irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060527

00:00.51Cyistime to start my trek home...
00:11.50x86anyone ever get Asterisk to compile in an UML environment?
00:13.29filex86: Asterisk itself? yes.
00:14.30x86file: i cant get Asterisk or Zaptel to compile inside UML
00:14.41*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
00:14.57fileyou didn't say zaptel
00:15.24x86well I can do without Zaptel if I _have_ to
00:15.28x86but asterisk wont compile either
00:15.37x86hold on I'll get the errors :P
00:15.58filenever compiled zaptel in UML... so I can't help you
00:16.04fileGoogle is your best bet, unless you find someone here
00:16.38x86what did you have to do to get Asterisk to compile?
00:16.55filethere's nothing special...
00:17.02filewhat's the error from compiling Asterisk?
00:17.11x86hold on a sec...
00:17.17x86it's still getting to that point :P
00:18.21*** join/#asterisk anthm (
00:18.21*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
00:19.19x86what the shit, maybe it's working :)
00:19.45x86file: would libpri compile for you?
00:20.06x86i want that bristuff patch
00:20.15x86err, need, not just want :P
00:20.24Dr-Linuxcan i use patern in GotoIf() application, something like that exten => s,1,GotoIf["${Callerid(num)" = _44XX ..?4:2]  ?
00:22.25*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (n=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
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00:34.41eipianyone here have an ex-broadvoice utstarcom f1000 modified to work with asterisk?
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00:37.01_Sam--i do
00:41.38Zodiacalwith all this stuff about net neutrality going around.  won't encryption solve all these packet shaping fears?
00:43.21*** join/#asterisk phonic (
00:43.55phonichi, i have a question about asterisk and phpagi. how can i get the called number and the caller's number?
00:46.31*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
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01:30.49*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
01:31.54*** join/#asterisk JASON99 (
01:33.04JASON99Hello,  I am forwarding a DID to an IAX trunk "exten => (DID),1,Dial(IAX2/(username):(password)@(ip)/${EXTEN})".  It works but when the user on the other asterisk box hangs up, the call comes back to my asterisk and the default IVR starts up.  Do you know what would cause that?
01:34.56AssidJASON99: have another priority Hangu
01:35.05Assiderr.. Hangup
01:35.21JASON99so "exten => (DID),2,Hangup ?
01:35.33JASON99I tried that and it still does it
01:35.44Assidshow me the verbose output
01:36.04Assidand i might not be toooooo helpful.. 2.5 hours of sleep makes me see double
01:36.24JASON99thats after the user hangs up
01:36.28JASON99and thats on the primary PBX
01:36.51Assidokay well.. you have something thats executing Goto (from-pstn,s,1)
01:37.09Assidso search your extensions.conf for that
01:37.57JASON99ok let me look
01:38.04Assid*mumble*fucking shit work.,. always bugging me
01:40.42*** join/#asterisk paolob (
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01:48.41zerotraceis it possible to setup a a dialplan to use a calling card for outbound calls (eg. dial ATT calling card service through FWD, then script the dialplan to send the proper DTMF tones for the calling card menus, then send the extension number)?
01:48.59*** join/#asterisk Whisk (
01:49.55Assidhrmm.. im guessing SendDTMF() ?
01:50.04zerotracei tried that... i didn't hear any tones
01:50.50Assidmaybe you can Dial() over the channel?
01:50.56Assidor use the .call script?
01:51.36zerotracehere's the section of the dialplan i'm currently trying with no luck:
01:53.40Assidand you dont hear any tones?
01:54.08Assidwtf is Progress() ?
01:54.21zerotracesends a Progress notification to the SIP client
01:54.36Assidokay let me try and see if i can send DTMF
01:54.56Assidbah asterisk is soo much more fun than php
01:55.13zerotracei have that there because i'm planning to put the 'r' flag on Dial when it's working... so all the client will hear is ringing
01:55.25zerotrace... for 20 seconds
01:55.38zerotracemaybe i'll find a message or something to play there
01:56.44*** join/#asterisk paolob (
01:57.26Assidyou sure its even being processed ?
01:57.44*** join/#asterisk paolob (
01:57.56zerotracewell... i see the progress message, so i know that it's getting that far... and i'm hearing the welcome message from the ATT 800 number
01:59.21Assiddoesnt work for me
01:59.30Assidi cant see the dtmf being sent
02:05.14*** part/#asterisk niter3 (
02:12.54JASON99Assid: I found "from-pstn,s,1" at three places in my extensions.conf.. I went as far as commenting all the lines out and I still get the same thingh
02:13.17JASON99still says:
02:13.47JASON99where can it be getting that from?
02:14.05Assiddid you reload extensions?
02:14.22JASON99i just did a reload
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02:26.46niter3ANyone here setup uplink  (skype sip->skype) app with asterisk?
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02:33.07niter3Anyone here hook up skype with asterisk
02:33.09niter3I need a hand..
02:40.33JackEStormHey does anyone know of another Asterisk CDR report generator (one ment for people who drool over pretty graphs) other than ACA (Asterisk CDR Analyser)?
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03:02.02MoutaPTHello Does any one knows if i need zaptel and libpri to use Asterisk with Beronet QuaBRI board?
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03:03.39mike2attn anyone:  i am looking for ironhelix, anyone seen him?
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03:16.07phonici want asterisk to automatically hang up a call after 59 seconds, is it possible?
03:16.56hadsphonic: check out TIMEOUT(absolute)
03:18.23phonicthack you
03:24.26Corydon76-homenot to be confused with TIMEOUT(smirnov)
03:24.31*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:27.15JackEStormCorydon76-home: nod, and it just hit me that you can use extensions.conf and construct a Dialplan for a perfect brew plan.
03:30.34*** join/#asterisk niter3 (
03:32.39niter3anyone alive?
03:32.57*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
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03:46.38mishehuwhen writing extensions.ael, is it possible to do context foo { includes { bar||9:00-17:29|mon-fri|*|*}; }; ?  or do you have to do with a series of ifTime()
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04:01.24gambolputtyHi.  Anyone having trouble compiling Zaptel on Centos 4.3 with kernel 2.6.9-34.0.1.EL?
04:01.58jbotcentosbug is, like, a problem with the latest Centos kernel (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. This is part of the 'kernel-devel' package.
04:07.30fugitivosee? windows doesn't have bugs
04:08.15SwKno the bot didnt respond on that one cause its running out of memory right now trying to compile the list so it can send it to the channel
04:08.33jbothmm... windowsbug is Windows itself is a bug
04:12.23fileit's a [TK]D-Fender!
04:15.30filehow goes?
04:16.15fileonly a meh?
04:16.31[TK]D-Fenderjust vegin... another night of not really going out (visited a friend, but not like hitting the pool hall or anything...
04:16.48[TK]D-FenderLife is very economical these days
04:16.59[TK]D-FenderIts all about not doing anything :)
04:17.45[TK]D-FenderIn my situation I have no phone, cable, or hydro associated with my apt, and I'm hardly going out and eating in cheap....
04:18.56[TK]D-FenderAnd I've run out of things on my "need" (more like "gotta haves")) list, and there are only purchase large enough for me to analyze to death before buying
04:20.24JackEStorm[TK]D-Fender: my "need" list keeps growing everyday, and my want list is exponential based on the current need list
04:20.42[TK]D-FenderJackEStorm : something must be done!
04:21.03fileI've run out of need list stuff... want stuff is minimal... immediate stuff is paid... life is good
04:21.36filenobody burst my bubble
04:21.57*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
04:22.07FuriousGeorgehey all
04:23.22JackEStorm[TK]D-Fender: one of the top 100's on my list I found today, but I need to find #1 on my need list and thats time :/
04:23.47JackEStorms&$one&found one&g
04:23.48*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (
04:26.31niter3hrm, anyone got skype working with asterisk here?
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04:28.49FuriousGeorgeniter3: last i heard that wasnt possible
04:28.53FuriousGeorgehas anything changed?
04:29.10JackEStorm[TK]D-Fender: while sorting out my inventory today so that I can work out my tax right offs before the Aug deadline, I found that I have a g729 royalty free lib
04:29.21FuriousGeorgeso is the estimated time of asterisk 1.4 arrival still june?
04:29.38Strom_Cthe big question is not "is it possible" but "why in your right mind would you want to do it in the first place?" :)
04:30.06fileFuriousGeorge: end of June, start of July
04:30.11filebetas coming soon! >PANIC<
04:30.18FuriousGeorgehow exciting for us
04:32.14[TK]D-FenderYup... SIP-B, virtual devices for presence functionality.  Hopefully Polycom ACD functionality merged to app_queue,e tc....
04:32.35FuriousGeorgenew chan_sip?
04:32.44[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : Hopefully that too...
04:33.08filenew chan_sip is after 1.4...
04:33.33FuriousGeorgebut the virtual presence states by oej?  that made it in?
04:33.35[TK]D-FenderSIP-B is an enhanced specification encomasing many RFC's including Shared lines (muti-registration to the same accound that simultaneously ring and inherently share  presence info.
04:33.51FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: cool, my snoms should be happy with that
04:34.15[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : oej's patch is nearing inclusion from what I read
04:34.28FuriousGeorgewhat about mog's stuff?
04:34.33[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : The Polycom sidecars would be Godly as well
04:34.45filejabber was merged in...
04:34.48[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : No idea what mog has in the pielien..
04:34.59filewhatever it is
04:35.05[TK]D-Fenderfile : We seriousy need to trash the old SIP though....
04:35.19FuriousGeorgelike that scene with the copier from Office Space?
04:35.20file[TK]D-Fender: we are, but implementing a SIP stack is hell
04:35.52fileand right now we're focused on getting 1.4 ready
04:35.57filewell, trunk
04:37.26filesilly sleepyness :(
04:37.40FuriousGeorgehow are the shared lines gonna be configured?  like groups in sip.conf?
04:38.02FuriousGeorgei guess ill find out
04:38.04[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : should be a single friend with multi-logon.
04:38.22FuriousGeorgeah hah
04:39.33JackEStormwhat I would really love to have is a "Handoff(<file>|<fallback-context>)" function for extensions.conf, with it's own private general globals, and default contexts.
04:40.33FuriousGeorgeJackEStorm: cant u just use include files and gotos for that?
04:41.32JackEStormFuriousGeorge: yes you can, but with my setup here I need include hell and context hell...
04:42.17FuriousGeorgecould you include an include file of a bunch of includes?
04:43.52[TK]D-FenderHow about realtime that you don't need a shell extensions.conf to "switch" off context by context?
04:45.41JackEStormFuriousGeorge: thats what I'm doing now, but If I could hand off to another conf, my confs would be cleaner, and a fuckup would not always take everything down.
04:47.13FuriousGeorgegood point
04:47.24JackEStorm[TK]D-Fender: yeah, something like a real routing database, sqlite built in, with support for off code backends...but alow me to use the same context names in other contexts.
04:47.44JackEStormand keep it simple
04:50.02FuriousGeorgeso i plugged the +4 pin connector of the 20+4 ping modular power plug into the separate 4 pin connector that is just for agp/pci, and i fried my mb
04:50.49FuriousGeorgewhos idea was it to make those plugs so identical looking
04:50.57[TK]D-FenderJackEStorm : Actually as far as I'm concerned it should just use ODBC and include SQLit as DB option up front.
04:52.51*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
04:52.56JackEStorm[TK]D-Fender: that works too, I suggested SQLite because it's lic is PD, and it's base can be included with in asterisk, and then just use ODBC or iODBC.
04:54.07[TK]D-FenderJackEStorm : I figure using a single front end simplifies a LOT of things.
04:54.34*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
04:55.06[TK]D-FenderI could accept a single mix of SQLite and ODBC jsu so you have a completely connectionless solution though.
04:55.19*** join/#asterisk Tili (
04:56.14JackEStormok, ODBC, asterisk includes SQLITE, and if asterisk finds no backends defined it defaults to it's own SQLITE backend.
04:56.20eipianyone here have an ex-broadvoice utstarcom f1000 modified to work with asterisk?
04:56.26JackEStormvia ODBC
04:58.22[TK]D-Fendereipi : We've answered this before : If you buy a phone like that odds are its permanently locked to your provider, in this case Broadvoice.
05:00.25*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (
05:03.34eipidfender: then i'm fucked? no firmware upgrade or something else?
05:05.56[TK]D-Fendereipi : possible, but I seriously wouldn't bet on it.
05:06.11[TK]D-Fendereipi : Thats why you should always just buy your own gear straight up.
05:06.42[TK]D-Fendereipi : Unlike a lot of schmucks who thought they'd havck their way through their PAP2 or other similar adapter
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05:09.41JackEStorm[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but I reflashed my ATA-186 from vonage :)
05:10.00*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
05:10.11trixterI have broken my vt1000 from vonage and got the dlink from AT&T callvantage for the specific purpose of reflashing it :
05:10.37trixterbut its like cellphones, some you can unlock others not so easily
05:10.46trixterand its locked to make it more expensive and harder to switch providers
05:11.45trixtervonage used to unlock if you were with them for 12 or so months, before that for a fee
05:11.49trixterbroadvoice may do the same
05:12.14JackEStormtrixter: nod, and only time on google and really reading can tell you what to get, thats why I got my V3 ....... next step in my setup is to get a PCMCIA GSM card for my asterisk box, so "findme" doesn't use my mobile mins :)
05:12.35*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
05:14.03asterboygood morning the whole day through.
05:14.18asterboycause here it's nighting
05:14.24JackEStormtrixter: I found out I could reflash my vonage ATA because it wouldn't work till I disabled CDP on my router and switch and disabled TFTP on my boot server.
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05:18.13asterboydisable the vonage works better
05:22.49*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
05:24.19JackEStormasterboy: I droped them like 4years ago
05:24.46asterboyI think mine was 2 years ago
05:24.59asterboyGreat way to get into things though
05:26.06JackEStormyeah at that time it was
05:26.22FuriousGeorgewould page work with set sip header for auto-answer?
05:26.43FuriousGeorgei mean:  page() and set_sip_header()
05:27.38JackEStormasterboy: at that time, funny thing was I could not send contus faxes, but fax to europe or asia worked fine, and the blaimed my cable modem/didn't support I started looking :)
05:28.22asterboythat is a sure fire way to loose customers...tell them they can't when they can
05:28.56JackEStormbut it was useful to bootstrap my delaware corp. :)
05:29.27asterboyI've done some work for a Delaware company.
05:29.52asterboyA lot of US history there.
05:31.15JackEStormnevada and az are the new de, but I still like de...not has cheap on the taxes, but it's de
05:31.57asterboyIt's interesting that the states get more crambed together as you go west to east.
05:32.45asterboyNo doubt due to the history of the first settlers
05:33.28JackEStormasterboy: nod, and expansion, and the time it took to get there and to your new edge, and file the papers
05:34.13JackEStormthe united <logarithmic> states of america :)
05:34.26asterboyya, that's exactly what it looks like
05:35.05asterboyjust like their deficit
05:35.18[TK]D-Fenderok, time to return to my perfect world...
05:35.20[TK]D-Fenderlater all
05:36.20JackEStorm[TK]D-Fender: perfect world?? two each of "blond, redhead, brunette" waiting??
05:36.57asterboynow that does sound long as there is red flags or yeast infections
05:37.22asterboyis no rf and yi
05:40.01JackEStormasterboy: truth betold, there is a greater secret than "the davinci code"...Noah, collected  two each of "blond, redhead, brunette, asian, et. al.."
05:41.05asterboylol, and I hope he had his way with them. :)
05:43.33JackEStormask Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh knows best
05:45.04*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
05:45.47kernel20would be possible to have a custom sound for voicemail?
05:46.14JackEStormkernel20: redefine your question
05:46.37JackEStormor best yet, read like we all have said over the past week
05:47.30kernel20i configure voicemail
05:48.05kernel20now i want a particular user if called a customized recorded sound will play after it it will accept for voice recordings
05:48.07JackEStormok, I'll bite, this last time, what "custom sound" do you want?
05:48.16kernel20when i do
05:48.31kernel20exten => 1234,Playback,mysound
05:48.44QwellHire a consultant.
05:48.56kernel20exten => 1234,2,Voicemail(123@myvoiceconf)
05:49.07kernel20still an attendant would speak up
05:49.20JackEStormthe default macro for extensions does that it for me....perhaps you need to upgrade
05:49.32asterboyare there * consultants from India? For say like, .20cents per hour?
05:50.06JackEStormasterboy: gah, there are, and that pisses me off
05:50.26Qwellthey come here and get help for free
05:50.50JackEStormQwell: I'd belive it
05:50.53asterboyya, I'm thinking I better start warming up to the idea of flipping burgers.
05:51.09kernel20upgrade to what?
05:51.15kernel20i've got the recent asterisk
05:51.21JackEStormasterboy: me too, BK is offering a 5K signing bonus here
05:51.34enkryptedQwell: he isnt from India
05:51.41JackEStormasterboy: yup
05:51.42Qwellenkrypted: .ph
05:52.11asterboyI'm so tired of begging for money
05:52.19JackEStormasterboy: btw I'm in New Orleans...
05:52.28asterboybut its sinking!
05:52.43enkryptedQwell: is that India?
05:52.54Qwellenkrypted: close enough
05:53.08JackEStormkernel20: dude, look, 99% of your questions are well documented, you really need to learn how to read a book.
05:53.18Qwellboth have outsourced * consultants at 20c/hour
05:53.37kernel20do u understand what i mean?
05:53.54JackEStormasterboy: yeah, but it's smelling better everyday :)
05:54.08Assid20c/hour ?
05:54.12Assidthats wayyy tooooo cheap more black bodies in the streets?
05:54.57asterboyI'm a cheap whore
05:55.13asterboy$60 residential, $90 commercial
05:55.39JackEStormasterboy: some of what I do, I bill out at $3,750 an hour
05:55.53asterboyI only wish
05:56.05*** join/#asterisk Kis (
05:56.05enkryptedEnterux Solutions (India) Rates: US$100/2 hours block
05:56.09kernel20do u understand what i mean?
05:56.12asterboyMy little boat is a sinking and it's getting harder to make a buck
05:56.12Assid30/hr residental 70 commercial
05:56.14enkryptedGyantec Consulting (Chennai, India; US) Rate: Starts at $30 per hour
05:56.22kernel20JackEStorm: do u understand what i mean?
05:57.46JackEStormkernel20: do you understand what I mean by: Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime
05:57.51Qwellenkrypted: semantics
05:57.52asterboytime to start climbing the ladder
05:58.10kernel20u interpret it wrongly
05:58.11JackEStormand u is not a word, please spell them out.
05:58.25enkryptedQwell: The Internet is worldwide, get used to it.
05:58.40enkryptedNot everyone speaks perfect english.
05:58.47kernel20i want to customized the voicemail prompt? would it be possible?
05:58.50Qwellenkrypted: not speaking english != stupid
05:58.56Qwellhe, however, is stupid
05:59.00enkryptedThat said, kernel20 annoys me too.
05:59.14JackEStormenkrypted: true, but who the fuck taugh them to spell YOU as U ??? they need to be shot
06:00.29Qwellokay, let's not have this turn into a big flamewar
06:00.57enkryptedI'm not really arguing :)
06:01.17JackEStormQwell: no, it's the start of the language wars of 2007 :)
06:01.29Qwellit's 2006
06:02.27JackEStormQwell: yeah? and so, it takes time for things to ferment
06:03.25JackEStormthe sad thing is by 2011 the mimes will have won :(
06:05.22*** join/#asterisk gcarrillog (n=gcarrill@
06:05.56kernel20i want to customized the voicemail prompt? would it be possible?
06:06.23QwellIt isn't possible in any way, shape, and/or form.
06:07.01JackEStormdude you have the source, it's possible, you just need to READ a little and not expect us to hold your hand while you take your first piss
06:07.13Qwellfirst, and every sequential
06:07.24X-RobQwell, except by pushing 0 and changing your busy or unavail message
06:07.49QwellX-Rob: not quite what he wants, but it's only slightly less simple
06:08.04X-RobQwell, people are stupid.
06:08.10Qwellno, HE is stupid. :)
06:08.23X-RobThere's no such thing as stupid questions, only stupid people.
06:08.26Qwellpeople, I actually have faith in by default.
06:08.35X-RobQwell, bah. Optimist.
06:08.38X-RobFOOLISH optimist.
06:08.54Qwellnot the first time I've heard that
06:09.11X-Rob_and_ I've finished the upgrade that's been stressing me for months now
06:09.16X-Robso it's been a damn good weekend, all up.
06:09.24JackEStormX-Rob: no he really's like he is reading a book on how to write a book and he's asking every thing here expecting a goldstar from us for asking.
06:10.13X-Robjust for the hell of it
06:10.18JackEStormQwell: I have Faith in [default] as well, I need to make sure I can call her when I need her :)
06:10.22Qwelldon't encourage him
06:10.34X-Rob[default] exten => s,1,Hangup
06:10.44X-RobScrew _you_ [default]
06:11.05*** join/#asterisk gcarrillog (n=gcarrill@
06:11.10kernel20Qwell: u suck my cock now dude
06:11.26trixterx-rob: wouldnt you rather have a _. instead of s for default? :P
06:11.29kernel20ur advertising strat works for these moron
06:11.42JackEStormX-Rob: my [default] plays back a "pleased hangup and deposit 25 cents, and make your call again"
06:11.51X-Robtrixter, nah, coz it'll fall through to s if it doesn't match.
06:12.01trixtermine doesnt
06:12.05QwellX-Rob: i?
06:12.08X-Robit should.
06:12.10trixterbut that is an otion in some version
06:12.11QwellI'm pretty sure you're thinking i :p
06:12.19X-Robreally 8)
06:12.25trixterer option
06:12.27QwellI thought s was just nothing was specified
06:12.36X-Rob(I think you may find it's a 1.2 thing, but it really works - we use it in freepbx to catch l33t h4xx0rz)
06:12.55trixterin 1.2 its an option, I dont use that
06:13.14trixterbecause I think that you should create the dialplan the way you want it and not leave asterisk to guess what you meant, but that is just me
06:13.48QwellSo, anybody got access to a ccm box, and want to get me one line of an ethereal dump?
06:14.03X-Robtrixter, definately - but that doesn't stop someone tryign to dial IAX2/your.machine/1900hotsex@internal
06:14.36trixterthat wouldnt work on my box
06:14.39X-RobSpeaking of CCM, I've got a user that's saying Cisco's latest SIP firmware breaks MWI
06:14.45trixterhotsex is only 6 characters
06:14.47QwellX-Rob: wouldn't doubt it
06:15.00X-RobQwell, I'll pass that on 8)
06:15.01QwellX-Rob: feel like getting me a dump? :p
06:15.17Qwellliterally, one line
06:15.18trixterqwell: I gotta take a dump, you want it?
06:15.25X-RobQwell, #freepbx, nick is George_s
06:15.25trixterI will give it to ya
06:15.29Qwelltrixter: only if it's from ccm
06:15.33X-RobI don't think he's registerd, so he won't be able to /msg
06:15.38trixteroh well its not an etheral dump
06:15.39QwellX-Rob: I boycott #freepbx :p
06:15.43trixterits more of a toilet dump
06:16.00X-Robbut anyway, that's Cisco SIP not CCM
06:16.07X-Rob(which I believe you said you wanted)
06:16.08Qwellyeah, it's gotta be skinny
06:16.14X-Robno sccp for you!
06:16.32QwellI just want my phone to stop resetting, heh.  Is that really too much to ask? ;)
06:16.59Qwellif Sergio weren't such a dumbass...bah
06:17.09X-RobIt's a cisco right?. Well yes, it's too much to ask then 8)
06:17.14JackEStormQwell: hell, asterisk makes most of my Polycom 501's 500
06:18.33X-RobQwell, so why are you boycotting #freepbx anyway?
06:18.34niter38|X  - how do a dial a number with this prefix ??
06:18.46QwellX-Rob: just freepbx
06:19.01X-Robniter3, that's a freepbx question. And that means you can only dial a 2 digit number starting with 8. You want 8|.
06:19.06X-RobQwell, clue me up
06:19.16X-RobYes, AMP sucked arse
06:19.18QwellIt's a stupid name.
06:19.20X-Robbut we've tidied it up a _lot_
06:19.26Qwellincredibly stupid name
06:19.42JackEStormniter3: | is not defined by DTMF, so you can't
06:20.01Qwellfreepbx isn't a pbx, and it probably isn't free :P
06:20.01X-RobQwell, ok. I didn't pick the name 8)
06:20.07X-RobIt _definately_ is free
06:20.13X-Rob100% GPL-y goodness
06:20.16X-Robmore free than * even
06:20.22Qwellit's still a stupid name
06:20.29X-Robfair enough
06:20.51JackEStormnot as stupid as open G729
06:20.54Qwelland I'm still boycotting it :P
06:21.14X-RobQwell, you just wait till we support freeswitch and openpbx
06:21.23X-Robthen it'll be, uh, less lame. possibly.
06:21.29Qwellyeah, not so much
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06:21.56JackEStormX-Rob: dude, * is fine, work on freePorn and openPorn insted.
06:22.11Qwellyeah, seriously
06:22.27Qwelllet me drag/drop pr0n search query terms
06:23.02JackEStormand thats chan_pr0m and codec_tits ....both ISO standards, and there are RFC on them.
06:24.39X-Robwhy doesn't my SPA941 support codec_tits?
06:24.52X-Robit's a got a screen big enough to display monochrome b00bies.
06:25.43JackEStormmy 301 can only support nudie pixels :(
06:28.20JackEStormbahh, this "20day" wait from SixTel on porting sucks...fucking batch bastards
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07:09.40adorahHi is there anyone that experienced configuring UPLINK sip2skype with asterisk?
07:09.55QwellIs it a commercial product?
07:10.03adorahnope it is 4 free
07:10.07*** join/#asterisk somegeek_ (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
07:10.26adorahbut technical support is almost zero
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07:49.20lbn247hi all, I'm a newbie and I need help with amportal
07:50.09lbn247anyone here?
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07:51.29mitcheloclbn247: join #freepbx
07:56.13jbothmm... amp is NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
08:00.49*** part/#asterisk lbn247 (
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08:20.10Qwelljbot: freepbx is NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
08:20.17jbotokay, Qwell
08:30.52x86sweet, i've got asterisk running inside a UML from inittab ;)
08:31.22x86(host has a dedicated UML setup in host's inittab; dedicated UML has asterisk in it's inittab)
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10:51.19StyleWarzanyone here has an idea how to configure zaptel devices under freebsd?
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11:00.23*** join/#asterisk Alex (i=hauntedu@gentoo/user/alex)
11:00.29AlexHi everyone.
11:00.58Alexis it possible to use a variable from an agi file, in my extensions.conf?
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11:17.20AlexI need to get a variable passed back to asterisk to be evaluated in the extensions.conf. I don't seem to be able to do it anywhere, though.
11:35.46*** join/#asterisk santoshr (i=1063@
11:37.25santoshrhas anyone been able to incorporate blind and attended trasfer in a single digit or something.. like for example just * should be able to do both blind transfer or attended transfer
11:37.27tzafrir_laptopAlex, you can set channel/global variables from an AGI script
11:37.38AlexHow's that?
11:38.34AlexI was looking through the O'Reilly book, and I got that you needed to use Set(), but it was a bit vague after that
11:38.53tzafrir_laptopUse 'set vaiable'
11:39.13tzafrir_laptop(channel vrs, not global vars, according to the help text)
11:39.35*** join/#asterisk suma (n=suma@
11:39.57sumaanybody here on uclinux ?
11:43.01santoshrcant attended and blind transfer from a single key..
11:43.51sumawhat device you are using ?
11:44.48santoshri have a ata with an analog phone
11:45.18sumadoes the device support blind transfer ?
11:45.39sumawhat is your problem? can you please be more clear ?
11:46.14santoshrthe transfer would e initiated by supposed the "*"  key
11:46.35santoshrnow i hvae to have two differnet set of keys one for attended transfer and one for blind transfer
11:47.28sumawhat key you have for the both?
11:47.32santoshrin the features.conf i have given for attended transfer * and for blind transfer something else. i want to be able to use both with a single set of keys
11:48.11sumahow asterisk will know whether you want to intiate blind or attended transfer?
11:48.14sumaif you the same key
11:48.15santoshrcurrently attended trasnfer is "*" .. and blinf i hvae currently put  "101" for testing.
11:48.22santoshrexactly my point ?
11:48.49santoshrif the called picks up then attended if the callee keeps the phone down then blind..
11:48.50sumahow asterisk will know whether you want to intiate blind or attended transfer?
11:49.02sumaif you want to use the same key !
11:49.12sumayou need to make some difference right ?
11:49.38santoshrbut can both be one...
11:50.01santoshri mean like in tradional epbxes both happen with the same key right.
11:50.18sumaif you have both, which ever is assigned last it will be considered
11:50.29santoshryes i tried tht
11:50.48sumahow does the traditional one works, i'm not aware of ?
11:51.03santoshri mean if the called exten picks up then it does a atteneded and
11:51.16Alexthanks tzafrir_laptop
11:51.24santoshrif teh person calling disconnects his phone after dialin the exten to be transfered to then its blind.
11:52.37santoshrsupposed a called b and b wants to transfer to c. if b waits then its attended but if b disconnects after dialin for c .. then blind .. something like tht
11:53.16santoshrfor both the cases i want to dial the same set of keys.
11:53.41sumai don't think that is the way sip works
11:53.47sumabut it is possible to do
11:54.09sumai'm not sure with asterisk
11:54.18sumawhether it will be able to handle with delay
11:54.19santoshrsuma: i would be really interesed to know how it would be possible..
11:54.25santoshrw/o asterisk how
11:54.50sumaYou need to play with SIP messages
11:55.31sumaWhen the call is forwared it is done with REFER and INVITE
11:55.42sumaand NOTIFY for blind transfer
11:56.02sumawith attended the SIP messages are different
11:56.10sumaYou would like to know the sequence ?
11:57.20sumayou can check with ethereal too
11:58.33*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
12:00.37santoshrbut then will be able to change those packets
12:01.04sumashould be
12:01.11sumatechnically possible
12:01.18sumanot sure whether it is implemented in asterisk
12:01.25sumayou can go through the source code
12:01.31sumaor have a test with it
12:01.43sumaOn testing if it doesn't work, then it needs implementation
12:02.35santoshrsuma: i also facing very grave dtmf issues..
12:02.57santoshrcurrently all the devices and the audio codec are on dtmf info..
12:03.24sumai think dtmf info is supported in asterisk
12:03.27santoshrsupposed i dial out to a ivr and supposed thr is some key tht i have to press to continue for example * ..
12:03.48santoshrbut alsoi in my feature i have implemented atxter with *
12:04.10santoshrso instad of asterisk sending this * to the ivr tht i hvae connected .. it plays tranfer for me.
12:04.11sumaoh ok
12:04.18sumai c
12:04.20santoshris thr any other way .. than to not have * for transfer ?
12:04.36StyleWarzdo i need bristuff on freebsd too?
12:04.46sumai think you can disable the transfer stuff in the Dial command
12:05.09sumawhen you remove the option it does not transfer
12:05.28sumaWhat is the dial string you are using?
12:05.29santoshryes i mean it does not tranfer
12:05.39santoshrwait i will paste
12:06.05santoshrexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${ARG1},20|tT)   this is inside a macro
12:06.26santoshrexten => _[2-9]X,1,Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN})  .. i am calling the macro like this
12:06.56sumaDid you check the Dial Options?
12:07.01santoshri should just remove the T right
12:07.09sumawhat t and T stands for ?
12:07.23sumashow application dial
12:07.28sumain the astcli
12:08.40santoshrok oops.. sorry
12:08.51sumawhat happened ?
12:09.12santoshri should just be removing T .. right
12:11.45sumacheck it out
12:11.49sumaif you face problems let us know
12:13.32*** part/#asterisk zerotrace (
12:14.13santoshrno but suma.. if i am dialing out. i would lke to have the capability to transfer the call .
12:15.04sumayou need to work out which you need and which you don't need
12:15.08sumathe options are
12:15.17sumatT and the features.conf
12:15.33sumadecide which one to take and which one to drop
12:17.00santoshrtT are workin in conjuction with features.conf.i mean i remove T and i cannot use features.conf.
12:17.58santoshri am sorry if i am bugin u suma but i am a little new to this..
12:19.55santoshri should just be chaning the * key for transfer right.
12:21.13sumai guess so
12:21.20santoshrsuma:  wht do u normally use for attended transfer and blind
12:21.22sumai don't get what is your need clearly !
12:23.43santoshrno actually my need is tht .. asterisk should just pass the * or any other dtmf  when callin out , but should still allow me to transfer and to do other operations.
12:25.25*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
12:25.32Alextzafrir_laptop: Still about?
12:25.46sumahow asterisk will know that * which you are dialling is the for dtmf or for the transfer one?
12:25.54tzafrir_laptopyes. But I'm no big AGI expert
12:27.14Alextzafrir_laptop: I've got it all working, but there's a point where the system switches contexts, and the variable needs to follow it. I don't want to set it as a global, incase there's more than one user.. any suggestions?
12:28.27tzafrir_laptop"switches context" ==? Is it an AGI or a FastAGI?
12:28.37AlexAGI - it makes several exec calls, though.
12:28.59Alexand one of them is to a context where the variable is used, but appears to not be evaluated there. I don't believe it's switching channels.
12:29.02*** join/#asterisk Eric-xx (
12:29.14tzafrir_laptopAlex, you can also use the Asterisk DB . Should that information be kept after asterisk is restarted?
12:29.55AlexIt's just for while one channel is active.
12:31.05santoshrsuma tht is correcct and infact extremely correct.. but wht would u suggest i use for transfer and blind transfer
12:32.06santoshri am able to transfer from flash also.. but it does not play transfer and also xferfailsound
12:32.27sumaYou can send an email to the asterisk dev list, if you think that is comforatble and a definite change
12:33.29santoshrno its not tht suma i was asking for ur suggestion,  i mean wht should i be using for transfer ?
12:35.14sumai have no guess, since i would love the feature what you expect in traditional pbx
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12:38.30santoshrsuma: can u tell me wht u use for transfer blind and attended. actually wht i want to know is tht me using "*"  is not makin alot of sense.
12:39.09suma* and # is what we use in our office with asterisk
12:40.48santoshrand u dont have the T in ur Dial () right
12:41.47tzafrir_laptopAlex, can't you set the vaiable on channel-creation time? You can do that on Originate from the manager interface
12:42.31santoshrok.. but then wht if u come across a dialed number which has IVR and has "*" ..i mean u do transfer out going calls too right.
12:43.57santoshrbut then if u dont have T aand u using * from features.conf , then how do u transfer the outgoing call
12:44.29santoshrsuma:  i am really sorry for buggin u .. but please bare with my silly questions..
12:49.55Alexexten => 3,1,Playback(/etc/asterisk/voicepush/pubpushcurrentmessage-${area})
12:49.58Alexexten => 10715,2,Playback(/etc/asterisk/voicepush/pubpushcurrentmessage-${area})
12:50.05AlexHowcome the first works, but the second doesn't, when they're both in the same context?
12:50.53sumamay be due to priority ! ?
12:51.06sumaand the extension !
12:52.03AlexThey'd stop the variable evaluating?
12:52.19santoshrsuma:  if u dont have T in ur dial and u using * from features.conf , then how do u transfer the outgoing call
12:52.40sumasanthosh: i really don't manage our office stuff, not sure
12:53.21sumaAlex: can you paste the complete context in private
12:53.52santoshrsuma: i have one more query.
12:54.42AlexOh, I think i've got it..
12:55.33santoshrwhen i press flash on hook i get the asterisk tone and i ma able to transfer , it does a attended but it does not use the xferfailsound or xfersound from the features.conf
13:01.59santoshrsuma: u thr.........
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13:33.22AlexAnyone know if I can make a context variable global?
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13:38.47Corydon76-homeAlex: you cannot, at least not without using the API
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13:39.29Corydon76-homeYou might could, by using a different name, though
13:39.42AlexCorydon76-home: I've got a few AGI files, one of them sets a variable, and the other initiates some calls using a list of numbers from a database. When it gets to making the calls, (in the same context), it appears that the variable has been "forgotten"
13:40.16Corydon76-homeVariables are bound to the channel, not to the context
13:40.38AlexI thought it'd keep the same channel, apparently not.
13:40.54Corydon76-homeSo any variables that you set are destroyed when the channel hangs up
13:41.13Alexthe channel doesn't hangup until after the other calls are complete, though.
13:41.39Corydon76-homeTrue, but you cannot access one channel's variables from another
13:41.56AlexBorrox. Any suggestions on what I can do?
13:42.05AlexThe only idea I cam eup with was writing, the variable to a file, but that's horrible and dirty.
13:42.18Corydon76-homeUse a database to coordinate information that must be shared between channels
13:43.05Corydon76-homeThere's an interface in trunk that has been backported to 1.2 that may help you do this; it's called func_odbc
13:43.31Corydon76-homeThe backport to 1.2 is available at
13:43.50AlexThe calls are called by an AGI file, which is databased already. The calls themselves don't have any ability to use a database.
13:44.36Corydon76-homeor you could use the DB() dialplan functions
13:44.54AlexWould you mind taking this into a query so I could paste you the example sections?
13:45.32AlexWhere abouts are the boxes?
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13:46.01Alexwhoops - wrong window on that last one
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13:58.01AlexIt works, thanks Corydon76-home.
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14:02.20Corydon76-homeAlex: which, the DB, or the func_odbc ?
14:02.38AlexCorydon76-home: I just wrote the variable to the AstDB and then picked it up again in the extension where the call was made.
14:03.13Corydon76-homeJust remember, the astdb is very persistent.  The value will stay until you explicitly remove it
14:04.00AlexThat's okay - it's set again every time the script is run, so, as long as it can be overwritten without explicit removal, that's fine
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14:05.45niter3Hey guys, anyone here ever use NCH Upling ?
14:05.49niter3Uplink sorry
14:07.57NivexI just had a wicked idea for an AGI.  Might be a fun first foray into that code realm for me.
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14:46.54Trimorhi !
14:47.16Trimorcan ne body guide me regarding configuring asterisk with iconnecthere account
14:47.47trixterwhat protocol do they use?
14:47.59Trimorthey use sip
14:48.10trixterdo you know your sip username, password and the sip proxy server?
14:48.15Trimorthe give u a sip account user name password
14:48.35trixterstart out by setting it up like any other sip account and tweak settings as needed
14:48.38Trimorsip proxy i'll get that out through ethreal
14:48.41trixterie codecs, dtmf mode, etc
14:50.57*** join/#asterisk CrummyGummy (
14:51.34trixterI would start with all codecs enabled, because that will work with whatever they do, and dtmfmode rfc2833 becuase that tends to be more reliable than inband and often sip-info isnt used as much
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14:52.04Trimorping trixter
14:52.04trixterbut that is just me, some providers dont do rfc2833 well or at all so inband would be required but that is more rare since most implementations support rfc2833 however silly that spec is
14:53.08trixtersip-info goes to the sip proxy, rfc2833 goes to the media gateway, which in larger installs must be seperate from each other ...  sip-info takes more infrastructure support which is why I think its not used as much
14:53.40coppicerfc2833 is the work of the devil
14:53.59trixterit does have issues
14:54.07trixterit seems like its also half done
14:54.25trixterbut its more reliable in my experience than inband
14:54.31coppiceit was written by someone who had never used a telephone
14:54.35trixterespecially if you are using higher compression codecs
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15:04.59gcarrillogalguien habla español?
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15:05.39trixteryo quero taco bell!
15:06.02gcarrilloglos tacos originales son en la calle
15:06.06gcarrillogno en un restaurant
15:07.14gcarrillogi need be expert of asterisk in a week
15:07.18trixterthis is generally an english channel and there are some people who refuse to accept that people speak anything other than english, so while I wont tell you you have to speak english, I will tell you you are more likely to get help if you do, and you are less likely to get flamed if you do.  although odds are you will get flamed anyway :P
15:07.29trixtergcarrillog: its not that hard
15:07.40trixtertakes about 15 minutes to learn 90% of what is needed
15:08.33gcarrillogohr to begin?
15:08.41gcarrillogi have 3 pcs
15:08.50gcarrilloghow i begin?
15:08.58gcarrillog1 pc with asterisk
15:09.08jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
15:09.11gcarrillog2 pcs with windows and clients voip
15:09.28gcarrillogim reading asterisk handbook
15:10.27trixterwell first define what it is you want to do
15:10.40trixterwithout that little bit of planning it will be a lot harder to get to where you want to be
15:11.03gcarrillogi have a plan
15:11.15gcarrillog1 have 4 thelepone lines
15:11.51trixterok, so the next step is to get the phones connected via whatever protocol they use, then figure out how you are going to do routing to/from the phones
15:11.55gcarrillogand i will have 21 clients in my network
15:12.15trixtertake it one steap at a time
15:12.18trixterer step
15:12.23gcarrillogi have a pap2 of linksys
15:12.34gcarrillogand i will need usb phones
15:12.46gcarrillogwith IAX protocol
15:14.01mmlj4PAP2 takes USB phones? um, no.
15:14.17gcarrillogim only have 1 pap2
15:14.38gcarrilloganother clients will be software clients
15:14.44mmlj4but a USB phone? why not get an IP SIP phone, like everyone else?
15:15.03mmlj4oh, ok, softphones, except not softphones
15:15.36trixterwell basically softphone its a speaker/.mic via usb like some soundcards are
15:15.40trixterjust in a different case
15:15.49mmlj4it'll still sound like crap, I'm sure
15:16.18trixterno more so than the speaker/mic in a sip phone if its made with the same quality speakers and mics
15:16.42trixtersoundcards arent that expensive and arent that hard to make sound reasonable
15:17.01mmlj4no, i'm thinking of more than that... this is windows, right? the overhead and latency will still be there due to the horrid OS
15:17.04trixterthe codecs are likely to have less audio quality
15:17.20trixterif you actually tune windows instead of using it stock its not bad
15:17.30gcarrillogwhat's best? sip or iax?
15:17.35trixtermost people dont know how and then complain that they are idiots and cant properly set up a system so it sucks
15:17.37mmlj4define tune... got a URL for that?
15:17.56trixterwell for example my windows xp installs take less than 64mb ram for a fully functional usable system
15:18.22trixteroften its closer to 55mb
15:18.39goatmilkho hum
15:18.58*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
15:19.19trixterI have gotten windows systems to use less ram and boot faster than a comparable linux system with the same features running
15:19.47trixterbut anyway, back to the usb phones
15:20.24trixterasterisk has some limitations on its codecs, and doesnt for example support wideband codecs like skype does
15:20.25gcarrillogi bought a AMD 64 server for asterisk and samba
15:20.35trixtersamba wont do everything windows can
15:20.43trixterit will only do some of the more basic stuff
15:21.39trixterso anyway, a usb phone that has a reasonable speaker/mic gives users the look/feel of a regular telephone and can be as little as $10 which isnt bad especially if you are deploying many of them
15:21.56trixteralthough personally I wouldnt use them in an enterprise setting if the budget allowed, often the budget doesnt allow
15:22.15trixtermost companies dont have endless budgets for tech stuff..  infact most companies dont even have an IT department
15:22.46gcarrillogyea thats my problem
15:22.55trixterits a common one
15:23.12gcarrillogthey compared cost of asterisk with a conventional PBX
15:23.28trixterwoah they are digging up a bronze age graveyard where 200,000 corpses were found
15:23.37trixterthat is a whole lot of people to be burried in one place
15:25.21gcarrillogim understanding
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15:28.01*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
15:28.11goatmilkthe dr is in!
15:30.11Dr-Linuxgoatmilk: :)
15:30.48goatmilkit got really quiet in heeere
15:32.24Dr-Linuxgoatmilk: what do you mean?
15:34.18goatmilki don't see anyone talking but you and I
15:35.54Dr-Linuxeveryone is dead :P
15:36.10trixtermost of the channel is from indonesia and they are having issues right now
15:36.47goatmilkI feel bad for the people over there... nothing but problems for them with earthquakes
15:37.07trixterwell the ring of fire has that problem
15:37.20trixterand its not a new one
15:38.01goatmilkjust seems to have picked up in the intensity over the last couple of years
15:38.01Dr-Linuxtrixter: what channel is for indonesia?
15:38.18trixterpicked up vs what 500 years ago?
15:38.46trixterthe earth is old, humans arent, so people tend to think of cycles in their own lifetime and that is often not geologically accurate
15:39.28goatmilkwow, you are so wise
15:39.38*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
15:40.14trixtertake global warming there have been 17 confirmed ice ages, so at least 17 times that we know about the earth has gotten cold and then warmed up..  and when the industrial revolution happened and there were no catalytic converters or reduced pollutants the climate didnt go up dramatically, infact the hudson river (right next to new york city) froze often during this period...  its just a cycle..
15:41.32trixterman is responsible for only about 5% of the greenhouse gas emmissions on the planet volcanos and other natural things are responsible for the rest
15:44.39coppicewhatever the cause, the climate has changed a lot in the last 10 years. but then it has changed a lot through recorded history. up to 17xx they had fayres on the river thames in london each winter because it frozen over so solidly. now ice on the lower thames is hard to imagine
15:45.20trixterbut the thing to ask is if the climate change in the last 10 years is normal without mans influence
15:46.09coppicethe problem right now is not what caused it, but what to do about it. it is threatening our food supply rather seriously
15:46.15trixterits quite egotistical to say that the group to which you belong is responsible for all the changes..  a study (which cost $300,000 in tax payer dollars!!!) determined that cow farts in NJ cuase more pollutants (methane specifically) than cars
15:46.30trixterahh but if its a natural thing there may not be anything we can do
15:46.52trixterman cant make it rain in drought stricken areas, man cant stop rain when it happens, man really cant control the weather the way some would have you believe
15:47.00trixterthere may be nothing man can do either way
15:47.12coppicebut the quantity of cows in NJ is directly related to the affluence and number of its people
15:47.25trixteractually there is less farm land now than before
15:47.32trixterless wild animals farting all day long
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15:47.42trixterso in theory there would be less by way of pollution
15:48.11trixterand soda which releases co2 when opened is more common now than 100 years ago
15:48.23trixtermaybe soda is the cause of 'global warming' but I dont hear people saying that often enough
15:48.24dlynes_hometrixter: before man came along though, the wild kingdom was kept in check by itself; man has distorted that
15:48.31coppicedairy herds fart a lot more than cows raised for meat
15:48.40trixterand if there is warming according to greenpeace the global temps will drop 20 degrees so it will self correct according to them
15:49.05trixterand 20 degrees will be colder than it once was
15:49.12trixterwell not once but recently anyway
15:49.34coppice20 degrees is an ice age
15:49.54trixterwhich will alter the climate which will then warm up again and it will by cyclic
15:50.02trixterhow long ago was the last ice age almost 100k years?
15:50.09trixterarent they on 100k cycles?
15:50.11coppicebut few of us will survive
15:50.15dlynes_homecoppice: he's talking 20 degrees fahrenheit, i think, not celsius
15:50.19coppice15,000 years
15:50.33trixterand isnt the magnetic pole weakening (10% iirc but it may be more) wihch offers less protection to the earth from parts of the sun
15:50.39coppicethat's over 10C. that's an ice age
15:51.04trixter20 degrees means that anything north or south 40 degrees will be freezing most of the year
15:51.28dlynes_homecoppice: the average temperature difference where I'm living between 30 years ago and now during the winter is more than that
15:51.44dlynes_homecoppice: This area used to have snow that stayed all it's rare to even see it
15:51.54Lord_Drachenblutcan anyone help me with this problem
15:51.57trixterbut anyway back to the magnetic pole, that has been documented to have shifted in the past (reversed) and if it gets just a few percent weaker its likely to do the same again
15:52.04gcarrillogsomebody knows whereis the asterisk configuration files on freebsd?
15:52.15trixterwhich will cause no protection during the flip from the sun, which will be more damaging than weather changes
15:52.20dlynes_homegcarrillog: freebsd uses the same config files as linux
15:52.28coppicehe's talking about global average temperature. it is suprising how little that changes between ice ages and the warm bits in between
15:52.33trixtergcarrillog: /usr/local/etc/asterisk ?
15:52.45gcarrillogdlynes_home yeah but are in diferent directory
15:53.16dlynes_homegcarrillog: and the startup files are /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ and /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
15:54.05gcarrillogxeon# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
15:54.05gcarrillog/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ Command not found.
15:54.32dlynes_homegcarrillog: you never installed zaptel then
15:54.44trixterzaptel is only required if you have hardware
15:54.47dlynes_homegcarrillog: cd /usr/ports/misc/zaptel ; make ; make install
15:54.51trixterand its not officially supported under freebsd
15:54.57dlynes_hometrixter: or you need a timing source
15:55.05trixterfor what he said earlier he doesnt need zaptel
15:55.06trixteror libpri
15:55.18trixteryou dont need one unless you are going to do specific things
15:55.19dlynes_hometrixter: and the wct4xxp driver under FreeBSD is quite stable
15:55.30trixtersuch as meetme (instead of app_conference which doesnt require one) and MoH
15:55.38gcarrillogi have an diginetworks X100p card
15:55.47trixterthe driver is stable only under certain versions of fbsd, last I checked 5.x not 6.x
15:55.52trixterand its not officially supported
15:55.53trixterwhich is what I said
15:56.02dlynes_hometrixter: i was using it under 6.0; no problems
15:56.06trixterdigium does not support it nor do they appear to care about non linux boxes
15:56.10trixteryes 5.x
15:56.12trixternot 6.x
15:56.23dlynes_hometrixter: it actually seemed to be more stable under 6.0 than it did under Linux
15:56.25trixterahh you said 6.x .. . anyway
15:56.28trixterhow long ago was that
15:56.40dlynes_hometrixter: about a month after 6.0 was released
15:56.49trixterI looked a few months ago at it and it didnt even want to compile under 6.x
15:57.16trixterbut I dont need it on the fbsd asteriks system I run
15:57.34trixterbecuase I use it to make money not be a home answering system (why I am also looking for alternatives to asterisk :)
15:57.41trixtersometimes performance oes matter
15:57.41dlynes_homegcarrillog: the wcfxo driver is considered to be alpha quality under freebsd
15:58.07gcarrillogis best linux for wcfxo?
15:58.23trixterdo you need fxo support?  if not it doesnt matter
15:58.25dlynes_homegcarrillog: but that card and its associated driver suck pretty bad under Linux, never mind freebsd
15:58.47trixterfxo would be a modem like device that lets you plug a regular phone line in and use that as an input method to your system
15:58.48dlynes_homegcarrillog: get a sipura 3000...then you don't need to care whether you've got drivers that work or not
15:59.12dlynes_homegcarrillog: it's got an fxo port and an fxs port
15:59.28gcarrillogi dont need fxs
15:59.41dlynes_homegcarrillog: and with that device, if your power goes out, you can still make calls without having to unplug antyhing
16:00.01trixterI got a $30 dlink that has that becuase well I am a cheap bastid
16:00.05dlynes_homegcarrillog: yeah, but it's hard to find a cheap piece of hardware that's got an fxo port and no fxs port
16:00.10trixterbut I have a generator at the house so power is of little concern to me :)
16:00.24dlynes_hometrixter: $30 dlink fxo device?
16:00.25gcarrilloghow much sipura 3000?
16:00.40dlynes_homegcarrillog: $90-110USD, depending on where you get it from
16:00.46trixterwell its a 2 line ATA (fxs) with 1 fxo port
16:00.53gcarrillog:O ok
16:01.04trixterand it was $32 and change after tax
16:01.19dlynes_hometrixter: and i bet the quality is probably the same as a sipura?
16:01.41trixterit works with little problem, I dont know about the sipuras not having used one
16:01.50dlynes_hometrixter: what's the model name?
16:02.05trixterI use that for my cordless phone and a desk phone for non-cordless stuff
16:02.07trixterdvg-1120m reflashed to be a dvg-1120s
16:02.21trixterwas the AT&T callvantage one, M is for mgcp I wanted sip so I reflashed it
16:02.43dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: Which distribution are you using?
16:06.01dlynes_hometrixter: so it can be unlocked then?
16:07.46Lord_Drachenblutdlynes_home, gentoo
16:08.23dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: yeah...make config doesn't work for logic in there for gentoo
16:08.47Lord_Drachenblutokay what does make config actually do for me then
16:08.48dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: unless you install the gentoo package (it has its own patches)
16:09.14dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: you downloaded the asterisk source code from digium's ftp site, right?
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16:09.22Lord_Drachenblutdlynes_home yep
16:09.31dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: yeah...install the gentoo package instead
16:09.44dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: it's got a bunch of patches that aren't part of the digium distribution of asterisk
16:09.45Lord_Drachenblutand i am stil trying how to use the cvs build of of gentoo
16:10.10dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: yeah...I wouldn't know how to install a gentoo package...never used gentoo
16:10.30dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: there's a couple people that come onto this channel that use gentoo
16:10.31Lord_Drachenblutdlynes_home, thanks for the help answered my question
16:10.41dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: but you could also try asking on the gentoo channel
16:10.54Lord_Drachenblutwhat does make config do in this case
16:11.03dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: it creates startup scripts
16:11.16dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: i think the current version only works with debian and redhat though
16:11.21dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: and redhat-based distributions
16:11.49dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: so whether it works or not is of little consequence
16:11.58dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: just put safe_asterisk in your /etc/rc.d/rc.local script
16:12.24dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: you just won't have start, stop, and restart commands for the script
16:12.36dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: but you can do all that from the asterisk command line, anyways
16:12.43Lord_Drachenblutgentoo uses /etc/init.d i believe
16:13.04dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: regardless, it probably still has an /etc/rc.d/rc.local file
16:13.18dlynes_homeLord_Drachenblut: redhat uses /etc/init.d too, but it still has a /etc/rc.d/rc.local file
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16:20.46tomcontr3hi,  does any one here uses an X100P card?
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16:29.51*** join/#asterisk Faree (n=farhan@
16:30.19FareeI need Help regarding Pound Key
16:30.52Fareeany one is there to help om this
16:31.45*** part/#asterisk Faree (n=farhan@
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16:36.53dlynes_homewoah...very little patience
16:36.58dlynes_hometomcontr3: yeah..what's up?
16:37.06*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
16:37.21dlynes_homeDr-Linux: you really need to get a new internet connection :0
16:38.01Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: here internet is very bad
16:38.17dlynes_homeDr-Linux: yeah...i thought my home connection was bad
16:38.26dlynes_homebut your connection seems to be a wee bit worse
16:38.30Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: my provider has total 512mb/ps DSL
16:38.40dlynes_homeDr-Linux: up, or down?
16:38.45Dr-Linuxand he is running more then 125 users on it, it's shared
16:38.48Dr-Linuxthe imagine
16:38.58Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: down
16:39.21Dr-Linuxi'm one of the out of 125
16:39.22dlynes_homeDr-Linux: well, so you're still faster than we were about 5 or 6 years ago
16:39.44dlynes_homeDr-Linux: your speed is the same whether you've got 125 users or 1 user on dsl
16:39.53dlynes_homeDr-Linux: your bandwidth isn't shared like it is on cable
16:40.31dlynes_homeDr-Linux: or you mean you've got one dsl link into your office, and youv'e got 125 people in your office using it?
16:40.32Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: huh , it's cable dude
16:40.46dlynes_homeDr-Linux: said 512mb/ps DSL
16:40.54Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: correct
16:41.00dlynes_homeDr-Linux: then that's not cable
16:41.04dlynes_homeDr-Linux: that's phone line
16:41.24Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: look, i have a internet cable provider, he has 512mb/ps DSL
16:41.39Dr-Linuxand more then 125 users are using it
16:41.55dlynes_homeyou mean like the same guys that give you cable tv?
16:42.07Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: i'm getting net on cat5 cable
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16:42.15Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: yes
16:42.24dlynes_homeDr-Linux: yeah....that's not DSL then...that's cable
16:42.44Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: yes cable for me
16:42.56filethis is like a vicious circle
16:42.58Dr-Linuxbut my provider has DSL
16:43.06dlynes_homeDr-Linux: wtf?
16:43.14Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: lol
16:43.16dlynes_homeDr-Linux: so they sell DSL phone lines, too?
16:43.17fileDr-Linux: uh, I doubt that... if they do that's... not good
16:43.55dlynes_homefile: i get the feeling he has no clue what dsl is :)
16:44.07Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: very simple, my cablenet provider has DSL and he is getting that from Nexlinx ISP, and he is provding internet on cat5 cables in the streets
16:44.09fileso do I
16:44.38dlynes_homeDr-Linux: so your cable provider sells both DSL phone lines and cable tv then
16:45.02dlynes_homefile: Roadrunner does that crap, too...they also sell fiber
16:45.10Dr-Linuxnope, only provides net on cat5 cables
16:45.18Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: let me know something ..
16:45.20dlynes_homeDr-Linux: make up your mind
16:45.37dlynes_homeDr-Linux: it's either cable internet going to cat 5, or it's dsl going to cat 5, but it's not both
16:45.48Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: lets suppose, you got DSL connection from Comcast it's 1 mb down
16:46.01Dr-Linuxnow you have an linux server with 2 NIC's
16:46.02dlynes_homeDr-Linux: you don't get dsl connection from comcast...they only have cable
16:46.32Dr-Linuxjust you share the connection, and you get some 8 port switch and hang them in to the streets
16:46.35dlynes_homeDr-Linux: you get dsl from Bell South, GTE, Southwest Bell, ...
16:46.54Dr-Linuxand you get some cat5 cable rolls and give them to peoples
16:47.12Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: that was just example
16:47.47dlynes_homeDr-Linux: so you've got cable internet going into the basement, and then it gets wired into a switch in the basement, then from that switch you've got cat 5 cabling going up through the risers in the building to all the different suites?
16:48.30Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: yes
16:48.43Dr-Linuxi pay monthly
16:48.51filethat's... interesting
16:48.52dlynes_homeDr-Linux: why not just say that, instead of trying to confuse us with the term 'DSL', which has absolutely nothing to do with it?
16:49.24Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: just get one switch and give connection to yu neighburs and charge them monthly ..
16:49.27Dr-Linuxthat's my case
16:49.33dlynes_homeDr-Linux: anyways, they probably have a switch on every floor
16:49.51dlynes_homeDr-Linux: and then they run one port from the switch in the basement to a switch on each floor
16:49.59fugitivoanyone knows if digium support is available today?
16:50.01fileprobably violating the TOS a lot there
16:50.03Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: DSL? huh
16:50.03dlynes_homeDr-Linux: then there's less cabling going up through the risers
16:50.15Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: let me know something, if i have cable interent right
16:50.17filefugitivo: only if you pay for 24/7 support
16:50.18dlynes_homeDr-Linux: you're the idiot that keeps saying you're using dsl
16:50.21Dr-Linuxwhat my provider have?
16:50.28fugitivofile: thanks
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16:50.32dlynes_homeDr-Linux: it's just called cable
16:50.35dlynes_homeDr-Linux: it's not called dsl
16:50.37Dr-Linuxwhat kind of connection he is getting in his server?
16:50.47dlynes_homeDr-Linux: cable
16:51.07Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: my provider is getting DSL
16:51.14filedo you realize what DSL is?
16:51.16Dr-Linuxfrom Nexlinx ISP
16:51.25dlynes_homeDr-Linux: is it coming in through a phone line (rj11), or is it coming in through coax (bnc)?
16:51.30Dr-Linux/w Dr-Linux
16:52.16wunderkinmaybe he is confusing dsl with ds1, ds3, etc
16:52.33Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: my provider is getting DSL on phone line (RJ11) from Nexlinx ISP, i know all that all very well,
16:52.38dlynes_homewunderkin: chance of it being ds1/ds3/... we're talking about pakistan here
16:52.52dlynes_homeDr-Linux: then why do you keep sayijgn it's coming in on cable, and not phone line?
16:53.15Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: bcoz it's coming in on cable for me.
16:53.22dlynes_homeDr-Linux: it's on cat 5 for you
16:53.25paolobHi guys! I had a problem with hunging up. I called the asterisk line through pstn, and at the answer I gave an "extension" to call a dialout number with a voip provider. The connection was successfull, but when I hang up, asterisk didn't desconnected from the voip provider. Only about 30 sec. after my hung up there was the desconnection. Is this a bug or do I lack something?
16:53.29Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: yes
16:53.45dlynes_homeDr-Linux: when people refer to cable, without stating the type, they mean coaxial cable, not cat 5
16:53.47Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: cat6 as well
16:54.07Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: i already mentioned cat5
16:54.36dlynes_homeDr-Linux: Yeah, but your internet feed isn't coming in on cat's only delivered to your suite via cat 5, so it's not called cable internet
16:54.39Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: i was running this business here 2 years ago, then i left due to my JOB
16:55.04dlynes_homeDr-Linux: cable internet is when the main feed coming into your premises is coming in on coaxial cable
16:55.05Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: then what it called?
16:55.15dlynes_homeDr-Linux: just dsl
16:55.36filewell, ethernet drop with a DSL uplink
16:55.39dlynes_homeDr-Linux: they do cat 5/cat 6 to the premises to keep your internet costs down low
16:55.40fileat the ISP
16:55.43Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: awww my friend , 125 to 200 user is using it here,
16:55.54Dr-Linuxand they don't know what type of connection their provider have
16:56.00Dr-Linuxthey are getting it on cable
16:56.00dlynes_homeDr-Linux: yeah, so iow, spend more money and you'll get more bandwidth :)
16:56.02Dr-Linuxso what they will say?
16:56.21Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: it's Pakistan dude, i can't get good connection
16:56.25dlynes_homeDr-Linux: but it sounds like nobody makes enough money to get their own connection
16:56.53Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: no one ISP provider cable internet here like Comcast,
16:56.59Dr-Linuxso that's not a case here
16:57.20*** join/#asterisk paolob (
16:57.20Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: my friend, Pakistan internet is very expensive, according to pakistan
16:57.47Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: what's your home connection?
16:58.34Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: we face power failure problem amost 6 times in a day.
16:58.48fileokay, so?
16:58.52dlynes_homeDr-Linux: i've got a cable connection as in coaxial cable
16:59.01Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: speed?
16:59.37dlynes_homeDr-Linux: i.e. cable provider -> coaxial cable -> cable modem -> wireless router -> wireless bridge -> 100mbps switch -> machine
16:59.54dlynes_homeDr-Linux: 8mbps down, 1 mbps up I think
17:00.10dlynes_homeDr-Linux: I only share it with my landlord and my neighbor
17:00.17Dr-Linuxdlynes_office: 8mb/ps .. awwww
17:00.35dlynes_homeDr-Linux: and that's included in my rent
17:00.41Dr-Linuxand think then here is 512mb/ps for min 125 users :)
17:01.05Dr-Linuxand i share it with my whole town
17:01.25dlynes_homeonly 125 people in your whole town?
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17:01.37dlynes_homeI thought you said you lived in Lahore?
17:01.49Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: in pakistan, no one home's user have more then 100/kbps
17:01.54filedlynes_home: do you really want to continue this?
17:02.00dlynes_homefile: lol
17:02.16Dr-Linuxdlynes_home: aww i was wrong in my bandwitdh .. it's 512kb/ps   <<<<
17:02.20dlynes_homeDr-Linux: not according to your isp's web site...anyways
17:02.31dlynes_homeDr-Linux: i've gotta run...meeting some friends for breakfast
17:02.41Dr-Linuxthat was all typp .. it's  only 512kb/ps down for 125 users
17:03.42paolobGuys, shall I use the hangup() application with the sipura pap2? and with a voip call?
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17:04.48Dr-Linuxfile :)
17:05.25*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
17:05.34Dr-Linuxfile: sorry for your head!
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17:06.33batphoneis there a way to log an agent in via the cli?
17:06.40batphoneor ami?
17:08.19Dr-Linuxbatphone: what's sweet?
17:08.50batphoneim mapping out ami and the cli with php to a gui
17:09.03batphoneaJaX f00
17:10.31Dr-Linuxbatphone: i wish i could do something in asterisk, if my any server/service gets done, system should call on my number and give me some option to start/restart/stop the service. :)
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17:10.48batphonehaha that could be a bad thing
17:11.02Dr-Linuxbatphone: why?
17:11.18Dr-Linuxbatphone: that's very good idea
17:11.21batphoneyou wouldnt want some way to traverse contexts popping up after implementing a voice based administration system
17:11.29Dr-Linuxmaybe some guys are using already
17:11.42batphoneim using it to an extent
17:11.50batphoneits just a little risky imho
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17:12.41Dr-Linuxbatphone: i didn't mean for asterisk services, i mean for webserver/host ping / ports monitoring etc
17:13.18batphoneDr-Linux: at one point i wrote about 75% of a php app that would have asterisk call you if you were late to work
17:13.38batphoneit was a timeclock/employee management system. it did payroll and meetings and all kinds of crazy shit
17:13.44Dr-Linuxbatphone: i have all plans that what to do, but not sure how to do, due to lack of php and other languages
17:14.11batphone"hello, this is apache2 calling. if you are late to work because you are hungover, press1. if you quit, press 2. if you are on your way, press 3.."
17:15.03batphoneDr-Linux: there is a way to do anything with *nix
17:15.07Dr-Linuxbatphone: thats nice
17:15.18Dr-Linuxbatphone: yeah, i understand
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17:15.56Dr-Linuxbatphone: we have more then 50 production servers for different purposes, currently we are using nagios for monitoring
17:16.13Dr-Linuxbut i wish to use asterisk calling :)
17:16.30batphonei wrote a php app that monitors pbx's based on IAXPeers ami output
17:17.03Dr-Linuxbatphone: whenever you wrote something, that i want .. then please let me know :)
17:17.03batphoneit will be extended to ping, sip activity, and other methods of monitoring services
17:17.22batphonei hate nagios
17:17.35Dr-Linuxbatphone: but don't ever say "where is the fuckin money"
17:17.59Dr-Linuxbatphone: hate nagios, but there is no other way
17:18.15Dr-Linuxin open source, asterisk monitoring will be cooooooooooooooool
17:18.22batphoneim not in it for the money, thats for sure. i just like being able to work from home and make my own hours
17:19.20batphoneDr-Linux: it will be open source when something really presentable gets revised
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17:19.45Dr-Linuximagine, i'm at home and sleeping, my asterisk calls me and say  "ATTENTION! squid service on port 8080 host this .. is down. for restart the squid service press 1 thanks"
17:19.56batphoneright now the monitoring systems real inner workings are kind of central to our network and security
17:20.14batphoneDr-Linux: that would be very very easy to do man
17:20.34Dr-Linuxbatphone: yes for you guys, but not for me
17:20.48Dr-Linuxbcoz i don't know how to do it in php.
17:20.54batphonecome on now.
17:21.02batphoneget a book on php!
17:21.18batphonedude i have hundreds of books
17:21.44batphoneget some books!
17:21.59Dr-Linuxbut i know , that need to do something, that make script in php and define something if/else loops , that will check the services after every 5 minutes via cron .. and so
17:22.29Dr-Linuxbatphone: give me an easiest begginer's book link
17:22.33Dr-Linuxfor php
17:23.11batphonethis is a good book for beginners
17:23.44batphonei mean, it will get your foot in the door
17:23.55Dr-Linuxbatphone: i'm new to languages, should i get start from php or perl?
17:24.31batphonehonestly id go with perl to start with. its a bit more complex but will make you laugh at php
17:24.49Nuggetboth perl and php are horrible, horrible languages to learn programming with.
17:25.34batphoneNugget: unfortunately not everyone knows enough C to build a decent app that can be used by others
17:26.00NuggetI'm not saying that they're horrible languages (although they're both pretty messy)
17:26.13Nuggetjust that you should learn programming in a more structured language
17:26.15Dr-Linuxmy other team members are developing IVR's in C
17:26.27Nuggetif you start with perl it will ruin you
17:26.58Dr-LinuxNugget: so what should be the start for a newbie?
17:27.02batphoneDr-Linux: C
17:27.25batphoneor as they told me in the day, use asm first. "then C will be easy!"
17:27.26Dr-Linuxbut C is difficult to learn :S
17:28.11batphonethe C style programming structure is used everywhere across most popular programming languages today
17:28.40batphoneunderstand C and it opens doors for you in the right order, so to speak
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17:28.55Dr-Linuxbatphone: i tried to look in few langauges, but PHP looks easy to learn ..
17:29.05Dr-Linuxor that maybe due to that document was easy :S
17:29.05batphonei mean, if were gonna go this route with scathing reviews of peoples code
17:29.37batphoneK & R's 'The C Programming Language' is an excellent book, although outdated
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17:30.16batphoneit teaches you how to the C language is constructed by using it in examples
17:30.40Dr-Linuxbatphone: is it on internet?
17:30.48Dr-LinuxK & R ?
17:30.51batphoneunlike most books on similar subjects, it doesnt have you writing crap like 'Jill has 4 dogs, now Jill has 5"
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17:32.00Dr-Linuxbatphone: but my kind of newbie can learn php in 1 month and C in 1 year
17:32.03gcarrillogi have noxt problem:
17:32.04Dr-Linuxisn't that? :)
17:32.06gcarrillogOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
17:32.07gcarrillogWarning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
17:32.30Dr-Linuxgcarrillog: killed mpg123 or mpg321
17:32.30batphoneDr-Linux: it wont take that long to learn C
17:32.33Dr-Linuxthen start asterisk
17:32.55Dr-Linuxbatphone: but that's not my field and i'm not good with english too
17:33.01Dr-Linuxthat's why i said
17:33.28batphoneDr-Linux: if you learn PHP first, as Nugget implies, your ability to learn other languages quickly might be hampered as a result
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17:34.04batphoneer, your ability to learn other languages might suffer
17:34.16batphonedepends on the person though
17:34.19batphonehow old are you?
17:34.28Qwellc is one of the best languages to start with
17:34.33Qwellmany things are loosely based on it
17:34.48Dr-Linuxbatphone: no doublt i'm very hardworker, never feel for food or anything, untill problem gets fixed!
17:34.48Qwellthe syntax, at least
17:35.38Dr-Linuxbatphone: however i have a C book with me right now, in hard copy!
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17:36.19Dr-Linuxbook name is "Let Us C"
17:36.45Dr-Linuxbut i like books with examples
17:36.49Dr-Linuxthat easy to learn
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18:58.54killfillhow do i tell asterisk to pick up the line, only after the 8th ring?
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19:01.46killfillin extensions.conf?
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19:17.21tomcontr3hi,  does anyone knows anything about this?
19:17.26tomcontr3May 27 14:13:47 VERBOSE[6599] logger.c:  []May 27 14:13:47 WARNING[6599] loader.c: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_pickup_call
19:18.29Supaplexdid you stfw for undefined symbol ast... ?
19:24.01fileyou need to load
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19:33.35tomcontr3does any one here knows how to configure an x100p card?
19:34.22tomcontr3I have just installed one,  and everything seems to be correctly configured,  but,  when I call to the phone numer from an other phone,  it is always busy
19:40.40jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
19:41.05tomcontr3I have read the docs
19:41.13tomcontr3my problem is not described in it
19:42.07*** join/#asterisk xcoyote (
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19:43.53xcoyotequestion: which function does return the time in milliseconds from January 1970 (epoch) i have already used ${TIMESTAMP} but it returns a formatted date, any idea?
19:46.54tzafrir_laptoptomcontr3, do you see the zaptel channel for the card in 'zap show channels' in the CLI?
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19:47.18tzafrir_laptoptry something like 'zap show chnnel 1' to see if the channel if off-hook or on-hook
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19:55.19Strom_Chey Lord_Drachenblut, long time no see :)
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20:21.28droopshey strom
20:21.33droopsi get no love?
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20:30.07Strom_Chey droops, didnt see you in here :D
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20:33.22killfilli have notice some lang packs put files like :
20:33.39killfillsounds/letters/es   (i.e. for spanish (es) lang)
20:33.55killfillhow do i tell asterisk to look there for sound?..
20:34.13killfillthere i mean for sounds/es letter/es and digits/es"
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20:47.32chinois it better to buy a pci card with fxs ports or get a ata ?
20:47.39ceetoHi all.  I have a cisco 2960 switch.  Do any of you know if it will automatically prioritize voice or do I have to tell it to?
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20:49.12Strom_Cchino: it depends on the application
20:49.14robin_szcongrats to whoever it is coding the GXP2000 stuff, the last release seems even betterer
20:49.31robin_szI take back what I said about you last month
20:49.55chinoStrom_C:  i mean they are expensive compared to a ata right
20:50.48Strom_Cthe pci card tends to be pricier on a per-port basis than an ata, but the configuration of the ata will tend to be more time-consuming and troublesome in the long run
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20:54.25DovidAll asleep here ?
20:54.29ceetoHi all.  I have a cisco 2960 switch.  Do any of you know if it will automatically prioritize voice or do I have to tell it to?
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20:54.57DovidDontknow cisco sorry :(
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21:27.38ceetoIs there any secret to getting OpenNTP to work with the Polycom SIP phones to get the current time?
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21:44.16timscottnah, it was a pillow.
21:44.50mitchelocit's a slow day eh, holiday weekend and all
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22:06.24QwellNobody is here to take your call right now.  Please leave a message after the beep.
22:11.07fugitivoanyone using astlinux?
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22:29.39Peggeranyone here have asteirsk working with odbc
22:30.17[Airwolf]Are there any known memory leaks for ?
22:36.21Lord_Drachenblutyo Strom_C
23:01.41*** join/#asterisk troubled (n=troubled@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/troubled)
23:02.56troubledquestion, can a tdm card act as a modem in any way? Or would I have to install a modem and loop the cable from the fxo port to the modem to simulate a dialup link?
23:03.33troubledheh, handy script
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23:05.25Supaplexno dsp available for that. it's all about licensing and patent issues, so no on the tdm card. (there is another option for just faxes however)
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23:06.10troubledcool, was wondering cause i know * can handle ppp links and such and see the fax stuff before
23:06.27Supaplexafaik it's isdn ppp links
23:06.31troubledwould the quality of the link be ok to loop it into a modem though?
23:06.50dlynes_hometroubled: you mean put the fxs port to the modem and then the fxo to the line?
23:07.02dlynes_hometroubled: and then bridge the two channels under asterisk?
23:07.03Supaplexyou're free to try. it should be asleast as good as 14k (as that's what faxes use for class2)
23:07.26troubleddlynes_home: not bridge, i have 1 fxs port and 3 fxo on this card atm
23:07.45dlynes_hometroubled: hook your fxs port to your modem and/or fax machine
23:07.54dlynes_hometroubled: then your fxo ports to your phone lines
23:07.56troubleddlynes_home: was wondering if i had a modem if I could have a menu option to initiate dialup than simply rings the modem line for the ppp
23:08.13dlynes_hometroubled: when a call goes out on the fxs port, have it grab the first available of the fxo lines
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23:08.36dlynes_hometroubled: if it can't, generate a busy tone, else, dial out...because they're both zap channels, asterisk will bridge the channels
23:08.55troubledjust trying to facilatate a data line to the tdm box itself via ppp dialup to login
23:09.03dlynes_hometroubled: then it's completely passthrough, and theoretically everything should work just fine (assuming you have echocancelwhenbridged=no)
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23:09.28troubleddlynes_home: cool, thats what im looking to hear
23:09.33dlynes_hometroubled: but if you're wanting it to work for dialing into asterisk, then it's not possible
23:09.46dlynes_hometroubled: the zaptel channel only has fax autodetect, not modem autodetect
23:09.48Supaplexyup, no softmodem. just softfax.
23:09.55troubleddlynes_home: i know i hear the odd tick now (rare, but still) so i wasnt sure how the modem would handle it
23:10.10dlynes_hometroubled: the modem has error correction
23:10.59troubleddlynes_home: well, what i was gonna do is have just a mention option that say dials Zap/3-1 (connected to modem) and setup the dialup script in windows(or whatever) to navigate the menu and start the link
23:11.40troubledmy next issue though is going to be finding a good modem in town that works in linux :)
23:12.40dlynes_hometroubled: pretty much any modem
23:12.50dlynes_hometroubled: even the winmodems work pretty good in linux now, apparently
23:13.00troubleddlynes_home: let me rephrase, finding a non winmodem thats marked as such
23:13.08dlynes_hometroubled: ahhh...hahaha
23:13.24dlynes_hometroubled: see if you can find a USRobotics Courier modem
23:13.31troubleddlynes_home: now a days i swear they remove any reference to which type it really is
23:13.35dlynes_hometroubled: those are definitely not winmodems
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23:14.00SupaplexI grab the db9/db25 kind :)
23:14.15troubleddlynes_home: my expereience seems to be if its about $100, its a hardware modem, if its $19.95 its a paper weight
23:14.15dlynes_homeSupaplex: external modems are not necessarily non-winmodems
23:14.55dlynes_hometroubled: what is it that you need it for?
23:14.57troubledSupaplex: actually, an external modem might be the best choice here since my ports are full :/ less I put the modem in another box of course
23:15.39troubleddlynes_home: just so I can make remote data connection to the * box. maybe some sort of special http menu to * and system admin stuff. you know
23:15.57SupaplexI have like 40 usr v.90+ modems, gently used.  I also have 30 or so of the intel based softmodems that asterisk can use.
23:15.59dlynes_hometroubled: go to a used computer store, and tell them you want to buy a 14.4K modem or lower
23:16.02troubleddlynes_home: just seein what I can do all on one box without affecting * sound
23:16.15dlynes_hometroubled: then you're guaranteed it's not a winmodem
23:16.22troubleddlynes_home: well, 33.6+ would be better but...
23:16.29dlynes_hometroubled: winmodems started coming out wiht the 33.6K and higher
23:16.39dlynes_hometroubled: erm 28.8K
23:16.46troubledsucks too cause i used to have a nice supra 28.8
23:16.59dlynes_hometroubled: nice and supra in the same sentence?
23:17.06dlynes_hometroubled: isn't that an oxymoron?
23:17.17dlynes_hometroubled: that's like a nice gvc :)
23:17.22Supaplexhe made it nice by smashing it to bits ;)
23:17.24troubledahh, the good ol days, ezcomm, RA, wildcat .....
23:17.45dlynes_hometroubled: i still have my courier hst...i could sell it to you
23:18.03dlynes_hometroubled: it's definitely not a winmodem :)
23:18.10troubledactually supra was excellent, least one I had. didnt have all the features of the USR at the time, but it was pretty good for what i used it for
23:18.30troubleddlynes_home: internal 28.8? or 14.4?
23:18.34dlynes_hometroubled: but for what you're wanting to do
23:18.42dlynes_hometroubled: 14.4K is even overkill
23:18.50troubleddlynes_home: true
23:19.06Supaplextroubled: any second hand stores in your area?
23:19.09troubleddlynes_home: unless i spiffed up the page with graphics. but would prolly be html and css only
23:19.14dlynes_hometroubled: 14.4K HST/2400 v.32, external, BBS/bank quality
23:19.25troubledSupaplex: oh im sure there are a few places I could look
23:19.43dlynes_hometroubled: so basically if you're connecting to it with a non-HST modem, you'd get 2400 baud
23:19.56troubleddlynes_home: lol
23:20.26troubleddlynes_home: everything is hayes compatible though isnt it? or HST mean something else?
23:20.27Supaplexjust use DMT with your voice. it'll be faster. ;)
23:20.31troubled(sorry, been years)
23:20.45dlynes_hometroubled: HST is a proprietary protocol used by USR Courier modems
23:21.05troubledSupaplex: well, the idea is that i would like to perform admin remotely, or least have option too
23:21.15dlynes_hometroubled: that's what ssh is for
23:21.51Supaplexor getty
23:21.53dlynes_hometroubled: besides...if you do everything remotely, you can't charge them for site visits
23:21.57troubleddlynes_home: but i can block based on phone numbers using * and dont have to worry as much about exploits and buffer attacks if its net connected
23:22.20russellboh, but blocking on callerid is much safer :)
23:22.24troubleddlynes_home: well, the * box wouldnt be a publically accessable thing
23:22.25dlynes_hometroubled: if you properly secure your box, you don't have to worry about it, either
23:22.51troubledrussellb: lol ya, adds extra layer
23:22.54dlynes_homerussellb: yes, blocking based on callerid is very safe...especially when i call it up with my caller id of 666 :)
23:22.58Supaplextroubled: so what number do you expect to call from? *grin*
23:23.11Supaplexhehe jk
23:23.12troubleddlynes_home: ehe, ya, im with nufone now, i know the feelin
23:23.29dlynes_hometroubled: what does nufone have to do with anything?
23:23.37dlynes_hometroubled: anyone that's got a pri can fake their callerid
23:23.44troubleddlynes_home: SetCallerID(<6666666666>);
23:24.08troubleddlynes_home: mind you, i dont have the luxury of having a pri so nufone next closest thing
23:24.18dlynes_hometroubled: faking an ip address is much harder than faking a phone number
23:24.38troubledbut if you dont know what phone number to fake?
23:24.55dlynes_hometroubled: obviously the office phone number of your consultant
23:24.56troubledmore ppl crawl IP's for exploits than phone numbers
23:25.15Supaplexhe nick is truth in advertising.
23:25.44dlynes_hometroubled: i get the feeling you're a phone tech, not an IT guy, right?
23:25.54troubleddlynes_home: smart ass lol
23:26.03troubleddlynes_home: jack of all trades
23:26.08troubled* is more of a hobby
23:26.12dlynes_hometroubled: yeah...close enough
23:26.20dlynes_hometroubled: use some real security instead
23:26.28dlynes_hometroubled: ssh with keys, and lock down all your ports
23:26.37dlynes_hometroubled: and don't allow remote root logins
23:26.52troubledbut since i help run and maintain this apt complex, i get certain benefits. such as ability to try out new ideas
23:26.56dlynes_hometroubled: and make sure you're not running vulnerable versions of any daemons
23:27.46dlynes_homerussellb: btw...what does it mean if you get a bunch of data errors on span 1 of your pri, when you run patlooptest with a loopback adapter plugged into it?
23:28.09troubledas of now we have an aging intercom that we maintain. ive mentioned the possibility of replacing it with something that could also be compatible with a new system we plan on installing soon
23:28.36dlynes_homerussellb: i get stuff like this:  (Error 1): Unexpected result, 99 != 163, 676689 bytes since last error.
23:28.36dlynes_home(Error 2): Unexpected result, 99 != 35, 192 bytes since last error.
23:28.46troubledthe new system would be phone bases. of course the possibilities as limitless if I bridge that through *
23:30.24*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
23:30.24nshmHi all
23:30.34nshmThe following little question
23:30.57nshmI need the application that will allow to dial two different addresses and connect them
23:31.13nshmIs there ready solution for that which I've missed
23:31.24nshmOr should I just write a new asterisk application?
23:31.24troubleddlynes_home: things get interesting. i have access to 1 phone number outgoing and room for 3 extensions on the tdm, plus I have 2 iaxy's. For usuage, I would imagine that we would want each elevator to route through * as well as the lobby phone
23:31.41troubleddlynes_home: problem with the elevator though is that its sorta an emergency system
23:32.06Supaplexno room service on the elevator? pish!
23:32.32troubleddlynes_home: id prolly have to have a monitored/ups backed * box before anyone would allow it to be used
23:32.54dlynes_hometroubled: look at Xorcom's Astribank
23:32.57troubledits funny, our elevators can be called too just like a normal phone
23:32.59dlynes_hometroubled: it's probably exactly what you want
23:33.07dlynes_hometroubled: it'll allow you to hook up the door controller, too
23:33.09troubleddlynes_home: url?
23:33.24troubleddlynes_home: well, i got a relay board (8 port) for that
23:33.48troubleddlynes_home: i was just gonna use * agi to toggle the relay for the front door
23:34.03mitcheloctroubled: that's exactly how my door is right now
23:34.09troubledof course I could control a lot more than that
23:34.18troubledlol sweet
23:34.33troubledagain, im sure you see why i want this all to be on 1 machine
23:35.15troubledkinda like a all in one box
23:35.15dlynes_hometroubled: i think it should be on about five different machines
23:35.15troubledmakes things easy to replace too. just gotta buy 2 of everything :)
23:35.18troubleddlynes_home: then you need damn IT staff just to run the intercom heh
23:35.26dlynes_hometroubled: i was being facetious
23:36.00troubleddlynes_home: the idea would be that worst case, the phone lines can just be plugged into the bell line itself if the * box needs work and have things work normally
23:38.40*** join/#asterisk s0lid (
23:40.07*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
23:40.16TripleFFFFhi all
23:40.40mitchelochola, you have less ff's now ;)
23:44.41dlynes_homeTripleFFFF: are you sick?
23:45.05TripleFFFFnah i killed trillian
23:45.16TripleFFFFmy xeon went up to 91 celcius coz of trillin suck
23:45.16SupaplexI thought we asked him that last time he was here
23:45.33TripleFFFFso tirllian nearly killed my cpu 4 times..
23:45.41mitchelochaha, i moved trillian onto a seperate machine because of that
23:45.44TripleFFFFso im on miranda ..16k footprint.. how do you like THAT
23:45.55mitchelocthat's kind of sad though
23:46.00dlynes_homehow can a lousy program kill your cpu?
23:46.10TripleFFFFwell.. here is how it goes..
23:46.11Supaplexlousy heat disappation
23:46.16mitchelocmiranda doesn't have all the features i like in my trillian though =/
23:46.25TripleFFFFloop a cycle enough times and fast enough to get your cpu to math real hard
23:46.35TripleFFFFand you get heat
23:46.52TripleFFFFso get something that eats 100% cpu bu from a bug and you get that
23:47.02dlynes_homeiow what you're saying is that trillian is a really poorly written program
23:47.09Supaplexdo you have a bottom intake fan on your power supply?
23:47.21TripleFFFFi got 4 fans + coolin on video
23:47.25dlynes_homeiow if it's so poorly written, why use it to begin with?
23:47.33dlynes_homeyour computer must run damned slow when it's running then
23:47.45Supaplexrenice 20 trillian
23:47.46TripleFFFFi SEE the intel temp meter go from 45 to 90~ in approx 1 minute whn i run trillian
23:47.50TripleFFFFi do use all 4 aim's
23:48.07TripleFFFFeven on Battlefield2 all high settings i rarely go over 65-68
23:48.11Supaplex4 aims? isn't one account on aim too many?
23:48.19dlynes_homeWell, i guess with all the spyware, adware, malware, viruses, trojans and all the other shit that runs on windows, you wouldn't notice the difference
23:48.27mitchelocthe saddest thing to me about trillian is that it hasn't been updated in over a year...
23:48.48TripleFFFFicq/msn/yahoo/irc + aim
23:48.55TripleFFFFthats why it truns
23:48.59dlynes_homenot to mention that thousands of programs that install themselves in your system tray
23:49.07TripleFFFFtest it
23:49.22mitchelocwhats wrong with systray apps? =P
23:49.30dlynes_homeno idea
23:49.53TripleFFFFpsi ?
23:49.55dlynes_homeyou mean besides the fact that all that crap makes your computer take 1/2 hour before it settles down enough you can use it?
23:50.06Supaplexjabber, and jabber transports
23:50.20dlynes_homenorton is the worst of all of them
23:50.26mitchelocSupaplex: psi?
23:50.32Flosoftanyone familiar with VoiceOne here?
23:50.34dlynes_homethere should be a virus scanner to detect norton and remove it
23:50.43mitchelocSupaplex: link me
23:50.44*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
23:50.52Supaplexlazy bastages :P
23:51.07mitchelocdlynes_office: not all system tray apps are crap!!
23:51.36Supaplexyea, the safe hardware removal one is pretty low key.
23:52.01mitchelocdoes psi have a vista skin...?
23:52.17Supaplexgood question
23:52.22TripleFFFFoh its for osc
23:52.37Supaplexit's for linux, windows and os x
23:52.57TripleFFFFcan asterisk work well with jabber ?
23:53.00TripleFFFFor its hell to conf
23:53.19mitcheloci feel sorry for the blokes on ther screen shots, they didn't blur out any of the names
23:53.29Supaplexthey're both very open ...
23:53.48mitchelocTripleFFFF: not yet, but i know someone working on an answer to that
23:53.49[TK]D-FenderFlosoft : Its far from the more popular web GUI's and the vast majority here shun ALL of them anyways... you're better off asking on a dedicated forum.
23:54.07mitchelocFlosoft: however, if your looking for a wingui... =P
23:54.39Flosoftwell ... I have problems with setting up voiceone
23:55.03mitchelocFlosoft: i suggest
23:55.12TripleFFFFso how tdoes jhabber work really ?
23:55.15mitchelocor better
23:55.25FlosoftI tried all that ... they're not the fastest staff ;)
23:55.44mitchelocwell then go with a gui with better support?
23:57.40dlynes_homemitcheloc: didn't say they were
23:57.43Supaplexgoogle earth = memory hog
23:58.05dlynes_homemitcheloc: but the more you've got in there, the longer your machine takes to start up, and the slower it runs when it finally does start up

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