irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060512

00:00.44SephenCunningPike: But how would I catch a pattern that didn't exist in the Goto-Context?
00:01.00distortionyou build all the routes as NXXNXXXXXX
00:01.34distortionso you have the goto catch anything wiht "1" and "9" and strips it, then sends it to the NXXNXXXXXX list
00:03.12Zodiacalanyone know how asterisk can connect to a fire alarm, or can it at all?
00:03.16Sephendistortion: I'm sorry if I'm making this more difficult than it is (maybe), but, I'd want to match a 10 digit dial regardless if it had a 1, a 9, or a 91 prefixed.
00:03.55mds2has anyone managed to get a Linksys SIP9000 to register with their Asterisk server?  I can see inbound SIP REGISTER requests in a tcpdump but asterisk is ignoring them, nothing showing up in a 'sip debug' either.  any ideas?
00:04.42distortionStephen: 3 goto extensions would be setup to strip "1" and "9" and "91" they would send the call then to the list of exten => _NXXNXX.,1,Dial entries
00:05.15distortionthat way you have 1 list of 590 exten => _NXXNXX.,1,Dial(blah) and 3 goto extensions that point to this list that strip off teh leading digs
00:05.36Sephendistortion: What about fallback though? If I strip those digits, and then send it to this new context, and it doesn't match? How do I handle that?
00:06.07distortionadd a final catchall context: exten => _1NXXNXXNXXXX,1,Dial(Long distance)
00:06.09Sephendo I just add an extension of 'i' with a Goto of Default?
00:06.14distortionerr not context, extension
00:06.56distortionsorry, in your case it would be: exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(Long distance)
00:07.47Sephendistortion: Another twister: We use the Switch/Realtime feature in Asterisk.. Won't that be a problem, since its not like a flat config file, read from beginning to end until it finds a match?
00:08.06distortionit works- i actually just re-wrote my dialplan like this yesterday so that I ALWAYS get 1+10 digits stored in the DST field of cdrs regardless of if my customers send calls with a tech prefix on the front of the number
00:08.18distortion(for billing purposes)
00:09.39TripleFFFFFFFFFFcan one please sned me a test fax
00:10.00distortionnot 100% sure, but the concepts should be the same with realtime
00:10.01TripleFFFFFFFFFFokease.. form USA
00:11.04*** join/#asterisk stevedl (
00:11.59Sephendistortion: I'll give it a try and see if it'll match a more specific match before it matches a more generic one. Thanks for your time.
00:14.54*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:15.36*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
00:15.38TripleFFFFFFFFFFi guess not
00:16.33Zodiacalcan asterisk handle alarm systems?
00:16.41Zodiacali.e. i guess just route the calls
00:16.50Zodiacalwould i put the alarm system on a Fxo?
00:16.53Zodiacalerr fxs
00:17.09Zodiacaldo they need to call in?
00:22.09*** join/#asterisk Manipura (
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00:23.03CunningPikeZodiacal: It might work, it might not - some systems are very sensitive to tones
00:23.19Manipurahow do I start asterisk in the background? Even if I leave the -c out I still can't Exit the ssh without asterisk shutting down
00:23.32*** part/#asterisk oadaeh (
00:25.08Manipuraasterisk -vvvvvv brings me into the console
00:28.07harryvvOther then ManxPower who else knows the ip500 in a out?
00:29.39harryvvsomehow my ip500 is perm stuck in call forwarding
00:31.00distortionmanipura, use the safe_asterisk script or issue a "make config" to install asterisk as a startup service
00:31.22distortionthen you can start it (in red hat) with "service asterisk start"
00:31.54*** join/#asterisk [tasty]freeze (
00:31.54babyjuI know the voip wiki list a couple of good 3rd party web gui's for asterisk...there is no ratings to go by so can anyone give me a recommendation? I wish not to install and try all the available products.
00:31.55*** part/#asterisk stevedl (
00:32.15[tasty]freezeDoes asterisk support an address book sort of feature that is accessable thru a SIP phone?
00:32.36*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
00:32.49[tasty]freezefor like a list of extensions... I'm sorry I feel like I shouldnt ask this question here, but I am unable to find it in the voip-info...
00:34.44Qwell[]babyju: they all rate about 3 of 10, tops
00:36.50distortionqwell: you familiar with codec negotiation between endpoints through *?
00:37.40distortionie: sipura (Codec 1. g729, 2. g711) -> asterisk (allow=g729,ulaw) -> endpoint b (allow=ulaw) forces asterisk to try and transcode (not good)
00:37.43*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
00:37.55babyjuQwell[], are you saying there isn't one good gui out there?
00:37.58harryvvdammit, fixed my call forwarding problem.
00:39.46Qwell[]babyju: basically, yes
00:39.52Qwell[]GUI config tools are inherently bad
00:40.11CunningPike[tasty]freeze: Directory application
00:40.56[tasty]freezethanks a lot CunningPike
00:55.20*** part/#asterisk Agrajag- (
00:57.27*** join/#asterisk brockj49464_home (n=chatzill@
01:00.16*** join/#asterisk paolob (
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01:01.24ManxPowerhello, hardwire  harryvv
01:01.49paolobGuys, I have to sip phones connected to the same asteriks, in sip.conf their configuration is perfectly equivalent, in particular the context is the same. Nevertheless, calling from the two phones gets different result. How is it possible?
01:02.02ManxPowerharryvv, what was the cause of the problem>?
01:02.38paolobwell, one is a phone connected to a pap2, the other is ekiga
01:02.55ManxPowerpaolob, in [general] in sip.conf put context=INVALID   Make each device config has a context=whateveryouwant in it.
01:02.59*** join/#asterisk marv (
01:03.08ManxPowerif one phone can no longer call then it's userid/password does not match what is in sip.conf
01:04.33paolobManxPower, I had context=default in sip.conf, [general], and context=default in the definition of the sip phones...
01:04.51*** join/#asterisk inv_Arp (
01:05.03ManxPowerpaolob, then put context=INVALID in [general]
01:05.33harryvvmanx, some how the xml configuration was changes on this phone. I found a link that sugested to make changes in reg.htm and that did it. Now, this is a old issue and its something that irks the other person who uses the phone. A incomming caller will ring the other extention when she is already on the phone and she does not know who it is since the cid display does not show who the second calling party is. This is setup on a sipura ata
01:05.39ManxPowerIn many configurations Asterisk will accept calls from unauthenticated devices, this will send those calls to a context that is not valid and make asterisk reject the calls from unauthenticated devices
01:05.41paolobManxPower, I put it, but it gives:" pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'INVALID'"
01:06.13ManxPowerpaolob, that means that device is NOT matching the sip.conf entry for that device.
01:06.16ManxPowerand there is your problem
01:06.35harryvvManx, there is no reason this change should have occured.
01:06.43harryvvBut tis fixed anyway
01:06.45*** join/#asterisk Ixthod (n=Ixthod@
01:06.45paolobManxPower, no, I put context=INVALID in the [general] section
01:07.26ManxPowerpaolob, correct.  The ONLY time you will get " pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'INVALID'" is when a call comes in from a device that does NOT authenticate with an entry in sip.conf
01:07.44harryvvmadrid released one of those train bombers by mistake but wont put him back in jail..that makes a hell of a lot of sence.
01:07.52ManxPowerso either your device configuration is wrong or the sip.conf entry for that device is wrong.
01:07.59*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
01:08.44docelm0Anyone know what the redial key is on the GXP2000?
01:09.38justinupress send
01:09.48harryvvManx, do you know if a ipphone thats not so nat sensitive that it can pass sip traffic though a firwall?
01:10.00docelm0really?   cool
01:10.11docelm0works thanks J
01:10.26ManxPowerharryvv, Um, any IP phone I've used has gone thru firewalls just fine.
01:10.55ManxPowerThose would be Cisco, SIPura, and Polycom
01:12.05paolobMaxxed, that's very strange, because sip show peers tells me that ekiga has registered...
01:12.19ManxPowerHeck, my SIPura ATA was able to move between the internal network (Asterisk behind NAT), to a public IP to another NAT network with no problems at all.
01:12.26*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
01:13.05ManxPowerFrequently a phone will use different userid/pass for registration and for calls
01:14.52harryvvManxPower Im talking not with the assistance of a asterisk box. Just plug it into some office network and if the phones setup right it should pass though to the outside world.
01:17.55paolobManxPower, it's very strange that I get context INVALID, because sip show peers tells me that ekiga has registered...
01:20.03ManxPowerpaolob, registration is ONLY for calls Asterisk -> SIP device.  Registration has NOTHING to do with SIP Device -> Asterisk calls
01:21.56paolobManxPower, but, what's the reason why ekiga registers, but call from ekiga aren't recognized? ekiga registers as dirbasica-e, and I do have a [dirbasica-e] section in sip.conf, with context=default
01:22.39paolobManxPower, what else do I need in order to get incoming calls from ekiga be considered?
01:30.16paolobGuys, how do I set the language for the messages played back for incoming calls?
01:33.00*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
01:34.13paolobGuys, I have a pap2 and a ekiga softphone, either are defined the same way in sip.conf, but when I call a menu extension, from the pap2 it gets the messages (language=es), but from ekiga it doesn't. Any hint?
01:41.54De_Monis that right?
01:44.58paolobGuys, I have a pap2 and a ekiga softphone, either are defined the same way in sip.conf, but when I call a menu extension, from the pap2 it gets the messages (language=es), but from ekiga it doesn't. Any hint?
01:49.00paolobGuys, what a reason why asterisk treats differently the calls coming from a pap2 and those coming from ekiga? Calls coming from a pap2 are answered in a different context than those coming from ekiga. Why?
01:56.44*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
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02:00.41*** part/#asterisk jazzplyer (
02:01.33De_Monit's not setting the 2nd variable :(
02:04.22De_Monexten => 3137,n,SET(ARRAY(index,ticketN)="0,12%")
02:04.22De_Monexten => 3137,n,NoOp(${index}-${ticketN})
02:05.22*** join/#asterisk astermick (
02:06.06astermickquestion if you dont mind
02:07.23astermicksetting for number of rings?
02:08.12De_Monnumber of rings? you can set a timeout for Dial(), a ring happens every... 5 seconds?
02:08.53astermickabout 5 secs yes.
02:09.02astermickso its a timeout value
02:09.19astermickextensions or sip conf ?
02:09.46astermickyour a gentleman and a scholar, thankyou!
02:10.09De_Monhave a good evening and thankyou for trying asterisk(tm)
02:10.23pjchildsastermick: do you mean inbound or outbound calls?
02:10.51astermickstill same answer?
02:11.11pjchildsyes ..
02:11.23astermickgood stuff *thumbs up*
02:11.25pjchildsDial(type/identifier, timeout, options, URL)
02:12.32astermickah, so its the 20 value in the exten => values
02:12.39astermickrings x 5 secs = 20
02:12.43astermick4 rings*
02:13.51De_MonI need an example of func_odbc using CUT and ARRAY this is being obnoxous
02:14.38tainted-anyone know where 483 'Too Many Hops' stems from?
02:15.43*** join/#asterisk watchy (
02:15.43pjchildsfrom your service provider?
02:15.59watchyzap show status shows all working lines or what?
02:16.02De_Monhrm hang on, found a different bug
02:16.22watchyany command to show that all have dialtone?
02:16.55astermickexten => _8888X.,4,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},60,tT)
02:17.01astermickthe 60 is the timeout?
02:17.03pjchildstainted-: typically a default SER type config will return a 483 if the number of forward headers >= 10...
02:17.09gandhijeeanyone know if there is away to make the polycoms default to numeric input on a text field?
02:17.39tainted-pjchilds how can i prevent that from happening? where are the fwd headers coming from?
02:18.31pjchildstainted-: who knows... 'sip debug' should show where they come from ....
02:18.51pjchildsastermick: yup...
02:18.56astermickthx =)
02:23.54*** join/#asterisk anthm (
02:23.54*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
02:24.11astermickfinally, lunch break.  Thx pjchilds and De_Mon, worked fine.
02:25.23*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
02:30.37De_Monuhhh cut is a built-in function in 1.2 isn't it?
02:30.39gandhijeeanyone know if there is away to make the polycoms default to numeric input on a text field?
02:30.44De_Monshow functions doen't list it?
02:32.13De_Monerm, they 'funcion' cut and sort are provided by '' ?
02:34.09*** join/#asterisk Altair256 (
02:34.29De_Monok, app_cut loads funcions and applications... nevermind
02:36.49*** part/#asterisk paolob (
02:37.50*** join/#asterisk The_Isle_of_Mark (
02:37.54The_Isle_of_Marklo all
02:39.50The_Isle_of_Markquick question if you don't mind: I have my extensions.conf setup with a very simple exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/200)
02:42.37The_Isle_of_Markduring testing I tried as the asterisk book I downloaded suggested and answer() and playback(hello-world) I would just hear the end of the hello-world something like "rld" on the incoming line
02:43.04The_Isle_of_Markit seemed to answer and playback before the connection was fully bridged
02:43.46The_Isle_of_MarkI think these are somehow related. any input?
02:44.03harryvvAnyone ANYONE have a idea how i can get a telus incomming call cwcid to goto voicemail and show WHO is calling when I am on the phone talking to another party? I just perhaps missed a important call and cannot have this happen anymore. I am running asterisk with polycom ip500. Same happens for the sipura ata so I suspect this is a astrisk config issue?
02:44.22De_Monso you have s,1,Answer() then s,2,Playback(hello-world)
02:45.19The_Isle_of_MarkDe_Mon, yes
02:45.26The_Isle_of_MarkDe_Mon, that was for testing
02:45.40The_Isle_of_Marknow it is exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/200)
02:49.18*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (
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02:50.35kimosabei need an administrator to post this i have solved Qos isues easy effective and cheap
02:51.11tainted-kimosabe is it called LAN?
02:51.15*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
02:51.34The_Isle_of_Markoc-192 heheh
02:51.40*** join/#asterisk Agrajag- (
02:51.53De_Monwell, that fits the cheap and easy part
02:52.05kimosabeno it is choppy voice isues over dsl lines with user thgat like 2 download music and stuff
02:52.22kimosabethere a new switch that just came out
02:52.32The_Isle_of_MarkDe_Mon, any info on that time issue?
02:52.46kimosabeencore enh908-nwy voip priority
02:52.55De_MonThe_Isle_of_Mark add a Wait(1) and see if that helps
02:53.07Agrajag-gday. i can't figure out how to configure SIP users so that if someone calls them and they're not registered, instead of getting 'user rejected the call', i get 'user not online'? at the moment when i dial a SIP user that isn't registered, asterisk tells me "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)"
02:53.07kimosabeif there is some real pros here that run many lans this can help u i know it helps me
02:53.28De_Monkimosabe is that some how different from all the other qos routers already available?
02:54.08kimosabeyes becuase its 40 dlls cheaper and needs no config
02:54.15kimosabethe switch cost 13 dlls
02:54.25kimosabeit has one voice ppriority port
02:54.56kimosabehow much more difrent can u ask for
02:55.25The_Isle_of_MarkDe_Mon, ok that fully solves the playback or background issue
02:55.40The_Isle_of_MarkDe_Mon, how about the incoming call time to ring the extension?
02:55.40tainted-kimosabe link?
02:56.01kimosabeim purchasing it here in mexico in a shop but search for it by name
02:56.17kimosabeenh908-nwy voip
02:56.19De_Monlastlog voip-info 5
02:56.35De_MonThe_Isle_of_Mark: set a timeout
02:56.37The_Isle_of_MarkDe_Mon, yeah checked that out
02:56.49The_Isle_of_MarkI'll check it again..thanks
02:58.09The_Isle_of_MarkDe_Mon, I am not haveing a timeout problem. My problem is that the extension takes about 5 seconds to ring...meanwhile the calling party hears 2-3 rings and might hangup
02:59.08De_Monoh.. is the phone over dialup or wireless by chance?
02:59.18De_Monmaybe on the other side of the world?
02:59.28The_Isle_of_MarkDe_Mon, negative. Sip ata
02:59.38The_Isle_of_MarkDe_Mon, right in the same room :)
02:59.51De_Montry a different ata?
03:00.03The_Isle_of_MarkDe_Mon, yep, tried 3
03:00.32De_Monhrm, shrug
03:00.45*** join/#asterisk camelon (n=chiardon@
03:01.11camelonHi everyone
03:01.43camelonI have a recent problem with my *Box
03:02.26camelonmy instalation:2E1s . . . 2channel bank
03:03.27camelon30% of the calls to my PBXs give to the caller the busy signal . . some idea what happen?
03:03.58X-RobThe_Isle_of_Mark, I guess caller ID detection timeout.
03:04.10camelonthe same when the people isdoing calling out . . .20-30% times de busy signal
03:04.34The_Isle_of_MarkX-Rob, ok...makes sense. any way to shut it off?
03:04.39X-Robdepends on the ATA
03:04.42dlynes_Does anyone know if there's a keyword for zapata channels to hold off on answering the line for a certain period of time?
03:04.44X-RobI suggest RTFM 8)
03:05.05The_Isle_of_MarkX-Rob, ok...I didn't realize it was at the ATA level not the * level
03:05.06dlynes_i.e. before it gets to the dial plan ?
03:05.21The_Isle_of_MarkX-Rob, thanks, I'll see if I can disable it in the ATA
03:05.58X-Robdlynes try 'start=10000' on the channel
03:06.03X-RobI'm not sure if that's it, but it might be 8)
03:06.30dlynes_is there such an option?
03:06.46X-Robdlynes_, have you even _read_ zapata.conf?
03:07.07camelonx-rob . . .could you help me?
03:07.12X-Robcamelon, nope.
03:07.17dlynes_X-Rob: yes, i have
03:07.25dlynes_X-Rob: there's no start option  in the sample one
03:07.43X-RobDlynes_ - funny. There is in mine.
03:07.52X-Roblin 201
03:07.54dlynes_X-Rob: nor is there a start option on the zapata.conf wiki
03:07.58harryvvdlyne call forwarding problem solved
03:08.02dlynes_X-Rob: are you using
03:08.09dlynes_harryvv: so what was your problem, then?
03:08.18X-Robbranches/1.2, which is close enough to
03:08.28dlynes_weird...maybe something different in there, then
03:09.07dlynes_does it explain what the value after the equals sign is then?
03:09.07X-Robgrep start: /usr/src/asterisk/configs/zapata.conf.sample
03:09.07X-Rob;    start:       Start time (default 1500ms)
03:09.07X-Rob[root@wpm4l-gw ~]#
03:09.07dlynes_i.e. seconds, milliseconds, ...?
03:09.44harryvvdlynes, well i NEVEr made the changes but some how call forwarding in the configuration was made. the timing parameters for t1's
03:09.55harryvvin the phones configuration.
03:10.01dlynes_but i'm using an fxo port, not a t1
03:10.25dlynes_I was searching for start=, not start:...that's why i didn't find it
03:10.57*** join/#asterisk inv_Arp (
03:11.11harryvvNow anyone here using a polycom ip500 and use pstn incomming line with cwcid and it does/does not work? I can be on the line and a second call with cw would beep the hand set. I dont have the ability to flash over to second caller or have them goto voice mail. Is there a way to do that with this setup?
03:11.13dlynes_I'll try it, and see if it works anyways
03:11.17dlynes_maybe i might get lucky
03:11.47camelonsomeone giving a hand?
03:12.32The_Isle_of_MarkX-Rob, The ATA timeout is not the problem. I have verbosity at 9 and when a call comes in * says: Starting simple switch on 'Zap/1-1'
03:12.49camelona weird problem with my *Box
03:13.06*** part/#asterisk xai (n=pasta@about/networking/
03:13.27X-RobThe_Isle_of_Mark, sorry, I misunderstood.
03:13.35X-Robbut that definately _is_ caller id
03:14.09X-Robput 'usecallerid=no' in zapata.conf
03:14.42The_Isle_of_MarkX-Rob, did that
03:14.47The_Isle_of_MarkX-Rob, not dice
03:15.54The_Isle_of_MarkX-Rob, s/not/no
03:16.19harryvvWhy is my cwcid not working when talking with somone on one call and it does not show on second incomming call?
03:17.15X-RobThe_Isle_of_Mark, *shrug*.
03:18.03The_Isle_of_MarkX-Rob, would hardware speed be a problem?
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03:18.40X-RobThe_Isle_of_Mark, possibly... Could be many things (eg, a Wait(3) in the dialplan? 8)
03:18.58dlynes_harryvv: is your callwaitingcallerid in your zapata.conf set to yes?
03:19.18The_Isle_of_MarkX-Rob, nah...very basic dialplan...ah well tomorrow is another day...thanks all for the help
03:19.21gandhijeeanyone know if there is away to make the polycoms default to numeric input on a text field?
03:20.08kimosabehas nyone got cisco to register with asterisk ciasco router
03:20.24Hmmhesaysunless you die tonight
03:20.56astermickor get him by a bus
03:20.59harryvvyes, callwaitingcallerid=yes
03:21.10Hmmhesaysi've never been "him'd" before
03:21.12Hmmhesaysdoes it hurt?
03:21.18astermicklol sigh
03:21.46kimosabeis that for me becuase i got it to send me messages but it registered only couldnt use it
03:22.21harryvvdlynes The phone reciver will do the typical tone stating there is another caller calling in when im on the phone with somone else. It does not allow the ability to flash the hand set so...what do i do in this case?
03:22.49harryvvIt also does not show the callerid when im on the phone with somone else.
03:23.07harryvvsame with the sipura ata and other phone.
03:23.15dlynes_harryvv: idea...i always disable callwaiting with asterisk in the mix because i dont' feel like trying to deal with it :)
03:23.28dlynes_harryvv: all of my customers have multiple point to having call waiting
03:23.30harryvvI see
03:23.53dlynes_X-Rob: just for future reference
03:24.04harryvvanyway i need to split.
03:24.20dlynes_X-Rob: that start parameter definitely doesn't work on pstn fxo
03:24.27X-Robdlynes_, bugger.
03:24.33dlynes_yeah, no kidding
03:24.40dlynes_Thanks for the thought, though
03:25.06dlynes_I just don't want asterisk answering the phone when the lines are call forwarded
03:25.13dlynes_I've got it figured out for sipura 3000 units
03:25.25dlynes_but not for x100p's, tdm400p's, and sangoma a200's
03:25.55dlynes_anyways...thanks again for trying, but i've gotta run now
03:27.09*** join/#asterisk d0wn3r (
03:27.35d0wn3rholy crap
03:27.37*** join/#asterisk MrDigital (
03:27.44MrDigitalanyone here famliar wit WRT54G
03:27.57gandhijeewhat about them
03:28.16d0wn3rthey make internet
03:28.31MrDigitali have a WRT54G Linksys and a Linksys B Router, can the wrt54G conenct to the network via the B's wifi signal?
03:28.36MrDigitali know it can do it but exactly how
03:29.02d0wn3rby what means?
03:29.27d0wn3rto repeat the signal?
03:29.52MrDigitalok The B router is in the other room,
03:29.59MrDigitalthe g router is in this room
03:30.10MrDigitali want the G router to connect to the network via the B router's Wifi
03:30.25MrDigitalso i dont have to run a cable from the B router to the G
03:30.35gandhijeeisn't this the wrong place to be asking that MrDigital?
03:30.51d0wn3ri would say so
03:31.09Altair256the answer is yes, MrDigital
03:31.17MrDigitalAltair256: have you doen it?
03:31.22Altair256you set the WRT54G in "client" mode
03:31.22MrDigitalwell this is part of my asterisk system
03:31.29MrDigitalcan you pm me the info/
03:31.37Altair256no DNS at the moment
03:31.41*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
03:31.44Altair256just powered down my servers
03:31.50Altair256but still connected to IRC >.>
03:32.02Altair256I've never done client mode on a new Linksys router...
03:32.06*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
03:32.13MrDigitalwhat else do i do?
03:32.15Altair256but I remember doing it with some of the older WAP11B's
03:32.40Altair256if you are running MAC-ACL, you need to add the MAC address of the WRT54G onto the B Router
03:32.54Altair256but first, read about setting the router in client mode
03:33.21Altair256MAC = Media Access Control
03:33.32Altair256the unique ID on each network device (ie, network card, etc)
03:33.37Altair256ACL = Access Control List
03:33.54Altair256so a MAC-ACL is a list of allowed MAC addresses to access your wireless network
03:34.11MrDigitalno i dont use it
03:34.12Altair256it is a rudimentary method that generally keeps honest people from accidently connecting to your network
03:34.54*** part/#asterisk d0wn3r (
03:35.05Altair256well... at the end of the day, you are going to treat the WRT54G like it's a CLIENT on the other's network
03:35.20Altair256so you would set it to CONNECT to the other networks SSID, WEP/WPA etc
03:35.35Altair256like I said, I have not personally tested this with a WRT54G on the client end
03:35.59Altair256but I have used cheap WAP11B systems to do this
03:37.21Altair256one second.. I'll set my DNS to point to some random DNS server on the net
03:37.29Altair256and I'll look it up for you and see if you can do this
03:38.58*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (
03:40.23*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (
03:40.46Jaxxanhey guys
03:41.05Altair256sup Jaxxan
03:41.32Altair256MrDigital, you'd be better off to just buy one of these
03:41.37Jaxxanso i'm using exten => ####,107,Voicemailmain(${CALLERIDNUM}) in my dialplan
03:41.58Jaxxannow when it matches the callerid to a number in the voicemail.conf everything works the way i want it too
03:42.32Jaxxanbut when a number hits that context that is *not* in my voicemail.conf i wanna redirect it to a different application... and i'm stumped as to what i should do
03:43.15kimosabehas any one unlocked the pap 2 device
03:43.32Agrajag-Jaxxan: not sure if MailboxExists is what you want?
03:43.47Jaxxanlemme check
03:44.15Altair256MrDigital, based on what I can gather from the UserGuide on Linksys's website, this feature (wireless bridging) is not supported
03:44.31Jaxxani think that's what i want
03:44.39Jaxxanthx guys
03:44.43Altair256MrDigital, they say to buy a Wireless Ethernet Bridges (WET54G, WET11).
03:46.09*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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03:47.28kimosabei can help with wireless
03:47.43kimosabei run 25 mile links with cheap equipment
03:48.39camelonIf in my *Box.. .when the people call to my PBXs use to have busy signal . . .it is a Telco problem or mine?
03:49.21*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
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03:51.10ManxPowerkimosabe, Nifty.  Wish I could.
03:51.36kimosabei use cb3 pluss delux 200mw devices
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03:51.42ManxPowercamelon, you need to tell Asterisk to provide a busy.  See the macro-std-exten in extensions.conf.sample
03:51.53ManxPowerkimosabe, Ah.  I have those too.
03:52.02ManxPowerI have two of them actually.
03:52.23kimosabethere cool huh i use 2 use wrap boards but these are cheaper 2 set up
03:52.35ManxPowerkimosabe, What is your jitter and latency on a clear day, on a foggy day, and during a downpour
03:52.45*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
03:53.08ManxPowerHeck. my DirecTV with a 20" dish goes out during a bad storm
03:53.16ManxPowerCan you run VoIP over the wireless link?
03:53.28h3xthats 22,000 miles of atmosphere
03:53.35ManxPowerkimosabe, I'm 11 miles from the CO, no DSL, no Cable
03:53.42*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
03:53.46mrdigitalhmm whatever i did
03:53.47kimosabemanx power it hardlly rains here its rather how yesterday it was 119
03:53.53mrdigitalwhat did i do tho lol
03:53.59camelonManxPower . . .but the proble is that 30%of the times when the people call to my +Box . . receive a busy signal . . is it related with the macro or the telco?. . . TIA
03:53.59kimosabemy links really never have problems
03:54.02ManxPowerh3x, Yes, but less than a mile of rain, and they transmit a lot more than 200mw
03:54.15ManxPowerkimosabe, Ah, that explains why it works for you
03:54.38ManxPowercamelon, Ah. people calling INTO your Asterisk get a busy signal?
03:55.00camelonyepp . .30 % of the times
03:55.12h3xnotthat much more
03:55.14h3xa couple watts?
03:55.18h3xthey are powered by solar panels
03:55.27kimosabemanxpower im runni vo/ipon wireless link 9 miles long and i have a 4 megabit link i run data and voice its been up for 1 yr 9 month with out a flaw only once it raineds and water got in the cable but i put tar on it and its been up sonce
03:55.38kimosabeno i run milliwats
03:55.39X-Robh3x, you realise you said 22,000 miles of atmosphere, right?
03:55.43ManxPower"Oh, I do 23 mile wireless links, using cheap equipment."  They forget to mention "It rains here once every 50 years and we never get above 20% humidity."
03:55.46kimosabe200 miliwat
03:55.49h3xits 11,000 each way
03:55.52kimosabeyes i have several links
03:56.06kimosabein fact about 18 links 2 be exact
03:56.07znoGkimosabe: complete line of sight, right?
03:56.08X-Robh3x, the ammosphere finishes about 6 miles up.
03:56.18kimosabeyes i live in the highest area in the city
03:56.33h3xbut its still a 22k mile trip
03:56.34kimosabei can see the entire business part of the city
03:56.36SwKanyone know (off the top of your head) how many DS3's per OC-12?
03:56.39X-Roboh yeah.
03:56.41h3xSwK: 12
03:56.49X-Robbut not through 22000m of atmosphere tho8)
03:56.49kimosabethe 25 mile link is towards colombia
03:56.57h3xOC-n where n is a ds3 channel
03:57.49kimosabei had isues at first but i put the front part of my antenna on the fron of direct tv dishes and they shoot a clean signal right through a noisy area
03:57.55ManxPowerAs far as I can figure, my only option is a Voice and Data T-1, which kinda sucks
03:58.16h3xManxPower: there are cheap ds3 wireless gear on ebay sometimes
03:58.23SwKh3x: are you sure its just 12?
03:58.26h3xSwK: yes
03:58.29SwKits like a 600meg link
03:58.33ManxPowerh3x, Define "cheap"
03:58.34SwKthats like 13 DS3s
03:58.36h3xabout a grand
03:58.40kimosabemanx power run the new 900 mghz equipment its great
03:58.43h3xSwK: Overhead
03:58.43SwK621.84 with verhead
03:58.48ManxPowerh3x, That's 2 months of T-1 service
03:58.52kimosaberun it on a wrap board
03:58.54h3xManxPower: well
03:58.59h3xhow far apart is your locations
03:59.06ManxPowerh3x, and suggestions on what to search for?
03:59.14SwKyeah but 601 mega after over head 45meg for a DS3 for 601/45 = 13 and some change
03:59.20h3xManxPower: whats your npa/nxx and addresses of each side
03:59.23SwKI'm just trying to figure out where the other bits go heh
03:59.32ManxPowerh3x, not sure.  The CO I'm connected to doesn't even have ANY DSL.  I guess 20 miles or so
03:59.36SwKunless its eaten by additional DS3 overhead
03:59.40h3xSwK: you want to use packet over sonet (POS)
03:59.48camelonManxPwer . . .the busy signal happens around 30% times
03:59.48h3xif you arent using channelized circuits on it
03:59.50ManxPowerh3x, I don't have an address for the remote site yet.
03:59.51denonManxPower is just a cheapskate, I already offered him an uber-cheap ds1
04:00.00*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
04:00.08h3xis xo in your city?
04:00.08mrdigitalwheres that guy that told me how to use my router as a client?
04:00.11Altair256wb MrChimpy
04:00.15Altair256err.. mrdigital
04:00.16h3xI get free inter-co mileage on xo
04:00.22Altair256any luck?
04:00.22h3xif the two co's are lit
04:00.32mrdigitalhey Altair256,  yeah i dont know how its working lol
04:00.41mrdigitalwill this affect my internet speed?
04:00.41Altair256congratulations ^^
04:00.55SwKh3x: channelized to DS0s is what i'm trying to figure out or DS1s running PRI
04:00.56Altair256well... you would have been better off to put the G on as your household router...
04:01.01Altair256and use the B as the client
04:01.03ManxPowerMy NPA-NXX -s 256-538
04:01.19h3xan oc-12 encapsulates 12 DS3s which encapsulate 28 T1s
04:01.20SwKmanxpowr red neck
04:01.26h3xif you run it in M23 mode
04:01.33SwKclose enuff
04:01.35Altair256so if you have any G devices, they would connect to the G network and connect to each other faster
04:01.39Altair256but your internet connection should be fine
04:01.41SwKI didnt think 13 was right
04:01.50SwKall tho the math works for 13
04:02.00h3xthere is a lot of overhead in TDM
04:02.16SwKwell yeah
04:02.25mrdigitalAltair256: you cant set the B router to Client
04:02.29DaminManxPower: If it is any consolation to you, I've managed to remove codec_g723 from my system w/ bweschke's patch! ;)
04:02.33ManxPowerSwK, No, the rednecks are the ones that keep shooting up our mailbox
04:02.39SwKbut TDM vs Clear Channel a clear channel DS3 is still 45 megabit
04:02.41ManxPowerDamin, don't speak to me about htat
04:02.52Altair256then seems you're in your best scenario right now, without having to buy any additional hardware
04:02.53DaminManxPower: Why? You were the one on the soapbox..
04:03.09h3xa channelized DS3 only carries a 43 megabit payload
04:03.16ManxPowerDamin, because you know you are right and I'm wrong and I know that I'm right and you are wrong.
04:03.30SwKa non channelized DS3 is 45 megabit tho
04:03.39DaminManxPower: Hehehe.. OK.. if I run into you at a conference, I'll still buy you a beer.. ;)
04:03.44ManxPowerh3x, so, can you get me a voice/data t-1 for under $550/month?
04:03.47h3xminus ppp or hdlc overhead :)
04:03.53ManxPowerDamin, And I, you.
04:03.55SwKwell  yeah
04:04.06SwKthe clock rate is 45meg
04:04.20DaminManxPower: Where do you need a DS1 circuit?
04:04.29SwKI need a DS1 at my house
04:04.33ManxPowerDamin, My NPA-NXX -s 256-538
04:04.37SwKjust out side of HSV
04:04.47h3xi cant look up anything without addresses
04:04.51ManxPowerSwK, Actually, just outside Gadsden / Birmingham
04:05.05SwKI need one just outside of HSV
04:05.14ManxPowerh3x, address in /msg
04:05.17DaminManxPower: Does it need to have channels split between Voice and data? I.E. via a DACS?
04:05.19h3xare you doing mostly ld or local?
04:05.27SwKI really just want an OC192 @ my house
04:05.34SedoroxSwK: don't we all
04:05.46SwKI just want it for surfing Pr0n
04:05.48ManxPowerDamin, I'm not running VoIP as my only PSTN access.
04:05.55DaminManxPower: Or will straight data w/ IAX/SIP Term and QOS do?
04:06.06docelm0a single computer will not run OC192..
04:06.16h3xoc192 isnt even a single pipe
04:06.19ManxPowerDamin, I would prefer 512K - 768K Internet Data with 7 - 8 Bchannels and a D channel
04:06.19h3xits a group of oc48 waves
04:06.23Sedoroxdocelm0: who says it would be a single computer :p
04:06.32kimosabemanpower can u help me one thing why does my x-lite say registered but when i dial it says call not aproved
04:06.47h3xManxPower: the only clecs you have out there is level3 which only does voip dids
04:06.53SwKdocelm0 no shit... besides I have computes that can saturate bonded quad GigE interfaces
04:06.55h3xpacwest which in east coast markets is voip only
04:07.02h3xtcg which is probably somebody else now
04:07.05h3xand your bellsouth
04:07.05DaminManxPower: I can't help you then... I can do really aggressive data pricing w/ long-haul loops, but I don't have the ability to drop and insert channels on a DS1 bases..
04:07.08h3xoh ITC deltacom
04:07.15docelm0ohh nice..  :)
04:07.18SwKITC Deltacom is the ass
04:07.26docelm0me with my measly 2 DS3's..  :(
04:07.31ManxPowerDamin, under $550 long haul loop?
04:07.35DaminManxPower: As an example, I got pricing on a 500 mile loop for a client of mine, and it was $220.
04:07.55ManxPowerThe problem is I want my own TDM with local DIDs
04:07.59SwKdocelm0 I have a GigE port 2 hops off L3s core
04:08.10SwK(just not at home)
04:08.17docelm0Damin what kinda 500 mile loop?
04:08.23DaminManxPower: Yeah.. I can't do anything except VoIP.. just don't have the DACS for it..
04:08.28ManxPowerDamin, Only good pricing on InterLATA, I assume./
04:09.05DaminManxPower: Well, we get pretty agressive pricing on IntraLata as well, but the InterLata stuff is just ridiculously cheap..
04:09.08ManxPowerI have had NOTHING but trouble with VoIPoInternet
04:09.09SwKmanxpower you do a lotta intralata calls?
04:09.11denonjust jack this in please :)
04:09.47Damindocelm0: ESF/B8ZS, DS1 500 mile loop. ;)
04:09.50Sedoroxdenon: if it could only be that easy
04:09.57ManxPowerSwK, only for small values of "lotta"
04:10.06denonSwK: good thing I'm booting off a soldered prom :)
04:10.37ManxPowerIf I can get a PRI cheap enough, I don't care where the end of the Data T-1 is. needs another shot of tequila
04:11.02denon..and a visit from mavis beacon
04:11.05SwKmanxpower is centurytel there?
04:11.07DaminManxPower: We could terminate that as PRI, but the minutes will cost you all the same..
04:11.19ManxPowerSwK, BellSouth is the ILEC
04:11.25DaminManxPower: You need to find someone locally that can offer you flat rate local in/out and port your numbers to their PRI..
04:11.27denonSwK: you have deals with centurytel?
04:11.37SwKi have centurytel in my office
04:11.45DaminCenturyTel must DIE!!!!!!!!
04:11.45SwKthey play CLEC in some markets
04:11.46DaminCenturyTel must DIE!!!!!!!!
04:11.57CunningPikecamelon: Does anything show in the CLI when your callers get busy tone?
04:12.02SwKsettle down damin
04:12.03ManxPowerDamin, I don't have numbers at the moment.
04:12.06denonSwK: you mean they have a POP in your office? or you use them for DIA?
04:12.20DaminSwK: SBC shut them out of the metro markets locally, so they are on the outskirts.. :)
04:12.21SwKwe had another smaller clec and then centurytel bought them out about 6 months ago
04:12.42denonIve gotta find someone who can do good deals on Frontier T1s/etc
04:13.04*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
04:13.05ManxPowerDamin, the problem is that the potential revenue is fairly small for this project.
04:13.09denonand that I can sell SBC through
04:13.57ManxPowerI've gotten quotes for about $550/month for Voice/Data T-1
04:13.57SwKthey are facilities based here with their purchase... they buy dry copper from bellsuck and back haul it to their switch over HDSL
04:14.20SedoroxManxPower: from what I've heard.. thats average
04:14.40JaxxanQwell you on ?
04:14.40mrgobyhey, trying to build * on suse10 ...  getting errors building zaptel, no make target 'modules'.
04:14.56ManxPowerSo if someone can offer Voice PRI / Data with unlimited local in/out and decent rates on toll calls I'll put you on the list of potential carriers.
04:15.15mrgobyfrom this :  make -C /lib/modules/2.6.13-15.8-default/build SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel-1.2.5 XPPMOD= modules
04:15.18SwKmrgoby there is no modules target in the zaptel makefile that I recall... just cd zaptel && make install
04:15.27*** join/#asterisk znoG (
04:15.29mrgobyah... no make ?
04:15.42denonmrgoby: probably worth reading the install instructions on the site :)
04:15.51mrgobysame thing
04:15.52denoncd /usr/src/whatever; make clean; make install
04:15.52Jaxxanor the README
04:15.53*** join/#asterisk EastWolf (n=eastwolf@
04:16.08*** join/#asterisk Damin (
04:16.10DaminManxPower: All I have to say is that "function SIP_CALLERPREFCODECS" fucking rocks..
04:16.32*** part/#asterisk Agrajag- (
04:16.39mrgobyi've built asterisk several times...  sorry, let me clarify... it looks like it is looking for make targets in the kernel tree itself ?  ...  it builds a few things and then fails
04:17.00mrgobylet me pastebin
04:17.01Jaxxananyone here using queuemetrics ?
04:20.31mrgobyi included the kernel info
04:21.35mrgobyany ideas ?
04:21.41SwKyou do know make linux26 isnt required any more
04:22.02mrgobyi get the same behavior out of 'make' and 'make install'
04:22.02Jaxxanwhy are you using linux26 ?
04:22.06SwKand you did install the kernel sources and headers right?
04:22.28*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
04:22.40mrgobyi'm new to suse, so i am only pretty sure...   i installed kernel-sources and all gcc-dev etc
04:22.55Jaxxanis this a fresh install ?
04:22.57Jaxxanor an upgrade ?
04:23.06mrgobypretty fresh...
04:23.18mrgobyit is a client's box... but that is my understanding
04:23.20mrgobysuse 10
04:23.37mrgobyor, you mean an upgrade from 9.3 or something ?
04:23.40Jaxxanand the current zaptel modules aren't running right ?
04:24.13*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
04:24.15Flautohi all
04:24.24Flautoi am testing a service provider
04:24.33Jaxxani think i ran into problems compiling zaptel on my current redhat box when i was upgrading to latest SVN versions, and i had forgot to unload the old modules
04:24.46mrgobythere are some built already in the modules tree, but they arent loaded
04:24.49Jaxxanthen i couldn't unload them and had to reboot the box
04:24.51Flautowhen i call a pstn line
04:25.04Flautoi don't hear the other person and the other person can not hear me
04:25.21Flautobut when i call thrie voip user, i can hear, and the other party can hear too
04:25.37Jaxxanpstn is a POTS line ?
04:26.12Jaxxansorry, i dont spend much time with POTS lines, only PRI's
04:26.17Flautoregular landline
04:26.19Jaxxanjust curious (=
04:26.28*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
04:26.33mrgobyi don't understand why having the modules loaded would affect your ability to build them
04:26.49Jaxxanmrgoby: me neither, and that's not the issue at hand apparently (=
04:27.01Jaxxanmrgoby: but i tell you, it drove me nuts for like 10 minutes lol
04:27.23mrgobyyeah...   i'm figuring i am doing something wrong with the linking somehow
04:27.26JaxxanFlauto: FXS ?
04:27.27mrgobybut the error throws me off
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04:28.14Jaxxanmrgoby: you try the svn version of zaptel ?
04:28.29Jaxxansomeone told me that 1.2.5 had issues, so i never used it
04:29.05mrgobyfair enough
04:32.21Jaxxani should probably spend more time with my fx0 lines
04:32.26Jaxxani dont think they hang up correctly
04:33.06Jaxxanmaybe i should put a hangup command in there
04:33.39jbotrumour has it, pots is Plain Old Telephone Service as in "Old Analogue Crap"
04:34.04jbotit has been said that pstn is Pubic Switched Telephone Network, or "please stop the nonsense"
04:34.21Jaxxanso a pstn line is a ??
04:34.35Sedoroxnormal telephone
04:34.49Jaxxannormal telephones suck
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04:36.24mrgobysame error with svn version
04:37.20mrgobymake -C /lib/modules/2.6.13-15.8-default/build SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel modules    this is the culprit
04:37.54mrgobywhy does it cd to that directory ?
04:38.56*** join/#asterisk Tier_1 (
04:39.08Tier_1ok whats up with SayUnixTime
04:39.14Tier_1its not working
04:40.16Jaxxanworks for me
04:40.33*** part/#asterisk mrgoby (
04:40.35Jaxxanexten => XXXX,1,sayunixtime
04:45.15Jaxxanthere's a weather feature right ?
04:45.32Jaxxanthat connects to or something and tells you the current weather ?
04:47.36ManxPowerJaxxan, not as part of Asterisk
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04:54.30Jaxxanwhat's asterisk@home ?
04:54.39Jaxxanthat like a ... consumer edition or something ?
04:55.53ManxPowerJaxxan, Asterisk@Home / AMP / FreePBX are all Asterisk + something (usually a GUI, but could be an ISO distro, or whatever) for people too lazy or not smart enough to learn Asterisk's text config files.
04:56.11De_MonOnce a call is exstablished from the console, how do I dial numbers?
04:57.00*** join/#asterisk angler (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
04:57.10ManxPowerDe_Mon, did you try typing numbers?
04:57.30De_MonManxPower ya no such command
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04:58.30ManxPowerI don't think Console/ channel supports that
04:59.14De_MonI'm trying different ways of 'sendDTMF' without success
04:59.28De_MonI can execute the dial command from the console, but that's it?
04:59.52*** join/#asterisk lately (
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05:01.09*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
05:01.35latelyHi. Is there a way to limit the number of channels? For example, the number of channels used when going through the Internet for VoIP
05:01.45latelynot the internal channels
05:01.54latelywithin a LAN
05:02.01ManxPowerDe_Mon, pretty much.  It's onlt used for testing AFIK
05:02.06*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
05:02.18ManxPowerlately, read The Book
05:02.22jbotthebook is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
05:02.36ManxPowerLove the book, buy the book, send the book flowers
05:02.43latelyI started reading last night
05:02.46De_Monwell testing dialplans usually invokes, pressing menu numbers
05:02.48latelyFell asleep :-/
05:03.13De_Monoh well, thats what softphones are for
05:03.32ManxPowersee also: setgroup, checkgroup and README.variables in the source tree
05:17.45astermickdoes asterisk have problems with calling phones that have been diverted to another number (gsm or pstn)
05:21.07*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
05:24.41ManxPowerastermick, how would askerisk know a call was diverted?
05:28.30*** join/#asterisk Jestie (
05:28.39Jestiegood morning y'eal all
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05:38.30Jestieanyone up to give some help on a voicemail issue I have ... ?
05:39.01CunningPikeJestie: Soot
05:39.06CunningPikeShoot, I mean
05:40.05*** part/#asterisk catch23 (
05:40.53JestieFanks man ..
05:41.09*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
05:41.40JestieI want users to have the option, to go back to receptions desk, when they do not want to leave voicemail for the user ...
05:41.52*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
05:42.12JestieSo typically .. voicemail must start, but also prompt the user that if they want to speak to reception, they must press 9 ...or something ... that will ring receptions desk ...
05:42.43CunningPikePress 0 - place an 'o' extension in the context from which VoiceMail was called
05:43.55CunningPikeexten => o,1,Dial(foo)
05:44.07*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
05:45.01Jestienot sure i'm following ...
05:45.26Jestiethis is what I have at the moment
05:45.34*** join/#asterisk websae (
05:45.35Jestieexten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/2300, 30)
05:45.36Jestieexten => 1234,2,VoiceMail(2300@other)
05:45.38Jestieexten => 1234,3,Background(9_foroperator)
05:45.39Jestieexten => 1234,4,Hangup()
05:47.36CunningPikeJestie: The person's vm message should mention "to speak with someone else, dial 0" and then, in the same context as 1234 is in, have another 'o' extension as my example
05:48.11Jestieohh ...
05:48.13JestieFanks man ...
05:49.20JestieCan I just append the 'o' extension ? or should it be right at the start ?
05:49.32*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
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05:51.40CunningPikeJestie: It shouldn't matter - it's just another extension in that context
05:52.43JestieKewl bananananans !
05:52.58CunningPikeI take it that it worked, then
05:54.26*** join/#asterisk raidenz (
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05:56.03raidenzDoes anyone know where to get an updated test g.729 ipp codec patch that works with the latest asterisk svn?
05:59.19*** join/#asterisk catch23 (
06:00.02clive-raidenz isnt thre that website in lituania or somewhere
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06:01.19raidenzclive-: That is the old patch (from 2005) that won't work with the latest asterisk svn. It has to be updated to work with the new asterisk loader changes.
06:02.25*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (
06:03.38clive-raidenz, I am behind the times then...:), I am sure someone has figured it out though
06:04.22raidenzI hope so. I was wondering if anyone here has updated it to send it to me if possible. :)
06:04.27X-Robraidenz, no.
06:04.29*** join/#asterisk Creperum (
06:04.32X-Robno-one's re-written it yet
06:05.49raidenzI tried adapting it with no luck.
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06:47.40littleballhi, i am try to use xlite to connect to the asterisk which is running on the localhost . the xlite always try to detect firewall and then cannot connect to my asterisk testing server. who can help?
07:04.47*** join/#asterisk koenvi (
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07:06.55koenviready help
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07:07.59Jestielittleball .. shoot .. i'm listineng
07:07.59koenvianyone working with zaptel hardware in E1 connections?
07:09.40*** join/#asterisk angom_w (
07:10.35littleballmy xlite cannot connect to my local asterisk . can help?
07:13.12littleballJestie, i click on the configuration of the xlite software
07:13.13*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
07:14.23littleballfor the system setting, what is function of Network and SIP Proxy?
07:21.39*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
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07:48.44littleballhi Jestie
07:49.18*** join/#asterisk Uzzi (
07:49.59UzziWoh know if it's possibly to use asterisk with hcf modem conexant chipset?
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07:50.25clive-uzzi bristuff works with hfc-s
07:53.58JestieUzzi ..
07:54.00Jestiehere is a link
07:54.16littleballJestie, it works. i just change the domain to my localhost name
07:56.05Uzzithen I've to istall bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1?
07:56.18skefflingHello, Has anyone seen problems with Asterisk 1.2.7 and Eyebeam 1.5? eg Pressing Hold puts the call on hold, but unholding them does not bring them back. In asterisk I don't get the ' Stopped music on hold...' message. But works fine with a SNOM.
07:58.35Uzziasterisk-bristuff it's the same?
07:59.24Jestiedon;t think so ...
07:59.25Jestiejunghans wrote it specifically for HFC chipsets
08:00.40*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
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08:08.00x86are there any sounds in the asterisk-sounds package that have one of those nostalgic number disconnected error tones?
08:11.01*** part/#asterisk littleball (
08:14.02JestieHELP !!!
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08:32.09IkarusRight, I am about to toss out Asterisk and simply get my boss to pay 2000 euro for a ready made PBX as I don't seem to be able to find a way to get the echo down, I tried everything I could find. I am using a normal HFC card (currently with zaphfc driver, but that can be altered) and I am on KPN's ISDN network, switching to a native VoIP solution for the backend is not an option, and I am testing a variety of SIP phones
08:32.51stoffellIkarus, what * version you're using? bristuff? what vers?
08:33.20Ikarusstoffell: Asterisk 1.2.4-BRIstuffed-0.3.0-PRE-1k
08:33.36stoffellIkarus, and what echo cancellation? (in zaptel config)
08:34.11Ikarusechotraining = yes
08:34.26*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (n=A-Tuin@
08:35.22stoffellIkarus, and did you change anything in zconfig.h (in bristuff/zaptel dir)
08:35.46*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
08:35.54stoffellIkarus, seems to be something worth trying..
08:37.47stoffellIkarus, i pasted some info here:
08:42.17*** join/#asterisk cced1 (n=dev2003@
08:43.58Ikaruslet's hope that works
08:44.42IkarusAny suggestions for the echocancel= setting after I enable it ?
08:47.06*** join/#asterisk heka (n=heka@
08:47.32hekaHello, does the h323 channel comming with asterisk (asterisk/channels/h323) support jitter buffer?
08:48.56hekaor do I need to build the openh323 comming with asterisk-addons
08:50.08Ikarusstoffell: ?
08:51.13stoffellIkarus, my settings in zapata.conf are: echocancel=yes, echocancelwhenbridged=yes, echotraining=100
08:54.02JestieWas wondering if someone can tell me how to redirect Voicemail to reception if I do NOT WANT TO LEAVE Voicemail for a user ?
08:55.00*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
08:55.41bartpbxI'm looking for a list of all existing PRI_CAUSEs. In libpri.h are only some of them defined
08:56.16hekaany idea about h323 jitter buffer?
08:56.34*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
08:57.05bartpbxfor example what is 8 ,20, 77, 119, or 386?
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09:05.18clive-heka , yes, cisco
09:10.18hekaclive-: my qestion was about openh323
09:11.30*** part/#asterisk bartpbx (
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09:12.36clive-truthfully, afaik, h323 and asterisk need lots of tweaking to work, you may find chan_woomera a good option, although I am not sure about jitter buffering. Your best bet for a large scale h323 installation imho is cisco
09:15.19hekawhat kind of router do I need to handle a network with about 10 concurrent calls!
09:15.35hekaany idea clive- ?
09:16.08clive-10 calls is not a lot, asterisk could handle it, but then again yuor jitter buffer question remains a mystery..:)
09:16.54hekaI heard that openh323 support jitter buffering, but not sure if the channel that comes with asterisk does it
09:17.30clive-chan_woomera uses openh323 afaik
09:18.11hekalet me check it!
09:19.38dynanyone can give me a hint what's that:     May 12 11:18:48 NOTICE[18319]: chan_iax2.c:2447 iax2_read: I should never be called!
09:20.00dyn(i'm playing with forwarding calls with 2 asterisk servers using IAX2)
09:23.17hekaclive-: from  oh323 driver uses the RTP/RTCP stack and the adaptive jitter buffer implementation of OpenH323.
09:23.38clive-so your sorted
09:23.39hekaso I think openh323 supports the jitter buffering
09:26.33*** join/#asterisk Uzzi (
09:26.54Uzzinow i've installed bristuff,now how i can test it?
09:27.59dynanyone knows if I can use macros or something to shorten sip.conf entries for all the softphones used in our office?
09:28.22dyneach softphone entry having about 15 lines in sip.conf makes it a bit error-prone to maintain
09:33.58stoffellIkarus, making progress?
09:36.23*** join/#asterisk nextime (
09:36.26Delvardyn: you can put most of the common stuff in the [default] but that doesnt help with vociemail lines etc.. you could also write a script to generate an external file and include that file.
09:37.47Ikarusstoffell: not yet, dealing with some other crap right now
09:38.15stoffellIkarus, okay, keep me posted, i'm curious on the progress..
09:39.30dynDelvar: i considered scripting it but i'd prefer a cleaner built-in solution
09:39.43dynDelvar: if i add common options in [default], it will get applied to all softphones?
09:39.53Delvardyn: yes
09:39.57dynDelvar: cos basically the default IP is what's changing for all users
09:40.11dynthat's great, i'll try it out, thanks!
09:40.14Delvardyn: ah that wont help then
09:41.06dyni'll write a simple bash script then which generates the config into a sip-users.conf which will get included from sip.conf
09:41.19Delvardyn: all optiosn like DTMFMODE, CONTEXT etc.. can be set in default.. then for each extension you would have to set username,secret,type,defaultip...
09:41.39dynyeah, that's the problem
09:41.58dynit's just strange that noone found that tiresome enough to develop some configuration helper right into asterisk for this
09:42.29IkarusGah, loser sysadmin here has filled his PC with warez
09:42.32Delvara script is the quickest way to it, just store an array at the top of exten and defaultip
09:42.55Delvartehn every update ust run your script and reload
09:43.32dynDelvar: yeah that will work fine
09:43.36*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@
09:45.33ghenryanyone recommend a good sip hardware phone? We're in the UK, if that matters (don't think so)
09:46.06dynghenry: i'd be interested in that too
09:46.15Delvarghenry: snom 320 are prety good
09:46.33ghenryI was looking on
09:47.43ghenryquite a lot of cash for that
09:48.07ghenrydoes asterisk do sips or rtps yet?
09:49.20RoyKanyone that knows a good way to do billing with mail->fax with asterisk?
09:50.26Delvarghenry: look a tthe grandstream GXP then
09:51.48Delvarif you want cheaper then a budgetone.. but i dont much like them but they work prety well
09:54.56ghenryoh, I was reading last night about why this guy doesn't like asterisk
09:55.13ghenrysaying that the only reason digium open sourced it was to make money on their hardware
09:55.30ghenrybut as I understand it from other sources, the book etc. the hardware came after that
09:55.49ghenryafter it was oss, that is.
10:00.20*** join/#asterisk Sonderblade (
10:02.21x86are there any sounds in the asterisk-sounds package that have one of those nostalgic number disconnected error tones?
10:02.57RoyKwhat are those?
10:03.03RoyKnostalgic tones?
10:04.34RoyKx86: do you mean the ones available from playtones?
10:06.09*** join/#asterisk Malthus (
10:06.27x86when i pick up my analog POTS phone connected to the PSTN, and dial a number no longer in service (in the US)
10:06.34x86it gives a annoying tone
10:06.36x86i want that ;)
10:07.16Malthus-- Playing 'ss-noservice' (language 'en')
10:07.36Malthusthats the file right there :)
10:08.38x86ah cool
10:08.41x86thanks :)
10:08.57x86Malthus: hmm actually, i just need the tone itself
10:09.07*** join/#asterisk xbit` (
10:09.14Malthususe a sound editor
10:09.17x86i want to use it for noservice as well as when someone's account is disabled
10:09.33Malthusedit and take what you want
10:10.03Malthusyou might want to download the wav/raw sound files instead of the gsm ones that come by default
10:10.17x86those are in the asterisk-sounds package?
10:10.33x86where do i get them then? :)
10:10.37Malthusyou have to search, I don't remember where I saw them
10:10.47Malthusmaybe astlinux's website
10:11.07MalthusI have a funky problem with a e&m wink T1
10:11.26Malthusit drops part of the DID info
10:11.26*** join/#asterisk Jestie (
10:11.43Malthusso I tried featd instead of em_w
10:12.08Malthusasterisk tells me the line is not featd so its assuming em_w
10:12.19Malthusand when it does that the DID info works fine
10:12.41Malthuswhen I seet it back to em_w in zapata.conf it continues to drop parts!
10:12.57*** join/#asterisk mrtwister|mobile (
10:15.20Malthusand then, both the em_w AND an fxo_ls link starts to ignore DTMF after asterisk has been running for a while
10:15.42Malthusbut they don't both start ignoring at the same time
10:15.53Malthusso one might be working while the other isn't
10:19.41x86what version of asterisk?
10:21.40MalthusI tried the other em signalling types but they didn't work
10:22.02Malthusdownloaded the new packages already
10:22.31Malthusdon't see anything in the changelogs that seem relevant
10:26.45stoffellanyone else having the same bristuff problem with hangup problems? (zap not detecting end of call)
10:32.11*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
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10:57.32eds0nhey, has anyone here been running any tests with astertest?
10:58.46eds0nI've set up two servers, but I have problems connection. The windows gui says "connection refused" and I can't figure out why :-/
10:59.04*** join/#asterisk tdi (n=tdi@
10:59.44tdihowto switch off silence supression for chansip ?
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11:00.01tdibetween two asterisks
11:02.07Red5astertest relies on iax interconnects.. 'connection refused' sounds like an iax.conf misconfiguration
11:02.14*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
11:02.51Red5have you been through the tutorials on asteriskguru ?
11:07.46*** join/#asterisk heart (n=zippetto@lugbari/people/heart)
11:10.09eds0nRed5: I've followed the guide at the tutorial
11:20.55dyncan you guys recommend a free and easy-to-use SIP softphone client for windows?
11:21.09dynfor linux, Ekiga (formerly gnomemeeting) is beautiful and working perfectly
11:21.16dynare there any similar apps for windows?
11:27.30*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:28.06*** join/#asterisk sleepy_one (
11:28.15sleepy_onegreetings everyone :-)
11:28.45sleepy_oneanyone have Polycom IP 501s?
11:32.36dynok actually i see lots of windows softphones, but are there any which are using a native windows-looking user interface?
11:34.53sleepy_oneX-Lite, sjphone
11:35.21dynX-lite had some extreme UI as I remember
11:36.18*** join/#asterisk Boter (
11:36.27Boteranybody here?
11:37.34Boterhey :)
11:37.44sleepy_onedyn, "I think" sjphone has a reasonable interface
11:37.47Botercan i take some your time?
11:37.56dynsleepy_one: i'll check it out
11:38.01Botertoday it's first time i installed asterisk
11:38.15sleepy_oneBoter, ok, what's your question?
11:38.17Boteras far as i heard and read... there is a way to dial to phone numbers?
11:38.22dynsleepy_one: ofc the best choice would still be a gaim-plugin as everyone around is using gaim here
11:38.36sleepy_onedyn, ya
11:38.57dynsleepy_one: i assume no such exists? not even in the upcoming gaim2?
11:39.10dynBoter: there is
11:39.19sleepy_oneBoter, you can use a VoIP provider to make calls to the PSTN over the internet
11:39.34sleepy_onedyn, I'm not sure
11:40.03Boterso i cant be provider itself with this program?
11:41.19sleepy_oneBoter, you can be a provider yourself you just need some hardware to connect to the PSTN
11:41.51Boterwhere can i find links about that hardware?,
11:42.37Boteris it expensive?
11:42.40Boterand do you use it?
11:44.46sleepy_oneBoter, it depends what are you trying to do exactly? You can pickup cheap X100p clones for $15 each on ebay or you can spend $200 or more on some TDM400p's or $500 and up for T1 cards
11:45.13sleepy_oneBoter, it all depends on what you need
11:45.28Boteri want to make free phone calls with this voip :)
11:45.29*** join/#asterisk shiznatix (
11:45.37oinkmldI have 3 T0 lines coming in my office, what card should I use ?
11:45.58Boterso i can call others free
11:46.13sleepy_oneoinkmld, T0? you mean ISDN?
11:47.25Boterso what equipment would i need for that?
11:47.27sleepy_oneBoter, in that case you might want to look at FWD ( free world dialup ) but not everything is free
11:47.46sleepy_oneBoter, are you running asterisk now
11:47.57Boteri just stopped
11:48.06sleepy_onewhat kind of computer do you have?
11:48.20oinkmldYes, it's called T0 in France
11:48.28Botersleepy_one hm
11:48.32Boterrouter is 133mhz
11:48.43Boterbut i can create better router if needed
11:48.45sleepy_oneBoter, you do not need any hardware to make VoIP calls, just a Linux computer and asterisk
11:49.21Boterthats good than :)
11:49.42Boterwhat do i need to set now?
11:49.59Boteri dont find any man pages which it shows me how to make calls
11:50.07sleepy_oneoinkmld, look at the ISDN cards here
11:50.43sleepy_oneBoter, what kind of internet connection do you have?
11:50.57Boteradsl 2mbit/384kbit
11:51.01Boteri have isdn too
11:52.08sleepy_oneoinkmld, "ISDN4Linux Any ISDN terminal adapter supported by isdn4linux should provide connectivity." theoretically any Linux supported ISDN card should work
11:52.57Botersoon will have t2 10/2
11:52.58oinkmldOk.  Thanks ;-)
11:53.02sleepy_oneBoter, you have to configure asterisk by editing the config files in /etc/asterisk or by using a web interface like FreePBX ( formerly known as AMP ) or astguiclient or something
11:54.55Boterok i'm going to install freepbx from sourceforge
11:55.23Boteri looked config file of asterisk and there i dont see very much useful stuff
11:55.35sleepy_oneasterisk comes with configuration examples in asterisk-*/configs  asterisk- for the current version
11:55.58Boterwould this work from cygwin?
11:56.05Boterjust Q i'm not gonna try it ;:)
11:56.16sleepy_oneBoter, maybe
11:56.28sleepy_onethe kernel modules wouldn't work
11:56.41Boterk :)
11:56.53Boterso i must than make calls directly from router (linux box)
11:57.35sleepy_oneBoter, there's documentation with examples in asterisk- also asterisk- and online @ and
11:57.51dyndoes asterisk support the SIMPLE protocol?
11:58.02Boteri must set it before freepbx?
11:58.06sleepy_onedyn, I dunno
11:58.17sleepy_onedyn, tried the wiki?
11:58.36sleepy_oneBoter, do you have anything better than a 133MHz machine?
11:58.39dynsleepy_one: the problem is that you can hardly find correct matches on a search query like 'simple' :)
11:58.52sleepy_onedyn, true
11:58.52Botersleepy_one not yet
11:59.04dynsleepy_one: btw, gaim2 seems to support the Sip/SIMPLE protocol (whatever that is)
11:59.06Boterbut if it will be needed i will set up bettet machine
11:59.17dynsleepy_one: so currently i'm trying to get both sides configured for a quick test
11:59.40sleepy_oneBoter, asterisk will run on older hardware but your results will vary quite a bit, I would recommend a 500MHz CPU and at least 128MB RAM the more the better
12:00.18dyndamn, SIMPLE is an IM-only protocol
12:00.21dynno Sip calls there
12:00.28Boterok i have enought RAM :)
12:00.46Botersleepy_one i'll just test this and than see if it's worth of new hardware
12:01.04sleepy_oneBoter, it's worth it
12:01.08Boterhm ok now i go set .conf files in /etc/asterisk
12:01.37Boterso i go from 1 conf to another?
12:02.11sleepy_oneBoter, you can do make samples and make progdocs
12:02.19dynBoter: i suggest reading the asterisk handbook. it's a draft version but it's a great way to get into the basics
12:02.24sleepy_onewhich will install the default config files
12:02.26dynBoter: (i'm right on doing that myself :)
12:02.41MrChimpyboter: better still, buy the asterisk book
12:02.44Botersleepy_one i installed from .deb archive
12:03.04PiPiPiman voip-info's wiki is plain UGLY
12:03.09MrChimpyonly it lacks stuff about the E1 cards
12:03.10PiPiPisomebody has to add some CSS to it with class
12:03.24sleepy_oneBoter, you should only have to mess with iax.conf sip.conf and extensions.conf
12:03.49sleepy_oneBoter, you can read all about it at the wiki
12:04.09jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
12:04.28*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
12:05.06tdiwhat is the best way to send fax between two asterisks using SIP channel ?
12:08.08sleepy_onehey file :-D
12:08.23fileI'm the last one left for AstriDevCon Europe
12:10.37Boterok i go now checking the handbook
12:10.42filemy flight doesn't leave till tonight at 8:30, I've already been all over Pisa with oej...
12:10.49*** join/#asterisk cced1 (n=dev2003@
12:10.52fileso I'm sitting here at the hotel... paid 5 Euros for 5 hours of internet...
12:11.13tdisleepy_one: i know this doc, there is no info howto send fax thru sip channel betwoeen two asterisks directly and howto switch off silence supression, which is a problem in my case
12:12.02sleepy_onetdi, did you see the "Sending a fax to a SIP device" section?
12:12.34filewhy am I suddenly getting such decent speeds here... where all of this week it's been previously crappy
12:12.55oinkmldwhere's the astricon ?
12:13.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:13.35tdiasterisks send silence supression in SIP packets, but they do not appear to take it under consideration
12:13.43tdijust ignore them
12:13.53fileoinkmld: it was a developer get together essentially...
12:14.00[TK]D-Fenderfile : Lasik day today!
12:14.14file[TK]D-Fender: ooh
12:16.01fileI wonder how long my flight to Paris is
12:16.17MrChimpywhere from?
12:16.19sleepy_onefile, where are you flying out of?
12:16.25filePisa, Italy
12:16.33MrChimpyoh, about an hour then
12:16.45fileooh k
12:16.47sleepy_oneshould be couple of hours depending on traffic
12:17.33sleepy_oneabout one hour transit time + a few hours in a holding pattern over CDG
12:17.44filethis hotel has better internet then I have at home :\
12:17.59wasimbetter maid service too, i'm sure
12:18.14fileI fly out of here to Paris, then I'm staying overnight in a hotel, then flying to Montreal and finally home
12:18.21MrChimpyi keep forgetting what I'm doing. today it's mostly trying not to buy a pentium 805
12:18.45MrChimpylook out for the mo-turd-bikes in paris
12:18.46oinkmldfile: Any plans in France ? ;-)
12:18.47sleepy_oneMrChimpy, oh my gosh an 805?????
12:18.58MrChimpythey invented the motorbike dogshit vaccum cleaner
12:19.04filesleep, sleep, oh and sleep
12:19.11shiznatixwhat settings can i play around with to try to make my faxing more reliable. right now i have like 70% success with spandsp
12:19.39oinkmldfile: You should come over and have a beer ;-)
12:19.44sleepy_oneMrChimpy, the 805 will cost you a FORTUNE in cooling and power costs if it doesn't explode on you
12:20.06MrChimpyyep. i was thinking of less than the 4GHz :)
12:20.40sleepy_oneMrChimpy, @ 4.1GHz is consumes over 260W while IDLE :-[
12:20.42filemy cellphone bill grows ever higher
12:20.55MrChimpyaye, didn't escape my notice :)
12:21.07MrChimpy3 would do nicely
12:21.12sleepy_oneshiznatix, are you faxing over IP or PSTN ?
12:21.29MrChimpythough I think i'll hold on and get a desktop core due
12:21.35[TK]D-Fendersleepy_one : For your earlier question, I have an IP 501 (and every other desk model)  whats your question on it?
12:21.52MrChimpyjust the hacker in me wants whizzy things that ain't supposed to go so fast
12:22.18ghenryis a Cisco 7960G Good with Asterisk?
12:22.29sleepy_oneghenry, yes it can be very good
12:22.41sleepy_oneghenry, with the SIP firmware
12:22.52ghenrywhich is extra?
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12:22.57Boterbtw sleepy_one is possible to have own "phone number"?
12:22.59shiznatixsleepy_one, PSTN
12:23.15ghenryand that does the directory search feature?
12:23.25ghenryany other phones do the directory search?
12:23.45sleepy_oneshiznatix, it should be more reliable than that.... what kind of analog card ( s ) are you using? PSTN faxing should be 95% ok
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12:24.45sleepy_oneghenry, you should be able to download the firmware from cisco if you have a account or find it around the net
12:25.16sleepy_oneghenry, the 7960G supports html directories served from a web server
12:26.18ghenry7902G looks ok. a bit cheaper though
12:27.19ghenryZyXEL Prestige 2000W Wireless IP Phone looks quite cool too
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12:30.34sleepy_oneghenry, I don't know how well the lower end Cisco's work, the 7960s work fine with SIP 7.x
12:31.25shiznatixsleepy_one,  Digium TIGER 320 is the card
12:31.48sleepy_oneshiznatix, you mean TDM400p ?
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12:33.30sleepy_oneshiznatix, many cards have a Tiger 3xx chipset including the X100p clones and the real Digium TDM400p's is this what you have?
12:34.49sleepy_oneshiznatix, I have at least two of them: 00:09.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
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12:41.01ghenrythanks sleepy_one
12:41.17sleepy_oneghenry, yw
12:41.37ghenrywill go for a slightly cheaper one
12:42.09ghenryprobably a Grandstream GXP 2000 IP Telephone
12:42.23sleepy_oneghenry, what about Linksys?
12:42.36ghenrynot sure
12:42.40sleepy_oneghenry, I think they are better than Grandstream / Crapstream
12:42.55ghenrysomething £70<>£90
12:43.30ghenrycan't seem to find those on
12:43.49ghenrywhat about sipura
12:44.00ghenrysnom 300
12:44.04ghenryor snom
12:44.30shiznatixsleepy_one, Wildcard TDM400P is my card to be a bit more specific
12:46.10buzzdeei have a problem dialling directly into my second conference room from an external number
12:46.18buzzdeehave the configuration and logs there:
12:46.30ghenrythis looks quite good sleepy_one
12:48.25coppicethat's quite expensive
12:49.11[TK]D-Fenderand FUGLY.
12:49.49ghenryso on this page:
12:49.52ph|berif my PRI lines are working for incoming, will the outgoing automatically work?
12:49.53ghenrywhat are good?
12:50.25ghenryunless there's a better site somewhere else in the UK?
12:50.44coppicephlber: not necessarily
12:51.00[TK]D-Fenderghenry : JUST over 90 is the Polycom IP 301
12:51.48[TK]D-Fenderghenry : Hate to say I'd also rather suggest an Aastra 9133 at 91
12:52.07[TK]D-FenderSPA-941 @ 100 is pretty good too...
12:52.17austinnichols109133's not bad
12:52.20[TK]D-Fenderpossibily the best value on that site
12:52.54austinnichols10solid handset - can do some damage with it
12:54.30[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols10 : Yeah, Aastra is a solid product typically, but I find their interface a little too "old analog" for my tastes.  Not bad for "dumb business" who may be LUCKY to even pick up their phones ;)
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12:55.38austinnichols10[TK]D-Fender: agree completely.  I didn't like the 941 because it kept tipping over (topheavy)
12:56.12austinnichols10[TK]D-Fender: whereas for around the same money the 9133 was stable and I can knock someone unconcious with the handset
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12:56.39[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols10 : I felt it was too light overall, the feet were more rubber than foam and slips a lot, and the prop was uber cheap
12:56.57[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols10 : Yes, the Aastra Tactical Defense Phone strikes again!
12:57.29austinnichols10[TK]D-Fender: definitely.  However, it didn't just scream 'cheap' sitting on a desk like some of the other sets.  I have one in the cabinet at the data center and then ciscos at the office (gotta present a certain image)
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12:58.48[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols10 : Cisco makes great products.... overpriced, and over controlled, but still VERY nice products
12:59.04austinnichols10[TK]D-Fender: Might be good to have a test to see how many strikes a specific phone can handle.  I'm thinking the 941's are gone in 1-2.
12:59.08[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols10 : I still feel that Aastra is a cheap-out alternative to Polycom however.
12:59.41[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols10 : Asuming no LCD-direct its still solid, if light....
12:59.46austinnichols10[TK]D-Fender: I have a definitely love/hate with those ciscos.
13:00.45[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols10 : Top 3 "hate" factors for you are?
13:00.47austinnichols10[TK]D-Fender: I keep meaning to try polycom w/Asterisk.  Their PSTN stuff is great.
13:01.34[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols10 : Let me say that its worth every penny.
13:01.40austinnichols101. Put all of the features I need in the firmware and document it well
13:01.57[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols10 : And now with SIP 1.6.6 BLF support makes the 601 + Att Modules godly.
13:02.17austinnichols102. notify
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13:02.39austinnichols103.  Backlight (I just spent a bunch of freaking money.  If the linksys has one I should too)
13:02.45austinnichols10But still worth the money
13:03.15Becky75hi all... I am getting dead air in calls from sip to my zap trunk from sip to sip its fine how can i get rid of it its some times up to 4 seconds
13:03.19austinnichols10[TK]D-Fender: Plus there's that occasional voodoo ritual I have to do to get one flashed...
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13:04.20[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols10 : Back-light is VERY rare on any phone really... I don't hold it against any of them, only as a nice PLUS for one I'm evaluating.
13:04.37austinnichols10[TK]D-Fender: all nice-to-haves, IMO
13:05.30[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols10 : Based on rarity I's a plus, not a minus for not having.
13:05.34Becky75yeah if i push the buttons and it dials then its purfect.. back-light is a nice to have... unless u like working in the dark :P
13:05.52[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols10 : just my POV.  try to compare on what IS normally there.
13:07.03ghenryaustinnichols10, [TK]D-Fender I think I'll get 2 9133 then
13:07.23MrChimpydoes asterisk support rotary dialling?
13:07.26[TK]D-Fenderghenry : Rather than the SIP TONE, yeah.... though its a toss-up with the 941....
13:07.29MrChimpyyes, i'm that bored.
13:07.54[TK]D-FenderMrChimpy : I just want a hand-crack to ring central ;)
13:08.10Becky75I am getting dead air in calls from sip to my zap trunk from sip to sip its fine how can i get rid of it its some times up to 4 seconds
13:08.14ghenry[TK]D-Fender: who makes the 914?
13:08.25[TK]D-FenderMrChimpy : Actually "immediate=yes" would probably do :)
13:08.35[TK]D-Fenderghenry : Linksys
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13:08.57ghenrywhere can you get that from in the UK?
13:09.02ghenryThis one vs the 914:
13:09.30[TK]D-Fenderghenry :
13:09.40elgdoes anyone here use ARA (realtime) over odbc for voicemail settings?
13:09.44ghenryThe 9133 does the XML Directory thing, yeah?
13:10.21ghenry[TK]D-Fender: I'll get the slightly cheaper one ;-)
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13:11.06Becky75am i speaking to the walls to day boys
13:11.08[TK]D-Fenderghenry : depends on your call usage.  If its really low I'd say go with the Aastra
13:11.23ghenryyeah, low
13:11.38clive-becky, its called dead air :)
13:11.41[TK]D-FenderBecky75 : Is this delay on incoming, outgoing or both?
13:12.00austinnichols10ghenry: porsche
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13:12.16Becky75its only on out going audio on zap channels
13:12.28ghenryaustinnichols10: eh?
13:13.04Becky75from sip to zap i just get up to 4 seconds of dead air
13:13.26austinnichols10actually vw did the assembley
13:14.05ghenryaustinnichols10:   ???
13:14.08[TK]D-FenderBecky75 : pastebin your zaptel, zapata, and relevant sections of extensions.conf
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13:16.39Becky75ok busy in pastebin
13:17.03Becky75my extentions.conf is a mess just the way freepbx likes to make it :|
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13:18.46elgi see ARA connect to the db, and i have this in extconfig.conf: "voicemail => odbc,asterisk.voicemail_users"
13:18.50MrChimpyclub barf sounds like the follow up to my night club
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13:20.57shiznatixwhen i convert a .pdf to a .tiff to send over a fax it works fine if the .pdf only have letters and maybe some small. The problem comes when i try to fax a complex pdf with some crazy stuff on it. it just faxes a blank page and thats it
13:20.59S4whello guys, I have a question. If I am using a T1 with a digium card will I have the same answer detection problems that I run into with a normal FXO card like the x100p?
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13:23.45[TK]D-FenderBecky75 : oK, NEVERMIND... NEVER MENTIONED fREEpbx TILL NOW....
13:23.49sevardDoes anyone have access to that database which shows you who owns / which carrier is providing a toll free 8XX ?
13:24.15wasimS4w: no
13:24.53S4wwasim: ohh, it uses a special technique to detect answer or what?
13:25.23wasimS4w: yes, its called signalling
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13:26.14wasimoh answer detection ... sorry i read that as hangup detect
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13:26.23wasimanswer by a person, or just in general?
13:26.27S4wwasim: :-O
13:26.32S4wwasim: by the person
13:26.36ghenry[TK]D-Fender: So 2 of these it is then:
13:26.52ghenryA good phone with plenty of features for the future?
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13:27.20coppiceah, the mystical human answering a phone detector :-)
13:27.32S4whmm? :|
13:28.23mercestesI think he's referring to a device that can "detect" artificial voices, can't remember what it's called.
13:29.00S4wno no no, the t1 card can detect when a zap channel is answered?
13:29.57S4wbecause if you want to bill you need answer detect of some sort so that you dont start charging your customer when the channel starts ringing
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13:31.13mercestesHell, charge them when they start dialing...pathetic mortals...wanting their free dial tones.
13:33.22jake1932S4w: you're not getting reliable answer detection on a T1 card?
13:33.43jake1932a T1 card connected to the CO?
13:33.44shiznatixwhen i convert a .pdf to a .tiff to send over a fax it works fine if the .pdf only have letters and maybe some small. The problem comes when i try to fax a complex pdf with some crazy stuff on it. it just faxes a blank page and thats it
13:34.04S4wjake1932: I am just asking if I would run into the same problems that I run with an analog FXO adaptor like the x100p with a T1 line
13:34.27sleepy_oneshiznatix, are you sure the PDF to TIFF conversion is being done correctly?
13:34.37S4wjake1932: so it will detect always successfuly answers?
13:34.55jake1932S4w: you should get a message over the D channel that says the call is connected
13:35.12jake1932whether or not a human answers is a seperate issue
13:35.21S4wjake1932: the thing is taht I dont want to invest on a T1 like if it have such problems
13:35.30clive-jake1932, sometimes one expereinces that when calling countries like india etc, but normally a T1 is accurate with answer detection
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13:36.18S4wwhat is the process involved in that? or is it the driver itself that detects answers?
13:37.08jake1932asterisk can interpret those messages from the d channel
13:37.18KylerI'm experimenting with different ways of compressing .wav files resulting from Dictate().  Any suggestions?  I noticed that -i and -A cause Asterisk to report "check_header: Not a wav file 17" if I try to play back the resulting files.
13:37.54jake1932no special drivers are necessary
13:38.44Becky75ok i get any idea why i will have dead air on a phone call some times up to 4 seconds
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13:39.16jake1932Becky75: in what circumstances - what config?
13:39.46MrChimpyyou can detect that easily
13:39.50Becky75jake1932  isdn junghanns octo bri card its only on zap calls
13:39.58MrChimpyscrollback dammit
13:39.59Becky75only on out going or in comming calls
13:40.46Becky75its some times up to 4 seconds of dead air then it comes back
13:40.49[TK]D-Fenderghenry : Oh you want to know what a GOOD phone is?  Polycom/Cisco, but you are aiming to low for either.
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13:41.07[TK]D-Fenderjake1932 : FreePBX
13:41.14KylerHow do I use a comma (not as a delimiter) in a command?  Is there a way to escape it?
13:41.54Becky75polycom is good phones
13:42.25[TK]D-Fenderjake1932 : What Becky75 is using for configs
13:42.49[TK]D-FenderKyler : Can you clarify that a bit?
13:43.06Becky75yeah well i asked for help on standard asterisk here b4  and no one helped so what am i saposed to do?... download aah 2.8 and load it heh
13:43.24KylerLooks like I just solved it.  I can escape a comma with a backslash.  Then it's not interpreted as a delimiter in a command.
13:43.36mercestesBecky75:  Well that just makes it instead of ignoring you we point you to channel #freepbx..:P
13:43.37[TK]D-FenderBecky75 : Bad timing and didn't ask the right people the right questions...
13:43.46[TK]D-Fendermercestes : lol
13:43.57Becky75lol yeah well i asked and re asked
13:44.01shiznatixsleepy_one, yes the conversion is done just fine. i open up the converted tiff and its correct then it won't send
13:44.08Becky75and all i got was dont flood and dont repeat yourseldf
13:44.09mercestesI'm kidding Becky..:P  I'm sorry I wasn't here or I would've helped you.
13:44.11Becky75and all i got was dont flood and dont repeat yourself
13:44.24mercestesdon't flood and don't repeat yourself, Becky75
13:44.28Becky75yeah right mercestes and i just saw a pig fly past my window
13:44.39jake1932Becky75: just read up a little and install and get asterisk installed without all those nasty configs - i spent about 30 minutes on a simple issue yesterday because those damn things were so convoluted.
13:44.42sleepy_oneshiznatix, very strange
13:44.49[TK]D-FenderBecky75 : Maybe it was a frequency thing.  Describe the harware and connectivity of your PBX.
13:45.13jake1932include - include include
13:45.18Becky75ISDN BRI phone lines connected to  a junhanns octo card
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13:45.43[TK]D-FenderBecky75 : Yeah that is harder to get help on for sure....
13:46.03[TK]D-FenderBecky75 : Need to be on at the right time to find people experienced with BRI
13:46.08Becky75yeah well asterisk in general is hard to get help on
13:46.24Becky75ppl either wanna charge you or they just ignore you
13:46.25shiznatixsleepy_one, yes strange but do you have any ideas
13:46.28[TK]D-FenderBecky75 : I beg to differ given my excessive presence here :)
13:46.37kaz0358does anyone have a few moments to help me out with some testing? i just want to confirm that i do have an echo problem with our new linksys WIP300
13:46.40Becky75the days of  linux ppl helping each other just seem to be long gone
13:46.46jake1932or just e-mail jugghanns
13:46.46kaz0358i'm looking for someone not on another voip phone. :)
13:47.13[TK]D-Fenderkaz0358 : So that leaves what?  calling someone on PSTN?
13:47.13Becky75tried to email junghanns he says look at your zapata fine
13:47.22Becky75just managed to get rid of echo on this damn thing
13:47.50Becky75boss's is at least looking at a proper avaya voip solution maybe it will work and the support will be better than asterisk and on here
13:47.54kaz0358fender, exactly.. but i don't have any too readily.. i need someone long distance and everyone i personally know is at work and not in a position to chat for a few moments
13:48.05kaz0358err anyone too readily
13:48.05jake1932oh god - avaya support
13:48.17mercestesFeel better, Becky75?
13:48.23jake1932i've been waiting 4 days for an answer to a simple query with them
13:48.38jake1932and i already paid for it!!!
13:48.59Becky75jake1932  well i waited for months here for a simple answer and never got it
13:49.03Becky75thats why i loaded aah
13:49.03ph|berwhere do you configure the outgoing mappings for a PRI line?
13:49.10mercestesShe reminds me of my ex-girlfriend.  Where do you live Becky?
13:49.11Becky75rather wait for days then for months
13:49.26jake1932i still haven't got an answer Becky75
13:49.26pythosanyone else using "TDM400P REV E/F (4 modules)" ??  I have some of the config files right, but having trouble with zapata.conf <I believe> because I don't get dial-tone on handset <fxs ports>
13:50.39Becky75mercestes  there is a reason i moved far away form you :P
13:50.51Becky75err from
13:50.57jake1932that plot thickens
13:51.22jake1932Becky75: is it on the beginning of calls?
13:51.43[TK]D-Fenderph|ber : What have you done so far?
13:51.51Becky75jake1932  nope i understand begining of calls but in the middle or  like 2 minutes it really at random
13:51.54ph|berok.. i have the inbound working.
13:52.00ph|berbut the outbound is not going.
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13:52.31[TK]D-Fenderph|ber : And clarify outbound mappings?
13:52.31[TK]D-Fenderpythos : Does * start?  And did you plug the molex connector on your card to your PSU?
13:52.43ph|berwell, i cant make an outbound call.
13:52.55[TK]D-Fenderph|ber : Sho me what you'd tried for setting up outbound.
13:53.20ph|berexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Macro(dialout-trunk,1,${EXTEN},,)
13:53.20ph|berexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,Macro(outisbusy,)
13:53.21[TK]D-Fenderph|ber : And it'd help if you showed output detailing the errors you get.
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13:53.30[TK]D-Fenderph|ber : PASTEBIN please
13:53.34jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
13:53.55jake1932Becky75: any output from the CLI when it happens?
13:53.57[TK]D-Fenderph|ber : And show the macro's you are calling.  why should I trust they are right jsut because you are calling them?
13:53.59ph|berits trying to go through a zap?
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13:54.23Becky75jake1932  nothing
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13:55.28hgaillacIs it possible to set up call park and moh between sip and fxo line
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13:55.34jake1932Becky75: the thing with those card is that Jugghans is probably the best one to support them.  but you might want to at least get regular asterisk installed just to rule out any funky aah configs
13:56.19Becky75yeah but  when i asked for help on normal astaerisk here on simple stuff a noob  saposed to ask i get no help
13:56.34ghenrywhat do you guys think of sipX?
13:56.37ghenryjust reading about it
13:56.51mercestes*raises hand*  I'm here for the next 8 hours.
13:56.58jake1932Becky75: what did you ask that you got know help on?
13:57.08[TK]D-Fenderghenry : nifty in its own way, but no native hardware capability, and not as flexible as *, but more scalable for more "basic" use
13:58.00jake1932(working on mind/hand relationship)
13:58.00Becky75jake1932 simple things like how to make a queue and how to make agents simple stuff
13:58.16jake1932yeah - i can see getting bashed for that
13:59.24jake1932the deal here is that people will help with a problem if they can - but you're not going to usually get a step by step - key is usuing the available info first and then coming here after googling a bit
14:00.34jake1932for instance - you should be able to find info on how to set up a queue on
14:00.46ghenrylook forward to testing those new phones ;-)
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14:05.58nahireanwhOA toggle the caps l0ck :)
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14:07.16DeeJay[2]does anybody knows how to disable the polycom's feature that consists in automatically adjusting the gain?
14:07.25DeeJay[2]It causes a lot of echo problems..
14:08.00coppicepolycoms don't EC the handset. this is a very low end thing to do
14:08.29Becky75DeeJay[2]  weird i have no problem with polycom on my * box's
14:08.33[TK]D-Fendercoppice : You sure on that?  Could have sworn I saw it written up somewhere.
14:08.54coppicehow clear do you want it? polycoms are crap :-)
14:08.57DeeJay[2]Becky75: it only happens when talking to other people over ip communication... (inducing latency)
14:09.06DeeJay[2]when I'm starting the conversation there's no echo
14:09.08[TK]D-FenderDeeJay[2] : Descibe the scenarios where you get echo on them, and ones where you don't
14:09.18DeeJay[2]suddenly, the gain is changing to cope with low volume or high volume..
14:09.18coppicepeople complain a lot about polycoms and snoms when the handset volume is turned up
14:09.22DeeJay[2]and the echo appears..
14:09.35DeeJay[2]if I speak louder.... the echo dissappears because the gain adjust back to its initial level..
14:09.37DeeJay[2]I would like to fix it..
14:10.09Becky75well DeeJay[2]  no offence but i think u asking the wrong ppl here they cant even help me with a simple dead air problem
14:10.12DeeJay[2][TK]D-Fender: I have an IP phone at home... when I call at office on their polycom it happens after some time...
14:10.20DeeJay[2]from a PSTN phone line, it doesn't appear..
14:10.52ghenrywhat does "Insufficient information for SDP" mean?
14:12.00Becky75ok so lemme ask again i am getting dead air not just on BRI but on analoque as well i have just been told
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14:14.02cytrakhey guys I got a wierd problem.... I have a TE205P and TE110P card on my linux box
14:14.34cytrakthe TE205P has span1 connected to pstn and span2 conneted to a siemens hicom pbx
14:15.07cytrakI have noticed that every so often asterisk keeps restarting the spans and calls are droped in the middle of conversations
14:15.35cytrakis that a bug or something wrong I have setup on my spans ?
14:15.47Becky75cytrak  i had that on  BRI as well there is a way to  prolong the checking
14:16.28cytrakwhat checking are you talking about ? some  settings on zapata.conf ?
14:17.01*** join/#asterisk littleball (
14:17.55littleballhello, who can help me to configure x-lite to asterisk over sip? i get the error "Call failed: 404 Not Found"
14:18.06littleballwhich is displayed on x-lite screen
14:18.14Tier_1what dould cause sayunixtime date and saydigits not work
14:18.26Becky75cytrak  i wish i can help but i am yet ot be helped in this channel so i am just wiating for a answer on my question
14:18.27Tier_1app_sayunixtime loads
14:18.49Tier_1but it fails when I use the sayunixtime in a app
14:19.00cytrakBecky75: sorry
14:19.03Daminfile: How was the food?
14:19.06ghenryfound it
14:19.16ghenrysoftphone is requesting SIP/2.0
14:19.24Becky75all i can say is thank gawd i did not recommend asterisk to any one or done any rollouts on it yet
14:19.32ghenrySIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here via sip debug
14:19.35Becky75the support is almost on parr with microsoft hehehe
14:20.14[TK]D-Fenderghenry : thats a codec refusal error
14:20.17ghenryBecky75: Try e-mailing the list. Many more people there.
14:20.28ghenrySIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here
14:21.04[TK]D-Fenderghenry : Verify your codec list on the phone and in *
14:21.23ghenrydoing so now
14:21.25Becky75ghenry  heh and almost as usefull as wearing lead boots on a frozen lake
14:21.47ghenryBecky75: Go buy support from Digium if you are not happy then.
14:22.09cytraksee this is waht I keep getting B-channel 0/16 successfully restarted on span 2
14:22.22cytrakand goes on to through span 1 - 3
14:22.44ghenry[TK]D-Fender: In sip.conf?
14:23.05[TK]D-Fenderghenry : yes
14:23.39[TK]D-Fendercytrak : intermittently?
14:24.40*** join/#asterisk Abydos313 (
14:24.41ManxPowercytrak, That is normal.  Asterisk restarts idle channels to work around a bug in some PRI switches
14:24.45UzziCan I use Asterisk with hcf pci modem?
14:24.47Becky75ghenry  whahahah see thats why  we going back to  mitel or maybe buying avaya equipment... ppl just dont wanna help open source grow they just wanna charge you
14:25.26mercestesHow old are you, Becky75?  Don't they have child labor laws in South AMerica?
14:25.30tzanger[TK]D-Fender: ran into an interesting problem yesterday
14:25.37ghenryppl can only offer the help that they have knowledge of Becky75
14:25.39cytrakManxPower: well is there a way to stop or increase that ? cause it restarts the span on every single channel and even during a conversation
14:25.42tzangerip501 transfers broke somewhere in the last week or so of svn trunk
14:25.50docelmoBecky75 what's wrong with asterisk in a production environment?   I have 6 asterisk servers for just one platform
14:25.51tzangerhad to turn OFF reinvite/canreinvite
14:25.56ghenryBecky75: If knowone knows here, seek help on the list or call the guys who know
14:26.21docelmoWhat does she wanna know?
14:26.23Becky75ghenry  i bet you 50 pounds some one here knows
14:27.12ghenryBecky75: Have you read:
14:27.26Becky75they just to "proud" of there knowledge to  share it
14:27.42Becky75ghenry  not arsed about smart questions
14:28.06ghenrywell that == no help
14:28.11docelmoBecky75 Im gonna say it quit being a bitch and acting like this.  YOU are the reason I charge out the ass on a commercial install
14:28.39docelmoWe are here to help each other.  You said your looking for an answer..  Well ask again.  Im sure I could figure it out
14:28.49ghenrysomeone kick Becky75 Please!!!
14:28.55docelmoAnd no I am NOT gonna go back in my history
14:29.02*** join/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
14:29.10docelmoghenry it takes ALOT for anyone to get booted from here
14:29.15Becky75docelmo  last time i asked the same thing  the 4th time i managed to get flamed and kicked
14:29.19tzangerwhat's Becky75 complaining about?
14:29.20ghenrydocelmo: Just messing.
14:29.35shiznatixcan anyone help me out? i can not fax a image but all text i try sending works fine
14:29.44ghenry[TK]D-Fender: I can't see anything about SIP versions in the sip.conf.sample
14:29.51Becky75tzanger  easy i just need help on getting rid of dead air in the middle of a call
14:30.01docelmocause now I am getting annoyed which by other than Rehan doesnt happen very often
14:30.04tzangerBecky75: what protocol?
14:30.09pythoshah!  I got dial-tone on my fxs modules!  Kewlies.  Ok, now I am wondering about the strange sounds Im hearing... one of the 2 fxs ports has much static or perhaps clicking/noisy condition.  The other is clear dial-tone.  Anyone seen such a thing?
14:30.09Becky75its some times up to 4 seconds and only happens on ZAP calls
14:30.17Becky75from sip to sip its fine
14:30.24tzangerBecky75: interesting
14:30.34coppicepeople rarely get booted, cos they just come back. the painful ones get ignored
14:30.37docelmoBecky75 what version Zap did you install
14:30.39Becky75both in comming and out going ncalls
14:30.47docelmocoppice YES!
14:30.53Becky75docelmo  the latest version
14:30.53tzangerwhich zap interface? FXS or FXO?
14:30.58*** join/#asterisk C4T3l (n=rcall01@
14:31.02Becky75i even thouight upgrading might help
14:31.03*** join/#asterisk Lino` (n=Lino@
14:31.06docelmoWho is the manufacture of the card?
14:31.36Becky75docelmo  i am getting it on a tdm400 and a junghanns octo bri
14:31.43C4T3lhello world
14:31.45Tier_1ok if a module loads but does not work what could be the issue
14:31.45Becky75both systems same symptoms
14:31.47tzangerBecky75: both in the same system?
14:31.55mercestesC4T3l:  your program is successful
14:32.04Becky75tzanger  2 diff systems running the same software
14:32.05docelmotzanger since there are 2 cards Im thinking possible memory or IRQ
14:32.15docelmothat kills my theory
14:32.22C4T3li think that mandi is going to time warner
14:32.34Becky75both genuine intel mother boards with p4 3.8's on them
14:32.50tzangerBecky75: that doesn't mean much
14:32.52tzangerbut ok
14:33.05*** join/#asterisk MoRpHeUz (
14:33.12Tier_1anyone ?
14:33.19tzangerBecky75: can you do a packet capture to see if there is RTP during this 4s silence?
14:33.21brettnemwho's mandi?
14:33.23*** part/#asterisk MoRpHeUz (
14:33.27mercestesTier_1:  Configs.
14:33.33mercestesHot chick that likes me.
14:33.40Becky75tzanger  i did a tcpdump on that also nothing funny there
14:33.50Tier_1I have not changed the configs
14:33.54coppiceHot chick == has avian flu
14:33.55Becky75but i see my cpu goes up to 80% duting the silance if i watch top
14:34.08tzangercoppice: hahaha
14:34.11mercestescoppice:  *nod nod*  very hot chick.
14:34.12tzangerBecky75: so you have RTP every 20ms as expected?  you checked the timestamps?
14:35.01*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
14:35.20Becky75tzanger  i even started ot debug the sip calls and iax trunks
14:35.47docelmocoppice hahah
14:36.20docelmohave you tried to trade out the hardware?   are these the echo can boards?
14:36.31docelmonevermind TDM400's dont have echo can
14:37.01tzangerBecky75: answer my question please
14:37.03Becky75docelmo  i swoped servers still the same
14:37.50[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : the TDM400's does echo like its in a tin can! ;)
14:38.17Splatanyone happen to be able to point me to a good book or tutorial for configuring asterisk from sratch?
14:38.38jboti heard thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
14:38.40[TK]D-FenderSplat : there
14:39.01Becky75yeah got the book and printed it out
14:39.20Becky75there must be a way to get rid of that little 4 second dead air
14:39.32Becky75what gets me is it does not happen on every call
14:40.27mercestesBecky75:  I believe Tazanger asked for a packet capture during the silence.
14:40.59Becky75mercestes  i am trying to get one but every one has left for the weekend
14:41.33Becky75problem with that book is it shows you a non real life dial plan not a dial plan you can get going and grow on in a real working environment
14:41.51C4T3li agree
14:43.57*** join/#asterisk fjean (n=fjean@
14:44.10Becky75well docelmo  and [TK]D-Fender thank u for your hep thus far
14:44.17fjeanhello guys
14:44.46ManxPowercytrak, See zapata.conf.sample in the Asterisk source tree.
14:44.59*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
14:45.09ghenry[TK]D-Fender: I can't see anything abou SIP 2.0 in sip.conf
14:45.17fjeantell me,  where do we get the  channel  id to use whenever we want to use  soft hangup, I do sip show channels but only see a call ID
14:45.57ManxPowerfjean, you use the call id as shows in sip show channels for soft hangup
14:47.43pythosWhew! I pulled the modules off, and re-inserted them, and the static problem went away!
14:48.24fjeanmanxpower:  thanks, i ll try that
14:48.34ManxPowerpythos, "cat /proc/interrupts"  Make SURE there are no devices on the same IRQ as the Digium cards
14:49.10*** join/#asterisk nettie (
14:49.16sleepy_onepythos, like ManxPower said that's very important, btw procinfo is more readable ( yum install procinfo )
14:50.23cytrakManxPower: should I try the resetinterval to never ?
14:50.45cytrakManxPower: you mentioned something about a bug on asterisk , will that cause any asterisk crashes ?
14:50.48ManxPowercytrak, never or 0  I don't recall which
14:51.06ManxPowercytrak, no, the bug is in OTHER PRI equipment.
14:51.12cytrakok thanks
14:51.27ManxPowerI think some Adtran PRI stuff will remove channels from service if it doesn't see them used for a while.
14:51.50ManxPowerAnd some (Toshiba?) PRI devices will kill all calls if any channel is restarted.
14:51.54nettieHey guys, how's going? I'm still having issues with MOH, when my call goes trough the voip carrier it's very jumpy, on local calls it sounds great. Other than asking the voip carrier if he's doing silence suppression (he claims he's not) and be 100% sure that my phones have silence supression disabled. What else should I check?
14:51.58Tier_1it seems sayunixtiime saydigits and date in svn head is broken
14:52.02*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (
14:52.02pythosk, reviewed, no overlaped IRQs
14:52.17*** join/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
14:52.18Tier_1I backed steo to 8am yesterday and it worked fine
14:52.34Tier_1but current svn does not
14:52.45ManxPowernettie, Any codec except for ulaw and alaw can cause poor quality sound with music
14:52.59sleepy_onenettie, what codecs are you using? MOH doesn't sound as good with GSM, etc
14:53.07jake1932Becky75: fyi - they just got back to me - wonder if someone is monitoring this channel
14:54.36nettieManxPower I'm using ulaw, I check with g729 and I can hear a small degradation of music quality but the problems I'm having oesnt seems to be codec related. In fact if I make noise the MOH sounds smooth, if I stop talking or making noise MOH stops as well and make short jumps
14:55.41ManxPowernettie, That is a CLASSIC symptom of VAD/silence supression being enabled.
14:55.54*** part/#asterisk fjean (n=fjean@
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14:56.08ManxPowerDiagram your setup.  example  Asterisk -> SIP -> VoIP Company -> PSTN
14:56.22nettieManxPower that's exactly what I said them.. the funny thing is that with other voip carriers it's fine.
14:56.27nettielike that
14:56.45ManxPowernettie, think about it.  the call direction is not the same as your setup.
14:57.06ManxPowerPerhaps you mean Caller -> PSTN -> SIP ITSP -> Asterisk
14:57.47ManxPowernettie, doing a SIP debug will give you the call setup packet dumps and you'll see if the carrier is sendin that it can do VAD or not.
14:58.22ManxPowernettie, and who is placing the call on hold?  The polycom or someone on the PSTN?
14:58.28Tier_11.2-svn is forked
14:58.46nettiethe MOH starts on myasterisk@colo
14:59.11ManxPowernettie, The person on the PSTN heard bad MoH?
14:59.19nettieManxPower exaclty
14:59.37*** join/#asterisk stack_ (n=stack@
14:59.37ManxPowerYup, your carrier is doing VAD
14:59.40stack_morning everyone
14:59.42nettieManxPower the person on the PSTN might be just me using the mobile phone
14:59.48ManxPowerdo sip debug
15:00.02nettieManxPower the question is .. who's doing it.. MY voip carrier OR his VOIP carrier
15:00.11nettieI'll sip debug now
15:00.13Dr-LinuxCapabilities: us - 0x50e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729|ilbc), peer - audio=0x1 (g723)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing)
15:00.13Dr-LinuxNon-codec capabilities: us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event)
15:00.20Dr-Linuxwhat this line mean?
15:00.36ManxPowernettie, does your carrier support IAX?
15:00.54*** join/#asterisk froguz (
15:01.35fileDr-Linux: your peer wanted g723, you did not have that in your Asterisk capabilities list... so it has no usable audio codec
15:01.36*** join/#asterisk trumpetinc (
15:01.48nettieI wish, it used to support it but I'm not sure it still supports it.. I could ask them. Do you think that using iax2 would be better? other then be more NAT agnostic?
15:01.58nettieok I'm logging
15:02.39ManxPowernettie, No implimentation of IAX2 supports VAD
15:02.44cytrakyou know one other wierd thing is my D-channel , even though I set them to be the 24th channel asterisk complains that it's not
15:03.23ManxPowerSo if you talk IAX2 to your carrier you KNOW that leg of the call is not using VAD
15:03.33nettieManxPower ok, done what keyword should I look for in the log? VAD ?
15:03.55ManxPowernettie, silenceSupression or something like that in the call setup
15:04.08ManxPowerI think it would be in the same packet as the codec info
15:04.15trumpetinchi folks - wondering if anyone is interested in trying out a new echo coefficient tuning algorithm I've added to fxotune?
15:04.36*** part/#asterisk froguz (
15:05.02nettieall SilenceSupp are off
15:05.22stack_About once or twice a day, I get a hang up on our PRI.  I just get a "Hungup 'Zap/5-1'" on the console.  Any ideas?
15:05.46ManxPowerstack_, callprogress=no  busydetect=no
15:05.48carlos-the-manhi all, I installed mandriva and asterisk with in it, and want to add something to control bandwith to make sure the compulsive downloaders will never interfere with voip, what is the best option? thanks
15:05.55ManxPowertrumpetinc, is it easy to test?
15:06.02stack_ManxPower, those were never setup before...
15:06.09twisted[asteria]z0mg Becky75
15:06.10stack_ManxPower, are they on by default?
15:06.22ManxPowerstack_, they are off by default
15:06.23nettieI can see I issue the call and after a couple of lines I get a=silenceSupp:off - - - -
15:06.33stack_ManxPower, then they are already off
15:06.52ManxPowernettie, I don't have any more ideas
15:06.56nettieManxPower the problem imho could be from their asterisk to their carrier?
15:07.13ManxPowernettie, could be.  Can't you just drop the problem carrier?
15:07.37nettieManxPower unfortuantely not the number is not portable and it's already everywhere eheh
15:07.53nettieManxPower they're supposed to be one of the best ones ..
15:08.19ManxPowernettie, spank the person that did that without fully testing everything before telling everyone about the number
15:09.31CoffeeIV_when I have a list of priorities, why can't I number them 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 styled like basic code so I can add stuff without renumbering ? It fails if they are not sequential starting with 1 -- I have a recent version of asterisk from svn
15:10.03sleepy_oneCoffeeIV_, I think you can use s,n,whatever now
15:10.10[TK]D-FenderCoffeeIV_ : Because thats how it works.  PERIOD.
15:10.20*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=foobar@gentoo/developer/
15:10.21CoffeeIV_yes, I thought so too, but that didn't work either
15:10.35[TK]D-FenderCoffeeIV_ : and because priorits JUMP on occasiona dn the numbering matters
15:10.41nettieManxPower I should spank myself then.. we were so in hurry that we didnt test it deeply. Anyway thanx again for your help. I'll call the carrier and try to figure out with them what coul dbe wrong.. maybe I'll ask them to do a sip debug to see if they have silent suppression off versus their carrier
15:11.12Dr-Linuxfile: i just loaed g723 codec, but same error
15:11.12Dr-LinuxCapabilities: us - 0x50e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729|ilbc), peer - audio=0x1 (g723)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing)
15:11.13Dr-LinuxNon-codec capabilities: us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event)
15:11.13Dr-LinuxMay 12 07:58:15 NOTICE[7034]: chan_sip.c:3588 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
15:11.29MrChimpyis asterisk dialplan based on something else? some kind of bastardisation of dialplans on older telephone switches? cos to me it's frikkin weird
15:12.29fileDr-Linux: your sip.conf is not configured correctly
15:12.49CoffeeIV_I'm cool with bastardisations of older systems -- heck my my main occupation is C programming in Unix
15:12.54sleepy_oneCoffeeIV_, but as [TK]D-Fender said the priority is there for a reason
15:13.41MrChimpycoffee: if dialplans were c like they'd make way more sense to me...
15:13.52Dr-Linuxfile: what's wrong with my sip.conf, what thing i should look in?
15:14.07ManxPowerMrChimpy, AEL is the attempt to address many of the limitations of the current dialplan config
15:14.53KranZDr-Linux: your sip.conf is probably fine
15:15.06KranZits the device that's trying to use * that needs reconfiguring
15:15.18CoffeeIV_I took a dialplan from an older asterisk and put it on a recent svn checkout, and the s,n, thing didn't work when I tested it in a context.  Is there a flag that has to be set somewhere in the dialplan to activate it ?
15:15.26KranZ..its only using g723, which * isnt using
15:15.36KranZreconfigure it for ulaw/alaw
15:16.23Dr-Linuxfile: that problem is solved, but another error now appearing:
15:16.23Dr-LinuxMay 12 08:03:04 WARNING[7034]: chan_sip.c:3414 process_sdp: Insufficient information for SDP (m = '', c = '')
15:16.23Dr-LinuxDestroying call '10381917502604@'
15:16.24Dr-Linuxsorry "warning"
15:17.20[TK]D-FenderMrChimpy : its a waste of time, the format is likely to change again while still adding little of relevence and no-one here is likely to bother touching it.
15:19.12cytrakManxPower: dman that didn't work ... I was just on a call with digium and the span got restarted and the call was dropped
15:19.40ManxPowercytrak, put your zapata.conf on
15:20.19*** join/#asterisk littleball (
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15:20.30ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, AEL in 1.4 is supposed to be non-experimental
15:20.54littleballhello, i heard that msn messenger support sip and can be connected to asterisk. But i cannot find such configuration option in msn messenger. who can help?
15:21.01MrChimpywell not moving away from dialplan will always leave the "but asterisk's dialplan looks like it was designed by monkeys sky high on PCP" argument.
15:21.27MrChimpybetter to move towards something sane and keep legacy support
15:21.52*** join/#asterisk stillbourne (n=jdgeier@
15:21.55mercestesWhat's wrong with the Asterisk dial plan?  I kinda like it.
15:22.04mercestesit's better than say.............coppercom.
15:22.10[TK]D-FenderManxPower : What do you think the impact of it will be through the community?
15:22.29ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, It's a hell of a lot less error prone than the current system
15:23.00CoffeeIV_To answer my own question about the s,n, thing -- apparently you can't start with s,n, it has to start with s,1, and then you can use n thereafter
15:23.10[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Could be, but its free-form nature makes coding style more of a problem.
15:23.32[TK]D-FenderCoffeeIV_ : "n" = NEXT.  Can't have a NeXT without a START :)
15:23.40nettieManxPower I also have a problem with another carrier :) damn I only have problems eheh.. when I call a number I hear only the user pick the phone up and talking but not the ringing before he picks up. If the phone is busy I just dont hear anything. I remember I checked into call progressing but I didnt find any solution yet. It's very strange. As far as I know call progressing is passed to the phone in the form of RTP packets, exaclty like
15:23.48ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, theres also res_perl and res_js
15:23.51mercestesCoffeeIV_:  That's a common error.  I do it often in hasty copy paste operations.
15:24.10cytrakManxPower: I will in a second
15:24.12nettieDo you think could be a good idea mirror the phone port on the switch to my laptop, fireup ethereal to figure out what could be wrong?
15:24.12ManxPowernettie, make sure you have /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
15:24.21nettieManxPower I do
15:24.44nettieit's there, it default to US as country
15:25.11*** join/#asterisk privalac1 (
15:27.25[TK]D-FenderManxPower : I should get around to those as well except I only do PHP in Linux so far.
15:27.35privalac1Got a big problem. A site is down. Inter sip phone calls works, but if I dial let's say *98 for voicemail, I do not hear the playback of the sound files
15:27.35*** join/#asterisk Ixthod (
15:27.49[TK]D-FenderManxPower : And I think even mentioning res_php is sacriledge around here ;)
15:28.19ManxPowerprivalac1, how long has this system been in production?
15:28.34*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
15:29.24KranZprivalac1: what does the CLI indicate when you dial *98
15:29.28KranZfile not found?
15:29.41privalac13-4 months
15:29.51ManxPowerprivalac1, what did you change?
15:30.14*** join/#asterisk dextro (
15:30.14privalac1Nothing. It started doing this on it's own arounf 9h30 tis morning
15:30.43ManxPowerprivalac1, did you try rebooting?
15:30.55littleballhello, who can help to configure windown messenger to connect to asterisk?
15:31.21ManxPowerprivalac1, We have to reboot any Asterisk that has an analog card in it at least once per week
15:32.27MrChimpymanx: i don't remember that one being on the brochure :)
15:32.52*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
15:32.54privalac1The card is a Sangoma's quad pri with echo
15:33.29*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:36.01privalac1Rebooted a few times, Sangoma's guy checked did not find anything. Telco checking PRI's
15:36.59shiznatixcan anyone help me get ghost script to give me a standard consistant page size. if i do: pdf -> tiff then fax that then take that same fax and fax it back to asterisk and do tiff -> pdf then fax then do pdf -> tiff and fax it back to the fax machine it does not work and i am fairly certain it is because of the changed page size
15:39.16CoffeeIV_when you use Gosub, how do you make it go back to the return address it saved ?
15:41.00QwellCoffeeIV_: return?
15:41.12*** part/#asterisk Tier_1 (
15:41.41privalac1Kranz: The usual as if the system would be working. If I do an Echo test I can hear myself fine...
15:42.03*** join/#asterisk pbx1 (n=pbx1@
15:42.09CoffeeIV_it mentions the Return() in the show application gosubif documentation but not for gosub
15:43.42gandhijeeanyone know if there is away to make the polycoms default to numeric input on a text field?
15:44.50*** join/#asterisk camelon (n=chiardon@
15:46.45cytrakManxPower: here
15:49.42*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
15:50.22cytrakdman now my include => iax-users won't work
15:50.47SplasPoodHow would one go about reloading manager.conf short of reloading everything?
15:51.26Hmmhesaysmanager reload?
15:51.51Hmmhesaysguess not
15:54.16*** part/#asterisk littleball (
15:54.22SplasPoodHmmhesays: Yea, that was my first try :)
15:54.30*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:54.33KranZreload [whatever the manager module filename is]
15:55.08SplasPoodyea, dunno that part either
15:55.13SplasPoodits not *manager*
15:55.19SplasPoodonly thing I hit there is
15:55.44dextroI have an interesting voice mail bug I wanted to know if anyone has experienced before I submit a bug report:  When leaving a voice mail for a user with the 'operator=yes' flag set, if I dial '0' while recording a message I am promted with "dial '1' to accept the recording or wait to while i try that extension".  If I dial '1' the message is saved and I am forwarded along no problem; however if I wait for the timeout, the message is deleted as e
15:55.44dextroxpected but the msgXXXX.txt file is not removed and the voice mail system thinks there is a new message.  Anyone experienced this issue before?
15:56.25Damindextro: What version are you using (of asterisk?)
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15:57.07blitzragedextro: yes -- its a bug
15:57.29hekaanybody can help me building oh323?
15:57.35Damindextro: I believe I saw a patch for that applied to 1.2 SVN post release.. so you might want to grab the latest SVN from 1.2
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15:57.48Daminblitzrage: Wasn't that patched though?
15:58.01blitzrageDamin: I think its still in the bug tracker
15:58.04dextroI am using but am compiling TRUNK now to test
15:58.10SplasPoodlame, I think the only way to reload manager.conf is with a full reload
15:58.13dextrothanks blitzrage
15:58.20blitzragedextro: don't use trunk -- use 1.2 SVN
15:58.25SplasPoodcan't do that now cause i'll screw up my polycom hint/subscription status
15:58.25hekaIm getting an error while trying to build asterisk-oh323-0.7.3, here is the log
15:58.28sevardSplasPood: the only way to reload a lot of stuff is with a full reload
15:58.35blitzragesvn co
15:58.47SplasPoodsevard: I've found that for 99.9% of what I need to do thats not true tho
15:58.57DaminMake sure that when someone 0's out while recording a msg and then chooses to DELETE the recorded file, the .txt file isn't left around by itself to cause problems later. #7061 (dimitripietro reporting, blitzrage confirmed)
15:58.58sevardSplasPood: what about queues and agents
15:59.06SplasPoodsevard: reload
15:59.09blitzrageSplasPood: unload / load the appropriate module
15:59.11SplasPoodsevard: reload
15:59.21Daminblitzrage: It was applied to 1.2 revsion 23985
15:59.22blitzrageSplasPood: do show modules to see if the manager has it's own module, then just reload it
15:59.22sevardi didn't think that reloaded the conf files
15:59.24SplasPoodblitzrage: which is what?  I'm looking and I don't see it
15:59.28blitzrageDamin: oh yah? cool
15:59.37blitzrageSplasPood: its at the CLI -- run show modules
15:59.47dextroso the 1.2 "branch" is the latest  revision akin to CVS-HEAD?
15:59.53blitzrageprobably be app_manager or res_manager or something....
15:59.59blitzragedextro: absolutely not
16:00.22Damindextro: It's a feature frozen branch that is suitable for most production uses..
16:00.27SplasPoodblitzrage: nope, its not...  I already did an ls on /usr/lib/asterisk/modules .. only manager-esq thing is
16:00.49*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (i=blacktho@
16:00.52Damindextro: TRUNK is the new "cvs head" and it is most definitely undergoing some significant changes..
16:00.59blitzragedextro: 1.2 has it's own branch which changes go into -- then at certain points, a release is made called a 'tag'. The CVS-HEAD (old name) is now called trunk, and is located at  which is the development branch
16:01.11Damindextro: If you are running TRUNK in production, you are a lunatic.. ;)
16:01.15blitzrageyah -- difference between 1.2 and trunk are pretty staggering
16:01.28privalac1Carrier checking the loop. But I see a lot of Avoiding deadlock for 'Zap/14-1' any hints for anyone?
16:01.29dextroi am not running trunk, i just wanted to check and see if the bug was in there still
16:01.45blitzrageright -- but your best bet is to try the 1.2 branch, not jump all the way to trunk
16:01.51dextrookay, i think i get it now; i was a little mixed up with tags and branches and trunks
16:01.57Damindextro: I run 1.2 SVN (not the actual snapshot releases) on my production boxes..
16:02.12BlackthornHello, I have an issue dialing sip phone out the local pri with a dual ring. Dialing sip to sip, pri to disa back out, and all other combo's works fine. I've tried the dial with -r and it only does single ring but then I don't get busy tones etc etc.
16:02.13SplasPoodblitzrage: yea just took a glance at the source.. seems the only time reload_manager is used is on a full reload
16:02.15dextroi typically run the latest tagged version
16:02.17blitzragebut you have to monitor the changes going in
16:02.18gandhijeewhats better to use to connect to MySQL, the unixODBC driver or the one in the addons package for mySQL
16:02.28blitzrageSplasPood: then I guess that's what you gotta do :)
16:02.42sylewhat is most calls asterisk box can accept currently? no registrations, straight ip address connects via sip to diff asterisk boxes
16:02.42blitzrageno idea -- I use PostgreSQL because it's better :)
16:02.43SplasPoodblitzrage: if it wasn't for these damn polycoms I would...   Gotta wait till after hours now
16:02.51dextroso technically the 1.2 "branch" could/will be more up to date than my "tag"
16:02.56blitzragesyle: not enough information to telly ou
16:03.03sylewhat do you need?
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16:03.16blitzragedextro: it is more up to date -- but there can still be errors / bugs, etc...
16:03.23gandhijeei was gonna use that orginially, then i saw a buncha stuff that said mySQL was better supported =/
16:03.24blitzrageit's still technically a development branch
16:03.42blitzrageI guess... unless you're using ODBC and func_odbc
16:04.02blitzragesyle: are you doing transcoding? what kind of processor on the box?
16:04.03Daminblitzrage: I've gone a bit nuts w/ commeting out ast_log messages at the warning level for crap that I can't do anything about and really don't need to know about.. :) Things like Comfort Noise Notifications, VAD warning and that damn new "Forcing marker bit" crap that was just added..
16:04.18sylei'm just wondering if their is some kind of hard limit in asterisk or not, otherwise it would just depend on testing based on memory, cpu, I/O and bandwidth right
16:04.23blitzrageDamin: I hear yah man -- some of that stuff is just annoying
16:04.32blitzragesyle: yep
16:04.43blitzrageno hard limit that I'm aware of
16:04.47syleok thx
16:05.35sylei am not sure about transcoding yet, but i've been asked to emulate calls between different servers to find that out
16:05.50blitzragetranscoding is going to really eat CPU -- so you better figure it out :)
16:06.31sylefrom your experience what percentage less calls can be made because trancoding was being performed?
16:07.11blitzrageif you end up with dual-Xeon 3.8GHz, you can probably get up to about 200 ulaw->g729 transcoded calls
16:07.51syleexpensive server :)
16:07.59blitzragetranscoding is an expensive process
16:08.04cytrakcan zapata.conf interfere with extension.con dialplans ?
16:08.07cytrakincludes ?
16:08.17blitzrageummmm... no, unless you've really screwed something up :)
16:08.23stratacomDoes anyone know about support of sending CallerID information to the CO from the * platform?
16:08.34sylehow about those 200ulaw->g729 calls without transcoding?
16:08.36blitzragewell... I guess it could if you're directly your Zap calls into a context that it shouldn't be
16:08.53blitzragesyle: the fact you're changing codecs MEANS you're transcoding
16:08.59cytrakI have an include => iaxlocal under my [zappriin] context that is no longer working
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16:09.10cytrakit was working earlier
16:09.16syleno i;m just getting the before figures so i can figure out the percentage question i asked you :)
16:09.22privalac1What does "Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Zap/19-1'" means on a PRI?
16:09.23syleprobably won;t be
16:09.27blitzragesyle: I don't know what you mean
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16:09.40blitzrageprivalac1: just a warning message -- can safely ignore it
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16:10.36watchyanyone got documentation only provisioning sipuras?
16:10.39syleif it takes a dual-XEon 3.8ghz to do transcoding on those 200 calls, what least expensive server could accomplish the same thing without the transcoding, 1 2.6 ghz cpu for example
16:10.55blitzragesyle: you mean straight ulaw->ulaw then
16:11.05privalac1Yeah but I have big problem on this server. Can not dial out or dial-in. I just tried an IAX trunk and I can dial out using this trunk. I can hear the other end, but they don't hear me...
16:11.15blitzragesyle: good question -- let me know once you've figured it out :)
16:11.16dlynes_watchy: Are you a service provider?
16:11.18privalac1This server has been working fine for 3 months...
16:11.45watchydlynes: nope
16:11.55stratacomall: I need to send specific CID on outbound calls so called party can call back directly to user
16:12.04stratacomall: can this be done?
16:12.24dlynes_watchy: Yeah, if you were, then you'd be able to get the administrator's manual for the sipura
16:12.26syleblitzrage: one last question from your experience, what are generally the bottlenecks in asterisk on a large volume of calls? cpu, memory, then I/O? assuming a single IDE 2.6 ghz cpu with 500 megs of ram
16:12.27watchydlynes: i just wanna have them config from a ftp/tftp server. is that possible?
16:12.37dlynes_watchy: However, you can still download the user's manual from their website
16:13.00watchywhy are they bitches about the admin manual?
16:13.24watchyi'm gonna have to buy different atas i guess
16:13.27dlynes_watchy: most companies are when it comes to voip gear
16:13.34sylei am just trying to get an idea of what i should be watching for before i generate all those calls
16:13.45dlynes_watchy: Sipura's far from the only company that does that
16:13.48sylefor the emulator, so i don;t crash any machines
16:13.49watchythe manual has to be posted somewhere
16:14.05dlynes_watchy: it is, but you need to get a login account from sipura
16:14.26dlynes_watchy: try emailing to see if you get anywhere
16:14.29watchyi would think it would be on some other website that someone posted besides sipura
16:14.33watchyi mean it is the internet
16:14.51sylei am going to try to emulate 250 simultaneuos calls per box are the specs
16:14.54dlynes_watchy: Just bs them about how you're planning to buy a hundred ata's or something and you want to make sure that their ata's are going to be easy to deploy
16:15.04cytrakdoes exten => _1XXX,1,Dial,Zap/g2/${EXTEN} take precedence over an " include => " that has exten => 1541,1,Macro(zaptoiax,${EXTEN}) ?
16:15.05*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
16:15.25watchyit is possible to make them grab configs from tftp/ftp isnt it?
16:16.00cytrakfor some reason that include works on a local context but it won't work if the call comes from the PSTN
16:16.06_Sam--hey if im using chanspy to listen to calls, how can i record those calls?
16:16.13KranZwatchy: yes
16:16.13dlynes_watchy: tftp, http, and https
16:16.19dlynes_watchy: but not ftp
16:16.25watchytftp is fine
16:16.32watchynow i just need infos on how to do it
16:16.51dlynes_watchy: like i them and hyperbolize the truth a bit
16:17.10dlynes_watchy: you should be able to get a login id and password if you're good at the art of hyperbolizing :)
16:17.11KranZwatchy: since they are a linksys/cisco company
16:17.27KranZyou'll probably have to be a registered service provider with linksys before they'll give you access
16:17.42gaupewatchy: you'll find all the info you need for provisioning sipura ATA on and google, it's not hard at all
16:17.46dlynes_KranZ: No, not for the sipura units...that's all done through sipura
16:18.12Maxxedhey any of you guys know how to fix this phonenumber@ipaddress thing with the new 8.2 sip firmware on the 7960's ?
16:18.14dlynes_gaupe: yeah, but he won't be able to get the configuration compiler, or anything like that
16:18.25Maxxedwhen sombody calls is num@ipaddress of the pbx
16:18.29gaupethat's right, you need to apply for that
16:18.35Maxxedi wana strip off the @ipaddress
16:18.44Maxxedi would think its somthing in the config
16:18.47Maxxedbut what
16:18.52KranZMaxxed: that's part of the sip standard
16:19.06Maxxedi didnt have a prob with it before
16:19.21KranZyou probably misconfigured the domain on the device or pbx
16:19.24dlynes_watchy:'s kinda stupid the way they do need to get a login id and password to access like 3 or 4 files that you can't access on the ordinary support page
16:19.25Maxxedi noticed when i upgraded the phone started doing it
16:19.32Maxxedi didnt change any configuration at all
16:19.40Maxxedjust the firmware on a few phones
16:19.46KranZbut the phone's conf might have changed
16:19.49Maxxedthe 7. what ever phones are still working fine
16:19.51watchydlynes: damn them
16:19.51Maxxedon the same pbx
16:19.54KranZcheck for a domain setting
16:20.02dlynes_watchy: grandstream's even can't get squat except directly from can't even get a login page to do it
16:20.03watchyi'll just configure it from the freakin website
16:20.18Maxxeddomain setting?
16:20.28KranZwatchy: it doesnt hurt to send an email
16:20.35watchyi;m gonna do that also
16:20.41watchybut right now i need these bitches confed
16:20.50dlynes_watchy: Aastra's one of the few voip gear companies i know of where you don't need to register with the manufacturer as a service provider
16:21.01KranZMaxxed: the pbx could see the @ip as not a local domain and reject the call
16:21.07dlynes_watchy: and you still get provisioning tools
16:21.21KranZis polycom that way?
16:21.46*** join/#asterisk S4w (
16:21.50dlynes_no idea
16:22.02dlynes_I haven't had the pleasure of dealing with polycom yet
16:22.04S4whey guys any of you know the bandwidth requirements for the GSM codec?
16:22.14privalac1What would cause Asterisk to stop playing any wav file?
16:22.22privalac1Or gsm files...
16:22.34KranZthe codec wasnt loaded
16:22.37sevarde heck did the sun,mon,tues, etc sound files go?
16:22.38KranZthe files aren't there
16:22.42Maxxedi dont have any probelems droping/missing calls
16:22.46sevards/e /where/g
16:22.50Maxxedits just the callerid info on the phone
16:22.51privalac1They are there...
16:23.06S4wKranZ: sure? thats more than the g726 codec :-|
16:23.08privalac1I uploaded one and it can be played fine
16:23.09KranZwhat does the CLI say when * plays the file
16:23.22KranZS4w: I said it was less than 64kbit
16:23.27KranZi dont actually know
16:23.36S4wKranZ: isnt that too general? :-P
16:23.46privalac1For exemple: Executing Playback("IAX2/600@600/1", "demo-congrats") in new stack
16:23.47*** join/#asterisk diclophis (n=diclophi@
16:23.52diclophishello all
16:24.15diclophisso... anyone have some tips for faxing with asterisk + PRIs
16:24.23KranZprivalac1 your verbosity is turned up right?
16:24.36KranZand sounds are in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
16:24.50privalac1I just set it to 9999
16:24.59S4wKranZ: sweet man, thank you
16:25.03mercestesdiclophis:  Yea, turn off silence supression, VAD, and Echocanceling on EVERYTHING.
16:25.11mercestesdiclophis:  and use Ulaw...
16:25.13diclophis... how do I do that?
16:25.26diclophismm not using sip or iax.. just incoming and outgoing on PRIs with spandsp
16:25.34KranZS4w: yeah, that table is hard to read
16:25.35diclophiswith a 4port digium card
16:25.43mercestesdiclophis:  Yea, I was just reading the +PRIs.
16:25.54diclophisi have gotten rex to work ..ok, but tx is crapping out halfway through
16:25.55S4wKranZ: i'll get it ;)
16:26.02diclophisdoesnt make sense to me
16:26.06KranZS4w: but the bits/sec column is what you're looking for
16:26.25diclophisand it craps out with .tifs that were made with the app_rxfax
16:26.30KranZso... 13.2 not including ip overhead
16:26.37diclophisso its not like it is a bad encoding or something
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16:27.25S4wKranZ: got it ;-) thanx fot the info
16:27.28privalac1Kranz: Just tried with an other file:     -- Executing Playback("IAX2/600@600/3", "you-entered") in new stack
16:28.15privalac1-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 1518 Jan 17  2004 /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/you-entered.gsm
16:29.58watchyhmm why wont this ata turn on dhcp
16:32.30SplasPoodHow does one change the default callerid of 'asterisk' when no CID info is available to something else?   callerid= in the global section of sip.conf doesn't seem to be doin it
16:32.38SplasPoodfor inbound calls
16:34.10sevardDo we not have days of the week in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds ?
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16:35.52carrarMorning kids!!
16:38.07mercestesSevard:  check /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/digits
16:38.48mercestesSevard:  I think it's day-0   day-1 day-2  etc. etc. etc.
16:39.10mercestesSevard:  Kind of a stupid place ot put it tho, huh?
16:39.16sevardyeah :|
16:39.47sevardthey ought to be named sunday.gsm etc
16:40.10camelonmore than the 30% of my *Box used to get the busy tone (2E1s + TE4xxp + 2ATAs) and happen only with zap no sip . . . and the same for the outgoing calls . . .some idea? TIA
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16:40.48camelonsorry: more than the 30% of my incoming and aoutgoing calls
16:41.39sevardmercestes: what about am / pm ? :)
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16:46.02DaminUhh Ohh.. just had Asterisk lock solid..
16:46.16privalac1My problem all seem to come from outbound voice... Seems like my asterisk box can not output sound anymore...
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16:49.40sleepy_oneDamin, what did you do to it? :-)
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16:50.46KranZsevard: they're named that so you can use variables to call the files
16:51.30sevardi'll just put symlinks to the dates for my purposes :)
16:51.37pythosI have gotten as far as a dial-tone on my FSX lines, what is next for using the FXO ports for something?  <PS, Im a total newbie, as you can probably tell>
16:51.39KranZthat works too
16:51.57KranZfxo ports connect to your phone provider
16:52.28pythosright, I have two FXO's and two POTS lines, Im not sure of what to do from there
16:53.00KranZfxs -> phone,  fxo -> local phone line
16:53.16KranZfor fxo to be useful, you need to already have phone service
16:53.21CunningPikepythos: Other way around -> smoke
16:53.22sleepy_onepythos, configure asterisk to use them ~wiki
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16:54.31KranZpythos: if you plan on using a voip provider and dont already have local phone service, the fxo lines are pointless
16:54.37pythoscunning, I have a headset to test which ports make dial-tone, the other two are th eones for telco, I would believe
16:55.16sleepy_oneif you have the TDM400p green = FXS red = FXO
16:56.54pythoskranz, could be usefull for answer machine/voicemail
16:59.05pythosI guess
17:00.18pythosloosing servers?
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17:04.51BlackthornHello, I have an issue dialing sip phone out the local pri with a dual ring. Dialing sip to sip, pri to disa back out, and all other combo's works fine. I've tried the dial with -r and it only does single ring but then I don't get busy tones etc etc.
17:08.18aetiusBlackthorn: hard phone, softphone, or both?
17:08.48aetius(I don't know what your problem could be, but that would seem to be a good troubleshooting step).
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17:10.51Blackthornonly sip phone out through pri.
17:11.20carlos-the-manguys I just installed a new mandriva and asterisk RPM binaries, totally newbie and want to get started with a softphone setup, are there any newbie instructions for me on the internet?
17:11.27Blackthornsip to voice pulse, pots to pri and back out via disa works fine as well.
17:11.57Blackthornyes quite a few carlos. go to google type asterisk install has a book
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17:13.04aetiusBlackthorn: right, but a hard sip phone, soft sip phone, or both (or different sip softphones)?
17:13.19Blackthorni'm using sipura-2000's
17:14.03Blackthornwhich i do not know by your question is hard or soft. :\
17:14.34aetiusheh, good point
17:14.37aetiusI'd say hard.
17:14.49aetiusso the next step would be to try another sip client and see if it has the same problem.
17:14.57aetiuslike one of the free softphones.
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17:15.09FuriousGeorgehow good is linux's support of amd64 architecture
17:15.10aetiusthat'll isolate the problem to either the sipura or the asterisk box.
17:16.24FuriousGeorgeim getting a new mb/cpu/mem for one of my servers, and im finding the mobile barton chips i used to buy are just as expensive as athlon 64 now
17:18.16Blackthornahh.. good idea.
17:18.19*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
17:18.53Blackthornanyone know of software i could load on a pc to duplicate a sip phone? (soft i guess as you would say?)
17:19.05coppiceamd64 linux works beautifully
17:20.01Zodiacalanyone know how asterisk can handle an alarm system? if the alarm system plugs directly into my pots, is there a way i can still use that line with asterisk?
17:20.23Zodiacalcan i plug that line back into asterisk Fxo port? what if the alarm system uses the line, will asterisk know that that line is in use and to use another one?
17:20.28Blackthorni show a x-lite 1.01 available on tucows. think that is latest version?
17:20.39nahireangoogle x-lite and get it from xten
17:21.19aetiusyeah, the current version is 2.0
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17:32.43Blackthornok I setup the xlight, and placed a call. and it did not do a double ring.
17:32.55Blackthornso guess it's in the sipura-2000 units
17:33.09Blackthornx-light to * out pri
17:36.38Zodiacalany ideas?
17:36.41Zodiacalabout the alarm system
17:36.43gandhijeeanyone here familiar with writing web pages for polycoms?
17:39.07Zodiacalwould * know if a pots line was in use, but via another device other than asterisk
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17:41.24Renacorcan I use multiple extensions in the goto statement?
17:41.49Renacori.e. exten => s,1023,Goto(internal_numbers,extension1 extension2,1)
17:43.55sleepy_onecya all l8r :-D
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17:47.47gandhijeemy page seems to make the phone reboot, but its just standard XHTML
17:48.21_Sam--does anyone know where to download ringtones that are regular ring tones, and not music ring tones
17:48.37_Sam--like ones that sound like regular phones ringing
17:49.06brodiem_Sam-- look at the old news on, there was a set of 10 or so posted sometime in the last week or so
17:50.15Blackthornwell.. don't know what else to do. I basicly played with all the settings int he spa-2000. It only double rings going through * to the local pri. It dosn't double ring spa to spa or spa to voicepulse
17:51.25gandhijeeis there a guide on how to upgrade the polycom firmware anywhere?
17:51.29CunningPikeWow - this may be old news, but I've just 'discovered' that SIP 1.6.5 lets the IP501 have BLF icons :)
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17:51.58CunningPikegandhijee: Use an FTP provisioning server
17:52.32gandhijeeis there on that you can recommned?
17:52.46CunningPikegandhijee: We use vsftp
17:53.12gandhijeeCunningPike: you ever write any pages for you poy?
17:53.20*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (
17:53.30CunningPikegandhijee: No - what are you trying to do?
17:53.40*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
17:54.20gandhijeewrite a page that will query the CDR database, then display the results on the phone
17:54.42gandhijeei haven't gotten there yet, i'm still tryin to figure out why my phone decides to reboot sometimes
17:55.02filePisa International Airport = uh this is an airport?
17:55.25CunningPikegandhijee: What's the ultimate goal? Company directory on your phone?
17:55.37gandhijeei just got past the 404 error it gave me after i put in stuff in a text field
17:56.10fileI'll be back online from Paris...
17:56.17gandhijeeCunningPike: its for a small motel, ultimate goal is to have it total the # of calls, mutilply it by a cost, and display total charges
17:56.31gandhijeeCunningPike: then let them print it to a printer on the network
17:56.43*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
17:56.53CunningPikegandhijee: From the phone? Why not just use the Asterisk CDR?
17:57.43filesecurity didn't even check my boarding pass...
17:57.45*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
17:57.50gandhijeecunningpike: the phone will be querying the Asterisk CDR =þ
17:58.00fileso if anyone wants to... I dunno... threaten to blow up a set of departure gates... choose Pisa
17:58.32gandhijeethat only works if you are white, if u were brown, they would have searched you already
17:58.36CunningPikegandhijee: OK, so your guest can check their call totals?
17:58.42filethis is true
17:58.52fileplus I'm Canadian, so watch out - I'll hurt you with a moose... or a beaver
17:59.03Corydon-wfile: you're not on a plane?
17:59.10filenot yet
17:59.10gandhijeeCunningPike: no, this is from the main console, small hotel, no way i am puttin poly's in every room here
17:59.20filescheduled to depart in 45 minutes
17:59.43ghenryhi again. is it possible to use exten s in a sip context? ie a sip users calls a number from outside your network and gets a menu, or do you need a nromal number to dial?
17:59.55gandhijeeCunningPike: its for the hotel owner to check the number of calls, and see what the cost is.
17:59.56CunningPikegandhijee: But why not write a web page that goes directly against your CDR - I'm not sure what part the phone needs to play......
18:00.16fileI'm rushing to try to 1. Download xcode in time so I can write code on the plane and 2. Download the code in question
18:01.40filewe're starting to board soon though :\
18:01.41gandhijeeCunningPike: like i said its a small motel, and the people that run it(my folks) have a hard enough time tryin to browse the web
18:01.55[Airwolf]Can someone tell me if this is good syntax for IFTIME, because i don't really understand the documentation on the wiki.
18:01.59[Airwolf]exten => s,2,Set(time=${IFTIME(9-17?office:nooffice)})
18:02.35gandhijeeCunningPike: having the interface directly on the phone emulates the traditional phone consoles of the mitels, etc
18:02.48docelmoSay what module in asterisk controls the Manager API?
18:03.00CunningPikeI see - well, good luck with all that ;)
18:03.06gandhijeebut first i gotta get around the phone rebooting problem
18:03.17gandhijeei;m starting to this it runs out of memory
18:04.24gandhijeeand apparently it doesn;t like ! in the text fields
18:08.40CunningPikeThis is a 601, I take it
18:09.31gandhijeei'm just gonna load the firmware via tftp, i don't feel like configuring vsftpd right now
18:09.51gandhijeedo the files have to be in a special directory or anything?
18:09.57gandhijeeor just unzip in the ftp root?
18:12.16mercestesgandhijee  The umm..tftp root.
18:12.31*** part/#asterisk terrapen (n=cjs@
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18:12.44gandhijeenm, it all set
18:13.22docelmocome on.. someone gots to know what module control's the manager API
18:13.23CunningPikegandhijee: The effort to setup ftp will be worth it eventually - you can set the Polycom to poll for updates etc
18:13.44filethere's a group with kids behind me...
18:13.47fileI hope they are not on my flight
18:13.59BlackthornI saw a list on the wiki last night that showed which modules did what. but dont' know where it is now
18:14.07gandhijeetrue, but right now i just want to get this thing working and not rebooting
18:14.41gandhijeei just don't want to spend the time on it at this moment, i still have to get CDR w/my sql working right
18:16.33BlackthornDo you know why an sipura spa-2000 would have double rings when calling out through * then pri? but not spa to spa?
18:17.29brad_mssware you passing 'r' to your Dial() command?
18:17.37CunningPikeBlackthorn: What he said :)
18:19.46*** join/#asterisk littlejohn (
18:19.49Blackthornx-light to * out pri works fine,  pots to pri to * disa back through pri works fine as well.
18:22.01*** part/#asterisk Kernel_Core (
18:22.48*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
18:22.49SpaceBasshey folks
18:22.58SpaceBassI'm having problems trying to get AGI scripts to work
18:23.20SpaceBassI can execute the script from the commandline as the asterisk user just fine, but its not working in my dialplan
18:23.41elghow does one check status, e.g. VMSTATUS?
18:30.12camelonif i'm looking for a voip console recepconist . . .wich you recommend?
18:31.12tuxd00ddo you mean, receptionist console?
18:31.29SpaceBassarrruuuggg stipid AGI just will not work
18:31.34camelonyepppp . . sorry
18:31.52camelontuxd00d . . .yeeeppp
18:31.56tuxd00dhardware or software?
18:32.09camelonboth . . please
18:33.04camelonthe best on the shop i hd and sf
18:34.09tuxd00dI don't have any experience... but polycom has good phones, and they have a hardware console add-on
18:34.30camelonbut it works with asterisk?
18:34.47tuxd00dwhy wouldn't it work?
18:35.02*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
18:35.19SpaceBassshould I be able to execute a BASH script with an arguement using AGI?
18:35.28camelonsome asterisk list someone report ucomlete funcionality with * bt i don't remeber where
18:35.52tuxd00dI'm pretty sure the polycom one's work
18:36.05camelonOK . .thanks
18:36.06tuxd00dbut you will have to research first
18:36.22camelonand about software?
18:36.30camelonsoft console
18:36.41*** join/#asterisk fjean (n=fjean@
18:36.47tuxd00dno experience with any softphones or the like
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18:37.52camelonOK . .thanks
18:39.11fjeanhey guys, I have a little problem here and I would like to share it with you guys som you might have a suggestions on where I should start looking for, it's about SIP calls that just stays there even when conversation is finished
18:39.59fjeanoften, during the day, I have CDRs that show calls that are lot longer than the actual conversation, it might be a few minutes or more, see hours
18:40.40fjeaneven have calls that finishes after the start of a second call for the same user
18:41.36fjeanthe asterisk box is communicating with one SER box
18:42.25fjeanonly, but this happens often ; I know that there are some delays because its on the internet, so sometimes it might go over 500ms
18:42.26*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:43.09fjeanbut this is a real problem here ; does anyone has an idea on why this is happening ?  SIP BYEs that are getting lost, etc
18:44.19fjeanany hint is welcomed...
18:47.21*** part/#asterisk trumpetinc (
18:48.02FuriousGeorgeso im shopping around for a new mb cpu for my asterisk server and im looking at the amd64 939 socket chips
18:48.19FuriousGeorgethey say they got a 2ghz ht bus now, yet all the motherboards say 1ghz
18:48.22FuriousGeorgewadup with that
18:48.43*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
18:49.42SpaceBassget the pent d 805
18:49.50SpaceBassand overclock it to 4.1 ghz
18:49.59SpaceBassarticles all over and about it yesterday
18:50.25FuriousGeorgescardinal: if i wanted to OC and had an unlimited budget i would definately go with the opteron dual core series :)
18:50.31FuriousGeorgei hear they hit 3 ghz
18:50.31bkw__its .org boi
18:50.37bkw__but .com works but its really .org :P
18:50.55SpaceBassthe 805 is a $120 cpu...2.2ghz and OCs to 4.1 and runs stable...just a suggestion
18:51.23FuriousGeorgeSpaceBass: arent pentium-d's dual core 64 bit too?
18:51.30FuriousGeorgeor are they 32 bit?
18:51.34SpaceBassFuriousGeorge, believe so....but not an expert
18:51.35KranZthey do emt64
18:51.44SpaceBassjust read the article yesterday and it piqued my interest
18:51.46FuriousGeorgeKranZ: which is not really 64 bit or something
18:51.59KranZi've installed 64bit gentoo on a p4
18:52.21FuriousGeorgedual cores, 64 bit, and cheaper than amd..  how is this possible
18:52.33KranZtho there's not much point unless you need >4gb memory
18:53.13FuriousGeorgeto what?  64 bit?  tbh i dont care if its 32 bit or 64, but the fact is that amd doest really make new 32bit chips, and thats usually what i buy
18:55.12x86i like 32 bit x86 chips better...
18:55.36SpaceBassi ordered that 804 dual core and a mobo...plan on OCing it 3.8 or so and seeing how stable it is
18:55.36x86only good 64 bit chips out are the Alpha, PPC64 (G5 and POWER), and Sparc64 ;)
18:56.10x86i'm on a G5 iMac right now ;)
18:56.14FuriousGeorgeSpaceBass: im looking at that chip now.  a great price but the fsb is only 533 mhz (133 x 4), although each core has a mef of cache
18:56.30SpaceBassFuriousGeorge,  i mean, for the price its a pretty nice little chip
18:56.38SpaceBassok, anyone have expirence with AGI ?
18:56.39FuriousGeorgeSpaceBass: that it is, im tempted
18:56.53x86FuriousGeorge: get Pentium D's
18:57.13x86dual core, 2mb cache per core (iirc), and 800mhz FSB
18:57.15SpaceBassFuriousGeorge, had it for $128 i think
18:57.23FuriousGeorgex86: one meg each
18:57.28FuriousGeorgeSpaceBass: thats where im looking
18:57.56gandhijeeConroe is pretty badass though
18:58.04*** join/#asterisk bahamat (n=bahamat@
18:58.09x86alpha was the best arch ever, imho
18:58.13x86too bad HP killed it :(
18:58.18SpaceBassI got really excited about the chip yesterday, then I start pricing out a relitivly barebones box and was at $500 before I knew it
18:58.19gandhijeethe K8's aren't bad though
18:58.32gandhijeethe lead alpha designer helped design the k7 and k8's
18:58.34SpaceBassand considering that I'm getting my nokia 770 internet tablet today, I think Mrs Spacebass woul;dnt be too happy
18:59.01FuriousGeorgeyeah, otoh the cheapest dual core amds are 300 bucks
18:59.17gandhijeeAMD dual cores are better IMHO
18:59.44gandhijeeno bus contingencies
18:59.51gandhijeewhat an intel dual core?
19:00.02FuriousGeorgeyeah the pentium-d
19:00.07gandhijeethe current intel dual cores are garbage and a 100% hack job
19:00.12FuriousGeorgewhich i know nothing about being a long time amd fan
19:00.16gandhijeethey just did it to say the had the first dual core
19:00.25SpaceBassarrruuuggg I'm typing a blog entry on how to do something .... suggested people use nano over vi...I feel so dirty and cheap
19:00.32gandhijeethey just put 2 cores on one package.
19:00.43gandhijeethe still share the FSB
19:00.48*** part/#asterisk gandhijee (
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19:00.54FuriousGeorgeyeah i always heard the intels dont dissipate heat well for that reason
19:01.14gandhijeehell even some of the intel guys don't like them.
19:01.27gandhijeebut they are all jived up about Core
19:01.48gandhijeei have on in my laptop
19:01.59gandhijeeits was pretty badass w/ linux, but i had to return it =(
19:02.03fjeanis there a documentation on which SIP events are treated and how it's performed  within *  :-)
19:02.09gandhijeeall that hardwork ended up goin down the drain
19:03.08*** part/#asterisk bahamat (n=bahamat@
19:03.55gandhijeethe pentium d i have next to me doesn't have sse3 either
19:04.10FuriousGeorgewhat pentiumd is that?
19:04.29gandhijee920 i think
19:04.35gandhijee3 GHz
19:04.43FuriousGeorgegandhijee: at the same time, you gotta admit that an application like telephony would lend it self well to multiple cores
19:04.57FuriousGeorgesince even one conversation has two ends
19:05.07gandhijeetrue, but IMHO it would be better on AMD as the cores don't share the same bus
19:05.08FuriousGeorgenot that you need two cores to make one call but you know what i mean
19:05.54gandhijeeeven with seperate physical processors the AMD would be a better solution, each CPU has dedicated bandwidth to the memory
19:06.17FuriousGeorgeis it really that bad to have 2 tdmp400s in one box, if they dont share irq's with other devices
19:06.32gandhijee2 is supposta be the max
19:06.44FuriousGeorgeso no more than 2, right, gotcha
19:07.01gandhijeethats what i've heard, but it i would be very wrong
19:07.19gandhijeethat should be i could be
19:07.29SpaceBassanyone have expirence with AGI ?
19:07.35gandhijeenot it i would be
19:07.37FuriousGeorgei might have to call my boss and tell him hes getting a dual core athlon whether he likes it or not;  ill mumble something about "memory bandwidth" and "doing it right" then hangup before he knows what im talking about.
19:08.29gandhijeeif u get him a board that supports dual procs, you can tell him he can have a quad processor machine =o
19:08.45FuriousGeorgenow that would be beautiful overkill
19:08.53gandhijeethe company i work for makes an amd ebx board w/ stackable hypertranport modules
19:08.56gandhijeevery swank
19:09.20FuriousGeorgeim not entirely sure what that is, but it sounds delicious
19:09.44gandhijeeit lets you add another card on top and go dual processor when you want
19:10.04gandhijeewe are working on a pass through HT bus so you can stack more cards on top and add infiniband
19:10.27FuriousGeorgeahh, ebx is for embedded devices
19:10.29FuriousGeorgepretty cool
19:10.38gandhijeeanything is there is not PCI bus, PCIe only =/
19:10.52*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
19:11.13gandhijeeplays battlefield like a champ
19:11.14*** part/#asterisk gandhijee (
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19:13.32cytrakstrange .. if I configure my zapata.conf and zaptel.conf to only use bchan=49-52 and leave the other ones unconfigured , shouldn't zap show channels only display those 4 ?
19:13.40cytrakztcfg does
19:13.47*** join/#asterisk kaz0358 (
19:14.12CunningPikecytrak: I would have thought so......
19:14.43cytrakhmm not with reload I just found out I have to stop and start *
19:15.05kaz0358i have a small annoying talker echo problem. i have isolated the problem--the linksys WIP300 has an extremely sensitive microphone and if the earpiece volume is turned way up, the mic can pick up the audio. i can reduce or eliminate the echo by turning down the ear piece volume
19:15.37gandhijeekax0358: how are you liking that phone? i have 2 of them that i still need to setup
19:15.48kaz0358however, i'm more concerned if we roll this out to other people.. especially those that need the volume turned up quite a bit for one reason or another. if the call is going from asterisk as voip to another voip long distance carrier, is there a way to eliminate the echo?
19:15.57cytrakthe other thing is I can't find out  what's my d channel .. I got my 3 span connecting to a PRI on a siemens PBX and even though I should be getting 24 channels I can only get 1-19 the others show as inactive
19:16.45kaz0358gandhijee, it is a pretty cool phone. there are several things that i would like to see improved... the battery case should be more difficult to pull off. you should be able dial SIP urls. you should be able to dial a number that has an asterisk in it, but not necessary start with an asterisk
19:16.51Damingandhijee: Didn't I run into you at Clue Con?
19:17.27gandhijeei was one of the 2 indian people there
19:17.31gandhijeeand i wasn't surj
19:17.45sevardwhat's the easiest way of listening to the wav files Monitor() generates?  I was thinking a MoH class that played the directory, but a ControlPlayback would be neat
19:17.52sevardi just can't think of a way to tie it together
19:18.01gandhijeeoddly enough we were both patel's which is quite ironic
19:18.14DaminYeah.. I think Kielhofner and I talked to you.. doesn't someone in your family own Win-Ent?
19:18.18kaz0358gandhijee, i'd also like to see the option to have the phone roam onto any open access point, which might be a security risk. but it would be nice to have the option. i don't have any problem with WEP or WPA. overall, it functions very much like a cell phone and it seems to have good battery life
19:18.35gandhijeei was gonna send him some old PiCA boards we had
19:18.56gandhijeehe ended up not wanting them cuz i we couldn't find the firmware that had console redirect on them
19:19.08gandhijeei was gonna give him a couple for free
19:19.27Damingandhijee: You should send a couple of those PL-06051 boxes over to Switchvox so they can certify them w/ their software and start selling them...
19:19.41gandhijeelemme see which one that is
19:20.16gandhijeei know he wanted the eSoft box, but we can't outright sell that one too him cuz of some licencing issues, and it would have been pretty expensive
19:20.32gandhijeeDamin: we have something better than PL-06051 now =O
19:21.01Damingandhijee: Cool.. I often need a not quite totally OEM solution for some clients..
19:21.16gandhijeewe just finished a box for intel, has pentium m on it w/ Xscale 465. workin on gettin HMP running on it
19:21.17Damingandhijee: Something that looks different enough from a desktop PC that it will scare them away from it..
19:21.33gandhijeeand some of the intel guys should be talking to the asterisk folks about it
19:22.17gandhijeeIRC the 6051 doesn't have any PCI slots, so no PSTN connectivity on that one
19:22.19DaminHey.. anyone in the Baltimore, DC area?
19:22.36gandhijeei was until last week
19:22.56SpaceBassanyone have expirence with AGI ?
19:22.57DaminI have free passes to ISPcon for anyone that wants them..
19:23.05*** part/#asterisk elg (
19:23.27gandhijeeSpaceBass: you read the AsteriskTFOT book? it has some primer stuff in there
19:23.58SpaceBassno, been meaning to get the o'riley book
19:24.03SpaceBassI'm just trying to call a bash script
19:24.10SpaceBassor rather make it execute
19:24.25*** join/#asterisk VxJasonxV (n=jason@unaffiliated/VxJasonxV)
19:24.38Dr-Linuxquestion, does cisco 7940 have any button to make it boot? i plugged the power cable but it's not getting up!
19:24.49gandhijeeDamin: you going to cluecon again this year?
19:24.54SpaceBassDr-Linux,  no button...using poe or the power cube?
19:24.56jpabuyeryeah.. the power button :)
19:25.54Damingandhijee: Yea.. I'll be there..
19:26.11Dr-LinuxSpaceBass: i'm using power cable, but phone is not booting, whats wrong
19:26.12gandhijeei'll prolly see you there then
19:26.23*** join/#asterisk postel_ (n=jp@unaffiliated/postel)
19:26.25Damingandhijee: Cool.. cool..
19:26.28SpaceBassDr-Linux,  could be the cable or the phone...guess that doesnt help much
19:26.39SpaceBassare you sure the cable is working? try the ole tongue test?
19:26.50gandhijeegonna try to get my uncle to send some sponser money to cluecon
19:27.03gandhijeemaybe bring some of the newer hardware we have
19:27.07Damingandhijee: Good!
19:27.28Dr-LinuxSpaceBass: how can i do ole tongue test? :P
19:27.46CunningPikecytrak: A full PRI is 24 channels - 23B + 1D. Conventionally, the D-Channel is the 24th
19:28.00mercestesPut your tongue to it and see if it tickles.
19:28.05CunningPikeSo, even if you only have 3B channels, they are 1-3, and your D-Channel is 24
19:28.17SpaceBassDr-Linux,  ^^^ what mercestes  said
19:28.52Dr-Linuxhhm.. lolz i have no handly access on the phone, the lady is doing that
19:28.55CunningPikecytrak: If you have 2 3-channel spans, the channels would be 1-3, 24 and 25-27, 48 - make sens?
19:29.06Daminblitzrage: You wanna see something really ugly?
19:29.10*** join/#asterisk flynux (n=prout@2a01:38:0:0:0:0:0:1)
19:29.12mercestesIt doesn't's only a few volts...tell the woman to stick her tongue to it and tell you what hapens.
19:29.18sevardwhat's the easiest way of listening to the wav files Monitor() generates?  I was thinking a MoH class that played the directory, but a ControlPlayback would be neat
19:29.20sevardi just can't think of a way to tie it together
19:29.39Dr-LinuxSpaceBass: do you know, the adaptor name, that we can use for cisco phone
19:29.47mercestesyou talking about the in and out channels, Sevard?
19:30.10mercestesI always used soxmix to put them together.....there is a umm......script somewhere on the asterisk wiki...2wav2mp3 it's called I believe.
19:30.12sevardmercestes: sure, but i'm not even to the mixing part yet
19:30.44mercestesIt showed up under asterisk + record + calls or asterisk + monitor or some nonsense on asterisk wiki...nice user contribution.
19:30.54SpaceBassDr-Linux,  I'm using PoE mostly...and knockoff power adaptors from ebay
19:31.06jake1932here's an orig
19:31.22mercesteshang on..I'll find it.
19:31.36SpaceBassDr-Linux, since you cannot see the phone....i wonder if its really not powering on....sounds like when my mother calls and tells me the entire internet is broken :)
19:31.50sevardmercestes: I suppose mixing these files would be neat but I'm talking about just playing them
19:32.40gandhijeeSpaceBass: my parents call me and tell me the email is gone, when they minimized it to the tast bar
19:32.46Dr-LinuxSpaceBass: lol, i have configured more then 20 Cisco phones, but never seen any in real :P
19:33.31SpaceBassDr-Linux,  thats nuts!
19:33.40SpaceBassgandhijee, mine I got them a mac for Christmas
19:34.01SpaceBassgot tired of "i double right clicked on that HTML email and now my blah blah blah blah"
19:34.18gandhijeei was gonna load linux w/ fluxbox. but they supposedly needed to run some lame ass application for this new hotel they are building
19:34.34gandhijeeso i had winblows on there, and they never ran the app
19:34.40SpaceBassyeah- I'm totally convenced that linux is not ready for the desktop
19:34.56gandhijeei think i could have had them rocking w/ fluxbox
19:35.03gandhijeeits too easy to messup
19:35.11SpaceBasswhat is fluxbox
19:35.20gandhijeea very very minimal windows manager
19:35.29gandhijeejust a menu and a fake me out taskbar
19:35.30SpaceBassget em a mac :)
19:35.45sevardSpaceBass: have you seen GXL or whatever it is
19:35.52SpaceBassnot yet
19:35.56gandhijeegod forbid, they would prolly be confused again
19:36.00sevardit's totally ready :)
19:36.50SpaceBassi guess I say its not ready b/c there are just some killer apps that are missing...and some functionality...
19:37.15gandhijeewhat ever happened to those guys that were making the windows type desktop?
19:37.30sevardlike Open Office SpaceBass? because that's frieckn awesome
19:37.32SpaceBassthey are around...selling out of Wallmart
19:37.35gandhijeenah i don't think it was them
19:37.40sevardI use linux for my desktop daily
19:37.47gandhijeethe actual interface mimicked windows
19:37.55SpaceBasssevard, I think OpenOffice is great for anyone geeky...but its not ready for joe sixpack
19:37.58SpaceBassi use it daily
19:38.07gandhijeesevard: you are also in the asterisk room my friend
19:38.21aetiuson IRC, heh
19:38.23gandhijeeSpaceBass: acutally i have my parents on OpenOffice
19:38.25SpaceBassthat too
19:38.28aetiuson freenode ...
19:38.30sevardSpaceBass: My mom uses excel and word and databases at this school every day, she's been doing it for like 15 years.  I sat her infront of Open Office and she was _right at home_
19:38.51sevardnow, if somebody can use Word for LONG LONG time, as long as that and be right at home with Open Office, I'm convinced it's ready
19:39.04SpaceBassI'm sure my mother could use OpenOffice but I don't want to take the calls every time somone sends her a word 2003 doc
19:39.26sevardlast time i checked it could open ms word docs :P
19:39.28SpaceBassmy problem with openoffice on the mac is that it runs as an x11 app, not mac (coca) native
19:39.31gandhijeemy folks are also from india and have never really used a computer
19:39.45SpaceBasssevard, 2003? I know it can open 2000 and 87
19:39.46gandhijeeSpaceBass: there is a port of it to coca
19:39.56sevardSpaceBass:  you can run X11 applications in the native coca enviroment without having to run an X11 WM
19:40.00SpaceBassgandhijee, oooooo really? to google I go
19:40.03gandhijeei just don't remember the name
19:40.14SpaceBassI've been trying
19:40.16SpaceBassi like it a lot
19:40.21gandhijeeyeah. i tried running it on my g4, i wanted to shoot myself
19:40.37gandhijeeOS X takes up to many system resources
19:41.00sevardYou have to have a _lot_ of RAM for OS X
19:41.03CunningPikeSpaceBass: NeoOffice
19:41.07sevardit's very RAM hungry.
19:41.16gandhijeeyeah apparently a gig doesn't cut it
19:41.22SpaceBassCunningPike,  thanks
19:41.37sevardgandhijee: wow, i had 640mb ram and it ran pretty great last shot at my agi problem...then off to get my Nokia 770 ....
19:41.46gandhijeei dunno what it is
19:41.58SpaceBassI'm trying to run a bash script via AGI...i can execute it from the bash prompt, but it does nothing when I try as an AGI
19:42.03sevardSpaceBass: N 770!!
19:42.06gandhijeei upgraded ram first
19:42.07SpaceBass* CLI says it exits zero
19:42.07sevardSpaceBass: :( give me one :(
19:42.17gandhijeethen went from a 450 to 1GHz,
19:42.21SpaceBasssevard, that baby is going to be my a/v system remote control...cannot wait!
19:42.30sevardSpaceBass: oh man i want one so bad
19:42.36gandhijeethen hacked an nVidia card to run Quartz on it.
19:42.41SpaceBasssevard, I've been coveting it for a while
19:42.42sevardSpaceBass: I've wanted one since i heard about them 2 years before the launch
19:42.50gandhijeestill horrible, im gonna give it the linux treatment soon
19:42.58SpaceBassI'm excited about 2006 os for it...SIP client!
19:43.03mercestesis it in the agi-bin directory?
19:43.03sevardSpaceBass: no way!
19:43.16SpaceBassmercestes, yeah, and the asterisk user owns it
19:43.19sevardSpaceBass: :D you'll have to tell me how it performs
19:43.21SpaceBasssevard,  yeah...but no dates on when its coming out
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19:44.44KranZany word on when 1.4 is due?
19:45.10sevardso, is sox and soxmix two different apps?
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19:45.23sevardi guess so
19:45.32sevarddidn't know about soxmix
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19:45.51SpaceBasswhen I get back I was going to finish my dial plan to control iTunes with Asterisk...but something tells me I'll be on the Nokia 770 in the back yard with a beer
19:46.05KranZits good for combining the in and out recordings after monitoring a channel
19:46.28KranZSpaceBass: that's expensive
19:46.34sevardSpaceBass: i'm jealous
19:46.46KranZor is it wi-fi voip capable
19:46.56*** part/#asterisk brif8 (
19:47.08SpaceBassKranZ,  update coming soon to support SIP
19:47.31SpaceBassAnd speaking of WiFi voip...I ordered my stinkin WIP330 OVER A MONTH AGO and hasnt shipped
19:48.16gandhijeeSpaceBass: don't feel bad, i waited like 3 months for mine
19:48.32SpaceBasshow is it?
19:48.43gandhijeeacutally i have the WIP300, didn't want that janky MS crap
19:48.43brad_msswSpaceBass: dunno, they're saying late may for shipping ... voipsupply is usually good, I doubt it's their fault
19:48.46SpaceBassI'm starting to hate my Hitachi IP5000
19:49.02gandhijeebut i still had to wait 3 months for it
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19:49.37kaz0358gandhijee, you'll have to let me know what you think of the WIP300 when you get it up and going. i think its pretty good. i haven't used any of the first gen wifi voip stuff to the store
19:50.24gandhijeei have a  ZyXEL here too
19:50.24SpaceBassmy IP5000 works pretty well...doesnt always move b/t APs well...but it doesnt support WPA, which means I'm running a 2nd WIFI subnet
19:50.31SpaceBassI have the just died
19:50.41gandhijeewhat happened?
19:50.41mercestesI have a UTStarcom.
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19:50.59kaz0358spacebass, do you have the option of roaming on open access points with the ip5000? the linksys wip300 doesn't seem to have that option
19:51.27gandhijeeany of you guys checked out the roamAD stuff?
19:51.38gandhijeethats what you need
19:52.15*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
19:52.17gandhijeelets you pass the audio stream from one access point to another
19:52.25gandhijeealso some very groovy stuff
19:53.03SpaceBasskaz0358, yeah, it can roam, but its usually pointless since most open APs have captitive portals
19:53.26SpaceBassBut the IP5000 will roam with in my WiFi network to different APs....fairly well
19:53.50gandhijeeSpaceBass: you do it while you are talking?
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19:54.49SpaceBassgandhijee, yeah
19:54.50SpaceBassused it
19:55.00gandhijeework well?
19:55.19SpaceBassI have 4 APs in my house for my LAN, but I run them at WPA and since the phone won't do WPA, its on its own open AP on seperate subnet
19:55.32SpaceBassit worked ok to the store
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20:10.11bleblebleanyone have or know of any good documentation on fine tunning the sipura 2002's? i have one that has choppy voice no matter what, and its connected directly to the internet, not behind any other devies
20:12.48jake1932blebleble: is it choppy ata-> asterisk or only ata->asterisk->ITSP?
20:13.20bleblebleata->asterisk->ITSP, but my other lines (different parts of the state) all work fine its just this one
20:14.02jake1932but you get a clean sound ATA->asterisk?
20:15.39bleblebleno issues there too
20:16.47zwelchwow, i just put together a list of SIP related RFCs.  going just off of the announcement list on one site (, i found 79 RFCs; while some are quite tertiary, it's somewhat daunting to see how many standards there are just for this one protocol ;)
20:17.44zwelchthe question that i have is... to what extent does asterisk conform with each of them?
20:18.24zwelch... and should i be looking elsewhere (than RFCs) for SIP-related standards?
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20:19.51lzhangwhat are some good good php industry websites?
20:20.32dregaeh can't remember off the top of my head but it a magazine I think
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20:21.22dregasorry .net
20:21.31FuriousGeorgenow i need a motherboard
20:21.31lzhangdrega: thanks :)
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20:23.15dlynes_Good afternoon, peeps
20:23.24*** join/#asterisk iPBX (
20:23.38iPBXhi #asterisk
20:23.45kaz0358hi ipbx
20:24.07iPBXi've got a big headache... my router doesn't let me open port ranges, just individual ports
20:24.21iPBXdo i really have to open 10000 individual ports for RTP?
20:24.29kaz0358okay.. and you are using asterisk behind a firewall and wanting to use sip?
20:24.30iPBXor can i just open like 10 if i only expect 10 rtp streams
20:24.37iPBXsip and iax
20:24.54*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (n=ph33r@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
20:24.55iPBXi'm setting up a new server for a customer, and it's actually their router
20:25.01kaz0358do you really need sip? iax2 is most often times a viable alternative
20:25.01iPBXtheir router is a windows server 2003 box
20:25.23dpryoiPBX: You probably need to open individual ports :D
20:25.31iPBXyeah, we're using eyebeam, and GXP2000's
20:25.39*** join/#asterisk algorithmn (
20:25.40dlynes_iPBX: Why do you need to open ports, period?
20:25.45iPBXIAX is for voicepulse trunk
20:25.48kaz0358well, you could also put ser in front of asterisk
20:26.05dlynes_I've only ever had to do portmappings once
20:26.07kaz0358and then you most likely wouldn't need to mess with the firewall.
20:26.15dlynes_And that was because of buggy firmware in a particular router
20:26.17iPBXso that the server is accessible across the net, all the users are remote
20:26.41dlynes_ok...that would be different, then :)
20:26.56iPBXi have my server in the DMZ, so it works ok :-p
20:27.04iPBXused ip tables and i'm good with that
20:27.18iPBXthis one they're using the routing functions in winserver 2003
20:27.29iPBXwhich allows NAT and port exceptions/forwarding
20:27.37iPBXbut stupid crap doesn't let you specifiy a port range,
20:27.44iPBXso I'm concerned about RTP
20:27.47kaz0358ipbx, you might take a look at ser .. or you can mess with your firewall
20:28.06iPBXeven with Ser, won't i still need to open all those RTP ports?
20:28.22kaz0358ipbx, no it has ways around most firewalls
20:28.24dlynes_I still don't understand why you need to open so many rtp ports
20:28.38dlynes_Each phone should only need one rtp port, non?
20:28.46iPBXdlynes_ I read RTP uses ports 10000-20000
20:28.54algorithmngrandstream BLF w/hint groups giving "INVITE with REPLACEs" w/also "Remote host can't match request BYE"... idea's?
20:29.03dlynes_It'll use anything in that don't need to use the whole range, though
20:29.08*** join/#asterisk harlequin516 (n=sham@
20:29.22dlynes_iPBX: Take a look at rtp.conf
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20:29.32iPBXgood idea :->
20:29.37dlynes_iPBX: You can modify the range
20:29.49dlynes_iPBX: Most ip phones allow you to change the port as well
20:30.01iPBXso lets see how would i figure out how many ports i need to actually open...
20:30.02harlequin516Can I get a t1 provisioned a few lines for data and a few lines for POTS lines?
20:30.15kaz0358harlequin, yes..
20:30.18harlequin516I mean IP traffic for data
20:30.26iPBX5 phones... 1 IAX trunk that supports up to 4 simunateous calls...
20:30.27dlynes_harlequin516: yes, but you generally need to use a channel bank and specialized equipment like an adtran 850 or something
20:30.39BlackthornHi, I'm still working on my double ring issue. It only does it sipura spa-2000 units talking through * to the local pri. The x-light client on the computer does not. I get a ring, silence, lower ring then 1/2 the way through that ring a loud ring again. Any suggestions what to adjust?
20:31.04Blackthorni think i've switched, changed, modfied every setting in the spa-2000 today :\
20:31.05kaz0358blackthorn, i get that too, but i haven't worked on solving it
20:31.08harlequin516dlynes_: Is that through my local telco?
20:31.19dlynes_harlequin516: would buy that stuff yourself
20:31.43dlynes_harlequin516: or you can pay the telco or an interconnect to do it for you
20:31.52dlynes_harlequin516: but then it's usually not worth it :)
20:32.04Blackthornkaz: reading through several web searches i've kind of theorized it's that the ata places the call to * and starts rining, then you hear the ring from the pri as well.
20:32.41harlequin516Okay So What kind of company provides this kind of service?  I used to work for a company that had a single T1 that they could configure as many phone channels or data as they wanted.
20:32.48Blackthornata to ata, pri to * (disa) back to pri works fine.
20:32.55Blackthornas well as ata to voice pulse.
20:33.11kaz0358blackthorn, yeah.. i've wondered if that might not be the case
20:33.13dlynes_harlequin516: You can either call your local telco, or look in the phone book under 'phone systems'
20:33.33dlynes_harlequin516: the odd interconnect company (phone system installer) will do it, as well
20:33.53dlynes_harlequin516: also, some of the more specialized networking services companies will do it
20:34.32dlynes_harlequin516: I suspect you're probably in the states, so I wouldn't be able to suggest somewhere to go
20:34.35harlequin516Is it cheaper to get it all setup in my house, or at a hosting company?
20:34.54harlequin516Yes, am in Phoenix, AZ
20:34.59dlynes_harlequin516: a colo facility is usually considerably cheaper for a pri/t1 cost
20:35.03kaz0358blackthorn, and you have played with notifyringing in sip.conf?
20:35.18dlynes_harlequin516: however, you have to pay a locker cost on top of that
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20:35.30dlynes_harlequin516: so unless you have a need for a locker, it might not be worth it
20:35.49dlynes_harlequin516: and if you're at a telco colo, they'll already give you a pri/10MB ethernet split
20:35.51harlequin516Ick , is there a resopurce on the web that will guide me through this process?
20:36.23*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
20:36.23dlynes_harlequin516: I wouldn't know about the US, but in Canada, there's (group telecom)
20:36.52dlynes_harlequin516: actually
20:37.00dlynes_harlequin516: level 3 might over that service in the states
20:37.11Blackthornnot yet
20:37.34dlynes_Blackthorn: was that a response to me?
20:37.54dlynes_guess not
20:37.54Blackthornto kaz
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20:38.10kaz0358blackthorn, i'm doing a real quick test on it
20:39.02kaz0358blackthorn, that fixed it
20:39.32dlynes_man....major geek speak going down in #perl
20:39.47Blackthornreally? what did you set?
20:40.16lzhangI've noticed that 'show queues' doesn't show realtime queues... is there any way around that
20:40.40lzhangI've also tried it through the manager interface
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20:42.18kaz0358blackhorn, notifyringing = no in sip.conf
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20:47.54Blackthornkaz: :( didn't work for me. But thanks for trying and sharing the info
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20:50.29kaz0358blackhorn, are you sure it isn't something you can configure on the sip phone? i'm just guessing here.
20:53.40SpaceBasswith the nokia 770 in hand
20:55.32SplasPoodw00000  Polycom firmware 1.6.6..  Seems to remove the arbitrary 7 monitored extension limit on the 601!
20:55.37SplasPoodgotta te
20:57.17*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
20:58.12caio1982does asterisk supports that grandstream gxv3000 video phone? it seems to support only the h264 format but asterisk only accept h263 right? or are they some level compatible?
20:58.51dlynes_SpaceBass: How is that phone?
20:59.22*** part/#asterisk [vmwarez]dotcom (n=jjones@
21:00.42SpaceBassits not a phone
21:00.46SpaceBassjust a tablet
21:00.48SpaceBassso far, so good
21:01.41dlynes_Yeah...that's the one that's a tablet with a phone in it, and uses Linux for the OS, right?
21:01.51SpaceBassright, but no phone
21:02.01dlynes_ah...ok...thought there was a phone with it
21:02.08SpaceBassno...sip client coming soon
21:02.11dlynes_stupid nokia...don't they know they're a phone company? :)
21:02.22dlynes_SpaceBass: But I've already got a sip client for my Nokia 6670
21:02.37SpaceBassi didnt buy this for voip but it would be nice
21:02.46dlynes_SpaceBass: and for my Sharp Zaurus :)
21:03.15dlynes_But trying to do voip on a sharp zaurus without a wireless network card is an exercise in frustration
21:03.20dlynes_the usb link is extremely slow
21:03.37dlynes_there's an irc client for that pda, too
21:03.46dlynes_but not like i want to try typing in irc on it :)
21:04.32SplasPoodmy buddy bought a 770.. it was cute, albeit useless seeming
21:05.05*** join/#asterisk Coriantum (
21:05.23CoriantumIs pbx_builtin_setvar_helper gone in 1.2?
21:06.03dregaSplasPood I thought ov getting one for light weight shitter reading
21:07.49*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
21:08.13SplasPooddrega: thats what mah blackberry is for :)
21:08.37Mystiqbut your blackberry can't view video streaming :)
21:08.48Mystiqthe n770 can as a matter of fact
21:08.53CoriantumAnyone know what causes this:
21:08.56Coriantumwarning: implicit declaration of function `ast_separate_app_args'
21:09.10SpaceBasswell the n770 cannot get on my wifi network Im about to throw a fit
21:09.25MystiqSpaceBass: how come it can't ?
21:09.55*** join/#asterisk tobmoox (
21:09.56SpaceBasshave 2 wifi wpa2 with 64bit key...the other is open but with mac filtereing...trying to get on the open one, but cannot find the damn mac on this thing
21:10.11*** part/#asterisk tobmoox (
21:10.45MystiqSpaceBass: can't you just use ifconfig in a terminal ?
21:10.53SpaceBassdont have terminal installed yet
21:10.57SpaceBassdoesnt come with it
21:11.15harlequin516Okay I am trying to find a company that will host my asterisk PBX in Phoenix, AZ with a T1 PRI from the localTelco.
21:11.21harlequin516Where dfo I start looking?
21:12.13Coriantumharlequin516: I'll msg you about that
21:12.31MystiqSpaceBass: for alot more goodies
21:12.33SpaceBassyeah, know i can get one
21:12.46Mystiqah, ok :)
21:12.48SpaceBassbeen following maemo for a while....just thought itd be easy to get this thing up and running
21:13.11SpaceBassdidnt want to pair with my bt phone either
21:14.01Mystiqwell, mine broke a month ago.. doesn't even want to boot anymore
21:14.21SpaceBassno warrenty?
21:14.34Mystiqyes, but too lazy :p
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21:21.40Blackthornthanks kat. i'll look into it. time to close office
21:22.36SpaceBassok...still need some * help...
21:22.45SpaceBasstrying to execute an BASH script via AGI
21:22.53rpmis there anything i can use for asterisk which generates calls?
21:23.04SpaceBassI can execute it fine from the bash prompt, but the AGI call just returns 0 but does nothing
21:23.07SpaceBassrpm,  callfiles
21:31.51*** part/#asterisk javar (
21:34.44*** join/#asterisk my007ms (n=my007ms@
21:34.58my007mshello all
21:35.56my007mscan i limit time of call in one trunk
21:36.53my007msfor example make ppl can not make more then 1 min when thy call out from exact trunk
21:38.12tuxd00danyone else having trouble accessing
21:40.58cytrakis there a way to reload voicemail.conf ?
21:45.05cytrakcool thanks
21:47.31dlynes_tuxd00d: someone was on here the other day complaining about it, too
21:48.00De_Monuse calleveryone their prices are great if you buy in bulk!
21:48.18*** join/#asterisk CrummyGummy (
21:48.54dlynes_you get what you pay for, too :)
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21:56.07tuxd00ddlynes: I just called sellvoip... they were unaware of the problem... but they see it now... silly
21:56.40tuxd00dDe_Mon: why the chuckles?
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22:02.22Malthushi all
22:02.50Malthusmy T1 lines start ignoring DTMF after asterisk has been running a while
22:03.15Malthusthey start working again after I restart asterisk
22:03.29Malthushow can I debug this?
22:04.05*** part/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
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22:04.11Malthusit happens on a e&m wink telco line as well as an fxo_ls channel bank connection
22:04.38SplasPoodhrm...   whats the trick to getting the contact directory working on the polycom 601..   I know I've done it before, but I forgot what I did...   Works fine on my 501s..
22:05.09CunningPikeSplasPood: Should be the same - I'd be interested in seeing if the limit has gone away too.....
22:05.55dlynes_Malthus: regular t1, or pri?
22:06.23SplasPoodCunningPike: Thats what I'm working towards, but now I can't even get the directory to work..   Although it does on my 501
22:06.24dlynes_Malthus: ah..nvm...didn't see your last line
22:06.51CunningPikeSplasPood: What problem are you having?
22:07.11MalthusDNID comes in missing end digits too :)
22:07.32dlynes_Malthus: sounds like your gains might need to be adjusted, then
22:08.01SplasPoodCunningPike: It just doesn't save my entries, and also if I manually create the xml I see it pull it via HTTP on boot, but it doesn't do anything with it
22:08.01dlynes_Malthus: your rxgain/txgain can be adjusted from -100 to 100
22:08.18SplasPoodCunningPike: However from the 501 I was able to just go an add one and it worked no problem
22:08.20dlynes_Malthus: I believe the defaults are 0 and 0
22:08.24Malthuswhen I switch from em_w to featd, it says its not featd and its switching to em_w, and DNID works perfectly
22:08.38CunningPikeSplasPood: That's odd - you're entering from the keypad, or from a file?
22:08.45SplasPoodCunningPike: I've tried both
22:08.48Malthuswhen I switch back to em_w in zapconf it stops working again :)
22:08.50dlynes_Malthus:'re talking greek to me, now
22:09.00Malthusoops, sorry
22:09.02CunningPikeSplasPood: Let me make sure ours works.....
22:09.03dlynes_Malthus: I understand em_w is em and wink
22:09.15dlynes_Malthus: and i know it's some proprietary signalling method
22:09.16Malthusfeatd is a variant of e&m wink
22:09.20dlynes_Malthus: but that's it
22:09.43Malthusyou think the gains could be the prob?
22:09.56Malthuswhy would it work when asterisk is just started?
22:10.25CunningPikeSplasPood: Ours is working fine - Directory..Contact Directory..More..Add.. fill in the form and hit Save
22:11.24SplasPoodCunningPike: Yes I know the procedure.   its not working :P
22:11.35CunningPikeSplasPood: :P
22:11.44dlynes_Malthus: could just be line degradation, too
22:11.44SplasPoodI remember I had this problem with another 601 I setup
22:11.48SplasPoodbut I forget the fix
22:11.57SplasPoodand looking at the config files for that phone.. everything is the same
22:12.30Malthusthen why would a restart of asterisk solve the prob?
22:12.40dlynes_Malthus: idea then
22:13.41dlynes_Malthus: You coudl try something like debug channel Zap/1-1 though, too
22:13.53*** part/#asterisk gmaruzz (
22:14.07Malthuswill do
22:14.17Malthusdidn't realize zap had a debug command
22:14.33dlynes_Malthus: it doesn't...that's just a general debug
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22:14.40dlynes_Malthus: it's channel independent
22:16.13bzbwhi, I have 3 groups and want each member extension in the group to be able to pickup calls from same group ONLY, how do I set up the hint group?
22:16.42dlynes_Malthus: you need to adjust your debug level, too
22:16.47dlynes_Malthus: set debug 10 say
22:17.55*** join/#asterisk brockj49464_home (n=chatzill@
22:18.03MalthusI have something
22:18.10Malthuswhere can I paste?
22:18.15jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
22:19.02dlynes_someone should modify the text for ~pb
22:19.15dlynes_There's three or four other pastebins, too
22:19.29De_Monhrm, CLI> dial <context>,<patern> doesn't work
22:19.35Malthuscheck that out
22:19.47De_Monoh help dial works
22:19.48dlynes_De_Mon: Do you have chan_alsa or chan_oss loaded?
22:19.57MalthusI get NULL frame messages when I send DTMF
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22:20.21dlynes_Malthus: yeah...i'm not the one to help you probably...I suspect i wouldn't even have a clue what i'm looking at
22:20.35MalthusI am so lost
22:20.42dlynes_I'll take a look
22:20.48lzhangMalthus, how did you get that frame debugging output?
22:20.49dlynes_But, I'm not going to promise anything
22:21.18Malthuslzhang: debug channel Zap/3-1
22:21.28lzhangcool thanks
22:21.36Malthusdlynes_ thanks alot
22:21.48dlynes_Malthus: yeah...that's completely meaningless to me
22:21.52Malthusif you start me off in the right direction I'm willing to look at code
22:21.56De_Mondlynes_ its dial patern@context
22:22.31dlynes_De_Mon: yeah, but afaik, the dial application from within the cli uses the alsa or the oss channel modules
22:23.05De_Monyeah, your point?
22:23.06dlynes_so you actually need to have one or the other of those two channel modules loaded
22:23.11dlynes_or you won't have the dial command
22:23.21dlynes_You said the dial command wasn't working
22:23.27De_Monit was the wrong syntax
22:23.34dlynes_thought it just wasn't working, period
22:23.38De_Monnot 'doesnt exist' just .. yah
22:24.12Malthusheh, somebody deleted that bug from asterisk mantis
22:24.44*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
22:24.48SplasPoodCunningPike: I think the phone is real anal about the formatting on that .xml...  I deleted the one I created, reset the phone, and now it seems to let me add entries from the phone
22:25.01ManipuraI start asterisk, by just typing asterisk, and my IAX phone doesn't work, I type asterisk -vvvvgc and my IAX phone can log in again. Anyone know why this is?
22:25.07CunningPikeSplasPood: OK- great
22:28.03*** join/#asterisk kippi (
22:28.16kippihas anyone used Tiger with asterisk cdr?
22:29.31Malthuswould there be a way to find out if DTMF detection has been turned off?
22:29.37*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte (
22:30.32DarKnesS_WolFi have a little strange issue i'm trying RealTime with MySQL but it's not working and nothing on the logs .. i can see that i'm connected to Mysql but when i try to register to my asterisk server i linphone saying not implemented .. and don't ask for apssword or anything
22:31.16dlynes_Malthus: you could try filing a bug report (, but first make sure nobody else has reported a similar error
22:32.11dlynes_Malthus: if somebody has reported a similar error, maybe post a confirmation message that you too have encountered the error, and then extrapolate by saying how it manifests itself on your system slightly different from the other poster, or exactly the same, ...
22:32.30gandhijee/j windows
22:32.41*** part/#asterisk gandhijee (
22:34.15Malthusdlynes: I was hoping it wouldn't come to this :(
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22:35.27dlynes_Malthus: they've been covering off any new bugs pretty quick lately
22:35.40dlynes_Malthus: They're aggressively trying to get the bug count down
22:35.53*** part/#asterisk iPBX (
22:35.55MalthusI'll have to upgrade to 1.2.7 and try then
22:36.15Malthusbut its in emergency production
22:36.16dlynes_Oh...yeah...don't bother reporting a bug, unless you're using the latest version (
22:36.26dlynes_They might not deal with it, otherwise
22:36.32Malthusdidn't want to take it down
22:36.38dlynes_Well, you can report it
22:36.51MalthusI'll upgrade it
22:36.53DarKnesS_WolFgot it i removed my sip.conf :) so i don't have binding port or address
22:37.02dlynes_but your mileage may vary how much attention they'll give it
22:37.23dlynes_yeah...they've got it down to 252 bugs now
22:37.32dlynes_And that's for the code that will become Asterisk 1.4
22:37.33Malthusthats not bad
22:37.48SplasPoodCunningPike: IT WORKS!!!!!!
22:37.53Malthuslemme try to get it back up to 253 :)
22:37.56SplasPoodCunningPike: Polycom fixed it!
22:37.58CunningPikeMore than 7???????
22:38.04SplasPoodCunningPike: Yea, I've got 9 in there
22:38.17SplasPoodyes, up to 48 total now
22:38.21SplasPoodonly on the 601 tho
22:38.24SplasPood8 on the 501 and 301
22:38.25CunningPikeYou should update the wiki
22:38.29SplasPoodCunningPike: Gonna
22:38.38CunningPikeGreat - thanks for testing
22:38.52dlynes_CunningPike: btw
22:39.04dlynes_CunningPike: Have you encountered any flakiness with blf's?
22:39.38CunningPikedlynes_: Not much - sometimes they go away for a short time, but they've been way better since 1.6.5
22:39.56dlynes_that must be a polycom firmware version or something
22:40.18SplasPood1.6.6 is the first version with the increase in limits
22:40.23SplasPoodmust've been released in the last week or two
22:40.46zerotenis there a page showing the great new features of 1.4?
22:42.17dlynes_zeroten: svn co asterisk-trunk-pre-1_4 ; cd asterisk-trunk-pre-1_4 ; svn log
22:42.54dlynes_zeroten: that's probably about the closest you're going to get to a new feature list for 1.4
22:43.06dlynes_zeroten: until shortly before or after its release
22:43.16zerotenwell, i don't i don't all svn check ins....
22:43.24zerotendon't want that
22:43.34dlynes_zeroten: then you're going to have to wait
22:44.01dlynes_but shared line appearances is one of the big new improvements
22:44.04dlynes_and AEL2
22:44.29zerotenwhat about that ajax stuff mark was doing? will it be for 1.4?
22:44.34dlynes_and of course better SIP compatibility
22:44.47dlynes_zeroten: no idea...isn't ajax web stuff?
22:45.03dlynes_zeroten: what does ajax have to do with asterisk?
22:45.22wunderkinmanager stuff i think
22:45.25zerotenall i know, is that he was doing some gui stuff
22:45.34zerotensimilar to ajax
22:45.38dlynes_yeah..i don't know anything about it
22:45.42dlynes_one second, zeroten
22:46.21dlynes_zeroten: Try here:
22:46.31dlynes_zeroten: that's Mark Spencer's svn branch
22:47.06dlynes_or is it spenser?
22:47.09dlynes_I can't remember
22:47.20Malthushow did that call limit question get in that thread?
22:47.35dlynes_Malthus: huh?
22:48.16dlynes_no idea...that's hilarious
22:49.16dlynes_if it's in trunk
22:49.28dlynes_It's almost a sure thing that it will be in 1.4
22:49.32dlynes_it's not guaranteed
22:49.34dlynes_but it's pretty sure
22:49.54zerotensomeone get some screenshots :)
22:50.11dlynes_russellb, afaik is the one that makes the decision as to whether something makes it to release or not
22:50.38dlynes_And oej afaik, is the fellow that decides whether something makes it into trunk or not
22:50.40SplasPooddlynes: wait.. 1.4 is actually gonna have proper SLA?
22:51.01dlynes_SplasPood: Did I say proper?  No, I don't think I did....I just said it was going to have sla :)
22:51.21dlynes_SplasPood: has it proper bla?  far from it :)
22:51.36SplasPooddlynes: heh.. well ok
22:52.51*** join/#asterisk ozverenm (
22:52.57ozverenmhello all
22:53.26ozverenmhave some questions
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22:54.26dlynes_The answer is no
22:54.48CunningPikeozverenm: Ignore dlynes_ ;)
22:55.36*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
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22:55.48CunningPikeozverenm: Ask, already!
22:55.59dlynes_Maybe he doesn't want to :)
22:57.15dlynes_Malthus: btw, subscription support is better supported on
22:57.33*** join/#asterisk juice (
22:58.32Malthuswell, it didn't fix the missing digits on the e&m link
22:58.51ozverenmI am testing a card with test equipment
22:59.03Malthusmissing DNID that is
22:59.18ozverenmIts a double E1 card
23:00.06ozverenmbut I can constat loss of Q931 packets
23:00.32ozverenmand Q921 packets
23:01.01ozverenmDoes anyone knows about intensive testing of E1 cards ?
23:01.56cytrakthis sucks my call are been dropped like crazy
23:02.13cytrakevery 3 minutes it drops a  call
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23:06.35*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=huh@
23:07.33ManxPowercytrak, Diagram your setup
23:08.26cytrakyou mean visio style ?
23:08.38cytrakor just explain in words ?
23:08.57dlynes_cytrak: like sip phone->asterisk->internet->asterisk->pri or whatever
23:09.29*** join/#asterisk Smi|k (
23:09.31dlynes_cytrak: where it says internet, replace that with sip/iax/h323, or whatever it is you're using
23:09.41Smi|kanyone here worked on heavy integration of ecommerce and voip?
23:09.53dlynes_cytrak: and try to extrapolate on what codecs you're using
23:09.58ManxPowerYou can't make money with VoIP!
23:10.01dlynes_cytrak: and your bandwidth
23:11.07dlynes_cytrak: how many simultaneous calls you have on your server would be helpful, too
23:11.18dlynes_cytrak: and what cpu(s) you're using
23:11.28cytrakfirst:  pstn->span1->asterisk->iax2->idefisk
23:11.28cytraksecond: pstn->span1->asterisk->span2->SiemensPBX->HicomPhones
23:11.42cytrakbandwidth is a T1
23:11.42Dr-Linuxhi all
23:11.53cytrakthe machine is just a simple P4
23:12.29cytrakP4 2.80Ghz mem 1.5GB
23:12.30dlynes_cytrak: span 1 is an E1?
23:12.42dlynes_cytrak: or pri?
23:12.53ManxPowercytrak, and you do NOT have busydetect=yes or callprogress=yes in zapata.conf?
23:13.06cytrakthey are all pris
23:13.20cytrakspan1, span2 and span3
23:13.28cytrakactually I think i do
23:13.32cytraklet me check
23:13.38ManxPowerDON'T DO THAT!
23:13.51ManxPowerboth options should be renamed randomlydisconnectmycalls=yes|no
23:14.08*** join/#asterisk Percz (
23:14.17cytrakI do have callprogress=yes
23:14.27cytrakI should set that to no
23:14.34ManxPowerthat would cause randomly disconnected calls
23:14.48ManxPowercorrect, do not set it at all or set it to no
23:15.08Dr-Linuxwoww MultiTech voip gateway rocks with asterisk :)
23:15.42cytrakI've been working on the box since mornning so my users were complaining about disconnects , some of them I caused by me but others I didn't cause it.
23:16.21cytrakI remember you told me to set resetinterval to something greater than 3600 and that helped. the span are no longer restarted like crazy
23:16.59cytrakthat alos caused the calls to be dropped, but for example I've been on hold with digium now for 10-15min using my idefisk and no drops
23:17.15dlynes_Dr-Linux: Are you actually using them, or just checking out their web page?
23:18.28Dr-Linuxdlynes_: today i configured my asterisk with my 2 MultiTech gateways
23:18.29dlynes_Dr-Linux: what're their prices like?
23:18.39cytrakcool digium picked up now
23:19.07dlynes_Dr-Linux: nvm....bloody expensive
23:19.12ozverenmsangoma cards are goods or not ?
23:19.16ozverenmreputation ?
23:19.18dlynes_Dr-Linux: i don't know how the hell you guys could afford them :)
23:19.25dlynes_ozverenm: reputation's good, yeah
23:19.30Malthushow many ports on those gateways?
23:19.46ozverenmDIGIUM ?
23:19.57dlynes_ozverenm: also good reputation
23:19.58Dr-Linuxdlynes_: we have 4 MultiTech gateway 810 model
23:20.05*** join/#asterisk Olobola (n=casper_s@
23:20.09ozverenmeicon ?
23:20.15*** join/#asterisk achandra (n=achandra@
23:20.24Dr-Linuxdlynes_: bcoz we unaware before if there is something named Asterisk :D
23:20.25MalthusI just got a bunch of audiocodes gateways
23:20.51achandrahello...I have some questions about res_snmp.conf in that file compiled by default? I cant seem to find it.
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23:21.37dlynes_ozverenm: no idea
23:21.54dlynes_achandra: i think it's an addon
23:22.05dlynes_achandra: I'm not sure where you get it from
23:22.23ozverenmdid anyone have tried to make a ISDN bridge ?
23:22.46achandrahmm...been searching for it using standard find by name command in linux...but no has some cool features to port into cacti.
23:24.19Malthusany telecom lawyers in the house?
23:24.49*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:24.55dlynes_ozverenm: No, but I'll sell you a Golden Gate Bridge
23:26.46dlynes_achandra: looks like it's only in trunk
23:26.57dlynes_achandra: and if not trunk, then oej's test-this-branch
23:27.20ManxPowerachandra, did you check in /path/to/source/asterisk/configs
23:28.55Malthusis there a way to  check asterisk's uptime?
23:29.10Netgeeksshow uptime
23:29.17X-Robwpm4l-gw*CLI> show  uptime
23:29.17X-RobSystem uptime: 1 week, 2 days, 1 hour, 14 minutes, 25 seconds
23:29.17X-RobLast reload: 19 hours, 10 minutes, 12 seconds
23:31.26ManxPowerpbx-1*CLI> show uptime
23:31.26ManxPowerSystem uptime: 6 weeks, 15 hours, 44 minutes, 9 seconds
23:31.41MalthusSystem uptime: 7 minutes, 56 seconds
23:31.42MalthusLast reload: 4 seconds
23:33.23cytrakManxPower: as soon as I'm done here I'll comment it out
23:33.35achandraManxPower: I will check that..but say I can find the file (ie the sample one) in source. Can I simply drop it into the /etc/asterisk file and give it a go...or?
23:33.43cytrakManxPower: my call through IAX2 to PRI hasn't dropped though
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23:35.53achandraManxPower: The config doesnt show it...but the google has "source site" on it...can I simply use that one?
23:35.54a1faanoybody using mythtv?
23:36.00a1faanoybody using mythtv+mythphone ?
23:36.30GreyFoxxmyth yes, mythphone no
23:36.36a1faGreyFoxx : lol
23:36.47a1faget out-a-here ;P
23:37.03a1fai dont get it
23:37.23achandraalfa: not sure how youd seperate the mic from earphone/speaker part without getting horrible echo..
23:38.06achandraive seen that works like any softphone if its sitting in front of your tv...are you going to have this long ass cable with a earphone bud on it?
23:39.24The_Isle_of_Marklo all
23:40.36The_Isle_of_Markanyone knwo where the distinctive ring configuration howto is?
23:41.16a1faachandra : no, i am not using it to make phone calls
23:41.22a1faachandra : i am using it to see caller ID
23:41.31a1faachandra : so i dont have to get up off my couch
23:42.31a1fait works for the first couple of seconds, then it dies off
23:43.12De_Monif I include => local_numbers in [local] can I Goto(local,<a local_numbers_patern>)
23:47.22*** join/#asterisk marv (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.