irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060519

00:00.09frk2guess not
00:02.16*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:02.40Malthusreal TDM (T1/PRI) or analog?
00:03.34justinuhe's probably talking about a TDM400 or 2400
00:04.04Malthuswhy would Digium name their cards like that?
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00:08.50justinuMalthus: good question
00:12.17frk2yeah - TDM 4000
00:12.32frk2so analog
00:12.38frk2i have about 8 of these boxes
00:12.44frk2disconnection happens on exactly 3
00:13.09frk2the call would just go *poof* in the middle
00:13.44frk2i wonder if using fxs_ls would hlep
00:13.55frk2since there is no disconnect supervision in this place
00:14.22justinudoes it happen on all 4 lines of the 3 boxes?
00:14.57frk2checked that too
00:15.07frk2manually disabled zap channels
00:15.13justinuhave you asked your telco to test the lines for shorts or other defects?
00:15.16frk2i wonder if this could be a telco issue
00:15.29frk2no i haven't. Thats a very hard thing to explain to clients :)
00:15.31justinua short might cause the tdm400 to think the line disco'd and it hangs up
00:15.50frk2but there's NOTHING in /var/log/messages even with debug
00:15.58frk2thats exactly what i was thinking myself
00:16.02justinuthe other thing to do would be to perhaps swap out a known good card with a potential bad card
00:16.17justinusee if it follows the card or the lines
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00:16.35frk2did that too justinu
00:16.37frk2two cards
00:16.45frk2on one of the locations
00:17.14frk2what else- on the system level- could possibly cause this?
00:17.28frk2i mean i do have samba running on this machine
00:17.37justinuirq conflicts
00:17.45frk2so ive increased the priorioty to -19 for asterisk
00:17.59justinuthe tdm400 is pretty touchy WRT sharing IRQs
00:18.40frk2its not sharing irq's
00:18.54frk2cat /proc/interrupts says it uses 21 alone
00:18.55justinuthen i'd have to suspect a line problem
00:19.05justinudoes audio ever pop or crack?
00:19.16frk2audio is CRYSTAL clear
00:19.20frk2just goes- poof
00:19.52frk2the user once did complain the voice went robotic
00:19.57frk2but that was a bad mpg123 process
00:20.01frk2hogging CPU
00:20.05frk2i wonder if Samba is the culprit
00:20.09justinudoubt it
00:20.36frk2busydetect is also up to 8
00:20.38frk2so it cant be that
00:20.55justinuyou said you tried removing that, right?
00:21.22frk2no. i increased it to 8
00:21.31frk2if i remove it the lines get stuck
00:21.42justinubut do they ever disconnect? :)
00:22.11frk2will never be able to check
00:22.16justinuyou said you checked /var/log/messages? what about /var/log/asterisk/full?
00:23.34frk2nothing unusual
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00:23.51justinucrank up the verbosity and the debug level
00:23.59justinumaybe you can get a clue asto why the line disco'd
00:24.58docelm0anyone in here use plainvoip?
00:25.10frk2debug is on in the wctdm module
00:26.02docelm0MSG me if you do.  Also you MUST use asterisk to connect to us.  I need someone to try out an API I created.  Curious to know how it works..   :P
00:26.14Qwell[]docelm0: Give me an account :p
00:26.23docelm0Go signup for one
00:26.31Qwell[]$$$ :P
00:26.46frk2so juntinu- this is not a common problem?
00:26.48docelm0Dude..  PV is cheap enough w/o me giving money away
00:26.57frk2would let me to believe that its the telco
00:27.03frk2you think using fxs_ls would help?
00:27.08justinufrk2: i dunno if I would say common, but I've heard about it
00:27.09docelm0BUT for someone who IS already registered I will give em $2 credit for testing..  :)
00:27.24justinuusing fxs_ls would rule out the "short" theory, i believe
00:28.09frk2more funny stuff
00:28.11justinuthen how does asterisk deal with disco supervision?
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00:28.23frk2it doesnt.. just busydetect
00:28.25Qwell[]justinu: with really big fros
00:28.35frk2there is really no disconnect super in my country anyways :)
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00:28.42frk2more interesting facts i forgot to share
00:28.45justinufrk2: so why use _ks?
00:28.58frk2this ONLY happens during the daytime
00:29.08frk2it doesnt happen in the evening!
00:29.11justinuwrap your pbx in tinfoil
00:29.24frk2im also wondering if its heat
00:29.24justinuseriously, maybe it's a weak PSU?
00:29.29justinuor something like that.
00:29.38justinupbx on a UPS?
00:29.39frk2theres no airconditioning at this location
00:29.40*** join/#asterisk zwelch (n=kumquat@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/zwelch)
00:29.44frk2yes its on a UPIS
00:29.45zwelchjoin #asterisk-dev
00:30.06frk2and a temperature of 110 deg F is not common in this land
00:30.12jsaundersDoes anyone know the default amount of time between sip registration attempts w/ *?
00:30.13frk2so i dont know if thats the problem
00:30.17jsaundersAnd perhaps how to change?
00:30.32*** join/#asterisk IceManRISK (n=kart@
00:30.33frk2jsaunders- thats a property of the sip client
00:31.00frk2I guess heat would cause random bullshit
00:31.06jsaundersregseconds= for sip client?
00:31.07frk2it always has in my experience :)
00:31.22jsaunderstnx frk2, you pwn
00:31.41frk2glad i make you happy
00:31.55justinuwhat country?
00:31.57jsaundersWell, considering you're the only person today to answer one of my 5 or so question, yep.  :)
00:32.19frk2it gets HOT as hell in here
00:32.28justinui would think heat would cause more serious problems, like kernel panics
00:32.32justinuor system freezes
00:32.41justinubut who knows, maybe the TDM card is real picky.
00:32.42frk2i guess that would be extreme heat
00:32.55frk2but i have seen modems act up under heat
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00:32.59justinuwhat's the story on your PBX PSU?
00:33.12frk2power supply
00:33.21justinuis it strong, or a cheapy?
00:34.07justinudoes the TDM400 card need additional power, or does it take everything in from the PCI slot?
00:34.07frk2my client is known to use cheap ass stuff
00:34.15frk2it needs power
00:34.27justinu+/- 12VDC, right?
00:34.29frk2you are right.. PSU can definitely cause issues
00:34.41frk25v or 12v- not sure
00:34.55justinusome systems have voltage monitors... maybe the signal is right on the edge or something
00:35.23generalhanhey when my systems hurting in KNOW its the heat .... cause 110 IS common here ! lol
00:35.24frk2will keep that in mind
00:35.33justinuanyways, that's about all I can think of
00:35.45frk2general where u at?
00:35.50frk2thanks dude
00:35.57justinuwhat part of pk?
00:35.59frk2its been quite enlightening
00:36.03dougheckawhat are the symptoms?
00:36.13generalhanpk ?
00:36.30frk2the machine is in lahore.. smack in the  middle.. known for very dry heat spells
00:36.35justinuislamic republic of pakistan
00:36.49frk2islamic my ass really
00:37.12frk2i get more messed up here than i ever did in the US
00:38.06frk2awright- so If my telco dont have disconnect supervision.. fxs_ks is useless
00:38.09frk2is that right?
00:38.17justinuP for Punjab, A for Afghania (the Afghan areas), K for Kashmir, S for Sindh and tan for Balochistan. An i was later added to the English rendition of the name to ease pronunciation.
00:38.17frk2im gonna eliminate that variable then
00:38.21justinu^^ how interesting!
00:39.08frk2its supposed to mean land of the pure
00:39.42justinuyeah, here's the whole quote:
00:39.43justinuThe name "Pakistan" (IPA: /paːkɪst̪aːn/) means "Land of the Pure" in Urdu and Persian and was coined in 1933 by Choudhary Rahmat Ali, who published it in the pamphlet Now or Never[5] as an acronym of the names of the "Muslim homelands" of western India — P for Punjab, A for Afghania (the Afghan areas), K for Kashmir, S for Sindh and tan for Balochistan. An i was later added to the English rendition of the name to ease pronunc
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00:50.54mgobanyone have working copies of auto config files for the Thomson ST2030 phone? their configuration guide is crypttttic.
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01:00.42paolobciao raga!
01:01.00paolobC'è un amministratore che mi può cancellare Sodoma? È per un cambio di redirect
01:01.33paolobexcuse me, I were in the wrong channel...
01:01.34*** part/#asterisk paolob (
01:01.41Snake-Eyeshey, any one got ideas as to why I would be getting Got SIP response 400 "Bad Request" back on one Asterisk box and not another. I have compared the files (sip.conf, extensions , any one know of any where else I should look?
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01:17.50*** join/#asterisk opus_ (n=opus@
01:17.54opus_anyone here use app_amd ?
01:30.26*** join/#asterisk Curus (
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01:32.28*** join/#asterisk Parvaresh (i=bartali@
01:33.11Parvareshany guide on how to config a cisco 7940 for asterisk
01:33.18generalhanTONS of them
01:34.02Parvareshhow can i get the firmware
01:34.08Parvareshi dun have an account on cisco
01:34.11generalhanyou need a cisco contract
01:34.21Parvareshdun have any
01:34.28Parvareshno free release of it?
01:34.30generalhanthen you cant get them
01:34.37generalhanlike cisco is gonna release ANYTHING for free
01:41.31*** join/#asterisk bluegrass (
01:41.35Parvareshwhich verion of firmware is mostly recommended for asterisk
01:42.04QwellParvaresh: whatever the latest currently is
01:42.20Parvareshthen should be fine
01:42.29Qwellsure, try it
01:42.47Qwellworst case scenario, you brick it, and send it to me
01:43.34*** part/#asterisk bluegrass (
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01:46.20generalhanwell ive had about all the work i can handle for a day ... i think its time to go home !
01:46.48generalhan"have good mash-pitting" every one !
01:47.02*** join/#asterisk nigelr (
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01:47.22Tier_1is the asterisk svn down
01:48.31protocoldoughmm when i send a Musiconhold(), my console says it starts and then stops, any ideas?
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01:56.50nigelrI've got a problem with calls from cellphones coming in on a PRI and going straight to voicemail
01:57.00nigelra landline calling an unregistered SIP extension with voicemail works fine - they hear the voicemail message and can leave a message
01:57.08*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:57.16nigelra cellphone calling an unregistered SIP extension with voicemail doesn't - they get dead air.
01:57.32nigelrit's like callprogress isn't working properly
01:58.07nigelrif the sip extension is registered, ie. it rings, the cellphone works fine.
01:58.24opus_nigelr what is the sip extension? a sip phone?
01:59.18*** join/#asterisk mishehu (
01:59.28nigelrin this case it's eyebeam running on a PC, but it's the same if you use a sip phone and leave it unplugged or whatever.
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01:59.59opus_you don't have qualify=yes and also your SIP registration timeout is set to something huge
02:00.21opus_set qualify=30 and set your reg timeout to 20secs if it is a small network
02:00.55opus_eyebeam any good? the phone right?
02:01.25nigelryep, seems to work ok. I don't think it's the sip registration, the client has been turned off for more than a day now
02:01.27sevardthat softphone takes so much system resources
02:01.45nigelrwill try the qualify thing though, after I look up what it does :)
02:02.02nigelrit's weird that it's only GSM cellphones that have the problem though
02:02.53*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
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02:04.23nigelropus_: that only changes the sip side of things. this is related to what device the caller is calling from ie. cellphones don't work, landlines do. I'm betting the result would be the same if it was a IAX or a zap extension,
02:04.30*** join/#asterisk kernel20 (n=kernel20@
02:04.32kernel20hi there
02:06.37kernel20my xlite client that runs through VPN seems to be distorted, but in his side my voice sounds so well, any ideas? is there any settings in asterisk to fine tune the voice?
02:07.26opus_you can't do VOIP over VPN because you are basically encapsulating real time traffic in something that doesn't support realtime transport...
02:07.29opus_i know, it really sucks :)
02:07.43*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
02:08.04kernel20in my case VOIP works over VPN
02:08.44kernel20MY VOIP server is inside my internal lan
02:08.44sevardopus_: I just finished reading a study that said encapsulation increases the quality of UDP streams
02:09.03kernel20thats why clients needs to be in VPN so that they can connect to VOIP SERVER
02:09.29sevardI know it makes sense that a VPN would totally destroy the integrity of the call but they said after much real world testing it is quite infact the opposit
02:09.37opus_sevard : i just read a study that if you paint your car red, you have a 90% chance of winning any car race.
02:09.55sevardopus_: death2u
02:10.05nigelrI guess what I'm looking for is a way to generate a ring signal before going to voice mail.
02:10.36kernel20what are you implying?
02:10.59sevardkernel20: No idea, I read that study and tested it over my VPN and found it to be true.  But if opus_ is an 'expert' perhaps you should listen to him
02:11.18kernel20true? of what?
02:11.24opus_no idea, let me check it out
02:11.30nigelrthat might make sense. Encapsulating many udp packets together may have the effect of increasing latency but reducing jitter.
02:11.32opus_i would just use regular RTP over WAN ?
02:11.45kernel20ok here is the situation
02:12.00kernel20all client machine is connected via vpn
02:12.01sevardthat my call quality was increased after sending UDP data over my VPN.  I found SIP signaling on 5060 took longer to set up and RTP streams took a couple miliseconds longer to settle
02:12.11sevardbut I found there wern't any blips or background badness.
02:12.14camelonwith regard to a PRI wich be the best functional choice looking to decrese faults: let the PRI clocked internally or clocked by the telco?
02:12.23sevardIt took a whole lot more bandwidth to encapsulate.
02:12.36kernel20what the SIP?
02:12.53sevardMy analysis may have been fubar though.  Things always go wrong in scientific tests
02:12.54opus_long over VPN or faster over VPN? and why ?
02:13.19kernel20i getting lost here
02:13.22sevardIt seemed to take longer to settle and took longer for signaling, but once I was in call the call quality was great.
02:13.27sevardkernel20: you need thebook
02:13.33jbotfrom memory, thebook is somebody said thebook was Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Meet Jim Van Meggelen at Cluecon
02:13.44brodiemwhat is it that people use SER for in conjunction with asterisk? Is it mainly to provide a proxy service when dealing with multiple * machines?
02:14.08opus_kernel20, VOIP won't work over VPN no matter what, is what I have experienced so far in my testing.
02:14.33kernel20hmm so what should i do?
02:14.38sevardopus_: In my testing VoIP works like a charm over a VPN and I know several people here who use it.  You just have to have the _bandwidth_ for it.
02:14.46kernel20i need to have my server to have a public ip?
02:14.55opus_servard what VPN do you use?
02:15.16sevardopus_: I tested on openvpn and hamachi
02:15.19opus_kernel20, yes. external IP
02:15.29opus_servard: cool
02:15.31sevardkernel20: what your experiencing might be a nat issue ? maybe ?
02:15.43sevardkernel20: I don't know
02:15.53kernel20i can ping to both nodes with no problem
02:16.35kernel20so u mean if i have voip on vpn, it requires a lot of bandwidth?
02:16.45opus_servard: then I guess I will try it over again.  theoretically if you had a strong RTP implementation and a good jitter buffer, and your VPN respected 802.1p, it could work but not even the big boys like cisco can get that right so why bother wasting time on it is my expri
02:16.47sevardencapsulation always requires more bandwidth
02:16.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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02:17.31protocoldougwhat would cause a MusicOnHold() to start and then stop immediately,
02:17.45opus_encapsulating RTP packets is pointless when you can just send it out the WAN gateway
02:18.12opus_in fact, there are some VPN protocols that use RTP!!!
02:18.26kernel20i use openswan opus_
02:18.33kernel20but dunno of RTP thing
02:18.47opus_because it allows you to reinvite VPN sessions, so you can roam seamlessly your session:)
02:19.48opus_i think its an awesome use of RTP to VPN over it, like the reverse of what you guys are talking about
02:20.25kernel20hmmm so your recommendation is that i need to have my voip server have a public ip
02:20.43kernel20so that RTP wont be an issue?
02:21.12[TK]D-Fenderprotocoldoug : That looks perfectly normal to me.  You call the MoH app, it start, adn then stops because the channel hung up.
02:21.44kernel20is that yes for me?
02:21.51opus_<kernel20> so that RTP wont be an issue? <--- so that VPN wont be an issue, yes.
02:22.06kernel20ok ill try it
02:22.10kernel20thanks for the advise
02:22.24opus_kernel20, and make sure every piece of hardware end-to-end supports 802.1p. otherthen that you should never have problems.
02:22.38protocoldoug[TK]D-Fender, yeah the music never plays, the hang up is a few seconds later... but this brings me to another question -- you need to use an external app to play an mp3?
02:22.47kernel20opus_: i dont have any hardwares yet
02:22.54kernel20all are softphone at the moment
02:23.11kernel20i only installed asterisk
02:23.17kernel20clients use softphones
02:23.25protocoldoug[TK]D-Fender, cause maybe that's the problem, i'm not trying to use an extra app, like mpg123 or whatnot
02:23.32opus_kernel20, you are going to hate this. softphones are really crappy as well
02:23.48nigelrcamelon: clocked by the telco, definitly.
02:23.55[TK]D-Fenderprotocoldoug :Not necessarily
02:24.02kernel20but when i call to local lan, voice seems to be great
02:24.06opus_the only softphone that has ever got it right is Skype, other then that I haven't been impressed with any other softphone
02:24.21[TK]D-Fenderprotocoldoug : You need to instal "format_mp3" which comes with the asterisk-addons pacage downloadable seperately
02:24.25opus_and you can't use Skype with asterisk yet.
02:24.31kernel20i know
02:24.41protocoldoug[TK]D-Fender, ahhh ha that i haven't done, *thumbs up* thank you
02:24.49kernel20the reason i set up asterisk is for corporate use
02:24.57kernel20i guess x-lite works great
02:25.20[TK]D-Fenderprotocoldoug : Glad to help
02:25.49kernel20opus_: u mean to say even if I have the VOIP server a public IP still the voice from other client machine over vpn will have problems?
02:26.28kernel20the one i like with asterisk is the conferencing (meetme)
02:26.41kernel20it works very great, skype conferencing is a mess
02:27.44camelonnigelr: but if the QoS from the Telco is so bad . . . is to risky doing the timme with the card? wich could be the consequence from this?TIA
02:28.19*** join/#asterisk denon (
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02:31.18*** join/#asterisk watchy (
02:31.36watchyanyone got a url for a polycom presence setup?
02:32.14[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : Its all over the WIKI.
02:33.12[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : look up "presence" in sip.cfg, set to "1", reboot your phone, add some buddy's and enable buddy watch on them.  Make sure they match a hint exten in your phone's context.
02:35.56*** join/#asterisk BugKham (i=BugKham@
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02:36.30nigelrcamelon: the only important thing is that your end matches the telco. The telco isn't going to listen to timing info from you, so you must use timing info from then.
02:36.35nigelrfrom them I mean
02:37.19nigelrotherwise you will get poor quality calls or no calls at all.
02:37.32*** join/#asterisk websae (
02:38.01*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
02:40.48camelonnigelr: but now getting the timing from the telco the calls quality is less than poor! what strategy to overcome that?
02:42.48ManxPowercamelon, your problem is not timing.
02:43.21websaeManxPower: do you work for a large VoIP company?
02:43.34ManxPowerwebsae, no.
02:43.52camelonManxPower: at this time wich are your diagnosis?
02:44.23ManxPowercamelon, I don't have one.  But if you are getting your timing from the telco and you have poor call quality then your problem is not a timing problem.
02:44.42ManxPowerIRQ conflicts are another common cause of poor call quality
02:46.01camelonManxPower: allways the IRQs are good . . .i've pasted it her without any comment from the comunity
02:46.47ManxPowerpoaste the URL again
02:47.16MalthusManxPower, hey
02:47.26ManxPowerHello, Malthus
02:47.27camelonManxPower: a minute . . . must connect
02:47.46MalthusManxPower, I tried the mixed voice/data T1
02:47.48brodiemI know this isn't an SER channel, but can SER as a SIP proxy direct its calls to asterisk machines as a load balancer? And detect broken network links and use a failover?
02:47.52Malthusit worked without a hitch :)
02:48.05ManxPowerMalthus, cool
02:48.24ManxPowerbrodiem, You didn't search the Wiki, did you?
02:48.34*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blah@unaffiliated/syle)
02:49.25brodiemManxPower, well I found this key phrase, but didn't include the "automatic" part I was looking for: Its performance allows it to deal with operational burdens, such as broken network components, attacks, power-up reboots and rapidly growing user population
02:51.27*** join/#asterisk Quension (i=quension@
02:51.58brodiemManxPower answers the question..
02:52.46ManxPowerIt's not about what you know -- it's about knowing how to find the answers you don't know.
02:55.05*** join/#asterisk autobus (n=autobus@
02:55.09autobushi all.
02:55.19autobusits possible help-me..
02:56.23ManxPowercamelon, do you have 4 CPUs or does the system have hyper threading?
02:56.24camelonManxPower: like a zen master  . . .you are in the parh
02:57.11camelonManxPower: have hyper threading
02:57.16[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Just pray its not an oncoming train ;)
02:57.32ManxPowercamelon, turn off hyper threading.
02:57.42autobusi hav this situation:
02:57.43autobusexten => 100,1,Set(CALLER=${CALLERID(num)})
02:57.43autobusexten => 100,2,Hangup()
02:57.43autobusexten => h,1,Wait(10)
02:57.43autobusexten => h,1,System(/var/lib/asterisk/scripts/ ${CALLERID(num)})
02:57.48autobusthe problem is:
02:58.04autobusthe intruction wait not function in this case.
02:58.13autobusbut i dont understand why
02:58.28ManxPowerautobus, use
02:58.31jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
02:58.47watchytk: make a hint exten for every phone?
02:58.49[TK]D-Fenderautobus : multiple problems.  you have 2 priorities numbed "1" in "h"
02:59.17camelonManxPower: in the same path like you . . .finding answers i don`t know . . . why i must turn off hyperthreading?
02:59.17[TK]D-Fenderautobus : second "h" will never get called if YOU explicitly kill the channel with "hangup"
02:59.29autobusno sorry this example is nott correct. i have correct in extensions.conf
02:59.35ManxPowercamelon, I don't know.
02:59.45ManxPowerBut to many people have reported it fixed problems.....
02:59.48[TK]D-Fenderautobus : pastebin the sample you'd like help with then
03:00.10watchytk: make a hint exten for every phone?
03:00.12ManxPowerautobus, PASTE the extensions.conf info, do not type it or you will waste our time.
03:00.17[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : yup
03:00.37ManxPowers/ to / so /
03:00.37watchyand that hint is just used for presence and thats it correct?
03:00.38autobusManxPower sorry
03:01.19autobus[TK]D-Fender , the channel hangup sucessful
03:01.35[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : Correct, it tells * to watch the tech/device and associate it with the exten you provide.  then any phones using the context containing the hints can track them
03:01.35autobusbut im interesting creat one wait time.
03:02.06[TK]D-Fenderautobus : when yuo call "hanup" you call IMMEDIATLY dies.  The "h" exten will NOT get called.
03:02.34autobusand, what is a solution?
03:02.49*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
03:03.01[TK]D-Fenderautobus : pastebin what you have now so I can have an idea what you want to do.
03:03.03camelonManxPower . . the other data in the paste are OK from your experience?
03:03.05watchytk: sweet
03:03.45ManxPowercamelon, yes.
03:05.26*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
03:05.43justinu|laptopTessier Ashpool, S.A.
03:06.43camelonManxPower: thanks . . .what other aspects (probably causes) to look?
03:08.09[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop : Were you here when we were getting a info on the new Polycom phones?
03:09.26watchyanyone got the polycom 1.6.6 firmware?
03:09.35justinu|laptopwhat'd I miss?
03:09.46watchyid trade a taco for it
03:10.36[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : IP 430.  A 301 w/ PoE builtin (no special cable), and comes with brick, speakerphone, and rumoured backlight.  All in an IP 301 frame.
03:10.54[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : What model(s) do you have?
03:10.57justinu|laptopnice, price?
03:11.12watchytk: i got like 26 501s and 4 601s
03:11.16autobusplease see:
03:11.22watchyi need it for the 601 to gimme more then 7 things
03:11.24[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : Attendant modules?
03:11.26watchy7 buddys
03:11.40watchyyea i got 2 601s with 1 attendant and 2 601s with 2
03:12.04autobusthe sintax its not corrrect for make one wait time?
03:12.34autobusafter Hangup command
03:12.44watchyexten => 500,hint,SIP/peername
03:12.52watchyshould 500 be the extension of the phone?
03:13.15[TK]D-Fenderautobus : You don't want to do "hangup".  you want to basically tell the CALLER to hangup so your scripts gets called.  So you should play a recording saying "please hang up now" and keep looping it till they do hangup.  THEN your "h" will get called
03:13.28[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : Good reason to want 1.6.6.
03:13.29justinu|laptop[TK]D-Fender: any pricing info?
03:13.55watchytk: you got it layin around?
03:14.23[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Not yet, but there isn't a lot of room between the 301 & 501 $ wise.  basically I have a feeling either the line will go up in price or the 301 & 501 my budge a bit on both sides to compensate it.
03:14.28autobusbut the objective is, not Answer the call
03:14.38autobusthis is the callback aplication.
03:14.50[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop : Basically the IP 430 would become the defacto business phone for * IMO.
03:15.13[TK]D-FenderQwell : New model in testing.
03:15.14Qwelloh. nm
03:15.44autobus[TK]D-Fender you understand my objective?
03:15.58justinu|laptop[TK]D-Fender: sounds promising
03:16.15[TK]D-Fenderautobus : Yes, person calls that exten, and then it waits for them to disconnect, then calls them right back.
03:17.02autobusbut its necessary wait 5 seconds. for phone avaible to receive the call.
03:17.13[TK]D-Fenderautobus : but for it to place the call AFTER the disconnect the only real wy to do it is to wait for the CALLER to hangup.  There is no way for * to hang up on the call on purpose and then continue on by itself.  Its jsut the way things work.
03:18.01[TK]D-Fenderautobus : Yes I understand the delay.  You just need to loop the caller with a message saying "please hang up now" and wait for the caller to ahng up.  its the only way that will work.
03:19.34autobusits possible creat one script in php or another lanuage for wait 5 seconds
03:19.46*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (n=jaxxan@
03:19.56Jaxxanhey guys
03:20.09jbotfrom memory, zaptel is zapata telephony interface. A low level interface designed to abstract hardware access to a variety of devices for BRI, PRI or analogue access.
03:20.26JaxxanI have a problem with outbound calls thru my PRI
03:20.29Jaxxanit's double ringing
03:20.42JaxxanAsterisk is generating Ringing as well as the MSC
03:20.50Jaxxanthis is only for outbound calls
03:20.59{zombie}are you adding the 'r' flag to the Dial command?
03:21.08Jaxxanlet me check
03:21.33Jaxxanexten => s,104,Dial(${TRUNKGROUP}/${ARG1})
03:21.49Jaxxanwhere ARG1 is the phone number
03:21.57Jaxxanso no, i'm not
03:22.54{zombie}ok. I don't know if there's an option to suppress the ringing
03:23.13Jaxxanthis started when i upgrade from zaptel- to zaptel-svn
03:23.20autobus[TK]D-Fender its possible run other scripts after hungap right?
03:24.47[TK]D-Fenderautobus : yes.
03:25.01*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
03:25.02nigelrManxPower: did you see my earlier question re. cellphone calls going straight to voice mail?
03:25.33autobus[TK]D-Fender what is the objective of: h in the intruction?
03:26.33jbotthebook is probably somebody said thebook was Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Meet Jim Van Meggelen at Cluecon
03:27.13[TK]D-Fenderautobus : yeah you really should download THEBOOK and read up on *'s standard extensions.
03:27.29*** part/#asterisk Tier_1 (
03:28.01autobusok thanks
03:29.39*** join/#asterisk gcarrillog (n=gcarrill@
03:30.31*** join/#asterisk littleball (
03:32.29websaesevard: did you email me?
03:34.59littleballhello, in the sip.conf file, how to register my own asterisk with remote sip provider? especially, if the remote sip server host name is different than the domian/realm name?
03:36.48ManxPowerlittleball, sip.conf.sample
03:39.43autobus[TK]D-Fender agi  wait for digit command function and solve my solution?
03:40.27autobusUsage: WAIT FOR DIGIT <timeout>
03:41.03[TK]D-Fenderautobus : I strongly  suggest you follow my hint to continuosly playback the "please hangup now" recording and just wait for them to do it.
03:41.45autobusbut its necessary the system answer the call right?
03:43.44*** join/#asterisk papa_e (
03:44.04papa_ehrmm, no real-time voice recognition in *
03:47.59[TK]D-Fenderautobus : You can't have a call hanup that you never answered.
03:48.26[TK]D-Fenderpapa_e : You sure looked hard, didn't you?  Try Sphinx.
03:49.59papa_etk, uh, yeah, have sphinx2 setup and it sure doesn't work well
03:51.10[TK]D-Fenderpapa_e : Yeah I hear its spotty, but can work.
03:51.37papa_ewell, even for something simple like yes/no or 1,2,3,4, it's unreliable as hell
03:52.02papa_elike 70% accuracy at best, on a crystal clear link, with the caller speaking LOUD
03:52.48papa_ebut then again, it's a complex piece of software, and i've probably missed some configuration options somewhere
03:56.14Jaxxangod i dont even know what i'm searching for
03:59.31Jaxxancan someone explain to me what overlap dialing is ?
04:00.13Jaxxansending overlap digits.. wtf is that ?
04:01.07*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
04:02.24Jaxxanahhh, there it is
04:04.59justinu|laptopJaxxan: try priindication=outofband
04:05.14Jaxxani just found
04:06.23Jaxxanthat describes my problem to a T
04:06.46Jaxxanwhere does priindication=outofband go ?
04:06.49Jaxxanzapata.conf ?
04:07.10*** join/#asterisk bigmac4444 (
04:07.22bigmac4444G'day all =)
04:07.30Jaxxanbut that's just for busy/congestion right ?
04:08.03justinu|laptopthere's an alerting in PRI also
04:08.25justinu|laptopIf you set progressinband=never or you don't set anything and let it default, then you do in fact get inband progress (dual ring sound). If you set it to "yes" or "no" then you do NOT get the dual ring sound.
04:08.29justinu|laptopfrom the notes
04:08.35*** join/#asterisk CrummyGummy (
04:09.26justinu|laptopso maybe not priindication
04:09.42justinu|laptopmaybe it's in sip.conf
04:10.21Jaxxani should be able to just stick that in [general] right ?
04:10.25justinu|laptopi think so
04:12.39Jaxxanyup that worked
04:12.47[TK]D-Fenderok, Im done fotr the night.  Later all
04:13.00justinu|laptopgood deal
04:13.25*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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04:17.21autobusits easy creat deadeAGI for wait 2 seconds?
04:17.32autobusits possible help me.
04:20.53justinu|laptopanyone ever use the G() option to app_dial?
04:21.14Jaxxanbadass, thanks justinu
04:23.23Snake-Eyeshi, any one got ideas as to why I would be getting Got SIP response 400 "Bad Request" back on one Asterisk box and not another. I have compared the files (sip.conf, extensions , any one know of any where else I should look?
04:23.46Jaxxancheck your firewall? are you going thru nat ?
04:31.45*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
04:32.45autobusits easy creat deadeAGI for wait 2 seconds?
04:32.50littleballhello, does cisco AS5300 support SIP?
04:32.54autobusits possible help me!
04:39.47papa_esnake, like jaxxan mentioned, it's a network problem
04:40.16papa_eturn on sip debugging and you'll pinpoint it in two seconds
04:40.24Jaxxanautobus: i have no clue what you're asking. rethink and retype your question.
04:40.35SplasPoodlittleball: yes, but cisco's website might be a better place to ask :P
04:43.25Jaxxanlittleball: i got 4 AS5350's as our SIP Media Gateways
04:45.49Jaxxani closed all but 1 trouble ticket today
04:45.54Jaxxani should take tomorrow off
04:45.55justinulucky you
04:47.04watchyanyone here skilled in fxotune?
04:47.19Jaxxanso tomorrow i get to move from wireless backhauls at my residence for internet to our OC3 Fiber... i'm excited.
04:47.26Snake-EyesJaxxan, i have replaced the box eg given it the same ip and everything, only difference is asterisk configs
04:47.56justinuyou have fiber optic termination equipment at home?
04:47.58Jaxxandid you turn on sip debugging like papa_e stated ?
04:48.11Jaxxanjustinu: i have a cell site in my front yard
04:48.25justinuis it yours?
04:48.36Jaxxancompany i work for (=
04:48.41justinuinteresting arrangement
04:48.42Jaxxanmight as well be mine, i have keys
04:49.22Snake-EyesJaxxan, I have even captured the packest, they look almost the same
04:49.26watchyno fxotune masters here?
04:49.50JaxxanSnake-Eyes: if you've ruled out network problems, then you have a problem with your configs somewhere, when does the error occur ?
04:50.02*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
04:50.47shido6i think im getting the hang of this stupid max tnt
04:51.42Snake-EyesJaxxan, The box sends the invite (both invites look the same, maybe some minor diff) then the other side  (pstn termination provider) sends back a 400 "Bad Request" with the one box
04:52.07Snake-Eyesits using sip
04:52.41Snake-EyesI've gone through all the configs and I can't see what might cause this ...
04:53.10Jaxxanso you got an asterisk box trying to send a call to your upstream provider and they're saying 400 bad request ?
04:53.30znoGhow do you know your provider is working OK?
04:53.34papa_esnake, maybe your provider needs to clear the sip registration
04:53.35znoGcan you make a call using a standard SIP client?
04:53.36Snake-Eyeslooked at extensions and sip.conf, wondering if theres some where else I should look
04:53.43Jaxxanand you're sure you got your sip.conf entries are correct for registration ?
04:54.09Snake-Eyesprovider doesnt need/want registration
04:54.21Snake-Eyesit done by IP
04:54.44Jaxxanand you turned your old box off ?
04:54.56Snake-Eyesswapped ips
04:55.08Snake-Eyeswhen ever i put the old box back it works fine
04:55.25Snake-Eyesall sip calls work
04:55.35Jaxxanmaybe arp hasn't updated ?
04:55.39Jaxxani dunno
04:56.02znoGSnake-Eyes: your old box has the same asterisk version running?
04:56.14littleballhello, i am looking for pstn termination in india ocean countries. who has? like Bangladesh and and Sri Lanka
04:56.17Snake-Eyesthis new box has frontend install  on it, that has changed some configs
04:56.22Snake-EyesznoG, yes
04:57.17Jaxxanyou set bindaddr=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX in sip.conf right ?
04:57.19znoGSnake-Eyes: there has to be a difference in the configs .. sip packets are that similar, huh?
04:57.42Snake-Eyesonly thing i can think of is that this new frontend has changed some some where, but i cant find it
04:58.01Snake-EyesJaxxan, bind= for both
04:58.18Jaxxantry binding it to the ip address your provider expects
04:58.24Snake-EyesznoG, yea, i just dont know where it is ;(
04:58.32Snake-EyesJaxxan, ok
04:58.56Jaxxanare you behind a NAT ?
05:00.09Jaxxanif you are make sure you set your externip= and localnet= entries
05:00.18*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
05:00.25Snake-Eyesthe server isnt behind a nat
05:00.45Snake-Eyesbind didnt work ;(
05:01.09justinu|laptopJaxxan: what area are you located in?
05:01.14Jaxxanamerican samoa
05:01.15watchyany fxotune masters here?
05:01.36justinu|laptopcool, interesting place
05:01.54Jaxxanbut i do a job that's more of a hobby and i get paid to play with technology.
05:02.41Jaxxani dunno Snake-Eyes, maybe pastebin your configs
05:02.52Jaxxanand the errors
05:03.18Jaxxani'm going home though, end of the day for me.
05:03.39Jaxxantalk to ya'll later
05:04.29*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (n=mitchelo@
05:05.17Snake-Eyesnoo come back  ;(
05:05.30watchyi have 8 lines hooked up on 2 tdm400s
05:05.40watchythe lines on the first card echo so fucking baddly
05:05.44bigmac4444question please...
05:05.46*** join/#asterisk jontow (
05:06.08watchybut the 2nd card fxotune fixes the echo insanely well
05:06.57bigmac4444can asterisk append numbers to the front of a dialed number before passing to a gateway? eg:   I type 1234 on VoIP phone and asterisk will add 444 in front making it 4441234 then pass that whole number to the gateway?
05:07.13watchyyea i dunno how
05:07.16watchybut thats possible
05:07.24bigmac4444thats a start =) thx
05:07.44watchyim kinda a newbie at stuff like that
05:07.54bigmac4444that makes 2 of us
05:08.18bigmac4444whos joy?
05:08.51Snake-Eyesmwuhaha found the file where the problem is
05:09.00Snake-Eyeshappy = joy
05:10.17*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=Daiyan_C@
05:11.00watchyim about to kill this tdm card
05:11.20bigmac4444found info on append trailing digits, but not leading digits. used to be one called prefix but is obsolete now?
05:12.41watchyecho ratio = 0.0060 (68.1 / 11367.0)
05:12.44watchyis that good?
05:12.48watchyi would think so
05:13.39jbotstriplastdigit is probably ${EXTEN:0:$[${LEN(${EXTEN})} - 1]} , will remove the last digit from EXTEN, making 5551212 become 555121.  Change the "1" to remove more digits.
05:14.09Qwellor am I totally misunderstanding the question?
05:14.24watchyqwell: he wants to add more digits
05:14.37watchylike someone dials 8366666 he wants it to be 4448366666
05:15.09watchyunless im looking at the wrong dudes question
05:15.23watchyqwell: you know anything about tdm cards?
05:20.43jontowhrm.. wtf.. my SPA2002 seems to not work :/
05:21.01jontowwill pickup an IP via DHCP, and I can set it to static via the IVR.. but i can't communicate with it
05:21.58bigmac4444yea, append digits to the front of a dialed number coming into asterisk
05:22.14bigmac4444dial 1234, asterisk adds a leading 444
05:22.28bigmac4444becoming 4441234
05:24.07jontow:( grr
05:24.16jontowi think it may be toast, that sucks
05:31.10bigmac4444ok, thats easy enough, now the leading 0 needs to be dropped before the append.
05:32.59bigmac4444exten => _07X.,4,Dial(SIP/555${EXTEN:0}@${PSTN_GATEWAY},60,tT) - something like that i presume, but i believe the order it works would be incorrect
05:37.10bigmac4444opps, the 0 would be 1 for one leading digit
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06:46.43[hC]anyone here worked with sangoma a200/remora cards?
06:47.33[hC]i am presuming that you have to specifically ask for daughter boards and the backplane connector? they sent me two unique cards instead.
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07:03.55mikasaariHi. I do have Digium TE110P card working with Asterisk. I have configuration which is working nicely with Digium high end card (in different E1 line). The line is configured like bchannels: 1-15,17-30 and dchannel 16. Lower channels are working correctly but when 17-30 channels are used, there is no voice at all. Now the question is, should TE110P card support all those bchannels 1-15 and 17-30 ? (I am big noobie)
07:04.23opus_yeah digium sucks, you should have bought sangoma:)
07:04.48mikasaariIs the reason the digium card, or could it be in the E1 line ?
07:05.04opus_your D channel is fucked up, you should open a ticket with your provider
07:05.12opus_ALSO you are running with Digium
07:05.22mikasaariI opened the ticket
07:05.34opus_switch to sangoma if you are running E1
07:05.45opus_sorry, i probably pissed off a bunch of fan boys
07:05.49mikasaariThey claim that there is configuration fault in our digium configs ( I disagree with them, same configs work in different card)
07:06.01opus_your d channel is misconfigured
07:06.07mikasaarithis is clear !
07:06.09mikasaariThanks a lot
07:06.49oejmikasaari: Do you have the switch on the board set for E1?
07:06.57mikasaarioej, I have yes
07:07.13mikasaarioej, And I used the jumper to enable the E1
07:07.15oejmikasaari: The digium card fully supports PRI over E1, so there has to be a config error
07:07.45oejCheck your zapata conf, that you have correct channel numbers
07:07.55drrayand that ALL channels are configured
07:08.01drrayeven if you are not using them
07:08.15drrayer, all spans
07:08.29oejdrray: Why is that?
07:08.48mikasaarioej, I checked those and all seems to be correctly configured. All channels get up when starting the asterisk
07:08.53oejI just do configure all spans out of habit, but did not know it was a problem
07:09.01opus_oej, i see people are into voodoo when figuring out asterisk problems. that sucks!
07:09.05drrayI had an issue where not configuring a span boned me
07:09.27oejopus_: Well, roll up your sleeves and try to fix it. That's what I did.
07:09.41opus_asterisk is pretty good with error messages -- apparently not that good jesus
07:10.02drrayare you running asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvc
07:10.06oejWell, this could be either zaptel or asterisk
07:10.20opus_drray, you should test more and read more RFCs, what you said is completely illogical. having a configured span on a dead port has NO effect on a good port:)
07:10.42oejWhat RFCs cover that?
07:11.12drrayopus you are probably right, however, when I was having problems getting my PRI working, configuring all the spans solved it
07:11.15opus_oej, it doesn't exist/.
07:11.22opus_oej, but should
07:11.24drrayor my issue went away at teh same damn time
07:11.25mikasaariI fear that in my case the E1 Line is misconfigured (I claim this because they have fixed the line 3 times now and first time they connected the line to wrong place, next time they misconfigured the Node and now they do not want to answer to my calls)
07:11.39*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=Daiyan_C@
07:11.40opus_drray, thats voodoo debugging
07:11.56opus_drray, try the inverse and it wil still be the same.
07:12.21drraywhy would I try the inverse now that my card is working?  isn't that snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?
07:12.29oejmikasaari: Run zttool to see the various lines
07:12.41oejzttool will show you if you have incoming connections on each channel of the E1
07:12.47opus_mikasaari, your D channel is probably line #16 or something misconfigured wrong. read the docs over and over again until you find the problem -- its pretty simple
07:13.07drraymikasarri - are you sure you have a D channel to begin with?
07:13.25opus_drray -- your diagnoistics approach is flawed.  update it:)
07:13.50mikasaariMy D channel is #16. If lower bchannels are working nicely, I thought uppers should work too
07:14.34opus_your upstream provider might try to "correct" the problem which could cause more problems in your testing.. open a ticket with your provider but make sure you understand the documenation 110% before wasting their tim
07:14.40mikasaariAlso all configurations are copied from working environment where is exactly same kind of E1 line, just bigger Digium card
07:14.55kmilitzermikasaari: Do you have the problem in both directions, i.e. incoming calls as well as outgoing?
07:14.57mikasaariopus_, I agree with you
07:16.00opus_<oej> zttool will show you if you have incoming connections on each channel of the E1
07:16.16opus_oej is the top expert here, what ever he saids goes! :)
07:16.50opus_he is more then likely giving you 100% right track to resolution to your problem
07:17.18mikasaarikmilitzer, Hard one. When calling in I can see the span (b channel I think it is) from asterisk debug, but when calling out I think I do not see the span. I think I have to make 30 calls now :)
07:17.47opus_shit, how did i spend $400 in 3 days. fucking worthless usd
07:18.05*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
07:19.22dlynes_homeopus_: in eur?
07:19.38opus_no im in USA
07:19.47oejopus_: I am not an zaptel expert by any means
07:19.49dlynes_homeopus_: no...i meant where you spent $400 in 3 days
07:19.54kmilitzermikasaari: Well, I am not sure how the channel allocation of E1 is working as I only use SS7, but if it the like, then you will need 30 parallel calls ;)
07:20.32oejkmilitzer: which ss7 driver do you use?
07:20.33opus_on the west coast, on stupid shit like dinner for clients and dumb shit
07:20.43mikasaarikmilitzer, I fear that is just like that :/
07:20.44kmilitzeroej: chan_ss7 ... works good
07:20.45dlynes_homeopus_: ah
07:20.52oejkmilitzer: The one?
07:20.54dlynes_homeopus_: phear Canada *blink*
07:20.56kmilitzeroej: Yes
07:20.58mikasaarikmilitzer, At least it seems so when looking the debug screen
07:21.20opus_Cananda? it was 85 all day here :)
07:21.24oejkmilitzer: Thanks for letting me know. People ask me during trainings.
07:21.29opus_Canada sorry
07:21.35dlynes_homeopus_: it's been around that here, too
07:21.45dlynes_homeopus_: i'm in Vancouver, not Toronto
07:21.57kmilitzeroej: If you/people at your training want more info just contact me
07:22.05opus_i work with a guy in Vancouver , which is 12 hours away from where I am at
07:22.32kmilitzermikasaari: Where are you located and what is you telco? Will they be helpful in debugging?
07:23.19mikasaarikmilitzer, I am in Finland. Operator is not willing to do too much at all
07:23.35oejkmilitzer: You work with development of the driver?
07:23.50mikasaarikmilitzer, After 3 weeks of trying to get them to do something, I think I will change the telco
07:24.14kmilitzermikasaari: I know that for ss7 you can and have to do a channel allocation test before taking a line in use. Maybe there is something equal for an E1
07:24.45kmilitzeroej: Mainly I am only working with it, but I submited a few small patches to sifira
07:25.18mikasaarikmilitzer, I reset all channels when starting up the asterisk (tested without reseting as well). 1-15 channels work correctly but still those upper ones won't :(
07:26.12opus_oej, i figured out how to get sip registration to work with exosip
07:26.12*** join/#asterisk nagl (
07:26.14opus_it was pretty easy, you might be interested.
07:26.36kmilitzermikasaari: Sorry, I was a bit unclear. The channel allocation Test is done from the switch side to make sure all bchannels carry voice ... at least in ss7 as I already said
07:28.09mikasaarikmilitzer, My fault (big noobie I am). From switch side, do you mean the switch before my Digium card ?
07:28.36kmilitzermikasaari: switch side = side of the telco
07:28.58mikasaarikmilitzer, Nice nice, ok I will ask this as well from them, if I somehow get them to answer to my calls :)
07:29.27kmilitzermikasaari: Maybe you should first check if something like that is implenetd in E1 definitions
07:29.41mikasaarikmilitzer, I will yes.
07:30.17kmilitzerWilll anyone of you visit Astricon Berlin?
07:31.11opus_<- cluecon
07:31.15opus_2006 :)
07:31.59kmilitzeropus_: Where and what would that be?
07:32.00opus_i'm going to HOPE, then Cluecon, then DEFCON and home
07:32.21*** join/#asterisk Sonderblade (
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07:33.47oejNo, I won't visit any Astricons
07:33.50kmilitzeropus_: cluecon sounds good, but I fear my boss won't like to the idea of a US based conference :(
07:33.59kmilitzeroej: Why?
07:34.14opus_kmilitzer, too bad because USA is about 5 to 10 years ahead of the rest of the world
07:34.44dlynes_homeopus_: so why is it that europe always gets stuff ten years before the US?
07:35.24dlynes_homeI'm still waiting to see a diesel vw gti, or a diesel audi a3
07:35.41kmilitzerWell at least we put more channels on a PRI line and have a better quality of our TV signal ;)
07:35.56opus_we will be manufacturing the algae  that makes your diesel for your audi, you will see
07:36.19kmilitzerdlynes_home: Audi equiped a racing car for Le mans 24 hours race with a Diesel
07:36.40dlynes_homeI'm a major vw nut :)
07:36.58kmilitzerdlynes_home: VW is far too expensive ...
07:37.04dlynes_homethe rabbit's being reintroduced in june
07:37.10opus_i am looking for a mercedes benz  CDI 320 diesel right now myself:) 58mpg
07:37.13dlynes_homeand audi isn't?
07:37.22dlynes_homeaudi way too bloody expensive
07:37.45zoamercedes is for old people
07:37.46dlynes_homeopus_: you mean a benz smart card?
07:37.48dlynes_homeopus_: you mean a benz smart car?
07:37.57opus_no, not the A class (?)
07:38.06opus_the E 320 CDI diesel :)
07:38.15dlynes_homei have no idea wtf that is
07:38.18opus_A class is _banned_ in usa
07:38.18tparcinahi group! hi dlynes
07:38.25dlynes_homethe only benz cdi i know of is the smart car
07:38.35dlynes_homeopus_: why?
07:38.45oejzoa: Oh, have you bought a mercedes now?
07:38.45zoathe A probably doesnt do 3.2 litre :p
07:38.53zoano no
07:38.58zoai drive an old bmw now
07:39.03zoa10 years old
07:39.05tparcinabig discusion about asterisk going on here :))
07:39.26oejPorting Asterisk to the car stereo
07:39.28zoamy onboard computer is running asterisk
07:39.35zoaguess somebody stole it
07:39.40opus_asterisk mpg
07:40.13kmilitzerThere are computers for the slot for the car audio ...
07:40.26opus_dlynes_home, the A calls, more german engineer -- sorry for the spam . bleh
07:40.27kmilitzer... common x86 hardware ... would work for asterisk ;)
07:40.33opus_class sorry
07:40.49opus_hey you guys hear about people hacking into cars via bluetooth??!?
07:41.06opus_apparently it is really happening, via bluetooth snarfing
07:42.36dlynes_homeopus_: why would that make it illegal in the US?
07:44.11opus_emissions regulation
07:44.30opus_or something weird, no idea.
07:44.59dlynes_homeopus_: ah...thought that was only an issue in California and Washington state?
07:45.39opus_depends, Detroit has no emission laws what so ever. you can almost drive without a muffler
07:46.02opus_but to import the car you need to put it through all sorts of regulatatory tests
07:46.16opus_for example, here we do not have a Nissan Skyline
07:46.44opus_becuase apparently Nissan decided it wasn't profitable to crash test one for the testing and put it in the market for general purchases
07:47.04*** join/#asterisk psk (
07:47.24dlynes_homenissan skyline's only in Asia, isn't it?
07:49.12opus_who would want to crash one into a wall:)
07:49.22dlynes_homeCrash Test Dummies
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07:52.45DimitrisCreteHerhello. Can someone help make capi to work (a@h). I have an ISDN AVM B1 active card.
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08:03.14DimitrisCreteHerHello. Can someone help me to make CAPI to work ?
08:03.36dlynes_homeAsterisk: The Open Source PBX -=-  || FreePBX/AMP/Asterisk@Home Users should join #FreePBX for assitance
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08:04.23dlynes_homeDimitrisCreteHer: The reason we don't usually help A@H users in here is because the configuration files are all configured kinda weird
08:06.02DimitrisCreteHerI don't care abour a@h configuration files. I just want my centos to have capi support
08:08.07shido6i retract that statement
08:08.14shido6the max tnt is kicking my ass
08:10.12Sonderbladeis there a way to put the stuff you can write in the [general] section of extensions.conf into extensions.ael?
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08:15.39autobusits easy creat deadeAGI for wait 2 seconds?
08:15.40autobusits possible help me!
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08:28.54Splatanyone able to give me a hint on weather or not I want to "Build optimized CAPI driver without CAPI manager?" with my Eicon Diva BRI 2m adapter?
08:31.10chapeaurougehi all.. how can i find out which codec was used for a particular phone call?
08:31.44Shaun2222anybody know of a solution for ztdummy needing rtc?  in Xen rtc wont load.
08:32.37*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
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08:36.52litagewhen writing settings in sip.conf, is it okay to put quotes around each setting's value? eg:       useragent   =   "Asterisk 1"
08:39.42opus_litagen, no
08:39.52opus_wait, maybe
08:40.00opus_try experimenting.. learn gdb
08:40.12opus_<Snake-Eyes:#ser> have you made the trusted file and put your details in there
08:40.12opus_<DimitrisCreteHer> hello. Can someone help make capi to work (a@h). I have an ISDN AVM B1 active card.
08:40.12opus_*** Signoff: psk ("Client exiting")
08:40.12opus_<rkr245:#ser> Snake_Eyes:just now i enabled mediaproxy and its running fine
08:40.12opus_<rkr245:#ser> so can i remove those lines from my configuration?
08:40.12opus_*** tessier_ has left channel #asterisk because ("Leaving")
08:40.14opus_*** tessier_ has left channel #ser because ("Leaving")
08:40.16opus_*** L|NUX (n=linux@ has joined channel #asterisk
08:40.18opus_*** motu (n=motu@ has joined channel #asterisk
08:40.20opus_<Snake-Eyes:#ser> these lines: <rkr245> if (!is_uri_host_local()) if (is_from_local() || allow_trusted()) {
08:44.11*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
08:45.37autobusits easy creat deadeAGI script for wait 2 seconds?
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08:47.42Sonderbladehave anyone encountered this bug or know a workaround for it?
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08:50.20FaithfulWhy is it when my router drops out momentarily the * has to be rebooted?
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08:50.56oejlitage: Wrong channel, read topic and ask for help in #freepbx
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08:53.49xbit`rxfax, txfax supports fax relay?
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09:12.40sshadowhi, is anybody  using Druid?
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09:13.47AlexUh, if you have one phone registered with one asterisk, and then bring up a different asterisk but using the same user/pass, on a different box.. and register the phone with the new asterisk.. howcome the phone still receives incoming calls form the old one?
09:13.52AlexIs it due to the phone staying registered?
09:14.10ZeeekIAX or SIP?
09:14.34Zeeekthere should be an unregister option somewhere
09:14.47Zeeekin phone config
09:14.53AlexThanks Zeeek.
09:15.03ZeeekI should say the *may* be
09:15.10AlexI suppose I could just reboot the phone
09:15.35Zeeekif it's a sipura that'd be the best way - takes about 8 seconds
09:16.31Zeeekoej that is not swenglish!
09:16.45oejMe bad
09:16.56Zeeekanyway I'm talking fargo
09:17.04Zeeekyaaaa... ok then...
09:17.41Zeeekthe formal name may be scandahoovian, actually
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09:29.41oelewapperkehow do I get asterisk to NOT require authentication from a certain peer ?
09:29.49oelewapperkeI need 2 things
09:29.58oelewapperkeit DOES need to authenticate when calling to that peer
09:30.08oelewapperkebut is MUST NOT require authentication back
09:32.24RoyKoelewapperke: insecure=very
09:33.01RoyKoelewapperke: that is, you need a 'user' and a 'peer' with different auth settings
09:33.14oelewapperkeand I need the user to authenticate ?
09:33.18oelewapperkeor the peer ?
09:35.20oelewapperkeRoyK: ?
09:36.29autobusits possible, make one wait after one hungap command?
09:36.35autobusfor make more intructions?
09:37.26autobusafter no sorry!
09:37.49autobusfor example:
09:37.50autobusexten => 100,1,Set(CALLER=${CALLERID(num)})
09:37.50autobusexten => 100,2,Hangup()
09:37.50autobusexten => h,1,Wait(10)
09:37.50autobusexten => h,1,System(/var/lib/asterisk/scripts/ ${CALLERID(num)})
09:37.55jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
09:40.53RoyKautobus: the second should be exten => h,2,.....
09:41.13autobusyes. i have correct in extensions.conf!
09:41.27autobusand h,2
09:41.38autobusbut wait not function
09:42.17sergeyHi How make all number exept 71 as first dialed digits?
09:45.15RoyKautobus: ???
09:45.18RoyKsergey: wot?
09:45.56autobusRoyK wait command no function.
09:46.15autobusexecute the 100,2,Hangup()
09:46.32autobusand no wait 10 seconds for next command.
09:46.38RoyKautobus: pastebin the verbose output
09:46.41jbothmm... pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use
09:47.16RoyKalso, I'd rather put the pause in the callback script
09:47.32RoyKalso, use AGI instead of System :)
09:48.34sergeyRoyK, sorry my mistake
09:49.31autobusRoyK its possible you give me one example of the script?
09:49.57RoyKsee the example scripts in the source
09:54.16Zeeeksee RoyK
09:55.11Zeeekjbot sucks rocks
09:58.10*** join/#asterisk mut (n=animenod@
09:59.56jbotfrom memory, p2bin is a script to paste to the from the standard input (linux/unix CLI) . Can be fetched from
10:04.03*** join/#asterisk stoffell_h (
10:05.44BugKhamhow to see codec used by an active channel?
10:06.04BugKhamfrom CLI, for example
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10:08.45chapeaurougecat your_file | ./
10:11.24ZeeekBugKham show the channel
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10:12.21tparcinahi group!
10:18.28tparcinahas anybody have this problem - Maximum retries exceeded on transmission; Hanging up call 6cebaaec71cb9b5d670018b026076fdc@ - no reply to our critical packet.
10:21.01Sonderbladei have one extensions.ael and one extensions.conf is there an easy way in asterisk to switch between the two dial plans?
10:27.03mutah man
10:27.07mutmornin shift ugh
10:27.22muti've been playing with a spider crawling on my montior for 15 min now
10:27.33mutchasing it with the mouse cursor
10:28.13Zeeekkeeping busy?
10:28.34muti can't remote into one of the servers, max sessions
10:28.40RoyKSonderblade: both are parsed to asterisk's dialplan
10:28.52muti dun feel like walking back there and killing off sessions at the console either
10:28.58muttoo cold
10:29.14SonderbladeRoyK: so what happens if you have the same contexts and extensions in both files?
10:29.28Zeeekwhere is it cold in this season?
10:29.47RoyKSonderblade: probably the same as happens if you have double up in extensions.conf
10:29.48mutin an airconditioned server room
10:29.58RoyKZeeek: norway
10:29.59mutand outside...
10:30.01ZeeekSonderblade a reason for doing that would be interesting. What is it?
10:30.20ZeeekRoyK well it is only about 15C here
10:30.21RoyKZeeek: 12 degrees and light rain
10:30.35RoyKwell, not rain now. we've even seen the sun today
10:30.58Zeeeklooked like rain today but so far none - join #weather
10:31.16SonderbladeZeeek: i have a good dialplan in extensions.conf but i want to make a new one using the AEL syntax in extensions.ael
10:31.19muttodays high is supposed to be 15 here
10:31.25muti doubt it'll reach that
10:32.06*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
10:33.13RoyKhi puzzled
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10:35.35tparcinai gota this real big problem that hang's up my calls. can sombody take a look and sugest anything? -
10:37.03tparcinaRoyK, i have mentioned to you yesterday that you should mouve to some not so well organized country on south of europ :))
10:37.19tparcinanad you could be swimming now :)
10:37.26tparcinaand you could be swimming now :)
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10:52.44ZeeekSonderblade use includes in extensions.conf to add and remove "conflciting" extensions
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10:54.19SonderbladeZeeek: is there a command for including extensions.ael in extensions.conf?
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10:55.09Zeeekno, I don't think so. I just meant, put the doubled ones in an include and change that each time. Personally I don't use AEL. I think it will eventually evolve, maybe. Right now I don't need it
10:55.20*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
10:55.26TagorI've a very strange problem:
10:55.41TagorSince yesterday I have problems with calls. If someone calls me or I call him I don't hear anything
10:55.51TagorThough the IVR and voicemail work fine
10:55.59TagorInternal echo test also works fine
10:56.08TagorAny idea how this is caused?
10:56.43ZeeekTagor what happened yesterday to make the behavior change?
10:56.49*** part/#asterisk sternn (
10:56.57TagorI haven't changed anything
10:57.29TagorI suddenly got this problem. The only thing I know is that there was a very short energy interuption
10:57.32Zeeekit's just a machine, it can't be sick or anything like that. What protocol, what provider, what phone, what network setup, what NAT etc etc
10:57.35TagorSo the server had to be restarted
10:57.55TagorBut I didn't change anything in the configs
10:58.40TagorSIP, 12connect, Grandstream GXP 2000 also tried X-lite, phone connects to asterisk server and asterisk server connects to provider, DMZ to the server
10:59.14TagorAsterisk also records the call. I noticed that all files are 44 bytes
10:59.17ZeeekTagor you'll have to sip debug and see what happens
11:00.02TagorThe normal procedure, it says ringing then it says ok and then when I hangup it says 'normal hangup'
11:00.20SonderbladeZeeek: well AFAIK, you can't mix "regular" asterisk dialplan syntax with AEL syntax
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11:01.11ZeeekSonderblade no you can't. I meant remove the conflicting ones, comment them out in the include. Nevermind, it's too hard to explain. Bottom line, it doesn't work the way you want
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11:05.40ZeeekTagor can you try another provider?
11:05.51Zeeektry FWD or sipgate free
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11:07.25Zeeeksince the echo test works, it seems to be on the incoming/outgoing end, not within you * setup
11:15.00BugKhamZeek, which of the show channel output indicates codec used?
11:16.02BugKhamZeek, looks like it's different btw Zap and SIP chans also
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11:16.58Zeeekdo a sip show channels
11:18.07Zeeekor ZAP show channel 5
11:20.01BugKhamhmm, it says nothing about codecs
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11:20.20Zeeekmaybe you got a bad asterisk
11:20.28BugKhamoh, i see it now
11:20.37BugKhamDefault law:?
11:21.56*** join/#asterisk Tagorr (
11:22.03TagorrNot sure whether you get this message:
11:22.06TagorrZeeek >> I found the problem which I had before. For some reason it stops transmitting sound after a specific date. I had this in February too. I just set date to 2001 and everything works fine
11:22.08TagorrAnyone an idea what this stupid asterisk millenium bug is caused by?
11:24.20Delvaryeah in the mailing lists there was an unsign/signd integer mixup... should be fixed in 2.5.7 and trunk
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11:32.05Splatanyone here using Eicon Diva Server cards and have a 100 number indial range?
11:32.53Szolkehi all. We have a configuration problem. We would like to register our client (PC) to our server (PC) with SIP. the client send the register request but it cant get back nothing.
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11:34.32Szolkethe client get this message: Jan  2 00:04:00 WARNING[186]: chan_sip.c:9760 handle_response_register: Got 404 Not found on SIP register to service, giving up
11:35.59znoGthere's no real hunt groups in Asterisk, right? they just need to be configured in the dial plan as needed
11:36.34coppicewhy does that make them less than real?
11:37.13znoGit doesn't, really, in most PBXs you can say .. "add hunt group <ext>" and define the list of extensions
11:37.27znoGwhere in *, you have to set it up in the dial plan, but it works the same.
11:38.36Malthuslooks like a hunt group, acts like a hunt group, hunts like a hunt group :)
11:39.00znoGoh wait.. it IS a hunt group!
11:39.55Malthussuppose someone wrote an * frontend that acted just like that, and you never knew about extensions.conf?
11:40.03Malthuswhat mighty matters we ponder :P
11:45.04*** join/#asterisk miguel3239 (
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11:54.49xhelioxStupid question: When someone dials a phone number out of the Asterisk box, and then they want to enter dtmf tones for menu selections --- Asterisk intercepts those, so they're not sent properly to the remote end... how can I isolate the dtfm so it's sent to the remote end, and not Asterisk after a call has been placed?
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11:56.54coppicewhy is it called a hunting group? shouldn't it be a hunting pack?
11:58.56Sonderbladeis there a program that can generate asterisks conf files for you?
11:59.26RoyKyes, vim
11:59.55coppicewill only vim work? what about ajax?
12:02.50chapeaurougeanyone know how i can tell which codec a phone is using/has used?
12:03.17RoyKsip show channels ?
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12:05.16chapeaurougeRoyK, thx.
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12:13.08eipiwhy i can't compile asterisk-addons? I'm receiving this error: from format_mp3.c:20: /usr/include/asterisk/strings.h:264: error: syntax error before "__extension__"?
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12:30.59SzolkeCan you help me to configure sip peers?
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12:54.44autobuswhen i user hangup script, i think the call hungap now right?
12:54.55autobusi have another instruction in next lines
12:55.36autobusbut the call only hangup when conclude the all introctions
12:56.27*** join/#asterisk esculapio__ (i=elvyn@
13:00.36*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
13:01.16DovidHi all
13:01.33DovidCan anyone help me with System() and ssh ?
13:03.06*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
13:05.33DovidAnyone awake here ?
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13:08.49RoyKDovid: use agi instead. far better
13:08.49*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (n=Ariel@
13:09.10DovidI am bad with agi. I dont know scripting well
13:09.50DovidDo u know where I can find an example that has ssh
13:10.09DovidI am tryin to write a script that will ssh into a diffrent server and reboot it etc.
13:11.05*** join/#asterisk keyhack (n=keyhack@
13:11.11RoyKSystem(ssh someserver /sbin/reboot)
13:11.47DovidWhere do I pur in the root and pass ?
13:11.57shiznatixin won
13:12.27DovidSystem(ssh /sbin/reboot) ?
13:13.10RoyKdocelm0: no... you need to use signed keys - you can't pass the password like that. also, i'd say better use another user and add sudo access
13:13.45RoyKssh-keygen -t dsa and copy the .ssh/ file to the destination server's .ssh/authorized_keys
13:13.48RoyKrtfm :)
13:14.12DovidI am still learnin linuz
13:14.29JimmyCarterIs it possible to make attended transfer via the Manager API?
13:15.06*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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13:19.39cytrakcan someone please help me out on this ... I have tried so many things to improve my sound quality and still is crapy as hell  ->
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13:20.18cytrakI'm talking about when I call from my iax idefisk phone to a cell or a landline phone
13:20.45Flautois there a way to set expiry for individul register?
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13:21.41cytrakmy voice volume sounds pretty low and when my iax client doesn't speak I hear scrachy noises
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13:22.14mitkawhats up
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13:22.30mitkaflauto how large is ur asterisk
13:22.32mitkaset p
13:22.49Flautoit is not large
13:23.00Kattythe only type you should type 'ur' is when you're referencing the Land of Ur.
13:23.05Flautobut i do have multiple sip registers
13:23.43mitkahmmm..multple sip registers...
13:23.51mitkawhta is that exactly
13:24.02mutsux to the land of ur
13:24.05Flautoone of them needs expiry=3600
13:24.19Flautobut one of them would not work with expiry=3600
13:25.58mitkaany idea what type of processor should i get to asterisk to support 200 extensions
13:26.25Flautoi really don't know
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13:26.31tzangermitka: start out with a regular old P4 as fast as you can sanely get, with a half gig of memory and regular IDE disk
13:26.42tzangersee how it goes, and do your own testing.  "200 extensions" says nothing
13:26.44Flautothe most extensions that i have are less than 10
13:27.09tzangerbut a regular old P4 system is a GREAT way to start.  it's not a wasted investment and it's relatively cheap
13:27.17kay2what is needed to leave a video voicemail ?
13:27.17cytrakany ideas on how to improve sound quality ?
13:27.22tzangeror AMD.  don't bugger around with Xeons or x86-64 until you can see you need it
13:27.59[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : Whatever time it takes YOU to code it.
13:28.47coppicewhat's a video voicemail? sign language? :-\
13:28.49mitkaok...thanks for the info
13:29.16[TK]D-Fendercoppice : Beware of BRAILLE!
13:29.46[TK]D-FenderTTT?  Text-To-Touch? :)
13:29.48mitkawhat type of codec are you using current
13:29.51Flautohi coppice, tkd good morning
13:30.08mitkawhich u all recommend
13:31.08tzanger[TK]D-Fender: text-to-text :-)
13:31.19bkw_isn't that what SMS is?
13:31.39coppiceSMS is fiddly thumbs to text
13:31.51tzangercoppice: heh
13:31.57ManxPowercytrak, What is the nature of the bad audio?
13:32.43mitkaanyone know whats the best codec
13:32.44coppiceFlauto: hi
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13:32.56coppicemitka: FLAC
13:32.57ManxPowercytrak, also put your /etc/zaptel.conf on pastebin
13:33.26ManxPowercytrak, volume is controled by rxgain and txgain
13:33.32jaybuffeti have a question, before i go replacing all these phones... is there a way to use our existing samsung prostar dcs system with asterisk ?
13:33.42tzangerjaybuffet: ahh, integration
13:33.55Flautocoppice, is there a way to set one of the registers to a certain expiry?
13:33.56tzangerjaybuffet: depends on what level you want.  I am half-assed integrating a Norstar MICS with Asterisk
13:34.11jaybuffettzanger: how so?
13:34.35tzangerjaybuffet: Asterisk - PRI - MICS
13:34.52tzangerthe MICS can have the PRI as TIE trunks or just external trunks (I'm using the latter)
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13:35.27jaybuffettzanger: do you lose some functionality
13:35.36ManxPowertzanger, how much would the software upgrade be to use the PRU as TIE trunks?
13:35.38tzangerjaybuffet: no, but you don't get all the features of * in the MICS
13:36.09tzangerManxPower: well I can use it as TIE right now, but I lose the ability to route outgoing calls through the PRI then (TIE = remote "internal" network IIRC)
13:36.24ManxPowertzanger, Ah.
13:36.35tzangerI have an MCDN license which will consolidate the PRI for external and remote internal calls, but it runs a proprietary signalling protocol called SL1
13:37.15tzangerif I had another MICS with that license I could theoretically reverse-engineer it by putting a 2-port Digium card in the middle and DACSing the channels and just monitoring the traffic, but time is something I'm very short on
13:37.57ManxPowertzanger, if you DACS Asterisk can't touch the DACS'd channels
13:38.14tzangerManxPower: no, but the zaptel driver can
13:38.25tzangerthe DACSing is done just to monitor, not mangle
13:38.26ManxPowertzanger, if you had another PRI port on the MICS.....
13:38.41ManxPowertzanger, monitor in what way?
13:38.43tzangeronce I have enough of the protocol figured out I can remove the DACS and see if I can get * to play nice and pretend it's a mICS
13:38.51tzangerManxPower: yeah, but DTIs are expensive as hell
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13:39.05ManxPowerah, to write a SL1 channel driver?
13:39.14tzangerManxPower: no, just add sl1 to libpri
13:39.14ManxPowertzanger, you can find them cheaper on eBay
13:39.20tzangerManxPower: true enough
13:39.49ManxPowerI would have done that, but I'm sure our Nortel is not licensed for PRI or T-1
13:40.38SzolkeCan you help me to register two asterisk with SIP?
13:41.31tzangeroh yeah you need the license for the DTI too
13:41.33tzanger*rolls eyes*
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13:45.20jaybuffetare most of you guys in the telephony industry, or where do you learn about all this stuff ?
13:46.24tzangerjaybuffet: a lot of us have had some kind of telephony experience, but I think most of us are just tinkerers
13:46.27Flautoi think some of them are pros
13:46.44tzangerI designed and helped run a 30k-user dialup ISP for a few years
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13:47.02tzangerand I design industrial hardware and software (not at all related to telephony) fora living
13:47.19mitkamust be expert....
13:48.40tzangerno I'm no expert, I just have some experience and I'm tenatious as hell
13:49.37jaybuffetyeah.. i'm getting a little overwhelmed here...  sure replacing the existign phon system with an asterisk sol would probably be easy enough, but in trying to save money, maybe there is a way to use existing equipment, then you mention integration, and i'm like.. uhhh.. ok
13:49.53tzangerjaybuffet: the easiest thing to do is trash the existing system
13:50.17jaybuffettzanger: but generally not the most cost effective
13:50.18tzangerhowever most business spend around $15-20k on their phones and to get rid of them without knowing they'll like the new one gives anyone the screaming heebie-jeebies
13:50.31jaybuffettzanger: exactly
13:50.32tzangerjaybuffet: so generally you start out small
13:50.35jake1932jaybuffet: is it a digital PBX system, or IP based?
13:50.53jaybuffetjake1932: digital PBX
13:50.56tzangerI started out by adding 4 analog trunk lines to our MICS and routing them into a TDM400 with 4 FXS ports.
13:50.59ManxPowerI used to manage techops for a small ISP that did PRI ISDN, Dialup, and DSL.  After than I did tech consulting on LAN/WAN for about 10 years.
13:51.16tzangerthen I programmed the MICS that any long distance call was to use Trunk B lines, and any local call was to use Trunk A lines
13:51.32brif8I have DNIS enabled.  exten => mynumber,1,Macro(Inbound)   then in [macro-inbound] I have  exten => s,1,Answer ...  How can I in [macro-inbound] see mynumber, (which number was called) and how I got to [macro-inbound] ?
13:51.34tzanger(trunk A = the 12 POTS lines from the telco, trunk B = the 4 POTS "lines" from Asterisk)
13:51.34jake1932jaybuffet: yeah - could be real expensive to try to make use of existing phones
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13:51.55tzangerthat was very simple integration and let me experiment with VOIP
13:52.01ManxPowerbrif8, you didn't read README.variables did you?
13:52.06mitkawhats MICS??
13:52.37jaybuffetseems to be nortel proprietary stuff
13:52.41tzangerno voicemail or anything
13:52.57tzangerbut it let me experiment
13:53.17tzangerand I could get a DID and ring one of those 4 lines and the receptionist would pick up since as far as the MICS was concerned, it was just another line ringing
13:53.48tzangerthen I got a channel bank and pulled all the POTS lines from the telco into * and ran all the FXS ports into the MICS
13:54.04tzangerso every single call went through asterisk, even if it would just bounce through the CB and go out to the telco again
13:54.17tzangerwhen we moved, we got a PRI and plugged it into asterisk
13:54.27tzangerand then got a PRI module for the MICS and plugged it into asterisk
13:54.41jaybuffettzanger: seems simple enough :-/
13:54.42tzanger(same as the channel bank solution, but cheaper and more powerful)
13:54.59tzangerthe MICS can assign DIDs to specific extensions
13:55.07tzangerso I assigned our main # to the reception phone as usual
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13:55.31tzangerbut then created "fake" DIDs of 0000XXX where XXX = the extension # -- so I can ring any extension directly from Asterisk by dialing 0000+extension
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13:55.46tzangerit's cheap integration... the MICS still thinks it's an extenral call so it's not true integration
13:56.09tzangerbut it'll let me add a few polycom phones to Asterisk and mostly have them ork and feel like internal extensions
13:56.27tzangeri.e. the MICS has a dialplan that 8XX dials out the PRI.  Asterisk sees a call to 8XX and calls one of hte polycoms
13:56.48tzangerand the polycoms dial 2XX to reach our norstar extensions... asterisk sees a 2xx and dials the PRI 00002xx
13:57.06tzangerstill can't do voicemail or call parking or anything, but it's getting closer
13:57.20tzangernorstar really ties your hands behind your back because they do NOT want you doing this
13:57.40ManxPowertzanger, do you ever do consulting on nortel stuff?
13:57.56tzangerManxPower: a little
13:58.22ManxPowerbecause your MICS stuff is pretty much what we want to do, but don't know of any decent local nortel people that have any understanding of what we want.
13:58.36coppicemerdian option 11..... er, sorry, meridian catch 22 :-)
13:58.45ManxPowerthe last consultant quoted us 15 hours to just route 30xx calls out the CO ports.
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13:58.54tzangermy current norstar projects include screwing with an MCK telebridge I got from an anonymous source and hacking the TE405 to do optical interconnects so I can truly replace the KSU
13:58.58tzanger15 HOURS?
13:59.09tzangerwith a FastRAD it's an hours worth of work for 100 extensions
13:59.11tzanger(at least on PRI)
13:59.34ManxPowertzanger, yeah, he was going to manually program every 31xx combo 30xx
13:59.51lunkeven a bash loop would be faster than that
14:00.44tzangeron a M7234 (I think that's the model of the phone, 24 soft buttons, 2 line display) it would take no more than 2 or 3 hours
14:00.50ManxPowerActually we wanted 2xxx - 7xxx to go out the CO port, 1xx to stay the way it is (1xx are current nortel extensions)
14:00.51tzangerit's only a hundred DNs
14:01.12ManxPowertzanger, no wildcards?
14:01.20tzangeractually you don't even do that, you use a wildcard (create a dial rule)
14:01.35tzangeryou create a call routing table if you don't already have one
14:02.13ManxPowertzanger, can you do it via the modem/serial port on the system?
14:02.35tzangerI have 9XXXXXXX go out PRI-A, 911/9911 go out PRI-A, 91XX... and 90XX... to go out the same interface...  it should NOT be difficult to set up
14:02.41tzangerManxPower: you need a RAD/FastRad
14:02.57ModcutsAny reason why if you log in via ssh and don't allow root login and switch user you can't use asterisk console?
14:02.57ManxPowertzanger, what is that?
14:02.57tzangerthe serial port on the system is retarded IIRC
14:03.03tzangerManxPower: little gray box like an ATA but with a serial port instead of an FXS port
14:03.31ManxPowertzanger, well I think there is a modem on the system currently.
14:03.31ManxPowerdon't know much else about it.
14:04.29mitkais it possible to use ip phones but connect it with different wire than lan cable
14:04.42*** part/#asterisk Siarom (
14:04.45mitkabecause if i use analog phones the wire are much thinner
14:05.02ManxPowermitka, no.  If you did that then it would not be an IP phone.
14:05.05tzangermitka: not really, just 802.11. :-)  what kind of connection do you want? ThickNet?
14:05.22tzangeror token ring
14:05.34ManxPowertzanger,  pervert
14:05.57tzangerManxPower: :-)
14:06.23mitkais there alternative for lan cable...
14:06.35tzangermitka: such as? my building wiring with lan cable is difficult as 100 extension are need
14:07.07mitkato set uyp
14:07.08coppicehey, there's product differentiation for you. a VoIP phone with BNC and token ring connectors instead of RJ45
14:07.19coppiceyou could throw in an AUI too
14:07.32zoahaha :)
14:07.34mitkado u have the website
14:09.40tzangermitka: well then no
14:09.53tzangermitka: use regular PSTN phones and channel banks... (eww)
14:10.13tzangeror use something like a citel gateway for the existing phones, but that's kind of stinky too
14:10.17mitkayeah...guess thats the only choice...but sip phones...have many other features
14:10.28mitkalike text message...caller id
14:11.18tzangerif you can't rewire the building then you're going ot have to look at alternatives
14:11.29tzangerdo you have cat5 going ot ever desk already?
14:11.44tzangerif so, you can "cheat" as most phones have built in switches... you plug the phone into the LAN, and the computer into the phone
14:11.51tzangerI never really liked that though, but that's just me.  I'm a bit of a purist
14:12.44*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
14:13.07mercestesyea, rebooting the phone kicks the comp off the Internet but other than pretty ok.
14:13.31mercestesyou can also buy littlke linksys 4 port switches and dump them all over the building
14:13.53mercestesso wherever you have 1 wire you suddenly have 3.
14:13.54mitkaok...good ideas
14:13.55Quensioncat5 can serve multiple purposes if it's just an issue of how much to run
14:14.26Quensionyou can take lines that aren't used for ethernet and run phone over them
14:14.36Quensionup to 4 pairs
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14:15.16mitkai am not going to ptovide internet or internet the only purpose is for calling
14:15.17Quensionsometimes you can get away with two 100basetx runs on a single cat5 as well
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14:15.33QuensionI meant classic analog phone with the 4 pair thing, that wasn't clear
14:15.52mitkais there something simpler such to support only calling...
14:16.03mitkabut classic phones
14:16.13mitkadoesnt support advance features
14:16.21Quensionyeah, it doesn't directly answer your question
14:16.39QuensionI was just mentioning it in case it proved useful
14:16.46*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
14:16.52tzangerQwell: you mean 2 pairs
14:16.55tzangerbut I don't recommend that
14:17.39mitkathe only choice i have now to have analog phones with 2 pair wire
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14:17.49mitkabeing lookin for alternative...
14:17.49Quensionyeah, it's a hack and can easily have issues with long runs
14:18.07Quensionbesides confusing the hell out of anyone who has to maintain it later ;)
14:18.29mitkais it possible to connect ip phones with nornal analog phone line
14:18.52mitkathe nornal copper wire
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14:19.39Quensionno, there's nothing pratical that would work for that, that I know of
14:22.54*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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14:24.06tzangermitka: no not really.  you can screw with networking over phonelines type of equipment but you will just end up disappointed
14:25.09*** join/#asterisk John-Z (
14:25.24John-ZWow, this channel is popular!
14:25.25mitkahow do i interconnect two asterisk system in 2 separtate building
14:25.30zoaits all because of me
14:25.35zoathey are all my groupies
14:25.38John-ZReally.. wow.
14:25.38zoaespecially tzanger
14:25.51mitkai heard could be done with iax2 trunking
14:25.54zoawatch out for my special charms
14:25.58John-ZI'm in the process of setting up my first Asterisk system.. thought I would lurk a moment.
14:26.01zoamitka: yes can be done
14:26.08Zeeekzoa you going to astricon? What city?
14:26.16zoaJohn-Z: asterisk is very popular, hence the amount of people here
14:26.18mitkabut will iax2 work without internet
14:26.18tzangerno, I'm oej's groupie, sorry
14:26.20unixgeekmitka: yes, you will want to use iax2 to connect between asterisk boxes.
14:26.24zoazeeek, i dont know yet, i would go for the people
14:26.29zoabut if its in several cities
14:26.31tzangermitka: it's easy
14:26.33zoathey will all be very small
14:26.36tzangerI've done it dozens of times
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14:26.46zoaso i will loose a fortune and see only few people if i go
14:26.48Zeeekzoa certainly, but then you can mingle better :)
14:26.50tzangeryou create a sip or iax2 connection between them and just route the calls
14:26.53zoabut i will try to arrange something
14:26.58zoadunno yet
14:26.59Zeeekcome to Paris
14:27.01zoawill need to see
14:27.07zoaparis or berlin seem the cheapest to me
14:27.10Zeeekyou're not far are you?
14:27.11zoaas i can easily drive there
14:27.16mitkaits within the same city
14:27.18zoaparis = 3 hours drive
14:27.21mitkasama rea
14:27.22brif8ManxPower: ok I found the ${DNID} variable.  If I'm using this as part of the file name to monitor/record a call  how can I find what extension actually answers the call, seeing multiple extensions ring when the number is dialed ?
14:27.26Zeeekdrive? That means burning gas! polluting the planet!
14:27.32russellbzoa: hey!
14:27.34mr_horsepowerparis = 17h drive! :D
14:27.47Zeeekor 1244 hours from L.A.
14:27.52John-ZParis is a 10 hour plane trip from here.. :)
14:27.55John-ZDont feel so bad.
14:28.13Zeeekparis is a one minute trip down two floors
14:28.33russellbzoa: I hope to start focusing on the new jitterbuffer next week, with the plan to get it merged by the end of the month
14:28.34Zeeekquick someone give me the best RSS URI you have on anything
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14:30.07zoarussellb, cool
14:30.16zoaplease let me know if you find such timestamp problems
14:30.29zoawe use it in production without issues
14:30.33zoabut roy has issues with it
14:31.53*** part/#asterisk sshadow (
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14:32.50russellbwill do ... RoyK seems to quite often have problems that nobody else ever sees :)
14:32.54*** join/#asterisk C4T3l (n=rcall01@
14:32.55vooduhalHow would one call "agent logoff Agent/1234" via agi?
14:33.04vooduhalExec doesn't see agent as an application.
14:33.40jaybuffetcould someone that knows something tell me what this does (   I talked to the guy that installed our existing phone system, and he said we would need that to use our existing phone system for voip... would this tie into asterisk in someway or would this be in place of asterisk.. again.. i'm confused
14:34.16tzangerjaybuffet: typically speaking (I have not looked at the link) any vendor's solution to "bring VOIP to the system" is proprietary and hard to use with asterisk.
14:34.32jaybuffettzanger: thats what i am affraid of
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14:35.39tzangerthat link is for an entire PBX, not just a card to enable VOIP
14:36.19triple-evmail.cgi is broken
14:36.38jaybuffettzanger: ok so it replaces asterisk then...
14:36.58C4T3ljbot are you there? who is mercestes?
14:37.01triple-eit shows the vm file as being broken or unavailable
14:37.24triple-ewhen i go into the vm direcotory it shows the file as not being readable
14:37.44triple-eand owned by root
14:37.55triple-ehow did i hose that up, :-)
14:38.22tzangerjaybuffet: it's an entire PBX
14:38.25mercesteschown asterisk vvoicemail file.
14:38.29tzangeri.e. it replaces the system you have now
14:39.01triple-eevery time i get a voicemail its created with the same permisssions level
14:39.15[TK]D-Fendertriple-e : So any good news following the end of that teleconference yesterday?  SIP 2.0, IP 430, /other dates?
14:39.38triple-ejust a mid june release on SIP2.0
14:39.49AlexAnyone know of a SIP client for Symbian 9?
14:40.13MikeJ[Laptop]Alex, the sipx client may work on Symbian.
14:40.14*** join/#asterisk XanaXa (
14:40.17[TK]D-Fendertriple-e : Thats excellent news.  Did you notice anything substantial about it?
14:40.41[TK]D-Fendertriple-e : Like radical redeisn of LCD, etc?
14:40.45AlexThanks, MikeJ[Laptop]
14:40.45triple-ei'll pull it once its available and test it in our lab -- the security seems interesting but something my clients aren't gonna pay to impliment
14:40.50jbothmm... centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernel (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. This is part of the 'kernel-devel' package.
14:41.16triple-eno backlit LCD -- i asked three times if there was a schedule, so did other people so they are getting alot of push back on the back lit LCD
14:41.44XanaXahey guys I have a quick question, how do I allow Asterisk to register devices on multiple subnets?  My asterisk server is on the subnet and I have a phone on the subnet.
14:42.06[TK]D-Fendertriple-e : I meant if SIP.20 was going to change its layout, more than just adding backlight, etc.
14:42.35[TK]D-FenderXanaXa : does your default route on * allow packets to go both ways seamlessly?
14:43.00brif8ManxPower: ok I found the ${DNID} variable.  If I'm using this as part of the file name to monitor/record a call  how can I find what extension actually answers the call, seeing multiple extensions ring when the number is dialed ?
14:43.08XanaXaok I might have asked too soon, default GW is net set in CentOS
14:43.08triple-esecurity stuff, probibly a bunch of bug fix's for them to jump from 1.6 to 2.0 --- i heard from tech that they were fixing my bug
14:43.22[TK]D-FenderXanaXa : if so the only quesion would be if you're using NAT for OUTSIDE connections.  If thats the case then you need only add another localnet clause in SIP.CONF to say that is *also* local.
14:44.09[TK]D-FenderXanaXa : Well without a default route you sure as shit aren't getting very far outside your subnet now are you? :)
14:44.11ManxPowerbrif8, I dunno.  It's in the logs.
14:44.19XanaXabah I feel like a damned idiot but I am glad I found this channel though
14:44.21[TK]D-FenderXanaXa : Or at least a static one!
14:44.30triple-ewhat should the permission settings be on the voicemail directory
14:44.42[TK]D-FenderXanaXa : Don't worry, all SORTS of idiots find this room! ;)
14:44.54triple-e<---- one of them
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14:45.13XanaXait is working fine now, I am new to Asterisk, just got 2 phones and setup a server last night and I love it
14:45.37Sonderbladecan you make an asterisk pattern that matches the same thing that both _XXX and _XXX# matches?
14:46.01[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : You need to match each seperately.
14:46.01brif8ManxPower: I realize it is in the cdr log, but it would be great if the filename showed the extension who answered the call also
14:46.07triple-eTK: can you take a look at your box and tell me your perm's on your voicemail dir
14:46.15Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: why?
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14:46.23ManxPower${EXTEN} contains that info.
14:46.34[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : thats jsut the way * works.  period.
14:46.36ManxPowerOh!  You means the DEVICE!!!!!!!!
14:46.48ManxPowerSince an extension can have 500 devices associated with it
14:47.02Sonderblade* should learn regexps
14:47.13triple-eextension can have 500 devices associcated with it ?
14:47.15[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : you should learn * :)
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14:48.03blitzragethe IP501 screen looks so weird if you look at it from an angle...
14:48.05ManxPowertriple-e, Why would it not?
14:48.17blitzrageits like it projects the pixels
14:48.28blitzragebut if you look at it from an angle, you can see double pixels
14:48.42[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : its the "double-glass" effect...
14:48.43triple-ei don't know how to do that -- im hoping you can point me to something that i can learn something
14:48.48[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : ! ! !
14:48.53blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: yah -- I don't remember seeing that on my IP500
14:49.05blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: god, I could go for some of that this weekend
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14:49.20ManxPowerexten => 122,1,Dial(Zap/1&SIP/abcd&MGCP/fred&Zap/4&Zap/5....
14:49.22brif8ManxPower: device/extension  when the number is called  (dial,SIP/100,SIP/200,SIP/300,,Ttr)   any of the three can answer. this is only known when the call is picked by eg 200. If I put ${EXTEN} in the file name  I don't know that since the call has not been answered when monitor starts
14:49.40blitzragebrif8: that's incorrect syntax
14:49.50ManxPowerbrif8, wrong.  The call is NOT PICKED UP BY EXTENSION 200!!!!!!
14:50.01ManxPowerThe call is picked up by the device with SIP user id 200
14:50.07C4T3lshould use &
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14:50.25ManxPowerI think brif8 is using some silly macro for his example.
14:50.30brif8ManxPower: ok my mistake,  ok then how do I find the device ID then of who answered the call
14:50.40triple-eManxPower:  I see what you were talking about, I guess i was dreaming of a multicast one to many call
14:50.45ManxPowerbrif8, now you are asking the right question.  I have no idea.
14:51.07ManxPowerWe use the MAC address for the SIP user ID so we never make the mistake of thinking of a device as an extension
14:51.11ManxPoweras SO many do.
14:51.45ManxPowerbrif8, you realize that using the "r" option to dial is like wearing a sign on your back that says "I am an idiot, kick me."
14:51.50[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Exten is something your dial, devices is something * can ring IN the exten.  Why can't people get this? *sigh*
14:52.13ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, because all the damn examples out there have device ids that look like extensions.
14:52.22[TK]D-FenderI swear key-system PBX's make people dumber (than they already are)
14:52.47brif8ManxPower: explain further on the "r" option ?
14:53.19ManxPowerbrif8, "r" means overide any sound the caller should be hearing and make the caller hear ringing, even if the caller should be hearing "the number you called is dosconnected"
14:53.22ManxPowerdon't use it.
14:53.34brif8got it
14:53.48ManxPowerbrif8, also your Tt will allow EITHER side transfer the call using #
14:53.54ZeeekManxPower great definition - it should go in the docs
14:54.08rvadoes anyone know sipura disconnect tones for siemens pbx?
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14:54.28Zeeekbut that would only take 3 seconds! :)
14:54.30ManxPowerand brif8 pays for the call HAHAHAHAHA!
14:54.38brif8so drop the T and just leave t
14:54.56ManxPowerbrif8, which one you use depends on the direction of the call.
14:55.08ManxPowerbetter to use the transfer feature of the phone and not use t or T at all
14:55.19brif8ok will do
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14:56.37ManxPowerand read the docs, don't just use an example some random person posted.
14:57.19Zeeekis it widely known that there is an open source SIP phone extension for Firefow?
14:57.42lunki'm fat, but not that wide Zeeek
14:57.55lunkis there?
14:58.05ManxPowerZeeek, No idea, other than the fact that a softphone running in a browser is too kinky even for me.
14:58.24ZeeekI mean yes, there is
14:58.56Zeeekand of course there is a non-free service you can use with it - but not required
14:59.10ManxPowerall softphones suck
14:59.19ZeeekWengo is a mainstream operator in France and they chose to stay open-source
14:59.38Zeeekwell I too am addicted to hardphones, but there is a place for the softphone
14:59.52mutrecycle bin?
14:59.55Zeeekhaving a PC on to talk on the phone is soooo 1999
15:00.07mutZeeek: pda foo
15:00.34coppiceManxPower: so asterisk must suck. its just a big multi-channel softphone
15:00.48ManxPowercoppice, no, it's a PBX
15:01.04salviadudyeah, a hacker's pbx
15:01.15ManxPowerif you used Asterisk as a softphone (soundcard, microphone, speakers) then it would suck too.
15:01.35coppiceand the polycoms, snoms and ciscos must such, cos under those cases they are no different from any other softphone
15:02.17salviadudif you could get a polycom to handle iax2, that would be great
15:03.02ManxPowercoppice, they run on an embeded OS with dedicated hardware.
15:03.28ManxPowerIf you ran a softphone on an embeded OS that nobody can get into and use dedicated hardware, then that so called "softphone" would not suck.
15:03.47brif8Monitor(wav|filename) has to be before the call is picked up by a device right, it can't be after
15:03.50ManxPowerdedicated hardware that the user cannot change or upgrade, that is.
15:04.10ManxPowerbrif8, you can run it after, but it won't record anything
15:04.22coppiceso, asterisk must suck very very badly, since it tries to be many softphones all at once
15:04.38tzangersoftphones just suck because the interface is idotic.
15:04.40tzangerhardphones are just softphones with a decent interface
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15:05.00Zeeekthe rectal joystick isn't available except for ciscos
15:05.28coppiceif you want a phone for a call centre I think the interface of a softphone is much the superior one, as it integrates with the rest of the workstation
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15:06.05triple-efound VM error
15:06.11triple-easterisk was running as root
15:06.24ManxPowersoftphones suck because they they are run on any old random piece of slightly compatable PC hardware.  They also suck because they are poorly writen and poorly designed.
15:06.29BlackthornHi, could somone tell me a little bit about the music on hold feature? What type of file format is used or available and can you listen to a live stream and what type of stream if possible?
15:06.38blitzrageall softphones suck because they are trying to look like a phone
15:07.16tangelis it possible to direct IP dial a vonage number?
15:07.22coppiceblitzrage: now that is a broadly valid point. they are interface paradym challenged
15:07.24lunkmy softphone has a crank on the side
15:07.32mr_horsepowerppl, anyone have used disa to collect number from a comercial pbx?
15:07.34unmanagedawaywho here has worked in a call center ...  I have and have to say login/out of a crappy lucent phone with codes and everything else to remember blows, and I have worked in a call center with some really crappy IP software phones
15:07.35blitzragemake the softphone look like MSN messenger so it hides in the task bar and only pops up a small window when you need it, then click on it to answer / or reject
15:07.35tangeli'm pissed that when i currently call a vonage customer i'm going from my voip->pots->voip
15:07.52unmanagedawayso everything can have its faults
15:07.53salviadudyeah, i've worked at a call center
15:07.53blitzragecoppice: exactly
15:08.05salviadudthe soft phone we used sucked mayor a$$
15:08.15blitzragecoppice: they haven't "gotten" it yet -- softphones suck because of interface, and not because of their usage
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15:08.37salviadudit got the job done though...
15:08.57wasimcall centers don't really require a soft phone interface, they just log on once, and stay logged on for 8 hours without really doing much, an occasional transfer, an occasional pause/unpause
15:09.15tangelanyone try calling vonage customers direct IP?  =D
15:09.25blitzragetangel: I wouldn't expect that you could
15:09.32salviadudif you want to call vonage, without vonage, you can try FWD
15:09.40salviadudi  think
15:09.45tangelwhat would fwd do?
15:09.53salviadudyou dial a prefix, then the vonage number
15:09.54tangeli'm sure i could call direct to the persons IP
15:10.06blitzragetangel: if you're sure, why are you asking us?
15:10.09salviadudwell. try it out dude
15:10.09tangelbut i was hoping i could do or something
15:10.21tangeli don't want to have to ask people for their ip address
15:10.28salviadudwhat a crime
15:10.33salviadudthey'd have to trust you
15:10.41tangelHost not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
15:11.11unmanagedawaywasim... hmm it is not that easy, time was also tracked via the phone...  Working on projects, meetings, lunch, hell even taking a peee was all tacked by codes entered into a phone
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15:11.22tangelgay.. voip is totally gay.. that e914 or whatever thing needs to catch on
15:11.50salviadudhaha, gay?
15:11.59salviadudcome one man, you can't gender offend voip
15:12.10Makenshigay isn't gender specific
15:12.32jaybuffetthat was fun..
15:12.33salviadudso, voip is happy then
15:12.44tangelhah.. yeah, that's it.
15:12.45jaybuffetnice meeting with the boss to get him excited about asterisk
15:13.04tangeloh well, the forum posts i can find say vonage doesn't allow for it
15:13.08Makenshivoip would work if there was one standard for signalling and one standard for rtp
15:13.24salviadudiax2 again
15:13.28[TK]D-FenderMakenshi : They're called SIP & RTP :)
15:13.41salviadudno need for rtp
15:13.51Makenshiexcept there's h.323, sip, skinny, iax2, and gsm, alaw, ulaw, g719, ...
15:13.55coppiceReally Terrible Protocol
15:14.11[TK]D-FenderMakenshi : half of that list are CODEC's, not protocols...
15:14.11ManxPowerSIP and RTP were written by a bunch of hippies on LSD -- or at least that's what it looks like from reading the standards.
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15:14.17wasimStopped In Progress
15:14.26salviaduddamn those hippies
15:14.38salviadudthey were probably using FreeBSD
15:14.47wasimMakenshi: don't forget good ol' mgcp
15:14.49tangelok.. so i have her ip now and i can direct dial from x-lite and it works
15:15.11tangelhow can i do a direct sip connection through asterisk? .. my cisco phone doesn't seem to support url dialing so i need to setup an extension that gets forwarded
15:15.17coppiceI don't know if they were on LSD, but i'm bloody sure they'd never actually used a phone
15:15.33BlackthornHi, could somone tell me a little bit about the music on hold feature? What type of file format is used or available and can you listen to a live stream and what type of stream if possible?]
15:15.38coppicewasim: we all want so much to forget MGCP
15:15.39Makenshiseems there's not much talk about TRIP
15:15.48salviadudBlackthorn, read the book
15:15.51Makenshii think TRIP is a great alternative to e164
15:15.53coppicedoes anyone use TRIP?
15:16.12Makenshiwe do and oregon state do
15:16.18coppiceThe Really Irrelevant Protocol
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15:16.20Makenshias for the rest... dunno
15:16.26salviaduddamn, my keyboard doesn't have a tilde...
15:16.46jbotthebook is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at
15:16.46coppicecut and paste at will
15:16.54salviadudthere ya go Blackthorn
15:16.55wasimtangel: search for "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"
15:17.11coppicevovida have a free implementation of trip
15:17.36Blackthorni've read it dosn't tell you practicly anything aobut the file formats or streaming audio
15:17.48salviadudyes it does
15:17.56salviadudasterisk likes mp3 without tags
15:18.05salviadudand with constat bitrate
15:18.43blitzragethere is no mention of TRIP in 'thebook'
15:18.48Zeeekis there a cellphone-readable file format for vmail?
15:21.25kay2is there a way to play a voicemail with video ?
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15:21.35kay2or an option to add to Voicemailmain ?
15:21.36blitzrageMakenshi: haha -- I like how its trying to be BGP, OSPF, and IS-IS :)
15:21.47blitzragekay2: yah -- as long as the phone supports it, it should just work
15:23.01mr_horsepowerdamm, you guys does not connect nothing with comercial pbx?
15:23.16coppiceone of the key problems with a lot of the media related RFCs is you read them and still have no clue why anyone would cook them up
15:23.21salviadudmr_horsepower. what are you trying to say?
15:23.53unmanagedworksee my question still stands ... how can I, if at all, set the  "Q.931 dialplan" on a per call basis,
15:24.24mr_horsepowerallways i try to speak with someone over here, to learn something new, no one have made that.
15:24.24salviadudmr_horsepower. are you russian?
15:24.24unmanagedworktrying to do some twiddle with a switch ...
15:24.24blitzragemr_horsepower: everything is new -- you have to learn how to do it yourself
15:24.25mr_horsepowerno :D
15:24.35salviadudmr_horsepower. are you hindu?
15:24.47mr_horsepowerblitzrage: i'm not magic, this is not my side problems only
15:25.02mr_horsepowerchanging experience it's good.
15:25.09blitzrageyou get what you pay for :)
15:25.18salviadudthis dude writes just like the hackers from blacklist
15:25.20blitzrageif you need something complex done... hire a consultant
15:25.23[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS VIDEO.  Get over it!  its a miracle alone that RTP can pass it between 2 compatible phones, but as it is cross compatibility is flakey enough.
15:26.07mr_horsepowernot so much complex, the problem it's that i dont have to much experience with commercial pbx
15:27.36mr_horsepowersome commercial pbx implement hard and obscure ways from dialing a number! :o
15:27.40*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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15:28.51salviadudmr_horsepower. you talk funny
15:29.06salviadudwhere are you from?
15:30.18mr_horsepowerportugal dude, my english needs practise.
15:30.44salviadudo voce fala portugues
15:30.50blitzragemr_horsepower: still sounds like you need a consultant if you don't know how to use the commercial PBX
15:30.52salviadudwell, my portuguese needs work
15:30.54*** join/#asterisk Ox7a69 (n=Ox7a69@
15:31.06mr_horsepoweri sayd portuguese, not brasilian.
15:31.14[TK]D-FenderI'm fluent in gibberish!
15:31.24unmanagedworkLocation: Portugal
15:31.30unmanagedworkbased on ip
15:31.52salviadudwell, i guess the portuguese from brazil and portugal are not the same then
15:32.00Nivex"Lady, I only speak two languages: English and Bad English."
15:32.07mr_horsepowerblitzrage: if someone here, asks something i know, i can try to help!
15:32.28mr_horsepowersalviadud: native portuguese its from portugal.
15:32.43mr_horsepowersalviadud: portuguese in brasil, its brasilian.
15:33.24salviadudmr_horsepower. are the women in brasil hotter than the women in portugal?
15:33.27mr_horsepowerunmanagedwork: so easy to "just ask" :D
15:34.00mr_horsepowersalviadud: it depends on the woman.
15:34.24salviadudmr_horsepower. i'm looking for big booty girls
15:34.34blitzragemy friend just got back from south america -- apparently they have the hottest women :)
15:34.36coppicesalviadud: depends if the air con is on or not
15:34.55mr_horsepowercoppice: :)
15:34.59coppicedeath valley has the hottest women
15:35.01salviadudcopz. i agree, that really determines if they're hot
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15:35.52salviadudcoppice. are you from cali?
15:35.53[TK]D-Fendercoppice : Nah, NY's "spontaneous combustion" win's out.  exothermic > endothermic ;)
15:35.53jaybuffetcan someone walk me through on how to sound intelligent when i am talking to a voip provider.. what questions do i need to ask ?
15:36.06jeremibis there anyway to edit the voicemail options so I can say in my message "press 1 to try me at my cell phone", then it transfers the call to my cellp hone?
15:36.20mr_horsepoweri love NY, wonder if some day will ever live there. :D
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15:36.42[TK]D-Fenderjeremib : use either * or 0.  Read up on the exit extens for VoiceMail.
15:36.56jeremibwill do, thanks!
15:37.26[TK]D-Fenderjeremib : Easily done.
15:38.16salviadud[TK]D-Fender. does that come up on the book? I was trying to find about voicemail.conf and found very little info
15:38.46ManxPowersalviadud, voicemail.conf.sample does not have the information you are looking for?
15:38.53[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : I never said it was in VOICEMAIL.CONF.
15:39.07[TK]D-FenderREAD PEOPLE!
15:39.23ManxPower"show applications"
15:39.39salviadudso, i should just look into the sample file
15:39.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower : I'm not sure they're ready for such awesome power...
15:39.54[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : Samples SUCK.
15:40.19ManxPowersalviadud, The sample config files, the "show application X" in the CLI, the docs directory, the mailing list archives, the mailing list and finally here.
15:40.53salviadudshow applications is pretty nice...
15:41.19salviadudManxPower. you the man
15:41.49ManxPower"show applications like voice"
15:42.06ManxPowerand even better "help" in the CLI.
15:43.39unmanagedworkthink I found what I need...
15:43.44Sonderbladeis there a Case application/statement?
15:43.51jaybuffetwhats a good ethernet switch for voip in a mixed network environment... or should the voip network be physically seperate
15:45.42*** join/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
15:46.34ManxPowerARGH!  The new CLEC wants to hand us off a "dual T-1" as an ethernet connection, not as two DXS-1 or 1 V.35.
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15:46.58lzhangwhenever I call app AMD() in my dialplan, it hangs and seems to get stuck in an infinite loop... has anybody experienced something similar to this, or heard of a solution?
15:47.30ManxPowerfs-1*CLI> show application amd
15:47.30ManxPowerYour application(s) is (are) not registered
15:47.39ManxPowerperhaps you should ask the author of app_amd
15:47.46wasimlzhang: try INTEL()
15:49.05lzhangwasim: is that an application?
15:49.37jeremib[TK]D-Fender - if i use the exit extens for VM, does * and 0 do the same thing?  so I couldn't have * = call cell and 0 = operator?
15:49.40ManxPowerlzhang, Asterisk does not come with app_amd.
15:49.55ManxPowerjeremib, read "show application voicemail"
15:49.55mitkahas anyonde intregated asterisk with gsm channel bank
15:50.07coppiceAMD = A Mythical Detector
15:50.07[TK]D-Fenderjeremib : They do whatever you tell them to.
15:50.09fileManxPower: yes it does...
15:50.22ManxPowerfile, not 1.2
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15:50.34jeremiboh i see now, thanks ManxPower
15:50.40filesilly 1.2
15:50.48ManxPowerhence "show application amd" returning Your application(s) is (are) not registered
15:51.10lzhangManxPower: AMD is awesome, when it's working... I have it running on one asterisk install, but I can't seem to get it going on any others
15:51.31ManxPowerlzhang, I/m happy for you.  It still does not come with 1.2
15:52.21lzhangyes I am aware of that... is this channel only for apps that come with 1.2 release or something?
15:53.05brettnemhey anyone else notice both of the iax2 voicepulse gateways just died?
15:53.40mitkaanyone tired gsm gateway with asterisk
15:53.47brettnemwhat is app amd?
15:53.47jeremibyes brettnem
15:53.59brettnemjeremib: so I'm not the only one?
15:54.17jeremibwell, i just tried to call my number an i get a fast busy, not even hitting my asterisk
15:54.20lzhangapp_amd = answering machine detection
15:54.21jeremibthough it's still registered
15:54.34brettnemjeremib: ok, mine just came back up
15:54.47brettnemjeremib: my backup gateway
15:55.30brettnemstill won't connect..
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15:55.54a1fasometimes when i recieve inbound calls and user type in extension numbers
15:55.58a1fasometimes it freaks out
15:56.08a1fafor example, i dial "552"
15:56.12brettnemjeremib: ok, it's back up now.. like down for 10 minutes
15:56.12a1fait dials "104"
15:56.18jeremibthanks brettnem
15:56.19a1fathat is insane
15:56.22unmanagedworkAMD and asterisk 1.2.6
15:56.47a1fachan_sip.c:2542 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)
15:56.51a1famaybe this is the output
15:56.53a1fai dont know
15:58.06lzhangunmanagedwork: yes, those are the exact instructions I followed, I have it working on one box running but on none others (also running
15:59.20*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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16:03.18*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
16:03.18puzzledI'm trying to use exten => _*06. and in features.conf changed disconnect => *0 to *3 but for some reason dialing *06<number> doesn't work. anything I forgot/did wrong?
16:04.01blumerI am a complete voip n00b, but I am troubleshooting a problem for someone. I am trying to determine whether or not an asterisk installation is receiving DTMF codes. At this point, what I've been able to do is do a tcp dump of the port on which Asterisk is listening and watch the incoming traffic when I push buttons, but I have not seen a discernable difference in traffic. Their application was formerly able to detect tones, but suddenly stopped. I
16:04.01blumers there an "easy" way to determine if the tone is reaching the machine? Thanks.
16:04.08*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
16:04.10blumerWow, that was really long. Sorry. :\
16:06.19salviadudwhat chan are you using?
16:06.26salviadudis it SIP?
16:07.22blumeriax2, I believe.
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16:07.42blumerHow can I determine for certain?
16:08.06salviadudtry the Background application
16:08.27salviadudif it doesn't recognize it there, well, you might know for certain if it's detecting DTMF
16:08.36salviaduddo a small ivr
16:08.48salviadudand test it
16:10.09blumer"Background" application ...
16:10.15blumerclarify, please?
16:10.16*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
16:10.37salviadudBackground works like playback
16:10.40salviadudit plays a sound file
16:10.51salviadudbackground waits for an extension to be dialed
16:11.07*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
16:11.11TheCopsWhen I'm using Dial command to one of my phone, I've got that error: May 19 12:00:31 WARNING[4662]: chan_sip.c:1973 create_addr: No such host:
16:11.14TheCopsSomeone know why ?
16:11.32brettnemhey, is it just me or does /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/letters/s.gsm ACTUALLY say "F"
16:11.46blumersalviadud: is this an executable that should be on the machine? Or a command to be execute from within ... the asterisk cli?
16:11.54brettnemTheCops: could be your dial syntax
16:12.06TheCopsbrettnem, no, the phone is ringing
16:12.09TheCopsbut got that warning
16:12.19salviadudblummer, this is a dialplan application, it should be added in your extensions.conf
16:12.36salviadudhave you read the book?
16:12.40blumergot it.
16:12.44salviadudbackground is basic pbx stuff man
16:12.48*** part/#asterisk jeremib (
16:12.56brettnemTheCops: we'd have to see the full cli output including the dial statement to know anything
16:13.15*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
16:13.48blumersalviadud: I have not--total asterisk rookie trying to rapidly collect information to solve a customer's problem pronto
16:14.13blumerwhen you say "the book", referring to the man pages, or a specific book?
16:14.32jbotextra, extra, read all about it, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at
16:14.39snittThe Book
16:14.46blumergreat--thank you!
16:14.49jboti guess gwypf is Get What You Pay For - this channel is full of volunteers who are here to help you. However, we can't hold your hand. If you need a specific problem solved immediately, there is a list of for-hire consultants located at:
16:15.12brettnemwe got all sorts of canned bot responses
16:15.38blumerexcellent--thank you guys for pointing me in the right direction.
16:16.29kay2someone knows a SIP client that does H.263
16:16.34zoaeyebeam i think
16:17.30kay2zoa: not free, xlite is free tho but dunno about h263
16:19.21*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
16:19.45*** join/#asterisk master_of_bcm (
16:20.09master_of_bcmhi all, how do you set the password with h323 phones?
16:20.44master_of_bcmI have 4 different phone shere and non of them cna connect to the server, it looks like h323 phones dont have user/passwords?
16:21.50master_of_bcmI only ahv experieience with sip phones
16:26.12blitzragekay2: I think
16:26.22master_of_bcmany idea?
16:27.19[TK]D-Fenderkay2 : eyebeam & Ekiga do H.263
16:37.32*** join/#asterisk lithi (n=irssi@
16:38.37*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (n=nik@
16:38.39*** join/#asterisk gvainfo (
16:38.39brif8can you just reload queues.conf or do you have to reload
16:39.24PBXtechanyone ever heard of a 7940 with a laptop off the PC port that gets an IP number and can ping anything EXCEPT the default gateway?
16:39.27*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
16:39.54Qwell[]PBXtech: maybe the gateway blocks icmp
16:40.13PBXtechnope ping if i bypass the phone
16:40.30PBXtechits the phone
16:40.35PBXtechbut its all the phones
16:40.58*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
16:41.06PBXtechmakes it so the laptop cant get to the internet
16:42.21*** join/#asterisk obanta (
16:42.37dlynes_homeIs there any reason why I would be getting 100K of data on the receive queue for my rtp port, that asterisk never empties?
16:45.15*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
16:48.54*** part/#asterisk blumer (
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16:54.58*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
16:56.07CunningPikeMorning, ladies and gents
16:56.58CunningPikeI have a question relating to qualify=yes - is it nuts to put every one of 400 Polycoms on that setting?
16:57.23*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
16:57.49Qwell[]CunningPike: a qualify packet is small compared to rtp
16:57.50[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : should be OK.
16:58.52CunningPikeGreat - thanks - I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't kill stuff
16:59.02brif8does "reload" drop the current calls or just reloads all modules  like queues.conf ?
16:59.11CunningPikebrif8: The latter
16:59.30brif8CunningPike so it will not effect calls in progress
16:59.38CunningPikebrif8: No
16:59.48CunningPikebrif8: I do it all the time
17:00.15CunningPikebrif8: It might affect calls in progress if a change you make breaks something....... :)
17:00.35brif8no just changing the timout value in queues.conf
17:01.15ManxPowerreload should never drop current calls.
17:01.21CunningPikebrif8: What you can do for that is 'reload' (I think) that will only reload your queues
17:01.39*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=Ariel@
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17:06.57rvai have transfer working from features.conf...
17:07.03rvafrom ip to ip extensions
17:07.09rvabut if i call another asterisk server...
17:07.24rvathe transfer happens there!!! and not in my asterisk. is that normal?
17:07.56*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
17:08.26[TK]D-Fenderrva : pastebin the way you call this other server.
17:08.53jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
17:09.25rva[TK]D-Fender: i just dial....over a sip trunk! what should i pastebin?
17:10.36*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
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17:12.12*** join/#asterisk mroth_imm (n=chatzill@
17:12.28mroth_immis anyone aware of what a flood of these messages:
17:12.31mroth_immMay 19 13:11:12 WARNING[6591]: Avoided deadlock for '0x2aaab0647100', 10 retries!
17:12.37*** join/#asterisk gmaruz1 (
17:12.44mroth_immmeans and how they can be resolved...Asterisk seems to be running fine other than that
17:13.00brif8where is the profit margin in being a VoIP termination provider
17:13.14mroth_immthey've been coming through since around 10am...
17:15.22*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
17:16.16mroth_immis this thing on?
17:16.24jaybuffetif i have sip.conf => mysql,asterisk,ast_config in my extconfig.conf file, do i still need the actual sip.conf file?
17:21.39mroth_immCorydon-w: any hints on the avoided deadlock messages?
17:21.43Corydon-wextconfig is only for configuring users and peers, not for general config
17:22.06Corydon-wmroth_imm: are you thinking I know the problem and I'm just teasing you?
17:22.13mroth_immi see the value in quotes is a channel, but it is not listed by 'sip show channels'...we are only using sip channels
17:22.24mroth_immno, i was thinking that you were afk
17:23.13mroth_immi apologize for my lack of psychic abilities
17:23.17Corydon-wmroth_imm: if I knew how to fix it, it would already be in trunk
17:23.31mroth_immis there a way to kill the channel?
17:23.47Qwell[]soft hangup
17:23.47Corydon-wNo, only soft hangup
17:23.49*** join/#asterisk chino[server] (
17:24.16chino[server]can someone give me some resources for voip providers in the north american region ?
17:24.27jboti guess wikis is
17:24.28Qwell[]chino[server]: search there do i tie the value listed back to the sip channel that needs hung up?
17:25.11Corydon-wIt's listed in 'show channels'
17:25.28Corydon-wsoft hangup works on the general channel name
17:26.06[TK]D-Fenderrva : Pastebin exactly what you dial.
17:26.24[TK]D-Fenderrva : and pastebin what the receiving end does with the call.
17:27.48chino[server]you guys know of any that allow you to use channels as needed and pay for usage at the end of hte month ? instead of a fixed channel plan ?
17:28.29[TK]D-Fenderchino[server] : VoicePulse Connect
17:28.37chino[server]thanks :]
17:30.28mroth_immi see nothing resembling the value in the error messages in the output of 'show channels'
17:30.38*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
17:32.12mroth_immlooking at the source, i'd say the value in the error message is the memory address of the channel structure
17:33.07*** join/#asterisk meppl (
17:33.14mroth_imm"/* c is surely not null, but we don't have the lock so cannot access c->name"
17:33.30*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (
17:33.55mepplwhere does the sangoma-cards "A104" run best?
17:34.05dlynes_homemeppl: in a pci bus
17:34.16meppland with wich OS
17:34.26dlynes_homemeppl: Windows, Linux, Solaris
17:34.32blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: you have a link for that polycom firmware? Some website I remember has it available, but I forget the address
17:34.34mepplso, its terrible in windows
17:34.50mepplwindows often craches
17:34.53dlynes_homemeppl:'s supported on Windows, Linux and Solaris
17:35.04blitzragewindows doesn't crash on me
17:35.25dlynes_homemeppl: windows only crashes often if you have buggy drivers, buggy hardware, viruses, spybots, malware, spyware, adware, .... installed
17:35.30*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
17:35.38meppli only found this beta-drivers for windows
17:35.39Qwell[]dlynes_home: or Windows
17:35.44blitzragedlynes_home: totally agreed -- keep your PC clean, and it runs remarkably well
17:35.53meppli have no viruses...
17:35.55dlynes_homeQwell: since windows 2000 is pretty stable
17:36.05Qwell[]ME came out after 2000
17:36.06dlynes_homeQwell: actually since nt 4
17:36.07blitzragew2k sucks -- winxp kicks ass
17:36.13Qwell[]ME came out way after NT4
17:36.15meppldlynes_home, so, windowsXP crashes, if i install the hardware-abstraction-driver
17:36.25dlynes_homeblitzrage: not quite xp home edition freaking blows
17:36.27blitzrage"buggy driver"
17:36.30meppldlynes_home, windows2k crashes, if i install the protocoll-driver
17:36.32blitzragedlynes_home: oh yah -- I agree :)
17:36.41blitzragedlynes_home: I just assume we're taking XP Pro-SP2 :)
17:36.53dlynes_homeBut yeah...XP Pro SP2 is extremely stable
17:37.07blitzrageI'm afraid Vista is going to be ME all over again
17:37.24dlynes_homemeppl: are you installing the "beta" version of the driver?
17:37.42mepplthere is no information for wich windows it was tested
17:37.47mepplalso for linux
17:37.53mepplno information which kernel
17:38.00meppldlynes_home, yes
17:38.11dlynes_homemeppl: ummm...i don't know about windows, but they say it works on all versions of linux back to 1.0
17:38.13meppldlynes_home, there are no other drivers to download for windows
17:39.17*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
17:39.39meppldlynes_home, yo, there is the beta-driver
17:39.54mepplin linux im too stupid too install it, i think
17:40.05mepplbecause:    WARNING: Kernel source directory /lib/modules/2.6.15-1-k7/build not found!
17:40.18dlynes_homemeppl: that's because you don't have kernel-dev installed
17:40.28mepplthat folder is only available for 2.4-kernel
17:40.40mepplin my system
17:41.05*** join/#asterisk BugKham (n=BugKham@
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17:42.01dlynes_homemeppl: go to and download the source code for or older, do make menuconfig, edit your makefile so that it installs to a different directory than the default (so you don't overwrite your existing kernel), then make bzlilo ; make modules ; make modules_install
17:42.39*** join/#asterisk carrar (
17:42.57meppldlynes_home, that needs time
17:43.06dlynes_homemeppl: not that much time
17:43.14mepplthank you for help
17:43.32dlynes_homemeppl: Takes about an hour or so to do a kernel configuration if it's your first time (less than 1/2 hour if you're comfortable with it)
17:43.51dlynes_homemeppl: and if you've got a decently fast machine, it should take about 20 minutes to do a compile
17:44.06*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
17:44.13Assidhey VoicePulse: you around?
17:44.32dlynes_homemeppl: if it's an asterisk box you're installing it for, install the bare minimum, and compile all network drivers as modules (in case you need to swap out one network card and replace it with another)
17:44.34*** join/#asterisk CYPRESS_A (
17:45.07dlynes_homemeppl: make sure you install the crc_ccitt and rtc modules as well (in case you want to use ztdummy for timing)
17:45.27meppldlynes_home, so
17:45.38meppldlynes_home, /lib/modules/2.6.15-1-k7/build should be for the headers
17:45.42dlynes_homemeppl: if you've got a limited number of pci slots, compiling in APIC and SMP support as well
17:45.47dlynes_homemeppl: correct
17:46.04mepplin my system i of course i can install the headers for 2.6-kernels
17:46.05dlynes_homemeppl: /lib/modules/2.6.15-1-k7/build/include/linux
17:46.13mepplbut then they are in another directory
17:46.36*** join/#asterisk geiseri (
17:46.53meppli must look how to tell the sangoma-setup, that its in another directory
17:47.03geiserihi, has anyone got some experiance with iaxclient?
17:47.11dlynes_homemeppl: Well, either learn how to configure your distribution of choice properly, or learn how to compile and install a kernel from source
17:47.44meppli create a link
17:47.48Assidgeez.. where is VoicePulse ?
17:47.59Assidcmon guys.. pay attention to irc
17:48.28dlynes_home~seen VoicePulse
17:48.33jbotvoicepulse <n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 21h 34m 31s ago, saying: 'I am investigating the issue we are discussing in PM.'.
17:48.33*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
17:48.53meppldlynes_home, okay, it works :-P
17:48.58mepplthank you for help
17:48.59Assidman.. whats what he told me yday
17:49.02dlynes_homeno problem
17:49.15dlynes_homemeppl: but should learn how to compile the kernel eventually, too
17:49.27BadPacketAssid: why not call them - since they're the only company with actual phone support
17:49.34dlynes_homemeppl: if you ever need new kernel features, sticking yourself to your distro is going to be painful
17:49.42*** join/#asterisk flujan (
17:49.51Assidyeah.. am just doing that
17:50.08*** join/#asterisk ChristianASGI (n=Christia@
17:50.17dlynes_homeheh...i wish we could run as a company without phone support :)
17:50.21dlynes_homethat'd rock :)
17:50.34dlynes_homeno more bitching, whining customers on the phone anymore :)
17:50.55meppldlynes_home, im able to compile the linux-kernel...
17:50.57BadPacketAssid: can't really expect them to provide support on irc... since we all jump all over them every time they say something :)
17:50.58flujanguys, i'm having problems with a MFC r2 signalling.
17:51.14flujanWhere I can paste the error?
17:51.18CunningPikeOur phone system must be working great - our customers haven't called us to complain for ages..... ;)
17:51.20jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
17:51.39dlynes_homeCunningPike: 99% of the time when we get complaints
17:51.46dlynes_homeCunningPike: it's because Telus has screwed something up
17:51.52*** join/#asterisk mtaht3 (
17:51.58Assidgreat.. their DTMF is now having a rpoblem
17:52.01flujando you use .ca?
17:52.08Qwell[]flujan: doesn't matter
17:52.14ChristianASGIwhat channel should I ask a question about pridialplan being set from the dialplan to flag some calls as private isdn?
17:52.15dlynes_homeflujan: doesn't matter...just pick one
17:52.39ChristianASGIwhat channel should I ask a question about pridialplan being set from the dialplan to flag some calls as private isdn?
17:52.54dlynes_homeChristianASGI: no need to repeat so often
17:52.58Qwell[]ChristianASGI: ask 5 more times, and you'll get an answer, I promise
17:52.58dlynes_homeChristianASGI: it's this channel
17:53.19flujanQuension, dlynes_home here it goes...
17:53.23ChristianASGII thought I whispered the first one to russellb
17:53.36flujanplease, take a look. I trying my best without success... :(
17:54.08dlynes_homeflujan: yeah...that's out of my league...i've never been able to get faxing of any description to work properly
17:54.26flujandlynes_home, thanks... anyway!
17:54.29dlynes_homeflujan: If you're able to catch coppice on here, he's the author of spandsp
17:55.14*** join/#asterisk Loceur (
17:55.16flujandlynes_home, how can I contact coppice?
17:55.24dlynes_homeflujan: just catch him on here
17:55.39dlynes_homeflujan: he's on here often enough
17:55.49dlynes_home~seen coppice
17:55.52jbotcoppice is currently on #asterisk (4h 40m 46s). Has said a total of 25 messages. Is idling for 2h 5m 45s, last said: 'AMD = A Mythical Detector'.
17:56.01MikeJ[Laptop]coppice is chatting on #openpbx right now
17:56.28coppiceflujan: there is nothing wrong in what you have pasted
17:56.43flujancoppice, hi... nice to meet you! :)
17:57.06flujancoppice, I'm having difficults in testing the channel. How can I test it to see if its working?
17:57.16Assidnow voicepulse has DTMF issues
17:57.30flujancoppice, I'm trying to connect a legacy proprietary pbx to asterisk using a T1 crossover cable.
17:57.33BadPacketAssid: ?
17:57.53Assidtry calling them
17:57.58Assidi cant send dtmf
17:58.32BadPackettrying now
17:58.51flujancoppice, and congratulations for the nice work. It will be amusing if it were merged in the default asterisk installation. :)
17:58.54coppiceflujan: you haven't actually described a problem yet
17:59.11*** join/#asterisk jeffik (n=Jeff@Maroon-103-179.ADSL.NetSurf.Net)
17:59.13BadPacketAssid: i just got through and hung up on them
17:59.23*** join/#asterisk vengeance0 (
18:00.04vengeance0Could anyone tell me what I should do to compile Zaptel drivers with 4KSTACKS
18:00.10flujancoppice, there is protocol failure
18:00.27Qwell[]vengeance0: recompile your kernel with 4k
18:00.52meppldlynes_home, so, sangoma:  i tried different computers and different windows-versions and  the only available beta-drivers were really unstable and difficult to install
18:00.56meppland bad documentation
18:01.04flujancoppice, I saw the documentation and didn't know how to test my system... sending call throught the channels and so on. :(
18:01.06mepplinstallation in linux works much better
18:01.10dlynes_homemeppl: they're famous for bad documentation
18:01.14Qwell[]meppl: Why are you in here, asking for sangoma support on windows?
18:01.22flujancoppice, I didn't use the testcall program because of that. :(
18:01.34flujancoppice, where can I find additional documentation ?
18:01.59dlynes_homeQwell: maybe he's hoping to get asterisk/zaptel/sangoma working on windows :)
18:02.15chino[server]   that web site is killing me don't they have a 800 number ?
18:03.02*** join/#asterisk XanaXa (
18:03.13dlynes_homeyou do a whois on them, and you don't even get a phone number :)
18:03.18SpaceBassWOO HOO!!! My WIP330 should be delivered today!
18:03.20ChristianASGIAnyone have any insight into flagging PRI calls as private from the dialplan instead or zapata so that only select calls can be marked as private?  pridialplan marks all calls out the channels as private or whatever flag you use.  I just need to mark some calls as private.
18:03.37AssidBadPacket: dont work fro me
18:03.43Qwell[]dlynes_home: report number in dns records are mandatory now, I believe
18:03.52dlynes_homeah...nvm  voicepulse:        732-339-5100
18:03.58wunderkinChristianASGI, setcallingpres=yes, and for the dialplan, show application setcallingpres
18:04.11dlynes_homeit was just one solid number that looked like some kinda strange zip code :)
18:04.54chino[server]so thats their phone number ?
18:05.00dlynes_homechino[server]: i guess so
18:05.20wunderkinChristianASGI, i mean in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf, usecallingpres=yes
18:05.21dlynes_homechino[server]: that's their administrator's phone number
18:05.34coppiceflujan: its hard to say from that log. you need to add "loglevel = 255" to your unicall.conf file and try again. you will get a more detailed log with enough info to see what is going on
18:05.37dlynes_homechino[server]: Ketan Patel
18:05.48ChristianASGIthank you wunderkin.  SetCallerPres doesn't appear to include a "private" flag option.
18:05.54chino[server]im calling it lol
18:06.03flujancoppice, thanks very much... I will do this now. :)
18:06.06mroth_immis anyone aware of what a flood of these messages:
18:06.09mroth_immMay 19 13:11:12 WARNING[6591]: Avoided deadlock for '0x2aaab0647100', 10 retries!
18:06.13mroth_immmeans and how they can be resolved...Asterisk seems to be running fine other than that
18:06.15BadPacketAssid: odd, what happens?
18:06.22*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
18:06.26chino[server]lol its their real phone number
18:06.29mroth_immlooking at the source, i'd say the value in the error message is the memory address of the channel structure
18:06.32chino[server]thats bullshit
18:06.36chino[server]they should have it on the site too
18:06.44dlynes_homechino[server]: why would they?
18:06.48*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
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18:06.57dlynes_homechino[server]: they don't want people irritating them with their problems ;)
18:06.59brettnemmroth_imm: it means your totally f-d
18:07.01mroth_immso i'm unaware of how to hangup the channel
18:07.15Dr-Linuxi'm just going to install asterisk on quad at datacenter, what asterisk and zaptel version is recommended?
18:07.16*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
18:07.18mroth_immnot really, the switch is handling over 120 calls fine, other than that message
18:07.27brettnemmroth_imm: it will soon die
18:07.27dlynes_homemroth_imm: from the cli soft hangup channelname, so like soft hangup zap/1-1
18:07.48mroth_immthe trouble is there is no channel name in the message, it's the address of the channel structure
18:08.00chino[server]dlynes_home:  for sales!!!!
18:08.02mroth_immi need a way to go from the address to the channel name to issue a soft hangup
18:08.07AssidBadPacket: okay u think its this prvider
18:08.17Assidanwaysy.. i'l;l call them using another provider
18:08.30BadPacketAssid: must be - I used my cell phone and it was fine
18:08.39mroth_immthe message has been persistent since 10am, so I'm not too convinced it will just go away on its own
18:08.52dlynes_homehigh of 75 for the weekend, but during the week it was like 85 or 90
18:09.03mroth_immor alternately, a way to tell which channel has been up for four hours
18:09.29brettnemmroth_imm: when I get that error. my box is on it's last legs.
18:09.36*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
18:09.51flujancoppice, here is the updated log:, and thanks for the help and patient. I will write a how-to or something like that to help newbies like me. :)
18:09.54mroth_immyeah, i've seen it lead to problems before too...
18:10.12brettnem"avoided deadlock" is a total crock of shit
18:10.29dlynes_homebrettnem: ?
18:10.39brettnemoh. haha.. I said that out loud!
18:10.45BadPacketAssid: I've used sipdiscount - dtmf never works with them
18:10.54*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
18:10.56brettnem"avoided deadlock" = "I'm dieing.. please kill me
18:10.59dlynes_homekey word:  'discount'
18:11.02Assidactually used to work fine
18:11.08Assidanyways.. this is something weird
18:11.14Assidincioming call on voicepulse
18:11.17dlynes_homebrettnem: nah...avoiding deadlocks is a normal course of operations for threaded code
18:11.30Assidshould be coming in from voicepulse context.. its coming from voicepulse outgoing context
18:11.35Assidhow the hell is that
18:11.37brettnemdlynes_home: dieing isn't...
18:11.38dlynes_homebrettnem: i don't know why they bother issuing a message from the code for that
18:11.43*** join/#asterisk stack_ (n=stack@
18:11.50BadPacketAssid: you should fix your config before you bother them
18:11.51dlynes_homebrettnem: yeah, but dying has nothing to do with avoiding deadlocks
18:12.00mroth_immconsidering i've been seeing the same message from the same channel for 4.5 hours, i'd say it's not normal in this instance
18:12.01wunderkindlynes_home, i think it was put into debug level
18:12.06BadPacketAssid: RTFE
18:12.17AssidRTFE ?
18:12.19mroth_immit's a WARNING
18:12.23BadPacketread the ***cking example
18:12.29brettnemdlynes_home: when it happens stuff breaks.. I don't care if its a freakin warning
18:12.39dlynes_homemroth_imm: It's not a warning; trust me...I'm a programmer
18:12.40BadPacketI pasted their example config and took it from there... worked right away
18:12.54Assiderr.. calls are coming in fine
18:13.06Assidjust saying tis weird to show as the outgoing call instead of incoming
18:13.07mroth_immwunderkin: it displays a pointer address, so I'm SOL unless I can somehow map it to a name to hang it up...any ideas?
18:13.17stack_We are getting an interference/staticy/popping noise on some calls on our PRI... someone told me this may be a codec issue... would that be true?
18:13.18*** join/#asterisk southtel (
18:13.20mroth_immthe channel's been up for a LONG time, so maybe I can id it that way?
18:13.38BadPacketthat has nothing to do with them
18:13.41mercesteskillall -9 asterisk?
18:13.43Assidi know
18:13.47Assidim just saying its weird
18:13.49brettnemrm -rf *
18:13.51southtelIn Realtime/static, can I do the equivalent of an "#include <filename>" ?
18:13.51BadPacketyou're weird
18:13.56mercestesrm -dvfr  Yes
18:14.01Assideither hwich way.. the call is dropping out after 2 mins or so
18:14.10Assidonly happening with calls terminating over them
18:14.10mercestesdont' jsut delete....delete verbosely...and force it.
18:14.30dlynes_homerm -rf /
18:14.34brettnemI just told the people at the cafeteria that their meat in their hamburgers i funky.
18:14.37brettnemthen I bought one
18:14.54CunningPikestack_: What card do you have?
18:15.09stack_CunningPike: Digium TE110p
18:15.19brettnemmore liek cannedburgers
18:15.31dlynes_homestack_: are you getting any frame slippage?
18:15.49stack_dlynes_home: can you define frame slippage?
18:15.50CunningPikestack_: What is the zttest output like? (min/max/avg)
18:15.57BadPacketi dunno assid, sounds like it's something on your box - is it always exactly 2 minutes?
18:15.59unmanagedworkPorkBrain burgers
18:16.10brettnemthat is freakin gross
18:16.12Assidsometimes less
18:16.13Assidand no
18:16.15dlynes_homestack_: you'll get messages on your console about bad something or other HDLC
18:16.15Assidnothing with my box
18:16.20Assidlast time they had this problem
18:16.23Assidi called them
18:16.23BadPacketI've been on hold with Dell for the last 30 minutes on a call through them
18:16.23Assidthey fixed it
18:16.28Assidthat was a few months ago
18:16.55Assidhell.. i have these guys talking for over 5000 seconds..
18:16.57Assidworks fine
18:17.11Assidi think they screwed something up during the change over to connect01/02
18:17.14brettnemhey anyone know the status of Sonic using voip for their drive thru windows and sending customers to call centers in India?
18:17.36stack_dlynes_home, yes, I get "PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel..." but they don't coincide with the interference
18:17.38lzhangbrettnem: that's hilarious
18:17.48brettnemlzhang: I don't *think* I'm making it up
18:17.48AssidBadPacket: dont get me wrong.. they are a good service
18:17.49unmanagedwork"All the more brilliant, then, that the label includes a recipe for scrambled eggs and brains, which sound like the kind of meal that keeps bypass surgeons in business. The recipe leads off with instructions to "drain brains" -- I'll bet someone at Armour is still chuckling over that one."
18:17.57Assidi just wish they clean up the kinds of the new servers
18:18.01BadPacketAssid: all of them suck, they just suck less
18:18.05dlynes_homestack_: that can cause the popping noise and/or dropped calls afaik
18:18.08lzhangbrettnem: I used to work at Sonic... man it would've been nice if we didn't have to take orders
18:18.13stack_dlynes_home: the HDLC stuff pops up sporatically and doesn't seem to affect anything
18:18.16Assidcause now even legacy ones are messed up
18:18.17brettnemBadPacket: I miss the days I used to be able to drive down to Dell.. :(
18:18.18coppiceflujan: that doesn't look like a MFC/R2 link.
18:18.19dlynes_homestack_: however, CunningPike would know more about it than I would
18:18.30dlynes_homestack_: he's got quite a bit of experience with the pri cards
18:18.36brettnemlzhang: makes sense if you think about it.. they don't need to talk to people in the local store.
18:18.51dlynes_homestack_: but that's usually indicative of a hardware problem
18:18.53CunningPikestack_: dlynes_home is overstating my usefulness ;)
18:19.09stack_CunningPike: hehe
18:19.09BadPacketbrettnem: i gotta tell you, their support blows
18:19.09flujancoppice, I called the proprietary pbx help desk and they say they use this kind of link... So I went to try it.
18:19.16BadPacketbrettnem: dell, that is
18:19.23AssidBadPacket: i really find them one of the least sucky ones out there. so i guess in a way the best to use.. heck i got aruond 4-5 accounts with them
18:19.28brettnemBadPacket: it does since they moved it international
18:19.29CunningPikestack_: However, you should have zero HDLC errors - the first thing to check is your zaptel.conf - can you pb it for me?
18:19.29*** join/#asterisk rumba (
18:19.40BadPacketbrettnem: damned foreigners
18:19.43stack_CunningPike, sure, just a sec
18:19.44brettnemBadPacket: I used to drive to dell and buy computers in a store here..
18:19.50flujancoppice, how can I detect what kind of link it is? Maybe there are giving me wrong information...
18:19.54*** join/#asterisk Splas (n=jwb@
18:19.55brettnemhey we're all foreigners, right?
18:20.03BadPacketbrettnem: I was kidding
18:20.10brettnemI know. ;)
18:20.11CunningPikestack_: Let's take this to a pm session
18:20.14dlynes_homeYou're all foreigners to me
18:20.21dlynes_homeUnless you're Canadian :)
18:20.36brettnemhmmm.. the ultimate irony
18:20.36Assidarnet canadians french?
18:20.47Qwell[]Assid: only the french ones
18:20.48dlynes_homebu shi
18:20.55flujancoppice, at least is it configured like one MFC/R2?
18:20.56coppiceflujan: the signalling bit patterns from the other end do not look like the normal patterns for an R2 link. The other end seems to be responding to Asterisk setting the link to idle, but its not responding in the right way
18:21.02dlynes_homewomenda zhongguo ren :)
18:21.11Assidque ?
18:21.32*** join/#asterisk Splas (n=jwb@
18:21.35dlynes_homeno, we're all chinese :)
18:21.37BadPacketverizon sucks
18:21.39brettnemawesome.. check it out
18:22.26flujancoppice, and what if the link is blocked in the end point? Does the link appear to be blocked or something like that?
18:22.32brettnemwow:  Software tracks her productivity and speed, and every so often a red box pops up on her screen to test whether she is paying attention. She is expected to click on it within 1.75 seconds.
18:23.11coppiceflujan: R2 supports blocking
18:24.10Assidcall centers can take your throat away mn
18:24.14Assidimagine talking so much
18:24.26flujancoppice, thanks very much for the help. I will contact them and see if something is wrong.
18:24.37flujancoppice, see ya... :)
18:24.40brettnem"If you're in L.A.... and you hear a person with a North Dakota accent taking your order, you'll know what we're up to," McDonald's Chief Executive Jim Skinner told analysts
18:24.43flujanthank you all guys! ;)
18:24.46*** join/#asterisk gvainfo (
18:24.58Qwell[]outsourcing to ND?
18:25.05Qwell[]That's kinda cool...better than I expected
18:25.07BadPacketdamned foreigners
18:26.04brettnemHow about just put festival and sphinx behind the wheel at mc-donald and eliminate like 50,0000,000,00,,0000 jobs
18:26.06mercestes1.75 seconds?  OMG, the average human reactiontime is around 1.6
18:26.09Assiddocelm0 ?
18:26.10coppiceif you're in bangalore and your curry order is taken by someone with a north dakota accent, you'll know they've outsourced the work
18:26.19brettnemmercestes: see, plenty of lag built in there
18:26.21Qwell[]coppice: give it time
18:26.26Qwell[]it'll come full circle
18:26.41brettnemcoppice: won't you be disappointed to know your curry was cooked in north dakota as well?
18:26.42mercestesgah, the things teenagers will do for minimum wage.
18:26.50Qwell[]brettnem: nah, better...  just give everybody the touchscreens that the cashiers have
18:26.51dlynes_homeQwell: shouldn't be long with the value of the us dollar lately :)
18:27.06brettnemQwell: that's kinda like the old automat resturants
18:27.07Qwell[]even idiots can do that job...and many mcdonalds customers are idiots (or former employees), so...
18:27.08mercestesbet I could start a porn industry for 5.35 an hour in the right cities.
18:27.16Qwell[]No offense to the mog man, btw
18:27.29coppicelast time I looked there were about 100,000 people in Bangalore working permanent nights in call centres. Add in hyderbad and other places. how can that many bloody phones need answering? :-\
18:27.36gvainfosorry to interrupt you, just a question for debian stable + asterisk - is there a "proven" good way aside compiling to get the zaptel pseudo device?
18:27.42Qwell[]and if an order gets screwed up, you now have nobody to blame but yourself
18:27.51Qwell[]win-win-win, imo
18:27.51dlynes_homecoppice: and lahore (where Dr-Linux works in a call center) :)
18:27.59Qwell[]except for cashiers...they lose
18:28.10BadPacketmcdonalds sucks
18:28.22coppicethe pakistan call centres tend to be fairly small scale.
18:28.38brettnemAn automat was a form of a cafeteria-style restaurant in which simple foods, usually coffee, sandwiches, and other fare such as macaroni and cheese, were served to the clientele by means of coin-operated vending machines.
18:28.56Qwell[]brettnem: yeah...
18:30.15coppicedlynes_home: there are quite a few substantial call centres in china, serving chinese communities outside china
18:30.30dlynes_homecoppice: heh...I wouldn't doubt it
18:30.48dlynes_homecoppice: I guess you know how many chinese we have in vancouver, eh?
18:30.58*** join/#asterisk kardecallan (
18:31.04coppiceless than we have here :-)
18:31.10dlynes_homewell, duh :)
18:31.34dlynes_homeBut Richmond, which is about 300K people, is probably 70% Chinese
18:32.17coppiceand mostly cantonese speakers
18:32.24dlynes_homeyep...mostly hong kongese
18:32.38coppicenei sik m'sik gong gwong dung wah?
18:32.47dlynes_homewo buzhi dao
18:32.50jaybuffetwhen i start asterisk using "/etc/init.d/asterisk start" i cannot connect to the console using "asterisk -r", but if i start it from the exec i can connect fine... why would that by... it complains about the asterick.ctl file when i cannot connect but the file exists
18:33.32BadPacket"nei sik m'sik gong gwong dung wah" = "Hungry?"
18:33.33Flautoif i did not understand wrongly, using moh-native, there is no way for me to control the loudness of the player?
18:33.36coppicese pu tung wah ping yam ho nan
18:33.59jboti heard mercestes is the almighty dark overlord.  Worship him!  Worship or lament and suffer!  All hail Mercestes!  Dark lord of existance.
18:33.59BadPacket" se pu tung wah ping yam ho nan" = "no"
18:34.00dlynes_homeHe's saying he wants to go to Henan, to pick up some sexy ladies
18:34.22Flautocoppice, what is that language?
18:34.36dlynes_homeFlauto: Cantonese, I think...or maybe Hakka, or Hokkien
18:34.49Flautoare you guys chinese?
18:35.00dlynes_homeI'm Caucasian, but I do speak some Mandarin
18:35.06mercestesI think I'm turning japanese.  I really think so.   Does that count?
18:35.15coppicei'm one of those rare blonde blue eyed chinese
18:35.28Flautoreally? i am chinese and i speak mandarin
18:35.51Flautoi am a real one
18:36.12coppicengoh m'sik teng pu tung wah. ngoh ji sik gwong dung wah
18:36.37Flautocoppice, that is not real mandarin pin yin
18:36.49coppiceits cantonese
18:36.51dlynes_homeFlauto: It's some kinda weird cantonese romanization
18:37.20coppiceit says I can't speak mandarin, only cantonese
18:37.29dlynes_homeI'll probably never understand's too gutteral
18:37.44dlynes_homewell, and add to the fact that I know very few cantonese
18:37.55dlynes_homeAlmost everyone I know is from the mainland
18:38.07dlynes_homemostly near Hangzhou and Beijing
18:38.24coppicemore than one person who came from the north to hong kong as a child told me they found it easier to master english than cantonese
18:38.25Flautoi am from beijing
18:38.36dlynes_homecoppice: lol
18:38.37coppicei was in hangzhou just yesterday
18:38.44jaybuffetfile /var/run/asterisk.ctl exists and its owned by the asterisk user, yet i stall cant connect to "asterisk -r"... is that because im logged in as root.. even though i added the root user to the asterisk group
18:38.55dlynes_homeYeah...I'd love to go to west lake one of these years
18:38.58Flautoi am going back to beijng in a week
18:39.02CunningPikejaybuffet: It means that asterisk isn't starting from init.d
18:39.04dlynes_homeWest lake is extremely beautiful
18:39.32coppicewest lake is nice again now. it was a building site a couple of years ago. hotels, conference centres, and stuff
18:39.47dlynes_homeI know a couple people that live in Hangzhou, so the chances of me going to Hangzhou next time instead of returning to Beijing is much higher
18:40.03CunningPikejaybuffet: It's not working then - check your init script
18:40.12coppicego to long tseng. its really nice there
18:40.13CunningPikeAlso your logs for messages
18:40.20dlynes_homecoppice: yeah...probably everyone's moving to hangzhou to see the beautiful girls :0
18:40.44dlynes_homecoppice: long tseng?  You mean Long Ceng?
18:41.10coppicedunno how you pin yin ize it. the place near hangzhou where the tea grows
18:41.11*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
18:41.13Flautocome on guys
18:41.16Flautoanswer my question
18:41.22dlynes_homecoppice: mean Long Jin
18:41.29dlynes_homecoppice: long = dragon, jin = well
18:41.39coppicei don't jave a chinese IME set up on this machine
18:41.40*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:41.43Flautowhen i use noh-native, i have no control the loudness?
18:41.51dlynes_homeFlauto: correct
18:41.57jaybuffetseems like init.d/asterisk is using different config files.....
18:42.07CunningPikejaybuffet: There ya go :)
18:42.17brettnemFlauto: I have a native MOH installation and the audio is WAY too loud
18:42.18*** join/#asterisk azzie (
18:42.23dlynes_homecoppice: you mean longjin cha...the very famous green tea, right?
18:42.26Flautoso, what is the point of using it then?
18:42.27azzieanybody uses Dash911 here ?
18:42.49brettnemazzie: I've looked into it, but too expensive
18:42.53dlynes_homeFlauto: the volume's just fine for me
18:43.10CunningPikeFlauto: The point is not having to use mpg123
18:43.17brettnemI've had lots of customer complaints with the loudness
18:43.17dlynes_homeFlauto: but I adjust it in another program before I dump it on the hard drive
18:43.17azziebrettnem, buck fifty per customer you mean?
18:43.27CunningPikeFlauto: You can deal with it when creating your files in the first place
18:43.30brettnemazzie: yeah and monthly charges..
18:43.32coppiceyeah. dragon well of tea fame
18:43.43brettnemCunningPike: I tried that.. couldn't do anything to reduce the volume
18:43.43dlynes_homecoppice: mandarin, it's Long Jin
18:43.53*** join/#asterisk dapatrick (
18:43.54azziebrettnem, i'm screwing around with them now... what do you use?
18:44.03coppiceI think the road signs say Long Tseng
18:44.09CunningPikeWill the real Flauto please stand up?
18:44.11blitzrageanyone here using Polycom IP501s? Just curious what your experiences with the various bootroms and SIP images are, and which versions you recommend?
18:44.13brettnemazzie: I'm a carrier.. so I do things the old fashioned way
18:44.28azziebrettnem, lucky :-)
18:44.37jaybuffetdo you have to be logged in as the same user as asterisk is running in order to do "asterisk -r"
18:44.38dlynes_homecoppice: maybe that's in Hokkien then
18:44.38brettnemblitzrage: I use them.. good phone. horrid XML files
18:44.45CunningPikeblitzrage: We use IP501s with the latest of each - no problems - they just keep getting better
18:44.59AssidCunningPike: you got the latest 1.6.6 right ?
18:45.01blitzragewhich is the current versions?
18:45.03brettnemI haven't tried the new sip load with the buddy list patch yet
18:45.06blitzrageof the bootrom and the sip.ld?
18:45.11brettnemI run I think 1.6.4
18:45.14CunningPikeAssid: Correct - it adds presence icons to the line keys
18:45.21dlynes_homecoppice: after all, Zhejiang borders Fujian
18:45.24Assidim running 1.6.3
18:45.25blitzragewhere do you get the images? I have a new IP501 -- do I have to sign up for something?
18:45.37brettnemEarlier versions could do buddy lists, but could only do 7 at a time
18:45.38coppicemost road signs in china have mandarin pin yin for the english part. I usually read the chinese, so I don't always take too much notice
18:45.44Assidbootrom - i thought they said only update to 3.x if you have problems
18:45.46blitzrageI realized I can download the files from 'freedomphones' :)
18:45.48CunningPikeblitzrage: From your reseller - or search the list archives
18:45.50Assidcause you cant downgrage again
18:46.07brettnemblitzrage: I don't think 1.6.6 is available on freedomphones
18:46.17blitzragedoesn't look like it
18:46.18Assidyeah.. i didnt see it last time either
18:46.19blitzragejust 1.6.5
18:46.23Flautocunninglike, how are you doing. i am using moh-native now, but the the sound is kind of quiet. i am playing classical music on it, that might be the problem
18:46.33dlynes_homecoppice: yeah...i just figured it might be hokkien rather than mandarin because Taiwanese usually use Yale romanization, rather than hanyu pinyin
18:46.42brettnemFlauto: I wish mine was quiet.. mine is so loud it makes people want to hang up on hold
18:46.46CunningPikeFlauto: Yes - it might well be
18:46.51Assidthere should be a changelog file man.. would be nice to see the difference in the versions
18:47.04brettnema changelog file man?
18:47.15Assidchangelog file
18:47.18brettnem"Hello, I'm the changelog file man"
18:47.33brettnemsorry.. ;)
18:47.39Assidgeez.. leave out a few punctuations.. and you get shot in here
18:47.54CunningPike1.6.6 isn't general release, I don't think - latest SIP is 1.6.5, and latest bootrom is
18:47.59dlynes_homeFlauto: Try adjusting the amplitude in a waveform manager before saving it on the hard drive
18:48.00brettnemoh come on.. we're family.. we all pick on each other
18:48.06*** join/#asterisk ScubaDude (n=fritzbra@
18:48.28ScubaDudelo all
18:48.50Assidhell im using as per what sip.ver says
18:48.57Flautoyeah, i guess that the the only way then
18:49.03coppicewell, on tuesday evening I was enjoying dragon well tea beside west lake :-)
18:49.13Flautotaiwanese now is using pin yin
18:49.18*** part/#asterisk ScubaDude (n=fritzbra@
18:49.20CunningPikeAssid: Are you having problems with it?
18:49.33stack_randomly our caller id's show up as "asterisk", but most of the time it shows the correct callerid... any ideas?
18:49.38AssidCunningPike: nah
18:49.39coppiceFlauto: not very often
18:49.39Flautoand also
18:49.51Assidwasnt really looking at upgrading unless its got something really worth it
18:49.56blitzragestack_: sendrpid=yes and trustrpid=yes
18:50.01CunningPikestack_: 'asterisk' is what gets inserted for a blank CID
18:50.09CunningPikeWe used a macro to change is
18:50.15stack_blitzrage: where do those go?
18:50.20blitzragestack_: sip.conf
18:50.29blitzragestack_: check the sip.conf.sample file for more information
18:50.36stack_blitzrage: thans
18:51.54dlynes_homeFlauto: heh...the taiwanese here, are still very much deadset against using pinyin
18:52.02dlynes_homeFlauto: they all still insist on using zhuyin
18:52.13Flautois there a way to set expiry for a single register under sip.conf
18:52.34dlynes_homeFlauto: maxexpiry=nnnn, i think
18:52.37coppicedlynes_home: but they left, so they have no say :-)
18:52.50Assiddlynes_home: dont you have to set it in the phone/client ?
18:52.56dlynes_homeFlauto: yeah...maxexpiry and defaultexpiry
18:53.10coppicefor typing zhuyin is very popular in taiwan
18:53.32Flautowell, if i set up that, it is for all registers though
18:53.32chino[server]is 1 cent per minute allot ?
18:53.34Assidchino[server]: nah.. just 1 cent
18:53.42dlynes_homeFlauto: oh yeah...i guess that's only global
18:53.57chino[server]what do you normally pay with a pstn link ?
18:53.59AssidFlauto: you can set the expiry in oyur client
18:54.01dlynes_homeAssid: yeah, you can set it in the client, too
18:54.03chino[server]i thought most polaces you get unlimited calls for liek 30 a month
18:54.04*** join/#asterisk denon (
18:54.04*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
18:54.08Flautono way to set only one?
18:54.11*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
18:54.14dlynes_homechino[server]: you don' just pay a monthly charge
18:54.17dlynes_homeFlauto: in the client
18:54.32xp_prgcan the Asterisk extensions function PlayBack handle ogg?
18:54.33blitzragechino[server]: yah -- but it depends how many minutes a month you use. $30 will give you 3000 mins a month
18:54.37dlynes_homechino[server]: i think you want
18:54.51chino[server]voiceplus voip says 11$ per month for 4 channel up/down and its 1cent per minute for outgoing
18:55.10Assidchino[server]: no.. 1 cent to CERTAIN locations
18:55.18chino[server]yes i know that
18:55.18*** join/#asterisk mgob (n=goldenol@
18:55.19blitzrageusually North America
18:55.24chino[server]but is that a good rate ?
18:55.24dlynes_homechino[server]: is 1c/mi cheap for what?
18:55.26Flautodlynes how?
18:55.34dlynes_homechino[server]: I'm getting 0.0065/mi
18:55.42mgobanyone have issues with pickup() only working on some extensions? or contexts?
18:55.43Assidyou get 0.0065 ?
18:55.46blitzragechino[server]: its pretty standard -- you're not going to get much cheaper unless you buy bulk minutes
18:55.49Assidwho the hell do you use?
18:55.55dlynes_homeFlauto: it depends on your client
18:55.58chino[server]so only for outgoing means if someone calls one of my 4 channels then its free ?
18:56.00mgobI am just doing Pickup(${EXTEN:2}) and it works for one context but not the other
18:56.03*** join/#asterisk Enderson (
18:56.12dlynes_homeAssid: a canadian company
18:56.19Flautowhat you mean by client?
18:56.19Assiddlynes_home: got a site?
18:56.30dlynes_homeFlauto: your softphone or your hardphone
18:56.34blitzragedlynes_home: heh -- carrier, or reseller?
18:56.37dlynes_homeFlauto: or your ata or your sip gateway
18:56.43Assiddlynes_home: hell hows their quality?
18:56.43dlynes_homeblitzrage: carrier
18:56.50blitzragedlynes_home: yah, that makes sense
18:57.03dlynes_homeblitzrage: it's wholesale pricing
18:57.07blitzragedlynes_home: yep
18:57.12blitzragedlynes_home: sounds like it :)
18:57.28Flautothe register is for a service
18:57.29dlynes_homeblitzrage: but those are direct routes, not shit routes
18:57.53blitzragedlynes_home: i.e. they have a PRI in the locations they terminate to?
18:58.02dlynes_homeblitzrage: we have another one that's cheaper for us to terminate to than it is for us to terminate to locally
18:58.05chino[server]dlynes_home:  you have a link ?
18:58.30blitzragethis doesn't sound like a consumer business guys
18:58.42dlynes_homeblitzrage: i.e. it's cheaper per minute to terminate to them, than what it costs as a fraction of our pri
18:58.53blitzragedlynes_home: interesting :)
18:59.03dlynes_homechino[server]: how many minutes do you push per month?
18:59.06blitzrageVoIP is neat -- but it's just a fad
18:59.23Assiddlynes_home: you got their site for me ?
18:59.38dlynes_homeAssid: how many minutes do you push per month?
18:59.39chino[server]dlynes_home: i have no idea
18:59.53chino[server]blitzrage: its not a fad
18:59.59Assidaround 30 bucks worth ? with voicepulse rates
19:00.11blitzragechino[server]: I know -- its a joke...
19:00.12dlynes_homeAssid: then there's no way these guys would even talk to you
19:00.16chino[server]oh lol
19:00.22Assidhow many mins do these guys need?
19:00.30dlynes_homeAssid: it's wholesale, not retail
19:00.41chino[server]so whsay 1 cent per minute for outgoing calls they literally mean that if poepple call me its free ?
19:00.46dlynes_homeif you have to ask, you're not pushing enough
19:01.23Assidwell.. if i club everyone together.. prolly around 100 bucks worth.. i guess
19:01.33blitzragechino[server]: no -- it'll be 1c/min, either direction usually
19:01.40brettnemwhere are you guys terminating calls to?
19:01.41dlynes_homeAssid: even just one of my customers is pushing about $150/mo to the Punjab
19:02.11r_evolutionAssid - you ever manage to get the DID you were wanting?
19:02.20Assidwell.. found a place
19:02.34dlynes_homeAnyone able to get me a Montreal DID?
19:02.38blitzragedlynes_home: I think I can
19:02.46Assidyou tried didx ?
19:02.46*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
19:02.47dlynes_homeI just need one, not a whole whack
19:02.54[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Unlimitel terminates here
19:02.58blitzragedlynes_home: yah -- what kind of plan you need?
19:03.00dlynes_homerehan wallah wallah bing bang is an idiot
19:03.14bartpbxhello, i have a problem compiling zaptel on a x86_64 system
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19:03.35dlynes_homeblitzrage: no idea offhand...I just have one customer that happens to need a did there
19:03.43Assidbartpbx: dont use x86_64
19:03.47Assidi learned that the hard way
19:03.47blitzragedlynes_home: cool, let me know -- I can get DIDs there
19:04.12bartpbxassid: ok, why not? are there any known problems witth x86_64?
19:04.16dlynes_homeblitzrage: let me do a brief check to see what her current calls are to montreal, and it'll probably be about 1/2 that volume
19:04.31blitzragedlynes_home: sounds good
19:04.33stack_blitzrage: I made those changes to sip.conf and we just had an inbound call with the following: "CallerID returned with error on channel..."
19:04.45Assidbartpbx: known .. not sure.. ijust had a terrible experience
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19:04.51Assidi tink someone else did too
19:05.01Assidnot sure. but it might be on google as well
19:05.04blitzragestack_: need more info -- pastebin the dialplan call flow
19:05.05*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
19:05.24blitzragewith some noop()'s to show what the ${CALLERID(name)} and ${CALLERID(number)} return
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19:05.55dlynes_homeblitzrage: the one she needs specifically is for the 350 CO
19:05.59bartpbxgoogle says nothing about a Problem
19:06.56dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: what's unlimitel?
19:07.03[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home :
19:07.04dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: and you're in Montreal?
19:07.09[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Indeed
19:07.18dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: ah...thought you were American :0
19:07.19Flautodyynes, go to a conference room somewhere, so i can hear your mandarine
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19:07.31dlynes_homeFlauto: mandarin's not that good :)
19:07.39dlynes_homeFlauto: it's quite weak, actually
19:07.46dlynes_homeFlauto: i need to find a mandarin wife :)
19:07.46r_evolutionTK's one of *those* guys...
19:08.08dlynes_homeFlauto: just haven't had the time to take more courses since my last trip to China
19:08.56blitzragestack_: no idea.. that should not have affected a Zap channel at all
19:08.56Flautogood luck. i am mandarin, but my gf is cantonese
19:09.03dlynes_homeFlauto: btw...from what i hear
19:09.14dlynes_homeFlauto: when you go back to beijing, you won't recognize's changed a lot
19:09.39dlynes_homeFlauto: see?  that's the trouble with living in the us
19:09.49dlynes_homeFlauto: you end up meeting cantonese girls, not mandarin girls :)
19:09.56bartpbxassid, what was your hard way to learn it?
19:10.05bartpbxwhat was the problem?
19:10.16dlynes_homeFlauto: personally, I like mandarin speaking girls a lot more
19:10.20Assidwrell.. something to do with the zaptel timing device
19:10.32dlynes_homeFlauto: they seem to be a lot more feminine
19:10.37blitzragedlynes_home: I terminated almost a million minutes last month -- will your friends talk to me? :)
19:10.43Flautonot true
19:10.45dlynes_homeblitzrage: lol
19:10.47Flautoit really depends
19:10.56dlynes_homeblitzrage: one of them only terminates about a million a month, himself
19:11.03blitzragedlynes_home: 945,557.69 actually :D
19:11.08dlynes_homeblitzrage: the other one I'm sure terminates more than that
19:11.11stack_blitzrage: it seems as though everything coming in on the TDM400 is not getting caller id info..., works fine on the TE110p
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19:11.21Assidi really should sum up their minutes of usage
19:11.55dlynes_homeblitzrage: once we get going though, I hope to be terminating at least 100K/mo by the end of the year
19:12.02rollergrrlIn regards to 5ess, 4ess, and NI2... is there one that is preferred over another?
19:12.03Assidoh crap
19:12.06r_evolutiongirl != katty in here?
19:12.07Assidi gotta wake up in 5 hrs
19:12.19dlynes_homerollergrrl: mi5
19:12.29r_evolutionwatching bond?
19:12.33rollergrrldlynes_home: hilarious
19:12.50dlynes_homerollergrrl: oops...thought you were just putting random digits and letters together :)
19:12.58r_evolutionthis channel will self-destruct in 10 seconds...
19:13.02Assid5 hrs 2 mins
19:13.06rollergrrlr_evolution: why do people say that every time I come in here?
19:13.27r_evolutioni dunno... i suppose because everyone gets accustomed to Katty being the only girl here
19:13.40Assidwe have a girl in here?
19:13.41dlynes_homeNah... rollergrrl is in here regularly, too
19:13.49dlynes_homeSo is Corydon-w
19:13.49mercestesgirls?  where?
19:14.02Assidshes almost non existent.. barely any 'talk time'
19:14.04dlynes_homeBut Corydon-w is married
19:14.05rollergrrlI'm not ask talkative as katty though
19:14.12blitzragedlynes_home: looks like I can only get 514 areacode for now...
19:14.25mercestesquick, everyone put on your "dress pocket protectors."
19:14.30dlynes_homeblitzrage: I said 350 CO, not 350 NPA :)
19:14.33Corydon-wI'm a girl?
19:14.41r_evolutionhah @ mercestes
19:14.41rollergrrlclose to one
19:14.51dlynes_homeCorydon-w: Oh...thought you were cause i heard you talking about your husband or something the other night
19:14.57rollergrrlHe's gay
19:14.58blitzragedlynes_home: oh -- then I have no idea what you're asking :)
19:15.06mercestesit's that whole civil liberties thing.
19:15.18chino[server]blitzrage: they sid incoming is free
19:15.25blitzragechino[server]: good for them
19:15.32dlynes_homeblitzrage: like 1-514-350-xxxx
19:15.42brettnemI like that bumper sticker "I didn't need my civil liberties anyway..."
19:15.52[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Why 350 for CO?
19:16.06dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: local to another CO I guess
19:16.17blitzragedlynes_home: oh -- well, then you didn't give me enough info, lol
19:16.21dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: the thing is, I don't know what's local there, and what isn't, and niether did she
19:16.22blitzrageis Montreal only one NPA?
19:16.33[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : total waste of an idea.  thats just "on-island".  typically anything counting as down-town Mtl has the same calling range.
19:16.40Assidman.. i got some crazy ass power fluctuations
19:16.40rollergrrlAnyway... should stick my PRIs with 5ess and NI2... should I just throw a dart?
19:16.46[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : Ummm NO :D
19:16.54blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: ok, didn't think so
19:17.01rollergrrlLet me fix that sentence
19:17.04Assidundervoltage mostly.. lights become dimm and sometimes.. TOOOOOO bright
19:17.08[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : We're moving to forced 10-digit dialing in a month and adding AREA codes to Montreal :)
19:17.09rollergrrlAnyway... should I stick my PRIs with 5ess or NI2... should I just throw a dart?
19:17.18*** join/#asterisk techie (
19:17.22blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: you don't have 10-digit now? pffffft -- sooooo behind the times ;)
19:17.52[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : You keep importing our greatest export : Anglophones ;)
19:18.30blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: you're not a separatist are you? *glares*
19:18.34[TK]D-Fender"I'm an alien.  I'm a legal alien. I'm an englishman in Quebec"
19:18.48blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: you're not a conservative are you? *glares*
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19:19.12Assiddocelmo ?
19:19.16Assidyou around
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19:19.34[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : Don't glare at me child!
19:19.47mercestesSo, I heard at work the other day that mexico was talkiing about legalizing pot......that would be funny....for the first time in world history....illegal americans would be run out of mexico.
19:19.54blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: oh I'll *glare* -- and you'll LIKE IT
19:19.56Assidis there any changelog for the differences between 1.6.2 and 1.6.5 ?
19:20.25[TK]D-FenderAssid : Yes.
19:20.47[TK]D-FenderAssid : And SIP 1.6.6 is out and 2.0 coming next month.
19:21.14Assid[TK]D-Fender: not public yet right ? and which file contains the changes?
19:21.23dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: wtf?  you don't have ten digit dialing yet?  I think even thunder bay has ten digit dialing
19:21.25bartpbxAssid: I would realy like to try it myself with x86_64. Did you had the same problem compiling zaptel?
19:21.46bartpbxit looks like i typo but ths can not be i think
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19:21.48Assidbartpbx: i dont remember what the problem was EXACTLY.. but i remmeber something about zaptel and that causing me alot of problems
19:21.59blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: how do you get your files?! :D
19:22.00[TK]D-FenderAssid : Polycom publicly published their changelog in PDF format.
19:22.11blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: changelogs are where?
19:22.27[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : By asking for them :)
19:22.32adorahHow the ITEF is going to tackle seriously nt raversal issues in SIP?
19:22.35[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : Only Polycom's site
19:22.42blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: but where on the polycom site?
19:22.48[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : Changelogs are free, SOFTWARE is not.
19:22.50Assid[TK]D-Fender: do you have to update the sip.cfg  if you update the sip files?
19:22.55[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : Go look you lazy ass!
19:23.01blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: I did! couldn't find them
19:23.30Assidyeah neither could i
19:23.30Assidi think we turning blind man
19:23.30[TK]D-FenderAssid : Not if you're on SIP 1.6 already
19:23.30r_evolutionnot everyone is a disciple of the church of polycom TK ;)
19:23.30dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: I just needed an exchange/CO that's local to 1-514-705-xxxx
19:23.38Assidcan we get 1.6.6 off you ? ;) ?
19:23.55mercesteshe won't share, I tried.
19:24.02jaybuffetfigured out why i couldnt connect if anyone cares... i didnt set the ASTVARRUNDIR var correct in the Makefile when i compiled it... once i changed it.. everything works
19:24.07Assidwas always worth a try
19:24.17dlynes_homeblitzrage: are you familiar with what's local to 1-514-705?
19:24.32blitzragedlynes_home: sorry, no idea :(
19:24.42dlynes_homeblitzrage: ah...didn't think so
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19:24.51mercestesI basically called up some random small voip provider and screamed at them about my sip configs until they emailed them to me and apologized for not being able to find me in their database.
19:25.00brif8anyone know where is the profit margin in being a VoIP Termination Provider. I mean most offer +/- 3c/min and numbers at $5.00 per month.  Yet they probably pay 1c/min from CLEC.
19:25.21bartpbxhm. strange`.. any c / makefile specialist interessted in having a look at this problem?
19:25.29r_evolutionmercestes... that's like what we used to do as kids with hardees
19:25.38r_evolutiongo into hardees and bitch out whoever was working the counter... and get free food
19:25.58bartpbxthis seams to be a Problem in zaptel-1.2.5 on x86_64 the same version is runing fine on a none x86_64 system
19:26.30Assidi stil dont getwhy polycom wont just open their site for free downloads
19:26.30dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: is unlimitel residential only?
19:26.39chino[server]gsm takes up 64 kb of band width does that stand for kilo bytes or kilo bits ?
19:26.46[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : what kind of usage youplanning for that DID?
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19:27.03[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : No, they do both. and metered / normal as well.
19:27.05brif8chino[server]: bits
19:27.17adorahGSM shouldn't take that much bandwidth..
19:27.27r_evolutionlittle b = bits... big B = bytes :)
19:27.33schirpichhow do you assign a extention to a queue?
19:27.34dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: probably about 1000mi/mo or so
19:28.01chino[server]brif8:   and you talk about your isp have 256k up your talking about bits or bytes ?
19:28.46r_evolutionmercestes... the abuser of small companies :(
19:28.47Assidunlimitel .. 4c/min ?
19:28.56jbothmm... mercestes is the almighty dark overlord.  Worship him!  Worship or lament and suffer!  All hail Mercestes!  Dark lord of existance.
19:28.56bartpbxhm.. anyone has a x86_64 system not runing suse and could try to compile zaptel?
19:29.07r_evolutionsomeone was feeling a little goth
19:29.13[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Unlimitel is for you then.  Get a DID from them ($2.5/mo) and calls will be $.011/min
19:29.26jbotwell, blitzrage is a super cool fellow
19:29.30[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : 5 channels mac.
19:29.45Assidnot max.. .011 /min
19:29.49Assidunlimitel huh
19:30.00[TK]D-FenderJbot Cloaking enabled! ;)
19:30.25adorahr u talking about Cablevision 500 min for 19.95$/month?
19:30.46Assidaargh.. can a sip provisioning cause a problem if you arent updating the bootrom.. and the phone reboots in the middle?
19:30.53Assidim having CRAZY power problems
19:31.21[TK]D-FenderAssid : yes SIP updates take 2 reboots
19:31.32[TK]D-FenderAssid : Verify, then save.
19:31.43Loceurhow do I pick a handset for my spanking new asterisk server?  What's ya'lls favorite phones?
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19:32.09r_evolutionmy favorite method is to grab a dartboard loceur...
19:32.12brettnemLoceur: I've used SNOM, Polycom and Cisco.. I like the Cisco the most.. but SNOM is pretty flexible..
19:32.13r_evolutionpin a few company logos up
19:32.16r_evolutionand throw darts :)
19:32.20Assidokay.. its actually updated.. just that its rebooting with this power problems
19:32.30Assidreally dont knwo what to do besides unplug and sit
19:32.33r_evolutionTK will threaten your life if you get anything other than Polycom though
19:32.49mercestesPolycom is nice...if you can make it FREAKING's hell getting it to work for the first time.
19:32.53brettnemI'd stick with one of those three
19:33.00brettnemmercestes: bah, it ain't that bad
19:33.03mercestesbut after that it's ok.......unless you ever have to reboot....that takes a week.
19:33.15brettnemrebooting the polycom phones is damn slow
19:33.26mercestesmy grandma boots faster than a polycom
19:33.30brettnemI have two polycoms on my desk now.. they are nice phones.. no doubt
19:33.44Assidmercestes: actually no.. i love it. gotta thank [TK]D-Fender tho
19:33.47r_evolutionheh... polycom's greatest feature... the web interface only takes a blazing 5 minutes to be active
19:33.52r_evolutionafter the phone boots
19:34.05brettnemand any small change.. BAMO reboot
19:34.07[TK]D-Fendermercestes : Dunno about that.  Always worked right off for me....
19:34.09Loceurthanks guys
19:34.11brettnem5 minutes.. cup of coffee
19:34.26mercestesPolycom boards:     Bug:   "It takes a full 2 minutes before the web interface of a polycom phone is accessible after a successful boot."  Solution:  "Make the boot last 2 minutes longer."
19:34.29[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : But unlike Snom's you don't have to reboot them HOURLY ;)
19:34.32brettnembut I have hundreds of polycoms installed.. most people seem to really like them
19:34.37brettnem[TK]D-Fender: I don't have that problem!
19:35.10blitzragePolycom hasn't updated their documents page -- latest changlog is 1.6.3 it looks like
19:35.12mercestesbut yea, once a polycom is working and's rock solid...
19:35.13Assidblitzrage: which one ?
19:35.17brettnemSNOMs allow you to specifiy in DHCP a HTTP location in the TFTP parameter for the config fils.. that is SWEET
19:35.20Assidi have the admin guide
19:35.25blitzrage"I'm breathing so I guess I'm still alive, even thought signs seem to tell me otherwise"
19:35.30Assiddont see anything in there with words "changelog"
19:35.45brettnemI saw the polycom changelog the other day.. I'm sure of it
19:35.47blitzragenevermind -- I didn't read careuflly enough
19:36.12blitzrageI thought you're looking for "Release Notes"
19:36.22mercestesCisco's are ok too.....dealing with all the bootroms on a Cisco can be painful tho
19:36.50[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : Can do tahtwith Polycom's as well....
19:37.03brettnem[TK]D-Fender: no, with polycom you have to point to a TFTP server.
19:37.14[TK]D-FenderCisco's a re great phones... SIP isn't always stable and its DEFINATELY tricky, and expensive, but YGWYPF
19:37.27Assiderr.. where is the serial number located on the phone?
19:37.30[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : So entirely not true :)
19:37.34Assidi mean below the mac addresS?
19:37.37mercestesGrandstreams are the absolute best!!!!!              (door stoppers)
19:37.42tzangermercestes: heh
19:37.50brettnem[TK]D-Fender: you can make polycom's boot a config off a HTTP server??
19:37.52tzangergrandstreams are great residential low call volume phones
19:37.52MstlyHrmlsbrettnem: nope, with 3.x you can give it a URL to the <mac>.cfg file
19:38.03brettnemMstlyHrmls: Very cool.. glad to be wrong. :)
19:38.03tzangerbrettnem: yes, with latest bootroms and firmware (I have not tried this)
19:38.09Assidwhite sticker or black one?
19:38.13[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : FTP, TFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, jsut about anything since BootROM 3
19:38.18brettnemit still takes 10 minutes to boot tho?
19:38.24tzangerbrettnem: yes :-(
19:38.24[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : 2
19:38.36r_evolutiondebating w/ TK in regards to polycom != wise
19:39.07brettnemhmm.. what happened to the udev permissions in FC4?
19:39.08[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : only because I'm RIGHT :)  I work with them, I use them at home, and I consult them.  Experience counts.
19:39.38brettnem[TK]D-Fender: i use them alot too.. they are dependable. I like the phone alot.. the config file totally SUCKS
19:39.41[TK]D-FenderAnd then I'm going to cert for either distribution or support.  Depending aon whats profitable for my consultancy.
19:39.41r_evolutionactually i was going for the only because you hunt dissenters down and kill them
19:40.01mercestesThe polycom config file is written in total klingon.
19:40.01blitzrageI'd like to program something that provisions and creates the .XML files...
19:40.14[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : I'd rephrase that as "sure its not pretty", but I get what needs done  done in no time and with certainty.
19:40.15brettnemThe only real beef I have with them is the boot time.. if you make a program to automatically make the configs, it no big deal
19:40.15blitzragebut then I'd have to get good at programming :)
19:40.23CunningPikeblitzrage: I have some shell scripts......
19:40.42[TK]D-FenderMine are ready to go on the server from before I even take a new one out of its box.
19:40.52MstlyHrmlsmercestes: XML, klingon, very similar :-)
19:41.00[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : No, you could script it with 4 lines of SED.  period
19:41.09brettnem[TK]D-Fender: same here.. we have a web gui that makes the polycom files.. but I still don't like it..
19:41.09blitzragepffft -- look at the XML for i-911 -- that'll make you go nuts
19:41.26brettnemblitzrage: I've looked at that.. nasty..
19:41.30[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : I always provision mine by hand however.
19:41.33blitzragebrettnem: fun stuff eh? :D
19:41.39C4T3live been wanting to write a sed script for a poly config do you have an ex?
19:42.07[TK]D-FenderC4T3l : if you know how to use SED, just make a template and search & replace!
19:42.19[TK]D-FenderC4T3l : and NO, I have no need for such things.
19:42.21C4T3li need to learn sed
19:42.32brettnemjust do everything in PERL
19:42.39brettnemI mean.. really
19:43.14mercestes*saw that one coming*
19:43.17C4T3lmy company has a bad habit of ordering fones last minute and having to rush-config
19:43.44[TK]D-FenderWell any phone I get here takes me maybe 2 minutes to prep.... no biggie.
19:43.48C4T3li havent been here for too long so i'm trying to make it easy on myself
19:43.52brettnemI've written config generators for both cisco and SNOM from sip.conf.. I don't know why there isn't something out there that does this stuff.
19:44.25[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : For poly its harder because of XML's free-form nature and lack of line breaks.
19:44.27brettnemI use SETVARs and place the MAC address in sip.conf along with a LINE=1 or LINE=2.. No dummy proofing, but it works
19:44.38brettnem[TK]D-Fender: s///
19:45.09C4T3lhmm. very intersting
19:45.15*** join/#asterisk mozveren_1 (
19:45.18mozveren_1hello all
19:45.28brettnemyeah, I put all sorts of junk in those setvars.. I put flash operator panel labels
19:45.34mozveren_1i have problem with a A102 sangoma card
19:45.35brettnemand if they should appear on the FOP
19:45.48mozveren_1I have launch wancfg
19:45.56mozveren_1enter my configuration
19:46.08mozveren_1but after when I start wanrouter, I have some troubles
19:46.15mozveren_1anyone can help m ?
19:46.59Assidhow the hell d you register our product with polycom?
19:47.13Assidit says the serial number is wrong
19:47.48[TK]D-FenderAssid : Serial # is the MAC <-
19:48.05[TK]D-FenderFish for all!
19:48.05Assidthats what i tried
19:48.09r_evolutionyou're done with your fish TK
19:48.15mercestes*hides and tries to be non-descript.
19:48.59Assidkeeps saying "please validate and re-enter serial number again (2501,40)
19:49.23[TK]D-FenderAssid : PM me what you're entering
19:51.19dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: 0.011/mi even if all calls are redirected to my asterisk server?
19:52.15r_evolutiondlynes : about that termination provider?
19:52.21dlynes_homer_evolution: ?
19:52.42r_evolutioni was just curious to know who you were using... you mentioned how good they were earlier
19:52.45[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Where else would they be going?
19:52.59r_evolutionor so i thought... i wasn't paying full attention
19:53.18dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: from their did, call forwarding to a cell phone in 778 NPA?
19:53.36[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : AH
19:53.41dlynes_homer_evolution: I don't remember ever mentioning they were good
19:53.48dlynes_homer_evolution: i just said they were cheap
19:53.49[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : that'd be double-rate.
19:53.58[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : 2 channels don't forget.
19:54.12dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: why do i need two channels, though?
19:54.22*** part/#asterisk meppl (
19:54.24r_evolutionoh... well how is the quality then? good? fair? pathetic?
19:54.36[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : One for the call to come in on, the other to dial and bridge to cell of course
19:54.43dlynes_homer_evolution: probably fair, unless it's a direct route
19:55.31dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: so one zap channel and one sip or iax channel
19:55.56r_evolutionworth looking into. rates?
19:56.09dlynes_home[TK]D-Fender: iow, it'd be pretty stupid to only have one channel
19:56.26dlynes_homer_evolution: are you a reseller?
19:56.53r_evolutionnah. we provide service
19:57.06dlynes_homeso you're a reseller then, or an interconnect
19:57.39[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : Well if you want them to terminate a DID direct to Cell, no need for SIP.  If you want to do the termination then just 1-way with them, and SIP/IAX, yor choice
19:58.01[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : I'm an informed consumer, and consultant :)
19:58.17r_evolutiontechnically... but when you say reseller i think wholesale
19:58.27dlynes_homeand so do i
19:58.41r_evolutionbut yes we provide service to consumers... and we also have an in-house pbx that i'm in the process of getting up...
19:58.49r_evolutionbut the wiring here is... a mess to say the least
19:59.00dlynes_homeso you provide service to businesses or something then?
19:59.10dlynes_homei.e. long distance service?
19:59.10r_evolutionbusiness and residential
19:59.40r_evolutionwell yes we also provide ld service on the pstn...
19:59.43dlynes_homeso, iow, you're a reseller
19:59.56r_evolutionbut we also provide voip service
20:00.02dlynes_homei.e. you're a VAR
20:00.05r_evolutionso yes... we resell service to consumers
20:00.26r_evolutionwhy do you ask?
20:00.36SpaceBassAnyone with a DATA t1 have a sense of what codec to use to save bandwidth?
20:00.50r_evolution729 :)
20:00.52tzangerSpaceBass: if all youw ant to do is save bandwidth, use a heavily compressed codec
20:01.02tzangerlpc10, g726, g729, gsm
20:01.05dlynes_homer_evolution: because I don't want my wholesalers getting pissed off at me for sending them a bunch of weenies looking for a $20/mo all you can eat plan
20:01.13tzanger(in increasing order of audio quality)
20:01.29SpaceBasstzanger, i guess it wasnt a good question...trying to determine if 1024 is enough bandwidth to reasonably do VoIP for home and still have room for data
20:01.41[TK]D-Fendertzanger : G726 is higher than ALL the rest...
20:01.44SpaceBassi know on paper it should be enough for several concurrent calls, but....
20:01.47r_evolutionnot quite dlynes :)
20:01.54[TK]D-Fendertzanger : its 1/2 ULAW.. cmon...
20:01.56tzangerack you're right
20:02.11[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : At least in the capacity * has implemented...
20:03.06*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
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20:16.44SpaceBassStupid fedex man won't bring my WIP330 phone and I need to run errands
20:21.25*** join/#asterisk MattH (n=MattH@
20:21.36MattHHi.. I'm running 1.2.6   can anyone tell me why *8 pickup might not be working for me?
20:23.41[TK]D-FenderMattH : Improper setup in features.conf, pickup group improperly defined in each tech's setup....
20:24.28MattHyeah it says "nothing to pickup"
20:24.56[TK]D-FenderMattH : well I guess you'd better check the settings of whatever it was that you were expecting to be able to pick up.
20:25.24MattHso if I'm trying to pickup an extension (sip phone) what exactly needs to be in the config? that's probably what I'm missing
20:25.56[TK]D-Fenderyour target has to be identified.
20:26.09MattHthis will probably answer my question
20:26.44[TK]D-FenderTFM usually does ;)
20:26.52*** join/#asterisk loonacy (
20:27.05MattHyup there we go.. missing my call group :)
20:28.36MattHAHA! there we go
20:29.13loonacyHello, i'm trying to make a macro that will take a 7 digit number, add an area code, and either dial a SIP number if there's an account on that server, or dial out an IAX trunk if that extension doesn't exist.. How do i tell if an extension exists?
20:29.32loonacyI tried Goto() but if the extension doesn't exist it just complains there's no invalid handler.
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20:37.54XanaXahey guys can someone tell me if I need to enable custom_extensions for them to work?  Or is there a way to see if they are enabled?
20:38.47Tier_1are you using asterisk or freepbx
20:39.01Tier_1if freepbx join #freepbx
20:39.12XanaXaok thanks
20:39.27Tier_1II have abounty for a agi
20:39.33Tier_1any agi guys here
20:41.37loonacyCan anybody point me in the right direction for handling a Goto when the extension doesn't exist?  I'd like to be able to continue the dialplan instead of it complain about no invalid handler.
20:41.47*** join/#asterisk Mother (
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20:43.37r_evolutionwhy not handle that GoTo in the i extension loonacy?
20:43.47r_evolutioni.e. exten => i,1,GoTo(etcetcetc)
20:45.03mercestesThere just isn't a syntax for "If this then do this" in extensions.conf is there?
20:45.16Dr-Linux/usr/include/linux/proc_fs.h:193: warning: `create_proc_read_entry' declared `static' but never defined
20:45.16Dr-Linuxmake: *** [zaptel.o] Error 1
20:45.16Dr-Linux[root@ivr zaptel-1.2.5]#
20:45.16lzhanganybody else have been having problems compiling asterisk-addons svn trunk?
20:45.23Dr-Linuxwhat could be the reason?
20:46.07*** part/#asterisk Mother (
20:46.11mercestesI mean..I could use GotoIf but man that's fargin messy for 20 checks
20:46.18loonacyr_evolution:  I have : exten => s,2,GoTo(${ARG1},${ARG2},1) <-- in s extension, I never get to i extension.
20:46.30SuperLagFor call queues... I'm reading the docs on the site and I've got a question.  "Fewest Completed Calls".... how is this calculated? does it reset every 24 hours?
20:46.41Dr-Linuxi have installed Libpri packege, but having this error while installing zaptel
20:46.44Tier_1any one here good with agi
20:47.11SuperLagIt says, "fewestcalls: ring the one with the fewest completed calls from this queue", but it doesn't say when/how it calculates that value
20:47.23SuperLagAny ideas?
20:47.27mercesteswhat_agi?  php_agi   perl_agi  bash_agi  c_agi
20:48.06Tier_1wll what ever its best done it
20:48.21Tier_1I was thinking perl or php
20:48.38mercestesit's your choice.
20:48.46Tier_1it for asterisk
20:48.51mercestesit all reads stdin and stdout
20:49.21r_evolutionloonacy... you must be getting to the i extensions somewhere if * is complaining about no invalid extension handler
20:49.23Tier_1nerc pvt me I will explain as to not hog the channel
20:50.10Tier_1I have a exten I want to convert to a agi
20:51.37ObitusAnyone here tried the Nokia N80 SIP/softphone with Asterisk?
20:52.32*** part/#asterisk chino[server] (
20:52.53loonacyr_evolution:  Yeah, I just figured it out.. I was trying to use i in the current context, but now i realize it was going to i in the new context i was going to.
20:54.41r_evolutionisn't it odd? sometimes just talking about a problem helps you figure out the answer
20:55.20loonacyNow i just have to figure out how to handle it if they dial an area code i don't have a context for.
20:56.09CYPRESS_AOk folks got one that is driving me bannanas:  Can the background application utilize a local variable.  I got it working with a asterisk defined variable, but not a user/local defined variable.  I have a pastebin at  I appreciate anyones help.
20:59.56Tier_1///merc ou there
21:00.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:01.32lzhanghow do I get format_mp3 to not compile in asterisk-addons?
21:02.09Tier_1edit the makefile comment it out
21:02.10[TK]D-Fenderlzhang : Whats wrong with it compiling there?
21:03.05r_evolutionhey loonacy
21:03.17lzhangI'm trying to compile latest trunk version, but it seems to choke on format_mp3
21:03.26*** join/#asterisk tmccrary (n=tmccrary@
21:03.52lzhang    here's what it looks like
21:04.53wunderkinwhy do you even bother with format_mp3
21:05.13lzhangwunderkin: I'm trying to not compile it
21:05.45*** kick/#asterisk [CYPRESS_A!n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted] by twisted[asteria] (DO NOT PRIVMSG FLOOD)
21:05.48wunderkini've never used asterisk-addons
21:05.59*** mode/#asterisk [-o twisted[asteria]] by twisted[asteria]
21:06.04lzhangI need the res_mysql stuff
21:06.28*** join/#asterisk CYPRESS_A (
21:06.31wunderkin/msg twisted[asteria] like; /msg twisted[asteria] o; /msg twisted[asteria] m; /msg twisted[asteria] g
21:07.13CYPRESS_Aanyone an expert on background()?
21:07.37lzhangok it looks like I'm getting strings.h problems with other stuff in addons too, commenting out the Makefile part for format_mp3 yields other errors when compiling app_saycountpl
21:07.43wunderkinlet us put on our rocket scientist hats
21:08.23wunderkinCYPRESS_A, try asking your question
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21:09.55CYPRESS_ACan the background application utilize a local variable.  I got it working with a asterisk defined variable, but not a user/local defined variable.  I have a pastebin at
21:10.54[TK]D-FenderCYPRESS_A : Please note the extra spaces in the exectution of your "setglobalvar"
21:11.34*** join/#asterisk watchy2 (n=watchy@
21:11.45watchy2is there a dial command to ring every phone?
21:11.52CYPRESS_Aexten => s,1,SetGlobalVar(CUSTOMER = CYPRESS);
21:11.57*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (n=tsurko@
21:12.00[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : Its called "Dial"
21:12.05CYPRESS_Aaround the "=" ?
21:12.10[TK]D-FenderCYPRESS_A : Look at what it EXECUTES as.
21:12.23watchy2tk: i want to dial EVERY phone using a panic extension
21:12.27CYPRESS_Acorrect " // "
21:12.31watchy2i sold a system to a .gov contractor who makes big explosives
21:12.31r_evolutionholy crap watchy.
21:12.46[TK]D-FenderCYPRESS_A : remove your extra spaces
21:12.46watchy2if something happens they want to beable to dial say 666 and it ring all phones
21:13.08watchy2so they can get someone to answer right away
21:13.08BadPacketI have an OC-48 in my pants
21:13.09[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : Dial is for you!
21:13.15lzhangwatch2: try the wiki and check out allpage.agi, it intercoms all the phones
21:13.29watchy2yea i know i need dial fender
21:13.39watchy2but i doubt Dial(AllPhones) is gonna work
21:13.48CunningPike~seen stack_
21:13.50jbotstack_ is currently on #asterisk (3h 2m 7s). Has said a total of 14 messages. Is idling for 2h 2m 39s, last said: 'blitzrage: it seems as though everything coming in on the TDM400 is not getting caller id info..., works fine on the TE110p'.
21:13.53watchy2i was just curious about anymore info on it
21:14.10watchy2but ill check allpage and dial on the wiki
21:14.16lzhangallpage is what you need
21:14.17BadPacket~seen docelm0
21:14.19jbotdocelm0 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 20h 47m 10s ago, saying: 'BUT for someone who IS already registered I will give em $2 credit for testing..  :)'.
21:14.40watchy2lz: it just intercoms all phones so they can yell HELP WERE GONNA DIE i guess
21:14.52watchy2which is what we need
21:15.15lzhangyeah you set up the phones to autoanswer so the phones don't even have to be picked up
21:15.36watchy2but it will only auto answer on that one extension correct
21:15.52watchy2if that say 666 extension is dialed
21:15.52lzhangit will autoanswer on every phone you set it up with
21:15.55watchy2otherwise its all normal
21:16.14lzhangonly for when allpage is called
21:16.21watchy2thats what we want for sure
21:16.33CYPRESS_AD-Fender:  Thanks a million, been bugging me for for a couple of days.
21:16.50[TK]D-FenderCYPRESS_A : NEXT!!!! (c) BKW
21:16.54watchy2Dfender is awesome.
21:17.00watchy2he helped me alot lastnight
21:17.07watchy2lzhang: got any exp with fxotune?
21:17.16lzhangno idea what you're talking about :)
21:17.29watchy2its to tune tdm interfaces for echo
21:17.34lzhangany experience compiling latest asterisk-addons?
21:17.49*** join/#asterisk dynamicpulse (n=0a0800f9@
21:17.56watchy2make don't work?
21:18.31watchy2whats it say
21:19.06Tier_1where do you set the timezone for voicemail playback so it plays the proper tiime  for thier timezone
21:19.35Tier_1insted of people in NY getting time statements in Mountin time
21:24.51*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
21:25.43lzhang: also when I try to not compile format_mp3, it fails for string.h stuff on the other modules too
21:26.51watchy2you try make clean and then make?
21:26.54watchy2what os you using?
21:27.01*** join/#asterisk DrPete (
21:27.03lzhangdebian sarge
21:27.14lzhangyeah, I've make cleaned and maked a few times already
21:27.34SpaceBassI have a device that wants to know SIP proxy / port and registrar address and port....shouldnt both proxy and address by my Asterisk box and port 5060?
21:28.01Strom_CSpaceBass: yes
21:28.17SpaceBasscant get the darned thing to register
21:28.32watchy2you got the newest asterisk installed?
21:28.38Strom_CSpaceBass: is there NAT involved?
21:29.01lzhangwatchy2: yeah, I svned and compiled trunk for asterisk, zaptel, libpri --- it works
21:29.47watchy2i'll try to compile it. maybe its broke
21:30.12lzhangwatchy2: cool, thanks!
21:30.21nextimewhat's the best ( best = most stable ) ss7 support in *?
21:30.55watchy21.2.2 lzhang?
21:31.20lzhangsvn trunk... svn checkout asterisk
21:31.30*** part/#asterisk BadPacket (n=root@unaffiliated/badpacket)
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21:33.22SpaceBassStrom_C, its working WIP330 phone...has a web interface but it apparently doesnt include all the settings
21:33.29SpaceBasshad to set some stuff in the phone itself
21:34.11Strom_CSpaceBass: ah.
21:34.39*** join/#asterisk oogle (
21:36.04lzhangwatchy2: zaptel, libpri, asterisk, asterisk-addons?
21:36.16lzhangthat was quick
21:36.17*** join/#asterisk mtaht3 (
21:37.17watchy2i had them dloaded already
21:37.25watchy2on a fast box
21:37.28lzhangdamn must be something wrong with my box
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21:53.48[Airwolf]I'm trying to create a macro, so I can give users both a SIP and IAX account. But I want to check if the channel is availible first. Now there is a ChanIsAvail function, but I don't really know how to implement it for my situation.
21:54.02[Airwolf]Does anyone have some experience with this ?
21:54.31*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
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21:56.51[Airwolf][TK]D-Fender, that works. The problem is that FOP doesn't work anymore then.
21:57.09[Airwolf]And besides, it creates an error. And I don't like errors. :P
21:57.30XanaXaanyone here have a good tutorial on using mp3's for music on hold
21:59.18*** join/#asterisk kapsel (
22:00.18*** part/#asterisk Tier_1 (
22:00.25kapselI have just setup an Asterisk server that we got more or less pre-configged from a company, it worked for a while, but now we can't dial local extension numbers, it just hangs up and leaves a "someone called you" message on the number you call any ideas to what could have caused this?
22:00.49dlynes_homekapsel: have you tried rebooting your phones?
22:00.51kapselwe have 20 extension numbers and 20 phones with to-ip adapters, everything works "except for that"
22:01.19kapseldlynes_home: i have not, no.
22:01.24dlynes_homekapsel: try it
22:01.34*** join/#asterisk hayburn (
22:02.58dlynes_homethey're coming out with a new rocky movie?
22:03.03watchy2they are
22:03.08dlynes_homeThat's funny
22:03.15dlynes_homeLike there wasn't enough already?
22:03.26*** part/#asterisk praet (
22:03.42RoyKomfg. rocky.....
22:03.42dlynes_homeStill gonna be sly stone?
22:03.47[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : old news, as is the plans for Rambo 4
22:03.53kapseldlynes_home: hmm, strange. it did not help, i think ill have to check my adapter configs again. this is one huge mess thou, check out this picture of my setup right now: - its 10 adapters, one ip phone, and 20 wireless phone bases
22:03.58[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_home : yup for both
22:04.05dlynes_homethat's messed up
22:04.32dlynes_homekapsel: tried rebooting the router, too?
22:04.49kapseldlynes_home: the router?
22:05.03dlynes_homekapsel: wtf?????
22:05.13RoyK[TK]D-Fender: heh. the guy is like 60
22:05.14dlynes_homekapsel: Did I just step into the twilight zone?
22:05.19*** join/#asterisk serg_b (
22:05.45dlynes_homekapsel: your phone system looks like something the cat dragged in
22:05.56kapselhehe, its an crappy image, but its just temp while we're testing it
22:06.08kapselhas to be moved somewhere else and setup with better cabling
22:06.15RoyKrotfl. if the stuff about rocky is right,  it's not just _with_ stallone, but _by_ stallone as well :)
22:06.17dlynes_homeanyways...try rebooting the router
22:06.25kapselbut having adapters and wireless phone bases gives alot of cables, really.
22:06.40dlynes_homekapsel: yeah, but anything involving wireless is going to be a huge headache
22:06.50*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
22:07.10kapseldlynes_home: nah, wireless is no problem. all the bases are configged to their phones etc. from their older setup, its no big deal at all actually.
22:07.40dlynes_homekapsel: yeah...i've never had a pain free wireless setup
22:07.47dlynes_homekapsel: there's always at least one problem
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22:07.56dlynes_homekapsel: but there's always at least one windows machine, too
22:09.25kapselas long everything is working next monday
22:09.38kapselwe're using isdn for inbound calls
22:09.46kapsel= huge problems right now
22:09.52dlynes_homefun fun fun
22:10.02dlynes_homei love solving other people's problems
22:10.13kapselim not asking you to solve my problems.
22:10.27dlynes_homewasn't suggesting you were
22:10.34dlynes_homebut you get to solve someone else's problems :0
22:11.43*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
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22:12.22Z_GodI'm getting this with asterisk 1.2:
22:12.22Z_Godchan_modem.c:833 modem_request: This channel driver is deprecated.  Please see the UPGRADE.txt file.
22:12.29FarrisGThe docs aren't clear, does AsterFax require the use of AMP?
22:12.34Z_Godthere isn't any info about a proper update though
22:12.58Z_Godonly some stuff about mISDN which doesn't seem to support much hardware
22:14.30*** join/#asterisk Kokey (n=jramirez@
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22:16.42tdonahue-laptopanyone here use the isc dhcp server know what the option name is for the tftp servers that polycom looks for?
22:17.55[TK]D-Fendertdonahue-laptop : 66
22:17.56dlynes_hometdonahue-laptop: explain what the difference is between the tftp servers that polycom looks for and the tftp servers that any other device looks for?
22:19.03tdonahue-laptopi don't know which option it was looking for
22:19.09*** join/#asterisk ghost99 (
22:21.09tdonahue-laptopthere we go... tftp-server-name is equivilent to option 66
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22:25.57ghost99[tk]-Defender .. you awake :) ?
22:28.15jartWhile working with Asterisk developers, I created a patch that utilized RSA technology to encrypt VoIP conversations that could be transfered across the internet and not be detected by the National Security Agency.
22:28.20jartBefore posting my patch on the internet, I wrote Mark Spencer a letter notifying him of my intentions to defect to the FreeSwitch project
22:28.29jartAfter the patch had been posted, Digium deployed the entire Asterisk development team to DDOS the servers distributing the patch.  Digium then contacted FreeSwitch intelligence telling them that the purpose of my patch was to put a rootkit in the FreeSwitch codebase.
22:28.39jartWith conflicts heated and the open source telephony world at the brink of full scale war, a cunning FreeSwitch developer discovered my intentions to defect and the patch was surreptitiously merged in to the FreeSwitch tree.
22:29.05jartand everyone lived hapily ever after
22:29.26filew, t, f
22:30.28FarrisGAre there any decent guides to safely upgrading Asterisk? I'm running a very old version (CVS-v1-0-01/15/05-19:47:01) and would would like to get current.
22:30.38Qwell[]FarrisG: there is an upgrade.txt, or something
22:30.46*** join/#asterisk Kokey (n=jramirez@
22:31.00FarrisGQwell[]: In the cvs repo?
22:31.15Qwell[]FarrisG: iirc
22:31.16jartfile: it's a spoof of the Hunt For Red October plot
22:34.39De_Monhow can I determine which device created a channel? like SIP/user1 or ZAP/5 ... what two variables do I need?
22:35.49*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
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22:38.06ringhalshey everyone
22:38.40ringhalsI ahve a problem that I can't seem to wrap my head arround
22:39.07ringhalsI am working on a remote call center type applicaton and am going to use an iax soft phone
22:40.07ringhalsthe problem I am  having is that when I dial an extension (on another machine) I iax from one to the other and then the native bridge is accomplished
22:40.49ringhalsthis is good other than the server where the call originates drops the channel so I can no longer monitor that iax phone.. any suggestions?
22:41.31jartcanreinvite = no
22:41.39ringhalsI have that set
22:41.55ringhalsI think anyway.. LOL 1 sec let me check
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22:41.59filethat's for SIP
22:42.04jartoh yea
22:42.19fileyou want notransfer=yes
22:42.45jartthat's the one
22:42.56*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
22:43.04ringhalsnotransfer=yes .. cool I will give that a shot (I knew I missed something simple)
22:43.52CunningPikeFunny how it's notransfer=yes, instead of transfer=no :D
22:44.58*** join/#asterisk SoMeOnEnUlL (
22:45.03fileactually in latest trunk, it's both
22:45.06filewith transfer=no being preferred
22:45.13russellbfile: yay
22:45.18russellbfile: svn is alive!!!
22:45.23filerussellb: o rly?
22:45.29jartfile: ya rly
22:45.41ringhalsthanks a ton guys I knew I could count on you
22:45.48jartringhals: <3
22:46.05russellbin the trunk, there is an even cooler iax transfer option
22:46.17russellbthat allows you to only transfer the media, but not the signalling
22:46.28SoMeOnEnUlLhi, can anyone here tell me what could be the problem with asterisk when I hear the playback but can't record or can't do the echo test?
22:46.46jartSoMeOnEnUlL: one way audio?  firewall problems?
22:46.55SoMeOnEnUlLthat's what i thought
22:47.10SoMeOnEnUlLbut, i opened all the port
22:47.18SoMeOnEnUlLand, i use STUN server
22:47.54jartis troubleshooting with IAX a possibility for you?
22:47.57SoMeOnEnUlLso, i was thinking maybe codec problem?
22:48.43*** join/#asterisk Renacor (
22:48.57Renacoris there an app that can log into asterisk and grab all the used channels?
22:49.21Renacorso you could do a zapbarge
22:49.22SoMeOnEnUlLi'll see
22:51.02*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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23:01.27*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (n=jaxxan@
23:01.50Jaxxanhey guys
23:01.56Dr-LinuxIs there an option where I can put someone on hold w/o having music?  Or is this a global item?
23:02.10Dr-Linuxi mean on cisco 7940 phone?
23:02.16Jaxxanwhere can i find /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/* in their original .wav format ?
23:02.53Jaxxanor another format other than .gsm
23:03.08Jaxxanyeah yeah i know i can sox, but i think that loses quality when converting  back to wav
23:03.14CunningPikeJaxxan: Trawl the list postings - someone has published these
23:03.21CunningPikeAbout a couple months ago
23:03.30Jaxxanlist postings ?
23:03.37jbotone warez list being sent
23:03.51CunningPikejbot, jbot, jbot
23:04.12CunningPikeJaxxan: asterisk-users mailing list
23:04.15jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
23:04.24CunningPikesmartarse ;)
23:04.54Jaxxanneed to remove the " , " from the link
23:05.19*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
23:05.21Qwell[]because dumb clients add the comma to the link
23:05.23Jaxxanif ya click on the link it doesn't work (=
23:05.24dlynes_homethe comma being there makes perfect sense in the English language
23:05.51Qwell[],or and there"
23:05.54CunningPikeJaxxan: Works in my client - your client may not parse it proper;y
23:06.02Qwell[]CunningPike: like I said...dumb clients
23:06.10CunningPikeQwell[]: ;)
23:06.11Jaxxanits tough finding a really good irc client for my mac
23:06.19Jaxxanusing Colloquy atm
23:06.25dlynes_homeJaxxan: Chatzilla
23:06.27CunningPike:S - I have no comma
23:06.35CunningPikeWith Colloquy
23:06.48Jaxxanmaybe i should upgrade
23:06.54Jaxxani got v2.0
23:07.04CunningPike2.0.1 is latest
23:07.19*** join/#asterisk shaun222 (
23:09.39Renacorgod I hate
23:09.59*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/trelane)
23:11.45dlynes_homeRenacor: try instead, then
23:12.15*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
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23:20.22*** join/#asterisk }btorch{ (
23:20.34xcoyotequestion: which function can i use in order to get the unixtime (milliseconds since 1 jun 1970) ${timestamp} returns something different
23:20.42}btorch{which ports do I have to open on the firewall for my iax2 clients ?
23:25.59*** join/#asterisk Vyeperman (
23:31.31*** part/#asterisk jeffik (n=Jeff@Maroon-103-179.ADSL.NetSurf.Net)
23:32.25kapselim having a strange problem. im using pap2 voip adapters to my asterisk setup, and depending on what phone i plug on, some of them wont recieve calls (but they recieve a message that someone called), and some of them recieves calls just fine.
23:32.30kapselany ideas?
23:35.18FarrisGis there a specific method of upgrading from a 1.0 version to 1.2, or do I need to just install fresh from CVS and then manually move over my old config?
23:36.30*** join/#asterisk XanaXa (
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23:42.39XanaXaguys I am having a lot of trouble using extension such as *61 for weather or *62  I don't think any of my custom_extensions.conf entries are being used, is there something I am might have missed, do you have to enable these somewhere?
23:45.09*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
23:48.29xp_prghas anyone run Asterisk::Manager perl on windows with activestate?
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23:49.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
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23:50.29Jaxxanexten => *98,1,Goto(86,1) ; as an example
23:50.57thx2000Anyone feel like being a good samaratin and answering a few questions regarding a multiple site implementation
23:53.25De_Monno but ask anyway someone else may answer
23:58.35Qwell[]feel like != going to anyways
23:58.56Qwell[]guess it wasn't that important though

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.