irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060417

00:01.29CukXpuzzled hmm, still won't connect
00:08.32*** join/#asterisk Lucas_Fernando (n=lucasest@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:10.45*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
00:16.01*** join/#asterisk Vyeperman (
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00:19.25De_Monmuch better
00:20.49*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (n=trbldwin@
00:21.47*** join/#asterisk Lucas_Fernando (n=lucasest@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:26.48*** join/#asterisk Lucas_Fernando (n=lucasest@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:29.20*** join/#asterisk Lucas_Fernando (n=lucasest@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:30.44key2anyone using the AVM C4 ?
00:31.51DaminTaco Scargo!
00:34.59*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
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00:52.28*** join/#asterisk esculapio_ (
00:52.36esculapio_hola quien habla espanol
00:55.52*** join/#asterisk serif (
01:02.23tecnicohola esculapio
01:03.23*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
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01:10.35*** join/#asterisk malverian (n=malveria@gentoo/developer/malverian)
01:13.23*** join/#asterisk esculapio__ (
01:13.51esculapio__hola quien me pude ayudar
01:13.58esculapio__quien habla espanol
01:14.13esculapio__hello help my
01:17.58*** join/#asterisk jhnjwng (
01:18.17*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:20.13*** join/#asterisk startled (
01:22.04esculapio__hola quien habla espanol
01:22.15esculapio__quien puede ayudarme
01:22.20esculapio__help my
01:22.59esculapio__harryvv, tengo un problema con una configuracionde un sipura 3000
01:23.07esculapio__harryvv, me puedes ayudar
01:25.26Qwellesculapio__: English
01:26.07*** join/#asterisk mut (
01:26.53harryvvel esculapio goto este sitio y él traducirá español al inglés para usted
01:27.34harryvvqwell, you know the xml programing of the polycom series?
01:27.44Qwellxml is xml..
01:27.48Qwellbut no
01:28.01esculapio__Qwell, I feel it but my ingles is not very good
01:28.08*** join/#asterisk justinu (
01:29.50harryvv¿esculapio usted me entiende?
01:30.04key2why OpenPBX when there is already asterisk ?
01:30.11esculapio__harryvv, a hora sip
01:30.21esculapio__hardwire, me puedes ayudar
01:30.29Qwellkey2: openpbx is all but dead
01:30.50key2Qwell: but what's the goal of openpbx ? same as asterisk ?
01:31.04Qwellkey2: dunno, but they never got far at all
01:31.07*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (i=trbldwin@
01:31.16QwellJust a global search and replace of ast_ to opbx_
01:31.21esculapio__I have a problem with my sipura
01:32.31harryvvesculapio__ are you using bablefish now?
01:32.55esculapio__harryvv, yes
01:33.18harryvvWhat is your symptoms of the sipura ?
01:34.52FuriousGeorgehey all
01:34.56FuriousGeorgehappy easter
01:37.26esculapio__who can explain to me as I can form to the sipura so that the call enters happens to asterisk
01:37.55harryvvu need work on your spanish
01:38.06harryvvthat did not come out right in english
01:38.18harryvvSay it again scardinal but ask a different way.
01:38.30harryvvSay it again escardinal but ask a different way.
01:45.08*** join/#asterisk incontwin (
01:45.53esculapio__who can explain to me as I can form to the sipura
01:46.29esculapio__so that the incoming calls register asterisk
01:46.39harryvvopen cli in asterisk
01:46.55harryvvand then power on the sipura
01:46.56*** part/#asterisk esculapio__ (
01:47.05harryvvohh well
01:47.06*** join/#asterisk esculapio__ (
01:47.29*** join/#asterisk mog_home (n=mogorman@
01:49.10esculapio__who can explain to me as I can form to the sipura
01:52.28*** join/#asterisk esculapio_ (
01:53.09theorem_can form ?
01:55.08theorem_esculapio_ - try it in spanish, I took espanol for a number of years
01:55.12theorem_.. ago
01:55.14*** join/#asterisk serif (
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01:56.35*** join/#asterisk angler- (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
01:59.35*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:00.09esculapio_theorem_, hola tengo problema con mi sipura 3000
02:00.09*** join/#asterisk bonez39 (
02:00.21tecnicoesculapio_: tienes que configurar el telefono en tu sip.conf y asignarle un contexto y extension
02:00.28bonez39spanish hour, eh?
02:00.34esculapio_las llamada interna funcionan y son registrada por el asterisk pero las llamada que realizo por
02:01.08coppiceor really bad speller's hour
02:01.10esculapio_tecnico, tengo el telefono configurado
02:01.13mog_homeahh spanish!
02:01.32esculapio_tecnico, con el telefono analogo puedo realizar llamadas
02:01.35tecnicoy cual es el problema ? cuando marcas fuera de tu red, se corta la llamada ?
02:01.42esculapio_pero internas
02:01.58esculapio_tecnico, pero internas
02:02.00theorem_he wants to config the context and extension in sip.conf
02:02.26esculapio_tecnico, las llamadas cuando entran el asterisk no la registra
02:02.32*** part/#asterisk bonez39 (
02:02.33theorem_and wants to use the internal functions for registration inside asterisk but callling ...
02:02.34tecnicohe's got that setup, it's just when he tries to call outside that he's got a problem.. he's internal net calls are ok
02:02.49tecnicodame un seg. esculapio_
02:03.11esculapio_tecnico, ok
02:04.22esculapio_theorem_, thanks
02:05.21theorem_no hay problemo, perro espanol es un poco dificil para mi (no es mi primero idioma )
02:06.29esculapio_theorem_, no hay problema
02:06.42esculapio_theorem_, :)
02:07.15theorem_si .. su comprende :)  (comoprendense ?  -- no se.)
02:08.03esculapio_theorem_, si comprendo!
02:08.13esculapio_theorem_, y me puedes ayudar
02:08.38tecnicoya.. esculapio_ dime el problema entonces ? tu telefono analogo ? o IP (sipura) ? si funciona internamente ?  pero no cuando llamas fuera ??
02:08.39*** join/#asterisk Grizzy (
02:09.21theorem_ah, so much easier to read than type in espanol :)
02:09.35esculapio_tecnico, yo quiero que las llamada entrantes y las saliente por el sipura pasen por el asterisk
02:10.28theorem_inbound and outbound calls to pass through asterisk via his sipura.
02:10.35tecnicook..  entonces el Sipura esta registrandose a tu asterisk y en asterisk tienes configurada la linea de telefono para hacer y recibir llamadas
02:10.40esculapio_tecnico, en esto momento solo estan siendo registradas las llamadas interna que realizo por el telefono analogo y los softphone
02:10.41tecnicocierto ?
02:11.08GrizzyI know, I know everyone hates 'em, but about the Winmodem card drivers:  Do they do AT commands to talk and listen at the same time through the serial stream, or is there some magic ioctl tht puts them in some kind of raw mode, in Asterisk?
02:11.18esculapio_si tengo el sipura registrado al asterisk con sip
02:12.08tecnicoesculapio_: entonces con asterisk en medio, de un lado (red interna) tienes todo configurado y funcionando, solo te falta configurar la interfaz con el otro lado (linea externa)
02:12.09esculapio_tecnico, y tengo las configuracion para que pueda hacer llamadas pero solo me funciona al internno
02:12.37coppiceGrizzy: are you referring to the * driver for winmodem cards? if so, it completely replaced the usual modem software, and has not AT commands at all
02:12.38esculapio_tecnico, sip
02:13.09esculapio_tecnico, pero no tengo idea de como lo ahgo
02:13.21Grizzycoppice - yes.  It it a kernel module, or is it part of asterisk?
02:13.28tecnicoesculapio_: tienes una linea analoga de la calle ? o quieres usar algun provedor que saque las llamadas por ti a la PSTN ??
02:13.30theorem_tecnico - is he looking for a config for his sip phone ?
02:13.47coppiceGrizzy: its a kernel module, which is part of zaptel
02:14.00esculapio_tecnico, tengo una linea de la calle
02:14.04Grizzycoppice - excellent, thanks!
02:14.22tecnicotheorem_: he's got all setup OK on his internal network, now he wants to hook his phone line to asterisk to make calls outside
02:14.29esculapio_tecnico, pero si puedo realizar la llamada de otra forma es mucho mejor me imagino
02:14.46theorem_tecnico - right he needs a PSTN.
02:15.00tecnicoesculapio_: mira, por ejemplo, yo no tengo linea de telefono. Yo solo uso provedores..
02:15.17esculapio_tecnico, y como es eso?
02:16.50tecnicoesculapio_: por ejemplo, en EEUU hay companias como "" o "" o "" en las que consigues una cuenta. Estos provedores funcionan con IAX2, entonces en mi iax.conf, yo configuro una entrada para cada uno de tipo "peer" (type=peer)
02:17.16*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
02:17.24GrizzyI know this is OT, but how does one drive a T1 in any standard way (HDLC or PPP or raw IP) to do TCP and UDP/IP, is that zaptel too for zaptel cards?
02:17.40esculapio_tecnico, y son gratis o como?
02:18.08tecnicoesculapio_: y en mis extensiones, configuro un prefijo para sacar las llamadas por cada uno. Entonces en mi telefono, marco el 8 y el numero que quiero marcar y la llamada se va por protocolo IAX2 al provedor y ellos sacan la llamada a la PSTN
02:18.23*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
02:19.10esculapio_tecnico, eso esta bien me gustaria aprender como es!
02:19.11tecnicoesculapio_: esos que te dije no son gratis, pero tampoco son caros. Hay unos que son gratis pero es limitado. Estos que te dije por ejemplo, la llamada dentro de EEUU es a 1.1 centavo de dollar, a Mexico 1.8 cents., Colombia 3.4, etc
02:19.35tecnicoesculapio_: y pagas lo que usas.. es prepagado.. en incrementos de 5, 10 dls.. (varia)
02:20.26esculapio_tecnico, es bueno. pero es que tengo un contrato por el momento con el ISP de mi pais
02:20.31*** join/#asterisk gaupe (
02:20.44esculapio_tecnico, pero eso me gustaria saber como ponerlo
02:20.56tecnicoesculapio_: ISP (internet service provider) ?? no importa
02:21.28esculapio_tecnico, la cuenta que tengo es un paquete que esta el intenet y el telefono
02:21.59FuriousGeorgedoes anyone wanna take the time to look at this:   I think it should be working, but im having a problem with labels on lines 47 & 51.  Its a little project im messing with to have a drawing for who gets to clean the house every week.
02:22.32tecnicopero telefono analogo o IP ??  el analogo tambien lo puedes usar con asterisk. Necesitas hacerle interfaz, con alguna de las tarjetas de Digium en tu computadora
02:22.32GrizzySo, for the modem, my job is to rewrite wcfxo.c for pctel modems.  : o )
02:22.57esculapio_tecnico, y como tengo informacionn de los provedores
02:23.04FuriousGeorgetecnico: asi es
02:23.22[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : Last I knew you couldn't use an evaluation for an EXTEN, only a CONSTANT.
02:23.31tecnicoesculapio_: una de las mejores fuentes de informacion es quiza
02:23.33esculapio_tecnico, y como termino de configurar la que tengo en esto momento
02:23.49FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: it specifically complains about the goto(s,draw)
02:23.54FuriousGeorgewhich i take to mean it is getting there
02:24.17FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: pbx.c:1741 pbx_extension_helper: No such label 'draw' in extension 's' in context 'riah'
02:24.26esculapio_tecnico, la conosco y la configuracion que tengo es una parte de hay
02:24.29FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: but i wondered if it would work to
02:24.32tecnicoesculapio_: tienes la linea de telefono conectada a tu computadora con alguna tarjeta de telefonia ?
02:24.41FuriousGeorgeit appears to be working
02:24.55esculapio_tecnico, la tengo con el sipura spa 3000
02:25.07[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : "draw" is not a priority and I don't believe goto allows jumping to an outside exten w/ them like that...
02:25.28tecnicoesculapio_: ahh, cuando decias Sipura, me imagine que era un telefono.. no un spa
02:25.32[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : I might suggest you simply hard-code your priorities to get around that one
02:26.13esculapio_tecnico, si un spa es lo que tengo
02:26.47tecnicoesculapio_: entonces el spa debe de estar configurado en tu sip.conf como "type=peer" y "type=user"  o combinado "type=friend"
02:27.45esculapio_tecnico, esta como type=friend
02:28.05Hmmhesaysoff to jam night I go
02:28.25FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: i suppose that would work.  im just confused as to why its not working.  draw /is/ a priority on line 36, and and line 30 i use the same syntax from a different extension.  chekc out the same post with the cli output if you dont mind
02:28.47tecnicoesculapio_: ok, el nombre con el que esta configurado (entre brackets) , es el nombre que usas en la configuracion de tus extensiones
02:29.47esculapio_tecnico, esta es la configuracion que tengo en este momento
02:29.58tecnicoesculapio_: por ejemplo para sacar una llamada marcando el prefijo 8, harias esto:
02:30.33esculapio_tecnico, [sipura]
02:30.51esculapio_type = friend
02:30.56tecnicoesculapio_:  exten => _8.,1,Dial(SIP/nombredetusipura/${EXTEN:1})
02:31.39tecnicoy esa extension la pones en el contexto donde tus otros telefonos la puedan ver.
02:32.16tecnicoesculapio_: no pegues toda tu configuracion aqui en este canal porque te sacan..
02:32.24FuriousGeorgeif i couldnt jump to a context based on a variable it would never get a chance to complain about the lable being wrong, right?
02:32.45esculapio_tecnico, no la estaba escribiendo
02:33.54*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
02:34.05tecnicoal poner esa extension como te dije, marcas 8 y el numero de telefono que quieres marcar, asi como si lo estuvieras marcando directo con un telefono normal con esa linea de telefono conectada al sipura
02:34.11n0cturnal_is it possible to have any calls from exten x go out one route, but any call from exten z go out another ?
02:34.44FuriousGeorgen0cturnal_: what do you mean route?
02:34.46tecnicoesculapio_: la parte final " ${EXTEN:1} " , el "1" corta el prefijo y manda el resto de numeros atravez de la linea
02:35.00n0cturnal_trunk sorry
02:35.02FuriousGeorgejust put the callers in separate contexts
02:35.37IceManRISKanyone here uses a2billing ?
02:38.29esculapio_tecnico, la agregue en el contexto
02:38.49tecnicoesculapio_: ok... facil, no ?
02:39.08esculapio_tecnico, la pero cuando llama el asterisk no ve la llamada
02:39.23*** join/#asterisk lokkju (n=lokkju@unaffiliated/lokkju)
02:39.31tecnicoesculapio_: tu dices cuando entra una llamada ?
02:39.31esculapio_tecnico, ni la salientes
02:39.44esculapio_sip ni cuando salen
02:39.50esculapio_tecnico, si ni cuando salen
02:39.59*** join/#asterisk angler- (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
02:40.05*** part/#asterisk snitt (
02:40.17tecnicoesculapio_: si quieres abrimos un chat privado y me muestras tu configuracion
02:40.49esculapio_tecnico, sip
02:41.32esculapio_tecnico, sip
02:41.32*** join/#asterisk scrubb (
02:41.44tecnicoesculapio_: ya te mande un mensaje, pero me sigues contestando en esta ventana...
02:42.03tecnicoesculapio_: no se abrio otra ventana alla con mi mensaje ?
02:42.15esculapio_tecnico, no
02:43.00tecnicoesculapio_: teclea, /msg tecnico ...
02:43.29scrubbso does anyone here know how to use nbs?  I can't find docs on it anywhere!
02:43.57esculapio_tecnico, y por que no mejor abrimos un canal
02:44.26esculapio_llamado tecnico
02:44.30esculapio_tecnico, tecnico
02:46.25scrubbanyone?  I've scoured the wiki and googled till I'm blue.   I think it should let me serve and subscribe to audio on my net bu I can't figure out how to do it.
02:53.21*** part/#asterisk scrubb (
02:53.22[TK]D-Fenderscrubb : "nbs"?
02:57.28russellbwhat's really fun is when you get more than one person broadcasting nbs at the same time
02:58.29russellbfile[laptop]: one more module configurified
02:58.41file[laptop]you rock
02:59.38russellbI'm talking about the autoconf_and_menuselect branch
02:59.45file[laptop]step behind the firewall...
02:59.46russellbi don't know where your mind is!
03:00.21russellbthis branch turns me on ...
03:00.31[TK]D-Fenderfile : WASSSSAAAAAAABIIIIIII!!
03:01.23xachenthis is working good
03:01.36xachena DNS perl server just for NAPTR
03:02.03*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
03:03.45file[laptop]oh no it's oej, everyone keep quiet
03:05.11DoktorGregwo hoo i got zaptel to compile without puking errors for thousands of line
03:08.55DoktorGregdepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.27-2-386/misc/zaptel.o
03:09.04DoktorGreggrr keep looking
03:10.18DoktorGregdarn looks like i will have to compile the kernel
03:10.56DoktorGregmy sources are x.x.x.2 versions off
03:11.04DoktorGregof my exitsing kernel
03:13.02*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:13.22DoktorGregbe werry werrry quit, we are hunting wabbits
03:13.38QwellHe's a rabbit!
03:13.59coppicewith our swords and magic helmets
03:16.06coppicefile is apparently not a Chuck Jones fan :-(
03:21.15*** join/#asterisk BugKham (n=HamYai@
03:23.13*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
03:26.33*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
03:27.52*** join/#asterisk Derkommissar (
03:28.07Derkommissarhow can i allow other user other than root to run asterisk -r
03:29.28*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:30.34BugKhamHi coppice
03:32.29BugKhamcoppice: does the unicall library also support ISDN PRI?
03:33.16coppicewhat I have released to date does not, but I have something in development
03:33.43BugKhamcoppice: ok
03:35.40*** join/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
03:36.36FuriousGeorgei cant have exten => MYNAMEHEREINTEXT,1,noop
03:38.33FuriousGeorgei could have swore you were allowed to do that?
03:40.02[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : Should work, just a question of how you'd end up there...
03:40.13[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : its how I do un-auth'd SIP calls
03:42.36*** part/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
03:54.41SplasPoodHrm are there any cross-platform options for URL opening upon incoming call (such as the URL option to Queue() or Dial() )?
04:01.42mitchelocSplasPood: why do you need cross platform?
04:02.19SplasPoodgot people on macs and pcs running windows/linux
04:02.43SplasPoodbut I'd take diff pieces of software that accomplished the same thing..
04:02.55mitchelocSplasPood: ygpm
04:07.42*** join/#asterisk \etc\bin (n=erivera@
04:08.19FuriousGeorgecan i exten => s,17,goto(riah,${ROOMMATE[${LASTCOUNT}]},1) where that var is a string?
04:08.58*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
04:13.41*** join/#asterisk angler_ (n=angler@
04:15.55FuriousGeorgeriah is the context. and the extension is a string
04:16.01FuriousGeorgewhich is hardcoded in my dialplan
04:16.43FuriousGeorgeso can i goto an extension that is a string based on a variable
04:18.41*** join/#asterisk startled (
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04:34.35*** join/#asterisk exten123 (n=exten@
04:36.06DoktorGreganyone out there ever compile zaptel before?
04:37.29X-Roboh hang on
04:37.31X-RobI mean 'always'.
04:38.11X-RobDoktorGreg, without you actually telling anyone your problem, I'm guessing this is your solution
04:38.14jbotwell, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernel (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. This is part of the 'kernel-devel' package.
04:39.00DoktorGregok, zaptel says it has unresolved dependencies
04:39.13DoktorGregany idea what i am missing?
04:39.44*** join/#asterisk oej (
04:40.07X-RobDoktorGreg, could you be any less helpful? how about pasting the compile log to Or maybe even just saying waht the dependances are?
04:40.24*** join/#asterisk websae (
04:41.11coppiceX-Rob: sure he can. most people here manage it :-)
04:41.30X-Robcoppice, heh.
04:41.43X-Robgood and, unfortunately, valid point.
04:44.57*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
04:45.09coppiceX-Rob: aussievoip seems to have a permissions problem. I can't access some stuff, like the public domain music on hold
04:45.25X-Robcoppice, that's coz it's not there any more - I've gotta recreate it still
04:45.52coppicethat would be as good an explanation as a permissions problem :-)
04:45.59rickb|serverAre there any Remote Admin programs for Asterisk? Not HTML PHP or anything just remote admin?
04:46.15X-Roblike, uh, ssh?
04:46.23coppiceor slogin
04:46.35X-Robvnc into X?
04:46.42coppiceor telnet, if you like to live dangeriously
04:47.12coppiceor a voice call to some minion sitting by the server
04:47.23X-Robooh, that's a good one.
04:47.24mitchelocdigium support?
04:47.41DoktorGregyou could run it under wmware on windows the us remote desktop or somesuch:)
04:47.57mitchelocor virtual server as it's free now, or xen as it's also free...
04:48.37X-RobI've got a big dual xeon here to build into a xen box
04:48.40DoktorGregororor!!! you could run OS, then the winxp virtulization services, THEN vmware and use the osx remote desptop
04:48.45X-RobI'd be doing that now if I didn't have a stuffed mail server.
04:49.07mitchelocDoktorGreg: heh, i don't think that answers question he asked
04:49.10DoktorGregonyone look at my pastebin?
04:50.07DoktorGreganyone look at my pastebin?
04:50.12X-RobI'm waiting for my windows server to reboot
04:50.16X-Robthen I'll have DNS again
04:51.29rickb|serverHey, I was wondering, anyone good with setting up sisco ip phones? or has done it before?
04:51.45mitchelocsisco? is that a new brand or something?
04:52.02rickb|serverI'm tired
04:52.51rickb|serveri installed the friggen rapid version of asterisk from xorcom.. it doesn't even have gcc...
04:53.38*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
04:53.45*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
04:57.01DoktorGregrickb|server, also that version doesnt support pri
04:57.03mitchelocsadly it's true
05:00.05QwellDoktorGreg: more stupid?
05:00.05DoktorGregoh crap
05:00.21DoktorGregi have to compile my kernel again
05:00.42*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
05:00.46DoktorGregI just thought it was a funny #define
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05:01.11mitchelocQwell: it's in the hdlc source code with asterisk
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05:03.45DoktorGregok maybe i dont have to compile my kernel again
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05:06.44websaedoes anyone do a lot of sip termination?
05:12.12DoktorGregwhats sip termination?
05:12.44X-Robshooting routers that carry sip traffic.
05:13.28mitchelocDoktorGreg: it is for voip -> pstn
05:13.39mitcheloc* service providers who "terminate" voip to pstn
05:13.54DoktorGregoh so IM a sip terminator!
05:13.56kamileoni want to forward when i dial *61 on one machine to another, how do i match an * in exensions.conf
05:14.11DoktorGregbut for my inability to make this pri stuff work
05:15.51X-Robkamileon, amazingly enough, '*' matches '*'.
05:17.43coppiceif there are any young people present, take care with those matches. they could start a fire
05:18.15Qwellsilly kids
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05:18.53tainted-u know what'd be sweet
05:19.02tainted-soap dispensing showerhead
05:19.20tainted-u know it
05:19.29Qwelllike, all the time while the water is on?
05:19.36tainted-no of course not
05:19.42Qwellthen whats the point? :p
05:19.46tainted-something u toggle
05:20.02mitcheloctainted-: i already patented that, sorry
05:20.21tainted-mitcheloc i don't care.. bring it to market
05:20.44mitcheloctainted-: nah, i just patented it for fun, i don't want to make it or anything
05:21.05tainted-man someone needs to produce that
05:21.06drrayif you have not mastered cleaning yourself in the shower
05:21.06Qwelltainted-: Like that?
05:21.07coppicewouldn't the soap keep getting in your eyes, or is this intended as a weapon against unwelcome house guests?
05:21.19Qwellcoppice: remote controlled?
05:21.23tainted-oh come on guys
05:21.31tainted-simple timed switch
05:21.40tainted-close your eyes, it sprays for like 5 seconds
05:21.49tainted-open eyes, lather and rinse with sponge
05:22.07coppiceI kinda think the soap raining down from above is going to suck
05:22.23tainted-drray ur right.. i'm gonna get rid of my car so i can master walking too
05:22.46tainted-just a thought
05:22.50tainted-who's got a better idea
05:23.05mitchelocpersonally i'd prerfer they change the shower head to cover the ceiling...i.e. like when it rains
05:23.21tainted-they have those
05:23.31tainted-comes out of a fixture in the ceiling
05:23.34mitcheloccool, i'm going to buy one after i'm rich!
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05:25.17DoktorGregit worked!
05:25.26coppicemitcheloc: been in a shower like that. it sucks
05:25.52mitchelocbleh, who cares if it's practical
05:26.11dlynesAlmost like someone urinating on you from a sixth floor balcony
05:26.17coppicebeen in a shower which sprays from all four corners plus the ceiling. that sucked even more
05:26.36mitchelocerr, how many different types of showers have you been in?
05:26.58Qwellcoppice: I imagine public bathhouses suck more
05:27.06dlynesI'm guessing the hong kongese are as fanatical about their bathroom as the japanese?
05:27.07coppiceI travel. I try lots of hotels. hotels love wacky showers
05:27.52DoktorGregoh i love that extra soft water at hight pressure they have at nice hotels
05:27.57dlynesthe best one is a nice hot sauna, and then jumping in the snowbank afterwards
05:28.08coppicewifey certainly is. if i'm up to 5 in the morning fixing something, she still won't let me into bed without showering
05:28.19mitchelocdlynes: in that order?
05:28.24dlynesmitcheloc: yes
05:28.25*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
05:28.56coppicethe Far Eastern in Taipei has totally over the top showers
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05:30.17mitchelocso if Taipei has the best showers, who has the best toilets?
05:30.20dlynesyou work for a big company, coppice?
05:30.27Qwellmitcheloc: france?
05:30.45DoktorGregAt great wolf lodge in traverse city they have a 1000 gallon bucket that fills and dumps evrey 5 minutes or so
05:30.46coppicedo only people in big companies shower? :-\
05:30.58dlynesI would think Japan...they love those toilets that spew that warm stream of water up your anus
05:31.08dlynesNo, but you seem to do a lot of world travelling
05:31.27coppicedlynes: yet strangely those things never seem to get you really clean
05:31.46dlynesI don't think i'd ever have the nerve to try those
05:31.49dlynesand if i did
05:31.52coppicenot much world travelling. too much asia travelling, though
05:31.54dlynesi certainly wouldn't tell anyone
05:32.03Qwelldlynes: It's...interesting
05:32.08Qwelland a bit confusing
05:32.19coppicethey have "shower mode", "bidet mode" and "sex toy mode" :-)
05:32.21dlynescoppice: work for a chinese company then?
05:32.58dlyneswhy travel specifically in asia, then?
05:33.11Qwellchina isn't the only asian country...
05:33.27dlynesNo, but he's in Hong Kong right now, and he's mentioned Taiwan
05:33.37dlynesChina seems to be the commonality there
05:33.49coppiceyou want me to mention Indian toilets too?
05:34.47CGlobwhy do I keep getting this error "handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE" when calling a SIP extension on another box
05:35.19FuriousGeorgeis anyone with some dialplan experience available to help me debug a small dialplan issue im having?
05:35.20CGlobI've put insecure=port,invite on the called extension
05:35.46CGlobthe incoming calls from my sip providers are fine
05:36.14FuriousGeorgei got a goto(string) that results in a timeout
05:36.24FuriousGeorgedespite having an extension => string,1,noop
05:36.36Qwellextension => ?
05:36.58dlynesFuriousGeorge: how about Goto(string,1)?
05:37.01FuriousGeorgethats the name of the extension
05:37.04CGlobor insecure=very?
05:37.06FuriousGeorgedlynes:  same thing
05:37.16QwellFuriousGeorge: literally "extension =>"?
05:37.46FuriousGeorgexten => s,15,while($[${WINNERS} < 2])                        ;while we dont have two winners...
05:37.58FuriousGeorgeexten => Brad,1,noop(we made it here)
05:38.13FuriousGeorgeoh, thats what you mean
05:38.14CGlobcan anyone guide me to the page providing information on making outgoing SIP calls?
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05:38.33FuriousGeorgeQwell: but what about that above.  shouldnt that work
05:38.46Qwellshould, sure
05:38.50Qwellwait, no
05:38.53dlynesCGlob: find the documentation on the Dial() command on the asterisk wikii
05:39.10FuriousGeorgesame result
05:39.18Qwellsame context?
05:39.55FuriousGeorgei put it back in
05:40.00dlynesFuriousGeorge: Can you try pastebinning the full section of the dial plan?
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05:41.06FuriousGeorgedlynes:  its only a few lines but its not easy, im warning you :)  i know it can be done more efficiently but for debugging i took out loops and hardcoded some stuff, brb
05:41.31dlynesFuriousGeorge: also, are you using include => contextname?
05:41.50FuriousGeorgeits all in one context
05:41.52dlynesFuriousGeorge: or #include "extensionincludefile.conf"?
05:41.56FuriousGeorgethis part anyway
05:42.27dlynesSometimes people will #include another file, and forget that they've got a context defined in there
05:42.27CGlobdlynes: yeah, Dial(SIP/out-calls/${EXTEN},30,r)  and Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30,r) should be the same right?
05:42.51dlynesSo what'll happen is that something will end up getting dumped into a different context than originally thought
05:43.31CGlobdlynes: u know what causes the error "handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE"
05:43.33dlynesCGlob: probably...i'd have to take a look at the documentation to verify that
05:43.51FuriousGeorgedlynes:  thats not the case here, im commenting my code for you a bit more gimme another second
05:44.05CGlobdlynes: other people can call my asterisk box with no problem
05:44.17dlynesCGlob: no idea...never encountered that error...but it might have something to do with your insecure=very,invite line
05:44.38dlynesthat insecure is a new fieldname, which I haven't read up on the documentation for yet
05:44.57CGlobdlynes: yeah, worked through all that insecure thing with no success, will have to keep trying
05:45.02jaikeanyone know any tokyo DID providers? with iax support
05:45.24dlynesCGlob: how about commenting out that line, altogether?
05:45.54dlynesCGlob: is a clearinghouse; think of it like an doesn't actually own any of those dids
05:46.13jaikecom or org
05:46.19dlynesCGlob: they charge the buyer and/or seller a fee to sell and/or buy the dids on
05:46.32dlyneserm i mean doesn't's just a landing page
05:47.57CGlobdlynes: hmm, I originally bought some dids from and they gave me some credits on with some free dids
05:48.00FuriousGeorgedlynes:  its not as complicated as it looks if you read my comments
05:48.14dlynesCGlob: you mean
05:48.16FuriousGeorgedlynes:  the cli outpuit is at the bottom
05:48.24CGlobdlynes: yeah
05:48.52CGlobdlynes: I have added some free numbers in uk and usa
05:49.05dlynesCGlob: maybe is the same guy
05:49.09FuriousGeorgedlynes:  the interesting thing is, somehow, if i dont let it timeout and hit a digit it makes it keeps assigning ${WEIGTH[7,8,9 and so on
05:49.12CGlobdlynes: I guess so
05:49.26dlynesCGlob: he's got about 20 different companies
05:49.36FuriousGeorgeQwell: you are welcome to look at that too, of course :)
05:51.17dlynesFuriousGeorge: I'm guessing it doesn't happen all the time, right?
05:52.02FuriousGeorgedlynes:  yeah its replicable
05:52.12dlynesi.e. the first time through, it goes to brad's extension, but the second time through, something screws up?
05:52.21FuriousGeorgeit never makes it to brad
05:52.36dlynesok, well you've got a goto that makes it jump into the middle of the loop
05:52.39FuriousGeorgethe noop on brad doesnt get echoed to the cli if you look at the bottom
05:53.03dlynesIn a normal programming langauge, that's a definite no-no...i'm not sure how asterisk handles it
05:53.31FuriousGeorgedlynes:  i know what you mean but there is no real way to go to exten => $VARIABLE
05:53.35dlynesWhat's the value of ${WINNERS}?
05:53.47FuriousGeorgeit gets set to 0 but it never gets incremented b/c it times out
05:53.53FuriousGeorgecheck the cli at the bottom
05:53.59dlynesFuriousGeorge: you can goto the start of the loop, but set a variable before you go there
05:54.03FuriousGeorgeyoull see setting the var is the last thing that gets done
05:54.14FuriousGeorgegoto when?  in brad?
05:54.41FuriousGeorgethen it will check brad again, so i have it go to the next roomate, and so on, until aubrey has it jump to the end of the loop and check the value of winners again
05:54.59FuriousGeorgeif we dont have 2 winners it starts all over
05:55.06dlynesok, and why are you dereferencing the ${WINNERS} variable?
05:55.25FuriousGeorgeim not sure what derefencing means
05:55.49dlynesIt's not even doing that...I'm not sure what you're doesn't make any sense to me
05:56.02dlynes$[${WINNERS} < 2]
05:56.12dlynesIs this AEL?
05:56.20FuriousGeorgeer, no
05:56.30FuriousGeorgeis that syntax wrong?  im told this is true in the cli output
05:56.32dlynes${WINNERS} is your variable
05:56.46dlynesWhat does that do again?
05:57.03FuriousGeorgei think you need that to evaluate whether its less than 7 or not
05:57.13dlynesYou mean less than 7?
05:57.16dlyneserm 2?
05:57.39dlynesAnd why are you prefacing it with the '$'?
05:57.50FuriousGeorgei shouldnt be doing that?
05:58.01L|NUXcan some one help me with voipbuster works on asterisk
05:58.05dlynes$ signifies a variable
05:58.34dlynesWhat you're referencing is not a's a mathematical comparison
05:58.40FuriousGeorgelook at line number 20
05:58.45FuriousGeorgei do the same exact thing and it works fine
05:59.51FuriousGeorgei had it as n(label) before but the labels were giving me issues and now i gotta go fix everything
06:05.00dlynesJust loading it into vim so I can take an easier look at it
06:05.05dlynesthe font on the webpage sucks
06:06.08dlynesfirst off
06:06.23dlyneswhy are the exten => _X's in the middle of the exten => s's?
06:06.37DoktorGregI wish i could force good looking fonts system wide
06:06.50DoktorGregwith no chance of developers going around my preferences
06:06.53dlynesand why is the exten => s,25 way down at the bottom?
06:06.59dlynesDoktorGreg: you can
06:07.14DoktorGregahh the cli
06:07.56DoktorGregbut i have a pretty picture of a flower i took a picture of on my desktop
06:08.23DoktorGreg   some of my stuff
06:08.34dlynesCheech and Chong's Next Movie is on :)
06:08.52dlynesthose guys rock :)
06:10.47dlynesdood....did FuriousGeorge go to sleep?
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06:12.03dlynesheya ass
06:14.46FuriousGeorgedlynes:  the problem before was just that i skipped a priority
06:15.06dlynesFuriousGeorge: Your extensions are all out of order
06:15.06FuriousGeorgenow im having some issues with my gotoif syntax
06:15.07FuriousGeorgedlynes:  lol
06:15.13FuriousGeorgethey dont have to be in order
06:15.13dlynesFuriousGeorge: Well, fix up the ordering of your extensions to see if that fixes it, first
06:15.25dlynesif it doesn't fix it, at least it'll make it easier to read
06:15.28FuriousGeorgeare you being serious
06:15.51FuriousGeorgedont you think its easier to read when i put extension X below where its being called?
06:15.58dlynesI've never actually tried writing extension code like that...wouldn't know if it would work or not
06:16.13FuriousGeorgeits only two lines and i indent it and put the ;;;;;;; around it ;;;;;;;;;;;
06:16.26dlynesI mean put all the _X's together and all the s's together and so on
06:16.44FuriousGeorgei know what you mean
06:16.54FuriousGeorgebut if you notice, X gets called by the background above
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06:17.17dlynesAre you sure about that?
06:17.24FuriousGeorgeand is only relevant to that little piece of code above it, then we go on to s,13 and never worry about it again
06:17.27FuriousGeorgewhich is why i put it there
06:17.28dlynesHow do you know exten => 1 doesn't get called instead?
06:17.42FuriousGeorgeit does
06:17.45FuriousGeorgeif i dial one
06:17.53dlynesOr 2, or 3, or ...9?
06:17.55FuriousGeorgebut then it goes and finishes that little loop
06:18.01FuriousGeorgeif i dial 2 or 3 or 9 sure
06:18.02dlynes_X should never get called
06:18.13FuriousGeorgeyou know what background() does?
06:18.24dlynesBecause [1-9] match it as well
06:18.29dlynesYes, I know what background does
06:18.35dlynesDo you know what pattern matching does?
06:18.44FuriousGeorgethis context is all off by itself, and not included anywhere
06:19.00FuriousGeorgethe problem im having now is that i think i need to put $[ ] around my gotoif in the roomates
06:19.03dlynesMy brain's not working
06:19.12dlynesDidn't see the 's,' in front of all the digits
06:20.09dlynesWhen you use Goto(s,11), I would expect any behaviour after that is undefined
06:20.16dlynesBecause you're jumping into the middle of the loop
06:20.32dlynesSo the state of the loop would be unknown
06:20.38FuriousGeorgecorrect, but if you notice the next thing i do is increment the counter
06:20.50FuriousGeorgeso if the counter = 7 it ends that loop
06:20.53FuriousGeorgeand goes on to 13
06:20.54dlynesOk, you're incrementing it from what?
06:21.08dlynesNvm....but what i'm getting at
06:21.09FuriousGeorgeline 7 i set count to 1
06:21.16dlynesis that you're jumping into the middle of the loop
06:21.19FuriousGeorgei know what you are saying
06:21.36dlynesNormally in programming, the loop's state is managed, so you know whether you're in the loop or not
06:21.42FuriousGeorgebut asterisk's dialplan isnt a REAL language so sometimes you gotta use goto's and do silly things with loops to make it act like one
06:21.44tehdelyass turd dicks
06:21.50dlynesi.e. your cx register is usually set up to handle the loop
06:22.03dlynesI don't know how asterisk handles it
06:22.21DoktorGregI saw a pearl extension for extensions.conf somewhere....
06:22.46FuriousGeorgei can tell you im getting way past that part so i assume it handles it ok
06:23.09dlynesFuriousGeorge: yeah, but that's the problem with stuff like that
06:23.14dlynesFuriousGeorge: it's unpredictable
06:23.29dlynesFuriousGeorge: it depends on how the programmers choose to handle it, if they do
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06:23.58dlynesMe, personally, i'd rather solve it by using a few variables and GotoIf's
06:24.18dlynesBecause then I could guarantee myself that it would behave predictably
06:24.41dlynesand if it didn't, then i could post a bug report
06:24.46FuriousGeorgedlynes:  im not sure if you realize the dialplan is not at all meant to do what im doing in many ways.  im building arrays manually b/c it doesnt support it
06:24.53FuriousGeorgeim not sure what you mean about it acting unpredictably
06:24.54DoktorGregI am planning on being extra conservative with my phone routes
06:24.58Vcocould anyone tell me what glaringly obvious step I seem to be mising to simply get * to announce the current time? (idealy the typical current date and time) announcement...
06:25.16dlynesVco: SayUnixTime()?
06:26.51Vconot say datetime or something
06:27.25dlynesFuriousGeorge: I mean jumping in and out of loops, I wouldn't want to place any bets on how the programmers chose to handle that
06:27.36dlynesFuriousGeorge: By design you know how they'd handle GotoIf
06:27.49QwellVco: SayUnixTime() can do custom formats
06:27.53FuriousGeorgeyou mean how *'s programmers?
06:28.16FuriousGeorgei assume they took that into account, as * encourages the use of goto and whiles for branching loging
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06:29.09dlynesyeah, but nobody encourages jumping in and out of loops, bypassing entry points
06:29.29FuriousGeorgei think youll find differently if you hang out here long enough
06:29.36FuriousGeorgelike i said, * isnt a real programming languatge
06:29.42FuriousGeorgeor the dialplan isnt
06:29.47*** part/#asterisk krisguy (
06:29.51FuriousGeorgemost people will tell you ael isnt either
06:29.55dlynesso you're not the first one to jump in and out of loops?
06:30.08FuriousGeorgeno, ive seen others doing it
06:30.39FuriousGeorgecontexts dont return values like functions in C
06:30.43dlyneswell, personally I wouldn't wnat ot predict what happens when you do that
06:30.53FuriousGeorgeexactly what amy comments say will happen
06:31.01dlynesYeah, but i'm a programmer, i can't get my head out of that mode
06:31.03FuriousGeorgethere is no predicition necessary
06:31.08dlynesTo me, what you're doing is just plain wrong :)
06:31.14FuriousGeorgethe part you are focused on was working before
06:31.17QwellIt'll do exactly what you tell it to do
06:31.32QwellIf your logic sucks, so will your dialplan
06:31.41glm2klol. agreed.
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06:32.01dlynesSo why not make it readable? :)
06:32.27QwellWhat, do you think it's better to unroll the loops?
06:32.31FuriousGeorgedlynes:  no offense, but i get the impression that you had a bit more experience with the dialpan it would be very readable
06:32.34Qwellby hand
06:33.10glm2kmeh, if you're really worried, use AGI
06:33.18dlynesFuriousGeorge: no offense's quite readable
06:33.24dlynesFuriousGeorge: I just don't like the way it reads :)
06:33.31FuriousGeorgefair enough
06:34.12dlynesbesides...cheech and chong are making me laugh too much to concentrate :)
06:35.40dlynesbut other than that jumping in and out, the dialplan seems to look fine
06:39.16FuriousGeorgei almost got the damn thing working
06:39.51FuriousGeorgei started to learn C and i thought "hey this would be fun to try in C" but then i realized i needed to learn a bit more, so i said "I bet i could do it pretty easily in the asterisk dialplan
06:41.17dlynesFuriousGeorge: you were going to do it in agi, using C?
06:41.25dlynesFuriousGeorge: Why not perl?
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06:42.03FuriousGeorgedlynes:  currently i only speak asterisk dialplan, and i might remember some pascal from 7 years ago
06:42.33dlynesI was just thinking perl or php would probably be easier to learn than C
06:43.12coppiceC has less letters to remember
06:43.39FuriousGeorgeyou are probably right, but C is useful too, and i figure once i learn that i can move onto the other modern languages
06:45.06glm2kC is pretty old you know
06:45.24FuriousGeorgeholy shit it works
06:45.30FuriousGeorgei can eat and sleep again
06:45.35coppiceso is arithmetic. so what?
06:45.43FuriousGeorgewait till james and marc find out they're cleaning the house tomorrow b/c my pbx says so
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06:47.03thx2000anyone have issues w/ choppy sound using teliax?
06:47.03DoktorGregc is good for some things....  its also a good language for control freaks
06:47.35DoktorGregfor the stuff i do, i like higher level languages
06:47.49DoktorGregi like open pascal a lot
06:47.59dlynesYeah...C kicks ass
06:48.04dlynesBut I like C++ better
06:48.15mitchelocVB bettter
06:48.20*** join/#asterisk Garaan (
06:48.24coppicepascal isn't higher level than C. its just a PITA designed by control freaks
06:48.26dlynesIt allows you to describe the business logic a little better
06:48.28glm2kBASIC anyone?
06:48.41dlynespascal blows
06:48.44DoktorGreghmmm, pascal has string handling
06:48.50dlynesso does perl
06:48.52DoktorGregc doenst have it, you have to add it on
06:48.53Frogzoocoppice: yes indeed
06:49.00coppicepascal has no logic handling
06:49.02glm2khmmm, the last time i used pascal, it was still compiling .com files.
06:49.16dlynesthat's turbo pascal compiling for tiny memory model
06:49.18coppicetrying to get the effect of a simple AND or OR in pascal is a nightmare
06:49.37DoktorGreg'hello' + 'world'
06:49.49FrogzooDoktorGreg: do that with large strings = hello buffer overflow
06:49.50GaraanGood morning all
06:49.53*** part/#asterisk serif (
06:50.13dlynesFrogzoo: why are you using a statically allocated buffer?
06:50.26DoktorGregactually recent versions of pascal support arbitrary length strings for just that purpose....
06:50.26GaraanI'm having a problem getting a X100P and a TDM400 with 1 XFS card on it to initialize on boot
06:50.35dlynesFrogzoo: or no bounds checking, for that matter?
06:50.43coppicemost pascals fall apart when the string exceeds 255 chars
06:51.07dlynesyeah...that's one thing that really sucks about pascal
06:51.13DoktorGregyah under the obsolete pascal string conventions....
06:51.16dlynesbyte 0 = length of string
06:51.23DoktorGregfrom 10+ years ago, lol
06:51.24dlynesbyte 1-254 = string
06:51.26coppicepascal is obsolete
06:51.33DoktorGregcheck out lazarus
06:52.00glm2kwasn't he dead?
06:52.05coppicepascal also believes the size of numbers has no significance
06:52.06glm2kor raised from the dead?
06:52.44*** join/#asterisk gn0rt0n (i=gn0rt0n@
06:53.20gn0rt0nAnyone feel like helping a Newb out with an Inbound problem?
06:54.08gn0rt0nWell just in case... 8)
06:54.11gn0rt0nOutbound calls are working fine. However, when a call is placed inbound the phone will ring. When I answer, I hear a busy signal (normal speed, not fast signal). At this point the phone will continue to ring overtop of the busy signal.
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07:08.08lokkjugn0rt0n, does the CLI/log show the incoming call?
07:10.25DoktorGregi need a vote
07:11.04DoktorGregshould i go ahead and put my asterisk server in a 19" case, or will I need to tinker with it some more?
07:11.23lokkjuhardware wise?
07:11.46lokkjuheh - no clue :)
07:11.49coppice19"? well, they say size doesn't matter. its what you do with it that counts
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07:12.25DoktorGregIm gonna save the company on the order of 10k a year, which at least some of which will show up in my paycheck:P
07:13.41DoktorGregum i put stuff in the rack when i am done tinkering with it, because the rack cases have gnarly footprints when they are not nicely stacked in the rack
07:14.46GrizzyIt's what rack slides are for.  Pull out the case when you need to.
07:14.59FuriousGeorgewhats wrong with my sytnax here?  exten => Marc,3,gotoif($[ ${CLEANER[1]}!="Marc"]?4|,6)
07:15.48FuriousGeorgei thought i could use pipe
07:15.50FuriousGeorgelemme try that
07:16.13dlynesMight be able to, but I'm pretty sure you can't put that comma in before the 6
07:17.47dlynesBut, I think it's just comma and pipe that are interchangable
07:17.47FuriousGeorgethat was a typo
07:17.54FuriousGeorgethe comma was a typo
07:18.22DoktorGreged dames is on art bell, he is predicting the world is gonna end real soon now
07:18.39dlynesIt is
07:18.58Grizzyfire or ice, or drowned in bureaucrats?
07:19.06DoktorGregoh, and interestingly enough, art bell is on art bell tonight
07:19.06coppiceRSN means almost forever, so that's probably right
07:19.59gn0rt0nlokkju, yes I do see the call come in, but I am not sure how to translate every thing that happens in there
07:20.01DoktorGreghe has used remote viewing to gain some new insite into crop circles
07:21.08DoktorGregI struggle to disagree
07:21.12FuriousGeorgeactually this isnt working either exten => James,3,gotoif($[ ${CLEANER[1]}!="James"]?4:6)
07:21.27coppicethe snag with predictions about the world ending is there is no money in "the world is gonna last a long long time". inherently all interesting predictions are of imminent demise
07:21.33FuriousGeorgethat means if that var = James goto 4, else 6 right
07:22.15FuriousGeorgein the same extension
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07:22.25dlynesYou can't make it jump extensions
07:22.26GrizzyI see a != not equal
07:22.32FuriousGeorgeand you see nothing wrong with the syntax
07:22.34FuriousGeorgethats what i meant
07:22.35*** join/#asterisk rkr245 (
07:22.57FuriousGeorge-- Executing Random("SIP/Brian-4eb7", " 9|Jeff|3") in new stack
07:22.57FuriousGeorgeApr 17 03:20:11 WARNING[680]: pbx.c:6455 ast_parseable_goto: Goto requires an argument (optional context|optional extension|priority)
07:22.58dlynesNah...syntax seems to be fine, except for what Grizzy pointed out
07:23.04GaraanI am having an issue getting a X100P and a TDM 400 working together nicely, anyone have that problem?
07:23.21FuriousGeorgeGaraan: chekc your irq settings, are they sharing an irq with other devices
07:23.36GaraanThey are on seperate IRQs
07:23.45FuriousGeorgewhat about from your nic and other devices
07:23.51FuriousGeorgenot just from eachother
07:23.53GaraanThey just dont come up well with the make config in zaptel-1.0.10
07:24.03GaraanThey are on their own IRWs
07:24.10FuriousGeorgemake config?
07:24.20FuriousGeorgemake && make install && modprobe zaptel
07:24.27FuriousGeorgeer modprobe wctdm
07:25.43Garaan[root@asterisk ~]# modprobe zaptel
07:25.43Garaan[root@asterisk ~]# modprobe wcfxs
07:25.43GaraanZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
07:25.44GaraanDid you forget that FXS interfaces are configured with FXO signalling
07:25.44Garaanand that FXO interfaces use FXS signalling?
07:25.44GaraanFATAL: Error running install command for wcfxs
07:26.15dlynesGaraan: x100p is wcfxo, not wcfxs
07:26.43dlynesbut it gets configured as fxsks
07:27.13GaraanRight, but I also have a TDM400 w/ a fxs module in it
07:27.22Garaanso both need to be loaded, no?
07:27.33dlynesYeah, but the x100p driver is wcfxo, not wcfxs
07:27.44dlynesthe tdm400 doesn't use the wcfxs or wcfxo
07:27.44GaraanI know that part
07:27.53dlynesIt uses its own driver
07:28.00GaraanHrm... ok lemme check
07:28.16dlynesit uses wctdm
07:28.47dlynesor wct4xxp
07:28.49dlynesI'm not sure which
07:28.50Garaan[root@asterisk ~]# modprobe wcfxo
07:28.50GaraanZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 2: No such device or address (6)
07:28.50GaraanFATAL: Error running install command for wcfxo
07:28.50Garaan[root@asterisk ~]# modprobe wctdm
07:29.04*** join/#asterisk cybergypsy (
07:29.24dlynesOk, weird
07:29.31dlynesIt's an x100p, you said, right?
07:29.36GaraanThus, my problem
07:29.42FuriousGeorgeso it uses fxs signallin
07:29.44Garaanx100p clone, but yes
07:29.46FuriousGeorgelets see zapata.conf
07:29.46Garaanyes it does
07:29.49dlynesIt uses fxs signalling, correct
07:29.53GaraanOne sec
07:29.55FuriousGeorgeand zaptel.conf
07:29.56dlynesBut it uses the wcfxo driver
07:30.06GaraanHavent set up zapata.conf yet
07:30.14Garaanjust trying to get this to load clean
07:30.21FuriousGeorgeGaraan: you cant till you do
07:30.28dlynesYeah, but FuriousGeorge does it even look at the zaptel.conf file when you do a modprobe?
07:30.44FuriousGeorgei think it does
07:30.46dlynesI don't think it does
07:30.55dlynesI think chan_zap looks at that
07:31.32dlynesLet's try isolating it first
07:31.36GaraanI assumed when the tdm400 initialized that I had to skip the empty 3 parts
07:31.46Garaaner ports
07:31.55dlynesand only modprobe the wcfxo
07:31.59dlynesdon't modprobe anything else
07:32.01*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
07:32.17FuriousGeorgewhere do you set the signalling?
07:32.27FuriousGeorgeyou dont
07:32.48dlynesthat says use fxs signalling
07:32.48FuriousGeorgewhat ever happened to signalling=?
07:33.03Garaanwcfxo modprobes with no issue in that config
07:33.22dlynesFuriousGeorge: I think you're thinking of bri or pri
07:33.29FuriousGeorgeno zaptel
07:33.37FuriousGeorgemaybe im using a deprecated 1.1 format
07:33.43dlynesFuriousGeorge: I've never needed the signalling line in there for x100p
07:33.56dlynesNot for zaptel 1.0.x.x, or zaptel 1.2.x
07:33.58FuriousGeorgefor a tdm400p you used to have to
07:34.07dlynesWe're not doing the tdm400p yet
07:34.10dlynesONly the x100p
07:34.11GaraanI am using zaptel 1.0.10
07:34.20GaraanAs we use asterisk 1.0.10 at work
07:34.32dlynesOk, Garaan
07:34.44dlynesNow, you need to uncomment those three lines in your zaptel.conf file
07:34.46FuriousGeorgeoops we got our docs backwards
07:34.50FuriousGeorgeim talking about zaptel.conf
07:34.51dlynesUnload your wcfxo module
07:34.57dlynesSo are we
07:35.15FuriousGeorgei have my docs backwards
07:35.17dlynesGaraan: and put your lines back in there for your wctdm
07:35.26dlynesGaraan: and then remodprobe wctdm
07:35.28FuriousGeorgei think im talking about zapel.conf but im talking about zapata.conf
07:35.40Garaanis the only line
07:35.42dlynesFuriousGeorge: Yeah...there's a signalling option in zapata.conf
07:35.45*** join/#asterisk ramo (i=ramo@
07:35.56Garaanthe TDM 400 has 1 fxs on the first port
07:36.04Garaanso is that correct?
07:36.10dlynesGaraan: you still need your loadzone and defaultzone
07:36.18dlynesWhat ports do you have on your tdm400?
07:36.24GaraanPort 1 FXS
07:36.27GaraanRest empty
07:36.58dlynesNo fxsks line
07:37.11dlynesDoes that work?
07:37.19dlynesOk, so they both work
07:37.22dlynesNow try this
07:37.26GaraanOnly when both are together is there an error
07:37.54dlynesThen unload both drivers
07:37.57DoktorGregcan anyone enlighten me as to what data is on the d channel on a pri line?
07:38.08dlynesDoktorGreg: signalling
07:38.20DoktorGreglike a clock or something?
07:38.22dlynesGaraan: then reload both drivers
07:38.39dlynesDoktorGreg: the phone company puts a bunch of different stuff on that channel including dids I think
07:38.50Garaan[root@asterisk etc]# modprobe wcfxs
07:38.51GaraanNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
07:38.51Garaanline 3: Unknown keyword 'nfxsks'
07:38.51Garaanline 4: Unknown keyword 'nfxoks'
07:38.51Garaan2 error(s) detected
07:38.51GaraanFATAL: Error running install command for wcfxs
07:38.53coppiceD channels contain the call control signalling
07:39.04dlynesGaraan:  \n means new line
07:39.12dlynesI didn't mean put a '\n' in there, literally
07:39.38dlynesand why are you modprobing wcfxs?
07:39.44dlynesIt's wcfxo and wctdm
07:39.49Garaan[root@asterisk etc]# modprobe wcfxs
07:39.49GaraanNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
07:39.49Garaanline 4: Channel 1 already configured as 'FXS Kewlstart' at line 3
07:39.49Garaan1 error(s) detected
07:39.49GaraanFATAL: Error running install command for wcfxs
07:39.59DoktorGregis there a virtal modem service I can integrate into asterisk?
07:40.22Garaan[root@asterisk etc]# modprobe wctdm
07:40.22GaraanNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
07:40.22Garaanline 4: Channel 1 already configured as 'FXS Kewlstart' at line 3
07:40.22Garaan1 error(s) detected
07:40.22GaraanFATAL: Error running install command for wcfxs
07:40.24dlynesDoktorGreg: hylafax
07:41.04dlynesGaraan: Change the order of fxsks and fxoks in your zaptel.conf file then
07:41.04coppicehylafax isn't a virtual modem
07:41.18dlynesNo, but it allows you to have virtual fax modems
07:41.32dlynesand someone was telling me you could integrate that into asterisk
07:41.58Garaan[root@asterisk etc]# modprobe wctdm
07:41.58GaraanNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
07:41.58Garaanline 4: Channel 1 already configured as 'FXO Kewlstart' at line 3
07:41.59Garaan1 error(s) detected
07:41.59GaraanFATAL: Error running install command for wcfxs
07:42.03coppicespandsp + iaxmodem + hylafax gives you fax service need iaxmodem, too?
07:42.41dlynesis that software, or are you talking about IAXy?
07:43.02*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
07:43.05dlynesGaraan: Let's see your current zaptel.conf file
07:43.24coppiceiaxmodem +spandsp gives you a virtual fax modem, hylafax gives you a fax machine. spandsp + rxfax will do much the same
07:43.55dlynescoppice: ah...yeah, but spandsp + rxfax doesn't seem to help for me...always chokes on the 2nd page
07:44.04dlynescoppice: On the pri
07:44.14dlynesSame for txfax
07:44.29coppicethen fix your installation. it works OK for thousands of others
07:44.44dlynesDo i need a new version of spandsp?
07:44.55dlynes0.2 i think it was, wasn't working
07:45.06coppicenope. you need to fix your system
07:45.39dlyneswhat else would be conflicting, then?
07:45.54coppicebad timing, probably
07:46.06rickb|serverguys, I just install Asterisk.. I use a softphone to make calls for now.. I try to call an internal extension.. When I dial it. the Time clock keeps going. but no audio happens, but when I hangup.. The responce is normal call hangup. Any ideas
07:46.16dlynesfreebsd might have had something to do with it, then?
07:46.47dlynesI've since switched to linux haven't tried faxing again yet
07:46.58GrizzyI want something that will do half-duplex with AT+FCLASS=8 AT+VTX and AT+VRX
07:47.05coppicedunno. i never use freebsd. most people with problems either have a PCI bus that sucks, or they are not syncing to the PSTN's clock
07:47.19dlynesHow do you sync to the pstn clock?
07:47.33coppicecheck your zaptel.conf file. it tells you
07:47.59dlynesGaraan: All that text I see on pastebin is your zaptel.conf file?
07:48.09dlynesGaraan: Or only the lower half?
07:48.14GaraanOnly the lower half
07:48.30GaraanFrom new /etc/zaptel.conf
07:48.31coppiceGrizzy: then you seem to be in the wrong place
07:48.51dlynesAnd it's not working with the fxsks/fxoks flipped around, eh?
07:49.17GaraanSame error
07:49.20GrizzyA non-kernel voicemodem driver for asterisk?
07:50.14dlynesGaraan: Try swapping slots with yoru x100p and tdm400, and then try playing with the positioning of those two lines in the zaptel.conf file again?
07:50.25GaraanOk, that will take a bit ;)
07:50.31GaraanBe back soon
07:50.32dlynesGaraan: It might be because you've got three missing ports on the tdm400
07:50.42rickb|serverAnyone? :O
07:50.45dlynesGaraan: Making the other card take precedency might help
07:50.54FuriousGeorgesomething is wrong with my goto:  exten => Jeff,3,gotoif($[ "${CLEANER[1]}"!="Jeff"]?riah,Jeff,4:riah,Jeff,6)
07:50.58FuriousGeorgeand i cant figure out what
07:51.02dlynesGaraan: It won't help you solve the problem of why it's not working, but at least it might help you get it to work
07:51.11FuriousGeorgepriorities 4 and 6 there are in the same extension even
07:51.27coppiceGrizzy: such a thing exists for older versions of *. its so useless it was dumped
07:52.11GrizzyNeat!  Or was it too broken to live?
07:52.33GrizzyA few modems will even let you do full duplex.
07:52.48coppicethe voice modems are half duplex. that's pretty useless for conversation. Over
07:53.14coppiceI've never actually seem one that genuinely works full duplex
07:53.21GrizzyMostly the newer USB modems seem to be able to +VTX+RTX at the same time.
07:53.35coppicei did say *genuinely*
07:55.02rickb|serverhow do you associate a user with a trunk and a trunk with an extension
07:57.05FuriousGeorgerickb|server: contexts
07:57.24jbotfrom memory, context is like LaTeX but less messy and more oriented to DTP instead of academics.
07:58.18FuriousGeorgejbot: no, contexts are groups of extensions that peers and users belong to
07:58.19jbotokay, FuriousGeorge
07:59.37dlynesi like the previous definition better :)
07:59.46*** join/#asterisk serif (
08:00.09jboti heard switch is This refers to a hub that directs network packets to the port they are intended for, without broadcasting them to all connections. Switching is an alternative to moving to faster architectures. Switched 10Base-T can move data faster in some cases than a 100Base-T hub, because the 100Base-T hub takes up the hub's entire bandwidth with each packet ...
08:00.54*** join/#asterisk nextime (
08:04.30rickb|serverUgh.. It won't save my outbound route.
08:04.39FuriousGeorgejbot: no, trunk is my trunk my trunk; my lovely asterisk trunk (check it out)
08:04.40jbotFuriousGeorge: okay
08:04.45jbotextra, extra, read all about it, trunk is my trunk my trunk; my lovely asterisk trunk (check it out)
08:05.15FuriousGeorgedlynes:  i didnt change context but i did add an entry for contexts
08:06.09jbotsomebody said context was like LaTeX but less messy and more oriented to DTP instead of academics.
08:06.15jbotcontexts are groups of extensions that peers and users belong to
08:06.15*** join/#asterisk stoffell_h (
08:06.49FuriousGeorgethis damn code would be working if i could get the right syntax for this gotoif
08:07.13CukXsomeonw have 5mins to help me with SIP ? I have problems with registration
08:08.23dlynesHere's an example, furiousgeorge
08:08.26dlynesexten => s,87,GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}"="CANCEL"] ? 94 : 9 ) ;
08:08.40dlynesThat one I know for a fact works, because I use it every day
08:08.45CukXdlynes for me ?
08:08.55*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
08:09.02CukXsry, for FuriousGeorge
08:09.02dlynesCukX: Nobody can help you if you don't spit out what your problem is
08:09.53FuriousGeorgedlynes:  i use this one exten => s,n,gotoif($[ "${CALLERIDNAME}" = "Maria" ]?maria)
08:09.59FuriousGeorgebut something is very fishy with this
08:10.01CukXdlynes Registration from '"11" <sip:11@>' failed for ''
08:10.24dlynesCukX: chances are that it's a mismatch for the username and/or password
08:10.29FuriousGeorgesure you login and pw are right
08:10.50CukXdlynes i had put to extensions.conf this: [from-sip]
08:10.50CukXexten > 11,1,Dial(SIP/11,20]
08:11.06dlynesCukX: also, make sure both sides are using the same type of authentication
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08:11.21dlynesCukX: that's your dialplan, not your registration
08:11.26Dream_WEaverWhat would be neat is to have Asterisk show the trace through the entire call.  IE. display which priority in the dialplan its in.
08:11.31CukXdlynes what about
08:11.32dlynesCukX: your registration will be in your sip.conf file
08:11.44CukXis that it ?
08:11.50dlynesok, and does it match on the other end?
08:12.09CukXit does, i have it in phone
08:12.11dlynesThat's for the other end to call you
08:12.22CukXwhat about
08:12.22CukXregister => cuk:1234@
08:12.32CukXis that ok ?
08:12.32dlynesDoes the other end require a user name and password?
08:13.04dlynesIf the other end is a phone, chances are it doesn't require a username and password, and doesn't require you to register with it, either
08:13.04CukXit's the SIP phone and i have enter the data into it
08:13.30dlynes6.31 is your sip phone, right?
08:13.39dlynesand 6.40 is your asterisk box?
08:13.47FuriousGeorgeCukX: you dont register to an ip phone you add an [peername] entry
08:13.52FuriousGeorgein sip.conf
08:13.55FuriousGeorgeif its sip
08:14.02CukXdlynes yes, 6.31 is phone, 6.40 is asterisk
08:14.14dlynesYeah, but it seems he's trying to register to a sip context called '11' on the asterisk box, which doesn't exist
08:14.28dlynesit's called 'cuk', not '11'
08:15.01CukXso where to correct mistake?
08:15.25dlynesChange the username and password you're using to sign into the asterisk box, in the configuration pages for your sip phone
08:15.39dlynesAlso, stop trying to register to the sip phone
08:15.56CukXso the phone num and acoount on phone, change to 11, both
08:16.00dlynesYour registration server and proxy server should both be set to
08:16.14dlynesYour username, authentication id should both be cuk
08:16.19dlynesYour password should be 1234
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08:17.24dlynesYour musiconhold and voicemail servers should both be set to also, if your phone supports that
08:17.58CukXservice type on phone ? common ? or sipphone ?
08:18.07dlynesno idea
08:18.14dlynesi'm guessing sipphone?
08:18.22dlynesI don't know what you're referencing
08:18.49rkr245hi dlynes good afternoon
08:19.00dlynesheya rkr
08:19.26FuriousGeorgeif i didnt know any better i'd say this goto should be working and the damn PBX is screwing this up somehow
08:19.29rkr245my asterisk server is running fine with music on hold too
08:19.33FuriousGeorgeanyone wanna prove otherwise to me?
08:19.43CukXdlynes wtf:
08:19.44CukXetrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 41b71efb79e2a9e37545e146515f007c@ for seqno 102
08:20.02dlynesCukX: Don't worry about that
08:20.35dlynesCukX: I don't believe that's an error...that's probably a socket level problem
08:20.40CukXshould I try it with some softphone first ?  wich one do you recommends ?
08:20.40rkr245dlynes:how can i update my asterisk 1.2.6 to 1.2.7
08:20.44dlynesCukX: can you ping the phoen from the asterisk box?
08:20.56dlynesrkr245: depends on your linux distribution
08:21.04dlynesrkr245: different from one to the next
08:21.10CukXsure , 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=2.40 ms
08:21.11rkr245dlyne :fedora 4
08:21.42dlynesrkr245: yeah...i wouldn't have a clue, other than suggesting to go download the latest rpm and then do an rpm -U packagename.rpm, I think
08:21.48dlynesI don't use rpm, so that's only from memory
08:22.05robusti assume that it's possible too let SIP clients call in to a asterisk server and then talk to everyone connected, at the same time? anyone tried it? the reason i want to know is because i'm sick of using "teamspeak and others" that are closed source, and would like for a good sollution
08:22.14dlynesCukX: are you running a firewall on the asterisk box?
08:22.21rkr245dlynes:i will go and check it out
08:22.31CukXnot that I am aware of
08:22.41dlynesCukX: do an iptables -L
08:22.57CukXnothing there
08:23.26dlynesdid you get an error when you tried?
08:23.38CukXasterisk:~# iptables -L
08:23.38CukXChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
08:23.44CukXtarget     prot opt source               destination
08:23.53CukXsame fot fwd and ou
08:24.08dlynesWhat are the policies on all of them?
08:24.12dlynesACCEPT for all?
08:24.38CukXyep's gotta be something in your sip.conf file then
08:26.03dlynesBut my brain's too tired to thing well enough to help I think
08:26.57*** join/#asterisk OliverX (
08:27.05CukXi have pasted you my sip.conf, if of any help
08:28.37OliverXWich Linux Distru are you prefer to install asterisk with a fritz card pci?
08:28.55*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
08:30.34DoktorGregspooky!!! Art Bells clock broke
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08:39.12GaraanOK! I got it going. Thanks dlynes
08:39.45GaraanI was using the startup script that "make config" generates...and it wasnt handling the initilization properly
08:39.49dlynesSo it was just the order of the cards?
08:40.02GaraanThat and, the order of the channels being declared needed to be changed
08:40.30*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (n=jnsolank@
08:40.51joelsolankiHello All
08:41.26GaraanTake a look
08:43.58dlynesGaraan: what's make config do?  is that something specific to fedora or something?
08:44.18*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
08:44.46GaraanIt also appears, that for the zaptel 1.0.10 driver...that wctdm is just a module alias to wcfxs
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08:45.06GaraanGot disconnected
08:45.26dlynesWell, I'm off
08:45.30dlynesNeed to get some sleep
08:45.32GaraanHave a good night
08:45.35GaraanThanks again
08:45.36dlynesIt's almost 2am here
08:45.57GaraanI'll be going to.  Thanks for all the help
08:49.37joelsolankiAnybody awake ?
08:49.57joelsolankiNeed to discuss some points.
08:51.19joelsolankiwe have 2 pstn telephone lines. Now we are going to have new office other than the current one. Now i want those 2 pstn telephone lines to be used as incoming/outgoing in that office too.
08:51.55joelsolankiso is there a way that i can configure asterisk to redirect incoming calls to cisco ata box configured at other office ?
08:54.19FuriousGeorgebut you can also have your telco do that for you
08:55.24FuriousGeorgeexten => s,1,dial(sip/cisco_ata_box_at_other_office)
08:56.28FuriousGeorgeso i have this loop that calls some routines until i have two winners.  as soon as i get a winner i call a gotoif statement which invariably crashes, and ive tried it 700 different ways
08:56.50FuriousGeorgesays it cant parse the gotoif, but no syntax makes it work
08:58.03joelsolankiFuriousGeorge: see i want to tranfer pstn line to our asterisk pbx.
08:58.15joelsolankifor that it will require some card right ?
08:58.41FuriousGeorgeyou want to answer an analog line with asterisk?  then yes you need hardware for it
09:00.12RoyKjoelsolanki: like if you want to use scsi, you're better off with a scsi controller :P
09:00.47FuriousGeorgehey RoyK you were helping me with this the other day
09:00.59stoffell_hI am using tr"
09:00.59RoyKthis what?
09:01.23stoffell_hi am using "tr" as dial command option, does this mean I can't use "canreinvite=yes" ?
09:01.38FuriousGeorgethis damn computer?  j/k remember i was starting yesterday to write some code that picks 2 winners out of 6 roomates to clean the house
09:02.12RoyKFuriousGeorge: i somehow beleive it'll be quite a bit easier to write that code with perl agi or something
09:02.14*** part/#asterisk robust (
09:02.29FuriousGeorgeRoyK: you are definately right, but this is more of a practice thing for me
09:02.34FuriousGeorgei plan to do it for real in C
09:02.40FuriousGeorgeanyway, everything works
09:03.01FuriousGeorgewhen i finally do pick the first name, the goto which is supposed to check if he has already been picked craps out
09:04.17FuriousGeorgeive tried the syntax about 700 ways and im at a total loss right now
09:04.54FuriousGeorgeand its not like i have never used a gotoif before, but the EXACT SAME sytax now fails
09:05.58*** join/#asterisk cybergypsy (
09:08.21FuriousGeorge anyway, if you feel like taking a look here is the whole context RoyK
09:11.40*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (n=jnsolank@
09:12.01joelsolankiHello Furios
09:12.12joelsolankiSorry my internet connection went down :(
09:12.45joelsolankiso which hardware comes to integrate asterisk+pstn line. so i can use it for creating pbx for my office
09:12.54jbotsomebody said tdm400p was
09:13.04joelsolankihmm thanks.
09:15.39joelsolankiNow furiousGeorge: if i use this tdm400p in asterisk then should i be able to divert call coming to pstn line to ciso ata box connected to other location ?
09:15.49*** join/#asterisk grem_lin (
09:15.55RoyKFuriousGeorge: sorry. no  time for that now
09:16.09FuriousGeorgeRoyK: np, ill ask tomorrow i gotta sleep
09:16.30FuriousGeorgejoelsolanki: of course, that is what a pbx does
09:16.38joelsolankioh gr8
09:16.40FuriousGeorgeyou really gotta do some independent research
09:16.45OliverXWich Linux Distru are you prefer to install asterisk with a fritz card pci?
09:16.49joelsolankiyes i will do.
09:18.38nextimeoh, i'm happy, it seem that the new tdm2400 is working really good :)
09:19.44*** join/#asterisk CukX (
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09:22.59*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
09:31.23joelsolankinextime: tdm2400 has total 24 channels ?
09:31.39nextimejoelsolanki : yes, 12 fxo and 12 fxs
09:31.48nextime( in my config )
09:32.30joelsolankihmm means 12 pstn lines and 12 extensions ?
09:33.21nextimejoelsolanki : it means 12 pstn lines and 12 analog phones, extensions are "software config" :)
09:34.05joelsolankihmm ok got it. means 12 analog phones for your office.
09:34.25joelsolankihow much did it cost u for tdm2400
09:34.44*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
09:36.34nextimefrom the italian reseller at ""  with 3 modules fxo, 3 modules fxs, echo cancel module, patch panel and cable a total of 2000 euro
09:37.17joelsolankiso works cool ?
09:37.56RoyKi've heard the tdm2400 is both expensive and quite bad quality
09:38.06RoyKrather get a channelbank
09:38.15RoyKand an e1 or t1 card
09:38.31RoyKit'll probably be both cheaper and better
09:38.39nextimeit's too early to say that in production ( i have it in my * server from about 4 days now ), but it seem to do his work without problems
09:39.24joelsolankihope it works well :)
09:39.28nextimeRoyK : a single e1/t1 cost about 430 euro from the same reseller
09:40.09nextimeRoyK : anyway, on the same * box i have a te410p and a te210p
09:40.32joelsolankiu have complete pbx :)
09:41.01nextimejoelsolanki : it's a ivr/pbx system for a call center
09:41.36joelsolankioh ok.
09:41.44*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
09:41.50nextimesulex !
09:41.52RoyKnextime: i was thinking of using a t1 to a channel bank, not to the telco, for analog phones
09:42.02*** part/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
09:43.11RoyKnextime: the tdm2400 is mainly for using analog phones, and for that it's expensive and (trusting rumors) not very good at it
09:43.29nextimeRoyK : for operators i use voip, with ata ( iaxy ) and old cheaper analog phones ( operators are destroyng any device in few days )
09:44.18nextimethe 12 fxs on the tdm2400 are for some old wired analog phones in office
09:44.42nextimeand for 12 old pstn lines dedicated to credit card payement
09:45.32nextimethe main use of * for the call center is anyway e1 lines -> voip adapters
09:45.39nextimeor e1 lines -> ivr
09:45.46RoyKi still beleive you'd be cheaper and better off with a channelbank and a pri card. pri connected to channelbank doing the mux/demuxing, giving you 24(for t1)analog lines out
09:46.13RoyKsince channelbanks are better at that than most stuff, and can be purchased cheaply at ebay
09:46.22*** join/#asterisk dalbjerg (n=dalbjerg@2001:618:400:9508:fd10:b7d:840e:413)
09:46.36RoyKdalbjerg: nice ip address :)
09:48.00nextimeRoyK : i'm not paying nothing of this hardware, so, i prefer to have some less cable and a possible point of failure removed, price are not a problem compared with the old pbx/ivr that * is sobstituting
09:48.44CukXcan anyone paste me one line from extensions.conf for calling between two registered SIP phones, please
09:48.44RoyKnextime: still i beleive the pri/chanbank is better, more proven etc
09:48.59RoyKCukX: docs
09:49.03jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
09:49.44nextimeRoyK : right point, anyway, the main businnes is managed by e1 cards, so, it's like a first little experiment to test the tdm2400 card for me :)
09:49.58Assid"Asterisk: The Future of Telephony" is this book any good?
09:50.15jboti heard thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
09:50.22FuriousGeorgeits good
09:50.24*** join/#asterisk HalfByte (
09:50.31Assidalways ready to learn more...
09:50.46FuriousGeorgelike my grandma used to say, knowledge doesn't take up space
09:50.49RoyKnice weather - finally
09:50.52RoyKi'm out of here :)
09:51.00nextimehere it's raining
09:51.13mutilatorknowledge does take space
09:51.22mutilatorlots of jiggabytes
09:51.39HalfBytehi there
09:51.45nextimemutilator : human brain is a very large storage :)
09:51.57FuriousGeorgei dont know that you can compare data storage to the human brain
09:52.04mutilatoryea, i have eleventy jigga bytes of storage used so far
09:52.19nextimeFuriousGeorge : it was only a "joke", not a serius comparition
09:52.28Assidthe human brain has a very bad i/o speed
09:52.43Assidyou can save as much as you want. but the TOC index is pretty darn small
09:52.45mutilatordepending on the application
09:52.48Assidthats the real killer
09:52.54nextimeAssid : true, but it has a really good distributed environment
09:53.13mutilatorand you can eat toacos!
09:53.14Assiddistributed environment ?
09:53.21Assidwith your brain?!?!?
09:53.30*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
09:53.33FuriousGeorgenot to mention multiple analog interfaces
09:53.36Assidit will prolly puncture it
09:53.47Assidi got mine upgraded..
09:53.51puzzledmorning all
09:54.11Assidalthough the track keeps skipping now
09:54.25Assidso i prolly repeat myself over and over
09:54.28Assidalthough the track keeps skipping now
09:54.29Assidso i prolly repeat myself over and over
09:55.21Assidthats why the brain made google
09:56.43Assidmaybe i will just buy the paper back as well
09:56.51Assidokay gotta run..
09:59.20CukXwhat did I do wrong:
09:59.20CukXapp_dial.c:759 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'
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10:16.45jldbhello people
10:16.52cjkhi, is there an "unregister command" in the iax2 protocoll
10:17.06jldbany expert in isdn for asterisk??
10:19.57jldbdid i need to set up my isdn card in zaptel.conf??
10:26.39*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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10:37.11darkskiezargh, i'm having trouble with using ! in my dialplan
10:37.14darkskiezin expressions
10:37.29darkskiezApr 17 11:36:40 WARNING[4536]: ast_expr2.fl:183 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error, unexpected TOK_LP, expecting $end; Input:
10:45.49puzzleddarkskiez: think that is related to spacing. there was some talk about that TOK_LP message on the list a while back so maybe do a list search
10:46.06darkskiezpuzzled: just got it! twas, thankyou though :)
10:46.07puzzledor try ! ()
10:46.23darkskiezactually, that was GotoIf that was getting upset about spaces
10:46.27puzzledthat spacing issue really should be fixed...
10:46.39darkskiezit used to be fine
10:46.49puzzledah, nice regression
10:46.55darkskiezi just upgraded from june cvs :)
10:46.59darkskiezits all gone tits up
10:47.08puzzledtrunk or 1.2 branch
10:48.20puzzledseems to work for me but at low utilization
10:49.20*** join/#asterisk cced2 (n=dev2003@
10:54.10darkskiezexten => *777,1,NoOp($[!("fish":"fish")])
10:54.10darkskiezexten => *777,n,NoOp($[!("fish":"chips")])
10:54.24darkskiezexten => *777,1,NoOp($[!("fish":"fish")])
10:54.24darkskiezexten => *777,n,NoOp($[!("fish":"chips")])
10:55.19darkskiezdoes that not seem odd
10:55.28cced2cced2> <cced2> IN chan_zap.c start_pri() pri->fds[i] = open("/dev/zap/channel", O_RDWR, 0600);
10:55.29cced2<cced2> <cced2> use /dev/zap/channel as dchannel?
10:55.53puzzleddarkskiez: shouldn't that be exten => *777,n,NoOp($[ !("fish":"chips") ])
10:56.03puzzledexten => *777,n,NoOp($[ !("fish":"chips") ])
10:56.27cced2is there irc server in Asia?
10:57.06darkskiezApr 17 11:56:47 WARNING[4709]: ast_expr2.fl:183 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error, unexpected TOK_LP, expecting $end; Input: !("fish":"fish")
11:01.06darkskiezdo i need to upgrade some lexer software
11:01.13darkskiezi cant find a doc which states what you need
11:03.02*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (n=chatzill@
11:03.19puzzleddarkskiez: I think asteirsk uses bison but not sure
11:04.12darkskiezii  bison                   1.875d-1                A parser generator that is compatible with YACC
11:08.15darkskiezdoes it work for you?
11:09.12*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
11:12.24cced2who is familiar with libpri zaptel asterisk?
11:13.09puzzledcced2: better ask when the Americans are awake in a couple of hours
11:13.35mutilatorit's 711, we're all away
11:13.57mutilatorcced2: ask a question if you want an answer to it
11:17.10cced2711 ? haha
11:17.31cced2<cced2> <cced2> IN chan_zap.c start_pri() pri->fds[i] = open("/dev/zap/channel", O_RDWR, 0600);
11:17.31cced2<cced2> <cced2> use /dev/zap/channel as dchannel?
11:19.55*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
11:20.40cced2pzzzled: o ~ yes, so many Americans are familiar with codes. besides,where a u?
11:20.43HalfByteJust a quick question: we're running asterisk on a PRI. If somebody calls in, we Answer instantly. Is this neccessary? I mean, the cost counter starts running even if you do not reach anybody - not very customer friendly...
11:21.43puzzledHalfByte: no, it's not necessary
11:21.50puzzledrip out the Answer()
11:23.22HalfBytepuzzled: cool, I'm just wondering why it has been put there at all...
11:32.46*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
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11:46.15HalfByteI'm struggling with spandsp - which version should I use? I tried 0.0.3pre6 but gcc complains about a missing function in app_txfax... 0.0.2pre26 is deprecated as per Readme on the download site...
11:47.38*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
11:49.02HalfBytehm. 0.0.2pre26 at least compiles cleanly.
11:51.40puzzledHalfByte: for 1.2.x. use 0.0.2xxx
11:51.55coppicewhy use 0.0.3pre6 when the directory its in tells you not to?
11:52.56coppiceand where is 0.0.2pre26 deprecated?
11:53.14tzangermorning all
11:53.24puzzledmorning tzafrir, coppice
11:53.32puzzledtzanger too :)
11:54.12tzafrirGood afternoon, puzzled
11:59.21HalfBytecoppice: The readme in the 0.0.2pre26 says "If you want a stable version, don't use this one.". Oh, and it says that app_txfax and app_rxfax only work with 0.0.2, not 0.0.3, I see...
11:59.29HalfBytegot it compiled now.
12:00.05HalfByteBTW: I've got lots of mpg123 processes hanging around on the machine, none of them seems to be active - I find that quite disturbing...
12:06.17*** join/#asterisk cuco (
12:06.56cucoi am using fxs channels, and i would like to get indication for voicemails. how is this done? (asterisk 1.0.10)
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12:10.43tzafrircuco, what's wrong with mailbox= ?
12:11.16Dovidtzafrir shamatah mah karah bi tel aviv ?
12:12.33*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
12:16.09coppiceHalfByte: you have spandsp-0.0.2pre26?
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12:22.44HalfBytecoppice: yes, I've got pre26 now. I didn't test it yet, though - * managed to start up at least. ;-)
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12:23.02coppiceHalfbyte: where did you get it?
12:23.26boddyhii can you advise gui and softphone for asterisk
12:27.20viperdudehi anyone here good with Flash Operator Panel?
12:28.42HalfBytecoppice: uh, sorry, it's pre25, of course.
12:29.56coppicedarn. there was a pre26. We had a disaster and had to rebuild last week. The only thing that was not on the mirror was pre26, and I can't remember the quick fix that separated 25 from 26
12:30.41tzangercoppice: just a version change?  :_)
12:30.45tzangerlet me see if I have 26 around
12:30.53nextimeHalfByte : i suggest to try iaxmodem + hylafax instead of rxfax and txfax to manage fax with asterisk
12:31.30tzangerpre21 is the latest I have
12:31.41coppicethat's ancient :-)
12:31.50tzangerI am not using it atm
12:32.07tzangermy sangoma quadport should be arriving today
12:32.15coppicenextime: it really depends what he wants to do. for many people rxfax is much more suitable
12:32.17tzangerI am getting far too much heat regarding echo
12:32.48tzangeralthough I should try boosting the timeslots from 256 to 512 to try and hit that mythical 128ms
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12:33.20tzangeractually what I should do is work with your awesome spandsp libraries and create an echo-ey channel
12:33.46tzangerso I can do PRI-PRI testing and introduce real echo with configurable echo delay and amplitude
12:34.03tzangeran electronic mirror, of sorts
12:34.35coppicethe line modeling in spandsp needs improving. it doesn't do a great job of simulating lines
12:34.41nextimecoppice : of course, but, in my experience with faxing on asterisk, i found expecially 2 point in favour of iaxmodem and hylafax: it's indipendent to asterisk itself, so, upgrading asterisk doesn't affect fax at all, it work really good with every common fax, thing that rxfax seem to be do only partially, and more, hylafax is very powerfull for many and many other reasons
12:34.50tzangercan someone please hire me for a pure research position?  I have far too many "what if" projects
12:35.28coppiceyou want to do research into purity? :-\
12:35.44coppiceare you looking for a semenary position?
12:35.48tzangercoppice: well I'm not so much using it to model the lines, I would just take audio frames received and keep 256ms of them around in a buffer, and then attenuate and mix them into the transmitted audio with a delay
12:35.54tzangercoppice: haha
12:36.09tzangeractually I don't need spandsp for that at all
12:36.12tzangerI'd do that right in zaptel
12:36.26coppicetzanegr that's a rather poor model of real echo
12:36.36brettnemsomehow, it all leads back to cold fusion
12:36.41tzangercoppice: well I'm rather poor as well.  :-)
12:36.42coppiceyou can at least use the models in G.168
12:36.51tzangertrue enough
12:37.12coppicethose models are in spandsp for G.168 testing
12:37.27tzangerdo the g168 models include group delay and other nasties?  hell, does group delay even come into effect in a 4kHz bandwidth channel??
12:38.10coppicethe G.168 models are echo models for average and extreme lines in .eu and .us
12:38.11*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
12:43.39boddyhii can you advise gui and softphone for asterisk
12:44.40*** join/#asterisk robust (
12:46.37robustwould it be difficult to configure a asterisk server to replace teamspeak and other similiar applications? i want all calls that comes to the server grouped into one conference. anyone tried something like this?
12:46.55HalfBytenextime: i'm not going to change the setup. It works well enough - we're only using rxfax for now.
12:47.53nextimeHalfByte : it wasn't a order or a divine law, it was only a hint for my experience, so, if rxfax is working good for you, continue to use rxfax :)
12:48.47*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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12:53.11PakiPenguinhi there
12:53.36PakiPenguincan anyone help me out with a te110p
12:53.47PakiPenguinits being connected to a mitel pbx
12:53.56PakiPenguincant get the red blinking light to go
12:55.59viperdudeanyone know if its possible to get a cisco 7914 to monitor a extension on another server via IAX?
12:57.09*** join/#asterisk cced2 (n=dev2003@
12:59.31HalfBytecoppice: Do I need Answer() at all in my dialplan (apart from actually doing mailbox or automated messages stuff)?
13:08.42*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
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13:11.17littleballhello, can astereeisk run on os X (mac)?
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13:17.06russellblittleball: yes
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13:19.14Ariel_hello everyone
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13:20.48TagorHow can I ring two phones? And when phone 1 is picked up the second phone should stop ringing
13:21.01pauldyset up a ring group
13:21.19viperdudeTagor: Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2,20,tr)
13:21.47Tagorviperdude >> What is the '&SIP' for?
13:22.19viperdudeTagor "&" links the two SIP channels
13:22.41viperdudeboth phone rings and the first to pick up gets the call
13:23.18TagorOk, thanks a lot :)
13:26.39*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
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13:30.46robustis zaptel really requirred for a simple meetme setup?
13:31.08*** join/#asterisk rene- (
13:31.20Dovidu need the timing
13:31.28robustok, need to try it then, thanks for the info
13:31.35rene-hello, is someone from sineapps available for a quick question?
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13:39.59Tagor'WARNING[29020]: file.c:584 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame' what does this mean?
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13:51.59littleballhello, can asterisk run on mac computer?
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13:52.40jsharpUnder what OS?  OSX?  Linux?
13:53.38littleballi already run asterisk on linux. now i want to play it on mac because it is my notebook
13:53.50Ariel_littleball, can you run vmware
13:53.51*** join/#asterisk cybergypsy (
13:54.05jsharpYes, but there will be little or no support for any hardware other than basic sound card interfaces.
13:55.09littleballjsharp, how about SIP support ?  I want to collect sip phone to the asterisk server
13:55.12rene-you can plug ip telephones and atas to asterisk mac os x
13:55.17rene-sip or iax
13:55.25jsharpYes, SIP will work on OSX.
13:55.46*** join/#asterisk scrubb (
13:56.40littleballbecause i have two linux servers runing and connect to E1 lines. i want to play sip on my notebook and find out how to integrate sip service with PSTN servvice.
13:57.02littleballwhat is atas? rene-
13:57.13jsharpanalog telephone adapters
13:57.38littleballany document about this?
13:58.32littleballi can get wifi mobile phone, and want to try it out
13:58.36scrubbanyone here know how NBS is supposed to work?  I want to use a sound card on a remote computer for paging and I thought I remembered something about nbs.  I've googled and checked the wiki and got nothing.
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14:09.09cybergypsyis there any SIP/IAX2 software for palms ?
14:09.51ChulesI think there are a few close source apps ... and I think I may have heard of a SIP java applet.
14:10.36*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
14:13.50KylerI'm looking for experience with Asterisk faxing.  I need to both send and receive faxes reliably but for now it would suffice to be able to send them with reasonable failure modes.  I see IAXmodem, direct SpanDSP, and T.38 (which Gafachi apparently supports). I could use some guidance.
14:18.52*** join/#asterisk robust (
14:19.26tzangercybergypsy: I don't know of any except ofr one (very shitty) SIP phone.  I've never got a call though it though :-)
14:19.48robusti'm having troubles compiling zaptel. tried 1.0.10 and 1.2.5.. but nothing works. is this common?
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14:30.54ManxPowerrobust, no, it's not common
14:31.08ManxPowerWell, unless you don't know what you are doing, of course.
14:32.28*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
14:32.42ManxPowerseems to me that pasting the one or two error messages might be a good place to start.  but before that make sure you can go into the kernel source, /usr/src/linux and do a "make menuconfig"  If it works, just exit out without saving.  If it doesn't work then you don't have the kernel source installed correctly.
14:33.28*** join/#asterisk sevard (
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14:37.55Hmmhesaysmicrosoft needs to die for creating "mic boost"
14:39.50robustManxPower: it works now.. commented out everything except zaptel and ztdummy modules from the makefile
14:40.30file[laptop]Hmmhesays: !!!
14:40.36Hmmhesayshello file
14:41.04Hmmhesaysahh albuteral my friend
14:43.48tamp4xanyone have any ideas why there would be break up after someone comes off hold?
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14:44.33op3ranyone have experiences using aheeva?
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14:58.17bochhi all
15:00.20bochdo you know why commands after Dial() are not executed?
15:00.44*** join/#asterisk stoffell_h (
15:01.08tamp4xafter hangup?
15:01.19tamp4xotherwise you have to do them before
15:01.54oelewapperkedo you need to turn on the zapata module in a config file ?
15:02.10KattyHmmhesays: i'm a free woman again!
15:02.16oelewapperkeI have configured zapata.conf
15:02.21oelewapperkebut no zap commands become available
15:02.58bochtamp4x when the call ends, the next cmd's are not executed
15:03.17stoffell_hoelewapperke, make sure you load in modules.conf
15:03.26file[laptop]boch: use the h extension, it's executed upon hangup
15:03.28inv_arp[work]do i use AGI if i want outgoing callid info to come from a file or DB?
15:05.30oelewapperkehmmm debian asterisk doesn't seem to have chan_zap at all
15:05.37Kattyit does.
15:05.47Kattycause i have asterisk on debian, and use zap.
15:05.57oelewapperkeKatty: what version ?
15:06.03[TK]D-Fenderinv_arp[work] : No, you just do Set(CALLERID(number)=123456789)
15:06.09[TK]D-Fenderinv_arp[work] : before you dial
15:06.16[TK]D-Fender\me hugs Katty
15:06.22MikeJ[Laptop]oelewapperke, your using rpm's?
15:06.32oelewapperkeMikeJ[Laptop]: no, apt-get and deb's
15:06.46MikeJ[Laptop]yeah.. they are in another package
15:07.00[TK]D-Fenderoelewapperke : Use the Source Luke! ;)
15:07.04MikeJ[Laptop]so install from source, or find the right package
15:07.12MikeJ[Laptop]you probably don
15:07.20MikeJ[Laptop]don't have meetme either
15:07.28oelewapperkeit's only version 1.0.9 apparently
15:07.29oelewapperkethat sucks
15:07.43file[laptop]better then 1.0.7, which someone filed a bug against earlier
15:07.46stoffell_hoelewapperke, try apt-cache search "zaptel", or better, install source..
15:07.48MikeJ[Laptop]oelewapperke, just compile from source
15:08.03oelewapperkeI've got zaptel installed and configured
15:08.15*** join/#asterisk slak- (
15:08.31MikeJ[Laptop]oelewapperke, your not listening
15:08.45slak-hey, what controls the amount of timeout between digits pressed while dialing a telephone number
15:08.50slak-if i dont dial quick enough or pause
15:08.54slak-it goes to fast busy
15:09.05slak-asterisk->sipura ata->analog phone setup
15:09.19MikeJ[Laptop]on the sipura?
15:09.22freatoelewapperke: if this is a dedicated server, no real need to worry about using a package manager. the way the asterisk folks do installs is from source...
15:09.32slak-you think its the sipura that gives up?>
15:09.36slak-and tries to dia
15:09.43MikeJ[Laptop]which side are you dialing from?
15:09.50slak-from the analog phone
15:09.54slak-attached to sipura
15:09.57MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, it's the sipura
15:10.02CukXhow to check, on wich protocol are the SIP phones communicating "through" asterisk ?
15:10.17slak-MikeJ[Laptop]: any idea which option?
15:10.22oelewapperkethere is no in any ubuntu breezy package
15:10.26*** join/#asterisk angler (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
15:10.27MikeJ[Laptop]CukX, if they are sip phones, they are probably using SIP!
15:10.43file[laptop]MikeJ[Laptop]: nope - H323
15:10.47MikeJ[Laptop]slak-, somthing with timeout in the description
15:11.11CukXMikeJ[Laptop] sorry, codec
15:11.24[TK]D-Fenderslak- : Its the Sipura...
15:11.24freatoelewapperke: yes, but you can get the zaptel source as well. it should compile fine, you just have to make sure to make the module load on boot
15:11.27JunK-Ywhen u call, increase the verbose, u will see if after a dial.
15:11.53slak-tk: i cant find the option responsible
15:11.55slak-Cfwd No Ans Delay:?
15:12.14freatoelewapperke: you don't have to do cvs checkout, you could just wget from here:
15:12.14slak-theres no option with "timeout" under user 1 or line 1
15:12.33freatslak-: are you logged in as admin or user into the sipura?
15:12.40freatyou'll need to login as admin
15:13.05freatslak-: what model sipura?
15:13.34CukXMikeJ[Laptop] because the quality is relative poor...
15:13.41freatslak-: ok gimme a sec... got one deployed somewhere gotta find it
15:14.16jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
15:14.18jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
15:14.20jbotthebook is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
15:15.01freatslak-: hey, what's the default http port for the sipura?
15:15.03MikeJ[Laptop]CukX, JunK-Y already answered you
15:15.08ManxPowerfreat, 80
15:15.14slak-freat 80
15:15.55ManxPoweroelewapperke, the complain to the Ubuntu or compile from source.
15:18.43CukXJunK-Y i did increase verbosity, but no sign on codecs
15:20.56brettnemhey, does anyone know if inband dtmf is supported by the directory application?
15:21.02slak-freat: i gotta run to the doctor mang, can you message me?
15:21.38*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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15:23.17oelewapperkeif you compile asterisk from source chan_zap is built, right ?
15:23.45jsharpAssuming you build and install zaptel first, yes.
15:24.19ChulesHmm, I'm having weird problems.  Some calls from one location work, others don't.
15:24.36ChulesI can't see why the location would make a difference in this case ...
15:25.16skkipanyone using wireless voip handsets? I am thinking of putting in about 20 here at work.
15:25.17freatslak-: yeah I'm not seeing any digit timeout options on the sipura...
15:25.45*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
15:25.48freatskkip: how big is the site? can they all be served from 1 AP?
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15:25.59freatrange wise?
15:26.02[TK]D-FenderChules : I'm guessing you're * server is behind a NAT router?
15:26.22ChulesNo, it's not.
15:26.30skkipFreat - Diff ap's, multi floors
15:26.46freatskkip: the difficulty there is handoff between APs
15:27.42skkipFreat - And the fact here are not alot of low cost handheld solutions.
15:28.11[TK]D-FenderChules : Ok, which kinds of calls always seem to work, which ones are unreliable?
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15:28.30freatskkip: the people need to walk around with the phones? or just don't want cords?
15:29.03[TK]D-FenderChules : And as a general rule in [general] in sip.conf I suggest putting "canreinvite=no"
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15:29.26skkipFreat - they need to be mobile. Its more like a trade event so there are many people. Cords are not an option.
15:30.03ChulesSorry, just got back.
15:30.06[TK]D-Fenderfreat : Just use ATA's and regular cordless phones...
15:30.36*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:30.43freat[TK]D-Fender: 20 regular cordless? wonder how well they would not interfere with each other...
15:30.47freatskkip: if you were to dedicate an AP, could you get it's range to cover the whole area?
15:30.49Chules[TK]D-Fender: The pastebin link shows which calls I have tested.
15:30.53skkipTK - Thought of that but wanted a single unit
15:31.26skkipI could get the AP to cover the whole area
15:31.44ChulesIt seems that calls from the external, but registered through the Asterisk as a SIP proxy, work only to FWD, but not to internal things like the echo test or the voicemail.
15:32.00freatskkip: if you can do that, then that would solve fast roaming issues. my main concern would then be other APs on overlapping channels
15:32.19freatskkip: since 802.11b only has 3 non-overlapping (1,6,11)
15:32.28Chulesbtw, this external location is behing NAT, but as I said, the Asterisk server was not.
15:32.28skkipFreat - All AP's are running on thier own channel - at this point
15:32.44skkipthose are the ones
15:33.11freatskkip: sure, but you probably don't want the phones sharing those APs... QoS on wifi sucks. slows down everybody cause it ends up making them send RTS for everything
15:33.41freatskkip: also, if it's a conference, would you need to be worried about 'rogue' APs?
15:33.55freatskkip: one rogue AP could hose all the phones
15:34.33skkipFreat: - Conferance like - I control the AP's in house.
15:35.36freatskkip: my concern would be making sure the voip phones don't end up on an AP that's getting saturated with traffic
15:35.47freatskkip: which is why I asked about dedicating an AP
15:35.47skkipFreat: Good point
15:36.06*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
15:36.37skkipFreat: Maybe ATA's and cordless phones are the way to go then
15:36.55*** join/#asterisk rpm (
15:37.18ManxPowercordless phones and WiFi, now that will be interesting
15:37.20rpmhas anyone got asterisk message-waiting indicator with any mp-124 gateways?
15:37.41freatskkip: good quality spread spectrum phones may do the trick. watch out though... I've found some cordless phones that are only spread spectrum in one direction (stupid stupid I know)
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15:38.11skkipfreat: thanks for the heads up
15:38.51freatskkip: yeah also even though 2.4 GHz is better for indoors, getting the 5GHz phones would prevent interference from wifi
15:39.09AsteriskAlbaniaany one experienced with TE110P cards  for EuroISDN signalling ?
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15:41.27skkipfret: 20 2.4 ghz would cause alot of interferance with the AP's. no?
15:41.44coppicefreat: not stupid at all. "spread spectrum" but "fully spread spectrum" sells no better
15:42.02coppices/but/sells but/
15:42.44jsharpCause Joe Sixpack doesn't know or care about the difference between spread spectrum and string & tincans.
15:42.58skkipfreat: could drop then down to 900mhz phones.
15:44.01coppiceeven joe sixpack knows there are better ways to make three phones than using his empties :-)
15:44.34coppiceor six phones if you accept the half-duplex versions
15:45.56*** join/#asterisk ZZWizard (
15:46.08ZZWizardhello all
15:46.58ZZWizardcan someone here answer a hopefully easy question about the new release of asterisk @ home v2.8 ?
15:47.21Hmmhesaysdepends on if its an actual asterisk question or not
15:48.23ZZWizardI loaded the iso, added a sip exstention and all I get when trying to do a echo test, is a voice message that says
15:48.33ZZWizard"phone 202 is currently unavailable"
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15:51.04CukXwich codec do you recommend ?
15:51.20*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
15:52.13coppiceexcellent bit rate, and one of the best for plausible denial
15:52.34[TK]D-FenderZZWizard : Please read the channel topic.
15:52.53*** join/#asterisk GerbilWrk (i=GerbilNu@
15:53.41AsteriskAlbaniaWhere can I ask support for TE110P cards ?
15:54.26scrubbanyone here know how NBS is supposed to work?  I want to use a sound card on a remote computer for paging and I thought I remembered something about nbs.  I've googled and checked the wiki and got nothing.
15:55.19CukXLPC10 ? my phone doesn't have that...
15:55.32CukXiLBC ?
15:55.47rpmdoes anyone here use any mediatrix equipment as a FXS gateway for analog phones? i cannot get my message-waiting indicator working on any of the phones
15:56.08ManxPowerCukX, you use whatever codec that both your phone and Asterisk supports
15:56.32CukXManxPower yes, but I'd like to increast quality
15:56.40[TK]D-FenderAsteriskAlbania : Have you tried calling Digium?
15:56.50CukXbetween phones, it's like bad signal GSM now
15:57.06ManxPowerCukX, use ulaw or alaw then.  That is the highest quality (and highest bandwidth) codecs.  You only want to allow 1 of the two
15:57.25ManxPowerCukX, perhaps you have a problem other than a codec problem
15:57.30coppiceAsteriskAlbania: have you actually asked a question?
15:57.34[TK]D-Fenderrpm : Are you specifying your mailbox explicitly? "mailbox=100@default"
15:57.36ManxPowerulaw and alaw are the codecs the telcos use on the PSTN
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15:57.55CukXManxPower aha, good hint, only one...
15:58.22rpm[TK]D-Fender: no, im defining it as 1500, 1501.. etc and putting all my mailboxes in the context default.. im using the voicemail realtime stuff
15:59.05ManxPowerZZWizard, ISO?  We don't support any ISO installs of Asterisk here.
15:59.16[TK]D-Fenderrpm : Try adding the context in the definition, some phones need it.
15:59.33ManxPowerthat is the VOICEMAIL context, not the extensions.conf context
16:00.03[TK]D-Fenderrpm : I got MWI working fine on an 1124, but didn't test the 1102 another guy set up...
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16:00.19[TK]D-Fenderrpm : Like ManxPower said...
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16:03.04robusti configured sip.conf and i have asterisk running: but when i try to connect with ekiga it fails. anything else that needs to be configured?
16:03.37robusti haven't configured any other services, i just want the login to work
16:04.02[TK]D-Fenderrobust : You're running it on your * server?
16:04.16brettnemanyone know why <asterisk>--inband dtmf--<asterisk/app_directory> would fail?
16:04.21asteriskmonkeyhey guys
16:04.28asteriskmonkeyany issue spandsp would stop writing files
16:04.35robust[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean with * ?
16:04.37asteriskmonkeyalthough its says in asterisk its saving thm
16:04.44brettnemdrive space
16:04.54GerbilWrkanyone have a sample config for two asterisk servers sending a call from one extension on one box to another extension on another box?
16:04.58HmmhesaysI need to figure out the frequency and cadence of this disconnect tone, can someone recommend me some software to do as such?
16:05.02brettnemsomething else has the file it's trying to write to open
16:05.03[TK]D-Fenderrobust : You are running Ekiga on the same box as Asterisk (*)
16:05.09robust[TK]D-Fender: oh.. yeah
16:05.22[TK]D-Fenderrobust What do you see in CLI when you try to register?
16:05.25asteriskmonkeybrettnem: drive space ample permissions good, any way i could further debug
16:05.34robust[TK]D-Fender: no output at all.. :(
16:05.41brettnemlsof |grep <filename>
16:05.48rpmexten => s-NOANSWER,1,Voicemail(u${ARG1:1}), is that going to cause a problem? I am using hints because some extensions have multiple phones.. people need to prepend 7 to the phone number they are trying to call before calling room to room.
16:05.56*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
16:06.09[TK]D-Fenderrpm : Why would they need to do that?
16:06.13robust[TK]D-Fender: im not sure if i messed up when entering everything in ekiga..
16:06.15coppicedirectory exists?
16:06.41robust[TK]D-Fender: would you mind trying to connect perhaps?
16:06.45asteriskmonkeybrettnem: notting
16:06.55rpm[TK]D-Fender: it is just what the configuration calls for
16:06.56[TK]D-Fenderrobust Try with another client.
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16:07.10[TK]D-Fenderrpm : if you say so...
16:07.23brettnemso anyone experience problems with inband DTMF?
16:07.27[TK]D-Fenderrpm : but the format looks right if the paramaeter is the right one.
16:07.32robust[TK]D-Fender: well.. dont have anything but ekiga.. running 64bit so there's not much to choose from
16:07.46robustthat i've found atleast
16:08.02[TK]D-Fenderrobust : :/
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16:08.40bochis it possible to change a codec to an active call from the extensions file?
16:09.19[TK]D-Fenderboch : nope
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16:10.32asteriskmonkeyso no one know how i can find out why spandsp aint writing files?
16:10.40freatboch: what problem are you trying to solve?
16:10.48bochcause calls to an specific number must use ulaw to send data
16:11.18thockAnyone have a reccomendation for sip based soft phones?
16:11.23lokkjuasteriskmonkey, have you looked to see if there are any warnings/errors in your full log file, or on the cli?  or is it just silently dieing
16:11.41lokkjuthock, X-Lite is pretty nice...
16:11.43freatboch: calls from where to where? from sip device? to voip provider? PSTN?
16:11.44asteriskmonkeylokkju: silently dieing :( thats whys its frustrating
16:11.59thocklokkju: Gotta be Win-useable
16:12.13lokkjuasteriskmonkey, there is nothing regarding it in your /var/log/asterisk/full (may not exist, you may have to enable it)
16:12.24lokkjuthock, um, it is - Windows, Mac, Linux
16:12.38thocklokkju: Ah, right on.  Thanks.
16:13.11freatboch: at first it sounded like you wanted to renegotiate codec mid-call. sounds like you can do what you need with the right config.
16:13.47ManxPowerAll softphones suck
16:13.58asteriskmonkeylokkju: i have references to it in my full log but nothing that says why its dying , i just get the line where its supposedly revieving ex Executing RxFAX("Zap/6-1", "/var/spool/asterisk/fax/1145288742.100.tif")
16:14.22freatboch: but if you don't tell us what you're doing, can't really help you
16:14.51ManxPowerboch, See SIP_CODEC in /path/to/src/asterisk/docs/README.variables
16:15.00ManxPowerthat only works for OUTGOING call, of course.
16:15.15lokkjuasteriskmonkey, try doing it again, then send the last 500 lines of your full log (nopaste/pastebin them)
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16:16.15ManxPowerbrettnem, only when not using ulaw or alaw
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16:19.46bochfreat i have many sip friends that make calls using g729, but when they call an specific number (a pc with a modem) need to use ulaw to transmit data
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16:21.11freatboch: ok so if you make the PC sip.conf only allow ulaw... so long as the sip friends can do both ulaw and g729, the work would be to make sure that all other calls always go g729
16:21.18ManxPowerboch, What you want to do is very hard to do in Asterisk
16:21.31ManxPowerfreat, Asterisk will pick ulaw or alaw over G729
16:21.54ManxPowerI think there might be something in 1.2 to allow you to set the codec preference order.  I don't know for sure.
16:21.56freatManxPower: ahh yeah so they would always go ulaw between phones... hmm
16:21.58*** part/#asterisk ZZWizard (
16:22.12_ThorManxPower: Hello, on the same note... is ulaw the same as g723?
16:22.23ManxPowerfreat, even if that was not the case, there's no way to force a specific codec on an incoming call.
16:22.28ManxPower_Thor, NO!!!!!
16:22.33asteriskmonkeylokkju :
16:22.41_ThorManxpower: alaw?
16:22.50ManxPowerG723 (or maybe you mean G723.1) is a patented codec and is not supported by asterisk
16:23.37ManxPower_Thor, The only other names for ulaw and alaw are PCMU and PCMA.  Any other codec name is NOT alaw or ulaw.
16:23.54ManxPower_Thor, why are you asking?
16:23.55_Thoryou mean nobody in the industry uses g723 with asterisk??
16:24.04ManxPower_Thor, Correct.
16:24.12ManxPower_Thor, since Asterisk does not support G723.1
16:24.38ManxPowerAsterisk also does not support G723 since almost nothing out there supports G723
16:24.50_ThorManxPower: I am asking because someone in the past suggested ulaw=g723, and because I have an asterisk customer who really needs g723
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16:25.13ManxPower_Thor, now, Asterisk CAN do G723.1 passthru, but you can't do ANYTHING that would require Asterisk to transcode.
16:25.17ManxPower_Thor, that person is a moron.
16:25.19lokkjuasteriskmonkey, does asterisk have write permissions to "/var/spool/asterisk/fax/1145290829.136.tif"?  or whatever user asterisk is running as?  do a ls -l on that path
16:25.53ManxPower_Thor, your customer can't use G729?
16:26.02_ThorManxpower: not really, he is in an overseas country with little bandwidth...g723 provides more compression than g729
16:26.05asteriskmonkeyyes chowned it -R asterisk:asterisk
16:26.24lokkjuasteriskmonkey, also, line 100 is interesting: "Apr 17 12:20:33 NOTICE[2475] chan_zap.c: Fax detected, but no fax extension"
16:26.28ManxPower_Thor, *shrug*  the amount of compression doesn't matter if you can't use that codec with Asterisk
16:26.47asteriskmonkeylokkju : yes i saw that but it worked last night :P
16:27.45_ThorRight....  he can use g729 but if he had g723 available, he could use literally twice as many phones on the same bandwitch
16:28.08bochManxPower ok thanks for your time, so you freat
16:28.28lokkjuasteriskmonkey, not sure - you try a reboot?  *grin*
16:28.36ManxPower_Thor, Go ahead and keep flapping your arms.  You will not be able to fly no matter how hard you wish and you'll just look silly doing it.
16:28.48ManxPowerthe same with G723.1 with Asterisk.
16:28.55asteriskmonkeylokkju: reboot a production system // shudder
16:29.00ManxPower_Thor, BTW, G723 and G723.1 are TOTALLY different codecs.
16:29.03lokkjuasteriskmonkey, heh
16:29.25_ThorThanks Manxpower
16:29.34ToToi all, i need to use asterisk over tcp, to connect it with microsoft comunicator, is it possible?
16:29.46ManxPowerToTo, no it is not.
16:30.17*** join/#asterisk skkip (n=skkip@
16:30.23ToToManxPower, i know that there is a patch..
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16:30.42ManxPowerToTo, where?
16:31.04ToToi'm using google to find it..
16:31.12ManxPowerYou'll have to talk to the person that wrote that patch, since it's not part of the standard Asterisk code and so nobody here will be able to help you.
16:32.12*** join/#asterisk |omni| (i=cathode@
16:32.18FuriousGeorgei wrote this nasty (as in good) dialplan to pick roomates names out of a hat to clean the house.  It picks one with odds based on a weight, then it picks another not = to the first one.  So far after i get my first name, it just crashes complaining of a gotoif statement, which is perfectly fine, being unparseable
16:32.58[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : Just cheap out and hard-number it! ;)
16:33.04asteriskmonkeylukkju: interesting enough : Zap/3-1              4165487345@from-pstn Up      RxFAX(/var/spool/asterisk/fax/
16:33.22FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: i took you advice yesterday and i did :)  since it crashes on a different roommate, and based on a weight i assine (i.e. a weight of 0 will never be picked)
16:33.32FuriousGeorgei know its working
16:33.43FuriousGeorgebut my gotoif statement's syntax is FINE
16:33.47asteriskmonkeydamnit still not writing mmm reboot evil
16:34.28DandanBV down today? -- Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from
16:35.08ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, remove the space before the " in the gotoif
16:35.20FuriousGeorgeManxPower: i trried but ill try again
16:35.24ManxPowerDandan, that sounds like a POLYCOM message
16:35.37FuriousGeorgeManxPower: actually ive tried so many slight variations on that syntax i dont know that i did that one yet
16:35.42ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, also put a SPACE AROUND =
16:35.46DandanManxPower:     -- Executing Dial("SIP/311-144e", "SIP/broadvoice/15125280333") in new stack
16:36.01*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
16:36.07jsharpOooh, bad karma
16:36.29ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, exten => _XXXX,9,GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "NOANSWER"]?14:10)
16:37.15*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=op3r@
16:37.41Op3ranyone up?
16:37.45HmmhesaysI need to figure out the frequency of this disconnect tone, anyone know how I would go about that?
16:37.48Dandandown :)
16:37.57slak-digit dialing tiemout on sipura ata
16:38.01slak-anyone know which option?
16:38.12Hmmhesaysprobably digit timeout
16:38.17Op3ranyone tried using aheeva?
16:38.24slak-no option has 'timeout' in its name
16:39.01ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, BTW, good use of "subscripts"
16:39.14ManxPowerslak-, what you mean "which option"?
16:39.30ManxPowerslak-, did you read the Sipura dialplan stuff?
16:39.35slak-i cant find the option to increase digit timeout
16:39.42SplasPoodexten => 1,n,GotoIfTime(9:00-18:00|mon-fri|*|*?C1005-menu-voxel-main,1,day)    wouldn't that go to 'day' if it was between 9am and 6pm M-F ?
16:39.50slak-no i haven not read that
16:42.04pauldygrrr broadvoice must die
16:42.06thockis there a way to NOT use authentication?
16:42.09thockIt's confusing the beans out of me
16:42.16FuriousGeorgeManxPower: thanks (you aren't being sarcastic are you?), but its the damndest thing, i know im an eyelash away from having this work, but it just insists that my syntax is bad on that goto
16:42.24pauldyanyone know how to get a hold of anyone that actually knows what they are doing at broadvoice
16:42.35FuriousGeorgethats the goto and the whole CLI output
16:43.00FuriousGeorgeive tried this syntax 800 differnet ways, i think i've exhausted every possibility of where a space can go or not
16:43.24xachenall should join Broadvoice because Steven Tyler is a memmber :O
16:43.32xachener, member
16:43.38inv_arp[work]can AGI set outgoing callid info  from a file or DB?
16:43.45Hmmhesayshe is huh?
16:44.21inv_arp[work]or basically can AGI set outbound callid
16:44.25pauldyI"m about ready to drop them like a bad habbit
16:44.47pauldythey decided someone else should have my phone number instead of me and now all my inbound is going to some random fewl on vonage
16:44.58*** join/#asterisk mtaht3 (
16:45.18pauldybeen over a week and I can't talk to anyone but their basic support people who have 0 clue how to handle it
16:45.37ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, I pasted a working GotoIf for you as an example.
16:45.50ManxPowerremember the priority is NOT optional (that messes up a lot of newbies)
16:45.59HalfByteI've just got a very strange error here: " Dropping incompatible voice frame ... of format alaw since our native format has changed to slin" - I had an external call incoming which was redirected to a SIP phone which redirected it to an external number...
16:46.59FuriousGeorgeManxPower: i know you did, and i have a few examples i use myself, but its still not working.  i guess what im trying to say is that its asterisk's fault :)
16:47.04*** join/#asterisk austinnichols102 (n=austinni@
16:47.24FuriousGeorgeim joking, but only half.  i mean, i got as far as i did only to find out i dont know how to use goto?  thats nonsense
16:47.47FuriousGeorgethere is nothing wrong with my goto, and even if there was i already tried it a thousand different ways
16:47.56ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, are you using 1.0.x or 1.2.x?
16:48.05FuriousGeorge1.2.6 to be exact
16:48.08*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
16:49.02HalfByteah, I found a bugreport about this one.
16:49.36fugitivois any tool out there to test the network for voip? i'm having big delays with some calls
16:49.39FuriousGeorgeManxPower: speaking of bugs:  is there ANY chance that this is some sort of bug?
16:49.51FuriousGeorgefugitivo: there are a couple of tests for packetloss
16:49.56ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, there's always a chance 8-)
16:50.52FuriousGeorgewell, im pretty much at a total loss.  i doubt its a bug.  what i need is someone with some experience to plug my code into their dialplan and tell me if there is any way to make that gotoif statement work
16:52.24FuriousGeorgei tried the mailing list once, but i was really kinda disappointed that no one answered what turned out to be a very simple question
16:52.37FuriousGeorgeManxPower: how much is that gotoif worth?  5 bucks :)
16:52.49FuriousGeorgeand thats not my wallet in my pocket :)
16:53.00LostFrogTMI, fugitivo.
16:53.03LostFrogMI, FuriousGeorge.
16:53.09LostFrogdamn, keyboard.
16:54.12LostFrogWrong tab completion, fugitivo.
16:54.12fugitivoany opensource software for monitoring and test tools for voip?
16:54.13FuriousGeorgeLostFrog: ML?  im not sure waht that one stands for
16:55.12*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
16:56.11LostFrogFuriousGeorge: I was typing TMI... Too much information.
16:57.06Op3rcan I try to ask vicidial questions here?
16:57.32FuriousGeorgeOp3r: only if you define vicidial for me, im too lazy to google it
16:58.37brettnemhey, can I reload res_crypto to load new keys??
16:58.56russellbbrettnem: "init keys" should do it
16:59.05brettnemthat doesn't do anything
16:59.17russellbwell it should
16:59.24brettnemI keep getting a Tx-Frame Retry[No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: ENCREJ       (Response)
16:59.31russellbreload should as well, probably
16:59.53brettnemis it a problem to have both the public and private keys loaded at the same time?
17:02.04*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
17:02.16FuriousGeorgeso i suppose its at least possible that some bug in * is causing it to parse this gotoif() wrong?  b/c i cant think of nay way to make it work, and im not exactly new here...
17:02.42FuriousGeorgeand ive used gotoif with strings before and in other cases with no issues
17:03.17FuriousGeorgeand every time i show it to someone they tell me my sytnax is corrext and to maybe put a space here or take one out there, but to no avail
17:03.20FuriousGeorgethe end result is the same
17:03.43brettnemthis whole inkey/outkey thing isn't working..
17:04.00brettnemdo I need to restart asterisk?
17:05.26FuriousGeorgebrettnem: i dunno.  try it.  just restart when convenient
17:07.17GerbilWrkCan anyone recommend any references for connecting multiple asterix boxes?
17:07.31brettnemI keep getting ENCREJ messages..
17:08.16ManxPowerGerbilWrk, the book
17:08.17*** join/#asterisk dr0ck (
17:08.19jboti heard thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
17:08.51FuriousGeorgeGerbilWrk: do the have dynamic ips?  behind the same lan or no?
17:08.52GerbilWrkdid not know what one had it in there. Thanks
17:09.10*** join/#asterisk WAudette (n=WAudette@
17:09.31GerbilWrk*that one
17:09.48brettnemanyone using Dundi in here?
17:10.17FuriousGeorgeGerbilWrk: its just like any other peer, but if they are across the web w/ dynamic ip's its a little trickier
17:11.10GerbilWrkthere is a possibility one with have a dynamic IP down the road
17:12.04FuriousGeorgeuse dnsmanager.conf and a -like service, set the peer up as static
17:12.09FuriousGeorgefor that peer
17:12.43FuriousGeorgei started with asterisk 1.0 and didnt have that file, and since i always used the same confs (until one got deprecated) i didnt know about dnsmanager.conf
17:12.59FuriousGeorgeand apparently not many people did, so it was the bane of my existence for two months
17:13.30FuriousGeorgeand thats why the middle name of my first child, male or female, will be russelb
17:15.17ManxPowerYou should ALWAYS look at the sample configs when doing a major upgrade.  ALWAYS.  ALWAYS'
17:15.43FuriousGeorgeManxPower: trust me, lesson learned
17:15.47brettnemanyone using dundi ?
17:15.53russellbFuriousGeorge:   :D
17:17.22*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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17:18.57Hmmhesayscan anyone help me with my disconnect tone question?
17:19.11*** join/#asterisk klerer (
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17:20.43klererI'm getting a crash at chan_iax2.c:4758, is this a known issue?
17:21.05*** join/#asterisk cybergypsy (
17:21.37*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
17:21.41*** join/#asterisk Druken (
17:22.14Drukenafternoon peoples
17:22.18*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
17:22.35*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
17:22.59Drukenhey mut
17:23.02Drukenwhat's new?
17:23.10mutnuttin much
17:23.20mutsame ol job
17:23.29mutgf is getting a chibo today
17:23.34mutshe's so excited it's sick
17:23.40Drukenwtf is a chibo ?
17:23.50salviadudyeah, wtf is a chibo
17:23.53mutchihuaha and boston terrier mix
17:23.57mutlittle bitty dog
17:24.03salviadudwhat's terrible
17:24.12mutheh it's a cute lil dog
17:24.27Drukenas long as it's not yappy, i hate lil yappy dogs :)
17:24.27mutshe keeps telling me
17:24.39mutshe asked the ladt about that
17:24.53mutshe said it's not yappy less it's around the other chihuahas she has
17:25.00mutwhich.. i hope she's not lieing
17:25.15mutwe're not sposed to have pets in our aptment
17:25.24Drukenotherwise it'll be in a new home real quick :)
17:25.27mutand we have neighbors downstairs now
17:25.32mutso yea
17:25.40mut$85 for the dog tho
17:25.46mutshe's always so broke
17:25.51Drukentoo much.. hehe
17:25.53mutbut a dog.. no problem
17:26.05ManxPoweryou can always have it's voicebox removed.
17:26.30*** join/#asterisk Kokey (
17:26.30DrukenManxPower: for as much as i hate pets, that is just cruel
17:26.35ManxPowermitcheloc, you've never heard of Asterisk being called a dog.
17:26.42ManxPowerDruken, why is it cruel?
17:26.57Drukenhow would you like your voicebox torn out?
17:27.16mitchelocManxPower: i'd say more like a woman, even when you treat it nice things can go wrong
17:27.20ManxPowerDruken, No, but I also would not like being required to shit on the lawn either.
17:27.38mitchelocthat also explains it's complexity
17:27.45Drukennot really diffrent, you are required to shit in the toilet
17:28.01Drukennot just anywhere ya please... hehe
17:28.18mutshe said it was also trained enough to crap/piss on newspapers
17:28.24ManxPowerAs long as the surgery is humane, I see no reason to not remove a pet's voicebox.  It's better than having them put to sleep.
17:28.25mutso also a plus
17:28.41*** join/#asterisk dalbjerg (n=dalbjerg@2001:618:400:9508:fd10:b7d:840e:413)
17:28.53mutwe'll see tho
17:29.03rene-it doesnt take too much training to crap/piss on the NYT
17:29.04Drukenmut: just remember not to leave the paper on the couch :)
17:29.10*** join/#asterisk jaiger (
17:29.10mutheh yea
17:29.13muti spent like 3 hrs trying to talk her out of it very subtly
17:29.27muthow horrific taking care of it would be and stuff
17:29.32mutand costs for it
17:29.32Drukensometimes ya just need to be blunt
17:29.33mutvet bills
17:29.42LostFrogAnyone here use snom phones and the Action URLs?
17:30.02muti don't mind really, i'm just not taking part in caring for it
17:30.07*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
17:30.11mutor gettin rid of it when the land lords find out
17:30.17Drukenya know what i don't understand, how it can be 20c in my house, and i find it fucking cold...
17:30.18rene-i had a dog that i had to give away because it ended up skinnier than myself
17:30.43mutwell this thing won't be bad
17:30.46mutit's a 7 lb dog
17:30.51mutwon't get a whole lot larger
17:31.06VcoDrunken    massive blood loss?
17:31.07mutso thats like, little bag of dog food for 3 months
17:31.24DrukenVco: not that i'm awear of :)
17:31.49*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
17:32.07mutgood breeze in your house?
17:32.23Drukennah, all the windows are closed, probably just me
17:32.35mutspeaking of windows
17:32.35*** join/#asterisk b0xii (
17:32.44mutbird smacked into the window next to me this morning
17:32.47mutgood thing i had it closed
17:32.48Drukeni've been all screwed up for the past month
17:33.02mutwoulda flown right in the side of my head
17:33.24Drukenmy gf left me for some other guy.... problem is.. she didn't leave me first...
17:33.40muttime for exacting revenge
17:34.02mutwheres the naked photo's?
17:34.05drraywomen are like monkeys, they won't let go of the last vine until they have the next one firmly in grasp
17:34.10Drukenbeen there, done that... problem is, i still love her
17:34.13SplasPoodheh.. just locked my grandstream up tryin to transfer a call
17:34.46mutpost that crap all over town
17:34.48muton the internet
17:35.00mutsend it to msnbc and tell them it's osama
17:35.03Drukenactually i don't have any nekkid photos of her
17:35.07Drukenwish i did... hehe
17:35.23mutomg man thats priority #1 in a relationship
17:35.26*** join/#asterisk forme (i=1000@
17:35.27drraythe best revenge is living well
17:35.36mutfuck that
17:35.41mutthat doesn't make them miserable
17:35.48mutthey're already happier than you they have someone else
17:35.54Drukenhehe she's already miserable
17:36.15mutdo ya call her all the time
17:36.20mutthat really messes with their heads
17:36.22mutjust call to say hi
17:36.31Drukenwe talk on a daily basis
17:36.34muti've done that
17:36.42mutwell shit man, you'll be back together in another month
17:36.57mutthen she'll leave you again after probly...
17:37.01mut2 yrs
17:37.17mutwomen are devious
17:37.17Drukenshe was supposed to move back in on friday, till she pissed me off, and i threw all her shit into the driveway
17:37.34mutshe'll wait for you to snatch her up and 'own' her by marrying her
17:37.37mutthen she takes you for it all
17:37.47mutshe might not be consciously thinking it
17:37.58jaigerwho owns who?
17:38.01mutbut a womans brian is like WOAH
17:38.03*** join/#asterisk mog_work (
17:38.13mut'own' in quotes as if he owned her by marrying her
17:38.37Drukenwe were supposed to get married this year
17:38.45Drukendecember 2 2006
17:39.05mutyou'll be back together again no doubt
17:39.11LostFrogMarriage is like mutual ownership.
17:39.24mutLostFrog: depending on who you are maybe
17:39.29Drukenhmm, she just logged on msn... go figure
17:39.37ManxPowerTry men.  They lie just as much, but are not as good at it.
17:40.02mutprobably on purpose too
17:40.02CukXManxPower wich drivers to use for HFC-S cards ?
17:40.05Drukenmen suck at lieing because we can't remember shit
17:40.14mutit's all subconscious
17:40.33ManxPowerCukX, I don't know.  Digium does not sell an ISDN BRI card, so they don't have drivers for it in zaptel
17:41.04mutdoes sangoma make something for linux to be able to use their ds3 card?
17:41.05stoffell_hCukX; mISDN, vISDN or bristuff
17:41.23tainted-try hard drives. they state 160GB but in reality it's more like 150GB
17:41.45mut^^ lost me
17:42.08*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=bernd@
17:42.23ManxPowermut, call them
17:42.29wasimmut: not as yet, the channelized ds3 cards are reportedly around the corner
17:42.44ManxPowerwasim, He just said "use" not "use for voice"
17:42.45*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (
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17:43.17mutdata or voice
17:43.46muti was going to do a loop between 2 towns for some dsl
17:43.52rpmwhat can i use to send raw sip packets in linux? i want to see if message-waiting works on this phone.. it seems asterisk is not sending the correct packets to the gateway or the gateway is borked.
17:44.17eKo1I have two * boxen, A and B. A SIP phone registered with A calls a number which goes to B and dials another SIP phone registered at B. The call rings, but cuts right when doing `Attempting native bridge...'. What could be causing this?
17:44.26ManxPowermut, Um, DS3s are like tens of thousands of dollars per month.
17:44.26stoffell_hCukX, bristuff is the "easiest" as it does al the patching and stuff.. but visdn (snapshot) is pretty easy also
17:44.40eKo1rpm: sipp
17:44.45mutfor the loop? no
17:44.52stoffell_hCukX, bristuff can be d/led at: -> pick 0.3.0pre-1n
17:44.55wasimManxPower: afaik, the a301 works with wanpipe and should give a data circuit to linux
17:45.02muti can get a loop for cheap
17:45.10wasimmut: but thats only data, not channelized voice
17:45.12ManxPowermut, how much?
17:45.29mutwasim: i know
17:46.53*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
17:47.24fileding ding
17:47.34mitchelocwhose there?
17:48.33mitchelocdeath who?
17:48.42filetoo late, you're dead
17:48.51mutManxPower: i don't recall
17:49.07mutour clec is built into both areas
17:49.16mutwe can get local loop t1's for $50/mo
17:49.27CukXstoffell_h but do you recoment running Diva server cards instead of chep HFCs ?
17:50.37Drukensweet shit!
17:50.42stoffell_hCukX, depends on how many BRI's you need. 2x HFC is possible, but when you want more you should go for diva or quad/octobri
17:50.46Drukenthe drive-in is open!
17:51.44ManxPowerwhy not just use PRI if you have that many channels?
17:52.05rpmhow do i generate a diff of two different directories recursivly? diff -r ?
17:52.35stoffell_hManxPower, in europe PRI is (price-wise) only interesting as of approx. 7 BRI's (7x2=14 channels)
17:52.59*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (i=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
17:53.00scrubbanyone using NBS?
17:53.02stoffell_hhm, not true. probably depends on the country... :) (I'm speaking for belgium ;))
17:53.06Drukenis there a way to tell monitor to combine the in and out? it's fucken annoying
17:53.17scrubbI can't figure out who the stinking hing is supposed to work.
17:53.19mmlj4um, but euro PRI is an E1, 30 channels, right?
17:53.24ManxPowerstoffell_h, Only if you do not put a price on the misery of using BRI with Asterisk
17:53.36stoffell_hmmlj4, yeah, correct
17:54.07stoffell_hManxPower, no misery whatsoever, if you use a decent card :) (a quadbri is 500EUR and handles it perfect)
17:54.33*** join/#asterisk robust (
17:55.08CukXin slovenia, PRI is about 5000 usd starting price ( instalation, ... )
17:55.27CukXor even more... 7000 usr
17:55.29*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
17:55.34PakiPenguinCukX, same here
17:55.41PakiPenguinand they give PRI to only ISPs
17:56.22BladeRunner05I'm getting some trouble using my extensions.conf script (burn for asterisk 1.0.9 with chan_capi_0.3.5) now with chan-capi-cm-0.6.5
17:56.37DoktorGregholy cow
17:56.39BladeRunner05who can help me to correctly translate some instruction
17:56.48DoktorGregthat is the amount i paid in taxes
17:57.15stoffell_hguess you're also living in western-europe DoktorGreg ? ;)
17:58.01mitchelocoh yea, taxes are due today
17:58.32Drukenbah... the government can eat my ass, pfft taxes
17:58.59mitchelocshh....they are watching this channel
17:59.03HalfByteIs there an echo service somewhere so I can check voice quality when calling via PRI?
17:59.16stoffell_hCukX, PRI is cheaper here, but still, when using 4 lines or so, 2xBRI is still cheaper
18:00.11ManxPowermitcheloc, only if your ISP is ATT
18:04.49BladeRunner05With chan_capi_vm.0.6.5 where arrive a call asterisk don't answer and report this
18:04.52robustanyone using ekiga to connet to a asterix server?
18:07.57robustvoip client for linux
18:09.08*** part/#asterisk stoffell_h (
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18:10.12brif8Is it possible that a faulty cmterm_7920 file would cause a Cisco 7920 to not find the CallManager being the Asterisk SCCP?
18:11.00ManxPowerBladeRunner05, looks like you don't have an exten => 90123456 line.
18:12.10BladeRunner05manxpower: I'm using the extensions.conf that works with chan_capi.0.3.5 now i'm using chan-capi-vm.0.6.5 where I have to put them ?
18:12.41*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
18:13.03ManxPowerBladeRunner05, I don't care where you use what.  A call is coming in for 90123456 and asterisk cannot find a matching exten => line.
18:13.44BladeRunner05its possibile that asterisk 1.0.9  don't need that and now need it?
18:13.53marcus2is there a flash-based voip client yet?
18:14.44BladeRunner05manxpower: this is what I use when a call come in
18:15.00*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
18:15.07ManxPowerBladeRunner05, that will not work.
18:15.17ManxPowerexten s means "I DON'T KNOW THE DIALED NUMBER:
18:15.31ManxPowerwith ISDN you always know the dialed number and so exten => s will never be called.
18:16.39BladeRunner05manxpower: sorry, you mean that I have to replace s with 90123456 ?
18:16.41ManxPowerin fact, exten => s is only useful for FXO interfaces with out DID (analog FXO or non-DID CT1 FXO)
18:16.55ManxPowerBladeRunner05, yes.  A pattern match will also work
18:17.16BladeRunner05manxpower what is a pattern match ?
18:17.36ManxPowerBladeRunner05, I cannot teach you Asterisk.  You must read the Asterisk Book
18:17.38jbotmethinks thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
18:18.40BladeRunner05ManxPower: please show me an example of that
18:18.41Supaplexhow do I log an agent out via the console?  * thinks this agent is talking to someone, but the phone is idle
18:19.34robust <- anything else that is needed to be able to connect trough SIP? would appreciate if someone would take a look :)
18:21.18Ariel_Supaplex, do a soft hangup on them
18:21.26jaigerdo any log levels show me when a DTMF digit is received/detected?
18:21.59jaigermy menus don't seem to detect dtmfs properly
18:22.42BladeRunner05manxpower: thank I have do that and works fine, you helpfull
18:24.17*** join/#asterisk giesen (
18:24.22SupaplexAriel_: thanks. works like a charm.
18:24.51*** join/#asterisk vawarayer (
18:24.52giesenI'm having an issue with dialing out from my internal SIP phones. They register fine, but whenever I try and dial out, I get "Unable to authenticate user"
18:25.36vawarayergooooooood afternoon
18:26.14Ariel_Supaplex, great to hear it.  Glad I could help
18:26.14ManxPowergiesen, the userid should be 5001 and you should have a [5001] section in sip.con
18:26.34Ariel_hello ManxPower hope all is well in the South.
18:26.48ManxPowerAriel_, yup.
18:26.52ManxPowerfun weekend too
18:27.01giesenManxPower: I've never had to set that before, this just cropped up today
18:27.03giesenbut Ill check it
18:27.04Ariel_glad to hear it.
18:27.14giesenit's definitely setup in sip.conf though
18:27.20brif8What are the main differences between skinny and sccp? and why is SCCP recomended for the Cisco 7920 ?
18:27.34ManxPowerbrif8, there is no difference
18:27.46ManxPowerThey are the same protocol, just different names for them.
18:28.06giesenwell there's a chan_skinny
18:28.08giesenand chan_sccp
18:28.09ManxPowerKind of like H323 and ThatDamnStupidProtocol are different names for the same protocol.
18:28.16giesenapparently chan_skinny is quite limited
18:28.18Drukensccp == skinny
18:28.25giesenchan_sccp is more full-featured
18:28.28Drukensccp == cisco made
18:28.32giesenSCCP = skinny client control protocol
18:28.34ManxPowergiesen, yes, but those are the asterisk implimentations of the same protocol.
18:28.46brif8then why is SCCP recomended, if you look up Cisco 7920 it goes to the SCCP-HOWTO
18:28.56giesenthere's a chan_skinny
18:29.00giesenand a chan_sccp
18:29.03giesenavoid chan_skinny
18:29.11giesenthey're just two different sccp implementations
18:29.52brif8I have I d/l chan_sccp from
18:29.53ManxPowerPeople that try to use SCCP/Skinny with Asterisk are people that like lots of pain.
18:30.14sevardI just called my VoIP provider for tech support and they gave me the private IP of my ATA that's sweet.  I'm looking for a way to look at the NAT'd IPs in the CLI and I don't see anything... sip show peers shows the public address.  Anyone know how to do that?
18:30.16brif8ManxPower: that could be very true.
18:30.22giesenactually chan_sccp wasnt bad with my 7970
18:30.33giesenthe only thing that really irked me was lack of reload support
18:30.56brif8giesen: have you used a 7920 by any chance ?
18:31.09ManxPowerIn the old days we would have called them "perverts" but in todays culture of political correctness we call them "protocol challenged"
18:31.14giesenI've got 3x7940, 2x7960, and 2x7970
18:31.27giesenand chan_sccp has some nice features
18:31.34giesenlike being able to configure the phone remotely
18:31.40giesenit's all centrally managed
18:31.51vawarayercould someone point me in the right direction. i'm sure it's already out there, but can't find anything on the subject. i'd like to use asterisk to record user input into a database. ie. set appointement dates/times using asterisk.
18:31.51ManxPowersevard, nat=yes in sip.conf for that device
18:31.56brif8I've got chan_sccp but the 7920 keeps looking for CallManager and not finding it
18:32.06brif8any reasons why ?
18:32.14giesenbrif8: did you setup a tftp server
18:32.20giesenwith the config to point it to your asterisk server
18:32.32sevardManxPower: Heh, that's not what I'm asking.  I'm looking for a way to show the private IPs of my NAT'd devices in the CLI.
18:32.36stoffell_hvawarayer, check, it's on that site
18:32.57ManxPowersevard, you would have to look at sip debug
18:33.22sevardManxPower: I wish I could pipe that into grep or less :/
18:33.45brif8giesen: you are specifically refering to <processNodeName> right ?
18:34.03brif8yes I have my * ip address
18:34.14ManxPowersevard, cat /var/log/asterisk/debug | grep whatever
18:34.17giesenManxPower: pr 17 14:33:32 NOTICE[7068]: chan_sip.c:10299 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "5001" <sip:5001@>;tag=000a8a5c6716000748e6dd02-280112da
18:34.21giesenany other ideas?
18:34.35giesen"5001" is just the callerid name as far as I know
18:34.40giesenshouldnt matter for authentication
18:34.43Ariel_giesen, password or user name not correct
18:34.52giesenAriel_: the phone registers just fine
18:34.54vawarayerstoffell_h: im browsin thru it. many thanks.
18:34.58giesenI only get that when I try to make a call
18:35.06ManxPowergiesen, no ideas.  every single time I've had that problem it was a secret/password problem
18:35.22ManxPowergiesen, you, of course, have canreinvite=off
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18:35.27sevardManxPower: that's pretty awesome, I hadn't foudn that.
18:35.32lzhangwhat's the difference between rxgain and txgain
18:35.32brif8giesen: your SEP file is    "SEP<MAC Upper Case>.cnf.xml"  right
18:35.52ManxPowerlzhang, one is for received audio, one is for transmitted audio
18:36.02sevardManxPower: so one would sip debug <peer> and then tail the /var/log/asterisk/debug file
18:36.21giesenand it's actually 'canreinvite=no' =)
18:36.21ManxPowersevard, assuming you had /etc/asterisk/logger.conf set up correctly.
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18:36.34robustcould someone try to connect to username: test password: password with a voip client?
18:36.39lzhangManxPower, so txgain would be outgoing audio gain
18:36.48ManxPowerlzhang, correct.
18:37.07sevardManxPower: [logfiles] debug => debug ; console => notice,warning,error ; messages => notice,warning,error
18:37.25ManxPowersevard, /var/log/asterisk/console might have the info then
18:37.29lzhangthanks ManxPower /var/log/asterisk/messages
18:38.25brettnemanyone have any trouble with polycoms generating inband call progress tones? (ie don't hear ringing off an ACD)
18:38.36sevardManxPower: that doesn't show sip debug though
18:38.41ManxPowerbrettnem, only when I didn't have a /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
18:38.54ManxPowersevard, you'll have to experiement
18:39.04sevardManxPower: alrightyo
18:40.04brettnemManxPower: I'm going <asterisk1> --IAX-><asterisk2>-->polycom and there is an ACD on asterisk2 and I just hear silence when it trys to ring the polycom
18:40.05ManxPowerbrettnem, in face without /etc/asterisk/indications.conf I could never get a ringback after a channel has been answered.
18:40.24brettnemhmm.. I am indeed missing that file..
18:40.30giesenokay something is really screwy now
18:40.31sevardManxPower: one more question, are these logs set to rotate out by default? Do I need to tell logger.conf that?
18:40.36ManxPowerbrettnem, yup, an IVR/ACD would issue an answer most times.
18:40.42*** join/#asterisk Vco (
18:40.45giesenif I set secret=<blank>
18:40.48giesenI can dial
18:40.59ManxPowersevard, tell /etc/logger.conf to issue a asterisk -rx "logger rotate"
18:41.01brettnemManxPower: how do you reload the indications file?
18:41.06giesenbut the phone registers just fine
18:41.17ManxPowerbrettnem, just do a reload and it should see it
18:41.21brif8giesen: how does the cmterm file effect * and/or chan_sccp ?
18:41.46*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:41.51giesenbrif that's the firmware file
18:41.57giesenand I only used chan_sccp briefly
18:41.58brettnemManxPower: THANKS!! that was it..
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18:42.06giesenuntil the sip code came out for the 7970
18:42.13ManxPowerbrettnem, I'm a lot smarter than I look.
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18:42.40giesenManxPower: haha then solve this mystery :/
18:42.48brif8giesen: yes the cmterm file is the firmware file, but what is it's relationship / need in the * chan_sccp environment ?
18:43.01giesenit's the firmware for the phone
18:43.05ManxPowerbrettnem, I posted a bug to, argued with people for a whole day.  They said you can't do it.  Turns out I was lacking indications.conf
18:43.06giesenit has absolutely nothing to do with *
18:43.25giesenprovided you already have it loaded on the phone
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18:44.08ManxPowerbrettnem, just remember that an inband ringback over a compressed codec might not sound very good.
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18:46.00brif8giesen: What causes   " Unable to create channel of type 'SCCP' (cause 44 - Requested channel not available) "
18:46.47*** part/#asterisk robust (
18:47.05jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
18:47.11*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
18:48.13BladeRunner05When I pick up a call and transfer it to another internal number I don't hear music on hold, while I hear it if I push on hold, how can I do to play music then I transfer a call ?
18:50.05[TK]D-FenderBladeRunner05 : As in they don't get MoH while the destination phone is ringing, or don't get it while your even thinking of which # to transfer them to?
18:50.34pauldyis there a list somewhere of providers that allow you to use asterisk on their network
18:51.05giesenpauldy: what do you mean
18:51.10giesenjust a list of SIP providers?
18:51.43pauldygiesen: like voipproviderslist only able to view only those that allow softphones etc...
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18:52.01BladeRunner05<[TK]D-Fender> : they don't hear MOH while transfer a call
18:52.25[TK]D-FenderBladeRunner05 : which STAGE asren't they hearing it in?
18:52.45BladeRunner05<[TK]D-Fender> : don't know what u mean
18:53.37giesenpauldy: have you checked out the wiki?
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18:54.20pauldygiesen: yea but it is really a needle in a ahaystack search there
18:54.47BladeRunner05<[TK]D-Fender> : When I digit the number and press the transfer key, the other part don't hear nothing, I need to play something like MOH in the while
18:55.10[TK]D-FenderBladeRunner05 : I though I was pretty clear before.  Whe you transfer there are many different stages/step.  First it puts them on hold (normally), during this time USUALLY they will get MoH, then your phone asks you where to transfer to, then it DIALS the # and connects the call.  the use would then get RINIGING, *not* MoH.
18:55.32[TK]D-FenderBladeRunner05 : Might help if I know what kind of phones were involved.
18:57.47vawarayerstoffell_h: hmmm... can't find exactly what i'm lookin for. i've visited the IVR section, but it does not mention anything about 'storing user input into a db'
18:59.29BladeRunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: I use gxp 2000 and budgetone 100
19:00.14BladeRunner05<[TK]D-Fender> : When I transfer a call I don't put them on hold, I press on my gpx 2000 the transfer button digit the internal extensions and press send button
19:00.30BladeRunner05during this time and the ringing time the other part don't hear nothing
19:00.39stoffell_hvawarayer, there's a sample on "reminders" on nerdvittles. putting data in the database is done with the "database" command (in cli or through dialplan)
19:01.04[TK]D-FenderBladeRunner05 : Have you tested MoH outsside of just transferring calls to make sure it works at all?
19:02.00BladeRunner05<[TK]D-Fender> I call asterisk from outside
19:02.01FuriousGeorgeim pretty sure i found a bug in the Asterisk Dialplan Parser.  Basically an identical gotoif statement fails for bad syntax where it doesnt in another context
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19:02.29BladeRunner05MOH works fine inside and outside but only if i press the moh button on my phones
19:02.41[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : You sure there isn't a duplicate label in an included context as well?
19:02.53FuriousGeorgei have a very well prepared and concise post on digiums forums and im hoping someone here could get me a head start by checking it out and weiging in on whether or not i should file a bug report
19:03.02FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: i hardcoded everything as you suggested the other day
19:03.14FuriousGeorgeprioritis are all numbered
19:03.23[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : And did you check the other context's you "include" to avoind duplicates?
19:03.57FuriousGeorgeanyway thats the post, itll take a few minutes to read but i commented everything a bunch so it should be easy to follow (and maybe even fun to test) for someone with some dialplan expereince
19:04.14FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: there are no included contexts in this one, and this one isnt included anywhere
19:04.35FuriousGeorgefrom my peer's context i jump to a goto on a special number extension just for testing this
19:04.51giesenanyone know how to disable authentication digests for sip calls/phones
19:04.57tzangerFuriousGeorge: that post is anything but concise.  :-)
19:05.18FuriousGeorgetzanger: its as concise as it can be while giving all the necessary info to attempt and replicate and or debug
19:05.23FuriousGeorgein fairness :)
19:05.59brif8what is a good "remote console" gui or text to monitor the status of an * box ?
19:06.21BladeRunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: can u help me ?
19:06.31FuriousGeorgeBladeRunner05: hands off he's mine :)
19:06.34FuriousGeorgewhats the prob
19:07.47*** part/#asterisk sigwerk (
19:07.52BladeRunner05<FuriousGeorge> could we share it
19:08.23FuriousGeorgeBladeRunner05: no, the [TK]D-Fender helps only me, and puts on the lotion, or it gets the hose again
19:08.34FuriousGeorgeBladeRunner05: seriously whats your deal ill try to help
19:09.44BladeRunner05I call from outside my asterisk and the operator forward a call to an internal number, during this time the caller don't hear nothig
19:09.59BladeRunner05consider that MOH works fine if I press MOH button
19:10.08BladeRunner05I'll try to resolve it
19:10.25FuriousGeorgeBladeRunner05: during what time?  while shes transferring and the music on hold is supposed to be going
19:10.55FuriousGeorgewhat tech is she using to make this transfer?  sip?
19:11.23DrukenHOW is she transfering?
19:11.25BladeRunner05on my gpx2000 I press the transfer button, then digit the internal number and press send key
19:11.32BladeRunner05to another internal
19:11.37Drukenthe phone have a transfer button? or is it a threeway transfer?
19:11.44FuriousGeorgeBladeRunner05: hmmm,  im not very sure on the inner workings of the protocol, but it seems like the client isnt putting the caler on hold before the transfer
19:11.57BladeRunner05<Druken> : yes have a transfer button
19:12.14BladeRunner05<FuriousGeorge> I believe it
19:12.20FuriousGeorgewell, i dont know if it has to do with being put on hold or not, but what im trying to say is that you should try another sip client and see if that works
19:12.23FuriousGeorgelike x-lite
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19:12.41BladeRunner05<FuriousGeorge> OK
19:12.45Drukenyeah, it could be the phone
19:12.47FuriousGeorgeactually i dont know that x-lite's hold button is funcionalk
19:12.55FuriousGeorgei think you gotta buy eyebeam for that
19:12.57Drukenyes it is
19:13.02FuriousGeorgetry the snom softphone at
19:13.14FuriousGeorgeso either one should work
19:13.35Drukentry transfering a call by 3-way, see if it works that way
19:13.46FuriousGeorgeis there anyone here who's job is to fix asterisk bugs?  i think i found one but i dont want to post it to yet
19:14.04FuriousGeorgewould like someone to verify
19:14.22Drukenwuts the bug?
19:14.41FuriousGeorgein a certain context i have a gotoif statement that is IMPOSSIBLE to parse.  ive tried everything
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19:14.57FuriousGeorgeincluding putting that gotoif in a different context with identical vars, and seeing it work
19:15.18Drukenin what context doesn't it work?
19:15.43FuriousGeorgeDruken: if you'd like to look at it, i got a post on that explains it pretty good.  one sec
19:16.06YaPi'm testing music on hold between iaxcomm and at-320, do you know why if i press hold on iaxcomm asterisk tries to start music and if i press hold on at-320 it doesn't try?
19:16.11FuriousGeorgeif you are good with the dialplan and take a second to read it im sure it will be easy to follow
19:16.41FuriousGeorgeYaP: i dont use that but it sounds like you and BladeRunner05 have a similar problem whereby your client isnt playing nice w/ * and hol;d
19:16.41YaPusing iax2 debug i see both client send QUELCH
19:17.39Drukenshouldn't there be a false destination ?
19:17.43ManxPowerAsterisk does not support silence supression.  If your client has silence supression enabled you will have audio problems
19:18.06eKo1I have two * boxen, A and B. A SIP phone registered with A calls a number which goes to B and dials another SIP phone registered at B. The call rings, but cuts right when doing `Attempting native bridge...'. What could be causing this?
19:18.46YaPFuriousGeorge: any idea to debug this?
19:18.58ManxPowereKo1, NAT
19:19.12*** join/#asterisk qseek (
19:19.39qseekhi all
19:19.47Qwell[]FuriousGeorge: It's probably a bug, caused by the [1]
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19:20.11bochcan i use "&" in System() cmd to send the cmd to background ?
19:20.15Qwell[]or, perhaps not
19:20.16ManxPowerQwell, no.  I use subscripted gotoips all the time
19:20.19eKo1ManxPower: That could be, but boxen are on different subnets but both subnets are visible from one another.
19:20.40eKo1boch: I don't think so.
19:20.41ManxPowerboch, You should be able to.
19:20.48qseekdoes anyone know about compiling apps downloaded from asterisk svn
19:20.50ManxPowereKo1, so you are sure there is no nat involved
19:20.56bochto do something like System(sleep 100&)
19:21.04ManxPowerboch, looks like you should TRY IT.
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19:21.45ManxPowerqseek, you usually follow the instructons included with the app
19:21.48eKo1ManxPower: There is NAT involved, but as I said, both networks are fully visible from one another.
19:21.50Qwell[]Where is thie syntax error?
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19:22.28ManxPowereKo1, either the two networks can talk to each other without using nat or they can't.  Which is it?
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19:22.33bochManxPower okey dont get angry
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19:23.45eKo1ManxPower: A is on 172.16.0.X and B is on 192.168.52.X.
19:24.19ManxPowereKo1, I cannot help you further.
19:24.21eKo1The 192.168.52.X network is NATed
19:24.25Drukenare you using iax2 between them ?
19:24.31YaPwhat's LAGRP in iax2 protocol? the at-320 sends that packet...
19:24.35eKo1SIP actually.
19:24.41FuriousGeorgeYaP: sorry no idea.  i would try different clients on the same tech and see if i can isolate it
19:24.42Drukenthere's your problem :)
19:25.03*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
19:25.06eKo1I'll try with IAX then.
19:25.19FuriousGeorgeQwell:  sorry i'd gotten a call.  you think i should post a bug report?
19:25.19Drukenasterisk's sip implimentation sucks ass
19:25.28qseekmog_work are u there
19:25.31FuriousGeorgeif so, ive never done it.  how much of that info, if any should i include
19:25.36FuriousGeorgeor shouls i get something else
19:25.38Qwell[]FuriousGeorge: no
19:25.54Qwell[]You should make a simple test case that breaks
19:25.59ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, duplicate the problem in only a few lines, THEN file a bug report.
19:26.17ManxPowerNobody will read a 100 line example and the bug will be closed, even if it is a legit bug
19:26.56FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: ill try to duplicate it
19:28.06FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: see that, arent you glad you helped me debug my first Sip Peer entry back in the day?  i finally get a chance to give back to the community
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19:29.42yvivassomebody have had work connecting asterisk and quintum???
19:29.57Hmmhesaysevery day
19:30.07mog_workyes qseek
19:30.41yvivasdoes g729 work with quintum tenor as400???
19:30.58ManxPoweryvivas, do you have a G729 license from Digium?
19:31.16yvivasyes i installed 1 for testing
19:31.27FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: actually, on second thought, it cant be caused by the [1] because the same syntax for that goto works in another context, so im not sure what you mean
19:31.50Qwell[]make a small broken test case...find out the actual problem
19:32.37qseekhey there u r mog_work
19:32.50yvivasi was thinking in give the g729 to be used by the quintum and a softphone using gsm
19:32.51FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: have any pointers on how to make a smaller test case when i'm not sure what is breaking it in the frist place?  the only thing i can think of is to keep querying the same peer with random till it fails
19:33.05jsharpYes, asterisk plays well with g729 and Quintum stuff.
19:33.41yvivasdid you configure the quintun as user or friend?
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19:34.05jsharpI have user and peer.
19:34.07Hmmhesaysyou configure a quintum like any other endpoint
19:35.16yvivaswhen you use only 1 license of g729 the asterisk box can translate the codec to gsm???
19:35.36yvivasor should i buy at least 2 licenses
19:36.09Qwell[]yvivas: You need one codec per channel
19:36.24jsharpYou buy G729 licenses per concurrent g729 transcoding call.
19:36.40thx2000Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE <==when tryin to make outgoing calls through teliax, could this be NAT related
19:38.13Qwell[]thx2000: Only if NAT causes passwords to change
19:38.32thx2000well the password is definitely right, and i can receive calls, just not make em
19:39.05ManxPowerthx2000, receiving calls and making calls are two totally different things.
19:39.24x86sounds like the password is definitely WRONG :P
19:39.54thx2000well its a c/p from teliax's support site so its pretty hard to f that one up
19:40.02eKo1Druken: I just tried it with IAX and I get the same problem.
19:40.04DoktorGregis the G.729 codec worth the purchase, instead of GSM?
19:40.11thx2000and receiving and placing calls both require registration correct?
19:40.11x86thx2000: it's wrong
19:40.19Qwell[]thx2000: no
19:40.22x86thx2000: no
19:40.36Qwell[]only receiving calls "requires" registration, and only with some providers
19:41.16thx2000well the password is definitely correct so maybe teliax has my account screwed up
19:41.16yvivaswhat do you use for host, dynamic or the ip???
19:41.33thx2000the host in sip.conf is set to their hostname
19:42.12ManxPowerthx2000, and you logged into your teliax account and are using the pre-enctypted password provided to you by Teliax?
19:42.26ManxPowerI think it's under the support or help link
19:42.52thx2000yea, aside from one or two changes i c/p'd that into sip.conf verbatim
19:43.22thx2000the iax side worked, but the sound quality was just complete crap
19:45.37x86what codec?
19:45.47x86thx2000: use voip-co4
19:45.56x86it's better in my experiences
19:45.58ManxPowerYou should use whatever teliax tells you to use.
19:46.15x86they told all their customers to try co4 ;)
19:46.17thx2000for testing purposes its worth a shot though
19:48.18thx2000same thing :/
19:49.07*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (n=CoffeeIV@
19:49.21x86contact teliax then
19:49.26x86because the password is wrong ;)
19:49.39thx2000Yea, im "first in line" :P
19:49.54thx2000last time they made me hold for 15 minutes then sent me to a voicemail
19:50.44x86i've never called them before..
19:50.47sevardthx2000: Dave is a good guy.
19:50.54x86they're usually fairly quick with the email response
19:51.00sevardHe's like.. their only support guy.
19:51.16x86only bad thing about teliax is they charge way too much...
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19:51.41sevardx86: I know, I need super cheap rates to africa and right now I'm using teliax
19:51.57x86sevard: oh man, dont use teliax for A-Z ;)
19:52.21x86sevard: even domestic is crazy with Teliax... i would hate to see their A-Z rate table
19:52.23brad_msswi've had nothing but problems with quality to/from teliax
19:52.33sevardx86: but right for teliax will give you a 1800 with two concurrent calls so I can do one in and one out
19:52.45GerbilWrkswitch to sip brad_mssw, that improved our quality issue
19:52.55sevardx86: united states, france, germany, belgium it's all 2 cents a minute with no connect fee
19:53.01sevardx86: if you have better please tell
19:53.17brad_msswGerbilWrk: tried that already, interestingly, things got worse
19:53.26thx2000we're using their residential plan for our business and comparatively its pretty cheap
19:53.42brad_msswGerbilWrk: major packetloss is the main cause of issues
19:53.43GerbilWrkI had to turn on "follow me" and send them to our incoming T1's for the problem to go away
19:54.11x86sevard: $0.008 to .us, .uk (proper), .de (proper), .ch (proper), .za (proper), .cn (proper), .ca (proper), and .it (proper)
19:54.15GerbilWrkwhich i shouldn't have to do since we are on a DS3, bandwidth is no issue, but i said screw it and just let them send it to the PSTN and the calls are clear
19:54.34sevardx86: what about from u.s.a. to all of africa? :)
19:54.53x86give me the first few digits and i'll give you my rate
19:55.09sevardhold on I have to pull it out of my ass
19:55.16sevard(not literally)
19:55.37lzhangdave from teliax is good, there is a second guy named rich who's a bastard
19:56.04brad_msswyeah, richard is in here as 'Darwin35' from time to time
19:56.08Kattyhi lads.
19:56.11brad_msswdave is definitely the best though
19:56.30lzhangdave has always been helpful to me
19:56.59brad_msswjust too bad they don't have an east-coast server
19:57.53sevardx86: 231
19:58.03sevardx86: Liberia's landlines and cellular
19:58.19x86that's just Liberia proper
19:58.27x86and my rates are $0.191
19:58.38GerbilWrkhrmm, i'm getting Apr 17 14:58:05 NOTICE[14167]: chan_sip.c:3593 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
19:58.41Kattydon't everyone say hi at once. meesha.
19:58.45sevardx86: ~!~!!
19:58.51sevardx86: connection fee or usage fee?
19:58.54Kattyyes, i know...everyone's expect some hard difficult question of vagueness
19:58.56GerbilWrkwith a g729 attempt from server to server, and they both have the codecs installed
19:58.56Kattybut not this time!
19:59.01Kattyjust a hi.
19:59.14x86sevard: no and no
19:59.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: :>>>
19:59.55sevardx86: 1-800 number ?
20:00.26x86i can get you an 1800 number for $0.049 per minute, $5/mo fee
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20:00.57Mikeanyone knows if incominglimit=3 works on iax contexts?
20:00.57sevardx86: how many concurrent incoming/outgoing calls?
20:00.59x86unlimited channels
20:01.10sevardx86: _unlimited_?
20:01.44x86i'm sure there's some obscenely high provider that the wholesalers i work with have, but they dont limit me on the number of concurrent channels i have, no
20:02.02FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: hows that?  concise enough?
20:02.07x86the wholesaler i work with sells 1 million minutes a day
20:02.32sevardx86: that's pretty awesome just wish your 1800 was as cheap as regular, my sister is marying an african and this would be a perfect wedding present
20:02.49x86sevard: you can get origination from anyone ;)
20:03.00tzangersevard: put a * box in Africa :-)
20:03.24sevardtzanger: I was goin to put an * box in africa but I'm pretty sure the town that these people live in doesn't have net
20:03.41tzangerthat makes it difficult
20:03.46sevardyes, it does
20:04.14sevardif I could could get net there, in theory i'd get a cheap ass card and send a 200mhz box down?
20:04.22brif8anyone using the gui  CDR analyzer. I have re-instaled PHP with GD support yet I still can't get the graph to appear ?
20:04.32x86sevard: i dont sell A-Z quite yet... i was just telling you the rates i get from my provider...
20:04.38sevardif I was to go with a 1800 line that supported at least 2 channels i'd throw it on a wrt and put it in a basement for her to switch off yet
20:04.47sevardx86: you got my hopes up.
20:04.47x86sevard: you have to push some volume to get those kind of rates though
20:05.15sevardx86: I have no problem tossing some cash your way if I can get those rates.
20:05.30x86what do you pay now?
20:05.49sevardx86: at the moment just pay as you go with teliax, i'm shopping for a cheaper wedding present :)
20:06.01x86"pay as you go" is a number now? :)
20:06.24sevardx86: Heh, if I throw out numbers then you throw out numbers and everyone gets angry.
20:06.38x86hey i showed you mine, now you gotta show me yours
20:06.42Qwell[]FuriousGeorge: I still don't see what doesn't work
20:06.47GerbilWrkthat never worked for me in highschool
20:06.50Qwell[]the only error is Brad,2
20:06.53GerbilWrkwhat makes you think it'll work for you here?
20:07.10sevardx86: I can get less than 5 cents a minute, the problem being is the connection / usage fee is huge
20:07.15x86GerbilWrk: worked for me... maybe just because i'm a stud like that? :P
20:07.35Qwell[]or something
20:07.47sevardx86: I want a 1-800 she can call in on, i'll set up the box, and she'll call out on the same line
20:07.52FuriousGeorgeQwell[]:  the syntax is identical in the two examples i showed you, one works and one doesnt
20:07.54sevardx86: you charge for incoming and outgoing?
20:08.04FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: specifically the goto
20:08.04x86sevard: i primarily only deal with termination
20:08.15FuriousGeorgeits bitching about the syntax and i cant get it to float
20:08.16x86sevard: you can get another provider for origination
20:08.17FuriousGeorgeon 1.2.6
20:08.43sevardx86: so you could give me a line I can call out on but not in on
20:08.48Qwell[]Don't you need a :?
20:09.06x86sevard: i _could_ give you origination too, but you'd probably be able to get that cheaper elsewhere
20:09.08FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: oops, i actually do, but itll do the same thing (i hope)
20:09.17x86sevard: as you said you dont like my rates ;)
20:09.19FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: cuz in the nonconcise one it did it
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20:09.32sevardx86: wait wait i think i have it
20:09.49Qwell[]either you need a :, or the syntax in show application gotoif is wrong
20:09.52x86sevard: are you new to the biz? ;)
20:10.15sevardx86: I can get a 1800 number with teliax that she can call in on anywhere in the usa for 2 cents a minute and then out to africa with you for 0.018 cents a minute, right?
20:10.29sevardx86: new to the biz, yeah. don't sploit sombody trying to do a good dead :P
20:10.34FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: i take that back.  i do have a ?, but not a :? thats not what the show app gotoif calls fgor
20:10.38x86where did you get 0.018 out of 0.191 ?
20:10.41Qwell[]not a ?, just a :
20:10.47Qwell[]well, the ? too, obviously
20:10.48FuriousGeorgeeven if it did, why would it work in the first case, not the second
20:10.51sevardx86: sorry, my memory told me otherwise
20:11.10Qwell[]where either label can be omitted, but the : must be there
20:11.22sevardx86: teliax's trunks to liberia are 0.29
20:11.31FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: i didnt bother with the other label b/c its always gonna evaluate to true
20:11.38x86my retail price is 0.23 ;)
20:11.39FuriousGeorgebut again regardless, it shouldnt fail in the second case
20:11.41Qwell[]FuriousGeorge: well, put the :
20:11.51FuriousGeorgeok, but in the nonconcise verseion i had it
20:11.54sevardx86: :(
20:12.15brad_msswwtf, anyone else notice teliax is down ??
20:12.18Strom_Cgood afternoon
20:12.23Qwell[]Strom_C: hey
20:12.23GerbilWrkallow=g729 should work right?
20:12.37Strom_Chello mr. qwell
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20:12.59sevardbrad_mssw: down on my end too
20:13.06sevardx86: may I message you?
20:13.18x86sevard: send me an email:
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20:15.04FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: i put the : and lowered the odds so it would cycle through a few times.  as soon as random calls that gotoif (which is essentially just like the one i used above, and obviously correct syntax :) i get that error
20:15.10FuriousGeorgeGoto requires an argument (optional context|optional extension|priority)
20:15.36FuriousGeorgei can clean it up a bit more, eliminate a line or two
20:15.43FuriousGeorgeare we still not sure this is a bug or not
20:15.50FuriousGeorgeand if it is can i post it to bugs already
20:16.04FuriousGeorgeand speaking of bugs, dont you get paid to fixem or something :)
20:17.07Qwell[]paypal -
20:17.21FuriousGeorgeLOL, get the hell out of here
20:17.31sevardx86: sent.
20:17.32Qwell[]Thank you for your donation :P
20:17.44FuriousGeorgeim sorry but i respectfully disagree
20:17.53FuriousGeorgebut ill try
20:17.53Qwell[]:, not ,
20:17.58freatlooks like teliax is completely down.
20:18.08freatcan't register with any of their gateways
20:18.29Qwell[]It thinks "25,Brad,3" is the probability
20:18.38freattheir website gave a mysql error for a bit...
20:18.45Qwell[]so, do 25:Brad,3
20:18.49x86sevard: by the way, Liberia cell is 2314 and 2315
20:18.58x86sevard: and 2317
20:19.04GerbilWrkyep, Teliax is down
20:19.06sevardx86: Gotcha, I didn't know the numbers.
20:19.17sevardx86: do you have a rate table?
20:19.34freatfortunately I got outbound voipjet failover, but sheesh
20:19.44freatno inbound
20:19.58GerbilWrkyeah, can't figure a way to get failover for an incoming 800 number
20:20.03x86sevard: my rates for 2314, 2315, and 2317 are the same as Liberia Proper
20:20.21sevardx86: do you have / plan for an unlimited residential package?
20:20.28freatGerbilWrk: I just colo'd 2 servers at teliax hoping to avoid this issue, but when they hose all 4 of their gateways...
20:20.37YaPFuriousGeorge: i found the problem
20:20.38brad_msswman, glad we've started porting our numbers from teliax to junctionnetworks
20:20.38x86sevard: yes, but right now it's limited to the US
20:20.42brad_msswtoo bad it's not done yet
20:21.03YaPfirmware bug...
20:21.07sevardx86: I would be very interested in unlimited package pricing for calls to africa if you ever got that off the ground
20:21.16x86sevard: it will never happen ;)
20:21.23sevardx86: heh
20:21.56x86sevard: my international unlimited plan (not yet available) will cover the US, Canada, Italy, Germany, parts of France, UK, and China
20:21.59sevardx86: unlimited with a soft cap? :)
20:22.09Assidyou have unltd?
20:22.16jbotsomebody said unlimited was <Nugget> unlimited voip == punch the monkey to win a free ipod
20:22.19*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (
20:22.25x86i offer truely unlimited
20:22.28x86no caps
20:22.33NuggetJem is truly outrageous.
20:22.36Qwell[]lies :)
20:22.37lokkjux86, sip, iax, or zap trunk?  and what type of rates are we talking?
20:22.37sevardx86: nice.
20:22.56x86lokkju:, SIP preferred, can do IAX
20:22.57Qwell[]lies, or stupidity...
20:23.07Qwell[]Nugget: Jem?
20:23.14sevardx86: I thought most VoIP providers preferred IAZ
20:23.26lokkjux86, 404 not found...
20:23.30x86SIP offers better quality in most cases
20:23.39Qwell[]better quality?
20:23.47sevardyeah wtf
20:23.49x86seems to
20:23.51Qwell[]sick em' Strom_C
20:23.54Strom_Cquality is a codec and media transport thing
20:24.00Strom_Chas nothing to do with signaling
20:24.09x86Strom_C: sure it can
20:24.28x86especially if the timing on the signalling is off
20:24.34x86or unreliable
20:24.38Strom_CI'd like to see you explain your way out of this one ;)
20:24.45x86i just did ;)
20:25.20Strom_Cso by "quality" you mean "speed and reliability of call set-up and tear-down"?
20:25.23x86take for instance Teliax
20:25.31x86trunk to them over IAX, then do SIP
20:25.36x86tell me there is no difference ;)
20:25.39GerbilWrkI love it when Teliax goes down, and their 888 number also goes down
20:25.45wunderkinwhat he is referring to is that iax is single-threaded but there is work to make it multi-threaded right now
20:26.06Assidi dont get it
20:26.13Assidwhy should there be a difference?
20:26.15wunderkinpossibly also jitterbuffer problems
20:26.16Qwell[]wunderkin: That isn't a signalling level thing
20:26.21Qwell[]it's an implementation level
20:26.22Strom_Cwunderkin: that's different then - he's talking about the implementation of the stack
20:26.26wunderkini know
20:26.31sevardx86: where's your rate table?
20:26.37Qwell[]which means a poor SIP implementation would have the same problems
20:26.53wunderkinbut asterisk doesn't use a single thread for sip stuff
20:27.10Qwell[]asterisk doesn't, but client software could
20:27.11AssidQwell: why should iax give you problems as compared to sip.. shouldnt a single thread trunking all your calls be theoretically better?
20:27.19Qwell[]Assid: no
20:27.20wunderkinare we talking general stuff here?
20:27.31Qwell[]wunderkin: He's generalizing - so am I
20:27.49AssidQwell: why?
20:27.54Qwell[]Assid: because it doesn't
20:28.11Qwell[]one thread simply can't handle everything
20:28.13GerbilWrkthose of you using junctionnetworks, have anything good or bad to say?
20:28.23Hmmhesaysi've heard good things about them
20:28.55Drukeni need something/someone to do tonight....
20:29.03Assidhrmm.. i wasw ALWAYS under the impression trunking would be better
20:29.12Qwell[]Assid: trunking is better.  It saves bandwidth
20:29.21Qwell[]but trunking doesn't need one thread
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20:29.31DrukenQwell: thanks, but no thanks :)
20:29.33Strom_CQwell[]: what, you're not v=going to volunteer me? ;)
20:29.38Assidokay so how is running everything into 1 thread a bad thing?
20:29.48Drukenfiles a nice guy, but he doesn't do it for me
20:30.35Drukentoo bad i don't know any single women anymore... hehe
20:30.53KattyHmmhesays: mew?
20:30.59x86sevard: i dont make it public, as i dont offer A-Z yet
20:31.20brad_msswteliax _just_ came back online
20:31.21Drukeni don't do A-Z either
20:31.28Drukendomestic only
20:31.33Qwell[]Strom_C: Didn't realize you would like to be volunteered
20:32.19brad_msswand they're back down ...
20:32.41Strom_Cteliax: nine fives of reliability since 2005
20:32.48Dovidhow long was teliax down for ?
20:32.52GerbilWrkstill down
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20:33.10Drukeni've heard alot of people complain about teliax
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20:33.22Dovidinbound or out bound ?
20:33.38brad_msswboth inbound and outbound
20:33.38Dovidi use them for termination with no porblems
20:33.43freatteliax is back up for me now
20:33.52freattheir registrations were failing across all servers
20:33.53brad_msswnope, back down for me ... it came up momentarily
20:33.56freatlooks like they got it fixed
20:34.04Dovidhow often r they down ?
20:34.11brad_msswtoo often
20:34.16brad_msswduring business hours too
20:34.28ManxPowerI just confirmed that Katrina destyroyed my JVC stereo system
20:34.33Drukeni don't notice when my primary goes down...
20:34.34x8699.999% leaves about 87 hours of downtime a year
20:34.40ManxPowerDVD is the only input that still works on it.
20:34.45Strom_Cx86: I said
20:34.49Strom_CNINE FIVES
20:34.52Strom_Cit was a joke
20:35.02x86hahaha sorry i missed it
20:35.19freatGerbilWrk: do iax2 / sip reloads. looks like teliax is functioning again
20:35.31faljsehi.. in my dialplan there is.. dial IAX2/8601/01${EXTEN}|120|Ttr  .. and in my cdrs.. i just get ${EXTEN}  (the 01 is missing..)... what can i do...?
20:35.38KattyManxPower: i thought you meant me there for a second ;)
20:36.01ManxPowerKatty, I don't think you'd destroy my stereo
20:36.15KattyManxPower: oh trust me, i think i could ;)
20:36.24x86faljse: yuck, you're generating fake ringing tone... you went off a silly newbie tutorial eh? :)
20:36.27DrukenManxPower: she'd have to do alot of peeing to destory it the same way too....
20:36.32ManxPowerfaljse, Using the options "Ttr" to dial says to the world "I'm a moron, kick me!"
20:36.37Qwell[]FuriousGeorge: So?
20:36.38Strom_Cx86: 99.999% is 8.7 hours of downtime per year, not 87
20:36.55Qwell[]Strom_C: now calculate 9 5's
20:37.11faljseManxPower: ok.. sorry.. no idea.. im the how should write a program to bill that shit.. no idea of asterisk...
20:37.12FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: so you are right, good for you.  want a medal?  :)
20:37.26ManxPowerfaljse, start by reading The Book
20:37.29jbotfrom memory, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
20:37.29FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: there is one small other thing that im looking at now though
20:37.36jbotit has been said that thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
20:37.36x86Strom_C: (365*24)/99.999
20:37.45FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: i got a noop that is being ignored in that same code all of a sudden
20:37.58FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: I SWEAR
20:38.07GerbilWrkyeah, they are backup for now, looks like i'll be looking into switching to JunctionNetworks tomorrow
20:38.19FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: check out line 47 above
20:38.37FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: shoot i meant to say 52
20:39.28Strom_Cx86: no, that formula is incorrect ;)
20:39.49Strom_Cbecause if you replace 99.999 with 100, you dont get 8760 hours
20:39.52Drukendo they still make those little laptop desks? the things ya place over your legs on the bed?
20:39.58brad_msswyeah, junction has been much more reliable ... they just charge $50 to port a freaking number though :/
20:40.16FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: and the corresponding line is 19 (corresponds to 52)
20:41.03*** join/#asterisk key2 (
20:41.14x86Strom_C: actually, ((365*24)*.99999) - 8760 = < 1
20:41.57Qwell[]FuriousGeorge: You have two s,7's
20:42.18x86Strom_C: looks like it's more like 5 minutes a year or something
20:42.34FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: there you go again being all smart
20:42.43FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: seriously though, thanks for everyhting it works now
20:43.05Strom_Csimpler math == less error prone
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20:43.23Strom_Calso, math == better to do when you're awake
20:43.27GerbilWrkhas anyone in here used Junction Networks and have any horror stories?
20:43.47FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: in fairness to me though, someone should tell the CLI to spit out a better error about random() when the syntax is wrong.  it spits out the same thing as it does for gotoif which is really confusing when gotoif is the next command
20:44.06Qwell[]FuriousGeorge: except it never said "Executing GotoIf"
20:44.38FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: good point, well i wont make that same mistake again
20:45.15FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: by the way, according to my pbx you have to clean my apartment this weekend.  as unfair as that sounds, you cant argue with the logic
20:46.00Qwell[]works for me...just set me up a robot
20:46.06Qwell[]and I'll control it from here
20:46.18FuriousGeorgevia the asterisk dialplan, of course
20:46.22FuriousGeorgethanks again
20:46.25FuriousGeorgefor the time
20:46.27Qwell[]and since I'm a roommate, I have rights
20:46.45FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: you have the right to play beerpong
20:47.03FuriousGeorgepending completion of my robot yes
20:47.37freatManxPower: heh adding in r into dial is great, makes the users think the phones are working, kind of like the dialtone on SIP phones does heh
20:47.58freat"I get dialtone"
20:48.18Dovidfreat: i have an IVR that plays rining for 30 seconds and then dumps it in to VM. they think they are ringing some where
20:48.28eKo1Are there any known problems between two * boxen, one running 1.0 and the other 1.2, communicating via SIP or IAX?
20:48.38Dovidvia IAX yes
20:49.06freatDovid: wow heh
20:49.25Dovidhelps me filter out people that i dont like to talk to ;0
20:49.32freatDovid:oh for incoming ok
20:49.44freatI was thinking you failed over outbound to a fake vm
20:50.01Dovidits for people calling me that i dont wana talk to
20:50.17freatDovid: yeah I can understand that
20:50.17DovidExten s,1,Ringing
20:50.38Dovidyes i meant that
20:50.48Dovidand then
20:51.03Dovidexten s,n,voicemail(ux@company0
20:52.10*** join/#asterisk tasat (
20:53.47GerbilWrkSomeone mind taking a look at this, I've purchased three additional g729 licences and can't get the servers to talk to eachother using them.
20:54.47tasatanyone have any experience with 'getdata' ?  I'm getting repeat digits, as if asterisk is liteing for the amount of time a key is held, or during the key press the dtmf is interrupted and interpreted as a repeat press.  Any ideas?
20:54.57tasatanyone have any experience with 'getdata' ?  I'm getting repeat digits, as if asterisk is liteing for the amount of time a key is held, or during the key press the dtmf is interrupted and interpreted as a repeat press.  Any ideas?
20:55.06x86where is an op when you need one?
20:55.19Drukenwe have ops? hehe
20:55.29denonwhat do you need x86
20:56.39GerbilWrkMy apologies to anyone tha tlooked at my pastebin, it severely got screwed somehow, heres the real info
20:57.08denonx86: what do you need
20:57.40brif8CDR Analyzer gives "Calls per Hour" from the cdr table, is there anyway one can get concurrent calls ?
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21:03.13MoutaPTany one has tried Planet VIP-150T hardphone?
21:03.30MoutaPTit's working, but no missed calls or dialed numbers...
21:08.27Dovidanyone have a phone spoofin script ?
21:09.05Dovidif i do Exten _XXXXXXXXXX
21:09.22Dovidi get the number they wana call or the number they want on cid. how do i get a second number ?
21:10.40Hmmhesayssecond number?
21:10.40rpmhas anyone found a way to keep track of call events in a database? i want to know what the status of a call is at all times, from Newexten, Newstate, Newchannel, Link, Unlink and Hangup.
21:11.04Dovidmeaning i need to ask for the CID that they want to apear and then the number to call
21:11.17Dovidfrom what i know _XXXXXXXXX only accpets one number
21:11.22tasatanyone know where the code for getdata is to be found?
21:11.40Dovidunless i set the info in a global var and then send it to a diff context
21:11.44Dovidbut it seems backwards
21:12.18GerbilWrki believe you'll need to do some type of AGI script for that Dovid
21:14.04scrubbany good curses based iax phones out there?
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21:15.17x86denon: it was mainly a joke, because tasat had double-pasted i thought he was starting to flood :P
21:15.55tasatx86: sorry about that, my first pasted didn't show up in my client
21:18.25Hmmhesayswhy do people want to change the normal behavior of an ATA
21:18.46Hmmhesaysa 180 ringing message should make an ATA ring in the ear piece
21:19.13scrubbhow bout a curses streaming audio client for linux?
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21:19.54x86tasat: it's all good :)
21:20.00extremisfor some reason I am hearing 2 unique ringtoens while dialing out... after the call is answered on the other end, I can still hear one of them for a few seconds... anyone have any idea why?
21:20.15x86tasat: i've seen people paste pages after pages of the same thing... looked like what you were starting to do lol
21:20.16Hmmhesayspolycom phone with old firmware?
21:20.16extremisI only hear it when dailing out of my zapata device, and only after converting to 1.2 from 1.0
21:20.31extremisI don't hear it when dialing other users in the office
21:20.51x86extremis: using a T1 card?
21:20.57extremisx86: yes
21:21.03x86extremis: did your LBO change?
21:21.20extremisall we did was upgrade to 1.2 from 1.0... what is LBO?
21:21.26x86Line Build Out
21:21.33extremisit did change a month ago
21:21.43Dovidteliax isnt workin for me now either
21:21.45x86if you upgraded it is possible the conf file was over-written
21:21.56extremisit looks the same
21:22.02x86Dovid: i'm still registered, but i dont even have them in my dialplan anymore ;)
21:22.32FuriousGeorgei think there's a bug with random that makes the odds 1 out of 100 never come up true
21:22.57extremisx86: yeah, its the same... if I have a misconfigured zapata.conf or zaptel.conf will it cause the dual ring?
21:23.19x86could be... i dunno...
21:23.34x86it could possibly be misconfigured EC as well
21:23.42fileyou can have dual ring if your call starts out with progress, then switches to oob signalling of ringing, and the end device mixes the two streams together
21:24.04extremisits all the same... the only change is the upgrade to 1.2
21:24.12extremisfile: eh?
21:24.47filetelco sends you progress in band as a ringing sound, they then switching to indicate out of band the ringing as well
21:25.03fileif the in band ringing audio stream is not stopped, then you can get two rings
21:25.12extremishow do I stop it?
21:25.21Hmmhesaysput the handset down
21:25.26extremisother than downgrading
21:25.29filewhat device are you calling from? a SIP one?
21:25.36extremisyes, a 7960
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21:26.43filedunno, but pastebin your CLI output... plus a sip debug of it happening
21:26.45fileI'll look and verify
21:27.27extremisI was hoping it was something obvious with the upgrade
21:27.50fileI just want to verify that this is what is happening
21:28.30*** join/#asterisk xunil (
21:29.11extremishold on... gotta sanatize it
21:30.26*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
21:33.19filethat is exactly what is happening
21:34.34fileI know the Sipuras have an option that gets rid of this situation... but don't know about Cisco
21:35.10fileI'll also ask the person who mostly does this stuff.... if he may have changed anything
21:35.29Doviddoes anyone know if i can send a CID name with voiphjet ?
21:36.11*** join/#asterisk Nodren (n=nodren@
21:36.17fileDovid: CID name doesn't work like that
21:36.28Dovidhow does it work ?
21:36.39Dovidonly with a t1? or does the name get pulled form a db ?
21:36.47filethe receiving side looks it up from a db
21:37.01MoutaPTany one know if digium support is opened today?
21:37.08filethey are
21:37.10MoutaPTtrying to call and nothing...
21:37.37filethey should be...
21:37.39MoutaPTjust IVRs
21:37.47MoutaPTlong dialplans:)
21:39.24Nodrencan anyone help me.. i'm having some real troubles with dropped calls in asterisk, i really cant explain it. i'm using a custom dialplan with TDM400P for incoming channels and SIP Grandstream GXP-2000 phones. this is output from the asterisk console. http
21:39.50ManxPowerNodren, do you have busydetect or callprogress enabled?
21:40.02Nodrenenabled where?
21:40.39ManxPowerDovid, you can set callerid name to anything you want, but the telco that handles the destination number will igmore it and set the name to whatever the telco says is associated with the callerid number
21:40.41*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
21:40.55ManxPowerNodren, /etc/asterisk/zapata.condf
21:41.04Dovidi got the spoofing working :)
21:41.36Nodrenneither are set
21:41.40Nodrenso whatever the default is
21:41.51Nodrenapparently the calls being dropped become busy signals
21:41.53Nodrenall of the sudden
21:41.57Nodrencould that fix it?
21:41.59ManxPowerNodren, the default is off, which is good.
21:42.13fileMoutaPT: I just checked, you should get into the support queue fine
21:42.17ManxPowerNodren, no, setting them can cause the problem you are exerienceing
21:42.19DoktorGregoh man i live apt-get
21:42.24DoktorGreglove it
21:42.27MoutaPTyes I'm in queue
21:42.36MoutaPTfor 20minutes now
21:42.46*** join/#asterisk SwK (
21:42.59ManxPowernobody said Digium support is fast 8-)
21:43.14MoutaPTand I also have already my ticket for 3 days
21:43.27MoutaPTwaiting email reply
21:43.31mog_workMoutaPT, what you need hel pwith?
21:43.31*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
21:43.42ManxPowerI've gotten responses to tickets as long as 6 weeks after I sent in the report.
21:43.53MoutaPTmy TE110P is not handling correctly called party hangs
21:43.59DoktorGregI just found a gnarly thing
21:43.59mog_workwhat type of line?
21:44.15MoutaPTbut * is behind a legacy pbx
21:44.16mog_workasterisk 1.2?
21:44.25DoktorGregwhen then set up my MICS system, they routed inbound calls rather than use DID
21:44.29mog_workwhat do you get with a pri debug?
21:44.36ManxPowerMoutaPT, the ONLY time I've seen that is when your dialplan is screwed up, like when you do something like exten => _.,1,Dial
21:44.48mog_workcan you pastebin a pri debug of the call failing to hangup?
21:45.18MoutaPTwait let me check if i can it now , i'm out of office
21:45.39NodrenManxPower: did you have any other ideas why this could be happening?
21:45.53ManxPowerNodren, no
21:45.53*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
21:47.42FuriousGeorgeok THIS TIME i definately found a bug
21:48.02FuriousGeorgerandom(1:.. is never selected as true
21:48.21FuriousGeorgego ahead prove me wrong, i dare you
21:49.14*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
21:49.53ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, what happens if you use 100 instead of 1
21:50.41FuriousGeorgelemme see about that
21:50.46FuriousGeorgei do know that 2 will work eventually
21:50.51FuriousGeorgeso will anything above that
21:50.55FuriousGeorgenever tried 100
21:51.11mog_workwhy are you not using function rand or is this 1.2
21:51.18ManxPowerperhaps you/we are not correctly understanding the usage of Random
21:51.23VeNoMouS_hrm thats kinda gay how Page() requires a zap device
21:51.36*** part/#asterisk austinnichols102 (n=austinni@
21:51.42SkramXOkay, I am going to upgrade asterisk (via tarball, not cvs)... how do i uninstall it first?
21:52.07DoktorGregomg use subversion
21:52.20DoktorGregon the 1.2 branch
21:53.02FuriousGeorgemog_work: this is 1.2
21:53.06Nodrenif i'm experiencing alot of noise going from zap lines to sip phones, whats the best way to fix that?
21:53.10DoktorGregalso, you will need to compile/insall your kernel to get zaptel to modprobe correctly
21:53.16FuriousGeorgemog_work: and i thought random was just an app not a function
21:53.43mog_workit is in trunk
21:53.46mog_worknot in 1.2 i think
21:53.54SkramXDoktorGreg: well, i will now, but what is the best way to uninstall it?
21:54.08FuriousGeorgeManxPower: probability 100 evaluates as true on the first time as you would expect
21:54.10DoktorGreguninstall what?
21:54.29mog_workoh your thing is bad FuriousGeorge
21:55.46DoktorGregif you get lets of static from a sip to zap line, you are probably transcoding
21:55.59FuriousGeorgemog_work: is not!  :)  if i set it to 2 it evaluates as expected.  100 evaluates the first time as expected.  everything in between acts right.  1 never evaluates
21:56.27DoktorGregGSM to uLaw transcoding seems to make lots of static
21:56.49mog_workyou have a probablity of true?
21:56.55tasatCould really use some help:  trying to read DTMF via Read and I'm getting repeated digits, i.e. what should be 18005551212 is read as 1880555511212...
21:57.00tasatAny ideas?
21:57.18FuriousGeorgemog_work: no, i mean that if i set the integer to to anything but 1 it works.  one sec
21:58.10SkramXDoktorGreg: uninstall asterisk!
21:58.23SkramXjust make uninstall? is it that easy? i forget.
21:58.58DoktorGregi just install the new version right over the old one...
21:59.03FuriousGeorgemog_work: <---  probability of 1 will never draw for me.  im using 1.2.6
21:59.22DoktorGregSkramX, if you want i can walk you through from the beginning
21:59.42DoktorGregwhat i did yesterday to get a nice stable asterisk only server running
21:59.47SkramXlets assume I have done make make install, etc. in /usr/src/asterisk.
21:59.56SkramXnow, i want to  upgrade to 1.2.5/7
22:00.09SkramXi will of course make a backup of configs (just in case)
22:00.11DoktorGregcd /usr/src
22:00.20*** join/#asterisk naturalblue (n=Administ@
22:00.30DoktorGregfind the instructions from digiums website
22:00.33SkramXpm me if you want.
22:00.34FuriousGeorgemog_work: since ive started using asterisk ive been wrong approximately one million times.  this time asterisk is wrong, and i want some credit :)
22:00.57SkramXDoktorGreg: i already have it installed, do i untar the new src over the other, or do i uninstall first or what
22:00.59mog_workwhy are you feeding it 1 in the first place though?
22:01.03mog_workthats Chrazy
22:01.48FuriousGeorgemog_work: i wrote a dialplan that asks for how many cleaning-points my roomates have and "draws a straw" based on that weight
22:01.54FuriousGeorgegranted the work around is obvious
22:01.59FuriousGeorgebut I STILL FOUND A BUG
22:02.30*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
22:02.52FuriousGeorgeyou aint seen nothin yet
22:02.59FuriousGeorgeanyway hows asterisk-cmpp
22:03.13SkramXDoktorGreg: ?
22:03.19FuriousGeorgemog_work: i havent played with it cuz there were no docs and i didnt want to keep bothering you
22:03.20harryvvcame across a industrial design company by accident that designed the polycom ip soundstream line of phones. Designed right here in Vancouver
22:03.42harryvvmog_work :)
22:03.57mog_workyeah docs are like hard
22:04.01mog_workwriting code is easy
22:04.10mog_workits comming along well
22:04.16mog_worksome cool new features in it
22:04.19mog_worksoon to be more
22:04.25mog_workjust have to get out of office
22:04.27DoktorGregdid you get my pm?
22:04.33mog_workits SOOO hot in here
22:04.55FuriousGeorgehard or not, if you dont write'em soon im gonna start bugging you for a tutorial again
22:05.11mog_workwell when it is almost ready to commit
22:05.13mog_workill do docs
22:05.17SkramXDoktorGreg: doesnt look like it.
22:05.19harryvvmog, what are you making?
22:05.24FuriousGeorgemog_work: you think its worth filing a bug report for that silly random thing i found
22:05.33DoktorGregpm me
22:05.38FuriousGeorgewhat if someone dies waiting by the phone for random1:...  to evaluate
22:05.44mog_workasterisk + jabber = YUMMY
22:05.53ManxPowertasat, don't set relaxdtmf=yes, in fact don't se that option at all
22:06.05SkramXDoktorGreg: done.
22:06.13ManxPowertasat, if that doesn't work, play with your rxgain and txgain options
22:06.50SkramXDoktorGreg: did you get my oom?
22:06.50harryvvno experaince with jabber
22:07.03FuriousGeorgemog_work: or you think i should leave it alone till func random() comes out with 1.4
22:07.36FuriousGeorgeor maybe func random() will do the same thing if i dont intervene
22:08.21FuriousGeorgeand by intervene again i mean file a bug report
22:10.16SkramXDoktorGreg: did you get my pm?
22:10.38DoktorGregsure did
22:10.51DoktorGregyou obviously are not getting mine though
22:10.53harryvvmog, what are you codingit in ?
22:10.54FuriousGeorgei guess ill just file it.  Qwell[] you wanna take a stab at it first?  this time i REALLY found a bug with random()
22:11.02SkramXDoktorGreg: want to just
22:11.29FuriousGeorgeactually i need someone running to test it first.  its only 8 lines or so
22:11.29DoktorGregi have to go to office now
22:11.33harryvvbtw, anyone here have experaince with getting cidcw to flash the calling parties cid number on the display of the phone when somone is calling?
22:11.33FuriousGeorgeany volunteers?
22:11.44DoktorGregbut ill be back on in 2 hours or so
22:12.16DoktorGregim wondering if i can sendtext to ISDN phones
22:12.48[hC]anyone know if its possible to connect an SCCP driven phone to two separate SCCP servers? I want to register two individual lines to two alternate asterisk servers
22:13.51FuriousGeorge[hC]: i assume it depends on the phone
22:14.07ManxPowerharryvv, um, it does that by default as far as I know (assuming Zap and a CIDCW capable phone
22:14.21FuriousGeorgemost sip devices i know of allow multiple registrations a.k.a. "lines"
22:14.37FuriousGeorgebut i dont use sccp
22:15.19[hC]FuriousGeorge: it does, it depends on the cisco phone firmware config, i was just wondering if anyone  had experience doing it
22:15.35[hC]I'm trying to test qwell's new chan_skinny while retaining my presence on my other serer
22:15.37[hC]server rather.
22:16.15FuriousGeorge[hC]: so just register the phone and i believe then you gotta set your outbound profile to switch between'em for calling out
22:16.59FuriousGeorgeanyone running wanna test a few lines of dialplan for me?  i think i found a bug
22:20.24FuriousGeorgeno one wants to step up and give a little back to the * community :)
22:20.30harryvvManx, well in this case one pstn line comes in then a ivr gives the caller which extention to select. Any the other phone does not show cid on incomming calls when there is already a call in progress.
22:21.18SkramXIs totally stable?
22:21.38FuriousGeorgeSkramX: i think totally stable is an impossibility for software
22:21.44SkramXI assume so as it is considered a release? I just want to make sure.
22:21.47SkramXFuriousGeorge: Okay, I agree.
22:21.57FuriousGeorgewell, any significant code
22:22.07FuriousGeorgebut i dont want to file a bug report and find out it was fixed
22:22.14FuriousGeorgeSkramX: why, are you upgrading?
22:22.16SkramXBut is it considered as fairly stable for production-server use.
22:22.29FuriousGeorgeSkramX: yeah, 1.2.X is the production branch
22:22.32SkramXFuriousGeorge: we havent in a long time, since 1.0.9
22:22.51SkramXwell not me personally, someone who we help with their * box.
22:22.53*** join/#asterisk websae (
22:23.06FuriousGeorgeahhh, you got a test box running
22:23.09FuriousGeorgeor that can be?
22:23.38*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
22:23.40harryvvI need to build a inversion table
22:23.44harryvvsee ya all
22:24.01FuriousGeorgehows he gonna eat from his chair if his table is upside down
22:25.47KranZput the food on the chair and sit on the table?
22:26.50FuriousGeorgeKranZ: sure if you wanna watch society crumble around you
22:27.52Dream_WEaverHrm.  The presence server -- does it honor the poll and refresh times set by phone?
22:28.07Dream_WEaverSeems to not update every 10 seconds as I have set it to.
22:28.41VeNoMouS_does anyone know if there is a sendtext() patch for cisco sip, there is stuff for cisco sccp but cant find anything for sip
22:30.43VeNoMouS_ <-- ngrep
22:30.55VeNoMouS_i get a 501 from a 7940 saying not implemented
22:34.11*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
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22:37.16file[laptop]VeNoMouS_: the device doesn't support it, if it doesn't support it... then there's not much you can do
22:38.04*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:38.41SkramXif I make asterisk-addons, do I have to use it?
22:38.51SkramXlike do I have to use mysqk?
22:38.57*** join/#asterisk CrummyGummy (
22:41.06GrizzyOr can we use SQLite ?
22:41.38SkramXi mean
22:41.51SkramXi "made" asterisk-addons but i dotn want ti use mysql-asterisk, just yet.
22:42.26VeNoMouS_file[laptop] thats the thing they do
22:42.37Qwell[]SkramX: Then don't..
22:43.10SkramXhow is it possible to unmake?
22:43.11file[laptop]VeNoMouS_: no... it doesn't
22:44.11VeNoMouS_Users also can send an instant message to a Cisco IP phone from the Sametime client. Integration between Sametime and the Cisco Unified Presence Server will let users send an IM from their Cisco IP phone to Sametime clients. In addition, the Presence Server will publish the Sametime status for each contact stored in the Cisco Unified IP Phone.
22:44.31file[laptop]is that using SIP?
22:44.41VeNoMouS_hence what im trying to find out
22:44.45file[laptop]well, here's what I'm telling you...
22:44.55file[laptop]you tired to send a message to the phone, it said Not Implemented, therefore one would think
22:44.57file[laptop]it doesn't support it
22:45.11file[laptop]and no matter what you do to Asterisk will make the phone's firmware support it
22:45.19VeNoMouS_well no, one would think that cisco isnt following rfc
22:45.24*** join/#asterisk Vco (
22:46.05[TK]D-FenderI think Cisco's approach to "open" standards is more like NO Comment ;)
22:46.36VeNoMouS_[TK]D-Fender heh nah they kinda implemented it
22:46.40VeNoMouS_for the unicode standard
22:46.47*** join/#asterisk spanglesontoast (
22:46.51spanglesontoasthow do I remove asterisk
22:46.58Qwell[]spanglesontoast: make uninstall
22:47.19[TK]D-Fenderspanglesontoast : rm -rf /
22:47.48spanglesontoasthar har fender
22:48.03[TK]D-FenderIt will!  Guaranteed!
22:48.23[TK]D-FenderOr double your money back on my free advise!
22:48.34spanglesontoastit'll kill my machine
22:48.49[hC]Qwell[]: I dont suppose you know if its possible to connect an SCCP phone to two SCCP proxies, hm? I have one sccp phone here thats my day to day use phone, and i want to connect it to another box at the same time to test your skinny patch
22:49.49VeNoMouS_[hC] lol
22:50.05VeNoMouS_[hC] u doing lines @ ure desk again?
22:50.22Qwell[][hC]: I don't think so, no
22:50.22Hmmhesaysis there any other way to put up with IT?
22:50.41VeNoMouS_Qwell[] lol what u mean u dont think so, its plain old NO
22:50.57VeNoMouS_Hmmhesays get some cream?
22:51.25[hC]who the hell is this dude?
22:52.41wunderkin/nick spoogeontoast
22:53.17*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
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22:56.45VeNoMouS_new sip out for 7940
22:56.47PoWeRKiLLany idea why I get Apr 17 07:09:15 WARNING[3572] chan_iax2.c: Maximum trunk data space exceeded to XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:4569
22:57.05VeNoMouS_lol only a month old
22:57.54PoWeRKiLLI check MAX_TRUNKDATA it's set to 200 channels and my server was with only about 10 or 20 channels when the message was happening and I didn't have audio anymore on my calls
22:59.00*** join/#asterisk thock (n=thock@
22:59.28thockHey guys-  I'm getting some really, really bad techo using x-lite to other people in my test env
22:59.40*** part/#asterisk spanglesontoast (
22:59.44VeNoMouS_techno or echo?
22:59.50thockheck no
22:59.52thocksorry :D
23:00.05VeNoMouS_got echo cancel on?
23:00.13VeNoMouS_and whats the latecey like
23:00.19thockwhere does that get configured? zapata.conf?
23:00.42riddleboxif you have more than one sip line, say three lines from broadvoice, can you tell asterisk that if one is busy to grab another?
23:01.01thockwe're not using any outside lines, just internal SIP channels, 7 to be exact
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23:06.42riddleboxthock, do you have an example of how that would be setup?
23:07.46thockriddlebox: asterisk on a machine on the network, everyone with x-lite and some really hilariously bad dialplan to connect eachother up
23:08.24riddleboxthock, what do you put in the dialplan to make it hunt to the open line?
23:08.41thockhunt to the open line?
23:08.56thockthere is no open line. each extension is just exten => 106,1,Dial(SIP/Kevin,10,t)
23:08.56thockexten => 106,2,Voicemail(106)
23:09.01thockthat's it
23:09.08thockand if you call 105 or 106 directly
23:09.22thockthere's a 1 second late echo
23:09.44*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
23:09.47Skarmethhi all
23:10.24VeNoMouS_<riddlebox> if you have more than one sip line, say three lines from broadvoice, can you tell asterisk that if one is busy
23:10.30VeNoMouS_look @ the return of dial
23:10.33VeNoMouS_if chanbusy
23:10.45VeNoMouS_or chanunavil
23:10.48VeNoMouS_or chanunavail
23:10.56thocki'm not getting those
23:11.02thockthe calls themselves are working perfectly fine
23:11.04thockconnecting instantly
23:11.05thocknothing on the CIL
23:11.07thockCLI, rather.
23:11.28thockThere's just a horrible echo i can't discern.  Websae suggested it was because i was using allow=all in the sip.conf
23:11.32thockinstead of a direct codec
23:11.46riddleboxVeNoMouS_, I see
23:13.37Mikeanyone knows if incominglimit=3 works on iax contexts?
23:15.38tasatare there any apps in asterisk that monitor for arbitrary DTMF?
23:15.56VeNoMouS_lol man, i just tried sendtext() to a fone on our ccme via asterisk, and i get method not allowed
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23:19.31wunderkini guess spanglesontoast didn't like my joke :(
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23:24.56*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
23:25.01Ariel_hello everyone
23:25.45Ariel_I have a quick stupid question which I should know better. But my brain is fried... how is the best way to get the svn download to my asterisk box from version 1.2.5 to
23:26.33Ariel_I tried belive it has to do with svn update "but what goes here"
23:28.12VeNoMouS_err isnt svn
23:28.40*** join/#asterisk jofre (n=jofre@
23:28.51Ariel_VeNoMouS_, hummm so only head is in svn?
23:29.05VeNoMouS_svn checkout asterisk-1.2
23:31.59Ariel_wow in this case cvs was easyer....
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23:37.11sevardx86: are you around?
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23:52.44robin_szbah. I was so hoping for them to be bringing shiny new GXP2000 firmware
23:54.13FuriousGeorgeso while(1) starts off an infinite loop???
23:56.42lokkjuof course
23:56.46lokkju1 == true
23:56.54lokkjuso you are saying while(true)
23:57.07lokkjuwhich is while(true == true)
23:57.14lokkjuwhich is always trye
23:59.54VeNoMouS_less typing
23:59.58*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.