irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060406

00:01.51asterboyoh good...I have SIP 1.5.3,  looks like there is a bug I'll avoid in 1.5.2 where the phone forgets the subscription.
00:02.02*** join/#asterisk Rez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
00:02.04rene-see ya
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00:02.34triple-ei could use some help
00:02.37triple-ewith agi
00:02.44triple-eanyone ?
00:02.50asterboylimit of 7 need to buy the expansion module.
00:03.22alephcomtriple-e: agi using what language?
00:03.29[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : thats supposed to be upped in the next firmware release
00:03.39alephcomI'll try to help you.
00:03.43[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : and becomes irrelevent with SIP-B
00:04.11*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
00:04.21asterboygotta love the evolution of *
00:04.23triple-ei can ussuall cover the perlish bits -- its the agi tie -in that im beating my head on the desk
00:04.36nettieHi guys, I'm having issues using moh with one of my voip carrier. If the called user is on hold and he's totally quiet (he doesnt talk or make sounds) the moh stops, when he makes light sounds/noise it starts again, if he makes continous sound/noise the music is very smooth. Do you think this might be cause by an aggressive coded optimization made by my voip carrier which might not have direct access to the PSTN but actually forwards the c
00:04.57alephcomtriple-e: What's it doing?
00:04.57CrashHDcan someone help me troubleshoot this asterisk crash? bt and bt full at
00:05.03asterboynow to get SS7 working for my 2 lines.
00:05.10asterboyjust joking.
00:06.01triple-etrying to get this working
00:06.06[TK]D-Fendernettie : sounds like the carrier is doing silence suppression on their end
00:06.27nettie[TK]D-Fender I see
00:06.29[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : just finish your presence test :)
00:06.34nettie[TK]D-Fender that's bad!
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00:07.26alephcomtriple-e: are you sure the problem is the agi script and not your polycoms?
00:09.02nettie[TK]D-Fender do you think it could be disables dynicamically on his server if I configure it off on mine?
00:09.31triple-ecan't tell - i can dial *74 and it dumps calling extension into conf 9999 -- it never attempts to contact any of the other phones , at least from what i can see in the CLI
00:10.09triple-ei hacked the script to accomidate the new SIPAddHeader component
00:11.15triple-eit executes the allcall.agi -- but i can't see what its doing inside of there..
00:11.27alephcomtry "agi debug"
00:13.22CrashHDany help with my bt full troubleshooting?
00:14.13triple-eoooh -- never been there -- many thanks
00:16.05alephcomnp.  I use it all the time.  It also sometimes helps with debugging to be on the console that asterisk is running on.
00:21.02[TK]D-Fendernettie : * doesn
00:21.12[TK]D-Fender't support silence suppression.
00:21.26[TK]D-Fendernettie : Sounds like they may be doing it in a non-standard way.
00:21.50Qwell[]CrashHD: recompile with `make valgrind`
00:22.07Qwell[]I thinkthat's it anyhow
00:22.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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00:27.36CrashHDI have it with make dont-optimize
00:27.41CrashHDalready done
00:27.46Qwell[]same thing
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00:28.02CrashHD*nods* (I just looked in the make file, was just an alias)
00:28.10CrashHDI opened up a new bug report
00:28.13fileCrashHD, you!
00:28.27fileCrashHD, yes please don't do that... you can add notes to your existing one you know
00:28.29CrashHDit's something to do with the iax2 jitter buffer
00:28.34CrashHDfile, it is a new issue
00:28.42CrashHDdifferent os
00:28.44CrashHDdifferent install
00:28.51CrashHDdifferent problem shown in the bt full
00:28.57CrashHDatleast from what I can tell
00:29.14CrashHDdifferent kernel
00:29.28CrashHDif I was wrong, I apologize
00:29.57fileCrashHD, they follow the same path of functions - that's why it's so similar
00:30.06fileand why I blinked when I Saw the second report :)
00:30.35CrashHDfile is there anything I could do to help you troubleshoot?
00:30.40CrashHDI'm not C programmer
00:30.47X-RobCrashHD, do the chicken dance.
00:30.47CrashHDonly scripting languages
00:30.49X-Robthat'll help.
00:30.57CrashHDif it would, I would do it lol
00:31.10fileerm oh right SVN mirrors...
00:31.22fileI'm going to check out the exact revision on #6894
00:31.34filethat you specified... so I can look at the code
00:31.44X-Robsvn -r6894 update
00:31.52CrashHDonly change I saw to iax2 channel.c was a rand function update
00:31.59CrashHDsvn is great
00:32.01CrashHDmakes life so easy
00:32.13*** join/#asterisk CrummyGummy (
00:32.15X-Robsvn diff -r6894 -r6900
00:32.40fileCrashHD, is this trunk or 1.2?
00:32.52fileI can't pull that revision from 1.2
00:33.07filewon't let me... oddly enough
00:33.25CrashHDfor the second issue
00:33.36filesvn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/asterisk/!svn/bc/17735/1.2'
00:33.36filesvn: '/svn/asterisk/!svn/bc/17735/1.2' path not found
00:33.44fileI know why
00:33.53CrashHDwrong revision
00:33.53fileOKAY JOSH - Don't work this late
00:34.08CrashHDI was like that last night
00:34.19filenah not wrong revision... didn't specify the branch directory
00:34.30filein the mean time...
00:34.39filewhile this checks out I will make a relationship between those two bugs
00:34.44CrashHDthe revision in show version shows as 17489
00:35.11CrashHDrob was talking about some other numbers
00:35.16CrashHDmaybe I shouldn't work so late lol
00:35.23CrashHDfile that would be wonderful
00:35.48CrashHDany other info I can provide
00:36.06filea faster internet connection would be nice
00:36.35CrashHDyou can go sit at our colo if you want
00:37.22filehrm interesting
00:37.43CrashHDinteresting is never a good word when you are debugging
00:37.44CrashHDI know that much
00:38.03CrashHDit's like when a teach goes "that is a very good question"
00:38.22X-Rob'interesting' either means 'the person who wrote that is a lot smarter than me' or 'the person who wrote that is insane'
00:38.35CrashHDI like that deffinition
00:38.38X-Roboften you'll mistake the first for the second, and only realise it a week later 8)
00:38.38CrashHDshould add it to the bot
00:38.57filejbot, interesting means 'the person who wrote that is a lot smarter than me' or 'the person who wrote that is insane'
00:38.58jbotthat's too long, file
00:39.06X-Robstupid jbot.
00:39.12CrashHDjbot, no love
00:39.16fileI understand what this code does, I just don't understand how it could segfault something
00:39.25filewell actually I can see how, but that's insane
00:39.40CrashHDor not...
00:39.56fileit's a long if statements that basically discards the jitterbuffer if the other channel can accept jitter... and the jitterbuffer isn't forced on
00:39.59fileer if statement
00:40.06alephcomInteresting is a good word, this comes from me, a teacher....  My kids use it to describe everything from dying to a cool new fact. :-)
00:40.52CrashHDand currently I have inbound iax coming from a voip provider being passed through this asterisk box to another asterisk box
00:41.25filewith jitterbuffer turned on?
00:41.49CrashHDA--B--C (B is crashing)
00:41.54CrashHDyes jitter buffer on
00:42.09CrashHDon B and C
00:42.10coppiceX-Rob: are you still haveing trouble trying to update your new server? It seems like you are still on the old kernel
00:42.12fileactually let's talk in #asterisk-bugs
00:42.18X-Robcoppice, yeah, it is
00:42.19fileenough cluttering the channel here
00:42.29X-RobI gave up trying to get it on
00:42.33X-Robwhich is my favourite at the moment
00:42.40X-Robso I just left it with the standard centos 4.3 one
00:42.50X-Robfile, I don't mind
00:43.09fileX-Rob, you're not the only one here unfortunately
00:43.09X-Robs'not as though there are newbies flopping around here like dying fish at the moment
00:43.47X-RobIF someone comes, I'll yell out 'Hammertime!' OK?
00:44.00xp_prgmy search for a library to communicate via sip protocol in perl continues.... anyone know of any?
00:49.53inv_Arpsip show registry ... is stuck at "request sent"   firewall issue?
00:50.05filexp_prg, there's a SIP proxy out there written in perl fyi
00:50.30xp_prgI don't understand the difference between a SIP proxy and regular sip :(
00:52.56ManxPowerxp_prg, Neither does anyone else, and that's the provlem 8-)
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00:59.51SkramXhmm, digium network problem?
01:00.05QwellSkramX: no, 9 flukes
01:00.16Qwellmalcolmd...always late
01:01.01fileour network is undergoing maintenance
01:01.08filespecifically one of the core servers
01:01.14fileso everything is dropping
01:01.26SkramXfile: do you work for digium now?
01:01.36QwellHe doesn't NOT work for Digium
01:01.37SkramXOh. Okay.
01:02.02SkramXfile: Congrats, I just heard you left your previous position.
01:02.09Strom_Che works for some company that has a star in its logo.
01:02.16Strom_Cso therefore he must work for Pacific Bell
01:02.20fileStrom_C, eeeeeeeeep
01:05.22*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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01:09.06*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
01:10.38synapticho hum
01:11.54*** join/#asterisk dsfr (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
01:14.31Darwin35sangoma card rock
01:15.04*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
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01:16.48Darwin35we got all 4 our cards working today and they all have echo cancling
01:17.01Darwin35they are so nice
01:17.09bkw__Darwin35, what cards?
01:17.22Darwin35Sangoma 104
01:17.40bkw__you said the "s" word
01:17.53bkw__i'm shocked you're not getting shunned by now with all these "purist" folk in here
01:18.04ManxPowerI may try sangoma when I wire up the campground
01:18.24ManxPowerbkw_, he's not asking for support. 8-)
01:18.35CrashHDManxPower has a good point
01:18.38bkw__ManxPower, but its evil to even say or think it :P
01:18.46Darwin35manax their new card should be cooming out next week
01:18.51synapticare sangoma cards better than digiums?
01:18.58bkw__synaptic, it depends on task
01:19.03bkw__you use what works for you
01:19.14ManxPowerDarwin35, Oh, I'd not get built in echocan.  Tellabs can do it at 1/10th of the cost and do it just as well and maybe better.
01:19.15CrashHDsynaptic: try them out, decide for yourself
01:19.16bkw__but we just bought 14 sangoma quad cards
01:19.27bkw__with echocan
01:19.36Qwell14...2 DS3s?
01:19.46Darwin35bkw your bad
01:19.53synapticso its a matter of preference?
01:19.57bkw__Qwell, ;) yes
01:20.07bkw__synaptic, its a matter of good vs evil
01:20.14CrashHDbkw_: lol
01:20.16ManxPowersynaptic, Digium cards are FAR FAR better supported by the community
01:20.18bkw__but thats just a point of view
01:20.26Darwin35sangoma=good digum=the devil
01:20.29bkw__ManxPower, but not by digium.. just the community
01:20.53ManxPowerbkw_, *nod*  I've not been all THAT impressed by Digium's support.
01:20.56CrashHDsucker punches left and right in here
01:20.57*** join/#asterisk xachen (i=justin@pdpc/supporter/student/xachen)
01:21.18QwellManxPower: one of the many Matt's went above and beyond, with hardware support, at VON, for me
01:21.23QwellI was pleased
01:21.29ManxPowerEventually I had to get kpflemming to bitchslap the support guy that was assigned to my problem
01:21.38Qwell(I couldn't get the lid off of my mint tin...he troubleshooted)
01:22.41Darwin35well even if you buy your cards on the net sangoma gives you tech support with out asking
01:22.52bkw__ya ya
01:23.00ManxPowerDarwin35, I don't know how well Sangoma's support it.
01:23.10xachenimho sangoma > digium
01:23.15synapticdoes sangoma cards work well with asterisk?
01:23.18ManxPowerDigium's can be hit or miss, but is supposedly improving.
01:23.36ManxPowersynaptic, Sangoma cards seem to have fewer IRQ issues.
01:23.40bkw__synaptic, yes
01:23.42Darwin35i called they gave me firmware free of charge and helped me flash the cards uptodate
01:23.51bkw__FIELD upgrades?
01:23.53ManxPowerBut if you are careful in designing your system, that *should* be a non-issue.
01:23.54bkw__how dare they
01:24.08*** join/#asterisk hatamen (n=hatamen@
01:24.28CrashHDhaving to worry about IRQ issues, just plain worries me
01:24.30Darwin35and they have great native bsd drivers
01:24.53bkw__do you realize you don't have to do 1000/second
01:25.05bkw__using sangoma cards without zaptel gets you better performance also
01:25.18CrashHDbkw what would be the downside to less than 1000/second?
01:25.20Darwin35its so nice
01:25.42bkw__CrashHD, less context switches
01:25.47bkw__better performace
01:26.04bkw__by a magnitude of about 1000%
01:26.07CrashHDwhat can the bus handle as far as max irq requests?
01:26.20CrashHDper second?
01:26.31ManxPowerthe downside to less interrupts is higher latency
01:27.16CrashHDso by bringing down the irq's to 500/second
01:27.21CrashHDyou could double the cards (in theory)
01:27.26synapticya i read digiums cards are so picky. esp if they share an irq.  are sangoma cards more "user friendly"?
01:27.40xp_prgif I wanted to tell an asterisk server to dial a phone # with perl, how would I do that, what perl libraries would I need?
01:27.41CrashHDbut double the latency (in thousanths of a second)
01:27.53xachenxp__prg: Just the Asterisk AGI lib
01:28.01ManxPowerCrashHD, you also need some buffers on the card
01:28.08xp_prgxachen will that run remote?
01:28.11CrashHDxp_prg: agi, or drop a file in the /var/spool/asterisk dir
01:28.24xp_prgor do I have to execute the script on the same machine as the asterisk sever?
01:28.35xachenyou could use the * manager
01:28.35ManxPowerdroping a file into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing would be the easist
01:28.38xachenbut thats just scary
01:28.40CrashHDdigium runs 4 buffers at 20 a piece default right?
01:28.50CrashHDfor the t1 cards?
01:28.57CrashHD(think I remember reading that somewhere)
01:29.01ManxPowerCrashHD, you'd have to look at the physical card
01:29.13xp_prgxachen how would I do it remote?
01:29.25ManxPowerxp_prg, see the book and the wiki
01:29.28jboti heard thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
01:29.30jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
01:29.49xachenyeah. just lookup up more on the manager :)
01:30.02*** mode/#asterisk [+o file] by russellb
01:30.07*** mode/#asterisk [+o file[laptop]] by russellb
01:30.20dougheckaI have a client that has a single digium T1 card... They have echo issues, have to lower tx waay down to cut down echo enough so echocan will work, but some local calls still get echoecho
01:30.27dougheckawould sangoma fix that?
01:30.40ManxPowerdoughecka, buy a tellabs echocan from ebay
01:30.42dougheckaI have swapped complete servers (including that card) and still the problem exists
01:31.01CrashHDdoughecka, tweak t1 settings yet?
01:31.01ManxPowerdoughecka, buying ANY card (Digium or Sangoma) with echocan would also fix that
01:31.12dougheckaoh, tweaked everything frickin thing
01:31.24dougheckahow much would that echo can cost?
01:31.38ManxPowerdoughecka, tried the zaptel-trunk with the new software echocan?
01:31.50ManxPowerdoughecka, I think the echocan for either companie's card is about $1,000
01:32.02ManxPowertellabs would be under $300 and support up to 24 T-1s
01:32.04dougheckawhat about the tellabs?
01:32.13*** join/#asterisk SimonR (
01:32.21ManxPoweryou have to get a 48v power supply somwhere, of course.
01:33.13ManxPowerdoughecka, just be SURE not to get the model of the tellabs shelf that require WIRE WRAP
01:33.16dougheckawe have been fighting hellsouth
01:33.24ManxPowerget the verison with Amphenol connectors
01:33.24dougheckathat == bad?
01:33.33ManxPowerdoughecka, bell won't be much help
01:33.42dougheckawell, figured that by now
01:33.48dougheckathey are gonna send a tech out with a phone
01:33.52dougheckaplug into the T1
01:33.57dougheckaand prove that theres no echo
01:34.09|omni|I need a new T1 card
01:34.40ManxPowerdoughecka, just don't expect Tellabs to provide support.  They wanted $750 PER INCIDENT for support.
01:35.04bkw__i'll show them where they can stick their incident
01:35.19dougheckawell, if it fixes it.
01:35.23dougheckaI dont care
01:35.30ManxPowerdoughecka, unless you want to BUILD a shelf the cards don't do much good.
01:35.54dougheckacould I not slap it into a box, and solder the t1 in?
01:36.04ManxPowerdoughecka, Tellabs is what the telcos use for echocan
01:36.15ManxPowerdoughecka, into what box?
01:36.23websaedoes anyone here operate a call center?
01:36.30dougheckadunno, a plastic tupperware
01:36.37ManxPowerdoughecka, yes, you could hardware the sutff in.
01:36.47ManxPowerdoughecka, Way too white trash for me.
01:37.06dougheckasounds right
01:37.37dougheckaseems a waste, 8 cards and a single t1
01:38.25ManxPowerdoughecka, yeah.  Most of the shelves we get have 12 cards in them
01:38.33ManxPowerwe have PILES uf unused cards.
01:39.04Darwin35Man  saying soomething is to white trash wow
01:39.05dougheckarequirements are -48 volts?
01:39.06ManxPowerdoughecka, we pull out all the cards except 2 or 3 for each shelf
01:39.21dougheckaand some t1 connections?
01:39.49ManxPowerdoughecka, yes.  -48v.  An Adtran Total Access power supply works
01:40.03ManxPowerdoughecka, the Wiki has info on the tellabs
01:40.26ManxPowerdoughecka, the docs SUCK if you can get them.  I prolly have some huge PDFs of docs for them
01:41.25doughecka(prolly answered in wiki) any config needed for the cards?
01:41.46ManxPowerdoughecka, yes.  Either via serial port or via front panel buttons
01:41.58ManxPowerthe cards I used were all weirdly configured.
01:42.22ManxPowerthe front panel is like something out of Dante's Inferno
01:42.31dougheckadoes it require a special config for each t1? or can I just set some sort of defaults that will work everywhere
01:42.42ManxPoweri.e. you wonder about the sick and twisted bastard that designed that "interface"
01:42.51ManxPowerdoughecka, pretty much use the defaults.
01:43.02ManxPoweron a PRI you want the D-Chan to not have echocan, of course.
01:43.19ManxPowerI used the serial interface
01:44.32ManxPowerit took us a long time to make it work.
01:45.11ManxPowerbetween getting the power supply, getting a non-wire wrap chassis, trudging thru the horrid docs, figureing out the serial stuff, etc
01:45.33ManxPowerbut I reset all my gains to 0 and turned off all asterisk echocan and I've not had a single complaint about echo.
01:46.00ManxPowerthe only issue is that I originally wired it in backwards and so the echocan was local->remote which was pretty pointless
01:46.04dougheckathats what I want... if I can ship it down to a clients 2 hours away, and say here, plug this in and give it a try
01:46.21dougheckaah, so you had the t1s swapped?
01:46.33ManxPowereverytihng worked, but no echocan
01:47.10dougheckathe trick would be testing this on my local * box
01:47.18dougheckabecause I get zero echo here...
01:49.11*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:49.55VxJasonxVwhere are the asterisk sounds located, pre asterisk 1.2 ?
01:50.02VxJasonxV(and without installing the asterisk-sounds package)
01:52.30ManxPowerVxJasonxV, /path/to/src/asterisk/sounds
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02:03.07w32what are your thoughts on sipx ?
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02:04.19VxJasonxVhuh, I wonder why locate didn't find 'em
02:04.30VxJasonxVthanks Darwin35
02:04.40Darwin35you nee to update your locate db
02:04.55VxJasonxVI ran updatedb && locate weasels
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02:07.37dougheckaits hard to locate weasels
02:07.48dougheckatry the nearest pet store
02:08.17Darwin35or doughecka pants
02:08.39*** join/#asterisk froguz (
02:08.41Darwin35wait just nekid molerats there
02:09.07bleblebleI'm having a wierd problem and am curious if anyone has encountered the same or has an idea, i have an all in one fax/printer/copier that works fine when you dial the number from a voip phone however from an ata it gives nothing, any ideas on what would cause this?
02:10.07Darwin35wrong codec
02:10.17Darwin35it has to be ulaw
02:10.32bleblebleit works fine on a generic 30$ walmart fax, but my nice all in one nothing
02:10.56bleblebleDarwin35: you talking to me? for the codec?
02:10.59*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (i=trbldwin@
02:11.27bleblebleis that in asterisk setup or the ata?
02:11.32froguzblebleble, are you calling TO the multifunctional? does it ring?
02:11.49blebleblefroguz: yes, and nothing
02:12.00dougheckaforce asterisk to only allow ulaw on that extention
02:12.07dougheckaso it doesnt ring?
02:12.23*** join/#asterisk vopi (n=kkk@
02:12.27hatamenStarting CAPI/ISDN1/-0 at capi-contr1,,1 failed so falling back to exten 's'
02:12.32*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
02:12.43froguzblebleble, does it have tone?
02:12.49pigpen2would anyone know a place on the internet where I can find what npa-nxx's are local to a specific npa-nxx ?
02:12.56bleblebleyah, it just picks up and nothing
02:13.02pigpen2ie: to help calculate LD charges?
02:13.08*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
02:13.40pagecpigpen2: yes, google it and you download a doc from npa
02:13.51bleblebledoughecka in my ata under line config the codec options i have are G711u and a whole bunch of other G7 numbers
02:13.57pagecpigpen2: specifically a microsoft excel spreadsheet
02:13.58bleblebledoes ulaw correlate to one of those?
02:14.07vopihello  : anyone work with sip trunk ?
02:14.24X-Robblebleble, ulaw is G711u, alaw is G711a
02:14.50blebleblehmm thats what its setup to already hmm
02:15.11dougheckais asterisk set to ONLY allow ulaw?
02:15.15froguzblebleble, did you looked at the CLI?
02:15.30dougheckaand hook a phone to it and make sure its ringing
02:15.49pigpen2pagec...thanks...I will try your google search instead of my crappy one.
02:16.49pagecpigpen2 if that doesn't work, send me your email.  i don't remember their web address, but i have the doc still i believe and can look it up and send it to you
02:16.56froguzin asterisk CLI type 'set verbose 4' w/o quotes and make a call
02:18.00pagecpigpen2: oh, here they are
02:18.46bleblebleok checked and they are set to ulaw, basically tried it again and what happen is all the line does is ring, it never picks up, (if i replace it with a cheapo $30 fax machine it works fine) but the all ine one does nothing from the ata calls, from the voip phones works great
02:21.37pigpen2pagec, so which area would I want to be looking into....
02:21.41pigpen2lots of info...
02:24.46pigpen2Area Codes reqiring 10 digit?
02:24.55*** part/#asterisk websae (
02:25.17*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
02:25.37w32how many of you got pm'd by websae ?
02:25.51pigpen2ok..I must be a moron tonight....
02:26.43*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
02:28.13vopii got this error Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
02:28.21vopiwhat happen?
02:28.55pigpen2I would guess asterisk is not started.
02:29.21Idleanyone ever hear of 'hookflash'?
02:30.57dougheckawhere you tap the hook to send a flash (to transfer or something)
02:30.57dougheckajust like if you hit the flash button on your phone
02:30.57dougheckahowever I never used it
02:31.15vopiasterisk is not started. ?
02:31.59IdleCisco seems to say you need permanent IP connecions between gateways for it to work.... to me that makes 0 sense
02:32.32dougheckadoes it support dns?
02:35.11*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
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02:38.07dougheckaI mean, if the equipment only supports ip addresses in the config, then yes, only static ips will work, but if it supports dns, then stick 2 addresses to those addresses... dont see why it wouldnt work
02:39.55NuggetThe risk there is that the device may be too stupid to honor a low TTL.
02:42.12*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
02:42.30De_MonI'm trying to setup asterisk flash operator panel, and it's sitting at a screen without buttons saying "transferring data from ...."
02:42.30blebleblefor my fax issue, all the logging says is -- SIP/102-f9f9 is ringing, -- Nobody picked up in 15000 ms and done
02:42.58De_Monblebleble why don't you answer?
02:44.16bleblebleDe_Mon: its a fax machine
02:44.30De_Monblebleble it's not answering
02:44.42vopianyone know  , how can i uninstall asterisk ?
02:44.43blebleblecorrect, from a VOIP phone it will from an ATA it doesnt
02:45.50De_Monhow do you hook up your fax machine to a voip phone?
02:46.17blebleblecalling from a voip phone it picks up, from an ata it does not
02:47.15De_Moncalling? so VOIP phone -> asterisk -> fax works but ATA -> asterisk -> fax doesn't?
02:48.05bleblebleDe_Mon: yes
02:48.58De_Monwell now that you've clarified what the problem is, maybe someone else will have a suggestion
02:50.42*** join/#asterisk demigod2k (
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02:51.08bleblebleDe_Mon: i did quite a bit a few minutes ago scroll up and you can re-read it
02:52.07De_Monahh, so you did
02:53.16*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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03:05.55*** join/#asterisk theorem_ (
03:06.45theorem_Apr  5 23:04:18 NOTICE[3521]: chan_iax2.c:7410 socket_read: Registration of 'the
03:06.50theorem_orem' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
03:07.07theorem_my PSTN is rejecting me ?  or ?
03:08.23X-Rob'Registration Refused' from: ''
03:08.25*** join/#asterisk michaelo (
03:08.34X-RobSeems kind of obvious who's rejecting what there.
03:08.53Nuggetthe error message is easier to parse than your question was.
03:09.18Nuggetthe error ! and .
03:09.56theorem_yes I see .. so I must go about fixing ..
03:10.00X-Rob! I think that ? the error , is caused # by ( an incorrect ; password or % account
03:10.42X-Robjbot, bite me.
03:10.43jbotACTION takes a big bite out of me.'s jugular vein
03:10.43*** join/#asterisk BugKham (n=HamYai@
03:11.10X-Robjbot, bite it
03:11.12jbotACTION takes a big bite out of it's jugular vein
03:11.43X-Robdoh, stupid non perl regexps.
03:12.47X-Robnup, you can't do back quoting.
03:13.07jboti heard centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernel (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. This is part of the 'kernel-devel' package.
03:14.08*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
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03:20.07De_Monhad to make sure
03:31.48russellbtheorem_: just install it and don't ask questions :)
03:32.03*** join/#asterisk justnulling2 (
03:33.17CrashHDignorance is bliss eh?
03:34.33russellbeh, sometimes
03:35.04russellbi mean, the explnation really doesn't live at the user level at all
03:35.14russellbthat's the problem, i guess
03:35.48CrashHDI would hope users understood about it
03:35.52CrashHDmaybe not all the technicals
03:35.57CrashHDbut atleast why
03:36.01russellbmaybe so ...
03:36.42CrashHDcircuit switched old school pbxers
03:36.50CrashHDand their need for "timing"
03:37.06CrashHDthey couldn't just get on board with packet switched?
03:37.09russellbi'm definitely new school, heh
03:37.12CrashHDmake my life easy now
03:37.32CrashHDya me too
03:38.01*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
03:38.54CrashHDany recommendations on good C books?
03:39.18CrashHDI come from a php (scripting background)
03:39.58CrashHDany recommendations on good C books? (incase you missed it because of the netsplit)
03:40.41russellbyeah, the book by K&R, 2nd edition
03:40.41russellbi'll get a link
03:40.42CrashHDappreciate it
03:40.42CrashHDit's so hard to find a decent book these days
03:40.42*** join/#asterisk malverian (n=malveria@gentoo/developer/malverian) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:40.43CrashHDshift through all the retards putting out "rave reviews"
03:40.53russellbif you want a book that's very low on BS, this is for you
03:40.58wunderkinyou mean like russelnubb?
03:41.00wunderkinhe he he
03:41.05wunderkini need to learn c too :/
03:41.13CrashHDrussel you gonna take that
03:42.23CrashHDwould C++ good to learn a long side C?
03:43.21russellbjust start with C
03:43.28CrashHD*nods* ok
03:44.03russellbyou'll be hacking channel.c in no time :)
03:44.20CrashHDI'm just hoping to help out
03:44.28russellbwell awesome
03:44.37CrashHDfigure I'm benifiting from *
03:44.43russellbonce you get a little more comfortable, let me know and i can help you find some things to work on in asterisk
03:44.44*** join/#asterisk Vyeperman ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:44.52CrashHDsounds good
03:44.55*** join/#asterisk SwK ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:44.56russellbwe usually have a list of "janitor projects"
03:45.07CrashHDhopefully won't take long
03:45.12CrashHDto get up to speed
03:45.39russellbthere will be some new concepts to learn, but you can do it!
03:45.41CrashHDif I could spell it would help
03:45.45russellbpointers!  ooooooh
03:46.43CrashHDhow many actual programmers work on *?
03:46.47CrashHDthe core programmers?
03:46.48russellbmake sure you put *((int*)0)=0; in your program
03:46.55russellbthe core?  hmmm ...
03:47.06russellba dozen?
03:47.11CrashHDnot the, add one patch, never hear from again kind of guys
03:47.13CrashHDthat's cool
03:47.15filerussellb, LOL
03:47.18CrashHDsmaller than I thought
03:47.31russellbfile: how big is the dev core do you think
03:47.36Qwell2 people
03:47.45filerussellb, 10-12
03:47.46russellblol, well, depends on how you define core, i guess
03:47.54russellbfile: yeah, that's what i was thinking too
03:48.08CrashHDmostly digium staff?
03:48.15russellbabout half
03:48.16Qwellabout 5-6 Digium folks?
03:48.22CrashHDthat's cool
03:48.45Qwellkpfleming, those two, mog, mattf...?
03:48.57*** join/#asterisk Vitux ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:48.58CrashHDmark? who's that?
03:49.01russellbyeah, and mattn sometimes
03:49.11filepfft don't count mattn
03:49.12Qwellrussellb: mostly internal stuff, right?
03:49.20*** join/#asterisk arguile (n=arguile@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:49.23russellbQwell: for who
03:49.30russellbyeah, i think so
03:49.50russellband there are a few web developers ...
03:49.55CrashHDthe core dev group, just a free time thing? or pretty dedicated?
03:49.56Qwella few?  really?
03:50.00QwellCrashHD: both
03:50.24russellbit's a ... very dedicated in your free time kind of thing
03:50.25QwellCrashHD: rizzo and oej seem to do it fulltime somehow, heh
03:50.28*** join/#asterisk Splat ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:50.28fileQwell, you'd never notice since they're so lazy ^_^
03:50.28Qwellrussellb: indeed
03:50.40CrashHDit's the drug money they have coming in
03:50.54*** join/#asterisk Evanrude (
03:50.57russellbMy time is going to drastically increase for the summer
03:50.58fileI love poking fun at the web developers... they're part of sales which just makes me smile
03:50.59russellbi'm excited
03:51.02*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:51.40russellbfile: i'm thinking shims might be a good project that we can knock out this summer
03:51.50CrashHDwhat's shims?
03:51.50filerussellb, I have a few thoughts on how to do it
03:51.55russellbme too :)
03:52.01russellbCrashHD: something that doesn't exist yet
03:52.34filerussellb, I'm almost tempted to go down for part of the summer :P
03:52.53russellbThe idea is that a shim is an object that can be inserted in the media path for a channel and modify it as it wishes
03:52.57Qwellfile: Just get an apt in hsv :p
03:52.59russellbthat's the ... rough idea, i guess
03:53.00*** join/#asterisk Nagios (i=xioej@
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03:53.24russellbbut it will make the code for doing lots of cool operations very simple
03:53.31fileyeah, it's introduced into the media path so it can do things to the stream... or nothing at all (ala chanspy)
03:53.32CrashHDmodify the audio? as in pitch up/down stuff?
03:53.40russellbbut also read-only
03:53.42QwellCrashHD: among other things
03:53.43fileCrashHD, or volume
03:53.43Qwelllike record
03:53.59russellbor write-only
03:54.07fileheck you could cheat and use it to inject audio into a channel
03:54.09russellbif you wanted to inject an announcement or something
03:54.20filerussellb, :D
03:54.20russellbi mean ... it's going to open up a lot of cool stuff
03:54.29CrashHDwhat is the hurdle?
03:54.34russellbtime ...
03:54.45russellband things breaking getting higher priority
03:55.00russellband for me, school :/
03:55.03fileyeah, I have to keep Asterisk going before I can work on projects...
03:55.15russellbfile: indeed
03:55.37fileand the speech recognition stuff... well... that's always fun!
03:55.44CrashHDya that would be cool
03:55.47russellbthat's pretty hot, though :)
03:55.51*** join/#asterisk Tucker_Adelaide (n=nat@
03:56.02CrashHDway tough though I would think
03:56.02fileit'll be out in... well, I have no clue
03:56.03fileCrashHD, it's done
03:56.03Kattyi feel a twirl coming.
03:56.30CrashHDyou said recognition...I'm thinking accurate speech to text
03:56.44CrashHDyou speaking of things like auth via voice right?
03:56.44russellbCrashHD: well, within a certain grammar
03:56.50russellbit won't be like ... a whole language
03:56.57Tucker_AdelaideHi all.. I've just bought a ZyXEL WiFi phone.. I can make calls out, but when I try to call the phone I get SIP/100-94ab is circuit-busy... any one know how to fix it?
03:57.01fileit'll be enough for IVRs, and what people want it for
03:57.12CrashHDahh that's really cool
03:57.18fileI have it setup on a test box so I can call people in Digium by name
03:57.29russellbCrashHD: oh, and IRC is another hurdle :D
03:57.34CrashHDhah irc
03:57.38fileKatty: I want... hugs!
03:57.54CrashHDyou know, I have this issue I've been trying to get an answer to
03:58.01CrashHDmaybe you gentleman could help me?
03:58.23NagiosIs it possible make calls to residencial analog phones with asterisk, VoIP?
03:58.38fileKatty: yes'm
03:58.38Tucker_AdelaideNagios,,, yes
03:58.39Kattybut i just got done recording a song
03:58.44tecnicohi. while in asterisk's console, is there a command to send the console to the background and get back to the shell ? (ctrl-z ? )
03:58.45CrashHDwell there has been a request to use * to mimic a key system feature, (line keys, line 1, 2, 3, 4) shared across multiple voip phones
03:58.49Kattywe're supposed to twirl now
03:58.54fileCrashHD, Asterisk isn't a key system. Stop now.
03:58.55Kattyand hug later.
03:59.08NagiosI would like to configure the asterisk on my computer
03:59.08fileKatty: :( but I don't want to
03:59.19fileCrashHD, to that effect yeah we're being forced to do key system stuff now...
03:59.24Nagiosand make call free of charge, hehe
03:59.28CrashHDfile: ya I know, reluctant to even ask. My business partners are old school telephone guys, they asked I figured I would do my due diligence to find out
03:59.39russellbNagios: it won't be free, it doesn't quite work that way
03:59.44russellbsorry, hehe
04:00.01NagiosI know
04:00.22CrashHDNagios: You might want to start at
04:00.29CrashHDdon't start there
04:00.35CrashHDI meant
04:00.37NagiosIs it because the comunication between asterisk and PSTN, isn't it ?
04:00.38russellbthat would be a bad place to start
04:00.39Kattyfile: go check your gtalk
04:00.45CrashHDrussellb: hah
04:00.48Tucker_Adelaideanyone tried to get the ZyXEL wifi phone going usint *?
04:00.52jbotrumour has it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
04:00.52fileKatty: lemme looksee
04:01.06*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linuxM (
04:01.13jbotwell, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
04:01.18NagiosI'm from Brazil
04:02.12shido6anyone have a preference for 2.5mm headsets ?
04:02.15CrashHDI'm from US
04:02.42Tucker_Adelaidesometimes i think coming here is useless
04:03.09CrashHDTucker_Adelaide: throwing a fit about it won't help the situation though...
04:03.22CrashHDif you need an answer that bad, deffinitely recommend paying a consultant
04:04.20NagiosAsterisk doesn't work for me in this case... :(
04:04.21Tucker_Adelaidei can find possible answers through searcning... but i can't read german
04:04.26X-RobSomeone call for an australian consultant? 8)
04:04.49CrashHDsuper ausie consultant to the rescue *plays the superman music*
04:04.52*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
04:05.26Tucker_AdelaideZyXEL phone.. calles out fine... but can't call the phone.. phone reports all circts busy
04:06.00X-RobApparently they're a pile of excrement
04:06.02X-Robbut your sip trace
04:06.12X-Roblets see what's really going on
04:06.18Tucker_AdelaideLMAO thats if I can capture it
04:06.21CrashHDout but not in?
04:06.24russellbsip debug ...
04:06.33CrashHDfirewall in between? (nat or something)?
04:07.02X-RobFirewalls give you connection but no audio. He's getting a dial failed for some reason
04:07.09orlockaussie asterisk consultant somebody said?
04:07.39Tucker_Adelaideno firewall
04:07.44Tucker_Adelaidedirectly on the network
04:07.46CrashHDX-Rob woudlnt' that only be if the nat device supported what it needed to
04:07.48X-RobYeah. Tucker_Adelaide's having grief with a zyxel POS
04:08.17X-RobBTW, Tucker_Adelaide, find whoever sold you that phone and kill them.
04:08.18CrashHDif the signalling packets couldn't make it past the wan side, into the lan?
04:08.21X-Robthey're crap.
04:08.42CrashHDnow there is the best solution I've ever heard
04:09.28CrashHDjbot: Find who ever sold that to you and kill them
04:09.33X-Robjbot, zyxel are the worlds worst SIP phones. If you bought one, you have our sympathy. The best solution is to kill yourself, or the person who sold it to you.
04:09.35jbotokay, X-Rob
04:10.05Tucker_Adelaidehaha.. i bought it from a wholesaler who said they worked rather well
04:10.17CrashHDsales guys don't know anything (usually)
04:10.25CrashHDwhat else would he tell you?
04:10.33CrashHD(ya you know, I carry crap products here)
04:10.42CrashHD(thank you come again)
04:10.50Tucker_Adelaidei've had some say that... only in the simplsons
04:10.58Kattyjbot: hi
04:11.01jbothello, katty
04:11.29Tucker_Adelaideapparently some people have got them to work fine.. and others like me have had trouble
04:12.41CrashHDanyone really into the dundi type setups?
04:12.45X-RobOk, Tucker_Adelaide
04:12.46CrashHDpeer to peer trunking?
04:13.02X-RobYou're sending an invite to 100@238
04:13.11X-Robwhich is the phone, I assume
04:13.20X-Robthat then says '404 not found'
04:13.34X-Robwhich means there must be somewhere in the phone to tell it what extension it is
04:13.45Tucker_Adelaideyeah.. it should know its 100
04:13.50X-Robit doesn't 8)
04:14.20Tucker_Adelaideit says phone number... and i've typed 100
04:14.22Tucker_Adelaidethats all
04:14.51*** join/#asterisk Telamon (
04:15.24TelamonCan asterisk transfer a PRI call back to the PSTN?  It doesn't look like that's what the Transfer command is for.
04:15.48Tucker_Adelaideits the version 2 model of the WiFi phone
04:16.11X-RobTucker_Adelaide, you need to set the 'SIP Service Domain' to be and the 'SIP Number' to be 100 in the phone's web interface
04:16.31X-RobTelamon, it can't hand the call back and forget about it
04:16.34*** join/#asterisk stormfr (n=StorM@
04:16.41X-Robyou _can_ do it with BRI though
04:16.48*** join/#asterisk achandra_ (
04:17.05Tucker_Adelaidethats why i don't understand... the SIP Rigistra is
04:17.29Tucker_Adelaideand the phone number is 100
04:17.29TelamonHmm, so if I want to send a call from the PRI back out the PRI, I need to hold two channels open and bridge them?
04:17.42X-RobTelamon, yes.
04:18.09X-RobTucker_Adelaide, Those are the specific ones that need to be set, according to the documentation. Not Registrar.
04:18.13achandra_hello have a few questions with regards to asterisk acting as nothing more than sip proxies and load balancing them
04:18.19X-Rob'SIP Service Domain' to be and the 'SIP Number' to be 100
04:18.29terrapenachandra, SER is what you want.
04:18.53terrapenSER and maybe LVS to load balance them, unless you have the money for a Foundry  LB switch
04:19.24Tucker_Adelaidei can't see anything to do with SIP Service Domain in the phone or the web interface
04:19.26achandra_terrapen: SER is the main box to do that...does it handle the call data records and see I want to capture records for individuals
04:19.45brettnemstateful ser will capture call accounting records
04:19.46terrapengo to and search for SER
04:20.00brettnemthere is also openser
04:20.05X-RobTucker_Adelaide, apparently under 'SIP'
04:20.31X-Robthen 'SIP Identites'
04:20.52terrapeni've never looked at OpenSER
04:20.59achandra_terrapen: okay there is a business that uses one ser box and then is connected to multiple asterisk boxes to get call data records. But Im still trying to understand why...any ideas?
04:21.14stormfrhello, i'm have a problem to bug report a memory usage issue in asterisk. how will be the best to find out the report the problem ? asterisk live around 1-2 days before my system run out of memory
04:21.17Tucker_Adelaideunder SIPthere is SIP Registrar, port, expiry then porxy and outbound proxy
04:21.38achandra_terrapen: one free and other is not or?? SER vs. openser ( youd be saving me google ;) )
04:21.55X-RobTucker_Adelaide, nfi. Tried a factory reset? 8)
04:22.21Tucker_Adelaidehaha.. wouldn't have a clue how to do that yet.. not seen it in any docco's
04:22.26achandra_terrapen: both are free or "no" none are free
04:22.35terrapendude, google it
04:22.56achandra_will do.
04:23.05Tucker_Adelaideoh thats the wrong phone
04:23.36achandra_Question #2 - from both a trouble shooting perspective and load testing which tool is recommended against asterisk and or ser?
04:23.45*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
04:24.45*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
04:24.55brettnemachandra: sipp is good for load testing
04:25.02X-Robfactory reset - turn off, hold left key down while switching on
04:25.08brettnemachandra: I'd stock up on ngrep and tethereal for load testing..
04:25.17brettnemachandra: oops, I mean sniffing, troubleshooting
04:25.30brettnemachandra: also sip_scenario is fun to use
04:25.45achandra_sip_scenario??...havent seen that one yet
04:26.09brettnemyeah, draws those pretty sip drawings showing the signaling path like you see inthe RFCs from pcap dumps
04:26.18Tucker_Adelaideas in the left arrow?
04:26.25orlockok, i know this is the wrong channel, but has anybody here configured span on a cisco router, not catylist?
04:26.28X-RobSection 14.6
04:26.32X-Robunder 'troubleshooting'
04:27.33Tucker_Adelaidehaha.. i like the way it says left key.. there are many keys on the left
04:28.00*** join/#asterisk evilbuny (
04:28.05achandra_yeah...basically Im trying to start up a thing where I have multiple phone numbers registered on a box to which you can choose, and all it does it forward the calls. So far SER has been recommended to do this. So there is no need to have additional asterisk boxes behind the scences?
04:28.10X-Robevilbuny, welcome back to .au
04:28.38brettnemachandra: I'm not really sure what you mean by forward..
04:28.45brettnemor registered.
04:28.49orlockX-Rob: hey, you have any ideas?
04:28.55X-Roborlock, about what?
04:29.06brettnembut SER can probably do what you want.. I wouldn't use asterisk anywhere unless you explicitly need it
04:29.12X-Robwhat sort of span?
04:29.19orlocklocal monitor
04:29.40achandra_brettmen: its basically for example if you are registered as 5551212 then 551212@ ( the box) will allow you to call. Otherwise nope. and the call is passed through.
04:29.52orlock1712, 4 port switch wic, plus the on-board ethernet, i'd like to mirror/span the data to one of the spare ports to plug into snort
04:30.33brettnemok.. so my sip phone registers to ser.. when my provider sends a call to ser, ser checks to see if the phone is available and if not, does someting?
04:30.55achandra_brettmen: interesting perspective...when you mean explicity need it, what are you referring to in the product cabalities that I guess I could do without?
04:31.06X-Roborlock, oooh. You'd have to set them up as a bridge
04:31.16achandra_brettment: I didnt mean that to come as "challenge" to you. Just curious.
04:31.26brettnemachandra: SER doesn't do anything but route calls.. a call hits it, it sends it somewhere else..
04:31.28TelamonTucker_Adelaide: I don't know if this helps, but I was reading that those P2000W phones are very finicky with Asterisk when using certain firmwares the other day.
04:31.41*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
04:31.48Tucker_Adelaideyeah i had a read of that
04:31.49brettnemachandra: all questions are challenges, I enjoy most of them. :)
04:31.54*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
04:31.57Tucker_Adelaidei have the latest frimware on it atm
04:32.02achandra_brettmen: Nice!
04:32.16*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
04:32.27brettnemachandra: so you'll "need asterisk" anywhere where just bumping the call somewhere else isn't good enough.
04:32.49Tucker_AdelaideGUESS WHAT!!!!
04:32.50brettnemlike an announcement.. but strictly speaking, ser can do that nicer than asterisk..
04:32.51Tucker_Adelaideits working
04:32.53achandra_brettmen: yes, basically the business would have like say 800 numbers posted in various places, and youd call one, and all I need is the call data records, etc. thats pretty much it.
04:32.54Tucker_Adelaideno idea what i did
04:32.58orlocknot supported
04:33.03terrapeni can log a phone in and out of a queue with the Asterisk Manager API, right?
04:33.15brettnemachandra: yep, that'll do it.. are you sending the calls to SIP phones?
04:33.27brettnemachandra: be sure to check out the ACC module
04:33.38achandra_brettnem: no...just to pstn likely
04:33.49brettnemum hmm..
04:33.58brettnemachandra: so one end is the PSTN, where is the other end?
04:34.22*** join/#asterisk Liquid_Ic (
04:35.28achandra_brettnem: good question....right now the other end connects to astersisk, and collects the info and I guess forwarded to the business your trying to reach. Im guessing that is back on the pstn. I dont think that is on sip phones.
04:35.46achandra_brettmen: as you can see I lack some architectural knowledge about the actual setup
04:36.08X-Roborlock, didn't think so 8) 17xx's are little babies.
04:36.10brettnemachandra: yeah, I don't understand what you are doing.. you explainations seem a bit vague to me.
04:36.57brettnemachandra: SER isn't as easy to setup as asterisk.. but it's a heck of a lot more stable
04:36.59achandra_brettmen: maybe the business model will help in terms of the setup? and maybe based on what Ive said it will fill gaps?
04:37.10brettnemachandra: perhaps
04:37.22achandra_brettmen: blasphemy to many on this site im sure ;)
04:37.49brettnemachandra: pfft..anyone who thinks asterisk is stable or scalable probably isn't really using it.
04:39.24achandra_brettmen: the business basically  is to post up a bunch of numbers in various places. You call the # and a demographic study can be done to see where the most business is coming from. But yeah, eventually you get to a person. Now the middle man of course is routing from pstn to some hardware that collects the number, location, etc, etc.
04:39.55terrapenbrettm, that's kind of a scary statement
04:40.05terrapenam i a fool for trying to use it in my call center?
04:40.19*** join/#asterisk Psykick (n=anon@
04:40.29Psykickhi guys
04:40.45achandra_yeah...itll handle a sh* load of calls....I mean a huge amount. nation wide.
04:41.36achandra_brettnem: oh is SER scalable in terms of load balancing?
04:42.50*** part/#asterisk achandra_ (
04:43.00terrapenachandra needs to seriously learn to use google
04:44.34brettnemit's ok for a call center.. it's just not perfect.. and dont' expect a redundant config
04:45.23brettnemasterisk's best feature is actually the call queue stuff, I think..
04:46.28brettnemachandra: what is a huge amount for you?
04:46.39brettnemachandra: people have all different ideas of volumes
04:47.03*** part/#asterisk Psykick (n=anon@
04:47.07terrapenhe's gone
04:47.22terrapeni think i can achieve pretty good redundancy
04:47.30brettnemhow? asterisk doesn't support it
04:47.34terrapeni'm going to use Redfone foneBridge TDMoE bridges
04:47.37terrapenthey do failover
04:47.38BugKhamhi there, any knows we can add "#include file.conf" to Realtime Static SIP?
04:47.48terrapenif one * server dies, it sends it to the other
04:47.50brettnemfoneBridge, what is that?
04:48.03brettnemright, and you'll lose all callers in the queue
04:48.15terrapenyou're as bad as achandra ;)
04:48.36terrapenmine arrives tomorrow
04:48.38brettnemI know what redfone is.
04:48.52brettnemasterisk in a box.. and you bought it.. heh ;)
04:49.01terrapenwell, why did you ask what a fonebridge is?
04:49.11brettnemI didn't realize that their product was called that.
04:49.30terrapenit may be asterisk-in-a-box but it has failover
04:49.33terrapenthat's worth the $2000
04:49.49brettnemthat important part of the failover is on your provider's side.
04:49.59brettnemfor that portion of the failover..
04:50.06terrapenno, this is for * server failover
04:50.20brettnemI'm not sure what that redfone thingy is buying you.. just have 2 asterisk servers.. some pris into each
04:50.24terrapenif the * end of the TDMoE connection dies, it sends it to the other * box
04:50.34brettnemoh I see.
04:50.52brettnemand the assumption is that this redfone thing doesn't die I guess.
04:51.00terrapenwell, it's solid state
04:51.12terrapenit is a hell of a lot less likely to die than a PC
04:51.27brettnemhmm.. I wonder why..
04:51.40brettnemthe pc components arn't the fragile parts.. it's the code
04:51.46brettnembut I'm a cynic.
04:53.04terrapenThese guys stand behind their product
04:53.10terrapenif it doesn't work, I will send it back
04:53.23froguzhey guys. what about openvox?
04:53.50froguzi haven't tested his hardware jet
04:53.51X-Robterrapen, it's a Via Mini-ITX motherboard
04:53.58X-Robthere's nothing 'special' about it
04:54.01X-Robyou can buy 'em for about $100
04:54.12froguzbut they clams to be 100% * cpmatible
04:54.22terrapenagain, it's add-on software and a company that stands behind it
04:54.37terrapen* does not do failover out of the box, unless I've missed something
04:55.01brettnemof course it's 100% compatible.. it's the same damn thing in a bright red box.. the paint ain't going to make it any less compatible.
04:55.18terrapenagain, the mobo and the red box are completely irrelevant
04:55.19X-Robbrettnem, don't stop people from buying * hardware
04:55.20brettnemoh heh.. sorry, mixed threads!
04:55.26terrapenit does failover and a company stands behind that.
04:55.37froguzbrettnem i think you missed something
04:55.42brettnemX-Rob: I actually wasn't bashing asterisk hardware at the moment.
04:55.47froguzi was talking about openvox hardware
04:55.53brettnemright sorry.. my mistake
04:55.59froguzhehe yep
04:56.08brettnemI was just saying the redfone is a embedded version of asterisk..
04:56.50froguzbrettnem, but you need an external asterisk server anyway doesn't it?
04:57.07terrapenbut asterisk (as downloaded from digium) will not function in the same way.  cannot function in the same way without programming.
04:57.08brettnemyes.. i think they have it setup to just do the tdmoe stuff
04:57.31*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (n=A-Tuin@
04:57.32terrapenTDMoE with heartbeat failure detection
04:57.33brettnemterrapen: I'm not sure if that's right.. all the tdmoe stuff is in asterisk.. just no one really uses it
04:57.53*** join/#asterisk luke-jr_ (
04:57.53brettnemI'm not sure why that's really necessary.. why not just use IAX and failover?
04:58.12terrapeni know, but if your TDMoE endpoint fails, Asterisk (AFAIK) will not failover to an alternate endpoint
04:58.16terrapenwhat failover?!?!
04:58.35froguzwhat is best for using as QoS over asterisk? m0n0wall?
04:59.10brettnemhow's that different than using qualify as a heartbeat..
04:59.29brettnemI'm not dismissing how you are doing it..
04:59.50terrapenyou don't want to have to dial->fail>dial for every newly opened channel
04:59.58terrapenyou want it to keep track of the failure
05:00.14brettnemkeep track?
05:00.38terrapenin other words, if the primary * endpoint dies, I don't want the TDMoE bridge to keep trying it every time a new channel is opened
05:00.48brettnemwhy not?
05:00.58brettnembesides, with qualify, it doesn't ever even try it
05:01.05terrapenbecause it will likely take some time to achieve a "fail"
05:01.12brettnemif you try to dial an UNREACHABLE pear, dial instantly fails
05:01.42brettnemnah, failover for something you know is down because of a failed qualify (ie: heartbeat) won't delay your call
05:02.13brettnembtw, you could just fork the call and let whatever server gets it take it
05:02.22brettnembut I've never tried that.. could get ugly
05:02.31brettnemasterisk doesn't handle CANCELs real well
05:02.38brettnemand that'd involve a whole lotta cancels
05:02.43terrapenat any rate, it would take me at least a week (probably more) to get an embedded box purchased and shipped here, and then configured similarly
05:02.59terrapenit was well worth it to spend the 2 G's
05:03.03brettnemI'm not suggesting you not do that.. ;)
05:03.16terrapenplus, if this thing turns out to be crap, it's going right back
05:03.30terrapenbut honestly, Redfone has been *super* supportive of me so far
05:03.48brettnemI don't think it'll be crap.. it'll probably work great.. in concept, it's a good idea.
05:04.26brettnemI just don't like that it isn't more open and standards based.. and the fact that your failover solution uses code that is in the server you are trying to protect
05:06.09brettnembtw, I'd be interested in hearing what you think of that redfone product after you test it.. always good to know more about what's out there..
05:06.21froguzwell... time to go bed
05:06.55terrapenstandards -based?
05:07.01*** join/#asterisk key2 (
05:07.12brettnemyeah.. like SIP
05:07.17terrapenTDMoE is just as much of a standard as IAX
05:07.22terrapenwell, sip would be nice
05:07.39terrapeni would buy a PRI<-->SIP gateway if I could find one that had failover
05:07.44brettnemright.. but what about the heartbeat adn failover, are they? I don't know.. maybe they are.. but they arn't used in many places..
05:07.58brettnemwell heh, asterisk....
05:08.14brettnemwhat's a yop?
05:08.17terrapenheartbeats are appplication specific
05:08.22key2is it possible to use Asterisk for doing cirpack ?
05:08.28terrapenHTTP heartbeat would be HEAD / HTTP/1.1
05:08.34terrapendunno what a SIP heartbeat is
05:08.36terrapenor a TDMoE
05:08.53brettnemterrapen: of course they are app specific..
05:08.56terrapenit could be as simple as a TCP connect... or ICMP
05:09.00*** join/#asterisk Libila (
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05:09.17brettnemyeah, btu what ELSE can it be used with.. buying it, you are locked into ASTERISK
05:09.31brettnemI always like to leave THAT door open
05:10.00LibilaI'm having trouble loading my wctdm/zaptel modules. I even tried recompiling zaptel/asterisk to see if it would fix this but apparently not. here is the output: any help would be greatly appreciated.
05:10.12terrapenbrett, the alternative is our Lucent PBX
05:10.21terrapenin which case, I throw away all the * hardware anyway
05:10.30terrapenexcept for (*MAYBE*) my phones
05:10.44terrapenI'm building a small testbed for *
05:10.57terrapen50 users
05:11.08brettnemright.. well a asterisk setup with a bunch of sip phones is better than lugging around an old lucent pbx
05:11.12terrapenif it works well, I will develop an architecture for the entire company
05:11.16brettnem50 users is a good size
05:11.25terrapenwell, it will cost $100,000 to upgrade our Lucent
05:11.35terrapenor $100,000 to convert everybody to Asterisk
05:11.42terrapenactually, $118,000 for either
05:11.47brettnem100K to convert to asterisk? why?
05:11.54key2yeah why ?
05:12.03terrapenmultiple locations, redundant servers, completely new phones...
05:12.14key2but still
05:12.15terrapenAsterisk pro. edition licenses
05:12.22terrapenwe have a lot of people here
05:12.36terrapenmore like 325-350
05:12.37brettnemAsterisk pro!!
05:12.49key2asterisk pro manages up to 240users
05:12.52brettnemI hope you arn't planning on putting them all on asterisk..
05:13.09terrapenno, we will only have maybe 100-150 users per server cluster
05:13.17terrapenbrett, I will probably employ SER
05:13.20key2it's doable
05:13.27brettnemkey2: not a good idea
05:13.33brettnemterrapen: good idea
05:13.34key2yeah but still
05:13.36terrapenthe biggest volume of calls is inbound from our PRIs
05:13.45brettnemkey2: all those eggs, in THAT basket.. um.. no
05:13.56key2terracon: is it possible to use asterisk for doing the cirpack job ?
05:14.05terrapen----PRI----> Redfone ----> Asterisk cluster -----> SER ------> handset
05:14.17terrapencirpack?  what is that
05:14.20*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
05:14.35brettnemterrapen: that sounds good..
05:14.40brettnemhave you seen isdngw?
05:15.02brettnemit's a sems plugin for SER.. been meaning to check it out.. it interfaces PRIs directly to sip.. no asterisk
05:15.10kuku5wf is asterisk pro ?
05:15.20terrapenhmmm  PRI --> SIP
05:15.30brettnemsems is the SER media server
05:15.43brettnemoriginally built as the voicemail platform for SER.. but was extended
05:15.44terrapensee, the whole problem is, what happens when the machine that is plugged into the PRI dies?
05:16.00terrapeni don't want to plug my PRIs into PCs with fans and hard disks
05:16.04brettnemwell, you technically have the same issue with the redfone box..
05:16.11terrapenyup.  except its solid state
05:16.18terrapeni mean, i could build a solid state machine
05:16.25kuku5What is asterisk pro ?
05:16.29brettnemyeah, but the non solid state boxes have actually become really reliable.
05:16.32terrapenwhat kinds of PRI cards does isdngw support
05:16.36terrapenkuku5, look on
05:16.42brettnemkuku5: it's digium's version of asterisk that actually works
05:16.50brettnem(sorry, mind the sarcasm)
05:16.53brettnemit's late..
05:17.18brettnemterrapen: unfortunately just traditional linux ISDN cards..
05:17.21*** join/#asterisk forao (
05:17.25terrapenwon't my SIP phones automatically REINVITE?
05:17.35kuku5brettnem: bsuiness edition ? is that what you are referring to ?
05:17.38terrapenbrett, that won't work for me then
05:17.38brettnemI'm not sure  I understand..
05:17.43terrapenyes, kuku
05:18.01terrapeni think that's what its called
05:18.04brettnemthe phones don't ever "automatically reinvite"
05:18.12brettnemunder what condition are you refering to?
05:18.13terrapenwhere two SIP phones will establish a point-to-point cnx
05:18.35kuku5brettnem: But not utility to manage those 240 users right ?
05:18.36brettnemser will always route calls with the most direct path.. is this what you are asking?
05:18.45terrapenwhere I pick up my Polycom and call you on yours (same LAN) and though we initially go through the * server, our connection changes to peer-to-peer
05:19.02terrapenso that our phones don't have to go through * to maintain the conversation
05:19.05brettnemkuku5: I don't think it's any different than what you usually get with asterisk, but maybe they fixed some bugs they like to keep n the wild
05:19.10terrapennot sure if that is the correct terminology
05:19.14*** join/#asterisk kotrin (
05:19.50brettnemyeah, the reinvite comes from asterisk.. first you invite asterisk.. you hear the ringing.. then when the far end answers, it reinvites you to go talk to the phone.
05:19.56kuku5brettnem: How do these guys manage 350 users. Thats kind of my question. Are we talking self made scripts to setup the configs ? Is there something out there that does a better job ?
05:20.25brettnemkuku5: scripts, web sites, etc, etc.. manageing 350 users is no big deal.. btu having a server to handle the load is.
05:20.25*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
05:20.48brettnemterrapen: I'm not sure where this was going.. ??
05:21.42terrapenok, i was confused about how it worked
05:28.15*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:28.19exten123May I know FSK CallerID is consider with type of cidsignalling and which type of cidstart?
05:35.35asterboyHow do you setup "Call Waiting Display" for Polycom phones?
05:36.03asterboyThe call waiting PIP works, however, the phone does not display the callID of the waiting party.
05:36.31asterboyZapata.conf has the callwaitingcallerid=yes set.
05:36.48key2terrapen: cirpack is a black box, you get in with a protocol and a codec, and you go out with an other protocol and an other codec
05:36.55asterboyAnything need to go into Polycom setup. I know the IP600 supports it.
05:37.04key2terrapen: with up to 10.000 concurrent calls
05:40.09brettnemit's an actual piece of telecom gear
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06:04.47jpablohey people, i jut got a rhino cb 24 fxo i configured in per the manual, basically it configured itself, now if is displaying OOF (Out Of Framming) zttol is giving a error in the * box, any ideas ?
06:04.58BugKhamhi there, any knows we can add "#include file.conf" to Realtime Static SIP?
06:06.26*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
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06:10.07Libilaanyone have an idea why I can't load wctdm and zaptel? here is my error output:
06:14.33wasimyou need to enable that in your kernel
06:19.16Splatare their any thoughts on intel or amd being better for running an asterisk box for about 9 extentions, 6 phone lines and voip for outgoing? and single core or dual core?
06:20.22Strom_Mthis is roughly like "which is better for driving in traffic - a mercedes or a bmw?"
06:20.31Strom_Mfor your call volume, it doesn't matter
06:22.58*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
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06:25.56asterboyWhere do you add the "exten => 500,hint,SIP/peername" for Asterisk Presence/Buddy Watching?
06:26.14asterboyextensions.conf or sip.conf
06:26.39Strom_Mextensions go in EXTENSIONS.conf
06:26.39asterboyhas to be extensions.conf
06:26.44Strom_Mthank you for thinking
06:26.50Strom_Mplease pull up to the next window
06:28.15asterboythinking out loud is dangerous.
06:28.35kaldemarit's not like your getting decapitated for that.
06:28.46*** join/#asterisk kmilitzer (
06:28.47asterboyjust deballed.
06:29.00Strom_MDecapitation over IP
06:29.13kmilitzerMorning all
06:31.47asterboycaan the "exten => 500,hint,SIP/peername" go anywhere in the extensions.conf?
06:32.46asterboytrying to determine if it goes outside of a context or on its own.
06:33.10asterboycause the 500 portion won't be part of a dial matching string.
06:34.30*** join/#asterisk oej (
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06:34.59asterboybetter yet, can someone show me an example in context? (no pun intended) really fails when it comes to examples.
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06:39.58brettnemit's in the wiki, really
06:41.57brettnemit goes in the subscribecontext specified in sip.conf
06:42.38brettnemit's NOT something that is used in the dialplan.. hints are sucked out of extensions.conf and they are used to MAP EXTENSIONS to USERNAMES
06:43.50*** join/#asterisk uwe (
06:44.57asterboybrettnem, so it does not matter in the extensions.conf where you put hints then?
06:45.58brettnemwhat do you mean by "where"
06:46.04brettnemorder isn't important..
06:46.08brettnemmust be in the right context..
06:46.21asterboycould you for example, simply put the hints at the end of the file.
06:46.26brettnemand it needs to match the subscribecontext in sip.conf for the peer watching it.
06:46.32brettnemno you can't do that..
06:46.50*** join/#asterisk PIete (n=abri@
06:47.09brettnemso a hint says "If you are watching extension 500, REPORT status of USERNAME" for exten => 500,hint,SIP/USERNAME
06:47.35brettnembut just like how asterisk does context seperation for dialPLANS it does it for hints too..
06:48.01brettnemso if someone wants to watch that exten 500, it either needs to be in their regular context=> or in their subscribecontext=>
06:48.04asterboyah, ok so it goes above or below the exten => 500,1
06:48.22brettnemwell it's handy to put it near, but the order at that point is irrelevant
06:48.31asterboythat's what I thought.
06:49.17*** join/#asterisk Vhata (
06:49.18PIeteHey guys. For some reason I can't get my asterisk CLI going (with sudo asterisk -r). It says that "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)". I know it's running, because I can make calls, and the asterisk.ctl file exists..
06:49.23PIeteAny ideas?
06:49.48asterboyare you sure your on the same machine?
06:49.55Vhatais there any way to change the context that a phone starts in, when an Agent logs in?  i.e. can one dynamically alter a phones context?
06:50.01PIeteyes, I'm sitting at it..
06:50.09brettnemPIete: you need to be the same user who started it
06:50.12asterboyps -ef shows asterisk running?
06:50.33PIeteasterisk  7310     1  0 14:51 ?        00:00:11 /usr/sbin/asterisk -p -U asteris < yea
06:50.44PIetebrettnem, so not even root can do it?
06:50.47brettnemare you running asterisk -r AS ASTERISK?
06:50.50PIetebrettnem, i have to be asterisk?
06:50.54brettnemI think so.. try it
06:51.09brettnemit's been a while since I tested that.. but I think I rmemeber something like that.
06:51.30asterboyand if that does not do it, kill the process and start it as root, then -r as root
06:52.11PIeteok, I just tried sudo -u asterisk asterisk -r, but not go...
06:52.22PIeteasterboy, is it really such a good idea to run it as root?
06:52.36asterboywhy not?
06:52.38brettnemit's not really.. most people do
06:52.55asterboyworried about security?
06:52.58brettnemnot like your dialplan is going to rootkit your box..
06:53.17brettnembut it is betst to run as a different user.. you shouldn't ever log into your box as root unless you have to
06:53.18PIetebrettnem, I'm running it under debian right now, and it installed it to run as the asterisk user, etc.. It was just working, until I rebooted at least..
06:53.32brettnemnot sure
06:53.38PIetehmm, I'll tinker around a bit more..
06:53.43brettnemcheck google
06:53.43asterboytry it as root for now.
06:53.44PIeteprobably staring me in the face :)
06:53.55brettnemI've seen others with this problem.. I'm sure it's in the list
06:53.58asterboyjust to see if the connection can be made at all.
06:54.24asterboykill -9 7310; asterisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
06:54.35PIeteasterboy, well it can. I was doing it 30 minutes ago.. Then I had to reboot the machine to add another PCI card, and when I came back, it wouldn't connect anymore
06:55.19PIeteasterboy, well, I get the output with -cvvvvvvvvv even without killing it, so something must be working
06:55.25PIeteperhaps it write permissions on the asterisk.ctl file
06:55.41asterboysounds like permissions somewhere
06:56.22PIetehrm, gave it full 777 permissions just to check, but no go..
06:56.26asterboyya, -9 is a signal which can not be blocked.
06:56.32PIeteanyways,, thanks for the help guys.. I gotta run
06:57.09asterboy9 ~= die now you bastard!
06:58.11Vhataactually, no
06:58.20VhataSIGTERM asks it to die
06:58.24VhataSIGKILL just kills it
06:58.28brettnemI know what -9 is
06:58.35brettnembut it's an ugly way to kill anything..
06:58.51brettnemie: don't try to take care of anything you left open, just leave your shit everywhere and die
06:59.05asterboyya thats it.
06:59.13brettnemyou should always attempt a SIGTERM first.. IMO
07:00.11asterboyasterisk has a "stop now when available" or something like that.
07:00.30Strom_Mstop gracefully
07:00.38kaldemaror when convenient
07:00.49asterboyya thats the one
07:00.59asterboymuch better in a production environment
07:01.08Vhatadoes anybody use RealTime (extconfig) to store their IAX/SIP peers?
07:01.09kaldemarconvenient waits for a moment without calls, and gracefully stops receiving calls and waits until all ongoing calls are finished.
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07:01.27asterboythats good to know.
07:01.36Libilawasim: I set CONFIG_CRC_CCITT is not set to y via menuconfig, then recompiled the kernel then zaptel. I still receieve the same errors.
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07:01.54brettnemkaldemar: go put that on the wiki.. it's not documented properly
07:02.17brettnemstop gracefully is documented as "gracefully shuts down asterisk" that's a whole lot
07:02.37brettnemduh.. thanks jbot
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07:02.57kaldemarbrettnem: is is in wiki.
07:03.08brettnemyes, it is.. like I said, not properly
07:03.32kaldemari think i've found it there like i put it some time.
07:04.05brettnemfrom the wiki: #  stop gracefully: Gracefully shut down Asterisk
07:04.17wasimLibila: did you reboot?
07:04.29LibilaYep, after recompiling both.
07:04.42kaldemarwe'll just have to fix it then.
07:04.45brettnemyou can't use the word your describing in the definition itself.. isn't that webster's first rule?
07:05.09Vhatayes, but this isn't defining a word, it's describing a command
07:05.14asterboybrettnem, can you peek at this pasty and let me know if the hint is correct?
07:05.14brettnemnow don't go on about recursive acronyms
07:05.30Libilawasim: does CRC16 need to be set? CRC32 is compiled in and LIBCRC32C is a module.
07:05.46asterboyLine 19 has the added hint
07:06.09Libilawasim: Maybe my order is off. Do I need to recompile zaptel everytime I recompile my kernel?
07:06.21brettnemok, only saw one hint..
07:06.29brettnemwith that line:
07:06.30brettnemexten => Home,hint,SIP/Home2
07:06.37Libilajust seems like it would need to be.
07:06.43brettnemI'd expect that the phones are watching "Home"
07:06.52brettnemlike subscribe:
07:07.04brettnemer make that
07:07.22brettnemand the phone you want to watch, you'd call by dial(SIP/Home2)
07:07.33brettnemie: you have a sip.conf: [Home2]
07:07.55brettnemand the watching phone has EITHER context=home or subscribecontext=home
07:08.21asterboymodified Polycom <macaddress>-directory.xml with buddywatch enabled and the <ct>Home2@</ct> tag.
07:09.23asterboyyes sip.conf has a registered [Home2] and a phone with that extensions mapped to one of the lines.
07:10.35asterboyThe "Home2" speed dial shows up on my phone, but it does nothing when the extension is in use.
07:13.13asterboyyes the sip.conf also has a context=Home
07:13.24asterboyno subscribecontxt though.
07:14.36*** join/#asterisk psk (
07:15.32asterboycould be I need the "sip:" part
07:15.36*** join/#asterisk mogorman (n=mogorman@
07:15.38asterboyin my directory entry
07:16.06brettnemwhat do you get for a show hints
07:18.10asterboyah, good point.
07:19.15asterboyrebooting my phone though, so the Watchers may be updated after.
07:19.46asterboynow that I have a proper SIP URL in the <ct> tag of the <mac>-directory.xml file
07:19.58*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
07:20.28asterboystupid-ftpd shows the directory has been uploaded
07:20.49asterboyHome2 shows on one of my phone lines.
07:21.07asterboynot registered of course, since its just a contact speed dial entry.
07:21.56asterboyWhen I press "Home2" button, I get a fast beep and it does not dial
07:22.06asterboyshould it not dial the extension?
07:22.38brettnemit should..
07:22.47asterboysip:Home2@  should be valid right?
07:22.50brettnemit should jut point to <exten>@<servername>
07:22.55brettnemI don't think you need the sip: in there..
07:23.12brettnemyou can edit this from the phone.. make sure buddy watch is enabled, else you don't get anything;
07:23.17asterboyI've tried it both ways and same response
07:23.19brettnemand what firmware are you running?
07:23.27brettnemyou sure you have budyd watch on?
07:23.29asterboyyes buddy watch is enabled.
07:24.10asterboyyes that is set
07:24.22*** join/#asterisk nagl (
07:24.26brettnemwhat about sip show subscriptions?
07:24.35brettnemand do you get any error messags in the console..
07:24.40brettnemand what firmware are you running?!
07:25.05asterboyhmmm....0 active SIP subscriptions.
07:25.35asterboyI'm on bootrom
07:25.47asterboySIP v 1.5.3
07:25.55brettnemhmm.. I do mine on 1.6.
07:25.56kaldemarbrettnem: from wiki: "restart gracefully: Restart Asterisk gracefully, i.e. stop receiving new calls and restart at empty call volume". same addition done to the shutdown command. we happy now? :)
07:25.58brettnemer 1.6.3
07:26.09brettnemkaldemar: thank you!
07:26.42asterboy1.5.2 had some issues reported in wiki, but 1.5.3 should be ok.
07:27.06asterboyshow hints, says 0 wathcers.
07:28.01brettnemI'd do a tethereal trace and see if you see the subscription come in..
07:28.05brettnemwhat version of asterisk?
07:29.07asterboyshould sip debug show any details?
07:29.15brettnemyeah probably
07:29.23brettnemhmm.. I wonder if 1.2.0 does it right..
07:29.49asterboyif it doesn't it would be nice to update the wiki with that info.
07:30.15asterboyyep, update wiki, or yep it does it?
07:30.38brettnemyep, you should update the wiki if it doesn't support it. :)
07:31.04asterboyI'd like to make the buddy watch wiki a little more comprehensive anyway.
07:33.48asterboywhen I tie up Home2 extension, it shows nothing on the watching phone.
07:34.27asterboyI'll try an upgrade to both asterisk and the SIP app in the morning.
07:37.53asterboythanks for the help's nice to be able to confirm some things like syntax.
07:39.55Tilihow do i disable bridging on SIP
07:40.02Tilicanreinvite seems to have no effect
07:42.35*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
07:42.43asterboyfound spelling mistake "receved" here:
07:42.56asterboygot some good meat in that URL about hints.
07:43.24asterboysubscribecontext= value may be needed in sip.conf
07:44.29*** join/#asterisk kink0 (
07:45.08kink0about linux ulimit, anybody have need to touch to get asterisk working in a stable manner ?
07:45.41brettnemno prob, good luck
07:48.07asterboyNote: As of Nov. '05 there is a bug 5856 describing that in Asterisk 1.0.9 and 1.2.0 the hint argument is case sensitive. So you must use 'SIP' or 'Zap' instead of e.g. 'sip' or 'ZAP'.
07:49.12*** join/#asterisk nxu7 (
07:52.47asterboyLooking for Home2 in Home (domain
07:52.55asterboySIP/2.0 404 Not Found
07:53.11asterboyseems its having trouble finding the context within Home.
07:53.24asterboyand so it should...home2 does not exist in home.
07:55.20asterboyneed to get subscriptions working first.
07:55.33*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blah@unaffiliated/syle)
07:55.34asterboyor being able to dial another SIP extension.
07:56.04Tiliwhy doesn't Asterisk send CANCEL
07:56.38asterboydo a sip debug
07:56.49brettnemit does send cancels.. just not well
07:56.52asterboymine shows that it allows those command.
07:57.19Tiliasterboy: its not about allowed or not. but it seems like it is not sending CANCEL when I disconnect before a call is picked up
07:57.28Tilii mean if i cancel the call through sjphone
07:58.09asterboyah, so you decide you don't want the call and cancel, but it does not.
07:58.10Tiliyeah it doesn't
07:58.16asterboyare you on all the latest greatest versions?
07:58.19Tiliit never sends CANCEL on b-leg
07:58.28Tiliits a paid asterisk version
07:58.43*** part/#asterisk hatamen (n=hatamen@
07:58.44asterboynice...see what you get when you pay. :P
07:59.02Tilii never pay. my friend paid it and is using it
07:59.07*** join/#asterisk uwe (
07:59.10Tilimine 1.2 open is working sweet
07:59.16asterboyanything in the wiki on cancel troubleshooting?
07:59.50asterboyI'd check sip debug and ethereal for some hints.
08:00.31asterboyfor now I'm spinning my wheels trying to get Buddy Watch (Asterisk Presence) working.
08:00.39asterboy* is suppose to be able to do it.
08:00.46Tiliwell i have looked at sip debug and ethereal
08:00.55Tiliasterisk is not sending CANCEL. it received BYE from client
08:01.17Tiliit is probable that client should send CANCEL also
08:01.35asterboyis there a way to manually issue a cancel to see if it actually can send one?
08:01.37Tilinothing there
08:02.02asterboysomething like "sip send the fucking cancel"
08:02.14asterboyat CLI
08:02.19Tiliasterboy: i wish it was possible
08:02.29brimstoneTili, which version of ABE?
08:02.39brettnemCANCELs are NOT sent in response to BYE
08:02.41Tiliwhat the hell is ABE?
08:02.48Tilinot in response
08:02.51brettnemand asterisk can send a cancel
08:03.00brimstonethe paid version of asterisk
08:03.05brettnemTili: where are you wanting to see the CANCEL?
08:03.07brimstoneAsterisk Business Edition
08:03.27TiliI am cancelling a call at ring time
08:03.36Tilibut asterisk is not sending CANCEL or BYE to the other end
08:03.58Tiliits worth noting that call is all via sip involving 2 proxies one of those is asterisk and other is with my terminator
08:04.08brettnemso when you hang up.. the cancel goes to asterisk and it just gets absorbed?
08:04.18Tilimoreover, if i use iax then my asterisk disconnects other end also. B-LEG
08:04.39brettnemis the CANCEL hitting your asterisk box?
08:04.45Tiliyeah BYE goes to asterisk and it sends back OK but doesn't transmit to other end to disconnect call
08:04.53Tiliyeah BYE is hitting not CANCEL
08:05.18Tiliso i am wondering as call is no in progress BYE hits asterisk and asterisk thinks BYE is only for established calls and so it never sends CANCEL on the other end
08:05.27brettnemBYE comes in to asterisk.. and asterisk relays the BYE on to the phone.. that works, right?
08:05.39brettnemCANCEL will never be sent on BYE
08:05.53brettnemCANCEL cannot be sent on an ESTABLISHED dialog
08:06.37Tiliyeah that is the case. I think softphone should not send BYE
08:06.59brettnemI'm confused.. what is the case?
08:07.09*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
08:07.14brettnemwhy should the softphone not send BYE?
08:08.18Tiliwell softphone is not in call. It only had RINGING signal?
08:08.27Tilii am not sure but do you think it should send CANCEL or BYE here
08:10.18brettnemthis looks like a normal call. it is NOT forked.
08:10.56TiliI see 2 invites also from client
08:10.58Tiliis that normal
08:10.58brettnemthe call was it shoudl send a BYE.. which it did.. this call looks ok to me.
08:11.01brettnemyes it is.
08:11.07brettnemone without auth, one with.. per spec
08:13.01Tiliok if u look at first BYE
08:13.15Tiliwhat do you think should happen on 2nd (bridged) channel
08:15.49brettnemthre should be another bye that goes out.
08:15.53*** join/#asterisk hatamen (n=hatamen@
08:16.13Tiliyeah exactly
08:16.24brettnemthis isn't an asterisk error.
08:16.46brettnemwhat are you using for radius accounting?
08:17.08Tilihas it got anything to do with RADIUS
08:17.19brettnemno, I'm just curious
08:17.37brettnemwhat technology is the other leg?
08:17.37*** join/#asterisk mrtwister|mobile (
08:17.49brettnemwait no
08:18.00brettnemthis call is ok..
08:18.15brettnemI don't see another invite GO somewhere else.. so there is NOwhere else to send a bye
08:18.47*** join/#asterisk mrtwister|mobile (
08:19.18brettnemoh I see it now.. I'm tired
08:19.28*** join/#asterisk bagpuss_thecat (
08:20.48brettnemok, I gotta get to bed.. sorry.. more tomorrow
08:21.40*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=igor@
08:23.43Tilibrettnem: its SIP also
08:24.51*** join/#asterisk SheriF_WorK (n=sherif@
08:26.45*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:35.39*** join/#asterisk Dandre (
08:35.58Dandrehello all,
08:38.19*** join/#asterisk kit247 (n=chrisd@
08:38.46*** join/#asterisk buzzdee (
08:38.59DandreI have a problem when I am trying to blind transfer a caller to another extension. I that extension is not available, the call is lost. Here is the macro that make the call:
08:41.16mogormanthats a blind transfer...................
08:41.19mogormanyou cant get it back
08:41.32mogormanwhat you probably want is an attended transfer
08:44.34*** join/#asterisk powerchip (
08:45.39powerchipHey , i will set up a new web/asterisk server , and what is best run a server on , intel or amd?
08:46.54DandreI know what an attended transfer is but if a call is lost using a blind transfer when the callee isn't available, this is useless. It should be convenient if when unavailable, the originate extension should ring again
08:48.42x86morning off-hookers
08:51.02Tilihow do i dial a SIP URI from extensions.conf with user:pass
08:51.10Tililike in IAX2/user:pass@host/number
08:52.15x86i'm thinking it's the same way as IAX2
08:53.13Tilix86 seems not to be working. it tells me host not found for host/exten
08:53.18Tiliit takes / with it
08:53.30Tilionly exten@host works but auth fails
08:54.35*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
08:56.52x86dunno then man
08:56.57x86what version?
08:58.48SheriF_WorKx86: oh ur everywhere :P
09:06.55mogormanDandre, you cant really do it with a dialplan
09:07.14mogormanits not what blind transfer is intended for
09:07.21mogormanmost people have this thing voicemail ^_^
09:07.41*** join/#asterisk shiznatix (
09:07.42mogormanotherwise you should have a part in your dial plan to pop them back to main menu
09:07.46mogormanor something else
09:08.22DandreI don't know how to do that
09:09.10*** join/#asterisk Micetto (
09:09.16Micettohave a problem with isdn line...can someone help me ?
09:09.29Micetto(sorry, hi ^_^)
09:10.13MicettoAsterisk answer to call correctly but
09:10.36*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
09:10.51Micettothe line hang up with a busy message
09:11.25MicettoThe message is "Exiting with DIALSTATUS=CANCEL."
09:12.30*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
09:13.39x86SheriF_WorK: oh yeah man ;)
09:13.54x86SheriF_WorK: ;)
09:14.48*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
09:20.03buzzdeei have a problem with my incoming calls, asterisk doesn't seem to wait for the whole extension, and therefore it redirects unknown extensions to our central number
09:20.35buzzdee <- someone tried to call the 8904303 but asterisk grabbed the call away at 890430
09:20.48buzzdeeis there anything i can do to stop that?
09:21.46*** part/#asterisk kit247 (n=chrisd@
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09:27.18moverhi all
09:29.00moveri have a strange problem. i start asterisk and from time to time i see that are 1-5 parrallel starisk are running but eating no processtime (idle). What is the cause or circumstances why this happen? Is this a bug?
09:33.15shiznatixHello. I am having problems with Zap channels. Does anyone know how to interpret the BRI debugging output?
09:37.33wasimmover: threads
09:41.55*** join/#asterisk alib80 (
09:42.48Micettoshiznatix: zap channel with Fastweb?
09:43.30alib80hi all my sip calls do not ring, they simply connect to the callee. Is anyone aware of how to fix this problem?
09:43.40*** join/#asterisk taec (
09:43.44ManxPowerbuzzdee, Either the context the calls are coming into does not have a correct pattern match or you are using immediate=yes
09:44.02taecLooking to find a way for the number of people queueing in a queue ... easy way to do that?
09:44.07ManxPowermover, those are not instances of Asterisk.  Those are THREADS.
09:44.11wasimtaec: show queues
09:44.55taecwasim, easy way to get that information elsewhere? parsing it is a pain in the bum
09:45.05wasimtaec: queuemetrics :)
09:45.09ManxPowertaec, the Manager Interface
09:45.18RoyKMORE SNOW
09:45.24ManxPowerRoyK, no need to be vulgar
09:45.27buzzdeeManxPower, ok, in my zapata.conf is a immediate=no line
09:45.36ManxPowerbuzzdee, Good.
09:45.44ManxPowerbuzzdee, then you have a mistake in your extensions.conf
09:46.11ManxPowerAsterisk is seeing that it CANNOT match any more than 6 digits.
09:46.25ManxPowerIt should be about 80F here.
09:46.41*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
09:47.22*** join/#asterisk BugKham (n=HamYai@
09:47.34BugKhamany had this problem before? -> Unable to lookup host in c= line, 'IN IP4
09:47.53BugKhamand my music on hold is gone after updating to 1.2.5
09:47.56taecCool, thanks! Btw you guys know much about the queueing stuff that goes on internally in asterisk? I've got a very strange problem raising it's head in the queue_log
09:48.12BugKhamand still having this problem in 1.2.6
09:50.07buzzdeeManxPower,  just digging in my extensions.conf and friends, any hint what I have to look for?
09:50.32ManxPowerbuzzdee, you have a pattern match that is _XXXXXX instead of _XXXXXXX
09:51.21*** join/#asterisk littlejohn (
09:51.36shiznatixMicetto, no a zap channel with a BRI GSM gateway
09:52.02ManxPowerbuzzdee, or something similar
09:52.46buzzdeei have this in zaptel.init: zaptel.init:exten => _8XXXX,1,Macro(user-callerid)
09:53.06*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
09:53.18buzzdeeand some lines follow, maybe this interferes with my numbers as they start with 8904<extension>?
09:54.12buzzdeethese are configured for the  meetme extensions
09:55.38*** join/#asterisk nextime (
09:55.57ManxPowerbuzzdee, and do you have other lines that begin with _8 ?
09:56.46ManxPowerbuzzdee, the line you posted will only match 5 digit numbers beginning with an 8
09:57.09ManxPowerDo you have a pattern that will match other numbers, such as your DIDs
09:57.15buzzdeeno, these are the only ones I did a grep XXX * in /etc/asterisk there are some with _8X _8XX _8XXX _8XXXX
09:57.37buzzdeewith the grep XXX i only found these _8XX lines
09:58.42ManxPowerbuzzdee, so basically you have no pattern matches that would match an incoming call.
09:59.23ManxPowerbuzzdee, it sounds like you are using FreePBX or Asterisk@Home or AMP.
09:59.48ManxPowerbuzzdee, and what does the /topic of this channel say?
10:00.23buzzdeeit says go ask in #freepbx
10:01.19ManxPowerAMP/FreePBX does some REALLY WEIRD stuff with the config files and we just can't help you with them.
10:01.20buzzdeebut nevertheless, thanks for the "immediate=no" hint
10:01.24buzzdeewill ask in #freepbx after lunch
10:01.36Aursanyone here using realtime queues?
10:02.39*** join/#asterisk marcel1 (n=chatzill@
10:02.41Aursreload kills my dynamic queue members
10:02.49ManxPowerbuzzdee, you should almost never set immediate=yes
10:05.55buzzdeewhats hte purpose of hte immediate yes, when it shall almost never be set to yes?
10:06.02buzzdeejust wondering
10:09.10ManxPowerif you want a preset number to be called when you pickup the handset
10:09.53marcel1hello, i have a problem with realtime have used for configuration, the sip users not loading from the db
10:12.22nettiehey guys, Hi Manx. Anyone know how to grab the call of a rining phone? ie: my collegue is not there, I know his extension and I want to grab his call .. anyone know if this might be possible? thanx.
10:13.11buzzdeedial *8 if you are in the same call group and pickup group
10:13.27buzzdee*8 shall be the default
10:13.49buzzdeesee the pickupexten = *8 in the features.conf
10:15.07ManxPower*scream*  the zaptel makefile seems to think that kernel 2.4.22-26mdk is kernel 2.6
10:15.26nettiebuzzdee uhmm thanx..lemme check
10:16.34nettiebuzzdee so just dial *8103 to grab that call?
10:16.41buzzdeein your sip.conf or whereever you have for each extension to set the callgroup=1 and pickupgroup=1 to let it work
10:17.02buzzdeeno, only dial *8 and you grab the call from any ringing telephone
10:17.09ManxPowernettie, buzzdee is using FreePBX/Asterisk@Home
10:17.36*** join/#asterisk p1tst0p (
10:17.40buzzdeeyes, only at work, at home i use openbsd and vi (:
10:18.58p1tst0phey.. Is is there a way, to initiate a call from a web application? say i have a callcenter application written, that gives me records of information on my customers, and i now want to have a @Dial@ button or something, which takes the number and dials it. Is this possible ?
10:19.17shiznatixCan anyone help me with this Zap channel problem I am having?
10:20.36nettiewhat's the exact difference from callgroups and pickupgroups?
10:20.43nettiethey looks the same eheh
10:20.53*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=fenlande@
10:20.55Aursp1tst0p: Originate action in the manager API
10:21.05real-devp1tst0p: yep, callfiles or originate in AMI
10:21.28p1tst0pcheers guys.
10:22.17real-devp1tst0p: there was an php example a few weeks ago on some blog, give me a second and I look for the url
10:22.30p1tst0preal-dev that would be awsome
10:23.41nettieI did that but I still get nothing to pickup
10:24.05*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
10:24.06nettiedoes the voip carrier needs to be in the same call/pickup group?
10:24.26*** join/#asterisk drray (
10:25.10*** join/#asterisk firemothzx (
10:25.17*** join/#asterisk thomas____ (
10:25.41thomas____i want to use system() function in extensions.conf in order to call a script that will write call informations into a database
10:26.01thomas____i have a problem, i cannot have the call duration with a ${} variable
10:26.35p1tst0pthanks alot real-dev ;)
10:26.51thomas____i can read ${CALLERID} that is great but there is nothing to read call duration, how should i do ?
10:26.55real-devp1tst0p: and
10:27.11real-devbut beware of the security risks
10:29.17p1tst0pi guess for a public viewed website it would be bad, but im thinking more of an agent application in a small callcenter !.. thanks again
10:29.50shiznatixhas anyone here ever used asterisk with a gsm gateway?
10:30.10firemothzxA noobie question : How do I backup asterix database ?
10:30.55thomas____firemothzx, what to you mean by database ?
10:31.00thomas____do you mean configuration files ?
10:31.31Aurscp /var/lib/asterisk/astdb /backup
10:31.50*** join/#asterisk zgor (
10:31.54zgorHi People :)
10:32.10zgorany recommendation for a VoIP phone with LDAP support for addressbook ?
10:32.14Aursif that was the database you're referring to, firemothzx
10:32.23firemothzxno, I meant the database that is upadte when using a command like
10:32.25firemothzxasterisk -rx "database put cidname
10:32.30Aursyes, that is the one
10:32.34firemothzxnot sure if it is that one
10:32.39Aursit's /var/lib/asterisk/astdb
10:32.40firemothzxah cool
10:32.47firemothzxto restore I just copy it back also ?
10:33.15Aursyes. (never tried it myself. own risk etc etc)
10:33.31thomas____what is stored in /var/lib/asterisk/astdb ?
10:33.34thomas____statistics ?
10:33.47wasimthomas____: local asterisk name:value db
10:33.50*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:33.51Aursall the things you see when you type "database show" in the cli
10:34.13*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:34.21wasimpoor RoyK, i think the snow is really affecting his link
10:34.44thomas____is it possible to store call durations, time, caller ids automaticly in a database or a file ?
10:34.55Aursthomas____: CDR?
10:35.05thomas____i am trying to do this by hand
10:35.08thomas____it is not easy !
10:35.13wasimthomas____: yes, trivial
10:35.22Aursbut they are saved automatically?
10:35.41thomas____i used system() to call a php script. it works fine but there is no way to get call duration
10:36.12Aursfunction CDR perhaps?
10:36.22Aursgets or sets a CDR variable
10:36.46Syrus_thomas____, look /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv  all infos are inside
10:37.10thomas____Great ;)
10:37.17jbotwell, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
10:37.24Aursthomas____: shouldn't you use agi to call the php script rather than system()?
10:37.53thomas____with master.csv, i don t nead anything else !
10:38.13Syrus_thomas____, eh eh
10:42.51*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
10:44.05ManxPowerI hate doing upgrades
10:46.48nettieManxPower eheh I hate doing that too.. especially upgrading IOS.. new versions are always broken!
10:47.16ManxPowernettie, Hmm?  You must use different IOS features that I use
10:48.02nettieManxPower well sometimes NAT was broken as well :(
10:48.40*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:49.12ManxPowerOther than the issue with NAT+Portforwarding+VPN we've not had any problems, and even that problem is fixed with routemaps
10:49.34nettieI has issues with voice but 3 years ago :)
10:49.37ManxPowerI want this for my new cabin:
10:49.47ManxPowerUgh, we NEVER run voice on Cisco
10:50.16nettienice toy
10:50.20nettie3 years ago
10:50.25nettiethere wsnt much
10:50.59nettieconsidering that my isp was using an h323 gk
10:51.03nettiewas funny
10:51.25nettieI changed the IOS of their router, installed a sip enabled IOS
10:51.44nettiethe router had no software to route from h323 to sip internally
10:51.54ManxPowerI found the official #asterisk t-shirt:
10:52.12nettieso it was like ISP-H323-ROUTER-FXS-FX0-SIP-INTERNET-ATA186
10:52.21nettievery lame but worked like a charm!
10:52.39*** join/#asterisk skeffling (
10:53.15nettiemanx other than specifying the pickup and caller groups
10:53.23nettiein sip.conf
10:53.33nettiewhat else should I need to have *8 workign?
10:53.43ManxPowernettie, features.conf
10:53.47nettieit's there
10:53.49nettieI checked
10:54.04ManxPowerOther than that, I have no idea.
10:54.19nettieI hate those ;
10:54.24ManxPowerI don't use call pickup.  If someone wants me to answer their phone they can pay me to do so. 8-)
10:54.26nettiemy bas
10:54.33*** join/#asterisk redcap1_ (
10:54.54nettiedo you use callparking?
10:55.08nettieI dont get if this might be useful or not..
10:55.18nettieI dont like to be PARKED :)
10:55.38ManxPowerNow I'm in a race against time.  Will the updates copy before the screaming hoards of morons that can't even figure out to transfer a call get into the office before I'm done.  Tun in at 11 to fine out more!
10:55.45ManxPowernettie, my clients use call parking
10:58.35nettieworks :)
11:01.06ManxPower*grumble*  I'm trying to find a site that does product reviews of coffee makers
11:03.10vgsterwoudl people recommend avm or eicon bri cards?
11:04.06shiznatixcan someone please help me with a GSM Gateway?
11:04.49wasimshiznatix: sure, send it over
11:04.57nettieyou want american coffe
11:04.59nettieor expresso?
11:05.14nettiewhich one?
11:05.40ManxPowerI want something I can plug into the wall, connect to the water pipe, and fill a hopper with beans.
11:05.59ManxPowerthen have it grind and brew either plain coffee, expresso, or whatever
11:06.02nettieamerican coffe is easy
11:06.15nettiethose machines have the hotwater and vacuum thing
11:06.22nettieyou jus tneed to buy Nescafe
11:06.31nettieor granular coffe
11:06.34nettieand you're set
11:06.39nettieyou put it in the cup
11:06.54nettiethen open the hotwater thing and you get a tasty fresh american coffee
11:07.00nettieif you want espresso
11:07.12ManxPowerInstant coffee is DISGUSTING
11:07.14wasimwhat you need is a cook
11:07.24nettiejust buy those
11:07.24ManxPowerwasim, I need a cabanaboy
11:07.31alib80problem: callee answers without a ring. Sip and Zap channels. Incoming and outgoing calls
11:07.33nettiethey're incredible cool for espresso
11:07.33wasimyeah, one of those too
11:07.39nettiebe sure to buy
11:07.43nettiethe RISTRETTO
11:07.49nettieblack caps
11:07.53nettiethose are way the best
11:07.58ManxPowerI was hoping to get something that did not requires special "coffee pods"
11:08.12ManxPowerIf I wanted to spend $30/lb for coffee I'd buy Kona
11:08.34ManxPowerYay!  updates done copying  bbiaw
11:08.47nettiehere at the warehouse I have a saeco
11:08.56nettiethat use rostec coffee beans
11:08.59nettiebut it's expansive
11:09.03nettielike 600 euros
11:09.07nettiebut it's great
11:09.14nettieyou can choose le qty of cream and stuff
11:09.15nettieit's great
11:10.21skefflingI'm looking for a way to make our existing asterisk system act as an ISDN data router. any pointers?
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11:15.59x86is there any way to set the AMA flags on a per-call basis?
11:16.38x86like if the call is headed for an outbound trunk, set the AMA flags to 'billing', or if it's headed for a local extension, just use 'documentation'
11:16.54x86i know i can use the SetAccount application to set the accountcode, but i need to set AMA too
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11:23.04x86RoyK: you know how to modify the amaflags right before dialing a trunk?
11:23.26x86like, i know you can use SetAccount from the dialplan, but is there SetAMAFlags or something?
11:25.24x86i just use SetAccount for setting the account code...
11:28.36alib80hey all does anyone know where I can get OpenH323 (v1.13.5) and PWlib (v1.6.6)
11:28.52alib80i'm trying to get oh323 to work
11:31.19*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
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11:39.22smeevili was wondering how i can monitor for digits while a conversation is ongoing....for example i am talking to a client and press 1 , this will play a predefined file and return the call to me again
11:39.48nettieanyway as rule og thumb, the good american coffee maker is not good for italian espressos.
11:40.15sevardso you could do radio show eqsue fart sounds?
11:42.37Ahrimanesanyone know if queue() timeouts are still dependent on agent timeouts in 1.2.6?
11:42.47smeevilsevard, for example but the real reason is this :
11:43.46smeevilsevard, when i am in a call, and i get a second call, i can pick that up, press 1 , 2 or 3 and a custom message will be played to the caller (like : currently i am busy and will call you back asap), while that is playing i can pick up the first conversation again
11:44.16sevardsmeevil: That's what the voicemail busy is for.
11:44.44smeevilsevard, this was just an example :)
11:44.57shiznatixcan someone make everything that i have to do work so i don't have to do anything?
11:45.21sevardI really like your idea but I would have no idea how to do it in *, you'd probably have to write a custom AGI.  It's an invalid example though ;p
11:45.29Ahrimanesshiznatix: i can.. at a small cost.. ;)
11:45.31sevardIf you find out how to do it tell me :)
11:45.55smeevili just need to know if there is a command that listens for dtmf during the conversation
11:46.07sevardwhat are you writing in?
11:47.14SheriF_WorKi can compile zaptel driver normal but i can't find it in modprobe , any idea?
11:47.22sevardand yes there is stuff to listen for dtmf but in your case you'll need some weird custom dialplans so while you're on a call and the person you're talking to accidentally bumps 1, 2, or 3 and gets your sample played back
11:49.43ManxPowerSheriF_WorK, what distro?
11:50.05ManxPowersmeevil, see the Wiki and features.conf
11:50.29ManxPowersmeevil, you do NOT want to just listen to DTMF during a conversions, you want the system to do something thwn you send DTMF.
11:50.49ManxPoweryou can LISTEN to DTMF during conversation by using ChanSpy or Zapscan.
11:50.55ManxPoweror Zapbarge
11:51.59SheriF_WorKManxPower: mandriva 2006 and i have the kernel-source installed and the card pluged
11:52.08smeevilManxPower, true
11:52.36*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
11:52.39ManxPowerSheriF_WorK, edit /usr/src/linix/Makefile, remove the "custom" from the EXTRAVERSION line, then rebuild zaptel
11:53.03smeevilManxPower, thanks for pointing the configfile out ;)
11:54.08*** join/#asterisk jserve (
11:54.19SheriF_WorKManxPower: thx trying now
11:54.30*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
11:54.43sevard<ManxPower> or Zapbarge
11:56.15ManxPowerSheriF_WorK, zaptel is confused about what version of the kernel you are running
11:56.38SheriF_WorKManxPower: it's still confused didn't work
11:58.52SheriF_WorKManxPower: find it in voip-info thx ;-) checking now
11:58.56ManxPowerpaste the output of this command:   grep "EXTRAVERSION = " /usr/src/linux/Makefile
11:59.09ManxPowerSheriF_WorK, you may have to do a "make clean" in the zaptel dir first
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12:01.09SheriF_WorKManxPower: tehre is another fine need to be edited
12:01.18SheriF_WorKNow go to file:
12:03.34*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
12:07.11*** join/#asterisk CpuID2 (n=none@gentoo/contributor/cpuid)
12:07.31CpuID2hmm, anyone here ever had to reassign a g729 codec licence to a new box?
12:07.41CpuID2from memory your able to do it once without contacting digium...
12:07.55Ahrimanesyes, one time, then you have to call them to have the license reset
12:09.08CpuID2so, can i just build/download a new .so, run the register again with my license code, and itll just take it again? on the condition its only the second time its been used
12:09.38CpuID2k coo, thx :)
12:11.05CpuID2hmm i should really try out my iaxy again, i think i killed it last time :)
12:12.42CpuID2any digium admins around?
12:13.14ManxPowerCpuID2, it's 7:13am DDT (Digium Daylight Time)
12:13.49CpuID2point :)
12:14.03CpuID2hey it was worth a shot lol
12:14.05*** join/#asterisk xbit` (
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12:14.10xbit`hi all
12:15.35xbit`i have a billion 1 port card, could it be used with zaptel, or i have to have a bristuffed asterisk?
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12:17.13wasimi wish i had a billing 1 port cards, i'd take over the grey market voip termination arena
12:18.22ManxPowerxbit`, the standard Digium zaptel package does not support ANY BRI card.
12:19.12*** join/#asterisk Jon335 (n=Jon335@unaffiliated/jon335)
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12:23.50xbit`ManxPower, it has hfc modules... /me is unhappy
12:24.25ManxPowerxbit`, Next time you will do better research before buying a card?
12:24.58xbit`i'd like to use fax with misdn module. is it working now somehow?
12:25.20*** join/#asterisk buzzdee (
12:25.24vopiif I have 3 sip account from provider  , and want to keep in astersik     , and then use soft fone call via astersik ,
12:25.25CpuID2CRAP, where did i get my g729 key mailed
12:25.28vopicould I do that ?
12:26.54xbit`ManxPower, i did not buy it, my company did. and further more, our country's communication system does not like the american digium cards...
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12:28.28vopiis it called Sip trunk ?
12:28.44beberhi there
12:29.05beberi want to start testing Asterisk but I have only one simple POTS line
12:29.16bebershould I had hw or is it ok to go with an ALSA soundcard ?
12:29.22CpuID2hmm where does the g729 register script store its key/license file again?
12:29.39dwmw2_gonexbit`: you can probably use it with mISDN
12:30.15dwmw2_goneI've had incoming fax working with mISDN... never tried outgoing
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12:31.41AhrimanesCpuID2: 2 sec
12:31.56AhrimanesCpuID2: /var/lib/asterisk/licenses
12:32.14CpuID2ah thx
12:32.32xbit`dwmw2_gone, hmmm sounds good. but i did not find howtos about fax and misdn. isnt it special? doesnt even exist here
12:32.43CpuID2i was so sure that was where it was actually
12:32.51dwmw2_gonexbit`: not that I remember
12:32.53CpuID2yet i have g729 showing in translations...hmm
12:32.59AhrimanesCpuID2: hm
12:33.07dwmw2_gonewell, no more so to the extent that anything else about setting up Asterisk is 'special'
12:33.17dwmw2_gonesome people think chan_bluetooth is 'special' too but it works for me
12:33.44CpuID2might start * with some debugging to console, see what it spits when loading the codec
12:35.34taecAnyone know if there's a better way to find the number of people on hold on "Action: Queues" through the API or 'show queues' through the asterisk console. The stuff there is parsable, but only just and not as structured as I'd like.
12:35.39xbit`bristuff works only with asterisk 1.0.x, isnt it too old to use it?
12:36.04dwmw2_gonenever tried bristuff.
12:36.06CpuID2weird...i was so sure i bought a g729 codec
12:36.17AhrimanesCpuID2: just using passthrough?
12:36.38Ahrimanesah free one?
12:36.40CpuID2based on IPP, if im correct thats possibly the intel compiler?
12:36.46CpuID2im thinking maybe so :)
12:36.51CpuID2not 100% yet
12:36.51Ahrimanesheh yeah
12:36.55CpuID2the filesizes def dont match
12:36.58Ahrimanesfetch the one from digium
12:37.04CpuID2ya i did
12:37.14ManxPowerIPP is the unlicensed codec
12:37.27ManxPoweri.e. don't talk about it here.
12:37.29CpuID2that would make some sense
12:37.38CpuID2hmm time to go check my digium a/c
12:37.42CpuID2i was so sure i ordered a licensed one
12:37.49CpuID2ManxPower: np the one we dont speak of :)
12:38.22ManxPowerPeople that use the IPP stuff are confused.  Intel license the CODE for non-commercial use, but as they say in the license for the IPP libs, you still need a license from Voiceage and they do NOT have a "non-commercial" exemption.
12:39.25CpuID2i think i did it once just for kicks, to test on my home box
12:39.30CpuID2barely used it
12:39.39CpuID2but i was so sure i ordered a digium one at some point for home
12:40.05CpuID2unless it was for work *shrug8
12:42.26Ahrimanes$10 aint much anyways
12:42.59CpuID2ya im not too phased bout the $10 really
12:43.08CpuID2considering the money is actually going to the patent owners
12:43.18CpuID2(yes i checked hehe)
12:44.14shiznatixI have a GSM connected to a ISDN card which works with asterisk but when I dial out from a SIP phone to use the GSM and it makes the call and i can connect to the GSM from the phone it dials but the SIP phone I used to make the call gets a busy signal
12:44.22ManxPowerACTUALLY, the money is going to Digium.  Digium paid a MASSIVE amount of money to the patent holders to be able to license it to end users
12:44.32shiznatixits like asterisk stops communicating with my GSM after the initial call
12:44.42austinnichols101ManxPower: define MASSIVE
12:44.50Ahrimanes> $15?
12:45.11ManxPoweraustinnichols101, Ask digium, but I was told by Digium that they expected it to be 5 years for they recoup their money.
12:45.14CpuID2ah ManxPower, makes sense :)
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12:45.37CpuID2wonder who fronted the capital...
12:45.45austinnichols101I kicked in my $150...
12:45.51CpuID2with that kinda ROI timeframe
12:46.23ManxPowerCpuID2, I think that was based on the number of licenses they were selling at the time, i.e. before Digium/Asterisk was well known.
12:46.50CpuID2ah k
12:47.46*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
12:48.19Ariel_Good morning everyone
12:48.27austinnichols101what's good about it?
12:48.36wasimits snowing!
12:48.39CpuID2hmm i really should get CDR setup here now actually
12:48.49Ariel_austinnichols101, it's morning, we are alive and life is over all good.
12:49.14Ariel_wasim, sorry, it's going to be 80 degree's outside no clouds or rain is sight
12:49.17austinnichols101not prepared for that much sunshine yet
12:49.17*** join/#asterisk funxion (n=nunya@
12:49.28wasimAriel_: same here, i'm bugging RoyK
12:49.36wasimAriel_: its snowing in .no
12:49.40funxionanyone using debian here
12:49.46Ahrimanesdont send snow to .dk plz
12:49.48Delvari read that as buggering...
12:50.03Ariel_I do wish it would at least start raining some.  Getting kinda dry outside
12:50.22AhrimanesAriel_: hm we have rain to spare..
12:50.23CpuID2anyone here ever tried an infoglobe on an fxs port? :)O
12:50.33funxionI'm getting this make: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete. and cant remember how to get around it anyone?
12:50.36ManxPowerIt's supposed to be 26F here today
12:50.50Ahrimanesfunxion: using nfs?
12:50.51CpuID2funxion: check your timezone/date/time
12:50.55Ariel_ManxPower, argh cold
12:50.58funxionthats it
12:51.07ManxPowerIt's supposed to be 26C here today
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12:51.16ManxPowersorry, got my letters mixed up
12:51.17AhrimanesManxPower: where are you?
12:51.23Ariel_now that is a big difference
12:51.24AhrimanesManxPower: minor difference..
12:51.26[TK]D-FenderManxPower : we re 2C when I went home last night....
12:51.31ManxPowerAhrimanes, on the top of a mountian in Alabama, USA
12:51.37AhrimanesManxPower: oh ok
12:51.41ManxPowerabout 2 hrs SE of Digium
12:51.44Ahrimanes6 C here i think
12:52.07AhrimanesManxPower: hehe, you're in range for driving there and banging on the door if things get bad
12:52.30ManxPowerAhrimanes, I went up to the Digium offices last week.
12:52.31skefflingI'm looking for a way to make our existing asterisk system act as an ISDN data router. any pointers?
12:52.38RoyK~lart wasim
12:52.46trelane<ManxPower> *KNOCK* *KNOCK* MARK FIX MY SHIT!
12:52.47wasimskeffling: junghanns
12:52.48AhrimanesManxPower: cool
12:52.52ManxPowerskeffling, Define: "data router"
12:53.06wasimskeffling: bri or pri?
12:53.36skefflingwe have a pri line, but want to use asterisk instead of a BRI line and a router to access a remote network
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12:53.40wasimis that a belgian variant?
12:54.03trelaneskeffling, err that should be doable
12:54.21trelaneskeffling, I think digium's cards support fractional PRI's
12:54.22ManxPowerskeffling, not many people do that.
12:54.40trelaneManxPower, on the contrary I have several sites using mixed data/voice PRI's
12:54.45ManxPoweryou need to deal with things like ZapRAS or the zap hdlc kernel module, etc
12:54.53ManxPowertrelane, one person is not many 8-)
12:54.54key2!last kram
12:55.04trelaneManxPower, I was counting sites there
12:55.10key2kram doesnt IRC anymore ?
12:55.35trelanekey2, he's not around much, something about an internet telephony startup and making millions and total world domination and getting his name in Forbes.
12:55.48trelaneleave a message :)
12:56.50skefflingthanks I'll look on to ZapRAS/hdls - it's a pain as we have one suplpier (ironicly a telco) who require us to download a file from them via a ISDN dialup
12:56.58coppiceLinus was going for world domination a few year ago. All he got was 20% of the server business, and a large chunk of embedded. These things never work out
12:57.13trelanecoppice, I know but linus is still trying, he's young yet
12:57.33tzangerelliot: still around?
12:57.33trelanecastro didn't even get his own bananna republic until he was in his early 40's
12:57.42ManxPowerModule 0: Installed -- AUTO FXS/DPO
12:57.42ManxPowerTimeout waiting for calibration of module 1
12:57.42ManxPowerProslic Failed on Second Attempt to Auto Calibrate
12:57.42ManxPowerModule 1: Installed -- MANUAL FXS
12:58.30coppiceNote to me: always remember to add a smilie when making jokes in international forums :-\
12:58.49Ariel_trelane, yes but look how he has killed his own contry getting it at such a young age
12:58.50trelanecoppice, I caught the joke and  chose to ignore it
12:58.50shiznatixhow do I deal with incoming phone calls from Zap? I want to ring a SIP phone when there is a incoming call
12:59.00trelaneAriel_, killed?
12:59.10Ariel_well run into the ground
12:59.16wasimno, no, its how his bigger neighbor did that ...
12:59.31trelaneAriel_, the country with citizens have a better life expectancy than those in the US, better mandatory education, and the best health care in the world free?
13:00.05Ariel_trelane, My family is from Cuba so don't tell me about the mess he has made down there. It's a joke
13:00.14key2trelane: havent talk to him for ever
13:00.18[TK]D-Fenderand lets not even start on the cigars...
13:00.19key2wonder what his email is now
13:00.22CpuID2damn infoglobe
13:00.44coppicescandinavians have nothing to do but study, since it snows for 364 days a year :-)
13:00.46wasimmmmh ... bolivar, royal corona
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13:01.08wasimand  trinidads .... ah, ah ....
13:01.16Ariel_shiznatix, it's easy make the context do exten => s,1,dial(sip/bhah,20)
13:01.42*** part/#asterisk nite (
13:01.45trelaneLiteracy:total population: 97%
13:01.51coppicehighest literacy in the world is in the carribean. it ain't how much you spend on education that counts. its how wisely
13:02.01*** join/#asterisk oej (
13:02.10austinnichols101ariel_: you in MIA too?
13:02.22Ariel_austinnichols101, well yes but really Homestead
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13:02.30trelanetotal population: 77.41 years
13:02.30MattB2hi all
13:02.32austinnichols101good to meet you
13:02.47trelanecoppice, yep
13:02.56trelanecoppice, shooting people that refuse to learn to read is a strong motivator too
13:03.16trelanein fact when I achieve total world domination I will definately shoot people who insist on being illiterate.
13:03.21austinnichols101ariel_: do any commercial asterisk work?
13:03.22coppiceits works with my kids
13:03.23MattB2got a quick question, hope someone can help - i'm running an Asterisk system, taking calls via SIP from voxbone over G.729.  All calls cut out after exactly 5 minutes.  We're struggling to find where this is happening - my guess is something to do with RTP timeout but I'm definitely getting audio which doesn't make sense.  ANyone got any ideas please?
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13:03.29Ariel_austinnichols101, yes
13:03.31trelanecoppice, longer life expectancy in cuba too
13:03.43trelanehe can't be killing too many people if they're living longer there than in the USA
13:03.57coppicetrelane: less risk of being murdered, i guess
13:04.09austinnichols101ariel_: send me you contact info and I can hook you up with some jobs
13:04.10wasimcuban doctors rock, they helped over 100k affecteed in the earthquake area ... more than all other countries combined
13:04.21key2on what kind of server could I run 10.000 concurrent calls with asterisk ?
13:04.23ManxPowerA good dictator CAN do much more than an elected govt.
13:04.34coppicewasim: bet that didn't get too much coverage in the US
13:04.35ManxPowerkey2, none
13:04.58key2ManxPower: why not ?
13:05.06coppiceelected governments are structurally incapable of doing anything long term
13:05.13wasimkey2: 42
13:05.38ManxPowerkey2, because no single PC could do that.
13:05.43coppicekey2: a linksys wrt54g
13:05.46key2ManxPower: a cluster
13:05.56trelanecoppice, the 1.9% unemployment rate isn't bad either
13:06.00ManxPowerkey2, Asterisk does not support clustering.
13:06.03coppicekey2: provided the audio goes peer to peer and the average call is long
13:06.04trelanefor a fuck up Castro sure does well on paper
13:06.08ManxPowerAnd you said "server" not "servers"
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13:06.21Ahrimanescoppice: haha
13:06.25trelaneany american president who could guarentee 1.9% unemployment would get damn near a complete mandate from the voting public
13:06.38coppicei can't work out how countries like france with >20% unemployment can remain stable
13:06.51trelanecoppice, so... you havn't been watching the news?
13:06.55trelanethey're rioting in france
13:07.04key2ManxPower: so there is no way to set for example 100 servers and do a cluster?
13:07.05coppiceCastro wasn't even a commie till Richard Nixon forced his hand
13:07.22Ahrimaneskey2: depends on how you defince cluster
13:07.28Ariel_not ture he was cummie back in 1959
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13:07.45ManxPowerkey2, That would depend on what you want to do.  Asterisk does not support passing call state between servers, so if a server goes down, all calls on that server disconnect.
13:07.50coppicetrelane: rioting in france happens on a good day. it means nothing
13:07.54ManxPowerkey2, you have not read the part on the Wiki about this, have you?
13:08.10Ahrimaneskey2: if any server in the cluster has to have access to voicemail and call forwarding info etc.. it's not that easy
13:08.10key2ManxPower: well basically yeah I did
13:08.20shiznatixHas anyone ever seen this message: 2 Received a Q.921 message from strange/unassigned TEI 11.
13:08.24key2but I was thinking about having a cluster of 100 quadMips for example
13:08.30key2and run asterisk on all of them
13:08.40ManxPowerkey2, so you don't plan on using Zaptel?
13:09.02key2well only SIP, IAX2, MGCP..
13:09.15wasimugh mgcp ... /me faints
13:09.32ManxPowerwasim, MGCP would rock if it worked well.
13:09.35coppicewasim loves MGCP. he's the expert
13:09.50coppiceMGCP was the result of dumb people
13:09.57ManxPowerIt's pretty obvious that SIP's model is a total failure.
13:10.12coppiceMGCP is far dumber than SIP
13:10.25ManxPowercoppice, EXACTLY!!!!
13:10.32wasimwhich actually may be its salvation ...
13:10.43ManxPowerCentralize the smarts in the switch, not the phone!
13:11.07*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
13:11.18key2ManxPower: the question is how could I manage to redirect 10.000 to all the MIPS, would load balancing work ?
13:11.27*** part/#asterisk X-Gen (
13:11.30ManxPowerSIP gives FAR too much control to the device.
13:11.35ManxPowerkey2, fuck if I know.
13:11.44wasimkey2: dns
13:11.59Darwin35build a load balancer
13:12.26wasimkey2: the problem is if you're asking like this, then it probably will not work ...
13:12.39key2why ?
13:12.49wasimkey2: because
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13:13.20*** join/#asterisk chris_ast (n=Administ@
13:14.10chris_astCan someone please tell using flag 'c' with dial?
13:14.29Ahrimaneskey2: simple way to distribute calls over a cluster would be round-robin-dns
13:14.29chris_astsomething like this  1234,5,dial(${TRUNK}c/9871234321,20,r)
13:15.07wasimchris_ast: there is no flag 'c' with dial
13:15.07key2Ahrimanes: well with this method, one could have to convert ulaw to ulaw and not be really loaded
13:15.11chris_astwhen I use it I get this error app_dial.c:1011 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'c'
13:15.27Ahrimaneskey2: ulaw to ulaw? why?
13:15.28ManxPowerwasim, actually it's a group or channel modifier.
13:15.28wasimchris_ast: paste your dial string
13:15.29chris_astwasim: I found it at
13:15.29key2and an other one gsm to alaw and then for the same amount of call it would be overloaded
13:15.47ManxPowerchris_ast, then ${TRUNK} is not a defined variable
13:15.49chris_astmy dial string is exactly as above
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13:15.59key2Ahrimanes: i'm just saying that you won't know if one of the proc is really loaded or just reforwarding the packets
13:16.22*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=karlhubn@
13:16.27Ahrimaneskey2: true, this is why i said "simple" way
13:16.27ManxPowerchris_ast, the line in the Wiki is an EXAMPLE, not a working example got everyone
13:16.45ManxPowerPerhaps you want to actually use Dial(Zap/1c/9871234321,20)
13:16.51Kattygood morning vietasterisk.
13:17.09AhrimanesKatty: hehe, morning
13:17.19ManxPowerwasim, I believe "c" makes a person press a DTMF digit to accept the call, it's better to use the documented stuff.
13:17.24chris_astManxPower, I will give it a shot
13:17.30ManxPowerI need a nap.
13:17.37Kattyme too
13:17.44wasimManxPower: yeah, its not a flag ... sorry, i got confused there too
13:17.47ManxPowerchris_ast, since I don't know anything about your setup I cannot tell you the correct line.
13:17.53Kattyi was late for bed by 1.5hrs because of drama
13:17.58ManxPowerwasim, more of a "modifier"
13:18.00wasimits for answer confirmation
13:18.10ManxPowerKatty, I was awake at 4am to do upgrades.
13:18.25*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:18.26Kattyi think i would've prefered upgrades to drama
13:22.33ManxPowerCheapest Motel 8 / Super 8 is US$109/night in Covington, LA.
13:22.39ManxPowerdamn Katrina
13:23.20chris_astwasim,ManxPower: It did not work. Actually I am trying to  wait until the # key is pressed to complete the call
13:23.48ManxPowerchris_ast, If you actually undderstood Asterisk you might be able to get it to work
13:24.00*** join/#asterisk mog_work (
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13:24.28coppiceManxPower: centralising the smarts is arguably OK if you centralise the right bits. MGCP is a 100% failure in achieving its goal.
13:24.35nettiemanx, I configure my extensions.conf to use the preferred channel dialing 0 before the number. it works flawless if I send the whole number but if I pick the phone up and dial 0 it only sends the 0 on the fly. I dont have physical time to digit the rest of the number. any idea please?
13:25.41ManxPowercoppice, I feel that the IDEA is a good one.
13:26.07alib80hi all i am running asterisk as a sip client to another sip server
13:26.09nettieit's like a dial timeout
13:26.17ManxPowernettie, I'm sorry to hear that.  I can provide personal consulting services for $2,000/day plus expenses.  However it might be cheaper to read The Book
13:26.29jbothmm... thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
13:26.29alib80we are finding that the sip calls don't ring
13:26.34mog_worklol ManxPower
13:26.44mog_workill work for a 1000 a day ^_^
13:26.45alib80they jsut go through
13:26.52nettiedamn manx u're loaded
13:27.00coppiceMGCP's core design goal was to make the gateway simple. in practice it is always the same hardware as a SIP or H.323 gateway, with a different software load.
13:27.00nettie2k per day is good :)
13:27.30alib80any ideas?
13:28.14Ariel_alib80, more info is needed about your dial plan and what type of service your connected too.
13:28.25ManxPoweralib80, people will tell you to use the "r" option to dial.  If someone tells you that you can be sure they are a newbie.
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13:28.34alib80tried that
13:28.38alib80don't work
13:28.41nettieI already BOUGHT the book eheh
13:28.44ManxPoweralib80, it almost never does.
13:28.54alib80we are connecting to a topex
13:29.02alib80which a gsm channel bank
13:29.39ManxPowerBTW, does anyone know of a way on a Zap FXS to increase the DigitTimeout?  Since dialing happens before the dialplan is run, DigitTimeout won't help.
13:30.22ManxPoweralib80, the only reason you won't hear ringing is if the gateway is not sending the correct messages to Asteerisk
13:30.30tzangerManxPower: what are you trying to do?
13:30.32mog_workyou could do batphone slash background disa have complete control ManxPower
13:30.45mog_workor you could go change in zapata.conf / chan_zap
13:31.04alib80ManxPower: we are seeing the ringing message
13:31.23ManxPowermog_work, I was wondering who would suggest the Evil DISA Hack.
13:31.39alib80is it possible that asterisk isn't picking it up
13:31.42ManxPowertzanger, I have to compensate for my users's stupididty.  Apparently they need 20 seconds to dia.
13:31.45alib80we are running asterisk 1.2.6
13:31.58ManxPoweralib80, put in an /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
13:32.13mog_workit would work ManxPower
13:32.18mog_workits how i would fix it for myself
13:32.20mog_workas im lazy
13:32.27mog_workif i was fixing it for someone else
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13:32.38ManxPowermog_work, I suppose it would but DISA is evil and should be outlawed.
13:32.46mog_worki would go find variable in zapata or make a small edit to chan_zap
13:32.50alib80hmmm this could the problem
13:32.53key2ManxPower: so basically, If I had 100 asterisk on a network, what would be the easyest way to use all of them together to have a big pbx according to you?
13:33.02mog_workwell dont do disa, do tone and background
13:33.11mog_workdundi key2
13:33.17ManxPowerkey2, stop asking me more questions.  I already said I cannot help you further.
13:33.18mog_workand iax2
13:33.29alib80thankx ManxPower
13:33.34mog_workdundi, iax2 , and probably regexten
13:33.40alib80we must have deleted by mistake as it was there
13:33.46alib80oh dear...
13:35.10wasimdon't forget mgcp, its a must have on large asterisk
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13:36.18mog_workwhat wasim
13:36.33tzangerManxPower: on zap?
13:36.59ManxPowertzanger, yes
13:37.16tzangerManxPower: what's wrong with immediate=yes and then exten => s,1,DigitTimeout(50000), s,2,Read(${NEWEXTEN}) and s,3,Goto(realcontext,${NEWEXTEN},1) ?
13:37.16ManxPowertzanger, looks like I'll have to modify the source.
13:37.43mog_workwell you need to do playtone to tzanger
13:37.47mog_workso you get dialtone
13:37.53tzangermog_work: ahh yes you will
13:37.54mog_workbut otherwise you got it
13:38.03ManxPowertzanger, 1) it's ugly and VoIP devices let you specify such things.
13:38.12ManxPowerSo I guess SIP *IS* better than Zaptel
13:38.15tzangerManxPower: yes, but hacking up the source seems uglier :-)
13:38.18mog_worki thought it was configurable in zap ManxPower
13:38.24ManxPowermog_work, so did I
13:38.34mog_workprobably should be ....
13:38.35ManxPowerbut I'm still looking for it
13:39.36Kattythere was a donnie darko crash
13:39.48Kattyand apparently fedex has lost 3 pieces of engines this week
13:41.32ManxPowerit's in chan_zap.c
13:42.15ManxPowerI'm tempted to set it to 10,000,000,000 ms just to screw with them.
13:42.22ManxPowerThis office is full of evil people
13:42.41ManxPowerstatic int gendigittimeout = 8000;
13:43.00ManxPowerI don't have overlapping patterns.
13:44.30ManxPowerThis is the same office that says "%50 of the time transfers fail!" but anytime a tech is dispatched to that location they CANNOT reproduce the problem.
13:44.44*** join/#asterisk stuartcw (
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13:46.36fourcheezeIf user A calls B and B's client issues a 302 redirecting to C, then a new call is made between A and C
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13:46.50fourcheezehowever I want B to be billed for that
13:46.53fourcheezeis there a solution?
13:47.18fourcheezeon my cdr I just see a new call
13:47.25Ahrimanesi have that working :)
13:47.29fourcheezeI don't see any way to relate that back to B
13:47.31fourcheezedo tell
13:48.02*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
13:48.17Ahrimaneshm well, 302 redirecting = sip transfer, no?
13:48.26fourcheezecould be
13:48.40fourcheezecarry on anyway
13:48.45Ahrimanesok, well actually i dont have it working yet, but will later today or tomorrow
13:48.46fourcheezebecause I think I need to work that one out too
13:48.59fourcheezesometimes it seems that a Local channel is used
13:49.08Ahrimanesyou need to setup TRANSFER_CONTEXT on the channels and pass around the accountcode
13:49.13fourcheezeand you can work out which user started the call by finding the other end of the channels
13:49.38Ahrimanesi set channel variables on calls to make sure i know who's needs to be billed
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13:49.51fourcheezeAhrimanes: what do you use for actual billing?
13:50.02ManxPowertzanger, it would just be another of several standard patches we have
13:50.02Ahrimanesfourcheeze: at the moment i'm testing mcc
13:50.14fourcheezewhat's it like?
13:50.28tzangerManxPower: I guess I'm still trying to figure out why using immediate for zap isn't good for this
13:50.38Ahrimanesfourcheeze: i even have that patched to allow user b to call user a and then forward to user c.. being billed for 2 outgoing calls at once..
13:50.41tzangerManxPower: because if you have SIP devices you have to screw with the digit timeout on them anyway
13:50.48Ahrimanesfourcheeze: it's nice.. it's an app.. so no agi
13:50.49ManxPowertzanger, I hate immediate.
13:50.59ManxPowerand I hate DISA
13:51.01Ahrimanesfourcheeze: but needs some work on the tariff's etc
13:51.13tzangerand with SIP devices you could do the same thing for slow dialers... exten => _X.,1,Read(${RESTOFEXTEN}) and then Goto(${EXTEN}${RESTOFEXTEN},1)
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13:51.25fourcheezeAhrimanes: I think I may have to try it ou
13:51.35ManxPowerand a patch is a one time thing on my internal source tree, where immediate requires me to change all my dialplans
13:51.39fourcheezeAhrimanes: but you say it doesn't like billing simultaneous calls?
13:51.48Ahrimanesfourcheeze: you should.. it's nice.. i'll have some patches for this transfer stuff soon
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13:52.26Ahrimanesfourcheeze: no no, it handles simultaneous just fine.. pr default connect cost is saved per user, not per destination and small things like that that i'm fixing
13:52.55fourcheezeAhrimanes: does it allow users to login and get their own bills?
13:53.12tzangerManxPower: true enough, I guess it all depends on the when and legacy :-)
13:53.28Ahrimanesfourcheeze: hm, there's some UI yes
13:53.35Ahrimanesfourcheeze: want a peek at my test system?
13:53.40fourcheezepleeeese :-)
13:53.42ManxPowertzanger, We didn't realize our users were too stupid to use analog ports until it was too late for this office.
13:54.19tzangerManxPower: :-)
13:55.14*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (n=mark@
13:56.44ManxPowertzanger, the default time is 8 seconds.  Even my grandmother can dial faster than that.
13:57.43Hmmhesaysyour dead grandmother?
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13:58.12iCEBrkrHey, is there anything special I gotta do to make Asterisk recognize and land in 'fax' when doing outbound dialing?
13:58.15*** join/#asterisk santoshr (i=1063@
13:58.20iCEBrkrDo I need spandsp to make that happen?
13:58.33ManxPoweriCEBrkr, no.
13:58.44iCEBrkrI didn't think so, since I'm not actually faxing anything.
13:58.45*** join/#asterisk fuzzbawl (i=fuzzbawl@
13:58.45ManxPowerthere are three faxdetect options for Zap
13:58.47santoshraudio codec refuse to transfer voice.. all i am getting is just disturbaance and lots of it..
13:59.05ManxPoweriCEBrkr, Huh?
13:59.09santoshrany body has experience with audiocodes sip
13:59.19iCEBrkrManxPower: I just wanna know if I dialed a fax machine, I really don't care to do anything with it
13:59.38Hmmhesaysunfortunately I deal with audiocodes quite regularly
13:59.52ManxPoweriCEBrkr, there is nothing in Asterisk that I know of that will help with you.
13:59.58santoshrohh coool.. though shall pray to Hmmhesays.. ;)
14:00.05*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
14:00.15iCEBrkrThen how the heck does the 'fax' extension work?
14:00.41iCEBrkrI thought if Asterisk detected a fax, it landed in 'fax' and you could continue with your dialplan code from there.
14:00.46ManxPoweriCEBrkr, Asterisk listens to a fax tone, then sends the call to the fax extension.  It is used to detect incoming fax machines.
14:00.56santoshri tried out some of the setting but. its just wont play the voice
14:01.04santoshrits just playin noise.
14:01.08iCEBrkrCrap, that doesn't help me :)
14:01.15ManxPowerI guess MAYBE faxtect for outgoing might do it.  try it and see.
14:01.29iCEBrkrI already have it set for both
14:01.31santoshri did sip debug ..but did not find any errors as such.
14:01.39iCEBrkrOh well, no biggy
14:01.43santoshrHmmhesays: u around dudde
14:01.54ManxPowerThe biggest problem is that if you are not careful when you try to send a fax, asterisk sends the call to the fax extension
14:02.46Hmmhesayswhat do you mean "play voice"
14:02.56RoyKi=0; while true; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=$sip_protocol_designer bs=1 skip=$i; i=$(( $i + 1 )); sleep 1; done
14:03.20santoshri supposed to listen to a playback.. its in gsm format.. the console says its playing.. but all i hear is noise
14:03.48Hmmhesaysdoes it work with a softphone?
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14:04.42santoshrdont know.. but it works with ata's flawlesly and i have a fxo device ... which connect my pstn to *.. i am able to hear roperly when comin in through tht
14:04.53fuzzbawlMy grandstream phones seem to de-register after two days. The register expiration option on the phone is set to 2 hours. Should I increase that to a day? or maybe decrease it to an hour?
14:05.31ManxPowerfuzzbawl, I think your best solution is to stop using grandstream phones 8-)
14:05.38santoshrHmmhesays:   whr should i put this file .. in codec MP1xx12_1_fxs.dat
14:05.40wasimhear hear
14:06.02fuzzbawli'm wondering that myself. What phone is decent then that doesn't cost a small fortune?
14:06.08fuzzbawland works well with asterisk
14:06.17ManxPowerARGH!  I just got outbid at the last min!
14:06.17iCEBrkrfuzzbawl: Grandstreams :D
14:06.42fuzzbawl*sigh* rock and a hard place eh?
14:06.57santoshrHmmhesays: ..?
14:07.52iCEBrkrThis is weird.. h, is getting hit twice.
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14:08.19iCEBrkrI guess Asterisk wants to make sure the call is hungup
14:08.29iCEBrkrOh, I see why.. Nevermind
14:09.00fuzzbawlare grandstream phones really that bad?
14:09.20fuzzbawli'm using GXP-2000's
14:09.22iCEBrkrfuzzbawl: I dunno, I used my BT100 for everything...But now I'm a Sipura whore
14:09.35Mystiqfuzzbawl: you get what you pay for :)
14:09.39ManxPowerIs there anyone on this channel in Tampa, FL?
14:09.47iCEBrkrfuzzbawl: My BT100 wasn't all that bad.  It's a phone. How complicated does it have to be?
14:09.48fuzzbawlwhere is a decent place to get sipura phones?
14:09.55iCEBrkrManxPower: Not me man. :)
14:10.01iCEBrkrManxPower: What's in Tampa?
14:10.17ManxPoweriCEBrkr, some cheap spools of fiber that the seller won't ship.
14:10.42iCEBrkrOh, so you want me to be your shipper?
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14:12.12*** join/#asterisk AlexCTI (
14:12.13iCEBrkrFrick'eh. ${ANSWEREDTIME} isn't populated.
14:12.16santoshrHmmhesays: u around
14:12.24[TK]D-Fenderfuzzbawl : If you're in north america I would suggest Polycom over Sipura. (Actually I'd suggest them ANYWHERE, just that the cost difference jumps overseas)
14:12.58iCEBrkrIs there any reason why these damn variables aren't frick'n set!
14:13.09ManxPoweriCEBrkr, checked README.variables?
14:13.16AlexCTIHi.. someone can help me to set IAX2 connection, for any reason i got fast busy all time
14:13.18coppiceactually, they all suck. the phone the keeps everyone happy has yet to be built
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14:14.20fuzzbawlI just need something that is going to work
14:14.25santoshri hvae a audiocodec mp104 which wont play any voice.. any idea.. guys
14:14.47iCEBrkrManxPower: Not sure what I'm supposed to be reading in there.  But I haven't had problems with other variables.
14:14.49fuzzbawland not de-register from the server every few days, or give me grief because the boss doesn't understand IP phones
14:15.07ManxPoweriCEBrkr, spelling or incorect info on the Wiki
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14:15.25iCEBrkr${ANSWEREDTIME}         * Time from dial to answer (seconds)
14:15.35iCEBrkrI think it has to do with being in 'h'
14:15.50iCEBrkrSeems like once things make it to h, the values are lost.
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14:18.08[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : perhaps best to use "g" in your dial....
14:18.18Kattyit's /hug/ time
14:18.33iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: That's an idea.
14:19.26ljamis OpenSER what I want to use instead of regular SER?
14:20.10ljamstale nonce messages are annoying...
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14:20.54santoshranybody .. audiocodecs... ?
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14:23.25AlexCTIHi someone can help me with this
14:24.09pigpen2does anyone know where I can get a listing of what npa-nxx's are local to a specific npa-nxx ?
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14:24.15pigpen2for LD billing?
14:24.18[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI : You have G729 licensed for your server?
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14:25.22santoshraudoicodecs................wont play anything ?
14:25.53iCEBrkrpigpen2: You could dig around
14:26.01AlexCTIyes, in both sides
14:26.01iCEBrkrI think thats the URL
14:26.11pigpen2no fact I called them...
14:26.15pigpen2they said call my telco...
14:26.16iCEBrkrpigpen2: They have a file you can downnload
14:26.26[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI : Maybe you could describe the PROBLEM...
14:26.27pigpen2SWB said sorry, we don't have that info...
14:26.57[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI : NVM.. just read lower.... thats not a good looking error
14:26.57iCEBrkrpigpen2: You want to know if a number is local vs. long-distance?
14:27.07pigpen2iCEBrkr, yes!
14:27.18AlexCTIis just pass the outbound traffic to the second server
14:27.23pigpen2any info would be great.
14:27.27iCEBrkrpigpen2: I swear that info is in their database.
14:27.49iCEBrkrpigpen2: There's a home_npa_local vs home_npa_toll
14:28.04iCEBrkrpigpen2: You might be able to make something outta that
14:28.08pigpen2Man I looked for an hour...but really I want a listing of what is local, so I can classify local vs. toll for billing.
14:28.19[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI : also I see "iax2/telonline43/" but no definition for the "43" on the end
14:28.23pigpen2iCEBrkr, where are you seeing this?
14:28.27cj-rmDoes anyone know why my call files copied into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing are resulting in asterisk attempting to Dial the number twice???  The context I'm using is Local/XXXXXXX where XXXXXX is the extension (and the number I am dialing)
14:28.46iCEBrkrpigpen2: They have a file you can download, right??
14:28.47cj-rmsorry I mean channel I'm using
14:28.50iCEBrkrpigpen2: It's in their zip.
14:29.03iCEBrkrpigpen2: it's a list of all the areacodes and associated info
14:29.04pigpen2hmm..I haven't even seen the file to download...
14:29.18*** part/#asterisk MattB2 (
14:29.31AlexCTIlet me check
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14:31.35pigpen2why would thy format this in access....oh well..
14:31.41pigpen2thanks..I am looking into it.
14:31.50iCEBrkrpigpen2: Just export to CSV
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14:32.37AlexCTITF D fender: i have a play msg on 9999 exten on server 2
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14:33.40pigpen2iCEBrkr, yeah...first I have to open in on my Mac...hehe
14:33.51iCEBrkrpigpen2: Oh there is that.
14:34.08pigpen2I guess I will have to boot the ol' windows box...
14:34.12pigpen2thanks again.
14:34.14[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI : I don't see your dial entry matching a freid or peer definition.... your dial has extra chards in it...
14:34.27*** join/#asterisk Dimitripietro (
14:35.03AlexCTITK d fender: I get lost.. what you mind?
14:35.14santoshraudiocodec just worked.. cool
14:35.16*** part/#asterisk santoshr (i=1063@
14:35.26DimitripietroIs there a way to compare only the first 3 digit of the $CALLERIDNUM directly in the dialplan ?
14:35.30*** join/#asterisk kardecallan (
14:36.00hensemahas anybody got incoming calls from sipdiscounter working?
14:37.13[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI : #
14:37.20wunderkinDimitripietro, /usr/src/asterisk/docs/README.variables
14:37.37[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI : [telonline] != - Executing Dial("SIP/Alex-e14e", "iax2/telonline43/9999") in new stack
14:37.43*** join/#asterisk redondos (n=redondos@
14:37.59pigpen2iCEBrkr, I have a this listing, how can this tell me if a call is LD or not?
14:38.02[TK]D-Fendernotice the names don't match?
14:38.17Dimitripietro<wunderkin> thx`
14:38.25iCEBrkrpigpen2: I didn't get that far :D
14:38.31pigpen2for example, I am in 210-892, but most calls to 830-xxx are LD, except 830-816, etc...
14:38.39iCEBrkrpigpen2: I'm thinking there's some logic you can do with the last 4-5 columns
14:38.39pigpen2ok...yeah..this is my problem.
14:39.01DandreI have noticed, in some circunstances, that, when a zap channel is connected to another extension, when this extension hangshup, the zap channel doesn't see this event and there is like another inbound call for 1 or 2 secunds. Is there something to do?
14:39.23iCEBrkrpigpen2: ok, shit.. That data won't do it..
14:39.28ljam[TK]D-Fender: you know the different between SER and OpenSER?
14:39.29redondosPlease give me some advice. What kind of E1 link should I get to use with this card, is it R2 or PRI ISDN? Card on ebay:
14:39.52iCEBrkrpigpen2: it just describes how to dial.. If you need 1+10 digit dial, or just 10digit dial
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14:40.00iCEBrkrpigpen2: Sorry man, not sure how you're gonna do that
14:40.51pigpen2I have a bad feeling I am going to have to pay for a database....or online services such as this ^^^^
14:41.05*** join/#asterisk santoshr (i=1063@
14:41.06[TK]D-Fenderljam : One has an "open" in front.... maybe you should go to their web pages and read about what they say they changed and why...
14:41.07cj-rmDandre: I'm getting something that might be similar, where asterisk attempts to dial my Zap channels twice...
14:42.04pigpen2iCEBrkr, thanks for your help...
14:42.50nokyexten => s,n,Dial(SIP/xxxx,15,tw)
14:42.56nokywhat is 'tw' in a dialpeer ?
14:42.59noky'Tt' ?
14:43.07iCEBrkrpigpen2: np
14:43.17iCEBrkrnoky: Wiki
14:43.18Dandrecj-rm: do you have tried some fix?
14:43.33nokyiCEBrkr: i'm wiking
14:43.46iCEBrkrnoky: Ok, look at the Dial() application.
14:44.02Rawplayerwhich option should i google on to block telephonenubers
14:44.07Rawplayernumbers evn
14:44.10nokyi'm looking
14:44.28[TK]D-FenderRawplayer : GotoIf <-
14:44.32iCEBrkrnoky: If it were a snake, it would have bit you already-- IF you were looking in the right place :D
14:44.53holmehHave any of you sent fax over IP?
14:45.21iCEBrkrWhy can't people find the Application list?
14:45.22*** join/#asterisk inv_arp[work] (
14:45.35nokyi'm in
14:45.59Dimitripietro<Rawplayer> I think there is a blacklists fuction
14:46.01iCEBrkrIt's my favorite part of the Wiki
14:46.06Dimitripietrotake a look in the wiki
14:46.30nokysorry i don't have a time to read all wiki
14:46.37nokybut i can't found this
14:46.43[TK]D-Fendernoky : Try aiming for the BIG PRINT then...
14:46.47iCEBrkrnoky: Um, dude, I just gave you the damn webpage..
14:46.54nokythanks [TK]D-Fender
14:46.55Rawplayerthat looks better
14:46.55iCEBrkrnoky: If you don't have time to read, then I don't have time to babysit :P
14:46.58Rawplayerthanks Dimitripietro
14:47.19nokyiCEBrkr: i ask to the channel, not you :)
14:47.29iCEBrkrTrue, true.
14:47.36iCEBrkrok, I take back my URL
14:47.38iCEBrkrgimme it!
14:47.43vgsteris there an easy way to unblock a zap channel?
14:47.57Dimitripietrounblock ?
14:48.05[TK]D-Fendervgster : Funny concept.... how is it "blocked" in the first place?
14:48.23pigpen2Dam! or only returns your call if they are interested in selling to you!  And they actually hung up on me the first time!
14:48.27vgsteri have no idea
14:48.38pigpen2I guess they don't want my money!
14:48.43[TK]D-Fendervgster : Clarify your meaning of "blocked" at least....
14:48.48AlexCTIFender: brb
14:48.58vgsteri keep seeing errors in the asterisk .logs about the zap channels and ive just spoken to the telco who tell me channel 3 is blocked and not accepting calls
14:49.34[TK]D-Fendervgster : maybe you could SHOW us the channel status....
14:49.39Dimitripietrozap show channels ?
14:50.27vgsterPRI Flags: Resetting is of some importance but it isnt doing it
14:50.33*** join/#asterisk littleball (
14:51.17vgsterhmm maybe zap destroy channel 3
14:51.28vgstersee if i can really destroy it
14:51.43[TK]D-Fendervgster : that typically KILLS it and can not be reused until you restart *...
14:52.14Dandre;    debounce:    Debounce timing (default 600ms)
14:52.29vgsterit looks like its trying to restart the channel as the pri flags suggest but hanging
14:52.34Dandreshold that setting help me in my previous problem?
14:52.52DandreI have noticed, in some circunstances, that, when a zap channel is connected to another extension, when this extension hangshup, the zap channel doesn't see this event and there is like another inbound call for 1 or 2 secunds. Is there something to do?
14:53.24ljam[TK]D-Fender: be nice to new users! :)
14:53.30jbalcombanyone running 2 dhcp server as primary and secondary? can you confirm that the dhcpd.master should be EXACTLY the same on both server?
14:54.17elliottzanger: ping....i'm still around :)
14:54.25jbalcombthe CEOs phone is getting an IP conflict even though the DHCP server is configured for static based on its MAC address
14:54.43file[laptop]ljam: no soup for you
14:54.45iCEBrkrjbalcomb: KICK IT
14:54.49*** join/#asterisk ddfire (
14:55.01ljamljam: doh
14:55.15jbalcombiCEBrkr hey hey, ltns. I'm kicking the admin who operates the DHCP servers first..
14:55.21tzangerelliot: any work?
14:55.22ddfirehi, some one  can help me to install kdeor gnome to an asterisk at home? thanks
14:55.25tzangerelliot: er rather any luck?
14:55.31*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
14:55.42*** part/#asterisk Dimitripietro (
14:55.42jbalcombiCEBrkr seems like some BS that i have to figure shit out that other people are supposed to /know/ and manage.
14:56.22jbalcombiCEBrkr i feel kinda like i'm working with a full-time gloge<SP>
14:56.51vgstergrrr raining now
14:56.55elliottzanger: I know that the card is getting interupts and after putting a loopback cable on it I get PRI Error: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too. which is what I expect
14:57.10jbalcombiCEBrkr how's your autodial project coming?
14:57.31*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (n=SwK@
14:57.32tzangerelliot: yes.  is the LED on the back doing what's expected now?
14:57.38iCEBrkrjbalcomb: They keep adding more and more shit to it
14:58.12[TK]D-Fenderljam : Dunno, but I just want.... BANG BANG BANG!
14:58.53elliottzanger: nope...still no light
14:58.57iCEBrkrI don't want to know your name..
14:59.08[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : 1nd33d!
14:59.29*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
14:59.45[TK]D-Fenderljam : Besides I'd held back at least 10 swear words already!  I'm practically a SAINT...
14:59.56jbalcombiCEBrkr also, typical. we are currently pricing a one million e-mail /marketing campaign/. =)
15:00.09iCEBrkroh geesh
15:00.35tzangerelliot: hmm ok
15:00.43redondos[2] Please give me some advice. What kind of E1 link should I get to use with this card, is it an R2 or a PRI ISDN one? Card on ebay:
15:00.50iCEBrkrFrick'n ${DIALSTATUS} 'No Answer' doesn't work.
15:00.53elliottzanger: is there anything else that I can do to test the loopback?
15:01.01tzangerI am at a loss really... can you set up the switch for dms100 signaling instead of national-2?  I don't think it'll make a difference but it's worth a shot
15:01.17redondosIt says it supports E1-ISDN-PRA,E1-R2,E1-channel-bank,E1-2Mbps-DATA.
15:01.33*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
15:01.37jbalcombiCEBrkr i'm pretty excited. As the former Abuse Department Manager for Expedient I have knowledge of the methods to avoid liability. ;)
15:01.44elliottzanger: I'd have to call the tech and get them to change there switch settings and I doubt they are going to want to do that
15:01.55Hmmhesaysjourney get out of my head
15:02.20jbalcombiCEBrkr I've advised them that the safest best is simply not to do it.
15:03.48ljam[TK]D-Fender: jeezus -- you ARE a saint :)
15:04.41[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : You NoOped it?
15:05.17[TK]D-Fenderand what did it say?
15:05.18*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:05.40[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : pastebin some code...
15:05.40iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Thing is, that number rings forever.
15:05.57iCEBrkrObviously Dial() times-out.
15:06.09[TK]D-FenderI wanna see that NoOp and how everything around it gets called...
15:06.10iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Oh, and I'm using call files. FYI
15:06.20[TK]D-FenderFine, just show me the dialplan...
15:06.22littleballhello, i encount a problem when insert a row. the error msg is : duplicate key violates unique constraint "jbp_cms_wsp_prop_pkey"
15:06.35littleballwho can helP me?
15:06.49*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:07.19littleballjbp_cms_wsp_prop_pkey is an index.
15:07.32littleballi don't know how to remove the duplicate key
15:07.42iCEBrkrThat's just parts of it
15:08.14x86i need an inbound DID provider that doesnt charge me per-minute on inbound calls, and has no minimum of the number of DID's i have registered with them
15:08.17x86any suggestions?
15:08.23malverianDoes anyone have a good script to logs all phone calls to a database using the Manager API?
15:08.46x86malverian: err what's wrong with CDR?
15:09.09malverianx86, I can't follow menu choices and such.
15:09.28x86malverian: sure it can, if you split it
15:10.01*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=op3r@
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15:11.05[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : I don't see DIALSATATUS complete there anywhere... looks truncated...
15:11.08*** join/#asterisk huangeeee (
15:11.38iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: That's the order in which things work.. Yea, the strings are truncated since it's an 80 column putty window
15:12.26*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
15:12.26*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- Asterisk 1.2.6 and Zaptel 1.2.5 Released! (March 27, 2006) -=- -=- AMP/FreePBX users should join #freepbx for support
15:12.44iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: ok, reload, I fixed it
15:13.04huangeeeeHi, ich glaube, hier bin ich richtig für ne Frage, oder? Deutsch oder English?
15:13.36malverianx86, Ahh.. call resetcdr(w) any time I want lastapp updated?
15:13.51*** join/#asterisk BrainVirus (
15:13.52*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (n=I@
15:14.02Kernel_Corehi all
15:14.23Kernel_Core180 active channels
15:14.26Kernel_Core91 active calls
15:14.30[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : Doesn't look like the right NoOp is being called....
15:14.33Kernel_Core10:03:49 up 20 days, 22:16,  5 users,  load average: 4.72, 2.59, 1.82
15:14.41Kernel_Coredoesn't it kill VOIP ?
15:14.51[TK]D-Fenderexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,3,NoOp(==========>>   ${PRI_CAUSE} :: ${HANGUPCAUSE} :: ${DIALSTATUS} :: ${CAUSECODE}
15:14.54Hmmhesayswe had a seriously drunken singalong last night, whoa
15:14.55Kernel_Core2.72 load average I mean ....
15:14.58[TK]D-Fendermissing the ='s and more
15:15.01iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Yea, it lands in h
15:15.25[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : it shouldn't and I don't see an "h" there....
15:16.00iCEBrkrIt does.
15:16.08iCEBrkrDial() times-out and it lands in 'h'
15:16.12iCEBrkrI'm not sure why
15:16.20iCEBrkrI pasted in my 'h'
15:16.29iCEBrkrnothing special about it
15:17.07jbalcombmalverian if you figure how to do that i would be very interested in learning about it
15:17.30iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Macro() would do it.. :P
15:17.48*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
15:17.50iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Any prompts, would be a macro, the macro would do the DB hits and act appropriately
15:18.07salviadudyou guys remember the name of the GUI that charges money? not-amp
15:18.37jbalcombiCEBrkr i need much more information that that cause i'm a nub
15:18.50a1fala la la lalalalala
15:18.55iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Yea, but you should understand the general concept
15:19.02jbalcombiCEBrkr and then i need an app that can work with the info
15:19.07coppice"GUI that charges money" sounds rather microsoftish :-)
15:19.38salviadudi once heard about it here
15:19.42salviadudi got this client
15:19.48salviadudand the dude just needs a gui
15:19.48*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:19.56malverianjbalcomb, Currently I just use the manager api for logging.
15:20.05salviadudi'm like "no way maaaan, the console is your friend"
15:20.08malverianjbalcomb, I subscribe to events and look for certain ones to determine who called who...
15:20.13malverianjbalcomb, But it's an enormous hack....
15:20.19Hmmhesaysjust install a@h and let him be
15:20.24salviadudand he's like "look beaner, i need graphics, pretty pictures, mkay?"
15:20.48Hmmhesaysgive him freepbx and be done
15:20.56salviadudalright, freepbx it is
15:21.36*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:21.39Hmmhesaysits pretty, has pictures n shit
15:22.01jbalcombmalverian yeah, i need to see each step of the call and desktop interface that pops up when someone gets a call that shows the steps and times
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15:22.26jbalcombiCEBrkr i want an asterisk equivalent of that Shoreline client we had at MIS
15:22.30malverianjbalcomb, Well.. I have that now.. but I'll warn you.. it takes up a TON of DB space :-P
15:22.41iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Me too... now hang on a second
15:22.46jbalcombmalverian what about doing it in MySQL?
15:23.05malverianjbalcomb, That's what i use.
15:23.23malverianI guess it's only 10mb right now...
15:23.42jbalcombmalverian oh, then db space is no concern really. if the 5K we dropped on the DB server can't handle that i'll be upset.
15:23.59iCEBrkrjbalcomb: open that URL, damnit
15:24.02jbalcombiCEBrkr why you puttin cookie on my puter?
15:24.12iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Cuz you were a good boy
15:24.20fuzzbawlcookie go in mouth
15:24.56jbalcombiCEBrkr thats a sweet lookin app. how much $$$?
15:24.56*** join/#asterisk fjean (
15:25.06fjeanhello guys !
15:25.25iCEBrkrjbalcomb: huh, it's a prototype... err proof of concept at the moment
15:25.29fjeanhey I really need help on this thing, it's about SIP peering..
15:25.44jbalcombiCEBrkr can i be a beta testing contributor?
15:25.45iCEBrkrjbalcomb: and it should look a bit familar
15:26.48jbalcombiCEBrkr yeah cause all your shit looks the same!! haha.. umm. how so?
15:27.03fjeansomeone sending me  551234567@<my ip>  can I route it to a SIP peer without having him to authenticate ?
15:27.10iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Obviously you don't remember what Shoreline looked like
15:27.26[TK]D-Fenderfjean : yes
15:27.38jbalcombiCEBrkr not so much. remember how i got fire just shortly after we switched..
15:27.40fjeanFender - how, can you explain to me ?
15:28.11[TK]D-Fenderfjean : in sip.conf set a context in [general], and set "allowguest=yes"
15:28.25fjeanFender: ok, but ouch
15:29.04fjeanFender - any other control I can have, like controlling the ip its coming from ?
15:29.17Winkiehey gents
15:29.31buzzdeeI have issued a pri debug span 1, and have the debug output there:, there someone tried to dial a 8904305 the pri debug output only shows the 89043
15:29.40Winkieanyone had much experience with chan_agent and asterisk's manager interface?
15:29.43[TK]D-Fenderfjean : possibly... maybe you can verify based on the incoming channel...
15:30.20[TK]D-Fenderfjean : if you are checking IP/hosts why would you juyst hve them send an authenticated call?
15:30.22buzzdeeas the dialled number, and asterisk redirects it to the main number because it doesn't know about the 89043
15:31.09fjeanFender, so if i put allowguest, it goes to the default context, right, and I just put there the DID number as the extension
15:31.24buzzdeeanybody can tell me why in the debug output is only a 89043 instead of a 8904305?
15:31.50fuzzbawlanyone use grandstream phones? What's the significance of increasing/decreasing the "Voice Frames per TX" ?
15:32.13[TK]D-Fenderfjean : it goes into whatever context you want it to go into containing whatever extens you want....
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15:32.59[TK]D-Fenderfjean : I use it for people calling me at "andrew@myserver" with exten => andrew,1,(do something here)
15:33.16buzzdeefuzzbawl, destroyed my one and only grandstream with a firmware update
15:34.27fjeanFender - ok
15:34.56fjeanFender - using default context ?
15:35.16*** join/#asterisk Master_PE (
15:35.22[TK]D-Fenderfjean : depends what you mean by "default"
15:35.40[TK]D-Fenderfjean : it goes to the one you NAME in [general]
15:36.03fjeanFender - ok, cool
15:36.04Winkiebuzzdee: wait are you referring to incoming calls?
15:36.22fjeanFender - sure let me try  :-)
15:36.48buzzdeeyes, that are incoming calls from external pstn
15:37.07Winkiebuzzdee: you had a word with your provider yet? we had a similar problem although it was digits missing from the start
15:37.13Winkieturns out they'd just screwed up our DDI specification
15:37.17buzzdeewhen someone uses a mobile, then the whole number is sent as a block 8904305 and the correct extension is ringing
15:38.00buzzdeebut when someone picks up an old phone, waiting for dial tone, then dialling, he will hear it ringing after 89043 and asterisk redirects the call to our main number
15:38.02Winkiebut when it's a landline it's different?
15:38.09austinnichols102Need a bit of help with a 7960.  Even though I have call waiting activated, the phone will only receive a single call (second call falls to busy)
15:38.15Winkiebuzzdee: and these old phones are POTS?
15:38.20ManxPowerI still think buzzdee has a pattern problem
15:38.26buzzdeeyes, and some older ISDN phones
15:38.32ManxPowerBut he's using FreePBX/Asterisk@Home, so who knows
15:38.40WinkieManxPower: if he's hearing ringing on 89043 it's most likely a telecomms company problem
15:38.57Winkiebuzzdee: where are you from?
15:39.11buzzdeebut the pri debug output shall be independend from the freepbx or not? ManxPower?
15:39.25buzzdeei am from germany
15:39.54Winkiebuzzdee: what would be a normal length phone number for you? i know nothing of your numbering system
15:39.56austinnichols102buzzdee: we already looked at the pri debug - you're only receiving 89043
15:40.09Winkiebecause it sounds like the telecomms company is trying to ring through to you prematurely
15:40.27buzzdee8904305 is the standard length
15:41.34ManxPowerbuzzdee, correct.
15:41.42ManxPowerperhaps it's as simple as needing pridialplan=unknown
15:42.28buzzdeewhat is that pridialplan all about?
15:43.15Winkiebuzzdee: i wouldn't try and debug your asterisk, phone your telecomms company first
15:43.15buzzdeeshall i add this in the zapata.conf?
15:43.54Winkiebuzzdee: i wouldn't bother, it certainly sounds like their fault
15:44.01Winkieyou shouldn't get any presentation until the full number has been dialled
15:44.02buzzdeeWinkie, and all the others, I'll do that and come back and let you know
15:44.26Winkiebuzzdee: well it's whoever owns the 89043 that's screwing you
15:44.26buzzdeeWinkie, thanks, that makes me feel happy, as I first look at myself for a fault
15:44.50Winkiebuzzdee: i know what you mean but i can't see this being your fault, you shouldn't even know that someone has dialled that number until they've dialled 7 digits
15:44.58ManxPowerit should normally not be set or be set to unknown
15:45.02buzzdeethe 8904-0 up to 8904-599 is our number block
15:45.05saftsackwhen will digium release its p400b bri card?
15:45.43Winkiei can confirm that both pridialplan and prilocaldialplan are set to unknown in my zapata.conf
15:46.05buzzdeeWinkie, ok, got it, i'll call the telco tomorrow, at that time there is only a hotline that cannot help
15:46.13Winkiebuzzdee: by 'our' do you mean you rent it from a comms company or you actually lease it from the telecomms regulator? I don't know anything about germany's telecomms infrastructure
15:47.22*** part/#asterisk Stuka (
15:47.57buzzdeewe got the number block 8904-0 up to 8904-599 in our town from the german telecom, then we have a pri selection agreement with ecovoice for dialling "cheap" out
15:48.00jbotrumour has it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
15:50.35Winkiebuzzdee: right, well it may be that they accidentally diverted it to you, you can probably deal with it by creating 3 digit extensions for the last 3 digits and not indicating ringing if someone dials the short version, whatever if it varies from mobile to POTS, they need to modify it i'd say
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15:50.55Winkieand if that doesn't make sense, here is an abridged version:
15:51.04ManxPowerbuzzdee, do you have pridialplan set, and if so what is it set to?
15:51.07Winkieyou can possibly workaround it but don't bother, call them
15:51.38buzzdeegrep pridial * in /etc/asterisk produces nothing
15:51.41buzzdeeso, not set
15:51.58ManxPowerbuzzdee, try setting it to unknown
15:52.13SpaceBassordered my WIP330 yesteday....lets see how long it takes to deliver
15:52.22buzzdeei actuall do not use shorter extensions like three digits
15:52.45Winkiebuzzdee: i know, i'm just saying you could work around your problem with a bit of hacking but it wouldn't be perfect
15:53.23WinkieSpaceBass: looks like a nice phone, i want a decent windows mobile 5 sip client that requires less than 200mhz (htc wizard)
15:53.36redondoswhat voip service do you usually recommend?
15:53.42SpaceBassWinkie using the ppc6700 myself...cannot find anything goo
15:54.21mutwhats a good way i could programatically delete a voicemail box on a * machine from a window server, asp webpage
15:54.34mutall i can think is mount the voicemail directory via a samba
15:54.41mutand use a FSO and delete it that way
15:55.13Winkiemut: you could do that certainly, a company i did some work for uses apache, password protected directories and sudo to do their administrative work through ASP > Perl > sudo > root
15:55.34Winkieunless you're using a language that can connect via SSH (read: most things better than ASP) you're going to have to hack something up i fear
15:55.48coppiceWinkie: which processor is in the HTC wizard?
15:55.55muthow am i going to get apache to run asp code
15:56.16muttrying to build it into my current content management system
15:56.29mutwhich is IIS/asp on a totally seperate server
15:56.37Winkiecoppice: the 200mhz dual core thing
15:56.47buzzdeepridialplan=unknown gesetzt und neu gestartet, wieder warten auf anruf (:
15:56.49Winkiemut: yes they used apache on the linux server :)
15:57.06*** part/#asterisk austinnichols102 (n=austinni@
15:57.08coppiceWinkie: you mean the new OMAP?
15:57.10ljamanyone ever install CentOS 4.3 x86_64 onto Xeon processors? (Dell 1750)
15:57.20Winkiecoppice: i believe so, i am honestly not sure
15:57.26muti could do a ssh dll
15:57.41ljamhad someone at the NOC reload a system for me, and they said it did not support long mode....
15:58.00coppiceWinkie: it matters quite a bit when looking at speeds. 200MHz on that is something like 400MHz on a stinky X-Scale
15:58.35coppiceunless you have an X-Scale with MMX, and code that makes good use of it
15:59.02Winkiecoppice: indeed, although my friend's htc blue angel is slightly better, it has a 440mhz processor
15:59.21Winkiecoppice: to be fair it'd been a reasonably nippy phone, it's buggy and locks up too much but i'll hard reset it and load the latest shit on shortly
15:59.39Winkieit's probably the only PDA phone i'd ever consider buying at the moment though
15:59.46coppiceDuh! its a Windows phone. of course it locks up
16:00.02Winkiehey :(
16:00.07Winkieit's the only windows device i own
16:00.16coppiceHTC are growing at a phenominal rate, though
16:00.21Darwin35hey stanger
16:01.02Winkiecoppice: certainly, feb next year is when i care though
16:01.15Winkiecause i have a 12 month contract and i upgrade at the end of every cycle, i complain too so i get a better deal :]
16:01.54coppiceHTC are now selling a lot in Asian using their own name
16:02.07coppicewhich isn't HTC, but DoPod
16:02.52Winkieyeah i heard, plus orange, o2, tmobile, imate etc will all sell them branded
16:03.24coppicethe O2 tail is funny. they sell them all over the world with that label on
16:04.03Winkieyeah i have an o2 one
16:04.09*** join/#asterisk epl (
16:04.11Winkielittle 'o2' icon on the fascia
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16:04.22Winkiean extended rom full of crap i didn't install
16:04.25mutmaybe i could do it via ftp
16:04.30muteasy to make an ftp dll
16:04.58Winkiemut: you shouldn't have to, why haven't you got Activeperl installed?
16:05.17mutbecause i don't need it for anything else
16:05.23buzzdeeholy shit, just nothing worked, but got it back working
16:05.34buzzdeei shall not try five things at the same time
16:05.42Winkiebuzzdee: how do you mean?
16:06.05Winkiemut: oh, well you should have it installed just as a general purpose scripting language, it can do SSH, FTP etc without having to write a DLL :)
16:06.09buzzdeei will set the pridialplan=unknown and will test it later (:
16:08.09buzzdeeWinkie, I'll test this evening, with another "minimal" configured machine, whether there is the same behaviour or not, and then call tomorrow the telco if it behaves the same
16:08.27Winkiebuzzdee: let me know, i'll probably be here
16:09.00*** join/#asterisk tamp4x (n=Lab@
16:09.16tamp4xhow does the dial comamnd formating apeear for use with h323?
16:09.24Op3rwhich is better for a predictive dialer vicidial or gnudialer?
16:09.28buzzdeeWinkie, I'll do so
16:10.52*** join/#asterisk heka (n=heka@
16:11.18hekaHello, how can I send a sip call using username and password like I can do using IAX
16:11.28hekaI have tried this SIP/extension@username:password@IP but didnt work
16:11.33hekaany idea?
16:12.01lzhanghello, my Polycom IP501 is not getting any speed dials in the directory. Here is the error from the logs: 0403192726|cfg  |4|00|Edit|Error uploading local cfg /ffs0/local/local-directory_xml.zzz to server (errno = 0x44)
16:12.03lzhangany ideas?
16:12.11salviadudtry it the other way
16:12.27buzzdeei think the softdtmf and relaxdtmf entries i did caused my problem, i always got an unavailable after dialling a number
16:13.54inv_arp[work]can anyone recommend a  page that explains specific dialplan differences in 1.2.x
16:13.57mutwell maybe i'll try that then
16:14.09hekasalviadud: that dosent work
16:14.35salviaduddamn sip..
16:15.21*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
16:15.25salviadudyou might have to register it in sip.conf, unfortunately
16:15.31hekaI have register
16:15.32SpaceBassanyone have a good recomendation on a good cheep DID provider? I want a dedicated number to put on a resume
16:15.47salviadudthe username and password in sip.conf?
16:16.22hekasip show registry shows that it has been registred
16:17.12salviadudwhat does the cli show you as a degub message?
16:17.45key2!seen bla
16:17.50key2!seen kram
16:18.32rpmhow can i write all incoming calls and outgoing calls to a database so i can keep track of them?
16:19.08*** join/#asterisk vopi (n=kkk@
16:19.31lzhangrpm: cdr realtime
16:20.17hekaThe problem looks like asterisk is sending the call using the clientID of the local client
16:20.47salviadudheka, pastebin
16:21.20*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (i=kev@
16:22.24Dream_WEaverOkay, bewildered.  zaptel 1.25 seems to install all the modules in a misc/ directory -above- the kernel modules directory.  Anyone else suffer this?
16:22.26hekathe 112 is a local callerid and not the username that asterisk is getting registered
16:23.11salviadudyet, that's as far as i go
16:23.19salviadudi've never encountered this type of error
16:23.23Dream_WEaverAnd is anyone else suffering from bad a bad timer (ztdummy) on a SMP kernel?
16:23.34salviadudi won't like to ya heka, i don't know what comes next
16:23.40hekathere must be something to put in sip.conf to tell asterisk not to only forward the call
16:23.58salviadudi mean, i won't lie to ya
16:24.29hekano problem salviadud, thank you anyway. I bet there should be someone who can help me
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16:31.43hekaanybody can help me terminating calls using sip?
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16:45.25SpaceBassheka whats the issue?
16:47.51hekaSpaceBass: Im trying to route a call to a provider that I have register using sip.conf
16:48.05hekabut asterisk is sending the call using the caller id of the local phone
16:48.11SpaceBassso you are trying to call out via a sip provider?
16:48.16hekaand not the username that have registered with
16:48.21hekaSpaceBass: yes
16:48.26SpaceBasswho is the provider?
16:48.37hekaI have sip credit :(
16:49.07SpaceBassguess that means voiptalk supports setcallerid
16:49.13*** part/#asterisk austinnichols102 (n=austinni@
16:49.15SpaceBassare you using asterisk@home or regular asterusk?
16:49.45SpaceBassin your dial plan you should be able to insert a line for: setcallerID
16:49.56SpaceBassin the asterisk CLI type show application setcallerid
16:50.02SpaceBassthat will give you the syntax
16:50.09*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
16:50.23ljamdon't use SetCallerID() -- use the CALLERID() function instead
16:50.26hekaSpaceBass: Im setting the callerid localy for billing, can I send the call using username:password?
16:50.42SpaceBassljam thanks...guess I'm a bit behind...whats the difference?
16:50.55ljamSpaceBass: SetCallerID() is deprecated :)
16:51.14SpaceBassheka afaride i don't follow you...what do you mean about setting it for billing?
16:51.18*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
16:51.33ljamSpaceBass: yes -- its impossible to stay caught up unless you're not doing much of anything else :)
16:51.34hekalets say the callerid of a localphone is 100
16:51.50hekaI have to bill the 100 in asterisk so I have to set the callerid to 100
16:52.02hekaand then send the call to voiptalk using voiptalk username
16:52.13SpaceBassljam unfortunaly my real job has so little to do with voip....but its become more of an obsession than hobby for me
16:52.33SpaceBassheka so you are setting up a service like a calliing card
16:52.44ljamSpaceBass: welcome to the club :)
16:52.58hekaSpaceBass: something like that!
16:53.18*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dav1 (
16:53.24SpaceBassheka if I understand what you want to do, you should still be able to bill the user that is logged in to the asterisk account AND use callerid() to change the outgoing caller ID
16:53.51Winkiei tell you something, CDR sucks but chan_agent and asterisk manager sucks more :(
16:53.56SpaceBasswhat is REALLY odd is that typically you cannot set the caller it something like has to be a real phone number in existance in order for your provider to take it
16:54.39SpaceBasswhats the URL to voiptalk... i see a few different ones
16:54.45hekaSpaceBass: I can send the call using realphonenum@ip, but if there is a way to do username:password@phonenum@ip
16:54.50hekathat would be great
16:55.19SpaceBassheka there is a way to send the user/pass in the SIP URL, but I dont know what it is off my head
16:56.28*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
16:56.35hekaSpaceBass: that`s what I want, I cant find it anywhere
16:57.36Winkieheka: gimmie a sec
16:57.59*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
16:58.01*** join/#asterisk vopi (n=kkk@
16:58.20Winkienearest i can see is
16:58.22hekaWinkie: 2
16:58.28Winkiedoesn't ask for user/pass but user at least
16:58.56SplasPoodanyone ever used app_mwanalyze for testing milliwatt tones?
16:58.57buzzdeeWinkie, YESS
16:59.21buzzdeesomeone told me i shall add overlapdial=yes
16:59.24*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
16:59.47buzzdeenow it works, the asterisk receives the 89043 and waits for the rest of the digits
16:59.51Winkiebuzzdee: ooh i didn't even know that existed, my 3 digit extension suggestion was a hack based around that
16:59.59Winkiealso hey lilo
17:00.20vopianybody work with SIP trunk ?
17:00.31Winkiei didn't think you could trunk SIP
17:00.36buzzdeenevertheless, you helped a lot
17:00.41wasimonly IAX2 does tunking
17:00.53Winkiebuzzdee: at least i know that exists now, also lol:  Subject: =?iso-8859-1?B?R28gYXBlIHdpdGggS2luZyBLb25nIGZvciBHQlAgMTQuNzcgb24gRF
17:01.02Winkiedon't you love email
17:01.33hekaWinkie: do you mean for Dial(SIP/ or for somethingelse that I couldnt find?
17:01.46vopihmm my plan .. I have  5 sip account from provider
17:01.47Winkieheka: that's about the nearest i can find
17:02.02buzzdeehe told me that the overlapdial was a default in asterisk 1.0.X but not anymore in 1.2.X
17:02.20vopican I keep all account in asterisk ?
17:02.28Winkievopi: of course
17:02.31wasimall but the swiss ones
17:02.35vopiand use some client call via this asterisk
17:02.41Winkiebuzzdee: ah that would make sense, i've never tried it directly
17:02.49Winkiemut: any luck?
17:02.50hekaWinkie: thats not what Im asking for, instead of "user" I have the real phone number
17:03.20Winkieheka: how do you mean the 'real' phone number?
17:04.12hekaI need something like sip/username-I-want-to-set@username-I-want-to_call@ipaddress
17:04.17vopiso should I work with sip trunk or AIX ?
17:04.51*** join/#asterisk troyb1 (
17:05.11SpaceBassvopi not sure I understand what you want to do...use 5 sip providers on one asterisk box?
17:05.32vopiSpaceBass : yes
17:05.45vopi5 SIP acc from 1 provider
17:06.09Winkieheka: how do you want to set the username? on the client or what? i'm very confused :)
17:06.16Winkiealso vopi you don't need anything special to do that in asterisk
17:06.19Ariel_vopi, you can have sip trunks
17:06.22SpaceBassvoip you can do that with asterisk
17:06.30SpaceBasshey Ariel_ Long time no see!
17:06.39Ariel_SpaceBass, how are you?
17:06.48Winkiei'm out of here, later gents
17:06.55SpaceBassstressed out with work...but otherwise good
17:06.57Ariel_heka, are you trying to dial direct to ip address?
17:07.03hekaWinkie: on URL
17:07.12vopilook like I can do Termination
17:07.28Ariel_working back as self employed trying to get new customers.  but allot better did not like working for a company.
17:07.30hekaAriel_: I know you`ll help me :). Im trying to dial to voip talk, but I need to set the username:password to sip url
17:07.30vopiI so new ;p
17:07.36vopijust install asterisk
17:08.04*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
17:08.31Ariel_heka, so do dial(sip/user:password@url/${EXTEN},20)
17:08.52hekaAriel_: let me try
17:09.15vopihmm so I need to read about Trunk handbook ?
17:09.25Ariel_trunk handbook
17:09.31Ariel_hummm what is that
17:09.43jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
17:09.43*** join/#asterisk MagMaz (
17:09.49vopihehehe  document
17:09.52Ariel_get the book on line... great reading
17:10.49hekaAriel_: No such host:
17:11.05Ariel_heka, can you ping
17:11.26Ariel_can you do nslookup on them
17:11.29hekaAriel_: yes, but it is taking the as host
17:11.48hekawhat about doing instead of
17:12.41hekathat dosent work either
17:13.31Ariel_heka see above
17:14.12hekaAriel_: I see,
17:14.15*** join/#asterisk VoIPMasta (
17:14.29Ariel_heka, that is from show application dial on the cli
17:15.06hekaI know that and I have try to do that all the day long
17:15.10hekabut no success
17:16.18Ariel_OK so your trying to dial,sip/user:password/${EXTEN}@URL
17:17.09*** join/#asterisk nxu7 (
17:19.12hekaAriel_: now the call goes through but it is still sending the local callerid
17:19.59ljamtzanger: so I forget from your email to the taug list -- but did it come up with the conclusion that an X100P in a server is a better timing source than the kernel?
17:22.41*** join/#asterisk h3x0r (i=Justino@
17:25.49Ariel_heka, how about setting your callerID before you dial out.
17:26.52*** join/#asterisk Deep6 (n=DEEP6@
17:28.15Deep6guys any reason why asterisk hangs up after it plays a background sound even though I have other same priority items in my extension context
17:30.17*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
17:33.03dasenjodo I need gcc-3.4 to compile zaptel-1.2.5?
17:33.06Nugget"same priority"?
17:33.20ljamdasenjo: you getting this error?
17:34.02ljamDeep6: priorities must continually increase as Nugget is hinting at
17:34.14ljam <-- zaptel error on CentOS 4.3, what am I doing stupid? :)
17:34.34dasenjoljam, no .. this one
17:34.36jbotit has been said that centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernel (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. This is part of the 'kernel-devel' package.
17:34.47*** join/#asterisk juice (n=juice@
17:35.23[TK]D-Fender[13:35] <jbot> Someone already said that 2 seconds ago <- STFU!  Stupid packet prioritization!
17:37.06ljam[TK]D-Fender: oh shit yah! I totally forgot about that one
17:37.19justinu|laptopyou're just too slow :P
17:38.13*** join/#asterisk BugKham (n=HamYai@
17:38.23justinu|laptopshort bus ;)
17:39.01dasenjoljam, so .. can I compile with gcc-3.3?
17:39.01ljamreally short :)
17:39.08ljamdasenjo: sure -- why not :)
17:39.18ljamhonestly, not positive -- I'm using 3.4.5 here
17:39.40dasenjoIm gonna install 3.4 ..
17:40.02Deep6ljam, the examples in the handbook for a mainmenu all use priority 1
17:40.31ljamDeep6: which handbook? and if thats the case, it is wrong -- priorities MUST increase by +1 each step
17:40.50[TK]D-FenderDeep6 : Pastebin what you've done....
17:40.53jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
17:40.58ljamPRIORITIES must increase, but not extensions
17:41.23ljamI'd go look, but I'm rediculously busy
17:42.04[TK]D-FenderDeep6 : That document is ANCIENT.... go read THE BOOK
17:42.07jboti guess thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
17:42.22ljamyay :)
17:42.39*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@unaffiliated/somegeek)
17:42.59[TK]D-FenderDamn, too many whoring companies polluting the wiki...
17:43.21[TK]D-FenderDeep6 : So go pastebin your extensions.conf and let us take a lok at what you're doing with it...
17:43.37Deep6[TK]D-Fender, it's really simple cause I'm messing around but yeah
17:44.11Deep6and it hangs up after main menu not waiting for me to push 1
17:44.31nokycan i record a call from Monitor ?
17:44.36nokyi only record a call from a unique side
17:44.44nokyin two distinct files
17:45.04Deep6as for the book, is it a single pdf somewhere?
17:45.07nokyi want to record all the call in unique file, is that possible?
17:45.34Ariel_noky, yes just look up monitor on the wiki
17:46.02ljammog_work: have you been looking for them? :)
17:46.16*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
17:46.19salviadudmixmonitor maaaan
17:46.25[TK]D-FenderDeep6 : Couple of things : you do not have an "Answer" in your menu so there is no channel to maintain upon the termination of "s".  next we need to make sure in [general] you have "autofallthrough=no"
17:46.28salviadudworks like a charm
17:46.41*** join/#asterisk squinky86 (n=ASGjon@unaffiliated/squinky86)
17:46.53mog_worki am getting fairly close to the altar so not really ljam
17:47.43Ariel_altar...hummm anotherone bytes the dust...
17:47.48Hmmhesayswow i am getting a seriously weird rtp stream between my asterisk and cisco
17:47.55[TK]D-FenderDeep6 : Fix these two things and then pastebin your new extensions.conf and after applying the changes, pastebin the CLI output of a call to show us how it reacts
17:48.09ljammog_work: that's why you gotta get it in NOW :)
17:48.22mog_worknah im good thanks
17:48.42ljammog_work: I gotta find you an extra sweater for your marriage gift....
17:49.16ljam<-- leif -- you requested a sweater at VON -- in exchange for something... I forget what
17:49.30ljamI think some collared Digium shirts or something
17:50.01mog_workwhen did you start going by ljam
17:50.07mog_workdid blitzrage die?
17:50.09Deep6[TK]D-Fender, I found out the autofallthrough=yes, but it's recommended that you have it like that.....
17:50.16Deep6I'm too green to understand the "Answer"
17:50.31Deep6I'll gladly go through the manual if you can point me to it
17:50.44jboti heard thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
17:50.44salviadudthe answer app?
17:50.45Deep6the handbook thing was nice cause it really detailed everything step by step
17:50.53[TK]D-FenderDeep6 : "autofallthrough=no" <- do it.... And the first line of your "s" exten should be "Answer"
17:50.55salviadudjesus all mighty
17:51.05[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : Yes my child?
17:51.23terrapeni wonder if my foneBridge will arrive today
17:51.41Hmmhesaysargh, wtf is wrong with my 7960
17:51.41Ariel_fonebridge.... humm nice
17:51.56salviadudwell, i was just really impressed at deep6, the answer app speaks for itself
17:52.00Ariel_Hmmhesays, it's an Cisco 7960 that is what is wrong
17:52.07ljammog_work: hehehe -- I switched my nick too many times like week and decided to go with the initials style nick for a bit
17:52.25ljam7960 works great for me :)  (7.4 FW I think)
17:52.31terrapenstupid UPS.  it's already in Salt Lake but they will sit on it today because I only paid for 3-day shipping
17:52.34fileljam: what is your full name any way...
17:52.38*** join/#asterisk angler (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
17:52.46Deep6salviadud, settle down....  I found the book as well... I'll read up
17:52.48ljamfile: Leif Joseph Alan Madsen
17:52.58ljamfile: not really :)
17:53.12ljammy middle names are pretty boring compared to the first :)
17:53.18salviadudthat's a great book, very entertaining too
17:53.20xbit` <- why i get my incoming isdn calls to 'default' context in ext.conf? misdn.conf has misdn ext. for context.
17:53.22filewell, you can't get any better then Leif
17:54.00salviadudi like the part when they explain why the phone industry is a game of Junk wars with old-school propietary pbx's
17:54.46[TK]D-Fenderljam : Hey... why aren't you using that Polycom I spent time helping you get set up?!?!  HUH!?
17:55.42[TK]D-FenderI'm waiting for my IP301 & IP501 to arrive...
17:56.31Deep6[TK]D-Fender, brilliant call on the book, diving in now
17:56.34*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
17:56.43Deep6ljam, and authors...kudos
17:56.48Hmmhesaysanyone know what would be causing  my 7960 to be sending the wrong rtp sequence number?
17:57.20Hmmhesaysits seriously causing some really weird stuff to happen
17:57.54mog_workjitter / timestamp issue?
17:58.10Hmmhesaysits every other packet
17:58.22mog_worki have to give huge kudos to ljam etc as they have autographed and gotten me 3 books ^_^
17:58.27ljam[TK]D-Fender: because I had to give it to Jared for some programming help, then I think it got stolen
17:58.42ljammog_work: selling them on ebay and making the big bucks now? :)
17:58.43*** join/#asterisk mgob (n=goldenol@
17:58.51mgobhi all
17:59.19mgobanyway of joining two gsm files like an -in and an -out so the voices are in the right place... doing a simple cat will put the files together but not mix them properly
18:00.00mog_workheh not yet ljam
18:00.08mog_worki am gonna give one to my dad
18:00.16mog_workso i will actually have purchased one
18:01.53salviadudmgob, you need soxmix
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18:03.21Deep6so guys anyone got a rebuttle to the suit's but who do we call when we have a problem
18:03.24Deep6with asterisk
18:03.26*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
18:03.29Skarmethhi all
18:03.48mog_workdigium Deep6
18:03.55salviadudthe markster
18:03.56mog_workby asterisk-be you get a waranty
18:04.04mog_workfree one your in your own boat
18:04.19mog_workbut to each their own
18:04.23*** join/#asterisk Tenkawa (n=Tenkawa@unaffiliated/Tenkawa)
18:04.34TenkawaAny of you familiar with any business voip providers in the US?
18:04.36SkarmethI'm trying to test a TDM04B here and I receive a error message about Freshmaker failed register test
18:04.53Skarmethany starting point to solv it?
18:04.53[TK]D-FenderDeep6 : Find a consultant, there are several here.  Go do hunting, etc.  Check with Digium if you bought their hardware and need support
18:05.00mog_workSkarmeth, call digium support you might have a dead card
18:05.02Skarmeththere is no IRQ conflict
18:05.45Deep6mog_work, I love my own boat too....but they''ll panic if i make our telephony opensource
18:06.04mog_workwell if you want supported software go with be
18:06.11Skarmethit can be a board problem and may be a conflict with pc hardware too or just a card problem?
18:06.12mog_workif you want your hand held go with a consultant
18:06.18mog_workthey can take care of you quite well
18:06.20Hmmhesaysanyone running a cisco 7960 out there?
18:06.24mog_workasterisk-biz is good place to find them
18:06.30Deep6mog_work, nah no hand holding, but I might have to go with the be
18:06.33SkarmethI also get two X100P working fine in this machine
18:06.54iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Hey, it seems as if ${DIALEDTIME} doesn't traverse contexts.
18:06.54TenkawaAny ideas on how much bandwidth 4 voip lines at once would use up?
18:06.57Deep6how does be compare with cisco call manager for instance is there a comparison matrix?
18:07.10Tenkawawith a decent codec
18:07.20Tenkawaand also does voip support fax transmissions?
18:07.28mog_workbasically it comes down to this Deep6 if you need to spend your money go with cisco
18:07.41Hmmhesaysmy freaking 7940 doesn't do it
18:07.45mog_workasterisk has infinite features, but its essentially a kit product
18:07.50mog_workyou have to put it together yourself
18:08.00Tenkawamog_work: yeah. thats the point
18:08.02iCEBrkrmog_work: haha, nice description
18:08.02mog_workwhere as cisco doesnt do everything but it does just "work"
18:08.05salviaduddo it yourself kit
18:08.08Deep6mog_work, yeah but the api points are amazing with asterisk
18:08.17mog_workexactly deep6
18:08.18Tenkawayou build "your" pbx.. not someone elses philosophy of one
18:08.19salviadudi agree
18:08.21mog_workwith asterisk you can do anything
18:08.25mog_workbecause its yours
18:08.31salviadudi got a prankster pbx right now
18:08.33mog_workcisco your limited to their idea
18:08.35salviadudworks wonders for me
18:08.51salviadudi got a DID in brazil
18:08.52Deep6the one thing that will net me in trouble is what if I get hit by a bus....
18:08.59salviadudlots toll free number access
18:09.02mog_workand api to develop for cisco is like 100,000
18:09.06salviadudvoipbuster service... crazy
18:09.10Tenkawa[TK]D-Fender: hey new question for ya. Would a single 2600 Athlon be enough cpu to encode 8 voip channels?
18:09.20mog_workif you get hit by a bus what do you have to worry about deep6?
18:09.24salviadudwhat's the name of that cisco thing?
18:09.26salviadudcall manager?
18:09.29Deep6mog_work, agreed
18:09.38Deep6salviadud, call manager and call manager express
18:09.44[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : PLENTY....
18:09.48mog_workbut then you probably want a contracter as a back up
18:09.51Deep6I just bought a CCME :(
18:09.55mog_workhave a "teir 2" support
18:10.06*** join/#asterisk Jon335 (n=Jon335@unaffiliated/jon335)
18:10.09TenkawaI'm pondering seeing if they would be interested in porting the 4 pots lines to voip
18:10.16salviadudand that call manager, does it support IAX2?
18:10.20Tenkawaand have no telco outgoing equip
18:10.37TenkawaI just need to find a RELIABLE business vopi provider
18:10.40Tenkawaer voip
18:10.47FlyboySR22Who besides Digium makes pri cards fully supported by Asterisk...?
18:10.54mog_workTenkawa, call nufone
18:10.55Deep6well I work for a big industrial company and the amount of cool stuff I could do with our dispatch process and stuff would make a huge difference in our business
18:11.04Deep6I just have to get my boss a clue
18:11.06mog_workyeah then you def. want asterisk
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18:11.27Deep6I'd probably get cisco hardware though those phones are sexy....
18:11.46Deep6I suspect the programmable display isn't dependable on Call manager though right?
18:11.49mog_work7960 is sexy
18:11.53*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
18:11.59mog_workyou can do a lot in sip mod
18:12.10mog_workand with chan_sccp you can do a good bit in skinny
18:12.20mog_workchan_skinny in asterisk is under-deved right now
18:12.21Deep6ie asterisk could act as the pbx whilst all the funky things could be done still on the display?
18:12.23mog_workbut its being worked on
18:12.26HmmhesaysAriel: true, but that doesn't help me much
18:12.37mog_workpolycoms are nice too deep6
18:12.48Tenkawamog_work: nufone?
18:12.50Deep6mog_work, I'm a little cisco bias
18:13.02mog_worknufone is an itsp very nice
18:13.11Tenkawawheres it based?
18:13.20mog_workerr no
18:13.21Tenkawanot bad
18:13.21mog_worknot there
18:13.29Tenkawagot a url?
18:13.30Deep6mog_work, you can do programming on the 7960 display without call manager at the heart yeah?
18:13.35mog_workyeah one sec
18:13.45mog_worki know you can do some things deep6
18:13.52mog_workyou should ask Qwell
18:14.07Tenkawawow this would definitely cut their hardwaer needs back a ton
18:14.31mog_workthats your bandwith calculator for anything you would need
18:14.48|rt|a while ago (18 months or so) I tried to sell my boss on the idea of using asterisk (voip in general really) to replace our PBX.  At the time he told me that VoIP was crap.  Well since then he's become addicted to Skype to the point that he's almost mandated everyone in the office to install it...ugh.  Any advice on how I can stear my boss back on the right path?
18:15.00*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:15.09mog_workwill work with asterisk
18:15.13mog_workvery very soon....
18:15.33Assid|rt|: thats common.. just tell him.. "well now that you like skype.. FYI : thats F^^^^ voip
18:15.37Tenkawacan fax transmissions be done through voip?
18:15.48mog_worklol Assid
18:15.53AssidTenkawa: yes.. people have reported it can work
18:15.59Tenkawaonly reported?
18:16.01mog_workand i think nufone has faxing service
18:16.05mog_workas well
18:16.11Assidmog_work: if im not mistaken.. you can just use ulaw and be done with
18:16.12Tenkawabecause fax is a crucial service for this group
18:16.16[TK]D-Fender|rt| : Skype is a shitty insecure (constant security flaws) P2P voip chat progam that puts *2* devices at each users desk and doesn't unify corparate functionality.  * is a full PBX that can offer this integration and likely a lot MORE than you are already doing with your exist PBX.
18:16.20|rt|Assid: my objection to Skype is that it's a p2p network and if you get tagged as a supernode you end up forwarding alot of packets around the net
18:16.26mog_worknot very well Assid
18:16.40mog_workrt look at google talk
18:16.42justinu|laptop|rt| good point
18:16.47mog_workand try to convince him its just as good
18:16.52mog_workand doesnt have ugly p2p side
18:17.19Tenkawamog_work: omg.. they have way enough bandwidth for this
18:17.21|rt|skype also uses so many ports that it's impossible to use any packet shaping for QoS
18:17.46justinu|laptopif you're a supernode, you also mix unknown people's conferences for them, iirc
18:17.54mog_workrt google talk does some fancy qos stuff as well with stun stuff
18:18.06mog_workvery intresting protocol
18:18.21Assidokay .. now .. gotta figure out how to get into my routers ftp
18:18.32justinu|laptopfind a hammer
18:18.34|rt|mog_work: but that's only between the client and the server no?...behind a natted router that stun just looks like any other traffic to it
18:18.36key2!seen kram
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18:18.42Assidapparently there is a ftpd running there
18:18.58mog_workyou make a stun connection to a google server
18:19.10mog_workand it uses some of the info it gets back to you to find other endpoint
18:19.18mog_workits actually quite good at getting around nat
18:19.20|rt|mog_work: the google talk thing is interesting....and if it will work with asterisk that may be a good way to get some migration to happen
18:19.28justinu|laptopgoogle is using stun in a brilliant way
18:19.30mog_workas the signalling is tcp and audio is rtp doesnt have sip kinda problems
18:19.35mog_workvery justinu|laptop
18:19.56|rt|mog_work: but the QoS stuff is only from client to client not at the level of our network to their network
18:19.59justinu|laptoppart of the jingle protocol
18:20.10mog_workjingle protocol rocks...
18:20.13mog_workwish they finished it
18:20.22mog_workand took out stun important stuff
18:20.28mog_workbut meh
18:20.35Hmmhesayswow my 7960 has gone retarded
18:20.41[TK]D-Fender|rt| : What kind of PBX do you have now?  how many lines / phones?
18:21.05|rt|[TK]D-Fender: it's an old system...4 external lines and 25 extensions
18:21.39justinu|laptopthat's a lot of stations for 4 co lines
18:21.40[TK]D-Fender|rt| : What about it are you dissatisfied with or would like to add on?
18:21.48|rt|[TK]D-Fender: what I would like to do is have a voip pbx for extensions out to probably the same 4 pots for outside service
18:22.15justinu|laptopwhat about replacing the phones?
18:22.17|rt|[TK]D-Fender: we are out of extensions, no voicemail, or any real perks
18:22.36|rt|[TK]D-Fender: the current system is very plain
18:22.56[TK]D-Fender|rt| : ok, then * is for you.  Ditch what you've got, get * and some decent SIP phones for in house and you get to do VoIP to softphones for free while you're at it and get all those perks you're missing.
18:23.04|rt|[TK]D-Fender: with our vpn a voip based extensions would allow for better communications between offices and roady's, etc
18:23.17[TK]D-Fender|rt| : This would be a pretty cheap project to do....
18:23.42|rt|[TK]D-Fender: yeah I priced it all out 18 months ago and it wasn't bad...even with hard phones on everyone's desk
18:23.42*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
18:23.51[TK]D-Fender|rt| : yup, and plenty more.  Tons of LD savings potential, uber-cheap expansion, etc.
18:24.05|rt|[TK]D-Fender: but at the time managment told me that VoIP was a toy more or less
18:24.14justinu|laptopnot true anymore
18:24.19justinu|laptopthey're behind the times
18:24.27|rt|[TK]D-Fender: of course the same person who told me that now uses Skype 24/7
18:24.34GerbilNuttell them Asterisk has saved us $900 a month on our phone bill
18:24.52[TK]D-Fender|rt| : believe me you don't WANT soft phones if at all possible.  I did it for my salesmen because they're on the road so often, and working from home/hotels.  Since they always have their laptops with them, it rings on its soft=-phone first BEFORE forwading on to their cells
18:24.55|rt|GerbilNut: do you use VoIP for outside service
18:24.56terrapenwhat's the latest IP601 firmware, anyone?
18:25.00russellbGerbilNut: feel free to share some of those savings with me
18:25.03*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
18:25.04russellbi'm a poor college student :)
18:25.23GerbilNut|rt|, yes it's for inbound and outbound services
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18:25.30[TK]D-Fender|rt| : A toy? HAH.  Skype is a Toy.  All the major PBX makers are making VoIP enabled PBX's now.
18:25.33GerbilNuttwo 800 numbers, as well outbound to hundreds of pagers
18:25.41terrapenfender, where do you get your Polycom firmware?
18:25.41[TK]D-Fenderterrapen : 1.6.5
18:25.54|rt|GerbilNut: what kind of internet connection do you have
18:26.04[TK]D-Fenderterrapen : From my reseller ATM.  Once I become one myself I'll be going direct.
18:26.07GerbilNutDS3 :)
18:26.07|rt|I'm a bit worried about going that route b/c I don't trust our aDSL service
18:26.19TenkawaWith VOIP Asterisk would ct a the call termination point right? I wouldnt need seperate hardware would I?
18:26.36Tenkawaer act
18:26.49|rt|DS3 would be nice
18:26.59terrapenI wonder what revision I am running
18:27.01[TK]D-Fender|rt| : I use * here with a PRI to the telco and VoIP is basic only inside our walls between the phones on our desks and *.  thats it.  0 bandwidtch concerns etc.  You can use your regular lines with * as your solution .
18:27.04terrapenI guess I better power up and see :)
18:27.09|rt|would IPCop work well for traffic shaping VoIP?
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18:27.33[TK]D-Fender|rt| : It'd be OK, but don't forget that QoS is largely dependant on the items in its path
18:27.34|rt|[TK]D-Fender: yeah that's kinda what I was leaning towards doing here
18:27.38[TK]D-Fenderand thats the FULL path
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18:27.39Kattyhi lads.
18:27.49Tenkawaso any of you actually using Nufone?
18:27.57|rt|[TK]D-Fender: yeah can't really do much with the inbound packets
18:27.58terrapentenkawa: heh, for about a week
18:28.05Tenkawaterrapen: what happened?
18:28.14terrapensame shit as everybody else
18:28.15[TK]D-Fender|rt| : how many remote extensions are you looking to run?
18:28.30terrapenI still don't trust any voip reseller
18:28.40terrapentoo many problems with the ones i've tried
18:28.43Tenkawaso finding a voip business provider might be tough eh?
18:28.43|rt|[TK]D-Fender: we have 1 sales guy who is in Europe...and always 5 or so road people
18:28.54Tenkawaer reliable one
18:29.07|rt|[TK]D-Fender: But i would imagine only a few of them would be connected at any one time
18:29.09terrapenwell, to be honest and frank, you would be a fool for putting a business on a voip provider's service
18:29.09[TK]D-Fender|rt| : realist odds of simultaneous calls?
18:29.24terrapenget a PRI or a some POTS lines and a multi-port FXO
18:29.28GerbilNutthe only option is Teliax, and they sucked the first two months we were on them
18:29.29Tenkawamaybe I'll just stick to tdm/fxo for incoming and do IP phones internally
18:29.39terrapendon't waste your time.  voip providers will only piss you off
18:29.39GerbilNutbut they have started to clean up their act alittle
18:29.39|rt|[TK]D-Fender: well we are used to working with 4 lines now....normally always 1 or 2 available to place a call
18:29.40[TK]D-Fender|rt| : Lets just say this factor is "largely irrelevent" to your situation and gree-lights the project....
18:29.41Tenkawaterrapen: got 4 incoming pots lines already
18:29.44terrapentenkawa: good call
18:29.47Tenkawajust need the fxo card
18:30.06terrapenTeliax *tries* hard, they really do, but it's the Internet...
18:30.12Tenkawawas pondering getting rid of the telecomm completely but that doesnt sound feasible
18:30.18terrapenyou can't trust business voice to the general intarweb
18:30.25terrapenit just won't be as reliable as copper
18:30.44Tenkawaok well at least all the hardware cost so far is fxo card 4 mondules and phones
18:30.46sivanayea, businesses would rather pay Bell than have VoIP over general internet
18:30.52terrapenmy PRI has gone down once in the last two years
18:31.16terrapenmy VoIP from [insert voip provider here] went down multiple times daily
18:31.22terrapencall quality was often horrible
18:31.26nokyIs there a way to make agents.conf dynamic?.
18:31.32Tenkawagood enough.. I'll stick to the pots lines
18:31.35terrapenit's fine for home use, though, if you are patient
18:31.44Tenkawajust need to find decent IP phones for the internal network
18:31.46triple-ei have many customers on strick VoIP
18:31.49GerbilNutfor the last three weeks our Teliax service has been great
18:31.50terrapen(i'd still have a cellphone backup for 911)
18:31.59GerbilNutand we do use it for business
18:32.00TenkawaI really dont want to have to hook up 2 fxs cards with 8 ports
18:32.08|rt|last time i was messing with * I had one line from Teliax for testing...I didn't notice any problems
18:32.23triple-eusing a variaty of trunks
18:32.30|rt|but then the service really wasn't being used very much outside of some small tests
18:32.31GerbilNutThey have had their fair share of problems, two saturdays in a row we were without service
18:32.35Tenkawaterrapen: think good polycom/or other IP phones would work decently internally channeled out through those fxo's?
18:32.46triple-eand the solution i have found ist that all the service's suck
18:32.52triple-ethey just don't suck at the same time
18:33.01terrapengamer, what is this nonsense?
18:33.02[TK]D-Fender|rt| : I'd stick with analog lines if I were you.  once you need a few more I'd then jump to a PRI to your telco.
18:33.04GerbilNutbut they have opened additional pops and become better
18:33.13terrapentenkawa: sure
18:33.20loonacyI work for a VoIP reseller, we have a couple companies that have T1 trunks that go all VoIP through us, and a few companies who only have 2 VoIP lines through us (we offer unlimited long distance, so it's cheaper).  The few times we tried to do all VoIP in a SOHO without someone there who knows networking, there were all sorts of problems.
18:33.26terrapenthat's exactly what i'm doing here
18:33.32terrapenno, don't go FXS
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18:33.41Tenkawayeah. I'd ned 8 fxs modules
18:33.44Tenkawanot pleasant
18:33.49terrapenits too wierd
18:33.57Tenkawa8 for 3 outgoing lines
18:34.01Tenkawatoo much overhead
18:34.09Tenkawaserver would be huge
18:34.13[TK]D-FenderFXS makes for a sucky PBX environment for users...
18:34.28Tenkawa[TK]D-Fender: yeah but a lot of them still use 4 wire phones
18:34.38[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : 2-line analog?
18:34.48Hmmhesaysok is noky spaming everyone?
18:34.51[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Perfect for conversion to cat5 :D
18:34.56Tenkawathats my plan
18:35.12Tenkawapolycom 301's look ideal
18:35.16Tenkawamaybe a few 501's
18:35.18[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : I suggest PoE + Polycom :)
18:35.31|rt|[TK]D-Fender: for the hardphones would you use a separate network or just use the existing network
18:35.32[TK]D-FenderD-Link DES-1526
18:35.40Tenkawahow much does a good PoE injector(s) cost?
18:35.49asterboy301s have no mic for speakerphone.
18:35.54[TK]D-Fender|rt| : seperate if possible, otherwise I'd bet its no big deal for you to use them in-line...
18:35.59Tenkawaasterboy: most of these people dont need speakerphone
18:36.02Tenkawaonly 2
18:36.03Tenkawaof the 8
18:36.10triple-ei have a question about the PoE
18:36.16[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Don't get injectors, just get the switch I suggested.  $400 for 24 ports...
18:36.19asterboyyou still get to hear the call progress.
18:36.19Tenkawaans how many phones can one PoE support?
18:36.27Tenkawahadnt seen that
18:36.29triple-eif i put the POE on the line
18:36.46terrapeni'm buying Foundry Networks 48-port PoE switches
18:36.47|rt|[TK]D-Fender: given the amount of internal traffic we have a better laid out VoIP network is probably a good idea though
18:36.53vader--haha i get my dell poweredge 2800 server in today
18:36.56terrapenand a few of their chassis switches, too
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18:37.01vader--open it up and install the cards i got
18:37.08triple-eand the workstation doesn't need it does it hurt the workstation
18:37.11vader--and there are no molex connectors to power the TDM24000
18:37.12|rt|[TK]D-Fender: our file server here is almost always serving out over 100megs/sec
18:37.12[TK]D-Fender|rt| : the models I have suggested support QoS & VLAN's.  That should do it.
18:37.15vader--digium card
18:37.15Tenkawa[TK]D-Fender: holy cow thats sweet
18:37.31Tenkawa[TK]D-Fender: there a smaller model than 24 though?
18:37.40terrapenheh vader
18:37.55Tenkawawth.. the 16 port costs more than the 24?
18:38.10Tenkawaoh.. the 24 is on sale here
18:38.11terrapenwhy not just use a channel bank, vader
18:38.20[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Yeah, but the price point just isn't worth it...
18:38.39|rt|[TK]D-Fender: only a few of our current switches are managed to rolling out VLAN's network wide would be difficult
18:38.53Tenkawawow no kidding
18:39.02Tenkawathe 24 port is definitely worth the price
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18:39.18[TK]D-Fender|rt| : Thats the reason for my suggesting you roll out the model I just suggested.  You'd only need exactly 1 at almost full-usage
18:39.37[TK]D-FenderI run 2 of them for my 35 ext office.
18:39.42|rt|[TK]D-Fender: office is too widely laid out for a central switch like that
18:39.52Tenkawahmm... is there something I could attach to my fax machine to have it run digital?
18:40.18[TK]D-Fender|rt| : well you could always just forget PoE and plug in the power brick.... but its less appealing
18:40.22tzangerTenkawa: t.38 aware ATA
18:40.36Tenkawatzanger: nice.. thanks
18:40.46|rt|[TK]D-Fender: would need a few of them and that gets expensive....I'm not that concerned about the PoE
18:40.47Tenkawasince that would still require fxs unless I adapt it
18:41.01[TK]D-Fender|rt| : From what you mentioned, only 1.
18:41.26|rt|[TK]D-Fender: problem is how spread out the company is
18:41.32|rt|can't run cat5 that far
18:41.43[TK]D-Fender|rt| : they don't have cat-5 where they are?
18:42.00|rt|they do but it's not a straight run from a single switch
18:42.16triple-edoes PoE work through a repeater ?
18:42.17[TK]D-Fender|rt| : Too many daisy chained?
18:42.24Hmmhesaysyeah this cisco phone is farked
18:42.28Ariel_triple-e, no
18:42.30[TK]D-Fendertriple-e : none that I've ever heard of....
18:42.33Tenkawais Grandstream phones any good?
18:42.42|rt|[TK]D-Fender: in some cases...the network here has evolved rather than designed
18:42.43[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : GrandSuck says it all...
18:42.51Ariel_Tenkawa, sure make good paper holders
18:42.55Tenkawaok nuff said
18:42.59[TK]D-Fender|rt| : You mean "sprawled like a WEED" :)
18:43.01triple-edoes PoE hurt non PoE devices ?
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18:43.09|rt|[TK]D-Fender: yeah that describes it well :)
18:43.11TenkawaI think I'll go with Polycom 301's and 501's
18:43.16Ariel_triple-e, no
18:43.16[TK]D-Fendertriple-e : Not unless its a "dumb" injector...
18:43.23|rt|[TK]D-Fender: only sane part of the network is in the graphics department which I run
18:43.29[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Good call.. you'll thank us later :)
18:43.38triple-eany recomendations on a PoE switch ?
18:43.51|rt|[TK]D-Fender: but we are the only part of the company that needs anything more than 10mbit
18:44.01[TK]D-Fendertriple-e : D-Link DES-1526 = $400 - 24 Ports
18:44.12Tenkawaactually I'll just stick to 501's.. they are 3 line
18:44.13[TK]D-Fender|rt| : then you should be fine...
18:44.15Tenkawamuch more uesful
18:44.26Tenkawaman the poe's add 30$ on those puppies
18:44.44[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Almost that, yes...
18:44.47jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender PO approved!!
18:44.55[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Mine?
18:45.04jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeps
18:45.07TenkawaI would need the ones with poe cable right?
18:45.24iCEBrkrF U Asterisk!
18:45.25iCEBrkrexten => h,2,Set(DIALEDTIME=$[${EPOCH}-${START_TIME}])
18:45.25iCEBrkrexten => h,3,NoOp(<<====== DIALEDTIME ======>> ${DIALEDTIME})
18:45.28|rt|[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your advice...this channel has always been very helpful
18:45.44[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Cool.  Get your net tech prepared to providee external access to is and we'll schedule it up.  I'mm off for all of next week though.
18:47.28*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
18:47.45asterboy[TK]D-Fender, can't get my buddy watch working despite enabling buddy watch with my contact in <mac>-directory.xml for the polycom ip600 SIPv1.5.3, asterisk 1.2.0. Not sure where exactly the exten => goes since I'm not using #'ered extensions.
18:48.35asterboyLine 18 has the only hint, I'm trying to watch Home2 line.
18:49.02*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
18:49.22Tenkawa2346$ without even factoring the server/labor in yet
18:49.27Tenkawathats a fair chunk
18:49.45*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:50.00TenkawaI could save a bit by mostly getting 301 phones but still.. ouch
18:50.20Splasanyone ever used app_mwanalyze for testing milliwatt tones?
18:50.26*** join/#asterisk websae (
18:50.39Tenkawathe phones add up quick
18:51.41websaeif anyone wants good deals on grandstream phones/atas I just got a contract with them -- willing to ship some to anyone here if anyone needs any of their products --- only as a favor to asterisk users
18:52.01asterboyAnyone have Polycom phones talking to each other?  I can't get my extensions to call one another.  SIP:Home2@ should be a valid Sip URL, no?
18:52.21asterboywabsae, what price?
18:52.29websaewell depends what you are looking for
18:52.54Deep6guys how big a machine would you need for a 150 user site?
18:53.01triple-ei got stuck with a bunch of polycom 501's that im motivated to get rid of
18:53.05asterboyreal big
18:53.09websaejust one?
18:53.12jbalcombtriple-e i'll take em
18:53.15asterboyyes for comparison
18:53.24triple-e170 each
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18:53.31asterboytriple-e, how much?
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18:53.44Deep6asterboy, anything more focused than "real big"
18:53.51triple-ethats what i got in them -- 170
18:53.55Deep6what about 500, or 600
18:54.06asterboyDeep6, do you plan to use G729 codec?
18:54.23triple-e30mhz per concerant call is what i have read
18:54.24Ariel_Deep6, for 150 users a normal system will do unless your talking about having 150 channels up at one time.
18:54.27*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
18:54.31jbalcombDeep6 i've got 130+ users on a Dell 2850, 1 2.8Ghz dual-core CPU, 2 GB RAM, 72 GB 15K RPM SCSI and its overkill
18:54.32*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
18:54.33websaeasterboy: how many do you need, just one?
18:54.43asterboyfor coparison only.
18:54.52asterboyLater I may need more as clients request.
18:54.56jbalcombDeep6 we have two t-1s with max 16 concurrent calls
18:55.15TenkawaAny of you running all of these together in asterisk: ip phones, posts incomnig, fax, voice mail, on hold music, round robin phone tree
18:55.16jbalcombDeep6 each
18:55.24tzangerwow gmail works with konqueror now
18:55.26Tenkawaer potss incoming
18:55.37triple-ejbalcomb: you interested  in the polycomms "
18:55.42jbalcombTenkawa does you name mean 'healthy river'?
18:55.46jbalcombtriple-e yes'm
18:55.46funxionanyone know how to fix one way audio problem with chan_h323
18:55.50Tenkawajbalcomb: holy river
18:56.08Tenkawait gets translated both ways though
18:56.22jbalcombTenkawa ah, very nice. the chracter for 'holy' is different?
18:56.37*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
18:56.57[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : You're buddy watch method is pretty whacked...
18:57.00funxionanyone here use chan_h323
18:57.36websaefunxion: very difficult to get working
18:57.51funxionI have it working on another installation
18:58.03websaedoes anyone use SIP trunks or IAX trunks for their termination and calling in business environments?
18:58.05funxionI tried to build a new box and I can't get it working
18:58.24*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
18:58.46asterboy[TK]D-Fender, I don't doubt I'm not catching onto how it's done.
18:58.49funxionIm using chan_h323 purely for its capacity
18:59.04Ariel_websae, yes
18:59.09MRH2yes websae but with isdn backup
18:59.10asterboythe wiki is not very helpful
18:59.14*** join/#asterisk jpablo (n=jpablo@
18:59.16Hmmhesaysare multiple contexts in sip.conf comma delimited?
18:59.19[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : Pastebin your extensions.conf
18:59.37[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : .... HUH!?
18:59.44jpablohey people, anyone has the color configuration for a t48 cable (to connect a rhino cb to a digium t1 card) ?
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19:00.10[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Since when do you ever use an operator on them like that?
19:00.10jpabloHmmhesays, i think such thing is not posible, you would have to include all your context into one
19:00.42*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
19:00.43Hmmhesaysi could have swore I saw that in there
19:00.49Hmmhesaysmaybe i'm thinking mailbox
19:00.50[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Sounds like you want to do like : include => context2 and then another line for more...
19:00.53Hmmhesaysi'm really tired
19:00.56joefor meetme.conf once you have the conference room setup what do you need to do in extension.conf to get "into" them?
19:01.03[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I'd bet on it...
19:01.24Deep6jbalcomb, thanks that'd be the similar situation as I would be in
19:04.59funxionanyone have a better idea than using chan_h323 to do sip to h323 conversion?
19:05.16[TK]D-Fenderfunxion : You could try going "cold turkey" ;)
19:05.35funxionunfortunatly not an option
19:06.24asterboyLooking for Home2 in Home (domain
19:06.29asterboySIP/2.0 404 Not Found
19:06.38*** join/#asterisk MattB2 (
19:06.43asterboysip show subscriptions shows 0
19:06.49*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
19:07.03asterboyshow hints lists the line in extensions.conf
19:07.16[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : I don't see how 1 phone can even call another in there...
19:07.23asterboyI can not call from SIP phone extension to SIP phone extension.
19:07.49MattB2hi guys - got a problem where if someone leaves a long voicemail message on my asterisk when calling from a VoIP provider, the call gets disconnected.
19:07.49[TK]D-Fenderboy you need to clean that up
19:07.54*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
19:08.07MattB2i think that the remote system is realising there's been no RTP traffic for a while and dropping the call
19:08.26MattB2i've tried the qualify=yes setting but this is only SIP, not RTP - any idea how to send RTP keepalives, or any other solution?
19:08.26justinu|laptopis fender handling ALL the newbies again??
19:08.40jpablohey people, any sip/iax server ofering free 800 calls to the usa ? i need to call rhino support
19:08.47[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : Tell you what... if I'm home at a reasonable hour tonight I'll get you all cleaned up.... that dialplan is in dire need of it...
19:09.04asterboyok, I'm buying pizza
19:09.34asterboyit may be cold buy the time it arrives from Canada.
19:09.38asterboytalk at you tonight.
19:09.50[TK]D-FenderMattB2 : Shouldn't  need RTP keep-alives since * doesn't support silence suppersion.
19:10.16MattB2so is RTP traffic always sent outgoing from asterisk even when there's no audio - this is running the Asterisk cmd Record()
19:10.34MattB2admittedly this is a theory coz i've run out of logical explanations as to why the calls are being dropped!
19:11.35funxion[TK]D-Fender other than going cold turkey you got any other suggestions?
19:11.36MattB2my guess is that during a Record() function asterisk is not sending out any RTP, hence the remote disconnection
19:12.28dasenjodo I need to compile libpri to compile asterisk-1.2.6 when I have compiled zaptel?
19:13.07*** join/#asterisk backblue (
19:14.37dasenjoIm getting this error compiling 1.2.6:
19:15.31Hmmhesaysahh you're actually compiling zaptel, not ztdummy
19:15.36Hmmhesaysyeah upgrade your libpri
19:16.17*** join/#asterisk |omni| (i=rob@
19:16.19dasenjoHmmhesays, thanks
19:17.16Tenkawaasterisk/fxo is the easy/chewap part of the quote
19:17.21Tenkawathe phones are costly
19:17.29[TK]D-Fenderfunxion : Nope... Don't know much about H.323 beyond basic NetMeeting use
19:17.54vader--tenkawa ya phones aren't cheap
19:18.04funxionwhere's JerJer
19:18.07vader--im doing a combination ip phone/analog lines setup
19:18.16[TK]D-Fenderdasenjo : this says it all..   chan_zap.c:62:2: error: #error "You need newer libpri"
19:18.39vader--tkd is there a tutorial on setting up asterisk?
19:18.41[TK]D-Fenderdasenjo : make sure to download all of the latest releases and compile them in the right order... libpri, zaptel, THEN *
19:19.32dasenjo[TK]D-Fender, thanks, my server does not have a pri card, I thougth that I can compile zaptel without libpri ... I'm compiling libpri now ..
19:19.40Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, hummm I have been doing it Zaptel, Libpri then asterisk....
19:20.15justinu|laptopand the silicon chip inside her head gets switched to overload, oh and nobody's gonna school today, she's gonna make them stay at home...
19:20.59MattB2aha i found solution to my problem!
19:21.34Tenkawadoes fxo ned zaptel and such or just fxs?
19:21.41Tenkawaer need
19:23.00*** join/#asterisk SuperLag (n=aaron@gentoo/developer/SuperLag)
19:23.15TenkawaNoone knows?
19:23.46justinu|laptopi wish i was in tijuana, eating barbequed iguana
19:23.58dasenjoTenkawa, yes .. fxo need zaptel .. all the digium cards need zaptel
19:24.04Tenkawaahh I see
19:24.17*** join/#asterisk nain (n=nain@
19:24.18Tenkawado the sagoma cards need extra modules in the kernel?
19:24.21Tenkawaer sangoma
19:24.28nainHi Friends
19:24.29tzangerTenkawa: yep
19:24.51Tenkawaguess I'l go with digium due to the fact I need a half length card
19:25.15Tenkawaunless you all know of a sangoma half length card that can do 4 fxo's
19:25.25Tenkawaor something better than a tdm400l
19:25.26Tenkawaer p
19:25.54*** part/#asterisk MattB2 (
19:26.13nainCan any one tell me how i can setup toll free number to dial long distance number. Right now i have setup toll free number and it is forwarding to my internal extension but i would like to allow user enter their number so they can dial long distance number ?
19:26.41Ariel_nain, use DISA setup
19:26.46justinu|laptopauthenticate them, then use DISA
19:26.55justinu|laptopor just play a prompt asking for the number they wish to dial, collect it, and dial
19:27.41nainwell I use DISA without password and user i got the tone but when i dial the extension it hangup
19:28.08justinu|laptopprobably a context problem
19:28.09Ariel_nain, justinu|laptop is correct use the anthenticate before you go to the disa..
19:28.12vader--when you use the authenticate feature in your dial plan is there anyway to record that information?
19:28.19Hmmhesaysexten => s,1,Authenticate(1234); exten => s,n,Read(dst,pls-entr-num-uwish2-call); exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/${dst}@host);  if your host is sip
19:28.28justinu|laptoplook at that
19:28.34justinu|laptoppeople are just giving out answers today
19:28.38[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Sangoma A200 is a half length, half height PCI card that support 4 FXO
19:29.00nainHmmhesays: that's very good let me try it
19:29.07Hmmhesaysmy cmd authenticate does
19:29.30vader--it records it to the cdr?
19:30.19TenkawaOH NICE
19:30.26Tenkawathanks [TK]D-Fender  and shido6
19:31.13*** part/#asterisk theHub (n=karlhubn@
19:32.57Tenkawagod this site needs better organization
19:33.15*** join/#asterisk harlequin516 (n=sham@
19:33.30*** join/#asterisk Denmark (n=fake@
19:34.32harlequin516So my telco (Qwest) just told me that I can't get answer supervision on my line, because its not available at my local exchange.  (Otherwise they charge 3.95/ mo, if avail)
19:34.57harlequin516How can I get asterisk to wait for the ringing to end from an AGI script?
19:35.00Ariel_Tenkawa,  They have a good layout for the cards
19:35.17*** join/#asterisk pfn (
19:36.07*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dav1 (
19:36.12TenkawaAriel_: perfect.. that was the exact model number I needed
19:36.46Tenkawathat sure looks like a full length card tyhough
19:36.56Tenkawamaybe its just deceiving looking in the pic
19:37.16harlequin516If I get a genuiune Digium TDM400 FXO will it recognize the ringtones and supervise better than my clone single FXO?  (Experienced users please, I'm tired of hearing about the limitations of the X100P)
19:37.33Ariel_Tenkawa, the a200 series are 1/2 size cards you put them together side by side to add more ports
19:37.51[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : that'd be the card to get.
19:37.52Tenkawathe case I'm going to use is a micro atx case so I dont have a lot of pci room
19:37.54Ariel_harlequin516, yes most of the time
19:38.09[av]baniharlequin516: you'll struggle with software EC
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19:38.44Tenkawaat least no bare wires that way
19:39.16DenmarkTenkawa : Death to POTS?
19:39.24harlequin516[av]bani: Even with a Digium TDM400?
19:39.44TenkawaDenmark: no. pots are my incoming lines
19:39.51[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516 : TDM400P has no hardware EC...
19:39.54Tenkawabut the card uses rj 11 it appears unless I am missing something
19:40.02Tenkawawow that sangoma card is pricy
19:40.10russellbTDM2400P has hardware echo can
19:40.23BeirdoRJ11 is the standard used for POTS devices in North America
19:40.36justinu|laptopwhat's there to figure out?
19:40.45Beirdoinner pair is line 1, outer pair line 2
19:40.48harlequin516I need to know what Zaptel device I can buy that has the best quality for doing signaling (like fax, but not fax).
19:40.49Tenkawajustinu|laptop: oh. just the wire pinout
19:40.54Ariel_russellb, yes it does but it's a very long board which does not fit in a micro atx case
19:40.57justinu|laptopoh, easy enough, bierdo just told you
19:41.01TenkawaI know what it is.. its just annoying to deal with bare wires
19:41.08russellbAriel_: full length PCI :)
19:41.08Beirdoand if you get tip and ring backwards, swap em :)
19:41.21harlequin516The are the sangoma cards Zaptel also?
19:41.32justinu|laptopthey still need zaptel drivers yes
19:41.40Tenkawaamazing how expensive phone systems are
19:41.46Ariel_harlequin516, yes they use zaptel but have an addon driver
19:41.47Tenkawaeven wthout the pbx
19:41.59justinu|laptopharlequin516: you'll need to explain yourself more
19:42.28harlequin516Ariel_: Does this mean that they will support all features of the Zaptel driver?  I'm specifically hoping to use TDD mode.
19:42.48justinu|laptopit'll work just like a zaptel card
19:43.36harlequin516So for echo cancellation is Sangoma better than Digium?
19:43.44justinu|laptopi think they're about the same
19:43.51justinu|laptopsame price, same performance
19:43.59harlequin516What about echo cancelling?
19:44.04mitcheloc* but buy digium to help support asterisk ;)
19:44.19justinu|laptopnot sure, you might ask them what the max tail length they can deal with
19:44.25Denmarkmitcheloc : What kinda equipment they sell?
19:44.25justinu|laptopthe ITU standard dictates 128ms, iirc
19:44.59harlequin516hmmm, how about if I ever finally jump to T1, is there a differnce there?
19:45.06mitchelocDenmark: they sell fxo and fxs cards
19:45.27mitchelocAriel_: how you been? why the mixed feelings?
19:45.33harlequin516I mean with Zaptel echo cancell or line quaility?
19:45.35Ariel_mitcheloc, ABE
19:45.48Denmarkfxo... thats something to do with pots, right?
19:45.55harlequin516It will still do Zaptel TDD mode on T1 card right?
19:46.13Ariel_mitcheloc, I am fine. just wondering about there current path for asterisk and Asterisk Biz Ed.
19:46.23[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop : Sangoma EC beats Digium's hands down.  compare the specs...
19:46.38justinu|laptopmore tail ?
19:47.24[av]banijustinu|laptop: iirc itu doesnt dictate any specific tail length
19:47.37[av]banijustinu|laptop: most telco equipment is 32ms or 64ms
19:47.55Denmarkmitcheloc : That does not tell me what the digium card does though, does it?
19:47.58mitchelocAriel_: their business edition pricing is *very* reasonable
19:48.23Ariel_mitcheloc, hummm not my cup of tea...
19:48.24MRH2I can see the marketing now "Get more tail with Sangoma"
19:48.38[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop : Read'em.... 16ms of echo cancellation over 128 channels, 32ms over 64 channels, or 64ms over 32 channels,
19:48.41Denmarkmitcheloc : Oh .. this is a different link ..
19:48.59Denmarkwhat is an exchange office?  Has that anything to do with microsoft?
19:48.59mitchelocAriel_: right, well many businesses won't use asterisk without support behind it from a large company (avaya, nortel, etc)
19:49.00[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop : Sangoma's are 128 on ALL channels.
19:49.06Denmark"exchange" "office"?
19:49.09justinu|laptoptoo much to do to read specs :P
19:49.34[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: i have seen EC's with 512ms and 1024ms :)
19:49.38[TK]D-FenderThats why Digium is releasing a new line of HWEC cards.... and we'll see how they measure up after
19:49.39nainjustinu|laptop: HmmheSays: Thanks Guy It works
19:49.40Ariel_mitcheloc, yes but support behind them is one thing but direct competition with the Vars is another
19:49.53[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Thats for "extreme" scenarios....
19:50.03[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: satellite :)
19:50.03nainI think Authenticate is more secure then DISA
19:50.11DenmarkBtw.  I consider carreer change and getting into VoIP here in Denmark .. any advice?
19:50.18justinu|laptopnain: probably
19:50.23[av]baniDenmark: don't
19:50.40znoGanyone know if, in theory, i can buy a cable with a RJ21 connector to a patch panel .. and plug it into a TDM2400?
19:50.55Denmark[av]bani : no?
19:51.05[av]baniDenmark: no
19:51.07mitchelocDenmark: please read the wiki, there is a lot of information there, it's the best place to learn
19:51.14Ariel_znoG, yes
19:51.20Denmarkmitcheloc : I don't understand this english:
19:51.23DenmarkWhen a customer receives phone service from a central office other than the one that would normally serve them, the line between the customer and the "Foreign" office is called a "Foreign Exchange" line.
19:51.45[TK]D-FenderznoG : Yes, thats the point.  RJ21 is common telco stuff... a million options out there for it..
19:51.50znoGAriel_: ok, cool. I bought the TDM2400 and forgot to buy the 100+ USD piece which plugs into the card to give me the 24 ports, but if I can buy the cable locally with a RJ21 connector, that'd do.
19:52.09Denmark"Exchange" is a mail program from microsoft, and "office" is wordprocessing and spreadsheet by microsoft ..
19:52.12znoG[TK]D-Fender: good to hear. I'd hate to have to wait for another international shipment, if I *had* to buy the Digium piece.
19:52.32Ariel_znoG, hint it's a Centronic plug full wire they sell those cables. It's used for adtrans and other c/b as well
19:52.45mitchelocfxo = receiving phone line service from the phone company
19:52.52*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
19:52.53znoGAriel_: centronic plug = RJ21 ?
19:52.55mitchelocfxs = giving phone line service to a phone
19:53.05nokyi have a question
19:53.07Ariel_RJ21 is a amp 66 block
19:53.09nokyabout sip.conf
19:53.19nokywhat is exacly insecure?
19:53.22nokyin sip.conf appears
19:53.24nokyvery: ignore authentication (user/password)
19:53.26Ariel_the plugs on the tdm2400 is the centronics plug type
19:53.34nokyin wiki ..
19:53.42justinu|laptopRJ21 is the same thing that's on the back of the tdm2400
19:53.48justinu|laptopstandard 25 pair telco connector
19:54.31znoGjustinu|laptop: thats the one (voipsupply link). but i'm gonna buy a cable that is not going to be as pretty as that 24 port square.. it's going to go to a standard patch panel
19:54.42Denmarkmitcheloc : Whats "phone line services"?  I read the wiki on that?
19:54.55justinu|laptopznoG: yeah, that's the man's way of doing it :)
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19:55.25mitchelocDenmark: i only stopped by for a few seconds, I'm heading off to sleep right now, you can ask the room in general, but i recomend using a translating service like babel to make it easier for you ;)
19:55.48*** join/#asterisk achandra (n=achandra@
19:55.57Denmarkmitcheloc : Its useless translation .. thanks for your help though :)
19:56.10Denmarkmitcheloc : I finally understand fxo a little better.
19:56.31nokywhat is exacly insecure? how can i avoid to put 'very'?
19:56.37DenmarkIts a landline and its called fxo
19:56.39achandrahello. anyone know of a good open source firewall that handles sip and rtp wnad can be used to handle a huge number of calls ie. in a call center scenario?
19:56.47Ariel_justinu|laptop, hummm actually it's an 50 pin Centronic plug. Which looks like a sideways SCSI cable
19:57.04funxionanyone know how to remove chan_h323
19:57.09nokyAST* send a Proxy Authentication Required to my VoIP Provider
19:57.14justinu|laptopAriel: how is that different than RJ21X?
19:57.21nokyand my VoIP Provider doesn't accept this message from me.
19:57.29nokyand i need to put insecure = very... is that OK ?
19:57.54Ariel_justinu|laptop, you said it's a 25 pin plug. It's actually a 50 pin plug Centronic type.
19:58.14justinu|laptopi said 25 pair
19:59.42mockerAnyone listened to that TAUG podcast?
19:59.49Ariel_justinu|laptop, OK... sorry.... miss understood
19:59.55mockerI've heard probably the first 45 minutes of it and was impressed.
20:02.36znoGjustinu|laptop: is there a special pinout diagram for the TDM2400 (to make a cable with a RJ21 connector) or is it standard?
20:02.55justinu|laptopprobably standard
20:03.56justinu|laptopi'm sure the digium boys could tell you for sure (i haven't worked on that card yet)
20:04.59Ariel_znoG, an RJ21X is a SCSI type plug which if you have a full wired Centronic's SCSI cable it will also work. (But it's does not have right angle plugs).
20:05.00[TK]D-FenderRJ21 is a classic standard.
20:05.00vader--im still not sure what version of linux im going to use for my asterisk box
20:05.02[TK]D-FenderI use it on my channel banks.
20:06.00Ariel_znoG, if you are in the states a local Graybar should have the cable instock.
20:06.12znoGi wonder if I can pull one from the Lucent PBX and it'll work on the TDM2400. Worth a shot ...
20:06.13[TK]D-Fendervader-- : Pick a common general purpose distro.  And go for the "install more than I think I need" option to ensure you have all the odds & ends available to you
20:06.49justinu|laptopznog: it'll likely work fine
20:07.04justinu|laptopi use a company called connection concepts for all my cable needs
20:07.15justinu|laptopthey're nice, inexpensive and will make anything you want
20:07.15*** join/#asterisk eric_hill (i=EricHill@
20:07.22Ariel_achandra, I use m0n0wall it works great
20:07.41znoGthanks ariel/justinu. Unfortunately i'm not in the states, otherwise this would be easy to solve.
20:07.48*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
20:07.54znoGHere in Argentina things aren't so readily available
20:07.57achandradoes it support dnat, and redundant config for failover, etc?
20:08.27Ariel_achandra, it's based on FBSD check them out.
20:08.58*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (n=CoffeeIV@
20:09.15eric_hillThe docs for AddQueueMember say that * will jump to an n+101 priority if the interface is already logged in.  I'm not seeing that, I just get a warning on the console that the agent is already logged in and * jumps to n+1.  Ideas?
20:09.19achandraAriel_:have you done any tests against to see how many concurrent connections it can support?
20:09.37Denmark[av]bani : You think VoIP is a terrible business?
20:09.51ManxPowereric_hill, What docs?  The Wiki?  That's old.
20:10.00eric_hillYes, the Wiki...
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20:10.18justinu|laptopsourcecode is the real docs
20:10.29NirShello everybody
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20:10.46NirShow are we feeling this fine day ?
20:10.46ManxPowereric_hill, try the correct source for docs "show application addqueuemember" in the Asterisk CLI
20:10.51NirSHey Manx
20:10.51NirShow's life ?
20:11.24eric_hillManxPower, Ah - got it.  Thanks.  The "j" option is missing from the Wiki...  :)
20:11.42ManxPowereric_hill, priority jumping will be removed in the next version anyway
20:11.43CoffeeIV_when a call comes in, I want to look up the caller id in a mysql db and do something different based on what I find.  Do I have to write an AGI script to do that, or is there some way I can branch on the return of a system( ) call or get a system() stdout into a variable in the dialplan ?
20:11.59Ariel_achandra, I have used it for about 50 to 60 users the firewall works well.
20:12.35NirSCoffee, AGI would be the right way to go here
20:12.52NirSan AGI that returns a value into the dial plan, then bran using GotoIf
20:12.56znoGCoffeeIV_: AGI and write to a variable the dial string, then exit the AGI and Dial(${VAR])
20:13.05NirSthat's another way to do it
20:13.07[av]baniDenmark: i think it's a bad idea to quit your job and jump into voip without being a voip expert and having a voip product completely ready to sell
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20:13.27[av]baniDenmark: why not quit your job and become an jumbo jet pilot? makes about as much sense.
20:13.34ManxPowerVoIP is 10x more complicated than it seems.  Maybe 100x more complicated.
20:13.35CoffeeIV_NirS: I agree AGI would be right, but will be the first AGI I have written, and I'm in a hurry -- if there is a wrong way that is faster I'd like to know  . . .
20:14.01vader--ya im just not sure which flavor of linux is going to provide me with everything i need for asterisk but not over kill for things i don't need
20:14.06justinu|laptopisn't there some kind of ODBC app you can call from within the dialplan to make db queries?
20:14.24ManxPowervader--, any flavour of linux
20:14.28eric_hillManxPower, so what do I do instead?  There doesn't seem to be a "if agent logged in, do this, otherwise do that" command.
20:14.34Denmark[av]bani : Oh ... Yeah .. I don't really want to fly jumbo jets though. :)
20:14.59NirSCoffee, you can check out my PHPAGI tutorial at
20:14.59ManxPowerjustinu|laptop, maybe in asterisk-addons
20:14.59NirSPHPAGI will bring you up and running with AGI in minutes
20:15.03Ariel_vader--, I use CentOS for asterisk server. It's been good for me.
20:15.14justinu|laptopanother vote for CentOS
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20:15.31CoffeeIV_NirS: will do, thanks
20:15.31Ariel_Denmark, I do
20:15.47ManxPowereric_hill, check the value of AQMSTATUS
20:15.48NirSAriel, I second that
20:16.02NirSI acutally migrated most of my Mandriva Boxes to CentOS, and I'm happy
20:16.08justinu|laptopit only costs about 60k to get your ATP rating
20:16.10DenmarkWell .. I find VoIP rather facinating.
20:16.22Ariel_justinu|laptop, hummm well I am 1/2 way there
20:16.28Zodiacalqwell which sccp firmware do you run, is it pretty stable with chan_sccp? i have had * crash twice using 7020400
20:16.32justinu|laptophalf way?
20:16.38DenmarkI also like FOSS
20:16.55Ariel_justinu|laptop, I need the time to build up for my next step in flying
20:17.00[av]baniDenmark: if you aren't already 100% experienced in voip, don't quit your job
20:17.04[av]baniDenmark: it's very complicated
20:17.07justinu|laptopwhat rating do you have now?
20:17.15eric_hillManxPower, again, thanks.  That will do what I need.
20:17.21[av]baniDenmark: it's not something you can just take a class in and become an expert quickly, either
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20:17.34justinu|laptoplike flying jumbos
20:17.34asterboywho is selling ip500 phones here?
20:17.37NirSbtw, any Manager experts around here ?
20:17.39Ariel_P-with IR going for commercial now
20:17.40justinu|laptopwhich you can take a class in and become an expert in a few months
20:17.41NirSI'm having a really funky manager issue over here
20:17.46justinu|laptopariel: cool
20:17.53asterboywasae, what was the price for those gxp-2000s?
20:17.55justinu|laptopi have a private single/multi working on instrument
20:18.03ManxPowereric_hill, all of the dialplan and apps are moving to variables for status rather than priority jumping
20:18.07Denmark[av]bani : I guess thats what interest me.  Its new, and most likely the future.
20:18.21Denmark[av]bani : What kinda skills do you need?
20:18.26NirSManx, thank god for that, things are actually starting to make sense
20:18.44[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : I don't think anyone here is an actual reseller....
20:18.59ManxPowerasterboy, Mr. Dureau is selling Polycom phones.  He can be contacted at 225-615-7297
20:19.01[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : I'd suggest either anotonline or Atacomm (more likely the latter...
20:19.16justinu|laptopatacomm is fine for a few phones
20:19.24justinu|laptopbut their shipping is out of hand, otherwise
20:19.33ManxPowerHis company (Avenue Computer) recenty became a Polycom reseller.
20:19.42ManxPowerTell him "Eric" sent you.
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20:20.12ManxPowerI do NOT get a commission, but he is a friend.
20:20.30asterboyI'd have to look in my log here, someone said they ordered too many and wanted to dump them.
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20:21.06[TK]D-Fendertritechcoa is pretty decently priced.....
20:21.27Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, they have been good for prices.
20:21.28funxionanyone here using chan_ooh323?
20:22.00[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : Yup, don't know about them as a reseller, but the price is right
20:22.01Ariel_just got 3 IP-501 for 168 each
20:22.28justinu|laptopfrom whom?
20:22.56Ariel_they came complete with ps and cable.
20:22.56asterboyebay has the 500s for $150
20:23.53Denmark[av]bani : Btw.  I checked out those cisco phones.  I must agree with you, if one has the money, thats where to put them.
20:23.54asterboy"12:53 < triple-e> i got stuck with a bunch of polycom 501's that im motivated to get rid of"
20:24.11justinu|laptopariel: that's cool
20:24.23asterboylastlog wasae
20:24.34asterboylastlog was
20:24.53Ariel_justinu|laptop, actual link to the ones I got.
20:25.40asterboybbl, time to do the ol' service call.
20:26.01asterboysetup a wireless network. *yawn*
20:26.13[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : You want 501's, not 500's.... more ram ensure they last longer for upgrades.
20:26.18ManxPowerMy users want to have up to TWENTY seconds between digits when they dial.
20:26.21[av]baniupgrades... hah
20:26.33[av]baniDenmark: they arent that expensive compared to the competition
20:26.40asterboyya the 501s are better for that.
20:26.40[TK]D-FenderManxPower : They can ride the little bus too!
20:26.47[av]baniDenmark: retail prices are always scary. street prices are much better
20:27.21[av]baniand what upgrades would that be? "doesnt take 3 minutes to boot"? "supports more than 7 hints"?
20:27.49ManxPowerthe whole 3 mins to boot is only an issue when you have to keep reconfigureing the phones
20:27.51mmlj4hey ManxPower
20:27.54ManxPoweryou don't do that in production
20:27.59ManxPowerHiya, mmlj4
20:28.28Ariel_polycoms are easy to setup via ftp you can setup 50 or 60 in no time
20:28.58ManxPowerAriel_, exactly
20:29.25[av]banipolycoms are about as much pain in the ass to configure as ciscos
20:29.36[av]banithe easiest are grandstreams, sipura and snom
20:29.38Ariel_[av]bani, no there not
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20:29.51ManxPower[av]bani, Yeah.  once you get the first one done, create two 5 line config files then power cycle the phone
20:29.52[av]baniAriel_: yes they are. i have them all, and i've written auto-provisioners for them.
20:30.11[av]baniManxPower: its getting the first one done that's the pita. because it's not simple and not clearly documented
20:30.21ManxPower[av]bani, Correct.
20:30.30ManxPowerHowever, once you get the first one done it's a breeze
20:30.45[av]banisorta. better hope all your phones are configured exactly the same
20:30.54ManxPower[av]bani, they are
20:31.04Ariel_[av]bani, why should they not be....
20:31.10[av]baniwont be the case for many sites
20:31.19NirSManx, how are you with Manager API ?
20:31.25ManxPower[av]bani, no, good planning and telling the users to go fuck off if they want custom stupid stuff
20:31.39[av]baniAriel_: because say, receptionist phones would be configred differently from say, internal extensions for engineers
20:31.42ManxPowerNirS, The magic 8 ball says "not so good"
20:31.55ManxPower[av]bani, why?  They are all just lines
20:31.58Ariel_[av]bani, really
20:32.05[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I have only 3 profiles of phones here, and 3 things to change in each (user, pass,MB ext parm)
20:32.05NirSI'm having a serious issue with the Manager/dialplan combo
20:32.09justinu|laptopwhat do you want to know about manager?
20:32.11[av]baniManxPower: because not everyone has the same speed dials and hints?
20:32.40ManxPower[av]bani, um, that's like 2 or 3 lines in the config file.
20:32.43NirSwell, I'm trying to the following:
20:32.48[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : How often do you roll out hints for new phones?  You let the USER shoose who to add....
20:32.51NirS1. Originate a call into a Local channel, pointed to something like Local/1234567890@some-context
20:32.54[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: no, you dont...
20:32.56ManxPowerFortunatly my users are too stupid to use the directory.
20:32.57NirSinside [some-context] to answer the call, then playback something, then Dial a number based upon an environment variable with a Macro upon connect
20:33.07NirSthen have the macro initiate an AGI script, which after completion, passes the call into a MeetMe room
20:33.07[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: corporations dont allow end users to fiddle with phones.
20:33.20ManxPowerHeck my users need up to twenty seconds between digits when dialing.  My CAT can dial faster than that.
20:33.21[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Funny, they have no way of locking you out from it...
20:33.34[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: yes, they do.
20:33.40[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: i've _done it_
20:33.41[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : news to me....
20:33.41ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, You don't know Polycom, do you?
20:33.52[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: you don't have any idea about how polycom really works then :))
20:33.53ManxPowerdon't let the phone write the config to the server.
20:34.06[av]baniyou can also password the admin menus
20:34.13ManxPowerdo a global config option to resync the phone with the config file every x mins/secs/days
20:34.18[TK]D-FenderManxPower : I'd like to think so... How would one go about preventing users from adding/ removing entries from their own personal contact directory?
20:34.19[av]baniand voila, no more end user fiddling
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20:34.33[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: the contact directory isnt saved across reboots...
20:34.41ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, no way, but each time the phone boots they would lose their stuff
20:34.43[av]baniif you block writes on the config server
20:34.53[av]baniusers would learn rather quickly it's a pointless thing to do
20:35.29[TK]D-FenderManxPower : So it writes to the provisioning server after each add and if the server doesn't cooperate then its a no-go?
20:35.51Denmark[TK]D-Fender : Which 7900 is better, according to you?
20:35.54[TK]D-FenderManxPower : I think I follow... they could change it, but it wouldn't survive a reboot.
20:35.54ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, I don't recall if it writes after each change or after X amount of time.
20:36.05ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, exactly
20:36.07[TK]D-FenderDenmark : Better than what? :)
20:36.16[av]baniManxPower: it writes on reboot
20:36.23[av]baniManxPower: same time it writes the logs :/
20:36.28[av]baniwhich is retarded
20:36.36[TK]D-Fenderhmmm, oh well... either way, hardly worth it...
20:36.44ManxPower[av]bani, it writes the logs each time they exceed a preconfigured size
20:36.46[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : unless you pull the plug...
20:36.59ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, you can remotely reboot polycoms
20:37.03[av]baniManxPower: you can disable that, but you cant seem to disable log writes on reboot
20:37.11ManxPower[av]bani, ah.
20:37.21[av]baniManxPower: polycom is infuriating sometimes
20:37.29[av]banii'd love to disable logs entirely, you cant do it
20:37.30Ariel_they do have allot of options
20:37.37ManxPower[av]bani, but mostly I love them.
20:37.51[av]baniManxPower: i like cisco far better.
20:38.08[av]banithe ciscos are much faster too. polycoms lag often when navigating menus and doing stuff.
20:38.15[av]baniprobably slow cpu, the same thing which makes them take ages to boot
20:38.18Denmark[TK]D-Fender : The best phone in the 7900-series?
20:38.22ManxPowerI don't.  The licensing is terrible, you have to pay extra for a power supply.
20:38.33[av]banilicensing? no problem unless you want ot use ccm
20:38.57[av]baniyou can use poe...
20:38.57ManxPowerUm, a legal SIP license is $125 on top of the cost of the phone, then the power supply is like $45 on top of that
20:39.05[av]baniManxPower: no. a legal sip is $8
20:39.09ManxPowerAhrimanes, yes PoE, cost much more.
20:39.12[av]baniand you can run sccp...
20:39.24ManxPower[av]bani, no, that is a CCO login with access to the SIP firmware, it does NOT give you a license to use it.
20:39.27mmlj4. o O (sip licence?)
20:39.37Ariel_[av]bani, hummm not if you read there licence stuff it's not
20:40.21Ariel_If you buy a sip lic for your phone you can't sell it to others with it.
20:40.26[TK]D-FenderDenmark : Well the higher the number the more advanced the phone (in general).  So that be what.. the 7971G now?
20:40.45Ariel_was reading the 7970 has sip now
20:40.48[TK]D-FenderDenmark : but frankly their entire line is over priced compared to Polycom...
20:41.06[av]baniManxPower: afaik that license is only if you use it with ccm. at least thats what the license seems to say.
20:41.17ManxPower[av]bani, that is not correct.
20:42.02ManxPoweryou need a CCM license for the phone on the CCM, but you ALSO need a license for the FIRMWERE (SCCP/H323/SIP/MGCP, whatever) for the phone, and as Ariel pointed out, if you sell the phone you are specifically prohibited from selling the firmware license.
20:42.04[av]baniAriel_: cisco license have never been transferable... ios neither
20:42.28ManxPowerthe license transfer is not a big issue for us, we pick a phone and stay with it.
20:42.32[av]baniManxPower: i'll drop a line to cisco and get clarification.
20:42.38ManxPower[av]bani, do that.
20:42.43[av]baniManxPower: but they're the ones who told me i only need $8
20:42.47Denmark[TK]D-Fender : It seems to be hard to get polycom in denmark.
20:42.55[av]baniso.. i trust cisco's advice over random person on #asterisk :)
20:42.57[TK]D-FenderDenmark : Unfortunate....
20:43.44[av]baniuntil the sip image supports blf, i'm not going to bother...
20:44.08Denmark[TK]D-Fender : I think everything else than sippura and grandstream is too pricy for the masses in denmark yet.  Most buys an ATA and connect their old crap to it.
20:44.29Denmark[TK]D-Fender : Exception is wireless IP phones.
20:44.55Ariel_Denmark, the linksys 942 is a very nice phone if you can get it there.
20:44.55Denmark[TK]D-Fender : Still .. there is a niece for decent telephones I guess.
20:45.20[TK]D-FenderDenmark : Don't know what to tell you....if its pricely there, then thats life I guess
20:45.59[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : 942 is definately a waste compared to an IP 501.... gets closer to it, but not for the $ as its even most expensive...
20:46.19Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, yes but if he can't get the polycom's
20:46.35DenmarkAriel_ : They have the 941
20:46.46DenmarkI havn't seen the 942 yet.
20:47.14DenmarkIf I only knew the first thing about sales, i guess I would be importing phones myself. :-)
20:48.10AhrimanesDenmark: hm we're looking at a voip dect phone for the danish market
20:48.17[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : yeah I guess its a runner up, but often Cisco can be had for a good price, even there...
20:48.52[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : I'd rather have a 7940 than any Sipura
20:48.54Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, yes but the 942 is a Cisco with the sipura setup.. No problem with the sip lic.... and works with poe
20:49.30[hC]Ive had occasional issues with the 941.. sometimes annoying echo, and also double-ring from asterisk.
20:49.35[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : no, the 941 is a LOT better than the 841, but still noticably shy of the 79xx series
20:49.44[hC]and its like the phone itself generates the double ring
20:49.47[hC]doesnt happen on my cisco or polyocms
20:49.55Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, correct I did not say it was
20:50.02DenmarkAhrimanes : Who are "we"?  :)
20:50.21AhrimanesDenmark: dansk ip telefoni firma :-)
20:50.28[TK]D-FenderAriel_ :I meant in terms or raw audio quality, and usability.  The 94x series makes shitty use of a decent res screen....
20:50.43DenmarkAhrimanes : Sødt :)
20:50.51AhrimanesDenmark:  :)
20:51.30AhrimanesDenmark: it's looking pretty good.. retail should be something like 700 dkk
20:51.42DenmarkThats pretty cheap
20:51.57Denmarklike the grandstream gxs 2000 or something
20:53.08[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm off.. later all
20:53.13AhrimanesDenmark: yeah, we've got a few of those for testing.. as well as gxv3000 video phones.. :)
20:53.36DenmarkAhrimanes :)
20:53.51DenmarkAhrimanes : I think the video phones might be a hit for the youngsters!
20:54.07AhrimanesDenmark: hehe we hope so.. telekæden will be selling some soon... :)
20:54.23AhrimanesDenmark: what's your angle on voip.. provider, consumer..?
20:54.28DenmarkTDC has Video phone for POTS
20:54.50AhrimanesDenmark: yeah... running at 33.6 kbps.. we run standard at 256 kbps
20:55.29DenmarkAhrimanes : Right now I am a consumer looking ahead. ;-)
20:55.53AhrimanesDenmark: ok, feel free to email/call us.. we do a lot of testing on new equiptment :)
20:56.26DenmarkAhrimanes : Why have you chosen Snom instead of Polycom?
20:56.49AhrimanesDenmark: we got snom samples before we even heard of polycom..
20:57.25Ahrimanesreminds me i need to get some polycom's home
20:57.31[av]baniAhrimanes: how are the gxv-3000's working out?
20:58.11Ahrimanes[av]bani: not good at the moment.. we'be just received a new firmware for them.. but i need to install trunk asterisk version to get h.264 support for good testing
20:58.31[av]banihows the build quality?
20:58.46Ahrimanesplasticy.. but acceptable
20:58.50Ahrimanesscreen is LARGE :)
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21:01.38DenmarkAhrimanes : You also offer SIP VoIP consumers with a gateway to PSTN via SONG?
21:01.49[av]baniAhrimanes: video quality?
21:01.54[av]baniand sound?
21:02.22Ahrimanes[av]bani: sound is basically the same as gxp2000... there are some minor issues, but i guess it's firmware...
21:02.31[av]baniecho issues?
21:02.34AhrimanesDenmark: hm no not via song, but via other providers
21:03.07DenmarkAhrimanes : I didn't know there were other decent providers in Denmark .. are you using other nordic provider?
21:03.23kend*is puzzled*  I take a Polycom 501, plug it into my D-Link, PoE works fine.  I take a Grandstream GXP-2000, plug it into D-Link, works fine.  Take Polycom powerbrick, works fine for Ethernet in-line power on 501 (no surprise).  Why doesn't that work for Grandstream?  Isn't the power-brick-in-line-with-Ethernet just doing PoE?
21:03.32DenmarkAhrimanes : Or is this a trade secret? :-)
21:03.37AhrimanesDenmark: well, for pstn there a quite a few danish providers that work well, but for gsm.. oh man
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21:04.24DenmarkAhrimanes : GSM is the pricy part of VoIP in Denmark ..
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21:04.41AhrimanesDenmark: yup.. and our current solution is no good, we're looking for a replacement
21:05.01noky2006-04-06 17:27:30 WARNING[32589]: file.c:584 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
21:05.28DenmarkAhrimanes : I am not sure if there is a good solution, but I hope you'll manage to find one that is better.
21:06.38AhrimanesDenmark: oh we will, first we'll have a meeting with our current provider to explain to them that.. well.. they suck at the moment.. then se what their reaction is and then scope the market
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21:06.45DenmarkAhrimanes : I suppose h264 is replacement for h323?
21:07.09AhrimanesDenmark: yes, should be better compression etc
21:08.04Ahrimanesjust need a few more new firmwares for the grandstream gxv and mayne a motorola ojo for testing :)
21:09.12DenmarkAhrimanes : OK.  How about peering?  I like your prices, but there is no peering with other VoIP?
21:09.29Denmark(From a consumer point of view)
21:09.57AhrimanesDenmark: we're talking to musimi at the moment and that should be ready soon.. but most of the other voip providers in denmark dont seem to be interested :(
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21:11.04DenmarkAhrimanes : Well, if you publish your good intensions, and "xx refused to peer" etc.  I think thats fine.
21:11.38DenmarkAhrimanes : Peering with musimi is good .. many pioneers in Denmark has or have had a musimi account
21:11.54AhrimanesDenmark: good suggestion.. i think once the musimi deal is done we'll do something like that
21:12.55DenmarkAhrimanes : You're about the same price as telefin .. but telefin is known to be pretty unstable.  Are you giving a better service at the same price?
21:13.55AhrimanesDenmark: certainly for pstn we're better.. for mobile we will be in something like 2 weeks..
21:14.43AhrimanesDenmark: and on top we're doing some development on asterisk for video, so we're the first danish voip provider with video and will try to stay ahead in this field
21:14.51DenmarkAhrimanes : Your product looks real good.  I wonder if you offer support and at which price?
21:15.59AhrimanesDenmark: support.. for which product? for consumer products we offer phone and email support for free, with limits of course..
21:17.13DenmarkAhrimanes : So, if I suggest my old parents to get VoIP with you as provider, you will help them with phone support?
21:17.51AhrimanesDenmark: certainly, we have a policy of only sending fully configured equiptment to the consumer
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21:19.08jpablohey people, anyone knows what speech recognition software tellme uses ?
21:20.37AhrimanesDenmark: and if you can tell who their internet provider is and maybe even what router they have i can configure the equiptment optimally
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21:21.16DenmarkThats nice.
21:21.43DenmarkAhrimanes : I bought a level 1 router for them.  Its pretty cheap.
21:21.59DenmarkAhrimanes : They are using Stofanet as provider.
21:22.20AhrimanesDenmark: oh, levelone router from bilka or something like that? hehe
21:22.31DenmarkAhrimanes : I wonder why you don't have the Sippura spa2002. ... Yeah .. from bilka :-)
21:23.08AhrimanesDenmark: we have better experience with the grandstream adapters
21:23.43AhrimanesDenmark: fx one customer with a spa 1001 and a level 1 router kept going offline.. switched to a handytone 286 and has been running perfectly since then
21:24.41DenmarkAhrimanes : OK.  I don't really know the 1001. I suppose it supports having a landline as backup?
21:24.56AhrimanesDenmark: no, 1001 is one port voip only
21:25.46Denmarkits the 2100 that has a backup PSTN, I guess .. or 3000, not sure.
21:26.03Ahrimanesour only current problem with grandstreams is with b&o telephones and vis nummer
21:26.13DenmarkAhrimanes : I only know the spa2k and the spa2002 ... they seem to work fine.
21:26.43DenmarkAhrimanes : And retail price is 600,- at estation, iirc.
21:26.52DenmarkAhrimanes : They have 2 lines.
21:26.59AhrimanesDenmark: ok, we are looking at more products to add to our shop, but for now we know that the ht286 works nicely, is easy for us to configure remotely etc..
21:27.03AhrimanesDenmark: ah
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21:27.48DenmarkAhrimanes : The reason I chose spa2k over handytone, was the caller id problem.
21:27.57Ahrimanesok we sold some ht286's with 1 line, preconfigured with 50 dkk prepaid included for 449 in silvan i guess
21:28.02Denmarkwell, at least one of the main reasons.
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21:28.21AhrimanesDenmark: hehe ok, well except for b&o phones. handytones now do callerid perfectly
21:28.33Denmarkmy parents do have b&o ;-)
21:29.30DenmarkI guess its a matter of time before grandstream fixes the firmware for the handytone though.
21:29.33Ahrimanesso i'd wait something like a month then.. we're just hiring more people in the company now so we'll have more resources to test equiptment
21:29.41znoGBIG matter of time!
21:30.05DenmarkAhrimanes : also, I guess spa2k will work with foniris?
21:30.12Ahrimaneshm well they work quite fast on the gxv firmwares, maybe we should try to exploit this contact for ht286 issues
21:30.29AhrimanesDenmark: sure, only problem is we dont have one ourselves to test exact settings and remote provisioning
21:30.45DenmarkAhrimanes : Grandstream are known to be good at fixing firmware issues, afaik.
21:31.22Ariel_znoG, did you find the cable you needed?
21:31.27AhrimanesDenmark: yeah seems ok.. but they sent us a mixed batch of hardware versions of the ht286 without telling us last time.. that was a bit of an issue
21:31.44[hC]So, I know that this has been an issue thats been tossed around a lot, but the 7 line issue on polycom 601/sidecar buddy watch, was that decided to be a polycom issue or an asterisk issue?
21:32.03DenmarkAhrimanes : Do you lock the devices for foniris or is the configuration user accessable?
21:32.22ManxPower[hC], BOTH.
21:32.44AhrimanesDenmark: we leave all config passwords to default so users can change at will, but we prefer to have provisioning on our server and then making the changes there
21:32.57eric_hillWhat's the easiest way to manually logoff a dynamic agent?
21:33.29ManxPower[hC], Asterisk supports one of at least TWO BLF features/protocols, the one that Asterisk supports has a 7-line limit in the Polycom firmware.  The Polycom firmwre has no 7-line limit for the other method/protocol, so when Asterisk supports that method....
21:33.31Ahrimanesremove queue member SIP/83293298 from queue <queue> ?
21:33.51eric_hillPerfect - I was looking under "agent logoff" and that wasn't getting it :)
21:34.04Ahrimaneseric_hill: :)
21:34.18[hC]ManxPower: what is easier to get fixed? ASterisk to support the other BLF protocol, or polycom to fix the 7 line bug?
21:34.24DenmarkAhrimanes :  Sounds good... that way you can turn off provisioning if you want to debug something, and turn it on again to benefit from your expiriences.
21:34.39[hC]ManxPower: I would presume the cisco 7914 uses the other BLF format, since i monitor 14 extensions with it.
21:34.50[hC]oh, unless the cisco doesnt have the limit of course.. heh!
21:35.35AhrimanesDenmark: yes, we dont want to lock the devices.. people should stay with us because they want to.. not because they have to :)
21:36.02DenmarkAhrimanes : I am looking at the spa-2100 ... seems interesting ... CBQ QoS is included.  (one wan port, one lan port)
21:36.38AhrimanesDenmark: yes that sort of device is quite interesting.. once we get one or two more staff we'll start testing more devices like that :)
21:36.40DenmarkAhrimanes : estation sells it for 700 .. I dunno if its any good though .. but I know QoS is going to be a big issue.
21:36.45terrapenis anyone using a Polycom BootROM version 3.x.x?
21:36.59terrapenI'm trying to figure out why VoIPSupply recommends against it
21:37.12[hC]ManxPower: basically im willing to pay someone to fix that issue if need be, i need it working before the first week of may :)
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21:38.24DenmarkAhrimanes : Any prospects on when the Musimi peering will be ready?  Since Tel*io bought musimi, things have changed a little.
21:38.27nokyhow can i avoid to play this audio 'agent-loginok' and 'vm-goodbye' ?
21:38.56wunderkinnoky: all you needed to do was show application agentcallbacklogin
21:39.36AhrimanesDenmark: not sure, i have another guy working on political stuff i just do technical stuff :)
21:40.21nokythanks wunderkin , can i change the audio?
21:40.58wunderkinyou mean the file it plays? well, probably best by editing the source, unless you dont need those 2 files for anything else, you can just do a symlink
21:41.14sleepy_onehey all :-) aynone using TDM400p's in the UK on BT analog lines?
21:41.24nokythanks wunderkin
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21:42.07sleepy_one~ seen cj-rm
21:42.11jbotcj-rm <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 6h 30m 11s ago, saying: 'it's on a TDM400 analog FXO card'.
21:42.13DenmarkAhrimanes : I would consider moving my TDC ISDN number to Foniris ... and get a "basislinje" with TDC.  Do you happen to know if I can do this without getting trouble with my ADSL which is also TDC?
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21:43.35[hC]ManxPower: do you know why nobody has implemented the second BLF protocol? Is it a closed protocol or something?
21:44.47AhrimanesDenmark: hm, there's a bunch of issues as soon as isdn is involved.. theoretically, you should be able to downgrade with no problems.. but experience show that there will be some loss of connection
21:45.20DenmarkAhrimanes : hours, days, weeks or months?
21:45.27Shaun2222i was wondering, is it possible to have a macro run for the agent that picked up a call that was in a queue?
21:45.36AhrimanesDenmark: seems you have to remove your isdn subscription, and in order to do that, you have to cancel your services running on the isdn.. which includes the adsl
21:45.57AhrimanesDenmark: hm not sure, my guess would be days, but call them up and ask
21:46.14DenmarkAhrimanes : OK.
21:46.40DenmarkAhrimanes : Is it unwise to tell them I wish to move my phone to foniris?
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21:47.21RaYmAn-Bxhow TDC behaves depends so much on whether you talk to the right guy or not :P
21:47.26sleepy_onehas anyone used the * webmin module ?
21:47.30AhrimanesDenmark: hehe well you'll probably still have to pay for the copper to tdc so it shouldn't be a problem for them.. but they'll probably start asking you a lot of questions about why you want to change..
21:47.54AhrimanesRaYmAn-Bx: hehe yeah... but there are very few "right" people and sooooo many wrong..
21:47.57RaYmAn-BxLike, I'd have to pay 1200DKR to even get a phoneline..since they can't see any previous phonelines on the address (and there obvious is one!)
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21:48.18DenmarkAhrimanes : Well .. Now I pay like 400,- every 3rd month .. with basisline I pay 32,- (40,- with MOMS)
21:48.35Denmarkeach month
21:48.58AhrimanesDenmark: ah.. well try to talk to them and see what they can do to keep you online through it all :)
21:49.22DenmarkAhrimanes : I talk to them, then ask Foniris to port the number?
21:50.10AhrimanesDenmark: yes, basically, buy a subscription, then port the number.. our shop is ill-designed at the moment, so this is the procedure
21:51.29DenmarkAhrimanes : Well .. TDC is TDC..
21:52.09AhrimanesDenmark: hehe well i was talking about our system.. unfortunately you need to buy a subscription before porting
21:52.50DenmarkAhrimanes : That makes sense.
21:54.35DenmarkAhrimanes : I better have a chat with TDC first .. they threatened to change my IP range etc.
21:54.42Shaun2222i was wondering, is it possible to have a macro run for the agent that picked up a call that was in a queue?
21:54.49AhrimanesDenmark: yeah.. but i'd like for people to be able to order a subscription and porting in one go without getting the temporary number if they want
21:55.03AhrimanesDenmark: hehe hm they're weird
21:55.27DenmarkAhrimanes : They are used to be a monopoly.
21:55.38DenmarkI guess thats it. :)
21:56.34AhrimanesDenmark: hehe yeah
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21:57.40*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
21:59.24IOscannerI just installed my SPA-3000, I have it working with inbound calling, but outbound calling I get congestion from SPA.  Any ideas where to check. I have triple checked my settings.  I am going based on the instructions here:
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22:00.36sleepy_oneIOscanner, are you behind a NAT?
22:01.38Ahrimanes*sigh* nat...
22:01.39IOscanneryes, but the ATA is talking only to a local asterisk box
22:01.58IOscannerso nat is not the issue
22:01.59sleepy_oneI see
22:02.06IronHelixata's dialplan?
22:02.07sleepy_onehave you tried sip debug?
22:02.13IronHelixthat too
22:02.38sleepy_oneIOscanner, is your machine running iptables?
22:02.41IOscannerdoes anyone know if the 3.1.3 firmware will run on SPA-3000 version 2 hardware?
22:02.58IOscanneryes, that is not the problem either I have an rule for the machines to talk
22:03.19sleepy_oneIOscanner, what happens when you turn sip debug on in * ?
22:03.20IOscannerit is a config problem or a firmware issue with asterisk or SPA-3000
22:04.08Abydos313reset spa back to factory settings and try again :)
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22:04.18sleepy_oneIOscanner, is the SPA-3000 registered with * ? sip show peers
22:04.30Abydos313****  73738  then 1 to confirm :))
22:05.05DenmarkAhrimanes : The reason for temporary number .. it might be that its really hard to port a number in Denmark..
22:05.12IOscannerthe doc I found doesn't have the device registering with the FXO port
22:05.25AhrimanesDenmark: not really hard.. just time consuming.. 5 weeks is the general estimate
22:05.47IOscannerI am trying to make outbound calls with the FXO port on the 3000.  I have the FXS port working fine  I can call in and out
22:06.14IOscannerI have a zaptel card also, but I have disabled it for now to test the FXO port on the SPA-3000
22:06.26DenmarkAhrimanes : Exactly .. so best service for customer is probably better service.  But I agree it should be easier to port number.  A week max would be more like it.  Optimally a day or two.
22:06.43DenmarkAhrimanes : Temporary number is better service, even.
22:07.25AhrimanesDenmark: hm it's a good fix for a shitty problem yes :)
22:07.44DenmarkAhrimanes : Indeed :)
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22:09.16AhrimanesDenmark: but we'd love to welcome you as a customer :)
22:09.31DenmarkAhrimanes : Thanks :)
22:10.57sleepy_oneIOscanner, what version of * are you using? did you configure it with AMP or by hand?
22:11.11AhrimanesDenmark: you work for de danske mejerier?
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22:11.47fjeanhi guys !
22:12.08fjeanhey, anybody got * 1.2.5 working with unicall ?
22:12.34DenmarkAhrimanes : Its fake.
22:12.40AhrimanesDenmark: hehe
22:12.49nainIs there any Good Predictive Dialer for Asterisk
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22:13.09fjeannain - i think aheeva has one
22:13.12Ahrimanesnain: i think a2billing has one built in
22:13.16DenmarkAhrimanes : You run BSD and used to chat on netstationen?
22:13.29alexnsanyone taken dcap lately?
22:13.35nainbut Aheeva is comercial one
22:13.37AhrimanesDenmark: i do use bsd.. cant remember about netstationen, hehe
22:13.42fjeannain - yes
22:13.53AhrimanesDenmark: ah, yes i was there for a while
22:14.01nainAhrimanes: How about A2billing with Predicitive Dialer
22:14.11fjeannain - see this one:
22:14.17fjeanits free
22:14.19naini have seen these
22:14.27Ahrimanesnain: i think areski put a predictive dialer into the a2billing package.. havent tried it though
22:14.28nainfjean: I need a solid solution
22:14.56nainAhrimanes: When Areski put pd into a2billing i don't think so it was there before
22:14.56fjeannain - you tried the gnudialer ?
22:15.04DenmarkAhrimanes : Maybe someone here can help you find a good deal on Polycom.
22:15.37DenmarkAhrimanes : If you're the guy who buys stuff:-)
22:16.03alexnsAhrimanes, Netx is ok but you have to be certified to buy polycom
22:16.08Ahrimanesnain: hm latest release.. released a week or two ago
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22:16.23Ahrimanesalexns: ok will look at it
22:16.38alexnsi am cert if you need to buy
22:16.41AhrimanesDenmark: we usually contact manufacturers directly.. gets better prices :)
22:16.47Ahrimanesalexns: you're in denmark?
22:16.49nainAhrimanes: That's sounds good but have any one implemented it ......
22:16.57alexnsnope in the us
22:17.12Ahrimanesnain: sorry, dont know.. just remember him talking about predictive dialer
22:17.20DenmarkAhrimanes : Usually thats the way to do it.
22:17.34Ahrimanesalexns: ok, what's the price on a lowend business polycom phone?
22:17.35alexnsit is a good way
22:17.55nainAhrimanes: Let me check the features of pd on his website
22:18.13alexns301 has no speakerphone you want the 501 with 3 line presence
22:18.26DenmarkAhrimanes : Foniris is owned by mermaid?
22:18.42Ahrimanesnain: Predictive Dialer Features - Manage Campaign, Phonelist, import phonelist.
22:18.46AhrimanesCustomer Interface (Agent) have the ability to call a predefined amount of Phonenumber.
22:18.47alexnspolycom has the best sound, but did you check out snom, they are nice in small offices cause of the "dss" keys
22:18.58AhrimanesDenmark: no, foniris is self-owned by private investors
22:19.24DenmarkAhrimanes : So yours is fake too?
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22:19.28Ahrimanesalexns: we use snom190/elmeg290 for small offices now..
22:19.47AhrimanesDenmark: hehe no this is my private server hosted at mermaid
22:19.55Denmarkok :)
22:20.04Ahrimanesalexns: but snom dropped the 190.. so we need alternates
22:20.07alexnsahrimanes: polycom 501 is around 165 USD or so
22:20.30alexnsit is not poe unless you have cable
22:20.32Ahrimanesalexns: also looking to see if other phones have better integration, like menu's defined from asterisk
22:20.45DenmarkAhrimanes : Isn't that expensive?
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22:20.59Ahrimanesalexns: ah ok.. hm fair price.. grandstream gxp2000 is quite cheaper.. but sound adnd build quality is not good...
22:21.04alexnshmm, i spoke to china roby about some custom phone like that... gotta buy 1000 units
22:21.08AhrimanesDenmark: the hosting?
22:21.20Denmarkserver hosting
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22:21.33AhrimanesDenmark: it's a vserver.. i think i pay 250 dkk/month
22:21.45Denmarkquite expensive :)
22:21.47alexnsahrimanes if you want top notch sound quality go polycom
22:22.02DenmarkAhrimanes : Like vmware?
22:22.04Ahrimanesalexns: ok, how are polycom at taking customer requests for firmware?
22:22.12nainCan any one Installed and COnfigure AstGUIClient for me ....
22:22.14riddleboxis there an app that will convert a wav to text?
22:22.15alexnsit is availabe on the website
22:22.27AhrimanesDenmark: well yeah.. linux vserver.. linux specific thing.. wanted a freebsd but they dont have that at the moment
22:22.27alexnsif you are polycom certified you can get the newest firmware
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22:22.43DenmarkAhrimanes : usermod linux?
22:22.48IronHelixhow hard / expensive is it to become 'polycom certified'?
22:22.52Ahrimanesalexns: well more like if i want something specific implemented in the firmware..
22:23.00AhrimanesDenmark: not quite.. 2 sec..
22:23.15alexnsdepends on how many you are buying, they actually kinda support asterisk
22:23.21nainANY PD GURU HERE
22:23.29IronHelixdo you have to take a class / push a minimum # of units per month?  how much does it cost?
22:23.42alexnsto become polycom certified you must sign up with a distributor then take cert test thats all no cost
22:23.45Ahrimanesalexns: ok, so say i'm ordering 1000 at a time, they should be easy to talk to?
22:23.56Ahrimanesalexns: cool
22:23.57IronHelixah cool, thanks
22:24.17alexnsgoto to signup talk to rick boone he can help you out
22:24.24Ahrimanesalexns: last thing i'm missing to replace traditional pbx's is really phones with menu's etc defined in asterisk.. somehow..
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22:24.28alexnsthey don't really have order mins
22:24.45alexnshow about adsi phones... expensive but maybe you can work with the menus
22:24.57alexnssayson astara
22:25.21Ahrimanesalexns: yes, but seems adsi is pstn only, so you'd need a channel bank or something like that to connect them?
22:25.29alexnsno they make voip version
22:25.33IronHelixah, thanks alex
22:25.33Ahrimanesoh nice
22:25.39Ahrimanesalexns: link?
22:25.54Cybertoyuhm ... anyone with a cisco 7970 phone here?
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22:26.02skyboyHi I looked into some firewalls and was looking for additional recommendations for corporate/call center capable linux firewalls that support rtp and sip. Any recommendations?
22:26.11Cybertoyand can tell me what the <timeZone> setting in the SEP...cnf.xml has to be for Eastern time ?
22:26.41alexnshmm let me llok for link
22:27.54Ahrimanesalexns: thx
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22:29.01Ahrimanesskyboy: hm, firewall-1 and cisco pix seem to have sip/rtp support so that you dont need stun.. but i dont have personal experience.. i use for the clients that asked me for firewall recommendations
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22:29.38Denmark|Vulture| : TheVulture?
22:29.38alexnsahrimanes  check under phones under sayson
22:29.56Ahrimanesalexns: ok thnx
22:30.20skyboyAhrimanes: does that support or have ability to be setup in a redundant config??
22:31.23Ahrimanesskyboy: not atm.. for enterprise customers i tend to recomend firewall-1 and have someone else do the config
22:31.41alexnsi think but i never used
22:32.13Ahrimanesalexns: hm cant reach the site
22:33.55skyboyAhrimanes: okay...the firewall needs to support a huge number of concurrent calls - nationwide and be redundant..that is
22:34.10alexnsahrimanes i think the site is down atm
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22:34.34alexnsso ... anyone take the dcap exam lately ??
22:34.35Ahrimanesalexns: ok, annoying, hehe
22:34.49Ahrimanesalexns: hm havent taken it yet.. trying to convince my boss, hehe
22:34.49Abydos313alexns i found that funny when the site didn't come up.
22:35.21Ahrimanesskyboy: i guess you also need a SLA that enables you to place blame/responsibility on someone else in case of breakdown?
22:36.23Ahrimanesalexns: hm, aastra 480i has adsi.. but only with mgcp it seems
22:36.47skyboyAhrimanes: no. That was the OLD place of work..its for our own peace of mind here.
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22:37.13skyboyAhrimanes: Im just looking out for my own ass at 2am when a failure occurs ;)
22:37.20alexnsno should be sip
22:37.35IronHelixno, astra 480 has ADSI, which is an analog protocol whihc needs an analog port.  the 480i is the voip version of the 480,which supports mgcp or sip but not adsi
22:37.44IronHelixadsi = pots analog with a screen and features
22:37.53alexnsnot thinking ...
22:38.35AhrimanesIronHelix: they claim to have ADA/ADSI functionality on mgcp as far as i can tell
22:38.42|Vulture|anyone know a program for Linux that will zero out all blank data? Like not format the drive just wipe the blank sectors
22:38.54alexnsyou are looking for a asterisk programable menu in a phone
22:39.07Ahrimanesalexns: something like that yes..
22:39.08alexnswhat are you trying to do if you don't mind my asking
22:39.11IronHelixdd if=/dev/zero if=/dev/hda bs=4k
22:39.12IronHelixtry that
22:39.27|Vulture|don't worry
22:39.29Ahrimanesalexns: i'm emulating it with agi's and app_devstate kind of now.. but not good enough
22:39.30|Vulture|Im not retarded
22:39.33IronHelixor DBAN- dariks boot and nuke, it will nuke a hard drive VERY nicely
22:39.36|Vulture|thats almost as good as the rm -rf /
22:39.44IronHelixobviously not /deb/hda but you know what i mean :)
22:40.02X-RobYou want to blank UNUSED areas of the disk
22:40.07Ahrimanesalexns: things like having a a button that's lit when you're in a queue and off when you're not
22:40.17|Vulture|X-Rob: correct
22:40.22alexnsso you want a truly asterisk integrated phone
22:40.46DenmarkIronHelix : I guess you meant "of=/dev/hda".
22:40.53alexnsmaybe you would have better luck with a soft phone, it would go faster
22:40.54|Vulture|I rm'ed a few files and I was told they had to be perm. removed so now I need to wipe the blank area
22:41.11IronHelixexactly denmrk
22:41.14alexnsthen you could deal with customization of hardware phones
22:41.16Ahrimanesalexns: optimally yes.. screen menu's that can be changed by other methods such as xml and http would do
22:41.34alexnscisco is xml polycom displays xhtml
22:42.11alexnsonly highend polycom though...
22:42.13|Vulture|hrm I think I found something:
22:42.24StanStanAnyone have any experiences (good or bad) with for an IAX provider?
22:42.28Ahrimanes|Vulture|: ah, there are some of these "safe" delete programs about that erases the file's storage area a bunch of times..
22:42.37Ahrimanesalexns: ok
22:42.48DenmarkIronHelix : it will not format the drive, but it will .. oh well, I guess you know.
22:42.57Ahrimanesalexns: we're trying to get snom190's buttons to do this though.. for now we have a voice prompt
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22:43.11|Vulture|Ahrimanes: yea I don't need like DOD type but just better than rm -rf lol
22:43.20Ahrimanes|Vulture|: :)
22:44.36Denmark|vulture| : for times in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda bs=4k ; done
22:44.37alexnsive heard that in the next few months speech recognition will be in asterisk
22:44.50Ahrimaneshm would be good
22:45.23alexnsi use a macro & programmed buttons in snom 360 for agent /logon logoff
22:45.23IronHelixthat wouldrock
22:45.28|Vulture|Denmark: yes thank you that looks good
22:45.56alexnsit should be fairly decent .... probably 3-6 months is what i was told
22:46.05Denmark|Vulture| : it deletes everything though .. not only the blank stuff.
22:46.13StanStanWhats the matter with the forums?  It seems like I cant ever find what I need.
22:46.23Ahrimanesalexns: i do the same just with add queue member.. from an agi
22:46.29Denmark|Vulture| : Thank IronHelix - they gave me theidea
22:46.29|Vulture|Denmark: I think I found a script that does it correctly
22:46.43Ahrimanesalexns: but wouldnt it be neat to have the button be lit when you're in the queue and off when not?
22:46.59alexnsoh yea :)
22:47.04*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
22:47.14alexnsjust need a few firmware hacks :)
22:47.20StanStanNot because the information isn't there, but because the forums search logic is messed up.
22:47.35Ahrimanesalexns: that's what i want.. :)
22:47.39*** join/#asterisk mafkees (
22:47.44Ahrimanesalexns: actually asterisk hacking could do it
22:47.54mafkeesheya all
22:48.09alexnshmm i see what i can find out ... im at dcap training right now
22:48.15Ahrimanesalexns: app_devstate from bristuff has something for it
22:48.48alexnsperhaps there is someone in the asterisk community that can help with phone firmware hack itself
22:48.51Ahrimanesalexns: but i've only succceded in turning on a led in a snom button.. i cant get it to turn it off again
22:49.02Ahrimanesalexns: whos your trainer?
22:49.03mafkeesanyone here can give me an update on zaptel timer support on OpenBSD ?
22:49.09alexnssteve sokel
22:49.17mafkeeslast time I checked only freebsd was supported
22:49.19Ahrimanesalexns: hm dont remember if i met him
22:49.22|Vulture|Ahrimanes: yea but that only works if I removed the files with shred to start with :(
22:49.31mafkeeslast time as in: 5 minutes from now
22:49.40Ahrimanesmafkees: i think freebsd is the only BSD with zaptel for now
22:49.48alexnsusing presence in snom phones... also lights stay on randomly
22:50.12mafkeesAhrimanes: too bad. any plans on other BSD's ?
22:50.19Ahrimanes|Vulture|: yeah.. otherwise you'd have to do some hacking yourself and create files in the blanks and then shred those files
22:50.34Ahrimanesmafkees: i havent seen any indications for it..
22:51.02mafkeesAhrimanes: can wanpipe be used for timing ?
22:51.21Ahrimanesmafkees: but also looking at asterisk as an application, you'd really want a platform with decent smp
22:51.33sleepy_onehey all, anyone having semi-random hangups or lost audio on zap channels after about 3min on TDM400p cards?
22:51.40mafkeesAhrimanes: openbsd has decent smp support
22:51.42Ahrimanesmafkees: hm, in freebsd the kernel timekeeping is used.. but through a ztdummy kernel module
22:51.51mafkeesit runs fine on my quad xeon setup
22:52.01*** part/#asterisk StanStan (n=Stan@
22:52.09Ahrimanesmafkees: still giant locked afair.. not really usable for heavily threaded applications
22:53.06IronHelix  might be useful, this will nuke your free space
22:53.08alexnsaight cya guys
22:53.10*** part/#asterisk alexns (n=ibtek04@
22:53.19IronHelixif somebody was looking for that
22:53.39mafkeesAhrimanes: hhmm, all I want is meetme and iax2 trunks on openbsd
22:53.55mafkeesno need for all the T1/E1/J1 interfaces
22:54.03terrapendoes anybody know of a command-line XML tidy util?
22:54.13terrapenthe Polycom XML configs are just FCUKED.
22:54.21mafkeesterrapen: xalan
22:54.40Shaun2222i was wondering, is it possible to have a macro run for the agent that picked up a call that was in a queue?
22:54.47Ahrimanesmafkees: true.. that's why ztdummy is around on linux and freebsd.. i guess a port from freebsd ztdummy to openbsd wouldnt be a huge job... but not a lot of interest i guess
22:54.53sleepy_onespeaking of BSD!!! BSD needs your help!
22:55.08terrapenhmm, this looks kind of complicated, mafkees
22:55.15*** join/#asterisk Peggerr (
22:55.18mafkeessleepy_one: I'm already there: Michiel van Baak
22:55.22terrapeni don't have java
22:55.40Peggerrhow would I generate hundreds of sip, iax calls in order to stress test a box?
22:55.54mafkeesAhrimanes: so it's linux or freebsd huh ?
22:55.56AhrimanesPeggerr: .call files or look at
22:56.04sleepy_onemafkees, thank you for donating :-)
22:56.04Ahrimanesmafkees: at the moment yes
22:56.17terrapenthere we go
22:56.19Ahrimanesmafkees: in my experience freebsd, asterisk and ztdummy all works good
22:56.47mafkeesAhrimanes: yeah, but I don't want to convert 100+ systems from openbsd to freebsd
22:57.11PeggerrAhrimanes, how does ztdummy work on freebsd? ztdummy is a kernel module?
22:57.22AhrimanesPeggerr: there's a freebsd port of ztdummy
22:57.38mafkeesI'd like to setup some systems with asterisk, openbsd, carp, pf, altq
22:57.48mafkeeshard to do that without openbsd
22:57.52PeggerrAhrimanes, oha interesting, how about solaris, they got one working for solaris
22:57.55DenmarkWhy does SIP use so many ports, when IAX(2) only uses one UDP?
22:58.23X-RobDenmark, because SIP is stupid.
22:58.29Ahrimanesmafkees: true.. but as i said.. for what i know of the openbsd smp implementation, adding extra cpu's yields relatively little performance compared to linux or freebsd.. so if you have many machines running asterisk with multiple cpu's there could be many gains
22:58.44AhrimanesPeggerr: hm not sure, dont have any solaris machines at the moment
22:58.51DenmarkX-Rob : Heh.
22:59.03PeggerrAhrimanes, i read that they where working on one but I am not sure how well it was working
22:59.08DenmarkX-Rob :
22:59.11AhrimanesDenmark: sip only uses one.. then there's rtp.. hehe
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22:59.31mafkeesAhrimanes: yeah, but machines are cheap. and openbsd is really stable.
22:59.32DenmarkAhrimanes : 5060?
22:59.38AhrimanesPeggerr: ok, would be nice though... and with an existing freebsd port a lot of the legwork should be done
22:59.45mafkeesit's a bummer ppl forget about openBSD
22:59.45x86anyone interested in cheap phone service?
22:59.59*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linuxM (
23:00.15mafkeesI don't care about smp
23:00.26Ahrimanesmafkees: true, openbsd is nice and stable... i use it for critical secure systems as well.. but for application servers it just doesnt perform well enough for me
23:00.35mafkeeslast time I checked zaptel works on non-smp systems
23:00.52Ahrimanesbut you mentioned the quad xeon machine
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23:01.16mafkeesbut I would be happy if it worked on soekris too
23:01.19Ahrimaneshm.. will try to read up on openbsd smp
23:01.53mafkeesdamn, I would even ditch the quad xeon if asterisk zaptel timing worked on soekris/openbsd
23:02.02Ahrimanesmafkees: hehe.. my guess would be that it's not a huge job to port freebsd's zt port.. but havent looked at the code
23:02.17mafkeesI would sell the quad xeon and get me like 10 soekris boxes
23:03.05Ahrimaneshm not much smp info on
23:03.12mafkeesmy C experience is 3 weeks of learnin
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23:03.41mafkeesso porting zaptel from free to openbsd would be a bald project
23:03.49Ahrimanesmafkees: well you could raise the funds to get an experienced openbsd developer to do the job.. this has worked well for me before
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23:04.32mafkeesah, where is the bounty ?
23:04.52Ahrimanesmafkees: dont think there's one now.. but you could start it
23:04.57mafkees<--- already is in a bounty to support Sangoma S518 on OpenBSD
23:05.08*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=phil@
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23:05.31asteriskmonkeyi need some support with a digium card can anyone help me
23:05.31mafkeesthe old, full sized S518 is supported, but the new low-profile isn't
23:05.54Ahrimanesstarting bounties seems to take longer and be harder to find a developer for the job
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23:05.59mafkeesAhrimanes: who to contact about the openbsd support ?
23:06.14mafkeesbkw changed to openpbx
23:06.23mafkeesso he is not the one anymore
23:06.50mafkeesthat one is closed :(
23:06.59asteriskmonkeyis there anyway of tellign what firmware you card is using (digium that is)
23:07.14mafkeesasteriskmonkey: dmesg ?
23:07.17*** join/#asterisk Jon335 (n=Jon335@unaffiliated/jon335)
23:07.19mafkeesI  dont know
23:07.41mafkeesall I have is a X100P
23:07.41asteriskmonkeyhere is my issue i have a te406 quad span echo cancel t1 card
23:08.01asteriskmonkeyit dosnt echo can worth crap, yet my a102 no hardware echo can sangoma works perfect
23:08.12brookshireat least it works on 64 bit boxes!
23:08.34Ahrimanesmafkees: not sure.. see if you can track down an asterisk developer or probably more likely a seasoned openbsd kernel developer
23:09.42Ahrimanesmafkees: but if you're running a business based on asterisk.. i would really advise against staying on openbsd or any platform that doesnt already have support for zaptel or the like to meet your needs..
23:09.53mafkeesAhrimanes: ok, I'll mail theo@ for that. I donated some hardware recently so he should remember me ;)
23:10.10*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
23:10.12Ahrimanesmafkees: hehe ok, yeah he should know who'd be able to do the job
23:10.30Lino`~seen Possible
23:10.41jbotpossible <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 27d 10h 51m 20s ago, saying: 'I guess not'.
23:10.51mafkeesAhrimanes: the company I work for uses Debian, so no problem there, we simply build ztdummy
23:10.51Ahrimanesmafkees: ok :)
23:11.00*** join/#asterisk Jon335 (n=Jon335@unaffiliated/jon335)
23:11.05mafkeesthis is for my setup at home and my, yet to be accepted, Inc setup with a couple of friends
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23:12.02Ahrimanesmafkees: ok, experience just tells me that once you go for a specific application, usually it doesnt pay to try to adapt your platform of choice.. :)
23:12.07asteriskmonkeyanyone know why dmesg would show my card is using kb1 when i set zap to use mark 2?
23:12.08mafkeesasterisk is not our core business, but we have integrated it into our CRM/Groupware stuff
23:13.30X-Robasteriskmonkey, because you're loading the wrong zaptel module
23:13.32Ahrimanesmafkees: anyways.. the short answer to your original question is.. no zaptel in openbsd at the moment :)
23:13.42mafkeestoo bad
23:13.59mafkeesI'll mail mark, kevin and theo then
23:14.02X-Robmafkees, it is. We've been soliciting for openbsd developers, but there don't seem to be any.
23:14.07mafkeesadd some $$$$$
23:14.11Ahrimanesmafkees: yes, would be nice to have more of the bsd's supported fully
23:14.58Ahrimaneshm openbsd people might object to the digium disclaimer on sources though?
23:15.21X-Robthey don't need to disclaim it
23:15.27X-Robjust stick it in ports.
23:15.34xachenI object completely on Digium's discalimer
23:15.40xachener, disclaimer
23:15.47X-RobSo do I
23:15.49X-Robso don't sign it
23:15.58X-Robproblem solved
23:16.00xachenI havn't :)
23:16.04AhrimanesX-Rob: but openbsd is notoriously fanatic...
23:16.11xachenmeaning I won't contribute to the * project
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23:16.39X-Robxachen, no, it just means you don't have to give your stuff back to digium.
23:16.45X-Robit's still GPL
23:16.51asteriskmonkeyx-rob: explain how i am loading it wront
23:17.08asteriskmonkeyi recomiled zaptel with mark2 not kb1 yet it still shows up in my dmesg
23:17.10X-Robasteriskmonkey, you've made your module, but you're not loading it
23:17.13X-Robyou're loading a wrong module.
23:17.58Shaun2222should i use mpg123 for onhold music?
23:18.12X-RobShaun222, no. Use native MOH.
23:18.14sleepy_oneShaun2222, you can use mpg123 or madplay
23:18.25asteriskmonkeyX-Rob: any way to debug how exactle im not loading it
23:18.27AhrimanesShaun2222: i use format_mp3 from asterisk-addons.. mpg123 seems to eat resources alot
23:18.46Shaun2222native MOH?
23:18.55sleepy_oneShaun2222, madplay can be better in some respects, native MOH is based on mpg123 IIRC
23:18.58asteriskmonkeyive stop and restarted asterisk
23:19.05asteriskmonkeyive reloaded and remodprobed
23:19.15asteriskmonkeywhat am i missing
23:19.17mafkeesok, as soon as I have an OpenBSD update I'll be back
23:19.29Ahrimanesmafkees: cool :)
23:19.42X-Robasteriskmonkey, you're loading the wrong module. That's the problem. The zaptel module you're loading has the KB1 ec in it, not the MG2. I really think that this is solvable without me holding your hand.
23:19.53Ahrimanessleepy_one: format_mp3 is based on mpg123.. native moh is just asterisk playing any format it knows afaik
23:19.56sleepy_oneShaun2222, native MOH comes in the asterisk-addons package and is based on mpg123 IIRC
23:20.22Shaun2222looks like asterisk uses mpg123 by default... at least it did for me..
23:20.36sleepy_oneShaun2222, what version ?
23:20.46X-Robshaun222, using mpg123 is a bad idea. Use format_mp3 and native MOH (eg, type=files in musiconhold.conf)
23:20.55sleepy_onesorry I meant format_mp3 not native MOH
23:21.04X-Robformat_mp3 _is_ using native moh
23:21.10X-Robtype=files == read any file
23:21.19X-Robformat_mp3 is a format that * understands
23:21.22X-Robthere's alo format_ogg
23:21.24asteriskmonkeyx-rob : sorry i though chaning the zconfig.h file and remake/installing it was the correct method
23:21.25X-Roband format_wav, etc
23:21.36X-Robasteriskmonkey, it is.
23:21.42asteriskmonkeywell then that is what i did
23:21.44Shaun2222type=files? you mena mode=files?
23:21.45asteriskmonkeyand it dosnt work
23:21.51X-RobShaun2222, thats what I mean
23:22.06Shaun2222i have it set to mode=mp3 right now
23:22.07AhrimanesX-Rob: to have format_* support streaming.. would it be better to patch format_*.c or have asterisk's filehandling be aware of streams?
23:22.08asteriskmonkeyx-rob: now you see why i am confused :)
23:22.20mafkeeswe have all the moh and stuff in ulaw
23:22.34mafkeessaved like 75% of our CPU
23:22.41X-Robasteriskmonkey, pay someone to fix it, if you don't understand how modules work.
23:22.43*** join/#asterisk ast_gittl (n=zxc786@
23:22.51ast_gittlhi guys
23:22.52X-Robpaypal US$80/hour to for me
23:22.54DenmarkI was just told that * doesn't support cisco-phones?  Has this been true in the past?
23:22.59asteriskmonkeyno thanks
23:23.04ast_gittlany asterisk GURU here?
23:23.04websaehas anyone had any experience with ASTBILL?
23:23.05sleepy_oneYou can do this: [manual] mode=custom application=/usr/bin/madplay -Q --mono -R 8000 --output=raw:- /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/filename.mp3
23:23.07Ahrimanesif most of your customers use a certain codec, saving your moh and other sounds in that format is very resource efficient
23:23.16asteriskmonkeynot an idiot, but much appreciate to offer for paid support in an open source suppport channel
23:23.25Ariel_Denmark, yes it supports sip and sccp depends on how you set it up
23:23.52nainHey ast_gittl It's Me GURU is here
23:23.54nainwhat do u want
23:23.59AhrimanesDenmark: hm we have customers using cisco 7960's
23:24.03ast_gittlis there any asterisk GURU here
23:24.19mafkeesDenmark: I have several 7960 and 2 7905 here, and they all run fine on the chan_sccp module
23:24.29Ariel_asteriskmonkey, sometimes if people need extra help pass the normal paid support from a cosuntant is good.
23:24.39sleepy_oneOf course you can use any other music player you want for MOH.
23:24.46Dovidast_gittl: what do u need
23:24.50X-Robasteriskmonkey, well you don't seem to be willing or able to investigate why you're loading the wrong module yourself, and I don't work for free.
23:24.53ast_gittlcan anybody help me setup PD
23:24.58Denmarkmafkees : is provisioning working?
23:24.58ast_gittlany body there?
23:25.02Ahrimanesopensource != free support
23:25.09ast_gittldavid IM me
23:25.11ast_gittlis confusing
23:25.12Dovidast_gittl: What do u need ?
23:25.13asteriskmonkeydude i have thats why i asked for help :P
23:25.15ast_gittlAsterisk GURU IM ME
23:25.19darkskiezDenmark: ived used 40 7960/40s in our office on sip for a year
23:25.36mafkeesDenmark: yes
23:25.48mafkeesmy phone is getting everything from tftp
23:25.48Ariel_opensource mean just that in the software. If you want changes your going to either do it your self or get someone to do it for you. Hint the paid support at times.
23:25.58mafkeesand the sccp.conf file
23:26.12Dovidgoto luv people that support for free cause ast. is free
23:26.12ast_gittlany GURU
23:26.17ast_gittlso there is no GURU Of asterisk
23:26.19ast_gittli m wondering
23:26.35asteriskmonkeyyes i know was having an issue with a card keeping kb1 as the echo can even though i changed to module
23:26.38asteriskmonkeythats ok though
23:26.40Ariel_asteriskmonkey, if you comment out the # in the .h file to MG2 you then have to do make install again.  Plus do service zaptel restart
23:27.20mafkeesok, I'm off to bed
23:27.20asteriskmonkeyah service zaptel restart so reloading asterisk or remodprobing dosnt do that
23:27.23mafkeeslatero all
23:27.30sleepy_onegnite mafkees :-)
23:27.31ast_gittli need a Predictive Dialer COMPLETE Solution :)
23:27.34ast_gittlany GURU HERE
23:27.37ast_gittlcan anybody offer?
23:27.39ast_gittlno guru
23:27.39mafkeesas soon as I get reply from kevin or theo I'll be back ;)
23:27.47ast_gittlasterisk is no more!!!!!!!!! talk of industry
23:28.08Dovidast_gittl: relax and state what u need. stop hogging the room
23:28.13sleepy_oneast_gittl, sorry what?
23:28.50asteriskmonkeyAriel_: thanks
23:29.49Denmarkmafkees: So you need to install a special firmware.  Thats the issue!?
23:30.08Shaun2222so i'm confused a bit, is their no default player music? or is mpg123 it?
23:30.35ast_gittlANY BODY ALIVE HERE?
23:30.38ast_gittlNO EXPERTS?
23:30.41ast_gittlNO GURUs?
23:30.43ast_gittlNO DEVILS?
23:30.50Ariel_shaun222, the old 1.0.X asterisk default was mpg123
23:31.00ast_gittlare you expert
23:31.02Ariel_it's changed to format_mp3  shich is better
23:31.02ast_gittlany expert?
23:31.14AhrimanesShaun2222: there's no player directly in asterisk, usually mpg123 comes with packages.. but format_* style moh is much more efficient
23:31.21Ariel_ast_gittl, we are alive and well
23:31.29asteriskmonkeyAriel_: if all echo cans fail and your rx/tx are good whats the next solutoin to get rid of echo on a digium 406?
23:31.35Shaun2222Ariel_: why is asterisk 1.2.6 using mpg123 by default, does it detect that format_mp3 is not their and uses mpg123 instead?
23:31.47ast_gittlIS THERE ANY EXPERTS?
23:31.58IronHelixi dunno about expert
23:32.00Ariel_rx tx gains keep them 2 point between them.
23:32.03Shaun2222ok, i'll use format_mp3
23:32.04IronHelixbut i know some stuff
23:32.23Shaun2222any of you know the answer to this... is it possible to have a macro run for the agent that picked up a call that was in a queue?
23:32.46IronHelixbtw if you are having trouble on a digium board with echo, turn on aggressive echo cancellation.  it has to be compiled into zaptel and it uses more cpu but it fixed a problem i had with an annoying echo
23:33.05asteriskmonkeyIronHelix: agressive is on
23:33.11Ariel_ast_gittl, do you have a question please ask away
23:33.14IronHelixast_gittl- ask your question, perhaps you will find an answer
23:33.17asteriskmonkeynot difference yet a sangom card with no echo can works great
23:33.22AhrimanesShaun2222: i think format_mp3 isnt used per default because of licensing
23:33.27IronHelixhmmm, are you using mark2?  i think aggressive only goes under mark2...
23:33.45ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:33.50ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:33.50ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:33.51ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:33.53ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:33.56ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:33.56IronHelixyou should turn off caps lock and dont flood
23:33.56Shaun2222fuck off
23:33.57ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:33.59ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:34.00Ahrimaneskick please?
23:34.01ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:34.03synaptickick, ban
23:34.03ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:34.05ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:34.09ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:34.11ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:34.13h3x0rdude chill the fuck out
23:34.14ast_gittli need PREDICTIVE DIALER SOLUTION? any body expert on it?
23:34.14asteriskmonkeyIronHelix: yes you are correct mark 2 is only one with echo can
23:34.21Denmarkast_gittl : STOP!
23:34.29ast_gittlDO YOU WANT ME STOP?
23:34.33ast_gittlthen HELP ME
23:34.33asteriskmonkeyjust use the ignore command on him
23:34.38ast_gittlyou MONEKY
23:34.43Denmarkast_gittl : Here is the door ...
23:34.43ast_gittlMONKEY on TREES
23:34.49ast_gittlto your home?
23:34.56IronHelixast_gittl- you're probably not going to get any help now.  i was willing to listen to you but if you flood the channel and demand help, you will recieve none
23:35.06Ahrimanesast_gittl: if there was someone around right now that had a pd solution ready for you, they would have replied by now.. so noone can help you at this moment it would seem
23:35.06IronHelixwe help people who ask nicely, not people who are annoying and demand assistance
23:35.34Ahrimanesoh well, almost zzzZzz time
23:35.52Shaun2222glad the ops are alive...
23:36.02Ahrimanesheh Shaun2222
23:36.03Ariel_ast_gittl, look at the wiki and do a search for vicidial other then that since you just flooded this location most have put you on ignor
23:36.14DenmarkAhrimanes : last question: The prices in the pdf-file is different from the ones on the html-pages?
23:36.21IronHelixif you want to yell at somebody, you can hire somebody to yell at:  try and for companies you can hire.
23:36.34AhrimanesDenmark: hm thx for that info.. resync is needed then :)
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23:36.46IronHelixbut sorry ast_gittl, you will probably get no help from here now
23:36.46key2ast_gittl: u're from pakistan ?
23:36.54DenmarkAhrimanes : Is it the expensive price that is valid?
23:37.10AhrimanesDenmark: afair it's the html price that counts
23:37.38DenmarkAhrimanes : Ok .. then the price is a little higher than I thought.. :-)
23:37.59AhrimanesDenmark: actually, would you mind dropping a mail to reminding me to look at the pricedifference?
23:38.07Denmark(only about 5 times higher)
23:38.25Ahrimaneshm x5 price diff from pdf to html? lol
23:38.34Ahrimanesneed to get the webmonkey working then i guess
23:38.38DenmarkAhrimanes : afaik :)
23:38.56DenmarkAhrimanes : IIRC the pdf said 20,- for amonth .. while html says 100,-
23:39.04X-Robgo the PDF!
23:39.08Shaun2222bah stupid question, whats the command to get asterisk to shutdown cleanly?
23:39.14Dream_WEaverstop now
23:39.14X-Robshaun222 'stop now'
23:39.15sleepy_onestop now
23:39.24AhrimanesDenmark: ah.. well 100/month is video subscription, 20/month is voice only
23:39.28X-RobI think the consesnus is 'stop now'
23:39.31Shaun2222i kept using ctrl+c but i now feel dirty :)
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23:39.37Dream_WEaverX-Rob: Clearly :)
23:39.41X-Robshaun222, uh, ctrl-c will stop the console
23:39.42DenmarkAhrimanes : Oh ... and 20/month include traffic?
23:39.56TripleF555guys.. im owndering anyone got latest svn with spands
23:39.57Shaun2222X-Rob: it was started with -vvvvc
23:39.57X-Robbut asterisk will keep running
23:40.01sleepy_oneShaun2222, you probably want to do a show channels first to make sure you don't have any important calls
23:40.01AhrimanesDenmark: no not flatrate unfortunately
23:40.17Dream_WEaverEh, if you only want to get out of the console type quit
23:40.37AhrimanesDenmark: get to bed man... it's late, hehe
23:40.52DenmarkAhrimanes : I will check again .. maybe I was sleepy when I went over the prices.  Sleep well, and do a "echo hit htmlmonkey|mail info@"
23:40.52Shaun2222sleepy_one: this is just a test env right now :)
23:40.55sleepy_oneAhrimanes, gnite :-)
23:41.20DenmarkAhrimanes : Then you can check if I was wrong :)
23:41.42Denmark(Probably its just the video thing that confuses me)
23:41.50sleepy_oneShaun2222, in that case quit to just exit the CLI, stop now to shutdown * entirely stop when convenient to stop it when all calls have terminated
23:42.31Shaun2222ok my onhold music isnt working anymore :)
23:42.44Dream_WEavershaun222: Oh?  What's it doing?
23:42.51*** join/#asterisk nick125 (n=nick@unaffiliated/nick125)
23:43.10Shaun2222just did that real quick
23:43.31Shaun2222got this too.. Apr  7 09:35:06 NOTICE[21675]: res_musiconhold.c:507 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
23:43.33Dream_WEaverIt stopped on its own?
23:43.55Shaun2222well tryed to convert to format_mp3
23:44.01*** join/#asterisk dsfr (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
23:44.04Dream_WEavernick125: ztdummy bad probably.
23:44.19Dream_WEaverrmmod ztdummy and try listening again.
23:44.43Dream_WEaverUnless, of course, the machine is very taxed.
23:44.45*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
23:44.51nick125it isn't modprobed to begin with (I don't feel like fighting to compile a kernel module on my vps atm)
23:45.01ast_gittlany body home
23:45.06ast_gittlI need Predictive dialer guys
23:45.22Dream_WEavernick125: Well - the music should play in most events without zaptel/ztdummy.
23:45.26Dream_WEaverSo I don't know.
23:45.38nick125it seems it does it to some mp3 files
23:45.52Dream_WEaverAre the MP3's CBR?
23:45.56IronHelixyou got a few links gittl last time, also try searching but please dont spam the chat again has links to many products and services
23:46.21IronHelixand you will get much more info out of htat site than you will out of scrolling this chat
23:46.24nick125Dream_WEaver: I think they are..
23:46.32Dream_WEaverVBR MP3's could pose a sound issue.
23:46.42Dream_WEavernick125: Might want to be sure :)
23:46.44*** part/#asterisk evilbuny (
23:47.09ast_gittli need help in Predictive Dialer
23:47.39Dream_WEaverast_gittl: Clearly you aren't seeing anyones reponses.  (Which makes this meaningless too :))
23:48.01Shaun2222i didnt install all of the addons that wouldnt be why would it, i just went into the format_mp3 dir and did a make;make install
23:48.03Ariel_ast_gittl,  It has a dialer you can use.
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23:48.21ast_gittlsorry i dont see it
23:48.29IronHelix[07:45.56 P] <IronHelix> you got a few links gittl last time, also try searching but please dont spam the chat again
23:48.29IronHelix[07:46.06 P] <IronHelix> has links to many products and services
23:48.29IronHelix[07:46.21 P] <IronHelix> and you will get much more info out of htat site than you will out of scrolling this chat
23:48.41IronHelixast_gittl  read the above
23:48.54Ariel_ast_gittl, at that site on the left side menu's vicidial is what your looking for
23:49.19*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
23:49.21ast_gittlwell i know
23:49.22Dream_WEavershaun222: Out of curiosity - is your system date correct?
23:49.30ast_gittlbut i need someone who can give that thing a professional touch
23:49.46Dream_WEavershaun222: I have never seen that error yet so I'm not going to be too helpful TBH.
23:49.58ast_gittli have check
23:50.06ast_gittlall of them are commercial and too costly
23:50.25Shaun2222Dream_WEaver: actually i dont think it is...
23:50.38Ariel_ast_gittl, if you go to there site I posted above they have a link to there cosultants that can help you out.
23:50.47IronHelixyou are asking for a lot of work... to make vicidial or anything look more slick is a large amount of work
23:50.47ast_gittlbut they are too expensive
23:50.50*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
23:50.51IronHelixnobody will do taht for free
23:51.00Shaun2222Dream_WEaver: even so, how would it know though, is it pulling the date from somewhere else?
23:51.23Ariel_ast_gittl, most that deal with the dialers are for commercial applications and no one is going to do this for free
23:51.24Dream_WEavershaun222: I'm sure that it interprets timestamps from the data stream.
23:51.33ast_gittli see
23:51.36ast_gittli m not asking free
23:51.42ast_gittltake some and give some
23:51.49Hmmhesaysheh, predective dialer, farking telemarketer
23:51.50Dream_WEaverNo idea though -- Always a good thing to keep the system date/time correct.  ntpd is a good way to do that.
23:52.08Ariel_ast_gittl, yes we do that here but your talking about a commercial product hint the difference
23:53.04Shaun2222Dream_WEaver: looks like it stoped that error... and it says started music on hold.... doesnt stop like it used too... still no music though...
23:53.33Dream_WEaverDid you do something to correct the error?
23:53.49Shaun2222ya updated the date/time
23:53.57Dream_WEaver(future reference)
23:54.01*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
23:54.07Shaun2222stil dont understand how it knew though...
23:54.16Ariel_it's all about timing
23:54.25Shaun2222if the system time was set wrong it must have been pulling the time from a outside source..
23:54.25Dream_WEaverThe data stream as time/date stamps within the messages
23:54.26ast_gittlits ok
23:54.32ast_gittli can undrstand your situation
23:55.11Dream_WEaverThe music on-hold might be fixed by killing mpg123
23:55.33Ariel_ast_gittl, I do work with asterisk setup. But I don't do much at all with diallers.  If you send an email out to the group at astguiclient someone might reply with a rate you can afford
23:55.33Dream_WEaverAre you the one without the ztdummy module loading?
23:55.37Shaun2222mpg123 isnt running, and i removed it from /usr/local/bin/
23:55.39Dream_WEaver(Getting old here :))
23:55.49Dream_WEavershaun222: How are you playing MoH than?
23:55.52Dream_WEaverer then.
23:56.09Shaun2222i built/installed from addons
23:56.23Dream_WEaverNever tried that, sorry.  I use mpg123
23:56.34Shaun2222only config change i made was loading the .so
23:56.37Dream_WEaver(to play my mp3's)
23:56.56Shaun2222Dream_WEaver: i was, but i had cases of it hanging up and staying running..
23:57.09Dream_WEaverIt is suppose to stay running I believe.
23:57.20Dream_WEaverIt stops and starts as needed (the music)
23:57.22Shaun2222plus people where saying it's pretty resource intensive... not that it would even affect me
23:57.23sleepy_oneShaun2222, [manual] mode=custom application=/usr/bin/madplay -Q --mono -R 8000 --output=raw:- /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/filename.mp3 # try this in musiconhold.conf after your install madplay
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23:58.05Dream_WEaversleepy_one: So madplay a better application is it?
23:58.36sleepy_oneDream_WEaver, yes madplay can be better
23:59.18sleepy_oneShaun2222, let me know if you need help installing madplay
23:59.30Shaun2222i have a feeling this system is going ot have 800 diffrent mp3 players when i'm done here...
23:59.45FlyboySR22Hey everyone - anyone using the Sangoma A101 T1 card with Asterisk...?
23:59.58Dream_WEavershaun222: So, yea, what do you have configured in musiconhold.conf?

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