irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060328

00:00.12*** join/#asterisk _dusty (
00:00.21Qwell[]So, how about them Bears?
00:00.25NuggetThe initials "DC" are an abbreviation for Detective Comics, after one of the company's flagship titles.
00:00.29mog_workDa' Bears
00:00.31Nuggetgood 'ol internet.
00:00.34mog_workahh Nugget
00:00.38mog_workthats interesting
00:00.42Shaun222jesus christ you guys are still going off on DC...
00:00.46*** join/#asterisk alexis101 (n=alexis@
00:00.48Qwell[]Shaun222: It's your fault
00:00.51mog_workisnt detective comics where batman came from?
00:00.55justinuso is it "Detective Comics Comics"?
00:00.55mog_worklike issue 17
00:01.11Qwell[]justinu: nobody calls it DC Comics
00:01.12NuggetHowever, the fame of Detective Comics was assured by issue #27 (May 1939), which featured the first appearance of Batman (as "The Bat-Man"). He would eventually become the star of the title.
00:01.24mog_workactually alot of peoplce call it dc commics
00:01.36mog_workjust like you go to the atm machine
00:01.36justinui've always heard people refer to it as DC comics
00:01.40mog_workor read the bible
00:01.44Qwell[]mog_work: huh?
00:01.45mog_workor lcd display
00:01.49Vcostfu about the bible
00:01.51NuggetDC Comics call themselves "DC Comics"
00:01.51justinui'll put some NIC cards in my pc
00:01.52Qwell[]I don't get that last one
00:01.54mog_workbible means the book
00:01.55alexis101hello everyone ... I was wondering if anyone know how to tell asterisk to not enter a queue if there is no agent loged in this queue ?
00:01.57Vcoheard enough of that shit yesterday
00:02.01mog_workso the the book
00:02.02bkw__direct current (abbr.: DC) noun an electric current flowing in one direction only. Compare with alternating current .
00:02.04Qwell[]ahh, redundant the
00:02.10bkw__move on
00:02.24Qwell[]in context, DC actually did mean data center though :P
00:02.31mog_workyes it did
00:02.33mog_workin the beginning
00:03.04mog_workalexis101, show queues
00:03.10mog_workor something like that
00:03.29alexis101well i mean in the extentions.conf or something like that
00:03.43alexis101this is in the queues.conf ?
00:04.12Shaun222any recommendations on a good reliable sip provider....
00:04.48shmaltzanybody here like snapping wrapping bubbles that come with those nice VoIP phones?
00:05.00mog_workamen shmaltz
00:05.53*** join/#asterisk St1ckm4n (n=shortes9@
00:06.06Abydos313its hard to resist popping those bubbles
00:06.32mog_worki hate those bags of air though
00:06.37mog_worki like the bubble wrap
00:06.51mog_workaww flash
00:08.53St1ckm4nI'm sure this question get's asked a million times and I feel bad posting it here but I haven't found a solution despite all of my googling
00:09.13St1ckm4nwhat's the easiest way to show actual # of calls in combined queues?
00:09.40mog_workshow queues and a caluclator?
00:09.45_Sam--show queues?
00:09.59mog_workcli command
00:10.04mog_workalso works over manager
00:10.09mog_worki believe
00:10.14_Sam--i was answering the question..not asking :)
00:10.26_Sam--i think there is software that does queue status now
00:10.29_Sam--i think zoa wrote some
00:10.32St1ckm4nI looked at that and was hoping there might have been another command so I wouldn't have to parse all those lines and add the totals
00:10.37_Sam--it sits in the tray of your windows
00:10.43_Sam--~seen zoa
00:10.47jbotzoa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 12d 7h 27m 30s ago, saying: 'it looks kinda suspicious :p'.
00:11.47Qwell[]ohhhh file...
00:11.51Qwell[]where are you?
00:12.00_Sam--i guess he took it down
00:12.24_Sam--hmm that doesnt show you real time status, sorry.
00:12.27alexis101well i know that joinempty=no does'nt work
00:12.53St1ckm4nyeah I'm running queue stats having logs dumped every hour
00:13.39_Sam--you could probably (ugh) use something like flash operator panel
00:13.46_Sam--i know it shows each queue and how many calls are in it
00:13.53St1ckm4nthe version of fop we have now seems kind of buggy
00:14.05St1ckm4nsome ghost calls seem to hang even though they aren't in a queue
00:14.08_Sam--i think thats probably most version
00:14.12_Sam--but i wouldnt really know
00:14.50St1ckm4nI was hoping someone would've already done the legwork of pulling queue stats on a php page
00:14.50_Sam--how many queues do you have?
00:15.04St1ckm4nit wouldn't be such a big deal if my stupid !feof was working
00:15.24_Sam--it should only take a few hours to do in php
00:15.34_Sam--depending on how nice you format it :)
00:15.55St1ckm4nyeah I did one to show agent status real time, my problem is after I socket and send my command is getting the results
00:16.17St1ckm4nfor some reasion my !feof keeps hanging and I have to do a while loop for my fgets
00:16.32St1ckm4nmeaning I have to count the # of lines it's returning
00:16.40jbothmm... thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
00:16.40_Sam--how are you sending it?  through the manager interface or from php to run
00:16.47St1ckm4nfrom php
00:17.07_Sam--does your php connect to manager or run a shell type script
00:17.15St1ckm4nconnects to manager
00:17.22_Sam--because you could run 'asterisk -rx show queue blah'
00:17.26_Sam--from a shell type
00:17.50_Sam--we connect php to manager fine here...but not for doing what you want
00:17.55_Sam--i would love to though :)
00:18.15St1ckm4nI'll try using a shell script it'll probably be cleaner too
00:18.35_Sam--sure thing, let me check it out when you get it :)
00:18.45St1ckm4nwill do
00:19.07St1ckm4nI'm still a noob when it comes to this so it probably won't be pretty but hopefully functional
00:19.19*** join/#asterisk octothorpe (n=octothor@unaffiliated/octothorpe)
00:19.47_Sam--i can have someone clean it up if it works well
00:20.01_Sam--the command would be more like asterisk -rx 'show queue blah'
00:20.16_Sam--or show queues
00:20.35St1ckm4nyeah, I'm going to do the show queues
00:20.53St1ckm4nthe one I did for agents works but just feels hoakey
00:21.22St1ckm4nI have it refresh every 5 seconds and change the agent's color depending on their status
00:21.36_Sam--how many agents do you have?
00:21.52St1ckm4nthe most we ever have logged in at a time is around 10
00:22.06terrapendammit voipsupply
00:22.09_Sam--what phones do you use?
00:22.10terrapenanswer your damned phones!
00:22.17terrapeni want to spend money! in station, or UMD?
00:22.22St1ckm4npolycom P301
00:22.23*** join/#asterisk duplex- (n=simplex@
00:22.26St1ckm4nfor the agents
00:22.45terrapensam, eh?
00:22.46St1ckm4nthey were just alot cheaper than the ciscos and  a little bit cheaper than the linksys
00:22.51duplex-I'm having these problems when I try to compile mpg123 in the subversion repositories for asterisk.
00:23.02_Sam--sorry....terrapin station = grateful dead, terrapin station = univ. of maryland.
00:23.08terrapenoh, station
00:23.14terrapenterrapin was taken
00:23.28terrapenwell, historically it was.  so i have always been terrapen
00:23.35*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
00:23.49_Sam--you see many shows?
00:23.58terrapeni've been to maybe 8
00:24.16terrapenso not a ton of them
00:24.20terrapenlistened to many :)
00:24.57_Sam--i still listen to many myself
00:25.12_Sam--St1ckm4n :  who uses the agent status page?
00:25.28St1ckm4nwe put them up on some LCD's we bought and some managers pull the web page locally
00:25.46*** join/#asterisk LapTop006 (
00:25.52_Sam--you could probably just get some type of BLF thing
00:25.57terrapenanybody used a Redfone foneBridge yet?
00:26.09_Sam--like a polycom with a sidecar thingie
00:26.17_Sam--and they could see which agents are doing whatever
00:26.28_Sam--busy lamp field
00:26.52*** join/#asterisk newmember (
00:26.56_Sam--like my cheap granstreams, i can see who is on the phone, up to 7
00:27.00St1ckm4nthe page I have now is working decent, it shows the agent's extension their last name and the queue they're on
00:27.18St1ckm4ni have them yellow if they're on a call and blue if they're available
00:27.19newmemberwhat are people using for PoE switches these days
00:27.19terrapenor has anybody seen a thingee that can take a PRI and send out a PRI to an Asterisk server, failing over to a second server should the primary fail?
00:27.42terrapenlike, it would have three PRI interfaces.  one from my provider and one to each of my asterisk boxes
00:28.03terrapeni need some way to do failover
00:28.10_Sam--or you could have a quad pri card and plug all the pris into one *
00:28.20_Sam--and write your dialplan well
00:28.54newmemberterrapen: PRI ->  thingee ->* 1 and ->*2
00:29.26shmaltzsomehting wrong with
00:29.31shmaltzanybody can confirm?
00:29.36_Sam--if you have good hardware, i think the there is maybe a better chance of your PRI going down than the hardware anymore
00:29.41_Sam--at least that is my opinion about MY hardware
00:30.10_Sam--no yahoo for me
00:30.12Grizzyshmaltz - yahoo chat drops messages often
00:30.28shmaltzGrizzy, this is not from chat, but direct DNS lookup
00:31.00_Sam--wonder if its just certain backbones
00:31.17_Sam--but then again im on a two or three on this connection
00:31.25GrizzyI've been getting congestion on my music captures...
00:31.30newmemberterrapen: I use cisco access servers to improve pstn connectivity
00:31.47*** join/#asterisk _Simon (
00:31.57_Sam--nah you're right, i got no yahoo dns on like 4 or more different backbones
00:32.29shmaltzlooks like is down
00:33.01shmaltzthat gives the answer
00:33.22Grizzyok, I'm getting "non-authoritative" results for
00:33.28harlequin516Okay I have FWD working now but when I try to dial # it attempts to transfer the call to local extension instead of sending DTMF #.  Where do I set this not to happen?
00:33.56_Sam--its a google takeover
00:34.21harlequin516Aliens or did someone dig up some tree roots and knock out the e-world?
00:35.19shmaltzbottom line is Yahoo is off the map
00:35.47shmaltzbut and still work
00:35.56GrizzyAliens lasered a north-south line through north america.
00:36.23shmaltzharlequin516, wow what?
00:36.36Peggerhas anyone set up billing with asterisk before in real time?
00:36.39*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:36.41harlequin516Its exciting somehow when things go really really wrong.  Somewhere outthere there are some very panicked people....
00:36.56gandhijeehow do i bind my 4 zap lines in to a group?
00:37.00_Sam--with many others breathing down their necks
00:37.11[av]baniwhee. polycom nat sux
00:37.16gandhijeei;ve been lookin the asteriskTFOT book and i see nada on it
00:37.21_Sam--i like working under that kind of stresee myself
00:37.31_Simoncould someone help me with getting a iax trunk working in my extensions.conf? I don't understand what to do but I have the provider in iax.conf
00:37.36shmaltzharlequin516, not really, its just an outage ;)
00:37.37Abydos313yahoo works here
00:37.44harlequin516I like when people are breathing down my neck, but its not at all important.
00:37.46Abydos313just kidding, heh
00:37.52PeggerAbydos313, what part of yahoo
00:38.02shmaltz[av]bani, took you so long to figure that out?
00:38.20Abydos313won't come up here either
00:38.24shmaltzAbydos313, where you located?
00:38.35St1ckm4nsam in order for my asterisk php to execute a shell do I need to add the web server user asterisk to some file for permission?
00:38.49Abydos313yahoo is down
00:38.53Abydos313i was kidding
00:39.31_Sam--St1ckm4n :  shouldnt have to, as long as whatever runs your php can run the script
00:39.36shmaltzAbydos313, I was about to tell you that your provider is worth shit, because if Yahoo works for you then your provider has been caching the DNS records for far toooooooooo long
00:40.01_Sam--like if your web server runs as "apache" you might want to make sure user apache can run "asterisk -rx..."
00:41.27St1ckm4nyeah I made sure the permissions was there
00:41.36St1ckm4nI keep getting a "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)"
00:42.23*** join/#asterisk tophat (n=umlaut@
00:42.33_Sam--you're sure you can run the command fine from your shell?
00:43.33cytrakjust out of curiosity when they might be a release of * for MAC servers ?
00:45.02St1ckm4nsorry Sam i lied, I can execute the script from shell when I was logged in but not when I su'd to asterisk
00:45.33_Sam--you run all your asterisk as root?
00:45.57St1ckm4nyeah the company that configured this switch for us left it all up as root
00:46.34_Sam--im sure you could add user asterisk to a group and make it work
00:50.07*** join/#asterisk Splatty47 (
00:50.48Splatty47hello, any one know why I cant telnet my asterisklive box on port 5060 ? I should be able to do this right ?
00:50.59orlockasterisk uses udp
00:51.01orlocktelnet is tcp
00:51.07orlockwell, SIP is UDP rather
00:51.20Splatty47its driving me crazy
00:51.29orlocktcpdump to watch the packets
00:51.37shmaltzorlock, sip over UDP is UDP
00:52.18Shaun222is SIP the most commen/best to use?
00:52.19orlockdos sip over tcp exist?
00:52.46duplex-Is mpg123 necessary to have music play while someone's on hold?
00:52.47shmaltzorlock, yep, but Asterisk does't support, although I have seen some work on the bug tracker to add TCP
00:52.53Splatty47OK, this is awful. I'm not used to asking for help! I can't get my Snom 360's to connect to my asterisk live box
00:52.55tophatcan anybody offer more extensive advice to get incoming callerid id than the info on this page
00:52.55_Sam--duplex- :  no.
00:53.13shmaltzduplex, if you don't install format_mp3 from asterisk-addons then yes
00:53.26duplex-I see.
00:53.41duplex-Thanks guys.  I'm having compile errors with make mpg123, so I'll just install the addons I guess.
00:53.54shmaltzduplex, what distro you using?
00:54.16duplex-debian, but I'm compiling the subversion repositories, not the debian package.
00:54.45shmaltzduplex, I don't want to know
00:54.55shmaltzduplex, I think debian is over complicated
00:55.12Splatty47is there a GUI for setup ?
00:55.19Splatty47that can do the conf files for me ?
00:55.26ManxPowerum, "make mpg123" in the asterisk source directory
00:55.46duplex-ManxPower:  Did that.  Compile errors :-/
00:55.56ManxPowerduplex-, never heard of that before
00:55.58duplex-I'll just install the asterisk-addons instead.
00:56.06ManxPowerunless, of course, you don't have any of the -dev packages installed
00:56.34ManxPowerduplex-, sorry, I don't fix that sort of stuff.
00:56.49shmaltzSplatty47, yes its called vi
00:56.49duplex-That's the errors, in case you were wondering.
00:57.51ManxPowerduplex-, no idea
00:57.58shmaltzduplex, why don't you try downloadin mpg123 from the original site?
00:58.12tophatwould you guys know how to get callerid happening?
00:58.14ManxPowershmaltz, I thought make mpg123 did that.
00:58.25duplex-shmaltz:  Well make mpg123 wgets it from the original site.
00:58.26Splatty47shmaltz: LOL, , using nano!
00:58.28ManxPowertophat, not without knowing what COUNTRY you are in.
00:58.43tophatah, yes, sorry, in australia
00:58.45duplex-Thanks anyways, I'll just use the asterisk addons, that's probably better anyways.
00:58.49ManxPowerno idea then
00:58.56Shaun222i'm reading the install docs from , it talks about downloading zaptel, capata, libpri, and asterisk.
00:58.56tophatfair enough
00:58.57shmaltzManxPower, but looking at the errors it looks like asterisk has some real problems when passing the make command ot the source of mpg123
00:59.14Splatty47if I just buy the business edition, will digium support talk me through setup ?
00:59.16ManxPowershmaltz, looks like someone broke it in Asterisk
00:59.20shmaltzduplex, try changing into the mpg directory and do make linux from there
00:59.23*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
00:59.25Shaun222do i need all of those for just a simple asterisk server using sip to makes calls in and out?
00:59.30duplex-shmaltz:  already did =)
00:59.33Qwell[]Splatty47: You could call them and ask what they'll support
00:59.34ManxPowerSplatty47, you'll have to ask Digium.
00:59.36shmaltzduplex, and?????????/
00:59.44duplex-shmaltz:  Exact same errors =)
01:00.01shmaltzduplex, did you take a peek in the Makefile what it does want?
01:00.03Splatty47447 Extension phone system!
01:00.23*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
01:00.25Splatty47Meridian -> VOIP.
01:00.27duplex-shmaltz:  It looks like a typo error to me.  make linux is one of the valid options.
01:00.28Splatty47will not be easy.
01:00.31ManxPowerOH GOD NO!
01:00.50shmaltzManxPower, what?
01:00.51ManxPowerSplatty47, we do LIMITED interface between our nortel and the asterisk box.
01:01.13Splatty47ManxPower: My intention is to completely replace the Meridian.
01:01.19Splatty47within 2 months
01:01.20duplex-shmaltz:  It's okay, don't worry about it.  Thanks though.
01:01.38Splatty47phone systems working side by side, not together, then I'll switch off the meridian
01:01.38ManxPowerPRI cards for those things are EXPESNIVE and then you have to buy the software to support PRI, then if you want to actually REALLY interface between them you need to buy the PRI TANDEM software or something like that.
01:01.45Splatty47I just bought 400 Snom 360 phones
01:01.52ManxPowerprolly end up costing about $10,000 just for the hardware and software
01:02.17ManxPowerSplatty47, I hope you bought ONE SNOM first to test with.
01:02.31shmaltzSplatty47, why did you buy 400 phones when you got no clue how to configure them?
01:03.08Splatty47ManxPower: Not exactly. Sister company has just implemented Snom 360s with asterisk and works great for them - bigger office than us.
01:03.23shmaltzSplatty47, where you located?
01:03.46Splatty47shmaltz: London
01:03.55*** join/#asterisk mogorman (n=mogorman@
01:03.58Splatty47sister co in NY, NY and also Tel-Aviv, IL
01:04.21shmaltzSplatty47, what do you guys do?
01:04.36shmaltzSplatty47, I would fly to London to do it for you
01:04.45Splatty47I figured I run 200 servers here , and 400 workstations - on *nix and M$ platforms
01:04.52shmaltzI'm going to Israel anyhow in May, I might as well help you there as well
01:04.55Splatty47shmaltz: Medical R&D
01:04.56*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
01:05.00ManxPowerSplatty47, how many IT staff?
01:05.04*** join/#asterisk file (
01:05.10Splatty47Manx: 15
01:05.19*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
01:05.35ManxPowerMy largest customer has about 400 people, 18 locations and has 2 IT people and 1 consultant
01:05.40shmaltzSplatty47, you interested in this offer?
01:05.52Splatty47shmaltz: possibly.
01:06.01shmaltzManxPower, I'm betting it's not a public company
01:06.17ManxPowershmaltz, no, if it was all the directors would be in jail.
01:06.27Splatty47shmaltz: Neither are we - although that I might change soon.
01:06.41Shaun222what is zaptel for?
01:06.50ManxPowerShaun222, PSTN interface
01:06.54shmaltzManxPower, it's usualy the big companies that are pbulic that spend money like that it's not theirs
01:06.57Splatty47whoops minus the I
01:07.10shmaltzShaun222, to tie your shoes
01:07.24Splatty47I'd be happy getting 2 extensions ringing each other!
01:07.26jbotwell, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
01:07.27Strom_CShaun222, public switched telephone network
01:07.32ManxPowerShaun222, read that and then come back
01:07.52Splatty47ManxPower read it all, and the getting started guide.
01:07.54lzhanghey guys, what do I have to do to get buddies working on a 601 + expansion module
01:07.57Splatty47still can't get the thing to work.
01:08.02shmaltzShaun222, next time you try to come back to this channel jbot will first give you a test on thebook
01:08.10ManxPowerlzhang, polycom only supports having 8 buddies
01:08.14shmaltzotherwise you wont be able to join this channle
01:08.17Qwell[]ManxPower: 7?
01:08.27ManxPoweryou knew that, right, after your research?
01:08.30terrapencan anybody recommend a non-sucky competitor to voipsupply?
01:08.32shmaltzizhang, it's on the user list at leaset twice a day
01:08.45shmaltzManxPower, 7 not 8
01:08.56ManxPowershmaltz, ah, I sit corrected.
01:09.06shmaltzterrapen, whats wrong with voipsupply?
01:09.22ManxPowerQwell, subscribe to the asterisk-users list.  I'll give you my procmail filter if you want.  It sends a lot of the crap to .Trash
01:09.29Splatty47any chance someone could send me a sample sip.conf and extensions.conf ?
01:09.29Qwell[]no thanks
01:09.41shmaltzManxPower, do my messages got to trash?
01:09.51shmaltzManxPower, what about Dougs?
01:10.00lzhangis there any way to put the speed dial directory on the sidecar? is that on the lists often as well
01:10.00Qwell[]Doug's go into Humour/
01:10.20shmaltzSplatty47, yes its in /usr/src/asterisk/configs/
01:10.21ManxPowershmaltz, well if they have words like these in the subject: gpl license g729 g723.1 sql
01:10.49shmaltzlzhang, you should be able to apply what's on the list aobut the buddy to that as well, jsut RTFM
01:11.13shmaltzManxPower, I thought that it went by name :)
01:11.28shmaltzBrian said he trahes Dougs thats why I asked
01:11.33terrapenshmaltz, i need a competing bid
01:11.35shmaltzBrian from astlinux
01:11.43terrapeni never get bids from just one vendor
01:11.44lzhangshmaltz: hmm can you point me to that info? do I just need to search the lists?
01:11.57shmaltzterrrapen, for what?
01:12.07terrapensome phones, plus a redfone fonebridge
01:12.19ManxPowershmaltz, the complete list:
01:12.31shmaltzlzhang, search google like this:
01:12.33shmaltzpolycom hint buddy
01:12.57shmaltzterrrapen, you mean for voipsupply?
01:13.02shmaltzhow many of those? terrapen?
01:13.04Qwell[]I should start giving my services away for free, for people in certain geographical locations
01:13.22shmaltzQwell, does that include north eastern US?
01:13.28Qwell[]"You pay for airfare, hotel, and food, and sure, I'm come to Hawaii to install your * box."
01:13.52terrapento start, i need one (1) of four different phones, to test.  once i know which model i like, i will be getting about 40 for the initial test and when that goes well, i'm going to buy an additional 270 phones
01:13.59Qwell[]shmaltz: Not unless it's like NY or something :p
01:14.00terrapenplus a few redfone fonebridges
01:14.07ManxPowerAs you can see, my procmailrc filters out a lot of the -users crap
01:14.19fuzzbawlI'm trying to have Asterisk dial a 1 before a 10 digit number if someone forgot (I have quite a few users who dial starting with the area code or 800 without hitting 1 first)
01:14.28fuzzbawltraining the users is not working :/
01:14.34shmaltzterrapen, then you might want to try direct
01:14.56terrapenshmaltz, too much hassle.  certainly there must be another reliable VoIP vendor out there besides voipsupply
01:14.57ManxPowerfuzzbawl, exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Playback(YOUMUSTDIALONE)
01:14.58shmaltzQwell, to NY you would work for free if I pay lodging food, fare, and some pocket money?
01:15.11shmaltzManxPower, I dont blame you
01:15.14Qwell[]shmaltz: pretty much :P
01:15.19ManxPowerterrapen, I've used VoIPSupply and Voxzilla
01:15.22fuzzbawl1+NXXXXXXXXX  isn't working as an outbound trunk rule
01:15.35shmaltzterrapen, not that I know of
01:16.01ManxPowerand of course my own vendor
01:16.05shmaltzQwell, thats so generous, I have never seen anybody do that before
01:16.17Qwell[]shmaltz: I don't get to travel much :P
01:16.24*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
01:16.33terrapenno redfone at voxilla...but a good start nonetheless
01:16.45Qwell[]the stipulation of course, is that I bring my wife, and her airfare and such are included
01:17.01shmaltzManxPower, I actualy like that list for trash, those are usualy the ones that go to trash anyhow
01:17.12ManxPowerfuzzbawl, it sounds like your users are even more stupid than my users and I did know that was possible.
01:17.30Qwell[]So, if anybody in say...Jamaica, or Paris would like to take me up on my offer...
01:17.31shmaltzQwell, so you married, Mazel Tov
01:17.51shmaltzQwell, any kids?
01:17.54*** join/#asterisk rj66 (n=rjrae@
01:18.02Qwell[]shmaltz: yeah, a newblet
01:18.07ManxPowerQwell[], I'm finally starting to think about accepting more non-local contracting jobs
01:18.08fuzzbawlManxPower, I had to get emailing of voicemails working since they didn't understand why they had to "dial into some stupid system to check voicemail. Our OLD phone system always emailed"
01:18.13Qwell[]ManxPower: fun
01:18.27Qwell[]fuzzbawl: attach=yes
01:18.28*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:18.28ManxPowerQwell[], Flying sucks.
01:18.29shmaltzQwell, just one?
01:18.33Qwell[]shmaltz: indeed
01:18.38Qwell[]free on planes though :P
01:18.38ManxPowerMust less so in Europe, as I experienced
01:18.54Qwell[]ManxPower: What ever happened to moving there anyhow?
01:19.15ManxPowerQwell[], Katrina
01:19.17fuzzbawlQwell[]: yea, got that working. But the users keep comparing Asterisk to our older Interactive Intelligence box. The next step is to find a nice GUI for asterisk so they can see who is logged in/status
01:19.30Qwell[]fuzzbawl: write one?
01:19.35shmaltzQwell, how long you married?
01:19.37*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:19.44shmaltzQwell, you in Austin right?
01:19.47Qwell[]ManxPower: I can see how that could put a damper on things
01:19.53Qwell[]shmaltz: 2 yrs, southern CA
01:20.05ManxPowerQwell, Where I live now is rather nice.
01:20.07shmaltzdamn dnsstuff, gave me the wrong city for you
01:20.21shmaltzQwell, any plans on another kid?
01:20.22ManxPowerWill be nicer when it warms up a little.
01:20.25fuzzbawlQwell[]: heh. I'm no coder
01:20.27Qwell[]shmaltz: "unaffiliated/qwell" actually resolves?
01:20.32shmaltzhow old is your child?
01:20.33Qwell[]fuzzbawl: See my above offer :P
01:20.38Qwell[]shmaltz: a year
01:20.44ManxPowershmaltz, you would hope he learned after the first one.
01:20.48shmaltz===Qwell[] <i=north@unaffiliated/qwell> North Antara
01:20.50shmaltz===Qwell[]: member of #asterisk
01:20.51shmaltz===Qwell[]: attached to
01:20.52shmaltz===Qwell[] is identified to services
01:20.54shmaltz---End of WHOIS information for qwell[]
01:20.55fileDaddy Qwell!
01:21.00Qwell[]file: indeed
01:21.07ManxPowerNorth Antara?
01:21.17Qwell[]ManxPower: yeah...something like that
01:21.21fileI know Qwell's true name, so I have power over him
01:21.26shmaltzqwell, you right I used the wrong IP
01:21.29Qwell[]file is under NDA though :D
01:21.29fuzzbawlQwell[]: would you really want to visit South Bend, IN? :P
01:21.38Qwell[]fuzzbawl: yeah...not so much :P
01:21.47shmaltzQwell, same here, my baby is 12 months old
01:21.58shmaltzQWell, but my wife is due in July for the second one
01:22.31*** join/#asterisk greendisease (n=jack@fedora/greendisease)
01:22.32Qwell[]ManxPower: You should adopt. :p
01:22.44ManxPowerQwell[], no need to get vulgar
01:22.51shmaltzQwell, I like that tip of using an RDNS that doesn resolv
01:23.00ManxPowerchildren are little evil disease carrying monsters
01:23.20ManxPowerThey can't even really be thought of as "human" until they have been socialized.
01:23.44ManxPowershmaltz, I do not claim to be any different when I was a child.
01:23.54shmaltzManxPower, to your parents you are still that nohuman child
01:24.26ManxPowershmaltz, it took a while, but I became (more or less) socialized.
01:24.38RoyK~seen zoa
01:24.49jbotzoa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 12d 8h 41m 32s ago, saying: 'it looks kinda suspicious :p'.
01:24.49shmaltzManxPower, do you just look at me like I look at those breeding dogs, cats etc.?
01:25.12ManxPowershmaltz, only if you have a eugenics program.
01:25.39ManxPowerOtherwise I just assume you could not control your preprogrammed biological need to continue the species.
01:26.32ManxPowerdon't feel bad about it, it's a common enough problem. 8-)
01:26.40*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte (
01:26.48Qwell[]affects some 90% of the population :P
01:26.50shmaltzManxPower, you are toasted
01:27.48ManxPowershmaltz, much like communism, it can sound like a good idea, but can never work in practice.
01:28.30*** join/#asterisk forao (
01:28.46ManxPowerRAH had a good solution to it.  Pay people to have socially desireable traits to have children.
01:28.55shmaltzManxPower, I think its sadistic
01:29.13shmaltzwho is/was RAH?
01:29.15ManxPowerpeople THAT have desirable
01:29.25*** part/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
01:29.25ManxPowerRobert A Heinelin
01:29.27*** join/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
01:29.55lzhanghmm I can't seem to get the expansion module to show anything at all right now, is there some sort of default behavior this thing is supposed to do?
01:29.56ManxPowerSi Fi writer
01:30.06ManxPowershmaltz, anything that forces anyone to do anything is horrible.
01:30.13lzhangright now the display is blank and all the lights are flickering red/green
01:30.31RoyK~seen zoa
01:30.35jbotzoa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 12d 8h 47m 18s ago, saying: 'it looks kinda suspicious :p'.
01:30.41shmaltzManxPower, does that mean if I force a gunman to put down the gun I'm horrible?
01:31.04ManxPowershmaltz, only if your life is not in danger
01:31.15shmaltzRoyK, why do you think that after 12+ days he will show up now?
01:31.38shmaltzManxPower, why not when my life is in danger?
01:32.02ManxPowershmaltz, if your life is in danger, then you should be able to protect yourself.
01:32.10shmaltzManxPower, is forcing a kid to go to school horrible?
01:32.13RoyKShaun222: i only hope
01:32.26Qwell[]anyone implies person
01:32.26shmaltzRoyK, I guess you meant me
01:32.29Qwell[]child != person
01:32.30*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
01:32.31Qwell[]right? :P
01:32.37ManxPowershmaltz, children are not considered human until they turn 18 (at least in the USA)
01:32.38shmaltzI can cry
01:32.39RoyKShaun222: i've paid the guy for writing a jitterbuffer that doesn't work
01:32.57justinuyou have no other way to get ahold of him than irc?
01:33.00shmaltzRoyK, how did you pay him?
01:33.07shmaltzdispute it
01:33.22shmaltzhow did you pay?
01:33.36RoyKdoes it matter?
01:34.11ManxPowerRoyK, I think he means "you can file a dispute with your credit card company"
01:34.27*** join/#asterisk juice (i=1000@
01:34.37ManxPowershmaltz, look it up in the USA legal code.
01:34.57shmaltzthere is a dispute on the definition
01:35.02justinuif they're not human until they're 18, how is killing a child murder?
01:35.10ManxPowerThe right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Well, children do not have liberty.
01:35.13shmaltzbut according the current one, children would be part of it
01:35.23*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
01:35.38ManxPowerjustinu, not sure.
01:35.41shmaltzManxPower, thats why I would much rather prefer a monorchy
01:35.46RoyKManxPower: the deal was pay one third up front, get a patch, then pay the second, and pay the third when it's stable.
01:36.26RoyKManxPower: they refuse to do any more about it now, after the second payment. just bullocs
01:37.16RoyKand the amount being EUR 2500 devided by three, it's quite annoying
01:37.21ManxPowerOne does have to ask what is so different between a puppy and a baby.
01:38.01*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
01:38.11RoyKwe've paid for a product. not a bug
01:38.15MikeJ[Laptop]ManxPower, puppies are furrier, and more capable
01:38.17shmaltzManxPower, the ability to be happy to follow a leaders will is something we all lack and existed under certain monarchys
01:38.36ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop], Well that would be my answer, but I think most people dill disagree.
01:38.56MikeJ[Laptop]babies are very cute and all..
01:39.05MikeJ[Laptop]but they are basically eating pooping machines
01:39.07shmaltzManxPower, the ability to mature is the difference
01:39.31MikeJ[Laptop]shmaltz, yeah.. but as babies themselves.. they are basically just poop machines
01:39.39MikeJ[Laptop]but poop machines
01:39.45ManxPowershmaltz, perhaps you mean the ability to become selfaware.
01:39.47MikeJ[Laptop]in the long run, they differentiate
01:39.48RoyKManxPower: do you mean it's right to take pay for something that doesn't work?
01:39.54*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
01:39.56shmaltzMikeJ, nope, they are the parents life and joy
01:40.12ManxPowerRoyK, none of my comments other than the oune about credi cards had anything to do with your situation.
01:40.33ManxPowershmaltz, and my cats are my pride and joy.
01:41.00ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop], basically it comes down to biology.  Humans are preprogrammed by their DNA to love babies and to want to have them.
01:41.02shmaltzManxPower, but not your life
01:41.37ManxPowershmaltz, of course not.  technology is my live, with a healthy dose of getting laid in there too.
01:42.16shmaltzgtg, My wife and baby are waiting for me
01:42.44fuzzbawlok, something weird is going on. all of a sudden I have no outbound trunk
01:43.15*** part/#asterisk terrapen (n=cjs@
01:44.02fuzzbawlomg n/m, I'm a moron, forgot to hit 9 first
01:44.30Strom_Cproblem exists between chair and phone
01:44.47Qwell[]Strom_C: in the rj12 handset wire?
01:45.02Strom_Chandset wire isn't rj12
01:45.11Qwell[]can be :p
01:45.22Strom_Crj12 is the mounting cord IIRC
01:45.26Qwell[]Which one am I thinking?
01:46.19justinurj12 is rj11 w/ 3 pairs
01:46.36Qwell[]I know what rj12 is now...what's the smaller one?
01:46.52Strom_CRJ11 is 6p2c
01:46.57Strom_CRJ9 is 4p4c IIRC
01:47.03Qwell[]9, that's the one
01:47.30Strom_CRJ12 is 6p4c
01:47.35Strom_CRJ14 is 6p6c
01:47.55Qwell[]RJ13 is unlucky
01:52.08*** join/#asterisk t1n (
01:52.11_SimonI was wondering if someone could help me with my iax provider, I'm getting an error message, but I can't find out what I'm doing wrong. I think its in my extensions.conf
01:52.38Strom_C_Simon, what's the error message?
01:53.49_Simonwhen I call the number I'm trying to dial (PSTN) I get a voice message saying there was a problem
01:53.52_Simonbut in my CLI theres no issue
01:53.59_Simonso I must not be passing something properly to the provider
01:54.05Strom_Cwhat does the voice message say?
01:54.18_Simoncontact tech support
01:54.31Strom_CI want the exact text of the message
01:54.44_Simonthats what the voice says
01:54.47_Simon"contact tech support"
01:54.53_Simontheres no CLI error
01:55.05_SimonI'm using globotech via IAX2
01:55.06Strom_Cwhat are you passing to the itsp?
01:56.22_Simonmy dialplan in extensions.conf says
01:56.24_Simonexten => 6132222222,1,Dial(IAX2/Globotech:/${EXTEN})
01:56.31_Simon(the 222etc being a real number)
01:56.40Strom_Cwhy in gods name are you not matching wildcards?
01:56.52_SimonI'm just trying to test 1 line first
01:56.58_Simonbefore I start playing with wildcards
01:57.37Strom_Cpoint me at globotech's config pages and then pastebin the relevant section of iax.conf
01:57.39_Simonsorry ignore the : thats in there
01:58.10_Simonok well I don't wanna paste all my globotech info lol
01:58.10_Simonbut basically in iax.conf I have:
01:58.21jbothmm... pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
02:00.06*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
02:00.34PMantisI just upgraded to 1.2.6 on a production server... and it won't start.
02:00.44PMantisdrops back to prompt
02:01.16MikeJ[Laptop]PMantis, it's choking on somthing with config
02:01.23MikeJ[Laptop]start with a bunch of v's
02:01.27MikeJ[Laptop]what does it say then?
02:01.40PMantisHere's how I'm starting it: asterisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
02:01.47PMantisThat enough?
02:02.08PMantisThe 2 lines I pasted is how it ends..
02:02.09*** join/#asterisk talljon84 (
02:02.30sjobeckpmantis: dont know, but, do you need to upgrade asterisk-addons ?
02:02.46PMantissjobeck, I'm at 1.2.2... which is latest, right?
02:03.12PMantisAFAIK, I have the latest version of all
02:03.49PMantisA few days ago, I was trying to get cdr working... but never started
02:04.20talljon84After a yum update on a fresh CentOS install, zaptel no longer starts. I checked the udev.rules and udev.permissions and both appear to contain the needed lines but when I look a /dev, no zap exists. lspci shows the TDM400. How do I get zap to repopulate?
02:04.56PMantisMikeJ[Laptop], Anything to add, or would you like me to past more?
02:05.15*** join/#asterisk dextro (
02:05.27sjobecki'll got to hawaii for all that minus the food   :)
02:05.51*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
02:05.59SpaceBassQwell you around?
02:06.29sjobeckSpaceBass: you on Verizon fiber ? how is it?
02:06.46SpaceBasssjobeck its ok
02:06.57SpaceBass45mbs down / 15 up (yeah right)
02:07.04SpaceBassbut latency seems to be an issue
02:07.05sjobeckSpaceBass: not great!?
02:07.27sjobeckSpaceBass: ahhhh. Dont they give you TV, 12 voice channels, with all the bw ?
02:07.43SpaceBasssjobeck honestly, the up pipe is notically better than my old comcast 8mbs/752k...but not always sure the down is
02:07.56SpaceBasssjobeck i just have the internet
02:08.27SpaceBassfor $45 for the residental, it would be a good deal, but they block servers (ports 80, 25, etc)...i have the business class for like $300/month
02:08.41SpaceBassand I have problems with broadvoice breaking up on me
02:08.58sjobeckSpaceBass: what your QoS device ?
02:09.07SpaceBassnot sure if its BV or my connection, but I have noticed that if I quit bittorrent or my VPN session, it gets a lot better
02:10.12SpaceBasssjobeck good question...and a source of fustration... i use IPcop which uses "traffic shaping" and they (the developers) claim its for prioritization of packets...but others tell me thats not how it works
02:12.06SpaceBassprobably more info than you wanted about FiOS and my setup :)
02:13.16sjobeckSpaceBass: nah, good to know. I wonder what pixiedust you need to make IPcop do its thing (or put in Packeteer for a gazillion dollars will do it)
02:13.22SpaceBassPMantis what did you say? was it about this week's sopranos...if so I dont want to hear it
02:13.53SpaceBasssjobeck there was a time I could have gotten a packeteer at thats EXACTLY what my home network needs!
02:14.40PMantisSpaceBass, Heh, no... was aking for help. got an initial response, but nothing after that. I care little about tv shows. lol
02:15.11SpaceBassok...just don't spoil this week's sopranos...someone at work tried to tell me what happened and I havent been home to see anything on my tivo in a while
02:15.12PMantisIt's ok though.. I commented out the loading of the cdr_addons_mysql.ko... working now
02:16.57SpaceBasssjobeck did your isp set up your reverse DNS ?
02:16.58QwellSpaceBass: nope
02:18.18SpaceBassQwell yesterday you were telling me what you thought of the linksys wip-330 and i had to run
02:18.39QwellSpaceBass: I only had it in my hand for all of 90 seconds
02:19.01SpaceBassjust wish i could actually find a place to buy one...i might breakdown and do it
02:21.34SpaceBassnext question...anyone use telasip?
02:22.40PMantisSpaceBass, I tried to sign up...
02:22.54PMantisWell, let me start back b4 that...
02:23.01SpaceBassnot sounding good
02:23.02PMantisasked questions.. no response.
02:23.22PMantissigned up, then replied, saying there... I signed up, NOW answer
02:23.34PMantis2 days later, I got a response that they dont' offer service in my area
02:23.42PMantisSeems like a 1 man show
02:24.02PMantisalmost 2 weeks later, I got a refund
02:24.03SpaceBassa la voxbone
02:24.07*** join/#asterisk _DAW-LAPTOP (
02:24.27SpaceBassalthough I had good success with voxbone...but seemed one man
02:25.45*** join/#asterisk alexns (
02:26.10alexnsanyone configuring snom 360 via tftp ?
02:27.15alexns.. seeing some strange results
02:27.41SpaceBassPMantis thinking the same thing
02:27.58PMantisSpaceBass, problems?
02:27.58SpaceBassjust ported my POTS number of 7 years to them...hopeing it wasnt a mistake
02:28.09SpaceBassbut I couldn't live with the zaptel problems i was having
02:28.13alexnssometimes it is
02:28.21SpaceBassPMantis breakup and dropouts sometimes
02:28.27PMantisSpaceBass, Heh... they have a good deal
02:28.30alexnsi am using teliax , phone usually works but somtimes drops calls
02:28.43SpaceBassBV has GREAT prices
02:28.44alexnsbut at least you get the calls :)
02:28.53SpaceBassand works fairly well...most of the time
02:29.01PMantisSpaceBass, but closest DID to me is LD to everyone I know... we use it for OB only
02:29.10SpaceBassand I can send faxes via BV too
02:29.34SpaceBassPMantis BV didn't have local DIDs but they could port mine....might be true for other providers
02:29.47alexns? what is the state of T.38 in asterisk
02:30.03PMantisSpaceBass, But you're right.. my wife could be on the phone talking, and I suddenly hear, "Hello?.... Hello???. yooohooo? can you hear me??.... STEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEE!!! (that' my name)
02:30.08SpaceBassPMantis until my port was complete, I was using BV only for OB LD and nufone for locals (since I could set caller ID)
02:30.37PMantisnufone? isn't that metered?
02:30.39SpaceBassPMantis my wife HATES our asterisk setup...she almost refuses to answer the phone...i think that was mostly b/c of our zap problems
02:30.48SpaceBassPMantis yeah...which I don't care for (metered)
02:31.04SpaceBassbut the whole setcallerid() is GREAT for pranks
02:31.12PMantisOur inbound works 95%
02:31.17PMantisSpaceBass, LOL, Yeah!
02:31.27SpaceBassi'd say ours is 90%
02:31.33PMantisSpaceBass, I called a friend once as "Emergency, 911" lol
02:31.41SpaceBasswow! that takes guts!
02:31.53SpaceBassi usually call people at work from their houses....then just breath and hang up
02:32.03PMantisThen I said, "Who called from this number??"
02:32.47SpaceBassi do worry about 911 since I travel a lot... so I took an old cell phone with not service and put it on a charger near the nightstand
02:33.02PMantisLOL, what we do here.
02:33.03SpaceBassat least my wife could use that if it got bad
02:33.10PMantisI wrote in marker, "911 phone"
02:33.21mogormani have that at my apt
02:33.24SpaceBassand I have 911 mapped to the non emergency number...but haven't tested that yet
02:33.26mogormanits plugged into the land line
02:33.28mogormanthats turned off
02:33.32mogormanbut the copper is live
02:33.37mogormanand will allow me to dial 911
02:33.47SpaceBassmogorman does coper have to dial 911 no matter what?
02:33.57mogormanif you get dial tone
02:33.59mogormanit has to
02:34.09mogormanthey often disconnect copper in areas  where its short
02:34.17mogormanbut where i live ive never found a dead jack
02:34.21mogormanits like cell service
02:34.27mogormanif a tower gets a 911 call
02:34.29mogormanit has to route it
02:34.42mogormanthus dead cell phones are great 911 device
02:34.44PMantisThen hope the pickup.
02:34.49SpaceBasshummmm I'll keep that in mind when I get rid of my POTS
02:35.08PMantiscool bot feature
02:35.09SpaceBassoooh who put re into jbot?
02:35.10QwellJust test for dialtone every 5 minutes, on a cron
02:35.21mogormanit will always pickup
02:35.31mogormanthey arent gonna disco copper in an apt complex
02:35.36mogormanjust to redo it next month
02:35.43Qwellmogorman: yeah
02:35.43mogormansame thing with electric water and cable
02:35.48SpaceBassQwell in a crazy way that reminded me of a question.... is there a way to do SMS with asterisk?
02:35.51Qwellelectric, they do shut off here...
02:36.03*** join/#asterisk Ironhand (
02:36.12mogormanyes you can do sms a couple of ways
02:36.14SpaceBasselecteric will shut you off and not think twice!
02:36.15mogormanthey dont here
02:36.16Qwellmogorman: How else are they gonna justify the $90 setup fee?
02:36.23mogormanthey do it anyways
02:36.28mogormanits just a change of billing fee
02:36.30SpaceBassi need to look into SMS... would love to do that
02:36.33mogormani got it for all my services
02:36.35mogormanwas lame as hell
02:36.44QwellI actually had to pay a fee, when they put the electricty to the wrong apt when I first moved in
02:36.54Qwell"uhh...yeah...dude...I live here, not there."
02:37.18Qwell"Ahh, we're sorry about that sir.  We're going to have to charge you a $15 fee for that."
02:37.29Nuggetthat's nuts
02:37.33SpaceBassyour shitting me? you didn't pay it did you?!?!
02:37.37Qwellwell, it was kinda my fault, heh, not my fault either
02:37.51Qwellcarpet installer fucks fault
02:38.13QwellI told them like a week early that I was gonna move in on xyz date, and to have it turned on before I get there
02:38.26Qwellcarpet dipshits weren't done, so I had to get a diff apt
02:38.35Qwellcable company was worse...
02:38.39SpaceBasssounds like carpetfucks' fault
02:38.43mogormancable company pisses me off
02:38.44QwellThey had to cancel my appointment, and setup a new one
02:38.46Qwell2 weeks later
02:39.02mogormanbut those dumb people are giving me free extended cable for over a month now
02:39.02SpaceBassthat's why if I can get everything over FiOS (and directv) I'll be more cable, no more telco
02:39.40Qwellmogorman: verizon
02:39.56SpaceBassI had cable internet (but not TV) for a long time...that equalled free cable (non digital) which was nice...but already had directv
02:40.01mogormani think somehow im gonna bounce internet from digium
02:40.14mogormanmight cost me 500 to bounce connection around
02:40.21mogormanbut fun project
02:40.32SpaceBassthe fiber is nice
02:41.42SpaceBassQwell i guess I have to have an IP phone that supports sms first huh?
02:44.43*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
02:47.31SpaceBassand it got quiet
02:50.07*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
02:50.22*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:51.05*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
02:55.41*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
02:56.09*** join/#asterisk lyl (n=lyl@
03:05.27St1ckm4ndoes anyone know what the following stands for when you do a show queues or queue
03:05.37St1ckm4nI'm assuming SL is our service level
03:05.59St1ckm4nis W: # of calls Waiting, C: total # of calls and A: abandoned?
03:06.00Qwellw is weight
03:06.50Qwellc is calls completed, a is calls abandoned
03:07.17St1ckm4nif I'm looking for # of calls in queue waiting is that the (0s holdtime)
03:07.30St1ckm4nI'm sorry not the # of calls in queue but how long calls in queue are waiting
03:07.45Qwellyeah, holdtime
03:07.53St1ckm4nok, thanks
03:13.15*** part/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
03:14.06*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
03:14.27Flautohi all
03:14.31Flauto1.2.6 now
03:14.34Flautowhat is new then
03:14.39*** join/#asterisk forao (
03:14.48mogormanits just more bug fixes
03:14.55mogormanlike all 1.2.X releases
03:15.20Qwelland all 1.4.X releases will be
03:15.20Flautoi dont' think it will make a big difference to my usage
03:16.33Flautoi am running into a problem here
03:17.18Flautoi was not using any landline untill a couple of weeks ago, when i got a landline installed and connected to asterisk via x100p
03:17.37SpaceBassFlauto echo and jitter problems?
03:17.41Flautosometimes when there is a call coming in
03:17.59*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
03:18.06Flautoit is not a problem, it goes into my ivr
03:18.17Flautobut the problem is
03:18.27Flautowhen the call is hang up
03:18.46Flautoit shows as the call is dissconnected
03:18.56Flautobut a few seconds later
03:19.26Flautoit is showing that zap is coming in again without any real call
03:19.36Flautoit keeps looping in my system
03:19.49SpaceBassFlauto do you have call forwarding or anything?
03:20.02FlautoSpaceBass, echo is another problem
03:20.15Flautoespecially the first few seconds of the call
03:20.15SpaceBassi had the problem when I tried to use my telco's call forward caused a "ghost" call on my * box
03:20.31Flautothen, it seems echo conceling kicks in
03:20.39SpaceBassFlauto thats odd...echo usually starts ok and gets worse
03:20.59Flautoi have a ivr menu to give choices to dial ext or 0 for operator
03:21.14Flautomine is not that bad indeed
03:21.30Flautothough, it is there at the begining of every call
03:21.36Flautooutbound is worse
03:22.10*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
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03:28.44St1ckm4nhas anyone enabled the RealTime Queues by adding the line queues=>mysql,asterisk,queue_table?
03:29.16St1ckm4nI need to be able to get some stats on our switch that only seem to be possible if I'm dumping realtime
03:29.33St1ckm4ncalls in queue/hold time/agents available etc...
03:38.21Flautowould anyone help
03:38.39Flautothe problem only happens from zap
03:39.19*** join/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
03:39.56lzhangis there a way to have a polycom 601 have line presence down the left side softkeys... and if you press the key it will dial out over that line?
03:41.28Flautoit keeps looping
03:41.33Flautoghost call
03:43.33*** part/#asterisk PMantis (
03:46.46*** join/#asterisk chris_ast (n=Administ@
03:47.32chris_astHi People, Can anyone help me on Asterisk Directory?
03:49.38chris_astIn voicemail.conf what will happen if two users have same name? Asterisk is going to one user after other accoriding to customer_id but how do the dialer know who is the rite person?
03:50.12Qwellchris_ast: I guess they don't
03:50.56chris_astQwell: I have tested the case, it goes to one by one accoring to their cust id
03:51.03*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:59.40*** join/#asterisk Mourning (
04:00.12MourningHi all
04:01.00MourningIs it possible to get Call waiting to work on a PSTN line coming in to * via a Sipura 3000?
04:01.36Flautomourning, how do you make a phone call to come in from pstn through spa 3000
04:02.16MourningFlauto: I'm not sure what you mean
04:02.54Flautohow do you let a call coming in to asterisk through spa 300
04:04.10MourningFlauto: no idea what you mean
04:04.13*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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04:05.20Flautoi am asking you how to connect pstn line to asterisk via spa 3000
04:06.10MourningFlauto: are you asking me how to set it up?
04:06.55MourningFlauto there is an automatic configuration utility on Voxilla
04:07.57MourningAnyone have an answer to my question about Call Waiting?
04:13.36*** join/#asterisk |||sLaSh||| (i=lockpad@
04:13.39MourningOr if its possible to use Callwaiting on a PSTN line coming in to asterisk via a digium card
04:14.03*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=user@
04:14.49Mourningreleased today
04:15.43fugitivoany important bug with 1.2.5?
04:15.58VeNoMouS_all ure base are belong to me!
04:16.17VeNoMouS_fugitivo : voicemail bugs
04:16.20VeNoMouS_mixmonitor bug
04:16.24VeNoMouS_zap bug
04:16.30VeNoMouS_hrmm that were the majors i think
04:17.04fugitivoI'll check the changelog
04:25.21*** part/#asterisk Mourning (
04:26.54St1ckm4nhas anyone set up the dynamic realtime with Mysql?
04:27.47|Vulture|wonder what happens if Mysql goes down
04:27.54|Vulture|does it use cached... or are you fucked?
04:28.07Qwell|Vulture|: You're fucked
04:28.08St1ckm4nI think you're fucked from what i read
04:28.35|Vulture|see that sucks.. cause I would love to run a central mysql server and have all my servers connected
04:28.42St1ckm4nI need to come up with a solution to show calls in queue with hold time
04:28.44|Vulture|thats the only reason I stayed away
04:29.02St1ckm4nI don't think the holdtime in show queues will suffice
04:29.14St1ckm4nsome of my queues have a hold time even though there's no calls in there
04:29.21|Vulture|I love calling a company and hearing the * menus
04:29.29fugitivoRealtime sucks
04:29.43|Vulture|by far * has the best queue system for the client very informative
04:30.09St1ckm4nyeah I've heard that realtime sucks from several people
04:30.21St1ckm4nI'ld like to stay away from it if I could come up with another way
04:30.32*** part/#asterisk talljon84 (
04:30.58|Vulture|Im still using multi-.confs
04:31.22|Vulture|was gunna do AEL but I was told horror stories from using the current state
04:36.59*** join/#asterisk kgeffert (
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04:40.23rajivhmm linksys seems to have upgraded the spa-942 so that it has 100meg ports. or at least their new pdf datasheet says that
04:40.40justinuthat's great news
04:40.53rajivand the display is backlit
04:41.43rajivoh wiat. the 921 and 922 have backlighting but not the 941 or 942
04:42.06rajivi really need new phones. the ones i have do not support call parking
04:44.05*** join/#asterisk testshifter (n=testshif@
04:44.16testshifterhello there! im a newbie in asterisk
04:44.22testshiftercan someone help me install this
04:45.53jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
04:47.09testshifterI need someone to answer my questions regarding this
04:47.20rajivjust ask. if someone can answer, we will
04:47.26justinumoney would get answers faster
04:50.30*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:50.43rajivwacky prob on my sip phones: on a call, press flash, dial 700, no sound, asterisk debug shows Playing 7 0 1, then the sound comes back on the phone and it is still connected to the original party. in 45 seconds, * tried to send the parked call back but get a BUSY and drops all calls.
04:52.02VeNoMouS_hrm with mixmonitor() what bitrate does the wav encode @ , cause im trying to convert to mp3 using toolame and its comming out way to fast
04:53.05VeNoMouS_hrm shit
04:53.13VeNoMouS_cause choose -s 8
04:53.15VeNoMouS_but it dont accept 8
04:53.33VeNoMouS_even tho its listed
04:53.54Qwell8 or 8000?
04:54.04VeNoMouS_it does it khz
04:54.15VeNoMouS_8000hz == 8khz
04:56.37VeNoMouS_damn it cant do native mpe
04:56.38VeNoMouS_damn it cant do native mp3
04:56.51VeNoMouS_app_mixmonitor.c:173 mixmonitor_thread: Cannot open /var/lib/asterisk/monitor/28-03-2006-16:55:57-021772937-099705560.mp3
04:57.29Qwellformat_mp3 from asterisk-addons
04:57.42Qwellit can read them
04:58.06VeNoMouS_i have asterisk-addons installed
04:58.27VeNoMouS_ok or maybe i dont ave format_mpe
04:58.28VeNoMouS_ok or maybe i dont ave format_mp3
04:58.43VeNoMouS_shit i dont ave addons installed on this box
05:00.08VeNoMouS_heh that could be why
05:00.41VeNoMouS_Mar 28 17:00:15 WARNING[9221]: file.c:981 ast_writefile: No such format 'mp3'
05:00.42Idleon my wildcard, do I need to have the FXO on 1 and 2, and FXS on 3-4?
05:01.20QwellIdle: most people put the FXS lower, but it doesn't matter
05:01.35Idleor... is there something more then just plugging the modules in? its not really loading anything other the channel 1
05:01.46QwellIdle: zaptel.conf
05:02.04Idlefxoks=1-2     fxols=3-4
05:02.15Idleoh lol
05:02.47VeNoMouS_lol Qwell
05:02.50Idlewhats ks? dont I want loop start?
05:02.54Qwelleither way
05:02.55VeNoMouS_the readme states
05:02.56VeNoMouS_This is a module for asterisk to play mp3 natively.
05:02.56Qwellk is kerlwe
05:02.57VeNoMouS_They *SHOULD* be already at 8khz and *SHOULD* be mono.
05:02.57VeNoMouS_otherwise they will be consuming CPU alot more than need be.
05:03.00VeNoMouS_its not for encoding
05:03.12QwellIdle: kewlstart..
05:03.40QwellVeNoMouS_: yeah, just reading
05:04.32Idlewtf... invalid arguement
05:04.44Idlethe green are the fxs correct
05:04.48Qwellright's backwards
05:04.57Qwellfxs modules use fxs signalling
05:04.58Idleof lame
05:05.06Qwellfxs modules use fxo signalling
05:05.14Qwellso, for fxs, you'd do fxoks
05:05.21Idleok, its working, I guess
05:06.10VeNoMouS_lets try lame instead of toolame
05:06.12Idleya know, I'm just gonna accept ks...
05:07.16Idleok, its working
05:07.26IdleI need some solid docs on zaptel
05:09.11Idlehow can I tell which channel the call came in on for my dialplan?
05:15.12chris_astIs there any app_conference installation compatible with asterisk 1.2.4? Please tell me.
05:16.32chris_astQwell, Idle, VeNoMouS_: Please help me.
05:16.40IdleI have no idea
05:17.21chris_astok Idle, can someone please tell me this?
05:19.30*** join/#asterisk }btorch{ (
05:21.24Idleah, just different contexts... lame, but OK
05:23.07*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
05:23.21clyrradHey all, I used to have an extension phones could dial and hear MusicOnHold, now its not working any longer, maybe i have changed something accidentaly.  How can I have an extension for a person to dial and hear MusicOnHOld from their phone?
05:25.17clyrradHow can i just play back MOH music when a given extension is dialed?
05:27.11x86exten => 666,1,Answer exten => 666,2,MusicOnHold(default)
05:28.31VeNoMouS_got my mixmonitor -> wav -> mp3 going
05:28.50VeNoMouS_so rather then bout 1meg a min its bout 500k a min
05:30.29VeNoMouS_heh i should write a mp3 to base64 to mysql script
05:30.33VeNoMouS_and store the mp3s in mysql
05:31.53*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
05:32.43brc_yo yo yo
05:32.53brc_look who's back
05:33.03brc_it's only been what, 8 months?
05:33.27brc_does anybody use dell servers for asterisk, and if so could you suggest a specific model?
05:34.12chris_astIs asterisk app_conference scalabe?
05:34.33brc_define scaleable
05:35.10chris_astwhen more people are using conference it should not crash Asterisk
05:35.24De_Monscalable = stable ?
05:35.41brc_chris_ast, define more people
05:35.41De_Monpeople say it runs better than app_meetme with large conferences
05:35.51chris_astI think both are different terms though cloasely related
05:36.02De_Monbrc_ how many people does it take before app_conference has "problems"
05:37.04De_Monchris_ast it could be said the app is stable up-to-xnumber-of-members
05:37.34VeNoMouS_De_Mon it depends on the spec of the box
05:37.36chris_astDe_Mon,brc_: Is there a version compatible with asterisk 1.2.4
05:37.42VeNoMouS_ure talking bout linking x number of channels
05:37.43De_MonI've not heard of any problems with app_conference and any volume of coferences...
05:37.57VeNoMouS_so it depends on really how many x number of channels the box can handle
05:37.58De_Monthat's not app_conferences fault though
05:38.11De_Monit'll handle whatever the box can handle
05:38.13VeNoMouS_app_conferences just echos to the other channels
05:38.27chris_astIs there a version compatible with asterisk 1.2.4?
05:38.30VeNoMouS_picture it as a sip call, with more then 2 channels listening
05:38.37De_Monchris_ast I've been told it comples against 1.2.5, but I've yet to get it to compile, period
05:38.51De_Monit's on my *to-do-list
05:39.00chris_astok :)
05:39.06clyrradmy MOH just stopped working :(
05:39.11clyrradcant see why
05:39.18VeNoMouS_clyrrad is mpg123 running?
05:39.24clyrradi used to have *6613 to hear music
05:39.31clyrradfrom my phone, and now i just hear silence
05:39.38chris_astI just found that we have to make some changes to makefile and someother file for asterisk 1.0.7
05:39.40clyrradany idea why it does not work now?
05:39.57clyrradVeNoMous, yes i have it installed
05:40.01clyrradis that what you mean?
05:40.06chris_astSo just curious about the changes needed for asterisk 1.2.4?
05:40.34De_Monthe person I spoke to downloaded app_conference svn and compiled without any work afaik
05:41.45chris_astany links for that? app_conference
05:43.53*** join/#asterisk dextro (
05:44.07De_Monguess it's cvs not svn
05:44.26chris_astok got it
05:48.04*** join/#asterisk websae (
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05:49.12websaedoes anyone here push high call volume, as like a call center, or retailer? I am curious how your quality is, and if you you're using IAX?
05:50.30websaecertainly a quiet channel tonight here...
05:51.24Abydos313everyone is on the phone :P
05:53.35*** part/#asterisk }btorch{ (
05:54.35wasimpoor websae
06:00.16*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
06:07.14*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
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06:12.06glazzieris there a url prefix for dialing like pstn://18005551212
06:12.51*** part/#asterisk glazzier (
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06:18.47*** join/#asterisk glazzier (
06:19.47glazzierhello am i unregeister or not?
06:20.05*** join/#asterisk Souvent22 (
06:20.24Souvent22I was wondering...what exaclty is a "channel" in Asterisk?
06:21.06glazzierits a plug for sound to come in and out of.
06:21.38Souvent22ah, ok.
06:21.47Souvent22are you familiar with Wildfire or Asterisk-IM?
06:22.30glazzieranyone else there?
06:23.04glazzierI think this is the wrong channel. I registered and all. did I get banned or something
06:23.19Souvent22where are you from?
06:23.38Souvent22could be the time.
06:23.47dpryoThis is #asterisk :)
06:23.53Souvent22my other IRC channels are going fine.
06:23.59dpryoI just woke up, here in Norway :)
06:25.50glazzieranyone know if there is a standard for urls and autodialer/
06:26.14glazziersomething like pstn://18885551234
06:28.05*** join/#asterisk kmilitzer (
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06:40.12*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (n=kimosabe@
06:40.53kimosabeis there a way to flash cisco router with asterisk
06:42.10*** join/#asterisk adelas (
06:43.27Qwellkimosabe: That would be somewhat silly, IMO
06:43.43Qwellcisco routers are quite good at what they do...heavily tuned for it
06:44.04kimosabeqwell i have several cisco routers laying around that are no longer good since asterisk
06:44.19adelasanyone fimilar with Belkin VoIP boxes?I want to know how the dial plan setting goes, the original is "|1[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|011x.T|" - i want to set it so i don't have to enter the 1+area code eveytime, anyone have a clue?
06:50.37*** join/#asterisk markdd3 (
06:50.50markdd3hi everyone...
06:51.26markdd3quick question - I've got an * box, and incoming calls are working over the PRI, but outgoing isn't.
06:51.40markdd3I get : Zap/5-1 is proceeding passing it to SIP/400-810e
06:51.57markdd3any ideas?
06:52.12*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
06:54.10kimosabecan some one guide me 2 a config where e-1 card is being used for data trafic on lease line please
06:56.06markdd3heh - looks like we're out of gurus here...
06:57.23kimosabeevery where i go i replace servers and routers with linux and unix i want 2 replace a pair of motorolla routers with asterisk via e-1/t-1 card is it possible ?
06:58.51SwKif they are just point to point or frame relay data T1/E1s then you dont need asterisk
06:59.08SwKyou just need linux/bsd/whatever and a T1/E1 card
07:00.53SwKnot that what you are doing is nessecarily bad, but why not use a real router... they are built specifically for that sort of thing and have lower TCOs when you factor in maint and admin cost over the life of the thing, not to mention peecee hardware just doesnt give you "5 9s" of uptime like a solidstate hardware router
07:00.55kimosabeswk can you lead me 2 the info on this please a digium card will do ? and with what aplication for the dlci and all normal config for lease lines
07:01.36orlock5 nines from just using a router
07:01.59orlockhow else can it fail, let me count the ways..
07:02.03orlockline cuts, power outages
07:02.17SwKinfo's on digiums website for for setting up point to point stuff
07:02.26orlocknot all routers are perfect, they have OS's and are susceptible to bugs, flaws, heat issues and memory leaks as wel
07:02.29kimosabeswk nixs running 5 yrs no reboot can i rellay be afected on lease line with nix ?
07:03.00SwKunixes running 5 years w/ no reboot is asking to get hacked
07:03.02orlockone you get above 4 9's, you NEED to have a redundant backup for every single link in the chain
07:03.17orlockcos it will fail
07:03.26SwKorlock: thats why real routers have things like redundant power supplies etc
07:03.30orlockbut thats past a specific device and into the whole site layout/engineering
07:03.36SwKnot to mention almost no moving parts
07:03.38orlockthey dont
07:03.41orlockand they have shite fans
07:04.06SwKif you want true highuptime cisco isnt want you are looking for anyway
07:04.14SwKyou want Junipers
07:04.16harlequin516When I use the console driver can I send DTMF using the dial cammand (dial #2345) after a call is already connected?
07:04.25kimosabeswk where can i find a sample config on somthing like that
07:04.42kimosabeswk more familiar with motorolla routers on lease lines
07:04.46SwKkimosabe: digiums site has all the info
07:04.51*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
07:04.56kimosabethanks man
07:04.58SwKits usually just ppp or the like
07:05.15kimosabeswk i thought in order to pick up a lease line that i would need asterisk 2 link it
07:05.17harlequin516Seems not to work for me...
07:05.34SwKasterisk does telephony
07:06.12SwKand when you use like a TE405 for voice and data, the data never makes it to asterisk, even when using a single T1 or E1 split part voice, part data
07:06.13kimosabeok what does lease lines just the card but i want to give my server the coper directlly multiplex from e-1 2 t-1 for international crosings
07:06.49kimosabeswk let me look at digium site for mor info then
07:07.58SwKkimosabe: there is software that goes with it, but your specific configuration can vary... is it just PPP on the link, is it frame relay etc... however, moving data is beyond the scope of asterisk in what you have asked for, there are other utilities for it in linux
07:08.07kimosabeu see here they give me a hdsl pair gain then from there it goes to a cdu/dsu and then from there a get a V.35
07:08.16kimosabei want 2 recive the coper directllly
07:08.41kimosabecan u just give me a clue where 2 look
07:08.43SwKso the pairgain drops a 4wire E1 or T1...
07:08.53SwKlook at digiums support pages
07:08.53kimosabe4 wire true
07:09.11x86run it into a smartjack then to a T1 card with built-in CSU/DSU
07:09.44SwKif its just a leased line, then you just run pppd on the *nix box and be done with it, theres setup instructions on digiums support page
07:09.58*** join/#asterisk io_error (
07:10.25kimosabeswk you make it really sound easy
07:10.29*** part/#asterisk io_error (
07:11.52markdd3I've got a sangoma card here and the wanrouter stuff seems to allow you to use part of the span for data..
07:12.09markdd3but I haven't tried to set it up.
07:12.29markdd3Anyone able to help with my outgoing calls over an E1 problem?
07:14.02vgsteri cant help you
07:14.08*** join/#asterisk gfox (n=vince@calvix/staff/gfox)
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07:15.19vgsterwhen picking up a call is it possible to view the callers number on the phone doing the pickup?  or is this for the future?
07:15.44shido6t100p has been doing that for yrs, markdd3  :)
07:16.00x86vgster: how did you get call pickup working? i cant seem to get it to work...
07:16.40vgsterwell if the exts are in pickup groups a *8# will do it
07:17.07vgsterand i have directed pickup using *8XXXX# but obviously i dont get the callers info just the number i dialed on the display
07:17.24x86you have to use a # at the end
07:17.29vgsteror send
07:17.32x86i only care about directed pickup
07:17.38vgsteri have that too
07:17.56vgsterbut id luike the call info as i have a lot of internal calls and they get the whole welcome to XXXXXX
07:17.58x86i have a BT101 (extension 103) and a X-Lite soft phone (extension 100)
07:18.14x86if 100 is ringing, and i dial *8100# (or send), i get a 485 error from asterisk
07:18.30vgsteryou need to add it to your dialplan
07:18.43x86can you give me an example?
07:19.06vgsteryes 1 mo
07:19.30vgsterlook at the example on that page
07:20.08x86w00t :)
07:20.20x86also my BT101 does not support conference calling (3 way)
07:20.44x86i followed the instructions in the user manual but when i'm on an active call and hit conference, it does nothing...
07:21.19x86it's supposed to put party B on hold and give me dialtone so i can call party C, then hit conference again to bridge them
07:21.39vgsternever bothered with 3 way calling on them, i did it with the gxp-2000's though
07:22.21x86i'm assuming there is no other way to handle 3 way besides on the phone itself/
07:23.07x86but then people have to call in right?
07:23.11x86like with MeetMe, etc
07:23.19markdd3yep, but you could transfer them to it.
07:23.35x86my BT101's transfer is busted too :(
07:23.48vgsterwhat button?
07:24.26x86it puts party B on hold and gives me dialtone, but when i dial a number and hang the phone up, it rings the call back to me
07:25.22x86wait, now it works ;)
07:25.27x86blind anyway...
07:25.35x86i cant figure out assisted :(
07:25.49x86or attended... whatever ;)
07:27.06vgsteri did, use the flash button i think.  ill have to have a look cos i documented it for work
07:28.56vgsteryou could always config it via features.conf
07:29.11x86call pickup still isnt working
07:29.16x86still giving me a 484 error
07:29.38x86these are SIP extensions and a SIP call, if that matters
07:33.47*** join/#asterisk nagl (
07:36.03vgsterso anyone know if its possible to have the caller number etc on the ext that does the pickup()
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08:11.37*** join/#asterisk Shaun2222 (
08:15.26Shaun2222if i dont have any hardware and only plan on using a SIP provider right now do i still need zaptel?
08:15.40Shaun2222can i build asterisk by it self?
08:16.14*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
08:16.18x86you'll need zaptel (ztdummy) for timing for many things like MOH and MeetME
08:16.34x86so i'd say yes, unless you dont care about that ;)
08:17.03Shaun2222i'm not sure what those things are :)
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08:30.38Shaun2222anybody know why i'm having build issues..
08:32.51dlynesIt might prove useful to know which version of the zaptel drivers you're compiling, too
08:33.40Shaun2222latest from csv
08:39.00dlynesYou mean svn?
08:39.08*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
08:39.20x86probaby he means cvs ;)
08:40.26dlynesYeah, but asterisk isn't on cvs anymore
08:40.30dlynesIt's on svn now
08:40.42dlynesSo I'm guessing he must be installing some old buggy version of 1.0
08:41.59Shaun2222i'm following...
08:42.11*** join/#asterisk mko-025 (
08:43.07Shaun2222i dont see a way to find out what version i have
08:43.14salviadudi just called a rehab clinic
08:43.20salviadudgot it on mixmonitor
08:43.35x86GIVE ME!
08:43.46x86salviadud: /dcc send me ;)
08:44.11salviadudlet me find it first...
08:44.19salviadudits time stamped
08:45.26Shaun2222where is the current documentation?
08:46.25x86salviadud: maybe email is better
08:46.30Shaun2222all of these docs i'm seeing are using cvs...
08:46.33x86my DCC seems busted
08:48.47dlynesShaun222, then scroll down until you see the info about svn
08:48.47*** part/#asterisk chris_ast (n=Administ@
08:49.22dlynesShaun222, but i don't understand why you're trying to cvs/svn the latest zaptel code...why not use the latest stable code?
08:49.36dlynesShaun222, It's available as a tarball, and you don't have to muck with svn
08:50.54Shaun2222i dont know, i read that you could only get it with cvs from some doc
08:51.01Shaun2222apparently alot of this shit is out-dated
08:51.07dlynesYeah...must be a really oooooooooooooooold doc
08:51.56dlynesThe latest version of zaptel driver is 1.2.5 (it just came out yesterday)
08:51.58tecnicois there a variable similar to ${EXTEN} to know the calling party's extension ?
08:52.09dlynesThe latest version of asterisk is 1.2.6 (it just came out yesterday as well)
08:52.20Shaun2222whats libpri used for?
08:52.26salviadudi'm using 1.2.6
08:52.30tecnicodlynes: tnx
08:52.30salviadudworks pretty good
08:52.32dlynesShaun222, for the pri cards
08:53.10Shaun2222ok, guess i dont need that
08:53.21tecnicohow about a variable for the extension's context ?
08:53.29dlynesShaun222, probably not, unless you're setting up a lot of phone lines
08:53.34tecnicothe calling party's extension I mean
08:53.36Shaun2222 that site has a link to docs that are outdated...
08:54.04Shaun2222dlynes: do you have a link to any good documentation thats current..
08:54.04dlynesShaun222, no idea....i haven't gone there for a while, but you might want to mail someone at digium to let them know
08:54.43dlynesShaun222, that's the most current there is
08:55.05dlynesShaun222, it's pretty much the official asterisk wiki
08:56.40x86salviadud: bahahahaha :)
08:57.20fourcheezeanyone know of a symbian SIP client?
08:57.36fourcheeze(nokia n70)
08:57.54fourcheezeapparently it has a sip stack
08:58.08fourcheezeseen lots of promises of clients, but no actual software
08:58.41dlynestecnico, that should give you a full list of all predefined global'll need to scroll down a bit to see them
08:59.13dlynesfourcheeze, I seem to recall seeing something somewhere for it
08:59.24tecnicodlynes: tnx. that's what I need.  By the way, the ${CALLERIDNUM} doesn't do it for what I need 'cause the caller id of the client is set to a pstn number, but it's extension on the PBX is different..
08:59.29dlynesfourcheeze, I put it out of mind though cause Internet on cell phones are so expensive
08:59.45dlynestecnico, If that's what you're wanting, no...there's no variable for that
08:59.47fourcheezeyes, this is true, however I just want to try it
08:59.57salviadudx86 :)
09:00.03x86i'm trying to setup MeetMe. I've setup an extension to create a dynamic, pin-less room and what not and that works fine...
09:00.04fourcheezeit's already possible to get umetered 3g bandwidth
09:00.11dlynesfourcheeze, I think I seen it on the Symbian OS or the free pda software list or somethign
09:00.17x86i'm trying to setup an extension to get into an existing conference
09:00.35x86exten => _9986X.,1,Macro(app-join-conf,1,${EXTEN:4})
09:00.58x86where that macro is: s,1,MeetMe(${ARG1})
09:02.09x86anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
09:04.38fourcheezex86: what happens that you don't want?
09:04.38dlynesfourcheeze, congrats :)
09:05.53x86fourcheeze: well, i dial 9986# and it creates the conference as expected, says you are the only person in the conference blah blah, starts hold music...
09:06.22x86fourcheeze: i dial 99860# from another device (where 0 is the conference number it auto-created), and i get a 484 incomplete address response
09:07.17x86fourcheeze: in the CLI with verbose set as high as it will go, i see nothing when 99860# is dialed, unless i turn on SIP debugging also...
09:07.27x86fourcheeze: so it looks like it's not even hitting the dialplan?
09:08.59x86odd, when the conference is created, i see this in CLI "Created MeetMe conference 1023 for conference '0'"
09:09.06x86so what's the conference number, 0 or 1023?
09:10.12x86w00t, got it ;)
09:10.30*** join/#asterisk exten123 (n=exten@
09:11.53x86had to make it be exten => _9986. instead of _9986X.
09:12.07x86makes sense ;)
09:14.43x86now to setup automon
09:15.09exten123Who has selling the services of establish asterisk for others company? can share some experience with me?
09:18.00*** join/#asterisk Dandre (
09:18.04DandreHello all
09:18.41Dandredoes anyone knows where I could find some free mp3 files for MOH?
09:19.27dlynesbtw...anyone experience problems with sipura 3000's where you'll have a conversation on the incoming line with a sip phone, and the sipura 3000 forgets it's having a conversation, and accepts another call, and then the original two people are talking, and the new person comes in as a 3-way call, that person realizes he's in a conversation he's not supposed to be in, drops the call, and consequently all parties are disconnected?
09:20.35dlynesDandre, just ask google the question, 'Where do i get free classical mp3s?'
09:20.46dlynesDandre, you'll find a plethora of links
09:25.48*** join/#asterisk Creperum (
09:28.47x86is there a way i can record a call, and shove it in ${CALLERIDNUM} 's voicemail box?
09:30.15x86i know i could just copy the wave file to their inbox, but not sure how to create the text files needed to make it act like a real message
09:31.36*** join/#asterisk yuta-vcnet (i=yuta-vcn@
09:33.30yuta-vcnethi, I wonder if someone can help with a codecs-voicemail issue
09:33.50yuta-vcnetI have my SIP.conf setup so g729 is the preferred codec, then GSM
09:34.07yuta-vcnetthe problem is that I don't have g729 licenses and I want to use the voicemail
09:34.30yuta-vcnetis there anyway to tell the voicemail application not to use g729 at all?
09:34.43yuta-vcnetin the SDP I can see:
09:34.44yuta-vcnetCapabilities: us - 0x70e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729|speex|ilbc), peer - audio=0x10e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x10e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729)
09:36.37x86dont use g729 ;)
09:36.43tecnicoI keep getting this, any hints on how to fix it ?  "chan_iax2.c:7551 socket_read: Received mini frame before first full voice frame"
09:36.47x86729 == bad ;)
09:38.39yuta-vcnetI probably can use iLBC for the SIP phones, but I would like to know where are defined the voicemail codec capabilities
09:38.59yuta-vcnetI was going to go through the source file app_voicemail.c
09:43.03*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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09:49.08exten123how to run a program with extension of .tcl
09:49.26jwitteHello, one question: What do I need to do, to activate CLIR on PRI? I set usecallingpres=yes and SetCallerPres(prohib) but this doesn't seemto work
09:50.51x86yuta-vcnet: what's wrong with GSM?
09:51.09*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=grb@
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09:58.26smeevili am trying to compile asterisk with bristuff, but i keep getting errors like : /usr/include/linux/kernel.h:105: error: syntax error before 'size_t'
09:58.49yuta-vcnetx86, GSM is fine, however I am fully testing Asterisk and I want to ensure the most functionality as possible
09:59.16*** part/#asterisk jwitte (
10:00.28yuta-vcnetif I can find a workaround for the g729 options in the SDP, I don't mind using GSM for voicemail and g.729 for IP-phone to IP-phone
10:00.28yuta-vcnetg.729 is less bandwidth at the end of the day
10:01.35*** join/#asterisk Ansonmus (
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10:08.16x86yuta-vcnet: true, but GSM isnt that much more...
10:08.27AnsonmusHi, what is the best option for 2 or 3 x ISDN2 (BRI) to asterisk ?
10:13.49n0cturnal_I'm using asterisk with a Linksys PAP2 ATA.. is there an easy way to place someone on hold? or how do i configure this?
10:15.47x86hit flash on the phone, then hang up?
10:15.53x86it should hold the call
10:16.03x86might ring the phone back though when you hang up ;)
10:16.19n0cturnal_doesn't work... =\
10:16.23n0cturnal_just hangs up
10:16.38x86i dunno then
10:16.43x86never messed with a PAP2
10:16.52*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
10:24.03x86whoa cool.... this ENUM / E164 stuff is totally rad
10:25.00x86i can make outbound calls without involving my PSTN trunk, if the destination number is in the E164 database...
10:25.11x86or, one of them, i should say :)
10:25.11{zombie}n0cturnal_: hookflash to put them on hold, then you can either dial another number to transfer them, or hookflash again to get them back
10:25.32x86n0cturnal_: same thing as flash ;)
10:25.34{zombie}yeah, the flash button on your phone
10:25.41{zombie}or hold down the "hook" for a very short amount of time
10:26.06{zombie}if the flash button isn't working then it's probably holding the hook down for either too short or too long
10:26.14{zombie}you can adjust those parameters in the sipura
10:26.19{zombie}I mean the linksys pap2
10:26.35{zombie}and you can often adjust it on the phone too
10:26.52kmilitzerIs it really right, that the ChanIsAvail-Application in the test-this-branch jumps to +101 even if priority jumping is not set with the j option?
10:29.09n0cturnal_cheers guys... just had to find the stupid flash button :P
10:29.17n0cturnal_ruddy fancy cordless phones
10:38.31*** join/#asterisk mover (n=dlu@
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10:42.20Modcutswhat is the best way to look at how ip packets are leaving the asterisk box?
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10:47.15moverhi all
10:48.10*** join/#asterisk danzig (
10:49.55moverModcuts: ngrep 5060
10:50.16moverfor sip pakets
10:50.29moveror just ngrep for all :-)
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10:51.04*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (n=fred@
10:51.06NoRemorsehi all.
10:51.14*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
10:51.50NoRemorseis there any way to change what dtmf setting the voicemail prompt listens for? I have rfc2833 set, but when i enter my pin it is ignored
10:52.02movercan i limit iax2 channels per peer like in sip? i read tons of pages but no hint at all
10:52.22NoRemorsehey mover how do you limit that in sip?!
10:52.26kmilitzerModcuts: tcpdump or (t)ethereal
10:52.49NoRemorseah ok.
10:53.08NoRemorselike line 1 to 4 in x-lite?
10:53.38moverNoRemorse: you can set it in peers setup with dtmf=
10:54.11NoRemorsein sip.conf? yeah its set to rfc2833 in sip.conf and on my client
10:54.37moverNoRemorse: call-limit=1 mean one outgoing and one incoming call at the same time is maximum
10:54.58NoRemorseI actually suspect it's a bug in the client hardware ands it's using info instead which asterisk seems to ignore for voicemail prompts.
10:55.21moverNoRemorse: try dtmf=info its much more stable
10:55.28moverand relaxdtmf=yes
10:55.55Modcutskmilitzer: cheers
10:56.08*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
10:56.11NoRemorseah ok.
10:56.50moverNoRemorse: dtmf mode on UA should be INFO . On asterisk side rfc2833 is ok
10:56.59kmilitzerModcuts: or ngrep
10:57.30NoRemorsestupid client only has rfc or inband
10:59.18NoRemorsewhats the point of setting it in the conf file anyway? what happens if conf is different to what the client is set to do?
10:59.48moverNoRemorse: try inband. what code you use?
10:59.54moverNoRemorse: try inband. what codec you use?
11:00.12Modcutskmilitzer: ngrep goes nuts would need to dump it
11:00.37kmilitzerModcuts: Do you want to capture SIP or also IAX? For SIP simply to ngrep port 5060
11:00.38NoRemorseI am using g729
11:01.21*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
11:01.22moveron the asterisk side you have g729 licensed?
11:01.38NoRemorseyes 10. this aint a codec prob
11:01.45NoRemorseall calls work fine
11:02.08kmilitzerNoRemorse: DTMF-Handling is a pain in the ass ... maybe this command can help you: SetDTMFMode
11:02.18moverok but inband with compression shouldnt will work stable
11:03.06kmilitzerModcuts: If you want it in a file to tcpdump -w <filename> port 5060 or tethereal -w <filenemae> ...
11:04.54moverkmilitzer: setdtmfmode is the same like dtmf= the difference is only the switching at dialplan
11:05.53NoRemorseyeah seems unstable over g729, have to enter thye number multiple times sometimes, nhowever thats ok, the prob is that asterisk voicemail ignores inband?!
11:06.37moverNoRemorse: no it dont ignre. it dont recognise it. try alaw as codec an all will be fine
11:06.57NoRemorseis there *any* way to see what a call is using for dtmf at call establishment time using asterisk console?
11:07.18NoRemorsewhy does my upstream trunk recognise inband then?!
11:08.48moverNoRemorse: because your asterisk send dtmf oder info
11:09.17moveri dunno your complete setup
11:09.37danzig>noremorse are your running IP all the way? relaxdtmf only works with zap
11:10.12NoRemorseok client is set to inband, so bottom line is the numbers get sent via inband tones, so either the dtmf reaches the destination through my provider as inband or it gets converted to info by *, either way * hould recognise it for the voicemail pin!
11:10.28NoRemorseyes ip all the way, upstream is sip
11:11.06danzignorem>> * voicemail does not accept inband. known limitation
11:11.17*** join/#asterisk Creperum (
11:11.28fnordiani checked out the subscribemwi-branch, compiled and launched with -fg which led to segfault :-(
11:11.29kmilitzerdanzig: since when should that be?
11:11.33NoRemorselol thought as much. thats ok, I just cant seem to get my dumb client to go back to rfc
11:12.54danzigkmiltz>> "dtmfmode=info does not work with Asterisks voicemail system" (if it is correct) it certainly was about 6 months ago...
11:13.12moverrfc2833 is also unstable on compressed codes i guess
11:13.47NoRemorseforget info, my client doesnt even have it, it has rfc or inband, but * vm doesnt seem to accept inband
11:14.10danzignorem>> that is also my experience. Use rfc2833
11:14.23moverNoRemorse: you have tried a uncompressed codec for testing inband???
11:14.36kmilitzerdanzig: OK ... you mean info not inband does not work with voicemail
11:15.03moverSIP_INFO still wont work in 1.2.5
11:15.16danzigWe ue rfc2833 and ALAW - works fine with voicemail - BUT on incoming truncs from provider (SIP/ALAW), there are problems maybe 20% of the time - mainly 0 getting recognised as 00 etc.
11:15.40*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
11:16.54moverwe are usinf alaw and inband. in all directions no problems sip and pstn
11:17.11danzignorem>>from same page: "If the codec is not ulaw or alaw then the DTMF tones will be distorted by the audio compression and will not be recognised" I would have thought that g729 would be ok, but maybe you should try with alaw/ulaw
11:17.19NoRemorseI have trouble with alaw on some client they only have crappy 64k upstreams
11:17.44*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=op3r@
11:17.54moverdanzig: thats what i wrote lines before
11:17.58NoRemorsedanzig: yes this is the case for inband only, rfc and info both use data codex muxed into the rtp stream
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11:18.56danzigmover>> yes, yours was just a bit shorter :-)
11:19.15*** join/#asterisk bjweeks (n=bjweeks@
11:19.16NoRemorseits a catch 22, my sip provider only accepts inband (ie they dont have ANYTHING confogured for dtmf) and asterisk voicemail doesnt accept inband, I have to decide if the custs get voicemail or they get telephone banking lol
11:19.32moverNoRemorse: what compression (ALL CODECS <> a/ulaw) mean that the rtp will be compressed. so you cant expect that the demuxed informations will be sorrect transported.. sorry
11:20.03NoRemorseok easiest solution disable voicemail lol
11:20.38danzignorem>> depends on what your * is doing - maybe you can use rfc2833 between the phones and Asterisk, and use inband for your trunks - is asterisk 'proxying' these connections?
11:21.30NoRemorseyes, no invites
11:21.46movereasiest is to use alaw for voicemail. if this is impossible your journey is to bring it to alaw :-)
11:22.56x86why alaw?
11:23.00bjweeksdoes anybody know if there is a 'cheat sheet' for all the commands you can run from a phone like time, weather, voicemail, etc... ?
11:23.01x86i always use ulaw ;)
11:23.07NoRemorseanyways... what should I put after the client Dial command , Hangup or Congestion?
11:23.21danzigour asterisk 'proxys' all connections between the phones and the trunks, so we can mix rfc and inband. We use rfc2833 between the phones and asterisk, rfc2833 for our main trunks, but inband for trunks voipdiscount (cause voipdiscount don't honor rfc, so one could not use telbanking, answering machines otherwise )
11:24.33danzignorem>>you just define dtmftype=rfc in the phones peer definition, and dtmftype=inband in the trunk lines peer def. You may have problems with people trying to listen to their voicemail via the trunks.
11:26.21danzigAnd if anyone can tell me how to stop dtmf 8001 being interpreted by Asterisk as 800011 (over SIP/alaw trunk on a 4% used 100 Mbit fibre, no QoS), I am very interested!
11:27.03x86is there a way i can record a call, and shove it into a voicemail box?
11:27.24x86like a user hits *1 before dialing a number, it records the call, saves it to thier voicemail
11:28.00*** join/#asterisk Ansonmus (
11:28.53AnsonmusHello, what is the best option for BRI 4 channels?
11:29.20danzigx86>yes, use , and then a System call to put the file + a text description file in their voicemail folder - but you will probably have to write a short script yourself to make the text file.
11:29.36NoRemorsethanks guys
11:30.04x86danzig: yeah i know i could do it that way, but i didnt want to make the text file myself ;)
11:31.57danzigx86>maybe you could make life easier for yourself by not putting it in voicemail, but always in the same place, and they get it by email/web/dial an extension. Then when they record the next call the file gets overwritten...
11:33.03*** join/#asterisk devilpim (n=Pim@
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11:35.02devilpimhi....anyone's working with spandsp?
11:35.46NoRemorsedanzig: I have set up my client to rfc, it can access vm no probs. I set dtmf=inband in the peer conf for my provider, and telebanking ignores dtmf....
11:36.57NoRemorseshouldnt that 1 entry in the peer section turn the dtmf into inband tones?
11:37.43danzignorem>> thats strange - works for me - rfc from phone to *, inband from * to trunk provider, I can call the tax office and press 9 to hold to bad music... You reloaded etc.?
11:38.32NoRemorseyep :(
11:39.47danzignorem>>Maybe your inband DTMF is getting too mangled for bank to like it - what are your trunks? also g729? Or maybe something changed. I am on Asterisk 1.0.9.
11:40.07NoRemorseno, remember it recognises it when client is set to inband....
11:40.28NoRemorsetrunks alaw
11:40.28*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
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11:41.48NoRemorsehang on I will call my mobile and see if I hear ANY tones, even mangkled I'll hear something
11:41.51danzignorem>>Possibly my phones also send inband when they send rfc, and yours don't  - mine are Grandstream GXP2000...
11:42.10*** part/#asterisk devilpim (n=Pim@
11:42.31NoRemorseno tones :(
11:43.15NoRemorsecan I set dtmf in dialplan? I have a feeling my sip.conf peer ssetting is being bypassed
11:46.09danzignorem>> I still would have thought that Asterisk would change the rfc to inband when bridging the call - it should, IMHO.
11:47.17NoRemorsenot if it the default setting is rfc
11:47.30NoRemorsedid you mention a dialplan command to set dtmf earlier?
11:50.23danzignorem>>no, but if you are telling the trunk to use inband, it should. I have. dtmfmode=inband in the trunk peer def. Before, I had dtmfmode=rfc2833, and telebanking did not work. I dont know a dialplan cmd offhand...
11:52.07NoRemorseyes but as I said, I think my sip.conf section for my provider is being ignored
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11:52.44NoRemorseit was mover who mentioned setdtmfmode
11:53.08NoRemorseno hits on wiki tho
11:54.19NoRemorsekmilitzer I mean
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11:57.20NoRemorseok danzig I just confirmed my dialplan is using the peer setting my using @provider rather than @ipaddress, and it still doesnt pickup the conversion.
11:57.28NoRemorseI am giving up :(
12:02.33*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
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12:07.11HermisWhy, when I Dialing number from asterisk it's generate warning4702 Unable to reopen DSP Device
12:09.23stoneis it possible to call external sip (like from a sip soft-phone connected to asterisk?
12:11.48RoyKstone: yes, rtfm :)
12:11.52jbotdocs is, like, probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
12:12.39stonea rtfm... bah :)
12:13.27*** join/#asterisk Hermis (n=guitarug@
12:16.10stoneany pointers what to look for? The info/docs are massive :)
12:17.09*** join/#asterisk _andre (
12:17.29_andregood morning
12:17.32*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
12:17.45_andrehas anyone seen this warning message: "Mar 27 17:23:42 WARNING[7850]: chan_sip.c:2530 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 2, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 256/256)" ?
12:17.52Hermisgood evening:)
12:17.59danzigstone>> u can certainly do it by setting up a peer in sip.conf, an extension for that peer in extensions.conf and then dialling the number for that extension, but it depends on what you want to do. Look at docs for sip.conf and extensions.conf
12:18.05RoyKstone: you just dial into asterisk using SIP, and then dial out again using SIP, aka Dial(SIP/ekiga/${EXTEN})
12:18.31TinoWhm. looking for a small howto/hint/guide to lookup callerid in a database and setting the result
12:19.00RoyKTinoW: use agi :)
12:20.06Hermis2TinoW you can simply read/edit sip.conf etc to understand callerid settings
12:20.06*** join/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
12:21.02stoneah I got that setup already for digisip so I just do that for SIP also... ofcourse..
12:22.07*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
12:22.44RoyK~seen zoa
12:22.48jbotzoa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 12d 19h 39m 31s ago, saying: 'it looks kinda suspicious :p'.
12:22.54Dr-Linuxquestion, how can i send DTMF to other end?
12:23.31Dr-LinuxRoyK: why?
12:24.08michael-idoes anyone have any experience setting up CCBS with SIP devices?
12:24.10NoRemorseis there an easy way to Playback "Extension blah is unavailable" in the dialplan?
12:24.41Dr-LinuxRoyK: i want as i connect to remote IVR, after 2 sconds i can sent them some 8 digits  DTMF ?
12:24.43Dr-Linuxhow can i?
12:25.02michael-iIt's not in Asterisk per default but has anyone written an application / channel hack to support this?
12:25.19*** join/#asterisk kippi (
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12:25.46kippiI am getting this error when I try and complie asterisk, can anyone help?
12:25.46kippi/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
12:25.46kippicollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
12:25.46kippimake: *** [asterisk] Error 1
12:25.55Dr-Linuxanybody answer my question?
12:26.12danzigdr-linux>exten dial, wait(2), sendDTMF(1), sendDTMF(2) etc.
12:26.13RoyKDr-Linux: erm. try again....
12:26.24RoyKkippi: apt-get install openssl?
12:26.36kippiis that what it is?
12:26.38TinoWRoyK: libssl-dev
12:26.59Aurskippi: have you installed all the dependencies?=
12:27.11*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:27.24kippijust checking now
12:27.36TinoWkippi: which OS?
12:27.39Aursthere is a list on the download page on
12:27.55kippiTinoW: FC4
12:28.21*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
12:28.29Aurskippi: wild guess (as I said yesterday when you asked about this): you have to install openssl and openssl-devel
12:28.30TinoWkippi: never mind! ;)
12:30.50x86what's a 603 error represent?
12:30.59*** join/#asterisk CKGC (i=CKGC@
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12:33.33Dr-Linuxdanalien: i wanna send dtmf after 2 seconds while contecting to remote end
12:38.36*** join/#asterisk RGi_ (i=RGi@
12:39.52Dr-Linux<danzig> dr-linux>exten dial, wait(2), sendDTMF(1), sendDTMF(2) etc. >> but i want to do it in same line
12:41.03RGi_I have a problem with my queue setup.. when I get a caller and dont take the phone the caller waiting secons should count upwards.. but get reset every 5 sec or so...
12:41.24Dr-Linuxi want like this type
12:41.25Dr-Linuxexten => 3939,Dial(Zap/gi/918008449087/Wait,2/Senddtfm,somedtfm)
12:41.56TinoW*grr* pyastre seems a bit old...
12:42.18kippithanks for the help!! just about to try it again
12:42.35TinoWthis non extensible C calling schema sux :(
12:42.54*** part/#asterisk Hermis (n=guitarug@
12:43.25danzigdr-l>>"but i want to do it in same line"? Do not understand what you mean.
12:44.33x86anyone got ENUM / E.164 lookups working?
12:44.47x86i went off that, but it doesnt seem to want to work
12:46.05danzigdr-linux>> why? That is not the syntax for extensions. Dial on the first line, wait on the second line, senddtmf on the tird line. If you want to do it many places, make a macro.
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12:51.45Modcutsother then tcpdump,ethereal what is the best way to look at the ip packet content, to be able to see which tos is being used?
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12:53.41RGi_damn this queue stuff... :(
12:55.05*** join/#asterisk Splatty47 (
12:55.42RGi_exten => 400,5,Queue(400|t|||0)       what is this line doing ?
12:55.58x86Modcuts: you cut out the best ways, then ask what the best way is lol
12:56.15AursRGi_: show application Queue
12:56.20Modcutsx86:so what ethereal?
12:56.25kippistarting asterisk with -vvvvvc but its not starting, its getthin here but stoping == Manager registered action AgentCallbackLogin
12:56.25kippi[root@localhost ~]#
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12:56.32x86Modcuts: either or
12:56.58RGi_Aurs ah.. thanx :)
12:57.26Modcutsx86: what would be the best way to look at the tos with tcpdump?
12:57.27AursRGi_: np ;)
12:58.03RGi_Aurs : btw.. do you have a url where I can read more about it? :)
12:58.25AursRGi_: I bet there is lots of info on
12:58.26x86Modcuts: -X
12:59.20x86anyone got ENUM / E.164 lookups working?
13:04.18*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
13:07.59Skarmethhi all
13:08.49Skarmethsomeone can suggest a easy tool for provisioning polycom's soundpoint IP 301/501/601?
13:09.30TinoWSkalTura: asterisk? ;)
13:11.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:12.57DaminSkarmeth: FTP...
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13:15.36x3mewith asterisk i can made calls for what kind of people ?
13:15.40x3meonly for another asterisk ?
13:16.06TinoWx3me: usually for people with at least one working ear
13:16.16x3mei can made calls for an cell phone for example?
13:16.20Daminx3me: Have you read any of the documentation available at
13:16.28x3meDamin, just a little...
13:16.48TinoWx3me: even the most introductory page tells you about it ;)
13:16.51Daminx3me: And what does that say?
13:17.00AnsonmusHello, what is the best option for BRI 4 channels?
13:17.20x3meTinoW, ok
13:18.41x3meTinoW, i only want to know if i can made calls from outworld with the softphones behind my asterisk server heheh
13:19.00x3mesure, without adictional hardware..
13:19.07*** join/#asterisk razu (
13:19.15TinoWx3me: sure you can, provided you have the hardware to connect your asterisk box with the outworld
13:19.39TinoWx3me: which is clearly stated at the very front page - not to cound all the examples ;)
13:19.51Daminx3me: The first two sentences on the about page should answer your question.
13:19.55x3meok, let me see
13:20.04Daminx3me: "Asterisk is a complete PBX in software. It runs on Linux, BSD and MacOSX and provides all of the features you would expect from a PBX and more. Asterisk does voice over IP in many protocols, and can interoperate with almost all standards-based telephony equipment using relatively inexpensive hardware.
13:20.27TinoWDamin: maybe diginum should run the demo node with the demo text for people like x3me to call ;)
13:20.41Daminx3me: Sounds pretty clear to me that it can operate with almost all "standards-based" telphony hardware.
13:20.46x3mei read it now.. ;)
13:21.01SkarmethDamin, that's not a easy tool for end-admin-users
13:21.11Daminx3me: Good. Now go buy the book "Asterisk, the Future of Telephony" from O'Reilly and read that too..
13:21.33DaminSkarmeth: Ohh.. you want an EASY tool. Well, then no. Your screwed.
13:21.33Aurs...or download the book from asteriskdocs
13:21.35Skarmeth:) for us it's a good tool, but not for most users
13:21.41*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
13:21.43x3meand if only buy an ADSL link and configure an Asterisk server without the adictional hardware...
13:21.47x3mei can made calls for... ? ;)
13:21.59x3meonly another node with asterisk ?
13:22.19x3meor only to the contacts i've created in the asterisk configuration?
13:22.56TinoWx3me: there are SIP provider which connect you to POTS if you dont have/want to buy the hardware.
13:23.15Aursx3me: you can make calls to everybody from a asterisk box with no telephony hardware. if you use a voip provider
13:23.28x3mecool ;)
13:23.40TinoWx3me: actually you dont even need asterisk for that ;)
13:24.22x3memy questions are because the existence of skype and another...
13:25.19TinoWx3me: you cant call skype with a SIP client. No matter if its asterisk or a soft or hardphone. You would at least need a gateway
13:26.24x3meand the gateway is the voip provider..
13:27.04*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
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13:47.20[ProB]CrazyManhello is it possible to make an extension who matchen several numbers like I want to match number 0800X,0173X,0900X ... and so on? or do I have to make for each an extension and forward it with goto ?
13:47.38*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (i=redman@
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13:48.31RoyK[ProB]CrazyMan: do it with goto or a macro..
13:49.48[ProB]CrazyManthx RoyK
13:53.27Strom_Mno no, obviously the goal is to get the entire dialplan down to a single line :)
13:59.23*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
14:00.05Darwin35 here you go have fun . use and add features to it......
14:02.43Darwin35let me know if you like it or if it needs work
14:02.51Darwin35but its there for all
14:03.14Strom_MDarkhalf, you will never have 7-digit and 10-digit dialing in the same location
14:03.55Darwin35it workds
14:04.06Darwin35I use it all the time
14:04.40Strom_Myes, it works because the 7-digit times out, but any dialplan that's even half-assedly thrown together will never ever combine 7-digit with 10-digit
14:05.10Strom_M7 and 1+, or 10 and 1+, but never 7 and 10 in the same location
14:07.08Strom_Malso, don't just assume N11 codes are free for your taking
14:07.10*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
14:08.25Strom_Msee, this is why I always say that anyone who intends to do this correctly really does need to take a course in traditional telephony :P
14:10.07tzangeryueah but then they'll get tripped up thinking about circuits
14:12.11Strom_Myeah, looking at this dialplan, it's quite obvious that Darwin35's network contains only telephones where the complete number to be dialed is sent as part of the call setup message, because otherwise he'd never do something as monumentally stupid as assigning single-digit vertical service codes
14:13.08Strom_Mthis is, of course, assuming he's actually /read/ the vertical service code assignments, which he doesn't appear to have done
14:13.23Hmm-workanswer the phone, I know that you're home, I wanna get you alone and do it again, do it again
14:13.32*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
14:13.53frenzywhere do I define the default musiconhold catergory for SIP?
14:14.27Hmm-workHello to you too
14:15.39wasimfrenzy: musiconhold.conf and sip.conf and extensions.conf
14:16.03frenzywhat do I have to define in sip.conf?
14:16.10frenzywhats the string
14:16.34Strom_MI'm just going to bite my tongue on the fact that Darwin35 can't seem to spell his way out of a wet paper bag either. :)
14:16.56frenzywasim : ?
14:16.58wasimfrenzy: will you kick yourself if i told you musiconhold=
14:17.12Hmm-workhe should, he seems a little demanding
14:17.16frenzywait one sec
14:17.22frenzyam kicking the wall :)
14:17.24Hmm-workand unable to read
14:17.29wasimor google
14:17.43frenzyi'm not using the sample files
14:17.52Hmm-workall of the sample files are on the wiki
14:17.59Hmm-workwhich are heavily commented
14:18.02frenzynot for SIP
14:18.28Hmm-worksure it is
14:18.45*** join/#asterisk hanchi (
14:19.23Hmm-work sfw
14:23.37x86anyone got ENUM / E.164 lookups working?
14:25.38frenzyHmm-work: hmm interesting
14:26.16x86no one? hehe
14:26.23mockerGot my home asterisk setup talking to Vonage.
14:26.25frenzywoof woof
14:26.31Strom_Mmocker, eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
14:26.37x86mocker: that's sick :(
14:26.49x86mocker: you are paying way too much using Vonage...
14:26.50Strom_Mlet me guess - you have the terminal adapter hooked into an fxo port
14:26.52Kattyi got my asterisk setup working (=
14:27.06Kattyit's nice when it works.
14:27.08mockerStrom_M: No, I have the softphone connected via a SIP account.
14:27.13KattyiDunno: :>
14:27.23KattyiDunno: are you gonna go to cluecon?
14:27.24Strom_Mmocker, ok, wow, thats actually impressive
14:27.48Hmm-workfrenzy quite
14:27.56mockerI'm doing the asterisk boot camp and stayed late the first day to get it done.
14:28.01iDunnoKatty: when/where is cluecon? ;)
14:28.02Hmm-workwow this dialplan I wrote 6 months ago is intersting
14:28.06iDunno(probably not, though)
14:28.22KattyiDunno: august, me chicago
14:28.41iDunnothat's a bit of a trip :)
14:28.59Kattya smidgen.
14:29.22Kattymy company is....but then again i'm a lot closer.
14:29.38docelm0Katty, COME TO ASTRICON!
14:29.42Kattydocelm0: no
14:29.48Kattydocelm0: yup
14:29.54docelm0Typical woman
14:29.59Kattydocelm0: obviously.
14:30.12docelm0cruel and unusual...
14:30.14Kattydocelm0: perhaps a smidgen smarter though ;)
14:30.19*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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14:30.45docelm0women == evil creatures...
14:30.58*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:31.13docelm0Trust me she looks nothing like Yogi...
14:32.19iDunnoit's possibly because I read smarter and got "smarter than the average bear" in my head ;)
14:32.23iDunnoand yes, I know :)
14:33.02Kattydocelm0: you've never really seen me ya know
14:33.13Kattydocelm0: for all you know, i pay off everyone i meet
14:33.53x86SWEET! I got E.164 lookups working with this uber-macro :) :) :)
14:34.15x86had the next macro in line mis-labeled and it was causing it to fuss
14:34.42*** join/#asterisk Morak (
14:34.43docelm0Katty, naa..  Damin is pretty grounded..
14:35.34Kattywho's damin?
14:35.58wasimcuriosity killed the ...
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14:36.45Kattyanthm: mew.
14:37.55x86whoa! lets you call toll-free numbers :)
14:38.01x86via ENUM :)
14:38.49Splatcan anyone point me to some good dialplan documentation.. I'm setting up a click-to-dial application.. but I want it to give a message when it calls you before it dials the other parties number.. if I just tell it to use my from-internal context it'll make the call.. but if I have a custom context that plays 'pls-wait-connect-call' it won't actually make the call.. so I need to work out how to fix it.. hehe
14:39.36TinoWiDunno: southpark-like? ;)
14:40.12*** join/#asterisk cfh (n=luca@
14:41.51cfhhi all, i have a hfc card with 4 port on nt mode and i use bristuff / zaptel driver for asterisk
14:42.45TinoWcfh: *noted*
14:43.01*** join/#asterisk javar (
14:44.12cfhbut the card dont see the isdn phone attached
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14:51.43Morakhi there... does anyone happen to know if you can put an image below the clock on a Polycom IP600 phone?
14:53.04*** part/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
14:53.40KattyMorak: i've never tried.
14:53.42*** join/#asterisk SibRw0rk (n=DaPhrek@
14:54.18SibRw0rkanyone know how to do rollover calls with asterisk?
14:54.33wasimSibRw0rk: yep, use a treat, like a piece of liver or something
14:55.12SibRw0rkwaah waaah
14:55.26[TK]D-FenderMorak : Nope.
14:56.15Morakok, thanks. ill try the idle image then, see if that will do.
14:56.38SibRw0rk[TK]D-Fender: sup dude
14:57.42Morakjust a logo, sitting underneath (not behind) the clock. I know you can put a logo on the main screen of a Cisco 7960, just trying to do the same thing on the polycom.
14:58.13[TK]D-FenderSibRw0rk : Blargh
14:58.18SibRw0rk[TK]D-Fender: nice nice
14:58.26SibRw0rkdo you know how to do call rollover?
14:58.31SibRw0rkif line 1 is busy, ring line 2?
14:58.44rpmyou use dialplan Hints
14:59.02[TK]D-FenderSibRw0rk : Not sure exactly what you mean... there are 2 very different meanings for that
14:59.16[TK]D-FenderSibRw0rk : on the PHONE level, or incoing line level?
14:59.33SibRw0rkdial exten 646850XXX1 and it's busy, so i want 646850XXX2 to ring
14:59.50[TK]D-FenderThose are EXTENSION #'s?
15:00.08[TK]D-FenderEEK.  why?!  God-aweful long...
15:00.17SibRw0rkwhat they want
15:00.22SibRw0rki only do what i'm told
15:00.24wunderkinthe horror!
15:00.36SibRw0rkit's like a hunt group
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15:03.28SibRw0rk[TK]D-Fender: any thoughts?
15:04.27Kattymy favorite song is on mlor.
15:04.40Kattyeric_hill: run along, silly rabbit.
15:04.59eric_hillYou like my fluffy tail, don't you... :)
15:05.14Kattynot when you have your head stuck in it.
15:05.36eric_hillDid you hear about the Bear and the Rabbit in the woods?
15:05.51Kattyapparently i was too busy burning floyd albums.
15:05.57eric_hillThe Bear says to the Rabbit, "do you ever have problems with shit sticking to your fur?"
15:06.07eric_hillThe Rabbit replies, "No.  Why?"
15:06.26eric_hillThe Bear says "great!", picks the Rabbit up, and wipes his ass with the Rabbit.
15:06.41*** join/#asterisk qseek (
15:06.57Kattyyou're definately a male.
15:07.13qseekhey everyone
15:07.31eric_hillI sure hope so.  Otherwise I should have stolen a female identity.
15:07.52KattyiDunno: it's a floyd album, hun.
15:07.55[TK]D-FenderSibRw0rk : Thats very basic dial-plan stuff... look at the STDEXTEN macro sample in the WIKI for some inspiration.
15:08.24[TK]D-FenderKatty: mew.
15:08.28SibRw0rki found something
15:08.36SibRw0rkexten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/001, 10)
15:08.36iDunnoKatty: *ah* :)
15:09.08eric_hillIt's even a pink CD no less
15:09.18[TK]D-FenderMorak : While you can't put an image behind the clock, when you use the "idle" screen the clock goes into 1-line mode on the bottom.  Good for displaying your logo / etc.
15:09.31[TK]D-FenderSibRw0rk : basically that works.
15:09.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
15:10.18Kattyi still say the cover of ummagumma is the /hottttest/
15:10.31Katty1970 was a good look.
15:10.32*** join/#asterisk livesNbox (
15:10.35livesNboxHey guys -- I'm having a few dropped calls today to some of my remote callers -- Should I do something to lower the amount of bandwidth is being used for their calls?  Change the codec or?
15:11.13[TK]D-FenderKatty: Move is over, just a few odds and ends to pick up now.
15:12.09iDunnolivesNbox: that's not entirely descriptive of the fault.
15:12.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: woo!
15:12.45*** part/#asterisk qseek (
15:13.13iDunnolivesNbox: remote callers could be SIP, IAX2, ISDN, etc etc... by the mention of "bandwidth" I assume that it's SIP or IAX2, so maybe changing the codec would help, but that's not garanteed... maybe there's a wibble of routing between you and $remote
15:15.51livesNboxit's sip -- but I more ment the vocoder codec
15:16.01livesNboxto reduce the bandwidth required..
15:16.05livesNboxI'm not sure it's a bandwidth issue though
15:17.28iDunnoif it's not a bandwidth issue, then changing the codec isn't going to help much :)
15:17.29*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
15:17.31wasimlivesNbox: what codec are you using now?
15:17.32[TK]D-FenderlivesNbox : What are they using now?
15:17.43Morakfender: Thanks... have made the changes, phone is rebooting now... just going to see if it works :)
15:18.35livesNboxPCMU I think..
15:18.46wasimlivesNbox: confirm it
15:18.57[TK]D-FenderlivesNbox : and what kind of phone on the other side?
15:19.03livesNboxit's a grandstream phone
15:19.11livesNboxhow do you confirm the codec in use?
15:19.15livesNboxmy logs say "format for call is gsm"
15:19.40x86Katty: ummagumma?
15:19.46[TK]D-FenderlivesNbox : GSM is already pretty light....
15:19.59x86Katty: Pink Floyd is my most favorite band ever :)
15:20.09x86Katty: i have all of their albums minus maybe 2
15:20.14livesNbox[TK]D-Fender ok -- maybe that's not really the problem then
15:22.06Kattyx86: yes, the cover of ummagumma
15:22.11Kattyx86: dreamy hot.
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15:25.16Kattyeveryone should grow their hair out.
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15:26.22eric_hillKatty: Just what the world needs -- me with a mullett.  Yikes!
15:26.25Immoskyhello everybody
15:27.39Kattyeric_hill: longer than a mullet, kthx.
15:27.46Kattyeric_hill: we're talking /at least/ chin length.
15:27.57Kattyeric_hill: shoulder would be infinately better.
15:28.22Hmm-workgod I hate it when this company pawns me off on support
15:29.10Immoskyi have a small problem with the german soundfiles. i know that there is this problem with the file 1F.gsm. i renamed the file "eine.gsm" into 1F.gsm - not working, i made a link - not working, i copied the renamed file into ervery folder of asterisk - not working. is there another file wich is missing?
15:32.38Immoskybtw using asterisk 1.2
15:32.49iDunnoKatty: hmm - nah - long hair suits a subset of people - most females, f'rinstance... not convinced that most blokes can pull it off ;)
15:33.07Kattyhmm, true.
15:33.14Hmm-workahhh my episode of prison break is turning out nicely
15:33.20Kattybut i've yet to date a guy with short hair.
15:33.23[TK]D-FenderKatty : I'm working on that.  the top is getting better now, but eh sides are annoying me.
15:33.24Hmm-workKatty: so how'd stairway go?
15:33.25Kattythat's fursure.
15:33.31KattyHmm-work: i'm still picking it out.
15:33.45KattyHmm-work: it gets all nuts when the flute line becomes the chord (right hand) and the base becomes the melody (left hand)
15:34.06KattyHmm-work: it's like playing piano backwards >.<
15:34.16Hmm-workyeah I didn't look any farther into into the first few measures of the bass line
15:34.19*** join/#asterisk groogs (
15:34.31iDunnoKatty: hmmm. is that through deliberate choice, though? :)
15:34.36Kattyit's pretty repetative, but i'm just trying to get my left hand to work :P
15:34.44KattyiDunno: what's that?
15:35.19Hmm-workyeah getting that left hand to move really sucks some days, makes me want to throw my guitar out the window
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15:35.30iDunno16:33 < Katty> but i've yet to date a guy with short hair.
15:36.10Kattyon purpose
15:36.27Kattyit's long hair, or i'm dating a girl.
15:37.15blitzrageI like dating girls too -- we have something in common! :)
15:37.23Immoskyplease!!! anybody can't help me?
15:37.32Kattyblitzrage: ;)
15:37.34iDunnoKatty: hmmmm :)
15:37.36blitzragesure! I'll do my best to not help :)
15:38.07Kattyspeaking of dating.
15:38.10KattyHmm-work: how's the chica?
15:38.22KattyHmm-work: being miss drama queen of the world?
15:38.28blitzrageyah-- I haven't dated for what seems like forever... and I'm not a scary looking guy either :)
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15:39.23SwK[Work]i havent had a date in like 6 years
15:39.29blitzragejeezus! :)
15:39.42blitzrageSwK[Work]: we gotta get out more :)
15:40.48SwK[Work]blitzrage: still trying to convince my wife to let me date
15:41.52blitzrageoh I see :)
15:42.08blitzrageyah -- I don't have a good excuse like that :)
15:42.23blitzragemy excuse is that I work from home, and I just haven't been able to meet the right woman in my bedroom, lol
15:42.29KattySwK[Work]: yeah..but i know why you don't have any dates
15:42.31blitzrageor even the wrong eoman :D
15:42.40KattySwK[Work]: you're not a pretty sight at 8am ;)
15:42.44hanchiIs there a softphone, other than iaxRpt, that is compatible with app_rpt
15:42.45*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=rene-@
15:42.54SwK[Work]katty: you weren't complaining ;)
15:43.02rene-hello all
15:43.11KattySwK[Work]: ;_
15:43.13KattySwK[Work]: ;)
15:43.19KattySwK[Work]: i just wanted my visa back, heh
15:43.24Immoskyhanchi: so you are a grandmaster?
15:43.48rene-i wanted to say that the latest sip image (8.2) is super easy to install and doesnt requires a cco.
15:44.00SwK[Work]katty: thats what you say now... I'm sure you had other motives
15:44.03rene-i meant the latest cisco image
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15:44.42KattySwK[Work]: i might have had other motives if you were wearing armani
15:44.49KattySwK[Work]: but that definately /wasn't/ armani
15:45.25SwK[Work]katty: what was I wearing? spongbob boxers?
15:45.29KattySwK[Work]: yes.
15:45.29rene-i also have a question regarding g729, i am using the free binaries of g729 available in the net, i have already ordered codecs from digium, should i expect a quality increase in my voice calls when i switch the free codecs for digium codecs, all other things equal?
15:45.45*** part/#asterisk cfh (n=luca@
15:45.52bkw__you'll gain nothing but a license
15:45.53Kattybkw__: no?
15:45.57Immoskyhanchi: well in karate the grandmaster of a style is called "hanchi"....
15:46.03hanchiI need to link 24 two way radios to a single dispatch console with patching capabilites, and tie it to *
15:46.07Kattyi like hugs.
15:46.27hanchithat is usually hanshi, hanchi is a title, but also a last name
15:46.28Kattybkw__: what do you want?
15:46.41bkw__Katty, waiting on mr. mike to finish up contracts on hotel for Cluecon
15:46.47bkw__then we can start registration
15:47.27rene-i am experiencing small cuts in the calls, with one call in an otherwise unused 1300/512 link, i could of course blame the itsp but what can i do to improve the call quality?
15:47.41Immoskysorry my fault!
15:48.24*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
15:48.27Kattybkw__: excellent.
15:48.30[TK]D-Fenderrene- : you using SIP or IAX?  IAX trunking can save on bandwidth
15:48.42Kattybkw__: you going to have someone meet me at the amtrak station?
15:49.02docelm0Nope.. They are gonna leave you hanging
15:49.06hanchiany ideas on a softphone with more features than iaxRpt, that is app_rpt compatible???
15:49.12Kattydocelm0: horrors.
15:49.18rene-[TK]D-Fender: right now SIP i intend to sit an IAX box at the ITSP premises
15:49.19Kattythe streets of chicago are no place for a Kat.
15:49.34docelm0MEW MEW MEW!  MEW MF-R MEW!
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15:49.56rene-but right now it is plain SIP+g729
15:50.23Immoskydoes anybody know something about the error with the german 1F.gsm file?
15:50.46hanchiAlso, does anyone know of a 911 psap using *???
15:50.56bkw__hanchi, no if they were I'm sure they would get sued
15:51.07bkw__I wouldn't even trust asterisk with my life..
15:51.14Kattymishehu: you'll come get me.
15:51.31bkw__Katty, where is the train station?
15:51.34hanchinot for the whole 911 gear for the psap, just the CTI
15:51.42bkw__hanchi, still no trust there
15:52.15Kattybkw__: it's downtown, not far from the sear's tower.
15:52.22bkw__Katty, kewl
15:52.35Kattybkw__: i just don't wanna be there alone.
15:52.44Kattybkw__: some guy walk past me and i'll flip out.
15:52.46Immoskywell the problem is that asterisk is not able to find the file, and there are solutions (making link or rename anohter file) but its not working on my asterisk
15:54.05hanchiwe have a stand alone 911 system with the CML Patriot VOIP package, the system forwards all ALI/ANI data from the calls to the CAD(computer aided dispatch), one of the vendors at APCO told us one user had linked this to the * pbx in the building, to pick up the 911 call on *
15:54.24bkw__Immosky, show us how you're trying to play the file
15:54.24mishehuKatty: just got here, what plans are we discussing here?
15:54.26bkw__chances are you're doing it wrong
15:54.34bkw__hanchi, what country are you in?
15:54.39hanchiUSA Texas
15:54.54bkw__I hope I never have to call 911 in your town
15:54.54mishehuTexas is definitely another country.  yee haw.
15:55.09x86everyone should sign up for, it's free
15:55.10Kattymishehu: i need an escort from amtrak to cluecon so i don't freak out.
15:55.45Immoskywell easy, its part of the voicemail function i do not do anything, it occours when you dial the voicemail and only if there is only one message in the folder....
15:55.51mishehubkw__: with a limo and a placard?
15:55.58Kattybkw__: yes'm, i shall need fetching.
15:56.07hanchithe 911 system is bullet proof here, can be picked up at the CTI terminal, or on the key pbx, currently in place, meets all NEBA 5 requirement. I'm only looking for a link to *, when we move to new facility under construction
15:56.26mishehuKatty: depends on where cluecon is.  ;-)
15:57.08Kattymishehu: that one place.
15:57.12Kattymishehu: ya know, with the curtains.
15:57.17rene-can an 80ms ping time between communicating sites be a factor for experiencing bad voice quality?
15:57.34mishehuKatty: the curtain store?
15:57.37x86Katty: go sign up for E.164 ;)
15:57.41Kattymishehu: they have those?
15:57.45mishehuit's coitains for you, rocky
15:57.46Kattymishehu: i wanna go!
15:57.53Immoskybkw_:did that help?
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15:58.00Hmm-workKatty dear can you do me a favor?
15:58.06KattyHmm-work: probably.
15:58.20bkw__x86 shut up about e164
16:00.46Morakhoping someone can help here.... trying to set up idle screen on polycom ip600 and having no joy. Created 208x110 4BBP image and put it in TFTP root and modified the sip.cfg file as per the voip-info instructions, but no image appears when i reboot phone :(
16:00.58Morak4BBP = 4BPP
16:01.14Splatcan anyone tell me how I can have a context that will play a message and then follow all the normal dialplan routing? or point me to some documentation that will tell me?
16:01.25mishehu*sqwak* Polly Com *whistle*
16:01.33x86bkw_: sign up for it and i will ;)
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16:01.48ManxPowerSplat, "show application playback"
16:01.55bkw__x86, um no
16:02.00`Sauronsplat: have the sip.conf drop it into a context that plays the announcement, then drops it into the "normal" dialplan start...
16:02.10bkw__rene-, SIP?
16:02.11mishehuand it's a smelly one, I assure you.
16:02.28rene-bkw_: yes
16:02.31KattyiDunno: i hear muffinery works well.
16:02.38SplatI have the playing the announcement fine.. but not continuing on as normal afterwards..
16:02.54bkw__rene-, it could be jitter... since asterisk has NO jitter buffer on RTP
16:03.27rene-it does sounds like jitter, now that you say it
16:03.28ManxPowerSplat, That is impossible.
16:04.09rene-i will try with the asterisk box sitting at the ITSP first
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16:04.31rene-i first had a problem with one of the phones using vad and that gave me terrible audio quality
16:04.35jbalcombWhat does everyone have thier port range set to in rtp.conf?
16:04.38mishehuI'm sooo exhausted.  :-/
16:04.44Kattymishehu: go nap.
16:04.53mishehuKatty: class in 15 minutes :-/
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16:05.20ManxPowerjbalcomb, 16384 - 16393
16:05.39ManxPowerthat should allow me about 5 calls
16:06.02Kattymishehu: :<<
16:06.19mishehuKatty: last week I was on spring break, it felt SOOO good to not have to get up at the crack of dawn.
16:06.19Kattymishehu: nap in class!
16:06.24blitzrageHmm-work: air drumming rocks
16:07.06iDunnoKatty: really? I was thinking that a snake could help with this problem ;)
16:07.17SplatManxPower: the problem there is specifying what it's to dial out through.. and I use pstn for some calls (1800, 1300, 13, 000) and voip for other calls.. specifying the outgoing trunk means that it can't follow my call routing..
16:07.18KattyiDunno: snake?
16:07.22rene-i have heard that air drumming is one of the hardest test to get into american idol, but it wasnt a very reliable source so dont bet your life on that
16:07.37ManxPowerSplat, Huh?
16:07.53salviadudwasim, i'm still in school
16:08.12salviadudand i just wanna graduate...
16:08.18ManxPowerMy example is NOT technology specific.
16:08.34ManxPowermy example simply shows you how I do it.
16:08.46x86ManxPower: have you setup E164 yet?
16:08.50Splatty47After I install asterisk, is their some type of GUI that I can get running so that I can configure everything easily ?
16:09.04ManxPowerx86, no, and I doubt I ever will.
16:09.04wasimSplatty47: vi in an xterm
16:09.09x86ManxPower: why?
16:09.11Splatty47without having to understand all the confs ?
16:09.21Splatty47wasim: not quite what I meant.
16:09.32x86ManxPower: save a bunch on outbound calls with it, and people who call you can save lots too
16:09.37ManxPowerx86, why should I.
16:09.49ManxPowerx86, I spend $10/month on calls.
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16:09.50wasimSplatty47: the sooner you get to understanding the .confs the less you'll need to badger folks here
16:10.06x86ManxPower: what about people that call you?
16:10.16ManxPowerx86, what about them?
16:10.17Splatty47wasim: have you used asterisklive (cd) b4 ?
16:10.26wasimSplatty47: no sir
16:10.51iDunnoKatty: python :)
16:11.05KattyiDunno: python's dreamy.
16:11.10x86ManxPower: they could save money! :P
16:11.11blitzrageboooo python
16:11.16Kattyblitzrage: you shush.
16:11.16iDunnoKatty: indeed - it's a lovely language :)
16:11.20blitzrageKatty: no way! :)
16:11.21ManxPowerperhaps you don't realize just how BAD VoInternet can be.
16:11.25iDunnoblitzrage: you're broken ;)
16:11.25Kattyblitzrage: eat that, hush :P
16:11.26blitzrageKatty: thanks! :)
16:11.29Hmm-workword up , everybody say, when you hear the call you got to get it underway
16:11.29x86PHP == Pile of Hyped up Poop
16:11.36jbalcombI've just finished setting up a new asterisk 1.2.5 server and when i try to make a call i'm getting no audio.
16:11.41Kattyperl's also nice.
16:11.46blitzragePHP does everything i Need it to, and its easy, and doesn't look as crappy as python :)
16:11.51Hmm-workI detect a holy war coming on
16:11.55x86Katty: you've setup E164? :)
16:11.55blitzrageperl is ok... its pretty "hacky" though :)
16:11.57ManxPowerx86, Why do I care if they save money?  There is not a single one of them that can use e164
16:12.07blitzrageI'm instantiating a programming jihad
16:12.30blitzragebut hey -- use whatever works, thats really all it comes down to -- PHP is EASY for a non-programmer like me :D
16:12.42x86blitzrage: you do realize php was originally written in perl, right? :P
16:12.52x86way back in the day
16:12.54blitzrageplus I can use it in a web environment, AGI, or CLI to generate configs -- and its got good DB support
16:13.03blitzragex86: hrmmm... wonder why its not anymore :D
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16:13.08Hmm-workreally big hair used to be really cool too
16:13.13blitzrageHmm-work: LOL
16:13.15x86blitzrage: PHP doesnt even have real data structures ;)
16:13.17GuruDomAnyone have any Zptel probs with freebsd?
16:13.29blitzragex86: we don't need no stinkin' data structures! :)
16:13.38blitzrageGuruDom: uhh.. yah -- it doesn't work on freebsd
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16:13.54x86i'm all about data organization... something i can't do in PHP... one of the major turnoffs for me
16:14.09ManxPowerx86, for anyone without a  massive volume of calls e164 is more trouble than it's worth
16:14.14ManxPowercalls are 2 cents/min.
16:14.25ManxPowerI charge $120/hr.  you do the math
16:14.27Kattyx86: ummmm, no.,
16:14.30x86blitzrage: i will give PHP the speed bonus though, but it's aimed more for web stuff... I make a lot of console applications with Perl
16:14.33pigpen2Hi all...when checking voicemail, one of the options is to hit # to does a ringback to the extension I am on can I fix this??  (* ver 1.2.4)
16:14.38brookshirex86: that's what pear is for!
16:14.46Kattymm, pear.
16:14.50Kattywith /chocolate/
16:14.54ManxPowerpigpen, did you read "show application dial"
16:14.57brookshireor adodb :)
16:15.05x86ManxPower: it took me a little under an hour to set it up :)
16:15.20ManxPowerx86, so I would need to save a little over $100.
16:15.23rene-ruby is cute
16:15.26pigpen2ManxPower, I thought so..but I will do it again....
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16:16.23blitzragex86: yah -- I built my first big program in Perl -- its not terrible, just really easy to write unmaintainable code if you're not a good programmer (although thats really possible in ALL languages -- just find it a bit easier to do it with Perl)
16:16.40bkw__blitzrage, thats true for any language
16:16.42bkw__not just perl
16:16.44pigpen2ManxPower, no..I didn't ...doing it now.
16:16.49blitzragedidn't I JUST say that?
16:16.57brookshirehe did just say that
16:16.57bkw__sorry doing 10 things at once :P
16:17.05Aursso.. how does this realtime queues thing work?
16:17.08rene-i find easier to forget stuff in perl than in other languages,
16:17.19blitzragebkw__: be careful -- you're screwing things up :)
16:17.41bkw__perl, c, php and javascript all are about 90% the same
16:17.42KattyHmm-work: i've ripped through almost 50 albums
16:18.01blitzrageI like PHP because its easy and I know it :)
16:18.22blitzragedoesn't mean other languages aren't good, but PHP does everything i need it to do
16:18.42bkw__I'm going to say one thing... php needs to stay on the web where it belongs :P
16:18.44rene-bkw_ but that is a realization you have after having worked with all of them, for me C started to make sense after i learned a bit of ruby, when i did perl C seemed very foreign to me
16:19.03rene-it is a very good thing to switch languages
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16:19.52MikeJ[Laptop]bkw__, you swing both ways?
16:20.01MikeJ[Laptop]perl and C?
16:20.10jbalcombmy 'sip show settings' has Codecs: none. Is this a problem and how can I fix it?
16:20.48bkw__jbalcomb, allow some codecs :P
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16:21.29jbalcombbkw_ I have 'allow=ulaw' in my sip.cong
16:21.41MikeJ[Laptop]jbalcomb, in general?
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16:22.56GuruDomT1/E1 digium/sagnoma cards use Zaptel or Libpri?
16:23.03jbalcombMikeJ[Laptop] it seems not, just in the user definition. i didn't imagine the sample config being so dysfunctional. I'm unremarking and reloading.
16:23.26[TK]D-FenderGuruDom : Both
16:23.32MikeJ[Laptop]GuruDom, huh?
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16:24.02GuruDomnot good, i want to use freebsd with my * servers that use PRI's
16:24.12[TK]D-Fenderbkw_ : I am a bilingual illiterate.... I can't read in 2 languages ;)
16:24.19GuruDomand if the Zaptel drivers dont work then not good
16:24.31ManxPowerGuruDom, I'm glad to see you have a rich fantasy life.
16:24.35jbalcombok, no the ulaw codec is listed in sip settings but i still don't have any audio.
16:24.47[TK]D-FenderGuruDom : No you don't.... Zaptel on BSD's is inviting pain.  It can be done, but I'd suggest just using Linux.
16:24.50ManxPowerGuruDom, Zaptel drivers only officially run on Linux.
16:25.14GuruDomSpecifically why doesnt it run with bsd?
16:25.30jbalcombbecause its not made to?
16:25.40GuruDomim a bsd fan cause its uber stable
16:26.08Dr-Linuxplease, look at my urgent question
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16:26.53MikeJ[Laptop]GuruDom, sangoma has a seperate API that doesn't use zaptel.
16:26.57[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Try the "M()" option and have it do a wait then playback DTMF
16:27.00Hmm-workman this riff that starts of modern day cowboy is kicking my @$$
16:27.02GuruDomNow when we are talking Zaptel on BSD are you considering the actual Zaptel drivers made for BSD on
16:27.13MikeJ[Laptop]would take some dev work to get it up to speed for asterisk
16:27.37MikeJ[Laptop]the other option would be to fix the zaptel issues on bsd
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16:28.42MikeJ[Laptop]I am generally a cross platform kind of guy... so I lean towards making drivers that are not linux specific.
16:30.35jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i added a user '2001' to sip.conf and voicemail.conf which registers fine. shouldn't i be able to call 8500 on a fresh install and get the VM system atleast?
16:30.55pigpen2ManxPower, ok...I read it over...but it doesn't state anything regarding the # to disconnect in voicemail...I don't think this has anything to do with the dial command.
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16:30.56GuruDomHas anyone atually tried the Zaptel patch for bsd availble on
16:31.20jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender or even just 500 for the demo?
16:31.36[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : The default sample file= poo.
16:31.45[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I don't trust that is does ANYTHING.
16:32.03jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i'm seeing this. i don't know that i know enough to wipe them and write my own from scratch
16:32.09[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : For details as to what could/should work, you'd have to pastebin....
16:32.20pigpen2So, I will post my issue again:  when checking voicemail, one of the options is to hit # to does a ringback to the extension I am on can I fix this??  (* ver 1.2.4)
16:33.08jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ok, the samples are too long and crazy so i'm going to try scratching them then and if it still doesn't work i'll pastebin
16:34.34[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Here, start with this :
16:35.21jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ok, thanks.
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16:37.43b66meranybody tell me what macro-stdPrivacyexten is?  why use it versus macro-stdexten?
16:38.32ManxPowerpigpen2, sorry, I I had not finished my first cup of coffee.  "show application voicemailmain"
16:38.39ManxPoweror "show application voicemail"
16:39.26pigpen2ManxPower, ok..I was trying to figure that one out...but from what you have done for me in the past...I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
16:40.59*** part/#asterisk yuta-vcnet (i=yuta-vcn@
16:43.33[TK]D-Fenderb66mer : read what it does.  things explain themselves.  The sample extensions.conf file is a worthless pile of junk.
16:43.37pigpen2ManxPower, ok...sorry, but still no luck (or I am really dense this morning and needing more coffee myself)
16:44.14ManxPowerpigpen2, # exits you from voicemail and the call will then continue on the next priority of the dialplan
16:45.35b66mermember:identifier:[tk]d-fender: I am writing my own... using that one as a guide... but couldn't figure out why that Privacy one was there... is there a web resource someone might guide me to for helping construct a professional dialplan?
16:45.50pigpen2sounds like I need a "Hangup"
16:47.14[TK]D-FenderHey, I've got a rogue value in the ASTDB I'm trying to kill off from the CLI but its a 3-level one whose format for removal I'm not sure of.  can someone lend a hand? "/belanger/Agent/8945                              : NOTFOUND
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16:47.54jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender the section in there [mainmenu] should be in place of [default] from the samples right?
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16:48.15Chaosmonkeyhey guys
16:48.23[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : you should never have a context so genrically named as [default].
16:48.52Chaosmonkeyhave my asterisk server all setup but need to know how to forward to a voip line if my fxs line is busy
16:48.53jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender understandable. so in my sip.conf and voiemail.conf for the extensions it should be 'mainmenu'
16:49.13b66merbuhler?  any good resources for professional dialplan construction?
16:49.13[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : [mainmenu] is the starting context of a quick menu and should never receive calls directly.  look at the [incoming] context above it.
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16:49.46[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : no, your phones should be in context [myphones] becasue that one defines what a phone can DO.
16:50.18jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ok, so in sip.conf i should put context=myphones?
16:50.20[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Keep in mine that that context INHERITS the access of 3 others.
16:50.25[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : correct.
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16:50.35jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ok, got it. thanks.
16:50.53[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Then you add more phones to [internal] and away you go.
16:51.42Chaosmonkeyanyone have any ideas on how to do that?
16:51.59jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender is it a coincidence that we both chose 2001 as our sample/test extension?
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16:52.39ghotiboy1good day
16:52.43[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I modded it that way expressly for you :)
16:53.00ghotiboy1i have a question about using an spa3000 and fax detection
16:53.07jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender you are a sweetheart ;)
16:53.24Darwin35ok who was I talking to this am
16:53.25ghotiboy1actually it is more of just how to direct calls to the correct extension
16:53.33[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I am indeed the best thing since sliced bread
16:54.21ghotiboy1i have asterisk all setup correctly and my spa3000 sends calls to asterisk, but it doesn't come into the right context (seemingly)
16:55.18jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender custom/yourcalleridis does not exist. is there another sounds package for asterisk i'm missing? i only have 196 files so it seems like it
16:55.38[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : No, you need to make that :)  use the *40 feature.
16:55.58jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ah
16:56.13[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : and make a folder called "custom" in the sounds folder to put your stuff...
16:56.46*** join/#asterisk mikeyb_work (
16:57.20[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : And you'll need to make all the stuff in "custom" as referred to by my sample.
16:57.57*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
16:58.35kimosabeis it difficult 2 get a t-1 going with a carier for did purposes ?
16:58.42[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : this sample I've given you covers the widest range of essential things to learn for dialplans : context inheritance, pattern matches, IVR, macros, and phones "features"
16:59.06[TK]D-Fenderkimosabe : Depends where you are, but the actual process isn't hard.
16:59.20[TK]D-Fenderkimosabe : We suggest getting a T1 PRI
17:00.30kimosabeis that what i shouyld request getting from sbc ?
17:00.36Chaosmonkeyshould i redirect to voip line in extensions.conf if busy
17:02.11[TK]D-Fenderkimosabe : Yes.
17:02.38[TK]D-FenderChaosmonkey : Try rephrasing your whole question......
17:02.49jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender guess i need to make 'pleaserecordafterbeep' first. ;)
17:04.20[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Would be ironic if you left that for last :)
17:05.20eric_hillI got a call from one of our sites just now that said voicemail wasn't working.  They dial into the system, hear a pre-recorded greeting, then press 1 for a mailbox...
17:05.45[TK]D-Fenderlunch time!
17:05.54Chaosmonkeyok... I have a Asterisk server with a Digium TDM400P[1 FXO / 1FXS]... I have everything setup properly... Using SIP for VOIP IN/OUT and Digium Card for In/Out (pending Dialing prefix). The only problem Im having is when some dials the POTS line that the Digium Card picks up while someone else is already speaking on it. it will just ring and ring and continue to ring. I need to know how to fix this issu (by redirecting it to a voip l
17:05.55eric_hill...I asked what they were expecting besides the "beep" and they said "it didn't tell us to record anything, so we didn't.  It's broken".
17:06.18*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
17:06.27*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
17:07.16Darwin35NANPA sucks
17:08.12jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ok, according to what i'm seeing reported in the CLI the calls are working perfectly and i got my recordings, however...
17:08.14Darwin35you should be able to set he Vertical service codes to what ever you want
17:08.25jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender I still don't have audio. :(..
17:09.04MikeJ[Laptop]Chaosmonkey, don't have somthing else use the same line you have plugged in to your fxo
17:10.06Chaosmonkeypeople call in using the fxo line
17:10.17Chaosmonkeybut its only alowing one call
17:10.46salviadudhow are you recording?
17:10.46jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i'm not seeing any trouble reported anywhere on the cli or in the logs and i am uncertain how to troubleshoot this problem.
17:11.04jbalcombsalviadud me?
17:11.12salviadudyeah jbalcomb
17:11.27*** join/#asterisk anderiv (
17:11.34ChaosmonkeyIm sorry, local people call in using the FXO line and Distant people call in using the Voip
17:12.06Chaosmonkeymy only problem is i need i want the FXO line to redirect if its already currently in use
17:12.12jbalcombsalviadud well, its not the recordings i'm having problems with actually it's that my calls dont have audio
17:12.41salviadudwhat type of channels are we talking about here?
17:12.52jbalcombsalviadud i'm thinking this would be some issue with RTP settings or traffic but i dunno
17:13.15ManxPowerjbalcomb, then you have either a firewall or a nat problem
17:13.15jbalcombsalviadud just phone to server, internal. no outgoing lines and actually only one phone
17:13.49jbalcombManxPower i must politely decline to receive any further assistance from you, but thank you.
17:13.57Chaosmonkeysame with out going calls if its local the system redirect to POTS and if its distant it will use VOIP
17:14.25jbalcombsalviadud its on the same network as our main * server and 120 phones which are all functioning fine
17:14.49jbalcombsalviadud indeed
17:14.56salviadudwhat version of *?
17:15.09jbalcombsalviadud 1.2.5
17:15.29salviadudwell, no mayor changes with 1.2.6
17:15.39*** join/#asterisk iGotNoTime (
17:15.47salviadudi've never had audio problems before
17:16.01salviadudso, i'm kinda in the dark over here
17:16.02jbalcombsalviadud the weirdest part for my newb mind to comprehend is that asterisk seems to think everything is working just dandy
17:16.17salviadudoh, i get that
17:16.23salviadudthe CLI reports no errors
17:16.47salviadudi guess the data packets are not going through...
17:16.48*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
17:16.56salviadudstill, i don't get it, is it pri
17:16.58salviadudis it sip
17:17.00jbalcombsalviadud exactly. its shows the call, dialplan steps, and 0 entries in the log file. 100% A-OK.
17:17.20jbalcombsalviadud no PIR or iax, just SIP/RTP
17:17.42salviaduddefinetely a nat problem
17:17.46x86i've got a question about how the voicemail system works...
17:17.52jbalcombsalviadud 50' of ethernet and two switches between the phone and server
17:18.06x86when a new voicemail comes in, it creates 4 files in the user's voicemail box on the asterisk server...
17:18.25ManxPowerx86, four?
17:18.28x3meppl, take a look...
17:18.31x86like "msg0000.WAV", "msg0000.wav", "msg0000.gsm", and "msg0000.txt"
17:18.35salviadudif you could fix sip.conf to work with that config you got there, it would probably fix itselft
17:18.41x86ManxPower: yes, four
17:18.49x3meonly for test.. if i configure an linux box with asterisk, and include 2 users on the config files...
17:18.52ManxPowerx86, that's only because you are allowing three file formats
17:18.57x3meinstall 2 softphones in 2 pc's in my office
17:19.00ManxPowerit would be only two if you only allowed 1 file format
17:19.06x3mei can make calls between this users?
17:19.15x3mewithout voip prodiver?
17:19.18x86ManxPower: the ".WAV" and ".gsm" files are relatively small, while the ".wav" file seems to be rather large
17:19.21Darwin35rewriting to meet nanpa sucks
17:19.27ManxPowerx86, correct.
17:19.34jbalcombsalviadud [TK]D-Fender my sip.conf
17:19.35Darwin35nanpa needs to suck donkey balls
17:19.35x86ManxPower: ah.... so i need to trim that down to just one format :)
17:19.36ManxPowerx86, what is the actual problem?
17:19.45x86ManxPower: that's all ;)
17:19.55x86ManxPower: i said "question" not "problem" :P
17:20.12ManxPowerwell you have your answer.
17:20.28*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
17:20.38x86so what's the difference between wav49 and wav?
17:20.47Qwell[]x86: about 49
17:20.50salviadudi wonder... change nat to yes
17:20.52iGotNoTimecan someone give me a cheatsheet URL to print for all the * CLI commands?
17:21.00x86Qwell[]: nice ;)
17:21.02Qwell[]iGotNoTime: type "help"
17:21.03iGotNoTimeI am searching but only finding wiki's
17:21.04tsumeiGotNoTime: no :)
17:21.15iGotNoTimenever thought of something so simple
17:21.18Qwell[]I'm not kidding.  Type "help" :P
17:21.27iGotNoTimehi tsume been a while :D
17:21.28Qwell[]and show applications, and show functions, etc
17:21.39iGotNoTimeok will do :)
17:22.35Corydon-wOr just hit <tab>
17:22.53Qwell[]Corydon-w: That only gives first level commands
17:23.01iGotNoTimetab is a bit more llimited but I had never hit tab before
17:23.01Corydon-wQwell[]: true
17:23.11iGotNoTimenice simple stuff :)
17:23.23Corydon-wTab command line completion has been there the entire time
17:23.25salviadudwell if it's not behind a nat, then there should be no reason
17:23.26jbalcombsalviadud tried that, no change. bleh on this situation.
17:23.40salviadudsorry jbalcomb
17:23.42Qwell[]and of course, "help <blah>"
17:23.59jbalcombsalviadud its cool. i appreciate the assist all the same.
17:23.59iGotNoTimeI have only used Linux full time for a few months now :P
17:24.06iGotNoTimeI am very new to CLI still
17:24.10[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : So you made the recordings, moved & renamed the, put them in the proper folder and you still don't hear ANYTHING?
17:24.24ManxPowerx86, 1 is raw audio, one is gsm wrapped into a microsoft package
17:24.27jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeah, i dont even hear the beep
17:24.41jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender volume on the phone is all the way up
17:24.45x86ManxPower: ah, gotcha
17:24.48salviadudbut, its only 1 softphone?
17:24.52x86ManxPower: thanks
17:24.56iGotNoTimeWhen I change these config files do I need to restart * ?
17:24.57salviadudi mean
17:24.59salviadudjust 1 sip
17:25.04iGotNoTimeI mean every little change?
17:25.14ManxPoweriGotNoTime, what config file?
17:25.15jbalcombsalviadud yeah, 1 gxp-2000 set to ext. 2001
17:25.25iGotNoTimeSIP.conf ManxPower
17:25.27[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb, what phone?
17:25.31ManxPoweriGotNoTime, a reload works for most changes
17:25.35Assiderr.. is this normal?
17:25.45jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender 1 gxp-2000 set to ext. 2001
17:25.47salviadudand if you go 'sip show peers' in the cli
17:25.48Qwell[]iGotNoTime: and you can do specific reloads, like "sip reload"
17:25.59salviadudno problems
17:26.17ManxPowerAssid, I can't tell you, but if you have 6 users logged in, you have other problems
17:26.21[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : And you checked your RTP settings on the phone and set them for * default and leeft * at 10000-20000?
17:26.24jbalcombsalviadud seems fine. '2001/2001             D   N      5060     Unmonitored'
17:26.31iGotNoTimeok Qwell still just installed so no big deal running at home not business. I just didn't know if the files were 'live' :)
17:26.38ManxPowerAssid, this might be related to the similar report I saw yesterday
17:26.38iGotNoTimethx for the help guys :)
17:26.43AssidManxPower: well.. getting different outputs
17:26.44[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Add qualify=yes to that phone's entry
17:27.15Assiderr. qualify is required for pap2 apparently
17:27.18Assidelse. it dies out
17:27.21[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb, then place a call and do "sip show channels" in  CLI, then "sip show channel sip/2001-whatever " the channel happens to be while in call.
17:29.21jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i only see one setting on the gxp-2000 for rtp 'Local RTP Port' which i changed from default of 5004 to 15004. asterisk is still on default 10,000-20,000
17:30.01*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
17:30.37CrashHDmy asterisk processes seem to be crashing every morning
17:30.42CrashHDI'm using safe asterisk
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17:30.51Assidyou said something about similar report. so i thought you were gonna lemme know what it was
17:31.00CrashHDany thoughts on how to make the asterisk more reliable, or atleast restart if there is a problem?
17:31.08ManxPowerAssid, nope.  you would have seen it yourself if you were on the mailinglists.
17:31.16[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Take another phone model to test with....
17:31.23ManxPowerCrashHD, find out what the problem actually is.
17:31.34CrashHDnothing in the logs
17:31.41ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, I'll bet his asterisk server has 2 interfaces on it.
17:31.59ManxPowerCrashHD, start asterisk as "asterisk -cvvv" then LEAVE THE WINDOW OPEN
17:32.24ManxPoweryou will see something on the console, or perhaps you could read backtrace.txt in the asterisk docs directory for information on generating a backtrace to report a bug
17:32.28CrashHDthese are production systems, any other way?
17:32.40ManxPowerCrashHD, um, why can't you do this on a production system?
17:32.47Qwell[]You can get a backtrace on a prod system
17:32.55CrashHDif it dies it would take me restarting it manually
17:33.02CrashHDif I'm not there
17:33.06CrashHDit could be down for awhile
17:33.16ManxPowerCrashHD, oh then don't run asterisk -cvvv but get a backtrace
17:33.42jbothmm... backtrace is a debugging tool that is invaluable when trying to track down asterisk crashes (use -g with asterisk to generate a core, then read README.backtrace)
17:33.48*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
17:33.57CrashHDthanks ManxPower
17:34.13ManxPowerlooks like bell totally screwed up our provider switch today
17:34.22CrashHDare there any better init scripts out there? or should I just write my own?
17:34.43Chaosmonkeystill no takers on the redirect issue?
17:34.49ManxPowerCrashHD, write your own.  safe_asterisk is fine of everyone else.
17:35.13CrashHDit's just funny that it doesn't restart asterisk as it should
17:35.30ManxPowerCrashHD, can you tell why when you look at the script?
17:36.21[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Seriously, grab another phone model....
17:36.54jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender setting up my new polycom ip 501 for ext 2002 right now..
17:37.53jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender 'Saved useragent "PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_501-UA/" for peer 2002'
17:38.54CrashHDif the exit status was 0 it wouldn't restart
17:39.39*** join/#asterisk opc0de (
17:40.09opc0dehey can anyone tell me, is it possible to assign more than one context to a channel in zapata.conf ?
17:40.10jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ok, calling the other phone actually makes it ring which didn't work yesterday but i think thats cause i had the polycom misconfigured.
17:40.44jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender and the damn call works fine. it didn't work yesterday and i thought focusing on just being able to hear asterisk prompts would make sense.
17:41.07jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender so calls work except for the prompts from asterisk!
17:41.22Hmm-workits one of those fun SER days
17:41.31Hmm-workthat make me want to tear my eyes out
17:41.37*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
17:41.48[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : something else is wrong.... wish I could pop-infor a look...
17:42.39jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender me too. the /other/ phone admin is gone for 24 days so i am soley responsible for the whole system now and i don't feel safe. :/
17:42.49opc0deanyone? can you define a channel to have more than one context?
17:42.53Hmm-workyou can pay me to feel safe
17:43.00Hmm-workotherwise I'll bust your legs
17:43.08CrashHDManxPower thanks for the info, ttyl
17:43.14ghotiboy1anyone here have some experience with the spa3000?  i have mine working but it doesn't seem to register with asterisk, which means all incoming calls go to [from-internal] instead of [from-pstn] (the context the spa3000 user is directed to)
17:43.27ghotiboy1all passwords quadruple checked
17:43.30Hmm-worksomeone is using amp
17:43.35salviadudi got a spa3000
17:43.38jbalcombHmm-work money doesn't work like that here i'm afraid. i've been paying for t-1 for three weeks now but haven't gotten a PO approved for the router to plug it into.
17:43.39*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
17:43.47salviadudwhat exactly is your setup?
17:44.02Hmm-workjbalcomb: <chuckle> ok,  i was joking anyway
17:44.30jbalcombHmm-work i figured. ;) but i'm not. *sniff* *sob* SOB
17:44.42ghotiboy1i am directing incoming pstn calls to (<S0:1>)
17:45.28salviadudghotiboyl, pastebin your sip.conf
17:45.31ghotiboy1it sends calls to asterisk just fine...just doesn't log in for some reason, so [from-internal] is the context instead of the one defined for the user
17:46.04ghotiboy1Hmm-work:  ???
17:46.42Hmm-workso i wish this endpoint wasn't retarded
17:49.00*** join/#asterisk somegeek_ (i=levin@unaffiliated/somegeek)
17:49.07ghotiboy1i pust my sip_additional.conf there too
17:49.24ManxPowerghotiboy1, look at the topic.
17:49.26salviadudwell yeah
17:49.29*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
17:49.31salviadudi only see 19 lines
17:49.38salviadudnot much help
17:49.40Hmm-workghotiboy1: because default for all extensions in amp is from-internal
17:50.16ghotiboy1Hmm-work:  that is why i think it is a registration issue with the spa3000
17:50.33salviadudyou are using amp?
17:50.35*** join/#asterisk lilo_ (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
17:50.43salviadudduuuuuuuuuude. i can't help you out that much
17:50.49salviadudi use plain asterisk
17:50.52Hmm-workfirst clue->  context  from-internal
17:51.05ManxPowersalviadud, anytime you see sip_additional.conf it means "i'm running AMP"
17:51.06ghotiboy1i can edit the files by hand if need be
17:51.22octothorpeghotiboy1:  look at this
17:51.37ManxPowerghotiboy1, the config files for Asterisk@Home / AMP are 10 times more complicated than the normal asterisk config files.
17:51.52ghotiboy1i agree
17:52.00ManxPowerwhich is why most people here won't help with it.
17:52.00salviaduddamn, no wonder
17:52.16ManxPowerghotiboy1, #freepbx was not helpful.
17:52.26Hmm-workheh, i've got some more complicated configs than amp makes
17:52.31*** join/#asterisk l-fy (n=diana@yate/developer/l-fy)
17:52.46salviadudyeah, but you did them
17:52.48l-fyis there any document describing iax protocol
17:52.50salviadudnobody did them for you
17:53.09ManxPowerl-fy, yes.
17:53.26l-fyManxPower: any link please?
17:54.08ManxPowerl-fy, no idea.  I would have to search google for it.
17:54.19l-fyi'm looking now also
17:54.51l-fyi've found something
17:55.03l-fyi will use that as the background
17:55.50iGotNoTimemy * IP would be my linux box's internal IP, my internet ISP IP or my router IP ?
17:56.15ManxPoweriGotNoTime, stop being lazy and tell us things like WHERE ARE YOU SPECIFYING THE IP
17:56.28l-fythanks ManxPower
17:56.32*** part/#asterisk l-fy (n=diana@yate/developer/l-fy)
17:56.49iGotNoTimeManxPower: I am not trying to be lazy I am reading the help files. I am specifying the IP on my Wifi sip phone config
17:57.38iGotNoTimeManxPower: that page say Asterisk IP is
17:57.50iGotNoTimeI don't know what the is supposed to signify
17:58.00ManxPoweriGotNoTime, if the phone is on the local lan then you specify the ip of the asterisk server, if it's not onthe local lan and it's behind nat then you specify the external ip of your NAT router, unless you are using services, in which case you specify the dns name of the sip services dns entry
17:58.16iGotNoTimeok that was my question :)
17:58.18iGotNoTimethank you
17:58.34ManxPowerunless asterisk is on a public ip, in which case you specify the ip of the asterisk server
18:01.52*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
18:03.32*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
18:03.59ManxPowerI need to install a wind powered generator.
18:04.04ManxPowerThe wind just never tops here.
18:04.27salviadudwhere do you live man?
18:04.36Assidhey ManxPower: you good with agents and stuff right ?
18:04.46ManxPowerAssid, no
18:05.00ManxPowersalviadud, on the top of chandler mountian in Steele, AL
18:05.46mutOH NO! YOU'RE A REDNECK!
18:06.46salviadudmanxpower you got FWD?
18:07.00ManxPowersalviadud, hell no.
18:07.13ManxPowerfor me, FWD is a totally useless thing, as is iaxtel.
18:07.28starleinis it possible to set the channel status manually by some application or agi/manager command?
18:07.33salviadudwell, if i wanted to call you
18:07.41salviadudvia iax2
18:07.51ManxPowersalviadud, you can't call me via iax2
18:07.54ManxPowersalviadud, ping me
18:08.01starleinbecause my phpagi always return hangup (channel-status: down)
18:08.42ManxPowersalviadud, unless you are offering large piles of cash, I don't talk to people.
18:08.55salviadudi just want to talk for fun man
18:09.10ManxPowerBut I'll be happy to insult you for free. 8-)
18:09.23salviadudyeah, that's what i'm talking about
18:10.40*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
18:13.19salviadudmaddox sent out his newsletter
18:13.26salviadudthat book is gonna be funky
18:13.46*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
18:13.56mutwhat kinda moonshine ya got?
18:14.21*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
18:14.56*** join/#asterisk qseek (
18:15.03qseekhello all
18:15.31qseekdoes anyone know how to get an application from the asterisk repository which is not distributed with the general software release
18:15.49qseeki am specifically trying to get the source for app_amd.c
18:17.41ManxPowerI need to find a vandal resistant outdoor phone.
18:19.34ManxPowerjustinu, that's a good idea.
18:19.48iGotNoTimeok I got my wifi sip to register with the server (thanks to ManxPower) now I have an error and was hoping for some help decoding it... I am sooo close to be able to dial I can feel it :P
18:19.53iGotNoTimeMar 28 18:30:42 NOTICE[32389]: pbx.c:1331 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'sip'
18:20.12iGotNoTimeDoes anyone know from that what config file I need to edit?
18:20.20ManxPowerthe rednecks sometimes drive past and shoot up everyone's mailboxes
18:20.22iGotNoTimeis it sip.conf again?
18:20.43*** join/#asterisk zoa (
18:20.51iGotNoTimeManxPower: you have a public phone??
18:21.16ManxPoweriGotNoTime, uhu?
18:21.22iGotNoTimenevermind :P
18:21.37MRH2u pulled manx?
18:22.56*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
18:23.16*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
18:23.57iGotNoTimejustinu: leave it to ebay LOL
18:24.08jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender so if the calls work from phone to phone and reinvites are off then RTP through the server is working right?
18:24.20x86any way to do post-hangup processing of a call?
18:24.53tzangerx86: catch the 'h' exten
18:24.59iGotNoTimeI have googled NOTICE[32389] and there are no asterisk related results, does anyone know what that error is?
18:25.07tzangerx86: be aware though, that it buggers your CDR
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18:26.25ManxPoweriGotNoTime, that is because 32389 is a PID and is different every time you start asterisk
18:26.29jbalcombiGotNoTime the 32389 is not an error number, its just an ID for that entry in the log file
18:26.45iGotNoTimesorry :)
18:27.16power1Hey all, could you offer me some advice......I have a small home network asterisk setup, Currently using "ulaw" I was wondering if you reccomend using the paid version of "9729" in this environment.....mainly calls coming from pst via digium tdm400p and I will be setting up a sip trunk with a provider........???
18:27.31x86for example, i've made a script that will take a MixMonitor'ed call and convert it to gsm, and stuff it into a user's voicemail box
18:27.35power1Sorry that G729
18:27.37x86tzanger: tried that...
18:27.42justinui can't believe a real western electric payphone is only 120 bucks
18:27.43jbalcombqseek you should be able to just ftp it from
18:27.47justinui might have to get one myself
18:27.53tzangerx86: what are you trying to do, exactly
18:27.57x86tzanger: s,1,MixMonitor(${UNIQUEID}|bW2) s,2,Dial(IAX2/trunk/${ARG2}|100|tr) h,1,System( ... )
18:28.01x86tzanger: not doing anything after the call dies :(
18:28.04b66merAnybody know why when I dial out it seems to take a longer time to connect than if I was using a traditional PBX?
18:28.17tzangerx86: use 'g' in the Dial and then do you Systen in s,3
18:28.19x86power1: surely you mean G.729
18:28.23x86righto ;)
18:28.23ManxPowerb66mer, yes.
18:28.30Qwell[]b66mer: Using a cheesy $15 fxo?
18:28.37x86tzanger: i already said... record a call and shove it in a user's voicemail box when the call is over, so they can listen to it just like any other VM message
18:28.40Qwell[]That's why
18:28.47ManxPowerAsterisk collects the DTMF digits, then once you are done dialing it dials out the phone line
18:28.56b66merok... so I need to pickup a digium?
18:29.05x86tzanger: Dial(IAX2/trunk/${EXTEN}|100|trg) ?
18:29.08Qwell[]digium doesn't sell x100p anymore
18:29.17b66merwhat do you recommend?
18:29.18tzangersounds good, why are you using 'r' though
18:29.20ManxPowerb66mer, how are you dialing out?
18:29.34b66mercheesy fxo
18:29.41power1x86, yes sorry G.729
18:29.43b66mer$12 I think if I remember
18:29.45ManxPowertzanger, be must be a newbie if he's using "r"
18:29.55x86ManxPower: *nods*
18:29.59x86what's 'r' do ?
18:30.07tzangerx86: if you don't know what it's for don't use it
18:30.08ManxPowerb66mer, how do you know it takes longer to dial out if you can't dialout?
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18:30.15tzangernot trying to be rude, but that's a big mistake most people make
18:30.18b66merI can dialout
18:30.21x86tzanger: i got it off some howto ;)
18:30.22ManxPowerx86, r overrides any sound you should be hearing and plays a fake ringing tone
18:30.26b66merit just takes 2-3 seconds
18:30.28tzangerx86: the howto's wrong
18:30.31x86ManxPower: ahhh
18:30.33jbalcombGot RTP packet from (type 0, seq 1502, ts 240400, len 160)
18:30.34terrapenstill trying to find another VoIP equipment supplier
18:30.34ManxPowerb66mer, HOW ARE YOU DIALING OUT?
18:30.40jbalcombis my RTP the 2234?
18:30.40b66merlonger than if I was dialing normally
18:30.42terrapenbesides VoIPSupply
18:30.53x86tzanger: what's "t" and "g" do?
18:30.54tzangerx86: at any rate though, yes that should help with what you're trying to do.
18:30.57ManxPowerb66mer, how are you interfacing POTS with Asterisk?
18:30.58tzangerx86: show application dial
18:31.00power1x86, any reccomendations?
18:31.07b66merManxPower: cheap FXO card from ebay
18:31.18b66merpci card
18:31.21ManxPowerb66mer, well you have your answer.
18:31.23Qwell[]ManxPower: You're slow :p
18:31.30b66merso what do you recommend
18:31.31Qwell[]We determined that 5 minutes ago. ;)
18:31.45justinusome people like the SPA-3000
18:31.47ManxPowerb66mer, changing the card is not going to fix the problem.
18:31.55justinusome people like TDM400
18:32.01b66merok?  what should I use?
18:32.05terrapenis there a mailing list for admins of large Asterisk installations?
18:32.12ManxPowerb66mer, no equipment will fix your problem.
18:32.18ManxPowerit's JUST THE WAY IT WORKS
18:32.24ManxPowerunless, of course you go with a PRI.
18:32.30ManxPowerbut those are expensive
18:32.36stoffellterrapen, the regular user list ?
18:32.47stoffellterrapen, and define large ;)
18:32.49b66merI have a PRI... but don't use it for outbound
18:33.06ManxPowerb66mer, how many channels on the PRI?
18:33.18ManxPoweractually 23 voice.
18:33.20terrapenstoffell, I want a list where I don't have to read about somebody trying to get their FXO card working
18:33.33b66merwhat is this a quiz?
18:33.47power1could you offer me some advice......I have a small home network asterisk setup, Currently using "ulaw" I was wondering if you reccomend using the paid version of "G.729" in this environment.....mainly calls coming from pst via digium tdm400p and I will be setting up a sip trunk with a provider........???
18:34.01terrapenstoffell, I want to talk about big-ass channel banks, T3s, lots of PRIs, call centers, massive voicemail servers, etc.
18:34.04b66merok... so no recommendations on a replacement for Digiums x100p?
18:34.08stoffellterrapen, i understand your "problem", but there's no list like that..
18:34.15terrapenI'm going to start one.
18:34.19ManxPowerb66mer, the issue, of course is that it takes TIME for asterisk to dial.  I AM assuming that you are not doing something REALLY stupid like using "." in your extension patterns and do not have overlaping non-unique extensions
18:34.34stoffellterrapen, but i'm also "interested" in those subjects..
18:34.43ManxPowerb66mer, yes.  Anyone that has a X100p clone and a PRI but is not using the PRI, I suspect they are confused.
18:34.46terrapenin FXO cards? :)
18:34.48x86tzanger: ok, now the System executes before the MixMonitor stops...
18:34.54x86tzanger: which wont work ;)
18:35.05stoffellterrapen, lol, no the big-ass and especially, redundant things :p
18:35.07jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender how come its playing digit/2 but not 0,0,1?
18:35.17terrapenstoffell: sweet.
18:35.25x86tzanger: any other ideas?
18:35.58tzangerx86: so mixmonitor runs until the end of the call.  You may just have to queue them up and run a batch outside the dialplan, or try to get 'h' to work
18:36.05ManxPowerb66mer, assume you are dialing an 11 digit number and that each DTMF tone is 250ms long with a 50ms delay between digits.
18:36.08ManxPowernow do the math
18:36.25x86tzanger: any ideas what was preventing 'h' from working?
18:36.28justinugrandma dials faster than that :P
18:36.30ManxPoweron a PRI, of course the digits are sent as data and so you don't have the delay.
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18:36.53ManxPowerof course if you have "." or over lapping extens in your dialplan, then asterisk will wait for DigitTimeout before processing the call
18:37.09ManxPowerx86, h works when one side hangs up, g works when the other side hangs up.
18:37.15tzangerx86: do you have an exten => h,1,NoOp(hit the hangup extension for ${UNIQUEID}) or soemthing?
18:37.23ManxPowerI don't recall which side (caller or callee) is associated with each one
18:37.28x86tzanger: no
18:37.28terrapenwould anybody here sign up for asterisk-enterprise if I set one up?
18:37.36tzangernot me :-)
18:37.41ManxPowernot me
18:37.51terrapenyou guys do not run large installations?
18:37.57tzangerterrapen: not really, no.
18:38.01terrapenah, ok
18:38.01qseekok i figured it out..thanks anyways
18:38.03ManxPowerme neither.
18:38.06tzangerbiggest I could see setting up in the near future is maybe 30 sets
18:38.15ManxPowerI manage 6 - 8 asterisk servers, all of them small.
18:38.16stoffellterrapen, I prefer "redundant" installations, but that qualifies as large also? :p
18:38.37Qwell[]terrapen: I have a 1 user install
18:38.46Qwell[]Is that large?
18:38.53tzangerbesides, asterisk-enterprise sounds like the kind of place doug would hang out in and demand that we solve all of his problems because asterisk isn't enterprise ready and doesn't work exactly as he expects it to
18:38.55stoffellQwell[], depends on the user? :p
18:39.06terrapenHA Asterisk, lots of users, multiple PRIs, etc.
18:39.09Qwell[]power user?
18:39.18stoffellQwell[], it counts :p
18:39.20ManxPowertzanger, RoyK too
18:39.26ManxPower(or is that the same person)
18:39.38*** join/#asterisk nvicf (n=nvicf@
18:39.45nvicfhello there
18:39.47terrapenbasically, the idea is to make a list where enterprise admins can talk about Asterisk without all the "How do I make my X100P work?" crap
18:40.09zoaanybody seen royk?
18:40.11ManxPowerterrapen, Here, let me introduce you to procmail
18:40.21Qwell[]zoa: He was looking for you yesterday. :P
18:40.27ManxPowerzoa, he's been looking for you for days.
18:40.30terrapenmanx, no thanks, procmail is not going to solve this.
18:40.44terrapenthere is no filter for "n00b idiot"
18:41.00*** join/#asterisk Axel69 (i=Axel@
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18:41.08ManxPowerterrapen, sure there is.  two filters, actually, one on "help" and the other on "possible"
18:41.10Axel69hi guys
18:41.32stoffellterrapen, it's easy enough to set up a list, but without a text on the digium site it doesn't 'catch' a lot of people i'm afraid
18:41.42Axel69i'm installing the asterisk, which one you recomend i used the AAH but i need the best
18:41.45ManxPoweroh, and the asshole filters are "license" "gpl" and "theft"
18:41.51terrapenWell, I'm going to talk to digium about it.
18:42.06stoffellokay terrapen, great idea
18:42.15terrapenI could care less if they run the list.
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18:42.49bkw__terrapen, hrm enterprise admin? Asterisk? Do they exist?
18:42.54terrapenoh wait
18:42.55*** join/#asterisk clive- (
18:42.59terrapenthere already is a list
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18:43.12ManxPowerthat's for BUINESS stuff
18:43.25bkw__the -biz list is just as bad
18:43.30ManxPowerlike "i'm selling 300 polycoms at $200 each", or "I need A-Z routes"
18:43.33bkw__its just as bad as users
18:43.42bkw__all the mailing lists are worthless
18:43.43ManxPowerterracon, read the archives
18:43.44clive-how does one do a svn update , as opposed to a svn checkout ?
18:43.49terrapenyeah, looking @ them
18:43.51bkw__clive-, you do svn update
18:43.58bkw__just like cvs update
18:44.05clive-Thanks Brian,
18:44.28mog_workbkw__, whats got you riled up?
18:44.42bkw__mog_work, as if you don't know
18:44.45ManxPowerbkw_, After SIX MONTHS of working with bell, they still could not do a provider change.
18:45.06mog_worki know of many things, and probably what you are refering to
18:45.08ManxPowerapparently they handed the switch programming guy a 5 month old port/number sheet
18:45.23mog_workbut i dont know what i have to do with it or the mailing lists etc
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18:45.52zoahow are you brian ?
18:45.56mog_worklol zoa
18:46.03zoastop looking at me like that
18:46.04jarrodanyone used Linux-HA with two asterisk servers?
18:46.10zoano conversions here :)
18:46.24stoffelljarrod, not personally but i read about some success stories on it
18:46.31jarrodive got static configs loaded into a sql server which is loaded at runtime/reload and wanna run linux-ha in case one fails
18:46.38bkw__zoa, i'm good
18:46.47jarrodthe only problem ive seen is that it seems asterisk itself fails before the hardware would fail
18:46.53ManxPowerjarrod, be careful!  you could cause a tear in space-time
18:47.13justinuchroniton particles
18:47.44jarrodis there a load balancer (i guess the equivalent of an SBC that isnt 35k+) that can manage the sessions from external sources between the two softswitches
18:47.56jarrodid rather use two in tandem then have a failover
18:48.12justinulike SER?
18:48.20jarrodSER is amazing as a SIP proxy
18:48.28justinuyou can do some basic load balancing with it
18:48.29jarrodbut ive only seen deployment of failover routing
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18:48.48justinuload balancing with DNS SRV records w/ equal priorities works
18:49.12justinuhowever, failover using only DNS SRV doesn't :(
18:49.27jarrodbut UDP is sessionless... and if it registers and then sends to the different SER box that it is not registered with could cause probs
18:49.35stoffelljarrod, round robin dns and dundi is what everybody shouts..
18:50.57justinui'm not sure what your specific config is, but SER has a transaction module to track the state of dialogs, etc.
18:51.00mutya know...
18:51.00mut.there is no real good unified definition for up is there
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18:59.25lullabudanybody have a preferred softphone for os x?  i'm using SJphone right now but looking for something more polished and with features like forwarding.
19:00.03gavi1Hi guys, quick question.  When a sip peer is setup fro call waiting, and they are logged into a queue.  If they are engaged in a call, is there any way for asterisk not to pass queue calls to that member?
19:00.13*** part/#asterisk ricko73 (n=dhartman@
19:00.43gavi1But, in that case call waiting will never work correct?
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19:00.54wasimgavi1: pausequeuemember
19:01.27wasimlullabud: moziax
19:01.29SpaceBasslullabud I like idefsk or what ever
19:01.37SpaceBasslullabud its from the astguru folks I think
19:02.41justinulullabud: eyebeam is the best softphone, imo
19:02.44justinubut it costs money
19:02.49gavi1wasim:  That seems tedious to do everytime someone wants to pick up the phone and call someone?
19:03.39wasimgavi1: clicking on a url is tedious?
19:04.35lullabudawesome, thanks guys
19:04.38gavi1everytime I would like to make a call?  Yes that does.  Explaining that to 40 sales people... well thats the hard part
19:05.07wasimsales people should be tortured with a predictive dialer any way
19:05.21Corydon-wgavi1: why don't you do that automatically in the dialplan?
19:05.25clive-does anyone know why zttest gives such a bad score with ztdummy on centos 4.3 ?
19:05.27justinutell them if they don't like it, they can bring in their own phone system from home
19:06.09gavi1Can I have it pause an agent inside the dialplan?
19:06.34jbalcombgavi1 i dont think so cause i have had to turn off call waiting for all employees in our call center
19:06.38SpaceBasslullabud also check out toms phone tools (think thats what its called)
19:06.54SpaceBasslullabud its a tool that will let you dial from the OS X address boox
19:07.17konfuzedhey does the vega devices support IAX
19:08.17gavi1Thanks guys, its a shame I need to get rid of call waiting because of queueing!
19:09.50[TK]D-Fendergavi1 : its what I had to do....
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19:11.11_andreis there any way to add the extension of the person who answered a call from a queue to the name of the file?
19:11.25_andrei mean, the recorded file with Monitor
19:11.49_andrei know i can set MONITOR_FILENAME, but in extensions.conf i still don't know who'll answer the call
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19:12.10jbalcomb_andre maybe you could use a variable in the filename?
19:13.00jbalcombwhat do i need to do to get asterisk to see changes i've made to voicemail.conf?
19:13.08_andrebut when i set MONITOR_FILENAME (in extensions.conf), the call wasn't answered yet
19:13.16_andreso i don't know what the extension will be
19:13.37_andrejbalcomb: reload
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19:13.56Darwin35honey I'm home
19:14.03Darwin35whats for dinner
19:14.08Assidanyone have a good link for agents/queue
19:14.12websaehey if anyone is looking for quality* termination and origination at a great price...we are a carrier on the level 3 network...just let me know, and we can get you setup :)...we run asterisk !
19:14.22jbalcomb_andre ah, hrm.. how about a system call to move the file after its recorded?
19:14.23Darwin35read the queues.conf
19:14.28Darwin35its really easy
19:14.31justinuwhat price web?
19:14.37jpablohey people, I'm getting response 503 "Service Unavailable" when calling the pstn extension of a sipura 3000 any ideas ?
19:14.54websaeus and canada= 1.4cents
19:15.00lullabudSpaceBass: oh, sweet.  i tried an app called... JackenIAX that had address book support, but I couldn't get it to work with my asterisk system.
19:15.06justinuprepaid, or what?
19:15.46websaeprepaid normally
19:16.35clive-what do you guys get as a test score on zttest ?
19:16.47justinu--- Results after 96 passes ---
19:16.47justinuBest: 99.987793 -- Worst: 94.750977 -- Average: 99.914805
19:17.30octothorpejpablo:  check this out, it may help:
19:17.59clive-justinu, hi thanks, I am not getting more that 98%
19:20.06clive-wondering why, since I used to get 99.75% on my other, almost identical box
19:20.21justinui'm having my own issues with app_meetme...
19:20.32justinuput 2 sip channels into a meetme conf, and over time, the latency gets worse and worse
19:20.40justinurunning ztdummy
19:20.48justinuapplied the latest async RTP patches to 1.2.6
19:21.00justinu(which supposedly solved this)
19:22.21clive-sounds strange, maybe that RTP patch is not all its cracked up to be
19:22.51konfuzedok so vega stream does not support iax, is there any voip gateways that compare to vega stream 50 features but also support IAX
19:22.56justinui dunno, it's frustrating
19:22.59justinui need a solution
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19:23.21_andreDarwin35: sorry, i don't get it... queue.conf only tells me to use Set()
19:23.37clive-I am wondering if my 98% score on zttest will be good enough for iax2 trunking
19:24.17stoffellclive-, what is your "best" and "average" ?
19:24.35clive-Best: 98.730469 -- Worst: 98.425293 -- Average: 98.469849
19:25.35iGotNoTimeis the ; a requirement on each line of the config files or is that a way to comment the line out?
19:25.42clive-stoffel, its not a great score, and I can't figure out why
19:25.44stoffellclive-, and you're running any zaptel channels? (digium/other cards..)
19:25.57octothorpeuse the ; to comment out
19:26.02clive-stoffel I have 2 sirrix isdn bri cards
19:26.15x86ManxPower: care to have a look at my dialplan?
19:26.29stoffellclive- , and what does "cat /proc/interrupts" say about irq sharing?
19:26.31ManxPowerx86, only if you are offering large piles of cash.
19:26.42ManxPowerand even then, I can't until this evening at least.
19:27.14octothorpex86:  I could take a look now, but again, it will cost
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19:27.30clive-everything is on its own IO-APIC-level
19:27.45x86ManxPower: bahahaha ;)
19:27.57eric_hillAnybody know what the dialing digit pattern in Mexico is?  (Like the USA xxx-xxx-xxxx)
19:28.24justinuask salviadud
19:28.38SpaceBasseric_hill google "dialing mexico"
19:28.42stoffellclive-, what kernel and distro you're running?
19:28.48Kattyhi lovables.
19:28.50SpaceBassnot being smart...i know there is a site out there
19:28.52iGotNoTimeis it possible to have only 3 lines in the extensions.conf file? I keep getting an error about the context even though I have defined the context in extensions.conf.
19:28.58jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ok, back on that, the IP501 (ext.2002) can call the gxp-2000 (ext.2001) but the gxp-2000 (ext.2001) can not call the IP501 (ext.2002)
19:29.03clive-stoffel, centos 4.3
19:29.10iGotNoTimethe default lines I was given by teliax is only three lines
19:29.13jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender the gxp-2000 (ext.2001) gets a 404
19:29.35eric_hillSpaceBass: thanks - I found this site,, but it didn't really tell me what I needed.  Just "dialing mexico" worked great!
19:30.07justinu2 or 3 digit area codes, 7 or 8 digit local numbers... w00t!
19:30.43GerbilNutiGotNoTime, post the extensions.conf (minus passwords), sip.conf (minus passwords), and iax.conf (minus passwords) to and i'll look at it for ya
19:30.51GerbilNutthe exact error would also be nice
19:31.22[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Did you add the other phone to [internal] ?
19:31.47Kattyare the pixies any good?
19:31.48jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender just realized that and just added it, its working.
19:31.48octothorpeHi Katty
19:31.54Kattyoctothorpe: (=
19:32.10iGotNoTimethank you GerbilNut will do now
19:32.11clive-stoffel I wonder, maybe I could install a spare x100p card I have to see if that improves things
19:32.13jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender can i change it to 2XXX and then they both work?
19:32.26stoffellclive-, i remember readin on centos and a bug, don't know if it's on that version...
19:32.37stoffellclive-, yes, or remove the current cards, and only install the x100p, just to see...
19:32.51justinuthe pixies? i liked their music
19:32.54[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : BAD practice.. its one of the things I'd UNDO on your work config...
19:32.58justinuit's educational!!
19:33.02jbot[centos] better than Fedora Core except for that silly bug, see ~centosbug for details
19:33.11jbotmethinks centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernel (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. This is part of the 'kernel-devel' package.
19:33.17clive-stoffel, thanks, the centos bug has to do with a typo
19:33.23jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ah, ok, i'll hold off on that then.
19:33.29stoffellclive-, okay, thanks :d
19:33.36[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : hardcode
19:33.58jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i've been debugging and tcpdumping to see if I could figure out why I'm not able to hear prompts from the server.
19:34.19jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender it sure seems like the traffic is being generated and sent but just not accomplishing anything.
19:35.00jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender hardcode all 120+ extensions?
19:35.05Luke-JrShould I be able to specify 'qualify=yes' in iax.conf [general]?
19:35.06[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : YUP
19:35.11iGotNoTimeGerbilNut: here it is, please tell me if you need more :)
19:35.26jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender gotcha
19:36.03[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : where did you put the recordings?
19:36.26GerbilNutiGotNoTime, i don't need the instructions from Teliax, i need your actuall files pasted there
19:37.15iGotNoTimesorry... will do again
19:37.37jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom
19:37.52GerbilNutok, in the drop down box there is an "Asterisk Configuration" option, select that too while you're at it
19:38.08jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i dont hear anything from asterisk though, not the beeps, queue msgs, or voicemail prompts
19:39.20opc0dehey can anyone tell me how to forward a call from a SIP phone, yet have the callerid from the original call come through?
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19:41.55Splatty47is their a graphical interface that can add extensions etc to the sip.conf ?
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19:42.20jbalcombSo I see this in my Asterisk CLI ( but hear nothing.
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19:42.52Splatty47and extensions.conf etc etc...
19:43.13GerbilNutiGotNoTime, ok, the Teliax instructions say to modify three seperate files
19:43.24iGotNoTimeI only seen two
19:43.54GerbilNutactually, let me re-read the ones you posted, i'm used to iax connections with Teliax
19:44.22iGotNoTimeshould I use IAX? I thought just SIP would be fine
19:45.18GerbilNutSIP is fine
19:45.30GerbilNutok, one problem is at the very bottom of Extensions.conf
19:45.44iGotNoTimeThat was pasted :P
19:46.08iGotNoTimeyou mean the first line?
19:46.11iGotNoTimethe number?
19:46.33GerbilNutthe first, 1 priority should be removed and replaced with, exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,DIAL(SIP/teliax/${EXTEN},30,tr)
19:47.11GerbilNutand in sip.conf, delete the info after context=default
19:47.15iGotNoTimeI put in the 898 because that was the phone "ID", so it should be exten => _14192994337,1,DIAL(SIP/teliax/${EXTEN},30,tr) for example?
19:47.16GerbilNutdelete the parts in ()'s
19:47.36GerbilNutare you using this for incoming, or outgoing calls?
19:47.38ManxPowerNEVER USE r
19:47.48iGotNoTimeummm both
19:48.02[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Something is seriously whacked.  Firewall issue I'm betting.
19:48.02ManxPowerand don't use t or T unless you KNOW what they do.  They can allow someone to make calls and bill them to you.
19:48.06clive-stoffel, hi, ...I removed those cards and zttezt still gives me 98%
19:48.23Darwin35Teliax rocks
19:48.25GerbilNuttell you what, let me modify your paste bin, and you compare the two
19:48.34GerbilNutno, Teliax sucks, but hey, what are you going to do
19:48.36Darwin35welcome all you teliax users to the real world
19:48.43iGotNoTimeManxPower: are you talking to me?
19:48.55ManxPoweriGotNoTime, yes
19:48.58Darwin35we have done alot to correct our network issues
19:49.04Darwin35we dropped cogent
19:49.18Darwin35now our service is much better
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19:49.35iGotNoTimethat is the default sample from teliax, do you have a link to info on those commands and their respective other options?
19:49.51ManxPoweriGotNoTime, "show application dial" in the asterisk CLI.
19:49.54ManxPoweralso the Wiki
19:49.56imcdonaAnyone know a good provider for DID's in Australia?
19:50.12iGotNoTimewould another option mean my phone won't dial out?
19:50.17opc0decan anyone tell me how to transfer a call from one voip phone to another, yet have the callerid reflect the information from the original incoming call?
19:50.20ManxPowerif tr were in the Teliax sample then someone at Teliax needs to be spanked.
19:50.41ManxPoweropc0de, that is the default for BLIND transfers
19:51.31Darwin35Teliax does not support alaw
19:51.51opc0deManxPower: when someone calls and hits an extension, I see the caller id on that extension.. if that person on that extension then transfers the call to me, I see the caller id from the SIP phone, rather than the original caller.. is that the default?
19:51.55Darwin35only ulaw/gsm/ilbc/g726/g729
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19:54.49iGotNoTimeGerbilNut: sorry for the delay copying to try :)
19:57.09brad_msswDarwin35: any word on an east-coast server ?
19:57.21[TK]D-FenderHey I could really use a hand here with something.  I'm getting a /29 at home and need a quick guid on how to set up IPTABLES to dole out the IP's to my various devices...
19:57.28ManxPoweropc0de, what kind of transfer, blind or consultative?
19:57.51justinuDHCP is what you want, fender
19:57.56justinuiptables is just a firewall
19:58.52opc0deManxPower: it's alright, I've figured it out.. the phone has an option for blind transfer, that does it automatically.. I thought this was an asterisk setting, cause I notice there's a "useincomingcalleridonzaptransfer=yes" in zapata.conf.. thought I needed a similar setting for a sip phone transfer
19:59.08iGotNoTimeGerbilNut: ok that got rid of that error, thank you
19:59.22iGotNoTimeI am off to read again to move on to the ATA stuff
19:59.22ManxPoweropc0de, a consultative transfer is really more of a threeway call.
19:59.49iGotNoTimei appreciate it alot
19:59.59[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : I'm running PPPoE with RP-PPPOE, and I used to do DHCP for my internal LAN.  I need to change the IP's I'll be giving out internally and route accordingly.
20:00.27justinuwht's RP-PPPoE?
20:00.35stoffell[TK]D-Fender, or use proxyarp? :)
20:00.40ManxPowerjustinu, a PPoE client
20:00.44fileroaring penguin pppoe client
20:00.45justinuah, for linux?
20:00.47fileit roars!
20:01.06[TK]D-Fenderjustinu :Roaring Penguin PPPoE package for Linux
20:01.43X-Genhey clive- & stoffell freaks
20:01.54justinui haven't actually worked with PPPoE... just heard horrors about it
20:02.35clive-hi X-gen
20:03.07stoffelllol, hi X-Gen
20:03.17iGotNoTimewhen dialing out I have gotten an error reading: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'default'
20:03.19clive-X-gen, I am going to find my old x100p to see if I get better zttest times
20:03.26iGotNoTimeis that due to the rule ManxPower mentioned?
20:03.33NuggetI like that I don't have to deal with pppoe, but in reality it's not that awful.
20:04.02justinuso how does it work? they send traffic for an entire /29 over PPP, and you route it out on your LAN with that client?
20:04.33[TK]D-FenderI'm wondering if my server will pick up the 1st IP of my /29 (8 total, 6 usable) and that I just need to enable forwarding and assign DHCP to give out IP's 3-7 to my other devices.
20:04.34Nuggetyep.  heck, any modern dsl router appliance can do the pppoe internally and it's invisible to your systems.
20:04.38X-Genclive-: enable ACPI or APCI or somthing like that
20:04.43[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : I *think* so.
20:04.45justinui think that's why my DSL router does
20:04.55justinuDSL bridge, whatever the fuck it is
20:05.06Nuggetand it's pretty painless to do ahe os level if you prefer that.
20:05.16Nuggets/ahe/at the/
20:05.17[TK]D-FenderNugget : I don't have a DSL router, I'm running a Sangoma S518.
20:05.18Kattyewwo, Nugget
20:05.22Nuggetdang gprs lag.
20:05.27*** part/#asterisk ChrisN (
20:05.30justinuTK, describe that?
20:05.46[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : What my S518?
20:05.46justinupci ADSL modem
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20:05.57justinuso what does their software give you? a PPP interface?
20:06.02justinuin linux
20:06.13*** join/#asterisk Denmark (n=fake@
20:06.19[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Yeah, it just provides a raw interface over which I run PPPoE.
20:06.26*** join/#asterisk chr|s_ (n=chris@
20:06.37justinuok, can you show my ifconfig -a?
20:06.41justinufor learning purposes?
20:06.48Denmarkkposmyk : Ask your question here. :)
20:07.03justinus/show my/show me/
20:07.26[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : not now, its at home..... and I'm not sure if it will work any time soon....
20:07.38justinuit doesn't have to work, i was just curious what kind of interfaces you had
20:07.45kposmykI have a hardware PBX and I use only ISDN
20:08.09stoffelljustinu, a ppp0 interface is just like eth0, or tun, or anything else..
20:08.14kposmykI need to record all cals... is it possible by using asterisk....
20:08.15justinuyeah, that I know
20:08.22justinubut is that what his software gives him?
20:09.02stoffelljustinu, the rp-pppoe you mean?
20:09.36justinuor he is planning on running PPPoE on his own LAN?
20:09.41stoffelljustinu, that software enables you to use pppoe on a plain standard ppp interface
20:09.44justinuor terminating it at theSangoma Card
20:09.53imcdonaAnyone know of a good provider of DID's in Australia?
20:10.06stoffelljustinu, pppoe runs through that 'sangoma' box (which acts as a
20:10.34chr|s_guys - question about the sample extensions.conf
20:10.36justinuso the RP-PPPoE client provides the ppp0 interface
20:10.36X-Genbasic rate or primary rate ISDN ?
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20:10.59chr|s_there is a lot of stuff like iaxtel700 exten => etc
20:11.05justinurip it out
20:11.06chr|s_can I keep this in there, or best to remove it?
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20:11.08justinuall useless
20:11.09X-Gen23 ? not e1 or t1 ?
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20:11.23chr|s_aah good, justinu , was that the answer?
20:11.28kposmykX-Gen, E1
20:11.39justinuchr|s_: rip it out... it's basically useless
20:12.08kposmykX-Gen, I just need to insert something between my telecom and my hardware PBX
20:12.11X-Gene1 = 30B+D just btw. i hear it can be done, but afaik u will need 2 e1 cards
20:12.15eipii have no audio in this scheme... anyone can help me? wip300 (VOIP wireless phone) <-> internet <-> wrt54gs <-> asterisk 1.2.6 linuxbox
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20:12.38chr|s_justinu, what about the 'macro-stdexten' section, is the whole file useless?
20:13.07kposmykX-Gen, can  this solution be transparent to my PBX ?
20:13.20web_ustaadwhere can I find different configurations
20:13.21Z0m81eDoes anyone have experience of using the spa3k fxo with asterisk?
20:13.28web_ustaadrelated to asterisk
20:13.38shmaltzyes I do
20:14.00chr|s_justinu, I am keeping everything upto and including [globals] as it is required conf by the looks
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20:14.11X-Genkposmyk: i'm not sure at all how it would work :(
20:14.18Z0m81eshmaltz do you know any good resources for how to configure? I've looked at voxilla but the setup isn't working at the mo
20:14.39shmaltzZ0m81e, what's not working?
20:14.43justinuno, macro-stdexten is ok
20:15.16chr|s_heh, I removed that, oh well :p
20:15.16x86any way to record a call (both parties like MixMonitor does), but stop recording when the call is hung up by either party?
20:15.27Z0m81eshmaltz, good question the line just drops after I dial, i need to do some debugging will you be here for 10 mins?
20:15.46justinuchr|s_: no worry, you can get it off the wiki
20:15.50justinuprobably a better one, at that
20:15.50x86MixMonitor seems to want to stall until after everything is done, including all 'h' extension handlers...
20:15.52shmaltzwhat do you mean it drops? incoming works?
20:16.24*** join/#asterisk Samoied (
20:16.34Z0m81eshmaltz, I haven't checked, incoming was the first thing I tried, i'll just give it a call and see what happens
20:16.42anthmunless it's hacked to pieces when they committed it i used to have an option in there to only record while a call is bridged
20:16.55shmaltzZ0mb81e, could be a dialplan problem
20:17.07chr|s_justinu, ok, so these built in demos work out of the box?
20:17.26chr|s_I am impressed, for now, I am just configuring one extension, a sip phone, to dial out and answer incoming...
20:17.43chr|s_*soft phone
20:17.52justinunone of that stuff is by no means necessary to have
20:17.59Z0m81eshmaltz, i'm in the UK so i've hard coded in 1471 which reads back the last called on your line, my money is on sip.conf I was a little hazy about what voxilla was asking me to do it wasn't explained why the settings were as they are
20:18.01*** join/#asterisk ederaam (n=ederaam@
20:18.04justinuprobably better to start simple and build on that, when you're a beginner
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20:18.16ederaamCan you help me with fxs fxo?????
20:18.34firekidHi everyone..
20:18.43firekidgreat to be here
20:18.59Kattyanthm: you have website up for cluecon yet?
20:19.05chr|s_ederaam, what about them?
20:19.21anthmfinishing touches
20:19.28firekidHi can someone plz help me with openvxi??
20:19.36ederaamI need how to configure a fxs fxo target
20:20.03ederaamI have a target but I don know hot configure there.
20:20.49justinu[TK]D-Fender: i see your sangoma card uses the same wanpipe drivers I use for my T1 card
20:20.59[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Yup./..
20:21.40[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Works great and doesn't have the throttling problems of using an ethernet card + external modem.  Allows for much better traffic shaping.
20:21.49edobewhen a call is ended and the other party hung ups, should the sip phone end automatically the call or must the Hungup button be pressed?
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20:26.42gaspizi'm keep getting     -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected
20:26.56*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (n=Neg@
20:27.14stoffelljust wondering, kernel config: timer frequency.. is it best to set it to 100 or 1000hz on an * server?
20:27.17Hmmhesayswell asterisks retarded use of srv recordes just threw a big ol' wrench in my plans
20:27.19gaspizcan someone help? means that something is conencting to the manager interface.....
20:27.42clive-stoffel, x-gen that old x100p makes my zttest score 100%..yay
20:27.51imcdonaAAH has some programs that access the Manager interface....
20:27.59imcdonaFlash operator panel....
20:27.59stoffellclive-, awesome, 100 all the way ?
20:28.09X-Genclive-: u get centos sorted out with the compiling..etc ?
20:28.10imcdonaand asterisk status button in AAH
20:28.14clive-yup, I cant belive it
20:28.20gaspizimcdona: might by thanks
20:28.39*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
20:28.42clive-x-gen, the compiling is no problem, the zttest was giving too low results
20:29.01clive-stoffel I need a good score for my iax2 trunking
20:29.42eipii have no audio in this scheme... anyone can help me? wip300 (VOIP wireless phone) <-> someone router <-> internet <-> my router wrt54gs <-> asterisk 1.2.6 linuxbox
20:29.53stoffelleipi, check firewall+NAT issues
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20:30.20clive-stoffel are you in south africa also ?
20:30.22SpaceBasseipi where did you get the WIP300?
20:30.34stoffellclive-, no, up north.. (europe, belgium)
20:30.38eipidont but it
20:30.43eipidont buy it
20:30.45SpaceBassEitch thought they were back ordered
20:30.50SpaceBasseipi dont like it?
20:30.57eipiyes, too many bugs
20:30.58SpaceBassgotta be better than the other wifi phones out there
20:31.05konfuzedoh makes IAX2 gateways
20:31.06eipibattery life its short
20:31.14SpaceBassdoes it at least support wpa?
20:31.52eipilinksys has no support for wip300
20:32.08eipinot real support
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20:33.19X-Genclive-: with a nick like that i also thought he was from africa. /whois whois stoffell
20:34.10stoffellhehe :D
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20:40.28x-markI can't seem to get my callwaiting to work.  I have a POTs line into
20:41.06x86nice paste
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20:44.11Chaosmonkeyis it possible to make a specific extenion use a specific trunk
20:45.06eric_hillChaosmonkey: Maybe Goto a context based on CALLERID?
20:45.07jpabloChaosmonkey, yes, just send it to another context
20:46.00Chaosmonkeyi thought so just making sure
20:46.00SpaceBassChaosmonkey using A@H?
20:46.02hfbHey Strom_M
20:46.21SpaceBassahhh... check out #freepbx by the way...but thats a pretty requested feature
20:46.29SpaceBassuser based outbound routing
20:46.40SpaceBassits quite possable, but its one of the things that AMP complicates a lot
20:46.52SpaceBassI've been meaning to set it up on my work vs home lines
20:47.03SpaceBassbut been lazy, so I just dial *8 for my work trunk
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20:47.24Chaosmonkeyyeah well its the only solution i can come up with for sending faxes
20:47.29Chaosmonkeyi recieve them just fine
20:47.33Chaosmonkeybut sending is a hassle
20:47.42jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender well, this traffic is all layer-2 and on the same network as all the other phones working off the current production server so no firewall anywhere.
20:48.00Chaosmonkeyso im just going to plug my fax machine into FXS port and set that extension to only use the FXO Line
20:48.05jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i'm wondering if its something to do with the app that plays the .gsm files maybe..
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20:49.01SpaceBassChaosmonkey you can easily write that into the dial plan in extensions_custom.conf ... our just put something like *9|. in your trunk's plan and dial *9 before each fax
20:49.14SpaceBassChaosmonkey lucky you...i can send but cannot recieve faxes
20:49.40iGotNoTimeI have a 12 inch touchscreen for the Asterix box, can anyone suggest a GUI to use with it? CLI is not so easy with the touchscreen
20:49.57SpaceBassiGotNoTime FOP (flash operators pannel)
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20:50.00Chaosmonkeywere would i configure the *9| at
20:50.10iGotNoTimeSpaceBass: it is fairly stable?
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20:50.14SpaceBassChaosmonkey in the trunk in your AMP gui
20:50.21SpaceBassiGotNoTime think so...depends on what you are trying to do
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20:50.43iGotNoTimesimple stuff :) basically logging
20:50.58x-markI can't seem to get my callwaiting to work.  I have a POTs line into and FXo port and a phone connected to the FXS port when a call is coming through via callwaiting I can't seem to answer it
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20:51.20SpaceBassChaosmonkey oops...spoke too soon...its in dial paters under OUTBOUND ROUTES
20:51.57SpaceBassx-mark thats a little tricky, did you write a dial plan for flashing the zap line or check out the one on voip info?
20:52.33x-markNo i did not write a dial plan for flashing the zap channel
20:52.47justinu[TK]D-Fender: this is kinda informtive:
20:52.49x-markOk I'll look at
20:52.58SpaceBassx-mark I have a suggeston for aren't going to like it at first, but then you are going to pull your hair out trying everything else then come back to it and realize it was elegant
20:53.14x-marklay it on me....
20:53.50SpaceBassx-mark flashing a zaptel line is pretty much a have to basically transfer your call to an extension that puts you on hold, flash the line and then it calls you back with the 2nd call...meanwhile you have none of your asterisk features (like music) available
20:54.31SpaceBassx-mark soooooo get a BYOD lite account at for $5/month...its unlimited incoming minutes and calls (IE moer than one at once)...then have your telephoen company set up "call forward on busy" to your broadvoice number
20:54.59justinui think broadvoice is charging 40 bucks activation for BYOD now
20:55.21SpaceBassthat way, rather than call waiting, it forwards to a SIP account right in to your asterisk have all the features of asterisk, including more than one incoming call...not just 2 like traditional call waiting
20:55.25SpaceBassjustinu bastards!
20:55.30[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : No help, but thanks.  the card "just works", what I need is linux networking tips for the /29.  not sure how to set that up.
20:55.36Hmmhesaysis there anywhere that tells asterisk how long to wait before receiving an ack to a sip invite?
20:55.39jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender is it possible that i have failed to setup or install proper support for the gsm codec?
20:55.55SpaceBassHmmhesays!!! hey there
20:55.56[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I wouldn't imagine so....
20:56.04Hmmhesayshey SpaceBass
20:56.10x-markI see.  I have a DID with nufone.  I suppose it should work just the same.
20:56.37jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender the only difference i see between the phone call traffic and the voice prompts traffic is the phone calls are ulaw and the prompts are gsm
20:57.38[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I see your point, but its too freakish....
20:58.01Hmmhesaysbecause right now dial takes way to long to timeout on no response
20:58.39jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender agreed, but it seems like anything else would have to interfere with the actuall SIP or RTP traffic for both situations. my tcpdump, sip debug, and rtp debug suggest there is no traffic interference
20:59.08[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Sure nothing is being blocked?
21:00.01jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender as best i can tell. the fact that the other server and all its phones work fine does support that notion.
21:00.37jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender the only option i see is that somehow the other phone server is interfering but i seriously don't see an option for that
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21:04.04SpaceBasseipi how long did it take to get your wip300?
21:04.11SpaceBasseipi what kind of bugs are you getting?
21:06.24*** join/#asterisk MattH (n=MattH@
21:06.56MattHHi.. I just installed asterisk on a new server no firewall (yet)... and the phone is not behind a firewall (they are on the same subnet)... tcpdump (and audio I hear) indicates the phone is sending data to asterisk, but asterisk is just sending nothing out... any thoughts on this?
21:09.16konfuzedok i was looking into channel banks a bit, but it does not really seem like what I actually want. Perhaps with my description of what I need/want , somebody can tell me what that is called. for context, a 40 unit apartment complex has asked to make the move entirely to voip (pros and cons of course, would also provide some failover) so, I want to take the existing rj11 & cat3 wiring (40 to 80 outlets) and remove them from the incoming Bell se
21:09.16konfuzedrvice and plug them into (probably individually) an external device or direct into an asterisk-pbx server.  What is that device?
21:09.27*** join/#asterisk scrambray8927 (n=scrambra@
21:09.46konfuzedor how do I plug 40 internal phone outlets into asterisk?
21:10.10jbalcombkonfuzed IP phones or analog phones?
21:10.15MattHkonfuzed, yeah channel bank  for analog phones :)
21:10.28konfuzedanalog channel bank
21:10.35jbalcombkonfuzed yeps
21:10.49konfuzedwell there touchtone phones in their existing rj11 jack
21:10.53eric_hillkonfuzed: The Rhino channel banks look like a good choice for that - they'll support many (all?) of the CO features such as caller ID, message waiting stutter, etc.
21:11.21jbalcombMattH you mean like if you dial voicemail you see the lines on the CLI indicating its playing the prompts but you hear nothing on the phone?
21:11.27konfuzedi didnt see rhino listed on voip-info channel banks page
21:11.35konfuzedill have to find them
21:12.05shido6they are all over google
21:12.42shido6they are around $1300
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21:13.02SpaceBassbulk order some linksys PAP2s and an switch off ebay :)
21:13.04shido6for 24
21:13.27konfuzedah I was somewhat confused with
21:13.42shido6930 for 15 paps
21:13.45eric_hillHave a look at their site:
21:14.34SpaceBassi guess PAPs are like $40...thats not a great difference in price
21:14.44scrambray8927I'm looking for recommendations for VoIP service providers that allow me to spoof caller id for outbound calls. Can anyone recommend any companies? I've looked at Nufone and VoicePulse.
21:15.26SpaceBassfor pranks just charge it with like $5...that enough for months of fun
21:15.26shido6dont do it.
21:15.42X-Gendo it do it.
21:15.50scrambray8927not for pranks, for attack and penetration engagements for clients.
21:15.53MattHit's illegal depending on what you are doing for it
21:15.58MattHyeah that's even worse
21:16.07*** join/#asterisk tmccrary (n=tmccrary@
21:16.07scrambray8927we're covered with our Statement of Work
21:16.11shido6think in terms of court costs
21:16.21tmccraryIs there a way to get Asterisk force calls to go peer to peer? Like MGCP?
21:16.37SpaceBassillegal you say?
21:16.56tmccraryIs that some sort of option somewhere?
21:17.13tmccrarySorry, I should clarify
21:17.26tmccraryTo make SIP calls go phone to phone, to not act as a bridge
21:17.49SpaceBasstmccrary its a dial plan option that keeps asterisk in the loop...cannot remember...think its 't'
21:18.15konfuzed1300 / 40 is only 32.50 so that is reasonable
21:18.19tmccraryAlso, by SIP, I mean make the RTP data go phone to phone
21:18.36SpaceBassI used setcallerID() and annoyed a friend by calling him as his own phone over an entire weekend...he eventually called verizon and got really worked i quit and came clean
21:18.42[TK]D-Fendertmccrary : canreinvite=yes
21:18.45SpaceBassverizon is probably tracking me down now...great
21:18.49harlequin516Is Dundi only used with ASterisk, or is it something more abstract for VOIP than specifically for asterisk?
21:18.51SpaceBasscanreinvite...thats it!
21:19.08Chaosmonkeyis there a reason that everywhere i call out it the recipients cid says unknown
21:19.16Chaosmonkeyit is also the same with all calls i recieve
21:19.22SpaceBassChaosmonkey who is your provider
21:19.45SpaceBasssounds like a teliax they allow setcallerid()?
21:19.58Chaosmonkeyit was working until today
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21:20.58sirukinhey hey
21:21.53scrambray8927MattH or SpaceBase, do you have a nufone account?
21:22.35sirukinI have a kx-tda30 panasonic hybrid ip pbx
21:23.44SpaceBassscrambray8927 I do
21:24.26fnordianscrambray8927: what's your experience with nufone, do they allow spoofing?
21:24.30VeNoMouS_hrm is there way u can jump to a context and return with a value?
21:24.43VeNoMouS_to the context u called the goto from?
21:25.17SpaceBassscrambray8927 lets stick here...I'm in and out today...
21:25.27rikstaanyone using LDAP to authenticate SIP users?
21:25.43SpaceBassscrambray8927 i don't use nufone as my primary at all...although for the past 2 weeks i've used it as my primary for local calls...seems to work well
21:25.51GerbilNutanyone gotten two Asterisk servers communicating via IAX2, using switch, sharing dial-plans?
21:26.00SpaceBassfnordian yes they allower setcallerid()
21:26.24SpaceBassGerbilNut i had it working for a while with older versions of A@H...then A@H broke it in 2.something
21:26.27fnordianto isdn?
21:26.54konfuzedok so these channel banks equipement not mentioning anything about SIP or IAX leads me to presume that it is irrelevant. So, I should probably verify, im under the impression that FXS and FXO dont actually use sip/iax/h323 cause its a direct hardware connect vs a SOFTWARE Conenct and so the fxs/fxo part is not actually VoIP cause there is no ethernet or ip involved (well on the local side that is). And so incoming to the pbx is only VoIP if i
21:26.54konfuzedt comes in over the internet WAN and not VoIP if the call come in via copper from phone co.
21:27.06SpaceBassscrambray8927 haven't had any audio problems...but bet i've only made 100 short calls compaired to 5,000 calls with broadvoice where I have audio issues about %20 of the time
21:27.09GerbilNutwell the boxes have Asterisk 1.2.24 installed on them, and I get a nifty error when I try to place the call
21:27.44websaeSpaceBass: if you need a quality termination/origination provider, let me know...
21:27.59rikstakonfuzed: FXO is for picking up calls that come in on your old normal phone line, fxs is for allowing normal phone handsets to work with asterisk
21:28.03GerbilNutwebsae, what company?
21:28.05SpaceBasskonfuzed that is correct...but I think some banks connect via fiber...just as a means to connect...not sure
21:28.17SpaceBasswebsae thanks...think we are good now... what does the SAE stand for?
21:28.39tmccraryriksta: Yes, I am working on an asterisk-based product that uses LDAP for authentication
21:28.55SpaceBasskonfuzed you could also look at ATAs for each apartment and run cat 5 to them...or keep it all in a basement or somethign and run regular POTS to the ATAs
21:28.59Axel69any gui manager that anyone recomend
21:29.00justinusociety of automotive engineers?
21:29.04*** join/#asterisk Telamon (
21:29.06rikstatmccrary: I have an interesting problem that i'd be interested to see if you have any solution would you mind a PM for 5 minutes?
21:29.07SpaceBassAxel69 for what?
21:29.11Axel69for asterisk
21:29.17SpaceBassSleep And Eat ?
21:29.21*** part/#asterisk Telamon (
21:29.27konfuzedso over these long months it is actually gelling (in my head that is) to some extent and im not quite as konfuzeD as when I started.
21:30.07SpaceBasskonfuzed sounds like a neat project....just make sure everything is on a good UPS...people HATe to lose phones...personally, I'd hate to be responsible for a tennits phone system
21:30.15SpaceBassbut I can see major advantages as well
21:30.28SpaceBassis websae a bot?
21:30.39konfuzedSpaceBass, yeah the initial idea was to just run ethernet cable to provide them all quality internet connectivity
21:30.58SpaceBasskonfuzed worthwhile!
21:31.12konfuzedand then some jack ass said sure we can throw in voip for $3/mth/unit
21:31.23SplasPoodCVS 28-10-03, am I reading that correctly as Oct 28 2003 ?
21:31.31SpaceBassi can see reselling phone and internet and making a little money and providing neat services like dood bell intercom and unit-to-unit LD...
21:32.02SpaceBass$3/month? thats not going to bring in the big bucks :)
21:32.08*** join/#asterisk Deciphan (
21:32.20konfuzedi figure I might be able to get them up to $3000 of hardware *PBX and channel bank or similar
21:32.44SpaceBassI've talked to developers who do developments for densly populated units about voip and net services
21:32.53konfuzedonly cause they must sign a 5year agreement which allows us to finance the equipement
21:33.15konfuzedI really wanted to kick that guy in the head - $3/mth/unit
21:33.35*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
21:33.41SpaceBasswell...its great for the landlord (and lesee) ...great sales pitch
21:33.41konfuzeddid i mention I hate sales
21:33.44konfuzedim just a geek
21:33.50SpaceBassunlimited phone for $3? I'd take that!
21:33.55scrambray8927Does anyone know how I can I figure out (according to my asterisk box's specs) how many calls I can initiate outbound at once?
21:34.04bkw__scrambray8927, check the wiki
21:34.07bkw__it all depends on many factors
21:34.09*** join/#asterisk lrizzo (
21:34.13SpaceBasswiki has a calculator type page
21:34.15bkw__you'll need to load test to ensure your appliction will scale
21:34.19bkw__still that will not work right
21:34.25bkw__the best way is to do that yourself
21:35.12scrambray8927bkw_ is the wiki the one you're referring to?
21:35.51harlequin516Hmm,  I still don'tquite understand why Zaptel/FXO dialout can't detect when the dest phone is answered.. Can't it just monitor the ringing sound and change status when it is on-hook but the ringing has stopped?
21:35.51SpaceBasssprint has this new $5/month for unlimited calling from your cell to your long will it take before they drop me for making ONLY calls to my house?
21:36.12SpaceBassharlequin516 think its actually based on voltage...but I'm not expert
21:36.13harlequin516I'm sorry Imeant off hook
21:36.34*** join/#asterisk x-mark (
21:36.46SpaceBassx-mark get your telco to do the call forward on busy?
21:37.20konfuzedSpaceBass, i figure to play it safe give them all a voicemail box on the pbx for the $3/mth and they can do IP to IP only calls. They can take on extra sevices to activate DID and calls to non ip destinations.
21:37.22x-markspacebass -- I just wanted to say your right.... Thas was an excellent idea -- works like a charm.  I just have to wait for the telco to impliment
21:37.38SpaceBasskonfuzed thats a good plan!
21:37.51x-markspacebass - thank you very much for a great suggestion
21:37.56*** part/#asterisk sirukin (
21:38.01SpaceBassx-mark wish I could take 100% credit...roots of it came from this # and Hmmhesays (I think)
21:38.02harlequin516SpaceBass: You're right kewlstart loopstart groundstart, but they don't work for dialout I think..  I would need to order something called answer supervision or something
21:38.18SpaceBassharlequin516 over my head :)
21:38.37harlequin516Yeah seems like mine too
21:38.45konfuzedso plug their incoming Bell line into pbx and outgoing rj11 to analog channel bank maybe a hardwired fail over for their rj11 line-2 to still be hardwired to Bell copper
21:39.00konfuzedand then the may hem can start
21:39.09justinuyou can order answer sup on an analog line?
21:39.17justinuhow does that work?
21:39.55[av]baniyour ata has to decode the indications
21:39.56*** join/#asterisk sjaak538 (
21:40.16jbalcombif i'm not using anything usb on my server can i get rid of the 'usbcore' module shown by running 'lsmod'?
21:40.17[av]banianalog sux :<
21:40.46SpaceBasskonfuzed 911 is important too...people aren't going to be comfortable with out that
21:41.20SpaceBass[av]bani tell me about it...almost done with POTS for ever....
21:41.37SpaceBassjust need to find a sip/iax provider for my business line that can bill my company (and not my credit card)
21:42.09Darwin35nanpa sucks donkeyballs
21:42.23SpaceBasswebsae what company?
21:42.39websaewe are on the level 3 network
21:42.41*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
21:42.50websaehave servers in LA and Michigan
21:42.51konfuzedSpaceBass, I figure to route any 911 direct to a bell line and bypass the internet
21:42.54Darwin35why should asterisk have to fallow nanpa vertical dialplans
21:43.15jbalcombhrm.. i guess i'm not the first one to have this 'no audio' problem.
21:43.15*** join/#asterisk nettie (
21:43.17Darwin35it sucks thier layout
21:44.14jbalcombAsterisk reports it's playing the sound, but no audio occurs and no matter how long I wait, it doesn't get to the next line to hang up the call.
21:44.22konfuzedsee they cant simply disconnect all their bell services cause then there wont be any internet access at their crappy last mile location
21:44.28Darwin35update your zaptel and libpri
21:44.44Darwin35and asterisk
21:45.28tmccraryWhen I use canreinvite=yes, if the asterisk server loses a connection, both phones go dead.
21:45.34Deciphancan someone give me a quick clue on doing a blind transfer through the dialplan?  or does this need to be configured in the phone?
21:45.52Darwin35look in features.conf
21:45.55Darwin35its there
21:46.03Deciphanah.. cool, thanks
21:48.40*** join/#asterisk kainam (n=Jake@
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21:50.55Darwin35WEBsae dod you offer did's and pstn termination
21:51.19Darwin35or do you get everything threw l3
21:51.41websaeeverything goes through the level 3 network
21:51.47websaesince we are on it
21:51.56Deciphanwill the blind transfer option work with 1.0.9 cvs head?  kinda looks like that's new in 1.2?
21:52.34Darwin35its for 1.2 branch
21:52.45Darwin35dont think it was back ported to 1.0.9
21:52.45Deciphank.. time to upgrade
21:52.54websaespecial deal for asterisk users :) 1.5cents/min US and CANADA with CID....Inbound 1cent/min ($1.50/DID per month).........LNP=FREE :)!!!!!
21:54.01lokowebsae url?
21:54.22GerbilNutwhat's the difference between the 1.2 branch and the 1.0 branch?
21:54.42brad_mssw1.2 == supported, 1.0 == unsupported
21:54.48shmaltzGerbiNut, read the realease nots
21:55.16brad_msswwebsae: company? url?
21:55.37brad_msswwebsae: iax or sip proxy to traceroute?
21:56.40jbalcomb*RESOLVED* ok, so i did modprobe -r wct4xxp and now my playbacks work. wtf.
21:57.07VeNoMouS_has anyone here used spandsp and rxfax?
21:57.54VeNoMouS_if so have you had corrupted tiffs with it not setting "StripOffsets"
21:58.03VeNoMouS_im getting that on a few
21:58.05*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte_ (n=lunaphye@
21:58.14VeNoMouS_and it seems libtiff is just aving a fit trying to touch them
21:59.58*** part/#asterisk lrizzo (
22:00.05Darwin35LOL just found a user using *@H to  provide service to 200 users
22:00.11*** join/#asterisk Whisk (
22:03.34GerbilNutanyone gotten two Asterisk servers communicating via IAX2, using switch, sharing dial-plans? I'm getting an interesting "rejected connection attempt from trying to reag 'TBD@default' error
22:05.44iGotNoTimeby default my caller ID shows as : The Hyatt Regancy ?
22:05.50iGotNoTimehow do I modify that? LOL
22:06.00*** part/#asterisk Darwin35 (
22:06.10GerbilNutwhy would you want too
22:06.18iGotNoTimeI am not a hotel
22:06.23Hmmhesaysok what is the point of srvlookup=yes, when asterisk doesn't look up the freaking srv records when you specify a host in the dialplan
22:06.31iGotNoTimekinda funny though :D
22:06.49iGotNoTimemy brother refused to answer till I called from my cellphone
22:08.03justinuasterisk's SRV support sucks
22:11.35iGotNoTimeis there a way to change it?
22:11.56iGotNoTimeEven the wiki has people asking with no replies
22:14.25SpaceBassiGotNoTime using asterisk@home
22:14.29x86any way to record a call (both parties like MixMonitor does), but stop recording when the call is hung up by either party, that way i can do post-call processing with the 'h' extension after one or both parties have hung up?
22:18.28[av]baniasterisk[8316] general protection rip:2aaaae2771d9 rsp:400c2080 error:0
22:18.31[av]baninot good :<
22:20.24*** join/#asterisk nagl (
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22:27.02SplasPoodAsterisk CVS-10/28/03-07:16:52   thats from 2003??
22:29.08*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
22:29.25Hmmhesaysremoving sip retransmissions and retrydial works to my advantage now
22:29.50KattyHmmhesays: make greyhound run between me and bloomington, in
22:30.07Hmmhesaystake the train
22:30.19iGotNoTimedo I simply put the following anywhere in extensions.conf? >>>  callerid = "Mark Spencer" <256 428-6000>
22:30.26*** part/#asterisk websae (
22:30.48KattyHmmhesays: it doesn't go there.
22:30.58Hmmhesaystake it to somewhere the bus goes then
22:33.34AssidMar 29 04:02:41 WARNING[6849]: chan_agent.c:1842 __login_exec: Extension '3001@default' is not valid for automatic login of agent '1001'
22:33.39Assidcan someone help me on this?
22:34.02*** part/#asterisk tmccrary (n=tmccrary@
22:34.34VeNoMouS_blah @ agent groups!
22:38.44Assidwhy the hell is it @default
22:42.14*** join/#asterisk SuperLag (n=aaron@gentoo/developer/SuperLag)
22:43.59iGotNoTimeAssid I dunno I am new
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22:51.51Assidbut it doesnt set htta as the name
22:51.54*** join/#asterisk oej (
22:54.09Shaun2222can anybody recommend a good sip provider?  looking for one with 24/7 phone support that actually has people capable of fix'ing problems on off hours.
22:54.28justinutalk to websae
22:56.50*** join/#asterisk troyb1 (
22:56.56Shaun2222justinu: their domain is registered to a hotmail address and it's only been registered sinec auguest 2005
22:57.02Shaun2222dont think i'll be using them...
22:57.10justinufine by me
22:58.51iGotNoTimeoff topic... justinu how long have you run *?
22:58.59iGotNoTimeyou seem to know alot about it
22:59.10iGotNoTimenot asking for help, just curious :)
22:59.11Shaun2222justinu: is websae your company?
22:59.22justinubeen running asterisk since october 05
22:59.36justinulevel3 backend
22:59.42justinui have a few PBX installs out there also
23:00.06iGotNoTimeShaun222 you should probably know that you can update the details of your domain registration at any given time
23:00.23iGotNoTimeI have changed my contact email 3x due to spam
23:00.41iGotNoTimeyou get spammed by hosting companies when you have several domains :)
23:01.29*** join/#asterisk pixolex (
23:02.03iGotNoTimejustinu: with me being so new, all the lingo if very tough to comprehend, then many in here seem elitists and unwilling to help the guy who just installed... Besides the wiki, do you have any suggested links to help me learn faster?
23:02.15justinuno, just hang around and ask questions
23:02.18justinuabsorb what you can
23:02.31iGotNoTimeyes I have been logging and searching logs before asking :)
23:02.39iGotNoTimethanks for the tip :)
23:07.06rollergrrlIs there a way, in the dialplan, that I can check the return condition of an app I run?
23:07.44tzangerI think there should be but have been unable to convince the powers that be of that
23:08.14tzangercurrently you must check an app-specific ${VAR}, screw around with priority jumping or just wing it
23:08.42rollergrrlso if there is an app that doesn't have a var, I'll have to go in and add one
23:08.43justinuthe powers that be seem pretty close minded
23:08.46*** join/#asterisk willcampos123 (n=willcamp@
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23:08.56tzangerrollergrrl: pretty much
23:09.16willcampos123Anyone knows how to write the IP address of the origin caller in the cdrs?
23:09.22tzangerjustinu: no, I understand their unwillingness to change such a core concept
23:09.29tzangerwillcampos123: use the user field
23:10.19willcampos123but how to read the IP ?
23:10.30tzangercheck out the channel variables and see what's there
23:11.56Shaun2222iGotNoTime: whats that have to do with the date the domain was reged or the shaddy hotmail address...
23:11.58willcampos123Thanks, I am going to read then a little bit about that... cause i dont know whata variable use
23:15.26*** join/#asterisk kend (
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23:16.55kendHmmm.  My PRI's down (Sangoma A104d) -- any ideas?  "The H100 slave has lost its framing on the bus!" and "The CT_C8_A clock behavior does not conform to the H.100 spec!"  As far as I can tell, nothing's changed -- and I've rebooted about a zillion times.
23:19.49ManxPowerkend, no idea.  not many people here run sangoma
23:20.02kendTrue 'nuff.
23:20.57mog_worksounds like your losing sync
23:21.04mog_workyou getting all your interuppts?
23:21.36kendmog_work: Not quite sure what you mean.  Not seeing any lost interrupt messages in syslog.
23:21.56mog_workyou wouldnt
23:22.01mog_workwhat kind of machine this in?
23:22.07*** join/#asterisk xtr-II (
23:22.09Qwell[]mog_work: You support Sandoma now? :p
23:22.13Qwell[]Sangoma rather*
23:22.26mog_workshould have bout a digium card ^_^
23:22.34mog_workbut meh we will get him next time
23:22.34russellbmog_work: that'a boy
23:22.40kendGeneric AMD w/3100.
23:22.57mog_worktry a different slot?
23:23.03mog_workand does this happen under heavy load
23:23.05mog_workor always
23:23.15kend[Note: bought Sangoma after several bad experiences with TDM400's.]
23:23.24mog_work: (
23:23.51kendHmmm.  Different slot -- interesting idea.  Load's a non-issue, and always happening.  It's DOWN.
23:24.23*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
23:24.58kendSo, since we're talking brand 'n stuff: are the Digium T1 cards a) reliable, and b) truly good at echo cancellation?  *ponders buying one and having it shipped overnight*
23:25.29mog_workor send you to people who could
23:25.38mog_workwhere are you kend?
23:25.47kendmog_work: New Hampshire.
23:26.01kendmog_work: working on this when my brand-spanking-new baby is in hospital.  *unhappy*
23:26.03ManxPowerkend, I would say "no" for both questions under some situations.
23:26.20ManxPowerDigium cards are VERY VERY sensitive to jitter in interrupt latency
23:26.27mog_work: (
23:26.45kendManxPower: Well, damn.  I mean, honestly, I don't care *whose* I buy -- I just want it to work.  :(
23:27.05ManxPowerkend, people say sangoma make great cards.
23:27.12jbot[backtrace] a debugging tool that is invaluable when trying to track down asterisk crashes (use -g with asterisk to generate a core, then read README.backtrace)
23:27.12filetoo many variables in the world to have it work under all situations
23:27.17ManxPowerit's just that THIS channel is not a good place to get support for them
23:27.32fileDigium work great for some, Sangoma work great for some
23:27.36ManxPowerkend, sangoma always claims to have great tech support, use it and see.
23:27.39kendManxPower: as far as I can tell, they do.  True 'nuff -- look elsewhere.  *ponders what time it is in Sangoma's area code*
23:27.51ManxPowerkend, they are in eastern timezone
23:27.53fileSangoma is in Ontario so it's 6:27PM there
23:27.59kendManxPower: Well, damn.
23:28.12*** join/#asterisk mrbnet (
23:28.36mog_workdigium still has light on ^_^
23:29.25kendWow -- still in office.
23:29.42mog_workwe dont close till 7 eastern officially
23:29.52mog_workerr central
23:30.10mog_workbut my side of building stays longer
23:30.15mog_workcomes in later though
23:31.19mrbnetif I signup for service will that allow simultaneous calls or do I need to signup for multiple accounts?
23:32.06mog_worki think all of broadvoices plans are like "virtual lines"
23:32.23mog_workyou can get termination from people like nufone etc that are just the minutes
23:38.21*** join/#asterisk znoG (
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23:40.30CrashHDwhat are the base modules I need for sip/iax/pri trunking connections?
23:40.53Qwell[]chan_sip, chan_iax, and chan_zap might help
23:41.12mog_workand chan_mgcp
23:41.22CrashHDany other pretty basic modules I should make sure are loaded (I figured the three you said)
23:41.32mog_workwhy not just load al?
23:41.34mog_worker all
23:41.41mog_workits only memory
23:41.45mog_workand not much
23:42.05CrashHDI'm trying to reduce and optimize the problems that could occur with the server
23:42.14CrashHDdamn thing is crashing randomly
23:42.17mog_workif you dont use them they cant cause them
23:42.20CrashHDjust some troubleshooting tactics
23:42.24mog_workother than res
23:42.28mog_workwhy not just run asterisk -g
23:42.35mog_workand look at the core as to why it crashed
23:42.45CrashHDhow do I look at the core I guess would be the question
23:42.47CrashHD-g is being run
23:43.14mog_workthere should be a core.NUMBER
23:43.18mog_workon your machine
23:43.19CrashHDya I have those
23:43.21*** join/#asterisk _MartinCabrera_ (
23:43.23mog_workprobably several
23:43.23CrashHDbinary files
23:43.31mog_workrun gdb asterisk
23:43.35jbotfrom memory, gdb is The GNU Debugger. URL: or
23:43.38mog_workthen core-file /path/to/core
23:43.48mog_workthere is a guide in asterisk docs
23:44.01CrashHDI don't have the gdb installed
23:44.03orlocki get 404 on outbound calls, i think my dialplans/call routes are broken
23:44.06CrashHDso I'll work on that
23:44.10CrashHDthank you mog
23:44.14mog_workno prob
23:44.20*** join/#asterisk finchy (n=finchy@
23:44.28mog_workand taking out modules isnt a bad thing
23:44.34mog_workjust want to solve the problem
23:44.35mog_worknot mask it
23:44.58CrashHD*nods* thank you, good advice
23:46.00mog_workbest of luck, feel free to come back and bug me or others when you have more info
23:46.31CrashHDthanks mog
23:46.35CrashHDI just read the core file
23:46.42CrashHDwhat would I be looking for specifically?
23:46.44CrashHDthe last line?
23:47.06Qwell[]CrashHD: check out backtrace.txt or README.backtrace
23:47.13CrashHDok Qwell
23:47.17mog_workwell you want to find which module of asterisk is acting up
23:47.17CrashHDthank you
23:47.25mog_workif you want to have clean debug files
23:47.30mog_workyou will have to rebuild asterisk
23:47.34mog_workas per those readmes
23:47.35CrashHDit's the chan_iax2 I think
23:47.41CrashHDI'll read those readmes
23:47.59CrashHDsee where I get on my own
23:48.02CrashHDthanks for the pointers
23:48.09*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
23:48.44Qwell[]That quit msg was so fitting
23:48.54Qwell[]especially since Digium has Digium/Asterisk labelled screwdrivers..
23:49.24mog_workand a pocket knife
23:49.33Qwell[]yes, but are they COMBINED?!
23:49.43Qwell[]well then
23:49.51mog_workscrewdriver in the knife sucks
23:49.55*** join/#asterisk _Soul_ (
23:49.56Qwell[]heh, they usually do
23:50.22VeNoMouS_qwell[] give me a hand
23:50.32Qwell[]VeNoMouS_: ?
23:50.34_MartinCabrera_Someone has solved random lockups on GrandStream phones (GXP and BT100) ?
23:50.39VeNoMouS_to kill all the ppl who made libtiff
23:50.58Qwell[]_MartinCabrera_: yes.  by switching to a different brand
23:51.16Qwell[]Have you upgraded the firmware to the latest?
23:51.39_MartinCabrera_i'm running latest firmware and * 1.2.5
23:51.49VeNoMouS_try 1.2.6
23:52.00CrashHDhmm fun
23:52.07CrashHDso it is iax2 module that is giving me the problems
23:52.23Qwell[]CrashHD: what version of *?
23:52.36Qwell[]VeNoMouS_: ^
23:53.35_MartinCabrera_which brand do you suggest me instead of GrandStream? Polycom maybe?
23:53.40*** join/#asterisk willcampos123 (n=willcamp@
23:53.42Qwell[]polycom, cisco..
23:53.43willcampos123Does any one know how to record the IP address of the call that is coming in
23:53.44CrashHDI only see an ani problem fixed for chan_iax2 with 1.2.6
23:53.44willcampos123on the asterisk.
23:53.46justinupolycom is good
23:53.47Qwell[]I <3 cisco, personally
23:54.00VeNoMouS_i have 2 7912 & a 7940 on my desk
23:54.28VeNoMouS_man 7912's are fulgy
23:55.30justinu_MartinCabrera_: are you still having trouble there with those BT101s?
23:55.45Qwell[]VeNoMouS_: well, if you don't want it
23:58.01*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
23:58.07willcampos123Does anyone know hot to get the IP addres of a SIP client and put it in a cdr.userfield?
23:59.00VeNoMouS_man if the photo copier breaks
23:59.03VeNoMouS_do not offer to help
23:59.09VeNoMouS_well do not remove ink thingie
23:59.49*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (

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