irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060403

00:00.03srodriguezSo I should have typed in /usr/sbin/asterisk
00:00.06srodriguezthen manually defined the path?
00:00.16dwmw2then done what?
00:00.38srodriguezwell.. I'm a newbie to this kind of stuff. Is there a way to type in asterisk instead of /usr/sbin/asterisk all the time?
00:00.55dwmw2are you running this as root? or as yourself?
00:00.56_medic_redefine PATH
00:01.02dwmw2why do you start asterisk manually?
00:01.14srodriguezwell for the first time, shouldn't I have to start it manually?
00:01.20Dream_WEaverOdd that /usr/sbin isn't defaulted in the PATH though :P
00:01.21srodriguezI'm going to try to do this again
00:01.33srodriguezThe other odd thing about the RPM is that it doesn't put any example files
00:01.35srodriguezinto /etc/asteris
00:01.38srodriguezbut that's easily fixed
00:01.42srodriguezby just getting the tarball and making examples
00:01.52QwellDream_WEaver: not if he isn't root, or if he used `su` instead of `su -`
00:02.05srodriguezI used su
00:02.10Qwellwithout the -?
00:02.18srodriguezI feel so stupid now
00:02.22Dream_WEaversu - sources the root path -- su without the - doesn't.
00:02.27srodriguezok, let me get a terminal and start this again
00:03.27*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
00:03.38diablopicodont feel bad ,, i did't know you needed the - to access /sbin either .. thanks for the info Qwill
00:03.45diablopicoerr Qwell
00:03.50QwellYou don't need it to access /sbin
00:03.57QwellYou need it to get the new users environment
00:03.59srodriguezOnce I get this done
00:04.05Qwellwithout it, you keep the old users
00:04.05srodriguezI'm going to publish a little instruction on my site
00:04.07srodriguezwith creds to you guys
00:05.22Dream_WEaverdwmw2: I would be interested in knowing if zaptel's install places the misc directory (the modules) above the kernel modules directory as it did for me under FC4
00:05.58dwmw2I don't use zaptel.
00:06.00Dream_WEaver(Instead of in the kernel's module directory.)
00:06.03Dream_WEaverAh, kk.
00:06.08dwmw2modules which aren't in the proper kernel are just too much of a pain in the arse to deal with
00:06.16dwmw2they need to get merged upstream
00:07.08Qwelldwmw2: will never happen...
00:07.08*** part/#asterisk _medic_ (
00:07.13srodriguezHere comes the fun part
00:07.22srodriguezUnder su -
00:07.24srodriguezexample directories made
00:07.39*** join/#asterisk kenrstone (i=[
00:07.45srodriguezAsterisk will start
00:07.47jebbadwmw2, no conferencing the w/o zaptel.  Seems quite screwy requirement imho...
00:08.08Dream_WEaverzaptel adds the meetme (conferencing) ability.
00:08.13Qwelljebba: not screwy at all.  SOMETHING has to provide timing, and putting it directly into * is silly
00:08.22Dream_WEaverAsterisk won't compile without zap
00:08.23dwmw2there is a conferencing app which doens't use zaptel, but it doesn't have as many features
00:08.31srodriguezHow do I stop asterisk?
00:08.36srodriguezI cna just google it
00:08.36Strom_Msrodriguez, "stop now"
00:08.40srodriguezbut I'm in the middle of running it thanks
00:08.54jebbaQwell, well, it's just for timing. Seems like there are timing sources in the stock kernel that could be used.
00:09.07Qwelljebba: And what about freebsd?  solaris?  windows?
00:09.15QwellAre they going to use the Linux kernel enhancements?
00:09.24jebbai'm sure freebsd/solaris have timings that can be used too.
00:09.39dwmw2POSIX HR timers.
00:09.49dwmw2Solaris had them before Linux did
00:09.50Qwellgreat, now you've got to maintain multiple timers everywhere in asterisk
00:09.54Qwellinstead of one place in zaptel
00:09.57Dream_WEaverdwmw2: eh.
00:10.05jebbaor, as dwmw2 says, use POSIX timers...
00:10.18Dream_WEaverdwmw2: If I recall correctly - you are incorrect.  It took years to get even a third-party source for that.
00:10.22Dream_WEaver(After linux)
00:10.31QwellI somehow doubt posix timers are anywhere near as accurate as asterisk needs
00:10.35dwmw2Dream_WEaver: ok, maybe you'reright
00:10.50dwmw2I pay no attention to Solaris, but I thought it had POSIX timers for a while
00:11.06dwmw2Qwell: they're perfectly sufficient for conferencing
00:11.12Peggerdwmw2, solaris is bueatyfull
00:11.32Qwelldwmw2: asterisk uses timers for FAR more than conferencing.  And I still doubt it would work, even for conferencing
00:11.49Dream_WEaverPegger: It's gotten better since its free to use :)
00:11.51QwellWe're talking many, MANY things happening within need to be VERY accurate
00:12.03PeggerDream_WEaver, better is what way
00:12.10jebbawell, google says solaris has posix timers at least as of 10
00:12.20dwmw2everything but the conferencing is fairly simple to switch to posix timers
00:12.23dwmw2I did most of it once
00:12.58*** join/#asterisk rumba (
00:12.59jebbagoogle knows:  "High resolution POSIX timers: Solaris defines an additional POSIX timer (CLOCK_HIGHRES) that, based on the capability of the hardware, can provide timers with nanosecond and millisecond resolution."
00:13.03dwmw2I wanted to package Asterisk in Fedora Extras, and I wasn't going to get into unmaintainable kernel modules
00:13.43jebbadwmw2, i have it packaged for blag (fedora based), fwiw
00:13.53dwmw2with app_conference?
00:14.09jebbano, with meetme
00:14.35dwmw2right. Not interesting for Extras then, because it requires zaptel
00:15.10jebbaya. If it comes up, you can point people at it as it should work totally fine. I have it for fc3/fc5
00:15.19dwmw2got ppc packages?
00:15.43*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (i=trbldwin@
00:15.52orlockman, now that i'm awake, i realise the clothes i put on thismorning stink
00:16.00jebba(i should tho, as i used to work @ ydl  ;)
00:17.12orlockwhenever i try to dial out, i get a 404
00:17.15jebbai just got sphinx going with asterisk today, which i'm quite stoked about.   The accuracy needs some help though....
00:17.40orlocki've got an outbound trunk, i'm just not sure how to set up a dial plan or whatever so that it actually dials out
00:18.11rbdjebba, what sphinx version are you using? 2?
00:18.41Strom_MI'm going to set up an extension called "plan" so that I can legitimately use "Dial plan" as a verb and confuse the hell out of everyone
00:18.53jebbarbd, sphinx2
00:19.32orlockStrom_M: call route?
00:19.53*** join/#asterisk nortex (
00:19.53rbdjebba, yeah I wanted to see how that compares to sphinx3 wrt accuracy... any idea about the CPU usage for it?
00:20.31jebbawell, i haven't looked @ the cpu usage of it, but it doesn't appear to be much. This is on a quad proc box so it hasn't been much concern yet ;)
00:22.22diablopicothanks to all that found the time to be helpful ,, i have it working now.........
00:24.30dwmw2bah. This isn't a task for 1:24AM
00:25.21mogormandont mix and match modules
00:25.27mogormanthat is old module wont work
00:25.38jebbaast_load to ast_config_load   ...
00:25.49jebba(uh, just google here, didn't look @ any source. no need to :)
00:26.16dwmw2yeah, I think I've done that before
00:27.36*** join/#asterisk Eggplants (
00:28.14*** join/#asterisk Wewted (
00:28.49WewtedHey guys :) Anyone here had trouble to compile zaptel under fedora core 4? and if so, is there a patch available? (I havnt been able to find one)
00:30.41orlockhey, dumb question
00:30.48Strom_Mdumb answer
00:30.49orlocka line like this in an extensions config context=internal
00:31.06orlockmeans i should have a config section titled [internal], right?
00:31.17Strom_Man extensions context called internal, yes
00:31.34orlockdoes the name of the file these are in matter?
00:31.50orlockjust trying to figure out why i get 404's on outbound calls
00:31.58orlocki know its cos asterisk aint set up right :)
00:32.05Strom_Morlock, um, extensions go in extensions.conf
00:33.23orlockStrom_M: yeah, i know, i'm just asking whether its a convention or rule
00:33.41Strom_Myou have to define where your out ound dialing occurs
00:34.02Strom_Morlock, have you read the book?
00:34.11orlockprinted it out
00:34.15orlockshould i do that again :)
00:34.18orlockmight eat first
00:34.43*** join/#asterisk PlusMinus (
00:35.44Strom_Mhi PlusMinus
00:36.23PlusMinus«Strom_M» hi
00:36.51Strom_MPlusMinus, talk in the channel
00:36.56Strom_Mnone of this DCC garbage :)
00:37.22PlusMinusjust looking for a little assistance with A@H
00:37.43Strom_Mjust ask your question and someone will answer it
00:38.15PlusMinusI've just configured a new PBX with one cisco 7960 phone and one softphone (x-lite)
00:38.37PlusMinusproblem is I keep getting busy messages when trying to call the 7960s extension
00:38.42PlusMinusfrom the softphone
00:39.12dwmw2_goneyay. chan_bluetooth built
00:39.18PlusMinusi can call the softphone from the 7960 fine
00:39.22dwmw2_gonenow, I just need to find the bluetooth headset :)
00:39.29Strom_MPlusMinus, show me your sip.conf and your extensions.conf, and use pastebin
00:39.43jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
00:39.53PlusMinusok, one sec
00:42.18WewtedHey guys :) Anyone here had trouble to compile zaptel under fedora core 4?
00:42.49jebbaWewted, i've compiled it fine under fc3/fc5 but haven't tried 4... should be fine tho'
00:43.47PlusMinusStrom_M, here is the extensions.conf
00:44.14srodriguezdoes Asterisk support Winmodems yet?
00:44.18srodriguezIf I can get the winmodem to work under linux?
00:44.34PlusMinusand the sip.conf
00:44.44Strom_MPlusMinus, oh fuck, you're using asterisk@home
00:45.15Strom_Masterisk@home makes debugging so irritating
00:45.28Strom_MPlusMinus, are both extensions in the same context?
00:45.29Wewtedjebba zaptel is very upset about wcusb.c for some reason.
00:45.48jebbaWewted, pastebin it somewhere
00:45.51Wewtedalthough no one has reported bugs to digium by the looks of it
00:45.58PlusMinussoftphone - ext 250
00:46.05PlusMinus7960 - ext 201
00:46.20PlusMinus(there's only two in total at present)
00:50.01*** join/#asterisk mds2 (
00:51.14Ariel_PlusMinus, can you get to the cli and tell us what it says when you try to dial the cisco phones extension.
00:51.18mds2is there a more up to date Asterisk handbook than the draft at ?
00:51.49jbotDocumentation can be found at or or or or
00:51.52jbotmethinks thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
00:51.59jbot[docs] probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
00:52.17Ariel_Strom_C, aah is just the same asterisk deep down. it has the same debug as any other system.
00:52.29*** join/#asterisk voipmasta (
00:52.35Strom_MAriel_, yes, but all the extra garbage on top makes it more irritating to debug
00:52.41Strom_Mme, i'm a fan of simplicity
00:52.46mds2many thanks
00:53.18*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:55.09Strom_MAriel_, the problems I have with aah are that there's a lot of useless garbage in the macros and agis that clutter up the CLI and make it difficult to read, and that the macros and agis force you to do things a specific way which may not be optimal or may actually prevent you from doing something that would be easy to do with regular old asterisk
00:55.29Strom_Ms/aah/aah or amp or freepbx/
00:56.02*** join/#asterisk cramm (
00:56.05Strom_Ms/a/dead hookers/
00:57.09Wewtedjebba no idea? :P
00:57.15jebbaWewted, sorry nope
00:57.25crammhi, anybody developer experience with the wcfxo.c zaptel driver on-line?
00:57.30Ariel_Strom_C, well yes your correct.  I have been using asterisk for over 3 years now.  And I like plain jane better. But there are too many people that really don't know how to use plain jane asterisk.
00:57.35Wewtedthanks anyway :)
00:58.19Strom_MAriel_, well then if they can't be assed to learn the basics, they really shouldnt be setting up phone systems
00:58.40srodriguezOh great
00:58.43srodriguezTime for me to test out the PBX
00:58.45crammlet me start again :) Any developer with experience reading the wcfxo.c driver source code?
00:59.49Ariel_cramm, you might have better luck on the asterisk-dev mailing list
01:00.01crammAriel_: ok, thanks
01:00.43Ariel_cramm, but what is the problem?
01:00.56crammI was trying to validat a finding that may be a very basic bug before psoting it to the mailing lists
01:01.47crammAriel_: I'm follwing the code that handles the DAA of the x100p and clones with the silabs si3014 DAA datasheet on the other hand...
01:02.31srodriguezDo any of you guys know if FWD lets you spoof ANI to 800 #s?
01:02.32Ariel_ahh most of the developers for the x100p types are no longer working on it.  Most have moved on to the tdm setups.
01:02.35srodriguezNot really an Asterisk related question
01:02.40Strom_Msrodriguez, no
01:02.45Ariel_srodriguez, no
01:03.01niZonFWD calls to 1800s show up as 0's
01:03.06Strom_Msrodriguez, look up SS7 ISUP and learn that there is no such thing as "ANI" :)
01:04.40crammon the datasheet I see the registers related to the intl line setup are the registers 16,17, and 18 and the wcfxo_set_daa_mode() function is writing the values to the registers 0x16,0x17 and 0x18
01:06.21srodriguezI read in some article you can do asterisk
01:06.24srodriguezto spoof ANI
01:06.25srodriguezto appear as another #
01:06.37Strom_Msrodriguez, yes, but not using FWD
01:06.42Strom_Mand it's not called ANI
01:06.53Strom_Mlike I said, go look at the SS7 ISUP spec
01:06.57crammAriel_: right, I know that hw isn't supported anymore, just seemed odd that if it is really a bug, it has survived so many years there
01:07.00Ariel_srodriguez, you can spoof many setups. But first you need a service that takes your inputs
01:07.34voipmastasrodriguez: are you aware that spoofing is illegal?
01:07.35Ariel_cramm, well since it's not a concern for them in over a year I don't think they have taken a look at it.
01:09.18Strom_Mvoipmasta, which law does it violate, exactly? :)
01:10.17linagee1 hour of usage a day for 10 years increases your risk of brain cancer by 240%!
01:10.36linageeso i use like 10 hours a day of cell phone usage...
01:10.45Strom_Mgood thing I only use my cellphone 90 minutes per month
01:10.56linageeStrom_M: work phone too?
01:11.04linageeStrom_M: i'm always on my work phone
01:11.12Strom_Mlinagee, my work phone is a desk phone
01:11.23linageeStrom_M: desk? what's that? lol
01:11.26Ariel_linagee, too much reading will kill you first
01:11.40PlusMinuscan somebody help me with the correct syntax for the dial command from the CLI
01:12.08Ariel_PlusMinus, yes
01:12.23Ariel_but why would you want to dial from the cli
01:12.34Ariel_use the softphone and dial the extenion of the cisco
01:12.39linageeAriel_: sounds like another war dialer in the making
01:12.56PlusMinusI get error 468: busy here
01:13.04Ariel_ok that is a start
01:13.08PlusMinusor if I activate Voicemail it goes to vmail
01:13.14PlusMinuson that extension
01:13.35linageePlusMinus: does it say, "comedian mail"? :)
01:13.36Ariel_your phone how did you set it up via the web, phone it's self or via the tftp server
01:13.40*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (n=jj@
01:13.47linlinooh i want catchy intro music on my pbx just like strom
01:13.52PlusMinustftp server
01:13.56JerJer[mobile]has anyone seen DUNDi simply not pass any UDP?
01:14.04PlusMinus(using the cisco config tools in a@h)
01:14.21linageelinlin: it's too bad POTS has such crappy sound quality or you could put some really nice intros on the phone! :)
01:14.26Ariel_ahh you have a typo some place
01:15.56Darwin35grap the mp3 and put them in the moh dir
01:16.09Ariel_JerJer[mobile], I have not used dundi in over a year...
01:16.12Strom_Mlinlin, the only thing that doesnt work is the LA traffic, which i havent coded yet
01:16.26linageeDarwin35: put like ace of base on your waiting music. lol
01:16.33*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
01:16.58linlinsomeone told me that i should call your pbx to use it to test my dtmf tones cause of the game you have
01:17.08Darwin35I stream digitalgunfire for my moh
01:17.14linlinmy dtmf is hosed so bad i couldnt even press the button to get into it ;-?
01:17.18crammdoes anybody have a fxo module (the red ones) for a tdm400p card at hand?
01:17.23linageelinlin: game? the phone game? lol
01:17.41Strom_Mlinagee, the touchtone game
01:17.47linlinno hes got some game on there where i guess you have to guess the dtmf tone its palying?
01:17.58Strom_Mlinagee, dialing instructions are on
01:18.13linageeStrom_M: how much does a windows equiv of asterisk cost?
01:18.27Strom_Mlinlin, who told you to dial my pbx? :)
01:18.32linlini did
01:18.47Strom_Mlinagee, um, why would you want to run a pbx on windows?
01:18.52linlinbut someone said there was that game on there, would have been perfect for me to test with
01:18.56linlindont remember who
01:18.58linageeAriel_: probably that's why they need 6 heavy duty servers. lol
01:19.11linageeAriel_: when i heard they were supporting like 50 users, i was like, ??????
01:19.55Ariel_yes I read about the windows pbx.... but lets get real.  Windows is not good for real time action
01:20.07linageeStrom_M: i'm guessing they sell something out of box that does that. i set up the hardware for one. (NFI what the software was called)
01:20.57synapticya that just seems nasty. asterisk on windows.
01:21.01Ariel_linagee, I worked with dialogic setups for windows for voice mail and other things but I can tell you it's crap. just plain crap
01:21.19linageethe crappy part was that the T1 drops barely reached to the servers
01:22.07linageethinking back, since our company owns the service for the rack, we probably should have put a punch down panel and used that to extend
01:22.37Ariel_linagee, how far are you wanting to run the t1
01:22.45linageeAriel_: i have no doubt it's crap. the really bad part is that i saw linux screens on other monitors in the telco room
01:23.15linageeAriel_: it already runs to each server in the rack, but it's like 3 feet too short on each. (the dell servers can't pull out farther than like 6 inches.
01:24.03Ariel_so make a longer t1 crossover cable.  It can without any major change be 500 feet from the smartjack
01:24.24linageeAriel_: you mean female to female?
01:24.48linageeAriel_: it already went up to the network ladder above. all tied down and everything up there
01:25.18Ariel_make a amp jack from a wall punch down and plug an rj45 on the other end
01:25.23linlinit would suck if someone were to take a chainsaw or a lasma torch to said network ladder wouldnt it?
01:25.44linageeAriel_: exactly what i was thinking. an RJ 45 punch down rack unit thing
01:26.04Ariel_yes but they have some singles for wall jacks
01:26.08linageeAriel_: afterthought though. goes into production on monday, so it would be hellahard to change now. lol
01:26.10Ariel_I use them all the time
01:26.17Ariel_as plugs for testing cables
01:26.26linageeAriel_: a strip would be better. we're talking.... maybe a dozen T1 lines?
01:26.47linageeAriel_: 6 servers. each has maybe 2-4 inputs
01:27.35PlusMinus«Ariel_» is the typo most likely to be in the *.cnf files (SIP<Macaddress>.cnf & SIPDefault.cnf)?
01:27.45linageeit's supposed to be some sort of setup that will read out your email or something
01:28.05Ariel_PlusMinus, yes but I would check both places.
01:28.21Ariel_PlusMinus, can the cisco call the softphone
01:28.31linageei'd rather have a system that lets you check voicemail over email, not vise versa!
01:28.43PlusMinus«Ariel_» Yes it calls and connects fine
01:28.45Ariel_linagee, funny
01:28.48linageeAriel_: ?
01:30.02*** part/#asterisk srodriguez (
01:30.12linageeAriel_: funny?
01:30.26Ariel_linagee, I have a client that deals with just voicemail systems that we are converting to asterisk base. it's just about the same question I had the other day
01:30.45linageeAriel_: uhm.... yes... i must be off now. lol
01:31.00linageeAriel_: no, i'm just hoping it's not the same company. lol
01:31.16Ariel_linagee, you never know
01:31.38linageeAriel_: could be. i work for a corporation with it's hands in many cookie jars
01:32.19PlusMinus«Ariel_» Under the #asterisk NAT/Firewall Traversal section of the SIP<Mac address>.cnf file, is the nat_address: entry regularly left blank?
01:32.21linageeAriel_: actually, that would be nice. dump windows in favor of asterisk. lol
01:32.23Ariel_linagee, I work for my self. But I do allot of freelance work for other telco's and voip providers
01:33.06*** join/#asterisk marcelbarbulescu (
01:33.11Ariel_linagee, most of the voicemail boxes I have ran into 80% or more are unix based with dialog type setups
01:33.23marcelbarbulescuhey guys
01:33.37linageeAriel_: true unix based. it's nice now that you can use linux though. :)
01:34.04linageeAriel_: i'd actually give it a higher number than 80%. there's quite a few definity's out there
01:34.08Ariel_PlusMinus, hum I have not setup a cisco in over 2 years.  don't remember... I use mostly polycoms now.
01:34.58linageeAriel_: i have NFI what OS DEFINITY runs, but i've seen the blades inside it before. (i would guess it's a flavor of unix.)
01:35.19Ariel_marcelbarbulescu, hello
01:35.21marcelbarbulescuI have an Asterisk configuration that froze a system about once in 24 hours, it's not a kernel panic or oops but it's frozen, I have task details, etc... anybody knowledgeable enough about kernel debugging to start giving more details?
01:35.23Strom_MDefinity is AT&T heritage.  Of course it's going to run UNIX :)
01:35.43linageeStrom_M: see, there you go. that's why i said. quite a few out there. i would guess > 80% :)
01:35.44PlusMinus«Ariel_» Ok, well thanks for your help today - much appreciated. I'll give it another try tommorow (probably a rebuild from scratch just incase I've messed anything else up)
01:35.54Ariel_marcelbarbulescu, yes but more info is needed on your setup
01:36.31linageeStrom_M: do you know what the box is used for? tiny PBX or something?
01:36.44Ariel_linagee, there is a callware type of windows voicemail boxes out there that are in use at many large fortune 500 co.
01:36.56marcelbarbulescuok... here we go: the same thing happens on a remote physical server and on a test VMWARE virtual machine
01:36.57Strom_MDefinity is an Avaya PBX product
01:37.09Strom_Mformerly Lucent, formerly AT&T
01:37.18Strom_Mfairly large systems IIRC
01:37.23marcelbarbulescuAsterisk 1.2.6 (same happens with 1.2.5), zaptel 1.2.5, voip only, no hardware telephony card
01:37.38Strom_Mwhen i worked at ticketmaster they had a Definity they were gradually weaning themselves off of
01:37.42Ariel_marcelbarbulescu, but what are you doing
01:37.48PlusMinusnite everyone & ty :)
01:37.51linageeStrom_M: PBX systems (including the phones) are all different standards, right? i've seen fujitsu phones at our own office.
01:37.56Ariel_PlusMinus, night
01:37.57Strom_Mlinagee, yes
01:38.00marcelbarbulescuwhat's going on: the server responds to ping only, accept connections on the ports (80, 22, etc...), but no response back
01:38.08linageeStrom_M: wow. that really sucks. lol
01:38.30Ariel_marcelbarbulescu, can you killall -9 asterisk
01:38.30marcelbarbulescuservers are mostly idle, and it happens randomly
01:38.57Ariel_what is it used for g729, sip calls? voicemails?
01:39.04marcelbarbulescuif I don't have asterisk running, no freeze... I can run the servers for a week with no problems
01:39.34linageeStrom_M: i've seen products that let companies use (for instance) fujitsu PBX systems and it lets you anchor it to a voip gateway
01:39.38marcelbarbulescuSIP, no IAX, same with g729 enable or disable, or ulaw enable or disable, no voicemails
01:40.10marcelbarbulescuthe system is 99% idle, just keeping registrations to other servers
01:40.16marcelbarbulescuno client registered
01:41.13marcelbarbulescusystem is CentOS 4.3, with kernel 2.6.9-34... tried with and is exactly the same
01:41.26Ariel_strange. I have one of my client that has 9 asterisk boxes running interconnections via sip and have been up and running for over a year without issues...
01:41.58*** part/#asterisk talljon84 (
01:42.01marcelbarbulescuI have a VMWare snapshot of a machine in a locked state... I can give you details about SysRQ+m, SysRQ+t and SysRQ+p if you're interested
01:42.13linageeStrom_M: do you think asterisk will ever step in call center teritory, like centrevu? :) that would rock
01:42.18*** join/#asterisk kitche (
01:42.33Ariel_linagee, it's used in call centers
01:42.36marcelbarbulescuI suspect that's something related to ACPI and zaptel, but don't know much about kernel debug... :(
01:42.37Strom_Mlinagee, i dont see why you couldnt use asterisk in a call center
01:42.44linageeAriel_: i guess if you have that flash panel thingy... hrm
01:43.04linageeStrom_M: yes, but computer interaction as well. so you can control things from the desktop and manipulate calls
01:43.11Ariel_linagee, why would you need the flash thing for a call center
01:43.23linageeAriel_: like asterisk@home
01:43.56Ariel_linagee, yes but in call centers either you make calls out or in to a queue. you need more monitoring of reports and queue times then anything else
01:44.16marcelbarbulescuAriel_: thanks for trying to help anyway... I'll go ahead and post a detailed bug report on
01:44.51Ariel_marcelbarbulescu, I don't think it's a bug. But have your tried to downgrade the centos from 4.3 to 4.2...
01:45.05marcelbarbulescusame happens
01:45.13marcelbarbulescuand it only happens with Asterisk running
01:45.17linageeAriel_: Flash Operator Panel is what i mean. :)
01:45.26Sedoroxmarcelbarbulescu: with a pci card?
01:45.36Sedorox(sorry.. hoping in the middle here)
01:45.36marcelbarbulescuSedorox: no PCI card, only ztdummy
01:45.54Sedoroxdo you have the proper usb controller?
01:45.55Ariel_marcelbarbulescu, are you using any meetme?
01:46.03marcelbarbulescuno meetme
01:46.11Ariel_then why zaptel
01:46.15Sedoroxiax timing?
01:46.21Ariel_no iax only sip
01:46.25marcelbarbulescuAriel: for music on hold timing
01:46.37Ariel_think native
01:46.53marcelbarbulescubut because you mention it, it happens the same even with no zaptel loaded :(
01:47.30marcelbarbulescuif I'm doing SysRQ+k to kill the processes on a frozen machine, it comes back to life, I get a terminal
01:47.58marcelbarbulescuso the kernel is not exactly in a hanged stated... it's more like a race condition
01:49.18marcelbarbulescuand the SysRQ+p shows
01:49.24marcelbarbulescuPid: 22986, comm:             asterisk
01:49.28marcelbarbulescuEIP: 0060:[<c0126ab4>]
01:49.32marcelbarbulescuCPU: 0
01:49.38marcelbarbulescuEIP is at __do_softirq+0x2c/0x79
01:49.45marcelbarbulescuEFLAGS: 00000206    Not tainted  (2.6.9-34.EL)
01:49.56*** part/#asterisk kitche (
01:49.58marcelbarbulescusorry all for all the garbage
01:50.16jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
01:50.33marcelbarbulescuthanks, I'll use it next time
01:50.51linageeaha! i could put asterisk on my poweredge 1550. lol
01:51.25*** part/#asterisk kenrstone (i=[
01:56.31Ariel_marcelbarbulescu, sounds like you either have a memory or resource leak some place.  But it's strange. What system or processor are you running?
01:56.49Gamercjmvoipmasta: u still doing that site?
01:57.31*** join/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
01:57.44marcelbarbulescuit happens exactly the same both on a physical machine, a Pentium 4 3.0 HT with 1G ram, and on a VMWare 5.5 virtual machine running on a Pentium 4 3.2 HT with 2G of ram or a Pentium 3 800Mhz with 1G ram
01:58.21marcelbarbulescubasically its a standard CentOS server install with the latest updates + mysql + apache + ntpd + shorewall + asterisk + zaptel
01:58.35Sedoroxdo moth machines have the same kernel in them?
01:58.48marcelbarbulescuyes, same kernel... 2.6.9-34
01:58.58Sedoroxthat could be your problem.. but I'm not 100% sure....
01:59.03marcelbarbulescuI did try with and
01:59.08marcelbarbulescuand it's the same
01:59.10SedoroxI would try anything higher then 2.6.11
01:59.25Sedoroxif centos doesn't have anything higher then 2.6.9... thats sad...
01:59.51marcelbarbulescuthe wierd thing is that I have 2.6.9-34 running on other Asterisk servers with no problem :(
02:00.24marcelbarbulescuI can try to grab more updated fedora kernel and install it
02:02.19*** join/#asterisk VeNoMouS_ (
02:02.33VeNoMouS_hay has anyone played with iaxmodem?
02:02.34marcelbarbulescuI spend about two weeks trying to find what's going on... I did change completely the physical machine, trying to get rid of any hardware problem... and everything runs fine without asterisk loaded... even just with zaptel loaded
02:02.50marcelbarbulescuso to me looks like a problem with the kernel + asterisk in a certain hardware config
02:03.04Darwin35thanks for calling the elemental ho line for daemon removal press 1 for  spell caasting press 2 for healling press 3
02:03.14Qwellho line?
02:03.34Darwin35yes we ho oourselves out for magic
02:03.47Darwin35and enlightment
02:03.50linlini love those 1-900 ho lines
02:03.54Ariel_marcelbarbulescu, I use CentOS my kernel is Linux version 2.6.9-22.EL
02:04.00Ariel_I have no issues at all.
02:04.19Sedoroxwhat is is... 1-800-ELF-POOP I think...? :p
02:04.54marcelbarbulescuAriel_: as I said, I have 3 more servers running 2.6.9-34.EL with also no problems at all, but that's not evidence for a bug free system :(
02:05.12Darwin35or 1800magicho
02:06.27Corydon76-homeI think that's 866-ELF-POOP
02:06.35Sedoroxthats probably it
02:06.40marcelbarbulescuand I'm not a beginner, I have quite some experince with operating systems, networks, even C and x86 programming... but in this case, I didn't have much luck in the last 2 weeks :(
02:07.43Ariel_marcelbarbulescu, I never said your a  beginner.  But I know that it's very strange for just running sip connections from box to box that it would freeze.
02:09.03*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
02:10.22Ariel_well I am off to do some walking... it's a cool night and I need do some things extra to loose some extra ponds....
02:10.55marcelbarbulescuCorydon76: My other biggest problem with asterisk was DTMF and rfc2833 but some of the patches from helped... so there are people having problems with double DTMFs... :)
02:11.06QwellAriel_: Those ponds are a real nuisance...  Where do you plan on draining them?
02:11.11marcelbarbulescuCorydon76: hopefully VLDTMFs will help
02:11.37WewtedAnyone else here compiled zaptel on FC4 recently
02:11.43Ariel_Qwell, hehehehehe .....don't you line typo's
02:11.48QwellAriel_: love them
02:11.59QwellI'll ignore that one, btw :)
02:15.51*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
02:17.54*** join/#asterisk SoloFlyer (
02:18.19SoloFlyeranyone seen or know anything about GXP2000 firmware?
02:18.51marcelbarbulescuCorydon76: will it help posting a bug report or is it a dead cause?
02:19.08*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
02:21.39Darwin35when is asterisk going to be updated to db4
02:21.47bkw__it can't
02:21.51Darwin35db1 is so oout dated
02:21.52bkw__or won't
02:22.08bkw__check the license of db4
02:22.12bkw__chances are its not compatible
02:22.23Darwin35then move to sqlite
02:22.36bkw__they claim its slower
02:22.56bkw__something I say isn't measurable
02:23.12SoloFlyerhow about feels slower..?
02:23.14bkw__but that was the argument from Mark that it might be slower and he didn't wanna drop performance
02:23.30bkw__its not like you're going to do 1million queries per second
02:23.41bkw__SoloFlyer, on the fear comes from the fear of change.
02:24.12bkw__the need to support legacy/backwards compatible installations
02:24.18bkw__thats a huge issue
02:24.30bkw__because you carry large amounts of baggage to support that
02:24.50Corydon76-homeSleepy Cat Software has stated in no uncertain terms that its database license is incompatible with Digium's dual license
02:25.15bkw__yep thats what I recall
02:25.33Corydon76-homeDigium went to Sleepy Cat directly, and got the authoritative opinion straight from the horse's mouth
02:26.00Corydon76-homeSo you can forget about db4.  Period.
02:26.28bkw__no you could use it in the GPL version but not the biz edition
02:26.50Corydon76-homeIt will not be committed unless it is disclaimed
02:27.02*** join/#asterisk zigman (
02:28.39bkw__what a shame too
02:29.38Corydon76-homeLook, man, you made your choice.  Now you have to live with it.
02:29.39QwellJust to play devils advocate...  Would it work if it were put into -addons?
02:29.49lzhangcan I bridge a call on hold with another call dialing an extension in the asterisk manager?
02:30.06Corydon76-homeQwell: astdb is core.  It can't be a part of addons
02:30.11QwellI'm not so hip on the licensing stuff
02:31.55*** join/#asterisk Darwin_35 (
02:33.25Darwin_35bkw how goes openpbx
02:35.05Corydon76-homeDarwin_35: it's pretty well dead since anthm moved off and started his own project
02:35.36*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
02:35.46Corydon76-homeThe opbx website reminds you that they're 4 months late on their current milestone...
02:40.20Darwin_35sorry to hear that
02:44.50Darwin35well that means I have to work on better support for postgress
02:45.06Darwin35and realtime
02:55.01russellbQwell: we could make the storage interface pluggable and put a db4 module in addons, i believe
02:55.39Qwellrussellb: s'what I was hinting at :p
02:55.55russellbwell yeah, with significant changes to the core, sure
02:56.00Qwellor like, override them...I don't know how that works though
02:56.02russellbbut honestly, it seems pretty far down the priority list
02:56.13Qwellrussellb: no doubt.  was just playing devils advocate...
02:56.23russellbit's all good, and i'm answering :)
02:56.38russellbi mean, it could be an astdb.c replacement, i guess
02:56.58Qwellwe could (yeah, yeah) make other realtime
02:57.01russellbthen you have to copy it into your tree before building asterisk
02:57.28russellbdoesn't sound very easy for a user
02:57.31JerJer[mobile]i guess i shoulda took notes or sumfin when we first configured dundi -  took me way to long to get this new setup running
02:58.51russellbso really, making it pluggable is what we need to do
02:59.13JerJer[mobile]pluggable manager might be nice too
02:59.34russellbwell mark's recent work moves us in that direction
03:00.55russellbit makes it so other code can easily use the data to/from the manager interface
03:02.09russellbi bet the snmp code inspired him to do that
03:03.26*** join/#asterisk kram (n=mark@pdpc/sponsor/digium/kram)
03:03.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o kram] by ChanServ
03:03.40russellbkram: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03:03.46JerJer[mobile]yeah ajam looks very very interesting
03:04.03Strom_Mit's kram!!
03:04.12Strom_M#asterisk goes old-skool :)
03:04.31russellbkram: #asterisk missed you
03:04.46kramit is indeed
03:04.48fileyay kram
03:05.16MikeJ[Laptop]kram, whos he?
03:05.19russellbkram: ooh, ooh, I'm planning on coming to HSV this weekend :)
03:05.20SedoroxKRAM!! (even tho I dunno who you are!)
03:05.27krammikej: troll!
03:05.32russellbSedorox: kram is Mark Spencer
03:05.32MikeJ[Laptop]haven't seen anyone with that name around here lately :P
03:06.30MikeJ[Laptop]me? troll??
03:06.36russellbyes, you, troll!
03:06.39kramoh most certainly :)
03:06.46MikeJ[Laptop]so sad...
03:07.43bkw__so how is everyone today?
03:07.51Strom_Mi'm doing well
03:07.58bkw__just well?
03:07.59Strom_Mgood to see you again, bkw
03:08.04bkw__not wonderful?
03:08.12Strom_Mbkw__, things could be better
03:08.19Strom_Mbut overall things are good
03:08.31bkw__good to hear
03:09.22Strom_Mand yourself?
03:09.28bkw__busy working
03:11.30JerJer[mobile]next week
03:11.38Qwellkram: about time you show up :p  was wondering where you disappeared to
03:15.20*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
03:15.44russellbQwell: not wasting time on IRC, i guess :)
03:15.52russellbIRC is a serious productivity killer
03:16.11russellbbut ... so much fun
03:16.34Darwin35BKW coome to denver
03:16.51*** join/#asterisk willcampos123 (
03:17.04bkw__Darwin35, I was there in Jan for a few seconds :P
03:17.15Darwin35coome back
03:17.20willcampos123does anyone knows how to disable consultation hold on *?
03:17.36JerJer[mobile]willcampos123:  eh ?
03:17.42bkw__Darwin35, also for the record I don't work on OpenPBX anymore... I spend all my time on FreeSWITCH
03:17.44JerJer[mobile]don't press the hold button?
03:17.57Darwin35ahh ok
03:17.59JerJer[mobile]bkw_:  so why in hell you are in here ?
03:18.27bkw__because I still use and work on Asterisk
03:18.42JerJer[mobile]then you just lied again
03:18.45JerJer[mobile]" I spend all my time on FreeSWITCH"
03:18.46willcampos123I need to disable consultation hold, it is suppose to be a feature on the phone, but i want to disable it from source...
03:18.53bkw__I do internal stuff when needed
03:18.55bkw__I don't do it daily
03:19.01GamercjmIm trying Festival, Is there anyway to make it sound better??
03:19.19Strom_MGamercjm, if it sounded any better, it wouldnt be Festival anymore
03:19.27bkw__Gamercjm, use Cepstral
03:19.33Darwin35whats the url for it
03:19.55bkw__you can get app_cepstral from
03:20.00bkw__and cepstral from
03:20.04bkw__good combo
03:20.05JerJer[mobile]willcampos123:   i have never heard of consultation hold
03:20.19JerJer[mobile]asterisk just responds to the appropriate hold event
03:20.34JerJer[mobile]by either stopping the RTP or playing music
03:20.47willcampos123is when you are on a call, and you hit flash, and you are able to make another call
03:21.14russellbwillcampos123: with chan_zap?
03:21.40JerJer[mobile]don't hit flash
03:21.51russellbor ... set a call limit for that peer, i guess
03:21.56willcampos123:>:> i don't but my users!!!
03:21.58bkw__bet their is a setting in the ATA to do that
03:22.04bkw__to turn it off that is
03:22.08russellbyeah, you'd think so
03:22.33willcampos123yes, but i have a linksys that does not have the option to disable it...
03:22.34JerJer[mobile]i think they call that three-way calling
03:22.45russellbwillcampos123: i think you should try call limits
03:22.45JerJer[mobile]i bet if you flash again after the call everyone is bridged
03:23.00SedoroxI dun wanna see him flash tho!
03:23.09willcampos123no, if i flash again, i put the current call on hold
03:23.17willcampos123and go back to talk to the other line
03:23.18Strom_MJerJer[mobile], thats that new-fangled thing bell labs came up with in 1961, right?
03:23.21bkw__turn off call waiting?
03:23.43willcampos123how to turn it off?
03:23.45russellbcallllllllllllllll limit = 1
03:23.58Strom_Mexactly like that, with all the ls
03:24.06JerJer[mobile]or just let your users go nutz and bill them for each call
03:24.07willcampos123calllimit works on realtime ?
03:24.08JerJer[mobile]per minute
03:24.22JerJer[mobile]i hope you don't intend to use realtime in a production envrionment
03:24.38willcampos123I already think on that :> but soon or later they are going to know!!
03:24.41russellbwillcampos123: just like any other option ...
03:24.52Darwin35cantget to the freeswitch website
03:25.29willcampos123<russellb>: Thanks.. i will add the line, and see what happens...
03:25.38willcampos123thanks to all!! have a good night
03:25.50russellbthat's pretty much your last resort, if you can't find a way to disable it on the phone itself
03:25.59*** part/#asterisk wmandra (
03:26.09Corydon76-homeJerJer[mobile]: nothing wrong with using realtime for sip or iax, only with the dialplan
03:26.14willcampos123yes that sounds like a good solution to me
03:26.37willcampos123I am using realtime with sip, in a real enviroment and is working great...
03:26.38JerJer[mobile]Corydon-w:  ok natted sip endpoints
03:26.58willcampos123still have to make a couple of improvments... but is working nice...
03:27.23JerJer[mobile]and the whole codec error issue if a user has not been used in a while
03:28.10JerJer[mobile]oh and your database hangs?
03:28.54[hC]Hm.. Not sure if any of you guys will know this, but as far as cisco firmwares go, which is newer, the P003 firmwares, (I presume these are sccp since they arent labelled P0S3) which is at v 3-5-0-3, or sccp 8.0.1
03:30.11JerJer[mobile][hC]:  pick one
03:30.16JerJer[mobile]ifi t doesn't work, pick the other
03:32.01JerJer[mobile]then try Qwell's kick ass chan_skinny path
03:32.22[hC]why the heck is qwell patching chan_skinny instead of chan_sccp?
03:32.26[hC]and what was the patch?
03:32.37JerJer[mobile]read the dev list
03:32.41russellb[hC]: you need to read the thread on -dev
03:32.50JerJer[mobile]stupid peopld won't disclaim thier fucking code
03:32.57[hC]haha. I dont normally read -dev, thats why.
03:32.58JerJer[mobile]plain and simple
03:33.00[hC]But, i'll go check it out.
03:33.08Qwell[hC]: read chan-sccp-users too :p
03:33.14[hC]I read sccp users.
03:33.28[hC]most of it, anyways.
03:33.30JerJer[mobile]Digium gave us Asterisk - they should have the right to do anything they deam proper with it
03:33.48JerJer[mobile]i am totally annoyed that coppice won't disclaim his code
03:33.55[hC]Is there a licensing issue around chan_sccp, is that the idea?
03:33.59JerJer[mobile]faxing IN asterisk would rule
03:34.15Qwell[hC]: and Sergio is being a dumbass about it :p
03:34.16JerJer[mobile][hC]:  no
03:34.42mishehuJerJer[mobile]: I personally wouldn't disclaim any of my code,
03:34.49JerJer[mobile][hC]:  very very very simply is they have not submitted a disclaimer
03:34.51JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  then you suck
03:34.54JerJer[mobile]all the wya
03:35.09JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  then don't expect support
03:35.19mishehuJerJer[mobile]: then don't expect me to write any code.
03:35.22JerJer[mobile]and in my opinion you should even benefit from asterisk at all
03:35.23[hC]just read your post, qwell.
03:35.24mishehusimple as that.
03:35.34[hC]I have a shit ton of cisco phones here
03:35.39[hC]7940, 7960, 7914, 7970
03:35.43[hC]All of which run on sccp
03:35.46Qwell[hC]: test away :p
03:35.50mishehumy code is my code, I give proper attribution to that which is builds upon, but it's still my code.
03:35.58Qwellespecially that 7914...I'd love to see that get tested
03:36.04JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  who gives a fuck?
03:36.05[hC]thats exactly what im working on right now
03:36.07bkw__the new GPL+AYBABTU clause
03:36.10[hC]do you expect that it may work?
03:36.11mishehuJerJer[mobile]: Obviously you do.
03:36.11JerJer[mobile]mark gave the world his code
03:36.23mishehuJerJer[mobile]: especially since you make this a personal attack on me.
03:36.28JamesDotComwhat a saviour
03:36.33JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  yep
03:36.34[hC]I -need- to get something working for a client tomorrow, so ill try sccp first, then swap over to your module to test that once it works
03:36.37mishehuJerJer[mobile]: mark OWNS the copyright on HIS code.
03:37.07JerJer[mobile]the disclaimer does not remove that from you
03:37.08mishehudisclaiming code is disclaiming rights on it.
03:37.21JerJer[mobile]but you still have copyright
03:37.47[hC]Id have to say the biggest thing that bugs me about open source, is how much time everyone spends bickering about licensing preferences, and trying to claim what people are doing correct or not
03:37.56[hC]Its astounding how much time people spend fighting about licensing
03:38.14russellb[hC]: but it's licensing that makes open source work
03:38.21[hC]Oh, i know, its important
03:38.25russellbit's critical that it is very clear what is going on
03:38.26mishehu[hC]:  who's fighting except for JerJer?  I just stated I wouldn't do such a thing personally.
03:38.30[hC]but it seems as though the same arguments are hashed out time and time again
03:38.41russellbprobably ...
03:38.48[hC]Im not even commenting on you guys, it just sparked in my mind as you guys started talking..
03:39.31mishehu[hC]: ok, well...   hmmm....  /change_subject_to_OSX_vs_Linux....  *grin*
03:39.32VeNoMouS_fuck spandsp im just going to do t.37 on the csi with onramp
03:39.54bkw__VeNoMouS_, thats what I did
03:40.03bkw__i'm going to switch out other gear nextweek
03:40.05VeNoMouS_its pissing me off to much
03:40.10bkw__[hC], i'm on my macbook pro :P
03:40.12JerJer[mobile]this is why i don't hang out in #asterisk any more
03:40.18[hC]bkw_: hate. :)
03:40.22Qwell[hC]: If you do get a chance to test should
03:40.32bkw__I have a 20inch imac core duo also
03:40.34JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  why does anyone else need to respond?
03:40.37[hC]Qwell: I have nothing to do all evening, so i will for sure.
03:40.41Qwell7960 works, so 40 and 70 should also, but I want to see how well the 14 works
03:40.44JerJer[mobile]and you haven't seen fighting, yet
03:40.46JerJer[mobile]ask bkw_
03:40.50[hC]Qwell: I'll be testing my 60+14.
03:40.54bkw__Qwell, the proper way to do sccp would have been to make libsccp then build a channel driver using the lib.
03:41.09[hC]Qwell: do you think that the 7914 should work already, or?
03:41.15Qwell[hC]: Should. :)
03:41.16JerJer[mobile][hC]:  don't count on it
03:41.28JerJer[mobile]7914 is the extension brick
03:41.31QwellJerJer[mobile]: actually...I put extra effort into addons, heh
03:41.35mishehuJerJer[mobile]: oh, so this is what you call "respect", I see.   you have an interesting dictionary there.
03:41.41Qwelladdon=7914 in your config
03:41.48JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  respect is earned
03:41.53JerJer[mobile]Qwell:  interesting
03:41.55Qwellanyhow, brb
03:41.57mishehuJerJer[mobile]: and you have *not* earned it from me.
03:41.58QwellJerJer[mobile]: yeah, that
03:42.01JerJer[mobile]too bad jtodd took the 7914 back
03:42.02Qwells why I hope it works. :p
03:42.07JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  the feeling is mutal
03:42.29mishehuat least my opinion has some evidence to support it.
03:42.59JerJer[mobile]how do you figure>
03:43.15JerJer[mobile]you refuse to give back to the community that gave you asterisk in the first place
03:43.27JerJer[mobile]so you get to support your own code
03:43.32mishehu<JerJer[mobile]> mishehu:  then you suck
03:43.38JerJer[mobile]you do
03:43.49bkw__I have given back to Asterisk and i'm still marked as EVIL
03:43.56bkw__so you're damed if you do and damed if you don't
03:43.57mishehuJerJer[mobile]: "you suck", "fuck you", "you're an ass"...  those are all personal attacks.
03:43.58bkw__so I gave up
03:44.11mishehuJerJer[mobile]: they do nothing to add to the discussion.
03:44.12JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  and your point is ?
03:44.27JerJer[mobile]bkw_:  dont' stab ppl in the back
03:44.31bkw__I didn't
03:44.33mishehuJerJer[mobile]: you have no argument if you cannot even respect the other person.
03:44.36JerJer[mobile]and take private conversatons public
03:45.26*** join/#asterisk kvidell (
03:45.32JerJer[mobile]bkw_:  and your back in #asterisk
03:45.39mishehuthis reminds me of the Oreilly Factor
03:45.40JerJer[mobile]after the fork failed
03:45.44mishehuor whatever that show is called.
03:45.44bkw__I have been in #asterisk for the past three or four months
03:45.45JerJer[mobile]like we all predicted
03:45.48linageedoes someone know of a fwd number i can dial to test?
03:45.54Strom_Mlinagee, 95690
03:45.55VeNoMouS_bkw_ it hurts dont it
03:45.56Strom_Mthat's my box
03:46.47*** join/#asterisk Pegger (
03:46.47bkw__We started FreeSWITCH from the ground up without the Drama of either.
03:46.49linageeStrom_M: argh. can't get past "all circuits are busy now" :(
03:46.53bkw__VeNoMouS_, what hurts?
03:47.03JerJer[mobile]bkw_:  i know - but the point is you are back
03:47.07linageeStrom_M: do i have to be outside the NAT just to use IAX2?
03:47.08bkw__I never left
03:47.11JerJer[mobile]which means you see value in asterisk
03:47.12Strom_Mlinagee, no
03:47.18VeNoMouS_bkw_ being in here that long
03:47.35mishehuwhere is Mr. Spock when you need somebody with proper logic?
03:47.37VeNoMouS_u gotta admit the amount of questions that get asked in here only bout 40% get a result
03:47.54VeNoMouS_cause most of the time its just lazy ppl not reading the documentation
03:48.05bkw__VeNoMouS_, ya it can drive you nutz
03:48.19linageeStrom_M: i have 393 on outgoing dial prefix, should i have this?
03:48.34dlynesVeNoMouS_: If you think that's bad, try the #slackware or #linux's even higher than 40% there
03:48.45VeNoMouS_lol no i hate those chans
03:48.49VeNoMouS_they are full of morons
03:48.52JerJer[mobile]bkw_:  so then why you running asterisk still?   and in here
03:48.56VeNoMouS_and the ops running them are normally real up themselfs
03:49.05mishehudlynes: how odd, to run slackware you have to know how to rtfm
03:49.15VeNoMouS_JerJer[mobile] cause he has to make cyber love with something
03:49.17dlynesmishehu: lol!
03:49.28JerJer[mobile]VeNoMouS_:   i think its more than cyber love
03:50.48VeNoMouS_JerJer[mobile] watch out he might get bored of asterisk and make love too you prison stylez!
03:51.02mishehuJerJer[mobile]: I honestly wish I could see what you are attempting to prove with such reasoning.  I know a lot of people who use a lot of programs for legacy purposes or because they are waiting for bigger and better stuff to come out to replace it.
03:51.24dlynesmishehu: Cobol's a prime example
03:51.45*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:51.51mishehudlynes: exactly, it's been in place for so long and so much of it, it takes time to switch it over to something more common nowadays.
03:51.52russellbif there isn't anything bigger and better, how is it for legacy reasons?
03:52.09mishehurussellb: I said legacy *or* ...
03:52.11mishehunot and.
03:52.18VeNoMouS_i dont get why steve underwood isnt doing t38 termination
03:52.19mishehuif not, it was a typo
03:52.24russellbno, you did
03:52.25VeNoMouS_like theres HEAPS of wintendo apps that do it
03:52.40VeNoMouS_wtf is the point of a t38 gateway yea ok i can understand that
03:52.40bkw__I know Steve doesn't agree with the disclaimer stuff
03:52.49VeNoMouS_but come on
03:52.54VeNoMouS_most of us dont ave a t38 capable fax
03:52.59bkw__you can use steve's code all you want with asterisk
03:53.03*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
03:53.07bkw__so its a pointless discussion
03:53.09mishehuI don't like faxes ;-)
03:53.21VeNoMouS_mishehu nor do me and bkw__ but companys do
03:53.34VeNoMouS_bkw__ yes and no, i wish it worked properly
03:53.35bkw__we have to deal with it
03:53.46JerJer[mobile]if it was IN asterisk it could be properly supported
03:53.53VeNoMouS_see i wouldnt ave a problem if it worked , and steve actually took the time to look @ a bug
03:53.56JerJer[mobile]so now steve gets to be yet another lone person to support it
03:54.16JerJer[mobile]so when he decides to take a vacation or road trip or whatever shit just sits around, broken
03:54.18bkw__and sccp is in.. and its not properly supported
03:54.22bkw__so that argument fails
03:54.32VeNoMouS_JerJer[mobile] i spoke to him last week, and he gave little help
03:54.38JerJer[mobile]Qwell just kicked some serious chan_skinny ass
03:54.46mogormanand is continuing to
03:54.46VeNoMouS_i got 2 fax machiens that arnt negigating properly
03:54.52mishehuthat's all it means.
03:54.52mogormanQwell, rocks!
03:54.57russellbi wish i had a skinny phone to help test it
03:55.03JerJer[mobile]and every api change and what not  chan_skinny magically updated
03:55.05mishehuVeNoMouS_: they don't speak the same language eh?  ;-)
03:55.17JerJer[mobile]so how does that not work?
03:55.25JerJer[mobile]PLEASE TELL ME
03:55.27dlynesVeNoMouS_: I've never been able to get faxing working even remotely...sometimes I get one page to go through, but most of the time I don't even get that
03:55.28VeNoMouS_mishehu heh if u listen to it on chanspy u can hear how fucked up it is
03:55.42VeNoMouS_dlynes i got it working pretty well
03:55.44mishehuVeNoMouS_: you understand faxese???
03:55.45JerJer[mobile]that argument totally works
03:55.46bkw__so did we
03:55.55mishehumy carrier isn't that fast...  never can handshake!
03:56.03dlynesVeNoMouS_: And that's using analog dialing into pri, and getting spandsp to answer and receive the fax
03:56.06VeNoMouS_dlynes : the prob is, i cant exactly go tell a cust to go buy a new fax machine cause our shit dont support it
03:56.14VeNoMouS_dlynes yea
03:56.18JerJer[mobile]last i tried the latest shit from steve still didn't compile with svn trunk
03:56.24JerJer[mobile]nor did chan_capi
03:56.25dlynesVeNoMouS_: you're using a specialized fax machine, or something?
03:56.28VeNoMouS_analog -> pri -> sip -> spandsp -> rxfax
03:56.42bkw__not all fax machines are sane
03:56.44bkw__thats a given
03:56.46VeNoMouS_the failing models were brother 2750
03:56.48dlynesVeNoMouS_: I used analog->pri->spandsp->rxfax
03:56.50VeNoMouS_and xerox dc 250
03:57.09VeNoMouS_dlynes : why not us rxfax with zap
03:57.25mishehuVeNoMouS_: I've been using iaxmodem with hylafax.  works pretty well.
03:57.30dlynesVeNoMouS_: The ones I tested with were brother something or other mfc, and a panasonic...neither worked properly
03:57.31VeNoMouS_but yea anyway spandsp is just too bugy for a production envoriment
03:57.33JerJer[mobile]so not all fax machines are sane, but if you use a regular pots line it ALWAYS WORKS
03:57.39VeNoMouS_so im going to ave to use t37 from the ciscos
03:57.41dlynesVeNoMouS_: isn't pri a zap channel?
03:57.47JerJer[mobile]when calling another regular pots line and fax machine
03:57.51bkw__you will find even with cisco gear not all fax machines work
03:57.55bkw__some violate the standard
03:57.58JerJer[mobile]i am not talking about cisco gear
03:58.00bkw__in the most weird ways
03:58.03mogormanfax machines are lame
03:58.07mogormanwe should blow em up
03:58.08JerJer[mobile]i am talking regular POTS line from your friendly LEC
03:58.17russellbi have a scanner and email, it's great
03:58.21russellbnot sure if you have guys have heard of it
03:58.23mishehuLECs are friendly?  only sometimes...
03:58.25JerJer[mobile]to another regular POTS line to another friedly LEC
03:58.25Sedoroxfax machines are like printers.. they should all DIE... and horrid and painful death
03:58.28SplasPoodJerJer: Then you whistle into the phone?
03:58.32VeNoMouS_Sedorox word to that
03:58.40mishehuSedorox: you don't like printers either?
03:58.44mogormanohh /me likes printers
03:58.49mishehu"PC Load Letter?  What the hell does that mean?"
03:58.50VeNoMouS_some one needs to create a giant emp that destorys technology pre 1995
03:58.51mogormanbut does not like printing....
03:58.52JerJer[mobile]i'll have to talk to Cap'in Krunch later    :)
03:58.54russellboh god no.  printers are terrible
03:59.00VeNoMouS_fuck the fax!!
03:59.01SplasPoodJerJer[mobile]: :)
03:59.02dlynesEveryone seems to be forgetting....faxing is absolutely essential to a number of different business types
03:59.03mogormanthey are broke as heck
03:59.09Sedoroxmishehu: I loath them
03:59.16Sedorox'tho I hav to setup/deal with them at work all the time
03:59.25mogormanjust say no to fax or the asterisk moto o,s,h,i,t, a, fax
03:59.26SplasPooddlynes: Really tho, it *shouldn't* be..
03:59.27JerJer[mobile]dlynes:   yet not all fax machines are sane
03:59.32JerJer[mobile]according to bkw
03:59.34*** join/#asterisk Vyeperman (
03:59.38VeNoMouS_they arnt
03:59.42mishehuSedorox: cheapie printers or expensive postscript ones?
03:59.44Sedoroxdlynes: yes yes.. legal stuff.. I know.. and spam...
03:59.49VeNoMouS_if that was the came JerJer[mobile] why did they invent ecm?
03:59.50dlynesSplasPood: No, it should...scanning and then emailing is a pain in the ass
03:59.51mogormanyet a 5 dollar fax machine always works
03:59.55mogormanis amazing
03:59.57SedoroxHP PSC 1410
04:00.04Sedoroxtotal POS
04:00.04dlynesSplasPood: take for instance architectural firms, work orders, ...
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04:00.29dlynesSplasPood: not to mention fax blasting advertisements :)
04:00.31SplasPooddlynes: Yes of course, there's no reason why a "fax" as it exists utilizing... modems...  needs to be
04:00.32VeNoMouS_dlynes freight companys doing PODS
04:00.51VeNoMouS_it'd be fantasic if we could cancel out fax related shit
04:00.56talljon84Inbound calls are being picked up by Zaptel before the caller id information can be transmitted between ring 1 and 2 on the POTS line. Anyone aware of how to fix this?
04:01.02VeNoMouS_but this is the real world, and upgrades like that dont happen over night
04:01.10SplasPoodWell of course
04:01.12Strom_Mtalljon84, wait longer before you pick up the call
04:01.15VeNoMouS_talljon84 : you in .au?
04:01.17SplasPoodbut thats the goal people should be working towards
04:01.41SplasPoodfor now iaxmodem+hylafax has been working good for me.. at least /w inbound faxing @ 9600
04:01.43VeNoMouS_SplasPood : thats true, but it comes back to the developers of the software that create the invoices and shit
04:02.11talljon84VeNoMouS: no; us
04:02.12VeNoMouS_SplasPood : iax is a good idea, BUT when in use with spandsp , spandsp doesnt always work
04:02.12alephcomSplasPood:  Are you getting your calls via voip or over the pstn?
04:02.22SplasPoodso you're telling me that people need to run software, that prints something out, that they then shove back INTO a fax machine?
04:02.25SplasPoodthats just pointless
04:02.31SplasPoodand not pointless 10 yrs from now
04:02.32talljon84Strom_M: Is that setting in the extensions.conf file or in the zaptel configs?
04:02.34SplasPoodpointless RIGHT now.
04:02.59SplasPoodalephcom: PRI -> AS5300 series -> SIP -> asterisk -> IAX -> iaxmodem
04:03.10JerJer[mobile]SplasPood:  yes iaxmodem is very nice - except for the 9600 part
04:03.11Strom_Mtalljon84, IIRC (its been a while since ive dealt with inbound POTS calls) you put a wait() statement before your answer statement
04:03.14dlynestalljon84: dial plan (extensions.conf)
04:03.24SplasPoodJerJer: I can live with that, its better than efax :P
04:03.25mishehudlynes: I keep getting faxes from the same block of DID's in my area...   I'm trying to think of what's a good way to torture them...
04:03.27JerJer[mobile]my brooktrout card is just smokin
04:03.30alephcomSplasPood:  Cool, my plans should work then
04:03.33VeNoMouS_JerJer[mobile] : u can can it up to 14400 on 711
04:03.35VeNoMouS_but thats the max
04:03.39JerJer[mobile]14.4 and even color
04:03.42JerJer[mobile]VeNoMouS_:  um no
04:03.46dlynesmishehu: hopefully you're not in the 604 NPA =)
04:03.52SplasPoodI didn't have much luck higher than 9600
04:03.56VeNoMouS_err yes it is
04:03.59JerJer[mobile]VeNoMouS_:  spandsp does not support anything higher
04:04.01SplasPoodalthough I didn't try anything in between 9600 and 14400
04:04.05VeNoMouS_thats spandsp
04:04.06JerJer[mobile]due to patent issues
04:04.20JerJer[mobile]iaxmodem uses spandsp yo
04:04.27VeNoMouS_if u do the math 14400 is the highest that u can do in 711
04:04.40JerJer[mobile]sure - just not with spandsp
04:04.49JerJer[mobile]nor does spandsp give you error correction
04:04.53JerJer[mobile]or color faxing
04:05.01JerJer[mobile]or watermarks
04:05.01VeNoMouS_i already said that b4
04:05.05VeNoMouS_what do u think ECM is
04:05.28x86speaking of faxing, anyone ever get app_nv_backgrounddetect to compile?
04:05.29JerJer[mobile]i know this
04:05.36x86i get all kinds of errors
04:05.48*** part/#asterisk SoloFlyer (
04:05.54JerJer[mobile]x86:   don't bother - dedicate a channel to faxes  - you will be much happier
04:06.29x86JerJer[mobile]: eh, it's all inbound SIP faxing anyway... i have no "channels" in a traditional sense (PSTN)
04:06.42JerJer[mobile]sure you do
04:06.49x86no PSTN channels
04:06.52x86SIP channels sure
04:07.27x86err right
04:07.28JerJer[mobile]exten => _X,1,Dial,IAX/iaxmodem
04:07.35x86what's iaxmodem?
04:07.36JerJer[mobile]missing .
04:07.47JerJer[mobile]hylafax connector
04:08.23mishehualso helps to put in an ${EXTEN} at the end too
04:08.26x86well i want to do fax detection though
04:08.29mishehuespecially if you have multiple DIDs
04:10.07dlynesVeNoMouS_: Just remembered...I tried doing txfax to a J2Fax fax number as well...that worked(?) as well as the rxfax did
04:10.14JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  not necessairly
04:10.38JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  and smart guy it was just a quick example i typed out
04:10.51JerJer[mobile]x86:  in gods name why?
04:12.48x86JerJer[mobile]: because the DID i'm using for voice now is advertised on my business cards for fax ;)
04:12.49mishehuJerJer[mobile]: Mightly defensive at some pointers I was giving out free of charge to whoever was interested in using iaxmodem.  it's from iaxmodem's docs themselves.
04:13.11JerJer[mobile]don't be a smartass then
04:13.20JerJer[mobile]and i am not defensive
04:13.29JerJer[mobile]this is irc - deal with it
04:13.39JerJer[mobile]x86:  don't use it for voice then
04:13.43mishehuJerJer[mobile]: You should take heed to your own advice.
04:13.47tzangerVeNoMouS_: uh, why is 14k4 the fastest available with g711?  the entire telco industry is g711, which includes v.92.
04:13.53x86JerJer[mobile]: that's not a solution ;)
04:14.00x86JerJer[mobile]: it's the only local DID i have
04:14.03JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  i am not being a smart ass
04:14.05Strom_Ctzanger, packetization delay
04:14.07mishehuJerJer[mobile]: and maybe come down from the pedestal you think you sit on.
04:14.16JerJer[mobile]and pointing out very obvous things
04:14.26tzangerStrom_C: ok fair enough, but saying that 14k4 is all you can do on g711 is... well misleading to say the least
04:14.29JerJer[mobile]mishehu:   i am not on any pedestal
04:14.32JerJer[mobile]i am a realist
04:14.36JerJer[mobile]if you don't like it, leave
04:14.50JerJer[mobile]i for one happen to live in a free country
04:14.54Strom_Ctzanger, g711 codec via voice over ip
04:15.01mishehuJerJer[mobile]: How about I just put you on ignore, since you do nothing but waste my time?
04:15.01Strom_Cnot g711 in all its forms
04:15.03tzangerStrom_C: no it's not
04:15.18tzangerStrom_C: ahh I think I understand what you're saying.
04:15.25mishehuJerJer[mobile]: I have yet to see you contribute anything at all to this channel in months sans attitude.
04:15.31JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  won't hurt my feelings any
04:15.49JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  i don't normally hang out here because of the bullshit - like you
04:15.54JerJer[mobile]i was asked to join
04:16.02tzangerI think you're saying that 14k4 is as fast as you can go with VOIP in the loop.  I'm not 100% sure that's true, since VOIP is a VERY broad term, but I haven't got any hard proof otherwise.  coppice'd be the guy to ask
04:16.15JerJer[mobile]so i joined
04:17.11Strom_Ctzanger, assuming you were on a really fast network with tiny packets and almost zero packetization delay, you might be able to go faster
04:17.28tzangerStrom_C: I understand what you're saying
04:17.38Strom_Cand by "really fast" i mean "low-latency"
04:17.48mishehuJerJer[mobile]: So if you're asked to jump off a cliff, I imagine you'd do that too.
04:17.57mishehuno thinking, just doing.
04:17.58tzangeryeah there is an AWFUL lot of voodoo that goes into v90/v92
04:17.59Strom_Coh give it a rest already, mishehu
04:18.18JerJer[mobile]mishehu:  yeah  what he said
04:18.21droopshey Strom_C, you have misspellins in your sig, just thought i should point it out
04:18.34Strom_Cdroops, yeah, cause you keep putting them there! :)
04:18.39mishehuJerJer[mobile]: welcome to the shitlist.  enjoy the stay.  you are now ignored.
04:18.42droopsim done
04:18.51*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=Tili@
04:18.59VeNoMouS_<tzanger> VeNoMouS_: uh, why is 14k4 the fastest available with g711?  the entire telco industry is g711, which includes
04:19.08VeNoMouS_cause the codec can only do 64k
04:19.14JerJer[mobile]am i supposed to feel hurt ?
04:19.22tzangerVeNoMouS_: not true.
04:19.29JamesDotComheh, i'd rather mentally ignore someone than try and parse broken conversations on irc
04:19.48JerJer[mobile]or am i loosing some valuable piece of my life by not being able to be seein my mishehu
04:19.52Strom_Ctzanger, what do you mean "not true"?  ulaw is only 64kbps for voice
04:19.53tzangerVeNoMouS_: PRI channels are only 64k but you get v92 on them without issue (in fact that's the only way you get v90/v92
04:19.56JerJer[mobile]what a putz
04:20.04mishehuJamesDotCom: depends on who is being ignored I guess.
04:20.15VeNoMouS_tzanger : besides when did u see a fax that did more tehn 14400?
04:20.15tzangerStrom_C: yes, and v90 is 56kbps
04:20.22Strom_Ctzanger, through the magic of data compression, you get v.92
04:20.23VeNoMouS_ure thinking of modem
04:20.34Strom_Ctzanger, I assume you know what bit-robbing is, right?
04:20.40*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
04:21.07tzangerStrom_C: you can sustain 56kbps with v90, there is no compression involved in that speed
04:21.19tzangerStrom_C: yes, and the modems detect that which is how they get those speeds anyway
04:21.44mogormani thought mak over analog was 53 or something in that range
04:21.47Strom_Ctzanger, the problem is the quantization error in the A/D converters
04:22.02Strom_Cyou can only do one A/D conversion on a 56kbps link
04:22.10Strom_C(assuming analog modems)
04:22.14tzangerStrom_C: I understand what you're saying.  Actually I have seen faxes go through our IR4000 at 34kbps
04:22.44tzangerI haven't seen faxes at >34kbps though and even that was very rare
04:23.05Strom_Ctzanger, and even under regular POTS conditions you dont always get top speed
04:23.20JerJer[mobile]so who here would actually use various asterisk related equipment if it was made available for development and testing ?
04:23.34Strom_CJerJer[mobile], how much would I have to pay? :)
04:23.34JerJer[mobile]servers, PRI, t-1 cards, etc
04:23.40tzangerStrom_C: true, depends entirely on the local loop quality.  I often called Cisco's gateways for testing and got 56kbps with v90 without issue
04:23.41QwellJerJer[mobile]: I would...sure
04:23.48JerJer[mobile]Strom_C:  nothing
04:23.52Strom_CJerJer[mobile], sure
04:24.24JerJer[mobile]it just happens that we have been setting up a development lab, which will totally be remotely accessible
04:24.28[hC]Hey, i realize this question has been asked and rehashed time and time again, but the 7 line limit to the polycom buddy watch, was that determined to be an asterisk issue or a polycom firmware issue?
04:24.34tzangermogorman: nope, 53kbps was due to FCC limiting the constellation patterns due to crosstalk and "extraneous" energy at certain data rates (I forget the exact term)
04:24.35[hC]Ive heard strong points for both
04:24.38tzangeranyway time for bed for me
04:24.43JerJer[mobile]we just have to work out out he logistics
04:24.47mogormanthat was it tzafrir
04:24.50mogormanerr tzanger
04:25.01Strom_CJerJer[mobile], yeah, i'd love to play :)
04:25.32JerJer[mobile]right now we have 4 dual xeons, each with a single PRI jacked into our old switch
04:26.27JerJer[mobile]all of which is just sitting there running's client since it has nothing else to do
04:26.54JerJer[mobile]if i could spell  :)
04:27.34*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
04:27.47Qwellmaybe that's what I'll do with my sunfire...
04:27.57GamercjmI was trying to use 'cepstral' but it doesnt work right :p
04:28.08Gamercjmi cant get it to download with wget
04:28.09JerJer[mobile]yet mishehu  says i haven't contributed
04:28.35linageewtf. why is asterisk@home not ringing my extension. :-/
04:28.39Strom_CGamercjm, well "not downloading" and "not working" are kind of different things, eh?
04:28.54JerJer[mobile]once i learn how to drive the Spirent Abacus 5000 will be blowing up asterisk big time
04:28.56Gamercjmnot really, its not working because its not downloading ;)
04:29.18JerJer[mobile]and get gprof install
04:29.24Gamercjmand the stuff on voip-info is old and needs to be updated
04:29.40Gamercjmthey have ssid's now
04:30.19Gamercjmbut anyways... can any get the audio files to download correctly with wget?
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04:34.43a1fai just dialed 611 on broadvoice
04:34.46a1faand got right through
04:34.56a1fano more annoying music on hold
04:35.06a1fai used to wait 1h for support
04:35.17a1fai got a problem
04:35.26a1faasterisk keeps re-registering every 35s with the sip provider
04:35.46JerJer[mobile]increase the registration timeout
04:36.00a1fayeah? but it never used to be like that
04:36.07linageeintresting. you can call a fwd number from packet8?
04:36.08*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:36.09JerJer[mobile]or they are forcing that time
04:36.23a1fathats what I asked him, he said no
04:36.27a1fabut i think it is so
04:36.29a1falet me do the debug
04:36.43a1fathat mofo is testing something right now
04:37.06a1fahe's got me on mute cussing me out
04:37.34a1faApr  3 04:24:11 NOTICE[3724] chan_sip.c: Outbound Registration: Expiry for is 30 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 23 s)
04:37.51a1fai didnt set it to 30s
04:38.28wmandrabroadvoice issued at patch a while ago that had something to do with reg timeouts that has since been added into *
04:39.03a1fawmandra : i am running 1.2.6
04:39.25*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
04:39.26wmandrait was added almost a year ago
04:39.29a1fai got that gay on the speakerphone
04:39.34a1fahe's got me on mute
04:40.53*** join/#asterisk forao (
04:40.56a1fawmandra : any settings i can set for this to be tuned into an hour?
04:41.03a1fathis just started happening recently.. looks like
04:41.30wmandrait was merged into 1.0.4
04:42.26a1fai swear
04:42.32a1fathis guy has me muted
04:42.36a1faand he is jacking off or something
04:42.44*** part/#asterisk wmandra (
04:43.23*** join/#asterisk demigod2k (
04:43.36a1fai got 1.2.6
04:43.42demigod2kanybody use the VS1 box? Mine came dead on arrival. Wondering if it's a sign of things to come
04:44.14linageeStrom_M: LOL 514
04:44.23demigod2kvertical lines through the video, kernel panics, etc. feels like bad ram, bad board, or something that should've been caught with a burn-in test
04:45.11a1fawhat a fag
04:45.18a1fahe either hung up
04:45.18a1faor put me on hold
04:45.27a1fai've been on hold for 20min
04:45.32a1faand no body is talking
04:45.34a1faor breathing
04:45.37a1fainto the phone
04:45.39a1faand no comfort noise
04:45.48a1fafuck you broadvoice
04:45.58a1fafuck your business
04:46.05Strom_Cfuck you flooder
04:46.09a1fai need to get an SLA with these motherfuckers
04:46.23a1faStrom_C : stop complaining
04:46.36alephcomor you could switch away from broadvoice. :-)
04:46.45*** join/#asterisk bartlebee (n=largo@
04:46.47a1fai've had them for a year
04:46.53a1fathis is so fucking annoying
04:46.57*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
04:47.13a1fai figured out what happened
04:47.17a1fai killed my asterisk box
04:47.30JerJer[mobile]so init keys is supposed to reload all the public and private keys right ?
04:47.35a1faand it disconnected a cal
04:48.05JerJer[mobile]ahh - reload
04:48.09linageeStrom_C: LOL. the people in 514 are just shooting the breeze. lol
04:48.22Strom_Clinagee, quebec?
04:48.23a1fagay onhold music again
04:48.31linageeStrom_C: FWD 514
04:48.33Strom_Calfa, stop complaining
04:48.52a1fathis is fucking annoying as shit
04:49.01a1faeither asterisk box is not registering with sip
04:49.06a1fai cant recieve any phone calls
04:49.13a1fai can make phonecalls, but i cant recieve phonecalls
04:49.14linageea1fa: use IAX instead of SIP. :)
04:49.26JerJer[mobile]and a real provider    :)
04:49.41a1fayou guys are awesome
04:49.42Strom_Calfa: I'm sure jerjer would love to have you as a customer
04:49.54a1faif you can give me unlimited minutes
04:49.56QwellStrom_C: nah
04:49.56a1faand an SLA
04:50.04JerJer[mobile]there is no such thing as 'unlimited'
04:50.07a1fai'd be glad to give you my business
04:50.09Qwella1fa: hell, *I* can give you an SLA
04:50.12jbot[unlimited] <Nugget> unlimited voip == punch the monkey to win a free ipod
04:50.12*** join/#asterisk exten123 (n=exten@
04:50.24a1fayeah, true
04:50.26a1fai am saying
04:50.32Qwella1fa: I can guarantee 10% uptime
04:50.35a1fagive me a lot of minutes for a monthly charge
04:50.39JerJer[mobile]and if you directly interconnect with us we will gladly give you an SLA
04:50.43a1faQwell : 99.9% uptime, biznutch
04:50.57linageea1fa: where's my 5 nines. :)
04:51.16a1fai am serious
04:51.29JerJer[mobile]when the internet gets to 90% you will get 90%   :)
04:51.34a1fai am going to call one of them countries that have free unlimited minutes with
04:51.34Qwellalright, I can offer 9 5's
04:51.40a1faand let it sit there all night
04:51.46a1faall night and day
04:51.46JerJer[mobile]5 9s is a joke via the public internet
04:52.33linageeStrom_C: i think your connection was just lagging. lol. this 514 sounds cristal
04:52.37linageeer, crystal
04:52.56mogormanbut its 999999/100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
04:53.03mogormanso i guess its not so good...
04:53.12alephcomBetter than some still.
04:53.30*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
04:53.37Qwellalephcom: indeed
05:00.04[hC]Hm.. odd, loading this sccp driver, it says it loaded my speed dials, yet nothing shows up on the phone or the 7914.
05:00.12WewtedAnyone else here compiled zaptel on FC4 recently?
05:00.36Qwell[hC]: mine?
05:00.49*** part/#asterisk talljon84 (
05:01.00[hC]No, i want to get this working with the other one first before testing yours, so i know what to expect when i test yours
05:01.17[hC]plus i have to get something working for a client by tomorrow morning, so i had to start here
05:01.22Qwellmultiple lines
05:01.27[hC]speeddial       = 103,Robyn
05:01.27[hC]speeddial       = 101,Chris
05:01.32Qwellthat should do it
05:01.39[hC]i see shit like this
05:01.49VeNoMouS_bkw__ u still alive?
05:01.52[hC]when reloading
05:01.55[hC]yet nothing shows up on the phone.
05:01.58[hC](or the 7914)
05:02.08QwellThat's a little weird. ;/
05:02.16[hC]yeah... definitely. running SCCP 8.1
05:02.20[hC]ill reboot rather than just unload/reload
05:05.34[hC]i took the tabs out
05:05.42[hC]and juist made it speeddial=101,Chris
05:05.43[hC]works now
05:06.11*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
05:06.46*** join/#asterisk appdevx (n=appdevx3@
05:09.05exten123guy I just saw you ppl is talking about speeddial, how to make that? it's a normal exten in the extensions.conf?
05:15.49[hC]its a phone specific thing.
05:17.33[hC]Hrm. So, my speeddials show up now, but how do i get it to do blf? that didnt do it./
05:18.19Qwell[hC]: add a comma at the end, and the exten@context to watch
05:18.20Qwellso like
05:18.32[hC]yea gotcha
05:18.47QwellThen exten => 1234,hint,SIP/1234
05:19.24*** join/#asterisk CaRb0n^ (n=Genocide@
05:20.36[hC]That did it, thanks qwell.
05:21.14CaRb0n^any one have any Idea how to install T1/E1 with MItel
05:22.03orlockwhich Mitel?
05:22.10CaRb0n^how to install T1/E1 card on asterisk & connect it with MItel
05:22.23[hC]I wonder... can you use hints on channels as a wildcard? It would be interesting to monitor incoming calls to a DID
05:22.25CaRb0n^ICP 3300
05:22.56[hC]or FXO lines in use, or something.
05:23.12CaRb0n^asterisk1*CLI> zap show status
05:23.13CaRb0n^Description                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
05:23.13CaRb0n^Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0      UNCONFIGUR 0          0          0
05:23.13CaRb0n^ZTDUMMY/1 1                              UNCONFIGUR 0          0          0
05:24.22CaRb0n^im sure the card is installed properly
05:24.31CaRb0n^what to do next ?
05:25.08Strom_Mwhy do you have ztdummy?
05:25.51CaRb0n^just installed it to test
05:26.12Strom_Myou shouldnt have ztdummy if you're running a real card
05:26.45CaRb0n^oh ok
05:27.00CaRb0n^and how do i check if the card is properly installed
05:27.29CaRb0n^what do i need to configure mitel as extension or trunk ?
05:28.01Strom_Mwhat do you want to do?
05:33.14CaRb0n^i want to connect my Mitel with asterisk
05:33.21Strom_Mwell obviously
05:33.23CaRb0n^asterisk will have the sip trunks
05:33.25Strom_Mbut for what purpose?
05:33.42CaRb0n^i dont have sip option in Mitel
05:34.09CaRb0n^so i want to connect asterisk with T1/e1 with mitel
05:34.09Strom_Mok, so set up the mitel as if it were network-facing and set up asterisk as if it were the network
05:34.12CaRb0n^to use with sip
05:34.26*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
05:35.15CaRb0n^what changes do i need to make in astrisk?//
05:35.26CaRb0n^cos i dont see any light on card
05:35.45Strom_Mhave you edited zaptel.conf?
05:37.34CaRb0n^yes a bit
05:37.51CaRb0n^then asterisk stoped working
05:38.00CaRb0n^so then i change it back to normal
05:38.12jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
05:38.13jbotsomebody said thebook was Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
05:39.01Wewtedanyone know why i might be getting a 'FATAL: Module zaptel not found.' with a modprobe zaptel? Zaptel compiled without any errors =/
05:39.02CaRb0n^yeah thats what i am doing for days
05:39.18Strom_MWewted, did you do "make install"?
05:39.38Wewtedyep Strom_M
05:40.20Wewted**** Dynamic filesystem detected -- not creating device nodes
05:40.24Wewtedhmm, could that be why?
05:40.30Strom_Mmight be it
05:40.36Wewtedapart from that everything looks fine
05:41.06tzafrir_laptopWewted, no. You don't need device files for the module to load
05:41.30tzafrir_laptopIt just means you have udev
05:41.49tzafrir_laptopWhat distro do you have?
05:42.01Wewtedfedora core 4
05:42.12tzafrir_laptopyup, udev
05:42.24Wewtedhmm no idea why it wouldnt be creating the zap device then
05:42.38Wewtedmake install and make linux26 completes fine
05:48.59QwellStrom_M: What's the M stand for?
05:49.31tzafrir_laptopWewted, try reading README.udev
05:50.33Wewtedtzafrir yeah thats all been done
05:50.35Wewtedvery strange =/
05:51.53linageeStrom_M: hahahah. i can now call you from a click of a button from within sugarCRM. cool. :)
05:52.03linageeif only i had a real outgoing line. lol
05:53.56*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
05:55.02linageeStrom_M: it's funny. i found the incoming gateway from 514. :)
05:55.09linageethey were talking about it. hehehe
05:56.31*** join/#asterisk dhthomas (
05:56.54*** join/#asterisk Creperum (
05:58.24linageehrm. this reduced sodium chicken noodle has less flavor. lol
05:58.30Strom_Mwell duh
05:58.34Strom_Msalt == flavor enhancer
05:59.20linageeStrom_M: hrm. that might be interesting... i could add actual chicken chunks to chicken noodle to suplement their chicken scraps... hrm
05:59.49*** part/#asterisk kvidell (
06:00.23*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
06:00.39Strom_Mtake on meeeee
06:00.40linageesteal ma bell's directory.
06:00.54linageecall a phone with caller ID enabled. spoof the caller ID.
06:01.10linageesince you own the line you are calling, you have the spoofed number, but you also have the name! :)
06:01.14Strom_Myeah, ma bell will assrape you if you do that too much
06:01.25linageeStrom_M: no, i mean you are only calling yourself
06:01.31Strom_Mits called backspoofing and we've been doing it for two years
06:01.32linageeStrom_M: but you get the name. lol
06:01.33Strom_Myes, I know
06:01.43linageeStrom_M: WTF? not an original idea??? :-(
06:02.02Strom_Mbut at least you're thinking like a phreak
06:02.07linageeStrom_M: you're supposed to say, "simpsons did it!"
06:02.17linagee(episode of southpark)
06:02.27linageeprofessor chaos / butters
06:02.27Strom_MI havent watched television for three years
06:02.40linageeStrom_M: i don't watch television either. i mythtv. :)
06:02.45QwellSomebody buy that boy a TV :P
06:02.58Strom_Mlinagee, thats still television
06:03.07Strom_Mjust on time delay
06:03.09linageeStrom_M: yes, but i don't have to watch the commercials. :)
06:03.24linageeStrom_M: fast forwarding through commercials makes baby jesus cry
06:03.26linagee! lol
06:03.46Strom_Mlinagee, I don't own any television equipment whatsoever
06:03.56Qwellreal dvr's don't fast forward through commercials
06:03.57Strom_Mno TV set, no mythtv box, nothing
06:04.05linageeor at least, that's what the MPAA or whoever would have you believe
06:04.05QwellThey just...don't record them
06:04.20linageeQwell: bah. i could do that too, but i'd rather not have false positives
06:04.40linageeer... i'd rather not have it clip parts of the show if it misinterprets a commercial
06:04.51linageeQwell: mplayer works pretty well for fast forwarding
06:05.29linagee[av]bani: what's that
06:05.58Strom_Mits pinball
06:06.03Strom_Mjust before you lose
06:06.10Qwellgotta kinda suck, if you lose with that
06:06.33Strom_Mor possibly
06:06.35Strom_M\ /
06:06.46QwellDoes that even fit through that?
06:06.54Strom_Mon my screen it does
06:07.12*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
06:08.16[av]bani\o/ =
06:08.57linageeStrom_M: you can dial 800 numbers for free from FWD?
06:09.02linageeor is that a rumor
06:09.10Strom_Mlinagee, theoretically
06:09.12Qwelllinagee: used to be true...
06:09.14Qwellshould still be
06:09.20linageeQwell: used to be?
06:09.29linageeQwell: what's the dialing format?
06:09.38linageeQwell: i tried 1800testnumber and 800testnumber
06:09.54QwellI think
06:10.18Qwellmaybe just *
06:10.28Qwellit's documented on their site
06:11.09linageei now have a route to the PSTN!
06:11.50*** part/#asterisk droops (
06:12.21linageeQwell: so now i can use this and everyone can hear my phone traffic, right? hahaha
06:13.41linageeQwell: greaaaat.
06:14.34linageeQwell: who knows about the phone traffic. me, my ISP, FWD, the 800 number calling card provider, and the recipient of the information. lol
06:18.11linageeweird. caller ID from dialing an 800 number on FWD was 700-976-1355
06:19.31linageei know
06:19.36linageeisn't it normally 99?
06:22.11linageehrm. nobody is in 514 right now. lol
06:22.51linageeStrom_M: what's cool is that you can dial into 514 even from the PSTN, using the gateway. :)
06:24.21linageeQwell: HUH??
06:24.48linageeQwell: 18005551212 is overridden by the provider! it has to be. fwd has no number for it when you dial it.
06:24.49*** join/#asterisk kotrin (
06:25.19linageei've always known 18005551212 to be a "tell me, directory assistance"
06:25.21*** join/#asterisk demigod2k (
06:25.24linageebut mayeb that's just an SBC-ism
06:25.28*** join/#asterisk b96fm (
06:26.07b96fmHello room
06:26.08Abydos313i get directory assistance when i dial that number
06:26.09demigod2kis the VS1 a good prepackaged solution?
06:26.18linageeAbydos313: person, or machine
06:26.37linageeAbydos313: er, "directory assistance, powered by tell me"
06:26.44linageeor did they strip off the tell me part now. lol
06:26.52Abydos313haha..let me try again
06:27.13linageeis there another 800 nmber i can try?
06:27.15linageeQwell: huh?
06:27.17b96fmcan you connect telephone with Asterisk PBX software and if you can how many can you connect
06:27.19Abydos313it is tellme
06:27.22*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:27.33linageeAbydos313: like i said. must be an SBC-ism. calling from an SBC line?
06:27.49linageepossibly even an AT&T-ism since they're both now in bed
06:28.26linageeb96fm: users connected depends on bandwidth and processing power
06:28.31*** part/#asterisk kotrin (
06:28.40linageeb96fm: need more users to be supported, just add processing power and bandwidth. :)
06:28.54demigod2ktheres no limits like a classic KSU system
06:29.03linagee(and T1 cards if you don't want them to be starved for outgoing lines. hehehehe)
06:29.10linagee(if you're not the admin from hell
06:29.17linageedemigod2k: huh?
06:29.29demigod2kthe old KSU systems are always described like 3x24
06:29.49linageedemigod2k: wow. that sucks.
06:29.59demigod2kI think thats where a lot of the confusion comes from. Like you said the only real limit is cpu power
06:30.24linageedemigod2k: and bandwidth, and/or T1 lines if you care about users
06:30.34demigod2kwhen you comparison shop with a used nortel, avaya, etc they almost always rate with some fairly low max number of phones
06:30.37linageedemigod2k: you could route everyone through one line. that might be kind of fun. lol.
06:31.56linageedemigod2k: wow. that sucks. lines themselves should be on demand too. think about it.... if the phone company may be transparently turning your voice traffic back into voip traffic without you even knowing... they're not paying per strand of copper...
06:32.20linageeface it. phone company wins every time. hah
06:32.49demigod2kI still haven't gotten mine going yet. Just ordered this VS1 system and it was dead on arrival :(
06:32.59demigod2kwe'll see how it works out after they swap out the unit
06:33.29demigod2kfrom I think it was
06:34.06demigod2kit's like an off-the-shelf asterisk server, I dont want to make this a hobby. its just a tool
06:34.24linageeOTS? that's no fun
06:35.08linageewhat do you gain by putting publicly available gateways into voip-land?
06:35.13linageeyikes. information?! :-O
06:37.11*** join/#asterisk Ansonmus (
06:37.58demigod2kya off the shelf seems nice
06:38.03demigod2kprobably less time and trouble to mess with it
06:38.12linageedemigod2k: this is what asterisk@home is for. :-P
06:38.38linageeusing it right now
06:38.43linageeasterisk up in under an hour. :)
06:38.58linageeworks great. follow the documentation after it installs.
06:38.58Ansonmushello, how can I see if my BRI cards use a shared irq?
06:39.09linageeAnsonmus: cat /proc/interrupts?
06:39.24demigod2kya I had considered that, but I figured across the life of the unit I'd still lose
06:39.48linageedemigod2k: you mean that asterisk@home will continue to improve while the packaged device will just sit there?
06:39.49demigod2kthey offer $100 software updates. I want it to be just about as hands-off as my tivo
06:40.18linagee$100 is quite a bit just to flash some eeprom
06:40.29demigod2kit's only one hour of billable time
06:40.31linageedemigod2k: does it have a CRM? :)
06:40.36linageedemigod2k: huh?
06:40.44Wewtedanyone here yet that has installed Zaptel on FC4?
06:40.48Ansonmus9: 2433734490          XT-PIC  Intel 82801AA-ICH, zaphfc
06:41.04Ansonmusthat is ok?
06:41.09linageeyour itchy controller is being shared. heh
06:41.19linageeAnsonmus: should be
06:41.24Ansonmusok. tx
06:41.27linageeAnsonmus: southbridge shouldn't be that naughty?
06:42.11demigod2kya I usually try to go off the shelf whenever possible. that way the secretary or somebody lowpaid can deal with maintenance on the stuff
06:42.21demigod2kand the engineers can do productive work
06:42.26tzafrirWewted, not on FC4, however you can safely ignore that warning
06:43.03Ansonmuslinagee: Is my southbridge naughty ?
06:43.30linageelol. noaa has a voip system
06:44.28Ansonmuslinagee: Do you have experience with (cheap) BRI cards on asterisk @ home ?
06:44.39linageeAnsonmus: nope
06:45.28Ansonmuswe have a strange problem that our B-leg remains connected while our A-leg is disconnected
06:47.08linageefsck! article: "Costa Rica May Criminalize VoIP "
06:47.21linageethey really like their monopolies down there!
06:48.28demigod2kit really makes things confusing
06:48.46demigod2kI never have any intention to connect my office voip to the internet. we're getting a steal just using it to replace a legacy phone system
06:48.57*** join/#asterisk kmilitzer (
06:49.03kmilitzerMorning all ...
06:50.51*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
06:52.10linageedemigod2k: how do you make voip illegal? ROFL
06:52.23linageedemigod2k: the phone inspector? ROFL
06:52.34juuvaby law
06:52.38demigod2ktax it
06:52.44linageejuuva: huh? VPN the traffic
06:53.09demigod2ka couple nerds will get around anything, but it will make it a pain in the ass for any business that has to deal with the rules
06:54.04juuvamostly limits are for normal people
06:54.12linageedemigod2k: better yet, what if you only use voip to do routing in the office, but use PSTN beyond that? :-P
06:54.45juuvato limit their possiblity to communicate with other world
06:55.00demigod2kthats the situation I use, plugging into PSTN
06:55.31demigod2ktaxing something is usually what kills it
06:55.57linageedemigod2k: because businesses will just go ahead and pay the tax?
06:56.15demigod2kvendors who make off-the-shelf equipment are the ones that get hurt then
06:56.22demigod2klike I said. there will always be do-it-yourself nerds
06:56.39linageedemigod2k: i don't think they like wifi either
06:56.50linageedemigod2k: mesh networks? are you tryng to start a war? lol
06:57.06x86mmmm mesh
06:57.18demigod2kyou could see the same thing with DVRs
06:57.21linageemesh voip. :)
06:57.29demigod2kthere will always be the mythTV nerds. small and commercially irrelevant market
06:57.42demigod2kbut if they started taxing tivo.... that would certainly affect things
06:57.44linageeno internet. no infrastructure. just you, me, and the airwaves. :)
06:57.59linageemesh voip. "hello? can you hear me now?" lol
06:58.10x86echo echo echo ;P
06:58.20juuvaone two three..
06:58.27*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
06:59.22juuvamesh works for lan
06:59.36linageewhy not use mp3 as a voip codec? :)
06:59.46demigod2kdo any of you guys use cordless voip phones?
06:59.53demigod2kit looks like the selection is pretty bad so far. maybe too early
07:00.06juuvademigod2k: yep
07:00.10Strom_Cdemigod2k, i have a regular analog cordless phone connected to an fxs port
07:00.21demigod2kjuuva, which brand and whats your experience of it so far?
07:00.35juuvaI use laptops simulating wlan-phones at school
07:00.50demigod2kstrom, ya I may be stuck with that. I really was hoping for something better integrated. I hate the idea of button combos for the features
07:00.51dpryoI want to try my 7620.. but I can't find the charger ;P
07:00.53demigod2kespecially transfer
07:00.53juuvaseen nokia and zyxel
07:00.58linageejuuva: a laptop is a pretty big phone. :)
07:01.32linageethat's it. use a nokia capable of running java, then put a voip client on that! lol
07:01.35juuvalinagee: yep, but it's quite same as normal wlan-attached phone
07:01.48demigod2kexcept that its a laptop and not a phone
07:01.58dpryolinagee: You know of any sip-clients for Nokia?
07:02.01linageedemigod2k: but possibly the same price. lol
07:02.03juuvalinagee: any pda that has wlan would propably work also
07:02.05demigod2ka phone is usually handheld and rectangular
07:02.16linageedemigod2k: can you get a $500 laptop? yes. how much do wifi phones cost right now? :)
07:02.32demigod2klinagee, ya but in the end it doesnt matter if you look gay talking into a laptop
07:02.43linageedemigod2k: what's wrong with being gay
07:02.45demigod2kits like the first gen smartphones
07:02.53demigod2kits like talking into the GetSmart shoephone
07:02.54juuvaabout 200$-300$ for wlan phone that has limited capalibilities
07:03.05Strom_Ci looked gay last night, but then again I was at a party in hollywood ;)
07:03.22linageeStrom_C: where? is it advertised in ass tricks?
07:03.35Strom_Cheh, no
07:03.56Strom_Cactually, i looked straighter than like 80% of the straight guys there
07:04.10linageeStrom_C: there were straight guys there??
07:04.16Strom_Cit was some horrid entertainment industry / fashion show party a friend of mine invited me to
07:04.43linageeStrom_C: was it $100 a plate? were they modeling men's underwears? lol
07:05.11Strom_Cwell there were some pretty hot guys there, but it was mostly pretty vapid
07:05.17Strom_Cand my drink was $11
07:05.46linagee$11 for a drink!?
07:05.52Strom_Cthats what i said
07:05.53linageedid someone buy it for you at least? lol
07:05.55demigod2kthat is crazy expensive
07:06.01Corydon76-homeThat must've been one heckuva drink
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07:06.11Strom_Cfortunately it was a REALLY STRONG drink
07:06.13linageeCorydon76-home: i bet it was fruity. lol
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07:06.33Strom_Cno, it was like 85% tequila, 7.5% orange juice, 7.5% grenadine
07:06.54Corydon76-homelinagee: you don't drink much, do you?
07:07.05demigod2kwhat is that a tequila sunrise?
07:07.06linageeCorydon76-home: i'm only in my early 20's. :-P
07:07.13Strom_Cdemigod2k, yeah
07:07.17Strom_Clinagee, and I'm 23
07:07.23demigod2kugh. ya fruity
07:07.24Strom_Cthats no excuse :)
07:07.28linageeStrom_C: i'm 24. what's grenadine. :-P
07:07.34demigod2kand about 4 times too expensive for that crappy drink
07:07.43*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
07:07.46Strom_Cdemigod2k, like i said, it was 85% tequila
07:07.51Strom_Cand it was a largeish glass
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07:08.10linageefsck! only 4 more months until the dreaded 25
07:08.23demigod2ktheres a nightclub here that has drinkin with lincoln. 10 drinks for 5 bucks
07:08.27Strom_Clinagee, syrup made from sugar and pomegranate juice
07:08.29Corydon76-homeBlow me.  I'm a month away from 30.
07:08.37*** join/#asterisk kotrin (
07:08.44Strom_Clinagee, send photo now plzkthx
07:08.44kotrincan anyone help me with asterisk?
07:08.51kotrinomg Strom_C
07:08.52linageeStrom_C: hahaha
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07:08.59Strom_Chey kotrin :)
07:09.07kotrinthis is where you hide at night eh?
07:09.13Strom_Clinagee, I'm not kidding
07:09.16Strom_Ckotrin, yes
07:09.17Corydon76-homeHe's hiding?
07:09.44linageeStrom_C: you're straight. why would i send you photos. :-P
07:09.52Strom_CI'm straight?
07:09.56Strom_Csince when?
07:10.04Corydon76-homeWhen'd he turn straight?
07:10.15linageeCorydon76-home: it was the straight/gay test
07:10.38[hC]Eeh, the sccp load for the 7960 doesnt seem so fantastic, compared to the SIP load
07:11.39Corydon76-homelinagee: you lost me
07:11.54Lino`[hC] what do you mean? you cant really compare sip with sccp
07:11.56linageeCorydon76-home: n/m
07:12.07Lino`there is absolutely no reason for using sip with asterisk, is there?
07:12.12Lino`(on a cisco phone)
07:12.20Lino`except maybe that sip works out of the box
07:12.28[hC]Uh... what?
07:12.31x86Lino`: isnt SCCP still in development?
07:12.37Lino`but it works
07:12.39[hC]SIP is the easiest thing and most likely to be stable, on cisco phones
07:12.46demigod2kand sip works with almost every phone advertised.
07:12.58Lino`yes, but if you have a cisco phone
07:13.06demigod2kah missed that part
07:13.09[hC]I just loaded the sccp load onto my 7960 to get this 7914 working
07:13.14Lino`in my opinion there is no reason for using a cisco phone with sip ;)
07:13.29Lino`oh oh
07:13.34Lino`no 7914 for you ;)
07:13.35[hC]it seems to work just fine, but it also seems a bit more limited as far as features
07:13.45Lino`7914 does not work afaik
07:14.08[hC]Do you even use sccp?
07:14.16[hC]my 7914 is working just fine
07:14.32Lino`no i just use an old version of chan_sccp ;)
07:14.46Lino`it works but only basic features
07:14.50[hC]Ah. I cant not use the most recent chan_sccp, theres still so many bugs in it
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07:15.15[hC]Id been using SIP up until now, and it works fantastically
07:15.26Lino`and i'm using 7970
07:15.33[hC]Me too
07:15.35[hC]The SIP load for that is garbage.
07:15.41[hC]I have to use sccp for the 70.
07:16.20demigod2kspeaking of phones. do you guys have any opinons on the low end ones?
07:16.27Lino`but well, when i got that phone there wasn't even a sip fw
07:16.30demigod2kI bought two grandstream and one polycom to test them out, before buying more
07:16.54[hC]Im saying, on the 40/60, the sccp firmware seems to be very limited compared to the sip load
07:17.00[hC]and the ui is uglier
07:17.06[hC]but ive only started playing with it
07:17.16[hC]on the 7970, sip is not even an option, in my opinion
07:17.23[hC]it doesnt even work w/nat
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07:21.49x86demigod2k: i've got a grandstream BT101... it works well for what i need to do with it, but the conference feature is broken :P
07:22.18demigod2kya that was one of the ones I bought. got the gxp2000 too
07:22.41demigod2kfigured I should try a couple before buying a ton of them
07:22.42x86demigod2k: also, the caller ID suddenly stopped working... now when someone calls it just says "nu", although if i transfer the call, or have an incoming call goto my SIP UA on my PC, CID works fine...
07:23.10x86demigod2k: oh yeah, caller ID history has never worked...
07:23.30demigod2kya the display looks like crap on that one. feels cheap. I figured there would be some issues with a 59 phone
07:23.54x86you paid $10 too much :P
07:24.08demigod2kI paid 59 too much actually
07:24.12demigod2kthat thing may go straight to ebay
07:24.36x86ooo, caller and called history does work, just to see it, you have to take the phone off-hook
07:24.46*** join/#asterisk smeevil (
07:24.48smeevilgood morning
07:25.05x86demigod2k: i might buy it off you for $30 plus shipping if you really want to get rid of it
07:25.36demigod2kheh I was joking about ebay
07:25.43demigod2kI dont even know how to get cash in and out of my company
07:25.50demigod2kit'll likely just sit in a drawer
07:28.45linageethe only way to keep your lines secure is to use voip as a routing method, not to go over the intarweb
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07:40.44shiznatixIf I have a regular fax machine that does not have any NIC card how can I set it up to connect to asterisk as a zapata device?
07:40.57Strom_Cyou buy a zaptel card
07:44.02*** join/#asterisk Givur (
07:44.06GivurHi all
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07:47.32shiznatixStrom_C, I have a zapata card but its just ethernet ports on it, no phone lines
07:47.51Strom_Cshiznatix, um
07:47.57Strom_Czaptel cards are either T1 or POTS
07:48.00Strom_Cnot ethernet
07:48.43GivurI use the Manager API to originate a call to a IDEFISK Phone, I not hear a Ringtone when I do a Dial() neither I hear the sounds of the Playback.
07:49.09GivurSofar I have see the problem is that I not use Answer() in the extension.conf, but when I use the Answer() I loose my Disposition codes from the Dialattempt.
07:49.18x86there is a major firmware upgrade for my BT101
07:49.28x86anyone running firmware on a BT101?
07:49.36x86i'm currently running
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07:54.43shiznatixStrom_C, it's probably T-1 but is a Zaptel card going to be like a regular phone line port thing?
07:55.08shiznatixbasically so I can just plug the fax machine into the asterisk box
07:55.09Strom_Cshiznatix, you can get either the T1 cards or the analog line cards
07:55.19Strom_Cbut if youve got a T1 card, you can get a channel bank
07:55.25*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
07:56.23shiznatixStrom_C, More stuff I don't quite understand. A simple question, can I easily connect the fax machine to a zapata T-1 card or do I need somthing else?
07:56.40Strom_Cshiznatix, do you know what a T1 is?
07:57.33Strom_Cwhich zaptel card do you own?
07:57.36Strom_Cgive me a model number
07:58.07*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
07:58.28Strom_Cthats not a zaptel card
07:59.26Strom_Cthats just a PCI controller chip
07:59.30Strom_Cwhere did you get the card?
08:00.11shiznatixNo idea, my boss walked in with a computer made specifically for asterisk and said 'make this work'
08:00.34Strom_Cand tell me what the zaptel card looks like
08:00.38Strom_Cread me model numbers off of it
08:00.39shiznatixno can do, locked closed :S
08:01.18Strom_Ctell me what you get
08:01.21Strom_Cuse pastebin
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08:03.17Strom_Cshiznatix, it's an ISDN card
08:04.27shiznatixStrom_C, what does that tell me?
08:04.46Strom_Cdo you know what ISDN is?
08:06.28shiznatixya but I thought it was with a ordinary telephone wire
08:06.44Strom_Cno, ISDN is digital
08:07.13Strom_Cto make a long story short, shiznatix, you do not have the hardware required to plug your fax machine into your asterisk box
08:07.21shiznatixroger that
08:07.37X-Genhey freaks
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08:09.47shiznatixStrom_C, What hardware would I need to plug my fax machine into my asterisk box?
08:10.02*** part/#asterisk io_error (
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08:10.08Strom_Cshiznatix, a zaptel card
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08:12.54shiznatixStrom_C, would somthing like this do the trick?
08:13.02Strom_Cthats the one
08:13.07Strom_Cshiznatix, also:
08:13.13jbotwell, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
08:13.33tuxinator_linuxshiznatix: don't forget the SFX
08:13.52tuxinator_linuxFXS card
08:14.27shiznatixwhere does the FXS card go? why do I need another card?
08:14.41tuxinator_linuxdaughtercard of TDM
08:15.24shiznatixso I would need a FXS card AND the TDM card that I just posted a link to?
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08:16.08tuxinator_linuxyes, need both
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08:29.44Givur*hmms* That is something what I found curios. I have following:
08:30.15*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
08:30.48GivurWhen I use the holding-music option in the dial() my IAX2 Client(IDEFISK) get connected right, but when I not use the music-on-hold option my client get not connected(transfered?) to the number.
08:57.58*** join/#asterisk Psykick (n=anon@
08:58.20Psykickcan anyone recommend a good IAX client library for Win32?
08:58.43PsykickI've tried compiling libiax2 but doesn't compile
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09:18.25JamesDotComPsykick: there's a copy of libiax2 in the freeswitch project which compiles on windows
09:22.00Strom_Mgood god, I have "Brazil" looping in my head
09:24.10*** join/#asterisk jabawokB (n=chatzill@
09:26.21shiznatixIf I buy one of these: would this effectivly allow me to plug my analog fax machine into a ISDN card??
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09:29.59jabawokBgday..  quick question.. Is it possible to check that asterisk is correctly using /dev/zap/timer ?  I'm using (or trying to) ztdummy, MOH seems to work, but voicemail recordings and playbacks are chip-monk-ishly fast (about 2x speed playback). Any clues?
09:30.17*** part/#asterisk io_error (
09:30.27jabawokBkernel is 2.6.15, zaptel 1.2.3, asterisk 1.2.4  (gentoo)
09:30.46jabawokBspent all day googling and trying stuff....   :(
09:30.55x86jabawokB: what format are you storing voicemail in?
09:32.15x86dont store it in three formats at once ;)
09:32.20x86pick one ;)
09:32.23x86i suggest gsm
09:32.27Strom_Mew no
09:32.27x86smallest file size
09:32.31Strom_Mi suggest wav
09:32.40Strom_Mso you can actually understand the message
09:32.47x86if you have the hard drive space, sure, use wav ;)
09:32.52x86gsm is just fine here :P
09:33.11jabawokBwould that explain  recordings going at 2x speed?
09:33.19Strom_Mgsm is just fine if you like listening to scratchy old records
09:33.33x86not scratchy here
09:33.40jabawokBnot concerned with quality guys...
09:33.42x86gsm sounds the same as ulaw to me...
09:33.46jabawokBjust want it to work first!
09:33.53jabawokBtimertest.c from zaptel returns:
09:33.55Strom_Mx86, check your hearing then :)
09:33.56jabawokBOpened timer...
09:33.57jabawokBSet timer duration to 8000 samples (1000 ms)
09:34.00jabawokBTimer Expired (1000 ms)!
09:34.02jabawokBTimer Expired (2000 ms)!
09:34.31x86check perms on the timer
09:34.38x86make sure asterisk:asterisk owns it
09:34.44jabawokBthats running timertest.c as root
09:34.53jabawokBi'm fairly sure Timer Expired is the "correct" response...
09:34.58jabawokBlooking at the source of timertest.c
09:35.02*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
09:35.05jabawokBall the other responses are errors as such
09:35.11x86and you have ztdummy.ko loaded?
09:35.39jabawokBasterisk user is part of dialup group
09:35.51jabawokBdefault gentoo stuff...
09:37.35jabawokBwithout ztdummy loaded, timertest returns:
09:37.45jabawokBUnable to open timer: No such device or address
09:38.00jabawokBso ztdummy seems to be working as such, when its loaded
09:38.35*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
09:39.15x86on mine (gentoo also) i had to chown /dev/timer/* to asterisk:asterisk then it worked fine
09:39.30jabawokBok i'll try that
09:39.37jabawokBback in asec
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09:45.02jabawokBit didn't fix it,
09:45.09jabawokBbut it seems the problem was the sip client i was using
09:45.22jabawokBI used a cisco phone and the problem doesn't occur
09:45.27jabawokBthanks x86 for your help!!
09:45.31jabawokBnar was using ekiga
09:45.50jabawokBwill have a play with some settings, codecs.. etc
09:46.06jabawokBwanted to use ekiga because it's one of the only softphones with echo cancellation....
09:46.25jabawokB(ie speakerphone mode)
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09:58.48shiznatixafter I plug my analog fax machine into the asterisk box, how do I get asterisk to recognize it?
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10:24.52PoWeRKiLLsomeone can help me with queue ?
10:27.06pifunzip, queue, touch, more, yes,
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10:29.41x86unzip touch grep mount yes yes yes umount sleep
10:30.42x86there's a gawk in there somewhere...
10:31.47miller7anyone has any idea why the hell I get leading 0 in front of the calling numbers? Telco sends them as normal without 0. I have a new * installation with 1.2.6
10:32.03miller7was working fine on my previous 1.0.x installation
10:32.40x86that's a huge upgrade... a lot of config syntax is different now
10:33.18miller7this was an urgent upgrade due to hw malfunction :(
10:35.21vgsteri have that with BT too
10:35.46vgsteractually i dont get the leading 0 but would like it
10:35.50x86why didnt you put 1.0 back on there?
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10:37.08shiznatixill try this again. How do I get asterisk to recognize a analog device if I can not configure the 'username' and 'password' settings on the device?
10:37.34x86there are no usernames or passwords with an analog device
10:38.08shiznatixok ya but how do I get asterisk to recognize and use the analog device?
10:38.20x86what do you mean by recognize?
10:38.31shiznatixlike I am trying to use a old fax machine and I want faxes to be sent to it
10:38.34x86using zap, mgcp, sccp, sip, iax2, capi, what?
10:38.44x86using an ATA?
10:39.08x86so you want to register the ATA with asterisk with SIP?
10:39.30shiznatixwith SIP or ZAP or any of those
10:39.36miller7x86: I didn't put 1.0 back cause I must compile it again etc, so I am not sure it's smart move either (it was patched etc)
10:39.38shiznatixanything that will work, im not picky
10:39.55x86zap wont work if you dont have an FXS card
10:40.12shiznatixI have a FXS card, no problems there
10:40.27x86then you dont want SIP...
10:40.41shiznatixthings I don't know :P
10:40.47x86how about you try reading before asking us to do your job for you?
10:40.59shiznatixI have read that stuff, like 6789 times
10:41.17x86obviously not, if you dont know the difference between SIP and ZAP
10:41.29x86and why you cant use SIP on an FXO interface
10:42.32x86so please dont lie and say you've read it
10:42.56x86that annoys people worse than asking stupid questions when you can easily find the answers out from the wiki ;)
10:43.12shiznatixseriously, I am not lieing. I just don't understand any of the language they use in it
10:43.47x86such as?
10:43.52shiznatixstuff like this:  Fax relay, in which the T.30 fax from the PSTN is demodulated at the sending gateway.
10:43.55Strom_Mshiznatix, give the box back to your boss and just explain that you are incapable of understanding telephony
10:44.03x86yeah no kidding
10:44.19x86shiznatix: use a dictionary or glossary...
10:44.52*** join/#asterisk elfo (
10:44.54X-Genshiznatix: setup sshd on the box and pay me upfront with paypal, and i will console u ;)
10:44.54x86if you dont understand the concept of modulation / demodulation, PSTN, relay, gateway, etc.... READ UP ON THE TERMS
10:45.29miller7google has a nice thingie "define:term" where you replace term with the telco term you don't know
10:49.31x86the WHOLE thing
10:50.34x86stupid people annoy me... sorry if i seemed like an ass guys
10:51.16Strom_Mits not so much stupidity as unwillingness to think
10:52.26mutis unwillingness a word?
10:52.52muttoo early in the morning
10:53.13mutwe got a backbone tower dead and there is no support staff on right now
10:53.19mutso i gotta answer all the calls coming in
10:53.38mutamazing how many ppl are up this early to complain their internet isn't workin
10:55.10JamesDotComamazing how many isps are understaffed
10:57.33mutonly a 2 hr gap
10:57.59Wewtedhow early does your helpdesk start? :)
10:58.43mutother than the 2 hr gap anyway
10:58.52mutfrom 6 -8
11:01.51x86there's probably no worse job on the earth than internet tech support
11:02.25mutespecially here
11:02.43x86"my rat reached the end of the TV... is my interweb down??? I cant do nothing! IT AINT WERKIN I PAY GUD MONEY FOR DIS HERE SERVICE AND YALL AINT PROVIDN IT GOOD!"
11:02.57mutwhen ya gotta support dialup, 2 diff brands wireless, adsl, sdsl, phone service, and voip service
11:03.22x86dialup is the worst...
11:03.31mutusually it's, reboot your pc
11:03.37mutand it works again
11:03.48x86i did support for dialup, adsl, wireless, frame relay, and clear channel T1...
11:04.02mutkinda wireless?
11:04.19x86dialup was by far the worst... you get people out in the sticks with barbed wire for phone line and they cant connect over 9600 bps...
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11:04.55x86worked very well
11:06.02mutpretty quiet morening for having half our grid down
11:06.09mutmorning even
11:06.37*** join/#asterisk cj-rm (
11:08.07mutit;s all green
11:09.01cj-rmI'm using asterisk in the UK with a TDM400.  Occaisnally we get phantom phone calls ringing in on one of our FXS channels (presumably from one of the FXOs), yet when we answer there is just silence.  Anyone any idea whats going on??
11:09.28mutturn on some debug and watch it?
11:09.30WewtedAnyone here installed zaptel under FC4?
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11:11.31cj-rmWewted: Nope, but I have it going on redhat 9.
11:14.25mutanyone know of a good network mon app? i use whats up gold but it sucks with as many nodes as we have and can't really add many more
11:14.37X-Genmut: ganglia :D
11:14.43mutsomething with a gui that shows the nodes and hwo they're connected
11:15.14X-Gennope, sorry this just shows machine usage, monitor your grids disk/cpu/network
11:15.32Strom_Mgod, i havent heard anyone mention ganglia since I worked at ticketmaster
11:16.24X-GenStrom_? is there something better out now ?
11:17.02Strom_Mno, i just havent worked there in a while :)
11:17.58cj-rmDoes anyone know why I get phantom phone calls ringing in on one of our FXS channels (presumably from one of the FXOs), the phone rings and when we answer there is just silence...
11:18.46X-Gencj-rm: hangup detection is not working id guess. someone called into your system and hung up... and * didnt hang up
11:19.25cj-rmX-Gen: How do we get hangup detection working?
11:19.41*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:20.57X-Genwell first make sure thats the actual cause. how to fix it, i'm not sure. u would need to get params for your country or something i would assume.
11:23.02cj-rmX-Gen: It is hangup detection
11:23.18X-Genweeee, dam i can make good guesses
11:26.04*** join/#asterisk oej (
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11:28.05cj-rmDoes anyone here know how to fix hangup detection in the UK?
11:28.16cj-rmfor FXO interfaces
11:32.35*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
11:33.49[ProB]CrazyManis there in the usa an service where i can make reverse lookups from phone numbers ?
11:38.19*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
11:42.36cj-rmDoes anyone here know the hangup detect settings for a digium TDM400 for the UK???
11:42.43*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (n=mark@
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11:44.51chris_astAnyone configured conference with asterisk-1.2.4
11:45.06*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
11:45.28chris_astAnyone configured conference with asterisk-1.2.4
11:45.47chris_astlilo, any idea on this
11:47.04Ahrimanesi have meetme running on 1.2.4
11:47.48chris_astAhrimanes, Is there any advantage to conference over meetme
11:50.04*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
11:50.51cj-rmI can't get asterisk to detect a call hangup in the UK.  My FXS interface keeps ringing despite the fact that the FXO has hungup.
11:52.10*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
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11:52.42Ahrimaneschris_ast: conference? meetme is a conference tool..
11:53.50chris_astwe also moduole? I am a newbie I do not know the right thing
11:55.05*** join/#asterisk Soul (
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12:02.17Darwin35astertoy get your astertoys right here.  www.astertoys.comm
12:04.15Darwin35wow 6amm and its still dark
12:05.03*** join/#asterisk kotrin (
12:05.18Strom_Mdead hookers
12:05.28kotrinthose are neat
12:05.50Darwin35Dead hookers where
12:06.13*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
12:07.20kotrinmeetme problems suckkk
12:07.33cj-rmDoes anyone here know the hangup detect settings for a digium TDM400 for the UK???
12:07.42Strom_Mkotrin, what problem?
12:07.58kotrinsomething wtih zaptel
12:08.02kotrini'm assuming
12:08.10kotrinApr  3 07:04:49 WARNING[27729]: chan_zap.c:915 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such device or address
12:08.10kotrinApr  3 07:04:49 ERROR[27729]: chan_zap.c:7396 chandup: Unable to dup channel: No such device or address
12:08.10kotrinApr  3 07:04:49 WARNING[27729]: app_meetme.c:461 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo channel - trying device
12:08.10kotrinApr  3 07:04:49 WARNING[27729]: app_meetme.c:464 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device
12:08.20Strom_Mload zaptel and ztdummy
12:08.20*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
12:09.04kotrinmodprobe: Can't locate module ztdummy
12:09.08kotrinthats not good
12:09.51chris_astStrom_M, please tell me whether we have to use meetme or conference for supporting conference?
12:10.54X-Gencj-rm: check the voip wiki out wrt hanup detection
12:11.05chris_astfor every conference we need to modify meetme.conf, I need some realtime conference rooms?
12:11.18Strom_Myou can dynamically add them for chrissake
12:12.13chris_astok :) , last question which is widely used? meetme or conference
12:12.37Strom_Mthe one where i draw a circle and bash my head into it repeatedly
12:14.38chris_astStrom_M, sorry if I troubled you
12:15.04Strom_Mand by that I mean
12:16.21chris_astStrom_M, thanks for the info
12:16.56Strom_Mdont mind me
12:17.06Strom_Mim feeling misanthropic
12:17.52mutomfg i hate our credit card company
12:18.02*** join/#asterisk sgala (
12:18.09Strom_Mmut: you're supposed to use lube
12:18.27mutmay be time to change processors
12:18.32Strom_Msgala, asterisk 1.0.7 is HORRIFYINGLY OUT OF DATE
12:18.46Strom_Mwe're at 1.2.6 now
12:19.01sgalaStrom_C: you think that can be an asterisk bug related?
12:19.21Strom_Mwouldnt be surprised
12:19.56kotrinroot@bbqhax:/usr/src/zaptel# modprobe ztdummy
12:19.56kotrin/lib/modules/2.4.31/kernel/drivers/usb/host/usb-uhci.o.gz: init_module: No such device
12:19.56kotrin/lib/modules/2.4.31/kernel/drivers/usb/host/usb-uhci.o.gz: Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.
12:19.57kotrin/lib/modules/2.4.31/kernel/drivers/usb/host/usb-uhci.o.gz: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.31/kernel/drivers/usb/host/usb-uhci.o.gz failed
12:19.58muti used to get that on my spa's from time to time
12:19.58kotrin/lib/modules/2.4.31/kernel/drivers/usb/host/usb-uhci.o.gz: insmod ztdummy failed
12:20.02mutbut it's dissapeared
12:20.09mutdunno how many times i've upgraded since then tho
12:20.14kotrinany ideas on whats going on ?
12:20.24Strom_Mkotrin, why in gods name are you running 2.4.31
12:21.14kotrinis it that big of deal?
12:21.20muti still have a box in a shed hooked to a channel bank somewhere
12:21.29Strom_Mkotrin, upgrading to 2.6 will likely solve your problem
12:21.37kotrinupgrade here i come
12:21.42mutthing has been running almost since it's been installed
12:21.45kotrini'll do it later
12:21.48kotrinim gunna go sleep
12:22.31[TK]D-Fenderkotrin : Let me guess..... Slackware?
12:22.37*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
12:22.41kotrinof course
12:23.05[TK]D-Fenderkotrin : Do you have the right kind of USB controller to support ZTDUMMY w/o 2.6?
12:23.18kotrinno clue
12:23.22Strom_M[TK]D-Fender, obviously not
12:23.31[TK]D-Fenderkotrin : Do a "cat /proc/interrupts"
12:23.34Strom_Mif uhci.o is complaining
12:24.03Strom_Mfor fuck's sake man
12:24.05kotrinNMI:          0
12:24.07kotrinERR:          0
12:24.08[TK]D-Fenderkotrin :~pb
12:24.14jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
12:24.14Skidheh, you're g
12:24.16Skidoing to get monaed at
12:24.27kotrinploe dploe
12:24.33kotrinokie dokie*
12:24.41kotrinwell whatever
12:24.42kotrinsleep time
12:24.59*** join/#asterisk cfh (n=luca@
12:25.03*** part/#asterisk kotrin (
12:25.14cfhhi all, I have a problem with some fax
12:25.32Strom_Moh christ, here we go again
12:26.28cfhasterisk recevie the fax but sometimes the it converts part of the fax
12:26.40*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:28.32tamp4xwhat would cause beeps to be heard on the other end of the line of the person you called?
12:28.42cj-rmDoes anyone here know the hangup detect settings for a digium TDM400 for the UK???
12:28.47Strom_Mtamp4x, what kind of beeps?
12:29.02cj-rmX-Gen: I can't find it on the asterisk wiki btw.
12:30.26tamp4xa single beep and not a message waiting indication one
12:30.59Strom_Mtamp4x, there are a hundred different kinds of beeps in telephony.  you have to be specific.
12:31.49tamp4xwhat other beeps can it be
12:31.57tamp4xa beep is a beep
12:32.06tamp4xits only heard on the opther end of the line
12:32.20Strom_Mfrequency?  duration?  point in time at which it appears?
12:32.30Strom_Mmodulation?  amplitude?
12:32.33Strom_Mcome on man
12:32.38Strom_Ma beep is not a beep
12:32.47tamp4xit beeps randomly
12:33.02Strom_Mduring a conversation?
12:33.08tamp4xand its a short beep
12:33.29Strom_Mwhat frequency?
12:33.56Strom_Mhow long is "a short beep"?
12:34.31tamp4x1second? 1/2 second?
12:34.52*** join/#asterisk MBrant (
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12:35.03*** join/#asterisk sgala (
12:35.09Strom_Mtamp4x, what frequency is the tone itself?
12:35.25MBranthey guys ... need some help using an MP3 live stream for MoH in Asterisk 1.2.5 ... here or PM ?
12:35.35GivurI have a problem with IDEFISK and Asterisk. When I originate a call it not get 'transfered' when I not play a holding-music in the dial string. When I play a holding music everything is fine. At I have shown my two test configurations. When I originate *601 it works wonderful, when I originate to *602 it doesn't work.
12:35.40tamp4xi dont have frequencies memorized
12:35.53Strom_Mtamp4x, does it sound like a call waiting beep?
12:36.04*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
12:36.09tamp4xremember is on the other end
12:36.13sgalaStrom_C: about the registration failed, the strange think that i have the phone registered to two asterisk 1.0.7 (debian stable) and only in one of these i have sometimes the registration failed... there is a way to debug the reason of the registration failed?
12:36.15tamp4xso it could be a pstn phone
12:36.36Strom_Mtamp4x, like i said
12:36.46Strom_Mare you sure its not the other end getting a call?
12:37.01tamp4xfrom reading it could be that
12:37.24*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
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12:39.03cj-rmHas anyone got hangup detection working in the UK with a TDM400????
12:42.25*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
12:45.31*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
12:46.10cj-rmDoes anyone here know the hangup detect settings for a digium TDM400 for the UK???
12:53.54[TK]D-Fendercj-rm : Please stop pamming that same msg every few minutes... no one here has your answer.  Go check the WIKI, get Googling, or call Digium support or come back in a few HOURS and ask again, not 3 times in 1 screen worth of IRC...
12:57.42*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
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13:02.39nokyi have a problem, my call is established between two sip users but when i hang up the phone B i don't have an audio... and the call doesn't terminate... the config of the gateway A and B is OK
13:02.50nokyand rtp.conf i think that is OK too
13:03.02nokywhat could be happen ?
13:03.46nokyi don't have some firewall or something else between the data comunication of gateways and my asterisk...
13:04.45*** join/#asterisk exten123 (n=exten@
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13:06.17*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
13:07.12wmandraanyone know of a good solution for * that would work similar to MS LCS / communicator without the expense to MS?????
13:07.41*** join/#asterisk nixbox (n=itanium@
13:07.43Darwin35lcs ?
13:07.54wmandralive communications server
13:08.34nixboxwhy can't codecs other than G.711 carry DTMF tones? Is it because when you compress voice, you can't differentiate between different frequencies (as they are close) associated with each button pressed?
13:14.02SwKanyone tried zphone w/ asterisk?
13:15.54SwKnixbox: its because of the way the 2 tones combine and get compressed... when decompressed the detection circuits/software cant lock on to them correctly... thats why other forms DTMF like RFC2833 and INFO were developed
13:23.34*** join/#asterisk ederaam (n=ederaam@
13:25.33Ahrimanesis there any way to let dtmf tones pass through asterisk except when people dial into voicemail etc?
13:26.42pigpen2I have dtmf tones pass all day through:  PRI - Asterisk -IAX Trunk - Asterisk - TDM2400 - Voice Application Server (medical)
13:26.44pigpen2works fine.
13:28.02tzangerI have to agree, I have no issues with DTMF and asterisk.  Zaptel and IAX.  I have heard that SIP has trouble with really jittery networks but that's an exception, not a rule
13:28.09juuvapigpen2: you use RFC2833?
13:28.36*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
13:28.55pigpen2Well, I am not forcing whatever the default is...
13:30.01pigpen2The only issue I had was an Echo Cancelation module on a 411p.  It was screwing them up.  I removed...all is fine. (thank God!)
13:31.25tzangerI have a TE406 that works just fine
13:31.25*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
13:31.34pigpen2yeah...I need to RMA it...
13:31.53Ahrimanespigpen2: hm, but when t or T is in use asterisk intercepts dtmf, no?
13:31.59pigpen2I was adjusting the rx/tx on everything with no 100% success...until I removed the module.
13:32.44pigpen2hmm... tT.... haven't tried it - it just works.
13:32.57pigpen2On the dial command I take it...
13:34.19*** join/#asterisk makana (
13:34.29makanahi all
13:34.54makanaplease could somebody help me with a small issue on a@h?
13:35.19Ahrimanespigpen2: yes, that allows people to transfer calls using #
13:35.47Ahrimanespigpen2: which is desirable for our customers.. but when asterisk is intercepting dtmf, no other phoneservices receive dtmf
13:36.03*** join/#asterisk jaxkz (
13:36.27jaxkzgot a question
13:36.51jaxkzI'm installing asterisk as a non-root user. I editted the Makefile so that the install prefix=~/ast
13:37.19jaxkzhowever, if i start asterisk it attempts to write the pid file to /var/run/ and not to ~/ast/var/run
13:37.27jaxkzhow can i solve this problem?
13:37.31makanai keep getting "AGI Script dialparties.agi completed, returning 0" when placing a call to a certain extension - and it keeps showing up as busy. But I can make calls out from that extension ok.
13:37.39*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
13:38.11pigpen2sorry...helping a customer...
13:38.45pigpen2Ahrimanes, hmm..I haven't used it...I will have to try it.
13:39.56pigpen2makana left...maybe he is going to a *@Home irc....
13:40.02Ahrimanespigpen2: ok, any feedback would be good :)
13:40.32pigpen2let me see what I can find out real quick...I am baby sitting a * deployment which was having some iax trunk issues....
13:43.28jaxkzasterisk doesn't appear to read the config file
13:43.38jaxkzis there a way i can point asterisk to it, trough a command line option?
13:44.07Ahrimanesasterisk -C /usr/local/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
13:45.23jaxkzthanks bro
13:45.55pigpen2Ahrimanes, how were you using it.
13:46.22pigpen2the tT
13:46.26*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
13:46.30jaxkzUnable to open pid file '~/ast/var/run/': No such file or directory
13:46.37Ahrimanespigpen2: as an option do dial when a user dials out to eg pstn
13:46.52pigpen2hmm...dial out.
13:46.58pigpen2I was trying dial in...
13:48.44Ahrimanesmy problem is a sip phone dialling out to a pstn dtmf based phone service...
13:49.36*** join/#asterisk |||sLaSh||| (i=waaa@
13:49.43*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
13:49.53TagorNo autentication challenge, sending blank registration to domain/host ...
13:49.57Tagordoes anyone know what that means?
13:50.20TagorI try to register to an external server
13:50.23TagorBut I can't get in
13:50.28juuvano authentication name/secret set for that domain
13:50.39TagorHmm, that's strange
13:50.40pigpen2Ahrimanes, like dialing out a sip phone via * to another * box retrieving voicemail?
13:50.52TagorI set the secret and username
13:51.30Ahrimanespigpen2: dialling out a sip phone via * through zaptel to pstn to some phone service on pstn
13:52.01*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (
13:52.05pigpen2Ahrimanes, the "phone service" can be another * box
13:52.21pigpen2and using dtmf to retrieve voicemail (*985000)
13:53.13trelane_I have two cisco 7960 phones running SIP 8.2.  These phones will not navigate the voicemail system unless you dial out and back into asterisk.  I am assuming this is a DTMF issue but I have tried both RFC and Inband signaling with Ulaw, I am looking for the latest cisco SIPDefaults.cnf (mine dates to 7.5) example and a possible solution.
13:53.43Ahrimanespigpen2: true
13:54.14pigpen2Ahrimanes, ok..I just dialed out into another * box and all was fiine.
13:54.26Ahrimaneshm ok
13:54.33Ahrimanesmust test some more then
13:54.36*** join/#asterisk skeffling (
13:54.41Ahrimanesmaybe my problem is at the * connected to pstn
13:54.48Ahrimanesand it's not under my control atm
13:54.56pigpen2so in summary:  sip phone  -  Asterisk - IAX Trunk - Asterisk - PRI - PSTN - Asterisk (voicemail app)
13:55.13*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
13:55.36pigpen2are the tones being sent, or are that screwed up...
13:55.57*** join/#asterisk PlusMinus (
13:56.09PlusMinushi everyone
13:56.29Ahrimanestones are sent fine.. users can call into the 1st * and do voicemail etc
13:56.34PlusMinus«Ariel_» Hi Ariel
13:56.46Ariel_PlusMinus, morning.
13:57.21pigpen2Ahrimanes, well, put a butset on the remote side..
13:57.33pigpen2it may not get passed over your pstn card.
13:57.44pigpen2I had a bad echo cancelation module that had the same effect.
13:57.44Ahrimanespigpen2: yeah, will need to try that
13:57.52pigpen2and it was hell.
13:57.56*** part/#asterisk bartlebee (n=largo@
13:58.38*** join/#asterisk Taker (
13:59.18TakerWhich compiler-version should I use to compile Asterisk Version 1.2.6
13:59.21*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (n=mrenzman@madwifi/developer/otaku42)
13:59.25otaku42hi all
13:59.31Takerhi otaku42
13:59.39Ahrimanespigpen2: ok, will see if i can get something on the other side to test for dtmf's
13:59.52Ahrimanespigpen2: thx for your input :)
14:00.03*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
14:00.04pigpen2you may see double digit sent across.
14:00.09pigpen2some butsets see it...
14:00.19pigpen2but a good dtmf grabber may be needed.
14:00.20trelane_I have two cisco 7960 phones running SIP 8.2.  These phones will not navigate the voicemail system unless you dial out and back into asterisk.  I am assuming this is a DTMF issue but I have tried both RFC and Inband signaling with Ulaw, I am looking for the latest cisco SIPDefaults.cnf (mine dates to 7.5), and does anyone know what signaling these idiotic phones use?
14:00.27otaku42question: anyone knows a command line tool (for linux, preferrably) that allows SIP presence detection for a given SIP-URI?
14:00.32pigpen2trelane, thanks...we saw the post earlier...
14:00.57pigpen2I don't run cisco phones...sorry.
14:00.59Ariel_trelane_, which codec and dtmf settings are you using?
14:01.27PlusMinus«Ariel_» just a follow up from yesterdays problem i was having - i set the asterisk CLI to -vvvvvr and it shows the call going through to the cisco extension (250) and there is a line in the debug that reads "dialparties.agi completed, returning 0" followed by "Executing NoOp("SIP/201-99b3","Returned from dialparties with no extensions to call") in new stack"
14:01.52trelane_Ariel_, ulaw and RFC at the moment
14:02.11Ariel_trelane, try ulaw with dtmfmode=inband
14:02.57Ariel_PlusMinus, you can dial from the cisco to the softphone correctly right?
14:03.16*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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14:03.34PlusMinus«Ariel_» Yes, that's correct - I'll pastebin and extract of the debug - one sec
14:05.25PlusMinus«Ariel_» here Ariel,
14:06.13Ariel_'201 ' failed for '' - Wrong password
14:06.21Ariel_PlusMinus, is the cisco exten 201
14:06.29PlusMinus«Ariel_» yes
14:07.21*** join/#asterisk anthm (
14:07.21*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
14:07.21PlusMinus«Ariel_» sorry ignore the first part of the log - it was setup up with a wrong password initially
14:07.30PlusMinus«Ariel_» it's corrected further down
14:08.22*** join/#asterisk inv_arp[work] (
14:08.58PlusMinus«Ariel_» the softphone is exten 201 and cis 250
14:09.16Ariel_yes reading that now
14:09.58*** join/#asterisk azzie (
14:10.19Ariel_PlusMinus, it does not find the exten 250 it says it's busy
14:10.33*** join/#asterisk MattH (n=MattH@
14:10.33PlusMinus/> yes dialparties.agi: Extension 250 is not available to be called
14:10.40Ariel_PlusMinus, the cisco phone is it registered. Do on the cli sip show peers
14:11.20MattHHi... can anyone point me to where I can find out how to convert mp3s to ulaw format?  I tried mpg123 -s --rate 44100 --mono file.mp3 > file.raw    then mv file.raw to file.ulaw   but alas it sounded like junk when asterisk tried to play it natively
14:11.52Ariel_use resample
14:12.23*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:12.23Kattycya Ariel_ (=
14:12.38PlusMinus«Ariel_» it says unspecified for the host entry and port number
14:12.41MattHhrmm but what should it be resampled to?
14:12.51wasimamen ...
14:12.57PlusMinus«Ariel_» oopsie cya
14:12.57Ariel_PlusMinus, the phone is not resgistered.
14:13.14PlusMinus«Ariel_» is there anyway i can reg from cli?
14:13.37otaku42MattH: you could use sox for the conversion job
14:14.07PlusMinus«Ariel_» ok, thatnks for that - let me try to re-reg it
14:14.15MattHyeah I see that
14:14.15PlusMinus«Ariel_» cya in a bit
14:14.22MattHbut it looks like I have to go mp3-->gsm-->ulaw
14:14.29MattHaren't I going to loose a ton of quality?
14:14.43MattHlose even
14:14.58MattHhrmm actually no I'm reading the instructions wrong.
14:15.00otaku42MattH: if you really need to use this path yes.
14:15.28MattHhrmm ok.. I mean I guess I can just stick with wavs they are pretty uncompressed.... but I figured why not go the full route to g711u
14:15.53*** join/#asterisk chrismog (
14:16.26chrismogHello.  I am going to record some new voice messages for our dialing tree.  Is there a special format that these files should be in?
14:16.42wasimchrismog: 8khz, 8 bit, mono
14:16.57*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
14:17.02chrismogwasim: thanks
14:22.46ederaamops sorry
14:23.07*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:27.33*** join/#asterisk oej (
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14:32.03otaku42question: anyone knows a command line tool (for linux, preferrably) that allows SIP presence detection for a given SIP-URI?
14:32.05*** join/#asterisk angler (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
14:35.32chrismogIs there a way to make asterisk "record" something that I speak into a headset?  I think I got it to work using AMP but that was on a different install.
14:35.55tzangerchrismog: show application Record
14:36.00[TK]D-Fenderotaku42 : to a sip peer registered to *?
14:37.18chrismogtzanger: thanks
14:38.06otaku42[TK]D-Fender: yes, but without having direct (shell) access to the asterisk server. so presence detection has to be done based on SIP only.
14:38.44chris_astI do not have zaptel hardware, I want asterisk timer for meetme please tell me the solution
14:39.04chris_astI could not find info for fedora core 2
14:39.55chris_astcan I install ztdummy without zaptel
14:40.42[TK]D-Fenderotaku42 : how do you want to use this presence info?  on the * server itself?
14:41.02[TK]D-Fenderchris_ast : Yes.  Thats the point of ZTDUMMY.
14:41.40hwtchris_ast: you don't need ztdummy on 2.6, AFAIK.
14:41.45*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
14:42.20otaku42[TK]D-Fender: no, i try to implement a small monitor tool for debugging purposes. the idea is to implement monitoring via either OPTIONS (sipsak), presence (the tool i look for) or, maybe, PING (no tool known so far)
14:42.26chris_astfor meetme I get Unable to open pseudo channel - trying device so I feel it is problem with zaptel
14:42.47chris_asthwt,[TK]D-Fende: what do u say?
14:43.03*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
14:43.07otaku42[TK]D-Fender: the problem is that we have no shell access to the asterisk server that our customers use. we're reselling services.
14:43.36chris_asthwt: I have 2.6.8
14:43.44Skidchris_ast: I have that problem too, are the usb drivers compiled as modules?
14:43.50Skidi read that they hvae to be for ztdummy to work
14:44.11chris_astI did not install ztdummy at all
14:44.23cj-rmHas anyone managed to get asterisk to detect call hangup on a digium TDM400 in the UK???
14:44.35trelane_I have two cisco 7960 phones running SIP 8.2.  These phones will not navigate the voicemail system unless you dial out and back into asterisk.  I am assuming this is a DTMF issue but I have tried both RFC and Inband signaling with Ulaw, I am looking for the latest cisco SIPDefaults.cnf (mine dates to 7.5), and does anyone know what signaling these idiotic phones use?
14:44.59chris_astSkid: did u install ztdummy?
14:45.05Skid8,2 ?!!
14:45.21chris_astr u using fedora or ..
14:45.50chris_astdid u start ztdummy
14:46.42Skidstart it.. ? i loaded it
14:46.46hwtSkid: why?
14:47.02Skidwhy what?
14:47.03hwtSkid: it should be able to use the RTC in recent 2.6-kernels.
14:47.12hwtSkid: why did you install ztdummy.
14:47.12Skidshrug, that's what I read
14:47.14Skidit was 2.4
14:47.17Skidthat i did it on
14:47.20hwtSkid: oh, okay.
14:48.46vgsterhas someone messed up
14:49.20*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
14:50.13vgsterno itsd ok now
14:50.52chris_asthwt: I have 2.6.8 but i did not install zaptel or ztdummy
14:51.41chris_asthwt: istalling zaptel is enough
14:53.53MBrantneed some help setting up MoH in 1.2.5 for an MP3 live internet stream
14:54.04MBrantevery example is pre-1.2.0
14:55.38vgsterwhat sort of stream are you connecting to?
14:58.59nokywhat is canreinvite ?
14:59.42wasimnoky: it allows a SIP peer to send a reinvite taking the RTP directly between the two ends
14:59.50coppicethis for calls over 2 cans and string
15:00.18wasimbut only if the string is taut
15:01.07coppicemaybe the reinvite is need when the strings is too loose
15:02.06nokyok, thanks... mm... my asterisk answer with a 407 Proxy Authentication Required, can i avoid this message?
15:02.25nokyever that i send a invite
15:02.37nokyand then my gateway send a new invite...
15:03.23*** join/#asterisk Trucker55 (
15:03.40nokyStatus: 407 Proxy Authentication Required
15:03.46MBrantneed some help setting up MoH in 1.2.5 for an MP3 live internet stream
15:03.49otaku42[TK]D-Fender: any ideas?
15:03.50MBrantanyone ?
15:03.58vgsterwhat sort of stream?
15:04.05MBranthttp shoutcast
15:04.11vgsteruse mpg123
15:04.25MBrantwhat command/syntax ?
15:04.29vgsterhang on
15:04.30MBrantin musiconhold.conf
15:05.32MBrantPM ?
15:05.42vgsterapplication=/usr/local/bin/mpg123 -s --mono -y -f 8192 -r 8000 -@ /etc/asterisk/stream.playlist  <<< this has the http:// etccc from the shoutcast .pls
15:05.49vgsterif you like
15:06.51vgsterno i had problems getting that to work so I downloaded the .pls feil shoutcast for the station i wanted to play
15:07.17MBrantah ...
15:07.27MBrantlisten.pls ?
15:07.28*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
15:08.22vgsteron shoutcasts website if you right click on tune in and save it to your machine
15:08.31vgsterme too
15:08.42vgsterthen copy the http:// into a file on your asterisk box
15:08.50MBrant*CLI> mpg123: Missing argument for option "@".
15:09.13MBrantso ...
15:09.14Ahrimanesquestion seems to be whether it's better to implement it directly into format_mp3 or in file.c
15:09.45vgsterno you dont want the actual .pls file
15:09.46Ahrimanesmpg123 just tends to go zombie on you a lot unfortunately
15:09.56vgsteryou want to edit it and copy the http statements out
15:10.02vgsterhttp://  etc...
15:10.24vgsterstick these into a file on your asterisk box then use the command i gave you.  you dont need all the crap in the .pls file just the http
15:10.37vgsterits not a perfect solution but it does work
15:11.54*** part/#asterisk chris_ast (n=Administ@
15:12.37*** join/#asterisk sevard (
15:12.43vgsterdo you get it now?
15:12.54MBrantand in what format should i put that http address ?
15:13.10vgsteras they are in the .pls file so
15:13.10sevardCan somebody please direct me a document outlining how to go about making a digital receptionist the hard way (without AMP).  I've tried searching but came up dry.
15:13.18cj-rmhow do you do connection pooling in asterisk for outgoing lines?
15:13.58vgstersevard - you tried
15:14.19sevardvgster: I actually didn't find that document, I'll take a look
15:14.26vgstersearch for ivr
15:14.37MBrantthis is my stream
15:14.55MBrantwhat file to make ... what to put in that file ... and what to throw into musiconhold.conf ?
15:15.17vgsterhmm that might not work as I seem to remember having some problems with some links
15:15.19vgsterhang on
15:16.48sevardvgster: I believe AMP or A@H came with an "extension directory" an IVR that promted "if you know the extension of the party you wish to contact press that at any time" or something similar
15:16.59sevardIt might have been an AGI
15:17.17vgsteryes it has that but i dont know how its done
15:17.36vgsteri get no route to host with that link so i cant try it
15:17.49sevardThat URL that you gave me?
15:18.01sevardIt works well on my end.. try a proxy.
15:18.03vgsterno the one MBrant gave me
15:19.06vgsterMBrant are you getting that from shoutcast?
15:20.13[TK]D-Fendersevard : Please look at the [incoming] and [mainmenu] contexts in this sample :
15:21.39sevard[TK]D-Fender: that's a nice reference, I shoudl be able to figure it out with that.  Thank you.
15:23.13MBrant << that's the shoutcast server
15:23.20MBrantwich i wanna use as a MOH source
15:23.42*** join/#asterisk coob (
15:24.06coobis anyone in here using asterisk as a sip to h323 gateway
15:24.51vgsterMBrant I had problems with some shoutcast sites, mpg123 needs it in the format I gave you, http://IP:port/location
15:25.14*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
15:25.43MBrantyeah ok but that shoutcast server has a normal format: http://IP:port/
15:26.01*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
15:26.12MBrantit just uses an http://ip:port/listen.pls to list 1 entry wich is http://IP:port
15:26.14TagorI am trying to connect to a peer but I always get this error: No authentication challenge, sending blank registration to domain/host name
15:26.19TagorCan someone tell me what's wrong
15:26.47vgsterMBrant can you download the .pls ?
15:27.00[TK]D-Fendersevard : The sample includes use of a "t" timeout, 'i" for invalid input, an "include" of a context that contains internal extensions, and sets timeout counters.
15:27.15vgsternot me
15:27.43sevard[TK]D-Fender: are "t" and "i" valid and built into * by default?
15:28.01MBrantalso try:
15:28.07vgsteri dotn think mpg123 will play it without a full path, i cant get to that website
15:28.11MBrantall mirrors
15:28.41MBrantany one know another FREE smooth music shoutcast server
15:28.48MBrantbased in EU if possible
15:28.53vgsterhow a look on shoutcast and pick one
15:30.32*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
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15:33.18MBrant ... doesn't work either
15:35.23cj-rmHow do I setup groups for my FXO lines on my TDM400?
15:35.40*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
15:36.03salviadudpaulo! amigooooo
15:36.06sevard[TK]D-Fender: you around?  I have one question about that example
15:36.51vgsterMbrant are you getting these from shoutcast?
15:37.29*** join/#asterisk PlayBoy (i=MoVi@unaffiliated/playboy)
15:37.34*** part/#asterisk PlayBoy (i=MoVi@unaffiliated/playboy)
15:38.59mutomg it's snowing :'(
15:41.40MBrant ... is another server
15:41.44MBrantnot sure if shoutcast or not
15:41.57[TK]D-Fendersevard : Yes, they are "standard" extensions, just like "s"
15:41.58*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
15:43.52*** join/#asterisk GabiAPF (n=gabriela@
15:44.03MBrant/usr/local/bin/mpg123 -s --mono -y -f 8192 -r 8000 -@
15:44.03*** join/#asterisk Tenkawa (n=Tenkawa@unaffiliated/Tenkawa)
15:44.18TenkawaTopology question
15:44.25sevard[TK]D-Fender: I found that out, i had forogtten.  My question was what is exten => 212,1,Macro(stdexten,SIP/212,101) in this config?
15:44.31vgsterMBrant try it
15:44.34vgsterbut it didnt work for me
15:44.46TenkawaIf I have pots line into a trunk card could I use IP phones on the internbal network and route through those pots lines?
15:44.55[TK]D-Fendersevard : That is just a sample extension # (for a config I built for someone else)
15:44.55*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
15:45.06MBrantdoesn't work
15:45.09Tenkawaso basicly the internal phones would all be ip phones channeled to 4 regular phone lines
15:45.11MBrantalso with mpg123
15:45.16[TK]D-Fendersevard : You would make yours any which way you like.  at my office its 4-digit extensions, etc...
15:45.21GabiAPFHello. Could anyone tell me what the error chan_iax2.c: No registration for peer 'username' means?
15:45.41sevardI understand, i'm asking why it's in there, what does it do, shouldn't that mainmenu ask for an extension and you type it in and it would kick you to one?
15:45.52sevardor is [internal] only the allowed extensions that you can dial from the ivr?
15:46.06*** join/#asterisk Ferrari (
15:46.08MBrantvgster ... check pm
15:47.20[TK]D-Fendersevard : in that sample, yes.  You can always add other direct menu's like "exten => 1,,1,Goto(nextmenu,s,1)" and make a different context for a sub menu for example.  Real easy...
15:47.21GabiAPFCould anyone please tell me what the error chan_iax2.c: No registration for peer 'username' means?
15:47.35sevard[TK]D-Fender: I see
15:47.54Tenkawaalso how much cpu/ram horsepower would be needed to run about 8 internal desk phones with this setup
15:47.56*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
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15:48.42[TK]D-Fendersevard : what I gave you is pretty much a full-replacement config if you want to learn from it.
15:49.12Tenkawamut: so you tihnk a Via EPUA v10000 with half a gig could support it?
15:49.15[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Just take a normal P3 or better.  nothing special.
15:49.19Tenkawaer EPIA
15:49.29Tenkawaits a 1Ghz C3
15:49.36[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : I've heard it can be challenging on EPIA boards, but do-able
15:49.42TenkawaI'm trying to make the pbx small as I can
15:49.52[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Plenty of power if you're not doing anything else intensive on it.
15:49.56Tenkawasince the oly card it should need is the pots incoming fxo card
15:50.19Tenkawa[TK]D-Fender: basicly the extent of it will be calls, voice mail and on hold musi. thats about it
15:50.30[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : I would personally suggest you just get a used Compag MATX box then.  They are pretty cheap and small while not being "crap".
15:50.51*** join/#asterisk SGM (
15:50.58Tenkawahm.. got a model number I can research?
15:51.02*** join/#asterisk Ferrari (
15:51.17TenkawaI got plenty  of diff hardware(machines) just trying to figure out which one to use without going overboard
15:51.23Ferrariok lets try that again.... Damn DSL is like a yo yo today
15:51.35TenkawaFerrari: heh.. that sounds like my darn router
15:51.50Tenkawalinksys vxworks based one bounces all the time
15:51.56Tenkawathe linux based one.. never a problem
15:51.58[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : not offhand, just shop around a bit.  Depends what kind of used computer places you have near you.  you could pick something decent up for 200$ tops which would be cheaper and better than the VIA solution.
15:52.04Ferrarii am looking to test out BJ Weschke's app_followme, and am looking for anyone who may have an uptodate conf file and the recordings
15:52.11TenkawaI already have the VIA box though
15:52.19Tenkawaits just been sitting doing nothing
15:52.39mutit's enough power to do the job
15:52.40TenkawaI expect at most 3 stations busy at once
15:52.51[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : OH.  Well give it a shot then..... CPU should be ok.... just not sure about the PCI for a TDM card.  how many lines are you looking at getting?
15:52.53Tenkawamut: which part of the task hurts it the most
15:52.55*** join/#asterisk zaptel (
15:52.59mutless you're transcoding 8 ppl to g729 while on hold
15:53.03Tenkawa[TK]D-Fender: got 4 lines incoming
15:53.18Tenkawamut: heh I'd be suprised if we ever have 1 on hold to be honest
15:53.26Tenkawaits there mostly for just in case
15:53.31[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Keep an eye on PCI issues, but keep the codec to G711 if possible and all should be fine.
15:53.37mutought to be fine
15:53.38Tenkawabut the current pbx is getting really flaky
15:53.48Tenkawaand is 7-10 years old
15:54.10TenkawaAny recommendations on tdm400 vendors
15:54.20Tenkawasince I should just need 1 tdm400 card
15:54.30TenkawaIF I can run the internal through IP
15:55.03Tenkawaooh nice its a half length card too
15:55.22Tenkawa[TK]D-Fender: my idea is to use IP Phones(stations)
15:55.37Tenkawaand route them out through the pots lines
15:55.40[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : thats the idea.  I would suggest Polycom phones for your PBX...
15:55.52TenkawaYeah I like polycom
15:55.59Tenkawabut price may be a touchy spot there
15:56.13*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:56.51Tenkawawe do have a set of 8 4 wire phones already but I have no decent documentation on them
15:56.58[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Believe me you don't want to waste mony on cheap junk.
15:57.06Tenkawaso my thought was to just replace the whole internal net
15:57.09TenkawaI know
15:57.18[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Where are you located?
15:57.20TenkawaI was thinking Avaya
15:57.25Tenkawa[TK]D-Fender: ohio usa
15:58.17GabiAPFOk, I have a problem. Could anyone help me, please?
15:58.22Tenkawaok.. is it fxo or fxs for incoming pots lines
15:58.37wasimGabiAPF: lighter fluid
15:58.45[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : has good rpices on them.  $170 for an IP501, $115 for an IP 301 (good for anyone not needting a speakerphone)
15:59.04Tenkawaoh woe
15:59.08Tenkawanice price
15:59.10Tenkawaer wow
15:59.12GabiAPFI get the error chan_iax2.c: No registration for peer '2237' when I triy to connext, but that extension has an entry in iax_additional.conf
15:59.21*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
15:59.28[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : You'll need FXO ports (they use FXS signalling : as in they act like a STATION to the telco)
15:59.32wasimGabiAPF: iax2 show users, and is iax_additional.conf included in iax.conf
15:59.51GabiAPFiax2: command not found
16:00.05Tenkawaok.. so a tdm400 with 4 fxo modules should support 4 incoming lines fine...
16:00.06*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
16:00.17wasimGabiAPF: show modules
16:00.17GabiAPF#include iax_additional.conf
16:00.18Tenkawathose are decent priced too
16:00.48asterboywho has the lowest price on Digium TDM04B cards?
16:00.49*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
16:00.58Tenkawa[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the info.. has been very helpful
16:00.59asterboyI have $378.90 so far
16:01.07[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Glad to help.
16:01.12asterboymaybe $350 on ebay.
16:01.12TenkawaIP301's look ideal
16:01.23Takerwhich debian package includes the headerfile tonezone.h?
16:01.33asterboyAnyone have a good price?
16:01.33TenkawaTaker: use apt-file
16:01.47TakerTenkawa: didn't result anything
16:01.51GabiAPFWhat modules?
16:02.04asterboyFXO, the RED ones
16:02.04TenkawaTaker: then its not avail in your sources.list or you need o run an apt-file update
16:02.24asterboy4 X100Ms
16:02.42asterboyon a TDM400P
16:03.04asterboybecomes a TDM04B
16:03.34asterboyDigium wants $421, Telephony wants $378.90, Ebay wants $350
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16:03.48tzangerasterboy: "Telephony" ?
16:04.47ManxPowertelephony hardware is expensive.
16:05.14ManxPowertry buying a 4-port interface for a Nortel sometime.  Like $1,200
16:05.46asterboyThat is another option...get a four port fxo gateway.
16:06.06ManxPowerasterboy, have you priced those out?
16:06.33wasimaudiocodes 4 fxo are about $350 or so
16:06.46[TK]D-Fenderwasim : No way for FXO that low... thats FXS....
16:06.59asterboyHere is one for $275 on eBay
16:06.59[TK]D-Fenderwasim : AudioCodes FXO = $650
16:07.15wasim[TK]D-Fender: 4 port atcom fxs = $100 or so
16:07.19asterboylooks like cheap shit though.
16:07.20[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : You would NOT touch that with a 10' pole...
16:07.28GabiAPFYou said show modules. How do I do that?
16:07.30*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
16:07.31wasim[TK]D-Fender: no, i got prices round about, let me confirm
16:07.38*** join/#asterisk christo (
16:07.39[TK]D-Fenderwasim : yeah, FXS is pretty cheap, FXO *costs*
16:07.44asterboyGabiAPF, cat /proc/modules
16:08.05wasimGabiAPF: type "show modules" on *CLI
16:09.05*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
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16:12.26sevardMy extensions are usually exten = 1024,1,Macro(stdexten,1024,SIP/1024), under your [internal] you have exten => 212,1,Macro(stdexten,SIP/212,101) -- could you explain the differences between these?
16:12.27asterboyQuintum and Mediatrix seem like nice products
16:13.26asterboyGabiAPF, don't see any zaptel modules in your pastebin, what are you trying to do?
16:13.33*** join/#asterisk nortex (
16:14.21nortexAny asterisk hardware gurus around?
16:14.31GabiAPFSorry, I may seem stupid, but how do I open cli? And I'm trying to cnnect to Asterisk from a virtual phone.
16:15.04asterboyholy fuck, if you don't know how to open CLI, then step away from your computer
16:15.12nortexOn the asterisk server type asterisk -r
16:15.31*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
16:15.45jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
16:15.47*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
16:16.39GabiAPFUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)
16:16.39GabiAPFYes, it does exist, and everyone can execute it.
16:17.27*** join/#asterisk jsharp (n=jsharp@
16:17.28nortexIs the asterisk server running?
16:18.07*** join/#asterisk HamYaI (n=HamYai@
16:18.11nortexYou can try asterisk -c and it will show the process of starting up and probably the point the service fails
16:18.51asterboyit will fail if you don't have the modules loading.
16:18.52jbalcombAnyone having any luck getting the gxp-2000 to update for daylight savings time?
16:19.50ManxPowerasterboy, both products will be more then $400
16:19.51GabiAPFOk, it says Booting now.
16:21.34*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (
16:21.36nortexAnybody use a Redfone foneBridge?
16:21.37*** join/#asterisk oej (
16:21.54*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
16:23.38sevardHow come when I run asterisk as root and connect to it via -rvv i get colour but when I run it as user asterisk and connect via rvvv as root no colurs :(
16:24.32GabiAPFNothing happened.
16:24.52*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
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16:29.20*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
16:29.31CrashHDwhat would be causing delay in the briding of channels?
16:29.36CrashHDiax2 to zap?
16:29.51[TK]D-Fendersevard : NOt sure what you issue with the extensions is... basically, its just a different #.... what else is there to know?
16:29.57*** join/#asterisk oej (
16:30.05sevard[TK]D-Fender: just the format is different
16:30.12GabiAPFOk, the asterisk server is running, but I can't connect to it. What can the problem be?
16:30.22wasimGabiAPF: loose string
16:30.22CrashHDI basically have zap ->iax2) ---------------> (iax2 -> zap
16:30.22[TK]D-Fendersevard : thats it..... just the way I built my macro...
16:30.44CrashHDand I sometimes miss about 10 seconds of the far systems voice
16:30.46*** join/#asterisk op3r (n=op3r@
16:31.14Lino`i hate it
16:32.44GabiAPFLoose string? What does that mean?
16:33.02op3rcan any one point me to any docs on howto upgrade asterisk without touching the configs?
16:33.16wasimop3r: don't do make samples
16:33.18*** join/#asterisk shiznatix (
16:33.27op3rthats it?
16:33.43op3rall I have to do is to wget the current stable one and dont do make samples?
16:33.51sevard[TK]D-Fender: I have my IVR fully working atm. P.S. I love you.
16:33.53[TK]D-Fenderop3r : yup
16:34.09shiznatixHello. I have a GSM gateway setup but I don't quite see how I can define the number that it will dial out to.
16:34.12ManxPowerop3r, backup your configs just in case
16:35.49[TK]D-Fendersevard : here's a sample menu with a counter for # of failed attempts to make choices, and allows people a little more time listening to their options before getting hung up on..
16:36.14Lino`i hate it - everything is messed up here.
16:36.18*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (i=kev@
16:37.10Lino` < you know you are too busy if...
16:37.38GabiAPFOk, I'll try again tomorrow. Bye.
16:37.46*** part/#asterisk GabiAPF (n=gabriela@
16:39.23salviadudlino, is that you?
16:39.50salviadudthat's a lot of phones mang
16:40.06Lino`what is me?
16:40.09Lino`that is my workplace
16:40.15*** join/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
16:40.29Lino`while removing the old phone system and replacing it
16:40.35lzhanghow can I use directed pickup?
16:41.00blehbohmmm anyone know why is dead?
16:41.31nortexAnybody here go to the Asterisk Bootcamp last week in KC?
16:41.34salviadudwhere do you work?
16:42.02Harm|wLast Updated On:03-Apr-2006 05:19:23 UTC
16:42.11Harm|wasternic seems to be having DNS issues
16:43.31op3roh god
16:43.43salviadudwhere do you work?
16:43.54salviadudLino` where do you work man?
16:43.54op3rwhy dont I trust somebody that kept on saying in order to upgrade asterisk I need to do make clean
16:44.02salviaduddamn, my xchat is all wrongo
16:44.22salviadudop3r, you can't just ask US that man
16:44.30salviadudgo see a psychiatrist dude
16:44.44salviadudwell ALL don't know
16:44.48salviadudwe can only guess
16:45.06salviaduddon't worry dude
16:45.10salviadudjust save etc
16:45.15salviadudand start all over again
16:45.26salviadudeverything will be fine and dandy
16:45.35[TK]D-Fenderop3r : You should do a "make clean ; make ; make install" ....
16:45.54[TK]D-Fenderop3r : no need to worry about the rest.
16:45.58op3rbecause if I mess up I am going to get my ass kick out of the office after I say because
16:46.15op3r[TK]D-Fender: on /usr/sbin?
16:46.18salviaduddon't say it dude!
16:46.31[TK]D-Fenderop3r : just back up your /ect/asterisk folder and stop whining!  You wasted more time worrying about it than dealing with it!
16:46.31salviaduddon't tell them whyyyyy
16:46.46[TK]D-Fenderop3r : back your CONFIGS up..... you should know where they are...
16:46.53salviadudyeah, like fender said, back up etc, and do it again
16:47.10op3roh okj
16:47.13salviadudit's linux for christ sake!
16:47.32salviadudif these were a windows prog, sacre merde
16:47.56*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
16:48.02op3rsalviadud: dont tell me about linux!!!! It makes me cry everytime I hear that!
16:48.12*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
16:48.12asterboyhad to do some work via VPN
16:48.18salviadudreally? i thought you liked linux...
16:48.25asterboyanyway, there is a cheaper option for FXO.
16:48.35asterboyusing the clone cards.
16:48.41op3rsalviadud: I like Obsd though
16:48.47asterboyWorks well on <4 FXO ports.
16:48.55salviadudopen bsd is nice for firewalls
16:49.01[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : there is also a shittier option.... clone cards!
16:49.03salviadudsome other stuff
16:49.14*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
16:49.18asterboyYea, they are ok.
16:49.22Lino`@ salviadud i work at home
16:49.42asterboyI'm getting an echo right at the beginning of converstations, but then it seems to settle down.
16:49.49salviadudlino`are you married or something?
16:49.52asterboynot sure why the hardware is doing that.
16:49.59Lino`nope. i'm too young for that ;)
16:50.08Lino`self employed programmer @ 17 years *lol*
16:50.09salviadudhow old are you?
16:50.15salviadud17 wow
16:50.32asterboyhow young are you?
16:50.33salviadudi'm 23, i'm feeling the need to get a respectable ladyfriend
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16:50.51asterboyget an ugly one!
16:50.55salviadudyou know, the kind of ladyfriend that would get jealous if i look at other girls
16:51.01salviadudan ugly one?
16:51.01docelm0hehe..  Will not get that in #asterisk..  Well then again.. Katty is available I believe..
16:51.03asterboyUgly women gives your meal on time!
16:51.13docelm0too funny
16:51.30salviadudlook dude, i am mexican, so i'm looking for girls that need latin passion
16:51.35Lino`well there have to be nice girls in mexico ;)
16:51.38[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : Not unless she's become desperate and simultaneously "switching sides"
16:51.39salviadudprobably from the czech republic
16:51.42salviadudor brazil
16:51.48Lino`forget tzhe czech republic
16:51.55docelm0[TK]D-Fender, never know..
16:52.07salviadudwhat's wrong with the czech republic?
16:52.14docelm0[TK]D-Fender, I thought she did tho..  ahh well
16:52.14Lino`its not that far from here and its cold there
16:52.33salviadudyou see, since it's cold, you need to get warm at night...
16:52.35docelm0salviadud, some to tampa..  damn latina's EVERYWHERE
16:52.42docelm0err come to tampa
16:52.47salviadudtampa florida?
16:52.59docelm0You know of another Tampa?
16:53.05salviadudyeah, the guys from BangBros are located in florida
16:53.07*** part/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
16:53.13salviadudbut, they're in miami
16:53.26salviadudi am talking about pr0n
16:53.40docelm0ohh good lord..
16:53.57salviadudpr0n on linux looks best
16:53.59docelm0Katty, your needed in #asterisk..  Calling Katty please come to #asterisk
16:54.24salviaduddocel, do you speak spanish?
16:54.30op3r < is this trustworthy
16:54.36salviadudi happen to have some prank calls i made to the mexican embassy in japan
16:54.54docelm0salviadud, asi asi
16:55.33docelm0I can read more than hear..
16:55.33salviadudlet me see if i can send them over, hope the firewall is ok
16:55.37salviadudo really
16:55.45docelm0Not on my side..   My PIX is locked odwn
16:55.47docelm0err down
16:55.50salviadudthen, i guess it wouldn't be worht it dude
16:56.11docelm0ya..  I havent had spanish in ALONG time..  I grew up in white BFE..
16:56.13Lino`i had spanish at school - for 3 days.
16:56.34[TK]D-Fenderop3r : What is that?
16:56.44salviadud3 days is not enough for you to conquer the latin language of love
16:56.44docelm0Now I live in tampa and they are trying to make the 2nd language of Florda Spanish..  as if 90% of all the shit here isnt already..
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16:57.03salviaduddamn cubans
16:57.08*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:57.09salviadudi will be honest man
16:57.09docelm0No comment..
16:57.10Lino`when the spanish teacher came in - 140cm tall and a voice which made glass break i suddenly thought "ooops, wrong class"
16:57.18salviadudi don't like how they talk
16:57.23salviadudit's bad spanish
16:57.35salviadudwell, i like it, so i can make fun of it
16:57.40docelm0I mean I dont wanna be racist..  but seriously..  You come to america learn fucking english..
16:57.43salviadudyet, i don't talk like that at home
16:58.04docelm0salviadud, where ya from orignally?
16:58.10salviadudnorth america, you mean
16:58.26docelm0no the USA..  America
16:58.33[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : Not English .... "American".  Just like "american" cheese... another "lowest common denominator" of this continent....
16:58.51salviadudyeah! redneck is more like it
16:59.00salviadudi can speak southern redneck pretty darn good
16:59.09docelm0My thought is just speak so I can understand your DUMB ass..
16:59.10salviadudthose cowboys from texas really crack me up
16:59.25znoGany of you guys use iaxmodem with hylafax?
16:59.40docelm0I hate nothing more than to call dell and speak with someone from india w/ a REALLY bad accent
17:00.22znoGdocelm0: if you went to learn how to speak Indian, I can assure you your accent would be just as bad.
17:00.40wasimhindi or urdu ...
17:00.46docelm0probably..  but I know a few East Indian's and their english rocks
17:00.57docelm0but then again they are educated..
17:00.59znoGyea, I was thinking that for a second, couldn't remember what the language is called ... hindu isn't it?
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17:03.08MikeJ[Laptop]wow.. when did #asterisk become biggot hangout?
17:03.24wasimznoG: hindu is a practioner of hinduism, just like christian or muslim is a practioner of christinaity and islam ... the lanuage is hindi or urdu or punjabi, bengali, seraiki, gujrati, tamil, and host of others
17:04.12[TK]D-FenderMikeJ[Laptop] : I hate all people equally :)
17:04.16wasimtens of languages, hundreds of regional dialects ...
17:04.16MikeJ[Laptop]wasim, what the heck would you know :P
17:04.28MikeJ[Laptop]what, you live on that side of the world or somthin
17:04.35pigpen2Dudes, I need help, My iax inbound trunk fails every 2 days with this error:  Apr  3 10:37:37 NOTICE[15648]: app_dial.c:1011 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
17:04.52*** join/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
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17:05.13wasimgetting packet loss on Folgers, but Nido seems to work ok
17:05.22MikeJ[Laptop]thats funny
17:05.23pigpen2I have been fighting this for a week now... but at least I have some iax log
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17:05.41op3r[TK]D-Fender: thats an update script for asterisk, is it trustworthy?
17:06.40[TK]D-Fenderop3r : I wouldn't use it... just download right off of Digium's FTP.....
17:06.56op3r[TK]D-Fender: ok
17:07.16MikeJ[Laptop]make update should stull work fine
17:07.25MikeJ[Laptop]pulling from svn
17:08.07docelm0[TK]D-Fender, yes.. is good to hate equally
17:08.20_Paulo_znoG, I use iaxmodem with hylafax
17:08.25CrashHDwhat is the benifit in disabling udp checksums?
17:08.51docelm0ahh well off to do some real work..
17:08.59docelm0ohh say does anyone know what portaone is?
17:09.06wasimCrashHD: you get to pretend bad UDP packets are good
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17:09.31CrashHDwill that mess up audio?
17:09.34docelm0actually..  Any Matt's from Digium in here?
17:10.15GuruDomis there any good info on how Asterisk and SER works together? voip-info doesnt seem o have much on the subject
17:10.29znoG_Paulo_: do all your faxes come in OK? I just installed iaxmodem/hylafax and haven't yet received one successful fax
17:10.41iqHi, How do I make two extenstions connect to each other without initiating call from either of them? AGI?
17:10.56Ariel_pigpen2, just a quick question. Do you have a dynamic IP address or are you using some type of dymdns settings?
17:11.06docelm0iq, call file
17:11.07sevardHad anyone tried the EyeBeam by xten for video over SIP?  I'm reading this and if I'm understanding it correctly it only does H.263, after some research it seems that asterisk-addons won't add h.263 fully until. they are sure of patent status.  Is this correct? does the EyeBeam work with other codecs that * eats?
17:11.22iqdocelm0: ?
17:11.23angom_wiq: manager interface ?
17:11.29pigpen2Ariel_, thanks for help...
17:11.34_Paulo_znoG, did you get hal pages or what?
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17:12.02iqI was wondering if I could send some SIP messages, like SIP invite from a third party to initiate the call?
17:12.19Ariel_pigpen2, does this happen to a trunk, are other trunks iax2 working fine when this happens?
17:12.45pigpen2I have 2 other trunks connected to the gateway box...they are all fine..
17:12.50iqangom_w: that wont be SIP? Manager interface uses API, right?
17:12.52miller7Is anyone here using AOC with bristuff patches??
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17:13.02pigpen2Shoot, one of them is having major network issues, but it always recovers...
17:13.10angom_wiq: a call file would be much simpler
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17:13.22iqangom_w: what is call file?
17:13.32angom_wiq: and no, it wont be sip either
17:13.40wasimiq: its used for sexual gratification on demand
17:13.41*** join/#asterisk PlusMinus (
17:13.55iqwasim bhai jane bhi do yaar...
17:13.58Kattydocelm0: what?
17:14.17[TK]D-Fendersevard : eyeBeam supports H263, h261, h261+
17:14.34iqangom_w: miller7: Thanks, I'll look into these
17:14.51PlusMinus«Ariel_» Hi Ariel, got it working - it was the force proxy reigstration setting in the SIPdefault.conf file (for the cisco phones). Enabled it and it's working a charm
17:14.59[TK]D-Fendersevard : IIRC....
17:14.59Kattydocelm0: me? single?
17:15.03Kattydocelm0: i'm poly you weirdo.
17:15.10Kattydocelm0: already have /two/ people :P
17:15.11Ariel_PlusMinus, great to hear it
17:15.20PlusMinus«Ariel_» Thanks for your help again
17:15.25Kattydocelm0: though i suppose 'poteintially single' would be the same.
17:16.18sevard[TK]D-Fender: So there wouldn't be any problem buying a couple eyeBeam phones and working video magic with *
17:16.35tzangerI haven't managed to get video with * working
17:16.42znoG_Paulo_: yep i get half pages, sometimes 3/4 of a page, stuff like that.
17:16.50tzangerwe have a vsx7000 (polycom highend videoconf unit) and eyebeam but couldn't get the two to really work
17:16.52[TK]D-Fendersevard : * will just let the traffic pass through....
17:16.58wasimi remember get a few jpeg frames across with mozphone back in 2002, but that was it ...
17:17.27_Paulo_Im using spandsp-20060205.tar.gz.
17:17.30sevard[TK]D-Fender: Right, but if it didn't support a codec it wouldn't translate correctly, right?
17:17.34znoG_Paulo_: CVS?
17:17.49znoG_Paulo_: i'm using spandsp-0.0.2
17:18.30_Paulo_I think iaxmodem compiles their own libspandsp...
17:19.04_Paulo_yes, I remember now, I compiled it "static"
17:19.07[TK]D-Fendersevard : guess not... actually eyebeam seems to only do H263 (a bunch ov varients)
17:19.36znoG_Paulo_: ah, i just did a standard compile of the spandsp library within iaxmodem-0.1.2
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17:20.15_Paulo_znoG, I think compiling it static is better/safer.
17:20.25pigpen2Ariel_, any ideas?
17:20.50znoG_Paulo_: sure, why not... trying it now
17:22.33sevardI just got a ticket
17:22.43salviaduda ticket?
17:22.47salviadudwhat ya mean?
17:22.54sevardyou know how much bs this is, there was 5 spots empty to the left of me 5 empty to the right, that &#^$ing parking bitch sees me there EVERY DAY
17:23.02sevardEVERY DAY i'm here.  2 minutes late.
17:23.04sevard(#U&()#* :\
17:23.15salviadudoh, that kinda ticket
17:23.30sevardI can see this happening in a city but I live in a freaking small town.
17:24.34docelm0Katty, you can be whatever you want cause your uniquie in a weird sorta way..  but if your getting it from both sides..  More power to ya..
17:24.37ManxPowerIn new orleans the parking authority put a boot on a cop car that parked illegally while in the process of arresting someone.
17:24.37mog_workyou should go protest
17:24.40mog_workin the court
17:24.49mog_worklol ManxPower
17:24.51znoG_Paulo_: Apr  3 14:18:58 gw FaxGetty[22955]: RECV: REJECT page quality, 91% good lines (95% required)
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17:24.57mog_worki bet he wasnt too happy
17:25.00sevardmog_work: why? i'm clearly in the wrong
17:25.03mog_workmust have made for a funny photo
17:25.10ManxPowerApparently the police told the parking person that either the boot is removed or THEY are going to jail.
17:25.14mog_workwas it realyl 2 minutes?
17:25.20sevardmog_work: Pretty much
17:25.35salviadudwhat happened next manxpower?
17:25.36sevardi steamed infront of my car for a while so I'm unsure of the actual time
17:25.46salviaduddid the police send them to jail?
17:25.47mog_workhow much was ticket?
17:25.50bprice20is there a parameter in sip.conf to adjust incoming or outgoing gain globally or on a per peer basis
17:25.56Qwell[]ManxPower: and what happened?
17:25.59sevard10 bucks, no lunch for sev today.
17:26.07bprice20I know this is something normally done in the device
17:26.09ManxPowersalviadud, I don't recall.  this was a couple of years ago and I don't recall the end of the newspaper story.
17:26.24salviadudstop smoking pot dude!
17:26.26ManxPowerI think the boot was removed and there were "discussions" between the mayer and police chief
17:26.30bprice20but I basically need to turn it up for all sip channels
17:26.55salviadudalright, you do remember, hehe
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17:30.26mfdutrawhich is the best way to link a "normal pabx" to asterisk? e1 or sip?
17:30.38Qwell[]mfdutra: whichever
17:30.44jaxkzwhat might solve the problem unable to concert lbic to speex?
17:30.52mfdutraI'm afraid of voip support in some pabxs
17:31.40afrosheenMy * server is reporting voicemails that are available from the web interface (ARI), however, when I dial the vm directly from the phone, nothing is there. If I reboot the server, it's fixed. Any clues?
17:32.42znoGmfdutra: i'm linking a lucent definity to asterisk using fxo/fxs connections
17:32.57znoGnot sure if I can stick a E1 into the Lucent and connect it to asterisk, though it would be nice.
17:33.34*** join/#asterisk Danett (
17:33.54_Paulo_znoG, I think your problem may be hardware.
17:34.01znoG_Paulo_: i think so too :(
17:34.52_Paulo_znoG, some analog digium boards are known for bad performance when faxing.
17:35.12znoGYup... :(
17:35.20mfdutraznoG: I need many channels, so fxo/fxs doesn't work for me
17:35.53mfdutrawith E1, I know I can have 30 channels with good quality. I don't know if with sip I'll have the same result
17:36.54DanettWould a DSL Line (with voip) be a good alternative for an E1?
17:37.05ManxPowerDanett, no.
17:37.20DanettNot even corporate grade DSL?
17:37.27Danettlike HDSL or SDSL
17:37.30ManxPowersince a DSL line is usually under $100/monthn E-1 is usually over $500/month
17:37.35docelm0Danett, if it was SDSL
17:37.38docelm0or SHDSL yes
17:37.41ManxPowerDanett, it's still going over the internet
17:37.42docelm0ADSL no
17:37.48DanettIt's SDSL
17:37.57Danett2mbit up and down fp
17:37.58docelm0Danett, what speed?
17:38.04docelm0Danett, QoS?
17:38.15mfdutradanalien: E1 guarantees 64 kbps per channels end-to-end
17:38.16DanettIt's a corporate line, so yes
17:38.18ManxPowerWhat type of E-1 are you asking about?  Data T-1 for Internet, or Voice E-1/PRI
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17:38.40ManxPowermfdutra, only if it's non-internet T-1
17:38.46docelm0Danett, then yes.. Theoretically you could push 30 channels of g711 across it IF that is the only thing its used for
17:38.56DanettThat would be the only thing
17:39.05DanettSDSL is far cheaper then E1
17:39.07ManxPowerDanett, A PRI is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS better then any other type of PSTN access
17:39.21docelm0Danett, where are you getting this connection?
17:39.28ManxPowerDanett, PRI and SDSL cannot be compared.
17:39.33DanettYou mean the geographical connection?
17:39.37mfdutraDanett: you cannot compare an internet link with a PRI link
17:39.39docelm0What country
17:39.42mfdutrathey are different things
17:39.58DanettI know they are. But on a basic level, the same can be achieved
17:40.03ManxPowerA PRI is a direct link to the PSTN with dedicated channels.  DSL is just a data line with no gurantee of anything and you would STILL need a VoIP service provider
17:40.05docelm0Danett, if you want stability and reliability get a E1 PRI
17:40.47DanettI was under the impression that a SDSL line was pretty stable
17:40.57voipmastaDanett: And most xDSL links aren't symetric
17:41.14docelm0Danett, nothing data is stable dsl wise..
17:41.17voipmastaDanett: That means that your upload speed isn't the same as your download speed
17:41.18[TK]D-FenderSDSL = Synchronous Digital Subscriber Line ....
17:41.34DanettSDSL = equal up and down
17:41.34docelm0Danett, what kinda SLA do you have on your SDSL?
17:41.36[TK]D-FenderSo yes, it IS the same...
17:41.40DanettYou mean like the rate?
17:41.40voipmasta[TK]D-Fender: Advertised as, not always true
17:41.43DanettI think it's 1:5
17:41.58znoGso, in theory, can I get an E1 connection going from a Lucent Definity to a an Asterisk E1 card?
17:41.59*** part/#asterisk bprice20 (
17:42.06docelm0Danett, if it goes down what is the max time they say before they will have it back up?
17:42.09voipmastaMost xDSL providers will offer certain speed, but you'll rarely get it
17:42.13docelm04 hours, next business day, etc?
17:42.18Danettdocelm0: I did not check that
17:42.35docelm0Danett, if its 4 hour than your SLA is that of a PRI so it would be almost the same..
17:42.58DanettI still think it's worth the costs
17:43.21docelm0Danett, depends on how mission critical uptime is..
17:43.32Danett1.5MBIT SDSL , 75 Euro
17:43.36docelm0Danett, if you need 99.999% then sDSL isnt the way to go
17:43.58Kattydocelm0: why did you say i was single anyway?
17:44.00DanettI'll keep that in mind
17:44.07Danetti should run a test with it
17:44.11Kattydocelm0: what brought this up?
17:44.12docelm0Katty, your prof's say single and looking for a chic
17:44.22Kattyoh. that.
17:44.32docelm0salviadud, is looking for a chic he can woo with his latiness
17:44.48tzangerhe makes excellent lattes
17:44.56Qwell[]That's be latteness
17:45.05docelm0he is LATIN
17:45.09docelm0so LATINess
17:45.24noky2006-04-03 14:08:18 WARNING[14231]: app_voicemail.c:6260 load_config: Failed to load configuration file. Module not activated.
17:45.33tzangerohhh latinness
17:45.44Kattylooks aren't everything
17:45.45nokyif i put in modules.conf "load =>" appears errors
17:46.02filenoky, it's a warning - not an error, and it just means voicemail.conf doesn't exist so voicemail isn't going to work
17:46.03nokywhat am i doing wrong ?
17:46.26Kattyi mean, file looks smashing
17:46.33Kattybut it's his brains i like
17:46.33fileKatty: ooh thanks
17:46.55nokyi call voicemai.conf xD
17:46.58nokysorry :x
17:47.09Qwell[]Katty: smashing?
17:47.36tzangerfile: you're a bad -users poster :-(
17:47.39docelm0Qwell, she converted to england english
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17:47.58docelm0What's up with -users and -biz I havent got anything from either one in a few
17:48.01ManxPowernoky, create a valid /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf and you won't get that error.
17:48.02Lino`british english, cisco hates me for that
17:48.03Kattyoh. i do that sometimes.
17:48.04tzangerthey come and go
17:48.09*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
17:48.18Kattyespecially when i talk to ukers all day.
17:48.29Lino`loik when oi troi tou immitaete that cocknay accent
17:48.43ManxPowerDanett, Where is the other end of the SDSL going to?
17:48.51docelm0ManxPower, the CO..  :)
17:49.01Lino`those who watch family guy know what i mean
17:49.02salviadudi speak british english too
17:49.02salviadudi got some prank calls on mixmonitor
17:49.02salviadudi call a rehab clinic in new york
17:49.02salviadudits crazy
17:49.04trelane_Lino`, oi fucker stop!
17:49.15tzangeryeah but the problem with Cockney isn't the accent, it's trying to figure out what the hell they're saying because they want to do that 3 degrees of separation so you have to try and guess at what it is they actually said
17:49.29Lino`yeah ;)
17:49.41Lino`well you have the same problem with japanese
17:50.01tzangeractually I have a bigger problem with Japanese... I don't speak it at all
17:50.13docelm0I eat it..  Does that count
17:50.28Lino`if you are like looking it up in the dictionary you get totally crazy ("wtf does that idiot want to say?")
17:50.40docelm0Japanese..  man they know what they are doin..  Good to the last drop..
17:51.02Lino`but they don't know what they're talking
17:51.07docelm0Actually most if not all oriental food..  except tiah..  that shit makes me ill...
17:51.21docelm0Lino`, who said they had to talk to be good..  :)
17:51.31docelm0Lino`, its alot like Katty
17:51.33Lino`at least I don't know what they're talking - but i'm a gaijin i'm allowed to do that.
17:52.02Lino`not-japanese-idiot ;)
17:52.09Danettdocelm0: reliability: 96,6 % on the SDSL line
17:52.13salviadudwhere are you from lino?
17:52.23docelm0Danett, then stick with it.
17:52.32docelm0Danett, if your happy with those numbers
17:52.34Kattydocelm0: i resent that!
17:52.41Kattydocelm0: you better not be calling me dumb :P
17:52.56Lino`germany ;)
17:52.57docelm0Katty, what?  I said your good and dont have to talk to be that way..
17:53.03salviadudund keine eier!
17:53.14docelm0Katty, and if I were to call you dumb..  well..  I would just flat out say it..
17:53.16Lino`und keine eier means: and no eggs
17:53.17Qwell[]salviadud: not even hard boiled?
17:53.18wasimand you run and you run to catch up with the sun ...
17:53.29docelm0And damn if noone caught my underlying tone about japanese..
17:53.30Lino`lol @ qwell ;)
17:53.45salviadudi only know that because i like tool
17:53.59docelm0salviadud, check out Ramstein
17:54.11salviadudrammstein are the backstreet boys of germany maaaan
17:54.12Kattydocelm0: whoo!
17:54.14docelm0most if not all of their shit is german
17:54.17salviadudeverybody knows that
17:54.17Lino`what the fuck?
17:54.31Lino`rammstein backstreet boys of germany lol
17:54.31docelm0Katty, woo what?
17:54.31afrosheen96.6%? That's a shitty SLA
17:54.44Lino`that is sooooo untrue ;)=
17:55.05salviadudwell, i'm just joking, there are heavier bands though
17:55.06tzanger< salviadud> rammstein are the backstreet boys of germany maaaan
17:55.07Lino`forget german music.
17:55.30Lino`there is no good german music, except when you listen to some heavy stuff.
17:55.30docelm0I like germany..  I did a tour there for a month
17:55.37Lino`so where have you been?
17:55.38afrosheencome on man, Da Da Da was great
17:55.47Lino`thats older than me
17:55.48tzangeryes forget German music.  Embrace German beer and frauelines!
17:55.49docelm0Lino`, who me?
17:55.54BeirdoLino`: good thing you are German saying something like that
17:56.04wasimblonde long legged fraulines
17:56.13Lino`everybody knows that german music sucks
17:56.13docelm0Germany, England, Pakastan, Phillipnes, and Saudi
17:56.13salviadudhilfe hilfe!
17:56.17Beirdobecause otherwise a German might get pissed at ya :)
17:56.20Lino`no i mean where in germany ;)
17:56.25salviadudyou know what i really like from germany
17:56.29salviadudder schlangemann
17:56.35Lino`der schlangenmann?
17:56.35salviadudder schangemann rocks!
17:56.35afrosheensalviadud: you must have played Return to Castle Wolfenstein in multiplayer
17:56.36docelm0Ramstein AFB
17:56.42Qwell[]what?  No such thing as good german music?
17:56.44docelm0I dont rememebr the town..  I think frankfurt?
17:56.49salviadudjabol!, mein fuhrer
17:56.53salviadudyeah, i played that game
17:57.04tzangerafrosheen: I'm still trying to figure out what "Gunnerstchoffel" means... the guards used to shout that the odd time in that game
17:57.05afrosheenQwell: well what do you expect from big fans of David Hasselhoff ;)
17:57.08salviadudi play evertying ID shoots up
17:57.16Qwell[]afrosheen: okay, I'll give you that
17:57.16tzangerafrosheen: actually no that was original ID Wolfenstein, not Return to
17:57.28Lino`frankfurt is the largest german airport
17:57.36Lino`if you are coming from america, you'll be there.
17:57.41afrosheensecond is maybe, what, dusseldorf?
17:57.42tzangerfrankfurt is the namesake of some damn tasty saussage too
17:57.56*** join/#asterisk nortex (
17:58.00Lino`frankfurt, duesseldorf, muenchen (munich?)
17:58.00wasimmmmh ... sausages and beer and fraulines
17:58.02salviadudwell, i happen to love german beer
17:58.05Lino`something like that ;)
17:58.05docelm0Lino`, I was on the base most of the time..  Didnt do much but party
17:58.13Lino`rhein main
17:58.30salviadudand german pr0n!!!
17:58.31afrosheengermany has some great wines as well
17:58.38tzangerdon't forget sauerkraut, coffee cake, pastries, rolladen (!!!!) and damn near anything coming out of a German kitchen
17:58.39salviadudlino, hook us up with some german pr0n!
17:58.43Lino`all you remember is the alcohol
17:58.46afrosheensome great rieslings
17:58.59tzanger<-- german heritage
17:59.06*** part/#asterisk Tenkawa (n=Tenkawa@unaffiliated/Tenkawa)
17:59.20salviadudi remember i was in a german hotel, and the pr0n would be free for the first 2 minutes
17:59.20docelm0Lino`, I remember the beer is served warm and shit is as thick as molasses
17:59.26tzangerrolladen is *the* food of the gods
17:59.27salviadudi watched 1:45 of pr0n
17:59.32afrosheensalviadud: that's all you need right
17:59.32tzangerI'm drooling just thinking about it
17:59.32salviadudthen changed back to another chan
17:59.34Lino`thats cool, i just have to throw germany into the ring and almost everybody is like woah cool germany, beer, fraeuleins, wurst, wine, etc.
17:59.42tzangerlooks like little logs of shit but oh man do they taste amazing
17:59.44[TK]D-Fendertzanger : nO, THAT'D BE BACLAVA :)
17:59.54tzangerespecially when the cook does not cheat and actually DICES the bacon
17:59.55docelm0screw p0rn..  German chic's are easy if you are american..  :)
17:59.58Lino`@tzanger rolladen is the thing you put in front of the windows.
18:00.07afrosheendocelm0: how about the chick from Run Lola Run
18:00.08salviadudeasier if you're latin
18:00.08Lino`you mean rouladen
18:00.16tzangerLino`: yes sorry rouladen
18:00.16sevard[TK]D-Fender: So.. the eyeBeam does not work with *
18:00.19tzangerI always spell it wrong
18:00.22docelm0salviadud, ass
18:00.23sevard[TK]D-Fender: did i get that right?
18:00.34[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : And American women are easy if you're European :)  Just goes to show they can't be happy with what they've got :)
18:00.38Lino`rouladen with or without cabbage?
18:00.39tzanger[TK]D-Fender: I don't think I have had baclava before, and a balaclava you do not eat
18:00.40sevardwazzzup docelm0
18:00.47tzangerat least not unless you're absolutely starving
18:00.49wasimall women are difficult if you're a paki
18:00.50docelm0sup sevard..
18:00.53[TK]D-Fendersevard : Sure it does, its just that the ENDPOINTS had better be talking the same codec....
18:00.56afrosheenwasim: lol
18:01.05salviadudwasim, arabian girls rock...
18:01.09salviadudi love them big eyes
18:01.13afrosheenhe needs to strengthen his pimp hand
18:01.15salviadudthe funky dances...
18:01.29sevard[TK]D-Fender: I thought if the server didn't support the codec the endpoints were talking there wouldn't be communication
18:01.29docelm0[TK]D-Fender, Dude.. American chic's are easy no matter what..  1 drink is all you need.. Just ask Katty
18:01.29tzangerLino`: without.  bacon, onions, sals und pfeffer...  some other spices maybe... roll it up in thin strips of beef and bake/roast/whatever... oh lord I'm so hungry now
18:01.29afrosheenlol @ docelm0
18:01.35Lino`thats a classic roulade
18:01.38[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : Baclava is a Greek pastry with a LOT of honey (drenched in it actually) and is literally means "food of the gods"
18:01.49Lino`you can get it at every "metzger"
18:01.56sevardBaclava is good stuff.
18:01.57Lino`which is the butchers
18:02.00Kattydocelm0: i am /not/ easy.
18:02.00docelm0baclava RULES!
18:02.00Lino`i know ;)
18:02.02[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : Canadian beer maybe... you'd need a 24 of "American" ;)
18:02.03tzanger[TK]D-Fender: ahh... I'd have to try that
18:02.08afrosheentranslating for the rest of us :)
18:02.10Lino`american beer sucks
18:02.15afrosheencanadian beer lol
18:02.18tzangermy gf's mom makes some WICKED food... I love her cooking
18:02.19Lino`at least the beer you get in texas
18:02.20docelm0Katty, I wouldnt know but ok
18:02.24salviadudyeah, american beer is piss
18:02.34[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Baclaca ROCKS, and leaves you no illusions of it not being loaded to death with sugar :D
18:02.35Lino`(ooooh i shouldt know how american beer tastes like wooooo)
18:02.39Kattyi wouldn't recommend finding a female in a bar
18:02.46afrosheenthere are some decent microbrewed stuff but for the most part, yeah, american beer sucsk
18:02.52Lino`thats the good thing in germany: you're allowed to drink as soon as youre 16
18:02.54Kattydon't know where those girls have been.
18:02.54tzangerI really miss my omi's coffee cakes and birthday cakes... and roasts, and hamburgers, and oh hell, damn near everything she made
18:03.11docelm0Katty, I prefer church..  they are rochier..
18:03.15docelm0err ronchier
18:03.18Lino`and in fact you can even buy "schnaps" when you're 12
18:03.22salviadudlino, here in mexico, you can drink when you're 15. if you play it right, haha
18:03.28docelm0Ill stick with my rolling rock
18:03.28[TK]D-FenderI went a  micro-brewery / steak-house in the US.... was excellent actually.... its the bottled stuff thats worthless...
18:03.32tzangerafrosheen: yeah in Michigan there is a microbrew that I think is called something with "Deer" in it -- nice restaurant and microbrew together, some damn fine beer
18:03.38Lino`yeah @ salviadud ;)
18:03.41afrosheenLino`: one thing I like about germany is the extremely strict drunken driving policy
18:04.28tzangerand Yuengling in Pittsburgh was AMAZING before it became popular
18:04.29[TK]D-Fenderafrosheen : I think that has to do with the lack of speed limits on the autobahn....
18:04.29Lino`0.05 percent of alcohol in your blood and you're gone
18:04.29tzangerthere is something to be said for the German society... a society that takes its beermaking soooooooooo seriously there are laws about what can and can't go into it
18:04.29afrosheenLino`: one drunken driving and you're finished, no question asked
18:04.29Lino`not exactly
18:04.32Lino`you pay a fine
18:04.35docelm0tzanger, what do you know about Pittsburgh?
18:04.38[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Sounds more like "the fix is in" to me...
18:04.44Lino`and if youre german you may lose your license
18:04.48tzangerdocelm0: parent company is there
18:04.52Lino`but if youre a foreigner you cant lose your license here
18:04.54afrosheenLino`: that's what I'm talking about, germans losing their licenses
18:04.58docelm0tzanger, what company is that?
18:05.00tzanger[TK]D-Fender: "the fix is in" ?
18:05.05tzangerdocelm0: Benshaw, Inc.
18:05.11afrosheenand it's very very hard and expensive to get a german license to begin with
18:05.16docelm0tzanger, they hiring?   Im from Pittsburgh..  :)
18:05.18Lino`but foreigners have to pay the fine twice, once for the offence and once for not losing their license
18:05.24afrosheenthat rules
18:05.24Lino`oh yeah
18:05.25tzangerdocelm0: if you're familliar with northern pittsburg there is a ginormous factory on Route 8 that you cannot miss
18:05.36sevardafrosheen: I heard that if an official sees a spot of dust on your license they charge you like 5,000 and remove your license
18:05.39Lino`it costs around 1200€ to get a license here
18:05.44docelm0tzanger, its been awhile..  But Im sure I could find it.
18:05.49tzangerdocelm0: glenshaw/shaler area
18:05.53docelm0ohh ok
18:05.56afrosheenLino`: that doesn't include private driving school either right
18:06.03Lino`that includes everything
18:06.05afrosheenI see
18:06.09*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
18:06.13afrosheenit's gotten cheaper then
18:06.22Lino`no, we have a new currency
18:06.23[TK]D-Fendertzanger : as in rigged to keep out competition...
18:06.25afrosheenalot of kids used to get it as a graduation gift
18:06.32AssidApr  1 02:15:36 WARNING[5450]: chan_iax2.c:691 jb_warning_output: Resyncing the jb. last_delay -472, this delay -4667, threshold 1010, new offset 8863
18:06.38tzanger[TK]D-Fender: ahhh
18:06.39afrosheen6 out of 10 pass the driving test, the it over
18:06.39Assiderr.. whats up?
18:06.47afrosheenor is it 4 out of 10
18:06.51Assidwhy is jitterbuffer going crazy
18:06.52Lino`it depends on where you want to get your license
18:07.03Lino`if youre where i live you pay between 1200 and 2000
18:07.15Lino`if you live in the south you may pay twice the amount
18:07.17docelm0Lino`, Military is free..
18:07.24Lino`but try to get into the army first
18:07.46afrosheenjoin the german antiterror squad :)
18:08.02Lino`army is something which is compulsory here
18:08.07afrosheenthey get some cool Adidas..they're not shelltoes but they're still cool
18:08.23docelm0My international drivers license didnt cost anything.. I showed my geneva convention id card and US drivers license and they gave me one
18:08.32Lino`in germany?
18:08.38afrosheenGCID wtf is that
18:08.44Lino`because you are an american (?) guest
18:08.46*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
18:09.25Lino`when i went to my "musterung" which is physical examination for the military service
18:09.49Lino`i was like "wooohoooohooohooo i want to join the army and shoot some guys, yeah!"
18:09.52docelm0Lino`, American Miliary
18:09.54docelm0Air Force
18:10.00Lino`german bundeswehr
18:10.18_Paulo_but in Europe they have good public transport systems, no?
18:10.26Lino`they were like "ok, your tests are fine your knowledge is good but youre a psychopath, go away!"
18:10.36Lino`yes we do have good public transport.
18:10.44Lino`but its fricken expensive
18:11.00afrosheendemocratic socialism is expensive
18:11.10afrosheenyou guys get taxed out the wazzoo right
18:11.15Lino`we dont have something like that here, thats in france.
18:12.25Lino`(ok folks here like to strike as well, in some parts of germany the garbage men are on strike, garbage piles up several meters now)
18:12.55_Paulo_In Brazil we are taxed our skin off, and yet the public services like transport and health are crap crap crap.
18:13.27Lino`taxes are also very high here
18:13.45tsume_Paulo_: we are good here in the USA :)
18:13.48Lino`income tax (depends on your income) ~42% + several other taxes
18:13.57Lino`VAT: 16% - will be increased to 19% next year
18:14.12afrosheen_Paulo_: you can come here for a few bucks, just bring a canoe to the mexican border
18:14.18afrosheenit's wide open
18:14.21salviadudlino, are you really a psycho?
18:14.23znoG_Paulo_: i'm in Argentina and we're pretty similar to .br :)
18:14.23Lino`+ tax for everything: gas, garbage, land
18:14.29Lino`of course not @ salviadud
18:14.40tsume_Paulo_: you should move here ;) you get so bored you'd become in some group. Some people are so bored they have to hate us zoophiles who also have relationships with animals ;) Screw the PETA
18:14.44[TK]D-FenderLino` : VAT... the only "value" that feels like its been added is to the TOTAL cost...
18:14.50Lino`i just went there and said i want to shoot many people and dance on their graves etc
18:15.01afrosheenlol @ tsume
18:15.03_Paulo_znoG, I lived in Buenos Aires for some time a couple years ago.
18:15.11Lino`@ fender, i dont pay vat so i dont care
18:15.13znoG_Paulo_: yeah? where abouts?
18:15.16tsumeafrosheen: PETA murders animals.
18:15.21salviadudlino, most army personel do that
18:15.26afrosheenzoophiles hahahah I can picture you molesting a kangaroo
18:15.27salviadudbut they are more discreet about it
18:15.29Lino`thats the evil thing, if youre doing commercial stuff you dont have to pay vat)
18:15.40tsumeafrosheen: excuse me? that is called beastility
18:15.47_Paulo_znoG, I worked for Impsat.
18:15.51afrosheenoops ;)
18:15.51*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
18:15.51tsumeafrosheen: rape is not looked at kindly in the zoophile world
18:16.00znoG_Paulo_: hah, i have a friend that works for them. How long were you here for?
18:16.19_Paulo_znoG, about 1 year.
18:16.22tsumefurry and zoo, but straight ;)
18:16.54tsumethough, I find most of the straights with humans intresting, they all love being gay with animals. I stay straight with both though :)
18:17.03*** join/#asterisk Ansonmus (
18:17.14afrosheendude you can't possibly be serious
18:17.17_Paulo_tsume, I dont move to EUA because they laws about weed are away too severe.
18:17.20[TK]D-Fenderok, this is just getting a little TOO wierd for me....
18:17.24afrosheenno no
18:17.32tsumeafrosheen: turn off pictures, and read the zoophile section
18:17.33znoG_Paulo_: nice... where were you born?
18:17.46tsume_Paulo_: *oh* thanks
18:17.59_Paulo_znoG, Brazil, Sao Paulo
18:18.10*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (n=Guest430@
18:18.38tsumeafrosheen: I don't understand it myself, but I like dominating on relationships ;). non-humans have different rules of engagement. Mostly the alpha command. If you're alpha, it is the consent.
18:19.24afrosheenwhat's the date today
18:19.39afrosheencoz it sure looks like April 1st
18:20.37Hmmhesaysanyone keeps logs of this channel?
18:20.46HmmhesaysI need the ip that I last logged in from
18:20.47tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, Baklava is actually turkish.
18:21.15tzafrirMixing Turks and Greeks is a sure way of insulting some of them
18:21.42*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
18:21.43tzafrirTasty, nevertheless
18:21.45[TK]D-Fendertzanger : News to me....
18:22.01afrosheenbaklava also has almonds or chopped nuts in it too right?
18:22.11tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, confusing tza and tza again? ;-)
18:23.10[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : only a little!
18:23.35tzafrirAnyway, I'm off
18:24.35tzangerI hate nuts in my food
18:24.43Qwell[]tzanger: don't we all
18:24.51tzangerI love to eat peanuts, almonds, etc. but just not in my food and certainly not in my dessert
18:25.52*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
18:26.01*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:26.12[TK]D-FenderNuts are good for little else except as snacks & dessert fixings......
18:26.23*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:27.07AnsonmusCan anyone look at  some problems using BRI + Asterisk
18:27.21*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
18:27.29[av]banifalafel <3
18:27.43[av]banishawarma <3
18:27.49[av]baniall no good for the arteries /o\
18:30.35[TK]D-Fendermmm shawarma....
18:30.51[TK]D-FenderI love the "Amir" chain we've got here....
18:31.08[av]banionly have one good lebanese place in town.. this city sucks
18:31.12[av]baniand i'll be glad when i leave
18:31.26[ProB]CrazyMananybody here using the german voip provider gmx or 1und1?
18:31.38Abydos313shawarma with lots of humus and tahini is great :))
18:31.50nokymy voicemail is running ! :>
18:31.59nortexAnybody here go to the Asterisk Bootcamp last week in KC?
18:32.02nokycan i compress the message in mp3 ?
18:32.04nokyformat=mp3 ?
18:32.08nokyin voicemail.conf....
18:33.15[TK]D-Fendernoky : Whats the point?  at WAV its already pretty light.....
18:33.26*** join/#asterisk ygguh2 (
18:33.26nokyWAV is the same that wav ?
18:33.38[TK]D-Fendernoky : Not quite.
18:33.52nokyall right... thanks
18:34.14[TK]D-Fendernoky : I'm referring to the Windows WAV.  8khz 8 bit mono is very light as it is and thats full-line quality.
18:34.51hwthm, i have some problem doing inward dialing with asterisk.
18:35.01hwt is my extensions (incoming context) and modules.conf
18:35.15hwtam i missing some modules or something? it doesn't seem to register dtmf at all.
18:35.22hwtjust times out and PLayback(goodbye).
18:35.23*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
18:35.28noky[TK]D-Fender: but, could set format mp3 ?
18:35.42Qwell[]noky: no
18:35.44nokyi understand ur point.
18:35.49Qwell[]noky: format_mp3 can't write, only read
18:37.27hwtwhat modules are needed?
18:37.30nokyand can i set a timeout to record voicemail ?
18:37.43Qwell[]noky: explain
18:37.47hwtshould only require dial, shouldn't it? or am i missing some dtmfread or something.
18:38.28*** join/#asterisk dhthomas (
18:38.52[TK]D-Fenderhwt : pastebin a call where you try to ent a valid extension....
18:38.55jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
18:38.58nokycan i set a timeout to record my message ? .. and then Asterisk hang up ?
18:39.23nokyi must to modify my extension.conf... ?
18:39.29*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (i=Privatee@CRIMSON.OFF-HOURS.COM)
18:39.46_Paulo_noky, look at the "t" or the "extension
18:40.02_Paulo_"T", i mean
18:40.28hwt[TK]D-Fender: so there's nothing there, basically.
18:40.46miller7anyone knows what "Don't know what to do with control frame 15" means? Google does not help. I am trying to use txfax (which shows this error)
18:41.00miller7it's on   channel.c:2429 __ast_request_and_dial
18:41.13*** join/#asterisk |cleric| (n=dacleric@
18:41.21[TK]D-Fenderhwt : Does it hang up almost instantly?
18:41.25_Paulo_miller7, app_txfax is not very polished, I think
18:41.33*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
18:41.46miller7_Paulo_: I know but I don't know what this might be... I can receive faxes nicely
18:41.46nokymy xmms doesn't play a file in wav49 :(
18:41.51_Paulo_miller7, iaxmodem is a lot better.
18:42.34hwt[TK]D-Fender: no, waits a few sec.
18:42.42_Paulo_miller7, the logs that interests to help improve app_rxfax stay on the senders machine
18:43.04hwt[TK]D-Fender: seems normal, except that it doesn't work to enter extension.
18:43.12_Paulo_miller7, but for app_txfax, they are on receiver machine
18:43.40_Paulo_miller7, I think coppice receive a lot more feedback for app_rxfax than for app_txfax
18:43.55_Paulo_miller7, so expect app_rxfax to perform better.
18:44.15[TK]D-Fenderhwt : What is the call coming in from?
18:44.24*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=usahnem@
18:44.58_Paulo_miller7, I had the same problem, the last iaxmodem solved it, now I'm happy with app_rxfax and iaxmodem+hylafax.
18:45.00hwt[TK]D-Fender: sip proxy.
18:45.06hwt[TK]D-Fender: using register =>
18:45.08znoG_Paulo_: what hardware are you running iaxmodem on?
18:45.14hwt[TK]D-Fender: basically a normal sip account.
18:45.25_Paulo_znoG, Digiums TE110P
18:45.43s0lidhi im having a problem compiling zaptel with centos SMP kernel
18:45.44znoG_Paulo_: ah, no wonder you receive them OK :)
18:45.56salviadudim going home!
18:46.05hwt[TK]D-Fender: tried now, seems like it times out anyway. maybe i should use dtmf=inbound or something.
18:46.10salviadudpaulo, talk to ya later man
18:46.13_Paulo_bye salviadud
18:46.40znoG_Paulo_: im using a FXO card
18:47.05hwt[TK]D-Fender: uhm, "inband".
18:47.58_Paulo_znoG, look if you are sharing interrupts with some other card.
18:47.59Hmmhesayshey [TK]D-Fender you keeps logs of this channel?
18:48.17hwt[TK]D-Fender: that did the trick, however i get a: app_dial.c:980 dial_exec_full: Dial argument takes format (technology/[device:]number1)
18:48.20Lino`good german supper
18:48.25hwt[TK]D-Fender: which i guess i can figure out. :)
18:48.49znoG_Paulo_:  12: 1135638764          XT-PIC  VIA686A, wcfxo
18:49.06_Paulo_znoG, aha, eureka!
18:50.15*** join/#asterisk miller7- (
18:50.21Assidargh.. again RTC errors
18:50.21*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
18:50.27Assidwhy is my life full of RTC issues
18:50.36znoG_Paulo_: you think that might be the prob?
18:50.51miller7-_Paulo_: sorry but I missed almost all you said about fax :( IRC cut me off
18:50.53_Paulo_You should not share interrupts.
18:51.08_Paulo_miller7, the logs that interests to help improve app_rxfax stay on the senders machine
18:51.08miller7-_Paulo_: can you please be kind enough to paste them in a private msg?
18:51.14_Paulo_miller7, but for app_txfax, they are on receiver machine
18:51.54*** join/#asterisk peted20 (n=chatzill@
18:52.35AnsonmusCan anyone take a look to my zapata.conf placed on:  on the bottom I've placed some questions
18:53.33_Paulo_znoG, at least with these fxo/fxs digium boards, I think if you share interrupts, you will get frame slips and it will ruin your faxing..
18:53.48znoG_Paulo_: i'm going to try on another server now that is not sharing irq
18:54.32[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Nope....
18:54.57_Paulo_znoG, I think you can look at your bios setup, there you can make irq reservation.
18:58.21*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
18:58.49DanettSDSL: avail: 99,6% (with the biggest telco in .nl), 1mbit/up/down
18:59.15Danettmaximum of 16hours for repair
18:59.43*** join/#asterisk gammacoder (
19:00.10docelm0Danett, yes?
19:00.19DanettPretty good right?
19:00.29docelm0Danett, compair that with PRI
19:00.39docelm0Danett, you do the math
19:01.42docelm0err compare..
19:01.49docelm0typical monday..
19:01.57DanettOn corporate SDSL this applies: 99.9%, repairs within 8 hours
19:02.09Danett1024/1024  € 69,95
19:02.32docelm0Thats not too bad..  in the US our DS3 or T1's are 4 Hour SLA with 99.9
19:03.02docelm0but like I said.. depends on what your companies need is.  If you need something 100% then you need to get as close as you can to it
19:04.07DanettHowever: The line is 1:20
19:04.13*** join/#asterisk x3me (n=x3me@
19:04.14DanettTwice the money for 1:10
19:04.19x3medoes anybody uses wildfire with asterisk-im plugin ?
19:04.33x3mei cant connect to the asterisk server in the asterisk-im web interface...
19:04.36*** part/#asterisk Trucker55 (
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19:07.03docelm0What is 1:10? or 1:20?
19:07.21docelm0Qwell, no shit there bub..
19:07.31Qwell[]oversubscription ratio
19:07.32*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
19:08.04Danettthat one yeah ;)
19:08.16docelm0Danett, ohh ok..  Well like I said..  If your willing to accept the outcome if something happened to your 2M sDSL connection then go for it.  But depends on what your company needs as far as stability
19:08.54docelm0for me..  8 or 16 hours is too long.  It would put us out of business..  We need < 4 hours..
19:09.18docelm0We have SLA on our hardware and telco drops as 4 hours or less no matter the issue
19:09.47*** part/#asterisk s0lid (n=usahnem@
19:10.04*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
19:10.56nokymy xmms doesn't play a file in wav49 :(
19:11.08macTijnis there "alternative" firmware for a snom360 ?
19:11.36*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
19:11.53macTijnsomething that's like openwrt vs the default wrt software
19:12.13*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
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19:13.43GivurI have a problem with several IAX2 Softphones(for example IDEFISK) and Asterisk when Originate a call. When I originate to a extension what use Dial() with the Holding-Music Option everything is working fine, when I originate to an extension what use dial without the holding music I hear nothing. I have posted my test-case at
19:13.55[ProB]CrazyManähm anybody know an reason why german voip provider 1und1 and gmx do not transmit the leading 00 from the international number ?
19:14.18Lino`ähm ;)
19:14.18Qwell[][ProB]CrazyMan: call them and ask?
19:14.32Lino`warscheinlich weil jede nummer mit nem + davor Ă¼bertragen wird? ;)
19:14.42Zodiacalis this site working for anyone else? or is it broken?
19:14.45*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
19:14.54Lino`not working
19:14.58Lino`Please ensure both the install/ and contrib/ directories are deleted
19:15.15Lino`someone isnt able to install a phpbb ;)
19:15.43[ProB]CrazyManQwell[]: now there is nobody there ... just recogniced it as somebody told me he got somebody else on the phone when he hit the callback button ..
19:16.46jbalcombCan anyone recommend thier favorite system monitoring package? I'm looking at big Sister right now.
19:16.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
19:17.10Skidnagios/altera/bigbrother (crap imo)/bespoke ones?
19:17.55jbalcombi've heard of nagios. i think we use to use that at VerIO. thanks.
19:18.29Skidnagios with sms/other custom addons is probably your best bet
19:18.30*** join/#asterisk rajiv|work (n=rajiv@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
19:18.33Skidjust a bitch to configure :)
19:18.57stoffellSkid, but for that you could use "fruity" :)
19:19.00Lino`dunno wether theres patrol for linux
19:19.21Lino`monitoring software
19:19.44stoffellSkid, that's a webbased config tool for nagios.. (you still need to know some 'insides' of nagios though..)
19:20.01Skidpersonally, I'd rather do a bare bones configuration ;0
19:20.05Lino`no patrol for linux -.-
19:20.09znoGnagios is hard to configure in which sense?
19:20.22*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
19:20.25SkidznoG: if you can't read it's hard :)
19:20.28stoffellSkid, me too, but that means I have to do all the config things, but I prefer outsourcing to colleagues :p
19:20.31Skidreading the manual, and you'll be fine
19:20.44Skidstoffell: delegation is the way forward.. unless your staff do FA anyway ;)
19:20.47*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
19:22.04*** join/#asterisk heka (n=Mango@
19:22.26hekaHello, anybody can help me regarding jitter buffer patch for sip?
19:24.32jbalcombSeems like Nagios is well respected by the community. I'll give it a go. Thanks again Skid
19:24.45tzangerheka: use the testing branch of oej's
19:24.51Assidcan SMP/SMT cause RTC issues?
19:25.04Skidno problem :)
19:25.49hekatzanger: Im using ast_jb-1.2.0.patch3 with version 1.2.0 of asterisk
19:26.34hekatzanger: and asterisk is getting segfaulted when trying to send a call using LCdial
19:26.39tzangerheka: a LOT has gone into it since 1.2.0
19:26.55tzangerif you want to run new features you need to run a current version of asterisk
19:27.51hekatzanger: I dont need new fetures realy. I have to make only sip to sip calls in high lattency networks
19:28.06tzangerI understand
19:28.11tzangerbut you want a new feature (sip jitter buffer)
19:28.20heka:) yes!
19:28.36hekais jitter buffer included in the latest version of asterisk?
19:28.49heka(for sip)
19:29.07tzangerheka: not yet
19:29.18Qwell[]heka: no, but there is a branch with it, if I'm not mistaken
19:29.20tzangerbut oej's test-me-please branch has it and he's desperately looking ofr people just like you to hlep him
19:29.26hekabut the patch works, am I right?
19:29.28*** join/#asterisk gbodemantv (n=gbodeman@
19:29.33gbodemantvhey all
19:29.54hekatzanger: ok! I`ll give a try
19:29.54gbodemantvdoes anyone have any idea where I can find call reporting for asterisk
19:30.04gbodemantvis there any built in?
19:30.05*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
19:30.44hekatzanger:   <-- isn`t this?
19:31.52tzangeryou need to /msg oej, he'll tell you
19:32.12hekaoej: ?
19:32.28oejheka: yes that is it. Or test the test-branch - it has got the same jitterbuffer
19:33.02hekaso I have to download from the link i just pasted. am I right?
19:33.03docelm0gbodemantv, define reporting..  CDR's?
19:33.10asterboynice! I just received my Bible.
19:33.13oejheka: yes
19:33.29hekaoej, tzanger: thank you!
19:35.40gbodemantvI mean reports that Call center managers can look at
19:35.44gbodemantvcall stats by user
19:35.52gbodemantvtimes numbers called , etc
19:36.25asterboyWhere would I get my Bible signed?
19:37.09*** join/#asterisk Robert-Strowger (
19:37.25jbot[bible] exageratted way to much, its good to turn to though, but i have no religion
19:38.05Robert-StrowgerDoes anyone else have a problem with the login. Whereas you mistype the user or pass, and it will not ask again unless you close the browser and open a new?
19:38.07Strom_Mjbot, forget bible
19:39.04Qwell[]jbot: bible is see 'thebook'
19:39.05jbot...but bible is already something else...
19:39.12Qwell[]jbot: no, bible is see 'thebook'
19:39.14jbotQwell[]: okay
19:39.27asterboyjbot the bible is a misnomer.  The REAL Bible is an O'Reilly publication called ASTERISK, "The Future of Telephony" by Jim Van Meggelen, Jared Smith and Leif Madsen
19:39.28jbot...but bible is already something else...
19:40.01*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
19:40.12gbodemantvso...about reports
19:40.31gbodemantvis anyone doing department reports off on an asterisk box
19:40.32mog_workheh bible = the book
19:45.31nettieHi guys, I'm still a bit stucked regarding my numbering strategy.. I have some users which use different (soft/hard)phones which are in different locations but would like to have the same mailbox number. anyone have a good solution(s) please? thanx.
19:46.24*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
19:46.28generalhanwhats up all!?
19:48.06generalhani have a little dimlema that i need some help with ... I just bought a TDM40B for my fax machines and found out that i have no molex connectors to give it power, but i have a second server that DOES have that capability, is there a way that i can transfer to that other * server for the fax lines without using IAX or anything, i just dont want to turn my fax machines into FoIP machines.
19:48.57Strom_Mgeneralhan, go to the computer store and get molex splitters / extension cords
19:49.05afrosheengeneralhan: grab a power supply out of another box, thread that molex into the case..or get a Y splitter
19:49.12generalhani have exhasted EVERY option to keep it in this server
19:49.45afrosheengeneralhan: what kind of server doesn't have molex power plugs in it?
19:49.49Strom_Myou mean you have no physical room to put in a Y connector?!
19:49.52generalhanthere are no holes in the server to run a cable from outside, and this stupid DELL has hotswap PS's so everything is fed through the MB, no power cables anywhere
19:50.12generalhanand no ability to get cables in there
19:50.36afrosheenwhat model of dell is it, 2650?
19:50.38generalhanshort of doing the math on the voltage output on other connectors on the MB and getting a transformer to make it work
19:50.46afrosheenwe have 3 of those
19:50.49afrosheeneasy to fix
19:50.52generalhanhow so ?
19:50.55afrosheenthere's a 4 pin connector inside
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19:51.08generalhanwhere ?
19:51.23afrosheenit looks like an SLI power connector or like the 12v motherboard plug
19:51.30afrosheenit's square
19:51.31generalhana :: 4 pin connector ?
19:51.39generalhanat the front by the 2nd SCSI connector
19:51.44generalhanive seen it
19:51.44afrosheenthat's the one
19:51.50generalhanthey told me it was a different voltage
19:51.55afrosheenit's not
19:52.03afrosheenit's just a weird ordering with the cables
19:52.03generalhanim gonna KILL THEM
19:52.19afrosheenthey don't even know, we tried to order a cable for it and they sent us some weird adapter
19:52.34generalhanok so i get that cable and reconfig the pinouts ?
19:52.35afrosheenyou just swap the cables diagonally and it works
19:52.45afrosheenyeah use a voltmeter to probe voltage/ground
19:53.02afrosheenI used to have the drawing we made but can't find it
19:53.07generalhanoh no
19:53.16afrosheenvoltmeter and you're golden
19:53.38generalhanok so you plugged it in up front and ran it behind the HDD Backplane and around the fans and everything back to the PCI chasis ?
19:54.01pigpen2generalhan, I hung an AT powersupply off the back of my Dell 6850 for this function....not pretty ...but it works.
19:54.10afrosheenpigpen's solution works also, we tried that initially :)
19:54.13pigpen2Later I plan to get a pretty Rackmount powersupply.
19:54.22generalhanwell my boss is one of those no "ghetto-rigged" ANYTHING so he wont go for that at all
19:54.25pigpen2do what ya gotta do...
19:54.34*** join/#asterisk Muecke77 (
19:54.40pigpen2Ok..a good Rackmount PS is about $300
19:54.48Strom_Mgeneralhan, oh come on.  duct tape makes everything pretty
19:54.50pigpen2Look in the medical supply industry.
19:54.53afrosheengeneralhan: or you can hack up a molex like we did
19:55.05afrosheenI think dell even supplies a 4pin cable for that connector
19:55.12generalhani would rather do that than try and feed an outside cable into my server
19:55.36afrosheenI warn you though, BE SURE you find all the voltages on those pins then wire it to match a standard molex first
19:56.09generalhansee if i have to leave the case off, or craked at all im screwed ... our office is in Arizona, and if its not sealed properly i will have 5 pounds of dirt and dust in there in a week
19:56.24afrosheenwe did some splicing and soldering, but this is a prototyping company so there are like 5 guys that solder here
19:56.26generalhani wonder if there is a site somewhere that has a pic already made up of that connector
19:56.36pigpen2There are some nice face plates for the back of the system for this "feeding"
19:56.39generalhani can solder pretty well ...
19:56.54pigpen2I am doing this on a $13,000 server...
19:56.55generalhanthe bigger the blob the better the job .... right ?
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19:58.42generalhanany idea what you would call one of those square 4 pin connectors ?
19:59.35generalhanthe square ones not the regular oblong power connectors
19:59.51generalhani have to do some splcing magic to get my TDM40 to work
20:00.15*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
20:01.42asterisking__hi, all. I would like to ask someone about an anomaly behavior with BYE. I use asterisk to control the time of media of our voip-to-pstn calls. But, sometimes, when asterisk receives a BYE from SER, it sent his BYE to the carrier just once. If dont receive an OK, it stays on. And the session continues open. After that, when the calculated time is reached, it send his BYE normally. Was it a bug from the old versions?
20:02.41nokyi have an Asterisk and SER. I can registrate my Asterisk into my SER how can i "forward" the calls that doesn't match with my extensions ? some idea ?
20:04.54*** join/#asterisk QbY (
20:06.14noky, == comas
20:06.24nokyi have an Asterisk and SER. I can registrate my Asterisk into my SER how can i "forward" the calls that doesn't match with my extensions ? some idea ?
20:07.49generalhanafrosheen:i cant find an external PS anywhere like in that article ... you know off hand of a good place to look ?
20:07.51QbYI need a freaking timer for the MeetMe application--the phone server is hosted at 1and1 and each time we try to upgrade the kernel to get the source code so we can build the ztdummy (we don't have zaptel hardware) the server blows..  so........  how the hell can i get a timer?
20:08.13*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
20:08.47Abydos313QbY just go to /usr/src/zaptel and 'make linux26 && make install'  and it fixes my zaptel ztdummy everytime
20:08.54tzangerQbY: buy a $10 X101P from ebay (or a winmodem which is the same thing) and throw it in
20:08.55Abydos313ofcourse reboot
20:09.10tzangerAbydos313: ??
20:09.12tzangeryou don't need to reboot
20:09.20tzangerafter you build it you say "modprobe ztdummy" and it's there
20:09.44Abydos313i figure if you don't know how to fix it you probably don't know how to load and unload modules :)
20:10.12tzangerAbydos313: yeah but rebooting's so... nasty
20:10.14QbYtzanger..  we don't have access to the box
20:10.24tzangerQbY: well that's what the timer is.. hardware :-)
20:10.31Abydos313then modprobe is definately a better option
20:10.32tzangerQbY: build ztdummy and be happy then
20:10.54Abydos313you need to uncomment #ztdummy in Makefile before build
20:10.54*** part/#asterisk asterisking__ (n=root@
20:11.51QbYAbydos..  I do not have kernel sources for the kernel on that box, in order to get kernel sources i have to upgrade the kernel, when i upgrade the kernel the whole box crashes
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20:12.14juuvaztdummy is part of zaptel-package?
20:12.34afrosheengeneralhan: are you getting a rackmount PS?
20:12.39generalhani dont know
20:12.49generalhani think that if thats what digium says ... then ..
20:12.51generalhanya know ?
20:12.57juuvawish I wold known that earlier
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20:13.42generalhani mean im pretty confident in my splicing and soldering abilities, but i would rather just not mess with it if i dont have to... but i dont want to spend $200 just to get a single moles to my server
20:14.05timkelly1980Help! Every call i make to my PRI Zap channel returns: Nobody picked up in 30000ms .
20:14.15timkelly1980New compile of svn source
20:14.22afrosheengeneralhan: if that server is in a rack, there should be another server close to it right?
20:14.25nokymy asterisk register with my SER... but now ?
20:14.26generalhanthere should be a 3 prong power cable on one end and some molex connectors on the other, then i could just run it out of my UPS ! lol
20:14.31nokyhow can i do a call with SER ?
20:14.44generalhanafrosheen, yes my other * server is there
20:15.16timkelly1980Complains: Nobody picked up in 30000ms but it doesn't wait 30secs it returns immediatly after Dial command.
20:15.24afrosheengeneralhan: are they both 2850's?
20:15.26generalhanif there was a way to take my one Voice T-1 cable and split it to 2 servers i could do it that way too and just use the other * serever to handle faxes
20:15.49generalhanno i have 1 PE2850, an HP DL380 G4 and an HP DL320
20:16.05afrosheenwell either one of the other servers will have a spare molex right?
20:16.08juuvadoes ztdummy require something on zaptel.conf to work?
20:16.10generalhanim sure
20:16.20afrosheengeneralhan: so you just need a long molex then
20:16.36generalhanout of the PCI slots of one server into the PCI slots of the * server ?!!!! LOL
20:16.39afrosheengeneralhan: my 2850's have unused expansion plates in the back where I could sneak something in
20:17.03generalhanyea i have one left after the TE210 and the TDM40
20:17.07timkelly1980Hi... Are there any pro's in here that can help me with something weird?
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20:17.08afrosheenthere you go :)
20:17.25afrosheenand if you *really* want to get anal, you can get those pci slot blocks that have external molex connectors on them
20:17.54[TK]D-Fendertimkelly1980 : Just ask your question... we'll never know who'll be qualified till you do anyways...
20:18.20generalhanthats a bit scarry though ... cause then i ALWAYS have to remember that i cant restart one server with out effecting the other ... like if i have to restart, or shut down, the one that im using the molex from then i will lose faxing until i bring it back up
20:18.29*** part/#asterisk asterisking__ (n=root@
20:18.35generalhanSTUPID FREAKING DELLS .... why do they have to do this stupid stuff and think they are helping everyone ?
20:18.41timkelly1980OK: Dial(zap/g1/number,30) returns instantly with timeout response (Nobody picked up in 30000ms).
20:18.48timkelly1980on new build
20:19.09afrosheengeneralhan: welcome to IT
20:19.19[hC]You will want a capital Z on zap, but im not sure if thats necessary.
20:19.33hekaoej: asterisk breaks at #3  0x08095685 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x81b62e0) at pbx.c:2226
20:19.33heka#4  0x080971ec in pbx_thread (data=0x0) at pbx.c:2513
20:19.35timkelly1980it looks similar to bug:
20:19.42timkelly1980but i am not using agi
20:19.42generalhanno PCI slots to run the moilex OUT of the other server
20:19.42hekausing LCdial!
20:19.45generalhanthis is just impossible
20:19.55afrosheengeneralhan: well you have 2 other servers right
20:19.58nokyhow can i do a call with SER ?
20:20.04bkw_[hC], case doesn't matter
20:20.10bkw_heka, you'll need to talk to the LCdial guy
20:20.13[hC]bkw_: 10-4.
20:20.21afrosheennoky: why are you using SER to begin with
20:20.23generalhanwell i have the old * server, the new * server, and my Windows server for AD and roaming profiles
20:20.33bkw_afrosheen, because ser scales higher on SIP than asterisk can
20:20.35bkw_i'm sure thats why
20:20.46afrosheengeneralhan: one *has* to have an open pci slot
20:21.15generalhani think the 380 might .. i need to go crawl behind some stuff here to find out ... lol ... ill be back
20:21.20hekabkw_: this is wat I wanted to be sure. so the problem may the call format. isnt it?
20:21.34bkw_heka, API changed I bet
20:21.38bkw_and its doing the WRONG thing now
20:21.49generalhanis there a PCI card that has a molex on the INSIDE of the PCI plate ? then i dont have to open either of them up !!!!
20:22.09hwtwhat do i do to get rid of these:     -- Got SIP response 482 "Loop Detected" back from
20:22.27hwtApr  3 20:24:31 WARNING[3486]: channel.c:2543 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'Local'
20:22.32tzangerhwt: stop creating loops :-)
20:22.35afrosheengeneralhan: hmmm..maybe
20:22.53hwttzanger: i'm dialing from the inside, to the inside, via the external number.
20:22.53generalhanwhere would i look for something like that ?
20:22.54afrosheengeneralhan: like...a molex plate that has, say, a 12V wall wart plugged into it from the outside
20:23.14hwttzanger: so i'm placed in the incoming context. i don't see why that should be a problem.
20:23.14ManxPowerhwt, canreinvite=no
20:23.16Assiderr.. how do i force a music on hold
20:23.21*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
20:23.22generalhanwell that would be even better cause i could run it off the UPS
20:23.25Assidlike if i want to have an extewnsion which only plays the MOH
20:23.45afrosheengeneralhan: you know what, get an external HD enclosure, done!
20:23.45hwtAssid: isn't that just an app?
20:23.46ManxPowerAssid, "show application dial"  Pay special attention to the "m" option, but you know that already
20:23.57ManxPowerAssid, "show applications like music"
20:24.04afrosheenthat's 4 pin molex, externally powered
20:24.05tzangerhwt: I don't know your system but I'm just about to leave too
20:24.06Assiderr.. yeah got it
20:24.13generalhanbut i meant like on the PCI plate it has the Molex connector on each side one INSIDE and one OUTSIDE, then i could connect it from the inside on both and not have to leave a PCI plate off to run a cable through it
20:24.15Assidjust did,.. MusicOnHold()
20:24.20mockerI'm having a problem w/ using the 'hint' priority in a Macro
20:24.26mockerIs that supported?
20:24.37Qwell[]mocker: in a Macro?
20:24.38afrosheengeneralhan: that's how they're built but that external HD enclosure is perfect
20:24.52Qwell[]You need to subscribe to a doesn't actually execute
20:24.52[TK]D-Fendermocker : You don't use it IN the Macro, but rather at the same level as the exten that calls it.
20:24.59hwttzanger: k, thanks anyway.
20:25.06hwtManxPower: already have that.
20:25.23generalhanafrosheen: all the External HDs ive seen are USB not Molex
20:25.30mockerOk, so if I have a stdexten macro that I want a hint in, I'll need two lines, the hint line and the macro w/ the dial stuff?
20:25.34generalhanwhere are you shopping cause you have access to some really cool stuff !! LOL
20:25.55Qwell[]generalhan: They get converted TO molex, inside the enclosure
20:25.57afrosheengeneralhan: the connector is usb..the POWER is molex
20:26.05afrosheeninside, like Qwell said
20:26.09generalhani see
20:26.19Qwell[]Just get rid of the enclosure, and steal the guts :p
20:26.28Qwell[]modify it, connect it to an internal usb header or something
20:26.43afrosheenor just pass it through that pci slot molex
20:26.51nokyhow can i do a call with Asterisk & SER ? I have a Asterisk register with my SER
20:26.52afrosheen this stuff is all over the net
20:26.55nokyand ?
20:26.57nokyplease help
20:27.05*** join/#asterisk stina (
20:27.11afrosheenbkw_: your buddy needs SER help :)
20:27.35Kattyhi lads.
20:27.43timkelly1980any1 here offer paid support?
20:28.18afrosheenI think the paid support guys are on the Asterisk wiki right
20:28.33Strom_Mtimkelly1980, what do you need?
20:29.25timkelly1980I urgently need 2 get my box working: Dial commands to Zap are returning instantly and claiming to have timed out
20:29.39*** join/#asterisk GerbilWrk (i=GerbilNu@
20:29.49CrashHDwhat does ztcfg return?
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20:30.00afrosheenztcfg -vvv
20:30.04timkelly1980eg Dial(Zap/g1/number,30) -> returns "Nobody picked up in 30000ms"
20:30.07generalhanafrosheen: that looks like exactly what i need ... if i had 2 those(one for each server) then i could just connect a molex cable to each one from the outside and i wouldnt need to run cables from inside one to inside the other
20:30.15generalhanam i thinking this out correctly ?
20:30.58peted20timkelly1980: if you read the bug report you linked to a bit ago, did you see a kernel upgrade might fix it?  If its the same issue...
20:31.12afrosheengeneralhan: yeah...I'd go     Server1: internal female to external male, connector is female/female, Server2 external male/internal male
20:31.14generalhanMolex:Server1 >> PCI plate molex adapter:server1 >> PCI plate molex adapter:server2 >> TDM40:Server2
20:31.55timkelly1980Hmmm.. kernel upgrade... do you know what to?
20:32.01afrosheenif you do it my way, you use a standard female/female cable inside the server with the tdm card like usual
20:32.12generalhanthats what i want
20:32.14Op3rcan I just do make update from /usr/sbin/asterisk?
20:32.16nokyhow can i do a call with Asterisk & SER ? I have a Asterisk register with my SER
20:32.26afrosheenbut I still think the external enclosure is more elegant, and you get an independent power supply
20:32.30generalhannow i dont need 3 molex connectors i need to find a single
20:32.38generalhandamnit ...
20:32.43afrosheenjust consider it
20:32.53afrosheenif you do it that way, you're not tied to another server for power
20:33.00generalhanthats good
20:33.10afrosheenplus you plug it into the UPS
20:33.17generalhanbut then i have some thing just sitting in my server cabinet not bolted down
20:33.20peted20timkelly1980: the bug report said "It's a kernel issue. The standard linux kernel that comes with CentOS 4.2 has an issue with that patch. I upgraded to, and it's working perfectly."
20:33.52afrosheen that's the enclosure I've used
20:34.09peted20timkelly1980:  I'm not really an asterisk EXPERT yet, just read that in the bug report
20:34.20afrosheengeneralhan: not bolted down..well if you're in an earthquake prone area that's something to consider
20:34.39generalhanwell im not ... but you never know ... we are pretty close to CA ! lol
20:35.11afrosheenand you know, once you disassemble that enclosure, the guts are small enough to fit inside the dell case somehow
20:35.22afrosheenit's really, really tiny
20:35.33afrosheenlike 1" by 4" or so
20:35.40generalhanafrosheen: ok lets start again from here ... that link you just sent me .. im going to get that and take it apart for the inards ... what will i take from there that i have to use to make this work ?
20:36.07generalhanit will have a male or female molex inside ?
20:36.12afrosheenthere's a power board inside with an ATA connector and a male molex
20:36.44afrosheenit's miniscule, because it does no work, the external power supply does the heavy lifting
20:37.26generalhanok so i have this male molex now that i can connect a female/female to the TDM then where does it go ?
20:37.44afrosheengeneralhan: third image down, look at the top left of the photo..that's all there is to it
20:38.18shido6das blinken lights!
20:38.58generalhanso on the other side of that molex is a female 12V 3 prong connector ?
20:39.27afrosheenyeah you're right actually, the socket is female molex
20:39.42afrosheenhard drives have male molex built in
20:39.46*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
20:40.05generalhanso i need a female/male connector on the inside then ?
20:40.22afrosheenthat's correct
20:40.39afrosheento extend it, it won't be long enough to reach from wherever it ends up, to the tdm card
20:40.53afrosheenthe tdm card's molex is male also I think
20:41.17generalhanit ids
20:41.18generalhanit is
20:41.22tainted_does asterisk support t38 in SIP?
20:41.31generalhanmale connector on the card itself
20:42.01afrosheenso you're going enclosure board > female to tdm card > an extension would be male to female
20:42.05tainted_i get a "Unknown SDP media type in offer: image" warning during a fax
20:42.24*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
20:42.28timkelly1980pted20: I am using debian
20:43.16timkelly1980pted20: have you experinced this problem 2?
20:43.52peted20timkelly1980: I haven't :-/  I just thought I would point out that someone in the bug report said they'd fixed it with that
20:44.09*** join/#asterisk sainej00 (
20:44.18peted20timkelly1980: the problem they were having was only when they were running an AGI script before the dial command though
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20:44.25peted20timkelly1980: not sure if you're doing that?
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20:45.12jbalcombAnyone have a extension config for having attended transfers rather than blind transfers?
20:46.10ManxPowerjbalcomb, I just press the correct button on my phone.
20:46.24sainej00anyone know if there is a asterisk front-end that handles calling campaigns for polling or surveys?
20:46.28ManxPowerit's not like anyone know the correct method without knowing what devices you are using
20:46.31jbothmm... centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernel (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. This is part of the 'kernel-devel' package.
20:47.31ManxPowerjbalcomb, and are you looking for Asterisk emulated transfers via DTMF or are you looking for protocol native transfers?
20:48.02jbotsomebody said t38 was see for a decent overview of how it all works, no, it's not ready yet, we'll let you know. a really lousy spec.
20:48.03timkelly1980peted20: No i am not running an agi scrip
20:48.10timkelly1980but i am still getting that problem!
20:48.16Abydos313bugs like that make asterisk not the attractive to business users imho. image updating your system with new kernel or security patch and all stops working :((
20:48.43Op3roh god the old vendor didint put a god damn asterisk source directory
20:48.43afrosheenyeh you should always be very careful when upgrading kernels
20:48.45CrashHDit happend to me
20:48.51CrashHDjust have to know what you are doing
20:48.57Abydos313i guess
20:48.58CrashHDeverything is tied into the modules/kernel
20:49.12CrashHDso you basically know anything you built on the box is going to break
20:49.16afrosheenanyway on centos you just yum remove kernel-offending-version and boom, back to work
20:49.25*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
20:49.33CrashHDjust do the fix for 4.2 and 4.3
20:49.42CrashHDeverything else works perfectly
20:50.26CrashHDI bumped into that damn bug about 3 weeks ago
20:50.32CrashHDdrove me nuts for 20 sum hours
20:50.38CrashHDthen X-Rob comes strolling through
20:50.43afrosheenwhat does the bug do, i.e. symptoms
20:50.45CrashHDand throws me a big ~centosbug
20:51.09CrashHDjust doesn't allow zap to compile (among other things)
20:51.29afrosheenhave the centos devs been made aware or is it upstream @ redhat?
20:51.30CrashHDit's like hitting a brick wall
20:52.34afrosheenthat's still the latest kernel from them as of 2 days ago...scary
20:53.16CrashHDas long as there is a fix
20:54.53afrosheentrue, but I'd like to move the fix upstream if possible
20:55.00afrosheenlooks like a typo in the source anyway
20:55.29afrosheengeneralhan: here's a pic of what the right enclosure looks like inside, evidently there are different revisions
20:56.02Abydos313price is right. i paid 39 bucks for mine at fry's
20:56.06*** part/#asterisk terrapen (n=cjs@
20:56.37afrosheenme too :)
20:56.52afrosheenthey look cool also, but he's going to cannibalize it to power a tdm card
20:56.57Abydos313i bought the nexstar 3.. nice blue one
20:57.05afrosheenI got the red for a client
20:57.15afrosheenso his dumbass doesn't forget to take the server backup drive home every day
20:57.38Abydos313so much nicer to have a good backup to an external drive. plus easy to move shit to other pc's and friends houses
20:58.16afrosheenusb2 is surprisingly quick
20:58.17Abydos313at work i backup to external usb drives and to dlt once a week
20:58.33afrosheenI have acronis running daily incrementals on all his pc's and servers
20:58.44Abydos313i make a folder for each day of the week and it overwrites weekly. so i always have the last 7 days of data
20:59.05Abydos313acronis is what i use also. but i make full images nightly into diff folders
20:59.27afrosheenI love acronis...I've fought with other backup stuff before
20:59.36Abydos313many times users need a file from 3 days prior..etc
20:59.51afrosheenyep..mount the image in acronis, browse it, snatch files out, done
20:59.53Abydos313i got sick of veritas fuking hanging for 3 days straight on one job
21:00.26Abydos313knock on wood, but acronis never fails or hangs
21:00.45afrosheenplus you get variable compression, per-backup commenting, bla bla and a linux solution as well
21:00.57Abydos313yep. has it all
21:01.25Abydos313i've been using it for some time now, we are just now getting auth from office to buy some lic's..hehe
21:01.41*** join/#asterisk Splas (n=jwb@
21:01.45afrosheenshhh :)
21:02.21afrosheenand they say piracy hurts companies ;)
21:02.31Abydos313check this out
21:02.50afrosheenspider senses are tingling...
21:03.05Abydos313have you tried restoring an image of boot partition from second partition of same drive? it's real slow
21:03.20afrosheencan't say that I have
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21:03.23Abydos313but ghost is extremely fast doing the same thing
21:04.15afrosheenI like the bootable cd you can create from any acronis-installed workstation also
21:04.25afrosheenthat thing has full samba network awareness
21:04.30Abydos313i have pc's i use d: drive to store image of clean install for that pc..or image of fully functioning system. makes things real fast for recovery. ghost does it real fast no issues. acronis is real slow. but over the network acronis is faster
21:05.08Abydos313bootcd agressively searches for smb shares
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21:08.05timkelly1980Any1 know what: "EC: DC bias calculated: 173 V"
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21:08.32generalhanafrosheen: ok i just bought one of those enclosures .... so send some smart-waves my way so that i can stop freaking out about this and get it done ! lol
21:08.33timkelly1980could it be due to the fact I didn't have a T1 crossover cable so chopped a patch cable in half an crosswired it on a breadboard!?
21:09.31Strom_Mtimkelly1980, holy fuck man
21:09.37*** join/#asterisk iGotNoTime (
21:09.46Strom_Mtake that off your network right this instant
21:10.08Strom_Mmake or purchase a real T1 crossover cable
21:10.17Kattyhi Nugget
21:10.25Kattydo you require hugging?
21:10.32Nuggetmy cat does.
21:10.36*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
21:10.40Kattyplease deliver to cat.
21:10.47Nuggetwill do, thanks!
21:11.04nortexAny one used a Redfone bridge for T-1's?
21:11.06mishehuplease deliver cat to Morton Shumway
21:11.52Kattyand does mishehu need a hug?
21:12.02Kattywell, that answers that.
21:15.30afrosheengeneralhan: trust me, the hard part is over, now order one of those PCI doodads
21:15.57afrosheenunless you want to fit the enclosure board into your dell server somehow
21:17.01generalhanwell i cant find a single "PCI doodad" only the tripple one that you linked me to
21:18.33afrosheengeneralhan: it's all the same
21:19.11afrosheenmishehu: lol is someone really named Morton?
21:19.26generalhanyeah but if i can find a single id rather have that than 2 extra of them on the card
21:20.05afrosheengeneralhan: it's not relevant..unless you want to hunt through ebay/google all day
21:20.16mishehuafrosheen: Morton Shumway was Alf, in case you ever saw that tv show
21:20.18generalhanlike i have nothing better to do ! LOL
21:20.35mishehuand Alf and his fellow Melmacians ate cats.
21:20.42afrosheenmishehu: ahh..I forgot his name, been like...20 years since I've seen that show
21:20.43*** part/#asterisk QbY (
21:21.07mishehuafrosheen: ah, but my mind won't forgot that stuff....  though I can't remember what I was going to do just now...
21:21.22generalhanMishehu ... His name was Gordon Shumway
21:21.24generalhannot Morton
21:22.48mishehugeneralhan: Gordon?  BAAAAH!
21:23.13mishehuI'm not that old yet!
21:23.13generalhanOMG dont question my knowledge of ALF ... i LOVED that show
21:23.15mishehuHa!  I kill me!
21:23.29mishehugeneralhan: I'm not questioning it.  it rings loud and clear in my mind.
21:23.43mishehuI can't believe I confused gordon and morton.
21:24.00mishehumaybe one of his relatives from the animated series was named morton
21:24.01CrashHDanyone know how to setup shared line appearance keys on asterisk (with sip/iax phones)?
21:24.19generalhandamn im so glad you mentioned that show ... i was so damn frustrated about this TDM issue, yet i actually just laughed out loud !!!
21:25.19mishehugeneralhan: "I'm going to eat a BLT...   that's Bread, Lucky, and a Tomato"
21:25.30mishehuor something close to that...
21:25.35generalhanvery close to that
21:26.02mishehuI've not seen that show in ages either.  they probably have it on dvd now.
21:26.07mishehuor soon will.
21:26.15generalhanthey do
21:26.21generalhani have season 1
21:26.26generalhani think 2 and 3 just came out
21:27.34generalhanseason 2 just came out no 3 yet
21:27.43*** join/#asterisk Pegger (
21:29.24mishehuwhat won't come out on dvd nowadays?
21:29.44generalhani even went and got the first season of the A-Team about a week ago !!!!
21:29.53generalhancant beat that with a 10 foot stick !
21:30.20mishehuI pity da foo!
21:30.33mishehuB. A. Borekas (I know, it's Baracus)
21:30.41mishehuBaked Apple Borekas
21:31.28mishehubtw, I can't believe they made another basic instinct.  and they're making another mission impossible.  and another indiana jones...   how pathetic!
21:32.00mishehuif I train my parrot to say the same thing all the time, it's still less annoying that all these damn sequels.
21:32.02generalhanyea the indiana jones story sounds a little flakey to me
21:32.43*** join/#asterisk terrapen (n=cjs@
21:33.54juuvaI have some problems loading ztdummy, modprobe says same as in this post:
21:33.54docelm0Can anyone say DISA SUCKS!?!?!?
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21:35.44Strom_Mdocelm0, depends how secure it is :)
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21:38.07hwtwhat module provides meetme()?
21:38.24hwtjuuva: sure you need it?
21:38.36hwtjuuva: shouldn't be necessary on a recent 2.6-kernel.
21:39.21timkelly1980Hi has any1 come across:
21:39.46Strom_Mtimkelly1980, I thought you said you fixed it
21:40.30juuvahwt: for meetme without zaptel-interface -card
21:41.08hwtjuuva: yeah, but it shouldn't need it anyway nowadays. uses the rtc of the linux kernel.
21:41.13timkelly1980I have
21:41.17hwtjuuva: maybe you know what module provides meetme()?
21:41.24timkelly1980just wondering if ne1 else has seen this 1
21:41.53Strom_Mmaybe you'll have better luck if you speak English
21:42.05Strom_M"ne1" isn't English last I checked
21:42.24juuvahwt: shouldn't meetme be part of asterisk-package?
21:42.56hwtjuuva: sure, but what asterisk module i need to load.
21:43.03hwtjuuva: i have autoload=no for better control.
21:43.24*** join/#asterisk mrfrenzy (
21:43.58mrfrenzyis it possible to modify the cid sent out on the admin interface? it's lacking a leading '0'
21:44.09timkelly1980i dnt c ne problem with "ne1"
21:44.36timkelly1980I am from England btw!
21:44.37Assidd u hv prb wrt crct eng ?
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21:47.36NuggetI thnk dt itz a prb 2 spk in ak forl english bcause ne1 cn ans wipple fridj.
21:47.56Strom_Mwaffle giblets
21:50.50*** join/#asterisk naturalblue (n=Administ@
21:51.46naturalbluecan someone please help me
21:51.57naturalbluethis f**king snom 360 is doing my head in
21:52.57naturalblueim rolling out an installation on company site, the snom 360 is for the respetionist but it wont accept a second incoming call, it sends it straight to vm
21:53.23sjobeckhi all. peace.        Is ocotthorpe out there?
21:55.18*** join/#asterisk NeonLevel (i=HydraIRC@
21:57.02*** join/#asterisk Egyptian[Home] (n=Egyptian@
21:57.13Egyptian[Home]good morning
21:57.21NeonLevelgood day everyone, debugging sip with "sip debug" i see this line of information dialing outside, "From: "pap2port1" <sip:3350043016@>;tag=as496e4b8a" is this possible that asterisk may supress the "pap2port1" when dialing out?????
21:57.23*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
21:57.52Egyptian[Home]i was wondering what kind of hardware i need to start with asterisk .. as a pbx i mean
21:58.05Strom_MEgyptian[Home], read:
21:58.11jbotfrom memory, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
21:58.11Cybertoyanyone good with the Cisco 7970 phone? I have a completely dead 7970 (i.e. without firmware) and need to get a firmware on it with tftp but I'm not succeeding...
21:58.30NeonLevelgood day everyone, debugging sip with "sip debug" i see this line of information dialing outside, "From: "pap2port1" <sip:3350043016@>;tag=as496e4b8a" is this possible that asterisk may supress the "pap2port1" when dialing out???
21:58.31Cybertoyegyptian, no hardware needed besiders a computer and internet connection if you do all VoIP...
22:00.56Harm|wwhen the 7970 is booting up
22:00.57Egyptian[Home]Strom_M what is -thebook ?
22:01.00Harm|wwhen it's powering up
22:01.02Harm|whold the # key
22:01.07Harm|wlike hold that down then plugin power
22:01.12Harm|wit should ask for a key sequence
22:01.15jbotmethinks thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
22:01.16Egyptian[Home]Cybertoy: what if i want to replace a traditional pbx?
22:01.19Harm|whit 123456789*0#
22:01.20nortexnatturalblue: check that call waiting is on.
22:01.28Egyptian[Home]Cybertoy: i dont mind reading if u got relevant links
22:01.29afrosheenEgyptian[Home]: use the book, luke
22:01.37afrosheenit answers all noob questions
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22:02.05Egyptian[Home]ahhhh .. ok.. so why inst it in the channel title?
22:02.08afrosheentalks about interfacing and replacing legacy PBX systems, etc.
22:02.17Cybertoyharm, I tried that... but those line buttons just continue to flash one by one ... and I can't see anything on the network sniffer...
22:02.24Cybertoyegyptian, the book then ... :)
22:02.39Harm|wsounds like it's time to console into it and have fun
22:02.47afrosheencisco..'we're never easy'
22:02.52Cybertoyharm, to my knowledge it should use dhcp to get an ip address with tftp parameters, no?
22:03.00Egyptian[Home]Cybertoy: does it also say where to get hardware for international geeks like me? ;)
22:03.04*** join/#asterisk Smi|k (
22:03.15Smi|khello everyone
22:03.20afrosheenEgyptian[Home]: probably not but I'm betting the asterisk wiki will
22:03.21Lino`@ Egyptian[Home] where are you from?
22:03.22Harm|wCybertoy: if there's no UAL on it or another loader, then no
22:03.26Lino`egypt? ;)
22:04.32Cybertoyso I'm fooked?
22:04.32sjobeckany onefrom Stockholm? or near by?
22:04.32Strom_MEgyptian[Home], the available cards will work with T1 and E1 so you should be set
22:04.32Egyptian[Home]Lino`: bingo!
22:04.32Smi|kAnyone know of a php/asp script that allows operators to click various customer responses which in turn regenerates the page of what to say, and a new list of customer responses?
22:04.35Smi|kI guess it would be some type of online sales call center software
22:04.35Lino`just called cisco again, had the same agent... he was pretty f**ked up and like "i thought you were sleeping now, it must be 12 o clock in germany" - i was like "germans never sleep, now give me my contract"
22:04.36Egyptian[Home]Strom_M uh how much are these cards? and how many "lines" do they offer?
22:04.44Lino`that cracked him up finally
22:05.57Harm|wCybertoy: you're not seeing *anything* on tcpdump?
22:06.06Cybertoyno ... nothing at all .. :(
22:06.26Harm|wyou tried plugging the phone directly into the interface you're running tcpdump on?
22:06.58Cybertoygood idea...
22:08.14*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
22:08.31naturalbluenortex: it is set to on on the phone, i also tried setting it to visual only, but no luck
22:15.18naturalbluenortex: i have a gxp2000 with the same problem. i got this working before but seems to have gone back 1 line only. could this be somethin im missing in my asterisk install
22:16.01Op3rdoes chanspy works on 1.2.0?
22:19.36hwthm, why do i get a Apr  3 22:21:59 WARNING[3821]: res_musiconhold.c:488 monmp3thread: Unable to spawn mp3player
22:19.52hwti have application=/usr/local/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 2048 --mono -s
22:19.55hwtshould be okay.
22:20.55Cybertoyharm, tnx for the tip!! you made me crawl under my desk ... and there I realized that the hub light of the network connection of the cisco is not on
22:21.11Cybertoyharm, so I'm using a cross-over cable now and it started to download the firmware!!
22:22.02Cybertoyat least that's what it seemed like on tcpdump
22:22.05Cybertoynow it stopped...
22:22.20Harm|wwhat's the phone doing?
22:22.41Cybertoylines buttons are blinking ... headset button is green ... mute button is red...
22:22.44Cybertoynothing else.
22:22.55Cybertoylet me try a power cycle...
22:23.39FuriousGeorgehey all
22:23.45FuriousGeorgeso far so good with dnsmanager
22:23.49FuriousGeorgerussellb: ^
22:24.15Harm|wCybertoy: are you trying to load the newest firmware or an older version?
22:24.23*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
22:24.34Harm|wit might not allow you to put the newest on there without first installing an old one and stepping up by major version
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22:27.53Cybertoyharm, hmm.. maybe that's what it is ... it's not doing anything after it downloads the files from the tftp server
22:28.36Cybertoyat least I'm a lot further than I was before.. :)
22:29.08*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
22:29.42VeNoMouS_bkw_ u alive?
22:30.41VeNoMouS_got issue with that t.37 i need u to look @
22:37.40naturalblueQ? is there a way to set CW to be on by default
22:38.18[hC]Wow... is it true that the 7940/60 on SCCP firmware doesnt have an actual 'blind xfer' button, you have to hit transfer again really fast if you want blind?
22:38.48*** part/#asterisk ctooley (
22:40.41hwtis it simple to use web radio as moh source?
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22:43.08timkelly1980ne1 know what: "DC bias calculated" means.... pops up on asterisk console...
22:43.33timkelly1980ECL DC bias calculated 112 V
22:43.45*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
22:43.49timkelly1980sorry: "EC: DC bias calculated 112 V"
22:44.18dokhenchhey guys, anyone have an answer to the "dropping voice frame ulaw - slin?" msg on the asterisk users list? i've been getting these also, and don't understand why the ulaw to slin translator doesn't take care of it.. maybe it has to be a canreinvite=no ?
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22:50.24Zodiacalsorry got disconnected
22:50.25Zodiacalanyone know if its posible to make custom softkeys using chan_sccp? or am i just able to tell the sccp.conf which ones to load, and then it puts them in its own order?
22:50.55Zodiacalbasicly i want to set my own order and even use some as speed dials, is this posible
22:52.07*** join/#asterisk triple-e (
22:52.12Zodiacalqwell u around?
22:53.59hwthow can i enable meetme()?
22:54.19Strom_Mhwt: install a zaptel card or load ztdummy
22:54.29naturalbluehwt: you can use webradio as moh but.....
22:54.40naturalblueit seems the stream can only be about 20k
22:54.50naturalbluethere is a write on it at nerd vittles
22:54.59naturalbluegive me 1 mo and i'll get you the link
22:55.23hwtStrom_M: oh, so it won't build unless i already have ztdummy?
22:55.29hwtStrom_M: is that valid for 2.6 as well?
22:55.48Strom_Myou must first build zaptel
22:55.54Strom_Mthen build asterisk
22:56.12hwtStrom_M: k, i didn't do that since i have no zaptel cards.
22:56.26hwtStrom_M: and i actually thought you wouldnt need ztdummy for meetme anymore.
22:56.36hwtStrom_M: because of the rtc-stuff in linux 2.6.
22:56.54Strom_Mhwt: ztdummy uses the timing source from 2.6
22:57.32hwtStrom_M: k. thanks for the hint.
22:57.48naturalbluehwt: remeber to read the comments
22:58.03naturalbluehwt: it worked fine for me
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23:00.29hwtnaturalblue: thanks.
23:00.43shmaltzhow can I verify if my calls are using g729?
23:01.29naturalblueand disallow=all before it
23:01.34Strom_Mshmaltz, the console will tell you the codec as the call sets up
23:01.34juuvabut g729 is not "free" in astrisk
23:02.11shmaltzStorm_M, not ture, I have never seen that
23:02.15shmaltzjuuva, I know that
23:02.15naturalbluejuuva: there is a way of using it with a test license
23:02.22shmaltzI use the non commercial free copy
23:02.25Strom_Mshmaltz, set verbose 10
23:02.32naturalbluethats the one
23:02.40shmaltzStorm_M again doens't help
23:02.46Abydos313they even give you a free reg number
23:02.48naturalblueill grab you the link now on how to set it up
23:02.56Strom_Mshmaltz, my name is Strom, not Storm
23:03.14shmaltzStrom_M, sorry for the dislexia
23:03.50shmaltzStrom_M, anyhow, even with set verbose 99 I still don't get the codec on the CLI
23:04.01Strom_Mare you using IAX or SIP?
23:04.06tainted_try set verbose 167
23:04.26Strom_Mshmaltz, while the call is up, try "show channel [whatever]"
23:04.45lzhanghas anybody done realtime for hints? because I'm trying it right now and it's not working out for me
23:04.48tainted_shmaltz is this local terminal or are you 'asterisk -r'
23:05.24shmaltzStrom_M, I tried that and I always get Nativeformat 256, readformat 64 or 68 write format 64 or 68
23:05.30shmaltztainted_ -r
23:06.11tainted_shmaltz it will tell u the call codec if u are local term or if u started asterisk from current session, but not in asterisk -r
23:06.15shmaltzlzhang, check the list archives it's all over
23:06.33tainted_it comes up on CLI when the call is initiated
23:06.37shmaltztainted_, so how do I get it if I use -r
23:06.41lzhangthanks schmaltz
23:07.38tainted_well, if it's not a busy box, u can quickly 'stop now' and then 'asterisk -vvvvvgc'
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23:10.03gbodemantvdoes anyone have som "canned" reports for asterisk
23:10.07gbodemantvnumbers dialed
23:10.10gbodemantvlength of calls
23:10.13gbodemantvthat kind of thing
23:11.17shmaltztainted_, the funniest solution I have ever heard
23:12.17tainted_shmaltz let me know if u come across something better
23:12.32shmaltztainted_, I will
23:12.53tainted_shmaltz i used to use 'screen' but it was breaking stuff
23:13.16shmaltzI don't use screen because I havnt got the time to man it.
23:13.41tainted_did that work though? 'stop now' 'asterisk -vvvvgc'
23:14.15Cybertoyanyone know where I can get a SEPxxxx.cnf.xml for the cisco 7970 from that will work with asterisk?
23:14.33VeNoMouS_u changing it to sip?
23:14.39VeNoMouS_from ccme?
23:14.43VeNoMouS_dont need the xml
23:14.48VeNoMouS_what u will need to do
23:14.51Peggergbodemantv, you mean cdr records
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23:14.59VeNoMouS_is go down to a really early version of the firmware for sip
23:15.01VeNoMouS_and work ure way up
23:15.09VeNoMouS_thats how i had to do it for a 7940
23:15.16VeNoMouS_couldnt just jump to 7.5
23:15.22VeNoMouS_had to go from like 3 to 7.5
23:15.27lzhangcan somebody check that and see if my realtime hint setup is right
23:15.48Cybertoyso gonna have to figure out where the get the old firmwares then... :(
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23:21.44triple-eanyone gotten asterisk running on a WRT54g
23:23.02*** join/#asterisk MoutaPT (n=MoutaPT@
23:24.01timkelly1980ne1 know what DC bias is?
23:24.09MoutaPTHi all, does any one guesses this: Critical transaction failed: Client non-INVITE transaction[trying]: Time out, this usually is happening when sjphone is hanging up the call with asterisk 1.2.5
23:24.19MoutaPTthis message is from SJPHONE
23:25.17Op3rI downloaded 1.2.4 and did a make upgrade
23:25.22Op3rdid I messed up my asterisk?
23:25.43VeNoMouS_did u restart asterisk and why 1.2.4
23:25.47VeNoMouS_1.2.5 is the latest
23:26.00Op3rI havent restarted asterisk
23:26.03Op3roh god
23:26.36Op3rthe version of asterisk that was installed was 1.2.0
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23:28.54shaun222anybody have a example or link to good documentation on setting up asterisk so that i can have a bunch of phones hooked to asterisk but i want the extention to move around based on the user logging in.
23:29.10VeNoMouS_u havent actually stated if u have a problem or not ure just like OMFG
23:29.12shaun222basically the person may sit at a diffrent desk each day so i want his extention to always go to his desk
23:29.46MoutaPTshaun222, host=dynamic in sip.conf
23:29.48VeNoMouS_shaun222 and htf would asterisk know that fone
23:29.50shmaltzshaun222, read read and read again. the following are starting points
23:30.11Op3rVeNoMouS_: it said it is finished compiling
23:30.31shmaltzshaun222, search for followme on google restricting it to and
23:30.37Op3rlittle bit fiesty on typoing restart
23:30.39VeNoMouS_op3r and?
23:30.45MoutaPTHi all, does any one guesses this: Critical transaction failed: Client non-INVITE transaction[trying]: Time out, this usually is happening when sjphone is hanging up the call with asterisk 1.2.5 ?
23:30.52shmaltzalso search the bug tracker bj has been adding an app_followme
23:31.30Op3rVeNoMouS_: it went well though, but it said some of the modules are not compiled for the version 1.2.4
23:31.53shaun222VeNoMouS_: figured the phone would still log into SIP, it just wouldnt really be assigned a extention unless the user logged in...
23:32.49lzhang0p3r: make sure you clear out everything in the modules directory before installing a newer version
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23:36.58VeNoMouS_op3r like what modules
23:37.35Op3rVeNoMouS_: I didint get it cos I reconnected to asterisk and did reload
23:37.46Op3rcluebie on the ris
23:38.46VeNoMouS_err dude
23:38.52VeNoMouS_uninstall u did make install or upgrade
23:38.56VeNoMouS_it ant gonna do shit
23:39.01VeNoMouS_and a reload is not a restart
23:39.11VeNoMouS_reload only reads the config again
23:40.22Op3ryeah thats what I was thinking and I needed to check if my pbx is still alive
23:40.40VeNoMouS_yea but if u dont restart
23:40.44Op3roh god
23:40.47VeNoMouS_when the asterisk trys to run a module it will fuck out
23:40.58VeNoMouS_because it will be differnt symbol tables
23:41.03Op3roh shit
23:41.08Op3rso that means I fucked?
23:41.32MoutaPTAfter changing echo parameters on zapata.conf is enough to reload asterisk?
23:42.18*** join/#asterisk Farris1 (
23:42.24Op3rVeNoMouS_: because all I did was untar 1.2.4 and did a make install
23:43.11Strom_COp3r, stop spamming the channel please
23:43.13VeNoMouS_d/l asterisk addons
23:43.16jbotsomebody said pastebin was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
23:43.19Farris1I've followed the wiki page about doorbell fons and read lots of posts in the *-users list, but I cannot get my Doorbell Fon to operate correctly with an FXO port on my Wildcard.
23:43.26VeNoMouS_op3r d/l the asterisk addons
23:43.31VeNoMouS_those are all in there
23:43.44VeNoMouS_the g729 u dont needa worry bout
23:43.48MoutaPTStrom_C, i'm using TE110P with * behind an old PBX
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23:43.55MoutaPTi still with Echo...
23:44.05MoutaPTdo you recommended me echotraining?
23:44.12Strom_Calso, try a restart
23:44.21MoutaPTi've only echo cancel
23:44.30MoutaPTand cancelwhen bridged
23:44.46MoutaPTso it's supposed taht echotraining improve this?
23:46.03MoutaPTStrom_C , I've added 10 sIP accounts, and my users are getting this from sjphone,  Critical transaction failed: Client non-INVITE transaction[trying]: Time out , any tips?
23:46.17Op3rVeNoMouS_: ok
23:46.20Strom_CMoutaPT, pastebin your sip.conf
23:47.01MoutaPTStrom_C unfortunately, i'm not in the office now...
23:47.16MoutaPTbut my account works just fine...
23:47.17Strom_Cso how the hell do you expect me to debug?
23:47.29Strom_Cssh into your box and get the file
23:47.58MoutaPTimpossible for me, it's on DMZ firewalled without acess to outside... not my rules..
23:48.11MoutaPTthanks for your availabitily
23:48.23MoutaPTi supposed it could be something well know
23:49.38MoutaPTStrom_C do you use Xlite or sjphone? I'm thinking about changing the users to xlite...
23:49.45Strom_CMoutaPT, neithe
23:49.47Strom_Cer, neither
23:49.50Strom_CI use real phones
23:50.04MoutaPTthe right choice
23:50.31MoutaPT:) but they are starting this in the office , boss would shoot me out if i recommend to buy 250 hardphones
23:50.42Strom_CMoutaPT, wait wait
23:50.52Strom_CI thought all you said was that you wanted a SIP gateway to your Mitel system
23:51.02Strom_Cit sounds like you're actually /replacing/ the Mitel
23:51.28MoutaPTi didn't talk about Mitel
23:51.31MoutaPTdid i?:)
23:51.35Strom_Cor am I confusing you with someone else
23:52.02MoutaPTin fact there is a small group in the company that use Mitel
23:52.13MoutaPTbut i've never talked about it here
23:53.03MoutaPTStrom_C, any advice or recommendation about xlite?
23:53.27Strom_Cis your asterisk box behind nat?
23:53.41MoutaPTThere's no NAT
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23:54.10MoutaPTit's on a DMZ, open for internal network..
23:54.55_Paulo_seen gr0mit
23:55.02_Paulo_~seen gr0mit
23:55.15jbotgr0mit <n=w10277@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 11d 8h 23m 20s ago, saying: 'or graphics card'.
23:55.15Op3rhow do you restart asterisk?
23:55.29Op3rer no matter
23:55.43Strom_COp3r, log onto the console and type "restart now"
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23:57.11Op3rStrom_C: god the asterisk wont start now
23:57.26Strom_Cwhat error are you getting?
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23:57.34Ariel_hello everyone
23:57.48Op3r[root@nicole asterisk]# /usr/sbin/asterisk
23:57.48Op3r[root@nicole asterisk]# /usr/sbin/asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
23:57.49Op3rUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
23:57.56Strom_Cum, no
23:58.00Strom_Clook in the log
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23:58.52Op3rStrom_C: does that mean I seriously screwed up?
23:58.58Strom_Cstop panicking
23:59.03Strom_Cand just look in the log
23:59.39lzhangOp3r: tail /var/log/asterisk/full
23:59.40VeNoMouS_bkw_ fuck what a miss
23:59.41VeNoMouS_got it going

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.