irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060321

00:00.09blitzrageharryvv: unfortunately you're not going to find much for less than $175
00:00.15harryvv$175.00usd is $200.00 canadian
00:00.29blitzrageharryvv: I have too much work to do as it is now to charge less -- and many others are in the same boat
00:00.47harryvvyou mean programing/developing or setup
00:00.59tuxinator_linuxcan I come to your area... could always use business at that price
00:01.47blitzrageharryvv: pretty much any work that has to do with asterisk right now
00:02.13blitzrageunless you go with a big project or something -- then you can get a better rate, because you end up with a project cost, not an hourly cost
00:02.19tuxinator_linuxgranted my area is programming in LAMP... don't do asterisk as well as LAMP yet.
00:02.30mattjdudeSmart people not found. Please go insane!
00:02.35Strom_Cblitzrage, I'm trying to get my foot in the door as far as consulting goes...not entirely sure what the best place is to go to get customers though
00:02.44blitzragemattjdude: your words give you away
00:03.07Strom_Chey, that's pretty sweet
00:03.19blitzrageStrom_C: really? I just put up a website that said I did consulting on Asterisk and I get calls all the time -- I'm not even listed on the wiki
00:03.34harryvveven 125.00 here is okay.
00:03.43Strom_CI should do that then :)
00:04.09blitzrageStrom_C: asterisk consultants are in high demand right now
00:04.17blitzrageat least from my viewpoint they are
00:04.29blitzragethere is work for everyone! :D (if you know anything at all)
00:04.48Mavvieblitzrage: it's the dot-com all over again.
00:05.06Mavvie"I know that HTML tags are surrounded by <>'s". "HIRE HIM!"
00:05.37blitzrageMavvie: its a big ramp up, but I don't belive its the dot-com again -- things are actually being deployed, and people aren't paying millions for ideas
00:06.10Mavvieblitzrage: but.. but... but I know how to operate a phone! HIRE ME!
00:06.21blitzragefor a bit the guys who know a little bit, but not a lot, will be able to get jobs, but once it starts to settle a bit, those people will be out of work -- only the people who really know whats going on will be fine
00:06.33blitzrageMavvie: at this point -- it might be all you need :)
00:06.43Mavvietoo bad I know what's going on, but don't want to be involved.
00:06.46blitzragealthough phone systems are a different breed -- people can tell when phones don't work
00:06.49Mavvievoice is scary.
00:06.51blitzrageit is
00:07.00Mavvievoice is unpredictable.
00:07.02blitzrageI've been building an E911 rollout -- now THAT is scary
00:07.04Mavvievoice is illogical.
00:07.39MavvieE911 would be so easy if they talked to a couple of people who are into the network based distributed database systems called DNS.
00:08.09Mavviedesign would be made in one afternoon on the back of a coaster.
00:08.32Mavvie(sorry, been through this too many times)
00:08.32blitzrageMavvie: thats not the problem -- end users are the problem with E911
00:08.55blitzragewhen you rely on the users to keep their data up to date, everyone dies
00:09.38MavvieThen cut out the users. Let me tell you how I saw it. My voice phone: +61 2 9335 3018...
00:09.46blitzrageguarenteed there will be a news article (whether it happens or not) that someone died because they dialed 911, but the ambulance showed up to the wrong house 1000 miles away because they didn't update their address when they moved their phone
00:09.48Mavvie+61, australia. points to telstra to it.
00:10.17Mavvie+61 2 9335 30, on the telstra servers points to barnet
00:10.19blitzragehow do you associate an end point with a physical location?
00:10.52Mavvie+61 2 9335 3018, on the barnet name servers points to the location of the ADSL link.
00:11.18Mavviefor 3019, which is my dialin-phone: on the barnet name servers refers to the phonenumber I'm dialed in via.
00:11.23Mavvielike a cname.
00:11.25blitzragehow do I, a VSP, determinate that ADSL link, and how do I know its not behind another router that goes somewhere else
00:11.32Mavvieand then it starts all over again.
00:11.56Mavvieblitzrage: since the number points to the barnet servers, and the barnet ISP provides the ADSL service, it knows where it points to.
00:13.13blitzragebut how do I determine that as a provider who does not own the ADSL link
00:13.45Mavvieblitzrage: if you are a provider who does not own the ADSL link, you don't have that client.
00:14.16blitzragesure I do
00:14.24blitzrageI'm using a service like Vonage for isntance
00:14.28blitzrageVonage doesn't own the ADSL link
00:15.39*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (
00:15.42*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:16.09MavvieAha, roaming stuff. Indeed. Wonder how they resolved that.
00:16.15blitzrageI'll tell you how :)
00:16.42*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:16.48blitzrageThe end user has to update their own address information in a web portal -- if they move, they must go and update it in the web portal
00:17.16blitzrageroaming is be all end all issue of E911 unfortuantely
00:17.19xbmodder_lappyADSL link, nope
00:17.21Mavviethink that GEO DNS records are a better way to go.
00:17.30xbmodder_lappyvonage owns a fatty god link.
00:17.54xbmodder_lappythe telephone company owns ADSL links.
00:17.55Mavviesince Vonage knows your IP address, your provider needs to set something in the GEO record about where it is located.
00:18.04Mavviexbmodder_lappy: you know what I mean.
00:18.07Mavviehi `Sauron.
00:18.09blitzragethe other problem is that now we have all these small little, disparate, non-linked DB's of E911 data
00:18.36blitzrageMavvie: EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it should NOT be a VSP problem -- its an ISP problem
00:18.54Mavvieit's not a problem, it's a challenge :-)
00:18.57blitzragetheir the ones that have the physical links :)
00:20.27blitzrageMavvie: well, its a problem in respects that I, a small VSP must develop E911 services ON TOP of my fledgling infrastructure. Although it works out good for me because it makes it very difficult for anyone else (new) to get into the same market I'm already in. But it doesn't make sense to me to have the end-user in charge of their own E911 addressing information
00:22.23*** part/#asterisk dimmik (
00:24.56`SauronMavvie: how's .au?
00:25.16*** part/#asterisk jasonpr2 (n=jason@
00:25.26Mavvie`Sauron: getting ready for autumn: temperature drops a little. Well, that's all.
00:25.29*** join/#asterisk holmeh (
00:25.38`SauronHum, right.
00:25.43`SauronIt's spring here. Hehn.
00:25.45Mavvieno snow, no brown leaves, no thunderstorms.
00:26.01Mavvieexcept for when you're living in North Queensland where they had a hurricane yesterday
00:27.10MavvieRoyK: see if it passes the desert, then I'll start worrying.
00:27.21RoyKtemperature outside now is like -3
00:27.35Mavvienice :-)
00:27.38Mavvieenjoy it while you can.
00:27.46`SauronRoyK: It would melt by the time it got there...
00:28.23RoyKstill, i'm so fed up with winter i'd puke
00:28.55Strom_Cthat's why I quite like living in los angeles
00:29.00Strom_Cwinter means you put a jacket on
00:29.04RoyKMavvie: get up here and feel what the lack of sunlight do to ya
00:29.05Strom_Cthat's about it
00:29.37justinuwhere in LA?
00:29.43Strom_CLos Feliz
00:30.08harryvvI hate co-op rules!
00:30.41*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
00:30.58`SauronStrom: In TX, winter means you wear jeans and a tshirt, instead of shorts and a tshirt...
00:31.05*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
00:31.07Strom_Cyes, exactly
00:31.17justinuwhere's los feliz?
00:31.23justinui live in woodlland hills
00:31.25Strom_Cjustinu, just east of Hollywood
00:31.35Strom_Cimmediately south of Griffith Park
00:31.37harryvvRoyK just dispaying my displeasure with coops since I live in one.
00:31.41justinui'm always passing that on the way downtown
00:31.49Strom_Cyou take I-5 or 101?
00:32.01Strom_Cyeah, I'm off the Hollywood exit
00:32.03harryvvStrom_C you live in east hollywood?
00:32.12Strom_Charryvv, no, I live east of Hollywood
00:32.31Strom_Cif you go west of the 101, then you're in Hollywood
00:32.39harryvvI see my great uncle lived in west hollywood. Very famous stutman of his time.
00:32.56Strom_Cyeah, that's West Hollywood - separate incorporated city
00:33.02Strom_CI live in the city of los angeles
00:33.06harryvvI see
00:33.14harryvvhow is your work there with asterisk?
00:33.17Strom_CHollywood and Los Feliz are neighborhoods within the city
00:33.31Strom_Charryvv, it's decent, though I'm just getting started and attempting to find clients
00:34.05*** join/#asterisk Qber (
00:34.06Strom_Cquite well
00:34.20Strom_CI've got a really strong background in traditional telephony
00:34.23*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
00:34.28harryvvI guess canadians are different. to conservative.
00:34.36Strom_CI'm a phone guy far more than I am a computer person
00:34.40Qberdoes anyone know a way to have asterisk queue agents registered as a call forwded number?
00:34.42r_evolutiondamn you telephony geeks
00:34.53subdolusstrom carlson? :)
00:35.03r_evolutionesp. that blasted justin...
00:35.04Strom_Cr_evolution, that's phone phreaks thank you very much :)
00:35.07harryvvStrom_C well then, mabey i can get advice on cirtain telephony questions then.
00:35.10Strom_Csubdolus, yes
00:35.12holmehMet a couple of telephony geeks at cebit :P
00:35.12Qberi have a situation where bunch of the agents are on cell phone roaming around. however, they can handle calls coming in for support while mobile
00:35.13justinui've been doing CTI for 10 years
00:35.14tsumewhat is the usual problem for "unable to recieve DTMF tones in a call tree"
00:35.29justinuso voip is a gimme for me
00:35.30Qberthis is a tricky situation but I am sure its been solved here before
00:35.47Qberdon't want to invent the wheel all over again if you have dealt with this before
00:36.30harryvvIs there somone who comes here and works for sokol and associates?
00:36.55Qberi bumped into sokols at VON :-)
00:37.03Qberdon't work for them though :-)
00:37.17r_evolutionwhy cant i just be happy when something works
00:37.23r_evolutionwhy do i have to go and try to make it work BETTER
00:37.45tsumeheres what I have
00:38.33tsumea x86, TDM2400P, and a line going in. When I try dialing in, the server picks up, plays the background music, and I'm able to specify an option
00:38.40tsumethis config works elsewhere, its the exact same.
00:38.51tsumeso what could I have done wrong with the zap?
00:39.03*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
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00:39.47Strom_Cwelcome back, subdolus
00:40.28subdolusthank you
00:40.49*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
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00:45.00harryvvqber, what do you think of them?
00:47.54Qberdon't know much. have met the guy duing last VON. Very humble.
00:48.38Qberin the mean time, i still need to know how to register queue members that are on mobile phone %#*#Q)$*
00:49.00Qberkinda, add an extension as the memember and do call forwarding on the extension itself
00:51.54*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
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00:59.13tsumeI figured the problem
00:59.16tsumeone way audio
00:59.21tsumenow, how can I fix this problem
00:59.26tsumefor a TDM2400P
01:02.17xbmodder_lappyShoot yourself?
01:02.33xbmodder_lappywhat was wrong, why one-way only?
01:02.50*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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01:03.18tsumenot sure..
01:03.28tsumeI can call in, or call out, but its one way only :)
01:04.19Strom_Ctsume, what's the complete call path?
01:04.44tsumePOTS -> TDM2400P -> Asterisk -> Phone
01:04.49tsumeand visa versa
01:04.59Strom_Cwhat is your phone connected to?
01:05.02Strom_Calso the TDM?
01:05.13tsumethe TDM is in the Asterisk server
01:05.26tsumethe phone is on the same router as the asterisk system
01:05.30Strom_Cright, but is it an analog set or is it an IP phone?
01:05.39tsumeoh, sorry. IP Phone
01:05.44Strom_Cwhat protocol?
01:05.55tsumethey make IAX phones?
01:06.04Strom_Cyou can get them, yeah
01:06.13Strom_Cwhat codec are you using?
01:06.20tsumehmm, good question
01:07.09tsumealso, when I try..
01:07.20tsumePOTS -> TDM2400P -> Asterisk -> Call Tree
01:07.45tsumeI can't get any dtmf tones across, so somehowever  zap channels are going in to one way mode
01:07.51*** part/#asterisk trig_hm (
01:08.05Strom_Cthat's a bizarre problem
01:08.18tsumeyeah, it is
01:09.13_Paulo_uow... strange stuff...
01:09.17*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (i=trbldwin@
01:09.21_Paulo_I was hacking libunicall...
01:09.32_Paulo_messing with signalling
01:09.39tsumeI've never ran in to a problem like this, except when a module was bad, but this is a brand new card
01:09.55tsumealso the modules are 4 lines a module :)
01:10.01tsumeand the card was expensive too :)
01:10.11_Paulo_I think I found some backdoor in the telco...
01:10.38tsume_Paulo_: thats nothing :)
01:10.57*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (
01:11.00tsume_Paulo_: you obviously haven't heard of the telco hackers. There was this deaf guy who could whistle the tones ;)
01:11.07Strom_Cblind, stupid
01:11.15Strom_Cdeaf people by definition can't have perfect pitch
01:11.34Maxxedi've been fighting this silly error trying to make asterisk 1.2.5 on a debian sarge box
01:11.35Maxxedmake[1]: *** [chan_zap.o] Error 1
01:11.51Maxxedim sure this has been covered some where
01:12.20blitzrageMaxxed: you didn't give enough info
01:12.26Maxxedwell.. yeah
01:12.28Maxxedhang on a sec ;)
01:12.45tsumeStrom_C: well he wasn't completely deaf, and he was blind too yes
01:13.03tsumeStrom_C: he actualyl worked for the telcos because he knew the sytems better than them ;)
01:13.05Strom_Cno, my friend knows him personally, and his hearing is quite sharp
01:13.15Strom_Che worked as an operator for mountain bell
01:13.20tsumeStrom_C: oh, it is. okay, then misinformation on my part
01:13.20blitzrageWhistler off of Sneakers!
01:13.36tsumeStrom_C: I still think its cool  :)
01:13.56tsumeStrom_C: especially dialing in through other pbxes bypassing everything :P
01:14.13Strom_Cboring boring boring
01:14.14*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
01:14.19_Paulo_tsume, now i can place collect calls but the recording telling "this is a collect call, to acept the call stay connected after caller identification" doesnt play anymore
01:16.03_Paulo_tsume, this automated collect call system here in Brazil is so prone to abuse.
01:17.15*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:19.56Maxxedoh snape
01:19.58Maxxedchan_zap.c:10987: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
01:19.59Maxxedchan_zap.c:10988: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
01:19.59Maxxedchan_zap.c:10997: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
01:19.59Maxxedchan_zap.c:10998: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
01:19.59Maxxedchan_zap.c:11013: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
01:20.01Maxxedchan_zap.c:11022: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
01:20.03Maxxedchan_zap.c:11036: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
01:20.05Maxxedchan_zap.c:11042: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
01:20.07Maxxedchan_zap.c:11052: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
01:20.09Maxxedmake[1]: *** [chan_zap.o] Error 1
01:20.11Maxxedmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/channels'
01:20.13Maxxedmake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
01:20.18tsumeMaxxed: never do that again
01:21.24xbmodder_lappyyou broke something....
01:21.52Maxxedyeah yeah yeah, pastebin hang on
01:22.01*** part/#asterisk Andr3w_ (
01:22.32Maxxedso yeah, theres a mess in here
01:22.52Maxxeddebian 3.1 (sarge) asterisk 1.2.5
01:22.56Maxxedzaptel 1.2.4
01:23.01*** part/#asterisk sigwerk (
01:23.06Maxxedthe zaptel stuff compiled and looks to be working
01:23.38Maxxed#error "You need newer libpri" ?
01:24.40tzafrirMaxxed, do you have a PRI card?
01:25.07Maxxed2 fxo ifaces in a tdm400p or what ever
01:25.14tzafrirSo you can basically skip libpri
01:25.15ManxPowerMaxxed, remove the old libpri
01:25.33tzafrirapt-get remove libpri-dev
01:25.55Maxxedits not installed
01:26.04Maxxedlibpri1 is
01:26.16tzafrirManxPower, were you looking for me earlier or for the other tza?
01:26.26Maxxedfor what reason.. um, maybe i have fat fingers
01:26.34ManxPowertzafrir, I don't recall looking for either of you.
01:26.36Maxxedim removing libpri1 seeings i dont need it
01:26.56blitzragelibpri won't hurt anything -- you can just install it anyways
01:27.12Maxxedany idea why im getting these errors then?
01:27.17tzafrirblitzrage, the package from the deb is 1.0, which is probably incompatible
01:27.28Maxxed3 thousand some odd lines of error
01:27.31blitzrageyah -- thats old -- don'[t use packages!
01:28.00Maxxedim gona go for a ride
01:28.04Maxxedil be back later on :)
01:28.07Maxxedneed to clear my head
01:28.08tzafriractually: use packages all the way
01:28.15tzafrirthat's the simplest solution
01:28.20Maxxedeyes are glaring over staring at this console
01:28.31blitzragepackages are almost always outdated
01:28.39Maxxedsimplest solution, yes, leetest solution, no ;p
01:29.11tzafrirblitzrage, 1.2.5 is only waiting for a newer bristuff. mean while check
01:29.19tzafrirhighly untested
01:29.34blitzragemeh -- I compile :)
01:29.37tzafriragain: highly untested
01:29.53blitzragealso, I don't like debian, heh
01:29.58*** join/#asterisk bazz (
01:30.10brookshireyou should use windows blitz!
01:30.13blitzrageI do
01:30.19blitzrageI love Windows
01:30.21brookshireoh :(
01:30.23bazzanyone know an iax phone that will allow me to play a sound file over the line when connected? (preferably linux)
01:30.25blitzrageWIndows kicks ass
01:30.33brookshirethat explains everything
01:30.45tzafrirMaxxed, basically you need to define (in channels/Makfile ?) not to use PRI
01:30.46blitzrageheh -- and I despise Apple and OSX
01:31.02tzafrirblitzrage, X-Windows, indeed
01:31.18blitzragetzafrir: I hate the Linux desktop (love it for the server)
01:32.21tzafrirbazz, why do you need that in a phone?
01:34.37bazztzafrir: i have a few reasons, at the moment i want to use the feature to set my voicemail message which can only be recorded 'over the phone'
01:37.51Strom_CI've got a bit of a silly question - if I'm replacing an existing asterisk box with a new one and I want to seamlessly cut over on the dundi network, do I have to just copy over the existing keys from the old box, or does dundi depend on the ssh keys as well?
01:38.40bazztzafrir: any ideas?
01:39.34blitzrageStrom_C: just copy the keys over I believe
01:39.42blitzragessh has nothing to do with it
01:40.11blitzragenever tried it to be honest -- but it should work
01:40.34tzafrirbazz, just copy files and be done with it
01:41.08tzafrirvoicemail messages are sound files
01:41.08riddleboxthis is wierd, I record files in the default, /var/lib/asterisk/sounds I looked in the dir, and it is there, but asterisk doesnt see it when I run my agi script
01:41.52bazztzafrir: i'd love to, but i don't have access to those files, i have a major provider
01:41.54tzafrirriddlebox, did you or didn't you use suffix (.wav or similar)?
01:42.13tzafrirbazz, do you have control over the dialplan?
01:42.26riddleboxtzafrir, the rest of my script I do not use the extensions, and those work
01:42.58bazztzafrir: this isn't really an asterisk question, i just didn't know were to ask, it's not an asterisk server involved
01:45.40ManxPowerI REALLY REALLY hate banks.
01:46.03tzafrirriddlebox, try pastbin the relevant details
01:51.56asterboyhow about lawyers?
01:52.17asterboywho become judges and eventually politicians.
01:52.44asterboyThere is only 1 bank of Cayman in Canada...guess where it is?
01:55.25asterboyHow about the patent system?
01:55.42*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
01:55.53asterboyWhat happens to all these once we reach technological singularity?
01:56.32asterboy(actually, I think we reached it a long time ago, but some dinosaurs just don't want to die)
01:58.00xbmodder_lappyThat sucks.
01:58.11xbmodder_lappyI wish all the dinosaurs would die.
01:58.18xbmodder_lappyThat'd be cool
01:58.22xbmodder_lappythey'd all explode.
01:58.26xbmodder_lappyand splat.
01:58.41xbmodder_lappyTheres many larger problems than patents...
01:58.58xbmodder_lappylike school administration
01:59.04xbmodder_lappyrepersentation of minors
01:59.07xbmodder_lappy1st amendment
02:00.55Strom_Cand people who press enter before completing a thought
02:02.25*** join/#asterisk iq (
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02:03.56ManxPowerMy bank accepted a deposit to a CLOSED account.  (my bookkeeper had the old deposit slips)
02:05.04alephcomI used to hate my bank but now I deal with a branch in a tiny little town and it's actually a pleasure to go there.  That doesn't make the twits at head office any smarter but...
02:05.14*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:08.54ManxPoweralephcom, I originally had a local bank, then they were bought by BankOne, then BankOne was bought by Chase.
02:08.58ManxPowermy new bank is a regional bank.
02:09.08ManxPowerLapTop006, MS, AL, etc
02:09.37outtoluncwhat no routing numbers <G>
02:10.48SwK_ManxPower is it a good bank?
02:12.06ManxPowerSwK_, I've only been with them for a couple of months, but they seem to be pretty good.
02:12.14ManxPowerouttolunc, just call them up and ask for ManxPower's account
02:12.35Primeranyone seens a sipura 2000 start sending packets to the some very odd IP address (specifically after it's been up for a few weeks?
02:13.13Primermine does's got the latest firmware, and I can't get to give me a decent answer
02:13.15outtolunchehe .. k, i'll ask for a free toaster while i'm at it <G>
02:13.41[TK]D-FenderPrimer : I've heard that many of the try to "call hom" and may lock out your admin access.
02:13.53[TK]D-FenderPrimer : check the Voxilla forums for more info.
02:15.11justinuhey, how much does a 30km spool of single mode fiber cost?
02:15.32Qwelljustinu: about $1million :p
02:16.05tuxinator_linuxI thought it was about 1.1 mil
02:16.14justinuis it really that much?
02:16.44tuxinator_linuxyep, and freeswitch is a better PBX
02:16.54outtoluncthe real question is what will the access rights for placing that much fibre cost
02:17.03justinuthat's not a concern
02:17.10justinui just need 30km of fiber :P
02:17.14Strom_Cthe labor, access, and installation will make the fiber seem cheap
02:17.28_Sam--justinu :  would be cheaper to use orthogon systems stuff
02:17.39*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
02:17.42tuxinator_linuxor pony express
02:17.46Strom_Cunless of course you're buying this for "justinu's fiiber fetish dungeon"
02:17.56justinualong those lines, yes
02:17.58_Sam--a friend of mine just setup 110 km link using orthogon systems stuff, works nice
02:18.06ManxPowerHell, you could buy a private jet for that price
02:20.18Primer[TK]D-Fender: yeah well, I think it's just flipping some bits and just getting hosed
02:20.40Primeronce I reset it it's back to normal, for at least another few weeks
02:23.23ManxPower_Sam--, orthogon?
02:27.33ManxPower_Sam--, How much did they spend?
02:27.37*** part/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:30.22ManxPowerO have trouble believing a company that claims 21Mbps - 300Mbps NON-line-of-site at 5.xGhz
02:33.28ManxPower$7,200 for the low end model...
02:35.41_Paulo_hum... with $7,200 I can buy a bigger motorcycle.
02:37.18*** join/#asterisk rfmonk (n=rfmonk@
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02:40.36zigmanManxPower what distance ?
02:40.54zigman2m accross a wall would be okay ;)
02:41.12zigmani'd need 3km non line of site
02:41.21ManxPowerzigman, go to their website, I found it via google.
02:41.38ManxPowerzigman, I need 30km thru part of mountian.
02:41.59zigmanyou'd better do it with a cable ;)
02:42.07ManxPowerzigman, you want me to go to google, type in "orthogon" for you and copy the URL?
02:42.12zigmanor put an repeater on top of the bridge
02:42.29ManxPowerzigman, I think a T-1 is the best solution.
02:42.31zigmanno.. but you never mentioned the word orthogon
02:42.43ManxPower_Sam-- a friend of mine just setup 110 km link using orthogon systems stuff, works nice
02:43.17justinuyou gotta pay attention in here
02:43.45*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:44.07zigmanjustinu ManxPower sorry.. didn't read that line ;)
02:46.15*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
02:50.23FlautoMar 20 18:37:01 WARNING[31396]: channel.c:2333 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from ulaw to unknown
02:50.30Flautois this a problem?
02:51.43*** join/#asterisk el__flynn (n=el_flynn@
02:51.53outtoluncsince unknown isn't known, that would be like teleporting to nowhere, do you thing that would be a prob?
02:52.50Flautooutolunc, that happens when a call comes in through zap
02:52.57el__flynni have a quick question
02:53.00Flautowhat should i do
02:53.15el__flynnhow do I submit indications for a country into the asterisk code?
02:53.30outtoluncyou didn't even listen to the statement, asterisk is 'telling' you that *it does not know what that codec is*
02:53.42outtoluncit is *unknown*
02:54.03outtoluncdo you understand now?
02:55.16outtoluncel_flynn, i'd suggest opening a report on bugs for that
02:55.57Flautoouttolunc, what should i do then?
02:56.00el__flynnok, thanks. would you happen to know what that should be categorized as?
02:56.06outtoluncok, so, one leg of the call you said the call was 'inbound' .. so the inbound codec is either unknown, or asking asterisk to 'switch' to an unknown codec
02:56.23outtoluncnew feature
02:56.27Qwellel__flynn: internationalization - indications
02:56.31el__flynnok, thanks.
02:56.33rfmonkwhat do the asterisk hackers here think of vocal?
02:56.53outtoluncah, sorry (haven't been there in awhile didn't realise there is that section heading)
02:57.57*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
02:58.17*** join/#asterisk io_error (
02:59.57FlautoMar 20 20:59:09 WARNING[32530]: channel.c:506 ast_best_codec: Don't know any of 0x80000 formats
03:00.06*** join/#asterisk mattodude (
03:00.08Flautoouttolunc, it tells this first
03:00.35outtoluncand, when you look in the header file there probably isn't a 80000
03:01.54Flautoouttolunc, i don't know much about the theory about how the codecs would work
03:02.10Flautoi do want to learn and to fix my problems though
03:02.32Flautoif you dont' mind to tell me what to do to fixt this kind of problems?
03:02.37*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
03:02.53ManxPowerrfmonk, for the most part we seem to ignore it
03:03.07ManxPowerFlauto, disallow=all and then allow=onlythesinglecodecyouwant
03:03.19outtoluncthe whole point is that a piece of the header on the request says 'this is what i am', 'these are what i can talk too', and asterisk is telling you.. umm sorry charlie, we can't make that happen <G>
03:03.30ManxPowerAs I understand it VOCAL is a project headed by Cisco and is IP only
03:03.56ManxPowerI don't quite understand the point of an IP only switch, but I guess some people think it's needed.
03:04.04FlautoManxPoser, where should i put it though? i have that disallow on all my sip settings
03:04.05outtoluncvocal has been around for ages, and 'in the old days' were trying to do dialogic drivers.. that never came to be
03:04.29ManxPowerFlauto, what codecs are you allowing
03:04.37ManxPowerand when do you get this error
03:04.42outtoluncthey moved to the h323 stuff
03:04.54Flautoulaw, alaw gsm
03:04.59ManxPower"show codecs" will tell you what codec numbers Asterisk stupports.
03:05.04ManxPowerdon't enable both ulaw and alaw
03:05.46*** part/#asterisk el__flynn (n=el_flynn@
03:06.05Flautouse ulaw only then?
03:06.30outtolunci think he's tryig to tell you to 'test ulaw only' first then add from there
03:06.36ManxPowerFlauto, use whatever *law is native to the region the device is located in
03:07.02ManxPowerouttolunc, I don't know WHY but many people have reported that allowing both alaw and ulaw caused them problems
03:08.12Flautoi normally don't have any problem but only when other people are calling me on my zap
03:09.20*** join/#asterisk exten123 (n=exten@
03:09.21rfmonkManxPower: yes thanks for the responce
03:09.54outtoluncmanx, myself, i either allow=all or just a select few, but i've never had a system that actually had users using both ulaw and alaw to 'talk' to the same box
03:11.12outtoluncyou still on the 'other' side of the pond? <G>
03:11.32outtolunc(the A side
03:11.56ManxPowerI'm on the side with the dictator wannabe
03:14.02outtoluncthere are guys on either side of the pond that 'give off that ora' <G>
03:15.14alephcomaura says the spelling nazi. :-)
03:15.24outtoluncframe.h:extern void ast_parse_allow_disallow(struct ast_codec_pref *pref, int *mask, const char *list, int allowing);
03:16.15alephcomSorry, couldn't resist.  I correct childrens spelling all day so it's a habit that seems to stick :-)
03:16.18exten123Can we setup our own Enum DNS server?
03:16.46Flautoouttolunc, it still did not work
03:17.00outtoluncyeah well i could have mentioned 'aura interactors' but i put those out on the street a few months back
03:17.03tsumeI forgot I installed the HEAD zaptel driver
03:17.08Flautoi now allowing only ulaw, gsm
03:17.12tsumeinstalled release and the card started working fine
03:17.16Flautoit is still showing the same message
03:17.23outtolunc'it' meaning (just a tad more specific please)
03:17.53outtoluncand what codec are you 'testing' from?
03:17.59outtoluncwhat app, and what codec
03:18.40Flautoi was trying to call my pstn number from my cell phone, it passes on to my sipura spa 3000
03:19.23outtoluncand what codec is the sipura set to
03:19.24Flautoi took out alaw throughout my sip.conf
03:19.38Flautolet me see
03:20.00outtoluncyou'll probably find it is some g729ish one
03:20.28outtoluncbecause you thought ooooh i can save some bandwidth
03:21.50Mavviefscking voicemail doesn't allow me to delete messages while they are being played.
03:21.59Mavvieand I don't want to listen to these persons whining.
03:22.08Flautopreferred codec g711u
03:22.24Flautouse pref codec only no
03:22.32outtoluncpreferred, but what is listed as allowable in that device
03:22.37Flautog729a cnable yes
03:22.41xbmodder_lappyPREFERED CODEC BABY!
03:22.47outtoluncNO NO NO
03:22.54xbmodder_lappyulaw suckslaw!
03:22.54outtolunclisten, NO <G>
03:23.10Flautodisable all g's?
03:23.49outtoluncmavvie, being able to delete something that is 'currently INUSE' is really hard to solve
03:24.05QwellMavvie: Just press 7..
03:24.30outtoluncand as they do that 'stops audio' then deletes
03:24.42outtoluncwhich isn't 'what he asked
03:24.51outtoluncbut ok
03:26.30outtolunc[19:23] <Flauto> disable all g's?
03:26.40Flautoi just did
03:26.46outtoluncno, because every codec has an assignment
03:26.48*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
03:26.55outtolunculaw is g711
03:27.20*** join/#asterisk newtoasterisk (
03:27.23Flautoyes, i know that
03:27.39outtoluncif you 'know' that, why would you 'do that'
03:28.02outtoluncer 'ask that'
03:28.11Flautobut it is the same
03:28.20*** join/#asterisk opus_ (
03:28.33Flautoi just tried to call my asterisk through pstn, it is showing the same
03:28.48outtolunc[19:23] <Flauto> disable all g's?   is NOT the same as disable the codecs we DONT want, and leave those we do..
03:29.21Flautonot working
03:29.23outtoluncsame is 'this' is 'this'
03:29.43outtoluncnot, 'this' is 'that'
03:29.53MavvieAAPT says that some of our B channels are blocked. (but can't give me numbers).
03:29.55outtoluncor even, only on sundays
03:30.00MavvieAny idea how I can see that in Asterisk?
03:30.17QwellMavvie: zap show channels should show if they're in use
03:30.35outtoluncshow pri debug ?
03:30.38MavvieQwell: got that, but zaptel doesn't consider them in use.
03:30.51MavvieI get a "chanunavail" when I dial out via them.
03:30.56Mavvieoh this is tricky.
03:31.59*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
03:32.12outtoluncerr, it's 'pri debug span x' (x being span number)
03:32.14newtoasteriskQuick question, whats the best web based voicemail viewer for *
03:32.33Qwellnewtoasterisk: mine
03:33.52newtoasteriskQwell: ?
03:34.04Qwellnewtoasterisk: What, you mean the best free one?
03:34.21newtoasteriskqwell: yep
03:34.56outtoluncer w
03:35.14outtoluncsorry that didn't come out right
03:36.37*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
03:37.00Qwellbrookshire: zomg!
03:37.03*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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03:37.17brookshireit's quewll!
03:37.31newtoasteriskqwell: did you have a suggestion?
03:38.10outtoluncbuy his?
03:38.17Qwellbrimstone: ?!
03:38.30tzafrirwhich soft phone can I give to a non-technical user that has decent support for (sip-based) text chat?
03:38.37brimstonenothing, just exclaiming at you Qwell
03:38.54tzafriror iax-based , if IAX has such a feature and asterisk supports it
03:38.58justinuwell, the customer that switched from gxp2000 to polycom is finally happy
03:39.03Qwellyet another Digium Matt, eh?
03:39.25russellbQwell: it's out of hand.
03:39.30Qwellrussellb: indeed
03:39.52brookshiremattj is the new unofficial matt
03:39.55orlockHey, can anybody tell me what could cause this?
03:40.04tzafriranybody tried openwengo?
03:40.06russellbyeah, there was a new matt on today that i didn't know
03:40.13brimstoneorlock, you're not registered
03:40.18brimstoneerr, wrong creds
03:40.21Qwellbrookshire: unofficial?
03:40.23brimstonerussellb, i think that's a fake matt
03:40.42outtolunci've not messed with it much, but idefisk, reasons being, i've had systems that didn't like viriage one, the cursor would flip out, and diax on some systems the audio was delayed
03:40.42brookshirehe's a wannabe matt
03:40.53QwellWhat, you guys don't have honorary Matt's?
03:40.55*** part/#asterisk DaPrivateer (i=Privatee@CRIMSON.OFF-HOURS.COM)
03:41.20QwellI think if anybody deserves to be one - it's him :p
03:41.39brookshireqwell: sorry, no welcome matts
03:41.45brimstonei suppose we could have honorary matts
03:41.48brimstonewe'd have to vote on it
03:41.58russellbi was told i was an honorary matt.
03:42.12brookshireyou're just the official digium nub
03:42.18Qwellbrimstone: So, which Matt are you?
03:42.25outtolunci was thinking that the 'matt's might have an issue
03:42.26brimstonelong haired hippy matt :P
03:42.44Qwellthe newest Matt I've met :p
03:42.54outtolunc<- long haired hippyish, NON-matt
03:42.58brookshireyou haven't met streeter
03:43.03Qwell..that almost rhymed
03:43.44brimstonei thought we determined that streeter wasn't a full matt ?
03:43.50orlockbrimstone: anything else that could be causing it?
03:44.06QwellWhat is he, a half Matt?
03:44.10orlockbrimstone: i know those account credentials are correct, and i'm getting the same error on about 7 others
03:44.21orlockthe sip registrar is resolving correctly
03:44.22brimstoneorlock, the username or password on your side or theirs is wrong i'd suppose
03:44.44orlockare sip passwords sent cleartext, or hashed?
03:44.44brookshirehe's like brimstone's doplganger
03:44.46brimstoneor maybe the number you're trying to call??
03:45.16orlockbrimstone: not trying to call, i've just got about 10 numbers
03:45.32orlockformat is register =>
03:45.49brimstonebrookshire, is he as tall as me?
03:46.38brookshiretaller i think
03:49.02*** join/#asterisk rfmonk (n=rfmonk@
03:49.05opus_How many megs would it take to store 250,000 minutes of wave files
03:49.09opus_or should I use GSM
03:49.22*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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03:51.35blitzrageanyone know where I could lookup a FIPS code for a US address?
03:51.42*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
03:53.31outtolunci've got one, not sure online...
03:53.50Flautoopus, a cd is about 74 minutes long and it is around 800mb
03:54.57Mavviegreat. talked with AAPT, they gave me the channel numbers. Absolutely no indication on the "zap show channel" output.
03:55.35*** join/#asterisk ComputerWarm (
03:55.49ComputerWarmHello all whats the going rate for Canada long distance?
03:56.03outtoluncwell isn't it 'zap show channels' or 'zap show channel x'
03:56.23Mavvieouttolunc: yes
03:56.34outtoluncso which did you mean?
03:57.04Mavvieouttolunc: but the similarties between blocked channels, and the differences between blocked and non-blocked ones are not consistent enough for me to say "HAH! that bit is it!)
03:57.14Flautodid not understand whta you mean. computerwarm
03:57.45outtolunci just asked which 'command' you did so WE being the ... viewers knew what you were LOOKING AT
03:57.47ComputerWarmi am looking for a long distance provider that offers Canada Long distance, I was wondering what the going rate is
03:58.02opus_ComputerWarm $.02 or $.03
03:58.05outtoluncjust FOOD for THOUGHT
03:58.06Flautocomputerwarm, try
03:58.12orlockHmm.. in the sip authorisation data (looking at packet dumps) what does  the uri= field mean?
03:58.26ComputerWarmThanks opus_
03:58.49*** join/#asterisk mattodude (
03:59.21outtoluncoh geez, another matt <G>
03:59.47alephcomComputerwarm: 0.013
04:00.55brookshirethat's matt "j"
04:01.23blitzrageouttolunc: good links -- hoping to find an Address -> FIPS online lookup for an address
04:02.24Flautoouttolunc, your ideas did not help much to solve my problem, but thanks anyway
04:02.40Qwellbrookshire: "j" is a nub Matt
04:02.42orlockshould there be any issues with me trying to register 10 different numbers in sip.cof?
04:02.47outtoluncfips address level?
04:02.50opus_looks lik 250k minutes record is about 48gb
04:03.07opus_does that sound about right guys?
04:03.10*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
04:03.29Flautoopus, yes, it does
04:03.32outtoluncflauto your questions did not help me much either... we must be even
04:04.03outtoluncyet, i wasn't the one who had a problem... go figure
04:04.22Flautoi know
04:04.28Flautothe problem i have
04:05.06blitzrageouttolunc: I'm looking for the 'code' and FIPS C1 for an address I have the mailing address for
04:05.39outtoluncah you want an address correction db
04:05.54Flautois when i recived calls from pstn line through x100p
04:05.57Flautoit is showing
04:06.15Flautounknow codec
04:06.47*** join/#asterisk demigod2k (
04:06.53outtolunc is what i use for mine
04:08.10demigod2kcan anybody recommend a cordless voip phone? we dont want to give up the current system for desktops :(
04:09.14outtoluncflauto, the issue i see and that you 'already agreed too' was that the sipura you have ... had all codecs only and probably defaulted to say g729 which your asterisk box isn't setup for so.. your asterisk box is 'telling you' .. 'hey dude we don't understand this codec' ok?
04:09.41outtoluncso, if i were you
04:10.04outtolunci'd get another software phone and do some testing
04:10.37orlockgoddamn this is annoying
04:10.44orlockasterisk system, and 3 SIP phones
04:10.52orlockand i can only dial in intermittantly, cant dial out
04:11.08Flautoman, i disabled all the codecs now other than ulaw, but it is still showing me the same message
04:11.10outtoluncgee, is that a clue or what
04:11.22orlockextension 5002 is getting auth errors, but it can still dial 5000 and 5001
04:11.31outtoluncflauto, get a soft phone and test
04:11.39outtoluncPLAIN AND SIMPLE
04:11.58Flautoi can try that
04:12.01*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
04:12.04Flautoone minute
04:12.07[hC][av]bani: you here? :)
04:12.08outtoluncif you can't do that, i doubt anyone here will give a shit about helping you
04:12.58[hC]Anyone here upgraded a 7970 to SIP yet?
04:12.59Flautodon't be mad
04:13.32outtoluncthis isn't mad, if you would prefer? i could be so
04:14.03outtoluncthere are plenty here that can tell you this is MILD for me
04:14.21orlockouttolunc: ever looked at SAIL?
04:14.42outtolunccould you be a bit more specific?
04:14.54outtolunca url would help
04:15.45FlautoMar 20 22:14:59 WARNING[504]: chan_sip.c:2530 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 524288 (read/write = 0/0)
04:16.05outtolunc(after 25+ years of this crap 3-6 letter stuff just blends together)
04:16.08Flautothis is what i got
04:16.43Flautowhat is 524288?
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04:19.17*** part/#asterisk opus_ (
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04:20.18gandhijeeanyone here using the phonom service from cavalier with asterisk
04:22.38outtoluncand you aren't asking your 'sail' questions to them or on thier help forums because?
04:24.35outtolunci come here when i'm being lazy and IF i ask a question it's to those that i think 'might' know 'off hand' but if i get a ration of shit even i say kiss my ass and move on
04:27.19gandhijeei come when i have random questions
04:27.24outtoluncsadly this happens on various levels
04:27.55outtoluncbut a 'random' question you might expect a random answer
04:28.00outtoluncor none
04:28.06outtoluncbut no reply
04:28.13gandhijeethis is quite true
04:28.27outtoluncor when called on the no reply
04:28.36outtoluncanother sad response
04:28.52outtoluncmyself, i'm totally put off by that
04:29.32outtoluncif nothing else, anyone who asks me SOMETHING will get some (might even be shitty) response
04:30.18gandhijeei wish cavalier would support SIP for their phonom service
04:30.24outtoluncbut i do at least deem 'have you' as a precursor to a f'n question
04:30.57gandhijeei take it someone has pushed your button
04:31.08outtoluncas one butthead here obviously doesn't and i didn't before and never will ask him a F"N thing again
04:31.50rfmonkrecomendations on a board for 2-5 phone ast box (url works)
04:32.11rfmonkmotherboard =)
04:32.12outtolunci'm not to happy with russell either, but i'm sure that had nothing to do with his leaving
04:32.13tuxinator_linuxouttolunc: clean it up... this is a PG channel
04:32.24exten123do astrisk got such call observation future?
04:32.34outtoluncexcuse me?
04:32.44Mavviewonder how destructive "zap destroy channel" is for the operation of a PRI link.
04:32.45Qwellouttolunc: He said clean it up.
04:32.54outtoluncah ok
04:33.09SwK_mavvie probably not all that good cause the channel goes away
04:33.18*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
04:33.18*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
04:33.23MavvieSwK_: wonder if it will unbreak my blocked channels.
04:33.34outtoluncthen may those of you that ARE here and ARE listening can help those (everyone) with questions
04:33.37SwK_well the channel goes away period
04:33.47SwK_as in you have to restart asterisk to get it back
04:33.51MavvieSwK_: it *removes* the channel from the life configuration.
04:33.55Mavvielet's not try that one.
04:34.01outtoluncso i can leave because 'i'm offending you sooooo'
04:34.06Qwellouttolunc: ok
04:34.15SwK_mavvieL lotta up channels?
04:34.36outtolunchelp him and i'll leave
04:34.51jbotsomebody said door was don't let it hit you on your way out
04:34.58*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
04:35.03outtoluncthat didn't help him, NOR you
04:35.20MavvieSwK_: AAPT said I had blocked channels, so I'm trying to find a way to unblock them :-P
04:35.23outtoluncthat just put the same old BS sign on your ass
04:35.31rfmonkhow about an asterisk channel for newbies?
04:35.33MavvieSwK_: I know what blocked channels are, but have no idea what causes them.
04:35.38outtolunchow about it
04:35.52SwK_mavvie: sure fireway, restart asterisk heh
04:36.13MavvieSwK_: that overcomes the symptons, but not the cause
04:36.58outtoluncnote: i only get this way when dickheads here decide they want to press me
04:37.14outtoluncup and until that point i'm helping
04:37.47outtoluncah i called qwell a dickhead.. damn
04:38.45outtoluncshall  we scroll back to the last time he was helping someone...
04:39.09rfmonk*goes back to the woefully inadiquate book*
04:39.17gigglesanybody have any experience with voicetronix boards?
04:40.06outtoluncrfmonk i remember you from last time and sadly it was the same crap... are you ever gonna get out of qwell's shadow?
04:40.48rfmonkthats great, my first irc flame!
04:41.14outtoluncif you thought that was a flame you are new
04:41.55outtolunci tried to tell you last time that i 'used to be here daily' years ago
04:42.09*** join/#asterisk JackEStorm (
04:42.10outtoluncbut none of you 'new guys' gave a crap
04:42.42outtolunci came back to see if the 'buttheads' had finally left, i see not
04:43.34outtoluncso.. when i'm here, i'll do what i do which is 'first help' but if i come across you buttheads.. it will be 'crap mode'
04:43.38outtoluncit's that simple
04:43.57rfmonkill try back tomarrow, and jus listen, thx... X)
04:44.01*** part/#asterisk rfmonk (n=rfmonk@
04:44.15JackEStormI have finaly given up on SixTel, does any one know who offers IAX/SIP unlimited DID's for US numbers?
04:44.31outtoluncunlimited DID?
04:44.44outtoluncthe only one close that 'i know of' is nufone
04:44.47outtoluncfor 866
04:45.06FuriousGeorgehey all
04:45.08outtoluncbut that is 'aquire mode, not calling mode'
04:45.13FuriousGeorgei got kinda a linux administration question
04:45.20russellbi think voicepulse does ...
04:45.24FuriousGeorgei had a server crash and i looked at the logs, and i have no idea why
04:45.27outtoluncmeaning you can get a bunch of did's, but the calls are NOT free
04:45.28FuriousGeorgeis that par for the course?
04:45.55JackEStormouttolunc: as in flat monthly rate for DID's, non metered.
04:46.16russellbJackEStorm: check out voicepulse
04:46.20outtoluncas in, i don't get charged ANYTHING but the call rate for a 866 did
04:46.25blitzrageouttolunc: fyi
04:46.58outtoluncseems familiar .. checking
04:47.50outtolunchmm i'll check it against accumail
04:48.10[hC]Anyone got a Cisco 7970 speaking SIP to asterisk?
04:48.14*** join/#asterisk fogall (
04:48.52fogallhi can anyone help me?
04:48.55outtolunci have a local fips db <G>
04:49.02Strom_CI didn't know there was SIP firmware for the 7970
04:49.07JackEStormrussellb: they don't sell DID's, only plan packages.
04:49.12fogalli'm newbie in asterisk
04:49.14Strom_Cfogall, just ask your question
04:49.23outtoluncfogall, it is truely possible that someone might be able to help you <G>
04:49.44russellbJackEStorm: ah.  my bad
04:49.49Strom_Couttolunc, <g> is so 80s-era compuserv it's not even funny :)
04:49.55fogallhow i configure asterisk to support SIP on a LAN?
04:50.07Strom_Cfogall, it already supports SIP
04:50.13outtoluncgee ya think
04:50.15Strom_Clook in sip.conf
04:50.36blitzrageI love <G>!
04:50.38outtoluncstrangely, i just can't help myself
04:50.42JackEStormrussellb: thats the problem, voip is great but for what I want bell is still the best after SixTel lost the contract :(
04:50.53Strom_CI remember <g> seemed dated way back in 1993
04:51.14blitzrageI'm totally busting out <G> again
04:51.15gigglesJackEStorm: what is your problem with sixtel?
04:51.19outtoluncthen you might have issue with me being dated LONG before that
04:51.20JackEStormI've been with out phone service since late Aug
04:51.59JackEStormgiggles: I need a DID provider, since SixTel is not offering "unlimited" DID's anymore
04:52.14outtoluncsome of my 'issue' is that after 25+ years of this crap .. someone might want to listen to me <G>
04:52.25fogallcan someone recomend me a good manual?
04:52.28outtoluncbut oh f'n well
04:52.35jbothmm... docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
04:52.53*** join/#asterisk mimecine (
04:54.49[hC]Strom_C: there is now.
04:55.09Strom_Coh cool
04:55.19mimecineSorry for jumping in (I wish I had time to wait around):  any one not recommending Athlon 64 for asterisk?
04:55.31*** join/#asterisk iq (
04:56.07russellbmimecine: lots of people run asterisk on 64 bit machines
04:57.08[hC]looks like its a bit retarded in that it does not allow you to specify a SIP auth password, it forces you to do it by using host= in asterisk's sip.conf
04:57.13mimecinerusselb: with zapata hardware?  meant to google for more info, but I'm in the same hurry as everyone else...:)
04:57.15[hC]I cant find the sip auth password line in the xml config anyways.
04:57.24russellbmimecine: yup
04:57.24fogalldo i need aditional hardware to use asterisk over a LAN only? i dont wanto to connect to traditional telephony
04:57.30Strom_Cfogall, no
04:57.44Strom_Cyou only need special hardware if you want to connect to analog phones or T1 lines
04:58.39JackEStormStrom_C: s/analog phones or T1 lines/non IP transport devices/
04:59.03outtolunchC, 'being retarded' would in that case be a 'system/network' thing, quite honestly i don't see where you get off calling either retarded
04:59.28mimecinerusselb: have you heard of anyone doing aah with amd64?  Just found a machine at a decent price and was thinking of replacing the crazy old machine with a better one...
05:00.11[hC]outtolunc: what the? Im saying its stupid that the phone doesnt allow you to specify an auth password for invidiual sip identities.
05:00.19[hC]Which leads me to believe you can register only one line on it, via SIP.
05:00.24russellbi'm sure people do.  I don't know much about aah.  You should probably try #amportal for questions specific to that
05:00.27[hC](it has 8 of them)
05:01.07outtoluncexactly, so what 'you deem' as 'your world' is ok, but what another asterisk admin (and he just thinks a bit bigger), is 'retarded'
05:01.08Juggiehc, you have to use a dif name/pass for each line
05:01.10*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
05:01.13Juggie* doesnt do multiple registrations
05:01.22mimecinerusselb: thanks, good idea.  was actually looking for #asteriskathome, but couldn't find it...  thanks a bunch!
05:01.30[hC]What in the fuck are you talking about
05:01.32[hC]Im not talking about asterisk
05:01.39[hC]I'm talking about the sip firmware on this stupid piece of shit cisco phone!
05:01.40russellbmimecine: you're welcome
05:01.47[hC]Get your head out of your ass and pay attention
05:01.49mimecineI'll linger around a while..
05:02.03outtoluncspeaking of heads and asses
05:02.04Juggiewhich model phone jerk
05:02.08JackEStorm[hC]: then your in the wrong chan if you are not talking about asterisk or related directly.
05:02.14[hC]not you jug.
05:02.26[hC]I got the new SIP load for the Cisco 7970
05:02.33[hC]Which was previously SCCP only
05:02.36outtoluncjC you must mean me, since i have no clue
05:02.41[hC]SCCP worked fine, but i figured id give it a shot.
05:02.42russellbtalking about cisco IP phones is way more on topic than many other conversations that go on in here
05:02.43Juggiewith the 7960 i was able to do multiple lines.
05:03.04[hC]yeah, the 70 has a new sip image that uses the xml configs exactly like the SCCP load did.
05:03.06QwellI think the 7970 changed format, no?
05:03.11[hC]Yeah it did
05:03.16Qwellcheesy rather
05:03.17Juggiehc i told you cisco phones sucked
05:03.20Juggieand i stand by that :)
05:03.24[hC]I agree that they suck
05:03.26outtoluncwhich is why someone like me to does multiple users, and radius and all that' total bs' crap is just someone that is totally out there <G>
05:03.26[hC]I dont like them at all
05:03.30[hC]but they make me lots of money.
05:03.30Juggiemitel phones imo!
05:03.33Juggiesuppport canadian.
05:03.37Qwell[hC]: Did you see the sample sip conf somebody posted on the chan-sccp-users list?
05:03.42[hC]Yeah, I used that.
05:03.50JackEStormI like Cisco and Polycom
05:04.03[hC]outtolunc: Im still not sure what you're going on about, but knock yourself out.
05:04.06*** join/#asterisk mattodude (
05:04.15outtoluncthere you have folks, the answer to all yours issues is 'cheese'
05:04.25Strom_Cthe only mitel system I ever used was horrid :)
05:04.33russellbmattjdude: imposter!
05:04.37outtolunchC please come try
05:06.00[hC]outtolunc: DUDE!
05:06.06[hC]outtolunc: i dont even know what you are talking ABOUT
05:06.13[hC]now please stop!
05:06.38[hC]I just got an ad emailed to me from china
05:06.44[hC]for a new IP phone from a company called POSDATA
05:06.56[hC]Im not sure if these guys are familiar with american acronyms or not....
05:07.05[hC]I wouldnt have put POS at the start of my product name.... ;)
05:07.24outtoluncyou tell someone to stfu you better be able to back it up dickhead
05:07.35[hC]Are you from florida?
05:07.40[hC]Im just curious..
05:07.42outtoluncno minnesota
05:07.51[hC]Ah. Right.
05:08.12[hC]Well as fun as its been trying to figure out what you're talking about im gonna go home now. See ya kids later.
05:08.17outtoluncwhere are you from?
05:09.02outtolunci figured as much
05:09.21outtolunceven before i seen the response
05:09.51[hC]What, that i was from canada?
05:10.08*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:11.20outtoluncall i ever say to these weenies is 'say it to my face'
05:12.35outtolunci must be old if i think 'what falls out your HOLE is your resposibilty'
05:13.01russellbmoving on .....
05:13.19outtoluncplease, anyone got a question?
05:13.22JackEStormouttolunc: no your just fucking the wrong woman the wrong way.
05:13.23FuriousGeorgefor some reason my music on hold isnt working
05:13.33FuriousGeorgeits probably the new sytax
05:13.43blitzragehow do I encapsulate IAX2 in SIP?
05:13.55russellbFuriousGeorge: the old syntax is still supported, too
05:14.09russellbFuriousGeorge: if you wanted to see if your old config works
05:14.12russellbblitzrage: wtf?  :)
05:14.14outtoluncso russellb, how am i supposed to respond to that, myself i thing invite the weenie over for an ass kicking
05:14.31blitzragerussellb: :D
05:14.38Qwellouttolunc: You don't respond to it.
05:14.39outtolunci suppose you would what, give him $100
05:14.39russellbouttolunc: i don't know what you're talking about
05:14.51outtoluncif you can't read
05:15.06FuriousGeorgerussellb: if thats the case than i guess its not working b/c thats the config ive always used
05:15.10FuriousGeorgei cahnged it to this
05:15.13FuriousGeorgewith no luck
05:16.02russellbFuriousGeorge: what was your old config
05:16.05tzafrirso, any recommendation of a nice softphone with regards to text chat?
05:16.29Qwelldoes idefisk do text?
05:16.56tzafrirI'm basically trying to lure our people away from skype
05:16.57russellbFuriousGeorge: I don't think "loud" is a valid mode
05:17.10FuriousGeorgerussellb: it just worked before, i had it on quietmp3 earlier
05:17.20tzafrirbecause I figure skype will never talk to asterisk through a decent interface
05:17.34FuriousGeorgerussellb: tbh, i never "set it up" it always just worked
05:17.34outtoluncfg, how old is your base?
05:17.46theorem_tzafrir - I thought it was doing that fine already.
05:17.49FuriousGeorgeso well, in fact, i thought it was my client and asked xten how to turn it off in eyebeam :)
05:17.58FuriousGeorgesince then ive just dropped better files in there
05:18.29russellbFuriousGeorge: just try the [default] that is in the sample config
05:18.37theorem_what is the name of the asterisk process ?
05:18.43Qwelltheorem_: asterisk
05:18.47theorem_hmm, ok
05:18.56russellbbelieve it or not, folks!
05:19.05theorem_and ..
05:19.12theorem_where are config files defaultly held ?
05:19.19theorem_:  /usr/local/etc/asterisk ?
05:19.21outtoluncrusselb: in the "old days" ;loud => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
05:19.27Qwelldepends on OS, I guess
05:19.27outtoluncwas valid
05:19.30theorem_Linux system ? debian ?
05:19.40Qwell/etc/asterisk/ is sane
05:19.49alephcomon freebsd they're in /usr/local/etc/asterisk I believe.
05:20.02russellbouttolunc: ah, ok.  well that "loud" is the class name, not the mode name.  that's using the mode, mp3
05:20.04theorem_to get started I just edit .. which file ?
05:20.10outtoluncoh gee wally lets get into a 'path' arguement
05:20.21theorem_say to get a simple SIP soft phone going to ... a skype interface ..
05:20.22Qwelltheorem_: You're asking some very basic questions there...
05:20.33jbothmm... wikis is
05:20.34jbotwell, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
05:20.35theorem_still haven;t had time to play
05:20.41outtolunci was just trying to give feedback as to "WHY" he was talking about it
05:20.50outtoluncbut who gives a shit
05:20.54outtoluncit's all bs
05:20.56tzafriridefisk's manual does not mention anything about text messages. I didn't bother trying it as I don't like non-free programs
05:21.06Qwelltzafrir: It's free :p
05:21.36theorem_ok Qwell - I'll bite and read up .. is there a getting started right there ?
05:21.37asterboyDoes anyone experience strang Caller ID behavior?  I'm getting what looks like random CallIDs of live accounts.
05:21.38tzafrirQwell, you mean the gratis beta.
05:21.39theorem_" "
05:21.47*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
05:21.48Qwelltheorem_: yes
05:21.49tzafrirWill it run on my amd64?
05:21.54Qwelltzafrir: good question
05:23.01asterboyWhere it gets the CallIDs is unknown, but crazy that it can pull up an actual listing seeming from mid air.
05:23.07tzafrirQwell, I don't like non-free programs because I know they bring problems with them. I don't like relying on them
05:23.11theorem_oh there's a good question
05:23.20theorem_where does asterisk pull caller ID information from ??
05:23.25FuriousGeorgerussellb: i got the default configuration going.  i notice there is a ton of hanging mpg123 processes
05:23.31tzafrirmaybe it's just me. But personally I tend to value my opinion.
05:24.28theorem_outtolunc - oh, yso you pre-program numbers to respond to the callerID function , it's not like you tap into the POTS callerID service for free ?
05:24.54blitzragetheorem_: RPID
05:25.06FuriousGeorge...but i always compile mpg123 every time i upgraded * so im confused as to why this started happening
05:25.16outtoluncumm theorem_ i'm not the one who started this 'lets pick on the typos' crap
05:25.18fogallthanks for the docs ill try to configure it if a have more questions ill be back
05:25.21Qwelltheorem_: callerid is pushed to phones, not pulled by them
05:26.00outtoluncand not all phones are phones
05:26.10outtoluncsome are channel banks
05:26.11theorem_Qwell - that makes a bit more sense .. but how does asterisk get the callerID information ?
05:26.20outtoluncbut noone cares
05:26.23Qwelltheorem_: depends.
05:26.26theorem_.. to send to the "phone"
05:26.35theorem_oh, so it's configurable ..
05:26.37russellbFuriousGeorge: might have something to do with it not getting killed correctly when the config wasn't valid
05:26.38QwellWith POTS lines, it can and will take it, if it's there
05:26.45Qwellwith SIP, as russellb said, RPID is an option
05:26.52theorem_gotcha, ok
05:26.55Qwellerm, I guess it was blitzrage who said RPID
05:27.04*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
05:27.11FuriousGeorgerussellb: ive done this before and it never came back, but ill try.  interestingly, all of my other * servers are playing moh correctly
05:27.14russellbheh, i was wondering ...
05:27.18Qwellrussellb: heh
05:27.27Qwellrussellb: "Wow, I'm smart"
05:27.40theorem_so, lets say I buy something like VOnage service, hook it into asterisk, vonage supplies the callerID for hte incoming calls , asterisk passes it along ... same with POTS lines .. depends if it's there
05:27.54Qwelltheorem_: Vonage doesn't really work with *
05:28.08Qwellnot without some hack, or extra fees
05:28.30theorem_oh I see .. I've read something on locked ... somethings .. not being able to share etc.
05:28.30FuriousGeorgehey that worked
05:28.33FuriousGeorgerussellb: thanks
05:28.41Qwelltheorem_: there is a bit more than that, but yes
05:28.41russellbno problem
05:28.44outtoluncoh comeon he already thinks i'm a crackpot
05:28.45Abydos313i read you need the next plan up to use vonage with * on their site
05:28.46FuriousGeorgethat probably explains the crash today too
05:29.01FuriousGeorgerussellb: but for the record i was using the same config as always when it stopped working :)
05:29.02Qwellouttolunc: You are a crackpot.
05:29.13outtoluncyep thats me...
05:29.19russellbFuriousGeorge: heh, well, at least it's working now
05:29.30QwellAbydos313: Are they officially allowing * now?  Last I heard, it was a violation of their TOS, even with the softphone account.
05:30.07outtoluncif i could take back every inspiration that i ever caused, i would, just to mess with you guys
05:30.19Abydos313i could swear i read a complete readme there that said with vonage-plus or something that i could be used with vonage service..
05:30.36outtolunci wasn't talking just about asterisk but we could
05:31.06outtoluncwe have been through this time and time again, yet you are like... who are you?
05:31.17outtoluncso yeah
05:31.18Qwellouttolunc: A developer and bug marshal.
05:31.21Qwelltry again
05:31.36outtoluncwhen it comes to guys like you... i'm like F you
05:31.54outtolunci WAS a dev, and never a bug marshall
05:32.04outtoluncyour point is
05:32.13alephcomPlease, please...
05:32.51outtolunci point is i've been nothing but honest in anything i do, yet i get shit from even dicks like you
05:32.59russellbouttolunc: chill out.
05:33.03outtoluncso yes, i have issue
05:33.24outtoluncand i'm HONEST enough to tell you TO YOUR face that i am
05:33.26*** join/#asterisk io_error (
05:33.42outtoluncsomeone please tell me i'm wrong
05:33.50russellbyou're wrong
05:33.52russellbnow chill out
05:34.04outtoluncthen you also are on the other side
05:34.11outtoluncwhich i already knew
05:34.20*** part/#asterisk io_error (
05:34.36outtoluncso what you gonna do now, kick me?
05:34.40alephcomouttolunc: which side am I on?  I was just a bystander but this is getting tiring fast.
05:35.23outtoluncalephcom if you thought i was talking to you, you have other issues, that we probably shouldn't bring up
05:35.44alephcomyou're talking in a public forum.
05:35.44russellbouttolunc: why do you get like this all time?
05:36.10outtolunci get like this because i 'try and help people' then someon here starts talkin SMACK
05:36.18outtoluncthen i get peeved
05:36.27outtoluncit's THAT simple
05:36.33outtoluncread the f'n logs
05:36.42russellbwell you need to learn how to just brush things off ...
05:36.50russellbyou get annoyed way too easily
05:36.51*** join/#asterisk stefan (
05:37.24russellband your ranting about being angry is making the channel unpleasant for everyone else
05:37.39outtoluncso  when i'm helping people and all is well, then ONE OF YOU, start talking smack... and I GET ANNOYED, it's MY fault
05:38.05outtoluncif you aren't gonna help  STAY THE F OUT OF IT
05:38.11outtoluncit's that simple
05:38.32outtoluncthen noone 'like me' will  have to take offence
05:38.43*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
05:39.02russellbtake a deep breath or something
05:39.13outtolunci didn't start this
05:39.19theorem_hush hus
05:39.32russellbouttolunc: who did?
05:39.43Qwell$20 says me
05:39.51outtoluncwhere in there did you get that ANY of you telling me to 'hush' or 'be quiet' was even in the realm of possiblity
05:40.19alephcom:-) lol
05:40.34outtoluncif i said it to ANY of you, would you? not!@
05:40.37Qwellrussellb: He was told to "clean it up... this is a PG channel"
05:40.42Corydon76-homeConsidering that Russell can quiesce you, it's well within the realm of possibility
05:41.17outtolunche can kick/ban me, but would i do nothing in response...
05:41.23Abydos313Qwell why would vonage care if you hooked up thier service to an asterisk box? how would that effect them?
05:41.38russellbouttolunc: is that a threat?
05:41.45Corydon76-homeActually, the quiesce command is not either a kick or a ban
05:41.51*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
05:41.55QwellAbydos313: Because they would have to support it
05:42.01outtoluncall  i've ever done was the truth
05:42.11russellbyour attitude is not welcome here.
05:42.27outtoluncand so it begins
05:42.44Abydos313oh ok , so they just don't people calling up trying to configure to use with thier service. do they use anything proprietary that you know of?
05:42.48Corydon76-homeouttolunc: you're being told to chill by someone who has the power and the standing in the community to tell you.  Please stop.
05:43.10*** mode/#asterisk [+b %outtolunc!*@*] by russellb
05:43.21QwellThat's the one
05:43.27alephcomThank you sir
05:43.46QwellAbydos313: Just the passwords
05:44.17*** join/#asterisk jcollie (
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05:45.07Abydos313i don't want to use vonage for asterisk i just wanted to know .. you know how it goes
05:46.29shido6you can use asterisk with vonage
05:46.41Qwell"can" :)
05:46.53shido6but why?
05:46.55Qwellshido6: we just went over the drawbacks of doing so
05:47.02QwellYou came in a few minutes late
05:47.03shido6okie dokie
05:47.44*** part/#asterisk jcollie (
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05:56.23alephcomTake care everyone.
05:56.25*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
05:56.35FuriousGeorgeive never witnessed anyone getting kicked from here before
05:57.07FuriousGeorgeheck, ive never been kicked and ive been in here drunk plenty of times :)
05:57.19Qwellhe wasn't kicked
05:58.09asterboyHey guys, is there a way to filter off specific messages, but keeping the same verbose level?  I don't want to see these messages, they fill up the page:
05:58.13asterboy"- Registered SIP 'Home2' at port 5060 expires 30
05:58.16Strom_Cah, the fun of building a new asterisk box from scratch
05:59.05russellbasterboy: the only way would be to modify the code
05:59.29asterboythats what I was fearing.
06:00.09asterboyor pump up the expiry, but then the phones don't ring all extensions on incoming because the session hasn't ended.
06:00.48Strom_Casterboy, really, I find that in practice you just end up ignoring the printout that you're not looking for anyway
06:01.40*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
06:01.59asterboyIts just a pain to have to glean out and debug
06:02.00bmg505anybody have got chan_modem to load under 1.2.5?
06:02.10Qwellisn't chan_modem gone?
06:02.23bmg505its still there but refuses to load
06:02.36bmg505intel 536ep modem :(
06:03.02asterboyturned down the debug info for now...seems to be good enough and then I can pump it up again later.
06:05.23bmg505Mar 21 00:03:18 WARNING[12862] loader.c: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_unregister_modem_driver
06:05.24bmg505Mar 21 00:03:18 ERROR[12862] chan_modem.c: Failed to load driver
06:05.37Qwellbmg505:'s dead, I'm pretty sure.  When you upgrade, the modules dir isn't cleaned out
06:05.58bmg505its vigin downlaod and its still there in source form
06:06.14QwellYou've never installed * on that box before?
06:06.40*** join/#asterisk fogall (
06:06.47bmg505nope first * install as well
06:07.01bmg505I use it for sip only and 1 incoming line
06:07.17fogallanoyone speak spanish?
06:07.39Strom_Cnot anywhere near well enough to talk tech :)
06:07.55Qwellfogall: Speak Spanglish
06:08.14Strom_CI can get by for routine conversational stuff though
06:08.51fogallill do my best speaking english
06:09.36bmg505fogall: English is not my first lang as well and most peeps on freenode realize that not everyone is perfect in eng :)
06:12.29bmg505Is there any solution "cheapish" that I can use for fxo line in?
06:12.52russellbthe generic x100p
06:12.57Strom_Cthere's the cheapo clone x100p cards
06:13.06Strom_Cbut those really blow donkeys for quarters
06:13.08fogalli've been reading some of the docs you provide me, but when i try to configure my sip.conf i got stuck in "register =>" line
06:13.24fogalldo i need to configure a sip proxy?
06:13.30*** join/#asterisk anderiv (
06:14.13bmg505Strom_C as far as I tried is SA I cannot find modems only I can get has intel 536EP chipset on
06:14.52bmg505regex in channel thats cool :)
06:15.41fogallim trying to configure asterisk to work over a LAN with no exit to Internet and private IP's
06:16.05tzafrirbmg505, try searching for x100p on ebay
06:16.20Strom_Cbmg505, you can buy the clone x100p from the states and it will likely work on a south african telephone line
06:16.37Strom_CI believe that the last time I was there the telephone sets were the same
06:16.37*** mode/#asterisk [-b %outtolunc!*@*] by russellb
06:16.44bmg505ok will try that
06:16.54bmg505we are 100% compatible wit huk standard
06:16.55tzafrirBut then again, it's useful as a practice card, but don't plan for it to work in production
06:17.04Strom_Cchrist, now I want ostrich biltong.  DAMN YOU!
06:17.53Strom_Cthere's a guy in west los angeles who makes excellent beef biltong and boerwors
06:17.54bmg505for production what do u suggest?
06:18.08tzafrirbmg505, is an ISDN line an option? cheap supported ISDN cards are available
06:18.27bmg505ha I have an ISDN will try later today
06:18.34Strom_Ctzafrir, you can plug BRIs into asterisk now?
06:18.40fogalli've been reading some of the docs you provide me, but when i try to configure my sip.conf i got stuck in "register =>" line
06:18.42fogalldo i need to configure a sip proxy?
06:18.53Strom_Cfogall, do you have a sip account with someone?
06:19.04tzafrirStrom_C, sure. TIMTOWTDI
06:19.09Strom_Cthen you dont need the register statement
06:19.09bmg505fogall: i'm new to it and my sip works without proxies
06:19.38tzafrirZapBRI, chan_capi, chan_misdn, chan_visdn, ...
06:19.57Strom_Ctzafrir, interesting - I've been contemplating getting an ISDN BRI line but I'd only want to do it if I can have asterisk do all the D-channel stuff directly
06:20.55tzafrirStrom_C, I'm not sure what exactly you refer to, but basically, yes
06:21.13Strom_Ctzafrir, well you know what a d-channel is, right?
06:21.39FuriousGeorgeis anyone working on itraserver device state awareness
06:22.52FuriousGeorgei suppose ith olle's patch i could just have the servers update their own states with eachother
06:24.13tzafrirStrom_C, I know what it is. But I'm not very familiar with the internals of ISDN
06:24.54tzafriranyway, you may find that the lower-level driver messes with that
06:25.07Strom_Cbasically, I want to make sure I can just bring my ISDN line directly into the asterisk box and have the asterisk box handle all the signaling directly to the telco instead of hacing some external device between my asterisk box and the line
06:25.16*** join/#asterisk peted20 (n=chatzill@
06:26.47bmg505tzafrir: does * supportmultiple numbers on isdn?
06:27.01Strom_CJust to make sure - if I have a subdirectory in my /etc/asterisk directory called "samples" and I put the original sample config files in it, asterisk will ignore them when I do a reload, right?
06:27.02tzafrirStrom_C, yes
06:27.12tzafrirthis should work.
06:27.22Strom_Ctzafrir, which card would I need?
06:27.47tzafrirbmg505, sounds like it should work, assuming you mean something like what Strom_C was talking about.
06:28.35tzafrirchan_capi and chan_misdn seem to require capi2-enabled card (such as fritz-avm, I believe)
06:28.59tzafrirbristuff's zapbri can work with HFC-s PCI cards
06:29.10bmg505ok I'll try it later today, I have an ISDN BRI on site
06:29.30tzafrirI'm totally unfamiliar with chan_visdn
06:29.37Strom_Ctzafrir, are you doing this with ISDN in north america?
06:30.07tzafrirStrom_C, I'm not in north america, and I'm not that familiar with ISDN...
06:30.50bmg505Strom_C: as far as I know isdn is std its jsut some d chan signalling that is different
06:30.58*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
06:31.25tzafrirStrom_C, right, the "samples" will be ignored. pbx_config looks for files specifically in /etc/asterisk (unless the default location is overiden, yada, yada, yada)
06:31.30bmg505in i4l has got lots on d  chan signalling in it
06:31.42Strom_Cwell, um, that's the important point - if north american ISDN is different from european ISDN and the cards only speak european ISDN, I'm fucked.
06:32.02Strom_CI really need to get an ISDN book newer than the one I have which was published in 1990 :)
06:32.03bmg505all the cards I have can speak both its setting
06:32.13bmg505cya later
06:32.15tzafrirbmg505, chan_modem is deprecated. I suppose it's not recommended
06:32.27Strom_Cbmg505, I've successfully done ISDN PRI here in north america, but never have I touched BRI
06:32.56tzafrirBRI, in north america? is there such a beast?
06:33.35*** join/#asterisk Qber (
06:34.09Strom_Cthere certainly is
06:34.21Qberis it possible to do agent call back with persistant login
06:34.30Qberin asterisk queueus
06:35.17Qberi have agents on mobile phone and always logged in?
06:36.22Strom_Cgood god man, what are you doing with agents on mobile phones?
06:36.48Qberwell, i roaming agents
06:36.58Qberi have roaming agents/sales guys
06:37.07Qberalso supporting our customers
06:37.19asterboyBeen going through the docs and need something to help me setup Call TRANSFER and CONFERNCE calling.  Can someone please point me to the specific doc?  I'm trying to do this with SIP on Polycom Phones and ZAP channels.  Not sure if it can be done.
06:38.23Qberreally need to know how can i implement extensions as queue agents
06:38.58Qberit must have been solved before...i am sure.
06:39.43asterboyQber, does this help?
06:40.25blitzrageasterboy: if its not on the wiki, you'll probably have to figure it out yourself
06:40.27Qberlet me check...thanks asterbiy
06:41.03*** join/#asterisk maxx4life (
06:41.27asterboyblitzrage, ya I'm trying...if someone has experience with this though, sure would save me diggin.
06:42.15asterboyWhen I try to do a transfer I get this message:
06:42.46asterboySame message if I try to conference.
06:43.48*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
06:43.49asterboyDon't think it knows how to create the ZAP channel.
06:44.00asterboyI also need to be able to Forward calls.
06:44.34asterboyAll are similar in that they need to take an inbound connection and either addto or transferto another ZAP channel.
06:46.02bsdfreaklast sixtel
06:48.53Strom_Cwell that's cute...I seem to have misplaced the ac adapter for my PAP2
06:50.56asterboyI gotta call Rogers, the CallID on my cell is picking random listings!
06:52.12*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=grb@
06:52.12asterboyStrom_C, checks out ebay for a guy who burnt out his PAP2.
06:52.50Strom_Casterboy, by misplaced I mean that it's just gotten lost in the pile
06:53.03Strom_Cif I had actually lost it somewhere outside my apartment, then I'd be worried
06:55.52asterboyit's growing legs and crawling about.
06:56.07asterboyI have a burnt out pap2 and thus a spare power adaptor.
06:56.44asterboyActually, I have two, but the other might just as well be burnt out cause its a revision that can't be unlocked.
06:56.56asterboyVuck Fonage
06:58.20Strom_Csee, I got the free vonage one and unlocked it before it could talk to vonage :)
06:58.35*** join/#asterisk insync (
06:58.56insynchello all
07:00.26insynclooking for a bit of advice on te110p with proliant dl145
07:02.12*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
07:02.26Strom_Cinsync, if it blows up with sparks and smoke and fire, you didn't install it correctly
07:03.11insyncclose installed it and machine came to a slower than snail shit boot pace
07:03.46insyncis most certainly an interupt problem
07:04.15Strom_Chave you tried putting it in different slots?
07:04.35insynchas pci riser one full one half
07:04.51insynconly "really" fits in one
07:05.20insynccan mod support bracket to make it fit though
07:05.33insyncbut seems to be similar in response
07:09.29insyncmany devicesare all sharing irq9 and cant seem to force them to go anywhere else
07:10.29insynccard is modprobing fine and by the looks it is online but i fear in production i will have drops etc..
07:11.17FuriousGeorgeinsync: i dont think there is any guarantee you can get the card on its own irq, depending on how many and what kind of devices you have
07:11.30FuriousGeorgeand, probably most importantly, your mb
07:11.47Qwelldisable everything onboard that you don't need
07:11.52Qwellusb, serial, etc
07:12.08insyncdid it
07:12.12FuriousGeorgeparallel is pretty useless if you have usb printers
07:12.14Qwelland if it's still sharing an irq, change pci slots
07:12.21insynci have heard of this prob with the digium
07:12.31insyncmany have went to the sangoma
07:12.45Qwellinsync: welcome to plug and play hardware
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07:12.53Qwellpretty much all pci cards will have this problem
07:13.12Qwellalternatively, use apic
07:13.16FuriousGeorgeinsync: i run one box with two tdms right now and one shares an irq with eth0, and we get no issues that i can attribute to that
07:14.17insynci have a production machine that is working as well with a shared irq but this is the first time i saw a very drastic performance issue
07:14.55FuriousGeorgecat /proc/interupts  see about that
07:15.26insyncapic seems to be where i need to go, but it looks as though this mb wants to play nice
07:21.09asterboyHow do you record a call with 1 touch dial?
07:21.14*** join/#asterisk kos (n=kos@unaffiliated/kos)
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07:22.15asterboysetup features.conf, but the call does not record when I press the command.
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07:24.02kmilitzerMorning everyone ...
07:25.34xterminusis it possible to make sip uri calls from a iax phone?  I can call sip uri's fine from xlite, but i cannot from idefisk - all i get is "chan_iax2.c:7053 socket_process: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach ''"
07:28.24xterminusso i'm stuck with xlite?
07:28.43Qwellor one of the many other SIP softphones
07:29.27xterminusany idea why asterisk wont even try to bridge the iax channel to a sip outbound channel?
07:29.54Strom_Cxterminus, because you're not trying to dial through asterisk?
07:30.04Strom_Cyou're trying to dial sip urls directly
07:30.14Strom_Cdraw circle, bang head here
07:30.19*** join/#asterisk sleepy_one (
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07:30.29sleepy_onehello everyone :-D
07:30.32xterminushrm, so asterisk cant proxy iax ?
07:30.40Strom_Casterisk can proxy iax just fine
07:30.48Strom_Cbut you need to set that up *on asterisk*
07:31.18Strom_Casterisk doesnt just automagically know what to do
07:31.22xterminusso is there a way to tell it to proxy everything
07:31.34xterminusit looks like its refusing now
07:31.40*** join/#asterisk _m_ (
07:32.21sleepy_oneI have a TDM400P with 4 FXO modules and the * server keeps getting confused and MOH, voicemail, playback, background, and Zap channel  audio disappears after a few minutes on FC4 running 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp on a P4 with HT and zaptel 1.2.4 and * 1.2.5 any ideas? suggestions?
07:32.49xterminusyes - i know i can setup a context for (and that works), but if i have to add every sip domain on the internet to asterisk...
07:33.22sleepy_oneit works if I use ztdummy -- but ztdummy conficts with wctdm ( WC TDM400P )
07:33.55xterminussleepy_one, you dont need ztdummy if you have a TDM card
07:34.09tzafrirsleepy_one, rmmod ztdummy
07:34.17tzafrirnow try zttest
07:34.27tzafrirdo you get anything?
07:34.30Strom_Cxterminus, if you're hellbent on dialing sip URLs, why use asterisk?
07:34.37Strom_Cwhy must asterisk proxy for you?
07:34.48Strom_Cwhy not just use a sip softphone and be done with it?
07:35.28xterminusStrom_C, xlite crashes a lot - and the only other (multiplatform) softphone that seems semi-reliable is idefisk
07:35.28tzafrirsleepy_one, besides, why does ztdummy conflict with wctdm? IIRC wctdm simply overrides ztdummy as a timing source
07:35.40sleepy_oneYes, I know guys, thank you. What I'm saying is if use ztdummy * works if I use wctdm ( the TDM400p kernel module ) all audio stops working after a few minutes
07:35.57Strom_Cxterminus, get a real phone
07:36.16xterminusStrom_C, thanks for the help
07:36.43*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
07:37.01tzafrirsleepy_one, this is why I asked about the output of zttest, as it is the best indication of the availbility and quality of the timing source
07:37.34sleepy_oneI have no idea why it conficts with ztdummy audio works but the Zap lines do not work - no audio from the Zap channels - without ztdummy the Zap channels ( 1 - 4 ) work fine for a few minutes then they go dead and * cannot play audio anymore or anything. No MOH, playback, background, no Zap, nothing it's unusable
07:39.58sleepy_oneOpened pseudo zap interface, measuring accuracy...
07:40.03sleepy_onethis is all I got - it's still running
07:41.31sleepy_oneI suspect the host computer or the TDP400p card might be broken / confused
07:44.19*** join/#asterisk mattjdude (n=matt@
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07:45.40sleepy_onehello again - after waiting a while I hit CTRL + C and got this:
07:46.25*** join/#asterisk littleball (
07:46.35asterboy* must be able to transfer a call from ZAP to SIP and then to another SIP extensions if the pickup decides.
07:47.01asterboyAnyone give some insite on SIP to SIP transfers from incoming ZAP?
07:47.05*** join/#asterisk io_error (
07:48.50littleballhello, i have a IVR system. when the users call in, my system prompt "Please enter your extension number followed by hash key". the system uses Background() cmd to capture the extension number. I encount one problem in this. After user key in # key, the system should end immediately the waiting and continue next step. In stead, the system always wait for 15 seconds to timeout and then continue next step. How to solve this problem?
07:48.59asterboyman the group is dead tonight. (today if other side of globe)
07:50.24asterboywith the lack of support here littleball, I don't think you'll solve it tonight.
07:50.35asterboywait till the next bunch come online.
07:50.36*** join/#asterisk U-238 (
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07:51.32asterboylittleball, pastebin would be a great help, but I have to go, so hope you get it fixed.
07:52.04littleballthanks asterboy
07:52.25asterboyno prob, I like to help when I can.
07:53.03*** join/#asterisk medusaXX (
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07:55.27sleepy_onezttool detects a Wildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1 but zttest produces nothing - has anyone had a problem like this?
07:59.05*** join/#asterisk nayyares (
07:59.11tzafrirsleepy_one, you said it worked at first, right?
08:00.09tzafririf you stop asterisk, rmmod wctdm, modprobe wctdm, run ztcfg, then do you get some output from zttest?
08:01.01sleepy_onewhen I rmmod all the * modules then modprobe zaptel; modprobe wctdm; ./zttest I get output
08:01.12sleepy_oneafter a few minutes it does nothing
08:01.30tzafrirTime to ocntact Digium support?
08:02.56sleepy_onetoo bad they won't be open for several hours :-(
08:07.13*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
08:08.41sleepy_oneI restarted * left zttest running in a terminal and so far it is working
08:10.21sleepy_oneI wonder if the card is resting in an evil PCI slot or if the chipset is b0rk3n
08:14.59*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=icechat5@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
08:18.22sleepy_oneI noticed I get TDM PCI Master abort
08:18.25sleepy_onein dmesg
08:18.54*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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08:26.58*** join/#asterisk chris_ast (n=Administ@
08:27.23chris_astHi People
08:27.26sleepy_onemorning :-D
08:29.28x86anyone get SIP extensions working from MySQL / RealTime with 1.2?
08:29.37x86i'm having a bear of a time
08:29.59x86i've got asterisk-addons, and i've loaded (preload in modules.conf)
08:30.30x86and in extconfig.conf, i've got sipusers => mysql,asterisk,sipfriends and sippeers => mysql,asterisk,sipfriends
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08:30.40x86it doesnt seem to even hit the database
08:30.55x86all the flat-file SIP extensions i have defined still work fine though
08:32.10sleepy_oneare you sure your mysql connection settings are correct?
08:33.23*** join/#asterisk nagl (
08:33.41x86i see that in /var/log/asterisk/messages, when i do a restart, it says something about being successfully connected
08:33.53*** join/#asterisk SHad|Work (
08:33.59chris_asttry to login to mysql from outside other than asterisk
08:34.23x86like as root?
08:34.32SHad|WorkDoes anyone know will there be a version of the G729 codec  for the 2.6 linux kernel?
08:34.34x86ok i'm connected :)
08:34.50chris_astwhatever u gave in mysql_conf
08:35.14x86res_mysql.conf ?
08:35.24x86ok right, yeah it works
08:35.44FrogzooSHad|Work: g729 is proprietary - you won't find a FOSS codec as far as I'm aware (might be legal some countries - dunno)
08:36.06SHad|WorkI know
08:36.12x86sleepy_one: only have res_mysql.conf and cdr_mysql.conf... CDR works great ;)
08:36.17SHad|Workbut even the current modules have to be compiled
08:36.59chris_astWhich softphone are you using?
08:37.49x86chris_ast: BT101 hardphone and X-Lite, but that doesn't matter
08:38.26chris_astthat does not matter but it is always better to check atleast with two devices
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08:38.52chris_astanyway I have 1.24 and sip, extensions etc are realtime and everything works
08:39.00SHad|WorkFrogzoo: from what I gather Digium compiled the G729 modules for a variety od platforms, what is a bit puzzling to me is why there are no modules for the 2.6 kernel version (.ko)
08:39.02x86can you give me your confs?
08:39.14chris_astall are oneliners
08:39.15x861.2.4 is also what I'm using
08:39.26x86chris_ast: please share? :)
08:40.16chris_ast[settings]sipusers => mysql,asterisk,sip_buddies
08:40.46x86you dont have a sippeers?
08:41.04x86just sipusers?
08:41.16x86maybe that's what is confusing my asterisk
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08:41.35chris_astgiva a shot
08:41.45x86yeah no good
08:41.58x86can you please tar up your confs and post them somewhere or email them to me?
08:42.13x86i mean if you do everything realtime, all your passwords are in your database right?
08:42.21Strom_Care dundi keys tied to the mac address of the machine?
08:42.51*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
08:46.16FrogzooSHad|Work: you won't find g729 modules in the kernel base ever - because g729 is subject to license restrictions
08:47.26SHad|WorkFrogzoo: I know that, I'm sorry but I think I was a bit misinformed, I was told that the g729 module is a kernel-space module from what I've seen now it seems to be an asterisk module so it doesen't matter which kernel is used by the system
08:47.34SHad|Workthank you anyhow >:))
08:47.49*** join/#asterisk stefan (
08:50.44SHad|Workon that note, do I really need the module for two phones to driectly talk to eachother with g729?
08:51.15Strom_Cwon't asterisk do g729 passthrough?  I forget
08:51.53SHad|Workwell I though so too, but all of my phones connect with uLaw
08:52.04Strom_CSHad|Work, in my experience, g729 is so imperceptibly different from GSM or Speex that it really doesn't make much sense to waste money on it
08:52.24SHad|Workwhat aboit iLBC?
08:52.33Strom_Cthey're all equally horrid
08:52.49Strom_Cthey're just horrid in subtly different ways :)
08:54.33SHad|Workwell getting the phones to use any other low bitrate codec would be nice, the allow entries in sip.conf don't seem to affect that at all
08:54.41littleballhello, i have a IVR system. when the users call in, my system prompt "Please enter your extension number followed by hash key". the system uses Background() cmd to capture the extension number. I encount one problem in this. After user key in # key, the system should end immediately the waiting and continue next step. In stead, the system always wait for 15 seconds to timeout and then continue next step. How to solve this problem?
08:55.14Strom_CSHad|Work, do the phones support any other low bitrate codec?
08:55.28SHad|Workthey do
08:55.35Strom_Clittleball, are the extension numbers all the same length?
08:55.50SHad|Workthat's what's so weird, I even set the codec priority list on the phones
08:56.00Strom_CSHad|Work, why do you need such low bandwidth codecs?
08:56.51mitcheloclittleball: i think background has nothing to do with waiting for a user to press the # key, you should take that out of your greeting and then set the responsetimeout to say 3-5 seconds
08:57.17*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (
08:57.19SHad|WorkI will be connecting asterisk servers over IAX2 through relatively slow DSL connections
08:57.37Strom_Clittleball, or just make the extensions all the same length so that it can match on the extension number without having to wait for hash or timeout
08:58.08Strom_CSHad|Work, how slow are we talking here?
08:58.42jsaundersDoes anyone know what type (manufacturer/mdel) of fxo/fxs adapter is used by the Shoretel ShoreGear 120/24?
08:59.12Strom_CSHad|Work, how many concurrent calls do you expect to handle on each connection?
08:59.26SHad|Workwell about 5 would be nice
08:59.37SHad|Workmore would be great
08:59.44*** join/#asterisk slak- (
08:59.50Strom_Care the softphones connecting to the asterisk boxen via the dsl connections also, or are they on the same LAN segment?
09:00.00slak-do i actually need to build my2.6 sources for zaptel to compile?
09:00.11slak-i cant seem to build zaptel, ive never built my kernel sources
09:00.18Strom_Cslak-, yes, unless the kernel headers and so on are installable as a package
09:00.29SHad|Workmost of the phones are on the LAN but some off location phones are connected trough that DSL line
09:00.32slak-ok on debian got instrcutionsd?
09:00.39slak-instructions for debian for the kernel headers
09:00.52Strom_Cslak-, there's a kernel headers package
09:00.54Strom_Csearch for that
09:01.16Strom_Cinstall it along with the source (make sure you unzip the source) and you should be good to go
09:01.37Strom_CSHad|Work, which phone are you using
09:01.51SHad|WorkGrandstream GX-2000
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09:02.15SHad|Workand xten's softphone
09:03.04Strom_Cshow me your sip configuration on the asterisk box
09:03.12Strom_Cpastebin it
09:03.52Strom_Cit beats spamming the channel
09:04.20SHad|Workhm not familiar with that
09:04.29SHad|Workbut wiat I think I've got the order wrong in there
09:04.32SHad|Workwait even
09:04.54SHad|WorkI have a few test setups so I guess I forgot to set the list here
09:05.33jsaundersAnyone famliar w/ ShoreGear?
09:06.10slak-/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
09:06.13slak-on * build
09:06.39Strom_Cslak-, the asterisk download page lists the packages you need to install
09:06.48SHad|Workheh a stupid mistake Strom_C, thanks for pointing it out :)
09:06.56Strom_Cany time :)
09:07.12Strom_Cim cutting over from one asterisk box to another and I'm making plenty of stupid mistakes :)
09:08.23IkarusI have an interesting bug with BRIStuff, if I call a number then hang up (without picking uip the phone at the other end), I get  -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1', but the phone keeps ringing
09:10.14slak-zlib1g-dev - compression library - development
09:10.17slak-is that zlib-dev?
09:10.30slak-i cant find the proper package in debian sources
09:10.51Strom_Cslak-, close enough
09:11.02Strom_Cif you install the package and it doesnt compile, try a different one :)
09:11.52*** join/#asterisk exten123 (n=exten@
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09:12.21slak-does the asterisk-1.2.5.tgz already include sounds and addons?
09:13.02MGSsanchoopen and find out ;)
09:14.15*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
09:15.25Strom_Cseriously, slak-, we're happy to help, but you can answer a lot of these questions for yourself
09:15.32*** join/#asterisk Poincare (n=jefffnod@
09:15.40Strom_Cit's as if I were to ask you what color the sky was and you kept telling me to look upwards
09:15.49*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
09:16.16bmg505lol @ Strom_C
09:16.30slak-mang i hosed a production system
09:16.36slak-and im working since 8am yesterday
09:16.39slak-please, bare with me
09:16.51Strom_Cyou hosed a production asterisk system?
09:16.53slak-and, please, dont use linux software raid
09:17.23bmg505whats wrong wit hsoft raid?
09:17.26*** join/#asterisk ramtha (n=ramtha@
09:17.35Mavviethat reminds me, I have to svn update my 1.2 one
09:17.36slak-well it went nuts and corrupted ext3
09:17.40ramthahow can i cut the last digits of a number?
09:17.41slak-and well i couldnt recover
09:17.47slak-and well, i had to reinstall the box
09:17.51Strom_Cslak-, and you didn't have backups?
09:17.54slak-i did
09:17.56ramthafirst digits works CALLERIDNUM:1
09:17.57slak-of my config files
09:18.02slak-and /var
09:18.02ramthafor cut first digit
09:18.11ramthahow can i do this with the last digit?
09:18.17Strom_Cramtha: ${VAR:5:10}
09:18.38ramtha:5 (first):10(last) ?
09:18.39Strom_Cslak-, but not of the full system?
09:18.55Strom_Cramtha, yes
09:19.21slak-Strom_C: none
09:19.59Mavvieoh, and /var/lib/agi
09:20.04Mavvieoh, and /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
09:20.08Mavviesomething like that.
09:21.54Zeeekpimp my asterisk
09:22.25slak-loader.c:325 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
09:22.34slak-i installed asterisk-addons
09:22.37slak-where else is it?
09:22.49slak-cannot open shared object file: No such file
09:23.15Strom_Cdo you know how to use the locate command?
09:23.39slak-sure i do
09:23.47slak-all my modules are underneath there
09:25.31slak-do i need mysql installed for cdr_mysql to get built?
09:25.48Strom_Cum, that might be something to consider :)
09:26.01slak-what if im not running mysql on my * box
09:26.06slak-why would i need to have it installed
09:26.09Strom_Ci dont know
09:26.13Strom_Cwhy are you installing it?
09:26.22slak-cos i like the gui cdr in mysql
09:26.23[ProB]CrazyManyou need the mysql_client and mysql_devel
09:26.29slak-thansk prob
09:26.44Zeeekstart simple by getting a box running, then worry about mysql etc
09:26.48[ProB]CrazyManbecause you need the library to compile
09:26.57Strom_Cslak-, seriously, if your mind is dying on you, it might be worth it to take a break, get some rest, then come back when you're feeling fresh
09:27.17slak-i still have a dns server to configure
09:27.22slak-and make sure * works
09:27.29Zeeekmine died the first time Allison said "Goodbye"
09:27.31slak-and then a whole bunch of utlities
09:27.34*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=igor@
09:27.40Strom_Cslak-, you're panicking.
09:28.03backbluemorning all!
09:28.39slak-im not panicking ;) its been close to 24hrs since ive been at work (20 exact), i have an 11am dentist appointment, and a 2pm meeting!
09:28.45slak-and its 4:30am :D
09:29.18backbluehehe, its 09:30 am here.
09:29.40Zeeek10h30 here
09:29.43backblueslak-: where are you us?
09:29.54slak-okay astrisk is running w000p
09:29.58*** part/#asterisk io_error (
09:30.08backblueZeeek: .fr? .uk?
09:30.09ZeeekCT id deprecated. PLease live in Delaware
09:30.14slak-now i need to merge back users voicemailes
09:30.24slak-and uhm..sounds
09:30.57backbluei need to code some domain suport, for asterisk
09:31.14backblueyesterday i finish up, the from domain, in chan_sip
09:31.15*** join/#asterisk shiznatix (
09:31.26ramthahmif i do somethink like this: (${CALLERIDNUM:0:3} callerid= 0049xxxxxxxx gets to 049 ..
09:31.28*** join/#asterisk Heimidal (n=Heimidal@phpbb/styles/heimidal)
09:31.40ramthai thought, i cut the last 3 digits....
09:31.49shiznatixGood morning all. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to use zapata to send a fax with spandsp (if spandsp is needed) on Asterisk 1.2.4
09:32.14ramthacan i do something like if CALLERID=00493221XXXX =
09:32.25ramthaX for every digit?
09:32.32ramthait works for extension
09:32.39backblueuse set()
09:32.39ramthadoes it work for CALLERID too?
09:33.26backblueSet(CALLERID(name)="The Name")
09:33.45slak-where is voicemail stored in /var if i was to replace it
09:33.47backblueand include the right module
09:33.48slak-or move to another box
09:33.49slak-or restore
09:34.35*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
09:35.31ramthaok, let me say it an other way.
09:35.40ramthai wnat to route a call based in his CALLERID
09:35.55ramthaif its calleridnum: 222XXX do this
09:36.04ramthaif its calleridnum 111XXX do that
09:36.09slak-Strom_C: hey where do i move my voicemail to restore it
09:36.12*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
09:36.19Strom_Cslak-, beats me
09:36.25Strom_Ccheck your voicemail.conf
09:36.29ramthabut how do i mach a calleridnum, if i only now the firs 6 digits?
09:36.41ramthain example, the first 3 digits..
09:36.42backblueramtha: _222.,...
09:37.00Strom_CX matches single digit
09:37.05Strom_C. matches infnite digits
09:37.12backblueyes, but he wants the first 3 digits
09:37.22Strom_Cwell then he only needs _222.
09:37.25Strom_Cnot _222.....
09:37.44backbluei dont use ..... i used .,...
09:37.49backblueloke for ,
09:37.57ramthaGotoIf($["${CALLERIDNUM}" = "_004932211063."] ?
09:38.00ramthacan this work?
09:38.07backblueramtha: dont do that
09:38.51slak-where is my voicemail in /var
09:38.55slak-need to restore it
09:38.56ramthahow can i do this a better way?
09:38.57slak-eyes closing
09:38.58backblueramtha: [context]
09:39.02ramthai must screen the callerid
09:39.11ramthaand based on this i must put it in a context
09:39.23backblueexten => _222.,1,Dial(IAX/trunk/${EXTEN})
09:39.31Zeeekramtha screen the cid when the call comes in
09:39.49backblueor whatever you want
09:39.50x86anyone have Realtime working with SIP and extensions?
09:40.01ramthathats what i do woth thgotoif command i thought..
09:40.03x86i'm having a very hard time getting it to work
09:40.14backbluex86: why?
09:40.16*** join/#asterisk io_error|laptop (
09:40.40backblueramtha: i dont understand your problem, that's so simple...
09:40.53backbluei give you the anwser
09:40.59x86backblue: well, it connects to my mysql database just fine and registers the configuration engine (according to the logs), but does not show any of my sip extensions from the database, just from sip.conf
09:41.10x86backblue: even though extconfig.conf points it to mysql
09:41.13*** part/#asterisk io_error (
09:41.19Zeeekexten => s/0142080940,1,macro(ring-evelyne) ; nelly
09:41.32backbluex86: check for logs when asterisk starts.
09:41.34Zeeekramtha when the call comes in in the beginning of the context use this: exten => s/0142080940,1,macro(do-something)
09:41.34x86backblue: and i'm not seeing anything in the logs
09:41.38slak-looks like i lost everyones voicemail
09:41.41x86backblue: right, logs say it connects fine ;)
09:42.19backbluex86: it should says it parses fine too. are you using realtime, or realtime static?
09:42.40backblueit should only read everything at startup if you use realtime static, i think.
09:42.46backbluei never used realtime yet
09:42.50backbluemaybe this week
09:42.59ramthathe exten is my prob..
09:43.16*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
09:43.24[hC]Sup kids
09:43.26backbluei'm trying to fix some code problems in asterisk
09:43.41[hC][av]bani: awake?
09:43.46backblueincoming external sip domains
09:43.52backbluefull domain suport
09:45.13backbluedont you guys have problems with domains?
09:45.25backblueor you guys use allways ser?
09:45.42Zeeekwhat kind of problems with domains?
09:46.40*** join/#asterisk julien[re] (n=julien[
09:46.58backblueZeeek: if i dial from one of my sip servers, to your sip server, what domain will you have in the from field?
09:47.08backblueit will say "incoming call from ..." ?
09:47.31julien[re]hi all
09:47.35julien[re]i've got a question about PRI
09:47.39backblueasterisk use allways the local fromdomain (configured in sip.conf)
09:47.51backblueto the external and internal calls
09:47.59julien[re]can i install an asterisk between a legacy PBX and a E1 line?
09:48.30IkarusI have an interesting problem with BRIStuff, if I call a number then hang up (without picking up the phone at the other end), I get  -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1', but the phone at the other end keeps ringing for some time (quite long)
09:48.31Strom_Cjulien[re], explain further what you want to do
09:48.32julien[re]so that calls are routed through SIP, except emmergency and local calls which should go to ISND
09:48.37*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
09:48.43backbluejulien[re]: where will asterisk stand between a E1 line and a legacy pbx?
09:49.00Zeeekbackblue I'll have to try it
09:49.01julien[re]the asterisk will be connected to the telco
09:49.04Strom_Cjulien[re], that should theoretically be possible
09:49.08backblueZeeek: :)
09:49.13julien[re]and the legacy pbx will be connected to asterisk
09:49.21Strom_Cthough one wonders why you're not just replacing the legacy pbx entirely
09:49.21backblueZeeek: try it
09:49.24julien[re]using the same cable/port as if it was connected to isdn
09:49.43backbluejulien[re]: what its the problem of that implementations?
09:49.49*** join/#asterisk stefan (
09:49.54Strom_Cjulien[re], I'm not sure you can set up asterisk to pretend to be the switch end of a PRI
09:49.55backbluethat's simple
09:50.01Zeeekbackblue I'm busy doing a stupid grunt job that will take a few more minutes. Then I'll try it
09:50.22julien[re]in fact i can't remove the legacy pbx
09:50.31backblueZeeek: ring me, if you need some help.
09:50.39julien[re]because they want to keep features, etc.
09:50.40x86backblue: realtime
09:50.46x86backblue: says nothing about parsing
09:50.48backbluejulien[re]: you should use both
09:50.50julien[re]and costly proprietary phone wiring
09:50.54x86backblue: just that it loaded properly
09:51.03Mavviejulien[re]: we have that here.
09:51.17julien[re]ok and how do u configure it Mavvie?
09:51.24Mavviejulien[re]: an Alcatel 4400 with two PRIs into asterisk and then two PRIs towards AAPT.
09:51.28backbluex86: if you are not using static realtime, you should only access to sql backend, if you need, like when comes one call or something like that.
09:51.29Mavviejulien[re]: one as net, one as CPE.
09:51.37julien[re]ok that simple?
09:51.56Mavviejulien[re]: and then for each PRI make a context, and forward that to the other PRI.
09:52.09Mavviejulien[re]: that was the initial setup.
09:52.12julien[re]and u receive number dialed fro mthe alcatel
09:52.26Mavviejulien[re]: yeah:
09:52.38julien[re]which country are you in?
09:52.56Mavvieexten => _.,Dial(Zap/{TRUNK_AAPT}/${EXTEN})
09:53.02Mavviethat's it
09:53.15Mavvieand the from-aapt context is the same.
09:53.17julien[re]ok thanks
09:54.34x86backblue: err?
09:54.51shiznatixhow do you exactally use zapata to send faxes?
09:54.53x86backblue: i'm trying to put my SIP users and extensions in mysql
09:55.09x86backblue: but it's apparantly not reading the database, although it connects fine
09:58.52Zeeekbackblue I called from one server to another and didn't have a problem with the domain
09:59.37backblueZeeek: i will call you, give me your URI
10:00.44*** join/#asterisk Heim|away (n=Heimidal@phpbb/styles/heimidal)
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10:01.40ZeeekI don't think that'll work since we don't accept calls from "outside"
10:04.33kmilitzerI just asked myself who came up with the bad idea to schedule the Astricon Berlin for June 19th and 20th ... theres the Fifa World Cup in germany and during this time there are a couple of games in berlin ... will be hard/expensive to get a hotel there I guess ...
10:05.16ZeeekFriends In Fact of Asterisk
10:06.37Zeeekbackblue you have a guest context (or something)
10:07.42*** join/#asterisk pif (
10:08.14kmilitzerMGSsancho: football/soccer world cup
10:08.39backblueZeeek: your server its not open sip?
10:08.47*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
10:09.46ZeeekI don't want people calling me at 3AM?
10:09.58Assidauto voicemail
10:10.07Zeeekwe don't have a desire to receive caller from unknown clients/servers
10:10.26backbluewheel, i will explain, users: foo1,foo2 | bar1,bar2, call, the incoming call will be from, and should be, this is the problem.
10:10.41backblueZeeek: you should :P
10:10.42Zeeekhowever, I don't understand what your problem is exactly. If we had an open context, I'm sure we could get the calls
10:11.19ZeeekIOW, the user name is not keeping the dmain to uniquely identify it
10:11.40Zeeektheobvious conclusion is use unique usernames :)
10:13.00Zeeekis there a web page somewhere that can call an arbitrary URI?
10:14.11kosis asterisk@home suitable for a large organisation?
10:15.02*** join/#asterisk areski (
10:15.16sleepy_onekos, probably not but it is configurable
10:15.17Zeeekno you need asterisk@business
10:15.54*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
10:16.08kosZeeek, only if i get to pay for it.
10:16.16backblueZeeek: sip in asterisk, have a couple of problems.
10:16.20Zeeekwow, one of my servers is at 2ms from one of the SIP providers
10:16.29sleepy_onenice :-D
10:16.37Zeeekkos - oh but you will pay, I guarantee it!
10:16.38backblue2ms it's pretty god :D
10:16.54sleepy_onehey guys is there a way to increase the volume on Zap channels?
10:16.57Zeeekunfortunately, I am at 250ms from that server :(
10:17.10Zeeeksleepy_one see zapata.conf
10:17.17koshow much bandwidth would a normal video/voice conversation take?
10:17.37Zeeekdamn, it just went to 3ms
10:17.39sleepy_onevoice 64kbps uncompressed down to 5-8kbps using GSM
10:17.43[hC]anyone played with the SIP load for the Cisco 7970 yet?
10:17.56sleepy_onenot yet
10:18.03sleepy_onedo you have the firmware?
10:18.04*** join/#asterisk steveaj (
10:18.31[hC]it doesnt appear that there is an option for specifying the sip secret in the config file
10:18.44[hC]which means you have to auth via host ip... which is fairly limiting
10:18.49[hC]SCCP seems like a better idea.
10:18.55[hC]but sccp has its couple bugs too
10:20.16Zeeekbackblue so user1@dom1 is seen as user1? user1@dom2 is also user1?
10:20.43*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:21.54backblueZeeek: y
10:22.39Zeeekwhy do users need un-unique names?
10:23.36[hC]shit i was tired like 4 hours ago, i should have gone to bed then
10:23.39*** join/#asterisk ambriento (
10:24.49backblueZeeek: the problem its not the unique names, sip stuff should have full domain suport
10:25.52Zeeekthere's always the bugtracker
10:26.49Zeeekiax2 show peers
10:29.00RoyK~seen zoa
10:29.10jbotzoa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5d 17h 45m 53s ago, saying: 'it looks kinda suspicious :p'.
10:31.34*** join/#asterisk FreezeS (n=Gladius@
10:31.41FreezeShi guys
10:32.56FreezeSI'm trying to use switch => IAX2/server and I get Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach 'TBD@206180'
10:33.04FreezeSwhat's with this TBD ?
10:33.18ZeeekI was having that same pb the other day
10:33.44Zeeekfirst make sure you have user as type on the server you are calling
10:33.55FreezeShmm, I think it's peer
10:33.57*** join/#asterisk shimi (n=moshe@unaffiliated/shimi)
10:34.01FreezeSi'll check
10:34.02Zeeekchange it
10:34.03shimiI tried to use Asterisk BLF on my GXP-2000 - and for each extension that I define this, the LED is just constantly ON, regardless of the person being on the phone or not. any ideas?
10:34.46FreezeSnow I get registration refused
10:35.11Zeeekwhat dod yiou change it to?
10:35.28FreezeSfrom peer
10:35.30Zeeekit has a username and password?
10:35.41FreezeSactually, from friend
10:35.43FreezeSnot peer
10:35.50Zeeekfriend may have been ok
10:35.59FreezeSok, so back to friend
10:36.12Zeeekif you look up switch on the digium list, yoiu'll find some very old posts from Mark Spencer
10:36.25Zeeekthere is one (i think peer) that just won't work
10:36.32FreezeSRegistered IAX2 to '', who sees us
10:36.38FreezeSso this works
10:36.51shimibtw "sip show subscriptions" gives me a huge list with "User" being the phone that is defined with the BLF, 27 of them! (and only one BLF number defined on the phone)
10:37.04FreezeSI hava a server with an BRA card, and I need to switch it to another server
10:37.12ZeeekI got it working but then it ALWAYS was switching so I changed the idea to use the dialplan to call through the server as in Dial(IAX2/user@server2/2003
10:37.29FreezeSyeah, that's what I was trying to avoid :)
10:38.34Zeeekwell, I did get switch working
10:38.50*** join/#asterisk BugKham (
10:38.54Zeeekbut I coulnd quite figure out how to make it only swith with certain numbers
10:39.41BugKhamHi, why is my isdn-pri config automatically filling a '0' as a calling out prefix?
10:40.07BugKhamis there any way to remove it?
10:40.13FreezeSit's working with Dial, but I was looking for a more elegant way
10:40.30FreezeSZeeek: so what did you do to make it work ?
10:41.33Zeeeklet me see
10:42.24Zeeekswitch => IAX2/
10:42.55x86sweet, i got my test SIP user working from Realtime... but it's odd because he's not showing up in 'sip show peers' or 'sip show users'
10:42.58x86is that normal?
10:44.25ZeeekFreezeS then in the called box it was auth=md5 type = user
10:45.37ZeeekFreezeS :
10:46.25FreezeSI've made it work :)
10:46.33ZeeekHOW, HOW ?
10:46.35FreezeSimmediate=yes :)
10:46.37Zeeekooh oohh
10:46.41FreezeSthis was wring
10:46.50Zeeekyou mean you had it
10:46.57*** join/#asterisk nagl (
10:46.58FreezeSit doesn't like switching aparently :)
10:47.10FreezeSso, with immediate=no it works
10:47.30Zeeekwell who ever said to put immediate=yes, the batphone ion there?
10:47.48FreezeSit was already there
10:48.04Zeeekwhat the ghost of Xmases past put it there?
10:48.34FreezeSno, most probably me, when I was tinkering with that server before :D
10:48.49Zeeekdon't do that, I formally forbid doing that
10:49.08Zeeektinkering it a form of masturbation
10:49.11shimiI tried to use Asterisk BLF on my GXP-2000 - and for each extension that I define this, the LED is just constantly ON, regardless of the person being on the phone or not. any ideas? "sip show subscriptions" gives me an item with a "Call ID" however the last line is "0 active SIP subscriptiuon(s)". Where could I be at error?
10:49.55FreezeSmasturbation is good sometimes ;)
10:50.31Zeeekdepends how long you wait between sessions
10:54.05*** join/#asterisk t0ke (
10:56.50*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (i=strom@
10:57.05t0keanyone have one TOPEX gsm gateway connected to asterisk via E1 interface?
10:59.24*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
11:02.55*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (
11:04.36*** join/#asterisk BugKham (
11:05.34BugKhamwhen calling out from my E100P, my ${EXTEN} was fed with a leading '0', any idea?
11:06.27Strom_CBugKham, what does your dial statement say?
11:07.25BugKhamexten => _02XXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g2/${EXTEN:1},30)
11:07.51*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
11:08.22BugKhamI had to deduce a leading '0' from my ${EXTEN}
11:09.12Zeeeklooks nice
11:09.23BugKhamif not telco will see it as "002XXXXXXX"
11:10.06BugKhamZeek: does the switchtype have an effect on this?
11:10.55Zeeekin the above your dialing 2XXXXX to the telco
11:11.29BugKhamyeah, so that telco can get the 02XXXXXXX from my *
11:12.13BugKhamthat's what has been proved actually
11:12.44BugKhamthese are what I'm using in the zaptel.conf
11:13.48BugKhamI never had this problem on my TDM cards
11:14.29BugKhamthey said something about Nadi type of sending digits
11:19.57*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:20.42Zeeekanyone here have problems with asterisk and Dell servers?
11:20.48kmilitzerBugKham: What is your pridialplan?
11:21.43*** join/#asterisk __Paulo__ (
11:22.45kmilitzerBugKham: And what in general is wrong in leavin out the first 0?
11:22.58__Paulo__~seen coppice
11:23.02jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 21h 26m 33s ago, saying: 'yep. if you look at all the other timers, they use that'.
11:24.08BugKhamkmilitzer: I didn't place this parm -> pridialplan in my zapata.conf
11:24.20*** part/#asterisk __Paulo__ (
11:25.11BugKhamtryinto put pridialplan=local now
11:25.19Zeeekanyone know about Junghanns cards and Dell servers?
11:27.06BugKhamkmilitzer: pridialplan=local seems to solve my problem
11:28.50*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (i=strom@
11:31.50FreezeSBugKham: also set the prilocaldialplan=local. I had some problems with that...
11:35.02BugKhamFreezeS: okay, thanks
11:36.14BugKhamFreezeS: what's your switchtype and signalling? I don't know if they matter
11:39.56*** join/#asterisk kreilmeier (
11:40.14kreilmeierHi all! My name is Michael Kreilmeier - and I am new here. I got a few issues with one of our Asterisk installations. Actually problems I am unable to solve myself.
11:40.22kreilmeierWe got many "Coudln't or Didn't get a frame from channel" - messages. Mostly on IAX and SIP, but also on Zap channels. Googling didn't help. The source I don't understand. Has anyone here experience with that issue. Then "Bridge stops brdging follows".
11:40.32kreilmeierAlso we got many "Got a FRAME_CONTROL (15) frame on channel IAX2/xxxxx-1" messages. I can't find out what 15 is supposed to mean.
11:40.54*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
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11:43.30*** part/#asterisk fourcheeze (
11:43.33*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (
11:44.22fourcheezewhich bit of "sip show channels" is a channel?
11:44.40fourcheezeor rather how do I derive a channelid from that?
11:46.00mutilatorthe stuff under the channel heading..
11:46.16fourcheezeI don't see that
11:46.24mutilatorwhat do ya see
11:46.35fourcheezepeer/user/callid/seq/form/hold/last message
11:47.11mutilatorsip show channels
11:47.15mutilatorjust do a show channels
11:47.34fourcheezeyeah, I have channel there
11:47.54fourcheezebut I seem to have more channels shown on sip show channels
11:48.03fourcheezeand some seem to be non-active to I want to kill them off
11:48.32mutilatorstuff in sip show channels sill also show registrations
11:48.53fourcheezeI've got some presence lights showing that sholdn't be there
11:49.05mutilatorpaste what it shows
11:49.40fourcheezehere's one that I think is non-active
11:49.41fourcheeze192.168.25.66    20060015    45c6df1b5f1  00102/00008  g729  No       Rx: INVITE
11:50.21mutilatorah i don't allow reinviting so i don't ever see that
11:50.32fourcheezeI don't allow that either
11:50.35mutilatorthat should timeout
11:50.46fourcheezeit's been there for about 12 hours
11:50.54fourcheezeso I'd quite like to kill it
11:51.12fourcheezethere's another one the same
11:51.36fourcheezeif I do soft hangup [tab] I get a seg fault too :-(
11:52.16mutilatorwell is anyone using it?
11:52.18mutilatorrestart it
11:52.30fourcheezeyou mean restart asterisk
11:52.35fourcheezeyeah, people are using it
11:53.32fourcheezeI'll try a restart when convenient, but I don't think it will ever restart with those calls
11:53.53mutilatorwait til theres one person on and boot to the head
11:54.33*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
11:55.16Strom_Cfourcheeze, just restart...people will call each other back and go "weird, ok, lets continue" :)
11:55.25Strom_Cblame the telco
11:55.52mutilatori tried that once
11:56.03mutilatorall 3 customers i killed called in saying their calls were dc
11:56.14mutilatorafter the finished their other conversations ofcourse
11:58.00*** part/#asterisk kreilmeier (
11:59.44fourcheezenope, I restarted but those invites are still there
11:59.53fourcheezeor maybe they are dying now
12:00.17mutilatori think invite is the init to registration or something
12:00.21mutilatorbriefly see
12:04.06fourcheezeI love "sip notify reboot snom"
12:05.18fourcheezeor reboot-snom rather
12:06.15x86does that work for grandstream phones too?
12:06.18x86or just snom?
12:06.20Zeeeksnom sounds like the mucus in the lkeenex after a big sneeze
12:06.22*** join/#asterisk oej (
12:07.41iDunnothat'd be snot.
12:08.17Zeeeksnom in countries where a sneeze is Achoum
12:12.12*** join/#asterisk VxJasonxV (n=jason@unaffiliated/VxJasonxV)
12:12.20x86how do i interact with the asterisk call manager?
12:12.34Zeeekon what level?
12:12.34RoyKrtfw :P
12:12.53x86is there some kind of GUI for it?
12:12.58x86or what can i do with it?
12:13.08Zeeektalk to it using sockets
12:13.17*** join/#asterisk SHad|Work (
12:13.38SHad|Workdoes anyone have any experience with asterisk realtime sip configuration?
12:14.42SHad|WorkI just can't get it to read the sip clients from the database like it's ignoring the settings in extconfig.conf
12:15.07SHad|Workand also how come I don't have a /var/log/asterisk/debug ?
12:15.16SHad|Workdo I have to enable it somewhere?
12:15.24Zeeekbecause it isn't given in your loggin.conf?
12:15.39RoyKdo you see the sip peers if you do a 'sip show peer xxx load'?
12:15.49RoyKthe 'load' at the end tells asterisk to load it from realtime
12:15.57RoyKwithout that, it only shows cached peers
12:16.00Zeeekanyone use Junghanns and Dell? I have a friend with a big problemo
12:17.00SHad|WorkI can't see the peer
12:17.25SHad|Workshould the peers from the config file be registered also ?
12:18.52SHad|Workit's a bit weird, I look into the debug log and there's a entry that the realtime table was queried and it says everything is fine but those peers still don't show up in the list
12:19.11*** join/#asterisk nettie (
12:19.32nettieHi guys, anyone have experience with asterisk and h323?
12:19.58Strom_Cnettie, the moral of the story is "don't use h.323 and all your problems will be solved"
12:20.33Zeeekthat's one solution
12:22.03nettiethe point is that my ISP uses h323 and we've 2 flat channels with the included in the "package".
12:22.42nettieI really would like to use them because of the flat fee we already pay. I noticed there're various implementations
12:23.25nettieoh323 seems to be the most interesting, do you guys know what works and what doesnt work please?
12:24.23nettieof course I'm not referring to the protocols problems/feature which isnt very NAT agnostic and so on.. my questions are related to the stability and feature of the solution
12:24.35*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
12:25.51nettiedoes sip2h323 transcoding works?
12:26.10*** join/#asterisk kakadu (
12:26.44x86SHad|Work: i have the same issue...
12:27.14x86SHad|Work: Realtime peers dont show up in 'sip show peers' or 'sip show users', but they are able to register and use SIP properly...
12:27.44SplasPoodthere's an option in sip.conf to have them show up, if I recall
12:28.42SplasPoodyea, somethin like that
12:28.48SHad|WorkMy problem was that they wouldn't even work
12:29.08SHad|Workit does know, but by what chance I have no idea
12:29.24Aursx86: but the table in your db shows you the registration status. I think?
12:29.33Aursthe sippeers table
12:30.26*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
12:31.29SHad|Workit should, that's why the "rtupdate=yes" options is for and it's set to true when not defined
12:32.47*** join/#asterisk kmilitzer (
12:38.29medusaXXwhat is the argument for sip show peer ?
12:38.57medusaXXif i just put there the name from sip show peers, then i get "peer not found"
12:39.45FreezeSis there a way to do Set(CALLERID(num) before going to context pattern matching ?
12:39.54Zeeeksip show peers name
12:40.50medusaXXsipgate/1234565            N      5060     Unmonitored
12:40.59Zeeeksip show peer sip<tab>
12:41.05medusaXXthis is what show peers without arguement shows
12:41.35medusaXXi dont understand..
12:41.43fourcheezedo you have a tab key?
12:41.44medusaXXif i take do sip show peer sipgate/1234565
12:41.46Zeeek*sip show peer NAME OF PEER
12:42.12[ProB]CrazyManwhat could i do when I have timing slips, and the result of zttest is :
12:42.13[ProB]CrazyMan--- Results after 835 passes ---
12:42.13[ProB]CrazyManBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.975586 -- Average: 99.999504
12:42.22medusaXXif "sipgate/1234565" is the name of the peer in my case
12:42.25medusaXXthen it does not work
12:42.34Zeeekbecause sipgate is the name not what you put
12:42.55Zeeekif you followed instructions you'd have seen that a while back
12:43.21medusaXXi'm sorry.
12:43.29Zeeek20 pushups, NOW!
12:43.35Zeeekcome on get down there
12:44.07Skidchrist, sipgate
12:44.09Skidmove aaway
12:44.15FreezeSZeeek: you like girls doing pushups ?
12:44.17Zeeeksipgate is wonderful
12:44.21Skidtheir service is shit
12:44.28Skidoverloaded - I've been speaking to their noc
12:44.28*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
12:44.30ZeeekmedusaXX you are female?
12:44.45medusaXXno i'm not
12:44.47SkidI even offerd them transit heh, got it slapped back at me :0
12:44.52Zeeekok, so get down and give me 20
12:45.06Zeeekvirtual pushups
12:45.07FreezeSmedusaXX: in that case, you suck at choosing nicknames
12:45.14medusaXXi know
12:45.23Zeeekhaha FreezeS you're in SIberia or what?
12:45.27medusaXXi've used this one for 6 years
12:45.32medusaXXbut i'm not gonna change it ;)
12:45.35Zeeeklike Medical-USA
12:45.44Zeeekor OffMyMeds-USA
12:45.46FreezeSZeeek, relatively close
12:46.07Zeeekso your peers are like SIP/COmeradeYuchenko ?
12:46.33FreezeSZeeek: ever heard about Romania ?
12:46.48Zeeekmy grand mother was born there
12:47.00Zeeekbut it isn't that cold there afaik
12:47.06FreezeSyeah :)
12:47.14FreezeSnow there are about 15 degrees
12:47.14Zeeeknot like where I was bork
12:47.25Zeeek15 is very good! (in °C)
12:47.32FreezeSyeah, I know
12:47.37medusaXXanother thing
12:47.45medusaXXhow do i detach from the asterisk console?
12:47.58Zeeekit's 16° in Bordeaux according to my call in
12:48.01medusaXXand that doesnt kill the daemon?
12:48.14ZeeekmedusaXX you don't
12:48.25Zeeekare you running safe_asterisk ?
12:48.30Zeeekif not you should
12:48.40Zeeekit will run asterisk on TTY9 (I think)
12:48.56Zeeekthen you can switch between a normal console and asterisk with the function keys
12:49.17_Paulo_Yes, its good to run from inittab.
12:49.37medusaXXi have no physical access to the system, normally
12:49.47medusaXXso i prefer attaching to the daemon by using -r
12:49.50Zeeekoddly enough, when I installed 1.2.5 on FreeBSD running asterisk runs it as a daemon
12:49.59*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
12:50.08ZeeekmedusaXX if you use -r just exit
12:50.13FreezeSI made a script called "ast" that runs asterisk -cfgrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
12:50.36_Paulo_I like to run from inittab in console 8 because when I connect via -r I got color output.
12:51.02_Paulo_I dont know why, when I run as a daemon, using -r doesnot give me colors.
12:51.03FreezeS_Paulo_, if you run safe_asterisk, you also get color output
12:51.06Zeeeknot a problem on my BW monitor :)
12:51.07FreezeSeven via ssh
12:51.26Zeeekwell, it's actually color. Green
12:51.39FreezeSmine is gray
12:51.49FreezeSsilver gray
12:54.29_Paulo_We have a small 12" white phosphor monitor in the server room (its 256 gray tones VGA), but green phosphor I dont see one for about 10 years.
12:55.36shiznatixdoes anyone know of a very detailed explanation from start to finish about sending faxes with asterisk?
12:55.50FreezeSI haven't been using a CRT for about 2 years :)
12:57.12*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
12:57.14Zeeektitle: Faxing with Asterisk
12:58.13_Paulo_shiznatix, what do you want to do?
12:59.06_Paulo_shiznatix, I would advice going the iaxmodem+hylafax way.
12:59.39Zeeekis there still a page about compatibility with various hardware like Dell servers?
13:00.17_Paulo_I think redhat has an HCL
13:01.33*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
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13:09.58clive-anyone using software raid 1 together with asterisk on the same box ?
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13:11.12Curusclive-: I bet lots of us are
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13:11.30clive-curos, i am just wonering about performance issues
13:11.57Curusasterisk isn't exactly I/O heavy
13:12.50*** join/#asterisk somegeek (i=levin@unaffiliated/somegeek)
13:14.01SHad|Workshouldn't asterisk be able to recode from g726 to ilbc or ulaw?
13:14.32SHad|WorkI get ast_channel_make_compatible errors if I have phones with different codecs
13:14.52clive-curos thanks
13:15.06[ProB]CrazyManwhat could i do when I have timing slips, and the result of zttest is :
13:15.09[ProB]CrazyMan--- Results after 835 passes ---
13:15.12[ProB]CrazyManBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.975586 -- Average: 99.999504
13:16.46*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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13:17.38[ProB]CrazyManhi coppice
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13:18.00[ProB]CrazyMancoppice: could you give me an advice what I could do against these timing slips ?
13:18.17coppicewhat hardware are you using?
13:18.29[ProB]CrazyManjunghanns quadbri
13:19.12*** join/#asterisk linville (
13:20.03coppicepeople have reported problems with the BRI cards. however, i don't use them and i don't know what configuration things you need to get right
13:20.34[ProB]CrazyManhm ok thx anyway so I need to call kapejod..
13:20.37zigman[ProB]CrazyMan ... use the rc2q drivers
13:20.47zigmanonly the modules
13:21.07[ProB]CrazyManzigman: what ?
13:21.21zigmanget latest bristuff (not the l version)
13:21.28zigmanpatch , compile, install
13:21.36zigmanget latest bristuff (version 0.0.2)
13:21.41zigmancompile qozap.o
13:22.04zigmancopy that file over your original qozap (from bristuff 0.0.3)
13:22.21[ProB]CrazyManI currently run at bristuff 0.0.3Pre l
13:22.45[ProB]CrazyManand that work ?
13:22.51[ProB]CrazyManok I will try that
13:23.21shiznatix_Paulo_: we have spoken about faxing last week. I still just want to somehow send asterisk a fax and asterisk save it to the computer that it is running on as a .tif file
13:23.25zigmaninsmod qozap from 0.2.0
13:23.51SplasPoodshiznatix: I'm using iaxmodem /w hylafax, seems to be working well
13:25.51shiznatix_Paulo_: I don't have any of these modems or anything. I just have my standard nic card
13:26.31shiznatix_Paulo_: Can I just use hylafax to send a fax to asterisk then it save it to its computer?
13:26.55SplasPoodno you use iaxmodem + hylaxfax on the asterisk box to receive the fax
13:27.14_Paulo_shiznatix, the computer in question is the station or the server?
13:27.37[ProB]CrazyManzigman: and the qozap from 0.2.0 work with * 1.2.4 ?
13:27.48shiznatixthe computer i want to send a fax from is mine. the server is another computer
13:27.48FreezeSI really hate faxes
13:27.54FreezeSe-mail is A LOT better
13:28.01shiznatixno kidding
13:28.17tdonahueshiznatix: i use spandsp and rxfax to receive the fax, then use a custom perl script to mail it to the recipient as a pdf
13:28.19ToTohi all, i'm looking for a method to add dinamically user profile on a sip.conf file, someone can suggest a way to me?
13:28.34FreezeSToTo: Asterisk Realtime
13:28.41ToToFreezeS, tnx
13:28.58shiznatixtdonahue: how do you send the fax?
13:29.11*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
13:29.16shiznatixMaybe thats my problem, how can i send a fax to asterisk if I don't have a iaxmodem or anything fancy like that
13:29.26SplasPoodusing a fax machine?
13:29.32SplasPoodor a fax modem and a pots line?
13:29.33tdonahuewith a fax machine.... you could use make a email to fax gateway  and use txfax
13:29.40_Paulo_shiznatix, what OS are you using in your machine?
13:30.06SplasPoodyou want to send yourself faxes?
13:30.18tdonahuebut i have not had the time to write one (nor do i think my boss would allow me to publish it if i had)
13:30.37shiznatixI want to send ANYONE a fax
13:30.47_Paulo_shiznatix, iaxmodem is pure software.
13:30.57SplasPoodyou could theoretically use the iaxmodem+hylafax solution to send as well
13:31.04shiznatixI just want a fax to go to asterisk in anyway then asterisk save it or email it or do anything with it, just get it
13:31.08_Paulo_shiznatix, just compile it and install on your machine
13:31.10SplasPoodhylafax has a client/server architecture
13:31.38SplasPoodshiz: what you keep describing is receipt of a fax, not sending
13:31.43shiznatixdo I have to install this stuff on the asterisk machine or can I do anything from my own machine? i have spandsp isntalled on asterisk but it is a pain to get anyone to install anything else
13:31.43_Paulo_shiznatix, then you will have a virtual modem.
13:32.02coppiceshiznatix: install either a) spandsp/rxfax/txfax or b) spandsp/iaxmodem
13:32.04coppiceconfigure as indicated in many places
13:32.14_Paulo_shiznatix, you can install iaxmodem on your machine.
13:32.39SplasPoodhe keeps talking about receiving faxes on his asterisk, but then says he wants to send
13:32.41SplasPoodmakes no sense.
13:33.14shiznatixI just want asterisk to be able to deal with a fax
13:33.23Curus"Deal with"?
13:33.25shiznatixi don't know how to send, i don't know how to recieve, i just want it to work
13:33.26[ProB]CrazyManhe wants to send an fax from * to the same * box
13:33.31_Paulo_coppice, Hi...
13:33.49shiznatix[ProB]CrazyMan: i think you are correct
13:34.02SplasPoodshiz: Well if you pay me then I'll make it work and you don't need to "know" :P
13:34.29SplasPood[ProB]CrazyMan: Does that make any sense?
13:34.37CurusSplasPood: You'll just secretly put the paper through a copier and pretend you sent it
13:34.46SplasPoodCurus: shh
13:34.58CurusI know consultants, I used to be one
13:34.58[ProB]CrazyManSplasPood: for me not realy.. but maybe he just want to make some tests ?
13:35.39shiznatixSplasPood, that would be great if i had money
13:35.43*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
13:36.01SplasPoodshiznatix: Well you either set things up yourself and thus "know", or you pay someone to "know" for you.
13:36.11ZeeekIf a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump is ass every time he jumped
13:36.28_Paulo_Im having a hard time trying to understand how libmfcr2 stuff works.
13:37.15shiznatixSplasPood, I am aware of this. I would like to 'know' but I don't see how I can just do some easy test
13:37.58SplasPoodwell asterisk has zero support for sending or receiving faxes out of the box..
13:38.08*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
13:38.13shiznatixSplasPood, I need nothing perminant, just the ability for asterisk to recieve a fax and save it to the computer asterisk is running on. I thought I knew when I tried to use rxfax and txfax but when saving the fax it just hangs. That is why I think that sending my fax is where my problem is
13:38.37SplasPoodahh well I don't know tx/rxfax.. but I have iaxmodem+hylafax doing exactly what you describe
13:38.55SplasPoodyou can replace hylafax with any linux fax software that'll talk to a standard fax modem
13:39.20SplasPoodand iaxmodem is VERY easy to setup
13:39.30shiznatixi just installed hylafax and it asked me all sorts of things like my country code and area code (we don't have area codes here) and this is not what I want because I want to be able to only send on the local network
13:39.30*** join/#asterisk Tili (
13:39.55SplasPoodsend?  you just said receive.
13:40.58shiznatixis that was hylafax does?
13:41.05Zeeekit is better to give than to receive
13:41.05SplasPooddo me a favor
13:41.08coppiceI think he is deeply confused :-\
13:41.08SplasPooddefine 'send' for me
13:41.21_Paulo_shiznatix, hylafax is a fax server
13:41.40_Paulo_shiznatix, it needs at least one modem to work
13:41.59shiznatixsend: I have a .tif or .jpg or .png and I want to 'send' this as a fax to asterisk then asterisk save it itsself
13:42.03_Paulo_shiznatix, to use hylafax with * you use a virtual modem called iaxmodem
13:42.23[ProB]CrazyManmaybe he is in a big company and want only to send faxes internaly ?
13:42.35_Paulo_shiznatix, if you use Debian, you can install hylafax-client
13:42.45[ProB]CrazyManwhy as fax and not as email ?
13:43.10shiznatixgood question, if i was the boss I would tell you
13:43.29SplasPoodso you have a big company
13:43.32SplasPoodtwo or more offices
13:43.32[ProB]CrazyManwhy do you want anyway to send this files to asterisk ?
13:43.37SplasPoodand you want to fax between them
13:44.05shiznatixSplasPood, yes
13:44.12SplasPoodahh ok
13:44.16SplasPoodwhat will be on each end
13:44.20SplasPoodhow is the fax going to be generated
13:44.44shiznatixIn any way but with a fax machine as of right now
13:45.01*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
13:45.10SplasPoodshiz: when its in production tho
13:45.48shiznatixNo idea, probably without fax machines but a fax machine might be at the end but nobody knows as of right now
13:46.19SplasPoodif fax machines aren't involved at all, why deal with faxing? :P
13:46.25_Paulo_coppice, I read simplesched.c, but could not figure where the tones scheduled with uc_schedule_event are sent, nor how can I control how long it will play.
13:46.56_Paulo_coppice, do you have some hint?
13:47.11shiznatixSplasPood, I don't know. I have no say over any of this. I just have to do as I am told and I was told to use faxes
13:47.29coppicelook at how the other tones are played. turn on the tone, and start a timer. in the callback routine which services the timer, turn off the tone and take the next step
13:47.34shiznatixSplasPood, There might be a fax machine at one end and just a computer at the other end
13:48.18SplasPoodwell you need fax modems then...     So if you want to test you'll need some form of fax modem.. be it a fax machine, a hardware fax modem and phone line, fax service like efax, or another asterisk+iaxmodem combo
13:48.33_Paulo_coppice, I see now how Ive made funny things...
13:48.41vgsterdoes anyone have any ideas why one of my asterisk boxes keeps spawning new asterisk processes?
13:49.05_Paulo_coppice, I think I found some bugs at the telco side.
13:49.23SplasPoodvgster: maybe the script your using to start asterisk.. if any..
13:49.39mutilatori use daemon tools to start my asterisk
13:49.48mutilatorjust run it with -f so it doesn't fork
13:49.54mutilatorotherwise it restarts it a billion times
13:49.56*** join/#asterisk io_error (
13:50.38vgsterodd they have gone now but yesterday there were loads.  i use freepbx atm
13:50.42vgsterso amportal start
13:50.48vgsterwhich works fine on my other box
13:50.58SplasPoodmaybe they got bored and went home
13:51.13vgstermaybe, looks like its firing a new thread for each call
13:51.52Hmmhesaysi like freepbx
13:51.59*** join/#asterisk eliel (n=eliel@
13:52.25*** part/#asterisk io_error (
13:52.44vgsterhas no one seen this before?
13:52.47_Paulo_coppice, can we talk in pvt?
13:53.21elielis there an easy way to implement user access control on channels in asterisk?
13:54.12_Paulo_eliel,  show application Authenticate ?
13:56.06eliel_Paulo_: hmmm, and the usernames?
13:57.17_Paulo_eliel, I think if you need something fancier you will have to go the AGI way.
13:57.31eliel_Paulo_: ok, thank you
13:57.52_Paulo_eliel, I have perl AGI, it works very well.
13:58.51eliel_Paulo_: OK, i will give it a try...
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14:00.02*** part/#asterisk michael-i (i=michael@
14:00.15_Paulo_coppice, why the timers are set to -1 inside the callback functions?
14:00.52coppice-1 means the timer is not active
14:01.49fu3|gonehouston sucks
14:02.07jsharpIndeed it does.
14:02.17fu3lots of beautiful women though
14:02.23iDunnowhat? where?
14:02.24*** join/#asterisk dja (
14:02.31fu3in Houston
14:02.33iDunnooh, Houston. that's Miles away.
14:02.39fu3but otherwise, that city licks.
14:03.07*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
14:03.25coppicelots of beautiful women (if true) is a completely adequate reason for a city to not suck
14:03.56fu3no.. Houston sucks.
14:04.02fu3i'd take the women away with me
14:04.10jsharpHouston sucks to so much of a degree, there's not enough to offset it.
14:06.50coppicedallas is widely considered to suck more than houston
14:06.53[ProB]CrazyManzigman: still have timing slips
14:07.34coppiceaustin might suck even more for all I know, but it so boring it hard to stay awake long enough to find out
14:07.44_Paulo_coppice, I see now... uc_schedule_event return how many timers of this kind are active... I mistake the timer counters with timer values in ms...
14:08.21*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:08.28_Paulo_<:-| dumb hat
14:08.30jsharpAustin is good if you're a drunken frat boy or a political vegetarian.
14:08.35Winkieis there any decent documentation on CDR Manager events?
14:08.42Zeeekaustin is the heart of the most lively Textas music scene
14:11.59*** join/#asterisk DeeJay[2] (
14:12.27DeeJay[2]is it possible to add fields in the cdr over odbc?
14:12.46DeeJay[2]Suppose I would like to add a "hostname" field to know from which server the row comes from..
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14:16.23FreezeShow can I select a certain ZAP channel when I want to dial out ?
14:16.38Zeeekby reading the dial command doc?
14:16.41FreezeSI have a digium card with 4 FXO ports and I need to select a certain port to dial out
14:16.57jsharpZap/1, Zap/2, Zap/3, Zap/4
14:20.02FreezeSas I understood, zap/3 is the third group from zapata.conf
14:20.14FreezeSand there is my card with 4 ports
14:20.28FreezeSif I dial zap/g3 it dials out through a free channel
14:20.43FreezeSbut I want to select the channel I'm dialing out through
14:20.57jsharpZap/3 is zaptel port 3.
14:21.00jsharpZap/g3 is group 3
14:21.09jsharpZap/3 specifies a specific port.
14:21.32FreezeSlet's see
14:22.45FreezeSok, that's it :)
14:23.01mutilatorman i'de hate to be asian
14:23.09mutilatorget a phd and ppl walk around calling you "dr wang"
14:23.13FreezeSbecause of the short dick ?
14:23.49FreezeSmutilator: you've got an asian coleague you're calling Dr. Wang ? :)
14:24.23mutilatoryep, Dr. xinli wang, comp sci phd
14:26.36Hmmhesaysi don't want, anybody else, when I think about you I touch myself wohahahah
14:26.48*** part/#asterisk Holos (n=asdf@
14:27.10HmmhesaysDr. Wang is possibly one of the greatest names ever
14:27.35coppiceDr Hu might be better
14:27.45HmmhesaysDr. Phuck hu
14:27.56jsharpPhu Yuk
14:28.53Hmmhesayseverybody wang chung tonight
14:29.47FreezeSwell, for us romanians, Mu Chin Chai is very funny :)
14:30.15FreezeSor Cha In San
14:30.35FreezeSor Ling Cha Puk
14:35.04*** join/#asterisk octothorpe_ (n=octothor@unaffiliated/octothorpe)
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14:38.02_Paulo_coppice, in the callback function, to turn the off the tone, should I use set_mf_signal(uc, ch, 0) or some other value instead of 0?
14:38.19coppiceuse zero
14:38.24*** join/#asterisk gaspiz (n=gaspiz@
14:39.47_Paulo_coppice, I would like to hire someone with your knowledge to do this for me. My head is aching so much!
14:40.31tzafrirI'm banging my head at the wall right now because I can't make a certain asterisk register with iax to another Asterisk server
14:40.47tzafrirI'm trying to figure out what I did wrong
14:41.43tzafrirBoth are behind NAT and port-forwarded
14:42.14tzafrir(not the same NAT)
14:43.09coppice_Paulo_ how quickly do you need this?
14:44.31_Paulo_coppice, I cant go online with this fax service without blocking collect calls, otherwise i will be pretty much abused.
14:44.56FreezeSis there a way to make the call return to the person that transfered it in case it's not answered ?
14:45.16_Paulo_FreezeS, see the "T" extension
14:45.45_Paulo_FreezeS, and the "t" extension
14:49.02*** join/#asterisk stuartcw (
14:51.45gaspizhi, how can I start asterisk under a diferent user (not root)
14:52.23_Paulo_coppice, Even if you are buzy right now I think you will get this working faster than I, and i will gladly pay your time.
14:54.17*** join/#asterisk trbldwine (
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15:01.41tsenoi have an asterisk running and i wish to see it work and test some extensions ... but i dont know how to make i call
15:01.48tsenocan someone help me
15:01.55tsenowith this
15:02.23_Paulo_coppice, the alternative for me is dialogic boards, wich are a couple thousand mor expensive.
15:02.39*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
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15:03.33coppicelast time I used Dialogic cards for R2, they sucked
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15:04.27coppicethey were more than a couple of thousand, too
15:05.02_Paulo_coppice, well, I could expent this money on services instead of hardware
15:06.02_Paulo_coppice, are you too buzy right now or just dont have interest in this kind of job?
15:06.04austinnichols101anyone familiar with the procedure to downgrade 79xx firmware.  Is there anything 'extra' you need to do?
15:06.29coppice_Paulo_ its on a list of things to do
15:07.36_Paulo_coppice, cant I bribe you? :-)
15:08.57Hmmhesaysis there anything wrong with calling one macro from another?
15:10.37*** join/#asterisk fogall (
15:10.46_Paulo_Hmmhesays, not that I know, but I would pass every ${ARGn} just to avoid bugs
15:11.36coppiceHmmhesays: its OK, as long as they don't call each other rude names
15:11.47fogallim getting a warning msg when i connect to asterisk
15:11.53fogallthis is the warning msg
15:11.57*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doolph@
15:11.57fogall060321-090712 WARNING[4080]: chan_sip.c:1064 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x810aa30 (len 515) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
15:12.08fogallwhat does it mean?
15:12.46*** join/#asterisk shanky (i=jramirez@
15:12.52Hmmhesaysi'm trying to decide if I should make this dp into one giant macro or not
15:12.52shankyhi, good afternoon
15:13.36fogallhi, good morning
15:13.46fogallim getting a warning msg when i connect to asterisk
15:13.51fogall060321-090712 WARNING[4080]: chan_sip.c:1064 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x810aa30 (len 515) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
15:13.56fogallwhat does it mean?
15:14.57_Paulo_coppice, if I send "answer" then "clearback" but dont send answer again, there is a curious efect: the collect call recording is skiped...
15:14.59*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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15:16.09coppiceif you clearback and do nothing else the call actually clears. nothing strange about that
15:16.18_Paulo_coppice, But the call is answered. Weird...
15:16.20*** join/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
15:16.43lzhangis there any other way to hangup a channel if soft hangup isn't working?
15:17.19_Paulo_coppice, clearback should trigger a drop call event or am i wrong?
15:17.31*** join/#asterisk ramtha (n=ramtha@
15:17.52ramthawhy das * not dial pri 1000 if the calleridnum is correct?
15:17.57coppice_Paulo_ not really. drop call is something the application initiates
15:17.58ramthaexten => _X.,3,GotoIf($["${CALLERIDNUM}" = "_004932X."]?${EXTEN}|1000)
15:18.21*** join/#asterisk mattjdude (n=matt@
15:18.53gaspizbecause you use _X.
15:19.13gaspizthis matches number only 0123456789
15:19.39RoyKgaspiz: no...
15:19.46*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
15:19.48ramthagaspiz: thats evil, i musst user minimum the first 6 digits
15:19.50RoyKgaspiz: a dot at the end means 'and whatever'
15:19.54_Paulo_coppice, should I call start_call_disconnected after set_abcd_signal(uc, ch, mfcr2->back_abcd_clear_back) ?
15:20.13ramthaif the calleridnum is: 004932211063030 it should jump to pri 1000?
15:20.23ramthabut i did not do that
15:20.33ramthaif i type the whole nummber in there, it works
15:20.51ramthathere must be an error in  "_004932X."
15:20.55ramthabut what..
15:21.01*** join/#asterisk sevard (
15:21.21sevardDoes anyone ever get Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?) ?
15:21.27_Paulo_ramtha, use the "i" extension
15:21.44jsharpsevard:  Only when * isn't running.
15:21.45sevardWhen it does exist, asterisk is running and the pid and ctl files are asterisk:"nogroup
15:21.57*** join/#asterisk rogier (
15:22.01_Paulo_ramtha, I think this jump berravior is deprecated
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15:22.25ramtha_Paulo_: is that really what i want? i mean it must work like this, didn´t it?
15:22.31lzhangsevard: do you have the proper permissions on /var/run/asterisk/ ?
15:23.41sevardlzhang: BLAH i should just spend 5 more minutes figureing thing out from now on.
15:23.57mattjdudeyou can't put pattern matches in the caller ID matching
15:24.11*** join/#asterisk himalrana (n=himal@
15:24.33sevardI've been reading all day on asterisk sip security and I've come to the conlclusion that there really isn't any.  Is that a correct assumption?
15:24.34ramthahow can i do routing based on calleridnum?
15:24.50_Paulo_ramtha, sorry, I misread your case
15:25.06ramthai have two nummberblocks
15:25.19ramthaand based on witch block calls, i must do an other routing
15:25.24himalranais video confernce possible with asterisk?
15:25.44RoyKvideo call, at least
15:25.47RoyKtwo parts
15:25.53sevardhimalrana: with a video enabled phone and a video codec you may make a video call
15:26.05ramthaso i want to read the head of the block (00493232110XXX / 004932212224XXX) and route it, based on its information
15:26.10ramthaany solutin for that?
15:26.28*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
15:27.08himalranayes but it will not be conference but video call
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15:28.37ramthais it really such a special case, waht i want to do?
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15:29.23Abydos313good morning everyone
15:29.37*** part/#asterisk io_error (
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15:31.49himalranai think video conferencing is possible as asterisk does with audio!
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15:32.52Winkieanyone got a clue how the uniqueid is formatted?
15:32.57Winkieor even where it's defined?
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15:33.44himalranadoes any one has interest with video  conferencing with asterisk?
15:33.53brodiemhas anyone used the UIP200? Looking for some reviews/feedback having problem with fax
15:34.55devilpimjust wondering if there's anyone familiar with faxing
15:35.06doolphwhat's your problem with fax
15:35.26*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
15:35.48devilpimi have a number - direct number connect to my asterisk box - i am able to send the fax successfully with this number
15:36.41devilpimbut now i want to redirect a number -- say i have 0800xxxx and when someone fax to this number, i want it to be fwd to my asterisk box
15:37.33devilpimbut doesnt go is forwarded to the box...but it seems that it didnt detect that its a fax signal...
15:37.54devilpimit just answer like a normal call
15:38.06devilpimim not sure where i should check....
15:38.09CurusIs there an easy way to limit maximum call duration?
15:38.24tzangerCurus: AbsoluteTimeout
15:38.59_Paulo_doolph, Ive ready everything about * fax
15:39.23devilpimanyways, is there anyway to identify the dialed number?
15:39.24Winkiedevilpim: how is it being delivered?
15:39.29*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
15:40.16devilpimhmm..there's a router
15:40.42Hmmhesaysok one giant super macro is not going to work
15:42.04*** part/#asterisk shanky (i=jramirez@
15:42.41medusaXXwhat is the correct string to match all numbers starting 0900 ?
15:42.49medusaXXif i dont know how long the number can be
15:42.59jsharpYeah, what FreezeS said.
15:43.30*** join/#asterisk nagl (
15:45.38stormfrHello, i have several time a day "Too many open files". Limit at much higher and process running as root. call number go to more than 120 channels with transcoding (no zap just sip or iax)
15:46.28*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
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15:47.41russellbstormfr: read the section in the README about file descriptors
15:47.58FreezeSchan_zap.c:8511 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1   <--- I get a lot of these every 10 minutes or so, but the PRI card is working properly. Should I worry ?
15:48.14jsharpTiming slips?
15:48.39FreezeSwhat are those ?
15:49.20FreezeSchan_zap.c:8511 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1  <--- and some times things like this
15:49.35devilpimquestion:i want the fax to be send to an extension eg. 123 ...but then....when the fax signal is detected, it will be sent to [fax] extension.....what should i do about this??
15:49.38russellbFreezeS: is this a Digium card?
15:49.43FreezeSrussellb: yes
15:49.49russellbFreezeS: contact
15:49.58russellbthey can help you check some common things that cause that to occur
15:50.16jsharptiming slips - when the clock on your PRI card and your PRI source get out of sync if you're not clocking off the PRI.
15:50.25FreezeSthing is, it's working perfectly. No call drops, no echo, nothing unusual, except these messages
15:50.28RoyKstormfr: echo lots > /proc/sys/fs/file-max and 'ulimit -n lots'
15:51.08FreezeSjsharp, so if I'll clock locally, these would dissapear ?
15:52.02lzhangguys, is there any other way to hangup a channel aside from soft hangup?
15:52.21lzhangit seems like I have a hung channel but soft hangup isn't doing the trick
15:52.33Hmmhesaysyank your cat 5 cable
15:52.54*** join/#asterisk feist (
15:52.58*** part/#asterisk devilpim (n=Pim@
15:53.06lzhanghaha right
15:54.21lzhangyea I don't want to have to restart asterisk just for one hung channel
15:54.27lzhangbut I guess I will if I have to
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15:56.22foscofor using /etc/security/limits.conf with asterisk, must I use a specific file un /etc/pam.d/ ?
15:57.01foscoor just I use /etc/pam.conf ?
15:57.22fosco(for session    required
15:58.07Raszhhow you do your pam configs is up to you
15:58.33Raszhthat you're doing so for Asterisk doesn't matter
15:59.05tzafrirfosco, generally you should edit files in pam.d rather than pam.conf . pam.conf is deprecated, IIRC
15:59.24malverian[work]Is there any way to only subscribe to certain events in manager connections?
15:59.37foscotzafrir: yep, but there is no 'asterisk' file under pam.d
15:59.44foscoso I use 'other'
15:59.45wunderkinmalverian[work]: only by types, not by event name
15:59.52tzafrirfosco, because asterisk does not use pam
16:00.26fosco/etc/security/limits.conf is only used with pam I think, no?
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16:02.49tzafrirdoes iax.conf have any equivalent to sip.conf's externip/externhost?
16:03.29russellbno, why would it need it
16:04.17tzafrirI have no idea why one server asterisk won't register to another. But both are behind different NATs
16:04.50russellbis the registration message making it to the other server?
16:04.55russellbverified with iax debug?
16:05.40austinnichols101anyone using cisco 8.2 fw yet?
16:05.42tzafrirI get error messages that registration fails
16:06.00tzafriron the recieving side
16:06.02*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
16:07.01malverian[work]I need to get my hands on the SIP firmware for my Cisco 7960 phone... but I don't have Cisco account to download it :-/
16:07.09tzafrirwhat is the maximal length of a username? There shouldn't be a problem with 12 chars, right?
16:07.15malverian[work]I bought the phone second hand.
16:07.28russellbtzafrir: that should be fine
16:07.36russellbmaybe you have a typo somewhere, i don't know
16:07.49malverian[work]Anyone know if there is a way to download it without getting an account?
16:07.58russellbi mean, iax registrations are obviously a pretty common thing.  if they were broken, there would be a lot of upset people out there
16:07.58malverian[work]Or at least, without paying more money :-P
16:08.28austinnichols101malverian[work]: you're asking in the wrong place
16:08.45tzafrirI'm still with 1.2.4 . Anything that critical broken there?
16:08.46malverian[work]I'm referring to legal means of course.
16:09.00austinnichols101legal = you need to purchase a copy
16:09.09austinnichols101which means you need to pay money
16:09.12malverian[work]I already bought the phone though, I have no use of the SCCP image :-P
16:09.30malverian[work]Approx price?
16:09.31austinnichols101you can use the SCCP with asterksk.
16:09.43malverian[work]Yeah, but it's a pain.. and the rest of my phones are SIP.
16:10.02austinnichols101it's not very expensive.  check and there's a list of resellers
16:13.31tzafrirIs a peer entry relevant to the success of the registration itself?
16:13.58austinnichols101malverian: - they say about $8/year
16:13.58tzafrirDidn't think so, but some of the error messages I saw hinted so
16:14.37austinnichols101damn: cisco 8.2 firmware only allows one call at a time on the first line
16:14.51blitzrageanyone had these errors before?
16:14.51blitzrageHDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
16:14.52blitzrageHDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
16:14.52malverian[work]It just let me download the firmware from ?
16:14.54blitzrageHDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
16:14.54blitzrageHDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
16:15.04blitzrageoops - sorry for the dupe :)
16:15.11austinnichols101but 08-2 has issues
16:15.29doolph(Netsplit Detector) Netsplit between and - Invincible
16:15.37blitzrageI'm on 7.5 because it works ;)
16:15.42malverian[work]I guess the free account I set up lets me download firmware... interesting.
16:15.46austinnichols101yes - trying to downgrade now
16:16.00malverian[work]blitzrage, You don't have the problems with dropped registration that are mentioned on voip-info ?
16:16.10blitzragemalverian[work]: nope
16:16.12austinnichols101I've never had problem w/7.5
16:16.29*** join/#asterisk djMax (
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16:16.46djMaxanybody had their customized key settings break when upgrading firmware on a polycom (ip500)
16:16.53austinnichols101but that doesn't necessarily mean that there aren't problems :)
16:18.01*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:18.44malverian[work]Is it very difficult to revert the phone to SCCP after installing the SIP firmware?
16:19.02djMaxI can press the fourth button on the poly and crash it.  Sweet!
16:19.11mutilatorjust as difficult as making it sip
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16:21.12austinnichols101supposedly it's just a reflash
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16:21.45jsharpSome of the 7940s I've done have been easy.  Others have been cast-iron bitches.
16:22.01austinnichols101damn.  can't figure out how to downgrade from 8.2
16:23.00malverian[work]The Cisco sw-center is a PAIN to navigate...
16:26.31chrismogIs there a good guide on how to work with the digital answering assitant?
16:26.34*** join/#asterisk jinxed (
16:27.09djMaxanybody know where to get a list of the "y" values for Polycom keys?
16:27.29*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@
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16:27.56a1fahow many ulaw sip peers can i run stim. on Ultra10 w/ 2x512mb and 440mhz sparc cpu?
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16:28.53jbalcomba1fa lots
16:29.17jinxedis it possible to set up asterisk with multiple outbound sip lines and have it pick an available line for outbound calls?
16:29.30Hmmhesaysis anyone using regex in their dp?
16:29.33a1fai am thinking about 25
16:29.38tzangerjinxed: yes why not?
16:29.38a1fatell me if i am wrong
16:29.44Hmmhesaysi'm having a hell of a time getting it to work
16:29.48jsharp25-50, at least.
16:29.51DrRotmoshi, is there any way to execute two things parallel in my dialplan?
16:29.52tzangera1fa: do your own benchmarking, jeez
16:29.54jinxedi can't find any info on how to set it up
16:30.04tzangerjinxed: you can do it a couple of ways
16:30.26tzangerfirst way, Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@peer1) and use gotoif if they return back a "go away" response
16:30.36tzangerthe gotoif dials the SIP/${EXTEN}@peer2 and so on
16:30.53a1fajsharp : too cool
16:31.10jbalcomba1fa from what i've read and experienced i don't 100+ would give you trouble. It does depend on what else you're doing though.
16:31.15mishehuwhere can I find a list of all items that make up CALLERID that can be set in the dialplan?
16:31.16a1fai just got an ultra10
16:31.17tzangersecond way is to do a little DB magic and look up which peer to use, then after the call, update the DB to point to the next one.  this balances the call volume out over the peers
16:31.34jsharpalfa:  If you get into transcoding, that number will drop since there's no Sparc optimized codecs.
16:31.58jinxedok, the second one is what i was looking for, thanks
16:32.01a1faso no gsm, i guess?
16:32.13a1fait sucks that you can run more ulaws than gsms
16:32.15tzangerjinxed: after that you start running combinations of that, especially wehre you start looking at call completion stats and start load balancing better based on actual minutes used or call quality or whatever... your "selection" just becomes more complex
16:32.16jbalcomba1fa only one way to say for sure...
16:32.37austinnichols101what's up a1fa?
16:33.05malverian[work]Is that normal for the firmware image to be in the ftp pub?
16:33.07jsharpalfa:  You can run gsm as long as you run gsm in & gsm out.
16:33.09a1faaustinnichols101 : nada.. i am thinking of doing in-house pbx
16:33.18a1fabut i dont have enough of bandwidth in-house
16:33.27a1fajsharp : ulaw+gsm
16:33.36a1fagsm in - ulaw out :p
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16:33.55a1faand vice versa
16:34.19jbalcomba1fa what do you consider not enough bandwidth to run ulaw?
16:34.28jsharpNow I'm curious.  I should light up * on my Ultra 30 and see how it behaves.
16:34.42a1fajbalcomb : i have about 4mbit download, but 512k upload
16:34.51a1fajbalcomb : i also have a 100mbit up/down
16:35.01a1faconnection.. but it is in the datacenter
16:35.07a1fai am using that box for my pbx
16:35.15a1fai wanted to bring it in da house :P
16:36.04jbalcomball this Sparc talk makes me think yall might be interested in my 2, 5, or Server 20?
16:36.22*** join/#asterisk snip3r (n=sniper@
16:36.25a1fajbalcomb : i got my Ultra10 for free
16:36.33a1fawhat you got to offer
16:36.49a1fahard to beat that :P
16:37.03jbalcomba1fa i have a big monitor, drives, cd server, and some pill boxes.
16:37.07*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
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16:37.33jbalcomba1fa everything cheap, cheap. trying to sell all my worldly possesion before i leave for Japan
16:38.07a1famsg me your pricing :P
16:38.11a1fashipping is what kills you
16:38.20a1fai dont need monitors
16:38.25a1faserial baby :P
16:39.06*** join/#asterisk amdtech (
16:39.14jsharphooray for serial console.s
16:39.32a1fahow about a terminal server
16:39.39a1faand manage that via tcp/ip
16:39.50a1fassh into them via serial console
16:41.11*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
16:41.23fu3WHO SOLD YOU THE DRUGS?!@!?!?!?!?!?!?!@!)(*@&!(*@^
16:42.06Darwin35?me looks around drugs where
16:42.11Darwin35what type
16:43.09Darwin35ok I need input on  ho to make a 2 part call show up correctly in a cdr
16:43.14ms345anyone know if you can pass ISDN cause codes from one PRI to another?  say I have  isdn_router----*-----telco  and the telco gives me an ISDN CC of 31.  Can I send that CC 31 to my isdn_router or do I have to give my router technicians access to * to get the cause codes?  Currently a cause code of 16 (normal disconnect) is seen by the isdn_router no matter what the telco sends.
16:43.20*** join/#asterisk hardwire (n=nspencer@
16:43.49Darwin35part 1 cll comes in to my box and then part 2 it gets sent back oout to pstn to a cell phone overseas
16:44.22Darwin35right now the cdr is showing the first part of the call but not the 2nd part
16:45.06Darwin35and fork_cdr is not working
16:45.43twisted[asteria]so what does it show the call doing?  sitting there with it's thumb up it's arse?
16:46.07*** join/#asterisk Hmm-work (i=Blorp@
16:46.14Hmm-workanyone else using regexp in their dp?
16:46.17Darwin35it shows the call part 1 and then just hangs there till the call ends
16:46.34twisted[asteria]well, according to you, part 1 is just coming in to your box
16:46.35Darwin35its not showing the 2nd part of the call
16:46.48Hmm-workwell function regex I should say, I can't get it to work right
16:46.56twisted[asteria]it has to show it doing something... some application or something
16:47.06*** join/#asterisk mko-025 (
16:47.10Darwin35it comes in and gets callforwareded out to a cell in germany
16:47.39twisted[asteria]via SIP?
16:47.45Darwin35no iax
16:48.02twisted[asteria]is the call being answered on your box or just 'passing through'?
16:48.13Darwin35just passed threw
16:48.36twisted[asteria]back out via iax too?
16:48.42Darwin35twisted are you saying we have to andswer it then forward it ?
16:48.56Darwin35to my friends cellphone in germany
16:49.19twisted[asteria]how is it getting to the cell phone?  another iax connection to a termination gateway or directly to a zap card?
16:49.21russellb"iax too" ... hehehe
16:49.28twisted[asteria]russellb, :P
16:49.48Darwin35it goes back out via iax to my provider then to pstn
16:50.02twisted[asteria]ah.  have you checked to see if iax is handing off the call in a native transfer?
16:51.08Darwin35not that I know of
16:51.18backblueanyone know, why all sip calls the "." it's erased?
16:51.22Darwin35I will call the provide r here in a min and check
16:51.30backbluewhy we cant use "." in sip urls?
16:52.13*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:54.12Darwin35ok no its not doing native transfer
16:54.31Darwin35man this is getting me a headack
16:54.42*** join/#asterisk Micetto (
16:57.21backbluethere is someway to specify the fromdomain in a iax2 trunk?
16:57.27*** join/#asterisk Peaceful (n=Peaceful@
16:57.36PeacefulCan you use macros in iax.conf?
16:58.19*** join/#asterisk TedC (
17:03.30*** join/#asterisk websae (
17:04.07websaedoes any one use a asterisk origination/termination carrier for business phone lines...i am wondering how your up time is as well as quality
17:05.22Hmm-workahh i see function regex is broken on the bug tracker
17:05.51*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:09.50websaefile: how are you doing?
17:10.13websaeI have a question for you know any businesses that use asterisk termination/originiation?
17:10.42websaehave a SIP trunk for their phone lines instead of a PRI and what not
17:11.42*** join/#asterisk hfb (
17:12.53justinui had considered going that route for some of my customers... but it's too unreliable at this stage
17:13.07websaeyeah iwas talking to you yesterday
17:13.12websaeit's more cost efficient though
17:13.22jsharpIf it traverses the public internet, then you run the risk of it tanking on you at any time.
17:13.35file[laptop]yes, the public internet is out of your control
17:13.39websaei wonder how vonage does it
17:13.42justinuyou can either have cheap, or reliable
17:13.42websaeyeah that is true
17:13.49amdtechwe don't use a provider, but we did set up a box an hour and a half away to get free long distance to the city
17:13.49justinuvonage is for residential, mostly
17:14.12justinuwebsae, you can get it to work
17:14.14websaeamdtech: how's that working out for you
17:14.20justinubut you need to make sure your ITSP has good routes to your ISP
17:14.28justinuand that your ISP is dependable
17:14.31amdtechworks like a charm
17:14.38websaeISP with an SLA
17:14.43amdtechcalls sound great, i think we had a hiccup or two when we first got it
17:14.50justinuthere will be hiccups
17:14.52amdtechbut it's stable and unless the net goes out, we're good to go
17:15.57Peacefulwebsae: We ran SIP over two private (data) T1's to an asterisk server at an ISP that had tied into the PSTN.  Unfortunately, the ISP was very unreliable.  We ended up getting away from them, buying some digium cards for our asterisk server and improving our reliability a ton.
17:16.29amdtechit really just depends on the termination location and your internet's stability
17:16.50amdtechwe've got a 40 meg connection, and i'm pushing for them to reserve our next upgrade bandwidth strictly for sip
17:16.56justinuI'm using a high end ITSP over a nice internet connection
17:16.58justinuand it's flawless
17:17.00*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
17:17.09justinubut it was carefully chosen/designed
17:17.31justinuthis is for another customer
17:17.37justinunot a PBX customer
17:18.09Hmmhesaysfunction regex is broken and i'm not sure how to fix it
17:18.15*** join/#asterisk Axel69 (n=alexlsf@
17:21.36chrismogHow can I make asterisk put an area code infront of a 7 digit number?  Say if the user dials "456-7890" asterisk will send "123-456-7890" to my iax2 trunk?
17:22.01chrismogah, ok
17:22.25*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
17:22.54doolphwhy when I call to my asterisk I don't hear any ringback?
17:23.08justinulots of reasons
17:23.15justinuexplain your configuration more
17:23.38doolphOk I have an DID from a company (356-0001)
17:24.03doolphwhen I call to that number from another number
17:24.11doolphI don't hear nothing
17:24.16justinuok, check to see that your ast box is sending 180 ringing in response to the invite
17:24.19doolphbut it's ringing in 356-0001
17:24.48justinuuse sip debug from the console
17:24.58Hmmhesaysis there any better functions to check if a string starts with  a certain set of digits?
17:25.22Hmmhesaysregex is broken
17:26.07*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
17:26.18doolphjustinu 180 ringing... where's that I am in a debug
17:26.34doolph<-- SIP read from
17:26.34doolphSIP/2.0 180 Ringing
17:26.35asterboyjustinu, you have the Polycom phone right?
17:27.01justinui have a few
17:27.05doolphbut that ringing is to my exten
17:27.10justinudoolph: that looks like they're sending you a 180 ringing
17:27.12doolphhow to the caller
17:27.16justinuwe want to see a call in the OTHER direction.
17:27.34asterboyjustinu, have you setup conference calls and call transfer?
17:27.39justinutransfer yes
17:27.48justinuand i've done conferencing also
17:28.19doolphthe caller is not having ringbacks :(
17:28.27justinui understand that
17:28.42asterboyexcellent, I'm stumbling on setting up those features...from what I have read, * can do it OR the Polycom phone can do it internally.
17:28.45justinuyou need to place a call to your DID while you have sip debug turned on
17:28.52justinusip debug peer <name of peer> helps
17:29.05justinuasterboy: that's right
17:29.11justinufor conferencing at least
17:29.27asterboyI have ZAP channels, so which is the least complicated to setup?
17:29.39asterboybest maybe to get the phones to do it?
17:30.01chrismogSo, what if I want people to just be able to dial their local # (456-7890) but also be able to dial another area code too
17:30.08justinuunless you need more than 3 people, just let the phone do it
17:30.09chrismogI think my rules are messed up
17:30.11doolphjustinu what should I check?
17:30.26justinudoolph: check to see you respond to the incoming invite with a 180 ringing
17:31.00asterboyDo you know of any examples or specific docs I can read before I ask hand holding questions?
17:31.16chrismog^ yeah I need some of those too on how to setup extensions :/
17:31.18justinuyou could read the polycom admin and users manual
17:31.30justinuor maybe the polycom pages on the wiki
17:31.36asterboyThey don't give very much info on the specifics of the setup.
17:31.49justinuthere's no setup for transfer or conferencing
17:31.52justinuyou just do it
17:32.01*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
17:32.05justinuhowever, i've noticed a bug with attended transfer in asterisk/polycom
17:32.13asterboyah, ok...then I'm doing something wrong.
17:32.34doolphjustinu can you go to paste bin and check it any error ?
17:32.34justinuif you do an attended transfer, and the person you're transfering to doesn't answer, but you proceed with the transfer... the original caller won't hear any call progress tones during the transfer
17:32.44justinujust silence, until they pick up, or their voicemail picks up
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17:33.17justinudoolph: looks like you're sending the 180 ringing
17:33.25justinudoolph: i would complain to your ITSP, and send them that pastebein
17:33.36justinuit's not your fault
17:35.15*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
17:35.35asterboyjustinu, here is what I get when I try to do the transfer: Mar 21 10:34:27 NOTICE[23629]: app_dial.c:1011 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
17:36.12justinuok, that's a whole different problem
17:36.21asterboyAfter establishing a call with my other party, I hit "transfer" and the new 7 digit telephone #
17:36.22justinuhas nothing to do with your polycom setup
17:36.34justinusomething is wrong in the dialplan, or with your * config
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17:37.37doolphjustinu how can my istp can fix it ?
17:37.49justinuby playing the ringback tone to the PSTN call
17:37.55justinulike they're supposed to
17:38.20doolphI have tested connecting directly
17:38.24doolphwith a ata 186
17:38.31doolphit works with a fix
17:38.38doolphin connectmode
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17:39.01justinui dunno what that means, sorry
17:40.11Axel69hi guys..... how do i use a extencion as a trunk
17:41.05Axel69i mean a quintum to be my gw with analog lines but in a private ip so it has to register to the asterisk as a extension
17:46.47*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:50.24*** join/#asterisk W8TAH (
17:50.46W8TAHDoes this room also answer questions about asterisk@home?
17:50.58a1fafuck AAH
17:51.06W8TAHsorry for the noise
17:51.11*** part/#asterisk W8TAH (
17:51.15a1fai was joking
17:51.17a1fadamn dude
17:52.30*** join/#asterisk W8TAH (
17:53.26a1fajust ask
17:53.29NivexW8TAH de N8VNR: I think there is a different room for that.  Not sure the name offhand.
17:53.36a1fatheir official channel is #AAH
17:53.40W8TAHoh -- ok -- sorry guys
17:53.44*** part/#asterisk W8TAH (
17:53.45a1faand #FreePBX
17:53.47a1fadamn it
17:54.09Nivexsome people haven't mastered the fine art of lurking I guess :)
17:55.25russellblurking rocks
17:55.36a1fahow about peeping tom?
17:55.58Qwell[]I stalk
17:56.37a1faif you "stall" does that mean you stall while taking a piss?
17:57.03*** join/#asterisk W8TAH (
17:57.24a1faits time for gyros
17:57.33a1faanybody join me for gyros for lunch?
17:57.36djMaxanybody having working key remappings on Polycoms?
17:58.02justinui'll join
17:58.12W8TAHI need some help configuring for calls inside my network only  -- i want to use this as an intercom system for our school
18:02.39*** join/#asterisk dahunter3 (
18:03.11W8TAHwhat protocol should i be choosing for gizmo softphones?
18:03.23W8TAHthank you
18:03.33dahunter3How can I increase the volume of a recorded digital receptionist?
18:03.36*** join/#asterisk ryback (n=shigueta@
18:04.42W8TAHI have had several recomendations on the Gizmo softphones -- is that the best one to use, or is there a better (free / opensource) one?
18:04.47W8TAHthis will primarially be for windows
18:05.08rybackhi, i´m a newbie on asterisk, i just installed asterisk@home on a PC with 3 FXO cards; i´d like to configure it to use 3 POTS lines to dial/receive calls and then configure extensions to transfer calls... how should i do that?
18:06.12a1faryback : load zaptel driver
18:06.24a1faadd Zap Cards to your zap.conf
18:06.31a1faadd extensions to extensions.conf
18:06.43a1fasome1 correct me if i am missing anything
18:06.48a1faW8TAH : SIP?
18:07.11backblueryback: pay me, and i will do that.
18:07.24W8TAHa1fa, i have a new a@h server -- so its an open book right now
18:07.31W8TAHi want whatever will work best
18:07.53W8TAHas i read the docs, there are 4 choices
18:08.38W8TAHQwell, told me that sip was appropriat for the gizmo softphones, and im installing one now to begin testing with
18:09.55a1fawhy dont you get real phones for it>
18:10.06a1fabackblue : how much do you charge :P
18:10.09W8TAHfor now this project has to be zero budget
18:10.18a1faigor? russian?
18:10.19asterboy"The old musiconhold.conf syntax has been deprecated!"
18:10.26asterboywhere are the new samples?
18:10.27W8TAHit is designed to be an intercom system between our classrooms and to office
18:10.31a1faasterboy : make samples
18:10.39a1faW8TAH : cool..
18:10.58W8TAHi have a grant for the microphones etc
18:10.59asterboythought I did that, but didn't get a musiconhold.sample
18:11.07asterboynot sure why
18:11.21W8TAHbut, i can get all the mics for the whole building for what about 3 phones will cost --
18:11.23asterboytry again
18:11.35backbluea1fa: no
18:11.42a1fabackblue : ah
18:11.51a1fabackblue : how much do you charge /h?
18:12.03backbluei dont, i was kidding
18:12.30backbluei work for a company
18:12.37dahunter3Does anyone know how to increase the output volume of a recorded digital receptionist so that it sounds louder to callers/
18:12.51a1fadahunter3 : incrase the sample
18:13.03a1fadahunter3 : playback()?
18:13.09a1faor background()
18:13.49asterboydoh, should have backed up before make samples.
18:14.01asterboynow I have to rename old files back.
18:14.02dahunter3a1fa: So, I can just pass an extra argument to background that controls the level?  If so, that's great, then I just need to fight with asterisk@home to make the change.
18:16.37dahunter3a1fa: I don't see any extra argument to background.  How do I increase the sample?
18:17.19*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
18:17.41djMaxany guesses on what "log to standard output" means in the context of a polycom phone?
18:17.56W8TAHis there documentation someplace for using the gizmo phones with asterisk / a@h or is there a better softphone to use?  its wanting me to create an account on their network
18:18.05jetsi'm writing an ivr in an app because i dont want to do it in the dial plan and AGI won't be much of a possibility...  what an odd morning.
18:22.19jbalcombdjMax STDOUT? perhaps something to do with syslog?
18:23.00asterboywouls be better if make samples put sip.sample instead of replaceing sip.conf with sip.conf.old
18:23.14djMaxhmmm, perhaps.  Thanks, I'll check that.
18:24.04justinudahunter3: is it just the prompts that are too low?
18:24.12dahunter3justinu: Yes.
18:24.48dahunter3justinu: Normal conversations are fine, so I didn't want to mess with rx/txgains...
18:25.03justinui don't think you can boost the volume of the prompts without modifying the files w/ a wave editor
18:25.51dahunter3justinu: Okay, well I guess I'll start doing that: thanks for the heads up.
18:25.54*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
18:27.33tecnicoin the console, how can I re-register to a server ? iax2 show registry shows no error, but the other server still doesn't know where I am.
18:30.41asterboyor better yet, a samples directory under /etc/asterisk...then a guy can cherry pick and keep his setup clean
18:31.30PeacefulWhat's the standard way of dialing multiple extensions at once (aka a ring group) in asterisk 1.2?  The entry for Dial() in the O'Reilly book doesn't address that...
18:33.43astra^^wher is the log of * stored
18:34.01backblueastra^^: in the logs directory.
18:34.04Peacefulastra^^: /var/log/asterisk
18:35.14*** join/#asterisk JulianoSMM (n=oz@
18:36.58Peacefulah, there it is.  Chapter 5: Dialplan Basics.  Use '&' to join multiple extensions.
18:38.48Darwin35ok found ou t we should be using the dial(local/ for forking a call and the cdr recording it all
18:40.08astra^^y is tat wen i put 2 prefix my call doesnt go tru .
18:41.16Darwin35dod you have your dial plan setup for it
18:41.21*** join/#asterisk Alric (
18:42.07astra^^it is
18:42.09astra^^exten => _00.,3,SetCallerID(9000000000) ;(4996806524)
18:42.10astra^^exten => _00.,4,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@mypbx1)
18:42.41tzangerastra^^: you need to get a basic grasp on what it is you're doing
18:42.49tzangerwhat do you think the :1 on ${EXTEN:1} does?
18:43.27astra^^ohhh... holly shit.. You are right ...
18:43.34astra^^what a fool am i
18:44.32tzangerastra^^: not a fool, just need help seeing things
18:44.44astra^^thanx dude..
18:44.54astra^^you people rock..
18:46.33*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
18:47.47*** join/#asterisk r_evolution (i=_evoluti@
18:47.54r_evolutionhey hey the gangs all here.
18:48.26asterboyjustinu, I should be able to call my ZAP channel, pick up on my Polycom SIP extensions and then transfer or conference the call to another SIP or ZAP channel right?
18:48.34*** join/#asterisk Nodren (n=nodren@
18:48.50brodiemdoes anyone know of IP phones that have amplified headset jacks so that external amps aren't needed for headsets?
18:48.52r_evolutionso justin... i got the 7 digit dialing worked out... and speed dial...
18:48.53asterboybut I have something screwy in my config preventing that.
18:48.56Nodreni'm having a problem with asterisk on ubuntu, can anyone help?
18:48.57justinuwhether it goes to SIP or ZAP is determined by the number you transfer to /dialplan
18:49.04justinur_evolution: noyce
18:49.11r_evolutionso i guess it's time to see what else i can do
18:49.15Nodreni compiled and installed zaptel and when i try to modprobe it says module not found
18:49.24r_evolutionim thinking the ATAs we've sent out to our customers *MIGHT* be smart enough to differentiate between a fax call
18:49.28r_evolutionand a voice call
18:49.31justinuwhich ATAs?
18:49.34asterboyOn Polycom I hit "Transfer" it puts the call on hold, gives me tone and then I dial a SIP or ZAP #.
18:49.37justinusipura 2100 supports t.38
18:49.41brodiemNodren, did you 'make install'?
18:49.43r_evolutionahh but level 3 does not
18:49.48r_evolutionnot from what the guy told me
18:49.50justinunope, but I've run fax over L3
18:49.57r_evolutionyeah that's what im getting at...
18:50.05r_evolutioni'm saying... if we make G729 the primary...
18:50.07r_evolutionand allow G711
18:50.13Nodrenmake install worked with out errors
18:50.18r_evolutionb/c i've noticed when it faxes... it bitches about no compatible codecs
18:50.22r_evolutionya herd.
18:50.35brodiemNodren, see if the module exists at /lib/modules/<kernelver>/misc
18:50.42r_evolutionsome woman called this morning and said her ENTIRE business rested on her ability to fax.
18:50.47justinupicking codecs based on whether it's a fax call or not is going to be tricky
18:51.00*** join/#asterisk cji (i=3000@
18:51.08justinuSIP can change codecs in mid call, but good luck making that work
18:51.38Nodrenaha, brodiem i think i found my problem, the modules went to the wrong directory
18:51.46Nodrenbut they compiled under the right source
18:52.10MikeJ[Laptop]so terminate the fax locally to pstn then
18:52.17r_evolutioneasier than fitting 350 people on a T1
18:52.21MikeJ[Laptop]problem solved
18:52.28justinuthat's about all you could do, at this point in time
18:52.34justinubut fax is still gonna be iffy
18:52.42W8TAHThanks Folks for all the help -- my system is now working
18:52.45justinubecause the link from you to the customer is out of your control
18:52.51*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:52.55W8TAHim moving to a limited deployment
18:52.57brodiemis there no way to make sipura ata's use anything other than g711 for fax?
18:52.58_Paulo_I'm connecting to a cisco ata 186, no nat, and got this: SIP/2000-bc11 is circuit-busy
18:53.15_Paulo_I new to Sip
18:53.20_Paulo_any hints?
18:53.26r_evolutioneh... faxing is iffy to begin with
18:53.30r_evolutionat least when it comes to SIP
18:53.39r_evolutionand *something* if it IS poor quality
18:53.45r_evolutionwill allow me to delay until the end of the year
18:53.53r_evolutionwhich is when L3 is supposed to start using T.38
18:54.24r_evolutionhey paulo... is the box plugged in and registering?
18:54.32Nodrenbrodiem, i copied the modules into the right folder for my kernel version, but its still saying not found
18:54.50r_evolutioncant terminate the fax call to pstn for 350 different people faxing to and from different locations :)
18:54.53brodiemNodren, try insmod /path/to/module
18:54.58_Paulo_r_evolution, yes, its pluged.
18:55.04r_evolutionis it registering
18:55.12_Paulo_r_evolution, but I saw no register message
18:55.13r_evolutioncan you go type sip show peer 2000
18:55.15brodiemNodren, also, if the modules were found in a directory for a kernel version you aren't using, then it's likely that the modules were compiled against the wrong kernel source
18:55.32r_evolutionthen it's not registering... which would probably be why there's no route
18:56.23brodiemNodren, make sure /lib/modules/<kernelver>/build points to the correct source
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18:57.15r_evolutionso it has registered at some point
18:57.26r_evolutionput qualify=yes under the definition
18:57.35_Paulo_r_evolution, I'm using * for a fax service.
18:57.36r_evolutionso it'll keep a track on it... instead of UNMONITERED
18:57.45r_evolutionmake sure you stick to G711 then
18:57.45asterboywhen recording with Zapbarge, how do you playback the file?  I'm getting: File /tmp/test-in.wav does not exist in any format
18:58.37Nodrenok heres a serious question, why does every linux distro and every computer i attempt to install the zaptel drivers on to communicate with my TDM400P not work
18:58.40stoffellasterboy: tri Pla...(/tmp/test)
18:58.41Nodreni thought this was a highly supported card
18:58.47Nodrenand i cant get anywhere on any system
18:59.01r_evolutionmaybe you're not installing the drivers correctly?
18:59.01stoffellasterboy, i mean : (/tmp/test-in)
18:59.11asterboyok, thats what I thought.
18:59.22brodiemNodren, probably because the zaptel driver isn't loaded :)
18:59.27*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
18:59.31Nodreni've followed the tutorials offered on and on and i've tried from asterisk@home
18:59.34Nodrennothing's worked
18:59.41justinu_Paulo_: that's not the real error
18:59.42r_evolutionmy point exactly
18:59.43Nodrenand i can lsmod and see the zaptel module is in the list
18:59.50justinulook in the log before the circuit busy message to find the real error
19:00.07_Paulo_justinu, any hint?
19:00.14r_evolutionspeaking of which it's time to delete the debug log again justin O_O
19:00.17asterboyyep, that worked! (dam I wish things were a little more intuative)
19:00.18justinui just gave you the hint
19:00.22brodiemNodren, so what happens when you load the driver for your card?
19:00.39justinur_evolution: eventually, you won't want to be logging debug messages
19:00.46justinur_evolution: just warnings, notifies, perhaps
19:00.54Nodrenwell on centos the wctdm module wouldnt load but the wcfxs did
19:01.05r_evolutioneh... im only logging debugs while im adding new features
19:01.09jbotcentos is probably better than Fedora Core except for that silly bug, see ~centosbug for details
19:01.10Nodrenon ubuntu the wcfxs doesnt even get compiled, but the wctdm works
19:01.13_Paulo_justinu,   == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0)
19:01.16Nodreni already fixed the centos bug.
19:01.21jbotwell, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos 4.2 kernel. To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. Make sure you're NOT using gcc4, as that doesn't work either.
19:01.21justinu_Paulo_: keep going back
19:01.23Nodrengot past that just fine
19:01.30Nodrenit wasnt a compiling issue
19:01.33Nodrenit compiled ok
19:01.40r_evolutioneventually it'll be good to go and i can go about my merry way
19:01.43Nodrenit was just actually getting zaptel working after compiling it
19:01.46*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
19:02.31Nodreni keep getting this exact same error ZT_CHANCONFIG on channel 1 : No such device or address (6)
19:02.37Nodrenno matter what i try
19:02.51r_evolutionhey justin... you explore that FTP anymore?
19:02.57*** join/#asterisk GoRK (n=GoRK@
19:02.59Nodreni've ruled out everything but the card itself as an issue
19:03.22brodiemNodren, but it loads the fxs driver?
19:03.37Nodrenwhen i tried the fxs driver on centos yes it worked w/o errors
19:03.43Nodrenwell loaded
19:03.49Nodrenbut when trying ztcfg
19:03.51Nodreni got that same error
19:03.59Nodrenthat i'm getting now with wctdm on ubuntu
19:04.23brodiemand you have an fxo module on the card correct?
19:04.53Nodrenheh even that's vague, its the TDM400P... the site we bought it from said it had FXO and FXS modules
19:05.03justinuyou should be able to ID that visually
19:05.18Nodrenwell its got 4 ports
19:05.24Nodrenhow do i tell if they are FXS or FXO?
19:05.25brodiemyeah, red=fxo, green=gxs
19:05.28justinulook at the card itself... i think they're different colors
19:05.29justinuah yes
19:05.31brodiemer fxs
19:05.39GoRKwhen an attended transfer is performed via the 'transfer' feature of a SIP phone is there a way to have a tone played to the party the transfer is going to? my phones are polycom 601's if it's a phone configuration thing
19:05.50justinuhey gork
19:05.51asterboyI recall a program to stitch those in and out wav files together, but can't remember the name...anyone have a hint?
19:06.05justinugork: I think that's a bug in asterisk, i experience it myself with polycom
19:06.16justinuasterboy: there's tons of them
19:06.23justinui use something old called cooledit for windws
19:06.27Nodrenthe only color i can locate is the green led next to each port
19:06.37justinunodren: take the cover off your PC and look at the card
19:06.38brodiemNodren, you have to look at the card itself
19:06.40asterboyWas hoeping for something on the linux side
19:06.41GoRKjustinu: does it work correctly with other sip->sip transfers or star-code transfers?
19:06.48justinugork: it works fine with blind transfers
19:06.54r_evolutionthere's a LOT of good stuff for putting wav files together
19:06.54chrismogHow can I tell asterisk what my local prefix is, and have it be smart enough to add it to numbers if said number is only 7 digits long (but not add it to numbers that are 10 digits long) ?
19:06.55justinunot sure about * code
19:07.02_Paulo_should i turn sip debug on?
19:07.07asterboybut I thought there was something that came with the * distro
19:07.09r_evolutionif you dig on cooledit... then Adobe took that over and made it Audition
19:07.19GoRKjustinu: no i mean the transfer works fine but the callee can't tell when the transfer happens so they don't know when to say 'hello'
19:07.40Nodrenthe card doesnt have any distinguishing red or green colors
19:07.42Nodrenjust a blue card
19:07.42justinugork: what do you mean? doesn't their phone ring?
19:07.55justinunodren: look at the modules plugged into the card
19:07.57brodiemNodren that makes no sense
19:08.22Nodrenthere are no modules plugged into it
19:08.25r_evolutionyes it does Brod
19:08.27r_evolutionhe bought the card
19:08.30r_evolutionnot the modules
19:08.32brodiemNodren that is your problem :)
19:08.35r_evolutiontherein lying the problem
19:08.42justinuthat sucks
19:08.42Nodrenmy freaking boss and his effort to save money
19:08.43asterboyr_evolution, could I bother your for a pastebin of your setup? I'm trying to get my TRANSFER and CONFERENCING working but am getting an error message...need a working example to digest.
19:08.46Nodrenthanks guys.
19:08.47Peacefulchrismog: on the seven-digit extension pattern, just have it dial 123${EXTEN}, where 123 is your local prefix
19:09.05r_evolutionwha? aster what are you talking about?
19:09.17GoRKjustinu: sorry my description is a bit off -- call comes in, operator answers, presses transfer, calls the extension, extension answers and operator announces the transfer, operator presses transfer and call is transferred to the extension -- problem is there is no indication that the extension is now talking to the incoming call and the operator is not on the line any more; the caller knows because they stop hearing hold music
19:09.18asterboyYou have a Polycom phone?
19:09.24chrismogPeaceful:  i don't have a seven-digit extension pattern.  I'll pastebin what I have.
19:09.35*** part/#asterisk amdtech (
19:09.36asterboyoh, thought you did.
19:09.37r_evolutionI have a bunch of freaking customers right now... but you were asking for something to combine wav files
19:09.39asterboynvr mind.
19:09.43r_evolutionouch... that's got to HURT man
19:09.47_Paulo_chrismog, you will have to create one...
19:09.47justinu_Paulo_: we'll need a sip debug on peer 2000 to diagnose further
19:10.00r_evolutiondude's been trying to figure out why he can't get the fxo or fxs ports to work
19:10.04r_evolutionfor probably WEEKS
19:10.10r_evolutionif he's used a bunch of different distros
19:10.16asterboyyes, I thought there was something in * to do it, but it looks like freshmeat will have lots.
19:10.19r_evolutionand it's because he didnt have any modules on the card
19:10.33justinugork: i see... on traditional PBXs i've used... they don't play any tone... the transfering person just says "here's the call now"
19:10.34r_evolutionp.s. who's the salesman that let that one get away?
19:10.54justinugork: sometimes the display of the phone changes to show you're now connected to a Tie or CO line
19:11.19justinuyeah, nodren has been thru hell and back because of an incomplete TDM2400 card!
19:11.26justinuer TDM400
19:11.26GoRKjustinu: yeah if the display changed that would be ok but no idea how to make that happen.. could possibly be a use for the rpid patch if i could somehow make that indication happen
19:11.31r_evolutionthats all im saying
19:11.40Peacefulchrismog: $434{EXTEN:1}  should be   434${EXTEN:1}   ... I believe.
19:11.52brodiemdoes anyone know of IP phones that have amplified headset jacks so that external amps aren't needed for headsets?
19:12.36GoRKjustinu: on traditional pbx's too there's often a click or something subtle that people do not realize they rely on but with this there's not even a subtle click or background noise change
19:13.08justinugork: not on my nec NEAX systems
19:13.13justinuthey're all digital too
19:13.22r_evolutionsame for the comdial pbx im replacing here
19:13.29justinu_Paulo_: line 41
19:13.32r_evolutionsomeone says I have a call for you... they'll be there when i hang up
19:13.33justinuSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
19:13.36r_evolutionthen bam... there they are
19:13.41justinuthat is why your "circuit busy"
19:14.00GoRKwell non-digital anyway; at any rate it would be a nice feature; these people are used to key systems so it may just be something they have to deal with
19:14.00stoffellGoRK, you have 2 options to 'solve' your problem
19:14.31stoffellGoRK, the thomson st2030 phone plays a tone to indicate the transfer is done. or you can use the built-in asterisk transfer function
19:14.38*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
19:14.59CrashHDwhat should I do about dtmf digits not being picked up very well with iax (711)?
19:15.07justinugork: call transfering in asterisk is really fucked up
19:15.13justinugotta learn how the masquarading works
19:15.31_Paulo_justinu, this web based config from the cisco ata is awful.
19:15.32GoRKstoffell: i will see about the internal transfer function
19:15.47justinu_Paulo_: i have no experience with cisco ATAs, sorry
19:15.53a1fajustinu : use that flash operator to transfer calls :P
19:16.13r_evolutionpound is your friend :-D
19:16.17chrismogPeaceful: Humm, well it is still isn't working as I would like.  I want to replicate the "dial 9 for an outside line" functionality.  If I dial a 9 now it will always put the areacode on the front.
19:16.38GoRKjustinu: yeah looks like it; ill see what i can see; maybe i can shoehorn at least an extra packet in to send an extra packet with called party id when the transfer is completed; visual indication is better than nothing
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19:16.50GoRKwow that was redudnant
19:17.10a1fawhat was
19:17.11r_evolutioni think you extra packet'd us to death :(
19:17.16justinugork: call transfer w/ sip is almost redicuously complex... you might talk to oej about it
19:17.33a1faiax r00000lez!
19:17.40a1fawhat is iax btw.. hahaha
19:17.58a1fadont answer tjat
19:17.59GoRKjustinu: ok
19:18.08a1faGoRK : call transfer "works"
19:18.17*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:18.23a1faits magic
19:18.28a1fakind of like magic dust
19:19.40GoRKpretty soon im going to get me some magic dust and jump off the roof if i get one more 'why cant we just say call on line 6'
19:20.10a1fai had a guy want 4 SIP Lines on a Cable Modem
19:20.21a1fathen he complained how he cant send faxes
19:20.32a1faand how lame the voice quality is
19:20.42asterboyjustinu, how do you get Polycoms to pass the "#" in the digit map?
19:20.44a1faand then, he got pissed off during the black friday for BroadVoice
19:20.54a1faand broke the PBX
19:21.00justinuasterboy: not sure about that
19:21.13r_evolutionhey a1fa... you must've missed my bitch earlier...
19:21.21a1fawhich one?
19:21.22stoffellasterboy, you could modify the dialplan on the polycom
19:21.27r_evolutioni had a woman tell me her ENTIRE business... rested solely on her being able to fax...
19:21.28asterboyIn order to turn call forward on at the ZAP channel, I need to issue a 72#
19:21.45a1far_evolution : well, same here
19:21.45r_evolutionwhen with the old switch (which WASN'T asterisk) she hadn't been faxing for about 4 months
19:21.47a1fasame problem
19:22.14a1fathe guy was freaking out because his fax was forced to 56k and he couldnt send fax via SIp
19:22.33a1faso i forced that bitch down to 9200Bps
19:22.46a1faand it faxed ok, until broadvoice crapped out
19:22.56W8TAHits funny how people assume that if you make dire predictions or bully them IT people will either work harder or pull some magic out thin air so everythign is perfect again
19:22.57asterboyah yes, good suggestion...just put an extension in and have it dial for me.
19:23.12stoffellasterboy, you can look here:
19:23.24stoffellasterboy, search for "One final thing to modify or delete is the digitmap"
19:23.33r_evolutionhey asterboy... don't you include Tt in the dial string in order to enable
19:23.58*** join/#asterisk rpm (
19:23.59lzhangI love it when people get belligerent, it just relieves me of any responsibility I feel I have to help them
19:24.09r_evolutionI usually like to make dire predictions when people aren't doing what i want
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19:24.15W8TAHYes --
19:24.19r_evolutionalso known as big fat lies
19:24.42asterboyr_evolution, I tried that, but I'm getting this message:
19:24.59asterboyoops not that message, this one:
19:25.04asterboyMar 21 12:24:29 NOTICE[30048]: app_dial.c:1011 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
19:25.39asterboyjustinu suggested that its something wrong in config or * has an issue.
19:26.06r_evolutionyeah i cant really help you much with Zaptel stuff dude... everything i do is IP based
19:26.06asterboyI'll turn on sip debug for a peer and try to capture more info.
19:26.07justinuyeah, your zap dial string is probably screwed
19:26.32justinuasterboy paste your dialplan
19:26.38asterboyok, doing.
19:26.38justinuor the section that tries to dial out on zap
19:27.41a1fajesus, here it comes
19:28.06a1fadamn dude
19:28.07a1fai am cold
19:28.07r_evolutionoh fux
19:28.10a1faits about to snow
19:28.16r_evolutioni think thats hell freezing over
19:28.16justinulol, snow
19:28.21r_evolutionhold me :(
19:28.26justinuit's cold here
19:28.29justinu60 degrees
19:28.33a1fajustinu : where@?
19:28.37justinulos angeles
19:28.40r_evolutionit's gotten chilly here too :-\
19:28.47a1fai am down south
19:28.50iqPG-13 please
19:28.51a1faand its damn cold
19:28.56r_evolutionyou too huh a1fa?
19:29.01justinudown south where?
19:29.14cjiI'm trying to setup a cisco 7960 with asterisk@home and when the cisco phone tries logging into the tftp server I get the following errors in my asterisk log:
19:29.20AlricIts a little cold in TX :)
19:29.22*** join/#asterisk clive- (
19:29.26AlricAt least for late March it is...
19:29.26cjiRejecting Device [device name]: Device not found
19:29.28a1faits going to snow tomorrow
19:29.29cjiany ideas?
19:29.41[Airwolf]I'm having a little problem with a voipbuster account. I just made a sip config like I always did for voipbuster and I can call out, but my asterisk box just hangs up incoming calls. I pasted the debug and config here
19:29.41r_evolutionwow... that's vauge...
19:29.53[Airwolf]And I was wondering if anyone has a idea to solve it.
19:30.24clive-hi guys, what kernel sources do I need on centos for zaptel to compile, its giving wacky results
19:30.48Alricor kernel-smp-devel, if you're using the smp kernel...
19:31.18justinuclive: see ~centosbug
19:31.18clive-alric thanks, missed that smp part
19:31.22jbotwell, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos 4.2 kernel. To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. Make sure you're NOT using gcc4, as that doesn't work either.
19:31.37r_evolutiondamn... still doesnt work...
19:31.41clive-thanks justinu
19:31.42r_evolutioni wanted it to define you justin
19:31.43*** part/#asterisk Peaceful (n=Peaceful@
19:31.45justinuno one put me in there
19:32.01justinujbot, justinu is some d00d
19:32.02jbotjustinu: okay
19:32.13jbotfrom memory, justinu is some d00d
19:32.13jsharpalfa:  * is multithreaded out of the box, so it automatically takes advantage of SMP.
19:32.18r_evolutionright on.
19:32.44justinujbot, no justinu is some other d00d
19:32.45jbotokay, justinu
19:33.00*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
19:33.04r_evolutioni wonder...
19:33.05kink0good night
19:33.12r_evolutionjbot, bestquote is <doolph> Laughing Out Loud
19:33.14jbotokay, r_evolution
19:33.14r_evolution<jpm_SD> You know.. you can just   LOL.. we all know what it means now.
19:33.15*** join/#asterisk vader-- (n=johndoe@
19:33.20jboti guess bestquote is <doolph> Laughing Out Loud
19:33.31vader--does anyone know off hand what the star code is to find out what line you are calling from is?
19:33.47asterboyHere is me DialPlan:
19:33.56cjidoes anyone have experience with the cisco 7960 and asterisk@home? I followed the steps in the handbook but I'm getting "registration rejection" errors on the phone itself, and and error saying it's rejecting the registration because of "Device not found" in the asterisk full log.
19:34.00kink0what about to use h323 with asterisk ? is recomendable ? must I forgot it ? must I implement in separate machine ?
19:34.02vader--i have a few phone lines i don't know what the phone number is
19:34.16vader--i need to figure out what the numbers are
19:36.19a1fajsharp : wow dude.. that is good to know
19:37.26asterboyvader, 311 work?
19:37.37asterboysip debug peer showed me this:
19:38.01asterboyLooking for [transfer#] in Home2 (domain
19:38.30asterboyWhere transfer# is the number 'm trying to transfer to, and does *not* exist in my extensions.conf
19:38.53stoffellasterisk business edition supports up to 120 calls, does that mean zap calls or 'just calls' ?
19:38.55*** part/#asterisk DrRotmos (
19:39.00asterboySo I'll try adding it for now, and then make a pattern match later.
19:39.16[Airwolf]I'm having a little problem with a voipbuster account. I just made a sip config like I always did for voipbuster and I can call out, but my asterisk box just hangs up incoming calls. I pasted the debug and config here
19:39.18[Airwolf]And I was wondering if anyone has a idea to solve it.
19:39.24asterboy120 zap calls?  thats is kinda crazy isn't it?
19:39.52stoffellyeah, just wondering what that number is matching, the total nr of calls then?
19:40.02r_evolutionshiiiit i hope to god it means more than 'just calls'
19:40.16r_evolutionbecause im damn sure gonna run a LOT more than 120 calls through this box :-D
19:40.23asterboyWell, I'd like to see the how crambed the box would be for handling 120 ZAP calls.
19:40.35r_evolutionthat would be some insanity aster.
19:40.41stoffellr_evolution, yeah, thought so..
19:41.00r_evolutioni bet the processor would fucking grow legs
19:41.04r_evolutioncome OUT of the machine
19:41.06r_evolutionand beat your ass
19:41.14r_evolutionfor running 120 zaptel channels O_O
19:41.15asterboyYou could cook eggs on the case a peek calling.
19:41.23stoffellnot sure r_evolution, 120 zaptel channels is doable i think
19:41.33r_evolutioni dont do zap so i dunno :)
19:41.39r_evolutioni know 120 SIP is doable
19:41.48r_evolutionand imma see how much i can get on here before the serverscreams
19:41.55stoffelldigium card with 4x pri is 4x30 in europe, so.. :)
19:41.57asterboyespecially if your G729
19:42.02cpmit's a bit hard on the pci bus to handle that many clocking calls, I think.
19:42.58*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
19:43.29shido6you can always overclock the proc and cool down the box with nitrogen or water
19:43.46stoffellcpm, TE411P should be able to do it easily
19:44.04shido6keep the cards cool, too
19:44.16shido6if you blow too much traffic through them they will melt components
19:44.43shido68 months of heavy traffic
19:44.48stoffellhm, good to know shido6
19:44.49doolphanyone here can help me solve ring back problem?
19:45.17shido6the rack cooling and the xeon case cooling sometimes doesnt do it :)
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19:45.33*** join/#asterisk Village (
19:46.00VillageHiya. Anyone know if it's possible to create groups for sip channels and not just zap?
19:46.00*** join/#asterisk nDuff (
19:46.42brodiemdoes anyone know of IP phones that have amplified headset jacks so that external amps aren't needed for headsets?
19:47.25VillageThat's scary brodiem..I just got off the phone a second ago with someone and was discussing that same thing.
19:47.52VillageUnfortunately I didn't have any words of wisdom for him on the issue.
19:47.59brodiemwho do you work for?
19:48.05VillageHe wanted a headset for an Aastra 480i CT
19:48.08russellbwhat if ... you were talking to each other!
19:48.21brodiemI called aastra about it about an hour ago
19:48.21VillageI don't work for a reseller or anything.
19:48.28VillageWhat did they say?
19:48.30brodiemsince I have a bunch of their phones already
19:48.45brodiemthey said their phones need amplified headsets
19:49.10VillageThat's what my sales rep. said too..but I wasn't sure if he just wanted to make extra money on an amp.
19:49.18VillageAmps are pricey.
19:49.53brodiemthe problem here is we have amps and headsets already, but the boss doesn't want amps due to needing to plug into an AC outlet, and the fact that they take up too much desk space =/
19:49.56nDuffHow can I generate DTMF tones on an outgoing call?
19:50.17brodiemsince we're doing PoE he doesn't want the phone to rely on AC power for anything
19:50.21VillageI'm in agreement with you, I think it's inelegant.
19:50.29brodiemand since it's a call center environment, batteries in the amps won't work
19:50.45brodiemIt *looks* like the snom phones have an amplified jack
19:50.51nDuff(I've been asked by one of my users to implement functionality to generate and record scheduled calls out to 3rd-party conference calls, potentially needing to send DTMF data (ie. conference number and PIN) to join. If anyone has done this before, I'd be interested to hear it. Otherwise, I'm looking at generating .call files that initiate an outgoing call with variables set for conference#,...
19:50.52nDuff...PIN, etc. in a context with appropriate logic).
19:50.55VillageHaven't used any of the snom stuff.
19:51.05nDuffThe Snom 360s are excellent phones.
19:51.09brodiemI just don't like the fact that they're based out of berlin with no US contacts
19:51.16nDuffHaven't tried the headset jack, though.
19:51.28brodiemThe cisco 79XX phones also look to have amplified jacks but they're so pricey
19:51.42VillageYeah, I couldn't justify the extra cost for those either.
19:51.46stoffellbrodiem, also 7960 might have amplified jacks
19:51.50VillageWouldn't mind having one though.
19:52.07brodiemstoffell, yeah it's just the cost that doesn't justify it
19:52.08astra^^how do i check loss of packages in *
19:52.25brodiemI have a grandstream GXP2000 and the headset works great without an amp on that
19:52.36VillageWe're using a bunch of the GXPs as well.
19:52.52stoffellbrodiem, but you can't use a plantronics then, can you ...
19:52.57brodiemVillage, how are they working for you? We got one in to test it but just wasn't overly impressed with it to have to deal with 20 more of them =/
19:52.58_Paulo_justinu, The cisco ata doesnt save the settings from my IP...
19:53.00VillageI've done outgoing call generation nDuff..but not with variables
19:53.11VillageJust straight number dial out stuff
19:53.26nDuffVillage: the variables I think I can handle... it's the sending DTMF *after* the call is established I'm not so sure about.
19:53.45clive-justinu , made the change to that spinlock file and installed the sources, and still having erros in compilling zaptel....any pointers
19:53.47brodiemstoffell, we have hello direct sets, it seemed to work fine both amped and not amped
19:53.49stoffellbrodiem, also check out the ST2030 (thomson), a real alternative to the GXP's
19:53.56_Paulo_justinu, the screen shows the new values, just to fool you. It saves only from the same lan.
19:53.57tzangerstoffell: got a link?
19:54.03justinuclive: not off hand... make clean?
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19:54.17nDuffgah, n/m... a bit more googling found an answer to that one.
19:54.20tzangerI am really pleased with the ip501s right now but those aren't "budget" by any means
19:54.20VillageThey work "okay". We've had some call quality issues with them, and I'm eagerly waiting for new firmware. They have issues, to be sure, but the cost is right.
19:54.31_Paulo_justinu, problem solved.
19:54.31clive-I get this error: error: syntax error before "zone_lock"
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19:54.43brodiemVillage, The speakerphone is definitely shotty on them
19:54.45_Paulo_justinu, thank you
19:54.51Villagebrodiem, agreed
19:54.55astra^^y do i get tis error
19:55.26brodiemstoffell, it's sharp lookin
19:55.26Seldon1975can someone please remind me of the freedomfiles url to polycom firmware update binaries:
19:55.26justinu_Paulo_: glad to help
19:55.26nDuff...albeit an answer only valid on Asterisk 1.0.9 and newer (while I'm still on 1.0.7)... gah!
19:55.26Seldon1975http://www.,freedomfiles.. something
19:55.45tzangeryeah not a bad looking phone but I wonder how comfortable it is
19:55.45stoffellbrodiem, i'm using both gxp-2000, st2030 and polycom 501
19:56.09W8TAHThanks to ALL -- It works!!!!
19:56.40VillageOkay, now that this place is hoppin'..any of you guys know if I can setup a group for SIP channels and not just ZAP. I need to rollover outgoing SIP calls across multiple providers when a limit is reached.
19:56.42stoffelli currently prefer the st2030 and polycom501, but the 501 is by no means "much better" then the st2030 imho
19:56.53justinuplenty of asterisk success stories here today :P
19:57.05stoffelltzanger, if you're in belgium you can always come and have a feel on the phone ;)
19:57.05brodiemstoffell, Does it supprot PoE?
19:57.13stoffellbrodiem, yes, on-board
19:57.19brodiemstoffell, interesting..
19:57.32tzangerstoffell: :-)  I'm in Canada
19:57.42stoffellyeah, i've got 1 in use, will be ordering the next 15 very soon
19:57.45brodiemstoffell, I have a gxp2000, polycom301 and aastra 480i here, none of them seem to have everything we need
19:57.54justinuwhat do you need?
19:57.56stoffellbrodiem, what you 'miss' on those?
19:58.20brodiemit needs to support PoE and have an amplified headset jack... the gxp2000 does but just don't like the phone
19:58.22Hmmhesays~seen [tk]fender
19:58.24jboti haven't seen '[tk]fender', Hmmhesays
19:58.30Hmmhesays~seen [tk]-fender
19:58.32jboti haven't seen '[tk]-fender', Hmmhesays
19:58.33*** join/#asterisk backblue (
19:58.40justinu~seen [tk]d-fender
19:58.41jbot[tk]d-fender <n=joe@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 17h 44m 48s ago, saying: 'Primer : check the Voxilla forums for more info.'.
19:58.54brodiemXML browser, SMS support, etc is a bonus for agent login/logout visuals though
19:59.05VillageI love the gxp2000 configuration and layout, but voice quality is sub-par. Aastra 480i is pretty good, but the firmware scares me..I've toasted a couple phones doing updates. The Polycom's are good, but I find setup to be overly complicated.
19:59.32justinuit's a shame about the audio quality issues on the gxp
19:59.33stoffellVillage, also, if you touch/hold the handset cord of a GXP, the other sides hears a humming noise :(
19:59.49Villagestoffell, is that a bug or a feature?
19:59.49justinuferrite cores around the cables might cure that
19:59.55clive-justinu : that centosbug thingy, does one have to compile anything after making changes to the spinlock.h file ?
20:00.06stoffellVillage, the older the model is, the more it's a feature :)
20:00.11justinuclive: just zaptel
20:00.16stoffelljustinu, have been trying, doesn't help alot :(
20:00.29justinuthose phones are a recipe for frustrations
20:00.36clive-zaptel doesnt want to compile.:(
20:00.36justinui know... i had  a customer who tried them
20:00.41stoffelljustinu, it's not on 'all' GXP's, but they all have it, some more then others..
20:01.03stoffellbrodiem, depending on your budget, you should go for polycom/thomson or snom..
20:01.04justinuyeah, there's definitely inconsistant QC on the phones
20:01.06justinusome are better than others
20:01.12stoffelljustinu, ack!
20:01.14brodiemstoffell, the polycom doesn't have an amplified headset jack
20:01.19*** join/#asterisk tracinet (n=tracinet@
20:01.20brodiemat least the 301 doesn't
20:01.20VillageWith the latest firmware I had to create a script to reboot the GXP's every 12 hours or so due to screen blanking problems.
20:01.36VillageI really wish they'd hurry up with the new release.
20:01.46asterboyShould this dial "72#" when I do 811?
20:02.04brodiemstoffell, the snom 320 looks like it may be a good option, but having some trouble finding some reviews/feedback etc
20:02.16stoffellbrodiem, neither the 501 .. also doubt the ST2030 has it (i used a plantronics 261 on it, but i think this has amp)
20:02.21*** part/#asterisk W8TAH (
20:02.23justinusnom kinda sucks
20:02.37stoffellbrodiem, indeed, snom costs, and difficult to get hold on
20:02.49VillageWe should assemble every in chat and start our own VoIP company.
20:02.56tracinethello all - quick question regarding analog zap channels - getting
20:02.56tracinetMar 21 14:58:37 NOTICE[8501]: chan_zap.c:6063 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)...
20:02.56tracinetMar 21 14:58:39 NOTICE[8501]: chan_zap.c:6063 ss_thread: Got event 2 (Ring/Answered)...
20:02.56tracinetevery time a call comes in - is that normal?
20:03.23tracinetnever see that on calls from different protocols
20:03.50[Airwolf]I'm having a little problem with a voipbuster account. I just made a sip config like I always did for voipbuster and I can call out, but my asterisk box just hangs up incoming calls. I pasted the debug and config here
20:03.52[Airwolf]And I was wondering if anyone has a idea to solve it.
20:04.01asterboyjustinu, how do I get the dialplan to do dial 72# ??
20:04.03brodiemstoffell, see that's the problem. The docs on the st2030 don't say anything about the technical specs on the headset jack and neither do most other manufacturers, so it's like trial and error and I can't just keep buying random phones to see the headset functionality =/
20:04.19justinuDial(Zap/g1/72#) ?
20:04.23*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
20:04.28asterboyya thats what I though.
20:04.38VillageSomeone just came to me with a very odd 480i issue. After talking to someone who is using a 480i for a few minutes, their voice degrades into a "slow motion" effect. Anyone ever hear of anything quite like that. I can tell from the sound of it that it won't be a fun one to debug.
20:04.42asterboywhats the "g" in there?
20:05.39tracinetanyone use TDM400 cards?
20:05.47*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
20:06.22tracinetjust wondering if "Got event 18 (Ring Begin)... " is because of the verbosity level and completely normal when a zap call comes in
20:06.35justinuit's normal
20:06.39tracinetthanks dude
20:06.48rybacki have 3 X100P FXO installed on a PC. I edited zaptel.conf to include fxsks=1-3, but when running ztcfg -vvvv I get "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 2: Invalid argument (22)"... What does this mean?
20:06.50justinuvillage: that sounds like an RTP timing issue
20:06.59justinuvillage: make sure the phone is set to use 20ms RTP packets
20:07.19VillageYou can specify your group in the zapata.cfg file asterboy
20:07.31VillageThanks justinu..will check that now.
20:08.06*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
20:08.13[hC][av]bani: here today?
20:08.26stoffellbrodiem, not even in the admin guide.. if you want i can contact thomson to get more headset info
20:08.28jbotvad is probably Voice Activity Detection or Silence Suppression. Asterisk does not currently support this, so please turn it off on the client
20:08.29[hC]Anyone played with the Cisco 7970 SIP image yet?
20:08.37[Airwolf]ast_freak, disable noice supression in Xlite
20:09.15VillageMore information on ZAP groups ^
20:09.32VillageSpeaking of groups, does anyone know if you can group SIP channels and not just ZAP?
20:09.39astra^^vad is the problem..?
20:09.55brodiemstoffell, no worries I cna call them, btw: do you know who sells them and for how much?
20:10.19stoffellbrodiem; i do:) but there's a list on the st2030 page on voip-info
20:10.21astra^^* does not support it thats why it drops the packets
20:10.23brodiemstoffell, actually.. doesn't look like there's a phone number on their site
20:11.34stoffellindeed, not easy to get hold of someone there :)
20:17.15*** join/#asterisk Vitux (
20:19.44Hmmhesaysmmm hot pockets
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20:20.11clive-the centos bug thingy is giving me tough time..:(
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20:27.19loonacyAnyone know of a good logging program for Asterisk?  I'd like to timestamp all output in the logs.
20:29.09fourcheezehow about logging to syslog?
20:29.11[Airwolf]loonacy, logger.conf ?
20:30.10asterboythx Village
20:30.19asterboyWell I'm off to demo my * box.
20:30.39stoffellg'luck asterboy
20:30.39asterboyHope I get the contract.  Digium will be getting an order if I do.
20:31.10asterboyWould have liked to have had Transfer and Conferencing working.
20:31.17*** part/#asterisk Alric (
20:31.31jbotrumour has it, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos 4.2 kernel. To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. Make sure you're NOT using gcc4, as that doesn't work either.
20:31.31asterboyI'll work on that later and just say I didn't have time to configure it yet.
20:31.34r_evolutionhey aster... what do you mean conferencing?
20:31.40r_evolutionlike... meetme?
20:31.51asterboyI have the Polycom IP600 phones.
20:32.01rybacki have 3 X100P FXO installed on a PC. I edited zaptel.conf to include fxsks=1-3, but when running ztcfg -vvvv I get "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 2: Invalid argument (22)"... What does this mean?
20:32.04r_evolutionyeah but you should still be able to set it up in *
20:32.08asterboyWanted to be able to press conference, dial a number and get another party on the phone.
20:32.11asterboysame with Transfer.
20:32.17r_evolutionoh so you mean 3ways
20:32.21clive-blaa, time to swicth off and try tomorrow
20:32.22asterboybut I don't have something setup right in my dialplpan.
20:32.39*** join/#asterisk af_ (
20:32.59asterboyIf you find something I can do, let me know.
20:33.56r_evolutionno... i see a bunch of different lines setup... are you intentionally blocking them from accessing one another?
20:34.00asterboyI get this message when I try it: Mar 21 13:33:52 NOTICE[562]: app_dial.c:1011 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
20:34.23r_evolutionwell you've got them all under different contexts
20:34.27asterboycould be just my n00b fingers
20:34.50asterboythat is so I can group hunt when a call comes in.
20:35.11*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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20:35.12asterboylike Home and Home2 are on Line 1 of the phones, I want them to both ring when a call comes in.
20:35.31r_evolutionyeah... well what im saying is this...
20:35.42r_evolutionare you using a 4 FXO TDM card or what?
20:36.21*** join/#asterisk Nodren (n=nodren@
20:36.30asterboy1 FXO Wildcard X101P and 2 clones in 3 pci slots, channels 1-3
20:36.39asterboyany help appreciated
20:36.49r_evolutionlook at the PM
20:37.14r_evolutionprivate msg
20:37.15Nodreni have a question, is fxo the module for incoming phone lines or is that fxs?
20:37.34r_evolutionfxs is what you plug the phone into that you want to ring
20:37.41Nodrenso if i'm setting up a box with 4 lines on a TDM400P and all the phones are ip phones
20:37.51Nodreni want 4 FXO modules?
20:37.55r_evolutionif you want four lines coming in
20:37.59Nodrenyes i do
20:47.46justinuhehe, wb nodren
20:48.09r_evolutionhe's on fire today justin
20:48.16r_evolutionhe's after the FXO modules to make the card work :)
20:49.06Nodrenyeah i need to get this project done
20:49.23Nodrenmy normal job is PHP coding, and my boss took me off a time sensative project to set up asterisk
20:49.33Nodrenso i'm eager to get back to the original project
20:50.32rybacki have 3 X100P FXO installed on a PC. I edited zaptel.conf to include fxsks=1-3, but when running ztcfg -vvvv I get "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 2: Invalid argument (22)"... What does this mean?
20:52.20*** join/#asterisk rfmonk (
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20:58.03_Paulo_somebody knows how I make a hotline using a cisco ata 186?
20:58.58_Paulo_I tried "H**123*123*123*23#" at DialPlan in the cisco ata, but it doesnot work.
20:59.20_Paulo_in fact dialing an IP like that doesnot work.
21:04.14Axel69hi guys
21:04.18Axel69i have a little problem
21:04.36r_evolutionwelcome to the club... everyone who comes in here has a little problem :)
21:04.42Axel69in the sip.conf when i define more tha 2 codecs it doesn't work
21:04.50r_evolutionthat's an odd problem
21:04.57r_evolutionwhich are you defining?
21:05.07Axel69G729 and G723
21:05.23r_evolutiondo you have licenses for 729
21:05.38r_evolutionso if you JUST use 729 it works
21:05.42r_evolutionand if you JUST use 723 it works?
21:06.26rybacki have 3 X100P FXO installed on a PC. I edited zaptel.conf to include fxsks=1-3, but when running ztcfg -vvvv I get "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 2: Invalid argument (22)"... What does this mean?
21:06.31Axel69if i define another codec it doesn'; work
21:06.48r_evolutionk hold axel im on the phone
21:06.55r_evolutionwhat other codec are you definig?
21:07.26Axel69allow=alaw (g711a)
21:07.27Axel69allow=ulaw (g711u)
21:07.38Axel69when i define the 4 codecs...goes crazy
21:08.32Axel69it rings...when the other side pick up the phone my side keeps ringing and the other side it does'n hear anything
21:08.46r_evolutiontry not defining 723
21:08.53r_evolutionas in disallowing it
21:09.04Axel69i will try that now
21:12.10*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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21:13.41Seldon1975Nodren: ahahaha same as me
21:16.08*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (
21:16.26Seldon1975all of you... are gay
21:16.35justinuam not
21:16.52Seldon1975times ten
21:18.04Axel69it works
21:18.15Corydon-wWell, some of us are
21:18.58Seldon1975not all?
21:19.06*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
21:19.12Qwell[]Seldon1975: most?
21:19.58Dr-Linuxjustinu: my all softphone are on same pvt network, but registerd with remote asterisk box, so if they will talk each other, what will be the voice quality difference
21:20.20justinuthey won't talk to each other
21:20.23*** join/#asterisk _octothorpe (n=octothor@unaffiliated/octothorpe)
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21:20.35justinuthey'll talk to each other using asterisk as a proxy
21:20.43_Sam--what about canreinvite = yes
21:20.46Dr-Linuxjustinu: yes
21:20.55justinucanrinvite won't work if they're behind a nat
21:21.09Luke-Jrnor can you record the call if you use canreinvite
21:21.17Dr-Linuxcanreinvite is "yes" for all of them
21:21.59_Sam--i never knew anything behind nat couldnt use canreinvite, but then again i dont know alot of things still.
21:22.10Seldon1975does anyone know a good Atari2600 emulator for the Polycom501 embedded O/S?
21:22.26*** join/#asterisk jpm_SD (
21:22.33justinusounds pretty gay to me
21:22.44Seldon1975no! it would be totally sweet
21:22.48Seldon1975come on
21:23.06Dr-Linuxjustinu: what's the logic on same pvt network, some users needs "qualify=yes" some do not need? :S
21:23.06justinuthe phone takes 3 minutes to boot, how the fuck is it going to run an atari 2600 game?
21:23.44Seldon1975you know you'd love to play Tank Battle while talking to telemarketers
21:23.44justinuprobably depends on whether the phone does keep-alives by default or not
21:23.46Dr-Linuxjustinu: pretty gay :P
21:24.06justinui don't talk to telemarketers
21:24.10justinuthey talk to my torture script
21:24.27_Sam--what, if caller ID is unknown, you make them say something before you answer?
21:24.28Seldon1975justinu: they implemented dumb features like BuddyWatch and completely ignored the Telephone Tetris players market
21:24.42justinui don't answer
21:24.43Dr-Linuxjustinu: i just observed SJphone do not need qualify=yes
21:24.47justinuthe IVR script picks it up
21:24.58justinuif they know the sekrit handshake, they can ring thru
21:25.07Seldon1975justinu: is that the one that plays Hammond-organ lift music
21:25.12_Sam--they only get IVR if callerid = unknown?
21:25.21justinuthat, or certain blacklisted numbers
21:25.47_Sam--how is your 33km fiber connection going? :)
21:25.56justinui couldn't get a price quote on the spool
21:26.03justinuuseless fuckers in #asterisk
21:26.07_Sam--seriously, why not use some of the new wirless stuff
21:26.14justinuit wasn't really for telecom
21:26.24_Sam--like i said i have a friend going 60mbps over the orthogon systems stuff @ 111km
21:26.24justinutrying to do some phsyics experiements
21:26.31Luke-Jrwoohoo I'm about to drop iConnectHere
21:26.38justinui need lightguide cable
21:26.42justinu30km of it
21:26.54Luke-JrI wonder if I can demand refunds for the past month after the number is ported
21:27.00*** join/#asterisk rfmonk (
21:27.02Luke-Jrsince they didn't have my number working
21:27.24jpm_SDYou can demand.. sure.   Will they pay - that is the real question.
21:27.53x86can anyone get to ?
21:27.54redondosHeya. When recording IVRs, what's the rule of thumb for knowing how long every menu should be recorded in an instance, or separated into pieces?
21:27.57Luke-Jror rather, how much will they pay =p
21:27.57x86they seem to be down...
21:28.04*** join/#asterisk harlequin516 (n=sham@
21:28.06redondosI don't know if I'm being clearenough.
21:28.26Luke-JrI managed to figure out that even though they don't have my # working, it will forward calls to the unavailable forwarding number
21:28.27x86my local number was just LNP ported over to them today, but it's not working, and with sip debug on my asterisk server, i'm not seeing any attempt at all
21:28.33Luke-Jrbut they charge per minute for forwarding
21:28.36_Sam--500 meters of fiber = about 1000 bucks
21:28.47_Sam--justinu :
21:29.06Luke-Jrx86: I can get there
21:29.12justinucool, thanks!
21:29.26x86err now it works
21:29.29_Sam--how would you run it?  above ground?
21:29.30*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
21:29.33_Sam--on telephone poles?
21:29.34jpm_SDredondos, I generally try to make each menu one sound file.  trying to piece something together seems like too much work for me.
21:29.53redondosjpm_SD: Thanks for the input.
21:30.13redondosjpm_SD: Doesn't it get very tedious when you have to re-arrange your IVRs, or you just don't do that?
21:31.03justinuit doesn't even need to be run
21:31.09justinui just need 30km of spooled cable
21:31.14*** join/#asterisk ramo (i=ramo@
21:31.14justinuthe length is what's important
21:31.17_Sam--seems like an expensive experiment
21:31.21jpm_SDredondos, also.. backgrounding a bunch of little sound clips just bloats the dial plan.    Hrm.. When we decide to change prompts I just pay Allison to make a new recording
21:31.26Dr-Linux_Sam--: hows your wife? :)
21:31.44jpm_SDor set of records if the situation requires.
21:32.36jpm_SDAlso, I think it makes things sound more natural and less like you built the prompt out of a bunch of little sound bites.  Personal perference there.
21:33.14_Sam--Dr-Linux :  she's doing not too bad....pregnant and cranky.
21:33.21redondosCool. BTW, do you mind telling me how much someone earns for making such recordings? (Allison in your case.
21:35.15jpm_SD120 words (5x20word prompts)= 50 bucks...
21:35.16Dr-Linux_Sam--: cranky?
21:35.19*** join/#asterisk Whisk (
21:35.23_Sam--Dr-Linux :  irritable
21:35.36Dr-Linux_Sam--: she gonna have your baby?
21:35.43jpm_SDYou can buy prompt from Allison from digium.
21:35.49_Sam--unless she is the virgin mary, yes.
21:36.42Dr-Linux_Sam--: great, will it be a first baby?
21:37.10_Sam--only if you dont count our jack russell, he has been our baby for the last 5 years.
21:37.23_Sam--probably takes more work than a regular baby
21:39.52*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
21:42.54Dr-Linux_Sam--: so what you do while your wife is not in action for you due to her pragnancy?
21:43.29jbalcombfeed the duck
21:43.47Seldon1975go for runs
21:43.52Seldon1975watch gardening videos
21:44.48websaeanyone here use astbill?
21:45.21Seldon1975regarding voice recordings, I actually use the free speech synthesis engine at to good effect
21:45.34*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (i=strom@
21:45.34Dr-Linuxi don't understand these 2 * app   SendText() and SendURL() ? :S
21:46.19Qwell[]"If you plan to enter text which our system might consider to be obscene, check here to certify that you are old enough to hear the resulting output."
21:46.34Qwell[]That is the coolest
21:47.32Seldon1975you can spell rude works phonetically
21:47.33Dr-LinuxSeldon1975: how can i save the recorded file? :S
21:48.22Seldon1975Dr-Linux: after you click 'synthesize' you get a download prompt
21:48.33Seldon1975check your MIME settings of your browser
21:49.05Dr-LinuxSeldon1975: i wanna try an IVR :S
21:49.18Dr-Linuxi don't know hows "woman" wocie there :S
21:49.53*** join/#asterisk rfmonk (
21:51.00Seldon1975it may take a few tries to spell what you want said phonetically
21:51.16Seldon1975but when you get that right it sounds perfect
21:51.51Seldon1975the site seems sluggish atm - I think we're all hammering it
21:52.12Dr-LinuxSeldon1975: is there any other free prompts available  like Allison :S
21:52.34Dr-LinuxSeldon1975: that's not working for me
21:52.41Dr-Linuxi'll check tomorrow in the office
21:52.50Seldon1975for more control
21:53.10x86anyone use TelaSIP?
21:53.51x86i only want to use them for origination services, but they never told me my username or password, nor the gateway I should be using...
21:54.05r_evolutionyou might wanna call them in that case x86
21:54.18x86that would work, except they dont answer :(
21:54.30r_evolutionsome carriers don't use a username or password... they just fwd to a specific IP
21:54.33x86my local number just LNP ported to them today, and I cant get ahold of anyone :(
21:54.42r_evolutionoh shit
21:54.44r_evolutionthats no fun
21:54.55x86i tried that too
21:55.02r_evolutionDrive there?
21:55.06x86someone in here recommended them, i dont understand why ;)
21:55.14x86they are states away from me heh
21:55.30r_evolutionyou have a car
21:55.31Dr-Linuxjustinu: really eyeBean is very good soft client
21:55.32r_evolutiongas i presume
21:55.39justinueyebeam is the best softphone, imo
21:55.55r_evolutiondont tell my company that justin
21:56.00r_evolutionthey already want to NOT use hardphones
21:56.04Dr-Linuxhow can i avail eyeBeam video facility :S
21:56.24Dr-Linuxr_evolution: lolz
21:56.46r_evolutionLAUGH OUT LOUD! ZZZ
21:56.46Whiski'm getting a problem where i'm seeing "Maximum trunk data space exceeded" spamming to the console on one box on the end of an iax trunk after a while - the trunk has about 25-35 calls constantly - anyone any ideas on how to fix this?
21:58.00Dr-Linuxi also can't find call forwarding option in eyeBeam :S
21:58.43Dr-Linuxjustinu: SJphone is much better than xlite
21:58.44x86Dr-Linux: handle that on Asterisk
21:58.52*** join/#asterisk sevard (
21:58.57justinuxlite is old
21:59.15justinunot under development anymore
21:59.17sevardDoes anyone know what the variable $MA sipura 2002 echos to?  or how I could echo that variable?
21:59.36x86Dr-Linux: i've got a nice little setup where users can dial *72 to blind forward all calls to another number, and *74 to try both the softphone, and then transfer out to another number if the softphone is not answering
21:59.38tecnicomy * keeps loosing registration to my provider.... trunk.13784  , anybody with the same problem ?
21:59.47Dr-Linuxx86: i don't know how to do it on asterisk, bcoz i don't know putDB and DelDB sutff :(
22:00.05x86Dr-Linux: want my conf?
22:00.15tecnicohow can I re-register to my server other than restarting or reloading iax2 ?
22:00.21Dr-Linuxx86: yes, if you can
22:00.36sevard$MA == mac address
22:02.18*** join/#asterisk securez (
22:03.47securezI'm a newbye with asterisk, so i want to get one functional, and make some test with a FXO port, as i can see a cheap FXO port can be a soft modem, only X100P clones work, or other soft modems?
22:04.03securezi have a soft modem with Lucent chip
22:04.59jetsthere are some intel chipsets that have been known to work as a x100p clone
22:05.06jets has had that info in the past
22:05.54jetsi wouldn't use it in production.
22:05.58jetsever. ;)
22:07.36*** join/#asterisk brc_ (n=brian@pdpc/supporter/basic/brc)
22:08.40justinuthe x100p clone's are so cheap you might as well just buy one
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22:10.32brc_they aren't clones
22:11.03*** join/#asterisk Connor (
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22:12.07ConnorHey guys.. question.. I want to setup a pre-queue.. I want to queue up calls and then send them down a pri to another phone system.. I want to limit the number of calls the other phone system gets to about 2 or 4 calls.. How can I do this?? I'm thinking I'll need to use chanlocal or something and groupcheck
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22:17.59redondosOK, I just recorded this file but when asterisk is supposed to play it back, nothing is heard. No sound, but the connection remains established. Here;s the file:
22:18.17redondosPlease take a look at it and tell me if it's incompatible with *?
22:18.42redondosMy partner recorded it on his computer using SoundForce. I wouldn't even get near that thing, hate the windows.
22:19.50harryvvI have created a second ivr for recording for another incomming sip line but any time I press the extention get a fast busy tone and no cli responce. Checked the dialplan on the ip500 web page and added the extention and still no luck. What may i be missing ?
22:20.09sevardWith TFTP is it possible to get a list of files in a directory? or is that just not something tftp does.  As far as I can remember you can put/get
22:20.15Seldon1975this is awesome, I just registered at with the username 'bobafett' - I can't believe it wasn't taken!
22:20.27redondossevard: not possible.
22:20.46Seldon1975TFTP = GET or PUT only
22:20.47jetsredondos: what does the cli say? it says it is playing it using playback or background?
22:21.29redondosjets: background
22:21.45redondosWhy might it be saying that?
22:21.49securezjets: thank, i'll get one for testing
22:21.53sevardredondos: I didn't think so.
22:22.03jetsredondos: and it doesn't say an error about unknown format, or file not found?
22:22.58sevardredondos: with TFTP if you try to GET a file that doesn't exist it will just tiemout, correct?
22:24.03redondossevard: no, it will say that the file wasn't found.
22:24.12redondosjets: Nope, nothing about that. Weird, huh?
22:24.26jetsset debug 50
22:24.55Mavvieon hold music of digium has stopped when I got a second call...
22:25.03Mavviewonder if that is intentional
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22:25.50harryvvanyone ever made two ivrs before?
22:26.34sevardredondos: my sip provider gave me a sipura 2002 that downloads a config via tftp, except it's not provisioning itself. I'm trying to find out if it's my fault.  I'm nmaping the tftp server now.
22:28.35jetsharryvv: two ivrs??
22:28.51Dr-Linuxharryvv: how two ivrs? :S
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22:36.40sevardThis is kind of a dumb way to provision an ATA.  If a provider provisions it via the ATA going out and getting the config with TFTP, eg tftp://<ip>/ata/ata$MA.cfg and that sets it up, that would contain the subscriber name and number and password...
22:36.50harryvvjets yes. One for residence and another for bussiness.
22:37.08sevardAll one would have to do is get a MAC address and then they can make free phonecalls.
22:37.18Luke-JrIs it possible to specify two IPs for a IAX2/SIP context?
22:37.43*** join/#asterisk beefsalad (n=crash3m@unaffiliated/crash3m)
22:38.45justinuTFTP in general is a dumb way to provision an ATA
22:38.51justinuhow's it going to pass thru NAT?
22:39.06harryvvanyway i goto go.
22:39.21harryvvDr-Linux yea, you can make two ivrs.
22:39.58hekahello, wich codec is the best when dealing with big lattency?
22:39.58sevardjustinu: what do you mean? FTP can pass through nat, the server isn't NATd the client is
22:39.59harryvvYou can assign umpteen sip DIDs to each ivr. Thats probebly how the retail sip providers do it.
22:39.59justinui said TFTP, not FTP
22:40.05sevardTFTP can't pass through NAT?
22:40.26justinui had a lot of trouble making that work
22:40.29harryvvsev tftp is the primary way to upgrade cisco routers
22:40.45sevardharryvv: I understand that
22:40.47harryvvso it should pass
22:41.00Dr-Linuxharryvv: tht's what we gonna do, but i don't think it will be difficult to do?
22:41.09GoRKtftp can pass through nat with help; though the nat device and/or the tftp server have to know that they are going through nat
22:41.22harryvvim outa here.
22:41.31sevardOn my linux shell I try to tftp <ip> and get ata/ata00000000.cfg (real mac address) and it times out
22:41.33justinuHTTP provisioning is the way to go
22:41.42GoRKlinux routers have ip_conntrack_tftp and cisco routers have payload inspection
22:42.23GoRKbut by default you will likely have problems with tftp clients behind most consumer nat devices without using some specific tftp servers
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22:45.34Dr-Linux<harryvv> You can assign umpteen sip DIDs << ?
22:45.42Dr-Linuxwhat's upmteen ?
22:46.05Strom_Ca large amount
22:46.11Qwell[]exactly several
22:47.48sevardHey Strom
22:48.12*** part/#asterisk ms345 (n=mike_sim@
22:48.30sevardwhat's popalackin fo rizzle
22:48.45Dr-Linuxhow this app works >> sendtext()  ?
22:48.54Qwell[]Dr-Linux: show application sendtext
22:48.57Strom_Coh, i'm shizzy in my chizzy in my apartmizzsldfkasdfasdhfasdrasdvdfbg
22:50.17*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:50.24Dr-LinuxQwell[]: thanks, and is there anyway to send a MASS message/call/voicemail to all active extensions?
22:51.12sevardStrom_C: Excellent.
22:51.47sevardStrom_C: I've been researching SIP security today and I've come to the conclusion that there...really isn't any.
22:51.50Dr-Linuxlike if i add a new feature in my * box, and i want to let all let know about this feature, so how can isend them all a message?
22:51.53Strom_Cwell, duh
22:52.13sevard"duh" ? :/
22:52.15Qwell[]Dr-Linux: email
22:52.25justinuthere's SIPS
22:52.35Dr-LinuxQwell[]: that i know
22:53.11Dr-Linuxbut asterisk won't send this email
22:53.48austinnichols101dr-linux: why not just give them a call :)
22:53.53*** part/#asterisk beefsalad (n=crash3m@unaffiliated/crash3m)
22:54.08GoRKanyone here have problems with qos'ing rtp audio with cisco and asterisk? I am having the problem that the cisco is not matching the packets with 'match protocol rtp audio' but is matching them with 'match protocol rtp'
22:54.10sevardjustinu: SIPS?
22:54.17GoRKi wonder if it is a bug in asterisk or cisco
22:54.18Dr-Linuxaustinnichols101: call to everyone? if you have 100 users?
22:54.29justinusevard: SIP over TLS
22:55.05GoRKvery few things support SIPS unfortunately
22:55.15*** part/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
22:55.36sevardYou couldn't put a router that encapsulates packets
22:55.40sevardI supposed that'd be a VPN
22:55.49GoRKVPN's work; that is how i do it heh
22:57.02justinusnom is the only phone I know of that does
22:59.48*** join/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
23:00.09Dr-Linuxjustinu: do you like tatoos? :)
23:01.49blitzragetattoo's rock
23:02.00Strom_Cdepends on the tattoo
23:02.09Strom_Csome tattoos look good, but most are pretty ugly
23:02.24blitzragetrue, depends what you get
23:02.33Dr-Linuxjustinu: i hardly seen 1 or 2 guys over here having tatoos
23:02.40sevardI've only seen a couple tats that look good
23:02.58justinuyou gotta love the guys who get all tatted up, and then wear wife beater shirts for the rest of their lives so they can show everyone how cool thy are
23:03.03blitzrageI have a calabi-yau shape on my back :)
23:03.04Dr-Linuxjustinu: i have seen many in US porn movies :P
23:03.09sevardStrom_C: why don't you care about security? :(
23:03.33Strom_Chow the hell did you get that out of me telling you that it was obvious SIP has no security?
23:03.40blitzrageI'm the exact opposite, I have tats in places where I can keep them covered, and very few people even know I have them
23:03.49sevardI'm just pooking you for information
23:03.49orlockjustinu: almost as funny as people who wear suits every single day cos they think wearing a tie and shit equates to being smart
23:03.53Strom_CI care about security, but SIP is not secure
23:04.02sevardStrom_C: but you use SIP, correcdt?
23:04.02Strom_Cwell poke all you want but don't put words in my mouth, dork
23:04.15Strom_CI use SIP on my LAN
23:04.22sevarddo you VPN your SIP calls?
23:04.32sevardWhat about your voip calls?
23:05.02Strom_Cmy SIP calls dont go out over the internet, so who cares?  all my interexchange traffic is IAX
23:05.15justinuthat's better?
23:05.25Strom_Cwell, not by much
23:05.32sevardStrom_C: I don't know much about IAX.  I read it's just as open
23:05.39justinuit's authenicated, but not encrypted
23:06.00sevardwell sip is authentiated, but as far as I can tell the password are sent plain-text
23:06.11sevardwhich is just _awesome_
23:06.47justinuno, sip uses the same auth as http
23:06.53justinuchallenge response
23:06.57_Paulo_if it use a secure auth method, why bother? I dont expect voip being more secure than PSTN
23:07.26Strom_Cexactly - PSTN isn't inherently secure - if you need a secure communications channel, you can go to the extra trouble of setting one up
23:09.06*** join/#asterisk MacWeenie (
23:10.23_Paulo_good night people. time to ride.
23:10.36kink0what h323 is recomended for asterisk ? will be able to use g729 with h323 ?
23:10.48Strom_Ckink0, h323 is a nightmare.
23:11.23X-Robh323 gives you caner.
23:11.40kink0Strom_C, then what must I do if I need to support h323 peers ?
23:11.42Strom_Ch323 puts babies in wood chippers
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23:12.14kink0yeah, but my peer is ussing just h323, so I am doing my first try with h323 just now
23:12.26Strom_Ckink0, what h323 peers are you supporting and why can they not switch to something more reasonable?
23:12.28X-Rob"<sevard> well sip is authentiated, but as far as I can tell the password are sent plain-text" I love people who make gigantic statements like that which is incredibly easy to test. Lets do a sip trace. Ooh, uh. That's challenge-responce.
23:13.07kink0Strom_C, not sure about what hard/soft they are ussing, but the sends all signalling ussing h323 and not SIP
23:13.43sevardwhooa dude, chillax.
23:14.12kink0may be they just use Cisco, and uses h323 for other compatibilities with other local gw or other remote peers
23:14.36Strom_CI wish you the best of luck.
23:14.56sevardI'm notannouncing as "hey guys as far as i can tell it goes like this" i'm saying as far as I dunderstand I have found it to be such and I present said information to be evaluated by people who know much more than I, as I am learning.
23:16.36justinuyour passwords aren't in the clear, so don't worry
23:17.11Strom_Cbesides, if someone is stealing my SIP passwords, I've got bigger problems to worry about
23:17.44kink0Strom_C, I have compiled suscefully and appears stable now... just I am installing some h323 client to test it.
23:18.12kink0stable = fews hours running only, from compilation hours ago.
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23:22.45rybackI have zaptel.conf configured for 3 FXO cards, now what should i configure to start receiving calls?
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23:23.16Strom_Cextensions.conf, obviously
23:24.09rybackok, but before that, should i configure zaptel.conf only or zapata.conf also?
23:25.38rybacki have on zapata.conf language=en context=from-pstn signalling=fxs_ks rxwink=300 and callerid, callwaiting, echo cancel lines... am i missing something?
23:26.04Qwell[]I don't know.  What is it (not) doing?
23:26.52sevardStrom_C: how come i never see you in here :P
23:26.55rybackwell, i haven´t tested anything yet... i´m just starting with asterisk so i´m trying to understand what should i coonfigure
23:27.09Strom_Csevard, because I get busy sometimes?
23:27.12Qwell[]ryback: well, try it.  see if its broke
23:27.29sevardStrom_C: Screw your busy body bull crap
23:27.35websaeryback: is that your last name?
23:27.41Strom_Cdo I know you from somewhere?  I don't recognize the handle
23:27.42websaemy best friend's last name is ryback
23:27.50Qwell[]websae: /whois much?
23:28.23sevardStrom_C: Try dropping the last three characters off my nick.
23:28.33Strom_Cwell I thought so but the two IPs are different
23:28.34rybackmy setup is a PC with 3 FXO and would like to use softphone to test before buying sip phone
23:28.34jskcrtechryback: read a good asterisk book
23:28.41Strom_Con #la2600 you're at
23:28.44sevardStrom_C: I have shells everywhere
23:28.49Strom_Cblah blah blah
23:29.04justinula 2600... do you know eric (jgalt)?
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23:29.17rybackwebsae: no it´s not my lastname... i use it as casey ryback from steven seagal's character
23:29.17Strom_Cjustinu, oy.
23:29.20Strom_Cdon't get me started.
23:29.33justinui went to one of those meetings
23:29.44justinuat some place that works for NASA
23:29.46harlequin516What's the name of the thing that lets me share my phone line for dialout with others freely in a p2p fashion?
23:29.53Strom_Cjustinu, yes, that's the meeting I run
23:29.53justinuaviation contractor or something
23:30.03Hmmhesaysparanoia paranoia everybody's coming to get me
23:30.10justinuthe organizer was no-show that night
23:30.21Strom_CI was probably out of town
23:30.22rybackQuell[] how should i configure an extension?
23:30.31Qwell[]ryback: manually?
23:31.21harlequin516Anyone know what I am talking about?
23:31.41rybackI installed asterisk@home so I have a web interface also
23:32.00harlequin516p2p dialout network for asterisk?
23:32.13jskcrtechryback: see
23:32.24[ProB]CrazyManstupid question... if I want to have an extension 7223 and want to catch also XXXXX7223 and YYYYY7223 do I have to mak exten => _.7223, ... ?
23:32.40harlequin516I thought dundi was only to replace enum?
23:33.03jskcrtech[ProB]CrazyMan:  only if you want 1111111111117223 etc etc etc to goto 7223
23:33.50*** part/#asterisk websae (
23:34.30rybackjskcrtech: thanks, i´m there... just a question, for softphone what type of extension should i use? SIP, IAX2, ZAP or Custom?
23:34.48Qwell[]I'd like to see a zap softphone
23:34.59russellbharlequin516: no ... but maybe you're thinking of fwdout, which uses dundi
23:35.07jskcrtechryback: sip
23:35.15[ProB]CrazyManjskcrtech: yes, because have to remove the 0049 and local prefix to forward to internal fone
23:36.33rybackjskcrtech: what's outbound CID?
23:36.52jskcrtechoutbound caller id
23:37.00jskcrtechjust set it to the extension
23:37.01harlequin516russellb Thanks
23:37.09harlequin516Thats wahat I was looking for
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23:41.56russellbharlequin516: no problem
23:42.19Strom_Chere's a dumb one: is there anything special I have to do to ${DATETIME} to get it to not be empty?  For some reason it's blank on my asterisk box.  I have the local time zone set correctly...
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23:57.11Strom_Cthis is the calmest I've ever seen this channel
23:58.12Strom_CI'm a torso!
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