irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060327

00:00.35Luke-Jrthe only good sex is that capable of both bonding and procreation
00:00.50tsumeLuke-Jr: I guess you've never tried it :)
00:00.51ManxPowerThe basic problem is consent.  Only humans can give consent.
00:01.24Luke-JrManxPower: consent is irrelevant to sex, except for the case where both married persons consent to not do it
00:01.44Strom_CManxPower, don't try arguing with him - he's bonkers
00:01.44ManxPowerLuke-Jr, Um, consent is the most important thing.
00:01.55justinuhe sounds pretty fanatical
00:01.56tsumeLuke-Jr: its great when a strap on enters anally, it hits the prostate. making it more pleasurable
00:02.01Luke-JrManxPower: if you're not married, you don't do it, simply
00:02.05ManxPowerAnything goes as long as there is 1) consent and 2) no perm damage.
00:02.21Luke-Jrif you're married, you're obligated to do it at least once in a while properly
00:02.38Luke-JrManxPower: only under Satan
00:02.41ManxPowerStrom_C, who's argueing.  I'm right, he's wrong.  Pretty simple really.
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00:02.57tsumerandom sex with friends are perfectly fine
00:03.07tsumesex is a social tool :)
00:03.10justinuif you want to burn in hell!! :P
00:03.12tsumeand a reproduction tool
00:03.19Luke-Jrjustinu: couldn't have said it better
00:03.32Strom_Csex is like perl - there's more than one way to do it
00:03.43Strom_Cor if you're the perl camel - "there's more than one way to do me"
00:05.32justinuthe real question is: why isn't there a web browser that doesn't completely suck?
00:05.38Luke-JrI must admit, in today's messed up society, most heterosexuals are just as bad as the homosexuals
00:05.43Luke-Jrjustinu: there is
00:06.18Luke-Jrit's called Konqueror
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00:09.30tsumesex is perfectly fine :)
00:09.58tsumeif I had a virus, I'd wipe out the human race and create a race of asexual beans :)
00:10.02Luke-Jrsex is fine and good, provided the people are married and have the right intentions
00:10.08tsumeno :)
00:10.15tsumethey don't need to be married ;)
00:10.25Strom_Ci think Luke-Jr just feels guilty about choking the chicken
00:10.26Luke-Jryes they do
00:10.35tsumeno they dont
00:10.42Luke-Jryou're wrong. bye.
00:10.42ManxPowerStrom_C, he sounds very catholic, eh?
00:10.52tsumeLuke-Jr: here, I'll screw my pooch while we talk :)
00:10.57Strom_CManxPower, he is very catholic
00:11.10tsumelube up! oh yeah!!
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00:11.30glm2kthis chan gives new meaning to "*"
00:11.37Strom_Cyes it does
00:11.42tsumeLuke-Jr: beast sex is even more fun :)
00:11.48Luke-Jrtsume: fun can be evil
00:11.58Luke-Jrfun does not make something good
00:11.59tsumedogs have a higher temperature than humans ;) much more warmer
00:12.12tsumeLuke-Jr: sure it does, it means getting some relax time. destressing.
00:12.15ManxPowertsume, you are just trying to gross everyone out.
00:12.42tsumeManxPower: I guess you don't ever go to
00:12.49file[laptop]random useless knowledge: a strangely high number of Asterisk developers are gay or bi, coincidence? maybe
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00:13.10glm2kwell, it's knowledge, not a fact.
00:13.26ManxPowerfile, very smart people frequently are.
00:14.04glm2kis that because smart people supposedly make informed decisions?
00:14.14file[laptop]does that make Asterisk... gay?!?
00:14.20Strom_CLuke-Jr, you should delete asterisk.  You've got code written by SINNERS on your machine!!!!
00:14.22tsumeoh come on.
00:14.35tsumedoes it matter if they're gay or not, or bi?
00:14.36glm2kAsterisk is everything..hence "*"
00:14.41justinunot to me
00:14.43tsumeit just means relationship, not sex.
00:14.44Strom_Casterisk is pansexual
00:14.59Strom_Cwhy, just last week I caught asterisk and apache doing it in /usr/lib
00:15.01tsumesex is always social
00:15.08glm2kStrom_C: lol
00:15.08file[laptop]Strom_C: ooh sounds hot
00:15.19Heimidalhmm... good hold music
00:15.34Strom_Cfile, yeah, I had fun watching
00:16.15tsumebesides, the gay people I know don't act gay. They act normal, but I don't think I'd participate in their extracurriculat activities.
00:16.34ManxPowercome to think of it a major portion of Asterisk is written by people that I know are gay.
00:16.36justinuwhy not? be social
00:16.46tsumejustinu: Its just not my thing :)
00:16.55file[laptop]take a ride on the wild side
00:16.55tsumeI can be friends, that is all.
00:17.01Strom_C"tea and cocksucking this afternoon?  why, it sounds splendid"
00:17.14tsumeStrom_C: is that how the brits say it?
00:17.19Strom_CI have no idea
00:17.35Strom_CI was imagining a stereotypical 1950s suburban American housewife
00:18.00ManxPower.msg Strom_C We call it "crumpets" not "cocksucking"
00:18.08Strom_Cwell then
00:18.34ManxPower(yes, really)
00:18.39justinuis crumpets the current codeword?
00:18.39Heimidalthose exist?
00:18.48Strom_CI live near Silver Lake; does that count?
00:18.51ManxPowerHeimidal, more than you might think.
00:18.57ManxPowerStrom_C, not really.
00:19.05Heimidalman, and I thought I had this "gay lifestyle" thing down pretty well.
00:19.18justinuthe underground social network gay folks have is impressive
00:19.29Heimidaljustinu: you have no idea ;)
00:19.38justinui'm sure I don't
00:19.55ManxPowerDid I mention it's also clothing optional?
00:20.01Strom_CManxPower, ooh
00:20.05HeimidalManxPower: sounds exciting
00:20.14Heimidaljustinu: heard of Connexion?
00:20.15QwellI' back later
00:20.15justinuso that's a private resort, manx?
00:20.24Qwellfile[laptop]: look what you've done :P
00:20.24ManxPowerHeimidal, *shrug*  I had to do something after Katrina
00:20.34HeimidalManxPower: ah
00:20.44ManxPowerjustinu, "resort" would give the impression that it's more upscale than it is.
00:20.49Strom_Chey, it's better than that preachy catholic whackjob we had in here earlier :)
00:20.53justinuheimdal: the  inflight internet thing?
00:21.02justinuManxPower: so it's "rustic"
00:21.03Heimidaljustinu: no, the gay social networking site :P
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00:21.08Heimidalit's *huge*
00:21.20Heimidaland it's barely known by anyone outside the "gay culture"
00:21.22ManxPowerjustinu, First thing I did when I got here was install wifi and link it to the directv internet.
00:21.31justinubringing in the evils of technology... shame
00:21.44ManxPowerjustinu, I can't live here if I can't telecommute.
00:21.51justinuthat's cool
00:21.58HeimidalManxPower: what state?
00:22.08ManxPowerGranted telecommuting via DirecTV Internet is much like driving a Yougo to work...
00:22.10tsumereligion could be declared evil as well
00:22.12ManxPowerHeimidal, alabama
00:22.16ManxPowerthere are three such places in AL
00:22.18tsumeit has caused much grief
00:22.21HeimidalManxPower: holy crap
00:22.22justinuone of my gay friends lives in NC
00:22.32tsumeif all humans just believed in living and pushed with science
00:22.49Jon335How is the best way to stress test asterisk?
00:22.54tsumewe have sex with the bears ;)
00:23.14ManxPowerJon335, announcing your SIP url on asterisk-users and offer free calling for a week
00:23.35ManxPowerother people have done it
00:23.50ManxPowermight have been asterisk-biz
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00:24.32ManxPowerHeimidal, I'm sketching out floor plans for my soon-to-be cabin
00:24.51Jon335is there a program that I can use?
00:24.52Heimidalhow do you setup a queue to announce the name of the queue to members when called?
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00:26.13ManxPowerHeimidal, no idea.  I would just change the callerid of the call before going int othe queue
00:27.09HeimidalI want to retain the callerid info, and I'll need to send the callerid info to cell phones :\
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00:30.42ManxPower"# Please leave entries above this comment where they are.  Same for those below"
00:32.04QwellDon't let them change the comment either
00:32.34Heimidalis there any way to define an alternate number for an extension (via a variable or somesuch) that I can then reference when dialing?
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00:32.48ahattarhi all
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00:34.55ahattari have a voip phone to my house with DID number from my cable company (cablevision) can I connect it to my asterisk box?
00:34.57ManxPowerHeimidal, you have two exten => lines that dial the same device.
00:35.11ManxPowerahattar, does it run SI{?
00:35.17HeimidalManxPower: right, but I want to store the extension owner's cell phone number
00:35.18ManxPowerSIP. that is.
00:35.39ahattarno my cable modem has rj11 analog
00:35.43ManxPowerARGH!  I hate C++
00:35.58ManxPowerahattar, then the answer is "yes, but it won't work well"
00:35.59tehdelydon't we all
00:36.16ahattarpluse rj45 for my internet connection only
00:37.47Strom_Cgoing for pizza...back in a few
00:39.10ManxPowerahattar, those devices do not normaly signal when the far end hangs up in a way Asterisk can understand.  Also you'll need a TDM400P w/FXO port on it.
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00:40.56ahattarmanxpower, i do not want to connect zap card to convert it back to ip, may be if i will call my cable company they will help me Manxpower: wut do u think?
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00:41.23ManxPowerahattar, you can easily see what protocols Asterisk supports.
00:41.46ManxPowerahattar, I have never heard of a cable company allowing users to connect their own devices, they activly try to make it impossible and they are good at stuff like that
00:42.06rikstahi there has anyone got a moment to help me with a TDM30B, i have configured in zaptel.conf   fxoks=1-3 and fxsks=4-6  but when I run ztcfg -vv i get the following output
00:42.16rikstaany help appreciated, I'm not sure that I configured the zatel.conf correctly
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00:42.42ahattarMANX:wut if i will buy did number from other provider?
00:43.16Qwellahattar: That would work fine
00:43.25ManxPowerahattar, well you know the protocols Asterisk supports....
00:43.52ahattarmanx: have a look at that
00:43.58ManxPowerriksta, why are you configuring your TDM card with three modules as 6 ports?
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00:44.29rikstaManxPower: ahh ManxPower I don't know i havent used these cards before, so i have 3fxo and 3fxs ..i only need to configure the fxo ones?
00:44.36dja_Hi.  I'm having trouble with my provider -- I'm not able to pass dtmf through them (to deal with remote voicemail).  I have a 2nd provider that's setup exactly the same, and it works fine through them.  Suggestions?
00:44.59ManxPowerthen you have one TDM30B and one TDM03B
00:45.14rikstayeah my bad i looked as this wrong, we have just 3fxs
00:45.18rikstaerr fxo
00:45.21rikstasorry, and thanks
00:45.41jbotrumour has it, fxsfxo is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
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00:45.53ManxPowernow what do your ports expect?
00:46.02VeNoMouS_dja_: dtmfmode = rfc2833
00:46.21nettieHi guys, anyone know why moh seems to work reading the console verbose messages but no audio is actually played? mpg123 clean;y starts with asterisk and and mp3 file has a bitrate of 128kbit. Any idea please? thanx in advance
00:46.24VeNoMouS_or hell do inband
00:46.39dja_VeNoMous_: I'm pretty sure I tried that, but I'll try again.  :-)
00:46.49VeNoMouS_u could try dtmfmode=inband
00:48.10ManxPowerinband DTMF will only work if the codec is ulaw or alaw
00:48.11dja_rfc2833 didn't work, trying inband now
00:48.22rikstaManxPower: so if i have 3x FXS modules...i set the zaptel.conf to fxoks=1-3 right? because it says FXS uses FXO signalling ?
00:48.26ManxPowernettie, what version does mpg123 -v say?
00:48.35ManxPowerriksta, correct
00:48.41rikstathanks so much
00:48.54dja_inband worked (I'm using ulaw to this provider) -- thanks alot everyone (especially VeNoMous_ :)
00:50.14lokoIs there an RPM for asterisk?
00:50.23Qwellloko: There is, but it isn't recommended
00:50.37lokoyea normally i compile but I cant get zaptel to compile
00:50.53Qwellloko: What distro?
00:50.59certwhat os does everyone use?
00:51.00lokoCentOS 4.3
00:51.05jbotcentosbug is probably a problem with the latest Centos kernel (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. This is part of the 'kernel-devel' package.
00:51.09Qwellloko: ^
00:51.15lokothank you
00:51.55rikstaManxPower: in zapata.conf when i have FXS modules, what do I use for signalling=    is it fxs_ks or fxo_ks ?
00:52.10rikstafxo again?
00:53.40SplasPoodare there any free softphones that support the URL parameter to Dial() ?
00:55.39lokoIs there a bug with SELinux / restorecon as well?
00:55.49loko(I am trying to compile zaptel when I get all these errors)
00:58.11justinuManxPower: you used to live in New Orleans?
00:59.11ManxPowerjustinu, for 10 years, then lived in Pensacola FL for 2 years and lived in Waveland MS for about 2 years until Katrina destroyed it.
00:59.42justinuah, so both your stomping grounds got hammered
01:00.11justinuwe had a strong quake here in 94, that was scary... but no significant natural disasters
01:00.23ManxPowerjustinu, yup.
01:00.33ManxPowernow I live on the top of a mountian
01:00.41ManxPowerWell, the locals call it a mountian, it's more of a mesa
01:00.45justinuis that gonna keep you safe?
01:00.57Strom_Cjustinu, bah, northridge was wimpy
01:01.12justinufucked up our house
01:01.48ManxPowerjustinu, no idea. 8-)
01:03.05justinuwell, good luck with that
01:03.27russellbthat was bad ...
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01:08.18rene-hello, i  have an asterisk box acting as a sip client to an ITSP, i have several lines with them and therefore several register lines to them, i have one [ITSP] section for the outgoing calls but since i have 30 lines that might not be enough if they dont allow sending more than one call tru one sip channel, i could of course use realtime configuration for each of the [lines] and get that working, the [sections] are of type = peer,
01:09.51MikeJ[Laptop]rene-, was there a question there, or were you just sharing/
01:10.23Strom_CMikeJ[Laptop], I think rene- is stuck in exposition hell
01:10.44MikeJ[Laptop]I'm stuck trying to load solaris 10 in a virtual machine
01:10.59rene-sorry, :-) my question: how do i get rid of register lines in sip.conf and put them in realtime config
01:11.00MikeJ[Laptop]Iam going to just have to go load it up on the real boxes
01:11.11MikeJ[Laptop]but I havn't wanted to walk downstairs
01:11.16*** part/#asterisk dja_ (
01:11.18rene-what are you using as your host? vmware?
01:11.21*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
01:11.22Heimidalis there any way to define a variable for each of my devices in sip.conf and access it in an extension?
01:11.27MikeJ[Laptop]virtualpc right now..
01:11.29ManxPowerrene-, you could also leave off the username= in the [ITSP] and Dial(SIP/username@itsp/1234)
01:12.29MikeJ[Laptop]Heimidal, there is stuff in the sample sip.conf about setting vars like that
01:12.32rene-ManxPower: is there something analog to the Zap group for a group of SIP trunks? or do i need to do the load by myself
01:12.55MikeJ[Laptop]rene-, just do a group the fails over...
01:12.59Heimidaloh, I see
01:12.59MikeJ[Laptop]one at a time
01:13.05rene-Heimidal: Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
01:13.07MikeJ[Laptop]have a global var
01:13.18rene-if exten equals sip username
01:13.26rene-sip [name]
01:13.26MikeJ[Laptop]or several
01:13.36HeimidalI want to store a device user's cell number and call the number if the phone isn't picked up
01:13.55rene-well your best bet would be DBPut
01:14.01rene-since you want that to persist
01:14.19Heimidalwell, I'll put it directly in the sip.conf file (there aren't many)
01:14.19rene-asterisk has a database for that sort of stuff
01:14.30rene-it is really easy to use
01:14.33HeimidalI just need to know how to pull it out of the device's info
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01:14.56Heimidalany links to info on it?
01:15.06rene-mmm you would need to define that as globals
01:15.35Heimidalhmm.. maybe I could just use the database
01:16.44rene-Heimidal : you could have an extension for the user to define its forwarding number, ask the user to dial the number they want to be reached at, store that number under a key named after the user caller id
01:16.54rene-the database is super easy to use
01:17.28Heimidalsounds like a plan
01:17.35MikeJ[Laptop]Heimidal, the vars you set from sip.conf are only for calls FROM that
01:17.47MikeJ[Laptop]you could use astdb= in sip.conf
01:17.53MikeJ[Laptop]off the device name
01:18.04rene-thats an even better solution
01:18.06MikeJ[Laptop]and then do your magic in dialplan to look it out
01:18.26MikeJ[Laptop]that keeps your config in once place, which I like
01:18.41rene-Mike did you meant to do priority based dialing such as priority 1 dial trunk 1 priority 101 dial trunk2 and such?
01:18.56rene-in my case
01:19.00rene-the ITSP
01:19.29MikeJ[Laptop]I was talking about for Heimidal, if you don't know what astdb is... you have some reading to do before you try this out.
01:19.33rene-or can i actually use a group=X inside my [SIP] sections and then do like one does in Zaptel (dial/zap/g1)
01:19.40HeimidalI meant the syntax
01:19.48Heimidalastdb is the Asterisk DB, right?
01:19.50rene-show applications
01:20.08rene-show applications dbput and show applications dbget in the cli
01:20.42Heimidalalright, so in sip.conf, I would use astdb= lines under [general]
01:21.27rene-astdb is a dictionary, and inside the dialplan you would use dbget(keyname) in order to get the value out of it,
01:21.53rene-i have never used astdb inside sip.conf but if its possible then sure its cool
01:22.00rene-its even easier on your users
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01:22.36MikeJ[Laptop]Heimidal, take a look at sip.conf like I suggested...
01:22.43MikeJ[Laptop]then read up some on what astdb is..
01:23.19rene-MikeJ: if i define the itsp as both a peer and a user do i get to get rid of the register line?
01:23.38Strom_Crene-, peer + user == friend
01:23.51MikeJ[Laptop]you have a register line there if you  want to receive calls from them, so they know how to find you
01:24.03MikeJ[Laptop]nothing to do with sending calls, or beig a peer, or a user
01:24.09MikeJ[Laptop]different thing completely
01:25.55rene-well is not such a big issue, but it would be nice to use mysql for that
01:26.39rene-i was said that in some cases if you were on a fixed ip and used something like SER then you would not need to register
01:26.46rene-but SER is not as fun
01:27.05Strom_Crene-, why do you have thirty individual SIP lines with the ITSP?  Surely you can just have one account for outbound and then DIDs on the same account for inbound
01:27.41rene-Strom_C: i guess my itsp has a platform built mostly for use with sipura like appliances
01:27.55*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
01:28.05Strom_Crene-, and why are you with them again?
01:28.11rene-or they are just not very technically cutting edge
01:28.28rene-well they are a legal source of DIDs and offer good rates
01:29.01Strom_Cthere are illegal DID providers? o_O
01:29.17QwellStrom_C: shh, not here
01:29.23rene-gray market
01:29.51Strom_MQwell, ?
01:30.41tuxinator_linuxwho's a good source?
01:30.54MikeJ[Laptop]Ma Bell
01:31.05Strom_MOur Mother of the Bell
01:31.19MikeJ[Laptop]I hear they can give you DID's
01:31.31MikeJ[Laptop]and they have multiple delivery mechinisms
01:31.48MikeJ[Laptop]POTS, centrex, PRI.. almost anything you could think of
01:32.07rene-the project is quite challenging, reliability will be bad, because even if Protel (Mexico) delivers good quailty voice over internet, we are using ADSL 1300/512 links to the internet, and the sales monkey told us that we were going to be able to run 30 voice calls over such a thin pipe
01:32.36MikeJ[Laptop]good luck with that
01:32.36tuxinator_linux30, ha, funny
01:32.41MikeJ[Laptop]voice only?
01:32.47rene-im taking an asterisk box to protel labs to see if it is possible to use iax trunking to our advantage
01:33.02MikeJ[Laptop]g729 maybe
01:33.07Strom_M30 calls, easy...using lpc10
01:33.10rene-we are on g729
01:33.28Qwell200ms g729?
01:33.28MikeJ[Laptop]if you are actually getting that throughput
01:33.29rene-we will ask them to let us sit an * and do iax trunking to our site
01:33.31Jon335is there a program to stress test Asterisk?
01:33.41rene-Jon335: sipp
01:33.41QwellJon335: asterisk
01:33.54MikeJ[Laptop]My boot
01:34.26rene-i believed John Todd was able to run over 100 calls using a 1mbit link to the internet
01:35.04rene-using g729, i have half that bandwidth, but i only need to run 30 calls and the ocassional ssh access to the box
01:35.17Qwellwith overhead
01:35.30MikeJ[Laptop]you have 1/3 of that bandwindth.. not half
01:35.31Qwellyeah, you'd have to use an incredibly crappy codec to get 8k with overhead
01:35.58rene-MikeJ i believe 512 is half a megabit
01:36.01Strom_Mlike i said - lpc10
01:36.14MikeJ[Laptop]ah.. I read wrong.
01:36.17QwellStrom_M: unless it's 3k/s...
01:36.30rene-according to most people i have talked to sip + g729 is around 30kbits
01:36.34MikeJ[Laptop]I am telling you over 512 dsl.. it will be tight
01:36.50MikeJ[Laptop]no way
01:37.12X-Rob10, 15 maybe.
01:37.19X-Robwith g729
01:37.35MikeJ[Laptop]let's rumble
01:37.54MikeJ[Laptop]yep... solaris over virtual pc just aint happening
01:38.04X-RobMikeJ[Laptop], solaris hates you.
01:38.10X-RobIn fact, solaris hates just about everyone.
01:38.15rene-in his tests Todd showed how trunking would make the third and all following calls with g729 go at little over 10kbps
01:38.38rpmcan someone let me know why this overflows my Extension stack: exten => _.,a,VoiceMailMain(100)
01:38.52X-Robdon't use _.
01:38.52MikeJ[Laptop]with iax?
01:38.55X-Robuse _something.
01:39.02rene-yes IAX
01:39.05Strom_Mrpm: _X.
01:39.16MikeJ[Laptop]you could do somthing similar w/ sip with larger packet size
01:39.22MikeJ[Laptop]or with h323 w/ trunking too
01:39.34MikeJ[Laptop]6 of one, 1/2 dozen of.....
01:41.36MikeJ[Laptop]go to 80ms rtp and see how much that saves you
01:41.45rene-it will be interesting to see if it can run, i am not sure how to properly test it, i dont know if there is something like sipp for iax
01:42.02rene-MikeJ i wouldnt know how to change the rtp value of g729
01:42.04MikeJ[Laptop]rene-, it's called asterisk :P
01:42.14MikeJ[Laptop]rtp value for g729?
01:42.16MikeJ[Laptop]lost me
01:42.47rene-i am lost too, the change you are talking about, does it goes in rtp.conf?
01:42.57MikeJ[Laptop]it's a define in code
01:43.01MikeJ[Laptop]in asterisk
01:43.11rene-in rtp.c or something like that?
01:43.17MikeJ[Laptop]I beleive
01:43.57MikeJ[Laptop]just saying, there are many ways to sqeeze
01:44.39rene-i could try that, i could use call files to test connectivity to the box and then  at some points say at the 10th 20th and 30th try with an actual phone and measure the call quality
01:45.26MikeJ[Laptop]VAD might help you too
01:45.33rene-i would need to be playing audio files in both boxes
01:45.45MikeJ[Laptop]to just bridge the link w/ somthing that supports vad and g729b
01:46.18MikeJ[Laptop]that gets complicated with asterisk
01:46.29rene-MikeJ: asterisk does not support VAD/silence supp right?
01:46.46MikeJ[Laptop]but you could potentially use somthing to just bridge the link
01:46.56rene-but using another device that does then one could save bandwidth
01:46.59MikeJ[Laptop]but you would need to detect silence and convert
01:47.13MikeJ[Laptop]well.. just supporting vad isnt enough
01:47.16MikeJ[Laptop]that's easy
01:47.53MikeJ[Laptop]it's being able to convert it from a stream using vad to a constant stream of audio, and the other way, to detect silence, and to covert it to use vad
01:48.03MikeJ[Laptop]not sure if there is anything out there that will do that job or not
01:48.10*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
01:48.16Ariel_hello everyone
01:48.17MikeJ[Laptop]anyone know of anything?
01:48.21MikeJ[Laptop]hello Ariel_
01:48.26rene-hello Ariel_
01:48.47MikeJ[Laptop]gotta run ... bbiab
01:48.52rene-see ya
01:48.56Ariel_hope everything is going well we you all
01:52.00*** join/#asterisk dsfr (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
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01:55.40Jon335I'm having some problems: I get this whenever I dial out; running A@H with SPA3k
01:55.59*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
01:58.22*** part/#asterisk rene- (
01:58.43omalhm, looks like asterisk really ahtes NAT
01:58.46*** join/#asterisk TUplink (
01:58.46ManxPowerJon335, look at the /topic
01:59.12ManxPowerI almost drove up to huntsville today
01:59.24*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:59.26TUplinkMar 26 20:59:16 WARNING[41992]: config.c:920 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'iaxpeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available    any ideas?
02:00.57*** join/#asterisk tehdely (
02:01.35Heimidalhow do I save data from user input? instead of being forwarded to a different extension, I just want the numbers pushed..
02:01.41TUplinkanyone there?
02:02.07ManxPowerTUplink, many of us don't run realtime
02:02.23ManxPowerHeimidal, you need to read "show applications"
02:02.24TUplinki just messin with it?
02:02.53*** part/#asterisk Jon335 (
02:03.45TUplinkcould it be that i need to install asterisk-devel?
02:05.19VeNoMouS_anyone tested the new eyebeam with asterisk 1.2.5 with video?
02:05.23VeNoMouS_as im getting Mar 27 14:02:29 NOTICE[3660]: rtp.c:564 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 127 received
02:06.09HeimidalManxPower: I read throw it.. I still don't see anything that applies
02:06.35ManxPowerhow about "show application read" and "show application DBPut"
02:06.49ManxPowerand of course "show application system" and "show application AGI"
02:07.21*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
02:07.28*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
02:07.47*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
02:07.57|Vulture|Anyone here using Dell 850 servers?
02:12.46[hC]I'm using sc420/430's...
02:12.49[hC]and 1850's.
02:13.02justinuibm 7094, here
02:13.26robin_sz1850s here
02:13.27HeimidalManxPower: thank you
02:13.52|Vulture|I use 420s
02:14.10|Vulture|but I was wondering about the 850s cause I would like a 1U
02:14.16|Vulture|and they are dirt cheap
02:14.50jboti heard 900 is for all intents and purpose line rate
02:15.31|Vulture|all and wise jbot
02:16.35robin_szcoo. it knows too much
02:17.05|Vulture|hmmm xeon for $100 more with the 1850
02:17.26robin_szits worse than that ...
02:17.29ManxPowerjbot_, grandstream's firmware is about as reliable as Windows98
02:18.04robin_szon some of there servers, the cheapest way to get another processor is to buy a second machine, remove the proc, and toss the rest ..
02:18.27robin_szthe Dell pricing has second CPUs more expensive than the whole machine sometimes
02:19.00robin_szManxPower: thats an insult ...
02:19.09robin_szManxPower: to win98
02:19.52robin_szI just wish theyd release something that kep the display working for more than 3 minutes
02:20.24justinui haven't heard people complain about that
02:20.35robin_szyou are kidding, right?
02:20.45robin_sznew firmware on older phones ...
02:20.55robin_szdisplay blanks after a few minutes
02:21.09justinuoh, on older phones
02:21.13justinui don't have any older ones
02:21.21robin_szlucky ewe
02:21.25ManxPowerI just can't trust a company that has THIS bad of a reputation for firmware, nor a company that put a numbers only display on an IP phone.
02:21.47robin_szbut ... they are cheap
02:21.55justinuit has a dot matrix display
02:22.21robin_szmine has a blank display
02:22.32|Vulture|robin_sz: I got my 2850 for like $1300 with dual 3.0 xeons when they ran a deal awhile ago... that was a great deal
02:22.50robin_szthat was a good deal
02:22.57|Vulture|yea second proc free
02:23.29robin_szit will come around again
02:23.45robin_szsigh ... poxy GXP 2000
02:23.59robin_szso near, yet so far
02:24.17justinukinda sad
02:24.49*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
02:24.56robin_szif they just hammered the firmware a bit more and had a re-design so it looked nicer, it wouldnt cost apenny more to make
02:25.02robin_szand would sell
02:25.42justinuit's gotta sound right
02:25.47justinuthe sound quality is my big issue
02:25.56robin_sznot been a problem here
02:27.00robin_szdo you think the superglue they use in hospitals is "special" or shall i just use some normal stuff?
02:27.24justinuit's blessed by the gods of the medical association
02:27.27justinuso it costs 100x more
02:27.38robin_szbut apart from that?
02:27.43justinuno idea
02:28.08robin_szwell, gotta be worth trying the normal stuff
02:28.08justinuis it going on your skin?
02:28.31robin_szinto a biggish cut ...
02:28.41justinui dunno if i'd pour superglue into a cut
02:28.50robin_szthey do in hospitals
02:28.51ManxPowerHas anyone seen American Wedding?
02:29.38robin_szit was originally used in the vietnam debacle to rapid field repairs to soldiers
02:29.39ManxPoweri dated a nurse.  use good bandage tape, pull it togather, tape over it.
02:29.45justinuthere are a lot of different types of glues
02:30.04robin_szdunno if its exactly the same stuff as regular DIY superglue though
02:30.53justinuhard to say
02:31.13justinuif you could get the hospital product name, and get a list of ingrediants
02:31.15justinuthen compare
02:34.06Strom_Mgood old cyanoacrylate
02:34.28MacDomerobin_sz: well, superglue was originally designed for medical use... I expect that the despense mechanisms they use in hospitals are better for fixing gashes, but the actual glue is the same
02:34.36SwKthe difference between superglue and medical cyanoacrylate is the guarenteed purity of the medical stuff
02:35.04MacDomerobin_sz: if you really have a gash, you should probably get it looked at... lest it scar
02:35.09robin_szright ... some research later ;)
02:35.19robin_szit turns out the medical stuff is different
02:35.26SwKaltho I have used off the shelf superglue to close cuts heh
02:35.40robin_szregular is metyhy alcohol based
02:35.51robin_szmedical is butyl or octyl based
02:36.25robin_szbut, yeah, people have used regular stuff with success.
02:36.28MacDomenifty, good to know
02:36.34robin_szsorry .. that was WAY off topic ;)
02:39.22lokohas anyone been successful in having asterisk run in vmware
02:47.23brookshiresince when is #asterisk ever on topic ;)
02:49.47Heimidaldoes Playback support mp3 natively?
02:50.25lokodo I need to still run the addmailbox command to create voicemail boxes?
02:51.15VeNoMouS_Heimidal no
02:51.44shmaltzloko, when was the last time you used asterisk?
02:51.51lokolong long time ago =)
02:51.56VeNoMouS_^^ u want that
02:52.03justinuhe could also install format_mp3
02:52.34VeNoMouS_well that too
02:52.46Heimidalhmm, I'm trying to use MP3Player and it's not working well..
02:53.36VeNoMouS_justinu : whats it like under 1.2.5?
02:53.47VeNoMouS_i ahvent tried it in awhile but man it sucked last time i tried it
02:54.03VeNoMouS_to much cpu, and played shit @ wrong speed sometimes
02:54.11lokoshmaltz so it just depends on the config now?
02:54.29justinui haven't played with it lately myself
02:54.53VeNoMouS_Heimidal whats ure issue?
02:57.29VeNoMouS_heh ive been connected to this irc for a week
02:57.32VeNoMouS_not bad
02:57.35VeNoMouS_: idle     : 0 hours 2 mins 21 secs (signon: Mon Mar 13 14:11:14 2006)
02:58.28*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
03:00.34*** join/#asterisk newmember (
03:04.40rikstaso i'm trying to call a box over IAX with a TDM30B that dials a Zap channel, but i can only use the codec ilbc not g729, can someone explain why that is please?
03:06.17*** join/#asterisk juice (
03:06.27SwKriksta: do you have the g729 codec?
03:06.54SwKif you didnt license it you dont have it and you cant transcode G729 ->  tm
03:06.56SwKtdm even
03:07.38*** join/#asterisk evilphil (
03:07.54evilphilhello all
03:08.51evilphilcould anyone here help me with a really strange problem i'm having with the g729a codec? i'm at my wit's end....
03:09.46FuriousGeorgedo you have a licence to transcode it?
03:10.14FuriousGeorgewhat doesnt work?
03:10.21evilphiland basically everything is working except prompts generated by asterisk....such as the OGM, or the voicemail system
03:10.51evilphili can call in and out, but when i call in, i don't hear the OGM...but if i dial my extension, the call goes through fine
03:11.52FuriousGeorgesounds like your licence isnt installed right, are you sure it works to call, say, another softphone using GSM
03:11.53evilphilplus i've checked to make sure the codec is properly registered, and i see "0/0 encoders/decoders of 5 licensed channels are currently in use"
03:12.41evilphilcall another softphone using gsm? hrm....
03:12.54FuriousGeorgeseems to me like * isnt taking your prompts and turing'em into g729 for your device
03:13.34evilphilyeah, that's what i thought....the weird thing is that when i'm at an OGM (and not hearing anything), the show g729 output says "1/0 encoders/decoders of 5 licensed channels are currently in use"
03:13.54FuriousGeorgehey can i install multiple sound cards and have multiple dsp channels
03:13.57*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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03:14.02FuriousGeorgeevilphil: im not sure what to tell you
03:14.06FuriousGeorgeobviously gsm works right
03:14.23FuriousGeorgetry to call a device that isnt using g729
03:14.35evilphilwell, i have a cisco phone that only supports ulaw and g729....but ulaw worked....
03:15.30FuriousGeorgeso call a phone that is ulaw and see of you ehar it
03:15.33*** join/#asterisk NetrixTardis (
03:16.09FuriousGeorgeanyone know if one can install multiple sound cards for multiple dsp channels?
03:16.48NetrixTardisanyone seen some fool named "gigagod" in the last year or so?
03:17.11FuriousGeorge~seen gigagod
03:17.13jbotgigagod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 466d 19h 42m 21s ago, saying: 'got kicked'.
03:17.55FuriousGeorgeask his isp who had that ip 466 days ago then go ask for your money back :)
03:18.36NetrixTardisFuriousGeorge: you know this <sorry excuse for the living> ?
03:18.58FuriousGeorgeno, i just like making jbot do tricks
03:19.09FuriousGeorge~seen FuriousGeorge
03:19.11jbotfuriousgeorge is currently on #asterisk. Has said a total of 16 messages. Is idling for 2s, last said: '~seen FuriousGeorge'.
03:19.25jbotwell, furiousgeorge is a knife-fighting monkey last seen with The Man with the Yellow Bat
03:22.06*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=op3r@
03:22.19Op3ranyone tried chanspy?
03:24.12*** part/#asterisk NetrixTardis (
03:24.38*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
03:25.28*** join/#asterisk weinerk (n=irc@
03:25.36Op3ranyone can help me with chanspy?
03:28.04*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
03:28.07rikstaask the Qn
03:32.25*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
03:33.42Op3rI tried to do this
03:33.43Op3r;### call barging (Edwin is your daddy!)#####
03:33.43Op3rexten => *888,1,Answer
03:33.43Op3rexten => *888,2,Wait(1)
03:33.43Op3rexten => *888,3,ChanSpy(SIP/,q)
03:33.43Op3rexten => *888,4,Hangup
03:34.16rikstai think the comment broke it
03:34.27Op3rits the comment?
03:34.41Op3rI thought ; is just a comment?
03:35.00Op3rriksta: any idea?
03:35.09Op3rbecause we have 24 extension
03:35.22Op3rI tried dialing *888 then extension number
03:35.25Op3rits busy
03:35.33Op3rVeNoMouS_: jj!
03:35.40VeNoMouS_did that shit work that i gave u?
03:35.45VeNoMouS_u toook off b4 i got home
03:35.45Op3rVeNoMouS_: yes it did
03:36.13Op3rVeNoMouS_: I just changed it to go to outgoing directory
03:36.20*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
03:36.22Op3rnot on the monitor folder itself
03:36.49VeNoMouS_but u understand what i ment
03:49.23*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=op3r@
03:49.45Op3rsorry I got disconnected
03:51.24*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:52.02Op3rany one up?
03:52.12Op3ranybody familiar with chanspy?
03:52.19Op3rany other way to barge calls?
03:54.01VeNoMouS_just sitting here listening to ppls calls
03:54.12VeNoMouS_im doing chanspy atm bro
03:54.15VeNoMouS_what u wanna know
03:54.28Darwin_35how to set it up
03:54.40Darwin_35a good cut and pastebin
03:54.46*** join/#asterisk kuku5 (
03:54.54VeNoMouS_exten => somenumber,1,ChanSpy(Sip/|q)
03:55.03*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
03:55.12Op3rthats it?
03:55.18kuku5why was there a fork ?
03:55.22Op3rno other way like this
03:56.06Op3rexten => *888,1,Answer
03:56.07Op3rexten => *888,2,Wait(1)
03:56.07Op3rexten => *888,3,ChanSpy(SIP/,q)
03:56.07Op3rexten => *888,4,Hangup
03:56.14VeNoMouS_no ,
03:56.16VeNoMouS_put |
03:56.18Darwin_35man I still need a callback if busy setup
03:56.22Qwelldoesn't matter
03:56.35Qwelland you kinda need a channel name
03:56.50Op3rso that stuff is wrong?
03:57.16rpmexten => a888,1,ChanSpy(SIP/xxx,q)
03:57.24Qwellrpm: a?
03:57.35rpma == * isn't it?
03:57.35VeNoMouS_u dont need xxx
03:57.52VeNoMouS_i know i was saying u dont
03:58.20VeNoMouS_rpm u can just do SIP/|q
03:59.08VeNoMouS_q means no beep
03:59.10Op3rVeNoMouS_: that stuff is wrong?
03:59.14Qwellhmm, can't say I've ever used chanspy
03:59.23QwellVeNoMouS_: Does it let you cycle through channels or something?
03:59.24VeNoMouS_op3r just do |q not ,q
03:59.27VeNoMouS_yea press *
03:59.33VeNoMouS_it will cycle the channel
03:59.37Qwelland | or , would work
03:59.47VeNoMouS_Qwell not according to doc
03:59.54Qwellaccording to the code, you can ;)
04:00.06Qwellbbl, tv
04:00.08VeNoMouS_heh ure prob right
04:00.51VeNoMouS_u have to ave an established sip
04:02.39Op3rgod damn wiki
04:03.14*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
04:03.58VeNoMouS_Op3r u got it yet?
04:04.18*** join/#asterisk kainam (n=Jake@
04:04.43Op3rexten => *888,3,ChanSpy(SIP/ |q)
04:04.49Op3rthats correct?
04:04.52VeNoMouS_no space
04:05.04VeNoMouS_do that and reload
04:05.08VeNoMouS_when u dial *888
04:05.13VeNoMouS_it will just sit there until a sip connects
04:05.26VeNoMouS_if u ave more then 1 sip call running
04:05.32VeNoMouS_press * to cycle the channels
04:05.52VeNoMouS_so just dial *888 and goto another fone
04:05.54VeNoMouS_and call some 1
04:06.03*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (n=Nuke@
04:06.09Op3ri thought you can do this. *888 then dial extension #
04:06.10VeNoMouS_u will hear it on the fone u dial *888 on
04:06.27VeNoMouS_it will listen to all channels
04:06.40VeNoMouS_u could setup so enter in an ext
04:06.44Op3ryou cant just do a locking on an extension?
04:06.58VeNoMouS_and that will do ChanSpy(SIP/{monitorex}|q)
04:07.14Op3r;### call barging (Op3r is your daddy!)#####
04:07.14Op3rexten => *888,1,Answer
04:07.14Op3rexten => *888,2,Wait(1)
04:07.14Op3rexten => *888,3,ChanSpy(SIP/|q)
04:07.14Op3rexten => *888,4,Hangup
04:07.18Op3rhow about that?
04:08.06VeNoMouS_that will listen for all sip
04:08.19VeNoMouS_why :(
04:08.25VeNoMouS_if u had 3 ppl on calls
04:08.30VeNoMouS_u press * until u get the right channel
04:08.35VeNoMouS_u wont hear all 3 channels @ the same time
04:08.39Op3roh ok
04:08.48VeNoMouS_gimmie a sec i'll write u something so u can enter just the ext if u want
04:08.50Op3rno other way to lock into a channel?
04:12.08VeNoMouS_maybe something liket his
04:12.10VeNoMouS_exten => s,1,BackGround(please-enter-the)
04:12.10VeNoMouS_exten => s,n,BackGround(extension)
04:12.10VeNoMouS_exten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5)      ; Set Digit Timeout to 5 seconds
04:12.10VeNoMouS_exten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=10)  ; Set Response Timeout to 10 seconds
04:12.11VeNoMouS_exten => s,n,WaitExten(10)
04:12.13VeNoMouS_exten => _XXXX,1,ChanSpy(SIP/${EXTEN}|q)
04:12.15VeNoMouS_exten => i,1,PlayBack(bad)
04:12.17VeNoMouS_exten => i,2,PlayBack(extension)
04:12.19VeNoMouS_exten => i,3,Goto(s,1)
04:12.42jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
04:12.42VeNoMouS_heh yea sorry bout that
04:12.42*** join/#asterisk amdtech (
04:13.10VeNoMouS_op3r then just ave ure *888 instead of 3,Chan do 3,Goto(spy,s,1);
04:14.09Op3roh ok
04:14.36VeNoMouS_u get the idea?
04:14.58VeNoMouS_<VeNoMouS_> exten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5)      ; Set Digit Timeout to 5 seconds
04:15.02*** join/#asterisk niZon (
04:15.04VeNoMouS_will listen for 4 digits
04:15.32VeNoMouS_op3r well take this to msg
04:15.35*** join/#asterisk Cation (
04:15.38Op3roh ok
04:28.31*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:33.40Darwin_35why i am in on tis
04:35.03VeNoMouS_on what
04:35.23Darwin_35the chanspy
04:35.31Darwin_35more to add to my dialing plan
04:35.53Darwin_35but my big thhis is a call back if busy setup
04:36.09harlequin516When you originate a call asterisk essentially callouts to the Specified channel and the when answers connects the the context,extension,priority. What if I want my dial plan to make the origination call and the destination call. What would I specify for my dialplan/callout file?   Do I have to specify extension/priority twice, once in the local channel string and then again in the extension and priority?
04:36.10Darwin_35wich I have yet to find
04:38.05harlequin516Is my question clear?
04:40.10harlequin516Okay ya know when you originate a call from astreisk, commonly you need to specify the channel (zap/1/623666-7777), context(callout), extension (2000), priority(1)
04:40.57harlequin516But I want the channel speicied later in the the agi script called from the dialplan.
04:41.14harlequin516I was told to use local channel to do this.
04:41.52harlequin516The callout file still needs the four parameters as exemplied above.
04:42.04harlequin516So I do channel
04:43.49harlequin516Won't this connect two calls to exten 2000 of context callout?
04:44.31harlequin516Anyone know what I am talking about/
04:46.12Darwin_35sex on the beach ?
04:46.26*** join/#asterisk inv_Arp (
04:46.31tsumesex on the beach with a bitch dog ;)
04:46.49VeNoMouS_see if u said with a turtle that would've been funny
04:46.58VeNoMouS_but what u said makes ppl want to back away slowly from u
04:47.00harlequin516Maybe that's easier than what i am trying to do...
04:47.19tsumeVeNoMouS_: would have to be a tourtoise :)
04:47.21VeNoMouS_ya just had to take it too far didnt u
04:47.46harlequin516Well have you ever had sex on the beach?
04:47.55VeNoMouS_not with a dog tho
04:47.57tsumeVeNoMouS_: would be intresting to see someone having sex with a gator :)
04:47.58VeNoMouS_or a turtle
04:48.06harlequin516Sand don't feel too good in sensitive places...
04:48.17VeNoMouS_pft get a blanket or a jacket foolio
04:48.23tsumethey have a size of a humans after all, just a little bend :P
04:48.27VeNoMouS_what are u stupid?
04:48.40tsumeharlequin516: no kidding :P
04:48.42*** join/#asterisk kfuq (
04:49.37*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
05:12.06*** join/#asterisk Chai_Sangeen (
05:12.17Chai_Sangeenhello everyone
05:13.46Chai_Sangeencan anyone help how can I trigger the following URL from linux console: http://serverip/indigoControl.php?actionGroup=Normal&command=Trigger
05:14.09VeNoMouS_wtf is serverip
05:14.30Chai_Sangeenits the ip of the computer running the service
05:14.38glm2kwhat do you mean by "trigger"?
05:14.45VeNoMouS_browse to it?
05:14.54VeNoMouS_oh i know what he wants
05:14.59glm2kw3, links, links-graphic...
05:15.03VeNoMouS_Chai_Sangeen do lynx --dump http://serverip/indigoControl.php?actionGroup=Normal&command=Trigger
05:15.10glm2kor lynx yes
05:15.11rpmSystem(wget http://serverip/indigoControl.php?actionGroup=Normal&command=Trigger)
05:15.19glm2kthat works
05:15.21VeNoMouS_nah wget dont do posts
05:15.28VeNoMouS_and if it needs a post then its scripted
05:15.28Chai_Sangeenlet me try
05:15.38glm2ki forgot lynx
05:15.55VeNoMouS_if u want it to just quit afterwards just do --dump
05:16.14rpmwget can do post requests.
05:18.51Chai_SangeenVeNoMouS_, do i have to install lynx? -bash: lynx: command not found
05:19.21rpmcat stuff > /dev/net/tcp/host/port
05:22.00Chai_SangeenVeNoMouS_, when i execute "lynx --dump"  i get: No Command Received.;
05:22.10VeNoMouS_<Chai_Sangeen> VeNoMouS_, do i have to install lynx? -bash: lynx: command not found
05:22.12VeNoMouS_<VeNoMouS_> yes
05:22.24Chai_SangeenVeNoMouS_, yeah i installed it
05:22.34VeNoMouS_then put full realitive path
05:22.54VeNoMouS_ie /usr/bin/lynx .......
05:26.11Chai_SangeenVeNoMouS_, /usr/bin/lynx --dump gives me:[5] 1348
05:26.22VeNoMouS_cause of the &
05:26.23*** join/#asterisk Darwin_35 (
05:26.27VeNoMouS_wrap ure url in ""
05:27.15Chai_SangeenVeNoMouS_, YES!! it worked thank you so much !
05:28.06Chai_SangeenVeNoMouS_, what is the best way to use it in extentions.conf
05:28.41Qwellchances are, this could easily be solved by app_curl
05:30.03Corydon76-homeYay!  Use my app!
05:30.13Corydon76-homeor my function, which isn't deprecated
05:31.37VeNoMouS_weinerk prob, but he didnt say it was for asterisk @ first
05:31.49VeNoMouS_err Qwell
05:34.15*** part/#asterisk SpaceBass (
05:35.33omalhm.  i can't seem to add a working extension to this sample config
05:36.49VeNoMouS_which context u adding it too
05:37.03omalhm, actually the one i added for FWD worked for their test
05:37.28omali just want to add an extension 2600 and have it play the hello-world right now
05:37.44omalthen i'll see about getting that extension to refer over to my other asterisk server
05:38.04omali get a 404 error from xlite on it.  hm.
05:38.15omalbecause of the issues, i reduced to something very simple
05:38.47omalexten => 2600,1,Playback(hello-world)
05:48.31VeNoMouS_heh come on d/l eyebeam and crack it fuck xlite!
05:48.44VeNoMouS_and 404 is normally user not found
05:48.47VeNoMouS_check ure sip.conf
05:48.53VeNoMouS_or ure extentions
05:49.06omalxlite is the same for linux/osx/windows, and seems to be used in most examples
05:49.18omalother extensions work fine
05:49.27omali can run the asterisk demo from 500
05:49.35omali can dial FWD with 613, which i added
05:49.35VeNoMouS_does the file hello-world exiost?
05:49.47VeNoMouS_in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
05:49.51omalfor some reason i can't make this third one do a thing
05:49.59VeNoMouS_err hello-world.gsm
05:50.31VeNoMouS_when u asterisk -vvvr
05:50.39VeNoMouS_when u run asterisk -vvvr
05:50.43VeNoMouS_and u dial 2600
05:50.45VeNoMouS_on xlite
05:50.50VeNoMouS_wat does asterisk say
05:51.19omalhm.  nothing.
05:51.40VeNoMouS_well its gotta say something
05:51.51VeNoMouS_unless ure xlite isnt registered
05:52.13omalwehn i type 500 i get output, and i hear the demo
05:52.17omal2600, nothing
05:52.32omali _must_ have that extension in the wrong place or something
05:56.23omalman, wtf
05:56.31*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:56.45omali ought to start from scratch, part of my problem is that sample configs are loaded with stuff
05:57.02omaltypically thats a good way to get your feet wet, uncomment just whats needed
05:57.10*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
05:57.10VeNoMouS_who are u talking to?
05:57.14omalbut man...i can't explain why i'm getting nothing here
05:57.28omalapparently, myself :D
05:59.01*** join/#asterisk clive- (
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06:08.13VeNoMouS_anyways im out
06:08.17VeNoMouS_time to go home
06:08.20VeNoMouS_Mon Mar 27 18:06:26 NZST 2006
06:13.08*** join/#asterisk mcnobody (
06:15.06omali had context=demo under the channel in sip.conf
06:15.37omalHELLO WORLD
06:17.00*** join/#asterisk badfish (
06:17.10badfishnice article on microsoft, future plans
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06:25.00kmilitzerMorning everyone ...
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06:27.11tehdelyhi @ all
06:27.53ManxPowerNo matter how old I get, I still adore the show Daria
06:29.55FuriousGeorgeanyone know if its possible to have multiple sound cards and multiple dsp channels?
06:30.58ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, If you can do multiple soundcards with Linux you should be able to with Asterisk
06:32.00`Sauronlong live also
06:33.13FuriousGeorgei guess its safe to assume it can be done with linux/alsa :)
06:33.19*** join/#asterisk Falle (
06:35.25tehdelyjames are you in here? :P
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06:42.14FuriousGeorgecan someone translate this for me:  chan_iax2.c:7810 iax2_poke_peer: Still have a callno...
06:49.08*** join/#asterisk JffMRIII (
06:49.29JffMRIIIhello all
06:49.41FuriousGeorgeit seems to be preventing one of my boxes from resolving the other ones
06:50.36JffMRIIIQuestion:  I am attempting to get a cisco 7960 to talk to my openwrt asterisk box without sucess.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?
06:51.19FuriousGeorgedamn, here we go again with the unreachable peers
06:51.29FuriousGeorgeJffMRIII: what happens when you try to register?
06:51.32FuriousGeorgejust nothing?
06:51.44Abydos313JffMRIII how well does asterisk run on a router? can it handle multiple lines
06:51.47JffMRIIIconfiguring CM list
06:51.48FuriousGeorgecan you log any client into your asterisk
06:52.06JffMRIIIit is running ok
06:52.16JffMRIIII havent really banged on it yet
06:52.27JffMRIIIbecause I have to get this cisco huked up
06:52.32Abydos313let us know when you find out :)
06:52.37FuriousGeorgetry with x-lite or any other client
06:52.42FuriousGeorgeim assuming you can ping the thing
06:52.48JffMRIIIthen I will order a voip provider which I need a recommendatino if any one is using
06:52.54FuriousGeorgei ehar they can handle 2-3 calls
06:52.56FuriousGeorgeat a time
06:53.02JffMRIIIping = yes
06:53.21Abydos313FuriousGeorge that's what i read but wanted to hear real world trials
06:54.11JffMRIIII was at wispcon with mark had it running on the rt3
06:54.17JffMRIIIwas running great
06:54.36tehdelyJffMRIII: does this cisco have the SIP firmware or the CM firmware
06:54.37JffMRIIIjust now getting back into it
06:54.57JffMRIIIi think if I need the sip I have to flash it
06:55.00tehdelyyou do
06:55.03JffMRIIIbut unknown
06:55.04tehdelybut asterisk supports SCCP
06:55.12tehdelyhow do you have it configured on asterisk's end
06:55.19JffMRIIIprobably now
06:55.25JffMRIIIin the sip.cong
06:55.30tehdelyyou wouldn't configure it there :P
06:55.53JffMRIIIwhere would I find that
06:56.05tehdelyis where you define SCCP users
06:56.06JffMRIIIahh good call
06:57.42Abydos313anyone use a spa3k? i can make calls perfectly, just can't receive them. i do with xlite though
06:57.56omali'm working on setting one up actually
06:58.05omalbut in an odd configuration
06:58.43Abydos313the calls thru it have great quality so far
06:59.03Abydos313i'm using telasip
06:59.33*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
06:59.53FuriousGeorgethis is pretty bad.  it appears every time my ip changes im no longer able to contact any of my peers
06:59.59FuriousGeorgeincluding my provider
07:00.15FuriousGeorgei have a catch in the dialplan if provider is unavailable, but it is still a pain in the ass
07:00.34Abydos313what does the catch do?
07:00.36FuriousGeorgeand the only way to get them back seems to be to STOP asterisk for a while
07:00.50FuriousGeorgeAbydos313: uses pots depending on dialstatus
07:01.20Abydos313maybe you need to remove registration before you reregister. saw that option in the spa3k
07:01.36FuriousGeorgeremove registration before i register?  what does that mean
07:01.49FuriousGeorgeoh like comment it out
07:02.19FuriousGeorgeyou know that used to work, but since then i took out the register all together, set the boxes up as "friends" and
07:02.56Abydos313why doesn't that work anymore
07:02.58FuriousGeorgeso now there is no register statement to comment and uncomment, but the peers become unreachable less often
07:03.22FuriousGeorgebecause there is no register statement.  i removed it because it is actually more reliable to set them up as static friends
07:03.33FuriousGeorgebut obviously not THAT reliable
07:03.35FuriousGeorgeb/c here i am
07:03.40*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
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07:04.24FuriousGeorgei cant even find out what the f*ck "still have a callno" means.  google doesnt seem to know
07:04.47Abydos313i've never seen it
07:04.48FuriousGeorgeno one in here knows either
07:04.56FuriousGeorgeoh, i have
07:05.15*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
07:06.35FuriousGeorgei guess its a bug
07:06.48FuriousGeorgecan u imagine if ssh were this unreliable
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07:07.40Abydos313that would suck
07:08.54rikstawhat's the delay like when sending SIP data over a vpn like openvpn?
07:09.21FuriousGeorgeriksta: encryption?
07:09.33rikstaFuriousGeorge: just curious
07:10.14FuriousGeorgeanyway, im sure if i had a static ip at all 4 locations it wouldnt be an issue, but why should i have to pay 1000 USD a year for that.  either * will interface with among dynamic ips or it wont, but this half and half crap is starting to annoy me
07:10.32*** join/#asterisk denon (
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07:10.35rikstawhy do you need a static ip?
07:10.50rikstaoh not for me, i'll read up
07:10.54FuriousGeorgeb/c when my ip changes * shits the bed
07:11.10MGSsanchouse a dynamic dns service
07:11.14FuriousGeorgei am
07:11.16rikstause register and dynamic dns
07:11.23FuriousGeorgeregister is even less reliable
07:11.34FuriousGeorgei do
07:11.37FuriousGeorgeamong friends
07:11.41rikstause qualify then
07:11.45rikstaif that works
07:11.46FuriousGeorgeriksta: i do
07:11.51FuriousGeorgeit helps
07:12.50FuriousGeorgeany of you guys know what a "callno" is
07:13.10rikstathe extension number?
07:13.35FuriousGeorgejbot_: no, a callno is part of an undocumented cryptic error
07:13.57FuriousGeorgeriksta: no thats not it
07:14.08FuriousGeorgeiax_poke:  Still have a callno...
07:14.19rikstamore information is needed
07:14.54X-Genuse the source Luke (or FuriousGeorge)
07:15.14rikstawasim: care to elabourate on openvpn pls?
07:15.28X-Genwas that source or force, i cant remeber
07:15.36FuriousGeorgeX-Gen: the source?  what to look up what this error could mean?
07:15.46rikstaFuriousGeorge: of course
07:16.14FuriousGeorgeif i found it i wouldnt understand
07:16.40X-GenFuriousGeorge: do a grep through the source for that string in the source and look for some clues
07:16.49FuriousGeorgedont speak C here
07:17.22omalwhen in doubt, google the error ;)
07:17.25rikstayeah thats like IAX2/host/CALLNO
07:17.31FuriousGeorgeomal: i totally googled
07:17.38FuriousGeorgewhat terms did you put it
07:17.44omal"asterisk callno"
07:17.48FuriousGeorgei just put "Still have a callno"
07:17.56omalthat was the error?
07:18.03FuriousGeorgeomal: yeah
07:18.07*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
07:18.26rikstayou can't just put still have a callno
07:18.28rikstathat's just dumb
07:18.46FuriousGeorgewhen did searching google for a string become dumb
07:18.49FuriousGeorgei put it in quotes
07:19.17Assidin 2 hrs.. i start working on creating agents and shit
07:19.31X-GenAssid: u bragging ?
07:19.45Assidi did it once.. dont remember what to do
07:19.56X-Genit will come to you
07:20.05omali'm still figuring out WTF i'm doing
07:20.09Assideasiest way to find someone whose done the same thing is to mention what you are doing
07:20.32Assidfastest way instead of asking. 'anyone know how to do this'
07:22.03*** join/#asterisk |||sLaSh||| (n=ehje@
07:22.12|||sLaSh|||is it ok to upgrade to Cisco SIP 8.2
07:23.41JffMRIIIdo you have sip 8.2 that you can share with others looking for it tonight
07:30.59*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
07:31.48FuriousGeorgeok, so i got 4 asterisk peers that are friends.  when my ip changed yesterday on one of them it became unreachable and it couldnt reach anyone else.  so i had to reload iax2 on all three friends so that they could see the one who's ip changed again.
07:32.03FuriousGeorgei gotta write a script or something to do that automatically
07:32.28FuriousGeorgewhen i reloaded iax2 on the one who ipchanged all its peers were /still/ unreachable
07:32.41FuriousGeorgeso i stopped asterisk and restarted it, and 2 peers came back
07:33.12FuriousGeorgeone of them was the provider though
07:33.23FuriousGeorgeso i stopped asterisk, waited, and started it again
07:33.39*** join/#asterisk Poincare (n=jefffnod@
07:33.42FuriousGeorge1 peer came back, one still unreachable
07:33.51FuriousGeorgemy questions is:  wtf?
07:34.49*** join/#asterisk RES2 (
07:35.20RES2I have a big problem.
07:35.28RES2Yes.   :-)
07:35.34rikstawow, big.
07:35.39JffMRIIIWell how big?
07:35.40FuriousGeorgepour water on it before it spreads
07:36.20FuriousGeorgeim gonna have to join the mailing list
07:38.05RES2We have six asterisk-servers. They all are absolutly stable. But one (it is configured very simple) crashes regularly.
07:38.16FuriousGeorgetest your memory
07:38.20RES2The server have one Digium E1-Card.
07:39.04JffMRIIIwow that is great
07:39.07JffMRIIIall in the same office
07:39.09JffMRIIIor location
07:39.17RES2But the rest of the system woks fine. Only asterisk craches. Do you think, the memory is the reason?
07:39.19JffMRIIIwhat hardware is the one crasking
07:39.26JffMRIIIcould be
07:39.28tehdelydid you enable core dumps
07:39.31AssidRES2: try upgrading too
07:39.37JffMRIIIswitch mem to the another machine
07:39.43JffMRIIIand see if that starts crshing
07:39.56tehdelyin the term from which you start asterisk
07:39.58tehdelyulimit -c unlimited
07:39.58Assidi only got 5 boxes having asterisk on them
07:40.00tehdelythen pass the -g flag
07:40.02tehdelywhen you start asterisk
07:40.06tehdelythe next time it crashes it will dump core
07:40.12*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
07:40.20tehdelychuck that into gdb; if it's always crashing in the same spot, it's probably no thardware
07:40.27Assidof which 3-4 actually used
07:40.29tehdelyif it's somewhere random, start swapping components out until it stops :>
07:40.41Assid2 are test boxes for a whole lotta shit
07:42.49Poincareif i setup a call to an extension that is busy i want asterisk to setup a call between that and my extension as soon as the other extenstion is free. how is that functionality called?
07:42.57RES2tehdely: Thank you. So how can i analyse the dump?
07:43.02*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
07:45.04tehdelyRES2: gdb -c title-of-core-file `which asterisk`
07:45.13tehdelygdb is a black art
07:45.14tehdelybut at the very least
07:45.16tehdelyyou can type 'bt'
07:45.17tehdelyand get a backtrace
07:45.19tehdelyand chuck it on the pastebin
07:46.49JffMRIIIok I have that is
07:47.25RES2tehdely: Thank's again. So i will try, if I have the first dump.
07:47.29QwellJffMRIII: good luck
07:47.41JffMRIIIthank you Qwell
07:47.45RES2bye and thank's folks.
07:47.46*** part/#asterisk RES2 (
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08:02.22fnordiangood morning
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08:30.40VeNoMouS_hrm is there anyway to hangup a sip call from the console
08:31.00VeNoMouS_cause i left chanspy() running on speak @ the office by mistake
08:49.03*** join/#asterisk chris_ast (n=Administ@
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08:51.52chris_astHi people
08:51.53stoffelltzafrir, any idea why the 8-bank gives me crackling noises on analogue phones?
08:53.07*** part/#asterisk |||sLaSh||| (n=ehje@
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09:00.34Strom_Chello channel
09:00.53backbluemorning all
09:00.54harlequin516When I originate a call how do I get around to knowing whether or not the Zap channel has answered or not?  When I call my cell phone the dialplan is halfway through before I even answer it.
09:01.08harlequin516Hi backblue
09:01.13Strom_Charlequin516, calling out over an FXO port?
09:01.32Strom_CThere is no way to know unless you order answer supervision from your telephone company
09:02.46Strom_Ceither call out using voip, or have a system that waits for you to touchtone back at it before starting
09:03.55tzafrirstoffell, what adapter?
09:04.18harlequin516What's the technical problem with finding out from the signals?
09:04.44Strom_Charlequin516, what do you mean?
09:04.50stoffelltzafrir, the astribank8, usb2 port, analogue phone ( a dect handset)
09:05.01kmilitzerDoes anyone have an idea how I can implent an round robin dial command for outgoing calls to two PSTN-Gateways with checking if the destination is still alive and usable?
09:05.08harlequin516Why shouldn't an FXO be able to figure out when the call is answered?
09:05.14*** join/#asterisk festr_ (
09:05.15stoffelltzafrir, is the zttest useful on this?
09:05.25*** join/#asterisk af_ (
09:05.28festr_hello anyone use jitter for sip with 1.2?
09:05.36Strom_Charlequin516, the FXO card /can/ figure that out - if the phone company is reversing your line polarity when the other party answers.
09:05.45backbluekmilitzer: chanisavaliable()
09:06.01tzafrirstoffell, if you use host synchronization, try to get sync from the device . do you have HOST in 'cat /proc/xpp/sync' ?
09:06.09Strom_Cinferred answer supervision is unreliable - if you connect to a recording, for example, it will assume the line has supervised
09:06.20harlequin516Strom_C: So the phone company isn't doing what it is supposed to do?
09:06.41kmilitzerbackblue: Does it work with SIP-Channels?
09:06.43Strom_Charlequin516, the phone company is doing exactly what it's supposed to do - answer supervision is something you have to explicitly order from them
09:07.09stoffelltzafrir, yes, I use host
09:07.30harlequin516Oh.  Is it available for a single pots line?  Expensive?
09:07.35tzafrirtry: echo 0 0 >/proc/xpp/sync   # mind the space after the second 0
09:07.53Strom_Charlequin516, who is your telephone company?
09:08.04stoffelltzafrir, okay; doing that and checking the website
09:08.09Strom_Chardwire, which state?
09:08.16Strom_Cdamned autocomplete :)
09:08.20harlequin516Arizona, phoneix
09:08.22tzafrirthat page lacks a "troubleshooting" section, though
09:08.44Strom_Charlequin516, yes, you should be able to order it, although I don't know whether it's tarriffed as an option for commercial service only in AZ
09:08.57stoffelltzafrir, do i need to unload anything? because putting 0 0 leaves me without dialtone
09:09.20tzafrirwhat do you have on /proc/xpp/xbuses ?
09:09.28tzafrir(should be 1 or two lines)
09:09.54harlequin516That sucks, I would have thought that kind of basic thing would be a standard feature...
09:10.03Strom_Charlequin516, no, it isnt a standard feature.
09:10.08backbluekmilitzer: check for that func, and your question will be awnser! :D
09:10.18Strom_Cthere are lots of polarity-sensitive phones and modems out there
09:10.34stoffelltzafrir, ack, 1 line: XBUS-0: CONNECTOR=usb-0000:00:1d.7-7 STATUS=connected bus_type=2
09:10.41Strom_Csometimes the pulse of the polarity reversal will screw things you have to explicitly order it from the telco
09:10.58harlequin516I have a cheapy zaptel fxo
09:11.12Strom_Cthe clone card?
09:11.30harlequin516hahah, what?
09:11.37harlequin516Is there a known problem ?
09:11.39Strom_Chorrid little card :)
09:11.45Strom_Cno, it's just a piece of junk
09:11.52tzafrirstoffell, so it is basically OK
09:12.05Strom_CI had one and used it about three times.  ended up throwing it away
09:12.32harlequin516Well, It al the very least got me interested in Asterisk..  I can't afford much else yet.
09:12.43stoffelltzafrir, if I use host, dialtone is okay; but sometimes i get crackling noise, is the zttest a good tool also?
09:13.21tzafrirzttest may show a good result and you still get some cracks.
09:13.25kmilitzerbackblue: OK, could have looked there directly ... ;) works for SIP, so I'll give it a try ... ;)
09:13.45tzafrirHowever I wonder why device sync won't work. This is bad
09:13.52Strom_Cthat's the greatest quit message ever
09:14.12stoffelltzafrir, okay, i will try on a different server, just a sec :)
09:14.23tzafrirwhen you set the card to device sync, does the sync led (the second led) still blink regularily?
09:15.33harlequin516So what's the next best card cheapest buy?
09:16.35Strom_Charlequin516, I've had good experiences with the digium tdm400p
09:16.54Strom_Cbut these days I keep everything digital - no analog line interfaces at all
09:17.22stoffelltzafrir, i used device sync; and then no dialtone (only crackling), but sync blinks on the device
09:17.40harlequin516I have to stay zaptel, as I am intending to use the TDD mode for communications.
09:18.59Strom_Charlequin516, are you hearing impaired?
09:19.21harlequin516Not me personally, but the inteded users of my project are.
09:19.31Strom_Cwhat is your project?
09:20.08harlequin516I'm trying to build an internet telnet bridge to POTS TTY.
09:20.33Strom_Cso people can talk to TTY users through web browsers?
09:20.38*** join/#asterisk eset (
09:20.57harlequin516Yeah or from Mobile PDA or CEll phones
09:21.10Strom_Charlequin516, you don't need a zap interface for that
09:21.25esethey, was wondering if anyone had clues why xten would work one day and the next day give 'loggin failed' error (no config has changed)
09:21.39harlequin516How else can I do it?
09:21.51Strom_Charlequin516, you can do it all via voip
09:22.12Strom_Cassuming that software TDD interfaces exist
09:22.14harlequin516But it has to terminate one end of the connection to a TTY/TDD
09:22.29tzafrirstoffell, take a look at /proc/xpp/sync again: is tick rate steady at 1000 and the 'tick' counter keep increasing?
09:22.40*** join/#asterisk nayyares (
09:22.52harlequin516Zaptel does software TDD, that's why I am trying to use that.
09:22.57tzafrirwatch -n1 -d cat /proc/xpp/sync
09:23.06Strom_Charlequin516, point me at the spec sheet
09:23.18Strom_Cis it the card itself that does it or is it the zaptel module?
09:23.20tzafrirTDD == ?
09:23.34Strom_Ctzafrir, telecommunications device for the deaf
09:23.45harlequin516No spec sheet, but all basic functions are claimed to be available.
09:23.59Strom_Charlequin516, please show me where it claims that
09:24.36tzafrirStrom_C, so it's basically only the signally and no PCM?
09:24.45Strom_Ctzafrir, what?
09:25.15Strom_Charlequin516, ah ok, so it's TDD mode from within AGI scripts
09:25.36harlequin516sendtext recvtext
09:26.04harlequin516I'm guessing its buffered for American 45.5 baud
09:26.37tzafrirstoffell, what kernel version BTW?
09:26.54Strom_Charlequin516, I'm looking to see if you can create pseudo zap interfaces
09:26.59harlequin516Though Cisco docs say that TDD signals can pass through VOIP G711??  or some codec, decently with proper setup.
09:27.10Strom_CG711 only
09:27.19Strom_CI wouldnt trust data over anything but G711
09:28.42stoffelltzafrir, debian sarge; but with 2.6.15 kernel
09:28.43harlequin516What's a pseudo channel?
09:28.52Strom_Charlequin516, exactly what it sounds like
09:28.58Strom_Cyou know what pseudo means, right?
09:29.09harlequin516Yeah, but I'm really new to asterisk..
09:29.25harlequin516I only recently figured out the diff between a channela nd an extension
09:29.36Strom_Cso?  that doesnt mean you need to stop thinking
09:29.49*** join/#asterisk kippi (
09:30.06kippiare there rmps for asterisk on redhat
09:30.14harlequin516I'm sure
09:30.25Strom_Ckippi, who cares?  download the source from digium and compile it yourself
09:30.26*** join/#asterisk exten123 (n=exten@
09:30.32stoffelltzafrir, oke; i'm gettin further. plugged in on other server, much better now
09:30.33wasimabout friggin' time they bowled them out ...
09:30.37harlequin516Yeah its surprisingly easy
09:30.54tzafrirstoffell, what's the difference between the two servers?
09:30.55*** join/#asterisk tehdely (
09:31.23tzafrirkippi, there are some RPMs at freshrpms, IIRC
09:31.30harlequin516I haven't quite figured out what a local channel can do.
09:31.54tzafrirharlequin516, highly useful for originating calls
09:31.57harlequin516I read it, but telephony jargon, is only starting to make sense for me
09:32.10kippiStrom_C: can't get seem to download the source for redhat so the complie fails
09:32.28tzafrirkippi, what redhat?
09:32.41Strom_Charlequin516, from the wiki:  "chan_local is a pseudo-channel. Use of this channel simply loops calls back into the dialplan in a different context. Useful for recursive routing; it is able to return to the dialplan after call completion. "
09:32.47kippitzafrir: yeah
09:32.57kippitzafrir: redhat fc4
09:33.07backblueredhat != fc4
09:33.16tzafrirfc4 is not exactly "RedHat [tm]", tou know...
09:33.38harlequin516Yeha I read teh wiki page, but I didn't understand the examples, though it refernced some hardware that probably made it obvious to people who were familiar.
09:34.21Strom_Charlequin516, essentially, you place a call to another part of the dialplan
09:34.26Strom_Cit sets up a virtual call segment
09:34.48Strom_Cit basically says "go do this, but come back here when that finishes"
09:36.22harlequin516Yeah that makes sense, but I didn't get how you could use it to originate a call.
09:36.47Strom_Cwell, it's very simple
09:37.07Strom_Cwhen asterisk is originating a call, it sets up two calls
09:37.17harlequin516Cause you always have to specify Channel Context and extension right?
09:37.20Strom_Chang on
09:37.21harlequin516Yeah 2 calls
09:37.32tehdelyso chan_local is a goto that returns
09:37.46Strom_Cone call goes out to the far end and the other call goes to something within your dialplan
09:37.51Strom_Casterisk bridges the two together
09:37.56stoffelltzafrir, difference: the one is a celeron, the other Xeon. But itlooks like the 'sequence' of loading is important
09:38.24harlequin516Yeah, I'm learning a lot today.
09:38.32Skidif i call multiple sip usrs, and my mobile phone at the same time from an extension - and hang up on my mobile, how can i make asterisk not realise this (aka i press the busy button on mobile) and still ring
09:39.41Strom_Charlequin516, telephony is very simple.  it's just the setting up of voice paths between two points.
09:39.50*** join/#asterisk MichaelPHines (
09:39.50harlequin516Where I am confused about originating with chan local, it would be setting up two internal connections right?  So one dialplan communicating with another.
09:40.07Strom_Charlequin516, why the hell would you do that?
09:40.09*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
09:41.00harlequin516That's a good question, but originally I thought I could control the entire call through agi, but apparently this doesn't seem possible to me.
09:41.17*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
09:41.20MichaelPHineshey, I'm looking to set up a simple VXML server with regular old telephone lines, is asterisk a good tool for handling the SIP?
09:41.25Strom_Charlequin516, perhaps if you tell me what you're trying to do, I can help you.
09:41.30Strom_CMichaelPHines, yes.
09:41.42harlequin516So I have implemented using stadard Zap channel dialout from Java-asterisk manager
09:42.01MichaelPHinesdoes it understand VXML or do I need something else to work together with it
09:42.16Strom_Charlequin516, no no, don't get into implementation specifics - tell me what your end goal is.
09:42.41Strom_CMichaelPHines, i've personally never worked with asterisk and vxml at the same time
09:42.41x86what are some cool things i can do to give more features to my dialplan?
09:42.49x86as far as star codes, etc?
09:43.01Strom_Cthose are called "vertical service codes"
09:43.01x86also, how do i setup 3-way calling?
09:43.03Strom_Clook em up
09:43.17harlequin516The dialplan will connect the ZAP cahnnel (PoTS TDD) to my java agi which will pipe the data to/fro a socket to internet my end user
09:43.47MichaelPHinesStrom_C: what have you used for VXML?  just services like TellMe or anything hardware based?
09:43.51harlequin516Oh End goal is simple Telnet to a Pots TDD
09:44.17Strom_Charlequin516, why TELNET?!  No one in their right mind uses Telnet anymore
09:45.07MichaelPHinesharlequin516: lol, its all about the ssh now
09:45.12harlequin516Well, telnet is the abstarction I am using to describe the datapath which could be more advaced (Java applet, IM client, Cell phone telnet app .....)
09:45.21Strom_CMichaelPHines, why do you want to use vxml?
09:45.41Strom_Charlequin516, just a random question: is English not your first language?
09:45.53nettieHi guys, anyone know why moh seems to work (debugwise) but I cant hear any sound please? Thanx in adv.
09:45.57harlequin516Actually in the Deaf world telnet is what connected a lot of folks to relay service up until recently.
09:46.11tzafrirstoffell, what do you mean by "sequence"?
09:46.34harlequin516Strom_C  : English is practally my firest language.
09:46.43Strom_Charlequin516, "practically"?
09:46.45harlequin516I'm just sloppy on IRC
09:46.56MichaelPHinesStrom_C: its a project im doing at my univerisity, we want to be able to have people call in and interact with the building, (eg. turn lights on and off, adjust temperature in certain rooms, and change video wall information)
09:46.57harlequin516I was born in Illinois
09:46.59Strom_Charlequin516, your sentence constructions are absolutely bizarre
09:47.07stoffelltzafrir, it looks like i must put the sync to device before i do ztcfg and load asterisk
09:47.14Strom_CMichaelPHines, you don't need vxml for that :)
09:47.36harlequin516I took latin for 7 years.  I think that might have a large influnce on my writing styles.
09:47.41*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
09:47.46MichaelPHinesStrom_C: whats the alternative, C?
09:47.53tzafrirstoffell, that seems strange. We have no problem changing sync source at e.g. in the middle of a call
09:48.09Strom_CMichaelPHines, perl, python, c, whatever you want to use - they can all interface with asterisk through AGI
09:48.10harlequin516Ceasarian Prose, its longwidned like a chapter of one paragraph, with never ending suffixed clauses.
09:48.37tzafriris there any other zaptel card on that system?
09:48.38Strom_Charlequin516, actually it's the failure to use the proper parts of speech at certain times that I'm noticing :)
09:48.54Strom_Cwords being dropped...
09:49.06harlequin516hmm, I'll have to review...   Oh
09:49.28harlequin516Weird, cause normally I'm the grammar nazi.  I went to a Jesuit High School.
09:49.49MichaelPHinesStrom_C: so when you say any language, can I do it in...C#?
09:49.59Strom_Cperhaps you just have extremely awkward phrasing :)
09:50.02stoffelltzafrir, indeed; changing sync while calilng goes okay
09:50.10harlequin516Yes I am extremely awkward.
09:50.11Strom_CMichaelPHines, Assuming there's a C# AGI interface...
09:50.38MichaelPHinesie. are there APIs for these languages?
09:51.06Strom_CMichaelPHines, I don't know off the top of my head.
09:51.22Strom_Cyou'll have to see whether there's a C# AGI interface
09:51.30harlequin516Did you find out about pseudo Zap channels?
09:51.47harlequin516I was looking but couldnt see anything relevant...
09:51.55*** join/#asterisk nayyares (
09:52.08MichaelPHinesStrom_C: this AGI looks like just what I was looking for, thank god I wont have to use VXML
09:52.12Strom_Charlequin516, I still have absolutely no idea why it makes a difference or what you're trying to do.  You still haven't really effectively communicated to me what it is that you're trying to do
09:52.13*** join/#asterisk Hermis (n=guitarug@
09:52.16MichaelPHineswhat an abomination of the standard
09:52.43MichaelPHineswhoever decided that a scripting language should be written in XML was out of their mind
09:52.46tzafrirstoffell, so you say that you have no problem if the sync source was HOST at ztcfg time?
09:52.48HermisHello everybody
09:53.12x86how do i setup three-way calling?
09:53.18Strom_Cx86, on a zaptel channel?
09:53.36HermisHelp me please with configuring zap CO interface...
09:53.36harlequin516Well simply communicate text between a TTY/TDD and an IP socket.
09:53.38Strom_Cyour SIP device will have to do the three-way and bridge itself
09:53.38stoffelltzafrir, indeed
09:53.52Strom_CHermis, just ask your question
09:54.07x86tzafrir: that will allow Phone A to call Phone B, put Phone B on hold, dial Phone C, then connect all three call legs?
09:55.00Strom_Cx86, meetme for a three-way is a really bad way of doing it
09:55.00HermisWhat loadzone must I configure for Russian PSTN to correctly identify ringtone,busytone etc.
09:55.00x86Strom_C: what are my options?
09:55.00Strom_Cx86, your SIP device should be capable of threeway itself
09:55.00x86Strom_C: what if it's not?
09:55.00tzafrirstrange. Our current init scripts tend to change the sync source to the device just before running ztcfg
09:55.04Skidnone of my hardware is Strom_C ..
09:55.05Strom_Cx86, then it blows donkeys for quarters
09:55.08Skidand its all cisco :)
09:55.13Strom_CSkid, what??
09:55.22Strom_Cwhat hardware?
09:55.23Skidcapable of doing 3 way
09:55.27x86Strom_C: aka, i want to terminate both the Phone B and Phone C legs at the asterisk box, and only have one leg going to Phone A (it's a really dumb phone)
09:55.41Strom_CSkid, my 7960 is capable of three-way; I don't know what you're smoking
09:55.50Skidmmmmmm ?
09:56.00Strom_CSkid, step 1: dial call
09:56.14Strom_Cstep 2: press "CONFRN" button
09:56.19Strom_Cstep 3: dial second call
09:56.24Strom_Cstep 4: press "join"
09:56.43Strom_C(albeit with a lot more drooling)
09:57.08Hermisand what about zap?
09:57.16Skidho hum
09:57.18Skidi do apologise
09:57.20Strom_CHermis, im looking
09:57.27MichaelPHinesStrom_C: can I do voice recognition with the AGI?
09:57.30HermisI must configure it, but i't not working correctly
09:57.44tzafrirRoyK, also search in for "has happened before" and a bit below
09:57.46Strom_CMichaelPHines, not until someone gets Sphinx working with asterisk :)
09:57.53*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
09:58.09MichaelPHinesStrom_C: see thats really why i needed vxml support
09:58.17Assidhrmm.. i have this 'gateway' box which is designed to just take calls and forward them to my other boxes
09:58.39Strom_CHermis, I can't find a setting explicitly for Russia; does your tone plan mimic another country's tone plan?
09:58.41Assidbut.. when im trying to forward the calls i get 'Mar 27 15:26:45 WARNING[2254]: chan_iax2.c:6985 socket_read: Call rejected by internalip: No such context/extension'
09:59.14Assidbut i have the number setup on this box as well
09:59.38HermisStrom_C I don't know this
09:59.50AssidRejected connect attempt from gateway.ip, request 's@wtn-inbound' does not exist
09:59.52Strom_CHermis, well, now you know what you need to find out
09:59.56exten123may I know when I need enable NAT in sip?
10:00.09Strom_Cexten123, when your SIP client is behind NAT
10:00.11*** join/#asterisk Nix (n=Nix@
10:00.32Assidanyone know what could be the issue here?
10:00.47exten123Strom_C, it's mean that only when is out of enternet only need NAT?
10:00.51MichaelPHinesStrom_C: this seems to imply that Sphinx already works with asterisk:
10:00.51HermisStrom_C Thanks, may i reconpile Zaptel with changet zonedata.c with my country default tones, will it work correctly
10:01.12Strom_Cexten123, I cannot understand your question
10:01.19Strom_CMichaelPHines, well good - last I heard it didnt work
10:01.24Strom_CHermis, sure, whatever
10:01.54*** join/#asterisk abatista (
10:01.58HermisStrom_C Thanks
10:02.19*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
10:04.27HermisMy FireFly client establish connection but i can' hear anything. What's the problem? RTP and Codecs work correctly.
10:05.14x86having a hard time getting call pickup to work
10:05.26x86directed call pickup, not group call pickup...
10:06.03MichaelPHinesthis looks like a pain to set up.  Thank god I'm project leader, I think i'll just offload the rest of this to my hardware guy
10:07.33x86i put pickupexten => *8 in the [featuremap] context in features.conf and reloaded asterisk, but when i dial *8100 from my BT101 (extension 103) to pickup a ringing call on my X-Lite (extension 100), i get a 404 error
10:08.03x86what am i doing wrong?
10:08.13x86this is what i'm going off of
10:08.24x86do i need to throw anything into my extensions.conf to recognize that?
10:09.15MichaelPHinesx86: = *8 instead of => *8 maybe?
10:10.21x86still get a 404 error
10:11.07wasimand ?
10:11.23MichaelPHinesx86: 404 is HTTP not found?
10:11.25Assidi have iax->gateway(iax) -> another asterisk server on iax
10:12.43x86MichaelPHines: also SIP not found ;)
10:13.05x86MichaelPHines: as the SIP protocol shares a few of the HTTP return codes hehe
10:13.22MichaelPHineshaha, im new at all this
10:13.47MichaelPHinesi wonder if the univeristy will let me just use some of their lines from the T1
10:15.43*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
10:17.53backblueanyone with hylafax integration?
10:19.33konfuzedok a small but important piece of the picture has left my head space.. what sort of gear do I use to hook up 40 rj11 outlets to an asterisk box as zapata ports ?
10:20.06wasimeither a channel bank or digium/sangoma fxs pci cards
10:22.20*** join/#asterisk GolobTGG (n=GolobTGG@
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10:26.10wasimerr, sorry fxo cards ... you can also use some fxo ata's
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10:36.07fnordiancan anyone tell me the email-address of olle/oej?
10:36.33MikeJ__I'm sure it's all over the mailing lists
10:37.11fnordianit's in the svn-logs also
10:39.56MikeJ__that;s not right
10:44.04fnordianyou're right, it differs
10:45.16fnordianhe's using different ones
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10:57.11festr_anyone use jitter for sip with 1.2?
10:57.17festr_in production env?
10:59.44*** join/#asterisk kainam (n=Jake@
11:04.46backbluefestr_: why do you need it?
11:05.01festr_backblue: cause of jitter network
11:05.18Strom_Mfestr_, you should solve your network's jitter problems :)
11:05.56RoyKI have tried it in production, but got an enormous amount of complaints from customer
11:05.56festr_Strom_M: unsolvable
11:06.04RoyKStrom_C: you can't do that
11:06.04backbluefestr_: why?
11:06.05Strom_Mfestr_, why?
11:06.14festr_we are ISP
11:06.21RoyKcustomers on DSL etc
11:06.23festr_and have many wireless links
11:06.35festr_shaper problems etc..
11:06.51festr_RoyK: which version have you tried?
11:07.02festr_RoyK: and what problems did you expirience?
11:07.11Strom_Mfestr_, what kind of latency can you expect between your sip terminals and your pbx?
11:07.30festr_Strom_M: 50~300
11:07.32chris_astfestr_,RoyK,backblue: Can you please help me on musiconhold?
11:07.57festr_Strom_M: yes it is high but reality
11:08.03kmilitzerI am still looking for a way to spread calls in a round robin fashin to two SIP-PSTN-Gateways and check if they are reachable. If one is not, only the other should be used. ChanIsAvail as backblue suggested is not a soultion ...
11:08.06Strom_Mthat's almost entirely unsuitable for voip
11:08.28x86i have ~260ms clients that work fine ;)
11:08.29RoyKfestr_: i've tried them all. i've paid zoa a whole lot to write this, and the current code is unusable
11:08.46wasimkmilitzer: +1 prio should handle that
11:09.16festr_RoyK: thank you for this info you safe me a lot of work
11:09.38kmilitzerwasim: How would that work?
11:10.06wasimkmilitzer: 1,Dial(SIP/blah)\n2,Dial(SIP/bleh) or +101 depends
11:10.48festr_RoyK: anyway, what kind of problems is with this jitter?
11:11.27kmilitzerwasim: Really bad idea. It is IMHO possible that the call works for the first dial command and is then build up a second time ...
11:12.36kmilitzerwasim: And furthermore this way I will not find out if the destination is reachable. Asterisk fires and forgetts SIP Invites ... (that's the way it should be, I know)
11:12.54backbluefestr_: cable isp?
11:13.06backbluechris_ast: not now, sorry
11:13.17festr_backblue: cable, wireless etc.
11:18.01*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
11:19.58*** join/#asterisk cybergypsy (
11:20.18cybergypsyanyone using asterisk on ubuntu in here ?
11:20.20backbluefestr_: i hate cable isp's! :D
11:20.32festr_backblue: which country?
11:20.48cybergypsyis it best to install from the repo`s or from source ?
11:22.35x86a repo is source ;)
11:22.59x86unless you're talking about a package repository, like a RPM or DEB repository for example
11:24.00*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
11:24.08cybergypsyyea - i am using ubuntu and its in the repositories
11:24.25cybergypsyjust not sure which would be best to use
11:24.37cybergypsyi`m an asterisk noob
11:24.50Strom_Mwhich version is in the repositories?
11:25.50x86holy damn that's old ;)
11:25.56x86you'll want source for sure
11:26.10cybergypsynow the fun starts
11:26.18cybergypsythanks x86
11:26.35*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
11:27.20x86get 1.2.5
11:27.23x86it's stable
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11:38.09pedros09anyone successfully compiled iaxClient samples on windows?
11:38.22pedros09I am having some compatibility issues:
11:38.53pedros09../../lib/libiaxclient.a(rpe.o):/cygdrive/d/Downloads/Tools/Telephony/VOIP/Asterisk/developer/iaxclient_SVN/trunk/iaxclient/lib/gsm/src/rpe.c:405: more undefined references to `__a
11:38.53pedros09ssert' follow
11:38.53pedros09collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
11:38.53pedros09make: *** [iax2slin.exe] Error 1
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11:43.55*** part/#asterisk cybergypsy (
11:47.47x86is it possible to store a user's area code in a mysql database, and retrieve it prior to a Dial() within a dialplan?
11:48.11x86(trying to make it so my users can 7-digit dial within their area code)
11:50.52*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:53.57Aursx86: short answer: yes ;)
11:55.05x86Aurs: cant find it in the wiki :(
11:56.36Aursx86: create a table with 2 cols. first column has all the area codes, 2nd has the extensions
11:56.48Aursthen do a realtime() on that table
11:57.40Aursrealtime(familynamefromextconfig|col2|extension) - gives you the area code as $col1
11:58.27Aursor it would make more sense to have the extensions as col1
11:59.57kippiwhen I have been doing make install on asterisk I am getting this error
11:59.58kippi/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
11:59.58kippicollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
11:59.58kippimake: *** [asterisk] Error 1
12:00.41x86Aurs: hmm, i found info on the MYSQL() command
12:02.31Aursx86: never used that one, but RealTime will do the trick in this case, me thinks
12:04.08Aurskippi: check that you've got all the needed dependencies. looks like you haven't got openssl installed?
12:05.12Aurskippi: wild guess: install openssl and associated -devel package(s)
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12:09.31x86i'm trying to setup 10 digit dialing without the need for an access code...
12:09.55x86how is that possible? i tried exten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/trunk/${EXTEN})
12:10.02x86but i get a 404 code when i try it
12:12.22wasimhow can you get a 404 on IAX?
12:13.15Aursmissing context?
12:18.06*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
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12:30.08x86PakiPenguin: !!!!
12:30.19x86PakiPenguin: what the hell is going on with your ToDial? :)
12:30.47*** join/#asterisk TUplink (
12:30.57TUplinkloader.c:325 __load_resource: /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules/ Undefined symbol "pri_restart"    whats wrong???
12:31.03PakiPenguinx86 :)
12:31.16x86PakiPenguin: is ToDial down?
12:31.23x86PakiPenguin: i havent been able to use it for a week :(
12:31.34x86PakiPenguin: also, we need to talk in private about some things
12:31.40PakiPenguinx86, pvt please :)
12:33.00TUplinkany one know anything bout my prob?
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13:01.12Skarmethhi all
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13:03.16Skarmeth_Paulo_, are you from L5 networks?
13:03.36_Paulo_Skarmeth, no.
13:03.44Skarmethdoes anyone here uses HP servers for asterisk projects? Something like a T110P and TDM04B with small number of transcoding ( < 10 channels )? Dell mid-machines for rack environment it's a pain
13:03.46_Paulo_Skarmeth, Im from Braslink
13:05.03*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (
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13:06.39MalthusStrom_C hi, I figured out the problem with my T1 cards not doing zttest
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13:07.07_Paulo_Skarmeth, I use home brew beige box only. Supermicro sometimes.
13:07.10Malthusit doesn't enable the timer if no spans are configured
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13:08.52Malthushmm, guess he not home
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13:22.42vawI'm using supplied h323 channel to receive calls
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13:23.15vawand I wanted to switch context using the ip where the call is originated
13:23.46vawso I've made a user in h323.conf telling the ip address in "host=" parameter
13:24.01vawand "context=" to the one I want
13:24.12vawbut it allways goes to default context
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13:24.54vawcan't I switch contexts using origing IP?
13:29.07*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- Asterisk 1.2.6 and Zaptel 1.2.5 Released! (March 27, 2006) -=- -=- AMP/FreePBX users should join #freepbx for support
13:31.49epabloHi people
13:32.00PakiPenguinhi epablo
13:32.11epabloHows it going?
13:32.31PakiPenguinam alright how about you?
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13:34.20epabloAll good
13:34.42sivanarussellb: are you going to copy the change log?
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13:37.52tdonahuehi all, we are having some DTMF problems with our Polycoms after updating to the latest 1.6 firmware.  does anyone know of any changes that have been made to the phones that might affect DTMF?
13:38.02russellbsivana: the changelog should be there
13:38.23sivanarussellb: nope
13:38.28russellblies, i see it!
13:38.29sivana/pub/telephony/asterisk/ChangeLog-1.2.5 was not found
13:38.38russellbthat's the old one, goofball
13:38.57sivanaoh.. I'm looking on the main page of
13:39.06russellbyeah, announcement hasn't been made yet
13:39.14sivanaah.. so you broke that page! :)
13:39.21russellbok ok, i'll fix that link :)
13:39.49russellbok, it's fixed, hehe
13:42.29epabloi'm setting up an SER with asterisk.. The first does the load balancing for my * servers using a redirect. But the IP I'm getting is SERs and not the clients.  Question:  from where does chan_SIP take the peers info, sip packets or IP packets?
13:44.10backblueepablo: why do you need to use SER?
13:45.33tamp4xepablo are you doing a forward()?
13:45.38epablobackblue:I have to many SIP clientes. The server can't handle the load.  So I need to put in another server.. But i don't want to segregate users..
13:45.45GolobTGGhello all, does anyone know of a GUI for managing asterisk using asterisk realtime (so that all the data is stored in mysql only)?
13:45.49tamp4xyou have to send sl reply 300 or 203 dont remmebr of "REDIRECT"
13:46.27tamp4x203 i mean 302
13:47.02epablotamp4x: Let me check what I'm using now.. have done tests with both.. ;)
13:48.42epablotamp4x:  I'm doing this::  append_branch(""); sl_send_reply("300", "Redirect");
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13:50.54sivanaepablo: what's your number of SIP clients, if you don't mind.  I'm curious on what your load is
13:51.21epabloOver 300 using g729
13:51.48tamp4xthe append branch is not neccessary
13:53.19vawI'm using supplied h323 channel to receive calls and I wanted to switch context using the ip where the call is originated. I've made a user in h323.conf telling the ip address in "host=" parameter and "context=" to the one I want but it allways goes to default context. Can't I switch contexts using origin IP?
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13:57.44backblueepablo: you can do it only with asterisk servers.
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13:58.05backbluei think we should improve SIP channel quality in asterisk, to stop using ser.
13:58.26epablobackblue: ???
13:58.53backblueepablo: i understand why you use SER.
13:59.06tamp4xdont listen to backblue epablo
13:59.19backbluetamp4x: why not?
13:59.38backblueplease, tell me
14:00.22russellbbackblue: they serve different purposes.
14:00.41epabloYou said I don't need to do the append branch.  How should I pass the new SIP servers IP's with the redirect?
14:01.14epablorussellb:  I agree but the SER model is a pain in the ass.
14:01.33viperdudehi guys i have a TE110P card and as soon as i load wcte11xp then i lose audio on my sip channels, any ideas?
14:02.41tamp4xuse rewriteuri
14:03.25vawcan someone help me with h323?
14:03.29epabloSo rewriteuri and the redirect.?  How will my packets end up.
14:03.46TinoWq: does Dial() return to the dialplan when the connection is picked up?
14:04.00epablovaw: i use oh323.. have never used the supplied h323 channel
14:04.17vawepablo, ok, thanks
14:04.56x86i'm trying to setup 10-digit dialing without the need for a trunk prefix...
14:05.12x86so a SIP user can just dial 10 digits and not have to request an outside trunk...
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14:06.15x86i'm trying to use exten => XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/trunkname/${EXTEN},100,tr), but when i dial a 10 digit number, i get a "404" error
14:06.18[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Plenty easy...
14:06.36[TK]D-Fenderx86 : You forgot the "_" preceeding your X's ....
14:06.42[TK]D-Fenderx86 : its a PATTERN.
14:07.53tamp4xhow will your packets en dup? what does that mean
14:07.54tamp4xjust do it
14:10.15x86[TK]D-Fender: even with a _ in front of the 10 X's it doesnt work
14:10.22backbluerussellb: yes they do, but as i said, why not improve asterisk to do the job? that's the way to go.
14:10.43x86[TK]D-Fender: if i put _N in front of the 10 X's, i can get it to show me a 484 message instead of a 404, but still no dice...
14:11.01backblueepablo: we are trying to implement sip redirects on asterisk.
14:11.02russellbbackblue: no, Asterisk will not and never will be a SIP proxy
14:11.34russellbit's not a matter of improving :)
14:11.45backbluerussellb: we dont need sip proxy, mostly asterisk cant handle sip redirects as SER does, so we can just redirect the sip trafic.
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14:18.07[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Pastebin your dialplan
14:18.16x86i got it :)
14:18.21x86PakiPenguin helped me ;)
14:18.25[TK]D-FenderI didn't say add an "N", just the "_"
14:18.31PakiPenguinhaha :)
14:18.37epabloI think both aproches are correct.. It would be nice for * to handle redirects..
14:20.38kmilitzerAny idea why hangupcauses don't get translated correctly into SIP Causes?
14:20.41Kattyanyone ever wake up one morning with their ear having a faint ring to it?
14:21.08Hmm-workthe signals all are flashing red, it doesn't matter what was said, this bit is much to big without me and you
14:21.15cucoKatty, lol
14:21.24Darwin_35its called tenitus
14:21.34KattyDarwin_35: and the cause?
14:21.44KattyDarwin_35: more importantly, is it dangerous?
14:21.48Darwin_35nerve damage
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14:22.12Darwin_35mmost people have slight damage and get ringing once in awhile
14:22.24Kattyit's been ringing for 30 minutes now.
14:22.28Kattygranted, it's quite faint...
14:22.35Darwin_35but if it hhruts and is loud you need to go get it checked
14:22.36TinoWdoes the dialplan continue after Dial() when the call succeeds?
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14:22.44Assidheya tkd!
14:22.46Assidwhats happenin
14:23.00Darwin_35fat finger
14:23.05[TK]D-Fenderklsjadhgflaksjdhflkjashdfpiouewryt; ewrt dfg fgds sdafkgj hlsdkjfgh
14:23.19KattyDarwin_35: it does not hurt..
14:23.23KattyDarwin_35: nor is it loud...
14:23.26kmilitzerKatty: If it's still rining tonite (+6 hours) see a doctor, otherwise it's possible that you'll never get rid of it ...
14:23.46Darwin_35still should go to a audioligist and have your hearing checked
14:23.49Kattykmilitzer: i have the option of seeing an ENT at 2:30 this afternoon...
14:24.07TinoWah I guess nobody knows (
14:24.10kmilitzerKatty: What time is it now at your location?
14:24.27Kattykmilitzer: i noticed it at 7:45am this morning, it's now 8:15am
14:24.47Kattyor 8:30, something like that
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14:26.05Darwin_35Katty I would call your DR and let him know and see what he says
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14:26.52Darwin_35but I would still make apt with a audioligest and make a apt also
14:26.59Darwin_35shower time brb
14:27.13epablotamp4x:  Do you have an example on how to do that redirect? do you mind sharing it?
14:27.56kmilitzerA tinitus can happen from time to time ... it's no cause to worry if it fades after a while (like after a few) hours ... the reason is, that the blood circulation in your ear is not working right. Could happen from too much stress or loud noises (music, eg.)
14:28.01lokohey Darwin_35
14:28.30Assidstupid sipdiscount dogs banned my asterisk server
14:28.56backblueepablo: using asterisk with ser, how do you handle billing?
14:29.04kmilitzerBut I still would like to know if anyone else has problems with the translation of causecodes into SIP reasons
14:29.23Assiderr.. what port should i telnet to?
14:29.29KattyDarwin_35: i did...but it would cost me the same to go to the clinic than it would to simply see an ENT
14:29.42KattyDarwin_35: at the clinic they just give you the next available doctor.
14:29.47Assidfor sip
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14:31.41backbluerussellb: why this, its not applyed in asterisk-1.2.6? just asking! not big deal!
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14:33.01TinoWagain... can I use some commands after Dial() to run while the connection is up?
14:33.20[TK]D-FenderTinoW : not really.
14:33.50TinoW[TK]D-Fender: whats the DIALSTATUS "ANSWER" good for then?
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14:34.51epablobackblue:  Asterisk does it.. or at least that is the idea.
14:35.16backblueepablo: so what you handle in SER?
14:35.22epablobackblue:  I wan't to use SER only as an load balancer..
14:35.25backbluejust register trafic?
14:35.41backblueepablo: i'm asking because maybe, i will have to do it this week
14:35.52[TK]D-FenderTinoW : So you know what happened to the dial attempt AFTER the call ...
14:35.58backbluewe are bringing the cluster up now, but we will try to do it all without ser.
14:36.25[TK]D-FenderTinoW : So you cantinue on in context to log the call perhaps, rename the monitor file, etc, and other "stuff"
14:36.27backbluebut if it does not work well, i will have to use SER.
14:36.31epablobackblue: He should redirect on-net traffice to the correct asterisk box and off-net is handled by asterisk.. At least thats the idea
14:36.45TinoW[TK]D-Fender: what can I do to do something when the connection starts?
14:36.49backblueepablo: yes, i understand.
14:37.22epablobackblue:  We could work as a team.. I'm doing the same over here..
14:37.24backblueepablo: but does ser have somehow to know, when one asterisk server have many calls and forward to other? (i dont know ser)
14:37.42x86how can i provide E911 services to my customers?
14:37.49[TK]D-FenderTinoW : You'd have to run some sort of manager script to monito for the channel starting.... not easy for sure.
14:38.08x86i cant find info about it anywhere, except the government site saying it's mandatory, but they fail to mention how to go about it
14:38.16Hmm-workthere is no good load balancing module for SER right now
14:38.40TinoW[TK]D-Fender: too bad. :( what can I do beside hacking the source?
14:38.49backbluehow better its load balancing with ser? its the same as round robin dns?
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14:40.03cytrakdoes anyone here know what causes this problem? chan_zap.c:8203 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
14:40.36cytrakmy audio quality gets really bad when I'm talking to someone and sundenly I get a bunch of those errors
14:41.10cytrakI also get this one:  pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span
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14:45.16[TK]D-FenderTinoW : What are you trying to do?
14:45.42[TK]D-Fendercytrak : Sounds like a clocking problem.
14:45.59TinoW[TK]D-Fender: I want to playback a greating when the callee takes the call
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14:47.05powerchiphow can i know what agent so call the server ?
14:47.25cytrak[TK]D-Fender: clocking ? in the /etc/zapta.conf file ?
14:48.18[TK]D-FenderTinoW : Theres an option code for that in the dial command!
14:48.32cytrakI just found an article on asteriskgurus that also says it could be IDE interrupts problem or that Then probably the PRI you are using is not using PRI signalling but maybe some other type of signalling like E&M.
14:48.47viperdudeanyone know what this means? "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 26: No such device or address (6)"
14:48.51cytrakI'm pretty sure I'm using PRI signalling though
14:49.04TinoW[TK]D-Fender: M(x) ?
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14:50.23powerchipI must know the varable to know what aget so call? any now?
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14:50.37powerchipif agent call to the server
14:51.22Darwin_35look at it
14:51.22[TK]D-FenderTinoW : Go read and test...
14:51.42TinoW[TK]D-Fender: yes, I was reading but aparently overlooked M(x)
14:52.20cytrakdo I need to remove mods for my digium card to get the timesync reloaded ? or ztcfg -vvv should do it ?
14:52.44x86how can i provide E911 services to my customers?
14:52.55x86can i do it myself or do i need a provider?
14:53.17x86i run an ITSP and all my lines are over IAX2 and SIP, I have no connected POTS lines
14:54.43epablotamp4x:  are you still around'
14:54.49cytrak[TK]D-Fender: don't think its timingsync
14:55.08epablohave a couple minutes to help finnish that asterisk / SER integration. I must be missing something'
14:55.12powerchipDarwin_35: i know the filne but i will make so if ($agent == "2"){ // not call } else { //call }
14:55.54tamp4xjust go to and get the sip intro manual
14:56.12tamp4xgo to the section using ser as a redirect server
14:56.21epablotamp4x:  Ok.. Thanks..
14:58.31cytrakI think the siemens guys that take care of my PBX box suck
14:58.43cytraksorry that was just a thought
15:00.05TinoW[TK]D-Fender: funny, aparently it does something - but the caller does not hear a sound...
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15:00.58Hmm-worknothing is more annoying than getting told the exact same thing twice
15:01.14Hmm-work"blah blah blah blah"
15:01.51Strom_MHmm-work, also, nothing is more annoying than getting told the exact same thing twice
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15:04.43Hmm-workfunny guy
15:04.47kpettitanybody know if there is a way to turn call-fowarding off on a polycom phone remotly?
15:05.40[TK]D-FenderTinoW : A(x): Play an announcement (x.gsm) to the called party.
15:06.03TinoW[TK]D-Fender: thats the wrong direction. I want to play the announcement to the calling party
15:06.05[TK]D-Fenderkpettit : Force a reboot.
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15:06.39kpettitcool.  I thought it stored that in a file.  It just dose it in memory?
15:06.53TinoW[TK]D-Fender: and aparently the Playback() in the M() macro also plays to the callee and not to the caller. Bummer :(
15:07.06cytrakis this normal on zttool ? IRQ misses 38387
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15:09.22[TK]D-FenderTinoW : READ ABOVE
15:09.36TinoW[TK]D-Fender: pardon?
15:09.38jaikeanyone know the link to the 1.2.6 changelog?
15:09.43[TK]D-Fender[10:05] <[TK]D-Fender> TinoW : A(x): Play an announcement (x.gsm) to the called party.
15:09.47jaikewebsite still shows 1.2.5
15:10.01TinoW[TK]D-Fender: yes please. I already told you I want to play to the _calling_ party
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15:10.34jaikeoh..found it
15:11.09x86how can i provide E911 services to my VoIP network?
15:11.24brettnemx86: partner with a provider that properly supports E911
15:11.27x86are there companies that will let me setup an IAX2 trunk to them?
15:11.31brettnemor go with someone like Dash911
15:11.32x86brettnem: do you know any?
15:11.36brettnemwell, me. :)
15:11.43brettnemwhere are you located?
15:11.43x86dash911 is expensive and uses dedicated circuits
15:11.50brettnemyes, it is very expensive..
15:12.04x86my company is just starting out and cant afford dedicated circuits for E911
15:12.18brettnemyou shouldnt need it unless you are a CLEC
15:12.22brettnemwhere are you located?
15:12.28x86i'd rather maintain the customer's address and pass it to a PSAP, or pass it to a provider that routes to the proper PSAP
15:12.35x86illinois, usa
15:12.41brettnemhmm.. can't help you there
15:12.51brettnemx86: what you want is frequently called PS/ALI
15:13.01x86oh yeah?
15:13.03brettnemin the traditional 911 world
15:13.10x86whats it mean?
15:13.15brettnemyeah, and many CLECs will sell it to you
15:13.26brettnemPrivate Switch/Automatic Location Identification
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15:14.06brettnemthe concept is that you send 911 calls to a provider that takes the NENA (911 records) from you and passes it onto the 911 database for you
15:14.08x86so i can maintain a list of addresses, and when one of my extensions dials 911 it will pass it to the proper PSAP?
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15:14.17x86ah ok
15:14.24x86you know of any providers?
15:14.46brettnemno exactaly, you pass the call to the provider, the provider passes it to the incumbant and their route selector passes it to the appropriate PSAP.. but you get the basic idea.
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15:15.03x86ah ok
15:15.04brettnemnot in your area
15:15.10x86where are you?
15:15.14brettnemI'm in texas
15:15.22x86are you an ITSP?
15:15.22TinoW[TK]D-Fender: I guess you are out of ideas? Any variable I could use to redirect the playback to the calling channel?
15:15.35brettnemI'm a CLEC. we have an ITSP company too.
15:16.00x86brettnem: do i need a PS/ALI provider for every PSAP area? or why does it matter where my PS/ALI provider is located?
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15:16.07brettnembut I do a lot of CLEC functions.. like interconnection, 911, SS7 translations..
15:16.35brettnemx86: you must have 911 access for each area you have.. ie: you can't use a ps/ali provider in one area for customers in another.
15:16.44x86oh man...
15:16.44|Vulture|anyone here using a Dell Power Edge 850 for *?
15:16.50x86my customers are all over the nation ;)
15:16.52brettnemunless of course the ps/ali provider is in both areas.
15:17.05brettnemx86: that's why people typically partner with companies like dash911
15:17.10x86there is no one stone to kill all birds? :P
15:17.18brettnemIntrado may have an offering now to people like you, you should definately call them.
15:17.33x86brettnem: yeah, but dash911 only does dedicated TDM circuits :(
15:17.39brettnemx86: btw, I think has a portal to do this as well, but they are rediculously hard to get a hold of
15:17.50brettnemdash911 doesn't only do dedicated TDM circuits.. that's nonsense.
15:18.10x86according to this, that's all they do
15:18.15brettnemlet me see..
15:18.27x86"Dash911 uses dedicated TDM/PSTN circuits to carry 9-1-1 call traffic"
15:18.30x86direct quote
15:18.35brettnemlook, there are two important parts to 911.. 1) ALI database 2) 911 interconnection.
15:18.46brettnemx86: duh, but not tdm circuits to you
15:18.53x86ah :)
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15:19.20brettnemI'm pretty sure you can send them a 911 call SIP.. virtually positive..
15:19.20x86just $5000 up front and like ~$2/mo per customer then?
15:19.28nettieHi guys, I'm having problem bridging calls. From phone 'a' I call a pSTN number trought my voip carrier, when the user picks up I then try to transfer the call to another phone in my lan and on asterisk console I see messages flood all saying "Attempting native bridge of local calls<->voip call". The local phone rings but when my collegue picks up it's mute. Any idea please?
15:19.43brettnemyeah, it's a total ripoff
15:19.57Hmm-workheart breaker
15:19.59Hmm-workheart breakerrrrr
15:20.02brettnemx86: check out the drawing on that webpage..
15:20.31brettnemx86: try to flag down
15:22.03brettnemwow it's awfully quiet in here this morning.. everyone still asleep??
15:22.27|Vulture|I wish
15:22.48brettnemkids got me up at 6:30 this morning.. ugh
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15:25.44RoyKanyone using SIPCHANINFO?
15:27.08Hmm-worki need another website besides fark to waste time at work
15:29.23ManxPowerHmm-work, I suggest for light reading
15:30.11Hmm-workI could use a good php photo album
15:31.21TinoW[TK]D-Fender: I see in the log something like Playback("SIP/foobar-3de8","Soundfile") while this is the called party. Can I replace this somehow with the calling party?
15:31.37[TK]D-FenderTinoW : Not sure.
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15:31.58TinoW[TK]D-Fender: I was expecting I can play to both directions of a connection?
15:32.29Hmm-workcan anyone recommend one?
15:32.55ManxPowerTinoW, See "show application dial"
15:33.00NuggetI use gallery (1, not 2) but I don't think that extends as far as an endoresement.
15:33.08NuggetI'm really unhappy with the direction that gallery is heading
15:33.57TinoWManxPower: yes, it shows me the manual (which I also read online ;) But still it does not help much I guess...
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15:34.53ManxPowerTinoW, So the "A" option to Dial was not what you were looking for?
15:35.08TinoWManxPower: no :)
15:35.46Strom_Mwasting all my time time
15:36.00Hmm-workyeah I was looking at gallery
15:36.02TinoWManxPower: yes, I read that about 1000 times. But I want to play to the _calling_ party. Not to the called! :)
15:36.34ManxPowerTinoW, um, for the CALLING party you can use playback
15:36.42TinoWManxPower: ah!
15:37.08ManxPowerTinoW [TK]D-Fender: I see in the log something like Playback("SIP/foobar-3de8","Soundfile") while this is the called party. Can I replace this somehow with the calling party?
15:37.22ManxPowerah, I see where the confusion on my part is.
15:37.39TinoWManxPower: ah well, yes I tried Playback as well. But it does not what I want :(
15:37.49*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
15:38.40nettieHi Manx, how's going? Just wondeirng if you had experience any problems with call bridging? When I transfer a call to another phone withing my LAN I see a flood of attempts on asterisk console, the phones destination phone rings but the call gets lost. Any idea please?
15:39.11ManxPowernettie, Only if you have NAT involved.
15:39.12tzangerhow does the new DB function work?  Set(DB(key)=value) ?
15:39.22nettieManxPower unfortunately I do
15:39.35ManxPowernettie, then things get VERY complicated.
15:39.43*** join/#asterisk The_X (
15:40.15nettieManxPower the server is in my colo and the phones are on a local netowrk behind nat. I would prefer not ending configurig a vpn if possible..
15:40.18The_XI call from a phone to a direct line (Did) behind asterisk and even if I flush the call from the cell, it keeps ringing on the 7960 for a good 5 seconds
15:40.22The_Xis there a way to fix it
15:40.29fnordianoej: hi
15:40.54ManxPowernettie, SIP/RTP puts the address inside the data part of the packet.  NAT only works on the headers, which would have the public address.
15:40.56[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Thats right
15:41.07tzanger[TK]D-Fender: danke.  I haven't had to use it much :-)
15:41.10tzanger... at all
15:41.12ManxPowernettie, do the phones work if you are not trying to do a transfer?
15:41.13tzanger... ever.  :-)
15:41.22ManxPower'morning tzanger
15:41.55tzangermorning ManxPower, how are things?
15:42.14ManxPowertzanger, they could be better, they could be worse.
15:42.26tzangerhmm.  sounds... mediocre
15:43.25nettieManxPower they do
15:43.48nettieI had issues before when calling within my LAN
15:44.12ManxPowernettie, and you have nat=yes in sip.conf for each of the devices?
15:44.12nettiebut after I disabled SIP ALG on the router it worked perfectly
15:44.18nettieManxPower yes
15:44.21nettieI do
15:44.57ManxPowernettie, then you either need to disable reinvites or put in VPN tunnel.
15:44.59nettieManxPower I also have qualify=yes
15:45.57nettieI think I'll disable reinvite .. if I do it local calls will be routed trough asterisk I suppose
15:46.02nettiemore than routed
15:46.07ManxPowernettie, correct.
15:46.16nettieManxPower let's try
15:46.26ManxPowernettie, you don't have to do an encrypted tunnel.
15:46.32*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
15:46.35ManxPowerA simple GRE tunnel would work just fine for this.
15:47.07nettieyeah I know the problem is that the router at the warehouse is a zyxel
15:47.17nettienot sure it support unenc
15:47.31nettieI normally use cisco's and kame/ipsec-tools serverside
15:47.37ManxPoweryou might start by getting a real router. 8-|
15:47.45nettieyeah I know ..
15:48.12nettieI have a 1840 at home
15:48.19nettieand here a zyxel
15:48.22nettieI shoul dbe killed:)
15:48.32nettieI'll definitely upgrade it
15:48.32ManxPowerI use 1750 for hime and my clients usually use 2600s
15:48.34x86i have a pix 501 at home, asterisk behind it ;)
15:49.04nettieManxPower on all my phones I have careinvite=no
15:49.06x86i'm pondering getting an 871 for home :) :) :)
15:49.18GolobTGGdo you use ciscos for PSTN connectivity too?
15:49.32nettieis careinvite the same as reinvite
15:49.34ManxPowerI should have a Cat 5505 by the middle of this coming month 8-)
15:49.42ManxPowerGolobTGG, not at all.
15:49.42nettieManxPower you're loaded :)
15:49.43*** join/#asterisk veto (
15:49.46ManxPowerWe use routers to route.
15:49.51ManxPowerwe use servers to serv.
15:49.53x86i've got a cat 2912 at home right now ;)
15:49.55nettieManxPower I did a better job on the switch though
15:50.01x86i love it, even tho it's EOS / EOL
15:50.03ManxPowernettie, Cat 550xs are CHEAP on ebay
15:50.06nettieManxPower I got a procurve 2650 I think
15:50.16GolobTGGcisco's big with all the "integrated services" on their routers
15:50.25nettieManxPower around 600ish new
15:50.29ManxPowerI'm wireing up a campground and we need something decent.
15:50.35nettieManxPower limited layer3 capabilities..
15:50.39ManxPowerand cheap.
15:50.47nettieManxPower it's impressive how cool it is..
15:51.03GolobTGGprocurve switchs are great
15:51.17*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
15:51.24GolobTGGI have a couple of 2650s and a 3400
15:51.40ManxPowermy largest client has something like 18 offices.  We finally got Cisco routers at most of the offices after 5 years of working on it, now comes standardizing the switches at these offices.
15:51.45nettieimpressive for the amount of money
15:51.50Hmm-workwell yappa-ng was insanely easy to install
15:52.04*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
15:52.08GolobTGG1/2 the price of a similar cisco (2960 or such)
15:52.30saftsackif someone dials my number and if the channel is busy it does do congestion, but the dialer doesnt hear anything :(
15:52.52ManxPowerCustomer: "But we can get SMC switches at 1/2 the cost!"  Me: "And you have found a consultant that knows how to manage them, right?"
15:53.02ManxPowerthey usually then shut up and order the cisco.
15:54.38RoyKManxPower: use D-Link!
15:54.40kendHey -- I'm using "viewfax" to view fax TIF files, and it comes out fine -- if I don't use viewfax, it looks all squished.  Okay.  However, is there an equivalent to "viewfax" on Windows, where the faxes *won't* look squished?
15:55.35RoyKManxPower: works wonderfully as long as you only need to utilise them 10% and not use anything fancy like multicasting or something
15:55.35*** join/#asterisk freezer (i=freeze@
15:55.39freezerhi guys
15:56.17kendRoyK: what do you mean by the "10%" bit?  Bandwidth?  PoE?
15:56.48*** join/#asterisk Dandre (
15:56.52RoyKI just meant that cpu-wise, it's crap
15:56.54DandreHello all,
15:56.56RoyKand stability-wise
15:56.59RoyKand so on
15:57.15RoyKbut it works well as long as you don't expect too much
15:57.16nettieManxPower didnt work :(
15:57.28nettieI got a nice Incoming call: Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from
15:57.36ManxPowercanreinvite=no in each section of sip.conf?
15:57.45nettienow I dont get the attempts flood..
15:57.49ManxPowernettie, you are using polycoms
15:57.55nettieyou got me
15:58.02DandreI have a little problem when I do consultative transfer with sip. The callerid is set to the transferer and not the transferee. I there anything I could do?
15:58.19nettieone is polycom the other is a pap2
15:58.33nettiewhich is there just for testing
15:58.48[TK]D-FenderDandre : Thats what a cosultative transfer is SUPPOSED to do.
15:58.48jaikenettie: might be a firewall problem...noticed polycoms sending packets to other ports aside from 5060
15:59.32nettiewell on the asterisk server only port 5060 is open
15:59.55DandreYes but the phone whose the call is transfered to hasn't the real callerid
15:59.59Kattyanyone use wget for ftp?
16:00.08*** join/#asterisk inv_arp[work] (
16:00.08nettieManxPower canreinvite is on all devices in sip.conf
16:00.16blitzrageRTP (media/audio) is on ports other than 5060 -- 5060 is only signaling
16:00.17malverianAnyone know where the default Asterisk MOH files came from?
16:00.33[TK]D-FenderDandre : Then start a a consultative transfer, then take it back and go blind.
16:00.45[TK]D-FenderKatty : Thats how I do all of my * installs.
16:01.05Dandreit is not very convenient for the end suser
16:01.21[TK]D-FenderDandre : Sorry, thats just how these transfers are defined.
16:01.54Katty[TK]D-Fender: think you can give me a hand with my syntax?
16:02.04blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: you coming to VON Canada in TOronoto?
16:02.36nettieManxPower what's wrong with polycoms?
16:02.38saftsack is the example on this page the onliest way to signal a congestion to the caller?
16:02.46[TK]D-FenderKatty : nothing much to say .... "wget [url]"
16:02.54[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : When?
16:03.02ManxPowernettie, nothing, but they commonly five that error when transfering a call, but the call still goes thru
16:03.09Katty[TK]D-Fender: well that's http.
16:03.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: not ftp with username and password.....but apparently mozilla does ftp.
16:03.24[TK]D-FenderKatty : Works for FTP too....
16:03.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: so i'll just use that for now (=
16:03.35blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: Apr 3-5 -- I think JunK-Y is coming down too
16:04.01[TK]D-FenderKatty : use the standard FTP notation like "wget ftp://user:pass@server.suffix"
16:04.01Dr-Linuxanybody is using >>
16:04.05tzangernot me
16:04.16[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : don't think I can...
16:04.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: okies.
16:04.36TinoW.oO(or lukemftp ;)
16:04.46*** join/#asterisk darkm20 (i=andrea@
16:04.59darkm20Anyone here who has access to Cisco CCO ?
16:05.49eric_hilldarkm20: yes
16:06.17darkm20Eric_hill: Hi
16:08.51*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
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16:11.56Hmm-workNot sure if i'm going this year
16:12.08*** join/#asterisk nagl (
16:13.25blitzragetzanger: you coming out to the VON/TAUG next week?
16:13.35KattyHmm-work: hi.
16:13.44tzangerooh I forgot about that
16:13.47*** join/#asterisk Cation76 (
16:13.51tzangerI'm going to make a real effort to get out there
16:13.59tzangermaybe I'll bring Alina...  you'll get to meet her :-)
16:14.09blitzragetzanger: schweet -- weather should be a lot better this time of year too
16:14.17blitzragetzanger: schweet -- bring her hot sister too
16:14.35kendiDunno: not knowing about resolv.conf *is* a pretty big sin -- at least, for a *nix admin.
16:14.38tzangershe's got 4 sisters and a couple of them are pretty damn hot... but they're all married and in Romania
16:15.09kendDr-Linux: I fired it up last week; don't know much about it, but two heads can be better than one.  What's wrong?
16:15.10blitzragetzanger: hahaha
16:15.17iDunnokend: well, indeed. Not knowing that, or anything about DNS, or being able to configure their firewall...
16:15.33iDunnokend: oh, and sending root passwords as plain text BY E-MAIL.
16:15.43kendiDunno: sounds like a top-notch sysadmin to me.  ;-)
16:16.09Hmm-workHi Katty
16:16.17salviadudgotta use pgp for that
16:16.18Hmm-workmarried and in Romania, that sure doesn't help me
16:22.57*** join/#asterisk darkm21 (i=andrea@
16:26.32*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:27.53brettnemugh.. I've got an unmatched } in my extensions.conf and I can't find it.. anyone got a way to find it?
16:28.15ManxPowerbrettnem, it should tell you the line number.
16:28.26brettnemlet me show you
16:28.41brettnemMar 27 04:17:04 NOTICE[20998]: pbx.c:1476 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Error in extension logic (missing '}')
16:29.12brettnemany ideas?
16:30.26[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : Try pasting the the line that CAUSED the error....
16:30.42brettnemheh, if I knew that..
16:30.54[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : You should have an idea where it is....
16:31.06ManxPowerDo a search for ] or )
16:31.16[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : pastebin the whole damn thing then.
16:31.31*** part/#asterisk darkm21 (i=andrea@
16:32.48brettnemthis was the line right before it..
16:32.50brettnem-- Executing Macro("SIP/t3vn-lubbock-d9e2", "Ring1Ring1Ring1Return|SIP/4325551212|SIP/4325551213|SIP/4325551214|10|10|") in new stack
16:33.10brettnemcould that null arg be causing it?
16:34.11*** part/#asterisk Dandre (
16:34.20[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : PASTEBIN!
16:34.46salviadudpastebin for the love of honey maple syrup
16:34.49salviadudand jesus
16:34.50*** join/#asterisk brif8 (
16:34.57[TK]D-FenderWe'll settle for the syrop!
16:35.19nettieManxPower I'm getting a "noaudio available message"
16:35.31nettieManxPower when I try meetme for example
16:35.48*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
16:35.52brettnemoh give me a break, it's one freakin line.. :P
16:35.59nettieManxPower on the console.. and of course I dont hear any audio feedback on the phone
16:36.13brettnemI'd use up as much IRC realestate as the link to the pastebin
16:36.40*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
16:37.02[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : Ok, stop talking about your coding flaws and SHOW US!
16:37.04brif8Hi All, using a mix of Cisco 7960s and Cisco 7920s which is better  (a) set all using SCCP not SIP, (b) set the 7960 using SIP and 7920 SCCP ? Also anyone had any experience with the 7920s, I am using the 7960 at present under SIP.
16:37.23*** join/#asterisk angler_ (n=johnb@
16:37.41brettnemhmm it doesn't seem cause any problems.. what the heck.. :-/
16:37.45*** join/#asterisk HamYaI (n=HamYai@
16:37.49brettnemok, let me cut it out..
16:38.29HamYaIwhere can I find a "Change Log" or" New Features" od 1.2.6?
16:39.03RoyKin the source!
16:40.11salviadud*added prankster support for MixMonitor
16:40.28salviadudyep... asterisk 1.2.6 is da bomb dude
16:41.07brettnemprankster support?
16:41.38*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
16:41.43salviadudi'm kidding
16:42.37salviadudthough i would like to know how to make mixmonitor do my recordings on mp3
16:42.42salviadudthat would be fantastic
16:43.12*** join/#asterisk angom_w (
16:43.45lokoDoes Asterisk @home actually run without timing issues under vmware?
16:44.36Qwellloko: not really
16:45.08Nuggetheck, asterisk barely runs under freebsd without timing issues.  vmware is optimistic.  :)
16:45.08RoyKloko: asterisk or asterisk at home or whatever realtimesystem does not run well under vmware
16:45.29RoyKvmware is beyond optimistic
16:45.53brettnemNugget: I'd remove the "under freebsd" from your sentense and try again. :)
16:46.23brettnemand the word "timing"
16:46.25*** join/#asterisk mog_work (
16:46.26tzangerit runs pretty damn well under Xen
16:46.27DaminI'd spell sentence correctly..
16:46.31Nuggetcomedy is not pretty.
16:46.40brettnemDamin: poetic justice
16:46.48salviadudit runs pretty good under linux imho
16:46.53tzangersalviadud: heh
16:47.21brettnemanyone have any experience with lighttpd?
16:47.29mog_workwhy mess with good thing
16:47.31brif8anyone using Cisco 7920 and did it go ok or are there better wireless IP phones to use ?
16:47.39Nuggetbecause linux isn't a good thing.  :)
16:47.50tzangermog_work: because there's no sense of adventure in that :-)
16:47.53salviadudare you saying linux is awesome?
16:47.54brettnemyay war
16:47.54mog_workbillions of nerds must be wrong....
16:48.02salviadudi agree with Nugget
16:48.08Nuggetit wouldn't be the first time.
16:48.30salviadudbrettnem, what's a yay war?
16:48.53mog_workare you a bsd hippie nugget? ^_^
16:49.04NuggetI use what makes sense.  Sometimes that's bsd.
16:49.28NuggetI run a little bit of everything here, even linux (for asterisk and gridmp)
16:49.35tzangerI love that... 8192 samples in 8191 sample intervals
16:49.47tzangerwe squeezed an extra one in there, they'll never notice
16:49.48nDuffNugget: howdy
16:51.43*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
16:53.01*** join/#asterisk GerbilNut (i=GerbilNu@
16:53.10_Paulo_I like BSD but cant bear Theos atitude.
16:53.30*** join/#asterisk signal-eleven (
16:53.48NuggetTheo's a lot less annoying than RMS.
16:53.55Nuggetbut it's a fair point nontheless
16:54.04*** join/#asterisk octothorpe (n=octothor@unaffiliated/octothorpe)
16:54.17signal-elevenhey all, anyone know how to make asterisk respond with a specific sip response code from an AGI script? ie. force the return of a 404 not found.
16:54.20fileNugget, what is today's speciality sauce?
16:54.35angler_g love and special sauce
16:54.38Nuggetmango habañero
16:54.42[TK]D-Fenderexten => s,1,NoOp(Ringing ${ARG1} then ${ARG2}  then ${ARG3} for ${ARG4} seconds then rolling to ${ARG5) - ${MACRO_EXTEN} from ${MACRO_CONTEXT} ${SIP_CODEC} ${CALLERIDNUM})
16:54.52[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : look at ARG5
16:55.18brettnemwahoo.. nice catch..
16:55.23brettnemmy eyes were crossing looking for those.
16:56.17tzangerI have to do something a little similar
16:56.24[TK]D-FenderGreat Andrew sees all.... knows nothing.....
16:56.42tzangerI need to send a SIP INFO message to a bunch of ip501s... but hte SIP INFO header is different for some of htem
16:56.44_Paulo_who listen to RMS? RMS is into politics, not on IT.
16:56.45brettnemhmm I used to have that rainbow parens plugin for vi.. where'd that goo..
16:56.56tzangerso I have to Dial(Local/) and split it off from there
16:57.01tzangerI can't think of a different way to do it
16:57.08tzangerI see all and know nothing?
16:57.09tzangerouch :-)
16:57.30brettnemtzanger: I'm afraid of the local channel. :)
16:57.41ManxPowerBell sheduled the conversion from our CLEC to the ILEC for 10am tomorrow morning.
16:57.48tzangerLocal/ and I are great friends
16:58.16nDuffI'm trying to figure out exactly how voicemail.conf's externpass works. Apparently voicemail.conf is no longer regenerated when voicemail.conf is in use (which is good) -- but where is it documented how the new mailbox/password combo is given to the invoked externpass process?
16:58.34tzangerand then [SipInfoFoo] sends Foo and [SipInfoBar] sends Bar
16:58.47tzangerthere's nothing quite like a dialplan that works as a tree :-)
16:59.08MooingLemurmy dialplan is more like velcro
16:59.23MooingLemurhooks and loops
16:59.26[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : My guess : Poison Oak :)
16:59.28tzangerMooingLemur: heh
16:59.40*** join/#asterisk nettie (
16:59.42tzangerbrettnem: yeah... call comes in and splits off to two different contexts that run at the same time
17:00.11nettieManxPower the problem is that I can hear asterisk back only is SIP ALG is enabled on the router..
17:00.12tzangeractually it'd be Local/${EXTEN}@OfficePhones&Local/${EXTEN}@RemotePhones)
17:00.12brettnemyeah, I like the local channel driver.. I've just had some deadlock issues in the past that still haunt me
17:00.36tzangerand [RemotePhones] changes the SIP INFO message depending on time of day and stuff, because he doesn't want his home phones ringing for business calls after a certain time, phase of the moon, etc.
17:05.23*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
17:06.52*** join/#asterisk nahirean (n=nahirean@
17:06.56nahireanAnyone know what NOTICE[2027]: pbx_spool.c:232 attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason 1
17:07.00nahireanwould indicate?
17:07.56*** join/#asterisk SkalTura (
17:08.14signal-elevennahirean: reason 1 is AST_CONTROL_HANGUP
17:08.44ManxPoweryou are assuming "reason" == "hangup cause".  I don't know if that is true.
17:10.28*** join/#asterisk edobe (n=shigueta@
17:10.30nahireanhmm, ok - thanks for your help.. ill take a look .. have a good one
17:11.38edobehi all, i´m testing asterisk with a softphone... the softphone shows buttons for different lines, how can i configure asterisk for this multi-line support, so I press Line 1 and it uses 1 line, Line 2 and it uses other, and so on
17:11.58*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
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17:12.16ManxPowerI see this is "newbie questions day" today
17:12.30Hmm-workwhats the deal, with my brain, why am I so obviously insane
17:13.38salviadudfor starters, you are asking in the wrong chan buddy
17:13.51salviadudmaybe #psychiatry would help
17:14.01*** join/#asterisk newmember (
17:14.44salviadudedobe, that softphone, what brand is it?
17:14.56salviaduddid you get it in a box of Frosted Flakes?
17:15.13*** join/#asterisk mdo_ (
17:15.17brettnemawesome.. My wifi connection works outside my office.
17:15.24mdo_i am looking for a system that can call a number via voip and play prerecorded sound files, further react on keypad input for e.g. repeat a sound file. is asterisk for this or does someone know a more qualified system?
17:15.39salviadudplanning on watchin pr0n outside the office eh?
17:15.40brettnemmdo_: very easy to do that
17:15.43edobei thought this was asterisk channel, not clownswannabe
17:15.57jbalcombasterisk really should come with a /working/ samples config. say set your phone to ext 1234 and you can test it right off.
17:15.58signal-eleventhis is an asterisk channel, not a channel for your softphone
17:16.02brettnemsalviadud: heh, I'm in the cafe downstairs.. ;)
17:16.19brettnemasteisk does come with working samples!
17:16.20edobesignal-eleven: so i don´t need to configure anything on asterisk for this?
17:16.25[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I'm working on that....
17:16.26brettnemhmm.. this is newbie day eh?
17:16.30X-Genu hear about the chick that was killed, she had Frosted Flakes sprinkled around her. they think it was a cereal killer
17:16.34signal-elevenedobe: nope, just make your softphone register each line as a different account
17:16.42salviadudhahaha, cereal killer
17:16.47brettnemX-Gen: HAR HAR!
17:17.00signal-elevenor the same account depending on the protocol (for instance you can register the same sip account multiple times)
17:17.10salviadudbrettnem, you laugh like a pirate maaaaaan
17:17.12jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender right on
17:17.41jbalcombwhat does this mean/do? astdb=chan2ext/SIP/grandstream1=1234   ; ensures an astDB entry exists
17:17.56[TK]D-FenderX-Gen : Did you you hear that the Energizer Bunny was just found dead?  The doctor cited the cause of dead as "acute sexual exhaustion".  Apparently someone put his batteries in BACKWARDS....
17:18.13[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : That line is BS.
17:18.16edobesignal-eleven: but asterisk is the one that routes the calls through trunks... how do i define that Line1 is a line and Line2 is another? I mean to use a specified line
17:18.18brettnemjbalcomb: yes
17:18.29*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
17:18.54X-Genlol @ fender
17:18.56signal-elevenedobe: depends on the protocol. if you have a sip account registered to 4 lines when a call comes in serial forking occurs and all the lines ring at the same time, the first one to answer winds
17:19.01signal-elevenwinds = wins
17:19.19signal-elevenif you use multiple accounts for the lines then it's pretty obvious how it works
17:19.49*** join/#asterisk Cooltalk (n=io@
17:20.37salviadudmy social engineering is strong
17:20.50salviadudi have a direct line with the president of a phone company
17:20.53mdo_brettnem: thnx
17:20.54salviadudlocated in nevada
17:21.00salviadudand she's a girl
17:21.08salviadudi wanna ask her out or something
17:21.22salviadudshe sounds kinda worried and financially insecure
17:22.07salviadudall thanx to asterisk... the funkiest pbx
17:22.40signal-elevenany agi coders know howto generate a specific sip response code from a fastagi script? ie. send a 404 not found back?
17:22.46rpmthis is going to turn into the story.. "How asterisk got salviadud laid."
17:23.18salviadudrpm, i like you're thinking dude
17:23.40salviadudi got into this business just for that
17:23.57salviadudsome say... it's because jabbering on the phone is cool
17:24.02salviadudi saw, it's the ladies
17:24.12salviadudwe are rockstars in our own way
17:24.18salviadudwe pay the bills
17:24.30salviadudtherefore, we get the bitches and hoes
17:24.38salviadudwe are the asterisk pimps
17:24.56signal-elevenasterisk - when you need a pbx or bitches & hoes
17:25.11salviadudyeah man! it's like this
17:25.16salviadudi go to a company
17:25.18salviadudsetup a pbx
17:25.28salviadudand so i memorize which secretary is hot
17:25.54salviadudso, one day, i play with extensions.conf, and ALL her calls get transferred to me
17:26.11salviadudof course, i play it dumb "geez louise! you got me agaaaaain?"
17:26.18salviadudstuff like that
17:26.28*** join/#asterisk bamp (
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17:26.44signal-eleveni thought that was called stalking?
17:26.58salviadudno way man.  i'm in mexico
17:27.04salviadudthis is called latin love
17:27.10signal-elevenhahaha. nice.
17:27.14eric_hillmexico?  I'm coming down there in two weeks to see you then...
17:27.27salviadudwhat part of mexico are you going to?
17:27.49eric_hillWhich, btw, has too many "a"'s in the name.
17:27.57salviadudmmmmmm, i'm in monterrey, you won't be seeing me...
17:28.35salviadudyeah, it's a freaky name, and even i don't know what it means...
17:28.51salviadudit's probably an aztec name
17:29.08*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
17:29.38eric_hillI was in Cuatalincinco Puebla a few months ago.  Nice city, really.  Never learned how to spell the first name though...
17:30.18rpmi wonder how much of a pain in the ass it would be to write a voicemail system without using app_voicemail.c
17:30.38eric_hillX-Gen: if you type your password in, it comes out as stars!  See:  *********
17:30.47salviadudi wonder if the guys at digium ever check the logs and go "damn... i thought those guys were devs..."
17:31.21X-Generic_hill: whenever i'm depressed i read
17:31.40X-Genthey should mention what # it was said on aswell
17:32.38salviadudpoor fool
17:32.56salviadudi remember when i made a guy winnuke himself
17:33.04salviadudback in... 95
17:33.15salviadudwhen windows was all i had
17:33.26*** part/#asterisk bamp (
17:35.22*** join/#asterisk moprilo (i=whatMMx@
17:35.45mopriloi need to install the digium tdm24, but i can't find the module .. :S
17:35.48moprilohelp ?
17:36.06mopriloi had a link with it, but i seem to have lost it
17:36.46rpmmoprilo: zaptel drivers
17:38.32*** join/#asterisk skkip (n=Skipper@
17:38.44[TK]D-FenderWhen are the rest of the * resources going to acknowledge the new * release?  Wiki has no mention, and doesn't have a new article....
17:39.06*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
17:39.58jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeah, how about the book that has examples that result in massive amounts of syntax errors?
17:40.29ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, that's why you should not rely on those.  Rely on the docs that come with Asterisk
17:40.38jbalcombManxPower where are those?
17:40.38rpm_XXX. matches only 3 numbers right?
17:40.58jbalcombrpm i dont think so.. isnt the . anything of any amount?
17:41.12iDunnono, there's a .
17:41.13ManxPowerjbalcomb, in the "docs" directory of the asterisk source code.  Also "show applications" at the Asterisk CLI, as well as the configs directory of the asterisk source tree.
17:41.23iDunno_XXX will match 3 numbers ;)
17:41.48ManxPower_XXX. will match FOUR or MORE numbers.
17:42.10salviadudTK, you know how i can get mp3 support for mixmonitor, i was reading and supposedly, i need soxmix to be able to encode to mp3, which unfortunately, it doesn't, and i have no real clue on how to compile soxmix or sox with mp3 for that matter
17:42.28jbalcombManxPower i thought the dot meant it didnt need to exist? so should be atleast but also anything more?
17:42.43ManxPowerno, . means "one or more"
17:42.51salviadudcompile with mp3 support, that is
17:43.03salviadudanybody with that same pickle?
17:43.11salviadudmixmonitor and mp3 support?
17:43.33[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : no clue
17:45.18*** join/#asterisk kardecallan (
17:45.23salviadudallright, i'll do some more research
17:45.24jbalcombManxPower is there a ? for 'possible'? like _XXX? three or maybe four numbers but not anymore than four?
17:45.25ManxPowerof course any time you use "." in a pattern match the person dialing will have to wait for DigitTimeout before their call will be processed
17:45.35signal-elevensalviadud: you need to have either libmad or libmp3lame installed when you build sox to get mp3 support
17:45.40ManxPowerhow about _XXX and _XXXX
17:45.58jbalcombManxPower shouldnt have to do two statements
17:46.11ManxPowerjbalcomb, best of luck with fighting Asterisk.
17:46.23jbalcombManxPower I'm pretty sure Perkl regex uses the ? like that
17:46.36ManxPowerjbalcomb, Asterisk does not have perl regex
17:46.46ManxPoweror any kind of regex for exten patterns at all
17:46.51jbalcombManxPower asterisk has asterisk regex? ;)
17:47.04signal-eleveni wouldn't even call it regex, more like pattern matching
17:47.14*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (i=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
17:47.17Hmm-workcmd regex was messed up in 1.2.5
17:47.24jbalcombi would say that it may be low-level but that is still regex
17:47.40salviadudthanx signal-eleven
17:47.41jbalcombHmm-work yummy
17:47.59skkipanyone get Zaptel to compile on a FC5? I am getting You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp kernel installed.
17:48.15signal-elevenskkip: do you have the sources for you kernel installed?
17:48.24jbalcombHmm-work yeah, that's how i feel about the potential disaster that would result from a stable release blowing up on something fairly important. ;)
17:48.38*** join/#asterisk TinoW (
17:49.07skkipSig: I thought I DL it and installed it but I am guessing the the BUILD dir did not get populated as it should.
17:49.35jbalcombHmm-work when I got hired to learn and admin asterisk here I kinda thought i would have it figured out in three to four months and then focus on more fun, progressive projects.. silly boy, I am.
17:49.36ManxPowerunfortunatly that file does not seem to have the new patterns in it.
17:49.46signal-elevenskkip: run - rpm -qa | grep 2.6.15-1.2054
17:49.48umayskkip: im getting errors building zaptel cvs on debian with 2.6.15 kernel
17:49.48ManxPowerOf course you should be looking at the extensions.txt file in the asterisk doc directory
17:49.56*** join/#asterisk Z0m81e (
17:50.04signal-elevenskkip: you should see a src package if you've installed it
17:50.04umayi mean svn trunk not cvs
17:50.48Z0m81eHey all, does anyone have experience of the SPA3000? I borrowed one and i'm trying to get it to work with * but at the mo I can't get it to do anything... I have a dect phone plugged into it but the **** commands don't do anything and there is no dialtone
17:50.55skkipsig: returns the followin - kernel-smp-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5
17:51.06signal-elevenskkip: so you need the kernel source
17:51.13jbalcombManxPower how shall i start in docs? README-configuration?
17:51.19skkipi'll try again thanks
17:51.24ManxPowerjbalcomb, I don't care.
17:51.50umayi think you can also link /lib/modules/2.6.x/build to /usr/src/linux-2.6
17:51.56kardecallanIs there Anybody to know this error: []Mar 27 14:48:48 WARNING[16265]: loader.c:325 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: option_priority_jumping
17:52.37signal-elevenkardecallan: something app_enumlookup depends on isn't loaded, or you have a compile problem
17:53.20*** join/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
17:53.36ManxPowerkardecallan, sounds like you are using an app_enumlookup from 1,2 with the source from 1.0
17:55.04ManxPowerDid you ignore the warnings when you did a "make install"
17:56.55kardecallanHow I make to know which are app_enumlookup depends?
17:57.33ManxPowerDid you ignore the warnings when you did a "make install"?
17:58.12ManxPowerthe easiest thing to do is remove /usr/lib/modules/asterisk and reinstall Asterisk
17:58.49*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
18:00.54kardecallanok ManxPower, I will make this
18:01.32ManxPowerif the problem still happens after reinstalling asterisk, then your asterisk source is corrupted and you should download it again
18:03.20kardecallanThis happened later that I installed the library unicall.
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18:08.31*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
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18:09.27asterboyIs anyone here using the call forward features of asterisk?
18:09.37Qwell[]asterboy: Ask your real question
18:09.42ManxPowerasterboy, which ones?
18:09.50ManxPowerYeah, ask a real question.
18:10.05asterboyya, thats just it, there are a few features of call forward I need to drill out.
18:10.12asterboyHere is the situation.
18:10.25ManxPowerasterboy, only zaptel has call forward features, so I assume your question is about Zap.
18:10.53asterboyI'm setting up a telephone system for a crisis center.
18:11.08asterboyAfter hours, the volunteers need to have the system forward calls.
18:11.19asterboyI have a 3 line rotary.
18:11.36asterboycall comes in and needs to forward to volunteer #1
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18:11.53asterboyif that does not answer, the call needs to then goto volunteer #2
18:11.58asterboyand so on...
18:12.00ManxPowerasterboy, forward or transfer?
18:12.26asterboywell a forward because the number is off site like a ccell phone.
18:12.36blitzrageI use dialplan logic to do that...
18:13.03ManxPowerasterboy, You would have to look it up but *72 is what is usually used on your Zap FXS lines.
18:13.12asterboyyes that is true.
18:13.27asterboymy question is this:
18:13.32ManxPowerand it works pretty much just like the telco does, except of course that it takes 2 lines per call.
18:14.09*** join/#asterisk astra^^ (n=muhajir_@
18:14.32asterboyIf I have call forward setup on my line and a call comes to *... * will have to pickup ANOTHER line to make the call out to the cell...then the telco drops the original line, correct?
18:14.50ManxPowerasterboy, no, both lines will be in use.
18:14.59ManxPoweryour telco call forward us not used when you do a zaptel call forward.
18:15.26ManxPowerso pick one and use it.
18:15.28Z0m81eDoes anyone know if you can use a DECT phone to access the IVR on a SPA3000?
18:15.28asterboyok, so I don't need the telco call forward?
18:15.54asterboyor like you say, pick one.
18:16.11ManxPowerasterboy, you have 3 lines.  A call comes in, is forwarded by asterisk out a 2nd line and asterisk then bridges both lines.  Then a 2nd call comes in and cannot be forwarded.
18:16.37asterboybut on a rotary it could
18:16.44asterboystart another bridge anyway.
18:17.09ManxPowerumay, the 2nd call will come in on the 3rd line, then there will be no free line to send the call out of.
18:17.21asterboyunless you provision for it.
18:17.26asterboylike have a 4th line.
18:17.33ManxPowerasterboy, then you don't have 3 lines anymore.
18:19.08asterboyyes, obvously. :)
18:19.19asterboyok, thanks guys, I get the picture now.
18:19.28blitzragesince you can run Asterisk on a bunch of little embedded systems, has anyone found one that can around 8 sim. channels (regular, or MeetMe conferences) -- not too sure if anyone of them have the power to do transcoding or not though
18:19.51asterboyI'll need to adjust my proposal to accomodate the maximum call forwarding load.
18:20.03Qwell[]blitzrage: cluster some netgear routers :P
18:20.05asterboybasically doubling the line capacity.
18:20.16asterboylol, clust netgear.
18:20.22Qwell[]asterboy: Just get a SIP provider
18:20.25blitzrageQwell[]: not a bad idea... wonder if those can do 2-3 transcoded calls :)
18:20.29signal-eleveni've got asterisk on a wrt54l and I can get 6 calls using pass through or 1 using transcoding
18:20.32blitzrageI heard Mix Networks is a good one :)
18:20.36Qwell[]blitzrage: alaw<>ulaw maybe :)
18:20.42asterboyQwell, totally would love to, but the client has it out for VOIP.
18:20.57blitzrageQwell[]: heh :)
18:20.58asterboytypicall, shy away from new technology they don't understand.
18:20.59Qwell[]blitzrage: How many cookie jars do you have your hands in, exactly?
18:21.09blitzrageQwell[]: to f'n many
18:21.22fileblitzrage, *cough* you can use... you know what... to transcode...
18:21.31blitzragefile: AHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18:21.42Qwell[]"you know what"?
18:21.51blitzrageQwell[]: super secret stuff :)
18:22.07filewell, I'll be putting it into a branch in my team folder soon...
18:22.23fileso it won't be super secret for long
18:22.23blitzragefile: can I do it off-site? Would be cool to deploy the little netgears, then centralize the transcoding from a few clients...
18:22.24ManxPowerOH YES, get a SIP provider for your crisis center.
18:22.41fileblitzrage, in theory yeah... using the P2P stuff...
18:22.49signal-elevenanyone know howto generate a specific sip response code from a fastagi script? ie. send a 404, 484 or 500 back
18:22.49fileyou just wouldn't have the features of a community setup
18:22.51blitzragefile: sweet cookies :)
18:23.03Qwell[]community transcoding?
18:23.11Qwell[]woops, did I blow the secret? :D
18:23.35fileit's not like an uber uber 1337 secret
18:23.51Qwell[]is it something you talked about at VON? :p
18:23.52*** join/#asterisk Jon335 (
18:23.55blitzragefile: thats cool -- I have a situation where I could deploy a few small boxes into some offices in Sarnia (they are cheap and behind technology about 5 years) -- but bandwidth won't be very much -- so offloading the transcoding to a CO (i.e. my house :)) would be wicked
18:23.58Qwell[]when you heard about the super secret PCI card?
18:24.06blitzrageQwell[]: yah -- if it was, we'd not be talking about it in here :)
18:24.40Qwell[]all they need to do, is make that card minipci
18:24.44ManxPoweryou guys have alot more confidence in the internet than I do.
18:24.49[av]banithe interweb rocks
18:25.14ManxPowersignal-eleven, I don't believe you can.
18:26.16Qwell[]ManxPower: It's not like it's a life/death crisis thing
18:26.25Qwell[]I mean, unless it's like a suicide hotline or something
18:26.26tzangercommunity transcoding?  odd
18:26.43mutilatoreleventy seven!
18:26.47signal-elevenManxPower: that sucks... is there any way I can generate any responses by like setting a variable or anything... I've been digging through res_agi and chan_sip but nothing's stickin out
18:26.56ManxPowersignal-eleven, no.
18:27.04filetzanger, Stay tuned!
18:27.07ManxPowerAsterisk does not expose the protocol internals to AGI
18:27.20tzangerthat's perverse
18:27.43signal-elevencrap-tastic... alright, i'll have to figure out another way to do this
18:27.49ManxPowernow, you can disconnect with a specific HANGUPCAUSE, and those hangupcauses are mapped to specific SIP responses.
18:27.58ManxPowersignal-eleven, SER is a SIP Proxy
18:28.00Qwell[]tzanger: Will be fun to ChanSpy() them
18:28.05tzangerQwell[]: indeed
18:28.10Qwell[]the ultimate in privacy invasion :P
18:28.12ManxPowerAsterisk is not a SIP proxy.
18:28.17signal-elevenManxPower: I know, that's what I'm sending the responses back to
18:28.17tzangerfile does use a lot of call-girl services
18:28.19ManxPowerIt is a protocol agnostic PBX
18:28.26Qwell[]tzanger: really?
18:28.29*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dav1 (
18:28.36Qwell[]file: bad, bad, bad
18:31.17signal-elevenManxPower: HANGUPCAUSE will work nicely, thanks
18:31.38*** join/#asterisk areski (
18:33.38Hmm-worki remember the way you curled your toes on side of the stage at all our shows, and the glow on your face just because of one rose, and  I wake up in the morning and you're wearing my clothes
18:34.19*** join/#asterisk SuperLag (n=aaron@gentoo/developer/SuperLag)
18:35.32weinerkAny scathing criticisms against a plan to put
18:35.32weinerkabout 20 telemarketers with XTEN-lite phones with USB headsets?
18:35.52salviadudyou bastard
18:36.07salviadud1 telemarketer is evil enough
18:36.10*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
18:36.17salviadud20 is an army
18:36.49salviadudi remember the last time they called me, i hung up on they're middle speech about what they were offering me
18:37.03salviadudi feel sorry for those guys, worst job ever
18:37.06asterboyWe should donate to telemarketers!
18:37.16salviadudhauling trash is a lot more fun...
18:37.22asterboya big pile of poo.
18:37.34*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dav1 (
18:37.41[av]baniyeah, a job where you know people hate you
18:38.06asterboyI've been approached by them to offer VOIP phones...told them no.
18:38.19[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : That'd be dentistry, one of the highest suicide rates of any profession...
18:38.51[TK]D-Fenderweinerk : Softphones suck, get them minimal hardphones & headsets.
18:39.42Hmm-workspecially when you're watching a movie, burning a dvd and playing quake4 all at once while trying to talk on it
18:40.16weinerk[TK]D-Fender, thanks. from your experience which cheap ones would you recommend ?
18:40.42asterboyHmm-work, lol all at once.
18:40.55[TK]D-Fenderweinerk : best one for that use : Polycom IP 301 + Plantronics M12 amplifier + H261 headset.
18:41.35Hmm-workasterboy: we call that multitasking
18:42.00asterboyno way I'd burn a cD while doing some quake.
18:42.00[TK]D-FenderHmm-work : Studies show multitasking is becoming increasingly counter-productive.
18:42.01weinerkHmm-work :-)  Are you saying that unless you spike CPU - its ok?
18:42.10asterboyI like the detail h-res.
18:42.23[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : What, and sacrifice a few FPS?  NEVER!
18:42.32asterboyThe only thing I have found that can handle it is the dual SLI .
18:43.10Hmm-work[TK]D-Fender: yeah especially when one of your tasks is reading threads on
18:43.23tzangeryeah there was actually a good article
18:43.35tzanger"(Some) Attention Must Be Paid!"
18:43.45tzangerall about that
18:44.12brif8anyone using Cisco 7920 and did it go ok or are there better wireless IP phones to use ?
18:44.13asterboybritney spears has a gunt now...natures cruel
18:44.43Qwell[]brif8: 7920 works well.  It'll work better with chan_skinny when I get my hands on one, to fix it
18:44.45*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
18:44.55tzangera gunt?
18:45.02asterboygut + cunt
18:45.24brif8Qwell[]: Thanks
18:45.55tzangerI'd just say she's pregnant but ok
18:46.09asterboyoh the pouch has been stretched
18:46.35asterboylet's see her in a thong now.
18:47.53*** join/#asterisk zapa (n=zant@
18:50.22asterboyJust landed an Asterisk install!
18:50.41salviadudwhat ya mean, they hired ya?
18:50.48*** join/#asterisk cryptnix (
18:50.59salviadudor, you just installed * on a box?
18:51.12asterboyNo, I quoted a telephone system and beat out the other guys using *
18:51.12salviadudin any case, cheers man :)
18:51.15cryptnixAnyone here having issues with Asterisk@Home with an IAX setup and trying talk between extensions ... ?
18:51.29asterboyI'm providing the system.
18:51.36asterboyCouldn't get them to go for Polycom.
18:51.44asterboyHave to use the Grandstream GPX-2000
18:51.49asterboyoh well.
18:51.52salviadudgrandstream is good
18:51.59salviadudi like it better than sipura
18:52.02salviadudwhich i own, and hate
18:52.08*** join/#asterisk TinoW (
18:52.10Qwell[]salviadud: send it here
18:52.11asterboyI love my Polycom phones though.
18:52.50*** join/#asterisk sigwerk (
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18:53.35salviadudi'd trade a sipura 3000 for a grandstream handytone
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18:53.47tzangeryou don't like hte SPA3k?
18:53.54salviadudit works
18:54.01salviadudit has loads of functions...
18:54.01*** join/#asterisk livesNbox (
18:54.09salviadudwhich i hate configuring...
18:54.10cryptnixAnyone here having issues with Asterisk@Home with an IAX setup and trying talk between extensions ... ?
18:54.17livesNboxhey guys -- I am running asterisk at home --- how can I setup one-touch recording for my sip extensions ?
18:54.29Qwell[]livesNbox: see the channel topic
18:54.30PakiPenguinhow do you guys rate broadvoice
18:54.35salviadudi don't hate it cause it sucks, i hate it cause it's too much
18:54.39Qwell[]PakiPenguin: when it's up...5
18:54.50livesNboxQwell[], this is a FreePBX issue ?
18:54.58Qwell[]livesNbox: yes
18:54.58salviadudthe handytone is practical and simple
18:55.07PakiPenguinit goes down a lot?
18:55.07livesNboxI thought this was just standard asterisk configuration.
18:55.26Qwell[]livesNbox: not if you're using AMP/freePBX
18:55.29salviadudthe sipura seems to be created for a more "tight-ass" environment
18:55.37PakiPenguinQwell[], which service do you use?
18:56.07salviadudthe thing i dislike the most is the dialplan on the sipura, the fact that it actually has one, because it needs to match *'s dialplan
18:56.25salviadudand if anyone cares... i recommend you buy a handytone
18:56.26Qwell[]I love it when phones in the office randomly ring
18:56.32Qwell[]phones without users
18:56.46salviadudyet, if you wanna get tight with the employees, buy a sipura
18:56.56livesNboxQwell[], can you give me advice on how i would do it if I wasn't running AMP?  I'm sure I can figure it out from there..
18:57.04livesNboxwhat needs to go in what config file..
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18:57.11Qwell[]livesNbox: features.conf
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18:57.25salviadudis amp recommended?
18:57.27livesNboxi have automon => *1
18:57.28salviadudi only use the console
18:57.34salviadudand um... no problems here
18:57.38docelm0AMP SUCKS!
18:57.38livesNboxsalviadud, I don't think it matters
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18:57.55rpmExecuting Festival("Zap/4-1", "Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto, Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto") in new stack
18:57.58rpmI love it!
18:58.06Qwell[]rpm: use lpc10
18:58.36salviadudrpm, you got iaxtel, or FWD?
18:58.49salviadudso i can call you, and be greeted by festival?
18:58.56salviadudi've never heard that thing...
18:59.01livesNboxQwell[], ok is that all I need in features.conf?  when I dial *1 during a call it doesn't do anything but pass it along to the caller
18:59.06salviadudis it worth a try?
18:59.15Qwell[]livesNbox: show application dial - w or W
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18:59.52rpmfwd 712906 should work
19:00.28livesNboxQwell[], ok I see that -- so I need to add Ww to my dial command ?
19:00.36livesNboxnow I just have to find my Dial command :)
19:00.51Qwell[]livesNbox: AMP will overwrite it
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19:01.07livesNboxQwell[], perhaps it's in mySQL ?
19:01.14salviadudrpm, that's pretty good
19:01.23Qwell[]livesNbox: #freepbx
19:01.27salviadudsounds kinda like stephen hawking's voice
19:01.28rpmheh :)
19:02.35cryptnixhmm, i have some iax s100-fx's connected via IAX to my asterisk box whenever i try to communicate between extensions it rings and goes to VM without even ringing the phones ... i am using the dummy gui with asterisk@home any idea
19:03.07Qwell[]cryptnix: See channel topic...
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19:09.20[TK]D-FenderQwell : See the tremendous payout of my having asked russellb for that? :)
19:09.29Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: indeed
19:11.00hekaHello, I got a remote machine having about 100ms latency, using g729 codec, but the voice quality is not so good. any body can help me about the problem that is cousing bad voice quality?
19:11.14ACiDVHi, I have a server without Zaptel cards, without Meetme, only SIP/IAX channels, server load is 5-10%CPU use and suddently go to 99% and doesnt lower unless I restart asterisk. Try with 1.2.4, 1.2.5, SVN 1.2 and this morning with 1.2.6.
19:11.14ManxPowerheka, what is the jitter?
19:11.55ACiDVAny idea on how to check what can "eat" all CPU ? show modules doesnt show anything anormal, sip channels, etc all are ok (~20-30  SIP/IAX channels)
19:11.55hekaManxPower: well! I dont know much about jitter! an explanation would be good!
19:12.22ManxPowerjitter is the VARIENCE in how long it takes packets to arrive.  latency has nothing to do with voice quality
19:12.32jbotrumour has it, jitter is at
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19:12.53hekaManxPower: and how can I check that?
19:13.04ManxPowerhow did you check the latency/
19:13.05tzangerheka: are you using SIP or IAX2?
19:13.34hekatzafrir: Im using sip
19:13.42hekaManxPower: using ping
19:13.51ManxPowerrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 887.062/1260.977/1495.336/217.566 ms, pipe 2
19:14.05ManxPoweras you can see the jitter is the difference between min and max
19:14.10ManxPowerso AROUND 216ms
19:14.34ManxPowerof course ping does not use RTP, which is what your audio uses, so your ping numbers may not be valid for RTP.
19:15.03TinoWuse udping ;)
19:16.37ACiDVand my asterisk doesnt run with -p ... does exist tools to trace what loop in * ? It's not so funny to restart * at each hour :P
19:17.47hekaManxPower: is there any way to minimize the jitter?
19:18.21jaikeheka: are u sharing bandwidth with other applications?
19:18.46hekajaike: no! using only asterisk, apache and mysql
19:19.02hekaall for asterisk needs
19:19.53ManxPowerheka, jitter is a function of the network.
19:20.01ManxPowerfix the network, you'll get rid of jitter
19:20.06Nuggethere jitter is a function of how strong I make the coffee.
19:20.43tzangerNugget: hahaha
19:20.49ManxPowerspeaking of coffee.....
19:20.53Z0m81eDoes anyone have experience of SPA3000 ?
19:21.04ManxPowerOn the phone with my former bank right now, I need something stronger than coffee
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19:22.07[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Looks like a job for Jolt Cola or Rev (added bonus of "stiff drink" attached)
19:22.46_Paulo_get some guarana...
19:22.56[TK]D-Fender_Paulo_ : Rev has that covered :)
19:24.44_Paulo_Here in Brazil you can buy guarana as a powder, like the indians use it. Strong stuff.
19:24.52jbalcombhey, why does my phone default to RTP port 5004 but asterisk feaults to 10,000 thru 20,000?
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19:25.30Primerguaraná rules
19:25.52justinuwhat does it do _Paulo_?
19:26.10Primerit makes you amped
19:26.14[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Just like caffeine on non-regulated.
19:26.19_Paulo_its 4 times stronger than cafeine, almost the same efects.
19:26.47justinuno cool hallucinations tho?
19:27.12_Paulo_no, its like amphetamines, make you sharp.
19:28.13_Paulo_gives insomnia.
19:28.18PrimerI recall having my head tingle once when I chewed on two dried guaraná berries
19:28.41salviadudpaulo! finally somebody from south america i can relate to
19:29.00salviadudguarana is not that good, i prefer jalapeños
19:29.04salviadudthat makes me wake up
19:30.17lzhanghey guys, I've got a polycom 300 that keeps ringing while it's on call, even though there is no other call coming in... what might cause that?
19:30.34lzhangthe ringing is coming through the headset/handset
19:30.52salviadudi've never even seen a polycom...
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19:31.15salviadudpoor lil' o' me
19:31.21_Paulo_salviadud, I love peppers, I have vases with 4 varieties.
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19:31.47salviadudpaulo, you got free world dialup?
19:31.54salviadudor maybe iaxtel?
19:32.57_Paulo_no, how does this free world dialup works?
19:33.17salviadudwell, you go to
19:33.25salviadudthen you subscribe for free
19:33.37salviadudyou play around with asterisk
19:33.47*** join/#asterisk sambal (
19:33.48salviadudand you can connect via SIP or IAX2
19:33.52salviadudi recommend IAX2
19:33.57sambalhi, how can i count the number of characters / digits in a variable?
19:34.09salviadudthen we can talk to each other via FWD
19:34.18salviadudit's a community
19:36.14_Paulo_ok, checking out
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19:40.22qseekhello all
19:40.39eipiim trying to compile asterisk 1.2.6 with spandsp and i get Makefile:110: *** missing separator.
19:40.56eipihow i can debug what's happening?
19:41.17ACiDVeipi... look around line 110... you have something wrong with your patch ...
19:41.20jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender do i need to change the port settings in rtp.conf because my gxp-2000s are set to RTP port 5004?
19:41.39Qwell[]jbalcomb: yes
19:42.24qseekhi jbalcomb
19:42.27sambalhi, how can i count the number of characters / digits in a variable?
19:42.31[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : No, just throw out the GXP's and buy more Polycom!  NEXT!!!! (c) BKW
19:42.33jbalcombQwell[] whats a good default range or does it really matter?
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19:42.48jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender what port does the ip501 use for rtp by default?
19:42.58[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Port is variable in RTP
19:43.00jbalcombqseek hey, hows that project going?
19:43.07[TK]D-Fenderthats why there is a range
19:43.17qseekjbalcomb: getting there slowly found a PRI with local loop for 630
19:43.25jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender recommend me a good range to set asterisk to in rtp.conf please
19:43.26_Paulo_salviadud, Congratulations Paulo Scardine, you are registered with FWD Number: 759683
19:43.41[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : The default is usually good (10000-20000)
19:43.53jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ip501 default to inside that range?
19:44.06salviadudgood paulo
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19:44.10jeffgusi'm looking to use an Adit 600 with asterisk, but have a question about the fxs ports
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19:44.21jeffgusdoes anyone have docs on the adit 600 fxs ports?
19:44.30salviadudlet me give you a nice tip for your iax.conf and extensions.conf
19:44.36Z0m81eIs anyone home with SPA3k experience? mine is still giving me abuse
19:44.47jeffgusi'd like to know if the fxs ports can generate a MWI using FSK for phones that support that
19:45.01jeffgusZ0m81e, what kind of abuse?
19:45.08eipiany wip300 user?
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19:45.18jeffgusZ0m81e, i just starting playing with one, but haven't tweaked it yet
19:45.29Z0m81ejeffgus, at the mo I can't get a dialtone on the phone, its a pretty standard uk cordless dect phone
19:45.50jeffgusthat worked right out of the box
19:45.57jeffgusfactory defaults
19:46.13Z0m81ei've tried **** and that does nothing either, unfortunately this one is borrowed so someone may have messed it around, can you factory reset them without using the IVR?
19:46.15ACiDVHow I can check why Asterisk eat 99% of my CPU ? normally it use 5-10% then suddently raise to 99% and never lower...
19:46.31Qwell[]ACiDV: gdb should be able to help
19:47.04ACiDVI must restart * with gdb or I can trace running process ?
19:47.24Qwell[]ACiDV: I should know the answer to that, but I don'
19:47.29qseekjbalcomb: are u going to be connecting directly to the polycom or over a remote connection
19:47.31jeffgusZ0m81e, i don't see a factory reset item on it's built-in web pages
19:47.44ACiDV:P ok will a man gdb :P
19:47.51Z0m81ejeffgus, me either but i did think I saw something about a factory reset url
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19:47.51qseekjbalcomb because if you r just connecting directly to the asterisk box. you dont need to change it
19:48.11jeffgusZ0m81e, i haven't tested to see if line enable setting causes the tone to die
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19:49.09[av]banianyone here knowledgable about asterisk queues?
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19:49.39Z0m81ejeffgus, it seems ok with the pstn, it says it has a line voltage (-48v!) and when i ring it from my mobile the state changes to ringing, but there is nothing on the phone
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19:51.09rob314hello room
19:52.33Z0m81ei may have to take it to work tomorrow and try it with a non-dect phone tho people on the net seem to say they use dect
19:53.20TinoWnortel? hehe.
19:53.23sambalhi, how can i count the number of characters / digits in a variable?
19:53.28*** part/#asterisk rob314 (n=root@
19:55.10[TK]D-Fendersambal : LEN
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19:57.03dzlabinghas anyone a simple application which collects input via dtmf und puts the result into a csv-file (i need to collect results from a measurements this way, the interface should be a simple mobile phone. should somehow be possible via AGI, but is the any example for this?
19:58.40rpm[2006-03-27 12:53:45] AGI Tx >> 510 Invalid or unknown command
19:58.40rpm[2006-03-27 12:53:46] AGI Rx << STREAM FILE /var/lib/asterisk/festivalcache/c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b ""
19:58.47rpmbooo. my AGI script sucks
19:59.20rpmis "stream file" case-sensitive?
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20:01.51jeffgusZ0m81e, if you pull the power on the spa
20:01.54jeffgusthen it'll ring the phone
20:02.30jeffgusZ0m81e, a relay closes and connects the pots port directly to the pstn
20:02.39jeffgusonce you plug it in
20:02.48jeffgusthe two are seperate ports
20:03.02Z0m81eSorry, if i pull the power the phone will ring?
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20:03.17zapahi all does anybody know another freee tool for agents reporter like Asteriskguru Queue Statistics ?
20:03.29jeffgusZ0m81e, if you pull the power to the spa
20:03.39jeffgusZ0m81e, if you call the pstn line, the phone should ring
20:03.50Z0m81ehmm, hold on will have to go downstairs, brb
20:03.52jeffgusZ0m81e, and if you pick up the phone you will get a dial tone from the pstn port
20:04.19jeffgusif the power to the spa is plugged in, then it treats the ports seperately
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20:06.03jeffgusZ0m81e, dialing 73738 (RESET) on the POTS port is supposed to reset to factory defaults (make sure power is on)
20:06.25websaei am curious does anyone here  have a call center or have high call volume each month? how is your reliability with your trunks?
20:07.15kardecallan_Paulo_ do have you use Asterisk@home?
20:07.31_Paulo_kardecallan, I have debian
20:07.32rpmdoes anyone have any AGI scripts which work?
20:08.01_Paulo_rpm, I have some writen in perl.
20:08.17kardecallan_Paulo_ ok
20:08.17rpmdo you use any which use the $AGI->stream_file() function?
20:08.51*** part/#asterisk kardecallan (
20:09.11_Paulo_rpm yepz, all them.
20:09.53rpmhow do you execute them.. im getting error code 510
20:12.03Z0m81ejeffgus, with no combination of power plugged in or not plugged in to I get a dialtone on the phone or does the phone ring if I call the line???
20:12.46jeffgusZ0m81e, both
20:12.50jeffgusZ0m81e, with no power
20:13.06jeffgusZ0m81e, the spa connects the fxo to the fxs port
20:13.14jeffgusZ0m81e, we're talking about the 3000, right?
20:13.26Z0m81eyes, but with no power i get nothing
20:14.02mog_worki thought spa had hardware relay?
20:14.06Qwell[]probably does
20:14.07jeffgusZ0m81e, disconnect the spa from the wall pstn and connect your phone
20:14.13jeffgusZ0m81e, dial tone?
20:14.18Qwell[]failover is for chumps though :p
20:14.36Z0m81ealso, i noticed, I have two leads that go from the master socket to the phone/spa with one lead the phone does not detect a dialtone at all, but with the other it does, it is the other way around with the spa3000 one lead shows line volts of -6v the other shows -48v
20:15.30[av]banispa3k has a hardware relay
20:15.42Z0m81eyeah, when i power on the 3k i hear the relay click
20:16.05[av]baniif power is lost, it fails over. also, you can make it so if registration is lost it fails over too.
20:16.20Z0m81ethe phone works only with the cable that came with it, is is possible it has some dodgy wiring going on?
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20:17.12Z0m81ewould you agree -48v sounds like the correct line volts as opposed to -6?
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20:21.55eipianyone tried to compile 1.2.6 with spandsp?
20:22.10eipior exactly to execute 1.2.6 with spandsp
20:22.21jeffgus-6 is phone off hook
20:22.24[av]banispandsp might need to be upgraded to compile for 1.2.6
20:22.52jeffgus48 volts is normal phone on hook voltage
20:23.00jeffgusZ0m81e, do you have another phone off hook?
20:23.09eipispandsp code? by developers, or by me?
20:23.13eipiim using lastest build
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20:25.56Z0m81ejeffgus I only have 1 phone, but I have noticed something... The cable that came with the dect phone has 4 pins at both ends, the other cable has one 2 pins at one end....?
20:27.24Z0m81ethe 4 pin cable works with the dect phone, and the 2 pin cable works with the spa3000... Maybe the phone is setup with a non standard pin configuration?
20:27.26*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
20:27.48asterboyAnyone suggest the most reliable PC hardware to use for *?
20:28.25asterboyI prefer AMD CPUs and Western Digital HDs
20:28.40Qwell[]western digital?  Why?
20:28.45_Sam--i just got a supermicro dual opteron system, i like it
20:28.52eipianyone tried to execute 1.2.6 with spandsp 0.2pre25?
20:29.14asterboycause maxtor sucks and I've never had a problem with WD
20:29.22Qwell[]asterboy: seagate
20:29.25_Sam--im using fujitsu drives, i like them too.
20:29.28asterboyThey are good too.
20:29.34Z0m81ei've had all sorts of crap with maxtor drives, tho i admit their returns service is good :)
20:29.37Qwell[]seagate wins, hands down
20:29.38asterboyya, never had a problem with fujitsu
20:29.42Qwell[]Z0m81e: not anymore!
20:29.46_Sam--fujitsu outperforms the seagates now
20:29.50_Sam--not that it matters
20:29.50Qwell[]They dropped the 3 year warranty
20:29.55_Sam--fujitsu has a 5
20:29.59Qwell[]whereas seagate comes with 5
20:30.02Z0m81eprobably because their drives don't last 3 years :)
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20:30.07Qwell[]Z0m81e: indeed
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20:30.17asterboyI'll be putting in 3 TDM cards
20:30.22asterboy8 lines total
20:30.31asterboyso don't need a dual cpu
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20:30.44_Sam--i like it for redundancy
20:30.47Qwell[]That's a lot of interrupt handling
20:31.01asterboyoh ya guess I could use just the 1 card...the new ones they have at digium
20:31.06gaspizdoes anyone of you know why the mysql cdr is not working in asterisk 1.2.1?
20:31.22Qwell[]gaspiz: got asterisk-addons installed?
20:31.29asterboywhat do you suggest for motherboards?
20:31.31backbluegaspiz: because you dont have hands for it.
20:31.39asterboyASUS has been good.
20:31.42jeffgusZ0m81e, could be... i don't know much about UK phones
20:31.54backblueasus it's very good, tyan its the best.,
20:32.05asterboytyan is good too.
20:32.11backbluetyan its the best
20:32.12_Paulo_supermicro rulez
20:32.23backblueafter tyan, you have asus, msi, supermicro...
20:32.28backblueand a couple of them
20:32.33_Sam--this is the supermicro i have, i love it...   <i think its nicer than any tyan>....
20:33.31backbluesupermicro its far from tyan, and far from asus.
20:33.43_Sam--to each his own..ive owned them all.
20:33.46backbluesupermmicro it's midle range marquet.
20:34.05_Sam--i think supermicro is more high end than you are acknowledging, but that is fine, its your opinion.
20:34.08backbluei'm not saying it does not fells your needs :D
20:34.52backblue_Sam--: take this clue, why tyan its the only motherboard used in high HIGH end linux clusters?
20:35.04backblueand why it's the BEST motherboard suporting linuxbios? :D
20:35.22Qwell[]and you can't beat serial console, from the bios
20:35.34Qwell[](yes, I realize other boards do that too)
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20:35.38_Sam--actually, i find there are a bunch of supermicro sclusters.
20:35.40octothorpeyay, mobo wars!
20:35.43_Sam--tyan isnt the only one
20:35.57_Sam--but i am not going to argue..its like having a debate with the special cant win.
20:35.59mtaht_I hate the raid on some supermicro mbs
20:36.06backblue_Sam--: yes, but tyan it's in the top, for years, i think you can see that.
20:36.17_Sam--i disagree
20:36.23_Sam--but thats fine
20:36.34backblue_Sam--: yeah, just use whatever you like, and do what you need! :D
20:37.20_Sam--the raid on my supermicro board is adaptec 7902 raid...i dont know whats so bad about that.
20:38.06eipisorry its not flood, but anyone tried to execute 1.2.6 with spandsp 0.2pre25?
20:39.11mtaht_the raid on the supermicroboards I have is based on an adaptec (actually, marvel) chipset - and comes with a propriatary driver
20:39.18asterboyIf tyan is Linux special...I'll go that route
20:39.37backblue_Sam--: that's god.
20:39.38mtaht_my attempts to convert any given box to sata_mv have failed.
20:40.06backbluei dont have many experience with sata raid cards
20:40.23_Sam--i have a tyan with sata on board raid
20:40.24backblueone of this days i build a linux server with 4 raid sata disks
20:40.27_Sam--i just use linux soft raid instead
20:40.41backblueand raid5 was not avaliable with that sata chipset
20:40.42_Sam--my supermicro has 8 hot swap U320 raid drives connected to it
20:40.51backblueICH7 or something like that (asus board)
20:41.12backblue_Sam--: linux software raid its not allways the solution.
20:41.23_Sam--neither is sata hardware raid.
20:41.23backbluei used raid 5 linux software raid
20:41.37backblue_Sam--: it can be
20:41.39_Sam--eh i got some work to do, nice arguing with you folks.
20:41.44backbluebut you have to have a god controler
20:41.48backbluewith a lot of mem
20:41.57backblue_Sam--: you too.
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20:44.50saftsacki heard from digium that they will release a quadport bricard
20:45.24gammacoderis anyone using grandstream gxp-2000s and dhcp option 2 (timezone)?
20:45.48asterboyDigium has the working on the TDM2400 cards missleading.
20:46.04brookshireasterboy: how so?
20:46.08gammacoderi'm failing at getting the timezone override to work
20:46.21asterboyThey say they support 6 FXS and FXO modules.
20:46.48asterboybut each module supports 4, no?
20:46.55saftsackthere was a quad prort isdn card on the cebit
20:46.56asterboyso that will be way more.
20:47.00saftsackwith onboard dsp
20:47.17backbluewhat i want its cheap gsm pci cards, like dual or quad gsm cards.
20:47.33asterboyThe Wildcard TDM2400P is a full-length PCI 2.2-compliant card that supports up to 6 FXS and FXO station interfaces
20:47.36Strom_Mbackblue, GSM?
20:47.40backblueStrom_M: yes
20:47.48Strom_Mwhy GSM?
20:47.53backbluei know beronet will do one.
20:47.56stoffellbackblue, junghanns is coming with that
20:48.01backbluestoffell: yes
20:48.05backbluei know
20:48.09asterboymakes you think it only supports 6 of each when it should be 6x4 =24
20:48.22brookshireoh yeah.. that should be 24
20:48.28backblueStrom_M: because i use it?! sorry dont understand your question.
20:48.28brookshirethanks :D
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20:48.45Strom_Mbackblue, what advantage does a GSM card have over a regular TDM or T1 card?
20:48.52Strom_Mhow is it different?
20:49.18rpmhow much bandwidth does GSM use?
20:49.19backblueyou will have to buy tdm or t1 card + gsm bridge
20:49.41astra^^can anyone tellme wen i place goes failes inthe log it shows failed ..but i ambeen charged.. what might be the problem
20:49.56backblueyou can buy IP gsm bridges insted
20:50.09Strom_Mbackblue, is it a GSM codec card?  does it connect to the mobile phone network instead of the regular wireline network?
20:50.30backblueStrom_M: yes, it connects directly to gsm network.
20:50.49Strom_Mwhy the hell would you want to do that?
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20:50.51backblueyou can do something like a pbx, all inside the box, with gsm bri pri...
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20:51.23backblueStrom_M: or you are not understands, or i'm not being explicit
20:51.40Strom_Mbackblue, no, you're not being specific at all.  You're just barely answering my questions.
20:52.21backblueStrom_M: if i use a pci card, that connects directly to my gsm network, what its the big deal with this? i'm not understanding.
20:52.21astra^^can anyone tellme wen i place dosent connect but in the log it shows failed ..but i am been charged.. what might be the problem
20:53.20Strom_Mbackblue, your computer is stationary.  It makes no sense to have it connect to the mobile phone network.  Why not provision an ISDN line instead?
20:54.15astra^^:/ ?
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20:54.32backblueisdn calls to mobile phones are expencive than with a gsm card to gsm phone?
20:55.11Strom_Mbackblue, I suppose.  GSM audio quality blows donkeys for quarters
20:56.12backblueyou can make a remote office solution with you gsm provider, and have unlimited calls in your gsm phones network (about 10 numbers) and just use disa to call every where.
20:56.24backblueStrom_M: easy english please.
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20:58.06Strom_Mbackblue, "blows donkeys for quarters" means, literally, "performs oral sex on donkeys for a payment of twenty-five cents" - a very colorful way of saying "it's really bad"
20:59.00*** part/#asterisk paanz (n=Paanz@
20:59.11_Sam--could be worse, it could blow sheep for pennies
20:59.30Strom_M_Sam--, that's LPC10
21:00.20*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
21:00.30[av]banilpc10 rocks if you have a 300 baud modem
21:00.52_Sam--are they worth money yet as a collectors item?
21:00.56_Sam--a 300 baud modem that is
21:01.25_Sam--i think i have a new in box hayes 2400 baud
21:01.33CybertoyI still have an acoustic coppler lying around...
21:02.18_Sam--hows things, [av]bani
21:03.10*** join/#asterisk nagl (
21:04.29[av]bani_Sam--: tried yet?
21:04.51backbluei need athlon MP processors
21:05.08_Sam--i have an dual athon MP server, its just ok
21:05.14_Sam--barton 2.8's
21:05.33_Sam--[av]bani:  not yet....ive been fantastically busy at work, which is a good thing.
21:05.45_Sam--had our busiest month on record at kneedraggers going
21:06.20_Sam--i never even heard of that firmware, too
21:07.12backblue_Sam--: i need just like you.
21:07.19backbluei have a tyan board here
21:07.24_Sam--model name      : AMD Athlon(tm) MP 2800+
21:07.26backblueand i'm not using it.
21:07.36backblueyes, exacly that ones.
21:07.38_Sam--ya, this is a tyan
21:07.46_Sam--the 2882 or sometihng
21:07.57backbluetiger mpx?
21:08.01backbluei have a tiger mpx
21:08.03_Sam--its a tiger something
21:08.11_Sam--its a few years old now
21:08.12backblueyes it should be
21:08.14asterboyI had a coupler type modem
21:08.32backblueyes, but if i find processores, i would use it.
21:08.34asterboyback in the day when Tron the movie was a hit.
21:08.40_Sam--i dont like the athlon MPs
21:08.41[av]baniathlon mp is ancient
21:08.44[av]baniamd64 baby
21:08.46backblue_Sam--: why?
21:08.57_Sam--i feel they run hot and are just so/so compared to a xeon
21:09.09backblue[av]bani: who cares? i dont waste so much money.
21:09.15_Sam--[av]bani "  i just got a dual operton machine
21:09.26_Sam--im scared to run 64bit
21:09.27[av]baniblitzrage: amd64 is now cheaper than athlon mp...
21:09.42[av]bani_Sam--: scared why? our * pbx is amd64
21:09.44[av]baniworks fine
21:09.46backbluei waste money in cars, not in machines! :P that's was in the oldies
21:09.55_Sam--ive heard bad things about mysql 64
21:10.03_Sam--this is for a database server
21:10.12[av]banieh? mysql works fine
21:10.24[av]banii've been using mysql 64 for years now
21:10.27[av]banizero problems
21:10.27backblue[av]bani: to have a dual amd64, how much mone will i waste?
21:10.27_Sam--there is some specific bug regarding inserts on the
21:10.32[av]bani_Sam--: nope
21:10.34backblueabout $500?
21:10.41[av]banibackblue: cheaper than dual athlonmp
21:10.42_Sam--[av]bani :  it was just announced like 5 days ago
21:11.06_Sam--er thats not the one
21:11.08backblue[av]bani: i allready have the tyan, just need the fucking processores, how can you say it will be cheaper? :o
21:11.09_Sam--thats the old one
21:11.41_Sam--it was from just this month, sec
21:13.14_Sam--hmmm this is from november... i cant find the one i saw over the weekend:
21:13.15[av]banibackblue: what's fucking processores?
21:14.31[av]bani_Sam--: glibc bug with NPTL, and specifically debian. other distros not affected
21:14.40_Sam--im debian
21:14.46[av]banii use fedora :)
21:14.51[av]banibut also only happens with replication
21:14.56_Sam--i replicate wildly
21:15.13_Sam--literally, have about 4 machines replicating various directions
21:15.31[av]baniwell, cant blame mysql for debian glibc bugs
21:15.38*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
21:15.42salviadudwell hello
21:15.44_Sam--i just think i may stick with a 32bit kernel / setup
21:15.44[av]baniyell at debian to fix the glibc
21:15.50_Sam--the performance gains arent that great in 64
21:15.56[av]baniof course debian isnt known for being ... up to date
21:16.09[av]baniit depends, if you want >4g processes then 64 is the only way to go auxww | wc -l
21:16.36salviadudim having some trouble with mixmonitor, i already compiled SoX with mp3 support, and the darn thing gives me an error
21:16.42_Sam--i think i should be ok
21:17.28salviadudMar 27 15:19:40 WARNING[26171]: file.c:981 ast_writefile: No such format 'mp3'
21:17.33salviadudthat's baloney!
21:17.46_Sam--salami is a better cut of meat
21:17.56[av]baniok, app_queue is 100% busted
21:17.59Qwell[]salviadud: asterisk-addons has format_mp3
21:18.02salviadudi even recompiled asterisk
21:18.10[av]banithis is not good at all
21:18.21salviadudsomegeek, i should compile asterisk-addons too?
21:18.22_Sam--damn, glad i didnt try it then...we are 100% queue based now
21:18.33[av]banino... this is app_queue period
21:18.34[av]baninot amd64
21:18.38salviaduddamn, im using xchat
21:18.44Qwell[][av]bani: What's it doing?
21:18.46[av]baniit is completely and utterly busted
21:18.47_Sam--i hear ya...i dont use the opterons for the *
21:18.51salviadudQwell, should i download asterisk-addons
21:18.58[av]baniQwell[]: it is not sending cancels to extensions
21:19.00Qwell[]salviadud: If you want mp3 support, yes
21:19.03salviadudso i can get mp3 support on mixmonitor
21:19.07salviadudwill do
21:19.08[av]baniQwell[]: thought it was just polycom, but it's borking grandstreams too
21:19.20Qwell[]so fix it :P
21:19.32[av]banino thanks, no time to fuck around with this broken shit
21:19.35[av]baniback to dial() for me
21:19.39_Sam--[av]bani :  for the record, BLF still breaks my asterisk, but i worked around.
21:20.01_Sam--if blf is on, the when calls come in, and a grandstream tries to answer busy on both sides when answered
21:20.03*** join/#asterisk groogs (
21:20.08_Sam--i had to switch to an auto attendant to use BLF
21:24.34*** join/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
21:24.37harlequin516Okay I am trying to test my fwd setup.  How can I do this?
21:24.48lzhangif I have a 601 with the sidecar, what do I need to get the sidecar working?
21:25.26lzhangright now I a bunch of names in my "directory" but they are not spilling over into the sidecar list
21:25.35harlequin516Is there a better way to test incoming calls than the call me thing ?
21:28.23Strom_Charlequin516, whats your fwd number?  I can call you
21:28.43Cybertoyharlequin, there's also the "514" extensions which puts you into a conference room
21:28.51Cybertoyhardly anyone there thoguzh
21:29.08Cybertoyactually.. I think the callme button puts you into the same room
21:30.23gammacoderhas anyone had luck using the Grandstream gxp-2000's dhcp options to override tfpt server (option 66) or timezone (option 2) ?
21:30.41*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
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21:32.36[TK]D-Fenderlzhang : they need to have a speed-dial index.
21:34.43lzhangcan anybody point me to where I can mess with the speed dial index?
21:34.43*** part/#asterisk dzlabing (n=dzlabing@
21:35.19Qwell[]lzhang: my guess is the xml file
21:35.31Qwell[]or whereever you do the directory stuff
21:37.16*** part/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
21:37.19*** join/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
21:37.51lzhangI'm looking around in the (MACADDR)-directory.xml and there is an entry for each contact, as well as an item <sd>1</sd> for each
21:38.06lzhangexcept each contact has a different number
21:38.16Qwell[]looks like a speeddial index to me
21:38.16lzhangI'm assuming sd stands for speed dial
21:39.20lzhangyea me too, except I've got entries in here for that, but only 5 contacts are showing (on the actual phone) the sidecar is still blank
21:40.50lzhangI wish I could find some documentation on these xml files
21:41.32*** join/#asterisk cryptnix (
21:42.50*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
21:44.42Darwin35 feed back and add fuctions....
21:44.52Darwin35major dialplan
21:45.14Darwin35thus far it works
21:45.25Darwin35total rewrite.
21:45.43jarrodwhat is the method of dialing a number, after connection having asterisk send more dtmf digits...
21:46.07Grizzyis there an include -file- syntax element for asterisk?
21:46.19jarrod#include "file.conf"
21:47.04ManxPowerjarrod, "show application dial"
21:48.48jarrodah D([])
21:49.54GrizzyAnd I thought I was a command-line junkie; everything in asterisk seems to be in it's CLI.
21:50.15GrizzyI still want .asteriskrc
21:50.50Darwin35dial needs to be replaced with lcdial
21:52.42GrizzyArbitrary tone detection with duration wouild be nicee.
21:52.50ManxPowerjarrod, just remember, analog FXO ports are considered answered as soon at the number is done dialing
21:52.55*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
21:53.51Darwin35man rewriting dialplans if fun but gives you a headack
21:53.54jarrodi dont see a way to insert pauses
21:53.56jarrodwhich kinda sux
21:54.14Darwin35or w
21:54.43*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
21:54.46Darwin35ahh ok
21:54.47ManxPowerQwell, you know that only works on analog fxo ports, for all other types of ports, you need D()
21:55.09Qwell[]ManxPower: of course
21:55.10salviadudguys, i just want to mention that MixMonitor does not work with mp3 :(
21:55.16salviadudsadly, it is not yet implemented
21:55.28salviadudthe addon is so asterisk can "play" mp3's, not record
21:56.00salviadudcould i put that as a wishlist of some sort?
21:56.22salviadudwell, in C, at least
21:59.11salviadudwell, i'll record in wav i guess...
22:01.17*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
22:06.29lzhangmy sidecar on my 601 is blank, and the lights are flickering between green and red... is that supposed to indicate anything?
22:06.54asterboyAny comments on the # of interrupts you should max out on a motherboard in an * install?
22:07.09asterboyI'd like to save a buck and go with 3 TDM400 cards.
22:07.21asterboyThis board looks sweet:
22:07.22mog_workget 2400p ^_^
22:07.28Qwell[]mog_work: That's what I said
22:07.35asterboymog_work, love to but they cost.
22:07.36mog_workshebus that is a board asterboy
22:07.39Qwell[]at 3 TDM400p's, you're at about the same price
22:07.52mog_workin fact i think it same cost Qwell[]
22:07.55mog_workbut /me is not in sales
22:08.09Qwell[]pfft, only 6 pci slots?
22:08.38Qwell[]friend of mine is gonna do an install on a box that used to be a windows pbx...
22:08.38Qwell[]SIXTEEN pci slots
22:08.47mog_workhow can it have that many slots
22:08.48asterboynever heard of such a beast!
22:08.59Qwell[]he said it might be 24.  he'd have to check
22:09.00asterboywho makes that board?
22:09.02mog_workor im calling bs
22:09.03Qwell[]no clue
22:09.09Qwell[]I'll ask him for pics tonight
22:09.16harlequin516When I connect a call through free world dialup does the data go through their server, or is it just a directory service?
22:09.19Qwell[]he said it was "purpose built" for the old pbx
22:09.43harlequin516I mean does the voice data actually pass through their servers?
22:10.38eric_hillEr, sorry...
22:10.48mog_workthat doesnt count thats cheating ^_^
22:10.48Qwell[]eric_hill: it may be something like that...
22:10.58mog_workhas to be all one board
22:11.21asterboythat's a great link.
22:11.21eric_hillThat's pretty common in the industrial world I'm used to - many many digital and analog IO ports.
22:11.33harlequin516Anyone know how IAX routes voice data?
22:11.47mog_worksame way as data data harlequin516
22:11.49mog_workits all udp
22:11.54mog_workone stream
22:12.08*** join/#asterisk xp_prg (
22:13.01mog_workbesides they amx out at 13
22:13.09harlequin516So when a call is routed through free world dialup using IAX, is the data passing through freeworld dialup (Are they fitting a bill for my vaoice bandwidth)?
22:13.13Qwell[]mog_work: daisy chain!
22:13.22*** join/#asterisk MacDome (
22:13.26Qwell[]or, get the board above, and get 6 of those beasties
22:13.28mog_workpossibly harlequin516
22:13.34mog_workyou can do reinvite
22:13.48Qwell[]78 transcoder boards
22:14.03mog_workthats alot of g729 to ulaw
22:14.08Qwell[]or 78 gbit NICs?
22:14.14Qwell[]half and half?
22:14.18harlequin516Reinvite will rediect the asterisk server to go point-to-point instead of their party routed?
22:14.20Qwell[]or whatever the ratio needs to be, heh
22:14.26mog_workyes harlequin516
22:14.47harlequin516ok must lookup reinvite, thanks
22:16.47NetgeeksHey folks
22:17.39NetgeeksIs there a dialplan accessible variable that is available after a call has been hungup (in the h extension or if my dial command allows continuation) that gives me the total connect time?
22:17.42*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
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22:19.21nDuffNetgeeks: You could probably store the time when a call starts in a channel variable, and work from there.
22:19.44nDuff...presuming there's not a better solution, of course.
22:22.09*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
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22:24.58Netgeeksin 1.2 there is a CDR function that supposable you can call like CDR(billsec).  Ever used that Qwell?
22:29.48*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
22:30.27lzhangdoesn't CDR automatically store billable seconds?
22:30.54websaehas anyone here done high call volume or do high call volume like in charge of call centers or anything like that?
22:31.38zapa:) i recive a lot call from a radio station is the oposite
22:33.56websaehow does that work
22:34.00websaewhy ?
22:35.25*** join/#asterisk delta34ooo (
22:35.59websaeanyone else have experience with high call volume?
22:36.19Qwell[]websae: When I call Sprint or Adelphia
22:36.53websaeor broadvoice
22:38.10*** join/#asterisk tehdely (
22:38.43zapaworks well but, i need to ask help to the carrier because the E1 Lines get congetion
22:38.47zapatu fast
22:40.30[av]baniok... when asterisk dials multiple extensions at once (eg dial(sip/4000&sip/4001) it sometimes drops cancels
22:40.33[av]banisux... is down?
22:41.22delta34ooocan someone clearify questions regarding moh native for 1.2 release?
22:41.45*** join/#asterisk LapTop006 (
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22:44.05delta34oooso in 1.2 for moh i dont need to use mpg123, if i want to play from files, what format does my music files need to be raw, gsm, mp3s?
22:44.21asterboyok, already won an * sale today.
22:44.31asterboyNow I'm going for a bigger fish.
22:44.47asterboyHere is an email I'm compiling to try and win a big contract.
22:45.11asterboyIf you guys can add to that, be greatly apprecieated.
22:45.39justinubased on DARPA? that's creative...
22:46.17mog_worklots of mil. orgs and other gov orgs use asterisk
22:46.32mog_workbut what do you mean darpa
22:46.50eric_hillProbably should say "based on DARPA research"...
22:47.06mog_workhow is asterisk based on darpa research
22:47.07eric_hillOr maybe "paid for with DARPA funding"?
22:47.11*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
22:47.12mog_workor am i missing something
22:47.21Qwell[]or "uses the Internet"
22:47.29eric_hillIt's not asterisk - it's the darpa funding for the SELinux distro
22:47.31mog_workbut it doenst have to
22:47.32asterboyno, that more focuses on the *nix part
22:47.43eric_hillAsterisk on SELinux == secured by DARPA funding :)
22:47.55mog_worki thought nsa did selinux
22:48.06mog_workor was it dod
22:48.26eric_hillGot me - give me debian.  Just Works (TM)
22:48.34_Paulo_I think you should add: No vendor lockin
22:48.46mog_workdebian can be selinux distro i thought?
22:48.57mog_workselinux is only a set of specs
22:49.17asterboyno venfor lockin is a good one, basically non-proprietary.
22:49.28eric_hillReally?  I didn't know that.  apt-get install super-dod-darpa-funded-linux-settings
22:49.33eric_hillDarn.   didn't work.
22:49.39Kattyeric_hill: everytime i read your /nick i read eric_clapton
22:50.02eric_hillIf I could have his bank account, I'd change my name...
22:50.02mog_workheh its not quite that simple
22:50.08asterboyI use lfs so not rpm, no apt-get, no merge world
22:50.43NuggetI use slackware but I treat it like lfs.
22:51.08Nuggetmy ideal linux is the smallest, tiniest, least linux thing I can install and move past, that will stay out of my way as much as possible.
22:51.21Qwell[]I use Asterisk Complete :p
22:51.34*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
22:51.45Qwell[]I don't actually...but I should
22:51.47eric_hillAnyone use reiserfs4?  Does it help with large VM file structures?
22:51.57Nuggetricerfs!  :)
22:52.08*** part/#asterisk mtaht_ (
22:52.21eric_hilli.e. speed?  Reliability?  We have quite a few small gsm files.  It can't be that efficient on space with ext...
22:52.32Grizzyit rices your files? : o )
22:52.44mog_workQwell, woohoo
22:53.00GrizzyI like FreeBSD ufs (berkeley fast file system)
22:53.11eric_hillrice - noun.  Act of making things go faster by sticking a "Type R" sticker on them.
22:53.17mog_workbut i want to see some mega commits
22:53.24Qwell[]mog_work: they're in the works
22:53.33Qwell[]I'm ripping shit apart
22:53.44Qwell[]die sub lines, DIE!
22:53.51GrizzyI'm thinking of a kitchen implement, a potato ricer for making smooth mashed potatoes.
22:54.03Qwell[]They're currently gone, and it compiles...I have yet to test it
22:56.17mog_workCOMMIT IT!
22:56.20Qwell[]just this time next year, I'll actually be able to dial :P
22:56.46asterboybroken link on front page?
22:56.57asterboyoopss not that one.
22:57.07asterboythis one:
22:57.20mog_worksame one
22:57.29asterboythis one!
22:57.48asterboySuppose to be recent news.
22:58.17[av]bani404 - File not found
22:58.17[av]baniSorry, the file you have requested cannot be found on any of our servers. Please check the file name and try again, or try a search on For your convenience, we have listed below an extended menu of Jupitermedia's sites.
22:58.39asterboyIs there a news archive?
22:58.58*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
22:59.01*** join/#asterisk sssk (
22:59.08asterboyI'd like to put recent news in my quote as "growing community"
22:59.19asterboyYou don't have permission to access /releases/ on this server.
22:59.50mog_workmessage brookshire asterboy
23:00.16Qwell[]/msg brookshire omg, the sky is falling!!!
23:00.30asterboyseen brookshire
23:00.32mog_workQwell, have you met brooks?
23:01.07Corydon-wWe'll get him to spoon Brooks at Astricon
23:03.01*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
23:04.00Corydon-wbtw, have you spoken to mattf recently?
23:05.30mog_workhe is usually down hall
23:05.58Corydon-wI have a ? for him
23:06.20oejI have ????? for him
23:06.28mog_workhe isnt in on mondays
23:06.29Qwell[]Want him to appear?
23:06.31mog_workyou could email him
23:06.33Qwell[]I have $$$$ for him
23:06.36mog_workbut he will be onlinelater
23:06.40mog_workill take it for him Qwell
23:06.43Qwell[]mog_work: :p
23:06.47oejQwell: No, the $$$$$ was for me
23:06.54*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
23:06.59Qwell[]oej: ahh
23:07.21oejBut it's ok to paypal them to me
23:07.22Corydon-wQwell[]: besides, he's not that kind of guy.  You can't spoon him.
23:07.31oejAs long as you don't send it with KLM
23:07.44oejhey mog_work!!! How are you?
23:08.02mog_worksome silly swedish airline
23:08.05mog_workwronged oej
23:08.08oejKLM is officially erase from my list of Airline options
23:08.08mog_workbig time
23:08.11Corydon-wKLM is the airline that lost oej's luggage
23:08.31justinuklm is royal dutch airlines
23:08.42Qwell[]what an interesting abbreviation
23:08.49ManxPowerEnterprize rent a car is officialy on my list of Companies to Destroy
23:08.49shmaltzanybody here tried the wifi service they offer on the planes for VoIP?
23:08.50oej...and put me in Dutch jail (a roadside motel) instead of sending me to my destination
23:08.54Qwell[]I'd assume rda, but no...silly Sweeds :)
23:09.10ManxPoweroej, what, you could not find anything fun to do in Amsterdam?
23:09.12oejshmaltz: KLM does not. I've used it many times on SAS - the wonderful and serviceminded Scandinavian choice
23:09.30oejManxPower: On a motel in the middle of nowhere?
23:09.41ManxPoweroej, Ah, perhaps not.
23:09.46shmaltzoej, and the VoIP calls were ok? what was the latency?
23:09.50oejshmaltz: 700 ms latency
23:09.59oejBut it worked!
23:10.03ManxPower700ms!  That's better than MY internet service.
23:10.09oejThe purser placed a call through my PC just to test
23:10.15justinuhe's a few miles closer to the satellite :P
23:10.15shmaltzthat is not really very bad, I thought that those connections make you want to yell out the window
23:10.30ManxPowersomegeek, where are you now, oej
23:10.31oejNo, it's actually pretty good
23:10.40oejI have committed patches from above greenland oej, where are you now?
23:10.52oejManxpower: Huntsville!
23:11.05oejAll of the week
23:11.08*** join/#asterisk gandhijee (
23:11.22oej...and I got your package here... hint, hint
23:11.23ManxPowernifty, maybe I can drive up some afternoon and we can have dinner.
23:11.29ManxPower(nearer the end of the week.
23:11.35oejLeaving saturday
23:12.03SwK[Work]oej check your pm's
23:12.04oejFile last week, me this week. Who will take care of Asterisk development over here next week?
23:12.08gandhijeeso i upgrade from 1.2.4 to 1.26
23:12.36gandhijeenow i get an error about chan_oss.c:533 sound_thread: select failed: Bad file descriptor
23:12.44*** join/#asterisk fuzzbawl (n=fuzzy@
23:12.57mog_workManxPower, you have to come visit
23:13.12ManxPowermog_work, as soon as my bank returns the money the stole from me.
23:13.28mog_worklol is wells fargo a bank?
23:13.30Qwell[]ManxPower: I had *nothing* to do with that...I swear
23:13.35mog_worki thought they just moved money around
23:13.38Qwell[]mog_work: :p
23:13.43mog_worklike moneygram or something
23:13.46mog_workthat and packages
23:13.51Qwell[]mog_work: not for like...100 years, heh
23:13.57ManxPowermog_work, they moved it into a closed account
23:14.15mog_worki have had something like that happen
23:14.16mog_workis a pain
23:14.18Qwell[]ManxPower: woops...was it wells?
23:14.19ManxPowermy entire month's income
23:14.26mog_worki will never bank with compass bank again
23:14.30ManxPowerQwell, BankOne/Chase
23:14.34Qwell[]phew :p
23:14.45mog_worki dont understand banks these days
23:14.53mog_workthey make all money out of screwing customer
23:14.55Qwell[]ManxPower: Why'd they move it?
23:15.01Qwell[]mog_work: yeah, pretty much
23:15.03mog_workwhy not just find a happy medium
23:15.08mog_worklike dont give me free checking
23:15.15mog_workgive me 3 dollars a month checking
23:15.18ManxPowerQwell, the person that does the deposits of my checks had an old deposit slip.
23:15.25mog_workand dont try to screw me every thirty seconds
23:15.30ManxPowerthe bank happily accepted the depoist to the closed account and even cleared the checks.
23:15.35ManxPowerthat happened 7 days ago
23:16.06Qwell[]they plan on returning it soon?
23:16.07ManxPowerthey CLAIM they rejected the check and mailed it to me, but it has not arrived yet.
23:16.36Qwell[]have them overnight a photocopy of the check.
23:16.42Qwell[]They have to keep it on file
23:16.58websaeany canadian carriers in here
23:17.03Qwell[]Check 21, or some such law
23:17.28Qwell[]"Checking system for the 21st century"...something like that
23:17.52Qwell[]let's the equiv of an email be valid for check transfers, between banks
23:17.57gandhijeeanyone ever get this error: chan_oss.c:533 sound_thread: select failed: Bad file descriptor?
23:18.13gandhijeeit only happend after i upgraded from 1.2.4. to .6
23:18.30Qwell[]gandhijee: check the bug tracker...see if there is anything new, related to that
23:18.35Qwell[]if not - open one up
23:19.21Qwell[]mog_work: I propose a new rule
23:19.24gandhijeeQwell: dumb question, but how do i get to the bugtracker?
23:19.31Qwell[]in order to open a bug - you must test (and possibly close) 2 others :P gandhijee
23:20.14Qwell[]how incredibly useful would that be?  heh
23:20.22*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
23:20.26mog_workmake it work like that delicious site
23:23.24fuzzbawli'm having a bit of trouble, but I'm not sure if it's asterisk or AMP causing the issue. Voicemails record (I can see the files in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/) but they are not attached to the email
23:23.39ManxPowershmaltz, page not foound
23:23.58shmaltzManxPower, check your DNS settings
23:24.16ManxPowershido6, um, yahoo is telling me page is not found
23:24.26ManxPowershmaltz, , um, yahoo is telling me page is not found
23:24.33shmaltzManxPower, oh sorry, but it works for me
23:24.37Darwin35everyone is fired
23:24.44Darwin35go home and leave this place
23:24.57ManxPowerCan anyone else here get to;_ylt=AuttYUnyeQl4k1IbWwO2RYz6VbIF;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA--
23:25.12ManxPowershmaltz, I repasted and it may be working now.
23:25.15Qwell[]worked for me
23:25.28wunderkinoh my
23:26.57shmaltzI like the JaJah one
23:27.12shmaltzit's like placing 2 .call files one in UK and the other in NY
23:27.28shmaltzwho here is a southern?
23:27.47shmaltzwhat does the expression *thats just a bummer* mean?
23:28.32shmaltzanybody from digum land here?
23:28.48Darwin35thats coo
23:28.54Darwin35I just tried it
23:29.05shmaltzDarwin35, what's cool?
23:29.42Darwin35you enter the numbers in the portal it calls you and then calls the other number
23:29.56SwK[Work]hey whats the link to Leif & Crew's asterisk book?
23:29.59Darwin35and uses a voip connection for the call
23:30.06jbotsomebody said docs was probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
23:31.59shmaltzJaJah doesn't have progress detection
23:32.14shmaltzI hung up around 50 seconds ago and it still says call is active
23:32.29shmaltzI'm using digital lines on bothe ends (SPRINT PCS, to PRI)
23:32.52*** join/#asterisk KranZ (
23:32.59ManxPowerPRIs ALWAYS have hangup supervision
23:33.10shmaltzManxPower, but JaJah is not detecting it
23:33.26ManxPowerAh, the silly new service that will fail like all the others?
23:33.28jbot[amp] "amp is, like, NOT supported here! people using it should join #freepbx (the new name of amp)"
23:33.37shmaltzIt's still saying call is active after like 2:30+
23:33.50ManxPowershmaltz, more billing for them.
23:34.10shmaltzyeah, thats what it was
23:34.44*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte_ (n=lunaphye@
23:35.00Qwell[]When you need a longer cat5 cable, but don't have a coupler, what do you do?
23:35.00asterboyok, by bid for an asterisk install at a crisis center is on its way.
23:35.03asterboyhope I get it.
23:35.19Qwell[]You use a cisco 7960 as a switch, to double the cable length :D
23:35.42asterboyfor phones I just use 2 tin cans and a string.
23:35.43shmaltznah its not that, it's just that the page is coded that it doesn't update once the call is active, it just uses a static timer
23:35.45lunaphyte_Qwell: you get your cable stretcher out.
23:35.56asterboyhard to call forward though
23:36.01shmaltzQwell, I had this problem today
23:38.09edobeany good cheap IP phone recommendation?
23:38.17edobehow about atcom?
23:38.19shmaltzQwell, I ended up cutting one end and punching it down to a jack
23:38.26shmaltzI charged $25.00 for that
23:38.30xp_prgedobe just use a software phone
23:38.38jbotsomething that should be drug out into the street and shot
23:38.38gandhijeeedobe: you want IAX or SIP
23:38.40Qwell[]shmaltz: I don't have any tools or any such thing here, heh
23:39.00gandhijeeQwell: there isn't an area to submit a bug for 1.2.6 yet...
23:39.10Qwell[]gandhijee: no?
23:39.12shmaltzQwell, so you did the right thingy :-)
23:39.35edobegandhijee: IAX
23:39.46gandhijeeQwell: yep, no place to submit 1.2.6 bug reports yet
23:39.55edobeshmaltz: i´m testing with softphone but i´d like to port this setup to an office
23:40.18gandhijeeedobe: i recommend the iareaPhone X12
23:40.29shmaltzedobe, what?
23:40.33gandhijeeits a  YUXIN phone
23:40.42gandhijeehas the same chipset as the atacom
23:42.11edobegandhijee: does it support multiple calls?
23:42.28gandhijeemultiple lines?
23:42.32Qwell[]gandhijee: we'll have to find an administrator then...
23:42.34Darwin351688 chipset rocks
23:42.37IronHelixdid yuxin ever figure out the concept of not spamming the wiki?
23:42.45shmaltzwhat time zone is new zealand?
23:42.48Darwin35opensrc phones the way to go
23:42.52Qwell[]mog_work: Can you add/change versions on mantis?
23:43.20Qwell[]asterisk versions - 1.2.6
23:43.43mog_workin advanced or something
23:43.47edobegandhijee: where are those sold?
23:44.43*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
23:44.48*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
23:45.00Qwell[]mog_work: I can only see projects in manage, not any of the custom fields stuff
23:45.17mog_workwhat bug?
23:45.23Qwell[]all :D
23:45.37Darwin351.2.6  wow what is this a release every 2 weeks now
23:45.46mog_workoh add versions
23:45.48mog_workno i cant
23:45.58mog_workhe can do it for ya
23:46.05mog_worknot quite Darkhalf
23:46.08mog_workerr Darwin35
23:46.57*** join/#asterisk Shaun222 (
23:47.17Darwin35When did my nick change
23:47.27mog_workit didnt tab complete faild me
23:47.59mog_workim a lazy typist
23:48.16justinuso I take it there's no way to take two channels, and bridge them together in AMI.... looks like I have to drop both channels into a meetme, if I want them to talk...
23:48.26Qwell[]yea<tab> m<tab> to<tab>
23:48.49Qwell[]I wish I could tab complete other words...
23:49.07mog_workits getting there Qwell
23:49.17mog_worki think there is a mode for that in oofice
23:49.19Qwell[]all we need...
23:49.21mog_workand several ides do it
23:49.28Qwell[]is a giant channel, with several thousand nicks
23:49.33Qwell[]which are all common words :P
23:51.26*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
23:51.45Darwin35quiting time ... chat from home....
23:51.48*** part/#asterisk Darwin35 (
23:52.16*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:53.38Shaun222is it possible to setup redundancy with asterisk?  right now i want to use it for my primary system, but if for some reason the network at the DC fails, i would like to either use analog lines to receive/send calls or have another asterisk server at another location that everything will fail-over too
23:54.06shmaltzShaun222, whats DC stand for?
23:54.54mog_workdistrict of columbia
23:55.03Qwell[]direct current
23:55.08shmaltzmog, thanks
23:55.19jboti heard dc is better known as dc_
23:55.20*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
23:55.23Nuggetmarvel comics are way cooler than dc.
23:55.26gandhijeeShawn222: there was something on the voip-info wiki about setting up something like that using a hearbeat server
23:55.32mog_workbah Nugget dc is old school
23:55.41shmaltzthis looks cool:
23:55.47bkw__DC is better
23:55.54mog_workwhats dc stand for
23:55.59mog_workD_ comics?
23:56.00bkw__Direct Current
23:56.10Qwell[]< Qwell[]> direct current
23:56.13Qwell[]I win this round!
23:56.21Qwell[]Next on "What will bkw__ say, ..."
23:56.38bkw__whats the point of going DC -> AC -> DC?
23:56.40bkw__you generate HEAT
23:56.42bkw__and thats bad
23:56.48mog_workumm yeah
23:56.51mog_workwhats your point?
23:56.56Qwell[]AC -> DC -> AC makes cold
23:57.00mog_worklol Qwell
23:57.07bkw__ok you save room because you don't waste space with power supplies
23:57.29mog_workyes i agree
23:57.37mog_workbut what does this have to do with disussion
23:57.52Qwell[]discussion control?
23:57.57Qwell[](dc...get it?)
23:57.58bkw__oh I see how it is
23:58.02mog_workdire commie?
23:58.09bkw__dumbass coder?
23:58.17Qwell[]well, I never
23:59.23Qwell[]we've officially killed the channel
23:59.44mog_workdead channel?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.