irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060414

00:01.16Peggerrhumm how shoudl i buy my asterik hardware from, sun or hp,      HP is cheep er buy sun makes nicer equpemnt but is more expensive
00:02.55rene-i cant find any references to realtime configuration for agents, i thought it existed... was i dreaming?
00:06.08tehdelymattwj2005: i am using app_conference from cvs as of about a month ago
00:06.18tehdelythere really is no configuration.  it's just a dialplan application
00:06.30tehdelyexten => 777,1,Conference(meatwhore/SVD/1)
00:06.44tehdelyto login as a conference manager (which is currently just a stub and does nothing)
00:06.47tehdelyreplace SVD with LVD
00:06.53tehdelyexten => 778,1,Conference(meatwhore/LVD/1)
00:07.32mattwj2005cool anything else?
00:09.02*** part/#asterisk g__ (
00:09.19tehdelynah that's pretty much it
00:09.23tehdelylet me know if your asterisk randomly segfaults
00:09.35tehdelymine does occasionally, and it happens in some app_conference code
00:09.48tehdelyi believe it has something to do with misconfigured codecs one of my callers may be using
00:11.50marcus2so i've got a CAC AB-II plugged into my asterisk server
00:12.09marcus2and when people use channels on that bank to make outbound calls, after the remote end hangs up, the local end immediately gets fast busy
00:12.25marcus2the asterisk console says it is hanging up the zap channel when this happens
00:12.55mattwj2005Illegal instruction error
00:13.05*** join/#asterisk VoIPMasta (
00:13.13VoIPMastaHi there
00:13.23marcus2is this the only possible behavior for this channel bank?
00:13.30VoIPMastaA quick question: does anyone know why it is that when I'm using g.729 the caller ID doesn't work?
00:14.56*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (n=jaxxan@
00:15.14Jaxxanhey guys
00:15.58x86note to self.... NEVER use ilbc ;)
00:16.00*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
00:16.01*** join/#asterisk gniretar_work (
00:16.03gniretar_workhi all
00:16.10gniretar_workanyone done any programming with the manager API?
00:16.19x86gniretar_work: i have, with Perl
00:16.44gniretar_workwell, i'm doing it with PHP and i'm encountering an interesting phenominon regarding arents
00:16.45Jaxxanso after i upgraded from zaptel- to zaptel-trunk, whenever i make a call, the ringing sounds rather strange and i get voltage increases/decreases stamped to my /var/log/messages file which kinda match the sound of the ringing.
00:17.03Jaxxanwhat can i do to make the ring one specific ummm... voltage again.
00:17.26gniretar_workwhen an agent is logged in but not on the phone i get this for the commands 'action: Agents' then 'ActionID: 1'
00:18.04gniretar_workName - Randy
00:18.04gniretar_workStatus - AGENT_IDLE
00:18.04gniretar_workChannel - 703@employees
00:18.14gniretar_workthen then the agent is on the phone i get this:
00:18.15gniretar_workName - Randy
00:18.15gniretar_workStatus - AGENT_IDLE
00:18.15gniretar_workChannel - 703@employees (Confirmed)
00:18.23gniretar_workwhy is his status still idle??
00:18.28Strom_Cgniretar_work: dont flood the channel, please
00:18.30*** part/#asterisk TTT_Travis (
00:18.32jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
00:18.33*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
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00:18.52gniretar_worki aplologise
00:20.32gniretar_workx86: is that the way its supposto be?
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00:23.03Jaxxanwhat does this log entry in /var/log/messages mean? i know it has to do with zaptel. -- Apr 13 13:22:07 asterisk kernel: EC: DC bias calculated: 5 V
00:26.20*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
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00:28.11x86gniretar_work: i have no idea... i use the perl module to handle all the communications ;)
00:28.21x86gniretar_work: Asterisk::Manager
00:28.33mattwj2005tehdely you still here?
00:29.26mattwj2005where do you get your source from?
00:29.50tehdelyiaxclient cvs
00:30.07mattwj2005darn it
00:31.35mattwj2005what distro are you using
00:33.09x86gniretar_work: use perl... you know... a _real_ language ;)
00:33.30gniretar_workyea, its nice.  This is web based tho
00:33.45x86perl can be web based ;)
00:33.54gniretar_worki dont wanna set up CGI
00:33.56*** join/#asterisk OMFGICBTS (
00:34.06gniretar_workbesides, Asterisk shouldnt act likt hat
00:34.11gniretar_workan agent thats on the phone isnt idle
00:34.13*** join/#asterisk ramo (n=ramo@
00:35.10Jaxxanan agent on the phone should be unavailable
00:35.40tehdelymattwj2005: i'm using openbsd actually
00:35.58mattwj2005oh okay....I am tried to get this installed on Debian
00:36.03tehdelyshouldn't be any different
00:36.04x86gniretar_work: "set up CGI" ?
00:36.08tehdelydo you have asterisk installed globally
00:36.12tehdelyor is it running out of a user account somewhere
00:36.24x86gniretar_work: it's ready to go by default with Apache ;)
00:36.28mattwj2005what do you mean globally?
00:36.33tehdelyas in, did you install asterisk over /
00:36.37tehdelyis it available to all users
00:36.39tehdelyand in its usual place
00:36.48tehdely/var/lib/asterisk, /usr/bin/asterisk,e tc.
00:36.57mattwj2005no I didn't install asterisk again?
00:37.05mattwj2005should I?
00:37.05tehdelyyou misunderstand
00:37.06tehdelymy question is
00:37.08tehdelywhere is asterisk installed
00:37.15tehdelydid you install from the debian packages?  did you install from source?
00:37.29mattwj2005on my asterisk server
00:37.40tehdelyand you just did make install
00:37.43*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
00:37.45tehdelyno special INSTALL_PREFIX or anything
00:37.58tehdelythen app_conference should build right off the bat
00:38.03tehdelywhat happens when you try to build it?
00:38.11mattwj2005it makes fine
00:38.24mattwj2005the make install is where I am having trouble
00:38.37tehdelythat is because in his Makefile
00:38.40tehdelyhe has some iaxclient-specific stuff
00:38.42tehdelythe make install will fail on this line
00:38.50tehdelythat is ok, because it is irrelevant to app_conference
00:38.52tehdelyignore the error
00:38.57tehdelyapp_conference is installed :)
00:39.17*** join/#asterisk danlane (
00:39.23mattwj2005yeah after the /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "restart now" it dies
00:39.37tehdelyso asterisk is not starting now?
00:39.49mattwj2005nope asterisk installs fine
00:39.52tehdelynot install
00:39.54lokkjudoes app_conference work better then meetme, or is it sorta a tossup?
00:40.02tehdelyit's not that it works better5
00:40.04mattwj2005it even show the mod being loaded
00:40.07tehdelyit's that it has a lot less requirements
00:40.12tehdelyno need for a timing source, etc.
00:40.18tehdelyyou can run app_conference in lots of places where meetme simply won't work
00:40.42lokkjuk, I am having meetme run just fine with ztdummy, but I had read about app_conference, so wasn't sure
00:40.46tehdelyit's very primitive; no commands, no announce, etc.
00:40.56tehdelyif you need a basic bridge, app_conference is great.  i think of it as app_mixchannels
00:41.00tehdelybecause it really doens't do much more than that :)
00:41.07lokkjugreat for paging or something though, then
00:41.25tehdelymattwj2005: so where is the problem?
00:41.32tehdelyis it when you try to execute Conference in your dialplan?
00:41.43mattwj2005when I actually die the kills asterisk
00:42.02tehdelynext time you start asterisk
00:42.06tehdelystart it with -g flag
00:42.09tehdelyit will dump core when it crashes
00:42.37danlaneDoes anyone know why addons 1.2.2 (res_config_mysql etc) won't compile against recent SVN checkouts (like oej's RTCP branch)?
00:42.41tehdelyload the core file into gdb and see where it is failing
00:42.51tehdelywhat version asterisk?
00:43.28Luhiwudoes anyone knows why could it be possible to get '1 active channel 9 active calls' when doing a 'show channels'?
00:43.44mattwj2005okay I got a core dump
00:44.13tehdelydo you know how to use gdb?
00:44.58mattwj2005now what?
00:45.07tehdelywhatt is the name of the core file
00:45.14tehdelyshould be core.some number
00:45.28tehdely$ gdb -c core.2726 `which asterisk`
00:45.32tehdelyat gdb prompt, type 'bt'
00:45.35tehdelypaste the output to the pastebin
00:47.17*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:48.29danlaneso nobody knows how to get addons to compile against bleeding-edge svn checkouts? I can't find anything in svn newer than addons 1.2.2
00:49.02tehdelywhat error are you getting when compiling?
00:49.55*** part/#asterisk rene- (
00:50.01mattwj2005how much of this should I get?
00:50.09mattwj2005it goes on for a long time
00:51.02danlaneeach addon (format_mp3, res_config_mysql etc) throws up errors about "conflicting types for `description'"
00:52.11*** join/#asterisk Vyeperman (
00:52.19danlaneI figured it might be a known thing since I've tried a number of different SVN branches and addons 1.2.2 fails in the same way on each one while it compiles fine against 1.2.6/7 for me :/
00:54.37danlaneoh well, guess it's not a known thing... I'll hack on it some more
00:54.39*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
00:57.19tehdelymattwj2005: strange
00:57.41tehdelywhat signal does it die with?
00:58.50*** join/#asterisk hans0lo (n=hans0lo@
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00:59.35marcus2i wonder how i get ground start working on a CAC accessbank-ii
01:00.06Renacorwhats the difference between openpbx and asterisk??
01:02.22OMFGICBTSIs there a way to control how long Asterik lets an incomming call on an X100P clone ring before answering it ? I want to extend this time, not shorten it as most seem to.
01:06.59QwellIt lives!
01:07.29[hC]your cable came??
01:07.49*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
01:07.53QwellI fixed mine
01:07.57PeggerrQwell, then what lives?
01:08.03Ariel_evening everyone
01:08.09PeggerrQwell, the cable you made?
01:08.11QwellI kinda...had it...reversed
01:08.55PeggerrQwell, how ?
01:09.13QwellI had a db9-rj45 converter, but I had the colors completely backwards
01:11.35OMFGICBTSThose colors are not all that standard.
01:12.26*** join/#asterisk Smokes (
01:12.39Hmmhesaysgot my new guitarone today
01:14.56OMFGICBTSSo no ideas on slowing down Asterisks answering of incomming calls ?
01:15.48Qwellokay...that's loud
01:17.03Ariel_slowing down asterisk most of the time people want to speed it up. But you can put wait(5) or more in a rule before you answer the line
01:18.35OMFGICBTSI can put a wait() in for a zap trunk ?
01:18.49mattwj2005what do you mean signal?
01:19.12mmlj4OMFGICBTS: certainly
01:19.33[hC]Qwell: so what was the error with it, to begin with?
01:19.38[hC]Qwell: or was it just that it wasnt configured yet?
01:19.46Qwellit wasn't configured
01:19.50[hC]ahh I see.
01:19.54[hC]how did you get it for free, anyways?
01:20.38mattwj2005any idea tehdely?
01:20.57tehdelymattwj2005: it's a strange crash
01:21.06tehdelywhat is the line in your dialplan
01:21.06[hC]Qwell: do tell?
01:21.09tehdelyalso what version nof asterisk
01:21.09[hC]Qwell: I want one!
01:21.35*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte (
01:21.54mattwj2005exten => 4000,1,Conference(meatwhore/SVD/1)
01:21.55mattwj2005exten => 4001,1,Conference(meatwhore/LVD/1)
01:22.10mattwj2005in the default context
01:24.06mattwj2005here is the core dump thing
01:27.20*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
01:28.41jeebusroxorsanyone know if FWD is down?
01:28.58OMFGICBTSAnybody have recomendation for reading which files affect call flow ?
01:30.39OMFGICBTSI've read quite a bit of documentation and much of it seems contradictory. Time to focus on one set of docs maybe ?
01:32.18*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
01:32.48Ariel_OMFGICBTS, you would do like exten => s,1,Wait(5)  exten => s,2,Answer  then what every you want in the context your send the zap cannel to
01:34.44jbotdocs is, like, probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
01:37.57OMFGICBTSThanks Ariel
01:38.18mmlj4OMFGICBTS: you want exensions.conf... check the wiki for a good explanation
01:39.12OMFGICBTSYea...I was looking in zapata.conf
01:39.16Ariel_OMFGICBTS, are you running something like asterisk@home
01:39.39Ariel_zapata.conf will set the context you drop the call into in the extensions.conf
01:40.17mattwj2005any ideas?
01:40.26OMFGICBTSYes I am Ariel. Right now I'm trying to use it to bridge some remote users into our PBX. The long term goal is to completely replace our PBX with Asterisk.
01:40.34mmlj4many ideas
01:40.44mattwj2005about my problem
01:41.29*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
01:43.06mattwj2005tehdely do I need to rebuild asterisk after the install?
01:43.18Ariel_OMFGICBTS, asterisk@home uses amp or Freepbx to do the routing.
01:43.34Ariel_it's conf files are based on the gui setup but they can be edited
01:44.00Ariel_if your trying to put it between the pbx of yours what type of ports do you have.
01:45.18OMFGICBTSAriel, I think I understand how to edit the conf files manually. Still working on what edits to make but that will come along.
01:45.53Ariel_mattwj2005, you have either a bad conf file which is making your setup restart over and over again
01:46.21Ariel_OMFGICBTS, in a@h you can only work with the _custom.conf files
01:46.43Ariel_also the zapata-auto.conf
01:46.54Ariel_mattwj2005, a really messed up system
01:47.08mattwj2005lol....geez thanks :P
01:47.26OMFGICBTSAriel, I plan to parallel an X100P with an existing analog phone for two users.
01:47.30Ariel_it's failing just as it gets to the queues
01:48.01tainted-OMFGICBTS what does your nick stand for
01:48.54OMFGICBTStainted, My current nick represents some frustration about forgetting the password for my other nick...
01:49.16tainted-oh my fucking god i can't believe that shit?
01:50.29tehdelymattwj2005: no
01:50.32tehdelyyou do not need to rebuild it
01:51.10mattwj2005what about my extensions.conf
01:51.13tehdelyi am not sure why you are getting that error
01:51.16tehdelyyour extensions look  proper
01:51.22tehdelyi think i am on ast 1.2.5, i have not tried witha newerone
01:51.26tehdelyperhaps it is a recent incompatibility?
01:51.34mattwj2005don't I need a hangup or anything?
01:51.38tehdelyi will try upgrading to 1.2.7 tongiht,install latestapp_conference, and see if i have an issue
01:51.41OMFGICBTSAriel, I think the parallel arangement should work. It means the users involved don't have to do much different from home. The only problem I've run into with it is Asterisk answering and recording voicemail. They still want that on the older PBX.
01:51.51tehdelyi suppose you can add a hangup, but the absence is not responsible for your crash
01:54.43mattwj2005do we need an answer or anything before?
01:56.45tehdelyi do
01:56.45tehdelyexten => 791,1,Answer
01:56.46tehdelyexten => 791,2,Wait,1
01:56.46tehdelyexten => 791,3,Conference(meatwhore/SVD/1)
01:56.50tehdelygive it a shot
01:59.02*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (
02:00.35OMFGICBTSAMP/FreePBX only mucks with the .conf files when I hit the "save" button, correct ?
02:05.24Ariel_OMFGICBTS, yes but it only touches the ones that have additional.conf
02:05.44Ariel_it does not unless you upgrade the extensions.conf nor sip.conf iax2.conf
02:10.21*** join/#asterisk tecnico (
02:12.42ManxPowerIs anyone here anywhere near Birmingham AL and qualified to put ends on fiber cables?
02:15.40CpuID2lol :)
02:17.19*** part/#asterisk OMFGICBTS (
02:18.08ManxPowerCpuID2, Will have.
02:18.19ManxPoweronly local, however.
02:18.23CpuID2hehe :)
02:18.30LostFrogHas anyone used x-lite recently? I don't see a way to change the configuration..
02:18.34CpuID2anything is better than nothing :)
02:18.37ManxPowerI'd give my left nut for some dark fiber to here.
02:18.54CpuID2i probly would too
02:19.04CpuID2theres no dark fibre that im aware of down our street atm
02:19.19*** join/#asterisk tekati (
02:19.42ManxPowerCpuID2, the telco had to install new cables because they didn't have enough pairs coming into the area
02:19.47Sedoroxahhh... but where would you terminate the dark fiber? :p
02:19.50ManxPowerI ordered two POTS lines
02:19.57jeebusroxorsanyone use FWD in here?
02:20.00ManxPowerSedorox, a local ISP 8-)
02:20.12ManxPowerWhat I SHOULD do is just take training on it.
02:20.23tekatiAnyone have any luck with zaptel and udev on Fedora Core 4?  For some reason I can not get the drivers to load at all.  Did the make clean, make linux26, make install-udev stuff.
02:21.07SedoroxI wanna learn how to term fiber.. but I gotta check with the school.. to get in the class I would need a lotta DC-AC and other electronics classes.. which I don't think is needed.. so I think I could wave them
02:21.28Sedoroxfor networking that I'm going into.. I should it would be handy to know how and be skilled in doing it
02:21.32LostFrogI don't see why you would need electronics classes to term fiber..
02:21.38LostFrogIt is a skilled labor thing.
02:21.50Sedoroxits a degree.. from the electronics department in the school
02:22.01Sedoroxthey don't have a cross-degree for the IT students.... yet.. I'm hoping to change that
02:22.07Sedoroxthey have a cross for the Cisco classes...
02:22.19Sedoroxso like pre-req's and other classes in the degree you would be taking anyway
02:24.10tecnico   I've seen a better "howto" somewhere else, but I can't find it..
02:24.54Sedoroxhehe... I had the teacher that does it for another class.. he showed a me and a few others how to do it.. .I've done it once.. hehe
02:25.04Sedoroxisn't that hard... (well I didn't do epoxy-polish tho)
02:27.20*** join/#asterisk cced2 (n=dev2003@
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03:11.24*** join/#asterisk tekati (
03:12.03tekatiOkay I give up trying to make * work with Fedora Core 4.  What is the best OS to use that I can make a firewall/* server?
03:12.15SedoroxFC sucks!
03:12.21tekatiI agree.
03:12.33Sedoroxfirewall == fbsd... server == gentoo (imho)
03:12.54Sedorox(can't believe I'm saying this) but ubuntu seems to have good luck with people....
03:13.30ManxPowertekati, use any distro you want.
03:13.43ManxPowerFC should work just fine.
03:13.54ManxPowerof course, you checked the Wiki for info about FC4, right?
03:14.18tekatiNo matter what I do I can not get the zap drivers to work in udev.  Yes I followed that and anything else I could find on google with no luck at all.
03:14.21hinckcasterisk 1.2.6 is working fine for me on FC4
03:14.45LostFrogI can't recreate the problem I have at work in my home lab.
03:15.06tekatihinckc: if you do a ls /dev or ls /dev/.udevdb do you see the zaptel stuff in there?
03:15.15LostFrogMaybe I will upgrade both servers at work to 1.2.7.
03:15.23hinckcI'm not using zaptel... sip only... :(
03:15.34hinckccd /dev
03:15.36tekatiAh okay that is probably why then.  Thanks.
03:15.52hinckcyeah, no zap
03:16.01tekatiI use SIP with a TDM400 card for my phones.
03:16.32tekatiAny udev guru's in here?
03:21.29*** join/#asterisk isamar (n=isamar@
03:21.33isamarhi folks
03:22.13isamarany1 using a2billing_?
03:22.22isamaror better.. any1 hacking a2billing?
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03:32.25*** join/#asterisk chris_ast (n=Administ@
03:32.51chris_astNeed help on Asterisk java manager API, please help
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04:01.22*** join/#asterisk Ridgeback (
04:01.54Ridgebackanyone on here work with "hint" extensions"
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04:03.17chris_astNeed help on Asterisk java manager API, please help
04:03.33Ridgebackhmmm dont know muc habout that..whats wrong?
04:04.14chris_astI am initiating a call but later after acceptong call there is no connection with *
04:04.36Ridgebackso you can build a call, but it fails to answer?
04:05.03chris_astI can answer, later no connection with *
04:05.26Ridgebackoh ok so the call is built but there is no actual conection...
04:05.43Ridgebacksonds like SIP signaling isworking, but perhaps there is no RTP stream being built
04:06.00chris_astyep, I conformed with ethreal
04:06.26Ridgebackhmmm wiht Java do you have to setup an RTP class, then attach that class to  some sort of sip handler?
04:07.06chris_astnope, we have java package for manager api
04:07.13chris_astfrom *
04:07.42chris_astusing those classes I initiated a call
04:08.13Ridgebackhmm it seems the RTP portion just isnt getting setup....
04:08.28chris_astyep, what cud I do?
04:08.48Ridgebackgeez i dont know.. .let me look at the java api real quick
04:09.50Ridgebackhmm dont see it on voip-info... where is the documentation?
04:10.16Ridgebackdid you see this? ist for asterisk java
04:11.38Ridgebackah it says the Manager API is only for sending actions or monitoring events.
04:12.33chris_astI used telnet and via manager api everything was working fine. I have problem only with java
04:13.06chris_astactually u cud find two examples at the end of link, I clubbed it to one and originated a call
04:13.07Ridgebackhmmm... that wierd.  perhaps the commands the java api comapred to the ones you send via telnet are modified or broken?
04:13.21Ridgebackyou could ethereal the two and compare
04:13.36Ridgebackcould you get the basic hello to work?
04:13.41lokkjuany idea how to get the full param output when I do the show functions command from the cli?  it cuts off a lot of the params when it displays the functions
04:13.46*** join/#asterisk kemp (n=10330405@
04:13.53chris_astI did that, it was one way only with java
04:14.22chris_astclubbing examples in that might also create problem, may be using java wrongly
04:14.40Ridgebackthe paramerters are mangled... there is no way to show them fully via the cli
04:14.54*** join/#asterisk h3x0r (
04:15.31chris_ast:( there is no complete example even
04:15.34Ridgebackyou could do   show function sort   and grep out the syntax line
04:15.58Ridgebackbut it would not be one command ,you would have to do that for all of them
04:16.03chris_astRidgeback: I am sure many got this to work
04:16.15Ridgebackthe java api?  yes i'm sure too
04:16.19lokkjuRidgeback, yeah, hmf
04:16.36chris_astRidgeback: both manager api and java
04:17.03Ridgebackunfortunatly my JAva-kung-fu is really poor...  ;)
04:17.15marcus2anyone here using a CAC AB-II ?
04:17.28Ridgebackwtf is cac ab-ii?
04:17.33marcus2a channel bank
04:17.47Ridgebackoh ok, like an adnx/24?
04:18.16Ridgebackguys, its been fun..but time for bed
04:18.19Ridgebacksee yas!
04:18.32*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
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04:48.05terrapenanyone use a Blackberry?
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04:57.36dlynessharp zaurus
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05:01.52SplasPoodIf I'm doing a dial to 3 different sip users, via the '&' method...   Any way to suppress the No Route To Host error when certain users are offline?
05:06.09LostFrogok.. * hates me.
05:06.22LostFrogfile: I am confused.
05:07.14LostFrogI guess everyone is dead.
05:07.37LostFrogSplasPood: I see the same problem, especially when a phone hasn't registered.
05:09.05terrapenlost, maybe you need to check somehow to see which are online
05:09.11terrapenmake the dialplan smrt or something
05:09.22*** part/#asterisk bkw__ (
05:09.27LostFrogI am going to queues soon anyways.
05:09.59*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
05:10.07terrapensmart move
05:10.22terrapensheesh, finally my Polycom's clock is set and syncing
05:10.36LostFrogYEah.. except for the message before connecting to the agent thing.
05:10.36SplasPoodterrapen: I thought about that.. but it seemed like a lot of code simply to parse out the string blah&blah&blah and then do a chanisavail or whatever on each..
05:11.05SplasPoodLostFrog: ackcall = no ?
05:11.05terrapenanybody know what to do about the problem with the first half-second or so of a call being silent?
05:11.17terrapeni've had this problem with asterisk forever
05:11.18LostFrogSplasPood: really?
05:11.25terrapensplas, this is in the VoiceMailMain app
05:11.26SplasPoodLostFrog: yea...
05:11.33terrapenor anything else, really
05:11.44LostFrogThank you.
05:11.48SplasPoodterrapen: does doing a Wait(1) before calling it change anything?  and have you Answer()'d
05:11.56terrapenthat's so lame
05:12.12SplasPoodLostFrog: I've been playing with queues all day, but with ackcall = yes on purpose
05:12.25lokkjudoes the -n option not work with -r?
05:12.27LostFrogWe have a law firm and that would piss our clients off.
05:12.40LostFrog"I want to be connected immediately!"
05:12.49SplasPoodLostFrog: wait..  piss your ..  they'd have no idea
05:12.57terrapenWait() did not fix it
05:12.59SplasPoodyour clients calling you
05:12.59terrapenerr does
05:13.18SplasPoodor you providing some sorta queue as a service to your clients?
05:13.21terrapenit just waits a second and then still silences the first half-second or so of VoiceMailMain
05:13.42SplasPoodterrapen: what about doing an Answer() (if you're not already)
05:13.46LostFrogSplasPood: if it says "Please wait" before delivering the call, they would.
05:13.50terrapenlemme try
05:14.03LostFrogOr "Thank you.. blahblahblah"
05:14.29SplasPoodLostFrog: So you're talking about announcements played to the 'caller' not the 'callee' (callee being the agent in the queue)
05:14.41terrapenAnswer() did not help, either :(
05:14.48SplasPoodterrapen: hrm..
05:15.01LostFrogSplasPood: yes.
05:15.06terrapenheh, i've had this problem for years, through many different asterisk installations
05:15.32SplasPoodLostFrog: Oh.. well you can turn off all announcements to the caller, and make it ring so they have no idea
05:15.38SplasPoodackcall is something else
05:15.43terrapenstrangely, it does not happen on the SNOM
05:15.45terrapenonly the polycom
05:15.53LostFrogackcall is "You have a call, press #"?
05:16.02SplasPoodLostFrog: yea
05:16.13SplasPoodalthough mine doesn't seem to say anything, just waits for '#'
05:16.23LostFrogok.. well, I will be playing around with queues.
05:16.35LostFrogtommorow or this weekend.
05:16.40SplasPoodLostFrog: hang on, I have the config..
05:16.43terrapenso strange.  The Linksys SPA942 and SNOM 320 do not suffer from this problem
05:16.51terrapenit must be some kind of obscure polycom thing
05:17.10SplasPoodannounce-frequency = 0
05:17.10SplasPoodannounce-holdtime = no
05:17.21SplasPoodand you can pass an option to Queue() to make it ring rather than moh
05:17.40SplasPoodterrapen: what polycom firmware rev?
05:18.13*** join/#asterisk Thock (
05:18.15ThockHowdy all
05:18.20LostFrogCan you have two layers in the queue? Like if it doesn't get answered in 30 seconds, start announcing..
05:18.48SplasPoodLost: I think you'd need two queues, one without, one with, and then you'd make the first queue timeout into the 2nd
05:19.12SplasPoodannounce-frequency could be set high
05:19.18SplasPoodI don't think it says anything till that is up..
05:19.41LostFrogI will have to play with it.
05:19.45SplasPoodbut then it'll ONLY say it that often
05:20.17terrapensplas, lemme check
05:20.39terrapendoes that sound right?
05:20.45LostFrogMaybe you can help me with my other problem.
05:21.18terrapenSIP application is
05:21.35LostFrogWhen I get a sip call into server1 it dials server2 via IAX and server2 passes the call to a SIP phone
05:22.02LostFrogSometimes the user of the SIP phone transfers the call back to a SIP phone attached to server1.
05:22.18LostFrogMy problem is that the IAX doesn't use native bridge.
05:24.43terrapenok, go home time
05:29.52lokkjutalk about a crock, to get that nice output
05:38.11*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
05:47.15QwellNetgeeks: ping
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06:02.11kempDoes anybody know if the callerid number can be getted from x100p clone card?
06:02.47MikeJ[Laptop]kemp, definate sometimes
06:02.56MikeJ[Laptop]depends on the card
06:03.54asterboylokkju, love your work.
06:04.37lokkjuasterboy, oh?
06:05.46kemphi,MikeJ, it's very nice to meet you,can you tell me how to config it in detail?
06:06.02MikeJ[Laptop]I could
06:06.09MikeJ[Laptop]but the wiki has good docs on that
06:06.36lokkju(I'm going to be doing the same thing for the operators - Playback, etc - and the built in variables -- this is all in preperation for a php/ajax/javascript based IVR/exten advanced generation tool
06:08.25kempok,I had asked the same question on the Digium's forum,but I still do not solve it.Bythe way,I come from China.
06:08.57asterboylokkju, just going through your have some cool projects
06:09.08asterboygmprice is great
06:09.54*** part/#asterisk krisguy (
06:10.01asterboynull modem cable from cat5, excellent!
06:10.02lokkjuneeds a lot of work, most people do not understand gmprice at first
06:11.06lokkjugmprice needs a logo, and then styling, and then a nice consice "about" blurb, to explain the concept - most people do not understand that yes, it only searches completed auctions, and yes, it only searches completed autions that successfully *sold*
06:11.47lokkjuasterboy, check out the dnsEditor: Ajaxified - one of my best web control GUIs, so far
06:11.58asterboyya, I really like it.
06:12.09asterboysure beats vi
06:12.17lokkjuso, got any paying project for me?  *grin*
06:12.38asterboyI do all my DNS manually and worse I need to do it often cause I run my sites on dynamic IP.
06:12.55lokkjuasterboy, yeah, but it does only work with mysql, and bind-dlz, right now - next step for it is to put in a DB abstraction layer
06:13.00asterboyya I know about the freee DNS services for dynamic, but I like to be in control of my own
06:13.12lokkjuasterboy, oh, shit, get bind-dlz, *now*
06:13.23lokkjuso sweet
06:14.07lokkjuwe currently run over 400 zones, with an average of 20 entries per zone (max of 300, min of 1), all replicating to three server, and all *live* updates
06:14.27asterboythats heavy
06:14.54lokkjuit's nothing compared with what bind-dlz can handle
06:15.38lokkjuif you do decide to implement bind-dlz though, do not use their example table structure, it has some issues - like no unique id :)
06:16.24asterboydlz looks great
06:17.34lokkjuit is - can't wait till it gets rolled into mainstream bind, which it eventually will
06:18.00asterboylokkju, gmprice has some serious potential
06:18.31asterboyya, bind has be stegnant for a long time.
06:19.53lokkjudlz 100% stable, as long as your database does not crash - which is why it is recommended (though I have not implented) that your actual database for dlz be db4, and you update db4 from mysql, or whatever
06:19.56asterboylol, i cant care about spelling this late
06:20.26lokkjuasterboy, well, if you have ideas for a logo, or styling, or anything else for gmprice, do tell
06:20.32LostFrogok.. Don't Dial(IAX2/blah/blah,,t) if you want native transfer.
06:20.40Corydon76-homeHmmm, perhaps if I spell it asterboytoy
06:20.43lokkju(gmprice has one major bug right now - a .6MB memory leak per query)
06:21.07asterboymemory leaks are so annoying.
06:22.48lokkjuyeah, well, it is a perl service on the backend, the php is only a xmlrpc frontend to my actual service that does all the hard work, and keeps itself logged into ebay
06:23.41*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
06:23.47lokkjuseriously though, if like my work, please recommend me for programming work if you know anyone who needs it - if it is a programming language, I have probably worked with it
06:23.56lokkju(yeah, that includes AGI)
06:24.09MikeJ[Laptop]lokkju, RPG4?
06:24.45asterboystagnans - latin for stagnant
06:25.04lokkjuMikeJ[Laptop], once, and it is hell
06:25.25MikeJ[Laptop]heh.. my first real job was RPG4
06:25.31asterboylokkju, I'm keeping you in mind.
06:25.36asterboyfor programming.
06:26.01lokkjuMikeJ[Laptop], if you know someone who is desperate, I could try again, but otherwise I prefer to not touch it - the three worst mainstream languages, in terms of me not liking to use them: RPG, COBAL, and VFP
06:26.09lokkjupoor you
06:26.33MikeJ[Laptop]long time ago
06:26.50MikeJ[Laptop]1/2 a lifetime ago almost now
06:26.56lokkjucourse, bf is just nasty too, but worth using once in a while just to be able to tell a client I am considering using a brainfuck program on his server :)
06:27.15*** join/#asterisk cybergypsy (
06:27.23asterboycobol...LOL...a language created by a committee
06:27.34asterboynothing good ever comes from committees
06:28.22lokkjuhehe, or LISP - Lost in Stupid Parenthesis
06:28.39MikeJ[Laptop]I like lisp actually.
06:28.51MikeJ[Laptop]all my formal theory classes were in lisp.
06:29.02MikeJ[Laptop]it is a good teaching language..
06:29.10QwellPleathe don't make fun of my lithp
06:29.15lokkjuI've really only had to use it as a scripting language in autocad - it isn't bad, but not my prefered language, by a long shot
06:29.42asterboyya, that's all my experience with LISP...autocad
06:29.47MikeJ[Laptop]Qwell, you just said you were going to bed.. LIAR!
06:30.09Qwellbed! :P
06:30.21Shaun2222when one extention dials another, it just rings forever...
06:30.27asterboyya, I gotta get there before my spelling gets real bad
06:30.29Shaun2222what happened to voicemail, am i missing somthing?
06:30.56asterboyShaun2222, SIP phones?
06:31.15asterboywatch your CLI with verbosity at 345
06:31.28asterboybetter make that 347
06:31.35Qwellasterboy: newb, everybody knows you need to use 1337
06:31.40Qwellthat, or 42
06:31.47asterboyoh ya 42
06:31.54asterboythat's from monty
06:31.55Qwelland this time...I mean it
06:31.57Shaun2222345? 347... not sure what your talking about
06:32.06Qwellasterboy: and no, you're way off
06:32.07asterboyjust a joke
06:32.11lokkjuhave to be 43
06:32.21lokkjuanswer to everything, dontcha know?
06:33.03asterboy"I have three tablets...", drops 1,  "I have two tablets
06:33.48drrayI thought it was "I give you these 15 (drops 1) 10 commandments."
06:34.06Strom_Cdrray wins the line accuracy contest
06:34.22asterboyoh ya...that's it.
06:34.32asterboybeen a while since I seen it.
06:35.03asterboyShaun2222, start * with -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
06:35.18asterboyor howevermany "V" it feels good to press.
06:35.24asterboymax is 10 anyway.
06:35.32Shaun2222i have it running with like 6 or 7 or somthing
06:35.34asterboythen place your calls and watch what CLI gives
06:35.39asterboygood enough.
06:35.57Shaun2222cli doesnt do anything, all i see if the sip phoens registering every 40 seconds...
06:36.03*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
06:36.06Shaun2222i see the call placed obviously
06:36.12lokkjujust tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full
06:36.19lokkjuso much more info...
06:36.29asterboynice...did'nt know that one
06:36.36asterboyalways learning
06:37.03Shaun2222i dont have a /var/log/asterisk/full
06:37.27lokkjushaun222, if it ain't there, it is either not enabled, or somewhere else - do you even have a /var/log/asterisk?
06:37.32dlynesshaun222: check your /etc/asterisk/logger.conf file to see what log files you ahve, and what's in them
06:38.00LostFrogIt's so easy to compile it yourself.
06:38.02dlyneslokkju: it's not necessarily called full, and it doesn't necessarily exist
06:38.43lokkjuLostFrog, yes, it is, and I have for some other things (asterisk-addons, zaptel) but when a package is available, I like to use it
06:39.07lokkjuusually gets all sorts of nice tweaks specifically to compile and run well on the target distro
06:39.09Shaun2222dlynes: was commented out, now it's loggin :)
06:39.29asterboyShaun2222, you could add an entry in your dial plan, (extensions.conf) to dial the extension for you.
06:39.51asterboysomething like: exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/exten)
06:40.12asterboyjust to test
06:40.14Shaun2222i have this under default... exten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/1001)
06:40.17LostFrogor exten => _12XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}))
06:40.21lokkjucourse, the only bug I ran across was actually a kernel bug - freaking linux 2.6, rtc, aspi, and ztdummy on a dell server == playback just hangs the call until the client inits a hangup
06:40.37lokkjushaun222, don't forget to reload
06:40.57Shaun2222lokkju: thats been in my config since the beggining, it's in their...
06:41.02asterboyand what's with 1001 --> 1001
06:41.19Shaun2222what do you mean?
06:41.33asterboyshouldn't that be at least different?  like 222,1,Dial(SIP/1001)
06:41.46h3x0rdell sux
06:41.56asterboyso does google
06:41.57LostFrogWhat's wrong with extensions matching users?
06:41.57Shaun2222exten 1001 points to sip context 1001, whats wrong with that?
06:41.58dlyneslokkju: you've only run across one bug in asterisk?  How often do you use it?
06:42.13lokkjudlynes, rofl - no, only one that had me totally stumped
06:42.17asterboylooks like your calling yourself.
06:42.47Shaun2222asterboy: how so?
06:43.16Shaun2222phoneA was given extention 1001 and the username in the sip conf is 1001
06:43.17asterboynvr mind, it just seems for a second it would call the number
06:43.22*** join/#asterisk SuperLag (n=aaron@gentoo/developer/SuperLag)
06:43.25asterboyit's late.
06:43.28asterboybrain fried
06:43.39lokkjudlynes, that one bug took me 4 days to find even what was causing it, and in the end it was only sort of asterisk - asterisk will using the ztdummy timing source, if it is available, even if it does not respond with any timing info - that is the extant of asterisk's fault - the rest of it is linux kernel 2.6 and dell motherboards
06:43.42Shaun2222do i need a timeout or somthing
06:44.07asterboyno, I need one :P
06:44.13DoktorGregif brain fried try this
06:44.14dlyneslokkju: i thought the zaptel drivers didn't even talk to the kernel?
06:44.17lokkjureally, that is something in asterisk that should be fixed - just something that test if the ztdummy is even working, and if not, wanr and disable
06:44.32*** part/#asterisk freat (
06:45.06asterboylol, I like the Explorer "weeeeeee"
06:45.06lokkjudlynes, ztdummy talks to /dev/rtc - on dell servers, running the 2.6 kernel, rtc does not give timing when acpi is enabled, which it is by default only talks to /dev/rtc on dell servers?  no other machines?
06:45.51lokkjudlynes, no, it talks to /dev/rtc on ALL machines, that is the timing source for ztdummy
06:46.16Shaun2222whats the best way to check if a phone is logged into a extension...
06:46.21lokkjubut on dell servers, the rtc timing does not work - it never responds to timing requests, unless acpi is turned off at the kernel level it sounds like a bug on acpi machines then
06:46.33Foxtrohow can configure voicemail.conf for mailing with exim4 ?  (no sendmail)
06:46.43lokkjudlynes, no, it is a bug with the timing chips on dell motherboards
06:46.57asterboysip show registry?
06:47.15lokkjuasterisk just does not handle it well - if it can not get timing from ztdummy, it should warn and disable, or something
06:47.16asterboyor do you mean buddy watch/* presense
06:47.22dlynesasterisk is hard coded to use sendmail?
06:47.23Corydon76-homeexim doesn't have a sendmail binary?
06:47.35Shaun2222asterboy: i mean to use in the dialplan
06:47.38dlynesthat i have a hard time believing....I would imagine most people are using postfix
06:47.54Foxtrohow can configure voicemail.conf for mailing with exim4 ?  (no sendmail)
06:48.04*** join/#asterisk Z-Knight (
06:48.27Shaun2222Foxtro: ln -s /usr/sbin/exim /usr/sbin/sendmail
06:48.32Shaun2222that should take care of it...
06:48.43asterboyya that's what I did with nail
06:48.58dlynesthat's asterisk seriously hardcoded to launch sendmail to send an email?
06:48.58Shaun2222just about every linux MTA is sendmail compliant...
06:49.03Shaun2222otherwise nobody would use it
06:49.04Z-Knighthi...can someone give me advice....I installed Asterisk on CentOS and trying to connect with XLITE I get this Xlite error:   Discovered Port Restricted Cone NAT Firewall      And nothing appears in asterisk or any logs
06:49.09Foxtroshaun222:  ;mailcmd=/usr/sbin/sendmail -t
06:49.18Foxtrohow remplace with exim
06:49.22Shaun2222in fact... most MTA installs symlink /usr/sbin/sendmail to them selfs..
06:49.32*** join/#asterisk Creperum (
06:49.33Shaun2222Foxtro: just symlink it!
06:50.00dlynesshaun222: why symlink at all?  smtp code is pretty simple; you'd think asterisk would implement it
06:50.04Corydon76-homeI'm guessing he doesn't know what symlink means.
06:50.06asterboynight guys
06:50.18Corydon76-homeNight, asterboytoy
06:50.36dlynesCorydon-w: probably does...he just doesn't pay attention some times
06:50.50dlynesright, Foxtro ?
06:50.59Shaun2222dlynes: it's pretty commen to symlink it anyways... you expecially in my type of business (hosting) you know how many programs and scripts are written to use /usr/sbin/sendmail or /usr/lib/sendmail
06:51.03Corydon76-homeWith some of the people in this channel, I'm never sure
06:51.10*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@unaffiliated/somegeek)
06:51.11Shaun2222it's always symlinked or some type of wrapper exists...
06:51.16*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
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06:51.31dlynesshaun222: it's still a pretty dumb way to do it
06:51.39Foxtronow its working
06:51.40dlynesregardless of whether everyone else is doing it, or not
06:51.50*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
06:52.11Shaun2222dlynes: php even uses /usr/sbin/sendmail by default
06:52.17Shaun2222nobody even uses sendmail these days...
06:52.20dlynesZ-Knight: try checking your firewall log
06:52.25dlynesshaun222: I do!
06:52.26Corydon76-homeI use sendmail
06:52.27Shaun2222but the links still exist for backward compat.
06:52.45dlynesI know sendmail quite well, and i've got it well secured
06:52.54Z-Knightdlynes:  I disabled the firewall afterwards and did a  service network restart
06:53.00Z-Knightdo I need to do a reboot?
06:53.03Shaun2222dlynes: cooool
06:53.09Corydon76-homeI hope nobody here uses that bastardization of RFC 2822, qmail
06:53.28dlynesBut then again, I started out on slackware back when postfix and exim didn't exist
06:53.33Shaun2222Z-Knight: how did you disable the firewall?
06:53.45dlynesThe only other alternatives around at the time were qmail and smail
06:53.47Z-KnightShaun: I did it via the CentOS menu
06:54.03Shaun2222Z-Knight: during the install your talking about?  or in the setup program..
06:54.16Corydon76-homeZ-Knight: I bet that your policy is still set to DROP
06:54.36Z-KnightShaun:  No I mean I have X running so I goto start menu and go to "security level" gui and disable it there
06:55.16Corydon76-homeZ-Knight: if you run 'iptables -L', do you see a policy of ACCEPT or DROP?
06:55.19Shaun2222Z-Knight: cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables
06:55.22Z-Knightone sec
06:55.34Shaun2222actually just echo > /etc/sysconfig/iptables
06:55.36Z-KnightI see ACCEPT
06:55.39Shaun2222that way you know it's disabled...
06:55.48Shaun2222then run service iptables restart
06:55.51Z-Knightwait a minute
06:55.53Z-Knightwhat the hey
06:55.58Z-Knightnot it seems to be running
06:56.09Z-Knighti was waiting for over 10 mintutes
06:56.21Z-KnightI figured I could do a simple   service network restart
06:56.33Z-Knightbut I guess it takes a while to go into effect?
06:56.36Corydon76-homeiptables isn't the network
06:56.51Z-Knighthow do you "restart" iptables?
06:56.52*** join/#asterisk CpuID2 (n=none@gentoo/contributor/cpuid)
06:57.03Corydon76-homeAll a network restart does is to reload the interface configs
06:57.04Z-Knightor do they just refresh eventually
06:57.06Shaun2222Z-Knight: i just told you...
06:57.11Shaun2222service iptables restart
06:57.20Corydon76-homeOr service iptables stop
06:57.32Z-Knightdid not realize it was a service
06:57.36Z-Knightthank you very much
06:57.46CpuID2most of the time iptables has a set of init scripts
06:57.52CpuID2since it has to load the rules on startup
06:57.55Z-Knightyeah, I did not realize this
06:58.02UrielSHi all, can anyone tell me how to gain read access permission for the SVN?
06:58.02Corydon76-homeIt's not a service... it's just kernel settings
06:58.04CpuID2s/set of init scripts/an init script
06:58.20Corydon76-homebut it does have an interface into /etc/init.d/
06:58.35Corydon76-homeso you can control it LIKE a service
06:58.43CpuID2it depends on the distro, but gentoo for example, allows you to /etc/init.d/iptables save
06:58.46Z-Knightyeah I see it
06:58.52CpuID2and then on startup, it will load your ruleset thats saved
06:59.33Z-KnightI'm still getting the initial error in XLITE:   Discovered Port Restricted Cone NAT Firewall    and the Asterisk Console does not seem to be recording a SIP signup....but at least it works
07:00.00Z-Knighti wonder if I have enough verbosity
07:00.47Z-Knightthat was it....I did not have iptables restart  (so eventually it did)   and I did nothave the asterisk verbosity set high enough.
07:01.04Z-KnightThank you again for all of your comments and guys/gals/etc rock!
07:02.25Corydon76-homeThere are girls on here?  <shock>
07:02.52dlynesand linuxchik
07:03.06Corydon76-homeI've never seen linuxchik in here
07:03.27dlyneswell, maybe she's not on here...maybe she's on ##slackware
07:03.46dlynesi'm in here, slackware, and freeswitch all the time
07:03.47*** join/#asterisk CrummyGummy (
07:03.49dlyneshard to keep track
07:04.29dlynesbut Katty's definitely in here
07:04.33Corydon76-homeThere's a few of us in here who half count as girls...
07:04.51dlynesspeak for yourself :)
07:04.58Corydon76-homeOh, I do...
07:05.31Corydon76-homeMen are, like, so totally yum
07:05.47dlynescan you say ewwwwwwwwww?
07:05.54Corydon76-homeNope simple comment and I start all this?!  ;)
07:06.33Corydon76-homeHow can you say men are yucky and expect women to think the opposite?
07:06.39dlynesdood....cute chinese chicks are the only way to go :)
07:06.59Z-Knightfor some of us we have to be happy just with chicks...we can't be very picky
07:07.17dlynesum....god made us different for a reason
07:07.19Corydon76-homeSpeak for yourself
07:07.41Corydon76-homedlynes: yes, she does have a sense of humor
07:08.38*** join/#asterisk The_ritz (n=The_ritz@
07:09.10The_ritzi need to connect cisco 7940 to asterisk
07:09.13The_ritzplease guide me
07:09.40dlynesnot many people on right now, ritz
07:09.50Z-KnightThe_ritz:  using SIP?   If so, is the phone SIP configured?
07:09.51dlynesyou might have trouble trying to find someone that uses cisco phones
07:09.58dlynesor not :)
07:09.59Z-KnightI have the 7960 cisco
07:10.05*** join/#asterisk nagl (
07:10.06Z-Knightclose enough to 7940
07:10.09The_ritzyes i am using SIP
07:10.28Z-KnightI would recommend using the  tftpboot server
07:10.32The_ritzso i need to check on phone first if that is SIP configured...right?
07:10.33Z-Knightit makes it easy should see a little SIP symbol in upper right
07:11.23Z-Knightalso you can check to see if you have a "SIP Configuration" option
07:11.35Z-Knightif not, then you will need to install the SIP firmware
07:11.38The_ritzwell i have just switched on the has got an IP ....but there is no SIP symbol as u say
07:11.52Z-Knightgo into the settings
07:11.54The_ritzwell let me check
07:12.15Z-Knightthen status
07:12.24Z-Knightthen firmware versions
07:12.31*** join/#asterisk psk (
07:12.45Z-Knightwhat does the Boot load ID or application LOAD ID say
07:13.06Z-Knightactually what does the Application Load ID say
07:13.19The_ritzi am in firmware versions ...wait
07:13.54The_ritzapp load ID : P0030301MFG2
07:14.04Z-Knighthmmm...that does not look like SIP
07:14.05Z-Knightlet me check
07:14.07Z-Knightone sec
07:14.09The_ritzBoot load ID: PC0303010200
07:14.25The_ritzwhere do you check from? :)
07:14.55Z-KnightI wrote myself a little (long) stuff from multiple sources...I'll check that first to see if I wrote the firmware info down or not
07:15.00The_ritzVersion: 3.1 (MF.G2)
07:15.13*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
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07:15.58The_ritzso do i really need SIP for asterisk?
07:16.02Z-Knightyou will need to provision it with the SIP .... or I think there is something called chan_sccp that can be used
07:16.07*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
07:16.08The_ritzand if yes how do i install it?
07:16.15Z-Knightyou can do the chan_sccp....but that I have no clue about
07:16.27Z-KnightI think that is what it is'd have to yahoo/google it
07:16.38The_ritzi'll do that thanks
07:16.42Z-KnightI only know a little about the SIP...spent a long night working on that
07:16.54Z-Knightif you want I can send you my tutorial for doing the SIP
07:16.56Z-Knightit may be of help
07:17.01The_ritzwould you please guide me
07:17.06dlynesThe_ritz: it's also called cisco skinny protocol (
07:17.24The_ritzemail me the tutorial on
07:17.34Z-Knightmind you the tutorial is not complete
07:17.45Z-Knightand it has just a bunch of info
07:17.53The_ritzi c. ok
07:18.05Z-Knightif you do want to do SIP then contact me via email after a send you the tutorial/notes I have and I can help you out tomorrow
07:18.32Z-Knightalso...what I have is for the 7960 phone ,but the 7940 should be the exact same
07:18.37The_ritzok thanks a lot :)
07:18.50The_ritzand one more thing....
07:18.54*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
07:19.30The_ritzafter configuring SIP firmware on my cisco....where do i setup extensions/ what config is needed on asterisk side...i have no idea
07:19.46Z-Knightahh...multiple ways I think
07:19.51Z-Knightyou can do it via the menu
07:20.02The_ritzok fine
07:20.03Z-Knightbut the best way is to do it via a tftpboot server
07:20.20Z-KnightI've not had much success with the menu because I jumped right onto using the tftpboot server
07:20.28The_ritzi c
07:20.39Z-Knightit has a nice file you edit and then you can set it up easily
07:20.47Z-Knightthere might be a web interface as well..i've not tried
07:21.09Z-Knightok...I'm going to zip up my tutorial and send it off...give me one minute
07:21.29*** join/#asterisk Uberbot (
07:21.37UberbotHi all.
07:22.39UberbotI'm trying to override the CID for an outgoing call using exten => s, 8,set(CALLERIDNAME="${name}")
07:22.50UberbotAnd it's still sending the CID defined in sip.conf.
07:23.04UberbotWhat am I missing?
07:23.14dlynesIs it an analog line?
07:23.17Corydon76-homeYou're missing the function
07:23.22UberbotSip to Sip.
07:23.25*** join/#asterisk Vyeperman (
07:23.26UberbotI'm all ears.
07:23.48UberbotGot it.  Thanx.
07:23.48Corydon76-homePlease note that CALLERID must be all caps
07:24.00UberbotGood to know.
07:24.11Corydon76-homeAll functions are ALL CAPS
07:24.14*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
07:24.33UberbotI didn't know that.  Thanx.
07:24.37Corydon76-homefor more info, please type 'show function CALLERID'
07:24.56UberbotYou've given me all I need.
07:25.11Corydon76-homeOr just 'show functions'
07:27.34The_ritzthanks a lot
07:28.44Z-KnightThe_Ritz....yeah few more minutes...I need to include the files that I have on my tftpboot server
07:29.45The_ritzanyone can send me more info on chan_sscp
07:29.59The_ritzZ-Knight: take ur time
07:30.38dlynesThe_ritz: there's plenty of info on it on voip-info
07:30.48dlynesit's chan_sccp though, not chan_sscp
07:31.03*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
07:31.04The_ritzoh ok
07:31.31dlynesjust do a search on there for sccp
07:31.47dlynesor for skinny
07:32.59Uberbot'fraid its still not working:  exten => s, 8, Set(CALLERID(name)="${name}")
07:33.09UberbotThis causes the call to simply not go through.
07:33.26Corydon76-homeAre those spaces in here?
07:33.41UberbotIf I comment the line out and reload extensions, the call goes through.
07:33.44Corydon76-homes,8,Set <-- no spaces
07:34.05UberbotNever had that problem before.
07:34.33UberbotI've got spaces between each field in the line.
07:34.52Corydon76-homeYeah, no spaces
07:35.28Corydon76-homeYou don't have another priority 8, do you?
07:35.41jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
07:35.49UberbotNo.  Only one.
07:36.13dlynesUberbot: try Set(CALLERIDNAME("name"))
07:36.26GamercjmVoIPMasta: you here?
07:36.47Corydon76-homePastebin your extensions.conf
07:37.57UberbotUnfortunately, its in a macro.  I'll paste the macro and the console log.  Good enough?
07:38.11*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
07:38.14UberbotThis lets the call go through, but doesn't override the CID.
07:38.34Corydon76-homePlease use pastebin, though
07:38.50UberbotNo prob. should have the email now
07:42.01UberbotBut I warn you.  It's ugly.
07:42.43UberbotPriorities 6-8 setup the CID.
07:44.22dlynesUberbot: don't enclose 'name' in quotes
07:44.46The_ritzi got the mail...thanks a lot
07:44.49UberbotYou mean the one inside the call to CALLERID?  Ok.  Testing.
07:45.02The_ritzi will try it and let you know
07:45.06Z-KnightThe_ritz:  open the html file to see the notes and some instructions
07:45.10Z-Knighthope it helps
07:46.08*** join/#asterisk CrummyGummy (
07:46.17jbotextra, extra, read all about it, set is xbmodder is a world record setting 14 year old awesomely great guy
07:46.34CpuID2from memory
07:46.46dlynesYeah...I just finished telling him that :)
07:47.31UberbotWithout the quotes, the call doesn't go through.  I'm calling a softphone on the laptop beside me.
07:47.43UberbotWith the quotes, the softphone rings.
07:48.47Corydon76-homeUberbot: No quotes on "name"
07:49.03Corydon76-homeIt's just CALLERID(name), not CALLERID("name")
07:49.08UberbotThen I've got other problems, then.
07:49.22dlynesUberbot: Try Set(CALLERID(name)="test")
07:49.38dlynesAnd test it that way...if you're still getting problems, it's something outside that statement
07:49.40Corydon76-homeAnd you don't need to quote the value, either, unless you want literal quotes in the callerid
07:49.58Corydon76-homeSo, Set(CALLERID(name)=${name})
07:50.19UberbotEven if there are spaces in ${name} ?
07:50.40Corydon76-homeYou only ever need to quote a value if you're using it inside an expression
07:50.54UberbotGood to know.
07:51.29UberbotLooks like I've got other problems.....
07:51.47Uberbotexten => s,8,Set(CALLERID(name)="Test")  Doesn't work.
07:51.57Corydon76-homeoh, and ${CALLERIDNUM} is deprecated.  You should be using ${CALLERID(num)} instead
07:52.27UberbotI'll make a note of that and change it once I've got this working.  Thanx.
07:52.32Corydon76-homeSure it does.  It works fine
07:52.42Corydon76-homePerhaps you're not actually getting there?
07:53.31UberbotI didn't mean it didn't work IN GERNERL, just not for me.  :-D
07:53.37Corydon76-homeWhat makes you think it's not working?
07:54.50UberbotHold on.
07:56.02UberbotIt's working now.  Feeling kinda silly.  Must have forgotten to reload extensions.  Thanx for your time.  ;-)
07:56.36dlynesyou're welcome :)
07:57.37UberbotWorking pretty slick.  I store most of the "fun" stuff in a SQL database.  Query it just before I need to use it.
07:58.03dlynesyeah...i've got my own box of fun right now
07:58.08Corydon76-homeThere's more elegant ways to do that.
07:58.12dlynestrying to finish off my billing system
07:58.24Corydon76-homeWait until you see func_odbc in trunk
07:59.40Corydon76-homeFully templated SQL, for both read and write operations
07:59.59*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
08:00.00UberbotIs it available now?
08:00.11Corydon76-homeYes, but only in trunk
08:00.18Corydon76-homeOr you could backport it to 1.2
08:00.45UberbotOnly in "trunk?"  Is this a prerelase version?
08:00.47Corydon76-homeThe second revision in trunk is suitable for use in 1.2
08:00.58Corydon76-homeTrunk is the development tree
08:01.16UberbotQuite a pun, no?
08:01.45Corydon76-homeIf you say so
08:02.03Corydon76-homeIt's more of a practical metaphor
08:02.18Corydon76-home1.2 was a branch off of trunk
08:02.26Corydon76-home1.4 will also be a branch off of trunk
08:02.44Shaun2222whats the deal with agentlogin, if i wanted to do this do i really have to sit their with the line open.. what if i wanted to log into multiple queues...
08:02.53UberbotAny other new features I should get excited about?
08:03.04Shaun2222i want the agent to hit a button, login and be done, when a call comes in ring him...
08:03.09Shaun2222not for the phone to sit their...
08:03.18Shaun2222playing hold music.
08:04.42Shaun2222hmm, looks like i may have found somthing better.. AgentCallbackLogin
08:08.28dlynesUberbot: a complete rewrite of app_dial.c is in the works
08:09.01dlynesUberbot: that's in the rollercoaster branch
08:09.02UberbotInteresting.  Any work being done on voicemail?
08:09.31*** join/#asterisk bulibuta (n=bulibuta@
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08:10.05tainted-dlynes rollercoaster branch?
08:10.05dlynesno idea, offhand...i just heard about the app_dial today, myself
08:10.12dlynestainted-: the oej branch :)
08:10.34dlynessurprises around every bend :)
08:10.44tainted-where can i read about that?
08:10.53dlynesirc, of course
08:11.42dlynesone sec...I have the svn branch logged...just have to look back through my logs
08:12.15b4kabulibuta ;)
08:14.25dlynesIt's the development branch that may or may not even compile; it includes code that gets considered for trunk
08:14.32dlynestrunk is code that gets considered for releases
08:15.21bulibutab4ka, hello:)
08:16.37The_ritzanyone had success with asterisk + chan_sccp cisco phone?
08:18.53thx2000ne1 have sip workin w/ teliax?
08:21.03Shaun2222anybody figured out how to program the keys on the 7960 cisco phones...
08:21.14Shaun2222where redial/newcall/cfwdall is
08:21.21Shaun2222figured their is a way
08:21.33UberbotLagers, all.
08:21.52*** join/#asterisk mexuar-tim (
08:24.31*** part/#asterisk Uberbot (
08:27.37*** join/#asterisk dcmwai (n=dcmwai@
08:27.42Shaun2222how can i see what agents exist for what queues?
08:27.58dcmwaihello all
08:28.07dcmwaianyone have a good voip info page?
08:28.12Shaun2222n/m show agents looks to do what i wanted.
08:28.22dcmwai is very slow to me
08:28.36*** join/#asterisk hfb (
08:29.02kamileoncan anyone help me with this dial error: Rejected call to, format 0x4 incompatible with our capability 0xff03.
08:31.54dlynesone side is saying it takes one codec and the other side is pretty much saying it takes every codec except for that one
08:32.07*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
08:32.14dlynesthe format 0xnnnn is a bitmask describing which codecs it supports
08:32.52dlyneskamileon: sorry...the above two lines were meant for you
08:33.17*** join/#asterisk fr00d (
08:34.25fr00dI'm trying to set up asterisk with chan_bluetooth. Can somebody help me with my extensions.conf?
08:34.33*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
08:34.51fr00dI've no idea what to to when my phone and my headset is connected to asterisk.
08:35.26*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (
08:40.16mkl1525Hi, when I use "exten => 73099441,1,Macro(pmx2sip,${EXTEN:5})" in my extension.conf to call a pmx2sip-macro and access $MACRO_EXTEN I get the 73099441 and not like I expected 441 - so did I get something wrong?
08:42.11*** join/#asterisk nextime (
08:42.31Shaun2222mkl1525: i belevie the 441 your looking for is set as ${ARG1}
08:44.59mkl1525thanks works!
08:55.02*** join/#asterisk mexuar-tim (
08:55.05kamileondlynes: thanks.
08:59.42*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=igor@
08:59.45backbluemorning all
09:01.51*** join/#asterisk abatista (
09:02.45fr00dMoin backblue
09:06.44The_ritzi am getting compilation error on chan_sccp compilation
09:06.48The_ritzcan anyone help
09:12.11*** join/#asterisk speedwagon (
09:19.25rkr245shaun2222:can you solve this for me ,i got error in dialing xlite soft phone when dialled to grandstream handy tone adapter phone it is ringing but when i lif the phone i got this message on asterisk server translation codecs not found for ulaw to g723
09:21.09rkr245uanble to find translation path from g723 to ulaw
09:22.07*** join/#asterisk kainam (n=Jake@
09:23.41dlynesrkr245: asterisk only does passthrough for g723....if you're wanting to translate to or from g723, you're up the creek without a paddle
09:24.16*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
09:24.25*** join/#asterisk L0g0ff (
09:24.31L0g0ffhi, all
09:24.54The_ritzwhat is the link of pastebin?
09:25.42fr00dThe_ritz: Google is your friend..
09:26.04*** join/#asterisk austinnichols101 (
09:26.31fr00dHow can I send the soundoutput of the asterisk on my notebook to my bt headset instead of OSS?
09:26.43L0g0ffI have create a asterisk queue with a silence.mp3 sound file. I want to change that file with a "default beep" sound file. The same file when you call somebody and the same when you call a ringgroup. Does domebody have that fie or what is the name in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds ?
09:27.15dlynesIt's in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
09:27.29L0g0ffdo you know the name ?
09:27.53dlynesnaaaaaaaaaaaah....that would be too simple, wouldn't it? :)
09:27.55L0g0ffno, iĺl try that but thats not tht file
09:28.08L0g0ffhehe ;)
09:28.08dlynesNo, that is the file
09:28.26dlynesAt least it's the beep fro when it says please leave your message at the beep
09:29.43*** join/#asterisk ramo (i=ramo@
09:30.59rkr245dlyne: i dint understan clearly can you please explain me clearly
09:31.19dlynesasterisk does not fully support g723
09:31.48dlynesrkr245: so try to avoid it if you possibly can, because you won't be able to convert it to another codec
09:32.05dlynesor convert another codec to g723 for that matter
09:32.18L0g0ffno, i mean the beep when you call somebody and you must wait till he (or she) pickup the phone
09:32.29dlynesyou mean the ringing?
09:32.44rkr245grandstream can support other than g723?
09:32.54rkr245like gsm ulaw
09:33.10*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
09:33.16rkr245o.k then i will take off g723 from the list
09:33.23dlynesrkr245: grandstream budgetone (don't know about other grandstreams) can support g729, g723, ulaw, alaw, gsm, speex, and i think ilbc
09:34.03dlynesg729 and ilbc are better anyways
09:34.04rkr245i have here now grandstream handytone-496 adapter
09:34.20dlynesg729 takes less processing power than ilbc, but ilbc is patent free; g729 isn't
09:34.30rkr245which are best and commonly suit for all phones
09:34.36dlynesso therefore, asterisk out of the box treats g729 the same way as g723
09:34.37rkr245i mean the codecs
09:34.48L0g0ffi mean the sound that you hear when you call somebody
09:34.51dlynesbut you can purchase g729 licenses so g729 works the same as every other codec
09:34.51*** join/#asterisk CMike (
09:35.15dlynesrkr245: g729, ulaw, g723, g726
09:35.17rkr245how much ti costs
09:35.31dlynesrkr245: $10 per call leg
09:35.44rkr245call leg?
09:36.06dlynesrkr245: yeah...if you need to decode g729, that's one leg, if you need to encode, that's one leg
09:36.37dlynesrkr245: So, if you purchase ten licenses, you can encode or decode up to ten call legs simultaneously
09:36.56dlynesrkr245: so say user a is using gsm and user b is using g729, you'd need one license
09:37.14dlynesrkr245: if user A is using g729 and he wants to leave voicemail (gsm) he'd need one channel
09:37.21dlyneserm one license
09:37.51zoailbc is not patent free
09:38.00dlynesit isn't?
09:38.01zoayou just dont need to pay for it
09:43.53rkr245dlynes: its working now
09:44.09rkr245thankyou very much for your information
09:46.30kamileonwhat else is similar to asterisk@home
09:46.43fr00dDoes anybody know a good howto to setup asterisk with a bluetooth headset?
09:49.03stoffellfr00d, i think there's an article on that at nerdvittles website
09:50.32fr00dstoffell: That's just a article about connecting a cellphone.
09:50.59stoffellfr00d, oh, k, sorry ;)
09:51.19fr00dnp! thnx for answer.. ;)
09:51.21austinnichols101fr00d: not sure that asterisk cares about a bt headset at all.
09:51.50fr00daustinnichols101: I think there are addons to compile in that it works.
09:51.54austinnichols101set up your machine to use the headset as speakers/mic and use a softphone - I've definitely made it work
09:52.13austinnichols101what are you trying to get it to do?
09:52.49fr00dI thought chan_bluetooth is what i'm searching for.
09:53.39fr00dI compiled asterisk with it and tried per multipeer to connect my headset and cellphone (works), but I do not get any sound to my headset.
09:54.05austinnichols101chan_bluetooth allows you to use a bluetooth compatible cell phone to connect to your Asterisk box
09:54.26fr00dI'm not so familiar with asterisk and so the demo breaks every incoming call to my cellphone after 90 secs.
09:55.48fr00dMy scope is to use my cellphone and my headset via an asterisk. So I can use IAX2 and the standard cellphone functions.
09:56.30austinnichols101is the cellphone a smartphone?
09:57.12fr00dWhat's a smartphone? It's a Nokia 6230i.
09:57.41fr00dThere should be anywhere here also a 6310i..
09:58.03austinnichols101smartphone = running windows mobile, etc
09:58.15austinnichols101although I'm not sure how 'smart' that is
09:58.42fr00dIt's not a smartphone.
10:00.03*** join/#asterisk zepmantra (i=waaa@
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10:00.34fr00daustinnichols101: Should it be one?
10:00.40*** part/#asterisk zepmantra (i=waaa@
10:00.53mkl1525is there an option to always show date + time in the log output?
10:01.09bulibutaI installed with make samples, where can I find what the default auth user is and his pass?
10:01.09tzafrir_laptopilbc has some minor licensing issues. It's basically being removed from Debian due to "strange" limitations in its usage license
10:02.25austinnichols101fr00d: I don't think so.  I was just thinking of other ways to solve the problem
10:02.51tzafrir_laptopbulibuta, what user?
10:03.29bulibutawell that's my question, with the sample files as my /etc/asterisk/ confs. what user is good for auth?
10:04.25bulibutagtg bbl
10:06.00cybergypsyanyone else had this ? if i use exten => _00XXXXX.,1,dial(SIP/sipprovider,60,r) it thinks its an internal call , whereas exten => _900XXXXX.,1,dial(SIP/sipprovider/${EXTEN:1}.60,r) works ?
10:06.29*** join/#asterisk vlrk (n=vlrk@
10:08.19fr00dI'll be happy when my headset works with asterisk.
10:12.04*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
10:15.21*** join/#asterisk astra^^ (n=Im@
10:15.26astra^^hello all
10:16.06astra^^i need some help in configuring my new ATA for net2phone..
10:17.33vlrkwhich ata u are using ?
10:23.52astra^^tiger netcom
10:24.16astra^^can u please help me conf it... :)
10:24.49vlrksorry i donot have any idea on that tiger netcom
10:25.22astra^^will u be able to figure it out .. if i can give u the access to it .. please..
10:26.30*** join/#asterisk Vyeperman (
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10:33.03chris_astCan we connect to a localhost DB from Asterisk PHP AGI? I am unable to connect and get data from it, please help. whereas that php connects to db and gets data if executed outside
10:33.47chris_astastra,fr00d,vlrk: any ideas
10:35.58*** join/#asterisk Hali_303 (
10:37.43Hali_303is the caller ID patent still active? for example, could caller-id be implemented in software? (I'm not sure if this is already in *)
10:40.32*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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11:14.19mkl1525I get "Got SUBSCRIBE for extensions without hint. Please add hint to 805066603621 in context from-sip" shown in the cli. I've got a snom360 - the number is attached to one of my snom keys and the snom tries to get the status of this number, but this message clutters the log file so is there a way to prevent this messages in the cli output?
11:17.58RawplayerOMG! PONIES!
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11:26.28drrayset verbose 0
11:33.50*** join/#asterisk RippPPppE (n=ripppppp@
11:33.51Hali_303I've got an FXS on span2, channel 1. how to configure this into zaptel.conf?
11:34.21*** join/#asterisk cybergypsy (
11:34.33Hali_303I've tried signalling=fxso_ks group=2 context=internal channel => 1
11:35.01Hali_303but on asterisk startup it says it cannot load chan_zap, because there is no such as channel 1
11:35.55Hali_303in zttool, on my fxs device it says 1 total channels, 0 configured
11:36.10*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
11:36.32drrayztcfg -vv?
11:36.40RippPPppEHali-have you done modprobe zaptel
11:38.36Hali_303ztcfg -vv says: Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01) 1 channels configured.
11:38.49Hali_303hmm this is strange
11:39.12Hali_303RippPPppE: yes, zaptel and wcusb is loaded
11:39.45Hali_303when I make changes to /etc/zapata.conf, do I have to reload the zaptel modules?
11:40.05RippPPppEyou have to restart (*)
11:40.06drrayztcfg just fixed it
11:40.25drrayif you run zttool now
11:40.27RippPPppEstop now
11:40.34RippPPppEand then restart *
11:40.38drrayit should say 1 configured
11:41.23Hali_303hm yes it is configured now!
11:41.34drraysure, help someone else later
11:41.50RippPPppEguys, i also have a small question
11:42.06drrayyou always have to run ztcfg -vv after modprobing your modules
11:42.10RippPPppEhow does one configure a custom filename for Agent call recording
11:42.18X-RobHali_303, when you change zapata.conf you need to run 'ztcfg -vv'
11:42.22X-Robignore anyone who says otherwise.
11:42.27RippPPppEMONITOR_FILENAME=XXX does not do it
11:43.06drrayX-Rob is more than likely correct
11:43.16Hali_303any since my device is an FXS, ztconfig telling "Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart" is OK, right?
11:43.17drraylike 93% certain
11:43.35X-RobHali_303, a FXO device uses FXS signalling, and vice versa
11:43.36Hali_303since I have to use fxo signalling with an fxs
11:44.28Hali_303or in zaptel.cong I have to set it up as FXS and only FXO in zapata.conf?
11:46.28chris_astCan we connect to a localhost DB from Asterisk PHP AGI? I am unable to connect and get data from it, please help. whereas that php connects to db and gets data if executed outside
11:46.50chris_astX-Rob,Hali_303,drray,RippPPppE: any ideas
11:48.44RippPPppEhave you followed the basics of phpAGI
11:49.21chris_astI have few agi's working in php, only this agi php has localhost db connection and it just fails
11:51.09*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
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11:53.22*** join/#asterisk [SzYnA] (
11:53.27[SzYnA]hello :)
11:53.44[SzYnA]somebody known how to register a conversation on asterisk ?
11:54.05[SzYnA]no register.. record :-)
12:00.56drrayrecord application
12:05.28tzafrir_laptop[SzYnA], in Asterisk it is called "Monitor"
12:05.45tzafrir_laptopTry Monitor or MixMonitor
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12:16.34[SzYnA]thank you :)
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12:31.52cced2who is online~
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12:34.26cced2who is online~
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12:41.07docelm0Hay anyone from Digium in here?
12:41.33*** part/#asterisk chris_ast (n=Administ@
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12:45.10docelm0Lots are online..   Why?
12:48.18*** join/#asterisk cced (n=dev2003@
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12:53.32tzafrir_laptopcced2, if you have a question, ask
12:54.22ccedabout asterisk-dev
12:54.45cced<cced2> what means of callback? this code in libpri
12:55.02*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
12:57.33ccedevents? no .Sometime callback is call .I think
12:57.59jsharpA callback is a function that is called when another function is finished processing data.
12:59.31ccedwhy use callback? Sip ,I see it
13:02.13ccedcallback is init call?
13:02.21austinnichols101cced: no
13:05.47ccedpri_io_cb deal call some . I confuse it
13:09.41ccedcallback in cs,one function run finish,then pop stack,next function run
13:19.54*** join/#asterisk cced2 (n=dev2003@
13:21.33cced2<austinnichols101> .thanks got
13:22.14russellbdocelm0: stop doing that, sheesh
13:23.22X-RobI just realised, he even had the right number of mew's.
13:24.01tzafrir_laptopWhat's special about 48?
13:24.11X-Robtzafrir, you have to sing along with it.
13:24.24sylerhymes with masterbate
13:24.36docelm0ok ok
13:24.41cced2One phone call is much the same as another
13:24.41cced2A large (some would say ludicrous) number of signalling protocols have existed over the life of the public telephone network, and across the world's administrations. The features they offer, and the call model on which they are based, varies considerably. However, these days everything has to be squeezable through an SS7 or ISDN channel. The call model used by these modern protocols is, essentially, a superset of all other call models. Basing an API around
13:24.41cced2// What is  ISDN call model?
13:25.36*** join/#asterisk hinckc (
13:25.38tzafrir_laptopcced, have you looked up in wikipedia before asking?
13:26.20cced2No . I should read..
13:29.33isamarwhat is the best  wholesale prepaid opensource system ?
13:29.52blitzragerussellb: !!!
13:32.09X-Robblitzrage, he's hiding.
13:32.14X-RobI think I scared him off.
13:33.34X-RobI am an ugly bastard, I know.
13:35.13*** join/#asterisk boddy (n=e@
13:35.16blitzragehmmm... isn't there an app or function that allows you to do 302 redirects from the dialplan? What provided that? Its not obvious in the list of modules in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules....
13:35.55boddyhii could I use asterisk as sip gateway ?
13:35.59russellbblitzrage: Transfer()
13:36.16blitzragerussellb: oh it just got added into transfer? thought I saw in the bug tracker that it was a full other app
13:36.28russellbi'm pretty sure that's it ...
13:36.29blitzragelike app_siptransfer or something by jtodd
13:36.35blitzrageok -- will check it, thx
13:36.38russellbyeah, it's just in Transfer
13:36.47blitzragemakes sense
13:36.49X-RobNote that for SIP, if you transfer before call is setup, a 302 redirect
13:36.49X-RobSIP message will be returned to the caller.
13:36.56X-Robblitzrage, 'show application transfer' 8)
13:37.15X-Robrussellb, *poke* msgs.
13:37.27russellbX-Rob: i got them.  I'm going to leave it open, and I'll fix up the wording later on
13:37.37blitzrageX-Rob: thanks Mr. Obvious! :)
13:37.39boddyI am planing install asterisk and make connection between asterisk and Nortel meridian 1c over pri is this possible ?
13:37.42russellbX-Rob: thanks
13:38.00X-Robrussellb, np. Wasn't sure wether I should open a bug about it, considering it's such a trivial thing
13:40.45blitzragehrmmm... i think I can use transfer to control the number of calls a system handles... if I do a groupcount check, and the max calls limit for that box is reached, then I just do a 302 to another box, which then checks if it can handle the call, and so on down the line until either someone can handle the call, or the call needs to be dropped....
13:41.11blitzrageshould be interesting to try anyways -- oh -- and func_odbc r0xerz s0xerz
13:42.20boddyanybody help me ?
13:43.38*** join/#asterisk RippPPppE (n=ripppppp@
13:44.28SwKboddy yes its possible
13:44.39SwKdepending on what exactly you plan to accomplish
13:44.52sylewhy not use SER?
13:45.41SwKsyle: cause blitz like to reload every 5 minutes
13:46.06blitzrageSwK: I'm rebuilding the network to stop doing that :)
13:46.29blitzrageSwK: everything will be on the fly from a local DB
13:46.32boddyI am planing client on internet connetct to sip server(asterisk) over adsl and call user over Meridan
13:47.10SwKblitzrage: :P
13:47.17jsharpYou want to connect Asterisk to your Meridian by PRI?  Yes, you can do that.
13:47.33SwKboddy: tie line style?
13:48.10boddytie line style ?
13:48.18SwKjust set up asterisk with what you need on it with a zap t1 card and set up the meridian as whatever you need... and go for it
13:48.50boddywhich card that you advise me ?
13:49.05SwKhow many T1s do you need in the asterisk box?
13:49.16*** join/#asterisk Luhiwu (n=marsosa@
13:49.40SwKjsut get the TE110P (or similar) from digium
13:49.59SwKif you are in the states I'll sell you one
13:51.05boddyI am not which trademark
13:52.16boddyok thanks
13:58.25*** join/#asterisk umay (
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14:08.16grem_linHi, does anybody have any knowledge of SIP VoIP providers returning response 476 "We dont accept private IP contacts", and how I would go about overcoming this problem? Thanks in advance...
14:09.20docelm0grem_lin, who is giving you that back?
14:09.29*** part/#asterisk ghento (
14:10.11docelm0grem_lin, and yes..  If your using asterisk as your UA you can force it to be a public IP in the contact if its local IP is private
14:10.11grem_linPlusTalk, my ISP's VoIP service - I have SipGate (uk) running perfectly well though... and to correct what I said, it was response 479 - sorry
14:10.42docelm0You could use Im sure they are overall cheaper and work weel
14:10.57grem_linI have nat=yes, qualify=yes for plustalk and then in general externip=myip
14:11.10docelm0you have what you need then
14:11.11grem_lindocelm0, I'm only using them because I get so many free outbound calls per month :)
14:11.27grem_linOr rather, trying to use them
14:11.28docelm0Call em up
14:11.42grem_linYeah, I might just do that - thanks for your help
14:13.42*** join/#asterisk tdonahue-laptop (n=tdonahue@
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14:14.28]expicanybody knows how to get Openser support?
14:14.36docelm0Plainvoip is still kickass tho..   :)    .9c termination flat.
14:14.44docelm0]expic, PRAY!
14:15.09*** join/#asterisk xermesx (n=ermsewrk@
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14:16.04]expici need something like prefix but for callerid in SER
14:16.28]expicuac_replace_from but now idea how to add prefix and save current ID
14:16.34]expicmaybe somebody can help me
14:17.25Luhiwuis it there any way to log the used codec in cdr?
14:20.20*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
14:22.03KattySwK: (=
14:26.49docelm0Luhiwu, yes..  Do you know how to program in C?
14:39.44*** join/#asterisk TripleF555 (
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14:40.33TripleF555as i ssaid.. while unreged lol , my parkign does not seem to work .. its enabled in features.conf .. i added the include-> in the context of sip phone.. but #700 does nada
14:42.14*** join/#asterisk wiseguy_ (
14:42.31wiseguy_CAPI INFO 0x349a: Non-selected user clearing
14:42.40wiseguy_what does it mean in human language?
14:43.43TripleF555no idea
14:43.48TripleF555!google it ?
14:43.57TripleF555, my parkign does not seem to work .. its enabled in features.conf .. i added the include-> in the context of sip phone.. but #700 does nada
14:44.08TripleF555as does the *1, as does ## and #
14:44.10TripleF555anyidea ?
14:44.13TripleF555i need osmething else ?
14:47.23*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
14:47.42brodiemanyone have any issues running fax over the digium analog cards?
14:48.17TripleF555ulaw ?
14:48.18tzafrir_laptopbrodiem, where are faxes coming from? what's the trunk?
14:49.12brodiemtzafrir_laptop, right now a channelized T1, but will probably be switching to PRI shortly
14:49.41tzafrir_laptopbrodiem, what's the zap timing source?
14:49.53brodiemIt's configured for the telco side
14:50.14*** join/#asterisk dapatrick (
14:51.39wiseguy_exten => s,1,Answer
14:51.39wiseguy_exten => s,2,Background(Sound-file)
14:51.46wiseguy_oh sorry
14:52.26TripleF555someone ?
15:02.20*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
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15:03.55littleballhello, how to monitor the status of the asterisk server? CLI is good, but is it possible to acess such info from external program?
15:05.08Strom_Mlittleball: manager interface
15:06.16*** join/#asterisk bulibuta (n=bulibuta@
15:06.35bulibutahow can I disable auth?
15:06.56bulibutaI want a blind connection to asterisk, is that possible?
15:07.28dapatrickIs it possible to determine order of trunk use in a zaptel group?
15:07.30littleballStrom_M, thanks. let me read. anyway, any GUI tools available so that it is easy to admin/monitor the statusof asterisk system?
15:07.52Strom_Clittleball: FOP is the only half-decent one
15:08.02Strom_Cbetter to write, say, a plugin for nagios or something
15:08.27littleballStrom_M, what is FOP?
15:08.35Strom_Cflash operator panel
15:08.40filemy brother ran off the road lastnight, I am oddly not surprised
15:09.00wiseguy_help me with - Non-selected user clearing?
15:09.56TripleF555oh well
15:10.01TripleF555ill wait for @home
15:10.05TripleF555since parking not working
15:10.35*** join/#asterisk Nodren (n=nodren@
15:10.43blitzragefile: back to work!
15:10.54fileblitzrage: you are NOT my boss :P
15:10.54blitzrageheh :)
15:11.00blitzragefile: but I'm still in charge!
15:11.00TripleF555i am
15:11.05fileblitzrage: pfft you wish
15:11.21blitzragefile: I don't need to wish for that which is true!
15:11.55*** join/#asterisk brif8 (
15:12.50brif8anyone use  IPerf  to test their network?  I'm running with -c Asterisk* -l 33 and getting  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec  is this good or bad ?
15:13.37TripleF555so can one help me figure out why parking lot not woring on latest ?
15:13.38x86brif8: on a 10mbps network, 1.25MB/sec is the theoretical max
15:13.52x86brif8: on a 100mbps network, 12.5MB/sec is the theoretical max
15:13.58TripleF555more like 80% since overhead
15:14.01blitzragefile: oh no you didn't!
15:14.02*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
15:14.12fileblitzrage: :D
15:14.14blitzragefile: I'm selling the laptop today
15:14.21x86TripleF555: more like, the "theoretical max" ;)
15:14.21fileblitzrage: excellent
15:14.24fileblitzrage: to whom?
15:14.27brif8x86: yes it's a 10mbps network switch,  what about the 1.05 Mbits/sec
15:14.30blitzragefile: some random
15:14.43fileblitzrage: exciting - prospect of getting the bike?
15:14.44x86brif8: no idea what that is :P
15:14.45blitzragefile: also think I may have sold my car as well....
15:14.58brif8x86: thanks
15:15.00blitzragefile: I might be able to get a bicycle.... not sure if a motorcycle is in the cards this year :(
15:15.05x86brif8: i'm just telling you 1.25MB/sec is about the absolute max you can push over a 10mbps network
15:15.08fileblitzrage: awwwww
15:15.17blitzragefile: really should focus on that school loan unfortunately :(
15:15.42brif8x86: ok so that would say to me I have most of the bandwidth available to me to use
15:15.49blitzragefile: think I might get an IBM laptop though....
15:16.01TripleF555file heard abotu parkign lot or im paranoid ?
15:16.02filepesky school loans
15:16.19fileTripleF555: rephrase that so it makes sense to me, and maybe
15:16.26fileblitzrage: how much do you owe... dare I ask
15:16.35blitzragefile: don't ask -- it'll scare you :)
15:16.47x86brif8: if you're pulling 1.25MB/sec on a 10mbps network, you have ALL of the bandwidth ;)
15:17.03*** join/#asterisk nextime (
15:17.04brif8x86: right
15:17.25TripleF555my parking not working
15:17.59blitzrageTripleF555: you still need to enable transfers with 't' or 'T' in Dial()
15:18.22blitzrageTripleF555: include => parking only allows you to get the calls back out of parking
15:18.50blitzrageerrr parkedcalls* :)
15:18.56blitzragecouldn't remember the default context name -- that's bad
15:19.15fileeh er uh... bah
15:19.28fileiaxtel has been up for 2 days and 1 hour, and this bug I'm trying to track down has not come up
15:19.38Strom_Cblitzrage: the dCAP plaque monitors the mistakes you make and then self-destructs if you screw up too many times :)
15:19.50*** join/#asterisk southtel (
15:19.58fileknow what? I should become dCAP certified ...
15:19.59blitzrageStrom_C: lol
15:20.16blitzragefile: aye!  take the test at Astricon in Dallas
15:20.28blitzragefile: assuming Digium sends you of course
15:20.29*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:20.35Strom_CI'm going to take it in San Jose in July
15:20.36southtelALL: I'm having trouble configuring an inbound SIP trunk with asterisk 1.2.
15:20.37fileI can use it to hit people over the head
15:20.47fileblitzrage: I wouldn't doubt it...
15:20.50blitzragesouthtel: welcome to the club
15:20.57Strom_Csouthtel: just ask your question
15:21.02Strom_Cblitzrage: the nub club?
15:21.15blitzrageStrom_C: :D
15:21.35Strom_Ci think brookshire bought yesterday
15:21.39fileHere at nub club we specialize in nubish activities, for all levels of nub!
15:21.46southtelblitzrage: I keep getting "Failed to authenticate user "+NXXNXXXXXX"
15:22.21blitzragesouthtel: wow -- you've got serious issues then :)
15:22.28southtelblitzrage: where the NXXNXXXXXX is the from number.  I'm on 1.2 and I've tried various flavors of "insecure".
15:22.53blitzragesouthtel: I'm going to take a wild shot in the dark that NXXNXXXXXX is not a valid user in your sip.conf file
15:23.12Strom_Cblitzrage: it appears that you have good night vision
15:23.13southtelNo, and I don't feel like adding every number out there as users.
15:23.33blitzragesouthtel: I'm also going to take a shot that the far end isn't doing pattern matching correctly and the DIal() app isn't using the right syntax
15:23.37fileso add a peer entry, make sure the host is the absolute IP address the packets will be coming from, and make it insecure=very
15:23.45fileand send it to a context
15:23.45blitzragesouthtel: what file just said
15:23.52*** join/#asterisk xphreak (
15:23.58fileif that's not working, then you look at sip debug to see if it's matching a user entry or what it's doing...
15:24.15Strom_Cfile: we need an even more insecure setting.... insecure=holyohmygod
15:24.26xphreakhello everyone
15:24.29fileactually, very is deprecated...
15:24.29blitzrageuser: matches on name in From: header  ||  peer:  matches on IP address of far end  || friend: matches on name first, then IP address 2nd (if I remember correctly)
15:24.32filesort of...
15:24.37jsharpOr the lowest security setting:  insecure=windows
15:24.49southtelfile: Thanks, I'll try that.
15:24.52blitzrageinsecure=invite,port  ==  insecure=very
15:24.57*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
15:25.36xphreakhave one question for you all if you are well informed about MeetMe ?????
15:25.49filejust ask thy question
15:25.52blitzragexphreak: no one is
15:26.00blitzragexphreak: in fact, MeetMe doesn't even really exist
15:26.03*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
15:26.18xphreakI initiate calls using the Manager API and put them in a conference room
15:26.22jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a quesiton first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily.  See also
15:26.22xphreakafter 10 seconds
15:26.26TripleF555-- Playing 'pbx-transfer' (language 'en')
15:26.26TripleF555Apr 14 11:25:58 WARNING[4428]: res_features.c:824 builtin_atxfer: Did not read data.
15:26.27xphreakthe calls just get hanged up
15:26.31xphreakwhy ???
15:27.00blitzragexphreak: more info needed
15:27.04filexphreak: you have to provide details... configuration examples... console output
15:27.19xphreakdo you want an extract from the extensions.conf ?
15:27.21filethere's tons of reasons why I could list off :P
15:27.29fileconsole output would be best...
15:27.31blitzragefile: list them all!
15:27.34*** join/#asterisk zepmantra (i=waaa@
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15:27.37Strom_Cfile: you forgot "first born child" and "cookie platter"
15:27.41fileblitzrage: I refuse!!!
15:27.41xphreakok just a second please
15:27.48filexphreak: and DO NOT paste it directly in here
15:27.55jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
15:28.05*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
15:28.19xphreakManager 'xphreak' logged on from
15:28.26filehe did it anyway
15:28.29Strom_Coh for god's sake
15:28.42xphreakthis is what I get from asterisk console
15:28.49filexphreak: we warned you not to do that.
15:28.53jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
15:28.55jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
15:29.14xphreaksorry haven't see the post
15:29.18xphreakwont happen again
15:29.40filexphreak: now grab a sip debug to see which side hung up, and pastebin it
15:29.52filethis way we can verify that it was Asterisk that hung up
15:30.07*** join/#asterisk rene- (
15:31.05TripleF555ok so i added the T and t's
15:31.13TripleF555now i see transfer but exten no exist
15:31.19TripleF555so i need an actual 700 extension ?
15:31.22TripleF555what i make of it ?
15:31.57*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (n=Justin@
15:32.36rene-hello, iam using realtime queues,,, what differences can i expect from static defined ones? i want to make sure callers dont get into an empty queue, and i dont want to send calls to agents that have been removed from the queue using realtime, i think that agent login doesntwork, and that asterisk only refreshes from database when a join occurs, so for logins do i need to use the addqueuemember app? and in 1.2.5 can i expect that
15:33.34blitzrageTripleF555: if you dial extension 700, and that is the default parking exten in features.conf, Asterisk will tell you which extension the call is parked on
15:34.01TripleF555res_features.c:814 builtin_atxfer: Extension 700 does not exist in context cisco-out
15:34.24*** join/#asterisk Foxtro (
15:34.30DoktorGreghey all
15:34.38TripleF555that the context i dial out to my cell cisco-out
15:34.50Foxtrohow configure a sip cliente connection from nat to internet ?
15:34.50xphreakhere it is
15:34.59TripleF5556 pbx_load_config: Unable to include context 'parkedcalls' in context 'cisco-out'
15:35.12xphreak1640 lines I'm afraid so
15:35.31DoktorGregwhen a want to use my key systems features from an analog line, it tells me to flash, what is flash?
15:35.59xphreaksorry for the last post into the forum
15:36.11Strom_CDoktorGreg: open the line very briefly
15:36.19xphreakcan anyone take a look at the pastebin I have posted ?
15:36.20Strom_Ci.e. hang up then stop hanging up real quick
15:36.38TripleF555ok i found it
15:36.41TripleF555- Executing Park("Local/700@cisco-out-a8fe,2", "") in new stack
15:36.49TripleF555Local ? why that default
15:37.17DoktorGregum, how do i flash xlite?  any ideas?
15:37.36TripleF555700 => i,1,Playback(pbx-invalidpark)
15:37.44DoktorGregplz use pastebin
15:37.46Strom_Cwhat the hell
15:37.47TripleF555hmmm wondering how the hell this works
15:37.51jbotrumour has it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
15:37.58Strom_CTripleF555: exten => 700,s,1
15:38.08Strom_Cyou've totally mangled the extension format
15:38.18Strom_CALWAYS ALWAYS start with exten =>
15:38.28TripleF555lol didnt realize
15:39.06TripleF555thats wha happens when cxopy paste wiki without checkng
15:39.23Strom_CTripleF555: yes...turning your brain on generally helps
15:40.03TripleF555- Executing Park("Local/700@cisco-out-5208,2", "") in new stack  AND  Spawn extension (cisco-out, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/700@cisco-out-5208,2'
15:40.18TripleF555i need a locl context ?
15:40.20TripleF555local ?
15:40.47TripleF555trying that
15:41.19TripleF555context => parkedcalls
15:41.22TripleF555from features
15:41.34TripleF555that means it pushed them there.. whjy local then
15:41.40Strom_CTripleF555: pastebin your extensions.conf please
15:41.47Strom_Cyour entire extensions.conf
15:43.02*** join/#asterisk Cardoe_work (n=dougg@gentoo/developer/Cardoe)
15:43.13xphreakhello people ?
15:43.13xphreakcould anyone look at the ???
15:43.20xphreaksince I'm clueless
15:44.16Strom_CTripleF555: remove the spaces after 700,
15:44.27TripleF555exten 201 works
15:44.39TripleF555can i repick it up from sourc e?
15:45.51TripleF555let me check 700 now
15:46.58*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
15:47.02Strom_CTripleF555: and you've made the appropriate changes to features.conf right?
15:47.53TripleF555i need a park app
15:48.17TripleF555no ?
15:48.20*** join/#asterisk digime (
15:48.30Strom_Calso, you can't have such a thing as exten => 700,s,1,whatever
15:48.32*** part/#asterisk digime (
15:48.43Strom_Cs and i are extension names, not priorities
15:50.06TripleF555take 43
15:50.56TripleF555ok this is bad
15:51.01TripleF555you have a working ewxample of it ?
15:52.07Strom_CTripleF555: pastebin your features.conf
15:52.21*** join/#asterisk lokkju (n=lokkju@unaffiliated/lokkju)
15:52.29Strom_Cand take the exten => 700 garbage out of your extensions.conf
15:53.16xphreakplease people if you can help me it would be good
15:53.16xphreakif you're busy with something else please let me know cause my time is ticking OUT :-)
15:53.20TripleF555all 700 stuff ?
15:53.59Strom_CTripleF555: yes, your features.conf should specify the parking extensions, not your extensions.conf
15:54.09Strom_Cxphreak: ok, stop whining and i'll look
15:54.24xphreakthanks :-D
15:54.26TripleF555removed all
15:54.29TripleF555now i get res_features.c:814 builtin_atxfer: Extension 700 does not exist in context cisco-out-cname
15:54.44Strom_CTripleF555: pastebin your features.conf
15:55.01Strom_Cxphreak: what am i looking at?  what is your problem?
15:55.40Strom_CTripleF555: do a "reload" at the console
15:56.04*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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15:57.12saftsackhi are there some news from digiums b410p isdn card?
15:57.42Strom_Csaftsack: still in beta AFAIK
15:57.49TripleF555.still no luck
15:58.12TripleF555Parking context     :   parkedcalls
15:58.16TripleF555that doesn exist
15:58.16Strom_CTripleF555: are you dialing 700 directly from the phone?
15:58.24saftsackStrom_C, is there any release date or are there any beta blogs?
15:58.34Strom_Cyou realize you're supposed to TRANSFER calls to 700, right?
15:58.50TripleF555201 works
15:58.53xphreakthat's the SIP DEBUG turned on
15:58.55*** join/#asterisk TiKiTaKi_ (
15:59.01TripleF555700 is a phone simulator or virtual phone with moh
15:59.04Strom_CTripleF555: try transferring a call to 700
15:59.09xphreakStrom_C: two calls made
15:59.13lokkjuare there any web guis that make use of asterisk's realtime configuration database options?
15:59.15TripleF555i can transfer to 201
15:59.16TiKiTaKi_does anyone has experience with asterisk + misdn card like AVMfritz?
15:59.22TripleF555with is spa841 in front desk
15:59.26xphreakStrom_C: and put into a conference room
15:59.27TripleF555but not 700
15:59.32xphreakStrom_C: using MeetMe
16:00.01saftsackStrom_C, do you have any ideas?
16:00.21Strom_Cxphreak: next time please put everything on one line...i dont need to go picking through the chat log to assemble the description of your problem
16:00.39xphreakStrom_C: ok
16:00.50Strom_CTripleF555: just for kicks, try restarting asterisk
16:01.12TripleF555i did
16:01.21TripleF555i always restart from scratch
16:01.36Strom_CTripleF555: that's usually unnecessary
16:01.46DoktorGreghow do i issue a loop back dial?
16:01.59*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
16:02.23TiKiTaKi_does anyone knows any resource concerns isdn cards + asterisk , configuration etc..?
16:02.38xphreakStrom_C: do you want me to write it now in one line or did you understand the problem ?
16:02.50DoktorGregalso restarting asterisk is potentially bad habit and inviolation of best practices
16:02.53Strom_Cxphreak: I'm looking through your sip debug
16:03.12TripleF555where in extensions do i include parkedcalls
16:04.30Strom_Cxphreak: i really am not up for picking through 1500 lines of sp know your system better than I do - figure out which side is hanging up
16:04.59*** join/#asterisk stoffell_h (
16:05.01Strom_CTripleF555: you're transferring to 700 in this example, right?
16:05.03southtelblitzrage: I'm still having issues getting that inbound sip working.  I've tried what you and file suggested.
16:05.07xphreakStrom_C: I think I know which side is hanging up
16:05.15southtelblitzrage: does the choice of username matter?
16:05.17xphreakbut don't know how to fix the problem
16:05.19TripleF555# says trasnfer.. dialtone i type 700 and hangup
16:05.27*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
16:05.37Strom_Care you waiting for it to tell you which extension it parked the call on?
16:05.49TripleF555lol i just found it out
16:05.57TripleF555i need #700#
16:05.59southtelblitzrage: Also, the sip trunk is using register...can that affect anything?
16:06.00TripleF555shit this sucks
16:06.05TripleF555thanks for help
16:06.19Strom_Cor you could just dial 700 and wait a few seconds
16:06.37*** join/#asterisk MattH (n=MattH@
16:07.14TripleF555works like a charm now
16:07.22Strom_CTripleF555: see, i assumed you already knew how to use the park application.  I mean, really, what good is parking a call if you dont wait for it to tell you where it parked the call?
16:07.25TripleF555nice stom
16:07.33TripleF555i tought was defaulting to 701
16:07.47Strom_Cit does, but you have to wait for it to tell you
16:07.52TripleF555i see
16:07.59Strom_Cuser error
16:08.17xphreakStrom_C: look these calls are places using JMS messages, informations are extracted from it like extensions, context and so on and the call is made, and afterwards the calls are disconnected when 10 seconds pass. When I put two channels into conference room by calling an hardcoded extension that is using MeetMe the calls are not hanged up
16:08.31xphreakStrom_C: I'm just interested what could cause this
16:08.43xphreakStrom_C: to be able to know where to search the cause of the problem
16:09.02xphreakStrom_C: JAVA MESSAGING SYSTEM
16:09.10Strom_Cxphreak: don't shout at me
16:09.11xphreakStrom_C: trough JBOSS application server
16:09.26TripleF55510 seconds
16:09.26*** join/#asterisk Whisk (
16:09.29xphreakStrom_C: I'm not shouting :-)
16:09.32TripleF555that my magic #
16:09.43Strom_Cxphreak: typing in all caps == shouting
16:09.44TripleF555i had that prob with double natted clients
16:09.46*** join/#asterisk nextime (
16:09.53xphreakStrom_C: sorry did not know that
16:09.54TripleF555put your app directly on the net
16:10.01xphreakStrom_C: I'm not often on forums
16:10.06TripleF5553-4 seconds latency is connection answer etc..
16:10.11TripleF555then 3-4 of rigning
16:10.17*** part/#asterisk southtel (
16:10.18TripleF555plus 2 to release channel
16:10.21xphreakStrom_C: that's why I have pasted the stupid extensions.conf extract into the forum window
16:10.21TripleF555that wehn it happens
16:10.26Strom_Cxphreak: all-caps is universally considered shouting everywhere on the internet
16:10.30TripleF555since next packets use the ip of internal etc etc
16:10.36Strom_Cemail, forums, IRC, everywhere
16:10.41TripleF555BIGIP 5 caused that to us.. so we shipped it back
16:10.53TripleF555try canreinvite=yes
16:10.57xphreakStrom_C: I really did not know that, If I have offended you then I'm sorry
16:10.57TripleF555so asterisk keeps it
16:11.01TripleF555and see if it works
16:11.10TripleF555or out of nat
16:11.17xphreakStrom_C: I'm using all caps to point out to things
16:11.25*** part/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@
16:12.19QwellStrom_C: And Capitalizing Every Word Makes One Look Like An Idiot
16:12.26xphreakStrom_C: accept the apology ?
16:12.47Strom_CQwell: haha
16:13.00Strom_Cxphreak: ok, i accept, but I don't know how to fix your problem
16:13.10QwellStrom_C: Do you want 7.x or 8.x?
16:13.20Strom_CQwell: which is better?
16:13.26Qwell8.x has a few random bugs
16:13.32xphreakStrom_C: ok, no problem thanks anyways
16:13.51TripleF555anyone have BOT that used to be here. .. note the capitalization is desbiing an acronym here
16:14.08Strom_CQwell: well then lets do 7.x
16:14.22Qwellokay, I'll send it this afternoon
16:15.02Qwelloff to work
16:17.21Nodrenis there any way to tell if a person is already using their sip phone?
16:17.30*** join/#asterisk Renacor (
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16:17.49Strom_Cfile: how poignant
16:19.58*** join/#asterisk dsfr (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
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16:22.30Nodrenam i really the first person to ever want to find out if someone is using their sip phone? i dont understand how there isnt a feature in asterisk to check this.
16:24.51*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (
16:24.57filedarn it I missed xphreak
16:25.01filehis SIP stuff was on crack
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16:28.06littleballhello, i am planing to design a web based interface to monitor/control the asterisk. In my mind, i am planing to use java-asterisk and java portlet. Who can give me some suggestions aboout java-asterisk and whether/how to implement this program?
16:28.33Nodrenthere already are some interfaces that do what your talking about
16:28.38Nodrenshould try those and save yourself some time
16:28.45Nodrenfreepbx is pretty well known
16:28.58Nodrenits php/mysql driven
16:29.07Strom_Cfreepbx blows donkeys for quarters
16:29.16Nodrendidnt say it was good
16:29.37Nodrenbut its a bigger start then a blank document to code in :P
16:30.15littleball(1)I want to do that iss because there should be a module for J2EE portlet, which itself is very good technology. (2)It will integrate better within my own project.
16:30.53fileKatty: what kind?
16:31.11Kattyfile: devils food chocolate with peanut butter chips.
16:31.52fileoooh ok!
16:31.57filethankies Miss Kitty Katty
16:32.04terrapenanybody know how to stop this?
16:32.04terrapenApr 14 08:47:22 WARNING[18562]: db.c:67 dbinit: Unable to open Asterisk database
16:32.10Kattyterrapen: yes!
16:32.13Kattyterrapen: turn the machine off.
16:32.17terrapenplease, do tell
16:32.48Kattycouldn't resist ;)
16:32.53littleballI am monitoring the events emits by asterisk and logged by java-asterisk, i am thinking what should be the pivot of the design. Channel? Context? or somethign else
16:34.15terrapenwhat's the linux equivalent of ktrace/truss?
16:34.26terrapenah,t hx
16:34.54terrapenhaha, RHEL does not install it by default!
16:34.58terrapenwhat a shame!
16:37.09terrapengreat, this message is completely random
16:38.41terrapenopen("/usr/local/share/asterisk/astdb", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0664) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
16:39.05jsharpNot running Asterisk as root, then?
16:39.16terrapenhell no
16:39.33DoktorGregwill _X. capture every call coming in on that context?
16:41.07terrapenopen("/usr/local/share/asterisk/astdb", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0664) = -1 EISDIR (Is a directory)
16:41.09terrapendoh doh!
16:41.38terrapenerr fixed!
16:43.01*** part/#asterisk TripleF555 (
16:45.35Nodreni'm looking for a way to determine if a sip phone is in use.. does anyone know of anything that might be useful for me?
16:45.51lzhangNodren, check hints
16:47.47*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
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16:50.36Foxtrowho can helpme ?
16:51.16terrapenyour bluetooth is teh sux0rs
16:51.38terrapenlooks like you're missing some includes
16:52.49Foxtrolike as?
16:55.47*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
16:56.19*** part/#asterisk elg (
17:04.04DoktorGregwhat is the history of the "dial 9 to get a line out" convention?
17:04.52*** part/#asterisk Cardoe_work (n=dougg@gentoo/developer/Cardoe)
17:04.59grem_linbecause when you're about to die it's easier to press '9' and extra time than another (string of) number(s)... I guess
17:06.16Cybertoyin Europe and Asia people use "0" instead of 9
17:06.50*** join/#asterisk trimi` (i=Whatt@
17:11.38terrapenanybody else see a lot of stutter when calling out with Teliax?
17:13.35lzhangteliax quality has been decent in my experience, but I primarily use them for inbound only now
17:13.58terrapeni've always had stutter with them, even at my previous employer
17:14.09terrapenim using voip-co4
17:14.13terrapen(for outbound)
17:14.39*** join/#asterisk DaveHope (
17:17.03DaveHopeQuick question.  At times asterisk seems to omit the first second or two from output, (music, voice, etc). I've tried adding a Wait(2) but still loose a second or two of output, is there a workaround anyone can think of ?
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17:17.49Foxtrohi any can helpme for compile bluetooth chan support for asterisk please
17:18.12fileDaveHope: Answer, Wait, then do whatever... it can take a second or two for the audio stream to be setup if you're using SIP for example
17:18.57DaveHopefile: That's what I'm doing: Answer, Wair(2), Whatever(). Perhaps I just need more than 2 seconds, will try using 5 :) Thanks.
17:19.08filewhat technology?
17:19.17DaveHopefile: SIP :)
17:19.17lzhangterrapen, in my experience using teliax or any other voip provider really is a crapshoot with regards to call quality
17:19.27fileDaveHope: behind NAT?
17:19.35DaveHopefile: Indeed.
17:19.57fileand you're using nat=yes - right?
17:20.28DaveHopefile: I wasn't, no :)
17:20.34DaveHopefile: Will do now though :)
17:21.02filewell, it could explain why it took so long... because nat=yes will send to the internal LAN IP, and once it gets a packet from the device it'll switch over to the right IP address and port
17:21.06filebut still, odd
17:21.12filedone an rtp debug to see the audio flowing?
17:21.59DaveHopefile: Bingo. That seems to have done it :)
17:23.41lokkjusudo -u www-data asterisk -rx 'show applications'|grep :|awk -F : '{gsub( /^ +| +$/, "", $1 ) ; print $1}'|sort|while read line; do sudo -u www-data asterisk -r -n -q -x 'show application '$line''|perl -0777 -ne "\$f = \$_;\$f = s/\033\[(?:\d+(?:;\d+)*)*m//go;\$f = s/\</&lt;/go;\$f = s/\>/&gt;/go;if (/application\s'(.*?)'.*?\[Synopsis\]\n(.*?)\n.*?\[Description\]\n(.*?)\n(.*?)\n\n/sg) {print '<application><name>' . \$1 . '</name><synopsis>' . \$2 .
17:23.59lokkjuif anyone wants an xml list of all applications, their usage, etc....
17:24.06lokkjuthat command will get em all for you
17:24.14lokkju(yes, one line
17:24.33Foxtrolokkju: this code is of freepbx?
17:24.41lokkjuFoxtro, hell no
17:24.50*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
17:25.19lokkjusomething I wrote to extract the info, so I can feed it into intellisense
17:25.37lokkjuone long ass command - I have another that will do essentially the same thing for functions
17:25.40Foxtrocli to xml
17:26.10Foxtrohow can make chan_btp ?
17:26.49lokkjuthere was no way I was going to go through and manually put together a functions and applications list, specially when they could easily change depending on the madule you have installed, so....  dynamic seemed best
17:28.07lokkjueventualy goal though is an intellisense dialplan (well, more specifically IVR, for now) designer, in javascript
17:29.47*** part/#asterisk mtaht3 (
17:29.51lzhangso I have asterisk set up with some zap lines and polycom 601 phones, and I'm occasionally getting one way communication "one party can hear the other but not vice versa"... how do I go about debugging this
17:30.16lokkjuNAT involved anywhere?
17:30.39Foxtro[TK]D-Fender: helpmeeeeee :(
17:30.40lzhanglokkju, no NAT, Polycoms are on the same network as PBX
17:30.42*** join/#asterisk thock (n=thock@
17:31.37thockQuick question:   if i want to connect 2 plain phone lines to asterisk, and then out to two plain old phone lines via plain copper wire, i'll need a TDM400P with 2 FXO's and 2FXS's, right?
17:31.50thockthose are all RJ-11 jacks on that card?
17:32.08thocki.e, this
17:32.22*** join/#asterisk UrielS (
17:32.24lzhangdon't know about the FXO/FXS stuff but yes, those are RJ11
17:32.41thockThat's what's confusing me
17:32.57thockthe FXO is the phone-in, and the FXS is phone-out?
17:33.07Nodrendo you need to make agents for queues?
17:33.07lzhangRed ones are phones in
17:33.14lzhanggreen should be phones out
17:33.14Strom_Cthock: the new cards have RJ-11 jacks
17:33.15Nodrenor can you just set the members to be sip extensions?
17:33.21lokkjuthock, O is "from office" and S is "from station"
17:33.23Strom_Cphone lines plug into FXO ports
17:33.31Strom_Ctelephone sets plug into FXS ports
17:33.55lokkju(office being the local phone provider, and station being each phone)
17:34.50thock so that is exactly what i need
17:35.01*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
17:35.05Strom_Cthock: we went over this last night
17:35.19thocki realize that
17:35.27thockbut i'm still not 100% sure, that's all :/
17:35.43Strom_Cthock: if you're using IP phones you don't need FXS ports
17:35.53Strom_CFXS ports are for ANALOG TELEPHONES
17:36.08Strom_CIP phones plug into your data network
17:36.44lzhangFXS is useful for stuff like forwarding out to a fax machine
17:37.00thocki'll be using normal telephones and soft SIP phones
17:37.16Strom_Ctime for me to shower
17:38.49jboti guess fxsfxo is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
17:39.04tzafrir_laptopbah, not clear enough
17:41.12tzafrir_laptopjbot, no,  fxsfxo is An FXO port expects to rece fxsfxo is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.ive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the Telco.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
17:41.13jbotokay, tzafrir_laptop
17:42.37*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
17:43.04tzafrir_laptoplokkju, the command you suggested will work if asterisk is not verbose
17:44.31lokkjutzafrir_laptop, which command?  my functions/applications command?
17:45.31lzhangis there any way to get these polycoms to ring with a different tone for internal as opposed to external calls?
17:45.42tzafrir_laptopsomething that produces xml (or html?) from the output of asterisk -rx something
17:46.11lokkjutzafrir_laptop, should work in verbose mode or not, since it strips out anything that does not match what it is expecting
17:46.16Qwell[]tzafrir_laptop: You broke jbot
17:46.31*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
17:46.42lokkjutzafrir_laptop, but remember, the perl regex has to customized for each thing - applications, functions, etc all use a diff regex, a diff awk, etc
17:46.54tzafrir_laptoplokkju, hmm, you have a grep after that. Better make that grep 'grep -a' .
17:47.12tzafrir_laptopQwell[], me? how?
17:47.23Qwell[]tzafrir_laptop: by feeding him garbage in the front :p
17:47.31Qwell[]jbot, no,  fxsfxo is An FXO port expects to rece fxsfxo
17:47.33jbotQwell[]: okay
17:47.45Qwell[]well, now I broke him
17:47.45lokkjutzafrir_laptop, does not need -a, it works fine without it
17:48.16Kattypaging file!
17:48.19tzafrir_laptoplokkju, I'm trying to remember what caused non-text chars to appear there.
17:48.24Kattyfile to the front desk plskthx!
17:48.38lokkjutzafrir_laptop, that is the ascii colors
17:48.47tzafrir_laptopBut I do remember cases where the output was suddenly "binary"
17:48.53fileKatty: How may I help you today?
17:49.14Kattydo you still have your conference setup with iax?
17:49.36Kattyi presume that was yours, anyway.
17:49.45filewasn't mine, but I have a few on there :)
17:49.52tzafrir_laptopjbot, no,  fxsfxo is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.ive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the Telco.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
17:49.54jbottzafrir_laptop: okay
17:49.55fileIAX2/ or SIP/
17:50.00tzafrir_laptopis that OK?
17:50.02Qwell[]tzafrir_laptop: Still b0rked :p
17:50.04Qwell[]jbot, no,  fxsfxo is an FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
17:50.05jbotokay, Qwell[]
17:50.05Kattyfile: are you always in them?
17:50.10fileKatty: nope
17:50.15fileI'm rarely on the phone
17:50.18lokkjutzafrir_laptop, the tr command strips out the ascii colors
17:50.24Kattyfile: is that your extension?
17:50.25filephones are silly
17:50.33file145 is my extension
17:50.42Kattyoh ah.
17:50.43lokkju(since the -n command, which is supposed to disable colors, does not for some reason on my install)
17:50.57*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
17:51.36Kattyfile: ringring?
17:51.48tzafrir_laptopI don't think that those are the colors, because I always run asterisk without a controlling terminal, which implies no colors
17:51.49fileKatty: I've got nothing
17:51.55Kattyfile: oh. that's not what i meant.
17:51.55lokkjutzafrir_laptop, whoops, I was using tr, I forgot, I switched to doing it in perl - look at the s/// in the perl section
17:51.59*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
17:51.59Kattyfile: that's a general request.
17:52.07Kattyfile: obviously.
17:52.54thx2000X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Unallocated (unassigned) number <==anyone know why im getting that when trying to connect to teliax via sip?
17:54.11*** join/#asterisk crochat (
17:58.15xachena dizzy file? :O
17:59.06DoktorGregdarn nick server
17:59.08xachenI wish Les from Wy-com would just get out here and install my nw net :(
18:03.25*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
18:03.59NetgeeksA timing source (zap card, zt dummy, etc.) is required for meetme and what else?  I forget...
18:04.20Kattynot before hugging Netgeeks.
18:04.26fileNetgeeks: IAX2 trunking
18:04.33*** join/#asterisk annonimous (n=annonimo@
18:04.37annonimousgood day
18:04.43NetgeeksThanks file!
18:04.44*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:04.49Kattyfile: :<
18:04.57Kattyfile: :<<<
18:05.00fileevil face!
18:05.16Kattyk, all better.
18:05.18fileblueberry muffin!
18:06.00*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
18:06.53Dr-Linuxquestion, what module should i reload for "agents.conf"  i only modified agents.conf and i wanna load it, i don't want whole reload
18:06.55Dr-Linuxany clue?
18:07.26[TK]D-Fender"reload agents"
18:08.12Dr-LinuxThanks [TK]D-Fender
18:08.45crochatHello !
18:09.15crochatI have a problem of stability with my Asterisk configuration...
18:09.30Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: no luck!
18:09.30Dr-LinuxLHR-PBX*CLI> reload agents
18:09.31Dr-LinuxNo such module 'agents'
18:09.37annonimousquestion, anybody knows why appears the "Got SIP response 481 "Call/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from"?
18:09.46Netgeekstry reload
18:09.57[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : reaload the whole queue system then
18:10.24Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i reloaded queues.conf
18:10.54Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: but i also wanna reload agents.conf  module, i tried much but didn't find any help, that's why asking
18:11.05crochatAfter each call (with the SIP provider), after the hangup, Asterisk crashes !!
18:11.14*** join/#asterisk apardo (
18:11.26PakiPenguin~seen hanben
18:11.31jbotPakiPenguin: i haven't seen 'hanben'
18:11.41Dr-LinuxNetgeeks: thanks man, that works :)
18:11.45KattyNivex: :<
18:11.52KattyNivex: i don't appreciate reparsing.
18:12.11NivexKatty: no I reparsed it to get it right.  that's the problem with having too many channels open
18:13.09Kattyyay 45 minutes!
18:13.20Kattyi poof.
18:13.40Kattyuniversity of il
18:13.55Kattythe weekend
18:13.55*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
18:14.15Kattyi must say bye :<
18:14.22Netgeeksbye Katty
18:14.23Kattyfriend is leafing teh country for studying abroad, etc.
18:14.29KattyNetgeeks: not me, silly rabbit.
18:14.35Netgeeksoh, you are going there to say 'bye'
18:14.38Kattyi am.
18:14.40Qwell[]Netgeeks: you still have your configs from Solaris *?
18:14.42NetgeeksI only went there for football games
18:14.46Nivexahh the north, I do miss it from time to time
18:14.49KattyNetgeeks: that's silly.
18:14.59KattyNetgeeks: you should go there to frolic about the parks too.
18:15.06KattyNetgeeks: and watch pretty university girls run around in track suits.
18:15.22KattyNetgeeks: tonight i shall join in running about, and then frisby
18:15.23NetgeeksQwell[] yep, alas, that preformance project is sitting someone on a back burner behind a few more back burners
18:15.46Qwell[]Netgeeks: any chance I can get those from you?  I want to do some testing on my sunfire...
18:15.59Qwell[]and you used sipp, right?
18:16.20NetgeeksAh, watching pretty university girls run around in track suits....  somewhere in you is a devil...
18:16.34NetgeeksQwell[] correct.
18:16.37Kattymy halo still has the price tag on it.
18:16.52Qwell[]Netgeeks: cool, I need to learn about sipp this weekend then
18:16.57Netgeeksyou know you can remove that tag if you are the final owner...
18:16.59Qwell[]gonna hammer the hell out of it
18:17.02Kattyoh, right.
18:17.29Qwell[]I have a feeling I'm going to very quickly max out my amd64...
18:17.53NetgeeksYou want my very preliminary thoughts on asterisk performance?
18:18.01Qwell[]Netgeeks: sure
18:18.03Kattyis it quirky?
18:18.09Kattycause i thought it was quirky.
18:18.56NetgeeksThere are two major bottlenecks in any asterisk implementation...  transcoding which everyone knows about and kernel interrupt handling due to packet per second rates which many folks don't seem to know about
18:19.17Netgeeksif you use transcoding, on pretty much any PC platform, you won't need to worry about pps issues....
18:19.32Qwell[]heh, transcoding on the sunfire is insanely slow
18:19.38Netgeeksthe transcoding will overshadow it significantly
18:19.40Qwell[]433 for lpc10 to ilbc
18:19.52Qwell[]it's like 9 for ulaw <> gsm
18:20.04NetgeeksHowever, if you are doing no transcoding, then the pps interrupt issue will become the limiting factory
18:20.15Netgeekswhere did that y come from?  Katty?
18:21.12Kattyquirky is a verb.
18:21.14*** join/#asterisk timscott (
18:21.18*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
18:21.31Kattyerr, adjective
18:21.51Kattyquirk being a noun, etc.
18:22.14SplasPoodhrm, does grandstream make their firmware actually downloadable anywhere rather than pointing to their tftp (and yes, I'm too lazy to snifff for the filenames)
18:22.28NetgeeksLinux (even on solaris - I used Aurora) supports the 'New API' interface for certain ethernet interfaces.  This support is a must if you plan to run more than a few hundred concurrent calls.  so far the Broadcom BCM57XX interfaces as well as the intel 1000 Pro are supported
18:22.50*** join/#asterisk sandos (
18:23.00Qwell[]I wonder what my sunfire has
18:23.15NetgeeksUnder solaris, there is no support for dynamic interrupt coalescence like under linux, however, you can manually set interrupt coalescance under solari
18:23.20timscottbcm57xx: does that include Tigon3 cards?
18:23.26Netgeeksgah, now someone stole my s
18:23.36Qwell[]Netgeeks: swap your y and s keys
18:23.50Netgeekstimscott:  the tg3 driver suppors NAPI (i.e. dynamic interrupt coalescance)
18:23.50*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
18:24.14annonimousquestion, anybody here have experience with the gateway audiocodes??
18:24.18Qwell[]Netgeeks: any idea if sipp works on solaris?
18:24.19timscottthought so
18:24.35NetgeeksQwell, I see no reason why it wouldn't, but I didn't try
18:24.48Kattysipp is not sip i take it.
18:25.05Qwell[]I'm thinking about testing on loopback also
18:25.10Qwell[]just to see
18:25.15Kattywhat happened to sip?
18:25.21NetgeeksSo to top it off, on the E4500.  without NAPI active, I was able to get about 800 concurrent calls through the system before things started going downhill (no transcoding)
18:25.22Kattyis it not all the rage this season?
18:25.55Netgeekssipp is a program developed by some guys at HP that allows you to create hich sip call volumes and high call rates for testing
18:26.06jbotSingle In-Line Pin Package: The last "standard" PC RAM configuration before they started making SIMMsA lot like SIMMs, but they have little pins instead of contacts. SIPPs are to VLB what SIMMs are to PCI..  A suicide tool for geeks
18:26.21Netgeeksit's also that, but thats not what we are talking about
18:26.55Qwell[]is it fairly easy to config?
18:27.12Kattyoh... /those/ sipps.
18:27.17NetgeeksWith NAPI active (using a BCM5704 card), I ran out of juice on my testing systems before the sun showed any signs of problems
18:27.45KattyNetgeeks: hich?
18:27.48NetgeeksQwell: it took me about 4 hours to figure out how to use sipp and create a source file for a 4 minute rtp stream
18:27.50Qwell[]Netgeeks: That's why I want to try sipp from the same box.  It won't be a great estimate, but...
18:28.03KattyNetgeeks: oh, high.
18:28.10Qwell[]I know my amd64 won't be able to handle it
18:28.30Qwell[]especially with only 1x gbit and 1x 100mbit
18:28.36KattyNetgeeks: what makes sipp easier for higher call volumes?
18:29.00KattyNetgeeks: i figured that was just the encoding or something.
18:29.12Qwell[]Netgeeks: and how much bandwidth did those 800 calls end up taking?
18:29.32Kattyless port hoggy maybe?
18:29.35NetgeeksKatty:  sipp just creates fake calls using a script you write..  for example, say I want to test asterisk running on a pentium 4 and figure out how many sip to sip calls it can handle
18:30.22NetgeeksI would tell sipp to make 1000 calls at 10 calls per second and have them last for 5 minutes... then I would 'watch' the asterisk box by whatever means I feel is appropriate to determine when it starts to fail...
18:31.05Netgeeksand it comsumes maybe a 5th of the resources asterisk does to create a call.
18:31.37Netgeeks800 calls too up about 70Mbps
18:31.46Netgeeksthey were all ulaw
18:31.52Qwell[]oh, that
18:31.54Qwell[]s nothing
18:32.20annonimousquestion, anybody knows how to make a gw audiocode register to asterisk? cause he can receive calls but dont make =/
18:32.32Netgeeks~88 kbps per call was finally what I measured off the switch port
18:33.18Kattyi don't think 13 phones and 8 lines are going to start overloading our asterisk box anytime soon.
18:33.22Kattyhowever! sipp would still be fun to play with.
18:33.29Kattyjust for statistics.
18:33.53NetgeeksI think your system is safe from overloads, yes!
18:34.56Kattyi wonder how iax compares to sip, resourcy wise.
18:35.34NetgeeksI'm not sure to be honest.  I've had too many issues with IAX that I gave up using it
18:35.43Kattyiax is nice for port factor.
18:36.01*** join/#asterisk skyboy (n=skyboy@
18:36.05Kattywe don't use it often.
18:36.31Kattyin fact, i think i'm the only one who does...
18:36.45Netgeeksit definately has some nice features, but the single-threaded port handler issue really hurts in high volume scenerios
18:37.57jsharpI did some IAX links over satellite and they kinda flopped, whereas the same Asterisk servers connected with SIP worked without a problem.
18:38.07Qwell[]Netgeeks: iax can be multithreaded now...
18:38.15NetgeeksI did hear that mark was going to rewrite.. ah, he already did?
18:38.33Qwell[]and file made it more dynamicly allocated
18:38.47*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
18:39.24filefancy buzzwords!
18:39.38tainted-hey what distro do u guys run
18:39.55NetgeeksI had another weird issue with iax that I never did debug... I wrote a 'clustering' system that used iax for inter-system communications between nodes (i.e. get a call on node a and destination was on node b) but for some reason when using iax in that scenerio I kept running into one way audio issues, switched to sip, and it just worked
18:39.59Qwell[]tainted-: I use astwin32
18:40.17NetgeeksI've been to lazy to debug that problem
18:40.20tainted-that's pretty crazy
18:40.52tainted-i was thinking about getting back into debian.. maybe even trying ubuntu
18:41.10mitchelocdoes anyone know what the difference between Zap/1 and Zap/1-1 is?
18:41.33mitcheloci.e. what does the dash and the data following it symbolize?
18:44.24[TK]D-Fendermitcheloc : the first is a tech/port combo, the second indicates a CANNEL running on it.
18:45.31mitchelocso it is possible to have Zap/1-2? would that be the channel someone is on when you have call waiting? or "flash" over?
18:48.17Kattywelllll, time to go.
18:48.23Kattywish me luck :<
18:48.31Netgeekshave fun!
18:49.23[TK]D-Fendermitcheloc : No, * doesn't have real control over flashing a line and they aren't seperate channels really.  Mostly to conform to techs that support multipl channels like SIP.
18:50.24mitcheloc[TK]D-Fender: okay, i have a place to start now, thank you
18:50.38jsharpBuh.  I hate Indian telemarketers and their crappy long delay, non echo-cancelled lines.
18:50.58tzafrir_laptopmitcheloc, Zap/1-2 is a temporary name. It is basically one leg of a call
18:51.29tzafrir_laptopZap/1 is the "physical" channel on which that call leg passes
18:51.44blitzrageQwell[]: lol
18:51.48Qwell[]blitzrage: ?
18:51.58blitzrage12:39 < Qwell[]> tainted-: I use astwin32
18:51.58blitzrage12:40 < tainted-> really?
18:51.58blitzrage12:40 < Qwell[]> no
18:52.01Qwell[]ahh, yes
18:53.29mitcheloctzafrir: I understand, I'm only trying to get only the channel name, so I'm going to split the channel on the dash then and take the first index: string[] channel = "Zap/1-1".Split("-")" should get me "Zap/1"
18:54.22lzhangguys is there any way to choose which parking spot I would like a call to be parked to?
18:54.34mitchelochowever this won't work if dashes are used in the channel name, that's possible isn't it?
18:56.20blitzragelzhang: nope
18:56.30[TK]D-Fendermitcheloc : Zap/1-1 *is* the channel name, in its entirety
18:56.35blitzragelzhang: there is a new parking lot thing in the oej branch in SVN
18:56.52mitcheloc[TK]D-Fender: i understand, i want the physical channel name, not the temporary
18:57.18blitzrageisn't Zap/1-1 mean span 1, channel 1 -- thus needing both?
18:57.20[TK]D-Fendermitcheloc : If by that you mean caring about which physical Zap port, then sure...
18:58.02mitcheloc[TK]D-Fender: yes, but channel names can have dashes in them (as i'm applying this to sip as well), so that causes a parsing problem for me
18:58.46Netgeeksspan 1 channel 1 is still Zap/1, span 1 channel 2 is Zap/2  Span 2 channel 1 on a system with multiple T1 pri's would be Zap/25
19:00.03*** join/#asterisk TripleF555 (
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19:00.06TripleF555on freebsd
19:00.26TripleF555i get checking for TIFFOpen in -ltiff... no but i know i installed it.. that for the spandsp configure.. so i dont know how to fix
19:02.01mitchelocNetgeeks: I understand, my example isn't clear enough, but this needs to apply to sip..i.e. when I use my broadvoice account i get something like this: SIP/broadvoice-home-572f
19:02.26mitcheloci suppose then my question is, will the temporary channel name (572f) ever contain dashes?
19:04.37Foxtro[TK]D-Fender: can helpme for configure my intel 537 ?  now i have a line connected fro testing
19:05.32Foxtroi have
19:05.36Foxtro*CLI> zap show status
19:05.39FoxtroGeneric Clone Board 1                    OK         0          0          0
19:07.07*** part/#asterisk TripleF555 (
19:10.06[TK]D-FenderFoxtro : What is there to help you with?  You haven't described a PROBLEM!  Whats wrong with it?
19:10.33Foxtroi need help from 0, for configure this
19:13.10*** join/#asterisk b00mer_ (
19:13.51*** join/#asterisk kainam (n=Jake@
19:14.47annonimousprbolem, got a gateway audiocode that doesnt register to the asterisk, tried everithing and doesnt connect, any idea?? =( (please)
19:16.36Corydon76-homeI love people who say they've tried everything and expect you to be able to suggest something they didn't try
19:16.48annonimousCorydon76-home, lol
19:17.34annonimousCorydon76-home, well, i tried everything in the way to change codecs, change configurations tried other confs, restarted the gateway in factory defaylts (lol) what else can i try?
19:17.54Corydon76-homeDunno, I don't have an Audiocodes gateway to try
19:18.00annonimousfor handle a Got SIP response 481 "Call/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from
19:18.11annonimousCorydon76-home, ah i see
19:18.33Corydon76-homeWhat extension did it try to send?
19:18.53annonimous101, 102, 103 104 (gateway with 4 ports fxs)
19:19.07Corydon76-homeDo you have a context= for that sip user?
19:19.25annonimouscotext = from-internal
19:19.31Corydon76-homeAnd those extensions exist in that context?
19:20.01Corydon76-homeMight try insecure=very
19:20.24annonimouscause i tried with secure= invite
19:20.28annonimousok hold on
19:22.35x86is it possible to use DUNDi with multiple origination providers, to allow fail-over if one of them is down?
19:22.47annonimousCorydon76-home, nop, the same error 0/
19:22.50x86kind of like BGP in the networking world
19:22.59Corydon76-homeDunno then
19:23.15*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
19:23.16annonimoush thanks anyway
19:24.32*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
19:24.32marcus2anyone here using CAC AB-II channel banks with asterisk?
19:26.07[TK]D-FenderFoxtro : What do you mean help from 0?  When we last left off you had what seemed to be a pretty much ready setup
19:26.57jsharpmarcus2:  Not currently, but I've used them.  Whatcha need?
19:29.30*** join/#asterisk zamsler (
19:33.57Foxtro[TK]D-Fender: i cant call to external number with the line connected to intel 537 :(
19:34.42marcus2i'm trying to figure out how to either (a) make disconnect supervision work in loopstart mode on the fxs ports
19:34.51marcus2or (b) make groundstart work on the fxs ports
19:35.38*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
19:37.12[TK]D-FenderFoxtro : SHOW us the error!  And your configuration.  How are we supposed to help you if there isn't anything to SEE?
19:37.16jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
19:38.01Foxtrou can help me step by step for configure ?
19:42.39[TK]D-FenderFoxtro : We already did all of that last time.  what is there to start over?
19:43.20Foxtrosorry, but nothing work.. :(
19:43.31Foxtroi try, try, try, try. but dont work :(
19:43.35[TK]D-FenderFoxtro : SHOW US THE ERROR.
19:43.51Foxtroi delete the configuration...
19:43.55Foxtronow have all from 0
19:44.19[TK]D-FenderFoxtro : Then get reading the WIKI, I'm not going through the whole thing all over again from scratch.
19:44.36DoktorGregwell here i go to install the pri line...
19:44.59Foxtrothanks for all
19:45.29DoktorGregI should get, if i have everything set correctly
19:45.40DoktorGreg"just works" tm status
19:49.44*** part/#asterisk sandos (
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19:57.04mikey2600hey everyone
19:57.12*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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20:11.42tainted-is there a gui for editing extensions.conf/sip.conf/iax.conf out there? i need some ideas
20:12.57[TK]D-FenderForget about them - there's an idea ;)
20:13.29[TK]D-Fendermaybe gedet, kedet, OOo Write would be more appropriate? ;)
20:13.48[TK]D-Fender(wow, a lot of typos in that one!)
20:14.09tainted-gedet, kedet?
20:14.12LostFrogvi, emacs, nano, pico
20:14.34tainted-i need to create a CSR friendly gui for managing user definitions
20:14.38LostFroged, sed, awk
20:14.38tainted-not necessarily dialplans
20:15.14[TK]D-Fendertainted- : GEDIT, KEDIT.
20:15.37tainted-they don't get to use those
20:15.39[TK]D-Fendertainted- : How badly do they think they want it?
20:16.12[TK]D-Fendertainted- : because once you go down the GUI route, your soul is sold...
20:16.28tainted-it's just to add / remove users
20:16.35tainted-add / edit / remove users
20:16.38tainted-in a cleaner format
20:16.42[TK]D-Fendertainted- : I don't know of any that modularize to that leve...
20:16.50tainted-no need for them to ssh into the boxen and mod conf files
20:16.51mitchelocshh [TK]D-Fender: thats not true X(
20:16.53[TK]D-Fendertainted- : best to write it yourself.
20:17.11tainted-i can write it no problem.. just looking for design ideas
20:17.19[TK]D-Fendermitcheloc : I said *I* don't know of any that modularize to that level....
20:17.23*** part/#asterisk dager (
20:17.41[TK]D-Fendertainted- : What in IAX would you define?
20:17.43tainted-implementing the [context] foo = bar structure in a cli
20:17.48tainted-in a gui i mean
20:17.55*** join/#asterisk grem_lin (
20:17.59mitcheloctainted-: realtime?
20:18.21mitcheloc~asterisk realtime
20:18.31tainted-right now i've got a web-based textbox that upload sip.conf
20:18.37mitcheloc~jbot asterisk realtime
20:18.46mitcheloci dunno, heh, how do you use jbot again?
20:20.01tainted-i love it when end users say 'doesn't work'
20:20.11tainted-'just doesn't work.. i dunno'
20:20.19[TK]D-Fendertainted- : Maybe make a standardized form and have it general a "users" file that gets "included" my sip.conf and the rest....
20:20.38mitcheloccan't you use ???
20:20.44mitchelocand then write a script to manage the database
20:21.02tainted-yea that's what built
20:21.10tainted-what i built in db tables
20:21.19tainted-but i'm looking for gui ideas
20:21.27mitchelocthen point asterisk @ your tables with realtime
20:21.41tainted-i'm shocked that no one uses gui to provision user accts
20:22.22jsharpA lot of people use their own custom gui.
20:22.46tainted-jsharp what does yours look like
20:24.27Shaun2222how can i make the queue stop disconnecting the caller when all agents are busy?
20:24.54jsharpIts fairly simple on the front end.  It asks for the phone MAC address, phone type, has a button for "assign next number", and a drop down menu for customer and customer site.
20:26.53tainted-and that just hardcodes a [foo] settings=something context using the values?
20:27.09*** join/#asterisk hfb (
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20:29.16jsharpI use the realtime SIP stuff to keep track of the phones, and I have very generic dialplans to acutally distribute the calls.  I don't have to change my dialplans at all.
20:31.32*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@
20:31.34a1faConnected to Asterisk SVN-tag-
20:31.41a1fa*.code is becoming sloppy
20:31.54Qwell[]a1fa: How is that sloppy?
20:32.01*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
20:32.10a1fabug release
20:32.26a1fayou think they would make sure Page() works before releasing 1.2.7, but no
20:32.27Qwell[]What, you've never seen kernel versions like that?
20:32.36a1fabut kernel is different
20:32.54a1fabcos you dont go outthere and update your kernel that often
20:33.01a1faat least i dont
20:33.05Qwell[]You don't need to upgrade asterisk that often either
20:33.12a1fayou got me
20:33.28a1faat least it is working, ya know
20:35.06a1fahexe hexe hexe
20:35.26a1faQwell[] : are you running that remote manager?
20:35.33Qwell[]what remote manager?
20:35.41a1faARM :)
20:35.47a1fa* remote manager
20:36.57a1fai guessnot
20:40.50lzhangso if my phones are on the same network as asterisk, I should set nat=no?
20:46.04jsharpDoes setting nat=yes actually break anything?
20:46.12Qwell[]jsharp: yes, it can
20:46.26Qwell[]nat=yes on a lan, will send the devices your externip
20:46.32Qwell[]which...obviously won't work
20:47.22jsharpOh.  So nat=yes with * behind the NAT breaks local phones.
20:47.40*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
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20:50.17Qwell[]jsharp: So, you would never put * on a corporate LAN?
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20:50.31Qwell[]it never needs to talk to the outside, so giving it a public IP is incredibly stupid
20:50.54*** join/#asterisk Timmerman (
20:50.55jsharpIf it never needs to talk to the outside, you'd never give it an externip.
20:52.38TimmermanAsterisk can call for phone numbers in directly way using IAX VoIP? Or it just to build PBX Centrals?
20:52.48*** join/#asterisk websae (
20:52.54Qwell[]Timmerman: It can do whatever you like
20:53.38websaea friend of mine owns a business--he asked me to price a PBX system for him and all new phones, he needs about 25 phones--any suggestions anyone?
20:53.42*** join/#asterisk trimi` (i=Whatt@
20:53.45TimmermanQwell[], in the true, I want use a software like Skype but free to call from telephone numbers, it is possible?
20:53.51Qwell[]websae: hire a consultant?
20:53.57Qwell[]Timmerman: no
20:54.01Qwell[]everything is possible...except skype
20:54.08websaeQwell: I am quite familiar with Asterisk
20:54.11trimi`hey any1 can tell my why asterisk doesnt detect bussy signal on my zap x100p ?
20:54.16Qwell[]websae: Then you should know how to price phones :P
20:54.17trimi`i have bussydetect=yes
20:54.28websaewhat would be good phones to use in this situation
20:54.28Qwell[]trimi`: because the x100p is pretty much junk
20:54.37Qwell[]websae: How much does he want to spend?
20:54.48blitzrageI like the Linksys SPA-942's and Polycom IP501s
20:54.53trimi`Qwell[] what other zap config file is there ?????
20:54.57websaehe didn't give me a budget
20:54.59trimi`i remember they were 2
20:55.06Qwell[]zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
20:55.12websaei think we should stick with middle of the road
20:55.17trimi`where is zaptel.conf located ?
20:55.20Qwell[]websae: So midgrade polycoms
20:55.22Qwell[]ala 501
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20:55.35trimi`i found it
20:56.09*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
20:56.41TimmermanQwell[], in another words, I can build a PBX center in my home, but to call from another tel, ASterisk will use the telephon line and not the TCP Protocol (connected on internet)
20:56.45blitzragespeaking of IP501's, I'm looking to replace one I had to give away -- anyone got a used one they want to sell?
20:56.57Qwell[]Timmerman: huh?
20:57.03Qwell[]It can use whatever you want
20:57.13blitzrageTimmerman: you can route calls from whichever technology to whichever OTHER technology you want
20:57.34Timmermanyeah, man, but I want OpenSource softwares and technologies...
20:57.37blitzrageSIP -> ZAP, ZAP -> IAX2, IAX2 -> SIP, etc....
20:58.06blitzrageTimmerman: then use Asterisk -- Asterisk does not give you free telephone calls -- PSTN is a separate network, and you need to pay for termination to it
20:58.11Qwell[]Timmerman: then use it
20:58.16trimi`any unlimited plan on IAX, all i see are in SIP, does any1 know
20:58.40SplasPoodanyone happen to have the latest grandstream BT-101 firmware in a zip?
20:58.41Timmermanbut what I really wish know if building a PBX, with Asterisk I will call telephon numbers using internet
20:58.46*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
20:59.00tainted-trimi` what are u using it for
20:59.03Qwell[]Timmerman: If you pay for it, sure
20:59.06websaetainted: how are you?
20:59.07blitzrageTimmerman: no -- unless you terminate to the PSTN via a service provider
20:59.12trimi`<tainted->  termination to USA
20:59.17trimi`i need unlimited plans
20:59.19mog_workor have everyones ip
20:59.25mog_workto do direct uri to uri calling
20:59.25tainted-websae hey dude.. how did the meeting go
20:59.25blitzrageTimmerman: Asterisk does not equal free phone calls
20:59.32Qwell[]mog_work: or at least, one persons IP...who didn't read :)
20:59.33filemine is
20:59.35TimmermanQwell[], :D
20:59.41tainted-trimi` unlimited meaning you're running a business off of it?
20:59.47mog_workecho echo echo
20:59.48TimmermanQwell[], Is what I need know!
20:59.55MikeJ[Laptop]File not found!
20:59.55websaetainted: eventually i'll get some business out of him, he wants me to price a new PBX system and 25 phones (wants to get a new one) eeeks
21:00.15tainted-websae that's great!
21:00.22tainted-good job
21:00.39websaeso I'll have to see what I can come up with for that
21:00.43tainted-was their cable modem sufficient for call quality
21:00.53SplasPoodApr 14 17:00:53 WARNING[9474]: channel.c:2051 ast_indicate: Unable to handle indication 3 for 'SIP/'
21:01.04websaeI didn't do the test yesterday---I will be doing that this coming week
21:01.09SplasPoodAnyone have any idea what causes that?  Sending outgoing calls via a Dial() to an AS5300
21:01.16websaehow's your termination carrier working out?
21:02.04tainted-websae oh man.. working on a deal to provide service to an entire building with service in downtown LA
21:02.27tainted-taking up all my time atm
21:02.36websaeanything i can do to help?
21:02.58bkw__tainted-, wasabi
21:03.25bkw__SplasPood, if you do that you have to turn some stuff off on the 5300
21:03.41bkw__tone ringback alert-no-PI
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21:03.44bkw__on your dial peer
21:03.45tainted-bkw_ just trying to put together some stuff for the CSR
21:03.51*** join/#asterisk sevard (n=kynan@
21:04.02tainted-posted some digg articles on freeswitch
21:04.05tainted-want the url?
21:04.07SplasPoodbkw: if I do what?
21:04.18bkw__SplasPood, put that in the dial peer
21:04.25sevardDoes * have a S.T.U.N. server built in?  If not.. could somebody recommend one?
21:04.31bkw__sevard, no
21:04.35SplasPoodbkw: if I put that in my dial peer that will "fix" the problem, or...
21:04.44bkw__SplasPood, on the 5300 yes
21:04.46SplasPoodor that'd be the cause OF the problem..
21:04.46bkw__it should fix it
21:04.50sevardbkw__: Can you recommend one?
21:05.01SplasPoodbkw: other than the error message, what issues (if any) would that cause?
21:05.07tainted-sevard just roll your own
21:05.36bkw__SplasPood, not sure
21:05.39sevardtainted-: it's that simple of a server?
21:05.41bkw__Mike yes?
21:05.57SplasPoodbkw: I'll see what happens... Thanks man
21:06.02tainted-sevard umm..
21:06.59bkw__stun is kewl
21:07.19SplasPoodbkw: hrm...  the voip dialpeer already has that...
21:07.38trimi`hey which is the best VOIP ATA BOX
21:07.48trimi`what you say about linksys pap2
21:08.02trimi`any1 had experiance with ATAs ?
21:09.06tainted-trimi` grandstream makes good, cheap atas
21:09.31trimi`<tainted-> does they support low bandwidth codecs
21:09.38trimi`i think linksys its cheapest
21:10.09tainted-ur wrong
21:10.13tainted-grandstream is cheapest
21:10.19bkw__SplasPood, then ignore it
21:10.29tainted-and yes - they support low bandwidth codecs like g729
21:11.08SplasPoodbkw: I'm having an odd issue where one of my DIDs just has a Dial() out to another number.. when that number returns BUSY even tho I see it jumping properly based upon my ${DIALSTATUS} it seems to loop over and over and over
21:11.49VoIPMastatrimi`: I would go for Cisco's ATA 186
21:12.31trimi`<VoIPMasta> they are 2 expensive
21:12.43VoIPMastatrimi`: you asked about "the best" not "the cheapest"
21:12.54VoIPMastatrimi`: "the cheapest" will never be "the best"
21:13.05trimi`greandstream had 1 FXO + 1FXS for the half price of the cisco
21:13.31tainted-SplasPood paste your dialplan.. sounds like u have issues
21:13.48SplasPoodtainted: heh def seems like it... whats the pastebin url again
21:13.52VoIPMastatrimi`: I'm talking about hardware quality, multi-protocol support, highly customizable, reliability, manufacturer support
21:14.15VoIPMastatrimi`: that's what makes something "the best" for me
21:14.35jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
21:14.42trimi`VoIPMasta are you cisco's sales representative ;)
21:14.47trimi`your talking like them
21:14.53Qwell[]cisco shill?
21:15.04Qwell[]VoIPMasta: and the cheapest most certainly can be the best
21:15.23VoIPMastatrimi`: no, I'm a very happy Cisco user for over 7 years, I've used routers, atas, switches
21:15.42Qwell[]VoIPMasta: good, go test my chan_skinny patches
21:15.43VoIPMastaQwell[]: Name one single "cheap" ata that is capable of handing 2 or more protocols
21:15.50Qwell[]You didn't say ATA
21:15.57VoIPMasta[16:07] <trimi`> hey which is the best VOIP ATA BOX
21:16.04trimi`VoIPMasta come on i had a ISDN router i bought it 600$, i wish i wasnt that dump
21:16.07Qwell[]< VoIPMasta> trimi`: "the cheapest" will never be "the best"
21:16.19trimi`cisco its too expensive
21:16.21VoIPMastatrimi` was asking about ATAs
21:16.32Qwell[]anyhow...since you like cisco gear so much...test my chan_skinny patch, so you can use skinny with *
21:16.44tainted-VoIPMasta why would u need to handle two or more protocols
21:16.52Qwell[]Would be nice to figure out the right line settings for an ata186
21:17.00*** join/#asterisk stkn (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
21:17.00VoIPMastaQwell[]: is your patch in *'s release?
21:17.06Qwell[]no, it's on the bug tracker
21:17.28VoIPMastatainted-: portability, sometimes I need a h.323 client and sometimes a SIP client
21:17.37VoIPMastaQwell[]: let me look at it
21:17.46[TK]D-FenderATA186 is overpriced... SPA-2002 is good for most uses, and Mediatrix' 1021 si really nifty though less friendly.
21:17.57Qwell[]right now, I only have one line for the ata186 I think.  If you could test that, and tell me if it's right or not...
21:17.58VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: but those do SIP only
21:18.36[TK]D-FenderI believe the Mediatrix may be flash-able to H.323
21:18.59[TK]D-FenderI know the craptastic PS168X ones can, but well... craptastic...
21:19.43VoIPMastaI started working with 186 instead of sipura/linksys because I needed a single way to remotely configure them and lock them (so my customers won't mess them up) and I couldn't find any reliable documentation on sipura/linksys, but Cisco even offered a tech to teach us how to do it
21:19.55VoIPMastathat kind of support is always valuable
21:20.19[TK]D-FenderVoIPMasta : You do get what you pay for, and I'm sure it didn't come cheap
21:20.19tzangerVoIPMasta: probably cost was a concern, but why not polycom + lockdown
21:20.37VoIPMastatzanger: I haven't used polycom
21:20.38Qwell[]tzanger: does polycom make an ata?
21:20.46[TK]D-Fendertzanger : well he IS talking ATA's, and H.323
21:20.54tzangerohhhhhh.. ATAs... my mistake
21:21.02VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: sure, as you said, you get what you pay for
21:21.05[TK]D-Fendertzanger : And don't forget H.323 ;)
21:21.10tzanger[TK]D-Fender: ewwwwwwwwww
21:21.15VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: that's what I was telling trimi`
21:21.26tzanger[TK]D-Fender: oh I have a list of DHCP option codes... not sure if they're all supported by polycoms
21:21.33tzanger[TK]D-Fender: are you on the asterisk-ontario mailing list?
21:21.33[TK]D-FenderVoIPMasta : your situation sounds somewhat rare and I guess there is a real limit to your options
21:21.33VoIPMastaYou can't expect to have the best ata for US$75
21:21.53[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Being in QC, nope ;)
21:21.56VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: rare?
21:21.59tzanger[TK]D-Fender: ha
21:22.10tzanger[TK]D-Fender: shoot me your email address, I'll forward the message over
21:22.13tzangeryou might find use for it
21:22.43[TK]D-FenderVoIPMasta : in HERE anyways, and as far as commodity equipment goes.  You are looking a little more "old-school" integrator style trying to make too many other peoples things work.
21:23.23tainted-VoIPMasta u can lockdown a grandstream ATA easily.. i still don't get your multiple protocols argument
21:23.42[TK]D-Fendertainted- : Its a need for him and I'd accept it at that.
21:23.59VoIPMastatainted-: We have SIP, IAX and H.323 gateways, sometimes we just NEED to connect to a H.323 gateway, so we need a H.323 client
21:24.46Qwell[]VoIPMasta: So, yeah...when you test that, post a note on the bug with anything you find
21:25.04VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: Most of our users are on the lame side, if they read somewhere that they can modify their ATAs to "do whatever" they'll try it... so they keep sending them to be reconfigured
21:25.20VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: It's easier to just lock them and have a "backdoor" to update configs remotely
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21:25.38VoIPMastaQwell[]: can you pm me your email address to send you any comments?
21:25.42[TK]D-FenderVoIPMasta : that factor can be done in the Linksys ATA
21:25.52Qwell[]VoIPMasta: anything that gets added to the bug, will get emailed to me
21:26.03VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: You can partially lock them, but the "dial in reset" will still work
21:26.36VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: Linksys will sell "pre-locked" ATAs if you commit to large scale buyouts
21:26.42VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: something like what Vonage did
21:26.52[TK]D-FenderVoIPMasta : Yeah, I haven't seen anyone bypass that, however it will effectively FLUSH the box...
21:27.15VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: with Cisco 186 I can lock them and there's no way to unlock them
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21:27.55VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: Cisco also provided a modified firmware that takes out the setup options that we don't use, so when we log in to the web interface we just see what we need
21:27.55[TK]D-FenderVoIPMasta : well if was a train-once scenario on the ATA 186 and you get a good deal on bulk pricing, why not?
21:28.25VoIPMastaThere's one more good thing about Cisco's 186
21:28.29VoIPMastait supports GSM :)
21:28.42[TK]D-FenderVoIPMasta : Its hard to protect yourself against the dumb people... especially the creative kind :)
21:28.47VoIPMastaLinksys ATAs support G.729 but not in both channels at the same time, due to hardware limitations
21:29.01[TK]D-FenderVoIPMasta : I know, that annoys me...
21:29.19[TK]D-FenderI hate it when companies cut STUPID corners...
21:29.56[TK]D-Fenderlike Polycom's low-end PoE concept.  add it and charge jsut a little more and save creating a dozen new sku's
21:30.52[TK]D-FenderSpeaking of which, it looks like another few weeks before my friggen IP 501 arrives...
21:31.18VoIPMasta.brb coffee time
21:35.19*** join/#asterisk pagec (
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21:39.28mikey2600anyone have any idea what the syntax in extensions*.conf would look like for an h323 gateway
21:40.39NetgeeksDial(OH323/<gateway ip>/<argument>)
21:40.40*** join/#asterisk TedC (
21:41.01Netgeeksor switch OH323 for H323 depending on the app you will be using
21:41.52*** part/#asterisk skyboy (n=skyboy@
21:42.54mikey2600omg i hate h323 :P   it has been nothing but a pain in the butt to get working. plus all AMP doesnt know wtf it is in config file.
21:51.37websaemikey2600: have you ever gotten it to work yet?
21:51.41websaethe h323
21:53.02justinu|laptopanyone know the name of the flight tracking website Nugget is working on?
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21:56.17kamileonhello, i have a problem where if someone calls into my pbx through my iax they cant hear me, if they call in via sip they can, and can hear me if i initiate on either, any suggestions?
21:59.51*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
21:59.55rollergrrlIs it possible to run different hold music for each queue?
22:00.22Nuggetof course.
22:02.04rollergrrlSetMusicOnHold(myclass) right?
22:02.25[TK]D-Fenderrollergrrl : its also in the queu definition itself...
22:02.36rollergrrlcool thanks
22:05.37*** join/#asterisk dougster (
22:05.58Cybertoyanyone with a 7970 phone on the east coast that have daylight savings time on the phone now?
22:06.29dougsterOooo asterisk talk. *poos pants*
22:07.00timscottdude, of course asterisk talk.
22:07.02timscottit's #asterisk
22:07.16Cybertoywell .. I have the 7970 on asterisk ... ;)
22:07.28Cybertoybut yeah .. a bit off topic
22:07.28dougstertimescott: eez my first time here. :) the glary eyed amazement will disappear soon enough
22:08.18gbodemantvhi all
22:08.56gbodemantvwho knows macro's
22:09.38gbodemantvI need a meemte macro
22:10.00dougstermeemte? is that like meetme?
22:14.28gbodemantvtrying to make a meetme admin authenticate against vm password
22:14.43*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
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22:16.27Hmmhesaysnothing like albuterol to give you that nice high feeling
22:17.57Hmmhesaysgod thats good shit
22:18.02Hmmhesaysnow I can have a cigarette
22:18.02*** join/#asterisk naturalblue (n=Administ@
22:18.17Hmmhesaysyeah it a grey goose on the rocks night for me
22:18.28theorem_Hmmhesays - yeah
22:18.37theorem_oddly, that's exactly what I poured
22:18.51Hmmhesaysonly premium vodka should be drank on the rocks
22:18.59theorem_drunk ?
22:19.13theorem_also ..
22:19.22theorem_a good combo is vanilla vodka + coke
22:19.28theorem_kinda girly, but nice.
22:20.03theorem_THreee Olives Vodka, Cherry or their Vanilla with the coke is excellent.
22:27.49LostFrogfile: you here?
22:29.53*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
22:30.14NewSoleQuestion Any one hear of VegaStream
22:38.08*** join/#asterisk skyboy (n=skyboy@
22:40.15NewSoleanyone alive
22:41.06Hmmhesayslocomotive by guns n roses is fucking impossible to play
22:45.58*** join/#asterisk Eggplants (
22:47.39tzangerI haven't tried
22:47.45gbodemantvhello all
22:48.06gbodemantvI am implementing the "marked user" function in Meetme
22:48.17gbodemantvbut I want to limit who can call as the marked user
22:48.33gbodemantvI am already capturing VM password in Mysql
22:48.39*** part/#asterisk naturalblue (n=Administ@
22:48.47gbodemantvCan anyone help wiyth the macro
22:49.13skyboyA quick question about codecs.. I saw an interesting report on xorcom's site with regards to load testing. Specically each codec was tested and shows how it was cpu bound. Has anybody done testing to see what bound I/O has?
22:50.49gbodemantvis the current macro I am using
22:50.58gbodemantvneed to add 2 more lines
22:51.13gbodemantvone to check if the user has voicemail
22:51.23gbodemantvif not it hangs up
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22:51.29gbodemantvif so it goes to the next line
22:51.45gbodemantvwhich has them enter their vm password
22:51.59gbodemantvany idea how I do a DB lookup for these items?
22:54.02*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
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23:27.14needasteriskconAnybody here able to help me with a ring group a@h problem?  Willing to pay for help...
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23:27.59[TK]D-Fenderplease read the channel topic...
23:28.06needasteriskcongot it...  sorry...
23:33.38*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
23:37.20Hmmhesayshey [TK]D-Fender
23:38.10Hmmhesayswhats up?
23:38.22[TK]D-Fenderjust grabbing a bit before I'm out to play some pool.
23:38.36Hmmhesaysyeah i'm playing some guitar before going to play some pool
23:38.49FuriousGeorgejoin #api
23:38.53Hmmhesaysyou ever checked out the rhythm section to insterstate lovesong?
23:39.04[TK]D-FenderDon't know the piece, who's it by?
23:39.10Hmmhesaysstone temple pilots
23:39.21Hmmhesaysits so.... odd
23:39.25[TK]D-FenderDefinately don't....
23:39.40Hmmhesaysyou want it?
23:39.46[TK]D-Fendersure, why not.
23:40.49[av]banineedasteriskcon: whats cheep?
23:41.05Hmmhesayshas some crazy chords in it
23:42.50[TK]D-Fenderok, I've head it before...
23:43.51Hmmhesaysi've been working on more solid rhythm playing lately, listening to stuff like this
23:44.05DoktorGregwell here i gp
23:44.17DoktorGregin 20 minutes this location will be closed for business
23:44.32DoktorGregand i start installing away
23:44.52[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I'm picking it up now....
23:45.22Hmmhesaysthe chord progression is basic
23:45.31Hmmhesaysif you play all just major/minor chords
23:46.09[TK]D-Fenderyup, in e-major.  Thats where 90% of my material is in :)
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23:48.17Hmmhesaysit is a funky chord progression too, but it works
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23:48.49[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Not sure how "funky".  Pretty basic, I think I just go enough to faske it in the first 54 mins :)
23:49.26Hmmhesaysyeah, not very... sorry i've been playing a lot of  ac/dc greenday, shit like that to get pick hand more developed
23:49.45[TK]D-FenderTry : "Inside out" by Eve6
23:49.53Hmmhesaysyeah i've known that one for years
23:50.23[TK]D-Fendergreat one to learn tempo from and is very interesting in their use of off-time lyrically.
23:50.39Hmmhesaysyes indeed
23:50.41Hmmhesaysand its fun to play
23:51.25[TK]D-FenderI did send you "I'm Alright" about 2 weeks ago right?
23:51.41Hmmhesayshmm its not on this pc
23:51.52twislaThe more time you spend with *, to more you love it.
23:51.55[TK]D-Fenderok, there's one to pick up ;)
23:52.01twislaJust my tought of this night
23:52.09Hmmhesaystwisla: wtf planet are you on
23:52.34twislaHmmhesays: mmh, planet belgium.
23:52.42twislawhere the beer is fine.
23:55.00*** part/#asterisk Foxtro (
23:55.05[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm out.  Might be back later.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.