irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060315

00:00.45RoyKkippi: that is the other side blocking
00:01.01RoyKdue to a loop
00:02.10kippiis there somewhere that will help me set this up? so i stop asking stupid questions
00:03.29cthompsonDoes anyone know if you can "portablize" a number in the US that you don't own?
00:03.41cthompsonit's currently not in service at the local telco
00:03.45glm2kkippi: don't worry about stupid questions. just do a bit of research.
00:04.49kippiis it giving me that error because its on the same box? at the mo I don't have a spare box to test with and was hoping to be able to prove the idea on one box
00:05.39*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
00:06.37*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
00:06.59generalhanwhats up everyone ... i need some advice !!
00:07.20cthompsongeneralhan, that shirt doesn't go with those pants
00:07.23_Vilecthompson, you'd have to sign up with the ILEC/CLEC/Whatever that owns the number block, probably ask for a "vanity" number, give them the number, make it live
00:07.25_Vileand then port it
00:07.29generalhanmy boss wants a real nice wireless conference room phone that we can use with * ... anyone have any good expierences ?
00:07.37_Vileto say, vonage or someone
00:10.09cthompsonVile, the owner of the block is Cincinnati Bell, but it's on the other side of town. I wonder if they'll route that number over here
00:11.27_VileYou could setup something with them called "Remote Call Forwarding"
00:11.53_Vileor maybe a "Market Expansion Line", depending on how far away it is etc
00:12.13cthompsonby car, about 30mi
00:12.33_Vileeither way, ask for Remote Call Forwarding first
00:12.36cthompsonunfortunately,  my current home service is with Time Warner, we JUST switched
00:12.55_Vilebut if it's not in service
00:12.59_Vileand you don't own the number
00:13.06_Vileyou'll have to pay for vanity
00:13.38cthompsonit's been out of service since about 1998. It was the number in the house I grew up in
00:13.55cthompsonparents moved out in 98
00:14.19cthompsonwe have friends that live in that area, worst case I have one of them pick it up and we figure out how to port it from there
00:14.42_VileI would ask them for remote call forward, probably what you want to do.
00:14.52_Vileunless you want to throw it to vonage or the likes
00:15.02_Vilewhich you could also do with remote call forwarding
00:15.21cthompsonmy goal, eventually, is to have it either with broadvoice or teliax
00:15.24cthompsonwhoever I choose
00:15.40cthompsonI don't have a provider yet, because I still can't afford the sipura :)
00:16.50generalhanAnyone in here used a wireless conference phone with asterisk with good results? people keep telling me to go with cisco, but i dont need to spend $1000 on a phone !
00:18.06*** join/#asterisk milkyflava (
00:18.47milkyflavaI have a tdm400p and am wanting to get a PRI line. What would be the card I would need from Digium?
00:19.29russellbTE110P for a single T1
00:19.38russellbthere are also dual span and quad span cards.
00:20.24milkyflavaThanks russellb, I was looking but wasn't sure if they were the ones I would need.
00:20.30Kattyhi lads.
00:20.34russellbyou're welcome
00:24.43diclophisso.. why would a line hangup after 3 seconds of being connected?
00:24.49diclophisand during a STREAM FILE playback?
00:30.41*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
00:31.31*** join/#asterisk r_evolution (i=_evoluti@
00:31.44r_evolutiondo ya'll have different books of the bible than i do? are ya'll Gideons?
00:32.04russellbr_evolution: ?
00:32.13r_evolutionnothing... being random.
00:32.28r_evolutionBill Hicks
00:32.59r_evolutionGo for it... you feel the urge to ban. Ban away... but then I guess i'll be relegated to the mailing list instead of realtime :p
00:33.03milkyflavarussellb, do you know of a site where I can see a picture of a PRI line? Stupid question I know but I just want to see what the line looks like.
00:33.11russellbr_evolution: no, I thought you were a bot at first :)
00:33.25r_evolutionmilky... do you have PRI line run into your loc?
00:33.34russellbmilkyflava: it's just RJ45 ...
00:33.34milkyflavanot yet
00:33.38r_evolutionsince you're asking for pics... i'll assume no... they're not cheap
00:33.57weinerkPlease help figure out VoiceMail:
00:33.57weinerkDefault A@H install.
00:33.58weinerkSetup two extentions 200 and 201 with xten softphones logged in.
00:33.58weinerkDialing from 201 to 200.
00:33.58weinerkGet this: "The person at extention" and then it hangs up.
00:34.07jbotwell, aah is Asterisk@Home. The Asterisk@Home support forum is here:
00:34.15jbot[amp] NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
00:34.20r_evolutionagghhh I think i'm going to end up hanging myself in a few weeks...
00:34.37r_evolutionwe're going to port our entire calling card platform over to *
00:34.50r_evolutionTHAT'LL be fun.
00:35.27*** join/#asterisk simprix (
00:36.12*** join/#asterisk weinerk (
00:36.18simprixI have alot of static on outgoing calls so that it won't make the call. I have hooked a analog phone up to the phones going into the asterisk box and they sound ok. What could this be ?
00:36.57weinerksorry, got disconnected.
00:37.54weinerkDefault A@H install.
00:37.54weinerkSetup two extentions 200 and 201 with xten softphones logged in.
00:37.54weinerkDialing from 201 to 200.
00:37.54weinerkGet this: "The person at extention" and then it hangs up.
00:37.54weinerkAny advice?
00:38.11r_evolutiondebug log?
00:38.34I-MODweinerk: how did you manage to flood out?
00:39.22*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
00:39.55weinerkI-MOD, I am not sure - I am just trying to figure out this IRC thing
00:39.56Ariel_hello everyone
00:40.05I-MODsup Ariel_
00:40.18weinerkr_evolution, you mean CLI output?
00:40.36r_evolutionwell yeah that could help... but does not aah have a debug log? I've never used aah... soooo
00:40.59Ariel_yes r_evolution it has a full log
00:41.00*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
00:41.08jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
00:41.30russellband for help with AMP, please join #amportal
00:41.37I-MODi figured thats what happened last time.....
00:43.00*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
00:43.41weinerkthanks I understand now about
00:43.41r_evolutionthanks russell
00:45.29russellbno problem :)
00:45.53russellbjust dont' let it happen again!  orrrr ... your computer will catch on fire!
00:48.04weinerkVoicemail hangs up in the middle - CLI log here:
00:48.08*** join/#asterisk alexmontoanelli (i=1000@
00:49.16alexmontoanellianybody is alive?
00:49.30justinualive? not exactly
00:49.33rpmno, my heart has stopped.
00:49.49*** join/#asterisk robbyt (n=robbyt@
00:50.05robbythey guys- any idea where i can find polycom sip firmware?
00:50.09robbyt1.6.5 actually :D
00:50.50alexmontoanellii never use this phones
00:50.54alexmontoanellionly cisco
00:51.09robbytthere's lots of stuff about the ciscos that piss me off
00:51.15robbytif you're not using the cisco callcenter
00:51.17*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
00:52.32alexmontoanelliabout the last release of * secury migrate to new
01:00.07milkyflavarussellb, thanks again. I have found it. The TE110P is the card and I talked with our local phone company just now and it is a go.
01:00.53russellbcool :)
01:00.58*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
01:04.00*** join/#asterisk kc5cqm (i=[
01:04.07jbotsomebody said centosbug was a problem with the latest Centos 4.2 kernel. To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. Make sure you're NOT using gcc4, as that doesn't work either.
01:04.40kc5cqmquestion:  I have an asterisk box on 2 networks.  Can it respond to calls from phones on both?
01:05.26kc5cqmthe problem I run into is the localnet=address/netmask line in sip.conf.  How do I specify 2 networks in there?
01:05.29BrianUTtell that bot the link for how to ask questions the smart way
01:05.50kc5cqmBrianUT, that was appropriate.
01:06.31*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=zhao@
01:07.53*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
01:07.53Flautohi all
01:08.04*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone (
01:10.13*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
01:11.32virahow can i record calls made from asterisk 1.0.7?
01:12.03*** join/#asterisk MacWeenie (
01:12.46*** join/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
01:13.31criptosA pap2 linksys adapter can be configured to autodial at hook-off?
01:14.30MacWeenieif i have a SIP trunk, can i setup an asterisk box to do simple call conferencing?  any pointers on a tutorial or howto would be great
01:16.51*** join/#asterisk angom_w (
01:20.17r_evolutionkc... you should be able to use two networks without that much of an issue... can you not?
01:21.09ambrientokc5cqm, just add another line stating the other net/subnet
01:21.30ambrientothat way you'll have:
01:21.34*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
01:22.06ambrientooops, s/localnet/submask/g
01:23.08*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
01:23.09kc5cqmambriento, thanks ;-)
01:23.55robbytso guys- any idea where i can find polycom sip firmware?
01:25.31criptosSo, pap2 can be put to autodial?
01:25.46kc5cqmr_evolution, I ve got for my internal hardphones and internet feeding in via a NAT IP on a network, both IAX2 and SIP... once I moved the hardphones the dedicated network my SIP connectivity to outside SIP providers seems to have failed.  Also, I wanted to add a softphone on one of the machines.
01:26.57r_evolutionhrm. and I'm assuming you're not having any problems pinging from either interface directly to the outside?
01:27.22kc5cqmthe 172 network is totally isolated...just talks to *
01:27.26*** part/#asterisk angom_w (
01:27.26*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:27.27r_evolutionmeaning your interfaces are set up with proper routing...
01:27.50kc5cqmyeah, routing is set up.  the * server actually has an IP on both networks
01:27.51r_evolutionnono i mean... you can use either interface to ping the outside world
01:28.22kc5cqmI'm attempting the localnet= twice now...
01:28.35r_evolutiongo into the command line for whatever distro you're using and see if you can ping the outside world using the specific adapters
01:29.23kc5cqmactually I don't want the to be able to route to the outside world at all
01:29.41kc5cqmthe one can though
01:29.52*** part/#asterisk AlexCTI (n=alex@
01:29.54r_evolutionsee if you can ping the outside using the 192 adapter
01:29.54kc5cqmI've only got hardphones on the 172, and they only talk to this * box
01:37.02*** join/#asterisk Husk (n=tcg@
01:39.42justinui see my r_evolution is giving back to the community ;)
01:39.57justinumy prodigy r_evolution, that is
01:40.04r_evolutionsi senor... soon i will snatch the pebble from your hand ;)
01:40.23justinuyou can have it
01:40.30r_evolutionyou're no fun
01:42.28orlockAnybody here used sail/selintra?
01:44.59*** join/#asterisk jhnjwng (
01:53.09ambrientokc5cqm, you have at least 2 NICs on your *box, right?
01:55.31*** join/#asterisk forao (
01:55.50*** join/#asterisk x86_ (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
01:56.01*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
01:56.04*** join/#asterisk the_magic_bean (
01:56.21criptoswhich mpg123 everybody is using?
01:56.42criptosI just went to and says something about security issues...
01:57.57gaupeuse the native mp3 support from the addons package instead
01:58.30criptosI have this: Asterisk CVS-v1-2-11
01:58.34criptosand cant update :(
01:58.45criptosmust get moh to work...
01:59.05gaupeyou don't need to, you can compile the addons package against it
01:59.39gaupeor you could convert your mp3-files to a format already supported natively and play them
01:59.54criptosGot it..
01:59.57criptosbuild it...
02:00.08criptosgot now?
02:00.44criptoshumm. show modules like format show format_mp3...
02:01.50*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
02:01.54Huskwill asterisk listen to DTMF commands and goto different dialplans while its at Wait() ?
02:02.50gaupecriptos: you need to load it too
02:03.55*** join/#asterisk Altair256 (
02:03.57r_evolutionHusk use WaitExten
02:04.31Altair256Hello everyone
02:04.53*** part/#asterisk kc5cqm (i=[
02:06.04foraoim starting with postgresql and i might be interested in a gui, any recommendations?
02:06.36rpmpsql.. :P
02:09.29glm2kforao: phpMyPgAdmin perhaps?
02:09.43glm2kforao: er, sorry phpPgAdmin
02:10.51foraodoes anyone know navicat?
02:12.56*** join/#asterisk d-tech (
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02:19.26*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
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02:31.54criptoswhen playing moh, CPU goes to a load of .80
02:32.08criptosto something like 3,1,Musingonhold()
02:32.32criptosbut when musingonhold is used at a dial, the load goes to .25 and the sound is too crappy...
02:32.34criptosany ideas?
02:33.28*** join/#asterisk littleball (
02:43.29*** part/#asterisk diclophis (n=diclophi@
02:48.03*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
02:51.19robbytso does anyone here know where i can find polycom firmware? :)
02:52.18SwKrobbyt: polycoms website
02:52.43robbytthey only let you download the firmware if you're a registered reseller
02:52.46robbytwhich i am not
02:52.59SwKnot true
02:53.05robbytany other ideas?
02:53.14robbytwell, they let you download the old version
02:53.20robbyti want to get my hands on 1.6.5
02:53.34robbyti accidently upgraded a phone to 1.6.2 without actually rtfm'ing
02:53.37SwKpaysomeone off
02:54.24SwKwhen did 1.6.5 get released?
02:54.49robbytnot sure- it's listed on their site though
02:55.06robbyti'm having echo suppressor issues with the speakerphone in 1.6.2
02:55.10robbytthat weren't there in 1.5.x
02:55.11*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
02:55.36ZX81anyone know how to fix show agents
02:55.39ZX81so I don't get
02:55.39ZX811002         (Seat 2) available at '202' (musiconhold is 'default')
02:55.47ZX81when the agent is in wrapuptime?
02:56.38fugitivo~seen coppice
02:56.50jbotcoppice <n=chatzill@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 16h 55m 48s ago, saying: '"Nun"'.
02:58.28*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
02:58.40moygood night everyone
02:58.45*** join/#asterisk nurfe (
03:00.07*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=diablo@
03:00.22moyim having some problems with UNICALL and E1 with signaling MFC/R2 in Mexico... it seems that sometimes my telco does not detect our tones, any ideas? this is random, some calls goes just fine, but others get stuck in the middle until are timeout
03:00.52moyim not using asterisk for making and receiving the calls so far, just using the testcall program that comes with Unicall
03:00.53*** part/#asterisk yxa (n=diablo@
03:02.29moyany other channel where i can ask?
03:04.04willthey guys im seeing this: ast_filehelper: Unable to open file on /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/NN/test/g2.wav
03:04.16willtbut the file is there any ideas?
03:05.57*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
03:06.09*** join/#asterisk forao (
03:10.44willtnm i see whats up
03:25.29*** join/#asterisk nayyares (
03:25.50nayyareshi guys
03:26.14*** join/#asterisk Psyiode (n=psyiode@
03:30.40*** join/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
03:31.20*** join/#asterisk iq (
03:33.47mockerIs  asterisk-addons-1.2.2 compatible w/ asterisk 1.2.5?
03:33.55mockerSpecifically the mysql addon.
03:35.05russellbjust use the latest version of each
03:38.03*** join/#asterisk newmember[laptop (
03:39.56*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
03:47.59*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=octothor@unaffiliated/octothorpe)
03:49.40hollymollyCan someone pm me if they have project gizmo working with their asterisk system.. thank you
03:51.41*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:52.00littleballhello, i am using background to play a voice prompt and at the same time to collect the users' DTMF input. Is it possible to end the user input if the user type # key?
03:56.05orlockwhich codecs are bgest for asterisk/grandstreams?
03:56.36orlocki cant seem to see ulaw/alaw/g711 in the grandstream conf
03:56.42Octothorpelittleball:  what exactly to you mean "collecting DTMF"
03:57.37tsumewell he needs to read the manual and wiki
03:58.06tsumehe means reading input like a wake up call time or etcc
03:58.25jbot[thebook] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under a Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
04:00.35Octothorpelast I heard the wiki is down
04:04.05*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
04:07.43*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
04:08.12Octothorpeor not
04:08.21jbotwell, asteriskwiki is at"
04:08.57hollymollyHelp - I'm not able to rec'v incoming calls from my project gizmo number, but can make outgoing, and appear to be registerd.  Can anyone help me wade through the sip debug info to see where project gizmo gives up and decides to answer the call for me?
04:11.25*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
04:12.39jbothmm... echo is Displays the given arguments on the screen. Syntax: echo (arg1) (arg2) ..(argN). Where arg1 through argN are the arguments to echo. Example: echo "Hello World" displays the string "Hello World". "Why echo occurs" at
04:13.13asterboyThe requested URL /pipermail/asterisk-users/2005-February/088794.html was not found on this server.
04:13.41asterboyI like this one:
04:13.54willttry using the google cache
04:14.04Altair256two quick questions... anyone know a good CallerID (SIP) program for Win32... and TAPI integration for multiple users on the same PC (ie, terminal services)
04:15.15asterboywilt, good suggestion.
04:16.02willtI can't get any of their maillist archives to come up
04:19.00*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
04:19.45*** part/#asterisk littleball (
04:20.21*** join/#asterisk littleball (
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04:21.31littleballhello, my system call a phone number, when the user answer the call, my system prompts the user to key in a number followed by # key. To implement this, i am using background() to collect the DTMFs.
04:21.36asterboyAnyone have some good txgain or rxgain settings to suggest?
04:21.43asterboyCan't find ztmonitor.
04:21.53littleballbut when the users finish key #, the background () not return immediately
04:21.54asterboyMust not have compiled
04:22.06littleballand need to wait for a few seconds. How to solve this problem?
04:22.13Altair256then ./ztmonitor
04:23.29*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (n=junky@
04:23.51asterboyah yes, thats why I can't find ztmonitor...have to mount that drive with /usr/src on it.
04:24.13Altair256lol asterboy
04:24.45Altair256how do I make it so a SIP account can receive more than one call?  similar to call waiting, except it would ring another line button
04:25.03Altair256using Linksys SPA-941 and X-Lite softphone... I have a feeling it's a .conf issue though
04:25.58asterboyI have a serious contract for telephones to prepare for tomorow.
04:26.05willtI think it does that for me by default
04:26.21Altair256hrm willt, happen to know where the setting is?
04:28.14willtxlite is doing it for me I believe. if I pickup line one and dial my extension it rings on line 2
04:28.21*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
04:28.42Altair256mine says "The person at extension ### is on the phone"
04:29.06willtare you limiting the number of channels in you sip.conf?
04:29.14Altair256let me check
04:29.55Altair256does seem so
04:31.01asterboywow, zmonitor show my TX off the side of the screen.
04:31.17asterboyNow how does that txgain=# work?
04:31.23asterboy1.0 is current setting
04:31.35willtAltair256: how many channels are you allowing?
04:31.42asterboyso if I set it to 12.0 that lowers it?
04:32.19Altair256I can't find anything in sip.conf or any of it includes that even mentions channels
04:32.32Altair256lookig at my macro-dial now, since all dials go through it
04:33.00Altair256ah, found it
04:33.01Altair256; Ring an extension, if the extension is busy or there is no answer send it
04:33.01Altair256; to voicemail
04:33.07asterboyGot it:
04:33.17Octothorpem l;,
04:33.18asterboyset it to negative to lower
04:33.19Altair256at least now I know where I need to work
04:33.27willtAltair256: are you using A@H ?
04:33.50willtI ask because....
04:33.59Altair256bah Octothorpe
04:34.02Altair256lol... it's :
04:34.05jbotextra, extra, read all about it, amp is NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
04:34.15Altair256#amportal has like 5 people in it
04:34.20Altair256this is where the support is... lol
04:34.22willtI setup a server at work the other day with that. and it does the same thing as you are seeing
04:34.35Altair256I'm willing to learn and rewrite the script, so no elistestism
04:35.09Altair256willt, to fix it go to extensions.conf in the [macro-dial] section
04:35.36Altair256; Ring an extension, if the extension is busy or there is no answer send it
04:35.50Altair256... voice mail
04:35.59Altair256so AAH appears to do it automatically
04:36.07Altair256sure gotta fix that >.<
04:37.12willtshouldn't call-limit=1 limit the user to one call or channel?
04:37.43Altair256where are you putting the call-limit=1?
04:38.15Octothorpelol, it's late, i'm tired
04:38.38*** join/#asterisk icyfire0573 (
04:41.26icyfire0573I'm looking into building an asterisk box in my house. I want to get two lines into the house, and control multiple analog phones in the house. To top it all off I want to do this on a low power (Read VIA EPIA) motherboard, that come with only 1 PCI slot. Is it possible to do this, or do I need to get a motherboard with more PCI
04:42.20Altair256you can get a TDM400 with 2 FX2 modules
04:43.30Altair256willt, fyi.. when you create an extension, "call waiting" is disabled in AAH2.7
04:43.40Altair256to turn it on, pick up the extension and dial *70
04:44.15icyfire0573FX2? So two FXO and two FXS?
04:44.23willtAltair256: thanks for the tip
04:44.37Altair256do you want to provide 2 analog jacks to plug regular phones into?
04:44.53Altair256you could also consider getting an extra SPA device
04:44.57icyfire0573At least two. But I could separate it into two areas
04:45.00Altair2561 sec, I'll get you a link
04:45.49Altair256that has 1 FXO and 1 FXS port
04:46.11Altair256about the size of a box of cigaretts
04:49.05icyfire0573Alright, not to be dense. But the computer getting signal from the Telephone company, thats the FXO card. And inside the area, pointing from the computer to the phones, those are FXS right?
04:49.27Altair256the line coming from the company is the FXO (office)
04:49.32Altair256you plug it into an FXS port
04:50.17icyfire0573So in the computer, the telephone company's lines plug into my FXS cards?
04:50.23Altair256Your FXO port (where you are the office) is where you plug in an FXS device (such as an analog telephone, fax machine, etc)... this is the "station"
04:50.36*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
04:50.45Altair256correct, the FXS port is the "station" - the end point
04:51.02Altair256it's hella confusing
04:51.12icyfire0573haha, yea I know I got em backwards :-D
04:51.23Altair256just remember that you plug an FXO line plugs into an FXS port, and vice versa
04:51.32wasimfxo is where you receive tone/battery, fxs is where you power the line, provide tone
04:52.21jbotforeign exchange office - type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx
04:52.25jbotwell, fxs is foreign exchange system - or the type of port you need to connect a analog device (phone, fax machine) to a pbx
04:53.09icyfire0573I gotta look more into semi generic cards. I'm not adverse to spending some money, but I dont want to spend 300 for 2 lines in and 2 inside area phones.
04:53.48Altair256icyfire0573, double check me... jbot is disagreeing with me
04:53.56icyfire0573Also, if I got IP Phone, I wouldn't need FXO cards right?
04:54.08*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
04:54.22Altair256hold on, I do have it backwards
04:54.39Altair256FXO card = receive signal
04:54.46Altair256FXS card = provide signal
04:55.03icyfire0573haha, dont mess with me :-) my grasp is tenuous. lol.
04:55.20Altair256so I suggest buying 1 FXS port.. and getting a multi-handset Uniden phone
04:55.46Altair256all the phones talk back to the one home base (so the system is only plugged in once), but you can put the charger for additional bases all over the house
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04:56.42icyfire0573I actually have that right now, 3 handsets
04:56.43Altair256icyfire0573, read ... this should clear it up for you
04:56.56icyfire0573I was kinda hopin to be able to set extensions for each room of the house
04:57.12Altair256then plan on paying at least $50 per extension for a DTA
04:57.20icyfire0573+ being able to call out when someone else is on the phone/get a phone call (w/o call waiting) (you need 2 phone lines i know)
04:57.32wasimyou can buy an atcom 4 port fxs ata for like $100
04:57.34Altair256and then running an ethernet cable to the DTA wherever you want that extension
04:57.54Altair256yes wasim, but they'll all be in the same room
04:58.09wasimAltair256: no, you plug wireless, or drag normal telephone wire
04:58.24Altair256wireless will add an extra 40$ per extension then
04:58.25wasimAltair256: like any normal phone extension
04:58.49Altair256but if you can get a 4 port FXS for $100 then your initial per extension is only $25
04:59.27Altair256dragging normal telephone wire is even more trouble, imo
04:59.53Altair256with wireless, you mean wireless analog phones?  so all the bases should sit in that one room? o.O
05:00.37icyfire0573Umm, where would I find this 4port FXS card? Because, right now all I'm seeing at Froogle is $1200 Cisco 4ports
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05:01.09wasimicyfire0573: for FXO you should use PCI cards, digium or sangoma, for FXS the ATA are a much cheaper and extendable option
05:01.48jbotit has been said that ata is Analog Telephone Adapter which is used to put a normal analog phone onto ethernet, see for more info
05:02.32icyfire0573 (For the 2 FXO cards)
05:02.54Altair256for home, get the OEM intel clones
05:03.01Altair256the quality isn't that bad
05:03.26OctothorpeI like the ones from (I use one myself)
05:03.29Altair256he's limited to 1 PCI slot though
05:03.30icyfire0573And I didn't see anything lower than $300 for the FXS at voip-supply
05:03.51icyfire0573I'm not limited yet, I'd prefer to do this all on the one board
05:03.54Octothorpesorry, that was fxo, not fxs
05:04.02icyfire0573but if it isn't feasible Ill buy a different motherboard.
05:04.11icyfire0573The VIA is just what I'd LIKE to use
05:04.57Octothorpeif you need all 4 ports in one card, 300 is probably the least expensive you get
05:05.38Altair256wasim, where is this atcom 4 port fxs ata you're talking about?
05:05.44icyfire0573Whew, alright anything better on multiple ports? FXS cards seem to be the more expensive ones.
05:06.00Altair256you can get the X100P clones for like 10-15$ each
05:06.06wasimAltair256: on the atcom website?
05:06.07Altair256just make sure they have their own IRQ
05:06.18Altair256cat /proc/interrupts
05:07.03Altair256I'm either at the wrong site, or... something else
05:07.27icyfire0573 I think this is what he is referring to. But I think its a 4port router with 1 or 2 phone in there
05:08.39Altair256this is what he's talking about
05:09.10Altair256retails for 120$... looking for a $100
05:10.21Altair256if I could find that AG-468 for $100, I think I'd buy one myself
05:10.26Altair256that's a heck of a deal
05:11.32wasimdepends on the vol, we pick up 20 packs for $80 from the factory
05:11.47Altair256 how much is that in USD?  lol
05:12.00icyfire0573Alright, So I can get this box, which runs on Ethernet, so I can hook it up anywhere on the network. And if im willing to run just One phone line in, or pay another $200 for two phone lines in. I can do this all on 1 pci slot? right?
05:12.27Altair2561 phone line, 1 OEM X100P ($15)
05:12.42wasimicyfire0573: you might want to try the audiocodes fxo ata if pci slots are a rarity
05:12.45icyfire057395.27 British pounds = 165.045748 U.S. dollars
05:13.12Altair2564 analogue extensions, AG468 (for around 150$ maybe, if you look hard enough)
05:14.48icyfire0573Naa, this works for me, A $200 solution with 4 intenal extensions (Plus any computers that want to connect) and 1 exterior phone number, more if I want to get more PCI card slots (and then cards.)
05:14.51icyfire0573This is great!
05:15.55Altair256you can also play with some softphones first as well
05:16.08wasimand tin cans and string ...
05:16.15Altair256X-Lite, IDEFISK, etc
05:16.19*** join/#asterisk Z-Knight (
05:16.19icyfire0573haha, yea, just make sure the string is tight! :-)
05:17.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
05:17.20Z-Knightstupid question follows:     For the asterisk 1.2.5, when entering the console via:  asterisk -cvvvv    how do you quit out?  I tried QUIT and nothing...
05:17.29[TK]D-Fender"stop now"
05:17.39icyfire0573Thats a great place to start, to check if I'm good with asterisk to being with, w/ only a $15 layout if I don't like the idea in general.
05:17.53Z-Knightthat closes * completely
05:17.54Altair256exactly icyfire0573
05:17.57[TK]D-Fender(tm) BKW
05:18.07wasim^Z bg
05:18.08Z-KnightI'm talking about leaving the console and leave * running
05:18.28wasimdon't use -c to start it, use -r to reattach to it
05:18.31[TK]D-FenderZ-Knight : If you wanted to start * and then be able to quit you should start it as a daemon as "safe_asterisk &"
05:18.47[TK]D-FenderAnd then connect to it with "asterisk -r"
05:18.53Altair256bah, I have to go home
05:19.00Altair256been at work for 20 hours today -.-
05:19.20Z-Knightok...thank you...I used the 'c' flag thinking it provided console which I could quit
05:19.25Altair256only got 3 hours of sleep v.v;;
05:19.26icyfire0573harsh, hope you get overtime Altair256
05:19.38Altair256no, but I take comp time
05:20.26*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
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05:22.20icyfire0573Thanks for all the help guys, Its been great. I'm gonna watch some Anime and go to bed.
05:24.37Altair256later guys
05:34.41*** part/#asterisk heath__ (
05:35.33jbotwell, centos is better than Fedora Core except for that silly bug, see ~centosbug for details
05:35.42jbotwell, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos 4.2 kernel. To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. Make sure you're NOT using gcc4, as that doesn't work either.
05:35.49orlocki'm getting auth failures when trying to register with *
05:35.51*** join/#asterisk vuud (
05:35.59orlockusername and secret for each extension is right
05:36.51vuudgood morning all.
05:38.14vuudI am having a problem connecting my pbx to gizmo...  I have outbound calls working, and inbound calls half work... when they call in and I have an undefined context in sip.conf, they hear the voicemail lady and can leave a voicemail...
05:38.45vuudIf I define the context in extensions, they hear nothing.  On the CLI it says its doing everything it should be (playing sounds) but they hear nothing.
05:39.45vuudThere is NAT, but why it would work without a valid context, but will not with one stumps me.  Any help would be greatly appreciated
05:42.54justinuset that, vuud
05:44.43*** join/#asterisk lylsir (n=lylsir@
05:45.27vuudjustinu: have that set in my from-gizmo part of the sip.conf file
05:45.53justinuthe fact that it works on a default context tells me that the defaults are correct
05:46.13rpm[2006-03-14 22:40:28] WARNING[13032]: pbx.c:785 pbx_find_extension: Maximum PBX stack exceeded
05:46.15CoffeeIVany one here do faxing through a IAX2 provider ? which one ?
05:46.26SwKhah nice
05:46.44SwKcoffeeiv: faxing via VoIP in the wild internet sucks
05:47.10*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
05:47.13SwKunless you just REALLY REALLY REALLY have to use a hard fax machine, get a web -> fax account somewhere
05:47.16vuudjustinu: so its something in my sip.conf or extensions.conf that I am overridding
05:47.36PBXtechdo the iaxy not generate ring?
05:47.54rpmexten => ${FWDNUMBER},a,VoiceMailMain(100)
05:47.54rpmexten => ${FWDNUMBER},o,Goto(${FWDNUMBER},1)
05:47.59rpmwhy does that stuff break?
05:48.56SwKI didnt know a and o were valid priorities
05:49.15rpmisn't that for defining the oper and * key?
05:49.41SwKnot the way you used it there
05:49.45SwKyeah really
05:50.05rpmhow do i make it unsuck?
05:50.24rpmso a and o are the extensions?
05:50.34SwKlook at the stdexten macro in the sample dial plan
05:50.45CoffeeIVSwK: I know it will suck, I'm just hoping it will work 50% of the time or so
05:51.20SwKcoffeeiv: set your fax for 9600 as the fastest and pretty much any of them with ok bandwidth will work sometimes
05:53.14*** join/#asterisk exten123 (n=exten@
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05:57.12frk2jbalcomb you awake? :)
05:57.19frk2i did the new firmware
05:57.23frk2seems much better
05:57.46frk2however the gxp-2000 still has the one-way voice issue... this ONLY happens for calls incoming from the PRI though.. not for internal calls
05:57.47justinuvuud: that would be my inclination
05:57.56vuudWait a sec... my default context is "default" which should not roll to voicemail... it should redo the demo menu...  wtf?!?!  (and I have reloaded and restarted many times)
05:58.12frk2so basically for some calls my gxp-2000 cannot SEND voice to calls incoming from the PRI
05:58.45frk2can hear them just fine
05:59.04justinuvuud: pare your dialplan down to a minimum
05:59.12justinubuild slowly
05:59.18justinuyou'll get it straightened out
05:59.20justinusame thing for sip.conf
06:00.12vuudjustinu: I had it down to just forward to my x-lite, which I could answer, but no sound either way.  I will see what I can take out
06:00.25frk2damn- my saviour jbalcomb aint here
06:00.37justinumake sure your xlite isn't doing STUN or anything
06:00.42RuiHello. I've 10 IP phones (Grandstream GXP-2000) and one of them appends "90" before the number I dial (or so it seems). I've already reset that phone and the configuration is the same on all other 9. Is that "90" any special number? What it could be?
06:00.43justinuthat could be part of the problem
06:00.48justinuxlite tries to be cute
06:01.19frk2could be a dialplan setting
06:01.20justinurui: factory reset?
06:01.30frk2rui- do you experience any one-way voice issues?
06:01.33vuudjustinu: I can check but it does not address the gizmo -> astricks  problem.
06:01.41Ruijustinu: Yes. That MAC address thingy
06:01.52justinurui: then it's in the asterisk config
06:02.30Ruijustinu: Weird. That extension is configured just like any other...
06:02.42justinusip debug to figure out
06:02.52justinusee exactly what to: the phone invites
06:03.30*** join/#asterisk nain (n=nain@
06:04.06Ruifrk2: No... Everything else works fine.
06:07.00frk2what firmware you have?
06:07.11Z-Knightwith Asterisk 1.2.5, do you still need to compile with PROC=i586 for VIA motherboards?
06:07.20*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:09.03Ruifrk2: Program, Bootloader
06:11.08frk2i have one way voice issues some times from calls coming in through the PRI
06:11.31Z-KnightDoes anyone know with Asterisk 1.2.5, do you still need to compile with PROC=i586 for VIA motherboards?
06:12.57frk2do you use it with u-law or a-law?
06:15.08Ruifrk2: u-law
06:19.12*** join/#asterisk nain (n=nain@
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06:20.34exten123how can we overcome the extensions when AGI fail?
06:20.55*** part/#asterisk marktt (n=marktt@
06:22.16nainAmong Predictive dialing which one is best and stable among both astguiclient and gnudialer
06:24.06frk2ive had good luck with astguiclient
06:24.15frk2just bad luck with phones
06:24.41exten123frk2:what u mean with phones?
06:26.04*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:28.07frk2man... i bought ATCOM phones-- they suck in larger deployments
06:28.13frk2then I got the grandstream GXP2000s
06:28.16frk2the gxp-2000s
06:28.43Z-Knighthow do you like the gxp-2000s?   Are they easy to configure?
06:29.03frk2they are nice.. decent features too
06:29.09frk2my only issue is this one-way voice
06:29.19frk2sometimes calls coming in from my PRI cannot hear the GXP-2000
06:29.28frk2rebooting the phone fixes the issue
06:29.59frk2while this PRI issue is happening, local calls work JUST fine
06:30.06frk2voip to voip calls i mean
06:30.37Z-Knighti just got one of those phones recently and I will hopefully be testing it out soon...we'll see what happens on my end
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06:31.42frk2i think i need to setup a daily reboot
06:32.33wasimfrk2: eww
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06:46.09frk2what do i do man
06:46.17frk2the GXP also randomly becomes unreachable
06:47.17frk2i wonder if its an issue with asterisk 1.2.1 now
06:48.13blitzrageuhh. 1.2.1 is old :)
06:48.44frk2i know
06:48.53frk2but i cant pinpoint the issue before i start blaming it on asteirsk
06:49.11blitzrageI don't know what the issue is -- so I can't comment :)
06:54.08frk2issue is 1) GXP 2000 not responding to SIP INVITE.. so the asterisk consol say Called SIP/100 and then goes to sleep
06:54.28frk22) GXP 2000 recieves an incoming call from a PRI and sometimes the calling party cannot hear the GXP
07:00.12*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (n=tuxinato@
07:01.38nainfrk2: I am stuck with ntp (time synconization) while compiling astguiclient, the ip of time server is not live given in astguiclient scratch install
07:04.05Ruinain: I don't know if you can set the NTP server. If so, try
07:05.51nainRui: well, i will try it ,
07:06.21nainRui: one of my friend tried to setup astguiclient but he was unable to load leads in vicidial and custom format too....
07:07.56nainso i am not sure that it will work too for me
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07:30.14shifteranyone have pointers on getting ekiga to register with asterisk ?
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07:34.45Qwell[laptop]shifter, It's just SIP
07:36.31[av]baniqwell, any luck with 7960/7970 sip yet
07:36.35shifterQwell[laptop]: sure, but i get an auth error after i've set things up in sip.conf
07:36.40Qwell[laptop][av]bani, next week
07:36.58shifteri saw a hint that i needed to set the realm, but that didn't seem to fix things
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07:53.46FreezeSI have a problem with a PRI card
07:53.55FreezeShangup doesn't work
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08:12.57FreezeShello :)
08:15.03*** join/#asterisk Becky75 (
08:15.08Becky75hey guys
08:16.18*** join/#asterisk Vitux (
08:16.29Becky75can some one help me pls. I have a PRI that is used by 3 companies. there is 3 numbers asigned to the same pri. how can i rename the caller ID using DNID?
08:18.33florzAnyone in here who can tell me how a SIP UAC, when its INVITE is being forked and is subsequently accepted by two peers and both peers start sending RTP data (which they should, shouldn't they?!) - how does the UAC decide which stream to play back?!
08:19.10florzerm, well the end doesn't quite fit the beginning of that sentence - I hope you can figure out what I meant nonetheless ;-)
08:19.48wasimBecky75: SetCallerID()
08:19.58wasimBecky75: doc/README.var
08:22.14*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
08:22.42wasimBecky75: and nice chase btw ...
08:23.08Becky75wasim : hmmm so i can get the number the guy has dialed and then change the caller id to the company name sa ABC stationary?..
08:23.23wasimBecky75: oui
08:23.46Becky75wasim  cause there is 3 companies using the same telco line but it has 3 different hunting numbers
08:24.27Becky75i have to basicaly get the number the guy has dialed not his caller ID and then replace his caller id with the company name
08:24.35{zombie}Becky75: if your phone displays callerID name as well as number, then I would suggest using SetCIDName
08:24.49Becky75its a snom360
08:24.50{zombie}that's what I do
08:25.07{zombie}can't remember if that does or not, I know the 320 doesn't
08:25.10Becky75think it will support it... be gentle i am a newbie to asterisk.. still use to mitel *spit*
08:25.38{zombie}either that, or do SetCIDName(Company $CALLERIDNUM)
08:25.48{zombie}that way you get both the company name and the number on the same line
08:26.33CurusSome people put in a speak saying which company the call is for
08:27.56Becky75{zombie} : there is 3 companies using the same telco line but the line has 3 different phone numbers what i can see on the voip-info is that i have to use ${dnid} to get the dialed number then i have to use that to replace the  called id or the  $CALLERIDNUM ?...
08:28.14Becky75Curus  i thought of that but its 3 seperate companies in one building trying to do things on the cheap
08:28.27{zombie}Becky75: you don't have to do that
08:28.30Becky75the 3 has nothing in common at all accept the same receptionist
08:28.32{zombie}this is what I do:
08:28.37{zombie}exten => 0733379988,4,SetCIDName(PCBNE ${CALLERIDNAME});
08:28.38{zombie}exten => 0893223444,4,SetCIDName(PCare ${CALLERIDNAME});
08:29.57Becky75{zombie}  so if  the caller has dialed 0733379988 then it will display the PCBNE name on the phone with the phone number of the caller?..
08:30.14{zombie}well actually it shows the PCBNE and then the company name (if available)
08:30.16{zombie}and the number on the next line
08:30.20{zombie}because my phone shows both
08:30.29{zombie}but if yours doesn't just replace the CALLERIDNAME with CALLERIDNUM
08:31.05{zombie}by company name I mean company name of the person calling (reverse search based on their phone number)
08:31.45Becky75{zombie}  so where do i put this in in [default] ?.
08:31.56{zombie}you put that wherever your calls come in
08:32.07{zombie}usually not in [default]
08:32.11*** join/#asterisk psk (
08:32.15{zombie}anyway I'm afraid I have to run, chat later
08:32.23Becky75so my call hits the [incomming] context form the pri
08:32.37Becky75arrgg {zombie}  just one second pls :>
08:32.51wasimBecky75: right, so put in there
08:33.00wasimBecky75: wherever your zapata.conf throws the calls
08:33.01Becky75now it makes sence
08:33.08{zombie}sorry, I have a windoze 2000 exchange server to recover :(
08:33.15Becky75so where 089blahblah is i put the number of the company they dialing
08:33.22wasimBecky75: thats the DNIS
08:33.35Becky75if that matches then it will show PCBNE
08:35.27*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
08:36.08Becky75wasim {zombie}  thanks you the guys that makes it worth asking questions here *mwah*
08:38.28Becky75wasim i hope it rusts and falls to his anckles heh
08:38.50wasimonly if he's in durban
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08:41.18Becky75wasim  u in ZA ?...
08:41.27wasimBecky75: no, no
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08:43.06Becky75{zombie}  hehe good luck i hate exchange with a pasion...
08:43.20Becky75ok well lemme get back to work before i asult the recptionist :|
08:45.51FreezeSI can't hangup on my PRI card. Is this a usual problem ?
08:46.05wasimFreezeS: no
08:46.54FreezeShmm... are there more ways to hangup ?
08:47.04FreezeSwhat is the default cause used ?
08:47.16wasimwhat does pri debug show?
08:47.42FreezeSccserver*CLI> pri debug
08:47.42FreezeSNo such command 'pri debug' (type 'help' for help)
08:48.04FreezeSzap debug isn't eighter
08:48.28FreezeSthis is weird, because I remember I used it once...
08:48.34wasim[Mar 15 13:49:37] DEBUG[7012]: NEW_HANGUP DEBUG: Calling q931_hangup, ourstate Null, peerstate Release Request
08:48.38wasim[Mar 15 13:49:37] DEBUG[7012]: > Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=9
08:48.40wasim[Mar 15 13:49:37] DEBUG[7012]: > Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 31336/0x7A68) (Terminator)
08:49.08*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
08:50.02FreezeSwasim: so how do I enable debugging ?
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08:54.17chapeaurougehi all.. I would like to have distinctive rings on internal calls.. using polycom phones. I tried adding a  exten => _1XX,1,SipAddHeader(ALERT_INFO="INTERNAL_RING") in my extensions.conf, and define the alertInfo in the polycom sip.cfg, but it hangs.
08:54.23chapeaurougedoes anyone have pointers?
08:54.25*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=icechat5@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
08:56.19Zeeekwhat does anyone know about Astricon europe?
08:56.36oejNoone in europe knows anything about it
08:56.55Zeeekwhy not?
08:57.18ZeeekI hear you're coming here in May btw?
08:57.28Zeeekwhat's that about?
08:57.30oejYes, I'll be all over Europe
08:57.39Zeeekewww... car accident?
08:58.12Zeeekhey I'll buy you a beer
08:58.33Zeeekor wine or fruit juice
08:59.40Zeeekolle where is the info about what you're doing? I can post it to our mailing list
09:00.05*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
09:00.09oejTHe french meeting coming up later this week
09:00.22Zeeekok, cool. Someone just announced the May thing but with no details
09:00.40oejOn the mailing list?
09:00.45oejRumours go fast
09:01.02Zeeekyeah ours. Just 20 people or so, but all "important" actors in the local asterisk scene
09:01.16Zeeekexcept me
09:01.22ZeeekI'm just a peasant
09:01.39ZeeekI formed the group though :)
09:02.26Zeeekare there French speakers involved in your training?
09:02.49oejNot yet. looking for trainers in various places in Europe
09:03.28ZeeekI'll tell our guys to check it out. MOst of them are competent engineers with telcom backgrounds
09:03.34Zeeekexcept me...
09:03.51ZeeekI'm self taught ignoramus
09:03.52chapeaurougeoej, we might be providing training for Asterisk in the future
09:04.19oejChapeaurouge: Where are you based?
09:04.21Zeeekchapeaurouge what country?
09:04.26Zeeeklike minds and allthat
09:04.28FreezeSso, how do I enable zap debugging ?
09:07.24Zeeekchapeaurouge I know one of your princes
09:07.45chapeaurougenot mine... im not luxembourgish. I just work here ;)
09:08.07Zeeekstill... you have to swear fidelity
09:08.24Zeeekto digium :)
09:10.13Zeeekwhy do some people say X100P and others X101P?
09:10.25Zeeekmy digium cards are reported as 101
09:10.41oejAnd why don't most people want to talk about X10x at all?
09:10.57chapeaurougeZeeek, bc of a possible daugther card? (/me not using digium cards)
09:11.40chapeaurougewith sangoma, it would be bc of the daugther card i guess
09:11.55Zeeekwell I bought my first cards as a devel kit
09:12.19ZeeekI then added a second X101P and a couple of FXS boards for the TDM400
09:12.52ZeeekI hate to fix what works, so I've never replaced this stuff with the newer TDM400 and FXO daughter boards I bought 2 years ago
09:13.25ZeeekI have had the three cards in a Pentium III for two years and they work fine (low traffic)
09:15.47Zeeekis anyone having problems with 800 numbers being called by pollsters and other commercial crap?
09:16.29*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (
09:16.51*** join/#asterisk exten123 (n=exten@
09:16.58tzafrirIs there any way to get a stereo recording of a zaptel channel?
09:17.18Zeeekis the source stereo?
09:17.30oejI think you can mix like that in sox, tzafrir
09:17.35wasimtzafrir: sox it
09:17.42Zeeekhey wasim
09:17.45*** join/#asterisk lojikop (
09:17.48Zeeeklong time!
09:17.50wasimbonjour monsieur Zeeek
09:17.51tzafrircan I be guaranteed that the two files are in sync?
09:18.06wasimtzafrir: oh you mean inbound in left channel, and outbound in right?
09:18.26tzafrirZeeek, the call in Asterisk is always stereo
09:18.43Zeeekyou mean the two parties?
09:18.44x86tzafrir: you are mis-informed if you think that ;)
09:18.54wasimtzafrir: no, its mono always, afaik
09:19.07Zeeekor like the bass and drums are on the left and the saxophone on the right?
09:19.13tzafrirI mean: there are two mono channels.
09:19.24x86one mono channel
09:19.25Zeeektwo mono channelms != stereo
09:19.40x86err, one in each direction i guess ;)
09:19.45x86aka full duplex
09:20.07lojikopsup d00ds, who's got time for a dumb question?
09:20.22wasimlojikop: jbot
09:20.27*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
09:20.36tzafrirlojikop, ask anyway
09:20.50tzafrirGunnar has
09:21.02exten123hey what version of MySQL is the best in Fedora Core 3? I try to install dependency checker keep said perl(DBI) require event been install.
09:21.05lojikopheh, i'm on aah v2.5, trying to create a DID to point to a custom extension that in turn points to *98
09:21.18lojikopidea ... get users to get the generic comedian mailbox/password prompt
09:23.05wasimlojikop: use Goto()
09:23.43lojikopwell the way AMP is setup it asks for a parameter for Dial()
09:23.53wasimlojikop: use vi
09:23.59jboti guess amp is "amp is, like, NOT supported here! people using it should join #freepbx (the new name of amp)"
09:24.07tzafrirwasim, so I guess my question is: if I monitor a call, how much are those two sound files (-in and -out) guaranteed to be in sync?
09:24.13lojikopgood point jbot ;)
09:24.36wasimtzafrir: fairly in sync afaik
09:25.00tzafrirlojikop, generally AMP is nice to get started and troublesom to customize
09:25.09Zeeekhow can I batch convert a zillion MS Word file to PDF?
09:25.31lojikoptzafrir: you're right, i'm kinda done with the startup, now i'm running into customization issues
09:25.36tzafrirantiword can convert them to SP
09:25.40tzafrirPS, that is
09:25.45tzafrirSo can word-view
09:25.52lojikopi mean i could do the Goto() in extensions_custom i think
09:25.55tzafrirThat will probably not preserve links, though
09:26.02Zeeekno links
09:26.09X-Roblojikop, really, join #freepbx.
09:26.15Zeeektext and an image
09:26.19wasimmight contain a tip or two
09:26.33ZeeekI don't have openoffice
09:26.41Zeeekwell, I do on WIndows but not linux
09:26.47tzafriropenoffice and batch conversion? bah. abiword is nicer for batch operetions
09:27.01tzafrirAnd is also much smaller
09:27.04Zeeeklove the name anyway
09:29.55*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
09:32.26blkremedyanybody here use weather underground script?
09:35.21X-Robthe weather underground is easy 'Dark. Hot. You might get eaten by a grue'
09:36.31X-Robcommonwealth games are starting.. *wanders off to watch the ceremony*
09:43.41chapeaurougeis the native MOH supporting mp3 in 1.2.5?
09:49.39blkremedyhow do you configure weather.agi for japan?
09:56.09*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
09:56.35tzafrirchapeaurouge, if you don't want to stream mp3-s from an external source, convert them to wavs and save CPU cycles
09:56.50chapeaurougenative will play .wav?
09:56.51tzafrirwavs, or sln, or whatever
09:57.35tzafrirAsterisk is known to be able to play .wav files, in the proper encoding, yeah. Take a look at the voicemail box
09:57.43chapeaurougekool, thx
10:16.23*** join/#asterisk DingBack (
10:24.32*** join/#asterisk Curus (
10:25.09*** join/#asterisk astra^^ (n=muhajir_@
10:25.46astra^^hello all
10:28.36*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=igor@
10:28.48Becky75how can i pusch voice though a speaker to a noisy factory to call some one to pick up a  phone extention?..
10:30.00x86you cant
10:30.21astra^^wen i use wget cmd i am gettin an error permission denied ...
10:31.53frk2wasim- are you the same wasim from convergence?
10:35.10backblueanyone knows libassman?
10:35.21*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
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10:40.34*** join/#asterisk markit (
10:42.27markitHi, I've set FWD and other VoIP provider context to "incoming-voip", where first line is exten => s,1,Dial(${I_SIP_IN_RING,20,t), but today one called me and I've got this message
10:42.29markitMar 15 10:20:03 NOTICE[28264]: chan_iax2.c:7213 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '635131@incoming-voip' does not exist
10:42.46markitany clue?
10:43.30markit(using asterisk 1.2.x svn, just updated and recompiled yesterday)
10:43.32x86sounds like you dont have a matching extension in sip.conf
10:43.41fourcheezemarkit: missing a closing }
10:43.53x86that too ;)
10:44.16markitfourcheeze: I could have spent months looking at this.. thanks a lot :))
10:44.16fourcheezeuse emacs ;-)
10:44.30markitbtw, is there a way to make asterisk parse the dialplan and tell about these kinds of errors?
10:46.50ambrientowell, at the CLI with some level of verbosity you'll see asterisks complaining about
10:55.45*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:56.38frk2jbalcomb - You there?
10:59.06astra^^i need some help to set up asterisk on my system ..
10:59.15astra^^anyone can help me please.. ?
10:59.35x86whats your question?
10:59.59astra^^wen i untar it i get errors
11:00.25astra^^tar: asterisk-1.2.5/configs/features.conf.sample: Cannot open: No such file or directory
11:01.28vgsterwhy are yopu trying to untar a non tar file?
11:01.59astra^^its a tar file asterisk-1.2.5.tar.gz
11:02.06mswastra^^: out of disk space?
11:02.11vgsterare you doing tar zxvf or just tar?
11:02.24astra^^tar -zxvf
11:02.25*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
11:02.44astra^^naa nt out of space..
11:02.49vgsterdoes it stop on that file?
11:03.01x86sounds like a corrupt tarball
11:03.04x86re-download it
11:03.53astra^^i have installe dthe same on other machine and it worked . .
11:04.00astra^^i used pscp to transfer
11:04.14astra^^the same copy .
11:06.03x86it's corrupt
11:06.03x86get over it ;)
11:06.20x86re-download and stop arguing with us
11:06.22mogormanor you are out of diskspace...
11:06.30Zeeekcorruption is rampant these days
11:06.40x86out of disk space would give insufficient disk space errors
11:06.46mogormani blame the schools Zeeek
11:06.54astra^^hmmm.. i'll try reinstalling .. and one more thing..
11:06.55Zeeekthe parents too
11:07.30astra^^weni use wget i get 404 error
11:07.33x86that would give permission denied errors
11:07.44x86are you all linux newbies here? :P
11:07.55astra^^yes enterprice edition 4
11:07.55x86corrupt tar file, deal with it ;)
11:07.57*** join/#asterisk arcy (
11:08.08astra^^wht abt cvsroot
11:08.14x86mogorman: eh?
11:08.17Zeeeksome version sof tar have trouble with long file names
11:08.30mogormangnite folks
11:08.32x86mogorman: my point was valid
11:08.53mutilatoranyone know why answering machines don't like ata's?
11:08.56mutilatorand is there any way to fix it?
11:09.00mswmogorman: maybe you'll be awake by the time I land in CA for VON
11:09.06mutilatorthe machine records the call after it's done
11:09.11mutilatorlike busy signal for quite a while
11:11.12*** join/#asterisk powerchip (
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11:19.59*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
11:24.16astra^^x86: got the problm
11:24.35astra^^am nt on # am in $
11:25.01astra^^cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot make directory zaptel: Permission denied
11:25.10astra^^[admin@enterprise src]$ cvs checkout zaptel libpri asterisk
11:25.11astra^^cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot make directory zaptel: Permission denied
11:27.11*** part/#asterisk markit (
11:29.13*** join/#asterisk bmrocha (n=bruno@
11:29.54*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
11:31.17*** join/#asterisk MacWinner (
11:32.26MacWinnerhi, if I have a VoIP gateway setup on an asterisk box, does the provider leave it up to me with how to deal with multiple callers to my number?
11:33.00MacWinnerfor example, if more than one person calls, do they just forward the call to me anyway and it's up to me to send back a busy signal or not?
11:33.35MacWinnermy goal is to setup a simple VoIP conference bridge.
11:38.50*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
11:39.15Zeeekhey doc
11:39.24*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:39.44Dr-Linuxone of my US client wants recommended Digium card for T1
11:40.13Dr-Linuxshould i recommend >> Wildcard TE110P
11:40.19Dr-Linuxor what?
11:41.34Dr-Linuxanybody acitve? :S
11:42.25Zeeeknobody knows (the trouble I've seen)
11:43.06Dr-Linuxthey are all sleeping, except jbot
11:47.11glm2kDr-Linux: how many phones?
11:48.44*** join/#asterisk f7950qs0 (n=redhotte@
11:48.58f7950qs0has anyone tried pbxnsip?
11:50.15f7950qs0nobody interested
11:51.19f7950qs0PBXNSIP? anyone heard bout it?
11:51.23*** join/#asterisk Nag (
11:51.26NagHi !
11:52.56Zeeekno never hoid of it
11:54.07Dr-Linuxglm2k: it will be using for IVR production IVR
11:54.36*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
11:54.43Dr-Linuxglm2k: users will get check their balance etc using asterisk IVR
11:55.16Nagcan someone tell me if it's possible to set a MusicOnHold when a call whit a softphone is etablished ? (example --> i call my number, Answer ---> Music 1, the personn on Softphone 100 Take The Call, he push the Hold Button of is softphone ---> Music 2) ??
11:58.23*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
11:58.47sternnNag: Could you use SetMusicOnHold() to do that?
11:59.12Nagsternn ---> i don't how to do that..
11:59.24Nagi have made many classes in my musiconhold.conf
12:00.02Nagbut i always have the same music
12:00.24Nagwhen i push the hold button, or on the automatic Answer when calling
12:01.30*** join/#asterisk Abbas (n=Abbas@
12:03.01*** join/#asterisk f7950qs0 (n=redhotte@
12:03.06sternnon the incoming call context SetMusicOnHold(blues), then in a hold context (not sure if that is right) SetMusicOnHold(jazz)
12:03.59sternnNot sure exactly how to write the dialplan for it, but I think the SetMusicOnHold() is what you would use to change the music classes.
12:04.22Nagyes , i think it's that, but it did not working
12:05.35f7950qs0is there an alternative to G729
12:05.41f7950qs0I dont want to purchase licences
12:05.52f7950qs0cause I am not sure how long will I use those licences
12:06.45fourcheezef7950qs0: lots of alternatives
12:06.51fourcheezedepends what youwant
12:07.03fourcheezehave you tried gsm?
12:07.14f7950qs0but my voip provider does not support gsm
12:07.24fourcheezedoes your voip provider support g729?
12:07.29f7950qs0yes he does
12:07.34fourcheezeand ulaw/alaw ?
12:07.35f7950qs0G711 and G729
12:07.49*** join/#asterisk giggles (
12:07.50fourcheezewell if you are sending g729 straight through there is no license required
12:08.13f7950qs0i am not using asterisk but dont get offended guys i wanna use a third party pbx which is also free
12:08.23fourcheezewhich is that?
12:08.34f7950qs0I dont know if their software works as a pass through i sent an e mail to them and dint get the response
12:08.51fourcheezedon't know that one, might have to have a look
12:08.57fourcheezeis it properly free or just beer free?
12:09.08fugitivofree or opensource?
12:09.17f7950qs0it's free
12:09.17fourcheezeyeah, is it open source
12:09.22f7950qs0i dont think it's opensource
12:09.56fourcheezegot a url?
12:10.50fourcheezeuch, it needs windows <shudder>
12:11.21f7950qs0i think they have linux version as well
12:12.11*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
12:13.47f7950qs0extensions Must support symmetric UDP signalling and audio with reINVITEs
12:13.59f7950qs0does that mean that they WILL USE G711?
12:14.22f7950qs0I need this for simple callshop billing
12:14.32Nagnobody for my question please ?
12:15.04fourcheezenag: show application dial
12:15.10f7950qs0devices dont monitor minutes and the website doesn't provide instant minute usage
12:15.21f7950qs0any ideas?
12:15.38fourcheezef7950qs0: I would think about using something like SER
12:15.59f7950qs0is it technical like asterisk?
12:16.07fourcheezeall VOIP is technical
12:16.18fourcheezethe things that make you think it isn't are the worst
12:16.23Zeeekthat's why there are consultants
12:16.32f7950qs0is that from iptel?
12:16.35f7950qs0or sipfoundry?
12:16.52fourcheezethere is a standard config if you just want to use it to generate cdrs I think
12:17.10f7950qs0oh cool and it works as a G729 pass through?
12:17.14f7950qs0looks like opensource
12:17.21fourcheezethe good thing about it is that it won't handle rtp at all - so your endpoints are negotiating codecs between them
12:17.39fourcheezehow many simultaneous calls?
12:18.06*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:21.24gigglesanyone know how to program a mediatrix 2102?
12:22.02f7950qs0Seven simultaneous calls
12:22.20fourcheezef7950qs0: ok, then I would use asterisk
12:22.34f7950qs0is that a lot for SER?
12:22.46fourcheezeno way near enough ;-)
12:23.18f7950qs0i mean is that a lot or is that a lot less
12:23.22fourcheezef7950qs0: if all your clients are g729 and your termination is, why not just use asterisk in pass through?
12:23.38fourcheeze7 simultaneous calls is practically nothing
12:24.24f7950qs0cause I dont know how to use asterisk
12:24.32fourcheezeyeah, we've all been there ;-)
12:24.50f7950qs0I dont even know how to create a dial plan
12:25.05f7950qs0I read the tutorial
12:25.20Zeeekread this:
12:25.21ZeeekThe dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system, as it defines how Asterisk should handle calls.
12:25.55Zeeekeven though it's old it gives the background
12:26.04Abbashello zeeek
12:26.10Zeeekhi Abbas
12:26.29Abbasi need ur help  in an issue
12:26.49Abbasframe.c:179 __ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
12:27.22Abbasi am using xpro >> asterisk >> voipswitch
12:27.27ZeeekI think I've seen that before
12:27.33Abbasasterisk is 1.2.4
12:27.47fourcheezef7950qs0: how are you planning on billing people?
12:27.53f7950qs0I have the whole tutorial of asterisk printed out in four books !
12:27.59Abbasi have tried canreinvite = yes and no  both   for peers
12:28.05Zeeeknow you only have to read one
12:28.36fourcheezef7950qs0: I fully understand that it looks impossible - I was in your shoes about 9 months ago
12:28.46f7950qs0the scenario is : customer walks in and makes a call he comes out and I look it up in the web interface his number and tell him the minutes
12:28.49fourcheezeyou just take the plunge
12:29.15fourcheezeok, so there's no calling credit
12:29.15MacWinnerwhen a VoIP provider gives you a phone number, and multiple people call it from their regular PSTN phones, is it up to you to decide how to handle the multiple calls?
12:29.22Abbaszeeek  can u please help me  in tht issue ?
12:29.36f7950qs0is SER for windows?
12:29.36fourcheezeMacWinner: yes
12:29.40ZeeekAbbas no I don't know anything about it other than the fact that I've seen the error message
12:29.52*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
12:30.04Abbasany one else     can help me in this issue??
12:30.05Abbasframe.c:179 __ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
12:30.25MacWinnerfourcheeze, thanks. so if i have a broadvoice trunk, I can setup call bridges between 3+ people and i don't need to do anything special with broadvoice?
12:30.57f7950qs0fourcheeze:        this is a perfect thing for my cafe but i can't afford it
12:31.05I-MODAbbas: disable silence suppression on your end device
12:31.12fourcheezeMacWinner: well, I guess that it's down to Broadvoice
12:31.25fourcheezebut I've never encountered a problem with more than one incoming call
12:31.47fourcheezef7950qs0: SER runs on Linux AFAIK
12:31.52tzangerjesus that yes-tele thing is using OLD technology
12:31.53MacWinnerfourcheeze, do you use only IP trunks? which service provider?
12:32.11Zeeekf7950qs0 can't you just use the cdr-csv file of asterisk for billing times?
12:32.12tzangeryou cold replace almost all of that digital stuff with a single $7 PIC
12:32.13fourcheezeMacWinner: Gamma Telecom right now
12:32.27*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
12:32.28nokycan i paste 4 lines of h323.log ?
12:32.44fourcheezeZeeek: yeah, he could but he doesn't have an asterisk running :/
12:32.56tzangerI mean they're using an external full-blown 16450 for christ's sake.  What modern microcontroller doesn't have an onboard UART (and RAM/ROM for that matter)??
12:32.58nokymy asterisk's unregistering with my gatekeeper =(
12:33.20fourcheezef7950qs0: are you familiar with hacking on any particular thing?
12:33.37f7950qs0be a bit more specific please fourcheeze
12:33.49fourcheezeI mean coding, you know writing software
12:34.06f7950qs0no i dont but i know some people who might
12:34.22MacWinnerfourcheeze, is your gamma connection a VoIP trunk?
12:34.31fourcheezeMacWinner: yes, pure SIP
12:35.16Zeeekfourcheeze it was an easy assumption to make since this is the asterisk channel :)
12:35.18fourcheezef7950qs0: just that with basic skills you could write some stuff with DB access that made your job a bit easier
12:35.27*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
12:35.43MacWinnercool, so each incoming call looks like a seperate SIP session? and then you can use asterisk MeetMe to bridge them all?
12:36.02MacWinnerjust trying to get an idea of the pieces needed to be put together
12:36.17fourcheezeMacWinner: sure - we have a single number that goes to a meetme conference
12:37.03fourcheezeany number of people can join it
12:37.07MacWinnersweet! that's exactly what i need :)
12:37.28MacWinnerdoes gamma charge any extras for handling more than one call at a time?
12:37.35fourcheezef7950qs0: however evenwithout any coding skills you could open a CSV file in a spreadsheet I'm sure
12:38.11Zeeekwhat I do is to wget the asterisk csv, load it into mysql on another server and access that from the web
12:38.34fourcheezeI just store cdrs in mysql
12:38.34Zeeekit took about 5 minutes to write a php script to show the results
12:39.00Zeeekand of the 5 minutes, 4 wezre remembering what the mysql password was :)
12:39.10MacWinnerfourcheeze, just to clarify, your meetme solution is entirely IP based?
12:39.20fourcheezeMacWinner: how can I say this
12:39.41MacWinneri know, i'm asking simple/stupid questions :)
12:39.45fourcheezeIf I ever have to touch another telecoms FXO/FXS/PRI/BRI or whatever card again it would be too soon
12:39.57fourcheezeI only ever do IP
12:40.01Zeeekgive your soul to SIP
12:40.16fourcheezealthough we prefer IAX when we can get it
12:40.25fourcheezewhich isn't often :-(
12:40.35Zeeekso you're in GoogleTalk denial
12:40.54fourcheezeare they doing IAX?
12:41.00f7950qs0does anyone know if yahoo voip can be configured in any device or asterisk :P
12:41.12Zeeekpeople keep inviting me to googleTalk and I keep saying "get a SIP phone and I'll hook you into our system"
12:41.30fourcheezegoogle were going to open things up
12:41.41Zeeeksomeone has a page on yahoo SIP but it can stop anytime
12:41.53Zeeekstop working I mean
12:41.56f7950qs0wow really
12:42.03nokyit works now
12:42.06fourcheezeyeah, I mean Yahoo wouldn't want to create anything *useful*
12:42.20f7950qs0you're right bout that fourcheeze
12:42.42Zeeek. Yahoo is using TCP SIP and RTP codec SPEEX.
12:42.42Zeeek2. For audio its using UDP
12:42.43Zeeek3. The registrations is normal like SIP registration but via TCP
12:42.44MacWinnerfourcheeze, does each incoming call look like a different SIP session?
12:43.24Zeeekbetter yet:
12:43.42*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
12:43.58Zeeekthis is dated sept 2005 and claims it works
12:44.30Zeeekbut then you have to have a paid account
12:44.30f7950qs0good thanks zeeek
12:44.44f7950qs0i hope they have one cent a minute to australia or UK
12:44.55Zeeekunlimited North Am
12:45.14f7950qs0north america meaning if I call texas is it gonna cost me?
12:45.33Zeeekno meaning N.A. unlimited for $10
12:45.44*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
12:46.12saftsackthe asterisk mathfunction gives me an double (15.0000) back and not a normal 15. howto change this?
12:46.22saftsackcouldnt find anything in
12:46.43Zeeekand the answers yoiu got yesterday here didn't work?
12:48.08*** join/#asterisk __AK__ (
12:48.58*** join/#asterisk rpm (
12:49.21f7950qs0other than yahoo's dialpad they have one more voip service
12:49.31Zeeekwho does?
12:49.34__AK__hello all,
12:50.01__AK__anyone knows how i can  test the pickup command before executing it
12:50.19__AK__i'd like to test it, and if it return an error code do something else
12:51.11f7950qs0yes yahoo
12:51.15f7950qs0let me go check
12:51.22f7950qs0they allow one cent a minute calls to many countries
12:51.29f7950qs0i mean they provide :P
12:51.56*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
12:52.08Zeeekfor you @hole afficionatos :
12:52.22saftsackZeeek, didnt get any answers
12:52.36Zeeeksomeone mentioned CUT - did you look it up or try it?
12:52.46saftsackno i didnt
12:52.51Zeeekwhy not?
12:52.52saftsackCUT after getting the variable?
12:53.01saftsackbecause i didnt received the message
12:53.07Zeeekwill you fucking go rzead some of this stuff?
12:53.11fourcheezecan asterisk handle any complicated variables natively - like lists?
12:53.41*** join/#asterisk htims (
12:53.48saftsackZeeek, can you be a little bit more friendly?
12:53.57*** join/#asterisk anthm (
12:53.57*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
12:54.09Zeeeksafsack, you are on my ignore list. Why? Because you ignore the answers people give you
12:54.37ZeeekYou were given a link to the CUT page on the wiki. You only have to reazd about 5 lines
12:54.41saftsackis it a crime to oversight an answer?
12:54.53saftsackand yes im on this page atm
12:57.21fourcheezesaftsack: does cut solve your problem?
12:57.45fourcheezef7950qs0: much as I hate to recommend a@h you might want to give that a try
12:58.07f7950qs0I tried it and remember you helped me start asterisk@home?
12:58.16fourcheezeahh yeah
12:58.29fourcheezeok then, have you tried xorcom ?
12:59.12fourcheezef7950qs0: or freepbx
12:59.16*** join/#asterisk FreezeS (n=Gladius@
12:59.44fourcheezef7950qs0: xorcom is pretty straightforward, although basic
12:59.50f7950qs0have you seen pbxnsip i found that really easy for my kind of a guy. I mean I am not afraid of trying things or spending time for it. for the cafe at the rates I provide the services it's not worth doing all the hard work
13:00.00Zeeekso is the yahoo messenger voip thing the same as dialpad?
13:00.11f7950qs0xorcom is the first asterisk i downloaded
13:00.35fourcheezehow did you get on?
13:00.52fourcheezeshold be hard to go wrong with that
13:00.53*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
13:00.56FreezeSI've got a problem. The 's' extension isn't run when I dial out from a sip account
13:01.11chapeaurougegot a pb with MOH...
13:01.34chapeaurougethe files are there... *.mp3, from the * installation
13:01.44MacWinnerthanks for the info guys.. have a great day!
13:01.58FreezeSchapeaurouge: check the rights
13:02.07f7950qs0how did I get on?
13:02.13chapeaurougeFreezeS, yea, they seem ok.
13:02.34FreezeSand the rights on the folder
13:02.49chapeaurougedont work with 777 either
13:03.54chapeaurougeworks now
13:04.02chapeaurougehad to completely stop and restart asterisk
13:05.22chapeaurougenow on to distinctive ringing, which i cant make the polycom ring different :P
13:05.58fourcheezewhat's the best way to iterate over a list in a dialplan?
13:06.14FreezeSso, my problem is the following: I have a sip user, with the default context [phone]. The first line on [phone] is exten => s,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=207938)   followed by some includes. The 's' extension isn't running
13:06.32f7950qs0fourcheeze try that website i gave you
13:06.58f7950qs0it has linux and windows both versions, costs 200 dollars plus 10 dollars for every G729 licence purchased
13:07.04f7950qs0and it doesn't work as a passthrough
13:07.17ZeeekFreezeS the SIP user runs in the context when a call is received for her
13:07.18FreezeSfourcheeze: exten => x,1,Dial(sip/user)   exten => x,2,Dial(sip/user2) ... etc
13:07.44FreezeSbut how can I run something everytime somebody dials out ?
13:07.45fourcheezeFreezeS: yeah I want a list of numbers to call
13:07.54ZeeekFreezeS in the dialplan
13:07.58FreezeSfourcheeze: that's the way to do it
13:08.00FreezeSlike I told you
13:08.24FreezeSjust replace sip/user with zap/line/number_to_dial
13:08.24fourcheezeFreezeS: I don't see how I get that out of a list
13:08.37FreezeSyou edit extensions.conf by hand
13:08.39fourcheezeI want to write a macro that I can give a list of numbers
13:08.49FreezeSlearn AGI :)
13:08.51fourcheezeand it goes through them
13:08.53fourcheezeI know agi
13:09.02fourcheezeI'd rather use a macro if at all possible
13:09.02Zeeekhow many numbers max?
13:09.06fourcheezenot many
13:09.07f7950qs0did you see the website i gave you fourcheeze
13:09.11f7950qs0oh you're busy with your own thing
13:09.12fourcheezef7950qs0: yes
13:09.23Zeeekthere is already a macro that does this... superdial or some such
13:09.25fourcheezef7950qs0: I wouldn't pay money for something worse than astiersk
13:09.28f7950qs0i find that the closest to my heart :)
13:12.35fourcheezeZeeek / FreezeS: I'm trying to implement hunt groups based on DB lookups - if anyone knows of a Better Way (TM)
13:12.52fourcheezeZeeek: looking at superdial
13:13.44Zeeekfourcheeze what about ael ?
13:13.52fourcheezedunno what that is
13:13.59Zeeekseems like it'd be tailor-made for your situation
13:14.10Zeeekwhat version asterisk?
13:14.29Zeeekin that case...
13:14.48*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:15.03Zeeekthis would allow you to loop thru a list AFAIK
13:15.24*** part/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
13:15.33fourcheezeZeeek: well I'm thinking if I can get to the first item in a list I can recurse using the Local channel
13:15.45FreezeSfourcheeze: I'll need to make something like that myself
13:15.57fourcheezeI suppose I can use a pipe or soemthing in a string
13:16.00Zeeekswitch(${DIALSTATUS}) {
13:16.02Zeeeklook, this is perfect, switch(${DIALSTATUS}) {
13:16.27Zeeekexcept it's backwards in my paste
13:16.30fourcheezedoes it coexist with ordinary dialplans?
13:16.35ZeeekI think so
13:16.43Zeeekbut I may be wrong about that
13:16.58fourcheezelooks a bit experimental
13:17.02fourcheezeotherwise ideal
13:17.25*** join/#asterisk kardecallan (
13:17.45jsharpprocessed cheeze food
13:17.52fourcheeze-foodnor processed
13:17.54Zeeekactually you could easily write a macro too as you planned
13:18.12fourcheeze-foodhow would I slice the first number off a string?
13:18.18fourcheeze-foodis that a job for cut?
13:18.25Zeeekyou're pulling mly leg
13:18.43fourcheeze-foodwell maybe
13:18.47FreezeSbut, how can I set the CALLERID when a user dials out ?
13:18.55nokyi need to set in extension.conf some dialplan to comunicate my Asterisk with a Gatekeeper
13:18.59nokyhow can i do this??
13:19.01nokyextend => ?
13:19.07nokyin [default] ?
13:19.11fourcheeze-foodthe point is that if you recurse you need to send the top of the string to the function and save the rest
13:19.26fourcheeze-foodI'll have to give it some thought
13:19.37ZeeekFreezeS whatever they dial, go thru a dialplanextension or macro  that does all that
13:19.49*** join/#asterisk mover (
13:20.32moverhow i can set the Accountcode in svn trunk? before there was an app SetAccount
13:20.35*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
13:20.43Zeeekstill is
13:20.54*** part/#asterisk scubasteve (
13:20.54FreezeSmy problem is that for dialout I have a context [dialout]  exten => _X.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN})
13:21.25FreezeSand I include that context for all the users that need to dial out using the PRI line
13:21.25Zeeekis so!
13:21.52FreezeSbut before the dial, I must set the CALLERID
13:21.54moverZeeek: res_agi.c:1095 handle_exec: Could not find application (SetAccount)
13:22.06Zeeekno it changed name
13:22.26Zeeekwhat versikn? I have that in 1.2
13:22.37moverzeek to what?
13:22.38*** join/#asterisk Pix (
13:22.51jsharpexten => _X.,1,SetCIDNum(8675309)
13:23.02moversterisk SVN-trunk-r12430M
13:23.05Zeeektry this^^^^
13:23.06jsharpexten => _X.,2,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN})
13:23.15RoyKjsharp: set(CALLERID(number)=1234)
13:23.20moverzeek you are the best!!!!!!!!!
13:23.22jsharpOr that too.
13:23.23*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
13:23.24moverthank you!!!
13:23.30Zeeekmover one google brought that up
13:23.41Zeeekgoogle asterisk setaccount
13:23.56Zeeekthe answer was in the google summaryt!
13:23.57moverhehe i will remember
13:23.58FreezeSjsharp, I was thinking to modify the [dialout] context to change the priority to 2
13:24.10moveri goggled to Accountcode
13:24.27jsharpPriority 1:  Set CID.  Priority 2:  Dialout.
13:24.28Zeeeksetaccount has been deprecated
13:25.30*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
13:26.14_Paulo_~seen coppice
13:26.32jbotcoppice <n=chatzill@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 3h 25m 30s ago, saying: '"Nun"'.
13:28.07FreezeSit worked
13:29.47*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
13:29.54Zeeekael and extensions.conf can cohabit nicely
13:30.17Zeeekso you could write a small ael to solve the hunt group thing
13:30.40*** part/#asterisk Pix (
13:33.14kardecallanIs there anybody that can help me with configuration of the Asterisk behind the Firewall?
13:33.35Zeeekask away
13:35.59kardecallanI only configured asterisk with sip, when I receive a call external I do not obtain to establish the audio one.
13:36.19Zeeekdescribe the network, client and asterisk
13:36.27*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
13:38.05*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
13:40.39kardecallanAsterisk is with IP mine firewall has ip (LAN) and  ip the external customer meets in the InterNet.
13:42.40*** part/#asterisk sandos (
13:45.25kardecallanAsterisk is with IP mine firewall has ip (LAN) and  ip
13:45.25kardecallanthe external customer accesses our server via InterNet.
13:45.29tzafrirI asked here earlier about stereo and such. After some googling I landed on a page from pkg-voip: the 2wav2mp3 script...
13:46.39RoyKtzafrir: I have a small script that uses sox to mix monitor in stereo
13:47.01kardecallanZeeek. Sorry! I'm brazilian
13:47.13kippianyone used asterisk on freebsd? any ideas where it puts the files? eg, extension.conf
13:47.40kardecallanI have difficulty to write in english
13:47.56kardecallanbut I understand well
13:48.50exonickippi, I imagine /etc/asterisk/
13:49.00exonickippi, if its your first install, run 'make samples'
13:49.53*** join/#asterisk Bambr (
13:50.20kippimake: don't know how to make samples. Stop
13:51.11Zeeekkardecallan are you forwarding ports to asterisk from the firewall?
13:51.39*** join/#asterisk shiznatix (
13:51.54Zeeekports 10,000-11,000 ?
13:52.03RoyKkippi: cd samples && for i in *; do cp $i /etc/asterisk/`echo $i | sed s/.sample//`; done
13:52.36kardecallanThe rule of firewall is to repass everything for the server asterisk.
13:52.53Zeeekwhat phone is client?
13:53.02shiznatixHello, I am trying to send a fax from asterisk then save it back onto the asterisk server. I am able to start the send (I think) but I want the fax to be saved on the asterisk server under a specified directory instead of dialing the phone
13:53.31shiznatixI have of course read the wiki 5 times over and tried just about everything without success
13:55.17kardecallanI observed in the debug of the Asterisk that,
13:55.17kardecallanwhen it goes to send solicitation RTP it is sending for the local IP of my remote customer
13:56.34Zeeekthen the client is screwed up!
13:56.36fourcheeze-foodwhat do people do to avoid race conditions?
13:56.47fourcheezein dialplans
13:56.48Zeeeklive in white trash neighborhoods?
13:57.09Zeeekmove away from NASCAR?
13:57.30fourcheezeexten => 100,1,Dial(Local/101)
13:57.30fourcheezeexten => 101,1,Dial(Local/100)
13:57.59fourcheezeI thinkthat could easily grind my system to a halt
13:58.06Zeeekit's pretty ugly
13:58.32fourcheezeI suppose I could always Wait(1) before doing anything
13:58.48*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:59.12Zeeekthere must be easier ways
13:59.15fourcheezeor is there something that will kill runaway things like that?
13:59.28Zeeekkill -p asterisk_pid
13:59.35fourcheezeif you can type
13:59.44fourcheezeI mean if your shell responds
14:02.49fourcheezemaybe something counts the number of applications per second that a thread opens or something
14:03.06Zeeekwhy re-write the shell in a dialplan?
14:03.19fourcheezeI'm not going to
14:03.38Zeeekbig deal, his brother will take over
14:03.39fourcheezeahh you mean system limits might do it
14:04.26ZeeekI mean there's likely a better way to do what you are so painfully trying to invent
14:04.55kardecallanZeek, I have read that the solution for this problem would be the implementation of STUN. Is it correct?
14:05.00*** join/#asterisk mellw (
14:05.07Zeeekon the client end, you might try STUN, yes
14:05.19Zeeekwhat is the client phone?
14:05.31*** part/#asterisk mellw (
14:05.50fourcheezeit always amazes me when I look at a picture of Bush and see that this guy really is leader of some state
14:05.56ZeeekI know!
14:05.58shiznatixIs there a way to send a fax to a phone but to instead just bypass the phone itself and save the file to the asterisk server instead?
14:06.06kardecallanI'm using a softphone AdoreSoftPhone.
14:06.15fourcheezeand it's not the Congo or Nigeria or some other no-hope place
14:06.33Zeeekkardecallan I never heard of that, sorry
14:06.44Zeeekshiznatix a received fax?
14:07.05glm2kshiznatix: the fax sould be a tif file at one point.
14:07.11glm2ker, should
14:07.19Zeeekan incoming fax is a file anyway
14:07.38Zeeekin /var/spool
14:07.38astra^^how do i to route the calls from your server without any peer
14:07.47astra^^*my server
14:07.54kardecallanMay you suggest an specific phone to be used?
14:08.14*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
14:08.17Zeeekkardecallana no, but I know that Grandstream and X(Lite both have configsd for STUN
14:08.26*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
14:08.37ZeeekI have used both WITHOUT STUN though by forwarding ports on the client side
14:08.47*** join/#asterisk rigas (
14:08.50Zeeekin fact I never use STUN
14:11.01*** join/#asterisk zaf (
14:11.47kardecallanMy client is be an ADSL modem.
14:12.06nokyi need to set in extension.conf some dialplan to comunicate my Asterisk with a Gatekeeper
14:12.08nokyhow can i do this??
14:12.11nokyextend => ?
14:12.14nokyin [default] ?
14:12.23Zeeekkardecallan what modem?
14:12.37kardecallanAnd I can't control it.
14:13.03ZeeekI guess STUN is the best idea for you then
14:13.34astra^^how do i to route the calls from my * server without any peer?
14:16.31*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
14:17.22__AK__anyone knows how i can  test the pickup command before executing it
14:17.24__AK__i'd like to test it, and if it return an error code do something else
14:17.24chapeaurougewhat's the correct syntax for SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Internal)
14:17.33chapeaurougei currently have exten => _1XX,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Internal)
14:19.25*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
14:21.16shiznatixAbout my fax, I am sending a .tif file from the asterisk server then trying to have asterisk ring a phone for about 5 seconds and if nobody picks up then i want it to save the fax to a new tif file on the server
14:24.50*** join/#asterisk Eimann (
14:25.34_Paulo_shiznatix, are you using a callfile?
14:26.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
14:27.01Eimanni've a asterisk and a digitalk node with ipt card and some E1 lines. i can set the clip feature with my telephone connected to a sipura box. when i'm calling via the digitalk, screening is disabled and my endpoint does not see my telephone number. digitalk says "we don't touch this flag". now they want some ngrep output or so between the * and the digitalk. but how can i see, if the flag is set?
14:27.23_Paulo_shiznatix, I would advice you into using hylafax+iaxmodem to handle the fax jobs
14:27.26fu3Well guys.. I'm running FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE w/ Asterisk 1.2.5 and it works PERFECTLY.
14:27.34fu3So..  Asterisk works on FreeBSD just fine ;)
14:30.39shiznatix_Paulo_: what is a callfile? I don't have a choice right now on any of my hardware
14:31.14shiznatix_Paulo_: also, the quality does not matter at all right now, all that matters is that I get at least a partial fax saved onto the asterisk server
14:31.51_Paulo_are you sending the fax from or to * ?
14:33.38shiznatixsending it from asterisk by putting a callfile thing (i think thats a call file) into the outgoing folder, that file then calls the sip phone next to me. i dont want it to keep ringing on the sip phone, I want it to wait 5 seconds and if I dont answer to save it as a file on the asterisk server
14:34.48_Paulo_you shoud use the "T" extension
14:36.35_Paulo_shiznatix, set the timeout and then call another extension where you will call RxFAX(/path/${uniqueid}.tif)
14:37.16*** join/#asterisk denisbr (
14:37.23*** join/#asterisk butzke (
14:37.46butzkeAnyone can tell me if Asterisck
14:37.57shiznatixwhen i try to call a extension that is no currently logged in it give me a error saying it could not call that extension
14:38.14butzkemay be use to make calls to normal phones
14:38.32fu3yes it can
14:38.39fu3with the right setup of course
14:39.01fu3dont goddamn message me
14:39.10fu3(wow, I feel like im a part of this channel now!)
14:39.49fu3hey jsharp..  just so you know, i got my shit all working perfectly now..  thanks for your help and advice
14:40.03[TK]D-Fenderbutzke : There is all sorts of equipment to let Asterisk use phone lines of every kind (POTS, BRI ISDN, T1, E1, etc)
14:40.23fu3he is busy typing messages to me
14:40.29fu3for some reason :)
14:40.38vuudgood morning all.
14:40.44vuudI am having a problem connecting my pbx to gizmo...  I have outbound calls working, and inbound calls half work... when they call in and I have an undefined context in sip.conf, they hear the voicemail lady and can leave a voicemail...
14:40.51vuudIf I define the context in extensions, they hear nothing.  On the CLI it says its doing everything it should be (playing sounds) but they hear nothing.
14:41.04vuudThere is NAT, but why it would work without a valid context, but will not with one stumps me.  Any help would be greatly appreciated
14:41.08fu3hmm.. I wish I knew something about gizmo, but I do not
14:41.37vuudfu3, it gets configured just like any other SIP thing mostly
14:42.35*** part/#asterisk denisbr (
14:42.38vuudfu3: the voice client is pretty funny also... you can insert funny noises into your conversation... like "boooiiinnnngggg"
14:42.56shiznatix_Paulo_: when i try to call a extension that is no currently logged in it give me a error saying it could not call that extension (sorry for the double post)
14:43.01*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
14:43.04fu3really??  fuck.. I had to hire the sound effects guy from Police Academy to jump on the other line to do that.
14:43.26jsharpI just fart into the mic.
14:43.35vuudfu3: sadly, you have wasted your money :)
14:43.55_Paulo_shiznatix, you should make a "fax" extention containing the RxFax
14:44.08fu3I dont know man.. he IS pretty good.
14:44.48Hmmhesaysna na na na, don't phunk with my heart
14:44.57jsharpMichael Winslow.  He's a riot at a live show.
14:45.26vuudSo sound effects aside, could my problem be due to NAT?
14:45.44shiznatix_Paulo_: I have in the callfile first line (Channel: SIP/fax) then in the extensions.conf ()
14:45.45vuudI can also call out to Gizmo fine
14:45.56Hmmhesaysahh the gizmo
14:46.03*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
14:46.28shiznatix_Paulo_: I have in the callfile first line (Channel: SIP/fax) then in the extensions.conf (exten => fax,1,RxFAX(/tmp/ffax/tiffax.tif))
14:46.37_Paulo_shiznatix, and on the receiving * ?
14:46.54Hmmhesaysvuud pastebin your dp
14:47.12vuudHmmhesays: okay, wait one
14:47.13shiznatix_Paulo_: It's the same asterisk server.
14:47.54Hmmhesayslittle pig little pig let me in
14:48.00SkarmethWhat's a recomended ATA (with T.30 or T.38 fax protocols) for using to connect Fax machines to Asterisk?
14:48.08_Paulo_shiznatix, this fax extension is also your sip phone?
14:48.43shiznatix_Paulo_: No my SIP phone is set to 300 as the number
14:49.51_Paulo_shiznatix, what isnt working, then?
14:49.54jsharpSkarmeth:  t.38 on asterisk is still hit or miss.  I wouldn't rely on it.
14:50.42*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (n=jcolp@
14:50.56IkarusAnyone know of a cheap (sub 100 euro) VoIP speakerphone (as in, dedicated for speakerphone use in a conference room)
14:50.59shiznatix_Paulo_: when I get asterisk to start the fax it just dials the phone instead of saving the fax as a file even though I don't have any Answer() or Dial() in the extensions file
14:51.57shiznatix_Paulo_: Really I dont want it to ring the phone at all, I jsut want it to save the file automatically but if I don't have a connected phone it just says 'No such host: fax' or whatever
14:52.47_Paulo_shiznatix, you can use the context instead of channel in the call file
14:53.19_Paulo_shiznatix, put a rxfax context on your extensions.conf
14:53.23*** join/#asterisk firejon (
14:53.38Skarmethjsharp, I know, but by what I read on forums and mailing lists, ATA's with T.30/T.38 support seens to make thinks more easy
14:53.48*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
14:53.49Skarmethand I need to buy one now for a project
14:54.37shiznatix_Paulo_: Alright that got me a little bit farther, now i get the error (apply_outgoing: At least one of app or extension must be specified)
14:54.48vuudHmmhesays: wierd part is the CLI shows it doing everything it should
14:54.53brodiemcan someone recommend a hard phone around or a bit more than the grandstream gxp2000? I wasn't completely satisfied with its build (huge footprint, plasticy) and call quality
14:55.29Ikarusah well, I'll just toss another BudgeTone in the conference room, it worked good enough in tests
14:55.48_Paulo_shiznatix, then put Extension: s
14:55.52jsharpSkarmeth:  I've used Grandstream HT-286s with T.38, but not against Asterisk...only talking to my Quintum gateway.
14:56.08*** join/#asterisk Micetto (
14:56.09_Paulo_shiznatix, Priority: 1
14:56.09jsharpAnd they worked exceptionally well, even over crappy, bursty satellite links.
14:56.12Micettohi :)
14:56.34firejonhas anyone gotten presence hints to work in ael?
14:56.34tzangerthat's because T38 removes a LOT of the timing issues with faxing
14:56.42Micettoanyone have tested mISDN and fax ?
14:56.45fu3god I can hear some JUST HORRIBLE 1980's techno music playing
14:56.47_Paulo_shiznatix, then exten => s,1,RxFax(....
14:57.33Micettohow to detect a fax signal with mISDN driver ?
14:57.34shiznatix_Paulo_: Same error
14:57.47MicettoI use mISDN v.3.1
14:58.09Micettoplease help me :((
14:58.18Hmmhesaysvuud, which is the default context
14:59.03_Paulo_shiznatix, pb your callfile
14:59.08vuudwell, default is in general, but when they come in from gizmo its the "from-gizmo"
14:59.11Skarmethjsharp, thank's for the tip about HT-286
14:59.30shiznatix_Paulo_: pb?
14:59.43*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=phil@
14:59.53Hmmhesaysvuud so if dial fails you want to playback moo2?
15:00.02nokyhow is the character * in extension.conf for a dial plan ?
15:00.33jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
15:01.21vuudHmmhesays: thats just one of the ways... If they call here from gizmo, it picks up - the CLI says its playing moo or whatever else I tell it too - but they here nothing.  If I roll them right to voicemail I get a CLI error about "no audio from SIP".  But if I let them go into the default context, they get and hear voicemail... which is odd since they should not get that I dont think
15:02.15jsharpSkarmeth:  Gotta make sure the Grandstream is running latest & greatest firmware.  T.38 support has been very recent.
15:02.46*** join/#asterisk Teeli (
15:02.50Hmmhesaysvuud answer the call first
15:03.01Skarmethok, I was looking on Sipura's, but it has a "Pending" on it's data sheet... does news fw has T.38 ready?
15:04.03SkarmethI need to go out for a while :'(
15:07.18vuudHmmhesays: crap.  I swear it was not working on ones that we had that with.  Let me see if that works though
15:07.48vuudHmmhesays: I was trying crap all last night - I'm gonna whack myself with a keyboard if that fixes it
15:08.18Hmmhesaysmake sure you have canreinvite set as no in your  general sip conf too
15:09.23_Paulo_shiznatix, use Channel: local/s@term_fax
15:09.24vuudHmmhesays: I have that, and I also added externip also recently... my guy with Gizmo seems to have disappeared too. Thanks much!
15:09.43Hmmhesaysif you have externip you should have your localnet set also
15:09.51_Paulo_shiznatix, instead of SIP/fax
15:10.04vuudHmmhesays: thanks!
15:10.19*** join/#asterisk redondos (n=redondos@
15:10.19brodiemhas anyone used the Polycom IP301? any optinions?
15:10.22brodiemer opinions
15:10.25shiznatix_Paulo_: should i use Channel: or Context: ???
15:10.41redondosWhat ports should I forward in my firewall to my asterisk server if I want to connect with a softphone remotely using SIP? Just 5060 TCP/UDP?
15:11.06_Paulo_shiznatix, Channel
15:11.14vuudredondos: not sure if its accurate, but I've been reading
15:11.23RoyKredondos: just configure the softphone to register with asterrisk. that should do by itself
15:11.25redondosvuud: Thank you.
15:11.58[TK]D-Fenderredondos : softphone behind NAT contacting a public IP *?
15:12.18_Paulo_shiznatix, seems you always have to use Channel, but you can choose between Application or Context.
15:12.48_Paulo_shiznatix, sorry for the wrong tip before.
15:13.23redondos[TK]D-Fender: Yeah.
15:13.39shiznatix_Paulo_: don't worry about it. Ok this is working as far as no errors but the new file (/tmp/ffax/tifftmp.tif) is not created but i do not get any errors
15:13.45redondos[TK]D-Fender: What ports does the softphone will need forwarded, then?
15:13.50file[laptop]Micetto: ...rrrrrright
15:14.04MikeJ[Laptop]file[laptop], having fun?
15:14.15MikeJ[Laptop]your missed
15:14.28file[laptop]why am I missed? :(
15:14.51redondosNice script. I love it. Please tell me what's its name.
15:15.04shiznatix_Paulo_: the last thing asterisk outputs is (> Launching txfax(/tmp/tiff.tif|caller) on Local/s@term_fax-cccc,1)
15:16.03_Paulo_shiznatix, hum... that -cccc is strange...
15:17.06Micettofile[laptop]: what ?!?!?
15:17.43MicettoI have a problem and file[laptop] have fun....file is not good...:'( is not good
15:18.29file[laptop]Micetto: well, it's just... you have a problem... but you haven't said what the problem is
15:19.17MikeJ[Laptop]file[laptop], maybe he doesn't really have a problem?
15:19.30file[laptop]MikeJ[Laptop]: maybe!
15:19.43MikeJ[Laptop]so don't worry about it..
15:19.50*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (
15:21.07Micettofile[laptop]: my problem is fax over mISDN driver
15:21.08shiznatix_Paulo_: that is the exact output when i run the callfile
15:21.26file[laptop]Micetto: then say exactly what your issue is, and maybe someone will respond
15:21.34file[laptop]but I know of nobody off the top of my head who uses mISDN - so good luck
15:21.54Becky75mISDN r u guys nuts who will use that?..
15:22.22MikeJ[Laptop]just passinng fax over an mISDN to mISDN calll.?
15:22.24*** join/#asterisk linville (
15:22.30MikeJ[Laptop]or misdn to rxfax, or what?
15:22.51Micettomisdn to rxfax
15:22.59mkl1525Hi, didn't find it in so could anybody clarify what the difference between bri_net, bri_net_ptmp and bri_net_ptp is?
15:23.23Micettofile[laptop]: what kind of isdn you use with Asterisk 1.2.5 ?
15:23.30fugitivo~seen coppice
15:23.33jbotcoppice <n=chatzill@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 5h 22m 31s ago, saying: '"Nun"'.
15:23.42file[laptop]I don't use ISDN
15:24.46backbluemkl1525: ptp does not exists. bri_net bri_net_ptmp bri_cpe bri_cpe_ptmp
15:24.55MicettoCan I use bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1l without problem ?
15:25.02zigmanuse m
15:25.04MikeJ[Laptop]Micetto, rxfax is very time sensitive
15:25.06backblueMicetto: use k
15:25.14Micettoah ok
15:25.18MikeJ[Laptop]if you have any timing issues in the driver, it just wont work
15:25.21backbluel have some patch's in iax implementations
15:25.24backbluek it's fine
15:25.30Micettoand with qozap can I normaly receive fax?
15:25.34*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
15:25.59Winkieany of you use CDR with incoming calls transferred back out?
15:26.05zigmanuse rc2o for those
15:26.10zigmanquadbri drivers
15:26.11backblueMikeJ[Laptop]: quad bri driver
15:26.20zigmanuse only that module
15:26.38MikeJ[Laptop]I don't know details of mISDN
15:26.43zigmanbut bbristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1k drivers
15:26.52MikeJ[Laptop]I just know that anything with faxing is very time sensitive
15:26.58backblueit's not misdn, its bristuff
15:27.05MikeJ[Laptop]yes, I know
15:27.17MikeJ[Laptop]but it was mISDN a minute ago
15:27.45Micettonow I'm going to install bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1k.tar.gz package
15:28.04Micettowith qozap driver form my quadBRI card
15:28.25Micettoand I hope that fax works fine!
15:28.42mkl1525backblue, thanks, so bri_net and bri_cpe is for point-to-point?
15:28.48backbluemkl1525: y
15:29.01backbluei think so
15:29.13backbluenever used ptp
15:29.21mkl1525backblue, will try it thanks for the help
15:29.26backbluemkl1525: np
15:29.58*** join/#asterisk umay (
15:30.42kmilitzerHello everyone.
15:31.05kmilitzerIs there any way to terminate t.38 on asterisk?
15:31.45jsharpYes, but its hit or miss on whether or not it will actually work.  Its not production ready yet.
15:32.19mutilatoris it hit and miss per connection
15:32.30mutilatoror does it tend to hit and miss per person
15:32.35jsharpPer device.
15:32.39mutilatoruser a will work 90% of the time
15:32.47mutilatoruser b works 50
15:32.47kmilitzerjsharp: I don't care ... I want to test it
15:33.08jsharpOh.  Well, then "yes" is the answer to your question.
15:33.27kmilitzerI need it ... I need to build a ss7-test-gateway and this must have t.38 in some way
15:33.40kmilitzerSo it's woth testing befor I give up with empty hands ...
15:33.53kmilitzerjsharp: where can I find more info? Do I need svn?
15:35.54jsharpI tested it wish Asterisk 1.2.4, the T.38 patch from  You'll also need app_txfax & rxfax, plus the DSP tools.
15:38.43*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
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15:39.59shiznatix_Paulo_: are you still there?
15:40.36Hmmhesayswell lcdial is giving me hell this morning
15:41.34kmilitzerjsharp: do you mean this patch:
15:41.47jsharpThat's the one.
15:42.35shiznatixI have a problem when trying to send a fax. Basically it says that it completed it but in reality no file was created. Here is a pastebin of my information
15:43.22_Paulo_shiznatix, yes, I'm here.
15:44.44_Paulo_shiznatix, do you run your * server as root?
15:45.00*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
15:45.24SpaceBassI've finally had it with broadvoice...been waiting on them to port my number since december....anyone have a provider they recomend?
15:45.25shiznatix_Paulo_: I don't know but I made the folder /tmp/ffax/ and chmod it to 777
15:45.40shiznatix_Paulo_: So it should be able to write to that folde3r
15:46.07*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (n=root@
15:46.35Hmmhesaysit works now
15:46.52HmmhesaysSpaceBass asterlink?
15:46.54jboti guess sixtel is "a SIP / IAX origination and termination service for US48.  DIDs cost like $1.50 per month with like 1.6 cents per minute incoming.  They also provide toll-free USA DIDs for like 20 cents a months at 2 cents a minute.
15:47.02Hmmhesaysi've had decent luck with sixtel too
15:47.13asteriskmonkeytja, tjats ex[emsoce
15:47.22asteriskmonkeythats expensive
15:47.24_Paulo_shiznatix, in my setup asterisk:asterisk is the dir owner
15:47.41asteriskmonkey.0018 cents per min is going us48 rate
15:47.54SpaceBassHmmhesays, thanks, I'll check it out
15:48.04shiznatix_Paulo_: I get 'Invalid User' when trying to chown ffax to asterisk:asterisk
15:48.12SpaceBassas long as they have good rates and can port my number....oh and reliability
15:48.21_Paulo_shiznatix, I use Debian
15:48.39shiznatix_Paulo_: Same here
15:48.58jsharptry asterisk.asterisk
15:49.01jsharpnot asterisk:asterisk
15:49.11Hmmhesaysanyone else in here using lcdial?
15:49.26shiznatixjsharp: same error
15:49.41iDunnochown asterisk file
15:49.47iDunnochgrp asterisk file
15:51.17shiznatixiDunno: I am trying to create a brand new file, should I actally be trying to overwrite the existing file?
15:51.19SpaceBassso far broadvoice had some of the best rates, but the fact that they will not port my number is killing me
15:51.55_Paulo_shiznatix, no, you do not.
15:52.07*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
15:52.10tzafrirgroup asterisk? maybe group dialout?
15:52.34*** join/#asterisk AlexCTI (
15:53.00_Paulo_shiznatix, In my setup * creates the file. I put then into /var/spool/asterisk-fax/${exten}/${uniqueid}.tif
15:54.11_Paulo_shiznatix, but with 1.2.4, txfax doesnt work for me.
15:54.33_Paulo_shiznatix, I have to use iaxmodem+hylafax.
15:55.16vuudHmmhesays: No work.  Plus a bad grep left my last post incomplete... Here is the chunk of the extensions I have along with the CLI output from the call.  Thanks for any help!
15:55.43shiznatix_Paulo_: Crap, I am running 1.2.4, what is this iaxmodem+hylafax??
15:55.49vuudHmmhesays: Also, I added in the timeout after the cli copy and paste
15:56.01*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
15:56.17_Paulo_shiznatix, hylafax is a very good oss fax server
15:56.19*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:56.38Hmmhesaysthat is pretty odd vuud
15:57.19vuudHmmhesays: Yeah.  I'm stumped
15:57.38shiznatix_Paulo_: A iaxmodem is a specific type of hardware modem?
15:58.03_Paulo_shiznatix, iaxmodem is a pure software modem that uses Steve Underwood libspandsp (use the last version)
15:58.12vuudHmmhesays: I am wondering about it being the firewall... not sure why it would work with the default (which does not really run the default I guess) but not once I add a context
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15:58.55shiznatix_Paulo_: Ok I shall take a look at these things. Do they have to be installed on the asterisk server or can I use them from my machine?
15:59.01*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:59.49SpaceBassso broadvoice tells me that my port has been approved but they are waiting on a date from my carrier
15:59.51SpaceBassis that bs or real?
16:00.15_Paulo_I had the same txfax problems with  the iaxmodem that cames with debian.
16:00.21AlexCTIHi. I have questions about codec g279 and g711, actually I don't have any license and all the calls are using g711, and my band with is high, and i'm using x-lite softphones, and I have PRI lines attach to my server, so in order migrate a g729 do I need purchase g729 licenses on the server and that's it?
16:00.27_Paulo_you can run iaxmodem from any machine
16:01.32_Paulo_shiznatix, hylafax has a nice virtual printer port monitor called winprint, that let you create a "fax" printer and fax from any windows machine.
16:01.32SwK[Work]actually iaxmodem comes with the correct versions of libIAX and SpanDSP
16:02.24shiznatix_Paulo_: That would be good if I had a computer with windows but sadly we are all Ubuntu and Debian here.
16:02.33*** join/#asterisk rajiv|work (n=rajiv@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
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16:03.01_Paulo_shiznatix, bether iet, hylafax works very well with linux clients.
16:03.22AlexCTIAnyone can explain me how the license works?
16:03.38SpaceBassHmmhesays,  you put freepbx over your a@h install, right?
16:03.47shiznatix_Paulo_: excellent. Alright Im going for a smoke then to figure this hylafax and iaxmodem out, Thank you very much for your help and if I need more help I hope you are back in the channel. Thanks!
16:04.03Hmmhesaysspacebass I haven't yet, but others have been successful at it
16:04.14SpaceBasswonder if it overwrites all the .conf files
16:06.41Hmmhesaysgod I hate excel
16:08.59*** join/#asterisk oden (
16:10.12fu3I wish to configure Asterisk's dialplan to do different things at different times of the day, can anyone point me in the right direction?
16:10.31jsharptime based includes
16:10.33fu3foudnb it
16:10.46fu3that seems to be it
16:10.51*** join/#asterisk ^HeLL^ (
16:10.56^HeLL^hello all
16:12.10HmmhesaysSpacebass any good way I can go through and take all the numbers in a column that start with 011 and remove it?
16:12.25*** join/#asterisk _maydayjay_ (
16:12.41^HeLL^I just put a web titled AsteriskCounter to keep contact and count how many asterisk users there are on the world...
16:12.49*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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16:13.44*** part/#asterisk Eimann (
16:17.07[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Just sort by the colum and mass select them in a row...
16:18.21Hmmhesaysi don't want to remove them completely
16:18.25Hmmhesaysjust the 011 part
16:18.35Hmmhesaysvoipjets rate tables are retarded
16:18.48*** join/#asterisk astra^^ (n=muhajir_@
16:19.04astra^^fu.. fu .. fu rescue.. team... :(
16:19.32astra^^can i place call tru* without a dial peer
16:20.09astra^^how do i do tat
16:20.20Hmmhesayswith the dial command
16:20.20astra^^rgt nw i have 1001 as peer
16:21.15vader--have any of you guys setup asterisk where it requires user codes to make long distance calls?
16:21.40astra^^as like..
16:21.54astra^^=> _127966XXXXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:3}@mypbx)
16:22.32brettnemof course you can't determine if a call is LD my only looking at the Area Code..
16:22.54vader--well we can say any call that isn't a specific area code
16:22.56vader--needs a number first
16:23.19*** join/#asterisk DeeJay[2] (
16:23.25astra^^without a dial peer?
16:23.34vader--dial peer?
16:23.39astra^^yes ...
16:23.54astra^^i mean can i place call without the dial peer
16:23.56DeeJay[2]We often see the zap driver disabling the echo canceller when it shouldn't do it...  is it a problem with our telco (PRI) or with our channel banks?  We're using a Digium Quad T1 card.
16:24.14jsharpPleased to meet you.
16:24.20[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Sort by it and do =mid(a1,4,255)
16:24.22a1faMAIL FROM: <>
16:24.27a1fa250 ok?
16:24.32exonicDeeJay[2], Sure they're not fax calls?
16:24.33jsharp500 GO POUND SAND
16:24.36DeeJay[2]exonic: sure
16:24.47a1faRCPT TO: <*@*>
16:25.00a1fa200 SLAP
16:25.03exonica1fa, do you need help?
16:25.13a1faexonic : no, thanks..
16:25.23a1fai am just saying hi to my friends
16:25.28a1fa[TK]D-Fender : respek'
16:25.37astra^^exonic: i need help
16:25.38a1fabiggy up from down & under
16:25.44[TK]D-Fendera1fa : y0
16:25.45a1faastra^^ : just ask
16:25.54astra^^i mean can i place call without the dial peer
16:25.55a1fa[TK]D-Fender : i hate/love nat
16:25.57astra^^and hw
16:26.04exonicDeeJay[2], i've never seen it so i'm sure i'd be of no help. Sorry.
16:26.09[TK]D-Fendera1fa : Doesn't bother me anywhere....
16:26.11DeeJay[2]exonic ok thank you
16:26.12exonicDeeJay[2], I am usign the exact same card as well
16:26.28a1fa[TK]D-Fender : that netgear router kept making my remote sip unreachable
16:26.31brodiemhas anyone used polycom IP301's?
16:26.54a1fa[TK]D-Fender : the work around, I had to enable port forwarding.. nat=yes;qualify=2000;canreinvite=no;
16:27.02[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : plenty of people, whats your question?
16:27.21a1fabrodiem: has anyone used a butt plug
16:27.23[TK]D-Fendera1fa : thats NORMAL....
16:27.29*** join/#asterisk eric_hill (i=EricHill@
16:27.46a1fa[TK]D-Fender : :P not really.. my other phones (behind a linksys) didnt need port forwarding
16:28.05brodiem[TK]D-Fender, just looking for a couple opinions (looks ok so far from reviews I've read), and I wanted to know if anyone has tested them using headsets without using the amplifier
16:28.07*** join/#asterisk Fedoracore6 (n=deddd@
16:28.08[TK]D-Fendera1fa : Actually yeah.. you shouldn't need to do taht... bad NAT I guess...
16:28.19astra^^i still dint gt help
16:28.22AlexCTIHi Everyone, Someone can explain me how the g729 works, I mean if I purchase some lic for the server, Do I need purchase lic for my x-ten too?
16:28.43[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : It works (having tried with a Plantronics "striaght" cable, but I would do that in a call-center.  Amplifiers make the difference...
16:28.51tzangerAlexCTI: x-ten has the license already (you paid for it)
16:28.57[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : For home / light use, its "ok" I guess
16:29.10brodiem[TK]D-Fender, are there any phones in that price range that have an amplified headset port?
16:29.14AlexCTISorry, I'm using x-lite
16:29.17[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI : Which X-Ten?
16:29.32tzangerx-lite does not have g729, you buy x-ten to get g729
16:29.38[TK]D-FenderX-Lite doesn't come with G729 at all.  Only their PAYED versions (X-Pro / eyeBeam)_
16:29.46brodiem[TK]D-Fender, the headset seemed to be ok on a GXP2000 but it isn't amplified either is it?
16:29.58[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : What kind of use?
16:30.20brodiem[TK]D-Fender, it willbe in a call center environment
16:30.34AlexCTIok, so If I purchase x-ten with g729, do I need buy g279 on the server?
16:30.41[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : IP301 + AMP.  I mean it.. be nice to your agents.....
16:30.55a1faAlexCTI : you can just download xten..  its free
16:31.02austinnichols101what's up a1fa?
16:31.04fu3hey, will Playback play .wav or .raw files?
16:31.06fu3or just .gsm?
16:31.09a1faaustinnichols101 : chillen dude...
16:31.10*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:31.16austinnichols101are you nat happy?
16:31.19brodiem[TK]D-Fender, we have headsets already that are amplified, but the manager doesn't like the sloppiness of all the cables... that's why I asked
16:31.22a1faaustinnichols101 : 156ms delay, but it still sounds awesome
16:31.32[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : I ended up having to get my guys H261 binaural headseds, M12 amps for their IP601's
16:31.35a1faaustinnichols101 : its ok.. i dont like port forwarding
16:31.42*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=ralfalfa@
16:31.42a1faaustinnichols101 : script kiddies can call you on 5060
16:31.49[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : They clarity will suffer without them...
16:31.56AlexCTIa1fa, if I download x-ten, i just need buy lic on the server right?
16:32.01a1fai updated the firmware.. still nothing
16:32.09a1faAlexCTI : yes
16:32.14brodiem[TK]D-Fender, are you referring to the polycom phones only, or are there others with an amplified port?
16:32.17[TK]D-Fendera1fa : port forwarding doesn't do that.... accepting un-auth'd calls does :)
16:32.30a1fayou will need license on both ends in order to utilize the protocol
16:32.34[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : No phone worthy mentioning even-if.
16:32.47a1fa[TK]D-Fender : hahaha.. all those SIP ATAs can recieve calls.. no way to disable that
16:32.57a1faIP calling.. damn it
16:33.01[TK]D-FenderMy SPA-941 seemed "ok", but takes a 2.5mm jack.
16:33.01a1fapowerchip:5060, ring ring!
16:33.14austinnichols101aifa: here's another couple of solutions.  1.  Get a phone with keepalive.  2.  Make your own keepalive by setting the register expiration to something low like 15 seconds (the phone will re-register every 15 seconds).  Then you can turn off qualify=yes on the server side
16:33.35austinnichols101still kinda ugly, IMO
16:33.37backblueanyone -> ?
16:33.37a1fatoo much chatter :P
16:33.38AlexCTII got it.. can you send me the x-ten link?
16:34.43Abydos313why not .net client :))
16:34.53a1fawhy not .com client, biznutch!
16:35.01gaupewhy not XUL?
16:35.05a1fai want to learn ajax
16:35.08a1falooks neat
16:35.16Abydos313lots of talk lately about that a1fa.. haven't heard anything on .net
16:35.22gaupeajax is just a hype, nothing much to it
16:35.39a1fagaupe : well, it is the future
16:35.44a1fathink of it that way
16:35.48austinnichols101web 2.0 baby!
16:35.52a1faall office applications will be outsourced on the internet
16:35.59a1faso no more pirateZ
16:36.03brodiem[TK]D-Fender thanks for the info
16:36.06gaupeyeah right, it's one or three javascript functions that has been there for ages
16:36.07austinnichols101a1fa: use flex
16:36.08a1fayou will need to buy a login in order to use office
16:36.28a1fatwisted maybe
16:36.31brodiem[TK]D-Fender you think an IP301 would serve best for that price range? I got a GXP2000 in to try it and wasn't overly impressed, and I need about 20 more of them, so I wanted an alternative
16:36.35austinnichols101a1fa: we already offer that (hosted ms office)
16:36.53austinnichols101you can 'rent' ms project for a week
16:37.13a1faaustinnichols101 : you work for ms?
16:37.22*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
16:37.39a1faor macro?
16:37.44austinnichols101a1fa: nope - mbs partner for Dynamics AX (Axapta)
16:38.09austinnichols101but then we do hosting so under their Service Provider License Agreement (SPLA) you can basically 'rent' any of their software
16:38.31austinnichols101and a McAfee Elite partner
16:38.35queuetueHello.  Could anyone point me towards a resource where I can learn more about T1 lines?  How they are used, how flexble they are, just a trusted general resource so I understand what I'm researching.
16:38.59Fedoracore6hai all
16:39.04Fedoracore6can i use CDR using PHPAGI
16:39.16Fedoracore6its ok to my system
16:39.40[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : IP301 is a perfect choice for a call center.  low-budget, high wuality
16:39.58Fedoracore6cos i try do the update code using agi but not success
16:40.39a1faaustinnichols101: flex any god?
16:40.40Fedoracore6its ok or nor using CDR using PHPAGI
16:41.16austinnichols101a1fa: I think it's a great product.  Think of it as being able to describe a UI using XML + Actionscript and then have flex generate the flash results
16:41.21AlexCTIa1fa: That link doesn't let download anything
16:41.35*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
16:41.37a1faAlexCTI : yes it does
16:41.52a1fasearch for
16:41.55austinnichols101aifa: then they have lots of screen widgets (grids, drop-down boxes, radio buttons, tabs, etc)
16:42.07a1fasearch "X-PRO_Install.exe"
16:42.20a1faaustinnichols101 : i will think about making a sip client :p
16:42.29zoaa1fa: please dont spread out links to warez on this channel
16:42.54a1faits not
16:43.04a1fadamn it dude
16:43.08zoal :)
16:43.09a1fastop pointing fingers
16:43.17zoait looks kinda suspicious :p
16:43.34a1fahe still needs to pay for the license key
16:44.07Skarmethbrodiem, I got 20 IP 301 las friday
16:44.16a1faSkarmeth : damn dude
16:44.19a1faSkid: how much?
16:44.58a1faSkarmeth : how much>?
16:45.00Skarmethit was in Brazil, R$ 550,00 (about $ 253,00 with taxes)
16:45.28jarrodI'm receiving quite a few 'Avoiding initial deadlock' on different channel types... is this normal?
16:45.29a1fathats it?
16:45.32a1fa$253 USD?
16:45.40a1faper phone?
16:45.44a1faor for 20 of them?
16:46.02Skarmethit was a good business, your market average price is R$ 611,00 (about $ 281.00)
16:46.16brodiemSkarmeth, how are they fairing out?
16:46.17a1faIP301 is $134 USD
16:46.21a1faper phone :P
16:46.23a1fayou got robbed
16:46.31*** join/#asterisk iq (
16:46.33Skarmetha1fa, not in brazil
16:46.41a1faman, next time, give me a haller
16:46.45a1faI will ship you the goods
16:46.47brodiemI saw the 301's for $110
16:46.54a1fai will charge you $180 per phone
16:46.56Skarmethget your $ 134 USB and put a 60% of taxes (including transportation)
16:47.02a1fafree shipping
16:47.07a1fawho pays taxes anyway?
16:47.12a1famaybe customs
16:47.22a1fayou will have to pay customs down there... no sales tax needed
16:47.53brodiemyeah customs is paid by the receiver upon delivery
16:47.59a1faright :P
16:48.11a1fai will sell them for $180 with shipping included
16:48.47Skarmethif you have a cost of $ 15 USD to send it, then your will have $ 146.00 + 60% that results in $ 233,60 plus additional local taxes and transportation costs
16:48.48a1fa!calc 180*20*(180*60/100)
16:48.50brodiembut if you declare the items as a gift (at least shipping to canada anyway) you can get away without paying the duty
16:49.09a1fai will send you a gift
16:49.22a1fait is your late christmass and easter present
16:49.28a1fafromt he time since you where born until today
16:49.47Skarmetha1fa, if you send more that one same object to brazil, it's considered commerce
16:49.49a1faso what, you are like ~25, i can send you 50 phones
16:49.54brodiema1fa but it happens all the time, you really think customs and border protection are going to put out an investigation to find out if it's a gift? lol
16:50.04a1fabrodiem : i know..
16:50.10Skarmethand gifts are limited to $ 50.00 USD (without transportation)
16:50.25brodiemSkarmeth, so each phone costs $2 :)
16:50.32a1faof course
16:50.36*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
16:50.36a1fathey are "DEFECTIVE"
16:50.44a1faso they only cost "2"
16:51.05Skarmethnot here, all packages will be opened and then the local market value will be applied, plus duty and law enforcements
16:51.18a1fasucks man
16:51.22a1fai read about brazil
16:51.29a1fahow they steel merchandise from docks
16:51.40a1faso i am sure you can smugle it out
16:51.47a1fai will send you container
16:51.59SkarmethWe always pay about $ 50.00 more for each thing
16:52.24jsharpSmuggle a bunch of phones in a pack of zebras.
16:52.26a1faits ok
16:52.33a1fayou get to play with babes in g-strings down @ the beach
16:52.44brodiemjsharp, I hear totem poles work good to stuff things with too :)
16:52.45a1fa$50 is a cheap price to pay for p00tang
16:52.47vuudHmmhesays: well, just found out the voicemail my tester has been reporting is Gizmo's voice mail.  So I get no outgoing sound when someone calls in regardless of the context... which makes a lot more sense.  Any thoughts in this case?
16:52.53a1fa$50 is your p00tang tax!
16:53.51Skarmetha1fa, where your work? are a resaller?
16:55.05*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:55.13a1fano man
16:55.16a1faprivate contractor
16:56.49*** join/#asterisk ropeguru_work (
16:57.08ropeguru_workHi all...
16:57.34ropeguru_workI just tried googling but cannot find an answer to a question that I have.
16:57.51a1fajust ask
16:58.05salviadudmy mixmonitor thing
16:58.08salviadudit gets cut off!
16:58.29ropeguru_workI just installed openSUSE 10.0 and have asterisk up and running fine. But I cannot get the zaptel script running correctly to load the drivers automatically. Seems there is a problem with the "functions" routine.
16:58.45salviadudits weird...
16:58.53salviadudi have a long conversation
16:59.09*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
16:59.09salviadudand the output file shows like 14 secs or so of sound..
16:59.59a1fahey.. when you call between extensions, do they establish a direct connection?
17:00.00ropeguru_workIt is looking for a functions script in the rc.d and there isn't one. Found one in the /etc/sysconfig/hardware/scripts/ and /etc/sysconfig/network/scripts/ but neither are the correct functions script
17:00.11a1fai have 2 extensions in europe
17:00.18a1faand it is pointless for them to talk back to mamma
17:00.29a1fain order to talk to eachother
17:00.34a1faanyway to move them off the network?
17:00.40a1fain a direct connection?
17:01.01ropeguru_workr they sip and behind NAT
17:01.23a1faropeguru_work : i will enable port forwarding tho..
17:01.27ropeguru_workProbably not going to happen then because os SIP not liking NAT ver well..
17:01.41*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
17:01.41ropeguru_workAnd no, I cannot type today. :-)
17:02.06a1faropeguru_work : No NAT?
17:02.08ropeguru_workIf you want to test allow re-invites between the two extensions.
17:02.20a1fawill do that
17:02.30ropeguru_workBut I am sure you will probably run into one-way audio issues.
17:03.10ropeguru_workTo verify thaey are talking directly do an rtp debug in the asterisk console to make sure it isn't in the middle of the rtp stream/
17:03.30a1fawill do that
17:03.38a1fathat will be perfect
17:03.44a1fabecause if they dont reinvite
17:03.50a1fathey create a delay of 300ms
17:03.52a1faor more
17:04.02a1faif they reinvite, the delay between the two hosts is 50ms
17:04.22a1fathe * is in .US
17:04.29salviadudhey, any dude here using mixmonitor?
17:04.49a1fano dude
17:04.54a1faonly chiX
17:05.39mkl1525is there a way to show all atm used channels of the zap devices?
17:05.52a1fazap show peers
17:06.19salviadudwell then, i would like to get in contact with the girls using mixmonitor
17:06.23a1faor not
17:06.31a1fasalviadud : perver
17:06.50salviadudduuude, it's a real issue here
17:07.03salviaduddamn thing cuts off...
17:07.07salviadudmakes no sense
17:07.07*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
17:07.18salviadudi blame the chameleon. damn suse
17:08.07mkl1525alfa, is this a 1.2 feature - my current 1.0 just knows zap show channel(s)?
17:08.29Daminjbot centosbug
17:08.34jbotwell, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos 4.2 kernel. To fix it, edit the file /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-34.EL-i686/include/linux/spinlock.h and change 'rw_lock_t' on line 407 to 'rwlock_t'. Make sure you're NOT using gcc4, as that doesn't work either.
17:08.34a1fayeah do zap help
17:09.04mogormanDamin, are you here?
17:09.17mogormanin san jose that is
17:09.17Daminmogorman: Here as in VON? No. Here as in the channel? Yes.
17:10.05*** join/#asterisk htims (
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17:12.18astra^^Mar 15 11:11:27 WARNING[12997]: channel.c:2333 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from ulaw to g729
17:12.27jarrodyou dont have g729 licenses?
17:12.56astra^^asterisk supports g723 pass tru right..?
17:13.06jarrodbut that says g729
17:13.13Daminastra^^: Yep. Works great.
17:13.19*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
17:13.24astra^^ok .. bt hw do i do it without transcoding it
17:13.51jarrodchannel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for XXX
17:13.55jarrodwhy do i receive a lot of these?
17:14.12*** join/#asterisk kc5cqm (
17:14.46kc5cqmhas anyone here played with Phil Zimmermann's zfone utility yet?
17:14.55kc5cqmor for that it to build?
17:15.47kc5cqmfor those of y'all who don't know, zfone encrypts the rtp datastream
17:16.28*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
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17:17.14*** join/#asterisk kc5cqm (
17:17.37kc5cqmAnyone play with zfone yet?
17:17.53Abydos313not yet
17:21.43*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
17:23.42*** join/#asterisk _Thor (
17:24.03_ThorNo contaban con mi astusia!
17:25.07^HeLL^chavo del 8?
17:25.17*** part/#asterisk nusse (
17:25.31_ThorHell: wrong, Chapulin Colorado
17:26.00^HeLL^ohh right! right! :)
17:26.08^HeLL^bad memory...
17:26.49_ThorHell: mmm, slap on wrists!
17:28.35_ThorI have a question... for calls extension to extension, why in the world I can not force g729?
17:29.56^HeLL^90 users registered... uau!... :D
17:30.14^HeLL^_Thor : use canreinvite=yes
17:30.47^HeLL^or buy g729 licenses... :)
17:31.00^HeLL^if you need transcoding...
17:31.06_ThorI can't, extensions are in 2 different networks, they will not be able to listen to each oterh
17:31.47^HeLL^use gateway phone option
17:31.56dominguesHello All, I am getting some problem using Codec G729 trought ooh323 drive, when I send the call, it s completeto the calling but the Caller still hear calling tone, does anyone have the same probllems or have some idea?
17:32.07^HeLL^to add the router that connects both phones
17:34.26*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
17:37.58vuudIs there a way to tell what Codec a connection has settled on?  I am getting no sound at all.
17:39.01Fedoracore6hai all
17:39.04*** join/#asterisk mover (n=dlu@
17:39.26Fedoracore6i doing the code for update student databases but when i run this code have error
17:39.37Fedoracore6like this
17:40.17Fedoracore6its i have put something else or have other code for update
17:42.31*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
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17:44.24SpaceBassanyone had problems with faxes coming across as blank pages?
17:44.33brodiemis there a CLI command to view the contents of variables?
17:44.33SpaceBassi recieve the correct number of pages, but they are always blank
17:44.49*** join/#asterisk dippo (
17:45.04dippohi. this is a weird one: when I log into an adhoc device with *11 and enter my extension & password, everything appears to work
17:45.15dippoexcept while that user is logged in, DTMF via my IAX2 trunk stops working
17:45.19dippoit starts working again if I log out via *12
17:45.33dippoDTMF appears to work via a Zap channel during that time
17:46.12SpaceBasscan anyone help with some dring and fax issues?
17:46.32SpaceBassI have installed fax and pdf support, but I only get blank pages
17:47.13*** join/#asterisk MstlyHrmls (n=mh@
17:48.23SpaceBassmy dring problem is quite complex... 2 zap lines: zap/1 is personal zap/2 is business and has a dring.... everything works fine in terms of routing until someone calls zap/2 then ALL calls come in as if from zap/2....if I comment out the dring, it works fine...personal calls to person extens, work calls get a cID prefix and go to work extensions
17:50.08*** join/#asterisk zgor (
17:50.11zgorhi :)
17:51.35zgor(sorry for my bad english), i trying to link an Avaya PBX to Asterisk by PRI. Using a E1/T1 crossover cable, but i have always RED light ...
17:51.58willtDoes gotoiftime only transfer to contexts or can I run macros based on it?
17:51.59*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
17:52.54zgori build myself the cable (1->4 , 2->5 , 4->1,5->2). before next step, i think first is to have green light, isnt it ?
17:53.45*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
17:54.48nokymy asterisk unregister with my gatekeeper
18:04.59*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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18:11.07*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
18:12.35fu3quick.. someone send me $200
18:13.32starleingo working
18:13.44mutilatorpaypal address?
18:14.15starleinhehe mutilator you can get mine
18:14.41diLLecwait. i will register for that :-)
18:15.52SpaceBassI have installed fax and pdf support, but I only get blank pages
18:16.02ruzaany idefisk ebuild in the wild ?
18:16.15*** join/#asterisk gbodemantv (n=gbodeman@
18:16.20gbodemantvhi all
18:16.34gbodemantvanyone using Flash Operator Panel??
18:16.58justinuman, i'm kinda frustrated with AMI
18:17.00^HeLL^gbodemantv : me for example... :)
18:17.02justinutrying to originate calls
18:17.05*** join/#asterisk kpettit (n=keith@
18:17.24justinubut the new channel events with the channel id, unique id don't have any association with the originate action commands!
18:18.34exonicjustinu, what do you need them associated with?
18:18.41exonicjustinu, on a bigger picture, what's it used for?
18:19.21justinui need to originate calls, then track the events that occur on them
18:19.27justinuwhile ignoring calls I didn't originate
18:20.52Fedoracore6hai all
18:25.20*** join/#asterisk jbot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:25.20*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=-
18:26.17*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
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18:28.05Fedoracore6i wanna do update from my databases
18:28.16kpettitI'm trying to setup a que.  Is there anyway to have phones auto-login to a queue?
18:28.43kpettitThe phones are only used in the queue and I'm using the "ringall" strategy, so it would be easuer if there always loggged in
18:28.53Fedoracore6so i try this code but feild
18:28.58*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
18:29.14Fedoracore6its have some code or eample for update
18:29.22Fedoracore6cos i look in my code is wrong
18:29.38MikeJ__kpettit, you can just make them static members...
18:29.45MikeJ__so they are always logged in
18:29.53kpettitthat would be perfect.
18:30.01MikeJ__just don't use chan_agent
18:30.04kpettithow do I do that.  All the tutorials I've seen focus on doing the login
18:30.14MikeJ__just put the sip or zap or whatever in the members
18:30.25MikeJ__like you would AGENT\blah
18:30.49kpettitah so instead of member => Agent/100  do  member => Sip/100  ??
18:30.53MikeJ__any valid peer can be a queue member, not just agents
18:30.59MikeJ__yeah, somthin like tha
18:31.11kpettitsweet, that'lll be perfect.
18:31.14MikeJ__assuming SIP/100 is setup and such
18:33.43Fedoracore6its my code wrong
18:33.58Fedoracore6or i have modified the code
18:34.19kpettitMikeJ__, Just gave it a try, it just hangs up after it answers.
18:34.55kpettitthat's what I'm using
18:35.11kpettitThe Sip/XXX are all valid extensions
18:35.55Fedoracore6i think fo my :)
18:37.02kpettitI can see the Answer, Wait, and the Queue executing.  It then starts, then stops music on hold then hangs up
18:37.08gbodemantvhell: I am trying to implement FOP but use REALTIME
18:37.14gbodemantvany idea how I can connect the 2
18:37.40kpettitwrite a cron job to update FOP
18:37.51justinuexonic: looks like I can query the channel variables per new call
18:38.00justinuthat's one way for me to set some kind of tag.
18:38.06justinujust requires another server roundtrip :(
18:39.17*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
18:39.21Zodiacalanyone know of a way to tell if a phone number is a local call? (im not at the location of the phone line tho)
18:39.50fu3call the operator
18:40.27*** part/#asterisk ropeguru_work (
18:40.41austinnichols101ask the caller where they're at
18:41.22*** join/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
18:41.33epabloHi people
18:41.47*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
18:41.53PakiPenguinhello :)
18:41.55*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:42.14*** join/#asterisk DaveHope (n=dave@
18:42.18PakiPenguinanyone here used sangoma's single t1/e1 card?
18:42.22*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
18:42.27fu3im using a sangoma a104d
18:42.52PakiPenguinfu3, i want just a single t1 , very less useage , is there an echo cancelation module available?
18:42.53SpaceBassI have installed fax and pdf support, but I only get blank pages
18:42.58DaveHopeHey all. Quick question, is there anywhere home users can obtain paid asterisk support ? - I'd really like to get asterisk going (cant get outgoing SIP calls to work) and don't expect help for free. Any ideas of where I can look ?
18:43.15fu3I dont know.  I sprung for the echo cancellation for the A104 but I sure had to pay for it.
18:43.21epabloI've been reading about res_data and Asterisk RealTime Architecture.  But I can't find the modules in the 1.2.x dist
18:43.37austinnichols101davehope: a@H?
18:43.50fu3you should call Sangoma PakiPenguin.
18:43.52fu3or email them.
18:43.55PakiPenguini see
18:44.30DaveHopeaustinnichols101: Don't really want to go down that route.
18:44.48DaveHopeepablo: Asked before, got one part resolved but not the other. No luck on the forum/mailing list either.
18:44.51justinuanyways, if you want vanilla asterisk support (no AMP/AAH) you're int he right place
18:44.56austinnichols101DaveHope: for A@H there are several people.  I've used (ask for Tom Vile)
18:45.14austinnichols101and there are a LOT of people here who will do paid asterisk stuff
18:45.20epabloDaveHope:  What do you wan't to do'
18:45.23DaveHopeaustinnichols101: Cool. Will ask a bit later then :)
18:45.29justinuyep, you might find your answer for free too
18:45.34*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
18:45.35justinudepends on how you ask ;)
18:45.48austinnichols101great group here as long as you've done your homework first
18:46.00austinnichols101otherwise, prepare yourself for the smackdown
18:46.29DaveHopeepablo: Just make outgoing sip calls using my sipgate number, have incomming calls go through a menu (simple) through asterisk so I can have multiple users.
18:46.31epabloYeap.. been there.  Have been smaked.. LOL
18:46.45austinnichols101I've been bitch-slapped a couple of times
18:47.00DaveHopeI'll ask you all after I've had my tea. Just got in from work :)
18:47.02austinnichols101ouch - get off.  it hurts!
18:47.52epabloDaveHope:  I don't know sipgate but that setup sounds simple
18:48.40*** part/#asterisk oden (
18:48.46exonicjustinu, what's the command to show channel variables? I could use this also.
18:49.24exonicjustinu, are you refering to 'ACtion: Status' ?
18:49.29justinuACTION: GetVar
18:49.29justinuChannel: SIP/5060-44d225d0
18:49.29justinuVariable: <whatever>
18:49.53exonicjustinu, ahh. Take a look at status. it lets you pass a ActionID parameter.
18:50.21epabloI've been reading about res_data and Asterisk RealTime Architecture.  But I can't find the modules in the 1.2.x dist.  Any one know is that is still Alive?  I'm looking into setting up SER-Asterisk for an Asterisk@large setup
18:50.41PakiPenguincan anyone suggest me something for six fxs lines? cards? channelbank or what?
18:50.41justinuexonic: yeah, i was noticing that also
18:51.17justinuPakiPenguin: TDM2400 w/ 3 modules?
18:51.18epabloPakiPenguin: I saw some 8 port ATA's on voipsupply
18:51.26justinu8 port SIP gateways are $$$
18:51.34justinubut would be a nice solution
18:52.34*** join/#asterisk mxmasster (
18:52.45mxmassterin the asterisk console, what is the command that i use to test the dialpan?
18:52.52mxmassteri'e what matches a pattern
18:53.01epabloDaveHope: You should be able to do this with a simple SIP friend user setup and an IVR
18:53.03gbodemantvkpettit: what kind of cronjob?
18:53.53exonicmxmasster, I'm not aware of one, Although you could originate a call in whatever context/exten and watch ;)
18:55.09*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
18:55.39kpettitgbodemantv, something to query the database to get all the sip info then just spit that in the format you want for FOP
18:55.53justinuexonic: i'm gonna take a look thru the code, see if it's very difficult to associate the ActionID w/ the NewChannel event.
18:56.00justinujust would make my life alot easier.
18:56.00asterboyWhen using pots lines for a rotary, the line provider sets up the Rotary right? Not *
18:56.16justinuasterboy: all POTS lines work with DP (dial pulse)
18:56.18kpettitFOP can't grab info from a db (that I know of) so you'll have to find some way to grab the info out of the db and re-write the op_buttons.cfg file
18:56.21justinuno special config required.
18:56.36mxmassterwhat is a tool that i can use on linux to run a traceroute and calculate jitter?
18:56.42kpettitgbodemantv, and restart that op_server process as well
18:56.48kpettitmxmasster, use mtr
18:56.56asterboyIf I want a rotary though, do I get the line provider to setup or can I do it in *?
18:57.00*** part/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
18:57.08asterboythis is for pots lines.
18:57.09mxmassterkpettit: mtr will show jitter?
18:57.14kpettitmxmasster, you can also adjust the outpuit of thst do display different fields
18:57.42justinuasterboy: by rotary, you mean routing to different numbers based on the status of the number dialed?
18:57.46kpettitmxmasster, yes I use it all the time.
18:57.50justinunot like a rotary telephone
18:57.53asterboyno incoming
18:58.11mxmassterkpettit: i'm looking at the man page - i don't see the jitter option, what should i pass it?
18:58.13asterboylike I have a line coming in on an FXO via pots...
18:58.24kpettitmxmasster, after you get into mtr you can press "O" to order the fields to get the data displayed the way you want
18:58.35asterboyI want that line to be *not* ring busy if someone else calls...
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18:58.47justinuasterboy: yes, that's up to your phone company at this point.
18:58.48asterboyso it goes to the next available FXO port.
18:58.54asterboyya that is what I thought.
18:59.05mxmassterkpettit: are you talking about the command line or the gui?
18:59.13kpettitmxmasster, press "O" when in mtr and jhoose the J options for Jitter or M for Mean jitter, or X for Worst jitter or all the above
18:59.14asterboycause there is no way for * to magically switch the call to another phone line.
18:59.29Hmmhesaysis a good name for a website? or too hard to spell
18:59.32kpettitmxmasster, those are the commandline otions, but there is also a GUI to mtr, depending on how it was compiled
18:59.35justinuasterboy: no, because the call won't ever be sent to you
18:59.43justinuno way to control it if you never get it
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18:59.50kpettitmxmasster, I always use the console though so I'm not sure what the GUI options are
18:59.57asterboynow on the other side, if I'm calling out, * can use a group to line hunt the next available.
19:00.02justinuasterboy: correct.
19:00.17tzafrirIs there any way to get zaptel to do echo cancelation to FXS extensions?
19:00.40mxmassterkpettit: i don't seem to have that option - what version of mtr are you using? mtr-0.54-10
19:01.10*** part/#asterisk astra^^ (n=muhajir_@
19:01.13tzangermxmasster: of course
19:01.34salviaduddoes anyone here have any probs with mixmonitor?
19:01.41mxmasstertzanger: ?
19:01.54kpettitmxmasster,  net-analyzer/mtr-0.69-r1
19:02.00justinuasterboy: instead of rotary, you might want to use the term line hunting, or hunt group
19:02.04justinuwith your telco
19:02.12justinusometimes they don't understand unless you speak their language
19:02.13salviadudperhaps i could teach you guys how to make tacos,that should make up for the info i need very nicely, i believe
19:02.15mxmassterkpettit: thanks
19:02.27tzangermxmasster: just define echocancel=yes (or a number) and it should work
19:02.41justinusalviadud: hola, como estas?
19:02.58salviadudmucho muy angry
19:03.12tzafrirtzanger, it seems to have no effect. And looking at the code, there seem to be a number of thests there for FXS signalling
19:03.18justinutzager: (10:58:23) tzafrir: Is there any way to get zaptel to do echo cancelation to FXS extensions?
19:03.21salviadudnot really, im just bewildered at why my mixmonitor application fails sometimes
19:03.44salviadudif ANYBODY, just anybody, has the same problem
19:03.46salviadudgive me a call
19:04.20justinuhow's it failing?
19:04.33*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
19:04.39tzangertzafrir: interesting
19:04.43salviadudit records the beginning of a call
19:04.57salviadudthen by some weird reason it stops recording before i hang up
19:05.02salviadudincomplete recordings
19:05.07salviadudyeah, sip
19:05.11salviadudis that bad?
19:05.14justinusip to sip?
19:05.18justinuno, i use mixmonitor on sip all the time
19:05.21salviadudnot really
19:05.25salviadudsip to iax
19:05.26justinusip to zap?
19:05.35justinuok, i've used SIP-SIP, and SIP-ZAP
19:05.36salviadudi was recording some toll free number conversations
19:05.37justinuno issues
19:05.40justinunever tried sip-iax
19:05.56justinusubmit it as a bug on the bug tracker maybe, sounds like some kinda bug to me
19:05.57salviadudso, sip to sip should be fine then...
19:06.14*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
19:06.27salviadudi've never submitted a bug
19:06.31salviadudwhere do i go?
19:06.50justinuhave you looked thru your full log?
19:06.57justinusee if it prints out any debug/error message?
19:07.07salviadudmixmonitor claims it recorded the whole call
19:07.29salviadudbut my output file is short, in comparison to the real call
19:07.40justinuso no indication of failure at all
19:07.52justinuyou're not recording to an NFS share or anything, right? and you have plenty of disk space?
19:07.58salviadudyou gotta take my word for it, i guess
19:08.03salviadudit is not an nfs share
19:08.07salviadudand yes, plenty of space
19:08.13justinusounds like a bug then
19:08.24justinutry it with SIP-SIP see if you get any better esults
19:08.30justinuif so, then definitely submit that
19:08.35salviadudactually, i did
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19:08.44salviadudi tried sip-sip just now
19:08.45salviadudno problems
19:08.57salviadudsip to iax doesn't work that good
19:09.05justinuwhat asterisk ver?
19:09.07salviadudi can record 30 secs at max
19:09.21justinuperhaps try down/upgradaing also
19:09.27justinuyou might be able to point out to them where it broke ;)
19:09.51SpaceBassI have installed fax and pdf support, but I only get blank pages
19:09.53salviadudi read the changelog for 1.25
19:10.00SpaceBassanyone know why that might be?
19:10.03salviadudi think this bug might still exist there too
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19:12.08asteriskmonkeydigium changed there web site
19:12.26asteriskmonkey:( horrible for tech docs now
19:12.28backblueyes, and broke a couple of links too! :P
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19:12.56asteriskmonkeycant seem to find a sample config for the 2400 anymore
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19:16.00justinuexonic: you still here?
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19:16.43asterboyHow do I get rid of haveing to dial say "9" before making a call?
19:16.59Nuggetedit your dialplan so that you don't have to dial say "9" before making a call.
19:17.14asteriskmonkeylol your config man extensions.conf
19:18.17tsumewhat kind of monkey uses 9 before calls still?
19:18.18salviadudr u behind an oldchool pbx?
19:18.35tsumeany system I setup can identify whether its internal or external
19:19.22justinuexonic: found the answer to my problem
19:19.30justinuby reading the manager.c source
19:20.05Nuggetthat's cheating!
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19:22.20salviadudwhy is THAT cheating?
19:22.32salviadudcheatin is more like cheating on your GF
19:22.35justinuin commercial software development, we don't have source code
19:22.55troyb1do you have munchies?
19:22.56tsumesalviadud: yeah, a woman screwing the friendly pooch instead of the husband ;)
19:23.16justinucheating on your GF isn't cheating... it's not like you're married
19:23.23justinutroyb1: not yet.
19:23.30salviadudjustinu is right
19:23.35troyb1justinu i couldnt do anything without munchies =P
19:23.38tsumeright, you can have several gfs :)
19:23.39salviadudit can't be called cheating unless you are married
19:23.47troyb1meh a girlfriend is like a taxi, you pay and move on. errr
19:23.51justinuyou might lose your GF
19:23.54justinubut oh well :)
19:23.59justinutime to get a new one
19:24.13tsumebah, women need to accept, there might not always be just one love
19:24.17tsumeits about having chilren ;)
19:24.25justinutroyb1: munchies come later... after 4:20 :P
19:24.36troyb1justinu thats 2 hours away for me ;)
19:25.01tsumeI guess its more common for the little people can only get one girl friend to marry them and only have them because they can't pick up women ;)
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19:25.16tsumeor impregnate ;)
19:25.23troyb1doing one of those: "To find your party please the first 4 digits of their last name"
19:25.35justinumy bride-to-be is somewhat interested in polygamy
19:25.46justinushe thinks it would be cool for me to have another wife to cook for me, and stuff
19:25.50salviadudjustinu, are we talking swinger-like here?
19:25.52justinui'm thinking "right on"
19:25.56tsumejustinu: would be intresting
19:26.01justinuit's not swinging if you're all married :)
19:26.01tsumeliving in the same house
19:26.05troyb1shit justinu i want 3 wives, one to cook.. one to clean and one for :)
19:26.05tsumealpha male! :D
19:26.13justinuhell yeas
19:26.13*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
19:26.13Abydos313sounds good until she wants another partner
19:26.20tsumegroup sex! :D
19:26.27justinushe can have the other wife whenever she wants
19:26.28willtsounds like 3 headaches to me
19:26.29vuudcrap, I have enough trouble dealing with one woman, never mind 3 nagging and pestering me
19:26.32troyb1there should enver be more then one mail though :P
19:26.36justinuit could definitely be more headaches
19:26.39salviadudmaybe if you're mormon, it's socially acceptable to have lots of wives
19:26.39justinutroyb1: i agree
19:26.43willtvuud: EXACTLY!
19:26.45justinui might become mormon
19:26.50salviadudand you could get them all SIP phones
19:26.50troyb1vuud it cant be that bad :)
19:27.01troyb1salviadud but there's only one 69 :P
19:27.01tsumewomen I see better be able to kick my ass, or be a bit muscular
19:27.05salviadudand in extensions.conf, they can't talk to each other
19:27.09tsumebut not be totally more rip than me :)
19:27.38justinusounds dangerous
19:27.46troyb1salviadud thats so yesterday, you have to make it so that it rings but they cant speak :P
19:27.49tsumebetter sex, and better child delivery ;)
19:27.52salviadudi like girls that are not fat, yet, they got some meat on them
19:28.01tsumerip == rocks! :D
19:28.03Abydos313i have an issue when another caller is called the msg just stops after like 2 sec. you don't hear what the attendant has to say
19:28.14tsumethey are tighter in their conchas too ;)
19:28.20salviadudtight conchas!
19:28.25salviadudyou mean pucha
19:28.36salviadudwell, we got lots of names for pussy down here...
19:28.45troyb1salviadud come to think of it we need one to digest the newspaper in the morning for us ;)
19:28.52justinuany girl can develop that skill
19:28.58justinuit's all about the muscle control
19:28.59vuudThree woman...  god grant mercy on your poor misguided soul
19:29.05justinujust 2
19:29.11vuudand mormons can't drink coffee
19:29.13tsumeplus its nice when you have large equiptment and large testicles. They love the slapping ;)
19:29.14troyb1hypa7ia :)
19:29.26tsumevuud: I want 3 women :D
19:29.28salviadudteabagging should be a sport
19:29.34troyb1haha thats what i was going to say!
19:29.51Abydos313the movie 'waiting' had some teabagging going on
19:29.53tsumetoo bad humans can't hit hard as canines ;)
19:29.56justinuno - now is the time to talk about teabagging
19:30.02vuud* needs help getting inbound gizmo to work
19:30.03justinunot dialplans
19:30.17troyb1this isnt the asterisk channel :P
19:30.23Nivexgo join #teabagging then
19:30.24tsumeasterisk is full of peopel who get laid often, unlike those nortel guys :P
19:30.26Darwin35then lick mty teabag
19:30.44salviadudyeah, take it in the eye mofo!
19:30.57tsumewe are alpha, they are only betas ;)
19:31.07Darwin35I am Gama
19:31.12tsumeDarwin35: heh :)
19:31.39willtyes switch to asterisk/voip not only will you save money you get helpfull pointers on teabagging!
19:31.55troyb1willt heh.
19:31.58Darwin35I want to learn real time
19:31.59tsumeyes! :D
19:32.07willtreal time teabagging?
19:32.21Darwin35but I have alot of exten that us astdb  for status checking
19:32.23Abydos313which conf file is that in..heh
19:32.37troyb1Abydos313 asterisk.conf :P
19:32.38asterboyFor some reason I can't make a call unless I have _9. in my dial plan
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19:32.43salviadudyeah, when IAX2 is able to send out video in a nice way
19:32.46asterboy9 can be whatever digit.
19:32.57asterboyI thought you could just use a .
19:33.01salviadudi'm gonna teabag the camera, it would be a nice gesture from my country
19:33.13troyb1salviadud you do that =P
19:33.15salviadudeverybody will start doing it at the beginning of important meetings
19:33.17asterboylol, teabag
19:33.42salviadudwell, videoconferences
19:33.51Abydos313start with the camera real close so people can't tell what it is, then slowly back the camera away to horrorify the viewer..haha
19:34.18salviadudhorrify? no way man, this is love
19:34.22salviadudteabagging is love
19:34.33salviadudif you can't see it that way holmes
19:34.41salviadudyou need a good spoon of teabagging
19:34.48asterboyHere is my teabag...err...line from extensions.conf: exten => _9.,1,Dial(Zap/2)
19:34.52salviadudor you might need to teabag your GF
19:34.53Abydos313to the unsuspecting viewer i think it might be startling
19:35.04troyb1asterboy your all wrong :P
19:35.17troyb1teabagging cant be expressed in numbers..
19:35.36asterboyit could be used in context though
19:35.38salviadudwe might of gone too far with the teabagging, hehehe
19:36.42asterboybrokeback asterisk
19:37.42salviadudhehe, that's funny
19:38.03justinukodaachroome... gives us the nice brighter colors, gives us the greens of summers... makes you think all the world's a sunny day... o/~
19:38.03salviadudif we could actually get some real asterisk work done  here, that be amazing
19:38.10justinuyou gotta love a guy who writes a song about film
19:38.20salviadudno wonder the guys at digium go "we don't control the channel... they're crazy over there"
19:38.33justinua lot of people have had their problems solved
19:38.36justinuby me, and others
19:38.40salviadudi agree
19:38.49justinuwe deserve a teabagging break now and then
19:38.56salviadudyet, the occasional madness, gotta love it
19:39.08asterboyI can call ou/in on my setup, but when I call in, no voice. What are some of the conditions that cause that? Polycom SIP --> * --->Digium FXO
19:39.30justinunat settings,
19:39.34justinucanreinvite settings
19:39.36justinucodec settings
19:39.44rharfieldAnyone around today familiar with app_rpt?  Having a keying problem.
19:40.05asterboycanreinvite should be "yes"?
19:40.14justinuit should be no, initially
19:40.35*** join/#asterisk Cyphon (
19:40.41Nivexrharfield: sadly, no.  I only recently discovered it myself.
19:40.54CyphonHow do I set the smtp server for voicemail?
19:41.09hypa7iatroyb1: whut :p
19:41.32troyb1have you been following the conversation :)
19:41.41rharfieldNivex: S'okay, hard to find people to talk to because it isn't widespread yet.
19:41.42kpettitCyphon, setup postfix, exim, sendmail, courier or whatever else you want to send the mail
19:41.52troyb1actually hypa7ia im going to get on MSN i wanna talk to you :P
19:42.11justinui know that if katty were here, she wouldn't like that topic ;)
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19:45.45heisonTrying to checkout 1.2 via SVN and I get 400 Bad Request
19:45.57heisonsvn checkout asterisk-1.2
19:45.57heisonsvn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/asterisk/!svn/vcc/default'
19:45.57heisonsvn: REPORT of '/svn/asterisk/!svn/vcc/default': 400 Bad Request (
19:46.21heisonany idea why?
19:46.49ebagasterisk is the coolest!
19:47.53asterboyjustinu, what NAT parameters need to be setup to make sure inbound gets voice? I have NAT=yes and externalIP/LocalIP set, at the router the box is in DMZ
19:48.11Zodiacalanyone know if asterisk has an extention to transfer directly to a users voicemail?
19:48.28Zodiacali know #70 transfers
19:48.32Zodiacalbut it rings first
19:48.37justinuasterboy: asterisk is in the DMZ? and the phone?
19:48.38Lino`asterisk@home has *NUMBER
19:48.49asterboyah, no the phone is not.
19:48.55[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : pastebin your [general] and phone contexts from sip.conf
19:48.58justinuphone is behind a different NAT?
19:49.06Zodiacallino thank you!
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19:49.26Lino`does ist work @ Zodiacal ?
19:49.51Lino`so now I have a problem with mISDN
19:49.53Zodiacalyeah it works
19:49.58Lino`very good
19:49.59Pr0nL0rdHi Guy, I need some in help..I have 3 centrex line for inbound/outboud and I'm not able to configure more that one simultaneous outgoing call..
19:50.22Lino`2 HFC cards, 2 Fritz! cards, both seem to be installed but they dont work. when i do misdn show channel 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
19:50.24Lino`it just goes
19:50.33Lino`* Stack Addr:40000401 Port 4 Type NT Prot. PMP L2Link DOWN L1Link:DOWN
19:50.52justinusounds like no d-channel, or no 2b1q up
19:51.03justinuL1 link would be 2b1q, i think
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19:51.05justinuL2 would be HDLC
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19:51.17Lino`the card is connected to a working s0 bus
19:51.19Zodiacallino acctualy it doens't really work.. it calls a voicemail, it doesn't allow transfering to voicemail during a call
19:51.30ArkysSorry about my nickname, this is not my computer :S
19:51.33Zodiacallino close :)
19:51.34justinubri is kinda funky for us u-laws
19:51.40justinuwe don't know it well
19:51.53Arkysanyone can help for multiple outbound call ?
19:51.56Lino`well this is germany, everybody has BRI
19:52.03Lino`almost everybody :)
19:52.04Zodiacallino, ok if i transfer them to *X it works!
19:52.05justinui've seen it, used it
19:52.07justinubut not in a while
19:52.08Zodiacallino thanks again!
19:52.14Lino`thats what its meant to be
19:52.26Lino`i dont get the transfer stuff anyway too stupid for it ;)
19:53.25Lino`np @ Zodiacal
19:53.30Lino`~seen possible
19:53.43jbotpossible <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5d 7h 34m 22s ago, saying: 'I guess not'.
19:53.43justinuanyone using opera as a web browser?
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19:56.04Zodiacallino one other issue :), it says "user is on the phone, Please leave a message", they arn't on the phone tho
19:56.17Zodiacalknow of a way to change that to the unavalable message?
19:57.05Zodiacallino i think i have another issue thats causing this
19:57.08Zodiacalthanks i'll go play!
19:58.05Darwin35boy this is a pain
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19:58.15Darwin35thw wiki realtime page sucks
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20:00.13OctothorpeDarwin35, so submit changes and help us all
20:00.29Darwin35I am just learning realtime
20:00.35Darwin35or else i would
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20:01.08Darwin35and it seems most people here dont run real time
20:01.44ArkysLet me explain my problem; I have 3 centrex line hooked on 3 Zap port, I have configured 3 diff trunk and if I add one trunk to outbound routing it work but if I configure 2 trunks the second one receive a fast busy tone when the first one is in use
20:02.03asterboyno hacking my port now.
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20:04.48jpablohey people. how can i override the asterisk voicemail default unavailable messages, but with just one file i don't want it saying: the extension BLA BLA BLA BLA is unavaible. i want to remplace that with just one voice file.
20:04.57Arkysanyone know what is my problem ?
20:05.34Darwin35arkys yes you touche asterisk
20:05.42Arkysreally funny
20:06.14Darwin35asterisk is for hose who have extensive pbx knowledge and yes of pbx experiances
20:06.39Darwin35those who have served inthe telecom world and survived
20:06.43ArkysDarwin35: I have it..
20:06.44Abydos313i guess this would be boring if it all worked
20:06.55jpabloDarwin35:that's so not true
20:06.59Darwin35ark whaats the issu
20:07.28jpabloDarwin35, I would said asterisk is for people with a clue. no matter what background they have
20:07.56elduis there a way to find the origin of the jitter ? eg: i have a constant jitter on my * output.
20:08.10austinnichols101I'll agree that it's easier if you know how to think and talk like a telco guy
20:08.48AlexCTISomeone can recomend me a very good IAX2 softphone?
20:08.54asterboy[TK]D-Fender: Look ok?
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20:09.18ohadhi, how do i get asterisk to send me an email each time i get a voicemail?
20:09.58Darwin35to find the origion of jitter please referance the hitch hikers guide to the galaixy
20:10.42ArkysDarwin35: I'm able to outbound one 1 line but I'm not able to place more that 1 simultaneous call
20:10.43Darwin35page number 4thousand 6hundered4ort8ght
20:10.50ArkysDarwin35: I have 3 centrex line
20:10.56elduhehe Darwin35
20:11.10elduthe answer should be 42 :)
20:11.20jpabloohad, read the wiki in voicemail.conf
20:11.24Darwin35your right
20:11.38eldubut that doesnt match my f** jitter
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20:11.54elduim very disapointed at this point
20:11.54ArkysDarwin35: If I put 3 trunk in my trunk sequence the second line have a fast busy tone
20:12.05ohadjpablo, i have. my email is there.. but for some reason asterisk doesn't forward it to sendmail
20:12.11eldui spent more than one day capturing and anlysing rtp
20:12.21elduwith no luck
20:12.30Darwin35is this asterisk or asterisk@home ?
20:12.31ohadjpablo, + i left myself 5 vm's and i when i called 8500 and got only one..
20:12.38nokyi have a question
20:13.29nokyi'm using ooh323 in my asterisk... i want that set "no register e164" like my gateway h323 voip... how can i set that ?
20:13.47Darwin35for outbound I fine 90% of th calls fail due to incorrect dial string
20:13.57nokybecause in ooh323.conf sample appears something like e164=100
20:14.45ArkysDarwin35: yes but If I just add 2 more trunk to the outbound routing if should work or not ?
20:15.40jpabloohad, is your sendmail config working ?
20:16.04Darwin35brb fone
20:17.11ohadjpablo, yes. now it seems that vm is not acutally working immidiatly ..  it takes a really long time if at all the report that a user has a vm
20:17.34ohadi left myself 8 vm's and only one was reported
20:17.45jpablono clue vm always had worked fine for me
20:18.14elduDarwin35: do u have any hints to point me out ?
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20:21.30Skarmethwhat's a cost-effective ATA for connecting a Fax machine (send/receive)?
20:21.32AlexCTIHi, I have a X-ten PRO, and g729 on my server, but it connect all the time with g711, how can i make that it choose g729?
20:21.35justinuaustinnichols101: what's new in 8.2?
20:21.50justinualexcti: disallow=all; allow=g729;
20:22.29nokyi'm using ooh323 in my asterisk... i want that set "no register e164" like my gateway h323 voip... how can i set that ?
20:22.54*** join/#asterisk jsharp (n=jsharp@
20:23.13AlexCTIJustinu, i did that, but it doesnt make the call,
20:23.33justinuthen theres a problem somewhere
20:23.52justinuwhat happens when you type "show translation" at the CLI?
20:24.01justinudo you see numbers in the g729 column?
20:24.32AlexCTIlet tell you.. hold on
20:26.32*** join/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
20:27.02AlexCTIJustinu: The column g729 show me in almost all rows numbers
20:27.11justinuok, good
20:27.22ArkysDarwin35: no clue ??
20:27.34AlexCTIjustinu: What that is means?
20:27.45justinuit means your g729 codec is loaded
20:28.04AlexCTIoh yeah,... I put 60 of them
20:28.10justinualexcit: sip debug peer <phone>
20:28.20justinumake a call, paste the ENTIRE output from the INVITE to the BYE
20:29.18Darwin35brb server room calls
20:32.20epabloHi guys.. I was looking at DaveHope's asterisk on debian.. and the info comming out on the CLI is weird.. or incomplete.. I can't see what the calls are trying to do.. like Dial... anyone know what i have to do to set this up?
20:32.38SpaceBassmy dring problem is quite complex... 2 zap lines: zap/1 is personal zap/2 is business and has a dring.... everything works fine in terms of routing until someone calls zap/2 then ALL calls come in as if from zap/2....if I comment out the dring, it works fine...personal calls to person extens, work calls get a cID prefix and go to work extensions
20:32.40epabloNormally i use sample scripts as base and it's enought
20:33.31AlexCTIjustinu, I got this: chan_sip.c:3588 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
20:34.25justinuyeah, that's an issue
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20:34.39justinuwe'll need to see the INVITE/200 OK exchange to figure out why that happens
20:34.54justinuperhaps g729 isn't enabled on Xlite-PRO?
20:35.00*** part/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
20:36.57AlexCTIOn the X-PRO it shows that option, but if i enable the ulaw, it always takes g711, but in the X-PRO screen it show g279.
20:37.24bailshi all i have a problem and a question, whats the correct sync output for an e1 card with span=1,0,0 because i gat intrnally clocked whatever setting i specify?
20:38.38bailssorry thats from zttool
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20:44.39AlexCTIjustinu: If I have g729 licenses on my server, Do I need g729 licenses con Clients?
20:45.33justinualexcti: the clients should be licensed already... that's part of what you paid for when you bought x-pro
20:46.37AlexCTIjustinu: So in that order of ideas I need lic on both sides, right?
20:47.26justinuthe client is fine
20:48.02AlexCTIin my case, with the lic on the server, which is the best way to handle?
20:48.16austinnichols101k - 7960 8.2 firmware in.  Who needs something tested?
20:48.40justinualexcti: send me the sip debug I requested
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20:54.09justinuAlexCTI: right off the bat, your X-Pro client is not wanting to talk g729
20:54.17sharpi want to use linphone (SIP) to listen to the demo
20:54.19justinuso the issue is with the client right now.
20:55.17sharpi set the default context to demo in sip.conf
20:55.22sharpit doesn't work
20:55.45sharplinphone says user cannot be found at given address
20:56.08AlexCTIso, if I already have the Lic on server, what client should I use for not pay doble lic?
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20:58.12justinualexCTI: sorry, we're having a language barrier here... afaik X-Pro supports G729, with no extra cost.
20:58.23justinuAlexCTI: it sounds like a configuration issue with X-Pro
21:02.59shido6so what if the client supports g729 if you do any fiddling with the audio other than passthrough you WILL need a license
21:03.10shido6on the ast box
21:03.22justinuhe's got licenses
21:03.27jarroddude why is it when i make sip calls from polycom thru asterisk i hear this '*psss* .... *psss*'
21:03.29shido6then he's good to go.
21:03.37justinuit's still not working
21:03.39shido6your ast box has gas :)
21:03.58shido6unload your codec and reload it what happens then?
21:04.09jarrodall g711
21:04.13jarrodits just a pssh
21:04.14shido6unload all the modules you DONT need
21:04.39shido6corrosion on the rj11 ? :)
21:04.48AlexCTIis not.. i switch the order of codecs but nothing, looks like is not enable internally
21:05.00shido6disallow=all (screw you!)
21:05.09shido6allow=g729 ( I only want this, dangit)
21:07.08justinualexcti: well... i can assure you that eyebeam supports G729. but I have never run X-Pro
21:07.09jarrodthere is no rj11
21:07.30fu3I had a bunch of 66 blocks go bad once..
21:07.37fu3no idea why, I figured they must have corroded
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21:09.26justinuhard to imagine a 66 block going bad
21:09.35justinuit's basically an inanimate object
21:09.42ST-3the pins spread out
21:09.46ST-3and stop making contact
21:09.54ST-3(sorry i know im jumping into the middle of something)
21:10.03justinuthat's what IRC is for ;)
21:10.08justinuyou can rebend them together
21:10.17ST-3needle nose plyers
21:10.41ST-3I can't say i've never done that....
21:11.18*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
21:11.35asterboyirssi rules!
21:11.49asterboyOk, so I changed my config.
21:11.59asterboyNo router, just a hub.
21:12.01asterboyNo NAT
21:12.12asterboycan phone out no problem.
21:12.21asterboyCan phone in, BUT...
21:12.28asterboyno voice!
21:12.35asterboywhat gives?
21:12.51asterboyNeed some serious help on this ASAP.
21:13.02asterboyI'm presenting this box as a demo.
21:13.25asterboyWon't be selling * if you can't call in.
21:13.34Hmmhesaysasterboy: how much you gonna pay me
21:13.45*** join/#asterisk glazzier (
21:14.03Hmmhesaysi'll fix whatever you broke
21:14.06justinuthat's a good deal, you should take it :)
21:14.07glazzierhello all.
21:14.12russellbi'll do it for $74.50
21:14.14asterboyat least spit down the crack
21:14.17justinulol, you whore
21:14.27Hmmhesaysthrow a dead hooker in there too
21:14.46russellbjk, I won't do it at all :-p
21:14.55Hmmhesaysasterboy whats your prolem mang
21:15.11glazzierI have RTFM untill I am blue in the face... any one understand the AgentCallbackLogin() ?
21:15.15asterboynot sure, taken NAT out of the equation
21:15.15russellbhave you verified that the voice traffic is actually flowing from the phone?
21:15.28Hmmhesaysglazzier i've used it a few times
21:15.36russellband that the server is actually getting it?
21:16.11asterboywhen I call in, the Polycom lights up and I can answer.
21:16.19asterboyCLI shows the call
21:16.27jarroddang this *pssst*
21:16.31asterboychecking with ztmonitor
21:16.40glazzierHmmhesays, It keeps saying "Extension ... is not vaild for automatic login"
21:16.51glazzierany guesses?
21:17.31Hmmhesayspastebin that extensions.conf
21:17.37Hmmhesaysthat part of it
21:18.24glazzierHmmhesays, ok just a sec.
21:18.35asterboyInteresting, ztmonitor shows TX from the SIP phone voice, but no RX or voice from the calling phone.
21:19.23*** join/#asterisk mujjoo (
21:19.25mujjoohello all
21:19.31justinuasterboy: you're receiving your call on a zap interface
21:19.41mujjooi have a timeout question
21:20.19mujjoowhen I dial out over my SIP trunk the call hangs up after about 4 rings
21:20.37asterboyjust keyed in on this: Spawn extension (clone, s, 3) exited non-zero 'Zap/1-1'
21:20.50asterboydon't think I have something setup right in extensions.conf
21:20.58mujjoowhat timeout value do i need to adjust
21:21.26russellbmujjoo: the timeout argument to Dial()
21:21.31russellbmujjoo: show application dial
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21:22.38justinuasterboy: if you're not seeing RX audio... talk to the telco!
21:22.45justinubecause the problem isn't in your PBX
21:22.45glazzierexten => 8212,1,AgentCallbackLogin(212,s,SIP/jgladen)
21:22.45glazzierexten => 8212,n,Playback(beep)
21:22.45glazzierexten => 8212,n,Hangup()
21:22.46glazzierexten => 8212,1,AgentCallbackLogin(212,s,SIP/jgladen)
21:22.46glazzierexten => 8212,n,Playback(beep)
21:22.46glazzierexten => 8212,n,Hangup()
21:22.48glazzierexten => 8212,1,AgentCallbackLogin(212,s,SIP/jgladen)
21:22.50glazzierexten => 8212,n,Playback(beep)
21:22.52glazzierexten => 8212,n,Hangup()
21:22.53jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
21:22.54glazzierexten => 8212,1,AgentCallbackLogin(212,s,SIP/jgladen)
21:22.56glazzierexten => 8212,n,Playback(beep)
21:22.58glazzierexten => 8212,n,Hangup()
21:23.00glazzierexten => 8212,1,AgentCallbackLogin(212,s,SIP/jgladen)
21:23.00*** kick/#asterisk [glazzier!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla] by russellb (russellb)
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21:23.12Hmmhesaysi wouldn't try that again
21:23.16jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
21:23.20mujjoodo i set this in the extension.conf
21:23.24russellbmujjoo: yes
21:23.25glazziermy bad
21:23.26justinu(13:20:43) justinu: asterboy: if you're not seeing RX audio... talk to the telco!
21:23.26justinu(13:20:51) justinu: because the problem isn't in your PBX
21:24.38Hmmhesaysglazzier: that won't work out too hot for you
21:25.26Hmmhesayspaypal me a $50 and i'll fix it for you
21:26.27justinudown to 50?
21:26.30justinudamn whores
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21:27.32Hmmhesayshell i'd probably do it for $30
21:27.36Hmmhesaysi need some beer money
21:27.41Hmmhesaysand batteries for my monitor
21:27.48sivana_if I have slin audio files and I playback through a PRI.. is there transcoding?
21:27.54asterboyjustinu, I can call the line fine outside of *
21:28.05justinuthen your zap card is messed up
21:28.21justinuwhat is it?
21:29.43asterboyI've been trying the calls on a clone and on a Wildcard X101P
21:29.44mujjoorussellb : so if I am using exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Macro(dialout-trunk,2,${EXTEN},)
21:29.51mujjooI need to modify the 2?
21:29.55asterboyboth have same issue.
21:30.03justinuwell... that's just weird.
21:30.11justinunot sure what else to tell you
21:30.17asterboythats what throwing a wrench into things.
21:30.18justinuproblem with zaptel drivers?
21:30.28justinutry recompiling and re-installing, perhaps
21:30.57asterboyCould be I'm using VOIP ---> Analog ---> Zap
21:30.57russellbmujjoo: I have no idea.  I'd have to see the macro ...
21:31.06mujjoowhere can i post the macro
21:31.11jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
21:31.11asterboymaybe that won't be the case when I connect to real pots
21:31.12mujjooi dont want to flood here
21:32.36mujjoorussellb : pasted it there
21:32.42justinuyou need to paste the link here now
21:32.53russellbi have to go now, but surely someone else here can help you.
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21:34.29glazzierThanks Hmmhesays. your low bid with no forethought told me enough..
21:35.04markithi, I've iax that has as context "incoming-prova", but when I receive the call with iax, I have this message
21:35.12markit*CLI> Mar 15 22:30:07 NOTICE[29265]: chan_iax2.c:6811 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '723@incoming-prova' does not exist
21:35.40markitexten => s,1,Dial(${I_UFFICIO_IN_RING},15,t)
21:35.51markitany idea?
21:36.04markit(the latter 2 lines are from extensions.conf, of course)
21:36.10mujjoojustinu: do you mind taking a look at the macro
21:37.07*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (
21:37.19Dr-Linuxhi all
21:37.26justinuhello Dr.
21:37.33*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
21:37.50Dr-Linuxhey, Justin how are you friend? :)
21:38.01justinuok, you?
21:38.41lemmyhas anybody managed to use the callthrough function of a fritz!box 7170 from within *?
21:39.04[TK]D-Fendermarkit : "s" isn't what its looking for.  its looking for *723*
21:39.10lemmyi can't figure it out. %)
21:40.34*** part/#asterisk glazzier (
21:40.59markit[TK]D-Fender: but shouldn't 's' be the starting poing without the need of a match?
21:42.23[TK]D-Fendermarkit : "s" is only used by analog interfaces for which a target number is not known.
21:42.54[TK]D-Fendermarkit : if you want to match all *NUMBERS*, you'd do something like exten =>_x.,1,Whatever()
21:43.07markit[TK]D-Fender: mmm is it a recent change in asterisk?
21:43.12shmaltzmarkit, i would be in your case, or you could use a wildcard like _X.
21:43.33shmaltzmarkit, not it's always been that way
21:43.39markitshmaltz: well, I had the feeling that it worked this way in the past, but I could be wrong
21:43.48markitok, I surrender ;)
21:44.04justinuany java coders around?
21:44.07markitthanks a lot, maybe I've misunderstood some doc or sample
21:44.18*** join/#asterisk Prival (
21:44.19markit[TK]D-Fender: , shmaltz thanks a lot
21:44.36shmaltzjustinu, I'm sure
21:44.41shmaltzbut not me
21:44.47sivana_markit: in macros you can use 's'
21:44.55PrivalHi, I'm running * 1.0.10 and we have very low volume on voicemail. Any hints to increase the voicemail volume?
21:44.58justinui'm trying to figure out why ArrayList.add() would block
21:45.01justinudriving me nuts
21:45.31shmaltzPrival, get more people to call you and leave messages
21:45.58Privalshmaltz :-P I'm talking about the audio volume....
21:46.09shmaltzPrival, oh, thanks for explaining
21:46.18justinu2400 Euro for asterisk boot camp?
21:46.22justinu2500, i mean
21:46.23justinuwhat a rip
21:46.25lemmyjustinu: what do you mean with "block". by default an arraylist isn't synchronized.
21:46.27Hmmhesayssounds like a rip off
21:46.33justinulemmy: i mean that it doesn't return!
21:46.35*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (
21:46.36shmaltzjustinu, you can do what I did
21:46.50justinui could probably teach asterisk boot camp myself
21:46.50lemmyjustinu: multithreaded enviroment?
21:46.55Hmmhesaysyou cannot substitute a wad of cash for good old fashioned experience
21:46.55Dr-Linuxmy fuckin PC gets hanged :@
21:46.56justinulemmy: yeah, threads happening
21:46.59shmaltzjustinu, exactly
21:47.18lemmyjustinu: and this arraylist is synchronized?
21:47.29Hmmhesaysthe first time someone asked how to install it on windows i'd probably piss on their boots
21:47.30shmaltzHmmhesays, all the money in the world won't buy anyone any will or expeience
21:47.34justinubut nothing else should be be touching it
21:47.37Hmmhesaysor intelligence
21:47.55shmaltzHmmhesays, I just wont trust him to setup asterisk
21:47.57Dr-LinuxT100P is nomore in use?
21:48.06fu3Hey guys.  I just got off the phone with my telco, and they were so shocked at the quality of the phone call,they called other people into the room just to hear it.  They were doubting Asterisk's capabilities, but wow..  we sure showed them!
21:48.16fu3I thought it was funny to hear the telco rave about line quality :)
21:48.21jsharpYou finally got your stuff working?
21:48.24fu3hell yeah man
21:48.27fu3it works 100% !
21:48.28shmaltzfu3, you mean the techie from the telco
21:48.29lemmyjustinu: did you debug through the code?
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21:48.44fu3shmaltz..  the tech's and the service reps.
21:48.49Hmmhesaysthere is no reason voip shouldn't be clear as a bell
21:48.50shmaltzfu3, which telco was it anyhow?
21:48.53justinulemmy: yeah, and the debugger is acting oddly too
21:49.09justinusomething must be fucked up in my dev environment
21:49.16[av]baniarg, this laptop hd is so slow
21:49.20shmaltzHmmhesays, only when it's all digital, and your ISP isn't playing games with your data
21:49.30fu3So, to all who doubt FreeBSD as an OS for Asterisk..     IT WORKS FINE!
21:49.39Hmmhesayswow george lucas has agreed to write a sucktastic star wars tv show
21:49.47jsharpAnd when you're not expecting toll quality 100% availability over the intardnet.
21:49.49justinufu3: that's pretty funny
21:49.55shmaltzfu3, you running Asterisk on freeBSD?
21:49.59fu3For the record, i'm running FreeBSD 6.1-prerelease, Asterisk 1.2.5 and the 29th release of the zaptel-bsd drivers.
21:50.03[TK]D-Fenderfu3 : * compiles on most every *nix platform, its ZAPTEL that's tricky
21:50.15Hmmhesaysyeah but my milliwatt test over a crossover cable should be pristine
21:50.16fu3yeah, well there were comments about weather or not FreeBSD could do it
21:50.18fu3but it does
21:50.20fu3for now!
21:50.30shmaltzfu3, and whatabout MOH? does it work?
21:50.35fu3whats MOH?
21:50.40[hC]oh dear.
21:50.42jbotextra, extra, read all about it, moh is Music On Hold
21:50.53fu3I havent tested that yet.
21:50.58fu3But I will report once I do.
21:51.01shmaltzhmmmmmmm let me know
21:51.03Hmmhesayshow are you going to play skidrow to your waiting customers without moh?
21:51.04fu3I shall.
21:51.14fu3for what it's worth, I can record and playback music just fine.
21:51.15jsharplords of acid.
21:51.22shmaltzI like to play I'm sorry MaMa
21:51.32fu3Im gonna play cop killah
21:51.34fu3over and over :)
21:51.37Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: T100P is no more they sell TE10P for T1 single port,
21:51.50justinui guess i'll update the JDK for the hell of it
21:51.56Dr-Linuxso this port is FXO or FXS , they didn't mentioned :S
21:52.02Dr-Linuxor works for both? :S
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21:52.08fu3I'm flying to Houston and will be back on the 21st.. i'll let you know how the MOH works then.
21:52.16[TK]D-FenderT100P = T1 only (no E1)
21:52.17shmaltzfu3, you doing any transcoding? like g711 to g729?
21:52.43shmaltzfu3, are those moduels loaded though?
21:52.46asteriskmonkeywhere can i find a 2400p sample config
21:52.56fu3i dont know. let me check.
21:53.02shmaltzasteriskmonkey, you tried the wiki?
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21:53.24fu3yes, they appear to be loaded via 'show modules'
21:53.33[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : "Get a 3-piece Wall-steet smile and son you'll look just like me" :)
21:53.55shmaltzfu3, So I guess you did it
21:53.55asteriskmonkeyyes couldnt find anything
21:53.59Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: but T100P is no more available, if you ask for, they will give you TE10P :S
21:54.12fu3I thank the people at FreeBSD and the ones who made the zaptel-bsd port
21:54.13asteriskmonkeyi have a te110p for sale
21:54.14[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Well aware of that...
21:54.21fu3and of course
21:54.25fu3everyone at #asterisk
21:54.36fu3because I would be absoultly fucking lost up my own asshole if I couldnt come here.
21:54.46justinuthere's an image
21:55.05justinuhow'd you resolve the E&M outpulsing issues?
21:55.05asterisk99Anyone have problems with a FXS module failing to startup after a boot? (with supposedly no changes to zapata/zaptel.conf)
21:55.07[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I mastered "Youth Gone Wild", "18 and Life", and "I'll Remember You" was the first song I ever performed :)
21:55.13Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: yes, but that TE110P is has a FXO port or FXS ? :S
21:55.24justinuTE110P is a digital card
21:55.26fu3i called my qwest service rep..  he said they werent pushing shit to me, so we switched to 7 digit outpulsing and she works!
21:55.32justinuit can support whatever signalling you might need
21:55.41[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : NO, they are DIGITAL cards only.
21:55.42jsharpSo qwest was the problem all along?
21:55.44justinufu3: cool, that's what I figured
21:55.47fu3as usual
21:55.50fu3yeah, you were right.
21:55.50Dr-Linuxasteriskmonkey: why you wanna sell te110p ?
21:56.07fu3Every time I suspect something, I have to jump through a million hoops to convince qwest that im right..
21:56.11fu3oh well.. it's been fun :)
21:56.33asteriskmonkeyDr-Linux: im moved to a te406.. now im moving to a 104d :)
21:56.34justinuyep, telcos are assholes
21:56.37fu3I'm looking forward to the next four or five days off anyway..
21:56.43fu3too bad it's going to rain in Houston for my entire visit :|
21:56.44asterisk99fu3: Thast cuz you are dealing with Level 1 Tech Support which is heavily scripted
21:56.51fu3no, im way past them asterisk99.
21:56.58fu3the guys I talk to, talk to the guys at the CO direct.
21:57.05jsharpWe all have special places in our hearts for screwing with the phone company.
21:57.09shmaltzfu3, you got their number?
21:57.14fu3i kept it :)
21:57.17justinufu3: i see you figured that out too
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21:57.23shmaltzjsharp, you a 2600 subscriber?
21:57.23justinutaking my advice and talking to the switch techs direct.
21:57.47shmaltzfu3, good for you where you located? maybe I can share some NOC numbers with you?
21:57.47fu3it's way better
21:57.51jsharpNo.  Got better things to do with my time.
21:57.52asterisk99anyone here up on their Zaptel installation for FXO/FXS???
21:58.02fu3shmaltz.. maybe.. msg me.
21:58.19Dr-Linuxone of our client wants asterisk solution for his transaction IVR
21:58.34fu3Yeah, its great being able to ask about specific questions and not hear "I'll have to check" but rather "yep" or "nope"  direct from the switchroom :)
21:58.38asteriskmonkeysmaltz i cant find anything for the 2400 you know where i can find some smaple confs
21:58.52justinuyeah, the switch techs and translations people are the ones who do all the real work
21:59.06justinui usually call them, ask them to change something, and then follow it up with a change order to the reps
21:59.11fu3yeah, although I can certainly understand them not wanting to be bothered by the bullshit.
21:59.17Zodiacalhow do i transfer to an fxs channel? do i create a trunk for it?
21:59.56*** join/#asterisk Prival2 (
22:00.22Prival2Hi all, any hints to raise the voicemail audio level on 10.0.10?
22:00.24justinuif you're not a total fuckup, they'll be cool to you
22:00.34shmaltzasteriskmonkey, I'm checking
22:00.37asterisk99fy3: I used to work for a subsid of Verizon... I found very few people who really understood telecom --- even engineers wearing pinkie rings
22:00.47justinuoh yeah... most people have no fucking clue
22:00.49fu3yeah.. i dont get bitchy with them or anything, plus it's nice to actually be able to talk the talk now.
22:01.14fu3yeah your right.. the engineers they sent here when I was having voltage issues were asking ME about the specs..
22:01.26shmaltzasteriskmonkey, try this:
22:01.28Dr-Linuxjustinu: ;)
22:01.52asteriskmonkeyyes there nothing in those about the 2400
22:02.10asterisk99I couldn't find one engineer who could tell me how a 2 telephone are able to connect duplex with only 2 wires and not 4
22:02.31justinuthe hybrid network is what makes that possible
22:03.16fu3all they will do is make better games and better illusions of gambling.
22:03.26asterisk99Actually, it's simpler than that ... it's only 1 circuit... both earpieces and both mouthpieces are on one circuit
22:03.34fu3like in Japan, you cant gamble for money, but you can gamble for a prize ticket, which you claim, and then sell to collect your winnings.
22:04.13asterisk99Like attending a function where you have to buy tickets and use those in turn to buy beer
22:04.22fu3yeah, kind of.  I hate those :)
22:04.33*** join/#asterisk AlexCTI (
22:04.50justinuasterisk99: not true... there's a hybrid network in a POTS phone that converts the 2 wire signal to 4 wire (2 to the speaker, 2 to the mic)
22:04.51shmaltzasteriskmonkey, it does, just make sure that you have the latest stable release of zaptel and complile it then load it, then configure zaptel.conf and zapata.conf, as you would with TDM400 just change channels to fxs/fxo as needed
22:07.03Dr-LinuxLibpri package is neccesary for TE110P ?
22:07.07*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
22:07.08asterisk99justinu: hmmmm. I was told that none of that existed back in 1871 when Dr. Bell invented (er stole) the telephone --- he used only 2 wires to connect everything
22:07.22*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:07.27asteriskmonkeyshmaltz : k )
22:07.39justinuasterisk99: that may be true, i'm no expert on signal propagation/transmission
22:07.39asterboyIs there a way to turn down the mic gain on a Polycom phone?
22:07.58justinuit's in the sip.cfg file somewhere
22:08.04justinuunder the settings that says "DO NOT CHANGE THIS"
22:08.12shmaltzI like this one:
22:08.28shmaltzasterboy, it's in sip.cfg just do a grep on gain
22:08.43asterisk99Can anyone tell me why Asterisk would claim to be unable to register a zap channel when I can see it defined with /sbin/ztcfg ???
22:08.50asteriskmonkeywhats usually the error when we get /dev/zap/ctl not found
22:09.08[TK]D-Fenderasterboy : don't think so
22:09.27shmaltzasterisk99, yes it it's not defined in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
22:09.56asterisk99shmaltz: I checked that too ... it's there
22:10.11shmaltzasterisk99, can you pb your configs and the ztcfg -vvv output?
22:10.17*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
22:10.26asterisk99shmaltz: K - gimme 2 mins
22:11.33shmaltztzafrir_laptop, any updates on FXO for ..... ?
22:12.50powerchiphow i can loop ?
22:13.36RoyK_train-sei loop can rollercoster an
22:13.43*** join/#asterisk heison (
22:13.51fu3everyone go here, and download all the videos, and then watch them.
22:13.57Octothorpe[away]asteriskmonkey: it is a udev problem
22:13.59fu3cya next tuesday
22:14.01justinuroky: are you nerding out on the train?
22:14.19tzafrir_laptopshmaltz, not ready yet. Generally the address is Alternatively mail me ( if you want me to properly forward it...
22:14.19justinugrps sucks ass here in the US
22:14.28fu3|goneyes, it does.
22:14.35justinugprs, that is
22:14.47shmaltztzafrir_laptop, thank you
22:15.18justinufu3: agreed.
22:15.18Nivexfu3|gone: hear hear!
22:15.27shmaltzfu3|gone, I'll get you a ticket with amtrack if you want
22:15.27justinui need a high speed train from here to SF and Vegas
22:15.29justinuand pheonix
22:15.38justinuamtrak is a lame joke
22:15.43fu3|goneshmaltz.. that would be cool.
22:15.56fu3|gonebut my flight is on friday, and everything is paid for.  :)
22:16.08shmaltzfu3|gone, but I take a 150% markup
22:17.03fu3|gonenot to go way off topic here, but has anyone else watched the CPAN reaction to the 9/11 commission report?
22:17.28shmaltzasterisk99, take out the fourth channel from zapata.conf and try it now
22:17.33asterisk99shmaltz: (the error messages)
22:17.38NivexWhy is the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network commenting on politics?
22:17.51*** part/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=phil@
22:18.00asterisk99shmaltz: it works find if I comment out the channel => 4 line
22:18.20fu3|gonei meant CSPAN :)
22:18.20shmaltzasterisk99, I know it does, thats why I asked you to do it
22:18.25asterisk99shmaltz: done
22:18.53shmaltzasterisk99, now we have to figure out a way to get it working anyhow
22:19.34asterisk99shmaltz: crazy thing is... It was working fine up until I rebooted (and unless I've gone crazy, I didn't chnage anything)
22:19.45shmaltzasterisk99, lets try this
22:19.54shmaltzasterisk99, do a demsg -c
22:19.59*** join/#asterisk sandra78 (n=sdgfs@
22:20.01shmaltzunload zap and then reload it
22:20.09shmaltzand pb dmesg for me
22:20.13sandra78pls help!!!
22:20.39shmaltzsandra78, run to the closest POTS line and dial 911
22:21.29Dr-Linuxsandra78: what makes you cry ?
22:21.30RoyK_train-sesandra78: ask a clear question, and someone might give you a good answer :P
22:21.34sandra78i got problems with my xp100 doesn't detect when somebody answer from the another side
22:21.43asterisk99shmaltz: Command not found
22:22.00sevardI'm getting Call not approved when I try dialing an extension, can anyone help me out? I wish this error was more specific.
22:22.02sandra78i have callprogress= yes bussydetect=yes etc etc
22:22.02shmaltzasterisk99, sorry it's dmesg -c
22:22.32asterisk99shmaltz: done
22:22.36Dr-LinuxRoyK_train-se: lol
22:23.13shmaltzasterisk99, reload zaptel, then run ztcfg and pb the output of dmesg
22:23.34asterisk99shmaltz: reload as in modprobe zaptel ?
22:23.38Dr-Linuxztcfg -v
22:23.46shmaltzasterisk99, yep
22:24.01shmaltzasterisk99, rmmod for each zaptel module loaded
22:24.05shmaltzthen modprobe again
22:24.10shmaltzthen ztcfg
22:24.13shmaltzthen dmesg
22:24.25fu3|goneok, for real this time, cya later!
22:25.38sevardCan anyone give me a hand? :/ :(
22:26.20Darwin35left or right
22:27.00asterisk99shmaltz: have a look at
22:27.07justinu~seen exonic
22:27.11jbotexonic is currently on #asterisk. Has said a total of 4 messages. Is idling for 3h 33m 18s, last said: 'mxmasster, I'm not aware of one, Although you could originate a call in whatever context/exten and watch ;)'.
22:27.17justinuwake up!
22:28.12*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
22:28.36Darwin35but reads that voicemail realtime no longer works with pgsql nativly
22:28.40shmaltzasterisk99, you did something wrong here, redo it as follows:
22:28.42shmaltzrmmod wctdm, rmmod zaptel, dmesg -c, modprobe zaptel, modprobe wctdm, ztcfg, dmesg
22:28.43shmaltzand patebin the output
22:28.54RoyK_train-semethinks fu2 is far better than fu3
22:29.51markit[TK]D-Fender, shmaltz
22:30.05markit"If no other match exist for the call within the context, the s extension is activated."
22:30.14markitso should work, why not?
22:30.21*** join/#asterisk r_evolution (i=_evoluti@
22:30.39sandra78asterisk doesn't detect when somebody answer the call from the pstn side
22:30.49r_evolutionthat's creepy.
22:31.02shmaltzmarkit, because you didn't edit that page and changed it? you should, because you tested it and it didn't work
22:31.06[TK]D-Fendermarkit : There IS a known called number!  *723* <------
22:31.27[TK]D-Fendermarkit : 723 was CALLED.  Getting the idea?
22:31.31shmaltzsandra78, can you explain why you decided such a claim against asterisk?
22:32.14r_evolution;) even
22:32.34sandra78<shmaltz> i got a xp100 when i make a call to the pstn and somebody hangup the call asterisk doesn't detect the answering
22:33.13shmaltzasterisk99, I got no clue why it works for you when you comment out the 4th channel, because according to your configs it shouldn't work at all
22:33.14*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (i=Privatee@CRIMSON.OFF-HOURS.COM)
22:33.37shmaltzsandra78, if they hangup asterisk shouldn't detect answering
22:34.01r_evolutionthat's got to have been meant another way... seriously.
22:34.06sevardcallerid="Severed Seot" <69>
22:34.12jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
22:34.12asterisk99shmaltz: what about the config that shouldn't work, but does?
22:34.21shmaltzasterisk99, what digium card do you have in there?
22:34.28sevardjustinu: bad paste, i leaned on the right mouse button
22:34.31sevardin putty :(
22:34.41*** join/#asterisk Raszh (n=Spoon@
22:34.43sevardi r losar.
22:34.55r_evolutionyer gross justin :-\
22:34.56sevardjustinu: while you're slapping, want to help me? :)
22:35.03sevardi'm lucky it wasn't my entire config heh
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22:35.23justinui'm like coding and stuff
22:35.24RaszhHow do run zaptel on 2.4 without CRC_CCITT?
22:35.25justinubut it's mad boring
22:35.30sevardjustinu: I'm getting call not approved on every call :(
22:35.32Raszher, s/do/do you/
22:35.43justinucall not approved? what responds with that message?
22:36.00sevardjustinu: I'm using the x-lite sip client
22:36.25justinuso xlite responds with call not approved, or asterisk?
22:36.27sevardI thought call not approved was a codec error but i'm allowing all codecs
22:36.36sevardjustinu: Sorry, x-lite responds with call not approved.
22:36.45justinuum, yeah. call not approved is generally a codec issue
22:36.50sevardsip debug and the client debugs aren't giving me much information.
22:36.56justinusevard if you want to pastebin the SIP debug, i'll take a look
22:37.11asterisk99shmaltz: TDM400P with 2 FXO modules (red) in slots 1 and 2; and 1 FXS (green) in slot 4
22:37.18sevardjustinu: I'm really not getting any debugs outside of register information
22:37.30shmaltzasterisk99, because dmesg is not reporting any digium hardware
22:37.32justinusevard you should see an invite going from your asterisk machine to Xlite
22:37.59sevardI got nothing mate.  Not unless i shutdown my x-lite client and fire it back up again.
22:38.00[TK]D-Fendersevard, what user are you reging as in X-Lite?
22:38.13justinuso how are you making your call to xlite?
22:38.17sevard[TK]D-Fender: 'friend'
22:38.31sevardjustinu: what?!
22:38.39asterisk99shmaltz: aye carumba!!!!   I used to have green LEDs on in slots 1 and 2 ... now both dark
22:38.41*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
22:38.45[TK]D-Fendersevard : I mean what username/account/whatever.  not the TYPE in sip.conf.
22:38.49justinusevard: you said that xlite is responding with a call not approved message
22:38.50sevardjustinu: :) i have two x-lite clients registered to the asterisk server.  Neither can dial.
22:38.59sevardjustinu: correct.
22:39.00justinusevard: what is causing that responce.
22:39.01shmaltzasterisk99, you didn't follow instructions
22:39.14shmaltzasterisk99 I'll give them to you again
22:39.38sevardjustinu: when I try to dial anything.  Right now I have extensions for two clients, so when I try to dial the other client.  It also comes up when I to dial a number that doesn't exist
22:39.39justinusevard: are you telling me that when you try to make a call from xlite, it says "Call Not Approved"?
22:39.47sevardjustinu: Yes.
22:39.56justinuthat's simple... put a #1 in front of the number, or something
22:40.00asterisk99shmaltz: Didn't I?  See pastebin from b4
22:40.01justinuxlite is being a dildo
22:40.20*** join/#asterisk Peaceful (n=Peaceful@
22:40.38shmaltzasterisk99, do the following:
22:40.40shmaltzrmmod wctdm
22:40.42shmaltzrmmod zaptel
22:40.43shmaltzdmesg -c
22:40.45shmaltzmodprobe zaptel
22:40.46shmaltzmodprobe wctdm
22:40.51shmaltzand pastebin it all
22:40.52shmaltzasterisk99, yes according to your pb you didn't
22:41.05asterisk99shmaltz: sorry
22:41.11shmaltzyou missing modprobe wctdm
22:41.26PeacefulAre there any VOIP fax machines that can handle multiple simultaneous inbound faxes coming through asterisk?
22:41.40tzafrir_laptopshmaltz, why modprobe wctdm doesn't load zaptel?
22:41.40sevardjustinu: that doesn't work :)
22:41.55justinuit's something like that
22:42.15shmaltztzafrir_laptop, I'm not sure I'm trying to figure that out, meanwhile he didn't load it at all, meaning he didn't run modprobe wctdm
22:42.18justinusince xlite isn't sending out invites, but responding with that error, it's some kind of xlite problem.
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22:42.56shmaltzPeaceful, what are you trying to accomplish?
22:43.15sevardjustinu: So, if I try to dial #89... call not approved, what the heck are you saying guy?
22:43.27justinui'm saying dial #1 then your number
22:43.28sevardWHAT THE CRAP
22:43.30RaszhIs it still possible to use zaptel under 2.4?
22:43.33sevardwhy does that work?
22:43.38sevardthat shouldn't work
22:43.43justinuhave fun with xlite, bud
22:43.52sevardjustinu: what the hell man.
22:44.02justinubuy a real phone
22:44.19sevardwhy does that even work
22:44.25sevardthat makes _no sense_ :/
22:44.32justinuit's something within xlite... a way to select a specific SIP account
22:44.35*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte_ (n=lunaphye@
22:44.54justinu#1 selects account1, #2 account 2, etc.
22:45.14sevardjustinu: is there a way to um.. set that?
22:45.27justinui'm no expert on xlite
22:45.28asterisk99shmaltz: and 2 greed LEDs for slots 1 and 2 are lit
22:45.32justinui use eyebeam for softphone
22:45.33sevardjustinu: p.s. this is super gay.
22:45.41justinuxlite sucks
22:45.44sevardno shit.
22:46.07shmaltzasterisk99, zaptel driver is not finding any moduels for 3 and 4
22:46.19[TK]D-Fenderx-lite works just fine....
22:46.25*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (n=Skarmeth@
22:46.29justinuit still sucks
22:46.32justinusomething can work, and suck
22:46.42[TK]D-Fendersevard : I already asked once : What username are you entering into X-Lite for your registration info?
22:46.43shmaltzasterisk99, this is the problem:
22:46.46shmaltz[4303497.243000] Found a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard TDM400P REV I (2 modules)
22:47.04*** join/#asterisk angom_w (
22:47.08asterisk99shmaltz: slot 3 is empty; slot 4 has the FXS daughtercard
22:47.17shmaltzasterisk99, why?
22:47.26sevard[TK]D-Fender: Sorry dude.
22:47.35shmaltzasterisk99, why not put the daughterboard onto slot 3?
22:47.36sevard[TK]D-Fender: sev-69
22:48.00asterisk99shmaltz:  keep FXS separated from FXO
22:48.13asterisk99shmaltz:  it's worked that way for 2 weeks
22:48.14sevard[TK]D-Fender: justinu was right, it was an x-lite problem, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, if you file it under proxy default and dial it works fine, but if you fial it under proxy 1 even though default is disabled and proxy 1 is enabled you have to dial #1<number>
22:48.18sevardI've never had to do that before.
22:48.24shmaltzasterisk99, [4303496.485000] Timeout waiting for calibration of module 3
22:48.25shmaltzThis is the real problem
22:48.39*** join/#asterisk oracle^ (n=cam@unaffiliated/cameleons)
22:48.47RaszhWhen was CRC_CCITT added as a requirement for Zaptel?
22:48.47asterisk99shmaltz:  ok - I'll move the daughtercard and see if it makes a diff
22:48.50shmaltzasterisk99, the power cord is connected to the card?
22:49.06asterisk99shmaltz:  yup - It even rang the phone
22:49.24asterisk99shmaltz:  it's like the daightercard has died
22:49.27shmaltzasterisk99, why did you reboot?
22:49.43shmaltzasterisk99, thats what I'm trying to figure out
22:49.48asterisk99shmaltz:  dumbass here put Apache into a loop
22:49.56shmaltzasterisk99, you using an ADSI capable phone with this?
22:50.04tzafrir_laptopRaszh, for some CRC functions, IIRC
22:50.08asterisk99shmaltz:  beats me
22:50.16oracle^I'm trying to do something like that : when someone calls, it has 10sec to input a pass code, if pass is not correct, then it goes to the main menu, if it's correct, it goes to a submenu ; how can i get the return value of Authenticate and combine it with a Gotoif ?
22:50.33asterisk99shmaltz:  it's a cheap GE with call display
22:50.38tzafrir_laptophi oracle^
22:50.41Raszhtzafrir_la:  and how does that work if you're using Linux 2.4, which doesn't have CRC_CCITT?
22:51.16Raszheven in as late as 2.4.31
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22:52.34tzafrir_laptopRaszh, I believe you better state what doesn't work right ahead...
22:53.08shmaltzoracle^, if you get to the priority after the authenticate command then it was correct, otherwise I think the call is hungup
22:53.08Raszhnothing, I haven't reached that point.  The README indicates that CRC_CCITT be included in the kernel
22:54.01Raszhin particular, I'm using Gentoo, and the ebuild for zaptel is enforcing that requirement
22:54.08tzafrir_laptopwell, it works with the Debian 2.4 kernel
22:54.19tzafrir_laptop(a modified 2.4.27)
22:54.33Raszhat first I thought "sha, right, Portage is lying to me, what's the real story".  as it turns out, it's right
22:54.48asterisk99shmaltz:  I'll power it down and move the card... maybe reseating it will help
22:54.58Raszhso do you have /lib/modules/2.4*/kernel/lib/crc-ccitt.ko ?
22:55.03shmaltzasterisk99, what motherboard you using?
22:55.21Raszh(or did you build it into the kernel?)
22:55.28tzafrir_laptopRaszh, there are no .ko-s for 2.4
22:55.31Raszhyes, my bad
22:55.39Raszhdo you have crc-ccitt either as a module or in kernel?
22:55.41asterisk99shmaltz:  shuttle xpm sb86i
22:56.02Raszhor are you using zaptel 1.0 (because it didn't require it then, hence my original question of "When")
22:56.17Darwin35ok everyone must pay me 30  bucks
22:56.33Darwin35pay up or no more support for you
22:56.37shmaltzasterisk99, I have seen MB that wont reset the Digium cards (only on the TE405) unless the power is unpluged for like 1 minute
22:56.47tzafrir_laptopRaszh, check the files list at
22:57.29umayshmaltz: ive seen this on several boards, too
22:57.34asterisk99shmaltz:  hmmmmmm    wierd  but that's life in the fast lane .... I'll move the module and hope that that fixes it
22:57.37tzafrir_laptopBut then again, I never tested zaptel 1.2 with kernel 2.4 .
22:57.43oracle^shmaltz, j - jump to priority n+101 if the authentication fails and that priority exists , i'm not sure of how to use it, supposing the authentificate is something like that : exten s,1,Authenticate(1111|???) what should i put instead of ??? to go to s,3 for ex ?
22:57.46sevardQuestion: My extensions can dial eachother, they ring, but when one picks up the x-lite client says 403: Forbidden
22:57.48justinuif anyone should be paid 30 bucks by all, it should be me
22:57.51asterisk99shmaltz:  wird thing... this was working fine before my reboot
22:58.05Raszhtzafrir_la:  ok, so you're using 1.0.* still?
22:58.27Raszhbecause yeah, so am I, but want to upgrade Asterisk, et al
22:58.29tzafrir_laptopyea, we still use it. But kernel 2.6
22:58.44shmaltzoracle^, use j like this Authenticate(1111|j)
22:58.55sevardQuestion: My extensions can dial eachother, they ring, but when one picks up the x-lite client says 403: Forbidden  --- PasteBin
22:59.10sevardjustinu: would you happen to have a magical answer to that one? :)
22:59.12shmaltzoracle^, but be aware that if priorityjumping is set to yes, j will have the oposite effect
22:59.16RaszhI'd be using 2.6 but am using some multi-port modem cards (for dialin/out, not voice) that don't work in 2.6
22:59.25russellbshmaltz: are you sure?  that should not be the case
22:59.36Prival2Hi all, any hints to raise the voicemail audio level on 10.0.10?
22:59.39AlexCTIJustinu: There are free softphones which comes with the g729 already?
22:59.46justinunothing free
22:59.51shmaltzrussellb, IIRC yes
22:59.53justinusevard: the clue is on line 19
23:00.03justinusevard: codec mismatch
23:00.04russellbshmaltz: lies!
23:00.16sevardjustinu: I see.
23:00.20sevardjustinu: Hmmmmmmm
23:00.28russellbshmaltz: if you try that and it happens, please tell me so I can fix it ...
23:00.54Raszhand it's clear that it's still supported for 2.4, just not how
23:01.08justinuSIP/pete is trying to use codec 512 (speex)
23:01.20[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI : G729 is a patented coded which means it costs the developer for eaach copy to include it.  Who do you think would make a soft-phone and not pass on the cost to yuo be CHARGING you for it?
23:01.21sevardjustinu: All of the codecs are turned on in xlite though, I couldn't see why they should be mis matching.
23:01.23justinuSIP/sev is trying to use g711u
23:01.41justinuthank you, that'll be 30 dollars, please :P
23:02.31sevardjustinu: I'm inclined to agree but,
23:03.01sevardjustinu: both x-lite clients are allowing all codecs and they're also all allowed in the sip.conf
23:03.08shmaltzrussellb, I remeber reading it somewhere I didn't make that up, but just to make sure we are talking about +101 and the j option? right?
23:03.41justinusevard: the way codec negotiating works in SIP is kinda funky.
23:03.44russellbi believe you
23:03.49russellbI just hope that's not actually the case
23:03.50justinusevard: trust me, take out the allow=speex
23:03.50sevardjustinu: ?
23:03.53shmaltzfrom <asterisksource>/configs/extension.conf.sample:
23:03.55shmaltz; If priorityjumping is set to 'yes', then applications that support
23:03.57shmaltz; 'jumping' to a different priority based on the result of their operations
23:03.58shmaltz; will do so (this is backwards compatible behavior with pre-1.2 releases
23:04.00shmaltz; of Asterisk). Individual applications can also be requested to do this
23:04.02shmaltz; by passing a 'j' option in their arguments.
23:04.05*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:04.23russellbif that happens, it's likely only in a certain application, due to a typo
23:04.37shmaltzrussellb, but I remember that at one point a notice was put to the userlist that j will reverse the priorityjumping setting
23:04.52sevardjustinu: So, that was messed up.  YOu were right on the money.
23:05.01sevardjustinu: Can you explain codec matching?
23:05.29sevardin sip that is.
23:05.31mujjoohey again
23:05.48justinuit's how the two UAs decide which codec to use.
23:05.53mujjoocan anyone please help me figure out why the call hangs up after just 4 rings
23:05.58justinuit's pretty stupid
23:06.02sandra78<shmaltz> i mean if somebodu answer from the pstn side after 10 sec the call is cut off
23:06.16justinusevard: basically, one of your xlite clients is saying it prefers to use speex over ulaw
23:06.21justinuand it won't fallback
23:06.24shmaltzsandra78, what does the CLI show?
23:07.06Zodiacalanyone know what could cause severe static on one of my fxo modules? its not the line cuz i switched lines and the port still does this... when i try to get a dial tone on the line it just scraches constantly. it was working fine yesterday....
23:07.16sevardjustinu: horrible.
23:07.25justinuyep, it's annoying
23:07.50sevardjustinu: well at least now I know which errors to look for.
23:07.51*** join/#asterisk diclophis (n=diclophi@
23:07.54diclophishowdy all
23:07.56justinuhve fun
23:08.03sevardAlthough, I don't see where in the file it says one picked speex and one picked ulaw
23:08.03diclophiswhat does a red alarm on a PRI mean?
23:08.08justinuit means its down
23:08.19justinusevard: you didn't paste enough of the calls for me to point it out
23:08.38diclophis... so if i have 2 machines, both with the same zaptel config and one shows a red alarm on span 1
23:08.45diclophisthen i plug back into the other and the alarm is clear
23:08.49justinusevard: line 19 tells you, you just have to know how to read it
23:08.51shmaltzrussellb, google deserted me :(
23:08.56diclophisthen the chanes are something is wrong phuscally with the connection
23:09.09sevardjustinu: Ahh, I see.  So 512== speex and 4 == ulaw
23:09.11justinudiclophis: card is dead, or broken
23:09.14justinusevard: correct.
23:09.21justinusevard: show codec from CLI to get the numbers
23:09.33justinudiclophis: or cable problem
23:09.47Peacefulshmaltz: I am trying to answer lots of simultaneous faxes without buying lots of fax machines and SPA-2002's.
23:09.53jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
23:09.55jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
23:10.06RaszhPeaceful:  what about Hylafax?
23:10.12shmaltzPeaceful, and exactly do you plan on having the lines for that?
23:10.25Peacefulshmaltz: Well, I've already got 45.
23:10.37russellbshmaltz: there you go.  :)
23:10.38Raszhthat's 3 too many
23:10.49PeacefulRaszh: I'll check out Hylafax...
23:10.58shmaltzPeaceful, how are they connected to your asterisk box?
23:11.01ManxPowerdiclophis, red alarm normally means "I don't detect anything"
23:11.11RaszhI'd be surprised if someone hasn't already done some Asterisk/Hylafax integration
23:11.21Peacefulshmaltz: the lines?  Two T1/PRI lines.
23:11.36shmaltzPeaceful, then don't use *any* spa products
23:11.51shmaltzPeaceful, how many simultaneous lines you trying to support?
23:11.59*** part/#asterisk mujjoo (
23:12.20PeacefulI've got our office building using all Cisco 7960's.  I've got one SPA-3000 connected to our fax machine.
23:12.24shmaltzrussellb, thank you for correcting me :)
23:12.52shmaltzPeaceful, how many simultaneous incoming faxes you want to support?
23:12.56Raszhthere ya go
23:12.57Peacefulshmaltz: I'd like a fax solution that could answer ~15 simultaneous faxes coming through asterisk
23:13.19shmaltzPeaceful, but you don't want to have 15 fax machines?
23:13.30Peacefulshmaltz: exactly
23:13.47Peacefulshmaltz: and I'd only be running that kind of capacity during peak hours
23:14.25shmaltzPeaceful, then Raszh had the right answer for you
23:14.48*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
23:15.02ManxPowerspandsp and rxfax have gotten much better over the past year or so, you should look into that.
23:15.11ManxPowerThen you can avoid the hylafax and modems
23:16.28Raszhyeah, IAXmodem uses spandsp
23:17.03jarrodwhy in the world do I get these 'psss' noises sometimes during quiet times
23:17.13jarrodespecially when its ringing... *pssss*
23:17.21justinuhow are you talking to PSTN?
23:17.33*** join/#asterisk synthetiq (
23:17.39jarrodmainly through cisco media gateway with pri
23:17.43*** part/#asterisk Raszh (n=Spoon@
23:17.44justinuit's the gateway then
23:17.47jarrodwe also have some backup digium cards
23:17.50justinutry turning down the rxgains
23:17.56jarrodhappens thru them too
23:17.58justinusounds like your RX audio is way too hot
23:18.01justinuon everything
23:18.25synthetiqanyone here use spandsp ? ive compiled is and everythiung and when i use asterisk -vvvvvv it stops loading at ...any ideas why
23:18.39justinuuse asterisk -vvvvc
23:18.50AlexCTI[TK]D-fender: I undestand that part, thanks
23:19.11Darwin35ok who here is good with real tiime that is willing for a payment help   me move or  help explain real time better ot me
23:19.29Darwin35I  have a whole dial plan I want to mve to real time
23:19.41jarrodhow extensive is the dial plan
23:20.12Darwin35let me grab it
23:21.26AlexCTI[TK]D-fender: So I have to buy softphone even with the g729 lic that i already have on my server? So my question is do I need to have both sides licensed? X-PRO g729 and Asterisk server g729 or can I work just with the lic on just one site, and if there is a way, can you tell me how?
23:23.47Dr-Linuxjustinu: what's difference between PRI and ISDN? :S
23:25.54synthetiqpri is part of isdn
23:26.08justinuPRI is primary rate interface, it's a type of ISDN connection
23:26.37Dr-Linuxyeah, but what's differnce :S
23:26.40Dr-Linuxhhmm.. :S
23:27.29justinuit's not one or the other
23:27.32justinuISDN is a generic term
23:27.38justinuPRI is a specific type of circuit
23:27.51synthetiqisdn is either pri or bri
23:28.08Darwin35 that extensive
23:28.57*** join/#asterisk hfb (
23:30.58Darwin35I want to learn but not getting much input
23:34.13[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI : When you pay for X-Pro it COMES with G729.
23:34.27[TK]D-FenderAlexCTI : You only need 1 license for *
23:36.11*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
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23:38.30xevoIs there a phone (other than Cisco) that has an on-phone directory (via XML or whatever)?
23:38.59Aurslinksys sipura spa-941
23:39.17xevoThe spa941 does?  Good!
23:39.25Aursyes, it does
23:39.48justinupolycom 601
23:40.02justinuthe entire polycom line has a phone directory
23:40.07justinuthe 601 has an XML minibrowser
23:40.17xevoThat's very cool
23:40.22xevoHow does the SPA941 do it?
23:40.44justinuno idea
23:40.48justinuthat phone isn't worth the money
23:41.01Aursjustinu: why? me likes
23:41.10justinu1 ethernet port
23:41.19justinupolycom 501 makes a better phone for a similar price
23:41.21xevo942s have two, right?
23:41.29justinu942 == 2 10mbit ports
23:41.34justinuwhat fucking century is this?
23:41.48ManxPowerjustinu, you have to wonder what they were thinking, eh?
23:41.53justinuso idiotic
23:42.05[hC]yeah thats pretty stupid
23:42.09[hC]im surprised they even released the 941.
23:42.15[hC]with no poe/switch port
23:42.31[hC]You're really only shooting  yourself in the foot with it, to save what.. $30?
23:42.35xevothe 501 can view XML over what, http?
23:42.44FuriousGeorgei know you guys are gonna tell me im crazy, but im losing my iax provider peer (timeout) from time to time,  and the only way i have been able to get him back is by restarting the server
23:42.47justinu501's phonebook isn't xml driven
23:42.51FuriousGeorgerestarting networking probably would have worked
23:42.56justinuit's downloaded from the provisioning server at phone boot
23:43.03justinuand saved back to the prov server when the user modifies it
23:43.04xevoahh ok
23:43.09*** join/#asterisk buu (
23:43.16xevodoes dhcp tell it where to look for it?
23:43.17justinu601 has the real microbrowser, which uses http
23:43.20justinudhcp does
23:43.26buuSo. Is there some kind of brilliant prebuilt solution for dynamically controlling hold music?
23:43.26justinualong with all it's other config files
23:43.29justinuand software
23:43.44xevopolycom sounds like it's the way to go
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23:44.31justinuxevo: i don't think you'll be disapointed.. at least demo one
23:44.54Aursxevo: polycom is not a bad choice at all
23:44.59xevowill do
23:45.33xevowe were going to use the 601 for the receptionist phone anyway
23:45.47justinu601 rawks
23:45.53justinuit's what sits on my desk, and i've tried them all
23:46.01xevoand it looks like it's the one for my desk too
23:46.06FuriousGeorgeanyone ever notice their iax providers becomes unreachable, even when he shouldnt be?  (i.e. its some mysterious problem on your end)
23:46.21justinuthere is some problem with qualify, apparently
23:46.42justinui don't have too many issues with qualify and sip
23:46.43xevoordering a couple now
23:46.49justinubut i've heard people bitch about that on IAX before, FuriousGeorge
23:47.22*** join/#asterisk giggles (
23:47.48willtshould call-limit=1 make it so my user can only use one line at a time?
23:48.23*** part/#asterisk angom_w (
23:48.24willtseems to not work :(
23:48.43ManxPowermost of that call limit stuff never worked well for me.
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23:49.29willtIt seems there should be some way to doit
23:49.39willtmaybe it's a broken feature? :(
23:49.56ManxPowerwillt, since I don't bill for calls it's not an issue for me.
23:50.32willtis the forums at digium a good place to inquire about it or is there a better place?
23:50.57ManxPowerI just check the mailing list archives
23:51.08*** join/#asterisk sofh (
23:51.47sofhhello there anything like CRTP in asterisk ? like cisco had
23:51.59ManxPowersofh, no.
23:52.10ManxPowerBut since CRTP is mostly a router to router thing.....
23:52.14FuriousGeorgejustinu: i got qualify set to 750 right now, but i kinda like that catch to avoid crappy sounding calls
23:52.35FuriousGeorgethink i should take it out?
23:52.36ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, remember the qualify number is NOT the ping times.
23:52.40FuriousGeorgeid rather change to sip, tbh
23:52.45hfbIs anyone familiar with (old) ekt65xx phones?
23:52.54FuriousGeorgeManxPower: remember?  i never knew to begin with :)
23:53.00sofhas i just notice that if we are using ciso or quintum gateway then a call with g729 is not taking more then 30kbit/s for both incoming and outgoing
23:53.06ManxPowerit's the time to takes to receive a response to a SIP options packet (or IAX2 ping)
23:53.09FuriousGeorgeis that how often it sends keep alives
23:53.13hfbToshiba ekt65xx that is.
23:53.16sofhwhereas in asterisk g729 and one call is consuming almost 62kbit/s :(
23:53.23justinuFuriousGeorge: you should be using the jitter reports for that kinda stuff!
23:53.34justinudoesn't iax do a qos dump at the end of a call?
23:53.36ManxPowersofh, your measurements are off.
23:53.46sofhlike ?
23:53.59FuriousGeorgejustinu: isnt it better to check before the call to see how reachable the provider is or isnt
23:54.05FuriousGeorgeand will SIP have this same problem?
23:54.08sofhi told what i realised..
23:54.08ManxPowerG729 is about 8kbps + about 24kbps of overhead.
23:54.20sofhu mean 24 + 8 ?
23:54.37justinuFurious: reachability has nothing to do with QoS usually
23:54.41justinureachability is up/down
23:55.20sofhif its up/down => 31kbit/s then its great ..but i found its consuming 30kbit/s for one side
23:56.05FuriousGeorgejustinu: well im not sure if im 100% with you but i get the idea.  let me ask this way:  assuming taking out qualify solves the problem, isn't there now a chance that * will try to use a provider that is terribly lagged?
23:56.08sofhManxpower! or is there any setting in linux FW or asterisk itself to tune up the bw consumption ?
23:56.39justinuFuriousGeorge: probably true
23:57.10justinuFuriousGeorge: if I were serious about it... i'd write a patch to asterisk that would use the QoS stats from the calls to modify the select order of the IAX prodivers.
23:57.25justinubut it doesn't do that out of the box
23:58.10*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
23:58.24fugitivo~seen coppice
23:58.27jbotcoppice <n=chatzill@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 13h 57m 25s ago, saying: '"Nun"'.
23:59.17*** join/#asterisk dec (
23:59.32ManWithYellowBat~seen fugitivo
23:59.34jbotfugitivo is currently on #asterisk (1m 24s). Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 1m 10s, last said: '~seen coppice'.
23:59.49hfbHmmm.  I just found an old log for this channel.
23:59.53ManWithYellowBati was hoping for a loop
23:59.55decHello... I'm receiving warnings in my asterisk log when an iax call comes in: socket_read: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame

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