irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060424

00:00.17camonzsip debug shows me the packages that i'm sending the sip proxy for my registration
00:01.13camonzthe idea of the set up., is that a SER box will proxy some clients, wich in the end register with me running *
00:01.53tainted-where is ser box
00:01.56tainted-remote or on your lan
00:01.58camonzbut the client that is registering first with SER and should be redirected to me for it's registration doesn't gets redirected
00:02.06camonzpublic ip
00:02.17tainted-everything sounds good
00:02.28*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
00:03.22camonzwich brings me to another topic.., how do i handle the incoming call inside of *
00:03.36Carp1extentions.conf :)
00:03.38camonzthe docs say it will fall in the default context
00:03.58camonzhow do i make it fall in a different one..., by placing the register line in another extension
00:04.10tainted-if u don't have extensions properly defined, the call will be rejected
00:05.14camonzthe /1006 is the extension it will have when it falls on my default context
00:05.27camonzi know if that extension is not processed in extensions.conf the call will be rejected
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00:48.23NoName32hi all i am still pretty new to asterisk got a problem i cant figure out .. working on the one touch record using the featuremap with automon => *1 but it doesnt seem to be reconizing the *1 if i change it to ** it works any ideas/ sugestions i am using asterisk 1.2.6
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01:00.37*** join/#asterisk kev009 (
01:01.18kev009I need a device to interface with POTS on the external side
01:01.49kev009just a single line, then I will have a cisco IP phone internally
01:01.54kev009is there a cheap device to do this?
01:02.57*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
01:14.25mindwarpkev009: <--- maybe something like this?
01:14.41mindwarpkev009: just a guess, i'm a newbie at this
01:14.58Ariel_yes but it's going to be had to get the cisco to connect to it.
01:15.53mindwarpoh. i thought that that box would connect to a network and then the ip phone would connect to the same network over ethernet
01:16.16kev009I just want the device to be a POTS interface, so I can use a PC to run Asterisk
01:16.22*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:16.30kev009so I can select between POTS and VOIP
01:17.10Ariel_kev009, then the sipura 3000 would work
01:18.55*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (
01:19.04netsurferhi people
01:19.11mindwarpAriel_: do you think there might be some kind of compatibility issue between the sipura and the cisco?
01:19.26mindwarpor were you talking about physically "connecting" the cisco to it
01:19.54Ariel_mindwarp, 2nd one connecting the cisco to the sipura would be hard to do
01:20.02mindwarpok, gotcha
01:20.04Ariel_but if you have asterisk inbetween no problem.
01:20.10netsurferi've run into a minor problem with the CDR is asterisk... it dosent log transferred calls.. does anyone know of a workaround ?
01:20.41netsurfercurrently using 1.2.4
01:20.56mindwarpAriel_: do you know if the sipura could be used to connect to a POTS line (rather than a phone)... i guess they call that "FXO" as opposed to "FXS"?
01:21.04mindwarpnot positive about the terminology here
01:21.24Ariel_mindwarp, the sipura 3000 yes
01:21.52Ariel_netsurfer, cdr entry's are really asterisk short coming.
01:22.17mindwarpso would you just run a cable from the wall jack into the thing, then... what? or do you have to split wires and such
01:22.33netsurferAriel_ really? that is the only fault I can see with it
01:22.35Ariel_mindwarp, the 3000 has one fxo port and one fxs
01:22.57Ariel_netsurfer, it has many others but that one they don't seem to want to do anything about
01:23.17netsurferoh... great :(
01:24.15DoktorGregArn't you looking at + 200ms delay if you go phone -> 3000 -> * -> 3000 -> fxo on a wan though?
01:25.13*** join/#asterisk Math` (
01:25.20mindwarpno idea, but sounds like something i'd want to know about
01:27.05DoktorGregwell as long as that spa 300? is local to asterisk you should be ok
01:27.31DoktorGregbut if it and * are connected by wan
01:27.37mindwarpi see
01:28.18DoktorGregif you are already going asterisk why not one of the digium TDM400 variants?
01:28.56DoktorGreggotta be comparable in price to that spa 300?
01:29.04mindwarpno reason, i don't have a clear idea about any of the hardware yet
01:29.09mindwarpjust starting to look around
01:29.18mindwarpwould you recommend a TDM card?
01:29.40DoktorGregoh never mind
01:29.46DoktorGregabout 150 difference
01:29.51DoktorGregand yes
01:30.08DoktorGregTDM400p option with 2xfxo worked flawlessly for me
01:30.17mindwarpok, but quite a bit more expensive i see
01:30.23*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
01:31.08mindwarpstill. might be worth it. i haven't even decided whether i want something to plug POTS phones in or directly a few IP phones, yet
01:31.53DoktorGregthats the one i had
01:31.57DoktorGreger have
01:32.01DoktorGregif you wana buy it
01:32.06DoktorGregive since moved onto pri
01:32.45mog_workwish bri was popular in states
01:33.22file[laptop]can't you get a BRI in HSV?
01:33.29Ariel_was humm at one time really. I have not seen any bri here at all.
01:33.32mog_worknot for cheap
01:33.37mog_workif it was popular it would be
01:33.40mog_workor cheaper
01:33.56mindwarpso essentially this fxo thing is about taking a line and connecting many phones to it
01:34.25DoktorGregfxo is about taking a pots phone line and connecting network or asterisk to it
01:34.32DoktorGregfxs is the phone side
01:35.05mindwarpcan the other phones on that line then talk directly to asterisk?
01:35.27*** join/#asterisk visio (
01:35.27{zombie}you'd need to plug those phones into the FXS port
01:35.39mindwarpok good. makes sense
01:35.42{zombie}in fact you really don't want to put a spa3k on the same line as other phones
01:36.05{zombie}but you can put it between the line and the phoens
01:36.13{zombie}erm, phones
01:36.14mindwarpthrough the fxs port
01:36.35{zombie}just be aware that VoIP and analogue lines really don't mix too well
01:36.40*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
01:36.43{zombie}you'll get echoes
01:36.48mindwarpthat must explain that report i read of someone frying a sipura by connecting the wrong thing to it
01:36.59mindwarperr must be related to rather
01:37.04{zombie}and the sipura's method of "dealing" with the echoes is to continuously fiddle with the txgain
01:37.07mmlj4yeah, terminal echo will do that
01:37.10{zombie}so your volume will go up and down all the tim
01:37.27*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
01:37.58kev009can multiple phones hang off on FXS?
01:38.01mindwarpalright. good thing i have a separate line to put asterisk onto then
01:38.13Math`kev009: that'd do the same as having 3 phones on the same line, for example
01:38.25Math`but you have to make sure the ring equivalent of the FXS port is high enough
01:38.34Math`or else your phones wont ring :P
01:38.37kev009Math`: yes, it'd work fine?
01:38.38terrapenanybody ever looped a PRI port back to another on the same card?
01:38.55terrapenie., send calls out one port and back through another
01:39.13DoktorGregwould need to be pri xover cable
01:39.24terrapenchan_zap.c:8970 pri_dchannel: PRI Error: We think we're the network, but they think they're the network, too.
01:39.31terrapenI think I have something wrong in my zapata.conf
01:39.38terrapensomehow need to break the two ports off from each other
01:39.43Math`terrapen: use pri_cpe instead of pri_net
01:39.54DoktorGregi know you can make a pri loopback adaptor
01:39.55Math`cpe is customer side, net is network side :)
01:39.59mindwarpthat's a great error message
01:40.04terrapenmath, same thing
01:40.21{zombie}one end needs to be pri_cpe, the other pri_net
01:40.22terrapenApr 23 19:40:20 WARNING[32175]: chan_zap.c:8970 pri_dchannel: PRI Error: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too.
01:40.35terrapenok, but how do I separate the "ends" in zapata.conf?
01:40.39mmlj4someone should step in and explain that "cpe" stands for "customer-provided equipment"
01:40.45terrapeni understand that.
01:40.47X-Robterrapen, remove the loopback adaptor from your PRI connection
01:40.56terrapenI'm *trying* to loop it
01:41.10X-Robyou've done it. It works. Next?
01:41.16terrapeni want to test sending a call out over one port and back in another
01:41.19X-Robyou can't
01:41.44X-Robyou need another * box plugged into the other end of the cable
01:41.52mswterrapen: the best you can do is a pattern loopback test
01:41.52X-Robor a telco.
01:41.54X-Robor a pabx.
01:41.57mswterrapen: you can do that....
01:42.20terrapeni'm playing around with this redfone fonebridge and wanted to test TDMoE
01:42.30terrapeni guess i'll just have to wait until i can wire a real PRI into it
01:42.30mswterrapen: look at patlooptest
01:42.41terrapenerr thanks
01:43.08mswlike patlooptest /dev/zap/1 60
01:43.47terrapengotta make a loopback cable now :)
01:43.52*** join/#asterisk tier_1 (
01:44.30tier_1so does asterisk fallow the nanpa layout for *xx and *11 exten ?
01:44.43tier_1or is that a pipe dream
01:44.48mog_workhowever you program dialplan
01:44.53mog_workyou can do any regex tier_1
01:45.24tier_1well I mapped all the nanpa code in the last 2 days
01:46.20tier_1just so you can see
01:46.38tier_1I fallowed the nanpa layout
01:46.59*** join/#asterisk slePP (
01:47.21X-Robtier_1, you have to write the vertical service codes.
01:47.28terrapenweather.agi heh
01:47.29*** join/#asterisk exten123 (n=exten1@
01:47.31X-RobI think zaptel has some built in
01:47.39terrapeni should send you my rooftop weatherstation agi
01:47.39tier_1I did
01:47.53tier_1its all there
01:48.16tier_1O you mean the checking  stuff
01:48.30tier_1thats next
01:49.20tier_1this was for sip/iax lines
01:49.47mog_workmsw whats up
01:52.21*** join/#asterisk Mike (
01:56.27exten123why there is no voice received in FXO port when I dial from softphone?
01:58.25mswmog_work: too much
02:06.39ManxPowerexten123, Excellent question.  Did you check the WiKi for information about one way audio
02:17.13trelaneanyone with a Zyxel Prestige 2000V2 tell me where the fek they hid back space?
02:19.03terrapenthe last decent ZyXEL product was the U-1496+
02:19.08terrapeni still have one ;)
02:19.10trelanetend to agree
02:19.16trelanewhere was backspace on it?
02:19.36terrapenactually, yeah.  it had an LCD  and keypad :)
02:19.43{zombie}trelane: it's the (get this) hangup button.
02:19.52trelanetrying it
02:20.01{zombie}the UI on that phone blows donkey's bawlz
02:20.25trelane{zombie}, you are my hero
02:20.42{zombie}oh, and to change between upper/lower case and numbers, you don't use left/right (as the Aa1 thing implies)
02:20.44{zombie}but up/down
02:30.36*** join/#asterisk jake1932 (
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02:46.07terrapentier_1, that's an awesome dialplan
02:46.20terrapeni need a copy of that, outside of pastebin :)
02:49.50Sedoroxisn't *70 universal for deactivate? not activate?
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02:53.33SupaplexSedorox: or 1170, depending on the $telco
02:55.47SedoroxI know east coast PA.. its *70...
02:57.35*** join/#asterisk op3r (n=op3r@
02:58.38ManxPowerNANPA has the standard codes for that region.
02:58.56ManxPowerIts listed in the Wiki or a link to it is in the Wiki
02:59.46ManxPowertier_1, For zap it follows many of them
03:00.04ManxPowertier_1, since for SIP it's the phones job to do those codes....
03:00.36op3ris it ok to install asterisk without zaptel stuff?
03:00.58ManxPowerop3r, as long as you don't need Zaptel timing or zaptel interfaces.
03:02.37ManxPowerSpaceBass, no need to be vulgar
03:03.29op3rcan anyone tell me that error?
03:03.39jake1932aren't vars by default set for the call even after switching contexts?
03:03.47ManxPowerop3r, that is not an error.
03:03.47jake1932(the entire call)
03:04.05ManxPowerjake1932, in general yes, with a few exceptions
03:04.07op3rManxPower: because I was trying to barge a call using chanspy
03:04.30ManxPowerop3r, it's still not an error.
03:04.35terrapenheh my boss just told me to take my poster down off the wall
03:04.45terrapenpretty soon, they'll move me to Storage Room B
03:05.00jake1932Set(REQ_EXTEN=${EXTEN}) should keep a copy of EXTEN in REQ_EXTEN, right?
03:05.02ManxPowerterrapen, in the basement, right?
03:05.17terrapenit was a cool poster, too!  A K2 Telemark poster.
03:05.24terrapenand we're a skiing company!
03:05.30ManxPowerjake1932, assuming you pasted and didn't retype it for the channel and fixed a typoe, yes
03:05.43*** join/#asterisk Cardoe (n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe)
03:05.45jake1932(no fixing :)
03:05.50terrapenhe said that it didn't look good in our brand new expensive office space and that he would get me a framed ski photo to replace it with
03:05.52CardoeSo anyone have some neat at home features in their Asterisk setup?
03:05.55ManxPowerjake1932, do you see that being run in the dialplan?
03:06.20ManxPowerjake1932, do you use a Local/ dial or anything?
03:06.22jake1932looks like it goes through, but calling it is a different story
03:06.32jake1932yes - i do use local
03:06.55ManxPowerThat is the exception
03:07.02jake1932of course
03:07.22jake1932is there a workaround - i need this var
03:07.26ManxPowerjake1932, try using /n at the end of the dial for Local/ channels, or just read "show application set" and notice the _ prefix stuff.
03:07.48jake1932will do... tnx
03:08.09ManxPowerterrapen, Framing the EXISTING poster might be cheaper.
03:09.14terrapenwell, it's just a cheesy poster i got out of a telemark magazine
03:09.32terrapennot worth framing
03:09.48CrashHDanyone know of a system that support bridged line appearances?
03:09.48ManxPowermake him frame it just for punishment.
03:09.57terrapenit just kind of pissed me off...i'm here, the only person in the office, working my ass off on a sunday night
03:10.07terrapenand he stops by and asks me to take a fucking poster down!
03:10.13ManxPowerCrashHD, you mean other than "hint"
03:10.25terrapenoh well
03:10.42ManxPowerCrashHD, read the wiki for "BLF" or "busy line field"
03:11.02jake1932ManxPower - tnx again - that worked
03:11.27ManxPowerCrashHD, just remember that polycoms can't currently support more than 8 BLFs
03:11.43terrapeni wonder how much it would cost to properly port Zaptel to OpenBSD
03:11.54CrashHDman what phone would you recommend?
03:11.55ManxPowerand that includes their sodecars
03:11.56terrapenlike, production-quality
03:12.00ManxPowersidecars, that is.
03:12.06ManxPowerCrashHD, I recommend not using BLF
03:12.26CrashHDwhat about bridged line appearance?
03:12.28CrashHDnot blf?
03:12.38ManxPowerdefine the difference?
03:13.02CrashHDone monitors status of a phone line, other monitors the phone
03:13.11CrashHDline keys basically
03:13.12CrashHDline 1
03:13.13CrashHDline 2
03:13.14CrashHDline 3
03:13.15CrashHDline 4
03:13.16ManxPowerbetter yet, read the damn wiki or the mailing list archives.  The topic seems to come up every week on the mailinglist.
03:13.37CrashHDI've read through it
03:13.49CrashHDI know * doesn't support bla yet
03:13.55CrashHDwas hoping someone knew of a system that does
03:14.30ManxPowerNortel does.
03:14.44CrashHDfreeware/opensource systems
03:15.01ManxPowerCrashHD, in your dreams.
03:15.06CrashHDya basically
03:16.46jake1932was there a change in outbound callerid between 1.2.1 and 1.2.7 (it used to work using SIP)?
03:17.04Math`jake1932: no
03:17.50jake1932Math` - tnx
03:26.56*** join/#asterisk hodrige (
03:27.10hodrigedoes anyone knows much about Sipura's SPA-3000 ?
03:28.52jake1932i just did a SIP debug and it shows my RPID is being sent? anything else to check to see about the called party not getting CID?
03:29.53jake1932hodrige: whats your question about it?
03:31.22*** join/#asterisk k-man (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
03:31.47Math`jake1932: what's receiving the call
03:31.59k-manwhat kind of quality can i expect from voip using different codecs? is there a chart that compares them?
03:32.05jake1932Math - regular POTS analog
03:32.19Math`whats the ata
03:32.38jake1932no ATA (7960 on the asterisk side)
03:33.02jake1932analog is connected to the CO
03:33.09Math`how are you sending calls out
03:33.23jake1932VOIP terminiation (junction networks)
03:33.27Math`check with your provider if CID goes through...
03:33.36jake1932it was - before i upgraded
03:33.46Math`maybe the provider changed policy without notice :P
03:33.54jake1932ah - that never happens
03:34.10jake1932good point - i'll check tomorrow
03:34.12Math`in sip debug, is the From field containing the proper CID?
03:34.42jake1932lemme rerun - i know RPID looked proper
03:35.27jake1932hmm - that's not right - it says my user name
03:35.50Math`then set it properly before making the call
03:36.00Math`set CALLERID(number) and CALLERID(name) accordingly to what you need
03:36.23k-mananyone here have any experience with an NEC Xen phone system?
03:36.52jake1932Math`- i'll try that - i had it that way before, but no luck, no harm in doing it again though
03:37.25Math`k-man: g.711u/a (ulaw/alaw) will always get you the best quality, most providers are using g729 for its less-consuming bandwidth
03:37.25jake1932actually - i take that back - it does say that
03:37.42jake1932exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,2,Set(CALLERID(number)=mynum)
03:38.05Math`then the From: field should be set properly
03:38.07k-manMath`, so... whast the quality like of g729 compared to a pots line?
03:38.39hodrigejake1932: I cant receive calls on the SPA-3000
03:38.45hodrigeI can dial out
03:38.55Math`k-man: nothing's best than trying it
03:39.16Math`tho you should check on to see if any comparison table exists
03:39.23jake1932hodrige: receive through the FXO port?
03:39.36Math`ulaw is what POTS lines are being encoded into once at the telco
03:40.08jake1932hodrige: did you check the status screen - does it show ringing?
03:40.26hodrigelet me try ... just refresh?
03:42.07*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
03:42.47jake1932hodrige: the SPA 3000 has many different configs - assuming you have it config'd properly, you should be able to see it registered with your asterisk box as an FXO and FXS (essentially two different devices)
03:43.08*** part/#asterisk angom_h (
03:45.31hodrigeI understand... but for troubleshooting I took the asterisk out of the equation. I am just using the LINE1 tab and uting it as an ATA with a phone connected to it
03:45.53hodrigeI cant see a place where the status says ringing
03:46.09*** join/#asterisk mick_linux (
03:46.13jake1932Math` - looks like a provider issue - i tried another provider and everything works - you were right on
03:46.40*** join/#asterisk linlin (
03:47.10jake1932hodrige: it should say on hook (or something like that) on the status page until you call it
03:47.18hodrigeit saus on hook
03:47.27jake1932now call it - see if that changes
03:47.33hodrigeor hook state on
03:47.38hodrigeit doesnt
03:47.39jake1932(you may have to refresh)
03:47.41hodrigeI refreshed
03:47.51jake1932does asterisk show it's trying the exten?
03:48.16jake1932any errors in the asterisk?
03:48.49*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (n=jnsolank@
03:49.26hodrigeI am using PSTN to call my SIP # no asterisk is envolved
03:49.47hodrigeI have a phone connected to the FSX port
03:49.51Math`jake1932: ok, call them and ask em for a month off :P
03:49.56wunderkinhmmmm someone is doing something nasty with my packets somewhere
03:50.00jake1932rcan't hurt :)
03:50.44hodrigeI can configure it to talk to the asterisk and see if it rings ...
03:51.13jake1932hodrige - we're missing something - can't do PSTN -> FXS (SPA 3000) directly
03:52.43hodrigeI am calling my SIP providers #
03:53.20jake1932here i'm thinking this was an asterisk question :)
03:53.22*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:53.36hodrigeIt will be :)
03:53.37*** join/#asterisk redondos_ (n=redondos@
03:54.55joelsolankiHello all
03:55.52joelsolankiI am little confuse with buying digium product. Actually i need a pstn card which provides 4 port for pstn connectivity. This is for just testing. which card should i take from digium ?/
03:56.16joelsolankitdm400p ?
03:56.34jake1932they have models bundled with FXO ports
03:56.51jake1932tdm400p is not loaded with an modules
03:57.14joelsolankimodules ?
03:57.20jake1932The naming convention for the TDM bundles is as follows: TDM X Y B. Where "TDM" denotes that the card is TDM, "X" denotes the number of FXS modules, "Y" denotes the number of FXO modules, and "B" indicates that that this product is a bundle.
03:57.36jake1932you would need 4 FXOs
03:58.14joelsolankiso i should buy TDM04B ?
03:58.15LostFrogOr a TDM2401B
03:58.24LostFrogor TDM2401E
03:58.50jake1932when's that product selector coming out?
03:59.20joelsolankibut this cards are not in the product section of digium
03:59.43LostFrogYou can't buy bundles directly from digium.
03:59.48LostFrogYou have to find a reseller.
04:00.46*** join/#asterisk gursikh (
04:00.56LostFrogHmm.. The TDM04B is on the digium store now.
04:01.21joelsolankiok good.
04:01.23LostFrogThe retail version.
04:01.47*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
04:01.49LostFrogAs is the TDM2401E
04:02.07joelsolankithis is just for using 2 ports. now if i want to have huge pstn lines. which product is good.
04:02.25LostFrogA channel bank. IMMHO
04:02.36LostFrogOr a PRI from the telco.
04:04.16LostFrogIf you only need two lines, two IAXys would be cheaper.
04:04.45joelsolankihmm ok.
04:06.46LostFrogwow.. digium charges $2000 for a fairly basic configuration.
04:07.17Strom_CLostFrog: for a card?  or to hire someone to configure your box?
04:07.38LostFrogto configure a box.
04:08.08Strom_Cwell it's not exactly a huge company.  there are plenty of consultants out there who will be happy to do it for less
04:08.09joelsolankias per my understanding i have to buy analog interface cards and analog modules too ?
04:08.55LostFrogjoelsolanki: If you get the bundle it includes the card and the modules.
04:10.14joelsolankiok got it.
04:11.03LostFrogand mousepad.
04:11.41Strom_CI've got at least a dozen of both of those lying around my apartment :)
04:11.55LostFrogBiatch. :)
04:11.59*** join/#asterisk greendisease (n=jack@fedora/greendisease)
04:13.02joelsolankibut if i create epbx system with tdm400p card. it is too costly
04:13.59joelsolankibcoz tdm04B retail package costs $421 we get $421 normal company pbx
04:15.24LostFrogA PBX or a key system?
04:16.48joelsolankii m finding other pstn card which are cheap and works with asterisk.
04:17.48LostFrogHopefully not X100 clones.
04:18.35hodrigeIt is working with asrweisk
04:18.54hodrigeI even put it outside the firewall
04:19.08hodrigeI can dial out but not in
04:22.20*** join/#asterisk beernuts71 (
04:22.38hodrigethis is so weird!
04:23.15gursikhHello, I was wondering if I could get some opinions on what kind of system I need.
04:23.30beernuts71can anyone tell me if you can pass DNIS to an IAX2 softphone such as IDEFISK, I can see ANI no problem
04:23.41gursikhIf anyone knowledgable about this stuff (in general sense)
04:25.39beernuts71yooohooo anyone here
04:26.16websaehow fair you
04:27.00*** join/#asterisk ph|ber (
04:27.14ph|beranyone using the weather script ?
04:28.38ManxPowerph|ber, there are a billion weather scripts
04:29.01ph|berhrm. ok it is the one that comes with *@home
04:29.10NoName32hi all i am still pretty new to asterisk got a problem i cant figure out .. working on the one touch record using the featuremap with automon => *1 but it doesnt seem to be reconizing the *1 if i change it to ** it works any ideas/ sugestions i am using asterisk 1.2.6
04:29.11ManxPowerph|ber, look at the /topic
04:29.39ph|beryea, i asked in there..
04:29.45ph|beracually X-Rob is in here and there.
04:30.54X-RobFlashing names.
04:33.14*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:35.58tier_1yeah but most sip phones dont all have them built in manx
04:36.10tier_1so I did it just to get it done
04:36.37*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
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04:41.14kuku5How come when an agent logs on, and then hangs up, it doesnt always free the session ?
04:47.17tier_1night kids
04:47.20*** part/#asterisk tier_1 (
04:53.47*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
04:56.31MGSsanchoni ni
05:08.11*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
05:09.58ManxPowerAny EuroPeople here?
05:10.17ManxPowerit's a not a technical or asterisk question
05:10.42CrashHDmanx just wants to know if the women really don't shave
05:11.18CrashHDhumor him guys
05:11.41ManxPowerCrashHD, Actually in the USA I've NEVER seen a temp/water control in the shower that allows you to specify a preset temp.  I saw them in Netherlands, Belgium, and Spain.  I want one.
05:11.56ManxPowerBut I have NO idea what the search terms would be.
05:12.22CrashHDlike instead of a nob you enter in a temp?
05:13.19ManxPowerCrashHD, a nob that has a temp dial on it.  You just turn it to the temp you want, wait a few moments.
05:13.27ManxPowerno trying to adjust the hot and cold water.
05:13.49CrashHDlike no cold water comes out
05:13.50ManxPowerCrashHD, *nod* *nod* *nod*
05:13.53CrashHDwaiting for the hot water
05:14.18ManxPowerCrashHD, well, yes it does.  the water is not heated in the fixture.
05:14.44ManxPowerBut no trying to adjust the hot and cold water to the temp you want.  I assume there's some device that mixes the hot and cold water to create the temp you want.
05:16.34CrashHDohh ya
05:16.43CrashHDI just used one of those
05:16.53CrashHDon my cruise
05:16.53CrashHDabout a week ago
05:17.23hads|homeThey are usually associated with an instant hot water system. e.g gas or electrically heated on the fly without a hot water tank.
05:17.39*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
05:17.48ManxPowerhads|home, I plan on getting a tankless water heater.
05:19.20ManxPowerI'm having a cabin built and there are a few things I REALLY want, one of the things is a tankless propane water heater and thermostatic mixer shower
05:20.41exten123what the problem with my fxs port no is connected but at caller side still hear the ring tone?
05:21.35ManxPowerexten123, that is normal
05:21.37*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
05:21.45ManxPowerdon't call the port if there's no phone connected into it.
05:21.53ManxPowerthe same happens with the PSTN analog
05:22.03*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
05:22.57exten123<ManxPower>, I mean that the fxs port is pickup by some one else already.
05:23.18ManxPowerexten123, turn off call waiting
05:25.28*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
05:25.47*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
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05:26.57exten123it like cannot bridged between caller party with receiver party
05:27.51exten123although receiver party hear ringing tone and connect until my fxs port. afterward it not bridge to my softphone.
05:31.57*** join/#asterisk shidan (
05:32.10shidanhi anyone here expert with vicidial?
05:39.08ManxPowerexten123, you may want to ask on the mailing lists.
05:43.11*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (
05:43.37NoRemorsehello, can anyone tell me if there is a SIP handset that shows trunk line number in use? a-la turnkey pabx style
05:44.24CrashHDis there a newsgroup type solution for the asterisk mailing lists?
05:44.30CrashHDrather than me getting all the email?
05:45.59NoRemorsepretty quiet in her
05:47.10CrashHD11pm PST
05:47.19CrashHDbed time for most
05:51.09exten123Can't detect FXS is been pickup how to solve?
05:51.32*** part/#asterisk kev009 (
05:59.04*** join/#asterisk Abydos313 (
06:05.47*** join/#asterisk Whisk (
06:11.38DoktorGregwhats the downside to windows 64 pro other than... its windows?
06:12.02DoktorGregIm finding 2 gig is not quite enough
06:12.20DoktorGregand as i understand... xp pro has trouble with more than 3 gig
06:12.40DoktorGregso id like to go with 6-8 gig on my desktop
06:15.47tainted-DoktorGreg you're talking ram right
06:16.08tainted-why not just install and find out
06:16.47DoktorGregwell it looks like i need a specialty mobo just to get more than 4 gig of ram
06:17.17Shaun222why do you need 6-8GB of ram?
06:17.19*** join/#asterisk kmilitzer (
06:17.21Shaun222on a desktop
06:17.28DoktorGregwell by the time i run everything
06:17.40DoktorGregplus i wana be able to run a couple of virtual machines
06:17.45tainted-Shaun222 the internet duh
06:17.52Shaun222tainted-: lol
06:18.22DoktorGregI duno, i have 2 gig right now
06:18.23Shaun222DoktorGreg: virtual machines makes sense i guess, if you plan on spawning a bunch of devel...
06:18.39DoktorGregwhen you get a modern dev enviornment up
06:18.40Shaun222i usually run those on a seperate server those :)
06:19.02DoktorGregthen an adobe app or two
06:19.14DoktorGregand it starts swapping all over the place
06:19.30DoktorGregI guess I need to just bite bullet and buy new server
06:19.33tainted-why would u want to run on a separate server when u could run it all from the desktop
06:20.01DoktorGregbut man, i had two years uptime on this server once
06:20.16DoktorGregi dont wanna mess with that
06:20.19Shaun222tainted-: ha ha, [Customer Notice] - I need to restart my desktop all customer Virtual Servers will go down for a second!!!!
06:20.52Shaun222DoktorGreg: on a windows server?
06:20.55Shaun222thats pretty decient.
06:21.01tainted-i like to have a separate vm for each domain i host for redundancy
06:21.11tainted-that way if one domain crashes it doesn't affect the others
06:21.12DoktorGreg+ samba
06:21.24DoktorGreg+ few other smallish things
06:21.37tainted-if u can't throw more hardware at it, you're not doing it right
06:22.08DoktorGregit has a 2.2 kernel on it
06:22.38DoktorGregthe hard drives are probably gonna go in next couple of years
06:23.06Shaun222DoktorGreg: suprised it hasnt been rooted yet with that old of a kernel.
06:23.33DoktorGregits behind a vpn + firewall
06:23.42Shaun222ahh, ok
06:23.44DoktorGreghows it gonna get rooted?
06:24.00DoktorGregmy email server got rooted once
06:24.24DoktorGregthat is a windows box
06:24.33DoktorGreg2000 pro
06:25.23DoktorGregi guess thats not rooted as much as
06:26.13DoktorGregwindows - firewall gets sploited in short order
06:27.11DoktorGregwow, when i set up the samba server though
06:27.15DoktorGregsamba was hard
06:27.20DoktorGregnow its just...
06:27.26DoktorGregapt-get install samba
06:27.47Shaun222what was so hard about it before?
06:28.09DoktorGregit was before they had shares and locks totally worked out
06:28.28DoktorGregso i had to tinker with share and lock settings per share
06:29.13DoktorGregalso, i run it as a domain server
06:29.27DoktorGregand it took a while for me to figure out all the hairy parts
06:29.39DoktorGregof getting a computer to join the domain
06:30.10DoktorGregthen there were all the things that windows did automagically
06:30.16DoktorGreglike sync the clocks
06:30.25DoktorGregprinter shares
06:30.30DoktorGregoh that was a big one
06:30.42DoktorGreggetting the printer drivers to install and connect properly
06:31.30DoktorGregI had to write a script somewhere in there to get lpr to talk propery to the mopier
06:33.06DoktorGregalso, it was the first time i set up a raid for linux
06:33.22DoktorGregand it was in the bad old days of linux + software raid
06:34.27DoktorGregwow, and those 40gig hard drives were HUGE at the time
06:35.06*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
06:35.21DoktorGregnext one will be a pair of 750's
06:35.46DoktorGregThat should hold me for another 5 years
06:39.38X-RobDoktorGreg, it doesn't work like that
06:39.51X-RobI bought 3 250's for 500G radi5
06:40.02X-Robabout 18 months ago
06:40.04X-Rob94% full now
06:40.28DoktorGregroll your logs man!:P
06:40.47X-RobIt's bittorrent!
06:41.05X-RobI should go and clean it up
06:41.13X-Robdo I really need 3g of Mandrake 10.0?
06:41.17X-RobI don't think so.
06:41.18*** join/#asterisk Hali_303 (
06:41.29DoktorGregdebian comes on 8 cd's for the full thing
06:41.51*** part/#asterisk Hali_303 (
06:41.53DoktorGregfull version of adobe cs2 is on 3 dvd
06:42.07DoktorGregreally??? 3 dvd??
06:42.25kamileonuhm, why not just use an older version
06:42.28DoktorGreggranted some of those are tutorials
06:43.16DoktorGregwell, photoshop and illustrator dont seem to change much version to version anymore
06:43.28DoktorGregbut adobe 7 was a huge upgrade
06:43.45DoktorGregif you dont have adobe 7 yet, its worth the upgrade
06:44.04tainted-X-Rob lol
06:44.08DoktorGreggo live is not mature yet so it gets better every bersion
06:44.10tainted-pretty pretty isos
06:44.33DoktorGregsee, you guys are gonna hate this
06:44.36tainted-debian is 8 cds?
06:44.56DoktorGregbut the RIAA has successfully scart me away from the general file sharing apps
06:45.15DoktorGregtainted-, they also have a single network install cd
06:45.23DoktorGregwhich IMO is the way to go
06:45.57DoktorGregI use bittorrent though
06:46.17DoktorGregbut i have a multi channel dvr system running
06:46.22kamileonDoktorGreg : Usenet is the way to go for all of your binary download needs
06:46.39tainted-usenet is slow
06:46.57DoktorGregcomcast doesnt give us a usenet server to use for free
06:46.58tainted-unless u have some premium subscription someplace
06:46.58kamileoni get a constant 700Kb/s on my home cable modem
06:47.18DoktorGregwait i take that back
06:47.19kamileoncomcast gives you service through easynews
06:47.28DoktorGregthere is a 1 gig a month service they give for free
06:47.29tainted-is easynews free?
06:47.33kamileon1gb, but you can pop the limit easily
06:48.19DoktorGregI mostly use my 1.5Mb Up 8Mb down for irc though
06:48.29DoktorGregirc was just too slow before now
06:48.29kamileonits in the way usenet works though, you just have to queue up alot to d/l and then throttle it down as slow as possible so it never resets the connection and just keeps requesting more articles, then hope your connection doesnt go down..
06:48.49kamileonbut i pay 19.99/mo for unlimited downloads through and its very worth it
06:49.00tainted-wow that sounds way more easier than irc or bittorrent
06:49.09tainted-and by way more easy i mean fuck that shit
06:49.13kamileonsince its not p2p, you never send a damn thing to any other user.. so they cant get you for any type of distribution if you never upload and just leech
06:49.43DoktorGregI just buy all my stuff
06:50.02kamileonwell i only download things that i have already purchased anyways
06:50.05DoktorGregit doesnt get easier than just going to new egg and keying in a cc#
06:50.26DoktorGregplus the free stuff!
06:50.30DoktorGregI love free stuff
06:50.39DoktorGregwoo hoo
06:50.41kamileonDoktorGreg : im sure its great to do that, but for those of us less fortunate
06:51.25kamileonoh yeh asterisk rocks!
06:51.27DoktorGregwell one aspect is this
06:51.34DoktorGregon my network of computers
06:51.35kamileoni have to get some of the new orange stickers
06:51.46DoktorGregwe process credit card numbers
06:51.59DoktorGregand we have to let the cc company do quarterly audits of our systems
06:52.12DoktorGregthey only have come once so far
06:52.18DoktorGregwhen we first started processing
06:52.39kamileonis that good or bad?
06:52.52DoktorGregwell, I could pass a software audit tomorrow
06:52.57DoktorGreg... probably
06:53.09DoktorGregthey share results with BSA
06:53.24kamileoni see
06:53.46DoktorGregI know there are several versions of winzip laying around...
06:53.55DoktorGregi should go replace those with 7zip
06:54.07DoktorGreg7zip works better anyhow
06:54.14kamileonworks on .rar?
06:55.58DoktorGregfear of audits keep me honest
06:56.32kamileonyeh i dont have that to worry about.. quite yet..
06:56.40DoktorGregthey are a great scapegoat for when i do the bastard operator from hell routein
06:56.48*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
06:56.58kamileonthats always fun ;)
06:57.37kamileonholy shit!
06:57.42kamileonim watching bones right
06:57.47kamileontheyre doing a video analysis
06:57.52kamileonand for the first time ever on tv
06:58.16kamileonone of the guys said "the less pixels there are, the more they degrade when you zoom in.  I can't get a clear picture from this"
06:59.17*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
06:59.17DoktorGregyou could use one of the techniques detailed by richard hoagland on art bell to get more resolution right?
06:59.33kamileoni love art bell
07:00.01Qwellkamileon: Strom_C loves bell art
07:00.16kamileonim sure he does.
07:01.19kamileonoooh * for the psp!
07:01.34*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=grb@
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08:04.27Shaun222by the looks of it a agent can only be logged into one phone?
08:10.16*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
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08:25.53acehunkyany one here from bangladesh
08:28.39Supaplexmy imagination!
08:28.39*** join/#asterisk inv_Arp (
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08:39.37acehunkyi m trying to find asterisk consultants in bangladesh .. is this the right place ?
08:40.13dlynespossibly you might be able to find someone here
08:40.25dlynesbut you could try asking on the asterisk-biz mailing list, too
08:41.15acehunkyumm ok
08:41.19*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (n=bob@
08:41.19dlynesif you can't find anyone from bangladesh on there, you'll at least find someone in a neighboring country
08:41.35dlynesI've seen people on there from India, for sure
08:41.47*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
08:42.10joelsolankiI m here from india :)
08:42.15dlynesthere ya go
08:42.18acehunkyi can see the asterisk india website .. and consultant list from india .. but need someone from bangladesh .. but thanks for the info
08:42.37acehunkyjoelsolanki .. which part of india ?
08:43.46acehunkyso u know of any consultant in bangladesh ?
08:44.33joelsolankisorry dont know
08:49.13wasimwill a consultant in former bangladesh do?
08:53.04*** join/#asterisk stuartcw (
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08:56.13*** join/#asterisk xbit` (
08:58.04dlyneswasim: former bangladesh is the indian province of bangladesh?
08:58.18dlynesheya xbit`
08:58.49xbit`which channel does txfax sends the tif file i'm giving? so how can i give the number to txfax to send it to?
08:59.17dlynesxbit`: whatever channel you answered on
08:59.47*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
08:59.54dlynesxbit`: I don't know if it works on sip or not, but lots of people have it working on zaptel channels
09:00.12acehunkywasim: former bd is wat pakistan .. or india ?
09:00.30*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=diablo@
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09:00.42dlynesheh...i was kinda wondering that, too
09:00.59dlynespakistan used to be called west bangladesh, right?
09:00.59xbit`i have a fax machine connected to asterisk with an ATA, and would like to send the file to an mISDN channel
09:01.11yxaif a 7940 using SIP can receive incoming calls but not make outgoing calls, what are some of the possible reasons?
09:01.19saftsackwhen will digium release the b410p card?
09:02.10xbit`i get the file with rxfax from the machine, i guess i have to send it to the final destination.
09:03.09dlynesxbit`: using txfax
09:03.09stoffelltzafrir, you happen to know why i get "syntax error near unexpected token" on line 435 of genzaptelconf ? (am I missing something?)
09:03.13dlynesxbit`: or you can email it
09:03.43wasimdlynes: :)
09:03.54dlyneswasim: so I'm right?
09:03.58wasimdlynes: sorta
09:04.07wasimdlynes: it was west pk / east pk
09:04.13dlyneswasim: oh yeah...that's what it was
09:04.25wasimdlynes: but in our hearts we're all one :)
09:05.10dlyneswasim: Well, most peeps I know from Punjab dislike the Pakistanis very much, and they consider the Punjab area of Pakistan to still be part of India :)
09:05.40wasimie. if you combine the indian/pk halves of my friends here, is from there
09:08.50dlynesHe's from somewhere close to karachi
09:09.01dlynesCan't remember the name of the city he's from, exactly
09:09.40*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
09:09.45wasimthe only city near karachi is hyderabad
09:09.51*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
09:10.15dlynesMaybe there's a small town or village near it?
09:10.19wasimbut thats far away from punjab, southern corner is sindh
09:10.24dlynesI don't think it was hyderabad, either
09:11.35stoffelltzafrir, damn, found it. I have to use bash instead of sh :)
09:11.45acehunkywow cross border stuff happening here :)
09:12.19acehunkyi m trying to find a person local in bd to help me setup asterisk box ..
09:13.27dlynesyeah, i know
09:13.40dlyneswasim's in pakistan though, not bangladesh
09:14.23wasimyep, and not likely to be heading east anytime soon neither ...
09:14.51dlynesand i'll be going to china long before I ever head to bangladesh :)
09:15.20wasimnee hawn dlynes
09:15.49dlynesni hao ma?
09:17.11*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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09:18.21tzafrirstoffell, what version? the one from the subversion?
09:18.47stoffelltzafrir, i was using wrong shell ;) tnx
09:19.26tzafrirMaybe I should add a check for a shell to give a decent error message?
09:20.03stoffelltzafrir, no, it's just a habit, i always do sh "script", i could have made it +x also, then it would have been okay :)
09:20.25tzafrirI have that habit myself
09:21.01*** join/#asterisk sandos (
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09:24.00welemonhi all, is there a kind of application can  let asterisk call out fellows, and invite them to come to join the meetme.
09:24.07welemonthese fellows do not need to call in asterisk , just wait for a call.
09:29.03tainted-welemon i've been looking for something similar
09:29.11tainted-welemon let me know if u find such an app
09:30.08acehunkyis there any card from digium which supports SS7 ?
09:30.19welemonright ,  i can not  found this app ,  so   if it really  doesn't exist, i  will implet it
09:31.45dlynestainted-: can't you just do that with call files?
09:33.29*** join/#asterisk Sonderblade (
09:34.19yxaif a 7940 using SIP can receive incoming calls but not make outgoing calls, what are some of the possible reasons?
09:35.03dlynesyxa: codec mismatch could be one of the reasons, if codec autonegotiation is involved
09:35.24dlynesDoes it work with a non-cisco phone configured for the same extension?
09:37.32yxadlynes i only have a cisco phone now
09:38.23tainted-dlynes drop someone into the meetme() from within meetme()?
09:39.34tainted-dlynes say i'm in meetme()... i would love to press '96045551234' and have that person be dropped into meetme() with me
09:39.44*** join/#asterisk kippi (
09:40.04kippiI am looking for the call reporting sofware and I have forgoten the name of it
09:40.26kippican anyone point me in the right dir
09:40.56dlynestainted-: yeah...why not just make a slight modification to the app_meetme.c code to generate a call file when you do something like that (assuming meetme doesn't support that already)
09:41.15dlynestainted-: then when that person's connected via the call file, transfer them to the meeting room extension
09:41.54yxadlynes sip clients should have no problem with nat right?
09:42.12tainted-yxa wrong
09:42.23dlynesyxa: sip has tonnes of problems with nat
09:42.31tainted-depends on nat type and sip stack rfc implementation
09:42.47tainted-dlynes maybe i'll just make a web interface
09:42.57yxano i mean when a client say 7940 is behind a firewall and the sip server is a public ip
09:43.16tainted-yea we know what u mean
09:43.19yxanot the other way
09:43.34dlynesyxa: it doesn't matter...sip doesn't cope well with nat, period
09:43.48yxaany articles to read up on that?
09:43.55dlynesyxa: it was never designed to work with a nat in the way; that's why iax and iax2 came about
09:44.14yxalike that ports to open and stuff
09:44.23dlynesyxa: there's hacks that have come up to deal with the problem, including the nat=yes setting for asterisk to stun servers
09:44.48tainted-neither works 100%
09:44.58dlynestainted-: like i said...hacks :)
09:45.14dlynesI've got one solution that works for the majority of my customers
09:45.25dlynesBut even then, I have two customers that solution doesn't work for
09:45.27tainted-i've heard that ser has no issues with sip behind nat b/c of it's strong sip stack
09:45.37tainted-what solution is that?
09:45.38dlynesOne of those customers I have another solution for
09:45.55dlynesand the other customer I had to put the sip devices on external ips
09:46.07dlynesnat=yes, qualify=300
09:46.13tainted-i've got a stun server and nat = yes as well as qualify = 5000 but a few customers still manage to timeout
09:46.31dlynesand then on the sipura side, you can also set your nat timeout setting too
09:46.46*** join/#asterisk alib80 (n=chatzill@
09:46.55tainted-it's a grandstream ata
09:46.55dlynesYeah...I've found qualify=2000 doesn't even work for some routers
09:47.21dlynesqualify=300 works for every router I've found where that trick actually works
09:47.32alib80hi all does anyone know where I can look to find info on fax and incorrect number detection with asterisk
09:47.32tainted-why 300?
09:47.35dlynesanother customer I had to do port mappings for
09:47.58dlynesand another customer, had a piece of crap router that was broken for port mappings, so i had to put the devices on external ips
09:48.28dlynestainted-: it was just an arbitrary value that I found to work
09:48.37*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
09:48.43dlynestainted-: netgear routers are notoriously bad for timeouts at low values
09:50.35tainted-that's silly
09:51.50dlynescanreinvite should be set to no, also
09:52.06dlynesalib80: incorrect number detection?
09:52.18tainted-yea i've got all that
09:52.23dlynestainted-: netgear routes are silly
09:52.31alib80not incorrect number, but rather discontinued number
09:52.54dlynesalib80: can't
09:53.07dlynesalib80: neither can your fax machine
09:53.09alib80dlynes: basically i'm trying to find out about tone detection
09:53.19dlynesalib80: but what you might be able to detect is human voice
09:53.33yxadlynes are you saying either way the client or the server is not public ip, SIP gonna have problems?
09:54.05alib80dlynes: are there any libraries for tone detection?
09:54.17dlynesyxa: either way client and server are not public ips, SIP is not guaranteed to be problem-free
09:54.34dlynesyxa: that's not to say that you can't get SIP to work with one or the other behind nat
09:55.02dlynesyxa: as far as both sides being behind nat though, good luck trying to get that to work...I've never heard of anyone having success with that
09:55.18dlynesalib80: define tone?
09:55.37dlynesalib80: fax modulation tone?  or busy/congestion/... tone?
09:55.54yxadlynes even with stateful firewalls?
09:56.30alib80dlynes: all of the above
09:56.48alib80dlynes: would one be able to feed in a tone and perform a type of pattern match
09:56.59alib80against the recorded tone?
09:57.46dlynesalib80: fax modulation tone, idea on the rest...check the asterisk wiki for the link to the spandsp project
09:58.09alib80dlynes: thanks:)
09:58.29alib80dlynes: would i be able to find out about fax tone detection on there as well?
09:59.08dlynesyxa: no idea, but i would imagine you'll have problems with that if both sides are behind stateful or stateless firewalls, but perhaps not if only one side is behind a stateful firewall, and the other side isn't behind a firewall
09:59.15*** join/#asterisk mmmmmToop (
09:59.24dlynesalib80: that's what that project's for....fax modulation
09:59.32dlynesalib80: g3 and mfc, specifically
09:59.41dlynesalib80: i dont' think g2 is supported
10:01.04*** part/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
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10:03.41joelsolankianybody know wheather digium ships product to india?
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10:16.26tainted-does dialplan continue execution when you're in a meetme()?
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10:47.50joelsolankianybody knows wheather digium ships product to india ?
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10:55.38vgstertry emailing them
11:01.43DoktorGregi wouldnt want to work at voip supply
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11:01.55DoktorGregif you look at their personel pictures on their web site
11:02.05DoktorGregno one looks happy, even mildly
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11:23.20swm_anyone know why I get an error using asterisk 1.0.9 saying the call leg does not exist?
11:23.42swm_sip -> asterisk -> asterisk ->
11:25.31[Airwolf]swm_, don't you think it's a good idea to upgrade. ;)
11:26.33swm_Oh it's been seriously considered by the company I work for but to get a couple techie's moving is the issue heh
11:28.03swm_I figure it is a issue with the protocol ... We purchased some PolyPower VoIP boxes ... dont work with SIP from 1.0.9... but they work with CVS HEAD and current stable release. Question... Whats' the differnce between 1.0.9 and Current Stable./.Head ?
11:30.54swm_A2 x 3 (F3*2^3.075) / 2.2^C = (FA-Z)
11:31.13swm_~lobotomy [Airwolf]
11:31.15jbotACTION pulls out a rusty saw to perform a lobotomy on [Airwolf]
11:32.58tzafrirswm_, there are a number of changes between 1.0.9 and current 1.2
11:33.08*** join/#asterisk robust (
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11:34.29[Airwolf]swm_, sorry I can't answer that question for you
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11:34.51IceManRISKanyone here uses jiax ?
11:34.59IceManRISKim having problem with
11:38.06*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
11:38.36doughecka_my bad
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11:45.47Aursthat is the difference between 1.0.9 and
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12:03.58*** join/#asterisk Bert- (
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12:05.40akrallhey guys
12:06.05tamp4xwhat would be reasons the person  on the other side of the calls get intermitent beeps if they have no incoming calls while on the call?
12:06.30akrallwhats hardware would you guys recommend for a 25 sip ext. pbx wit 1 E1 and doing call recording, monitoring, etc.?
12:06.53*** join/#asterisk markus99 (n=markus@
12:07.45mmlj4akrall: there's a page on the wiki about asterisk dimensioning
12:08.10akrallmmlj4: I checked it out but wanted to know what you guys have used?
12:08.34akrallmostly the wiki says you need 1 proc, for every 4 T1 for example
12:08.48akrallbut wanted to know what guys here have used
12:10.47mmlj4hmm... 1 E1, you say? I'd use half a proc, just to be sure...
12:13.11akrallfor the system Ive explain, would a xeon 3.0 be overkill?
12:13.19akralland what do you rec. sata or ide?
12:13.51akrallIve had issues with interrupts before  and I noticed that if you test using hdparam on a sata server, you do get noise on the line while testing
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12:42.08pifhi, what kind of cable should I use to connect a telco E1 socket with a TE410P card?
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12:43.39tamp4xwhat would be reasons the person  on the other side of the calls get intermitent beeps if they have no incoming calls while on the call?
12:45.33*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
12:45.46DarKnesS_WolFAsterisk RealTime not supported by Mysql5 ?
12:45.47Ariel_pif, depends on what your plugging it into. But most use a t1 crossover cable
12:47.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:51.15DarKnesS_WolFAsterisk RealTime not supported by Mysql5 ?
12:51.22DarKnesS_WolFanyone using realtime with mysql5 ?
12:51.27AursDarKnesS_WolF: odbc or mysql driver?
12:51.33RoyKDarKnesS_WolF: shouldn't be a problem
12:51.35DarKnesS_WolFmysql native driver
12:51.46RoyKDarKnesS_WolF: what's the problem?
12:52.47DarKnesS_WolFRoyK: Apr 24 14:47:46 WARNING[26603] loader.c: /usr/lib/ version `MYSQL_5.0' not found (required by /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
12:53.01DarKnesS_WolFApr 24 14:47:46 WARNING[26603] loader.c: Loading module failedbut the lib is there
12:53.12DarKnesS_WolFbut hte lib is there
12:53.41IceManRISKthsi lib just work for 4.0
12:54.24DarKnesS_WolFIceManRISK: so what should i do ?
12:54.34IceManRISKuse mysql 4.*
12:54.55IceManRISKor try to find the lib that supports mysql 5
12:55.36DarKnesS_WolFIceManRISK: there is already this driver?
12:57.15RoyKDarKnesS_WolF: where is mysql5 installed?
12:57.50DarKnesS_WolFRoyK: i'm using hte deb packages so i think the default
12:58.07RoyKdeb package?? SID?
12:58.58darkskiezmysql is on sarge backports
12:59.02pifAriel_ : thanks, I'm plugging into the telco's E1 router,
12:59.08RoyKmysqlclient 15 should be for 5.0 afaik
12:59.26RoyK14 is for 4.1 and 12 is for 4.0
13:00.05pifAriel_ : that might explain why I had no red leds at both end when using a straight cat5 cable?
13:00.26pifI mean "no green leds"
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13:01.06pifRoyK : hi, to connect your sangomas to the carrier, what type of cable did you use?
13:01.21Ariel_pif, hope it works. Most here in the use from the main telco's are now using smartjacks. which can use a normal Cat5 cable. But if your going to a pbx or to an router then a crossover cable is needed.
13:02.25RoyKpif: you mean for the PRIs?
13:02.32RoyKjust a standard cat 5e
13:03.01pifand between legacy pbx and PRI card?
13:03.29RoyKE1 crossover
13:03.51mutah shit
13:03.59mutmy sangoma card was here friday and no one told me!!!
13:09.46DarKnesS_WolFRoyK: sorry i'm using testing. i'll down grade to mysql 4.1
13:09.50*** join/#asterisk hgaillac (
13:11.00hgaillacHello I need somebody for testing fax over ip (T38)
13:11.22RoyKhgaillac: where did you find t.38 support for asterisk?
13:15.35hgaillacRoyk: Here
13:15.53*** part/#asterisk Hali_303 (
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13:18.24SpaceBassAriel_,  what is makes something a smartjack?
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13:19.09Frogzoomut: what's you sangoma doing hanging out on irc?
13:19.34Ariel_SpaceBass, ???
13:19.35mutbeing a bastard
13:19.45muti smacked it into submission tho
13:20.25SpaceBassAriel_,  saw that you mentioned smartjacks earlier....just curious what makes a smartjack different from a standard ethernet port? I know they are the prefered way to terminate a T1, etc...but I was never sure on the difference
13:20.43RoyKhgaillac: that's not really finished :)
13:20.49RoyKhgaillac: ask coppice
13:21.05Bert-hmm guys
13:21.12Ariel_SpaceBass, smartjacks are able to detect what cable wires your using.
13:21.27Bert-does anyone knows good sites to find termination providers plz ?
13:21.27coppiceRoyK: what is not really finished?
13:21.45RoyKt.38 for asterisk
13:21.46Bert-(maybe someone here terminate some destinations ...)
13:22.01coppiceRoyK: works for me :-)
13:22.10RoyKcoppice: it does? gatewaying?
13:22.18[TK]D-FenderBert- : Depends where you're terminating to.  Check the WIKI for a good list of places to start
13:22.19jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
13:22.27RoyKas in fax -> ATA -> asterisk chan_sip -> pstn?
13:22.31coppiceRoyK: yes, but not yet within *
13:23.08hgaillacI patched chan_sip
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13:27.30Bert-[TK]D-Fender : could you update me with the wiki url plz ?
13:27.38Bert-maybe I lost my eyes
13:27.45Bert-but I'm unable to find it on the website ...
13:29.21DarKnesS_WolFhum i can't download i forgot i need mysql 5 on this box
13:29.34[TK]D-FenderCan someone who's capable of competantly updating jbot please add THEBOOK to the "~docs" script.....
13:30.12[TK]D-FenderAnd remove that archaic "Handbook Draft" link....
13:30.40*** join/#asterisk groogs (
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13:34.19miller7hello, can someone assist me with realtime extensions? I am trying the Wiki with no success. if someone has it working please reply in private
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13:50.54tamp4xwhat would be reasons the person  on the other side of the calls get intermitent beeps if they have no incoming calls while on the call?
13:51.33jake1932have they made any calls to known terrorist camps?
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13:54.44X-Robthey called someone who called someone who once lived on the same block as someone who is from another country?
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13:56.44jsharpUrgh.  2 bottles of Pepsi and I'm still dragging ass this morning.
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13:58.46jake1932jsharp: AMP
13:59.58jsharpNo AMP support here.
14:00.29X-RobAnyone asking for AMP support needs to be told to upgrade.
14:00.37X-Robbefore you even send 'em over to us.
14:01.38*** join/#asterisk zeppelin_ (
14:01.58coppiceTNVWBB - the next version will be better :-)
14:02.09X-Robooh, there you are steve
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14:07.48wwalkerCan I created a "bridged" call from the asterisk console.  That is, have it call me and call my voicemail and connect the calls?
14:08.24b00mer_wwalker : Good question... I would like to know the answer to that as well
14:08.35wwalkerI've done it via an AGI before, but can't figure out how to do it from the asterisk -r prompt
14:08.36X-RobRTFM '.call' files
14:08.50X-Robyou can't do it from asterisk -r
14:08.54X-Robyou have to make a .call file
14:09.00Nivexor use the manager interface
14:09.27wwalkerthx, saved me an hour or two of looking for a non-existant answer
14:11.09*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
14:11.51praetcan you connect an asterisk box to another?
14:12.01jsharpIn many different ways.
14:12.17ManxPoweroh god the newbies!  the newbies!
14:12.22*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
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14:12.45b00mer_I need a professional to do the voice prompts... any recommendations?
14:12.56[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ :
14:13.55b00mer_[TK]D-Fender : right link?  they don't mention it
14:14.03b00mer_ok... I try the other
14:14.46[TK]D-FenderOther one is a better link.. I am mistaken on the first.  Allison's site is SOMEHWERE else...
14:15.37b00mer_thanks for the recommendation
14:17.52[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : Yeah, thats the one :)
14:18.19[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : Just a good idea if you want your prompts to sound like they all came from the same place.
14:19.25*** join/#asterisk anthm (
14:19.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
14:21.18[TK]D-FenderHey anthm, Care to lend me a hand for something that'll take about a minute?
14:22.16[TK]D-Fenderanth : Could you update jbot adding "THEBOOK" to the "~docs" script and remove the reference to that archaic "handbook draft"?
14:23.17[TK]D-FenderI'm just incompetant when it comes to telling it what to do :)
14:23.47*** join/#asterisk Sonderblade (
14:24.05anthmyou know, i actually have no clue how to work it
14:24.53coppiceare draft handbooks anything like draft beer? :-\
14:25.10*** join/#asterisk sevard (
14:25.52[TK]D-Fendercoppice : Either will leave you tipsy and confused, so my magic 8-ball says "Absolutely!"
14:26.58Sonderbladeim installing asterisk 1.2.6 and gcc spits out like hundreds of warnings
14:27.00Sonderbladeis that usual?
14:27.35[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : Installing * how?  And maybe you should try using the most current release....
14:28.43*** join/#asterisk azzie (
14:28.54Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: in compiling it from source
14:29.24b00mer_Sonderblade : I got the same
14:29.27[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : What kind of warnings?  Pastebin them.
14:29.30jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
14:29.45b00mer_Sonderblade : I got warnings with also
14:29.56Sonderblade[TK]D-Fender: they were many, things like uninitialized variables etc.. scary warnings
14:30.28b00mer_my rule... if it compiles ... its got to be good :)
14:30.32[TK]D-FenderSonderblade : Grab and start from scratch, also make sure to recompile the lastest Zaptel and any other related modules FIRST.
14:31.59Hmmhesayswe need an 8ball in here
14:32.06jbotACTION rolls the eight ball and gets: Without a doubt
14:32.21Hmmhesays~8ball dead hookers?
14:32.35jsharpDead hookers aren't much fun.
14:32.57jsharpThey won't roll over.  They won't play ball.
14:34.36Pj_Yeah, but after a few hours they're very tight
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14:38.40[TK]D-Fenderjsharp : Necrophylia : The issestable urge to crack opone a cold one ;)
14:39.01[TK]D-Fenderdamn I can't type today...
14:39.56Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: wow, i am stealing that from you
14:40.22[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : It's CDL, so don't forget the reference :)
14:40.24tzanger[TK]D-Fender: ooh damn that's bad
14:40.48[TK]D-FenderAnd it allows me to spot the alcoholics instantly ;)
14:41.41BugKhamhi, how can we know which channel value is returned from Dial(Zap/g1,10)?
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14:43.52[TK]D-FenderBugKham : The ",10" is a bad idea...
14:44.55BugKham[TK]D-Fender: okay, will change that
14:44.56KattyAriel_, [TK]D-Fender, you guys ever watch dark side with wizard of oz muted?
14:45.13[TK]D-FenderKatty : mew.
14:45.21[TK]D-FenderKatty : dark side?
14:45.23Kattyalso! mew.
14:45.27Katty[TK]D-Fender: of the moon (=
14:45.34BugKham[TK]D-Fender: by the way, do you know which available channel will be selected?
14:46.01jake1932i've heard it's even better while smokin
14:46.03Ariel_Katty, no but I can imagine it.
14:46.29KattyAriel_: i ran across an article about how it was mostly in sync...and i just watched a bit of it. the munchkin dance was /great/ and completely in sync.
14:46.30[TK]D-FenderBugKham : There is no such thing as "WILL be selected"  by the time the next dialplan line is executed the call is already TERMINATED.
14:46.37*** join/#asterisk Mike (
14:46.43[TK]D-FenderKatty : You've insaned....
14:46.44Ariel_BugKham, from lowest to higer number if you use G1 from higher to lower.
14:46.53noname32anyone here use automon at all? i got some questions
14:46.56[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : And you're clearly not far behind!
14:46.56Pj_Nah she was already insane
14:47.09*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
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14:47.15Pj_she was insane years ago when I used to come, then I came back - still insane -, now I don't even notice
14:47.47BugKhamAriel_: which variable contains the returned ZAP channel?
14:47.59Hmmhesaysanyone have any experience using vendor specific attributes in dhcpe?
14:48.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: google it (=
14:48.09Katty[TK]D-Fender: of course, it's really a myth..
14:48.16Katty[TK]D-Fender: but the video and the album go very well together.
14:48.40[TK]D-FenderKatty : I'll just take your word for it :)
14:48.47Kattyjake1932: also, i don't smoke (=
14:48.51b00mer_anybody have a good example of a findme... the one on voip-info seems broken
14:49.08jake1932Katty: nor do i - but for those interested
14:49.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: you don't have to!
14:49.15[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : TOYWY :)
14:49.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: go watch it (=
14:49.42jake1932katty  - great find
14:49.44b00mer_TOYWY?  not familar with that acronmy
14:49.54Kattyjake1932: yesh.
14:50.01*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
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14:50.48b00mer_[TK]D-Fender : don't follow you... googling for TOYWY doesn't help
14:51.23[TK]D-Fender"The One You Write Yourself"
14:51.23jsharpDarnit.  no sound coming from youtube.
14:51.34[TK]D-Fenderjsharp : There is.. jsut wait, its silent at first
14:52.10jsharpNah.  Skipped through most of the file and no sound anywhere on it.
14:52.26[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : for follow me, you just need to decide what reourse to dial first, then "GotoIf" based on "DIALSTATUS"
14:52.29b00mer_[TK]D-Fender : ok... I will... from expert advice... should I do it in a AGI script or something else?
14:52.42[TK]D-Fenderjsharp : Took about 2 mins before I got sound
14:52.44BugKham[TK]D-Fender: I need to keep the "first available channel" in g1 in a variable for further use, is it possible?
14:52.53[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : no need for AGI for most cases...
14:53.04jsharpI guess I'll have to play it on my Winderz box later.
14:53.08froguzwhat happened to "make config" in asterisk i'm getting : "install: cannot `stat' over «init.asterisk»: file or directory doesn't exist" error
14:53.09b00mer_[TK]D-Fender looking for something that will call people... give them a banner asking to press 1 if they want to take the caller
14:53.13[TK]D-FenderBugKham : not sure really...
14:53.35[TK]D-FenderBugKham : look up "cmd dial" on the WIKI and see if it returns anything...
14:53.44b00mer_[TK]D-Fender : I'll check out dialstatus
14:53.51Ariel_BugKham, you can look up on google or the wiki for an agi called dialparties.agi which is made for giving you dialstatus.
14:53.57coppicebloody DC. their ain't supposed to be no DC in an alaw/ulaw channel. how come that is so often not true? bloody crap equipment
14:54.00[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : in "Dial" there is a cmd that will call a macro on connect.... look it up...
14:55.21jsharpOw, my GUI bits!
14:55.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: i still need gui sometimes.
14:55.58[TK]D-FenderKatty :For configuring *?
14:56.00Katty[TK]D-Fender: but i don't startx most of the time.
14:56.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: no..i use emacs for that
14:56.16[TK]D-FenderKatty : Well then, I guess you get to live!
14:56.28jsharpDoes it count if its a GUI I wrote myself?
14:56.45[TK]D-Fenderjsharp : ... MAYBE... I'd have to pass inpection :)
14:57.00BugKhamAriel_: don't think DIALSTATUS will provide that information
14:57.07*** join/#asterisk nettie (
14:57.33[TK]D-FenderBugKham : it won't....  go read up on Dial and see if it returns anything...
14:57.54nettieHi guys, I'm having problem configuring asterisk with voip carrier. Anyone has a working configuration with them please?
14:58.25froguzi think somebody just forgot about "make config" in the last * release....
14:58.45[TK]D-Fenderfroguz : "make config"?
14:59.10froguzyeap... i allways use that option
14:59.36froguzon zaptel and asterisk installations
14:59.42Ariel_froguz, I was under the impression that was for RH type of releases.. But your correct
15:00.50froguzi've allways worked with "make config" it avoid me to script init by hand
15:01.45froguzi've used "make config" under RH based distros (Centos) and debian (ubuntu)
15:06.14froguzwhat if i just copy the init.asterisk file from an older asterisk source (1.2.6)????
15:06.33froguzinto the source and then "make config"??
15:06.35De_Moncan I force a sip peer to reregister?
15:07.31froguzDe_Mon, *CLI>sip reload?
15:07.36De_Monsip show registry is always empty, even when i know there are active registrations
15:07.58froguzDe_Mon, *CLI>sip show peers
15:08.01De_Monfroguz nah, that just reloaded the configs
15:08.15De_Monfroguz what purpose does sip show registry have then?
15:09.10froguzit show you the registered ITSP servises
15:10.32De_Monooh /me looks closer
15:10.36*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@
15:10.41a1fathis is jacked up
15:10.47a1faevery hour when my asterisk is supposed to re-register
15:10.57a1fawith a sip broker, it craps out
15:11.02a1faand i cant recieve any phone calls
15:11.40De_Monwhats the difference between a sip.conf 'register' and a phone 'registration'
15:11.41*** join/#asterisk lucifr (
15:12.08a1fai do a sip reload
15:12.13a1faand it starts working again
15:12.18a1faits that stupid broadvoice
15:14.14noname32anyone have any ideas why automon will not work with * and a number but will work with ** or ##
15:16.28mutSELECT distinct billingnumber FROM cdr left join m33accounts.activeservices as actsvc on actsvc.voipphonenumber = cdr.billingnumber where actsvc.masteraccount is null order by cdr.billingnumber
15:16.33mutis there a faster way to do this?
15:16.50mutsorry rather
15:17.08mutSELECT distinct billingnumber FROM cdr left join m33accounts.activeservices as actsvc on actsvc.voipphonenumber = cdr.billingnumber OR actsvc.telconumber = cdr.billingnumber where actsvc.masteraccount is null and cdr.category <> 20 order by cdr.billingnumber
15:17.18a1fai cant recieve calls againwtf
15:17.26mutdoing the 'OR actsvc.telconumber = cdr.billingnumber'
15:17.30*** part/#asterisk ph|ber (
15:17.33mutmakes it take 1000x longer
15:17.48sivanamut, your doing two passes of the table
15:18.14mutis there a way to optimise it any?
15:18.21mutit takes longer than 2x the time
15:18.22sivanado you have an index on billingumber?
15:18.33mutnot on voip or telco number tho
15:19.23sivana1 sec
15:19.30*** join/#asterisk perlmonky (
15:20.35De_MonI've never seena  JOIN ... ON ... OR ... before
15:21.29a1fafucking * wont pickup the call
15:21.33a1fai am sick and tired of this bullshit
15:21.36mutwell the point of the query is to find records in the cdr that don't match the records we have (voip number or telco number)
15:21.56sivanamut: try putting () around (actsvc.voipphonenumber = cdr.billingnumber OR actsvc.telconumber = cdr.billingnumber)
15:22.19De_Monwhat happens if its in both join expressions?
15:22.47*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
15:22.53*** join/#asterisk znoG (
15:22.56sivanamut, you can try two separate queries with a UNION
15:23.04mutthats an idea
15:23.14brad_msswa1fa: sounds like you should dump BV
15:23.15a1faok this is bullshit
15:23.21a1fabrad_mssw : i should
15:23.21salviadudfreepbx is a nightmare
15:23.24salviadudi hate my boss
15:23.39a1fait wont pickup the call
15:23.43a1fait registers inbound call
15:23.46a1fabut it wont pick it up
15:23.49a1fai have to reload
15:23.51a1faand then it picks it up
15:24.12brad_msswwhat v of asterisk ?
15:24.28a1faOutbound Registration: Expiry for is 30 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 23 s)
15:24.53a1fathis is what pissess me off the most
15:24.55a1faOutbound Registration: Expiry for is 30 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 23 s)
15:25.08a1fadefaultexpiry is set to 3600
15:25.16a1fabut broadvoice overwrites it with 23 s
15:25.19a1faor 30s
15:26.15a1famother fuckers
15:26.17*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
15:26.46*** join/#asterisk hinckc (
15:26.48brad_msswthats pretty frequent, dunno, dumped BV long ago myself because of issues( mainly call quality and availability of service)...
15:26.48blebleblemaybe a dumb question, is there a way to multihome did's for redundancy, like a failover point (sort of like bgp) like if our carrier went down it could be kicked over to a failsafe?
15:26.57froguzhey! i'd fix the "make config"... there was an mistake in the Makefile. how could i report this??
15:27.04froguzhow can i *
15:27.10a1fabrad_mssw : what you got now?
15:27.32brad_msswblebleble: not unless your provider provides that functionality via redudant world-wide servers
15:27.53blebleblebrad_mssw: so its my providers issue really and nothing i myself can implement
15:28.06brad_msswa1fa: primarily junctionnetworks right now, they've been the most reliable, though somewhat pricy (we use it for business though, so reliability wins)
15:28.12*** join/#asterisk brif8 (
15:28.19brad_msswblebleble: yeah, pretty much
15:28.19a1fabrad_mssw : i like their world plan
15:28.28blebleblebrad_mssw: thanks for your help
15:28.29a1fabrad_mssw : i need free minutes across europe
15:28.35*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:29.14blebleblecan anyone recommend a good/cheap/stable carrier? our current one seems to be down too much
15:29.16brad_msswa1fa: well, it really depends on how many minutes you use, a lot of pay-as-you-go plans are a better deal
15:29.23a1fablebleble : broadvoice?
15:29.38a1fabrad_mssw : i use shit load of minutess across .EU
15:29.42brad_msswa1fa: unless you're really using a ton of minutes (most 'unlimited' plans have caps anyway though)
15:30.08brad_msswblebleble: good/cheap/stable .. don't think there is such a one
15:30.24*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
15:30.26brad_msswblebleble: junctionnetworks isn't bad though, just not so much on the cheap side
15:30.26bleblebleyah i know, just looking for low price did's and solid termination
15:30.30imcdonamorning everyone
15:30.47jake1932brad_mssw: u using junction now?
15:30.49brad_msswblebleble: they're $2/DID per month, plus like $.02/min
15:30.56imcdonaAnyone know of a good app to call 14k people and deliver a message?
15:31.01brad_msswjake1932: yep, finally switched our 800 number off of teliax ...
15:31.12a1faimcdona : phone spammer
15:31.12brad_msswjake1932: teliax is total crap these days
15:31.13jake1932brad_mssw: any issue with outbound callerid?
15:31.14imcdonaAstAutodialer doesn't seem to wait for VM
15:31.39brad_msswjake1932: not with outbound ...they don't support inbound callerid name though :/ but oh well
15:31.53jake1932brad_mssw: nobody seems to
15:31.55brif8manager.conf allows you access the current status of asterisk (right)?  if so then how would you check on the status of invidivual extensions both incoming numbers and IP phones or SIP devices ?
15:32.10jsharpCause it costs money to dip into the CLID name databases.
15:32.18jake1932brad_mssw: within the past day i've had outbound callerid issues - gonna check with support
15:32.28brad_msswjsharp: yeah, I'd be willing to pay extra $$ for that, personally
15:32.36brad_msswjake1932: w/junction ?
15:32.47brad_msswhmm, odd
15:32.55brad_msswmay be an account setting
15:33.05imcdonano...not phone spammer....out customers who have a past due balance
15:33.13jake1932could be
15:33.23jsharpThat's a lot of people who owe you money.
15:34.00*** mode/#asterisk [-o twisted[asteria]] by twisted[asteria]
15:34.12a1fagod damn broadvoice
15:34.14a1fai hope they choke
15:34.24a1fatheir support sucks anus
15:34.37Hmmhesayspig or goat
15:34.45a1fathey wont pickup the call
15:34.48Hmmhesaysraw or cooked
15:34.49a1fathey are not busy at all
15:35.00twisted[asteria]i love how you can assume they're not busy
15:35.00a1fathey pretend to be busy
15:35.04twisted[asteria]just because you don't get a busy
15:35.16twisted[asteria]that's just like when someone tells me i'm not doing anything when they're halfway round the world
15:35.27a1fatwisted[asteria] : i was on hold for 45minutes once, and I asked dude, are you guys busy today
15:35.27twisted[asteria]grow some patience
15:35.28a1fahe says
15:35.49a1fawe are not busy at all
15:35.54a1fai got some1 on the call
15:36.06a1fai am going to tell him to suck a pigs as
15:39.08sivanalittle extra latency just for you
15:39.17*** join/#asterisk Timmerman (
15:41.10SuperLagI see on one of the mailing lists that you guys recommend not running X or GUI apps on an * box.  Is that still the case, and what if you're running a beefy box with a lot of RAM? (in this case, the box will have a 3.73GHz P4 w/2MB cache, and 4GB of RAM.
15:41.14Timmermanhi folks, have a way that build a PBX with Asterisk using Skype to dial external calls?
15:42.04Hmmhesaysnow there is
15:42.34salviadudmmmm, broadvoice employs high school students, or slackers
15:42.56NuggetI am a slacker.
15:43.06sivaname too
15:43.18salviadudwe should all work at broadvoice
15:43.26salviadudand give bad tech support
15:43.46salviadudSuperLag, depends on how many chans you're handling
15:44.07[TK]D-FenderSuperLag : Depends on the load.  I run EVERYTHING on mine...
15:44.12fileNugget is THE slacker
15:44.29sivanaMaster Slacker
15:44.35fileNugget: moo
15:44.35NuggetI am!
15:45.15sivanabut can he multitask at slacking?
15:45.20brif8What is the CLI command to tell you if an IP phone is busy  , for how long and what is the caller ID on the call ?
15:45.28Nuggetof course.  I'm in 20 irc channels.
15:45.37sivanamultiple slacking threads?
15:46.48SuperLagsalviadud: [TK]D-Fender: this would be for home use.  Mainly to play with.  I have recently started working for a VoIP company, and need to get familiar with Asterisk.  I have a beefy machine at home that I run Gentoo on, as well as this box, but it's in a colo facility in California.
15:48.43Nuggetno fear, I'll register something even better this weekend.
15:49.15*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:49.45nettie[TK]D-Fender, Hi, I'm gettign mad configuring incoming calls. I'm wondering if you have experience with that carrier? reading sip debug seems they're using Cisco Sip gateway. Do you know if asterisk needs a special configuration to work properly with it please? When I call the number from my mobile phone I keep getting User is busy. any idea please? thanx in advance.
15:50.13SuperLaghah. and .net are taken :)
15:50.20SuperLaghow funny
15:50.42jsharpNo .org?  Definitely a master slacker.
15:51.43[TK]D-FenderSuperLag : Go right ahead.  I use my * box as my router, file server, and HTPC sytem all in one.
15:52.09SuperLagHTPC? what are you running? MythTV?
15:52.25*** join/#asterisk psk (
15:52.45[TK]D-FenderSuperLag : Perhaps an overstatement : Just running X (KDE) hooked up to my 52" HDTV, and receiver :)
15:53.00jake1932brad_mssw - you still around?
15:53.59salviadudfender, did you fix the resolution?
15:54.10*** join/#asterisk tdonahue-laptop (
15:54.20jake1932anyone know why my user name (not my phone number) would appear as my sip from address?
15:54.54[TK]D-FenderSuperLag : Yeah, I like to think of it as "healthy" :)  I don't watch "TV" per say but have a friend who downloads EVERYTHING.
15:55.21[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : I'm actually running at 800x600, but then again considering the media resolution is just fine.
15:55.43[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : Though I'd like to be able to use DVI for it... just need to learn some more about X which I can't be bothered with right now.
15:56.07Hmmhesaysyeah I download all my tv
15:56.32brad_msswjake1932: yep
15:56.48jsharpDownload em from where?  Reliable?
15:57.13jake1932i spoke to mike at junction - i'm sending over uname@mypi in my from - don't know why - but doesn't look like it's an issue on their side
15:57.22jake1932myip (no pi)
15:57.57jake1932should be sending over the phonenum@myip
15:58.38*** join/#asterisk denon (
15:58.38*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
15:59.12jake1932brad_mssw - what version of asterisk are you running?
15:59.49jake1932same as mine - ok - tnx - i'll check some more
16:00.00brad_msswjake1932: you use iax or sip ?
16:00.31brad_msswjake1932: oh, I use iax to junction
16:00.48brad_mssw(though on my fax line, I use sip)
16:00.51jake1932ok - so could be soomething with chan_sip
16:01.31brif8manager.conf allows you access the current status of asterisk (right)?  if so then how would you check on the status of invidivual extensions both incoming numbers and IP phones or SIP devices ?  Also What is the CLI command to tell you if an IP phone is busy  , for how long and what is the caller ID on the call ?
16:01.55*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
16:02.57jake1932brif8 - #1 is on this page
16:03.26*** join/#asterisk Seyr (
16:04.13Seyrwhat is the best way to forward a number in Asterisk? I have a DID on a server and need it to forward to a landline
16:04.16jake1932brif8 - looks like you can use Status
16:04.53*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
16:05.06brif8jake1932: thanks I'll read more
16:05.22jake1932Seyr - what type of phone - on mine (7960) you can do it from the keypad
16:05.32Seyrno phone
16:05.44jsharpSet the extension in Asterisk to dial back out.
16:05.49jake1932in the dialplan - just use Dial
16:06.04Seyrso there is no Forward() or anything?
16:06.12SeyrI'm using Dial currently
16:06.21jake1932what's wrong with Dial?
16:06.27brif8what load does manager put on the CPU or asterisk system to constantly check status ?
16:06.32*** join/#asterisk skkip (n=skkip@
16:06.51*** join/#asterisk lzhang (
16:06.54Seyrthought there was a Transfer() or something
16:07.21a1fasomething is wrong with my asterisk box
16:07.38jake1932no need for polling in that case
16:07.38Seyrnothing *wrong* with Dial :-)
16:07.49a1fait registers, and then i cant get calls after 10 minutes
16:08.01a1fait works for the first 5 minutes, i can get calls, but after that i cant get calls
16:08.02lzhangI'm using asterisk to group dial some 501's and some 601's, and for some reason everytime one of the 501's picks up the call the 601 keeps ringing (using asterisk 1.2.5)
16:08.19lzhanganybody heard of this happening before
16:09.03brif8jake1932: it is a TCP connection right for manager.conf
16:09.47jake1932lzhang - i would make sure the 601 is getting the terminate packet
16:10.14lzhangjake1932: so I do a sip debug and try to find the terminate packet?
16:12.07develanybody seeing weirdness with aastra (480i) like it registers fine on boot, but every registration attempt after that shows 'forbidden' (doing sip debug at console)?
16:13.09*** join/#asterisk hgaillac (
16:13.29hgaillacHello asterisk users
16:13.47perlmonkyanyone doing qos on pix?
16:14.10a1fai can recieve calls for the first 5 minutes past my registration, then i cant make phonecalls
16:14.13hgaillacIs there somebody in Israel for fax tests to France
16:14.32perlmonkya1fa: what phone?
16:14.45perlmonkya1fa: are  you using qualify=yes?
16:14.51develalfa, i'd do a 'sip debug peer' too
16:14.56a1faperlmonky : no
16:14.59a1faits peer
16:15.02develthat's helped me countless times
16:15.08a1fai did sip debugip <peer ip>
16:15.14perlmonkydoesn't matter qualify is keep alive...
16:15.17*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
16:15.21perlmonkysort of ;)
16:15.30a1faperlmonky : i dont know if a peer needs a qualify
16:16.09perlmonkyyou are not using dynamic with registration correct?
16:16.37a1fawhy would i use that
16:16.45perlmonkyjust making sure you weren't...
16:17.00perlmonkysome do host=dynamic with registration line for peering...
16:17.10perlmonkyjust another way to do it..
16:17.28a1fai didnt do that
16:17.29a1fai mean
16:17.33a1fait works fine for 5 minutes
16:17.37a1faand this always worked
16:17.41perlmonkypeer doesn't do anything special other than restrict incoming calling...
16:17.44a1fait stop working after update to 1.2.6
16:18.15perlmonkymy gut would be that your registration is dropping out...
16:18.24a1fano nat
16:18.35perlmonkyboth sides astersk?
16:19.29*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
16:20.34perlmonkyso you asterisk has public IP?
16:20.48perlmonkywhat do you get when you sip debug
16:20.59perlmonkysip debug peer broadvoice...
16:21.41*** join/#asterisk ast_freak|Laptop (
16:21.46perlmonkylets back up further... after five minutes you can't receive calls? or you can't make calls...
16:22.27a1fai can make calls
16:22.32a1fabut i cant recieve calls
16:22.47justinu|laptopturn on qualify or nat keepalives
16:22.55perlmonkyok... are you running IP tables?
16:23.47perlmonkyand when you are attempting to receive calls do you see any sip debug?
16:23.49justinu|laptopif it works for a while, then stops, the problem is your NAT is closing the binding, not allowing UDP packets from the ITSP to reach you
16:23.57a1faperlmonky : not afer 5minutes
16:24.00justinu|laptopqualify will stop that
16:24.04a1fajustinu: no nat
16:24.05justinu|laptopfrom happening
16:24.34justinu|laptopif there's no nat, then your registration is expiring
16:24.36a1fai added qualify=yes
16:24.43*** part/#asterisk Seyr (
16:24.47a1fait could be the case
16:24.49perlmonkysip reload :)
16:24.52a1fathat it expires every 30s
16:24.56a1fabut in debug
16:25.01a1fait sais expriing in 3600s
16:25.03perlmonkyiptable can cause some of the same problems as nat
16:25.10perlmonkyif not configured properly
16:25.12justinu|laptopok... then that shouldn't be the case, if expires=3600
16:25.38justinu|laptopyep... disable iptables completely for troubleshooting purposes
16:26.07perlmonkymake sure you allow 5060 and 10000-20000 udb
16:26.08a1fa30s after
16:26.11a1fait stoped
16:26.16perlmonkyor what ever you have rtp.conf set up for..
16:26.19a1fano more sip messages from the peer
16:26.53a1fai was able to recieve a call now
16:27.19a1faExpires: 120
16:27.22perlmonkyqualify sends a keepalive
16:27.26a1fa120/60 = 2 minutes
16:27.32perlmonkyto keep the "door" open...
16:27.43*** join/#asterisk Kokey (
16:27.47a1fait is supposed to re-register every 2minutes
16:27.48*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
16:27.50a1fathats lame
16:28.03a1faApr 24 16:27:04 NOTICE[23117]: chan_sip.c:9693 handle_response_register: Outbound Registration: Expiry for is 3443 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 3428 s)
16:28.13a1fabut asterisk thinks it needs to re-register in an hour
16:28.15*** join/#asterisk oneman (
16:28.17a1fanow that is gay
16:28.33a1faregistration is expiring in 2minutes, but asterisk will re-register in an hour
16:28.52onemanCan anyone reccomend a provider I can get incoming sip service for asteriks with a 757 number?
16:30.44*** part/#asterisk lzhang (
16:31.17a1fai am kidding
16:31.28a1fawant cheap non reliable provider?
16:31.36a1faget broadvoice
16:31.45a1fatheir support sucks major ass
16:32.19jake1932you could do a local - full time forward to toll free - that should be pretty reliable
16:32.37jake1932(plenty of providers have toll free inbound)
16:32.48a1fahow can i find what my 911 number is binded to?
16:32.54zafvoicepulse is nice
16:33.06a1fai want to bind my 911 number to a local 911 number
16:33.15a1fais there a way to find the local emergency number?
16:33.27Hmmhesayscall the local police department
16:33.32a1fai have a different areacode on my account
16:33.35zafcall 911 and ask them
16:33.41a1fazaf : lol
16:33.43jake1932don't call 911 for that!
16:33.47a1fa911 - What is your emergency
16:33.59a1faMe - Yes, i need to know what is the emergency number
16:34.01zaf"hello, 911? what's the number for 911?"
16:34.04a1fa911 - Sir, its 911
16:34.19a1faMe - Yes I know, but what is the number number for 911 number
16:34.32onemanvoicepulse does not offer 757 numbers..
16:34.38a1fa911 - Sir, I am calling the police now, get the fuck off the line
16:34.52*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
16:35.06jake1932oneman: you want cheap or reliable?
16:35.15SexyKenHey [TK]D-Fender -- you around?
16:35.50onemanid like to be able to compare cheap to reliable :P
16:35.56onemanif cheap was 4$ a month id do it
16:36.02jake1932oneman: do you have an address in the 757?
16:36.05onemanbut if reliable is 10$ ill go for it
16:36.12onemanyeah it must be a 757 number
16:36.19jsharpNah.  Most 911 operators I've dealt with are decent if you start off with "I have no emergency, I need 911 information for my office phone system."
16:36.28*** join/#asterisk SeicherlBoB (
16:36.37SeicherlBoBhi there! anyone installed asterisk@home 2.8 recently?
16:37.32jake1932SeicherlBoB - you might get a better response from #freepbx
16:37.35onemanjake1932: what you got for me ;P
16:37.52SeicherlBoBjake1932: thanks. just read the hint. sorry.
16:37.58jake1932oneman: i'm saying that you could get an incoming only local and forward to a toll free
16:38.05coppicezaf: the number for 911 is 112 :-)
16:38.27jake1932coppice - perspective - the number for 112 is 911
16:38.54coppicedoes 112 work in the US yet?
16:39.09jake1932i wouldn't dial it in an emergency
16:39.31coppiceyou probably would if you use a cellphone :-)
16:39.32a1fain case of emergency, RUN BITCH! RUN!
16:39.42onemanjake1932: I don't want the callers to have to get thru a pre-menu
16:39.53jake1932oneman: a premenu?
16:39.59a1faif you are getting killed press 1
16:40.07a1faif you are vitnessing a crime, press 2
16:40.07SexyKenAnyone here ever develop queue status scripts using PHP and the manager API?
16:40.09jsharpThank you for calling 911.  If your house is on fire, press 1.  If you are dying from a heart attack, press 2.  If there are gangsta thugs...
16:40.11*** part/#asterisk SeicherlBoB (
16:40.21a1faif you or someone else is in immidate emergency press 3
16:40.45coppiceif this is a medical emergency and you are suffering a hearing problem, press 5
16:40.51onemanjake1932: I don't think a local number with verizon will be possible due to my living arangments and such
16:41.27jsharpAll our 911 operators are currently servicing other victims at this time.  Please continue to hold and your call will be answered just before you die.
16:41.28*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
16:41.41DarKnesS_WolFres_config_mysql.c:615 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server asterisk on localhost. Check debug for more info.  <--- i wann try the realtime how to turn on this debug ?
16:42.32coppicethere was a case in the US recently where a little kid phoned 911 three times about his sick mum. they wouldn't take him seriously, and his mum died. I hope the operators suffer for that
16:42.56jake1932oneman: you can get one from vonage and point it somewhere else
16:42.59*** join/#asterisk mtaht3 (
16:43.02jsharpSomeone's going to own that 911 center.
16:43.38*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
16:43.40onemanjake1932: would'nt this just increase latency ? Can't I just get a proper inbound service without forwarding?
16:44.47jake1932they're pretty good
16:46.31b00mer_how does one set a db variable to null?  I currently have Set(DB(fwd_db/${CALLERIDNUM})="")
16:46.38SexyKenHey guys, when getting Queue Status using the Manager API, how is the hold time calcuated?
16:46.39b00mer_but that seems to store ""
16:47.08b00mer_which is srewing with other scripts
16:47.52*** join/#asterisk kend (
16:47.53*** join/#asterisk marl (
16:49.08marlhi, does anyone have a macro (or is it a built in setting i just cant find?) that will ether record nativly in mp3/ogg format, or convert after a line monitor recording to mp3/ogg?
16:49.24marlcurently using AAH2.8
16:49.40onemanjake1932: junctionnetworks is pay per minute inbound ?!?
16:49.55jake1932oneman - yes
16:50.09onemanI want flat rate inbound :D
16:50.18a1faoneman : how about no inbound charges
16:50.26onemana1fa: word
16:50.37jake1932i haven't yet found a flat rate that has been able to provide reliable service
16:51.08*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
16:51.23a1faqualify=yes fixed my inbound issue. but it worked without qualify=yes in 1.2.5.. i wonder what has changed that it must use qualify=yes now
16:51.30nettiehey guys anyone rember how to use wildcards with ${CALLERIDNUM} please? I would like to match all the numbers having CID starting with "3"
16:51.40DarKnesS_WolFres_config_mysql.c:615 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server asterisk on localhost. Check debug for more info.  <--- i wann try the realtime how to turn on this debug ?
16:51.41onemana1fa: what you reccomend?
16:51.48[TK]D-Fendernettie : Runnin * 1.0.x?
16:51.53nettiemnope 1.2.6
16:52.03znoGOT question... if one plugs a device which is plugged into a 110v power adapter --> into a 220v socket... apart from blowing the power adapter (which is what effectively has happened), what are the chances that the device is blown too?
16:52.09a1faoneman : if you want cheap, go with broadvoice.. add me as referer
16:52.27a1faznoG : slim
16:52.44coppiceznoG: I suspect from the tone of what you wrote "pretty good" :-)
16:52.46a1faznoG : unless you have a dirt cheap power adapter that didnt terminate current
16:52.47[TK]D-Fendernettie : GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num):1}"="3"]?4)
16:52.57b00mer_how does one set a db variable to null?  I currently have Set(DB(fwd_db/${CALLERIDNUM})="")
16:53.08znoGi've had a few people tell me chances are slim that the device is blown too, so i reaaaaaaaally hope it's the case.
16:53.42jake1932nettie: at one time you cound do _X/_Y where X is the ANI and Y is the number called
16:53.53Qwell[]jake1932: still can
16:53.55[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : try Set(DB(fwd_db/${CALLERIDNUM})=)
16:54.29onemanbroadvoice aint got 757 :P
16:54.40a1fawhy do you need 757?
16:54.47a1fawhere the f. is 757?
16:55.12nettiethanx guys, [TK]D-Fender :1 is the part I need right? is it used to have asterisk match jsut the first digit right?
16:55.15onemaneastern virginia
16:55.43[TK]D-Fendernettie :Oops... got that slightly wrong...
16:55.47a1fagood thing its not west virginia
16:55.48[TK]D-Fendernettie : GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num):0:1}"="3"]?4)
16:55.51[TK]D-Fendernettie : there
16:56.01nettieit didnt work ehehe
16:56.08[TK]D-Fendernettie : Go read up on "asterisk variables" in the WIKI
16:56.16b00mer_[TK]D-Fender : thanks again!  that worked perfect
16:56.24[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : ywc
16:56.25a1fanettie : did you reload?
16:56.36nettiesure :p
16:56.43nettienow orks eheh
16:57.10a1fau didnt reload, did you
16:57.18a1fabad nettiem bad bad nettie
16:57.35*** join/#asterisk ketema (
16:58.32nettie[TK]D-Fender do you know how do I match a number with doesnt pass the CID please? is it in the wiki as wekk?
16:58.42drfoomod2is anyone using a cisco router and a voice t1 card as a sip endpoint?
16:59.21drfoomod2i was thinking about buying a used 2621 and a VWIC-1MFT-T1
16:59.52jake1932nettie: what are you matching on?
17:00.15nettieI would like to match also the callers which are not sending the CID
17:00.28*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
17:00.39nettiemaybe cid = ""
17:00.41[TK]D-Fendernettie : As in you want to know if the call nas no callerid?
17:01.05[TK]D-Fendernettie : GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}"=""]?4)
17:01.14nettieperfect as I thought eheh
17:01.16[TK]D-Fendernull is null....
17:01.19kink0when my Asterisk has load there more and more S asterisk process until memory is exahust, is that normal ?
17:01.30jake1932wouldn't it better to do the _X/_Y for this thing?
17:03.05kink0about my last day question where Digium TE40X was detected but layer 3 was never working, the cause was PCI slot speed, then I change to 66Mhz instead Auto(133Mhz) and all goes OK, if anybody suffer for same problem.
17:03.48*** join/#asterisk Abydos313 (
17:04.04*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
17:04.14nettieperfect thanx guys wortlks gr8
17:04.18nettieworks :)
17:05.20*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
17:05.26*** join/#asterisk hads (n=hads@
17:07.48b00mer_is mpg123 still required for MOH on 1.2+ ?
17:08.00[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : Nope... native MoH...
17:08.24*** join/#asterisk praet (
17:09.25b00mer_my MOH starts and then immediately stops
17:09.42jake1932b00mer_ - mp3?
17:10.00b00mer_jake1932 : yes
17:10.14jake1932b00mer_ - you might need to compile format_mp3 in the addons
17:10.32b00mer_doughecka_: I forgot why... but that gave me trouble
17:11.09*** join/#asterisk forme (i=1000@
17:11.18b00mer_ugh... it was last week too... my brain is frazzeled milk toast
17:14.31LostFrogI still prefer mpg123.
17:14.32mutthese sangoma a104d's can also do data, correct?
17:14.32jake1932LostFrog: why?
17:14.32LostFrogjake1932: randomness.
17:14.38jake1932LostFrog: in terms of reliability?
17:14.43kink0noboy knows if is normal Asterisk forks more and more S proccess until memory is exhaust ?
17:14.52*** part/#asterisk Sonderblade (
17:14.59fileAsterisk does not fork, it is multithreaded
17:15.07LostFrogno.. I just don't like hearing the start of the MP3s over and over again.. I want to hear the middles too.
17:16.11kink0file: well right, many threads then , over 100 and near to use 100% of RAM ( swap is not used, I don't know why ) and then asterisk goes innestable and finally crash or need to be killed
17:16.32fileno that's not normal, get a back trace and figure out what's causing so many threads
17:16.33jake1932LostFrog - that's pretty anal
17:17.10LostFrogThat's nice.. you are calling my preferences anal..
17:17.20kink0file: is caussing where a lot of concurrents calls are arriving, and then claims about is unnable to create a new pbx
17:17.23LostFrogDo we all have to feel the same way about everything.
17:17.41kink0file: I had increased a lot ulimit, but that appears does not fix the problem.
17:17.43jake1932LostFrog - it's music on hold - for gods sake
17:18.05filekink0: figure out what is eating up so much memory, what are the calls doing?
17:18.28b00mer_mOH is still not working...
17:18.35b00mer_format_mp3 is compiled and installed
17:18.35jake1932LostFrog - just joking with you anyways - no offense intended
17:18.42b00mer_loaded the module
17:18.53b00mer_still getting the start/stop
17:19.02[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : pastebin your musiconhold.conf
17:19.06jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
17:19.31kink0file: free Total:2000K Free:about 60k when start inestable
17:19.35b00mer_[TK]D-Fender : its the default one
17:19.43b00mer_[TK]D-Fender : haven't changed anything
17:20.04[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : Show us what you're doing, and pastbin some CLI to back it up..
17:20.10kink0file: calls are doing mainly Congestion when that happens, due to no more channels availables to route the call ( my PRI is connected to a PRI GSM gateway )
17:20.28filekink0: what technology are they coming in as?
17:20.30LostFrogwow, kink0, that must cost.
17:20.31*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
17:21.02kink0file: are ussing SIP and H323 , both
17:21.10fileugh H323
17:21.25kink0LostFrog, yes, are expansive equipments, I use 2N Stargate gateway
17:21.27onemananyone used telesip?
17:21.41filewhere is this...
17:21.41kink0file: hmmmmm h323... I was also suspecting about h323
17:21.58filekink0: edit Makefile in the main directory, and take out the # before -include on the MALLOC_DEBUG line
17:22.07filekink0: it should allow you to see what is allocating memory, and not freeing it
17:22.20[Airwolf]Can anyone tell me if there are any free webphonebooks avalible for Asterisk ?
17:22.34[Airwolf]That like create a phonebook from the voicemail configuration of something ?
17:22.37*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
17:22.48znoGno, but that shouldn't be too hard to do
17:22.49b00mer_[TK]D-Fender :
17:23.18[Airwolf]znoG, I'm not a web programmer. Just a network engineer. ;)
17:23.26*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
17:23.54b00mer_[TK]D-Fender : here is my musiconhold.conf
17:24.15kink0file: is uncomented on my Makefile, but show memory returns not know command in the CLI
17:24.19znoG[Airwolf]: i'm a network guy (not engineer as I don't have a title yet) but it's really not hard to do.
17:24.22filekink0: you have to recompile
17:24.27filekink0: and reinstall
17:24.39filekink0: and restart Asterisk...
17:24.53fileif it still isn't there, then you did not do something correctly
17:24.56kink0yes, but was compiled and installed with this Makefile, I have not change now, was with memory debug enabled when I compiled it last time
17:25.08[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : Now I'd like to see your musiconhold.conf.....
17:25.22b00mer_[TK]D-Fender : here is my musiconhold.conf
17:25.28[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : umm, think I just missed that :)
17:25.36[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : WRONG MODE <-
17:25.42[Airwolf]znoG, I know. It won't be that hard, but If somebody already did it, then why do it again. :)
17:25.48kink0I will try to recompile anywise, and try again show memory ....
17:25.52[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : Go read up on how to enable native MoH
17:25.55kink0give me a sec to do it.
17:26.05b00mer_[TK]D-Fender :(
17:26.32perlmonkyb00mer_ you are using mpg123?
17:26.39b00mer_perlmonky no
17:26.47perlmonkythan that won't work...
17:26.51perlmonkychange mode=files
17:27.03perlmonkyand install asterisk_addons with
17:27.24b00mer_ok... stupid question... I've been relying on and "the book"... where is the official docs?
17:27.46b00mer_both have soo much deprecated and pre 1.2 stuff
17:27.47noname32does anyone know if it is possible to make a recorded line make a beeping noise so the parties know that it is a record line?
17:27.51perlmonkyb00mer_  sorry... that always gets me...
17:27.53b00mer_I'm pulling my hair out
17:28.09b00mer_not that I have much left
17:28.09[TK]D-Fenderperlmonky : Hey I was hoping he'd READ to figure that out once I told him what was wrong!
17:28.18perlmonkythe best place to look is /usr/src/asterisk/docs
17:28.18filekink0: it's show memory allocations btw
17:28.23*** join/#asterisk tier_1 (
17:28.28[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : There is plenty of good stuff on native MoH on the wiki...
17:28.30salviadudofficial docs?
17:28.34*** join/#asterisk Kokey (
17:28.38[TK]D-Fenderand in the SAMPLE files...
17:28.38fileor show memory summary
17:28.41salviadudduuuude, do you even use asterisk?
17:28.45fileyou'll probably want show memory summary
17:28.52[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : referring to me?
17:29.00b00mer_[TK]D-Fender I got it... I am a question asking slacker... I am going to wack my own pee-pee and hide in a closet to read
17:29.01salviadudno, to b00mer
17:29.43salviadudyeah, make sure the closet is comfy
17:30.45[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : I give a lot of info straight, but when I give the obvious search context and even the exact FIELD to look for I like people to try just a LITTLE you know?
17:30.47perlmonky[TK]D-Fender I understand the principal of Teach a man to fish... but every once in a while you gotta throw him a bone...
17:31.09[TK]D-Fenderperlmonky : I gave him a bone... plenty in fact, jsut not the whole fish!
17:31.14perlmonkymaybe cause I just got back from lunch and didn't catch the rest of the conversation...
17:32.08*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
17:32.25[TK]D-Fenderb00mer_ : Ok, fine.... but does it WORK now at least? :)
17:32.31marcus2has anyone heard any status updates from nufone regarding 800 DIDs?
17:32.57b00mer_I haven't tried what perlmonkey has told me... I am trying to read about it first
17:34.19*** join/#asterisk tclark (
17:34.27jake1932any people in here speak spanish also - is "cents" not used?
17:34.35marcus23/wii jerjer
17:34.52ariel_jake1932, cents like pennies
17:34.59Qwell[]cents like pesos?
17:35.02Qwell[]The currency?
17:35.06jake1932like pennies
17:35.13Qwell[]No, they use pesos :p
17:35.35jake1932cause i don't see cents in a few of these sound file packs
17:35.40jake1932(only dollars)
17:36.17jake1932so how would you say $10.11 in spanish?
17:36.39jake1932or Canadian :)
17:36.48Qwell[]Same way you would say 10.11 in EUD, I imagine
17:36.55mockerIs there a way to run a command when a call is complete through the dialplan?
17:36.57znoGcentavos << cents in spanish
17:37.04mockeri.e. user hangs up then run system() command.
17:37.12ariel_znoG, I said that
17:37.12znoGmocker: use the h extension
17:37.16znoGariel_: you said centados
17:37.20mockerznoG: Thanks.
17:37.22jake1932in english i.e  - ten dollars and eleven cents
17:37.28znoGwhich means "seated", except its with an "s", not a "c" :)
17:37.29docelm0dies y dies uno centavos
17:37.33Qwell[]jake1932: Just like that
17:37.35ariel_spelling in spanish is bad for me.
17:37.41ariel_also they say kilo's
17:37.45znoGdiez (10) dólares con 11 (once) centavos
17:38.00jake1932docelm0 - tnx - must assume "centavos" was just an oversight in these language packs
17:38.24Qwell[]jake1932: Is there "euros" in there?
17:38.31jake1932or just a bunch of rich spanish people the don't deal in cents
17:38.38jake1932qwell - nope
17:38.41docelm0When my spanish speaking CSR comes back from lunch I will ask her the exact..
17:38.47Qwell[]and does "dollars" say "pesos"?
17:39.00salviaduddollars are dolares
17:39.05Qwell[]If so, it's hardly an oversight
17:39.05znoGno, dollars are dolares
17:39.08znoGits a currency
17:39.11jake1932qwell - it says dolars in spanish properly
17:39.12docelm0Quell then you have to do a conversion from USD to MEX
17:39.18docelm0err PES I think it is
17:39.22znoGfor example, here in Argentina, 1 USD is about 3 pesos
17:39.36jake1932yep - i'm talking about US Spanish people
17:39.36salviadudznog, che argentino
17:39.39ariel_Peso is not the same as dolares
17:39.47znoGsalviadud: como va mejicano?
17:40.08Qwell[]correct me if I'm wrong, but their currency has no fractional amounts, equiv cents
17:40.08docelm0hay jake1932 since they are in the US..  Tell em to learn english like everyone else..
17:40.13salviadudznog, muy bien jaja
17:40.15docelm0I HATE that about tampa
17:40.24Qwell[]docelm0: Try living in socal
17:40.37docelm01/3 of tampa only speaks spanish..
17:40.41docelm0It SUCKS!
17:40.47docelm0Qwell I feel ya..
17:40.48Qwell[]9/10 of LA speaks Spanish :P
17:40.55salviadudlearn the freakin language
17:41.01salviadudyou think english is hot or something?
17:41.01docelm0damn illegals..
17:41.10Qwell[]salviadud: very hot
17:41.11salviadudenglish is the easiest language ever
17:41.16docelm0salviadud hay its like this.. wanna be in the US learn our language
17:41.22Qwell[]salviadud: Good, so they can learn it! :P
17:41.23docelm0doesnt have to be primary but still
17:41.25salviadudi learned english by watching nickelodeon
17:41.26jake1932(what did i start here?) :)
17:41.36docelm0jake1932 a can of worms..
17:41.39Qwell[]salviadud: heh, nice
17:41.41docelm0jake1932 where ya from?
17:41.45brettnemmmmm worms.
17:41.47jake1932philly area
17:42.00salviadudlots of family double-dare in my time...
17:42.07docelm0jake1932 really?   I will be in Newark De end of next month for Labor Day
17:42.11a1fai learned english watching movies
17:42.13a1fajohn wayne
17:42.14stoffelltzafrir, hm, how can i reduce the logging o/t astribank (logs continuously, alot..)
17:42.14nettieguys, considering I would like to stop using dial prefix when I want to call a number on the pstn, how asterisk descriminate from the internal 3 digit number and the external "n" digits number?
17:42.19LostFrogjake1932: ever make it out to western PA?
17:42.31docelm0LostFrog your in Pittsburgh right?
17:42.37jake1932LostFrog: once
17:42.51jake1932LostFrog: can't remember why though
17:42.54docelm0I will be there the weekend before memorial day next month
17:42.56ariel_nettie, patter matching
17:43.04LostFrogdocelm0: buy you a drink?
17:43.22nettieariel_ those were the keywords I need.. thanx a lot
17:43.29docelm0works for me..  I land around 1 or so..  Going straight to Permanni Brothers
17:44.05LostFrogoops.. nm
17:44.09docelm0I cant spell.. leave me alone..  :(
17:44.20docelm0but yes.. Im going after a pittsburgher
17:44.35docelm0havent had one in quite awhile
17:44.47Qwell[]docelm0: mail me one
17:44.55Qwell[]dryice and overnight it
17:44.59b00mer_[TK]D-Fender : no haven't gotten MoH to work yet... I have compiled format_mp3, installed it.  I have uncommented the native section of the musiconhold.conf file.  I have put mp3s in the /var/lib/asterisk/moh-native directory and finally edited zapata.conf to say musiconhold=native
17:45.38*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (
17:46.05docelm0Qwell[] you know what one is?
17:46.18Qwell[]but I'm sure it won't suck :P
17:46.22docelm0dude.. the burger is bigger that you are
17:46.47`Kevini cannot get t1/pri debugging in the cli, i am troubleshooting why the d channel will not come up when connected to a shortel
17:47.18`Kevinare their any specific commands to enable verbose pri debugging output?
17:47.26docelm0zap debug
17:47.28docelm0thats bout it
17:47.37LostFrogIs that the cheesesteak, docelm0?
17:47.46b00mer_[TK]D-Fender still the same stop start
17:47.58b00mer_start stop
17:48.14docelm0LostFrog, no its the 2 burgers with cheese, cabbage, and fries..   I think they may call it the cheese steak
17:48.21jake1932i think there's a pri intense debug
17:48.24docelm0not to be confused with a phili cheesesteak
17:48.27Qwell[]fries...on the burger?
17:48.34docelm0AND CABBAGE!
17:48.42Qwell[]so, like I said... :P
17:48.57LostFrogFries on burgers are a pbgh standard.
17:48.59docelm0Qwell[] its a pittsburgh thing..  man we need to have an astricon there
17:49.00LostFrogAnd on subs
17:49.00`Kevinzap debug = unknown cm
17:49.08docelm0Zap isnt loaded
17:49.17`Kevintheir are zap cmds
17:49.21docelm0You didnt compile it right or broke it
17:49.27LostFrogI like the unique pizza factory works.
17:49.53docelm0LostFrog never been there..   I havent been in pittsburgh in about 9 years
17:50.01docelm0actually 6
17:50.18x86how do you force load a peer into astdb from realtime?
17:50.40docelm0x86 database put bla bla bla
17:50.51*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:50.58x86err no ;)
17:51.14x86there was a simple way to force it to propagate even if the realtime peer wasnt connected
17:51.23x86not involving any astdb commands
17:52.26*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (
17:52.39x86found it
17:52.44x86sip show peer <num> load
17:53.04kink0file: still you there ?
17:53.07*** join/#asterisk ast_freak|Laptop (
17:53.42kink0file: I have now two asterisk, in differents machines, both compiled with MALLOC , but show memory on both returns not command :(
17:53.51fileshow memory summary
17:53.53kink0file: version 1.2.5
17:54.20kink0file: No such command 'show memory'
17:54.34kink0I type manually full phrase: show memery summary
17:55.06fileare you sure? it's show memory summary
17:55.07kink0also I edited and check astmm.h
17:55.22filedon't edit that... you just need to edit the main Makefile, commenting out the # in front of the -include
17:55.28filethen make clean, make, make install
17:55.32kink0yes I am sure, I checked twice and that happens on two differents machines
17:55.43kink0ok, will recheck on one doing a clean
17:55.55kink0file : I edited just to see the .h
17:56.03*** join/#asterisk kisu (n=daniel@2001:618:400:0:0:0:da26:a0d2)
17:57.16kink0file: ahh ok, I think I saw the mistake ... the # mark was not at the begin of the line. :)
17:57.38filethus why I said "in front of the -include"
17:57.52opc0dehey can anyone help me? I'm having a problem where a call from a PSTN line doesn't hang up immediately, and asterisk starts recording blank voicemail messages..
17:58.01opc0deis there some setting somewhere that I can modify to change this behaviour?
17:58.06fileopc0de: analog?
17:58.25opc0defile: yeah, Sangoma FXO card hooked up to PSTN line
17:58.39fileopc0de: welcome to the wonderful world of analog
17:58.43opc0deso I'm screwed?
17:58.48filewell, no
17:59.00opc0dewhat are my options?
17:59.01fileyou can try to get Asterisk to detect the hangup, but ymmv...
17:59.17filethere's docs on and the mailing list, and tons of other places
17:59.18praetis there a log for this chan?
17:59.23filebecause we usually get someone like you every 2 days
17:59.50opc0defile: I was trying not to disappoint
18:00.06*** join/#asterisk nitam (n=none@
18:00.06fileit's just the fun of analog...
18:00.12opc0deI found the page on about Asterisk Disconnect Supervision, I think that's what yhou're referring to
18:00.30opc0deI checked the mailing list, an d I found a bunch of people asking the same question, but no answers
18:00.32fileyou can sometimes get it from the telco
18:01.03filewhere they will... let me try to remember... reverse the polarity I think to indicate disconnect... or something, otherwise you have to tweak your config to try various options that tries to detect it
18:02.58nettieariel_ I was able to get it working with pattern matching :) outside calls using the voip carrier are fine, local calls arent :( I need to dial an extension of a local context. any idea please?
18:03.07*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
18:05.55kink0file: recompiling.... ( apparentelly required a make clean )
18:08.37kink0file: grrrr now compilation errors, I did not modify the .h but : astmm.h:49: parse error before "va_list"
18:09.13filegrab a fresh copy and enable it... just to be sure
18:13.46nettiegot it :)
18:14.31*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
18:15.00kink0file: in the fresh copy astmm.h is the same I had, but anywise recompiling again.
18:15.33kink0file:sure source for memory are ok in 1.2.5 ?
18:16.05fileI don't use 1.2 releases, so who knows... plus is newest...
18:16.40praetcan you route one asterisk box to another?
18:17.42filepraet: that's like asking can VoIP phones talk to other VoIP phones - the answer is yes, you just have to set it up... provided you meant can Asterisk boxes call eachother
18:18.09praetexactly.. so the sending box asts like a voip phone
18:18.30fileof course it can...
18:20.10*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
18:20.10salviadudcan asterisk do my math homework?
18:20.30salviadudprovided i wrote an agi
18:20.47salviadudi heard pulver did something similar
18:20.52LostFrogsalviadud: depends on what math you are taking.
18:20.55praetare x100p cards recommended? i see generic and pro? card on ebay)
18:21.12salviadudsimple multiplications
18:21.16salviadud2 times 5
18:21.18Strom_Cpraet: no...the TDM400P works far better than the x100p
18:21.19salviadudstuff like that
18:21.25LostFrogsalviadud: I don't see why not.
18:21.36*** join/#asterisk dahunter3 (n=dahunter@
18:21.53LostFrogI wouldn't expect it would be easy to do calculus or linear algebra over the phone. :)
18:22.12praetStrom_C: do you use a fxo line?
18:22.45acehunkyanyone has experienced callerid issue with TDM400P and Indian PSTN lines ?
18:23.18Strom_Cpraet: I have used the TDM400P with FXO lines on several installs
18:23.20`Kevinanyone have any idea on why calling out a pri would say congestion all lines in use, and the d channel stays down? the framing/encoding seem to be set correctly
18:24.31kink0file: done ( with 1.2.5 ) : 400209 bytes allocated 2391 units total
18:24.52filebut which file has an insanely large amount that keeps increasing?
18:26.04praetStrom_C: when you ad fxo it connects to the telco line, and the fxs goes to an analog phone to answer calls right?
18:26.27kink0file: comparing all sizes after fews minutes running
18:28.54tainted-i have a call file that drops a person into a meetme(), but i cannot hear or transmit audio.. any ideas?
18:29.18tainted-i hear join/depart sounds, but cannot hear participants
18:29.35fileis it behind NAT?
18:29.45fileusing SIP? what protocols... technologies...
18:29.52filegotta be specific
18:30.00tainted-let's see
18:30.17tainted-initial call to meetme is sip, phone behind nat
18:30.32tainted-subsequent call uses local channel + agi to create call file
18:30.44tainted-call is placed via iax2/
18:30.55tainted-and dropped into context w/ meetme()
18:31.30tainted-i can drop callfile user into ivr context and audio will work fine
18:31.34*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
18:31.42tainted-only if callfile user is dropped into meetme(), then no audio
18:31.54tainted-using meetme() option b
18:32.45*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
18:35.25*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (i=user@
18:36.44tainted-i can hear background() as well as 'conf-hasleft', but not participants' audio
18:37.46brad_msswdo you have a timing device? like a zaptel card, or the ztdummy module ?
18:38.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:38.06tainted-how do i loop for user dtmf in a agi script
18:38.42tainted-i think the culprit could be i'm background(oneSecondSilence) with no timeout
18:39.13tainted-is there another way to listen for dtmf w/o playing back a file?
18:39.22fileread or waitexten
18:40.10tainted-during a read, would meetme() participant audio be muted?
18:40.18tainted-that could be the cause of all this
18:41.12*** part/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@
18:42.18filetainted-: you do realize that the b option doesn't work for non-zap channels?
18:43.04tainted-file the agi executes
18:43.33tainted-file so i don't know what part of non-zap channels doesn't work.. perhaps the audio?
18:43.48*** part/#asterisk skkip (n=skkip@
18:48.05*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (i=user@
18:48.38filetainted-: you can do two things on a zap channel at once, you can't on a regular channel unless you do weird things
18:50.03tainted-what things
18:50.13tainted-maybe i can compromise those things
18:50.16tainted-for audio
18:50.27tainted-i just want to be able to dial someone into meetme
18:50.40fileand be able to listen using an outside script for DTMF?
18:50.50tainted-any method
18:51.10tainted-the outside script was a last resort
18:51.18tainted-when i do dial() from the agi, it works
18:51.33tainted-but i am only able to add that one person into the meetme()
18:51.58fileyou're overcomplicating things... so much that I'm totally lost on what you're trying to achieve, go down to the base of how you want it to function and pastebin a little description
18:52.02tainted-when i use callfile to drop the person into the meetme(), then no participant audio.. but background() and even moh() works
18:52.38tainted-say i am in a meetme
18:52.52FuriousGeorgei am in a meetme
18:53.01tainted-i press '9-555-555-1212'
18:53.17tainted-and some facility dials 555-555-1212 using whatever provider
18:53.28fileyou can't.
18:53.32tainted-555-555-1212 is then patched into the meetme
18:53.46filewell, you could - it would just require mods
18:54.22tainted-i have it all working right now, except when the user is patched in, he can only hear background() audio cues, join/part audio, but not participant audio
18:55.06b00mer_I was told I need to turn on rpid in my sip.conf... any body have the line to add?
18:55.11fileb00mer_: sendrpid=yes
18:55.21b00mer_file: thx
18:55.53filetainted-: like I said do it up in a pastebin, including how you're achieiving this now...
18:56.00fileand give me the link so I can follow it when I have a chance
18:56.04`SauronApparently I was both in this chan, and asterisk-unregistered.
18:56.09fileand I will tell you why it's doing what it's doing
18:58.47websaefile: how's life at digium?
18:59.15filewebsae: good, busy right now with something... need to get it finished up, then I'm back at the bug tracker :D
18:59.26filewhich is where I want to be since it's out of control, but this is important
18:59.48websaefile: well good luck, have a good day
18:59.56filesame to you!
19:00.05websaefile: much appreciated, thank you
19:01.19*** join/#asterisk robust (
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19:08.24*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
19:11.24*** join/#asterisk vader-- (n=johndoe@
19:11.58websaevader: how are you doing?
19:12.14vader--doing ok
19:12.19vader--getting my asterisk system together
19:13.04vader--just got done recompiling the new kernel
19:13.12vader--trying to figure out what my next step is
19:13.20websaeahh ok
19:13.24*** join/#asterisk brockj49464_ (
19:13.30websaecompile asterisk
19:13.43vader--how about zaptel?
19:13.49vader--im using digium cards
19:14.35Strom_Czaptel, libpri, asterisk
19:15.41blitzragewouldn't libpri, zaptel, asterisk make more sense?
19:15.54[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : SHHH!
19:16.00blitzrage[TK]D-Fender:  :D
19:16.08fileasterisk, zaptel, and THEN libpri - best order vah
19:16.11fileer evah
19:16.39Strom_C*shrug* I always compile zaptel first
19:16.41Strom_Cas per ;)
19:18.04*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
19:20.40b00mer_read some stuff indicating that asterisk as a fax to email gateway is hit/miss, but it seemed to focus on network issues.  If I bring a fax in on a pri and have asterisk to the fax to email magic, would that be reliable?
19:20.42*** join/#asterisk demigod2k (
19:20.54demigod2kyay finally got my VS1 setup and working. garbage equipment though :(
19:21.34*** join/#asterisk amdtech (
19:21.47demigod2kon the second unit they sent the PCI card was floating loose, not in its socket
19:24.18drfoomod2is anyone using a Cisco router with a voice T1 card?
19:27.30SexyKenHey guys -- I'm implementing phone stats for my users and in the cli -- it shows each time (every 10 seconds for about 8 phones) someone logs into the manager api
19:27.35SexyKenHow can I stop this?
19:27.38SexyKenFrom showin gin the cli
19:27.55praetStrom_C: do you still recommend the tdm400p over the cheap x100p if i only get one fxo module?
19:28.11Strom_Cpraet: yes
19:28.16Strom_Cyou'll have less problems with echo
19:28.24praetah i see
19:28.27Strom_Cand easy room for expansion
19:28.38*** join/#asterisk chiardon (n=chiardon@
19:28.44praetthe drivers are the same?
19:29.09tekatiI am eliminating my TDM card and I have already removed my X100P cards and would like to dump the zaptel drivers is this possible now or do you need those drivers for stuff like MOH etc.  I remember something about timing from the zaptel cards?
19:29.23chiardonHi. if I have a dead zap channel. How can I revive it without having to restart asterisk?
19:29.33praeti mean each nodule will be regonized separately
19:29.43Strom_Cpraet: no.  x100p uses wcfxo, tdm400p use wctdm
19:30.03praetthanks a million Strom_C
19:30.18Strom_Ci'll bill you for two million then ;)
19:30.40praetwhere to buy now ...
19:30.47chiardonIf I do a Zap Destroy Channel in CLI
19:31.03chiardoncan I create the channel again somehow?
19:31.27tekatipraet:  I have a TDM with 3 fxs cards in it I will sell you.  You can buy the others from where ever.
19:31.43*** join/#asterisk Druken (
19:32.07tekatiActually it has 4 fxs but one of the cards needs to get warrantied from digium I just have to send it back and they will ship out a new one.
19:32.21tekatimodules I should say.
19:32.28praettekati: im looking for fxo as well
19:32.45tainted-tekati only for meetme & moh
19:33.01tekatiRight you can buy fxo modules for the tdm card from digium or other places.
19:33.14brodiemI have an odd problem hopefully someone could give some insight on. For some reason, (very seldomly) when someone goes to make an outbound call (from SIP IP phone), they get connected to someone calling IN to us waiting to speak with someone. The extension dialing out is definitely not a member of the incoming queue. Any thoughts?
19:33.16tekatitainted: Will one of the x100p cards work even if it is not in use?
19:33.37tainted-why are u ridding tdm entirely
19:33.41*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
19:33.49praettekati: see pm
19:35.53Hmmhesaysso kiss me and smile for me, tell me that you'll wait for me, hold me like you'll never let me goo
19:36.05Hmmhesayscause i'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when i'll be back again, oh baby, I hate to go
19:36.25*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
19:36.30Drukendude... you need help :)
19:36.32tekatitainted: I bought a couple of WAP2-NA's that I plan to use around the house wirelessly for mobility with access points.
19:36.46Drukenno singing on irc :)
19:37.03Strom_Ctake on me
19:37.04Netgeeksgood song tho
19:37.25DrukenNetgeeks: agreed
19:37.54Netgeekscould be worse, he could be singing puff the magic dragon from the same songwriters instead
19:38.12*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
19:38.20asterboyhey thats a classic!
19:38.22*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
19:38.33tainted-tekati how are those working out?
19:38.44Drukenmy kid keeps asking me if i know the muffin man :)
19:38.53tainted-i'm trying to find a wifiphone that's reliable
19:39.03*** join/#asterisk dsfr_ (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
19:39.03brettnemDruken: love that part from Shrek
19:39.21asterboythe muffin man?
19:39.37Drukenwho lives on drury lane
19:39.42fileI know the muffin man!
19:39.47asterboythe muffin man!
19:39.55*** join/#asterisk esculapio__ (i=elvyn@
19:39.57brettnem"your a monster! Eat me!"
19:39.58tainted-~the muffin man
19:40.00jbotPicoBot: NO
19:40.26esculapio__hi file
19:40.34esculapio__file, hi
19:40.34brettnem"not my gumdrop buttons!!!"
19:40.53asterboylol, that was a great scean
19:41.03asterboyand at the end he has a candy cane
19:41.56Drukendid ya notice in shrek 2 all the people running out of the starbucks, to the one across the street?
19:42.00tekatitainted:  I have some of those and I even have some of the grandstream stuff and they all seem to work pretty darn well now.  firmware keeps getting better and Asterisk support for the hardware keeps getting better as well.  I am loving them.
19:43.01asterboyhey, if I make changes to zapata.conf for the txgain=, restarting * is all that is needed to pickup any changes right?  Just seems to be ignoring my changes and wondering if I have to restart the computer to pickup someting with zaptel driver restart
19:43.04Drukeni just may have to crack out shrek now... damn you people!!!
19:43.14acehunkycan any one point me to any hardware from digium which supports SS7 ?
19:43.20brodiemasterboy, just a CLI reload is all
19:43.29asterboyok, that is what I thought.
19:43.37asterboyjust making sure.
19:43.40perlmonkyasterboy : changes to zapata require that asterisk actually rstart...
19:44.03perlmonkybrodiem : you have to reload
19:44.03asterboyyes, I did a "stop now"
19:44.21brodiemperlmonky, reload by itself would include
19:44.24*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
19:45.15asterboyI still like to kill the process just to be sure, but reload should do it.
19:45.22tekatitainted or anyone: have you tried the WIP300 or WIP330 yet?  I am interested to know how those work.  The company I work is currently deploying city wide wifi in Anaheim, CA and thought those would be a cool way to really test the network.
19:45.45esculapio__who can help me with softphone Idefisk
19:45.51acehunkyanyone can shed light on SS7 out here ?
19:45.59Drukenonly problem with wifi is the handoffs
19:46.01asterboySS7 is only good for home networks
19:46.08asterboy1 or 2 lines
19:46.08*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:46.12tainted-tekati i'm in the same boat.. trying to find a good wifi handset for vancouver, ca
19:46.15asterboyjust joking
19:46.36asterboyThere is some good info on SS7 on the web and in the voip-info docs
19:46.44perlmonkybrodiem : but not all configuration options are
19:46.44perlmonky;               re-configured during a reload.
19:47.00esculapio__transf hold etc
19:47.14asterboydon't use it myself, since that kind of signalling is for the CLECs iirc
19:47.32esculapio__who can help me with softphone Idefisk transf, hold, ....
19:47.39tekatiDruken: Yea I agree and I really want to see how that all works.  The design team claims they have a pretty good solution to that.  I would like to test that theory out.  To me that would rock to live in a city with WiFi coverage.  I would be willing to throw my cell out the freaking window!
19:48.04b00mer_am I crazy tring to patch the latest / greatest asterisk with spandsp's application patch?
19:48.13[hC]Ive got a WIP300, and a network that handles handoffs properly
19:48.19[hC]nya nya
19:48.23praetmy state is testing out full coverage wifi
19:48.48Drukentekati: willing? i'd be driving over mine....
19:48.59brodiemperlmonky, I set my gains 2 days ago and CLI reload took tx/rxgain changes, because I was monitoring a 1Khz tone from ztmonitor and saw it fluctuate on reload
19:49.05Drukencourse, my wifi phone would be useless outside the city limits :)
19:49.46[hC]anyone here use a win32 interface (manager interface i guess?) that sits in the tray and will alert you of incoming calls, answer, transfer, etc? I checked out ADM but it seems to be incomplete.
19:50.04acehunkyasterboy: i wanted to know if there is any card thats made by digium which supports SS7 .. pardon me if this question sounds silly ..
19:50.22asterboyI don't know for sure, but I'm thinking no.
19:50.25tekatipraet: What state is that?
19:50.45acehunkyanyone from digium over here .. who can answer that question regarding ss7 ?
19:51.35Drukenss7 is a signalling, not a card type
19:52.10Drukenlook it up on
19:52.10brettnemacehunky: for ss7+asterisk.. go check out
19:52.26brettnemIf you don't know what ss7 is.. chances are you don't need it
19:52.33*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
19:52.44tainted-[hC] what network is that?
19:52.46acehunkybrettnem: doesnt resolve
19:52.49praettekati: Rhode island
19:52.57tainted-[hC] that handles the handoffs.. what protocol?
19:52.58tekatiVery cool
19:53.11brettnemer.. .com
19:53.34brettnemacehunky: what do you need SS7 for?
19:53.41[hC]tainted-: 802.11a/b/g. There's a company i buy hardware from called meru networks that has tied AP's together using a CDMA-like timing technology, and allows for seamless handoffs to independent networks. its sweet as hell.
19:54.24tainted-what osi layer do they implement the handoff at?
19:55.11tainted-handoffs w/o affecting the 802.11x protocols has been the holy grail of mesh networks
19:55.43tainted-there's a lot of proprietary crap out there.. but an open implementation would be amazing
19:55.56[hC]as far as the client goes, you need nothing special
19:56.00esculapio__help my please, I have with softphone
19:56.03[hC]the radios all decide on an essid and channel
19:56.22[hC]and by using tunneling back to their controller, they allow for seamless layer2 across all AP's regardless of how they get internet
19:56.47esculapio__I have problem with softphone
19:56.52tainted-so this is only available by using aps from meru
19:57.06[hC]yes, but to the client, theres nothing special required.
19:57.10perlmonkybrodiem : you are correct... that was added in 2005...
19:57.13[hC]and meru's controllers and AP's are not expensive
19:57.20perlmonkybrodiem : I admit defeat :)
19:57.28[hC]more expensive than say, a wrt54g.. but by no means EXPENSIVE
19:57.29tainted-oh that's been done
19:57.46brodiemperlmonky lol
19:58.03perlmonkybrodiem : it was added in 1.0.10...
19:58.32brodiemwasn't trying to argue just saying that it will work both ways :)
19:58.33demigod2kdoes anybody have a suggestion for tuning gain if the CO doesn't provide a milliwatt test number? Detroit apparantly hasn't done that in years
19:58.47acehunkybrettnem: one of our client has asked if we have any hardware which can work on asterisk and on ss7 protocol .. i m digging more on ss7 ..
19:58.53justinu|laptopgo as low as you can go, until the calls sound too quiet
19:58.55brodiemdemigod2k, I just googled for other telco test lines nearby .. this project sounds to be dead..
19:59.14perlmonkybrodiem : I swear I remember having to actually restart asterisk to get htat working...  which makes sense... it was 1.0.8 and 9 that I started with... I never changed...
19:59.42demigod2kbrodiem, didn't find anything for Detroit... how far away can I go before the test really becomes invalid? can I use anything in the USA?
20:00.55brodiemdemigod2k I'd be willing to bet it wouldn't throw you off much, but that's just my opinion not based on any facts :)
20:01.32demigod2kit's probably going to be a lossless digital transport, so my guess is the same.
20:01.48brodiemdemigod2k, they're digital trunks separating telcos anyway
20:02.53demigod2kany pointers where you found it? I keep running across the same stupid FAQs rather than any valid numbers.
20:03.09demigod2kI could probably try the "try these" numbers on random area codes and exchanges too...
20:03.09brodiemdemigod2k, I found one in San Antonio i can give you
20:03.13demigod2kthat would be awesome thanks
20:03.41demigod2kI found a bunch on the mailing lists for europe, australia, and other hard to find places
20:03.52drfoomod2i was asking about SS7 the other day
20:04.18drfoomod2is it beneficial for the telecom provider to use SS7 down to a customer than PRI?
20:04.27drfoomod2rather than PRI
20:05.48demigod2kbrodiem, thanks!
20:06.02acehunkyi m actually clueless on wats SS7 .. just know that its some kind of signalling protocol ! drfoomod2 is driving me nuts
20:07.50acehunkyalthough i find some info on voip-info wiki
20:08.18`Kevini do not have the option of zap debug in cli, others have used it.. i have compiled zaptel 3 times and asterisk right after
20:09.15acehunkydrfoomod2 i m there :)
20:12.08*** part/#asterisk esculapio__ (i=elvyn@
20:12.11rpmanyone here use astmanproxy and have it outputting in xml or csv?
20:13.07jbalcombIs there anyway to set the number of rings on the GXP-2000?
20:13.09brodiemdemigod2k np
20:19.38*** join/#asterisk hellop (
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20:30.37docelm0jbalcomb what do you mean number of rings?   before what?
20:30.53*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
20:31.54jbalcombdocelm0 before it stops. so maybe just two rings instead of 4. i'm thinking that based on my dialplan 'wait for answer' setting?
20:33.10hellopI just got 3 of those 2nd gen Ambient 100p cards.  2 were DOA
20:33.12docelm0exten => 123,1,Dial(SIP/GXP2000,timeout)   where time out is seconds before it stops ringing..  23 sec is almost 4 rings
20:33.19docelm0so half that..  round 11 or so
20:33.39docelm0hellop and?
20:33.40hellopSo, out of 6 cards, the last one worked.  I knew I wasn't crazy!!!!!
20:34.13hellopdocelm0, ohh  just thought I'd share.  They were advertised as "Digium Asterisk Genuine OEM"
20:34.41docelm0The only thing genuine is something w/ the digium name or asterisk logo..
20:34.46docelm0dont accept imitations..
20:34.54docelm0even if they are cheaper
20:35.02hellopare they still 100 bucks?
20:35.43docelm0x100p?   I dont even think they are made anymore
20:35.49docelm0try TDM400p
20:35.49hellopDigium 100p cards.   I saw something on ebay for $35  but it was probably a scam..
20:36.07docelm0You will find clones but thats bout it.
20:36.09hellopdocelm0,  what do you use if you just need 1 line?
20:36.21hellopdocelm0, i.e.  the home user..
20:36.31docelm0FXO or FXS?
20:37.04demigod2kthey have those ethernet-based FXOs for around $100 too that seem reasonable for a home
20:37.23docelm0if FXS then the one listed above is the model number
20:37.29Nuggetif I had to do it over again, I'd get a sipura spa instead of the tdm400p.
20:37.35docelm0I have a TDM421P
20:37.51docelm0Nugget Im looking for another..  :)  Wanna sell yours?
20:37.52demigod2knugget, why is that
20:38.10hellopdocelm0, So those 400 cards can support up 2 4 modules,  you're saying just buy one with one module?
20:38.20docelm0hellop yes
20:38.32Nuggetthe sipura wouldn't require zaptel, which I've found to be the least reliable and most cumbersome aspect of asterisk.
20:38.40hellopyeah, I saw that buy it now for about $135
20:38.41Dr-Linuxtdm400p has a noice for me while making calls? doesn't any one encounterd same issue?
20:39.45demigod2knugget, a reasonable explanation. hows echo cancellation with something like the sipura? that's the main worry that kept me away
20:40.58NuggetI can't really speak to that concern
20:41.29Dr-Linuxdemigod2k: you can't do much if you are still getting echo
20:41.30NuggetI have one of each and have had no echo problems with either, but clearly some people do.
20:41.34demigod2kya. I may rethink as soon as we expand beyond 4 lines, I really liked the look of sipura and others
20:42.08demigod2kI just didnt want to deviate from the mainstream for my first effort. Bought a ready-to-go system with support
20:42.28Dr-Linuxtdm400p incoming is crystal clear, but outgoing is echo/noise and blah blah problems
20:42.47*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:43.28demigod2kya I'm fighting my tdm eco as we speak :(
20:44.16Dr-Linuxdemigod2k: you are getting echo with incoming or outgoing?
20:44.39demigod2khavent tried incoming yet. outgoing to cellular and landline I hear echo on my polycom, the other end sounds fine
20:45.22demigod2kas a separate issue, even on the local net I get some echo but I'll address that later. the outgoing call has like 1.5 seconds echo (horrible)
20:45.51Dr-Linuxdemigod2k: what's your rx/tx gain?
20:46.59froguzdemigod2k, you should try fxotune, it will probably fix your problem
20:47.18demigod2kDr-Linux, going through that howto right now. 7.5 and climbing
20:47.19Dr-Linuxfroguz: what's fxotune?
20:48.11Dr-Linuxdemigod2k: i had the same problem, but i decrease rx gain, and it's fine now, but still noise there
20:48.27*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
20:49.24demigod2kecho noise or just line noise?
20:49.44Dr-Linuxjust line noise
20:50.19clive-does nayone know how to use "set variable" in an AGI script ?
20:50.19Dr-Linuxi have different tdm400p some in USA some in Pakistan, but same problem with all of them
20:50.40demigod2kthat fxotune is news to me, I may check that one out too.
20:51.47*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
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20:52.17qseekgood afternoon everyone
20:53.09Dr-Linuxdemigod2k: where we can check that?
20:53.15*** part/#asterisk qseek (
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20:54.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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20:54.09demigod2kDr-Linux, I'm just reading about it on I want to figure out what it does before I start running random commands :)
20:54.23*** join/#asterisk AndyCap (n=aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
20:54.54hellop1I have a problem with * that I cannot resolve.
20:55.33Dr-Linuxdemigod2k: give me the link?
20:55.36hellop1I have a Mini-ITX MB, working fine, then one by one 3 generic x100p cards died.  I installed * to another box, but could not get the cards to work.
20:56.04hellop1So I ordered 3 new cards.   On the new box, 2 cards give: ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1
20:56.27hellop1On the old box, 1 new card gives: FXO PCI Master Abort
20:56.41[TK]D-Fenderhellop : pastebin your "cat /proc/interrupts", then your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
20:56.43jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
20:56.57hellop1I have 6 cards, and 2 asterisk boxes... any suggestions?
20:57.21hellop1[TK]D-Fender, k
20:58.36*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (n=nik@
20:59.34*** join/#asterisk lzhang (
20:59.51lzhangI just tried upgrading to from 1.2.5 and now sip peers aren't seeding
21:00.05lzhangnot sure what I need to do to get them to register
21:01.11qseeklzhang i had a similar issue with my sip phones, but a reboot of the phones solved this issue
21:01.28Dr-Linuxhellop1: what it says "/sbin/ztcfg -vvv" ?
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21:03.08hellop1Dr-Linux, :
21:03.24PBXtechanyone know why i keep getting this error.. 2.547 Seconds.
21:03.24PBXtech(%) Total: 328 Opera
21:03.26hellop1Dr-Linux, I'm scared to swap cards between boxes now
21:03.35PBXtechWARNING[21587]: file.c:1032 ast_waitstream: Unexpected control subclass '-1'
21:04.56clive-PBXtech I also get tons of those warnings, no idea about what and why
21:05.22[TK]D-Fenderhellop1 : You have no channel declaraion in your zapata.conf.....
21:07.39clive-anyone familiar with perl AGI's ? I am struggling with set_variable
21:07.40*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
21:15.10*** join/#asterisk mooey (
21:15.38mooeyis it possible to install asterisk in a custom directory? im looking for the equivalent of ./configure --prefix=/home/user/asterisk
21:16.40Dr-Linuxmooey: reason?
21:16.40mooeyi dont have root on this machine
21:16.52mog_workwe have configure scripts now mooey should work i think
21:17.13mooeyin svn? i downloaded and it didn't :(
21:17.29mog_workin trunk
21:17.32mog_workit will be in 1.4
21:17.34mog_worknot in 1.3
21:17.37mog_workerr 1.2
21:17.59mooeyis it likely to break? :} this needs to be a stable-ish install
21:20.05mog_workits trunk
21:20.17russellbyou can do it in 1.2
21:20.18mog_workbut its not for all
21:20.22mog_workyou can
21:20.24russellbedit the Makefile, and change the INSTALL_PREFIX
21:20.31mog_workbut there isnt ./configure sexyness
21:20.34*** join/#asterisk hellop (
21:20.52hellopsorry if anyone tried to help, my client locked up
21:21.45hellopI need help and am willing to pay up to $25.
21:22.07*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
21:22.25mooeyrussellb: thats fab, thanks
21:22.36mooeyworked a charm, thanks anyway mog_work :}
21:23.58tainted-file did u get a chance to look at my pastebin
21:24.38fileno, this project gets priority...
21:24.40filedeadlines you know
21:25.17[TK]D-Fenderhellop : First you don't have your WCFXO in your interrupts list, and you don't have a channel declaration in your zapata.conf.
21:28.06hellop[TK]D-Fender, you mean channel => 1   it didn't make it to pastebin   but it's there.
21:28.34*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
21:28.47saftsackis it good to use the congestion() application?
21:29.04hellop[TK]D-Fender, for WCFXO in proc,  does that happen after ztcfg -vv?  (which is broken)  or does that mean I have a hardware prob?
21:29.06jake1932saftsack - for what?
21:29.26*** part/#asterisk amdtech (
21:29.31Hmmhesaysanyone in here use any voip-->gsm gateways?
21:29.49saftsackjake1932, for signalling congestion if all telephones are in use
21:30.15Dr-Linuxsaftsack: depends
21:30.29saftsackalso i have bristuff isdn here
21:30.30jake1932saftsack - can't see why not. - you could also play a message "all telephones are in use"
21:30.51jake1932oh - for ISDN
21:31.01saftsackyes but the sense of congestion is, that asterisk doesnt answer the call
21:31.08saftsackso there are no costs for the caller
21:31.40*** join/#asterisk IceManRISK (
21:31.41jake1932but the call never goes through - isn't there a forward if both channels are in use?
21:31.53*** join/#asterisk St1ckm4n (n=shortes9@
21:32.13saftsackyes this is maybe possible
21:32.19saftsackbut for example we have one telephone here
21:32.26*** part/#asterisk St1ckm4n (n=shortes9@
21:32.26saftsackand the most calls are dedicated to this telephone
21:32.34brif8Is there an Open source windows client similar to FOP that just handles if an extension is busy or idle ?
21:32.41saftsackif this telephone is congested the number should be show congestion
21:32.53saftsackindependend if there is a free b canal
21:33.14hellopAll I can think to do it buy some more cards and a new MB.
21:33.26mooeycan you specify the path that asterisk uses for configs when starting asterisk?
21:33.44*** join/#asterisk AndyCap_ (n=aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
21:34.02jake1932saftsack - by congested - you don't mean both b channels are used?
21:34.14hads|homemooey: look at asterisk.conf
21:34.15brodiemI have an odd problem hopefully someone could give some insight on. For some reason, (very seldomly) when someone goes to make an outbound call (from SIP IP phone), they get connected to someone calling IN to us waiting to speak with someone. The extension dialing out is definitely not a member of the incoming queue. Any thoughts?
21:34.22froguzmooey read asterisk.conf
21:34.25saftsackjake1932, no
21:34.28hellop$30 to whoever can get me running.  I have 6 X100p cards and 2 Asterisk boxes.
21:34.32mooey:$ sorted now
21:34.36Strom_Cbrodiem: sounds like a classic glare problem to me
21:34.39Mikeguys when using sip how can i return code 34? right now im returning code -1
21:34.46Strom_Cbrodiem: what kind of trunking are you using to the outside world?
21:35.11brodiemStrom_C, It's a channelized T1 into a TE210P
21:35.16hellopbrodiem, that happens on normal phones
21:35.23jake1932saftsack - how are you defining congestion then?
21:35.32jake19321 b channel in use?
21:35.56Strom_Cbrodiem: and you're hunting from 24 -> 1 on outbound and 1 -> 24 on inbound
21:36.02saftsackalso if there is an incoming call e.g. for the number 123456
21:36.14saftsack123456,1,Dial(internal telephone)
21:36.23saftsackJacke, this way
21:37.02brodiemStrom_C, there's 14 channels, but channel 1 is the primary number, so at the telco it starts at channel 1, and I would assume it's the same pattern as dialing out
21:37.11jake1932saftsack - i don't think congestion will do it.  I'd have to review the bristuff docs
21:37.18brodiemStrom_C, do they need to start at opposite ends?
21:37.36saftsackJacke, mister junghanns told me to use playtones but in this case the caller has to pay
21:37.38saftsackand this sux
21:37.54[TK]D-Fenderhellop : You need to modprobe for zaptel and wcfxo
21:37.56Strom_Cbrodiem: if you're on a channelized T1 I would STRONGLY RECOMMEND that your outbound calls hunt from the other end of the T1
21:38.00jake1932saftsack - right. and otherwise, it'll keep ringing
21:38.13hellop[TK]D-Fender, I do and receive no output...
21:38.27[TK]D-Fenderhellop : PM
21:38.45saftsackjake1932, on normal tk it is handled this way:
21:38.46brodiemStrom_C, Hmm how would I define that? Can I still just use a single group for all 14 channels?
21:38.55brodiemchannel => 14-1 or something?
21:39.00saftsackyou call and then there is about 1 second nothing
21:39.09saftsackand then the official telecom congestion sound
21:39.18saftsackgenerated by telekom and not by the foreign tk
21:39.36Strom_Cbrodiem: no your dial statement, if you use Dial(ZAP/G1/whatever) instead of Dial(ZAP/g1/whatever) it should start at 14 and work backwards
21:39.42saftsackyes and i want asterisk to do so too
21:40.30saftsackjake1932, do you have an idea?
21:40.31brodiemStrom_C, do you know of any docs that relate to this problem? just for my own peace of mind :)
21:40.45Strom_Cbrodiem: look up "glare"
21:41.38brodiemStrom_C so I'm basically just lessening the chance of this happening, since if the channels meet in the middle it could still happen just as easily?
21:42.09Strom_Cyes...that's a problem you're going to run into when using a channelized T1
21:42.14sevardI'm thinking about putting an * box in liberia so I don't have to pay 0.29/minute.  If I just want one line can I use a 56k voice modem? .. or do I have to go with a TDM100P
21:42.35Strom_Csevard: tdm400p
21:42.41saftsackjake1932, yes he writes the drivers
21:42.45jake1932with one FXO
21:42.46saftsacki wrote to the official support
21:42.49Strom_Cyou should know better :)
21:43.04sevardStrom_C: a TDM400P is four fxs lines... This is going to be in liberia where it may or may not be bomed through civil war
21:43.20Strom_Csevard: um, TDM400P can be configured with a single FXO port
21:43.20sevardI'm thinking a 200mhz linux box in a hard case with a voice modem :P
21:43.26brodiemStrom_C, thanks for the help. I suppose this wouldn't be an issue on a PRI?
21:43.32Strom_Cvoice modems blow
21:43.34sevardStrom_C: main point being they're expensive.
21:43.47Strom_Cbrodiem: much less of an issue on PRI, yes
21:43.52zafso do bombs
21:44.13Strom_Csevard: so if it's too expensive, don't do it
21:44.13LostFrogsevard: Then get a x100 and don't come back complaining of noise, echo, and caller-id problems.
21:44.54jake1932is that card even supported today?
21:45.09zafsevard: i've got 2 x100s in a * box working fine, ymmv
21:45.16jake1932you could also do a Sipura FXO
21:45.44[TK]D-Fenderzaf : I'm feeling slow today... what is "ymmv" again?
21:46.08sevardjake1932: hey, i never even thought of that.  A sipura with a fxo port registered back in the states with my * box
21:46.19brodiemStrom_C maybe I'll just be lazy and ask the telco to reverse the hunt group lol
21:46.26Strom_Cbrodiem: um no
21:46.30Strom_Ceasier to do it yourself
21:46.36sevardjake1932: that's a much better idea. more compact, cheaper, rawrsome.
21:46.38Strom_Cjust change one character in your dial statment
21:46.55Strom_Csevard: and then you have to deal with IP transport from liberia
21:47.10sevardStrom_C: I'd have to deal with that anyway, wouldn't I?
21:47.24jake1932i think you would
21:47.41brodiemStrom_C, I thought you said I couldn't use a group since it would go from first-to-last zap number? Wouldn't I need a string of 14 dial statements?
21:47.51Strom_Cwell if you're going to do that, why even bother with an asterisk box in the first place?  just have SIP clients there and keep the asterisk box here
21:47.56Strom_Cbrodiem: no, you didnt listen to me
21:47.58Strom_Cill repeat
21:48.13Strom_Cbrodiem: no your dial statement, if you use Dial(ZAP/G1/whatever) instead of Dial(ZAP/g1/whatever) it should start at 14 and work backwards
21:48.27*** join/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
21:48.31brodiemahh the caps
21:48.53brodiemI thought you were saying instead of using Dial(blah to start at 14, as in Zap/14 and work backwards down to 1
21:49.09Strom_Cthats what I am saying
21:49.24Strom_Cg1 hunts 1-> 14, G1 hunts 14 -> 1
21:49.32brodiemthis is going nowhere
21:49.37brodiemI understand though..thanks.
21:51.00sevardStrom_C: That's what i'm talking about.  an ATA.  that's the best idea yet. they probably don't have computers ;/ maybe my brother in law knows somebody with a cyber cafe and a landline i can use
21:51.26Strom_Csevard: I have no idea what you're going on about
21:52.43*** join/#asterisk mtaht3 (
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21:54.59dippois there a way to drop a sip session from the asterisk console?
21:55.06dippoi.e. something that shows up in "sip show channels"
21:55.08*** join/#asterisk OloBola (
21:55.18BeirdoI see JerJer is wisely hiding right now :)
21:55.27justinudippo: soft hangup
21:55.30LostFrogsoft hangup?
21:56.08jake1932not hiding - just overloaded with calls probably
21:56.17Beirdonot surprised
21:56.22Beirdoswitch-1 is unreachable
21:56.26Beirdoso I can't call out
21:56.32Beirdoand the DIDs... welll...
21:56.42dippoi have this one grandstream phone that keeps getting wedged
21:56.44jake1932what DIDs?
21:56.51dippoI still see the SIP session in "sip show channels" even though the handset is hung up
21:57.00zaf[TK]D-Fender: your mileage may vary
21:58.02jake1932i'm just hoping asterlink negoties better agreements
21:58.06[TK]D-Fenderzaf : thanks.
22:01.03*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
22:06.32*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
22:06.50DarKnesS_WolFhow to make the 1st thing is phone rings for 20 sec only ?
22:07.27[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF : I think you need to read up on the Dial command....
22:07.35linlinanyone willing to make a test call for me? :p
22:07.39*** join/#asterisk digime (
22:07.48digimeanyone know how i can get a free london DID #
22:07.50linlintrying to see if my asterisk comes out as choppy to people calling it
22:07.55DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: i need to know what is the application it's ring ? or rining(20) 9$?
22:08.00Dr-LinuxDarKnesS_WolF: put 20 sec wait at the end of Dial command
22:08.12digimei know there was  a service that offered free U.K. DID
22:08.26DarKnesS_WolFDr-Linux: wait(20) will make it rings ?
22:08.43Dr-LinuxDarKnesS_WolF: no
22:08.57Dr-Linuxits Dial application
22:09.10linlindigime that could help me too... dont remember it though? :p
22:09.12DarKnesS_WolFDr-Linux: i want the phone to ring 20 sec before the voicemail take the call
22:09.26Dr-Linuxexten => 222,1,Dial(SIP/2232,20)
22:10.00Dr-Linuxso it will ring for 20 seconds, 4 bells
22:10.01digimelinlin: yeah i know it exists, i found it once before
22:12.38praetwhat are the downfalls of asterisk@home?
22:13.34Dr-Linuxpraet: depends on your need
22:14.01praetits a new intall on a p3 450 and i wanted to try it.  but i could do it all custom too
22:14.22Strom_Cpraet: the downfalls of asterisk@home are:
22:14.24Strom_C- everything
22:14.34praetk what os then
22:14.52praetis centos not recommended i mean as a base
22:14.52Strom_Cwhatever OS you like best combined with asterisk
22:15.09justinucentos is fine
22:15.19praetok i thought there were os based limitations
22:15.28Strom_Cpretty much any linux
22:15.35Strom_Cpersonally, I like debian
22:15.52mindwarpis it pretty well supported / stable on freebsd?
22:15.59mindwarpanybody know?
22:16.06praetwell im comfortable on fedora bu ti know its a bit edge
22:16.30Strom_Cthen use fedora
22:17.39Dr-Linuxi like RHEL
22:17.55*** part/#asterisk qseek (
22:18.01*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
22:18.14mooey"chan_iax2.c:2836 auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response" -> what is the name of the setting i can use to increase the time that asterisk waits before giving up on an outbound iax call?
22:19.04dlynesStrom_C: So if any Linux is good, what makes Carrier Grade Linuxes better?
22:19.53Strom_Cdlynes: if you're going for carrier-grade stuff, that's a different ballgame entirely
22:20.33dlynesStrom_C: I'm guessing you don't consider a simple softswitch to be a need for carrier grade then?
22:20.48Strom_Cdepends on the application
22:21.08*** join/#asterisk gursikh (
22:21.12dlynesDo they have kernel tweaks then?
22:21.25dlynesi.e. that aren't part of the standard kernel source?
22:21.42Strom_CI have little experience with carrier-grade setups
22:21.44Dr-Linuxwhat's shrug?
22:21.54Strom_Cnot justinu
22:22.59*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:23.16Dr-LinuxStrom_C: justin is my friend, and he knows about my bad english, so sometime i ask words meaning from him
22:23.34Qwell~dict shrug
22:23.37Strom_CI thought you were asking if Iwas responding to him
22:24.02Strom_Chey qwell :)
22:24.12Qwelldoing so right now
22:24.17Strom_CI'm having an ass of a time trying to get SVN Trunk to compile
22:24.52dlynesStrom_C: asterisk?
22:24.59*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
22:25.10Strom_CI want to play with Qwell's SCCP stuff
22:25.11dlynesStrom_C: hrm...i just grabbed it yesterday or the day before and it compiled clean
22:25.30Strom_Cdlynes: this is a fresh install of SVN Trunk
22:25.40Strom_Cgrabbed now
22:25.55dlynesyeah...i haven't grabbed today's
22:26.04Strom_Cthe problem is with AEL somewhere
22:26.09tainted-hey dlynes
22:26.15dlynesheya tainted
22:26.18tainted-remember that meetme app we were talking about
22:26.21QwellStrom_C: got the latest bison and such?
22:26.28tainted-i implemented it, but there's one bug
22:26.29Strom_CQwell: I believe so
22:26.33dlynestainted-: yeah?
22:26.43dlynestainted-: so you're using call files then?
22:26.47tainted-dlynes once the user is dropped into meetme() via the callfile, there is no audio
22:26.51Strom_CQwell: I'm running debian testing...if that doesnt work I'll try upgrading to unstable
22:27.02QwellSo, hopefully I won't fuck up my firmware file again this time... :p
22:27.11dlynestainted-: it's probably a firewall issue
22:27.17QwellStrom_C: I forgot to add the tar filename, so I tarred up into the firmware file...woops!
22:27.17tainted-dlynes yea.. the user can hear join/depart and even background() files, but not the audio of other participants
22:27.30tainted-dlynes all public ips
22:27.40dlynestainted-: oh...maybe a mismatch on codecs?
22:27.49tainted-729 end to end
22:28.04dlynestainted-: or maybe the other guys are using g729 and the new participant isn't, and you've run out of available g729 licenses?
22:28.16tainted-got plenty to spare
22:28.37dlynesWell, I'm glad to hear that you made it this far :)
22:28.40tainted-if it was codec issue, i don't think i'd be able to hear the conf join/departs
22:28.51tainted-yea i think it'd be pretty useful for others
22:28.52dlynestainted-: Those would probably be ulaw->g729
22:29.14dlynestainted-: or ulaw->ulaw if the phone is using ulaw
22:29.24QwellStrom_C: sent
22:29.27dlynestainted-: what's the joining party's codec preference?
22:29.45Strom_CQwell: awesome
22:29.48tainted-meetme admin ip phone is 729, joining party is pstn through iax2 provider using 729
22:29.52dlynestainted-: and have you done a sip peer debug to make sure everything's copascetic?
22:30.07dlyneserm iax2 debug?
22:30.23Strom_CQwell: hopefully SVN trunk will compile on debian unstable now :)
22:30.27tainted-i can drop the user into an ivr no problem
22:30.42tainted-but once it's in meetme, it only hears join/depart
22:30.51dlynestainted-: Maybe there's a problem on the other end where it's converting pstn to g729 before it gets to your box?
22:30.52tainted-dlynes pvt msg your did
22:30.54tainted-i'll show u
22:31.17dlynestainted-: can't from here...crappy wireless router sucks for voip
22:31.41tainted-it should be 729 by the time it gets to my box
22:31.55tainted-let me check
22:32.52dlynestainted-: Well, fwiw, I'll be updating the wiki over the next couple of days with some info for setting up asterisk like a keysystem for peeps that have phones with separate logins for each line appearance and BLF support
22:33.27*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
22:33.33dlynestainted-: It'll be using Aastra 9133i's for the example
22:33.57ctooleyCan someone give me a ballpark for a Media Gateway for SIP that can take a DS3
22:34.37tainted-dlynes that's pretty cool
22:36.05dlynesYeah...everyone kept telling me it couldn't be done
22:36.10dlynesI've got it deployed already
22:36.26dlynesWith a two line system, intercom line, and six extensions
22:36.52tainted-iax2 debug looks good
22:37.11dlynesYou can set it up for up two seven extensions that way on an Aastra 9133i
22:37.17dlyneserm s/to/two
22:37.22dlyneserm s/two/to
22:37.49dlynestainted-: nothing in your full logs about any errors?
22:37.55dlynestainted-: or warnings?
22:38.12dlynestainted-: try setting up one log file to log everything
22:38.18dlynestainted-: and then set verbose to 1000 or something
22:38.23dlynestainted-: and then try it again
22:39.34*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:39.56tainted-no errors, no warnings
22:40.11tainted-just acks, pings, pongs, hangups.. regular stuff
22:40.53tainted-a notice when call file is placed and when call file user hangs up
22:41.33*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
22:41.38tainted-if i execute a dail() from within the agi, then it works, but i'm locked to that one user... i cannot add additional users
22:42.22dlyneshahaha....that's hilarious
22:42.31dlynesOracle just plugged 36 holes in their database :P
22:42.50tainted-so much for unbreakable
22:43.12[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : 9133's?  yuck....
22:43.16dlynesWho said Oracle was unbreakable?
22:43.21dlynes[TK]D-Fender: What's wrong with 9133i's?
22:43.27key2how would I have to say in my sip.conf that I want my asterisk to connect itself to a SIP server so I could make the calls go trough ?
22:43.36[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : ugly, and not really worth their cost...
22:43.39tainted-dlynes it was a campagin a while back
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22:43.48[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : in terms of quality or functionality....
22:43.49dlynes[TK]D-Fender: They're cheap
22:43.56[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : how chea?
22:43.57dlynes[TK]D-Fender: considerably cheaper than the Polycom 501
22:44.23dlynes[TK]D-Fender: besides...most offices are used to that look from the new style Nortel handsets
22:44.32dlynes[TK]D-Fender: About $120Cdn
22:44.40froguzsomebody has tested openvox hardware??
22:45.25dlynes[TK]D-Fender: compare it to a polycom full duplex speaker phone (501), at about $180USD(?)
22:45.32*** join/#asterisk file (i=jcolp@
22:45.39Strom_Chello mr. file
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22:46.15cekchow do I play a fast busy signal for 3 seconds before hanging up?
22:46.37Strom_Cno no no
22:46.41justinuoh, fast busy is reorder
22:46.42Strom_Cthat will play regular busy
22:46.52cekcwait what?
22:47.04Strom_Cnot "fast busy"
22:47.19dlynesplaytones(congestion) is fast busy isn't it?
22:47.31Strom_Cwhoever started calling it "fast busy" deserves to be shot
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22:47.52tainted-dlynes ye
22:48.02tainted-wonder if it's a 1.2.4 bug
22:48.07tainted-gonna try
22:48.07justinusorry, dlynes is correct
22:48.09justinumy mistake
22:48.20justinuuse playtones(congestion)
22:48.26dlynestainted-: I've noticed a number of problems with 1.2.4, including sip subscriptions
22:48.28cekcyeah, reorder didn't work
22:48.31dlynestainted-: try upgrading to
22:48.45tainted-god i hope it works
22:48.46*** join/#asterisk chiardon (n=chiardon@
22:48.57dlynestainted-: yeah, it would be cool if it does
22:49.05dlynestainted-: but, if you've gotten as far as you have
22:49.09dlynestainted-: it will work
22:49.12tainted-the freeswitch hacks have an irc initiated conf
22:49.14dlynestainted-: it's just a question of why it's not
22:49.22chiardonI need some VoIP gateways ... which brand would you recommend?
22:49.23dlynestainted-: Yeah, I've noticed
22:49.33cekcis there a playtones for SIT?
22:49.37tainted-the freeswitch guys have a hack that initiates conf from irc
22:49.40tainted-too tired
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22:49.55cekcumm, that tones that tells telemarketers to fuck off
22:50.04dlynescekc: Yeah, there sec
22:50.05Strom_Ccekc: why do you want to play reorder for three seconds only?  typical practice is to let the reorder time out after two minutes or so
22:50.33cekcStrom_C: I made a phone that plays funny messages when you pick it up
22:50.57PeacefulIs there a way to change caller id display on Cisco 7960's on OUTBOUND calls?
22:51.09dlynescekc: app_zapateller
22:51.20PeacefulI mean, caller id for incoming is easy...
22:51.40cekcwelcome, lines-complaining-customers, privacy-you-are-blacklisted, not-taking-your-call, goodbye
22:52.01Strom_CPeaceful: change the caller ID based on the line appearance used to dial out?
22:52.37nettieanyone how coul dbe possible that moh doesnt work anymore? I'm pretty sure I didnt touch anything important! mpg123 is loaded during asterisk startup and if I create an extension which points to it, it works. Seems that asterisk dont recognize the hold button anymore. I started the console in verbose mode and when I used to hit the hold button I remeber it used to notify me. Now the phone says the call it's in hold, asterisk doesnt notice
22:53.10nettiemy phone is a polycom soundpoint 301
22:53.21dlynescekc: (950,0,330,0)(1400,0,330,0)(1800,0,330,0)(0,0,1000,0) <-- SIT tone
22:53.33justinu|laptopzapateller is easier to type :)
22:53.40dlynesyeah, no kidding
22:53.50nettieI also confirm that both ztdummy, zaptel modules are laoded
22:53.52cekci got zapateller to work, which means now I know how to start applications
22:54.10cekcdlynes: how do I enter that, just put the tones instead of the application?
22:54.19cekcmaybe I'll have it play a song
22:54.32nettiewhen I issue a moh reload everything looks great.. it's very stange
22:54.45PeacefulStrom_C: no, actually change who the phone says you're calling out to
22:54.46dlynescekc: have a look at indications.conf
22:55.11dlynescekc: anything in there you see you can do playtones(nameoftonesforyourlocale)
22:55.16PeacefulStrom_C: I have people dialed into AgentLogin(), and I want them to be able to see caller id for incoming calls
22:55.45Peaceful^- not trivial, probably because cisco doesn't expect you to change what you're dialing out to
22:56.06Peaceful...unless someone proves me wrong and it IS trivial.  I wouldn't mind that.
22:56.19justinu|laptopi like to switch my indications.conf to uk
22:56.22justinu|laptopsounds more interesting
22:56.38dlynesheh...and throw your callers for a loop/
22:56.40PeacefulI mean, I could execute an external app that telnets into the phone, but I don't see an option for changing what's displayed even there
22:56.49[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Actually $120 is pretty good for a 9133....
22:57.01dlynes[TK]D-Fender:'s a pretty good deal
22:57.03[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : not such a bad call at that price.
22:57.14dlynes[TK]D-Fender: Much better than the other crappy voip phones I've used
22:57.28dlynes[TK]D-Fender: Grandstream 102 has sorta decent quality, but it's so damned ugly
22:57.32[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Yeah I suppose.... that USD or CAD?
22:57.42dlynes[TK]D-Fender: Like I said...Canadian
22:57.50[TK]D-Fenderyeah I'd say go for it...
22:57.54[TK]D-Fenderhow many?
22:57.56justinu|laptopdlynes: i just like their tone plan better for some reason
22:58.01dlynes[TK]D-Fender: one at a time?
22:58.04dlynes[TK]D-Fender: or more?
22:58.15justinu|laptopdlynes: maybe because i'm sick of the USA tones
22:58.22[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : I mean how many units being ordered?
22:58.25dlynes[TK]D-Fender: I can get them cheaper, but the cheaper price i have to pay shipping on
22:58.34tainted-crossing fingers
22:58.41dlynes[TK]D-Fender: I can order one at a time, or fifty at a time
22:58.48dlynes[TK]D-Fender: That's the price for 1-9 at a time
22:58.51justinu|laptopi'm upgrading my production systems to 1.2.6 tonite
22:58.56cekcany recommendations for voice service?  I've had decent experience with broadvoice.  I am switching my company to IP phones because we have a $900/month phone bill
22:58.59[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Ok, lets try this ANOTHER way.  how many WILL you be ordering?
22:59.17tainted-dlynes no go
22:59.25justinu|laptopcekc: there are people here that can hook you up
22:59.35justinu|laptopwith global crossing service
22:59.40justinu|laptopgood price
22:59.49justinu|laptophopefully fairly reliable
23:00.08justinu|laptopprobably at least as reliable as broadvoice
23:00.15Strom_CQwell: you still here?
23:00.16cekcwe make a lot of phone calls.  and even more faxes, but I'm working on voice for now
23:00.24justinu|laptophow many minutes?
23:00.28justinu|laptopper month
23:00.50justinu|laptopcekc: i recommend you trial their service for maybe a month
23:00.52justinu|laptopsee how it goes
23:00.52cekclet me check.  we have a 80 page phone bill from AT&T
23:01.09Strom_CQwell: do I need to make a separate conf file for the phone's MAC address like I do with the SIP images, or does the skinny.conf handle that?
23:01.18Qwellyeah, seperate files
23:01.46dlynes[TK]D-Fender: We usually order between 4 and 6 at a time
23:01.55Strom_Cso copy SEP7960.cnf.xml to SEP[mac].cnf.xml?
23:01.55dlynes[TK]D-Fender: depending on our needs for the customer in question
23:02.17dlynes[TK]D-Fender: we don't have any order atm, but we'll be ordering 9 or so soon
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23:04.40[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Ok, another way : how many total are you expecting to deploy?
23:05.53QwellStrom_C: yeah
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23:06.51[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Just reading now I'm getting the impression you are an integrator, and not an end consumer...
23:07.30linlinwhat can you guys reccomend for a cheap toll free DID provider ?
23:08.47dlynes[TK]D-Fender: correct...we're an interconnect
23:09.07justinu|laptoplinlin, possibly asterlink
23:09.16nettieHi again [TK]D-Fender sorry to bother you again I was wodnering if you might have an idea of what could be wrong when asterisk cant put the calls on hold anymore. I actually press the hold key on the phone but nothing happen on the server. The console used to show some messages in verbose mode when I put calls on hold, no it doesnt do it anymore. I really cant figure out what could be wrong. Do you have any idea please? thanx in adv.
23:09.19dlynes[TK]D-Fender: so as for a total number expecting to deploy, it would depend on over how long a period of time you are talking
23:09.19justinu|laptoptheir pricing is very reasonable
23:10.16dlynes[TK]D-Fender: I'm just trying to get this godforsaken billing system over and done with so we can start selling more aggressively
23:10.29[TK]D-Fendernettie : Hmmm, no indication... is the call staying on the phone?
23:10.37[TK]D-Fenderbilling = pain
23:11.04dlynesBut, I found a way to make it a little less painful
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23:11.09[TK]D-Fenderdamn, Slackware has fallen from distrowatch's top 10 list!
23:11.17tmccraryHas anyone here shopped at
23:11.23dlynesCGI::Application and HTML::Template are infinitely easier to work with than Java and Struts
23:11.52nettie[TK]D-Fender the phone actually shows that the call in on hold
23:11.53dlynes[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, that's a bummer, definitely
23:12.07dlynes[TK]D-Fender: I'm eagerly waiting for 11.0 to come out
23:12.14nettie[TK]D-Fender but *NOTHING* is showed by the console
23:12.21nettieeven at the highest verbose mode
23:12.30terrapenSHARIF DON'T LIKE IT
23:12.37terrapenrock the casbah rock the casbah!
23:13.27tmccraryHas anyone shopped at
23:13.59justinu|laptopas soon as the shariff had cleared the square... they began to waill....
23:14.07justinu|laptoptmccrary: yes, they are good people
23:14.16justinu|laptoptmccrary: i met them at astricon also
23:14.48tmccraryokay cool, because they also run discount voip outlet and the prices are really good (I was afraid they might be TOO good)
23:14.51[TK]D-Fendernettie : Hmm... sure your MoH is set up right?  And did it work before?  If so, what is the last thing changed before it stopped?
23:15.00*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
23:15.45tmccrarythat's cool, they have a SIP URL in their contact us info :)
23:15.51justinu|laptopi heard someone wasn';t happy with the VS1 tho
23:15.56justinu|laptopbut I would never buy something like that
23:15.58dlynestmccrary: discountvoipoutlet's prices aren't that good
23:16.10tmccrarydlynes: do you have any suggestions? :)
23:16.40tmccraryI'm american
23:16.45dlynestmccrary: requires you to set up an account though
23:16.49[TK]D-Fendertmccrary : What are you looking to buy?
23:17.17justinu|laptopand junk
23:17.27terrapenthey've always done us right
23:17.38nettie[TK]D-Fender it definitely worked before, all the relative kernel timing modules are loaded, mpg123 starts with asterisk, "moh reload" looks just perfect. I dont really get what could be wrong. Just the phone-asterisk link seems to have problems because if I configure an dextension to play moh for 30 secs it works perfectly!
23:17.42tmccraryNothing good (and I mean it). The jiu jitsu academy I train at is moving and I'm helping them with a phone system. Basically 4 Budgettones and a phone with more lines for the receptionist
23:17.52dlynesterrapen: Yeah...voipsupply's pretty good, but I've had times where it took 5 weeks to get one of their shipments across the border
23:18.15terrapenthat's not their fault, is it? :)
23:18.16dlynesterrapen: it was a shipment of 100 sipura 2000's, so we had to order another shipment
23:18.24tmccraryvoipsupply is horrible, their phone system doesn't work and they over charge (and they have that cool Best Buy-esque product replacement plan that they AUTOMATICALLY add to your bill unless you take it off)
23:18.46dlynesOh yeah...their phone system is hit '0' to get an operator on it, and it hangs up on you
23:19.01terrapenwhat?  they only overcharge you if you don't ask for a discount
23:19.04[TK]D-Fendertmccrary : Well, when the product you;'re looking to by is such junk, why bother caring who its coming from ;)
23:19.13terrapenand i've never had any problem calling my rep directly
23:19.17tmccrarywell, I want the price to be as low as possible
23:19.17terrapenand he's very responsive to e-mails
23:19.22[TK]D-Fendertmccrary : GS = SOAS
23:19.23terrapenso ask for a lower price
23:19.36terrapenlike all purchasing, you have to hound salespeople for the best deal
23:19.38tmccraryI'm not under the impression that it's good
23:19.39DoktorGregheya asterisk wizzes
23:19.44tmccraryI under the impression that it's cheap
23:19.51tmccraryI hate grandstream's products
23:20.01[TK]D-Fendertmccrary : No, Sipura is cheap... GS = SHIT :)
23:20.02tmccraryin fact, I've already destroyed a GXP in a fit of rage
23:20.06DoktorGregEach sip phone can call other sip phone no problem
23:20.18DoktorGregboth ways
23:20.33tmccraryI had a 841 sipura phone, I hated that worse than the GXP
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23:20.37DoktorGregwhen i use the asterisk manager interface api originatecall
23:20.45[TK]D-FenderEverything EXCEPT the 841 :)
23:20.48tmccraryit wasn't mine, however, so I did not get to rip it to pieces
23:20.53DoktorGregon of the phones isn't getting sound
23:20.59DoktorGregon = one
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23:21.57dlynestmccrary: the grandstream 102's not too bad, but it's damned ugly
23:22.16dlynestmccrary: it looks like a kid's toy
23:22.30DoktorGregam i on my own hacking around with the asterisk manager api?
23:22.41dlynesDoktorGreg: probably not
23:22.47terrapenhah, I forgot that I had the Richard Cheese version of this song, too
23:22.49terrapenKICK ASS!
23:22.49tmccraryyeah, Grandstream's aesthetics are hilariously bad. However, they are CHEEEEAP
23:22.54litecodedoes anybody control their dialplan with an outside source instead of the standard config or external configs?
23:22.55justinu|laptopdo I want to talk about for money? sure!
23:23.58terrapenI prefer Polycom IP501's
23:24.04DoktorGregman i hate thoes
23:24.12terrapenthe Aastra is decent for a cheapie phone
23:24.14DoktorGregnow its working... i didnt change anything
23:24.25terrapenyou hate polycoms? what the hell for?
23:24.43dlynesterrapen: he hates the crappy phones he's using, not the polycoms
23:24.56terrapenwell, if y'all want the name of my voipsupply rep, msg me
23:25.03terrapenask him for a deal and you'll probably get one
23:25.09DoktorGregi cant speak inteligently about polycoms
23:25.22DoktorGregi hate bugs that go away without changing anything in software
23:25.31litecodeI would rather manage asterisk with python, this would be through an AGI right? if so, which AGI is best?
23:25.58DoktorGregbecause bugs are still there
23:26.13DoktorGregi just don't know how to reproduce it
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23:28.13tmccraryhas anyone done autoanswer with the grandstreams?
23:28.44tmccraryalso, does anyone know if the Budgetone 102 has one or two lines?
23:28.51tmccrarylines as in simultaneous calls
23:29.06dlynestmccrary: one's called a budgetone 102 because it has an rj45 jack on it for your pc as well
23:29.25tainted-dlynes i might just settle on dial() and bringing in one person
23:29.27dlynesthus the two....two rj45 jacks
23:29.33tainted-so close, but yet so far
23:29.36hads|hometmccrary: They are only 10meg ports to.
23:29.51dlynestainted-: I'm sure if you play with it enough, you'll get there
23:30.13dlynestainted-: if I wasn't so swamped with work right now, I'd offer to help
23:31.06dlyneshads|home: doesn't really matter unless you're doing a lot of bandwidth transfers across your lan
23:31.30dlyneshads|home: 10Mb is still pretty fast
23:31.51dlynesbesides...the internet connection isn't anywhere near close to 10Mb
23:35.15mitchelochey guys, i'm working on getting music on hold to work
23:35.49mitchelocit says it starts up but i don't get any sound, i'm using mpg321 though, and set application=/usr/bin/mpg321
23:36.05mitchelocthere isn't any info in the log there anyway i can check and see whats going on?
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23:37.56tmccraryHas anyone here used autoanswer on the grandstream?
23:38.03dlynesmitcheloc: Which version of asterisk are you using?
23:38.29mitchelocsvn, from 12/20/05
23:38.31dlynestmccrary: I think I might have played around with it on the 102, but that was about it...that was over six months ago, too
23:39.26dlynesmitcheloc: try mode=quietmp3\ndirectory=... for your default class
23:39.36dlynesmitcheloc: erm actually...hold on a second
23:40.04mitchelocdlynes: i have this
23:40.18mitcheloci tried with = or => just in case, neither seems to be the problem
23:40.26dlynesmitcheloc: can you pastebin your cat /proc/modules also?
23:41.04DoktorGreghaha nailed it!
23:41.16DoktorGregnat keep alive interval
23:42.18DoktorGregok question, cant find an answer easy
23:42.38DoktorGregis nat keep alive interval ms or seconds?
23:42.46dlynesmitcheloc: have you changed any of your mp3's?
23:42.53dlynesDoktorGreg: seconds
23:43.22mitchelocyes, i added one, and took out the other default ones
23:43.54dlynesmitcheloc: Did you check to make sure it's an 8K mp3?
23:44.09mitchelocdlynes: no i didn't, i'll swap out with the default ones real fast to check
23:45.45dlynesmitcheloc: also, why are you attempting to play it out to your speakers, instead of stdout?
23:45.47markus99could anyone help with a x101p clone card not working with asterisk, the card seems to work fine when I use ztmonitor
23:46.59Strom_Cmarkus99: define "not working"
23:47.37mitchelocdlynes: here is the pastebin
23:47.40markus99Strom_C: i can't get asterisk to pick up the line
23:47.54mitchelocdlynes: i'm not trying to play it out the speakers, i suppose that means i need some command line arguments?
23:48.02mitchelocdlynes: (on the applicaton line?)
23:48.08dlynesmitcheloc: Yes, at a minimum you need -s
23:48.16dlynesmitcheloc: -s means play it to stdout
23:48.43dlynesmitcheloc: try this:  application=/usr/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 2048 --mono -s
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23:48.58dlynesmitcheloc: that's the default parameters when asterisk is installed
23:49.13mitchelocdlynes: right, i'm using old config files, and had to update, maybe thats it
23:49.25mitchelocdlynes: but i am using mpg321, not 123
23:49.49dlynesmitcheloc: didn't you say asterisk wasn't saying anything?
23:49.50markus99Strom_C: i'm sure I have everything set correctly in the extensions.conf, zapata.conf and zaptel.conf but it doesn't even show that the line is ringing on the cli
23:50.08mitchelocdlynes: yes
23:50.40mitchelocdlynes: i meant, not saying any "errors", here is what i just got: /usr/bin/mpg321 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 2048 --mono -s: No such file or directory
23:50.45dlynesmitcheloc: mpg123 takes the same command line parameters as mpg321 I believe
23:50.48Strom_Cmarkus99: the x100p cards blow in general, and the clones are even worse
23:50.50mitchelocdlynes: i suppose probably mpg321 doesn't take the same command lines
23:51.10MiccDoes anyone know what is happening with nufone?
23:51.18dlynesmitcheloc: mpg321 is supposed to be a free clone of mpg123
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23:51.37MiccI have a couple 800 numbers with them. Is there any way I can move the numbers quickly or is it going to be fixed soon?
23:51.42Jaxxanhey guys
23:51.48dlynesmitcheloc: You might also try madplay with the following line:  application=/usr/bin/madplay -Q -o raw:- --mono -R 8000 -a -12
23:51.59mitchelocdlynes: right, hmm i couldn't get mpg123 to compile thats why i went with mpg321
23:52.06dlynesmitcheloc: madplay doesn't have the nasty habit of leaving a session hanging like mpg123 does
23:52.31dlynesmitcheloc: you'll need libmad and libid3tag as well
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23:56.28markus99Strom_C: i think the card itself is working because if I run ztmonitor i can here (pc speaker) the line ring and the audio when the line is picked up, I would think from that the card is working
23:57.23Jaxxanso i wanna do call recording with gsm codec to save some diskspace, but when i click on a GSM recorded file, it wont open in my player by default
23:57.24dlynesmarkus99: what does it say when you type zap show status on the cli?
23:57.31Jaxxananyone have an easy solution for that ?
23:57.41dlynesJaxxan: use a soundplayer that supports gsm?
23:58.03markus99dlynes: i don't have that command
23:58.08Jaxxanit's weird
23:58.16dlynesmarkus99: Then you forgot to load in modules.conf
23:58.32dlynesmarkus99: and that's probably why you don't detect ringing in asterisk
23:58.58markus99dlynes: i'll check that out
23:59.18Drukenanyone got a better reverse lookup than
23:59.38dlynesJaxxan: If you tell people what operating system you have, someone might have a suggestion as to which player to try for gsm files

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.