irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060329

00:01.09*** join/#asterisk finchy (
00:02.46brookshire8 eastern
00:03.46mog_worksupport goes 7 to 7 central which is how i corrected myself brookshire
00:11.26*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:12.39SpaceBassanyone have a IP5000 wifi phone?
00:13.12riddleboxhas anyone integrated an IP Office with asterisk?
00:13.22Qwell[]riddlebox: IP office?
00:14.25riddleboxQwell[], its an avaya product, I was just wondering it has the ability of creating an IP trunk and communicating with other IP Office's over it
00:14.41Qwell[]What technology?
00:15.07riddleboxumm you mean what is the codec?
00:15.18Qwell[]no, what technology does it use
00:15.35Qwell[]vpn?  sip?  You've given 0 details
00:16.11riddleboxin the ip office you just tell the ip trunk the address of the other server, let me get my work laptop out to look
00:16.50*** join/#asterisk sandos (
00:16.56SpaceBassarrruuggg I want a WIP330.... cannot find any vendors with one
00:17.11*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
00:18.50riddleboxQwell[], I do see it has H.323 IP trunking
00:19.32harlequin516Okay the voicemail thing isn't working for me..  When I dial 8500, from kphone, I get the voicemail menu but I cannot login.  Asterisk CLI outputs : Incorrect password '' for user 'sham' (context = default), but I dial 1234 not 'sham', is this a bug?
00:19.48harlequin516sham is my sip username
00:20.08r0d3ntharlequin516, check your DTFM settings
00:20.18SpaceBassharlequin516 asterisk@home?
00:20.29*** join/#asterisk Graphinboyy (
00:21.01harlequin516Nope gentoo portage compiled asterisk 1.2.4
00:21.14*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
00:21.24SpaceBassdidn't think so since you were using 8500 and not *97 or something...just asking
00:21.29harlequin516dtmfmode=rfc2833 in my sip.conf
00:21.38SpaceBasstry =inline
00:22.04harlequin516really?  I thought rfc2833 is preferred...
00:22.19SpaceBassdepends on the phone and the results you are getting
00:23.14*** join/#asterisk kisu (
00:23.18harlequin516Hmm, Well I tried with inline, same result..
00:23.31harlequin516Is there a setting for kphone to do one or the other?
00:23.42SpaceBassnot sure about kphone
00:24.10harlequin516What's the best sip phone nowadays, is there something better than kphone?
00:24.16*** part/#asterisk CunningPike (
00:24.33harlequin516Linphone didn't work for me at all.
00:25.22harlequin516I wish these programs were a little more transparent.
00:26.51Qwell[]harlequin516: tried twinkle?
00:26.55Qwell[]I hear it's good
00:27.42_Soul_has anybody managed to exchange sip calls with voipbuster ?
00:28.22_Soul_im not asking if you managed to use voipbuster as your termination provider, but calling some voipbuster user sip url
00:28.36_Soul_or some voipbuster user calling your sip url
00:29.46*** join/#asterisk iGotNoTime (
00:30.44delta34oooquestion, in v1.2 is there a way to display the name of the person u dialed rather then the number you press for a cisco phone, so if i dialed 0, it will displayed I called the Operator
00:30.59harlequin516hmm twinkle lemme see
00:31.09*** join/#asterisk dextro (
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00:31.36SpaceBassdelta34ooo it should work if you could transfer the call
00:33.59*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
00:34.28justinu~seen thetatag
00:34.33jbotjustinu: i haven't seen 'thetatag'
00:35.05justinu~seen _sam
00:35.06jbot_sam <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 229d 1h 12m 32s ago, saying: 'say in lieu of keyboard-interactive'.
00:35.13justinu~seen _sam--
00:35.15jbot_sam-- is currently on #asterisk. Has said a total of 124 messages. Is idling for 23h 42m 20s, last said: 'duplex- :  no.'.
00:37.53justinu~seen r_evolution
00:37.56jbotr_evolution <i=_evoluti@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5d 22h 37m 43s ago, saying: 'OUT!'.
00:38.02justinuwhere the fuck is everyone?
00:39.35*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
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00:43.09*** join/#asterisk St1ckm4n (n=shortes9@
00:43.48St1ckm4nanyone here very familiary with the FOP?
00:45.51SpaceBassSt1ckm4n i've used it
00:46.10riddleboxQwell[], do you know anything about setting up a h.323 gateway?
00:46.33riddleboxok, I found some stuff on
00:47.37*** join/#asterisk nexgen (
00:48.00harlequin516Qwell: building twinkle now
00:48.39nexgenanyone have any idea why I would be getting "chan_zap.c: Ignoring caller_id" in my logs, and no Caller ID is not working
00:49.04Qwell[]nexgen: Did you do caller_id=yes, or something?
00:49.10Qwell[]I'm pretty sure it
00:49.12Qwell[]s without the underscore
00:49.47nexgenwhere at?  in my dialplan?
00:49.59Qwell[]or zaptel.conf maybe...dunno
00:50.00nexgenlemme see
00:50.24Qwell[]propably the former
00:50.57St1ckm4nSpaceBass, We just upgraded our FOP to the latest version but I keep getting client/server version mismatch
00:51.07nexgenI have hidecallerid=no
00:51.09St1ckm4nI moved the original is there any other way of stopping it from running
00:51.10SpaceBassi'e never upgraded it
00:51.34St1ckm4nthat ok
00:51.43St1ckm4nI'm sure I'll figure it out
00:52.01*** part/#asterisk lullabud (n=lullabud@
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00:55.50*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
01:04.14*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
01:06.47*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
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01:21.47*** join/#asterisk Jon335 (
01:22.36*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
01:23.34websaesure is quiet in here
01:23.45*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
01:23.51websaeeveryone on the phone again
01:24.05websaeis that why there are 1000 concurrent calls going through my switch
01:25.03brockj49464Anybody know if multiple registered peers to the same IP are matched correctly in 1.2.6?
01:29.01*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:32.19*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:36.51*** part/#asterisk sandos (
01:37.56*** join/#asterisk LapTop006 (
01:43.37*** join/#asterisk nick125 (n=nick@unaffiliated/nick125)
01:43.44nick125hey everyone
01:47.47*** join/#asterisk ateoh211 (
01:49.10ateoh211hi, I'm brand new to asterisk...I installed xorcom under debian...I set it up on a local net and was able to make and recieve calls via iax softphones...pretty cool
01:50.01ateoh211I'm wondering if someone can point me to a howto for starters...the thing I would like to use is conference calls(meetme)
01:50.48SpaceBassjbot where is the wiki
01:50.51jbotSpaceBass: what are you talking about?
01:51.00SpaceBassi dont know apparently...
01:51.32ateoh211xorcom aparently comes with 300 as a conference room by default, but I recieve a female voice message that it is not a valid conference room
01:52.17Hmmhesaysso SpaceBass is your name supposed to be bass like the fish or bass like the guitar
01:52.42ateoh211ok, thanks SpaceBass...I'll be back with more specific questions ;)
01:52.49SpaceBasslike the guitar
01:52.55Hmmhesaysyou play huh?
01:53.02SpaceBassused to quite a bit more than I do now
01:53.05SpaceBassyou play guitar, right?
01:53.25Hmmhesaysattempt to anyway
01:53.39nick125Hey, I got a question, I was wondering what you guys would suggest for a linux SIP softphone that can do DTMF correctly and can transfer call (xtensoftphone can't transfer calls)?
01:53.53SpaceBassi travel so much for work these days and don't really have anyone at home to play with....let it lapse for a while and am working to get my chops back currently
01:54.06SpaceBassnick125 google idefisk (think thats it)
01:54.23Hmmhesayssame here, i just got done doing speed drills for the last 90 minutes
01:56.05Hmmhesaysi finally have a band to play with again, so that helps
01:56.16SpaceBassHmmhesays nice!
01:56.23SpaceBassi miss gigging so much! what kind of music?
01:56.27brockj49464Anybody know if multiple registered peers to the same IP are matched correctly in Asterisk 1.2.6?
01:56.32nick125./idefisk: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory < :(
01:56.45SpaceBassnick125 never tried it on linux
01:56.50HmmhesaysRock, some country rock
01:56.55SpaceBassHmmhesays fun!
01:56.56Hmmhesayswe're playing lit up by buckcherry there I think
01:57.12Hmmhesaysnick125 apt-get install libexpat
01:57.39Hmmhesaystoo bad you don't live here' we are actually short a bassist right now
01:57.40Hmmhesayshey file
01:57.45filehow goes?
01:57.59Hmmhesaysit goes, just got done strumming on my guitar
01:58.09Hmmhesaysnow i'm contemplating going to find some honey's
01:58.33SpaceBassfunny....i was just contemplaying going to find some beers
01:58.44Hmmhesaysit is 35 cent tap night
01:58.52SpaceBassi am so fucking sick of traveling...need to get home and upgrade my asterisk box and chill in front of my tv for a while
02:00.47*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
02:01.09CrashHDif autoload=no does each app module need to be loaded?
02:03.13CrashHDfun heh
02:03.14mog_workif you want to use it
02:03.17CrashHDhey mog
02:03.20mog_workand it comes up in that order
02:03.20CrashHDabout earlier
02:03.35CrashHDI'm a little lost as to what I can do with this information
02:03.37CrashHDand what it means
02:03.43CrashHDit's iax2 that is causing the failure
02:03.44nick125why doesn't idefisk like me :/
02:03.52CrashHDI just don't why or what to do about it...?
02:04.34mog_workcan you do a pastebin
02:04.34*** join/#asterisk talljon84 (
02:04.34mog_workof thread apply all bt
02:04.34CrashHDbt or bt full?
02:04.35mog_workbt full will be fine
02:04.35mog_workwhatever im just curious
02:05.07talljon84Is anyone aware of a VoIP provider that will allow multiple outgoing calls at a decent rate? I'd love to create a 'line pool' that * could use as needed to make outbound calls if existing trunks (Zap or SIP) are full.
02:06.09Hmmhesaysgentoo doesn't like you
02:06.12CrashHDI recently signed up with them
02:06.15CrashHD1.1 rate
02:06.19CrashHD* based
02:06.33CrashHDbeen good to me thus far
02:06.36Hmmhesaysmost termination providers will
02:07.07CrashHDthere we go
02:07.30CrashHDmog_work: this thing has died probably 10 times in the last 4 hours
02:07.37CrashHDhasn't done this until recently :(
02:08.00mog_workwhich version of asterisk are you using?
02:08.12CrashHDI thought I did a make upgrade
02:08.15CrashHDand a make install
02:08.15mog_workand the other endpoint?
02:08.20Hmmhesayseveryone an their brother are starting up an ip phone company now
02:08.40mog_worki have to go to dinner
02:08.46CrashHDbut I don't control the 1.0.9
02:08.47mog_workbut put svn 1.2 on
02:08.52mog_workand tell me
02:08.56mog_workwhat happens
02:09.14talljon84CrashHD: thanks a ton
02:09.47CrashHDtalljon84: no worries, decent termination providers are few and far between these days, sharing is caring lol
02:12.24talljon84CrashHD: It indicates that it's 1.1 cent /min for termination but it also mentions a $0.33 cent account. Do you know if that's just an activation charge by chance?
02:13.55*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
02:15.54nick125Okay, incoming sound works, it's just outbound
02:19.52*** join/#asterisk Dabian (n=M0RTEN@fsf/member/dabian)
02:19.57St1ckm4nanyone know of a way to disconnect a manager session from asterisk CLI?
02:20.55nick125okay, now no sound is coming though..
02:21.19nick125is there any known issues with IAX2 and MoH?
02:22.17Dabiannick125 : Is the moon made of green cheese?
02:22.37nick125depends on who you ask ;)
02:22.39*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
02:24.40Shaun2222wiki is driving me crazy with all the crap in it, isnt their a good official up2date manual some where?
02:25.13*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
02:25.23*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
02:26.00*** join/#asterisk exten123 (n=exten@
02:27.48nick125anyone else here using idefisk and have MoH working correctly
02:28.00nick125when I try to listen to my MoH in idefisk, I get nothing
02:28.25*** join/#asterisk meshuga (
02:28.33meshugaso is callwaiting=no gone in sip.conf now?
02:28.41meshugait doesnt appear to work for me
02:30.27Darwin351.2.6 sucks
02:31.30Darwin35having issues with it and realtime
02:34.48*** join/#asterisk froguz (
02:36.07Darwin35wow they are making it so you can turn off call waiting per phoone
02:36.45Darwin35they need to make it a percall turn off also
02:36.51nick125Okay, so, any ideas on a good linux SIP phone? IAX doesn't like me too much..
02:37.03Darwin35iax rocks
02:37.12froguzcan AsterFax recieve a fax and convert it to tiff or pdf?
02:37.22nick125Kphone, last time I checked, DTMF did not work..xtensoftphone you can't do transfers in
02:38.15froguznick125, you can do blind transfers using xten
02:38.18DabianWhats the best codec?
02:38.25nick125froguz: how?
02:38.42froguzpressing pound
02:38.49Dabianif bandwidth is no consideration?
02:39.00nick125for quality
02:39.14froguzand then the extension you want to transfer to
02:39.20Dabian(or g711a ?)
02:39.24nick125froguz: I got to try that
02:39.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
02:40.00froguzi don't know if is it enabled by default in features.conf, but you can do that
02:41.07*** join/#asterisk testshifter (n=testshif@
02:41.24froguzDabian, did you mean better in bandwidth or better in audio quality?
02:41.37Dabianbest audio
02:41.46testshifterHELP!  SER + Asterisk
02:41.49nick125froguz: It doesn't seem to work..
02:41.52froguzulaw, i think
02:42.15froguzdid you looked at features.conf?
02:42.15testshifterkamusta kayong lahat!
02:42.21nick125froguz: yes, and its enabled
02:42.47testshifterhow to confugure SIP Express Router and Asterisk.. Newbie here!
02:42.52nick125let me just try restarting asterisk just to make srue
02:43.14testshifterhow to confugure SIP Express Router and Asterisk.. Newbie here!
02:43.25*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=Strom@
02:43.38testshifterhow to confugure SIP Express Router and Asterisk.. Newbie here!
02:43.49testshifterWHERE IS THE RTFM?
02:43.52testshifterany ref?
02:43.54froguzpress the # key during a conversation, you'll hear "transfer", then press the extension you want to transfer
02:44.14Darwin35RTFM = Read the Fricking Manual
02:44.37testshifterwhat is a good manual to read
02:44.40testshifterany suggestions?
02:44.57nick125froguz: That's doesn't seem to work :(
02:44.59Darwin35the ser manual and the asterisk wiki
02:45.49froguznick125 did you put the t or T (or both) parameters in your dialplan?
02:45.57testshifterif i configure ser do i need a hardware or device???
02:46.16Darwin35just the hardware it runs on
02:46.18nick125Where exactly would that go though?
02:46.54DabianThere went nbd .. wonder if his client will reset his nick.
02:46.57testshifterso only the server?
02:47.13testshifterno need to buy physical routers??
02:47.34*** join/#asterisk luke-jr_ (
02:47.34*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
02:47.41Darwin35have you even spent time figuring this all out before doing
02:47.44*** part/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
02:48.11Darwin35you need to read the web sites and all the help/coonfigure info they  have before comming here
02:48.23testshifterIf i will be installing ser+linux, do i need physical router? or just the server alone works!!!
02:48.30testshifterIf i will be installing ser+linux, do i need physical router? or just the server alone works???
02:48.30froguznick125, for example Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1},50,Tt)
02:48.57Darwin35man you need to read the ser website it tells you whgat you need
02:48.58DabianOk .. I assume that G711a is alaw and inferior then.  Thanks!
02:49.16Darwin35so does the asterisk website
02:49.34nick125froguz: would it be possible to do that in a WaitMusicOnHold? (for testing..)
02:50.11*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
02:50.46nick125froguz: Also, how would I be able to do that for incoming calls?
02:51.31testshiftersorry for the ignorance, im just a student trying to learn things up!
02:51.59Darwin35well you should always read the websites and gather information first\
02:52.09Darwin35they teach you that in school
02:52.29Darwin35its called doing research before asking
02:52.42testshifteri had and i just need to know the architecture coz im new to the Telephony world!
02:52.59Darwin35well the sites tell you what you need
02:53.26Darwin35and they give you links to  sites to help you
02:53.42testshifterthanks though!
02:53.53testshiftersigning off!
02:55.06froguznick125, you don't need to do anything special for doing blind transfer on incoming calls
02:56.35froguzjust make sure you have t and/or T in your Dial command for outgoing calls (i think t is for allowing to the called party to make transfers and T for the calling party, or vice versa)
02:58.37DabianTrying it out on the GUI and check what string it generates might be helpfull?
02:59.01nick125froguz: That seems to work, but, I want to do some more testing with music on hold, how would I do that?
02:59.05nick125I don
02:59.15nick125I don't think you can pass flags the same way
03:00.54froguznick125, when you press the pound key, the other side will hear the music on hold inmediatly, until the extension you have transfered answers
03:01.11*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
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03:03.22litagehow can you tell Asterisk which RTP ports to use?
03:04.28litagethanks justinu
03:05.40froguznick125, read this and look for the blindxfer, it's all too clear
03:05.57nick125Yep, I got that working, thanks :D
03:07.39froguz just in case you want to read more
03:09.13DabianWhere do I learn about PBX, and what do I want PBX hardware for?
03:10.57froguzDabian, look for the book "asterisk the future of telephony" pdf. you should read too
03:11.02froguznites everybody
03:15.59mishehuheh, I doubt I could consider any one specific application as the future of telephony.
03:21.56*** join/#asterisk rufoz (i=rufoz@
03:26.10exten123Can we rename IAX2/bah in CDR channel column to others charcters instate of IAX2?
03:30.11*** join/#asterisk tehdely (
03:30.59CrashHDis there a way to track down which applications come from which modules?
03:31.28litagewhat's the difference between an auto-attendant, ivr, and menu?
03:32.21*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
03:32.45CrashHDall similar?
03:32.50CrashHDall the same really
03:33.07*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
03:33.49SwKthat depends on who you ask
03:34.03*** join/#asterisk Souvent22 (
03:34.05litageSwK: why's that?
03:34.07SwKauto-attendant/menu are all really the same
03:34.14Souvent22what's the differnce between a SIP peer, and a SIP user ?
03:34.25SwKin the industry IVR typically referse to something with a DB backend
03:34.45SwKie: IVR == that automated pile of crap you use to call the bank and get your balance
03:34.58file[laptop]Your balance is $0.00
03:35.01file[laptop]ut roh!
03:35.03SwKbut in asterisk IVR/Auto-Attendant/Menu are all used interchangably
03:35.30SwKfile more like "You ballance is.... Bitch you need to go to the bank and pay up"
03:35.45file[laptop]SwK: eep
03:35.48CrashHDast_func_read: Function GROUP_COUNT not registered
03:35.54CrashHDI'm working on slimming down my asterisk
03:36.08CrashHDbut I can't find a resource to determine which .so files contain which functions
03:36.09CrashHDany help?
03:36.24file[laptop]usually by their name you can guess
03:36.57*** join/#asterisk delink (
03:37.02lokohas anyone tried running asterisk in Xen?
03:37.11delinkhaha ; Group Management Routines
03:37.17CrashHDI have it loaded
03:37.20delinkpeople were just talking about that on another channel i am in loko
03:37.20CrashHDbut not working
03:37.24file[laptop]app is not a function
03:37.37file[laptop]func_ are functions
03:37.38lokodelink yea me too in wplug
03:37.49lokooh isee it in ohio now lol
03:37.54delinkloko: yup :)
03:38.04CrashHDonly 3 func* files in the whole modules dir
03:38.12CrashHDwould one of those contain what I need?
03:38.21delinkcould anyone enlighten me as to the process of submitting a feature patch to asterisk?
03:39.08Darwin35wplug is run by a bunch of self centerd linux users. Who are judgemental .
03:39.09litageSwK: ah i see. so they're used interchangeably. i was under the impression that an IVR was an app that allowed users to speak and [attempted] to translate a word/phrase of theirs into an action. Eg: you say "sales" and you're transferred to that particular dept, rather than having to push a button
03:39.30CrashHDinteractive voice response
03:39.34CrashHDrequires a menu
03:39.36CrashHDto go through
03:39.42CrashHDit all gets mushed together
03:41.21SwKlitage: the term IVR originate way before anyone have the speech recognition stuffs that are deployable no
03:41.24lokoDarwin35 get over it
03:41.50litageah i see. thanks for clearing that up, guys
03:42.18lokoDarwin35 where do you live now?
03:42.22eipii have no audio in this scheme... anyone can help me? VOIP wireless phone <-> a hotspot router <-> internet <-> wrt54gs <-> asterisk 1.2.6 linuxbox
03:42.34Darwin35Living and working in Denver
03:42.50lokodid you go out there with kryme
03:42.55Darwin35and the Freebsd user group here is much friendlier
03:43.04lokocompared to?
03:43.07SwKeipi: NAT on both ends?
03:43.20Darwin35the wplug group
03:43.29SwKeipi: good luck
03:43.31lokowplug = linux users group, not freebsd users group
03:43.32*** join/#asterisk Can0Beans (
03:43.41Darwin35they welcome anyone and block/kickout noone
03:44.02Darwin35its suppost to be a linux/unix users group
03:44.15lokowhat about jack
03:44.21Darwin35our group deals in linux/freebsd/solaris
03:44.33Darwin35jack is still in PA
03:44.43lokoyes i know
03:44.50lokoi meant concerning block/kickout
03:45.06Can0Beansdidn't WPLUG have a freebsd committer in it's ranks at one time?
03:45.25eipiswk: all hotspots i think that work with nat?
03:45.31Darwin35he should have never been block from the group and the way beth did it was wrong
03:45.47Can0Beanshe was block?
03:45.53Darwin35thats one of the reasons i left the group
03:45.56lokoyou just said they block/kickout noone
03:46.05lokonow you said they blocked him
03:46.24Darwin35they kicked him out and told him not to come back
03:46.29SwKeipi: SIP is sorta like active FTP ... nat screws with it or you need a media proxy thats on a public IP
03:46.51Darwin35and he paid the fee they never refunded me or him
03:47.13Can0BeansThat almost sounds criminal
03:47.16Darwin35i paid min also only to have him tossed 1 week ltr
03:47.43Can0BeansDarwin35, is your keyboard missing letters?
03:48.37Darwin35not just using shorthand
03:48.52eipiswk: then i have to put my *box in dmz?
03:49.28SwKeipi thats the best thing to do
03:50.35rikstaeipi: just forward port 5060 4569 and 10,000 to 20,000 to your asterisk box (all udp)
03:50.37CrashHDanyone notice the line 61 errors for the init script in 1.2.6?
03:50.48eipiok, thnkx... and iptables always on :D
03:51.26eipiriksta: i already have before ask here... but no way, can you help?
03:51.35*** part/#asterisk Can0Beans (
03:51.37rikstaeipi: i just told you all you need to know
03:52.07eipibut what about the phone?
03:52.21eipithe server side i know that's correct, but in the phone?
03:52.40rikstasame thing, if you get no audio the RTP packets arent getting through( thats the ones from 10000 to 20000)
03:53.37rikstaeipi: try this
03:55.06SpaceBasseipi start by limiting the rtp ports in rtp.conf to only like 10 ports... then forward those ports (UDP !!) on the linksys to your * box
03:55.24SpaceBasseipi then in the extension make sure nat=always (i think, or =yes)
03:55.28rikstatheres no point in limiting it to 10 imo
03:55.37rikstaits the same configuration for 10 or 10000
03:55.50*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
03:55.59SpaceBassriksta makes it a little easier to test...and I've seen the linksys routers have problems with massive port ranges
03:56.10SpaceBassriksta otherwise, you are right...not much point
03:56.22rikstaSpaceBass: that's true, now that you mention it, ive seen bugs in linksys firmware too
03:56.29SpaceBassstill...I'd never punch 10,000 holes in my nat router :)
03:56.51rikstaSpaceBass: its safe enough to do
03:57.41SpaceBasseipi if those settings still don't work, it could be either the hotspot's ISP or your ISP blocking something
03:59.09rikstaanyone know what its like to do SIP over openvpn ?
03:59.28DabianYes, I met a guy the other day who did that proffessionally.
03:59.28SpaceBassriksta i would suspect it works fine...i need to play with OpenVPN...still using MS PPTP
03:59.44DabianPPTP is bad, I heard.
03:59.46rikstaDabian: what is the latency like
03:59.59SpaceBassDabian not bad per se...but its not the best...there are some known voulnerbilities
04:00.09rikstai have an openvpn network here i should try it one day
04:00.19DabianSpaceBass : I mean for VoIP.
04:00.27SpaceBassI have OpenVPN on my IPcop router...I should try it
04:00.54rikstathe windows client is a bit of a bitch
04:00.58SpaceBassDabian its great for me...I never have problems... I even used it to connect to my * box while on a SAS flight
04:01.07SpaceBassriksta windows client for OpenVPN?
04:01.09rikstaSpaceBass: PPTP has nat problems
04:01.12rikstaSpaceBass: yes
04:01.24rpmopenswan or racoon pwnz.
04:01.35DabianSpaceBass : You use real SIP VoIP without stun?
04:01.37eipispacebass: but in my phone i have to configure a stun server?
04:01.38SpaceBassI've been meaning to switch to l2tp or what ever
04:02.04SpaceBassDabian I've never really figured out what stun is for
04:02.04eipii tried with or without with no result... no audio
04:02.17rikstaeipi: you need to start reading
04:02.23DabianSpaceBass : I can find link for the RFC if you like.
04:02.47eipiriksta, i already read, but i cant do many tests at office because i dont have two networks... locally works perfectly
04:02.54SpaceBassstun is basically a 3rd party registration service, right?
04:03.17eipino, its like a address proxy
04:03.35SpaceBasseipi, I tried at a public hotspot once with a wifi phone... remember it being a bit of a challenge
04:03.48*** part/#asterisk talljon84 (
04:04.04rikstai have connected to my * box from 1000s of wifi and wired networks around the world and never once had to use STUN or any kind of trickery at all
04:04.19eipispacebass... you say that i do port forwarding from router to *, and point the wifi phone to the router ip, and that's all?
04:04.45SpaceBassi have a static IP for my * box (still behind nat)...I am not really that concerned about security on it...perhaps I should be...but it works for me
04:05.05SpaceBasseipi thats what I do...simple approach and seems to work
04:05.15eipiok, ill try again tomorrow
04:05.31eipibut i already tried without results... and nat=yes at general in sip.conf
04:05.53SpaceBasseipi try nat=always in the specific exten
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04:07.24SpaceBassgood luck
04:07.27SpaceBassI'm hitting the sac
04:08.36CrashHDwhat .so file contains GROUP()?
04:11.08CrashHDahh oops
04:11.12CrashHDfunctions are case sensitive
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04:18.00CrashHDanyway to count total calls in a group category?
04:18.33CrashHDso if I do set(group(INBOUND)=${CALLERIDNUM})
04:18.43CrashHDI would like to count the group and cat as well as total in cat
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04:31.56CrashHDso group_count will not accept a reg ex ??
04:31.59Darwin35man nanpa is a pain
04:32.21Darwin35having to reorder my *XX to match thier conf sucks
04:33.04CrashHDahh nm group_match_count is what I need
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04:38.15exten123Do you ppl know How can we know when new version will release everytime?
04:38.35Qwellexten123: You can't
04:38.47QwellThere is a release when a release is needed
04:39.11exten123who deside the release?
04:39.24Darwin35yes when they announce it on the website and here
04:40.07wasimand on -announce
04:40.17exten123do there got any mile stone for there future release?
04:40.25exten123Wasim, what mean?
04:48.17kimosabehow much are you all paying for a t-1 pri with 50 did right know ??
04:49.43CrashHDok weird question
04:49.55CrashHDI have answer() and some playbacks
04:49.58CrashHDbut they aren't playing
04:50.32CrashHDin the following context:
04:50.36CrashHDany ideas fella's?
04:50.43CrashHDif I comment out the gotoif line they play fine
04:51.04CrashHDit should only play if the criteria is met
04:51.06CrashHDwhich I meet
04:51.18CrashHDand see in my verbose logs that the system is executing the playback functions
04:51.22CrashHDjust nothing heard
04:51.29CrashHDany ideas? this is driving me nuts lol
04:54.00CrashHDmust be dinner time
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04:59.41CrashHDso much fun
05:05.02kimosabesome one here that can tell me how to resolve qos isues on difrent link sites please
05:06.42*** join/#asterisk BugKham (n=lamer@
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05:08.02CrashHDmore info
05:08.23Tiliwhy doesn't asterisk support CNG
05:08.33DabianHow did it go?
05:08.43Tiliis it possible to have silence detection in asterisk and then send CNG packets instead
05:09.16VeNoMouS_wtf is cng
05:09.24wasimcompressed natural gas
05:09.30TiliComfort Noise Generation
05:09.40VeNoMouS_Tili stop making shit up
05:09.46Tiliwasim: having trouble with gas prices han
05:10.08wasimTili: diesel is killing me, we have 3 cars, each car does 3000 per week in petrol/diesel
05:10.12TiliVeNoMouS_: what? it is true. There is no Voice Actvity Detection
05:10.33VeNoMouS_heh i know
05:10.40VeNoMouS_there is actually
05:10.49encoderofl @ compressed natural gas
05:10.53Tiliwasim: yeah, every morning I see long lines of cars on one of gas stations here in China. i think they have timings for providing petrol
05:11.11luke-jr_wasim: do a veggie oil conversion
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05:11.28wasimluke-jr_: biodiesel plant is in process of being made
05:11.31TiliVeNoMouS_: yeah, cuz its killing me. it keeps on giving sending empty voice packets which is not good for network. need to do something about it
05:11.49luke-jr_wasim: veggie oil is readily available
05:11.59wasimluke-jr_: we're working with algae and mustard oil strands
05:12.15wasimluke-jr_: veggie oil is also more expensive than petrodiesel here
05:12.41luke-jr_wasim: most restaurants will give it to you gratis ;)
05:12.51VeNoMouS_fuck this t4 is doing my head in for this tiff crap
05:12.56wasimluke-jr_: not in pk, even used veggie oil is a commodity here
05:12.59Hmmhesaysthis weezer song is a bitch
05:13.26luke-jr_wasim: that sucks
05:13.34*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
05:14.09orlockwasim: actually, diesel has a higher amount of joules per weight/volume compared to petrol
05:14.10orlockit should be cheaper to run, maybe
05:15.13wasimorlock: yeah, and its cheaper 60% of petrol cost here too
05:15.22Tiliwasim: but we found more gas in Pakistan. so we are safe for next 2 decades or so
05:15.35wasimorlock: but the stupid hog of a pajero still wants 90 liters every 4 days
05:16.42*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
05:17.20justinu3000 what per week?
05:18.34Tiliyeah what 3000. it must be pak rupee. 50 USD.
05:18.46justinui get gas once a month, if that
05:18.50Tiliwasim: move to UAR
05:19.24TiliUAE is like 50 DHs for petrol in a week.
05:19.35justinuso what does petrol cost in pk? per liter?
05:20.07luke-jr_maybe $40
05:20.13justinuwe're paying about 3USD per gallon (3.78L)
05:20.27Tilii am away from Pakistan for past few weeks but i think it was something 80 cents a litre
05:20.32Tili80 USD Cents
05:20.44Tilimay be 90
05:20.50justinuso maybe a bit more expensive than here
05:21.03Tiliwhere are u located justinu
05:21.07justinulos angeles
05:21.49Tilii have heard that they found petrol in sea in Pakistan. but USA stopped building rig there as it was oil flowing from Kuwait to that place under ground somehow.
05:21.57bkw__justinu, I was there in feb
05:22.01bkw__for all of 28 hours
05:22.03justinuhave any fun?
05:22.17Tilibkw__: lost all the money or made some
05:22.23Tilioh sorry
05:22.28justinutili: oil is flowing from kuwait to the sea near pakistan?
05:22.40justinuthat's a long way
05:22.49Tiliit was not in Pakistan
05:22.54Tiliit was in arabean sea
05:22.59bkw__I was there to install new gear
05:23.02bkw__at one whilshire
05:23.07bkw__er wilshire
05:23.12bkw__damn I can't type tonight
05:23.12*** part/#asterisk St1ckm4n (n=shortes9@
05:23.13justinudoes that mean asterlink has a west coast pop now?
05:23.23bkw__we have had gear there for over a year now
05:23.28justinuyeah, but does it work now?
05:23.28bkw__its not used for Asterlink stuff yet
05:23.37bkw__yes its not used for that "yet"
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05:23.44bkw__soon grashopper
05:23.49justinulooking forward to that
05:27.35Qwellbkw__: You were here, and didn't stop by? :p
05:28.14QwellI see how it is
05:29.34*** join/#asterisk docE (
05:32.50testshifterany howto for beginner?
05:33.16jbothmm... voip-info is the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
05:33.22Dabiantestshifter : why?  why?
05:33.47testshifterbecause im planning to test/install
05:35.15Dabianmoon: Yeah .. but you gotta make sure you got the money to pay for both your books, the lectures, the room you must live in, and your food, clothes etc.
05:36.10testshifterDo i need to buy additional devices or just PCs will do??
05:36.15b66merif my DIDs are 9700-9710 can I no longer do 9 for outbound calls?
05:36.35Dabiantestshifter : Have you read hackers howto?
05:36.39wasimb66mer: contexts
05:36.47testshifternot yet.. where is it located?
05:36.51testshifterthe hackers howto??
05:36.55b66merthats what I thought!  thanks!
05:36.57Dabiangoogle "howto become a hacker"
05:37.29testshifterhmmnnn.. asterisk docs?
05:37.42jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
05:38.37jboti guess docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
05:38.59Dabianmoon: I am real sleepy.  I guess I must try some commands another day (maybe later today) and then do qos-stat and stuff.  I still don't understand how many pipes there are .. and how to find out which pipe is better .. but I guess you shape how big it is.
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05:52.51Faithfuldoes GSM have a G code ? like G729?
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05:56.42wasimFaithful: yes, GSM
06:00.03VeNoMouS_man i think the only way around this corrupt tif shit from rxfax is to rewrite spandsp to read the page length and if its 0 rewrite the tif page index
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06:05.57Faithfulwasim: enlightening...
06:06.25FaithfulI am shocked then that a sipura-3000 does not support GSM
06:19.50iGotNoTimedoes anyone know where the TFTP root directory is, I am on my 7th page of google results :(
06:20.03QwelliGotNoTime: /tftproot/?
06:20.23iGotNoTimeno wonder it is not on google :(
06:20.52iGotNoTimethank you qwell
06:21.07Qwellfind / -name '*tftp*'
06:21.18Qwell-type d, for bonus points
06:22.22VeNoMouS_<iGotNoTime> does anyone know where the TFTP root directory is, I am on my 7th page of google results :(
06:22.25iGotNoTimei wrote that down!
06:22.26VeNoMouS_where eva u set it
06:22.51iGotNoTimeI didn't set it yet, it is default install right now
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06:25.08kmilitzerMorning everyone ...
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06:37.52Shaun2222with asterisk what is really required in /etc/asterisk for it to work.
06:38.02Shaun2222make samples installed about 50 diffrent confs
06:38.14Shaun2222i want the basics only.
06:39.06harlequin516You really only need to configure the features you want. (and disable the modules you don't want)
06:39.10Qwellgentoo trunk # du -hs /etc/asterisk/
06:39.10Qwell244K    /etc/asterisk/
06:39.18QwellI'm gonna go ahead and say that it doesn't really matter...
06:39.37Shaun2222Qwell: talking about files not size.
06:39.49Shaun2222the samples just have too much crap
06:39.56Shaun2222makes it hard to understand it all
06:40.59Shaun2222does asterisk read configs based on name or does it just go and read anything in that folder or with the .conf extention?
06:42.11Qwellby name
06:42.34Shaun2222and what configs are required as minimal?
06:44.26mcnobodyDoes anyone know Digium TE410P E1 RJ45 pinout?
06:44.42Qwellmcnobody: It isn't RJ45
06:44.50QwellIt's E1
06:45.06SwKmcnobody its a standard pinout for T1/E1 CPE applications
06:45.30mcnobodySwK ok. so pins 1,2 and 4,5 are used
06:45.50SwKi forget which is tx and rx
06:46.08mcnobody1,2 are RX
06:46.47mcnobodyIf I'm right.... =)
06:50.00Shaun2222what is for?
06:50.10Shaun2222gtkconsole sounds like it would be for xwindows
06:50.32wasimSwK: look at the bottom of the page
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07:08.45Shaun2222anybody know what this means... "WARNING[10325]: pbx.c:3740 ast_merge_contexts_and_delete: Requested contexts didn't get merged"
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07:18.14konfuzedsome days it rains and some days it pours - my so called buddy just confirmed arrangements with my other so called buddy (currently working an MS Support Line) to put our weblink to our paid support site on so that my supposed buddy can tell "unsupportable by microsoft"-callers to call us instead.
07:18.19wiseguy_hello, i'm using junghanns quadBRI card, ant i'm getting messages 'Ignoring callwaiting SETUP...'
07:18.22konfuzedlike I dont have enough to worry about
07:18.56konfuzednow they wanaa send me verybody thats too stupid for microsoft to support
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07:19.22brookshirewow.. that's possible?
07:20.07konfuzedsure the link placement is very good marketing but i dont think I ever want to answer the phone again
07:21.36konfuzedbrookshire, i think thats likely only plausible cause one of my two buddies has been answering that support line for more than 6 months
07:21.59konfuzedwith friends like that who needs enemies ;^)
07:22.53konfuzedim currently working on migrating all users I touch over to debian servers and [*]ubuntu workstations
07:24.28konfuzedno doubt im supposed to spit out a free Distributed Virtual Call Centre
07:35.10konfuzedbrookshire, hey can you answer stupid microsoft questions?
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07:36.03konfuzedwe could put you in the support queue and pay by the ticket ;^)
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08:05.18Shaun2222in the iax.conf under each persion you put in their you need a directive called type
08:05.27Shaun2222i see in most examples they use friend as the type
08:05.35Shaun2222what are the valid types and whats the purpose of them?
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08:21.36konfuzedwell sometimes that works
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08:56.00tsumewin 7
08:56.04tsumewhoops :)
08:56.22iDunnoclose :)
08:57.10*** join/#asterisk Astinus- (n=abba@
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09:33.53batman2I need help with astesrisk@home, I will pay you for your time.
09:36.51luke-jr_batman2: wrong channel
09:36.58*** join/#asterisk astra^^ (n=muhajir_@
09:39.38wasimbatman2: $2000 per hour or any part thereof ...
09:41.57wasimk/14:40 <batman2> sure no problem
09:42.04wasimun huh ...
09:43.08astra^^hai i need some help
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09:45.34astra^^how do i forward the calls commin from a sip server to the same ip
09:45.48astra^^to same server
09:45.56astra^^with an tech prefix
09:47.01nettieHi guys, I have a couple of polycoms phones on my lan, connected to my asterisk server at the colo facility. The asterisk server is then connected to my voip provider using sip protocol. The problem is that when I make a call to the pstn network I dont hear any ring/busy tones and so on.. anyone know what could be wrong please? calling lan to lan is fine. thanx in advance
09:47.44fourcheezenettie: have you tried a different client?
09:47.56fourcheezeeven a softphone to see if that has the same problem
09:48.01nettietrying now
09:48.32astra^^how do i forward the calls commin from a sip server to the same ip
09:49.09fourcheezeastra^^: how do you mean?
09:50.13astra^^ie :i am getting calls from a sip server to my asterisk
09:50.42astra^^and asterisk should forward calls with a tech prefix to the same ip
09:51.18fourcheezeyou mean the accounts are tech1, tech2 etc
09:51.40fourcheezeor rather the extensions are
09:51.43fourcheezeso you want
09:52.03nettiefourcheeze exaclty the same with xten too
09:52.04fourcheezeexten => _tech.,1,Dial(SIP/,60,t)
09:52.20fourcheezenettie: try a different sip provider
09:52.41fourcheezeif it works with them then you need to talk to your sip provider and ask how they are sending call progress information
09:53.17nettieuhmm I rememeber I read something regarding inband call progress with polycom
09:53.54nettieon the asterisk console I can see the handover
09:54.13*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
09:54.21nettieit's actually passing the call
09:56.03astra^^fourcheeze: as before we get usualcalls from 216
09:56.10astra^^from an ip
09:56.19astra^^wjith a prefix say 123
09:56.21Modcutswhats peoples views on using speex over g729?
09:56.38zoaits better, cheaper
09:56.41zoabut less supported
09:56.44nettiefourcheeze progressinband=no didnt help.. so .. no idea.. I'll try a diff carrier to figure out if it works or not
09:57.09astra^^and now i should forwared the calls comming from the sip server back to the same server witha new prefix
09:57.30nettiefourcheeze because the mobile phone I'm calling doesnt even recognize the polycom hangup
09:57.37fourcheezeastra^^: just make sure that the incoming calls are in some context
09:57.46fourcheezeand then you can dial wherever you like
09:58.07fourcheezezoa: I'm not sure I find speex "better"
09:58.14fourcheezeit doesn't sound as good to my ears
09:58.27fourcheezemaybe I have bad ears
09:59.13nettiefourcheeze: yes.. with the other carrier rings
09:59.18nettiefourcheeze: damn!
09:59.28fourcheezethought as much
09:59.47Modcutszoa: cheers, thinking of changing our system on speex as i'm getting quality complents
10:00.40zoait will not make an audible difference for most people
10:00.40fourcheezeModcuts: complaints about g729?
10:00.40zoa+ you need to configure it
10:00.40zoaand that is poorly documented
10:00.40fourcheezeastra^^: so if you have calls from that server in a context you can just do something like
10:01.12fourcheezeastra^^: exten => _tech.,1,Dial(newprefix${EXTEN:4}@otherserver,60)
10:01.23astra^^yes right
10:01.24fourcheezeor something like that
10:01.50X-GenModcuts: dont u need plenty of cpu to handle speex ?
10:02.01astra^^actually right now the situation is that i am gettin call from an ip and i am fwding the call to different ip
10:02.02X-Genlike...plenty plenty plenty
10:02.11nettiefourcheeze: anything else I can try?
10:02.21fourcheezenettie: not off the top of my head
10:02.27astra^^i have a context to recieve calls
10:02.33fourcheezeI'm not an expert on polycoms, as my next question will make clear....
10:02.34astra^^from an ip
10:02.36nettiefourcheeze: I tried with other 2 carriers, 1 is fine the other has the same problem
10:02.50nettiefourcheeze: that's a polycom related issue then?
10:02.55fourcheezenot necessarily
10:02.57astra^^now i need to fwd the calls comin to the context to that same ip with a new prefix
10:03.16fourcheezenettie: is asterisk between the polycoms and the sip provider?
10:03.17*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
10:03.27nettiefourcheeze: yes
10:03.57fourcheezesee if the provider has a guide on configuration with asterisk
10:04.13fourcheezeastra^^: the same IP as what?
10:04.26nettiefourcheeze I'll check..
10:04.39fourcheezeOK, I got a polycom 601
10:04.46fourcheezeseems to only have a bootloader
10:04.53astra^^fourcheeze: ie wher i am getting calls from (SIP Server) .
10:04.55fourcheezelooking here:
10:05.01fourcheezewhich of those files do I want?
10:05.16fourcheezeok, so box A calls box B
10:05.26fourcheezeastra^^: and box B wants to send the call back to A
10:05.30fourcheezewith a different prefix
10:05.36astra^^yep right
10:05.44fourcheezeI think that's what my example does
10:06.06fourcheezeso tech wants to become something else
10:06.16fourcheezesupport let's say
10:06.45fourcheezeexten => _tech.,1,Dial(support${EXTEN:4}@boxa,60)
10:07.22fourcheezeassuming "boxa" resolves to that box
10:07.27fourcheezeyou can use the box IP there if you want
10:07.37fourcheezeor are there many box As?
10:07.54Modcutsxgen: maybe i should stick g729, i'm not sure if it's codec or external provider quality issues
10:08.21astra^^1 box a
10:08.36fourcheezeok, so does that work?
10:10.04astra^^what is the domain wher i can plaste the conf?
10:10.09astra^^is it pastebin
10:10.35*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
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10:11.15jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
10:11.26astra^^ya right
10:12.58fourcheezeanyone know which firmware to use for a polycom 601?
10:13.41*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:19.18astra^^fourcheeze:   tis is my present conf
10:19.30astra^^can u please look into it
10:23.04nettiefourcheeze found a manual.. didnt help
10:23.10nettiefourcheeze same issues
10:23.23nettiefourcheeze I'll google a bit around to see if I can see soemthing
10:23.42fourcheezeastra^^: ok, I looked at it
10:24.00fourcheezenettie: yeah, or maybe phone the provider
10:24.06astra^^what are the changes to be made
10:25.26astra^^fourcheeze:so that it meets the present requirement
10:26.16RoyKzoa: ping
10:26.29Dabian[olli] : For me?
10:35.06joelsolankiHello all
10:35.09astra^^fourcheeze: any idea can u please check and tell me what are the changes .211563 should be prefid and sent bck to that host ip
10:35.38fourcheezeastra^^: I don't see how your existing setup works at all
10:35.51joelsolankiI want to change the field in mysql for asterisk-addson which logs cdrs in mysql.
10:35.53*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
10:36.00joelsolankiis this possible by just changing the field.
10:36.15joelsolankior do i need to change the code in asterisk-adds on ?
10:36.18joelsolankiany hints plz
10:36.19astra^^existing set up is just mere forwarding calls comin in from a server to a different server
10:37.05astra^^now i need a set up as calls comin from serverA to Same server A with 211563 prefix
10:37.17astra^^i get calls with 123 prefix from server A
10:37.46astra^^change the prefix  from 123 to 211563...
10:37.58astra^^and sent back to server A
10:38.04astra^^any idea
10:40.49fourcheezeI think I already told you
10:40.56fourcheezetell me why that doesn't work
10:41.22astra^^it will work can u please paste it in the bin please
10:46.32fourcheezecan't you do that?
10:46.52astra^^i lost what u typed last
10:46.58astra^^am sorry
10:48.14RoyKops. asterisk crashed.....
10:48.42joelsolankiany plz provide hints
10:49.25*** join/#asterisk hackeron (n=hackeron@gentoo/user/hackeron)
10:49.48RoyKjoelsolanki: just use the userfield....
10:50.29joelsolankiRoyk: means ?
10:51.00joelsolankiRoyk: right now i m using asterisk-addson to log the cdrs in mysql. but i want to rename the fields
10:51.04hackeronhey, how do I get asterisk to allow a group of people to press a flashing button on the phone to pick up another ringing phone?
10:51.16joelsolankiRoyk: i tried to rename but after that it doesnt log the call in mysql
10:51.33RoyKwhy the fsck do you want to rename them????
10:52.02RoyKasterisk uses hardcoded field names
10:52.06joelsolankii m setting up the billing system. and my boss needs that this parameters should be renamed for clarity.
10:52.14joelsolankiyes i understand but....
10:52.15RoyKcreate a view for your boss
10:52.26RoyKor a view for asterisk to work with
10:52.34joelsolankiview ?
10:52.37RoyKgiven you've got mysql 5, that'll work well
10:52.55joelsolankii dont have mysql 5. i have older version :(
10:53.08RoyKthen your fucked
10:53.11X-Genmysql supports views ?!?! *gasp* they have come a long way
10:53.34RoyKX-Gen: mysql 5 has ome quite a bit further than the 4.x crap
10:53.40joelsolankiRoyk: will the Set(CDR(userfield)=yourtext) will work ?
10:53.54RoyKjoelsolanki: not for renaming fields, no
10:54.16joelsolankioh shit
10:54.36RoyKjoelsolanki: upgrade to mysql 5, use postgresql or something other real, or hit your boss on the head :)
10:54.37X-Gendb2 rahter
10:54.43fourcheezeastra^^: replace newprefix with you prefix
10:54.59joelsolankihehe :) i will test the view in mysql5
10:55.13batman2which SIP program has on hold feature?
10:55.14joelsolankiRoyk: anyway what is view ?
10:55.53wasimjoelsolanki: fjords, lots of them ...
10:56.00fourcheezecan anyone advise on a polycom firmware?
10:56.05fourcheezelike which file I want?
10:56.19*** join/#asterisk sshadow (
10:56.23RoyKjoe: it's a stored query you can treat as a table
10:56.36RoyKjoelsolanki: that was for you
10:56.37fourcheezeRoyK: that's starting to sound interesting
10:56.42joelsolankioh ok.
10:56.49fourcheezedoes this mean I can map realtime stuff onto my own schema?
10:56.56*** join/#asterisk Hermis (n=guitarug@
10:57.01joelsolankiRoyk: thanks. let me study it. :(
10:57.05RoyKfourcheeze: that's the whole point of views :)
10:57.06fourcheezemight have to play with that
10:57.20RoyKyou just create a view for asterisk to use
10:57.23HermisIs Asterisk support SSC 7 signalling over E1?
10:57.28hackeronanyone? - what is it even called when you pick up other people's phone?
10:57.36RoyKHermis: bug wasim about it
10:57.39Hermissorry CCS 7
10:57.43wasimHermis: oui
10:57.46astra^^fourcheeze:am gettin this message
10:57.51astra^^Mar 29 04:56:43 WARNING[1059]: app_dial.c:979 dial_exec_full: Dial argument takes format (technology/[device:]number1)
10:58.04wasimHermis: you have three options, cosini, xygnada and chan_ss7
10:58.14wasimHermis: cosini is the most mature, but most expensive also
10:58.16viperdudehi guys is there anyway to play a file to a called party before the caller gets bridged?
10:58.23wasimHermis: xygnada is new, and works beautifully
10:58.33wasimHermis: chan_ss7 is prenatal stage at this point
10:58.34astra^^ouch ...
10:58.38astra^^it hurts
10:58.40fourcheezeastra^^: looks like you're missing a SIP/
10:58.55astra^^am dailling froma softphone x-lite
10:59.09Hermis2wasim I need to use E1 in Russia with CCS7 will it work?
10:59.50fourcheezeastra^^: SIP/ as the first bit of your Dial()
11:01.46wasimHermis: yes it does
11:02.28*** join/#asterisk ^rage^ (n=cih@
11:02.45astra^^fourcheeze:chears... u are gr8
11:02.53fourcheezeyeah, I know
11:03.01astra^^thank dude
11:03.09astra^^thank you very much
11:03.23astra^^even though i get a error message
11:03.35astra^^Mar 29 05:01:53 NOTICE[1080]: chan_sip.c:9524 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"muhajir" <sip:1000@>;tag=as6322f9ff'
11:06.23fourcheezeastra^^: looks like you need a user for the server
11:06.29^rage^* can support SS-7 signaling system?
11:07.54Dabiannbd: I guess I can translate the syntax from iptables to ebtables .. but I don't understand how you figure out which devices to use (unless you use the name of the file)
11:08.04Dabianwrong window
11:10.45subdolus^rage^ pretty much
11:11.06subdolushas support for FXO/FXS cards
11:12.05*** join/#asterisk Ahrimanes (n=michael@
11:12.24Ahrimaneshm, is there any special configuration needed to allow users to forward voicemail messages to other users?
11:15.08astra^^fourcheeze:user for my asterisk server or the server which i am forwarding to ?
11:15.37fourcheezedoes the server you're forwarding to know to accept incoming calls from the other server?
11:15.53*** part/#asterisk sshadow (
11:16.00astra^^but tey are saying they do not have any authentication
11:16.11astra^^no user name and pwd
11:16.36fourcheezeyou'll have to figure that one out
11:16.58astra^^yep... trying to figure out
11:17.02*** join/#asterisk _Soul_ (
11:17.07astra^^thanks once again
11:17.26astra^^no problemif i ask more doubts later on ..right...  :)
11:18.21muti have some fxs cards hooked into a pbx
11:18.30mutis there a way to detect faxes
11:18.41mutand if detected send it out to an fxo line
11:19.07wasimactually, fax,1,()
11:19.24wasim'tis been a long time since i played with paper thingies
11:20.08mutwhers that documented
11:25.58nettiehey guys anyone know what couldbe the problem please?
11:25.59nettieMar 29 13:20:18 WARNING[17954]: chan_sip.c:9552 handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to
11:26.08nettieim sure the password is correct
11:26.30nettiebecause asterisk registers to the voip provider with that password
11:27.06wasimsip debug it
11:27.11mutso wasim..
11:27.19muti'ed have to record the fax and send it back out
11:27.28mutcause if i answer the line the fax will start sending stuff correct?
11:27.46wasimeh? no
11:27.53mutso i can answer()
11:28.11mutthen in my fax exten i can dial zap/1 ${EXTEN} ?
11:28.17mutor how does the number get passed?
11:28.26wasimanswer() fax,1,Dial(zap/1/3429348)
11:28.28wasimwhat number?
11:28.35mutthe number the fax machine dialed
11:28.52wasimyou picked it up in the answer()
11:29.03muthow does it get passed to the fax exten tho
11:29.10mutneed to set a global?
11:29.14mutor does one exist?
11:29.33*** join/#asterisk eipi (
11:30.05RoyKmut: don't trust wasim, muslim terrorist!
11:30.42wasimooh eclipse ...
11:30.53fourcheezeOoooh clouds...
11:31.37nettiesip debug doesnt show anything interesting :(
11:31.58RoyKwasim: is it total down there?
11:33.39*** join/#asterisk duckz (n=duckz@
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11:35.14txtNationAnyone had any luck compiling Asterisk on a Solaris 10 SPARC 64 machine?
11:35.47DabiantxtNation : Hard to say, unless there are some listening in now, that actually did it themselves.
11:35.53AhrimanestxtNation: what os?
11:36.15DabianAhrimanes : "*Solaris 10* sparc 64 machine" ...
11:36.45Ahrimanesno, i think someone i know did it on a freebsd sparc 64 tho
11:36.59txtNationI'm fairly new to Solaris, so I'm not too sure on what to look for.
11:37.09txtNationUnless in my sleep-deprived state, I'm missing a flag for a 64-bit compile.
11:37.24DabiantxtNation : You could dump solaris and pour some freebsd on the disk?
11:37.28wasimdammed mice, first they were after the moon, and now the sun too ...
11:37.41txtNationDabian, got to stick with Solaris 10 for compatiblity reasons.
11:38.04Ahrimaneswasim: huh?
11:38.10DabiantxtNation : You'll get your donkey busted if you waste the Solaris?
11:38.18txtNationDabian, precisely. :P
11:38.25Dabianok :)
11:38.26*** join/#asterisk _4d4m_ (n=adam@
11:38.52txtNation"Ah, you've fubared our $15k piece of equipment. Now how would you like to be castrated?"
11:39.10GolobTGGhi all, does anyone have any thoughts about cisco callmanager (express) vs asterisk? our company will be deploying voip and some people here are cisco fans
11:39.19*** join/#asterisk kardecallan (
11:39.24txtNationDabian, got another question.
11:39.41txtNationWe've got a Digium TDM400P, 1 incoming and 3 extensions.
11:39.48txtNationCan we just utilize softphones to allow for more extensions?
11:41.05DabiantxtNation : As our friendly muslim terrorist say, i don't see why not.  I am prolly not the right person to ask about that.  I seldom use softphones.
11:41.18txtNationDitto, but we're waiting on an order of phones. ¬_¬
11:41.26DabiantxtNation : Besides, I don't have a Digium TDM400P ;-)
11:41.40txtNationI'm not trained to deal with VOIP or Asterisk in the least, yet somehow it got deferred to me.
11:41.54GolobTGGphones are just softphones in a nice hw package anyway...
11:42.13wasimor not so nice ... case in point barbietone ...
11:42.41GolobTGGpoint taken
11:43.04txtNationOh yeah, it's the eclipse.
11:43.44Ahrimanesheavy cloud coverage here.. so cant see it
11:44.06txtNationI'm in South West England, a day without cloud coverage is a rarity.
11:44.25Ahrimanessame here in denmark atm it seems
11:45.05txtNationOh for the love of God, now they want to me to implement Bulk SMS Wap Push.
11:45.12iDunnothe ecclipse has been and gone in England, hasn't it... it was at 10.45 or something?
11:45.41smeevilcould someone please tell me why i do not hear anything when using musiconhold ? in asterisk i see : -- Executing Answer("SIP/668-440c", "") in new stack  , -- Executing MusicOnHold("SIP/668-440c", "") in new stack ,-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'SIP/668-440c' .....but there is no sound
11:45.50txtNationiDunno, see your name. :P
11:46.40smeevilin musiconhold.conf i have mode=mp3 directory=/usr/share/asterisk/mohmp3 (which contains some mp3 files) and random=yes
11:46.40*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:46.56caio1982~seen coppice?
11:47.08jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 4h 43m 1s ago, saying: 'why don't you just get some speakerphones?'.
11:47.08wasimsmeevil: read perms?
11:47.08smeevilmight be , hold on
11:47.53caio1982hmm :(
11:48.04smeevilwasim, nope permissions are correct
11:48.16smeevilwasim, only see one warning Mar 29 14:47:28 WARNING[9189]: res_musiconhold.c:833 moh_register: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing...  Sound may be choppy.
11:48.39wasimsmeevil: yeh, you need a timing device, like a zap card or ztdummy
11:49.09smeevili have capi , (hfc-s) how can i use those ?
11:49.27smeevilwasim, i mean, they are working :) but how can i tell musiconhold to use them for timing ?
11:49.29*** join/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
11:50.36RoyKzoa: hello?
11:50.51caio1982has someone here ever seen "switching equipment congestion" using unicall with mfc/r2 protocol? i used a radcom performer to test the signalling and the machine just freezes (asterisk process) until the error appears in the log
11:51.27caio1982maybe radcom is sending too much data over the network to my machine, i dont know...
11:52.15wasimsmeevil: it should automatically, afaik
11:52.24wasimsmeevil: try adding a ztdummy also
11:53.16txtNationMemory: 8184M real, 6834M free, 195M swap in use, 8476M swap free - Yargh. :)
11:53.37smeevilthat did work yes, though still no music. if i use MP3Player , then it does work
12:05.19eipii think that's a common question: how i can change the pager email from?
12:10.18fourcheezewhat's the default gui login for a polycom?
12:11.32_4d4m_hi all.. we have an isdn30 and a traditional pbx with 20 phones, and are looking at voip-enabling. we want to integrate our old system with our IP network rather than replace the old one.  An * server will then be hosted remotely to manage all calls/extensions.  Any suggestion on the harwdare we should be looking at to handle the integration? Any help appreciated.
12:13.48Dabianpbx is like a switchboard, right?
12:13.59wasim_4d4m_: a digium or sangoma e1 card, a pc
12:14.33fourcheezesome utp cables
12:14.41wasim_4d4m_: get a 2e1 card, plug the ISDN30 into 1 port, and the PBX into the other port
12:14.43fourcheezemore coffee
12:15.38_4d4m_thanks all.. am looking at some of the product info online now..
12:16.51*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=grb@
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12:25.00skefflingAnyone know what "Write to 80 failed: Unknown error 500" and Short write: 0/15 (Unknown error 500) means? -this happens jsut before yellow alarms detected
12:25.19skeffling...using a TE410P
12:25.58nettiefourcheeze I'm having authentication issues on outgoing calls. I'm sure username and password are fine because I can register properly. Do you know if there's a debug switch to see what's really happening ?? any idea?
12:26.23fourcheezesip debug peer
12:26.35fourcheezeand put the name of your peer after that
12:27.29_4d4m_wasim: so E1 -> PC w/ TE210 + * -> old PBX. This would allow us to effectively manage ingress/egress without needing to modify the old architecture seamlessly?
12:29.20nettiefourcheeze did that.. cant see anything interesrting
12:29.37fourcheezeyou could a tcpdump
12:29.45*** join/#asterisk sambal (
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12:31.10smeevilwhat is the best way to debug musiconhold ?
12:31.41wasim_4d4m_: yeah
12:31.47nettiefourcheeze I just ee a 403 forbidden message
12:31.53Ahrimanesanyone feel like patching format_mp3 so that it can do streams as well?
12:31.53wasim_4d4m_: ofcourse my service charges also!
12:32.11wasimAhrimanes: app_ices?
12:32.12nettiealso 401 unauthorized
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12:32.27Ahrimaneswasim: oh it's there? in addons?
12:32.59sambaldid anyone ever used chan_ss7?
12:33.20wasimsambal: partially, but its not ready for a real network yet
12:35.20fourcheezeRoyK: wtf is dakota fanning?
12:35.21Ahrimanessambal: hm app_ices relies on external application like moh used to do with mpg123 ?
12:36.03tzangerwhat ring # on the polycoms is silent?
12:37.34_4d4m_wasim: cheers mate.. much appreciated!
12:38.18x86what does app_ices do exactly? where does it stream to?
12:38.27x86a phone?
12:38.59Ahrimanesx86: whoever is at the other end of the channel you start app_ices on
12:39.32x86so why use it instead of something like Playback or Background?
12:40.07Ahrimanesto stream from an icecast server?
12:40.28x86ah, it acts as a receiver then
12:40.39fourcheezeon the polycoms in the sip register section, what does it want in the "address" box?
12:40.44x86or, proxy almost ;)
12:40.55Ahrimanesx86: it receives a stream from an icecast server and plays it to the caller
12:41.28fourcheezethere seem to be too many places to put a registrar/proxy in
12:44.18pigpen2Question:  When I check my voicemail from my polycom 601 (via speaker phone) the voicemail attendant says "assword."  Any way to increase the lead time of this prompt?  I am doing a deployment for a Church.....hehe
12:45.36fourcheezepigpen2: rerecord and click your fingers before the word starts
12:45.38nettiepigpen2 lol!!!!
12:46.07pigpen2yeah....that is what I was thinking...
12:46.28pigpen2at least the people here have a good sense of humor  (Baptists)
12:47.03pigpen2hmm...maybe I can play a 1 sec of silence to bring the speaker phone up...
12:47.04x86at least they're good for something :P
12:48.01*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
12:48.20ManxPowerugh.  mornings.  evil.
12:48.30pigpen2Get your coffee....
12:48.59nettiefourcheeze everything seems to be fine .. but I still cant dial out.. everytime Forbidden.. do you think could be a specific asterisk configuration issue with that ISP?
12:49.21fourcheezenettie: what exactly are you doing at that point?
12:49.40smeevilgrmbl, why does MP3Player work fine, and MusicOnHold only gives silence, no matter if it gets mp3s or raw files.....
12:49.47nettiehey ManxPower gmorning
12:50.13nettieManxPower all nat issues have been solved
12:50.26ManxPowernettie, how did you solve them?
12:50.46nettieManxPower I think I had a bad sip.conf
12:51.06nettieI didnt figured out exactly but I wrote a new one from scratch
12:51.16nettieand all the problems went away
12:51.37pigpen2gotta love sip
12:51.39*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
12:51.59nettienow I'm bitching with "call progress" seems my carrier is not passing it correctly..
12:52.20ManxPowernettie, analog or digital?
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12:52.36nettiefourcheeze suggested me to try with a different carrier.. I tried and it works .. so I think that could be a specific conf issue
12:53.47ManxPoweroh!  a sip provider.
12:54.03ManxPowernettie, make sure you have an /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
12:54.30nettielet's see :)
12:54.53nettieit's there.. country code is wrong.. says us :)
12:55.07nettiethe default one..
12:55.14nettiedo you think will make differences?
12:56.01ManxPowernettie, no.
12:56.24nettiethose are there
12:57.25ManxPowernettie, also be sure not to use the "r" option to Dial
12:58.21nettienot using it..
12:58.22nettieexten => _0.,1,Dial(SIP/enerjetica-out/${EXTEN:1})
12:58.22nettieexten => _0.,2,Congestion()
12:58.22nettieexten => _0.,102,Congestion()
12:58.39tzangerwhy does everyone use congestion like that...
12:58.45tzangerit's so... unfriendly
12:59.02nettietzanger I'm open to suggestion :)
12:59.26tzangernettie: Dial, use 'g', then wait 30 seconds, then indicate congestion
12:59.41smeevilis it possible to use musiconhold for sip channels ?
12:59.42tzangeralso dial jumps to n+101 with option j and for many reasons, not just congestion
12:59.47ManxPowersmeevil, yes
13:00.02tzangerso parse out the DIALSTATUS and play the correct indication (busy, congestion, SIT, etc.)
13:00.19smeevilManxPower, trying to figure out why everything seems to be fine, but only thing i hear when MusicOnHold runs is silence
13:00.25tzangernettie: I have macro for that actually...  so my Dial() is usually Dial(,g) and then Macro(handle-hangup)
13:00.33ManxPowerthere are samples of using DIALSTATUS in macro-stdexten in extensions.conf.sample
13:00.38tzangerbut that's beside the point...  you're not getting proper tones from your provider
13:01.15nettieI'll definitely move in the "fine tuning area" as soon as I get this thing do basic stuff properly :)
13:01.42tzangerI was just commenting on how people almost universally configure the PBX to blast congestion at every opportunity
13:02.05ManxPowerwe all hate our users, that's why.,
13:02.10nettieI appreciated your input ..
13:02.12tzangerbesides being annoying 99.99999999% of people I deal with say "all I get is busy"
13:02.16tzangerManxPower: haha
13:02.26nettieyeah it's to give them less options
13:03.07ManxPower"Is it a busy or a fasy busy?"  *blank stare* *silence*
13:03.28nettiethe othe rissue I have is related to authentication of outgoing calls
13:03.49Dabian*pull shotgun* * B L A M *
13:03.52nettieit keeps saying the password is wrong and I get 401 and 404 error codes
13:03.59tzangerManxPower: yep
13:04.11nettieof course it registers properly with the supplier password.
13:04.11coppicetzanger: is the congestion caused by H5N1?
13:04.21tzangercoppice: no, death is caused by H5N1
13:04.28tzangerand coughing up feathers
13:04.34nettiethat's pretty strange too
13:04.56tzangernettie: get a sip debug pastebinned
13:05.13tzangernettie: 404 is "can't get there from here" and 401 is "you're not allowed to get there from here"
13:05.23nettieseems I get both
13:05.35nettieand that's only with a particular carrier..
13:05.40tzangerboth seem to indicate that you're either in the wrong context or not supplying the number correctly
13:05.42*** join/#asterisk hwt (n=hwt@
13:05.52tzangerI'd call that particular carrier and bitch at them :-)
13:06.21hwthey, can someone point me in direction to a few _very compact_ extensions.conf examples?
13:06.31tzangerhwt here's a very compact one:
13:06.32wasimhwt: .,1,Hangup()
13:06.36tzangerexten => _X.,1,Hangup
13:06.49tzangerwasim: won't work, you didn't use _ to indicate pattern matching :-)
13:06.51*** join/#asterisk Z0m81e (
13:06.52wasimgreat minds think alike ...
13:06.54hwtor, a bundle of configuration files without much.
13:07.26tzangerhwt: what are you trying to accomplish?  That's a more useful question and one we can help with
13:07.47hwttzanger: okay. i want to be able to dial between phones on the lan (just experimenting now).
13:07.59tzangerhwt: ok... well you can do that with Dial() and nothing more
13:08.00hwttzanger: they are added to sip.conf and is able to register and dial 1000 and 500.
13:08.02Z0m81ehello all, can anyone tell me why our asterisk console spams Mar 29 14:05:15 NOTICE[29351]: sched.c:296 ast_sched_del: Attempted to delete nonexistent schedule entry 0!
13:08.27hwttzanger: and now i want to be able to dial between them. i've added a few simple dialplans in the [local] context, and still get 404.
13:08.46fourcheezeis there some secret to getting the polycoms to use g729?
13:08.48hwttzanger: exten => 5678,1,Dial(SIP/5678,10)
13:08.51fourcheezeI've selected it as "first"
13:08.53tzangerhwt: what does your sip.conf look like for [1000] and [500]?  (use
13:08.55hwttzanger: and more.
13:09.22tzangerManxPower: nettie's pastebin is at
13:09.25smeevilcould anyone please tell me where to look when you see -- Executing SetMusicOnHold("SIP/668-a29b", "default") in new stack  , -- Executing WaitMusicOnHold("SIP/668-a29b", "30") in new stack, but hear nothing
13:09.27tzangernettie: line 3 is you rproblem
13:09.34tzangerit's pretty straightforward :-)
13:09.55nettieleme read
13:09.59hwttzanger: <-- sip.conf
13:10.17nettietzanger nah
13:10.29nettietzanger that's just a client which is not defined
13:10.39nettietzanger ignore it please
13:10.47hwttzanger: <-- extensions.conf
13:11.41tzangerhwt: what context is [5678] and [5679] in?  There is no context= line in their config, which means (unless I'm mistaken) that they end up in [default], which is not what you want
13:12.00tzangernettie: hmm
13:12.06hwttzanger: i just specifu [context] above those lines?
13:12.09*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
13:12.34tzangerhwt: no, you say context=somewhere
13:12.42tzangerwhere somewhere is [somewhere] in extensions.conf that you want them
13:12.44astra^^hello all
13:12.56tzangerhwt: in this case (for simplicity), say context=local for each
13:12.59astra^^Mar 29 05:01:53 NOTICE[1080]: chan_sip.c:9524 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"muhajir" <sip:1000@>;tag=as6322f9ff'
13:13.01tzangerhwt: and issue a sip reload
13:13.11astra^^i get tis message wen i dail any number
13:13.31astra^^  => sip and ext cof in heree
13:13.31hwttzanger: okay, that worked. thanks.
13:14.00hwttzanger: what is the Right Way of doing it?
13:14.07hwttzanger: since you specify "for simplicity".
13:14.19tzangerhwt: basically the sip user (friend is both user&peer) needs to know where to dump their call request in the dialplan.  without that it assumes [default] and you never want that
13:14.29astra^^i am trying to fowared the calls comin in with the extension 123 to the same server with different prefix
13:14.35tzangerhwt: I would do something like context=officephones or something
13:14.44astra^^anyone please ..
13:14.49tzangeractually hwt
13:15.20tzangerthen have a [office_extensions] context that does nothing but
13:16.07tzangerexten => _XXXX,1,Macro(OfficeExtension,${EXTEN})
13:16.15*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:16.19pigpen2I have about 50 polycom 601' there a way to get each phone to read one xml directory file?
13:16.27hwttzanger: that seems compact, yes. nice, thanks.
13:16.47tzangerthen make a [macro-OfficeExtension] macro which sets up to do whatever you want... dial, drop to voicemail after so many seconds, allow *72-style call forwarding, whatever
13:17.02tzangerbut your [officephones] context would
13:17.06tzangerinclude = office_extensions
13:17.12tzangerinclude = international
13:17.37tzangerwhich means that anyone dumped into the [officephones] context can call office extensions and also dial out internationally
13:17.44astra^^  => sip and ext cof in heree
13:17.57*** part/#asterisk X-Gen (
13:18.01hwttzanger: where do i specify the macro?
13:18.08tzangernettie: it really looks like your credentials are wrong for that provider
13:18.39tzangerhwt: in extensions.conf.  check out the asterisk handbook draft on digium's site, and perhaps check out blitzrage's (and others') book: Asterisk: The Future of Telephony
13:18.44tzangerall of this is explained very well
13:18.57hwttzanger: thanks a lot.
13:19.14tzangernp.  you'll hvae a killer dialplan in under a week
13:19.26caio1982coppice: hey, i just sent an email to you. i thought you wouldnt be around, since we're hmmm 12 hours away from each other
13:19.27tzangerManxPower has some wicked standard extension macros on his site
13:20.00*** join/#asterisk umay (
13:20.22fourcheezetzanger: which site is that?
13:20.35tzangerastra^^: you're trying to forward any call starting with 123 to some OTHER server?
13:20.38nettietzanger that's unlikely..
13:21.17tzangernettie: that's kind of what it looks like.  the far side is saying "whozat?" and you're saying "I'm a friend of Fat Tony" and the other side's saying "Well we gots a problem.. Fat Tony's got no friends"
13:21.35tzangerfourcheeze: I think.  google for manxpower and fnords
13:21.40nettietzanger I can register successfully with the same user and pass
13:21.41tzangeror just ask him, he's here
13:21.45astra^^tzanger: no to the same server wher i get te call from
13:21.49tzangernettie: doesn't necessarily mean you're allowed ot pass calls
13:21.51nettietzanger I'll try with "Fat Albert" :)
13:21.56tzangernettie: :-)
13:22.12tzangerastra^^: so this is on server A and you want to get a call and send it to server B
13:22.12fourcheezenettie: there's username and authentication username, make sure they are both what they shoudl be
13:22.56tzangerastra^^: it looks like that should work.  you may want to split it up and see if *'s having a problem with mixing the two together.
13:23.05nettiefourcheeze fourcheeze I have username= and fromuser= defined
13:23.18tzangerastra^^: i.e. _123.,1,Set(NUM=${EXTEN:3})
13:23.26coppicecaio1982: when you get congestion all the time, the usual reason is the other end os not configured properly, and cannot handle any calls
13:23.28astra^^server a with prefix 123 ==>asterisk sents call with prefix  211563===>server A
13:23.33tzangerastra^^: i.e. _123.,2,Set(NEWNUM=211563${NUM))
13:23.46tzangerastra^^: i.e. _123.,2,Dial(SIP/${NEWNUM},60)
13:23.52tzangerer make that last one ,3,
13:23.59caio1982coppice: even when it's for R2 signalling only?
13:24.03tzangerastra^^: uh
13:24.07tzangerastra^^: why the hell are you using dial then?
13:24.18astra^^but i get an error while i place a call:
13:24.19astra^^Mar 29 07:21:19 NOTICE[1333]: chan_sip.c:9524 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"muhajir" <sip:1000@>;tag=as152bfcbd'
13:24.37tzangerastra^^: why not just exten => _123,1,Goto(SOME_CONTEXT,211563${EXTEN:3},1)
13:24.47tzangerastra^^: why not just Goto?  Why try to call back in to the same box?
13:24.51coppicecaio1982: it makes no difference whether it is R2, ISDN or something else. if it cannot handle calls you will get some form of congestion signal
13:25.14astra^^exten => _123.,1,Dial(SIP/211563${EXTEN:3}@,60)
13:25.26caio1982coppice: i suspect it is a radcom's fault but now i have to prove that, but anyway i wanted to be sure unicall/r2 is okay... later i'll test it a bit more, thanks :)
13:25.27ManxPowerdon't dial by ip address!!!!!!!
13:25.28tzangerastra^^: is this box
13:25.42astra^^tismy context wher take example :207 ip is the sip server wher i get call from
13:26.13astra^^i am forwarding calls comin to this ipwith some other prefix
13:26.18Z0m81eDoes anyone know why our * server spams this: Mar 29 14:05:15 NOTICE[29351]: sched.c:296 ast_sched_del: Attempted to delete nonexistent schedule entry 0!
13:26.18stoffellManxPower, can you share your site's url ? or is it ?
13:26.35tzangerastra^^: sure, but why Dial() yourself?  You already have the call, just Goto() the correct context/extension
13:26.40*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
13:27.02ManxPowerstoffell, I don't have a site anymre
13:27.07coppiceManxPower: I wonder what interesting number dialing 127001 or 19216811 might reach :-)
13:27.34stoffelloooh, okay, thanks ManxPower ;)
13:28.11astra^^tzanger:can u please make the changes to be made in the pastebin :
13:28.22caio1982coppice: does your r2 code comes with any ISDN error message or something? that isdn message when testing r2 confused me too
13:28.32*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
13:29.00Splatwhat codecs do people suggest using?
13:29.13RoyKpeople suggest lots of things
13:29.13tzangerastra^^: no, I just told you what to do:  _123.,1,Goto(211563${EXTEN:3},1)
13:29.14[ProB]CrazyManhow gets the src value set ? I get there from my dect phones an horribly sign Þ
13:29.26tzangerastra^^: if you are wanting it in a different context, then Goto(context,211563...)
13:29.29RoyKSplat: i suggest using the one that works best for you
13:29.51*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
13:30.01*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:30.03coppiceISDN errors are pretty much a superset of all other telephony errors. I use the ISDN codes for all signalling protocols. This error (congestion) has been reported as a tone signal by the far end
13:30.41ManxPowerjust remember if you forget the priority in the goto Bad Things will happen
13:31.08tzangerManxPower: heh
13:32.21caio1982coppice: okay, thanks again
13:32.40*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
13:33.18x86[TK]D-Fender: you around?
13:34.04x86whats up man?
13:34.11SplatRoyK: any there any specific codecs you'd suggest trying? I'm currently using either ulaw or alaw which is great and all.. but if I want to allow 2 maybe 3 at the most (and vary rarely would it hit 3) outgoing calls at the same time then I suspect I won't have the bandwidth to run ulaw or alaw for all 3 calls..
13:34.11stoffellany opinions on creating "larger' numbering plans? (multiple sites, 40-100, with max. 300 nrs per site)
13:34.18nettiefourcheeze the username and authentication username you referring in your message are: username and fromuser ?
13:34.25[TK]D-Fenderblarg.... I want this week over, I want my vacation... I want my MTV.....
13:34.52*** join/#asterisk linstar (n=achu@
13:35.11x86[TK]D-Fender: isnt there a song in there somewhere?
13:35.14[TK]D-Fenderstoffell : 4 digit extensions, 1st digit implying which site.
13:35.16linstarwhen I make a call to another extension it won't work
13:35.28RoyKSplat: g.729 then.....
13:35.29x86some 80's song about MTV
13:35.29[TK]D-Fenderx86 : kudos to you for that.
13:35.30linstarshowing Destroying Call in CLI
13:35.38linstarany help to solve this?
13:35.49x86[TK]D-Fender: bruce springsteen? *thinks*
13:35.55stoffell[TK]D-Fender, ack, but when i reach more then 10 sites, i'm in trouble, yes? (some sites are 'big', some are 'very' small)
13:36.44fourcheezenettie: no, in asterisk there's the user in [] and then there's username
13:36.46[TK]D-Fenderstoffell : you could always just dial the other site as a "gateway" with a single access # and then get 2nd dialtone....
13:36.56fourcheezenettie: that's if I'm remembering ordinary sip.conf
13:36.58[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Dire Straits!
13:37.18x86[TK]D-Fender: hey at least i picked up on it at all ;)
13:37.18stoffell[TK]D-Fender, hm, okay, thanks! will look into that possibility.
13:37.23x86[TK]D-Fender: no one else did ;)
13:37.30fourcheezex86: how can you confuse springsteen and dire straits?
13:37.37linstarfourcheeze : I can't make calls between sip extensions
13:37.40*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
13:37.49x86fourcheeze: *shrugs*
13:37.50*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
13:38.02Assidwhen i try and load ztdummy.. i get this error: WARNING: Error inserting rtc (/lib/modules/ No such device
13:38.04linstarfourcheeze : gettting error in CLI as Destroying Calls
13:38.12fourcheezex86: Money for nothing was a great song
13:38.16linstarfourcheeze : any help to solve this?
13:38.18x86[TK]D-Fender: can you check something out for me with my dialplan?
13:38.24fourcheezewhy me?
13:38.29[TK]D-Fenderx86 : pastebin away
13:38.29x86fourcheeze: money for nothing and your chicks for free :P
13:38.50fourcheezetunnel of love is one of my faves
13:38.51Assidanyone know whats up
13:38.55fourcheezemight have to download that
13:39.26smeevilgoing crazy from the musiconhold silence
13:39.49*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:39.51[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Ok, what about it?
13:40.08x86[TK]D-Fender: when i dial *1 and a 10 digit phone number, it does the ENUM dial, falls back to the regular SIP/PSTN gateway dial, records the call like it should, but when i hang up, it dials again...
13:40.28fourcheezelinstar: got someting in your extensions.conf to let you do that?
13:40.45nettiefourcheeze the name inside the [] could be whatever you want
13:41.04fourcheezenettie: IME not always
13:41.21txtNationYargh, anyone know how to compile Asterisk on a Solaris 10 64-Bit SPARC box?
13:41.41linstarfourcheeze : No changes have made in extensions.conf
13:41.41x86[TK]D-Fender: first time CLI says Spawn extension (macro-app-rad ...), second time it says Spawn extension (rad ...)
13:42.23nettiefourcheeze well I changed it anyway to test.. didnt work
13:42.32[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Your [macro-enum-dial] has no "1" priority.
13:42.50x86[TK]D-Fender: for instance, if local device 103 calls outside PSTN phone number 2125552424, it will make the call, then 2125552424 hangs up before 103 does, asterisk makes another outbound call from 103
13:43.02x86[TK]D-Fender: hmm, i stole that macro from the wiki somewhere...
13:43.11x86[TK]D-Fender: does it need at least a 1 priority somewhere?
13:43.41[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Thats the rule...
13:43.47x86ah :)
13:44.13linstarfourcheeze : it was working fine before 10 min and now go down
13:44.13x86so what's n do, just go in order of apperance unless there is a label?
13:45.28[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Almost.  It goes to the next #'s sequence.  Labels are used to track the jump points for your goto's to the auto-renumbered "n"'s
13:45.44linstarfourcheeze : I had stopped asterisk and restarted it again but nothing works
13:46.05hwtwhere do i set the asterisk-sounds and voicemail language to norwegian?
13:46.12hwti want it to be in norwegian everywhere.
13:46.21x86[TK]D-Fender: cool
13:46.39x86[TK]D-Fender: ok another thing....
13:46.58x86[TK]D-Fender: that macro-enum-dial has an endless loop i cant pinpoint
13:47.10x86[TK]D-Fender: see anything that jumps out at you?
13:47.19backbluetxtNation: it does not compile?
13:47.30backbluewhat its the error?
13:48.26hwtit says     -- Playing 'vm-login' (language 'no')
13:48.36hwtand i have /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/no/
13:49.22linstarCan anybody help me to solve the CLI error Destroying Connection?
13:50.03*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
13:50.09Z0m81eDoes anyone know why our * server spams this: Mar 29 14:05:15 NOTICE[29351]: sched.c:296 ast_sched_del: Attempted to delete nonexistent schedule entry 0!
13:50.23x86[TK]D-Fender: if the number is listed in an E164 database (like, i can dial it about 75% of the time... numbers not listed (that should fall back to the regular SIP<-->PSTN trunk) end up in an endless loop in macro-enum-dial
13:50.24[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Not offhand... it makes me dizzy
13:50.29hwttzanger: ?
13:50.59x86Z0m81e: sounds like you need a timing source :P
13:51.17x86Z0m81e: you have zaptel hardware or just doing SIP/IAX2/H323 trunks?
13:51.26Z0m81ex86: humm, possible that machine only handles IAX traffic
13:51.34backblueZ0m81e: ztdummy
13:51.34x86you need ztdummy
13:51.45Z0m81ex86, backblue, cheers :)
13:51.45*** join/#asterisk _andre (
13:51.46*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:52.02_andregood morning
13:52.25_andreis this what you guys use to send queue logs to a DB?
13:52.40_andreor is there a better alternative?
13:53.47*** join/#asterisk HamYaI (n=HamYai@
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13:54.18HamYaIanyone has this problem while puuting the call on hold? => chan_sip.c:3444 process_sdp: Unable to lookup host in c= line
13:54.41HamYaII had this problem since 1.2.5
13:54.56SplasPoodHrm did something change with the nufone sip settings recently?   I continually get a server error on outbound calling
13:57.49*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
13:58.26*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
14:02.11Dovidno one here ?
14:02.48Kattywe're all napping.
14:04.05Dovidcmon wake up
14:06.58coppiceeveryone is sleeping
14:07.11coppicethere is a forest of thorns around the castle
14:07.24coppiceand we are waiting for prince charming to arrive
14:07.33[TK]D-FenderKatty: mew.
14:08.44x86[TK]D-Fender: do you have E164 setup? :P
14:08.59linstarany help to solve the CLI error "Destroying call" ?
14:09.29[TK]D-Fenderx86 : nope.
14:11.14*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
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14:11.41stoffellis it legal to use the asterisk logo in a visio/powerpoint slide of your own?
14:12.31*** join/#asterisk b66mer (
14:13.01coppiceI wonder how it feels to be pampled?
14:13.20Dovidstofell: I think to the letter of the law it is, post ur question on the users lst
14:13.57*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
14:14.01x86[TK]D-Fender: you totally should... you'd save a bundle on outbound calls and people who have E164 would save a bundle calling you :)
14:14.31x86[TK]D-Fender: bypassing the PSTN for PSTN-bound calls is sweet :P
14:14.46linstarany help to solve the CLI error "Destroying call" ?
14:15.21fourcheezecan the polycom lights be reconfigured to represent presence ?
14:15.44Assidword up my crazy cheese eating kats
14:15.58Kattykatty is vegan.
14:16.00MikeJ[Laptop]fourcheeze, yes
14:16.03Kattythank youverymuch.
14:16.09adelashey guys which word seems better for this sentence, The play is very insightful upon human attributions/attributes
14:16.11fourcheezeMikeJ[Laptop]: how?
14:16.24Kattycoppice: i dunno, but you could ask my ex.
14:16.24MikeJ[Laptop]don't recall how to set it up onthe polycomm
14:16.41MikeJ[Laptop]but in dialplan, that is what those hint things are for
14:16.47fourcheezeKatty: weren't you just vegetarian a few weeks back?
14:17.00fourcheezeMikeJ[Laptop]: I can do the presence thing on the on-screen display
14:17.01Kattyfourcheeze: i was considering it.
14:17.01MikeJ[Laptop]I am pretty sure there is a wiki article on it
14:17.06[TK]D-Fenderx86 : I don't have an analog line at home, I'm running a DID from my work whose PRI I use for all calls.  as my home is on their setup, people can also call my work's 1-800 # and dial my be ext #.  Phone costs ME nothing.
14:17.10coppicebeing vegetarian has nothing to do with her coming from Vega
14:17.13Kattyfourcheeze: i've not made up my mind yet...but that doesn't mean i've switched.
14:17.17Kattycoppice: :>>
14:17.36MikeJ[Laptop]coppice, correct!
14:17.39fourcheezeI find it hard to justify vegetarianism
14:17.49fourcheezeexcept on ecological grounds
14:17.55MikeJ[Laptop]coppice, I think Katty just bit shifted you???
14:18.02[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze : You need to have a free line key.  Add a contact and enable "buddy-watch" on it.  add the hint into your dialplan and you're set.
14:18.03fourcheezeand I was never brave enough to be a vegan
14:18.26Kattyfourcheeze: have you seen ground beef?
14:18.28Kattyfourcheeze: ugah.
14:18.29MikeJ[Laptop]fourcheeze, you are either born in Vega or not :P
14:18.33[TK]D-FenderWarning to vegetarians : You are what you eat...
14:18.36Kattystuff makes me sick.
14:18.42Kattyjust the /smell/ is revolting
14:18.43coppicevegetarians have longer than average lives. vegans have significantly shorter than average lives
14:18.58Kattycoppice: but less chances for cancer.
14:19.10MikeJ[Laptop]it's because of the painfully hot summers in Vega?
14:19.25fourcheezeKatty: Katty what's so bad about ground beef?
14:19.37coppiceKatty: i think that is unproven, but there are plenty of long term figures on life expectancy
14:19.39Kattyfourcheeze: all the grease, for one thing.
14:19.45MikeJ[Laptop]fourcheeze, I am pretty sure it has somthing to do with the beef part
14:19.51fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: where does buddywatch get enabled?
14:19.55*** part/#asterisk linstar (n=achu@
14:20.04Kattyand maybe that god awful smell.
14:20.06fourcheezeKatty: I tend to feel if you don't like beef you're not going to like it ground
14:20.23iDunnowhat awful smell?!
14:20.26fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: ok I found buddy watch
14:20.28x86[TK]D-Fender: you could save the people who call you and save your work money though ;)
14:20.33fourcheezeI'm watching but it's not appearing on a button
14:20.37KattyiDunno: that awful smell of really greasy beef cooking.
14:20.39MikeJ[Laptop]iDunno, probably the rotting flesh one
14:20.55[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze :Are you provisioning your phone?
14:20.58coppiceground beef often tastes like its made with pure ground. i'm not sure there's a lot of beef in it
14:20.59fourcheezeKatty: what about non=greasy beef
14:21.04iDunnoahh - yes, that's not good.
14:21.06Kattyfourcheeze: that's not possible.
14:21.06fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: I'm not sure
14:21.16[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze : You need to set a speed-dial index for it to get assigned to a free line-key
14:21.18fourcheezeok, so you don't like beef
14:21.20Kattyfourcheeze: beef has grease, end of story.
14:21.24fourcheezeKatty: there's other kinds of meat
14:21.26Kattyfourcheeze: obviously.
14:21.30fourcheezewhat about fish?
14:21.30Kattyfourcheeze: i like veggie burgers.
14:21.38Kattyfourcheeze: especially the ones from Denny's.
14:21.39fourcheezesee, the clue's in the name there
14:21.45iDunnommhmm ;)
14:21.53[TK]D-FenderKatty : Veggie burgers are typically LOADED with fat... just not ANIMAL.
14:21.55Kattyfourcheeze: i think you're missing the whole i don't eat animals part :P
14:22.09MikeJ[Laptop]fourcheeze, where you from?
14:22.12fourcheezejust trying to work out what it is about animals
14:22.12iDunnoKatty: well, eating whole animals could take *days* anyways ;)
14:22.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: but they're not greasy and not smelling of ground beef.
14:22.19iDunno(depending on the animal :)
14:22.20fourcheezeMikeJ[Laptop]: all the way from the U of K
14:22.30[TK]D-Fender"There's room enough for all God's creatures..... right next to the mashed potatoes :D"
14:22.35MikeJ[Laptop]let me think...
14:22.53MikeJ[Laptop]nope.. all of the comparable resturaunts I can think of are american
14:22.58coppicebeef, pork, chicken, duck, rabbit, pigeon, frog, horse, donkey, crocodile, kangaroo, emu. such variety
14:23.05MikeJ[Laptop]denny's, big boy, perkins....
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14:23.21MikeJ[Laptop]anyone know a UK parallell?
14:23.34Kattyportabella mushroom steaks are /pantpantpant/
14:23.36coppicelittle chef
14:23.47MikeJ[Laptop]they have little chef?
14:23.47Kattyand oddly good with bbq sauce.
14:23.52fourcheezelittle chef
14:23.57iDunnomushrooms are fantastic :)
14:24.02Kattyaren't they?
14:24.02fourcheezelittle chef is dead here
14:24.08fourcheezewell almost
14:24.11fourcheezethey went bust
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14:24.13MikeJ[Laptop]dennys is dead here...
14:24.17fourcheezebecause no-one wanted to eat their crap
14:24.22MikeJ[Laptop]but that is just cuz the food is grose...
14:24.24iDunnothey go very well with bacon and eggs and sausages and black pudding :)
14:24.31MikeJ[Laptop]but for some reason.. they keep open
14:24.31fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: ok, got the button working
14:24.40iDunnofourcheeze: they were over-priced, it was not suprising ;)
14:24.45fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: can the button show presence?
14:24.49coppicereally. a couple of years ago when I toured around the UK for a week I was surprised to find Little Chef had become fairly civilised
14:24.50fourcheezeI've got my buddy on it
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14:25.19MikeJ[Laptop]fourcheeze, WHOA!
14:25.43coppiceMikeJ: the food is goose? i love roast goose
14:25.59fourcheezethat tends to rule out little chef
14:25.59[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze : Yes.  we've alre4ady answered that one...
14:26.01Dovidtis all gettin me hungry
14:26.08MikeJ[Laptop]not goose silly
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14:26.26coppiceit would rule out Denny's too. very similar establishments
14:26.31fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: checklist: buddy - yep; watched - yep; speed dial index - yep ;
14:26.48[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze : Dialplan "hint"?
14:26.56fourcheezegot that
14:27.07fourcheezeit works in the buddy list
14:27.11fourcheezejust not on the button
14:27.17[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze : Presence feature enabled in provisioning file?
14:27.20coppiceand then there's all the wonder yummy creatures of the sea
14:27.27coppicebombay duck
14:27.36iDunnohmm - I want some decent applejuice
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14:27.44coppiceor is that mumbai duck these days
14:27.47[TK]D-Fendercoppice : Ducks are typically fresh-water :)
14:28.10coppicebombay duck isn't :-\
14:28.11fourcheezeabsolutley great
14:28.21fourcheezeand even better than that
14:28.25fourcheezethe goose fat we got off it
14:28.33fourcheezekept us going for about a month
14:28.49MikeJ[Laptop]I should go shave
14:28.49fourcheezegot about 2 litres of it
14:28.52MikeJ[Laptop]it's spring
14:28.53coppicehad goose twice in the last week. and 5 beijing ducks the week before. i need to cut down on fat intake, but its hard when i keep travelling
14:29.29MikeJ[Laptop]coppice, are you still as skinny as your pictures?  if so, I don't think you are in much risk of weight gain
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14:29.51fourcheezenothing wrong with fat
14:29.56coppicemy pictures aren't skinny. i weight nearly 100
14:29.59fourcheezeour cave-dwelling ancestors would have taken all they can get
14:30.05MikeJ[Laptop]100 what?
14:30.06fourcheeze100 what - grams?
14:30.11*** part/#asterisk anthm (
14:30.17coppicewell it ain't pounds
14:30.24MikeJ[Laptop]the one with your wife and kids on your site is the only one I have ever seen
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14:30.46coppicei weighed nearly 100 of some obscure unit then, too
14:31.01CleanerXhey guys - visit europe ! ;-)
14:31.05MikeJ[Laptop]I think units are important
14:31.21coppicetens and hundred are important too
14:31.22fileoxygen is important too
14:31.26MikeJ[Laptop]my kid comes up to me... and says she weighs 50
14:31.29fourcheezeunits are only important because the USA won't use sensible ones
14:31.44MikeJ[Laptop]units are always important..
14:31.56MikeJ[Laptop]because it could be grams or kg...
14:31.59MikeJ[Laptop]how do you know
14:32.04filedon't forget stones
14:32.13russellbi like slugs and furlongs
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14:32.22MikeJ[Laptop]russellb, you like slugs?
14:32.27coppicebloody MS have broken the centimetre option in their latest FAX reading. I'm giving up and changing spandsp to use inches in the TIFF files.
14:32.29russellbthe unit, yes
14:32.49filerussellb, !!!
14:32.56russellbfile: !!!!!!
14:33.01MikeJ[Laptop]russellb, you like the unit?
14:33.08bkw__oh guys don't go there
14:33.15coppicethe unit? as in "a slug of whiskey"
14:33.19filebkw__, it's official - you corrupted MikeJ
14:33.19bkw__not even I was going to go there
14:33.22MikeJ[Laptop]I was talking about the tv show..
14:33.28MikeJ[Laptop]where was your mind...
14:33.37bkw__take a guess
14:33.42filein the gutter obviously
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14:34.17shiznatixhello everyone!
14:37.20shiznatixI just installed Kiax and I am able to make calls to SIP devices with it no problem but I am unable to dial from a SIP to Kiax
14:38.00fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: ok I seem to have <feature"presence" feature.1.enabled="1" ...> in my provisioning
14:38.03MikeJ[Laptop]what is kiax?
14:38.15shiznatixits a IAX2 softphone for linux
14:38.57MikeJ[Laptop]so you are talking through somthing that speexs iax and sip I assume?
14:39.06MikeJ[Laptop]perhaps asterisk given the channel we are in
14:39.15shiznatixperhaps :)
14:39.21shiznatixya It's all through asterisk
14:39.25shiznatixasterisk gives me this error:
14:39.44shiznatixUnable to create channel of type 'IAX' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
14:39.45MikeJ[Laptop]see.. now, real information
14:40.01shiznatixthen it says: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
14:40.10russellbs/IAX/IAX2/ !
14:40.14MikeJ[Laptop]russellb, you just spoil all my fun
14:40.17sambalis there any CLI sip or iax2 client to test dial plans?
14:40.19shiznatixoh shiznazzle
14:40.26shiznatixhaha ok lemme test that
14:40.29MikeJ[Laptop]sambal, yes
14:40.37sambalhow is it called? :)
14:40.47MikeJ[Laptop]what platform?
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14:41.06MikeJ[Laptop]well.. you can use the sound card stuff in asterisk
14:41.09sambalcommand line
14:41.25MikeJ[Laptop]or use testcall from iax client
14:41.44shiznatixHey thanks guys, that worked just fine
14:45.33HamYaIanyone using Asterisk Perl Library here?
14:46.17MikeJ[Laptop]no more RoyK
14:46.29MikeJ[Laptop]and he is my very favorite troll
14:46.49HamYaIMikeJ[Laptop]: r u using AGI at all?
14:48.38MikeJ[Laptop]personally, no
14:49.17HamYaIi'm using it
14:49.34MikeJ[Laptop]how about sip?
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14:51.00HamYaIMikeJ[Laptop]: what about it?
14:51.09fileSIP it!
14:51.28MikeJ[Laptop]you use it?
14:51.29HamYaIMikeJ[Laptop]: I'm having problems passing a call thru zap channels
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14:51.41HamYaIMikeJ[Laptop]: sip works fine
14:52.48mutmcdonalds steak bagel!
14:52.50MikeJ[Laptop]sorry to hear about your zap probs
14:52.55fileMikeJ[Laptop], you're sure congratulating people a lot
14:53.11MikeJ[Laptop]I am not sure what the guy is asking me really
14:53.13filemut: here in Atlantic Canada McDonalds will actually have McLobster some months of the year... it's disturbing
14:53.19MikeJ[Laptop]he just seems to be telling me a lot of stuff
14:53.30mutlobster is teh suck
14:53.31MikeJ[Laptop]so not sure how to react really
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14:53.49filelooks like that
14:53.53mutbe like 5% lobster and 95% tuna parts
14:54.04coppicefile: they have buns replaced by rice here at the moment
14:54.28filethere's some sense of security for when you travel... that almost every McDonalds is the same
14:54.56fileas long as the people don't screw up and make your fries 90% salt
14:55.07coppiceexcept in the philipinnes where they permanently have chicken and steamed rice :-)
14:55.10fileer wait, Laguardia!
14:55.13opc0dehey can anyone tell me how to define a channel as outgoing only in asterisk? I have in zapata.conf "group=1; channel=1-4; callgroup=1; pickupgroup=1", but the problem is, I don't want channel 4 to answer any calls, only place outgoing calls
14:55.24FITA1hi I am using eicon diva 4BRI card, I have configured the eicon-diva-server and complied chan-capi-HEAD , The problem is that When asterisk starts I can call-out using CAPI but after some duration of time CAPI reports unable to create channel of type capi and does not initiates call, anyone can help???
14:55.26opc0deso I want it to be part of the outgoing call group, but not incoming..
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14:57.30mutanyone ever had to deal with innovative or first data for credit card processing?
14:57.39*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (n=CoffeeIV@
14:57.58[TK]D-Fenderfile : FACT : That until the Gulf war no country with a McDonald's ever attacked another country with one...
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14:58.09file[TK]D-Fender, ooh
14:58.16filegood to know
14:58.25x86[TK]D-Fender: really?
14:58.27mutthats pretty much impossible anymore isn't it?
14:58.31x86[TK]D-Fender: i never knew that
14:58.54mutand before the gulf war.. what was there? world war ii?
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14:59.12x86vietnam, korea, gernada.... etc ;)
14:59.24mutah yea forgot about viet and korea
14:59.28mutgernada doens't count
14:59.52mutmy brain was fried talking to first data and innovative and verisign yesterday
14:59.58muti was on the phone for 6 hrs yesterday
15:00.06muttook a half hour break in the middle
15:00.10CoffeeIV_If I am recording with the Record() in hte dialplan, is there any way to allow the user to press any digit at any time to exit it and continue in the dialplan, or is it only * and # ?
15:00.21muttrying to figure out why master debit cards won't process thru our online card gateway
15:00.42mutthe final 'resolution' was the innovative guy was supposed to call me back within the 9 o clock hour today
15:00.54mutclock just struck 10 on my watch
15:01.21Dovidmut: i use some one else, dont know how thier gateway works. been happy with them
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15:01.35muthe had to do more 'research'
15:01.44muto had all 3 companies on the phone at once yesterday
15:01.49Dovidgoto luv newbies
15:01.55X-GenDovid: whats the service cost you ? u pay per month or per transaction ?
15:02.07mutcalled FD they conferences verisign, then i called inno and conferenced them into the call
15:02.23mutthen the verisign guy hung up
15:02.33mutthere was a frickin 20 minute HOLD TIME
15:02.37mutand the guy hangs up
15:02.41Dovidhow sweet
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15:03.08x86[TK]D-Fender: you can call UK for free?
15:03.18x86[TK]D-Fender: arent you the one that tested my UK number before?
15:03.37muto i was hot
15:03.41muti had a migraine all nite
15:03.47x86[TK]D-Fender: i'm having problems registering it with, and i'm thinking it no longer works... care to give me a quick call?
15:03.51[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Free for ME, yeah
15:03.52muti went to bed like 2 hrs early cause i couldn't stand to be awake anymore
15:04.09[TK]D-Fenderx86 : not free for my company :)
15:04.17Dovidmut: u on the asterisk users lis ?
15:04.38x86[TK]D-Fender: i wont answer, just want to see if it rings
15:04.47x86[TK]D-Fender: +44 871 309 4409
15:05.02hekaanybody can help me with jitter buffer patch for sip?
15:05.28hekashould I do jb-enable = yes on global setting or for each user?
15:05.33[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Sorry, no can do for now....
15:05.40x86[TK]D-Fender: mmk
15:05.42Dovidmut: there is some one there by the name of doug that had problems, some one sugested that he have a bottle of booze for just in case
15:05.53Dovidi think u whould join the club. it allways helps
15:06.13brad_msswanyone else notice the iaxy's really really really suck ?
15:06.14muti would but i've got myself a lil ulcer
15:06.26mutwould probly kill me
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15:06.37mutspose it'de put me as ease tho
15:07.04mutkeeled over in pain, rush to the hospital, INJECT MORPHINE!
15:07.11brad_msswI mean, if you turn on qualify, it reachable then unreachable, reachable, then unreachable ... then even when it is reachable, it doesn't work half the time ... (and yes, I've tried it on different switches, and a Linksys PAP2 SIP adapter on the same switch never has glitches)
15:09.35Dovidso u can allways aim for the whacky weed
15:10.19x86anyone else in the UK or can call the UK for free?
15:10.30x86i wont answer just want to see if it rings
15:10.42opc0decan anyone tell me how to define an outgoing-only channel?
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15:15.12Assidcan someone help me on this: exten => s,n,Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=${CALLERIDNUM})
15:15.31opc0deassid: what's the problem?
15:15.47Assidit doesnt set the filename apparenly
15:15.50opc0deI think you might need to change n to 1
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15:16.09Assidbefore answer?
15:16.19opc0deexten => s,1,Answer
15:16.28opc0dethen you can put the rest
15:16.49Assidthats where i had it
15:17.03opc0deand you can try exten => s,n,NoOp(MONITOR_FILENAME=${CALLERIDNUM}) to see what it prints on the console
15:17.31fourcheezeon the snom 360 you can select an outgoing line using the cursor key on the display
15:17.48fourcheezeonly seems to let you choose lines1-4
15:17.55fourcheezeany idea how to choose 5+ ?
15:18.00Assidokay how do i make it agent-1001-callerid-YMDH:i
15:18.16GerbilNutI didn't even know you could do that on the snoms... that's pretty sweet
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15:19.39opc0deAssid:  you can concatenate by just agent-1001-${CALLERIDNUM} I don't know the function for getting the current date, but I'm sure it's there under the function/application/variable list
15:20.20Assiderr.. how about agentid?
15:21.48opc0dedon't know
15:30.09opc0decan anyone tell me how to _not_ have asterisk answer a line? I have a channel in a separate context, which has no answer directive, yet asterisk still picks up on this line
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15:30.37eric_hillopc0de: You can't really define an "outgoing only" channel.  You don't really have control over that.  You can ignore inbound calls though...
15:30.53eric_hillWhat's the channel type?
15:31.09opc0deeric_hill: FXO
15:31.28opc0deI thought by putting this channel in another context and not defining any extensions for it, asterisk won't pick up the line
15:31.33eric_hillexten => s,1,Hangup // Does this work?
15:31.45opc0delemme try, although I think that'll still pick the line up.
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15:33.33Assidopc0de :     -- Executing Set("SIP/301-0d72", "MONITOR_FILENAME=AGENTBYCALLERID_"Satish" <301>-301-20060329-210019") in new stack
15:33.46Z0m81efourcheeze: You can select the other lines in the web interface
15:34.12opc0deAssid: that looks pretty good
15:34.19Assiddoesnt work
15:34.23heisonI'm trying to call a specific extension on a telephone number, is it possible to do it all in one shot? i.e. how can I setup Asterisk to call 2345678 x1234 directly? Can I put commas after the telephone number to generate the waits?
15:34.36fourcheezeZ0m81e: ahh yes
15:34.43fourcheezenot so good when you're just about to make a call though
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15:35.24Z0m81efourcheeze: probably not :) but thats how you do it... Perhaps you'd have to try it, if you press the button under reg scroll down then hit the tick does that do it?
15:35.36fourcheezeyeah, just foudn that one
15:35.39opc0deeric_hill: hmm, using hangup does work.. interesting
15:35.43fourcheezehowever it doesn't use the friendly names then
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15:36.14eric_hillheison: --- See the D(digits) variable
15:36.41heisoneric_hill: thx!
15:36.56Z0m81efourcheeze: likewise on mine using 4.5 firmware I think
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15:38.11smeevilcould someone tell me what is wrong when asterisk does not detect dtmf tones from any softphone (sip)
15:38.22Z0m81efourcheeze: it uses accountname@registrar if you set your account name to be something sensible and the auth username to your username that might be better
15:38.40Z0m81efourcheeze: or not my registration just failed :)
15:39.02eric_hillsmeevil: What kind of softphones?  Also, what encoding?  g711?  g729?  Etc...
15:39.57smeevilsjphone and estara
15:40.01smeevilchecking codecs hold on
15:40.23smeevilg723 and g711
15:40.26Assidargh.. its not letting me set the monitor_filename
15:40.37Assidnor is it using it
15:41.07smeevilsending dtmf as rfc2833
15:41.25Z0m81esmeevil: is * set to rfc2833 or inband?
15:41.41smeevilwhere can i check that ?
15:42.04Z0m81eit would be in the context for your line
15:45.01Assidumm can someone help me with this monitor filename
15:45.08Z0m81efourcheeze: 1 other thing, bind the lines to the function keys then just press the key of the line you want to dial
15:45.15smeevildo i understand it correctly that i have to put dtmfmode=inband in the [general] part of me sip.conf ?
15:45.31Z0m81esmeevil not if your phone is sending it rfc they must agree
15:45.31fourcheezeZ0m81e: I tried to do that but it dialed out on line 1 anyway
15:45.49Z0m81efourcheeze: hmm i'm sure mine works when setup like that, let me test it a mo
15:46.34eric_hillsmeevil: Yes, but you need to use dtmfmode=rfc2833
15:47.20jaikedtmfmode=rfc2833 works with most softphones
15:48.05ro0t2gah ! been having problems with iax channels all because of 3 lines in the conf file......what a waste of 9 hours
15:48.20heisoneric_hill: I see DTMF digits being sent, but it may have been sent too early....
15:49.09ro0t2for some reason if i enable jitterbuffer i get a NOTICE[1613]: sched.c:286 ast_sched_del: Attempted to delete nonexistent schedule entry 122! but turn it off and everything is peachy
15:49.45smeevilhmm changed it to rfc2833 , made sure the softphones do sent that as well. but still digits are not being picked up
15:50.39Z0m81ero0t2: do you have an interface for timing? like a zaptel or ztdummy? earlier somoene pointed me to that for a similar error
15:51.03eric_hillheison: How about using a M(acro) and having the macro Wait for a few seconds, then playback the digits.
15:51.45Kattyfile :<
15:52.01Kattyscott :<<
15:53.07ro0t2Z0m81e: i suspect that could be the problem...i have an X100P in the box....but is not plugged in (to the line) im gonna test this now that you mention this as i suspect it may be the cause.....but im quite happy it is working now :DDD
15:54.06heisoneric_hill: you mean using application sendDTMF?
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15:55.03eric_hill(FWIW, I've never done what you're doing - I'm just guessing things you can try...)
15:55.27ro0t2zap and sip channels were working fine....but i didnt actually think to check the sip channels til just before, although the error didnt look network looked like a possible cause (that is i assumed SIP was fucked too)
15:55.47eric_hillheison: Better idea...
15:55.56opc0decan anyone give me some advice? I have an [incoming] context for handling incoming calls, and an [internal] context for my SIP phones.. what is the standard method for allowing people dialing in to connect to internal extensions, as well as allow people in the [internal] context to contact each other?
15:56.41opc0deshould I put something like exten => ${USER1},1,Goto(internal,${USER1},1) ? and then in [internal] have something like "exten => ${USER1},1,Macro(stdexten,${USER1},SIP/${USER1}) ?
15:56.45eric_hillheison: Use the A(...) command to play an announcement to the called party first, and use an empty silence.gsm file for the correct duration.
15:56.58opc0deso basically duplicating the users extension definition in both places?
15:57.31Assidokay can someone please help me with this monitor_filename
15:57.37eric_hillThen your command becomes Dial(blah/blah,60,A(silence-5)D(12345)
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15:57.56eric_hillAssid: Not sure what you're trying to do...  my scrollback buffer isn't that big.
15:58.16heisoneric_hill: that may be easier... let me try that
15:58.42Assideric_hill: the agent id isnt being saved.. and the file itself isnt being renamed
15:58.54Assidit still using the old unique format
15:59.20Assidnot only did i reload extensions.. i even restarted asterisk.. no help
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16:00.20leicaWRKanybody around?
16:00.26eric_hillWhen you NoOp that same line, what is the output?  I.e. does the filename have any invalid characters?
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16:00.42salviadudi just got here
16:00.55heisoneric_hill: it did A(x) properly but ignored D()
16:01.12heisoneric_hill: only saw     -- Zap/5-1 answered SIP/2508-7581
16:01.27heisoneric_hill: let me try the Macro way
16:01.30leicaWRKsorry first time setting up asterisk here, so sorry if I ask basic questions...
16:01.30eric_hillheison: Damn.  :)
16:01.35brodiemis it possible to do the equivalent of a UserEvent using the Manager API?
16:01.40ro0t2opc0de: you could use an include statement include => context_name ?
16:02.01ro0t2would include all the extentions from another context in the other one....
16:02.38leicaWRKanybody know why one phone would be assigned an IP with a mask of and status as "unmonitored"?
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16:03.19brodiemleicaWRK, set qualify=yes in sip.conf for monitoring... the netmask is probably just what it received from the dhcp server if you're using dhcp
16:03.33leicaWRKaha, thanks
16:03.38opc0dero0t2: the problem with using the include is that I allow my [internal] context access to make outgoing calls/long distance calls.. so if I include internal, then I allow all incoming users to dial outgoing calls
16:03.46eric_hillAssid: Is this something like what you're trying to do?
16:03.59leicaWRKyeah it's odd that one of the dhcp clients would get a mask of but not the others
16:04.22Assidsimilar i guess
16:04.32brodiemleicaWRK, if the phone is still able to talk to * I wouldn't worry about it
16:04.32Assideven if i drop the whole agent thing
16:04.37Assidthe file name still doesnt change
16:04.46leicaWRKyeah it talks fine
16:04.57eric_hillAssid: Can you get the filename then rename it after the call is completed?
16:05.21opc0dero0t2: what I'd like is to have a context which defines my sip phones and include that from my [incoming] context so that dialing in users can reach internal phones, but disallow dialing in users from being able to call out
16:05.30Assidthats the thing.. monitor_filename is supposed to do that for me
16:05.47[TK]D-Fenderopc0de : pastebin your extensions.conf
16:06.32opc0de[TK]D-Fender: right now it's a realy mess
16:06.35eric_hillAssid: You haven't specified a path for the file.  Try prepending /tmp/monitor-${AGENTBYCALL....... to your filename
16:06.36brodiemQuestion: I know events are generally sent from * to the Manager API, but is there a way to use the Manager API to send an event instead?
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16:06.53[TK]D-Fenderopc0de : that bad?
16:07.32opc0de[TK]D-Fender: I'm just trying to find out the standard way of separating incoming context from internal context, while allowing people dialing into the incoming context to connect with uses on the internal context, without having to duplicate the extension definitions in both contexts
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16:09.46brodiemmaybe if I explain this more it'll help...
16:10.03[TK]D-Fenderopc0de : I got that.... so pastebin it all and I'll see what I can do to help.
16:10.04*** join/#asterisk warthawg (
16:10.22warthawgi officially give up on trying to make zultys phones work with asterisk
16:10.52warthawgthough i think the problem has to do with the phone registration not properly setting the userid
16:11.16warthawgtcpdump logs available for anyone interested
16:11.23brodiemThe DND dialplan does a "UserEvent" so that FOP receives notification of DND being enabled/disabled so that it can update its status for that extension. I'm using an snom360 phone that supports action URLs, so I want to use the phone's built-in DND button instead of needing to dial an ext to turn on/off DND. So, I'm trying to make the action URL for the phone's DND button update FOP's DND status, so how could I trigger that UserEvent fr
16:14.48*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
16:15.00Assidgot cut
16:15.03Assideric_hill: doesnt work
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16:16.18opc0de[TK]D-Fender: hmm, I found an example extensions.conf file, it looks like it might do what I want..
16:18.10ro0t2alright, have a question, i have an IAX provider that only allows ilbc and g729.....i have a sipura-2000 ATA which supports g729 and is set to prefered codec of ulaw but the "use only prefered codec" tab is unchecked...when making a call i get this set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to ulaw....if i manually configure the ATA to g729 the call will go through im just curious of a better way because its a pain
16:19.07opc0de[TK]D-Fender: yeah, I think I got it.. I created an [ext-local] context and put my SIP phone extensions in it, then I put an "include => ext-local" inside my [incoming] context, and then I created an [internal] context and put "include => outbound-long-distance; include => ext-local" into it, and assigned the context to my sip phones in zapata.conf to be "internal"
16:19.29[TK]D-FenderThats the way to do it.
16:20.10eric_hillAssid: Sorry, I've got no other ideas.  Maybe browse the source and see what it's doing???
16:20.29opc0degood, I knew there was a better way to do it than putting a bunch of goto's inside my [incoming] context, duplicating all my extensions. just had to get my head around the way the contexts work
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16:28.29*** join/#asterisk LeeForkenbrock (
16:29.40dVokaI'm affiliated with 10 small businesses (10-25 ppl per biz) and am considering putting them all on one asterisk system at my office.  Am thinking of integrating Asterisk into their current "ma bell" pbx & providing them with outbound voip.  So ... one asterisk system at my office, and perhaps one multi-port fxo/fxs adapter integrated into current system.  Is this possible or am I dreaming?
16:29.57Hmmhesaysi hate it when idiots buy things against all of my recommendations
16:30.16Hmmhesaysits like "seriously you tool" i know what i'm talking about
16:31.33[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : You can't save them all... I learned this long ago, and facing it early lengthens your life...
16:31.57salviadudlots of tools out there
16:32.40salviaduddvoka, completely possible dude
16:33.13salviadudit might have to be a big server though...
16:33.40salviadudand it'll probably chew up some bandwith
16:35.21dVokasalviadud - thanks man!  I agree on the server & bandwidth  ... will build out a rack if I move forward & have redundant lines with 90k upload allocated to each line.  Am thinking the hard part might be integrating the voip equipment into the "ma bell" stuff - particularly if the phone co leases to the biz.
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16:38.09dVokasalviadud: the person I'm working with doesn't actually want spa3000 units on each phone, but rather ... a "call hunt" type feature so that two of 10 lines would be voip - the "spa3000" type unit would actually be connected to current "ma bell" PBX.
16:39.00salviadudinteresting, i happen to own a spa 3000
16:39.19salviadudi guess it really depends on how limited the ma bell pbx is
16:39.35willcampos123Hello, is there any way to avoid sip REALTIME to do continues queries over the same table trying to authenticate a user?  Let's say have the real time setup to query just the ipadd, or host, or name?
16:39.42salviadudyou could register the spa3000 with asterisk as 2 seperate sip channels
16:40.06LeeForkenbrockI'm a little confused about something.  I could sound totally stupid.  But, my Telco company, in the past was unable to send caller id from a LD T1 circuit.  Reason why is beyond me.  So, they would send me something called enhanced DNIS in the format *ANI*DNIS* and I would parse out the ANI with AGI.  Well, i'm setting up a new T1 with them and they say they are 100% sending it this same way with this one....but I jus
16:41.06dVokasalviadud: thanks
16:46.48wasimLeeForkenbrock: don't leave us in suspense
16:47.47LeeForkenbrockwasim: suspense?
16:48.18LeeForkenbrockwasim: oh, it must have chopped it there a max message length?
16:48.41LeeForkenbrockbut I just get the 10 digit DNS, but on the other hand, the callerid var is being set. Is that format a standard and Asterisk automatically parses it in newer version for me, or does this mean they might be sending caller id correctly now and DNIS normally.
16:49.41*** join/#asterisk project_2501 (
16:49.43kardecallan_Paulo_ I have Installed the unicall module, but when asterisk starts the channels are showed as Idle, while in the CO a showed as blocked.
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16:50.07xermesxhi all
16:50.13Kattyfile :>
16:50.26xermesxi d like to install asterisk cvs in my rhel es 3
16:50.37ChopinhauerI have a strange problem with a Wildcard X101P : after hanging up a call Asterisk closes the channel (show channels shows no channels) but the card remains Off-Hook. Do you know what the problem could be (I am under linux 2.6.15/amd64/zaptel 1.2.4)?
16:50.49xermesxso i need bristuff-0.2.0-RC8f-CVS . right ?
16:51.23backbluexermesx: use 0.3.x...
16:51.33nettiedamn.. I'm still stucked with call progress
16:51.41backblue0.2.0 will not work in cvs branch
16:51.49xermesxthx backblue
16:52.20kardecallan_Paulo_, I send you a sample extracted from asterisk log.
16:52.20kardecallanMar 29 13:37:33 WARNING[3563] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/14 Block
16:52.21kardecallanMar 29 13:37:33 WARNING[3563] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/14 1101  ->      [1/40000000/Idle          /Idle         ]
16:52.21kardecallanMar 29 13:37:51 WARNING[3577] chan_unicall.c: MFC/R2 UniCall/18      <- 1001  [1/40000000/Idle          /Idle         ]
16:52.21kardecallanMar 29 13:37:51 WARNING[3577] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/14 event Far end unblocked
16:52.52kardecallanCan you help me?
16:53.51konfuzediDunno, nah its not even lunch yet
16:54.02xermesxbackblue, i can find no more cvs version of asterisk to download
16:54.33tzangerxermesx: we use subversion now
16:54.40*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
16:56.07iDunnokonfuzed: it's nearly 1800 BST :)
16:57.19konfuzediDunno, no it isnt, its 11:58 EST 8^)
16:57.21brodiemThe DND dialplan does a "UserEvent" so that FOP receives notification of DND being enabled/disabled so that it can update its status for that extension. I'm using an snom360 phone that supports action URLs, so I want to use the phone's built-in DND button instead of needing to dial an ext to turn on/off DND. So, I'm trying to make the action URL for the phone's DND button update FOP's DND status, so how could I trigger that UserEvent fr
16:58.01kardecallanIs there anybody that can help me?
16:58.39iDunnokonfuzed: that's not a sensible timezone, though ;)
16:59.01konfuzedok its 1:29 Newfy Standard Time
16:59.25iDunnoone of our webapps doesn't quite understand them ;)
16:59.37iDunno(where doesn't quite actually translates to "doesn't at all")
17:00.23konfuzedyour web app probably speaks British instead of Newfy
17:02.09konfuzedcause newfy is really derived from Irish and well it seems the Irish and British have never really understood each other.
17:02.59konfuzedmaybe if you taught your web app the Rosetta Stone ;^)
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17:05.48xermesxif i use asterisk 1.26, with bristuff 0.3.0-PRE-1f and florz's patch, shoul my old CVS config files still work ???
17:06.24*** part/#asterisk dVoka (
17:09.01salviadudyou guys know about a sip client i can install on a mobile phone?
17:09.08salviadudjava-based maybe...
17:09.56iDunnokonfuzed: heh - that might work... alternatively, I could just teach the Developers about timezones ;)
17:11.52*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
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17:13.20konfuzediDunno, well you could point out that the timed server is very effective and accurate
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17:17.10vykarianhi guys
17:17.22project_2501konfuzed: I know lots of newfy's
17:17.43vykariandoes anyone have a guide/tutorial/manual for Asterisk integration with analog PABX? I already have a SIP trunk up and running..
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17:18.45bytewarriordoes anybody know about the grandstream gxp-2000 sending SIP REGISTER requests with a missing byte (CR or LF, not sure)?
17:18.57pigpen2Hi all...I got an urgent one:  I have a Digium 4 port PRI w/echo cancelation... with 2 PRI's connected.
17:19.14konfuzedmy mothers family had a Reunion in Montreal and 250 Newfys descended from across north america
17:19.44pigpen2when I call in, with the call passing to a Digium 2431, to an fxs port, the dial tones like "1 , 2, 3" come through as "Bee-eep"
17:19.48jbroomepeople from newfoundland
17:19.51pigpen2with the "-" being a pause.
17:19.58konfuzedsalviadud, too bad your salvia is a dud
17:20.04pigpen2So the digit comes through as two digits.
17:20.16salviadudactually, its supposed to be salviadude
17:20.31salviadudyet some irc servers don't handle the last e
17:20.41pigpen2I have "relaxdtmf=yes" and "faxdetect=no"
17:20.55*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
17:21.03saftsackis AMP free software?
17:21.06pigpen2I have isolated the issue to an issue with the PRI...
17:21.10salviaduddon't be smokin' salvia, you might realize you were once a buddhist monk in 1863
17:21.44pigpen2saftsack, I think it is gpl, so yes.
17:22.00saftsackthanks :) and can i run it on another machine than on my *?
17:22.13pigpen2I haven't tried.
17:22.47saftsackdo you have it run on your * server directly?
17:22.53[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : It expects the * files to be in their normal place otherwise it won't work.
17:23.21saftsackcan i apply amp on a normal * installation?
17:23.40pigpen2but it will re-write your configs.
17:23.46saftsackwhat configs?
17:23.55pigpen2any current configs....
17:24.01saftsackthats very bad :(
17:24.06saftsacki dont want to have a configuration tool
17:24.13pigpen2then don't use amp
17:24.14saftsacki just want to have a user web based tool
17:24.32saftsackfor hearing vmails and viewing to missed calls, etc.
17:25.25pigpen2shit...I just want my dtmf tones to pass correctly.
17:25.31pigpen2hmm...don't use amp for that...
17:25.34mutanyone know how far those tdm2400
17:25.38mutpush signal?
17:26.00pigpen2I am running one about 120ft of cat6
17:26.34saftsackpigpen do you know better solutions?
17:26.45saftsackis ARI good for this?
17:26.59mutk well a channel bank would probly still be better for my use then
17:27.10mutadtrans run 16000ish feet
17:27.30bytewarriormy ISP's SIP server claims the REGISTER request of my gxp-2000 is not rfc3261 compliant. I read the rfc, it is probably because there is a byte missing at the end of the request.
17:27.33bytewarriorany ideas?
17:28.36pigpen2saftsack, I am trying to remember what Asterisk at home uses for viewing vm's and such...check it out...
17:29.22pigpen2mut, I haven't pushed it any further....and until I get my dtmf tones...I cannot do any playing...
17:29.46pigpen2ManxPower, r u around O' all seeing Eye...?
17:30.17*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:30.37pigpen2I guess the "Eye" is shut.
17:30.53wasimviking alert!
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17:34.44Hmmhesaysi hate this guy
17:36.01filectooley, you!
17:37.06Assidanyone have MONITOR_FILENAME wworking?
17:38.28jaikeAssid: its always been working
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17:38.51CoffeeIV_Assid: it works for me
17:39.02ctooleyfile, you!
17:39.19Assidit just refuses to work for me
17:40.18filectooley, how goes?
17:40.30ctooleyfile, it goes.  stuff happens
17:40.37filectooley, sounds exciting
17:41.14Assidjaike , CoffeeIV_: it shows the monitor file name being set.. but  the file always comes up as the default
17:41.26ctooleyfile, how's stuff there?
17:41.30filectooley, great
17:43.04*** join/#asterisk xtr (
17:43.11jaikeAssid: do you set the variable in the dialplan? Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=
17:43.37Assidthats how it shows in the verbose
17:44.03jaikecan you add your dialplan in the pastebin
17:44.33bytewarriordoes anybody know where I can get some help regarding my grandstream gxp-2000?
17:44.40jaikei only have the filename. i dont include the path. might help
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17:44.55Assidi tried with filename only first
17:44.57Assiddidnt work
17:46.21brodiemis anyone farmiliar with sending manager API events (i.e. UserEvent) without doing it in a dial plan?
17:47.25justinubrodiem: how else would you send them?
17:47.35brodiemjustinu, that's what I need to find out :)
17:48.31wunderkinAssid, what is happening? the file isn't being recorded, or not using that filename?
17:48.45brodiemjustinu, it's for snom 360 phones. They support action URLs for the phone's DND button. So I need the script that the action URL points to send a UserEvent so that FOP will see DND was enabled/disabled so that it can update the display reflecting that
17:49.05nettieHi again guys.. I'm wondering if there's something I could check on my asterisk configuration regarding "call progress". When I call a number on the PSTN using my SIP VOIP carrier I dont hear the phone ringing. I can only hear the voice of the called party when they pickup. If they hangup or refuse the call I dont get the busy tone.. so they phone stucks there till asterisk timeout comes in. Anyone have any suggestion please? Thanx in adva
17:49.07brodiemi don't know of any other way for FOP to get DND events
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17:50.00Assidwunderkin: not usinhg that filename
17:50.03justinuwell, it appears you can't send userevents from the AMI itself
17:50.42Assidthats how i get it
17:50.44*** join/#asterisk Idle (
17:50.54brodiemI can't think of any othe way to do DND where the phone's display actually reflects that DND is on/off
17:51.03wunderkinAssid, i dont think ive ever set a monitor_filename outside of the normal directory, try without, and then try making sure that it can actually write there
17:51.17brodiemand it's much more convenient just to have a dnd on/off button on the phone itself instead of needing to dial extensions to enable/disable
17:51.22wunderkintry without specifying the directory i mean
17:51.30Assidtried that too
17:51.31Assiddidnt work
17:51.52Assid-- Executing Set("SIP/301-f20e", "MONITOR_FILENAME=1143674363.6-301-20060329-231925") in new stack
17:52.25wunderkinive never had a decimal in a monitor_filename either
17:52.32Assiddoesnt matter
17:52.34Assidit doesnt work
17:52.44Assideither which way
17:52.54wunderkindont know what to tell you, ive never had a problem with it either
17:53.06brodiemAssid, what is the problem exactly?
17:53.13jaikeive seen this before...think its got something to do with queues.conf
17:53.16Assidbrodiem: cant set the monitoring filename
17:53.36Assidthe file uses the default agent-1001-1143674365-9.gsm
17:54.09brodiemAssid, are you setting the monitor based on the SIP account, the queue, or the agent?
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17:55.56GerbilNutanyone in here configured DUNDi between two systems via IAX?
17:56.10Assidim setting it in the dialplan .. i officially wanna save it as agentnumber-callerid-timestamp
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17:56.17jaikeAssid: you have monitor-format= in queues.conf?
17:56.18Assidbut i cant get the agentnumber either
17:56.32Assidjaike: yes.. as i said: agent-1001-1143674365-9.gsm works fine
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17:56.36kippiwhat is the recomended limit for registering SIP handsets with asterisk
17:56.54Assidit saves to that file name format no problems.. i just cant override it
17:56.54brodiemAssid, do you have recording turned on in agents.conf?
17:57.08Assidbrodiem: yes.. agent-1001-1143674365-9.gsm WORKS fine
17:57.18Assidjust cant change the name
17:57.58brodiemI didn't think it was possible to change that filename
17:58.17wunderkinyeah you can
17:59.10FarrisGI've read the wiki pages on door phones, but I have sort of a different situation I'm hoping maybe someone can help with. We have an exisiting analog intercom phone for our door. The door unit has a button that sounds buzzer on the inside, and the receptionist has a button which turns on the intercom to speak with the person outside. I'd like to either use this existing phone and tie into an FXO line on our * server, or replace it with another simple
17:59.12jaikei remember
17:59.21jaiketry recordagentcalls=no in agents.conf
17:59.28FarrisGI don't mind doing a little hacking around with the hardware, especially if it'll allow me to use the existing door intercom
17:59.33brodiemhave you tried disabling recordings in agents.conf and just use your dialplan monitor instead?
17:59.34jaikei think its the agent app thats calling monitor
17:59.44Assidjaike: it will not record then
17:59.56jaikeit will...because you have monitor-forma in queues.conf
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18:00.02jaikejust give it a try
18:00.56brodiemAssid, set record_in and record_out to Always in sip.conf?
18:00.56Assidbrodiem: problem is the file name.. not the recording
18:00.56Assidrecording takes place fine.. just the filename cant be set
18:01.52Assidjaike: as i said.. nothing to do with the file name.. put it off.. it didnt record
18:02.00*** join/#asterisk jhnjwng (
18:03.08brodiemI know for me using recordings in agents.conf seems to take over MONITOR_FILENAME setting previously in the dialplan..
18:03.14b66merSIP firewall question for y'all... I setup a gizmo sip connection to my asterisk... I can call out with no problems (from asterisk to gizmo#s)... when I call in to the asterisk... my console says playing the main menu, but I hear nothing from my gizmo client
18:03.18b66merany ideas?
18:03.23brodiemturning it off in agents.conf keeps what I use for MONITOR_FILENAME
18:03.51Assidhold on.
18:04.01Assidwhere does your file go?
18:04.10jaikebrodiem: same here
18:04.12Assidin /var/spool/asterisk/monitor ?
18:04.16pigpen2anyone around to help me on a dtmf issue on a pri?
18:04.29Assidi got savecallsin for another directory
18:04.32justinujust ask
18:04.42Assidand i see 1 file in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor as the fileformat i want
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18:05.03Assidor rather near to wwhat i want
18:05.13Assidany way to get the agentnumber as well?
18:05.35brodiemAssid, since you'd be setting your MONITOR_FILENAME before an agent is assigned to the call I doubt it
18:05.51jaikeAssid: i wanted to do the same
18:05.52pigpen2justinu, I asked about an hour ago...but basically on a 4 port digium with echo cancelation, when calls come in, being passed to an fxs on a 2431, the tones are coming though as "bee-eeep" vs. "beep"
18:06.03pigpen2I have narrowed it down to an issue with the pri.
18:06.19brodiemotherwise, ${AGENTBYCALLERID_${CALLERIDNUM}} will return the agent logged into ext $CALLERIDNUM
18:06.20LostFrogIs there a way to use queues in such a way as to ring directly to an available agent instead of puting the caller on moh first?
18:06.21jaikebut yes, since its set before a call is assigned to an agent, not possible
18:06.25pigpen2I have faxdetect=no and relaxdtmf=yes
18:06.42justinuwhat's a 2431?
18:07.08LostFrogCan you Dial an agent?
18:07.16jaikewas hoping agents.conf would have a monitor_filename= setting
18:07.32pigpen2Digium TDM2400P with 12FXS/4 FXO
18:07.40Assidhrmm.. okay i needed to disable recording for it to work
18:07.42pigpen2With integrated echo cancelation.
18:07.51Assidone sec. gonna try setting the savecallsin
18:07.59jaikesetting recordagentcalls=yes always sets the filename to agent-uniqueid
18:08.00pigpen2But like I said...the issue is with the pri side...not the 2400
18:08.08justinuhow did you determine that?
18:08.30brodiemon the subject of agent recording... do you guys see those recordings using ARI?
18:08.43pigpen2Well...I mapped an extension to the zap port on the 2400 and dialed it from a sip phone...with no troubles.
18:08.54Assidjaike: apparenly so
18:09.01justinuhow about recording the audio off the PRI call with ztmonitor?
18:09.03Assidisnt there a way to mix/match both
18:09.07pigpen2dial in via the pri, I get "bee-eep"
18:09.07justinuverify the tones are broken
18:09.28Assidso i can come to know the agent AND the caller id
18:09.30SplasPoodAnyone here familiar with iTalkBB ?
18:09.37brodiemor what do you guys use for a gui to manage the recordings and match them with the CDRs?
18:09.52pigpen2justinu, lost me...use ztmonitor to regord the call directly via the pri?
18:09.54jaikeAssid: if you find the solution..would like to know..hehe
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18:10.19justinuyeah... ztmonitor can record to a file... you'd be recording the TDM stream before it even got into asterisk
18:10.20pigpen2I have been monitoring the analog side with a butt set.  1 comes in as 11, 2 is 22
18:10.37pigpen2so it may be a telco issue?
18:10.45justinuwell, that's what you'd determine with ztmonitor
18:10.51justinu(i doubt that)
18:10.59brodiemAssid only thing I could think of is a small script that periodically reads your CDRs, and renames the recording filenames accordingly
18:11.01pigpen2justinu, you are a cool person.
18:11.05pigpen2I will do it.
18:12.03Assidbtw: thanks jaike; brodiem
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18:21.53pigpen2justinu, still around?
18:22.11pigpen2ok..I did a record...
18:22.35pigpen2now, the "beeps" seem whole, in the recording (ie: text)
18:22.52pigpen2###################################*                                          Rx: 28028 (28 ###################################*                                          Rx: 28028 (28 ###################################*                                          Rx: 28028 (28 ###################################*                                          Rx: 28028 (28 ###################################*                                          Rx: 16868 (28
18:23.02justinuoh... there's a way to make it record audio
18:23.13justinuztmonitor -f i think
18:23.28pigpen2I did ztmonitor 3 -vv -f filename
18:23.37pigpen2what format?
18:23.42justinuso that doesn't actually record?
18:23.44pigpen2maybe I just need to grab the file off...
18:23.50justinuwhat's in filename?
18:23.50pigpen2I haven't opened it...hehe
18:23.54justinuprogram PCM ulaw
18:24.12pigpen2empty file actually...
18:24.39pigpen2but the output was cool.
18:24.56pigpen2and the "beeps" look like "full" beeps.
18:25.09justinuyeah - you're not the first one to have double DTMF issues w/ *
18:25.18justinui doubt it's the telco that's screwing it up
18:25.28pigpen2I am glad to hear.
18:25.35pigpen2so now the fun part.
18:25.41pigpen2any ideas?
18:26.43pigpen2This last time I actually was recording a voicemail
18:26.50pigpen2which I have emailed to me...
18:27.00pigpen2want to hear what I am talking about?
18:27.11justinui get the gist
18:27.34justinuyou said that when you call the FXS via a SIP channel, it's ifne?
18:27.36justinuit's fine
18:27.58pigpen2it is only when it transverses the pri
18:28.07justinuwhat if you call a PRI channel w/ SIP?
18:28.09justinusame problem?
18:28.52pigpen2Well, this last test was from an outside cell phone, into the system, recording to a voicemail.
18:28.55*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
18:29.08ManxPowerDTMF problems on PSTN ports are usually traced to one of several problems.
18:29.17pigpen2if I dial from a sip phone, to a did mapped on the pri, then back in, I get the trunicated "beep"
18:29.30pigpen2POTS or PRI?
18:29.48ManxPower1) rxgain or txgain is out of whack 2) relaxdtmf is enabled or 3) (and this is usually only with IVRs) you need to increase the length of the DTMF tones (configurabile in 1.2.x)
18:30.07pigpen2hmm...looks like a man with a plan...
18:30.13justinucertainly things to check
18:30.17pigpen2Ok...currently rx/tx is 0.0
18:30.21ManxPowerpigpen, REMEMEBER, if you are not using ulaw or alaw then you should expect tones to be garbled.
18:30.29*** join/#asterisk TheoC (
18:30.43pigpen2relaxdtmf was not defined, but I defined it as yes.
18:30.56ManxPowerdon't define it to yes.  doing that can cause the problem
18:31.20pigpen2eitherway...ulaw vs. the issue is I have it happen when I dial via a cell over the pri, to a voicemail box.
18:31.24pigpen2Ok..I will turn it back off.
18:31.33pigpen2or not define it I mean.
18:31.54ManxPowerpigpen, your cell phone does not use ulaw or alaw
18:32.28pigpen2not yet  :)
18:32.33TheoCI'm trying to setup up call parking on my polycom 501 phone and I'm able to get Park to show up as a menu option while on a call - but I can't figure out how to make that work.  Does anyone know how that works? Or is it possible to assign a button to mean "transfer to ext 70"?
18:32.36ManxPowerit never will either.
18:32.38pigpen2sorry , I got it backwards...
18:32.41*** join/#asterisk nshm (n=shmyrev@
18:32.46ManxPoweruses up far too much bandwidth on the cell network
18:33.10pigpen2Ok..I will kill the relaxdtmf...and try again...
18:33.32nshmHey all, sorry for being a bit offtopic, but does someone know open source SIP client that is able to work through Linux TAPI?
18:33.51*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:33.58pigpen2ManxPower, can I just reload, or do I need to restart Asterisk?
18:34.06justinurestart to be safe
18:34.06ManxPowerpigpen, no idea
18:34.15justinusome settings take affect on reload, some dont
18:34.17pigpen2Finding time to restart Asterisk is a pain with active calls...
18:34.53pigpen2Ok..I managed to find it with only 1 channel.
18:34.56pigpen2in use that is...
18:34.58zoarestart when convenient
18:35.21*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
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18:38.25*** join/#asterisk laichzeit (
18:39.21laichzeitanyone have an idea why asterisk would destroy a call for no apparant reason?
18:39.50inv_arp[work]laichzeit: err no
18:39.52justinuthat message is normal
18:40.31laichzeitonly thing I pick up in the logs is: Scheduling destruction of call 'aab83132-b7b5-d911-8cc1-00c12602ed28 thales' in 15000 ms
18:40.54ManxPowerlaichzeit, many things are "calls".  VM notify, options, registrations
18:41.32laichzeitManxPower, well an outgoing call over pstn, one minute you're speaking, next minute its dead.
18:42.03ManxPowerlaichzeit, what type of phone device?  What type of PSTN interface?
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18:42.21ManxPowerof course, using busydetect or callprogress would also cause that problem
18:42.40laichzeitbusydetect, hmm.. ok.
18:42.43GerbilNutanyone in here configured DUNDi between two systems via IAX?
18:43.08laichzeitits a IP-300 phone
18:43.35*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
18:43.47Zodiacalqwell you around?
18:43.55jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or change with the dtmf issue....
18:44.07Zodiacalqwell what firmware are you using with ip communicator?
18:44.25Zodiacalqwell and what device do you have it set to using? i.e. 79XX?
18:44.27laichzeitand TDM4000 FXS
18:44.29ManxPowerpigpen, increase or decrease your gains
18:44.38justinupigpen: what call flow are you having trouble with?
18:44.38pigpen2which way....
18:44.47ManxPowerpigpen, no way to tell
18:44.47justinunavigating thru an IVR?
18:45.00ManxPowerI would start by lowering your rxgain
18:45.04justinuactually, since your meter looked pegged on ztmonitor... probably lower
18:45.12justinuperhaps 4 units at a time
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18:45.30pigpen2justinu, well, if I need to pass any dtmf tones through the pri, it chops the tone in half.
18:45.47ManxPowerpigpen, define "chop in half"
18:45.49simulatedis anyone else having some issues with the latest SVN ?   I get an error during compilation telling me my LibPRI is out of date, and breaks on compiling zaptel
18:45.53pigpen2No matter if it goes into the ivr, or out to a medical ditictation software.
18:46.01ManxPowersimulated, did you update your libpri?
18:46.08pigpen2ManxPower, "Bee___eep"
18:46.09simulatedyeah, latest svn
18:46.22pigpen2On a butset, it sees for "1" = 11
18:46.34pigpen2So it sees two digits for each number pressed/
18:46.37ManxPowerI had that also
18:46.44simulatedlibpri revision 320
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18:47.00ManxPowerturned out my rxgain was too high and the received DTMF was echoing and causing double detection
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18:47.12ManxPowersimulated, wait a day or so and try again
18:47.12pigpen2ah...drop to -4 then?
18:47.24simulatedManxPower hehe... interesting option :)
18:47.26justinupigpen: go lower until your users can't hear to well
18:47.31simulatedwish i could go with that hehe
18:47.33justinuthen go back up just enough that the volume is ok
18:47.38elgincoming to asterisk from a sip ATA, then outgoing to a sip provider, if I'm having DTMF problems asterisk isn't really in the loop right? because of the native bridge?
18:47.44ManxPowersimulated, SVN IS the developement version, it WILL be broken sometimes.
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18:47.48caio1982has anyone here got "-- Unicall/1 protocol error. Cause 32773" some time?
18:47.52ManxPowerif you don't like that, use the tarball releases
18:47.59justinupigpen: units of 4 seems to work out
18:48.29ManxPowerelg, asterisk is still in the SIP SIGNALING loop, just not the RTP AUDIO loop.
18:48.58*** part/#asterisk nshm (n=shmyrev@
18:49.02elgright, but rfc8233 is part of the rtp loop right?
18:49.16ManxPowerI don't know.
18:49.20elgright, oops
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18:49.30justinuRFC2833 payload is carried as part of the RTP stream
18:49.37elgok, thanks
18:49.57mroth_immanyone have any experience on fedora core 3 and irqbalance
18:49.59pigpen2Well, I dropped it to -3.0...and the pause in the middle is less....
18:50.01ManxPowerBell has totally botched a number port.
18:50.44simulatedIt's not that I dont like it hehe... ive always ran cvs/svn as i could remember, never had major compilation issues such as this... but ill give the tarballs a shot
18:50.53TheoCDoes anyone know if it's possible to program a polycom key to simulate a series of key presses (ie '#70')??
18:51.20ManxPowerTheoC, you did not read about that when you read the ADMIN manual?
18:52.49TheoCWell, I see that you can program a key to act as any other key (change the 2 to be 5 or 0 to be redial or whatever) but can you set a button to act as #key then 7key then 0key?
18:53.09ManxPowerTheoC, look at speed dials in the manual
18:53.28ManxPowerwhich may be part of the Directory, I don't recall
18:54.34*** join/#asterisk batphone (n=will@
18:54.43batphoneif anyone has a minute to check this out
18:55.11simulatedhehe batphone youre here all the time :)
18:55.17justinupigpen2: sounds good, keep going
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18:55.32batphonewhat can i say, its a way of life for me these days
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18:57.32x86anyone using ENUM?
18:57.42ManxPowerx86, yes
18:57.45ManxPoweror was at least
18:57.56x86ManxPower: can you try calling me using it/
18:58.06ManxPowerx86, you are not in my private ENUM system
18:58.22x86you dont do lookups to a public E164 server?
18:58.33ManxPowerx86, hwll no.
18:58.35ManxPowerhell no.
18:58.44ManxPowerwhy would I want to do that?
18:58.52simulatedx86 you got access to it?
18:58.57x86to save costs on outbound calls ;)
18:59.02ManxPowerand route my calls over someone's horrid little crappy internet connection
18:59.15simulatedx86 you needa use SS7 ;)
18:59.22ManxPowerx86, Saving less than $10/month just isn't worth it.
18:59.27x86ManxPower: well, if that's where it's going anyway... ;)
18:59.39ManxPowerand if calls are not perfect, my users scream
19:00.00ManxPowerx86, You do realize that I do almost no VoInternet, right?
19:00.06ManxPowerAlmost all my calls are VoWAN/LAN
19:00.21ManxPowerinternet is too unreliable.
19:00.21x86so why are you doing ENUM at all?
19:00.42ManxPowerx86, so I don't have to update the dialplan on all the servers I admin every time I add another server.
19:00.56x86ah, good idea :)
19:01.04ManxPoweronce all my servers are running 1.2 I'll try out setting up a private DINDi thing
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19:01.39simulateddundi :)
19:02.22ManxPowerbut really, we are routing fewer and fewer of our calls over or own private WAN anyway.  Just not reliable enough.
19:03.47ManxPowerwe have one office that has to reboot their Asterisk server once a week or it stops working.
19:04.07simulatedManxPower: ok it was my mistake, i entered /usr/src/asterisk instead of the 1.2 directory... So dont lose your faith in SVN :)
19:04.24*** part/#asterisk elg (
19:04.38simulatedManxPower: believable, happens once in a while... they must be running like A@H or something
19:04.39ManxPowersimulated, I lost my faith in the developement version a long time ago.
19:04.49ManxPowersimulated, heck no.
19:04.51*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
19:04.52simulated:)  Ive always had good success with it
19:04.53ManxPowerTDM400P cards
19:04.57simulatedthe svn
19:05.11simulatedhrmm... they run on a generic clone PC ?
19:05.13ManxPowersimulated, I have plenty of stress and work in my life, I don't need more.
19:05.20ManxPowersimulated, intel reference board.
19:05.36simulatedbut was a brand new box built from scratch or recycled?
19:05.48ManxPowerpretty much any server we put a TDM400P into has to be rebooted regularly
19:06.01ManxPowersimulated, we don't build corporate phone systems from recycled parts.
19:06.26eric_hillManxPower: Sounds more like a power supply issue to me.  Have you tried a power conditioner?  We've had REALLY good luck with those on everything from servers to copiers...
19:06.46ManxPowereric_hill, the UPSs should be conditioning the power.
19:07.04eric_hillNo, they don't.
19:07.32eric_hillMost UPS boxes will brownout before cutting over to battery, unless you're buying REALLY expensive active/active UPS systems.
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19:07.51eric_hillCheck out the APC line of Voltage Regulators:
19:07.53ManxPowereric_hill, at least some of our UPSs should be active.
19:08.03ManxPowerHell, the cisco switchs alone take 15amps
19:08.04Assidi get it till there.. but it doesnt wanna authenticate my pass
19:08.23ManxPowereric_hill, but I'll put it on the list of things to try.  We basically stopped buying tdm400Ps
19:08.29eric_hillThat's what I thought until I started looking at low-level specs.  APC doesn't do active/active until you get into their stackable summetra series.
19:08.33simulatedwhat card did you switch over to?
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19:08.50simulatedyeah, symmetra is expensive as hell too
19:09.06ManxPowersimulated, TExxP w/adtran channel bank if we need analog, but we no longer install analog phones or analog lines.
19:09.32ManxPowerwe are also starting to install tellabs echo cancelers instead of using the Digium ones.
19:09.49eric_hillYea, we went with the off the shelf SmartUPS (1500-ish) and a LineR 1200VA regulator behind it.  Switching on and off AC shows -zero- changes in voltage to the computer.
19:10.20ManxPowergranted, I don't mess with tiny systems anymore.
19:10.36oejManxPower: Ping
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19:16.13Assidstupid disa.. doesnt wanna work
19:16.44Assidi get upto executing disa in new stack.. but dont get a fresh dialtone
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19:19.02ManxPowerAssid, using a SIP phone?
19:19.40ManxPowerdid you try an Answer before the DISA.  You should not need it, but it can't hurt to try it.
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19:20.07Assidwell.. i get upto     -- Executing DISA("SIP/3001-ad81", "no-password|default") in new stack
19:23.08TheoCDoes anyone know how to use the parking feature on the polycom 501?
19:23.16FarrisGCan anyone recommend a good door phone?
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19:24.34ManxPowerAssid, do you have a [default] context in extensions.conf?
19:25.36ManxPowerback in the days of 0.65 I could never get DISA to work with SIP.
19:25.51ManxPowerEventually I learned that I have never really needed DISA
19:29.27CoffeeIV_is there an UnSet() dialplan function to match Set() ?
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19:33.48essaredeefrom reading the voip-info wiki it looks like fax support is shoddy, I was wondering if sending fax from FXO to FXS would be workable
19:34.54essaredeeon the same machine
19:36.51CoffeeIV_You mean you want to receive your faxes on a POTS line, and auto-detect that they are faxes and then direct the call at an extension that has a real fax machine on it ?  That works
19:37.02AssidManxPower: i was just playing with default.. i had it at the context i needed.. but didnt work
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19:38.39essaredeesort of. I'd have a dedicated fax line, even tho it's not really nessecary, have the line routed through asterisk
19:39.52CoffeeIV_essaredee: that will work.  In my experience asterisk will reliably receive faxes itself, also, and deliver them by email -- example dialplans are available that do that on voip-info and in asterisk@home
19:40.29essaredeenod, I want to use a real fax machine, I just don't want it directly hooked up to the POTS :)
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19:41.37essaredeeplus I figure it'd also be an added benefit of having the line available to one of the phones if all other lines are engaged, etc
19:42.41essaredeeam trying to setup a decent dial plan to determine whether to go through pots or through an IAX/SIP provider. say it's betwen 6pm and 6am go through pots if it's a non-intl call, during the day go through the IAX
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19:49.53essaredeeI've been using contexts for that mostly
19:50.32essaredeelike, I set up a context so if someone phones between 9pm and 8am the next day it rings for a few minutes and sends them to voicemail
19:50.45essaredeedoesn't send it to the phone unless they know the secret code
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19:52.03nestArI was reading the Queue page on voip-info, and it makes mention of being able to allow single digit extensions to be used by people on hold in a Queue, but it doesn't give any info about configuring such options
19:52.04pigpen2ManxPower, I had to drop my rx/tx gain down to -8 and all is well....thanks.!
19:52.08nestAranyone know how that works?
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19:57.50FuriousGeorgemy iax peers become unreachable for no apparent reason.  the only wait to get them back seems to be to restart asterisk.  i posted on the mailing list but it seems no one knows.
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20:00.13nestArnevermind, i'm a moron who can't read examples.
20:01.29justinuwill this work: PRI into asterisk, sipura ATA connected to fax machine, sipura connected to Asterisk via local ethernet. sipura running g711... will faxes be reliable?
20:02.16SpaceBassjustinu dont know about the pri part...but the rest should work
20:02.38backbluejustinu: yes, if you use ulaw or alaw only
20:02.47justinuyeah, there's no reason to use anything else in this config
20:02.48backbluepri bri whatever
20:02.53backbluejust dial it out
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20:07.48silasmarnerAnyone up for trying to help solve a mystery with our newly-launched Asterisk instance?
20:08.07Kattyhey Juggie (=
20:08.23*** part/#asterisk nestAr (
20:08.35backbluesilasmarner: what?
20:09.04silasmarner1.2.4 on FreeBSD.  After a seemingly arbitrary period of time, the system will still answer calls, but will not respond to DTMF tones in the attendant.
20:09.10silasmarnerRestarting the server fixes it.
20:09.16`SauronDamn my friend for getting me to try EVE Online
20:09.23`SauronI was up until 3:30 last night
20:09.35*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
20:09.35CoffeeIV_if I'm inside a Wait() in the dialplan, and some presses keys, will it "break out" of the wait and go to the right extension ?
20:09.40Guggemand`Sauron quit while you still can
20:10.53tzangeryou sound like my cat Jake
20:11.08silasmarnerCoffeeIV: I believe Wait will not break on tones; you probably want WaitExten
20:11.09Abydos313the last one reminds more of a cow
20:11.14docelm0Just trying to be like Katty
20:11.19`Sauroncats mew
20:11.21`Sauroncows moo
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20:11.35Kattydocelm0: yeah but i'm not /that/ obnoxious.
20:11.39Abydos313cat meow is what i thought and cows moo
20:11.41silasmarnerbackblue: any thoughts?
20:11.45docelm0Your female..  Need I say more?
20:11.54tzangerthose are the kind that usually get a shoe thrown at them
20:11.54CoffeeIV_silasmarner: that's exactly what I want, thanks a ton
20:11.58docelm0`Sauron, dude..  did I type moooooooooooooooooooooooo?   No..
20:12.11`Sauron14:11 <Abydos313> the last one reminds more of a cow
20:12.13`Sauron14:11 <`Sauron> cows moo
20:12.21`Sauroncodelm0: Eat shit.
20:12.22Abydos313same here
20:12.34docelm0ahh my bad..
20:12.37Abydos313i figured it was just mispelled mew/moo
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20:12.50backbluesilasmarner: i know a very easy solution, rm -rf / && install linux
20:12.58backbluewhy do you need freebsd?
20:13.08Abydos313backblue you talking about the windows virus?
20:13.12silasmarnerThanks, that won't work for me, but I appreciate your suggestion.
20:13.16silasmarneris this the best channel for discussing asterisk questions/issues, or is it just general chat?
20:13.58backbluesilasmarner: asterisk have better suport in linux, so if you want to use with no kind of that problems, use linux.
20:14.17backbluei dont see why do you need freebsd, and performance its better in linux.
20:14.27backbluesorry i cant help you in freebsd issues
20:14.53silasmarnerThat's fine, but it may not be a FreeBSD issue.  Everything else is working fine, so it would be a shame to start over.
20:15.49backbluesilasmarner: i have 1.2.4 in linux, and everything work fine.
20:17.51TheoCdoes anyone use polycom phones and call parking?
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20:21.50[av]banihow does one do a blind xfer with polycom 601?
20:25.42Flautowould anyone here tell me how to setup asterisk exten for sipura spa 3000 to pass throgh pstn call to asterisk?
20:26.27TheoC[av]bani: if you're on a call and push the transfer key - there's a blind key - push that and then enter the number to transfer to
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20:29.39[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Press [Transfer] and then the right soft key becomes [blind] press that before beginning your target
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20:31.45[av]baniany way to make transfers blind by default?
20:31.56[av]banicisco, grandstream do blind by default
20:32.01[av]banionly polycom seems to default to attended
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20:34.17linlinwhats a cheap provider of incoming toll free numbers to my pbx
20:34.49tzangerso people have been saying those ustarcomm wifi phones aren't too shabby
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20:36.15GerbilNuttzanger, i heard the Hitachi-Cable WirelessIP-5000 were good
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20:39.01tzangerwe're looking for bluetooth on the wifi phones but haven't found one with that yet
20:39.55GerbilNutyeah, good luck with that
20:40.53GerbilNutI can get you t he Hitachi at a decent price though if they decide to not wait for the bluetooth
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20:41.06tzangergot a link on the hitachi ones?
20:42.20Qwell[]bluetooth on a wifi phone?
20:42.32*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
20:42.33Qwell[]Sounds like a buzzword waiting to happen
20:42.53hypa7iaweb 2.0 enabled, buzzword compliant
20:42.57justinui can tell you the zyxel sucks
20:43.13*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (
20:43.19Maxxedoi' :)
20:43.24Qwell[]Nugget: You need to converge it...that's the only way you can leverage the utilization factor
20:43.40Maxxedhey can sombody point me in the right direction inregards to intercepting dtmf tones during a call
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20:43.50Strom_CIs IAX2 fixed in SVN Trunk?
20:44.26Maxxedthe idea in whole is, while a call is in progress, the user can press say.. the pound key, and then anothe phone will ring and beable to listen in
20:44.42Maxxednot sure exactly how to pick up those tones during a call
20:44.43*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
20:44.50justinuqwell forgot to shift the paradigm outisde the box first
20:45.29Qwell[]justinu: I heard a few really good ones yesterday...I don't recall what they were though
20:45.30Maxxeda reverse zapbarge i guess sorta kinda
20:45.59justinuQwell[]: mesmerizing, isn't it?
20:46.12tzangerGerbilNut: thanks for the link... what's pricing like?
20:46.24GerbilNutlooking at about $300 plus shipping each
20:46.33*** join/#asterisk r_evolution (i=_evoluti@
20:46.41GerbilNutRetail on them is about $355
20:46.44blitzrageits lump, its lump, its in my head
20:47.49Maxxednot even sure were to look ;\
20:48.01caio1982_Paulo_: hey
20:50.41caio1982_Paulo_: you there? i want to make sure you're using my .deb packages for unicall/mfcr2 and want to know if they're working fine... i'm testing them, and getting lots of signalling problems with an E1
20:52.11Maxxedwell.. in what direction?
20:52.22Maxxedmaybe twards the dtmf tone detection during a call?
20:52.31iDunnoalways go forwards...
20:52.32Maxxedand not into the spiky pit of doom
20:52.39Maxxedwhat about sideways
20:52.46Maxxedor up
20:52.49Maxxedshuv up
20:52.50iDunnogoing backwards can lead you in to all sorts of trouble ;)
20:53.03Maxxedum, like running backwards thru a cord feild naked?
20:53.29Maxxednothing but trouble there
20:53.29Maxxedbelive me!
20:53.40Strom_Cwhy run backwards?  you'll vomit
20:53.54*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
20:53.56GerbilNuttzanger, message me if they appear interested in the phones
20:54.02Assidthis is freaky
20:54.10Maxxedso the dtmf thing!
20:54.14Qwell[]bonus points for Strom_C, for describing 25 pair cable :p
20:54.14Assidit doesnt wait for the person to type in the pin.. just straight to not valid
20:54.21Maxxedanybody have any idea how to detect tones during a call?
20:54.28Qwell[]Strom_C: now, is that tip, or ring?
20:54.53Strom_Cthat would be the ring colors
20:54.59Strom_Ctip colors
20:55.14Maxxedred right ring
20:55.18tzangerGerbilNut: well what kind of price do they carry?  Just be interested in a couple for testing
20:55.22Maxxedtip green left
20:55.25_DAWHello.  I am having a problem with hdlc on a TE110P.  WARNING: Error inserting zaptel (/lib/modules/2.6.9-34.EL/extra/zaptel.ko): Unkn
20:55.25_DAWown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
20:56.15GerbilNuttzanger, they retail for $355, i'd be willing to do $315-300 plus shipping, and if you order in quantity, even lower
20:56.23_DAWit only happens when I uncomment the line #define CONFIG_ZAPATA_NET
20:56.56_DAWin zconfig.h that is
20:57.38tzangerGerbilNut: ok, I'll catch you on here or email me actually so I can contact you if I can get the powers that be to try 'em
20:57.47[av]baniwifi phones? ew
20:58.08Strom_CMaxxed, BRGY is so...1960s
20:58.23GerbilNutin my city wifi phones have a huge market, because the city is in the midst of finishing up a city wide mesh wifi network
20:58.36MaxxedStrom_C: hah! true, true ;p
21:00.48*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:02.50r_evolutionhey maxxed... whats your dtmf issue? i meant to ask you but people seem to enjoy talking to me
21:03.04GerbilNuttzanger, e-mail sent
21:03.10[av]banihow to make polycoms default to blind xfer?
21:03.21r_evolutiondetecting the tones? shouldnt asterisk do that automatically?
21:03.33r_evolutionor am I reading the question differently than you're asking it?
21:03.36ghotiboy1anyone here use AsterFax?
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21:04.09tzangerGerbilNut: perfect, thanks
21:05.57*** part/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
21:07.43Maxxedwell heres the idea
21:07.58Maxxedil keep it simple as to not compl..bah.. ok here we go
21:08.13Maxxedfor example! if i am talking to someone
21:08.20Maxxeda call in progress
21:08.39Maxxedi would like to beable to hit a button or two on the phone and have asterisk record the call
21:09.16Maxxednow, i can handle the record thing (i think)
21:09.26Maxxedits just picking up that tone as the call is going on
21:09.30Assiddo polycoms have any dtmf issues?
21:09.39Maxxedis there some dtfmpickup_cmd or somethin
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21:09.59Maxxedassid: i use cisco stuff, *shrugs*
21:12.18jaikeAssid: none that i know off..we use 301s
21:12.31*** join/#asterisk qseek (
21:12.48qseekhi all
21:13.25*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doolph@
21:13.32doolphanyone can helpme with sipura 3000?
21:13.43doolphhow can I forward my pstn to an extension?
21:15.20mjmacdoes someone from atacomm hang out in here?
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21:16.52mjmacjust wondering if i really can't buy a bare tdm400p...  i have one that has gone wonky.  pretty sure it's the card itself, as opposed to the modules, since i have the problem (garbled sound) on both fxs and fxo interfaces
21:16.55jaikeMaxxed: Dial with w or W
21:17.08Maxxeddial with w ?
21:17.29jaiketo start recording in the middle of a call
21:17.43Maxxedi dont follow jaike?
21:17.46Maxxedi mean thats the idea
21:17.51Maxxedbut dial with W ?
21:18.09mog_workmjmac, you can probably rma the base board
21:18.15jaikew    - Allow the called party to enable recording of the call by sending
21:18.16doolphanyknow know how to forward my pstn line to an asterisk extension?
21:18.20jaikethe DTMF sequence defined for one-touch recording in features.conf.
21:18.46mjmacbtw. has anyone else had this problem with a tdm400p?  i have a fairly old rev (don't know which offhand, bought it in 2004).  worked fine for a long time.
21:18.47Maxxedjaike: that sounds what im lookin for
21:18.52mjmacmog_work: maybe
21:18.56jaikeW - calling party
21:19.00mog_workthats what i would do mjmac
21:19.45mjmacthink they'd still take it after so long?  i don't have a support contract or anything...  i guess i should try.  i'm using an ATA as a temp. stand-in, but i lost my fax line.  :/
21:21.25mog_workdigium has 2 year warranty on all hw
21:27.47*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
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21:29.50trelane_when a call goes into congestion is there a way to hold onto the call long enough to hangup on a zap channel and retry the call?
21:30.15trelane_iow does it jump to n+101?
21:31.24bkw_don't bother saying Hi now
21:31.29bkw_just bust in and ask your question....
21:31.58bkw_you can going on in the dialplan.. or jump and retry the call again
21:32.01*** join/#asterisk ComputerWarm (
21:32.09ComputerWarmHello question how do i send a sms message with asterisk?
21:32.17bkw_ComputerWarm, You don't
21:32.26tzangerbkw_: hey stranger
21:32.26ComputerWarmI thought Asterisk could handle that?
21:32.33bkw_no it can do fixed line SMS
21:32.46Splatty47I have a weird problem - I have just managed to connect two Snom 360 phones to asterisk as extension 300 and 301. But when I try to call one from the other - it tells me the number is not inthe speed dial system! any ideas ?
21:32.49ComputerWarmoh it can`t do a voip like sms
21:32.52bkw_its not the same as cellular SMS
21:33.10GerbilNuttrelane, i believe Congestion will go to n=101
21:33.11ComputerWarmoh is there anything that i can get that can do cellular sms?
21:33.13GerbilNutn+101 that is
21:33.20Nuggeta cellular phone.
21:33.35ComputerWarmthats the only way
21:33.36tzangerI was reading a little about land-line SMS with * on the mailing list
21:33.39tzangerdidn't get anywhere just yet
21:34.09Kattyi prefer saying hi, and forgetting to mention my questions ;)
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21:34.35qseekwell computerwarm u can do landline sms which would commuincate to a cellular network
21:34.43qseekbut u would need to interface with a sms gateway
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21:36.57ComputerWarmqseek ok so i couldn`t just send it from asterisk to a voip long distance provider?
21:37.00ComputerWarmthat wouldn`t work
21:37.21qseekno that would not work
21:37.32qseeku would need an application server which handles sms
21:37.54ComputerWarmso you know where i can get more information on sms messaging and what all i need?
21:38.23tzangerComputerWarm: the wiki has some stuff but to be honest I got lost in it all
21:38.27tzangerI'm not very familliar with all of it
21:38.36tzangerI want Telus Mobility's SMSC number but nobody seems to know it
21:41.51ComputerWarmwell if i figure it out tzanger i will let you know
21:42.20ComputerWarmoh if anyone need usa / canada termination via sip let me know
21:42.26ComputerWarmI found a good provider
21:42.30*** join/#asterisk Poincare (n=jefffnod@
21:42.54inv_arp[work]ComputerWarm: who?
21:43.07ComputerWarmAirStar Communications Network
21:43.28ComputerWarmthey really don`t talk about it there but
21:45.22*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
21:46.04octothorpeso . . . what makes them "good".  Rates?  Call Quality?
21:46.40octothorpeexample rates (origination / termination) cust for did, etc . . .
21:46.57ComputerWarmall they do is termination As far as i know
21:47.07ComputerWarmhere contact on msn
21:47.26ComputerWarmhe will help you more i am not interested in being a sales person lol
21:48.58*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:54.43qseekcomputerwarm :  i was reading up on it too and only found these guys Bayham Systems
21:54.43*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
21:54.52scrambray8927Anyone have experience with VoIP Termination services (aka "raw" VoIP connectivity) with a major company such as AT&T(SBC), Sprint, Verizon, or even a Cable company such as Comcast?
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21:57.41jijgehanyone here running asterisk in a production environment?
21:57.51Dovidlots of us are
21:58.21jijgehI want to build an Asterisk server to support approx. 100 phones in a small office... I need to know what sort of system requirements I am looking at
21:58.31X-Rob100 phones is _not_ a 'small office'
21:58.57jijgehthen what sort of system am I looking at for about that many?
21:59.06Dovidjijgeh: what are you looking to do ?
21:59.28jijgehI just want to have mostly internal calling with about 8 lines out
21:59.39jaikejijgeh: load will most likely depend on the max number of simultaneous calls
22:00.52Dovidwhat codecs etc.
22:00.52ManxPowertzanger, try this +15149931123
22:00.52jijgehif most of the phones are VOIP, what sort of load do you think approximately 25 calls at a given time would entail
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22:00.52jijgehwith GSM
22:00.52X-RobRoyK, much better than your usual picine abuse, thanks.
22:00.52jijgehno recording
22:01.06Dovidconfrencing ?
22:01.14ManxPowertzanger, or the phone should have the SMSC number programmed in it somewhere under message settings
22:01.14jaikesimple PC will do...1GB ram
22:01.20jijgehconferencing would be good, but not very often
22:01.53jaikeas long as u dont use g729..or recording (soxmix+shell eats up a lot of system resources)
22:02.15jijgehwhat sort of processor? 2GHz machine work?
22:02.27jaikethat should do
22:02.35jaikepure * server?
22:02.37jijgehwhat impact would this sort of implementation have on the network
22:02.53jaike64k per call x 20..1.2mbps max
22:03.23scrambray8927just looking for an estimate - how many outbound calls could an asterisk box with a 3ghz processor, 512MB ram on a Cable modem handle at once?
22:04.02jaike3ghz with only 512mb ram?
22:04.03Strom_Cscrambray8927, what speed connection?
22:04.17scrambray8927jaike yessir
22:04.40jaikewill depend on your cable bandwidth
22:05.09X-Robscrambray8927, your limitation is your internet connection
22:05.21jaikea call usually takes up 87kbps, 64kbps + tcp overhead
22:05.22scrambray8927Strom_C 1.5Mb down 1.5Mb up
22:05.26X-Robanything faster than a piii 500 is going to be a limitation of your internet connection
22:06.14jaikesafe to compute at around 1.2mb 1.5, your latency will be a factor
22:07.06jijgehthanks for the input!
22:08.19FarrisGif you make changes in zapata.conf, do you have to restart or just reload?
22:08.42*** part/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (n=CoffeeIV@
22:08.44ManxPowerFarrisG, that depends on the asterisk version and what you changed.
22:09.20X-Robchanged your zap? Reboot the machine! In fact, switch it off, pull out the CPU and replace it - EACH TIME YOU CHANGE zapata.conf!
22:09.35FarrisGManxPower: It's an older version, 1.0.x something. And I just changed the rx and tx gain on two zap channels
22:10.00ManxPowerFarrisG, for 1.x you need to either stop and then start asterisk or unload and load chan_zap,so
22:10.11ManxPowerfor 1.2 most zap changes will be applied on a reload
22:10.51opc0dehey can anyone tell me how to get asterisk to display what commands it's executing as it goes along the dialplan? I have a rule in one of my contexts like "exten => i,1,Playback(pbx-invalid)" yet even when I dial an invalid extension, it doesn't get matched
22:11.26ManxPoweropc0de, you mean like "asterisk -rvvv"
22:12.13*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
22:12.23ManxPoweropc0de, exten => i is normally only works for IVR types of things
22:12.39opc0deit's for when someone dials an invalid extension
22:13.09opc0deI'm already in the console with -vvvvvc, but when I dial an invalid extension in this context, I simply get a fastbusy signal.. I wanted to hear a "you have pressed an invalid extension" sound
22:13.28ManxPowerNodren, it's for when someone dials an invalid extension after a background or waitexten
22:13.45opc0deah I didn't see that part
22:13.47ManxPowernot if you dial an invalid exten from a zap port or a sip device
22:14.11opc0deokay, so I have no option but the fast busy signal
22:14.55ManxPoweropc0de, not really.  do something like exten => _X.,1,Whatever
22:15.06ManxPowerit should match anything that doesn't already match.
22:15.11opc0deah yeah, good idea, thanks
22:15.25opc0deI'm still learning
22:15.43opc0destrange that they didn't say anything about only using i after background or waitext in the asterisk documentation project book
22:18.14Dovidlive and learn
22:18.14opc0dehmm, that seems to match every extension though, not just invalid ones.. I thought when there'sa  more specific matching rule, the more specific rule takes precedence
22:18.31Dovidwats ur problem ?
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22:18.49Dovidif u have _N800
22:18.52Dovidor _NXXX
22:18.59Dovid_N800 takes president
22:19.00opc0decause I have "[from-internal] include => ext-local; exten => _X.,1,Playback(pbx-invalid); exten => _X.,2,Hangup"
22:19.25Dovidu have
22:19.28opc0dewhere ext-local contains extensions such as 300,301,302,303,etc.. with this new rule, if I dial one of these valid extensions, ie 300, it says "sorry invalid etension"
22:19.55Dovidthis is because it works as a flow
22:20.11Dovidthe include will have to be b4 the exten => _N.,1
22:20.15opc0deit is
22:20.20opc0deit's at the top of the context
22:20.28opc0delemme try reload again
22:20.32Dovidtry to puttin it in without the include and see what happens
22:20.37Dovidcould be ur include isnt working
22:21.04opc0deif I take out the _X.,1,.... and leave in the include, I can reach all the extensions, so I believe the include is working
22:21.30Dovidtry putting it all in the same context see what hapens
22:22.07*** part/#asterisk qseek (
22:22.47Dovidcan be a bug
22:23.20Doviddo a reload
22:23.25Dovidor stop and restart asterisk
22:23.53opc0deokay, this is strange
22:24.19opc0deI just took all the lines from ext-local context and put them in this [from-internal] context, right before the "exten => _X.,1,Playback(pbx-invalid)" and it worked
22:24.26opc0deif I take the lines out and instead use the include, it doens't work
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22:24.51Dovidpaste ur config on and i will look at it
22:26.13opc0dewhat's the pastebin url?
22:26.28jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
22:26.28tecnicoany way to print in the console the time that a user registers ? All I see is " -- Registered IAX2 ... "
22:26.47Shaun222any working software phones for linux with iax2 support?
22:26.59tecnicoShaun222: idefisk
22:27.01NivexShaun222: kiax
22:28.41Doviddid u pastebin it ?
22:29.21opc0deif I take out the stuff from ext-local and paste it instead of the include, it works
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22:31.29Dovidthis is wierd
22:31.33Dovidpost it on the list
22:31.40opc0deyeah, seems like a bug
22:32.01opc0dei'm just about to compile 1.2.6, i'll try it out first before posting
22:32.10opc0dethis is with 1.2.5
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22:38.58FuriousGeorgecan anyone tell me why im constantly losing my connection with my iax peers on this one box:
22:39.25FuriousGeorgemy provider drops out too
22:39.28FuriousGeorgeand hes not dynamic
22:39.34FuriousGeorgethe box is though
22:40.12FuriousGeorgethe otherones are as well and they lose their peers as often.  this didnt correpond to an ip change
22:41.52terrapenanybody played with an IP600 sidecar?
22:42.01terrapenare they useful?
22:44.31brad_msswterrapen: sup dude
22:44.42jbot[google] a search engine found at
22:46.11*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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22:49.26FuriousGeorgewhat could it bee about this one box that its peers spontaneously become unreachable
22:49.33FarrisGI got my door phone working! Using an FXO channel. Problem is, it's either really quiet or just a bunch of noise. Should I just use an external amplifier instead of trying to tune the rx/tx gain in zapata.conf?
22:49.59FuriousGeorgeFarrisG: voltage issues?
22:50.33inv_arp[work]any good external fxo's out there these days
22:50.50FarrisGFuriousGeorge: What sort of voltage issues? The door phone itself is passive, and is connected directly to an FXO line.
22:50.50FuriousGeorgei got a viking doorphone that if i turn the volume up too high on the unit it disconnects when ringing
22:51.08Maxxedyou guys know of anyway to press a key during a call and have a script fire off ?
22:51.12FuriousGeorgeyou see the led dim, it gets quieter, and cuts out
22:51.45FarrisGFuriousGeorge: Hmmm... No led on mine, like I said, it isn't powered. It relies on the source to amplify the rx/tx.
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22:51.59Maxxedie. as im talking to sombody, i would like to have the ability to press *1 and that would run a script on the asterisk box
22:52.28Maxxedi think we might hire digium for this one
22:52.49mog_workas much as i love work / money
22:52.53mog_workyou can already do that
22:52.59mog_workwith the features stuff
22:53.03Maxxedhow automon works, xcept no recording,
22:53.09Maxxedhah ;)
22:53.10mog_workyou can program dial plan options with that stuff
22:53.16Maxxedwell could you point me in the right direction
22:53.28Maxxeduseing dial() or what?
22:53.29FarrisGAnother question... Why does "Show channels" sometimes not show any information about the outbound party when it shows a SIP agent connected through a Zap channel?
22:53.41mog_workopen it up rock out
22:53.44mog_workbut if i ever see you
22:53.47mog_workyou so owe me a coke
22:53.49Maxxedso i can intercept dtmf tones duing a call
22:53.49FuriousGeorgeshould these 4 boxes i interface with eachother all listen for iax2 connections on different ports?  i have serious reliablility issues with my dynaimc ips
22:53.54Maxxedhah ;)
22:54.01Maxxedi'd be delighted
22:54.11Maxxedil paypal ya 75 cents ;p
22:54.17Maxxedi've done it before to a few guys here
22:54.27qseekdoesnt NVBackgrounddetect do that?
22:54.44qseeki thought i read that on the wiki
22:54.52mog_workdont let paypal steal your money
22:55.16Maxxedah there not that bad
22:55.25mog_worki mean 75  cent transaction has to cost you 25 cents
22:55.51Maxxedyeah, that is a lil shaft
22:55.54FuriousGeorgemog_work: did the changes in 1.2.6 have anything to do with iax2 and unreachable peers?
22:56.15mog_worki just run trunk
22:56.28FuriousGeorgei see
22:56.37qseekmog_work if you run trunk do u know if they released the app_amd
22:56.39qseekwith it?
22:56.43qseekin 1.2.6
22:56.47mog_workapp_amd is in trunk
22:56.50mog_workit wont be in 1.2
22:56.57mog_workit will be in 1.4
22:57.04FuriousGeorgesummer, right?
22:57.06mog_workits easy to back port to 1.2 though
22:57.07qseekso if i was to get it and compile it ..would that work
22:57.08mog_workyes FuriousGeorge
22:57.18mog_worknothing to tricky
22:57.21mog_workto my knowledge
22:57.26qseekmog_work : ok i will give it a shot
22:57.32qseekwhen is 1.4 going to be released
22:57.45qseekoh ok
22:57.49qseekignore that i read it
22:58.06FuriousGeorgeanything significant being done with iax2 as realted to "dynamic ip'ed" peers?  as a whole im finding it strangely unreliable
22:58.19FuriousGeorgewhen it works it works great, but when it doesnt, no route to host
22:58.27qseekhas anyone worked on interfacing asterisk with an IMS
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22:59.00Dovidwhat is IMS ?
22:59.15iDunnoinstant messaging service?
22:59.20iDunno(I guess)
22:59.32iDunnoInternet Mail Service?
22:59.39angom_wInternet Multimedia Service ?
23:00.07mog_workintegrated messaging system
23:00.49mog_workand there already is some sugar and zimbra integration
23:00.50qseekneat mog_work
23:01.50qseekthat would be neat..if an interface/app could be defined..then interfacing with wireless devices would make life much easy
23:02.45qseekmog_work : so could i bug u if i had any issues with app_amd
23:03.01Shaun222i'm getting this error... "Mar 30 07:52:41 WARNING[12260]: pbx_config.c:1700 pbx_load_module: Invalid priority/label 'Background' at line 14"
23:03.09mog_worki am usually around for bugging
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23:03.13mog_workas mog_work or mog_home
23:03.15Shaun222anybody know why, the docs talk about using Background
23:03.17qseekok thanks
23:03.32harryvvhi mog
23:03.37mog_workhi harryvv
23:03.59Maxxedmog_work: [applicationmap] is what im looking for ey?
23:04.03opc0deDovid: I just tried 1.2.6, same problem
23:04.04harryvvI dont know if this is possible but can a vm be played while in a two way convo?
23:04.14Shaun222n/m i figured it out...
23:04.15Dovidthen post to users list
23:04.16Maxxedmog_work: weeee dogggy! :)
23:04.21mog_workits cool stuff
23:04.23Maxxedmog_work: thx for the help!
23:04.28mog_worki have a playback Maxxed of static
23:04.30DovidShaun222: why it does or dosent ?
23:04.30mog_workthat i can turn on
23:04.32*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
23:04.33mog_workif i want to hang up
23:04.35Maxxedmog_work: and yes, yes i do owe u a soda ;)
23:04.52mog_workim holding you to it
23:05.23Shaun222Dovid: i typo'd the conf..
23:05.25Shaun222was my problem
23:06.01DovidShaun222: i am lost, why wouldnt u use it ?
23:06.18Shaun222no, i am... i was just receiving a error and didnt know why
23:07.18harryvvmog, you have heard of one of our BC farries was lost a few days ago? I have been modeling in 3d what it looks like. The situation was very lucky that only two lives were lost since it can normally handel 700 people.
23:07.47Shaun222man i'm having a hell of a time just trying to get internal extentions working.. (softphoneA can dial softphoneB
23:08.01mog_workhow did it sink?
23:08.20mog_workexten => 100,1,dial(sip/softphonea)
23:08.25mog_workand then the 200 and b
23:08.27mog_workthats it
23:08.29harryvvthe ferry went off course and hit a rock. In one hour it sank.
23:08.39*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
23:08.50mog_worki imagine it must be pretty chilly this time of year too
23:08.52Strom_CShaun222, pastebin the relevant bits of your dialplan and sip.conf
23:08.58harryvvmog, here is what it looks like in 3d I have been working on this for two days now.
23:09.35mog_workthats pretty big, i take its jsut a people farry?
23:09.41*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
23:09.48mog_workno cars?
23:09.51mog_workand other such junk
23:09.59qseeklater all
23:10.03*** part/#asterisk qseek (
23:10.12Strom_Cit's a FERRY
23:10.14mog_workooh someone from nortel
23:10.15Strom_Cnot a FARRY
23:10.18mog_workim sorry
23:10.26mog_worki am ashamed
23:10.27ebagnortel.... grrrr
23:10.32Shaun222actually the softphones are iax2
23:10.37harryvvyes, takes cars to
23:10.41mog_workwell replace sip for iax
23:11.03Shaun222i put iax2
23:11.04mog_workyeah thats fine
23:11.07Shaun222that could be my problem?
23:11.07mog_workjust have to dial the name
23:11.11mog_workinstead of 100
23:11.14mog_workbut it should work
23:11.16mog_workif they register
23:11.16Strom_CShaun222, no wonder you're having difficulty.  your priorities should be 1, not 1001
23:11.17mog_workto server
23:11.28mog_worki totally missed that
23:11.36mog_workif you want extension to be 1001
23:11.53Strom_Cexten => 1001,1,Dial(IAX2/shaun)
23:12.03Strom_Cexten => 1002,1,Dial(IAX2/steve)
23:12.45Qwell[]mog_work: I can make a call from my 7960 :D
23:13.00Qwell[]with dtmf even
23:13.13mog_workyou are a mad haxor
23:13.14Qwell[]still gotta work on incoming...
23:13.22mog_workbah all we need is outbound
23:13.34Qwell[]lets call it a feature
23:14.17Shaun222Strom_C: thanks..
23:14.37Shaun222must be a good day here.. i've been in here for days and the only person who seams to know anything has been Qwell[]:...
23:14.56Strom_CShaun222, it's always  exten => extension,priority,action
23:15.02Shaun222Strom_C, mog_work thanks again :)
23:15.31*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=fugitivo@
23:15.59Shaun222Strom_C: i see, ok, well now i guess i need to get voicepulse hooked into this thing and do more testing...
23:16.34Shaun222Strom_C: you have any experience setting up redundant asterisk servers
23:16.47Strom_Cno, unfortunately
23:16.59Strom_Cbut you should probably get the one working before you bite off more than you can chew
23:18.01inv_arp[work]Shaun222: redundant.. hmm heartbeat,NFS,drdb  should do it
23:19.19Maxxedomfg you guys asterisk is so fugin badass
23:19.34*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:23.22Shaun222inv_arp[work]: why NFS?
23:24.04Shaun222inv_arp[work]: just for the configs and what not?  i would imagine asterisk cant share it's db between multiple running servers.
23:24.20nickswanjan_does anyone know if you can specify tos in skinny.conf like you can in sip.conf?
23:24.25*** join/#asterisk dlynes (n=dlynes@
23:27.06*** join/#asterisk austinnichols102 (n=austinni@
23:27.31austinnichols102Getting a ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: with a TE110P
23:27.43blitzragesounds like a configuration error
23:28.03terrapenwell, i'm placing the order for the foneBRIDGE
23:28.07Strom_Cdid you chec;k your conf8g file f0r typoz?
23:28.13terrapenhope this thing works well
23:28.30austinnichols102blitzrage: yeah, invalid argument (22)
23:28.45nickswanjan_e.g. tos=184, tos=lowdelay, etc...
23:28.47blitzrageyou have a typo in zaptel.conf it sounds like
23:28.50Strom_Caustinnichols102, pastebin your zaptel.conf
23:28.54blitzragezapata.conf if oyu get it when you start asterisk
23:28.59Shaun222what is type for in the iax.conf, i see it set to friend or peer all the time but have no idea what those mean
23:29.16Strom_Cshaun: peer == outgoing, user == incoming, friend == both
23:29.18jbot[docs] probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
23:29.37Shaun222i see
23:29.41Strom_Cyes... #asterisk is for when RTFM doesn't work
23:29.59blitzrageyah but if you don't know what peer and user and friend is, you didn't RTMF
23:30.04Strom_Cit's also for cupcakes
23:30.04austinnichols102strom_c: or when you're just too damn lazy
23:30.09twisted[asteria]#asterisk is for humor
23:30.14blitzragetwisted[asteria]: true!
23:30.18twisted[asteria]there is no FM
23:30.26Strom_C#asterisk is for DEAD HOOKERS
23:30.39blitzragetwisted[asteria]: liar
23:32.24*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (
23:32.38Strom_Cyou've got a PRI?
23:33.05nickswanjan_dead hookers = DSCP 38 = high drop probability, class 4
23:34.21Strom_Caustinnichols102, ok...what signaling format does your PRI use?
23:34.32austinnichols102national (NI2)
23:34.43Strom_Cok, so why isnt that specified?
23:35.00austinnichols102don't you do that under channels in zapata.conf?
23:35.25Strom_CI'm going mad :)
23:35.27Strom_Cone sec
23:36.34austinnichols102zttool doesn't even show the card
23:37.11Strom_Cdoes it show up under lspci?
23:37.42Strom_Cyou've only got seven b-channels?
23:38.04*** join/#asterisk Catalyst3301 (
23:38.11austinnichols102nope - not under lspci
23:38.18Strom_Cwell that would be your problem then
23:38.25austinnichols102yes - 7B, 1D and the rest data (via an adtran)
23:38.37Catalyst3301Are there asterisk binaries I can go get? I cannot find the kernel sources I need to compile it myself
23:38.46Strom_CCatalyst3301, what distro?
23:38.51austinnichols102any thoughts on how to figure that out (centos4)
23:39.00Catalyst3301CentOS4, but I think its a little different
23:39.08Strom_Caustinnichols102, shut down, reseat the card, try again
23:39.08Catalyst3301Its a VPS/VDS
23:39.14Catalyst3301kernel ver gives 2.6.8-022stab067.1-enterprise
23:39.32Strom_CCatalyst3301, isnt there a kernel headers and kernel source package you can install?
23:40.01Catalyst3301Ive been looking for it. Google doesnt turn up anything
23:40.17Strom_Cdoesnt centos have a package management system?
23:40.31justinuyum install kernel-devel
23:40.34Catalyst3301The company tech who manages the box seems to think SWsoft holds the kernel sources
23:40.43Catalyst3301Wow, Thanks.
23:40.47Strom_Cwhat justinu said
23:40.58Catalyst3301I figured it was something simple
23:41.08Catalyst3301But the tech rep I was talking to had no idea..
23:41.31Catalyst3301No Match for argument: kernel-devel
23:42.41Catalyst3301I just looked at the list, there isnt a package in there for the kernel.
23:42.58justinuthere is on my centos machines
23:43.00hfbHi Strom_C
23:43.10Strom_Cthis may be proof that centos blows donkeys for quarters, but I can't be sure
23:43.13Strom_Chi hfb
23:43.18justinubut my machines run 2.6.9-22
23:43.31justinunot 2.6.8-blah-d-blah
23:43.32hfbStrom_C, You like the food at Denny's?
23:43.43Catalyst3301Well, would a VPS has a specially made kernel?
23:43.50justinui dunno what VPS is
23:44.04justinui run centos 4.2
23:44.04Strom_Chfb, it's tolerable
23:44.09justinuzero problems with that distro, btw
23:44.46Catalyst3301well, I come back to my original question, are there binaries out there for centos?
23:44.50Strom_CVPS == virtual private server
23:45.53justinuthe problem you have is you need your kernel modules to match the exact kernel you're running
23:47.53Catalyst3301So I just gotta keep looking for the sources right?
23:47.57*** join/#asterisk phpmattk_ (
23:48.04Catalyst3301or install another kernel..
23:49.21justinuyeah, pretty much
23:50.23justinuyum list | grep kernel
23:50.27justinudoes that come back with anything?
23:50.39justinuor maybe your distro doesn't use yum, i dunno
23:51.25Shaun222any of you guys using voicepulse connect?
23:51.31*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
23:51.43hfbStrom_C, I'm going to assume that you were the guy that ended up giving a talk at Denny's on Saturday for sfvlug, yes?
23:52.17terrapeni need to find a good resource with info about distributing various Asterisk components (voicemail, IVR, queues, etc.) between different boxes
23:52.38Strom_CI wonder why you didnt just ask me that outright instead of asking if I liked Denny's food
23:53.10Shaun222Catalyst3301: with VPS's you usually cant install your own kernel...
23:53.31Shaun222Catalyst3301: do you know what VPS software your provider is running?
23:53.39jeffgusStrom_C, he was trying to be sneaky
23:53.44Catalyst3301Ive done this before
23:53.48hfbI probably shoud have, but I didn't
23:53.57Catalyst3301I had asterisk up and running with voicepulse connect
23:54.00jeffgusStrom_C, good impromptu talk BTW
23:54.19Catalyst3301Shaun222: I have
23:54.26Strom_CI personally think it kind of sucked, but if you enjoyed it... :)
23:54.37Shaun222voicepulse's site gives me 2 servers for outgoing, but their config in their knowledge base doesnt use either of them...
23:55.00jeffgusStrom_C, it's not like you had time to evaluate the audience and prepare the talk :)
23:55.13Strom_Cbut still
23:55.20Strom_CI hold myself to high standards :)
23:55.28Catalyst3301Shaun222: erm, well use the ones they give you, unless they dont work.
23:55.50Catalyst3301Shaun222: I was about to follow the info in the email they sent and have it working fine.
23:55.53jeffgusStrom_C, do you do a lot of asterisk consulting?
23:55.54Shaun222Catalyst3301: did you use their prewritten config?
23:56.03Strom_Cjeffgus, I try
23:56.06jeffgusStrom_C, or it a kinda sideline thing?
23:57.50Catalyst3301Man this is killin me.
23:57.57Catalyst3301I have done this before..

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.