irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060503

00:00.09terrapendunno what is on the phone
00:00.14terrapenjust opened the box
00:00.26CunningPikeCheck the phone - it won't let you downgrade
00:00.51terrapenisn't there something bad/nasty about the 3.x bootroms?
00:00.53CunningPike2.x -> 3.x is a one-way street
00:01.03terrapenand doesn't 3.x do something evil?
00:01.20CunningPiketerrapen: No - we confirmed with Polycom. The only warning is that it is a one-way upgrade - there is no way back
00:01.24sevardyou here man
00:01.32terrapencool, thanks CP
00:02.10*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (n=root@
00:02.14*** join/#asterisk SwK (
00:02.16CunningPikeBack in the days of SIP 1.5.x, there were incompatabilities between the SIP 1.5.x and the 3.x bootrom, but everyone should be on SIP 1.6.x by now
00:02.17terrapenthe wiki says:
00:02.17terrapenIf you do not require one of these boot protocols, DO NOT upgrade to BR 3.x and instead stick with BR 2.6.1.
00:02.25CunningPikeIt's ood
00:02.31MrDigitalwhats a good softphone?
00:02.40CunningPikeAnd doesn't apply to SIP 1.6.x
00:02.43jsaundersis there a way "reload" zap changes w/out restarting *?
00:02.51dlynes_MrDigital: windows or linux?
00:02.53CunningPikeMrDigital: SJphone I like
00:03.11jsaundersLike a SIGHUP or somethin'?
00:03.33dlynes_MrDigital: Try snom360 (
00:03.47dlynes_MrDigital: there's others, too, but i've had the most luck with that one
00:04.05dlynes_MrDigital: it worked the first time, out of the box
00:04.58dlynes_CunningPike: you been to that new rice world yet?
00:05.12dlynes_CunningPike: wicked prices, and good variety, too
00:05.16CunningPikeOn Garden City?
00:05.27CunningPikeNo - I'm Irish
00:05.30CunningPikeSpuds for me ;)
00:05.48dlynes_It's a Chinese grocery's not just rice
00:05.59dlynes_super cheap meat there, to
00:06.08CunningPikelol - here was me thinking there was a store just for rice's called China World/Rice World
00:06.34dlynes_same shop that's down at Gore and Cordova
00:06.43dlynes_but much bigger
00:06.52CunningPikeHaven't been into it - I don't do much grocery shopping
00:07.17CunningPikeMy darling wife does most of it
00:07.25CunningPikeI buy beer and burgers :)
00:07.26sevarddlynes_: I'm 50% rebuilt
00:07.39CunningPikesevard: Phew - I thought you'd offed yourself
00:07.44dlynes_sevard: cool
00:07.50dlynes_sevard: did you recover your configs?
00:07.52Weezeywhat's the highest number of people you've had in a meetme conference?
00:08.02sevarddlynes_: can you help me with zapata.conf, Hmmhesays did it for me last time and I don't have any more money / can't get a hold of him
00:08.05sevardI did not recover my configs
00:08.14sevardi'm pulling the most valuable things out of my head
00:08.26dlynes_sevard: what kinda card is it?
00:08.40sevardI still have my /etc/zaptel.conf
00:08.41dlynes_how many fxo ports, and how many fxs ports?
00:08.51sevardfour FXO(red) modules
00:08.58dlynes_one sec
00:09.04*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
00:10.19dlynes_sevard: try this:
00:10.50sevarddlynes_: I will try that.  the only thing i remembr from them is the gain levels we were talkign abou today :\
00:11.16dlynes_sevard: btw...the first thing you're going to do after you get all this up and running is what?
00:11.28sevarddlynes_: Back Up
00:11.32Weezeysevard: I still haven't got the gains correct
00:11.39*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
00:11.40sevardsee the problems is i backed up, i just didn't back it up correctly ;\
00:11.41CunningPikesevard: Good boy ;)
00:11.48sevardWeezey: I set both of my gains to 5 and it worked awesome
00:11.55dlynes_sevard: :)
00:12.00Weezeyreally?  i get lots of echo
00:12.07dlynes_sevard: I've got it at -4 and it works perfectly
00:12.33Weezeyif it's neg on mine it's too quiet
00:12.49dlynes_Weezey: what kinda card?
00:12.57WeezeyZap 04b
00:13.15sevardI lost all my local prefixs :(
00:13.17dlynes_clone, or digium board?
00:13.19sevardi spent a day getting those from carriers
00:13.31dlynes_ah...yeah...mine's a digium x100p card
00:13.38justinudlynes: gains all tuned right now?
00:13.41Weezeyx100p 'eh?
00:13.53dlynes_justinu: didn't see me thanking you a while back, I guess
00:14.19justinugood deal
00:14.28dlynes_Weezey: great, for the most part
00:14.48dlynes_Weezey: just certain machines the driver refuses to load about 2 days after a fresh install
00:15.56docelm0hay guys..  quick and dumb question..  to bind chan_sip to more than one IP you either A commment out the bindip=   or use bindip=   Cause I have tried both and they dont work..  What am I doing wrong/
00:16.04sevarddlynes_: wait, i need phone.conf or something?
00:16.37sevarddocelm0: I don'
00:16.48sevarddocelm0: I don't know but in normal unix daemons == all
00:16.56jsaundersrestart when convenient
00:17.00jsaundersoops :D  heheh
00:17.02sevardwait, yes i do know, use
00:17.05jsaunderswrong console
00:17.17dlynes_sevard: no idea...never used phone.conf
00:17.34sevarddlynes_: chan_zap failes to start * without a phone.conf
00:18.16sevardoh, apparently i also need dundi.conf which i have no clue about
00:18.43dlynes_sevard: oh...just use the default file then
00:18.47dlynes_sevard: dood
00:18.55dlynes_sevard: edit your modules.conf file
00:19.03justinufriggen n00bs
00:19.34sevardoh thank god /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin still exists
00:19.51sevardyeah, i don't have a modules.conf
00:20.04dlynes_well, if you give me ssh access and your root password, i'll fix the agi-bin problem for you
00:20.19sevarddlynes_:agi-bin still exists
00:20.25dlynes_exactly ;)
00:20.26justinuyeah - that's the problem
00:20.29sevardit wasn't overwritten
00:20.29dlynes_I was gonna remove it for you :)
00:21.08*** part/#asterisk xcoyote (n=farfan@
00:22.03*** join/#asterisk BadPacket (n=BadPacke@unaffiliated/badpacket)
00:22.49dlynes_sevard: download the asterisk source code
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00:23.02dlynes_sevard: erm actually fix that
00:23.11dlynes_sevard: look in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
00:23.35dlynes_sevard: add in [modules] at the top of a new modules.conf file
00:23.47dlynes_then add autoload => yes
00:24.03sevardi just made it
00:24.03dlynes_then add noload => for every module in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
00:24.06sevardi think i have all the modules i need
00:24.11sevardi'm fixing permissoin problems
00:24.18dlynes_then change noloads to loads until you've got asterisk loading properly
00:24.27sevardthat's what i'm doing
00:24.34dlynes_make sure all the is at the beginning
00:24.52dlynes_all codec_..., chan_..., app_.... have dependencies in the res_.... files
00:25.11znoGdoes anyone know how lucent digital phones work?
00:25.28dlynes_znoG: similar to nortel digital phones
00:25.52znoGprobably yeah :) i guess i can't make any use out of them with asterisk, eh?
00:26.06znoGbeing digital phones, they don't work with an ATA.. since the ATA does just that.. convert to digital signals :)
00:26.22dlynes_znoG: you could if you have about $50,000 to spend on reverse engineering the protocol they use on the wire
00:26.49sevardwhy the heck does asterisk want to write to /var/run/ and not /var/run/asterisk/*
00:27.02dlynes_znoG: adn then probably another $5000 or so to develop a box to provide that signal that asterisk can talk to
00:27.23dlynes_sevard: who knows...probably something fubar about your setup
00:27.29znoGdlynes_: could make a lot of people who use Lucent PBXs that want to switch to Asterisk a smoother move
00:27.29dlynes_sevard: check your /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf file
00:27.49sevarddlynes_: oh, that's missing too
00:28.03*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
00:28.12dlynes_znoG: yeah, but for now, the best you can hope for is Dialogic boards (a crapshoot), or MCK's product that used to be Citel's product
00:28.23dlynes_znoG: The old citel product is your best bet
00:28.35znoGwhat does the product do?
00:28.59dlynes_znoG: Allows SIP devices to talk to digital phones if I remember correctly
00:29.25dlynes_znoG: If you just want to front end the lucent pbx though, that's another can already do that
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00:29.40dlynes_znoG: you don't need to be able to talk to the phones directly to do that
00:29.58fileI just found a NuFone network pen on my desk!
00:30.08znoGdlynes_: what do you mean by "front end" the lucent pbx?
00:30.12dlynes_file: oh...thought you were gonna say your server was back online :)
00:30.26dlynes_znoG: put asterisk in between the analog lines and the lucent pbx
00:30.30docelm0What's wrong with NuFone
00:30.42fileI found an octasic pen too!
00:30.47dlynes_znoG: or the pri and the lucent pbx
00:31.00znoGdlynes_: yeah i do that already .. i use a few fxs lines from the lucent to a Digium TDM2400 card
00:31.15fileyou know - I don't go shopping for office supplies or even t-shirts, I just go to tradeshows/expos/and conferences!
00:31.28dlynes_file: yeah, no kidding
00:31.39dlynes_file: and all those promotional companies that mail you all those goofy pens
00:32.30sevard[][May  2 19:32:18] WARNING[31783]: loader.c:325 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_pickup_call
00:32.34sevardoh what the crap
00:32.42dlynes_sevard: you not listen?
00:32.45fileand 4 genband lanyards!
00:32.53sevardi try to listen
00:32.56dlynes_sevard: i said make sure all the files are loaded in your modules.conf file first
00:33.10sevardI totally missed when you said that
00:35.20*** part/#asterisk mtaht3 (
00:35.36*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:37.52terrapendurrr stupid can I send a user to voicemailmain when they call their own extension?
00:38.54znoGterrapen: you could do a GotoIf the caller ID = number dialed => voicemailMain
00:39.28terrapenyeah, that would probably work
00:39.48terrapenwhat i really would rather do is figure out how to map that Messages button on my Polycom phone to my voicemail extension
00:40.04ManxPoweryou can also just have an exten => a,1,Voicemailmain
00:40.16znoGinfact it comes stock in the .ael file
00:41.57terrapenhrmm ok
00:42.20*** join/#asterisk marv (
00:42.23Aursterrapen: put callerid in the conf
00:42.27Aurson the polycom
00:42.33Aurson the messages button
00:42.34dlynes_sevard: so everything's working now?
00:43.22sevardno, it won't run
00:44.07sevardi can't find the error message
00:44.08terrapenmanx, that didn't work
00:44.31terrapenaurs, i couldn't find anything in the manual for that
00:46.00znoGwhat I'd really like to find out is the full PAP2-NA XML file so I can setup remote provisioning
00:46.03terrapenah, found it on the wiki, i think
00:46.57*** join/#asterisk Druken (
00:47.03Drukenhey guys...
00:47.26*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
00:47.33_-Jon-_hey everyone
00:47.51Drukenok, who's the country buff here? i'm lookin for a song, it's called "your gone" but i don't remember who it's by
00:48.01_-Jon-_Wonderinf if anyone knows what might cause this error: NOTICE[20082]: app_dial.c:1012 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
00:48.24sevardDruken: how many country songs do you think that are out there with that title?
00:48.28Drukenuhmmm... did you actually read the error?
00:48.44Drukensevard: oh, i dunno, like 100 million? :)
00:48.56_-Jon-_oh wait, i think i know why now :P
00:48.57sevardDruken: that number sounds like it's in the ballpark
00:49.03Drukendoes john micheal montgomery have one called that?
00:49.28sevardDruken: not sure who that even is.. i really dislike pop country
00:49.37dlynes_sevard: instead of running safe_asterisk, run asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvg
00:49.54sevarddlynes_: I don't run safe asterisk
00:50.12Drukensevard: i dislike most country in general, but someone tried to send it to my earlier, but trillian didn't keep a record of the name... :(
00:50.25dlynes_sevard: live life on the actually trust asterisk that much?
00:50.38sevarddlynes_: ha, no, i just hadn't gotten it to work yet
00:50.55sevardDruken: google for the lyrics
00:51.10dlynes_I know the song he's talking about
00:51.17dlynes_I'll be damned if I knwo who sings it though
00:51.44dlynes_It's a pretty new song, too
00:52.05dlynes_Druken: You get KIKX FM where you are, don't you?
00:52.42dlynes_I think that's the Calgary country station, anyways
00:53.06*** join/#asterisk demigod2k (
00:53.08Drukenhell no... barrie, ontario...
00:53.19Drukeni get KICX
00:53.35dlynes_I used to live in that area
00:53.38Drukenor something like that
00:53.40dlynes_I'm so happy I moved out west
00:54.30dlynes_I don't think I could spend another summer in Southern Ontario
00:54.46sevardi thought asterisk -vvvg was supposed to give me a cli
00:54.49demigod2kwindsor is fun
00:54.58Drukendlynes: i like it here...
00:54.59dlynes_sevard: it will if you don't get an error
00:55.07demigod2kI love going out to the bars in windsor, you can get away with anything
00:55.10*** part/#asterisk phonic (
00:55.14Drukencourse, i've never been out west :)
00:55.26dlynes_demigod2k: same thing for bars in Toronto...well...almost
00:55.38dlynes_demigod2k: My brother's gotten kicked out of the Gasworks like ten times :)
00:55.39demigod2kya toronto is probably better actually
00:55.45demigod2kwindsor does have its limits
00:55.51dlynes_each time was 'permanent'
00:55.58demigod2klast time I was there the strip clubs god busted with a no-touching penalty
00:56.07demigod2kwindsor that is
00:56.21dlynes_demigod2k: yeah...we have that policy in vancouver, too
00:56.38dlynes_it was like that before i moved out here
00:56.42dlynes_so I didn't cause it
00:57.11Drukenuh huh....
00:57.30sevarddlynes_: I don't get an error but I see my phones registering, I also don't get an input line though
00:57.45dlynes_sevard: yeah, so youv'e got an issue somewhere
00:57.46sevardit says Asterisk Ready
00:57.52dlynes_sevard: ah...then it works
00:57.56sevarddlynes_: mother fucker I have issues all over the place
00:57.56dlynes_sevard: hit ctrl-c
00:58.02dlynes_sevard: and then type safe_asterisk
00:58.04*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
00:58.04*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
00:58.07Drukenwelcome to asterisk :)
00:58.10sevardI don't have safe_asterisk :P
00:58.13dlynes_sevard: then do an asterisk -r
00:58.20dlynes_sevard: /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk
00:58.25sevardomg that worked!
00:58.35dlynes_sevard: you're probably running some version of slackware that doesn't include /usr/sbin in your path
00:59.22sevarddlynes_: I know about paths and slax doesn't include /usr/sbin/ for normal users, wha tI would do with my old version was su asterisk - ; /usr/sbin/asterisk
00:59.30sevardI never used safe_asterisk before
01:00.02Drukenoh for fuck sakes!, my god damn dvd player program associated mp3's....
01:00.11dlynes_sevard: yeah, but with root user on some slackware releases, /usr/sbin wasn't in the path, either
01:00.16demigod2kI hate when programs do that without asking
01:00.22Drukenwhy do asshole programmers make their shit do EVERYTHING!
01:01.17sevardDruken: are you using windows?
01:01.29Drukeni do for my work station, yes
01:02.10russellbwell there's your problem!
01:02.45*** join/#asterisk kavit (
01:03.07Weezeyanyone a meetme expert?
01:03.24MikeJ[Laptop]no one
01:03.25Drukenaside from it's a pain in the ass?
01:03.34russellbDruken: oh shush you
01:03.39Drukenoh wait, that's asterisk in general :)
01:03.49russellbyou're just bitter because you're using windows
01:04.17Drukenrussellb: hehe blow me :) i'd never be stupid enough to attempt servers on windows
01:04.31sevardalright, now dtmf is only reading two digits
01:04.37justinu|laptopDruken: lol
01:04.46*** join/#asterisk I-MOD (i=opticron@
01:04.50russellbDruken: yeah, i was just trolling
01:04.52demigod2kor stupid enough to not use windows on the desktop
01:04.57demigod2keverything runs on windows :/
01:05.19Drukenand everyONE can use windows...
01:05.24russellblet's not start an OS war, here
01:05.47DrukenOS/X baby :) hahahahahahaha
01:05.48[hC]OSX Rules!
01:05.54demigod2kI have a mac. it just wont run shit :/
01:06.02demigod2kat least it was a cute $500 collectible
01:06.02MikeJ[Laptop]I will take the side of totally cross platform
01:06.16kavitOSX Rules with the whip of vendor lockin.....
01:06.41MikeJ[Laptop]yay trolls...
01:06.47demigod2kI dont feel vendor lockin so much on my mini as lack of software
01:06.50MikeJ[Laptop]speaking of... where is RoyK?
01:06.52demigod2kno CAD, no engineering, no nothing
01:06.53dlynes_sevard: just adjust your rxgain
01:06.55Drukenhehe i remember people and os/2
01:07.04dlynes_Druken: dood...os/2 rules you
01:07.20tainted-lol os/2
01:07.28tainted-that was a good platform
01:07.32Drukenos/2 was good for multitasking back in the day
01:07.32SwKTRS-DOS RULES j00r A55!
01:07.37[hC]i remember installing os/2 form like... 68 floppies
01:07.40dlynes_heh...i gave up on it before os/2 v5 came out though
01:07.46dlynes_ibm gave up on it, so i gave up on it
01:07.51demigod2khaha 68 floppies
01:07.57dlynes_that's when i started using linux more seriously
01:08.02[hC]praying that like #59 wasnt bad
01:08.14kavitdlynes_:  you mean os/2 rules us posthumously
01:08.21justinu|laptopos/2 was interesting... anyone have a vmware image or iso images of that?
01:08.29Drukeni remember downloading slack, took 2 days to download, and 12 hours to install
01:08.31SwKshit Netware used to sit on like 30 or 40 5.25" 360K floppies
01:08.39tainted-wow people trade vmware images now?
01:08.40dlynes_justinu: I've still got originals for 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0
01:08.48tainted-what was warp
01:08.52justinu|laptop3.0 was warp
01:08.55dlynes_tainted-: 3.0
01:08.58kavitfirst boot dos and then load netware :(
01:08.59dlynes_tainted-: 4.0 was merlin
01:09.08tainted-yea warp was nice
01:09.08dlynes_tainted-: 5.0 was server only...not sure what ibm called it
01:09.14tainted-they still run in in some industries
01:09.22dlynes_2.0 was buggy as all hell
01:09.24tainted-saw a atm 'bluescreen' some os/2 msg
01:09.35dlynes_but you could still get more done in 2.0 with it crashing all the time than you could in windows 3.1
01:09.45SwKOS/2 4.0 drives a stack of older ATMs
01:09.51Drukenhehehe win 3.0 rawked!
01:09.54sevarddlynes_: i'm playing with the gain levels and I'm not geting any results
01:09.57sevardthe same thing each level
01:10.11Nuggetheh, I just got a random call from some guy who accidently dialed because hsi dialplan was screwed up or something.
01:10.26DrukenNugget: hehe
01:10.33NuggetI saw the callerid showed "103@" on my cisco
01:10.37Nuggetnutty asterisk.
01:10.42*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
01:10.55Nuggethe thought he was calling his girlfriend or something.
01:11.18[hC]Nugget: maybe you have a bigger problem on your hands! :P
01:11.24dlynes_sevard: you remember it's from -100 to +100, right?
01:11.30kavithey honey, come tame the wilderbeast ooops sorry wrong number
01:11.34dlynes_sevard: adjust it by 4 each time
01:11.38sevardyou said -7 to +7
01:11.45sevardI'm using a TDM400P
01:11.50dlynes_sevard: yeah...I found out from justin that it's -100 to 100
01:12.04*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
01:12.11*** join/#asterisk kaz0358 (
01:12.14sevardLast time Hmmhesays had set it to 12.0, i changed them both to 5.0 and it worked awesomely
01:12.14Drukenok, new movie just came off, later ppls
01:13.01tainted-Nugget pick up
01:13.07NuggetI did.  I didn't hear you.
01:13.17justinu|laptopthe miracle of voip
01:13.42OloBolawhat do you think a good per minute price is for 800 origination? 3centsish? 2.5ish?
01:13.47Nuggetbesides, why would I want to talk to "polycom"?
01:13.49kavitimagine if this was an emergency, imagine if tainted- was out of beer or something :(
01:13.53dlynes_OloBola: free
01:14.04tainted-polycom's are the best
01:14.09NuggetOloBola: be daring -- price it in rubles or something.
01:14.14sevardOloBola: Charge .3 cents and i'll buy
01:14.23kaz0358kinda strange question, but if you get a sip 300 redirect and it wording to Local/original-extension@original-context.. umm.. what does the channel local really mean? i have sipbroker as a part of my dialplan and if it fails the enum lookup, then it just continues down the dial plan.. put it is weird to see that message. its like it is redirecting back to my own box as "local"
01:14.24tainted-.3 cents?
01:14.26tainted-that's cheap
01:14.55OloBolafree?  I'll take free (thank you).
01:14.57dlynes_kaz0358: asterisk is redirecting it to local, not the phone
01:15.09dlynes_kaz0358: the phone is saying redirect to blehblehbleh
01:15.09MrDigitalhow do i setup xten for asterisk? its saying unauthorized
01:15.23dlynes_kaz0358: asterisk translates that into local/... because your dialplan tells it to
01:15.42dlynes_MrDigital: your username and/or password doesn't match
01:15.52kaz0358dlynes, where in the dial plan am i specifying "local"?
01:15.53MrDigitalcan the pass be letters?
01:15.58dlynes_MrDigital: or you're not allowed to access that sip resource from the given ip address
01:16.10dlynes_kaz0358: no idea...I don't have a copy of your dialplan in front of me
01:16.17dlynes_MrDigital: yes
01:16.25*** join/#asterisk phonic (
01:17.11phonicwhen i try to make a call with dial(), i get the error Protocol error layer 1 (broken line or B-channel removed by signalling protocol). somebody who knows a solution?
01:17.23kaz0358dlynes, well i have a "Local", but i thought contexts were case sensitive.. and the device that is making the call is in the "longdistance" context
01:17.34MrDigitalthe login is right still unauthrozied
01:18.08sevarddlynes_: dude, this isn't working at all
01:18.33dlynes_sevard: so fix it, then
01:18.44kaz0358dlynes, i meant to say i have a "local" context and not a "Local" context
01:19.05sevardit only fricken reads two digits
01:19.22dlynes_maybe you're only typing two digits
01:19.31sevardi'm putting in four
01:19.34sevardit reads one or two digits
01:19.50dlynes_Did you do an answer, then Wait(2), and then do your ivr?
01:20.23dlynes_relaxdtmf=yes is set in your zapata.conf?
01:21.15dlynes_try changing it to no
01:21.21dlynes_and then restarting asterisk
01:21.40*** join/#asterisk gezick (
01:22.16gezickhow tough would it be to set up streaming with asterisk? e.g. you call into a number, put in your extension, then fire up itunes and listen to that person on an mp3 stream
01:22.45dlynes_gezick: take a look at the sample musiconhold.conf file
01:22.49sevardsame results.
01:22.59dlynes_sevard: now that you've changed that
01:23.04dlynes_sevard: set both gains at 0
01:23.10gezickdlynes_: i mean in the other direction
01:23.13dlynes_sevard: and try bring them up by 4 each time
01:23.20gezicktake the audio that comes in over the telephone and stream it out
01:23.22dlynes_sevard: restarting asterisk in between each change
01:23.33dlynes_gezick: you mean paging??
01:23.53gezicki don't understand what you mean by that
01:23.57znoGsevard: you shouldn't have to change gain levels with a TDM400.. i never had to
01:24.17dlynes_gezick: look up on for the ALSA channel driver
01:24.25dlynes_gezick: that's probably what you want
01:24.47sevardsame results.
01:24.51*** join/#asterisk xachen (i=justin@pdpc/supporter/student/xachen)
01:24.54dlynes_sevard: doood
01:24.56sevardznoG: May I see your zapata.conf
01:25.12dlynes_you couldn't have possibly done 0->100 and 0->-100 that fast and restarted asterisk every time
01:25.20sevardno, i'm doing that now
01:25.39znoGsevard: i don't have it here unfortunately, they're on the work servers which I can't ssh to from here
01:26.36dlynes_sevard: if you want, i can try sshing in to see what's happening
01:27.07gezickdlynes_: i think i kinda want that, but i want it to go out to icecast
01:27.14gezickrather than to a sound card
01:27.28dlynes_gezick: so write your own channel driver then
01:27.57dlynes_gezick: there's a skeleton driver in the asterisk source code
01:28.06gezickdlynes_: is there a limit to the size of wav file that i can record to?
01:29.42gezickand can i record to a socket, because i'm thinking that that's what makes the most sense here
01:30.04dlynes_gezick: i wouldn't have a clue
01:30.11dlynes_gezick: never done anything like that before
01:30.27dlynes_gezick: I'm planning to do paging eventually, but i'm not doing it yet
01:30.35gezicki should think that i could, since a socket is just a file...
01:30.46gezickrather, just like a file
01:30.56dlynes_you mean a unix domain socket?
01:37.26jbotdocs is, like, probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
01:37.27jboti guess thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
01:38.39jbotsuggestions is, like, 1) Don't ask to ask. Just say your problem, 2) Don't repeat until 5 mins after, 3) Read and re-read the docs first, then admit it if you REALLY don't understand. You're wasting your time and ours if you haven't at least tried. 4) If your problem ain't solved, come back in 12 hrs or 24 hrs later. We're very international. 5) Be polite and ...
01:38.59fileand never end a sentence with ...
01:40.20ManxPowerfile, why not ...
01:40.42znoGanyone have a working 1.2.4 installation and upgraded to and things don't work as well?
01:42.14filebecause ...
01:44.30mds2I have a Digium TDM2400XXP which regularly stops talking to the analog lines on its FXO ports.  Asterisk claims to be picking up the channel for outbound calls but nothing connects.  No ring indication for inbound calls. Asterisk 1.2.6, Zaptel 1.2.5, kernel 2.4.32-grsec.  Reboot/power cycle fixes the problem for a day or two.  Any ideas?
01:44.38*** join/#asterisk stuartcw (
01:45.36xachen... makes me want to kill people unless justly used
01:47.07file... o rly? ...
01:47.08*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
01:47.45TheCopsSomeone know if register server for g729 licensing is down for Digium ?
01:54.24NivexMrDigital: ouch.  start killing off unused processes, bounce daemons, or you may even have to reboot
01:54.38*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
01:58.51demigod2kthere is a racoon in my chimney
01:58.52demigod2kthis sucks
01:59.32justinu|laptopsmoke it out
01:59.45demigod2kdont want to open the flue
01:59.51demigod2kit's still in the chimney not the house
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02:08.34fileeep it's [TK]D-Fender
02:08.57Snake-EyesAny one know why grandstream gxp-2000 will take 40-30secs to kill/hang up over the linksys sp941 that hangs up right away? The phone says the call has ended yet the other party doesnt get the d/c signal for another 40-30sec
02:10.53xachendemigod2k: Start a fire and open the flue :O
02:11.25*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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02:15.22demigod2ki dont have solid fireplace doors though :(
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02:18.49justinu|laptopi wonder what would happen if you discharged a 12ga shotgun into your fireplace
02:19.01demigod2kit'd damage the brick
02:19.05justinu|laptopthat sucks
02:19.06demigod2kI'm going to try mothballs
02:19.13demigod2kI've got a sheet of plywood in front of it which should help
02:19.24demigod2khopefully it either climbs out or dies
02:19.33demigod2kbecause I dont really care to go pick up mothballs tonight
02:19.33justinu|laptopa .22LR rifle would do the trick
02:19.58*** join/#asterisk The_Isle_of_Mark (
02:20.06The_Isle_of_Markwhy does asterisk take so long to ring an extension?
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02:21.05websaePerhaps due to the way you have it configured
02:21.37The_Isle_of_Markwebsae, default install and default sip settings
02:23.03SwKmothballs run everything off
02:23.32[TK]D-FenderThe_Isle_of_Mark : It rings as long as YOU tell it to.
02:24.05The_Isle_of_Mark[TK]D-Fender, it takes a full 10 seconds to ring an extension on an inbound pstn call
02:24.52*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=chatzill@
02:24.57[TK]D-FenderThe_Isle_of_Mark : Have you examined what it is you are doing, and watched the CLI as the call is being processed?
02:26.07The_Isle_of_Mark[TK]D-Fender, I have, but I don't know what they mean. Perhaps a link to a decent TFM would be helpful. Do you have one?
02:26.17The_Isle_of_Markdocs are very convoluted
02:26.28jboti heard thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
02:26.52[TK]D-FenderThe_Isle_of_Mark : I guess the first question is : did you make your config yourself pretty much by hand?
02:27.21[TK]D-Fender"thebook" is the best beginners refernce, and when you're ready for jsut raw lists of commands, then there's the WIKI
02:27.25jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
02:27.38The_Isle_of_Mark[TK]D-Fender, nope, I didn't...I used amp...but that book is published by oreilly...right on!
02:29.33*** join/#asterisk naS_- (
02:31.06[TK]D-FenderThe_Isle_of_Mark : What kind of phones (soft/hard), and connectivity (analog/digital line equipment, VoIP providers, etc) do you have now?
02:32.20The_Isle_of_Mark[TK]D-Fender, using generic 2 zap interfaces and a sip trunk for trunking. Using 2 pap2-na ATAs for extensions
02:32.20*** join/#asterisk gursikh (
02:32.32The_Isle_of_Markthe sip is vonage
02:32.40[TK]D-FenderThe_Isle_of_Mark : Excellent starting euipment.
02:33.07[TK]D-FenderMinus Vonage.... taht goes into one of the Zap cards, doesn't it?
02:33.12The_Isle_of_Markseriously? I just found what would work and started testing lol
02:33.16*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
02:33.26The_Isle_of_Mark[TK]D-Fender, yeah it does
02:34.00The_Isle_of_Mark[TK]D-Fender, I use a european provider to allow cheap (free) calls to family in germany and holland
02:35.30The_Isle_of_Markeverything works fine outgoing, but it takes a long time incoming to ring the extension...once I figure that out I'll setup distinctive ring headers (wherever the hell I do that) and a proper voice mail
02:36.04[TK]D-FenderOk, if everything is working now, take a GOOD look at how the provider is set up in sip.conf.  Do the same for your zapata, zaptel, and then prepare to FLUSH extensions.conf and learn to build from scratch.
02:36.07anthmbtw, [TK]D-Fender i granted you wish for chanspy
02:36.19[TK]D-FenderWhich incoming is slow?
02:36.33The_Isle_of_Mark[TK]D-Fender, the same either way...pstn or sip
02:36.39*** join/#asterisk CodyC (
02:37.00[TK]D-Fenderanthm : So you set before placing a call and thats it?
02:37.37[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Nifty, not quite the approach I was thinking about, but more versitile.  I was thinking in the channel definition actually, but this IS more fine tuned.
02:37.51anthmsame as before but you can : them together so you can be in more that 1 group
02:40.38[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Yup, added versatility for sure, but more occurances, but better per call control on a given interface ratch that fixed
02:42.06naS_-can anybody assist with a question on iax2 trunking using g729 codec?
02:43.11[TK]D-FendernaS_- : Just ask
02:43.21*** part/#asterisk Samoied (
02:45.02naS_-ok I have 2 asterisk boxes and I have setup an IAX2 trunk. asterisk shouldn't be doing any transcoding as the ip phones connected to each asterisk box are using g729 codec. As I understand this should be working in pass through mode and not using g729 licenses, however, I can see that they are (I purchased 2 on each side for testing). Have I got something wrong or is this how it works?
02:45.14[TK]D-Fenderanthm : You know what I think would be SERIOUSLY useful?  being able to define channel vars/constants in the channel declaration for processing during exectution of the dial-plan.
02:45.43[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Similar to how you do in .call files.
02:47.07[TK]D-Fenderanthm : And be able to reference like GotoIf($[${CHANVAR(SIP/123/myvariable)}=123 ]?5)
02:47.38tainted-that's fugly
02:48.02[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Good for processing tech-specific features to things like Dial (tT for XLite, etc but not for REAL SIP phones)
02:48.36The_Isle_of_Mark[TK]D-Fender, where do I put alert_info for distinctive ring? I find a lot of pages referring to it but no instructions on which file it goes in..or even an example file
02:48.39[TK]D-Fendertainted- : Its the cleanest "easy" way I can imagine.  I mean you wouldn't want to mangle ASTDB to do taht I would think.
02:48.57[TK]D-FenderThe_Isle_of_Mark : Depends on the phone's method of indicating it.
02:49.06anthmCHANVAR is a proposed function ?
02:49.10The_Isle_of_Mark[TK]D-Fender, same as sipura
02:49.14[TK]D-FenderThe_Isle_of_Mark : And if you're referring to the PAP2-NA, I could tell you.
02:49.28[TK]D-FenderThe_Isle_of_Mark : Never tried ti personally... I'd say check the WIKI on that one.
02:49.31tainted-seems like dialplan is moving towards AGI type functionality
02:50.14[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Yes, just an idea.  more largely useful if we are able to add vars in a similar way as .call files do.
02:50.44The_Isle_of_MarkAnyone else have any GOOD info on the alert_info for distinctive ring on the pap2-na?
02:50.49[TK]D-Fenderanthm : but imaging being able to mull the mailbox var from the cahnnel being dialed without having to hardcode it in a macro, etc?
02:51.10dlynes_The_Isle_of_Mark: have you checked the documentation?
02:51.12[TK]D-FenderThe_Isle_of_Mark : Oh, DO please try to look it up, just a litte, ok? :)
02:51.58dlynes_The_Isle_of_Mark: i.e. the Sipura 2000 User's Guide, the Sipura 2000 Administrator's Guide?
02:52.12sevardwow msn you have failed me
02:52.22*** join/#asterisk kamileon (n=kamileon@
02:52.24The_Isle_of_Mark[TK]D-Fender, heheh ok since you asked nicely. I really don't have a lot of time to devote to this. I apologise.
02:52.54[TK]D-FenderThe_Isle_of_Mark : You have no idea the restraint I've shown already from the moment you even MENTIONED AMP :)
02:53.15[TK]D-FenderThe_Isle_of_Mark : Truely phenominal, let me just say...
02:53.40*** join/#asterisk brockj49464_home (n=chatzill@
02:54.18The_Isle_of_MarkI gotcha, amp was just a way to get up and running. I was hoping to tweak from the command line. features are tough in Asterisk I have found...and I am no command line newbie!
02:54.33dlynes_The_Isle_of_Mark: I'm sure everyone on this channel has less time to devote to it than the person that needs it
02:54.55tainted-[TK]D-Fender what i've done is take the accountcode associated w/ sip user, and use agi to query db for variables
02:55.27anthmstill not sure what the CHANVAR func does can you reitterate
02:55.57[TK]D-Fendertainted- : Yeah, that is sorta nice, but I was thinking of it more for constants that presistant data exp ones requiring ASTDB setup prior.
02:56.20[TK]D-FenderThis way you can just port over a sip.conf with basic vaars to a new box and have a more function dial-plan follow it.
02:58.03demigod2kjust FYI if you're having difficulties, I can recommend the VS-1 off-the-shelf server
02:58.04[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Picture being able to add something like "set=var=value1" etc in channel definitions (SIP phones, zap channels, etc).  Then when a call is placed by that channel the dialplan can pull that value out by use of the function.  So for an x-lite softphone you could do "set=dialoptions=tT" and just add that do the dial-line and it'll be there for THAT phone and not others.
02:58.09demigod2keasy to configure, easy to setup,e tc
02:58.25[TK]D-Fenderdemigod2k : VS1 is an OLD EPIA platform isn't it?
02:58.37demigod2kno idea. I bought it for my office, relatively happy with it
02:58.48demigod2kI'm only running 4 lines
02:58.55dlynes_[TK]D-Fender: vs1 is the xorcom asterisk server
02:59.06demigod2kyou probably need more if you're planning to run a whole T1 but its ok.
02:59.23anthmcant you already do that ?
02:59.27anthmi think i invented it
02:59.35anthmsetvar= lines in peers
03:01.07[TK]D-Fenderanthm : I may have missed it.... I know its in the .call files...
03:01.36[TK]D-Fenderanthm : But I wouldn't want it restricted to just one tech/type (peer, friend, user)
03:01.43[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Abstraction is my game.
03:04.22anthmthere is abstraction and then there is getting asterisk to work
03:05.02anthmi can show you some abstraction that will being tears to your eyes but that dialplan shit can only be tweaked to a certian extent
03:05.25anthmI am the inventor of the entire concept of diaplan functions so i know firsthand =p
03:06.27[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Very cool to hear... I can't code anything practical so I pass on what I can in teaching its USE :)
03:07.02[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Do you thing that a function is indeed a good way to implement this?
03:07.32gursikhOMG i wish there wasn't like a bajillion VOIP providers, none of which A) Provide what i'm looking for or B) Have a decent reputation in working with *
03:08.11[TK]D-Fendergursikh : Good, Cheat, Fast.... choose two :)
03:08.39gursikh'Cheat=Cheap i'm assuming
03:08.49anthmwell i had something like that at one point
03:08.54[TK]D-Fender"All ITSP's suck, some less than others in varying intervals"
03:08.56anthmit was a globalized hash
03:08.59xachenhow about DID guarantee? :O
03:09.02xachenthen you can pick 3!
03:09.07*** join/#asterisk triple-e (
03:09.17[TK]D-Fenderxachen : I think its referred to as DID "wishful thinking" :)
03:09.31xachenmore like I wanna make sure my DID doesn't die for 3 weeks
03:09.42*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (i=alejandr@
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03:11.16anthmi had it and they nuked it
03:11.49anthmi also had these dialplan alises that they nuked over some pittly shit about the naming convention
03:13.37[TK]D-Fenderanthm : *sigh*  Feel the SUPPORT....
03:14.11anthmthat one is actually really nifty the clownsil vetoed my for not wanting to recode it thier way
03:15.24[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Actually thats frightening close to implementing FUNCTIONS as a dial-plan entity.....
03:16.13anthmit was indended to hide ugly ass combos of vars and functions
03:16.25anthmand dummy them down to little macros
03:16.45[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Picture [function-mycustomfunc] in the same style as [macro-justamacro] with a return value...
03:16.53anthmit truly is a macro but they already have something called macro that of corse is not a real macro at all that took the name
03:17.13[TK]D-Fenderanthm : the language that ALMOST was :)
03:17.20justinu|laptopthat's rediculous
03:17.31[TK]D-FenderMeans to ends.. thats all we ask for.
03:17.41anthmwell they also didnt like that it was self sufficient
03:17.44anthman addon
03:17.54anthmthat you could opt out of by not loading it
03:18.25anthmthey wanted me to add it to the core instead and i felt i had done enough by inventing it in the first place and giving it to them for free
03:18.29[TK]D-Fenderanthm : That to me is the HIGHLIGH of a "feature".
03:18.30anthmso they closed it =D
03:18.44justinu|laptopanthm: that's interesting...
03:18.46[TK]D-FenderAnd we have the choice to do what we will.
03:19.04anthmi think you can probably install that the way it is in the bug and it works
03:19.17anthmcept they probably changed the names of the functions for fun along the way
03:20.18[TK]D-FenderI still say we should implement my proudest acheivement in programming..... ILLOGICAL operators!  Y = MAYBE(X) !
03:20.54justinu|laptopuncertainty, that is
03:20.59blitzrageI wouldn't mind a macro that would return a value :)
03:21.08blitzrageinstead of me adding it in manually
03:22.13triple-ehey --- gotta perplexing problem with iax trunking between two box's
03:22.32triple-etrunk is registering in both directions
03:22.49triple-eboth box's have outbound routes to use the defined trunk
03:23.33triple-ebut i get "Dial failed due to CHANUNAVAIL" on one side and "Dial failed due to CONGESTION" on the other side
03:23.58anthmoh yeah
03:24.01anthmhere it is
03:24.06anthmmore from the trash heap
03:24.06*** join/#asterisk annonimous (n=annonimo@
03:25.12anthmthat lets channels have associative arrays
03:26.00[TK]D-Fenderanthm : I only wish I could read that code and understand what you just said :)
03:27.57*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
03:28.04anthma 2 tired varialble
03:29.02anthminstead of FOO=bar FOO:${EXTEN}=bar
03:29.17anthmor FOO:section1=bar
03:29.35anthmsounded to me like what you were daydreaming about
03:30.35[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Similar to how you'd do somthing like this Set(${var[${index}]}=value), no?
03:32.39anthmis index a number or can it be a string
03:33.36anthmit's like in perl $var{$key} = "$val";
03:33.55anthminstead of an array based on number index it's a word you store it in
03:33.58[TK]D-Fenderanthm : In my sample it could be "anything" as well...
03:34.08anthmis you sample imaginary ?
03:34.32*** join/#asterisk tekkno (n=tekkno@
03:34.54[TK]D-Fenderanthm : It COULD work, I haven't actually tried witha var, but I have done it with a DB
03:35.00[TK]D-Fender(ASTDB that is)
03:35.22anthmthis would be Set(HASHVAR(${var}:${index})=value)
03:35.29tekknohello all, I had a question concerning incoming calls via PSTN via SPA-3000 and AAH 2.7
03:35.54anthmit also fires a manager event so you can see when someone alters it and you can query for the vals on the cli
03:36.16[TK]D-Fenderanthm : Wouldn't need a function at all, and even if, you could pass the var as the name withouth the ${}
03:36.27anthmyah have fun
03:36.31tekknofor some reason callers always receive: "the person at extension 200 is busy"
03:36.38*** join/#asterisk inv_Arp (
03:37.01anthmthe code to parse vars is already as easy to follow as chineese algebra in braile
03:37.20tekknobut I did turn off the vertical Service Activation Codes in the  SPA-3000
03:38.23justinu|laptopi feel that way about all the code
03:38.43tekknoso now I am a bit lost, and was hoping one of you would be able to help
03:39.24tekknoin the asterisk console I see:
03:39.31jqlI only understand sip. you'd have to pastebin a sip debug of it not working
03:39.40[TK]D-Fenderanthm : You forgot "in snow 20ft high, uphill, BOTH ways!"
03:39.52jql.0.5 is the phone?
03:41.17*** join/#asterisk flynux (
03:45.39tekknooops jql you were talking to me?
03:45.48tekknoyes .5 is the SPA-3000
03:46.16tekknocalling in from the DID works fine
03:46.23tekknooutgoing calls work too
03:46.24jqlI checked my sip logs... I get a 486 when I have my phone call itself
03:46.31tekknobut incoming calls from the PSTN line
03:46.38tekknoget busy message
03:47.13tekknoactually the next line might be of interest:
03:47.30tekknothe last one says the extension 200 is busy too
03:47.54tekknothen it says:  == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0)
03:50.04tekknoyesterday I tried to check the time with *60
03:50.35tekknoand that triggered the SPA-3000 busy mode
03:50.42tekknoI finally found info on a forum
03:51.00tekknoand I removed all the vertical Service Activation Codes
03:51.18tekknorebootet the device and restartet AMP
03:51.24tekknojust to be save
03:51.30tekknoit worked then
03:51.36*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:51.39tekknobut this morning it is again busy :-(
03:53.01dlynes_tekkno: did you follow the sipura 3000 setup instructions on voxilla?
03:53.27tekknoI did follow those instructions initially, they do have a wizzard
03:53.35dlynes_no...not that stupid thing
03:53.53tekknobut that didn't work well, so I followed the instructions on NerdVittles
03:53.56dlynes_there's instructions on how to set sipura 3000 up specifically for asterisk
03:54.12tekknoI think I saw that too
03:54.43dlynes_What's SIP/200?
03:55.05tekknothat is an extension
03:55.22dlynes_And what's SIP/asterisk?
03:56.00tekknohm, I don't know why that's in the logs
03:56.19tekknoI am assuming that the SPA is regitering to the asterisk server
03:56.37dlynes_Because some sip device that you've got configured as 'asterisk' is calling the sip device you've got configured as '200'
03:56.41tekknobtw, the registraion shows correctly in the web interface of the SPA
03:57.26dlynes_tekkno: you might be better off asking in #freepbx...they'll be able to tell you which config files to check
03:57.46tekknogood advice, are they here on freenode aas well?
03:57.52dlynes_tekkno: correct
03:57.58dlynes_tekkno: i guess you didn't read the topic :)
03:58.08tekknothanks dlynes
03:58.24*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
03:58.33tekknowell, I did assume the "real" geeks were in here ;-)
03:58.49dlynes_tekkno: yeah, but the vast majority of us don't use freepbx
03:58.52dlynes_and probably never have
03:58.55tekknoand AAH is based on asterisk
03:58.59tekknook I understand
03:59.02[TK]D-FenderReal Geeks Use Punch Cards!
03:59.07tekknothank you anyways for your help
03:59.07dlynes_Yeah, but the configuration files are all screwed up
03:59.15tekknolmao TK
03:59.28dlynes_and A@Home adds a few customizations
03:59.37dlynes_not to mention it runs on Centos
03:59.49tekknois Centos that bad?
03:59.55tekknoI usually use Debian
03:59.57dlynes_It's Redhat/Fedora
04:00.01dlynes_'nuff said :)
04:00.28tekknobut I am not that much of a geek that I could configure asterisk myself
04:00.39tekknothanks for the advice, guys
04:00.55dlynes_tekkno: Just trim all the cruft out of the config files such as commented out lines
04:01.03dlynes_tekkno: and trim it down to the basic modules
04:01.11dlynes_tekkno: it's much simpler then
04:01.15tekknoI started doing that already
04:01.30dlynes_tekkno: then you're not dealing with information overload
04:01.35[TK]D-FenderCentOS is just fine... just that AMP makes you a cookie-cutter system that noone here wants to debug .
04:01.38tekknocorrect, I will do so
04:02.07tekknoit is a neat idea to pre-package a system that Joe Sixpack can use
04:02.12dlynes_[TK]D-Fender: still...anything based on redhat i'd prefer to stay away from...they have a nasty history of including beta and prerelease binaries
04:02.15[TK]D-FenderVery regretably *'s samples are "too much of everything, all at once" be be counted as a good learning tool...
04:02.17tekknothat will help to make VoIP more popular
04:02.43[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : CentOS is much the reverse to FC.  FC = bleeding edge
04:02.44tekknoI hear you TK
04:02.59dlynes_So Centos is more stable than Redhat, too?
04:03.06[TK]D-Fendertekkno : I teach this stuff and have made many converts
04:03.22justinu|laptopCentos == RH enterprise linux
04:03.27justinu|laptopwith the name changed to protect the guilty
04:03.39dlynes_with all the non-gpl crap stripped out
04:04.18*** join/#asterisk kernel20 (n=kernel20@
04:04.21kernel20hi there
04:04.23*** join/#asterisk af_ (
04:04.56kernel20i have installed asterisk, any ideas where can i find good tutorial to create dial plan?
04:05.01kernel20i use xlite
04:05.16tekknook, I am off, bugging the freepbx guys
04:05.19kernel20i want to test if my asterisk is really working
04:05.19tekknothanks for the insight
04:05.23kernel20any ideas?
04:05.35*** part/#asterisk tekkno (n=tekkno@
04:06.26dlynes_kernel20:  dialplan.conf,, click on asterisk pbx on the left hand side, click on applications in the main section, and then click on 'Dial'
04:06.43jbothmm... docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
04:07.50*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (n=joelsola@
04:08.24kernel20im kind have a hard time how to test it
04:08.33kernel20please understand i am just a newbie
04:08.47dlynes_everybody's a noob
04:09.28dlynes_But try the howtos on the main voip-info wiki for asterisk
04:09.35dlynes_and also try the howtos mentioned above
04:09.46joelsolankiHi dlynes ...Good Morning
04:09.57dlynes_heya joel
04:10.04joelsolankihow are u ?
04:10.31dlynes_i'm getting sooooooooooooo bored of working on this billing system, it's not even funny
04:10.47kernel20actually howtos at voip-info are not so detailed
04:10.55kernel20any ideas where to find a good howto?
04:11.27kernel20i am not concerned of any fxo nor fxs card in here
04:11.44kernel20what i want is only ip 2 ip call
04:12.00dlynes_then what do you need asterisk for?
04:12.22kernel20to make a call?
04:12.42dlynes_if you only need ip to ip call
04:12.46dlynes_you don't need asterisk
04:12.57dlynes_just tell one xlite phone to call the other xlite phone directly
04:13.27dlynes_you need asterisk if you want to set up a pbx or a softswitch
04:13.39kernel20yes later on
04:13.59kernel20how can i make calls on xlite?
04:14.08orloki am registering with a sip provider, i shouldent need to have them listed as an extension in sip.conf, correct?
04:14.19dlynes_kernel20:  maybe try their support number?
04:15.06dlynes_justinu: xlite is commercial software isn't it?
04:15.26justinu|laptopunsupported,  i believe
04:15.36[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : X-Lite is the free-ware striped down enticement for the payed product
04:15.38dlynes_ah...thought they had two versions
04:15.47dlynes_free, and not free...the not free had g729 support
04:15.48justinu|laptopthe pay for is called eyebeam
04:16.07[TK]D-Fenderand also X-Pro
04:16.36kernel20dlynes: what?
04:16.38dlynes_too confusing
04:16.52kernel20ok how can i call my own IP?
04:17.02dlynes_kernel20: try x-lite's mailing lists then, or something....or maybe they have a freenode channel?
04:17.16justinu|laptopRTFM d00d
04:17.19justinu|laptopthat's what he's trying to say
04:17.39dlynes_asterisk != x-lite
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04:23.56kernel20<dlynes_> just tell one xlite phone to call the other xlite phone directly: what?
04:24.17dlynes_kernel20: it's called peer to peer calling
04:24.29dlynes_kernel20: but like I said...this is the asterisk channel, it's not the xlite channel
04:24.43dlynes_kernel20: try using google to find some info on how to do it
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04:24.53kernel20come on
04:24.57kernel20just making calls
04:25.15dlynes_kernel20: dood....I didn't even know what x-lite was
04:25.21dlynes_How do you expect me to help you?
04:25.26terrapenwoohoo, * is finally deployed here
04:25.41kernel20back to my asterisk
04:25.44kernel20how can i test it
04:25.47kernel20it is running now
04:25.50terrapeni'm using it as a bridge between a NEC system and an Avaya, 50 miles away
04:26.17dlynes_kernel20: register two phones against, and set up a dial plan using hte Dial() command for them to call each other
04:26.27terrapenthe bossman just got his first voicemail e-mailed to him and nearly lost it
04:26.33terrapeni mean, he was quite excited
04:28.22terrapenso now i need to figure out what to do for the Next Big Thing
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04:29.28dlynes_terrapen: so when his wife calls, it dumps her into voicemail right away :)
04:29.28kernel20dlynes: any good website i can follow?
04:29.41jbotsomebody said docs was probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
04:30.13jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
04:30.13dlynes_Read what jbot told you
04:30.32kernel20its nothing there
04:30.32kernel20i've been there so so so so many times
04:30.37dlynes_kernel20: You must go there with your eyes closed then
04:30.41terrapeni guess i should get my extensions and sip.conf into an RDBMS
04:30.42dlynes_I go to voip-info every day
04:31.05kernel20dlynes: .|.
04:31.20terrapenkernel20, its not that damned hard
04:31.37kernel20terrapen: can u help me?
04:31.39dlynes_terrapen: I think he wants everyone to do it for him
04:32.22dlynes_I'm not into helping peopel that can't even be bothered to help themselves
04:33.01kernel20did i asked u?
04:33.13dlynes_yes you did
04:33.14kernel20u just want to be involved out of nothing
04:33.27terrapenkertnel20, i can't help you
04:33.32kernel20to be acknowledge of nothin
04:33.42kernel20did your mother ever confronted u?
04:33.49terrapengo away.
04:34.01terrapenif you have to ask, you aren't ever going to know
04:34.59dlynes_Maybe #perl's sending trolls over here
04:35.13dlynes_payback time for those trolls that went over to #perl
04:36.18terrapenI need to look and see if * supports sqlite for extensions.conf storage
04:37.06websaefax 2 email.....anyone had any experience?
04:38.14argos73scenario - ast w/te405 hooked to 100D module in a merlin legend system...  works, but got fairly regular d-chan errors (don't remember the message)...  ran across a paradyne DSU (the one that Lucent recommends) and installed that in the line - the errors seem to have stopped.  sound reasonable?
04:38.42argos73or is something else going on?  cable is only about 30 feet
04:39.39terrapenargos, it works now, right?
04:39.46argos73seems to
04:40.08terrapenwhat I need to figure out is why this works:
04:40.19argos73if I understand what a DSU does correctly (signal regeneration, among other things), it makes sense
04:40.29terrapenok, let me start again
04:40.31terrapenthis works:
04:40.44terrapenthis doesn't:
04:40.57terrapenfor some reason, channel 1 has issues
04:41.03[TK]D-Fenderterrapen L there is a difference and it IS case sensitive..
04:41.09terrapenyup i know
04:41.15[TK]D-Fenderascending vs descending I believe.
04:41.30terrapenwhen it starts from 1 ascending, the call immediately hangs up
04:41.38terrapenbut when it starts from 23 descending, it works fine
04:42.01terrapensomething is hosed up with channel 1 ... i think it could be my zaptel.conf or zapata.conf
04:42.14orlokterrapen: what sorta nex gear?
04:42.17orlokpabx or other?
04:42.28orloknec, sorry
04:42.33orlokforce of habit
04:42.35terrapenoh, shit, hmmm lemme go see
04:42.47orlokwe deal with a nec subsiduary a lot - they make dslam/wan gear too now
04:42.59terrapenare you just curious or are you asking in relations to this problem im having
04:43.03orlokjust curious
04:43.12terrapenthe problem i have is not on the PRI to the NEC but the PRI to the avaya
04:43.17terrapenorlok, lemme check... brb
04:43.27orlokok, i can dial inbound to *
04:43.31orlokbut it goes straight to messagebank
04:44.41terrapenelectra elite 192
04:44.45terrapendoes that sound right?
04:45.19terrapeni'm running this all through a redfone fonebridge which seems to work rather nicely
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04:46.23terrapenorlok, i'm only having one problem with the * <-> NEC combo
04:46.33terrapenthe NEC is not sending callerID stuff
04:46.47orlokheh, funny, i'm getting callerid issues dialling out via nec
04:46.51terrapenso when an NEC phone calls an * phone, it just says "unknown caller"
04:47.11orlok* is just telling me "caller id is blocked"
04:47.18orlokbut its purely an * i think
04:47.22terrapenits probably a configuration problem on the NEC but i don't really care much
04:47.31terrapeni want to replace that pile of shit anyway
04:47.43terrapenthe NEC phones are junk.  i have a huge box of broken ones
04:52.27orlok-- Got SIP response 406 "Not Acceptable" back from
04:52.31orlokwat the hell!
04:53.22terrapensounds like you have my girlfriend at
04:54.15*** part/#asterisk CodyC (
04:59.32scubes13hi all, I am looking for a VPN device or router that I can hook up a voip phone and a pc to that can connects back to the * box at our office (offsite) - possibly even looking for QoS on the device to allow the user to get best performance on their end of the connection - I know that I could prob do this by using Windows' builtin VPN access and a USB phone w/ possible softphone/software.... however, the boss wants it done his way -
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04:59.50mgobshould i bother to list an old T100P on ebay or are people just not buying these anymore?
05:00.45asterboysure list it
05:01.08websaeanyone played around with faxing much in here over t.39 or g711u?
05:01.10mgobI don't want to list something people don't want :P
05:02.15jqlfaxing... what a pita
05:03.06Qwellscubes13: "his way" is the right way.  He's a smart man...listen to him
05:03.25scubes13lol, kewl deal Qwell :-P
05:03.38scubes13willing to learn if I am wrong :)
05:04.01orlokterrapen: yeah, has no issues though, hmmm...
05:04.06jqlahh... vpns. increasing the VoIP packet overhead by another 20%
05:04.55Qwelljql: There is that too ;)
05:04.55scubes13Qwell - is there a suggested product that I need to look for to make that happen? like perhaps a router with QoS?
05:05.01asterboygo with Hylafax
05:05.15Qwellscubes13: any cisco vpn gear should do that, heh
05:06.14dlynes_terrapen: your nec pbx uses OS/2 as well?
05:06.57asterboywhat do you define as IP faxing
05:07.49websaeusing t.38 to go through sip provider
05:08.17dlynes_websae: how does asterisk handle t.38 passthrough?
05:08.28dlynes_websae: or does asterisk totally screw it up?
05:08.40*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
05:08.46asterboyI just use Hylafax for faxing, (regular faxing)
05:08.59asterboyAlthough, it does do it over a VOIP line.
05:09.09dlynes_asterboy: using ulaw?
05:09.31websaeI have a provider that supports t.38
05:10.07dlynes_websae: Yeah, but you've got a sip ata that does t.38 which uses t.38 passthrough on asterisk to deliver it to the sip provider, right?
05:10.24jqlso do I, supposedly. I haven't installed the passthrough support on that provider-connected test server yet, though
05:10.44dlynes_~seen coppice
05:11.01jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 11h 58m 22s ago, saying: 'I have two in this house :-)'.
05:11.01asterboysounds like a lot of mucking around to send a fax
05:11.08jqlwell, they do actually attempt to send t.38 faxes to me, so I suppose it's more than "supposedly"
05:11.42websaehow does t.38 work out in terms of reliability?
05:11.42dlynes_websae: sipura 2000/sipura 2002/pap2-na?
05:11.54websaesipura 2002
05:12.06terrapendangut... there doesn't appear to be SQLite support in Asterisk RealTime
05:12.09*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (i=user@
05:12.11dlynes_websae: is that setup working out for you, or still in the testing phase?
05:12.22websaewait...I have the 2100
05:12.23dlynes_terrapen: unixODBC
05:12.31websaeI haven't tried anything yet
05:12.46jql<-- sipura 2100
05:12.46dlynes_websae: sipura 2100 is the same thing as a wrt54g with a sipura 2002 built in, isn't it?
05:13.10terrapendlynes: ugly, hacky
05:13.10dlynes_well...and qos
05:13.31websae2100 supports t.38 only i think
05:13.33dlynes_terrapen: shurg...that's what everyone suggests to me for real time
05:13.42terrapensqlite is the perfect database for ART
05:13.57dlynes_terrapen: why?
05:14.36websaeno one here has tried t.38 faxing?
05:14.37terrapenits simple to set up, file-based, and it's fast
05:14.48dlynes_i would think it's not perfect, considering how art doesn't even support it
05:15.01dlynes_anything that doesn't work with something is far from being perfect
05:15.07jqlI couldn't get the passthrough to compile last time I tried
05:15.19websaefor asterisk?
05:15.21jqlbut I did attempt to try it. does that count? :)
05:15.25websaefor your t.38
05:15.37jqlI have t.38 provider, and t.38 ata
05:15.46jqljust need asterisk to pass it along
05:15.50terrapeni'm saying that it could be perfect
05:15.50websaewhat was your problem?
05:15.55jqlwouldn't compile
05:16.01jqlthis was 3 weeks ago
05:16.04terrapenART is hardly the gold standard for good use of a db
05:16.11websae....just wouldn't compile?
05:16.17dlynes_terrapen: no kidding
05:16.20websaeI wonder how some people are implementing this...
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05:16.32terrapeni'm dreading setting up ART
05:16.41terrapeni hope that i can get by for a while w/o it
05:16.41jqlyeah. just plain wouldn't compile
05:16.48jqlerrors galore related to faxy
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05:16.56websaewhere did you download from?
05:16.58jqlprobably fixed in trunk/ by now
05:18.07orlokDoes anybody have an idea on why my supura would be spitting back 406's, but the grandstream is fine?
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05:20.02orlok-- Got SIP response 406 "Not Acceptable" back from
05:20.14CunningPikeorlok: Codec?
05:20.20orloki will check
05:20.22orlokthankyou :)
05:21.18dlynes_that's just what i was gonna suggest, until i see cp already got it :)
05:22.13jqlwebsae: you have any luck with t.38 yet?
05:23.24orlokhmm, phone that works is using pcmu/pcma, the linksys is set to g711u
05:23.33websaenot yet
05:23.38websaei haven't tried anything yet
05:23.42dlynes_orlok: pcmu is g711u
05:23.55websaewhen i did g711u faxing, about 2/3faxes went through
05:24.27jqlwell, I have about 95% success with my 9600bps fax
05:24.46websaewith g711u?
05:24.51websaewhat type of fax machine
05:24.52orlokdlynes_: dang then!
05:25.00orlokbut the sipura only allows you to specify one codec
05:25.01jqlcheapest analog fax on amazon
05:25.14dlynes_orlok: check your sip.conf for the two phones, too
05:28.08*** join/#asterisk mxmasster (
05:28.09mxmassterhi all
05:28.12mxmassterquick question
05:28.32mxmassteri have a sipura spa-2002 behind a linksys router
05:28.57jqlokay... now to actually try sending a fax
05:29.09jqlI wish I had a fax machine here at home...
05:29.10mxmassterwhen i make calls through it i don't get inbound (asterisk -> linksys router -> ata) audio, outbound works fine
05:29.22mxmassteri have tcp/udp port 5060 forwarding on the linksys to the ata
05:29.35mxmassterand nat=yes in my asterisk configuration
05:29.36websaeand port 10,000-20000
05:30.06mxmassterwebsae: is there anyway i can narrow that port range?
05:30.40orloktheres two miners trapped about 1k under the ground in tasmania
05:30.40Qwellmxmasster: change it in rtp.conf, and on your devices
05:30.50orlokthe miners have been given ipods to listen to music
05:31.03orlokas well as glowsticks, magazines and digital cameras
05:31.10justinu|laptophow about oxygen?
05:31.11orlokrave in the center of the earth!
05:31.21websaehow about water
05:31.24mxmassterQwell: no way to do it specific to a device?
05:31.24orlok90mm pvc pipe has been run down to them
05:31.25websaeand food
05:31.29orlokyeah, and that
05:31.35Qwellmxmasster: no
05:31.37orlokfirst things they got were jelly beans and energy drinks
05:34.29dlynes_mxmasster: if you're using defaults you only need 16384-16482 for rtp on the sipura 2002
05:34.44mitchelocthey should send them plastic tubes to breathe through that are linked to the surface in case the dirt collapses on them
05:35.56websaei think they did
05:35.56websaeyep...orlok said that already
05:35.56websae90mm pvc pipe
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05:36.09mitchelocah, yes
05:36.42NoRemorsehello all, does anyone know of a PST to sip service where you can call a voice line from traditional telephony and enter in a sip address through the number pad?
05:37.34QwellNoRemorse: No, but you could write one fairly easily
05:38.27mitchelocNoRemorse: if you write one use sphinx or something to make it easier to dial ;)
05:44.30NoRemorseyeah dont wanna reinvent the wheel tho if someone is doing it
05:45.30Qwellwheels were made to be reinvented
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05:54.11NoRemorsehey man
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05:55.41boddyI am planing to buy digium one port E1 card which model I have to buy ?
05:55.54Qwellboddy: TE100p
05:55.58Qwellor something
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06:07.27CunningPikeOK - you can put the plug back in now
06:07.27mitchelocwelcome back ;)
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06:24.59snitti suppose it is midnight overthere
06:25.15kernel20where is the sound file name locations?
06:25.56snitt/var/lib/asterisk/sounds? depends on your install
06:26.07*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
06:31.00kernel20it is from source
06:31.11kernel20how can i create a customized sounds?
06:33.39wasimactually, that was rude, you can create sounds by using the Record() facility or use sox to convert existing wav files
06:33.58*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
06:42.47mitchelocanyone in the yorba linda, ca area got a blank cd?
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07:04.17jsaundersLadies...  germs...  evenin'.
07:04.29mitchelochuh, ladies?
07:04.40jsaundersYeah, I know...  it was a stretch.  Heh.
07:04.52wasiml-fy, katty
07:05.03jsaundersl-fy is hardly a lady.
07:05.12wasimpoint taken :P
07:05.45mitcheloc2/314 = 0.63% (if i did my math correctly)
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07:25.17*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
07:25.42CrashHDanyone know of some freeware asterisk manager/monitor apps?
07:25.52CrashHDor just any in general?
07:26.12mitchelocCrashHD: what exactly do you want it to do?
07:26.24mbrookscrash: qview
07:26.35CrashHDI'm not picky at this point
07:26.42CrashHDI just want to see what is out there
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07:26.50mitchelocCrashHD: snap @
07:27.00mitchelocshameless plug ;) ^
07:27.30mitchelocif it's missing something you need let me know
07:27.34CrashHDmbrooks: do you have a website?
07:28.11CrashHDmitcheloc: I'm more looking for a manager app...something that would allow me to monitor extensions etc..
07:28.16russellbmbrooks: everything alright over there?
07:28.27mbrooksrussell: what do you mean?
07:28.34mbrooksrb ;)
07:28.36mitchelocCrashHD: well keep your eye on it, i'll be adding full support for the management api soon
07:28.51CrashHDahh ok mitcheloc sounds good
07:29.16mbrookscrash: we use qview to show who is logged in to what queue
07:29.19mbrooksand how many callers, etc
07:29.28mbrooksthere is also gastman
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07:30.04mitchelocmbrooks: are there any screen shots of qview?
07:30.33CrashHDis qview a win app?
07:30.47mitchelocCrashHD: it looked like a cgi web app to me
07:31.57mbrooksqview is a linux console app
07:32.24mitchelocah i was wrong then i ended up seeing this
07:32.38mbrooksqview actually looks pretty nice
07:32.43mitchelocactually i dunno if they are related, but both look like they are for asterisk
07:32.56mitchelocbut looks like it's webbased
07:33.46mbrooksnot related
07:33.56mbrooksqview is a digium sponsored project
07:35.59CrashHDhow good are the hooks into the *?
07:36.28CrashHDwould windows developer be able to build a pretty advanced manager app?
07:37.34CrashHDguess my question is how far along are the socket connectors
07:37.37yxadoes a 2.6 kernel offer any significant advantage to a 2.4 on a fast p4?
07:43.39stoffellhow can a "avoiding initial deadlock" be caused? (like" May  3 06:27:27 DEBUG[29855] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Zap/6-1')
07:46.40mitchelocCrashHD: if i understand might want to look at this:
07:50.40CrashHDmitcheloc: thank you
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08:09.15brookshireanyone know how to kill a process when kill -9 won't work?
08:09.27darkskiezbrookshire: is it state D or Z ?
08:09.35brookshirei have no idea
08:09.47darkskiezbrookshire: typically it is already dead, u just have to wait for it to get cleared by the system.
08:10.17brookshireanyway to move that along?
08:11.07tzafrir_laptopZ is a zombie: already dead and just waiting for the parent to check its status. Nothing to worry about.
08:11.38brookshirei think it's in a S+ state
08:11.40tzafrir_laptopD is uninterruptable sleep. If a process stays in that state for long time, it is bad
08:11.59tzafrir_laptop+ means a process group leader. Irrelevant to the state
08:12.04brookshireroot      7730  0.0  0.0   2540   568 pts/1    S+   02:52   0:00 df -h
08:12.26tzafrir_laptopS is a simple waiting state. Normal. Should respond to SIGKILL
08:12.53brookshirea nfs mount was down when i ran that
08:12.59darkskiezD is usually disk sleep
08:13.05darkskiezthats your problem
08:13.19tzafrir_laptopbrookshire, in that case avoid running 'mount', 'df' and such
08:13.26tzafrir_laptopThey my hang in D state
08:13.48tzafrir_laptopTry umount -f or umount -l , maybe (Read the man page first)
08:14.01darkskiezbrookshire: look at the hard and intr options for nfs mounts on the mount manpage.
08:15.28brookshireyay! tab completion crashes now!
08:15.48brookshireoh well... i guess i'm going to drive
08:16.08darkskiezbrookshire: did u add hard,intr to your mount options ?
08:17.27brookshiressh died
08:17.47brookshiresshd rather
08:19.36*** join/#asterisk parag7732 (
08:20.19parag7732Hi i want to know that how can i find out my all recorded Outgoing calls....I have enabled "Record Outgoing Calls"....
08:20.27parag7732I m using FreePBX
08:21.31mitchelocparag7732: try #freepbx
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08:24.47parag7732Hi i want to know that how can i find out my all recorded Outgoing calls....I have enabled "Record Outgoing Calls"....I m using free PBX....and ARI is also installed even though i m not able to see outgoing call records
08:24.54*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@
08:25.06dpryoparag7732: You're in the wrong channel.
08:25.11mitchelocum "parag7732: try #freepbx"
08:26.20*** join/#asterisk Dandre (
08:26.34Dandrehello all
08:26.36parag7732I m there also...but people are not answering
08:27.28mitchelocparag7732: asterisk is not freepbx, so you have to ask people that know freepbx and how it works, so it's best to be patient in that channel or try during the day
08:27.54DandreI am trying to use asterisk at home, but I haven't found the default password so I can't try it :-(
08:28.02*** join/#asterisk Whisk (
08:28.16dpryoDandre: Try out plain asterisk. Install debian, and then asterisk.
08:28.39dpryoDandre: It's alot easier if you use a text editor and take a look at the configuration files.
08:28.48hwtcan i dial from the asterisk console? how?
08:28.54dpryohwt: help dial
08:29.37mitchelocjbot should auto answer any line that mentions freepbx or a@home heh
08:29.40hwtdpryo: thanks.
08:30.05dpryomitcheloc: Yeah, or autokick :D
08:30.16mitchelocor just mute ;)
08:30.16DandreI am already using asterisk but I wanted to see what freepbx was like and I have downloaded vmware distro of aat
08:30.36hwtis freepbx worth anything?
08:30.50*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
08:30.52mitcheloci gave it a try today too, didn't install on my machine...supposedly i didn't have enough hard drive space... (11gb) hehe
08:31.03mitchelochwt: it's free...
08:31.13mitchelocworth $0
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08:35.50hwtmitcheloc: duh.
08:36.51mitchelocheh, i've never used it so i dunno
08:39.35sevardis there anything wrong with this line
08:39.37sevardexten = _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,DIAL(ZAP/2/${EXTEN},20)
08:39.46sevardbecause it looks friggen fine to me
08:42.03mitchelocisn't it =>?
08:42.10sevard> does not matter.
08:42.20darkskiezis it not matching?
08:42.24darkskiezor dialing wongly?
08:42.55sevardI get a fast busy, i can't tell what's up, the zap channel works, that trunk is for my long distance context and when I plug channel two into the local context it works
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08:45.28hwtsevard: maybe you mean exten = _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,DIAL(ZAP/2/${EXTEN:1},20) ?
08:47.11*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
08:49.02sevardi think it's all done
08:49.09sevardall my lost configs
08:49.12sevardi rewrote them al
08:49.22sevardit's 3:30 a.m.
08:49.31sevard3:50, i can't tell time
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08:52.56pifare iax2 connections between * servers know to be brittle?
08:53.49pifsometimes the remote * is no longer seen , even though pings are perfect
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09:00.29CKGLanyone using gastman?
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09:06.07CKGLwondering if the CLI> on gastman ever works
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09:09.54chapeaurougehi all
09:10.22chapeaurougehow do i refer to a ISDN-BRI phone connected to asterisk? like extension and such? I am looking for clear documentation, but unsuccessful so far
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09:11.43brookshirechap: do you currently have a BRI card?
09:11.54chapeaurougeusing bristuff
09:12.25brookshirei think you would set all the bri lines up in zaptel, if i am not mistaken
09:12.37*** part/#asterisk parag7732 (
09:12.46chapeaurougeyes, these are set. ztcfg shows them as configured anyway
09:12.55chapeaurougebut in the extension.conf, how do i refer to these phones?
09:13.16brookshirechannel being the number
09:13.18chapeaurougecool thanks :)
09:13.21chapeaurougedead easy
09:13.27chapeaurougeah yes
09:13.30chapeaurougethanks dude
09:14.54*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
09:15.11chapeaurougeyou guys know if there's a vim schema for * ? this sux not to have highlights :)
09:15.20chapeaurougeindeed there is
09:17.54*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=icechat5@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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09:27.26stoffellanyone already encountered a polycom 501 not getting an IP from the DHCP server?
09:27.36stoffell(while the other 20 polycom's do :) )
09:27.51Zeeekwhat does the boot look like? Normal?
09:28.03Assidstoffell: happens
09:28.09Assidtry assigning it a static dhcp
09:32.36stoffellboot looks normale
09:32.47stoffellhm, static definition in dhcp ? that I can do...
09:33.01stoffellboots looks normal Zeeek
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09:35.07Zeeekabout 90 seconds?
09:35.52stoffellhm, counting now..
09:39.11stoffellZeeek, after approx 90 seconds, failed to get boot paramaters (but the phone is on the PoE switch), i see no requests in dhcp daemon
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09:45.51Zeeekthe phone is set p for dhbp obviously?
09:46.29Assidi get this very very weird issue on my poly301
09:46.34Assidit keeps going into hold
09:46.38Assidwhen in a call
09:46.52Assiderr.. some calls.. it just keeps doing that.. some .. it doesnt
09:47.53stoffellZeeek, yes, dhcp is enabled. adding a lease in dhcp doesn't help, i can try a fixed ip on the phone? (but right now it is on a working connection..)
09:48.33Zeeekyou don't it asking for dhcp by sniffing?
09:48.51ZeeekInteresting - I had a bad ip500 once like that
09:49.22stoffellhm Zeeek, oke, will try sniffing
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09:49.35ZeeekI had to send mine back for replacement
09:49.41stoffellyou don't happen to know the right syntax to sniff dhcp-only? :)
09:49.57Zeeekin ethereal
09:51.18stoffelltcpdump :)
09:51.33Zeeekdo a tcpdump and look at it in ethereal
09:51.46stoffellah, oke :)
09:52.02Zeeekthen you'll find it easy to make a filter or color the lines
09:53.31*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (n=A-Tuin@
09:55.46mutanyone awake that knows about sangoma cards?
09:56.16*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
09:56.21tparcinahi everybody
09:57.27tparcinait's quite today
09:58.48dlynesi'm busy finishing off my code, so i'm not really here
09:59.02*** join/#asterisk clive- (
09:59.52dlynesbut you weren't even here a minute when you concluded that it was quiet today
10:00.10*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:01.14stoffellZeeek, different phone, different PoE adpater, works on same connect, trying tcpdump no
10:01.26*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (n=A-Tuin@
10:01.33Pj_stoffell: sounds like poetry
10:02.15*** join/#asterisk f-bucher (
10:02.30mutit's 6am or earlier in the US
10:02.40mutwhich makes up most of the chat in the channel
10:04.52f-bucherhi i am working for a french voip provider and we are searching for some peering with an american voip company
10:04.58tparcinadlynes, yes bacause usuly in minute I get several mesages :))
10:05.26dlynesbon matin, f-bucher
10:05.32stoffellZeeek,no dhcp requests whatsoever... oh boy.. trying different PoE, unless you have other suggestions?
10:05.38f-buchersalut dlynes
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10:05.47tparcinaanybody uses Linksys SPA-901 SIP Phone -
10:05.57mitchelocstoffell: thats a good point, your cable could be bad, try connecting your computer or something else?
10:06.04tparcinaI'm planing to buy nine of them
10:06.10clive-does voicemail have a maximum of 100 messages only ?
10:06.20dlynesclive-: that's an old limit that's been removed
10:06.42dlynesclive-: I don't know which 1.2 version removed that limit, or if maybe it's 1.2.8 when it'll be removed
10:06.44f-bucheris there some people here working in a american telco company ?
10:07.00astri am looking for pstn providers with gsm codec. I found 2 - teliax and iconnecthere. the first one is unrealiable and the second one is very expensive
10:07.02clive-dlynes well, it seems to be still in 1.2.5
10:07.14dlynesclive-: but it's definitely gone...if it's not gone in the currently release, you'll need to wait for those changes to be merged into a release from trunk
10:07.37astris there any good and decently priced pstn minutes provider supporting gsm codec?
10:07.40stoffellmitcheloc, no, connecting another phone on this cable works. just this 1 polycom doesn't sent out dhcp requests (or they don't get at the server)
10:08.08dlynesf-bucher: i'm guessing you're looking for a CLEC or an ILEC?
10:08.30clive-astr try nufone
10:08.40dlynesisn't nufone defunct now?
10:09.00clive-afaik jerjer is still going strong
10:09.02dlynesI've heard everyone bitching left right and center about nufone i think it was lately
10:09.06*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
10:09.10dlynesah...maybe it was some other company then
10:09.14f-bucherdlynes : we can say that yes
10:09.40dlynesf-bucher: so you're looking for someone on a pretty big scale then, right?
10:09.44f-bucherwe are searching some partners
10:10.02clive-there are plenty itsp's about, are you looking for iax or sip
10:10.29dlynesf-bucher: try
10:10.40f-buchersip but we have huge traffic and i can count on the poor QOS of the majority of voip provider
10:10.42dlynesf-bucher: they also parles en francais
10:11.01dlynesf-bucher: Illes dans la belle province
10:11.11clive-f-boucher are you looking in the usa or europe?
10:11.18f-bucherin the usa
10:11.28f-bucherin europe we already have some peering
10:11.42astrwe need reliable providers, nufone - I am not sure if they look reliable. Reliability is a must as we are looking to terminate ~100k mins per month
10:11.52dlynesf-bucher: they have their own networks in both the US and Canada
10:12.06clive-100k is not so huge
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10:12.19dlynesf-bucher: they do SIP into the US, and H323 into Canada
10:12.37clive-you will easily find someone in the usa
10:13.06stoffellZeeek, indeed, the ip501 doesn't do a dhcp discovery, damn.. will set it to fixed ip then :(
10:13.30f-bucheryes sure but a need a certain quality of service and i am searching to create a direct trunck between my cirpack and their equipment
10:13.44dlynesstoffell: Try hooking up a crossover cable to it instead of a straighthrough cable
10:13.48dlynesstoffell: see if that doesn't fix it
10:13.49astrclive: thats the initial estimate
10:14.12dlynesstoffell: I've noticed some of these voip phones someone times only work with a xover cable
10:14.29clive-I know of a guy in cleveland who may be able to help you
10:14.48stoffelldlynes, but it did work before.. :( and so do all the other 19 ip501's.. strange
10:15.11dlynesf-bucher: talk to'll probably be talking directly to the cfo or the ceo...they're the ones that usually answer my emails
10:15.16astrhow do you guys terminate mins - we are currently using a server in datacenter and it connects to termination provider over internet. Is there any other better way ?
10:15.35dlynesf-bucher: they sell their customers on their own networks
10:15.58dlynesf-bucher: they were finding everyone else's networks weren't up to the expectations they had, so they built their own network
10:16.01f-bucherthx a lot dlynes
10:16.03astrclive: who in cleveland?
10:16.30dlynesf-bucher: That's one of the biggest reasons we decided to start terminating through them
10:16.45dlynesf-bucher: I'll be testing on their network probably next week or late this week
10:17.00dlynesf-bucher: we're looking to make them our main carrier shortly
10:18.07clive-astr:  some guy who is freinds with my sister-in-law , but I dont know him personally
10:18.07dlynesf-bucher: the nice thing about them, is they also speak french, so you can express yourself perfectly, too
10:18.42f-bucherdlynes do you say that my english is not perfect ? :)
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10:19.06dlynesf-bucher: No...just saying that if you talk to them in French, guaranteed there won't be any confusion :)
10:19.30f-bucheri am looking at the website i juste see a canadian number i will try ..
10:19.34dlynesf-bucher: Assumed your name was probably Francois Boucher, or something, so i figured you must be french :)
10:19.38astrclive: checking..
10:20.19dlynesf-bucher: one sec...i'll get their email address for you instead
10:20.23astrclive: website does not open, strange reason
10:20.29dlynesf-bucher: the email will get you a quicker response
10:20.32clive-astr your other option is to get a T1 line yourself
10:22.03astrclive: we have lot of voip clients who connect to our server, we need a way to terminate few mins to pstn. hence looking for a provider. We have a dedi server in datacenter which has 100MBs port. But I was checking if there is a better way to connect the box to the pstn provider gateway using trunks etc.
10:23.08dlynesf-bucher: "'Peter Lazaris'" <> (Director & CTO), "Steve Mann" <> (Director of Wholesale Operations)
10:23.17f-bucherthx dlynes
10:23.28dlynesf-bucher: just tell them Daniel at 24/7 Communications sent you, so they know you're not coming out of the blue
10:24.27dlynesSteve will be the one you probably make initial contact with
10:24.48dlynesPeter will be the one to set you up with an account and/or possibly discuss other agreements
10:24.52f-bucherthx for all
10:25.26dlynesSteve probably doesn't speak French, but I think Peter is bilingual
10:25.51astrdlynes: I looked at your site. 24x7, do you guys terminate and support gsm?
10:26.30dlynesastr: We haven't started doing termination yet; not until I'm finished our postpaid and prepaid billing system
10:26.42dlynesastr: well, and had a chance to fully test it :)
10:27.28*** join/#asterisk phpboy (n=shane@
10:27.55phpboyhey all... I think I've installed my zap drivers correctly yet when I try dial through it I get the following error
10:27.56astrdlynes: understood. anyone who would recommend for 100-200k gsm mins? we will need  ~500k g711/g729 mins
10:28.05phpboydial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
10:28.42dlynesastr: Why is it that you only want to do gsm?
10:29.26astrdlyes: our app runs on limited hardware devices and hence can do only gsm or g711. but bw might not be good always, hence gsm :)
10:30.46*** join/#asterisk rkr245 (
10:30.50phpboywhy Would I get this error?
10:30.53astrfor g711/729, I am sure we would get plenty for ~1c. BTW, does anyone know some reliable wholesale provider providing mins for 1c
10:31.07phpboyI've configured zaptel.conf properly from what I can tell and it should be working :<
10:31.09astri am yet to try commpartners
10:31.38astrphpboy: just giving it a shot, did you try sip calls
10:31.42dlynesYeah...even after I get the billing system finished
10:31.52dlynesThere's no possible way I could make money at that rate
10:31.57phpboyastr: sip calls work
10:31.58dlynesI'd be losing money
10:32.08dlynesI'm housed in a class 3 facility
10:32.15dlynesThe gig charges are too high there
10:32.24astrdlynes: what is the best rate you can expect for reliable service for g711/g729
10:33.07dlynesastr: I would have to calculate it based on my gig charges, cost of g729 codec licenses, and my termination costs
10:33.20dlynesastr: I couldn't give you an answer off the top of my head
10:33.31astrsince you would be passing the bw, you would not need licenses for 729
10:33.57astrwhat do others pay for pstn termination mins? reliable
10:34.01dlynesastr: If you're passing me gsm, i'd have to convert it to g729
10:34.16dlynesastr: my voip upstream only takes g729 and g723
10:34.42astrdlynes: no way - impossible. gsm to g729 is not possible using asterisk realtime without call degradation and also not scalable
10:34.44*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (n=A-Tuin@
10:35.27dlynesso where the heck are you going to get someone that does termination on gsm?
10:35.34dlynesI can only do gsm to g729, or gsm to pri
10:36.05astrdlynes: thats the sad part, i tried inphonex, teliax (level3), iconnecthere
10:36.07dlynesand my pri ld minutes are a ridiculous rate
10:36.33dlynesnorth america is 2.9c/min Cdn
10:36.37dlynesand that's my cost
10:36.53astrI would say expensive as others beat it
10:36.57dlynesso i avoid pstn ld at all costs
10:37.05*** join/#asterisk Sonderblade (
10:37.08astrfrom what I see, iconnecthere is good but charges 3c
10:37.49dlynesWell, in Canada, the CRTC states that if you're offering PSTN termination for VoIP, that you must be housed in a class 3 facility
10:38.01dlynesthat's part of what keeps our costs high
10:38.38dlynesthere's only two class three facilities in Vancouver, and they're both bloody expensive
10:38.51*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (i=user@
10:39.10dlynesI've gotta get back to writing some code
10:39.14mutgod damned MP-11a's
10:39.16dlynesI've wasted too much time on irc already
10:39.22mutfukin screwing up again
10:39.27astrdlynes: thnks
10:39.35wasimdlynes: i can give you us BULK for 0.92 and retail for 0.99
10:40.06wasimerr ... that euro cents, not US cents
10:42.12*** join/#asterisk AsteriskAlbania (n=info@
10:42.15dlyneswasim: damnit
10:42.22CKGLanyone using gastman?
10:42.25dlyneswasim: the euro's strong...the USD's getting weak
10:42.35dlyneswasim: i want my Canadian buck to stretch further :)
10:42.40CKGLwondering if the CLI> function on gastman ever works
10:42.42mutneeds to do some more push ups and sit ups
10:43.00astrwasim: where you from?
10:43.04dlyneswasim: btw...I'm not having troubles getting cheap LD minutes
10:43.15dlyneswasim: Only getting cheap LD minutes on a PRI
10:43.22dlyneswasim: and cheap PRI rates, for that matter
10:43.47mutah man
10:44.05mutmakes me happy thinking of our possible future build out
10:44.22wasimastr: pk
10:44.22mutrunning fiber from our location here to the next town over and connect it to the SBC building
10:44.29wasimdlynes: ah
10:44.33mutrunning OC48 out here
10:44.44*** join/#asterisk MrChimpy (
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10:48.00mutthis thing pisses me off
10:48.04mutit's been down like..
10:48.07mut20 minutes now
10:48.34mutso i finally decide it won't come back up on it's own, i get on the phone with a guy to go fix it, i get the words hello out, and the damn thing comes back up
10:49.02AsteriskAlbaniaI change from EL4 to FC5 now I am trying to install zaptel and have this error
10:49.03AsteriskAlbaniaYou do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.16-1.2096_FC5 kernel installed.
10:49.33MrChimpyaa: yeah, and what do you think that means then?
10:49.50AsteriskAlbaniaI dont know how to resolve it
10:50.03dpryoInstall the sources for the 2.6.16-1.2096_FC5 kernel
10:50.03clive-install your sources
10:50.08MrChimpyhow about installing the kernel sources for the....
10:50.09papoAssaf: install the sources of the 2.6.16-1.2096_FC5 kernel?
10:50.10AsteriskAlbaniaI have creatyt sym link with ln -s as I did in EL4
10:50.20AsteriskAlbaniabut it does not work yet
10:50.34AsteriskAlbaniaI have tried with src.rpm
10:51.02MrChimpyfind the correct one then
10:51.21papoor put the symlink at the correct place
10:51.42MrChimpyuse strace to find where it's looking if you're desperate
10:51.59gaupeAsteriskAlbania: install kernel-devel
10:52.57AsteriskAlbaniathanks I will try it now
10:53.40phpboy-- Executing Dial("SIP/6940-f3de", "Zap/1/827863878") in new stack
10:53.41phpboyMay  3 10:43:10 NOTICE[2140]: app_dial.c:1029 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
10:54.03phpboyI've done the ztcfg, zttool and zttest and it seems to be working fine
10:54.14phpboyI've loaded the extention in extentions.conf and it's still not working
10:54.19phpboywhat could be the problem?
10:55.53MrChimpypermissions on zap device?
10:55.55MrChimpyjust a guess.
10:57.54phpboyit doesn't seem so
10:58.42phpboybear in mind that this is a analogue card
10:59.54MrChimpydo you have /etc/udev?
11:00.01tparcinaLinksys SPA901, does anybody use it?
11:00.42AsteriskAlbaniagaupe: installing kernel-devel works thank you
11:02.01AsteriskAlbaniagaupe: sorry it fails again even that starts to make linux26
11:02.30phpboyMrChimpy: no
11:02.35phpboythis is a FreeBSD system
11:02.57MrChimpyahhh. dunno then
11:03.09*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
11:03.35MrChimpyaa: get your kernel building outside of any asterisk stuff first
11:03.42gaupeAsteriskAlbania: you might want to look into this,
11:07.46*** part/#asterisk oej (
11:10.52wasimme mack in a mit?
11:11.45AsteriskAlbaniaI have /usr/src/kernels/2.6.16-1.2096_FC5-i686
11:12.01AsteriskAlbaniaand zaptel says that there is no source kernel
11:12.47*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
11:15.25MrChimpyare you building as root?
11:16.07MrChimpycan you build the kernel outside of the zaptel build?
11:20.05AsteriskAlbaniawhat to you mean
11:20.19AsteriskAlbaniawhoat do you mean sorry
11:20.20MrChimpycan you build your kernel/
11:20.33AsteriskAlbaniaI can make menuconfig
11:20.40AsteriskAlbaniaI can make
11:20.55MrChimpyand it builds without errors?
11:20.57AsteriskAlbaniaI have installed the RPM source package for the kernel
11:21.03AsteriskAlbaniayes no errorrs at all
11:21.35MrChimpywell do your make with zaptel and strace it, see what it's looking at before it stops.
11:21.55AsteriskAlbaniawhat is the option for strace
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11:24.40HoopyCatgood morning!
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11:28.05HoopyCatalright, this PRI isn't bouncing, time to get off of IRC, sit down, and go back to work.  :-)
11:34.49*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
11:35.06mutwow, this dialup user that just called in...
11:35.17mutbefore the 14th of last month, every connection was great
11:35.27mutfrom the 14th on, every connection has been a lost-carrier
11:35.51mutofcourse, somehow it's our fault too >:|
11:37.43tparcinaI have dialplan question, I don't know ca it be done
11:38.02tparcinaincoming call to SIP user
11:38.17tparcinafirst, it his phone is ringing for 15 sec
11:38.55tparcinathen it's ringing all phones that are in the same pickup group as the first sip user
11:39.09tparcinacan it be done thrue dialplan?
11:42.22tparcinaas I see it, for that I'll just need pickupgroup variable
11:45.12ManxPowertparcina, no, you can't.  You would need two Dial lines, one for the 1 phone, and a second for the group of phones.
11:46.04snittit can be done
11:46.43snittring a phone for 15 sec, then say a 'please standby' to the caller, and then ring all phones
11:46.56ManxPowerThe call won't be able to be picked up between the time the first dial ends, and the 2nd dial begins, but that should be a very short time.
11:47.18ManxPowersnitt, and while "please standby" is played, nobody will be able to pick up the call.
11:47.25snitti know
11:47.41ManxPowermost people that ask this question don't want that.
11:48.08snittokay, then use a musiconhold that says stadby during the ringing
11:48.44*** join/#asterisk Sebb (
11:49.07Sebbis there a way to submit a custom variable via iax2, like i can do with sip?
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11:51.25ManxPowerSebb, Define "Custom Variable"
11:53.51Zeeekaren't all variables custom?
11:53.54*** join/#asterisk the_magic_bean (n=the_magi@
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11:56.22SebbManxPower: well, as i can do it with sipaddheader, just add some information and get it out of the call on the other side.. e.g. for transmitting information about callerid presentation..
11:56.24*** join/#asterisk luke-jr_ (n=luke-jr@2002:1891:f657:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
11:57.03ManxPowerSebb, Use Set/SetVar, prefix the variable name with __ and it should be transported between servers.  See README.variables
11:58.25SebbManxPower: thanks, i will test that. with which protocols does that work?
11:58.45ManxPowerSebb, I have no idea.  Should work for at least IAX2
11:59.01ManxPowerThis is a 1.2.x feature
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12:08.58Ariel_morning folks
12:09.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:32.02sfollo81i'm here
12:33.41sfollo81can you help me?
12:33.41[TK]D-Fendersfollo81 : just ask
12:33.52jboti heard tips is (Trillion Instructions Per Second) This is a rating of a REALLY FAST computer.  1 TIPS is 1,000,000,000 instructions per seccond
12:34.06jbotwell, faq is frequently asked question... try asking me about "RTFM"
12:34.25[TK]D-FenderOh yeah!
12:34.30jbotsomebody said suggestions was 1) Don't ask to ask. Just say your problem, 2) Don't repeat until 5 mins after, 3) Read and re-read the docs first, then admit it if you REALLY don't understand. You're wasting your time and ours if you haven't at least tried. 4) If your problem ain't solved, come back in 12 hrs or 24 hrs later. We're very international. 5) Be polite ...
12:34.36[TK]D-FenderThere it is!~
12:36.17sfollo81i'm new in asterisk
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12:36.44sfollo81and i'm trying to register an ata sip to it
12:36.55epabloHi guys.  How's it going?
12:37.26epabloHas anyone worked with the TDM2400E cards?
12:38.28sfollo81i cannot understand how to see if my ata is registered or not
12:38.35epabloI want to know if I can put a couple (2) in one machine and it will work
12:38.59[TK]D-Fenderepablo : Yes, you can if your MB is cooperative.
12:39.34[TK]D-Fendersfollo81 : in CLI do "sip show peers".  In your sip.conf entry you should try putting "qualify=yes" as well to back this up.
12:39.34epabloD-Fender: cooperative?  Meaning that it has 2 irq available?
12:40.57epabloD-Fender: on the specs it recomends a P4 1.6 what hw do you recomend when using 2 on the same box.  Dual P4's or one bigger CPU?
12:41.41[TK]D-Fenderepablo : Yes, you definately want each on its own IRQ.  In general it is suggested you have no more than 2 cards in your system.
12:42.04*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
12:42.07[TK]D-Fenderepablo : Depends on what that system will do exactly.  No I seriously doubt you'll need that kind of processing power.
12:42.18*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
12:42.32[TK]D-Fenderepablo : Just a basic P4 would do nicely I'm sure.  But why on earth are you considering using that many analog channels?
12:42.56epabloAt the time I have an old Dial P3 700 Xeon Would that work?
12:43.35*** part/#asterisk sfollo81 (n=stefano@
12:43.39phpboyhow do I put a delay between a 0 and the number it dials trough pstn? 0,012345678
12:44.14epabloWell I have a client that has 33 analog channels in its actual PBX.  They need asterisk for a new queue sys they bought for a callcenter.  But don't wan't to change to VoIP phones
12:44.22[TK]D-Fenderepablo : Depends what the box will be doing.  Transcoding would kill it quite likely..
12:45.07[TK]D-Fenderepablo : You don't need to switch to VoIP phone, I'd sooner suggest geting a gateway like Mediatrix, AudioCodes, or a ATA's.
12:45.29phpboyplease help me :<
12:45.48[TK]D-Fenderphpboy : Go look up "cmd Dial" on the WIKI.
12:46.02[TK]D-Fenderphpboy : Obviously the answer should be in there
12:46.12*** join/#asterisk sfollo81 (n=stefano@
12:46.13epabloD-Fender:  I'll look into it.  Thanks
12:46.20[TK]D-Fenderepablo : np
12:46.27sfollo81hi all
12:47.23SebbManxPower: i tried that with __foo, but it didn't work :/
12:47.38sfollo81sorry, but i'm a newbie: i'm configuring asterisk to work with a cisco ata 188 but, where can i see if the ata is registered/registering?
12:48.08sfollo81i've not been so lucky with google
12:48.33tparcinamanxPower, yes, i know that I'll need two dial lines. I don't mind that, just I don't know how to call group
12:48.47[TK]D-Fendersfollo81 : Is there some sort of issue with the rather specific steps I already gave you?  Otherwise you're just starting to repeat yourself...
12:49.26tparcinasnitt, i prefer ManxPover sugestion, I just need to know how to dial pickup group
12:51.01AsteriskAlbaniaanyone tested astcc ,  is it good for billing ?
12:52.22mutanyone good with photoshop or illustrator?
12:54.16Hmmhesaysone day left in the clink
12:54.46[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : And boy is your butt tired? ;)
12:55.49[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I am teh bomb y0!
12:59.32*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (
13:00.03[TK]D-FenderAnyone awake here have experience compiling SpanDSP?  I'm getting ready to give it a shot and have a quick question about compile order.  On the site's instructions it gives me the impression I have to recompile Asterisk as a whole after using "path".  Is this correct?
13:00.09AsteriskAlbaniaZaptel seems not to compile with kernel 2.6.16 FC5
13:00.22AsteriskAlbaniahave any one succeded with ti
13:00.51[TK]D-FenderAsteriskAlbania : Do you have the kernel source AND headers for your current kernel?
13:03.46AsteriskAlbaniaI am reinstalling EL4
13:04.07[TK]D-FenderAsteriskAlbania : have you checked the WIKI for pointers on your specific release?  "asterisk fedora"
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13:05.26AsteriskAlbaniait seems to have only failures on FC5
13:06.49[TK]D-FenderAsteriskAlbania : Seems to have instructions in there as to how to fix it.
13:07.13[TK]D-FenderThis is a known issue with the latest CentOS 4/RHEL 4 latest kernel and I assume its the same on FC5. See this thread below on how to edit the Makefile for Zaptel to work around the issue.
13:08.04AsteriskAlbaniaI see it now
13:08.19AsteriskAlbaniabut already formated :)
13:08.32AsteriskAlbaniathanks [TK]D-Fender
13:09.09epabloD-Fender:   Instead of using 2 TMD2400E would it be better to install a channel banks and setup T1 cards?
13:10.50[TK]D-Fenderepablo : I'd say better off getting an Analog>SIP gateway like the Meditrix 1124 for 24 ports at a time, and Sipura ATA's for the odd bits
13:11.05Hmmhesaysahh the mediatrix 1124, wonderful, wonderful gateway
13:11.30phpboyhey guys, I call myself through the PSTN to my mobile... the phone rings I answer but I can't hear anything on either side :<
13:11.30epabloWhat does the mediatrix do exactlly?
13:11.40Hmmhesaysits an fxs gateway with 24 ports
13:11.50phpboywhat could be the problem?
13:13.08[TK]D-Fenderepablo : Means you don't have to worry about card compatability and its portable in that you don't need to run so much wire directly to your * box.
13:13.19*** join/#asterisk awlane (
13:13.27Hmmhesaysyeah the amphenol connector is nice
13:13.35*** part/#asterisk awlane (
13:13.58[TK]D-FenderBoth need it, its just with a gateay your * box can be further away.
13:14.45epabloD-Fender:  Ok.. nice..  Thanks
13:15.05muti'de also rather go with a channel bank
13:15.20mutthey can push a line farther aswell
13:16.00ManxPowertparcina, I already gave you an example Dial to call a group
13:16.08epabloWell I already got the channelbank connectors made.. All I have to do is move them from the actual PBX to the new solution..
13:16.16ManxPowerSebb, what does README.variable say about the subject?
13:16.34epabloI'm checking out the  Rhino Channel Bank.  Anyone used it?
13:16.35tparcinaManxPower, yes, but how can I know who is in particular pickupgroup?
13:16.57[TK]D-Fendermut : A theoretical benifit that doesn't always matter.  releiving a weak server of load and compatability issues while being PBX agnostic wins on most scenarios.
13:16.58tparcinai need something like Dial(SIP/g1)
13:17.18ManxPowertparcina, you do not want a pickup group.  A pickupgroup allows you to pick up a ringing phone that is NOT the one you are dialing from.
13:17.27*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
13:17.29ManxPowertparcina, you cannot do that, except for Zap.
13:17.31[TK]D-Fenderepablo : Either solution would use the amphenol you'd wired up.
13:17.48tparcinaerror, I need something like Dial(SIP/$pickupgroup($extension))
13:18.05ManxPowertparcina, you cannot do that.
13:18.22tparcinaI know, and I'm looking for something that will work that way
13:18.28ManxPowerBut you could set a variable in global section to define what extensions are in a group.
13:18.38tparcinais ther any workaround that will work taht way?
13:18.53ManxPowertparcina, I guess you could write a custom application.
13:19.16ManxPowerWhy can't you use the standard dialing of multiple devices?
13:19.21tparcinayes, but I would like it to be exacly like the groups defined in sip.conf :))
13:19.54ManxPowertparcina, groups defined in sip.conf are not used for Dial
13:20.10ManxPowerGroups in sip.conf are used for *8 pickups
13:20.33tparcinastandard dialing of multiple devices isn't good enough to much coding, and (as far I'm concern) to dirty
13:21.05tparcinaManxPower, I know that, I'm just trying to explain what I would like to acomplish
13:21.31ManxPowertparcina, Best of luck.  I cannot help you further.
13:22.04tparcinastandard dialing of multiple devices isn't good for one more reason. if I change group for one sip user, I'll have to change dialplan as well...
13:23.04*** join/#asterisk axarob (
13:23.24tparcinaManxPower, thank you. If I find the solution...
13:23.59tparcinais ther any variable, that can tell me in what pickupgroup is called person?
13:26.37*** join/#asterisk BadPacket (n=root@unaffiliated/badpacket)
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13:29.26TheCopsSomeone using french prompts for Asterisk ?
13:30.35*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
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13:33.52phpboyhey guys, I call myself through the PSTN to my mobile... the phone rings I answer but I can't hear anything on either side :< what could be the problem?
13:34.44[TK]D-FenderTheCops : I do
13:34.44*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:34.45*** join/#asterisk SheriF_WorK (n=sherif@
13:34.45TheCops[TK]D-Fender, hi :)
13:34.45[TK]D-FenderTheCops : y0
13:34.45*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:35.13TheCops[TK]D-Fender, do you have the vm-leavemsg.gsm wav for French ?
13:35.20TheCopsIt missing that one, like all french lol
13:35.45[TK]D-Fenderlet me look....
13:38.18[TK]D-FenderNope, I don't have it either
13:39.18[TK]D-FenderTheCops : Just passed on the news to one of the coordinators
13:39.20*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
13:39.32TheCops[TK]D-Fender, relaly ? Nice!
13:39.50TheCopsThere's a way to get voice from that girl but, from thevoice digium ? I see only english person
13:39.55[TK]D-FenderTheCops : Ok, its a known issue, amongst others and is in the process of being corrected
13:40.03*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
13:42.38TheCopsthnaks [TK]D-Fender
13:42.51hrhrhrERROR[8379]: chan_zap.c:10231 setup_zap: Signalling must be specified before any channels are.
13:42.54hrhrhrany ideas?
13:43.19*** part/#asterisk epablo (
13:43.26hrhrhri've looked through zapata/zaptel.conf, nothing obvious, google aint too helpful either
13:44.03wasimyou have to run google's tummy just right ...
13:44.45[TK]D-Fenderhrhrhr : Seems pretty clear.  You don't have a signalling line before you issue a "channel =>" line in zapata.conf
13:48.10*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
13:48.26*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (n=malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
13:48.48hrhrhr[TK]D-Fender: thanks for that
13:48.50hrhrhrfxs_ks=1         FXS
13:48.51phpboyCan somebody PLEASe help me :<
13:48.54hrhrhrwould that be my signalling?
13:49.06*** join/#asterisk niter3 (
13:49.14niter3anyone around. I'm having an issue connected to my asterisk via internet. It establishes a connection, but it won't send sounds over. Any idea?
13:49.16hrhrhrmy channel => is on line 500 something and that is waayyy before it :s
13:49.39hrhrhrthe above appears below Signalling method
13:49.56hrhrhrniter3: firewall issue perhaps?
13:50.52niter3i've forwarded 5060 and the range.
13:50.56niter3like I said it connects just fine.
13:51.10*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
13:51.13niter3i can dial and it shows it's connected, but I hear no sound. For instance I dial *43
13:51.17hrhrhrsorry, i'm an asterisk noob
13:51.19niter3It connects, but no sound.
13:51.27hrhrhrthere's an option for gain in one of the conf files too
13:51.31hrhrhrmay be worth looking at that
13:51.33[TK]D-Fenderhrhrhr : that line is wrong for zapata.conf.  should be signalling=fxs_ks
13:52.08hrhrhri'll give it a try :)
13:52.32niter3this is odd. Wonder why it isn't working... :s
13:53.03hrhrhr[TK]D-Fender: you rock :D
13:53.43niter3i've set nat to yes and qualify to yes for my extension.
13:53.51niter3i've also edied sip_nat.conf
13:54.16niter3for externhost = domain
13:54.26niter3localnet =
13:54.31niter3i've restarted asterisk
13:54.36niter3hrm.. anything i'm forgetting?
13:54.59phpboyI love you guys
13:55.19[TK]D-Fenderniter3 : "externrefresh"
13:55.28niter3yep I set that to 120
13:56.07niter3externhost =
13:56.07niter3externrefresh = 120
13:56.08niter3localnet =
13:56.10niter3that's my line
13:56.43niter3i've also set sip.conf and uncommented 'include sip_nat.con'
13:56.50niter3i've also set sip.conf and uncommented 'include sip_nat.conf'
13:57.14niter3anything i'm forgetting?
13:57.44hrhrhr[TK]D-Fender: i guess there's no actual guide around for setting up an fxo (x100p) card?
13:57.51hrhrhrstart to finish job
13:58.12[TK]D-Fenderhrhrhr : WIKI & TheBook
13:58.16jbothmm... docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
13:58.27hrhrhrthe sip stuff seems to work easy enough, the actual pstn side of things has been the nightmare
13:58.36hrhrhrok, cheers
13:59.12*** join/#asterisk angler (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
13:59.19niter3yah I have to set my FXO card up when I get a phone card. I've set the trunk up and set inbound and outbound already. Just haven't test that yet. I want to login via the PBX over the net.
13:59.23niter3but I don't know what i'md oing wrong.
13:59.58[TK]D-Fenderniter3 : Have you forwarded the appropriate ports to your * box?
14:00.10niter3both udp and tcp
14:00.19niter3then a range 5060-5082 i think it was
14:00.21niter3that's it
14:00.54xachendon't see the point of even opening TCP
14:01.05niter3neither do I, but i'm just doing it.
14:01.16*** join/#asterisk pif (
14:02.05sevard[May  3 09:00:53] WARNING[5404]: file.c:970 ast_writefile: Unable to open file /private/tmp/_var_spool_asterisk_voicemail_default_1024_INBOX_msg0000.WAV: No suhh file or directory
14:02.09niter3checking sip_additional.conf    it seems ok
14:02.14sevardwhy the heck would it be looking there?
14:02.42[TK]D-Fenderniter3 : You'll need to open up ports for RTP as well or you will get no audio.
14:02.48sevardthat's supposed to be /var/spool and it's most def supposed to be / not _
14:02.48niter3qualify=yes port=5060 nat=yes mailbox=200@device host=dynamic dtmfmode=rfc2833 context=from-internal
14:02.56niter3[TK]D-Fender: really?
14:02.58niter3didn't know that
14:03.01[TK]D-Fenderniter3 : yes
14:03.07[TK]D-Fender10000-20000 UDP typically
14:03.40BadPackethas anyone seen JerJer? I'm getting annoyed now.
14:03.41sevarddoes anyone know? i'm like 'wtfmate'
14:04.25*** join/#asterisk doolph (i=doolph@
14:04.47phpboyI can't seem to find where how to put a slight delay between 0 and the number
14:04.53hrhrhrniter3: what asterisk distro do you use anyway
14:04.59phpboyI can't seem to find where how to put a slight delay between 0 and the number I'm trying to dial through the pstn :<
14:05.08hrhrhri've read there's an a@h distro too
14:05.12hrhrhris that some kind of gui version?
14:05.51doolphanyone can help me with dtmf detection problem?
14:05.58sevarddoolph: i wish
14:06.22doolphyou wish but you could?
14:06.29[TK]D-FenderA@H *is* a distro with Asterisk and several accessories all bundled together.
14:06.32sevarddoolph: i have a problem with that, the only advice i've gotten is play with your rxgain levels
14:06.48Sonderbladein the asterisk client i get this message: NOTICE[799]: res_musiconhold.c:507 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?! what does that mean?
14:06.52sevard[TK]D-Fender: can you give any hints to my vm problem?
14:06.59sevardSonderblade: if you google for that string you'll find out
14:07.06doolphrxgain level?
14:07.08doolphfrom where
14:07.12sevarddoolph: in zapata.conf
14:07.17doolphI am not using zap
14:07.24doolphall SIP
14:07.27sevardsorry, i misread
14:07.32[TK]D-Fendersevard : which?
14:07.51sevard[May  3 09:00:53] WARNING[5404]: file.c:970 ast_writefile: Unable to open file /private/tmp/_var_spool_asterisk_voicemail_default_1024_INBOX_msg0000.WAV: No such file or directory
14:08.00[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : Thats MPG123 being a little flakey.  Switch to using Native MoH
14:08.07sevard[May  3 09:00:53] WARNING[5404]: file.c:981 ast_writefile: No such format 'wav49'
14:08.21Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: how do i do that?
14:08.24sevard[May  3 09:00:53] WARNING[5404]: app.c:730 ast_play_and_record: Error creating writestream '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/1024/INBOX/msg0000', format 'wav49'
14:08.27sevardsorry, three line paste
14:08.28[TK]D-Fendersevard : That is one screwed up path.... I'd check your asterisk.conf and a few other places...
14:08.45sevard[TK]D-Fender: my asterisk.conf's spool directory is /var/spool/asterisk though
14:08.55[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : Go look up "music on hold" on the WIKI.  It'll give you instructions.
14:08.57sevardastspooldir => /var/spool/asterisk
14:10.39niter3hrm, sound isn't working still
14:10.43Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: where's the wiki?
14:10.45niter3i forwarded the port range
14:10.50niter3what the heck
14:11.05*** join/#asterisk GerbilNut (i=GerbilNu@
14:11.26sevardniter3: did you forward UDP traffic
14:11.35niter3i got a linksys here
14:11.42sevardniter3: okay..
14:11.45[TK]D-FenderSonderblade :....
14:11.46niter3i'm in applications & gaming under port triggering
14:11.48jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
14:12.00niter3and you can't specifiy you just tell it to use a range of ports. that's it
14:12.06niter3doesn't give an option for UDP or TCP
14:12.17*** join/#asterisk cji (i=3000@
14:12.26sevardniter3: look for a firmware upgrade, what model number of a linksys
14:12.53[TK]D-Fenderniter3 : Look elsewhere.
14:13.20sevard[TK]D-Fender: iirc on linksys's firmware under applications and gaming is the port forward page
14:13.20[TK]D-Fenderniter3 : you need to head to the more general port forwarding menu, not that "quicky" one you're in.
14:13.23niter3wrt54GS but I have an opens ource firmware on it
14:13.59sevardniter3: if we dont' know the firmware we obviously can't help you
14:14.15sevards/help you/tell you where to click/g
14:14.53niter3i'm doing what you said. the genereal port forwarding
14:14.53niter3try this
14:15.08*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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14:15.18phpboycan somebody please tell me how to do _0.,1,Dial(Zap/1/0,1337${EXTEN:1}) properly?
14:15.30niter3hrm...... urg
14:15.32niter3still not working.
14:17.01*** join/#asterisk C4T3l (n=rcall01@
14:17.22Sonderbladei have installed asterisk from the debian package for 1.2.7 and it seems like the mp3 files fpm-world-mix.mp3 fpm-calm-river.mp3 fpm-sunshine.mp3 is missing from the package, can anyone confirm that?
14:18.02sevardSonderblade: I don't use packages but if you want those specific mp3s i'll send them
14:18.04Hmmhesaysyou can confirm that
14:18.12niter3stupid.... no idea why this sin't working....
14:18.20HmmhesaysSonderblade: why do you need someone else to confirm that?
14:18.27nahireansonder, ls /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
14:18.32niter3port range forward if don't it to point to my machien via UDP ports..
14:18.41sevardnahirean: /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
14:18.50nahireanwewps :)
14:19.01sevardniter3: just freaking put your god damn machine on dmz
14:19.01Hmmhesaysi think the path is different in the deb packages
14:19.15Hmmhesayscat /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
14:19.33sevardHmmhesays: did you see my error about voicemail? i'm lost on that.
14:19.41sevardHmmhesays: last night I rebuilt all the freaking confs
14:19.41Hmmhesayswhat did you do
14:19.42sevarddid you hear
14:19.52Hmmhesaysi was in jail last night
14:20.01SonderbladeHmmhesays: cause it seems like a bug in the debian package because the mp3 files are included in the tarball
14:20.02Hmmhesayswell not jail, but close enough
14:20.08sevardyour woman tied you up?
14:20.16HmmhesaysSonderblade: two people told you what to do
14:20.19C4T3lHmmhesays: was it a real jail or chroot?
14:20.39*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
14:20.42SebbManxPower: it doesn't say anything to iax-channels, the documentation is a bit rare..
14:20.48Hmmhesayswhat'd you do sevard
14:21.11sevardHmmhesays: I upgraded last night, I was pretty sure I backed up my config files but boom, I upgraded and lost everything.  So I spent till 4:00 a.m. last night rebuilding all the files out of my head
14:21.11ManxPowerSebb, your extensive search of the mailing list archives was not helpful
14:21.37ManxPowersevard, the only reason it would blow up your config files is if you did a "make samples"
14:21.39*** join/#asterisk shiznatix (
14:21.47sevardManxPower: that's what I thought but I didn't make samples
14:22.03*** join/#asterisk niter3 (
14:22.08sevardI have no idea what happened
14:22.09niter3ok i put it on dmz. no difference.
14:22.12Hmmhesaysum, you know when you do make samples your old configs are backed up automatically?
14:22.35sevardHmmhesays: where to (although I didn't make samples)
14:22.37shiznatixI have a context with many terminals in it. I need a way that no matter that extension was dialed it starts in this extension
14:22.41C4T3lniter3: what problem are you guys having... sorry just joined.
14:22.42Hmmhesaysdo it twice in a row you're farked
14:22.46doolphwhy my asterisk is not detecting SIP dmtf tones?
14:22.54Hmmhesaysx.conf.old in /etc/asterisk/
14:22.58*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
14:23.02Hmmhesaysbecause you have your dtmf setting wrong
14:23.03sevardHmmhesays: nope, they wern't there
14:23.08SebbManxPower: yes. i just found that long, old IAX2 call variable passing between servers thread, but without a solution
14:23.12Hmmhesayswtf did you do
14:23.20doolphno i have rfc2833
14:23.21Hmmhesaysremind me never to let you near any of my production machines
14:23.53ManxPowerSebb, Show me your SetVar
14:23.54sevardHmmhesays: No idea bub, but I spent all night fixing the mistakes
14:23.59Hmmhesaysthat'll learn ya
14:24.08Hmmhesaysahh to be in my youth again
14:24.23sevardHmmhesays: everything I paid you to help me with was lost, I had to pull everything out of my head, apparently it all works now except for this voiemail problem
14:24.49Hmmhesayssevard, thats good for you
14:25.00Hmmhesaysall the moh stuff was on thelostpacket
14:25.04sevardHmmhesays: good for a nubtard
14:25.12sevardHmmhesays: ah yes, I haven't added that y et.
14:26.27Hmmhesaysi got some other fun, yet really useless stuff to put up
14:26.44sevardHmmhesays: useless stuff is the best, practical shit is boring
14:26.51sevardHmmhesays: did you check out that pastebin?
14:27.40Hmmhesaysare you still using that slimmed down install?
14:27.45sevardHmmhesays: no
14:27.53Hmmhesaysasterisk have write access to /tmp?
14:27.53sevardHmmhesays: sort of but no
14:28.16sevardHmmhesays: it should but it should write directly to /var/spool/asterisk
14:28.24Hmmhesaysnot according to that
14:28.25sevardI have no idea where the /tmp is coming into play
14:28.40sevardright, and the spool directory is set up in asterisk.conf as /var/spool/asterisk
14:28.47sevardthat's what is throwing me for a loop
14:28.50shiznatixI have a context with a lot of SIP phones in it. I am using a GoToIfTime call to goto a queue durring certain hours. The problem is that if they dial a existing extension then auto call that phone and ignore the GoToIfTime. Here is my pastebin:
14:29.00ManxPowerSebb, what verison of Asterisk?  See
14:29.02*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
14:29.12SebbManxPower: on both side
14:30.01sevardHmmhesays: asterisk.conf: record_cache_dir => /private/tmp
14:30.33*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
14:30.59Hmmhesaysbeats me
14:31.03Hmmhesaysif you figure out the answer, do tell
14:31.05sevardi might  have fixed it
14:31.06*** join/#asterisk redondos (n=redondos@
14:31.11SebbManxPower: and i don't see that the variable is transmitted when using iax2 debug
14:31.12*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
14:31.46[TK]D-FenderSebb : Since when do variables get passed over a call?
14:32.01Sebb[TK]D-Fender: well.. ask ManxPower ;)
14:32.24redondosHello, guys. I'm having a problem with my Asterisk server. It is behind a router, and I would like to connect to it using SIP. So I forwarded some ports (5060, 5080). Now, when I make a call, the server responds, and the line gets picked up, but I can't hear anything as the time counter rolls.
14:32.38[TK]D-FenderSebb : They get passes in a Local/ call dure, but to another box?  Ummm... NO
14:32.52Sebb[TK]D-Fender: i just want to submit a variable when calling with iax like it is possible with sipaddheader when using sip. and ManxPower means it should work like that.. do u have a better idea? ;)
14:33.13[TK]D-Fenderredondos : You need to forward ports for RTP as well.  SIP initiates calls, but doesn't control VOICE.
14:33.21triple-ewhat do you guys do about QoS in an office environment
14:33.33[TK]D-Fenderredondos : You typically should forward UPD 10000-20000 to it as well
14:34.04[TK]D-FenderSebb : not really.  You could do somehing really painful and try to encode it in the EXTEN you dial....
14:34.36redondos[TK]D-Fender: Isn't it possible to limit the port range that asterisk uses for RTP connections?
14:34.39Sebb[TK]D-Fender: yes, that's what i do at the moment.. ;)
14:34.58triple-eredondos: yes
14:34.59Sebband I hoped there was a better solution..
14:35.36*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
14:35.46salviadud!seen _paulo_
14:35.50redondostriple-e: That sounds like what I need. Can you point me in the right direction please?
14:36.09*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
14:36.16triple-ehummmm--- looking
14:37.37*** join/#asterisk motu (n=motu@
14:38.01triple-eyou can cut it down quite a bit
14:38.30redondostriple-e: thank you very much
14:38.45triple-e[TK]-Fender:  do you have any suggestions on QoS for a 8 extension office
14:39.48Hmmhesays'say goobye' by theory of a deadman rocks
14:40.42syzygybsdanyone have check_auth: stale nonce received from <321@mydomain> messages
14:41.00syzygybsddon't know why I would be getting those the ping is only 15ms
14:41.18sevardHmmhesays: SO! I fixed the problem but now when I dial *98 I get a 404, WTF?! I didn't even touch extensions.conf
14:41.30sevardMy God, I'm going to get a tumor from *
14:42.01triple-e<-- got to sleep at 3am
14:42.52triple-eholy cow -- what are you working on
14:43.05sevardi lost all of my configs and had to rebuild everything from scratch
14:43.07*** join/#asterisk anthm (
14:43.07*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
14:43.09HmmhesaysI'm still waiting for those attractive mexican women to come knocking on my door
14:43.16motuxlite client with  asterisk, how can I just get into the default s extension, without dialing anything?
14:43.25triple-eproduction box that customers are using ?
14:43.27sevardHmmhesays: did you get that spam too?
14:43.33sevardtriple-e: yeah, sort of.
14:43.41Hmmhesaysno, that was directed at salviadud
14:43.42sevardtriple-e: sev made a baddie.
14:43.50triple-eyeah kinda
14:43.54sevardyeah, kinda.
14:44.53sevardnow all of my configs are backed up across three machines
14:45.00sevardthat will never happen again.
14:45.06triple-ei have a customer who complains of call quality --- can anyone suggest a QoS solution ?
14:45.18Hmmhesayswhat is causing the problem?
14:45.25doolphupgrade your bandwidth?
14:45.35sevardtriple-e: how is your network set up / do your router/firewall/switches support qos
14:45.39triple-esevard: i use svn for config
14:46.09triple-ethe guy has a pix 501
14:46.36sevardiirc the pix does qos just fine
14:46.50sevardyou have to do QoS all the way down the line though
14:46.51triple-eso im going to put some qos device between the 501 and cable modem
14:47.18triple-ethis guy insisted on running issolated cable's for the phones
14:47.19*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=grb@
14:47.21motuhow can I get into the s extension, without dialing anything with xlite?
14:47.21sevardyou have to mark the rtp traffic and the signaling traffic high priority
14:47.48triple-ertp is the onlything on the network
14:47.56triple-ethis guy really is the customer from hell
14:48.04sevardif all you're doing is VoIP then it's not a QoS problem
14:48.07Hmmhesaysso kick him in the nuts and tell him to stfu
14:48.33Greek-BoyHow can i setup recording for all extensions?
14:48.33Hmmhesayscable modem huh?
14:48.34sevardQoS only comes into play if you have other traffic on the network, if you prioritize VoIP traffic on a VoIP only network.. it's useless
14:48.41Greek-Boyi'm trying to use sox and soxmix to record mp3
14:48.46Hmmhesaystraceroute to your destination
14:48.58triple-ethere is another lan the pc lan that is using the pix as GW
14:48.58Greek-Boyexten => s,1,SetVar(CALLFILENAME=i${CALLERIDNUM}-${TIMESTAMP})
14:48.59Greek-Boyexten => s,2,Monitor(wav,${CALLFILENAME},m
14:49.09noname32anyone got recomedations for hard phones? i am lookign for a phone with buttons i can program for example *1 record *2 attend tran *70 park so far i have heard good things about ploycom any one else got an option?
14:49.31dlynessevard: yeah...i'm running into the same problem....the three sipura units aren't even behind a firewall, and they have their own dedicated 2.5Mb ADSL connection, but still call quality issues
14:49.37sevardnoname32: I recommend the Aastra 480i (the CT if you want wireless extensions)
14:49.59sevarddlynes: WTF
14:50.08dlynesnoname32: polycom's good, aastra's fine, too
14:50.25dlynessevard: yeah, no kidding
14:50.27triple-edlynes: who's your provider
14:50.39dlynestriple-e: Soho Skyway (Skyway West)
14:50.44Greek-BoyI used the example at but there is something i'm not getting right
14:50.54dlynestriple-e: not that you'd know who that is, but....
14:50.55sevarddlynes: pick apart each packet
14:51.13dlynessevard: yeah...the biggest problem is
14:51.27dlynessevard: they won't give me an accurate description of the call quality issues
14:51.37dlynessevard: they just say "call quality sucks"
14:51.37sevarddlynes: well that's they're issue isn't it
14:51.53sevarddlynes: if your client won't provide you with a detailed bug report that's their problem
14:52.00triple-edlynes: i spent days with tethereal trying to find something wrong with telasip
14:52.05sevardhow can you fix it when you don't even know what's happening
14:52.23dlynessevard: no, it's our problem, because we're footing hte bill for the dsl, and the dsl installation bill, and the labour costs, ..
14:52.26Hmmhesaysdylnes I avoid customers like that
14:52.37sevardfor all you know it's the analoge phone attached to the ata
14:52.38noname32sevard, can you program the keys on tha aastra? and do like line apearances?
14:52.42dlynesHmmhesays: you dont know they're customers like that, until after they become customers
14:52.50dlynessevard: It's a Mitel PBX
14:52.53Hmmhesaysi'm a pretty good judge of character
14:53.17dlynesnoname32: yes
14:53.18sevardnoname32: I don't know what you mean by line appearences but you can program all of the softkeys via tftp + configuration files
14:53.43dlynesnoname32: softkeys are configurable via autoprovisioning and/or web page
14:53.45noname32see if some one is currently on the phone
14:53.54redondosTrying to register a SIP account with a softphone gives me a "403 forbidden". But the asterisk console (with a very high verbosity -- something like 100000) doesn't show a single thing. What could be happening?
14:54.02sevardI highly recommend against using the web interface to program the Aastra
14:54.09noname32cool i bough a gxp 2000 and was mad when i relized i could not program keys
14:54.15dlynesnoname32: You can configure up to 10 accounts on the aastra 9133i's...not sure about the 480i, or the 480iCT
14:54.31noname32and i know my users = dumb and cant handle *2 ext for trans hehe
14:54.39sevarddlynes: you can have 9 lines on the 480i CT with four hard buttons and 24 softkeys
14:54.58noname32we will only be using 1 account per phone i think
14:55.06dlynessevard: dood...why is a more expensive phone capable of one less line?
14:55.12sevardthen the Aastra 480i is a bit overkill
14:55.26sevarddlynes: ?
14:55.28dlynesnoname32: you only need the 9112i then
14:55.45dlynessevard: 480i is capable of 9 lines, but the 9133i is capable of 10 lines
14:55.47sevarddlynes: you mean the comparison between the 480i and the 480 CT?
14:56.21sevarddlynes: I've never used the 9133i but from talking to a guy who has the quality of the 480i is 1,000x better than the 9133i
14:56.32sevardthe CT can have four programmable wireless handsets
14:56.46dlynessevard: no idea...I've had almost zero problems with the 9133i
14:56.49noname32thanks you guys it is much apreacted
14:56.56dlynessevard: the customers are quite impressed with them
14:56.58sevarddlynes: no, i have no doubts it's an awesome phone
14:57.26sevarddlynes: I myself have never used them so I can't give a personal account on it.  However, I do know that the 480i is probably the best phone I've ever used in my entire life
14:57.32sevardand that's saying a _lot_ :)
14:57.40*** join/#asterisk Kokey (
14:57.52dlynessevard: yeah...i've heard another guy on here that berates the Aastras every chance he gets, too :)
14:57.59dlynesI've heard both ends of the scale
14:58.15sevardThe only issues i've ever heard about the aastra phones are the price
14:58.16dlynesHe can't understand why myself, or his partner for that matter like them so much
14:58.16Greek-Boynobody can help me?
14:58.24dlynesGreek-Boy: with?
14:58.35dlynessevard: Yeah...they're too cheap :)
14:58.44dlynessevard: Much cheaper than the polycoms
14:58.53sevarddlynes: they have awesome weight to them, you really get what you pay for.  i mean.. it's expensive.  but they feel like real phones with excellent sound and excellent weight
14:58.56Greek-Boydlynes: I looked at that page on the wiki but i'm doing something wrong
14:59.01sevardI thought the polycoms were more expensive
14:59.11doolphthere's anyway todebug dtmf incoming?
14:59.12dlynesGreek-Boy: you trying to record both sides of a phone conversation?
14:59.22Greek-Boywith sox and soxmix
14:59.23hrhrhrdaft question... what is wiki abbreviated for/mean
14:59.28sevardhrhrhr: hahaha
14:59.30Greek-Boyi setup the script as instructed
14:59.35Greek-Boyi changed permissions on the script
14:59.36hrhrhrim serious :o
14:59.37Hmmhesaystotalfark needs more boobies today
14:59.40dlynesGreek-Boy: that's the old asterisk 1.0.x method
14:59.41redondosSo... why could registration be failing everytime? I just get a 203 Forbidden response back from the server.
14:59.42sevardhrhrhr: wiki it :)
14:59.45dlynesGreek-Boy: Use mixmonitor
14:59.45[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Only cheaper with your inside pricing, and geography may play a large factror as well.
14:59.49doolphthere's anyway todebug dtmf incoming?
14:59.50hrhrhrdayam you
14:59.57sevard:D hrhrhr you made my day
15:00.05Greek-Boydlynes: thanks
15:00.21hrhrhr.Wiki wiki. means "rapidly" in the Hawaiian language
15:00.25dlynesGreek-Boy: the release, mixmonitor is quite stable
15:00.27hrhrhrthere we go
15:00.36Greek-Boydlynes: when i refer to extension s does it mean all extensions?
15:00.58dlynesGreek-Boy: read the wiki for special sec, and i'll get you a link
15:01.15sevardhrhrhr: that's awesome.  you know that thought never crossed my mind
15:01.42hrhrhrit's been puzzling me a while actually
15:02.13hrhrhrsuddenly everything turned into a wiki overnight *wtf is a wiki*
15:02.41sevardAm I right by thinking the TE405P is the _only_ four port PRI card for 5.0 volt PCI slots?
15:02.47sevardfrom digium
15:03.35dlynessevard: sec...I'll see what mine is
15:04.06Greek-Boydlynes: thanks bud
15:04.40*** join/#asterisk Lucas| (n=mmcguire@
15:05.33shiznatixI have this line: exten => 333,1,GotoIfTime(0:0-23:55|*|2-31|apr?queue_testing,s,1:outgoing_local,333,1) but it does not go to outgoing_local,333,1 ever even if the time is wrong
15:06.48dlynessevard: yeah...that's probably what mine is....TE4xxP
15:07.27Greek-Boydlynes: how do I get mixmonitor to do mp3?
15:07.31sevardbut the 405 is the only four port 5 volt
15:07.34*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
15:07.43Hmmhesaystrying to resolve a domain name that doesn't exist is cool
15:07.51dlynesno idea, but that's what mine is....four port 5 volt, te4xxp
15:08.08dlynesIt's a PCI-X 5 volt
15:08.30coppicePCI-X is never 5V
15:08.55sevardcoppice: I have a 5 volt PCO-X (eXtended) not Express
15:08.57dlynesah....just know it's 5V, and the only slots I've got that support 5V are the 64-bit PCI slots
15:09.21dlynesI thought it was called PCI-X
15:09.55*** part/#asterisk sfollo81 (n=stefano@
15:10.02dlynesbtw, coppice
15:10.13dlynesDoes spandsp 0.0.3 not work with asterisk?
15:10.24sevardPCI-X == PCI eXtended not express
15:10.53coppicePCI-X runs at 100 or 133MHz and is always 3.3V
15:11.18sevardand a regular PCI card will plug into a PCI-X slot even though it doesn't look like it'll fit.  I have a 5.0 volt PCI-X slot on my 1U and I have a TDM400P which is a 5volt PCI card and it fits in there and works great off it
15:11.35sevardcoppice: that can't be right based on what I am using right now.
15:11.37*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
15:11.39coppicespandsp-0.0.3 says it is for development users only, and it says that for a reason. nonetheless it works if you have the right version of app_rxfax.c
15:12.05dlynesso otherwise just use the latest 0.0.2 then
15:12.34dlynesI'll try using 0.0.3 at the office then
15:12.45vader--have any of you read the book "Practical VOIP Security"
15:13.02coppicei made a suitable version of app_rxfax.c available at one time, but peoplke kept whining, so I removed it
15:13.35dlynesseems kinda silly people would whine if you're donig them a favor
15:13.39dlynespeople are strange sometimes
15:13.52anthmthat is the motto here
15:13.57Ahrimanespeople are strange, customers/users even more so
15:13.57dlynesbtw, this PCI-X bus is 66MHz, if that makes any difference
15:14.28coppice66MHz is always 3.3V. Only 33MHz slots run at 5V
15:14.43sevardLike I said, I have  TDM400P which is a 5.0 Volt PCI card plugged into a 5.0 volt PCI-X slot on my 1U and it works.
15:15.57dlynesI just figured it was 5V by looking at the way the slot dividers were arranged
15:16.31dlynesI never bought the original server, so I didn't know for sure what voltage it was
15:16.36coppiceTDM400P is a universal card
15:17.49sevardfrom the digium website: this card only works in a 5volt slot
15:17.50noname32hey sevard question about the aastra phones can you change the operation of some of the predifined buttons?
15:18.29dlynesnoname32: no
15:18.37sevardnot that I know of
15:18.56coppicesevard: where? the TDM400P is a double slotted card
15:18.58dlynesnoname32: I have made the suggestion to the development team, though
15:19.10noname32ya i would love that
15:19.22triple-eSevard: qos ?
15:19.49noname32i got an astrict question to is there a patch or way to make it so that when a call is parked it displays it on the phone screen?
15:23.00sevardcoppice: what
15:23.06sevardtriple-e: huh
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15:23.23coppicewhere does it say 5V only? the card is double slotted
15:23.43triple-eok sorry
15:24.26triple-esevard: i was asking if you had an opnion on the QoS thing we were talking about earlier.  tell them to turn qos on in their pix ?
15:24.59triple-esevard: i need this guy to refer me to his friends -- so i don't wont to tell him to stfu
15:25.37sevardtriple-e: all he is doing is VoIP on his line right?
15:26.05triple-etwo networks converge at pix 1phone 2pc
15:26.28triple-ewould be a perfect if he just got a second dsl
15:27.59key2How can I manage to get asterisk play a sound once the callee has hangup
15:28.21sevardcoppice: maybe I'm on crack
15:28.22key2can I just do a Dial() then a Play ?
15:28.28*** join/#asterisk mikefoo (n=mikefoo@
15:28.53SpaceBassarrruuuuuggg still hasn't shipped my new wifi phone...its been over a month
15:28.53mikefooAnyone in nyc area? We need a few voip techs to employe
15:29.07Ahrimanesmikefoo: how much do you pay ;)I
15:29.19mikefooAhrimanes: where you located?
15:29.35Ahrimanesmikefoo: denmark at the moment, but might be willing to relocate ;)
15:29.42Lucas|hah :)
15:29.45mikefoohah, naah
15:29.50mikefoolooking for native nyc people, heh
15:29.55sevardnah? dude he's willing to relocate
15:29.58Ahrimanesoh darnit
15:30.13sevardnew york and native do not belong in the same sentence
15:30.26mikefoonative as is, knowing the area, obviously..
15:30.33C4T3lmikefoo: live in houston, tx but visited NY what's the pay$$ will reloc
15:30.36Ahrimanessevard: native nyc = mix of spanish, chinese, indian etc..?
15:30.39mikefoono one is born in nyc, they just move here  :)
15:31.02sevardmikefoo: I've been to times square and spent a month in nyc, does that count?
15:31.20triple-ewhats the rate
15:31.24SpaceBassi spent a month in times square one night....that was a rough one
15:31.37Ahrimanesa month in one night?
15:31.41mikefooyou discuss that with hiring..
15:32.06sevardmikefoo: so you come into #asterisk offering jobs but don't know how much you're willing to pay?
15:32.20sevardcome on man at least lie to us.
15:33.08mikefooI am just letting it known that we need some more tech support staff..
15:33.17mikefooIf you are interested I forward information on to you..
15:33.27triple-ewho you work for mikefoo
15:33.28sevardtech support staff != voip tech
15:33.51mikefoovoip company = voip tech support = voip tech
15:34.09sevardvoip tech == installing and maintaining backbone stuff,  you're looking for phone support.
15:34.17mikefoovoip tech is pretty broad term, how can you say that it doesn't make something, hah.
15:34.35mikefoosupport DOES install
15:34.44SpaceBassI know Genworth Financial is looking for a head VoIP/telephony engineer
15:34.45mikefooDOES maintain
15:34.53sevardI know myself and most techs I knwo would NOT want to do phone support for end users
15:35.11triple-eim looking for a guy to help me in St Louis
15:35.18triple-ebut im not going to tell him what he gets paid
15:35.41Lucas|just give him a bowl of fruit every week?
15:35.53mikefooI am letting it be known we have position, if interested you tell me, I get you intouch with right people.. simple
15:36.05mikefoowhy would you stretch it to something its not?
15:37.26SpaceBasshere's the senior job from Genworth:
15:37.41SpaceBassthere is also a team lead:
15:38.04*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:39.49dlynesheh...when i was desperate for work and applied for a tech support job, they told me i knew too much about the technology...they were afraid of intimidating the customer
15:40.05triple-ebut then you would have to move to richmond to work for genworth
15:40.32triple-eif you have only 1 year left to live -- move to richmond -- that will be the longest year of your life
15:40.33sevarddlynes: you're intimidating.
15:40.35dlynesewww....working and living in the city of many spooks
15:40.40coppicerichmond on thames is quite a nice area :-)
15:40.45mutmy prospective house
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15:41.19SpaceBasstriple-e,  you got a problem wiht Richmond?
15:41.31triple-e<-- commuted from stl to richmond to work for CapOne for a year
15:41.45SpaceBassI quite like Richmond
15:42.04triple-elived in hotel on west side adjacent to office park
15:42.05redondosI just installed an E200P card. I am getting this error when starting asterisk ->
15:42.15SpaceBasswell that would be f'ing miserable
15:42.29triple-espent more time in strip clubs than i did anywhere else
15:42.34triple-estrip clubs sucked too
15:42.42SpaceBassI travel a LOT for work, I fell like 90% of the towns that I wrote off as shit holes probably had really nice areas too...but i never saw them
15:42.55SpaceBassva does suck for strip clubs....not even topless
15:43.03triple-ei know whats up with that
15:43.22triple-eSt Louis -- crazy good strip clubs
15:44.09SpaceBassI swear as bad as it sounds....West Va has the best!
15:44.23*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:44.23coppicewhat exactly is a non-topless strip club? :-\
15:44.30triple-eSpace:  im scared.. truely scared
15:44.38*** join/#asterisk mog_work (
15:45.12triple-ebig fat ugly toothless richmond chicks dancing on a pole while you drink 8 dollar soda
15:45.34SpaceBassdude....lay off the hometown insults :)
15:46.16triple-e<-- pissing people off today --- sorry everyone
15:46.21coppiceoh, come on, for $8 they must have *some* teeth
15:46.46SpaceBasscoppice, state law requires strippers to have at least 16
15:48.44triple-ebtw -- capitol one has their shit together for a non tech company
15:49.00Qwell[]triple-e: BAHAHAHAHA!!
15:49.04Qwell[]triple-e: HELL no
15:49.17SpaceBassI know  few people who for CapOne in a tech role...they say its a good place to work
15:49.24SpaceBassI just live here in Ric...I work in Atlanta
15:49.31Qwell[]oh, place to work?  meh, maybe
15:49.40Qwell[]but it's a shitty place to do business with, so I would never work there
15:50.05triple-ecustomer service and the quality/integrity of their technolgoy are issolated
15:50.23Qwell[]sorry, but they have poor tech too.
15:50.32Qwell[]They can't get a simple address change right
15:50.55Qwell[](neither can Sprint, or pretty much any other company)
15:51.01triple-ei know nothing about that side of their business
15:51.15Qwell[]address change == tech
15:51.31Qwell[]thus, capital one has poor tech
15:52.49redondosHere's zapata.conf, zaptel.conf and the logs when asterisk starts up. For some reason, it's not being able to find my E200P card (zaptel module is loaded). Any suggestions?
15:53.59*** join/#asterisk squinky86 (n=squinky8@gentoo/developer/squinky86)
15:54.52russellbredondos: did you run ztcfg after you loaded the module?
15:55.14redondosztcfg says: ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
15:55.33russellbdo you see the card with lspci?
15:55.56C4T3lwhats the output of lsmod
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15:57.09russellboh look, there's a digium support guy now!
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15:57.55redondosI see the card with lspci.
15:58.06redondoszaptel                189060  0
15:58.07redondoscrc_ccitt               2176  1 zaptel
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16:01.27russellbredondos: you don't have the module for the card loaded ... modprobe wcte2xxp
16:01.52russellbredondos: if you need further assistance, contact
16:01.59redondosrussellb: Oh, I see. Thanks.
16:03.01redondosJust a question: can I have both an e200p and an x100p card working at the same time?
16:03.08Qwell[]redondos: sure
16:03.29redondosI just need to make sure they use different channels and that's it?
16:03.49redondosAlso, the E200P card-- it doesn't use the zaptel module, does it?
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16:15.11ManxPowerredondos, Of ot
16:15.40ManxPowerredondos, If it's a genuine Digium card, it will use zaptel.o/zaptel.ko and the card specific driver, as listed in the Zaptel README
16:22.10*** join/#asterisk nextime (
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16:24.18keyhackI love Asterisk! AMAZING! :-)
16:24.31*** join/#asterisk gbodemantv (n=gbodeman@
16:24.32Hmmhesayssettle down n00b
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16:32.34Netgeeksgood morning (west coast here) folks.
16:33.39starleinanyone using asterisk with compiled "-DBUSYDETECT" flag?
16:33.52jsharpDarn west coasters.  Always behind the times.
16:34.42sevardWhat can I do to stop my SIP phones from going status 'UNREACHABLE'
16:35.03sevardmy Aastra 480i CT doesn't but all of my SIP 2002s and my HOP-1002 do
16:35.13sevardlook for a keepalive in the client somewhere?
16:35.45Hmmhesayspeople with no troubleshooting skillz rock
16:36.31*** join/#asterisk bzbw (
16:38.17[TK]D-Fendersevard : "qualify=yes"
16:38.27sevardthat is set.
16:38.31Hmmhesaysso don't set it
16:38.37*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
16:38.39[TK]D-Fendersevard : the the phone behind NAT relative to *?
16:38.49generalhanwhats goin on everyone !?
16:38.51sevardDude, if I don't set it the phones just stop responding without the error
16:38.55Hmmhesays"guy goes to the doctor and says it hurts when I do 'this'" doc says "don't do that"
16:39.07sevard[TK]D-Fender: yeah
16:39.35sevardHmmhesays: I am troubleshooting mo*#&$
16:39.37[TK]D-Fendersevard : Also set "nat=yes" for the phone, and there may be something to set on the phone as well.
16:39.38coppice"masochist goes to the doctor and says it hurts when I do 'this'" doc says "I imagine it does"
16:39.54sevard[TK]D-Fender: nat is yes
16:39.56[TK]D-Fendercoppice : just the person I'm looking for.....
16:40.14coppicei'm going to bed now
16:40.27[TK]D-Fendercoppice : I'm about to compile SpanDSP for the first time, and just wanted to verify something.
16:40.35[TK]D-Fendercoppice : time for 2 quick questions?
16:40.56coppicemake install
16:41.54*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (n=CoffeeIV@
16:42.44[TK]D-Fenderdo I need to recompile * or just restart it to load an .so?
16:42.48CoffeeIV_The link to asterisk-sounds download on doesn't seem to have the asterisk-sounds in there.  Where should I get it ?
16:44.31coppiceyou need to compile app_rxfax and app_txfax. that is all
16:45.35Qwell[]CoffeeIV_: You mean this asterisk-sounds, from
16:47.33Hmmhesaysfaxing ownz joo
16:48.03generalhani need some help with some Monitor() questions, i have all my incoming calls to any extension recorded, and it is working great, but i have an issue when i dial all of the extensions at once (like though a queue). It records 1 second of the call on ALL the lines but no matter which line picks up, the call is not recorded anywhere.
16:48.12Hmmhesays4 days no guitar my fingers are freaking out
16:48.16generalhanthis is how i have it set up to record ::   ::
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16:48.41backbluehi all
16:49.35CoffeeIV_Qwell: yes, thanks -- the download page had a link to the parent directory of that link you just gave
16:49.44sevardit's too bad the sipuras don't run like a hamachi vpn or something on them so you could get to the conf webserver behind nat
16:50.54Hmmhesaysall i have to say
16:50.55generalhananyone have any ideas on how i can get it to wait until the call is answered to decide where to record too ?
16:53.10Hmmhesaysget what to wait
16:53.24Hmmhesaysgnomes? dracula? a tricycle?
16:53.24sevardHmmhesays: yeah, but when you don't control where the ATA is or what NAT it's behind without a tftp you can't change settings
16:53.32tzafrir_laptopwhere can I buy a simple ISDN card? preferebly a HFC-s PCI card?
16:53.38Hmmhesaysthat's why you always use tftp config
16:53.42Hmmhesaysor something similar
16:53.44tzafrir_laptopKind of hard to get here in Israel
16:53.50sevardHmmhesays: right. dweeb.
16:54.16generalhanHmmhesays: i was asking about the recording ... i have it set to record the inbound calls, but when i ring all the lines it cant figure out where to record
16:54.19tzafrir_laptop(I've already searched for a while)
16:54.58Hmmhesaysuse local channels
16:55.09generalhanwhat do you mean ?
16:55.20Hmmhesayscase of bud please
16:55.34generalhanoh god ... thats not fair ... if i could get you one i want one too
16:55.37generalhanstupid work
16:55.54Hmmhesaysi'm dealing with a special breed of idiot right now on messenger
16:56.19generalhanspecial breed huh ?
16:56.50Hmmhesaysok explain what your problem is with that dialplan
16:57.54Hmmhesayscause I don't see any issue
16:58.04Hmmhesaysunless there is something in there you didn't paste
16:58.21generalhanwell it works GREAT when they are reciving calls from a direct extension dial. or a transfer. but when i want to have all of them ring from the queue using local/7103@extension-dial, and i have 15 of them ringing it records 1 sec to each persons folder but doesnt record the call after that
16:58.51Hmmhesays15 ring, how many answer?
16:59.45generalhanbut it doesnt record the call into that persons folder, or any folder for that matter
17:00.06generalhanit puts a 44kb file with that phone number in each person's folder and thats it
17:00.22Hmmhesaysso you want me to fix it for you
17:00.26Hmmhesaysis that it?
17:00.43generalhani need some ideas on how to make it wait till some one picks up to record
17:00.48doolphI am offering to pay $10-$25 anyone that can help me fix a dtmf problem
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17:01.07Hmmhesaysi'm going to go have a smoke and if its still slow here I'll give you a pointer generalhan
17:01.11Hmmhesaysdoolph what problem
17:01.22Hmmhesaysafter I ask this guy what the issue is
17:01.28triple-eMOH is really choppy - im trying to figure out how to see if i have an irq conflict-- how do i see that ?
17:01.42doolphmy did provider gives me a SIP did
17:02.09doolphthen I call in, it is supposed to send to a context to a calling card system, and ask me for a number
17:02.35doolphwhen I dial it just doesn't like my numbers
17:02.47Hmmhesaysdoesn't accept them at all?
17:03.00Hmmhesaysasterisk@home or plain
17:03.39doolphdoesnt accept them at all
17:03.43Hmmhesaysasterisk@home or plain
17:03.58doolphI am not using aah
17:03.58Hmmhesaysgive me access, i'll fix it
17:04.10Hmmhesaysi'm low on beer money
17:04.17Hmmhesayspm it
17:10.41sevardDoes anyone use chanspy?
17:12.29generalhani do
17:13.18generalhanwhy ?
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17:17.43sevardcan I see your chanspy line in your extensions.conf?
17:18.21sevardi just get beeps ;\
17:19.11noname32whats chanspy?
17:19.39wasimit lets you monitor an existing channel
17:20.28noname32does anyone know how to make a beeping for record lines lol?
17:21.33noname32but will it be continues?
17:21.39Qwell[]noname32: could pay somebody to add it to app_record
17:21.54CoffeeIV_continuous ?  no
17:22.03triple-esevard: im having music on hold cutting out on this box im building , any ideas
17:22.06noname32ya thats the prob
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17:22.34Qwell[]noname32: tell dlynes to put up $50, and you put up $50, and it'll get taken care of in short order
17:22.38noname32we have trading deskings and normal standard when you call you hear a faint beep in the background of call
17:23.02Qwell[]I think it was dlynes that needed it..
17:23.03Hmmhesaysnothing like tsp's unreliably transmitting dtmf
17:23.23sevardtriple-e: umm
17:23.34noname32well i am still not sure if we going to move tradding off pots lines yet
17:23.34sevardtriple-e: does regular voice work alright?
17:23.48Qwell[]this stock trading?
17:23.50noname32ok brb lunch
17:23.54Qwell[]yeah, keep it analog...
17:23.54Netgeekswill $50 in monopoly money (the old board style) work?
17:24.03noname32yes Qwell
17:24.04Qwell[]Netgeeks: No, $500 in that case
17:24.33sevardso you'll take $100 real monies or $500 fake monies
17:24.33noname32lol haha dude i have a full it staff here its not an issue to have it done
17:24.47noname32but i just getting idea for best method
17:24.58Qwell[]sevard: No.  $1000 monopoly money
17:25.15Qwell[]10x inflation for foreign currency
17:25.18sevardtriple-e: I don't know man, i'm not very good with moh, i have issues too.  are you running ztdummy module?
17:25.48triple-ecurrent version mpg123 .59r -- with a Digium wildcard
17:25.52sevardQwell[]: how is monopoy money foriegn currency.  it's not even currency
17:25.56Qwell[]sevard: pfft
17:26.02sevardtriple-e: jebus
17:26.20sevardtriple-e: are you using the stock mp3s or custom
17:26.22dlyneswhat did i need?
17:26.23X-GenMonopoly money > Zimbabwean Dollar
17:26.24brodiemtriple-e, are you testing with the mp3s that came boxed
17:26.25Qwell[]sevard: It's the national currency for the monopoly islands
17:26.33brodiemtriple-e what codec
17:27.00sevardwtf you shouldn't have any issues at all unless you're running it on a 386
17:27.10triple-ecould it be the hyperthreading p4 ?
17:27.21brodiemtriple-e is moh only choppy over zap, i.e. what about sip only?
17:27.28triple-eor the disk's irq
17:27.44sevardtriple-e: are you noticing any irq conflicts?
17:27.49triple-ehavn't tried zap --
17:27.57triple-ehow do i see irq conflicts
17:28.00dlynesI was wanting a long beep on recording?
17:28.23triple-ecat /proc/interrupts
17:28.25dlynesQwell[]: ?
17:28.28brodiemtriple-e do you hear the moh normal but just choppy, or does it sound like you can just hear enough to know there is noise in the background?
17:28.51triple-eit cuts in and out
17:29.12Qwell[]dlynes: dunno, didn't you say you live in a state that requires a beep every x seconds, while recording?
17:29.26dlynesdlynes: nope...I don't live in a state
17:29.35sevardhe lives up in da nort wuds
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17:29.37Qwell[]must've been somebody else :p
17:30.04brodiemtriple-e are you positive it's using .59r? do you have another version installed in a different location? i.e. check /usr/bin/mpg123 and /usr/local/bin/mpg123
17:30.14dlynesEven if I did, if I needed it bad enough, I'd probably just write the code for it
17:30.29sevardi'm dlynes i can do anything
17:30.44fileQwell wouldn't dare hurt me
17:30.48triple-edouble checked and certain
17:30.49dlynesNah...most of that asterisk code is too damned confusing to understand
17:31.04dlynesIt's a big huge mess
17:31.35Qwell[]file: ORLY?!
17:31.40Qwell[]file: Is that a dare?
17:31.47fileyes, it is
17:32.00Qwell[]I know where you'll be next week :P
17:32.08fileyeah, some place where you won't be
17:32.18Qwell[]I know people
17:32.20mog_worknext youll be telling me linux kernel code is confusing
17:32.26Qwell[]mog_work: such nubs
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17:32.50triple-eanyone done the thing where you move the system to raw
17:32.55mog_workits not a nub thing but anything of that size is big
17:33.55mog_workand difficult to read at first
17:33.55sevardquote "anything of that size is big"
17:33.55sevardyou sir are a scientist!
17:33.55brodiemtriple-e: lsof -p `ps ax |grep mpg123 | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}'`
17:34.19brodiemtriple-e when it tells you the path its using for mpg123, do  strings /path/to/mpg123 | grep 59
17:34.42brodiemand verify its 0.59r
17:34.52Qwell[]strings?  Why?
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17:35.06ManxPowerwhy not just do mpg123 -v
17:35.07Qwell[]mpg123 | grep -i version
17:35.16brodiemdoesn't matter
17:35.19brodiemwill accomplish the same thing..
17:35.21ManxPowerand Asterisk only looks in /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin  IIRC
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17:36.35dlynesmog_work: Yeah...I just need some spare time that I can devote to trying to understand the code
17:38.45triple-ebrodiem: mpg123 is not running -- mpg123 -v shows 0.59r
17:38.59triple-ewhats playing vm if mpg123 isn't running
17:39.20brodiemif * is running mpg123 should be running
17:39.30ManxPower1.2 does not require mpg123
17:40.12ManxPower1.2 supports several new ways of doing MOH
17:40.45brodiemManxPower even if the moh points to a .mp3 file and you don't specify a different player?
17:41.46ManxPowerbrodiem, all that stuff should be documented in musiconhold.conf.sample or on the Wiki.
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17:41.59ManxPowerI have not personally switched away from 1.0 style MOH
17:42.52brodiemtriple-e if you're running * as non-root verify that the user has exec perms on mpg123
17:43.34ManxPowerand verify it has permissions to read the MP3 files, etc.
17:43.47ManxPowerAll those things the Wiki lists on the page about running Asterisk as non-root
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17:45.43brodiemlook at the debug info also since it should print out any problems if its trying to launch mpg123 andcan't
17:47.54*** join/#asterisk diclophis (n=diclophi@
17:47.58diclophishowdy all
17:48.28diclophisso.. does anyone know how to terminate a call after X duration?
17:48.57Qwell[]diclophis: there is an option to Dial()
17:49.02Qwell[]show application dial
17:49.23diclophismm, well what about if the call is inbound, and running straight into some AGI code
17:49.40sevardwhile [ 1 ] ; do clear; asterisk -rx "sip show peers; sleep 3 ; done
17:50.06fourcheezehow near to the bleeding edge are people using for production?
17:50.10sevardman, i'm so tired
17:50.25timscottWell, blows massive chunks.
17:50.25fourcheezeanyong using the svn trunk?
17:50.28timscottSo I use 1.2.5
17:50.29sevardfourcheeze: i'm using
17:50.45timscott1.2.7.1 craps out after like 100 simeotaneous calls, it won't open any new SIP channels
17:50.54sevardtimscott: oh? is way more stable for me
17:51.14sevard1.2.5 wouldn't let some phones register until i rebooted it like 5 times
17:51.16timscottstable yeah, but I can't put more than ~100 calls through on a box that used to serve like 400
17:51.19generalhanHmmhesays: you have any more pointers for me ??
17:51.22timscottI had to downgrade to 1.2.5 to get the calls through
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17:51.25sevardI don't average more than 50 sim. calls though
17:51.35drfoomod2is there a way via the Manager API to get a list of extensions?
17:51.35diclophisi am running 1.2.5
17:51.48timscotti dunno, maybe it's just be
17:52.04sevardtimscott: i'd go with what you're saying as I've never reached that call volume
17:52.09timscotthalf the time, I dunno whats really going on, I just know what I'm observing
17:52.21Hmmhesayssorry, was helping doolph
17:52.24Hmmhesayshe better not stiff me
17:52.27fourcheezeI need a quick way to route calls between multiple servers using realtime
17:52.29sevarddo you get a sig hup?
17:52.30generalhanthats cool
17:52.31fourcheezelong term I'll be using SER
17:52.49diclophisso yea.. how can i enforce call limits?
17:52.49generalhanHmmhesays: did you get him all squared away ?
17:52.53fourcheezebut for now I just want to use 2 asterisks for redundancy reasons
17:53.02Hmmhesayshis provider isn't sending dtmf correctly
17:53.05generalhani see
17:53.07fourcheezeany ideas?
17:53.13diclophisparticularly for inbound calls
17:53.17sevardi've nevr connected more than one * server instead of iax trunks, is it pretty hard?
17:53.19brodiemdrfoomod2 show manager commandSIPpeers
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17:53.45generalhanHmmhesays: well i have been playing with a couple of things, putting the monitor command after the dial instead of before .. i just have no idea what else to try
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17:54.15HmmhesaysI'll help you
17:54.19Hmmhesaysfeel free to donate when I'm done
17:54.29ManxPowerdiclophis, the best way is to bill by the min
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17:55.30generalhanHmmhesays: im really starting to think that the only way to get this done properly is with agents ... which i REALLY dont want to do
17:55.40HmmhesaysI have a way
17:55.49Hmmhesaysbut I need a smoke badly and I have to finish with a customer
17:56.00diclophisyea, i have the billing and stuff, the problem is that a call that idles for an extended period of time stalls the database connection for my AGI server... thus preventing any more calls coming in
17:56.21generalhanHmmhesays: thats fine ... here is how im calling it via queues.conf though .. just so you have that to reference later !
17:56.39Zodiacalanyone know what i should put as the channel when creating a .call file to test calling of internal voip phones?
17:57.36diclophisthe channel would be the [name] in your sip.conf file no?
17:57.36sevardWhat do people here use to connect manager?
17:57.53diclophisor SIP/phone
17:57.56[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : you shouldn't have "Voicemail" in the dialplan logic of a called agent....
17:58.23generalhan[TK]D-Fender: why not ?
17:58.41[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : if the agent doesn't respond then the call doesn't get passed to the next agent
17:59.05[TK]D-Fendertherefor defeating the poing of being in a queue
17:59.10generalhan[TK]D-Fender: well its not set up like roundrobin or anything its ringall
17:59.26Zodiacaldclophis, sevard, wasim Thank You! ill try SCCP/EXT.
17:59.38generalhanand most of my queues are not setup this way ... this is a test that im working on from when you and i were talking about a way around callwaiting
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18:00.25generalhanwhen i finally get the recording part figured out i will have a context for voicemails in the queue
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18:02.22[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : so it rigs 4 different people, eachwith their own VM box... so who gets it?  Thats not even a queue... it never ever rigs twice at all!
18:02.45generalhanwhat ?
18:02.48[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : may as well have done Dial(Local/1&Local/2&Local/3)
18:03.07generalhancause the client gets to hear hold music while they wait for some one to get to them
18:03.24generalhanand calls are passed out in the order they were recieved .. there are many reasons why i didnt just do a Dial()
18:03.29[TK]D-Fenderif no-one answers, the it hits VM after nobody answer according to that macro.
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18:03.53[TK]D-FenderYeah I guess it queues them, but they get 1 chance before the next caller in line.
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18:04.22generalhanin this one test sit. yes ... but not in my production queues
18:05.29generalhan[TK]D-Fender: my production queues look like this ..
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18:06.17[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : no declared strategy, announcements, etc?
18:06.39generalhanbut you would laugh if you saw how i had it setup so i left it out ! lol
18:06.42generalhanyou wanna see it ?
18:06.47x86what is OSP?
18:06.52x86what is it used for?
18:06.55marcus2when is someone gonna make a bluetooth-enabled ip phone
18:06.59[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Nah, I've had a good amount of humour already today
18:07.14[TK]D-Fendermarcus2 : There are smart-phones out there for that already
18:07.14keyhackIs there some way I can make asterisk pick from a set of outbound VoIP accounts based on some SQL query factor or something? Basically I have a few voip accounts all with 4,000 mins a month, and I want outbound calls to go out in the line with the most MINUTES_AVAILABLE (specified in a column). There may be other ways to do this, just looking for input as I google around
18:07.21marcus2such as?
18:07.21generalhan[TK]D-Fender: here is it anyway !!
18:07.34[TK]D-Fenderkeyhack : Yes.
18:07.45[TK]D-Fendermarcus2 : UT Starcom PPC 6700
18:08.00marcus2oh, no, sorry
18:08.03keyhack[TK]D-Fender: Can you point me in the right direction?
18:08.03marcus2i meant a desk phone
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18:08.49*** join/#asterisk gbodemantv (n=gbodeman@
18:08.51gbodemantvhi all
18:08.51[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Well... its MOSTLY wasted lines, but a few things could be tweaked and you lost monitoring.
18:09.01gbodemantvso I am having a problem
18:09.04[TK]D-Fendermarcus2 : Oh don't get picky with me now!
18:09.41generalhan[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean i lost monitoring ??
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18:11.32CoffeeIV_is there some place on the web or wiki that has the svn commands needed to checkout out asterisk, zaptel, libpri, etc
18:12.25Qwell[]CoffeeIV_:, download
18:12.54CoffeeIV_I specifically want the lastest out of the repository, not the latest release
18:13.14znoGis this normal? when the SIP packet goes out to a Linksys device, on the way back the call ID has a "0" appended to it. For example:
18:13.26*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@
18:13.29znoGSIP packet TO the ATA: Call-ID: 03b24e1f0b1248d8018fe76725c14bf7@
18:13.41znoGSIP packet FROM the ata: Call-ID: 03b24e1f0b1248d8018fe76725c14bf7@
18:13.55twisted[asteria]you must be joking.
18:14.08znoGand Asterisk retransmits the packet, presumably because it couldn't match the call-ids!?
18:14.12keyhack[TK]D-Fender: What am I looking for?
18:14.12generalhanyou have the BEST netowrk EVER !
18:14.16generalhan.670 !
18:14.28znoGyeah, who knows why it is appending the 0
18:14.29[TK]D-Fenderkeyhack : You'll need to make a very custom AGI script for it.
18:14.31carrarthats IPv4.5
18:14.38twisted[asteria]znoG, beat the ATA with a cane
18:14.45[TK]D-Fenderkeyhack : in AGI you can do whatever you want with your DB etc... and the choose where to dial
18:14.45znoGyou think it is the ATA too?
18:14.55znoGi'm thinking the call ID should be the same
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18:15.02twisted[asteria]znoG, well, tcpdump it
18:15.09znoGethereal, good idea
18:15.11twisted[asteria]znoG, if it's the ATA, you'll see the packet with the 0 at the end before asterisk
18:15.29gbodemantvxlite for linux not making any sound when ringing?
18:15.30twisted[asteria]if you get the packet back with the 0 at the end, beat the ATA with a cane.
18:15.35keyhack[TK]D-Fender: The AGI needs to run locally on the box because I think I read it uses STDIN and STDOUT for communication? Could you use the manager interface with TCP instead?
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18:15.39gbodemantvjust pops up on screen
18:15.46gbodemantvany idea how to change that
18:15.55znoGwhat seems to be happening is that asterisk keeps retransmitting to the ATA, i presume because of what I just mentioned.. not matching the call ID
18:16.06twisted[asteria]the call ID's must match
18:16.16twisted[asteria]it's the only REAL identifier for that dialog
18:16.23znoGnow to find out if the problem is the ATA or not ..
18:16.40znoGthe strange thing is that it only seems to happen when dialing in via Zap
18:16.49znoGwhen dialing from extension to extension, it's fine.
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18:17.12znoGso it's probably something to do with Asterisk... time to ethereal it
18:17.22[TK]D-Fenderkeyhack : Possibly.  I don't know the fine points
18:17.30keyhack[TK]D-Fender: Alright, thanks for the input
18:17.42[TK]D-Fenderkeyhack : Wish I knew more.
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18:18.27generalhan[TK]D-Fender: im really interested in what "i lost monitor" means ... i want to have this as seamless as possible
18:18.36keyhack[TK]D-Fender: Well, I want my .NET application to really be able to say "Call out on VoIP line #17", which is account ZYX with say Broadvoice
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18:18.59keyhack[TK]D-Fender: But we're using this 3rd party app that doesn't let us specify details of the outbound line, so I think the logic is going to have to occur in the PBX
18:20.15distortioncan someone recommend a t38 enabled ata device? It seems the sipura 2100 supports t38
18:20.40[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : You production queue doesn't do recordinglike the old oneused to it seems
18:20.41redondosI could install the E200P with the X100P at the same time. Thanks everyone who helped! (Qwell, russellb, ManxPower, [TK]D-Fender)
18:21.16[TK]D-Fenderkeyhack : Yup, which means your app will just place the call and ALL processing happens on your * box
18:21.21generalhanthe "old one" is really my new one .. and i want it to record that way IF i can get it to work
18:21.28keyhack[TK]D-Fender: Which _sucks_, lol
18:21.53keyhack[TK]D-Fender: Because theres more to it than "round-robin" the different VoIP accounts, depends on destination too, which country we're calling, etc. etc.
18:22.20[TK]D-Fenderkeyhack : Yeah I know... several "weights" to consider in routing.
18:22.31[TK]D-Fenderkeyhack : All stuff that screams AGI and local DB's
18:22.34VoicePulsekeyhack: You could generate the appropriate .call file and place it in the asterisk spool directory.  I believe you can make it run an AGI and pass in some data (like which route to use).
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18:23.00redondosNow I would like some guidelines about using the output that Asterisk generates in CSV to create usage reports. Perhaps a spreadsheet? Suggestions are welcome. :)
18:23.35timscottI'm trying to figure out the cdr_mysql module right now...
18:23.36CoffeeIV_Qwell: I figured out that this command works: "svn checkout asterisk"
18:24.25TelamonAnyone use Unlimitel for outgoing VOIP calls?  I can't get the caller ID to work with them.  I do SetCallerPres(allowed) and Set(CallerID(number)=9021234567) but their equipment only sees the 1234567, so it screws up the area code.
18:25.19gbodemantvthe windows version rings just fine
18:25.27Hmmhesaysboy that kids problem was crazy
18:25.40Hmmhesaysanyone ever have double dtmf digits come in from a voip provider?
18:25.53Hmmhesayswhat was the cause?
18:25.58generalhanoh really
18:26.02justinu|laptopthere's some problem in asterisk's RFC2833 code, i think
18:26.02generalhanfigured it out though huh !
18:26.15Hmmhesaysoh yeah?
18:26.29justinu|laptopyeah, happens to too many people
18:26.35Hmmhesaysgood cause I haven't got my smoke yet
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18:27.41tomcontr3hi,  Im looking for someone that could help me configurating my asterisk...
18:28.07tomcontr3I have been using freepbx,  but,  I have some problems,  and some told me that I should try to config it manyally
18:28.09eric_hillwhat are you trying to configurate?
18:28.22tomcontr3my trunks and local extentions
18:28.29tomcontr3so the can make outbound calls
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18:29.39tomcontr3eric_hill,  do you think you can help me?
18:30.46keyhackVoicePulse: Checking it out now
18:31.16*** part/#asterisk diclophis (n=diclophi@
18:31.40[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3 : describe your setup
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18:32.05tomcontr3you mean,  what I have right now,  or what I would like to do?
18:32.34[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3 : both.
18:33.13keyhackVoicePulse: Hmm, seems like it may work, I have to think about it more. (The call application doesn't reside on the same machine but I guess you can do this with the Manager API too)
18:33.15znoGtwisted[asteria]: i think it was just Asterisk printing an extra 0.. the packets themselves have the right call-ID on the in/out
18:33.27tomcontr3right now,  I have 5 extentiones,  4 trunks,  4 incoudn routes and 4 outbound routes,  but I can only use 1
18:33.31znoGtwisted[asteria]: .. but why.. why would Asterisk keep trying to invite when the ATA is replying with "ringing ..." ?
18:33.52tomcontr3because a problem that some gut told me that was a configuration problem from freepbx
18:34.18[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3 : What kind of "trunks"?
18:34.27tomcontr3SIP trunks
18:34.50[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3 : Describe them.  Al from the same ITSP, just different lines? something else?
18:35.24tomcontr3right,  al from the same ITSP,  but diferent lines
18:36.02tomcontr3I mean,  I can call to each of those trunks from a pstn line
18:36.11[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3 : with a roll-over for something like company use?
18:36.32[TK]D-FenderWht do you use for your extensions?
18:36.54tomcontr3sorry I dont understund the question,  what do you mean by roll-over?
18:38.18tomcontr3for my extentions I use SIP
18:40.08*** join/#asterisk Renacor (
18:40.17[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3 : What I mean is is each of those ITSP provided "lines" really independant of the others or are then in a telco-based hunt-group?  And for your phones I mean exactly what are you using?
18:41.11*** join/#asterisk key2 (
18:43.04tomcontr3you mean  if I use a Softphone?
18:43.52CoffeeIV_when I compile the libpri from subversion trunk, I get the error message "chan_zap.c:73:2: error: #error "You need newer libpri""
18:44.39sevardget newer.
18:44.44tzangerCoffeeIV_: that error message has to be one of Asterisk's EASIEST to understand errors
18:44.50tzangerCoffeeIV_: what do you feel it's telling you to do?
18:44.53sevardgawd damn.
18:45.18docelmoman just make CoffeeIV_ feel even dumber than he does now
18:45.19Zodiacalanyone know of a phone that can list at least 5 calls on the screen at once? the cisco 7960 uses two rows of text per call, which only alows 3 calls to be displayed on the screen at once, its very anoying for receiptionists to sort out the calls using the up down keys...
18:45.23CoffeeIV_I am trying to compile the newer libpri though
18:45.30Qwell[]Zodiacal: Get a 7914
18:45.42Qwell[]those can display calls too, no?
18:45.43Zodiacalqwell does that show calls or just speed dials?
18:45.45tzangerCoffeeIV_: ok, and what error are you getting?
18:45.57CoffeeIV_see above -- that's the first error
18:46.02Zodiacalqwell i think its just speeddials.. :(
18:46.10CoffeeIV_it's compiling chan_zap.c
18:46.30tzangerCoffeeIV_: I don't see a libpri error
18:46.44tzangerwhen you build and install the latest libpri, what do you get that prevents you from building or installing ti?
18:47.30tomcontr3[TK]D-Fender,  are you still there?
18:48.34CoffeeIV_tzanger: the error message "chan_zap.c:73:2: error: #error "You need newer libpri"" is what prevents me from building the new libpri -- looking at the code, it's because of a #ifndef PRI_KEYPAD_FACILITY_TX -- is that something I have to specify on a ./configure command line or something ?
18:48.58fileinstall the latest libpri.
18:49.23Qwell[]CoffeeIV_: chan_zap isn't IN libpri
18:49.27Qwell[]fix your checkout comand
18:49.48filelibpri is a completely different... thing...
18:49.56tzangerCoffeeIV_: uh, chan_zap isn't in libpri
18:49.59tzangerlibpri is *very* small
18:50.08Qwell[]$20 says he checked out zaptel to the libpri dir ;)
18:50.46*** join/#asterisk terrapen_ (n=cjs@
18:50.48CoffeeIV_I see channels/chan_zap.c in my libpri directory . . . I checked it out with the command "svn checkout libpri" -- what command should I have used ?
18:51.10Qwell[]one know...checks out libpri, instead of asterisk?
18:51.23CoffeeIV_yes, which one is that ?
18:51.34filesvn co libpri
18:51.42CoffeeIV_ok, thanks
18:51.44justinu|laptophow about just download the release tarballs?
18:51.51justinu|laptopor do we need trunk for some reason?
18:51.59CoffeeIV_I need the trunk for some reason
18:52.02sevardturn off your pc.
18:52.03sevardjust do it
18:52.05sevardturn her off.
18:52.16*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
18:52.28Hmmhesayswow everything is asploding today
18:52.31sevardKatty isn't here to make a smart comment about me turning off women.
18:52.38Hmmhesaysi do the same thing
18:52.44Hmmhesayswith my spikey hair and rugged good looks
18:53.09*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
18:53.46tzangerQwell[]: yep, I've done that
18:54.10Hmmhesaysginormously hailarious in fact
18:54.27keyhackVoicePulse, [TK]D-Fender: I decided that it'd be easier to have a rule like "exten=>80001.,1,Dial(${EXTEN:5}@myvoipaccount1)"
18:54.44keyhackAnd then have my .NET application pick a prefix of "80001" and "80345" based on some business logic
18:55.04keyhackkinda like dialing 9 to get an outside line, you dial 8 and a 4 digit code to pick the specific outbound line
18:55.32Qwell[]keyhack: Your extension above won't work
18:55.48Qwell[]and even if you did fix it to do pattern matching, it's still very bad
18:56.39keyhackQwell[]: Whats wrong with my logic?
18:56.48generalhanHmmhesays: did you finally get your cig ?
18:56.53Qwell[]keyhack: 1) It won't match anything but "80001."
18:57.04tzangerkeyhack: you forgot a "_"
18:57.11Qwell[]2) You have a huge security hole, waiting to be exploited, by using .
18:57.15generalhanHmmhesays: lol i just came back in from having one and i was thinking how crappy it was that you still couldnt have one ! lol
18:57.23Hmmhesaysjust got it
18:57.26Hmmhesaysyou figure your shiat out
18:57.35keyhacktzanger: What does the _ do again?
18:57.40generalhanHmmhesays: no ... it doesnt make any sense to me at all
18:57.43keyhackQwell[]: What is the huge security hole?
18:57.44Qwell[]pattern matching
18:57.45*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
18:57.58Qwell[]keyhack: allowing anybody to dial internationally, for one
18:57.59tzangerkeyhack: if you're doing ANY pattern match, you need to start the extension with "_"
18:58.15keyhackQwell[]: Well, considering this is a system only used by my software, I'm not too concerned about it
18:58.21Assidheya tzanger, Qwell, Hmmhesays
18:58.22keyhacktzanger: Alright, thanks
18:58.28Assidsup tkd!
18:58.49Qwell[]keyhack: and how do phone numbers get put into the system?
18:58.50Hmmhesayspaste that link with your dialplan again
18:58.54Qwell[]My bet is on user input
18:59.25keyhackQwell[]: What? The phone numbers that are dialed out are dialed by my program
18:59.35Qwell[]yes, and how does your program get the numbers?
18:59.45keyhackQwell[]: From a local DB
18:59.52Qwell[]and how does the local DB get the numbers?
19:01.10keyhackQwell[]: The user specifies it through a webapp which is verified by the system for sanity and called to verify the authenticity of the user
19:01.19Qwell[]I rest my case.
19:01.51keyhackQwell[]: And your concern is what again?
19:02.52generalhanHmmhesays: the comments in the macro is what im hoping to accomplish by all this ... if i can get the recording figured out i will turn that on so that anyone on a call wont be disturbed by a stupid beep (since there is no way to turn off the call waiting on my phones)
19:03.46*** join/#asterisk tdonahue-laptop (
19:04.21Hmmhesaysyou want to use monitor or mixmon
19:04.26tomcontr3can any one help me configurim my asterisk,  with SIP 4 SIP trunks from a same provider?=
19:04.55generalhanHmmhesays: i would use which ever works the best
19:06.17keyhackQwell[]: You thinking they can type in "911" and make my system call 911 or something?
19:06.49keyhackQwell[]: We have international phone accounts, and the number is verified and parsed, and the appropriate voip account will call them, so international calling is not a concern of mine either
19:07.05key2What do I have to do if I want the communication to go through asterisk in SIP, and not having asterisk to tell the two SIP phone to communicate between themself
19:08.16jaigerkey2, I *think* canreinvite=no or something like that
19:08.39blitzragekey2: canreinvite=no
19:08.49*** join/#asterisk hydride (
19:09.16hydridecan anyone help me set up a basic asterisk setup so I can call from sip phone to sip phone?
19:09.27*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
19:10.08hydrideI want to do more, but I'll play with it later when I got time
19:11.46*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
19:12.21C4T3lyou need to config sip.conf and extensions.conf for your sip phones
19:12.30*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
19:12.52hydridewhat do I need in my sip.conf?
19:13.11hydrideno kidding
19:13.21C4T3lthats a very vague question what type of phones??
19:13.34hydrideI have to zyxell 2000w
19:13.42hydrideand one machine is gonna use x-lite
19:14.16SpaceBasshydride,  check out and
19:14.21SpaceBasslots of good start-up guides there
19:16.26C4T3lare both phones on the same network?
19:17.19hydridenegative, I'm taking a 4 month military contract in bc, so I installed * on my VPS webhosting and am using that as the server
19:17.43hydridegonna have a zyxel with me in bc, a zyxel at my g/fs, and I'm installing x-lite on my mothers computer
19:18.08*** join/#asterisk ddaeschl (
19:18.45ddaeschlHello, has anyone sucessfully configured a TE205p on a T1 PRI?
19:18.58harryvvhydride are you in vancouver?
19:19.04mikefoozyxel has by far been the best brand of wireless router I have used.
19:19.11hydridenegative, will be in Victoria on Sunday though
19:19.17harryvvwhere are u now
19:19.23hydrideWindsor Ontario
19:19.25harryvvi see
19:19.36harryvvhow has that voip sip phone worked for you?
19:19.49hydridehave not got it working yet
19:20.05hydrideyeah, I know nothing about asterisk :(
19:20.14key2blitzrage: so I can put canreinvite=no in [general] in sip.conf ?
19:20.18hydrideand I got 'till saturday evening to get this working
19:21.12*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (i=blacktho@
19:21.27BlackthornHi, is there anyone else having problems making calls thorugh nufone today?
19:21.42SpaceBassthe zyxel wifi phone sucks
19:21.44SpaceBassi hate to say
19:22.07hydrideSpaceBass, I'm not looking for anything of great quality
19:22.17*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
19:22.21SpaceBasswell the sound quality is fine, its the missing featuires that bother me
19:22.24SpaceBasslike WPA
19:22.26hydrideI just want to make sip to sip calls from the same usual place
19:22.28SpaceBassso you have to run your AP in WEP
19:22.38hydridethe wpa thing bugs me too
19:22.44hydridebut I can live with wep
19:22.49SpaceBassso can most hackers :)
19:23.08SpaceBassits also missing a hold, conf, transfer and flash
19:23.09Qwell[]wpa takes all of 2 seconds longer to crack than wep :P
19:23.12*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
19:23.12hydrideyeah, but what kind of hacker cares about someones home computer?
19:23.21*** join/#asterisk Druken (
19:23.32Drukenafternoon everyone
19:23.37twisted[asteria]that kind
19:23.38timscottGood afternoon.
19:23.46SpaceBassanyone who wants to steal bandwidth for nefarious reasons
19:23.54SpaceBasssorry, I'm a little nuts about wifi security
19:23.55justinu|laptopanyone who wants a zombie network
19:24.21hydridesecurity isn't a concern for me
19:24.22SpaceBassanyway, back to your should be able to do what you want easily
19:24.37vader--anyone deal with the TDM2400P?
19:24.39mikefooI don't use wpa or wep, I just allow access my mac addresses
19:24.42vader--im getting this error upon boot
19:24.46vader--Unable to do INITIAL ProSLIC powerup on module #
19:24.49Qwell[]mikefoo: also spoofable :P
19:25.01twisted[asteria]mac addresses are easily spoofable
19:25.04SpaceBasshydride, I'd suggest you use asterisk@home...will make it a lot easier
19:25.07Ariel_mikefoo, ever heard of mac spoofing
19:25.13Qwell[]all they have to do, is sniff for the mac address over the air
19:25.14SpaceBass(and here is where I get flamed :) )
19:25.15mikefooQwell: not going to be spoofable since one mac addy is always registered.
19:25.28twisted[asteria]vader--, did you remember to plug in the power cable?
19:25.29mikefooyou obviuosly can't login two macs
19:25.33mikefoosame time
19:25.36Qwell[]mikefoo: What is the router going to do, say "oh, no, I already have THIS mac."
19:25.44mikefooyes, I tried it already.
19:25.51SpaceBassmac address lists are the worst possable fact they are not secure...the traffic is still unencrypted
19:25.54Qwell[]No, it's gonna say "Hey Joe, you're already logged in...okay, here you go"
19:26.01hydrideSpaceBass, unfortunatly I can't use asterisk@home :/
19:26.07Drukenthe power plug is there for a reason, wouldn't ya say ?
19:26.09SpaceBasshydride why?
19:26.09Qwell[]You don't *NEED* to login :p
19:26.17Qwell[]"You" are already logged in
19:26.25hydrideSpaceBass, cause I'm running * of a VPS running debian
19:26.34mikefoook  :)
19:26.39Ariel_hydride, then install freepbx
19:26.42SpaceBassyou can still install freepbx
19:26.48hydrideyeah I know, I tried
19:26.50hydrideit's a pain in the ass
19:26.51Ariel_SpaceBass, hello
19:27.01SpaceBasshey Ariel_ !
19:27.02*** join/#asterisk gbodemantv (n=gbodeman@
19:27.03*** join/#asterisk Muecke77 (
19:27.05Ariel_nothing free and good comes easy
19:27.06*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
19:27.09gbodemantvanyone gettoing this?
19:27.24gbodemantvformat_wav.c:247 update_header: Unable to find our position
19:27.33gbodemantvjust keeps looping in CLI
19:27.53SpaceBasshydride, then check out the asterisk handbook...its dated but will get you exactly what you need to set up two or three extens quickly
19:28.15SpaceBassthen go ebay a $50 and load A@H :)
19:28.17Assiderr.. can anyone try loading up this wav file into polycom 301 ?
19:28.39Drukena@h should only be used in home settings... impo
19:28.43BlackthornHi, is there anyone else having problems making calls thorugh nufone today?
19:28.53SpaceBassDruken,  I think small business too
19:29.00DrukenSpaceBass: i don't...
19:29.06Assidsup basss
19:29.06harryvvit can be used in a small bussiness enviroment.
19:29.14SpaceBassHey Assid
19:29.29harryvvI would just take asterisk at home and cut out alot of the dialplan thats not needed.
19:29.37C4T3lwhat's the general consensus on asterfax?
19:29.59OloBolahow do these wifi phones work..? Can you just punch in your Asterisk IP address or?
19:30.02harryvvbtw, I can route incomming faxes out to a fax with asterisk?
19:30.13Qwell[]harryvv: sure
19:30.30SpaceBassOloBola, just like a hard phone
19:30.38Drukenonly restriction would be timing
19:30.39SpaceBassjust use wifi for network rather than a wire
19:31.00OloBolathat makes sense
19:31.12harryvvQwell, I get a lot of request to either fax or recive fax info but dont have this setup. BTW, has the fax over the internet been resolved?
19:32.04vader--any of you guys using a digium tdm2400p card?
19:32.20Drukenvader--: why?
19:32.25generalhanHmmhesays: you still here ?
19:32.32vader--im wonderinw hat you put in your /etc/modules file
19:32.42vader--if you put in wctdm or wctdm24xxp
19:32.55harryvvanyway i goto go.
19:33.04Qwell[]vader--: the latter
19:33.15Hmmhesayswas having some softphone trouble
19:33.16Drukenvader--: i would assume wctdm24xxp....
19:33.17vader--hmm i wonder why it would say it can't find the modules then
19:33.23generalhanany suggestions ?
19:33.34Qwell[]vader--: got a recent version of *?
19:33.44Qwell[]how recent?
19:34.01sevardthat's recent.
19:34.12Qwell[]and you have zaptel installed?
19:34.17Qwell[]what version?
19:34.29*** join/#asterisk techie (
19:34.38vader--latest version
19:36.36shido6how do you add a .so u want to compile in bsd?
19:36.52shido6im in /usr/ports/net/asterisk/files/patch-apps::Makefile
19:36.56sevardwhen my boss comes in i'm going to squirt visine in my eyes and cry about missing him
19:37.27justinu|laptopsevard, get your platform running again?
19:37.33Qwell[]vader--: Is this debian by chance?
19:37.34vader--i just checked hte power connection and that might be the problem
19:37.39vader--ya it's debian
19:37.43sevardjustinu|laptop: yeah, i stayed up very last last night
19:37.50Qwell[]of course it is
19:37.51sevardjustinu|laptop: that was hard :|
19:38.00Qwell[]vader--: ls -l /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/
19:38.02vader--the power is connected by the yellow pin in the extension cable i plugged in moved out slightly
19:38.06Qwell[]Is it empty?  Of course it is...
19:38.28vader--by the = but the
19:38.33justinu|laptopsevard: good deal... lesson learned, right?
19:38.38vader--so im rebooting now ill see if that fixed it
19:38.41justinu|laptopcopy your configs onto another machine, at least :)
19:38.44Qwell[]vader--: it won't
19:38.46sevardQwell[] the great and powerful Oz only asks questions with answers he already knows
19:38.57Qwell[]sevard: indeed
19:39.04sevardjustinu|laptop: lesson learned 10000x over
19:39.11vader--ok it found the modules
19:39.23vader--it was the connection
19:39.30Qwell[]Then you gave us the wrong error
19:39.42sevardit's the end users fault, i swear!
19:39.42Qwell[]module not found is MUCH different than module could not be loaded
19:39.54vader--i copied the exact error it threw at me
19:40.12vader--Unable to do INITIAL ProSLIC powerup on module #
19:40.15sevardi'm willing to lay money that vader is right
19:40.29Qwell[]So, modprobe pondered?
19:40.29Qwell[]< vader--> hmm i wonder why it would say it can't find the modules then
19:40.55Qwell[]You never pasted that error before
19:41.14vader--ya i did
19:41.41Qwell[]not in the last 15 minutes you didn't
19:42.31vader--i dunno i thought i did
19:42.42sevardyou didn't
19:43.02_Sam--Qwell is always right, you will learn
19:43.23sevardQwell[]: What's six by nine?
19:43.43Qwell[]_Sam--: indeed
19:44.48sevardthe new champ
19:44.58Hmmhesaysda da da da
19:45.03Hmmhesays~seen generalhahn
19:45.17jboti haven't seen 'generalhahn', Hmmhesays
19:45.17sevardtimscott: i was at a trade show and i had to set up voip phones for this one co, so i named one trillian and another ford prefect
19:45.17timscottThe ultimate answer, of life, the universe, and everything.
19:45.19sevardtimscott: NOBODY got it
19:45.21sevardI know
19:45.27generalhanHmmhesays: haha
19:45.35sevardmy life is a fricken waste of time
19:45.37timscottWe are sorry for the inconvenience.
19:45.51timscottI hated book 5. It was lammmeeee.
19:45.57timscottI wish I would have stopped at book 4.
19:46.01sevardtimscott: I had the feeling nobody would even comment if I named a phone Don't Panic
19:46.07Hmmhesaysso you want an answer to this?
19:46.08timscottWow, zombies.
19:46.17*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/trelane)
19:46.25sevardit actually made me depressed :|
19:46.25generalhanHmmhesays: if you really know how to get it to moinotr correctly
19:46.35sevardit was the only thing i was looking forward to
19:46.39Hmmhesaysthe way you want it to?
19:46.54generalhanHmmhesays: haha ! yea .. i want it to work the way i want it to ! lol
19:47.16*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (n=Ariel@
19:47.31sevardtimscott: the whole gang was there, arthur, zaphod, even the names of the mice that i can never recall offhand
19:47.53sevardshould have named the PBX "Deep Thought"
19:48.53Hmmhesaysi see
19:49.07Strom_Cwell at least they didnt name the PBX "Deep Throat"
19:49.25jsharpYour PBX sucks.
19:49.37sevardYour mom's PBX sucks.
19:50.04vader--ok the tdm2400p recognized now the te110p isn't lighting up but linux says it found it
19:50.17vader--TE110P: Setting up global serial parameters for T1 FALC V1.2
19:50.17vader--TE110P: Successfully initialized serial bus for card
19:50.17vader--Found a Wildcard: Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1
19:50.23*** join/#asterisk xcoyote (
19:51.08xcoyotequestion: after executing make progdocs , where does it set the documentation? /etc/ ??? somewhere ?
19:52.50Hmmhesaysyeah this works
19:53.01generalhanoh yea ?
19:53.21Hmmhesayscause I'm awesome
19:53.30generalhanyea .. that sounds about right ! lol
19:54.33xcoyotedoes anyone know where make progdoc sets the documentation
19:54.36C4T3lanyone ever see this error before:  config.c: parse error: No category context for line 14 of cdr_mysql.conf
19:54.40Hmmhesaysi'll post it on my site in a few minutes
19:54.52generalhanwhat is your site ?
19:55.07C4T3lline 14 is my database host name
19:55.46*** join/#asterisk IceManRISK (n=kart@
19:55.49Qwell[]xcoyote: I think it creates a doxygen/ dir
19:56.46sevardwow, am i really this tired
19:56.48sevard`which asterisk` -rx "sip show peers" | grep -v Verbos;
19:56.48sevardBinary file (standard input) matches
19:57.34Sebbsevard: grep -va
19:57.49Qwell[]Sebb: I think you missed the problem :p
19:58.05SebbQwell[]: i didn't read ;) but that fixes that "binary file" foo ;)
19:58.17vader--do you guys know any example zaptel.conf that has a te110p and a tdm2400 card configured?
19:58.20sevardi've never gotten that error
19:58.24*** join/#asterisk xunil (
19:58.27Sebb21:56:52 < sevard> Binary file (standard input) matches
19:58.43sevardinfact that only happens with *
19:59.22Hmmhesaysthere you go generalhan
20:00.21*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
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20:01.38sevardpork chop sammiches
20:01.50Qwell[]that doesn't sound good at all
20:01.54sevardoh look at you and your cute little hats
20:01.56sevardhelp computer
20:02.13Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: ufff i'm alone in room so please don't call such words :P
20:02.33Hmmhesaysthat always gets you riled
20:02.36Hmmhesaysits so cute
20:02.49*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
20:03.22Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: yaeh, b/coz boobies are cute :P
20:04.15Hmmhesayssome girls just need to eat a freaking sammich
20:04.22*** join/#asterisk the_magic_bean (
20:04.49Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: what about your girl? :)
20:04.56gambolputtyHi.  Can someone dial me via SIP for a test?
20:05.03Hmmhesaysshe could probably use a sammich
20:05.17Qwell[]I could use a sammich right now
20:05.19Dr-Linuxwhat the hell is sammich?
20:05.26Hmmhesaysa sandwich
20:05.38Qwell[]a tasty mid-day treat
20:05.48Hmmhesaystwo or more slices of bread generally accompanied by something seperating them
20:05.56Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: oo i see, i thought something ...
20:06.12Qwell[]occasionally with liquid-like compounds, to add flavor
20:06.39Hmmhesaysher knees are a little sharp, but i get over that
20:06.46Dr-Linuxbut what's sammich related to boobies? :S
20:06.58Hmmhesaysuse your imagination
20:07.05Hmmhesaysthey have those in pakistan right?
20:08.03Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: every girl own that :P
20:08.09C4T3lC4T3l is embarrased
20:08.13Strom_Cno, pakistan banned their importation in 1997 :)
20:08.38Dr-LinuxC4T3l: put a finger at your embarrsed place
20:08.54Dr-Linuxwhat was happend? :)
20:09.17Strom_C< Strom_C> no, pakistan banned their importation in 1997 :)
20:09.23C4T3lforgot to uncomment "[global]" in cdr_mysql.conf
20:09.39vader--do you guys know what would make my te110p card stop working now that my tdm2400p card is registering
20:09.44Strom_CDr-Linux: in reference to either "sammich" or "boobies" - take your pick
20:09.47vader--linux is reporting that the card is recognized
20:09.53vader--but it's not lighting up in the back
20:10.03Strom_Cvader--: do you have zaptel.conf set up correctly?
20:10.16vader--i believe so
20:10.29vader--i am getting an error though when i run ztcfg -vvvc
20:10.33Strom_Cin what order are the drivers loading?
20:10.51vader--ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
20:10.57Dr-Linuxi came here with a question, but went for boobies . aww
20:11.04*** join/#asterisk dlynes_ (n=dlynes@
20:11.05justinu|laptopDr-Linux: how's the wife?
20:11.11C4T3lboobies will do that to ya
20:11.16vader--well in my /etc/modules i load zaptel first, then wcte1xxp then wctdm24xxp
20:11.38vader--but when linux boots it seems to load wxtdm24xxp first and then wcte1xxp next
20:12.02Strom_Cvader--: so ok, make it such that channels 1-24 are your TDM card, and channels 25-48 are your T1
20:12.19Dr-Linuxjustinu: she is abit angry, coudn't talk to her since 4 days
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20:12.31Dr-Linuxwas much busy at work
20:13.14Qwell[]Dr-Linux: Do you live in a palace yet?
20:13.32vader--storm_c thats my zaptel.conf
20:13.42Dr-LinuxQwell[]: sorry friend i didn't understand your question , palace?
20:13.48Qwell[]much big house
20:14.14Strom_Cvader--: ok one sec
20:14.31Dr-LinuxQwell[]: i live alone in a small room, in other state, basically i'm from tribals
20:14.49Dr-Linuxmy parents house is a big house
20:14.58Qwell[]alone?  aren't you married?
20:15.01Hmmhesayssome customers will never go away
20:15.28Dr-LinuxQwell[]: no, i'm not married yet, but i did Nikkah
20:15.38nahireanyou did nikkah?
20:15.43nahireanhow was it?
20:15.58Dr-LinuxQwell[]: hhm.. i don't know what you guys call Nikkah in English :S
20:16.09[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Engagement?
20:16.13Qwell[]Dr-Linux: descript Nikkah
20:16.15Dr-Linuxmaybe justinu|laptop can explain,
20:16.21justinu|laptopit's like vows, sorta
20:16.22justinu|laptopa contract
20:16.26justinu|laptop(i think)
20:16.30nahireanikkah is the contract between a bride and bridegroom and part of a Islamic marriage. Various traditions may differ in how nikkah is performed because different groups accept different texts as authoritative. Therefore, Sunnis will likely accept Bukhari hadith while Shi'ites will have their own collections thus producing different procedures. This contract requires the consent of both parties and allows both parties to add conditions. ...
20:16.33nahireangoogle ;)
20:16.46Strom_Cvader--: what does ztcfg spit back at you?
20:16.59Qwell[]add conditions?  haha
20:17.02vader--it reads back all the channels that are configured
20:17.05vader--then at the end it says
20:17.07vader--ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
20:17.17Qwell[]Condition the first - "You cook.  I eat."
20:17.32Dr-Linuxi see
20:17.45Dr-Linuxnahirean is kinda right
20:17.48nahireanSubcomponent: you earn your red wings once a month. :)
20:17.50vader--here is my booting of the cards
20:18.01nahireanDr-Linux; I'm not right, google is ;)
20:18.11justinu|laptopcondition 2: you wash the laundry, while I sit on the couch
20:18.16Strom_Cvader--: I assume your PRI is using binary eight zero substitution and extended superframe, right?
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20:18.38vader--here is the span config
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20:19.41Dr-Linuxvader--: esf= framing   and b8zs is coding  8 zeros
20:20.01Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: hows going your new married life? :)
20:20.05Dr-Linuxis it cool? :)
20:20.15Strom_Cno, b8zs means "eight zeros will be substituted with something else such that your T1 doesnt lose timing"
20:20.34Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: i dont' think you feel much difference after marriage?
20:20.39vader--well it's not hooked up to a T1 right now
20:20.44tzangerB8ZS = two BPVs for eight 0s
20:20.44vader--it's hooked up to a loop back plug
20:20.47blitzrageextended super frame! sexy :)
20:20.55vader--it was working
20:21.00vader--until the tdm2400p started to work
20:21.08dlynes_blitzrage:'s telco geek speak for she's a fat cow :)
20:21.31tzangerT1s send zeroes as the lack of a pulse and ones as a pulse of the opposite polarity of the last pulse.  This maintains a DC zero voltage which keeps the recovery circuitry happy.
20:21.40Strom_Cvader--: I think this is the time you call Digium :)
20:21.41Hmmhesaysfat cows need lovin' too
20:21.47Hmmhesaysand after you can milk em
20:21.55tzangerwith voice it was statistically impossible to keep a PCM channel at all zeroes for any length of time
20:21.58tzangerwith data it's not
20:22.08dlynes_yeah...fat chicks are like to ride until your friends catch ya :)
20:22.23Hmmhesaysso much hate
20:22.42Dr-Linuxi'm thinking about my question again
20:22.44tzangerso they invented B8ZS as an "adder" to AMI...  whenever the framer sees eight zeroes coming at it it sends out 00++00-- instead.  The other side sees this very special form of a BPV and replaces it with eight zeroes instead of flagging an error
20:22.56HmmhesaysDr-Linux: you can do anything at
20:23.43Dr-Linuxwhat the hell is zmbo,
20:23.48Nuggetthe infinite is possible at zombocom.
20:23.48Hmmhesaysgo there and see
20:23.52tzangeryeah I just read that on /.
20:24.00Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: wow i just got my question in my mind
20:24.29Dr-Linuxwell, i'm recording all outgoing calls, i set monitor on ouging zap channels
20:24.44Dr-Linuxbut now i don't wanna record all calls, but specific extensions
20:24.47Dr-Linuxwhat should i do?
20:25.01Dr-Linuxactually my all extensions are different
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20:25.55Hmmhesaysset up monitoring on each extension
20:26.21Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: but i'm using pattern
20:26.30tainted-what is iax.conf equivalent of sip.conf's accountcode =
20:26.42Hmmhesaysexplicitly match the ones you want to monitor
20:27.14Hmmhesaysset a dbkey , do a rain dance, there are a bunch of ways you can do it
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20:27.52Dr-Linuxi wish i can know damn dbkey things :(
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20:29.17Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: i understand the logic .. but i wanna record their incoming calls as well?
20:29.31Hmmhesayssame logic appies
20:31.08*** join/#asterisk busco_developer (
20:32.49busco_developerhi there, looking for developers @argentina
20:33.01busco_developerif someone interested, let me know
20:33.41tzangerHmmhesays: that is just not right
20:33.58bkw_ok that makes even me sick
20:34.08HmmhesaysLOL, mission accomplished
20:35.40bkw_Moussaoui is going to be put in prison for LIFE
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20:36.12C4T3lbkw_: have they passed the sentence yet
20:37.22bkw_they are announcing it on CNN
20:37.25bkw_he's not getting death
20:37.34tzangerwow destroying aircraft is punishable by death?
20:37.43hydridewhenever I run asterisk -vvvvvc, it displays a bunch of information but doesn't seem to run, ie nothing regarding asterisk in ps -A, but I'm not getting any real hint to an error when I run asterisk, any help with where I should look?
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20:38.01tzangerhydride: it should tell you near the bottom of that list of information
20:38.02Qwell[]tzanger: isn't
20:38.15tzangerThree of the six conspiracy counts made him eligible for the death penalty: committing acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries, destroying aircraft and using planes as weapons of mass destruction.
20:38.35keyhackhe didn't get it
20:38.37keyhacklife in prison
20:38.59hydrideAsterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:
20:39.01tzangerI was reading about lethal injection... 3 drugs... one for pain (?), one to paralyze, one to stop the heart
20:39.02hydridethat's all I get
20:39.06hydridesorry for the flood :(
20:39.07jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
20:39.15Qwell[]tzanger: it's a "cocktail"
20:39.25tzangerso basically you asphyxiate for a while and then your heart stops
20:39.37tzangerthat is a fairly cruel way to go I have to say
20:40.18tzangernot being able to breathe is no fun
20:40.40filetzanger: one knocks you unconscious, one to paralyze, one to stop the heart... yeah
20:40.51C4T3lHmhesays: try !!!AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!
20:40.56Qwell[]it took a few tries to get the order right
20:41.13tzangeroh ok you're not awake when you die
20:41.18tzangerthat's different then
20:41.22bkw_nope you're not awake
20:41.57fileit would be cruel if you were awake
20:42.01*** join/#asterisk markit (
20:42.26markithi :) anyone using visdn? (
20:42.27Qwell[]I say...
20:42.37Qwell[]If you commit should be executed in the same method
20:42.50Qwell[]if you commit multiple, you should be executed in the most cruel way of them
20:43.07filethe drug they use to knock you out is actually used to induce comas... rather cool
20:43.16fileI don't know why I know this, but meh
20:43.28Qwell[]file: lies, you know why
20:43.30AssidQwell[]: can you help me with a wav file for polycom ? i wanna use it as a ringtone.. just cant manage
20:45.12tzangerQwell[]: I don't think they're going to fly a plane into a building with him in it..
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20:46.18vader--when using a pri card during boot when will the light come on in the back?
20:46.29vader--when the driver loads the car or will it turn on when the computer powers up?
20:46.47Qwell[]tzanger: well...he didn't really "commit" murder, now did he?
20:46.48vader--the pri card im using is a digium te110p
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20:47.42Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: WB
20:48.01tzangerQwell[]: true
20:48.05tzangerconspiracy though
20:48.23stoffell_hmarkit, no.. but if you do, use the daily snapshots :)
20:49.29*** join/#asterisk Souvent22 (n=chatzill@
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20:50.01Souvent22My company is evaluating astersik and i have a quesiton about the phone....
20:50.10Souvent22does it support 3rd party ISDN contrlol?
20:50.23Strom_CSouvent22: which phone are you talking about?
20:50.43*** join/#asterisk marcoprechel (
20:50.48Souvent22i have my office phone forwarded to my cell phone......
20:51.13Souvent22so when a call comes in, can asterisk show the callerID of the incoming call on my cell, instead of it showing that the call is coming from my office?
20:51.26marcoprecheli have a question
20:51.36Strom_Cmarcoprechel: just ask
20:51.52marcoprechelnew to asterisk
20:52.00marcoprechelplease excuse my .. numbness
20:52.03Strom_CSouvent22: sure, if your trunking allows you to set caller ID number
20:52.24marcoprecheli'm loking into getting a small starter kit - the dev kit from digium looks good
20:52.43*** join/#asterisk DeeJayTwo (
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20:52.46marcoprechelthe FXS & FXO modules
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20:52.58sevardStrom_C: can you help me with supervised transfers
20:53.02marcoprechelFXS is for connecting regular POTS lines, correct?
20:53.04Souvent22Strom_C: ah, so Asterisk supports it, it's just that my CO/Phone Company must support it also correct?
20:53.09Strom_CSouvent22: yes
20:53.24Strom_Cmarcoprechel: FXO is for phone lines, FXS is for telephone sets
20:53.34Strom_Csevard: I can try
20:53.37twisted[asteria]implosion != explosion
20:53.43sevardI just made the features.conf file and added include => featuremap in a relevent context except I'm unsure about where to put the 't' stuff
20:53.45Qwell[]twisted[asteria]: the bits have got to go somewhere
20:53.53twisted[asteria]teh black hole
20:53.53Qwell[]You didn't end up in a singularity
20:53.56sevardStrom_C: I'm assuming it would go in my stdexten macro
20:54.06twisted[asteria]sevard, my bits would not go in your stdexten macro
20:54.23sevardyour bits
20:54.25marcoprechelphone sets such as ? - If i chose to go with a LAN/WAN VoIP/SIP solution i would not need the FXO modules then, correct?
20:54.39[TK]D-Fender<twisted[asteria]> implosion != explosion <-- that depends if there is a soft bouncy core :)
20:54.41Strom_Cmarcoprechel: telephone set == boring old analog desk telephone
20:54.45*** join/#asterisk CrummyGummy (
20:54.45twisted[asteria][TK]D-Fender, lol
20:54.49sevardtwisted[asteria]: wtf?
20:54.52twisted[asteria]sevard, n/m
20:54.59sevardcrazy bitch.
20:55.06unmanagedI have a Manager question.... After a " Action: Originate" I need to see if the call fails, if so do something else, I am doing this in PHP for the scripts....  Does a "Action: Originate" have a 'failed' exten or some kind of callstatus or am I going at this the wrong way? :)
20:55.25Qwell[]twisted[asteria]: SO...I'm told you're paying to fly me out to Digiumville in a few months? :p
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20:55.47sevardStrom_C: I'm assuming stdexten macro but I really don't know where * wants to see the transfer stuff
20:56.02twisted[asteria]Qwell, i don't work for digium
20:56.08Qwell[]yeah, so? :P
20:56.54Qwell[]or, are you trying to say that file will pay?
20:56.56fileQwell[]: are you trying to take over HSV?
20:57.00Qwell[]file: By storm
20:57.02fileI could pay...
20:57.08fileand then invoice Digium for it ^_^
20:57.10Qwell[]s/could/won't/ :D
20:57.27Strom_Csevard: the only transfers I do involve the "transfer" button on my SIP phone
20:57.43Qwell[]is there a good hotel guests usually stay in?
20:58.04sevardStrom_C: I have 'transfer' and confrence buttons on my aastra 480i ct, which is awesome.. but for my atas they need the pbx to do the work
20:58.09fileI stayed at the Chateau Spencer
20:58.13Qwell[]file: heh
20:58.14fileand Place de Fleming
20:58.23Strom_Csevard: no you dont
20:58.23Qwell[]tsk, tsk
20:58.25twisted[asteria]Qwell, uhm...  there's always la punta
20:58.28twisted[asteria]or whatever it's called
20:58.32twisted[asteria]la quinta
20:58.36Strom_Csevard: flash, get second dial tone, dial, wait for call to answer, hang up.
20:58.42Qwell[]I don't stay in la quinta's
20:58.50fileyou could sleep under kp's desk
20:58.51twisted[asteria]why, the high punta rate?
20:58.58Qwell[]twisted[asteria]: because I lived in one for a while :P
20:59.06[TK]D-Fendersevard : What model of ATA?
20:59.10twisted[asteria]this one is across the street from teh bar
20:59.12sevardsip 2002
20:59.16twisted[asteria]and teh waffle hose
20:59.25jsharpawful house
20:59.35unmanagedcasa de waffle
20:59.36Qwell[]I'm not allowed into any place that serves waffles anymore
20:59.39*** part/#asterisk phonic (
20:59.46fileor alcohol
20:59.48twisted[asteria]Qwell, HSV != LAX
20:59.50sevardStrom_C: neat
20:59.52Qwell[]file: mostly waffles
20:59.54twisted[asteria]they don't know you here
21:00.03unmanagedgo in there and ask for pancakes
21:00.03Qwell[]twisted[asteria]: if bkw_ was right...they do
21:00.06stoffellQwell, choices are getting limited? ;)
21:00.18unmanagedand see what they do heheh *evil grin*
21:00.40twisted[asteria]i got a great idea then
21:00.41twisted[asteria]rent a car
21:00.43twisted[asteria]a van
21:00.47twisted[asteria]and live in that
21:00.51[TK]D-Fendersevard : you can do transfers and conferencing direct in the ATA w/o DTMFing them
21:00.51Qwell[]Do you have a river?
21:01.18Qwell[]file: "vacation" :p
21:01.47bkw_Qwell what?
21:01.49bkw_right about what?
21:02.12twisted[asteria]uh oh
21:02.34*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Linux@
21:02.37Qwell[]bkw_: waffle houses :p
21:02.40bkw_oh yes
21:02.42bkw_and over passes
21:02.45Qwell[]and me probably not being allowed into any
21:02.49Dr-Linuxwow twisted[asteria] is woke up after 1000 of years :)
21:03.01unmanaged79 dollars a nite at the hilton
21:05.07twisted[asteria]bkw_, what about wahos and overpasses?
21:05.21Qwell[]twisted[asteria]: you don't want to know
21:05.29*** join/#asterisk stack_ (n=stack@
21:05.34twisted[asteria]why do you say that?
21:06.01unmanagedyes RoyK but don't tell anyone
21:06.02Qwell[]twisted[asteria]: You'll just have to trust me on this one :p
21:06.08twisted[asteria]no way
21:06.13fileQwell is the life of the party...
21:06.27Qwell[]I almost got us all kicked out of the waffle place, I guess
21:06.36Qwell[]and some unlucky car on the freeway...well...
21:06.37tzangeryeah you asked for a crepe
21:06.46stack_I am trying to receive a fax via my PRI, and on the console I see "Redirecting Zap/5-1 to fax extension" but that is it.  My fax extension is just a Goto to another context... any ideas?
21:07.50*** join/#asterisk mrtwister|mobile (
21:08.03tzangerunmanaged: when I first got our PRI I called my ex-wife with a callerid of "HINDI HOTTIES" and a Toronto #
21:08.24twisted[asteria]tzanger, and this is why she now calls me.
21:09.05twisted[asteria](waits for it)
21:09.21unmanagedQwelll go book ya a room ...
21:10.09Qwell[]I totally just stayed at a hilton garden inn
21:10.24hydrideis the pcm module required for sip?
21:10.45unmanagedthat is prob the best 'chain' hoe'tell
21:11.27vader--in my zaptel.conf how would i configure a TE110P and a TDM2400P card to work together?
21:11.34vader--i seem to be having an issue with that
21:12.03Strom_Cvader--: did you contact digium tech support like I told you to?
21:12.12vader--i got the card to work now
21:12.16vader--i was using the wrong driver now
21:12.22vader--now = name
21:12.59twisted[asteria]tzanger, i was joking, just so you know... don't go yelling at the wifey :P
21:14.26blitzrageunmanaged: Extended Stay
21:15.04vader--strom i had fxs instead of fxo
21:15.12vader--that was sending the wrong signal
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21:15.38twisted[asteria]don't listen to blitzrage... he's canadian
21:19.11vader--da da da
21:19.22vader--now to try and figure out how to get a dial tone on these analog channels
21:19.31Zodiacalanyone know if i can use a .call file to playback a sound file to the asterisk sound card's paging function? i.e. console/dsp  would i just have the .call file: Dial(console/dsp,,A(soundfile))   or would that try to connect to a line and keep it open, is there a way to just playback the file insted of dialing?
21:19.43*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
21:20.01Souvent22Is it possible to network asterisk boxes togather? e.g. you have 5 asterisk boxes and different locations, and you want to 'intercom' to one of the other boxes.
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21:20.07sevardStrom_C: alright, flash to transfer, but what about blind transfers or even confrences?
21:20.09[hC]Is it possible to lower the volume for music on hold when using the native mp3 stuff?
21:20.10Souvent22i'm thinking i'll have to setup a VPN b/t the boxes.
21:20.11*** join/#asterisk P4C0 (n=ash@
21:20.38P4C0hello guys, is there a way to set a code like if one extension is ringing and there's noone there, other extension can pick up that call?
21:20.47stoffellSouvent22, at least you'll need a vpn yes. openpvn might be a good start
21:20.59sevardP4C0: what you're looking for is a hunt group
21:21.11P4C0sevard, hunt group?
21:21.23Strom_Csevard: no no
21:21.30Strom_Csevard: he's talking about centrex-like features
21:21.35[hC]Any of you guys used sangoma a200's yet?
21:21.43[TK]D-Fendersevard : Yes you can do both blind & consultative transfers, and 3-way conferencing directly on the ATA.
21:21.52sevardP4C0: or forward on no answer
21:21.54Strom_CP4C0: you want to, for example, take extension 200's ringing call on extension 400?
21:21.57[TK]D-Fender[hC] : I've administered systems with them.
21:22.03Souvent22stoffell: cool. just checking. we use SonicWalls, so I was thinking I could just work with our networking guy and get that setup.
21:22.05timscottcall groups?
21:22.09P4C0Strom_C, yes :D
21:22.15[hC][TK]D-Fender: with or without hardware echo can?
21:22.17timscottring groups
21:22.24Strom_Cpickup groups :)
21:22.31timscottthat's what I was looking for >_<
21:22.32sevardring groups ring a bunch of extensions at once and the first to the call wins
21:22.41P4C0sevard, that may do the trick as well :D
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21:23.19BadPacketdamn you NUFONE!
21:23.22*** part/#asterisk BadPacket (n=root@unaffiliated/badpacket)
21:23.23P4C0any example about how to do that? ring groups?
21:23.25sevardP4C0: a ring group is the only thing I know how to do, in this example you dial 3001 and it dials 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 ;exten = 3001,2,Dial(SIP/2001&SIP/2002&SIP/2003&SIP/2004,20,tr)
21:23.53twisted[asteria]hunt groups are easy
21:23.56P4C0sevard, thanks :D
21:23.58twisted[asteria]exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/1)
21:24.02twisted[asteria]exten => s,2,Dial(SIP/2)
21:24.04Strom_CP4C0: hey, look what I found
21:24.07twisted[asteria]exten => s,3,Dial(SIP/3
21:24.09twisted[asteria]and so on
21:24.35Strom_Cgoogle is a marvelous thing
21:24.35sevardStrom_C: so how the heck would you blindtransfer / confrence on an analog phone?
21:24.35filetwisted[asteria]: QT4 DANCE!
21:24.39P4C0thanks everyone
21:24.43sevardP4C0: from now on google <topic>
21:24.54twisted[asteria]file, no!
21:24.56Strom_Csevard: blind transfer I don't know about...what do you nean "conference"?
21:25.15sevardStrom_C: get a call, put him on hold, open another call, bridge these calls
21:25.27Strom_Csevard: the same way you do on analog phones
21:25.36sevardStrom_C: I have no experience with that :|
21:25.38Strom_Cflash, dial at second dial tone, flash again once the call supervises
21:26.03Strom_Cthree-way calling has only been done like that since 1964
21:26.17Strom_Cso I know you might be kind of unfamiliar with it
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21:26.34sevardso confrence is get call, flash, dial second number, flash -- and supervised tranfer is get call, flash, dial second number, hang up
21:26.49sevardStrom_C: :P poor people don't have awesome pstn features
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21:27.01Strom_Csevard: yes, but wait until the second call starts ringing
21:27.28*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
21:27.35sevardso much easier on an aastra, you hit confrence, dial the number, hit confrence
21:27.46sevardor transfer, dial the number, transfer.
21:29.27[TK]D-Fender[hC] : Both
21:29.37vader--can anyone look at this and make sure it's correct
21:29.55vader--it's my zaptel.conf for 1 TE110P and 1 TDM2400P with 24 FXS channel
21:31.02generalhanvader--: looks good
21:31.02[TK]D-Fendersevard : Conference is [flash], place 2nd call, [FLASH]
21:31.02sevardgot it down
21:31.02vader--generalhan is there anything i need to do to the zapata.conf now?
21:31.02generalhanyou need to define those cahnnels in there too
21:31.09[TK]D-Fendersevard : Blind transfer is [flash] + some star code I don't recall (you'll see it in the web-admin), get different dialtone, dial 2nd number, done
21:31.10[hC][TK]D-Fender: did it work decently well without echo can? I just have deployed a lot of tdm400p and they're absolutely horrible for echo
21:31.21vader--i can't seem to find a good sample of a zapata.conf that would be similar to my setup
21:31.23vader--any suggestions?
21:31.26[TK]D-Fender[hC] : So far pretty good with straight Zaptel
21:31.37generalhanvader--: show me what you have so far
21:31.39[TK]D-Fender[hC] : And you can always add it later
21:31.47sevard[TK]D-Fender: I just tested it, strom is right, blind transfer is get call {flash} dial, wait for ring, hang up
21:31.56vader--generalhan pretty much the default config file
21:31.59vader--i haven't modified it yet
21:32.02Zodiacalanyone know if i can use a .call file with having to bridge it to a ext? i just wanta play a sound file to my sound card.
21:32.28Strom_Csevard: doubt not my phone-fu
21:32.37sevardZodiacal: mplayer <file> :)
21:32.42stack_I am trying to receive a fax via my PRI, and on the console I see "Redirecting Zap/5-1 to fax extension" but that is it.  My fax extension is just a Goto to another context... any ideas?
21:32.54Strom_Cstack_: are you using AMP/FreePBX?
21:33.00[TK]D-Fendersevard : that might work too, I've jsut the *code method personally following their guide.  Actually doesn't make sense for single flash + nagup = blind.....
21:33.03Zodiacalsevard omg, i had asterisk in my head too long.. direct like that would be better, thanks! :P
21:33.05[hC][TK]D-Fender: do you have experience to compare it to the reliability of the tdm400p
21:33.09stack_Storm_C: nope
21:33.31[TK]D-Fender[hC] : TDM400.... reliable.... ? ;)
21:33.36Strom_Cstack_: pastebin your extensions.conf
21:33.41jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
21:33.41generalhanvader--: here is mine but i have a TDM40B so only 4 channels instead of your 24 ...
21:33.44sevardZodiacal: wow :P
21:33.51[TK]D-Fender[hC] : Everything they make seems to be a ROCK.
21:34.12[hC][TK]D-Fender: sangoma?
21:34.16[TK]D-Fender[hC] : I run an A104d at work, and consulted 2 people with A200's
21:34.18unmanagedCan someone give me an example of the correct way to bridge someone on hold? I think you just gave me a fix for a problem that I have been trying to hack at...
21:34.20[TK]D-Fender[hC] : yup
21:34.30[TK]D-Fender[hC] : Wildly positive
21:34.43[hC][TK]D-Fender: yeah i use a102u's and i love them so far.
21:34.45unmanagedor point me to the info ... :)
21:34.57*** join/#asterisk ckwall (n=ckwall@
21:35.00vader--so generalhan i don't need all that other stuff in the zapata.conf?
21:35.09generalhanthats all i have
21:35.14*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
21:35.29ckwallok, so I have confused myself trying to learn how to set up the sip.conf and the extensions.conf
21:35.29[hC][TK]D-Fender: id obviously prefer the hardware echo can, but wondering if the $350 is ultimately necessary, as ive basically decided that tdm400p with no echo can is almost unusable.
21:35.32vader--man they throw all that shit in there and it's kinda confusing and organized
21:35.42[hC][TK]D-Fender: even after hours of hair pulling with ztmonitor, its still not what i would call 'good'
21:35.57generalhanvader--: i dont do anything too impressive with these channels so i dont need all that other stuff
21:35.59ckwallI tried setting things up with a polycom soundpoint 301, and then the xten xlite softphone.
21:36.02[TK]D-Fender[hC] : Basically all experience with it says take it "raw" and you can add the EC on after.
21:36.05ckwallI cannot get them to work.
21:36.11[hC][TK]D-Fender: 10-4.
21:36.18stack_Storm_C: those are the relevant parts
21:36.21ckwallcan anyone coach me through this?
21:36.32Strom_Cstack_: my name is Strom, not Storm
21:36.36Strom_Cplease get it right
21:36.38[TK]D-Fenderckwall : Pastebin what you've done so far.
21:36.43jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
21:36.56ckwallhang tight.
21:37.05macTijnStrom_C: don't be picky ;)
21:37.11stack_Strom_C: my bad... you should see my try to type "destroy", it comes out destory every time
21:37.15sevardstormy storm
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21:37.37macTijnsevard: that won't be out for a couple of years ;)
21:38.29Strom_Cstack_: well first off, I assume that you've already answered the call when it goes to fax, so you dont need to have a second answer statement in there
21:38.39vader--general i pretty much copied your conf file and added a few channels to the fxs
21:38.53stack_Strom_C, yeah I was just throwing them around left and right to try it out...
21:39.00vader--now when i reload asterisk i should get a dial tone on my analog channels right?
21:39.16sevardmacTijn: say what
21:39.21*** part/#asterisk P4C0 (n=ash@
21:39.31Strom_Cstack_: I have little experience with iaxmodem; what happens if you forego the menu and just send ALL calls to the iaxmodem?
21:39.36macTijnsevard: you made that sound like an ubuntu release name
21:39.49generalhanvader--: once you start messing with zaptel and zapata you should rmmod all the modules and then modprobe them again and then run ztcfg -vvvvvvvvvvvvv
21:39.49stack_Strom_C: works fine
21:39.51sevardmacTijn: ! sorry i don't know ubuntu at all, slax for lief brotha
21:39.54macTijnsevard: "warty warthog", "breezy badger" :)
21:39.56generalhanvader--: THEN start * again
21:40.04macTijnslack is the past for me :)
21:40.08Strom_Cstack_: show me the config that works fine
21:40.11macTijndebian for teh win
21:40.14C4T3lwhats your fav monitoring tool for asterisk?
21:40.14macTijneh no
21:40.16*** join/#asterisk key2 (
21:40.18ckwallok, i posted the sip.conf
21:40.22macTijnwhat am I saying !?
21:40.30sevardC4T3l: CLI + sip debug
21:40.31macTijnUbuntu for teh win ofcourse :)
21:40.52C4T3lsevard: no nagios or anything?
21:41.23sevardsay what brotha
21:41.33stack_Strom_C: same site with a "works_fine" section
21:41.41C4T3lnagios server monitor
21:42.03sevardC4T3l: i'm really just fskering, i don't know any of that
21:42.11vader--general i keep getting this error in * now
21:42.11vader--May  3 11:41:39 WARNING[3171]: chan_zap.c:8970 pri_dchannel: PRI Error: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too.
21:42.36stack_Strom_C: if I let the timeout go through on the background, it just fails, so it says it is redirecting to the fax extension, but then it never does
21:43.07Strom_Cstack_: you are coming on over a ZAP channel, right?
21:43.28stack_Strom, yep... TE110p
21:44.23*** join/#asterisk jffmriii (n=findme@
21:44.36jffmriiilooking to employ some developers
21:44.42jffmriiianyone interested?
21:44.44*** join/#asterisk xlyz (
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21:44.57Strom_Cjffmriii: look in #asterisk-dev or post on
21:45.09[TK]D-Fenderjffmriii : In a non-descript job?  Where do I sign up!? ;)
21:45.11ckwallmy sip.conf is
21:45.26*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=foobar@gentoo/developer/
21:45.43froguzjffmriii, are you looking for ppl aoutside usa?
21:46.06Strom_Cstack_: I wish I could help you further, but I have no experience with asterisk and faxes
21:46.20stack_Strom_C: ok thanks, I'll play around some more
21:46.30[TK]D-Fenderckwall : X-Lite is the only one you don't have commented out...
21:47.03ckwallright, I thought that is what I wanted if that is the applicaiton I was using to connect with
21:47.03[TK]D-Fenderckwall : and for that one ditch the username, you should be authenticating with "xlite1" as the username in your client
21:47.05froguzstack_, linksys PAP2 works good with asterisk
21:47.19ckwallok. will try, hang on
21:47.29[TK]D-Fenderckwall : You should have a section for EACH phone in your PBX....
21:47.42[TK]D-Fenderckwall : Explains why your Polycom isn't getting very far...
21:47.56Drukenpap2's work awesome with asterisk
21:48.04[TK]D-Fenderckwall : Tell you what, scrap EVERYTHING commented out....
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21:48.15ckwallwell, i tried with the polycom profile first, and commented it all back out
21:48.21ckwallok... scrapping.
21:48.26CoffeeIV_I have 2 asterisk servers with Digium T1 cards in them, I can connect a T1 cable between them and pass channels from one to the other, right ?  I have only connected thos T1 cards to ADIT 600s or other equipment before now.  Does it have to be some kind of "crossover" T1 cable ?
21:48.45[TK]D-Fenderckwall : and give me the BASE pastebin link when you're done with that.
21:48.46Iam8up|lpyi've got several IP phones on this network, and the outbound callerid appears either as what we set it to, unknown, or our carrier's did
21:49.04DrukenCoffeeIV_: why waste the cards? hand the calls over ip
21:49.14ckwallwill do.
21:49.59CoffeeIV_Druken: I don't know, they asked me to -- probably they asked about it because I've been taking a really long time to get a simple IAX2 connection between them going
21:50.02vader--do you guys know if having a loopback plug in a PRI card will cause these errors
21:50.03vader--May  3 11:41:39 WARNING[3171]: chan_zap.c:8970 pri_dchannel: PRI Error: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too.
21:50.06Dr-LinuxCoffeeIV_: put both servers on same local network and enjoy
21:50.29DrukenCoffeeIV_: why? iax2 is easy :)
21:50.50justinu|laptopvader--: yeah, it would cause that.
21:51.31[TK]D-FenderCoffeeIV_ : IAX2 = your friend
21:52.01CoffeeIV_I've been trying to follow the IAX2 example from voip-info and basing it off the one in the sample files that calls digium, but I haven't go it working -- that's a separate question
21:52.13Dr-Linuxi heard IAX2 trunk is good, but SIP works fine for me
21:52.46Dr-LinuxCoffeeIV_: 1234567890,1,Dial(IAX2/user:pass@,120)
21:52.47*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
21:52.48DrukenDr-Linux: you use sip between your server? icky....
21:52.55[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : IAX does let you do a little more on the interesting side with context control, but for just passing calls on a basic leve SIP is just fine
21:53.03justinu|laptopbah, sip is fine
21:53.08Dr-LinuxDr-Linux: yes, icky..?
21:53.20DrukenDr-Linux: my personal opinion
21:53.42Dr-Linuxicky... mean bad?
21:53.53[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Correct
21:53.54Drukenicky == don't like it
21:54.23Dr-Linux~dict icky
21:54.49Drukenit's like sex with an 80 year old woman, i know it can be done, but it'd be one cold day in hell before i did it....
21:54.51Dr-LinuxDruken: why bad ?
21:55.01timscottIAX > *
21:55.13Iam8up|lpysip > iax =P
21:55.21Iam8up|lpyjust kidding!
21:55.23Dr-LinuxDruken: but i'm using it, like i'm doing sex with 20 years virgin girl :S
21:55.32brodiemIs there a way of executing an automated call (i.e. with .call files) but to NOT ring an actual extension in order to connect the call? It's for a DND on/off function, where the dial plan does everything it needs based on the caller ID number.
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21:56.24Dr-Linuxheh, friends honestly i didn't know how to make trunk with IAX2, that's why i done that using SIP
21:56.26[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : set the channel as "Local"
21:56.32[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : And script away
21:56.41justinu|laptopDr-Linux: sip is fine
21:56.51[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : or an ugly way and have you * register with itself and get circular :D
21:56.56brodiem[TK]D-Fender, that's what I just tried, using Local/422 and it rang ext 422
21:57.12brodiemorjust "Local" w/o anything appended
21:57.12[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Don't forget the CONTEXT
21:57.13justinu|laptopmake it call a different extension, that doesn't ring the phone
21:57.42brodiem[TK]D-Fender yeah I didn't forget the context. Everything works fine except nothing initiates until I pick up the ext
21:57.45[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Loca/422@notmyphonextensioncontext
21:57.54Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: i had only problem that caller was getting low voice. so i just increase rxgain to 2.0  it works fine now so far
21:57.58[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Put an "Answer in there"
21:58.12DrukenCoffeeIV_: you want some help with the iax2?
21:58.18brodiemyup it does
21:58.19justinu|laptopDr-Linux: that has nothing to do with sip
21:58.22brodiemtrying with @somefakeextension now
21:58.33froguzcan i have sip peers and users in Real Time AND use sip.conf? do i need to do something special to get it work?
21:58.42vader--when using zap channels where does asterisk get the caller ID infomration from? from zapata.conf?
21:59.02Drukenvader--: meaning?
21:59.27brodiem[TK]D-Fender, nada, chan_local.c: No such extension/context 422@fakeext
21:59.41froguzi think i'm doing somethig wrong... mi realtime sip friends can't loggin
21:59.44Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: okey let me know what you think, what's difference between IAX2 trunk and SIP trunk?
21:59.44[TK]D-FenderDoe it exast as named in extensions.conf?
21:59.54vader--like say i have an analog extension plugged into a tdm2400p and i call a sip phone
22:00.09vader--it shows up on the phone as Asterisk
22:00.12froguzDr-Linux, IAX2 is NAT transversal
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22:00.14vader--in the caller id info
22:00.17CoffeeIV_Druken: I'm going to paste bin what I tried with IAX2 and see if anyone has any suggestions
22:00.17[TK]D-Fendervader-- : Yes, you set up the caller ID in zapata.conf
22:00.23Drukenin that case, yes...
22:00.37brodiem[TK]D-Fender Doe it exast? what?? lol
22:00.41vader--so i have to setup each channel in zapata.conf
22:00.42DrukenCoffeeIV_: aight
22:00.58Drukenvader--: if you want seperate caller id, yep
22:00.58[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Does that exten exist in the context you named?
22:01.07[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Don't get picky with my typing!
22:01.10Dr-Linuxfroguz: your statement has gone over my head :S
22:01.42justinu|laptopiax2 is a binary protocol
22:01.46justinu|laptoplike q931 or something
22:01.50justinu|laptopsip is more like HTTP
22:01.52brodiem[TK]D-Fender yeah, like I said if I specify a valid channel to use to connect the call, it works fine except the channel in question rings first and I must answer it to initiate
22:01.52*** join/#asterisk ghost99 (
22:02.21[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : who said that exten had to actually CONTAIN a Dial at all, hmm?
22:02.37ghost99Morning Tk-defender :) we are awake now !
22:02.40[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Think outside the box a little...
22:03.02[TK]D-Fenderghost99 : Good morning, SpanDSP (Faxing) left to add, and IVR to customize.
22:03.04Drukenbrodiem: why not use the CID from the .call file to let the extentsion know... so you can use exten=4321/1234
22:03.10[TK]D-Fenderghost99 : Continue in PM
22:03.36*** join/#asterisk Led_Zeppelin (
22:03.37justinu|laptop"we are borg"
22:04.08Led_Zeppelinhello, I am new to vo/ip world. Can someone please recommend me a good service for it?  I just need a service to make calls, the cheapest if possible.
22:04.09ghost99[TK] d-defender: yeah .. I was playing last night and my headset is stuffed so will you be around for an hours or 2 while i get another headset and we finish off ?
22:04.21Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: i start making a website
22:04.31justinu|laptopabout what?
22:04.32[TK]D-Fenderghost99 : Actually I'm out of here in about an hour :/
22:04.52Dr-Linuxi'll introduce asterisk in pakistan, it will be spread
22:05.14Dr-Linuxjustinu|laptop: there is nothing i just start ..
22:05.16brodiem[TK]D-Fender so you're saying as my channel I should just create a valid channel that does nothing but an Answer() basically
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22:08.38brodiemhaha that did it
22:08.58brodiemnever think of the simple things sometimes =/
22:09.15brodiemthanks for the advice tho guys
22:09.38[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : No, not JUST an answer, but includes it and does whatever else you need to do your DND triggering
22:09.52brodiemi know... i got it
22:11.05generalhan[TK]D-Fender: is there a way that i can set a variable in a context in extensions.conf and then go to a queue, then come out of a queue with that variable still intact ?
22:11.27brodiemgeneralhan set a global var
22:12.04generalhani dont know if that will work in this situation ...
22:12.17[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : It may survive "_" inheritance, if not change the callerID toa unque value and use it as a key.
22:13.15generalhan[TK]D-Fender: see thats kinda the route i was thinking of but not quite sure how to do it. i just want to save the callerid(number) as a variable so that i can call on it after the queue. cause the callerid(number) changes to whatever local/ i call on
22:13.30generalhanfrom the wueue
22:13.40generalhanwueue = queue ..... i think ! lol
22:14.34[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Change the callerID to the current UNIQUEID *BEFORE* the calls hits the Queue, then push some values into ASTDB based on that, then enter the Queue
22:14.47key2kwhen I use a SER, do I have to register asterisk on it if I wanna treat calls on my dialplan or it's not necessary ?
22:15.01generalhan[TK]D-Fender: so basically the only way for me to do it is to use a DB of sorts ?
22:15.21justinu|laptopasterisk doesn't need to register with SER
22:15.22generalhanput that number in there and then call on it from location later ?
22:15.28justinu|laptopunless the IP adress is dynamic
22:15.34[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Not the only way, but its a way I can tell you WILL work.  Clumsy but effective.
22:16.07generalhan[TK]D-Fender: hmm cause im not using DB stuff at all right now
22:16.25generalhani dont really want to learn it just for this ... if i had more use out of it it may be worth learning ...
22:16.26[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : inside your Local channel created by an agent-callout, you can use that CID to lookup the STORED CID from the ASTDB so that the Agent can't tell the difference as well....
22:16.33Drukenoh god... i'd be screwed without my database calls
22:16.43[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : ASTDB stuff is damn easy and built-in.....
22:16.44generalhan[TK]D-Fender: what youre saying is perfet
22:16.50generalhan[TK]D-Fender: LOL
22:17.00generalhan[TK]D-Fender: as long as its easy ! lol
22:17.13[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : a handful of extra lines.
22:17.15generalhando you have a newb's link to ASTDB ?
22:17.15vader--thanks for your help guys
22:17.25generalhanvader--: its all working now ?
22:17.30vader--general, d-fender, drunk ,strom, just
22:17.34[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : lookup "asterisk functions" on the WIKI.
22:17.39vader--ya i got the analog working
22:17.48vader--im not sure about the pri because i don't have it connected yet to test
22:17.57vader--so i disabled the lines in the zapata.conf
22:18.00generalhan[TK]D-Fender: thanks ill go check it out now
22:18.43vader--i made a successful zap to sip call
22:18.57justinu|laptopgood deal
22:18.59vader--i have to setup my extensions file to handle a sip to zap call
22:20.28vader--hmmm no rining on my zap line
22:20.36vader--i can pick it up and the call is there but the phone didn't ring
22:20.48Drukencheck the ringer on the phone? hehe
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22:21.11vader--hmm worked this time
22:21.30Dr-Linuxvader--: is it registered with SIP?
22:21.42vader--now say i do a sip to zap call and the sip phone hangs up the zap phone gets a busy signal blasted in their ear
22:21.45vader--is that normal?
22:21.50Dr-Linuxvader--: if yes, the put qualify=yes option in your sip.conf for this user
22:22.08vader--ya the sip phone is registered with sip
22:22.15Dr-Linuxok then do that
22:22.21vader--what does that do?
22:22.22Dr-Linuxthis problem will be fine
22:22.23Drukenvader--: blasted? maybe check your tx ?
22:22.34[TK]D-Fendervader-- : Thats called a "reorder" tone
22:22.53justinu|laptopqualify makes asterisk "ping" the phone periodically to make sure it's alive and kicking
22:23.04vader--is there anyway to make asterisk just send dead air?
22:23.08vader--when the other end hangs up
22:23.14vader--instead of the reorder tone
22:23.22dlynes_vader--: change your reorder tone in indications.conf
22:23.27Drukenwhy would you want that ?
22:23.32dlynes_vader--: but that's not something to suggest
22:23.56vader--when the other party hangs up it is putting this tone on their line
22:24.00vader--i rather just have dead air
22:24.06vader--like a real phone has
22:24.14justinu|laptopdepends on where you are vader
22:24.26Drukeneven with a real phone, the silence only lasts a few seconds...
22:24.28justinu|laptopsome PSTNs play disconnect supervisory tones, some dont
22:24.44dlynes_vader--: on a "real" phone, it becomes dead air, and then shortly thereafter, you get a reorder tone
22:25.35vader--thats kinda what i want
22:26.00justinu|laptophere in the US, the bitchy recording comes on
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22:26.08[TK]D-FenderI'm feeling stupid today : can someone remind me where sendmails config file is by default?
22:26.10justinu|laptop"If you'd like to mall a call, please hang up and try your call again"
22:26.14Drukenso use the g dial option... i think it's g... and have a 3 second wait
22:26.21justinu|laptopdepends on your distro, fender
22:26.22dlynes_Yeah, here in Canada, it depends on what province you're in, what happens
22:26.22Qwell[]mall a call?
22:26.37jffmriiisorry about that I am back
22:26.38CoffeeIV_Druken and anyone else who might know some IAX2 asterisk->asterisk stuff -- I pasted some configs that aren't working:
22:26.42[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Slackware
22:26.42jffmriiilocation is not an issue
22:26.53justinu|laptopit's called if that helps
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22:27.04[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : It does, thanks
22:27.36Dr-Linuxjffmriii: i suggest deal with [TK]D-Fender and justinu|laptop
22:27.39[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : brute-force search :)
22:27.51dlynes_[TK]D-Fender: /etc/mail/ on recent versions of slackware; /etc/ on older versions
22:27.51justinu|laptopfind / -name -print :)
22:27.56jffmriiiemploying asterisk programmers please offline me
22:28.07DrukenCoffeeIV_: did you try taking out the password in the dial line?
22:28.09Nuggetsounds kinky.
22:28.13Drukeni don't see you needing it
22:28.19CoffeeIV_Druken: trying that now
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22:29.29[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Just trying to get VM -> E-mail running on a server and it seemed pretty automatically functional on mine.
22:29.43justinu|laptopyeah, should "just work"
22:29.45[TK]D-Fenderjffmriii : Again, some details may be nice...
22:29.58dlynes_[TK]D-Fender: yeah, and on slackware, sendmail is relatively secure out of the box, too
22:30.15froguz[TK]D-Fender, i allways thought your nickname was related to fender guitars :$, now i see "de" fender
22:30.23CoffeeIV_Druken: taking out the password didn't change anything
22:31.13justinu|laptopi think it is related to fender guitars
22:31.36dlynes_justinu|laptop: or maybe he's just a tcl/TK fan :)
22:32.02[TK]D-Fenderfroguz : No, I play Dean personally.  The nick goes back to my Tribes 1 CTF gaming.....
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22:32.50[TK]D-FenderAnd [TK] was my Action:Half-Life clan.  I've always carried the primary nick however
22:33.17generalhan[TK]D-Fender: OMG i havent thought about Tribes in soooo long ~
22:33.24generalhangod that was a GREAT game
22:33.33froguzhmmm... so, you're not david gilmour :(
22:33.47[TK]D-FenderTribes rocked. Ski-mode FPS realy brought out the best FPS experience for me excetp for AHL.
22:34.06[TK]D-Fenderfroguz : No I'm more Eric Johnson / Neil Zaza :)
22:35.12jffmriiiwe are a macintosh computer consulting firm
22:35.23jffmriiithat has asterisk inhouse
22:35.38brookshireon a mac?
22:35.39[TK]D-Fenderjffmriii : Ok, and now for the USEFUL details on what you're looking to do....
22:36.06jffmriiiwe are looking for someone to help us design an user friendly interface for the local server as well as user side
22:36.29jffmriiikind of what is doing but we want to keep it open source not pripritory
22:36.45brookshireyou mean like amp/freeswitch?
22:36.55Qwell[]brookshire: freepbx
22:36.56jffmriiiwe are also looking to integrate asterisk into our collaboration suite zimbra
22:37.01brookshireoh. .freepbx
22:37.03[TK]D-Fenderbrookshire : But our wheel will be BIGGER... and ROUNDER!
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22:37.16Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: wheels were made to be reinvented
22:37.33[TK]D-FenderQwell : And to think all most people do with them here is SPIN ;)
22:37.35jffmriiiamp and freebpx is not user friendly and is missing some feature we would like to implement
22:37.42brookshirejrr: there is already a plugin for zimbra somwhere
22:37.49Qwell[]jffmriii: like...not sucking? :)
22:37.53jffmriiilol yes
22:38.13jffmriiiand we are willing to but the money into it as we already have customer waiting for the soluitons
22:38.20dlynes_jffmriii: Zimbra's an Ajax alternative to Exchange or something, right?
22:38.23jffmriiiwe are zimbra developers
22:38.26[TK]D-FenderTake a look at ScopServ... best GUI for * in that all GUI = ass....
22:38.37jffmriiiwe are the developers for zimbra on mac
22:38.45jffmriiithe exchange killer we like to call it
22:38.59dlynes_jffmriii:'s been written up in Linux Magazine
22:39.00froguzjffmriii, are you looking for a mac app developer, a web GUI developer?
22:39.23jffmriiiwe are looking for to run on bsd
22:39.26jffmriiior linux
22:39.32jffmriiibut we are mac focused
22:39.40jffmriiiwe are based out of chicago
22:39.43ibob63I can seem to find any documention on allowing people to transfer calls. Is there any way of doing this?
22:39.57brookshirei dunno, but please. .the next person who develops a gui, please use comments as markers so you can make changes to the .conf files
22:40.01dlynes_ibob63: hit the transfer button on your sip phone
22:40.03froguzxNIX -> bsd darwin -> mac
22:40.15[TK]D-Fenderibob63 : Plent on that, also depends on what kind of interface and hardware yuo are talking about.
22:40.20dlynes_ibob63: It's usually a phone feature...asterisk can do it, but it's easier on the phone
22:40.24jffmriiiI would like to take this off line as I fell I am using or spaming the channel
22:40.48jffmriiiif not I will continiue answering questions here
22:41.02ibob63dlynes_: I can't see the button on the phone.
22:41.12dlynes_Anyways...fwiw....Zimbra looks like a kick ass suite
22:41.16ibob63It is a linksys phone.
22:41.26dlynes_I was quite impressed with the review in Linux magazine
22:41.27jffmriiizimbra is the bomb
22:41.33[TK]D-Fenderjffmriii : I'd suggest writing it up and pasting a link on the WIKI, and in the mailing lists
22:41.44generalhan[TK]D-Fender: ok i set {CALLERID(number)} to a db location ... now how do i call on that once im in the context i want to be in ?
22:41.45jffmriiithat is a great idea
22:41.55jffmriiiwhere is the wiki
22:42.30dlynes_jffmriii: You can try the forums on, too
22:42.47dlynes_jffmriii: And the asterisk-biz mailing list
22:42.50ibob63I think I will need to do call transfer through asterisk. Can anyone give me some pointers to get started?
22:43.00dlynes_ibob63: Sipura 941?
22:43.07dlynes_ibob63: or Linksys SPA-941?
22:43.18ibob63Linksys SPA-941
22:43.24[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Set(DB(queuevars/${UNIQUEID}-CALLERID)=${CALLERID(number)})
22:43.29brookshiredon't forget that one :)
22:43.32dlynes_Yeah...I'm pretty sure that can do transfers, ibob63
22:43.46jffmriiithank you again
22:43.49ManxPoweribob63, what does the linksys manual say about transfers?
22:43.53dlynes_ibob63: gimme a sec
22:43.59[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Set(CALLERID(number)=${UNIQUEID})
22:44.02generalhan[TK]D-Fender: thats what i have ... now how do i call on that location once im in the context where i need to use it
22:44.03ManxPowersince in SIP the PHONE does the transfer, not Asterisk
22:44.19[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : in your queue dialing I'm sure you know what to do from there...
22:44.20*** part/#asterisk jffmriii (n=findme@
22:44.44ibob63Okay, I am going to have a look throught the phone manual :)
22:45.34[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Set(DB(queuevars/${UNIQUEID}-Var1)=some value)
22:46.02[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : do MORE things like that before entereing the que and then use the callerid as your KEY like we did in setting those values before entering
22:47.33generalhan[TK]D-Fender: umm im not quite sure i know what you mean
22:48.01generalhan[TK]D-Fender: -Var1 what is that for ?
22:48.08ibob63okay. You were all right. The phone does do transfer but it is called a blind transfer and its hidden in deep in the menu
22:48.22[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : just a SAMPLE of some more values you'd set that you'd like to have available in your Local channel
22:48.28generalhani see
22:48.35generalhanwell the first one didnt work out for me too well
22:48.44[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : pastebin it all up.
22:48.54generalhan[TK]D-Fender: gimme just a sec !
22:48.56[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : and fast.. i've got guests coming in real soon :)
22:50.43generalhan[TK]D-Fender: the first 4 lines arent really anything anymore .. they used to do stuff for me but i havent removed them yet
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22:51.17[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : You put the DB line in the wrong spot.. that was supposed to be BEFORE the Queue call.
22:51.27generalhanit is ...
22:51.30[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : I'll make you a sample out of it...
22:51.50generalhan[TK]D-Fender: [live_xfer] is the context that is dialed BEFORE it gets transfered to the queue
22:52.10[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Or I'm blind :)
22:52.28generalhani may have figured it out
22:52.38generalhani think i messed it up on account of my own ignorance
22:52.50[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : You are using Agent/ or Local/ for your agents, right?  i'd need to see that context as well... tahts where you retreive the info.
22:53.18dlynes_ibob63: that's ludicrous
22:53.27dlynes_ibob63: there should be a button on the front of the phone to do that
22:53.27[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : I gave you good sample pieces, you just need to fill in the blanks, and we should be maniplating the NAME, not the NUMBER field actually... my bad on that one.
22:53.47generalhan[TK]D-Fender: ok
22:53.51[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : SPA's use soft-keys for the transfer/conf features.
22:54.08dlynes_[TK]D-Fender: no hard keys?
22:54.22dlynes_[TK]D-Fender: isn't that a pain in the ass?
22:54.43dlynes_i mean for such an overused business phone feature
22:54.54dlynes_you'd think they'd dedicate a button to it
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22:55.51ibob63dlynes_: yeah it is pretty stupid. I have been using the phone for several weeks and never worked it out.
22:57.17dlynes_ibob63: well, you could always try aastras or polycoms...they both have dedicated transfer and conference buttons
22:58.10generalhan[TK]D-Fender: here is everything ... please dont get caught up in the custom monitoring section .. i was looking for a way to record a call AFTER it was answered and this is the best way so far ::
22:58.11dlynes_ibob63: and they're both probably around the same price as the linksys
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23:04.25luke-jr_too bad there's no maintained Asterisk release =p
23:08.23luke-jr_no release of Asterisk that is being maintained
23:08.41mog_workas well as asterisk-be
23:08.49luke-jr_no, since bugs in 1.2 are not being fixed
23:09.02mog_workumm do you subscribe to the commit list?
23:09.11mog_workthere have been several even today
23:09.18luke-jr_no, but I've had two bug reports closed saying they won't be fixed
23:09.29luke-jr_just because they don't apply in HEAD
23:09.31dlynes_luke-jr_: did you read their reasoning?
23:09.43luke-jr_dlynes: bugs are bugs
23:10.14luke-jr_ is the most recent one to be closed unfixed
23:10.51generalhancan some one explain to me how to call on a variable i set in ASTDB? i have a variable stored as Set(DB(queuevars/CALLERID)=${CALLERID(number)}) and i need to know how to pull that now
23:10.53mog_workthe ael code is deamed experimental
23:10.57mog_workas it is clearly noted
23:11.06mog_workand has been fixed in the soon to be 1.4
23:11.22generalhan$CALLERID(number)}=DB(queuevars/CALLERID) ????
23:12.24dlynes_luke-jr_: they asked you to try it in trunk, and you didn't try it to see if the problem exists there as can they help you?
23:12.33luke-jr_dlynes: I doubt it does exist there.
23:12.41mog_workno dlynes it doesnt exist in trunk
23:12.46mog_workas its been rewritten
23:13.02mog_workdo you have another one luke-jr_
23:13.06luke-jr_dlynes: my point is that *1.2* isn't having the bugs fixed
23:13.41dlynes_luke-jr_: I've discovered a number of bugs in 1.2 that got fixed
23:14.02dlynes_luke-jr_: I've only come across one that hasn't gotten fixed, but it's fixed in trunk
23:14.09mog_workluke-jr_, you can feel free to troll
23:14.20mog_workbut bugs are being fixed
23:14.41dlynes_luke-jr_: just because they're not being backported to 1.2 doesn't mean they're not being fixed
23:14.57dlynes_luke-jr_: try hanging out in asterisk-dev'll see just how hard the developers are working
23:15.09luke-jr_not all bugs
23:15.20justinu|laptopi fixed a few bugs in 1.2
23:15.55ManxPowerI thought all bugs were supposed to be fixed in 1.2 before being fixed in the dev version
23:16.01dlynes_Even the few minor bugs i see left in 1.2 that I've been able to isolate have workarounds
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23:16.20mog_workheh ManxPower we will be  sure to fix ALL bugs for 1.4
23:16.40dlynes_ManxPower: it sounds like that particular problem though was a design flaw, and the code was completely rewritten
23:16.57luke-jr_ was the other one, for reference
23:17.08filewe can't backport the AEL stuff into 1.2... because it's not AEL in trunk, it's actually AEL2 :D
23:17.56mog_worki think the response is fairly straight forward luke-jr_
23:18.07luke-jr_dlynes_: the 'default' case bug wasn't completely a design flaw
23:18.19luke-jr_mog_work: indeed, that 1.2 is not being completely maintained anymore
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23:18.36dlynes_luke-jr_: yeah, but what they're getting at, is the whole ael project was flawed, so it was completely rewritten
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23:18.54dlynes_luke-jr_: the bugs were probably there because the design flaws made them too hard to find
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23:19.12luke-jr_dlynes_: probably, but they were still bugs in *correct usage*
23:19.17fileit's a way of time and effort to fix AEL1 in 1.2, when it's going to be deprecated totally soon by the AEL in trunk which will become 1.4 in a few months
23:19.32justinu|laptopbut I want it NOW!
23:19.48Qwell[]justinu|laptop: feel free to backport it :p
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23:20.00dlynes_justinu|laptop: or download and install trunk :)
23:20.07filenow you're more then welcome to fix it and submit patches if you so desire
23:20.10luke-jr_file: so replace AEL1 in 1.2 with AEL2? =p
23:20.14justinu|laptop"this deep fryer can flash fry a buffalo in 45 seconds flat"
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23:20.22justinu|laptop"45 seconds!!?? but I want it NOW!"
23:20.25Qwell[]luke-jr_: go ahead - it's open source
23:20.34fileluke-jr_: I won't in the tree, but you can :P
23:22.19luke-jr_anyway, like I said, 1.2 isn't being completely maintained-- even if there's good reasons for it =p
23:23.36dlynes_That reminds me
23:23.45dlynes_I need to submit a bug report for MixMonito
23:23.47dlynes_I need to submit a bug report for MixMonitor
23:24.01justinu|laptopwhat's up with it?
23:24.15dlynes_It creates a dump file that doesn't play
23:24.30dlynes_If I use Monitor instead, everything's peachy keen
23:24.32justinu|laptopunder what conditions?
23:24.38justinu|laptopi use it sucessfully
23:25.31dlynes_When one call leg is SIP, and the other is on a PRI Zap channel
23:25.51justinu|laptopi've used it in those conditions sucessfully
23:26.13dlynes_It records the file, and it looks to be approximately the right size
23:26.36dlynes_But when I use ControlPlayback to play it back, it starts, and then stops right away
23:26.49justinu|laptopah, i never tried to use that app to play the files back
23:27.05dlynes_Well, ControlPlayback works just fine for the files produced by Monitor
23:27.06justinu|laptopi bet it's some silly header incompatibility between the two
23:27.09dlynes_Just not for MixMonitor
23:27.43dlynes_Yeah, that would make sense, considering it's exiting the file right away
23:28.01dlynes_Doesn't even seem to be attempting to play it, because it returns control to the dialplan so fast
23:28.08dlynes_But no errors are eschewed, either
23:28.41OloBolado any of the softphone's allow you to "hyperlink" phone numbers? It would be nice to be able click a number on a page and place a call.
23:30.17Dr-Linuxi'm still thinking about what should i do to, monitor only specific extensions from specific context :S
23:32.19dlynes_OloBola: a lot of the call center software does that
23:32.39dlynes_OloBola: but I think it's all commercial software
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23:33.50OloBoladlynes_: It would be nice if xten or whatever could do this
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23:34.59dlynes_OloBola: yeah...they would probably need to write their own html/web container then
23:35.28dlynes_OloBola: unless the internet explorer active X control allows you to intercept a hyperlink action
23:35.35OloBolaoh silly me, forgot about that
23:36.03dlynes_OloBola: or they could write a Firefox extension to be able to do that
23:36.18dlynes_OloBola: But I don't know if Firefox extensions are allowed to spawn processes or not
23:36.58dlynes_iow, for an application, the rewards for doing that much work might not be worth it
23:37.07dlynes_i.e. for an application like xten
23:37.26OloBoladlynes_: it would be easy enough with a little activex control (internal use only)
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23:37.58dlynes_OloBola: yeah, but you'd have to do html rendering, image rendering, ... all within that active x control
23:39.38dlynes_OloBola: or, you could register a new application type with internet explorer, write a handler for that application type, read in the web site with the phone numbers in it, preprocess it, and then hand the processed html off onto the IE active x control
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23:40.46OloBolaclick here: <activex control> feed # to xten, dial number via api whatever </activex control>
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23:43.30MrDigitalanyone wanna help me put together a kick ass asterisk box?
23:44.44blitzragebut I already have several kick ass asterisk boxes :)
23:47.36Drukengod, i am bored out of my tree
23:48.00MrDigitalDruken: help me build a nice box
23:48.18Drukenyou pay for it, i'll build it :)
23:48.27justinu|laptopyou live in a tree?
23:48.31MrDigitalyou tell me the parts i pay i build
23:49.03Drukenjustinu|laptop: well, the house i live in, is made of at least 40% wood... :)
23:49.21DrukenMrDigital: well that's no god damn fun for me....
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23:49.43pcrookwow - big room
23:50.27Drukenhmm, yeah... a volcano eruption in the next few days...
23:51.28pcrookDo people answer questions about Digium T1 cards in here?
23:51.46Drukenthey might.. depends if you ask them or not... hehehe
23:51.50justinu|laptopDruken: only 40%?
23:52.23MrDigitalDruken: sure it is
23:52.24Drukenjustinu: well, it's got a concrete foundation, and a shitload of drywall, and carpet, and other things... glass
23:52.38pcrookI bought a TE110P that I want to use as a straight WAN interface on Fedora - is there a configuration tool?
23:55.42justinu|laptopsounds like my house :P
23:55.58Drukenjustinu|laptop: i would hope so.. hehe
23:56.07redondosDo you know of any web-based softphone? I know about SIP-communicator, which is a java phone. It is open source, but still under heavy development and still isn't very usable. Anything else you might know of?
23:57.00Drukenredondos: i know there's basic ones out there, but you gotta look...
23:57.05Drukeniax and sip
23:57.14redondosDruken: I know I have to look :)
23:57.23redondosDruken: I was wondering if you guys could recommend me one.
23:57.38Drukenoh crap... i forgot to take that damn movie back to blockbuster again.... oh well
23:58.34carrarThe men in black will be looking for you
23:58.54Drukeni prefer the women in black :)
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.