irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060409

00:00.04rene-i have found an AstAutoDialer for windows,
00:00.06rene-looks cool
00:00.29rene-it is free, i am not sure if it does predictive but looks cool
00:03.11tainted-i think heath144 has one that is GPLd
00:03.17tainted-let me see
00:03.42tainted-ah yes
00:04.14rene-i have tried installing it but have had no success
00:04.27tainted-try posting to their forum
00:04.32tainted-he's pretty responsive
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00:10.16rene-i had tried to install it several times without no success on both redhat and debian, i asked for help in the forum but  we couldnt communicate properly, i am looking at vicidial, the other free dialer app for windows and the sineapps demo, i can barely read c++ but i will try to learn from what gnudialer does and i can read a bit of perl and will try to see if i learn a little bit from what vicidialer does, that local channel tec
00:19.10Rawplayeranyone of you guys got 7905G SIP firmware
00:19.15Rawplayerand care to share
00:19.32Rawplayerand yes i'am aware of the rest
00:22.10ManxPowerRawplayer, no, but I have a pirated copy of AutoCAD if you want it.
00:22.35Hmmhesaysi have a goal to be able to play bat country by avenged sevenfold by the end of the month
00:22.41RawplayerManxPower: ;)
00:24.31mishehuyou could trade that copy of Autocad for the SIP firmware
00:25.07demigod2kspeaking of autocad you ever use Inventor?
00:25.11demigod2kif you have to do 3D that program rocks
00:36.59mishehuI can't do 1D drawings
00:38.47demigod2kget a ruler :0
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00:46.25ManxPowerRawplayer, one of the reasons we decided NOT to standardize on Cisco was the firmware costs.
00:48.55demigod2kcharging for firmware updates sucks, but I can understand it for different functionality
00:49.08ManxPowerWe went with Polycoms
00:49.36demigod2kya I'm evaluating one of those right now, they're pretty nice
00:49.43demigod2kcan't say I disagree with your choice
00:50.11The_Isle_of_Markanyone have any experience with Draytek voip devices?
00:50.22demigod2knot me
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00:53.27The_Isle_of_MarkI have spoken
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00:55.16demigod2knever tried one but I'll avoid it :)
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00:57.03dlynesdon't be a perl hatah
00:57.37unmanagedcan't seem to get perl and apache2 do do right
00:57.59demigod2kthat happens. I dont allow anybody to use perl on my projects
00:58.05demigod2knever had good luck with employees that use it
00:58.19perlhatahwell this is just for shits a giggles
00:58.28perlhatahI am at home
01:00.12*** part/#asterisk perlhatah (
01:00.15ManxPowerEmployees?  Use Perl?
01:00.42ManxPower"I don't use text messages on my cell phone because it's too complicated." <-- actual quote from one of my users
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01:01.44demigod2kManxPower, ya I've never had good luck with maintenance
01:02.50demigod2kI've found it a lot more difficult to manage projects with loosely typed languages
01:02.51ManxPowerThis woman sold like $30 million in real estate last year.
01:09.34dlynesdemigod2k: yeah...perl is cool, but it should be limited to the jobs its good at, and left out of everything else
01:10.02dlynesperl should never be used as a general purpose language simply for the reason that it's not a strongly typed language
01:10.13demigod2kI've had 3 bum employees in a row, I'll probably never try it again
01:10.41unmanagedwell it is good for this
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01:10.51dlynesthe problem with most perl programmers is that they're zealots
01:11.02unmanagedit  is getting mod_perl an apache
01:11.07unmanagedto do
01:11.20demigod2kya thats what I found. I require C code to pass Lint and theres not really an equivalent for perl. close but no cigar
01:11.33dlynesi.e. perl can do no wrong, and it is always the best tool for the job
01:11.45ManxPowerMy Perl looks like a cross between C and Perl
01:11.50demigod2kthats what I found. also operating on stdin just kills me
01:12.18dlynesdemigod2k: yeah...if i need to do text slicing and dicing, i will use perl quite a bit
01:12.41dlynesdemigod2k: but for general purpose programming, i usually use C, C++ or Java, depending on which type of programming the job calls for
01:12.59techman97_andyhey all - quick question (well, probably not...but hey) I have an * server behind a PIX firewall doing NAT - my end game here is to have SIP clients from the Internet connect to it and use it.  If I VPN into the network where the * box is - XLite (my test softphone) connects perfectly and I'm good to go.  I've mapped udp5060 through the firewall, as well as 8000 for rtp - I change the IP address only in XLite, and attempt to r
01:13.33techman97_andyI've read the WIKI on this and am pretty sure that I read it correctly and forwarded the needed ports...
01:13.34ManxPowertechman97_andy, and set localnet= and externip= in sip.conf?
01:13.51techman97_andyManxPower:  Yes, in the [general] section.
01:14.22ManxPowertechman97_andy, why do you think 8000 is the port audio is on?
01:14.47techman97_andyManxPower:  port 8000 was in one of the firewall config scripts I read on the WIKI
01:16.34ManxPowertechman97_andy, see /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf
01:16.42techman97_andyhere's another factor that may be in effect:  I'm (remote XLite client) behind a Vonage Linksys device - do you think that somehow that password is being sent to the server in a response instead of my SIP request?
01:17.01techman97_andyManx:  I'll check that quick
01:17.41techman97_andyhmmm - those ports in there are listing 10000-20000
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01:18.26techman97_andystill though - my XLite client should register with * even if the audio will be fubar'd down the line, one would think?
01:18.46ManxPowertechman97_andy, correct.
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01:19.23ManxPowermake sure there are NO ports forwarded on the linksys and you have not enabled any NAT options on the x-lite and have nat=yes in the section for that device in sip.conf
01:19.26techman97_andyI'm close to running to Best Buy or something to pick up a regular broadband router and see if it's the Vonage part of this one that's screwing me up
01:19.44YoMamaManx: hey man..ltns
01:19.52ManxPowertechman97_andy, also turn off sip fixup on the PIX, it messes up Asterisk's NAT ficups
01:19.53techman97_andyk - lemme check the NAT options on the XLite - nat=yes is on for my sip section
01:20.00unmanaged10000 to 20000 UDP
01:20.03ManxPowerHEloo, YoMama
01:21.02YoMamai never got X-Lite working perfectly
01:21.23ManxPowerAll softphones suck.
01:21.46YoMamaManx: how much u know about the software echo cancellation...i compiled the latest * with MG2 insetad of whatever's default and it's even worse
01:22.02YoMamasomeone told me that it's a more aggressive echo canceller but it sounds like ass
01:22.13techman97_andymy end game is not to use the softphones - I just need to prove this works so my company will invest in the right IP phones
01:22.18ManxPowerYoMama, reduce your txgain
01:22.19dlynesYoMama: You using zaptel trunk, or the latest release version?
01:22.29ManxPowerif it's a T-1 or PRI, install a hardware echocan
01:22.30YoMamadlynes: latest release
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01:22.40ManxPowerYoMama, use the zaptel-trunk
01:22.48YoMamaManx: if i reduce it too far...i can barely hear the voicemail
01:23.04YoMamadamned if i do and damned if i don't
01:23.05dlynesYoMama: I'm using mg2 on a pri using zaptel trunk and it sounds just fine
01:23.09ManxPowerYoMama, *nod*  That;s the problem.
01:23.23YoMamaManx: then wtf do i do
01:23.37ManxPowerYoMama, use zaptel trunk and try it again
01:23.43YoMamawith MG2?
01:23.52ManxPowerIt removes much of my echo issues on an 11 mile loop
01:23.59YoMama11 mile?  holy smokes..
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01:24.23ManxPoweryes, MG2
01:24.36YoMamak..i'll give that a shot
01:24.51YoMamathx...i'm guessing they've been doing a lot of work in the trunk on the echo cancelling
01:24.55ManxPowerYoMama, and you know how much I HATE running a developement version
01:25.16dlynesManxPower: yeah, same here, but the trunk is more stable than the release
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01:25.23dlynesManxPower: like that makes any sense, whatsoever
01:25.30YoMamaManx: yeah...that's the scary thing that you're telling me to...lucky me i'm just using it for home..but still
01:25.48dlynesYoMama: In my case, i had to use libpri-trunk, and zaptel-trunk
01:26.01ManxPowerYoMama, there were not any large changes to zaptel when I got zaptel-drunk
01:26.44ManxPowerHmmhesays, perhaps that's a sign I need a beer.
01:26.51froguzdoes  the E1 trunks have echo problems too?
01:26.55dlynesI was getting my pri hanging every day or two on libpri 1.2.2 and zaptel 1.2.x
01:27.05YoMamaManx: aren't u in Canada?
01:27.12dlynesAfter switching to libpri-trunk and zaptel-trunk, i have no problems
01:27.15froguzi though it just happend with analog interfaces
01:27.41YoMamaManx: you use DirecPC?  how's the latency on that?
01:28.25YoMamafroguz: nope..echo is a pervasive issue
01:28.26ManxPowerYoMama, DirecPC is the worst ISP I have ever seen in my entire technical career.
01:28.48Abydos313i second that
01:28.49ManxPowerfroguz, the far end is frequently an analog interface.
01:28.50YoMamaManx: no..tell me what you REALLY think..haha
01:29.07Abydos313i used them when it was one way and then paid another 500 bucks for two way system. all complete junk
01:29.07ManxPowerIf you have a T-1, PRI, or VoIP then the echo can't happen on your LOCAL analog loop, of course.
01:29.29ManxPowerI'm riding on a t-way system
01:29.50ManxPowerI hope to have a Frac T-1 before the end of the summer.
01:30.02Abydos313good luck
01:30.47ManxPowerAbydos313, they are only about $500/month
01:31.16ManxPowerI should be able to get my cost down to at least $250/month by providing internet service to the perm people at the campground
01:31.16YoMamaAbydos: are you in Detroit?
01:31.38YoMamaAbydos: ah...just u got 313 in your nick...that's the area code in the D
01:31.47demigod2kI'm in the D
01:32.01YoMamademigod2k: yeah?  so am i...sorta
01:32.10demigod2kI'll never give up my 313 cell number
01:32.19demigod2khah well not anymore. I moved out to the suburbs
01:32.35MoutaPTAny one here get in troubles when hanging up with Sjphone?
01:32.48Abydos313abydos==planet on stargate sg1 and 313 is a lucky number i like
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01:32.50YoMamademigod2k: i've never lived in the D..and the only time i had 313 cell phone was when ann arbor and detroit had the same area code
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01:33.37demigod2kthat was quite a while ago. 1995 or so they changed that
01:33.51YoMamawell, i'm old
01:34.07YoMamademigod: what burb did u move to?  so u actually lived in the D?
01:34.14YoMamayou're a brave soul
01:34.34demigod2ki'm in livonia now
01:34.45demigod2kwork in whitmore lake
01:34.54YoMamayou're nowhere near the D anymore
01:35.09YoMamathat whole Walmart thing was a shame
01:35.44demigod2klivonia is messed up. I like it in theory, but the city council is fucked
01:35.48demigod2kwalmart is the least of their problems
01:36.04demigod2kthe city council is messing with the public schools right now and isn't bringing in enough tax money
01:37.53YoMamai ain't living in any town where they tremble at the thought of building a Walmart because black people will go shopping there and get jobs there
01:38.46demigod2kya they cast it as a racial issue because of a couple of idiots
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01:39.00YoMamayeah..that's too bad
01:39.04demigod2kfrankly I dont want a walmart either, but I dont want big-box retailers in my city
01:39.17YoMamayeah..there are better reasons to not have a walmart
01:39.25Qwellpfft, walmart rocks
01:39.44tainted-they're building one in rosemead :D
01:39.44YoMamano it doesn't
01:39.49tainted-three blocks from my house
01:39.58Qwelltainted-: yeah, where at?
01:40.09tainted-rush and walnut grove :D
01:40.14Qwellno clue where that is, heh
01:40.19tainted-near the whittier narrows golf course
01:40.37tainted-do house values go up when walmart moves in nearby?
01:40.46tainted-it's a superstore too.. so i think that means groceries
01:40.50dlynesoh yeah, most definitely
01:41.01demigod2ktainted-, typically down. one theory is they exploit community resources
01:41.13demigod2ksame thing like a trailer park
01:41.13dlyneshousing prices drop steeply when walmart moves in here
01:41.25Qwelloh no, small businesses die, because they can't match prices!  oh noez!
01:41.31dlynesthey attract all the low income wage earners
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01:41.45demigod2kthe low income wage earners consume more public resources, etc
01:41.46demigod2kits just bad
01:41.53demigod2kthey dont add to the city tax base
01:41.53tainted-i'm a fan of walmart -- they're not really the evil empire everyone likes to think they are
01:41.54ManxPowerQwell, Yeah.  Without walmart small businesses would be paying so much for stuff they could not survive.
01:42.26Qwellif it hurts walmart so much, why don't they just go and buy their shit from walmart? :p
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01:42.35Qwellerm, if they're hurt by walmart so much
01:42.52ManxPowertainted-, Walmart pretty much does what they want, when they want, how they want, and if you want them to buy from you as a supplier you'll do things thee way they tell you.
01:42.58YoMamatainted: so u dont' pay any attention to the fact that they're being sued by many people for labor law being forced to clock out before their shift is over
01:43.18QwellYoMama: I don't care about any of that shit.
01:43.25QwellI get stuff easier and cheaper than I could before...
01:43.29Qwelldoesn't affect me any
01:43.36demigod2k that was a great article on the supply chain
01:43.41ManxPowerYoMama, Like walmart is the only company that does that.  1) if you don't like it go work somewhere else 2) if you don't like it, sue them
01:43.47tainted-demigod2k it's true, they screw greedy vendors
01:43.50demigod2kit's cool, I like paying less for stuff. what I dont like is how it affects the taxation of the city
01:43.59tainted-and they screw inefficently run small businesses
01:44.24tainted-but i still believe they are good overall
01:44.45tainted-in terms of putting products within reach of the poor
01:44.45ManxPowerI feel that large retailers like Walmart, Target, K-Mart, etc are here to stay, they drive down prices and make things more effecient.
01:44.49Qwellwalmart is evil, we all know it
01:44.52Qwellbut...fuck it
01:45.15tsumego with what saves money
01:45.19tsumewhich is walmart
01:45.27tsumetell the small business owners to get a real job
01:46.00tsumeif they can't keep up with advertising, making sure their customers are happy, and hypnotic ads, then that is *THEIR* fault
01:46.05tainted-or just tell them to do something else
01:46.12demigod2kwell its not just that. as soon as you get walmart, you have to start funding bus routes. and you have to support 24-hour operation. and you have to add traffic lights, etc etc
01:46.16tsumethis is the *REAL* world
01:46.19ManxPowertsume, Um, they can't compete with Walmart in the areas Walmart sells to.
01:46.29tsumeManxPower: tough shit for them
01:46.32tainted-u don't HAVE to run a record store
01:46.39tainted-u don't HAVE to run a hardware store
01:46.48ManxPowertsume, Well, they can change their business to not compete with Walmart.
01:47.06ManxPowerThere is SO much Walmart does NOT sell.
01:47.08tsumeManxPower: they could, but people would rather piss and whine.
01:47.33ManxPowerTry getting smoked cheese at walmart (other than the one smoked gouda( 30 people just showed up at this cafe
01:47.42YoMamawho knew it was such a social place
01:47.51tainted-who knew it was so liberal
01:47.57YoMamaManx: screw Walmart..i get all my stuff from Costco
01:48.09YoMamaSam Walton can take it where the sun don't shine
01:48.15tsumethere is a costco in Anchorage :)
01:48.23ManxPowerThere ARE companies that compete with Walmart.
01:48.30ManxPowerCostco, Target, etc.
01:48.38tainted-different demographics
01:48.43tsumekmart :P
01:48.47ManxPowerAnd really, they treat their employees better too.
01:48.52tsumehow many times are they going to go backrupt though :)
01:49.01tainted-target's average shopper has higher incomine, while costco has the highest
01:49.15YoMamaI love Costco
01:49.20YoMamai just went there today in fact
01:49.29ManxPowerAnd really, if someone doesn't like the way walmart treats them and pays them minimum wage, then they can go dig ditches, be treated like shit and get paid minimum wage.
01:49.30tainted-costco food court is really good
01:49.41justinu|laptopgood cheap pizza
01:49.48ManxPowerSeems to me Walmart is better than digging ditches.
01:49.51tainted-i walked into walmart and was greet by a retard
01:49.53tsumenot store fast food
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01:50.05tainted-i thought to myself, what large retailer would hire retards
01:50.17tsumetainted-: in TN, they hire old ladies
01:50.20tainted-even at minimum wage
01:50.24tsumetainted-: well, because they are simple
01:50.26tainted-that's quite a feat
01:50.57tsumetainted-: you can train anyone, but well.. older peope or people who are challenged mentally are easier to train
01:51.04YoMamai love buying 36 rolls of toilet paper at the same time
01:51.13tsumeyou just tell them to smile and greet, nothing else will be going through their mind
01:51.25YoMamathe scary thing is..i can use it up pretty quickly..then again, i live with a girl..and i think girls secretly eat toilet paper which is why they can eat so little at dinner
01:51.27justinu|laptopit's the only way to buy it when your women uses 1-2 rolls a day
01:51.29tsumeYoMama: yes :) place it in storage, it lasts months :)
01:51.29YoMamajust a theory...
01:51.33tainted-it's a beautiful thing
01:51.43justinu|laptopYoMama: interesitng theory
01:51.46tsumeYoMama: haha, must be what you eat from pussy ;)
01:52.03tainted-lol on the toilet paper <-> women theories
01:52.08YoMamatsume: that almost made sense
01:52.30justinu|laptopYoMama: don't get him started
01:52.42tsumeYoMama: yeah, dont :P
01:54.53YoMamak..i won't
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02:06.58tsumecrazy ameritechians
02:08.13Strom_Cfortunately, the united states of ameritech don't really exist anymore :)
02:09.27tsumehmm? what happened to it?
02:10.10Strom_Cit now flies the banner of the Amalgamated Telephone & TCP/IP Company
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02:11.39QwellStrom_C: AT&T owns them?
02:12.05QwellSorry, "AT&T"
02:12.17Strom_CSBC bought Ameritech in 1999
02:12.19Qwellkinda like "SCO"
02:13.38Strom_Cso yes, it's now part of AT&T
02:15.04Abydos313ewww.. SCO sucks!
02:15.07tsumeoh, heh
02:15.53QwellAbydos313: No, "SCO" sucks.  SCO was actually a good company.
02:16.23Qwellboth AT&T and "AT&T" suck
02:16.34Abydos313when they went after linux users. they became dead to me
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02:16.44QwellAbydos313: That's "SCO"
02:17.04Strom_Cyes, after Caldera bought them
02:17.38key2!seen kram
02:17.52Qwellkey2: Why not email him or something?
02:18.10key2Qwell: it's fine
02:18.17key2it's already done :)
02:18.25Strom_Cit's not like his email address is secret :)
02:18.39key2i wrote him and he answered
02:18.42Qwellwell, it can be weeks before he shows up in here
02:18.47key2just wanted to see if between he's been on irc
02:22.37tainted-anyone use gundy's mono-tone AGI class?
02:22.54DenmarkAbydos313 . MS paid them good $$$ to do it..
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02:33.11kimosabeis there a way to make the sip devices ring faster when making a call
02:35.41Denmarkkimosabe : Yes.
02:36.24kimosabedenmark can you lead me in the corect direction ?
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02:40.39Denmarkkimosabe : #
02:40.46Denmarkkimosabe : Thats only a guess though.
02:41.09wmandraevening all
02:43.13Denmarkkimosabe : I am not sure what exactly your problem is.   Try typing # after the number, though.
02:44.14kimosabewhat i mean is that if i dial a number from my sip device it takes about 7 seconds before it actually starts ringing
02:44.48Denmarkkimosabe : Did you try # ?
02:45.39kimosabeim fixong to
02:45.41kimosabethanks man
02:48.47FLeiXiuSWhen I call an IVR via an 800 number, the IVR doesn't understand my key inputs?  Is there a feature that allows me to enter in numbers after the call is initiated
02:49.08FLeiXiuSI tried setting the timout(digit) to a much higher value
02:49.19FLeiXiuSAround 1million seconds ;-)
02:50.11froguzkimosabe, change the digittimeout parameter, or press the # key after dialing, it will send the number inmediatly without waiting for you to enter another digit
02:51.06froguzfeaturedigittimeout (features.conf)
02:55.56FLeiXiuSDigit's are no longer allowed to be entered after a call is there a time out any where which needs to be adjusted?
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03:02.12FLeiXiuSAnyone have any idea?
03:03.10wunderkinFLeiXiuS, and it works to other places through the same phone/provider?
03:03.38FLeiXiuSYeah without going through asterisk it works fine
03:04.00FLeiXiuSAsterisk just isn't sending the dtmf down the line.  I  take it that it'd be called dtmf
03:04.14FLeiXiuSIt's just a digit stream going down the line
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03:04.33DenmarkFLeiXiuS  : Whats your phone?
03:04.45wunderkincheck the dtmfmode
03:05.18DenmarkShould I google it?
03:07.04wmandrafor a 7960 dtmfmode=rfc2833 in sip.conf
03:07.53wmandrayou might also want to check the dtmfmode for your provider
03:08.19dlynesdoes rfc2833 even work?
03:08.26FLeiXiuSYeah I'm using rfc2833
03:08.30wmandraworks here just fine
03:08.37DenmarkWill the asterisk support 7971g-ge even though tis not listed?
03:08.42FLeiXiuSThat's why I'm thinking maybe it's something else.
03:08.44dlynesThe only setting I've been able to get to work for both voicemail menu and for outbound autoattendant menus is dtmfmode=info
03:09.08Denmarkdlynes : Everybody uses rfc2833, with a few exceptions.
03:09.32dlynesDenmark: Then why will it never work properly for me?  Is there a trick?
03:09.40wmandraflexixius: who are you using for your voip provider?? or are you using analog....
03:09.46Denmarkdlynes : Never had any trouble.
03:10.17dlynesDenmark: My upstream is using Sansay VSX switches
03:10.28FLeiXiuSwmandra: I'm using my POT's line, SKINNY from client's to asterisk, then SIP from asterisk to the gw which then connects to my pstn
03:11.08wmandrai would switch the 79xx to sip firmware
03:11.14Qwellwmandra: Why?  sip sucks
03:11.19Qwellyeah, I said it
03:11.20Denmarkdlynes : I am purely guessing here, but they could be the reason.  Also a sipaware router could be a problem I don't know.
03:11.51dlynesDenmark: my routers are all sip atheist
03:11.54FLeiXiuSwmandra: That would cause a big problem for a call cluster I'm connected to.  Which only handles SCCP.
03:12.18Denmarkdlynes : I never really thought about using 2833 .. its just there.
03:12.41wmandradlynes, you could also check the settings in the SIPDefault.cnf for the phones..... dtmf_inband: 1 dtmf_outofband: avt
03:13.08dlyneswmandra: you must be talking for specific phones
03:13.22dlyneswmandra: I have this problem for Aastra phones, Azatel phones, and Grandstream phones
03:13.31wmandrafor the cisco 79xx
03:13.46dlynesNone of my users can afford cisco
03:13.47wmandrasorry, didn;t realize you were using a different phone
03:13.52wmandrai'm a little tired
03:16.52DenmarkYou're not alone, wmandra
03:17.40FLeiXiuSUgh, dtmf tones work via me to asterisk, but when they go out via sip to my router they're getting denied or something.  Voicemail works fine.  But calling to an outbound IVR...that's the problem.
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03:19.28Cybertoymust be in the sip settings then
03:20.08Cybertoyall channels have to be configured the right way... so the sip channel for the phone.. as well as the channel for the outbound service you're using
03:20.15Cybertoyhave to have the right dtmfmode settings.
03:20.30QwellCybertoy: not true
03:20.42Cybertoythat's the experience I made...
03:20.42Qwellif rtp isn't being bridged, no
03:20.46FLeiXiuSAsterisk is sending as RFC2833 but my router is understanding CISCO-RTP
03:20.58QwellFLeiXiuS: Then change your router to use rfc2833
03:21.10FLeiXiuSor at least the dtmf-relay is configured for cisco-rtp
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03:22.37wmandraout of curiosity has anyone found a good presense based findme/followme solution for asterisk that doesn;t use BT???
03:23.09SplasPoodyou want one that uses embedded rfid? :P
03:23.19Qwellimplanted rfid
03:23.24wmandrahmmmm.... sure if you got a link
03:23.29SplasPoodyea, that was a better choice of words
03:23.45wmandraalthough i was looking for something more along the lines of M$ LCS
03:23.58Cybertoyjust let everything ring at the same time.. :)
03:24.12QwellCybertoy: yeah, really...who needs routing?
03:24.18Denmark"Implanted rfid with gravy and taters .."
03:24.58DenmarkWhy don't those darn terrorists blow M$ to pieces?
03:25.01wmandrai like the idea of the callerid popup so i can select what number to forward the call to
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03:26.35FLeiXiuSwmandra: Nice find ;-)
03:26.52wmandraflex: GOOGLE ;)
03:27.14DenmarkThat would at least make some sense..  In a wierd way .. on the other hand ... all those silly ties would buy M$ products in sympathy..
03:27.19FLeiXiuSWhich search string did you use?
03:27.35wmandraasterisk and cisco router
03:27.52FLeiXiuSHa, I've been going more specific
03:27.55wmandra7th link down
03:28.23wmandraalthough i knew it was on the wiki, just couldn't remember where
03:28.39DenmarkYou have no comments?  What a sick world ..
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03:30.08techman97_andyhello all - I'm making great strides to getting this puppy running, but I'm at one last issue.  I have successfully connected my softphone via the Internet to my * server behind a PIX firewall...YAY!  I can make calls and get full audio.  However - if someone attempts to call me...I don't get the call / it doesn't ring, and the caller goes to my VM.  Any ideas of what I could check?
03:30.22FLeiXiuSwmandra: It appears my IOS needs dtmf-relay set to rtp-rte
03:32.30Strom_Ctechman97_andy, your firewall isnt letting the connection through to your phone
03:32.42mitchelocwmadra: what were you looking for?
03:33.04techman97_andyI have 5060 and the 10000-20000 udp ports forwarded to me in my router here?  Is there another port / port range I need to open up?
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03:42.19FLeiXiuSnet-split much
03:45.07Abydos313that was a pretty good one
03:45.35dlynesholy crikeys batman
03:47.00Shaun2222I have a macro running from dial, but i want it to hang up both ends...
03:47.09Shaun2222i read that MACRO_RESULT=ABORT should do this
03:47.13Shaun2222but it doesnt...
03:50.27DenmarkHere in europe, we have the problem that the keypad of the phone is opposit of the keypad on the computer.
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03:50.37DenmarkI wonder if I can reverse that with my dialplan?
03:51.10Strom_CDenmark, the keypad of the phone is the same worldwide
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03:51.30Strom_C1-0 top to bottom on the phone, 0-9 bottom to top on the keypad
03:51.52DenmarkStrom_M:  I still want to change it so that top is "789" like computer instead of "123".
03:52.05Denmarkand vise versa.
03:52.07Strom_Cyou want to change the PHONE??
03:52.10Strom_Cyou're mad
03:52.29DenmarkWell .. switching the buttons is no problem ..
03:53.04Strom_CI can dial faster than the switch can recognize my digits, and I can 10-key like mad on the computer.  It's not that difficult to learn both, you know
03:53.08DenmarkI just wonder if there is a way to change the dialplan so that it changes the dialed numbers accordingly.
03:53.39Shaun2222Strom_C: any idea about my problem with MACRO_RESULT=ABORT.. i'm trying to get my screen macro to hangup both the caller and callee
03:53.41DenmarkStrom_M: You don't use the keypad when you 10-key ..
03:53.57Strom_CDenmark, the numeric keypad
03:53.59Shaun2222it seams that macro_Result hangs up on the callee and just returns to the dialplan which next is voicemail...
03:54.03Shaun2222and thats what the caller gets
03:54.52DenmarkStrom_M: Anyhow .. at work for instance, I keep switching from entering numbers on computer keypad in accounting program, and dialing phonenumbers .. maybe you can imagine the confusion. I use the same hand.
03:55.07Strom_CDenmark, I do the same thing...never confuses me
03:55.25DenmarkStrom_M: Well, you're obviously smarter than me.
03:55.49Denmark(Or younger - perhaps both)
03:55.50Strom_Cbesides, in telephony, you count starting at 1 and end up at 0
03:56.02techman97_andyhey all - here's a fun one.  * is behind a firewall - I can connect and dial out just fine with my softphone (xten).  However, my SIP never registers, so I cannot take incoming calls.  Any ideas?  I have 5060tcp/udp and 10000-20000 udp open to forward to the * box on that end, and the same to my workstation on my end.  Any ideas of what I could look at?
03:56.04Strom_Cresidual effect of the old step-by-step exchanges :)
03:56.21DenmarkStrom_M: Right .. but older keypad phones were like computers.
03:56.30Strom_CDenmark, what?
03:56.46DenmarkI think I might still have one that has "789" in the top.
03:56.46Strom_CDenmark, I've never seen a touchtone phone that didnt go 1234567890
03:57.09DenmarkYou don't get them anymore
03:57.14DenmarkThey're very old.
03:57.20Strom_Ceven the first touchtone phone ever made in 1962 went 1234567890 - with no * and # key :)
03:57.31Denmark(Well, like 20-30 years)
03:57.50dlynes20-30 years ago is not very long ago
03:57.58DenmarkStrom_M: Maybe its exception.
03:58.09Denmarkdlynes: Hence the detailisation :)
03:58.33Abydos313i need C0:FF:EE :)
03:59.01DenmarkStrom_M: I still want to change it.
03:59.07Abydos313Strom_C i don't know if i've ever seen a phone like that
03:59.12dlynesDenmark: but yeah, every touch tone phone i can remember has always been 1...9, 0
03:59.15Denmarknice phone
03:59.36Strom_CAbydos313, they added * and # in 1968 or so
03:59.48DenmarkA tad simplistic ..  but very nice.
03:59.57*** join/#asterisk project_2501 (
04:00.00Strom_CDenmark, the simplicity is the beauty of the whole thing
04:00.04Abydos313i was 2
04:00.10Strom_Ci have the twelve-button version of the same phone next to my bed
04:00.20dlyneseven up until about ten years ago, most people i knew used pulse dialing
04:00.23DenmarkStrom_M: Yeah .. would like the *, the # and the "R" though .. and maybe a muter.
04:00.30dlynesit was cheaper per month than touch tone
04:00.31Abydos313i wish i would have kept an old rotary phone. threw away so many
04:00.36Strom_Credial is for wimos
04:00.45Strom_Creal men dial every call :)
04:00.55DenmarkR == other line
04:00.58Denmarknot redial.
04:01.00Strom_CAbydos313, I've got tons of rotary phones
04:01.13Strom_CDenmark, oh, R == hookflash?
04:01.19Strom_Cthats what the hookswitch is for
04:01.22Strom_Cyou flash that
04:01.27dlynesI used to win so many radio call-in contests by setting s11=30 on the modem, and using a war dialer :)
04:01.42DenmarkStrom_M: Well .. then you don't need the keypad anyhow, right?
04:01.58Strom_Cactually I hookflashed an entire number the other day
04:02.20Strom_CI found a kiosk phone with no dial and I wanted to see who their long distance provider I hookflashed the LD ID number :)
04:02.36DenmarkActually, some phonebooths in this country used to be free of charge if you hook-flashed the numbers.
04:02.41Abydos313that was greek to me
04:02.52dlyneshow do you hook flash?
04:03.03dlynesi thought that only allowed you to use the flash feature?
04:03.07Strom_Cdlynes, you press the hookswitch momentarily and then release it
04:03.26dlynesStrom_C: well, i kinda figured that when it's called hook flashing the number :)
04:03.39Strom_Cdlynes, if you do it rythmically enough and fast enough, you're manually pulse dialing
04:04.05DenmarkIts quite fun, though touch toning might be a tad faster..
04:04.06dlynesI just know how to do transfers and conference calls and hold using it
04:04.12Denmark(and less error prone)
04:04.21Strom_CDenmark, bah, touchtone
04:04.45dlynesI guess that LD ID number is only valid stateside?
04:04.50DenmarkThe one on the picture?
04:04.54dlynesi.e. AT&T?
04:05.15Strom_Cdlynes, 1-700-555-4141 in the US tells you who your long distance company is
04:05.26Strom_Cthat's a 302 :)
04:05.35dlynesI thought 700 was owned by Digium?
04:06.00Strom_Cdlynes, god no
04:06.02DenmarkStrom_M: Cult!
04:06.12file[laptop]if we owned our own area code, well that would be cool
04:06.13dlynesbut iaxtel is all 1700
04:06.14Denmarkvery cool
04:06.25dlynesor is that a virtual area code that doesn't really exist?
04:06.25Strom_Cdlynes, 700 is reserved for interexchange carrier-specific services
04:06.46Strom_Cdlynes, 700 was used for iaxtel because it was unlikely to conflict with existing services
04:06.50dlynesso digium just owns a number of 700 cos?
04:06.54DenmarkStrom_M: Does ata's in general support pulse dialing?
04:07.01Strom_CDenmark, not that I'm aware of
04:07.15Strom_Cdlynes, the iaxtel numbering plan is independent of the NANP
04:07.21DenmarkStrom_M: So no IP dialing for you? ;-)
04:07.21Strom_Cit merely folllows the same pattern
04:07.32Strom_CDenmark, my zaptel card supports pulse dialing just fine
04:07.44DenmarkNeato :)
04:07.46dlynesso iow, the 1-700 numbers for iaxtel cannot be dialed from a pots line?
04:07.51Strom_Cdlynes, exactly
04:07.57dlynesthat's crappy :)
04:08.01Denmark"IP phoning like in the '50s" :-)
04:08.21*** join/#asterisk mogorman (n=mogorman@
04:08.38project_2501does anyone here use the 'ztdummy' kernel module to operate a conference?
04:08.47Strom_Cproject_2501, yes
04:09.14mogormanfile[laptop], !!!
04:09.16DenmarkStrom_M: With that phone in the house, you don't need a handgun to defend yourself .. just throw the phone at his nose, and he is finished - and the phone probably just need a good cleaning.
04:09.18Strom_CDenmark, let me show you the telephone I have on my asterisk box right now...
04:10.00file[laptop]mogorman: I wasn't expecting anyone to be back this early
04:10.01project_2501Strom_C: do I have to install the zaptel driver to make it available?
04:10.01mogormanwell my lady
04:10.01Strom_Cproject_2501, obviously
04:10.01mogormanwanted to knock off
04:10.01Strom_Cmodprobe zaptel; modprobe ztdummy
04:10.04dlynesproject_2501: if you're using linux 2.4, you need to uncomment out the commented out ztdummy; if you're using linux 2.6, just make, using 'make linux26'
04:10.05file[laptop]mogorman: I wish I could have been there :(
04:10.15*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (
04:10.16file[laptop]but, there's always next year!
04:10.17DenmarkStrom_M: Show me
04:10.31mogormanyeah it was fun
04:10.35mogormanit always is
04:10.36Jaxxanhey ya'll
04:10.42mogormandigium = non stop fun
04:11.11Jaxxanso i'm running 1.0.9 and i feel compelled to go to 1.2.5 for additional features.
04:11.24Jaxxanis it gonna be a smooth transition for me or am i gonna be in hell for hours ?
04:11.34Strom_CDenmark, looking for it now :)
04:11.39dlynesJaxxan: it's a smooth transition for the most part
04:11.40DenmarkJaxxan: Yes to both! :-P
04:12.03DenmarkJaxxan: (J/K) :)
04:12.04Strom_CDenmark, here's my 302 again
04:12.07dlynesJaxxan: You'll probably get a few warnings in the log file you'll have to fix eventually
04:12.24dlynesJaxxan: that way in case Digium removes support for that method later on, you won't be caught unawares
04:12.59dlynesJaxxan: A few of the old ways of doing things have been replaced with a generic 'Set' method
04:13.01Strom_CDenmark, hmm, dont have a good photo of it.
04:13.15dlynesJaxxan: but the old way of doing things is still valid
04:13.20Jaxxanso i'm also using zaptel- is the new zaptel 1.2.5 pretty good ?
04:13.42DenmarkStrom_M: This one is not hooked up?
04:14.16dlynesJaxxan: Depends...are you on a pri?
04:14.31Jaxxani gotta t400p
04:14.34dlynesJaxxan: you'll want to grab zaptel-trunk and libpri-trunk then
04:14.40dlynesJaxxan: i..e the latest svn copy
04:14.59Strom_CDenmark, ah, i found it
04:15.05dlynesJaxxan: libpri 1.2.2 and zaptel 1.2.5 are quite buggy on pris
04:15.07Jaxxani dont know much about svn except that it replaced CVS right ?
04:15.17dlynesJaxxan: svn is a better cvs
04:15.18Strom_CDenmark, the 302 is on my POTS line
04:15.24Jaxxancan i use asterisk 1.2.5 and still use zaptel then ?
04:15.33mogormanvonage is hiring
04:15.45dlynesJaxxan: if you're running a recent linux distribution, you'll have svn
04:15.52DenmarkStrom_M: Hehe :)
04:16.00Jaxxani'm on redhat 4 atm
04:16.03dlynesJaxxan: zaptel-trunk is stable as is libpri-trunk
04:16.12dlynesJaxxan: redhat 4?
04:16.19dlynesJaxxan: as in like about 7 or 8 years old?
04:16.20DenmarkStrom_M: I wonder how I could wonder why you had a POTS line ;-)
04:16.48Strom_CDenmark, because I don't completely trust voip yet :)
04:16.51dlynesJaxxan: ah...what kernel version is that?
04:16.57Strom_Calso, if the power goes out, i'm fucked without a pots line
04:17.05Jaxxanusing 2.6.9 atm
04:17.11DenmarkStrom_M: I guess you're a tad careful about upgrading your phones too. ;-)
04:18.10dlynesJaxxan: if you upgrade past linux 2.6.12, you'll need to use zaptel 1.2.x or zaptel-trunk
04:18.21dlynesJaxxan: Linux 2.6.13 removed the simple api
04:18.36DenmarkStrom_M: Then again, as you mentioned - the only thing you might miss, is the asterisk and the number key.
04:18.44dlynesJaxxan: zaptel 1.0.x depended on that for linux 2.6 support
04:18.52Jaxxani probably wont unless i build a new box
04:19.20Jaxxancan you help me real quick with zapata?
04:19.21*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
04:19.28dlynesJaxxan: in what way?
04:19.30Jaxxani'm currently using zapata-1.0.1
04:19.31DenmarkStrom_M: * and #
04:19.47DenmarkStrom_M: I have 3 phones .. all touch tones and PSTN.
04:19.48Jaxxanand when i went  to asterisk 1.0.9 i'm still using zapata-1.0.1
04:19.50dlynesJaxxan: zapata?  not zaptel?
04:20.02Jaxxani have zaptel on there too
04:20.06Shaun2222Jaxxan: i built zaptel-1.2.5 on Cento4 (RHEL4) running 2.6.9-34
04:20.21dlynesshaun222: are you using a pri card, though?
04:20.26Jaxxanwere those packages combined or something?
04:20.34dlynesshaun222: yeah...that's the problem
04:20.49dlynesshaun222: we both are...there's problems with 1.2.5 when you're using a pri card
04:20.56Shaun2222i see
04:21.04dlynesshaun222: when you're using libpri 1.2.2
04:21.20DenmarkStrom_M: I find your simplistic approach appealing though.
04:21.28dlynesJaxxan: zaptel- didn't need the zapata project
04:21.33DenmarkStrom_M: And I adore your 302 :-)
04:21.41dlynesJaxxan: well...1.0.8 and higher
04:21.48dlynesJaxxan: I don't know about anything earlier than that
04:21.48Shaun2222Strom_C: what are you using this for?
04:22.13Jaxxanso just slap the latest zaptel-1.2.5 on there and i'll be all set then
04:22.17Strom_Cshaun222: it was my attempt at making ana it conditioner
04:22.23Strom_Can air conditioner
04:22.27dlynesJaxxan: zaptel-trunk and libpri-trunk
04:22.38Jaxxanfrom svn right ?
04:22.42dlynesJaxxan: the download page tells you how to grab the trunk svn version
04:23.06Jaxxanlemme check it out
04:23.17dlynesJaxxan: install libpri-trunk first, then zaptel-trunk, then asterisk 1.2.6, then asterisk-addons-1.2.1, then asterisk-sounds-1.2.1
04:23.25Shaun2222strom_c:  <--- thats just wrong!!!!!
04:23.33Strom_Cbut so funny
04:23.56dlynesJaxxan: forgot about iax-0.2.2...install that after zaptel-trunk, but before asterisk-1.2.6
04:24.11Jaxxani dont use iax
04:24.14Shaun2222not to me, 2 gay guys rapped in a american flag, whomever made that needs to die!
04:24.16dlynesJaxxan: ah...ok
04:24.34Strom_Cshaun222, you going homophobic on us or something?
04:25.02Strom_Ccareful with may incur the wrath of, like, half the asterisk developers ;)
04:25.11Shaun2222na, i dont have a problem with homo's for the most part, but i do when it's in public...
04:25.13tsumeStrom_C: hah! halarious
04:25.34tsumepeople should keep their sexual orientation in their home, even heteros
04:26.03tsumeif they like having sex with animals, hetero, homo, trans, bondage, wahtever
04:26.14project_2501dlynes: I just got the zaptel driver installed, but when I run 'modprobe zaptel' I get a bunch of errors and am refered to dmesg, which has the following message; zaptel: Unknown symbol class_simple_device_add
04:26.15asterboyman brokeback * again?
04:26.16tsumefine, but keep it in the home
04:26.17DenmarkNow we got him started :-)
04:26.31tsumewhy does everyone from all the channels saythat?
04:26.37project_2501dlynes: and a few other similar ones
04:26.58project_2501dlynes: any ideas what I can do?
04:26.59tsumeI swear I'm the only damn extrovert on irc
04:27.07Denmarktsume : Few people speak the truth without censorship.
04:27.17dlynesproject_2501: you're using linux 2.6.13 or higher
04:27.17Shaun2222i think the hole thing of them using the american flag to cover up is rediculis, the stupid fucks could have used somthing else...
04:27.30dlynesproject_2501: you must be trying to install zaptel 1.0.x.x
04:27.33tsumeShaun2222: the american flag is patriotic
04:27.41DenmarkShaun2222: Yeah .. like the canadian flag, right?
04:27.41tsumeShaun2222: the flag has no resemblance to God
04:28.05Shaun2222tsume: who said i give a shit about god.
04:28.08tsumeShaun2222: The U.S. of A. was made to escape religious prosecution, not develop like it has back to it.
04:28.12project_2501dlynes: 2.6 kernel and zaptel 1.0.8
04:28.23tsumeShaun2222: theres no harm in using the american flag. its called freedom of speech
04:28.24dlynesproject_2501: yeah, but your 2.6 kernel is 2.6.13 or higher
04:28.27Shaun2222Denmark: lol, but na..
04:28.33DenmarkShaun2222: :-)
04:28.36dlynesproject_2501: why are you trying ot use zaptel 1.0?
04:28.54Shaun2222tsume: theirs rules to the flag, one of them should be no waping gay guys in it!
04:28.58tsumeShaun2222: I'll use britney spears as my wrap ;)
04:29.06Shaun2222tsume: nice!!!!
04:29.10project_2501dlynes: well I run gentoo, and just ran an 'emerge zaptel' and thats the latest version offered in the portage tree
04:29.11dlynesproject_2501: 2.6.12 was the last kernel version to have the class_simple_... api
04:29.19tsumeShaun2222: I don't mind gays expressing themselves in a patriotic fashion :)
04:29.36tsumeas long as the flag isn't burning, I encourage it!
04:30.07project_2501dlynes: if I go to the asterisk site and get the 1.2.5 driver set there, where do I install it so that 'modprobe' will find the modules?
04:30.08dlynesproject_2501: well, either 1.  Upgrade your distribution 2. switch to a different distribution 3. downgrade your kernel to 2.6.12 or older 4. download the zaptel source code to install it
04:30.26dlynesproject_2501: it'll know where to install it...just run make ; make install
04:30.37dlynesproject_2501: make sure you have your kernel sources installed
04:30.38tsumenortel should die! :D
04:30.45dlynestsume: Nortel rules!!!
04:30.53tsumenortel blows :P
04:31.02tsumeand their 400 ATA sucks too!
04:31.05dlynesNot when it's your main bread and butter :)
04:31.16Shaun2222Strom_C: u sure have a thing for old phones and bell :)
04:31.25project_2501dlynes: do I run 'make linux26 install' or 'make linux26' thena 'make install' ?
04:31.25tsumedlynes: asterisk improves my profits.... and Budgetone too! :D
04:31.30Strom_Cshaun222, yup yup
04:31.33dlynesproject_2501: make linux26 ; make install
04:31.47project_2501dlynes: oh ok, thanks a lot man
04:31.48DenmarkStrom_M: 2600?
04:31.51tsumedlynes: I was a nortel, avaya, and archaic phone system tech before I knew asterisk
04:32.03tsumedlynes: asterisk is my dream come true :D
04:32.07dlynestsume: we deal with nortel and panasonic
04:32.15tsumedlynes: those bastard systems, heh
04:32.28dlynestsume: we're just trying to get asterisk to work properly before we go full bore on selling it
04:32.31tsumedlynes: there is a KX-something something something I'm replacing
04:32.31Strom_CDenmark, ?
04:32.43dlynestsume: KX-TDA30?
04:32.48tsumeno, an older system
04:32.49DenmarkStrom_M: That phone seems a tad more "up to date"?
04:33.02dlynestsume: ah...but it's an older KSU, eh?
04:33.17tsumeyeah. Someone installed it and screwed them over
04:33.27tsumeI'm  going to make 3k from it, so I'm happy.
04:33.27dlynestsume: that's about par for panasonic dealers
04:33.44dlynestsume: panasonic dealers are highly unethical
04:33.49tsumedlynes: hehe.
04:34.00Shaun2222Strom_C: that in your house?
04:34.02tsumedlynes: well he was up here in Alaska, he installed it and moved away quick.
04:34.05dlynestsume: we only sell panasonic when our customers insist on buying it
04:34.07Shaun2222Strom_C: actually have to put coins in it?
04:34.08Strom_Cshaun222, yes
04:34.23dlynestsume: otherwise we push nortel and asterisk
04:34.33Strom_Cno - it's on my POTS line
04:34.35dlynestsume: sometimes a combination of the two
04:34.38tsumedlynes: nortel I don't like, but only because I had to order from a source.
04:34.50Strom_Cthough if i can get the zaptel card to do coin control, im there
04:34.52tsumedlynes: however my sources would give me the latest beta stuff :)
04:35.04Shaun2222Strom_C: ahh, that reminds me, i wonder if i still have my modified tone dialer :)
04:35.06dlynestsume: and that's a good thing?
04:35.15tsumedlynes: hell yea, had features which were to die for.
04:35.34tsumebut now theres asterisk. oh! and TDM cards like the 2400 with onboard echo cancellation
04:35.37dlynescics 7.0 just came out recently
04:35.54dlynestsume: yeah, but those tdm boards are so blood expensive
04:36.04tsumedlynes: not really :) not compared to nortel
04:36.12tsumedlynes: and parts are easier to replace.
04:36.12dlynestsume: they kinda price asterisk out compared to nortel a lot of the time
04:36.15DenmarkStrom_M: Is that a cisco in the background, near the fancy chair?
04:36.40tsumedlynes: compared to what is available on the market, asterisk is a cheaper deal.
04:36.51tsumedlynes: the upgrades would really be the killer though.
04:36.58dlynestsume: I tend to disagree
04:37.02DenmarkStrom_M: And the lap top
04:37.12DenmarkStrom_M: (On the picture with the payphone)
04:37.16dlynestsume: a lot of the time for less phone lines, nortel can be as much as $600 cheaper
04:37.34tsumedlynes: I'd just like to price a voip nortel system comparing to a asterisk :)
04:37.47dlynestsume: ummm...bcm is another ballgame, altogether
04:37.55dlynestsume: bcm is a hell of a lot more expensive than asterisk
04:38.16Shaun2222could asterisk be used to for dialup internet access?
04:38.35tsumedlynes: also features. nortel doesn't offer it, and theres no way I'm going to use bastardous phonesystems like erm.. well already forgot the major system for hotels :)
04:38.46dlynestsume: mitel?
04:38.51tsumeyes, mitel!
04:38.59*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (i=trbldwin@
04:39.00dlynestsume: it's a huge pos
04:39.02tsumebecause its ready on the network, I make apps which they can use
04:39.19tsumedlynes: no shit :P plus my customers kept trying to screw me, but I always  record serial numbers
04:40.04dlynestsume: yeah...the biggest problem we have with asterisk is that there's no such thing as BLA, or shared line appearance
04:40.28tsumedlynes: could send patches :)
04:40.36dlynestsume: most of our customers are used to seeing what line is coming in, and when someone picks up that line on another extension, everyone in the office seeing that the line is in use
04:41.07dlynestsume: my biggest problem is that because of all the problems i'm having with asterisk, i don't have enough free time to write any asterisk code :)
04:41.20tsumedlynes: I don't think anywhere I've installed a system cares, since everyone I've installed has at least 6 lines, it would be pointless
04:41.27dlynesi'd love to...just don't have the time
04:41.44MikeJ[Laptop]dlynes, the problem with the whole line appearances thing is it is a concept specific to hard line telephony
04:41.47dlynesYeah...a lot of our customers have 1, 2, or 3 lines
04:41.55MikeJ[Laptop]in the world of voip, there is no such thing as line 1
04:41.58dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: and why's that?
04:42.00DenmarkCould not open //usr/lib/ipkg/info/asterisk-sounds.list for writing: No space left on device
04:42.00tsumedlynes: aha. I remember those from my nortel days
04:42.09Shaun2222Strom_C: where are these super_caller_id's from the phone company you work(ed) for?
04:42.10tsumedlynes: no space left on device, duh
04:42.15tsumeDenmark: ^^
04:42.18tsumeDenmark: df -h
04:42.19MikeJ[Laptop]real phone systems worth a damn do even do that anymore
04:42.24Denmarktsume : Its on my router.
04:42.29MikeJ[Laptop]don't that is
04:42.36MikeJ[Laptop]smaller key systems do
04:42.37Corydon76-homeHow would it work if the telco decided to move a call from channel 6 to channel 1 in the middle of a call?
04:42.41dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: smaller offices often have four or less lines
04:42.52dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: so they like to see the status of them on the phone
04:42.56MikeJ[Laptop]yes, that is more in the world of key stiff
04:43.05dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: keysystems, yes
04:43.07Corydon76-homeand how would it work, if the call didn't go out on a local physical line?
04:43.14MikeJ[Laptop]I have seen the same growing pains in compnies that grow
04:43.29MikeJ[Laptop]and grow out of 4 line systems and get their first T1
04:43.53dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: and other companies that might have 30 or 40 extensions want to see the status of those extensions, too
04:44.08MikeJ[Laptop]dlynes, but that part is doable
04:44.08Denmarktsume : Right .. I better telnet to it ..
04:44.11dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: Asterisk supports that through BLF (dialplan hinting), but it's a kludge
04:44.23dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: rebooting a phone just resets it
04:44.48dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: erm reloading the dialplan i mean
04:45.21MikeJ[Laptop]I am not in love with how it is implemented either.. but when there paradyme shifts to a voip, more user based than device based world... we need a better way to describe things
04:45.25MikeJ[Laptop]the question is how
04:45.34Strom_Cshaun2222, thats not from the phone company
04:45.39Strom_Cthats something i hacked up myself
04:45.44MikeJ[Laptop]how do you show accurate presense when it is based on user, not device
04:46.02dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: so when your customers go from needing four lines to needing six or seven or eight lines, they buy a t1?
04:46.02MikeJ[Laptop]I think that is the bigger question, than the specifics of how you implement
04:46.37MikeJ[Laptop]dlynes, I was speaking more generally, the break even point is probably higher than 8 in this market
04:46.38dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: t1's must be cheap in your neck of the woods
04:46.47MikeJ[Laptop]but eventually you run into some sort of limit
04:46.52dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: ah
04:46.56MikeJ[Laptop]for example
04:47.02demigod2kyou may want a frac T1 for internet though. I'd agree there's some point where you should just switch over
04:47.02dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: it would be more like about 15 or 16
04:47.10MikeJ[Laptop]you run into the limit of number of BLF lights on a phone
04:47.32demigod2kthe pricepoint here was approx 6-8 lines
04:47.35MikeJ[Laptop]but the question I pose is more theoretical\philisophical
04:47.46dlynesdemigod2k: where are you?
04:47.49demigod2kwhitmore lake, MI
04:48.00dlynesdemigod2k: ah...yeah...more expensive here, in Canada
04:48.09MikeJ[Laptop]demigod2k, hehe.. my neck of the woods.
04:48.15demigod2kbut I am including internet + phones as a bundle, assuming I can change both
04:48.26demigod2kthe crossover point was surprisingly low
04:48.47demigod2kyay MI
04:48.55MikeJ[Laptop]I am not saying that customers don't want that functionality.. they do
04:49.03MikeJ[Laptop]I am saying the world is changing...
04:49.07dlynesdemigod2k: freaking telcos here still have a near monopoly when it comes to T1's
04:49.22Shaun2222Strom_C: you pulling that info from the net or somthing..
04:49.42MikeJ[Laptop]dlynes, I know of at least a couple clec's in MI doing T1's with voice and internet on the same line
04:50.03dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: i'm guessing you need a channel bank for that too, eh?
04:50.14MikeJ[Laptop]or even more interesting, T1's with flexible voice
04:50.35MikeJ[Laptop]where it's all internet bandwidth until you get calls.. and it allocates voice onthe fly
04:50.51dlynesyou need special hardware for that?
04:51.01MikeJ[Laptop]the interesting thing is, I have sniffed those T's before.. it's all voip.. they just don't tell the customers
04:51.14MikeJ[Laptop]they stick a router on it...
04:51.14Jaxxanalrighty, so svn's easy, do i do the snapshot or the trunk versions
04:51.24dlynesJaxxan: trunk
04:51.27MikeJ[Laptop]it comes in as a t1, goes out as a T1 and an ethernet
04:51.31Jaxxantrunk is latest and greatest ?
04:51.46dlynesJaxxan: not necessarily greatest, but in this case, it's the version that works
04:52.00dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: he's on a pri
04:52.11dlynesMikeJ[Laptop]: zaptel-1.2.5 and libpri-1.2.2 have problems with pris
04:52.35MikeJ[Laptop]that's sad
04:52.37dlynesin my case, it was hanging my pri every day or two
04:52.42Jaxxani have a problem with my PRI on 1.0.9
04:52.46dlynesso that everyone would get busy signals when they tried calling in
04:52.51Jaxxanya'll familiar with american ido
04:53.03dlynesi'd have to shut down asterisk and restart it to fix it
04:53.18Jaxxani live in american samoa, which is a small island in the middle of the south pacific
04:53.31Jaxxanand we had a eukelele contest american idol style
04:53.40Jaxxani setup two additional PRI's
04:53.53Jaxxanwhich were trunked together on the dms100 side
04:54.16Jaxxaneveryone was ok on my side, but calls would not overflow to the 2nd PRI
04:54.29Jaxxanso i got slammed with about 10,000 calls in 2 hours using only 23 channels
04:54.57dlynesdamn...those must've been wicked ukelele's :)
04:55.04*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
04:55.08Jaxxanit was pretty good, if you wanna see the results go to
04:55.20Jaxxanwas amazing for something that took a week and a half to put together
04:55.58Jaxxani was expecting a coupla hundred calls per division, not a coupla thousand
04:56.11techman97_andyI have a question:  I am connecting my softphone (soon to be regular IP phone) to *, which is behind a NAT firewall.  I finally got all of the ports opened and whatnot so I have a fully functional client, however I had to specify my (client) external IP in sip.conf in order for it to connect.  Having a dynamic IP is going to make that extremely difficult to manage.  If I put host-dynamic, I can't register...hence don't make a
04:57.50Jaxxanwe had a sub-contest, the caller with the most votes would get a free phone
04:58.12Jaxxanwhat's funny, is that the person that called the most spent a $50.00 phone card for a $60.00 phone.
04:58.50dlynesanything to drive the economy :)
05:00.00dlynesso it costs money to make local calls in american samoa?
05:01.19Jaxxani work for a wireless communications company
05:02.01Jaxxanthe contest was only for our subscribers
05:03.15Jaxxanthe local landline communications company on the island is run by the government and isn't very...
05:03.39Jaxxanwell let's just say they dont make it easy to do anything with.
05:03.47Jaxxanthey wont even peer with us
05:03.57Jaxxanwhich is just... stupid
05:04.33Shaun2222anybody know why when i set MACRO_RESULT=ABORT in my macro and truen to the original context why it continues on with the dial plan.
05:04.47Shaun2222the docs say it hangs up both "legs" of the call
05:05.05mitchelocwhich island?
05:07.42techman97_andyanyone know a reason why when registering a SIP client that's not on the same IP subnet as the * server, that I would get an unauthorized message in the sip debug log?
05:08.23techman97_andyif I take the same computer and move it to the same subnet and change the SIP proxy to the internal IP address - I register correctly.
05:14.08*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=usahnem@
05:15.26Shaun2222techman97_andy: is one or both the subnets private?
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05:32.14techman97_andyI'm back
05:32.19techman97_andysorry about the delay there
05:33.35techman97_andythe * server is on a 10.1.0.x/24 subnet, my client is on a 192.168.1.x/24 subnet.  I can VPN to the 10.1.0.x/24 subnet and register completely fine.  if I attempt to connect through the Internet (all ports are correctly configured) - that's where I can't register at all.
05:37.38Shaun2222i had a simular problem..
05:37.51techman97_andyreally?  how did you work with it?
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05:38.33techman97_andyI found out that if I specify the external IP of my client (192 network) in sip.conf, then I can register.  However...with dynamic IP addresses of the clients...I can't rely on that solution
05:38.42Shaun2222i'm assuming the 10.x.x.x network and the 192.x.x.x network doesnt have the same router between them so they cant talk?
05:39.16techman97_andycorrect - two completely different ISPs and locations
05:39.55Shaun2222ok... then first on your asterisk server you have to set nat=yes for that phones sip...
05:40.03techman97_andydone that.
05:40.15Strom_Ctechman97_andy, SIP does not play well with NAT in general, and you're fucked if there's NAT on both ends.
05:40.17Shaun2222your phone also needs that option
05:40.30techman97_andyI have it in the [default] section as well as in the specific phone's SIP entry
05:40.54Strom_Ctechman97_andy, you should consider using IAX for the firewall and NAT traversal and then have an asterisk box on each end as a SIP proxy
05:41.08techman97_andyI'm trying to decide if I need to shut off services, lock down the * box, and slap it direct on the internet for this to work the way I want...=S
05:41.19Strom_Ctechman97_andy, you should consider using IAX for the firewall and NAT traversal and then have an asterisk box on each end as a SIP proxy
05:41.26Strom_Ctechman97_andy, SIP does not play well with NAT in general, and you're fucked if there's NAT on both ends.
05:41.34Strom_CI can repeat myself indefinitely, you know
05:41.41techman97_andyI can see that!
05:42.12Shaun2222Strom_C: what about dmz to the *
05:42.17Shaun2222would that correct the problme?
05:42.18techman97_andyhere's my deal.  My end game is to have one Asterisk server in our main HQ...and have our 7 employees connect via softphones and IP phones through the Internet to it.
05:42.45techman97_andyhowever I need to config the logical location of the Asterisk box - that's what I have to do
05:42.52Shaun2222techman97_andy: why cant you give the * server a public internet address?
05:43.12techman97_andyI have an available address, but I'm always nervous about putting a server direct on the net.
05:43.14Strom_Cyeah, and firewall off anything that isnt SIP going to that address
05:43.28Strom_Cport 5060 and then 10000-20000
05:43.33Strom_Cor, if you're skittish
05:43.47Strom_Cput a SIP proxy on the outside and then have it talk IAX back to your switch
05:43.55Strom_Cthat way you only need to open up 4569
05:45.30*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
05:45.36techman97_andyI'm using a PIX 540 or something like that (older model - can't remember the exact model #) and am currently doing static NAT mappings of 5060 and works if I specify the client's IP in sip.conf - then I can receive calls at the client.  (if I leave it host=dynamic, I can make calls, but cannot receive)
05:46.00techman97_andywouldn't plopping * on the DMZ and firewalling everything else off be the same thing as what I'm doing now in essence?
05:46.30Strom_Ctechman97_andy, the general wisdom with SIP is that if you're going to use NAT, don't use SIP.
05:46.36Strom_Cit's too problematic with NAT.
05:47.01Shaun2222techman97_andy: i'm no expect but i had a simular problem, it was before my phone that was on nat was setting register to 300 when the * server was forcing 60
05:47.15Shaun2222so if i made a call out, it would work and then i could call the phone rigth after
05:47.24Jaxxanthere anything wrong with just grabbing everything from trunk ?
05:47.27Shaun2222but after a while (60 seconds probably) it would disapear..
05:47.39techman97_andyyeah, we're having similar probs...=(
05:47.49Shaun2222techman97_andy: what type of phone?
05:47.57Shaun2222techman97_andy: make sure the register time isnt set higher than 60
05:50.14techman97_andysorry - I'm back
05:50.35techman97_andywe're going to be using the mid-class Cisco IP phones in about 2 weeks, but we're on XLite softphone for now.
05:51.04Shaun2222look for the register time...
05:51.20techman97_andylemme check
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06:04.49Shaun2222can i have read catch a *
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06:39.41Shaun2222is their a way to leave sip/iax open for anonymous connections and have the system automatically assign a extension?
06:40.29Shaun2222i'm thinking i could provide a address for customers to connect to (expecially international) so that they could jsut get right into our phone system's menu as if they called in...
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06:44.18VoIPMastashaun222: not that I'm aware of, but you can always allow "guest" connections
06:44.34VoIPMastaShaun2222: it won't assing them an extension, but will allow them to call your extension
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06:49.48achandraquick  question about using asterisk behind firewall configs versus just having dedicated routing between two points? What is recommended for an enterprise setup?
06:49.48Shaun2222VoIPMasta: that works..
06:49.54Shaun2222VoIPMasta no need for me to call them really :)
06:50.16VoIPMastaShaun2222: then just leave the "guest" user open (as it's in the default .conf files)
06:50.40VoIPMastaShaun2222: and add your extension in the "default" context in your extensions.conf
06:50.45coppice[av]bani: it looks like lenovo might not be abandoning all that is thinkpad after all. although they have launched some nasty looking machines withe lenovo thinkpad on them, there are also new machines saying IBM Thinkpad, which look every bit the traditional thinkpad
06:51.22VoIPMastaachandra: dedicated routing
06:51.33VoIPMastaachandra: even a SSL enabled VPN will do it better :)
06:51.46Strom_Ccoppice, the "Lenovo" machines aren't called "ThinkPad"
06:51.59Strom_Cthe low-end ones are just marked "Lenovo"
06:51.59coppiceyes they are. i've seen some
06:52.51achandraVoIPMasta: okay the ISP has been "willing" to do this and through routing its a "poor man's firewall" of sorts...what is cool is that firewall rools and such dont have to be dealt with including oddities with RTP packets, etc.
06:53.24achandraLenovo makes stuff for
06:54.19coppiceism's desktop and thinkpad business is now a division of lenovo, and IBM still owns some share of that
06:54.23achandrarools=rules...damn its late that was pretty bad...
06:54.52achandraso a lenovo should be a good choice for a laptop...
06:55.07VoIPMastaachandra: dedicated routing will always give you better results speed-wise than a regular firewall
06:55.24VoIPMastaachandra: however it also depends on your ISPs policies
06:55.58achandraVoIPMasta: The difficulty will arise in deaing with replicating such an environment in dev or qa area.
06:56.24coppiceachandra: depends if all the japanese designers flee, and lenovo just put the thinkpad name on any old junk
06:56.40achandraVoIPMasta: meaning running such load testing Apps as SIPP to give accurate results of what the prod environment should be.
06:57.30achandracoppice: true true...honestly though Ive used a thinkpad at my old place of work, and I liked it a lot...believe it was a T42
06:57.52coppicethinkpads are in a different league to any other notebook
06:58.20achandracoppice: also hated it cause it didnt have a serial port...had to buy a radio shack usb to serial deal...40 bucks...OUCH.
06:58.46coppicethat's fine. its the machines with parallel ports which are a huge pain
06:58.54achandraquick other question...How have you guys dealt with two things in particular..
06:59.01achandra1) Load balancing asterisk
07:00.04achandra2) Dealing with issues of signaling vs. media...specifically I want to distinctly seperate the two functions, due to flexible "experiments" I want to conduct. Is it possibe to seperate over different interfaces?
07:00.54achandraany thoughts y'all?
07:01.23coppices/with parallel/without parallel
07:02.04achandraquestions pertaining to load balcing first is good place to start I guess.
07:04.18Shaun2222anybody know if i can run a macro after a agent/member picks up a call from the queue?
07:04.23achandrasilence is deafning...anybody?
07:04.26Shaun2222i cant seam to find a answer to this question.
07:04.47Shaun2222achandra: haha, good luck, i've been asking about HA/Failover and searching and have found nothing...
07:05.13achandrathe only thing I could find was using poor man's approch....round robin dns.
07:05.53achandrabloody hell...does that mean every * box needs the exact same config? and then...all the databases need to be kept in sync or just talking to one db?...
07:05.58Shaun2222if you can use rrd you should be able to do whatever your trying to do with a load balancer then...
07:06.25Shaun2222achandra: i would imagine they would all need to be synced up...
07:06.49Shaun2222achandra: i havnt gotten into this yet, i'm just been working on getting my dialplan and what not setup and working
07:07.04achandraShaun2222: so id guess.... but im unsure what tools postgreql has for such things or mysql.
07:07.29achandraShaun2222: is it for a massive setup or soho? aah might work for ya?
07:07.32achandraor ?
07:07.33Shaun2222achandra: mysql can cluster...
07:07.45Shaun2222pgsql i dont have much experience with.
07:08.33Shaun2222achandra: in my setup i just need redundancy between 2 datacenters so i hopfully dont have any outages :)
07:08.43*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
07:09.20puzzledmorning all
07:09.20achandraShaun2222: interesting...okay so one is fielding calls, and if one fails, it switches to DR or ?
07:09.38Shaun2222achandra: i'm no * wiz, i just started with it 2 weeks ago, but so far it seams that keeping the * embedded DB synced would be a problem.
07:10.41achandraShaun2222: I was able to get it and build a level of pretty good understand using aah...there is a good australian write up on the net called asterisk with out tears ( thats what youd google for). Very well written...
07:11.24Shaun2222should be called asterisk with out the 6ft rope ;)
07:11.52Shaun2222i'll check it out thanks!
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07:11.57achandralol..could you describe "how" the final setup would have my curiousity peaked.
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07:13.18Shaun2222achandra: well the seperate dc idea of mine isnt well thought out yet...
07:13.58Shaun2222achandra: one big problem i think will be the phones
07:14.07achandraokay... well it is very interesting...specifically, I was curious about the redundancy portion of it all
07:14.12Shaun2222i dont know if they can do a HA failover type setup.
07:14.31achandrasip mean...
07:14.54Shaun2222right, sip or iax phones...
07:15.20achandrawell I had an idea that if they all register with a VIP...then using round robin DNS you'd be able to point to multiple * boxes...then it wouldnt matter...but the configs I guess would have to be identical on all boxes...
07:15.49achandranot with a bad "to a" VIP...
07:16.17Shaun2222i would assume the phones are smart enought to use rrd?
07:16.32achandrayoull have to explain the rrd thing a bit more...
07:16.41Shaun2222rrd = round robin dns
07:16.53achandrahe he ...mor acronyms...okay. :)
07:17.16achandrai was an ID10T on that one.
07:17.42Shaun2222np, cant know all of them
07:18.02achandraand there is a tool right? rrd tool or whatever?
07:18.14Shaun2222ya, thats db type tool :)
07:18.42achandrahey...also do you have any idea what the srv records in particular are used for?
07:18.46achandrafor DNS?
07:20.21achandraive heard these are important parameters when configuring aah with dns
07:20.51Shaun2222srv records? uhh
07:21.13achandrano big, I could google it...but might want to check that out too.
07:21.13Shaun2222are you talking about SPF?
07:22.07achandranope SRV...
07:23.45Shaun2222actually i've never had to use SRV records before
07:24.19achandra's another
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07:25.50achandraShaun2222: I might have the possibility of testing some stuff out next week with RRD..Ill post up and see how it works...
07:26.02Shaun2222i wonder what advantage using SRV records has...
07:26.29Shaun2222oh i see you can weight them
07:27.52achandrathis is very useful...
07:28.29Shaun2222this looks more for loadbalancing sip connections out of asterisk right?
07:29.54achandrabut see Ive been seeing a lot of posts regarding the "battle" if you will with dealing with "just" signaling or "media servers", and asterisk handles hence Im dealing with an issue with load balancing, proxying sip for signaling AND media type balancing...acccck.
07:30.29achandraor it may just be my confusion at best.
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07:32.25Shaun2222achandra: you would like you know more about it than i do... (doesnt supprise me) i've only been playing with telephony for 2 weeks)
07:34.34achandraShaun2222: that guide I told you about -
07:34.40achandrathats a good start...
07:36.20achandrathere is SO....much more...might also want to chekck out SER and open-SER
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07:42.01Dream_WEaverAnyone had issues with SayUnixTime()?
07:42.06achandrais zoa around? heard you might have a tutorial on load balancing asterisk that was presented at astricon 2004
07:42.11Dream_WEaverIn that it doesn't understand Asian timezones
07:42.22Dream_WEaverie. Asia/Krasnoyarsk
07:42.27Dream_WEaverShould be KRAST
07:42.54Dream_WEaverIt resolves North American TZ's just fine.
07:43.12Shaun2222anybody know where i can find info about how to notify the sip phone that theirs a voicemail?
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07:43.45Dream_WEaverI believe if you have set up the extension for VM it will do it itself.
07:43.50Dream_WEaverMine does.
07:44.09Shaun2222Dream_WEaver: this phone is a cisco 7960
07:44.27Shaun2222did you have to configure your phone at all?
07:44.42Dream_WEaverNope.  It receives the message in the sip strea,
07:45.33Shaun2222bahh, i think i know whats wrong
07:47.07Dream_WEaverIt's not instantanious
07:47.17achandraanybody go to astricon 2004, where a tutorial was given by zoa on load balancing?..just wanted to know if there was a write up...
07:47.31Dream_WEaverI think it's when the phone expires its connection
07:47.35Dream_WEaver3600 seconds?
07:47.43Dream_WEaverNot sure.
07:47.56Dream_WEaverMight be that Asterisk sends it as soon as it's there.
07:47.58Shaun2222thats a long ass time
07:48.09Shaun2222you talking about the register timeout?
07:48.36Dream_WEaverYea, but I believe I'm wrong.
07:48.43Dream_WEaverI believe Asterisk sends it.
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07:49.12Shaun2222asterisk has a default register time out of 60 seconds i beleive
07:49.22inv_Arpany page that explains the revised dialplan syntax for 1.2.x?
07:52.41JamesDotComachandra: the presentation used to be around on the net, can't seem to find it anymore, might have been taken down
07:53.13puzzledmaybe on (iirc)
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07:59.12Jaxxanrevised dialplan syntax ?
07:59.46JamesDotComthat the one you were after achandra?
07:59.55Qwellppt?  wtf?
08:00.25coppiceppt reads OK with open office
08:00.26puzzledpsrt of the test suite runs on XP too :)
08:00.26Qwellyes, I know that
08:00.27JamesDotComit was a presentation
08:00.43coppicein fact they tend to behave better with open office
08:02.30coppicethere is now no available software which will read a Word 2 document properly. MS really ought to sort that out, or they will just accelerate the move to open formats
08:02.44Qwellword 2?  damn that's odl
08:03.05coppicethere are millions of old documents. half the ITU specs are in word 2
08:04.01coppiceand there are lots of bits in those documents that don't get display with office XP or 2003
08:04.04puzzledhasn't been patched to open word2 documents with the latest release?
08:04.51coppicethere is another tool (forgot the name) that can read quite a bit of word 2 documents, but not everything
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08:05.48coppicehey, yeah, that must be it :-)
08:06.13achandraJamesDotCom: yes thats it...sorry for the response..
08:06.56achandraanyone have luck with the redfone units for load balancing?
08:10.13JamesDotComachandra: what voip protocol are you using, sip?
08:11.38JamesDotComif so, you're better off utilising it properly for redundancy
08:11.46JamesDotComdns srv and a couple of sip proxies
08:13.23achandraJamesDotCom: yes that is correct...sip
08:14.11JamesDotComwell then look into dns srv and a sip proxy, eg ser/openser
08:14.20achandraokay right now there is only one SER box which then communicates back to one asterisk box. But your saying that with SRV records, it is possible with SER to do the LB?
08:14.46JamesDotComyou duplicate the configuration of your proxy on another machine
08:15.00achandraabother ser box that is right?
08:15.10JamesDotComdns srv is configured to allow failover/load balancing/what have you with weights and priorities
08:15.40achandraahh..okay...then what about the * boxes?
08:15.47JamesDotComof course you have to think about the rest of the network...
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08:16.02JamesDotComyou will need duplicate asterisk servers too if they're your call gateways
08:16.20JamesDotComand you can make ser handle the failover of that
08:16.24achandrain essence they are primarily used to handle the "media" portion
08:16.48achandraser is being used to proxy the incoming calls..which is pretty much it..
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08:17.18JamesDotComforget about it in terms of boxes, i mean ser and asterisk can be on the same one
08:17.25JamesDotComyou just need at least 2 of each service
08:17.34JamesDotComif it cant contact one, it tried the other
08:17.41JamesDotComas long is something is able to respond
08:18.35achandraI did see some info on this on about putting both on the same hardware  then using different ports to deal with it..
08:18.45achandrais that kind of what you are refering to?
08:18.50JamesDotComyup, that can be done too
08:18.57JamesDotComit depends on your equipment/configuration/budget
08:20.10achandraJamesDotCom: Well the idea is redundancy but being able to handle a pretty large call volume..Could you explain a bit more..or if its going to cost me, let me know..and I can arrange a level of service for that..
08:20.47achandraJamesDotCom: basically I need to be able to set this up rather quickly..
08:22.16achandraJamesDotCom: still there?
08:22.24JamesDotComsorry man, i'm too busy to take on any more work, but i think the best place for you to look would be your SER configuration, you want it to branch and attempt to contact each of your call gateways whether it's a matter of load or redundancy, as long as one can reply everything can be pretty scalable
08:23.08JamesDotComproxies can do almost anything :P
08:23.52achandraokay...will do...I just need enough clues to  get it worked out...But you are basically saying that through ser and * on the same box, a method can be used using SRV records to get it to work with LB and redundancy.
08:24.02achandraif that is correct.
08:25.11achandraso Ill have to research on SER to work this out right? pardon the level of redundant question...just trying to get it straight.
08:25.20JamesDotComhaha, no problem
08:25.30JamesDotComfirst thing you should focus on is SER
08:25.57JamesDotComget the routing working correctly so that it attempts to contact other call gateways if one fails to respond
08:26.25JamesDotComwhether you attempt to contact the gateways in serial or parallel, it's up to you
08:26.34JamesDotComonce you have proxy -> gateway redundancy
08:27.00JamesDotComthen you want to duplicate the SER configuration onto another physical machine/different network/whatever level of redundancy you require
08:27.09achandraJamesDotCom: all SER does in the environment in question is receive calls from PSTN and routes to aah...and then back to pstn... thats pretty much it.
08:27.39achandrais that what you mean by gateways?...this config is used pretty much to collect call records and route calls....
08:27.43JamesDotComthen you use DNS SRV so that clients can figure out what proxy to contact and which priority
08:28.03JamesDotComyeah, gateways/whatever handles the media
08:28.29achandraproxy in this case being what ever ser box ser1 or ser2 or whatever
08:28.30JamesDotComand with that you knock over redundancy, load balancing, and to a degree, scalability in one go
08:28.56achandranice nice...
08:29.21achandraso in effect also eliminating the need in effect to have ser and * on two seperate boxes..
08:30.02JamesDotComwell yeah, as i said, depends on how you want it, but you can just as easily have SER+Asterisk on one physical machine x 2
08:30.13JamesDotComor on 4 servers
08:30.15JamesDotComor on 50 servers
08:31.01achandraso like SER+asterisk - machine 1 & SER+asterisk-machine2 .....
08:31.55achandraand all of the inter communication that was happening between a seperate ser box and an * is handled internally.
08:32.18achandraAlso the config for SER proxy with DNS and SRV records builds the redundancy.
08:32.36achandranow what about the configs (ie mysql records for *?)
08:32.58achandraeverything in this case is a "mirror" in terms of configs etc.
08:33.09achandrawhat keeps things in sync??
08:33.25achandrai suppose an additional component for mysql or?
08:33.53JamesDotComsounds like you understand it...
08:34.00JamesDotComas for the other configs
08:34.17JamesDotComi imagine both logging to the same cdr table should be fine
08:34.22JamesDotCombut i cant vouch for that
08:34.32JamesDotComi like sip, i don't particularly like asterisk :P
08:35.20achandrathat will fact that is preferable....specifically beacuse the same CDR record will be picked by a set of DBA's to another server :)
08:35.51achandraso it possible to havbe the * portion speak to mysql database?
08:36.05achandrathen using something like open ha to deal with mysql redundancy?
08:36.18JamesDotComnot sure about that one dude all exicted...and then cock blocked :P
08:36.55achandramy wife does the same damn thing.
08:37.01achandraha ha
08:37.24JamesDotComhaha, i don't even use mysql, so i really dont know about the asterisk driver for it, or mysql's redundancy features, etc
08:37.32tsumeuse postgres ;)
08:37.51tsumemysql is too viral
08:37.53achandraokay... is postgres just that much more robust ?
08:37.59tsumeachandra: yes
08:38.11JamesDotComin my opinion, definitely...
08:38.16tsumeand postgres actually complies with something called standards
08:38.34achandrayou just answered my question...
08:38.58JamesDotComuntil recently i always thought of mysql as a glorified multi-dimensional array, it's actually gotten some actual features recently
08:39.01achandraits funny because * would have you believe the setup is "default" with mysql...weird.
08:39.24JamesDotComit likely is, it's probably more common than postgresql
08:39.26achandralike the stored procedures...etc..
08:39.36achandraor capacity to ... handle them....
08:40.10achandraokay... then compiling with postgresql is the way to go...
08:40.31*** part/#asterisk madd (
08:40.59achandracurious...based on your "knowledge base"...for ser/asterisk setup do you have any good links to walk me through from basic to advanced how to's etc?
08:41.29achandraspecifically im interested in the topic we were just discussing..
08:41.46w32where does asterisk keep all its log files ?
08:41.51JamesDotComuse google.... "blah blah blah" is very good for ser
08:42.18JamesDotComand as for asterisk... well i stopped really learning about asterisk about 2 years ago, so i dont really keep up to date with the best place for docs these days
08:42.32JamesDotComw32: try /var/log/asterisk/ ?
08:43.08achandraJamesDotCom: will do...Unlike some...Im not afraid to search...but human contact like this is a wealth of info..much appreciated thus far...thank you.
08:43.22JamesDotComno worries ;D
08:43.25*** join/#asterisk StaticSyphon (
08:43.44achandrayou fired off the right brain cells to get me thinking about it...
08:44.35JamesDotComglad to be a help
08:44.39StaticSyphonHas anyone had any problems using IPkall to connect to their pbx from a landline(grandstream?)?
08:45.02JamesDotComalso do yourself a favour and make sure you read up RFC 3261, it explains a lot about sip
08:45.21Shaun2222Anybody know if i can run a macro for the agent/member that picked up a queue?
08:46.12*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
08:46.36StaticSyphonI get a delay then a busy signal when I dial the ipkall number from my house phone any ideas why this is?
08:48.24StaticSyphonhow about and docs to read?
08:49.49achandraJamesDotCom: is the best tool to test such things through SIPP tool?
08:51.08JamesDotComyep, sipp is good, i also use a lot of xlog statements in my ser scripts and turn the debug level up to watch what's going on
08:52.06achandraJamesDotCom:any other good sip tools for debugging and load balancing info?..ethereal..etc?
08:53.06achandraJamesDotCom: have you got the load balanced scenario working?...just curious...
08:53.29JamesDotComit's all personal preference really, i can't think of anything essential, but i use all the standard network tools like ethereal, most sip UA's support logging to syslog and whatnot, i get a few terminals up on screen and watch the call flow
08:54.11JamesDotComsure have, i've setup 2 voip providers in australia doing what i've described
08:54.26JamesDotComand a few extra sip proxies, redirect servers, etc
08:54.53Shaun2222Anybody know why when i set MACRO_RESULT=ABORT that it didnt terminate both sides of the connection?
08:55.04achandraJamesDotCom: anyway Id be able to query you via email besides on here?
08:56.54JamesDotComachandra: my client is on this network 24/7, just drop me a message and i'll try reply asap
08:57.22achandracool...just noticed that your in Guinea somewhere? that right? cool....
08:57.42JamesDotComhehe, nah, i irc from a shell provider, i'm in melbourne, australia
08:58.13achandralol...thats pretty damn funny...I was like where the hell is Sao Tome?
08:58.19StaticSyphonJamesDotCom, do you think you have a sec to help me or answer a few questins?
08:58.59StaticSyphon...or achandra :P
08:59.03JamesDotComStaticSyphon: ask the question
09:00.42StaticSyphonI use IPkall and I think it is putting my call though from my home pstn line because I get a pause then a busy signal, but when change the general context, the pause goes away and the call goes straight to a busy signal. My question is how do I get the call to run straight to the menu, and now go to a busy signal
09:00.59*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (i=me@
09:01.38StaticSyphon*now == then
09:01.47Guest^DJhi guys, when i reboot my box, light on TE410P failed to light either red or green
09:01.54Guest^DJand i cant call into my box
09:01.55StaticSyphonsorry, if my grammer is shotty, its about 2:00 AM here
09:01.56Guest^DJpls help
09:02.04Strom_MGuest^DJ, you need to modprobe zapte
09:02.13Strom_Mthen modprobe wct4xxp
09:02.17Strom_Mthen start asterisk
09:02.21JamesDotComStaticSyphon: sorry man, too much for me to comprehend right now ;(
09:02.24*** join/#asterisk abatista (
09:02.32StaticSyphonJamesDotCom :P thanks anyways
09:02.34JamesDotComi'm kinda.. under the influence.. heh
09:02.42StaticSyphonany good docs I can read through?
09:02.45StaticSyphonlol, good times
09:03.02StaticSyphonugh, been reading for... few hours now :P
09:03.22Guest^DJStrom_M: i did not plug in any E1 yet and zttool indicates OK
09:03.28StaticSyphongood doc, but.. just not doing it for me :P
09:03.34JamesDotComwhat i also always suggest is "blah blah blah"
09:03.42JamesDotComyou know, whatever mailing list is suitable
09:10.06StaticSyphonStrom_C, any ideas on how I can tell what is wrong with the connection from my pstn line to my Asterisk PBX?
09:11.52Guest^DJhi guys, when i reboot my box, light on TE410P failed to light either red or green
09:11.55Guest^DJand i cant call into my box
09:12.08*** join/#asterisk speedwagon (
09:12.19Guest^DJi know, i did a modprobe and nothing happen
09:12.28Strom_Mlsmod | grep zaptel
09:12.34Strom_Mtell me what you get
09:13.09Guest^DJStrom_M: zaptel                182624  64  [wcusb wct4xxp]
09:13.19Strom_Mwhy do you have wcusb loaded?
09:13.39Guest^DJi have no idea, it was in that format years ago
09:13.59Guest^DJwas running fine
09:16.22*** join/#asterisk hgaillac (
09:17.37Guest^DJStrom_M: can u please help me unload wcusb if is not needed?
09:17.47Strom_Mrmmod wcusb
09:18.14Strom_Mok its time for sleep
09:31.52StaticSyphonAnyone know if you need to configure Asterisk specially if you connect to it from a pstn line via ipkall?
09:32.12*** join/#asterisk stuartcw (
09:32.25PakiPenguinStaticSyphon, no you dont need any special configuration
09:32.27PakiPenguinwith ipkall
09:32.47StaticSyphonwell, Asterisk has gotta be handling the call strangly then...
09:32.52Guest^DJcan anyone please help me to bring up TE410P please
09:33.11StaticSyphonI read that IPkall sends the fwd number you entered on as the ext
09:33.39StaticSyphonso in your extenstion.conf you would have to have ext,1,arg instead of 's'
09:33.42StaticSyphonis that correct?
09:36.59*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
09:37.26StaticSyphonPakiPenguin: ^^
09:40.27StaticSyphonso if I have exten => ext,1,Goto(demo,s,1) that... should work?
09:42.40StaticSyphonand exten => ext,1,Dial(SIP/phone) should connect my pstn phone to my SIP softphone right...?
09:42.54StaticSyphoncuz somewhere along the way the connectino erros out
09:43.05PakiPenguindebug it
09:43.13StaticSyphonthats what I've been doing
09:43.19PakiPenguini am actually not paying much attention
09:43.29PakiPenguinStaticSyphon, do u get the call on ur server?
09:43.36PakiPenguinattempt even on the cli?
09:43.52StaticSyphonI believe so, becuase if I change the context there is no pause before the busy signal
09:44.07StaticSyphonbut when I have a good context it gives me a pause then a busy signal
09:44.17StaticSyphonbut how would I attemps on the cli?
09:44.24StaticSyphonwould it show a msg?
09:44.28StaticSyphonlike incoming or something?
09:44.32PakiPenguinextecuting blah blah
09:44.47StaticSyphonlike each time I call my PBX?
09:44.53StaticSyphonwow that sucks
09:45.04PakiPenguinwhy would it suck?
09:45.12StaticSyphonthen all this time it probably hasn't even made it past my firewall
09:45.35PakiPenguintry sip debug
09:45.42PakiPenguinsee if you see any sip attemtp
09:46.22StaticSyphonI got something
09:46.45StaticSyphonSip read from
09:46.51*** join/#asterisk Uzzi (
09:47.09StaticSyphonthats just my softphone doing something
09:47.23StaticSyphon"Nat keepalive"
09:47.33StaticSyphonyeah, I called my PBX and nothing happened
09:48.50*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
09:49.16StaticSyphonhmm, should I specify a host for my peer user in sip.conf for ipkall?
09:52.17Guest^DJcan anyone please help me to bring up TE410P please
10:00.36*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
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10:03.48Shaun2222anybody know why when i try to park a call why it parks me and not the call?
10:05.49Shaun2222n/m i'm a idiot
10:06.12Guest^DJRH9.0 show that my TE410P is unknown device, anyone know what happen ?
10:07.48Shaun2222why are you using rh9?
10:08.02Shaun2222that OS EOL'd forever ago
10:08.11Guest^DJis a very old server
10:10.26*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (
10:11.56starleinanybody can tell me how to get colors on the cli? :)
10:12.07starleinif i run with asterisk -gcv they appear
10:12.31starleinbut via init.d i dont get them, and it's helpful for debugging
10:18.22*** join/#asterisk Cheetah (n=Snak@
10:18.36Cheetahhey folks :D
10:19.06Cheetahwhich voip hardphone would you suggest for a 25-man company?
10:19.25Cheetahwe are switching to VOIP and still looking for reasonable priced, quality phones
10:19.26Cheetahany suggestions?
10:19.30*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
10:25.24achandraid have to guess that alot of people have had luck with the sipura phones 3000?
10:25.42achandra3000 series that is...
10:26.27*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
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10:33.20StaticSyphonwb PakiPenguin
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10:54.20PakiPenguin_thanks StaticSyphon
10:54.26*** join/#asterisk coppice (
10:54.33PakiPenguin_i can look into your problem when i get free from this job i am doing :)
10:54.34*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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10:59.08Cheetahanyone can suggest a good VOIP hard phone for business use?
10:59.38PakiPenguin_a very good phone would be the cisco
10:59.49PakiPenguin_but that would be very costly
10:59.54PakiPenguin_you could try looking into snoms
11:00.31Cheetahokay :D
11:02.04*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (n=jaxxan@
11:02.44redcap1I have some problems with my ISDN card.
11:03.14redcap1When it's connected none of mine isdn equipement is failing to connect
11:03.20*** join/#asterisk tetsuzan (n=raizen@
11:03.32redcap1could it be the zaptel driver ?
11:03.41*** join/#asterisk superhuman (
11:04.12superhumanhey all!
11:07.40Jaxxanhey ya'll
11:17.33*** join/#asterisk cced (n=dev2003@
11:18.32ccedwho are familiar with libpri ? isdn pri protocol stack?
11:19.15redcap1cced: maybe a little
11:21.55ccedo : thanks . I have read this code for several months
11:21.59Jaxxanso i just installed libpri-trunk and zaptel-trunk and now my modules wont load
11:22.05Jaxxani'm getting these errors
11:22.16Jaxxantor2: disagrees about version of symbol zt_alarm_notify
11:22.22Jaxxanbut a bunch of them
11:23.58ccedI focus on SIP signalling <-> isdn pri signalling
11:24.50Jaxxani do sip to dms100 pri
11:25.00Jaxxani got issues right now though
11:25.04Jaxxanchat with ya in a bit
11:25.34ccedJaxxan: tor2 error?
11:25.41cceddo you use this mod?
11:25.47Jaxxanyeah tor2 error
11:26.44*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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11:33.04*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
11:41.53Jaxxangot my modules to load. now gotta get asterisk to startup
11:46.01Cheetahanyone has a SNOM 360?
11:57.39*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
11:58.39Jaxxanyay it's up again
11:58.45Jaxxanthat wasn't tooo bad
11:59.00Jaxxanhad to do a little manual cleanup to remove some really old modules
11:59.09Jaxxanpri's up
11:59.44Jaxxannow to fix the dialplan stuff that changed between 1.0.9 and 1.2.6
12:01.10*** join/#asterisk hatamen (n=chatzill@
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12:08.08*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
12:08.29SparFuxHas anybody successfully installed the zaphfc module version 1.2.5 into kernel 2.6.16?
12:11.35Sebb1.2.5? what bristuff-version is that?
12:13.01*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
12:14.19Jaxxanwhat's extensions.ael for? that's new for me
12:15.03RaYmAn-BxJaxxan: same as extensions.conf, just a different (more programming language like) syntax
12:15.09hgaillaccan you try to dial
12:16.18SparFuxsebb: yes, 1.2.5
12:16.40Sebbare we talking about junghanns bristuff..?
12:16.49Jaxxangod i'm so used to the original way
12:17.06Jaxxanyou can use loops in this huh
12:17.19RaYmAn-BxAEL seems much nicer, but I haven't gotten around to convert my dialplan to use it yet
12:17.19*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
12:17.32Jaxxancan you use IF statements ?
12:18.28RaYmAn-BxNo idea. I'm sure the wiki can help you
12:19.45*** join/#asterisk littleball (
12:20.24littleballhello, how to limit the calling time for a specific call?
12:20.50Sebbwith the second parameter of the dial command..?
12:20.55*** part/#asterisk hgaillac (
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12:32.53*** join/#asterisk SparFu1 (
12:33.02SparFu1Sebb: Yes, junghanns bristuff.
12:33.32SparFu1Sebb: I tried mISDN with chan-capi too, but it doesn't seem to support capi! chan-capi says, no capi found.
12:33.45Sebbthere is no bristuff-1.2.5.. never mind.. latest bristuff works fine on 2.4.16
12:33.58SparFu1Sebb: I use 2.6.16
12:34.07Sebberr.. i mean 2.6.16 ;)
12:34.39Sebbbut take a look at , the lastest is bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1l.tar.gz, you want to use 1k..
12:34.43ccedredcap1 is here?
12:35.00SparFu1Sebb: ok, it's bristuff 0.2.0-RC8q
12:35.52SparFu1Sebb, you mean I should try experimental?
12:36.15SebbSparFu1: yes, it works without problems here, as long as you have just one hfc-card.. and has ...
12:36.44SparFu1Sebb: I have.
12:37.22ccedI focus on SIP signalling <-> isdn pri signalling
12:39.23SparFu1Sebb: do I have to use experitmental zaptel.ko then, too?
12:41.21SparFu1Well, I need the zaptel module, I think.
12:42.29Sebbbristuff loads zaptel, patches it, and you have to use that version then
12:43.03SparFu1Sebb: same version of bristuff and zaptel?
12:43.28SparFu1I have 1.2.5, perhaps I can use it?
12:43.41Sebbbristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1k uses zaptel-1.2.3
12:43.58SparFu1ah, ok.
12:44.00Sebband patches it for use with bristuff/zaphfc
12:45.44SparFu1I have the patched zaptel version for bristuff 0.2.0-RC8q
12:45.46*** join/#asterisk eric_s (
12:45.57SparFu1and this zaptel version is 1.2.5. think it wont work. :-(
12:54.02*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
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12:56.28SparFuxdamn system freezes!
12:59.50*** join/#asterisk SheriF_WorK (n=sherif@
13:03.21tzafrirthat bristuff is basically for zaptel 1.2.3, but the bristuff stuff seems to build nicely with 1.2.5 (for Zaptel, that is)
13:04.04SparFuxtzafir: it does. anyway, my system freezes once the zaphfc driver is installed. I just get the messages on the console that the card is detected and it freezes.
13:06.09*** join/#asterisk mko-025 (
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13:07.32ccedI focus on SIP signalling <-> isdn pri signalling exchange
13:10.20SparFuxcced: sounds interesting...
13:11.08ccedzaphfc driver?which card?
13:11.15SparFuxIs there a trick to load the modules? I just do modpobe zaptel and modprobe zaphfc.
13:11.24ManxPowermornings.  evil.  hate.  mornings.
13:11.58ccedhere is night.
13:12.03ManxPowerSparFux, try the card in a different slot
13:12.35SparFuxManx: hm... might be a good idea. And there are two stupid jumpers on it which I don't know what they do.
13:12.43SparFuxIll try a different slot...
13:12.44cceddifferent slot,different irq?
13:13.19SparFuxIll try and come back :-)
13:13.21*** part/#asterisk SparFux (
13:15.32*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
13:15.55PoWeRKiLLwho use chan_local ? I think I have some bug with it ?
13:16.30SparFuxRE! Damn, first time I umounted the filesystems and now it works and the server didn't crash. I've got the zaphfc installed. As long as I tried zaptel 1.2.5 with bristuff of different versions nothing worked, but 1.2.3 seems to work.
13:16.42Jaxxanwhat ya need to know cced ?
13:17.14Jaxxani use SIP < -pri- > DMS100
13:17.27Jaxxanmore or less the same thing
13:18.26SparFuxOk, asterisk got the card. :-)
13:18.27ccedyes. I want to know detail implementant about SIP <->ISDN PRI .
13:18.49Jaxxanhow to set it up ?
13:19.14ccedwould you  like to mail to mailbox
13:19.22Jaxxanno not really
13:19.39Jaxxani can help you get it working
13:19.42ccedI want to know signalling exchange detail.
13:20.03Jaxxani can help you to get it up and running, i'm not writing you a whitepaper
13:20.04ccedyes .asterisk work ok.
13:20.45JaxxanSparFux: dont use zaptel 1.2.5
13:20.49ccedE400p card.4E1 line.everything is ok.But  I need some document or papers
13:20.51JaxxanSparFux: use zaptel-trunk
13:21.07Jaxxanfor what cced ?
13:21.10ccedwhat is zaptel-trunk.?new drivers?
13:21.11SparFuxJaxxan: I used the zaptel-1.2.3 now which is delivered with the bristuff 0.3l
13:21.40SparFuxcced: I don't know zaptel-trunk, but it sounds like some isolated zaphfc stuff.
13:21.43JaxxanSparFux: long as it works for you (=
13:22.01SparFuxJaxxan: well, it works right now, but if zaptel-trunk is any better...
13:22.10Jaxxanyou can get zaptel trunk from SVN
13:22.11ccedi need to write some papers or whitepapers.signalling exchange .
13:22.40Jaxxancced: you'll be better off trying to get some information on that using the asterisk mailing list
13:23.12SparFuxFor now I will have to rewrite my dialplan to use chan zap instead of chan capi.
13:23.20Jaxxani dunno if it's any better, but i guess zaptel 1.2.5 had some problems with PRI's
13:23.47Jaxxani just upgraded from zaptel to 1.2.5 tonight
13:24.05ccedJaxxan: do you have any document about this?
13:24.42Jaxxancced: i had to basically figure out asterisk myself since the day i started and that was pre-1.0.1
13:24.53Jaxxanthis channel offers great troubleshooting advice
13:25.10Jaxxanbut documentation... seems to be a bit skimpy
13:25.17Jaxxanyour best bet is wiki
13:25.18SparFuxJaxxan: which signalling should I use?
13:25.19ccedfaint .// admire
13:25.22Jaxxanor the mailing list
13:26.19ccedwould you like to tell me your email?my email is
13:26.19JaxxanSparFux: i use PRI's mostly cause i go to a dms100 and i'm not to familiar with zaphfc
13:26.30Jaxxancced: no not really
13:26.55JaxxanSparFux: what hardware are you using ?
13:27.36SparFuxASUSTeK Computer Inc. ISDNLink P-IN100-ST-D (rev 01)
13:27.47SparFuxJaxxan: It uses a HFC-S chipset.
13:28.04SparFuxI don't get what zaptel-trunk is at all.
13:28.05tzafrirJaxxan, what's wrong with zaptel 1.2.5?
13:28.19tzafrirzaptel-trunk or zaptel-1.2 ?
13:28.20Jaxxani use pri_cpe signalling for my pri
13:29.02Jaxxantzafrir: dlynes was telling me earlier that zaptel 1.2.5 has some issues with PRI's
13:29.19Jaxxantzafrir: said that zaptel-trunk was the way to go and to stay away from 1.2.5
13:29.37SparFuxI had one serious issue with zaptel 1.2.5 which disappeared with zaptel 1.2.3. It chrashed my system without any logging output!
13:29.56Jaxxansome other people confirmed that 1.2.5 had some issues, so i just grabbed the SVN trunk version
13:30.30Jaxxani got libpri-trunk, zaptel-trunk, asterisk-1.2.6 working fine after upgrading from 1.0.9 versions
13:30.46Jaxxanminimal dialplan problems
13:31.20*** join/#asterisk OliverX (
13:31.38Jaxxani should probably test my tdm400 card though
13:32.56OliverXHello, i have add this information:  but no answer
13:33.07OliverXcapi info say me, that he see the call :/
13:33.17OliverX-- CONNECT_IND (PLCI=0x101,DID=100,CID=016094867088,CIP=0x10,CONTROLLER=0x1)
13:33.27OliverXHave anyone here an Idea?
13:33.27SparFuxI never had to select "signalling" for chan-capi...
13:33.43OliverXPlease read my Link ;)
13:33.50OliverXThe Config is very easy!
13:35.39JaxxanSparFux: i think you should be using national
13:35.49ManxPowerOliverX, not many people use BRI
13:35.50SparFuxIll try.
13:35.54jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
13:35.57ManxPowerDid you check the Wiki?
13:36.13OliverXNo Idea why the exten dont  works?
13:36.40ManxPowerOliverX, I do not have a BRI card and so cannot help.
13:36.45SparFuxJaxxan: but isn't national a switchtype while signalling has no national?
13:37.01OliverXHm ahhh :(
13:37.07OliverXI need help with that :(
13:37.07ManxPowerSparFux, national is a switchtype, but also a dialplan
13:37.29Jaxxanmy bad, dunno what i was thinking
13:37.50Jaxxani'm not sure about ISDN to be honest talk to your provider and find out what they're expecting
13:38.02SparFuxAs a matter of fact, the card is detected by asterisk, but I cannot dial into it.
13:38.10Jaxxani use pri_cpe
13:38.36ManxPowerJaxxan, He's using BRI, not PRI, they are TOTALLY different.
13:38.52Jaxxanthere ya go (=
13:39.03Jaxxani have no clue
13:39.30OliverXManxPower: Can you help me?
13:40.03Jaxxangoing to bed, tired. g'night guys !
13:40.11*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:40.29ManxPowerOliverX, If you send me a plain ticket to somewhere in the EU, find me a place to live, but me a the same card you are using, and then give me time to research it, then yes.  If you are not prepared to do that then I cannot help you
13:40.31SparFuxwell what signalling does chan-capi use?
13:40.37ManxPowerplain == plane
13:40.55OliverXBut the ISDN is availible
13:40.56ManxPoweroh, you would also have to install a BRI for me.
13:41.00OliverXsee the paste
13:41.19OliverXthe say me the asterisk console
13:41.44ManxPowerOliverX, Those messages are speaking strange language to me.
13:42.40ManxPowerIF DID means "100" then you need an exten => 100,1,whatever
13:42.59ManxPowerBut in Euroland they use the term DDI, not DID
13:42.59OliverXbut s says ALL?
13:43.10ManxPowerOliverX, no, s says "unknown"
13:43.13OliverXs is for unknown incommings :/
13:43.45ManxPowerOliverX, If I hand you a letter with no address on it, that is "s"
13:44.07ManxPowerIf I hand you a letter with an address of "100" on it, then exten => 100, not exten => s
13:44.28*** join/#asterisk cced2 (n=dev2003@
13:44.33OliverXthis dont help :/
13:44.35ManxPower"s" means "unknown".  "s" does NOT mean "any"
13:44.43OliverXyes i know ;)
13:44.48OliverXread my next paste pls ;)
13:44.56cced2Jaxxan : are you still here?
13:45.29cced2I am cced.
13:45.44ManxPowerexten => s is only normally used with ANALOG FXO
13:46.18*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
13:46.27OliverXManxPower <-
13:47.04ManxPowerI do not see an error in that paste
13:47.33ManxPowerI assume one of your telephone numbers ends in "100"
13:48.39OliverXyes my hardware telephone system translate the public number to an internal number
13:50.05OliverXmapping *g*
13:57.00OliverXPerhaps i have forgotten a command :/
13:57.52eric_shmm is there a way to make asterisk keep ringing, even if the line is busy? i am using chan_capi
14:00.53*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (i=Privatee@CRIMSON.OFF-HOURS.COM)
14:02.01SparFuxHOw am I supposed to know which signalling type to choose with zaphfc?
14:04.25coppicethere aren't exactly a lot of choices with zaphfc
14:05.51SparFuxI need DSS1, euroisdn.
14:06.32SparFuxit's not there.
14:09.36*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
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14:11.57coppiceswitchtype = euroisdn
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14:15.21Cybertoyhi ... I know this is not asterisk related... but does someone happen to have a cisco 7970 phone and did the phone change to daylight savings time? and if yes can I have a look at that part of the SEP....cnf.xml file?
14:31.49*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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15:09.05*** join/#asterisk brif8 (
15:09.42brif8I bought a Cisco 7920. In reading the SCCP2 how to where do I get the cmterm_7920.3.3xxx bin file ?
15:12.27tzafrirbri_net and bri_net_ptmp are for TE mode, right?
15:14.52dpryobrif8: Either you got it with your CM-license, or you need login @ and download it.
15:15.46tzafrirBTW: as there is still no sign of newer bristuff: if anybody is interested in a version of bristuff's asterisk.patch that will build with asterisk 1.2.6, give me a buzz
15:16.38brif8dpryo: I just bought the phone, no CD or License came in the box. I've tried looking at to login but they talk about busines partners
15:25.49brif8dpryo:  what do I need to do ?
15:26.16*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
15:26.18dpryobrif8: Buy a cisco license ;)
15:26.26brif8from whom
15:26.39brif8You need to register to buy direct from cisco
15:26.41dpryoA cisco business partner ;P
15:26.47brif8where can I buy one online ?
15:27.42*** part/#asterisk wmandra (
15:28.05dpryoDon't know of any international webshops, but there is a few norwegian ones, though I don't suppose that'll help you :)
15:34.07brif8ok.  I have another question I have two G927 Licenses for 5 and 10 channels respectively.  How do I move these to a new machine and combine them into one License ?
15:34.27bkw_brif8, you a bit dyslexic ?
15:34.49brif8very actually
15:34.49bkw_me2 :P
15:35.23brif8bkw_: I'm sure we all cope
15:36.28brif8bkw_: know how to combine the licenses ?
15:37.44bkw_you just do it
15:37.47bkw_and it sees them all
15:39.06brif8into a single file
15:46.47*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
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16:06.51grem_linHi there, I wonder if you could help me with a dialplan problem (what I've got can be found here Basically what I want it to do is when somebody calls to take that call, wait a few seconds and hangup.. then after another couple of seconds make an outbound call to another number. What I'm finding is that the initial call does not hang up, and asterisk bridges the inbound and outbound calls. Any help would be grea
16:06.51grem_lintly appreciated.
16:06.57*** join/#asterisk delox99 (
16:07.01delox99hi all
16:07.27delox99im writing a script for a calling card application
16:07.43delox99i want to get dtmf digits without anwering the channel
16:08.29delox99the docs talks about a noanswer option for the read command but it doesnt seem to do anything
16:08.35delox99any ideas?
16:13.39Uzzibmg505, hi!have you the commands?
16:19.52*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
16:20.17wunderkindelox99, you can't get dtmf without answering
16:20.43*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
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16:20.53delox99that suck
16:21.00delox99it screws the cdr
16:21.41delox99do you know what people do to start cdr time only on answer of the callee channel?
16:22.43delox99because as soon as i answer the channel, the billsec timer starts so i have no way to get the billsec time compared to the duration of the whole call
16:23.51delox99i could use resetCDR but again it will not be totally accurate
16:24.39delox99timer will start and run while the call is being connected and ringning
16:24.53delox99i want the timer to start only if callee answers
16:25.29delox99is it possible to answer channel get dtmf close channel then do other thig without losing caller?
16:25.44*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
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16:58.13delox99ResetCDR does it
16:58.41delox99it resets the cdr and wait for another answer to start again
16:59.39*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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17:04.11*** join/#asterisk trimi` (i=Whatt@
17:04.41OliverXhow can i set the language de(german) for all extensions
17:05.01OliverXas default/global
17:08.12grem_linHi all, could anybody help me with a little dialplan problem? I've put it on the forums,
17:10.11*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
17:10.28Flautohi there
17:10.44Flautoi just installed a copy of fedora core 5 on an old machine
17:10.54Flautowhen i tried to complie zapte.
17:11.17Flautoit is telling me make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-1.2054_FC5/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.
17:12.09IronHelixmake sure you have the kernel source installed
17:12.25IronHelixpackage name i think is either kernel-sources or kernel-development
17:12.33Flautobut i could not find any kernel source
17:12.37IronHelixyou can use yum to get it- yum install kernel-development
17:12.53IronHelixyum will connect to fedora and download the package for you
17:12.59IronHelixafter that compiling zaptel should work :)
17:14.12*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
17:15.14FlautoAdded 11 new packages, deleted 1 old in 7.27 seconds
17:15.14FlautoParsing package install arguments
17:15.14FlautoNo Match for argument: kernel-development
17:15.14FlautoNothing to do
17:15.58*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
17:16.06IronHelixtry yum install kernel-soruce
17:16.22IronHelixits yum install kernel-devel
17:16.42*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
17:17.17Flautotrying now
17:17.23Flautothanks so much man
17:19.14Flautoit is installing
17:20.11IronHelixexcellent.  after that try compiling zaptel again, it should work
17:20.26IronHelixyum is delicous :)
17:20.53Flautowhat is yum then
17:20.54IronHelixthe other thing you might wanna do is yum update, it will check fedora for updates of all the software you have on your system and update it if needed
17:21.04IronHelixYellowdog Update Manager
17:21.43IronHelixits a tool that deals with RPM packages and server-side repositories of RPMs.  It lets you easily download, install, and update RPM-based packages from a server
17:21.55Flautoi tried, still not working
17:22.34Flautoi am yum updating
17:22.43IronHelixperhaps yum downloaded the latest kernel source and you have an older kernel
17:22.48IronHelixyeah yum update, then reboot
17:22.51IronHelixtry zaptel again
17:23.00IronHelixanyway i gotta run, good luck!
17:23.08bkw_linux is such a mess all these distros should team up and do it right....
17:23.16eric_swhat is right? :)
17:23.24eric_sfor you it is one thing, for me it is another...
17:23.32Flautowhat should i do if i had an old kernerl source installed
17:23.37Flautoi need to uninstal it
17:23.39IronHelixdont worry bout it
17:23.45IronHelixjust yum update and you will get the latest
17:23.45bkw_eric_s, right is not having 1000 different distros
17:23.59IronHelixif you then reboot you will be running latest kernel and have latest source
17:24.01eric_sbkw_: right is having the distro which suits everyone best
17:24.02Flautoi am new to linux
17:24.20IronHelixthe problem IMHO is that distros put stuff in all different folders
17:24.30Flautoi never played with fedora before today
17:24.30bkw_eric_s, ya but you can't please everyone but it seems the BSD folks have it down
17:24.36Flautoi was using mandriva
17:24.46Flautoso, i know a little bit about that
17:24.51eric_sbkw_: i guess the bsd community is much smaller, and i guess there are differences between the bsds
17:25.05SplasPoodAnyone have a utility that'll go through a list of dids and find say...  english 4 letter words that correspond with the last 4 (yes I know I could write one)
17:25.14IronHelixat least under win32, i KNOW that a user's stuff is going to be in /Documents and settings/username/xxxx; with Linux there is no such guarantee esp for libraries and modules
17:25.24mishehuyou can please all of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you can't please all the people all of the time...
17:26.06IronHelixoh well
17:26.07IronHelixim out
17:26.08IronHelixlater all
17:26.10eric_sIronHelix: libs in windows can also be in different places ..%windir%, %systemdir% and the directory where the app itself is ( at least those 3 i remember )
17:26.27IronHelixtrue but theres a logic to it...
17:26.43IronHelixie app first checks its own dir then systemdir then windir as i recall
17:26.44IronHelixbut yeah
17:26.46IronHelixleaving :)
17:27.17*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
17:27.34bkw_eric_s, the BSD community isn't small by any means...
17:29.43eric_sbkw_: i never said that, but i guess that netbsd, openbsd and freebsd also have their differences
17:30.35filebkw_: I'm contemplating switch to GSM...
17:30.37fileer switching
17:30.48Qwellfile: GSM?!
17:31.34fileQwell: yessssssssss
17:32.02QwellIronhand: Those paths can easily change in Windows too
17:32.33*** join/#asterisk cybergypsy (
17:33.35fileI wonder if we have EDGE coverage here
17:34.38tzangerfile: where?
17:34.47tzangerEDGE is in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal IIRC
17:34.56filewell that's what I thought too
17:35.07filebut my friend got a new EDGE capable phone and it had EDGE coverage here
17:35.19tzangerwhere is here?
17:35.25fileMoncton, New Brunswick
17:36.29filehe saw the "E" on his screen and was wondering what it meant...
17:36.42Qwellfile: It only happens when you hold it.
17:36.46QwellIt means EVIL :(
17:37.02filenot that I would ever use data service
17:47.23OliverXhow can i set the language de(german) for all extensions
17:47.24OliverXas default/global
17:53.57*** join/#asterisk dextro (
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18:10.00monthosbah, i cant figure this out, im setting the digit timeout, but when i get a call in through my sip connection, when i dial any number, say 500, before i can finish, asterisk errors saying invalid extension '55'
18:10.30*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
18:10.30monthosim not fat fingering it either, it always duplicates the first number i type, and errors
18:13.13*** join/#asterisk tier-1 (
18:13.47tier-1good morning
18:13.52tier-1or afternoon
18:14.03tier-1I need help witht his issue
18:14.06tier-1Apr  9 11:09:37 ERROR[6554]: chan_zap.c:10609 setup_zap: Unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe'
18:14.06tier-1Apr  9 11:09:37 ERROR[6554]: chan_zap.c:10234 setup_zap: Signalling must be specified
18:14.06tier-1before any channels are.
18:14.53tier-1it worked until i update svn asterisk-1.2
18:15.26theorem_I know the FAQ has a listing of hard phones , and I've read a few, but is there ony one particular hard phone there good for a first-timer ?
18:17.38*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
18:17.52tier-1any input ?
18:18.34mmlj4theorem_: don't get a grandstream
18:18.45theorem_I'll make a note of that
18:18.52mmlj4many have :-)
18:19.07theorem_I see this Unide2n UIP1868P , but it seems to be locked to the Packet8 service
18:20.39tier-1anddont get a polycom
18:20.56theorem_how about Zylex ?
18:21.12*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
18:21.32tier-1they are ok
18:22.14tier-1but sipura should be a good start
18:22.30theorem_I thought sipura was bought by Linksys (cisco) last year ?
18:22.49tier-1yes but they still make devices
18:22.50diLLecthats right.
18:23.14theorem_because I saw ATA adapters IDENTICAL in Linksys offerings to Sipura, just rebranded
18:23.51tier-1linksys pap-2 na might be a good start
18:24.01theorem_Uniden TRU8885 VOIP Bundle w/ Sipura SPA-1001 ...
18:24.14theorem_that's just a POTS phone with a VOIP adaptor ?
18:25.51tier-1any inout on my issue
18:25.58tier-1inpput that is
18:26.12theorem_sorry :(
18:26.44*** part/#asterisk mko-025 (
18:34.13*** join/#asterisk Dabian (n=M0RTEN@fsf/member/dabian)
18:37.06tier-1I want my asterisk back up with my pri's
18:39.44monthoswhy when i dial a number, WaitExten is seeing me type 55 instead of 5, and 11 instead of 1. This is driving me crazy
18:40.14Dabianmonthos : One word..
18:40.35Dabianmonthos : Don't know if its usefull, but one word..
18:41.06Dabiannah, dialplan
18:42.53monthosmy dialplan isnt that complicated. but when i get a call from my provider, it seems like its duplicating keypresses
18:44.16trimi`does any1 have agi script that will allow asterisk to answer only the CID that are on a list ( asterisk DB or mysql ) i need the oposite of a blacklist example in asterisk
18:44.37theorem_seems easy enough in perl
18:45.25trimi`or can any1 do it
18:46.03*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:46.06trimi`does any1 have agi script that will allow asterisk to answer only the CID that are on a list ( asterisk DB or mysql ) i need the oposite of a blacklist example in asterisk
18:47.22theorem_$/ = 1; $in = $ARGV[0];  $dialplan = </etc/asterisk/dialplan.conf>; return 2 if $innumber =~ /$in/;
18:47.38theorem_rips through your config per call to figure that out
18:47.45theorem_there's got to be a better way though :)
18:48.16theorem_ah , asterisk DB you say ?  use perl to do a select query with DBI.
18:48.17trimi`<theorem_> is this for me ?
18:48.42theorem_trimi` - it is, but requires you know wtf you're doing , basically, with perl
18:49.10trimi`<theorem_> private pls
18:53.01*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
18:53.07Flautohi there
18:53.24Flautoi did yum update on my new fedora core 5
18:53.32Flautoand compiled the zaptel
18:53.40Flautobut it tells me
18:54.07Flautocc -I. -O4 -g -Wall -DBUILDING_TONEZONE    -DSTANDALONE_ZAPATA -DZAPTEL_CONFIG=\"/etc/zaptel.conf\"  -lm  gendigits.c   -o gendigits
18:54.07Flautomake: cc: Command not found
18:54.08Flautomake: *** [gendigits] Error 127
18:54.16Flautotheorem, hehe
18:54.22Flautothanks but it did not work
18:54.37Flautowhat else i need for this
18:54.55Flautoi got kernel-development
18:55.38Flautowhat is that tonezone thing
18:56.38Flautoany idea on that?
18:56.54monthosFlauto: your going to need to install gcc and a bunch of other development utilities
18:57.17theorem_yeah I would normally think that maybe your Kernel headers are not available
18:57.23theorem_this is a 2.6+ kernel ?
18:57.43theorem_I don't use RH FC.
18:57.45trimi`does any1 have agi script that will allow asterisk to answer only the CID that are on a list ( asterisk DB or mysql ) i need the oposite of a blacklist example in asterisk
18:58.02theorem_trimi` is offering $$.
18:58.45Flautomonthos, i am getting gcc now
18:58.50theorem_trimi` - where is this blacklist example ?
18:59.20*** join/#asterisk mrtwister|mobile (
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19:00.42Flautoi got gcc and it is compiling now
19:00.48Flautohope it will go through
19:00.52theorem_trimi` - if you understand the blacklist example you can reverse it to flip the list
19:01.17*** join/#asterisk timscott (
19:01.50trimi`<theorem_> im begginer
19:02.25theorem_then how do you have $$ to pay ?  or were you just planning on running away ?
19:02.28*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
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19:04.07theorem_the latter
19:04.13trimi`if i was like that i wouldn ask
19:04.26*** join/#asterisk timscott (
19:04.30Flautotheorem, now, it is telling me error again
19:04.34Flautorep -q "enabled") ; then restorecon -v /usr/lib/; fi
19:04.34Flauto/bin/sh: restorecon: command not found
19:04.34Flautomake: *** [install] Error 127
19:04.46theorem_your install failed
19:04.48theorem_are you root ?
19:05.27theorem_did you do a make clean first ?
19:05.31Flautoit is talking about selinux
19:05.38timscottwhat is this "restorecon?"
19:06.36Flautoshould i try one more tim
19:06.41theorem_yeah beginner here too, not sure there Flauto  :-/
19:06.49*** join/#asterisk inv_Arp (
19:07.02Flautoit must be some other package i need
19:07.11timscottwhat is "restorecon?"
19:07.14Flautobut i dont' know which one
19:07.17theorem_where are your kernel includes kept ?
19:07.19Flautoi have no idea
19:07.20timscottWhat distribution are you using?
19:07.32Flautoi use fedora core 5
19:07.38Flautojust installed
19:07.47Flautonever played it before
19:07.58timscottI don't know much about fedora.
19:08.12timscottWell, not with selinux on, anyways.
19:08.16timscottI've always just turned it off.
19:08.20timscottIs your selinux on or off?
19:08.52Flautohow can i turn it off
19:09.01Flautosorry for asking the stupid question
19:09.02theorem_which selinux
19:09.04theorem_man selinux
19:09.19Flautohow can i check
19:09.35timscottTry this
19:09.41timscottdid you "su" into root?
19:09.50Flautoi am root
19:09.56timscottDid you use "su" to get into root?
19:10.04timscottTry logging out, using using 'su -' to get into root
19:10.07theorem_did you su , or did you login to root
19:10.19theorem_you are thinking it's reporting bad perms for him ?
19:10.21Flautoi turned off the serlinux
19:10.22timscottI bet /usr/sbin is missing from your $PATH
19:10.34theorem_echo $PATH
19:11.07Flauto[root@localhost zaptel]# echo $PATH
19:11.30theorem_export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin
19:11.56*** join/#asterisk jofre (n=jofre@
19:12.11theorem_I wonder why the kerberos sbin though .. odd
19:12.20timscotttry it again, Flauto.
19:12.24theorem_try the make again ..
19:12.25timscottHopefully it'll work :S
19:12.37jofredoes anyone knows if IAXy can send and receive faxes ?
19:12.48shido6yes with .... weird results
19:12.56shido6resending page 2 a couple times
19:12.59tier-1Apr  9 11:09:37 ERROR[6554]: chan_zap.c:10609 setup_zap: Unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe'
19:13.07shido6sometimes it just works, and no transcoding
19:13.10tier-1Apr  9 11:09:37 ERROR[6554]: chan_zap.c:10234 setup_zap: Signalling must be specified
19:13.10shido6keep that in mind
19:13.18shido6ulaw from start to end
19:13.19tier-1any oin have info on this
19:13.20timscottFlauto, sorry, just an idea. :/
19:13.29theorem_ulaw ?
19:13.45shido6ulaw, for jofre's ?
19:13.49timscottis there a  'restorecon' command on your system?
19:13.55*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
19:13.59theorem_which restrecon
19:14.07theorem_find / -name restorecon
19:14.10timscottfind / -name restorecon :)
19:14.15*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
19:14.17timscotttoo slow >_<
19:15.05timscottyou have to add the location of restorecon to your path
19:15.17tier-1who ?
19:15.21theorem_your mom
19:15.26Flautofind: WARNING: Hard link count is wrong for /selinux: this may be a bug in your filesystem driver.  Automatically turning on find's -noleaf option.  Earlier results may have failed to include directories that should have been searched.
19:15.27timscottFlauto: you have to add the location of restorecon to your path
19:15.35timscottOkay, well add /sbin to your path then
19:15.53timscottexport PATH=$PATH:/sbin
19:15.58theorem_export PATH=$PATH:/sbin
19:16.03theorem_beat me
19:16.18timscottFlauto: if you try it again after updating your path, it should work for you. :)
19:16.22timscottI *hope* :S
19:18.03Flautoit worked
19:18.08timscottNice, great. )
19:18.16timscottNo problem man.
19:18.22Flautonow, i will install libpri
19:19.19theorem_timscott while you're here ...
19:19.36theorem_I need to make some sound clips for my Vmail prompts
19:19.51theorem_what format do they need to be in ?
19:19.56Flautonow, asterisk
19:19.59theorem_mp3 ? wav ?
19:20.41Flautoi would assume
19:21.00timscottVmail prom...oh
19:21.10timscottYou mean like, unavailable messages?
19:21.22theorem_lets say this
19:21.36theorem_I have a basic dialplan setup to access vmail features
19:21.44theorem_but no I dea how to setup further
19:21.45timscottdoes anyone know of any good load-simulators for asterisk that use SIP or IAX ?
19:21.59timscotttheorum: what do you want to do?
19:22.48theorem_timscott - I assume the basics ..  save/listen to Vmails, set messages to give to inbound users , ... to start
19:23.05Flautothis computer is atholon 850 mhz
19:23.12theorem_more than enough
19:23.21timscottSorry about the "e".
19:23.42*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
19:23.48Flautoi was using a p3 450mhz and it works well too
19:23.59theorem_np :)
19:24.02theorem_actually .. wow
19:24.08theorem_this basic setup is nice
19:24.44Flautowhat you mean basic setup
19:24.59theorem_1 sec
19:25.05Flautoyes, sir
19:25.33Flautores_crypto.c:569: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ERR_load_crypto_strings’
19:25.33Flautomake[1]: *** [res_crypto.o] Error 1
19:25.33Flautomake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/res'
19:25.34Flautomake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
19:25.38Flautoerror again
19:25.51Flautothis when i use make for asterisk
19:26.27*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
19:26.44znoGis there no "default context" for IAX like there is in SIP?
19:26.51timscottthere is
19:27.01znoGoh, it's set within the guest user isn't it
19:27.06timscottunless we're talking about different things...
19:27.10timscottnevermind, i'm not sure
19:27.20timscotti thought you meant context= in the [IAX] thing
19:27.40trimi`does any1 have agi script that will allow asterisk to answer only the CID that are on a list ( asterisk DB or mysql ) i need the oposite of a blacklist example in asterisk
19:27.47*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
19:27.57*** join/#asterisk DoktorGreg (n=Greg@
19:28.17Flautotimescott, error again here
19:28.18DoktorGregwell there is a few people on this chan
19:29.02DoktorGregI have a question about...  Asterisk, Norstar PRI integration, and call parking
19:29.29DoktorGregne1 here ever do anything like that?
19:31.07DoktorGregOMG Ponies!!!1!
19:31.21Flautotheorem, i got an error again
19:31.40Dabian!!!1! :)
19:31.46Dabian/. :)
19:31.58timscottponies on slashdot?
19:32.14Dabiantimscott : OMG!!!1!
19:32.58DoktorGregso i guess here is my question
19:33.11timscottsorry, not familier with norstar integration
19:33.12DabianWhats teh deal with Ponies!!!1! anyhow?  Are they cute or something?
19:33.13*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
19:33.48theorem_someone saw the SImpsons lately
19:33.59DabianI need a class of water?
19:33.59theorem_almost the same ;-)
19:34.04DoktorGregcheck out the entry "cutest web site ever found" in the april 1st edition of slashdot
19:34.21theorem_what's the prob ?
19:34.31Flautomake[1]: *** [res_crypto.o] Error 1
19:34.31Flautomake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/res'
19:34.32Flautomake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
19:34.49theorem_ahhh ..
19:34.52theorem_dunno ..
19:34.57theorem_what happened ?
19:35.06theorem_can you knowpaced the text somewhere ?
19:35.34theorem_I'll see if there's something which may have cropped up
19:35.37DoktorGreganyone know how to get a hold of the guy who wrote the norstar to asterisk integration guide?  his email bounces....
19:36.55DoktorGreghmmm i know
19:37.09DoktorGregis this dev help or user help chat?
19:37.15theorem_help chat
19:37.26theorem_dev is -dev afaik
19:37.40theorem_or #freepbx
19:37.46theorem_see topic
19:37.51Flautores_crypto.c:568: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘SSL_library_init’
19:37.52Flautores_crypto.c:569: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ERR_load_crypto_strings’
19:37.52Flautomake[1]: *** [res_crypto.o] Error 1
19:37.52Flautomake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/res'
19:37.52Flautomake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
19:37.52Flauto[root@localhost asterisk]#
19:37.53theorem_scratch that
19:37.59jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
19:38.20*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
19:39.26DoktorGregok, next question
19:39.35theorem_ok ?
19:39.43DoktorGregI am using the rapid asterisk distro, is there a better distro?
19:39.55theorem_from scratch ? :)
19:40.49theorem_hmm , how can I specify the username to forward an email to when I have a Vmail in the system ?  is it read from the sip.conf ?
19:41.45theorem_scratch that
19:41.49theorem_voicemail.conf obviously
19:41.51theorem_sheeshj !
19:41.53Flautosorry guys
19:41.57Flautohere is the link
19:42.20DoktorGregin the rapid asterisk distro it is per extension in the /etc/asterisk/voicemail-phones.d directory
19:43.01theorem_what are the benefits to using the rapid distro vs something else ?
19:43.01DoktorGregok next question
19:43.28DoktorGregI more or less just installed the rapid distro
19:43.34DoktorGregand it all just worked tm
19:43.49theorem_you learn little though .. I suppose
19:43.57DoktorGregi dont know,
19:44.13DoktorGregstill have to dig through extensions.conf to make it work the way you want it too
19:44.50DoktorGregdownside is
19:45.07DoktorGregif you plug it in, and activate trunks, and have it all working correctly...
19:45.23DoktorGregit comes with zero security installed...
19:45.48DoktorGregso any sip user or IAX user can use your trunk
19:45.54theorem_not so good
19:45.58DoktorGregthats where im at now
19:46.10theorem_oh, so I should hook up ? :)
19:46.26DoktorGregI would love some indy testing
19:46.32theorem_indy ?
19:46.40theorem_independent ..
19:46.43DoktorGregsomeone besides me using it
19:46.54theorem_I'm still too green
19:47.07DoktorGregwell do you have an iax client?
19:47.22Flautoany idea about my error?
19:47.34theorem_Flauto - sorry, paste the link again pls ?
19:47.38trimi`how do i check my asterisk version??? pls help quicly
19:47.49Flautothanks theorem
19:48.04theorem_DoktorGreg - SIP so far, I'd have to config the asterisk again for your trunk -- just had some help getting the first trunk working ..
19:48.21theorem_trimi` - stupid question, see help in the console
19:49.07theorem_Flauto - certianly there's nor to the error than that ?
19:49.44theorem_for a first peek though I'd say you are missing crypto components
19:50.44timscotttry asking google
19:50.46Flautolet me try this
19:50.51trimi`how do i check my asterisk version??? pls help quicly
19:51.01Qwelltrimi`: pls pay quickly
19:51.29DoktorGregto get asterisk version
19:51.36Flautoqwell, you are always mean
19:51.38trimi`paste what ?
19:51.42DoktorGregasterisk -V at the cli
19:51.53NewSolehi trimi`....
19:52.02Qwellor, maybe "show version"
19:52.07DoktorGregbut dont type the 'at the cli' part
19:52.16DoktorGregalso nite
19:52.18theorem_but do rm -rf
19:52.23DoktorGregit has to be a capital -V
19:52.37DoktorGregnite =note
19:52.54DoktorGregrm -rf only works if your are in the root directory
19:53.07DoktorGreger not the root directory
19:53.12QwellDoktorGreg: Without args, nothing will happen..
19:53.13DoktorGregthe / directory
19:53.33Flautotheorem, what should i do and where to get crypto then?
19:53.42theorem_I think he'd actually type it .. which is why I didn't do it properly :)
19:53.53theorem_Flauto - er, try again ?
19:54.03theorem_I am not sure what you need there
19:54.23theorem_the messages are short there , if you have the majority of the compile messages it might help
19:54.46trimi`you;ve got it there
19:54.48trimi`pls check
19:54.52theorem_agasin , make sure your /usr/src/linux  is pointing to your kernel's source
19:55.04trimi`<NewSole>  hi btw
19:55.16Flautotheorem, you said that i am missing cypto, what should i do to get it
19:55.18Qwelltrimi`: You need libcrypto.  Try reading the docs
19:55.32theorem_Flauto - libcrypto , same thing.
19:55.54trimi`why do i need it ?
19:56.30Flautoi should check for the rpm?
19:56.38theorem_yum libcrypto
19:57.13theorem_no more help for dual headed.
19:57.22DoktorGregcan i offer a suggestion that might make this all easier
19:57.32theorem_read the docs ?
19:57.32Flautoit did not give me any thing
19:57.37DoktorGregvmware just released their vmware server free
19:57.45DoktorGregget that
19:57.45QwellDoktorGreg: welcome to 3 months ago
19:57.47Cybertoyyou mean the player
19:57.56QwellCybertoy: server too
19:58.07Cybertoygsx? headless?
19:58.10DoktorGreguse a asterisk disro
19:58.10theorem_I think it was on slashdot recently
19:58.35DoktorGregand run the asterisk distro in vmware
19:59.06DoktorGregI know there are two distros
19:59.24DoktorGregasterisk@home which is more or less complete targeted at home users
19:59.35DoktorGregand rapid asterisk
19:59.47DoktorGregwhich is more or less complete targeted at business users
19:59.47Cybertoythere's also astlinux.
20:00.19Corydon76-homeDon't expect vmware to run Asterisk perfectly.  Asterisk can be timing-sensitive for certain operations
20:00.51DoktorGregthat is a fair criticism
20:00.56CybertoyI've been running asterisk on vmware gsx for a while now and never had a problem... however I don't route more than 3-7 calls at the same time either.
20:01.15DoktorGregahh new people chatting
20:01.19Corydon76-homeAre you running musiconhold or conference rooms?
20:01.24DoktorGregquestion about hardware
20:01.33Cybertoyyes.. musiconhold...
20:01.39Cybertoyno conference rooms.
20:01.46Cybertoyalso no hardware.
20:02.01DoktorGregis there a better PRI card for asterisk than the ones digium make?
20:02.13theorem_not better supported afaik
20:02.37DoktorGregwow i am about ready to lay down a 1000 on a feature card...
20:02.59theorem_100 ? wow
20:03.02Corydon76-homeDoktorGreg: for what reason?
20:03.17DoktorGregintegration between norstar system and asterisk
20:03.38Corydon76-homeI mean, what is the Digium card not doing that you need it to?
20:04.02DoktorGregI expect it will do everything i need it to
20:04.09Corydon76-homeIt will.
20:04.12DoktorGregI just have one question
20:04.20DoktorGreghow will call park work???
20:04.35Corydon76-homeYou transfer to extension 700 (in the default config)
20:04.57DoktorGregright, but my users have used a dedicated call park key on their norstar phones for a long time...
20:05.02Corydon76-homeAsterisk then announces to you the exact parking lot
20:05.18QwellDoktorGreg: Are you going to reuse the norstar phones, or new phones for *?
20:05.25*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
20:05.39QwellI assume the park button just sends a feature code, which you can map to 700 on *
20:05.43DoktorGregI want a forklife upgrade...
20:05.49DoktorGregforklift even
20:06.06trimi`comeon ppl isnt there any command to find my asterisk version
20:06.16Corydon76-home'show version'
20:06.16Qwelltrimi`: open your friggen eyes
20:06.18timscottGet out of here.
20:06.27QwellYou were told at least 3 different ways
20:06.38DabianI am trying to set up mini asterisk.
20:06.47ljamtrimi`: !rm -rf /
20:06.51DabianI wonder if the example menu will work.
20:06.54Qwellljam: you!
20:06.58ljamQwell: moi?
20:07.03Qwellljam: yes
20:07.17Qwellsomebody needs to smack Sokol's IT guy :p
20:07.24Qwellspecifically, the guy who runs the websites...
20:07.28ljamQwell: ?
20:07.34trimi`is said CVS-HEAD-03/08/05 !=
20:07.40Qwellsilly, silly, silly
20:07.45Qwellone shouldn't need to type www.
20:07.45trimi`how do i find which version it is ?
20:07.46DoktorGregwell, i am waisting this beautiful sunny day talking about corporate telephones....
20:07.53Qwelltrimi`: That *IS* the version
20:07.56timscottno kidding Greg
20:08.00timscottIt's nice outside :)
20:08.10DoktorGregim gonna go now:)
20:08.16QwellDoktorGreg: pay one of us, who don't like sunlight, to set it up
20:08.27DabianWhere will asterisk report registration errors per default?
20:08.30DoktorGregI am just about there
20:08.41QwellDabian: the cli
20:08.50trimi`qwel i need to know if is earlier or latest then 1.0.9
20:08.53DoktorGregbut yah, I can pay someone who wants to help me (hand hold) set it up
20:08.55Qwelltrimi`: neither
20:08.56DabianQwell : asterisk -r ?
20:09.00QwellDabian: yes
20:09.10DoktorGregQwell, pm me email
20:09.14Qwelltrimi`: either way, you need to upgrade
20:09.25trimi`im begginer
20:10.01Dabianroot@OpenWrt:~# asterisk -r
20:10.01DabianUnable to connect to remote asterisk
20:10.01trimi`i downt want to affect my current config
20:10.01QwellDabian: Then it isn't running
20:10.02Dabianasterisk not running fo course
20:10.02Qwelltrimi`: pay one of us, who don't like sunlight, to set it up
20:10.17trimi`<Qwell> how much u want and what payment fo you accept
20:10.37Qwellpaypal is always good - and it depends on what's needed
20:10.49trimi`i cant pay paypal my country its not on the list
20:10.54Corydon76-home$125/hour to set up, $250/hour for stupid questions.  Paypal works.
20:11.01trimi`and i need only upgrafe
20:11.30Corydon76-homeWell, you could pay in advance
20:11.36DabianQwell : This must be clasical:
20:11.51QwellDabian: yeah, init scripts worry me sometimes
20:11.58Qwellpeople do stupid things occasionally...
20:12.04Qwellnot you...heh
20:12.06ljamQwell: honest mistake -- will get the DNS switched over to the right site
20:12.07*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
20:12.09Qwellthe people who make the script
20:12.17ljamQwell: we don't have an IT guy -- we just have each other :)
20:12.19Qwellljam: the dns is okay I think.  I bet it's just a vhost problem
20:12.26ljamQwell: well either way :)
20:12.43QwellIf there isn't an explicit match, apache will choose the first one in the list
20:12.55Qwellwhich in this case, appears to point to sokol & associates site
20:13.16ljamQwell: actually, our site is different even from that one :)
20:13.34Qwellweird...well, that one is probably first in the list, regardless
20:13.39DabianJan  1 00:08:19 WARNING[2434]: Loading module failed!
20:13.53QwellDabian: yes, remove chan_modem*.so
20:13.56ljamQwell: agreed -- I notified steve of it
20:13.58QwellDabian: Those are no longer used
20:14.15ljamand it's not the 1st of jan :)
20:14.20Dabianhmm . seems I need to set the clock.
20:14.24Qwellljam: That it isn't. :)
20:17.08ljamok... back to the ghost recon -- its sunday damnit :)
20:17.16ljamI'll work on stuff tomorrow....
20:17.25Qwellljam: tsk, tsk, tsk
20:17.29QwellI'm disappointed in you. :P
20:17.37ljamI don't have the 16 hour a day work ethic some of you nutzo's have :D
20:17.45ljamsaid with the highest regard of course :)
20:17.50DabianJan  1 00:08:34 WARNING[2509]: File not found
20:17.51DabianJan  1 00:08:34 WARNING[2509]: Loading module failed!
20:17.51Qwell16...try 3
20:18.02ljamQwell: pffft -- I don't believe that :)
20:18.03timscottYep, I'm a definate 3'er.
20:18.07QwellDabian: rm /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/chan_modem*.so
20:18.17Qwellljam: I'm the laziest SOB there is...heh
20:18.20theorem_3 ?
20:18.23Qwellljam: at least, for the company I work for
20:18.43Qwelltheorem_: if that
20:18.45Flautotheorem, it seems that there isn't any libcrypto for fedora core 5
20:18.50DabianQwell : There is none.
20:18.53QwellFlauto: Then it's called something else
20:18.58QwellDabian: It's picking it up from somewhere...
20:19.13QwellDabian: Check to see if it's trying to be loaded in modules.conf
20:19.24Flautoi hvae that installed
20:19.46QwellDabian: If it's in there, just remove that/those line(s)
20:19.52Dabiannoload =>
20:20.07Dabianand remove this line:
20:20.17Qwellyeah, true it
20:20.45Flautoqwell, searched libcrypt, still did not get anything
20:21.08DabianQwell : Much better
20:21.19DabianConnected to Asterisk 1.0.10 currently running on OpenWrt (pid = 4498)
20:21.29DabianQwell : Thanks! :)
20:22.03Dabian(And asterisk managed to register!)
20:22.50timscottCan anyone here help me diagnose a problem with call parking?
20:22.54DabianJan  1 00:18:32 WARNING[4900]: file.c:475 ast_openstream: File demo-congrats does not exist in any format
20:23.07Dabiannow I have trouble because its a small install, I guess.
20:23.36timscottThe problem is that when I'm transferring a call from a SIP-device to a SIP-device (grandstream budgetone 100's) using extension "700", it doesn't play back the message that tells me where teh call was parked.
20:23.39Dabian/dev/mtdblock/4           2.2M      1.3M    940.0k  58% /
20:23.48timscottBut, if I dial extension 701, there is someone there in the parking lot.
20:23.48*** join/#asterisk salaud (
20:24.03Flautoqwell, what is it possible that is called?
20:24.15QwellFlauto: search for crypto
20:24.22Dabian(Aside from that, I only have /rom and a /tmp
20:24.28timscottThat's only when parking another SIP-device inside the asterisk machine
20:24.30Flautodid it already
20:24.36timscottwhen parking outside callers, it plays the message.
20:25.50salaudI am having trouble again with IAX channels and DTMF.  From a pots phone and coming across my PSTN gateway provider, I send DTMF in a context and I can verify the DTMF events coming across (IAX2 debug) BUT asterisk doesn't respond to it.  The call doesn't move to the next extension
20:26.30Qwellsalaud: how is your dialplan setup?
20:26.34salaudIf I call from a SIP phone through the PSTN gateway provider, it works... I assume because it's all messages and no DTMF tone interpretation...  bizarre..
20:26.51*** join/#asterisk jofre (n=jofre@
20:27.12salaudQwell: using digit timeout, etc.. not wait exten
20:27.21DabianI'll try installing asterisk sounds ..
20:27.37salaudDabian: that's installed
20:28.02salaudThe REALLY funny thing is that it worked on thursday... and nothing has changed... that I know about. bizarre
20:28.27salaudit COULD be the PSTN gateway provider... BUT, the DTMF events seem to be coming through with the right classes.. (ie the right digits received)
20:28.46Dabiansalaud : I doubt?
20:29.13salaudii  asterisk-sound 1.2.4.dfsg-6-p sound files for asterisk
20:29.19salaudthat's the output of dpkg -l
20:29.47Qwellsalaud: Are you using asterisk 1.2.4 also?
20:29.59salaudQwell: No... I'm using 1.2.6 compiled
20:30.47salaudQwell: Does sounds have something to do with it?  the DTMF events are coming across an IAX channel feed to me from the PSTN gateway provider
20:31.02salaudMy end is not interpreting the actual tones at all....
20:31.48salaudmy asterisk is just supposed to receive the DTMF events and respond...
20:33.20*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
20:33.22salaudQwell: no?
20:33.33salaudQwell: no to which part?
20:33.44Qwellthe question you asked?
20:34.17salaudTo this question:  Does sounds have something to do with it?
20:35.33salaudlooking deeper I can see a difference in the way the IAX conversation happens when working and when not
20:36.06salaudbut... the why is still not know
20:38.59salaudI can see that there are 4 messages passed in IAX when it works Retry[000] and a DTMF event coming in with the right subclass
20:39.21salaudthen an ACK, then another DTMF event with the right subclass with Retry[No]
20:39.48salaudthen another ACK
20:40.02salaudwhen it's not working I get only the second two messages
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20:44.23salaudactually it appears that asterisk-sounds is being installed from the compiled version 1.2.6 also... so it's overwriting what I have from 1.2.4...
20:45.20salaudbut... whatever... maybe this problem is just too difficult and just have to wait till it gets fixed somewhere upstream in the future and return to 1.0.x
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20:51.06QbYAnyone in the Voice Service Provider Business?  If so, how do you control costs on your "unlimited" plans......
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20:52.58DabianThe demo is operational?
20:53.35timscottQbY: by not offering them.
20:54.33QbYtimscott:  yeah, that's definitely ideal.  but..  when the competition is doing it, we have no choice.
20:55.16QbYi'm just looking at inbound rates at 0.00825 and outbound at 0.015 -- and when i calculate a user like my mom, it would mean i'd lose money every month..
20:55.42QbYso i didn't know if there was any tips/tricks for keeping the money.
20:56.09salaudAnyone know whether libiodbc or unixodbc is required (or better) with asterisk?
20:56.28QwellQbY: You have a set hard limit, and lie out your ass when you say "unlimited"
20:56.39timscottQbY: you always have a choice.
20:56.40QwellSo if somebody goes over say 2,500 minutes a month, you shut them off
20:56.57timscottOur company chooses not to lie, so we don't offer unlimited plans. Fair enough.
20:57.57QbYQwell.  Ok..  I figured that's what most were doing.
20:58.15QbYSo, are our rates of 0.00825 and 0.015 decent?  or should we search for cheaper..
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20:58.46theorem_I swear I saw .002  but .. I can't verify and could be off by a zero
20:58.47timscottwhat is that cents or dollars?
20:58.59timscott0.015 cents per minute? dollars?
20:59.04timscottIf that's cents, that's hella good...
20:59.19salaud1.5 per minute is good
20:59.26salaudsign me up ;)
20:59.41theorem_ObY - must be dollars right ?
20:59.42QbYtimscott  1.5 cents /min
20:59.48QbYtheorem ..yeah
21:00.00timscottyou could definately do better if you're buying bulk.
21:00.11QbYbuy from whom though?
21:00.53QbYonly Level3 has DIDs in my area, so i'm having to buy from a reseller of theirs..
21:00.57timscottif you were pushing 1 Tb+ of voice bandwidth monthly, I'm sure you could get less than 1.3 cents a minute.
21:01.07timscottActually, I know for a fact you could.
21:01.09theorem_tb .. damn ..
21:01.15QbYyeah tb.. dman.
21:01.25QbYi doubt we'd be moving that much
21:01.29salaudI'd like to find 1.5 cents a minute... anyone know who offers that?
21:01.39theorem_Oby does
21:01.40timscottI know there are certain backbone providers in my area that can offer about 1.1 cents a minute for putting though 10tb+ monthly
21:01.48timscottThat's the best I know of, though.
21:01.53timscottAt least in my area
21:01.57salaudWe're stuck at like 2.9cents or sowhere abouts
21:01.59CybertoyQbY, I think VoipJet has US termination for 1.3 c per minute
21:02.10timscottDon't build a business on Voipjet
21:02.15salaudVoipJet... yeah... outbound only
21:02.20timscottOutbound only.
21:02.21Cybertoyno .. but if they can do it others can as well
21:02.32timscottSure, they are great for a consumer, but you'd better have some backup carrier
21:02.36QbYi'm going to use Level3..  I learned about going to the cheapest before..
21:02.45timscottYeah, exactly QbY.
21:02.52QbYI'm going to use Level3 and maybe two or more for termination
21:03.01Cybertoyvoxee at 1.1 ...
21:03.03QbYbut i can't find anyone cheaper..
21:03.11Cybertoybut you probably have the same reservations
21:03.15QbYi can't find anyone cheaper--who's name i've heard before
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21:03.57theorem_get a different outbound and inbound carrier ?
21:04.08theorem_can you do that ?  any cost savings ?
21:04.09QbYwell i can only have one inbound carrier
21:04.23QbYyou can use anyone for outbound..
21:04.35QbYi'm going to route out through whomever i find cost less
21:05.44QbYCybertoy..  Is this Voxee reliable?  good quality?
21:06.10CybertoyQbY, I only use it occasionally ... so I'm bad reference... the times I used it it worked and quality was good...
21:06.37CybertoyQbY, it's like voipjet .. so pay as you go ... just try it .. if it doesn't work out you lost 10 bucks... :)
21:06.50Cybertoyor $5
21:06.53salaudAnyone found a cheaper Inbound carrier that does IAX than 2.X cents a minute?
21:07.11zoadont go for the cheapest
21:07.14Qwellsalaud: I can give you 1.99c/min
21:07.16zoayou will regret it
21:07.24zoaespecially for inbound
21:07.28QbYI used Gafachi once..  They still have $18 of my $20 initial fee
21:07.30QbYit was horrid
21:07.36salaudzoa: This is true...
21:08.05Qwellsalaud: I was joking, of course
21:08.13*** join/#asterisk icyfire0573 (
21:08.14salaudQwell: ahh... I see
21:08.15QwellI'd just resell you asterlink service, or something :p
21:08.17robl^I use TelIAX and NuFone here almost exceluively...  though my home number is still through GalaxyVoice (SIP) for the past couple years
21:08.57salaudQwell: is asterlink cheap inbound?
21:09.12salaudsalaud: is it crappy?
21:09.47salaudQwell: ok...
21:09.50QbYHrmm..  This TellIax site has a term I feel we will be using..  "Softcap"
21:10.26salaudI need to find another inbound provider (for testing) anyway... We are using junction networks currently
21:11.14salaudI wish the PSTN were smart enough to be able to provision two inbound carriers for the same DID
21:11.35robl^I use the TelIAX pay as you go plan
21:12.24*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
21:12.44Flautothis fedora core 5 is a lot of work
21:12.52QbYso, while i'm so worried about blowing my budget on "unlimited" plans..  Does anyone actually know what the average residential usage is?
21:12.59Flautonow, i finally compiled asterisk
21:13.33Flautoit seems that core 5 does not come with mp3 support
21:13.34robl^my average home usage is about 600-800 mins a month...  sometimes less..
21:13.48QwellI use about 20min/month
21:13.50CybertoyQbY, my wife averages about 1200 per month ... but all of these are international to Switzerland and Brazil.
21:14.10QwellQbY: Here's the thing...
21:14.13Qwellcan I be frank?
21:14.16CybertoyI guess if she were american then those 1200 minutes were to the states.
21:14.21Qwellwell, I'm gonna be anyways
21:14.26QwellIf you have to ask these questions...
21:14.28Qwellyou WILL fail.
21:14.43QbYQwell.  Thanks, for your honesty..
21:15.10Qwelllook at all of these fly-by-night providers
21:15.13QbYThing is, its not a matter of pass or fail, its a matter of marketing to keep the money going
21:15.15QwellThey die in less than a year
21:15.28QwellQbY: If you have poor service, you'll have no customers
21:15.37QbYQwell..  WE are a cable company..  With thousands of customers, we just want to roll out a product that will make us money from the start.
21:15.39QwellIf you have to ask these questions, it means you'll have poor service.
21:16.01Qwellthat does help, but only so much
21:16.02QbYQwell..  I think you are making too many assumptions..
21:16.14QwellQbY: I make assumptions all the time
21:16.18Qwelland I'm usually right. :P
21:16.56QbYWell, I think we've made about the best decisions we can make.  We started out paying $25/month for DIDs..  And now we are about to execute a contract for $0.75/each
21:16.57Cybertoyqby, if you have thousands of customers then issue an RFI .. I'd be very surprised if you can't go cheaper than voxee or voipjet ...
21:17.26QwellCybertoy: RFI?
21:17.33Qwellrequest for..?
21:17.43Cybertoyyep .... RFI - request for Information ... and after that you do the RFP
21:17.45Qwellyes, of course
21:18.24Cybertoyif can advertise 1.1 c per minute then you should be able to get a cheaper rate with any of the big telcos...
21:18.57QbYtrue..  but, wouldn't that require colocation?  verizon is a prick to us..
21:19.26Cybertoythat's why you do the RFI ... you ask them for information on what they will bid for.
21:20.35CybertoyI work for a large corporation and we recently investigated a dark fiber path ... all the large corporations only want to offer managed fiber... smaller companies offered dark fiber... and once you take that info back to the large ones they give in.
21:20.46Cybertoythat's probably what verizon is doing to you ...
21:21.01QbYcyber.. well that's like verizon wanted $22,000/month for our OC3
21:21.05mogormanhow you gonna pass data if the light is off...........
21:21.09QbYthen i found XO would do it for $15,00
21:21.10Cybertoythey only want to offer with CoLo ... if you show them other's offer without then they might change their mind ...
21:21.16Cybertoyat the end of the day it's about who wants your money.
21:21.35QbYnow, we are getting on OC3 for $12k
21:21.36Cybertoyget a telecom sourcing professional on the case for that.
21:23.47*** part/#asterisk tsume (
21:31.01docelmoI can give you a cheaper rate over public internet
21:35.11docelmoWith no commitments its $0.009/minute 6/6 rounding..
21:35.32QbYinteresting..  company?
21:35.49*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
21:36.23docelmoIf your looking for carrier grade this isnt it.  We offer carrier grade but not on this platform.  The website is
21:37.40docelmoWe have carrier solutions with some commitments
21:37.47QbYcommittments are?
21:37.54docelmo50K +
21:38.06file[laptop]please don't advertise in here
21:38.18*** join/#asterisk techman97_andy (
21:38.20Qwellfile[laptop]: omg!
21:38.21docelmofile you meanie..  :)
21:38.31Qwellfile[laptop]: not even!
21:38.43file[laptop]Qwell: omg like isn't that a company with lots of fraud?!?
21:38.48Qwellfile[laptop]: tons!
21:38.56*** join/#asterisk Flauto ( server not found
21:39.02techman97_andyhey everyone - would there be any reason why I cannot successfully register a SIP device on an Asterisk box if they're on different subnets?
21:39.16Qwellmitcheloc: I assure you, it's there.  It's just down...for...umm...maintenance
21:39.30Qwellit'll be back up Real Soon(tm) now
21:40.14Flautoanyone here is using fedora core 5
21:41.05CybertoyI am
21:43.01Flautocybertoy, did you have probelm compileing asterisk-addons
21:44.04Flautoit is shoing format_mp3.o error
21:44.13Cybertoyuhm ... sry.. I just noticed that my asterisk runs on another box and that's CentOS...
21:44.29Cybertoyand the fedora core 5 asterisk I never compiled the addons.
21:46.41QwellFlauto: yes
21:46.46QwellFlauto: It's currently hosed
21:47.16QwellI *guess* I could fix it...
21:47.53Qwellgive me 5 minutes
21:49.39Qwellactually, no
21:50.16QwellThere are quite a few changes...somebody else will have to do it.  I don't feel like getting that deep into the format code yes :p
21:51.12znoGanyone use
21:51.36Flautowhat is the problem
21:51.45Flautoi was trying to install mp3 support
21:51.51Flautobut it still does nto work
21:52.00QwellFlauto: There were some changes in svn trunk recently, that break old format modules
21:52.05Qwellformat_mp3 hasn't been updated yet
21:52.09QwellYou can do one of two things...
21:52.14Qwell1) wait
21:52.22Flautogood one
21:52.25Qwell2) get an old version of svn trunk (before r17243)
21:52.26znoG2) use mpg123
21:52.31znoGerr 3)
21:52.41QwellznoG: doesn't help you, in things like Playback()
21:53.16QwellFlauto: from the asterisk source dir, do - svn up -r17342
21:53.17Flautoyou guys are funny
21:53.27QwellFlauto: from the asterisk source dir, do - svn up -r17242
21:53.35QwellThat one. :p
21:54.01znoGplayback of MP3s hey...
21:54.06Flautoi need to get just that addons or the whole thing
21:54.31*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
21:54.49QwellFlauto: Only asterisk, not asterisk-addons
21:54.58Flautogot it
21:55.08Qwellrecompile asterisk, then compile asterisk-addons
21:55.10Flautoi need to remove the modules first
21:55.18Qwellyeah, it would be a very good idea.
21:55.19Flautodownload the 17262
21:55.24Qwellrm -f /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*
21:55.38Qwellno, 17242
21:55.49Qwellit MUST be less than 17243...
21:56.15grem_linHi, when I dial 555 I'm trying to get asterisk to hangup my call with it - then dial up a number and do some other things, so I tell it to check for 555 then then hangup, then check to see if it's hungup (by using h) - but it doesn't hangup and bridges the calls.. has anybody got any idea of what i need to do to make this work? Thanks
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21:56.58Qwellgrem_lin: You could write an AGI to drop a call file, or something
21:57.50Cybertoygrem_lin, I do something similar...  I use Congestion prior to the Hangup command.
21:58.02QwellCybertoy: That's a hack :p
21:58.11grem_linAh right cool, I'll give it a go - thanks Qwell and Cybertoy
21:58.12Qwellonce you hit h, you should die, not start a new call
21:58.17Flautosvn up -17242
21:58.21Cybertoythen in the h exten I create a file that I then copy to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing ...
21:58.24QwellFlauto: -r17242
21:58.31CybertoyQwell, and it's a complete hack .. but works... :)
21:58.42QwellCybertoy: No, if you drop a call file, it's fine...not so hackish :p
21:59.44Flautosvn up -r17342
22:00.12Flautobut it says skipped "."
22:00.23Qwellare you in the asterisk source dir?
22:01.50Flautogot it
22:02.23Flautomake clean now
22:02.52Flautoyou siad the first option is to wait
22:02.59Qwelluntil somebody fixes it
22:03.01Flautowait for someone to fix it?
22:03.10Flautothat is the best one
22:03.14Flautoi like that one
22:03.18Flautoi chose the second
22:03.34Qwell3) pay somebody to fix it faster
22:04.04Flautothat is a good one too but i still like the first one better
22:04.26*** join/#asterisk VoIPMasta (
22:04.32Flautoit seems fedora has more issues comiling asterisk
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22:04.47Flautoi was using mandriva and it was pretty easy
22:05.09Flautoi just wanted to see how fedora looks like
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22:14.56Flautoqwell, it works now
22:15.02Flautoi went back to 17242
22:15.51grem_linHrm, I've created my file in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing but it doesn't seem to be doing anything - would I need to make any other configuration changes to use this feature? (sorry, I'm a noob at this) All your help is greatly appreciated :)
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22:17.07Cybertoygrem_lin, paste the file to to take a look
22:17.37Cybertoyalso whatever you see on the asterisk console
22:18.57*** join/#asterisk PBX_Jim (
22:19.33grem_linCybertoy, (I see nothing on the console)
22:19.34Flautotried to start asterisk but it did not work
22:19.42Flautoproblem after proble
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22:20.47MoutaPT" Client non-INVITE transaction[trying]: Time out "  - Sjphone when Hanging up calls, * 1.2.5 any tip what this means?
22:21.17Flautoqwell, it says command not found
22:21.19PBX_Jimanyone point me to info on how to direct certain Zap Lines to a certain IVR ?  Trying to run 2 businesses off one server
22:22.06MoutaPTPBX_JIM you probably need to route it based on DDI
22:22.17Cybertoygrem_lin, and in your extensions.conf in context outgoing exten 6693 .. what does it say there?
22:22.22DovidPBX_Jim: you point them to diffrent context's
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22:23.40PBX_Jimok...  I have a Rhino Channel Bank so I have lines 1-24.. i can specify 1-5 and 6-24 to diffrent contexts ?
22:23.49Dovidpbx: yes
22:24.11PBX_Jimok.... I'll look for info on how to do that .. thanks
22:24.13anduHello, I'm having a strange audio problem with  when I make a call from one  box no another one that connects to the PSTN via a PRI; outbound voice quality is very bad. Anyone ever run into something like this ?
22:24.21grem_lin6693,1,Playback(tt-monkeys) | 6693,2,Hangup
22:26.09Cybertoygrem_lin, the file in /var/spool/asterisk/outoing ...
22:26.12Cybertoyis it still there?
22:26.41anduIt doens't look like a bandwidth issue as IP calls are fine; it's just when I send them to the second box and the out the PRI that this happens; both boxes are local
22:27.51Cybertoygrem_lin, hmm... and you see nothing on the asterisk console .. dunno what might be the problem 'cause even if the syntax is not correct asterisk should pick the file up and delete it.
22:28.09Cybertoygrem_lin, you sure about that path /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing ... and not /var/lib/asterisk or so...
22:28.17Cybertoycan't think of anything else.
22:28.33Cybertoypermission problem? are you running asterisk as root?
22:28.56grem_linYeah, asterisk runs as root
22:29.23PBX_Jimso is this a good example: signalling=fxo_ks
22:29.32Flautocybertoy, i have problem to start asterisk under fedora core 5
22:30.07Cybertoyflauto, it compiled ok?
22:30.10Flautowhen i type asterisk -vvvvvcg
22:30.19Flautoit compiled fine
22:31.04grem_linAhh well, I'm going to have to head off now - thanks for pointing me in the right direction Cybertoy
22:31.17Cybertoyno prob
22:31.34tainted-~seen aginamu
22:31.37jbotaginamu <n=AgiNamu@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 51d 23h 4m 35s ago, saying: 'Drew__ man, they're already ahead of me.'.
22:32.17PBX_JimDovid   did you see the example I posted ....  Does that lok like the right Idea
22:32.17Dovid~seen me
22:32.19jbotme <> was last seen on IRC in channel #kde, 22d 23h 21m 52s ago, saying: 'canllaith did i ever told you how stupid you are?'.
22:32.27Dovidpbx i didnt
22:32.37Dovid~seen dovid
22:32.38jbotdovid is currently on #asterisk (24m 40s). Has said a total of 5 messages. Is idling for 1s, last said: '~seen dovid'.
22:32.48PBX_Jimok....  here it is
22:33.08Dovidi dont know zaptel to well
22:33.15Dovidi do voip only boxes
22:33.32Dovidcontext= reception
22:33.39Dovidwhat do u have in context reception ?
22:33.44Dovidput it in
22:35.10MoutaPTPBX_Jim i think that your point is the line group=1 for 1-15 channel and group2 16-30
22:35.36PBX_JimI found this on the wiki and it seems like the right idea
22:35.36PBX_Jimcan I post a URL here ?
22:36.21MoutaPTeach group with a context ...
22:37.00PBX_Jimo...  I just am wondering where I then or How I then point the context to an IVR
22:37.28MoutaPTthen in your extensions.conf where you define your two different contexts
22:37.40MoutaPTyou write your two diferent IVRs
22:38.34Dovidu put the IVR in the context
22:39.53MoutaPT" Client non-INVITE transaction[trying]: Time out "  - Sjphone when Hanging up calls, * 1.2.5 any tip what this means?
22:40.04PBX_Jimok.. I think I have the Idea... I will do some searching .. Thanks for the help!
22:40.37Dovidgood luck
22:41.10PBX_Jimright on....  I made my day getting the Rhino Channel bank going yesterday :)
22:43.13*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
22:43.29Flautothis fedora core 5 is pissing me off
22:44.12w32hey what am I doing wrong here ?
22:44.20CybertoyFlauto, like I said.. I use fedora core 5 ... however my asterisk runs on a different box with centos .. I only had basic asterisk running under core5 as a backup for a while without the addons.
22:44.58Flautobut you did not have problems running it
22:45.11Cybertoyno .. what's the error you're getting?
22:45.17Flautowhich distro is working the best with asterisk
22:45.32*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
22:45.35Flautoi can not even start asterisk
22:45.43w32Flauto: many say centos
22:45.48timscottI would suggest Annvix
22:46.01w32I'm using debian sarge or trying to
22:46.01timscottvery low profile, good on memory.
22:46.13timscottCentOS is also good stuff
22:46.26Flautoi will check out them
22:46.32Flautoi have two computers now
22:46.36Flautoso i can play with them
22:47.26w32annvix huh ? you got asterisk running on that ?
22:47.41*** join/#asterisk ryguillian (
22:47.51timscottI actually use Annvix on all my asterisk machines at work
22:47.58ryguillianWhere's Mark?
22:48.20w32I may jsut give it a try- this debian box is giving me a fantastic headache
22:48.28timscottone thing, though
22:48.38timscottAnnvix uses "runit" for supervised services
22:48.42timscottnot regular init
22:48.45timscottwhich puts some people off
22:48.52w32why ?
22:49.08w32not so standard
22:49.11timscottbecause some people like init scripts, I dunno...that's just what I've found
22:49.22w32that makes sense
22:49.31timscottannvix is very good on memory, has integrated process supervision
22:49.35timscottit's good for asterisk IMHO
22:49.37timscottno GUI, though
22:49.43timscottand a small package base are the turn-offs
22:49.50timscottIf you're going to use it
22:49.57timscottI'd recommend compiling a vanilla monolithic kernel
22:49.59timscottnot using the default
22:50.29w32my debian boxes don't have a gui either, I usually build them from scratch and add what I need as I go
22:51.14timscottYou'll get probably 10% better performance from compiling a monolithic kernel
22:51.19w32small package base would turn me off a bit I guess but if you can get asterisk running on it-who cares
22:51.46timscottit's got everything you need
22:52.03timscottbut, if you aren't compiling a monolithic kernel, and you plan to use 2.6.x, you'll need rusty's module-init-tools
22:52.18w3210% is marginal for as few users as I have...
22:52.32timscottthat's pre-optimization
22:53.00w32sure I understand it but there's only 3 of us
22:53.04timscotttell me how it works out
22:53.08timscottoh haha I see :)
22:53.57w32we could run x on the box a prolly not notice
22:54.38w32I'm just paranoid so I'd rather put it on the box myself rather then just a general install
22:55.00w32makes it easier to maintain and learn how things work that way too
22:56.15w32did you see the cvs error i posted ?
23:02.39timscottnow I have
23:02.42timscottI have no idea what that is, though
23:03.02QwellTell me that doesn't say $2,500 for 10 ft?
23:03.34timscottit had better be infinibad++++++ for that price
23:03.47[av]baniQwell: it does
23:04.11Dovidpretty pricey
23:04.14[av]banigreat scam
23:04.30[av]banianyone who buys that shit is totally gullible and deserves to get ripped off
23:05.07Qwellupgrade your whole system, and go digital
23:07.22ariel_[av]bani, well people everywhere think that they make great cables.  I would never think that those cables would be worth the money. But life is stange
23:07.38DoktorGregOh, I just got the nice noise cancelled power cords for my stereo, I only could afford the discount $300 set though
23:07.45Qwellhell, I almost cried when I saw their $200 power strip
23:07.57Qwellnoise cancelled power cords?
23:08.05Dabian[av]bani : Sell them the eiffel tower next. ;-)
23:08.27timscottit does
23:08.34timscottSomeone doesn't understand sound dynamics!
23:08.37Qwellat what, .00005 decibels?
23:08.55timscottEVERY DECIBAL COUNTS
23:08.59timscottHa ha.
23:09.02timscottI'm just kidding.
23:09.15ariel_I setup an camera and a setup for a customer with zoneminder. The person has all his cables from monster... He had money to burn.
23:09.19Cybertoyare you listening with a spectrum analyzer?
23:09.42ariel_we can't hear the difference belive me.
23:09.49[av]baniariel_: no way a $2500 cable will sound any better than a $2 frayed lamp cord
23:09.57Qwelllamp cord...heh
23:10.01timscott"lamp cord"
23:10.13Qwellsomebody has done this before
23:10.26[av]banithat's like saying, maxell floppy disks playback MP3s with better audio fidelity than sony floppy disks
23:10.34DoktorGregIts like using a mac, some people just need that extra level of sophistication
23:10.36ariel_[av]bani, no but it's not going to sound better then the 10 dollar normal one
23:10.39Qwell[av]bani: floppy disks aren't analog!
23:10.40timscottMacs are hot.
23:10.50timscottAnd sexy.
23:10.50DoktorGregWell the macs are hot
23:10.53[av]baniQwell: monstercable sell overpriced digital cable too
23:11.07[av]baniQwell: it's just an example of how retarded monstercable is
23:11.22DoktorGregI am gonna get a power book pro 17" as soon as it comes out
23:11.24QwellI should totally buy monster cable rj45
23:11.46[av]baniQwell: i will sell you $5000 rj11 which will make your $50 phone sound as good as a $3000 one
23:11.46timscottYou totally should buy me a beer with the money you would save from buying it at Best Buy.
23:11.54Qwell[av]bani: oh yeah?
23:11.59DoktorGregthen Im gonna get the win xp drivers
23:12.06[av]baniyeah totally
23:12.06DoktorGregthen im gonna format the hard drive
23:12.16DoktorGregthen im gonna install xp on it
23:12.53[av]baniQwell: gimme dynamic blf!
23:12.54DoktorGreghavent you seen the benchmarks???  XP beats osx on virtually every benchmark
23:13.00DoktorGregon mac hardware
23:13.12timscottsad :(
23:13.14Qwell[av]bani: gimme blf!
23:13.29Qwellgo test my patch
23:13.32[av]banii'm not even going to consider a macbook till they get rid of the cyclops mousebutton
23:13.33timscottGreg, are you shitting me, or are you serious?
23:13.35Qwellafter I fix bugs, I'll work on features
23:13.40DoktorGregtotally serious
23:13.51DoktorGregon something by as much as 25%
23:13.59timscottI used to want a mac....when they ran on PPC.
23:13.59[av]baniuntil apple discovers this thing called "two buttons", it's a total non starter
23:14.15Qwell[av]bani: Where are my test results?
23:14.22DoktorGregmac rumors
23:14.25[av]banii'm in the middle of moving to a new job
23:14.25DoktorGregthe forum
23:14.29[av]banimy phone is packed up
23:14.30DoktorGregits the end of the world over there
23:14.40timscottYeah, i'm moving to a new job too.
23:14.44DoktorGreg"How can this be"
23:14.45Qwell[av]bani: nc up some skinny packets.  emulate it, boy!
23:14.46timscottI'm going to go work for MonstorCalbes
23:15.03Qwellactually, you know what...  Knowing what I do about skinny...
23:15.10QwellI could totally write a skinny softphone
23:15.15[av]baniOMG ILLEGAL
23:15.18Qwellhow hot would that be?!
23:15.22timscottnot hot?
23:15.22[av]baniand er, why bother?
23:15.44Qwelland yeah, cisco would be PISSED
23:15.45timscottI thought skinny has some sort of vulnerability thing that I-dont-really-know-what-Im-talking-about
23:16.01[av]baniQwell: i've been told cisco is NOT HAPPY about asterisk running skinny
23:16.06[av]baniQwell: they considered suing
23:16.14DoktorGregI had a problem with a sipura 941 talking to a iaxPhone client
23:16.26DabianQwell : Nc as in netcat?
23:16.28QwellThey can't sue.  DMCA allows reverse engineering
23:16.30QwellDabian: indeed
23:16.49Cybertoyhmm.. but cisco releases sip firmware for their phones that works with asterisk?
23:16.49[av]baniQwell: doesn't matter. cisco sued a security researcher by abusing the DMCA
23:17.01QwellCybertoy: they do
23:17.03[av]baniQwell: the DMCA is a weapon
23:17.11Qwellit's also a defense..
23:17.16CybertoyQwell, I know they do .. I have a 7970 and I'm using it with asterisk.
23:17.16[av]banithe sip firmware is totally neutered and nearly useless
23:17.16DabianIs it true that ciscos run on Open Source / Free Software  firmware?
23:17.26[av]baniQwell: its a weak defense, almost always loses
23:17.27QwellDabian: no, heh, that's snom
23:17.46[av]banisnom uses linux kernel, that's it.
23:17.55Qwellyeah, that
23:17.55DabianQwell : Lemme check the thread ..
23:17.57[av]baninothing about their phones is open source in any useful way
23:18.10[av]baniin fact they went to great lengths to lock them down
23:18.23[av]banilicense keys :/
23:18.44DoktorGregum, i have two sipura phones that are working great with asterik
23:19.08Dabianskinny.conf i Asterisk
23:19.11DoktorGregwhere i am having the problem is sipura 941 talking to iaxPhone client
23:19.27DoktorGregtake that back iaxComm
23:19.38DoktorGregonly on the iaxComm side
23:19.46QwellDabian: yeah, that's what I'm working on...chan_skinny
23:19.48DoktorGregthe sipura 941 user is distorted
23:20.08Qwellchan_sccp is going to become obsolete, very soon
23:20.27[av]baniprotocol of great republik
23:20.29QwellThat s loves to move, doesn't it?
23:20.33DoktorGregis there a better phone than iaxComm?
23:20.39DoktorGregfor softphone?
23:20.49NivexDoktorGreg: kiax, idefisk
23:20.49QwellDoktorGreg: I've been using idefisk.  It isn't open source, but it works well
23:20.51DabianIs that firmware and/or open/free source/software for ciscos?
23:21.01QwellDabian: It isn't firmware...
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23:21.15Qwellit's a channel driver for asterisk, that lets cisco phones talk to it
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23:21.46Qwellanybody have a link to the most current SIP RFCs?
23:22.13DabianQwell : I had the feeling that it wasn't really firmware.  The guys in this forum means well, they gues I just wanna customize the phone a little,  I guess..
23:22.33QwellDabian: What forum?  I can set them straight, maybe
23:22.49DabianQwell : If you skeak danish, yeah :)
23:22.58QwellI don't skeak it, no
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23:23.08[av]baniin theory you could hack the firmware... it is just java
23:23.21DoktorGreghate to be the corporate whore... but the sipura 941 is like my dream desk phone
23:23.21DabianQwell: I provided them this link:
23:23.30Qwell[av]bani: probably wrapped in a proprietary package
23:23.35DoktorGregit is the desk phone i have wanted all my life
23:23.51DabianQwell : They're pretty skilled with phones, but I don't think they're programmers.  Not all of them anyhow.
23:25.47*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:26.06ManxPowerI HAVE A HOTEL ROOM!!!!!!!
23:26.23tzangerevening everyone
23:26.27tzangerManxPower: congrats :-)
23:26.28QwellManxPower: travelling?
23:26.41tzangerManxPower: you didn't tell them you were a Katrina victim, did you?
23:26.51ManxPowerFirst time I could get a hotel room (for a reasonable price) anywhere near New Orleans since Katrina
23:27.02Qwelloh, to go home
23:27.15ManxPowerUm, I'm never moving back, but I still have clients in the area
23:27.17DabianQwell : I think it was something [av]bani said the other night that got me searching .. about pa168x series having open source firmware.
23:27.21QwellManxPower: well, "home"
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23:27.27QwellDabian: yeah, it does
23:27.44ManxPowerQwell, I think the correct term is "giant cesspool of politics and corruption"
23:27.45DabianQwell : Personally I would think it would be quite a trill to customize a phone 100%.
23:27.51QwellManxPower: you should see this...I got this email a few days ago, and laughed my ass off
23:28.34DabianQwell "Well, if you press the 1 button twice, and then press 5, you have to type "*#*" also, to show the phone you really mean it!" :-P
23:29.53QwellI always did want to swim to I can
23:29.54DovidQwell: its a pretty demanding emai
23:29.55DabianI could have a trill .. I remember when I translated an interpreter to danish .. the teacher was lost .. until I came by and "randomly" suggested he typed the commands in danish ..
23:30.07DabianIt was my luck I survived that day . ;-)
23:30.48DoktorGregick people actually use still?
23:30.56QwellDoktorGreg: sure, why not?
23:31.11DoktorGregjust weird
23:31.15DabianDoktorGreg : Dunno about people ..  "Who are those people, anyway?"
23:31.15Dovidasp sux was a big flop for microsoft
23:31.27DoktorGregthe LAMP stack seems dominant in my circle..
23:31.33Dovidthey wanted to yet again dominate the market
23:32.05Qwellllpr > lamp
23:32.06DoktorGregbig world i guess:)
23:32.24DoktorGregwhats llpr?
23:32.38Qwelllinux lighttpd postgresql ruby :P
23:33.07DoktorGregagain...  maybe its my industry...
23:33.14QwellI actually only use one of the above :p
23:33.24DoktorGregbut we do a lot of credit card processing...
23:33.38DoktorGregand have to survive quarterly audits from credit card company
23:33.50DabianWhats "serious" trolling?
23:33.51DoktorGregI dont even think that is possible with windows as server
23:34.01DoktorGregnot for me anyhow...
23:36.57DoktorGregseems like everyone in retail now days uses linux on servers and clients almost exclusively
23:37.12*** part/#asterisk ryguillian (
23:37.40DoktorGregfor just the reason that...  Its not really possible to have windows reliably survive a cc company audit...
23:38.40DoktorGregdont get me wrong
23:38.45DoktorGregits just...
23:38.59DoktorGregyou want your cash register to be pretty much used as a cash register and nothing else
23:39.03Darwin35dont get you wrong but dont get you right
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23:39.46Darwin35thats why you setup asterisk on its own server
23:39.48DoktorGreg867 5309 enenenene
23:39.52*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (n=nik@
23:40.03DoktorGregI have it on its own server
23:40.14DoktorGregwide open with a working trunk even!
23:40.30DoktorGregI should really do someting about that
23:40.43DoktorGregbefore i hook it to the pri line
23:40.56PBXtechis there a way to fork a call? so say i have a call that i want to jump to a process in another context for an application, BUT i need the call to actually continue down the existing context to complete the DIAL command..?
23:41.31Darwin35yeah move to bsd and get a sangoma card
23:41.37tzangerPBXtech: how do you intend on doing that?
23:41.41tzangeryou can only have audio from one app
23:41.47PBXtechthats whay i would like to know :)
23:42.00tzangerPBXtech: describe what it is supposed to do, maybe I can help then
23:42.00PBXtechi just want to spin of a process i dont care about the audio
23:42.21tzangerPBXtech: you might be able to do that with Local/
23:42.35tzangeras in call comes in to [context1] s,1
23:43.02tzangers,1 does Dial(Local/s@fork1&Local/s@fork2)
23:43.05DoktorGreganyone want to buy this 2FXS 2FXO thingie from me when i am done with it?
23:43.14PBXtechohh good idea
23:43.19DoktorGregthe the digium one
23:43.19PBXtechlet me try that
23:43.35tzanger[fork1] s,1 does System(ooga) and [fork2] s,1 does Dial(TECH/user@final_destinatioN)
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23:43.52tzangerthat's what I'm doing to send different Alert-Info headers to different SIP phones
23:44.16tzangerPBXtech: I'm not sure if it is or not, it's just an idea.. :-)  So long as fork1 doesn't Answer() you might be ok
23:44.19tzangerI think
23:44.33PBXtechthat works ill try it
23:44.39Darwin35sangoma makes pri cards
23:44.57DoktorGregshould i get the sangoma or the digium pri card, and why?
23:45.01Darwin35and quad pri cards
23:45.14DoktorGregI am getting the 2xPRI card
23:45.31DoktorGregI guess
23:45.41DoktorGregwhy sangoma instead of digium?
23:45.49asterboyHow do you get these two digit maps to co-exist in a Polycom sip.cfg?  [2-9]xxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx
23:46.33DoktorGregeach one gets its own line in the context
23:46.40SedoroxI need a pri card :/
23:46.49Darwin35pref choice
23:46.50DoktorGregthousand bucks
23:47.10asterboySo  <digitmap dialplan.digitmap="[2-9]11|0T|011xxx.T|[0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxx|[2-9]xxxT" dialplan.
23:47.19DoktorGregI need a 2 port pri card
23:47.30QwellDoktorGreg: Digium makes a two port
23:47.41Darwin35the new sangooma rev d card has full echo cancelation
23:47.44asterboyand put another dialplan.digitmap= in sip.cfg
23:47.56DoktorGregI know
23:48.25anonymouz666Darwin35: and Digium does not have full echo cancelation?
23:48.27DoktorGregI just hesitate whenever i am about to spend $1000 on a somewhat esoteric part...
23:48.45tzangerasterboy: how the HELL did you figure that out??
23:48.57DoktorGreglike...  Am i buying the right part?
23:49.05DoktorGregat the same time
23:49.21DoktorGregits not my money
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23:50.16DoktorGregI would feel better about the whole thing if i had a pri line i could play with for a week or so before i committed to this...
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23:51.07DoktorGregbut generally the phone companies frown on getting a pri line at my home for a week
23:51.25Darwin35I am byest
23:51.47DoktorGregbut im fairly sure ive worked out all the details
23:51.51Darwin35and digium support for bsd sucks
23:52.09Darwin35and sangoma hase full support for bsd
23:52.10anonymouz666Use Linux
23:52.46DoktorGregim not worried about linux at all
23:53.21Darwin35I use fbsd + asterisk + postgres doing realtime
23:53.22DoktorGregIve used a very similar linux system at sustained load of 5 or so for years on end
23:54.11DoktorGregand from the specs ive  found... Ill be routing maybe 23 calls at a time
23:54.25DoktorGregand this system should be able to handle 100+ calls
23:54.33Darwin35I dont know how many users we are upto but it seems to be stable and work great
23:55.24Darwin35where upto 6 proxy servers now
23:55.32Darwin35and 4 more on order
23:55.34DoktorGregI am really astonished at how clearly put together asterisk is
23:56.01DoktorGregwhen i started i though it might be like sendmail
23:56.45Hmmhesaysyou'll eat those words
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23:57.50DoktorGregits hard to imagine anything as cryptic as sendmail though
23:58.16DoktorGregwhere a , can mean 9 different things depending on the context
23:59.11DoktorGregso they invented a ... somewhat... but not really... less cryptic configuration language
23:59.20asterboytzanger, the problem is that when I dial a long distance number it gets cut down to 7 digits.

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