irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060507

00:00.05Ciber311i just sat at the bar and watched the nyu students going crazy
00:00.20Ciber311i swear over half the girls were making out with girls instead of guys
00:00.23Ciber311quite amusing
00:00.50hwti wonder how many times a day i do a "pkill evolution".
00:00.51dlynesSo you did bring your webcam along, right?
00:01.09Ciber311i had my treo, but that would of been creepy
00:01.12dlyneshwt: evolution's that stable, eh?
00:01.28hwtdlynes: indeed. especially the exchange-plugin.
00:01.36fileI was wrong... to let you go
00:01.41Ciber311dlynes: did you ever post that article
00:01.56Ciber311file: i forgive you!
00:01.57dlyneshwt: ah....that's the only reason i'd run's too bulky otherwise
00:02.12dlynesCiber311: doh...i've been so busy this past week, i completely forgot
00:02.28dlynesCiber311: did you get it working?
00:02.43Ciber311been too busy to even try
00:03.02dlynesthought your client had this huge rush that you had to get it done that night?
00:03.22hwtdlynes: i actually prefer thunderbird.
00:03.37Ciber311yeah i told him nevermind and he got a crappy panasonic thing instead lol
00:03.44Ciber311he just had to have the lights :P
00:05.34*** join/#asterisk mtaht3 (
00:06.02cr_0ok, so i'm coming along. i have voicemail to email working now.
00:06.16Ciber311so they paid some people like 10k for one of these
00:06.23Ciber311i just laughed :P
00:06.23cr_0when i delete the email (imap in case it matters) it doesn't actually delete the voicemail, does it.
00:06.48cr_0so, i have to actually delete all voicemail twice now.  via imap and through the phone, right?
00:10.05MISGroupwebsae:  can you get vermont numbers? 802 area code
00:11.53dlyneshwt: same here...I use thunderbird at the office and kmail at home
00:12.12dlyneshwt: I'd use kmail at the office as well, but it seems to be a bit too unstable with imap folders
00:12.29*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:12.38dlynescr_0: correct
00:18.39mockerWoo, just got a bluetooth headset to use w/ my softphone. :)
00:19.49blitzragewho wants to do my work for me?!  I know you do
00:22.26*** part/#asterisk SwK (
00:26.53*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
00:28.15MISGroupmocker: how does it sound?
00:28.19Ron-NaWhat does it mean?      Asterisk ended with exit status 1
00:29.09MISGroupthat would be great once I get my softie on my pda working
00:30.13mockerMISGroup: Dunno, have to wait for the initial charge. :(
00:32.29*** join/#asterisk mutilator (n=WebChat@
00:32.57mutilatori seem to be having a problem when i get ~6 or 7 channels in use
00:33.06mutilatori start getting fast busies when calls come into the pri
00:33.09mutilatorany idea what'de cause that
00:58.28Ron-NaHow can I fix that:     No load_module in module /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
01:02.30anthmyou writing a module?
01:04.06anthmyou need a func in your mod called "int load_module(void);"
01:04.59asterboyAny harm in taking out mgcp and skinny if you don't use them?
01:05.18Qwellanthm: static int load_module(void *mod), now
01:05.24*** join/#asterisk mutilator (n=WebChat@
01:05.38mutilatorthis is seemingly random
01:05.48mutilatori do a pri intense debug
01:05.51mutilatorand i don't get anything
01:05.58mutilatorbut i get a busy signal when calling
01:06.05mutilatorfrom pstn to my pri
01:09.14anthmwhat's in void *mod
01:09.53Qwellanthm: it's unfinished, afaik
01:12.20asterboyAny good suggestions on a paging horn for the sound card?
01:13.00mutilatoranyone explain why it'de give me a normal busy?
01:13.05mutilatorverbosity doesn't show the call
01:13.11mutilatorand debug doesn't show anything
01:13.34mutilatorbut not a fast busy, just regular, when calling from a cell (or any other) phone into this pri
01:14.00*** join/#asterisk Druken (
01:14.16*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
01:16.17filehow personal!
01:16.38mutilatorfile: any ideas?
01:16.42filewhat? no
01:17.12*** join/#asterisk keyhack (
01:17.15kavitsweet ultramonkey works well
01:17.20asterboyThis looks good enough
01:17.30asterboynow how to hook it up to a sound card
01:18.13filebubble gum and copper wires
01:18.25fileit HAS to be bubble gum though, or else it'll catch on fire :(
01:18.35*** join/#asterisk paolob (
01:20.25asterboyhubba bubba
01:20.56asterboyI think unless they are self powered, you need to get an amplifier
01:21.47asterboyanyone setup the sound card in *?
01:22.25*** join/#asterisk iq|mobile (
01:25.26carraraudio is for wusses in a PBX
01:28.33*** join/#asterisk nite (
01:35.33*** join/#asterisk OloBola (
01:36.37*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
01:47.46SplasPoodhrm.. on the polycom.. if the 600 is the only one that supports the microbrowser, whats the services button do on the 501?
01:49.03mutilatorswitched to span 2
01:49.09mutilatorand it seems to be working perfectly fine now
01:49.27mutilatorwould the timing on the span have anythign to do with that?
01:49.32mutilatori wouldn;t think so..
01:50.55*** join/#asterisk project_2501 (
01:52.35*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
01:54.25*** join/#asterisk shaynes (
01:54.28shaynesHello all!
01:54.36websaeshaynes: hello
01:54.41shayneswebsae: :)
01:55.50shaynesI enabled voicemail recently in my setup and now, everytime I pick up a line I get a bunch of fast pulsing dialtone sounds (8 or so) then it returns to normal dial tone. Everything works the same as before except for the habit of picking up the handset when placing a call. Is there something I need to do to restore normal dial tone to the line?
01:56.22Ciber311turn off voicemail :P
01:56.23websaethat means there is a msg
01:56.44Ciber311it's the stutter tone to alert you of messages
01:56.48shaynesWAudette: Yeah, that's what my buddy said. But when I check my voice mail, it says there aren't any.
01:56.54websaethat means it works :)
01:56.55shayneswebsae: ^^^
01:57.21shaynesAnyway to clear all the message just in case another extension is causing the trouble?
01:58.18*** join/#asterisk SwK (
01:59.09Ciber311rm -rf /
01:59.28Ciber311i'm joking btw, DON'T type that
01:59.48SwKonly type it if you add an & to the end ;P
01:59.49shaynesCiber311: I'm Asterisk n00b not Linux. :P
02:00.31shaynesCiber311: ... of course rm -rf works on many other *nix systems and others alltogether, as well.
02:00.32websaewhois linux
02:00.53Ciber311well afk a bit
02:02.29*** part/#asterisk project_2501 (
02:08.29*** join/#asterisk synaptic (i=synaptic@
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02:11.00*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
02:14.13Qwellokay, somebody explain this to me
02:14.30QwellWHY are you going to have a quad xeon server, with only 1gb ram?
02:14.46QwellAll of the gentoo mirrors do silly stuff like that.
02:16.56carrarQwell, future expansion! :)
02:17.10carrarIRC client works great with 4 procs
02:17.17carrarand 1 gb of ram
02:17.32carrari's 4 X faster! :)
02:17.37Qwellyes, but these are rsync mirrors
02:19.49*** join/#asterisk psymon101 (
02:20.43psymon101Got a bit`o an issue with channel clearing.... seems asterisk doesnt clear the channels on our PRI and then hangs..
02:20.46*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
02:20.57psymon101kinda a pain since we are an ISP with tech support queues etc.
02:21.11*** join/#asterisk niter3 (
02:21.36niter3hey guys, when listening to my voicemail messages it doesn't give me the date when the message was sent. How can I fix this if it's even possible?
02:21.37psymon101seems like a bug has been posted relating to it
02:22.45psymon101niter3, I`d help if I knew:)
02:25.33psymon101Anyone here?:)
02:31.15dlynespsymon101: Can you describe the problem a little better?
02:31.27dlynespsymon101: It might be the same problem I had experienced
02:32.06paolobHi guys! i have a normal phone connected to asterisk via a PAP2. How do I put a call in hold?
02:32.50dlynespsymon101: Do you have a bunch of stale channels where it still shows calls on them, even though those calls are not there anymore, and any new calls to the pri get a busy signal as well as any new calls out on them?
02:33.05dlynespaolob: Same way you normally do...hook flash
02:34.07paolobdlynes, and if the phone hasn't a flash key?
02:34.14*** join/#asterisk IceManRISK (n=kart@
02:34.53dlynesI didn't say flash key; i said hook flash
02:35.07dlynesjust hang up the phone briefly (about 1/2 second), and then pick it up again
02:36.37paolobdlynes, ok, thank you!
02:45.04dlynespsymon101: I guess you're not there?
02:46.41dlynesguess not
02:47.08*** join/#asterisk DavidBrian (
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02:52.18*** join/#asterisk VxJasonxV (n=jason@unaffiliated/VxJasonxV)
02:57.37*** join/#asterisk DavidBrian (
03:01.02*** join/#asterisk Innismir (
03:01.26InnismirHello everyone, I have an issue that I think may be zaptel related
03:01.35Innismircorrect channel?
03:02.28Innismirok, when recieving a call, probably once out of every 5-10 times, I get a really high pitched hollow noise
03:02.40Innismirthat goes away about after 5 seconds
03:03.28Innismirand it sounds like the greeting that supposed to be playing, is playing in the background
03:03.51Innismiralways the same channel, both when it works, and when it doens't work
03:04.09Innismirthe console is reporting everything like it's a normal call
03:05.43*** part/#asterisk paolob (
03:09.11coppicehigh pitched hollow sound could be your mother-in-law calling. It could also be something bad happening with an echo canceller.
03:10.12Innismirhmmm, where do I set up the echo canceller, I know there is a setting for it somewhere
03:10.38Innismirthis just popped up too
03:10.44Innismir"Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel"
03:14.15dlynesMust be aliens inside your computer
03:15.15Innismirah, zapata.conf :)
03:15.29InnismirI disabled echotraining...
03:15.40Innismiri'll see if that works
03:15.48dlynesMan...I could've sworn it was aliens :((
03:16.22Innismirit's never aliens, it's gremlins
03:18.39Innismirnope, that didn't work
03:21.29*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
03:24.00dlynesI toldja it was aliens
03:24.24dlynesBut seriously
03:24.38dlynesHave you tried checking to see if your tdm400 is sharing interrupts with anything?
03:25.02dlynesHave you tried running zttest?  How about fxotune?  Or patlooptest?
03:25.46Innismirdon't have zttest
03:25.57dlynesYou have all of those
03:26.00Innismiror any of those
03:26.03dlynesYou just might not have them compiled
03:26.16dlynesThey're in your zaptel source directory, and they do not get compiled by default
03:26.33dlynesgcc -o binaryname sourcename.c to create an executable
03:27.06Innismir100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 99.987793% 100.000000%
03:27.06Innismir100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000%
03:27.07Innismir100.000000% 100.000000%
03:27.07Innismir--- Results after 17 passes ---
03:27.07InnismirBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793 -- Average: 99.999283
03:27.22SwKhave you adjusted teh gains?
03:27.35InnismirThe previous guy did, but I commented them out
03:27.41Innismirand tried
03:27.43Innismirsame thing
03:27.53dlynesOk, your zttest works fine
03:28.09dlynesHow about patlooptest?
03:28.43Innismirlots of
03:28.47Innismir(Error 19864): Unexpected result, 239 != 240, 2 bytes since last error.
03:29.01dlynesYeah...I've never seen that tool's supposed to actually work though
03:29.06dlynesgo figure
03:29.11dlynesOk, try fxotune
03:29.20dlynesIt'll tune your gains settings for your tdm400p card
03:29.25dlynesIt will not work on x100p cards
03:29.29Innismirno fxotune.conf
03:31.06dlynesyou're using all fxo channels?
03:31.12Innismirok, I actually have to run
03:31.18Innismirbut thanks for the suggestion
03:31.18dlynesTry fxotune -i 4
03:32.02InnismirI'm at a client's and we're both scratching are head
03:32.10Innismirbut it's 11:30, and we need to leave
03:32.22Innismirthanks dlynes
03:33.58*** join/#asterisk Tier_1 (
03:35.10Tier_1is there a way to make weather.agi ask you what state and city you want
03:35.30brookshirei'm sure you could modify it ;)
03:35.31Tier_1so caller can get weather anywhere
03:35.44Tier_1not good with agi yet
03:35.56Qwellno need.  You just pass in zipcode, right?
03:36.16QwellJust do a Read() from the dialplan, and pass in the input
03:36.22Tier_1not the ver I have
03:36.36Tier_1it uses state and city.txt
03:36.43brookshireqwell or do a look up on the number for the city/state ;)
03:36.49Qwellbrookshire: yeah
03:37.02brookshirebut if you have a cell phone, that won't matter much
03:37.14Qwellor an itsp :p
03:37.22brookshirebecause you can have a phone from LA and be in Miama
03:37.25brookshiremiami also
03:37.26Qwellor a ported did
03:37.35dlynesSticking your head out the window is a much easier way to check the weather, imho
03:37.42Qwelldlynes: agreed
03:38.05brookshireyeah.. but must computer programmers hate the outside
03:38.20dlynesspeak for yourself
03:38.28dlynesI'd rather be outside playing tennis than coding :)
03:38.39brookshireyou're not hardcore!
03:39.06dlynesYou can't pick up any cute Chinese girls with your head  behind the keyboard.
03:39.07Tier_1yeah but if I am in ny flying to ca and I want to get the weather its nice to have the ability to call my800 number and enetr where I am going
03:39.11*** part/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
03:39.19brookshiredlynes: *pfffft*
03:39.36Qwellbrookshire: totally
03:39.38coppicedlynes: I picked up my wife at work, so that's not entirely true know...
03:39.57Qwellwhen I met my wife, I was sitting at my computer :p
03:40.18dlynesYeah, but live in China :)
03:41.30DarthCluei met the person who introduced me to my wife in the computer lab at college
03:41.43brookshirethat's hot
03:41.53DarthCluenever say that you can't meet cute girls on a computer.  i know from experience that you can.
03:42.02DarthClueand geek girls are hot!
03:42.15dlyneswouldn't know...don't know any
03:42.45dlynesActually, the last girl i was going with was a Chinese programmer...met her at work...she was one of my employees :)
03:42.47brookshireso yeah.. trunk won't compile right without libpri :(
03:42.58brookshirei don't understand!
03:43.15coppicesmart girls are hot, but knowledge of anything electronic seems to reduce their appeal
03:43.28DarthClueum, brookshire if you don't understand that then you should start at the beginning.
03:43.38*** join/#asterisk FearThePenguin (
03:43.54brookshiredarthclue: i'm just upset
03:43.58dlynescoppice: actually...she was a really crappy programmer, but a really good cook :)
03:44.00brookshirebecause i don't use pri
03:44.03DarthCluecoppice, just because you had that one bad experience doesn't mean that electroshock is bad.
03:44.31*** join/#asterisk shaynes (
03:44.39shaynesHello all, again. ;)
03:45.02FearThePenguinquick Question, Im working on running asterisk in a xen VM machine and everything seems to be going well. A friend of mine did the same and ran a test showing some sort of timing results in his asterisk that caused jitter. anyone have any idea what that program might be?
03:45.16shaynesAnyone know how to disable the voicemail notification (annoying flashing of dial tone) all together?
03:45.18FearThePenguinthis is for an old PCI FXO card
03:45.18coppiceI figure all the truly smart women aren't dumb enough to take up programming
03:45.35DarthCluecoppice, that much is true.  Most of them do more interesting things.
03:45.42brookshiredarth: it's a good show :)
03:45.47shaynesDarthClue: where you live?
03:45.51brookshiredon't bite your nails too hard :D
03:45.56QwellTom Cruise
03:46.04coppicethose MI movies would be much better if they changed the title
03:46.05DarthCluetoo close to mexico at the moment.
03:46.10Qwellyes, I said MEG!
03:46.12brookshireqwell: he's so hot right now!
03:46.13QwellMEH too
03:46.27Qwellbrookshire: well...I'll just have to believe you on that one
03:46.44QwellDarthClue: too close to mexico?
03:46.58Qwellwhere you at?
03:48.48DarthClue29.20946 N, 99.78588 W ... or thereabouts.
03:49.00Qwellcity/state might help a little more :P
03:49.06DarthClueuvalde, tx
03:50.25DarthCluepreparing to move to san antonio
03:50.57DarthClueok, i'm off now.  be back in a few hours.
03:51.05*** part/#asterisk FearThePenguin (
03:51.25shaynesAnyone have a clue on removing the stuttering dial tone notification of a vm?
03:51.45dlynesshaynes: that's an ata or phone feature
03:52.04shaynesdlynes: all signs point to asterisk according to my searches.
03:52.29brookshireshaynes: just remove the 'mailbox=blah' from your config
03:52.32dlynesshaynes: asterisk doesn't generate a stutter tone, afaik
03:52.48dlynesshaynes: it lets you know you have voicemail, but that's it
03:52.50brookshiredlynes: if it is zap it does
03:52.59dlynesbrookshire: that's a different story :)
03:53.19shaynesdlynes: it's doing it on my end and according to some forums, others have the same issue. I guess I will disable voicemail for now.  :(
03:53.31dlynesshaynes: you're using SIP, right?
03:53.38*** join/#asterisk bzbw (
03:53.56shaynesdlynes: Asterisk server with a PAP2 connecting to it and a standard $6 phone connected to the PAP2
03:54.17dlynesshaynes:'s definitely your pap2 that's generating the voicemail stutter tone
03:54.25dlynesshaynes: I use those devices, myself
03:54.35shaynesdlynes: oh yeah? cool, now do you know how to disable that?
03:54.46dlynesshaynes: but removing the mailbox= from your sip.conf will stop it
03:54.52brookshireshaynes: you can just remove the 'mailbox=' from your config ;)
03:54.59dlynesshaynes: but why do you wnat the user not to know that they've got voicemail?
03:55.01shaynesdlynes: I did!
03:55.12shaynesdlynes: I'll get them via email.
03:55.16brookshiredid you do a 'sip reload'
03:55.29brookshireor restart asterisk?
03:55.33shaynesbrookshire: I have restarted the asterisk machine serveral times since (does that count)
03:55.50shaynesbrookshire: darn, still doing it.
03:55.57dlynesor killall -9 asterisk ; shutdown -r now Now!!!!!
03:56.00brookshireit has to do with the mailbox= entry
03:56.08brookshirei would double check
03:57.16shaynesPardon the paste: (from sip.conf)
03:57.22shaynestype = friend
03:57.22shaynesusername = 100
03:57.22shaynessecret = lamepw
03:57.22shayneshost = dynamic
03:57.22shaynescontext = outgoing
03:57.26jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
03:57.26shaynesdtmfmode = rfc2833
03:57.40shaynesjbot: wasn't that long. ;)
03:57.52shaynesbrookshire: that's my sip.conf for that ext.
03:58.03dlynesshaynes: generally if it's more than a couple of lines, you should use pastebot
03:58.46jbotrumour has it, sip is  X11 PPP dialer interface written in gtk+. URL:  Session Initiation Protocol (see RFC 3261)
03:58.47shaynesdlynes: 7 lines might have been much, but I figured without a lot of traffic it should be OK ... I will use PasteBin in the future.
03:59.08Qwellshaynes: generally, the rule is about 2 lines
03:59.32shaynesQwell: Hell, I can type more then two lines of content. :) I get your drift ... where's the "undo", "?
03:59.45brookshirehave you restarted you pap?
03:59.57dlynespap smear!
04:03.18*** join/#asterisk esculapio__ (
04:08.48*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
04:08.59GamercjmCan asterisk do voice recognition?
04:09.11shaynesbrookshire: yes
04:09.23QwellGamercjm: sure can, if you get the stuff from...umm...
04:09.26Qwellwtf is file?
04:09.29brookshiregamer: yes, with lumenvox
04:09.32Qwellthat's the one
04:09.35brookshireyou want a demo?
04:09.41Gamercjmyah sure
04:10.03brookshireor call 256-428-6000 ext. 5100
04:10.04Gamercjmi havent really starting looking into it yet, so any info will help ;)
04:10.48Gamercjmhaha blackjack
04:11.17brookshirebtw.. they didn't program 'stay' to work
04:11.19brookshirei think
04:11.33brookshirei think that is the only thing it will not recognize
04:11.33Gamercjmyah i said stand and she gave me a card
04:11.36Gamercjmso i just lost
04:11.52brookshireit understands 'hit me, yes, and no'
04:12.01Gamercjmthere isnt any free voice recognition?
04:12.19esculapio__hola quien habla espanol my englesh no good
04:13.03dlynesbuenas dias mon ami!
04:13.18brookshiregamer: sphenix
04:13.58Gamercjmcant really find anything in google
04:14.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
04:17.05*** join/#asterisk elvisthedj (
04:19.03elvisthedjWondering if anybody could give me some ideas on upgrading my 7940 firmware.  I've tried tons of guides, but my phone doesn't seem to request the files the guides say they should.  I'm stuck in a loop.  Current load is PC0303010100
04:19.54elvisthedjI think there is something missing from my SEP<mac>.cnf.xml file.  it requests this file, but never triggers the upgrade.. loops between asking for that and the CTL file.
04:20.20*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
04:20.56Gamercjmbrookshire, have you used sphinx in asterisk before?
04:21.15elvisthedjFrom what I have read, if there is a hunt algarythm(spelling) and if the SEP file isn't there, it should look for the SIP file, but this isn't the case for me.  I just want to know if I'm wasting my time on a bricked phone (bought from ebay).. As in, is it somehow locked or something
04:21.38elvisthedj(not "if there is a hunt" .. "there is a hunt"
04:21.52brookshiregamer: nope
04:23.22elvisthedji'd like to know what tellme uses for their voice rec.. pretty impressive
04:24.25coppiceif they are truly impressive, there is a human behind the system
04:26.51elvisthedjcoppice: ya think?  seems like that would defeat the purpose.  especially with directory assistance. (they use the same system for toll free directory assistance.. which obviously requires better recognition than sphynx could do)
04:29.26coppiceamericans don't like dealing with people. they prefer dealing with machines. long ago americans were telling me about really wonderful automated directory enquiries that were just a human listening, and a machine speaking
04:29.55elvisthedjcoppice: I suppose it's possible.. we did fake that whole Moon Landing thing ;)
04:30.08coppiceit isolates the human from troublesome callers, too
04:30.21elvisthedjcoppice: But, I think it is technically possible.. something similar to this
04:34.49esculapio__hola quien me puede ayudar
04:36.44asterboyhablo englais
04:37.03asterboyhablo un poco espana
04:37.05dlynesque pasa el taco bell!
04:37.51elvisthedjses de mayo!
04:39.09elvisthedjMIT's AI lab had a pretty impressive natural language voice rec weather thingy (although I don't think that was the technical term) online since 97.. suddenly, it's gone.  must have become self aware and quit
04:39.36esculapio__asterboy, estoy buscando
04:40.20coppiceI think that MIT thing was part of a DARPA project
04:40.38coppicethe MIT communicator, or something like that
04:40.47esculapio__I find turn keys solutions
04:41.05asterboyesculapio, not sure what your looking for.
04:41.30coppiceelvisthedj: I just watched the video on scrambled hackz. weird :-\
04:41.35elvisthedjit was called Jupiter..  toll free 888-573-TALK .. outside US 617-258-0300 ..
04:41.41asterboyeculapio, no seguro qué el su buscar
04:41.48coppicebut not really related to speech recognition
04:42.47elvisthedjcoppice: in a way it is.  the way it searches the database for patterns.  It's been awhile since i've looked, so maybe i'm mistaken, but if i remember how it works, it seems like something similar could be applied to doing voice rec from a database of possible answers
04:43.20*** join/#asterisk IceBerg (
04:43.57coppiceits looking for the musical qualities of the snipets. not their speech qualities. seems more like these neat systems where you hum a tune into your cellphone, and get the title back by SMS
04:43.57esculapio__asterboy, estoy buscando un asterisk preconfigurado para 50 telefono oh mas
04:44.53*** join/#asterisk Pegger (
04:44.59asterboy¿usted desea preconfigurado para 50?
04:44.59Peggerdoes anyone use linux-ha here?
04:45.14esculapio__asterboy, si
04:45.27esculapio__asterboy, 0 mas
04:45.38elvisthedjcoppice: there was a sample video (not sure if it was the one that i sent you) where he was making michael jackson repeat what he i assume it can do speech patterns as well.. oh.. now, on an actual asterisk topic:
04:46.12elvisthedjdoes anyone know if it would be possible to do a 3-way type call in which I (the asterisk user) could hear both parties, and they could hear me, but couldn't hear each other
04:46.15asterboyBabel Fish Translation   Help
04:46.15asterboyEn español:
04:46.20asterboy¿qué tipo de teléfonos? ¿Polycom? ¿Grandstream?
04:46.28coppiceit shows the michael jackson thing, and it sounds awful. he actually says that is because the thing is designed for music, and not speech
04:46.41elvisthedjcoppice: touche` :D
04:47.00*** part/#asterisk Tier_1 (
04:48.15dlynesno doubt
04:48.30esculapio__asterboy, los 2
04:48.44dlynesne hable espanol los canadianos
04:49.09coppiceelvisthedj: the big problem with speech recognition and synthesis is the demos are always so good :-)
04:49.10elvisthedjviva la hockey!
04:49.27asterboycanadianos ¿eh?
04:49.27dlynesviva la chinese chicks :)
04:49.46coppicethey'll give you avian flu
04:49.54dlynesnot here :)
04:50.03asterboy¿cuánto usted está mirando para pasar?
04:50.04dlynesmaybe in hong kong though :)
04:50.22elvisthedjcoppice: I gotta say, some of the festival voices are pretty good.  I don't think the commerical stuff from at&t is that much better
04:50.22asterboytyping this as I'm watching the Three Amigos
04:50.35elvisthedjyou shot the invisible man!
04:50.40dlynesheh...three amigos on here, too
04:50.48asterboyits spanish night
04:50.56dlynesnot watching it though....i've seen it too many times
04:51.45ElGuapowow.. Ned Needlemeyer, Dusty Bottom, Lucky Day..  it's sad how much of my brain is taken up by retarded information
04:52.06ElAsterboythat's funny...and so true for everybody
04:52.21elvisthedjAt least I don't know anything about Wrestling :)
04:52.42ElAsterboyAfter watching wrestling, I actually feel and act dumber
04:52.51*** part/#asterisk DavidBrian (
04:53.34elvisthedjafter learning that you watch it, i feel that you are dumber too :D
04:53.51ElAsterboylow blow
04:53.55elvisthedjsry ;)
04:54.16elvisthedjif it makes you feel better, I'm actually burning smallville to a cd right now
04:54.19esculapio__who can help me with a box preformed for but of 50 I telephone
04:54.27dlynesElAsterboy: there's a good clint eastwood movie on, too :)
04:54.55ElAsterboyI'm going to be watching Impossible Mission pretty soon.
04:55.32ElAsterboyI'll let you guess what number.
04:55.43dlynesno i was referring to coppice
04:55.45elvisthedjcoppice: shhh!!  I'm taking it to my new hot greek girlfriends house to watch it
04:55.55elvisthedjalthough, now that she's my girlfriend.. she doesn't seem as hot
04:56.28ElAsterboyya, that's always the case...especially when they shit themselves.
04:56.41ElAsterboyor you find out she wipes from back to front.
04:56.50coppicehot isn't always good. sex without air cons is hot :-)
04:57.35elvisthedjok.. i'll stop
04:57.39elvisthedjshe's pretty greek though
04:58.04*** join/#asterisk techie (
04:58.05elvisthedjnobody stalk her please
04:58.18elvisthedjuntil we break up.. then she's fair game
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04:58.36coppicehow deeply pesimistic
04:58.47Mattwj2005hey quick question do you stop skipping in live tv?
04:58.56asterboyesculapio__, ¿Puedo setup un sistema de teléfono 50 para usted, pero necesito saber qué presupuesto o cuánto el su querer pasar?
04:59.37elvisthedjcoppice: i can't imagine how different you and i must be :)
05:00.15elvisthedjanybody want to buy a paperweight in the shape of a cisco 7940?
05:00.41Qwellelvisthedj: $2.50
05:00.49asterboyno thanks, have enough of those with my GXP-2000s
05:01.03elvisthedjQwell: deal..  plus $180 shipping and handling
05:01.27Qwellhow about $1.80?
05:01.28coppicethat's a lot for land fill
05:01.31Mattwj2005tonight I just set up my first MythTV box
05:01.49elvisthedji would seriously rather close my **** in a sliding glass door than try to upgrade the firmware on this phone again
05:02.05GamercjmAny one know where sphinx installs into?
05:02.16elvisthedjGamercjm: slocate knows :)
05:02.29Gamercjmi dont have that
05:03.39asterboyMattwj2005, I'm just about ready to setup my first Myth box...exciting project
05:03.45asterboyUsing ReplayTV now.
05:03.53elvisthedji've been running myth for a long time
05:04.03Mattwj2005yeah definitely
05:04.04asterboywant to setup so it display callID on the TV
05:04.17elvisthedjasterboy: have you seen mythphone
05:04.26asterboyya, that's it.
05:04.29Mattwj2005I am eventually going to need a better tuner though....I am currently using an old WinTv card (real old)
05:04.45asterboyI have 3 250s
05:05.21asterboydon't want to have to deal with sceduling conflicts
05:05.38elvisthedjthe 250's have an onboard encoder, right?
05:05.38asterboyfrontend will be a mvpmc
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05:05.56asterboyyes...but no decoder or visa versa
05:06.39elvisthedji've got a twinhan that i was using to get dish network with . just to see if i could :)  but never got it working w/ myth
05:06.57elvisthedji think it's supported now, but i don't have a dish anymore
05:07.27Qwellelvisthedj: So, since you obviously don't want the phone...send it here.  I'll give it a great home
05:07.50Mattwj2005so how do I get the program guide to work in Knoppmyth?
05:07.50elvisthedjQwell: I HATE being defeated.  I really want the thing to work.
05:08.05QwellMattwj2005: get a zap2it account
05:08.14Mattwj2005I got one
05:08.24Qwellset it up, and mythfilldatabase
05:08.26elvisthedjQwell: I was so happy when i got it to connect w/ chan_skinny.. but it just blanks the phone screen and reboots it if i call it
05:08.33Mattwj2005entered the data in...just no shows are in the guide
05:08.38Qwellelvisthedj: tried later versions?
05:08.48elvisthedjapparently the firmare is too old to work w/ chan_sccp
05:08.49Mattwj2005shouldn't knoppmyth of done that?
05:08.56Qwellelvisthedj: My branch is a lot better than the one in trunk
05:09.09elvisthedjand i can't get it to upgrade to any firmware.. i have them all
05:09.18*** join/#asterisk sternn (
05:09.22QwellWhat's on it now, 3.2 or so?
05:09.49*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
05:09.54elvisthedjQwell: PC0303010100
05:10.50elvisthedjQwell: that's what it says .. It's not online now, but I think the version says 5.4(4.0) or something like that
05:11.02QwellThat's just...weirdf
05:11.08QwellShould be P00
05:11.27elvisthedjlemme see if i can find the pastebin that had the info
05:12.11Qwellahh, okay, the boot load
05:12.16elvisthedjoh.. that was the boot load id.. i guess it's the p00
05:12.19Qwell6.0.4 should be fine
05:12.44Qwelland yeah, you aren't running the latest version...
05:12.44elvisthedjQwell: really?  it should work w/ skinny or sccp?
05:13.01Qwelltry my chan_skinny branch...
05:14.00*** join/#asterisk MISGroup (
05:14.15elvisthedjQwell: will do.. tomorrow.. when i don't get sick looking at this phone.  if it works, i'm going to order you a hooker or something
05:14.28Qwellelvisthedj: find me a 7914 to test :p
05:14.49Qwellelvisthedj: now..
05:14.56elvisthedjQwell: Are you just guessing that it will work, or do you know that this firmware/model is compatible?
05:14.57Qwelldon't expect it to work...well...
05:15.07Qwellelvisthedj: oh, anything I say about skinny is a guess. :P
05:15.22Qwellbut there haven't been any changes that would affect it working or not
05:15.39Qwelljust, chan_skinny is a sucks. :)
05:15.54elvisthedjQwell: i really wish i could get the sip loaded, but .. there must be something wrong.  I've found some explcit guides and the phone just doesn't behave as they say it should
05:15.57Qwellonly for now though.  I plan on making it rock really hard
05:16.22*** join/#asterisk nite (
05:16.22elvisthedjQwell: i'm sure buy the time it rocks really hard, it won't rock with old firmware :(
05:16.34Qwellelvisthedj: firmware version shouldn't matter at all
05:16.43Qwellthere might be bugs on the phone side, but..
05:17.01elvisthedjQwell: in that case, i'll keep an eye on the branch. is it just you, or do you have a crew working on it?
05:17.10Qwelljust me ;/
05:17.23Qwellwait, wtf
05:17.30QwellWhy is it trying to send a 12SP template to your phone?
05:17.48elvisthedjwrong guy to ask
05:18.06elvisthedjwhat is that template?  is it for the softkeys?
05:18.17Qwellbuttons, like lines, etc
05:18.30Qwellbut, the new one should just ignore type=, and send what it thinks it is
05:18.52elvisthedjwhat is the signifigance of 12sp? is it for another model of phone?
05:19.34elvisthedjahh. well, it does clear the display and put the time on the phone (eastern time zone.. i'm in mountain).. has an icon of a phone in the bottom left and that's it sucked a lot more before
05:20.13asterboynight, time to watch IM #?
05:20.21asterboyIM 4
05:20.33asterboyImpossible Mission
05:20.36Qwellsurely, you mean MI?
05:20.36elvisthedjso, if skinny sucks, why take the time to fix it?  does it have the potential to be better than sip?
05:20.45Qwellelvisthedj: yes, skinny the protocol, rocks
05:21.24Qwellsee, I was a firm supporter of chan_sccp, because chan_skinny was awful.  But the maintainer of chan_sccp was being stupid, and hadn't put any of my patches in...
05:21.38QwellSo, I said, fuck Sergio...I'll fix chan_skinny.
05:21.45elvisthedjQwell: i think that's something only a developer would know :)  From my point of view, if i can use every feature of my phone then i could care less what protocol is making it possible
05:22.01Qwellelvisthedj: Your phone will have more features with skinny than sip
05:22.26Qwellbecause the cool thing about skinny, is you can control pretty much every aspect of the phone, from asterisk
05:22.30coppicewill I be able to dial numbers of talk to people?
05:22.48Qwellcoppice: no, that isn't currently on the roadmap
05:22.59elvisthedji'll still be handicapped without being able to upgrade the firmware i'm assuming.  for instance, putting in the info url.. or the url to the logo..
05:23.10Qwellelvisthedj: that works fine on 6.x
05:23.40elvisthedjbut don't the config files have to be uploaded to the phone? or can u control them within the * configs?
05:23.52elvisthedjsorry for all the ?'s .. just want to know how excited to get :)
05:23.55Qwellno, you still have to upload the configs, or edit it from the phone menu
05:24.50elvisthedjwell, the phone menu is unlocked, so i'll be good to go :)  It'll be a fun sunday project
05:25.19elvisthedji still want to figure out this firmware thing .. even if it's just so i can put other ringers on the phone
05:25.40Mattwj2005hey every I just fixed my playback case anyone else has a problem with this...try switching to libmpeg
05:26.35elvisthedjok, i'm outtie.  thanks for the info qwell.  i'll pop on sometime to let you know if you're my hero :)
05:27.09*** part/#asterisk Mattwj2005 (
05:27.17*** join/#asterisk Pegger (
05:27.32Peggerare there any tools that you  can use to determine call quality
05:29.41*** join/#asterisk Dorso (
05:30.24coppicethere are tools for doing that, but I don't know anything effective and free. also, they only really work for monitoring, not for absolute quality comparisons (despite the marketing crap)
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06:00.38Peggercoppice, you would think it would not be that hard to set up somethign that say dials into a echo test and then listens to it;s self, with all the voice reconigition software out there I would not think it would be to hard to determine the change in quality
06:04.38tainted-Pegger i was just thinking about such a device
06:04.52tainted-Pegger voice quality metrics 'MOS' are a bucket of ass
06:05.24tainted-i have heard of a 'Minacom Powerprobe 30' or something like that
06:05.45tainted-for your powerprobing needs
06:06.08Peggertainted-, isant it ture that when your asterisk server gest really loaded voice quality starts to degrade
06:06.35Peggerso either you have snmp monitoring the server load or you have some sort of voice quality monitor
06:06.48coppiceMOS is fine. its things like PESQ which are rather questionable
06:07.07Peggerwhat exactly is MOS
06:07.13tainted-that's nearly impossible
06:07.19tainted-to determine 'voice quality'
06:07.54Peggerthen how do you dtermine if the server is too loaded
06:07.56tainted-because problems arrive at unpredictable intervals
06:08.13Peggerwhat kind of problems?
06:08.23coppiceMOS is a very labour intensive procedure for getting a Mean Opinion Score for how well people think of the quality. Its something you reserve for the final stages of codec development, because of the time and cost
06:09.11tainted-audio problems are as variable as ping times
06:09.23Peggertainted-, what amount of load do you ushilly find issues start to arrive
06:09.36tainted-with asterisk
06:09.42tainted-about a call or two
06:09.50Peggeryou are kidding right
06:10.12tainted-what are u trying to accomplish
06:10.20Gamercjmanyone know a program to join wav files together for linux?
06:10.44Peggertainted-,   good quality phone service
06:10.46Gamercjmsox does that?
06:10.52tainted-i thought it does
06:10.58Peggerwhat else would I want asterisk for
06:11.03coppicejoining files == darning sox :-)
06:11.11tainted-Pegger what do u deem good quality
06:11.32tainted-no shit phone service
06:11.45tainted-but what type of application are u looking to deploy it in
06:13.02Peggerdatacenter to home customers
06:13.07tainted-ivr? connect your desk phone to your pony? calling card? intl
06:13.48Peggerhome phoen service
06:13.51*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
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06:23.56tainted-Pegger so like vonage
06:28.09coppicei think making a free perceptual quality estimation tool might be interesting, but its a patent minefield
06:29.42tainted-good point
06:35.35*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
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07:03.06*** join/#asterisk copantl (n=galellop@
07:04.19Strom_Cok, I now officially hate hunt groups on SIP phones
07:04.42Strom_CI have been battling for SEVEN HOURS to get these goddamned things to hunt
07:05.02copantlany body know where goes the other language file under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
07:05.05Strom_Cand either the macro becomes so complex that it overtakes FreePBX in its bloated idiocy...
07:05.38Strom_Cor it just doesnt bloody work at all because the cisco phones can only turn off call waiting for the whole phone, not for individual line appearances
07:07.46copantlwhere i can put spanish sounds under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds?
07:08.43copantli still hearing english sounds
07:10.02argos73Strom_C: as far as the c/w for individual lines, you could do something with the database functions...
07:10.37Strom_Cargos73: do you want to see the giant gangly disaster of a macro that happened for the five hours after I said "oh of course, I can just use the database!"
07:11.04argos73hehe...  sure....:)
07:11.33Strom_Cone sec
07:12.45*** join/#asterisk copantl (n=galellop@
07:13.47Strom_Cargos73: you'll excuse the fact that the comments make no sense anymore because I got sick of rewriting them around the bugs
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07:16.28argos73yup, pretty damn ugly...  I'll have to take another look at that when I'm a little more sober... :)
07:16.49Strom_Cargos73: I AM sober and I don't even understand what the fuck is going on in that macro anymore
07:17.22Strom_Cit does actually work, but supervised transfers totally fuck the whole thing up
07:19.57argos73my first thought was something like "break it apart into smaller chunks to make it easier to read".......
07:20.06argos73but what the hell do I know.. :)
07:20.26Strom_Cargos73: yeah, and then it will be like six hundred lines and still not fucking work
07:23.12coppiceit wouldn't be macro if it was small, would it? :-\
07:26.14argos73goofy idea - if it works except for supervised xfers (assuming you're referring to the diff between cisco "transfer" and "blind transfer"), couldn't you use a diff context to accept the cisco xfer, rip out the offending supervised crap, then pass the call to the macro?
07:26.21tainted-Strom_C that dialplan is some seriously f'ed up shit
07:27.15DarthClueBring me the rabbit's foot!
07:27.39Strom_Ctainted-: you're telling me
07:27.53tainted-why not just agi the whole thing
07:27.57Strom_Ctainted-: I'm going to have NIGHTMARES about braces and parentheses for MONTHS
07:28.14Strom_Ctainted-: at this point I'm convinced I'm missing something simple
07:28.16tainted-that is completely unreadable
07:28.34*** join/#asterisk nite (
07:28.44tainted-how the f do u debug that
07:30.26Strom_Ctainted-: by bashing my head into a brick wall
07:30.41tainted-why did u do that!
07:30.52tainted-why not just a perl script
07:31.03Strom_Ctainted-: you want to write one?  be my guest.
07:31.10X-RobI love unreadable dialplans
07:31.32tainted-what does it do exactly
07:31.41X-Rob; reached AMP/FreePBX levels of convolutedness and ickiness.
07:31.44X-RobOi, I saw that!
07:31.48X-RobWe document all our macros!
07:32.40X-Roband that's not unreadable.
07:32.49Altair256lol X-Rob
07:32.57Strom_CX-Rob: I've given up on that one
07:33.05X-Robyou should have seen the old e164 macro - THAT was unreadable.
07:33.28X-Rob83 lines of gibberish that didn't actually work.
07:33.39tainted-what's the point
07:34.05tainted-a good programmer writes efficient code
07:34.14tainted-a great programmer writes readable code
07:34.27Strom_Cand the best just sit in IRC and bitch a lot ;)
07:34.50X-Robtainted-, there ain't no such thing as readable * dialplans.
07:34.52tainted-what is that monster supposed to do
07:35.03Altair256I don't know X-Rob
07:35.05tainted-yes there is
07:35.13Altair256... the one where it answers... then hangsup..
07:35.18Altair256those are pretty readable >.>  lmao
07:35.43tainted-exten => _X.,1,FastAGI(agi://
07:35.46X-Robtainted-, actually, I s'pose there is - it's
07:35.52X-Robexactly what I was going to say
07:36.02Altair256beat ya to it
07:36.38Altair256depending on what language/framework you use tainted-, that can be better or worse
07:36.58Strom_Cactually, I'm going to kill myself now, because I just realized how to do it in five lines of dialplan :)
07:36.59tainted-explain worse
07:37.08Altair256but you will always get better performance on simple scripts with straight dialplans
07:37.36tainted-ah yes
07:37.41tainted-the performance argument
07:38.20*** join/#asterisk Druken (
07:38.40tainted-what else
07:39.03Strom_Cyay, I've started a war in #asterisk
07:39.15tainted-what's the 5 liner
07:39.18Drukenthat's not hard
07:39.58Strom_Ctainted-: let me actually make it go to voicemail as well
07:40.02Strom_Cthen ill pastebin it
07:40.40SheriF_WorKi have 2 FXS modules in diguirm card. i want to be able with 9 to get the 1st line if it's busy then get the 2nd line. this is a group right ? so it will be Zap/g_GroupNumber ?
07:41.11argos73SheriF_WorK: right
07:41.13Drukenremove the underscore
07:42.04SheriF_WorKDruken: argos73: thx alot . and in /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf ? i add group=same number for the incoming lines ? and group=anohter number for hte outgoing ?
07:42.39DrukenSheriF_WorK: yup
07:43.05SheriF_WorKhope it will work :)
07:43.08SheriF_WorKthx i'll give it a try
07:45.06argos73Strom_C: if that new version seems to work, there must be something wrong.  it should take much more than seven hours to reach such a simple solution...  :)
07:45.40Strom_Cargos73: oh dont worry, I tend to stress out in condensed format
07:46.11Strom_Cand yes, it does work just fine
07:46.26argos73best of luck..
07:46.43Strom_CI look on the right side
07:46.48Strom_Cer, the bright side
07:47.17Strom_C"I spent hours trying to get this to work perfectly, but I'm only billing you for two."
07:47.21tainted-didn't know about 'Cut()'
07:47.31Strom_Ctherefore, happy client
07:47.31argos73see - it just took talking a drunken idiot for you to figure it out... :)
07:47.38Strom_Cand perceived amazing value for money
07:49.11argos73now if this drunken idiot could only figure out getting asterisk to play nice with a merlin legend...  it almost works, but is still a bit icy
07:49.15argos73err, icky
07:49.47Altair256your legend system first or second in the system?
07:49.54Altair256which one connects directly to the PSTN?
07:50.34Altair256you could use a TDM card and 4 analog jacks on the merlin legend system >.>
07:50.50argos73biggest thing right now is intercom calls...  they work from ast to legend, but the dumb UDP isn't working the other way around
07:50.55argos73connecting the two via pri
07:51.04Altair256or another T1 jack on the legend system and an additional T1 on the asterisk
07:51.17Altair256wow... what fun
07:51.39Altair256we're ripping out an entire legend system and replacing all the infrastructure for VoIP
07:51.45Altair256actually moving the office around at the same time
07:51.52Altair256good timing really
07:52.01Strom_CI've just got an old Merlin 410.  None of this newfangled Legend garbage for me ;)
07:52.36Altair256we running a separate line for the phones... so they can have their own hardware segment
07:52.56argos73ripping out our legend was my original idea, but the boss won't go for it right now...  but she will let me do a slow migration, assuming I don't lose any functionality
07:53.00Altair256we looked at QoS or VLAN tagging across our existing data network and decided "why not"
07:56.28Altair256well... g'night guys.  GL with your projects
07:56.56*** part/#asterisk Altair256 (
07:57.51argos73heh - I just picked up a 410 as part of a "grab bag" of merlin parts the other day
07:59.12Strom_Cactually, I gave the 410 to a friend
07:59.55Strom_Cok, I've been here for twelve hours now.  I should go home.
08:00.16brookshirebeen where?
08:00.18argos73go home.  watch some tv.  relax..:)
08:00.35brookshirei know you're not at work, lol
08:00.36Strom_Cbrookshire: at a client's site
08:00.43brookshireoh.. ok
08:00.47Strom_Cargos73: I don't own a TV
08:00.59Strom_Cbrookshire: do you want to hear my wacky ass story?
08:01.05brookshirenot really
08:01.08brookshirebut tell me anyways
08:01.43argos73oh, I have a recent one...
08:01.54Strom_Ci spent five hours bashing my head against an increasingly hellish AMP-like macro trying to get hunt groups working.  Then I discovered ChanIsAvail and did it in five lines in ten minutes.
08:02.04tainted-what's a good name for a customer's customer
08:02.09Strom_CI win the nub award
08:02.24tainted-Strom_C good job in the end! :D
08:03.05brookshireyeah.. if you can't do something in less than 5 lines.. it's not worth doing ;)
08:03.06argos73a coworker asked me the other day "If someone posts a page to the web, and 20 years later someone else views that page, where has it been for the last 20 years???  Is there some central place where web pages are stored?"
08:03.21Strom_Cargos73: hahahahahaha
08:03.37argos73i tried not to laugh in his face
08:03.47brookshiregoogle will read your webpages
08:03.52Strom_Cok, im out
08:03.53brookshireand store them!
08:06.55*** join/#asterisk af_ (
08:11.25*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
08:14.32orloki'm getting a 423 - Interval Too Brief from my sip provider
08:15.14*** join/#asterisk Tekener (n=erik@
08:25.03*** join/#asterisk hads|home (
08:46.33jsaundersHow much for 10 chan g729 license for amd64 from Digium?
08:47.24coppice$4M, but if you buy 11 they will discount it to $110
08:48.28KaBewMwow, that's a good bulk discount
08:48.53KaBewMmaybe if you buy 12, they'll pay you $3.99M
08:49.12MGSsanchoi thought it was just $10 per chan
08:49.35coppiceI think they have a "no negative payments" clause
08:50.01KaBewMthey think of everything don't they . . .
08:50.16coppicethey would include a sanity check, but everyone knows there is no sanity clause
08:50.55MGSsanchotere is oneprovided by federal
08:51.05MGSsancho4 requirements to make legal contract
08:51.18*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
08:51.47MGSsancholegal age(18), sober, sane, and they must be directly ofered a contract
08:52.52MGSsanchoso a person whos not capable of making a deision cant be legaly binded to contract >__>
08:53.13MGSsancho<-- pays attention too mch attention to insurance class >.<
08:54.49coppicestudying insurance is bad for the sense of humour
08:55.20MGSsanchoi kno
08:55.31MGSsanchoi used to totake jokes better
08:55.53MGSsanchoi guessi get nieve with age T_T. feel so old now. almost 21
08:56.04dlynesold at 21?
08:56.11coppicewe didn't have insurance classes when I was at college
08:56.28MGSsanchoim taking state mandated class
08:56.29dlynesWe still don't have insurance classes at college
08:56.30*** join/#asterisk robin_sz (
08:56.38MGSsanchofor life insurance
08:56.49coppicewe had "law for engineers" and we didn't take it very seriously. foolish youths
08:56.52MGSsanchothen i net securities lience (to do investments)
08:56.58dlynesYeah...not insurance classes and exams, but not at college
08:57.11*** part/#asterisk KaBewM (
08:57.12dlynesCourses are online, and tests are at a government office
08:57.21MGSsanchothe class on medi-care... soooooooooooo boring
08:57.35robin_szpeople take classes in that?
08:57.40MGSsanchocalifornia is so anal. 52 hours -_-
08:57.54robin_szI dont think I have any life insurance ...
08:57.59dlynesrobin_sz: well, you have to, or you're not legally allowed to sell it
08:58.18MGSsanchoif you live in alifornia i can get you covered :)
08:58.30MGSsanchoi have a $50k policy on self
08:58.32coppicerobin_sz: none of us really do. nothing will guarantee you live :-)
08:58.50robin_szim not sure we have it over here. presumably we do, but its not something very common
08:59.26MGSsanchoshould look into it. if you die tommrow,you dont want to leave family with house payments,
08:59.28SheriF_WorKin the group it's taking a round card :-s even it don't have group=goupnumber any idea ?
08:59.51MGSsanchowait i cant legaly solicit life insurance yet >_<
09:00.02dlynesOnly thing life insurance is good for, is collecting interest, and avoiding taxes :)
09:00.16coppicehow does anyone afford to live in the UK? In the 15 years since I left it seems the cost of everything has gone way up, but salaries haven't
09:00.42MGSsanchothat why you get term insurance. coverage never changes, premiums always stay the same
09:00.59MGSsanchoi pay $16 a month for $50K of coverage
09:01.16robin_szby beer, its more fun
09:01.45MGSsancholife insurance with interest. hats either cash value, universal life, or whole life
09:02.09robin_szMGSsancho, thanks. you solved a mystery for me
09:02.14MGSsanchobasicaly you will get the face value of the policy when you turn 100
09:02.21coppiceMGSancho: chill out. this insurance course is making you seriously dull :-)
09:03.03*** join/#asterisk abatista (
09:03.08MGSsanchogoing from EE majo to finace >_< mking my lame
09:03.24robin_szMGSsancho, I always wondered if ther was something more dull than the interals of UDP packets .. and there is ... INSURANCE. cheers dude! :)
09:03.40MGSsanchoi totaly agree
09:04.04robin_szhave you seen the monthy python sketch with the bank manager ....?
09:04.15coppice*any* politician can outdo insurance
09:04.16robin_szdecides to seek career change and take up lion taming?
09:04.19MGSsanchoelderly insurance is the worst
09:04.23coppicethe charity one?
09:05.00robin_szthat will be you that will in 10 years.
09:05.13*** join/#asterisk Madkiss (i=madkiss@freenode/staff/madkiss)
09:05.14Madkisshi folks.
09:05.29MadkissIs somebody in here running Asterisk on FreeBSD with an AVM PCMCIA B1 Active ISDN card?
09:05.47MadkissI'm asking because I was using that bundle and when updating to 6.0-RELEASE-p5, the kernel just stopped to detect the card.
09:05.57coppicewhen living in the edge means risking getting one basis point less than the optimal interest on a deposit
09:05.59robin_sz"ive decided to have a complete chaneg in my life and get out of insurance" ... "im going to get into ... pensions!"
09:07.20MGSsanchoi already do that lol >_<
09:07.22robin_szI have no life insurance and no pension
09:07.30MGSsanchoand how to make it tax defered >_<
09:07.45dlynesI prefer tax evasion
09:07.47dlynesit's cheaper
09:07.52robin_szbut .. I have my own business and some fast bikes ...
09:07.57MGSsanchosave $4k a year and you will have a million bucks in 35 ears
09:08.02coppiceif you are in the UK you can't exactly not have a pension
09:08.27MGSsanchoin the US, ompanies are taking it away
09:08.29robin_szcoppice, well, presumbly ther is some state thing that wont pay enough to eat
09:08.45dlynesMGSsancho: dood...that's more than $300/mo
09:08.56dlynesMGSsancho: you're dreaming
09:09.06robin_szyeah ... so, you save that and then what?
09:09.21robin_szdo they give you a prize?
09:09.43robin_szI have a better plan ... spend 300 bucks a month on something fun, be happy.
09:10.01MGSsanchoits $333 a month
09:10.03coppicewhen I retire I plan to give up eating
09:10.06dlynesrobin_sz: another 35 years i'll have probably already died of a stroke or a heart attack
09:10.25MGSsanchoand if its in a Rot IRA, you dont pay taxes when you tae out the money
09:10.53robin_szif I die of something that doesnt involve at least 350bhp, im going to be SERIOUSLY disappointed
09:11.18coppiceIf you are employed in the UK, its best to live outside the UK. then they won't tax your salary at all :-)
09:11.20MGSsanchohuant the person who killed you?
09:11.43coppiceyou could live somewhere like HK, and never pay tax
09:11.59MGSsanchoor commit suicide
09:12.25dlynescoppice: I thought in China you had to pay tax now?
09:12.32dlynescoppice: Or is HK not included in that?
09:13.00MGSsanchoi dunno. but average savings rate in China is 40%. in us its -0.5%
09:13.04*** join/#asterisk speedwagon (
09:13.27coppicein HK we pay tax based on where we are employed. in the UK its based on where you live. UK expats here employed by UK companies pay no tax
09:13.41coppicei'm not one of those
09:14.41*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
09:15.28robin_szsigh HTF do you open the Java console in Firefox?
09:16.06DarthCluejava or javascript?
09:16.10*** join/#asterisk key2 (
09:16.11coppiceI was once going to be in the US for about 15 months, employed by a UK company. due to odd tax arrangements between the UK and US I would not have paid tax for about 18 months
09:16.18robin_szsigh HTF do you open the Java console in Firefox?
09:16.33*** join/#asterisk h3x0r (
09:16.38MGSsancholol coppice
09:17.29DarthClueif you have the web developer extension, it is supposed to be Ctrl+Shift+O...
09:18.04robin_szthe waht extension?
09:19.36coppicejava or javascript? the javascript console can be opened from the tools menu
09:20.06robin_szcoppice, java
09:20.12robin_szliek it says above ;)
09:20.29robin_sz3 times ;) ;) ;)
09:21.01robin_szDarthClue, OK, i found it and apt-getting it right now :)
09:25.14*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
09:28.21*** join/#asterisk Tommmo (n=tps@
09:28.59TommmoHi, does anyone know a way I can run the "addmailbox" command and pass the context and mailbox parameters when i run the program? Rather than it prompting?
09:29.07TommmoI'm having trouble calling it from within php
09:34.53RaYmAn-BxI thought it wasn't necessary to manually add mailboxes anymore
09:40.39*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
09:43.18*** join/#asterisk nimco (
09:43.46Zeeekgood morning
09:44.04*** join/#asterisk stoffell_x (
09:44.16nimcohi i'm newbie it this project
09:44.48Zeeekthat's nice
09:45.12*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
09:46.09nimcoone thing i don't understand about the hardware
09:46.53Zeeekhey puzzled
09:46.57TommmoRaYmAn-Bx: Thanks, found the issue. didnt have @context in the extension for it
09:47.11*** part/#asterisk stoffell_x (
09:47.57nimcoi check panasonic small pbx about 2 out & 6 in line  and the price is about 100$ to 300$
09:49.27nimcothe Digium prices seem to be match higher  ..
09:49.45Zeeekwhat do you want from us though nimco? Ask a question
09:51.05nimcoso what is the difernet between panasonic kxt206h and the same options with asterisk ..asterisk seem to be expensive
09:51.42Zeeeknimco what country are you in?
09:51.51stoffellnimco, check the feature list and expandability (boy, what a word, dunno if that's correct:) )
09:52.28Zeeeknimco there are a couple of people in Israel on the mailing list, find someone in your country to help you and they('ll know more
09:53.13ZeeekI don't know the panasonic model but we had a pbx offered by the local telco. It totally sucked and had no expandability ( it's a word now)
09:53.18DarthCluethe difference is that with a prebuilt pbx like the panasonic, you are limited to the what it comes with.  you can't go beyond that.  with asterisk, the sky is almost the limit if you have the time to get there.
09:53.46ZeeekI'd say though, if you just want a pbx, get the panasonic
09:54.03Zeeekif you want a lifetime of research and learning, go for asterisk
09:54.18Zeeek-OR- don't use any hardaware at all
09:54.34nimcofor a basic system ..with 2 fxo & 6 fxs  .. dose it will be cheaper to by panasonic ?
09:54.34Zeeek(hardaware is augmented hardware)
09:54.45Zeeekcheaper isn't the point
09:55.00Zeeekif you're worried about price, but the cheapest pbx and don't look back
09:55.29Zeeekas long as hardware works, I don't mind it. When fails, though...
09:55.54Zeeekone the prime uses of asterisk IMO is recycling old PC parts :)
09:56.12Zeeekwith asterisk, my basement would be full of parts, instead of having a pbx
09:56.33Zeeekthank you, jbot
09:57.08Zeeeknimco - my answer was serious though. If it's cheap you want buy a pbx, period
09:57.09*** join/#asterisk af_ (
09:57.14orloki cant get inbound or outbound calls working
09:57.23Zeeekthat must be lonely
09:57.52Zeeekthe voIP equivalent of "all dressed up and no place to go"
09:58.01DarthCluejbot sucks
09:58.02jbotI'm only as good as you've helped make me .. idiot
09:58.13nimcoso asterisk can't be  a good home pbx from the price view  ..
09:58.26DarthCluejbot is always good for a laugh
09:58.38Zeeeknimco I recommend it for small companies as well. It has excellent configurable features
09:58.48DarthCluenimco, it can be if you know how to leverage it.
09:58.50Zeeekscrew price
09:59.26Zeeeknimco you need to examine your needs for a pbx
09:59.33Zeeekwhat features do you need?
09:59.51DarthCluei had one and will soon have one again sitting at my home doing both voip and pstn interface.  all of my internal phones where polycom ip501 and it worked very well.  But then again, I had most of that hardware donated to me.
09:59.51Zeeekif a bardware pbx fills all the requirements, by means buy it now, today
10:00.18DarthClueone being an asterisk box
10:00.32coppicenah. its sunday. you'll get a better deal buying it in the week
10:00.41Zeeeknot in Isreal!
10:01.30Zeeekjbot rocks
10:01.31jbotyou bet your perl modules I do!
10:01.46Zeeekjbot is allergic to soy beans
10:01.48DarthCluejbot is a whore
10:01.59DarthClueand a cheap one at that
10:02.02Zeeekjbot is easily overloaned
10:02.08Zeeekjbot is easily overloaded
10:02.11Zeeekjbot is easily overloaded2
10:04.14nimcook ... bye for now .. thanks .. (we are not killing innocent civilians  ..but that is another story ..don't have the time for it now .. byel
10:04.32ZeeekI don't think that was meant for you
10:05.07stoffellhe's probably just playing a bloody game on sunday morning :)
10:05.09coppiceall governments kill innocent civilians at one time or another. its their nature
10:05.16Zeeekanyway, yeah
10:05.44Zeeek'course, all civilians aren't innocent and all military aren't guilty
10:06.47SheriF_WorKFXO get connected to the analog PSTN line ? " the gree Module/ and FXS the red module Gose to Normal Phone ?
10:07.01*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=huh@
10:07.43Zeeekisn't the red the fxo?
10:08.03ZeeekFXO goes to the telco and FXS has phones plugged into it
10:08.52SheriF_WorKFXO is the red ?
10:09.03ZeeekI think so, but you better look it up
10:09.08SheriF_WorKZeeek: ok 1 min
10:10.44ZeeekOne (1) FXS Module (green) One (1) FXO Module (red)
10:10.53Zeeekfrom the digium site
10:11.02ZeeekFXS is GREEN
10:11.33Zeeekyou can look here too:
10:12.56*** join/#asterisk startled (
10:13.27SheriF_WorKZeeek: yep i checked it physicaly
10:18.58MGSsanchojbot, sup?
10:18.59jbotYo mgssancho, how's it going eh?
10:19.12orlokdo i get shouted at if i ask about asterisk@home?
10:19.15MGSsanchoabout to sleep ~-~
10:19.25orlokEverybody in #freepbx seems idle
10:19.29MGSsanchoi wont shout
10:20.21orloki am getting a 404 on outbound calls
10:20.21coppiceif they are idle shout at them, the lazy *******
10:20.38*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
10:32.32SheriF_WorKso now FXO red gose to the PSTN line and FXS GREEN Gose to the phone ?
10:48.18*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
10:49.16*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
10:54.31*** join/#asterisk Djeli (
10:54.53*** part/#asterisk Djeli (
10:55.12*** join/#asterisk Djeli (
10:57.56*** join/#asterisk kio (
11:02.42filestop playing with my bytes
11:02.55DarthCluewhat can I say, nothing else to do
11:05.07DarthCluebesides, if i didn't restore you then i wouldn't be able to delete you later
11:05.28fileyou can't get to me anyway :P
11:05.33fileI'm in /mnt/italy/milan
11:06.10DarthClueworking or playing or both?
11:06.18SheriF_WorKoh damn this signiling issue :( i have to configure the FXO port as it is a FXS port and the FXS port ans it is a FXO port ??
11:06.35ZeeekSheriF_WorK time to look a few things up with google
11:06.44SheriF_WorKZeeek: i did and now it's working
11:06.45Zeeeklike zapata.conf
11:06.46DarthClueSheriF_WorK, yep, fxo has to signal fxs and fxs has to signal fxo
11:06.55SheriF_WorKZeeek: avtuly the link u sent helped me alot .
11:07.03SheriF_WorKactullay *
11:07.11Zeeekgood. Now continue your research
11:07.30SheriF_WorKZeeek: i'm done for now i had to fix a problem :( it's a one year old out of date asterisk :(
11:11.16DarthCluewhat parts of asterisk require timers or has that been eliminated?  i'm contemplating running it on a virtual host as a short-term experiment...
11:16.18*** join/#asterisk nite (
11:16.21Zeeekmeetme and moh I think
11:16.51filemeetme and IAX2 trunking
11:17.01Zeeekdidn't moh at one time?
11:17.04filethat is what is required
11:17.23fileinternally if you have zaptel timing, various things will be switched on to tweak things that need timing
11:17.33Zeeekwhy aren't you SIPping a cappucino at a café?
11:17.40Zeeekor are you?
11:17.50fileI refuse
11:18.08Zeeekmilano isn't the best of italy though
11:18.17DarthClueare you working or playing there file?
11:18.42fileI'm waiting for a flight
11:19.00filewhich is EXCITING ... right
11:19.00robin_szin italy, you could wait a while
11:19.11DarthCluea flight to?
11:19.14fileit's going to depart in 2 hours or so
11:19.16filePisa, Italy
11:19.22robin_szahh .
11:19.34robin_szthe important part is not "in 2 hours"
11:19.39robin_szits "or so"
11:23.32coppicefile: no. waiting for a flight is EXITING
11:24.24coppicehopefully not exit(2); :-)
11:34.47coppicefile: how much is internet access from there?
11:35.17filetoo much if I did my conversion right
11:35.29file12.90 EUR
11:35.56coppiceper minute? :-)
11:36.17file24 hours ^_^
11:37.45*** join/#asterisk littleball (
11:38.32littleballhello, if both sip phones are behind firewall, can they do voice call still?
11:45.43DarthCluelittleball, if the proper ports are open.
11:46.51*** join/#asterisk lionelp (
11:47.08littleballDarthClue, what do you mean proper ports?
11:50.17ZeeekGOOGLE asterisk sip ports firewall
11:51.17Zeeekor replace firewall with NAT
11:51.32DarthClueor start at and go from there
12:02.48Zeeeksecond link on my google suggestion
12:04.07ZeeekExtreme irony department: Mark Spencer just tried to call me and my phone didn't ring (it's routed to vmail at the office)
12:04.41HotaruThm.. when using WaitExten() .. is it possible to prestuff some digits?
12:08.00fileZeeek: how exciting
12:08.48fileI'm a little crazy, I want my travels for today to be over
12:09.01fileI've been at this for over a day now
12:10.36Zeeektravelling  is for the young file. If your're tired now, think what it'll be like when you're 90!
12:10.49coppicepeople keep offering me free trips to conferences around the world. they don't seem to understand that only substantial payment justifies travel :-)
12:11.44coppicethe thing that is tiring about travel is knowing you have to repeat it in the opposite direction a few days later
12:12.03fileI don't mind travelling really... just long layovers kill me
12:12.07fileso... unproductive
12:12.48coppicethe whole travelling thing is unproductive. its usually 3 days moving around to spend an hour in front of someone
12:13.22filecoppice: why don't we just get rid of this "time" idea...
12:13.46coppicewhat about the "space" idea?
12:14.00filewe'll get rid of that too
12:14.07Zeeekcoppice sometimes it's worth the hour
12:14.38coppiceit had better be, to justify three days doing it
12:15.07*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
12:16.23fileI have 35 minutes left of power :\
12:16.30coppicethe biggest career problem senior people could have in some companies would be travel sickness. some corporations have most of the managers airborne much of the time - i.e. there never actually around to manage anything. the airline and hotel industries are predicated on the inefficiencies of other industries
12:20.32Zeeeknot like the airlines aren't inefficiently run as companies
12:30.06coppicewell, they also keep a huge number of their people in the air for much of the time :-)
12:43.52coppice5 more minutes and we can say bad things about file :-)
13:05.59*** join/#asterisk parag7732 (
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13:17.25*** join/#asterisk Druken (
13:19.01Drukenexactly how do you format a file?
13:19.56Drukeni'd tar and gunzip him, then rar, and zip :) he'd be much smaller for transport :)
13:20.46Drukenmmmmmmm, krispy kreme.....
13:21.01*** join/#asterisk kph100 (
13:21.19Drukenthey have an office on riviera in markham....
13:22.19*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
13:26.01DarthCluewrite 0's to all of his bits then compress and watch him shrink
13:28.37*** join/#asterisk nite (
13:28.55parag7732I m not able to recieve the call
13:29.22Drukenit's not an error message
13:29.38Drukenyou must have a problem in your dialplan
13:29.52*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
13:30.37russellbit means an application called in the dialplan returned an error
13:30.43russellbmost likely due to invalid arguments
13:34.11HotaruThmpf.. I just can't get dial-as-you-go to work when I've got already a part of the number transfered (because the prefix is fixed) and I just need to be able to interactivly dial the last digits of a number..
13:34.35HotaruTboth DISA and WaitExten start with an empty extension ..
13:35.21HotaruTand Goto() to an incomplete number does not work in any case .. the call gets send to "i" and terminated immidently..
13:41.47HotaruThm.. and I can't find a dialplan function or application to do "ast_exists_extension" or "ast_matchmore_extension" to program it myself using dialplan logic ..
13:42.37robin_szI cant seem to get this phone to work with asterisk ... maybe I wired the ethernet plug onto it wrong?
13:42.48*** join/#asterisk kuonSama (
13:44.18robin_szits got a proper dial too.
13:49.22*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
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13:52.17*** join/#asterisk napkin (
13:55.58napkingeneral voip question: can i use one of the popular voip consumer gateways that providers are renting/selling out these days to feed access 'backwards' into my house's telephone line so that any of the phones in the house can pick it up?
13:57.51Corydon76-homenapkin: no
13:58.24napkinreally? even if i disconnect the house line from the telephone company?
13:58.36Corydon76-homeOh, in that case, yes.
13:58.51Corydon76-homeBut you can't connect two providers up to the same system and expect it to work
13:59.06napkinyeah... unless i do something clever with the pairs...
13:59.19Corydon76-homeYou'd need an Asterisk box in the middle in order to arbitrate between the two providers
13:59.50Corydon76-homeTwo FXO ports and at least one FXS port
13:59.52robin_szis there a users guide to * anywhere?
14:00.05robin_szyou know, somthing I can print out and give to the office people
14:00.58DarthCluerobin_sz, not really cause every install is unique and the general guide would be put together by the person putting in the * box
14:01.57robin_szwell, is there a guide to what is provided as "standard" in the as delviered configs?
14:02.02*** join/#asterisk Kyler (n=chatzill@
14:02.21robin_szI know voicemail support is in there with features to record new messages etc
14:03.02DarthCluelast i looked, no.  of course I don't know what is in the "standard" configs now but it used to just be some testing extensions which weren't good for anything but testing.
14:03.46robin_szthats part of the problem I guess
14:04.02robin_szI expect there is some way to divert calls from one extension to another already there
14:04.24robin_szbut I'll probably end up implementing (badly) something from scratch
14:04.43robin_szbecause no one bothered to document the existing, inbuilt, solution
14:05.04DarthClueit's not documented because it doesn't exist.
14:05.14DarthClueyou have to create it.  follow the docs and it is simple
14:05.30robin_szumm ... sorry but thats just plain wrong
14:05.39robin_szfor example ..
14:05.40DarthClueyou have to create the dialplan
14:06.01robin_szI spent some (wasted) time implementing a way for a user to store a new voicemail mesage
14:06.21robin_szonly to discover it was there as standard ...
14:06.56russellbdid you ever even try calling VoicemailMain before you tried to make something on your own?
14:07.09DarthClueexplain standard
14:07.31robin_szDarthClue,  standard as "in the current CVS head or stbale releases)
14:07.58russellbwe don't use cvs anymore
14:08.06russellbhaven't since November
14:08.07robin_szok, svn then
14:08.11russellbfyi ... :)
14:08.35robin_szso now I have users asking me "I want to divert all my calls to another phone" ...
14:09.00robin_sznow mayeb there is a code I can dial .. *21*<newnumber> or somesuch ...
14:09.21DarthCluedo you mean that the function/procedure already existed?  if so, well, did you check the docs before trying to roll your own?  if not, then why?
14:09.40robin_szwhich docs?
14:09.48jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
14:10.05DarthCluetake your pic.  or google for it.
14:10.19robin_szpointless im afraid
14:11.01robin_szwell, take the wiki as an example
14:11.34robin_szit documents lots and lots of stuff
14:11.47robin_szand if I want to know about the Dial() command its all there
14:12.02robin_szbut if I dont knwo what im after .. hwo do I look it up?
14:12.22robin_szgoogle for "is there a transfer extension command in asterisk"?
14:12.51robin_szwhere is the "out of the box" user feature set documented?
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14:15.24DarthCluei doubt that it exists anywhere as I don't recall it.  someone correct me if I'm wrong on that.  as far as your question, you are on the right track as far as google goes.  it all comes down to how much time you want to spend searching or rolling your own.
14:15.52robin_szwell, thats the problem isnt it ...
14:17.18DarthCluekeep in mind that I'm not disagreeing that it's a problem, but if it isn't a function that is documented then it probably doesn't exist.  i am sure that someone has done it before and it may even be documented somewhere.
14:20.21*** part/#asterisk parag7732 (
14:21.12Drukenan out of box user feature set?
14:21.35Drukenthis isn't a bloody commercially purchased hardware pbx....
14:22.23Drukenall aspects of asterisk are up to the administrator
14:22.25blitzragerobin_sz: asterisk is a toolkit -- the sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be
14:23.47DarthCluerobin_sz, starting with google (, i ended up at, which then led me to and and
14:24.30jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
14:24.53DarthCluei would suggest that you try to realize that * is in fact a toolkit and it is up to you to find the ways to use it for your needs.  doing so is not difficult if you take the time to do so.  if you don't have the time to do so, find and hire a consultant to do it for you.
14:25.31blitzrageand realize we're not all as big of jerks as we seem :)
14:25.34Drukenthat has to be the best god damn explination of asterisk i've ever heard
14:25.36blitzragewell... usually... (sometimes)
14:26.11Drukenblitzrage: oh come on,... we all know your a big jerk, we just excuse you :)
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14:26.26blitzrageDruken: :D
14:26.43blitzrageand I'm a spelling nazi
14:26.54DarthClueactually we are all a bunch of jerks, but we do tend to ignore ourselves and try to be helpful if you ask nicely and try to avoid pointing out that everything is a problem with no quick and easy solution.
14:27.06Drukenblitzrage: i'm a spelling fiend
14:28.24Drukeni admit, i'm sometimes more than a jerk, i can be known to be an asshole, but that's only when the person looking for help is a moron, and wants me to fix their problem for them, instead of with them
14:28.52blitzrageintelligent questions get intelligent answers :)
14:29.14Drukenstupid question... get attitude or ignored :)
14:29.19blitzrageI'll even answer obvious questions if its obvious someone has taken the time to try and learn, but are just not quite getting a fundamental concept
14:29.40blitzragebecause we've all been there (and are still there  :))
14:29.54Drukeni've been there... hehehe
14:30.08DarthCluei start a new job tomorrow and i'll be driving 2 hours (120+ miles one-way) every morning and every evening for at least the next month so forgive me if i sound a little cranky or start talking out of my arse
14:30.23Drukeni still don't get agi's... so i just avoid them all together
14:30.50DrukenDarthClue: 2 hour commute? are you fucken insane?
14:31.22Drukengo soho :)
14:31.22Dr-Linuxfor what we use AEL ?
14:31.28DarthCluei'll do almost anything for $27/hour.
14:31.42Drukenglad ya said ALMOST
14:31.53coppicehow about northern england to tel aviv, or western england to zurich? people engage in insane commutes
14:32.01DarthClueno market in this area for it.  the commute is a stepping stone so that I can move to a more civilized area.
14:32.17Drukencoppice: least they got the trains there...
14:32.47Dr-Linuxanybody from UK ?
14:32.54DarthCluei went from a city of about 300,000 to a dot of about 30,000 and i hope to be moving to a city of nearly 2 million soon
14:32.58coppicethose cummutes involve long train rides + several hours on a plane
14:33.04blitzrageDruken: AEL is another method to write dialplan logic
14:33.17blitzragein a more C style type logic
14:33.19coppicewould anyone freely admit being from the UK?
14:33.41Drukenblitzrage: i know what AEL is, it was Dr-Linux that mentioned it
14:33.56blitzrageDruken: yah.. my tab completion picked you first :)
14:33.56Dr-Linuxcoppice: i have my cousin in UK, and i want to call him .. :)
14:34.00blitzrageand I didn't notice -- heh
14:34.08Dr-Linuxi have my servers in Pakistan and USA, but can't call to UK
14:34.45DarthCluemy servers are presently in storage and i miss them so much.
14:34.54Drukenblitzrage: you mean... the SPELLING NAZI, DIDN'T NOTICE???!!!!!
14:35.16Dr-Linuxi see
14:35.24Dr-Linuxis AEL is reliable?
14:35.30Drukeni'm going to have to give up my colo... :(
14:35.44blitzrageDr-Linux: don't know -- test it and report back if it is
14:35.47coppiceabout as reliable as the rest of * :-)
14:35.54blitzrageDr-Linux: it's fairly new -- complete rewrite recently
14:35.59Dr-Linuxwho can give me some calls in UK, i wanna talk to my cousin
14:36.08blitzrageDr-Linux: ITSP's can
14:36.22Dr-Linuxblitzrage: currently we are doing all with dialplan and with AGI
14:36.59Dr-Linuxblitzrage: what's ITSP ?
14:37.00jbotitsp is probably Internet Telephony Service Provider.  An ITSP is a "VoIP Phone Company"
14:37.00Drukenif it's to a proper, you can probably find a cheap termination somewhere
14:37.01Drukeninternet telephone service provider
14:37.45Dr-Linuxblitzrage: is ITSP free? :)
14:37.59blitzrageDr-Linux: Asterisk != Free phone calls
14:38.05Drukenhahahaha free
14:38.21Drukenthe only thing you get free in this world is polluted air
14:38.28blitzrageDr-Linux: I've seen you in here a lot -- and you still don't know that?
14:38.38Dr-Linuxnumor says, "nothing is free in this world"
14:38.58Drukenblitzrage: he works for americans... does that explain it?
14:39.12blitzrageDruken: I work for Americans :) (I'm Canadian)
14:39.15stakkDeath is free... but it costs your life :-/
14:39.16Dr-Linuxblitzrage: yes, i don't know many things
14:39.32Dr-Linuxblitzrage: bcoz i never thought to make outbound calls
14:39.35Drukenwhat kinda canadian are ya tho ?
14:39.41DarthCluenothing is free, especially in america.
14:39.43blitzrageDruken: the best kind
14:39.58Dr-Linuxblitzrage: but recently my cousin gone to UK, and i'm feeling to talk to him on his home/cell number
14:40.07Drukenuh huh...
14:40.11ariel_only the love from a child is freely given until they learn better.
14:40.15Drukensounds like an eastener
14:40.41Drukeni haven't met anyone from here :)
14:40.47Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i have some folks in Canada, span and other countries, so calling there is no problem, but i dont know anyone from UK
14:41.01Dr-Linuxi'm not sure if local call in UK is free or what
14:41.48ariel_no every call in UK is a charged call
14:43.33Drukenhmmm... sunday and nothing todo....
14:43.44Drukeni guess i should like clean my house or something....
14:43.46coppicelocal calls in the UK are all charged
14:44.16Dr-LinuxDruken: i just cleaned my room :P
14:44.46Drukenin my case, that would require cleaning off my bedside table...
14:44.52Drukenit's the only messy thing in here
14:44.52blitzrageheh, anyone gone from a skinny to SIP image on a 7960? It doesn't seem to look for the OS79XX.TXT file which would cause it to reflash
14:44.55coppicein fact local calls in the UK are charged higher than me calling london from HK :-)
14:44.59stakkjust use skype or so... or put an Asterisk on a (v)server and get yourself a softphone... it's SO easy nowadays...
14:45.11blitzrageif someone has a sample SIP configuration set (I don't need the images), then please let me know :)
14:45.57DrukenDr-Linux: send whoever is in the uk a voip phone :)
14:46.50Dr-Linuxblitzrage: yes, i loaded SIP firmware on my all 7960's
14:47.11Dr-Linuxblitzrage: bydefault they had Skinny
14:47.26Drukeni laugh at these damn reno shows, like trading spaces or whatever... i'm sorry, but a coat of paint cannot make everything beautiful...
14:47.43Dr-LinuxDruken: yeah, but i wanna call his cell phone or home number
14:47.54blitzrageDr-Linux: right -- problem is this phone doesn't seem to pick up the OS79XX.TXT file and load the SIP image
14:48.47Dr-Linuxblitzrage: why, did you put right MAC address, that's written back on the IP phone?
14:49.10blitzrageDr-Linux: the OS79XX.TXT has nothign to do with the MAC address yet
14:49.21Dr-Linuxblitzrage: what files you have in TFTP server?
14:49.46blitzragejust the images and SIP<mac>.cnf file (and OS79XX.TXT obviously)
14:49.50Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i need to know one thing
14:50.06Dr-Linuxblitzrage: what SIP firmware you are loading .. version?
14:50.27Dr-Linuxblitzrage: it won't not work
14:50.38blitzragesince when?
14:50.43blitzrageI've loaded 7.3 before...
14:50.50Dr-Linuxblitzrage: currenlty phone has Skinny? and it's a new phone?
14:50.59blitzragewell, its the same phone I've had forever
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14:51.15blitzrageI just flashed it to skinny yesterday to test the skinny asterisk branch
14:51.47Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i suggest you, load SIP 6.3 first and then upgrade it to 7.4
14:51.58blitzragehrmmm... don't ahve 6.3 :)
14:52.12Dr-Linuxfor me, i don't like 7.5 though
14:52.24Dr-Linuxblitzrage: currently i'm at home, tomorrow i'll be on my work
14:52.27blitzrageI'm not sure how its going to find 6.3 if it's not looking for the OS79XX.TXT file though
14:52.34Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i'll give you the version you want :)
14:52.45blitzrageDr-Linux: sure -- but I'll have had to figure it out by then :)
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14:53.36Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i have installed more them 15 7960's , all in US, and i never seen them in real
14:53.43Dr-Linuxi have same things for all
14:54.03Dr-Linuxi don't do anthing from the phone. bcoz the handy access user don't know anything
14:54.13Dr-Linuxso i do everything from TFTP
14:54.25Dr-Linuxand the rest of things from Telnet the phone
14:54.25Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
14:55.17Dr-LinuxNugget: how can you reboot the phone, if phone is in Pakistan alone and you are in USA?
14:55.32*** part/#asterisk aphexddb (
14:55.37Dr-Linuxi'm in Pakistan and my all phones are in USA,
14:55.39russellba specially formatted SIP message :)
14:55.55blitzragerussellb: you're back! :)
14:56.02Dr-Linuxi don't know how this phone looks like :S but have seen it in image form
14:56.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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14:57.39blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: you have caps lock on :)
14:57.47Dr-Linuxblitzrage: SCCP is Cisco propriety stuff, i think
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14:58.11Dr-Linuxwhat's what we faced much trouble while forwarding SIP traffic from behin the PIX
14:58.39Dr-Linux* [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@ has joined #ASTERISK
14:58.41blitzragebreakfast then workout time
14:58.49Dr-Linuxb/coz he typed ASTERISK?
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15:06.16Peggerdoes anyone use linux-ha here?
15:07.24[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!
15:08.25russellb[TK]D-Fender: HE SAID YOU HAVE CAPS LOCK ON
15:09.09russellbi am seriously falling asleep sitting here :(
15:10.38russellbi need to start coding ... maybe that will keep me awake.
15:11.51[TK]D-Fenderrussellb : Go download "CodeMonkey.mp3" and lte it blare :)
15:12.06russellbha, what's that
15:13.45[TK]D-Fenderrussellb : google it.  It's spread on digg and /.
15:13.50[TK]D-FenderFunny song.
15:14.28[TK]D-Fenderrussellb :
15:14.45[TK]D-Fenderrussellb : link in the 1st paragraph
15:15.36*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
15:18.12Assidwhats new russel
15:18.21russellbbeen sitting in an airport all day
15:19.02russellbbecause ... i'm travelling somewhere!
15:19.41Peggerrussellb, so you are on paid or free wi-fi?
15:19.53russellbpaid :(
15:20.09Peggerrussellb, they must be raping you then
15:20.14russellbyes, they are
15:20.34Assidhow much is it
15:20.42Peggeri bet it is like 5 and hour
15:20.49russellb20 euros for 24 hours
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15:21.44Peggerrussellb, so make sure you give the account info to somewoen else to use before you leave becuse I am sure hoping not to be ther 24 hours
15:21.47Dr-Linuxwho pay? Mark?
15:22.05russellbheh, no, i'm paying for it
15:22.19russellbPegger: well it looks like I'll be able to use it on the way back through, as well
15:22.26russellbit keps track of how long you use it
15:23.47russellbi had a 9 hour layover :(
15:23.57russellbone hour to go
15:24.14Peggerrussellb, that is a quick trip
15:24.32russellb9 hour layover is quick?
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15:41.46DrukenPegger: no.. the account is good for 24 hours of useage, not the next 24 hours...
15:41.59Drukenso when he comes back threw, he can use it the same account
15:42.19Drukeni doubt he'll be back in the same airport within the next 24 hours
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15:44.54nettieHi guys, I upgraded the IOS of my cisco router from version 12.3 to 12.4 and now I'm experiencing probems with RTP streams. The phones behind the cisco routers are connecting a remote asterisk server. Anyone know if there's something to disable in the IOS please?
15:45.22nettieNat rtp support seems broken
15:47.16ManxPowernettie, no service sip fixup or something like that
15:48.14ManxPoweror no nat sip fixup  You'll need to look it up
15:48.17nettieHi manx, thanx, with that in the config rtp is broken, I removed it seems to work.
15:48.32X-Gennettie, sounds like a job for MONDAY
15:48.38nettieno ip nat service sip udp port 5060
15:48.38nettieno ip nat service allow-sip-even-rtp-port
15:48.43ManxPowernettie, weird.  Any time I let my Cisco ruters do SIP fixup it breaks nat=yes
15:49.41nettieX-Gen: naja, it's just somethign I have to do considering it's in the list and in the week I never have time to do it :)
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15:50.02nettieManxPower whatever seems to work now.. 12.4.6 has broken nat imho
15:50.05nettie12.4.4 is fine
15:50.08nettieas far as I can see
15:51.07nettiemanx what qos you acutally use for voice on cisco routers llq?
15:51.34[codeman]hey, anybody running asterisk with voipstunt or one of finea's services ?
15:51.58ManxPowernettie, none at the moment, it always screws something else up, for various reasns
15:52.05ManxPowerbut when we do try it, it's LLQ
15:52.05nettieof course if I'm not moving in the consultancy zone :)
15:52.25nettieusing that too
15:52.31ManxPowerWe don't do voice over WAN or Internet
15:52.35ManxPowerwe only do it over LAN
15:52.57nettieover lan it's fine.. ip precedence and vlans :)
15:53.02nettieit's easy let's say
15:53.26nettiecompared to doing it with a 1280/256 dsl
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15:58.35blitzragerussellb: 9 hour layover? you sound like file yesterday
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16:01.55Drukenheya Katty
16:02.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: mew.
16:03.18blitzrageKatty: I'd say hi, but then I'd just seem like a follower
16:03.43Drukennot like she's saying hi back anyways... hehe she's being all stuck up today...
16:04.00blitzragewell, she *is* better than all of us :D
16:04.10blitzragewell... all of you anyways
16:04.54blitzrageI don't need to impress anyone
16:06.00*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=huh@
16:06.29Drukenman... i need something todo....
16:06.41blitzrageDruken: has stuff to test :)
16:07.18Drukeni'd have to set asterisk up on a spare server to test that crap
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16:16.23Drukenuhg... i hate sundays
16:18.45Sedoroxthinking either cable company.. with cable modem (about $95/month)
16:18.58Sedoroxor local wireless provider and dishtv for about $75-$80
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16:21.56ManxPowerSedorox, wireless sucks
16:22.50Sedoroxspeed wise it seems...
16:23.10Sedoroxmax of 1.8mbps ... average of 512k (both ways)
16:23.55Drukengo cable...
16:24.02Assidhell.. i need that speed
16:24.24Drukenhome depots site is useless
16:24.32SedoroxI'm wondering if I should do like my cousin's up here did...
16:24.40Drukentrying to find out how much a board of drywall is...
16:24.43Sedoroxstick with cable internet.. and get satelite tv
16:24.48[TK]D-FenderI'm very happy with my $35 dry-line 5000/800 DSL thank you :)
16:24.53Drukenthat's what i do
16:24.54SedoroxDruken: good luck on that.. I can never find prices on their site
16:24.57Drukencable internet, satelite
16:25.20DrukenSedorox: yeah i've noticed...
16:25.34Drukenunless it's a tool or prefab item, it's not on the site
16:26.06Drukeni guess i'll just have to go there... least it gives me something todo... hehehe
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16:26.15Sedoroxlooks like it comes to about the same price... possibly a little cheaper.. with having sat instead of cable for tv....
16:26.27blitzragemy cable provider just up'd my service from 3 to 5megs
16:26.36Assid[TK]D-Fender: i'd gladly spend that much for even 1/2 the speed you get
16:26.47blitzragebut speed means nothing to me -- I'd rather have 1.5 meg and really low latency
16:26.48Sedoroxyea.. I think they upp'd the base here from 5-8.. but I have to call to verify
16:27.02blitzrageSedorox: couldn't you verify with a speed test? :)
16:27.16blitzrageI need like... a T1 into my house :)
16:27.32blitzragewonder if I could get work to pay for that.... :D
16:27.33Drukenpfft, forget the damn t1's... now i want fiber!
16:27.35SedoroxI would have to go to my cousin's house.... I don't know anyone else with their internet service
16:27.51Sedoroxt1's suck.. 'cept for voice..t he only thing they are good for anymore
16:27.52Assidim actually spending around that much for 256/128
16:27.54blitzrageSedorox: ahhhh... I thought you already had the service
16:28.13SedoroxI'm living on-campus housing right now... next year I'm off... so need to get my own stuff :p
16:28.39Sedoroxand I'll have like.. 2 extra cable modems by the time I come back in aug, I think...
16:28.49Sedoroxif my parents insist on getting Comcast Digital Voice (ugh)
16:29.41Sedoroxmom would rather have the convience of writting one bill.. then save even more money
16:33.28*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
16:40.28HotaruTI'm trying to use the "G(context^exten^pri)" option to Dial() .. works fine so far... but: how can I bridge the two calls together? currently, after the fall of the specified extension, the call "Auto fallthrough"s and gets hang up..
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16:46.26HotaruTdo I read the sources correclty that this is not possible?
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16:52.22ManxPowerHotaruT, send the calls to a MeetMe
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16:52.57HotaruTManxPower: hm.. sounds more like a hack, or? (o: ..
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16:53.18ManxPowerHotaruT, most things in Asterisk are hacks.  You get used to it.
16:53.27HotaruThm.. I just want to execute a single application when the called party answers ..
16:53.54ManxPowerHotaruT, no, you want to run an application AND bridge the two legs of the call
16:53.54HotaruTManxPower: MeetMe requires a timing interface which I don't have ..
16:54.07HotaruTManxPower: ehm, yes..
16:54.10ManxPowerHotaruT, why not use .call files?
16:54.28ManxPowerHotaruT, have you considered the M() option?
16:54.46HotaruTManxPower: yes.. in source it is called: OPT_CALLEE_MACRO
16:54.56HotaruTManxPower: I want caller_macro ...
16:55.04*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
16:55.08ManxPowerHotaruT, THAT is EASY
16:55.11robin_szdo the digium single line cards do CID?
16:55.19ManxPowerrobin_sz, yes
16:55.28robin_szManxPower, for UK CID?
16:55.35ManxPowerHotaruT, run your stuff before the Dial
16:55.41ManxPowerrobin_sz, you didn't say UK CID
16:55.52ManxPowerrobin_sz, I have no idea.  Check the Wiki
16:56.07robin_szManxPower, well, I assum everyone is in the UK unless they say otherwise
16:56.12HotaruTManxPower: no... I need to run "SendText(Connected)" right at the time the other party answers...
16:56.45HotaruTManxPower: (all this for another much larger hack: .. making asterisk work with Q-SIG over SIP tunneling)
16:56.48ManxPowerHotaruT, I was not aware anything supported SendText
16:57.18HotaruTManxPower: my proxy transforms this Message into a qsig "connect" message..
16:57.31ManxPowerHotaruT, good luck with that
16:57.55HotaruTManxPower: I just need to trigger any sip message the connect time ...
16:58.05ManxPowerHotaruT, are you trying to do QSIG over SIP Tunnel between LANS or within a LAN?
16:58.10robin_sz0000:00:0d.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface ... works with wcfxo with no mods, so hopefully is register level identical to a digium ...
16:58.37ManxPowerHotaruT, Asterisk is not a SIP proxy.  SER is a SIP proxy
16:58.58*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
16:59.20HotaruTManxPower: I've a siemans hipath 4000 which does speak "SIP-Q" (sip with tunneled qsig messages) ..
16:59.39ManxPowerI'm sorry to hear that
16:59.51HotaruTManxPower: I've written a proxy which translates all the qsig-stuff for asterisk, and generates appropiate answers..
17:03.12HotaruThm.. *looking at app_dial.c* ... there is "Sending DTMF '%s' to the calling party." ... that would be enough for me <:
17:03.36Dr-Linuxi'm going to patch app_directory.c , what backup should i take first?
17:04.45HotaruTthat should be enough to hack my way out of this (o:
17:07.49Dr-Linuxany clue on my question?
17:09.38HotaruTas you could always download unmodified sources again ... none? or which data are you thinking about?
17:09.55Dr-LinuxHotaruT: well, i'm going to patch app_directory application. after that i would need recompile the source right?
17:10.25Dr-Linuxso i don't wanna lost any of my data/configuration
17:10.41Dr-LinuxHotaruT: i just need one feature, which that patch has
17:10.48ManxPowerHotaruT, sending DTMF to the calling party is easy.  run app SendDTMF.
17:11.07ManxPowerIt's pretty much easy to do anything with the calling party, it's the CALLED party that it's tough to send stuff to
17:11.07Dr-LinuxManxPower: any clue ?
17:11.17HotaruTDr-Linux: hm.. you need to compile and install just .. nothing else..
17:11.20ManxPowerDr-Linux, on what?
17:11.50HotaruTManxPower: sending dtmf is not the point .. the point is, that Dial() can send an dtmf event at the correct time (just before the call gets bridged)
17:12.12*** join/#asterisk MISGroup (
17:12.21ManxPowerHotaruT, have you ever run "show application dial"?
17:12.27Dr-LinuxManxPower: as i explained, i'm going to patch my app_directory.c
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17:12.44ManxPowerDr-Linux, I have no opinion on any source code related stuff with Asterisl
17:13.00Dr-Linuxso after that i'd need recompile the source, so what backup i need before doing this, bcoz i don't wanna bother my current configration
17:13.00*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
17:13.01SexyKenHey guys -- I need to know if this is a good bundle for $99.99:  Pentium 4 Processor 506 (2.66Ghz/1MB L2 Cache) and a ECS P4M800Pro-M Motherboard
17:13.12*** join/#asterisk giesen (
17:13.23HotaruTManxPower: hm.. I've read the page on .. but looks alike ..
17:13.29giesenanyone have any suggestions for solving choppy music on hold
17:13.31Dr-LinuxManxPower: ooo if you don't have, then who has :S
17:13.36ManxPowerHotaruT, VoIP info is always out of date.
17:14.05ManxPowerHotaruT, for example does it document the newver version of D() that allows you to send DTMF to both calling and called party?
17:14.32MISGroupgiesen: maybe try mono track of your MOH and a cut down bit rate
17:14.45giesentried it
17:14.51giesentried reencoding to ulaw
17:14.53ManxPowerHotaruT, look at the docs included with Asterisk FIRST, when all else fails, THEN look at
17:14.59giesentried using the native asterisk functions
17:15.15giesenit's definiteliy not a cpu utilization issue
17:15.20giesenfrom what I understand
17:15.27giesenmoh gets its timing from sip
17:15.36giesenso of the party that's on hold is silent
17:15.46giesenthen there's no packets for timing
17:15.48ManxPowergiesen, does MOH go away when the person hearing the MoH presses MUTE?
17:15.50giesenand it breaks
17:15.54MISGroupmaybe you are just playing music that * doesn't like (George Michael or the like)
17:15.59HotaruTManxPower: I was talking about using D() 10 minutes ago .. after I looked at app_dial.c (o:
17:16.00ManxPowergiesen, NO!!!!!!!!!!!
17:16.25ManxPowerThat is only true if the device uses VAD/CNG, which as EVERYONE knows, asterisk does not supprt and will cause problems.
17:16.36*** join/#asterisk nite (n=nite@
17:16.42giesenyeah it only happens on calls from the pstn
17:16.48giesennot sip to sip
17:17.00giesenmy calls from the pstn come in via iax2
17:17.12giesenI have vad/cng disabled on all my cisco phones
17:17.31ManxPowergiesen, so they are IAX2 calls, not PSTN calls, since they are not PSTN when they reach your server
17:17.50giesenwell true
17:17.52RoyKany idea who this 'casper' on mantis might be?
17:18.02ManxPowera ghost user?
17:18.04giesenbut that's where all my pstn calls from from
17:18.19*** join/#asterisk Olobola (i=Olobola@
17:18.59ManxPowergiesen, If the call does not come into your Asterisk on a PSTN interface, then Asterisk does not consider the call a PSTN call.
17:20.44RoyKgiesen: what sort of pstn card?
17:22.16giesenManxPower: yes I realize that
17:22.36giesenIm just saying it's on all calls from my did provider
17:22.46giesennot calls between sip extensions
17:24.31RoyKgiesen: tried monitoring it? app_monitor - to see if there are any chops there?
17:24.59giesenbut Ill try that i guess
17:25.03ManxPowergiesen, what codec are you using?  Most compressed codecs do NOT deal well with music
17:25.30ManxPowerto your IAX2 provider?
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17:25.48RoyKgiesen: are you receiving calls from pstn or iax?
17:25.54RoyKor whatever voip
17:26.09RoyKthen the problem is probably jitter
17:26.16giesenun my latency is like 10ms
17:26.21giesento my provider
17:26.55ManxPowergiesen, what is the jitter to your provider?
17:27.11giesenvirtually  none
17:27.18ManxPowerand how are you measuring latency?
17:27.49Dr-Linux  << anybody can check and tell me, what did i wrong? :S
17:28.11ManxPowersee if "iax2 show channels" during active calls shows latency/jitter to be similar to what iaxping shows.  I don't think that is the problem, however.
17:29.08robin_szOK, so I set "ukcallerid=yes" in my zpata.conf ... now what?
17:29.25giesen00007/00570  00042/00047  00040ms  -0001ms  0000ms  ulaw
17:29.51giesenlooks like the latency is a bit higher there
17:29.55giesenbut still nothing to worry about
17:30.51robin_szso, is it likely ukcallerid was added after *-1.2.4 ? any point upgrading?
17:31.54giesenoh and yes, I do have an X100P in the box
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17:33.25RoyKgiesen: ethereal is your friend. try it out
17:35.03RoyKManxPower: any idea who 'casper' @ matis might be?
17:35.32Dr-Linuxwho knows :S
17:35.59QwellRoyK: casper
17:36.09RoyK~lart Qwell
17:36.19QwellThat's his name, nub :p
17:36.48Dr-LinuxRoyK: did you look at  << anybody can check and tell me, what did i wrong?
17:37.07QwellRoyK: Andrey Pankov on -dev
17:37.32RoyKDr-Linux: open the .rej file and patch manually :P
17:37.43RoyKQwell: is he on irc?
17:37.51Qwelldon't think so, no
17:37.57Dr-LinuxRoyK: ? kidding?
17:38.12RoyKDr-Linux: not at all. it's usually quite simple
17:38.41Dr-LinuxRoyK: but i'm not familiar with C
17:38.48Dr-Linuxi don't wanna lost anything
17:38.51RoyKDr-Linux: you'll see the difference
17:38.58RoyKDr-Linux: try first, complain later :)
17:39.52Dr-LinuxRoyK: :S
17:40.12RoyKDr-Linux: what sort of patching are you doing?
17:41.33Dr-LinuxRoyK: i tried it on my other server, and output is:
17:41.36Dr-Linux[root@i2c-pbx asterisk-1.2.0]# patch -p0 < /home/ivr/asterisk-1.2.6_delink-directory-readext_0.01.patch
17:41.36Dr-Linuxpatching file apps/app_directory.c
17:41.36Dr-Linux[root@i2c-pbx asterisk-1.2.0]#
17:41.45Dr-Linuxsorry for pasting
17:41.53Dr-Linuxit's 3 lines
17:42.09Dr-LinuxRoyK: does it mean, its went fine?
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17:43.08RoyKDr-Linux: the servers have different versions of asterisk
17:43.44Dr-LinuxRoyK: yes, i didn't work on 1.2.1
17:44.02Dr-Linuxand i didn't out any error on 1.2.0
17:44.03RoyKrsync the patched tree to the other server :P
17:44.25Dr-LinuxRoyK: please see here, and tell me is it patched successfully?
17:44.37RoyKthat's successfully
17:44.38Dr-LinuxRoyK: i'm doing patch for the first time.
17:44.48RoyKso what's the deal?
17:45.05Dr-LinuxRoyK: this server is very critical, and live
17:45.24Dr-LinuxRoyK: so what should i do to apply this feature?  only "make"  ?
17:45.37RoyKdid the patch succeed?
17:45.47RoyKthe latter did indeed
17:46.16Dr-LinuxRoyK: i shown you, i'm not sure if it was done, but it didn't show any error
17:50.26ManxPower1947 USA Area Code Map!maps/images/NANP1947.gif
17:53.01Drukenwholly shit, 13 bux for a 8x4 drywall board
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17:57.11seb-when my sip phone 'registers' to my VOIP service provider is password sent IN THE CLEAR (like ftp and telnet)!?!??! If yes then it appears SIP VOIP customers are vulnerable to lots of mischief!?
17:57.11Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
17:57.24seb-Nugget: yes, see my comment above
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17:57.48SuPrSluGhello all
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17:58.13dpryoseb-: OMG! You're serious?
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17:59.53SuPrSluGhaving a weird problem. when calling in there is no sound. From the CLI everything looks good, the message appears but no sound. I replaced moh w/ native formats hoping that no mpg123 problems. Any ideas?
18:00.26SuPrSluGit works fine for a while then does this
18:01.06ManxPowerSupaplex, You have NAT or Firewall involved.
18:01.55ManxPowerdpryo, Um, that's pretty common.  sending only an MD5 has of the password is an option
18:02.14dpryoManxPower: hehe, I know that. I'm trying to be sarcastic ;P
18:03.21seb-dpryo: you seem ok with the security hole...why?
18:03.35ManxPowerDr-Linux, if patch does not give errors then it didn't have any errors
18:03.39dpryoseb-: All my SIP-connections are over VPN.
18:03.49ManxPowerseb-, if you want secure calls you use a VPN or other way of securing it.
18:04.26ManxPowerseb-, When SIP protocol was created nobody thought anyone would be sending calls over the internet
18:04.29seb-ManxPower: i don't mind NSA eavesdropping on my conversation...i just don't want script kiddies to get my password and bills me lots of minutes
18:04.35*** join/#asterisk Ax0n (
18:04.52seb-dpryo: VPN sounds like a good idea
18:05.05seb-dpryo: i wonder if allows vpn to their asterisk server
18:05.21dpryoIf you can afford the overhead, it's ideal.
18:05.24Ax0nI have a TDM2400P, is this a 5V or 3.3V PCI card?
18:05.25ManxPowerseb-, use a provider that supports public key or MD5 auth
18:05.45seb-ManxPower: good idea
18:05.53ManxPowerAx0n, what do the product spec sheets on the digium web site say it is?
18:05.55seb-ManxPower: got any recommendations? :)
18:06.12ManxPowerseb-, I don't send calls over the internet, as it's not reliable enough for me
18:06.24Ax0nManxPower: It doesn't, thanks for idiot checking me though.
18:06.27ManxPowerTeliax, however, seems to suck less than most.
18:06.29seb-ManxPower: i wonder how hard it would be to just run my own asterisk server and do it myself
18:06.49seb-ManxPower: thanks
18:07.15Ax0nI see info for the TDM400P, but not the TDP2400P
18:07.39DrukenManxPower: not all of us have a cushy job like you :)
18:09.25weinerkDoes anyone have a scoop on Switchvox vs. FreePBX? Thanks!
18:09.45ManxPowerAx0n, call them on monday
18:10.09ManxPowerweinerk, Most of us don't care.  Nobody kn #FreePBX knows?
18:10.10Drukendoesn't it say on the card in print somewhere?
18:11.24robin_szhey tzafrir , where you hidden the rapid .debs today ?
18:12.07Dr-LinuxDruken: i need your sometime/help?
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18:12.20[Necro]hallo, hallooo :P
18:12.43Drukenmy sometime help?
18:12.45robin_szbah, birds nesting under my roof making a "tweet tweet" sound ...
18:12.52robin_szbest get a pole and poke them out
18:13.14robin_szthe cat looks hungry, he'll appreciate the taste
18:13.23[Necro]Hey. Can anyone help me out? I am looking for a good IP phone. One that wont give me much trouble but that is cheap enough.
18:13.24Dr-LinuxDruken: i just patched my app_directory.c , now what should i do to apply it?
18:13.42ManxPower[Necro], there are no good cheap IP phones.
18:13.50Dr-Linuxactually i don't want to loose my any current data/configuration as this server is live and very critical
18:13.51robin_szthats true
18:13.52ManxPowerDr-Linux, rebuild and install
18:14.16ManxPowerDr-Linux, back up your data and configs, if you do NOT do a "make samples" your configs should not be blown away
18:14.18Dr-Linuxwill it takeover my current configration?
18:14.30[Necro]ManxPower: yea, I thought so. But which ones?
18:14.39Dr-LinuxManxPower: but what about modules and agi-bin and voicemail ?
18:14.44Ax0nManxPower: Thanks. It looks like it's a PCI 2.2 card, which from my understanding means it's 3.3V. Do you know if this is correct?
18:14.55ManxPower[Necro], Linksys SPA-841, Polycom 301 and 501
18:15.15ManxPowerAx0n, I do not know.
18:15.21robin_szand Snom 320 & 360 are OK too
18:15.30ManxPowerDr-Linux, make install will copy over the modules.
18:15.31anthmastxs -autoload -install /path/to/app.c (dont even have to stop it if the app supports unloading)
18:15.41ManxPoweranthm, thank you.
18:16.00anthmif ast is off omit the autoload arg
18:16.27ManxPoweranthm, will he have to unload first?
18:16.36Dr-LinuxManxPower: but my question is, will it takeover my agi-bin/  , voicemail and modules dirctories?
18:16.39[Necro]ManxPower: what about grandstreams?
18:16.43ManxPower(that's what he is replacing.
18:16.47anthmnot if he uses -autoload
18:16.49ManxPowerDr-Linux, NO!NO!NO!NO!
18:16.51anthmit does it too
18:16.57ManxPowerShall I say it again?
18:17.31Ax0nNecro: I just got 10 Aastra 9133i phones, they are working very well.
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18:17.51ManxPowerThe only time you have to worry with make install is if you have a custom module with the same name as a normal Asterisk module -- and if you have that, you have more problems than I can help with.
18:17.56robin_sz[Necro], grandstreams are excellent  ... without doubt the best plantpot you can buy
18:18.08[Necro]Ax0n: did u had any trouble making them connect or so?
18:18.39Dr-Linuxastxs -autoload -install /path/to/app.c << so  i need only this command?
18:18.52anthmyes it's in the contrib
18:19.01anthmyou need to copy it to your path and chmod it
18:19.05anthmit's a perl script
18:19.13Ax0n[Necro]: I added a few lines to my dhcp config, and setup a TFTP server with aastra.cfg and the latest firmware, and I just copied the example sip.conf and extentions.conf from's website and it just worked.
18:19.57[Necro]Ax0n: sounds nice. I'll check them out. Thanx for the tips :)
18:20.04anthmcomes in handy when you are in a development frenzy and you want to keep recompiling it to test code w/o stopping it
18:20.05Ax0nit grabs the tftp server and address from the dhcp server, loads it's config and firmware from tftpd and registers with the sip proxy.
18:20.51Ax0n[Necro]: I had to dig a bit to find all of the config directives, but aside from that, it was cake.
18:21.32Dr-Linuxanthm: astxs < this command doesn't work on my RHEL AS 3
18:21.52anthmdoesnt work?
18:21.53[Necro]Ax0n: the normal stuff. I'm just looking for something that wont fail.
18:22.37Dr-Linux << here is my patch, i think it's done successfully but now sure
18:22.56anthmdoesnt work how?
18:23.26Ax0n[Necro]: Well they have been very much so for our intra-office stuff for the past 2 weeks. As soon as I figure out why this Digium TDM2400P keeps toasting power supplies I will know from the live testers :>
18:24.28Dr-Linuxanthm: i'm sorry i'm not clear, how can i apply this line you given me. all i want to apply the changes that patch made in app_directory.c
18:24.55[Necro]Ax0n: hahaha good :)
18:25.21robin_szok, I cant find the sring "ukcallerid" in * release, presumably its a patch, right? and if so .. where is it?
18:25.30anthmastxs is a script to compile 1 module .c file into a .so
18:25.51anthmits in contrib/scripts/astxs in the source tree
18:26.18anthmcp it to /bin and chmod it to executable
18:26.30anthmand use it to recompile modules
18:26.40Dr-Linuxok fine
18:26.54Dr-Linuxanthm: i don't need "make" etc right?
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18:27.17anthmnot if you choose to do it that way it was just a suggestion
18:27.48Dr-Linuxanthm: let me go there
18:28.59Dr-Linuxanthm: i'm using 1.2.0
18:29.40anthmits was there then too
18:30.06anthmjust make install it wont hurt anything
18:31.05anthmit cant get much worse
18:31.33Dr-Linuxanthm: i just vi astxs file, there are many things, where to put the line you given me?
18:31.54anthmit's a perl script
18:32.04anthmyou run it in your shell
18:32.52anthmcp astxs /bin
18:33.01anthmchmod a+rx /bin/astxs
18:33.15Dr-Linuxanthm: it have done that already
18:33.25anthmastxs -autoload -install /wherever/your/file.c is
18:35.06robin_szseems it works .. but not on the X100P because of "not wanting to add too much bloat" issues :(
18:36.19Dr-Linuxanthm: Opss after doing all i got this error >>
18:36.19robin_szand since the patch was made in 2004, it seems very unlikely to work agaisnt the current codebase
18:36.41Dr-Linuxnot sure what i did wrong :S
18:37.49Dr-Linuxanthm: command was wrong or what? :S
18:38.14Dr-Linuxanthm: my asterisk is still running though
18:38.59anthmis your source in a difft dir ?
18:39.41Dr-Linuxanthm: my source path is >> /usr/src/asterisk-1.2.0
18:40.05Dr-Linuxand the file path is >> /usr/src/asterisk-1.2.0/apps/app_directory.c
18:40.12anthmASTSRC=/usr/src/asterisk-1.2.0 astxs -autoload -install /wherever/your/file.c is
18:40.27anthmor symlink it so it's also /usr/src/asterisk
18:40.32anthmeither way
18:42.33Dr-Linuxanthm: same happend again >>
18:43.02Dr-Linuxanthm: i used your first advice.
18:46.10Dr-Linuxanthm: should i "mv asterisk-1.2.0 asterisk" ?
18:48.51anthmsymlink would be enuf
18:50.29Dr-Linuxanthm: oo i think i'm done, but tried something else
18:50.35Dr-Linuxplease check >>
18:51.10Dr-Linuxanthm: i tried it from the ...apps/ dirctory
18:51.31Dr-Linuxanthm: if it's done successfully, what should i do now.
18:52.42anthmthat's it done
18:53.07Dr-Linuxanthm: do i need to restart asterisk?
18:53.14Dr-Linuxor don't need?
18:55.40MikeJ[Laptop]you don't
18:55.54MikeJ[Laptop]-autoload loads the module for you
18:57.16Dr-Linuxanthm: thanks, i found a very good way to recomplie the things :)
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19:08.15wasimsome day the world will be em gee sea pee free, and you and i, tony, will rest in peace ...
19:09.04wasimbut for now, alas ...
19:09.04mikeyb_workI am trying to compile asterisk on a suse box, but am getting compilation errors...
19:10.46Dr-Linuxwasim: grrrr
19:11.16wasimDr-Linux: ?
19:11.49Dr-Linuxwasim: kuch nahin, sorry
19:12.02wasimDr-Linux: you don't like RSIP either?
19:12.30Dr-Linuxwho likes?
19:12.54wasimus mere mortals don't get much of choice in these matters
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19:13.52robin_szin 2004, markster said it "was now in CVS"
19:13.59Hmmhesayshow bizarre
19:14.09robin_szyet I find no trace of it now in the code
19:14.09Dr-Linuxanthm: the dirctory app works for me, as it suppose to do :)
19:14.24Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: what?
19:14.41Hmmhesayssinging a song
19:15.09Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: go and find some boobies :P
19:15.25Hmmhesaysis that all you think about?
19:16.28Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: i just applied a patch on Directory application. and it worked!
19:16.28robin_szno ...
19:16.35robin_sztheres ass as well :)
19:21.20Hmmhesaysholy shiat
19:21.23*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (
19:21.28Hmmhesayshow goes it stranger?
19:21.40HmmhesaysDr-Linux cool
19:22.24DarthCluenot bad.  been relaxing in the desert contemplating leaving the country but figured it wasn't worth the trouble just yet.
19:23.57DarthCluethinking about going to chi again but right now it's just thinking.
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19:33.00KylerO.k., I give.  How do I check out Asterisk using Subversion?  Or are there recent tarballs?
19:34.48tzafrir_laptopKyler, check the "more" link in the downloads block
19:35.02tzafrir_laptopwhat version do you want?
19:35.36KylerBeen there.  Still trying to figure it out.  I want something recent enough to have a modern Dictate().
19:35.53Kyler(It was added in December.)
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19:36.13KylerOh!  I see the SVN instructions now.
19:36.23[TK]D-FenderKyler : Save yourself the trouble and jsut DL from FTP.
19:36.41KylerI was trying to use and that was going nowhere.
19:36.59KylerAre there nightly tarballs by FTP?
19:37.10Hmmhesaysleaving the country?
19:38.11DarthCluei'm less than an hour from mexico.
19:39.41[TK]D-FenderKyler : Stick with "releases", safe that way.
19:39.55Hmmhesaysahh i see
19:40.16Kyler"safe(r)" doesn't help when features are withheld from the releases.
19:40.42tzafrir_laptopKyler, why do you need that? (not a rethoric question)
19:41.12KylerThe ability to specify a filename to Dictate() still isn't in the release version.
19:41.23tzafrir_laptopAnd their bugs. Do you specifically need current trunk? or current 1.2 branch?
19:41.50KylerI dunno.  How can I tell where a modern Dictate() is?
19:45.56KylerAwhile ago someone suggested mixing release Asterisk with an svn Dictate module.
19:46.43*** join/#asterisk southtel (
19:47.27KylerI figure I might as well try full svn until I run into problems.
19:47.56southtelI have a nitpicky question...does anybody know what causes the message "cdr.c:1191 do_reload: CDR simple logging enabled." upon starup?
19:47.57KylerI just need to roll out this system...tomorrow.
19:48.26southtelI've started asterisk with no modules loaded and it still shows up.
19:48.45anthmwhile you're at it paypal me a donation for making it *snicker*
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19:55.45De_Monsouthtel how do you know no modules are loaded?
19:57.00southtelDe_Mon: My modules.conf file is blank other than autoload=no
19:57.43southtelDe_Mon: and "show modules" returns nothing.
19:58.53southtelDe-Mon: My appologies if things aren't formatting correctly.
19:59.25southtelDe_Mon: Essentially, I think it's a NOTICE message thta I'm just going to have to live with.
20:00.09KylerI could use some help with scheduler tweaking for running Asterisk under Xen.
20:00.28KylerUg.  But I have to run now...
20:01.01De_Monsouthtel you shouldn't get that message unless cdr logging is enabled
20:01.46southtelDe_Mon: I believe that cdr logging is enabled by doesn't look like it'a a module.
20:02.01*** join/#asterisk Lone_Wanderer (
20:02.44southtelEven when I disable logging via cdr.conf (dcr logging that is) then I get a different NOTICE message....I'm just trying to reduce any unnecessary messages, and make sure thta the system is as clean as possible.
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20:05.29De_Monyeah you're going to get a notice either way.
20:07.11southtelDe_Mon: Yeah, that's what I wa s starting to think...thanks.
20:08.03southtelDe_Mon: Perfect...I had considered diving into the code, but that makes it un-necessary.
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20:23.56xachenIf I'm using mpg123 how can I restart it to select the new songs I have without restarting asterisk?
20:31.58Strom_Cgood afternoon
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21:06.44MRH2hi seems to have stopped at 4th May
21:07.18MRH2any place else I can get update details on stuff committed stuff?
21:07.31Strom_CMRH2: you can subscribe to the list :)
21:08.06MRH2god not another mailing list!
21:09.11MRH2how does the archive differ from the list? shouldn't they be 1 and the same
21:11.03Strom_CMRH2: just because the mail gets sent out doesn't necessarily mean the archiving function is working correctly
21:11.46*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=jdlewis@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
21:12.06MRH2ok is there any other place I can look?
21:15.36*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
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21:19.47robin_szmy GXP2000 still has a working GUI ... thats two whole days now!!!! ...
21:20.16Strom_Ca grandstream product that actually works
21:20.24Strom_CI, for one, am impressed
21:20.32[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz : And my Polycom's still work 100% the same as expected as ever :)
21:21.05robin_szyeah yeah
21:21.12[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz : And by opening your mouth you realize of course that the karmic wheel WILL run you down momentarily, right? ;)
21:21.41Strom_Cso OK, I've been out of the loop for too long.  What are the current recommended voip carriers for outbound and inbound U.S. termination?
21:22.00X-Robrobin_sz, new GXP firmware?
21:22.05*** join/#asterisk pbx321 (n=pbx321@
21:22.23robin_sz"round and round went the bloody great wheel, in and out went the prick of steel" ... the Engineers Song
21:22.38robin_szX-Rob, yeah .... seems to work at last ...
21:22.44[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : Depends on a number of things.  need multiple concurrent calls?  Will you use it enough to warrant an "unlimited" account?
21:23.06[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz : My karma ran over your dogma :D
21:23.15Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: well they're a business, they want multiple concurrent calls, and they want an inbound number in the los angeles area
21:23.41[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : I know some places using multiple Broadvoice unlimited accounts...
21:23.55Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: I'd like to keep it IAX if possible.
21:23.59robin_szX-Rob, its you want
21:24.22Strom_Ctheir server is behind NAT and they wont spring for a static public IP
21:24.28X-Rob* Fixes for blank LCD or corrupted GUI issues
21:24.39robin_szso far, so good
21:24.51robin_szmine was totally blank and fuxxored on the last two releases
21:25.04tainted-what do u guys use for server monitoring
21:25.11tainted-nagios? hobbit?
21:26.16robin_sznagios rocks my world
21:26.28Strom_Cman, I remember nagios
21:26.35Strom_CI used to do network monitoring for ticketmaster
21:26.52Strom_Ctwenty thousand service checks, I think
21:27.04X-Rob'DO NOT POWER OFF!'
21:27.25Strom_Cuh, ok, someone just rode through the office park on a horse
21:27.26tainted-where does nagios store its stats
21:27.37tainted-horse is the new ferrari
21:27.41tainted-get with the times
21:27.44X-Robrobin_sz, where's your stop sign on the display?
21:27.53X-RobI know that oine
21:27.54X-Robit's DND
21:27.54robin_szright at the top, smack in the middle
21:27.58X-Robpush your 'mute/del' button
21:28.00brookshireyou're not anybody unless you've got a horse
21:28.12X-RobDo Not Disturb
21:28.34tainted-i wonder if status is linear with age of horse
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21:28.53robin_szbrookshire, you remember the game scissors-rock-paper?
21:29.17Strom_Chey brokshire :)
21:29.39robin_szbrookshire, welllllll ... my gluepot beats your horse :)
21:29.45X-RobHey. My display isn't fuxx0r3d.
21:29.54robin_szbe amazed
21:29.59X-RobOMG. They've fixed it
21:30.04robin_szwas it fuxxored before?
21:30.37tainted-brookshire he's got a point.. one gluepot ~= 100 horses
21:30.37X-Robit was
21:30.58robin_szmine still did go blank once after an incoming call,. but it got better and didnt actually reboot
21:31.26robin_szaccessing it wia the web interface frequently results in partial pages .. but apart from that
21:31.31robin_szits fine
21:33.03X-Robhaven't been able to duplicate that
21:35.25robin_szoops .. mine went balnk during the last call, but it was back looking fine within a few seconds of hangup
21:35.30robin_szsee .. not bad at all
21:36.04robin_sznow .. if I could just figure out how to do UK callerid on my X100P card :(
21:36.16robin_szwheres that markster
21:36.20robin_szor kram
21:36.38robin_szor ekram or whatever he is this week
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21:46.04DrPeteTo run asterisk with a few phones, nothing fancy, just to make calls in and out, voicemail etc. what amount of ram will keep it happy? Also diskspace etc
21:47.38tainted-DrPete search for 'asterisk dimensioning'
21:48.30DrPeteoki :) I am doing to stick it on a vm, dont want to waste resorces
21:52.08*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
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21:54.26[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz : I do believe they're all on their way to Italy right now for that * conference.
21:55.24robin_szpisa right?
21:56.12[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz : Yup, the town taht Renaissance quality achetecture MISSED ;)
21:56.47*** join/#asterisk [x86] (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
21:56.51[x86]hey guys...
21:57.24[x86]i want to make it so i can call my asterisk server from the PSTN and hit my IVR (which already is working fine), and be able to dial out from there
21:57.52[TK]D-Fenderx86 : DISA <-
21:57.56[x86]how do i capture the digits the inbound call would enter?
21:58.21[TK]D-Fender[x86] : Or READ.
22:02.37Dr-Linuxx86: use DISA application with authenticate
22:03.01[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Thats redundant.....
22:03.18[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : DISA does its own authenticate
22:03.55catch23should there be a return code for an exec meetme call?  I see "AGI Rx << EXEC MeetMe 123|dM" in the debug window, but there's no AGI Tx
22:04.16Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i'm using first Athenticate and then DISA with no password
22:05.04Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: as i remember you are the who pointed me DISA :)
22:05.19Dr-LinuxDISA is good to providing a tone
22:05.46Dr-Linuxbut i use authenticate for different passwords
22:06.31[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Thats an idea if you want to take 1 person's access away, or do a more complicated lookup.
22:06.42*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
22:06.51Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i don't know if DISA works with different passwords but Authenticate does.
22:07.35[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : No DISA only takes a single pass, included in-line
22:08.41Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i provided different passwords to my outside users.
22:08.57*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
22:09.02Dr-Linuxthis is good option if you are at home, and you wanna call your clients from your work phone :)
22:09.44catch23anyone here use meetme before?
22:10.03Dr-Linuxcatch23: ask your question
22:10.25Dr-Linuxmaybe someone answer you
22:10.33catch23Dr-Linux: I just did, scroll up a little :P.  nobody answered :-/
22:10.51catch23Dr-Linux: so i resorted to a more general question
22:11.39catch23should there be a return code for an exec meetme call?  I see "AGI Rx << EXEC MeetMe 123|dM" in the debug window, but there's no AGI Tx
22:11.44jboti guess suggestions is 1) Don't ask to ask. Just say your problem, 2) Don't repeat until 5 mins after, 3) Read and re-read the docs first, then admit it if you REALLY don't understand. You're wasting your time and ours if you haven't at least tried. 4) If your problem ain't solved, come back in 12 hrs or 24 hrs later. We're very international. 5) Be polite and ...
22:12.12[TK]D-Fendercatch23 : Don't ask ever few minutes especially while we can still likely see your last one on-screen...
22:12.27KylerI've compiled (svn) from source.  Now it looks like Asterisk expects to dump everything in /var/run instead of /var/run/asterisk but I don't see how to set that as an option for "configure".
22:12.41catch23well i was just asking a more general one earlier, Dr-Linux hadn't seen my original question
22:13.37Dr-Linuxcatch23: check your agi logs file.
22:13.59[TK]D-Fendercatch23 : He was here, and we all saw it.  He just thought your repetition was a new person's request and not BAIT for your old one.
22:14.07KylerOuch.  It looks like /var/run/ is hardcoded.  How does Debian dealwith that?
22:15.04catch23Dr-Linux: yeah, that was my agi log files...   well the last line at least.  I didn't see anything after
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22:17.51Dr-Linuxcatch23: i'm not familiar with agi stuff. we hired a guy for AGI .. he is good. he is building entire trasaction IVR's in AGI
22:18.02KylerIs there a way to generate a date string directly in extensions.conf or do I need to resort to AGI?
22:18.26KylerI'd like to do Dictate(/somedir,%Y%M%d...).
22:19.20catch23Dr-Linux: well technically it's not really AGI, since it's merely using the exec command for agi which allows you to execute one of the other 200 apps that comes with asterisk
22:20.54*** join/#asterisk pbx321 (n=pbx321@
22:22.08*** join/#asterisk qai (i=qai@
22:23.44qaiHey Hey - can anyone help me to identify what to do with an error compiling zaptel?  I issue make linux26 (because I using and it comes back with an error midway throug the compile, something about ztcfg
22:25.43*** part/#asterisk VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
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22:33.00Dr-Linuxanyone from UK?
22:33.05KylerGrrr...if I run "exec dictate /tmp/ 1234" (via AGI) it ignores the filename.
22:33.52qaimaybe you shouldn't have a space aftet the /
22:34.16KylerWhat's the delimiter?  |?
22:34.38qaidunno - maybe >
22:34.46KylerAh!  Yes, it is!  Thanks!
22:35.29HmmhesaysI do work in the UK
22:35.37Kyler(I'm running this from Python and originally just passed the arguments like normal.  I'll have to teach the library to delimit them properly...)
22:35.46Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: really? :)
22:36.14Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: i have my cousin in the UK, i wanna talk to them someday
22:36.37Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: i wanna call them
22:36.45Hmmhesaysok... whats the problem?
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22:37.27qaiAnybody have a suggestion how I can find out the cause of an error compiling Zaptel?  It exits with "collect2: ld returned 1 exit status" and the last line reads "make: *** [ztcfg] Error 1"
22:38.17Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: problem is that i want someone asterisk friend from UK, who can give me some calls so that i can call my cousin home
22:38.29Hmmhesaysi can but not for free
22:39.10qaiSignup with voip-stunt - one time charge and it connects to UK
22:39.31Hmmhesaysthey don't have paypal in pakistan do they
22:39.46Drukenis it just me, or is the uk just screwed for phone service in general ?
22:39.55Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: but we can use someone else paypal :P
22:40.36Dr-Linuxwell, i'll give someone some calls in Pakistan, and he maybe give me in UK
22:40.47*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
22:41.04Dr-Linuxmy servers are in USA, that's not a problem. my cousin is in UK. i miss him :S :P
22:42.08[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : So get him online then
22:42.51Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: he have baby kids, i wanna listem them.
22:43.05Drukeni know in north america, you can call ld collect, can you call internationally collect?
22:43.13[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : and then get him to use a soft-phoe, DUH!
22:43.33Dr-Linuxbut no probloem. i'll find someone. UK call is not costly, but Pakistan local call is costly, so i'll find someone good :)
22:44.02[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : So, you back home now full-time?
22:44.08Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: he doesn't use internet
22:44.42*** join/#asterisk AndyCap (n=aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
22:44.46KylerAre there any other apps like Dictate()?  I just realized that I'm going to have to rewrite it in order to do simple things like exit.
22:45.00Dr-Linuxotherwise i'd have give him a eyeBeam soft phone :)
22:45.24[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Well rock out already!
22:46.05Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: today first time i patched my asterisk box
22:46.35Dr-Linuxand it went fine, even i didn't restart/reload asterisk :)
22:49.53Drukendamn... i need an asprin
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22:52.06Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender first jam night since i've been out of the klink
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22:55.32stuperdudeif I maild you asprin, and you still had a headache when it arrived you should go the emergency room by that time anyway
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22:56.41TUplinkis there any SIP clients for a webpage?
22:57.16TUplinkmaybe java based
22:57.34stuperdudeif a headache lasts longer than 24-48 hours you should probably go to the hospital
22:57.51[TK]D-Fenderstuperdude : Welcome to marriage ;)
22:58.13*** join/#asterisk frawd (
22:58.28stuperdudeor in that case devorce court
22:59.17Hmmhesaysthere is an active x sip phone
23:00.43stuperdudeanone here use with asterisk?
23:00.56TUplinkHmmhesays whats it caled
23:01.04Hmmhesaysgoogle it there are a few of them
23:01.08TUplinki just need a webbased one
23:02.14*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
23:02.18KylerI modified app_dictate so I can exit but anything I run after that results in an AGI syntax error.
23:02.19Hmmhesayswhy do you think i just said there is an activex one
23:04.03Hmmhesayslook like there is a java based one too
23:06.08*** join/#asterisk Abydos313 (
23:06.11[TK]D-Fenderstuperdude : Plenty of people, just ask your real question
23:06.48stuperdudeHow do I make it work with asterisk?
23:07.59Hmmhesays$75/hour usd is my going rate
23:08.07Hmmhesaysbut I'll set your fwd account up for 25
23:08.44stuperdudeI'll just keep googleing it
23:09.02stuperdudeand keep my $25
23:11.22stuperdudeyay I found it myself ty
23:11.39stuperdudeyou have inspired me
23:11.53*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
23:13.34HmmhesaysI wrote a program that parses a quintum database script and can change it in realtime
23:13.38HmmhesaysI rock
23:15.11stuperdudegood 4 u
23:15.39stuperdudeyou want a cookie?
23:16.35*** join/#asterisk nite (
23:16.44Hmmhesaysyes give me a cookie
23:16.52stuperdudeYou can't have mine! Get a job and buy your own dam cookie!
23:17.14Hmmhesaysi have a job, it involves doing naughty things with your hot sister
23:17.56stuperdudeI dont have a sister. You must be screwing my neighbor's dog skip!
23:18.00*** join/#asterisk gmfm (
23:18.38HmmhesaysI thought she was a little hairy
23:20.04Hmmhesaysanyone ever user perl's Net::Telnet for serial communications?
23:20.04Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
23:20.05stuperdude   that was how to make it work.
23:20.16HmmhesaysI know how to make it work
23:20.25stuperdudethe free world dial up thing
23:20.27*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:22.19dlynesHmmhesays: For serial communications?  You mean like for connecting to keysystems, sunsparcs, network switches, and that kinda thing?
23:22.47dlynesI can't seem to get minicom to do that :(((
23:23.34Hmmhesaysi read somewhere if you pass an open filehandle to net::telnet you can use it for serial comm
23:23.55dlynesAnd it worked for you?
23:24.00Hmmhesaysno, haven't tried it yet
23:24.03Hmmhesaysi'm going to though
23:26.05dlynesHmmhesays: Yeah...see the section in the perldoc page on it for the IO::Pty module
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23:28.07dlynesHmmhesays: mind you, you could also do the same thing in C
23:28.13dlynesHmmhesays: it might actually be easier
23:29.32dlynesanyways...gotta run again
23:30.07elvisthedjcan somebody look at this build error and give me an idea about what's going on here?
23:31.17elvisthedjthat's trying build asterisk.. just checked out today
23:31.58elvisthedji'm on gentoo and added -fpic to my cflags... no help
23:34.33*** part/#asterisk stuperdude (
23:34.56[TK]D-Fenderelvisthedj : I get the impression * doesn't like being compiled with x86-64 arch....
23:35.40*** part/#asterisk DrPete (
23:36.50elvisthedj[TK]D-Fender: well, that may be, but this is the first time i've had this problem
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23:37.17elvisthedj[TK]D-Fender: I know 1.27 is listed as stable for amd64 in portage.. but i suppose there could be something in cvs head that isn't
23:39.55elvisthedji did buy a couple of licenses for the g729 codec.. wonder if that has anything to do with it.
23:41.24[TK]D-Fenderelvisthedj : Your pastib seems to make it look like a GSM compile error
23:47.30*** join/#asterisk Manipura (
23:49.03Manipurahow can I start asterisk through ssh and keep it alive even after I log out of the ssh?
23:49.30qaiI think so.  Maybe you need to start it as a background process
23:49.32Olobolaso 2600 is the year we officially enter into "aquarius", which is marked by high technology? Windows XP's latest release is 2600, 2600 Hacker Quaterly.. Out of Body Experience + trespassing = hacking?! I guess this is the direction the holy grail bloodline has gone?
23:52.07ManipuraI used to have a thingy in init.d directory to start asterisk
23:52.14Manipurahow do i get this?
23:52.44catch23you can use nohup
23:55.44blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: you're a bicyclist right?
23:56.41elvisthedjgrr.. has * always used autoconf??
23:58.11blitzrageelvisthedj: no -- its new -- and you're using trunk if you are getting autoconf -- don't use it in production!!!
23:59.16elvisthedjblitzrage: I think it's the source of my build problems.. The only reason I'm doing this is to get chan_skinny_fixup .. can't get that to build either
23:59.50blitzragethe new chan_skinny isn't ready for production either :)
23:59.57blitzrageelvisthedj: what distro?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.