irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060331

00:00.10asterboyso it would have to be an extension in extensions.conf then?
00:00.14|omni|just use 411 or something
00:00.20|omni|and bounce 911 to it for testing
00:00.22asterboyI was thinking it was somehow pulling it from features.conf
00:00.23tgrmandepending on your VoIP service, 911 probably won't work anyway
00:00.47Zodiacalomni good idea.. thanks!
00:01.11tgrmanbe careful dialing 411, you probably get charged for those calls
00:01.12Denmarkjustinu : I guess you were right.  Turned out I had to set a password for the dialtone.
00:01.18asterboyJust fixed my signalling problem with FXO and VOIP Adaptors!  w00t!!
00:01.29Zodiacaltgrman good point, anyone know of a free number?
00:01.34[av]baniasterboy: what was that then
00:01.38Zodiacal1800free411, but thats not 3 digits like 911 :)
00:01.49Zodiacali guess i can redirect that 1800 to 411
00:01.50asterboyput busydetect=yes into Zapata.conf
00:01.52Zodiacalwhich i should probably do anyways
00:02.03[av]baniasterboy: ah, you are using x100p or something :P
00:02.14asterboyyes ick
00:02.30tgrmandoesn't really matter, your dialplan can map it up to whatever number you want, one of the airlines 800 reservation numbers is always good
00:02.48asterboybut when your pinching learn to aquire a taste for ick.
00:03.07[av]banispa3k is cheap and less ick
00:03.21jbotspa3k is probably Sipura 3000. Great for home users who want one fxs and one fxo. Also has fxo failover.
00:03.25Zodiacalwhats the smallest voip provider, smallest in terms of bandwidth per channel
00:03.40asterboyyes, I just order some grandstream products.
00:03.42DenmarkI have spa2k
00:03.55tainted_asterboy where do you get your gs stuff has the best prices so far.
00:04.03tainted_asterboy i can get pretty good prices
00:04.09asterboy$83 for a Grandstream GXP-3000
00:04.25asterboy$53 for an ATA386
00:04.56asterboyThe ones with FXO like the 486 are $68
00:05.23tainted_what type of quantity are u ordering
00:05.33asterboyEven if it's a bit more, I'll order from guys who provide support in here.
00:05.57asterboyMy company is just starting to take off with *
00:06.11asterboyI ordered 2 ATAs and 5 GXPs today
00:06.23[av]banigxp-3000? @_@
00:06.30asterboyIf I land this other HUGE fish, I'll need a LOT of equipment.
00:06.56tainted_he means 2000 ass
00:06.57asterboycall crisis center and headquarters for all Western Canada Region.
00:07.16asterboyya the 3000 looks sweet \o/
00:07.33*** join/#asterisk angler_ (n=angler@
00:07.40DenmarkIt knows spa3k, but not spa2k?!??
00:07.42asterboyno there is a 3000
00:08.02tsumelilo: tor being abused? Oh gee, I wonder :P
00:08.12tsumelilo: its like flies to sugar.
00:08.58asterboyThere is the GXV-3000 Grandstream Video Phone.
00:09.09*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
00:09.22*** part/#asterisk angler_ (n=angler@
00:09.23asterboyI'd have to say we are finally entering the era we should have been in 10 years ago.
00:09.29*** join/#asterisk angler_ (n=angler@
00:10.08asterboythought he meant grandstream 3000 not the sipura 3000
00:10.20*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
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00:10.52tainted_what kind of support do u need for the products
00:11.21asterboyI'm usually self sufficient, save for the lifeline here in IRC land.
00:11.33tainted_if u need more units let me know
00:11.39asterboyI can do the firmware upgrades and such.
00:12.08asterboyI actually prefer Polycom phones, but some clients are price conciencious, so I float them on grandstream.
00:12.29tainted_polycoms are nice
00:12.35tainted_snoms are great
00:12.49asterboyI love the whole no more FXS and FXO thing too.
00:13.03asterboyBUT, again some clients insist on traditional telco.
00:13.15DenmarkWhats telco?
00:13.28asterboypots telco I mean
00:13.38Denmarkoh pots
00:13.40asterboytelephone company
00:13.43DenmarkPSTN and the like
00:15.28asterboynice when you can drop that from the quote.
00:15.56Denmarkand telco is short for "company of telephones"?
00:16.04asterboyThe equipment and line costs are huge in comparison without.
00:16.24asterboyor TELEphone COmpany
00:16.36*** join/#asterisk tessier (n=treed@
00:16.41DenmarkI C :)
00:17.11*** join/#asterisk mrbnet (n=sureal@cust-static194-37.BHI.COM)
00:17.15[av]banisnoms are great lollerskates
00:17.18asterboyTELCO DISCO
00:17.31asterboyhas a "ring" to it.  (pun intended)
00:17.36[av]banisnom: nice hardware, damn shame about the firmware
00:17.57Denmark[av]bani : I heard one dis the snoms .. preffering polycoms .. but I forgot the reason.
00:18.10[av]baniDenmark: because the firmware is shit?
00:18.27[av]baniits obvious snom has never used their own phones outside their own offices
00:18.53[av]banior in any remotely demanding situation
00:19.15DenmarkSo for quality there is only the polycom.
00:19.22[av]baniand getting them to fix bugs is like pulling teeth
00:19.28[av]banino, cisco is quality also
00:19.57DenmarkBut more expensive, for same quality, right?
00:19.58[av]banisnom could be so much more, if they would just fire their programmers and hire new ones
00:20.04[av]banino, better quality
00:20.09[av]banifar far better
00:20.46Denmark[av]bani : (Or pay them, maybe .. replace the leaders .. sometimes the problem is not the tail or stomach, but the head)
00:21.03shaun2222is their a way to make a queue so that when the agent/member picks up it says somthing like you have a call from "blah" press 1 to accept, 2 to forward to voice mail, etc
00:21.10Denmarkcisco is better than poly?
00:21.33DenmarkBigger display?
00:21.50DenmarkBetter sound?
00:21.52[av]banifaster phone (eg doesnt take 3+ minutes to boot)
00:21.54[av]banibetter sound yes
00:21.58[av]banibetter construction
00:22.00[av]banibetter buttons
00:22.01[av]banibetter blf
00:22.04[av]banibetter handset
00:22.10[av]banibetter microbrowser
00:22.14jbothmm... blf is Busy Lamp Field, aka little lights next to speed dials that light up when the person is on the phone and blink when that line is ringing.  hint extensions are static mapped to SIP or other channels.
00:22.55DenmarkSo "cisco is it"?  Just lack backlights?
00:23.01[av]bani7970 has backlight :)
00:23.08[av]baniwell, for ultimate quality, cisco is it
00:23.22[av]baniyou will pay though.. but it is worth it
00:23.24SedoroxI think polycom has better quality
00:23.41DenmarkI guess you need to throw a lot of money at cisco?
00:23.41asterboyHow do you park calls exactly?
00:23.49[av]banipolycom does massive bass boost on their speakerphone, so people think it sounds better. but it doesnt really.
00:23.56Snake-Eyesi hate polycoms
00:24.01Denmarkseor: Poly has better sound than cisco in your opinion?
00:24.22Sedoroxyou mean me?
00:24.27asterboyfeatures.conf has parkext =>700 and parkps => 701-720
00:24.38Snake-Eyespolycom setup is the worst of most voip ip phones out there
00:25.21Sedoroxyea... but I haven't spent a great deal of time on either.. so..
00:25.23asterboyextensions.conf has include => parkedcalls
00:25.36[av]banipolycom setup is a massive pita, yes
00:25.36asterboyis there anything else I need to setup to have parked calls working?
00:25.47DenmarkSedorox : So [av]bani might be right .. it could be the bas?
00:25.54Snake-Eyesthe cpu on polycom isnt up to spec in some regards
00:26.01Sedoroxwell he said speakerphone.. I've rarely used speakerphone..
00:26.15[av]baniDenmark: for long conversations i find the cisco far more comfortable and better sound
00:26.34[av]banithe handset is better, the audio is better (no massive bass boosting)
00:26.41Denmark[av]bani : For ip-ip?
00:26.45[av]banifor anything
00:27.04Denmarkip-ip is better quality, if 911u, right?
00:27.05[av]baniand the cisco is a lot faster. ive found myself waiting on the polycom often, for it to change menus and stuff
00:27.12SedoroxI don't like Blackberry's wifi/voip phone....
00:27.27[av]baniwe use g711u for everything
00:27.42Sedoroxlotta bandwidth
00:28.01[av]banialso the cisco's blf are superior. multicolor backlit buttons, vs the polycom's weedy little red leds next to the buttons
00:28.23Denmarks/we./Well, I suppose g711u is equal or better quality than POTS?/
00:28.31shaun2222does screen-calle-options.gsm actually say press 3 to send the caller to the torchur menus?
00:28.41Denmark[av]bani : Nice
00:28.46[av]banig711u is as good as it gets with asterisk
00:28.46Sedoroxpots uses 711u
00:28.51[av]banitheres g722, but * doesnt do it yet
00:29.16DenmarkSo g711u == PSTN quality
00:29.45Sedoroxbut it chews a lotta bandwidth..
00:29.53DenmarkOnly cisco supports it yet?
00:29.53[av]banifor lan, doesnt matter really
00:30.03Sedoroxeverything normally supports g711
00:30.06Sedoroxcisco uses g729
00:30.07asterboyok, is there a way to tell * to use a different digit than "#" for initiating the parked calls?
00:30.23DenmarkI mean g722
00:30.30Sedoroxah.. dunno
00:30.35[av]banigrandstream supports g722
00:30.36asterboyI think the Polycom is interpreting with its dialmap.
00:30.38[av]banidont think cisco does
00:30.58DenmarkGrandstream lacks a lot of features, but has good sound, right?
00:31.09Sedoroxmeh.. grandstrams are cheap
00:31.12asterboydoes anyone in here use call parking?
00:31.13Sedoroxperiod.. end of story
00:31.23[av]banigrandstreams are good value for the money
00:31.23SedoroxI have a BT100... it works...
00:31.36[av]baniyou want a cheap phone, gxp2000 is the only way to go really
00:31.45[av]banianything else is unbelievably shit
00:32.08[av]banigxp2000 isnt great, but anything else is worthless
00:32.15DenmarkSo, beginner phone or for the kids, its gxp2000
00:32.27[av]baniwell, you wont feel like you got ripped off. unlike snom :(
00:32.34[av]banithe gxp2000 has issues, but they are being fixed.
00:32.39Sedoroxmy work is thinking of getting a few of the WIP330-NA  phones...
00:32.58[av]baniand its pretty usable.. and pretty much works out of the box with *
00:33.28DenmarkDoes it have speaker phone, and quickdial?
00:33.29[av]banii would recommend gxp2000 over a snom, if that gives you any ideas
00:33.39[av]baniyes, it has speaker phone and speed dial and blf and the whole 9 yards
00:33.56Harm|wanyone know if its possible to upgrade a Cisco 7970G straight from version 2.5 to 8.0sip? or does it have to be incremental like with 7940/60s?
00:34.19[av]banigxp2000's speakerphone is proabbyl the weakest point
00:34.56[av]banifor your $70 you get a lot more functionality than you do from many phones costing 3x as much
00:35.09DenmarkThe mike or speaker is bad?
00:35.10[av]banias long as you dont expect a $70 gxp2000 to perform like a $600 cisco you'll be ok
00:35.18[av]banithe speaker volume is a bit low
00:35.54[av]banithey implemented some of my suggestions int he latest firmwares, which makes me happy
00:36.03Denmarkmaybe its good to buy before going cisco
00:36.05[av]baniunlike snom who have yet to address any of my bugs yet
00:36.26[av]baniits funny to get better support from cheapass chinese phones, than expensive german ones
00:36.33[av]baniand sad at the same time
00:36.59Denmarkwell ..  I guess cisco and poly are better at that.
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00:37.31[av]banipolycom arent any better with support
00:37.54[av]banithey have an insanely stupid firmware policy, and dont talk to end users at all
00:38.30[av]baniand if you buy a sidecar for the polycom, its pretty useless until polycom fixes their firmware
00:38.49[av]banicisco support is excellent, but you pay for it
00:39.05SedoroxI've love one of those 7970G
00:39.13[av]banibut at least you _can_ pay for it, polycom simply doesnt want to hear from you at all
00:39.30Denmarkjudgeing from the pictures of gxp2000, the wire from the hook to the phone is extra?
00:39.43justinuno, it comes with it
00:39.46Sedoroxlol. naa.. they come with it
00:39.57Sedoroxthey aren't THAT cheap..
00:40.02Harm|w[av]bani: ccm or sip?
00:40.36[av]baniwith asterisk, even
00:40.54SedoroxI wish asterisk could act as a sccp client
00:41.00DenmarkI guess g722 wouldn't bee too hard to implement.
00:41.14[av]baniSedorox: er, what do you think it does when it rings a phone?
00:41.23Sedoroxits the server...
00:41.31SedoroxI couldn't get it to work with ccm
00:41.46Sedoroxbecause you can't add ${exten} onto it.. from what I found anyway
00:41.55asterboyFor call parking, does there have to be an extension in extensions.conf for the parkinglot?
00:42.11asterboyLike in there example they have press "#" and then 700
00:42.28asterboyDo I need a [700] context somewhere in extensions.conf?
00:42.51SedoroxI dont' believe so.. I dont' have it listed anywhere in mjy one dialplan... and its still in it
00:43.20Harm|wI can't get this stupid 7970G to grab the 8.x firmware :(
00:43.46asterboyholy shit, search is crap...never works for the simplest things.
00:44.13*** join/#asterisk dynamicpulse (
00:45.05dynamicpulsedoes anyone here have difficulty attepting a native bridge
00:46.44Denmark[av]bani : It actually has speaker phone ..
00:46.56[av]baniDenmark: what does
00:47.22Denmarkthe grandstream . .but I wasn't really thinking of speaker phone..
00:48.35DenmarkI guess I am getting tired.  I looked at specs for grand stream .. it seems that it really does have it all .. save pixeldisplay, backlight, and microbrowser
00:48.41jboti guess phones is at
00:49.02[av]baniwhat? grandstream has backlight and pixel display
00:49.08dynamicpulseit's blue
00:49.16Sedoroxin a grandstream
00:49.21Sedoroxsorry... :>
00:49.44[av]banii can imagine grandstream doing sendtext though, which would be useful
00:49.48DenmarkSedorox : It does have POE, which impresses me.
00:49.52[av]banilinksys will probably never do anything
00:50.09[av]banii dont expect linksys will ever do microbrowser or even send text.
00:50.36dynamicpulsethe nice thing about grandstream is the awesome alpha and beta firmware they release... that you can try and add new features to your phone (some crash it) but it is fun to play with
00:50.46[av]banilinksys has only just discovered the existence of 100mb ethernet
00:50.48[av]banionly _just_
00:51.00Sedoroxthey dont' have that for my phone
00:51.03Sedoroxthe BT100 sucks
00:51.12Sedorox[av]bani: maybe for their phones...
00:51.23shaun2222is their a repo some where besides wiki that has a bunch of prebuilt confs, looking for example confs on doing things like making the caller identify them self and announcing the caller to the agent
00:51.54[av]banithe avaya 4621sw looks interesting
00:52.11*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
00:52.21SedoroxI like avaya styles
00:52.28Sedoroxlike the look of the phone
00:52.33Sedoroxdunno how functional it is tho
00:53.05dynamicpulsewould anyone be able to help me with a quick problem?
00:53.34*** join/#asterisk testshifter (n=testshif@
00:53.43nubbragedynamicpulse: just ask -- if someone can, they will
00:54.00dynamicpulsenubbrage k will do
00:54.22testshifterguyz, i have setup 2 asterisk voip servers with different pubilc IP. How can i let those 2 communicate
00:55.17dynamicpulseI am having difficulty making outgoing calls using any codec... I have a grandstream 2000 using the g729 codec (i can make local calls to extensions on the server) but when making outgoing calls to PSTN (through telasip) it rings and then disconnects when the other user picks up... I hope someone has had a similar issue ... and was able to fix it
00:56.33Sedoroxdynamicpulse: do you have the g729 codec license for the asterisk server? if not.. asterisk will only pass it through.. so it wouldn't work to PSTN.. unless you had it
00:56.34nubbragetestshifter: ummmm... setup SIP peers
00:56.34Denmarkdynamicpulse : I didn't have it.  But try g711u, thats what PSTN uses!
00:57.27dynamicpulseDenmark i thought telasip supports g729
00:57.39dynamicpulseSedorox yes I have a g729 for asterisk server :-) so I can get voicemails and everything
00:57.45Sedoroxahh ok
00:57.48Sedoroxthen it should worki.. hmm
00:57.54Denmarkdynamicpulse : Possibly.  I don't know telasip.
00:57.54testshifternumbbrage, how can i setup SIP peers?
00:58.14Sedoroxconsole give anything specific? I've used g729 on phones.. to pstn just fine...
00:58.27dynamicpulsewill show
00:58.39Sedoroxwell.. pastebin :p
00:59.01dynamicpulseSedorox thanks
00:59.46dynamicpulsehere it is
00:59.51Sedoroxbut yea.. just wondering what it says.. because I know it works.. so..
01:00.15Sedoroxoo your not going to pstn.. your going to telasip first...
01:00.16*** join/#asterisk Darwin_35 (
01:00.18dynamicpulseit dies after native bridge
01:00.46dynamicpulseSedorox: sorry I may not have explained that well
01:01.09testshifterhello Darwin
01:01.31Sedoroxthe only other thing I would suggest
01:01.38Sedoroxturn on sip debugging .. and check that out
01:01.56dynamicpulsewill give it a shot
01:01.59Sedoroxsince its bridging.... if telasip doesn't support g729 it might not work.. but you shoudl be able to turn off bridging
01:01.59testshifterHow to setup sip to call other asterisk servers(public ip)
01:02.05Sedorox(reinvite I believe)
01:02.13Sedoroxbut I could  be wrong
01:02.31De_Monwho provided the current voice prompts for asterisk?
01:03.47dynamicpulseoh no!! isn't there something in the sip.conf where you publish your external IP
01:03.54*** part/#asterisk shifter (
01:04.28testshifteryes it has but how can i make a call using x-lite?
01:05.03Darwin_35Tester have you finished reading the manual
01:05.15VeNoMouS_anyone know if theres been further work on t38 for asterisk?
01:05.24Darwin_35did you read on how to setup a account in sip.conf
01:05.35Darwin_35its in the manual
01:05.41dynamicpulsejust foudn it
01:05.59Darwin_35there is t38 work going on in spandsp
01:06.12testshifteryes i can make calls using my private network but i cant figure out how to call others using their public ip in x-lite
01:06.19VeNoMouS_yea going on, its long way from finishing
01:06.33VeNoMouS_plus steve sucks @ replying to emails
01:06.41VeNoMouS_he emails a lil bit that dont get u anywhere
01:06.49testshifter<<--- just a college student
01:06.57VeNoMouS_ie the lsat email i got from him
01:06.58VeNoMouS_The signal level is too high. It is clipping badly.
01:07.04Darwin_35tester so what that has no bearing here
01:07.20Darwin_35you could be jobless and it has no bearing
01:07.34Sedoroxtestshifter: I'm a college student too.... lol
01:07.44testshiftercool Sedorox!
01:07.55dynamicpulsethat was my problem no external IP
01:07.57Sedoroxbut I dont' dial via IP.. so..
01:08.02dynamicpulsesorry about that silly problem guys
01:08.05Sedoroxdynamicpulse: hehe
01:08.11Sedoroxdynamicpulse: as long as you were able to fix it ;-)
01:08.32testshifterguyz please help! i need to call other asterisk servers using their public ip
01:08.41testshiftersorry guyz i need it badly! :)
01:08.53Sedoroxtestshifter: look it up on the wiki.. there is a few howto's
01:08.56Sedoroxto do it with both sip and iax
01:09.11Darwin_35its in the manual
01:09.12Sedoroxtrust me... its better to do it that way then to get someone to walk you through it here...
01:09.49testshifterSedorox, so i need to setup iax too??
01:10.13testshifterjust to call other asterisk in public?
01:10.14Sedoroxno... you don't _need_ to.. depends which way you do it...
01:10.21*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doolph@
01:10.26Sedoroxtrust me.. read the howtos.. they are easy.. its how I learned to do it :p
01:10.30doolphhey parking working.
01:10.42testshiftermy initial purpose is for VOIP.
01:11.01asterboygood fucking thing I don't have to wait for answers here. SUCKS
01:11.32Sedoroxtestshifter: that would be the sole purpose of asterisk :p
01:11.42asterboyHere is where you can get better information:
01:12.01Sedoroxoh for call parking
01:12.13asterboyand really needs to do something about their search.
01:13.05*** part/#asterisk dynamicpulse (
01:13.23asterboytestsifters answer should be, "To see your telco enemies driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of Vonage and Cisco."
01:13.38*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:14.30asterboygotta love Conan the Astricon.
01:14.45DenmarkI don't understand - what makes the grandstream so cheap - seems like an exelent phone!
01:14.55asterboyform factor for one.
01:15.08asterboyelectrical components for another.
01:15.18orlockDenmark: they are a bit shit
01:15.27orlockput the next to a cisco, you know which phone cost more
01:15.33anonymouz666here it isn't cheap
01:15.42asterboydrop a polycom and a grandstream on the floor...which one do you think will keep working?
01:15.43orlockcompared to a cisco it is
01:15.46Sedorox$70 for a GXP2000
01:15.53anonymouz666and their firmware is nasty.
01:16.19asterboyWhere did you get a GXP2000 for $70
01:16.25SedoroxI think....
01:16.43asterboyI have it down to $83 from
01:16.56asterboy$80s good.
01:17.01Sedoroxah.. I see $90...
01:17.17Sedoroxmusta got it confused with another phone
01:17.18asterboyebay may offer one cheaper but used.
01:17.50DenmarkSo the sound in the grandstream is lousy..
01:17.56asterboyit is?
01:18.13DenmarkI am asking .. you said cheap electrical components?
01:18.13Strom_Cwhat a revelation
01:18.13testshiftermeron bang pinoy dito?
01:18.16asterboymaybe compared to a polycom or cisco...but it must be functional
01:18.41Sedoroxmy bt100 is ok on quality
01:18.45Sedoroxnever had a problem with it
01:18.46asterboyThe polycom has a fantastics speakerphone.
01:19.00Strom_Casterboy, get an ATA and a good-quality analog set or a high-quality desk set...but stay away from the grandstream garbage
01:19.02Sedoroxnotice some lag.. but thats because I dial to west canada from the US east coast :p
01:19.24asterboyStrom_C, that bad? why?
01:19.48justinugrandstream is the ultimate in frustration technology
01:19.52justinuso close, yet so far
01:19.55asterboyI have no choice but to go to the cheapest functional sometimes on price only.
01:19.56Strom_Ca friend of mine decided to try 100 grandstream phones in an office environment one time.  Within six months, all but eight of them had broken.
01:20.24asterboyThey just came out with some Alpha firmware which I hear is working fantastic.
01:20.48Strom_Casterboy, no, I mean /physically/ the phones fell apart
01:21.07asterboyoh, I believe that...the formfactor looks like it came from China
01:21.30asterboyi droped my polycom from a high height onto cement flooring.
01:21.51asterboyThe thing bounces and just gets right back into service with nothing but a scratch.
01:22.17asterboyNow the grandstream on the other hand looks like it would shatter.
01:22.30asterboyI give my clients the choice.
01:22.42shaun2222Strom_C: maybe you can point me in the rigth direction here... i have a queue setup, i want the caller to say their name and for the system to record it, then i want it to annouce that to the agent/member and have them pick a option (1 to connect, 2 send to voice mail, 3 disconnect, etc ).
01:22.51shaun2222i've been searching for what seams like hours.
01:22.59asterboyI show them the polycom and recommend it for harsh environments...but if they decide to choose otherwise on price...that's their fault not mine.
01:23.13Strom_Cshaun2222, sounds like you need some custom programming
01:23.28shaun2222Storm_C in what language?
01:23.33*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
01:23.37Strom_Cdon't call me storm, please :)
01:23.37shaun2222using like AGI or somthing you mean
01:23.44asterboyor maybe even C
01:23.48Strom_Cyes, AGI and whatever language you feel most comfortable using
01:23.56asterboyperl is nice
01:24.05asterboyPHP ok
01:24.06shaun2222i'm the man when it comes to perl :)
01:24.32shaun2222any good howto's out their for AGI and perl?
01:24.37asterboyYa, I gotta say I love perl for it's tight integration with OS and the bash like feel
01:24.47Strom_Cshaun2222, look up Asterisk::AGI
01:25.44asterboyok, bbl...major milestones in * accomplished today...[TD]KFender is an asset to this group.
01:25.52Denmarkright now I have the sippura 2000.  I am kinda happy, but I could wish for a better quality.
01:26.48Denmarklater asterboy
01:27.10*** join/#asterisk jhnjwng (
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01:35.12*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
01:36.07Darwin_35Everyone is fired go home
01:36.08*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
01:36.16Darwin_35Asterisk is no more
01:36.20*** join/#asterisk jasonpr (
01:36.31tainted_what's the best way to list the peers on a * box
01:36.44Darwin_35cli> sip show peers
01:36.48tainted_manager api?
01:37.10tainted_i need to store the peers in mysql
01:37.11jasonprDoes anyone know how to place a call (from asterisk) then send that call to an existing conference
01:37.22DenmarkDarwin_35 : Which language is asterisk coded in?
01:37.23tainted_jasonpr i've been trying to figure that out too
01:37.27tainted_Denmark c
01:37.29Darwin_35the reaad the realtime pages in the wiki
01:37.33Strom_Cjasonpr, is the box generating the call?
01:37.35Denmarkpure c?
01:37.51Strom_Cjasonpr, go read up on call files
01:38.09Darwin_35jasor hookflash
01:38.16Denmarkis it OO oriented or SA?
01:38.28*** join/#asterisk batman2 (
01:39.26tainted_any manager api gurus?
01:39.57Darwin_35real asterisk users use the cli
01:40.15jasonpris there another way from the manager socket?
01:40.32tainted_jasonpr closest i got was call files
01:40.43tainted_although there is an app_bridge in the works
01:41.26SedoroxI thought the 7970G has gigabit interfaces on it.. not 10/100
01:41.48tainted_justinu it's on bugs
01:42.01justinuyeah, it's kinda old tho
01:42.10tainted_heath revived it recently
01:42.16tainted_shows promise
01:42.25Darwin_35but it works
01:43.35justinui need exactly that
01:44.21[av]bani7970g-ge has gigabit
01:44.37[av]banier, 7971g-ge
01:44.46justinuthere aren't many 802.3af PoE switches, i understand
01:44.50Sedoroxooo ok
01:44.51justinugigabit switches
01:44.58SedoroxSub-Total: $894.69
01:45.11Sedorox7970G with power brick.. and Plantronics CS50 headset
01:45.22Sedoroxthose headsets are nice
01:45.53tainted_justinu let me know how it goes
01:47.47wunderkinSedorox, i was looking at the cs50 earlier
01:48.11SedoroxI Dont' know what model we have.. its a older one... it wraps over the head as the holder for it... but I tell ya.. nice and clear...
01:49.03Sedoroxif I had the money I would do that.. or a wifi phone...
01:50.02tainted_i heard the wifi phones are garbage
01:50.02wunderkinSedorox, the cs50 is about 170 from googlegear
01:50.12Sedoroxwunderkin: hmmm
01:50.27Sedoroxtainted_: well.. the only real one I've played with is the blackberry one.. and that oen is shitty...
01:50.34Sedoroxbut.. I just don't like blackberrys.. so.. :p
01:55.18Sedoroxwow.. I can get a cisco 831 for about $200 less the voipsupply has them
02:05.40*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
02:06.11lokoSedorox thats what I use in my house
02:07.14Sedoroxthe CCNA academic stuff is offering it for like $300
02:08.19lokonot bad
02:08.22lokowork provided mine
02:08.52SedoroxI have a shitrload of 2500's... and one 2600 I'm 'borrowing'
02:08.55Sedoroxso study up
02:09.04Sedoroxand a shitty 2916M-XL switch
02:09.52*** join/#asterisk octothorpe (n=octothor@unaffiliated/octothorpe)
02:12.26shaun2222i have a 7206 VXR, 3750G-24-EI, 3550-24-EI, 2950G-48-EI sitting here :)
02:12.37Sedoroxyou suck!
02:12.46SedoroxI just want a decent switch.. that can do 802.1q
02:12.52Sedoroxthats all.. doesn't need to be more then 12 ports...
02:13.00Sedoroxyes.. but IC an't find one cheap
02:13.14VeNoMouS_AGH fucking max gay
02:13.14shaun2222get a old 2900 then
02:13.20shaun2222they arnt that bad these days i dont think
02:13.21SedoroxI have a 2916m-xl... it sucks
02:13.22Sedoroxcan't do it
02:13.24VeNoMouS_they arnt doing t38 asterisk endpoint anytime soon!!
02:13.32SedoroxI can't find the right IOS either.. seems no one has it
02:13.33shaun2222it cant do trunking?
02:13.34VeNoMouS_tahts just fucks me over for this project
02:13.38Sedoroxjust isl
02:13.52shaun2222thats right
02:14.00SedoroxI don't have the enterprise software.. even tho it says it is...
02:14.27shaun2222Port        Mode         Encapsulation  Status        Native vlan
02:14.27shaun2222Fa0/1       on           802.1q         trunking      1
02:15.36SedoroxI know someone who has a 2950 sitting around.. but they won't sell it to me :/
02:15.51shaun2222how much you looking to spend?
02:16.17Sedoroxpoor college student.... $200 or less :/ (so now you see why I haven't found any.. actually hoping for less then $100)
02:16.24shaun2222the 2950's arnt cheap... i usually pay 2K for the 2950G-48-EI's
02:16.38shaun2222i just got 2 of them for a hell of a deal though, 1500 ea
02:16.50shaun2222and it came with like 48 cables and 20 feet of fiber
02:17.19De_Mon2950 is a phone right?
02:17.25Sedoroxnetwork switch
02:17.34Sedorox79XX are the phones
02:17.38De_Monoh :)
02:17.42bkw_why do people always misuse then and than in sentences all the time?
02:18.05Sedoroxsorry? :p
02:18.16shaun2222i fuck up their and there all the time
02:18.24*** join/#asterisk ramo (i=ramo@
02:18.26De_Monwhy does a poor colage student need a 'quality' switch?
02:18.27bkw_shaun2222, thats one too
02:18.37De_Monbkw_ they went to an american school?
02:18.40SedoroxDe_Mon: I need something that can do 802.1q trunks
02:18.51bkw_De_Mon, I did to and I very rarely misuse those two words
02:19.07bkw_its the keyboard overriding the brain
02:19.15bkw_you type faster than you can think eh?
02:19.15De_MonSedorox can't you just use linux?
02:19.25shaun2222Sedorox: why can you use isl?
02:19.32De_Monit's cheaper than the real hardware...
02:19.40bkw_cheaper doesn't always mean better
02:19.41SedoroxI dont' have a box with enough pci slots and networks cards...
02:19.50bkw_the PCI bus can't do what a switch can
02:19.53bkw_sorry guys ...
02:19.56Sedoroxshaun2222: because I want to uplink to routers (both cisco and linux/freebsd)
02:20.04De_Monbkw_ cheaper almost NEVER means better, unless the other option is to do without
02:20.04bkw_8gbit on PCI-X isn't it?
02:20.07shaun2222i see
02:20.11Sedoroxbkw_: correct.. but for small stuff it should be fine
02:20.17Sedoroxyes.. but pci-x nics are $$
02:20.29bkw_I want a two port PCI-X fiber nic
02:20.32Sedoroxshaun2222: if I was only doing cisco.. it wouldn't be a problem :p
02:20.32shaun2222Sedorox: you could probably find a cheap ass foundry that will do it
02:20.33bkw_for gigabit
02:20.45Sedoroxshaun2222: yea.. someone found a 48 port lucent that did it...
02:20.51shaun2222i had a foundry somthing iron way back i bought for like 150 bucks
02:20.56shaun2222it was base l3
02:21.00Sedoroxapparently he has another 24 port that does 802.1q.. but I'm still waiting to hear back
02:21.01bkw_my motto is use what works... and toss what doesn't
02:21.02shaun2222so it would do rate-limiting and stuff
02:21.05De_Mon8gb is the full pci-x capacity isn't it? divide that by how # of connected devices?
02:21.16Sedoroxargh.. dont' get me on rate-limiting on switched
02:21.18De_Mons/how //
02:21.26bkw_VeNoMouS_, first you need asterisk to actually support t.38
02:21.28De_Mon:) jbot you so clever
02:21.44bkw_VeNoMouS_, email and ftp are far more efficient at delivering documents
02:21.50bkw_vs Faxing
02:22.04bkw_fax is a thorn in my side on a daily basis
02:22.06shaun2222Sedorox: i beleive it was a fastiron
02:22.14VeNoMouS_bkw_ : lol dude wtf
02:22.16SedoroxI duno.. just need a decent switch...
02:22.23VeNoMouS_anyways im going home but ure smoking crack
02:22.28shaun2222foundry makes some good switch's
02:22.32VeNoMouS_i would love if we banned fax's from the planet
02:22.32bkw_VeNoMouS_, actually no
02:22.35VeNoMouS_but hay its not gonna happen
02:22.36bkw_I know what i'm talking about
02:22.51bkw_I do about 20-30k faxes a day
02:22.58VeNoMouS_i dont think u do, because when u have over 1000 ppl sending frieght invoices all the time
02:23.07VeNoMouS_u cant expect that many ppl to just switch
02:23.10VeNoMouS_its just not going to happen
02:23.14bkw_I know that
02:23.22bkw_but using asterisk for faxing is about the same
02:23.25bkw_because it just won't work
02:23.30bkw_good luck
02:23.38bkw_we have to switch to all cisco gear for faxing
02:23.53bkw_because it just works a hell of a lot better than anything else out there
02:24.01Sedoroxthanks... but yea... dunno
02:24.06VeNoMouS_well the only reason im wanting to switch to t38 is because spandsp v2 dont support all signal negoitations properly
02:24.18bkw_neither does v3
02:24.29bkw_and v2 can with a 2-5% failure rate
02:24.32shaun2222Sedorox: the reason it's so cheap is it's mad old, EOL :)
02:24.36VeNoMouS_lol 2-5
02:24.39Sedoroxwell yea
02:24.40VeNoMouS_yea right
02:24.51VeNoMouS_my failure rate is around 60%
02:24.59VeNoMouS_because of all the types of differnt faxes
02:25.00bkw_ours runs 2% solid
02:25.10bkw_that 20-30k a day is all on spandsp
02:25.14bkw_and we are having to switch to cisco
02:25.15VeNoMouS_today alone i found 2 faxes that spandsp dont like
02:25.21bkw_just two?
02:25.22VeNoMouS_brother 2750
02:25.22bkw_lucky you
02:25.27bkw_I have a list 100 miles long
02:25.31VeNoMouS_xerox document center 250
02:25.32shaun2222Sedorox: i ran it for a year or so, with rate-limit policys.. worked great... even droped it off the top of a rack and it still works :)
02:25.42VeNoMouS_man ure acting real up yourself dude
02:25.53bkw_VeNoMouS_, if you collect the info for those with the audio debug you can submit them to steve and he can make it work
02:25.54shaun2222Sedorox: if i still had it i would give it to you, but i gave it to some kid
02:26.00bkw_VeNoMouS_, you must not know how I am
02:26.04VeNoMouS_i already talk to steve
02:26.17Sedoroxnaa.. its fine
02:26.25SedoroxI just need to save up my money :p
02:26.33bkw_you don't know the stuff we do to make faxes just work... its lots of hacking and lots of crossing fingers but we do great on it
02:26.57*** join/#asterisk willcampos123 (
02:27.09VeNoMouS_the fact that steve doesnt even put page length checking into t4 says something bout the whole project
02:27.47bkw_its a good project and its only going to get better
02:27.57VeNoMouS_not the way u keep ripping it off
02:28.22willcampos123Hello, does anyone know how to disable callback feature? means when a * extension calls an external number, * extension hang up call, but external number don't, * extesion rings back...
02:28.24bkw_you must not know that we work with Steve all the time
02:29.06orlocki'm actually trying to get faxing to work at the moment
02:29.14orlockbut not with asterisk, just hylafax
02:29.20orlockgetting mmr errors
02:29.24bkw_you must have your clocking right to use asterisk with rxfax
02:29.35bkw_now we did write chan_fax for asterisk where you could sit hylafax on top of spandsp
02:29.36bkw_works ok
02:29.43bkw_but spandsp needs a few more things to make that work correctly
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02:29.56bkw_you can bring up a bank of virtual modems and then hook hylafax on top and go with that
02:30.08VeNoMouS_bkw_ we will carry on this convo later
02:30.08bkw_since Hylafax can do software ECM you gain that because spandsp doesn't have ECM at all
02:30.10VeNoMouS_im heading home
02:30.13VeNoMouS_Fri Mar 31 14:28:06 NZST 2006
02:30.41VeNoMouS_actually b4 i go
02:30.56VeNoMouS_u reckon u could decryper what steve ment in his last email to me
02:31.04VeNoMouS_The signal level is too high. It is clipping badly.
02:31.23VeNoMouS_he ant replied back
02:31.28*** join/#asterisk _Simon (
02:31.34bkw_yes the incoming gain is too high on the signal and you're going off the scale
02:31.49bkw_you can try to lower the gain which I have had to do on ours also to make it work with a wider range of faxes
02:31.51VeNoMouS_why is it only doing it on some faxs tho
02:32.04bkw_because some are louder than they should be
02:32.09_Simonhey gang, I bought a DID from globotech, when it comes into my asterisk box, it comes in as s@, has anyone seen that before? the # is actually defined in the USERNAME field, I'm having trouble getting it to work
02:32.11bkw_and that can have somethign to do with the telco
02:32.14VeNoMouS_bkw_ code side or phone.conf side?
02:32.17bkw_or how the call is delivered
02:32.27bkw_well you're using chan_phone?
02:32.41VeNoMouS_but i noticed it had gain shit in there
02:32.45VeNoMouS_call comes in via sip
02:32.53VeNoMouS_from a cisco doing pass through
02:32.54bkw_sip inbound to rxfax?
02:33.04bkw_thats just g711 pass thru right?
02:33.32willcampos123Hello, does anyone know how to disable callback feature? means when a * extension calls an external number, * extension hang up call, but external number don't, * extesion rings back...
02:33.35VeNoMouS_i'll talk to u bout it in 30mins u gonna be around?
02:33.35bkw_well thats a bad way to even use it.. since rtp has no jitter buffer and its very sensitive to that stuff
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02:33.40bkw_i'll be here
02:33.47bkw_I can tell you some stuff to try maybe
02:33.47VeNoMouS_kool heading home cause my ride bitching
02:35.53willcampos123Hello, does anyone know how to disable callback feature? means when a * extension calls an external number, * extension hang up call, but external number don't, * extesion rings back...
02:41.00De_Monwillcampos123 edit features.conf ?
02:41.29willcampos123features.conf, let me see
02:43.01willcampos123i see parck calls, but not any option to disable callback
02:43.12willcampos123or maybe is the wrong name...
02:43.20_SimonI bought a DID from globotech, when it comes into my asterisk box, it comes in as s@, has anyone seen that before? the # is actually defined in the USERNAME field, I'm having trouble getting it to work, any ideas?
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02:49.21*** join/#asterisk Idle (
02:49.32QwellIdle: Must not work THAT well, if you're here. :P
02:49.49IdleI just want it to detect calls faster on the zaptel
02:50.08QwellDo you have callerid?
02:50.17Idlewould like to, but dont
02:50.21QwellThat'll speak it up a little
02:50.42Idlewhat do I reload for zapata?
02:51.00Qwellsorry, usecallerid=no
02:51.23IdleI have callerid=asrecieved in mine from an example..
02:51.32_Simonanyone have any thoughts? is that common? I'm not sure how to route it in extensions.conf
02:51.39Qwellthat's fine.  just set usecallerid=no, and it won't for it to never come
02:51.48Qwells/won't/won't wait/
02:52.06IdleQwell: well, how do I reload zapata? do I need to restart asterisk for that?
02:53.17Idleits hangup detection SUCKS
02:53.28Idle2 rings later, it stops
02:54.28Nuggetring ring ring ring ring ring ring
02:54.42Idletoo bad my brother is at home.... otherwise I would test how the voicemail works with an answering machine
02:54.46SedoroxI'll have to do the caller id thing on my one box.. takes like 3 rings before my voip phone rings
02:54.46fileNugget, guess what I had today
02:55.06fileNugget, nope just chicken nuggets
02:55.12Nuggethooray anyway
02:55.16Idlecalling out is good
02:55.31IdleSedorox: yea, it worked for me :D
02:55.45*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
02:56.27shmaltzI have features.conf wokring nicely however if I use sendDTMF to send the dtmf that would invoke a feature it doesn work? what could be the problem?
02:57.04justinuwtf is bananaphone? some new ad?
03:00.21VeNoMouS_ok im back
03:00.25VeNoMouS_well home now
03:08.55Idlewhat is the prefered method for answering zap lines?  just Dial(extensions..), or Answer first?
03:09.14Idleok, :)
03:11.50*** join/#asterisk Smi|k (
03:12.11Smi|kanyone here have experience writing audio driver files for windows?
03:12.24Nugget...and willing to admit it?
03:12.47*** join/#asterisk b66mer (n=b66mer@
03:12.49Smi|kanyone here willing to admit having experience writing audio driver files for windows?
03:13.25Smi|kanyone here?
03:14.40Idleaparently noone with windows driver experience
03:14.58Smi|kI see
03:15.11Smi|kI had a piffany today
03:15.45*** join/#asterisk glm2k (
03:16.00Nuggetdid it have anything to do with learning to spell?  :)
03:16.29Smi|kwhy not write an audio driver (windows sees it as a sound card) and bind it to asterisk on the other side... windows allows multiple audio drivers on one PC, so inside your applications such as google talk, skype, lycos, etc..etc.. select the driver as your mic/speaker device then have asterisk manage the connection
03:17.33Qwella piffany...heh
03:17.42testshifterguyz how can i call another asterisk voip server.. i set-up mine
03:17.43Smi|kwouldnt that be a simple way to use asterisk with a wide variety of other applications effectively?
03:17.57QwellSmi|k: I think you mean "an epiphany"
03:18.22Smi|kespecially in the office, I could run all the software in the background and have it ring my voip deskphone through asterisk with caller id being simply "skype" or "lycos" or more info if its available
03:19.01{zombie}there seems to be a limit on the number of rules you can put in extensions.conf - anyone know if that limit can be increased?
03:19.03testshifterguyz how to test asterisk to call public servers who have asterisk
03:19.10Smi|kQwell, no, I meant a piffany.... since I dont know if it can be done or if its already been done its simply a piffany at this point... should it become something or be an idea of sorts, then it will be an epiphany
03:19.45{zombie}with * 1.2.4 I seem to hit a wall around 367 extensions
03:19.46testshifterplease help me setup my asterisk...
03:20.17Smi|kwhat do you think though? has there been any chatter over the years regarding the audio driver translator?
03:20.17{zombie}whereas with 1.0.7 I had over 500
03:21.00testshifterany help?
03:22.30testshifterguyz how to call from one asterisk server to another?
03:22.54jbot[docs] probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
03:23.06NuggetSmi|k: it's a sound idea, but in my experience the folks who are actually in the trenches developing asterisk are far more focused on more subtantive areas that serve to make asterisk a useful pbx.
03:23.15Strom_Ctestshifter, if you cant follow the documentation, give up and go kill yourself now.  it will save us all lots of trouble.
03:23.27Smi|kwell anything regarding audio drivers is a sound idea....
03:23.31Nuggetpeople are more concerned with PRIs and business needs than tailoring asterisk to be a plaything for desktop users.
03:23.53Nuggetnot making any value assumptions there, just stating my observation
03:24.18testshifterwat a nice suggestion
03:24.24Smi|kNugget, this would effectively become a universal translator for any voip software not already integrated/compatible with asterisk - that has value does it not?
03:24.31Nuggetof course.
03:24.35Smi|ki.e. lycos announced free voip to landline calling
03:24.50justinutestshifter is the epitome of n00b
03:24.53Nuggetit's just not something that's a focus for the asterisk developer community that I've seen
03:25.15Nuggetthe digium guys are trying to break into the pbx market, not appeal to skype users.
03:25.29Nuggetand asterisk's development reflects that
03:25.33mog_workas i am dead sexy
03:25.35justinuskype is stupid
03:25.44Smi|kthis isint about skype justinu
03:25.53file[laptop]what are you still doing at the office?
03:26.00mog_workworking on jingle
03:26.07testshifternice room to get help!
03:26.07file[laptop]then continue
03:26.08mog_workaka my plea for people to drop skype
03:26.18justinujingle is cool
03:26.19Smi|kthis is about audio passing to voip, which must happen at some point
03:26.25justinufuckin F1 practice is on!
03:26.52Smi|kif its done with a sound card driver, no changes can be made to block it
03:27.06mog_workwhat does Smi|k want?
03:27.13Qwellmog_work: chan_alsa
03:27.16Qwellbasically :P
03:27.24Nuggetexcept for windoes.  :)
03:27.30mog_workchan_alsa with manger control?
03:27.34Smi|kwhy not write an audio driver (windows sees it as a sound card) and bind it to asterisk on the other side... windows allows multiple audio drivers on one PC, so inside your applications such as google talk, skype, lycos, etc..etc.. select the driver as your mic/speaker device then have asterisk manage the connection
03:27.38Smi|kthats it again mog
03:27.46Nuggetbecause there aren't many people who want to do that.
03:27.59Nuggetor, at least, not many who have the motivation to develop it
03:28.11Qwell$$$ talks
03:28.13mog_workits not scalable
03:28.19mog_workwhats that Qwell
03:28.19Smi|kin what sense mog?
03:28.20Qwellmog_work: yeah, 1 channel, max
03:28.27mog_workyou can only have 1 channel
03:28.28testshifterwhat a reliable reference we got here
03:28.36Smi|kwhy only 1 channel?
03:28.37Nuggetthe people who are actually putting the time and energy into asterisk aren't looking at that sort of use case.
03:28.47QwellSmi|k: 1 channel per sound card
03:28.53mog_workone full duplex channel per sound card
03:28.56Smi|kright now I have like 3 installed
03:28.57mog_workkinda expensive hack
03:29.09Smi|kdropdown in google talk lets me select which one to use for mic, which for speaker, etc..etc..
03:29.15Nuggetfor what it's worth, I've done exactly what you are describing with a hardware solution.
03:29.21mog_workthats one channel though
03:29.23mog_workand that is
03:29.24Nuggetit's a neat toy, but I don't take it seriously.
03:29.26mog_workerr it
03:29.26Qwellthe trick is writing a fake audio driver, which converts to say, SIP
03:29.32Smi|knot sure how many windows supports, but if it supports say 10, then 9 of them could be sip translators
03:29.34Smi|kthats 9 channels
03:29.35mog_workit cant be done for multiple people
03:29.41mog_workso 9 channels?
03:29.42Smi|kQwell, thats what I'm talking about
03:29.42mog_workthats it
03:29.44mog_workone machine
03:29.46mog_workfor 9 channels
03:29.51jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
03:29.51mog_workwhy not just implement google talk
03:29.51Smi|kmog_work, it depends how many channels windows supports
03:29.54mog_workthats what i am doing
03:29.59Smi|koh, that works :)
03:30.03mog_workits still pisspoor
03:30.06bkw_mog_work, really?
03:30.21mog_workyeah your in for enjoyment tommorrow
03:30.30mog_workyou can make fun of me all day long and have a nice day ^_^
03:30.49bkw_no honestly I wasn't making fun of you.. you have a hard task ahead of you
03:30.52bkw_libjingle is pure shit
03:30.52{zombie}noone has any ideas on the extensions.conf limits?
03:31.04Smi|ksee what I mean on sound card driver though? you dont need more than one channel
03:31.09mog_workim not using libjingle
03:31.13mog_worklibjingle is junk
03:31.21bkw_you found that out too eh?
03:31.27mog_worki always knew that ^_^
03:31.27Smi|kif I come to work each day and have various voice applications on my work computer, then I can have them all forward to my cell phone when I leave work each day
03:31.33mog_workit didnt even build on my box
03:31.33bkw_whats your attack plan?
03:31.38mog_worktill their 3rd release
03:31.43mog_workwell about a year ago
03:31.44bkw_hell it didn't even build on any of our boxes till then either
03:31.45Smi|kif 100 people in the same office do the same thing its a single audio driver, installed on 100 pc's used by 100 people, thats scalable
03:31.48mog_worki found a wonderful library
03:32.00bkw_same one we use
03:32.01mog_workthe rest is simple
03:32.03mog_workyeah i know
03:32.07bkw_simple eh?
03:32.09mog_workglad you guys moved
03:32.16mog_workive just been busy / dumb
03:32.29mog_worknever wrote a channel driver before
03:32.31mog_workim a nubb
03:32.33mog_workwhat can i say
03:32.37Smi|khow much $ for a sound card driver converted to sip Nugget?
03:32.57Nuggetdon't look at me.  I wouldn't want to do it even if I could.
03:32.58Smi|ksip or iax on the client side, with a setup section to tell it which server login/pass etc.. to bind to
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03:33.49Smi|khey, at least I'm not asking for OCR drivers that do screen caps and read the text off the ringing program and convert it to caller id data :P
03:34.16Nuggetask me sometime about my roommate in college who got his computer to boot of a scsi scanner.
03:35.22mog_workwhat the hell Nugget ?
03:36.02Nuggethe discovered that it was easy to spoof the scanner to appear as a bootable device, and took very little effort to get it to scan the tray and dump the bits raw
03:36.24Nuggetso he worked up a page of binary chatter that was the boot code he needed (with minimal parsing) and had the scanner as his boot device.
03:36.34NuggetI only vaguelly understand the actual mechanics
03:36.50Nuggetit took him about a month to get working
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03:46.25AlexCTIHi Everyone... someone knows how disable the music on hold when the agents are waiting for call? and just leave the beep qhen the next call comes in?
03:48.43*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
03:49.53dlynesHello.  I'm just wondering if anyone has any third-party addons to facilitate playing of wav files using the Background() dialplan application?
03:50.18Qwelldlynes: Why would you need a third-party app?
03:50.29QwellBackground() plays wav just fine
03:51.52dlynesYeah, you told me that the other night, but every time I try... says unrecognized format
03:52.20dlynesand then mentions some blather about it not being ilbc format
03:52.29dlyneswhat ilbc has to do with wav, I don't know
03:52.57dlynesI've tried Background(wavfile.wav), Background(wavfile.wav:wav), Background(wavfile:wav)
03:53.00dlynesNone of them work
03:53.22AlexCTIdlynes: don't put the extension
03:53.27AlexCTIon the file
03:53.31dlynesIt's an 8K, mono wav file I'm trying to play
03:53.36AlexCTIjust the name of file
03:53.58dlynesOh...ok...just used to all the other applications that require the extension
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03:55.09AlexCTIAnyone is familiar  with queues?
03:57.11x86what are the legalities involved with recording outbound calls? assumed that if you didn't leave the extension off, that it would go to gsm
03:57.33dlynesx86:  I think it's very particular to the laws of your region
03:57.38x86say one of my users wants to call someone up and record it (which I currently support), do i have to play a message to the called party giving them a disclaimer?
03:57.45x86or is that the responsibility of the end user?
03:57.56x86dlynes: the US
03:59.25AlexCTIdlynes: * search the file no matter the extension, but better be sure is on the right format
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04:04.23dlynesx86: yeah, no idea...I'm not in the us
04:04.58dlynesx86:  but in a lot of jurisdictions, you can announce at the beginning that it's being recorded, or you can play an audible beep periodically to let them know it's being recorded, ...
04:06.33*** join/#asterisk tehdely (
04:08.59Smi|kx86, I'd suggest just setting up a box offshore and giving it a sip connection
04:09.06dlynesx86, if you want to avoid getting sued, i'd suggest checking with a lawyer
04:09.12Smi|kwhen they want to record, they conf. in that channel and then do the recording offshore and access it via web wherever they are
04:09.20Smi|kthat way there is no laws for anyone to worry about
04:09.25Smi|kand you can bill more for recording
04:18.12x86what about 911?
04:19.16x86if i dont offer that to my customers, but make them sign a waiver that they acknowledge I do not provide 911 services PRIOR to letting them signup, will there be any responsibility beyond that?
04:19.39expressfone1need help to install zaptel-1.2.5 on 2.6.16-1.2069_FC4
04:21.00expressfone1# modprobe wctdm
04:21.01expressfone1FATAL: Module wctdm not found.
04:21.01expressfone1FATAL: Error running install command for wctdm
04:21.16expressfone1any one can helpme??
04:21.17Qwellexpressfone1: type `make install`
04:21.21*** join/#asterisk Z-Knight (
04:21.26Qwellin the zaptel source dir
04:21.54Z-Knightanyone know how to get the firmware files to upgrade to SIP the CISCO 7960 phone???
04:22.23expressfone1but no modules at /lib/modules/2.6.16-1.2069_FC4/misc/
04:22.58Z-KnightDoes anyone know anything about the CISCO 7960?
04:23.09expressfone1after type `make install`
04:23.09|omni|Z-Knight: , I use them here
04:23.26expressfone1Qwell ???
04:23.48Z-Knightomni:  How did you upgrade (or did you) to SIP??  I can't find access to the old CISCO firmware files that I think I need
04:24.34|omni|Z-Knight: , you need a cisco account
04:24.45Z-Knighthow do you get one...and how much does it cost?
04:24.58Z-Knightfirst how much is the cost for the basic one I'd need?
04:25.15Z-KnightI tried registering at cisco but I guess I only get a guest account
04:25.41|omni|company I did the last system for had one so I just used theirs, but I believe if you search on there's some info about buying a support license for the cisco phones
04:25.43Darwin_35everyoone go to bed
04:25.45|omni|for like $50 or something
04:25.48Darwin_35its bed time
04:25.57expressfone1any one can helpme???
04:25.58expressfone1after type `make install`
04:25.58expressfone1no modules found at /lib/modules/2.6.16-1.2069_FC4/misc/
04:25.58expressfone1installing zaptel-1.2.5 on 2.6.16-1.2069_FC4
04:26.18|omni|maybe cheaper if you're not in the US apparently
04:26.25dlynesexpressfone1, did you do make linux26 ; make install?
04:26.25Z-Knightomni:  ok, will do....did you have to convert your phone to SIP, per chance?
04:26.39|omni|I didn't have to, but I have some converted to sip
04:26.44|omni|and some on SCCP
04:27.04expressfone1dlynes, im try it too after symlink on linux-2.6
04:27.07dlynesexpressfone1, also, do you have your linux kernel sources install?
04:27.09|omni|sip image seems to work okay
04:27.15dlynesexpressfone1, symlink?
04:27.20|omni|some people in here having issues with larger installs
04:27.23Z-Knightso I think I have to downgrade to some low SIP first and then upgrade to latest SIP
04:27.30|omni|I didn't have to do that
04:27.34Z-Knightam I right?  I'm only doing one phone
04:27.40|omni|I just did the full upgrade, but I heard that story too
04:27.44expressfone1dlynes> README.Linux26
04:27.49|omni|I didn't have any issues
04:27.59Z-Knightok...yeah, I read about how you have to go down first and then go up
04:28.04|omni|once I found the correct XMLDefault settings, etc.
04:28.09|omni|ya, I didn't have to
04:28.21QwellZ-Knight: The people who say that, don't know what they're doing
04:28.25Z-Knightasterisk@home has some default XMLDefault file available
04:28.28|omni|just stuck everything on the TFTP and made sure I had the XML settings correct
04:28.33dlynesexpressfone1, unless you're using some broken distribution, that symbolic link should already be there
04:28.39|omni|rebooted, it loaded the loader, then the image...all good
04:28.43Z-KnightQWell,  so you can just go to full 8.2 without a problem?
04:28.54Z-Knightk...that's good to know
04:28.59dlynesexpressfone1, there should be two symbolic links in that directory pointing to your source directory
04:29.02dlynesexpressfone1, source, and build
04:29.06Z-KnightQWell, do you know how to get the CISCO support license?
04:29.11Z-Knightso I can get the necessary files
04:29.12Qwellbuy them
04:29.21Z-KnightI know,.....but what is it actually called?
04:29.24expressfone1dlynes> source ??
04:29.29|omni|I think you can get them from INSIGHT
04:29.30Z-Knightwhat shoudl I ask for when I call/email?
04:29.54Z-Knightinsight...ok, let me go check....thanks a lot  omni, QWell!
04:30.28dlynesexpressfone1, for example on my system, in /lib/modules/, i've got a symbolic link of source to /usr/src/linux-, and another one of build to /usr/src/linux-
04:30.33|omni|I could be wrong on that, I'm digging on their site
04:30.57dlynesexpressfone1, also, are you running make install as root user?
04:31.20expressfone1that happen after yum update
04:31.28dlynesDo you have both the source and build symbolic links?
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04:31.50Z-Knightomni:  if you find a link let me know...I'm searching insight now as well
04:31.52expressfone1kernel got updated and cant get zaptel runing any more
04:32.09dlynesexpressfone1, did you recompile zaptel after updating the kernel?
04:32.15Qwellexpressfone1: Do you get any errors?
04:32.21Qwellduing the make install
04:32.24expressfone1only symlink to build, no source code on FC4, only kernel-devel
04:32.40expressfone1Qwell> not, all look ok
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04:32.57dlynesexpressfone1, what's kernel-devel?  Sorry...I'm not a fedora/redhat user...
04:33.02expressfone1dlynes> yes, recompile 5 time
04:33.13dlynesexpressfone1, it's not the kernel sources?
04:33.47expressfone1no need kernel sources on FC4, only need kernel-devel
04:34.11dlynesexpressfone1, if you don't have kernel sources, how are you going to compile zaptel?
04:34.33Qwellkernel-devel ~= kernel-headers
04:34.45expressfone1yes Qwell
04:34.50dlynesQwell, but don't you need your kernel .config file as well?
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04:34.59expressfone1have 5 * runing with kernel-devel
04:35.34expressfone1all ok
04:36.14expressfone1when update this one, zaptel dont install modules
04:36.26jasonprhow do you playback in a conference?
04:36.34dlynesexpressfone1, you must be getting some kind of error at the end of make install though, aren't you?
04:36.54expressfone1no error at all
04:36.58dlynesexpressfone1, do an updatedb
04:37.08dlynesexpressfone1, and then do a locate for zaptel.ko
04:37.09Qwelldlynes: why?
04:37.26Qwellfind /lib/modules/ -name zaptel.ko
04:37.28dlynesQwell, because it might have gotten installed to some fubar location
04:37.35dlynesQwell, otherwise he should have gotten an error
04:39.21expressfone1im runing make clean; make linux26; make install again
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04:40.21expressfone1no error
04:40.22expressfone1# find /lib/modules/ -name zaptel.ko
04:40.44Qwellwell, that's wrong
04:40.57expressfone1but not modules at /lib/modules/2.6.16-1.2069_FC4/misc/
04:41.02Qwellexpressfone1: What do you get when you `uname -r`?
04:41.07x86ls -la /usr/src/linux
04:41.14x86maybe it went off the wrong kernel tree
04:41.24expressfone1im runing 2.6.16-1.2069_FC4
04:41.39Qwellexpressfone1: What does it say when you type that?
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04:42.12philthI'm just starting with * looking to get the Dev FXS FXO card, I've read all throught and just wondering if there were any other suggestions or official pages that would be good for starting out.
04:43.22expressfone1.   /lib/modules/2.6.15-1.1833_FC4/misc/zaptel.ko is old module, from install before update kernel
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04:43.47expressfone1no modules at /lib/modules/2.6.16-1.2069_FC4/misc/
04:43.48x86expressfone1: ls -la /usr/src/linux
04:44.00x86oh wait
04:44.04x86you install from RPM
04:44.17expressfone1from source
04:44.26x86not from source?
04:44.39expressfone1im install from source
04:44.39dlynesx86, it seems his modules got installed to /lib/modules/misc, not /lib/modules/2.6.16-1.2069_FC4/misc
04:45.06x86dlynes: seems like he needs a proper /usr/src/linux symlink!
04:45.40expressfone1where to link /usr/src/linux???
04:45.51dlynesx86, or a proper install of his /usr/src/linux
04:46.02dlynesexpressfone1, it's a generalized name of a symbolic link
04:46.04x86dlynes: that made no sense ;)
04:46.17expressfone1not /usr/src/linux on my system, only /usr/src/linux-2.6
04:46.27dlynesexpressfone1, he means the source and build symbolic links inside your modules directory
04:46.41dlynesexpressfone1, i.e. make them point to where your kernel headers and what-not really are
04:46.43x86expressfone1: rm /usr/src/linux; ln -sf /usr/src/linux-2.6.16... /usr/src/linux
04:46.51x86expressfone1: then re-build your zaptel modules
04:46.55dlynesx86, oh...that..
04:47.14dlynesx86, how is that going to fix it?  2.6 doesn't rely on that anymore
04:47.17expressfone1ok, let my try
04:47.31x86dlynes: the kernel itself may not, but most third-party modules still do
04:47.43x86including zaptel ;)
04:47.54dlynesx86, ah...yeah...i don't even have that symbolic link anymore, and zaptel compiles just fine
04:48.29x861.2.5 wouldnt for me until i made the link :P
04:49.34*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=kvirc@
04:49.41frk2hello people
04:50.02*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:50.18frk2I wonder if i am going crazy
04:50.31frk2If i need a solution to support 800 analog phones
04:50.51frk2i need to get like 40 T1 channel banks?
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04:51.04frk210 digium quad pris"?
04:51.04x86frk2: channelized DS3
04:51.34frk2DS3 channel banks?
04:51.37x86dual DS3
04:51.51x86DS3 == (28) DS1 == (24) DS0
04:51.52frk2im not talking about telco lines
04:52.05x86you're talking TDM lines right?
04:52.09expressfone1same problem after ln -s /lib/modules/2.6.16-1.2069_FC4/build/ /usr/src/linux
04:52.21frk2yeah- normal analog phones
04:52.21x86expressfone1: i never said /build ;)
04:52.24frk2i got 800 of them
04:52.40frk2but i have never seen a DS3 channel bank
04:53.51dlynesx86, yeah...realized i had a symbolic link there...removed it, recleaned zaptel build directory, removed the old module directory, recompiled, reinstalled, and they're in the correct directory
04:53.53jsaundersMmm, Seagate Cheetah 76gb 10k scsi u320.  *drools*
04:54.06dlynesx86, so zaptel definitely doesn't need that symbolic link
04:54.49x86dlynes: odd, mine wouldnt compile without it (1.2.5)
04:55.22dlynesx86, I'm using kernel sources downloaded from, and zaptel-1.2.5 sources downloaded from
04:55.34x862.6.12 here
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04:56.14dlynesx86, i think had an issue with that, with zaptel-1.2.4, and maybe that's why i had the symbolic link there
04:56.18expressfone1im think there a issue for zaptel-1.2.5 on 2.6.16-1.2069_FC4
04:56.36frk2does digium make ds3 cards for asterisk?
04:56.38x86dlynes: oh wait i was wrong it is 1.2.4... not 1.2.5
04:56.58dlynesx86, lol
04:57.26expressfone12.6.15-1.1833_FC4 with zaptel-1.2.4 was running great
04:57.30dlynesx86, might have been a bug in the 1.2.4 sources that required the symbolic link, and in zaptel-1.2.5 they fixed it
04:57.50dlynesexpressfone1, I'm thinking your kernel-devel for 2.6.16 has issues, not zaptel
04:58.00frk2nobody wants to tell me :(
04:58.13expressfone1letme downgrade my FC4
04:58.16dlynesexpressfone1, do you have kernel-devel for both 2.6.15 and 2.6.16 installed?
04:58.18frk2i just wanna know how to 1) get the DS3 into normal analog phones
04:58.30expressfone1yes, and the same
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04:58.47expressfone1remove 2.6.15 and the same
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04:59.47expressfone1# rpm -qa|grep kernel
05:01.16x86i thought you said from source?
05:01.21x86that's RPM man ;)
05:01.51dlynesx86, I said i installed from source, not him
05:02.01expressfone1linux installed from .iso and updated by YUM
05:02.09x86[22:44] expressfone1i´m install from source
05:03.44batman2anybody having problems connecting to SIP to AAH?
05:03.50batman2with a PAP2-NA?
05:04.28x86batman2: it would be better to describe your problem than to ask if anyone is doing the same thing :)
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05:05.49frk2x86 - have you worked with ds3 before?
05:05.59frk2I've only used it for bandwidth
05:06.08x86yeah me too
05:06.12frk2or channelized DS3 or PRI from telcos
05:06.26frk2but i dont know what im gonna do with a DS3 coming OUT of the asterisk box
05:06.30x86i've done a channelized DS3 where i split off (2) DS1's for voice and used the rest for data
05:06.45frk2thats no problem
05:06.58frk2my issue is that i wanna use the asterisk box as a PBX for 800 analog phones
05:07.02[av]banifrk2: admire the bnc connectors
05:07.16x86frk2: *one* asterisk box?
05:07.26x86that's a shitpod of traffic for a single box to handle ;)
05:07.40frk2the solution i am building involves like 40 rhino channels banks , 10 digium quad PRI cards and like 5 servers
05:07.49kimosabefrk to run 800 phones run a nortel opcion 11
05:07.57frk25 xeons
05:08.11[av]banisounds scary and creaky
05:08.27frk2its a bad idea?
05:09.00frk2theoretically it should be a problem
05:09.07x86frk2: xeons are awesome
05:09.09frk2i know a xeon can handle 8 PRIs
05:09.21frk2at say 60% utilization very well atleast
05:09.29x86frk2: use (2) dual-core xeons per box and you can probably cut it down to 3 servers
05:09.40frk264 bit dudes?
05:09.45frk2my point is
05:09.49frk2is that the ONLY solution
05:09.56frk2cuz that'll take like a couple of racks
05:10.15batman2I can't connect to AAH, while using x-lite, i can...
05:10.23x86frk2: 1 rack
05:10.27frk2okay fine
05:10.33frk2still a LOT of hardware
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05:10.41x86frk2: 3 4U servers, then you have 30U left :)
05:10.42frk2its gonna be as big a seimens highpath
05:10.52batman2I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, considering the fact that when I use X-Lite or Pro, it works perfectly
05:10.52frk2i hate proprietary pbx's
05:10.59x86frk2: it'll be reliable as a tank though ;)
05:11.03batman2now, I'm trying to use the phone adapter, so i can use my old phones...
05:11.04frk2batman2- what doesnt work?
05:11.08batman2it wouldn't connect
05:11.16linlinhow can i disable my ZAP x100p card from picking up calls on the line its connected to, i want to use it only for outgoing...
05:11.17frk2what the seimens or asterisk?
05:11.29batman2PAP2-NA -> Asterisk@home
05:11.48dlyneslinlin, give it a context that doesn't have anything in it
05:11.48frk2the seimens WILL be rock solid
05:11.53frk2heck it better be
05:12.09frk2they have been selling these hunk of metals for the last 30 years
05:12.22x86seimens is junk ;)
05:12.23frk2but cost 4-5 times as much
05:12.26x86nortel is way better man
05:12.41frk2well nortel would be like 8 times more expensive than asterisk
05:12.46frk2and lack cool ass features
05:13.02kimosabefrk nortell runs t-1 e-1 lease lines direct
05:13.21x86kimosabe: so does an asterisk box with a single port T1 card ;)
05:13.22frk2what do you mean kimosabe?
05:13.39frk2yeah man.. asterisk with T1/E1 rulz
05:13.43frk2ive had no problems
05:13.52frk2but i've never put up a pbx THIS mammoth in size
05:14.01kimosabex86 true it does
05:14.32frk2so 40 rhinos and 10 digium quad T1's it is
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05:14.53frk2i just wanted to confirm cuz i thought that was retardedly large
05:15.30frk2they're not IP dude
05:15.41frk2800 ANALOG POTS phones
05:15.48kimosabejust put a quad interface e-t t-1 card in pc and put a digital interface on yourepbx and join it to any thing
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05:17.00kimosabein othere words just use any type of pbx on the market and join it to youre t-1 or e-1 for multiple chanels
05:17.35frk2kimosabe thats the point..  the point is complete replacement with asterisk
05:18.24kimosabefrk but can you get nice digital phones running with astersik
05:18.33kimosabei think all offices want that feture
05:19.13frk2oh yeah- for the 'digital' part we're just providing IP phones
05:19.43frk2no digital phone beats a good IP phone
05:19.56frk2this is a VERY LARGE office
05:20.05frk2800 analog phones and 300 IP phones
05:20.05kimosabethaty what im talking about panasonic 6/24 runs 630 dlls with digital fetures
05:20.31kimosabeanbd you can casdace several unuits
05:21.16frk2panasonic 6/24 runs 630 lines?
05:21.55kimosabeno but a td 500 does
05:22.12kimosabeand that one runs 500 pots
05:22.23frk2whats a td 500?
05:22.44frk2the full name
05:22.46kimosabeits another panasonic pbx
05:22.51kimosabeit runs digital also
05:23.07kimosabemore less a 500 line set up about 45000 dlls
05:23.07dlynesfrk2, td500 probably is the full name
05:23.17kimosabepanasonic td500
05:23.44dlynesfrk2, panasonic crap is all tdxxx, tvmxxx, ...
05:25.58frk2could do that
05:26.06frk2but then all the cool asterisk features are lost again
05:26.29frk2you basically end up with TWO separate PBXs
05:26.46expressfone12.6.15-1.1833_FC4 with zaptel-1.2.5 running great, no symlink needed
05:26.55kimosabefrk2 what you do is nbot reivent the wheel you just use it acordingly
05:27.14kimosabefrk2 asterisk is great and it rocks
05:27.20kimosabeits inexpensive
05:27.36kimosabei use it for branch offices and i have replaced many cisco and motorolla set ups
05:27.54kimosabein fact i have ciscos conecting 2 my asterisk boxes
05:28.09expressfone1i think there a issue with zaptel-1.2.5 installing modules on 2.6.16-1.2069_FC4
05:28.46kimosabebut for a corporation id use a real pbx that uses memory intead of hard drive space its more stable
05:28.58*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
05:29.01*** join/#asterisk Piza (
05:29.08Pizahi there
05:29.15frk2but these are GOOD servers
05:29.19kimosabesome of my pbxs been running for 1o yrs with out a problem can a pc run for 10 yrs with no problems
05:29.24frk2RPSU, 3 x RAID 5 scsi
05:29.26expressfone1i think there a issue with zaptel-1.2.5 installing modules on 2.6.16-1.2069_FC4
05:29.40kimosabeyes asterisk is the shit
05:29.56frk2kimosabe - sure it can
05:30.04frk2just need to invest in redundancy
05:30.17kimosabeyes i guess youre right
05:30.24frk2i have mail servers running for 5 years
05:30.33frk2poor intel p-iii's
05:30.34kimosabei do also i use freebsd
05:30.46frk2the mail servers are freebsd too
05:30.53frk2though ive never have stability issues with linux
05:30.55kimosabeyes mine are
05:30.58frk2just usually hardware faults
05:31.02Pizapls is possibble to run Billion S0 ISDN card on Asterisk@home  2.7 ???
05:31.26expressfone1no problem here with 7 year old mailserver runing on IDE HDD
05:31.38kimosabetru true
05:31.51frk2my 6 year old used firewall died though
05:31.59frk2a few days ago
05:32.13kimosabebut i think mail servers use very little resources as to asterisk servers incomparison
05:32.26frk2kimosabe - not these mail servers
05:32.30kimosabejust make a call and run top and ull see
05:32.55frk2these were mail + antivirus+ antispam routing 20,000+ messages a day
05:33.17kimosabefrk i have mail server from one office it runs ofe 4000 mail per day and it uses 13 % of procesor and at that its a 300 mghz procesor been up for 4 yrs
05:33.28frk2exactly dude
05:33.37frk2asterisk is no different than a mail server to a CPU
05:33.48frk2ive never seen asterisk CRASH under load or anything
05:33.49kimosaberouting uses ver little resource
05:34.02kimosabebut it uses a lot becuse of codecs etc
05:34.08kimosabeall the conversions
05:34.14frk2true that
05:34.20frk2but that doesnt harm the cpu
05:34.22frk2its made for that shit
05:35.05frk2my question basically was - is using 40 rhinos distributed over 7-9 servers ANY different from using 4 rhinos on a single server
05:35.17frk2basically is it a stupid idea
05:35.31kimosabeive personally never use rinos what interface do they have rj45 or serial
05:35.42frk2rhinos work great
05:35.44frk2its a channel bank
05:35.46frk2so T1
05:35.57kimosabe24 chanels
05:36.05kimosabeok what interface do they have ?
05:36.29frk2going to the asterisk
05:36.40frk2and then it has a connected where 24 pairs come out
05:36.45frk2for connecting to a patch panel
05:36.49frk2and then to POTS phones
05:37.03kimosabeok whats the cost for 4 chanel banks and a quad card
05:37.29frk2$1600 + $1800*4
05:38.01kimosabethas a lot of money for 96 trunks
05:38.11*** join/#asterisk Creperum (
05:38.21frk2not really
05:38.34frk2a shit panasonic would run you $6000 atleast
05:38.46*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
05:39.05frk2dont even compare to nortels now
05:39.11kimosabeyou imagiune having 800 ip lines
05:39.33frk2oh yeah
05:39.38frk2its a $170,000 solution
05:39.40kimosabeyoued need 6.4 meg to get them on line
05:40.18frk2why would i wanna get them online?
05:40.20kimosabefrk and if you get a motorolla
05:40.37kimosabeand multiplex all that data to an asterisk box ?
05:41.04frk2one asterisk box doesnt cut it
05:41.07frk2i need atleast 6-7
05:41.40frk2heres the low down
05:41.44*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
05:41.49frk2panasonic = $350/port
05:41.54frk2nortel = $900/port
05:42.00frk2cisco = $600/port
05:42.03frk2asterisk = $200/port
05:42.20frk2so price really isnt the issue
05:42.33kimosabefrk listen with a motorolla router you can recieve 12/t-1
05:42.53*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
05:43.30kimosabewhich in data trafic is 18.48 meg if all was up and running then run that 2 several boxes via rj45 100 megabit
05:43.37*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
05:43.43kimosabeits cheaper
05:43.48frk2is it like a gateway
05:43.59kimosabet-1 card in motorola is bout 300 dlls a dual
05:44.15kimosabeand it suports 12 slots
05:44.40kimosabeand then you can chop it how ever you wish and send it where ever u eant
05:44.40frk2no no wait... but then the motorolla needs to speak SIP / IAX to my asterisk
05:44.46frk2data router wont do
05:45.31kimosabefrk rhino doesnt link via ip trafic after link
05:45.38frk2last time i checked quad T1 SIP gateways were more expensive than xeon + quad digium
05:45.53frk2this is all CHANNELIZED T1
05:45.55frk2its not data
05:46.05kimosabeopps i wanted 2 multiplex it all
05:46.09frk2i cant just shove channelized T1 into any data router
05:46.14kimosabeno good :(
05:46.18frk2no way man
05:46.35kimosabeyoure right
05:47.30kimosabei think there has 2 be a way to add it all up though
05:47.35kimosabeanbd chop it up
05:47.37DaminJuggie: Yeah.. it is, but still.. :) You can't build something with it that will compete pricewise w/ something like an Audiocodes or Quintum media gateway..
05:48.22*** part/#asterisk expressfone1 (n=expressf@
05:48.38frk2kimosabe- maybe
05:48.43frk2i have no idea though
05:48.51frk2everybody i know just used T1 gateways
05:49.03frk2which are really no better than using digium cards in a PC
05:49.35kimosabefrk i chop trafic all the time but in this one you got me but im shure there is a way maybe through a rad mux box
05:49.49frk2data is no prob
05:49.55frk2channelized T1s are diff
05:50.09frk2see port 1 MUST always send data in the 1st channel
05:50.12kimosabeits all the same its packets
05:50.48frk2i dont know how to though
05:50.58frk2maybe you can mux them together into channelized ds3 or something
05:51.22frk2Is there a reason why digium's DS-3000 is not on their website anymore?
05:51.38kimosabefrk you have several links with t-1 digium card ?
05:52.15kimosabewhat the cost a a t-1 pri with 50 did
05:52.47batman2ill pay somebody $50 bucks to configure my PAP2-NA with my AAH for me
05:53.47Abydos313batman2 who is your provider? they probably have forums with howto with asterisk. alot of them do
05:54.22batman2im using them to connect to my box
05:54.28batman2and from there, i break down the extension
05:54.28Abydos313100% that one exists
05:54.41kimosabewhas the best device some one is using that runs qos for site with much trafic
05:54.57batman2and the the PAP2-NA is just another extension
05:55.14Qwellbkw__: sicko
05:55.24Abydos313exactly, it becomes an extension to the asterisk box
05:55.25bkw__its funny as hell boi
05:56.36bkw__ that one is funny too
05:57.08Qwellsilly bkw__, you know us amd64 users can't do flash :P
05:57.08batman2right, so i tried using that extension i want to use with the PAP2-NA with x-lite it works and connects fine
05:57.37bkw__Qwell, get a real OS
05:57.47*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
05:57.50Qwellbkw__: I use beos
05:57.52FuriousGeorgehey all
05:57.58FuriousGeorgeQwell: stop lieing
05:58.02FuriousGeorgei love beos
05:58.13bkw__gay sims
05:58.30FuriousGeorgeyou dont really use beos
05:59.03*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
05:59.27FuriousGeorgedo you?
05:59.37bkw__he's lame and uses linux
05:59.53FuriousGeorgewhat do you use bkw_ ?
06:00.01bkw__I'm a Mac Users
06:00.02QwellFuriousGeorge: mac, obviously
06:00.15bkw__a REAL os
06:00.18FuriousGeorgei was hoping he was gonna say beos too :)
06:00.19bkw__and a REAL computer
06:00.26bkw__I'm on my MacBook Pro right now
06:00.35bkw__its nice having a dual core laptop with 2 gigs of ram
06:00.40bkw__matches my dual core imac with 2 gigs of ram also
06:01.18justinui got 2 gig also
06:01.26bkw__2 gigs is nice
06:01.42FuriousGeorgei never fill up one
06:01.48FuriousGeorgei need to play more video games
06:01.52Qwellrun pan
06:01.55Qwellfor like 5 minutes
06:01.58Qwellyou'll use 2gb easy
06:02.00bkw__you might you just don't knwo it :P
06:02.49bkw__but you do know I got 5000+ sip calls without media on asterisk once
06:02.54bkw__talk about not pretty :P
06:02.59bkw__don't dare do show channels
06:04.46FuriousGeorgeso i got this one box, that when its external ip changes the only way to get remote peers back is to stop and start asterisk (restarting doesnt work)
06:04.56FuriousGeorgeshould i panic?
06:05.39FuriousGeorgethat wouldnt bother me so much, except sometimes a peer doesnt come back
06:05.43FuriousGeorgeand remains unreachable
06:07.00bkw__that hurt
06:07.33FuriousGeorgei just started the thing up and my provider peer didnt come back this time---> chan_iax2.c:7786 iax2_poke_noanswer: Peer 'NuFone' is now UNREACHABLE! Time: 0
06:07.45Qwellbkw__: nice url
06:08.56FuriousGeorgeso i stopped waited and started again, and this time they all came back...  but for how long?
06:09.12FuriousGeorgei asked on asterisk.users and no one seems to know...  am i just sol?
06:09.22QwellFuriousGeorge: use dns
06:09.30FuriousGeorgei do
06:09.42Qwelland you use externhost?
06:09.54FuriousGeorgeits just this one box
06:10.00FuriousGeorgethe other three play nice with eachother
06:10.07FuriousGeorgejust gotta reload iax2 when ip changes
06:10.23FuriousGeorgeexternhost is sip isnt it....   all my peers are iax anyway
06:10.30FuriousGeorgeor at least the ones im caring about
06:10.42FuriousGeorgeor, rather, the ones giving me problems.  sip works fine
06:10.46FuriousGeorgeon all servers
06:11.25Qwelluse sip then :P
06:12.08FuriousGeorgeiax.conf doesnt like externhost, does it?
06:12.47bkw__iax doesn't need externhost
06:13.09FuriousGeorgewell mine needs a good kick in the pants
06:13.37FuriousGeorgehow much does it tax the server to make iax into sip, anyway?
06:16.31bkw__it doesn't really
06:16.55Qwelliax-sip is basically the same as iax-iax or sip-sip
06:17.18bkw__well you're converting from udp iax to rtp
06:17.19bkw__and back
06:17.21FuriousGeorgei hate the thought of switching everything to sip just cuz this one box acts wierd
06:17.25Qwellbkw__: well, yeah
06:17.31bkw__sip is actually better under load
06:17.34Qwellbut that's minimal
06:17.51*** join/#asterisk kmilitzer (
06:17.52QwellFuriousGeorge: get static IPs
06:18.01kmilitzerMorning everyone ...
06:18.02FuriousGeorgefor all four boxes that comes out to 1k a year
06:18.21FuriousGeorgeand even when it has the right ip it cant find the other box, so theres a chance that wont even help
06:18.30Qwellsounds about right
06:19.25FuriousGeorgeright now i just have it check if chan is avail and if not have it use pots, but even if i had the thing restart once a day, this one box's peers just cant be found again without a break
06:19.30FuriousGeorgeits the damnedest thing
06:19.38FuriousGeorgeactually i use dialstatus
06:20.03FuriousGeorgemaybe its my web proxy but i think i turned that off already
06:22.49*** join/#asterisk tsume (
06:22.52FuriousGeorgeits off :|
06:25.04*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
06:35.19bkw__ok this is so wrong
06:35.30bkw__celine dion imitating madonna - papa don't preach
06:39.00*** join/#asterisk Creperum (
06:39.31Creperumhi! can anyone tell me, what softphone is the best? )
06:39.46Creperumi mean only GNU
06:41.53frk2love it
06:41.57bkw__sjphone sucks
06:42.00tsumeCreperum: you mean just opensource?
06:42.02frk2why man
06:42.12bkw__its too hard to configure last I checked
06:42.13Creperumlike diax
06:42.15frk2for winblows its the best
06:42.17bkw__I don't wanna have to dig for settings
06:42.18tsumewhy do all these kids think opensource is always better than closed source :)
06:42.19tsumeits not
06:42.35tsumeGimp is like PhotoShop 1 :)
06:42.44bkw__gimp is like mac paint
06:42.49bkw__don't give it that much credit please
06:42.50tsumebkw__: bingo
06:42.52frk2oh come on
06:42.55frk2gimp is pretty good
06:43.01bkw__no its not
06:43.03Creperumtsume: where do you see kids?
06:43.06tsumefrk2: you obviously haven't used photoshop to its max
06:43.07frk2my marketing guy has a ball with gimp
06:43.12orlockbkw__: are you a pro graphics designer?
06:43.12tsumeCreperum: all over :S
06:43.15frk2im sure i havent
06:43.17bkw__tell him to stop playing with his balls
06:43.24frk2but my guy can design VERY cool shit with gimp
06:43.31bkw__orlock, I can hold my own in photoshop and do some pretty amazing things
06:43.33frk2so if it gets the job done- its good
06:43.36tsumetell him to stop playing with his balls and get a female dog ;)
06:43.50tsumefrk2: thats the thing, it doesn't get the job done right
06:43.52bkw__I know pretty much all the keyboard short cuts and everything i need to get around
06:44.02tsumethere are things which takes literally houirs with gimp which ps can do in seconds
06:44.09frk2yeah exactly
06:44.11frk2thats true
06:44.11tsumeespecially perspective shaping to objects
06:44.13orlockand vice versa
06:44.18frk2thats true with most open source solutions
06:44.20tsumeorlock: no, not visa versa
06:44.24orlockdoes ps have the scripting capability, etc?
06:44.28tsumeorlock: ps has everything plus more.
06:44.30QwellNugget: ^^
06:44.34orlockso photoshop has its own script-fu?
06:44.37tsumeorlock: its called, make a plugin
06:44.44orlockbut it doesnt come with it?
06:44.57orlockmake a plug in
06:44.58frk2its free
06:45.00tsumeorlock: developers kit comes with it
06:45.01frk2give it a break
06:45.04orlockwheres the compiler and api documentation?
06:45.08*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
06:45.13orlockdont ell me PS has everything gimp has.
06:45.23tsumeorlock: like people know how to use pythong always?
06:45.24frk2in my country a license for photoshop feeds 50 hungry people a day
06:45.37orlockdoesnt it taste bad?
06:45.38bkw__do you wear those?
06:45.43tsumefrk2: well call me a greedy little money animal
06:45.52*** join/#asterisk Mr-packet (
06:45.52bkw__you're all daft mmkay
06:45.54bkw__moving on
06:45.58orlockits after 5:30' time to sod orf home
06:46.03tsumeI want guido to perform in a music video to the sisko theme
06:46.18tsumethen show it in public as a ruby propaganda ;)
06:46.33bkw__If I hear ruby on rails.. i'm gonna scream
06:46.37bkw__that and ajax
06:46.38bkw__damn it
06:46.40tsumescrew RoR
06:46.50tsumeI use Ruby + nitro
06:46.52Mr-packetwhats a sensible way of building an ISDN PRI rate to SIP gateway
06:46.59tsumeI believe in a framework which is designed in a sensible way
06:47.02denonbkw_: haha .. I just spent a couple days trying to convince someone that RoR is just hype
06:47.07bkw__and If I hear another buzz word spouting moron I think i'm gonna strangle them
06:47.17*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=op3r@
06:47.26bkw__We need to syngergize our vertical markets
06:47.33bkw__BLOW ME
06:47.47tsumeC# :)
06:47.49bkw__BLOW ME
06:48.04denonwe need to consolidate our development strategies .. we need to make better use of GROUPWARE ..
06:48.04tsumeno thank you, I'm male and not intrested in male relationships
06:48.06bkw__thats another lame reason to not learn a real language
06:48.52denonweb and all
06:48.59bkw__what a waste of time
06:49.00*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
06:49.11bkw__denon, is just joking
06:49.12denontedious, but after 3 weeks of hard work .. you're really proud of that hello world
06:49.14bkw__I know he is
06:49.26bkw__because not even a moron would try to code everything in ASM
06:49.31bkw__not very portable eh?
06:49.48denonbkw_: you've gotta admit, the world would be a better place if all our low-level stuff was :)
06:50.00denonwell, assuming the devs were competent
06:50.18bkw__I have learned that most projects don't write good code
06:50.22bkw__cross platform code
06:50.32bkw__nor do they even bother with trying to make it run on anything but linux
06:50.39bkw__sofiasip is one
06:50.41denonscrew cross-platform, just build it for freebsd on x64
06:50.49denoncheap hardware, good OS
06:50.51bkw__denon, dork cross platform is easy
06:50.59bkw__we did it with freeswitch
06:51.21bkw__we compile on Windows, Linux, Mac OSX/Darwin, OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, Solaris and Linux/x64
06:51.36bkw__I even have it built in xcode on the mac
06:51.37frk2what sucks worse is people writing business apps in Visual Basic
06:51.42bkw__OH MY GOD
06:51.44bkw__thats totally lame
06:51.51frk2guaranteed not to run on anything else than windows
06:51.51tsumeVB blows
06:51.57frk2oh dude so much
06:51.57tsumelong live C# programming
06:52.01tsumewinforms forever
06:52.01bkw__oh lord
06:52.12frk2one thing is the language blows
06:52.15*** join/#asterisk shifter (
06:52.20tsumeand as soon as mono gets good with winforms, for the whole project away from novell
06:52.21bkw__it blows
06:52.22frk2fine- many languages blow i can live with that
06:52.22Qwellnah, c# is alright
06:52.26bkw__I rather like C and Perl
06:52.27shifterwhen you have exten => 8500,n,Hangup   what does the n mean? i know what i means if there is a numerical value. i can't find what n means in the docs though
06:52.37bkw__n = next priority
06:52.46frk2but you are SO damn locked with windows for a BUSINESS app
06:52.51bkw__so its based on the previous one
06:52.51denonbkw_: C doesnt really lend itself to RAD in the business user app world
06:52.52frk2thats just not right
06:52.58tsumefrk2: C# is good
06:53.00bkw__denon, oh really?
06:53.07bkw__what crack are you smoking boi
06:53.08frk2long live php
06:53.17tsumefrk2: even with glade, you can embed the glade file in the executable
06:53.18bkw__php needs to stay the fuck on the web and out of my shell
06:53.30denonbkw_: I can do more in 3 lines of c# than I can in 10 lines of C
06:53.32bkw__shell scripts in php
06:53.41frk2yeah thats lame
06:53.41denonnow, if I'm writing kernel drivers or something ...
06:53.44*** join/#asterisk SGM (
06:53.46frk2bash is excellent
06:53.48bkw__denon, its the same I can do hello world in one line
06:53.56bkw__ok ok two lines
06:53.58frk2every try hello world with Java
06:54.04Qwellruby!  .2 lines
06:54.05frk2i was like are you fucking serious????
06:54.08denonbkw_: yeah, but in c#, I dont need to think about memory management/etc
06:54.13frk210 lines to write hello world
06:54.13tsumeI support C# before I support java
06:54.20tsumeC# is faster than java ;)
06:54.21bkw__denon, you don't need to thnk about that if you use something like APR
06:54.27frk2ruby is cool as shit
06:54.27denontsume: that's pretty common, a lot of java converts to c# these days
06:54.29bkw__or a memory management lib
06:54.32shifterbkw__: so i can keep doing n and only need actual numbers for things like jumps ?
06:54.35bkw__we use APR
06:54.41bkw__shifter, you use labels
06:54.44tsumedenon: I've tried and used java once, it was horrible
06:54.45bkw__go look that up
06:54.50shifterbkw__: ok. thanks
06:54.52frk2yeah java sucks
06:54.54tsumedenon: the jboss app I made was slow
06:54.58Strom_Cbkw__!  good to see you online :)
06:54.59frk2i was doing JSPs before i moved to php
06:55.03frk2php is way better
06:55.06bkw__Strom_C, my man
06:55.11tsumefrk2: ASP.NET is nice too
06:55.11*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
06:55.17denon"php is way better" -- that doesn't give you much credibility :)
06:55.32frk2than JSPs
06:55.36frk2sure it is
06:55.44frk2though i think i like ruby more
06:55.46bkw__oh god what have I done
06:55.54bkw__I have brought the wrath of dumb language wars
06:55.56denonthat's like saying GW-Basic is way better than Q-Basic :)
06:55.57tsumeruby is slow
06:56.01denonor vice versa
06:56.02tsumewait until ruby 2.0
06:56.05frk2is ASP.NET cross platform? i could never figure out
06:56.05bkw__ok everyone lets call this what it really is.. "MY DICK IS BIGGER THAN YOURS"
06:56.09Strom_Cbkw__, dont worry, they'll kill each other off soon enough
06:56.10bkw__so get the tape measure
06:56.10tsumefrk2: yes
06:56.22Strom_CTEN INCHES
06:56.25denonbkw: everyone and their dog as seen yours .. you're not foolin' anyone
06:56.33frk2how would i run it on a linux server?
06:56.40bkw__Strom_C, I didn't say from base around the head to the base again.... mmmkay
06:56.44tsumefrk2: you could use mono :)
06:56.51tsumemono implements C# and a ASP.NET server
06:57.04bkw__tsume, I don't think the boss would like to hear "we have mono" mmmkay
06:57.11bkw__just doesn't sit well
06:57.33frk2hahahah bkw
06:57.36bkw__need a tumbler of penicillium?
06:57.36tsumebkw__: well miguel de icaza is a doushe, he named it
06:57.49frk2tsume - is mono supposed to be stable yet?
06:57.56tsumefrk2: yes
06:57.57dlynesfrk2, yes
06:58.01tsumefrk2: its pretty good.
06:58.05bkw__it sure as hell isn't very cross platform
06:58.07dlynesfrk2, mod-mono is alpha, however
06:58.19bkw__its got work still last I checked
06:58.22frk2so mono gives you its own web server?
06:58.26tsumedlynes: mod-mono is a modified xsp
06:58.29tsumedlynes: its stable
06:58.40dlynestsume, not according to freshmeat
06:58.42tsumefrk2: xsp, yes. or you can use an apache module
06:58.52bkw__ya know google should put the top three wikipedia articles that match your search query on the results page
06:58.53frk2but he says the apache module aint sstable
06:58.57tsumedlynes: screw freshmeat, read the mono site
06:59.20dlynestsume, friend had tried setting it up, and mod-mono crashed almost every single time on startup
06:59.29dlynestsume, that was on mandrake 9.1
06:59.29bkw__I really really should get some sleep
06:59.34bkw__so Strom_C where are the pictures?
06:59.43Strom_Cpictures of what
06:59.44tsumedlynes: his fault
06:59.47Op3rinclude => barge
06:59.52bkw__Strom_C, that so called 10 inches
06:59.56frk2dude crashing doesnt mean its not stable.. openafs crashed my laptop like 1000 times before we got it to work perfectly
07:00.03bkw__frk2, wtf
07:00.04tsumedlynes: I'll repeat what the arrogant moron told me(miguel de icaza):
07:00.05bkw__you're daft
07:00.08tsumeone minute, I have logs
07:00.10bkw__if it crashes it sure as fuck ain't stable
07:00.13Strom_Cbkw__, :)
07:00.23frk2dude it may crash for 100 reason
07:00.25bkw__I dont' call crashing "stable" .. you asterisk folks might
07:00.27bkw__but I don't
07:00.31dlynesbkw_, no doubt :)
07:00.48Qwellbkw__: what?  asterisk crashes?
07:00.49bkw__crashing isn't an option for mission critical things like voip
07:01.01bkw__Qwell, I can crash an asterisk box in under 20 seconds :P
07:01.02frk2shit can crash if its not compiled with correct libraries
07:01.06Qwellbkw__: :p
07:01.14bkw__frk2, bad build system then
07:01.15frk2shit can also crash if using the wrong kernel, for example
07:01.27frk2yeah obviously
07:01.30bkw__now you're making me laugh
07:01.40bkw__linux might
07:01.48bkw__because linux is crap too
07:02.04frk2let me guess
07:02.07frk2you use freebsd
07:02.07bkw__I use linux but not by chohice
07:02.12bkw__I have
07:02.16bkw__but I don't have it in production right now
07:02.20bkw__I have some OpenBSD and Solaris
07:02.30frk2what do you think is not crap? if linux is
07:02.38bkw__well you use what fits for the job
07:02.40bkw__even if its linux
07:03.24bkw__if freebsd fits better vs linux.. use freebsd.
07:03.28[av]banilinux sux use windows xp instead
07:03.42bkw__no I just will not put up with windows
07:03.51frk2windows XP sp 2034 build 203.432.33.0.1
07:03.52bkw__I have no windows
07:03.56[av]banilinux is cool to hate
07:03.57bkw__I have OS X
07:04.05[av]baniits hip & trendy to hate linux
07:04.08dlynesis asterisk stable on solaris on a sunsparc, or is it ported yet?
07:04.19bkw__dlynes, funny
07:04.20frk2yeah man
07:04.23frk2linux is awesome
07:04.24bkw__Asterisk is linux centric and always will be
07:04.29dlynesbkw_, why is it funny?
07:04.33bkw__its just a bonus if it actually compiles elsewhere
07:04.41bkw__dlynes, asterisk on sparc
07:04.47dlynesbkw_, seems to be unstable as hell on freebsd
07:04.51frk2asterisk runs well on bsd man
07:04.53*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
07:04.55bkw__we did get freeswitch compiled with sun studio
07:04.58frk2just forget about zaptel
07:05.22dlynesfrk2, how can you forget about zaptel?  you kinda need to be able to use a pri card
07:05.34bkw__dlynes, no driers on anything but linux
07:05.38bkw__bsd drivers suck for zaptel
07:05.39denonSIP, IAX, H323
07:05.46dlynesbkw_, there's drivers on freebsd, too
07:05.51bkw__yes and they blow hard
07:05.57denonyou dont *need* any hardware
07:05.57dlynesbkw_, exactly my point
07:06.00bkw__not very stable last I was told
07:06.01tsume"07:34 <@miguel> Well, none of those are generating any revenue to Novell, and none of those would bring more develoeprs to Mono"
07:06.28dlynesbkw_, but asterisk doesn't seem to be terribly stable on bsd, either
07:06.31tsumemono project feels its only responsibility is to SuSE :)
07:06.48tsumeas for anyone else, it gets a big "send patches or stfu"
07:06.50*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
07:07.13frk2asterisk would really suck without zaptel thought
07:07.20frk2PSTN interface is key
07:07.20tsumeand if you don't agree, you get booted. Epsecially when miguel thinks of a different wrong opinion
07:07.54bkw__thats why we'll have Windows, Mac, BSD and Solaris on freeswitch :P
07:08.37bkw__oh and linux :P
07:08.48[av]banisip is the only way to go :P
07:08.55Qwell[av]bani: traitor!
07:09.07[av]baniQwell: give me a reason to use sccp :P
07:09.07tsumebkw__: :)
07:09.16Qwell[av]bani: because it won't suck soon! :p
07:09.20tsumebkw__: hail the power of BSD!
07:09.24[av]banisoon isnt good enough!
07:09.31bkw__ok the only issue I have with chan_sccp is that DUDE you make libsccp then you build chan_sccp
07:09.37bkw__you don't put all the code in the damn channel driver
07:09.45bkw__same with chan_sip
07:09.49bkw__libsip shoudl have been created
07:09.50bkw__but NO
07:10.00Qwellbkw__: chan_sccp is lame.  Sergio is an ass
07:10.10Qwellscrew him..
07:10.14[av]baniQwell aspires to be like sergio
07:10.25frk2screw sccp totally
07:10.30frk2just sip
07:10.32frk2or iax
07:10.35Qwellfrk2: You've obviously never used skinny
07:10.44Qwellsccp seriously rocks
07:10.45frk2i havent
07:10.51[av]banisccp is the protocol from hell
07:10.52frk2how so
07:11.00Qwellfrk2: it does things SIP can only dream of
07:11.01[av]banido not listen to the qwell robot
07:11.04[av]banihe is malfunctioning
07:11.12Qwelldynamic softkeys, etc
07:11.17[av]banido you have stairs in your house
07:11.34frk2dynamic softkeys?
07:11.47frk2what does that mean?
07:11.47[av]banisccp has them, too bad NOTHING USES THEM
07:12.11frk2oh you mean keys on your phone can do dynamic shit on the pbx?
07:12.28[av]baniit means asterisk drives the phone directly
07:12.42Qwell[av]bani: yet :)
07:12.44denonlike a winmodem <G>
07:12.47Qwellnothing uses them YET :)
07:12.50[av]banithats a good analogy
07:12.52[av]banisccp = winmode
07:13.03Qwellkinda, yeah
07:13.08denonwinmodems and soft printers are good in theory
07:13.11frk2but if 90% of the world likes to use sip and iax
07:13.13[av]banisccp is the winmodem of voip
07:13.15denonpity nobody knows how to write good drivers
07:13.21[av]baninice <3
07:13.28Qwellhey now
07:13.33QwellI'm working on that :p
07:13.53[av]baniwell, cisco can't be totally blamed -- they didnt create sccp
07:13.54frk2how many non cisco phones use SCCP?
07:13.58[av]banithey assimilated it from a company
07:14.04Qwellfrk2: like 1
07:14.04denonQwell: no no, I mean winmodem and soft printer drivers
07:14.12Qwelldenon: sure, sure
07:14.29[av]baniif anyone used sccp, i'm sure cisco would come down on them like a ton of bricks
07:14.35[av]banibecause sccp = cheap phones for callmanager
07:14.36denonQwell: YOUR code, on the other hand, is stellar .. the second you check stuff into SVN, I instantly roll it out to all our 911 centers
07:14.44Qwelldenon: good
07:14.54frk2hahah yeah
07:14.57[av]baniHOW 2 GOT SCCP?
07:15.58QwellI should add realtime support to chan_skinny
07:16.07frk2but i hear with ccm 5, the legacy of SCCP is broken
07:16.12denonnooo, realtime sucks yada yada
07:16.13frk2and you can register SIP phones
07:16.13rikstadenon: You should read about the London ambulance service software fiasco :)
07:16.31denonrikishi: silly brits, it's no wonder we split away from you guys :)
07:16.49*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
07:17.02rikstadenon: haha. was a while ago. We did a casestudy on it at uni
07:17.03denonhowever, I do want to know why they dont sell roasted chesnuts on the street corners in london anymore
07:17.16rikstathey do in Manchester (at the right time)
07:17.26denonthis was like a block from the palace
07:17.30[av]banisilly english
07:17.42denoner, not the palace .. whatever its called
07:17.44rikstadenon: block? lol
07:17.49rikstathis is england ;)
07:17.56denonok, fine - a half k
07:18.01rikstamile ;)
07:18.13*** join/#asterisk heka (n=Mango@
07:18.18[av]baniriksta: heres a hint: bonnet goes on yer head and boot goes on yer feet!
07:18.34denonyeah, that's sound advice
07:18.37rikstatrunks you wear for swimming
07:18.39[av]banitorches are made of wood
07:18.52[av]bania lift is something you do, not something you ride in
07:18.54denonyeah, you dont put batteries in a torch
07:19.10rikstalet's not get started on this
07:19.18rikstawe invented the damn language ;)
07:19.25[av]banithen learn to speak it properly dammit
07:19.27rikstayou bastardiSed it
07:19.54[av]banii thoguth marmite was australian
07:20.01*** join/#asterisk chris_ast (n=Administ@
07:20.03Strom_Cactually, I should smear half of you with marmite and half of you with vegemite and start a war
07:20.14Strom_C[av]bani, no, vegemite is the australian bastard version of marmite
07:20.17rikstait's made by Heinz isn't it?
07:20.38chris_astHi All, How can we set a custom greeting for VoieMail?
07:20.57rikstaok maybe not
07:21.08denonrikishi: actually, it was mostly developed by the germanic migrants
07:21.16rikstadenon: it's "riksta" man
07:21.21denonthe english language, I mean
07:21.31denonyeah whatever, there's an R and a K in it ..
07:21.50*** join/#asterisk psk (
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07:22.40denonhm, I think it's time for bed
07:23.02chris_astStrom_C: I have seen that page, it does not give any details regarding the fields to configure in voicemail.conf
07:23.06iDunnoI was just thinking "it's time for work" :)
07:23.15iDunnothese timezone things, they're annoying ;)
07:23.56frk2any of guys put together a ridiculously large PBX with asterisk recently?
07:23.57Strom_Cchris_ast, send something to VoicemailMan(boxnumber) and then you can screw with it from there
07:24.16QwellFaster than a spe...
07:24.21Strom_Cbut I like VoicemailMan better
07:24.39chris_astfrom voicemail.conf we cannot do it?
07:24.40QwellI expect to see a superman logo, with a about 2 minutes here
07:24.45frk2im about to suggest a asterisk setup dealing with 800 analog lines to somebody
07:24.53Qwellfrk2: wtf, why?
07:24.59Qwellare you stupid?  Seriously?
07:25.04QwellNo offense, but...
07:25.04frk2cuz they want it man
07:25.12QwellThat's pretty dumb. :)
07:25.34QwellThat's a full DS3 AND THEN SOME, worth of analog lines
07:25.36frk2as in we should be using IP phones or are you saying that PBX systems cannot have 800 lines?
07:25.45frk2oh yeah
07:25.52QwellYou don't do 800 analog phones...
07:25.54chris_astStrom_C: from voicemail.conf we cannot do it?
07:25.55QwellYou just don't
07:25.56Strom_Cfrk2, what the hell does having 800 analog lines do that having two DS3s with ISDN signaling does not?
07:25.57frk25-7 xeons on the back
07:26.06Strom_Cchris_ast, no, you must interact with it FROM THE TELEPHONE
07:26.17frk2its not 800 analog lines from the telco
07:26.22frk2its a building with 800 POTS phones
07:26.23QwellThat would rock
07:26.31Qwellbut yeah, still, no, don't do that
07:26.42frk2you saying go with IP phones?
07:26.55frk2thats what i would say
07:27.06*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
07:27.12frk2but its a standard stupid very large very old organization and they think IP phones are gay
07:27.33Qwellcan't be larger/older than where I work... :p
07:27.37linlinStrom_C, are you the actual Strom_C ?
07:27.41Qwell(the combination of both)
07:27.47Qwelllinlin: no, he's a different Strom_C
07:27.50frk2but for shits and giggles if I do employ say 40 rhino channel banks with 10 quad digium cards distributed over 5 xeons - it would technically work right?
07:28.06Qwellfrk2: double it
07:28.09konfuzedthat sounds nice
07:28.11*** part/#asterisk chris_ast (n=Administ@
07:28.16QwellYou need lines into the pbx also
07:28.22frk2oh yeah
07:28.25linlinwas reading some message board posts by him last smart man ;)
07:28.29frk2there are even more channel banks / servers for that
07:28.34frk2and more for the 300 IP phones
07:28.59frk2the only part that bothers me is the 800 analogs
07:29.03Qwelllinlin: A little crazy too, I think.  shh! :p
07:29.09Qwellfrk2: as it should
07:29.18*** join/#asterisk jac]Z[oby (n=me@
07:29.20konfuzedfrk2, whats the 5 xeons oh intel
07:29.26jac]Z[obyHi and good morning
07:29.35konfuzedi keep forgetting everything about intel
07:29.43linlinodd, hes not responding to my blatent brown-nosing
07:29.44frk2you a amd man?
07:29.54jac]Z[obyanyone can hlep me with an ooh323 keepalive issue?
07:30.03Qwelldamn straight
07:30.03frk2even if they went for IP phones
07:30.09frk2thats like 1100 ip phones
07:30.25Qwellbut you wouldn't need 40 some odd channelbanks
07:30.31frk2oh i know
07:30.40frk2but i would need some serious switches
07:30.52QwellIf you have 800 desks, you should already have some serious switches. :)
07:30.54konfuzedbut 40 odd chanel banks is no learn curve for the user
07:31.11frk2thats true
07:31.12konfuzedthey used same old phone and dont even tell them its voip
07:31.27frk2but even wtih 800 nodes just for data you can get by without layer 3 switching
07:31.43frk2konfuzed - thats exactly the organizations idea
07:31.49frk2they dont wanna burden people
07:32.03frk2you are right
07:32.16konfuzedor confuse the f**k*n sh*t outa of either
07:32.21frk2IP phones with (possibly) VLAN tagging is the way to go
07:32.23QwellIf people can't deal with a new phone, frankly, they shouldn't have a job
07:32.34frk2thats true man
07:32.41QwellGo back to McDonalds, I say
07:32.43frk2we put linux desktops at a bank
07:32.50konfuzedQwell, you must work with a lot of writers and artists
07:33.01frk2and the funniest part was the lowest of the lowest ranked people had no issues
07:33.16frk2the secretaries, the clerks, security people didnt find kde that hard at all
07:33.16Qwellfrk2: bank employees generally aren't complete jackasses
07:33.30frk2it was the freakin MANAGERS that had a shit fit
07:33.32Qwellbank management however...
07:33.43konfuzedwell bank computers only run the cash register app anyway ;^)
07:33.45QwellI've worked at one for ~5 years...I know exactly how it is
07:34.02frk2how could you man
07:34.09frk2its the most boring thing in the world
07:34.14*** join/#asterisk Teeli (i=Tili@
07:34.22Qwellit's not that boring
07:34.34Qwellyou get to deal with new idiots^H^H^H^H^H^Hpeople every day
07:34.35frk2its up there
07:34.57QwellHere's how it works.
07:35.04konfuzed1100 is a lot of lost phone numbers and passwords and broken extensions
07:35.09Qwellnormal bank employees...are pretty smart people, most of the time
07:35.16Qwellbank management, and bank IT...friggen morons
07:35.22konfuzedfrk2, I would like to pass on some advice I got the other nite
07:35.32konfuzedrun for the hills
07:36.53frk2bank IT is like 20 years behind
07:37.09frk2we use more modern shit in our little consulting firm that most banks can dream of
07:37.23Qwellhey, you're preaching to the choir here...
07:37.25frk2Bank IT = purchase boxes with lights
07:37.35konfuzedbig lites
07:37.38sergeusHello guys, i have a strange problem, may be you would help me?
07:37.39frk2oh yeah
07:37.47Qwellno, little lights...with many of them
07:37.49*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
07:37.51frk2and make sure one other bank has it
07:37.59frk2so if it randomly breaks, you have somebody to blame it on
07:38.02sergeusSometimes my SIPP calls get disconnected with strange error:
07:38.12frk2its also important that the lights have NO meaning whatsoever
07:38.33frk2and to understand the binary patterns you have to take a 4 day class in the bahamas
07:38.33konfuzedwell fast and coded like the ticker would be good
07:39.03sergeusi don't know what causing this error, and i don't know what should i do to prevent it
07:39.16sergeusany dvices? :)
07:43.47*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
07:44.56frk2meet a fellow paki :)
07:45.07frk2though i aint as flambouyant
07:49.04PakiPenguinnot much
07:49.32*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
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07:49.45PakiPenguinwhere you at frk2 ?
07:53.52*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
07:55.19*** join/#asterisk jorgito (
07:55.27jorgitonave a problemi with asterisk
07:55.50Strom_Cthat NEVER happens in here :)
07:56.30*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
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07:56.49jorgitoi was triing two registers  , now i want to use only one but when i put ; before the one register in sip.conf then the peer is still active,, if i do sip show peers i see both registers is this normal?
07:56.49iDunnohow can you ever have a problem with asterisk!? it just runs ;)
07:57.03iDunnosip reload? ;)
07:57.08Strom_Cjorgito, did you do a sip reload? :)
07:57.27asterboydoes anybody know if you can conference two tin cans and a string with a third can?
07:57.41jorgitoStrom_C, i did also sip reload
07:57.49jorgitoStrom_C, i tried stop now also
07:57.59asterboystop now
07:58.04asterboyasterisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
07:58.08asterboytry that
07:58.13PakiPenguini see
07:58.14*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
07:58.15asterboymore v's the better
07:58.18Strom_Choly crap, you know what I just realized?  I don't have vpn access to my client's network anymore.  I'm going to have to drive down there and muck with everything
07:58.19iDunnoasterboy: of course you can! the knot is a bit tricky though ;)
07:58.24asterboyit's like the elevator button
07:58.26Strom_CBILLABLE HOURS!!!! WOOHOO!!!!
07:58.27iDunnoor set verbose 50
07:58.54asterboyI was thinking it could actually be done if the knot was tight enough and all three parties were pulling taught.
07:58.55puzzledmorning all
07:59.09asterboynight here
08:00.29*** join/#asterisk Ansonmus (
08:01.33AnsonmusHello, we are playing with asterisk + bri. On disconnect from our side the other and will stay connected
08:01.53Ansonmuswe see system calls q931_hangup
08:01.58Ansonmusbut no destroy
08:02.15znoGanyone had this issue building spandsp -> asterisk complains it couldn't load app_rxfax.c: t30_completion_code_to_str - undefined symbol
08:03.30Ansonmusdo any of you know this problem and what can we do?
08:03.48linlinits strom damnit
08:03.58frk2shit sorry
08:04.07frk2forgot what i was gonna say
08:04.09Strom_Cwhat can I do for you
08:04.27linlinstorm...pssssh...meer mortal
08:04.45frk2linin thought it was Strom
08:05.05Strom_Cmy full name is "Strom Carlson", but Strom works :)
08:06.23*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
08:07.19linlini was reading some message board posts by you last night strom, kinda a strange coinciodence (sp) that i see you so soon after
08:07.40Strom_Cwhich message board?
08:09.53linlingood stuff
08:10.13Strom_Calright, well at least my client's PBX is back up
08:10.34Strom_Cbut now I think I have to go down there to work out some problems I can't do via ssh :)
08:11.22*** join/#asterisk op3r (n=op3r@
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08:12.08Strom_Cso I'll be back soon
08:13.02Strom_C(strange life, this consulting of the few times you get excited about driving to the ghetto at midnight)
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08:33.02exten123what the diff btw exten => 100,2,Goto,Menu|s|1" or "exten => 100,2,Goto(Menu,s,1)"
08:41.26Delvari find the later easyer to read
08:43.23asterboyAnyone get * to work on DamnSmallLinux?
08:45.58Ansonmusis this a problem?:   == Spawn extension (from-internal, 0654265690, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/423-c41c'
08:46.06Ansonmuswhat means "exited non-zero"
08:48.11powerchiphow run debug mode?
08:48.26X-Genasterboy: fire up vmware and try it for yourself ;)
08:48.51Ansonmusit is a debug message
08:49.24Ansonmusbut we have a problem that the B-leg stay connected while A-leg is disconnected.. So we reading the debug messages
08:51.57*** join/#asterisk trixter (
08:52.13asterboyI'm so hooked on the damnsmalllinux now.
08:53.17asterboyLinus is Buddha
08:54.05asterboyThen there is hurling chunks of HURD
08:55.35AnsonmusWhat is wink time?
09:01.11asterboyThe time it takes to press the semi-colon key and the right round bracket? ;)
09:01.39*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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09:10.47*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=igor@
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09:12.43backblueanyone have compiled zaptel in centos 4.3?
09:13.46batman2wow, centos 4.3 came out already?
09:15.04backbluealready? :o
09:19.57puzzledbackblue: worked fine for me on 4.2 but haven't tried building it on 4.3. You can try rebuilding a srpm from
09:20.20jbotfrom memory, centos is better than Fedora Core except for that silly bug, see ~centosbug for details
09:20.38jbotsomebody said centosbug was a problem with the latest Centos kernel (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. This is part of the 'kernel-devel' package.
09:21.15tainted_that's not a silly bug
09:21.20tainted_that's fucking retarded
09:21.59backbluepuzzled: i need to compile, we have some patch's that we need to use.
09:23.27asterboydamnsmalllinux is getting a donation from me for sure.
09:23.53*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
09:24.04asterboysimply amazing what it can do on a P100 64Mb RAM
09:24.15asterboyI'm in love.
09:26.51backblueasterboy: tks very much
09:29.48*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
09:29.50Strom_Monce again, AMP has turned a one-minute fix into a multi-hour ordeal
09:31.21asterboyI hope that's true cause I'd like to meet the gent who made that project.
09:32.21*** join/#asterisk TallAndy (n=sdad@
09:32.33AnsonmusWhat means non-zero? is that a problem:   == Spawn extension (from-internal, 0654265690, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/423-c41c'
09:32.52Strom_MAnsonmus, its never been a problem for me :)
09:33.25Ansonmusour problem is the other end (b-leg) will not be disconnected when we hang up
09:33.39TallAndyNow and again when using the 'Dial' command I get a SIP Internal Server Error 500, any ideas what could cause this. It only happens now and again, and usually issueing another Dial command will work fine
09:34.32asterboyI was getting those today.
09:34.45asterboytrying to remember
09:34.48TallAndyThey are intermitent
09:34.54TallAndyJust happens randomly
09:35.04asterboydamnsmalllinux has me peaked.
09:35.25asterboyah yes.
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09:35.54asterboyit was from a sip transfer on ZAP channels when I woudl try to bridge.
09:35.57dlynesTallAndy, It's generally a problem on your terminator's end
09:36.22TallAndyWorth trying to check with them I guess, is this quite common with SIP?
09:36.49dlynesTallAndy, it means that their server encountered something that it wasn't expecting, and didn't know how to handle it
09:37.11dlynesTallAndy,'s not common...just some terminators aren't terribly reliable
09:37.28asterboyDon't know if it went away, because I fixed the problem of not hanging up with a busydetect=es in zapata.conf
09:37.38dlynesTallAndy, Let your upstream know about it so they can give you different carrier for that npa
09:37.47TallAndydlynes: thanks will do!
09:38.13chris_astCan I change temp files in voicemail dir stored by asterisk with my own wav files for playing greetings etc?
09:38.36asterboytime to get some sleep...I'm gettin sloppy on the keyboard.
09:38.49chris_astjbot,asterboy,TallAndy: please help
09:39.19jac]Z[obyooh323 keepalive anyone ?
09:39.41asterboyI'd say yes, but I've not done it yet.
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09:41.40TallAndydlynes: The dial command doesn't change so it must be the terminator like you say, so its not as if i'm sending something they shouldn't expect.
09:42.53dlynesTallAndy, yeah...just some of them aren't running reliable hardware
09:43.25dlynesTallAndy, You'll experience that sometimes when you're trying to send g729 out on a g723 route, too
09:43.38dlynesTallAndy, make sure your upstream has you set up for all g729 routes
09:43.58dlynesTallAndy, asterisk doesn't do auto-negotiation on codecs for pass-through correctly
09:44.18TallAndydlynes: The network is Gamma Telecom (UK)
09:44.33TallAndyRight thanks for the advice dlynes
09:44.34dlynesTallAndy, never heard of them....but it doesn't mean anything...i'm in Canada, not the UK
09:46.28Ansonmusanyone have BRI in the Netherlands working?
09:46.43Ansonmusanyone <=> have
09:47.26dlynesanyways...back to coding...catch ya later, TallAndy
09:47.42TallAndydlynes: cheers, cya
09:48.08dlynesactually...anyone know what file 'CHANUNAVAIL' is actually defined in?
09:48.25dlynesI've grepped through the entire asterisk and zaptel source trees, and it's defined nowhere
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09:49.09batman2Can anybody please show me how to install STUN server onto my AAH box.
09:53.48dlynesasterisk code uses the goto command?
09:55.31Juggieconsidering asterisk dialplan is a statemachine
09:55.31Juggiei think it makes sense?
09:57.40dlynesThe only other place i've ever seen the goto command used was in Chuck Forsberg's zmodem code
09:57.49dlynesAnd that code was absolutely horrifying
09:58.16dlynesAny decent comp sci teacher discourages people from using it
10:00.55*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
10:01.03Juggieclearly you have no idea what you are talking about
10:01.17Juggiedialplan is not programming, technically
10:01.18dlynesI've been coding for 20 years...I think I do
10:01.21Juggieits a scripted state machine
10:01.24dlynesI'm talking about the C code
10:01.26Strom_Mdlynes, by "code" do you mean "source code" or "dial plan"?
10:01.27dlynesNot the dialplan
10:01.43Juggietheres a few places where goto is used that i've seen, not sure why.
10:01.43dlynesStrom_C, source code, obviously
10:01.51Juggieif you feel likek changing it, submit a patch.
10:02.06Juggiei thought yo ment the Goto app in the dialplan
10:02.07Strom_Mdlynes, or send a kvetchy email to the developers :)
10:02.23dlynesJuggie, no...I use those all the time
10:02.36dlynesJuggie, There's no dialplan command in zmodem code
10:03.00Strom_Malright, time to go home
10:03.14Juggieanyways yes, i've seen it used in the c code
10:03.23Juggiei never really read the code to find out why
10:04.59dlynesif the code was actually broken up properly into functions instead of having 500 lines of code in one function, the goto wouldn't be necessary
10:05.45dlynesIt's pretty scary that it even still works
10:06.21Juggietheres alot of ugly code but thats life
10:06.26Juggiecheck out app_voicemail.c
10:06.32Juggieif your looking for a good laugh
10:06.45*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
10:07.09dlynesIt looks a hell of a lot better than app_dial.c
10:07.30dlynesThere's one function in app_dial.c that's 500 or 600 lines of code
10:08.26dlynesnow i like the 'goto yuck' in voicemail though :)
10:08.30dlynesthat's pretty funny
10:09.00dlynesomg....are they actually storing voicemail in the sql server?
10:09.11Juggieyou can
10:09.13Juggieits not required
10:09.24dlynesthat's funny as hell
10:09.30Juggieit works well
10:09.34Juggiegood for email access as well
10:09.39Juggieas ugly as the code is
10:10.01dlynesdoesn't it adversely affect the speed of the pbx if you've got a lot of users?
10:10.45Juggieif you had alot of users idealy you'd run VM on a seperate box
10:11.03Juggiei havnt benchmarked it so i cant say for sure
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10:37.28backbluedlynes: how do you do distributed mailbox without sql server storing? :D
10:47.47Strom_Cdead hookers
10:49.18nettiehey guys anyone know why moh audio is jumpy please?
10:49.40Strom_Cnettie, you really should stop feeding it all that sugar
10:50.23hwtJuggie: do you know how i can run the voicemail on a separate box?
10:50.46hwtJuggie: Dial() into [incoming] context?
10:50.48backbluehwt: use sql to store it.
10:51.06hwtbackblue: yeah, that's the plan. but i also want to run Voicemailmain() on a separate box.
10:51.15hwtbackblue: you mean like in blobs, right=
10:51.17hwtblehbo: ?
10:51.36hwtbackblue: k.
10:51.42backblueyou can do that, just dial to other box
10:51.50hwtbackblue: are there any other ways?
10:52.00hwtbackblue: that kinda sounds dirty.
10:52.51backbluei dont know, but maybe tomorow i can tell you, i'm doing it too.
10:53.42hwtbackblue: cool.
10:55.49Aurshwt: I'm dialing to another box to do this
10:56.13Aursasterisk1 dials asterisk2 over iax2
10:57.04hwtAurs: we will do it SIP-only, but it nevertheless should work nicely then.
10:57.35Aurshwt: yes
10:59.40backblueyou have asterisk as frontends? or ser?
11:00.34hwtbackblue: we have SER for customers.
11:00.48Aursbackblue: me? asterisk for now. but looking into openser..
11:01.05hwtbackblue: but use an asterisk box as gateway to PSTN (via SIP trunk) and voicemail.
11:01.16hwtAurs: openser == SER?
11:03.15*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
11:08.47hwtAurs: why do you want open- instead of plain SER?
11:12.32chris_astHi Aurs,hwt,blackblue: I need help on asterisk voicemail and wav files it plays, please help
11:12.51Strom_Cchris_ast, just ask the damned question
11:14.06chris_astI am manually changinf voicemail greeting, * accepts only mono low frequency files.
11:14.20Strom_Cchris_ast, 8khz 16-bit PCM
11:14.27chris_astIs there any internal tool for asterisk to change this behaviour
11:14.59Strom_Cchris_ast, why do you want to use anything with higher bandwidth?  phones are only mono 8khz 16-bit companded audio at best anyway
11:15.06chris_astI am taking files from user and the user never knows his file type
11:15.27chris_astfreq etc
11:15.37Strom_Cchris_ast, why arent you changing the voicemail greetings from the voicemail application itself?
11:16.20chris_astSo that user can set his own message without recording from his phone
11:16.37Strom_Cbut why?
11:16.40chris_asthe can upload a file and I will place it in proper place
11:16.52Strom_Cjust tell them to use the phone and then you dont have to do a thing
11:17.03Strom_Ci mean, hell, this is a PHONE application we're talking about here
11:17.12nettieI'm a bit confused regarding phones, extensions and voicemail naming/numbering. Afaik seems I should definitely use a number to name them and then use vars in extensions.conf is that a good idea? At the moment I'm using name for voicemail accounts, name for phones (which are diff from the voicemail account names), numbers as extensions.. but it's pretty confusing.. anyone can suggest me a good numbering strategy pleasE?
11:17.31Strom_Cnettie, I keep everything as numbers
11:18.22Strom_Cchris_ast, your boss is demanding that users be able to just send you audio files?
11:18.35*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:19.14chris_astStrom_C, I did not get u?
11:19.46Strom_Cchris_ast, please speak in something resembling English.  Sentence fragments aren't generally understandable :)
11:20.45nettieStrom_C but extensions in extensions.conf and phones and vmail accts have the same number?
11:20.56Strom_Cnettie: I keep it simple, as follows:
11:21.07chris_astsorry, I really do not know the advantage having this featuire but he wants this feature to be done
11:21.31Strom_Cchris_ast, well ok, then just use sox or something to downsample the audio files to mono, 8khz, 16-bit wav
11:21.37chris_astanyway I will try to explain him, thanks for your time and help
11:21.59Strom_Cnettie, say I have a SIP phone called 5000
11:22.11Strom_Cthe entry in sip.conf is called "5000"
11:22.34Strom_Cin extensions.conf, I have something like  "exten => 5000,1,Dial(SIP/5000)"
11:22.47Strom_C(you could easily make that a macro)
11:23.02Strom_Cthe associated voicemail box is called 5000
11:23.03nettieyup im using macros
11:23.11nettieI'll do the same
11:23.13Strom_Cit keeps things really clear
11:25.04nettieyou might have some problems if user 5000 uses phones 5023 5024 and 50026
11:25.32nettieyou have to remember that those phones are used by user 5000
11:25.56Strom_Cnettie, or just keep a record book
11:26.31Strom_Cassign extensions such that if a user wants to add phones, they can be in contiguous blocks
11:26.53nettieor the idea could be use the same numbe rin extensions.conf and in voicemail.conf and name the phones differently
11:27.11Strom_Cso you have a user on 5000, 5010, 5020, and so on, and then when 5010 wants to add three more extensions, he gets 5011, 5012, and 5013
11:28.02Strom_Cand have your outbound dial always re-set the caller ID to XXX0
11:28.18Strom_Cand have inbound calls to XXX0 hunt down the line
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11:31.29Strom_Cnettie, if you wanted to use more arbitrary numbering schemes, you could have everything in a database
11:32.35Strom_Csay extension 5000 hunts through 5000, 2368, 1952, and 3663 -- you could have those extensions associated with 5000 in the asterisk database, then have your macro pull the extensions out of the database and try those :)
11:33.20Strom_Cbut realistically, unless you're doing a gigantic install, a well-thought-out numbering plan will be fairly easy to implement
11:33.31nettie6 phones
11:34.00nettieno well
11:34.01nettieabout 10
11:34.18Strom_Cbrb, gonna grab the laptop
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11:40.12Strom_Mlaptop + wifi + irc + bed == I love the future
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11:47.09Strom_Mso yeah
11:48.46Winkieeww gross
11:48.54backblueasterisk really need to improve chan_sip and it's performance!
11:49.15Winkiewhat's so wrong?
11:49.30Strom_Mbackblue, download the source and fix it yourself :)
11:51.17backblueStrom_M: i dont have time for that, and until i have "another way" to do it, i will not do it.
11:51.35Strom_Mbackblue, I was half-joking, you know
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11:51.37Strom_Mhence the smiley
11:51.38backblueWinkie: not doing 400 calls in the same server, it's bad.
11:51.52backblueStrom_M: yes i know
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11:56.46Strom_MJon335, your tests are irritating everyone else :)
11:57.26Jon335sorry, done now
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12:00.05zoaseems to work
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12:15.03encodethats better l(
12:17.22znoGanyone had that with spandsp?
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12:21.30RoyKznoG: usually some old libs lying around... remove all spandsp libs and reinstall
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12:22.10*** join/#asterisk JB- (n=ghans@
12:22.14JB-hello all
12:22.36RoyKzoa: ping
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12:23.40JB-i'm having a small problem, using zaphfc for isdn, when i call out by sip to pstn, and hang up the sip phone, the line does not disconnect...., in the dialplan i have _0XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN}) then _0XXXXXXXXXX,2,Hangup
12:23.52znoGRoyK: spot on, thanks :)
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12:27.45tootanyone recommend a good cheap supplier of asterisk friendly servers for a small office pbx plz? :)
12:28.13RoyKznoG: :)
12:28.27RoyKtoot: anything will do
12:29.37tootit just i see most recommendations to stay away from dell - although i ain't had any problems with my own box+asterisk+tdm400 cards
12:31.25batman2which file is inbound config lies in?
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12:38.40RoyKbatman2: see the docs... it varies what you do
12:38.42jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
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12:39.33trixteri heard that longshoreman read the docs
12:40.37Winkietoot: where are you located?
12:41.26tooti have a bit of a silly question - - where do the lines plug in (just leave the case open?  or a pci slot above? :))
12:41.30tootn. ireland :)
12:41.42wasimtoot: it has a dongle
12:41.51wasimtoot: afaik
12:42.30RoyKtoot: it's a huge plug in the back, old centronix-style iirc
12:42.41trixteramphenol connector most likely
12:43.34trixterthere are many patch panels that take amphenol directly so wiring is easy
12:43.50trixterand to my suprise the cost hasnt changed in 15 years
12:43.59tooti'm a bit new to this so need to find out what that is :)
12:44.09trixtergoogle amphenol
12:44.14tootdoing so :P
12:44.27trixterits a 50 pin connector so it can do 25 lines but that card is only wired for 24
12:44.29RoyKtoot: only i heard that card sucks, so i'd check if a channel bank may be better
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12:44.35trixterwhich is common in telco settings
12:44.51trixterodds are channel bank is cheaper
12:45.01RoyKand better....
12:45.02trixterlook at ebay for channel banks
12:45.26trixterjust get a t1 card and a bank and you have effectively the same thing
12:45.41wasimif you need fxs, the best bet is atcom 4 port ata for $100 each
12:45.57trixterwhat if you need 24 fxs?
12:46.04wasim6 of em :)
12:46.26trixter6 cards are likely to cause problems in the same box especially if they use zapata
12:46.40wasimno, silly, ata, like little black boxes
12:46.49wasimwith their own wallwarts and stuff
12:48.22trixterhigher management cost
12:48.34wasimnah, its pretty simple
12:48.46wasimdisposable hardware
12:48.47trixterfor small networks
12:49.00wasimlarge networks shouldn't be doing fxs anyway
12:49.02wasimnot in 2006
12:49.09trixterlarger ones means higher management cost
12:49.23trixterdepends on many factors
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12:50.55wasimsuch as brain dead higher management
12:51.25trixtersome of my customers will lose a ton of money if their phones are out for 2 days
12:51.29wasim"we're going to continue with our circa 1975 telephone technology"
12:51.38trixterrecabling to not be analog can take longer than that
12:52.22trixterand its not always a good thing to have the same physical network do voice and data, depending on multiple factors
12:52.37trixterso it boils down to cost, not just equipment cost but management cost, down time costs, etc
12:52.49trixtera bunch of hidden costs that often are overlooked
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12:53.23wasimthats where an experienced implementor comes in ...
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12:53.52trixteryup it takes experience to know that there are other factors and that one solution isnt right for everyone
12:54.14wasimofcourse ... otherwise we'd all be using ferraris for dump trucks
12:54.15trixterand that all the different factors must be looked at before a decision can be made
12:54.41trixterso saying that large corporations shouldnt be doing fxs in 2006 is making the mistake of an inexperienced person
12:54.44trixterI see
12:55.19wasimlarge corporations would make a bigger mistake deploying fxs on zapata than on an ata
12:55.21trixterall I have been saying is that there are exceptions and you cant make a blanket rule
12:55.34trixterI commented on the zap interface above already
12:55.55trixterhowever a bunch of 4 port fxs modules would have a higher management cost than other solutions
12:56.14trixternote that was when I was talking about a channel bank and t1 card as opposed to specifically the tdm2400 card
12:56.31trixterso I wasnt suggesting zapata which you seem to be implying now
12:56.50wasimso we're basically arguing a similar side of the coin ... deja vu
12:57.34trixterwell it was my understanding that when you said I was wrong about there being multiple factors for deciding what technology to employ and that there were no such factors to consider I didnt see it as a siumilar argument
12:57.47trixterI instead saw it as quote the opposite
12:58.07wasimnot really
12:58.27trixterhow can I both be wrong and right?  unless you are saying that by agreeing with me you too are wrong
12:58.32trixterwhich I didnt quite get out of what was said
12:58.45wasimtsk tsk ...
12:59.17trixterit boiled down to your position was that of the inexperienced person then you changed and started quoting me
12:59.20trixterwhich I find funny
12:59.22trixterbut mehy
12:59.31trixteryou have proven your own point
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13:11.30in-sidewhy in a refer request accountcode is not being filled ?
13:11.51in-sideit works ok in a invite
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13:16.27in-sidedoes the accountcode in refer have been fixed already?
13:16.44ToTodoes * include some feautures for fax, or the only way is to use spandsp?
13:17.35ToTobecause i have some trouble to patch * source with app_tx & app_rx..
13:17.47wasimToTo: it does have fax detection on zapata somewhat
13:17.52wasimToTo: fax,1,()
13:18.26ToTowasim, so only with zapata?
13:18.30in-sidedamn... the bug was detected at 1.2.0
13:18.33in-sideand still open ?
13:18.38in-sidedear Jesus!
13:22.18*** join/#asterisk teapot (
13:24.32teapotis anyone awake ?
13:24.51wasimwe're all watching the highlights during the tea interval
13:25.18wasimwhat was gibbs thinking ?
13:26.00wasimis there anything else?
13:26.54teapotI'm stuck
13:27.08wasimwant us to tip you over ...
13:27.18teapotfor sure :)
13:27.33teapotI upgraded a * install yesterday
13:27.55teapotto 1.2.4 - a tag. Now I get people complaining about distortion
13:28.06teapoton zap channels. but only sometimes
13:28.21teapotand when it happens, DTMF detection stops working..
13:28.24*** part/#asterisk Jon335 (
13:28.50teapotIn the console I just see off-hook, then on-hook
13:30.11in-sidewelcome to hell
13:30.16in-sideI have a stupid bug
13:30.22in-sidewith refer
13:30.30in-sideaccountcode is not filled
13:30.32in-sidewith no reason
13:30.53in-sidefrom 1.2 version till now and didn't get fixed yet
13:31.40teapotoh wait
13:31.49teapotwhere is the mailing list archived?
13:32.01teapotmaybe I was googling in the wrong place
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13:37.09in-sideanybody know if there is already a fix for accont code in a refer request?
13:39.19teapotWhere is DTMF detection done on a Zaptel channel?
13:39.34teapotIs it done by the card, or is it done by the CPU?
13:39.45teapot(ie the asterisk code?)
13:40.23zoaasterisk code for most cards i think
13:41.05teapotI don't know what chips the digium card uses
13:41.19zoaxilinx on the expensive cards
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13:41.22teapotThe HFC card has DTMF detection on-board
13:41.24zoatigerjet on the cheap cards
13:41.28nubbragezoa: !!!
13:41.36zoaim not here
13:41.42nubbragezoa: :)
13:42.03in-sideseems tat refer bug is just forgoten
13:42.13in-sidenobody seems to care of it :S
13:42.24zoaplease leave your message after the beep
13:42.32teapotthat's why you're going to fix it :)
13:42.47zoa*TR TjuNH TjnUNG*
13:43.00zoa*insert v29 negotiation here*
13:43.18in-sideyes.. shure i had..
13:43.22zoa[this space is available for advertisements, please contact zoa for a pricing]
13:43.29in-sideI doing it.. anyway.... as I'm very ugly
13:43.35in-sideI will fork it rotfl
13:43.57in-sidethey remember to launch new versions as bunnies
13:44.25in-sideand a bug from 1.2.0 till now and nobody simples care on it :S
13:47.43teapotwhat are common causes of intermittent distortion?
13:48.55*** join/#asterisk linstar (n=achu@
13:49.01nextimecan an "exec" call from agi/fastagi execute an asterisk function? ( like dundilookup or enumlookup or rand for example )?
13:49.23nextimenot only applications?
13:49.24linstaris there any hardware PBX which asterisk support ?
13:49.24in-sideteapot: cpu usage?
13:49.43teapotin-side: indeed, but the machine has a load-average of 0
13:50.23in-sideteapot: you said common..
13:50.35in-sideothers are network traffic
13:50.46in-sideif we are talking about sip users for example
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13:51.08in-sideor bad codecs implementation etc etc
13:51.11teapotin-side: I should have said zaptel
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13:51.27in-sidenever worked with zap channels
13:51.33teapotin-side: listening to dialtone
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13:51.50linstarin-side :  is there any hardware PBX which asterisk support ?
13:52.21in-sideI have no ideia sorry I just use asterisk as voicemail sorry
13:52.23coppicewhat do you mean by support?
13:52.32in-sidedoes anybody knows
13:52.35teapotlinstar: you mean "not a PC" ?
13:52.51in-sidehow should i refer to ${CDR(accountcode)} in agi ?
13:53.06in-sidehow should I get the var from get_variable ?
13:53.21linstarteapot : I mean a hardware PBX like ordinary telephone PBX from which we can make extensions for the asterisk server ?
13:53.29viperdudehi guys anyone good with codecs over iax2 channels
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13:53.50teapotlinstar: I doubt it
13:54.32teapotlinstar: I think you're saying "has * been ported to a PBX platform"
13:55.36linstarteapot : the need is to setup 10 extensions from the * server in my office and dont want to buy 10 sipuras for it
13:56.18linstarteapot : Instead of it I wish to buy one h/w PBX from which I can take extensions to the phone
13:57.06linstarteapot : but the extensions are from * server
13:57.35linstarteapot : like a switch from which we can connect serveral PC's
13:57.35teapotlinstar: something like a channel-bank?
13:57.37*** join/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
13:57.49[TK]D-Fenderlinstar : Why would you want some other PBX in front of *?  Typically you'll reduce your phones to analog capacity at best and only INCREASE your costs while losing functionality...
13:57.56coppiceif you had a hardware PBX, surely you wouldn't need *
13:58.34epabloHi guys..
13:59.33epabloI'm terminating some calls on a quad T1 (using only one T1) for now.. but my ringback sounds like a car skidding
13:59.49epablo  This is what I see when a call comes in.. Any ideas?
14:01.04linstarteapot : I dont understand what channel-bank is?
14:01.08SplasPoodlinstar: why not just use IP phones and ethernet?
14:01.21SplasPoodand a normal ethernet switch
14:01.31teapotlinstar: It converts E1/T1 to telephone extensions
14:02.12batman2what's the command line to resart asterisk in ssh?
14:02.13teapotlinstar: you just put a T1 card into your * box and connect it up.
14:02.20teapotbatman2: restart gracefully ?
14:02.27batman2it wouldnt me
14:02.36*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
14:03.07batman2-bash: restart: command not found
14:03.21teapotbatman2: asterisk -r
14:03.46batman2oh ok
14:03.50batman2how do i check if it's back up?
14:04.00epabloasterisk -rx restart gracefully
14:04.09teapotbatman2: no, the -r reconnects you to the console
14:04.19teapotbatman2: once there, you issue the restart command
14:04.32teapotbatman2: you'll see the normal startup messages fly past...
14:04.42Delvarquick question, i have jsut got a couple te406's how do i enable the hardware echo can?
14:04.45linstarteapot : I will come back soon thanks for the reply
14:05.08batman2it just say disconnected from asterisk server
14:05.11linstarteapot : one more doubt?
14:05.14batman2will it let me know it comes back on?
14:05.37linstarteapot : Is there is any changes needed in asterisk configuration for fax ?
14:06.15teapotlinstar: nafc
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14:06.41teapotlinstar: ps ax | grep asterisk
14:07.20x86anyone know of anyone offering free toll-free termination besides ?
14:07.46linstarteapot : ok done
14:09.24teapotbatman2:  ps ax | grep asterisk
14:09.26*** part/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
14:09.49trelane_x86, you're so behind the times, when are you going to add -64 to your nick?
14:10.40coppiceshould it be -64 or _64?
14:11.09trelane_coppice, not sure, have x86 tell you when he's done recompiling
14:11.16*** join/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
14:11.32epabloAnyone know what a condition 15 in asterisk is?
14:11.43coppiceis recompile anything like reincarnation?
14:11.49trelane_coppice, right
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14:20.22b66merLooking to pickup a T1 interface for my asterisk... anybody have comments regarding the Digium and the Sangoma cards?
14:21.15epabloI have a couple Digium.  They work fine!
14:21.24tzangerb66mer: the single port cards of both work fine and really have no differences between them
14:21.36b66merare there any better brands?
14:21.47tzangerthe sangoma *I THINK* may have a hardware echo cancel option on a single port but that's about it... and you'll pay extra for that, of course.
14:21.52tzangerI don't believe Digium has a single-port echo can option
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14:22.57b66merI've been considering the A101 and the TE110P
14:23.19tzangerb66mer: they're about even.  I like Sangoma's stuff, I like Digium's stuff.
14:23.22tzangerI've used both
14:23.31b66merother brands to consider?
14:23.45*** join/#asterisk powerchip (
14:24.40tzangerthe multiport versions of their offerings do start to differ.  Digium's quadspan can only clock from one span, whereas the sangomas can clock each span individually.  Normally this isn't an issue but it's a little thing that may make your decision.  Digium's VPM isn't as "heavy" as Sangoma's, but I have NOT tried Sangoma's to see if the difference is really all that apparent.
14:25.18tzangermy instinct says that it would be, but without actually benchmarking it and quantitatively and qualitatively measuring it, it's just speculation and opinion, and I want to make sure that that's clear
14:25.49tzangerTheir single and quadspan without EC boards are on-par for price too, I think.
14:26.48tzangerI like Sangoma because they are in my backyard (an hour's drive from their HQ) and David Mandelstam's been unbelievably helpful.  On the same note, Buying Digium supports Asterisk development, and I have had nothing but great customer service from them, too.
14:27.05tzangerThere isn't any clear winner here, from a customer standpoint.
14:27.27teapotgtg, l8rz
14:27.30_Paulo_Im using a couple TE110P. So far they work OK.
14:27.38*** part/#asterisk teapot (
14:28.09tzangerI use TE110Ps, TE405s and TE406s.  I have a couple Sanogma A101us and A102us
14:30.18*** part/#asterisk chris_ast (n=Administ@
14:30.55[TK]D-FenderI use a Sangoma A104d here at work.
14:32.17mutany digium cards i hook to pstn i get echo the software won't get rid of
14:32.22mutinternal stuff works fine tho
14:32.31tzangermut: are you like a bazillion miles from town?
14:32.31muti'm trying to rma my 405's and get a 104d
14:32.46mutthey come in over a ds3..
14:32.56tzangermut: how will a non-ec card help you?
14:33.31mut104d has ec
14:34.01tzangerdid you try slapping on a VPM on the 405?
14:34.19*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (n=rsears@
14:34.31[TK]D-Fendermut : I went through 2 TE405P's before my switch.
14:34.49x86how do i do voice recognition like 800-555-TELL does?
14:35.05*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:35.11x86where you can say the option you want instead of having to DTMF it
14:35.16[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Sphinx.  Or some other commercial one (which are undoubtably better)
14:35.53FlyboySR22GOod Morning Everyopne
14:36.08*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
14:36.25epabloi'm looking for a condition oh323 is not handling.. but I don't know where these conditions are defined..
14:36.46Kattyand i'm looking for conditioner.
14:37.13mutyou can get them for the 405?
14:37.13coppiceair conditioner?
14:37.46Kattyi only like girly snogs.
14:37.50epablochan_oh323.c:1760 oh323_indicate: Don't know how to indicate condition 15.  This is what i get on the console.. but I don't know those conditions refer to
14:38.10Kattycoppice: if by air you mean hair
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14:39.03hwtis it a problem to run asterisk off an os on a CF-card?
14:39.09hwtjust a small home system.
14:39.19hwton ramdisk.
14:39.31coppiceKatty: cool - oh, sorry, that's air conditioner
14:39.44epablohwt: I've seen it on a linksys router
14:40.03[TK]D-FenderKatty: mew.
14:40.09hwtepablo: yeah, but that might be heavily customized.
14:40.30hwti need to make sure that i don't fry the CF-card.
14:40.57epablohwt: excuse my ignorance.. whats a CF-card?
14:41.08x86[TK]D-Fender: any docs on setting up asterisk with sphinx?
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14:41.35hwtepablo: compact flash.
14:41.42*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
14:41.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
14:41.49hwtepablo: flash based memory. non-volatile.
14:42.07epablohwt:  thanks
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14:43.06HmmhesaysI hurt
14:43.50kardecallanAnybody knows where material meeting that speaks on as to implement a module in asterisk?
14:44.00jbalcombwoot. talk on the asterisk forums about making the documentation for asterisk similar to PHPs setup
14:44.25hekaanybody can help me with Jitter buffer patch for sip?
14:47.22*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
14:47.23nextimeis there a way to call a function like "RAND()" from agi?
14:47.30wunderkinthe php docs are easy to go through, i use them all of the time
14:48.38KattyHmmhesays: hurt?
14:48.42KattyHmmhesays: did that chica beat you up?
14:48.48*** join/#asterisk Mauro__ (
14:49.02Mauro__anyone has a GET data AGI program?
14:49.15KattyMauro__: hi
14:49.21Mauro__Hi :P
14:49.26Kattynice of you to be friendly
14:49.31Kattybefore you started blurting out your question
14:49.38unixgeekeBay currently has a Varion v400p for $200. Is it worth picking up this card to start playing with or should I really be considering something like the te410p?
14:49.47Mauro__ok here I go again
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14:50.24SplasPoodCan any developers familiar with chan_sip comment on this post
14:50.44Mauro__does anyone has an AGI program that has a GET DATA?
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14:52.27kardecallanDoes anybody know where I can find stuff for developping asterisk based application? I want to add a module to asterisk.
14:54.18_Paulo_The source, Luke, use the source.
14:54.38HmmhesaysKatty: booze beat me up
14:54.48KattyHmmhesays: well, you smack it back then.
14:55.03Mauro__I m trying to make an AGI program that captures some data but I always get a timeout :(
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14:55.34Mauro__I also have some messages to the console via stderr but i cant read them on the console :(
14:55.41Mauro__any tip?
14:55.45epabloMauro__:  I use the perl module for AGI
14:56.49KattyHmmhesays: i watched rocky horror at the university last night.
14:57.01KattyHmmhesays: we all went dressed boots and corsets and things
14:57.07Kattyit was grand.
14:57.11HmmhesaysI got drunk and druled over this hot female
14:57.37Hmmhesaysshe was like 6'1
14:57.55Kattyisn't that taller than you?
14:57.57iDunnothat's tall
14:58.02Hmmhesaysoh man you have no idea, one of those naturally pretty girls,  very little makeup
14:58.11Hmmhesaysyeah she's about an inch taller than me
14:58.39Hmmhesaysoh man, i'd clip my toe nails to take her home
14:58.58Kattywhatever happened to that other chick?
14:59.03Mauro__I m using python but I ll look to the perl AGI :P
14:59.06Kattyshe finally decide to get married or something?
14:59.07Hmmhesaysshe dumped me
14:59.50Hmmhesaysfor the better
14:59.58Hmmhesaysshe was killing me
15:00.06Kattysounds like she was /quite/ the drama queen
15:00.18jbalcombIs there a linux equivalent for the Cisco command 'show ip route'?
15:00.18Hmmhesaysa week later, I was back in prime form.. hooked up with some hot chick friday night
15:00.41[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : "route -an"
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15:01.10fourcheezeroute -n
15:01.32KattyHmmhesays: erik is going to beijing for an internship, and then to singapore to study abroad.
15:01.35fourcheezeroute -a doesn't work here
15:01.51KattyHmmhesays: i visited adam a couple weeks back...two weekends in a row.....but he's kinda far away
15:02.04Hmmhesayswhich one is the indiana guy
15:02.10jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender fourcheeze show ip route on cisco allows you to specify an address and it tells you where it goes
15:02.11Kattythat's adam
15:02.23KattyHmmhesays: but then i ran into this guy down here in cape....long hair vegetarian guy.
15:02.40KattyHmmhesays: he's not /real/ geeky, but he's the head guy for the best buy geek squad.
15:02.45KattyHmmhesays: so a smidgen.
15:03.00KattyHmmhesays: and i also met another chick last night.
15:03.10Hmmhesaysyou could be retarded and be the head of the geek squad, no offense
15:03.16[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : "traceroute [ip/host]" ?
15:03.21Kattybut he knows a little bit
15:03.37Kattybetter than some random dumb idiot in my opinion
15:04.19jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeah, i'm going with that as my best option. for some reason i can get to my phones web interface from my desktop but i cant get to the server.
15:04.25HmmhesaysKatty: true
15:04.41*** part/#asterisk X-Gen (
15:04.45tzangerI am rather biased against buying ANY product with "GEEK SQUAD" embossed on it anywhere.  Best Buy cables, parts,e tc...  <shudders>
15:04.48jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i'm leaning toward firewall rules at this point. im just getting tired of having to ssh around to get to my phone server.
15:05.18*** join/#asterisk qseek (
15:05.39Hmmhesaysi bought a psu from best buy yesterday
15:05.44jbalcombtzanger worst thing ever? someone asked me what i do, i says i'm a computer guy, they says 'oh, like the geek squad' ... *silence*
15:05.53tzangerjbalcomb: that's why I don't bother
15:05.55qseekhi all
15:06.00Kattyhi qseek!
15:06.00fourcheezewhat is "the geek squad" ?
15:06.03tzangerI am thankful that I have the option to say I'm an engineer :-)
15:06.08Kattyfourcheeze: they're techs from best buy
15:06.10tzangerfourcheeze: best buy
15:06.11Hmmhesaysone thing I like about the geek squad is it is a good image for geeks
15:06.12qseekhey katty, jbalcomb
15:06.14Kattyfourcheeze: do house calls and stuff.
15:06.17qseeka question for y'all
15:06.18fourcheezewhat is "best buy" ?
15:06.19Kattyfourcheeze: they're pretty dumb.
15:06.27jbalcombtzanger yeah, im thinking about going with 'project coordinator' ;)
15:06.29Hmmhesaysthey're "cool" regular people can relate to them
15:06.30Kattyfourcheeze: it's a computer store chain thingy
15:06.36fourcheezeahh ok
15:06.47HmmhesaysI do like best buy though
15:06.56qseekif I set a variable in one context can I reference it from some other context in the dialplan within the same call
15:07.02Kattythe geek squad is not cool.
15:07.04Hmmhesaysevery time i walk in there, there is a fantastically hot woman to look at
15:07.06Kattythey make me want to burn things
15:07.08fourcheezeare they one of those places that pretends to be cheap but isn't?
15:07.14qseekthe geek squad is a rip off :)
15:07.20Kattycause i'm a /very/ cool geek.
15:07.21HmmhesaysKatty: to a regular person they are, they give geeks a good image
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15:07.26Kattyand don't need a shiny title to prove it.
15:07.45jbalcombhey qseek
15:08.21KattyHmmhesays: which songs did i send you yesterday?
15:08.56qseekso dudes/dudettes anyone have  an answer for my question
15:09.02coppiceeh? somewhere is selling fantastically hot women? :-\
15:09.07HmmhesaysMezzanine - Teardrop
15:09.16Hmmhesayswhat question?
15:09.16Kattythe band is massive attack by the way
15:09.20Kattymezzanine is the album
15:09.23Hmmhesaysahh ok
15:09.31FlyboySR22qseek, are you setting the var in the globals area..?
15:09.35KattyHmmhesays: i'm going to send you another oen
15:09.44qseekno just a call to the database to set the variable
15:09.59FlyboySR22within a context in your dialplan..?
15:10.15qseekthen the call is handed off to another context
15:10.44FlyboySR22humm.. I know all variables withint the global area of extensions.conf persist, but never tried setting on in a separate context and trying it...should be pretty easy to try however..
15:11.04qseeki know i was just trying to find out if someone has done it
15:11.14qseekwhat if i set it as a setglobalvar in the context
15:11.20HmmhesaysKatty cool,
15:11.44qseekwould i be able to overwrite it later on
15:11.45FlyboySR22I 'know' if you set it in [globals] it persists...
15:12.03HmmhesaysHave you heard that new weezer tune? 'perfect situation'
15:12.09Kattynot yet
15:12.09HmmhesaysI like it a lot
15:12.10Kattyyou gonna send it?
15:12.12qseekso if i set a dummy value in the globals area..then I could reference that variable from anywhere..can i modify it
15:12.39FlyboySR22qseek - hold a sec, I am trying it
15:13.06KattyHmmhesays: it's sent. lemme know if ya like it.
15:13.23*** join/#asterisk tmccrary (n=tmccrary@
15:13.47tmccraryexten => 9999,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERIDNUM})
15:13.58tmccraryIs there a reason why that still asks for the user's mailbox number?
15:14.17Hmmhesaysbecause the mailbox number in ${CALLERIDNUM} doesn't exist
15:14.52Hmmhesayscuoumo rivers does some wicked guitar stuff in it
15:15.13tmccraryah, that was exactly my problem (duh). THanks Hmm!
15:15.20Hmmhesaysnp tmccrary
15:15.23eric_hillmornin' all
15:15.29*** join/#asterisk sevard (
15:15.35Mauro__when I make an agi script
15:15.44Mauro__I have to add it to an extension
15:15.48sevardwhere can I get a cheap sip line twith pstn termination to pump into my pbx (not fwd)?
15:15.54sevardlike cheap and easy for a couple of days
15:15.58Hmmhesayshello eric_hill
15:16.06Hmmhesayshello sevard
15:16.09sevardhey Hmmhesays
15:16.19Kattyi still read that as eric_clapton
15:16.25sevardKatty: excellent
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15:16.40qseekso let us take a poll
15:16.45Kattyi vote no
15:16.50qseekwould u build your own computer or buy it
15:16.53Hmmhesaysdoes it involve boobies?
15:16.53tmccraryIs there a way to alias mailboxes in voicemail.conf? So that a voicemail left in 100, also gets left in 101 and 102?
15:16.54qseeki am debating
15:17.01sevardqseek: that's a no brainer.
15:17.08Kattyqseek: it depends on what the computer is doing
15:17.08qseekwhether to build one
15:17.09Hmmhesaysyou want cheap? buy a dell
15:17.22mishehuyou want hell?  buy a dell.
15:17.23qseekwell this dual core board/motherboard combo is for 149
15:17.29Kattyyay mishehu!
15:17.31qseeka harddrive would be another 80
15:17.33Kattyi demand a hug.
15:17.35FlyboySR22qseek, Yes, if you set it in [globals] you can reset it in another context and it follow through, however it will stay at whatever you reset it to...until you reset it again. Tested on 1.2.5
15:17.37Mauro__should I enable the LD_KERNEL_ASSUME on kernel 2.6.16 with asterisk 1.2.6?
15:17.38mishehuKatty: hey.
15:17.39sevardqseek:I always always _always_ build every single pc.  Every PC I've ever owned.
15:17.50Hmmhesayssometimes its just not worth it
15:18.01Kattyyeah, sometimes it really isn't
15:18.06qseekflyboy can you try the other way see if u dont set it as global does it work for u
15:18.07Kattyyou can buy commercial machines REALLY cheap
15:18.11Kattyespecially if they come with an LCD
15:18.11sevardHmmhesays: 90% of the time, I've found, it is.
15:18.13Hmmhesaysif I had 4 grand to spend , sure as shit, i'd buy a high end alienware machine
15:18.52qseekwell ok so back to the pc..149 + 79 + 109 for 1 GB DDR2 RAM and a video card
15:18.55Hmmhesaysthen I would game to my hearts delight
15:18.56coppicehigh end alienwares are more than double that :-)
15:19.02qseekthat would make an awesome machine for about 400
15:19.19Hmmhesaystrue, i'd buy a mid range alienware machine...  one that could blow wimmins clothes off
15:19.28Kattyk, lets NOT get that one then
15:19.37Hmmhesayscept Katty's
15:19.50Hmmhesaysand my mom's
15:19.53Kattyoh god.
15:19.58Kattystop it. it's not 10 yet
15:20.06qseeki know i broke my lcd monitor so i am debating to get one from dell , just sell the box on freebay and keep the monitor
15:20.15qseekwould be cheaper than just buying the monito
15:20.29Hmmhesayskeep the box and buy another deal
15:20.53Hmmhesaysinteresting song
15:21.37sevardI thought there was a sip provider with pstn termination that would let you buy like one or four days worth of service cheap
15:21.53qseeksevard  really which one :)
15:22.11KattyHmmhesays: this weezer song is too heavy for pre-noon stuff
15:22.29KattyHmmhesays: i'll listen to it later
15:22.36sevardqseek: it was mentioned here a while ago.. i just can't remember the name
15:22.39znoGanyone use spandsp?
15:22.46Kattyha, i read that as spandex
15:22.54qseeknow now katty
15:22.56Hmmhesayskatty: it gets lighter after the intro
15:23.04Kattyqseek: don't you nownow me
15:23.08znoG;) hehe .... back to the problem :) can't receive any faxes properly. It does the rxfax thing for a while but doesn't receive anything then drops the call
15:23.27KattyznoG: i bet that makes you all sad inside, doesn't it.
15:23.43qseekflyboy u still there
15:24.02Hmmhesayscool song
15:24.09qseekwere u able to give that a shot please
15:24.26FlyboySR22yea, I sent it over already - here it is again :-)
15:24.26KattyHmmhesays: inertia creeps?
15:24.28FlyboySR22qseek, Yes, if you set it in [globals] you can reset it in another context and it follow through, however it will stay at whatever you reset it to...until you reset it again. Tested on 1.2.5
15:24.35Kattyyeah, i love the drumline
15:24.42qseekk thanks
15:24.49Kattymy poor steering wheel's going to be all beat up
15:24.51qseeklaters dudes/dudettes
15:24.53Kattythat album is /great/
15:24.55Hmmhesaysit's pretty cool
15:25.04*** part/#asterisk qseek (
15:25.32Hmmhesayshave you heard trey cool's drum work in "jesus of suburbia" sweet geebus,  3/4 and 4/4 time in one song
15:25.57Hmmhesaysdrummer from greenday
15:26.08Kattynewp, i haven't
15:26.55Hmmhesaysprobably one of greenday's best songs
15:26.59znoGso nobody uses spandsp?
15:27.02znoGKatty: yes, yes it does.
15:27.06Hmmhesaysi used it way back
15:28.08znoGHmmhesays: and it just "works" ?
15:28.14znoGi'm pretty sure i have it setup right
15:28.22znoGjust doesn't successfully receive any faxes!
15:29.03KattyznoG: huh?
15:30.06HmmhesaysznoG: i haven't used spandsp in over a year
15:30.38eric_hillHmmhesays: ever heard Mickey Heart's Planet Drum?
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15:31.15Kattyfile: i'm really tired today :<
15:31.31file[laptop]Katty: tried running around in circles?
15:31.32_Paulo_znoG, I use spandsp
15:31.41Kattyfile[laptop]: to sleepy
15:31.42*** join/#asterisk cybergypsy (
15:32.12_Paulo_znoG, what * version, SO/distro, libspadsp version are you using?
15:32.27file[laptop]Katty: :(
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15:35.58znoG_Paulo_: asterisk 1.2.6, libspandsp was 0.0.2, going to try 0.0.3 now. Fedora Core 4
15:36.12*** join/#asterisk dynamicpulse (
15:36.38cybergypsyhi folks
15:36.47cybergypsyi am trying to get this working :-
15:36.47dynamicpulsehey cybergypsy
15:36.50_Paulo_znoG, right... what hardware?
15:36.50cybergypsyexten => 613,1,System(/root/
15:36.50cybergypsyexten => 613,2,Dial(IAX2/iaxfwd/613)
15:36.50cybergypsyexten => 613,3,System(/root/
15:36.51*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
15:36.53powerchipcybergypsy hy
15:37.12Hmmhesayseric_hill no i haven't
15:37.18cybergypsyits to slow down a p2p app before making a call and speed it up after the call
15:37.27znoG_Paulo_: just a standard FXO card
15:37.33cybergypsypriority 1 and 2 work
15:37.41cybergypsybut not priority 3
15:37.47_Paulo_znoG, some cards have hardware bugs
15:37.51powerchipznoG: way nor Fedora Core 5?
15:37.56znoG_Paulo_: yea, could be possible.
15:38.01_Paulo_znoG, that causes frame slips
15:38.09dynamicpulsedoes anyone here use TelaSIP as their VOIP-> PSTN connection?
15:38.24trelane_I am running several Cisco 7960's with the latest SIP firmware.  When accessing Voicemail or navigating any internal menu Asterisk does not pick up DTMF tones from these phones, however if I dial out and then back in asterisk picks up all dtmf tones from these phones.  Has anyone seen this problem before? asterisk is latest revision, running on gentoo x86
15:38.28znoG_Paulo_: does that mean that if I try and send incoming faxes to a fax machine via SIP it would have the same frame slips?
15:38.28_Paulo_znoG, do you have echo cancel off?
15:38.42sevardso, there isn't a cheap test line sip provider that anyone knows about?
15:38.42znoG_Paulo_: in zapata.conf? hang on ...
15:38.53powerchipznoG: way not Fedora Core 5?
15:39.40dynamicpulsesevard how cheap do you want?
15:39.51_Paulo_znoG, I think "faxdetect = both" is supposed to turn echo off when * detects a fax tone...
15:40.18_Paulo_znoG, Im not really sure. But echo cancel could ruin your faxing.
15:40.41znoGpowerchip: because fc5 came out after i installed the server
15:40.46znoG_Paulo_: yea, im pretty sure it turns it off too.
15:41.11powerchipznoG: ok
15:41.13znoG_Paulo_: can't find app_rxfax.c for spandsp 0.0.3, so i have to stick to 0.0.2
15:41.19sevarddynamicpulse: i thought there was a provider that was a a buck a week for a test line
15:41.29dynamicpulsesevard wow
15:41.41dynamicpulsesevard i havn't heard of anything that cheap
15:41.45sevarda buck a day would be fine, i just don't need it for a month
15:41.48_Paulo_znoG, you should try iaxmodem if rx_fax is not working for you.
15:41.51sevard5 days max
15:42.01dynamicpulsesevard you should sign up for a plan that you pay per min
15:42.21dynamicpulsesevard that way it should be very cheap... if you are just testing
15:42.32znoG_Paulo_: even if it's all on the same box?
15:43.04_Paulo_znoG, yeps, the last iaxmodem rox.
15:43.58sevarddynamicpulse: can you suggest a provider i could get started with in a couple minutes?
15:44.00znoG_Paulo_: how does iaxmodem work? i didn't quite understand how it works.
15:44.07sevarddynamicpulse: sip lines, not iax.
15:44.15_Paulo_znoG, its a virtual modem
15:44.37brad_mssweh, i wouldn't recomment sixtel
15:44.55Hmmhesaysi don't have any problems with them, I use them as a backup route
15:45.01_Paulo_znoG, it creates a /dev/ttyIAX, you can use minicom like with a standard rs232 modem.
15:45.13brad_msswi have them as a backup route as well, but it tends to go down _a_lot_
15:45.16_Paulo_znoG, send at commands, etc.
15:45.19dynamicpulsesevard: not sure on any service that is that fast.... i am sure some of these other guys would know ... I think freeworlddialup now does pay services... and their turnaround is fast
15:45.29brad_msswand i'm pretty close to them (hops wise) ... my other carriers seem more reliable
15:45.30Hmmhesaysi have a couple 800 numbers with them, that have been stable for the last month
15:45.53brad_msswjunctionnetworks is more reliable, just pricy
15:46.05sevardso does anyone know of a provider i could get started with _today_
15:46.32brad_msswsevard:, junctionnetworks, teliax, nufone
15:47.14Mauro__do I have to use LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 with kernel 2.6.16 and asterisk 1.2.6?
15:47.16brad_msswif teliax only had an east-coast server
15:47.30*** join/#asterisk TUplink (
15:47.35fnordiani've got strange effect in my voicebox
15:47.52fnordianit's told to store recordings as wav and wav49
15:47.53Hmmhesaysme too, i smoked a pack last night, my voice is all froggy
15:48.08fnordianbut sometimes, the wav49 is missing
15:48.08*** join/#asterisk uwe (
15:49.33backblueTUplink: use the same codec?
15:49.44Hmmhesaysthis live sum41 album is kickass
15:50.44*** join/#asterisk TUplink (
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15:52.55bkw_I think thats very clear what that means
15:53.24bkw_its broken :P
15:53.50backblueTUplink: use the same codec?
15:54.14bkw_the only way to get that working is to only allow the one codec on both legs
15:54.17bkw_and it should work
15:54.35backblueyou have to suport compatible codecs in both legs
15:54.40backbluenot the same
15:56.42*** part/#asterisk dynamicpulse (
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15:56.48nokyi don't have RTP between two gateways SIP
15:57.53*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
15:59.06GerbilNutwhat exactly is RTP?
15:59.19Hmmhesaysreal time protocol
15:59.37*** join/#asterisk GuruDom (
15:59.45TUplinkthe codec is enabled on both
15:59.53TUplinkgsm and ulaw
16:00.20tmccraryI've setup voicemail, however I cannot change my unavailable greeting. When I change it, I can listened to the recording in the menu okay. However, when I call the voicemail box and try to leave a message, it gives me the default greeting.
16:00.21jbalcombyippy! our new mysql 5 DB server is down again.
16:00.25tmccraryAnyone else have this problem?
16:00.44jbalcombtmccrary permissions perhaps?
16:00.51tmccraryAlso, I can see the files in the vm spool directory
16:00.53tmccrarylet me check
16:01.14uwehello, im trying to get a grand stream bugde tone-100 phone to work with asterisk, according to the documentaion of this hardphone, it should have a web interface, but i cant access it from my browser! doesn any one have any experience with those devices ?
16:01.37*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
16:01.52tmccraryNope, it's not permissions, I have set the vm dir to 777 recursively
16:02.03TUplinknotransfer=yes         this should disable transfer rite
16:02.27TUplinkor dose it still have to have the same codec
16:02.42uwebtw, i can see it using nmap -sS -P0, which is the static IP ive set to the phone ...
16:03.22tmccraryuwe, what ports appear open on the nmap output?
16:04.21uwenone ...
16:04.37tmccrarycan you ping it?
16:05.02uweno it doesnt reply
16:05.35uwethis is the output of nmap MAC Address: 00:0B:82:07:44:BA (Grandstream Networks)
16:05.44*** join/#asterisk _MartinCabrera_ (
16:05.54tmccraryokay, maybe try a different ethernet cable. Have you installed any firmware updates lately?
16:05.57Kattyi was think 'can you ping it' to the hallelujah music
16:06.00uwealthoug no ports are open ...
16:06.04uwetmccrary, nop
16:06.16tmccraryAre you on the same subnet physically as the phone?
16:06.24uweyes ...
16:06.29tmccrarynm, I would assume so, as you get mac info
16:06.30Kattyhal le lu jah! can you ping it! hallelujah! hallelujah! can youuuuuuu pingggggg it!
16:06.43Kattyexcept all in the can you ping it bits.
16:06.45tmccraryHave you tried restarting the phone?
16:06.50tmccraryLike power cycling it?
16:07.16uwei do that after every change (pull it out from the power)
16:07.46tmccraryOkay. Does the phone turn on (LCD display, lights, etc)?
16:08.00uweyep ... it does
16:08.13tmccraryokay, I'd say try a different port on your switch and also a different ethernet cable
16:08.37tmccraryAre you sure you set the phone to the right IP address? No typos or anything?
16:08.47uwei have it directly connected to the ethernet of my computer
16:09.00tmccraryok, are you using a cross over?
16:09.05uwewell, i tried to telnet it too
16:10.12uwefrom the same terminal that returned its mac, ie i just changed nmap to telnet and added port 80
16:10.33tmccraryokay, are you using a crossover cable between the two?
16:10.42uweim using a normal cable and plugging it in the PC thingie
16:11.20*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
16:11.45uweok, ill try to connect it with a cross cable, but i have 2 ports, one for lan (should be straigh to lan)   and one for PC (should be straight to PC and handles crossing)
16:12.59uweno, with a cross cabale it doesnt see it at all
16:13.34*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
16:15.12uweok, with cross cable , it doesnt work to pc, but works to LAN , still everything is the same
16:15.46tmccraryTo connect the phone directly to your NIC, you should need a crossover
16:16.06uwei just did that tmccrary , the same thing
16:16.09tmccraryah, nm, you have a switch in the phone
16:16.17tmccraryI misunderstood
16:16.40uweyes, i have two ports, one handles the switching and one doesnt
16:16.54tmccrarySo basically it goes switch -> phone lan -> computer correct?
16:17.33justinuRJ-21x is the actually name for the connector
16:18.13uweswitch->lan pc->computer
16:18.30uwewhere lan and pc are the names of the NIC interfaces on the phone
16:18.52tmccrarywe're talking about the same thing
16:18.53uweum those are two statements
16:19.04salviadudanybody know about a free/open outbound proxy?
16:19.05uwei suppose ...
16:19.24linlinisnt one ?
16:19.31TUplinkwhy arnt my IAX 2 IAX calls working
16:19.46salviadudyeah, but i need to register
16:20.07salviadudi'm looking for an outbound proxy that does not require passwords is a proxy.... SIP or IAX
16:20.45NuggetI'm trying and failing to come up with a legitimate reason for anyone to want that.
16:21.16justinuyeah, fwd will proxy without auth, i believe
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16:23.46dokhenchdon't suppose anyone in channel knows of a quick and easy way to store an array with something like DBPut in asterisk?
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16:38.14brodiemwhat are people using for sending faxes to an analog fax machine? seems to be quite a few options available.. I'm currently using a SPA1001 w/ g711 with "hit-or-miss" results and slow transmission speeds
16:39.00brad_msswmost reliable is going to be sipura 2100 w/v3 firmware talking T.38 to a SIP proxy which supports T.38
16:39.31brodiemhow is the * support for t38?
16:40.20brodiemI thought I remembered reading it was in expirimental stages stil
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16:44.08brodiemlooks to be pretty shotty
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16:44.38_andreanyone using sip users config loaded from a database?
16:45.10_andreare you using rtcachefriends=yes?
16:45.19*** join/#asterisk mino (
16:45.29minohi guys
16:45.38MikeJ__dingaling aling
16:45.44_andretmccrary: so if the db fails, you lose your users?
16:45.55minoi installed the new asterisk version at my server
16:46.05minobut i cant get realtime to work
16:46.09_andrei'd like to have a way to load the config only on startup
16:46.09*** join/#asterisk holmeh (
16:46.13mutcheck that fooker out
16:46.20_andreinstead of querying the database all the time
16:46.40minoERROR[28161]: res_config_mysql.c:615 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect
16:46.45minobut my configuration ist finde
16:46.55_andrei thought rtcachefriends would do it, but it seems it doesn't...
16:46.58minoit works for cdr_mysql perfect
16:47.08minoanyone a idea?
16:47.20tmccrarymino are you sure you cannot connect from the host your specificing? locahost and are different for example
16:47.24minoor does anyone know howto to see the debug msgs of the realtime system?
16:47.33minoi used localhost
16:47.35x86brodiem: i can recieve faxes just fine over SIP
16:47.52_andretmccrary: any idea if that's possible?
16:48.02x86brodiem: have not tried outbound yet
16:48.49salviadudis there such a thing as an outbound proxy that does not require registration?
16:48.57minotmccrary: i use the same settings for cdr_mysql and that works great
16:49.02brad_msswbrodiem: T.38 pass-through works ok ... your voip provider would need to support T.38 on their SIP proxy ... most don't
16:49.20*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
16:49.40minobut no chance for realtime to get a connection to the database
16:49.53minoit seems realtime make no attempt to connect
16:50.25minobecause in /var/log/mysql.log is no asterisk specific entry
16:51.00*** join/#asterisk RageMax (
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16:51.32minono realtime asterisk specific entry :)
16:51.36RageMaxare there any resources out there for enterprise-class asterisk deployment?
16:51.42minoonly cdr entrys
16:52.04*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
16:52.15HmmhesaysRageMax yeah hours and hours of hard work, testing, mountain dew, pizza, swearing
16:52.40RageMaxso no one has written down their experiences anywhere ;)
16:52.52tmccraryI'm currently finishing testing asterisk servers that are in remote parts of china and taiwan
16:53.00tmccrarydebugging is fuuuuuun
16:53.07minotmccrary: the error code says "look at the debug info" how can i get detailed debug infos from realtime mysql?
16:53.15HmmhesaysMost of it is in my head
16:53.29*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
16:53.30tmccraryyes, that way they can't outsource you ;)
16:53.30HmmhesaysI suppose I probably should document it somewheres
16:53.58RageMaxwell, maybe this is something I can research then, I'm doing some work with asterisk till novemeber or so
16:54.04RageMaxmaybe I could come up with some docs
16:54.11tmccraryman, this sucks. Asterisk isn't even looking at the voicemail boxes for unavail.gsm, it's going straight to vm-intro (without any errors or anything)
16:54.33minono one an idea?
16:56.07*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
16:58.01Qwelltmccrary: Voicemail(u${EXTEN}) ?
16:58.16*** join/#asterisk brc_ (n=brian@pdpc/supporter/basic/brc)
16:58.53tmccraryQwell: Thank you for the help. What does u do?
16:59.04Qwellplays the unavailable message
16:59.11Qwellshow application voicemail
17:00.34tmccraryI am getting login in correct
17:00.40tmccrarylogin incorrect
17:00.49tmccrarythat's odd, considering I'm trying to leave a voicemail
17:01.21*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (n=rsears@
17:01.22Hmmhesaysdoes centos have an apt client?
17:03.33salviadudARRRRR, have any of you landlubbers seen an outbound proxy without registration?
17:06.45tmccraryQwell: Thank you, that was my problem.
17:08.22minoplease help :( "Reaktime Mysql Connect error: Check debug for more info" how can i check for more info? I already used asterisk -vvvvc
17:08.56minotmccrary: i have set the mysql user "asterisk" to host allow: %
17:09.01minobut still the same problem
17:09.16*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
17:10.13Hmmhesaysok yum has gone retarded on me
17:11.11*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
17:11.53shido6got a video Hmmhesays  ?
17:12.59x86i cant get anything done i wanted to do today...
17:13.24tmccrarymino: You have the mysql client libraries installed, correct?
17:13.31Hmmhesaysvideo of?
17:14.56*** join/#asterisk angom_w (
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17:18.23salviadudvideo of yum being retarded
17:20.56Hmmhesaysunfortunately no
17:22.41opc0dehey is anyone here running asterisk as non-root?
17:22.53salviadudis it possible?
17:22.59salviadudi don't think so maaaaan
17:23.08salviadudyou be smokin' some high
17:23.18Abydos313share ;)
17:23.44trelane_I'm doing the documentation thing, what are the most common actions/tasks your users do with their phone?
17:23.57salviadudwell, transfer calls using flash
17:24.05salviadudplace on hold
17:24.15salviadudcall mom
17:24.32*** join/#asterisk kisu (
17:24.35salviadudprank call the mexican embassy in japan
17:24.55salviadudlotsa stuff dude
17:25.10trelane_you have users that prank call the mexican embassy?
17:25.19*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
17:25.22salviadudi personally do that
17:25.47salviadudhaha, i speak spanish mang
17:25.56salviadudi am also mexican
17:26.24salviadudi call my brothers that are in a foreign land and laugh at them because they are so far away from a taco stand
17:26.26minotmccrary: yes i have install the mysql client dev libs
17:26.35salviadudi can feel their grief... they mourn for the tacos
17:26.45minotmccrary: i think cdr_mysql wont go if there is no functional library or?
17:27.24minolibmysqlclient12-dev is already the newest version.
17:27.46*** join/#asterisk Leland (
17:27.50Lelandhowdy doody all
17:28.11minohi Leland
17:28.15Lelandhow goes ?
17:28.54minovery strange
17:29.09x86has anyone successfully gotten app_nv_backgrounddetect to compile correctly?
17:30.10salviaduddefine correctly
17:30.59x86without errors and into a binary form that can be loaded into asterisk ;)
17:31.25stoffelli read on the mailing list about Digium bringin out a BRI card soon ? is it just a rumor?
17:32.06tzangerstoffell: how about contacting sales@ and finding out?
17:32.07LelandI thought digium already had a BRI card ?
17:32.13x86Leland: why would you do that?
17:32.21trelane_I want a BEER card
17:32.22trelane_screw BRI
17:32.25x86Leland: whats wrong with using a zaptel card?
17:32.25brodiemwhat are people using for sending faxes to an analog fax machine? seems to be quite a few options available.. I'm currently using a SPA1001 w/ g711 with "hit-or-miss" results and slow transmission speeds
17:32.25stoffelltzanger, okay, will do that, ... but thought people here would give a faster response :d
17:32.32x86salviadud: ?
17:32.40*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
17:32.47zedkatufhi all, am using nvfaxdetect with aah2.7 & the nerdvittles hacks... am trying to get fax working on voip (I know it's possibly not going to work!)....I get a pdf sent via email, but understandably, it's a blank my question is more a matter of interest: Has anyone managed to get faxes sent 'fairly reliably' using voip...? :)
17:33.03salviadudsorry i took so long
17:33.07Lelandx86: because the X100P's don't work correctly in the UK -- wrong line impedence, and the newer 400's are a hell of a lot more expensive than even five or six SPA3000's
17:33.09salviadudi guess my answer would be now
17:33.12salviadudi mean no
17:33.13Lelandand that's without the daughter cards
17:33.30*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
17:33.32salviadudcan't compile that thing with gcc 3.4
17:33.46Lelandplus my asterisk box is in rack in the garage and the phone lines are in the house ;)
17:33.50salviadudmaybe im not fit to be a *nix admin
17:33.54stoffelltzanger, just wondering.. that would mean the end of bristuff....
17:34.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (
17:35.02zoanah it would not mean the end of bristuff
17:35.07zoathe digium card is more high end
17:35.10zoawith on board dsp's
17:35.17zoaand thus a higher price range
17:35.17unixgeekQuick question: Does anyone have any strong feelings about the Varion V400P quad T1 card?
17:35.20zoaits not really competition
17:35.21Hmmhesaysshe said she needed a break , a little time to think, then she left for cleveland with some guy name leland that she met at the bank
17:35.23x86Leland: ah
17:35.28x86Leland: in that case it makes sense ;)
17:35.30zoathe varion v400p is outdated
17:35.35zoaits like the old digiums
17:35.40zoathe newer ones are better
17:36.09stoffellzoa, no, but it would make life easier.. one could then use a 'built-in' bri driver... (i'd like it much more anyway..)
17:36.22zoawell that is already there
17:36.26zoaits called chan_mISDN
17:36.29unixgeekzoa: Yes, I realize that, but am I doing a dis-service to myself if I pick one up for about $200?
17:36.42stoffellyes zoa, and also visdn, but the zaptel has better echo can.. in my case that is ..
17:36.56zoais it for a customer ?
17:36.57unixgeekzoa: I have a situation here where I could use a T1 card, but I don't want to put a lot of $$ into it right now.
17:36.59stoffellzoa, for PRI it's easy, get the source, compile, and you have the most recent version...
17:37.14coppiceat least the tor2 driver for the Govarian cards monitors errors properly. the drivers for the newers cards don't
17:37.18unixgeekzoa: it is just for internal use right now.
17:37.24stoffellfor bri your always a few versions behind...
17:37.44zoaif its for testing, i would personally risk it i think
17:37.59zoadepends on the money you got
17:38.15zoaor you could go for a single port newer card
17:38.22zoaand pay double the price
17:38.29zoadunno exactly how much those are
17:38.31zoathe single ports
17:38.37SpaceBassanyone know a place that has the linksys wip300 or 330 in stock?
17:38.54brodiemanyone know of an adapter to take a T1 and converto to PSTN? Basically a channel bank but a smaller/cheaper version that acts as an adpater
17:38.54unixgeekI guess part of the question I have is that I don't want to go get the v400p and then be killing myself trying to make it work.
17:38.57coppiceget the govarian card, and have proper error monitoring :-)
17:41.32zoai think the old cards are still good supported
17:42.34coppiceyeah, but the new ones aren't :-)
17:43.37zoai dont have problems with the new ones, what are the problems you have coppice ?
17:43.45dlynesare the new zaptel 1.2.x drivers completely broken?
17:44.01coppicedigium won't put the missing error monitoring code in the drivers
17:44.23*** join/#asterisk kotrin (
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17:44.44dlynesEver since I've upgraded to asterisk 1.2/zaptel 1.2, i've been getting a hanging server once in a while
17:44.46zoathey dont want to or they forgot it somehow ?
17:45.12dlynesand that part about the old cards are still good supported is bs...i'm running an old card
17:45.28zoaaha didnt know that
17:45.30coppicei put it in the bug tracker, and they turfed it out after a short period of nothing happening.
17:45.34zoai no longer have any of those cards
17:45.45zoado you have a bug id for that ?
17:46.20dlynes01:03.0 Communication controller: Xilinx Corporation: Unknown device 0314 (rev 01)
17:46.28coppicethe old cards work just fine. they do get updates too. i submitted updates to make them work properly on 64 bit machines, and those went into CVS the same day
17:46.42coppicethe old cards just take a lot more CPU power
17:46.46opc0dehey can anyone tell me the best filesystem to use with asterisk?
17:46.57dlynescoppice, like 20% of the cpu under freebsd
17:46.59Qwell[]opc0de: doesn't matter
17:47.05zoawhat is your nick on mantis coppice ?
17:47.13salviadudwell, i use reiserfs
17:47.18*** part/#asterisk kotrin (
17:47.21opc0deQwell[]: why doesn't it matter/
17:47.22salviadudext3 works fine too
17:47.27opc0deI'm using ext3 right now
17:47.38opc0deI was thinking of switching to xfs, but I've heard xfs isn't good for many small files
17:47.46coppicedigium are really bad for creating support issues
17:47.47dlynesit's gotta be a buggy zaptel 1.2 or buggy asterisk 1.2...the card worked fine running zaptel 1.0 and asterisk 1.0
17:47.56justinucoppice: it's a feature!!
17:48.11coppicei think it probably is
17:48.37zoahmm i cant find it coppice
17:48.41zoai filtered on your name
17:48.45*** join/#asterisk sp00k (
17:48.54coppiceits been thrown out now
17:49.03opc0deI'm looking at and the results for xfs are pretty good..
17:49.08*** part/#asterisk sp00k (
17:49.18zoais this the one you mean ?
17:49.39coppicenope. that's an old one that was dealt with properly
17:49.48zoacant find yours
17:50.16coppiceof course not. it was thrown out
17:50.42wasimlike totally gone?
17:51.27znoGanyone use or have used iaxmodem?
17:51.27zoamaybe it was a mistake ?
17:53.09coppicenope. i reopened it and complained. it was closed again with a brain damaged excuse and removed completely. usual behaviour
17:53.21justinumarkster doesn't like you
17:58.11dlynesjust freaking beautiful...the old zaptel 1.0 code doesn't seem to work with kernel 2.6
17:58.15*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
17:58.34Assidumm.. is there something i can do for a box which starts lagging if it sits around and does nothing
17:58.55Harm|wslap it around a few times
17:58.57stoffellAssid, run top :)
17:58.58Harm|wpour a drink in it
17:59.09Assidits weird
17:59.22stoffellHarm|w, preferably Guinness, had good experience with that...
17:59.28*** join/#asterisk Ansonmus (
17:59.31Assidi leave it alone... and no  real processes on it.. and it goes slower
17:59.53stoffellAssid, run 'top' on the box to see if some software is running
18:00.02AnsonmusHello, anyone here who gets BRI working in the Netherlands or other country where using euroisdn ?
18:00.12Assidokay .. this is weird: Mar 30 23:30:42 box1 kernel: rtc: lost some interrupts at 1024Hz.
18:00.12stoffellAnsonmus, it works
18:00.15zoayes, and its not fun :)
18:00.22zoait takes a lot of time
18:00.23Assidi dont get why i keep getting those RTC issues
18:00.24zoaand trying
18:00.30stoffellzoa, to get BRI working? hm
18:00.49*** join/#asterisk Vitux (
18:00.56zoaive had a lot of troubles with getting everything to work ok and stable
18:01.03Ansonmusstoffell / zoa: we have a problem. We can call out using a cheap isdn modem. But our disconnect at A-leg side will not disconnect the B-leg side
18:01.31zoaquite happy with misdn now though
18:01.46*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (i=Blorp@
18:02.00stoffellzoa, ah, nice.. i've also been playing with it.. the advantagea is, you can upgrade easily to 'current' * :)
18:02.05Ansonmuscan you call internation numbers?
18:02.16Ansonmusthat is another problem we encounters
18:02.44stoffellAnsonmus, hm, can you explain a bit more the problem? (international numbers work fine here) and are you using bristuff/mISDN or visdn?
18:02.44zoainternational ? yes
18:03.32stoffellAnsonmus, what version?
18:04.35stoffellzoa, you have got good reference for misdn? or you use beronet's installation?
18:04.40Ansonmusouch don't know.. we are using a@h 2.7. How to find out the version number of bristuff?
18:05.18stoffellAnsonmus, normally is you connect to the cli (asterisk -r) it shows the version number
18:06.57*** join/#asterisk |omni| (i=rob@
18:07.20*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:07.50zoais what we wrote about it
18:07.58zoadunno if its still up to date
18:08.40stoffellokay, thanks, will look into it
18:08.54stoffellzoa, no echo problems with chan_misdn?
18:09.57zoai use the quad and octo bri cards
18:10.16Ansonmushmm... machine seems dead now is at my work
18:10.28Ansonmusbut asterisk version is 2.4
18:10.46coppicethe BRI cards will have as much or as little echo as the PRI cards with no hardware echo canceller
18:11.03stoffell1.2.4 he means
18:11.22Ansonmusyes. 1.2.4
18:11.24stoffellcoppice, tnx, so with a good phone it should be near 0 ... :)
18:11.30wasimright ... i thought i'd become rip wan winkle for a sec
18:11.43*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
18:12.22coppicestoffell: if you can arrange to only ever call the highest quality phones, I guess :-\
18:13.56cybergypsyis there a way to detect if all SIP and IAX lines are busy or not ?
18:14.01Ansonmuswhen we connect using the S0 bus of our pstn thelephone centrale, it works fine
18:14.01stoffellyes coppice, i was referring to 'local' echo, calling mobiles and low-quality phones is another thing.. bad for sure :)
18:14.25coppicecalling mobiles should be clean
18:14.50Ansonmusbut when we connect directly to the NT1 then we have this problem. When connecting to the NT1 we have to set the numberplan to national in zapata.conf
18:14.52stoffellunless using a blackberry ... echo-guaranteed
18:15.07iGotNoTimeIs it possible yet to add Lycos & Yahoo phone accounts to Asterisk yet? Has anyone seen any links for it?
18:15.25stoffellpeople with blackberry tend to turn the volume up to the max, resulting in echo to caller
18:15.26Qwell[]iGotNoTime: Are they SIP?
18:15.38stoffellAnsonmus, paste your zapata.conf on pastebin
18:15.47iGotNoTimeya Qwell[]
18:15.53Qwell[]Then sure, it should work fine
18:16.09iGotNoTimebut they hide the account info such as the proxy and SIP number inside the software
18:16.32iGotNoTimeQwell, at least that's how it appears :)
18:16.38Qwell[]Katty: hihi
18:16.40iGotNoTimehi Katty
18:17.42Ansonmusstoffell: ok I'll do that when I can get that file from the machine!
18:18.04Qwell[]file: It's aboot time you show up!
18:18.11filewhat did I miss?!?
18:18.28Ansonmusyour shot
18:18.30stoffellhe was about to get you from the machine...
18:19.05Ansonmusohw.. Qwell says show and not shoot :)
18:19.13dlynesHas anyone been able to get zaptel to compile against a 2.6 kernel?
18:19.42Qwell[]dlynes: upgrade
18:19.47*** join/#asterisk mrtwister|mobile (
18:21.13dlynesQwell, upgrading's caused me numerous hangs
18:21.18brodiemis there a small sip proxy that supports T38 that could run along with * for sending faxes to?
18:21.22dlynesQwell, that's why i'm going back to 1.0
18:21.31dlynesQwell, at least it was stable
18:22.19stoffelldlynes, what 2.6 kernel?
18:22.26*** join/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
18:22.44dlynesstoffell, but it was doing exactly the same hanging 'feature' on freebsd 6.0, too
18:22.49brodiemdlynes, should be no reason you couldn't compile the latest zaptel on that kernel
18:23.06dlynesbrodiem, i don't want the latest's hanging asterisk periodically
18:23.27dlynesbrodiem, when i was running asterisk 1.0/zaptel 1.0, everything was stable
18:24.05brodiemdlynes, what zap device are you using?
18:24.49dlynes01:03.0 Communication controller: Xilinx Corporation: Unknown device 0314 (rev 01)
18:24.57dlynesIt's a quad pri card
18:25.05*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
18:25.07dlynesProbably first generation
18:25.23Ansonmusstoffell: I've pasted a part of our log.. at line 12 the A-leg is diconnected but B-leg stay connected. After line 12 whe have dropped the B-leg by hand
18:25.42*** join/#asterisk rnovotny22 (n=bob@
18:26.20stoffellokay Ansonmus, where?
18:26.34Ansonmussorry :)
18:26.50bkw_Katty, dear
18:26.59bkw_Katty, I have info... oh katty
18:27.51coppicedlynes: that isn't first generation
18:28.01*** join/#asterisk djMax (
18:28.18stoffellAnsonmus, so dialing 'out' your zap channel works, you then hangup, but the other party keeps ringing, is that the problem?
18:28.24[ProB]CrazyManhello, I tried to set an different mailprogram in voicemail.conf, but i am not able to pass the variables to that program, anybody tried sth like this before ?
18:28.36dlynescoppice, then what is?
18:28.41dlynescoppice, erm what is it then?
18:29.16Ansonmusyes, but not only that. When the other party has answered and we hang up. The connection from asterisk to that other pary stay connected
18:29.24coppicethe first generation cards don't have xilink chips, or bus master
18:29.35stoffellAnsonmus, also 'show channels' shows the zap still connected?
18:29.40dlynescoppice, ah...well, whatever it is, it's still pretty old
18:29.55dlynescoppice, it's about 3 or 4 years old
18:30.03rikstahm in the phrase "kitted out to the hilt" what the hell is hilt?
18:30.15djMaxanybody had luck remapping Polycom phone buttons to other functions?
18:30.17dlynesriksta, max
18:30.25rikstayeah i know that, but what is hilt? :)
18:30.32Qwell[]riksta: a hilt is the (often fancy) handle of a sword
18:30.40Qwell[]often quite decorated
18:30.47rikstaoh, cool!
18:30.58coppiceriksta the handle of the sword :-\
18:31.23Ansonmusstoffell: I think that but cannot say it for the fully 100%.. maybe it is better that I talk to you (and the others) when the machine is up and running
18:31.23Qwell[]djMax: No, but if you had a cisco with skinny...
18:31.54stoffellAnsonmus, okay, but it should work fine..
18:33.27Hmmhesaysi don't mind spending every day, out on your corner in the pouring rain
18:35.20djMaxif you were building a phone sys purely for IVR, would you still go *, or something like sipX or MSSpeech server?
18:38.20Hmmhesaysprobably asterisk, i hate sipX config
18:39.18djMaxNot that ours is a thing of beauty.
18:39.20salviadudyeah, asterisk is the shiznits
18:39.50Hmmhesaysits something alright
18:39.53salviadudi prank call the mexican embassy in japan, what do i use? asterisk, the pbx for champions
18:40.17djMaxyeah, it's great for phone jamming, that's for sure. :)
18:40.27Hmmhesaysyou still owe me some hot mexican women salviadud
18:41.04salviadudwe could arrange something of course...
18:41.09*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (n=mark@
18:41.43salviadudnext time you come by
18:41.48salviadudgive me a call
18:42.21*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:46.58starleinthe asterisk processes crashed after 110days uptime
18:47.15starleinwhat a shame
18:47.25salviadudwhat distro was it on?
18:47.36muti dunno if or when mine ever crashes
18:47.55muti run it with daemontools
18:48.00starleinit's running inside a vserver, distro debian sarge
18:48.30eric_hillmut: djb's or
18:48.40mutdjb's heh
18:49.12xminganyone here know avm 5144 or 5188? They announced them on Cebit, it's a 2 or 4 S0 ports to SIP devices
18:49.32xmingI cannot find anyone selling these
18:50.50starleinxming, release date is summer 06
18:51.14xmingstarlein: I thought I read somewhere Q1, do you have more info? URL>
18:51.15starleinthats reason why you dont find any seller
18:51.37starleindont know where i read it
18:51.43brodiemstarlein, do you run multiple instances of asterisk in VEs?
18:51.50starleinbut i know the date because i also was interested
18:51.54Hmmhesaysholy freaky batman
18:52.10starleinbroodiem, yes
18:52.36brodiemstarlein, how many VEs will run for you reliably?
18:53.05starleini think it depends on the hardware of the host
18:53.37brodiemstarlein, yeah - just curious how many you're running simultaneously on the your hardware
18:53.40brodiemas a reference
18:53.48starleinif you disable unwanted modules, you can keep the memory amount small
18:54.10xmingstarlein: I am trying everything to get more info out of them, just called avm today but they wouldn't (don't know) anything, but they gave me a name+no of someone who (might have) the answers
18:54.14starleinon amd xp 2000+ with 1gb ram there are running 3 asterisk's without problem
18:54.56xmingmy * is only uising 17MB here
18:55.17brodiemstarlein, any issues getting zaptel/ztdummy compiled to share with the VEs?
18:55.42starleini got VSZ size of approx 500mb every VE including an asterisk + mysqld
18:56.13zoaim bored
18:56.14brodiemxming, VE = virtual environment
18:56.19zoasomebody entertain me please
18:56.44coppiceyou seem to be :-)
18:56.46zoai dont get this, some lamb is born in belgium with 6 feet and is healthy
18:56.48xmingbrodiem: what kind? vmware, xen, qemu, UML, virtuosso?
18:56.51zoa6 legs
18:56.59zoaand after some weeks they amputate 2 of the legs
18:56.59starleinxming, linux-vserver
18:56.59brodiemxming, we were talking about vserver
18:57.01zoai dont get why
18:57.10zoai'd love to have a lamb with 6 legs
18:57.12zoamust be fun
18:57.13Hmmhesaysyeha that was on fark a week ago
18:57.18Hmmhesaysbut it can't walk
18:57.25Hmmhesaysso they are going to remove 2 of them
18:57.36Hmmhesaysor did
18:57.37xmingI did some testing with xen DomU + *
18:57.46zoathey did already
18:57.46Hmmhesayswow i should scroll up before I type things out
18:57.52*** join/#asterisk MattH (n=MattH@
18:57.55starleinzoa, get some beer
18:58.04zoai need to take an elevator to buy beer
18:58.04brodiemzoa, you could visit
18:58.05xmingzoa: 2 free lamb's legs for dinner
18:58.06zoaim lazy
18:58.08Daminzoa: Hey there..
18:58.10starleinthink it's good idea on friday evening
18:58.15Hmmhesaysyou can do anything at
18:58.20zoadamin i already replied to you in private
18:58.24zoayou silly bot
18:58.34Daminzoa: Really? I didn't get a reply.. :)
18:58.37brodiemi'm trying to decide between using virtuozzo/openvz and v-server
18:58.45zoawtf is zombo
18:58.54MattHPROBLEM:  When I call out... or go between extensions MOH sounds fine... when I have an inbound call come into my over our inbound SIP trunk any more then 1 call on hold has bad MOH quality.  Running asterisk 1.2.5 mpeg123 that comes with 'make mpg123' in asterisk.  Processor usage is nill with multiple calls.  Asterisk uses about 2% of CPU.
18:58.59Hmmhesaysyou can do anything your heart desires there
18:59.18starleinMattH, you tried mpg123-oss ?
18:59.30starleinthat one is working good at myself
18:59.40jbalcombIs there an IRC channel for network admins?
19:00.02MattHstarlein: I'm not sure what that is.. All I have tried is mpeg123 that comes 'with' asterisk what is mpg123-oss?
19:00.21starleinwhat distro you using?
19:02.06MattHI guess I'm a little confused... why would the audio only sound bad when doing more then 1 call over our trunks?
19:02.10starleini got problems at debian with mpg123 package. the mpg123-oss solved it.
19:02.20MattHinteresting.. same garbled issue?
19:02.24dlynesjbalcomb, depends on what operating system you're using
19:02.44starleinyes, sound was absolutly choppy from moh
19:02.50jbalcombdlynes I'm using Dell, 3Com, and Cisco
19:02.54MattHyeah it's like I can hear the music but it's totally warbled on top of it
19:03.04dlynesjbalcomb, have you tried #cisco?
19:03.07brodiemslack w/ mpg123 0.59r no problems here
19:03.25dlynesjbalcomb, I would imagine that channel probably exists...dunno about 3com or dell though...they may or may not exist
19:03.27jbalcombdlynes yeah, was looking for something more general
19:03.45dlynesjbalcomb, try doing a /list *admin*, or /list *net*
19:04.00jbalcombdlynes something geared towards general traffic, ethernet, VLANs, QoS, etc
19:04.20starleinmatth, you using 8khz mono mp3 files?
19:04.24jbalcombdlynes ah, ok, i didn't know about that. doing so now, thanks.
19:04.34MattHI'm using the standard stock files
19:04.39starleinhm ok
19:04.45*** join/#asterisk ebag (
19:04.54MattHthis is interesting!
19:05.09MattHright now I have 3 OUTBOUND calls going out over my terminator and the hold sounds fine
19:05.13MattHso it seems to be an issue with the inbound
19:05.21MattHit's going:   SIP-->asterisk1-->IAX-->asterisk2
19:05.50MattHotherway it's going asterisk2->IAX->asterisk1->IAX
19:06.07starleinif it works in one direction, it's no problem of mpg123
19:06.11salviadudat the end, don't you mean Sip?
19:06.14MattHthat's what I just figured out
19:06.32MattHsalviadud, sorry, rephase question please
19:06.47salviadudthe last one
19:06.51salviadudshould be sip?
19:06.57MattHI'll redraw
19:07.18*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:07.20MattHBAD MOH IF MORE THEN 1:  sip(originator)-->asterisk1--->IAX-->asterisk2 --> then to a sip phone (but not when on hold)
19:07.41MattHWORKS FINE: sipphone(but not when on hold) -> asterisk2->IAX->asterisk1->IAX->terminator
19:07.50DaminEr..uhh.. sorry..
19:07.57starleinnice sql statement
19:08.25MattHI'm baffled... more then one call to my provider is fine.. so it shouldn't be a transcode issue
19:08.29MattHit's only when there is MOH.. hrmm
19:08.52salviadudyeah, that's odd
19:08.57salviadudwhat version of asterisk?
19:09.14MattH1.2.5 on this one 1.2.0 on the second one (on my end)
19:09.41salviadudshould work anyway
19:10.19MattHyeah and it's clearly ok between my two servers.. and even out to my terminator...
19:10.34MattHthe issue must lie somehow between my originator and me... odd
19:10.44MattHbut like I said I have no issues with voice.
19:10.45Hmmhesayssalviadud: you made me think of an inappropriate mexican joke
19:10.54salviadudplease share
19:11.20tzangeryes please share
19:11.35HmmhesaysQ: what did the little mexican kid get for christmas A: My Bike!
19:11.58salviadudyou sayin' we stealin! you crazy vato
19:12.12dlyneswhat's vato?
19:12.12DaminOne of the Analog SBC lines just fell off the wall..
19:12.17DaminIt's hanging by a wire.. :)
19:12.22Hmmhesayssalviadud LOL
19:12.32salviadudvato is dude, in spanish
19:12.53Mauro__vato is mexican slang
19:12.55dlynesdon't know much spanish...mostly just french, english and mandarin
19:13.00salviadudpronounced Bah-tow
19:13.21salviadudje peux ecrit francais
19:13.47zoatoi tu il passe compose
19:14.10Mauro__me engrish dog window door
19:14.37*** part/#asterisk rnovotny22 (n=bob@
19:14.43_Paulo_salviadud, what is the meaning of "carnal" slang?
19:14.49tzangerHmmhesays: heh
19:15.17salviadudcarnal is brother, or friend
19:15.33salviadudpaulo, good to see you again
19:15.33Mauro__that one remebers me San Andreas
19:15.41salviadudcould you set up FWD?
19:15.46HmmhesaysWhat do a priest and a christmas tree have in common?
19:16.09Hmmhesaystheir balls are both for decoration
19:16.14*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
19:16.19_Paulo_salviadud, I got that number, but didnt put it on *.
19:16.31salviadudyou lazy bastard
19:16.40coppicesince santa only comes once a year, his aren't much different
19:16.45salviadudwell, we could set up IAX
19:16.50salviadudand talk directly
19:17.21_Paulo_salviadud, yepz.
19:17.54_Paulo_salviadud, wanna make free calls to brazil?
19:18.10salviaduddon't worry i got voipbuster
19:18.11salviadudin fact
19:18.25salviadudif you could tell me your regular phone number
19:18.29salviadudi could call you
19:18.42_Paulo_55 11 33485018
19:19.14salviadudah dammit
19:19.21salviadudi thought brazil was on my list
19:19.26salviadudnope, we gotta use iax
19:19.38salviadudsorry paulo, hhe
19:19.49_Paulo_my * server is
19:20.19salviadudin iax.conf
19:20.22*** join/#asterisk smk (
19:20.56salviadudyou would need to add me
19:21.23smki'm having a weird problem with voicemail, but it only seems to occur when i dial in from an external line
19:21.36smkMar 31 14:14:41 WARNING[20921]: app.c:645 ast_play_and_record: No audio available on IAX2/jnctn_out-3??
19:22.15x86_Paulo_: can i call you too? i want to test out my international calling :)
19:22.48smkit gets to the voicemail, plays the unavailable message, acts like it's recording but then it pretty much drops the call.  i'm a bit confused as to why this is happening or how to fix it, haven't found much googling
19:23.23_Paulo_x86, sure
19:24.02shido6: using mysql how do you tally up the amount of minutes you've done in a month?
19:24.39alephcomTotal number of minutes or per device or account?
19:25.22x86_Paulo_: my carrier is declining the call...
19:25.30x86_Paulo_: do you live in an expensive rate center?
19:25.40coppicemost carriers are in decline.
19:25.45x86_Paulo_: also, you should sign up for, so i can call you for free ;)
19:25.50[av]banismk: try sip
19:26.05coppicethat's why they keep hyping useless junk like setup IPTV boxes
19:26.14shido6for an entire row of calls, alephcom
19:26.28shido6column, rather
19:28.45alephcomSELECT SUM(billduration) FROM cdrs WHERE date REGEXP "^2006-01.*"
19:28.47hwti'm running asterisk on debian off a CF-card. i have /var/log, /var/run, /tmp on tmpfs, and no swap.. are there other places i should mount as tmpfs?
19:30.50_Paulo_x86, calls are very expensive in Brazil.
19:30.51stoffellhwt, i'm outta here, but check :
19:31.58SpaceBasscan someone please explain e164...I still don' get that concept
19:32.19Qwell[]SpaceBass: You query them with a phone number, and it tells you other methods of calling them
19:32.27Qwell[]ie; SIP
19:33.33SpaceBassyou register your "real" number and then list the alternate methods?
19:34.05Qwell[]pretty much
19:34.41*** join/#asterisk phpmattk_ (
19:35.00*** join/#asterisk eset (
19:35.20[av]baniQwell[]: GIVE ME SCCCCCCCPPPPPPPPPP
19:35.39Qwell[][av]bani: tomorrow
19:36.05esethey, are there any conferencing apps i can use (for SIP only) taht dont need a zaptel interface installe?
19:36.26Qwell[]eset: You can use ztdummy with app_meetme
19:36.31esetah, cool
19:36.43SpaceBassso I finally updated my A@H box (I know, I know) and faxing still doesnt work for me...I get blank pages
19:36.46esetQwell : so i comile ztdummy first?
19:36.53Qwell[]eset: zaptel
19:36.57Qwell[]then modprobe ztdummy
19:36.58Nugget  <-- heh
19:37.09hwtyou don't need ztdummy anymore, do you? on 2.6?
19:37.20hwt..for timing.
19:37.32*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
19:38.29asterboyJust donated $61 to DamnSmallLinux for a job well done.
19:38.44asterboyThey just release v2.3
19:38.47esetits a good distro
19:38.59asterboyI have it running on a P100
19:39.38asterboyCan't believe how well it works and how clean and mean the setup is.
19:40.02asterboyi'd like to get * working on it :)
19:40.25Qwell[]hwt: yes, of course
19:40.52tainted_asterboy what are u using it for?
19:41.09tainted_anyone load balanced an asterisk farm?
19:41.29tainted_or put ser in front of one
19:41.54coppiceasterisk farm? are you trying to grow a subscriber base? :-\
19:42.19tainted_actually the subscriber base is there, just worried about redudancy and load
19:42.50*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
19:43.09asterboytainted_, a client of mine wanted to do something with his old P100MHz box he paid $3000 for back in the day.
19:43.16asterboyDidn't want to chuck it in the bin.
19:43.29asterboySo I threw in 64Mb RAM and boom.
19:43.30tainted_that's hilarious
19:43.33hwtQwell[]: yes, like "you still need it", or the other way around.
19:43.36asterboyIt works fantastic.
19:43.54asterboyI'm listening to Green Day on it and surfing the net.
19:44.40asterboyWhat is hilarious is the 4Mb stick of RAM I pulled with a price tag still on it.
19:44.58asterboyWonder what I could get for that now?
19:45.48coppiceI remember paying about $200K for 192M of RAM 20 years ago
19:45.49tainted_4Mb of RDOSDIMM-2 CAS-5 RAM
19:46.30[TK]D-Fendercoppice : 192 meg ram 20 years ago?  those were in the days of "640k ought to be enough for anybody!"....
19:46.38asterboySIMM 4Mb 72 pin, 1 x 32
19:46.42coppiceand that was just after a huge collapse in prices
19:47.03[TK]D-FenderI remember about 12 years ago when 8 meg cost $200US
19:47.05coppice640k wasn't enough for me :-)
19:47.09asterboynow they have a 64Gb USB stick for sale for $5000
19:47.20asterboywait 5 years and pick it up for $20
19:47.47asterboywe are so past technilogical singularity.
19:48.01coppiceactually the PC I used then had something like 4M, on a couple of boards densely stuffed with 256k bit DRAMs
19:48.16coppicethat must have cost quite a bit
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19:49.56tainted_what were u doing with 192MB of ram 20years ago
19:50.22tainted_that must've come handcuffed to a personal delivery agent
19:50.28[TK]D-Fendercoppice : Gotta love the days of 8-bit expansion RAM cards for ETENDED vs EXPANDED memory :)  Putting the "old" in old-school....
19:50.37tzanger[TK]D-Fender: oh man
19:50.54tzangerI have an old DataTek 80386DX33 (double-sigma on the processor)
19:50.55tainted_speaking of which.. dosbox is out again
19:51.10tainted_tzanger lol
19:51.23[TK]D-Fendertzanger : I miss my old 4.77mhz XT :)
19:51.28tainted_i still have a compuadd 286 lying around somewhere
19:51.32tzanger8MB RAM total, then years (and I mean a decade at least) later I found a DataTek RAM expansion board and loaded it up with another 8M of SIMMs (the mobo took SIPPs) as well as a Weitek 387 copro
19:51.41asterboyMy Timex Sinclair had a whoping 4k of memory!
19:51.43tzangerI've got an NEC V30 around here somewhere
19:51.48coppiceits was 192M, as that's the most that could be stuffed into the large rack mount chassis that housed it
19:51.52tzanger19MHz 8086 clone :-)
19:52.26tzangerI can't imagine 192MB of oldschool RAM... man that must have weighed a TON
19:52.33coppiceintel did a fantastic job in court wiping that NEC chip out
19:53.07coppicei remember a 256K core store the size of a car we had at college
19:53.28tainted_coppice is old school
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19:53.43tainted_did u ever work with punch cards?
19:53.53coppiceof course
19:54.24tzangeryou gotta be kidding, I bet he spent 8 years as in intern punching holes in them one by one with his teeth... uphill in the snow... BOTH WAYS!!
19:54.24phpmattk_mmm.. now thats a batch file
19:54.25asterboypunch cards, now that's going back
19:55.21asterboyInteresting, I have a project I'm working on which in a sense goes back to punch card technology
19:55.21dlynesasterboy, it's not that long ago...i remember them still being used in one company up until about 1985 or so
19:55.21coppicetzanger: I have actually punched a couple of cards by hand
19:55.30hwtso, do you need ztdummy on 2.6?
19:56.01asterboyusing Hylafax to scan in a document similar to a lotto ticket using RMO technology to generate output.
19:56.30tzangerhands... HEAVEN!  I had to use a magnifying glass and sunlight, and if I got distracted I'd accidentally set my clothes on fire (they were ultra-flammable those days, you know, none of this flame retardant fanciness kids these days get)...
19:56.43asterboyThere are still companies using punch cards to this day!
19:56.57[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Optical storage!
19:57.03hwtmodule rtc doesn't work on my box, so maybe i will need ztdummy then.
19:57.07Strom_Mface down, nine edge first
19:57.11dlynesI just realized...some of the peeps on here probably were born around 1985, so it would seem like a long time ago to them
19:57.25phpmattk_its like the 4 yorkshiremen in here
19:57.41dlynesasterboy, are you serious?
19:58.29coppicewho'da thought we'd be sitting here today, with the telecoms industry in collapse, drink chateau to chasseney
19:58.55asterboyso I have been told...I'd have to see it to believe it.
19:58.56tainted_phpmattk_ lol
19:59.14asterboyWonder how many Mb this drive is?
19:59.36coppicethere's almost certainly paper tape in use
20:00.20tainted_"You were lucky to have a HOUSE! We used to live in one room, all hundred and twenty-six of us, no furniture. Half the floor was missing; we were all huddled together in one corner for fear of FALLING!"
20:00.23phpmattk_hehe. i was trying to get paperdisk (anyone remember them) to run under wine the other day
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20:01.05asterboyI started my career on a Pet and then later a Vic 20
20:01.21asterboyAnyone remeber silver bells for C64?
20:01.22_Paulo_I read that Paul Allen forgot to record the loader for their basic
20:01.28coppicethat's either a weird disk in that picture, or he's a midget
20:01.39asterboyIt would tone generate for coins in a payphone.
20:01.43_Paulo_when he was going to sell it for the altair makers
20:01.44asterboygreat way to make calls.
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20:02.02tainted_asterboy wasn't that called a bluebox
20:02.10asterboythere were a few of them
20:02.15asterboyor blue bells
20:02.21asterboysomething like that
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20:02.34asterboy1541 hard drive!
20:02.45exonicHow freaking long does it take to get a project renamed on sourceforge. It's been over a week now.
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20:04.43[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : PET .... I loved mine.. in all its casette-driven glory.  That was one of the first computers I worked with.  BASIC magi-capet time!
20:05.02asterboylol, the casette!
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20:05.11a1fahi brothers and sisters
20:05.20tainted_asterboy DSL is pretty cool
20:05.24asterboyI remember creaming my pants over a 300baud acoustic coupled modem.
20:05.40a1fahow many brothers and sisters in here have e164?
20:05.40asterboyya, DSL has my attention.
20:05.44a1fafuck dSL
20:05.52asterboyI do
20:05.53tainted_asterboy "Boot from within a host operating system" what's that all about
20:06.12asterboylike boot from within windows?
20:06.16asterboyor vmware?
20:06.26asterboynot sure, not used that yet.
20:06.38tainted_that would be very handy
20:06.49asterboyI think thats the idea there.
20:06.49Qwell[]no doubt
20:07.07[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : Mine wasn't acoustic coupled, but I had to manually hold a toggle switch to initiate carrier :)
20:07.30[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : and dial from an attached phone.
20:07.36asterboyI remember reading a story about Hayes.
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20:07.55asterboythe guy who created the AT command set and popular modems of the day.
20:08.05coppice300 baud was hot. 110 with an ASR33 was quite the thing in my college days
20:08.10asterboyhe was just an average joe working in consulting like the rest of us.
20:08.17essaredeecould someone help me with a zaptel problem?
20:08.20coppiceYeah. Issac Hayes
20:08.29asterboyI'd like to meet him.
20:09.02coppiceto do something nasty to him? :-)
20:09.06tainted_the voice of chef on south park?
20:09.09essaredeeI'm getting this whilst trying to compile the zaptel driver:
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20:09.14asterboyoh ya, I remember the attached phone, you had to wait for carrier and hang up.
20:09.46coppice<twiddel thumbs>+++<twiddle thumbs>ATH
20:10.12tainted_NO CARRIER!! WTF!!11!
20:10.20asterboythey said it would be physically impossible to reach past 1200 baud
20:10.21a1fawho is using enum lookups?
20:10.50asterboynow look at WiMAX
20:10.52tainted_i remember first using ZMODEM and thanking god for coming up with error correction
20:11.05asterboyoh ya
20:11.11asterboyXMODEM was tuff
20:11.14essaredeeymodem had error correction
20:11.34Nuggetxmodem did too.
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20:11.40tainted_i remember my first porn gif file off some anon BBS
20:11.58Nuggetoriginal xmodem used checksum and then later versions used crc
20:12.18tainted_yea but they bombed if there was line noise
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20:12.27essaredeeso does anyone know why that isn't working? :)
20:12.29[TK]D-Fendertainted_ : Xmodem had error correction.... * bit checksum!
20:12.33Nuggetymodem was just xmodem with 1K blocks instead of 128, and then what zmodem did was add streaming.
20:12.52suryeWhat's the best IAX2 free softphone for Windows? Any de facto standard?
20:12.53Nuggetso that you didn't pause sending while each block was evaluated
20:13.03coppiceward christensen got the handshaking scheme wrong, trying to be too clever. that's what made xmodem <100% robust
20:13.11[TK]D-FenderX & Y-modem both had CRC versions, z-modem had CRC + auto-download initiation & multiple file capability....
20:14.36[TK]D-FenderMy first programming projects were terminal apps in BASIC and BBSing
20:14.47asterboyI still use kermit to this day
20:15.01asterboyBBSing...I miss those days.
20:15.05asterboyand War Dialing
20:15.24[TK]D-FenderNugget : ANSI Script!
20:15.27asterboyWar Games was a cool movie of the time.
20:15.28dlynes[TK]D-Fender, so did ymodem-g
20:15.48[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Oh yeah... foget about G sometimes....
20:15.59dlynes[TK]D-Fender, ymodem-g was actually considerably better than zmodem, too
20:16.17Nuggetthe cool kids all used F'Req.
20:16.22Corydon-wAssuming you had no errors
20:16.23[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : I definately don't remember Y-g being better than Z... Z was "end of the line"...
20:16.36dlynes[TK]D-Fender, ymodem-g cut my phone bills down quite a bit more than zmodem
20:16.42Corydon-wYmodem-G had no error retry
20:16.47asterboyI still use Zmodem
20:16.49[TK]D-FenderWasn't Y-g for hardware correctedf modems only?
20:16.58Corydon-wThat's why it was faster than Z-modem
20:17.00asterboyrz and sz for Linux
20:17.02dlynes[TK]D-Fender, yeah, but i was using it on a courier hst
20:17.18tainted_RIP graphics never really caught on for some reason
20:17.25Corydon-wOf course, if you had an error transferring, Y-modem-G would immediately quit
20:17.26dlynes[TK]D-Fender, it was about 10% faster than zmodem, easily
20:17.32tainted_remember THEDRAW
20:17.38[TK]D-Fendertainted_ : YES!
20:17.41NuggetI still have a copy of thedraw
20:17.55tzangerI remember thedraw
20:17.57tzangerfrom thesoft
20:17.58dlynestainted_, maybe cause they were so bloody slow on 2400 baud modems?
20:18.00asterboyI think it came down to the file type as to YmodemG or Zmodem being faster
20:18.00tainted_i remember check out ANSi art from groups like ACiD
20:18.02[TK]D-FenderGod I feel decrepit!
20:18.06tainted_iCE, TDT
20:18.06tzangerI still have a bunch of it
20:18.38tainted_i was animating stick figures and they had full blown montages
20:18.40Nuggetif any of you guys haven't yet bought the DVDs yet, do so right now.
20:18.40tzangergoogle image search for "ansi art" for some nostalgia
20:18.43Nuggetit's amazing.
20:19.09dlynesNugget, is fido even still around?
20:19.10coppiceI remember writing programs in binary, and entering them on a row of switches on the front panels of several minicomputers to get the bootloaders into place :-)
20:19.18[TK]D-FenderI miss SRE and Trade Wars (I was a GOD...)
20:19.18dlynesNugget, or rime, for that matter?
20:19.20Nuggetdlynes: yes, but not in any form you'd notice.
20:19.20tzangercoppice: I've done that!
20:19.29tzangerSRE oh man
20:19.29tainted_i ran a wildcat! bbs for a while.. customized all the screens and got rid of that wretched default yellow
20:19.30tzangerBRE and SRE
20:19.37tzangerI cracked those programs for the bbs operators :-)
20:19.44essaredeewhile trying to compile zaptel using make, I get, with make linux26 I get
20:19.53asterboywildcat was a nice bbs
20:19.56essaredeeany idea why it's doing this?
20:19.57coppicefido and citadel were great networks
20:20.05tzangerno thanks... telegard and renegade for me
20:20.13tainted_there was a game called Red Dragon or something
20:20.16brad_msswWWIV rocked
20:20.19tzanger1:519/221.77 was my address if I'm not mistaken
20:20.25asterboyalmost forgot
20:20.29coppicecitadel is still going
20:20.29[TK]D-FenderWWIV was an easy hack with DOS TTY redirection ;)
20:20.33NuggetI love that heroes trailer.  It's a parade of geeks surrounded by old computers and electornics kit.
20:20.34tainted_tzanger those are WAREz bbs packages ahaha
20:20.35[av] new
20:20.41[TK]D-FenderI loved RemoteAccess for being in TP :)
20:20.43Nuggetthen some guy in a tie shows up...  "author of pcboard"
20:20.44tzangertainted_: yeah, so?  :-)
20:20.57tzangerI still have the TG2.5i source somewhere
20:21.01tzangerturbo pascal... <shudders>
20:21.03[TK]D-FenderPCBoard was FUGLY, but strangely popular...
20:21.05tainted_i had the best upload ratios
20:21.11tzangerRenegade was TG ported to C if I'm not mistaken
20:21.17NuggetI know a lot of the wildcat guys.
20:21.27tzangeressaredee: looks like you have either a corrupted build or you're missing some development package
20:21.34Nuggetgreg hewgill is one of the guys and used to work with me at
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20:21.42tainted_i actually BOUGHT wildcat when it came out on shelves and used it to run a WAREz bbs
20:22.02tainted_PCBoard was horrendous
20:22.12essaredeewhat development package might I be missing?
20:22.13brad_msswheh, anyone remember ripterm ?
20:22.18asterboyCheck this out...Commodore 64 on a single chip:
20:22.18coppiceyou used a licenced package to run a warex site? :-\
20:22.19dlynesif you're interested
20:22.27[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Hey, TP was *great*.  All of my best stuff was done in it!
20:22.35dlynestradewars is on at : port 2002
20:22.42tzangertainted_: heh.  A friend of mine still has the original manuals and disks for his BBS (worldgroup I think?)
20:22.49tzanger[TK]D-Fender: I hated pascal, HATED it
20:23.02tainted_those where the days
20:23.05tzangerasterboy: yeah that's not new...  :-)
20:23.09asterboydone my share of programming pascal.
20:23.18tainted_tzanger did u charge people to log onto your bbs?
20:23.22tzangertainted_: no
20:23.29tainted_i had like 7 co-sysops at one time
20:23.29coppicepascal was terrible, unless it was extended. turbo pascal was extended in important ways
20:23.30tzangerI never had a board, my mom would never ever let me get the second phone line
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20:23.41tainted_it was hilarious.. we took memberships through a pobox
20:23.45tzangerI was a remote op on both the most hated and most loved BBSes in town though (Ice-Nine and New Gold Dream)
20:23.54tzanger519-888-0085 was Ice-9 I remember that still
20:24.00tzangerwith Helix McFadden
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20:24.09tainted_u've called THEM a few times
20:24.18tzangernew Gold Dream was like 725-something
20:24.35[TK]D-FenderI did OOP in TP for text-GUI from scratch..... I was a complete bottom-up programmer... did all of my own libraries and the only code I used from anybody was a Z-Modem routine.
20:24.36tainted_lol @ second phone line
20:24.37tzangerI sitll have all my .qwk spools from them
20:24.54dlynesYou can use any telnet or mud client to log into that tradewars game, too
20:24.54tainted_i had problems convincing mom too until she saw a few checks on my table
20:25.10tainted_oh man that's too funny
20:25.12tzangeryou never told her that they were rubber though
20:25.16dlynesor swath (a specialized tradewars client)
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20:25.43tainted_fond memories lol
20:26.58_Paulo_how old is Steve?
20:27.02fbnewtzI am a newbie with some questions about configuring SIP.  Anyone here available for some questions?
20:27.10[TK]D-FenderOMG, I'm in that TW2002 game!
20:27.13docelm0Steve sokol?
20:27.20tzangercoppice?  I imagine he's late thirties to mid-forties
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20:27.37docelm0ohh was gonna say.. sokol is 2 days older than dirt..
20:28.00[av]banitrade wars was a ripoff of the original Space Empire
20:28.12Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: in it?
20:28.34[TK]D-FenderQwell : Yes!  Too friggen cool ....
20:28.42Qwell[]in it how?
20:28.52dlynesplaying it, obviously
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20:29.25[TK]D-FenderQwell : telnet.
20:29.36NuggetSpace Empire Elete[sic]
20:30.25[av]baniNO WAI
20:30.30dlynes[TK]D-Fender, you know tintin++ has a new home, right?
20:30.49dlynes[TK]D-Fender,  you could use that instead of telnet
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20:32.08[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Why?
20:32.09esetok, so with a 2.6 kernel i dont need zaptel for meetme?
20:32.18Qwell[]eset: yes, you do
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20:32.27dlynes[TK]D-Fender, you can do aliases and triggers then
20:32.45dlynes[TK]D-Fender, and have a split screen interface
20:32.47[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : no need....
20:32.51salviadudguys, if i want to specify a different port for an iax peer, should i add that in my dial on context or should i add that on iax.conf?
20:33.02dlynes[TK]D-Fender, so you can actually see what you're typing
20:33.40salviadudim sorry, my dial on extensions
20:33.51salviadudshould i change the dialing or change it in iax.conf?
20:34.12tainted_Nugget that bbs documentary looks awesome
20:34.28[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Since I virtually never use anything like this, its not enough for me to CARE...
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20:35.23dlynes[TK]D-Fender, ah
20:36.14Nuggettainted_: it is.  it's ten times better than I'd hoped
20:36.33starleinmeetme works without zaptel device?
20:36.37starleinhow that?
20:36.44starleini got an error with /dev/zap/pseudo
20:37.05[TK]D-FenderI need to learn how to upgrade my kernel so I can get ZTDUMMY working....
20:39.02justinu|laptopwhat distro
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20:39.56[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Slackware
20:40.12[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : I bookmarked a million sites for it, but never really tried...
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20:41.27justinu|laptopslack, dunno... i used that a long time ago, and I just downloaded the kernel sources and built my own
20:41.37trelane_anyone happen to know how to put a call on hold with the IAXy
20:41.47[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Thats what they suggest... its the INITRD stuff and LILO that scares me more...
20:41.52dlynes[TK]D-Fender, which kernel?  stock?
20:42.05[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : I guess.... I just want a "basic loaded
20:42.15dlynes[TK]D-Fender, slackware 10.2?
20:42.19[TK]D-Fender" kernel for 2.6 so I can run the RTC timer.
20:42.22[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : yup
20:42.34[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Its on the 2nd CD as well (older kernel)
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20:43.05dlynes[TK]D-Fender, if you want i can give you a precompiled 2.6 kernel that's got the ccitt compiled in and a bunch of other stuff, including low latency optimizations
20:43.14[TK]D-FenderThis is the ONLY thing I dislike about Slackware installation... that I can't just choose a beefed up 2.6 kernel to start with...
20:43.27dlynes[TK]D-Fender, you'd just need to add it to your lilo.conf
20:43.37[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Maybe later when I'm home...
20:43.48dlynesQwell, lol
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20:44.07[TK]D-FenderQwell : that looks a lot like the PerfectlySafePicOfPamAnderson.jpg.vbs I just got!
20:44.20MattHHi... with asterisk 1.2.5 is there anyway to get it to use mpg123 instead of format_mp3 native?  I've set format_mp3 to noload, but mpg123 doesn't start up
20:44.20Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: run it, it says perfectly safe!
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20:44.23dlynes[TK]D-Fender, anyways, I just built it from the source for, and then compiled the zaptel sources against it
20:44.50dlynes[TK]D-Fender, because i didn't feel like upgrading my version of gcc just to be able to use a new kernel
20:44.53blaylockhas anyone here used or is currently using polycom 501 or 601 phones with asterisk
20:45.02[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Its knowing what to enable and not enable that has me worried.... its also my internet gateway and failure = no internet....
20:45.15[TK]D-Fenderblaylock : LOTS of us... whats your question?
20:45.17dlynes[TK]D-Fender, if you use the 2.6 kernel that's on the slackware cd, you need to install the gcc package that's in that directory, too
20:45.44blaylockany troubles with echo?
20:45.44dlynes[TK]D-Fender, I can give you my complete source tree instead, if you'd like
20:46.01[TK]D-Fenderblaylock : never because of the phone....
20:46.14dlynes[TK]D-Fender, it's 77MB's
20:46.16blaylockso have you had echo, and then fixed it somehow?
20:46.22[TK]D-Fenderdlynes : Perhaps just some guidance will do once I'm in a position to follow through with it.
20:46.36dlynes[TK]D-Fender, I've got it set up as a slackware package
20:46.44[TK]D-Fenderblaylock : I've had echo because of analog an T1 interfaces, sure.... but nothing to do with Polycom...
20:47.14blaylockhmm, so you have a T1 for the customer or yourself, and that was the reason?
20:47.18dlynes[TK]D-Fender, well, if it's any help, i'm sometimes hanging out on #slackware as well
20:48.09blaylockmy situation is that one of our customers uses all polycom phones, but every 10 calls or so they report echo
20:48.22blaylockkinda like what you hear with a cell phone every so often
20:48.28[TK]D-Fenderblaylock : Its all about your EC at the point of PSTN termination.....
20:48.33trelane_anyone happen to know how to put a call on hold with the IAXy?
20:48.48[TK]D-Fenderblaylock : I had horrific echo when I first set up my server for work...
20:49.07blaylock[TK]D-Fender, so how did you fix it?
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20:51.09dlynesare all the problems associated with sipura 3000's and 2000's an asterisk problem, or is it a problem with the sipuras?
20:51.26[TK]D-Fenderblaylock : I got a good echo cancelling T1 card...
20:51.34dmorriganCan someone please help me with a crash problem:
20:51.49dmorriganThose are the errors and I am not sure what is causing them
20:52.11dmorriganWe are running Asterisk 1.2.6 from the SVN repos
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20:52.56[av]bani[TK]D-Fender bought a s****ma 104d
20:52.59[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : That video ROCKED....
20:53.21blaylock[TK]D-Fender, do you think it could be related to the way we have the T1 terminated at the customer site?
20:53.31[av]baniblaylock: you just have a crappy EC
20:53.54[TK]D-Fenderblaylock : Its all about what kind of EC you have in you * server.... Zaptel works great for some, shit for others....
20:53.55blaylock[TK]D-Fender, we have the t1 comming in, and then have the ehternet side going over the phone blocks
20:54.04blaylockusing a cross over cable
20:55.22[av]baniblaylock: buy a tellabs t1 EC
20:55.25blaylockt1 comming in to a CDU/ODU i should say
20:55.35blaylocksorry, whats the EC stand fore?
20:55.35*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
20:55.41jbotextra, extra, read all about it, ec is Ecuador
20:55.47[av]baniecho canceller
20:56.11blaylockive been troubleshooting too much today
20:56.18harryvvIs there any reason why asterisk would be running tar and using up 98% of my cpu load? this has been a ongoing issue. It currently is still running tar several hours after hanging up the call
20:56.36harryvvAsterisk running tar command
20:56.39tzangerpstree and see what spawned tar
20:56.41blaylockcompression going on or something?
20:56.48blaylocklsof | grep tar
20:56.48tzangeroh wait
20:56.49harryvvno idea
20:56.54tzangertar is the new trunking protocol
20:56.57fileAsterisk doesn't run tar... you have something else going on
20:56.59tzangermake sure trunk=no
20:57.04harryvvthis has done this before and it eats up cpu cycles and makes the call sound like crap
20:57.18dmorriganCan someone please help me with a crash problem:
20:57.21dmorriganThose are the errors and I am not sure what is causing them
20:57.28dmorriganWe are running Asterisk 1.2.6 from the SVN repos
20:57.30harryvvfile, i can show you a snap shot of TOP and it will show the command tar to the far right
20:57.47filethen do it, show us everything you can...
20:58.40filejust remember you can execute system apps inside of your dialplan...
20:58.41dmorriganwhen the server crashes there are about 70 outgoing calls
21:00.00dlynesdmorrigan, if you take a look at include/asterisk/frame.h, line 209 in the asterisk 1.2.6 source code, you'll see all the various error codes for why a call was ended
21:00.13dlynesdmorrigan, in your case, it was because the line was busy
21:00.19dmorrigani did
21:00.49dmorriganso it keeps trying until the server crashes?
21:01.07harryvvfile take a look
21:01.25filethat's as user asterisk
21:01.37filethat's not asterisk itself running tar
21:01.44harryvvuser asterisk?
21:01.54fileyes, there's a user account named asterisk, and tar is running as that user
21:02.06dlynesdmorrigan, it might be a loop in your dialplan, or something
21:02.18harryvvfile, does asterisk normally create that account?
21:02.28fileasterisk does not do anything like that
21:02.31harryvvI never created it :)
21:02.34dmorriganhmmm i will look for that
21:02.35fileare you running Asterisk at Home or AMP?
21:02.38dlynesharryvv, nope...asterisk normally runs super secure as the root user
21:02.48harryvvwell then might as well kill that account.
21:02.57harryvvyea running at home at the moment.
21:03.05filethat's probably why...
21:03.14filethey might have a crontab on that user to archive log files or something
21:03.21fileso in the end like I said, it's not Asterisk :)
21:03.34harryvvwell obviosly there is a does not hand up
21:03.59dlynesfile, when asterisk normally gets installed on freebsd, it calls up the asterisk console to do a log rotation, instead of using hte asterisk switch to do it
21:04.08dlynesfile, perhaps your install is doing something similar in the crontab
21:04.35fileharryvv, it does not what?
21:04.49dlyness/hand up/hang up
21:04.53harryvvthe process does not kill after archiving
21:05.06dmorriganNo loops.  These are calls generated by .call files in the /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing dir
21:05.17fileharryvv, but it still has nothing to do with Asterisk...
21:05.25fileexcept it's running as the asterisk user
21:05.43harryvvwell, it does affect its performance. this is a low end cpu system.
21:05.47dlynesdmorrigan, maybe asterisk isn't smart enough to give up for a while, when the line is busy
21:05.59Qwell[]harryvv: complain to the *@~ guys
21:06.04dmorriganACK!  That's not good
21:06.11fileQwell[], thank you.
21:06.26*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
21:06.33dmorriganisn't there a wait for retries?
21:06.57dlynesdmorrigan, no idea...never used that interface before
21:07.12dmorriganOk thanks for the help though
21:08.04*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
21:08.32dlynesdmorrigan, maybe try looking at the c code for the call files to see if there's any idle time checking in there
21:08.58dmorriganNot a programmer so I don't even know what I would be looking for
21:09.53Qwell[]I'm hungry. :(
21:09.59fileso am I
21:10.03Qwell[]let's go eat
21:10.28filebut where?
21:10.37Qwell[]There's a place around the corner here
21:14.10*** join/#asterisk |omni| (i=cathode@
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21:14.32*** join/#asterisk Phretorian (n=Phretori@
21:14.36Phretorianhi all
21:14.59Phretoriananyone arround helping a noobie on FreeBSD / ODBC problem?
21:16.40*** part/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
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21:18.00Phretoriananyone arround to talk even?
21:18.10dmorriganPeople are here
21:18.12dynamicpulsei am
21:18.14dynamicpulsewee ha
21:18.32dmorriganLOL crickets
21:18.34Phretorianu know something about the ODBC error you get after a fresh install?
21:18.49dmorriganI have not installed FreeBSD in a VERY long time
21:18.54docelm0~seen iCEBrkr
21:19.01jboticebrkr is currently on #asterisk, last said: 'if Amp over looks includes (which I doubt) you'll be fine.'.
21:19.19docelm0ACK!  FREE BSD IS EVIL!
21:19.23Phretorianwell i just need it working ... i know most of the config but this ODBC error is new to me
21:19.44docelm0Harm|w, byte me
21:20.34*** join/#asterisk websae (
21:20.56dynamicpulsedid someone say Big Scary Demons (BSD)
21:20.59PhretorianOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe :(
21:21.14Mauro__how do I make a call from an AGI app??
21:21.34Mauro__I just write the file to /home/asterisk/llamadas/
21:21.49Mauro__to outgoing spool dir
21:26.25*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
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21:28.04Phretorianisnt their anyone who can help me with asterisk :(
21:29.01trelane_Phretorian, have you asked a question?
21:29.30*** part/#asterisk websae (
21:29.38trelane_Phretorian, you might find this helpful in solving your problem or forming a question that will get you help.
21:33.21*** join/#asterisk salaud (
21:33.47salaudI upgraded to asterisk 1.2.4 and zaptel 1.2.4 (best I could find in debian) and now DTMF won't come inbound correctly on IAX channels
21:33.58salaudI have done iax2 debug and see the DTMF events... but they aren't being recognized
21:34.09salaudany ideas?
21:34.22salaudie... They sit in TIMEOUT(digits) and user isn't sent to an extension
21:34.47Harm|wwhich DTMF format you sending?
21:35.13salaudHarm|w: I didn't know I had a choice with IAX?
21:35.42salaudHarm|w: Can't find any parameters to change about DTMF in iax2.conf
21:35.59Phretorianthnx trelane for that comment :( just what i needed
21:38.17salaudHarm|w: It's a bizarre problem.  Of course when I send DTMF digits OUTBOUND over an IAX channel they are received correctly on the other side
21:38.43*** join/#asterisk |cleric| (n=dacleric@
21:40.24SpaceBassanyone ever use
21:41.35*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
21:42.31salaudI can't believe that no else is having this IAX DTMF problem..
21:42.39salaudI'm at the point of having to go back to 1.0.7
21:44.49SplasPoodCan someone with a firm grasp on the laws regarding VoIP providers and E911 service answer a couple questions for me?
21:45.04SpaceBassSplasPood, what are you wondering?
21:45.25SplasPoodSpaceBass: is it legal to not provide routing to 911 assuming your customers are all properly notified of this fact when the contract is signed?
21:45.53rikishihow's the process for transfering a call to another extension? After I answer the call from the extension, should I put it on hold and then transfer it?
21:46.22bkw_Jingle, Jingle, Jingle
21:46.39SpaceBassSplasPood, as far as I know there was a requirement they they at least notify you that they cannot do it....after that I think there is a requirement that they have to provide 911 soon...but not sure when
21:46.54SpaceBassI'm really no expert, just thought you were better off asking the question to everyone
21:46.59SplasPoodthats what I believe as well, but I'm getting legal documents from my co-workers
21:47.29SpaceBassrikishi, assuming your phone doesnt have a transfer feature, you can use # to transfer...just press # and dial the exten
21:47.33Lino`woah /me 's getting all confused here ;)
21:47.43Lino`2 nicks, same length, almost same spelling ;)
21:47.50SpaceBassarrrruuuggg....cannot get to work
21:48.01SpaceBassLino`, lol
21:48.13Qwell[]/nick SpicePool
21:48.20Lino`good thought
21:48.39SpiceBossnow this adds much to the confusion
21:48.55eric_hillSplasPood: I'm reading some legal mumbo-jumbo now, hang on a sec...
21:49.07*** join/#asterisk hfb (
21:49.41harryvvlocal voip resellers are selling service as low as 5.95 per month
21:49.51eric_hillThat's what I'm reading :)
21:50.03*** join/#asterisk TUplink (
21:50.07SplasPooddepending on how you read that it can go either way, IMHO
21:50.24SplasPoodbut supposedly a co-worker just called the FCC and got directed to that document and told "Nope, you have to provide 911 or elesE"
21:50.30TUplinkok... this is wierd even when i call my self i get     -- Attempting native bridge of IAX2/20001-7 and IAX2/20001-8
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21:51.29TUplinkany ideas
21:52.03eric_hillSplasPood: Sure looks like you need to provide 911 access to me.
21:52.30SplasPoodso is it me or are like.. a billion voip providers not in compliance?
21:52.39*** join/#asterisk mrtwister|mobile (
21:52.50eric_hillSplasPood: "The provision of access to 911 should not be optional for any telephone service provider."
21:53.30salaudRemember the Computer Club provides  a good loophole... at least for now
21:53.30SplasPooderic: yea, but the whole 'telephone service provider' thing...   That implies a given voip provider is regulated as such
21:53.39eric_hillSplasPood: I'd say that if you're in the business of providing VoIP to external customers, you need to provide it.
21:53.48salaudIf you setup as a club with members and dues, you might not have the same issues
21:53.55SplasPoodFrom what I gather providing it is...  umm...   painful
21:54.31eric_hillsalaud: Exactly right.  Simply a bunch of users getting together to share a VoIP server isn't the same thing as a commercially binding entity.
21:55.11salaudDoesn't mean the club can't make money to further support the interests of the club/collective/co-op/etc
21:55.14SplasPoodI'd love to provide "proper" 911 service to our customers (all business), but from what I gather thats not really possible
21:55.18TUplinkany one use telasip?
21:55.21eric_hillSplasPood: The ruling sounds like "If you're going to compete with Ma Bell, you're going to offer E911.  Period."
21:55.42eric_hillSplasPood: Why couldn't you provide proper 911 through a single trunk line?
21:55.47dynamicpulseTUplink i do!
21:55.57SplasPooderic: I'd agree with the logic.  But there's a whole bunch of regulation that comes along with being a "traditional" phone company
21:55.57salaudHere's the other thing... Ma Bell MUST provide 911 access to any home fro free
21:56.12SplasPooderic: a line in EACH customer's location?
21:56.24TUplinkdynamicpulse can i im you
21:56.28SplasPoodsalaud: to any connected line, actually
21:56.29salaudso just have club members order the local monopoly to give them 911 only
21:56.30SplasPoodbusiness or home
21:56.30eric_hillSplasPood: Location == metro area.  One line in LA is enough.
21:56.51salaudthen club members always have a 911 phone
21:56.55eric_hillsalaud: ONLY if there is existing copper to the location...
21:57.05SplasPooderic_hill: See here's the thing...  If we provide any type of 911, it damn well better be rock solid and direct to the proper call center
21:57.16salaudright.. if there has never been copper.. that's a problem
21:57.20salaudso order copper for a month
21:57.26salaudthen switch to free 911 only
21:57.31eric_hillsalaud: now that's just not nice :)
21:57.54salaudneither is telephone monopoly
21:58.09eric_hillSplasPood: You're going to have to purchase POTS service from somewhere, right?  Get 911 through the POTS provider.
21:58.10SplasPoodthat line ain't costing them anything really
21:58.28eric_hillExcept a port on a phone system...
21:58.37SplasPoodso not anything
21:58.55eric_hillYou haven't priced Nortel 5E line cards recently, have you?
21:59.20eric_hillI'm not sure you could fit the stack of Benjamins in the slot...
21:59.26SplasPoodFor some reason I get the feeling that they're not hurting for spare ports
22:01.10Lelanddon't suppose anyone has tried using the Asterisk.NET class libraries for visual studio .net ?
22:01.32*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
22:02.02TUplink"Operating with different codecs" any one have any ideas
22:02.03SplasPooderic_hill: check out page 28, paragraph 48 of that document
22:02.50salaudI'm about to rollback my asterisk to 1.2.4 to 1.0.7..  I got to have the IAX channel DTMF working... this sucks
22:03.04Qwell[]saluWhy not...upgrade?
22:03.17Qwell[]silly tab key...didn't fix my typo
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22:03.45salaudQwell[]: I could upgrade to 1.2.6 ... but I don't know that it will solve the problem
22:03.48eric_hillSplasPood: right - looks like a "we offer E911 in New York and Detroit only.  If you aren't in these cities, you won't have access to E911 service"
22:04.02Qwell[]salaud: You don't know that it won't, either
22:04.10salaudQwell[]:   I already went from 1.2.1 to 1.2.4 with no difference in the problem
22:04.23Qwell[]and if you're having an issue that doesn't get reported, it'll never get fixed
22:04.27TUplinkQwell[] your quite smart... think you can help me?
22:04.30salaudQwell[]: 1.2.6 - can't find a Debian package yet
22:04.32eric_hillSplasPood: They don't really say you need to offer E911 service *everywhere*, just that you have to offer *some* E911 service.
22:04.34Qwell[]So, if you want to stay on 1.0.x forever...go ahead
22:04.40Qwell[]salaud: There is your problem right there.  Packages are fucked.
22:04.54Qwell[]TUplink: depends
22:05.08GerbilNutwhat version is recommend for hardcore production?
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22:05.21salaudQwell[]: Could be the packages...
22:05.35Qwell[]GerbilNut: ABE
22:05.36TUplinkim using IAX when i make an IAX call to an IAX client.... it conects but no sound.... even when i call myself i get     -- Attempting native bridge of IAX2/20001-7 and IAX2/20001-8    -- Operating with different codecs 2[0x2 (gsm)] 1542[0x606 (gsm|ulaw|speex|ilbc)] , can't native bridge...
22:05.40[Outcast]does on one know what error 0x4020 on the polycoms means?
22:05.55salaudQwell[]:   Where will I report the problems?  Who will listen? ;)
22:06.12Qwell[]salaud: upgrade to 1.2.6, try it, then report a bug at, if it still exists
22:06.21Qwell[]GerbilNut: Asterisk Business Edition
22:06.43salaudQwell[]: Is there a zaptel 1.2.6?  or is 1.2.4 the latest?
22:06.51Qwell[]salaud: see /topic
22:06.54TUplinkany idea Qwell[]
22:07.10salaudQwell[]:   Doh!  right... there's always that stuff at the top of the screen ;)
22:07.13eric_hillSplasPood: The law is really about making a "best effort" sort of thing.  If the majority of your customer base is in one city, you should probably have E911 in that city.
22:07.47eric_hillSplasPood: If you have a customer in BFI, don't worry about it; as long as you didn't tell that customer you had E911 there, you don't need to provide it.
22:08.20SplasPooderic: but thats not what it says, see #47
22:08.55SplasPood47. Customer Requirements.  In light of the recent incidents involving problems with 911 access
22:08.55SplasPoodfrom interconnected VoIP services,149 it is clear that not all providers of interconnected VoIP are
22:08.56SplasPoodincluding E911 as a standard feature of their services.150  We find that allowing customers of
22:08.56SplasPoodinterconnected VoIP providers to opt-in to or, for that matter, opt-out of E911 service is fundamentally
22:08.56SplasPoodinconsistent with our obligation to “encourage and support efforts by States to deploy comprehensive
22:08.56SplasPoodend-to-end emergency communications infrastructure and programs.”151  Thus, interconnected VoIP
22:08.58SplasPoodproviders must, as a condition of providing that service to a consumer, provide that consumer with E911
22:09.00SplasPoodservice as outlined in the requirements above.152
22:09.07eric_hillSplasPood: read #46 through
22:09.23TUplinkQwell[] who is umm to?
22:10.22SplasPooderic: that doesn't say anything
22:10.29SplasPooderic: it says "You have to provide 911, boo-ya"
22:10.58Qwell[]oh come on, the horse is already dead.  Stop beating it.
22:11.07GerbilNutQwell[], just a guess, but ABE has to be purchased, right?
22:11.13Qwell[]GerbilNut: yes
22:12.21GerbilNutk, thanks
22:12.22TUplinkQwell[] you think there is any hope for me?
22:14.16*** join/#asterisk dr0ck (
22:14.28TUplinkso what sould i do...
22:14.50TUplinkim on 1.2.4 i know 1.2.6 is out but no freebsd port 4 it
22:15.04SplasPoodTuplink: make, make install..
22:15.05Qwell[]Then don't use the port
22:15.22TUplinkbut then it gets complicated
22:15.31TUplinkbut ill give it a shoot
22:15.34Qwell[]complicated?  It's two commands
22:15.37TUplinkwhat do i have to lose
22:15.41SplasPoodheh, you have to type the same two commands to build/install the port
22:15.44Qwell[]one even
22:15.51TUplinkbut make never works
22:16.32*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:19.22Phretoriananyone working asterisk on freeBSD?
22:19.43PhretorianMar 31 22:14:53 WARNING[481]: loader.c:325 __load_resource: Shared object "" not found, required by ""
22:21.24eseti dont suppose there is an easy way under debian to compile the zaptel drivers? having lots of problems
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22:22.32minohi gusys
22:22.47minodoes anyone know where to get meetme2 or app_conference?
22:22.58minoand does they work with the new asterisk?
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22:28.20andrewhearnhi, when I do a 'show modules' what does the 'Use Count' collumn mean? Does a 0 mean it's not running?
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22:35.17hypa7iaanyone know how to pass a "flash" from an analog phone on a zap channel to another zap channel as a flash instead of it telling * to do the three-way call itself?
22:35.24hypa7iaif that makes any sense :/
22:35.36andrewhearnHmm, the reason I ask is that I've upgraded a server to latest stable and mysql logging has stopped
22:35.42Strom_Mhypa7ia, you want complete supervision pass-through?
22:36.02luke-jr_Asterisk 2.1 is released, someone update the topic ;)
22:36.13hypa7iaStrom_M: i want the flash button on my phone to use the three-way calling on the line rather than taking up two of our 4 trunks
22:36.15*** part/#asterisk dynamicpulse (
22:36.47andrewhearnluke-jr_: not april 1st here yet!
22:36.57luke-jr_andrewhearn: shh
22:38.50*** join/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
22:38.55hypa7iaStrom_M: can you elaborate? google is being somewhat useless
22:39.02*** join/#asterisk CammODiCK (n=cammolip@
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22:40.06Strom_Mhypa7ia, in all reality, you want as much of the switching to happen locally rather than distributing some of the switching functions out to the telco.
22:40.27Strom_Mthat's why your analog lines are now considered trunks
22:41.21hypa7iaStrom_M: problem is we only have 4 trunks... we'd like to be able to use three-way calling on them since it's cheaper than adding additional trunks
22:41.31Strom_Mhowever, try a hookflash followed by *0
22:41.51*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
22:41.53hypa7iacool, will do
22:42.06Strom_Mi dont know if it will work
22:42.11Strom_Mlet me know whether it works :)
22:44.43Shaun222Strom_M: dont know if you remember what i was telling you i wanted to do yesturday but was wondering.  if i want to do this how should i go about it.  Seams like i would have to put the user on hold, call the extention, then anounce the caller and then connect them...
22:45.15Strom_MShaun222, um, what?
22:45.22Strom_Mplease ask a less muddled question
22:46.13Shaun222Strom_M: yesturday, i was saying i wanted to create the system so that a caller would say his name, then it would go out and find a agent/member and tell that agent/member the callers name..
22:46.32Shaun222and ask the agent/member a few questions about what to do with the caller (connect, voicemain, drop)
22:46.44Shaun222trying to figure out how to go about this.
22:48.56hypa7iaStrom_M: i have both lines on now, how do i bridge them :s
22:49.07Strom_Mhypa7ia, hookflash again?
22:49.40hypa7ia*0 again did it
22:49.43hypa7iaso the process is
22:49.59hypa7iahookflash, *0, dial the 2nd number, *0 again
22:50.21hypa7iawhich is only marginally more complicated than before
22:50.24hypa7iawoo hoo!
22:50.42*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:52.33hypa7iahrm it is a little more complicated than that
22:52.50hypa7iahookflash, *0, dial the 2nd number followed by #, then hookflash and *0 again
22:53.58hypa7iaalso it engages a new zap channel each time you hit flash so it won't work if all the trunks are busy, i don't think
22:54.06hypa7iathanks a ton Strom_M :)
22:54.20hypa7iait should be good enough til we get some sip trunks
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23:01.01hypa7iahow goes man
23:01.06[hC]good, how about you!
23:01.17hypa7iai made 3-way calling work
23:01.34[hC]theres a trick to it?
23:02.01hypa7iawell we have zap trunks and 4 zap stations on our system (so ghetto)
23:02.14hypa7ianow we can use the bell 3-way on the zap trunks
23:02.18[hC]Ahh... So you have to send #0 down the zap trunk?
23:02.19hypa7iainstead of using a real line
23:03.32hypa7iaum you do hookflash then *0 as it turns out
23:04.05hypa7iai want to figure out how to make it behave in a non-retarded way though
23:04.33hypa7ialike it intercepts the hookflash then checks if there's already 2 calls on the line and if there is it uses a 2nd zap trunk
23:04.46hypa7iarather than all this *0 crap :)
23:05.11hypa7iabut, for now at least it works
23:06.07Strom_Mhypa7ia, rip out your analog trunks and replace them with an ISDN line :)
23:06.21russellbhypa7ia is my hero
23:06.42hypa7ialol Strom_M
23:06.45hypa7ia<3 russellb
23:07.45hypa7iarussellb: how goes?
23:07.59russellbi'm doing alright ... just got a pizza and it's the weekend
23:08.03russellbcan't ask for much more than that
23:08.17russellband yourself?
23:08.18hypa7iai got the keys to my new apartment today, yay!
23:08.36hypa7iaand a haircut, yay not having a mullet
23:08.52russellbi bet you looked great with that mullet
23:09.01hypa7iai looked mulletorific
23:09.05minodoes anyone know the url to meetme2 ?
23:09.19russellbi don't think there is such a thing
23:09.28russellbthere is an app_conference, though
23:10.42hypa7iamy next task with the asterisk box at work is to make the rap theme song someone wrote about us into a moh file :)
23:11.00russellbha, nice
23:11.02Qwell[]rap theme song?
23:11.05russellbwhat format is it in?
23:11.08russellbit will probably work as it is
23:11.13hypa7iamp3, but not the right one apparently
23:11.49hypa7iaQwell[]: yuppers
23:12.00hypa7iaokay gotta run
23:12.10hypa7iawe are off to investigate the noisy patio bar next door
23:12.16russellblame -q -p --mp3input -a --preset 8 in.mp3 8kout.mp3
23:12.26russellbfun, have a good night!
23:12.44hypa7iarussellb: you should come up to toronto and pubcrawl again :D
23:12.59russellbhaha, so i can go to another "booze can" ?
23:13.22hypa7iadid you coem to gretzky's or did you call it quits before that, i don't remember
23:13.36hypa7iai think that might be where we're going now :)
23:14.06russellbthat may have been after i left
23:14.14russellbi had to leave earlier than the other 2
23:14.40russellbno wait, i did go there ...
23:14.56russellbwhatever, have fun :)
23:15.45hypa7iawill do :D
23:16.03De_Monoption 'i' in app_meetme prompts & reviews the users name, I want to turn off the reviewing but am stuck on implimentation, I'm thinking 'I' for intro without review
23:16.11*** join/#asterisk P4C0 (n=ash@
23:16.12minorussellb: there is meetme2
23:16.17P4C0hello guys
23:16.18minobut the page is down
23:16.31P4C0one, question, what is the best audio codec?
23:17.27De_Monmino what page would that be?
23:18.32De_Monthe only meetme2 page I see is the wiki's 'design' page
23:18.56*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
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23:19.58P4C0I'm speriense some glitches in the calls, I have a 640kbps link... maybe i'm using the wrong codec... ?
23:20.18jaikeP4C0: might be network jitter
23:21.02P4C0jaike, yes, but what codec is the one that give less overhead in the network?
23:21.28jaikeoverhead? g729
23:21.44jaikeone ulaw call uses 87kbps..g729 uses 27kbps
23:21.52jaikesame quality
23:22.08jaikeyouve to pay a license to use it though
23:22.30P4C0what about speex?
23:23.00*** join/#asterisk oej (
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23:26.25bkw_g729 is not the same quality as ulaw
23:26.28bkw_never has never will
23:26.59bkw_bandwidth on g729 could be dropped if you had the ability to put 30 or 60ms per packet
23:32.33*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
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23:38.33P4C0so if I have to choose between G729 and G711 ?
23:38.50Qwell[]You choose the one that fits your situation best
23:39.09Qwell[]If one codec fit every situation, there would only be one
23:39.12Shaun222if i wanted to record somthing a caller was saying and then have them press # when finished is their a command for that?
23:39.24Shaun222right now i can record but i'm using EAGI and piping into a raw file
23:39.42Shaun222but i dont see a easy way to tell when they are finished.
23:39.46De_MonShaun222 it's called Record()
23:39.57P4C0Qwell, low bandwith
23:40.21Qwell[]P4C0: then try g729 or gsm
23:40.34P4C0Qwell, thanks
23:40.44*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
23:40.58De_Monwhere can I download meetme2 I don't see a url on wiki
23:41.15P4C0what is codec translation path!?
23:41.49CrashHDI need some help debuging this iax module
23:41.54CrashHDit keeps crashing my asterisk
23:41.59Qwell[]P4C0: it means you need to buy g729 licenses
23:42.38CrashHDQwell: can I bug you about this iax2 module issue?
23:42.46P4C0Qwell, my voip provider only support g729 and g711
23:43.02P4C0so I supposed that I can only use g711 then...
23:43.02CrashHDP4C0: you need to purchase 729 licenses from digium
23:43.02Qwell[]P4C0: buy a $10 g729 license from Digium, try it out
23:43.08Qwell[]If it sucks, then you're only out $10
23:43.23P4C0Qwell, :)
23:43.27CrashHDQwell's right...what's 10 bucks these days?
23:43.34*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
23:43.43Qwell[]CrashHD: less than dinner for 2 at McDonalds?
23:43.48De_Monthats 10 cheesburgers!
23:43.57Qwell[]De_Mon: get out of my head
23:44.06CrashHD10 cheeseburgers and 1/2 a heartattack
23:44.11De_Monwe must have seen the same commerical :)
23:44.14Qwell[]9 cheeseburgers, and tax...
23:44.16Qwell[]De_Mon: nope
23:44.20*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
23:44.26De_Monoh.. ok them I'm scared
23:45.09CrashHDthat's my bt full from my last core dump
23:45.17CrashHDany ideas on what I should do?
23:45.28CrashHD* is crashing at least twice a day
23:45.48P4C0but anyways my sip phones only support u-law, gsm, ilbc and a-law... if my asterisk need to convert one of them to g711 or g729 what's the best to use?
23:45.55CrashHD(what I pasted is the last few lines from my bt full)
23:46.13CrashHDulaw = g711
23:46.28Shaun222i wonder why the pls-rcrd-name-at-tone has so much dead air at the end of it
23:46.45Qwell[]P4C0: If all calls go through your provider, use the same codec, otherwise, if it's all over the lan, use ulaw
23:47.05Qwell[]No point in transcoding from g729 to something else, and back...kinda silly
23:49.14P4C0Qwell, my asterisk is like in the middle between my provider and my lan
23:51.42*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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23:52.08phpmattk_what are some good starting points for an asterisk begginer.. explaining the software/hardware from a top down perspective.. etc?
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23:52.53De_MonShaun222 to give people time to get ready
23:53.48brookshirephpmatt: the O'Reilly book maybe?
23:53.54Shaun222De_Mon: according to sox it's only 1.9 seconds long
23:54.07Shaun222but i seam to have 2-3 seconds of blank air
23:54.55Shaun222De_Mon: just to test i did print "EXEC PLAYBACK pls-rcrd-name-at-tone\n"; print "EXEC PLAYBACK and-prs-pound-whn-finished\n"; print "EXEC PLAYBACK and-prs-pound-whn-finished\n";
23:55.10phpmattk_brookshire: thx, i read the reviews for it... looks pretty good
23:55.20Shaun222and the "and-prs-pound-whn-finished" played back to back just fine with out air
23:55.22CrashHDwhat is exit status 1 mean?
23:55.25Shaun222only the first one does it

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