
00:47.58coplandcopland needs a new headset fund
00:48.03dlynes_officeInfraRed: get shared line appearance working on asterisk so that it's compatible with aastra and polycom phones, and i'm sure there's several of us that would dump some money your way :0
00:48.16coplandmy plantronics is falling apart after 3 years of hard useage
00:48.46InfraRednobody uses aastra
00:48.59dlynes_officeInfraRed: Are you kidding?  Lots of people use Aastra
00:49.07coplandor add stun support to avaya 4600 series phones
00:49.11dlynes_officeInfraRed: They wouldn't still be in business, otherwise
00:50.05dlynes_officeThe 9133i's are a pretty nice, cheap alternative to Polycom 501's
00:50.12InfraRedurban myth
00:50.51coplandI have 10 4602 Avaya phones brand new that i picked up for 36 dollars a piece at gov auction
00:50.59dlynes_officedamn cheap
00:51.02[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : And questionable vs the IP 430's ;)
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00:51.24dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: maybe...but it remains to be seen until the pricing is out for them
00:51.44coplandI own cisco stock yet i use there competiors ip phones
00:51.47dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: i wish they'd fix their fscking software, though
00:51.53[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Atacomm has a price $10 below taht of the 501.
00:52.17dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: atacomm has a $10 price below that of the 501 on what?
00:52.17[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Not broken for me...
00:52.27[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : On the 430
00:52.42dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: and how is that even remotely price competitive with the 9133i?
00:52.54coplandI love these avaya phoens the only thign that i cant do with them is nat transversal
00:52.59a1fawould there be a way to limit the number of inbound/outbound minutes via (php) agi?>
00:53.05[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : And Williams is supposed to be getting new kill pricing on them momentarily (the whole lineup)
00:53.25a1faanybody doing pbx outsourcing?
00:53.28InfraRedeww php agi
00:53.29dlynes_officea1fa: Dr-Linux already answered you about 3 or 4 hours ago
00:53.30[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : well atacomm is RETAIL.....
00:53.42a1fadlynes_home: i missed it
00:53.45[TK]D-Fendera1fa : As in hosted PBX?
00:53.53dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: i meant the 9133i's software, not the polycom software
00:54.11a1faso it can be done via agi
00:54.25[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : What don't you like about Aastra's?  I've never had to work with them first-hand
00:54.36dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: nothing...but their software is a bit flaky
00:54.47dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: other than the software though, they're a great phone
00:55.04dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: i would definitely recommend them any day over all the cheaper phones out there
00:55.06InfraRedi think nortel sells merdian phones here
00:55.08InfraRedthey rock
00:55.15[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Yeah... that solid bell home-phone feel...
00:55.25dlynes_officeInfraRed: yeah, they do, but they're digital phones, not analog or IP
00:55.39a1faDr-Linux : is there an example of how to limit number of minutes?
00:55.43copantlany body use varion t400P t/E1 card?
00:55.46dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: no...more like that solid nortel office phone feel
00:56.03InfraReddlynes_office: which model is the ip ones?
00:56.27dlynes_officeInfraRed: 2000-2007
00:56.45dlynes_officeInfraRed: I think they're call IP2000, IP2001, ... IP2007
00:57.01dlynes_officeInfraRed: and they're not SIP
00:57.08[TK]D-FenderUNISTIM! yay
00:57.09dlynes_officeInfraRed: they're Nortel's proprietary IP protocol
00:57.16InfraRedhow poor
00:57.19dlynes_officeyeah...what [TK]D-Fender said
00:57.37dlynes_officeI think you can do SIP on them as well
00:57.46dlynes_officeBut you won't be able to do 100% of their features using it
00:57.57[TK]D-Fenderthe BCM is a Frankenstein's Monster inspired PBX.
00:58.03dlynes_officeIf you want full access to their features, you need UNISTM
00:58.08dlynes_officeBCM is horrible
00:58.22[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : SIP.. if you want to pay HUNDREDS per channel to use it for friggen licensing...
00:58.26dlynes_officeBCM 2.0 and earlier was extremely buggy, too
00:58.55dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: their lawyers have everything all figured out, to do the vendor lockin thingy :_
00:59.15[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : when I sold my company on * ($25K) the competition was BCM ($50K) and Avaya ($45K).
00:59.49[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : And thats with 26 Polycom IP 600's and PAYING for a provided server and software
01:00.01trixterthere is an asterisk module for unistim, afaik its free but I havent verified
01:00.19copantli need to change a tormenta II card from t1 to E1, any idea?
01:00.29dlynes_officetrixter: yeah, you're correct, but it's major alpha state, and only supports a small fraction of the features
01:01.00dlynes_officeInfraRed: oh yeah..that's what it was I2000-2007
01:01.05dlynes_officenot IP
01:01.32[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office.  Yes, UNISTIM is IP, just not SIP/RTP
01:01.44[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_office : Much more like MGCP....
01:01.49trixterits nortel proprietary like iax2 is digium proprietary
01:01.51dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: no...i meant the phone models
01:01.56dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: not the protocol
01:02.19dlynes_office[TK]D-Fender: i.e. the fancy looking phones with the super fancy looking displays that run at about $800 or $900
01:02.20a1faanybody using this application?
01:04.21dlynes_officeHere's an advertisement for a Nortel i2007 if anyone's interested:
01:05.33mitcheloci want one =)
01:05.42dlynes_officeit basically looks like an ipaq version of a voip phone
01:06.44dlynes_officeanyways....i'm out of here
01:06.51dlynes_officetime to go home
01:06.53a1fa[TK]D-Fender : you think it would be safe to run calling card AGI script?
01:08.23[TK]D-Fendera1fa : Have you searched for imbedded "rm -rf /" ;)
01:08.32[TK]D-Fendera1fa : write your own....
01:09.41a1fai mean, you know
01:10.46*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
01:12.01*** join/#asterisk operat0r (
01:12.38operat0rAnybody use FWD / IAX  they seem to be having issues ?
01:13.04KaBewMheh, i gave up
01:13.13KaBewMwitched to SIP FWD
01:13.20*** join/#asterisk pabst (
01:13.23operat0rKaBewM humm
01:13.32KaBewMer switched
01:13.33pabstAny problems with CVS, or has it gone away?
01:13.46jbotmethinks cvs is concurrent versions systems.  more info here  The asterisk CVS is no more.  Please see svn.
01:13.56pabstMake sense
01:14.04operat0rKaBewM can you pastebin your sip.conf ? I have not tried sip
01:14.07dlynes_officestupid jbot
01:14.28pabstsorry, sure the question has come up multiple times now.
01:15.10dlynes_officeyep...ever since they shut down the cvs server about a week ago
01:15.17pabsthas anyone written an update script using SVN yet?
01:15.21dlynes_officeNobody ever seems to read the announcements list
01:15.38dlynes_officeAnd when they switched to svn well over a year ago, they said they'd be phasing out cvs
01:15.46dlynes_officeso everyone's had at least a year's warning
01:16.10dlynes_officepabst: how about svn update?
01:16.25pabsthaha... nice... I guess I should get on the lists...
01:16.28dlynes_officepabst: all commands that you're used to in cvs will also work on svn
01:16.31operat0rKaBewM Thanks
01:16.43operat0rdo I leave extentions.conf  the same ?
01:16.54dlynes_officepabst: a minimum, you should subscribe to asterisk-announcements
01:17.06dlynes_officepabst: then you'll know when new versions come out and that kinda thing
01:17.07KaBewMits gotta say SIP/${EXTEN}@fwdnet
01:17.23pabstI will do that... I just started with asterisk about a month ago... loveing it, so i guess it is time i use the lists
01:17.47dlynes_officepabst: the users, dev, biz, and commits list are all extremely high volume
01:18.01dlynes_officepabst: like on the order of probably 500 new emails per week
01:18.34pabstyeah, ill avoid those, unless there is any greatly valuable information in them... or a digest version... I don't have time to add 500 emails to my list of reading per week :)
01:19.07dlynes_officepabst: i just archive them myself
01:19.22dlynes_officepabst: and when i get time, sort them out into subfolders according to content
01:19.35dlynes_officepabst: that way when i'm looking for particular types of information i know where to look
01:19.53pabstsounds like a job for my secretary :P
01:20.36operat0rKaBewM  can you correct what I I need ?
01:21.39pabstim concerned that since I downloaded the source manually, that running SVN right now will mess things up, or no?
01:21.57operat0rKaBewM ill check fwd forums for sip.conf configure thx
01:22.11dlynes_officepabst: just svn into a separate directory if you want to be on the safe side
01:22.13operat0ror if you know a url for it
01:22.24dlynes_officepabst: i.e. do an svn co asterisk-
01:23.24dlynes_officeanyways....i'm going home for sure now
01:23.25dlynes_officelaters peeps
01:23.36operat0rKaBewM how long has iax been down for you ?
01:24.36KaBewMnot sure, it worked about a year ago
01:25.04KaBewMthen it got really intermittent and i switched
01:26.27pabstbut when i compile from that isn't that going to overwrite my exisiting install? or i guess that won't matter if i don't make samples huh? (sorry to sound dumb, i used to use the script that was written by Steve Szmidt)
01:29.21pabsti guess being that i am currently on, now would be a good idea to get my system running using SVN too...
01:31.24*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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01:38.19*** join/#asterisk jahani (n=k@
01:38.19operat0rOk so ipkall > FWD works because I see it listed in missed calls. How do I check to see if asterisk connected to fwd OK ? I ran asterisk in -vvvvv called my number and got busy sig
01:38.52operat0rand nothing logged by asterisk
01:40.02trixteripkall will go without fwd
01:40.10trixterwhich is a little less latency and one less thing to break
01:41.34operat0rthen what is the point in fwd ? I am just following a tut but I am running BSD
01:42.10operat0rtrixter I am using sip insted of iax because FWD IAX is down
01:42.35[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : Please pastbin your entire sip.conf file masking PW's
01:42.48jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
01:45.23trixteroperat0r: even more reason to get ipkall to go direct
01:45.33trixterthey will terminate sip directly to your box
01:45.55trixterthen any fwd problems or latency that is introduced by hopping through another network are gone
01:46.29pabstbiggest frustration - finding a local DID
01:47.18[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : Your * box behind NAT?
01:47.42operat0r[TK]D-Fender Yes but static NAT for my BSD box
01:48.16[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : So it only has a private IP?
01:49.57operat0r[TK]D-Fender Yes I could try passthrough later.
01:50.46trixterpabst: local free or local pay?
01:51.01pabsteither or, i just need it local to Ocean City MD
01:51.03[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : That is your problem.  You have not put in any of the settings * needs to work from behind NAT
01:51.13pabstthe best I could find was 2.49p/m incomming $7.50/mo for 2 channels
01:51.21operat0rtrixter I and just following tut for incoming calls. I do have the free sip from
01:51.30pabstim half tempted just to get a PRI
01:51.35*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:52.10trixteroperat0r: its not free, the minutes expire after 120 days (if you use their client you will see that) so its basically $0.10/day
01:52.15operat0r[TK]D-Fender Ok I will check forums for NAT
01:52.38[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : trash all that commented out junk and start atting in step by step
01:52.51[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : Not the forums... the Wiki.  Nice & concise
01:53.00trixterand they limit outbound calls now 7 fday running average
01:53.21trixterit was only 'free' to get customres, now that they have enough they are tightening down
01:53.56*** join/#asterisk chino (
01:57.42*** join/#asterisk mosty (
01:58.35sevardman, it sucks balls that you can only have one CNAM tied to a DID
02:00.04trixterthat depends
02:00.17trixtertechnically you can have more if you have the right access
02:01.17sevarddo you know of any telco that would provide that sort of option?
02:01.29mostyi'm having trouble upgrading my install from asterisk 1.0 to 1.2- I have a SIP provider routing DID's to me, which works with 1.0 but not with 1.2. at the moment i have the 1.0 machine receiving the sip call and dial'ing it to the 1.2 machine, which works
02:01.55mostybut i would like to remove the asterisk 1.0 machine altogether. what could be wrong that i am missing?
02:02.14trixteroptions in sip.conf most likely
02:02.30trixterbut since you havent provided much information on what is not working other than 'it' its really hard to say
02:03.21mostytrixter: ok, it's hard to describe, because somebody else was playing with settings while i was testing things. i will retrace my steps and get some more detailed info
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02:06.10operat0r ?
02:10.23[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r :
02:11.49RF_MIAAnyone have any experience with the res_snmp module?
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02:13.07operat0r[TK]D-Fender I am running asterisk no erros but number busy / asterisk not doing anything
02:14.17operat0rshoulw I see things ins asterisk -vvvvv -c if its working when I call the number ?
02:14.51RF_MIAyes. you should see something operator..even if it is an error
02:17.25[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : What are you forwarding to *?
02:17.26operat0rno erros I can see for sip but it does not appear FWD is talking to my server
02:18.54[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : And you'll need to turn on SIP debugging "sip debug"
02:20.57operat0r[TK]D-Fender I am just seeing if it "does stuff" when I call the nubmer for now
02:21.29*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
02:24.44[TK]D-Fender....does stuff?  And since you're still behind nat, what ports have you forwarded to *?
02:24.59litageif extensions.conf is huge (1000+ lines), will that significantly impact starting and/or reloading asterisk?
02:26.26mitchelocwho was it that uses pfsense?
02:26.51mitchelocah it was copland
02:27.00mitcheloc~seen copland
02:27.14jbotcopland <n=stonecol@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1h 34m 20s ago, saying: 'I love these avaya phoens the only thign that i cant do with them is nat transversal'.
02:27.23operat0r[TK]D-Fender I have static NAT enabled so all ports
02:29.08operat0r[TK]D-Fender by does stuff I mean when I call my number it talks to my asterisk server then I plan to get a soft phone to work with it
02:30.32mostyok, when i dial one of my DID's that I have with a sip provider, the sip extension rings, but when i pick it up neither end hears anything, and about 5-10 seconds later both ends get an engaged signal. this only happens with asterisk 1.2, with 1.0 it works fine. if i receive the calls with asterisk 1.0 and then forward from that machine to the 1.2 machine the call works fine. what could be wrong?
02:31.05mostysip.conf on both asterisk machines is essentially the same (general section is the same), just the accounts on each box differ
02:31.29[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : Ok, looks like you'r registering....
02:31.50mostythe sip.conf on the 1.2 machine forwards sip calls from the 1.0 machine to the same context of the dialplan that calls coming direct from my did sip provider does
02:32.17mostyis this a bug in asterisk 1.2? what should i check before submitting a bug report?
02:32.21operat0r[TK]D-Fender I guess I need to fix extentions.conf
02:32.41operat0ror should it do stuff if I call even it extentoins.conf is wrong
02:32.48[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : that MIGHT just helpa  little ;)
02:33.18*** part/#asterisk RF_MIA (
02:33.28[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r :Don't expect to see much of anything (outside of debug) when a call comes in if your extensiosn.conf isn't ready
02:34.19*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
02:38.06mostyanyone have any suggestions for me?
02:39.32*** join/#asterisk Splat (
02:43.14[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : Make sure your context matches the ones refernced in sip.conf
02:44.06[TK]D-FenderAnd remove the * from exten => 774851,1,Dial(SIP/*${EXTEN}@fwd1)
02:45.48mostyi have a sip provider that works with asterisk 1.0 but not with 1.2 using the same sip.conf, however receiving the sip calls on the 1.0 machine and forwarding them to the 1.2 machine works fine. what could be going wrong here?
02:48.00[TK]D-Fendermost : Show us the setup.
02:48.33mostymy setup is quite large, is there a specific part i can show you?
02:49.12operat0r[TK]D-Fender here is what I got so far I am just trying to get to "do stuff" when I call my number then I will try to get something to actualy ring
02:50.27operat0r[TK]D-Fender Thx for your time I will leave you alone for a bit and figure out soft phones
02:50.56mds2I've got a peer in my SIP registry which goes from "Registered" to "Request Sent" state every few days.  'sip reload' brings it back to life every time.  Both ends have registertimeout set to 120s.  Any ideas what else might cause that behaviour?
02:52.06[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : You didn't change the context in sip.conf......
02:52.19[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : it needs to point to the one you created in extensions.conf
02:52.29*** part/#asterisk chino (
02:53.18operat0r[TK]D-Fender you see my entire  extensions.conf that's all I have in it
02:53.55operat0rI not sure what I need to add or change
02:54.43[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : in sip.conf you should change the line saying "context=pickoneplease" to "context=fwd" to match your extensions.conf.  that is where calls will LAND.  if they don't have anywhere to land  POOF... nothing.
02:54.51operat0rI can't wait to toy with agi
02:55.29a1faoperat0r : you can't get context to work, and you want to toy with agi..
02:55.32[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : believe me you are a while away from there.  I can see we are starting from the very bottom up... you really should start working with getting 2 softphones talking first...
02:55.39operat0r[TK]D-Fender ok I get it
02:56.20[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : Not jumping down your throat, just don't let the excitement overwhelm you :)
02:56.38operat0rI have endless docs but I have I hard time finding non a@h tutirlas that are itiot proof for noobs
02:58.10[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : Download TEHBOOK...
02:58.21jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
02:59.54*** join/#asterisk IceManRISK (n=kart@
03:00.33operat0rwith I shoud be able to make any US call for free ( assuming i live in us )
03:00.38a1fawhat do you think about
03:00.39[TK]D-FenderAnd the is no such thing as "idiot-proof" because we all know how gosh-darned clever idiots can be...
03:01.34[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r .... um yeah... for 1 minute......
03:01.52a1fa[TK]D-Fender : what do you think
03:01.55a1fabout that script
03:02.12operat0rok I read some place for like 12USD it lets you call longer ? or ?
03:02.51trixtersipdiscount and all finerea voip stuff let you with 10 EUR (about $12) make 1 hour calls
03:03.01[TK]D-Fendera1fa : Not a Perl guy and never actually did AGI
03:03.07trixterthe money expires after 120 days, you get so many hours on a running 7 day average
03:03.19a1fa[TK]D-Fender : would it be dirty to control time available via agi?,, etc are all the same company
03:03.37trixterpick the one that gives you the best routes to where you call :)
03:03.45blitzrageunlimted? whats the softcap? :)
03:03.54operat0rSo there is not a free outgoing semi unlimited or cheap
03:03.55a1faprobably 2000 minutes
03:04.12a1fai whish there was a free incomming
03:04.32[TK]D-Fendera1fa : Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=${timeleft})
03:04.35trixtersipdiscount isnt unlimited, the TOS of fineras companies recently changed, its a running 7 day average
03:05.05blitzragewhy do you need unlimited? rarely do you really need an unlimited plan :)  Per-minute is usually cheaper depending on usage.
03:05.09[TK]D-Fendera1fa : Overall I'm not going to be of much use to you in trying to become a CC telco...
03:05.12a1fa[TK]D-Fender : ?
03:05.13trixterbut it works out to about $3/mo for service, and most residential users have no problems
03:05.21a1fa[TK]D-Fender : i am not gonna do cc
03:05.29a1fa[TK]D-Fender : i need to limit my friends account
03:05.34operat0rAll I want really is to get incomming scripts to work
03:05.40trixteralthough fineras companies have some issues calling north american tollfrees, but lets you do that totally free
03:05.47trixterdont even register with em just send calls
03:05.58a1fa[TK]D-Fender : to 200 minutes a month.. he is paying me $5 to park his extension on my asterisk box will even pay people to send them tollfree calls, as opposed to most companies trying to get money from customers they are backwards :)
03:06.26*** join/#asterisk twisla (
03:07.03operat0rSo I guess jst give up on free semi unlimited outgoing local
03:07.14operat0runless I can get a free local DID ?
03:07.43trixterhaving a did doesnt guarantee free outbound
03:07.49trixterits easy enough to seperate incoming from outgoing
03:08.19operat0rWhat makes incomming free and outgoing not free... just demand
03:08.32[TK]D-Fenderoperat0r : Free rides don't happen.....
03:08.43trixterlargely cost
03:08.52trixterit costs money to send calls to other phone companies
03:09.12operat0r[TK]D-Fender ok so whats the catch with ipkall > FWD > my server ?
03:09.16a1fawhat company sells $2 per did + 0.02 per call?
03:10.58[TK]D-Fendera1fa :
03:11.12a1fathats not it
03:11.30trixtersomeone might have as a loss leader to get customers
03:12.03operat0rso am I wrong that I can setup asterisk for free incomming calls to run crazy AGI scripts ?
03:12.08trixterfinera did that with their voip stuff then after they got enough customers they lock it down and reduce the quantity of minutes or increase costs or ...
03:12.27trixteroperat0r: yes you can if you have someone that will give you free incoming and others give free DIDs is gearing up to give national inbound free but they arent there yet
03:13.18operat0rtrixter so the catch on outgoing is somebody said above is that phone Co's charge to take a call ?
03:13.33trixterbasically yes
03:14.03trixterif you only need occasional outbound companies like is $0.009/min and you can specify your caller id to match your free DID from somewhere else
03:14.06a1fai cant remember the provider name
03:14.44a1fa$2/did + 0.02min
03:15.01*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
03:15.26operat0rwish I could use my cell some how ? it has free nights etc ?
03:15.26TheCopssomeone ever seen this error: app_dial.c:1011 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown), I just rebooted my server and I've got that with my X100P card.
03:15.27a1faits is a very popular provider
03:15.34a1fatermination and origination are separate
03:15.51trixteroperat0r: why dont you?
03:16.08trixterthere are a variety of ways, bluetooth, if you have a sim in your phone you can get a card for your system, etc
03:16.14TheCopsIn my zap show status I have a red alarm, but I dont know how to get more info, I dont see the alarm in dmesg
03:16.18operat0rtrixter I dont know that you can I am a total noob
03:16.33trixternow you do know
03:16.55[TK]D-Fendera1fa : .02$/min is a lot more reasonable thanyour previously mentioned $.02/CALL.
03:17.14[TK]D-Fendera1fa : And that looked like VoicePulse Connect
03:17.16operat0rhummmm so I setup a open proxy to anybody can use my phone heh ?
03:17.21a1faits not voice pulse
03:17.24[TK]D-Fendera1fa : Which is now CHEAPR.
03:17.26a1fait is something else
03:17.36[TK]D-Fendera1fa : Maybe Broadvoice.
03:17.55a1fayou buy origination and termination separate
03:18.09a1fayou can originate calls.. i think limit is 25 per account
03:20.14a1faits a famous one
03:20.25trixteraparently not that famous if no one knows who it is
03:20.38operat0rhumm still not doing anything when I call my number. Just gunna read a bit more and come back tomarrow. Thanks all
03:20.38*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:22.07a1fai have the link @ home
03:23.54mostyshould sip invite requests stop being sent by the sip source when the destination has answered?
03:27.36operat0rSo bisicly you can be your own long distance provider if you have the traffic and $$$
03:27.50a1fai am out
03:28.12operat0rso long webhost hello long distance provider ?
03:28.34operat0rI would rather write uber agi scripts
03:28.35TheCopsWow, Asterisk found my line problem, a short!
03:29.18*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
03:29.21TheCopsasterisk console own
03:30.50*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
03:37.45dlynes_home~seen docelmo
03:38.09jbotdocelmo is currently on #asterisk, last said: 'The market will close soon..  vonage is currently down another $1.85'.
03:38.09dlynes_home~seen docelm0
03:38.13jbotdocelm0 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 6h 22m 2s ago, saying: '~mybutt'.
03:38.54jbotextra, extra, read all about it, mybutt is HUGE and stands for some funky stuff...
03:43.40killfillhow do i hangup?..
03:44.01killfillsoft hangup 1 -->  1 is not a known channel
03:45.04[TK]D-Fenderkillfill : try providing it an actual channel.
03:45.19*** join/#asterisk postel_ (n=jp@unaffiliated/postel)
03:47.20*** join/#asterisk voipaster (n=25x8supp@
03:48.07killfill[TK]D-Fender: you know.. ive set my asterisk so, that when my clone x100p card recives a call, a voicemail gets up.
03:48.20*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
03:48.41killfill[TK]D-Fender: the problem is, that the calles hangsup and leave the message, asterisk keeps saving to the disk
03:48.48killfillits not detecting the call has finished
03:49.32killfill  <--- thats my zapata.conf
03:50.04killfillbusycount=3 should do it isnit?..
03:50.18*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:50.50[TK]D-Fenderkillfill : Disconnect supervision is difficult on analog lines.  Busycount has nothing to do with that, its for detecting if the telco responds busy to a dial attempt.
03:51.06[TK]D-Fenderkillfill : AndAMP isn't exactly supported around here.
03:51.18*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
03:51.41killfill[TK]D-Fender: oh i cannot prevent this happening on analog lines?
03:51.58killfill[TK]D-Fender: (yah i know.. but this has nothing to do with amp anyway.. :-p)
03:52.47[TK]D-Fenderkillfill : Ask your telo to supply "disconnect supervision" on the line9typically a polarity reversal or raw cut) to signal the far end termination of the call.
03:54.12*** join/#asterisk BugKham (i=BugKham@
03:54.14killfillgot it
03:54.48BugKhamhi, is it possible to set call-limit in the dialplan
03:55.03QwellBugKham: don't think so, no
03:55.20BugKhamQwell: ok
03:55.21[TK]D-FenderBugKham : Clarify...
03:55.47[TK]D-FenderBugKham : And by every means I can think of so far its "yes"
03:55.49Qwellnot unless you setup a complex system which reads/writes astdb or something, on every call
03:56.21[TK]D-FenderQwell : I wouldn't think it that complex.
03:56.47Qwell[TK]D-Fender: it would be if it ever got out of sync :p
03:57.00BugKhamI can see it's possible for realtime sip
03:59.20bkw_Qwell chan groups
03:59.23bkw_you can do it
03:59.23[TK]D-FenderBugKham : AstDB can do it all.....
03:59.31bkw_no astdb sucks ass
03:59.46bkw_thats the way
03:59.47[TK]D-Fenderbkw_ : True, but does't devalidate the point :)
03:59.58bkw_astdb will not keep state
04:00.04bkw_if it crashes the state is stuck
04:00.17bkw_not a way to go thru trusting something like that
04:00.34[TK]D-Fenderbkw_ : And we've never heard the clarification as to what exactly is being limited about these "calls" :)
04:01.27Qwellbkw_: hey..mind a quick msg?
04:10.20NuggetQwell and bkw are enjoying a quickie.
04:10.31QwellNugget: still waiting for him to say yes :P
04:11.30*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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04:43.59*** join/#asterisk FinboySlick (
04:44.21FinboySlickAnybody care to help me getting a Sangoma A200 working?
04:45.32mostyok, i have asterisk 1.0 and 1.2 setup side by side on two machines, each accepting sip calls from a particular provider. sip.conf is nearly identical on both (general section and the sip user's section is identical), but the 1.2 machine never sees ACK messages from the remote sip provider, which soon cancels the call (neither end can hear the other end). is this a bug, and if so where should i report it?
04:46.26*** join/#asterisk watchy (
04:46.36watchyanyone wanna help me tune a tdm interface to get rid of echo?
04:46.45watchyits memorial day i thought someone might be bored
04:51.58Nuggetdecent chance they'll be bored and drunk.  sure you want to risk it?
04:52.27FinboySlickIf you were a sexy girl, that could be a good prospect ;)
04:52.28*** join/#asterisk ThaZZa_Work (
04:52.32ThaZZa_WorkHey Al..
04:52.50ThaZZa_WorkI just had one of the stranges things happen to my asterisk box.
04:54.14watchynugget: yea
04:55.46*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
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05:49.51*** join/#asterisk syedrizwanm (n=syedrizw@
05:50.28syedrizwanmI need help conifguring an Asterisk Server on Win32
05:51.12ThaZZa_Worksorry i am no help. haven't tried that one yet.
05:51.24syedrizwanmyou mean win32?
05:51.36syedrizwanmI think the commands are same
05:51.53syedrizwanmI basically need to know what things need to be setup to achieve what I want
05:52.09watchyyou should use linux
05:52.25syedrizwanmI dont want to fall into that debate
05:52.44watchywell im gonna tell you that it probably runs like shit on windows
05:53.07syedrizwanmI need to know the steps involved in setting up Asterisk
05:53.13syedrizwanmeven on LInux
05:53.25syedrizwanmI have an ISDN Card AVM Fritz Card
05:53.30syedrizwanmasterisk installed
05:53.34syedrizwanmwith CAPI enabled
05:53.40syedrizwanmwhat do I need to do next?
05:53.57dlynes_office~seen docelmo
05:54.08jbotdocelmo is currently on #asterisk, last said: 'The market will close soon..  vonage is currently down another $1.85'.
05:54.12dlynes_office~seen docelm0
05:54.13jbotdocelm0 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 8h 38m 2s ago, saying: '~mybutt'.
06:00.18*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
06:00.37jbotfrom memory, tips is (Trillion Instructions Per Second) This is a rating of a REALLY FAST computer.  1 TIPS is 1,000,000,000 instructions per seccond
06:00.47jbot[docs] probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
06:01.06*** join/#asterisk Kis (
06:01.08asterboywhat is the web site for aster recipies?
06:01.55asterboygot it:
06:02.31jboti hope you have some good ones ;)
06:02.53mitchelocaww nv is still down =/
06:03.22asterboyjbot, recipes is also but if you don't, go here for some good ones:
06:03.24jbotokay, asterboy
06:03.31jboti hope you have some good ones ;), or but if you don't, go here for some good ones:
06:03.54asterboygood enough
06:05.23asterboyfind / -name convert
06:05.31asterboyopps wrong window
06:14.17*** part/#asterisk syedrizwanm (n=syedrizw@
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06:52.48cjk_hi, was anyone able to compile mysal support for the asterisk trunk branch
06:53.57X-Rob_Anyone with polycomm clues here?
06:55.06watchyi aint no polycom god
06:55.10watchybut i might can help
06:55.21watchyi got like 30 polys in the field deployed
06:58.10X-Rob_I got a user that can't dial *xx
06:58.17X-Rob_he's getting a busy straight away
06:58.22X-Rob_it's in his digitmap
06:59.16watchydoes a *xx extension exist
06:59.25X-Rob_it's not reaching asterisk
07:00.27watchyno idea i got bitches dialing *XX to access voicemail
07:00.48X-Rob_it was working yesterday
07:00.53X-Rob_he's done some fiddling
07:00.56X-Rob_and it's no longer working.
07:01.14watchyhow could he change anything
07:01.28X-Rob_fiddling with the config file that is
07:01.47watchyput in place a default conf
07:01.53watchyand tell him quit fucking arond
07:02.02X-Rob_I don't know anything about 'em, that's my problem.
07:02.05watchyim tring to figure out how to make a phone ring
07:02.06X-Rob_I s'pose I'll have to buy one
07:02.11watchyeven tho a bitch is on the phone
07:02.28watchycuz these chicks aint hearing the call waiting beep shit
07:02.35watchybuy a phone?
07:02.47*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
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07:02.55techiei wonder if 1.66 fixed the NAT hell issue
07:03.48watchyi know it fixed buddy list shit with 601s
07:04.17watchyi sold 4 601s to a business for it
07:04.19techiepisses you off when you have a $300 phone that doesnt support STUN and the like
07:04.28watchyand come to find out it only supports like 8 folks
07:04.32watchythank god they came with that update
07:04.49watchytechie: you know how to make the phone actually ring when someone is already on it
07:04.56watchythese secretaries arent hearing the call waiting beep
07:05.31watchysay someone calls and they are on the line when a 2nd call comes in
07:05.37watchyit just beeps in the earpiece
07:05.43techiehow many lines you have configured?
07:05.46watchyi want the damn phone to actually ring
07:05.57watchy1 line but i have linekeys set to i think 6
07:06.24watchyso she can get like 6 calls at once
07:06.28watchybut they ring the arpiece
07:07.34*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
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07:09.45mitchelocdoes anyone have an opinion on freebsd and asterisk?
07:10.00watchyi think its a bad idea
07:10.04watchyfreebsd is the best unix os made
07:10.14watchybut i dont think asterisk is such a good choice for stability
07:10.26Qwellit works fine on freebsd
07:10.43mitchelocand fine = better then linux?
07:10.52Qwellfine means...fine
07:10.52watchywhen i was using it in freebsd zaptell didnt work to good
07:11.00watchyhas all that shit been fixed
07:11.16mitchelocQwell: what would be the most stable OS for asterisk then?
07:11.34Qwellmitcheloc: most of the developers use Linux, and that's what's officially supported
07:12.49mitchelocQwell: hmm...okay, i thought so...
07:13.19watchyi might try it in fbsd again
07:13.22watchyi use it with gentoo
07:14.05mitchelocwell, if most the developers use linux, it would make sense to stick to it then no? i just want to pick the most stable OS for the asterisk system... i've been using fedora
07:14.41watchyid use linux personally unless you need bsd
07:14.56watchyif you got major issues with fbsd with a production box you might be fucked
07:21.22*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
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07:26.00stephane_reboot @+
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07:51.03zpartawatchy: you MIGHT be fucked if you dont know bsd
07:51.28zpartayou need some knowledge to run it in production
07:54.06*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
08:00.21*** join/#asterisk drunkmaster (n=lucifer@
08:00.47drunkmasteri have a problem with building h323 on rhel4
08:01.48drunkmasterchan_h323 whants, but symbols that need to it are in  library
08:02.09drunkmasterdoes anybody know how to avoid this problem?
08:17.34*** join/#asterisk assert_true (n=Sunil@
08:21.44*** join/#asterisk kernel20 (n=kernel20@
08:21.57kernel20got problems in eyebeam
08:22.14kernel20why is it when somebody picks up the call it will hang up
08:22.17kernel20any ideas?
08:22.32*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
08:23.04JohnJacobanyone know why I'm having trouble controlling an IVR from a meetme conference?
08:23.18JohnJacobIs this something you should be able to do?
08:23.44JohnJacobI loop an application into the meetme using the local channel...
08:23.52JohnJacoband I hear the application in the meetme...
08:23.58*** join/#asterisk parag7732 (
08:24.12kernel20why is it when somebody picks up the call it will hang up
08:24.18JohnJacobbut I can't get the application to read any DTMF from the conference partipants
08:24.27kernel20this is using eyebeam
08:24.30kernel20any ideas?
08:24.41kernel20but if i use xlite, there is no problem
08:24.45kernel20all went fine
08:25.24kernel20but when i use eyebeam when i call an account using xlite it will hang up
08:25.26parag7732I am using busydetect and busy count for hangup detection !!! I don't think so it's a good idea !!! but our isp doesn't provide hangup on detection..
08:25.29parag7732so what should I do
08:25.56parag7732I mean reverse polarity
08:26.04*** join/#asterisk pbx1 (n=pbx1@
08:26.15parag7732reverse polarity is not provided by our server
08:33.30*** join/#asterisk littleball (
08:34.01littleballhello, how can i remove the last character from the dialed exten? example, the user key in 12345678#, i need to remove the #
08:34.08*** join/#asterisk cfh (
08:37.15operat0rHello I think I got registerd to FWD how do I test it ?
08:37.21tzafrir${EXTEN:-1} ?
08:37.53operat0ri tried *CLI> dial 613
08:38.00kernel20anybody here have use eyebeam?
08:39.09cfhhi all, i have an asterisk server with beronet on NT mode connect to a alcatel 4200 PBX and all it works good but when i try to make a call from a voip telephone to traditional phone, on my voip phone i cant heard the ring tone and the call then is established correctly.(on my server i see "mISDN/1-u23 is ringing" and the voip phone has no tone) any suggestions ?
08:41.04littleballX-Rob_, i read, cannot
08:46.29*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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08:50.11kernel20anybody here have use eyebeam?
08:50.45kernel20if i call my conference 8000, its hangs up
08:50.54kernel20where in fact it has no problem in xlite
08:50.56kernel20any ideas/
08:52.44SheriF_WorKkernel20: eyebeam is a hardphone ?
08:52.52kernel20from xten
08:53.00SheriF_WorKahh may be codec issue
08:53.02kernel20xlite is the free onw
08:53.04kernel20xlite is the free one
08:53.10SheriF_WorKyes i use xlite
08:53.22SheriF_WorKcheck what is the diff. in the 2 configurations file
08:53.26kernel20in my sip.conf?
08:53.34kay2is there anyway from the dialplan to easyly write into a mysql base ?
08:53.50kernel20SheriF_WorK: what makes u say that it is a codec issue?
08:54.34kernel20where in fact that settings are working in xlite
08:54.55*** part/#asterisk cfh (
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08:57.25SheriF_WorKkernel20: ~/.Xsrc in linux
08:58.06*** join/#asterisk voipaster (i=25x8supp@
08:58.09operat0rim registerd with sip but I call my ipkall number and get a busy signal FWD says I missed the call
09:02.09*** join/#asterisk abatista (
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09:03.09AsteriskAlbaniawhat is the lowest bandwidth consumption codec for video on asterisk ?
09:05.21SheriF_WorKkernel20: the configuration file for Xlite is ant ur home ~/.Xscrc
09:07.42dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: Just give up....give up now :))
09:07.52littleballcan i set EXTEN variable?
09:07.53operat0rwhat number to I put in ipkall ?
09:08.08SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: why ?
09:08.14operat0rif I want to use my FWD
09:08.21dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: he's very frustrating at the best of times :)
09:09.10SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: oh.. .i'm more than him :P i don't even know how to RTFM / STFW :P
09:09.29dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK:'re a perfect match, then :)
09:10.03SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: hehe yes i think that too :P and why ur at home !? u don' have work :-s?
09:10.31dlynes_homei just finished up at the office
09:10.35dlynes_homeIt's 2:10am
09:10.39SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: i'm trying to code a small page to get CDR out of asterisk .
09:10.47SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: 12:10 PM in egypt here
09:11.10SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: so i'm trying to learn php and at the same time messing around with asterisk alittle as i'm not into asterisk that much yet..
09:11.15dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: good luck
09:11.34dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: it might be easier to use perl with HTML::Template and CGI::Application
09:11.58SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: but it's like 1 year old asterisk .. 1.0.x and the CDR get me the call time with sec like 2343 so i want to do some math :-)...
09:12.02dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: worked great for me, but i needed a pretty complicated post-paid solution
09:12.16SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: nah i'm not a coder at all i'm trying to learnn so perl is a bitch for that :-) but i'll one day soon anyway.
09:12.30dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: if you know php, perl should be pretty easy to learn
09:12.41dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: the two, syntax wise are almost the same
09:12.42SheriF_WorKoh and i want to check the call recording featuer
09:12.49SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: yes i'm still learning php :-)
09:12.54*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (n=A-Tuin@
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09:13.16littleballhello, is  it possible to set PRE defined channel variable like EXTEN?
09:15.04dlynes_homeyou mean override the variable's value?
09:15.53hads|homeyay, I just installed trunk on my test/home server and it fixed my niggling echo problems.
09:16.07*** join/#asterisk Adentist (n=adentist@
09:16.47kay2Someone has ever worked with asterisk Real Time ?
09:17.41SheriF_WorKkay2: yes me a little
09:21.09dlynes_homehads|home: which ec were you using before?
09:22.08hads|homeMG2 on both but I've upped echocancel to 1024 since it's now possible.
09:22.40hads|homeUsing a TDM400
09:22.47operat0rso if I setup siprox I dont need FWD ?
09:22.49dlynes_homeyou can set the echocancel level?
09:23.15hads|homeThere was a commit to trunk the other day that lets you :)
09:23.40hads|homeYeah, that's what I thought.
09:24.01dlynes_homei wonder how that'll affect sangoma cards
09:24.12kay2SheriF_WorK: did you use it for queue ?
09:24.20hads|homeMore CPU, but for a low volume server it's not too major.
09:24.59dlynes_homehads|home: well, any place i'm going to need echo help, is going to be a place with a small install
09:25.14kay2SheriF_WorK: because for some reason, it doesn't add people to the queue :(
09:25.28hads|homeIt's only the software EC that the setting is for so I wouldn't of thought that it would affect the Sangoma's
09:25.45dlynes_homehads|home: sangomas without a hardware ec
09:26.18hads|homeAh sorry, I haven't had the pleasure of installing an A200 yet.
09:26.33dlynes_homehads: i've got one a200 with a hardware ec, and two without
09:26.55dlynes_homehads: i haven't had a chance to take them for a spin yet though
09:26.56hads|homeLike them?
09:27.02hads|homeAh, bummer.
09:27.04dlynes_homehads: i've been too weighed down with other things
09:27.18dlynes_homehads i just got the driver installed for them last night
09:27.35dlynes_homenow i need to figure out how to write a wanpipe1.conf file
09:27.57SheriF_WorKkay2: no
09:28.18hads|homedlynes_home: Yeah, they're on my list of things to play with
09:29.06*** part/#asterisk parag7732 (
09:29.14dlynes_homehads|home: yeah...i've got one four port fxo a200 w/o ec, one four port fxo a200 w/ec, and another 2 port fxs/2 port fxo w/o ec
09:30.34hads|homedlynes_home: Cool, maybe I'll catch up with you on here and ask you how you got on sometime.
09:31.58hads|homeThinking about it, the Sangoma cards use the zaptel driver in the end so you would have thought that the software EC would work the same way.
09:34.15SheriF_WorKhum any one played with record command ? monitor ?
09:34.33SheriF_WorKit's saving every side of the call in sperated file .. can't it record both sides in one file?
09:35.00cjk_hi, was anyone able to compile mysql support for the asterisk trunk branch?
09:37.00*** join/#asterisk mr_horsepower (n=igor@
09:37.04mr_horsepowermorning all
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09:41.24stoffellhm, i'm doing a call to a queue, and there are a few hundred entries added in mysql.. only for this specific queue that is.. ?
09:46.23stoffellokay... got it.. the queue had 1 agent, being the queue number itself (this gave a loop).. so never mind :)
09:46.55*** part/#asterisk cfh (
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09:49.24dlynes_homeSheriF_WorK: look up MixMonitor
09:49.30operat0rso if I want to not use FWD and have it goto my asterrisk box. I put in my ip for SIP Proxy but I get busy signal
09:49.37dlynes_homeanyways...night, peeps
09:50.07*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
09:52.08SheriF_WorKi'm trying this but i'm a alittle lost ;-)
09:53.59SheriF_WorKdlynes_home: oh i'm using asterisk 1.0.x not 1.2 :-
09:54.03SheriF_WorKcan't use MixMonitor
09:58.44*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
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10:20.36marlcan anyone help me get iax working on my asterisk box? (please) i have asterisk with iax2 and have added an entry to the iax.conf file, udp5036 apears to be open when scanned from another machine on the network, but if i try and connect to * from my softfone 'idefisk' i dont see anything apearing on the asterisk console, evan after setting iax2 debug, and idefisk says timeout on registration, anyone got any pointers? ive read a ton of stuff, but i know iv
10:20.36marle missed something stupid along the way :(
10:21.30kaldemariax2 uses port 4569 by default.
10:21.39marlasterisk SVN-trunk-r7230, on Ubuntu 5.10
10:22.09kaldemarhave you defined it to use 5036 in iax.conf and are you trying to register to that same port with idefisk?
10:23.21marl:) now im getting no registration for peer :)
10:23.27marlat leaste now its connecting
10:23.33marlor trying to
10:24.09marli think maybe i had entered the 5036 port at some point the other day trying to get it working, thanks
10:24.21marlill now go and try and get the registration working :)
10:25.59kaldemarset the host as X.X.X.X:5036 in your idefisk if you're using that port.
10:28.32*** join/#asterisk _4d4m_ (n=adam@
10:30.05operat0rso for ipcall can I just put my hostname to bypass FWD ?
10:30.44operat0rsombody said I dont need FWD
10:32.44*** join/#asterisk Ecio (n=eciostar@
10:32.53Eciohi all
10:34.25Ecioi have installed poundkey (that afaik it's based on asterisk 1.2.5) and i want to install asterisk-addons in order to have mp3 moh. is it ok if i use latest addons (1.2.2) ?
10:35.59Ecioor maybe it's better if i upgrade to
10:37.24*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
10:37.30RoyKwtf is this??
10:37.30RoyKMay 30 12:37:04 NOTICE[27343]: chan_zap.c:7395 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 4
10:37.53RoyKit worked before last reboot, now it doesn't
10:37.55InfraRedlooks like a notice from zap channel
10:38.02InfraRedhave you heard of google ?
10:38.10RoyKI have indeed
10:38.12zoamarl, idefisk connects to 4569
10:38.16zoanoy 5036
10:38.40RoyKInfraRed: but google did not show me anything relevant, just 'have you checked for interrupt sharing problems' etc
10:39.20marlthanks zoa, id added the 5036 port th eother day trying to solve this, and hadnt re-set it, as hlaf the docs i was reading were saying 5036 :( now im getting someware (i think)
10:39.33zoaroyk, is it non stop ?
10:39.44zoaive also seen it a few times
10:39.48*** join/#asterisk whatisthat (n=va2003ch@
10:39.49zoamost of the time with bad cables
10:39.59whatisthatanyone can help me
10:40.06whatisthatI use meetme for voice conference
10:40.11RoyKzoa: every second or so
10:40.16whatisthatand I meet a problem of echo
10:40.21whatisthathow to resolve it
10:41.03zoano good
10:43.17RoyKzoa: tried with another cable, same problem. tried with another box, no problem
10:43.26mr_horsepowerdamm, you ppl dont have troubles with tida?
10:44.18RoyKzoa: and the box used to work before we moved it :(
10:45.09operat0rrunning in asterisk -vvvvv -c I should see any call comming in correct ? I get busy sig still with ipkall
10:45.28zoathe card might be broken
10:45.30operat0rI took out FWD and its been 2+ hrs safter change
10:45.36zoacall digium support
10:45.38RoyKzoa: ?????????????
10:45.59RoyKyeah. fine. they'll send me a new one within three weeks
10:47.12operat0rI tried IAX SIP and direct to astrisk and still get busy
10:47.28zoalet me know how it goes roy
10:49.13RoyKzoa: will do
10:52.49*** join/#asterisk SuperLag (n=aaron@gentoo/developer/SuperLag)
10:53.02kmilitzerAnyone every played with res_jabber and can help me a bit?
10:53.39mr_horsepowerkmilitzer: what does it do?
10:53.51kmilitzermr_horsepower: yes ... res_jabber in trunk ...
10:54.31mr_horsepoweri see, but what does it provides?
10:55.08kmilitzermr_horsepower: Notification ... like send a message with the incoming callerid to someone ...
10:55.53mr_horsepowerwe do that here, but with agi
10:56.07mr_horsepoweri will try that module
10:56.26mr_horsepowersendtxt whould be very nice! :D
10:56.32kmilitzermr_horsepower: I guess that is another way ... but I am in a playfull mood today and thought I can give it a test ... ;)
10:57.58mr_horsepoweryes, test it.
10:58.14kmilitzermr_horsepower: Thing is: I don't get it to work ... ;)
10:58.23mr_horsepowerwhat's the problem?
10:58.57*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
10:59.15kmilitzerI cannot get it to register ... I always get a 401 from the jabber server, but that's it ... jabberd does not tell me why the registaration failed
11:04.38*** join/#asterisk faber3 (
11:04.43faber3hi everbody
11:05.04faber3is there somebody here from Germany? we are looking for professional asterisk consulting
11:05.39kmilitzerfaber3: I am from germany ...
11:06.00*** join/#asterisk andrebarbosa (n=andrebar@
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11:08.02qdk_faber3: The Asterisk book is good. ;-)
11:10.21SheriF_WorKmawahahhaha i managed to get the stero call recording :-)
11:11.32Ecioi have a little problem with music on hold.. i've downloaded asterisk-addons, compiled format_mp3 and loaded it into asterisk (asterisk says "Loaded /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/" and registered file format mp3)
11:11.50Ecionow im tryin to edit musiconhold.conf but it doesnt play
11:12.13Ecioi can see in the debug "started music on hold" and immediately "stopped music on hold"
11:17.47marlcan someone tell me what extra config i need to enter into extesnions.conf to allow my iax to be used within the dialplan? i have an iax number (incoming only) and have set the context to 'incoming' (same as my normal land lines) and * is saying the context iax-fone-no@incoming does not exist, but i thought that by setting its context to incoming it would simply act the same as my land lines
11:18.38*** join/#asterisk skeffling (
11:22.30hwtthis does not appear to work in
11:22.45hwtgrep ODBC Makefile
11:22.48hwtgives nothing.
11:31.09*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:33.41russellbhwt: grep ODBC apps/Makefile
11:34.24*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
11:35.22hwtrussellb: yeah, i noticed. thanks anyway. :)
11:36.33marlplease anypointers on getting request 'phonenumber@incoming' does not exist, when trying to connect from an iax number to *
11:39.16zoathe number you are trying to dial
11:40.03zoadoes not exist there
11:40.21X-Rob_make a exten => phonenumber,1,Something-to-happen in [incoming]
11:40.24marlbut how do i add it? cus when i dial through the landline, i just specify the context inthe zap conf files, i dont have to specify the phonenumber
11:44.19mr_horsepowerodbc sucks, i really dont like it.
11:44.35marlaaaaaaaagggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, one of these days im going to chuck this box out of the window
11:45.11marlhas anyone ever ported * to the BBC micro or the ZX Spectrum?
11:47.32faber3kmilitzer: sorry i was on the phone. hast du erfahrung mit asterisk als gateway für ISDN auf linux?
11:48.40RoyKfaber3: det pleier å funke fint, det
11:48.41qdk_faber3: who made you king of the world?
11:49.38hwtqdk_: hitler.
11:50.00qdk_hehe... must be something like that. ;-)
11:50.30*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
11:51.08kmilitzerfaber3: If you want to talk german, use private message, in here the language is german ...
11:51.16*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
11:51.18jhiverhi all
11:51.20kmilitzerI need a break I think ;)
11:51.28jhiverI have a pretty strange "no audio" issue
11:51.35jhiverAsterisk gives me this:
11:51.40RoyKfaber3: i dunno if herr junghanns is doing anymore business with asterisk, but he used to be good
11:51.45jhiversked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 256/256)
11:51.45jhivere type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 256/256)
11:51.45jhivere formats is 256 (read/write = 256/256)cr*CLI>
11:51.45jhiverd/write = 256/256)cr*CLI>
11:51.45jhivered to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 256/256)
11:51.46jhivertype 4, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 256/256)cr*CLI>
11:51.58jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
11:51.59jhiverhave you seen this garbage before?
11:52.28jhiversorry i've pasted too much
11:52.28kmilitzerArghh ... I grab something to eat now ... I cannot think straight any more ;)
11:53.07marlexten => _440845xxxxxx,1,Answer
11:53.07marlexten => _44845xxxxxx,1,goto(incoming,s,1) in extensions.conf, and still iax dont work :( anyone tell me what stupid mistake ive made?
11:53.09jhiverit does it with asterisk but used to work with 1.0.9
11:53.32RoyKzoa: ping
11:54.02*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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11:56.33zoaon the phone
11:56.59russellbRoyK: we're working on it :-p
11:57.26RoyKrussellb: i'm working on a far worse problem. one of my boxes fail to find its PRIs after moving it
11:57.40RoyKtried with two different te410p cards now
11:57.44jhivernevermind it was a codec issue
11:59.26zoarussel, quick question
11:59.39zoaa tdm card, does it speak ulaw / alaw internally ?
11:59.41zoaor slin ?
11:59.58zoaroyk, is the carrier still the same ?
12:00.02zoais this at your place or in a colo ?
12:00.12RoyKcolo, am at the colo
12:00.22zoadid the pri change somehow ?
12:00.34RoyKnot at all
12:00.42zoawhat exactly did you move ?
12:00.46zoathe rack ?
12:00.48zoaor more ?
12:00.49RoyKthe box
12:00.52RoyKfrom one rack to another
12:00.53faber3RoyK: does not provide service
12:00.54russellbzoa: i'm not sure, sorry ...
12:00.58RoyKfaber3: ok
12:01.07zoarussellb: is matt there ?
12:01.20zoaRoyK: is it grounded ?
12:01.24russellbzoa: I don't work in town
12:01.28RoyKis the pope catholic?
12:01.28zoahow is that said in english
12:01.29zoaaha k
12:01.54RoyKeverything is the same
12:01.57RoyKone box works
12:01.58RoyKone doesn't
12:02.04RoyKsame make of the two boxes
12:02.07RoyKibm 306
12:02.12russellbzoa: is slav on IRC?
12:02.58russellbRoyK: if you wait an hour, you can get digium support on the phone
12:03.05zoai will ask him to come online
12:03.08*** join/#asterisk normast (
12:03.14zoaoh yes the other box worked
12:03.26zoahe is out for a cigarette now
12:03.48russellbok, no problem
12:03.55zoawill be back in 5 minutes
12:04.38*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
12:04.59faber3is there BRI stuff from digium ?
12:05.09russellbfaber3: coming soon
12:06.06faber3russellb: how soon? our asterisk linux isdn gateway crashed for the third time now and we have to replace it or get some decent bri cards
12:06.30*** join/#asterisk rleyba (
12:06.31russellbi think it's pretty much ready, i'm not sure when it starts shipping ...
12:07.08RoyKrussellb: Last tiime I tried asking them about this sort of problem, I got the reply I just had to return the cards to get them upgraded
12:07.24RoyKconsidering I need this server up within hours, that's not really an option
12:07.47zoawell if the card works in the different server i dont think they will propose that
12:07.47RoyKalso, they told me the IBM hardware was crap and that I needed to test lots of other hardware instead
12:07.52russellbi understand, but they may be able to solve your problem if you give them a chance
12:07.58rleybaexcuse me.....may I ask a newbie question about asterisk and vonage?
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12:08.34RoyKzoa: I don't know if they do yet, only I've seen more or less the same problem before and that it was solved after trying dozens of different stuff
12:09.14pskarg! wrong window!
12:10.24zoaive also seen the problem before
12:10.33zoacouldnt solve it in some occasions
12:10.48coppicezoa: the TDM card ought to work linear inside, but I seem to remember it uses ulaw. could be wrong. its a long time since I played with it
12:11.04kay2russelb: do you know why I get an "invalid" there : Members: >
12:12.14kay2russellb: I added him with addqueuemember(queuename|SIP/805@
12:12.17zoaslav seems to have found something
12:12.18coppicezoa: what is your interest?
12:12.20zoahe is coming
12:12.23*** join/#asterisk Skymarshal (
12:12.30zoaslav asks, i now gave him a tdm card instead of a pri card
12:12.34zoafor the jb testing
12:12.44zoaand he things the path used in asterisk is different
12:12.49*** join/#asterisk sturmflut (
12:12.59zoaand thinks the codec might be different
12:13.02zoahe's checking it no
12:13.24zoato be honest i dont get why it would make a difference :)
12:13.28sturmflutI updated my Asterisk to now and it still crashes as soon as the Cisco IP Phone 7941G tries to register via Skinny
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12:13.43zoathere you go russellb
12:15.13SkymarshalHi, I use Dial(SIP/10&SIP/20) to "split" a call to two phones. Problem: If I deny to answer e.g. the 10 by given it a busy it will ring again after some seconds. Why?
12:18.39*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
12:18.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:21.25kay2MikeJ[Laptop]: there /
12:22.03kay2in a queue member, what is the penality for ?
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12:26.39*** join/#asterisk |MxB|aRKo (
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12:27.09|MxB|aRKohi all :)
12:27.17chipdolinganahi everyone..
12:27.27|MxB|aRKocan i ask someone a question about digium card?
12:27.50_Paulo_|MxB|aRKo, just ask your question
12:28.01chipdolinganai don't know if i can help bet do ask your question... (i will olso do)
12:28.10qdk_|MxB|aRKo: ask 2 ask?!? you drunk?
12:28.18|MxB|aRKoi have a problem about impedence
12:28.20[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : if 2 agents could be chosen equally, the one with the higher rating (lowest penelty) will be chosen.  Its for skills based routing
12:28.36|MxB|aRKoi don't know what impedence in Ohm is supported
12:28.54_Paulo_|MxB|aRKo, what card model is yours?
12:29.24[TK]D-Fender|MxB|aRKo : I don't know the #'s for it but thats what "loadzone" is in zaptel.conf if I'm not mistaken.
12:29.24|MxB|aRKofor PRI connection
12:29.31coppicearen't they always the same impedance?
12:29.43_Paulo_|MxB|aRKo, this isnt an E1/T1 card?
12:29.45|MxB|aRKotelecom ask me for calibrate the line
12:29.51[TK]D-Fender|MxB|aRKo : Digital links shouldn't have any kind of issue like that I would think....
12:29.54|MxB|aRKoyes T1/E1 card
12:30.12|MxB|aRKoon a PRI ISDN line
12:30.16_Paulo_|MxB|aRKo, better call another PSTN provider...
12:30.20coppiceits 110 ohms. they always are if they use twisted pairs
12:30.41chipdolinganacan someone tell me how to use the MSN numbers on my ISDN30 (te110p from digium) for outgoing calls in the netherlands. (at this moment i only show the main number to the person i call)
12:30.50_Paulo_|MxB|aRKo, this one seems to know nothing about what they busines
12:31.00|MxB|aRKosure :)
12:31.17|MxB|aRKobut here is the only provider :/
12:31.26|MxB|aRKo110 Ohm so
12:31.37kay2|MxB|aRKo: it's not important
12:31.47kay2|MxB|aRKo: plus depend of the lenght of the line
12:31.54kay2|MxB|aRKo: so they should know that better
12:32.03kay2|MxB|aRKo: they're just talkin shit :)
12:32.17|MxB|aRKobut the card support all ?
12:32.28_Paulo_|MxB|aRKo, just plug it
12:32.32kay2[TK]D-Fender Do you know why I get "invalid" here : SIP/805@ (dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
12:32.47kay2[TK]D-Fender: it's when I do a "show queue queuename"
12:32.49RoyKproblem solved. s/digium/sangoma/gi solved it all
12:32.56|MxB|aRKook thanks for the answer :)
12:32.59_Paulo_|MxB|aRKo, I dont think you can damage the board, even if it somewhat fail
12:32.59|MxB|aRKothanks all
12:33.07|MxB|aRKoyes ok
12:33.41*** join/#asterisk LoRez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
12:34.14chipdolinganaincomming calls do work on the MSN numbers, outgoing calls always show the main number (over if i set the caller id to another number)
12:35.52*** part/#asterisk satlan32 (n=pargit@
12:36.52|MxB|aRKothank again
12:37.05|MxB|aRKoi try
12:37.18*** part/#asterisk |MxB|aRKo (
12:38.53kay2Is something wrong about that: exten=> 1900,2,AddQueueMember(mytest|SIP/805@|0)
12:41.19[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Why are you including an IP in your member detials?
12:41.35[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : It inappropriate.
12:41.58[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Can you pastebin your entire extensions.conf for a sec.... I want to see how you're running things...
12:42.06Eciowhich is the right config for musiconhold.conf with format_mp3?
12:42.33[TK]D-FenderEcio : ... huh?
12:42.36*** part/#asterisk SpaceBass (
12:42.47Eciod-fender: i've compiled and loaded format_mp3 in asterisk
12:43.05[TK]D-FenderEcio : Ok... so whats not working with it now?
12:43.35Ecionow im tryin to edit moh.conf in order to make it work... but when i call conference or an extension mapped to moh i see "started moh" and then immediately after "stopped moh" and no music is heard on the phone
12:43.47*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (n=Ariel@
12:43.54Ecioi suppose format_mp3 is correctly loaded
12:44.03Eciocause asterisk said "loaded" and mp3 registered
12:44.48Ecioi've tried "mode=files" and "mode=quietmp3" (the default option)
12:45.11[TK]D-FenderEcio : Are you using Native MoH or MPG123?  Do you have MP3's in the folder specified?  Didi you make sure they aren't VBR and have no ID3 tags?
12:45.32chipdolinganacan someone tell me how to use the MSN numbers on my ISDN30 (te110p from digium) for outgoing calls in the netherlands. (at this moment i only show the main number to the person i call)
12:45.53Ecioi have the default /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3 dir with fpm-*.mp3 files so i think they're ok for *
12:46.31kay2[TK]D-Fender: my SIP phones are registered on a Sip Express Router, so basically, how could asterisk do the AddQueueMember ?
12:46.32Ecioshould i specity a "application=" parameter?
12:46.41*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
12:47.02kay2[TK]D-Fender: Otherwise I would have to add all the phones in sip.conf
12:47.08jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
12:47.42kay2[TK]D-Fender: what do you want me to pastbin ?
12:47.58kay2[TK]D-Fender: there is just one AddqueueMember(mytest)
12:48.11[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Make a peer entry for them or use a Local/member method fo using your dial-plan to call them
12:48.12kay2[TK]D-Fender: but since the call comes from the SER, it doesn't get it properly
12:48.25[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : the PB link was for Ecio
12:49.08kay2[TK]D-Fender: what you mean by "make a peer entry for them" ?
12:49.17*** join/#asterisk buzzyd (
12:49.39[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : make dial entries in a context and add members like "member=Local/805@SER" and in [SER] do "exten => 805,1,Dial(SIP/805@"
12:49.53buzzydhi all, does anyone here use a audiocodes mp102 with asterisk?
12:50.07Eciooops... that's the link:
12:50.30kay2[TK]D-Fender: So I have to do a member=blabla for each phone
12:51.08[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : just use the local channel for whatever "add" feature you're using to list/add your agents
12:51.42*** join/#asterisk LokeshIndian (
12:52.01buzzydor does anyone know where I can get some help setting up an Audiocodes MP102 with asterisk?
12:52.50kay2[TK]D-Fender: let say I have a SIP phone that register on the ser and it's id is "foo", Without doing a member=local/foo@ser, can I add "foo" to a queue ?
12:53.09[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Yes.  I just told you what you need to do...
12:53.22kay2[TK]D-Fender: well I didnt get it very well
12:53.38[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : exten=> 1900,2,AddQueueMember(mytest|Local/805@SER|0)
12:53.52[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : And make that context the way I described.
12:54.02[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : You can probably just use a pattern match as well.
12:54.06kay2[TK]D-Fender: but that means I know that there is a phone with "805" ?
12:54.37[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : You are the one that gave me that example.  pastbin your dialplan.....
12:55.43*** join/#asterisk niter3 (
12:55.57[TK]D-FenderEcio : You have MP3's in that folder?  Checked for the VBR & ID3 like I mentioned?
12:56.29Eciod-fender: the files are the predefined that comes with asterisk (pound key installation) so fpm-sunshine.mp3 etc...
12:56.37Ecioi suppose they are ok
12:56.50Ecioi've not tried (yet) to use my own mp3s
12:57.38niter3Hey guys, I'm looking for an IAX provider that allows you to set your own CPN.
12:57.48niter3And no, it's not for malicious use.
12:57.56kay2niter3: CPN ?
12:58.23kay2[TK]D-Fender: see, my dialplan is quiet empty, that's for tests
12:58.40Eciouhm d-fender, im tryin to re-execute asterisk... and i see an error... []Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe Warning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
12:58.41[TK]D-FenderEcio : Then I only have one susp[icion left... are you running * as non-root?
12:58.46niter3caller id
12:58.53Eciomaybe something's gone wrong installing the addons...
12:59.04Eciod-fender: no im running it as root
12:59.19qdk_niter3: where did you come up with CPN?
12:59.31[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Where's that line you pasted for me earlier with the IP embedded?
12:59.48kay2I don't have it, but that was just for a test
12:59.55[TK]D-FenderEcio : Ok if its not a permissions thing and you're accurate in the rest of your claims I don't know what to tell you....
13:00.06qdk_niter3: CID doesnt work for you?
13:00.27kay2[TK]D-Fender: the thing is that when somebody dials a number, if I queue it, I just get "SIP/SER_DOMAIN" added in the queue
13:00.40kay2[TK]D-Fender: unless I have in sip.conf a context with the specific phone
13:00.48[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Well now you have NOTHING in there..... I can't fix NOTHING.
13:01.03Eciod-fender: im tryin to reboot the machine, that app_rxfax error is suspect... i hadnt it before... i cant relaunch investigating it...
13:01.06kay2[TK]D-Fender: but I wasn't talkin about fixing something :)
13:01.12[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : For dialing out to SER you don't NEED to make SIP.CONF entries for them.
13:01.35kay2[TK]D-Fender: If I do a dial(SIP/805@SER) it works find
13:01.38*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
13:01.42SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: hiii ;-) today i managed to get a phone recording :P
13:02.26kay2[TK]D-Fender: but if I do a AddQueueMember(myqueue), then asterisk doesn't get the info from the contact header but just get "SIP/SER_DOMAIN"
13:02.34Eciod-fender: lol it was another asterisk machine (another test) the one with that error... i suppose the beer and the fried pizza i've eaten are having some effect :)
13:02.50kay2unless I have the info about the specific phone in sip.conf, and I didn't wanted to have it in sip.conf
13:03.04[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : congrats... not that hard was it?
13:03.23Eciod-fender: i've reloaded asterisk (on the right machine) and now it seems to work.... /me dumb
13:03.24SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: no it wasn't ;-)
13:03.47SheriF_WorKi coudn't use MixMonitor since i'm still in this crazy CVS 1.0.x asterisk :( can't upgrade .. don't have what it takes :D
13:04.25SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: now my CDR show me Duration time but in seconds like 180 for 3 mints i want to convert it to something like 03:00
13:04.47[TK]D-Fenderkay2 You have no interface on any of those empty AddQueueMemeber lines.... READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE IT.
13:05.22[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : Don't have what it takes?  You meana  few minutes?
13:06.58SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: nop the ballls cuz i'm sure it's will break the running system .. there is will down time donn how much :-s cuz i'm already want to upgrade the system too which will break too :D
13:07.18[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : How big a setup are you running?  Doing anything special on it?
13:09.57*** join/#asterisk gandhijee (
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13:12.02kay2[TK]D-Fender: interface is optionnal!
13:12.37kay2[TK]D-Fender: if you do a AddQueueMember(queuename), it doesn't get the interface itself ?
13:13.07SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: no but it's the company PBX .. so  i have to do it over the night or in weekend :(
13:13.49tamp4xis there anything out there that allows recording of conversations with asterisk
13:13.58SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: the other end hears me in very law sound .. is that a common problem ? or can u think about why it's might be like this ?
13:14.16_Paulo_tamp4x, sure.
13:14.29tamp4xhow paulo
13:17.49*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
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13:19.17_Paulo_tamp4x, that is what you were looking for?
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13:22.02*** join/#asterisk Evanrude (
13:25.12[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Use the callerID as the backtrace to find out where to go.
13:25.20*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (i=negative@
13:25.43[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : Depends... whats on both ends?
13:25.50Hmmhesaysso I got a new phone
13:26.08[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Which?
13:26.12Hmmhesaysmotorola E815
13:26.34[TK]D-FenderHmmhesaysm :Great phone....
13:26.51Hmmhesayslooks pretty crippled out of the box
13:26.59[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I got a 1 gig card for mine and am about to load it up with MP3's
13:27.07[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Crippled?  How?
13:27.50Hmmhesayslooks like some of the bluetooth stuff could be better
13:28.07Hmmhesaysbut from what I read there are some *upgraded* firmwares out there
13:29.19*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
13:29.53[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : BT works fine for me for file transfer, modem, and headset (tested once)
13:30.21kay2[TK]D-Fender: in sip.conf, I added [SER] as a peer, but still, when I do a AddQueueMember(mytest), it adds "SIP/ser_domain_name" and doesn't get the "805" from the contact or from header
13:30.47*** join/#asterisk aze_ (
13:30.56[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : I didn't say add it to SIP.CONF. its for EXTENSIONS.CONF for the local channel.
13:30.59Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender can you do voice dialing on it without a headset?
13:31.03Hmmhesaysi can't seem to find that anywhere
13:31.10[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : yup
13:31.21[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : button on right side
13:31.31[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : the lower one
13:31.47Hmmhesaysspeakerphone button
13:31.55Hmmhesaysoh nm
13:31.58Hmmhesaystoo early yet
13:32.25*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
13:32.37Hmmhesayshow do I activate the prompt asking for a name, or whatever it says
13:32.52*** join/#asterisk Conductor (n=thomas@
13:33.09Conductorhi! is there anything like setCallerPres for incoming calls?
13:33.18[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Press the lower right side button quickly and say "call so-and-so:
13:33.26kay2[TK]D-Fender: don't get pissed :)
13:33.31Hmmhesaysahah!  my bad, held it down
13:33.45[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : only a momentary press
13:33.57[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : holding it is for long term recording...
13:34.13*** part/#asterisk awad (
13:34.14SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: hehe on both ends me on SIP phone and a analog line then analog phone.
13:34.19[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I can't wait to load mine up with MP3's..... I already filled the 40 meg it had.. 1 Gig ought to do me fine for a while :)
13:34.50kay2[TK]D-Fender: but I dunno what are the username of the phone registered on the SER, how can I add them on [local] if I don't have the username ? I'll get the username just once the call for being added in the queue comes!
13:34.56[TK]D-FenderSheriF_WorK : if your phone is well balanced for inter-sip talking and VM recording then its your gain on the PST that needs to be adjusted.
13:35.51[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Allow unauthenticated callers on your system and [local] isn't meanto to be a context, its for the Local/ channel!
13:35.55Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender its microsd right?
13:36.04[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : yup.  Dirt cheap these days
13:36.49kay2[TK]D-Fender: i've already done a "insecure=very", and not auth calls gets in, that's not the pb
13:38.01kay2[TK]D-Fender: If I do a dial, the call comes from the SER to asterisk and that works fine
13:38.25*** join/#asterisk stack_ (n=stack@
13:38.28[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Typical name is TransFlash
13:38.32stack_good morning, everyone
13:39.01kay2[TK]D-Fender: the only thing is that I don't see anytihng like SIP/PHONEID@my_ser_domain but only SIP/my_ser_domain ...
13:39.13stack_Every once in a while, I get the following on the console:     -- Zap/22-1 is proceeding passing it to SIP/aohler-c5cb
13:39.23stack_any ideas as to why?
13:39.36jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
13:39.43[TK]D-Fenderstack_ : They're on the phone.
13:40.43stack_[TK]D-Fender, really... it's that simple?
13:40.54stack_[TK]D-Fender, sorry, I was out in the sun too much
13:41.06*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
13:41.10[TK]D-Fenderkay2 :You are complicating this a LOT for nothing.  Does your CallerID match a username that you can dial back to SER to reach them?  So if a call comes in from 805, that means that if * dialed 805@serIP it'd ring?
13:41.58[TK]D-Fenderstack_ : PRI has progress codes and the telco was able to detect the busy and instead of providing tone it passed back digital progress indications instead of the annoying busy signal... its up to * to annoy you now :)
13:42.19stack_[TK]D-Fender, gotcha
13:43.08kay2[TK]D-Fender: yeah
13:43.42kay2if I do a Dial(SIP/SER/805) or Dial(SIP/805@serip) it would ring
13:44.07kay2[TK]D-Fender: the only thing is from asterisk, how do I get the "805"
13:44.30kay2[TK]D-Fender: since I don't have [805] anywhere
13:44.45polloanyone can helpme with sip softphones
13:44.54kay2pollo: shoot
13:45.01[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : So use the incoming callerid and add your queuemembers using Local/${CID}@ SER and make a catch-all to dial the actual phone.
13:45.47kay2[TK]D-Fender: which means I have to have a member=something
13:46.13polloI can´t call from my extension 201 from 203 into my lan , when i call i get these error : May 30 14:02:03 WARNING[6082]: chan_sip.c:694 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 387c67d7788e0f277f9420af641490b6@ for seqno 102 (Critical Request)
13:46.34pollothese are my conf files
13:46.43FaithXanyone using pennytel
13:47.09[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : NO.  You need to WAKE UP! Add you querumebers EXACTLY LIKE THIS : exten => 1900,1,AddQueueMember(myqueue|Local/${CALLERID(number)}@SER)
13:47.26Eciosorry for the (maybe) dumb question, but is "include" in context multilevel ? i mean if B includes C and A includes B, does A includes also C ?
13:48.05*** join/#asterisk C4T3l (n=rcall01@
13:48.12[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Then make a context named [SER] in extensions.conf and add "exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@" and change the IP to point to your SER
13:48.13Ecio(im used to use call manager and it uses two concepts, partitions and callingsearchspace in order to manage separations)
13:48.23[TK]D-FenderEcio : Yes, full inheritance
13:48.30kay2[TK]D-Fender: ok 2s
13:49.43*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
13:49.49Eciouhm... so i must separate my users in another way...
13:50.09[TK]D-FenderEcio : Make a better combination.
13:50.16*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/trelane)
13:50.52[TK]D-FenderEcio : Pastebin what you've got.  I doubt you need to do too much to make it very functional and clean.
13:51.08Eciod-fender: im just doing some planning, i've not created anything yet
13:51.10niter3Hey guys, I'm looking for an IAX provider that allows you to set your own CPN.
13:51.49bkw__CPN and CID really don't differ in 99% of the cases
13:52.06Eciomy idea is having two groups of users. group A: can call group A, group B and a sip trunk, group B can call only group A and B
13:52.22bkw__you have a few rare cases where a us cellphone roaming in canada.. they differ then
13:52.26[TK]D-FenderEcio : very easy
13:52.37kay2[TK]D-Fender: ok like that it works :)
13:53.09*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (n=chapeaur@
13:53.25Eciod-fender: i see that i can do it having two separate contexts... but the problem is... if i have to specify a line for every number, Dial(SIP/user)
13:53.36Ecioi have to replicate all of these on both contexts...
13:53.42Hmmhesayswow there are a lot of hacks for this phone
13:53.52Eciomaybe i can do it using variables and so on...
13:53.59[TK]D-FenderEcio : Not at all... Pastebin what you;'ve got.
13:54.19[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : like?
13:54.31qdk_niter3: Some IAX peer might allow it, but why? it will be striped or denied going to a regular/old carrier.
13:55.09niter3qdk_: I don't think so..
13:55.33bprice20Is anyone besides myself using odbc for voicemail storage?
13:55.57qdk_niter3: i could test it and make sure, but i really dont have the time... but WHY do you need that "feature"?
13:56.19*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
13:56.47SheriF_WorK[TK]D-Fender: hum i'll look for that now i should go home :-)
13:56.50SheriF_WorKlater guys
13:56.58Conductorcan i change the callingPres for incoming calls?
13:57.02qdk_bprice20: no, but im thinking about it, so i can get the files of one server.
13:57.03Conductordoes this make sense?
13:57.12coppicei remember when realplayer for linux used to work. WTF did they do to it?
13:58.14bprice20qdk_ I have had one problem with it, and suprisingly since using mysql 5 it hasn't been performance w/ blobs
13:58.59bprice20its that if you select out the blob and pipe that to a file then its not a wav file
13:59.31bprice20its raw data, I'm like how to you get the wav out of the database for use in say a web based interface
13:59.38Eciod-fender: | but consider that im just starting and doing some test.. but my final obj is having around 500 SIP users (obviously not calling concurrently :D)
14:00.16*** part/#asterisk tparcina (
14:00.29Ecioi think that maybe it will be easier to use directly numbers for SIP account... so i can call SIP/number instead of having all those exten to map numbers to users...
14:00.30bprice20asterisk obviously is doing it because they playback fine via the voicemail app
14:00.38niter3qdk_: I want this feature so that when somebody calls and asterisk passes it on to my cell phone it will transfer the CID number, so I know if I want to answer it or not.
14:00.54Ecioand doing in that way i'll have only a couple of lines in the extensions.conf... (correct me if im wrong)
14:01.27Ecio(but the idea of having users instead of numbers is fascinating :))
14:02.11sevardIs anyone experencing that wakeup.php is not working after you upgrade to
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14:06.40mr_horsepowereveryone knows wakeup.php? i dont!
14:07.16[TK]D-FenderEcio : Like this :
14:07.59[TK]D-FenderEcio : And you need to learn about macros FAST....
14:08.11mr_horsepowerEcio: what's so fascinating about having users insted of numbers?
14:08.32Eciod-fender.. and then i'll have that A users (like john and jane) have in their sip.conf that their context is GroupA (not GroupAPhones) right?
14:08.45[TK]D-FenderEcio : Correct.
14:08.56Eciomr_horse: that saying "you can call me at"
14:09.04Eciois far better than calling tu D:
14:09.42Eciod-fender: i've used (err. copied) one simple macro for calling the cisco call manager sip trunk...
14:09.54[TK]D-FenderEcio : Taht way you can includ GroupAPhones in IVR contexts etc without comprimising other functionality
14:10.18mr_horsepowerivr contexts? why dont use queues?
14:10.23[TK]D-FenderEcio : What do you need CM for now that you have *?
14:10.41[TK]D-Fendermr_horsepower : Queues don't give you a menu....
14:10.48Eciod-fender: cause my company (actually all the building im in) has a cisco infrastructure
14:10.57Ecioso cisco phones, cisco voice gw, cisco call manager
14:11.03Ecioall that f**kin expensive stuff :D
14:11.07[TK]D-FenderEcio : Poor you....
14:11.12mr_horsepoweroffcourse not, and whats users have to do with ivr's anyway?
14:11.31Eciod-fender: actually it's quite easy to use it and administer it... but of course i havent paid it :)
14:11.40[TK]D-Fendermr_horsepower : Maybe you might want to dial an EXTENSION direclty from a menu perhaps?
14:12.33mr_horsepower[TK]D-Fender: in a ivr? on a normal ivr, you dial queues, that have the members/extensions you mention.
14:12.35Eciothe idea is giving SIP accounts to our external agents (~500) so they can call us and we can call them via sip trunk, organize audio conferences with meetme and of course give them the opportunity to call each other without payin
14:12.39[TK]D-Fendermr_horsepower : IVR isn't all about "press 1 for customer server, press 2 for Joe (even though everyone on the inside dials 100 to call him).  NO, you make it so you can dial peoples extension NORMALLY.
14:13.14mr_horsepowerNORMALY no one dials extensions directly in ivr's.
14:13.25[TK]D-Fendermr_horsepower : Stop thinking like the entire world is a call center where names and people don't matter.  When I want to call Joe at a friggen company I call them up and puch HIS extension.
14:13.39[TK]D-Fendermr_horsepower : You are very VERY wrong on that one....
14:14.18[TK]D-Fendermr_horsepower : Do the words "If you know the extensions of the person you want to reach, please dial it now" ring a bell?
14:14.26mr_horsepower[TK]D-Fender: normaly, dont have a ivr like "punch 1 to dial john, press 2 to dial joe, press 3 to dial ..."
14:14.29Eciod-fender: err i mean, of course my company paid for the cisco infrastructure but i had no decision role in that...
14:14.42buzzydAnyone here know anything about audiocodes MP102/4 and asterisk?
14:14.54mr_horsepower[TK]D-Fender: OFFCOURSE but if you want to dial the ppl directly, why do you need a fucking ivr?
14:15.00[TK]D-Fendermr_horsepower You mean YOU don't.  Tell that to the rest of the world.
14:15.47[TK]D-Fendermr_horsepower : IVR is jsut something that accepts DTMF to route calls instead of paying a receptionist to pick up the phone.  It has nothing to do with Queues my its nature.  Perhaps you should look up the definition of IVR.
14:15.50mr_horsepoweryeah "punch 1 to dial john, press 2 to dial joe, press 3 to dial ... OR you can just stop wasting time in this fucking useless ivr, and dial it directly"
14:16.20[TK]D-Fendermr_horsepower : The very sample menu you just gave IS AN IVR!
14:16.26Conductorwhat is CALLERID(ani) CALLERID(dnis) CALLERID(rdnis)?
14:16.33mr_horsepoweryes, it is, useless, but it is.
14:16.40[TK]D-Fendermr_horsepower : Any automated menu is an ivr.  Period.
14:17.02mr_horsepoweryes, your right, it keeps behing useless anyway.
14:17.13*** join/#asterisk froguz (n=alvaro@
14:17.40[TK]D-Fendermr_horsepower : Well thats LANGUAGE for you.  Words have meanings.  Respect their intent or go on mumbling by yourself...
14:17.52*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:18.02sevardIs anyone experincing that wakeup.php is not working after you upgrade to
14:18.56[TK]D-Fendermr_horsepower : Being able to dial an extension is no different that pressing a shoret entry that could possibly do the same thing.  Its not the structiure of the menu (*like being able to dial what is conceptually a users extension) that counts.  Its the mere ability to enter something at all and have it process it that counts.
14:19.28Conductorcould anyone tell me what dnis and rdnis is for?
14:19.53buzzydThere has to be some here that has experience with audiocodes kit and Asterisk
14:19.56mr_horsepower[TK]D-Fender: that's why i sayed, NORMALY, and not ALLWAYS.
14:21.10froguzit's posible to share an E1's channels between 2 PBX? i have an E1 connected to a NEC Neax 2000 IPS and i want to connect 4 of those channles to * (sharing the same signaling channel)
14:21.57blitzrageanyone have a good example set of files for Cisco 7960's with all the features? I think this set of conf files I have is lacking.
14:22.24*** join/#asterisk flujan (
14:22.29_Paulo_froguz, you can split the E1 with a MUX
14:22.47flujancoppice, Hi steves... I'm having problems using unicall . Could you help me? :)
14:23.10_Paulo_froguz, but I dont know a mux that is less expensive than a second interface card.
14:23.14asterboyyuk, I'm getting Seg Faults on sox
14:23.24hwtwhere do i specify the host for odbc storage?
14:23.48flujancoppice, I start debuging the legacy pbx which I'm connecting asterisk with.
14:23.59froguza MUX? mmm...  haven't heard before. i'll look for some info in the wiki
14:24.13hwti can't find anything relevant in either res_config.conf or extconfig
14:24.27*** join/#asterisk brif8 (
14:24.52_Paulo_froguz, a multiplexer. you can find some used units cheap on ebay
14:24.53asterboyused them in the old days to transport groups of terminals from one building to another.
14:25.00hwtperhaps its odbc.ini?
14:25.26flujancoppice, The legacy pbx did not send the full number... for instance, If i dialed 12345678 it just send the number 4. I asked the company which made de software and they said that asterisk should "ask" for the other number... And it is not "asking"...
14:25.44flujancoppice, how can I debug and retrieve this information?
14:25.48brif8Can one set call forwarding by extensions.  ie if extension 302 can be call forward to xxx-yyy-zzzz  and 304 to aaa-bbb-cccc  when 302 and 304 are set to DND ?
14:26.03_Paulo_flujan, its MFC-5C
14:26.22_Paulo_flujan, Brazilian variant of MFC-R2
14:26.48froguz_Paulo_, so i can't share the signalling channel between 2 pbx?
14:27.19mr_horsepowerflujan: i have almost the same thing
14:27.22_Paulo_froguz, not without some gear like a mux.
14:27.23mr_horsepowerwith a matra pbx
14:27.34coppiceflujan: do you have a log of a call with loglevel=255?
14:27.42mr_horsepowerit sends the first digit, and then sends me everything else in dtmf
14:27.48mr_horsepowerdont know why
14:27.54flujancoppice, Yes... I will pastebin it.
14:28.37flujancoppice, when I dial using one of my legacy pbx extensions... I route the call to asterisk. Asterisk detect the event as you can see:
14:28.45_Paulo_flujan, You are talking about "Bina"
14:28.49mr_horsepower_Paulo_: do know why i'm having this problem? any clue?
14:29.06flujancoppice, but doesn't enter in the context I configured in the unicall.conf
14:29.17_Paulo_mr_horsepower, yes, I know... :-)
14:29.32flujan_Paulo_, yes Paulo. I'm trying to put asterisk working with my legacy pbx through a E1 link.
14:29.47mr_horsepower_Paulo_: we speak almost the same language, can you say me why? :D
14:30.08_Paulo_lets talk at
14:30.08flujan_Paulo_, asterisk is detecting the events correctly but isn't entering the context I configured in the unicall.conf
14:30.50coppiceflujan: what you have pasted is only the start of the call
14:31.35Conductorwhen a caller uses CLIP no screening, i always get his _real_ number. How can i get the number he set?
14:31.54*** join/#asterisk yxa (
14:32.02mutdamn phone
14:32.07flujancoppice, Yes... asterisk doesn't enter in the context. Just this event and then, when I hang up:
14:32.12muti missed american pie on the shoutcast stream
14:32.29mutcurse our stupid wireless crew!
14:32.50Conductordoesn't anyone know how i can get both numbers of the CLIP no screening caller?
14:32.52coppiceflujan: there are no tones coming from the other end
14:32.57*** join/#asterisk The_X (
14:33.14The_XI have a weird problem
14:33.33flujanflujan, they said that asterisk should ask for another tone... something like. OK, old pbx i receive the digit, send me another...
14:33.53yxaguys is this possible? SIP clients/phones <-> M$ LCS <-> Asterisk <-> Cisco Call Manager <-> SCCP Phones
14:34.04coppicewe are not seeing the first tone, according to the log you pasted
14:34.05The_XWhen someone calls a SIP phone from the outside, they hang up but the SIP phone wont drop the call
14:34.06*** join/#asterisk Pigi (n=pigi@pdpc/supporter/active/Pigi)
14:34.14The_Xthen I get bridged another phone line
14:34.17hwtwhat does this mean?
14:34.17hwtMay 30 16:33:16 WARNING[7890]: res_odbc.c:565 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
14:34.18Pigi'morning all
14:34.18The_Xand hear some random folks talking
14:34.28sevardTo: Asterisk
14:34.31sevardSubject: DIE
14:34.36sevardBody: call files don't work
14:35.14flujancoppice, Moises Silva said I need to change the libmfrc2 to have this working propertly...
14:35.33Pigiis there anyone that has successfully got asterisk working with eicon diva pci cards (passive cards ) ?
14:35.48coppicewhich version of spandsp and libmfcr2 are you using?
14:35.49*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
14:36.38[TK]D-Fendersevard : I'm sure they work just fine....
14:36.50sevardI can't get them to work
14:36.52sevardthey're gay.
14:36.56sevardgay like gay sex, gay.
14:37.01[TK]D-Fendersevard : Thats probably much more accurate :)
14:39.47Hmmhesayssevard is gay
14:39.50flujancoppice, here goes my unicall.conf:
14:39.57flujancoppice, could you please take a look?
14:40.12Hmmhesaysactually he's just retarded
14:40.25Hmmhesaysbut retarded people are generally happy right?
14:40.46Conductorcan i set the callingpres for incoming calls?
14:40.54sevardHmmhesays loves the cock
14:40.58flujancoppice, I'm using the lastest version I grab from your site.. :)
14:41.09mitchelocsevard: that's not cool
14:41.14Hmmhesaysmy girlfriend smacked me in the face with her balloon weiner dog
14:41.18*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
14:41.18Conductoris this an option in zapata.conf maybe?
14:41.19yxaanyone tried * with MS LCS?
14:41.24Conductoror in zaptel.conf?
14:41.35flujancoppice, mfcr2 0.0.3
14:41.47*** part/#asterisk brif8 (
14:42.03flujancoppice, spandsp 0.0.3pre6
14:42.27ConductorGUYS! you can't tell me that noone knows how to set the callingPres for incoming calls!
14:42.33*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
14:42.49zoaits on voip info for sure
14:42.54zoaand probably on asteriskguru too
14:43.03sevardmitcheloc: not cool man, not cool.
14:43.08Conductorobviously there are two different numbers transmitted. ${CallerId} is one of them. Where is the other one?
14:43.17*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
14:43.22[TK]D-Fendersevard : You need to calm down and just read the script to find out where you went wrong (aside from just trying to take some random piece of code and expect it to work out of the box)
14:43.50[TK]D-FenderConductor : the other is the ${EXTEN} which is the number they dialed to land on your system
14:43.52*** join/#asterisk vechers-away (i=vechers@
14:43.55asterboylooks like sox seg faults if there are spaces in the file name
14:44.26sevard[TK]D-Fender: i'm creating my own call files by hand, in asterisk 1.2.4 if you made your file it would call ext 0 at 9:43 A.M., now with whenever you drop in any file in there at any time it will call out right away, regardless.
14:44.58coppiceflujan: a few people have had problems with getting the line signals but not getting any tones, and it has turned out to be some configuration issue at the other end of the line. there was a bad version of spandsp, which didn't generate tones properly. your problem is you are not seeing tones, so that wouldn't be the issue, anyway
14:45.02[TK]D-Fendersevard : The WIKI clearly states its teh DATESTAMP that controls delayed execution, not the filename... where do you keep getting that idea from?
14:45.20sevard[TK]D-Fender: from the wakeup.php script that worked fine :|
14:45.22[TK]D-Fendersevard : and I've corrected you on it previously.
14:45.31tamp4xUnable to open '/dev/zap/channel': No such file or directory   anyone know what woul dbe the cause of this
14:45.37Conductor[TK]D-Fender, the problem is, that the ${CALLERID} from some callers is not their extension but their company's main number.
14:45.42[TK]D-Fendersevard : yes, and I clealy saw where it SETS THE TIMESTAMP
14:45.50[TK]D-Fendersevard : Link it.
14:45.52Conductor[TK]D-Fender, but only with our asterisk installation
14:45.57coppicetamp4x: you don't have permission to open it, most probably
14:46.27The_Xanyone using Patton smartnode + asterisk?
14:46.35flujancoppice, so it should be a problem in the legacy pbx signalling tones?
14:46.52coppicei think so
14:47.08Conductor[TK]D-Fender, so i thought maybe callerid=asreceived and pritrustusercid=yes in zapata.conf would help but it did not.
14:47.27[TK]D-FenderConductor : ummm... What exactly are you trying to do with presentation?
14:48.07tamp4xi have the persmissions and what not set in udev
14:48.08yxaanyone knows if I can use * to transcode btw CCM and ms live communications server (SIP) ?
14:48.26[TK]D-Fenderyxa : sure
14:48.27Conductor[TK]D-Fender, just display it on our phones.
14:48.50[TK]D-FenderConductor : should have "usecallerid=yes" and "callerid=asreceived"
14:48.55[TK]D-FenderConductor : thats it.
14:49.01Conductor[TK]D-Fender, i have that.
14:49.25Conductor[TK]D-Fender, we have the telco features CLIP no screening and COLP no screening
14:49.26[TK]D-FenderConductor : maybe your telco is blocking incoming CID info.
14:49.32_Paulo_coppice, in early days in Brazil, the engeneers devised a callerid protocol so they could mix analog and digital
14:49.39Conductor[TK]D-Fender, could this have anything to do with it?
14:49.45yxa[TK]D-Fender for CCM part, i need to use sergio's chansccp?
14:50.01[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Depends if you can talk SIP to it instead.
14:50.02sevard[TK]D-Fender: -rw-r--r--  1 asterisk nogroup 139 2006-05-30 09:50
14:50.25sevardthat's set to call at 9:50 A.M. according to the time stamp
14:50.26[TK]D-Fendersevard : The sure LOOKS like a file that'll execute NOW....
14:50.28yxa[TK]D-Fender no, ccm side is fully sccp
14:50.45sevard[TK]D-Fender: you mean in 4 minutes.
14:50.56[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Ok, I'm none too knowledgable with SCCP
14:50.57*** join/#asterisk anthm (
14:50.57*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
14:51.07[TK]D-Fendersevard : more or less.
14:51.13Ecioyxa: u can establish a SIP trunk between CCM and *
14:51.17sevardit executed when i put it in the directory
14:51.19*** join/#asterisk matt_ (
14:51.24Eciowithout using SCCP, cant u ?
14:51.25[TK]D-FenderMy clock says 09:51 here.
14:51.29sevardREGARDLESS (notice caps) of timestamp
14:51.32yxaEcio can CCM do that?
14:51.38sevardI'll make it for freaking 11pm
14:51.42Ecioyxa: which version are u using?
14:51.51Ecioif it's 4.x u can
14:51.59[TK]D-Fendersevard : How about you PROVE your current system date before thinking you know what you're doing? :)
14:52.04Ecioone moment please
14:52.07Eciotelefone rining
14:52.16[TK]D-Fendersevard : Dont try and cheat the process!
14:52.28sevardTue May 30 09:52:20 CDT 2006
14:52.31ecio_telyxa: one moment
14:52.34yxaEcio ok i'll check it later. that means CCM will do transcoding? i'm really interested to know how it'll perform :)
14:52.44[TK]D-Fendersevard : Ok, so set it for 11am.
14:52.49[TK]D-Fendersevard : Err 10am
14:52.50ecio_telyxa 5 min and i'll beb ack
14:53.28[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Well * will transcode if it can even bring up a channel.. in fact it will HAVE to since they are speaking different languages anyways
14:53.40sevard-rw-r--r--  1 asterisk nogroup 139 2006-05-30 11:23
14:53.51sevardput in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
14:55.03yxa[TK]D-Fender i always thought CCM cant do SIP, until ecio_tel said otherwise
14:56.05*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
14:56.27[TK]D-Fendersevard : how are you putting it in there?
14:56.43sevardcp, mv, how should I put it in there
14:56.57fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: what was the chipset you said is not compatible with digium cards?
14:57.18[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo : One I'm aware of is the i7205
14:57.55fugitivook, thanks
14:59.12Conductoris there a way to cancel "stop gracefully"?
14:59.35[TK]D-FenderConductor : Don't think so, but thats a great idea...
14:59.35kaz0358kill -9 ;)
14:59.41flujancoppice, could you develop a patch to make mcfr2 work with the brazilian protocol?
14:59.53flujancoppice, I can speak with my boss about a contribution...
15:00.16coppiceit does work with the brazilian protocol. its your setup that isn't working. there is no audio being decoded
15:00.58ecio_telyxa im back
15:01.17Ecioyxa: i've just setup a SIP trunk between CCM 4.1 and asterisk
15:01.22Ecioso i know it works :)
15:01.41flujancoppice, the problem is that the legacy pbx doesn't send all the digits of the number... if I dial 12345678 in a legacy pbx extension, it just send the number 1 and freeze
15:02.06yxaEcio yep i definitely have 4.x
15:02.32flujancoppice, the guys said asterisk should "ask" for the other digits... You said it aren't receiving the digits but is asking... I dunno what can I do.
15:02.39Ecioyxa: i've successfully established the trunk between CCM and * and i can call from CM to * and viceversa
15:02.45Eciodont know about office live communication server
15:03.04coppicethe other end should send the first digit. then my software should ask for the next one
15:03.06Eciowhat are u using on the office side, windows messenger?
15:03.33yxaEcio some soft phones
15:03.37flujancoppice, yes... they are sending the first digit... But they said asterisk is not asking for the next...
15:03.49flujancoppice, at least, it was what they said.
15:03.54flujancoppice, :(
15:03.55*** join/#asterisk assert_true (n=Sunil@
15:04.07coppicemy software is *not* receiving the first digit, according to the log you pasted
15:04.08Eciomaybe u can directly connect office live comm. and ccm without passing from * (of course if u dont need some of the asterisk's features)
15:04.21*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
15:04.40yxaEcio no, for sure ccm does not talk to lcs
15:05.08Ecioyxa: well, how can u say that if u didnt know until today that ccm can speak SIP ? :)
15:05.26flujancoppice, hum... but in the legacy pbx log it is been sent... Asterisk is at least detecting the event... do you think it can be a problem in my asterisk setup?
15:05.53coppiceasterisk is not detecting the digit
15:06.00yxaEcio i'm looking rite at it now. lcs uses SIP over TCP. how screwed up is that???
15:06.00flujancoppice, it will be easy if i isolate the problem... But it isn't happening.
15:06.26*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
15:06.35flujancoppice, I will pastebin my unicall.conf, extensions.conf and zaptel.conf could you please take a look?
15:06.37Ecioyxa: CCM SIP TRUNK supports SIP over UDP and over TCP, * only over UDP
15:06.50PMantisNew call center... Polycom or SNOM phones?, why?
15:06.59Ecioso u have much more chances of making lcs to talk with ccm than with * imho :)
15:07.44Ecioyxa: btw windows messenger client supports both UDP and TCP, are u sure there's not some hidden UDP option in lcs ?
15:07.52[TK]D-FenderPMantis : Polycom.  Solid firmware, great audio, great price
15:08.12Eciotry to create a sip trunk in the ccm, it's on device -> trunk
15:08.22*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
15:08.33TagorI've the following setup:
15:08.43Ecioand dont remember (as i did... and lost two days tryin to understand the problem) to specify the CSS for the incoming calls that are received from the CCM on the sip trunk
15:08.52TagorGrandstream GXP 2000 -> asterisk -> SIP Provider -> Internet
15:09.13TagorNow I need to set dtmfmode=inband for outgoing calls
15:09.19TagorElse an external IVR doesn't work
15:09.20*** join/#asterisk hypnox (
15:09.29TagorBut when I do this, then my own IVR doesn't work anymore
15:09.33[TK]D-FenderTagor : Set your ITSP peer entry to that mode.
15:09.36*** join/#asterisk azzie (
15:09.39hypnoxhmm.. fresh compile of 1.2.7, mpg123 compile fails with *** No rule to make target `\
15:09.50yxaEcio i swear i have tried that. but let me reconfirm that tomorrow. will be back here to look for you  :) thanks
15:09.52azziedoes anybody has a recording of "dinars" and "piastres" ? :)
15:10.01TagorIs there a proper way to use dtmfmode=auto for incoming calls and dtmfmode=inband for outgoing calls?
15:10.07Ecioyxa: you're welcome
15:10.07hypnoxanyone have any idea? did someone break it?
15:10.14TagorITSP peer = SIP provider, [TK]D-Fender?
15:10.22[TK]D-FenderTagor : correct
15:11.00Tagor[TK]D-Fender -> I only have one entry in sip.conf: type=friend
15:11.08*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:11.34coppiceflujan: that looks OK
15:12.09coppiceflujan: as a said. a number of people have had exactly what you have, and the problem has been something in the config at the other end
15:12.10[TK]D-FenderTagor : well add the dtmfmode=inband then
15:12.27Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> That entry is for both incoming and outgoing calls
15:12.50Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> As said if I set it to dtmfmode=inband then my own IVR doesn't work anymore
15:13.18flujancoppice, shit... :( I was hoping I've made some mistakle... :) OK, i will ask the guys... thanks coppice. I will try another solution with the legacy pbx's guys.
15:13.42[TK]D-FenderTagor : Don't do it in [general] do it in your ITSP peer entry
15:14.25Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> I don't have an [general]. I just contains: context=mysipprovider
15:14.34[TK]D-FenderTagor : Pastebin the whole thing
15:14.39jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
15:14.41TagorOk, second :)
15:15.15asterboyls -l
15:16.10mikefooI am trying to figure out what processes is blocking processes from read/write on, I see in vmstat it jumps to 7 as process wait - what utility can tell me more information?
15:16.47kaz0358is it possible to do something like... GotoIf(condition?label:label+2) ?
15:16.52froguzsomebody has connected asterisk to a nec neax 2000 ips?
15:16.54Tagor[TK]D-Fender >>
15:17.36*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
15:17.53[TK]D-FenderTagor : What kind of phone is your SIP phone?
15:18.03TagorGrandstream GXP 2000
15:18.32[TK]D-Fendertagor :
15:19.13Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> Problem is that if I set dtmfmode=inband then my IVR doesn't work
15:19.31Tagordoes also the incoming calls
15:19.53[TK]D-FenderTagor : IVR doesn't work from where?
15:20.06TagorIf I call with my home phone to asterisk
15:20.19[TK]D-FenderTagor : You don't sue 1 DTMF mode for outgoing, and another for incoming... that makes no sense
15:20.33TagorWell, else it doesn't work
15:20.40[TK]D-FenderTagor : What is "home phone"?
15:20.55TagorJust a normal PSTN phone
15:21.01TagorSame problem with my mobile phone
15:21.05[TK]D-FenderTagor : Coming in on that SIP provider?
15:21.33*** part/#asterisk vechers (i=vechers@
15:21.52[TK]D-FenderTagor : And with a SIP provider you should probably be using RFC2833.  Check with them as to what they support.
15:22.07Hmmhesayswhat town do you live in?
15:22.10sevardowie my forhead
15:22.14sevardtoo bad you haven't figured that out
15:22.18*** part/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@
15:22.32PMantis[TK]D-Fender, tagor, I've seen that happen here...
15:22.55[TK]D-FenderTagor : Could be your audio is so choppy that inband fails.
15:23.06asterboyIs there a way to test mp3 files for output levels and * quality?
15:23.13[TK]D-FenderTagor : call them up to confirm RFC2833 support
15:23.28[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : Play them.
15:23.48*** join/#asterisk Splas (n=jwb@
15:24.38asterboyThey play fine, but its a different story when it comes time for *
15:24.55asterboysome don't play well and some seg fault sox on conversion
15:25.15asterboyotherwise they play fine in windows
15:25.32asterboy4489 Segmentation fault      sox -r 44100 -w -s -c 1 "$BASEFILE.raw" -r 8000 -c 1 "$BASEFILE.wav"
15:26.19qdk_assert_true: ${BASEFILE}
15:26.43qdk_asterboy: that was for you.
15:26.55asterboyok, trying
15:27.18TagorPMantis >> Have you got an idea how to fix this?
15:27.31Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> Just tried RFC2833 on both grandstream and SIP provider
15:27.35*** join/#asterisk mega (n=mega@2001:618:400:7fe3:213:10ff:fe8a:f8dd)
15:27.38Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> Then incoming works, outgoing not
15:27.52*** part/#asterisk mega (n=mega@2001:618:400:7fe3:213:10ff:fe8a:f8dd)
15:28.12*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
15:28.28PMantisTagor, If your provider does need a different setting for inbound vs outbound... then setup 1 peer and 1 user, instead of combining them into 1 friend.
15:28.56TagorPMantis >> I was thinking of that too, but I have no idea how to relize that
15:29.22TagorIs there a way to split it so it takes one for outgoing and one for incoming?
15:29.42[TK]D-FenderTagor : PMantis  just told you want to do.
15:30.01[TK]D-FenderTagor : Peer = outgoing, user = incoming
15:30.17[TK]D-FenderPMantis : How big a call center you planning?
15:30.50TagorSorry, I don't understand that, [TK]D-Fender, what do you mean with user = incoming?
15:31.13[TK]D-FenderTagor : You need to learn how users & peers work.  go read the book.
15:31.17jbotwell, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:31.24TagorI need to make two [sipprovider]'s with one type=user and one type=friend?
15:33.37PMantis[TK]D-Fender, About 15 agents
15:33.57sevard[TK]D-Fender: now it's not working at all
15:33.59[TK]D-FenderPMantis : PoE?  Need speakerphone?
15:34.12[TK]D-Fendersevard :
15:34.20sevardsolves all my problems :)
15:34.35*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (i=kev@
15:34.43Eciopmantis: what about "friend" ?
15:35.07Hmmhesayssevard paypal me a 10 and i'll give you my rhinonews account for the next 11 days
15:35.18sevard10 dollars, 11 days.
15:35.43asterboystill seg fault.
15:35.45sevardhow about I paypal you a bag of shit and you give me your account for 2 months
15:36.00asterboyhas to be my lfs/hardware combo
15:37.30PMantis[TK]D-Fender, no PoE, only some need speakerphones.
15:37.35TagorThanks guys, especially [TK]D-Fender, got it working now with type=peer/user
15:37.51TagorBut correct me if I am wrong, peer = incoming not outgoing
15:38.26PMantisTagor, You can make *or* take calls with a peer
15:38.30PMantisSame as with user
15:38.57[TK]D-FenderPMantis : IP 301 w/o Speakerphone = $115 ; IP 501 = $170 w/ Speakerphone.
15:39.27salviadudyou can't paypal a bag of shit, you need fedex for that
15:40.06Eciois there a way to manipulate the callerid (sip -> sip) in order to dinamically add a digit at the beginning? i have this trunk A -> B and i use "6" on A to prefix the call that should be routed to B (6XXX), but when B calls A it shows only the XXX. I was wondering if i can fix it
15:40.08PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Just what I was thinking. Had to ask again to be sure... Thanks!
15:40.15froguzi have a nec pbx extension conected to a TDM400P, when i try to get his dial tone ( with exten => 9,1,Dial(Zap/1/,90) ) the channel answer, but i can't listen any tone. however, if i connect an ordinary phone directly to the extension it gives me dialtone.
15:41.00froguzi have connected the extension to the first tdm400p span (upper)
15:41.23[TK]D-FenderPMantis : New IP 430 is a great choice, but mostly if you have PoE in mind
15:41.24asterboyya, I can't tell what file is going to work with * until I play it.
15:41.28*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (n=vircuser@
15:41.37froguzdo am i missing something?
15:42.31*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
15:42.40asterboybe nice to have some suggested parameters for mp3s, like bit and sample rates
15:43.00asterboysome are reported as having junk at the beginning.
15:43.22asterboyalso , would be nice to have a utility to filter the files so that clipping does not occour during playback
15:44.09*** join/#asterisk Ox0000 (
15:45.51asterboythis just soxs!
15:46.06asterboy4915 Segmentation fault      sox -r 44100 -w -s -c 1 ${BASEFILE}.raw -r 8000 -c 1 ${BASEFILE}.wav
15:46.55CunningPikeEcio: Look at Set(CALLERID(number))
15:48.50[TK]D-FenderOk, I"m outfor a bit
15:49.26*** join/#asterisk Alric (
15:50.30asterboyWell seems my * likes Johny Cash - Ring of Fire.
15:50.35asterboysome clipping though.
15:50.51asterboyand the flames went higher....and it burns burns burns
15:51.12asterboydoesn't like Fat Britney Spears though
15:51.39asterboyBritney Spears looks like Fat Elvis now.
15:52.02TagorPicture? :D
15:52.30MrChimpydon't be mean to elvis
15:52.40MrChimpyat least he could sing
15:53.14asterboyya, he had an interesting 2 part life...Hollywood Elvis and Fat Las Vegas Elvis
15:53.36*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
15:53.40MrChimpyand fat las vegas elvis was his funkiest stage
15:54.09asterboyThat is probably why impersonators choose to copy the fat Elvis.
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15:55.43asterboythose big Herculean Belt Buckles
15:57.34*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
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16:01.24froguzplease, can anybody give a clue on why can't i get dial tone from the NEC PBX with the method mentioned above?
16:01.44froguzi'm very, very confussed
16:03.25*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
16:05.53froguzit seems the whole channel is going to have lounch... =(
16:06.41Sonderbladewhen a line is busy and asterisk sends 486 to a phone, is there a way to control how many busy tones the ip-phone plays before ending the call?
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16:09.22froguzSonderblade, look for an option called busycount
16:09.49Sonderbladefroguz: in the phone or in asterisk?
16:10.54charles___Hey anyone into REDUNDANT ASTERISK ?
16:11.04*** part/#asterisk Alric (
16:11.37froguzSonderblade, press ctrl+f and type busycount
16:13.20Sonderbladefroguz: thanks but i don't see how that relates to sip-phones?
16:15.16*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (n=Ariel@
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16:17.33froguzSonderblade, do you want to change how many times the phone will play the busy tone? i think the phone will continue playing the busy tone until * detect it and finish the call
16:18.05Sonderbladefroguz: yes i want to change that
16:19.19froguzwhat ip phone are you using?
16:20.51*** join/#asterisk suma (n=suma@
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16:25.13Sonderbladefroguz: different models of grandstream
16:25.51Sonderbladefroguz: my guess is that the # of busy tones is configured in the phone itself but im not sure
16:26.11*** part/#asterisk _alex_mx_ (n=_alex_mx@
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16:30.24The_Xdo I need to register my patton smartnode to Asterisk to make it forward disconnection notices?
16:31.49*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
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16:33.08CrashHDanyone know a way to do linepark keys on a 942 (BLFS)?
16:33.49*** join/#asterisk websae (
16:39.33obiwanmikenolteHas anyone gotten distinctive ringing to work on a Polycom? I've been trying to follow the guidelines from voip-info, but I'm getting nowhere. Even using the "Visual" ring that's predefined in my sip.cfg doesn't work
16:39.47*** join/#asterisk slobberknocker (n=ckwall@
16:39.49kay2Someone is familiar with asterisk Queue ?
16:43.20Eciobye all
16:46.05*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (n=bjohnson@
16:48.04marlcan someone help with an incoming IAX problem? ive followed the documentation i can find, and help from here earlier, but i still cant get this working :( iax.con/extensions.con and iax debug output at :
16:49.09*** join/#asterisk angler (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
16:50.22marli think ive tried so many things now, im totaly lost :(
16:50.54kay2marl: iax.conF
16:51.09marlok, what did i do rong?
16:51.21CrashHDfiles need to be named .conf
16:51.35CrashHD(by default anyway)
16:51.37marlsorry all files are named .conf, miss typed
16:52.23NuggetThat's Ms. Typed to you.
16:52.39marllol :P
16:53.28*** join/#asterisk Bamtang (n=Adam@
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16:54.12BamtangI have a small office, 12 users all on computers, a wireless LAN  and 2 phone lines
16:54.20marlso anyone any idea what i did wrong?
16:54.41BamtangIs it possible to use Asterisk to set up a PBX for all the users?
16:54.57marlBamtang, yup
16:55.08BamtangIs it just a matter of buying an analogue card
16:55.13marlgot simalar setup here
16:55.17Bamtangand installing the software on the server?
16:55.25mr_horsepowerBamtang: damm, it should not be called pbx if it does not do that.
16:55.32marlthats the thery anyway :)
16:55.45BamtangThe digium site is not user friendly for non phone techies
16:56.04BamtangI'm an engineer and we are a video game dev co
16:56.12mr_horsepowerBamtang: for non-phone techies, it's not on the click that you use asterisk.
16:56.19*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
16:56.27The_Xanyone using a 3rd party sip gateway?
16:56.40mr_horsepowerjust have to take some time with it, not dificult, and you have a lot of documentation.
16:57.02Bamtangbut there is no one in Peru that can help me
16:57.11mr_horsepowerBamtang: engineer dont help, do you know linux?
16:57.18BamtangIf I buy the card and business package do you think I will be able to get it going?
16:57.32BamtangSome of the programmers here do
16:57.34marlBamtang, take an old box, and install asterisk@home, it is a very good place to start from, once u know your way around a bit, flatten the box and install asterisk on its own
16:57.53mr_horsepowerBamtang: so buy the card, forget the business package, and you should be able to get it working.
16:58.31Bamtangoh, so each of the PC's would just need a mike/earpiece head set?
16:58.32*** join/#asterisk sb_mx (n=sb_mx@
16:58.44mr_horsepowerBamtang: yes, and a software phone.
16:58.52Bamtangand a Windoz client program I suppose
16:59.08mr_horsepowerwindows, linux, console macosx
16:59.12mr_horsepowerwhatever you need
16:59.25BamtangSo why is it not more popular in small offices?
16:59.26mr_horsepoweri missed a comma after console.
16:59.39*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
16:59.58Bamtangjust one card and no cables to pull...  and a server
17:00.35Bamtangseems too good to be true
17:01.36BamtangIs there any way to install the Windoz client and try it out without having it all locally (aka Skype...)?
17:01.39mr_horsepowerBamtang: because usually ppl dont like to mess arround with nothing.
17:02.22mr_horsepowerBamtang: you can allways buy a sip account somewhere, but you are not testing nothing
17:02.26*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
17:02.49BamtangI mean to test the client.  Does it pause your music or anything?
17:02.50mr_horsepowerthat's a lot diferent when testing accounts from somewhere, where someone have spend many month's woring on it.
17:03.07mr_horsepowertest the client? who cares about the client? :D
17:03.12BamtangIs voice mail manageable?
17:03.22mr_horsepowerBamtang: it does everything.
17:03.44BamtangCan it be tested without setting the whole thing up on a local server?
17:03.58mr_horsepowerplease read more, and just ask tecnical questions, if you want everything done, not worry, pay someone to do it.
17:04.11BamtangIs there a simulation app that shows you what it would be like to receieve a call or voice mail while you are working?
17:04.48BamtangI've been through all the sites and I cant find a sim client or web client demo...
17:05.24mr_horsepowercontact some company, that can show you everything, and next pay them.
17:06.03BamtangSo a client like that it does not exist?  I'm in Peru - there's no one to call.
17:06.07mr_horsepowerpbx areas, moves a lot of money all arround the world
17:06.34mr_horsepowerthere is no one in peru that can help you?
17:06.45mr_horsepowerthats very weird.
17:06.49Bamtangcant find any companies running asterisk
17:07.58Bamtangthanks for the help
17:09.24*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
17:10.29CrashHDhow can I debug mwi?
17:11.23CrashHDok this is odd
17:11.36CrashHDthe sip simple messages that are being sent to the phone are 0/0
17:11.50CrashHDbut I know there are atleast 2 messages at that extensions mailbox
17:13.12Dr-Linuxif the net is DHCP, should i only enable DHCP to YES on 7940, or i need to define DHCP server ip adress at the phone?
17:13.33mr_horsepowerDr-Linux: do you know what means dhcp?
17:13.48Dr-Linuxmr_horsepower: yes
17:13.50mr_horsepowerdhcp it's layer2, there is no ip.
17:14.17*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
17:14.20Dr-Linuxmr_horsepower: yes, i know, but not sure why the phone is not grabing one IP address from the DHCP server :(
17:14.31mr_horsepowercheck dhcpd log's
17:14.58*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
17:15.04Dr-Linuxmr_horsepower: this system is kinda odd, i'm doing installation from remote end.
17:15.45Dr-Linuxmr_horsepower: their system is something like >> Cable from wall >>> DSL modem >>> Hub >> "here all PC's"
17:16.03Dr-Linuxmr_horsepower: every PC's grabs public dynamic IP address
17:16.36Dr-Linuxand everytime new IP address
17:17.25mr_horsepowerall public ip addr? damm weird.
17:17.48mr_horsepowerso, there are ip addr avaliable for the phone?
17:18.15slobberknockerok, I am not sure what terms or phrases to look for in the wiki and such for what I am trying to do. Can someone help me figure out what phrase to search for? I want to be able to change the way an extension works based on time of day. for example between the hours of 8-5 are open, and from 5-8 closed. what should i be looking for?
17:19.54Dr-Linuxmr_horsepower: that's what strange to me
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17:20.14Dr-Linuxmr_horsepower: no, the phone doesn't get an IP address from the DHCP, not sure why
17:20.22PMantisIs there really a benefit to echo cancelation on a Digium TE device?
17:22.06*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/trelane)
17:22.24Nuggetppeerrhhaappss,,  ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn yyoouurr ssiittuuaattiioonn.
17:23.50*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
17:25.02[TK]D-Fenderslobberknocker : "show application GotoIfTime"
17:26.19saftsackare there some news concerning to the b410p card?
17:26.30slobberknockergotoiftime... thanks
17:26.32slobberknockerfound it
17:27.57x86gah, for some reason asterisk wont connect to my CDR database server
17:28.33[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : The first rule of B410P is... you don't talk about B410P !!!!
17:28.43x86i do a "cdr mysql status" and it just tells me not currently connected to a MySQL server
17:28.53x86and no calls are being logged in CDR at all :(
17:29.01x86MySQL _or_ flatfile
17:30.14*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
17:31.10x86nothing showing up in the debug logs about it...
17:31.58PMantisIs there any point to "echo canceling" a digital PRI line?
17:32.42robl^Digital echo?  0011 0011 0011 0011?
17:32.51[TK]D-FenderPMantis : HELL YEAH
17:33.03[TK]D-FenderPMantis : You end up analog SOMEWHERE along that call
17:33.18[TK]D-FenderPMantis : Keep in mind who you're CALLING as well...
17:33.36saftsack[TK]D-Fender, why that?
17:33.44[TK]D-FenderPMantis : And ask yourself about the myriad people here who've gone bald due to frustration with it.
17:33.49PMantis[TK]D-Fender, ok, point taken.
17:33.56[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Its a joke.....
17:34.07[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Based on the movie Fight Club.
17:36.01x86so no one knows how to fix my issue?
17:36.40x86it worked fine when mysql was on the same box as asterisk... now that i'm using a dedicated server for asterisk, and another for mysql, it's not wanting to connect...
17:37.07x86I'm using realtime which works fine after the switch, so I know mysql is accepting remote connections properly
17:37.30x86and i know the database, user, and password are good, because i use the same for realtime as I do CDR
17:39.16*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
17:39.20CrashHDhow can you easily create holding patterns for extensions? so I can have multiple calls waiting and able to be handled by a user?
17:39.22[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Bad connect credentials?
17:40.00x86[TK]D-Fender: err, no... same as realtime credentials... which work fine
17:40.25[TK]D-Fenderx86 : bad table name / structure?
17:40.45x86err no, it used to work fine...
17:40.59x86when it was local on the same box as asterisk, worked like a champ
17:41.04x86after moving it, it wont connect
17:41.22blitzrageQwell: ping?
17:41.29x86i turned on mysql debugging and tracing on my mysql server, and is not even trying to connect to the remote box
17:41.36*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
17:42.07x86nevermind, i found the prob :)
17:42.37Sonderblademy sip-provider sends inband dtmf using rfc2833, but when I try use my asterisk's IVR menu from a cell phone, it seems like asterisk doesn't recognize the dtmf tones, anyone know what the problem is?
17:43.17*** join/#asterisk VxJasonxV (n=jason@unaffiliated/VxJasonxV)
17:43.34russellbinband dtmf and rfc2833 are 2 different things
17:43.38[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : rfc2833 != inband
17:43.48[TK]D-Fenderrussellb : ! ! !
17:43.55russellbi beat you!
17:44.00blitzrageI don't want to know your name
17:44.06[TK]D-Fenderrussellb : You know I like it rough ;)
17:44.16Sonderbladeok so s/inband dtmf/incoming dtfm tones/
17:44.39[TK]D-FenderAnd now... introducing "Sasso" ... formerly known as RON
17:44.40x86[TK]D-Fender: sicko ;)
17:45.19*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (
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17:46.14DarKnesS_WolFx86: ur still everywhere :P
17:46.33*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
17:47.29blitzrageAnyone ever use ExecIf() and try to pass multiple arguments to an application?  i.e. ExecIf($[${FOO} = 1]|Macro|my_macro,arg1,arg2)
17:48.16blitzrageplacing the values into an variable doesn't seem to make it work -- Asterisk turns the commas into literal, so it look for the macro-my_macro,arg1,arg2 literally
17:49.03saftsack[TK]D-Fender, i thought so too but whats going on with this card? why isnt it released yet?
17:49.30[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : I don't work at Digium... don't ask me!
17:49.48*** join/#asterisk AltnTab (
17:49.55[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : I mean sure I'm here all the time, but thats besides the point!
17:51.55marlcan someone help with an incoming IAX problem? ive followed the documentation i can find, and help from here earlier, but i still cant get this working :( iax.conf/extensions.conf and iax debug output at :
17:53.35*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:54.02DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: sorry i had to leave work when u told me about this low volum solution ... the other end " which is PSTN analog line " always hears me really in a very low voice... what that could be the problem ?
17:54.26[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF : Your gain on that line obviously.
17:54.33[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF : Up it.
17:54.59charles___[TK]D-Fender: hey man
17:55.08charles___[TK]D-Fender:  did you see the guy with 512 concurrent calls ?
17:55.16*** part/#asterisk azzie (
17:55.59DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: sorry i didn't understand ?
17:56.45[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF : INCREASE THE GAIN IN ZAPATA.  Not clear?
17:57.08[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : Nope... but that could be lot...
17:57.26DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: now get it :-) i don't know what is the GAIN is .. but i'll google / read about it :-) thx ;-)
17:57.48[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF : GAIN = volume.
17:58.04*** join/#asterisk Vorondil (
17:58.07[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF : "rxgain" and "txgain" are the options to tweak.
17:58.51DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: thx alot for ur help :-) will do so and let u know the results tomorrow at work
17:59.23[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF : np.
18:01.24Vorondilhi all, i'm setting up an asterisk box to replace an a@h machine we currently use with teliax.  however, i can't get my new machine to dial out correctly. there is the error i get dialing out and copies of extensions.conf and iax.conf.  anybody know what's up?
18:07.14gandhijeewho was it here that said the Intel HMP software was crap?
18:07.15[TK]D-FenderVorondil : I strongly suspect you need to dial 10 digit numbers with Teliax... you only dialed 7 as a local number.  try it with your area code maybe.
18:07.51Juggieyeah thats probally it
18:07.53*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
18:08.07Vorondil[TK]D-Fender: hmm okay, i'll try that
18:09.33*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:11.18salviaduda@h sucks btw
18:11.34Vorondilsalviadud: indeed  :-P
18:12.33[TK]D-FenderVorondil : So, did it work?
18:16.01*** join/#asterisk littlejohn (
18:16.35Vorondilwell, i'm having networking issues atm too  >:/
18:18.16[TK]D-FenderVorondil : :/
18:20.18*** join/#asterisk cekc (
18:20.49charles___[TK]D-Fender:  I'm thinking about a Quad (Dual Core) Opteron at 2Ghz to run 512 call simultaneous
18:21.03blitzrageprobably won't be enough CPU
18:21.09blitzragedefinately not with transcoding
18:21.12charles___[TK]D-Fender:  but the problem that I see is how to record all those calls
18:21.35[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : Ummm... what are you using for phones & PSTN in this scenario of yours?
18:21.54*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (i=blacktho@
18:21.57[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : a fraction of that would kill with transcoding....
18:23.01charles___[TK]D-Fender:  cisco 5400 -> AST -> sip phones
18:23.30BlackthornHi, I would like to play a mp3 file as my music on hold. Is the proper command musiconhold(filename.mp3) ?  or musiconhold(class) and then in the modemonhold.conf you set the filename.mp3? or niether?
18:23.35[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : AST?
18:23.59*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
18:24.05charles___[TK]D-Fender:  asterisk
18:24.06[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn : make a dedicated MoH class with it own folder and in it only place 1 MP3
18:24.16charles___blitzrage:  not enough CPU ?
18:24.22Blackthornok will do
18:24.30[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : So * will only be a SIP passthrough with G.711 on all sides?\
18:24.55*** part/#asterisk slav_jb (
18:25.08[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : And 512 SIMULTANEOUS?  Is that a T3-> SIP gateway?
18:25.38charles___[TK]D-Fender:  yes
18:25.50charles___[TK]D-Fender:  asterisk will handle menu's and do the recording
18:25.54charles___[TK]D-Fender: also conferences
18:26.27[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : I guess as long as * doesn't have to work to hard it'll all be fine.... make sure GBIT on all sides :)
18:26.32charles___[TK]D-Fender:  no transcodec and no transprotocol
18:27.39[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : Ok, its doable....
18:29.41[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : How much recording?
18:29.46charles___[TK]D-Fender:  I'm thinking about a scalable solution
18:29.52charles___[TK]D-Fender:  recording all channels
18:29.58[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : OMG!
18:30.13[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : Ok, I'm not qualified to qualify your scenario then :)
18:30.31[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : And I'd get a nasty RAID array for that setup
18:30.34charles___[TK]D-Fender:  I'm thinking about using a separated storage server
18:32.27charles___[TK]D-Fender:  do you know about anyone that works on large ast installs ?
18:32.44charles___[TK]D-Fender:  for paid consulting
18:33.47charles___[TK]D-Fender:  I'm reading the stuff that other people did .
18:33.54charles___[TK]D-Fender:  for example recording all calls to RAM
18:34.19[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : nOONE WHO DOES SETUPS LIKE THAT....
18:35.12*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
18:35.32*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
18:35.37jhiverhi all
18:35.46jhiverI have a really strange AGI problem
18:36.16jhiverI do this:
18:36.37jhiverbut $answeredtime seems to differ from what's in the Master.csv file
18:36.49Vorondil[TK]D-Fender: okay, so dialing out w/ the area code seems to work
18:37.15Vorondil[TK]D-Fender: so do i just need to fix up the dial plan to prepend the local area code to 7 digit numbers?
18:37.25[TK]D-FenderVorondil : yup
18:37.39Vorondilhehe, kk
18:37.43Vorondilthanks much  ^_^
18:40.09The_Xhow do you fix SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
18:40.19The_Xmy setup is t1 -> patton -> asterisk -> phone
18:40.27The_XI get that on every inbound call
18:40.36fileThe_X: who says it is broken? it's Asterisk asking the device to authenticate...
18:40.47russellbthat's normal behavior
18:41.21The_Xpatton is registered to asterisk
18:41.22The_Xsame with phone
18:41.26The_Xwhy is it giving me that
18:41.34fileregistration just tells the other side where to send calls if they need to send calls to you
18:42.10The_Xnow help me with something, when I disable sip registration between the patton and asterisk
18:42.12The_Xeverything works fine
18:42.16*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:42.21The_Xwhen I enable it, incoming calls just keep on ringing
18:42.29filethen debug the situation
18:42.44filedo sip debug and pastebin what you see when you try to do whatever...
18:42.58charles___[TK]D-Fender:  is there a way to load balance between two SIP servers ?
18:42.59*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
18:44.10C4T3lthere is no "good" way to do that
18:45.22The_Xsecond, why is asterisk taking 30 secs to hang up a call that's been closed by the remote phone
18:45.22[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : Not inherently.  I'd say use SER for that.
18:45.32The_Xseems like it's not getting the disconnection notice
18:46.01fileThe_X: that depends on the technology... equipment...
18:46.19The_Xt1 -> patton -> asterisk
18:46.19*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (n=wingnut-@
18:46.28fileget me a sip debug and I can tell you.
18:48.00eivindtrHi all. Does anyone know a quick way to determine if a SIP account has an active channel (ie that for 2002, a channel SIP/2002-foo exists)? I need to determine that a user is busy even if he has a phone with multiple lines....
18:48.09The_Xand often I get bridged another call from some random source
18:49.01fileThe_X: I'm more inclined to say this patton is the source of your issues... but until I see a sip debug I can't tell you anything
18:49.15charles___[TK]D-Fender:  sorry to bother you
18:49.42The_XI'm pretty sure it's the patton
18:49.53charles___[TK]D-Fender:  but having 2 Asterisk and 1 SER, is it possible for the SIP phone to send the call thru other server if one point crashes ?
18:50.09harryvvTK, you have the ip500 series?>
18:50.17[TK]D-Fendercharles___ : Sounds about right.
18:50.24[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : I own a 501, yes
18:51.01[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : I have a few 301, 1 x501, a pile of 600, and 1 x 601
18:51.09[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : 601 has 2 sidecars
18:51.46harryvvyea since yesterday got some of the things on this phone working but its not registering at least not in sip show peers.
18:51.49blitzragecan you expand the number of lines available on the 501?
18:51.55charles___[TK]D-Fender:  if the SER crashes can the SIP phone send the call to the ASTERISK server directly ?
18:52.18blitzragewhy not just have 2 SER boxes for redundancy?
18:52.30blitzrageor else then you have to authenticate the call from the phone instead of from SER
18:52.42blitzrageand add logic to handle all that (plus billing)
18:54.45harryvvohh yea those extention side cars.
18:54.55harryvvmost phones come with those on the base.
18:55.34Blackthornok got my moh working with mp3. I read the docs that said I should use a program called "lame" to convert my mp3's to a certain spec to reduce cpu... know where i can get lame from? dosn't seem to be on my fc2 box.
18:55.39fileThe_X: okay let's see here...
18:56.41*** join/#asterisk boch (n=root@
18:56.55fileThe_X: it looks fine, the only thing is that a reinvite is occuring so audio is flowing directly... and not through Asterisk
18:57.40The_Xso I should disable it?
18:57.55fileyou can try
18:57.58filecanreinvite=no in sip.conf
18:58.12The_XI know :), I'm not THAT newbie
18:59.07The_Xsame crap, I'm sure it's the patton not fwd it to asterisk
19:03.02[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : maybe the phone ISN'T registereing but its passing calls.
19:03.18[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : I'd need to see your sip.cfg and phonexxx.cfg
19:04.47BlackthornWhere can i d/l the program lame to convert mp3 files?
19:05.06[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn : depends on your distro
19:07.26*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (
19:08.38Blackthornfedora core 2
19:09.10*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
19:09.15harryvvTk, okay i can send those to you as a file or as a pastebin?
19:09.41harryvvAlso, what is the purpous of the line 1-3 options?
19:09.55bochif i dont specify a secret for a sip peer, will it register even if it sends a password?
19:10.21bochor tellme how to break an md5 hash
19:10.49[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : WELL.. ITS A 3 LINE PHONE....
19:10.55harryvvTk i know that
19:11.06harryvvI have never programing the three lines before :)
19:11.11[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : Pretty self explanitory to me...
19:11.34[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : And most users use 10% of Excel's functionaily.  Join the club!
19:11.51harryvvThats probebly true
19:11.54boch10% is too much
19:14.11*** join/#asterisk anthm (
19:14.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
19:14.49[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : I'm going to be using at least 2 lines on mine at home so I can have one key with a seperate dial-plan linked to a custoemr I'm debugging.
19:15.26*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
19:15.32*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
19:15.48*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
19:15.59TripleFFFFhey.. in a loop is there a way to make . like $I++; if I$>4 then goto|bad|1 ?
19:16.23[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : So thats 1 reg (line) using 2 line keys @ 1 call/line. Reg 2 = 1 line key supporting a few calls at a time.
19:16.28[TK]D-FenderTripleFFFF : Sure
19:16.58[TK]D-FenderTripleFFFF : GotoIf = your friend
19:17.45TripleFFFFnevermind  weird logic i had
19:17.49TripleFFFFill just push to sales queue
19:18.21*** join/#asterisk obiwanmikenolte (
19:18.58*** join/#asterisk bugz (n=will@
19:19.04TripleFFFFbut something not working
19:19.13TripleFFFFi press 0 and it ttrasnferes me to a wrong dialplan extencsion
19:19.26bugzanyone know of an issue with polycom phones losing the first 3 seconds of a call?
19:20.39tzangermine don't
19:20.42[TK]D-Fenderbugz : I've heard of it, but only by this one paranoid guy :)
19:20.44harryvvTK, since asterisk has a horrible time dealing with cicw I am in the hunt for a 604 did thats very affordable. We have a telus line but cicw does not pass though to the ip500 or the sipura ata.
19:20.56tzangeryou aren't terminating to POTS and have echotraining set to some stupidly high value do you?
19:21.22harryvvtzanger, who are you asking
19:21.24[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : Who cares about CICW when you can't even deal with CW? :)
19:21.27bugz[TK]D-Fender: tzanger: this seems to be a sipconnect related issue
19:21.29tzangerbugz: ^^
19:21.44harryvvTK, this is a side issue with the ..other person in my life
19:21.44bugztzanger: no, this is all voip
19:21.49TripleFFFFhey.. why would 0 not work and 1 work ? they exavctly the same dialplans
19:21.53harryvvbut that is another sory
19:21.59bugzwe are thinking of moving them to a PRI
19:22.04[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Yeah.. I hadn't thought about that factor in FOREVER.. thanks for the reminder.
19:22.05bugzim pretty sure that will solve the problem
19:22.25sevardharvvvyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy birdmannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
19:22.25[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : OH.  Go VoIP 100% or get more lines...
19:22.34tzanger[TK]D-Fender: I never ever ever use echotraining
19:22.36tzangerI can't stand the pause
19:22.37bugzwe suspect the phone is sending out some garbage, maybe at a really high volume, during the call setup
19:22.51[TK]D-Fendertzanger : What would I need it for? I don't GET echo ;)
19:22.53bugzand the cisco equipment on the providers end is doing the echo cancellation on it
19:22.55TripleFFFFima d umbass
19:22.56tzanger[TK]D-Fender: :-)
19:23.05tzangerI am sofa king we todd it
19:23.12harryvvTK, yea thats the idea. Problem is we need to keep our number and so far no luck in finding anyone to port our number
19:23.17bugzeffectively cutting off the first few seconds of the call
19:23.24[TK]D-Fendertzanger  :D
19:23.45TripleFFFFharry what is the number ill check
19:23.56[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : Guess its "good luck" then
19:24.06[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : I don't know ITSP's in your area.
19:24.41TripleFFFFoh 604
19:24.44TripleFFFFaske teliax /
19:24.54harryvvthay do 604? and porting?
19:25.10TripleFFFFyeah ask for david ..
19:25.14*** part/#asterisk The_X (
19:27.29harryvvTripleFFFF thay dont support 604
19:28.00harryvvthay dont do i.... grumble.
19:29.12*** join/#asterisk techie (
19:29.32harryvvAnyway i need to split.
19:30.22*** join/#asterisk Damin (
19:31.50harryvvAnd [TK]D-Fender thanks for the help
19:36.47*** join/#asterisk hellop (
19:39.11saftsackhi is anyone here who is employed at digium?
19:44.20lunksaftsack: they will not hack the gibson for you, don't ask
19:44.48fileyeah - we don't hack gibsons
19:44.58russellbi hack gibsons
19:45.09Ahrimaneshackers again.. hee
19:45.41Ahrimanesman i'm sure i have that movie somewhere on dvd
19:45.45*** join/#asterisk cytrak (
19:45.49Ahrimanesdamned moving boxes
19:46.05cytrakis there a way to write a for loop within the dialplan ?
19:46.17russellbcytrak: you can write a While loop :)
19:46.31russellbshow application While EndWhile
19:46.56[TK]D-Fendercytrak : GotIf !!!
19:49.07cytrakhow do I increment a varialble though ? using Math ?
19:49.31cytrakMath application I mean
19:49.33[TK]D-Fendercytrak : Set(var=$[${var}+1])
19:52.53blitzrage$[  ]  is used for expressions... so anything like that is done within that
19:53.00blitzragejust like [TK]D-Fender says
19:53.45Blackthornis the mp3player app/module an addon to the basic * install?
19:55.10CunningPikeBlackthorn: Yes, but you can install the correct version of mpg123 by doing a 'make mpg123' in your asterisk source folder
19:55.27Blackthorni'm reading in the book here about exten => 123,x,mp3player(
19:55.39CunningPikeBlackthorn: Oh, that
19:55.47*** part/#asterisk slobberknocker (n=ckwall@
19:55.50Blackthornok belive i have the right mp3 player working because the music on hold is working and playing mp3's
19:56.20CunningPikeBlackthorn: Check out asterisk-addons - I believe you might need something from there
19:56.29CunningPikeGotta run - bbl
19:59.18*** part/#asterisk _Sam-- (
20:02.32*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
20:05.10*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
20:06.45blitzragepick that up -- I'll probably end up stepping on it if you don't
20:06.49blitzragethen I'd have to kill you
20:09.50*** part/#asterisk hellop (
20:13.14*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
20:17.01cytrakyou guys know how on AGI we can use Get Data to play a file giving a timeout and the max number of digits that should be expected, is there a function that would do the same within the dialplan ? I'm browsing through show applications right now but don't see anything
20:17.44filecytrak: Read
20:18.59*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:27.53PMantisMan, I'm getting lots of mixed information...
20:28.47PMantisVoIP Call center phones... Polycom or SNOM? I've now heard that * can control the SNOM LCD... details?
20:29.23*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
20:29.38[TK]D-FenderPMantis : What do you want to do with it?
20:30.07PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Like to update the LCD display with Queue information, etc.
20:30.32PMantis[TK]D-Fender, You an * developer ?
20:30.33[TK]D-FenderPMantis : Thats only viable on the IP60x series from Polycom.
20:30.39bkw__PMantis, if you read it on voip-info trust it about 25%
20:30.45bkw__PMantis, if you read it on -users don't even trust it
20:30.52[TK]D-FenderPMantis : Nope, just a user and I specialize in Polycom
20:30.55bkw__trial and error :P
20:31.16bkw__btw the 7970 with SIP is an awesome
20:31.21bkw__er awesome phone
20:31.32[TK]D-Fenderok, gtg, later all
20:31.35tzangerbkw__: yeah?
20:31.40bkw__tzanger, yeppers
20:31.43PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Oh? We were planning to implement the IP-301's for agents
20:31.50tzangerhave you used ohter wifi sip phones?
20:31.57tzangerI've used some cheap models, and they're lacking
20:32.03bkw__7970 isn't wifi.. the 7920 is
20:32.11bkw__I should get a 7920 also
20:33.20bkw__7970 is the color display touch screen bad ass phone
20:33.26*** join/#asterisk CoaxD (
20:33.38bkw__OMG its CoaxD
20:33.42CoaxDindeed :)
20:33.44CoaxDhiya.. :)
20:33.48bkw__CoaxD, you coming ot cluecon this year?
20:33.57CoaxDbkw; Hah. Yeah, like i have time
20:34.11CoaxDbkw: I'm too busy supporting a gazillion acronyms in linux+oracle these days
20:34.15Ariel_7970 is a very nice color phone and finally it has Sip for it's firmware.
20:34.45CoaxDbkw: Know, off the top of your head, if any bugs exist in that might cause messages to become un-deletable in voicemail queues?
20:35.06Corydon-wCoaxD: fixed in the latest 1.2 tree
20:35.07bkw__CoaxD, could be
20:35.15bkw__Ariel_, yes it is
20:35.30CoaxDCorydon: Got a patch against  Dont wanna go beta..
20:35.39Corydon-w1.2 isn't beta
20:35.45Corydon-wit's just fixes
20:36.05Ariel_there up to 1.2.8 are they not.
20:36.21CoaxDariel: is the last release i think
20:36.23*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
20:36.25Corydon-wNote that that's different than SVN trunk.  Trunk is about up to beta
20:36.43CoaxDhmmm. ok
20:37.27*** join/#asterisk KranZ (
20:37.43KranZis manditory?
20:38.30Ariel_CoaxD, looks like your correct.  I am on drugs I guess.
20:38.51CoaxDariel: Its okay. Drugs are sometimes good.
20:38.56*** join/#asterisk low_rad (
20:38.57DovidCan anyone help me
20:39.04DovidI have a problem with real time
20:39.06low_radhey I need some help too...
20:39.20low_rada question really
20:39.23DovidIf I use static all works well
20:39.53DovidBut with real time the I and t option wont work
20:40.24low_radI have a TDM400 and it was working last week
20:40.47low_radover the past weekend there was a power surge and the server was frozen
20:41.09low_radso I rebooted it and now I can't make incoming/outgoing calls
20:41.32low_radplus when other people connect to the server they get a busy signal
20:41.33Ariel_low_rad, you might have gotten a power surge via the phone lines? if that is the case then the board is bad.
20:41.43*** join/#asterisk unmanaged (n=unmanage@
20:41.50low_radAriel_: none of the lights at the back of the card are on
20:42.00low_radbad card or modules?
20:42.08CoaxDlow_rad: Probably both.
20:42.09low_radcan I still use the modules?
20:42.14obiwanmikenoltelow_rad: is Asterisk started?
20:42.14low_radoh damn!
20:42.22CoaxDlow_rad: Lightning Does That[tm]
20:42.32Ariel_low_rad, the actually question is should you use it?
20:42.37low_radobiwanmikenolte: yep, and no error messages in debian
20:42.52obiwanmikenolteDid you modprobe wctdm?
20:42.54low_radobiwanmikenolte: debian sees all of the modules fine
20:42.55DovidAnyone can help me with real time ?
20:42.58CoaxDlow_rad: when you load the modules, does it actually work?
20:43.09CoaxDlow_rad: did ztcfg -vv report anthying?
20:43.17CoaxDlow_rad: does zttool fail or show reds?
20:43.27low_radCoaxD: working according to the logs and ps
20:43.38low_rad1 sec... I'll check...
20:43.41CoaxDlow_rad: logs and ps dont tell you bs
20:45.17*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
20:45.20*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
20:45.23Ariel_Dovid, maybe someone might be able to help you later.  But don't keep asking every minute.  (I don't use realtime)
20:45.40low_radCoaxD: will ztcfg work?
20:45.45charles___Anyone into Asterisk at Large ?
20:45.55Ariel_into asterisk at large
20:46.24unmanagedAsterisk at Large ?
20:46.36low_radztcfg reports 4 channels configured
20:47.10CoaxDlow_rad: Good.
20:47.14CoaxDlow_rad: now test them with zttool
20:47.32low_radI don't think I have that compiled...
20:47.33charles___zoa: hey man
20:47.40charles___zoa: did you got your quad opteron ?
20:47.41CoaxDlow_rad: You do if you installed zaptel
20:47.58low_raddefault location? /usr/local/sbin?
20:48.13CoaxDvoip:~/asterisk# which zttool
20:48.35low_radnot found
20:48.47low_radi'm still using asterisk 1.x
20:48.55CoaxDso am I
20:49.06CoaxDnot that it matters; zttool has been around a long while
20:49.15CoaxDzttool doesnt come with asterisk. it comes with zaptel
20:49.55low_radhmm I'll check again...
20:50.14CoaxDlow_rad: if it aint there, it aint there. might need to recompile zaptel of the same version
20:50.21CoaxDlow_rad: To support zttool
20:50.36CoaxD(I forget if its an option or whatnot.)  If this is a debian package, though..  God only knows if they apckaged it
20:51.33low_radCoaxD: do I need root permissions? because the admin took a vacation and didn't tell me :/
20:51.43CoaxDUh. yes.
20:51.54CoaxDunless of course your zaptel devices are owned by someone else
20:52.18CoaxDbut if you arent root, you arent fixing this if its filesystem related
20:52.39low_radwell I'm in the same group (adm) just no root password
20:52.48CoaxDlow_rad: And if you dont know how to gain root privs if your admin aint there... well, you're worse off than i thought
20:53.32low_radCoaxD: :), seems I need a newt library to compile zttool ?
20:53.40*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
20:53.44CoaxDthat might well be the prob
20:54.11CoaxDlow_rad: need root to install it globally, but might be able to compile it via a locally installed library by modding up the makefiles
20:54.38Dr-Linuxlow_rad: what's your login ID , 0:0?
20:55.00*** join/#asterisk dsfr_ (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
20:55.02Dr-Linuxlow_rad: type >> id <user>
20:55.11low_radCoaxD: hmm
20:55.34low_radDr-Linux: what will that prove?
20:56.14CoaxD'id' will tell you the id of who you are currently logged in as.
20:56.17Dr-Linuxlow_rad: root should have 0 ID
20:56.21*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
20:56.28CoaxDevidently, Dr-Linux missed the fact that you arent logged in as root
20:57.05low_radok, well I guess I'll have to get in contact with the admin somehow
20:57.05Dr-Linuxi didn't mean that
20:57.18low_radthanks for all of your help
20:57.24*** join/#asterisk epoch (
20:57.29Dr-Linuxlow_rad: just type this command
20:57.42Dr-Linuxid <your user>
20:58.07*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
20:58.21low_radid keith
20:58.41Dr-Linuxlow_rad: i mean, at your shell
20:59.23DovidHope its not too soon that I am asking but any people here that know real time ?
20:59.31tzafrir_laptopI'm helping a guy install a tor2-compatible card . It seems to have a PCI product ID of 4000 . Anybody familiar with those?
21:00.45Dr-Linuxlow_rad: so you don't have full privilages
21:01.01TripleFFFFDovid me
21:01.24TripleFFFFi live in realtime but i archive my memory with tequila every saturday
21:01.24DovidTripleFF: u use real time ?
21:01.36DovidCan I pm u ?
21:02.56*** join/#asterisk noky (n=noky@
21:02.58nokyhi buddies
21:03.21nokyi want know if asterisk use threads or is a only gigant process? :D
21:07.34nokywhen i do a: ps -fea
21:07.40nokyi see a only process for asterisk...
21:07.49nokybut in the source code i have for example: loader.c:       ast_mutex_unlock(&modlock);
21:08.00nokyuse threads?
21:08.32TripleFFFF!jbot seen bkw ?
21:08.42TripleFFFF~seen bkw
21:08.45jbotbkw <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 146d 9h 9m 54s ago, saying: 'Anyone who can explain why a nic sometimes become eth0, others eth1. This really confuse dhclient during bootups.'.
21:09.21KranZnoky: #asterisk-dev
21:09.50C4T3l~seen C4T3l
21:09.52jbotc4t3l is currently on #asterisk (7h 21m 47s). Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 2s, last said: '~seen C4T3l'.
21:10.03*** part/#asterisk jbailey (
21:10.11TripleFFFF~seen linksys
21:10.14jboti haven't seen 'linksys', TripleFFFF
21:10.30TripleFFFF~seen  the size of it
21:10.32jboti haven't seen 'the size of it', TripleFFFF
21:13.07bugzanyone know of an issue with polycom phones losing the first 3 seconds of a call?
21:13.55Dr-Linuxanyone is using AT&T internet?
21:14.48*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (i=icebrkr@
21:15.16DovidI am connected via gprs :(
21:16.50*** join/#asterisk schuylerdigium (
21:16.52CrashHDwhen running multiple asterisk instances on the same machine (with a digium board installed in the machine) what precautions should I take to make sure both instances are not trying to utilize the board?
21:17.22*** join/#asterisk ceeto (
21:17.37ceetoHi all.  If I'm using rxfax(${faxnum}|debug) where does the "debug" info go?
21:17.39TripleFFFFoh god
21:17.47TripleFFFFgoes to consol maybe
21:17.55TripleFFFFshow application debug
21:17.58TripleFFFFi mean txfax
21:18.29*** join/#asterisk MoutaPT (n=MoutaPT@
21:18.49ceetoThat's it.  Thanks.
21:19.03MoutaPThi doesn any one here with experience with BRI card and Asterisk?
21:19.22DovidDont sorry
21:19.32DovidWe dont use ISDn in the US :(
21:20.10TripleFFFFi assume it overides the basic asterisk startup and adds a verbose flag to it
21:20.15MoutaPTthks Dovid, unfortunately one client with BRI :(
21:20.30DovidU can get isdn here just real hard
21:20.44TripleFFFFCrashHD .. precaution #1.. not use 2 process on same board ;)
21:21.01MoutaPTi've been informed from Beronet that i need kernel 2.6.12 ...
21:21.23MoutaPTi'm trying to make it in Debian... any distro with this kernel already?
21:21.34ceetoshow application debug didn't work..
21:21.38ceetodid I miss something?
21:21.41ceetoThanks for the help, btw.
21:22.03sevardCrashHD: Not that I know your answer but as a careful bystander I have to wonder to myself why somebody would do something that insane
21:22.50Dr-LinuxMoutaPT: almost all distro's
21:23.11MoutaPTcentos doesn't and debian neither, or am I wrong?
21:23.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:23.41tzafrir_laptopMoutaPT, need kernel 2.6.12 for Debian Sarge?
21:23.48saftsackMoutaPT, i have experiences
21:24.18tzafrir_laptopdeb stable main
21:24.38MoutaPTDebian Sarge is the same of just Debian? or something else? dummie question
21:24.42tzafrir_laptopOr browse that that URL to grab the kernel packages
21:24.55tzafrir_laptopLet me know if anything is missing
21:25.20MoutaPTtzafrir_laptop: installing debian from netinst first
21:25.34MoutaPT<tzafrir_laptop> asap i will give u some feedback
21:26.28tzafrir_laptopMoutaPT, also consider the ISOs from
21:27.04MoutaPTasterisk ready?
21:27.08*** join/#asterisk Sammich (
21:28.29SplasPoodMoutaPT: Debian sarge is the stable version of debian
21:34.39*** join/#asterisk vooduhal (
21:35.22vooduhalHello all.  I've remapped the physical "Transfer" button on the Polycom 601 to be '#' for asterisk transfer, but does anyone know how to disable the damned softkey transfer button?
21:37.39[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : WHY on earth would you want to remap SIP hard keys like that?
21:38.49vooduhalBecause QueueMetrics can't register a SIP redirect instead of asterisk transfering or we can't figure out a way to do it.  Management is bitching that the reports don't show the transfers properly. But if they press # to transfer it is registered properly.
21:39.16vooduhalSo the easiest solution is to force the polycom to play with asterisk.
21:39.33vooduhalBut we still have that obnoxious softkey.
21:40.12vooduhalQuite simple to to reprogram the physical button.
21:40.25[TK]D-FenderAH.... freakish....
21:40.32vooduhalWe also had a great time with one of our VPs on 4/1. :)
21:40.41[TK]D-Fenderjust about the ONLY slightly valid reason I can imagine :)
21:40.48vooduhalThank you. :)
21:41.13[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome...
21:43.23*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
21:43.41_Paulo_I have some strange problem...
21:43.55x86we might have a strange solution
21:44.04[TK]D-Fenderstrangely appropriate ;)
21:44.17vooduhalAh, and if anyone needs to know.  In the 1.6.1 Admin guide from polycom, they finally including button mappings.  We had to harrass one of their engineers to get them out of them (Ok, all we had to do was ask) but now they've included it in the guide.
21:44.20[TK]D-FenderPeople come out in the rain!
21:44.53x86teh mud peoples
21:44.58[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : Since we're at 1.6.6 official, and 20.beta going gold momentairly, there's more good stuff to come.
21:45.02_Paulo_when I call my boss gs286 from PSTN it works
21:45.29[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : I stronly hope that they yank the web interface out completely and leave room for more real functionality :D
21:45.30x86_Paulo_: but he can not dial out?
21:45.42vooduhal[TK]D-Fender, Agreed.
21:46.08_Paulo_when I call from a DID in USA, and canreinvite=yes, I lost 1 leg...
21:46.16vooduhal[TK]D-Fender, didn't realize they were up to 1.6.6.  Our sales rep told us 1.6.1 was the current.
21:46.23_Paulo_when I call from a DID in USA, and canreinvite=no, it works...
21:46.30[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : New rep time!
21:46.30vooduhal[TK]D-Fender, got a changelog by any chance?
21:46.36vooduhal[TK]D-Fender, Agreed.
21:46.46[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : I'm running 2.0 Beta at home personally.
21:46.57vooduhal[TK]D-Fender, I think we use VoIP supply.
21:47.07[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : go here for it :,1443,pw-34-182-15672,00.html
21:47.13_Paulo_x86, when he dials everything works fine.
21:47.22[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : They're supposed to be better than that...
21:47.31_Paulo_I got some DIDs from netcyber
21:47.32ceetoHi all. How would I specify a specific ZAP channel to always receive faxes through rxfax?
21:47.56[TK]D-Fenderceeto : Set their incoming context accordingly to one that does only that
21:48.02vooduhal[TK]D-Fender, Sweet.
21:48.08Dr-Linuxdoes cisco phone work with its PPPoE connection?
21:48.12[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : Oh, and a new model to oggle :)
21:48.32[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : I'm going to get one ASAP.
21:48.32vooduhal[TK]D-Fender, We just bought a shit ton of 601s to replace about 50 phones with.
21:48.44[TK]D-Fenderoverkill for most...
21:48.54_Paulo_when his wife call him from the netcyber DID, and canreinvite=yes, she hears well but he cant.
21:48.54ceetoCan you give me an example?  I'm a noob.
21:49.09[TK]D-Fenderceeto : Just change the context in zapata for that channel!
21:49.28vooduhalThey just dumped some Linksys deskphones on me to test for a 7 office IP centrex design we may do for a realty company.   Any experience with them?
21:49.55[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : Yeah... they work, and I'd say they're nice, but not comperable.
21:50.06[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : I owned a 941.
21:50.13_Paulo_is there something else that afects canreinvite=yes ?
21:50.21[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : had it less than 2 months and sold it off.
21:50.32vooduhalLuckily they don't need much in the way of functionality.  Just trying to avoid toll charges in their 7 locations all long distance.
21:50.33ceetoHow do I specify a specific context for a specific zap channel in zapata.conf?
21:50.36ceeto(Thanks for the help)
21:50.48_Paulo_x86, any guess?
21:50.50vooduhalThese are SPA942s.
21:51.06[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : Same shit w/ backlight & PoE.
21:51.22[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : Far too inflexible for my tastes.
21:51.43vooduhalHaven't played with them yet, but we needed PoE and that was pretty much it.
21:52.00vooduhalWell, I was wrong.  We're running 1.6.5 on these things.
21:52.46[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : The real advantage of 1.6.6 is the effective removal of the buddy watch limitation on the IP 601 for use of sidecars.
21:53.06vooduhalWe've actually just went with FOP.
21:53.20[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : Not any more!  Sidecar is uber nice now.
21:53.26hadsCool, didn't realise they'd removed that limit.
21:53.37ceetoHow do I specify a specific context for a specific zap channel in zapata.conf?
21:53.45vooduhalMay have to give it another shot.  That's what they wanted originally but it didn't test out so well and we sold them on FOP.
21:53.58[TK]D-FenderWhen * 1.4 adds SIP-B and Shared Line support they;ll be Godly...
21:54.16CunningPikeceeto: Read the examples - everything above a channels => statement affects those channels
21:54.20vooduhalPlus, we use agents instead of phones so I'm not sure how that will affect the side car now.
21:54.25vooduhalWe have all roaming users.
21:54.39vooduhalAnd FOP supports Agent status and not just line status.
21:54.39[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : :/
21:54.49vooduhalMWI was a bitch.
21:55.02vooduhalThank god the polycoms don't seem to care where the MWI on and off packets come from.
21:55.04[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : I don't know if there is any practical way to manage that scenario...
21:55.20[TK]D-FenderOh GOD... MWI with mobile users?  EEK
21:55.26vooduhalI've got it working well. :)
21:55.36[TK]D-FenderWhat'd you do for it?
21:56.15vooduhalPart of the voicemail extern notification just calls a perl script to locate which phone an agent is logged on to and turns it on and off as needed.  When the user logs in, it checks if they have messages and lights it and turns it off when they log off.
21:56.20vooduhalThank god for ngrep.
21:56.31vooduhalLiterally just dumped a MWI message and resend it as needed.
21:56.41Dr-Linuxanybody answer my question?
21:56.44vooduhalIt's scary how the Polycom will just do what its told and doesn't seem to check anything.
21:56.44Dr-Linuxdoes cisco phone work with its PPPoE connection?
21:56.57vooduhalDr-Linux which model? I've got one sitting right here.
21:57.22Dr-Linuxvooduhal: 7940
21:57.51vooduhalI modified the code for extern notification that I wrote for SMDI to a coppercom we have.
21:58.03vooduhalDr-Linux, one sec.
21:58.03Dr-Linuxvooduhal: we have many Cisco 7940/60's all are fine
21:58.12*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
21:58.15[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : You mean yo do a RAW packet transmission manually?
21:58.24Dr-Linuxbut this one client has some odd connection, i never understand
21:58.47[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : Perhaps it doesn't consider MWI a threat ;)
21:59.06Dr-Linuxvooduhal: it's something like Phone line >>> Modem >>> Hub >>> PC's (with dynamic IPs)
21:59.08vooduhalWell, since its just UDP. :)
21:59.22vooduhalDr-Linux, running to the wiring closet to test the cisco.
22:00.18[TK]D-Fendervooduhal : PM.
22:00.36[TK]D-FenderOk, I've got to get moving ; class awaits.
22:02.01[TK]D-FenderBack in a few hours.  Later all...
22:02.29vooduhalOk, 7940G does not do PoE.
22:02.50carrardoes if you wire it right
22:03.42vooduhalLmao.  I don't consider using 2 of the 8 pins in Cat5 wired right. :(
22:04.06carrarswap 4 with 7, and 5 with 8
22:04.41vooduhalI prefer 48 port PoE production injector.  If it turns on, it works, if not, it doesn't. :)
22:04.43*** join/#asterisk Bishoy (n=CodeGuru@
22:04.59carrarcisco 6500 blades will do both
22:05.33vooduhalcarrar, Or are you saying Ciscos are using proprietery wiring for PoE?
22:06.17BishoyGentlemen, im in trouble with asterisk with a critical error @ customer's site and a little hand here
22:06.48Dr-Linuxvooduhal: i mean PPPoE internet connection from AT&T.
22:07.04Bishoyok, here is my problem
22:07.48Bishoyi have a Mega server with asterisk@home installed v2.7 with 2 x TDM400P (4 FXS)
22:08.03KranZwoot, mega!
22:08.29vooduhalThere is your problem.  You are using digium. :)
22:08.33vooduhalKind of. :)
22:08.33Bishoythe calls comes through the TDM card to an IVR and queued for the support agents (8 SIP agents using xlite)
22:08.40ceetoThanks all, got it! :)
22:08.52KranZvooduhal: the cards are a bit fickle yes
22:09.17Bishoyafter 3-4 hours of normal operation everything just stops and calls just stop comming and all the lines become busy
22:09.19MoutaPTsangoma are the best cards currently?
22:09.27vooduhalKranZ, fickle is definitely a word for it.  I love the digium people that I've met, but have fallen in love with Sangoma equipment.
22:09.53Dr-Linuxvooduhal: did you mean Cisco 7940 phone doesn't work with PPPoE internet connection?
22:10.16Bishoyany clue where to start nailing the problem down ?
22:10.34vooduhalDr-Linux, I meant PoE.  If you are talking about PPPoE, are you trying to hook your phone up to the modem itself or do you at least have a dialing router?
22:11.02vooduhalBishoy, what revision of the TDM400P cards are you using?
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22:11.19Bishoyi dont know, we bought them a month ago
22:11.41Dr-Linuxvooduhal: i have dialing router, but the phone can't grab an IP address from the DHCP, either if i put the same cable in the a PC, it works
22:12.09*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
22:12.54vooduhalDr-Linux, Have you configured the phone factory defaults or can you at least guarantee that it's not doing 802.1q?
22:12.58JASON99is it normal to get the following warnings?
22:12.58JASON99May 30 18:12:34 WARNING[4525]: chan_zap.c:10879 setup_zap: Ignoring switchtype
22:12.58JASON99May 30 18:12:34 WARNING[4525]: chan_zap.c:10879 setup_zap: Ignoring signalling
22:13.28vooduhalStupid question, can Cisco phones support ISL?   Never tried, or would I ever, just a funny thought. :)
22:13.43*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:14.51Dr-Linuxvooduhal: this phone was already working at other location with 7.4 SIP firmware, so as i moved to this client, it doesn't get any IP from PPPoE DHCP
22:15.20Dr-LinuxJASON99: yeah don't worry about that
22:15.26vooduhalDr-Linux, is it plugged into a multiport modem or into an actual router with built in switch?
22:16.15Dr-Linuxvooduhal: it's somethign like this   Phone line >>> Modem >>> Hub >>>> PC's and 7940 phone
22:16.25vooduhalThat won't work.
22:16.38Dr-Linuxvooduhal: why?
22:16.59Dr-Linuxvooduhal: but why it works when i plugg same ethernet cable in a PC ?
22:17.31vooduhalIf you are plugging a hub to a DSL modem port you still need something to dial the PPPoE connection.  Unless by Hub you mean router. .
22:18.16Dr-Linuxvooduhal: yes, but how it works when i plugg the same cable into a PC?
22:18.50vooduhalAre you automatically getting an IP when you plug the PC in or are you having to dial a PPPoE connection?
22:19.00Dr-Linuxvooduhal: after hub there are 4 PC's all can get an IP from DHCP, but if i plugg the same cable in to the phone, then phone looks for IP but can't grab one
22:19.35vooduhalAre these PCs getting private IPs or public?
22:19.46Dr-Linuxvooduhal: automatically get a Public IP, and each PC get different IP on each reboot
22:19.52vooduhalTrying to figure out if you mean, router/switch instead of hub.
22:20.00Dr-Linuxvooduhal: Public IP's
22:20.36Dr-Linuxvooduhal: i'm in Pakistan and the client is in USA, so she told me she is using a Hub after modem
22:21.00vooduhalCan you get the model of the hub?
22:23.17*** join/#asterisk adker (
22:23.19Dr-Linuxvooduhal: she is away right now :S :(
22:23.51Dr-Linuxvooduhal: it's not a dialing modem i think, she is using DSL
22:24.10Dr-Linuxand  Its PPPoE (PPP over ethernet)
22:24.31*** join/#asterisk Smi|k (
22:25.23vooduhalAnd you are sure she is using PPPoE?
22:25.45Dr-Linuxvooduhal: yes, bcoz i talked to the her provider AT&T
22:25.46vooduhalI work for an ISP that does DSL but we choose not to do PPPoE in favor of MAC registration.
22:26.29Dr-Linuxvooduhal: my question is that, if CIsco phone supports PPPoE connection or not?
22:26.43JASON99Dr-Linux: Thanks
22:27.01filewhy would you put a PPPoE implementation in a VoIP phone?
22:27.31Dr-Linuxfile: i don't, one of our client has this type of damn connection
22:27.42vooduhal1. I doubt it, but 2.  If these PCs are not having to dial a virtual connection as they would with PPPoE, I'm not sure they are using PPPoE and without knowing if the "hub" is actually a hub or a router I'm stuck.
22:27.46Dr-Linuxand phone doesn't grab an IP
22:28.08_Paulo_Dr-Linux, there are many adsl routers out there
22:28.18_Paulo_Dr-Linux, they are inexpensive.
22:29.30*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
22:29.33Dr-Linux_Paulo_: yes, i know but i should have an answer to her :) if the phone works with PPPoE connection or not
22:29.34vooduhalAnd if it's a polycom and that damned built in browser, much fun can be had. :)
22:29.48Dr-Linuxand we are stuck in this problem since last week
22:30.05vooduhalDr-Linux, if the question is will the phone work connected to a PPPoE network via a DSL modem, I would say no.
22:30.22fileyou shouldn't... just... UGH
22:30.23_Paulo_What cisco is that?
22:30.24vooduhalBut if you can get the details of the equipment I can probably help you.
22:31.19_Paulo_I have some cisco atas and none have pppoe.
22:31.21*** join/#asterisk opus_ (n=opus@
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22:31.33opus_if I have multipele T1s and I want to Dial out on the first available one, how do i do it?
22:31.56_Paulo_opus_, put them in the same group
22:32.04opus_oh ok g1
22:32.38Dr-LinuxVorondil: i'm trying to call her USA
22:33.58TripleFFFFanyone can help me out ?
22:34.16vooduhalDr-Linux, one other thing to look for while you wait is to make sure you aren't tagging the traffic from the phone.
22:34.24Dr-Linuxvooduhal: she said, it's a HUB and she is sure.
22:34.29*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
22:34.35TripleFFFFthe directory app is looking for NAME field but i got FULLNAME field.. i dont want to rechange my crap.. anyway to Alias a field name in mysql ?
22:34.38vooduhalCan you get a model of the hub and the modem?
22:35.18opus_do I just put the same "group = 1" by each channel = block?
22:35.29Dr-Linuxvooduhal: i asked her
22:35.31TripleFFFFim on
22:35.37TripleFFFFeven says it should work
22:35.48Dr-Linuxvooduhal: it's not dialing modem,
22:36.37_Paulo_opus_, I would try that.
22:36.48vooduhalDr-Linux, I'm going to teach you a very important lesson about dealing with users.  Never trust them.  Ask her what the manufactorer and model is of both devices.
22:37.14_Paulo_opus_, but sorry, I never tested this.
22:37.25vooduhalBecause if the modem doesn't dial for them, and the computers are not dialing a virtual connection, then PPPoE is not in use.
22:37.37*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
22:37.49vooduhalIt's like sticking a computer with a modem on a phone line with a 56k modem and it automatically getting an IP address and internet connection.
22:38.05Dr-Linuxvooduhal: PPPoE is only dialing connection? not a DSL?
22:38.18Qwell[]dsl doesn't need to use pppoe
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22:38.43_Paulo_TripleFFFF, you can create a view
22:38.48Qwell[]and if yours does, you just need to get a pppoe router
22:38.58Qwell[](one smart enough to get multiple ips)
22:38.58_Paulo_TripleFFFF, rename your table and create a view.
22:39.12vooduhalDr-Linux, the whole point of PPPoE is to provide a dialup interface like dial up.  There is no real reason for an ISP to require it, but some just like to provide that old fashoined feeling.
22:39.34Dr-LinuxQwell[]: yes, it's multiple IP's , and public
22:39.40vooduhalWithout the model of the modem and "hub" I can't really help you anymore.
22:40.36TripleFFFFno matter hide from dir=yes
22:40.41Dr-Linuxvooduhal: i asked her, she is just checking
22:40.49*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
22:41.08TripleFFFFanyway to make this talked by festival ?
22:42.23TripleFFFFsource says VoiceMail2
22:42.24TripleFFFFi think
22:42.25Dr-Linuxvooduhal: it's a autosensing switch >> NSH510 is the model #
22:42.35TripleFFFF./* Check for the VoiceMail2 greeting first */
22:42.44TripleFFFFwould mean it could be festival based ?
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22:44.31vooduhalAnd the modem?
22:44.56Dr-Linuxvooduhal: she is checking
22:45.16Dr-Linuxbroadxent by creative
22:45.29Dr-LinuxModel# 8012-V
22:46.12*** join/#asterisk operat0r (
22:46.55TripleFFFFjoin #asterisk-dev
22:47.28Dr-Linuxvooduhal: hopfully you will give me feedback postive , like it can work or it can't :)
22:47.39vooduhalI agree. :)
22:48.09vooduhalAlso, have you verified that she is getting public IPs or is that just what she as said?
22:48.25vooduhal(Sorry, did tech support for too many years to trust a thing a user says)
22:48.53Dr-LinuxVagabond: i access her machines' via VNC and i checked my self, it's public IPs and always changed
22:51.37*** join/#asterisk opus_ (n=opus@
22:51.48*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk 1.2.8, Zaptel 1.2.6, Libpri 1.2.3 Released! (May 30, 2006) -=- FreePBX/AMP/Asterisk@Home support in #freepbx
22:51.53opus_how do I match an area code? exten => _206NXXNXXXX,1, ?
22:52.08_Paulo_opus_, yes
22:52.13opus_are you sure?
22:52.28vooduhal1.2.8 is out???!??!
22:52.30opus_if I had _X. after it, but that was before it, it would still catch the 206 right?
22:52.33_Paulo_opus_, the trick with the group dialing worked?
22:52.39opus_Paulo never tried
22:52.55vooduhalDid they include the updates to app_queue like autopause and the parallel distribution?
22:53.16vooduhalSounds like I'm staying late to upgrade. :)
22:53.28Dr-Linuxwhat's new features in 1.2.8?
22:53.37Qwell[]Dr-Linux: none
22:54.00vooduhalChecking app_queue now.
22:54.11Dr-LinuxQwell[]: what's difference than previous version?
22:54.13Qwell[]vooduhal: was it a bug fix, or a feature?
22:54.15Qwell[]Dr-Linux: bug fixes
22:54.17_Paulo_Time to go home. Bye!
22:54.38*** join/#asterisk angler (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
22:54.55vooduhalFeature added to app_queue in CVS head about a month ago.
22:55.10Qwell[]vooduhal: then no
22:55.13russellbThe ChangeLog between and 1.2.8 is about 500 lines
22:55.15Qwell[]ONLY bug fixes were included
22:55.18vooduhalThe parallel call distribution should have been added a long, long time ago.
22:55.20russellb*tons* of bug fixes
22:55.30Qwell[](unless there was a very compelling reason for a feature to be included)
22:56.17opus_i'll wait until
22:56.20Qwell[]If you want new features, either test trunk, or wait for 1.4 beta
22:56.28opus_which should be out in about 20 minutes from now, hehe
22:56.29*** join/#asterisk Delta239 (
22:56.30fileno new features for you!
22:56.33Dr-Linuxone day my callers will play games while waiting in queues :P
22:56.51Qwell[]Dr-Linux: Tell file to give you his blackjack dialplan :P
22:56.58Qwell[]Which I still want, btw!
22:57.10vooduhalDo you think trunk is stable enough for a production call center of 30 users and 50 other non queue users?
22:57.12fileyou could actually rework it for DTMF
22:57.20Dr-LinuxQwell[]: sorry, don't have money for file :S
22:57.21Qwell[]file: tis the plan
22:57.35Qwell[]that, and to get ideas guessed it
22:58.00russellbyou could have a CARDDECK dialplan function
22:58.03Dr-Linuxfile: you will give me that for free? :P
22:58.08Qwell[]russellb: That would be sweet
22:58.16russellbthat could keep track of which cards have been dealt, etc
22:58.33Dr-Linuxfile: ok sorry :)
22:58.51Qwell[]russellb: yeah...Set(newcard=${CARDDECK(1)})
22:58.51filerussellb: datastores... yesssss
22:59.03russellbfile: yup :)
22:59.08Dr-Linuxwhen will be 1.4 beta out?
22:59.14Qwell[]Dr-Linux: soon my child...soon
22:59.19filelike, very soon
22:59.24russellbDr-Linux: like, monday at the latest
22:59.34russellbit was going to be tomorrow, but there are some important things to finish this week
22:59.46Dr-Linuxoo :S
23:00.00russellbrtp jitterbuffer is pretty much ready, though
23:00.11fileso no more complaining is allowed
23:00.38Dr-Linuxi bought new dual core server for asterisk, i'll recieve it on 1/6, what version should i load. 1.2.8?
23:01.20Dr-Linuxrussellb: what's special stuff in 1.4 beta?
23:02.10operat0rHey guys I finaly got ipkall to talk to my asterisk box bypassing FWD but I am on NAT do I need to set that some place even if I dont have anything in sip.conf ?
23:02.30Ariel_I knew they were working on releasing 1.2.8 version of asterisk...
23:02.39Dr-Linuxvooduhal: you forgot my problem? :P
23:02.58vooduhalNo, I'm still here.
23:03.06vooduhalDId you get the model on the modem?
23:03.20Dr-Linuxvooduhal: i aleady give you
23:03.29vooduhalSorry, I must have missed it.
23:03.40Dr-Linuxbroadxent by creative
23:03.40russellbDr-Linux: oh geez, i don't even know, we'll have to work on a list sometime soon
23:03.57Dr-LinuxModel# 8012-V
23:04.41Dr-Linuxrussellb: it will be not a gui?
23:04.46Dr-Linuxvooduhal: yes dude.
23:06.10russellbDr-Linux: no.
23:06.27mitchelocoh just a thought for everyone here... it seems counterpath has forums on their website, so it might be good to point x-lite/eyebeam users to
23:06.53*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=churro@
23:07.10Dr-Linuxmitcheloc: is that your web?
23:07.53vooduhalOk, you said you have VNC access to their desktop correct?
23:08.21Dr-Linuxyes, i used always when i'm at work
23:08.26rmayorgahi guys
23:08.37Dr-Linuxvooduhal: did you findout something?
23:08.42operat0r my VNC over firewall/ NAT guide
23:09.13rmayorgaI have question, there is anyway that I can do somethink like DIAL(SIP/XXXXX@foo) from my asterisk CLI
23:09.37Qwell[]rmayorga: with the Dial command, and add extension, if you have chan_oss or chan_alsa
23:10.08vooduhalJust reading the docs on it.  I'm still having trouble believing that they are not dialing a PPPoE connection on each PC though.  The last thing I can suggest is VNCing in, checking their network connections and see if they just have a "Local Area Network" Connection or if they actually have a PPPoE dialup connection.  If they do have a PPPoE dialup connection, you are screwed.
23:10.32Az_auhello... what card(s)? would be recommended for use with 2 BRI lines?
23:10.48Qwell[]operat0r: good luck putting ras on a phone
23:10.52operat0raltern pppoe drivers
23:10.58TripleFFFFwats is changelog on 1.8 ?
23:11.04TripleFFFFioi mean 1.2.8
23:11.04rmayorgaQwell[]: thanks
23:11.19*** join/#asterisk Lord_Drachenblut (n=Lord@
23:11.30vooduhalAnyway, back to getting access to our multicast video streams for watching world cup next week.  Back later all.
23:11.32operat0rmonkeys won't play :(
23:11.39Dr-Linuxvooduhal: i have checked that already, while accesing her PC, she has PPPoE connection, when i do  >> run >> cmd >> ipconfig at her windows machine
23:12.22Qwell[]Dr-Linux: You need to get a router that can do pppoe and multiple IPs, and let it do your dhcp
23:13.01vooduhalDr-Linux, in that case, you are going to need a router that will do PPPoE ....
23:13.07vooduhalAs Qwell said. :)
23:13.08Lord_Drachenblutanyone ever get a lucent phone working with asterisk
23:13.09Dr-LinuxQwell[]: it's already doing that. all PC's grab dynamic IPs ..
23:13.15Dr-Linuxbut this cisco phone can't
23:13.32Qwell[]Dr-Linux: but, it's getting it straight from the need a router that can do the pppoe connections for you
23:13.34vooduhalDr-Linux, yes, but they are establishing PPPoE connections on their own.
23:13.59vooduhalI wonder if anyone makes a single port PPPoE gateway. :)
23:14.13Qwell[]vooduhal: Linux
23:14.19Dr-Linuxvooduhal: so what's difference between a PC and cisco phone?
23:14.24Dr-Linuxjust wanna confirm
23:14.25rmayorgaQwell[]: With the add extension command I can add a  new extension to a context
23:14.26Qwell[]Dr-Linux: the PC has a dialer
23:14.33vooduhalThe PC has a PPPoE client.
23:14.46rmayorgaThat I need is to try to make a Automatic, call from the CLI
23:15.02rmayorgadoing something like asterisk -rx COMMAND
23:15.15Qwell[]rmayorga: Just use a call file
23:15.16Dr-Linuxi see
23:15.19operat0rsome other stuff you may need to set to make PPPOE to work
23:15.29operat0rnot MTU but something else
23:15.53Dr-Linuxvooduhal: what if she buy a linksys router and that do NAT. it will work right?
23:16.12Qwell[]Dr-Linux: You need to make sure that the linksys can handle multiple public IPs
23:16.15vooduhalJust be prepared for the SIP fun.
23:16.21Qwell[]unless you want to switch to NAT..which is silly
23:16.29vooduhalDr-Linux, is there a need for multiple public IPs?
23:16.35vooduhalNAT is silly?
23:16.46Qwell[]When you're paying for public IPs, of course it is
23:16.48MikeJ__nat is fine... stun is good
23:16.57Qwell[]You've got em...use em
23:17.08vooduhalQwell, agreed, but it doesn't sound like they are.
23:17.11*** join/#asterisk iq|mobile (
23:17.21Qwell[]why let them go to waste?
23:17.24MikeJ__what's up with this sip doesn't handle nat well myth?
23:17.28Qwell[]It'd be simple to get a router that can deal with it
23:17.33Qwell[]MikeJ__: got me
23:17.43vooduhalQwell, they are getting them dynamically through DSL/DHCP and changing often so what's the point?
23:17.48MikeJ__it's up there with the h323 sucks myth
23:17.50vooduhalDo you get your boxes owned?
23:17.56Qwell[]MikeJ__: no, that one is true :p
23:18.14vooduhalQwell, agreed on the router.
23:18.36vooduhalDr-Linux, Tell her for $1k, I'll fly out and fix everything for her. :)
23:21.52Dr-Linuxvooduhal: heh if i'd have handly access i would be able to fix it,
23:22.08vooduhalI know. :)  You said you are in Pakistan right?
23:22.10Dr-Linuxvooduhal: i configured a bunch of Cisco phones, but never seen ONE in real
23:22.17Dr-Linuxvooduhal: yes
23:22.25vooduhalWhat part of the US is she in?
23:22.53Dr-Linuxvooduhal: CA
23:23.14vooduhalAh, on the other side of the country. :)
23:23.15Dr-Linuxvooduhal: but now i understand everything with 2 lines
23:23.25Dr-Linuxi appritiate your help
23:23.37Dr-Linuxyou know what was 2 lines?
23:23.55Dr-Linux<Qwell[]> Dr-Linux: the PC has a dialer
23:23.57Dr-Linux<vooduhal> The PC has a PPPoE client.
23:24.08vooduhalGlad to help. :)
23:24.51Dr-Linuxvooduhal: you don't often come to this channel, right? :)
23:25.09vooduhalSome times.  I don't spend a lot of time on IRC.
23:27.44*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
23:27.56JASON99How would I convert 7 digits to 10 digits before dialing out?
23:28.20vooduhalJASON99, you meaning appending an area code?
23:28.34JASON99I should have specified :P
23:28.57vooduhalexten => _NXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g0/234${EXTEN})
23:29.17vooduhalWill dial 234 and your 7 digit number.
23:30.03operat0rReliably Transmitting (NAT) to
23:30.04operat0rSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
23:30.04JASON99ok you're right.. I tried that and it works.. but here is my problem... once I add the area code.. I want to lookup the first 6 digits and match that to decide which trunk to send it on...
23:30.41vooduhal${EXTEN:1:6} I believe.
23:30.48vooduhalThat's after you've created the 10 digit number.
23:30.52vooduhalOr more clearly
23:31.24vooduhal${MYEXTEN:1:6} should refer to the first 6 digits.
23:32.02vooduhalSo GotoIf($[${MYEXTEN} = 123435]?2:3)
23:32.07vooduhalSomething like that.
23:32.12JASON99Do I have to use a GotoIf or is there a way to do exten => _234111XXXX,1,Dial(${EXTEN})
23:32.50JASON99ok your example will work.. Thanks  :)
23:33.49operat0rso I am ipkalll > my asterisk box I dont need a sip.conf ? just extentions.conf ?
23:33.53vooduhalI think you could do something like:
23:34.06vooduhalWhat's that damned place to paste code at?
23:34.17operat0rvooduhal pastebin
23:34.26*** join/#asterisk omarc55 (
23:34.42vooduhalThank you.
23:34.45vooduhalTime to bookmark.
23:34.55operat0rtime to smack asterisk
23:35.07omarc55Hi all. how can I find out how many kbps an IAX2 call is taking up, is there a tool to test it from the asterisk console? I am using
23:35.16operat0romarc55 bmon
23:35.33*** part/#asterisk opus_ (n=opus@
23:35.39omarc55ah ok. thanks.
23:35.43vooduhalHey * gurus, if EXTEN changes mid dialplan, does the priority reset to 1?
23:38.23nextimevooduhal : no
23:38.47vooduhalDidn't think so.
23:40.32vooduhalJASON99, This will do what you want without gotoifs:
23:41.39*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
23:41.42operat0rat least I got it to do something when I get a call
23:41.52JASON99vooduhal: Perfect.. Let me try that out..  Thanks
23:43.53*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
23:44.15JASON99Perfect.. it worked
23:44.17rmayorgaQwell[]: Thanks, It Works nice
23:45.42vooduhalJASON99, good to hear.
23:46.56JASON99Thanks again
23:51.20vooduhalDid someone earlier say that you could swap some pins in a standard Cat5 for a 7940 to use PoE?
23:51.36Qwell[]vooduhal: yes
23:51.47Qwell[]on a newer one
23:51.49vooduhalWhat was the pinout.  I want to try.  I don't care if I brick it. :)
23:51.54vooduhalI've got a 7940g
23:52.03vooduhalThe docs say it supports it.
23:52.12Qwell[]I think some of the g's support 802.3 poe
23:52.14vooduhalBut my PoE injector doesn't do shit for it.
23:52.26Qwell[]vooduhal: there is a thing on the wiki, I believe
23:52.30jbotsomebody said wikis was
23:52.42jbot[food] essential to life
23:52.42vooduhalLet me chceck.
23:54.35vooduhalWoot, found the doc.
23:55.57JASON99When you have a context with includes.. does it go through the includes starting from the top or bottom?
23:56.04*** join/#asterisk MoutaPT (n=MoutaPT@
23:57.26znoGguys, can anyone think of a way one could setup a dialplan conf or a AGI script that auto-redials a number when busy and when it rings, connect the call to an extension?
23:58.15znoGie. extension 5 rings number 123 and hangs up. Asterisk dials 123 and if not busy, dial extension 5 and bridge. If busy, keep retrying until its not
23:59.36Qwell[]znoG: You mean like...RetryDial()?

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