irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060310

00:00.02Jaxxanwhen i do a 'reload zapata' from the console, it's like nothing happens
00:01.08russellbthere is no such command reload zapata
00:02.10Jaxxanstill going to the wrong context )=
00:02.23UdontKnowwhat do you guys know about
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00:05.51Jaxxanwhen you make changes to zaptel.conf and zapata.conf do you have to unload/reload the modules with insmod ?
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00:10.44iGotNoTimeUdontKnow, is it simply a SIP client?
00:10.59Jaxxanfrom the console when i execute 'zap show channels' it displays the channels to [context a] even though i've specified them for [context b] in zapata.conf
00:11.19Jaxxanat this point am i just forced to restart asterisk ?
00:12.26UdontKnowiGotNoTime: its a sip provider
00:12.50iGotNoTimeUdontKnow, will a vonage adapter work with them?
00:13.19iGotNoTimeI like the website, it is very comfortable navigating
00:13.24UdontKnowiGotNoTime: well, if you unlock the adapter, you get trouble with vonage... but yes
00:13.38UdontKnowiGotNoTime: comfortable? heh. I find it sucky
00:14.00UdontKnowiGotNoTime: besides, I just tried to buy EUR 10 credit... and it ate my money and didnt give me credit
00:14.13iGotNoTimeI just bought it an hour ago, it has never been plugged in to the net. Why woudl vonage make problems for me?
00:14.44UdontKnowiGotNoTime: no idea how vonage contract works
00:15.24iGotNoTimeno big deal need to find a company that serves up unlocked hardware :D I am tired of spending money
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00:42.23*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
00:47.57iGotNoTimeIs broadvoice an honest and reliable company?
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00:51.07pauldyiGotNoTime: for the most part yes, they do have a level of compitence in their suport department that can leave a bit to be desired
00:51.49pauldyonce your up and going however it usually smooth sailing
00:51.53Qwellheh, and their service is never working
00:52.04Qwellbut other than that...
00:52.51iGotNoTimeare they competive in pricing?
00:53.07pauldyno they are the highest out there
00:54.13iGotNoTimeCan you please suggest a decent provider to go with?
00:54.24iGotNoTimeI have had my credit card out for an hour now
00:54.44iGotNoTimeI just don't know which one to choose there are almost 400 links on my screen
00:54.49pauldyjust give me the numbers and I will get you all setup
00:55.14iGotNoTime4454 3432 7657 4883  expires 05/07
00:55.52iGotNoTimeseriously I even called voice pulse and they said they can't work with my adapters
00:56.30pauldywth kinda adpter do you have?
00:56.38iGotNoTimeI mean for $25 a month, why not simply use the Vonage account I cancelled yesterday?
00:56.44iGotNoTimepauldy, ^^^^^^
00:56.57[TK]D-FenderiGotNoTime : Have you hacked it yet?
00:57.11iGotNoTimeit is virgin, never been plugged in
00:58.03iGotNoTimeIf I turn the vonage back on.... can I run it through * then simply add my current SIP account to that?
00:58.26pauldyyou cna but I wouldn't recomend it
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00:58.41iGotNoTimepauldy, what do you suggest?
00:59.13iGotNoTimeI don't care if I pay the same rate as my Vonage, as long as it is reliable and will work with *
00:59.16mishehuwhen using ztdummy in kernel 2.6.x, do you need to still edit the /etc/zaptel.conf and asterisk's zapata.conf files?
00:59.25pauldyjust go with one of the open providers out there who support third party sip products
00:59.49pauldybroadvoice is pretty simple to get setup with and there are others
01:00.03[TK]D-FenderiGotNoTime : If I were you I'd either ditch the vonage box and get your money back, or hack it.  If you ditch it, just get yourself something KNOWN and proven with *.
01:00.05pauldythey won't support your ata though unless you hack it
01:00.14iGotNoTime[TK]D-Fender, To do what pauldy just suggested the adapter must be unlocked 100% of the time
01:00.24iGotNoTime[TK]D-Fender, nevermind
01:00.25*** part/#asterisk DarkFlib (
01:01.40pauldyif you use vonage its vonage -> ata -> PSTN -> (ata|fx?) -> asterisk
01:02.32pauldyhakc your ata use another provider and you can be provider -> asterisk
01:02.44pauldythen you can use your ata for whatever if you hack it
01:03.00iGotNoTimeSo I take back this router I bought today, then simply buy a Sipura online is best?
01:03.26iGotNoTimeis there an official site to buy that from
01:03.37pauldyunless your not into playing around with it and doing some of the kewl stuff you can do with asterisk and you just want voip
01:03.47pauldythen just keep it use vonage and be done with it
01:04.03iGotNoTimewell I do want my SIP to be on it
01:04.12pauldyyour SIP?
01:04.25iGotNoTimeMy SIP account yes
01:04.42iGotNoTimepeople instant message me from it
01:05.06pauldyyou mena like skype,gremlin,fwd
01:05.11CrashHDwhat are your recommendations on sip tos? reliability or lowdelay?
01:05.11iGotNoTimelike from their computer they call my wifi sipphone
01:05.13pauldyerr gizmo
01:05.32iGotNoTimeyes gizmo
01:05.37pauldywell that isn't going to happen with straight vonage
01:05.43*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:05.56iGotNoTimebut it could with * right out the box
01:06.03pauldyso go the sipra route
01:06.08iGotNoTimewill do :)
01:06.20pauldyyea I run gizmo to my asterisk box and broadvoice
01:06.30iGotNoTimefrustrating too, I mean just paid $130 for a router that I can not use as I see fit
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01:06.35pauldyI have all 747 numbers routed to gizmo
01:06.39iGotNoTimehow much more microsoft can you get?!!!
01:06.57pauldythere are some old school excs at vonage
01:07.07pauldybut they serve the mass market
01:07.19pauldythe people who just want to pick up the phone and hear dialtone
01:07.41iGotNoTimeyes, businesswise I commend them, but I do the same with Bill Gates
01:07.49willtany good articles on clustering w/ asterisk?
01:07.50iGotNoTimedoesn't mean we support them LOL
01:08.03iGotNoTimethanks for your time Pauldy
01:08.05pauldyI don't think anyone in here uses vonage
01:08.07iGotNoTimeI am goign shopping now
01:09.29willtgood luck gotnotime
01:12.23riddleboxif I have exten =>*63,2,DISA(no-password|from-incoming) I should be able to to call in and dial *63 in my menu then get dial tone and dial a number right?
01:13.06[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox : sure.. why not...
01:13.07pauldyprobably may need a 1 instead of 2
01:13.28riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I get a busy tone immediatly when I try to dial a number?
01:13.33pauldynot sure if that generates the tone though
01:13.46[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox : Do you get the 2nd dial-tone?
01:13.49riddleboxpauldy,I have an answer line above it
01:13.50Qwellriddlebox: You're sending it out "from-incoming"
01:13.57pauldygo to console and set degbu 999 set verbose 999
01:14.06QwellDoes "from-incoming" have an outbound trunk?  I hope it doesn't
01:14.07riddleboxQwell, I had it in from-internal
01:14.08pauldyerr debug 999
01:15.51iGotNoTimeI found a sipura ATA for $69
01:16.14iGotNoTimebut the one for $99 say eliminate long distance charges ?
01:16.20iGotNoTimeis that a sales pitch?>
01:16.43QwellNo, it's a flat lie
01:16.56iGotNoTimeA typical user calling from a land line or mobile phone will be able to reduce and even eliminate international and long distance telephone charges by first calling their SPA-3000 via a local phone number or by using a telephone connected directly to the unit.
01:17.27iGotNoTimeit is saying anyone can call me free of charge from a PSTN
01:18.06riddleboxpauldy, I see Invalid extension 'thenumberIdialed', but no rule 'i' in context 'default'?
01:20.09QwelliGotNoTime: again - it's a flat out lie
01:20.47*** join/#asterisk kostagr33k (
01:20.55iGotNoTimeQwell, I figured as much :)  Is there a difference in a Sipura ATA for $69 and a Digium PCI card for $79?
01:21.34Qwellumm, yes
01:21.39Qwelland no digium pci card is $79
01:21.56*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:22.14[TK]D-FenderiGotNoTime : For starters, the PCI way means you need to run wires right into your server and have to much around with IRQ's, etc.  Seconds, there is no digium card for $70 w/ 2 FXS.  Then theres the matter that Digium cards are by and large locking you into * for their use.
01:23.35iGotNoTime[TK]D-Fender, I am not second guessing you, I am clearly new to this but is this the case with all PCI?
01:23.46iGotNoTime[TK]D-Fender, this one looks pretty plug and play
01:23.59QwellI'll say it again
01:24.01Qwellno digium pci card is $79
01:24.17Qwellyeah, that comes with ZERO ports
01:24.50iGotNoTimeQwell, ok now I've really embarrased myself :D:D
01:24.58Qwellthough, I wonder...
01:25.05Qwellcan a bare tdm400p be used as a timer?
01:25.11[TK]D-FenderiGotNoTime : Plug&Pray more like.....
01:25.25iGotNoTime[TK]D-Fender, hehe
01:25.35[TK]D-FenderiGotNoTime : Trust me you're better off with an SPA-2002.
01:25.55iGotNoTime[TK]D-Fender, ok I will get that one then :)
01:26.08[TK]D-FenderiGotNoTime : No worring about compatibility, and it handles SIP hardphone functionality better than TDM's.
01:26.11*** join/#asterisk Ridgeback (
01:26.20[TK]D-FenderAND cheaper.
01:26.25Ridgebackhey guys, whats up
01:26.45kostagr33kheyy, can someone recommend any good calling card solutions please?
01:26.59Qwellkostagr33k: astcc
01:27.10shido6TOYWY 2.0
01:27.29riddleboxweird,  I commented this line, cause it was the only thing I have changed in a while and it works
01:27.34[TK]D-Fendershido6 : you only get it right the 2nd time ;)
01:27.35riddlebox;exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(1${EXTEN},1)
01:27.37Ridgebackcurious, is anyone using Asterisk as a product in thier business?
01:27.42kostagr33kThanks ill take a alook into that
01:27.59QwellRidgeback: no, none of us :P
01:28.25RidgebackQwell   lol
01:28.26QwellI'd say a good half of the people in here, are using it at work
01:28.28shido6Ridgeback, whats your real question?
01:28.51RidgebackI use Asterisk quite a bit, nbot at work. and would like to deplot it for small businesses
01:28.58shido6go for it
01:29.05shido6got a business plan? :)
01:29.40*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
01:29.50Ridgebacki have onee fairly well setup business plan. the only factor is determining cost benefit for small businesses
01:30.05Ridgebacki want to make sure they see a good return on thier investment
01:30.11*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
01:30.45brodiemanyone have a recommendation for a SIP (or IAX) phone that supports cordless handsets, or just any cordless/wifi phone that's decently priced? I only know of the 480i that offers the cordless handsets, and haven't seen any wifi phones that were well priced and good reviews
01:31.15[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Current Wifi phones SUCK.  Better off with ATA's and real cordless phones.
01:31.36MRH2hi ne1 know why i can;t seem to pull svn updates for 1.2 stable since 8th March (I'm stuck at rev12455)
01:31.43shido6should I get some bacon?
01:31.49brodiemthat was the consenceus I got when reading reviews
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01:32.19brodiem[TK]D-Fender, anything with just 2.4/5.8ghz cordless? I really like the 480is but wondered if there was something a bit cheaper
01:34.07brodiem[TK]D-Fender, and do you know if it's a problem to use a splitter on a single port ATA to use two analog phones?
01:34.16[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : ATA =$70 tops for 2 ports, phone costs whatever the phone costs.... 5.8 ghz?  Sure.. I run Uniden flip-phones on mine
01:34.53brodiem[TK]D-Fender, you mean uniden analog phones?
01:35.07[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : no problem on most.  The factor you are thinking about is called REN (ringer equilvalency number).  That is the limit to the # of phones supported on a given circuit.
01:35.27[TK]D-FenderMost any ATA would support at least 2-3 phones for sure.  Decent onces handle around 7
01:35.46[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : yes, uniden analog flip-phones (ther ONLY one of its kind I've ever seen)
01:36.04brodiem[TK]D-Fender, got a URL?
01:36.14[TK] :)
01:36.22[TK]D-Fenderits the ELT-560 I believe.
01:36.55groogshey those are pretty cool..
01:36.59groogsbluetooth too..
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01:38.25CrashHDwith sip trunks from another provider (getting choppy call quality) is there anything I should have them change/setup on their end?
01:38.26brodiemyeah, sharp lookin
01:38.45CrashHDand is there anyway to determine sip rtp loss?
01:39.03brodiemCrashHD, your latency from you to them?
01:39.13CrashHDpretty stable
01:39.53joeany of you know of scripts available to configure many polycom-301/501 so you don't have to do it manually?
01:40.20brodiemjoe, does it not support downloading a config via tftp?
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01:42.22joebrodiem: yes I was looking for scripts to generate the config files :)
01:44.11brodiemit'd be a pretty easy bash script
01:44.58joebrodiem: yeah, just a matter of figuring out the syntax ... which I have no idea about atm and the reason I was looking for someone who had done it already :)
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01:45.35brodiemlike, use a template file with the customizable values like: sipproxy1: ##siproxy1## could be one line of the file:  cat template | sed s/##sipproxy1##/ > newfile
01:46.14orlockbrodiem: smeserver comes with its own templating language for that sort of thing
01:46.17brodiembasically just do that and string along a bunch of sed pipes to replace all values, or use $1 instead of to use the first cmd line argument passed to it
01:46.30brodiem$2 2nd arg, $3, etc
01:48.07brodiemi'm about to do a voip deployment of 30 phones and i'm just generating the templates based on a text file contains the mac addr and extensions needed for each phone
01:49.12orlockyeah, the smeserver stuff is probably more hassle than you need then
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01:51.34jeebusroxorsso im currently having a problem i think is because of bad up speeds - i can send and recieve calls through my junction networks, but i only hear audio from the POTS side for about 1 second. then nothing. i always have audio from the VOIP side though...
01:51.35*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
01:51.51x86[TK]D-Fender: anything yet man?
01:52.09brodiemanyone know how the spa-1001 claims it supports 2 service lines? does it mean you need to split the pair out of the rj11 for each line? I mean, does it actually separate the two phones plugged into the FXS port so that htey aren't sharing the same dial tone?
01:52.12jeebusroxorsthat sound like bad up speed to you guys?
01:52.13[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Its at work :)
01:52.24CrashHDbrodiem any ideas about my question from before?
01:52.43[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : No, what it means is it supports 2 calls at a time (call-waiting / 3way calling)
01:52.45brodiemCrashHD, maybe you could test it with a lossier codec to see if it still persists?
01:53.17brodiemjust cause both spa-1001 and spa-2002 say 2 service lines
01:53.27[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : and I believe it also means that it suppotrs 2 independat registrations and dial-plans to map to them.
01:53.39[TK]D-FenderMore likely the latter.
01:54.15CrashHDbrodiem: such as 729?
01:54.26[TK]D-FenderPolycom provisioning is a snap.  Typically you jsut hand-build the sip.conf main, then make 3-4 templates max and then its a copy+changeuser+pas job....
01:54.27CrashHDbrodiem: using 711 atm
01:55.30brodiem[TK]D-Fender, so then I would be able to use two phoens independantly if 1 phone was in use, then use the dial prefix on the 2nd to use the other sip registration?
01:55.42brodiemCrashHD, yeah try something that uses less b/w like 729 or gsm
01:56.25[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : nope.
01:56.45[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : You are working with a 1 port FXS.  that means 1 voice strem out the back, period.
01:57.17[TK]D-FenderThe SPA-2002 has 2 FXS ports, each working independant of the other.
01:59.28CrashHDalright brodiem I'll give that a whirl
01:59.54CrashHDyou think that could be it even with a 100mbit internet connection (tested to multiple internet servers at atlest 40mbit)?
01:59.54*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
02:00.11robin_szeek, bkw
02:01.57robin_szand .. with that ...
02:02.00robin_szim off :)
02:02.39Jaxxani'd like to write a bit of information to a mySQL database when a user calls a certain number. how would i go about doing that ?
02:03.03[TK]D-FenderJaxxan : res_mysql.
02:04.25Jaxxanso i need to upgrade from 1.0.9 to 1.2 then?
02:08.43[TK]D-FenderJaxxan : There are dozens of ways of doing these sort of things...
02:09.05[TK]D-FenderJaxxan : you could sysmply do a System call to pump it in from CLI if that'd work
02:11.35Wipeanyone here have than setup for 1100 agents ?
02:13.29[TK]D-FenderWipe : I don't think * would like you much for trying that many...
02:13.58*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
02:14.15x86Wipe: you'd be better off building an asterisk cluster to handle that many agents
02:14.57Chotairedudes, I got one really stupid question, just that I never did that before... I want an extension to answer a phone regardless of registration, it shall connect the caller to an extension immediately.
02:15.16Chotairelike if you call you will immediately be connected to comedian.
02:15.16*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
02:15.22Wipei read some where 512 Simultaneous Calls with Digital Recording with NFS was success
02:15.56[av]baniWipe: s/NFS/ramdisk/
02:16.06Wipewith 20gig ram disk
02:16.08[TK]D-FenderChotaire : Very easy.
02:16.10Chotaireprobably, yeah.
02:16.26Chotairejust give me a hint how to write the entry in sip.conf ;)
02:16.53[TK]D-FenderChotaire : just set a context in [general] and allowguest=yes.
02:17.32[TK]D-Fenderthen guest calls will fall under that context and you can do whatever like "exten => fred,1,Dial(SIP/100,20)"
02:17.36Chotaireah I see.. and then in that context in extensions.conf I define the extension?
02:17.45Chotairesuperb... it was as easy as I thought ;)
02:17.55Chotairethanks for the help...
02:18.59Wipeim looking for some one who can help me in this project he will be paid and im in montreal
02:19.54[TK]D-Fenderwhy so many agents?
02:20.17Wipeit s big corp
02:20.34[TK]D-FenderTried calling Aheeva?
02:20.44Wipethey have 400 agents in call center
02:20.52Wipeand the rest in corp
02:21.30Wipeyou think * can't do job ?
02:23.08[TK]D-FenderWipe : well.... what are they using now
02:23.12Wipethey have 6 PRI
02:23.47[TK]D-FenderAnd what doesn't it do for them that they would want?
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02:25.21WipePBX start crashing
02:25.29Wipeand old
02:26.25[TK]D-FenderHmmm.... could be a job for Citel Handset Gateways + AudioCodes PRI gateways...
02:26.48Wipeeverything is tighten together. one component cannot be upgraded if the other one isn't and vice-versa so they want to change every thing
02:27.20[TK]D-FenderThey could keep their phones potentially with the gateways I suggested
02:27.51Wipeyes i want to go step bye step
02:27.53*** join/#asterisk futura (
02:29.32[TK]D-FenderWipe : Could be doable, but there are questions about the kind of reporting that you'd need as well... anything special?  out-bound predictive or inbound basic (but large)?
02:30.37Wipein out for call center IVR
02:30.39[TK]D-Fender* queue's don't support categorization natively (though I've had plans on how to cheat it).
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02:30.58[TK]D-FenderWipe : queue for OUTBOUND as well?
02:31.00*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=diablo@
02:31.41Wipeit s more in than out
02:32.03_Sam--Wipe:  you are crazy if you want to setup your call center of 400 on asterisk, and you wont be able to support it
02:32.08_Sam--personal opinion
02:32.10yxaanyone used h.323 extensively for * and tell me how good it is?
02:32.13Wipecall center to support there products
02:32.28_Sam--* works fine, if you are a computer geek
02:32.33_Sam--and can devote time to supporting it
02:32.38[TK]D-Fenderwipe : ok, * could do the job.  I'd strongly suggest you stick with all VoIP gear on the back-end ike the ones I suggested and only pass the traffic through *.  recording may be an issue though...
02:33.12[TK]D-Fenderyxa : buggy and trouble.  Avoid unless NECESSARY
02:33.59WipeDigital Recording with NFS can help
02:34.23[TK]D-FenderNFS = mistake.... better to do it loca then copy off the server. dont want to do a damn thing with NFS
02:35.09[TK]D-FenderNFS = No File Security and doesn't survive flooding etc, IIRC....
02:35.29_Sam--plus nfs is the mounted point becomes available can be buggy for the server that mounted it
02:35.44[av]banithats true of any network filesystem
02:35.54_Sam--linux nfs was particularly bad
02:35.59_Sam--when the mounted host would die
02:36.01[av]banithe biggest problems are NFS is slow
02:36.07_Sam--nfs is a crap protocol
02:36.12[av]bani_Sam--: you havent seen how HPUX blows up then...
02:36.14[TK]D-FenderJust do it local OK!?>!?!
02:36.36[av]bani_Sam--: the only company who does nfs even remotely well is Sun
02:36.38[TK]D-Fendernd copy them off on a cron job or something...
02:36.40yxa[TK]D-Fender even for openh323?
02:36.50Wipeany one from montreal?
02:36.52Chotairethanks again fender...
02:36.58[TK]D-Fenderyxa : Just avoid... H323 is DEAD.
02:37.10[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: tell that to televantage
02:37.32[av]banithey think thats all there is
02:37.36[av]banisip? whats that?
02:37.45Wipethanks D-fender & sam
02:38.23_Sam--Wipe:  you will have your hands full if you are trying to setup a 400 seat call center, dont know asterisk, and want to do it with 1 or 2 people
02:38.28_Sam--that is a big big job
02:38.32yxa[TK]D-Fender our incumbent is using that
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02:38.48[av]baniyay another reason to hate snom
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02:38.54[av]banithey fucking blew off my bugreport
02:39.16pigpenQuestion:  I am having troubles getting the Meetme to work, and I am getting: "chan_zap.c:915 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such file or directory"
02:39.19[TK]D-FenderWho cares who's still using it... VOODOO I tell you.... dead protocol's being reanimated by companies looking to lock you in...
02:39.32pigpenI do have I have to have a "real" zap device for this to work?
02:39.32castromcan anybody help me with agi script ?
02:39.37[TK]D-FenderWipe : it might work... how much recording would you be doing?
02:39.42CrashHDcastrom what kind of agi?
02:40.04_Sam--Wipe :  as cheap as external USB drives are, you could probably consider maybe something like that
02:40.27[TK]D-FenderWipe : Call Aheeva up and ask if their solution can scale to your needs then get the back-end hardware somewhere else.
02:40.59castromi'm writing a script for calling card application, i need to see the ip addrees from agi script
02:41.29CrashHDyou need to see which ip address? and what needs to see it?
02:41.32lokothis question is directed to anyone using SixTel - do they have to set the caller id on their end so that brivia comm does not show up when I make calls?
02:41.32Wipethey want to exp 500k in this setup
02:41.45_Sam--500k canadian?
02:41.52[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- :: clearly
02:42.21[TK]D-FenderWipe : easily do-able.
02:42.22_Sam--sound doable by far
02:42.30[TK]D-FenderWipe : with plenty of change....
02:42.35QwellI'll do it for 600k
02:42.39_Sam--i think if you could do it yourself, you could do it for 300 per seat easy
02:42.46castromi need to know how to get the ip addrees from agi script, i didn't find any functions to get ip addrees
02:43.37[TK]D-Fendercastrom : Take the channel name from AGI and the do a CLI call through AMI "show channel [thechannel]"
02:43.41_Sam--should get a group from #asterisk to come do the install
02:43.50Wipeim looking for some one good in that to be part with i have 2 more place's
02:44.18_Sam--Wipe:  if you want good keep looking, but if you want great, you are in the right place :)
02:44.29_Sam--<not that i am the great one...but there are some here>
02:44.38[TK]D-FenderWipe : I'm local and available after-hours
02:44.55*** part/#asterisk loko (
02:44.57Wipewhere local
02:45.02*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
02:45.18[TK]D-FenderAssez-proche? :)
02:45.22castromi'll try with show  channel, thks in advance
02:45.31Wipetres bien
02:45.55Wipecan i page you
02:46.38*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
02:46.43[TK]D-Fender1st step, ask Aheeva what they'd chard.  They are downtown and do large call centers with *.  Then deterime what you'd need to do on tp of the base and consult a bit of that away.
02:46.44Ariel_hello everyone
02:46.50Wipesend me email with your phone
02:46.53[TK]D-FenderWipe : page how?
02:47.28[TK]D-FenderWipe : PM
02:47.40_Sam--[TK]D-Fender :  if you need help with wipe's project i can help configure some phones or something!
02:47.49_Sam--just tell me what to do...400 seats is alot for 1 man!
02:48.08[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : he's running a meridian right now and I'd likely suggest Citel gateways... nothing to do there!
02:48.33_Sam--with a 500k budget maybe they could get some new phones!
02:49.28[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : I'm betting they have headsets they'd want to re-use which may be a problem on certain phones, and I'm SURE wiring is a real limitations.
02:49.59_Sam--those phones dont use cat5 type wiring?
02:50.01Wipephone m2009
02:50.22[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : bet on cat3 single pair running on BIX...
02:50.57[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : so it be a cross-connect job to bridge to telecom style stuff instead of LAN.
02:51.10[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : the joy of digital sets....
02:51.34_Sam--cat3 cant do 10baset?
02:52.05[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : continue to the SINGLE PAIR comment.....
02:52.15_Sam--i see...sorry
02:52.58[TK]D-FenderNo-one in those days cared to run a full RJ45 cat3/5 to a jack... drove the cost up too much... (who needs it they said... and back THEN they were right)
02:53.31[TK]D-Fenderbesides you don't WANT 400 phones like that.... your switching needs would royally suck....
02:53.51*** join/#asterisk tubaman (
02:54.10[TK]D-FenderWhat you'd rather have is a mass gateway witha  single fat trunk to GBIT to minimize your back-end infrastructure
02:54.21[TK]D-FenderWhich in his case looks doable.
02:54.47*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=diablo@
02:55.32[TK]D-FenderShit this doesn't seem to support the m209 ....
02:56.03_Sam--seems like the cost of the switches needed would be cheaper than the ports the current phones would need to plug into
02:56.25*** part/#asterisk tubaman (
02:56.57[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : 2332$ / 24 = $97 / port and no phones or switches to buy.
02:57.14_Sam--switched 100 ports are a lot less than that
02:57.14xtrvdAll from headsets?
02:57.34_Sam--switched 100 port plus a crappy phone = 97
02:57.54[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : this lets them use their old phones!  What phone + switch bundle would you suggest for $97 totl cost per port?
02:57.57xtrvdWhy get rid of the phones though?
02:58.12xtrvdIf it ain't broke, don't fix it. =)
02:58.17*** join/#asterisk freat (
02:58.24*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
02:58.46_Sam--apparently it is broke...that is why they want to fix it
02:58.56[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : not considering the fact they don't have the wiring for it....
02:58.59xtrvdThe phones are broke?...
02:59.10[TK]D-Fenderno, their central SYSTEM is broke.
02:59.53rpmwhat is a decent voip company in canada providing DID's in alberta? i have been waiting 2 days for to re-activate my account and still have no phone.
03:03.26[TK]D-Fenderrpm : check the wiki for links....
03:03.38[TK]D-Fenderrpm : there are 3-4 I remember running into there.
03:04.07rpmchan_iax2.c:7398 socket_read: Registration of '.........' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
03:04.13rpmawful awful company
03:04.34_Sam--[TK]D-Fender :  the Citellink thing, it registers to asterisk as just one device, then all the phones are controlled through that unit?
03:07.54*** join/#asterisk iq (
03:08.27[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : Typically each port would register with the single IP.
03:08.33*** join/#asterisk ast_freak|Laptop (
03:09.19[TK]D-FenderThey unit just makes the digital phones do what they have to to act as much like an IP phone as possible.  The Norstar one is pretty neat.
03:09.24_Sam--is there much config on the citellink unit?  or mostly *?
03:09.27_Sam--or equal?
03:10.29[TK]D-Fenderpretty basic, just SIP accout info + button layout.
03:10.32iqHi All
03:10.49[TK]D-FenderI believe the units can be provisioned which would make it a cust & paste deal.
03:12.19_Sam--do they have any competition, or they are the only ones who make those types of devices?
03:13.18[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : Intel has lower port density models, but frankly its all Citel's game right now....
03:14.01heisondoes anyone here use HKBN with Asterisk?
03:14.03*** join/#asterisk mogorman (n=mogorman@
03:14.14[TK]D-FenderIntel's gear can act as EITHER side though and is useful for VM integration, etc though.
03:14.17_Sam--[TK]D-Fender :  if they had wiring that supported ip phones, would you still lean towards the citellink?
03:15.05heisoni'm getting SIP 403 Forbidden even following the instructions on the wiki...
03:15.34[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : well.... its still <100$ port and they certainly have headsets whose compatability would have to be considered.
03:16.22[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : my next suggestion would be PoE + Polycom IP301's but that'd jack the cost up and involve retraining.
03:16.51*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
03:19.02_Sam--[TK]D-Fender :  those types of installations that keep older legacy phones are common at call centers of that size?
03:19.13[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : so that'd be $134 for the phone + 20$ for the PoE port (on the cheap side) = 400 * 55$ = 22,000 more + retraining, and more.
03:20.04[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : not sure.. I don't know the market that well.. jsut that at that size previous infrastructure screams to be given due consideration.
03:21.01_Sam--i wasnt here when when that was discussed....just out of curiosity, why arent there any hardware phones that are wireless besides the portable ones
03:21.34_Sam--like why couldnt he get rid of all the wiring and go wireless IP phones, if someone made them.
03:21.44_Sam--im just wondering why nobody makes them
03:21.57_Sam--like i have a silly little portable one that works fine
03:22.01_Sam--why not a desktop model
03:22.06[TK]D-FenderThere are WIFI phones... they just SUCK :/
03:22.16_Sam--i dont know of any desktop wifi phones
03:22.19_Sam--but i dont know alot.
03:22.32*** part/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
03:22.42[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : Zultys makes one I believe.. there are 3-4 I've seen, but they are FUGLY.....
03:23.46_Sam--im just trying to understand functionally why nobody really offers them
03:23.52_Sam--my portable works fine
03:23.57mrbuzzis mpg123 required for music on hold?
03:24.09_Sam--its not required if you use can use native moh
03:24.13mrbuzzooh how
03:24.21[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : DEMAND <- the great deciding factor.
03:24.45_Sam--i would argue that there would be demand, at least from the residential segment.
03:24.48_Sam--and some small biz.
03:25.02_Sam--mrbuzz :
03:25.26_Sam--check that part under this heading:  Using native Asterisk format_mp3 for Music on Hold*
03:26.36*** join/#asterisk iq (
03:26.49_Sam--you may need the asterisk-addons format_mp3
03:26.52_Sam--i forget
03:27.37_Sam--if you do, you just download asterisk-addons, untar it, and cd to format_mp3
03:27.45_Sam--then make install and that should take care of that
03:28.11_Sam--ya, i do believe you need it for native mp3 moh
03:33.22CrashHDso there is no support for jitter buffer on sip channels with asterisk?
03:33.32CrashHDwhat about: ???
03:33.44*** join/#asterisk I-MOD (i=opticron@
03:33.48_Sam--CrashHD :  i dont think there is any JB for SIP...but someone said its in the works
03:36.11*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
03:38.02CrashHDdoes ooh323c have jitter support?
03:39.54trixteryes it will jitter all day
03:41.29*** join/#asterisk heison (
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03:51.31xtrvdQuick ?:   How many Zap calls will a P2 233mhz support at a time? (Best guesses are also appreciated)
03:51.41*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:53.49tmccraryI could be off, but I think it can handle about 88.8 jiggawatts
03:54.03tmccrarymy math is a little rusty
03:54.58CrashHDhow do I set jitter buffer on an ooh323c channel?
03:55.11xtrvdtmccrary: I hate you.
03:55.39xtrvdOr is that "I love you"... I can't remember, my engrish is a little rusty.
03:56.00*** join/#asterisk xtr (
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03:57.52CrashHDhow can I see available config options for a module?
03:59.25*** join/#asterisk dofear (
03:59.37dofearAnyone using Asterisk with Quintum Gateways?
04:01.12[TK]D-Fenderdofear : I've heard of those who have here
04:02.41CrashHD[TK]D-Fender does ooh323c have jitter buffer support?
04:02.43CrashHDI can't find an answer
04:02.52CrashHDI see oh323 does
04:03.13*** join/#asterisk heison (
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04:08.06dofearHow good is h323 support in asterisk?
04:09.10Nuggetslightly less awful than the state of linux gaming.
04:10.30dofearThants not a good news for interoperability between Asterisk and Quintum
04:10.32CrashHDit's the only means by which jitter can be achieve currently
04:10.37dofearDoes Quintum support SIP?
04:11.00dofearCrashHD: You are working with H323 on Asterisk?
04:11.15CrashHDstarted playing with it yesterday
04:11.22CrashHDI needed jitter support
04:11.29CrashHDcan't find another solution
04:11.30dofearWhat are you trying to do?
04:11.46dofearTrying to make Asterisk to speak to a H323 device?
04:11.57CrashHDnothing special really, I have 64 or so ip trunks which have choppy call quality
04:12.02CrashHDrunning over the internet
04:12.15CrashHDhoping using h323 with a little jitter buffer will help
04:12.38dofearTrunk between Asterisks?
04:12.48CrashHDtrunk from voip vendor to us
04:12.54CrashHDthey are using cisco equipment I believe
04:13.21dofearSo what you have found, no jitter buffer support in Asterisk H323 at all?
04:13.33CrashHDoh323 has jitter
04:13.38CrashHDbut not a lot of support in *
04:13.47CrashHDooh323c is what I'm trying now
04:13.54CrashHDbut I don't see a clear way to utilize the buffer
04:13.58russellbno, oh323 doesn't have jitter, your network does.
04:13.58CrashHDso unless it's just built in
04:14.00dofearWhat support you are looking for which is not on oh323?
04:14.18CrashHDoh323 I didn't actually compile and install
04:14.22CrashHDthe process was too in depth
04:14.28wundaboyis there a problem with dtmf in asterisk?
04:14.37CrashHDI figure anything that is that pieced together is not worthy of production machines
04:15.09dofearI am running through a similar problem. I need to make Asterisks to speak to some H323 Gateways
04:15.18CrashHDooh323c comes packages with * (addons) and was a breeze to install
04:15.23dofearBut I am constntly being told that it's not a good idea
04:15.27CrashHDtry it
04:15.42CrashHDfirst hand knowledge is the only knowledge worth talking about
04:16.11tmccraryIt could be network latency somewhere on your network (or say, high amounts of traffic through to your head end)
04:16.22CrashHDya could be lots of things
04:16.26tmccraryYou may want to look into trying quality of service
04:16.28dofearSo you are receiving those calls from Internet in your Asterisks with H323 already? Or you are heading there?
04:16.29CrashHDI'm tackling it on all fronts
04:16.56CrashHDtmccrary: tos lowdelay or reliability? what are your thoughts (lowdelay are mine)
04:17.03CrashHDheaded there
04:17.13CrashHDit's a pain to get the provider to test things with me
04:17.17*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
04:17.46dofearCan anyone recommend me a low cost but good IP Phone? Supports H323, SIP, IAX
04:18.12tmccrarythe second cheapest sipura is fairly decent
04:18.13[TK]D-Fenderdofear : What functionality do you need?
04:18.17tmccrarythe cheapest is.... scary
04:18.21dofearAlso I can pass message to the display of the IP Phone from Asterisk (i.e: Balance left )
04:18.56*** join/#asterisk BattleBridge (
04:19.02[TK]D-Fenderdofear : Pushing info to an IP phone will require a higher end phone.  You're lookin at $200USD +
04:19.15[TK]D-FenderLikely more for a Cisco
04:19.35dofearI have a IAX DID from local carrier terminating to my Asterisk box. I do not have any FXS card, so I am planning to get an IP Phone to receive the IAX DID
04:19.43[TK]D-FenderSipura phones (Linksys) just aren't worth it....
04:19.43*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
04:20.03ctooleyMar 10 04:17:21 WARNING[22643]: app_meetme.c:461 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo channel - trying device ... I'm trying to use ztdummy, is this a problem?
04:20.06dofearAlso I want to play with H323 and SIP trunks too
04:20.11[TK]D-Fenderdofear : You could get an ATA to allow you to use an analog phone which would work jsut fine.
04:20.15tmccraryIMO cheap voip phones in general are not worth it
04:20.21ctooleyI don't remember having to do anything special but it's been a long time since I've used ztdummy
04:20.38[TK]D-Fenderctooley : It means ZTDUMMY didn't load and its nuking your room....
04:21.12ctooley[TK]D-Fender, lsmod shows ztdummy as loaded
04:21.51*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
04:22.18[TK]D-Fenderctooley : Something is wrong with it... I had the same....
04:22.23dofearCrashHD: So you are saying oh323 is better than ooh323c, but you need to build it yourself?
04:22.51CrashHDoh323 seems more feature rich, but I get an unstable vibe from it
04:23.14CrashHDooh323c is said to be more stable but 10-20 % higher cpu load
04:24.07*** join/#asterisk Djeli (
04:24.23ctooleyAnd let me guess.  MeetMe isn't going to work without a zt module
04:24.45dofearwhat is the best and most mature billing software to build a pre-paid system on asterisk? any idea?
04:24.49[TK]D-Fendermeetme is a timer dependent app... so yeah, you're DOA without one...
04:28.34tainted_dofear what's your budget
04:29.23dofearlooking for something opensource tainted_
04:29.42tainted_u get what u pay for
04:31.22dofearis that why you are here in asterisk?
04:31.26Abydos313what does it normally cost
04:35.19*** join/#asterisk Vitux (
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04:41.49Winkiejeebusroxors: thanks for reminding me
04:43.03tainted_dofear what are you implying?
04:46.51Zipper_32How many Zap calls will a P2 233mhz support at a time?...
04:50.27*** join/#asterisk mphill (
04:57.44dofeartainted_: i am implying asterisk is free too
05:00.55*** join/#asterisk astra^^ (n=muhajir_@
05:01.04astra^^hello all
05:01.11*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
05:01.54astra^^i need some help settin up my asteriskpbx..
05:03.10astra^^any help.. ?
05:03.22theorem_stuid questions get stupid answers
05:03.25Yashyjust doing a random poll if you can get help?
05:03.26JunK-Yasking a specific question would be better.
05:03.27theorem_ask something specific
05:03.39JunK-Ytheorem_: u got it!
05:03.50astra^^i get an error in pbx -dindi.
05:03.54astra^^while installin
05:04.07astra^^i get an error in pbx -dundi.
05:04.09theorem_let's see it
05:04.37JunK-Ypastebin ur error.
05:05.04*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
05:05.24astra^^pbx_dundi.c:1408: warning: implicit declaration of function `compress'
05:05.24astra^^pbx_dundi.c:1409: `Z_OK' undeclared (first use in this function)
05:05.24astra^^make[1]: *** [pbx_dundi.o] Error 1
05:05.24astra^^make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/pbx'
05:05.24astra^^make: *** [subdirs] Error 1
05:05.51*** join/#asterisk welles (n=welles@
05:06.27JunK-Yastra^^: which * version?
05:06.35*** join/#asterisk wellng (n=welles@
05:07.41*** part/#asterisk welles (n=welles@
05:16.40JunK-Yastra^^: pastebin few lines before too.
05:17.26astra^^sir i dint get u .. sir.. pastbin.. ?
05:17.41jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
05:17.57*** join/#asterisk masked (
05:18.04[TK]D-FenderWow, jbot just nagged me!
05:18.38maskedis anyone here familiar with setting up an SPA-3000 to forward calls to a sip phone?
05:19.13*** join/#asterisk Isaiah (
05:20.32astra^^JunK-Y: si r
05:25.22JunK-Yastra^^: see ur msg...
05:25.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:29.30orlockour shit ciscocentric voip provider has been down for the past 3 hours
05:29.37orlockfrom 1:30pm till 4:30pm
05:29.39*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
05:29.40orlockand still down
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06:12.08Zipper_32I just finished installing asterisk and I was wondering how it is able to determine the incoming zap channel and automatically route it to the 'demo' on the dialplan?
06:17.24shido6and zapata.conf
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06:44.58rpmanyone use link2voip or freeworldtel and stuff able to dialout :P
06:49.48*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
07:00.34wellnghi all. how to turn off the native transfer ?
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07:04.20wellnghi _Paulo_
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07:12.15leopardushelp : which ports I should open to run asterisk?
07:12.45leopardushelp : I know I need to have 5060, but I think I need more
07:13.51Zipper_32SIP - 5060 Iax - 4569
07:14.11Zipper_32and the rtp ports from /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf
07:15.43leopardusZipper_32 : I have rtpstart= 100000 & rtpend=20000
07:15.58leopardusZipper_32 : can u tell me how to do that with iptables??
09:17.14*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
09:17.14*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk 1.2.5 released! (March 3, 2006) -=- Asterisk-addons 1.2.2 now available (March 6, 2006)
09:17.26joelsolankiI am planning for 70 to 100 calls at a time.
09:17.29fourcheezejoelsolanki: is there some reason why you wouldn't keep the codec the same?
09:17.32joelsolankiwhich hardware do u recommend
09:18.03joelsolankiFourcheeze i will need to buy licenses for g729 for softphone :)
09:18.25fourcheezewoah rewind
09:18.41fourcheezeyou're starting of at gsm or ilbc at the softphone
09:18.50fourcheezewhy do you want it to end up as g729?
09:19.16joelsolankibecause our service provider supports g729
09:19.27joelsolankiso i have to end up with g729.
09:19.34joelsolankiis there any solution ?
09:19.37abusenodeprobably to save bandwidth
09:19.47fourcheezeservice provider doesn't support anything else?
09:19.49joelsolankiyes save bandwidth too.
09:19.50abusenodei used to transcode to 729 to do 2 calls over single 64k isdn channel
09:20.13fourcheezenever found one that didn't support ulaw/alaw
09:20.14joelsolankino they support g711/g729
09:20.22abusenode711 is 64kbit/sec though
09:20.24fourcheezeis bandwidth a consideration for you?
09:20.27abusenode70*that is a lot.
09:20.38fourcheezemore like 80kbit/sec
09:20.58shiznatixin the zapata.conf file, will asterisk ignore the [whatever_stuff_here] ??
09:21.01joelsolankiyes bandwidth is also main concern coz users will call from there dialup connection. and here dialup connection gets maximum 40 kbps bandwidth :)
09:21.14maskedilbc is the way to go
09:21.20fourcheezejoelsolanki: but your users aren't going to be using g729
09:21.28*** join/#asterisk astra^^ (n=muhajir_@
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09:21.53fourcheezeif you have a maximum of 40kbits/sec gsm is going to be a struggle
09:22.03joelsolankifourcheeze: no bcoz i will have to pay for g729 licenses for softphone which i dont want.
09:22.25fourcheezejoelsolanki: it might work out cheaper
09:22.43joelsolankihow ?
09:22.51fourcheezeyou won't need to do any transcoding and so you can back to average hardware
09:22.57fourcheezelicenses are just a 1-off fee
09:23.32maskeduse ilbc.
09:23.38joelsolankihmm ok. i will check with g729 rates too.
09:23.48joelsolankimasked: y ilbc /
09:24.01maskedit uses 3kb
09:24.05fourcheezeyeah, better still twist your providers arm and make them support ilbc
09:24.13maskedonly fair chance you have for dialup
09:24.27joelsolankihmm ok.
09:24.28maskedsounds fine, works great
09:24.38fourcheezemasked: why doesn't everyone use it?
09:24.39maskedgsm struggles on my adsl
09:24.48maskedmost people do.
09:24.55joelsolankiso i do transcoding for 70 calls which machine do i need ? p4 with 3ghz ?
09:25.00maskedparticuarally here in australia
09:25.03fourcheezeI find it hard to find a hardware phone with ilbc support
09:25.22fourcheezesee that link I posted
09:25.22maskedi haven't found a ITSP that doesn't support it yet.
09:25.32orlockmasked: OZZIE OZZIE OZZIE!
09:25.36maskedOI OI OI
09:25.42fourcheezethey are suggesting dual 2.8GHz xeons for 80 calls
09:25.45orlockmasked: OZZIE OZZIE OZZIE!
09:25.48maskedOI OI OI
09:26.04maskedoi oi oi
09:26.19orlockdoh, fucked up there :)
09:26.40austinnichols101~seen opsys
09:26.45jbotopsys <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 25d 3h 45m 43s ago, saying: 'betaboi" true'.
09:26.45maskedgot other more important things to do ay
09:26.45orlocksorry for that everybody, but its almost 8:30pm friday night here
09:26.47maskedlike dinner
09:27.17orlockand if you ever see a pair of auzzies do that in real life, get scared.
09:27.49fourcheezeI should point out that the original is "Oggie Oggie Oggie"
09:28.44FuriousGeorgehey all
09:29.06*** join/#asterisk propagandhi (
09:29.13X-RobI missed the chant
09:29.13orlockfourcheeze: it is?
09:29.40X-Rob(which is, I point out, a valid excuse for missing the aussie-aussie-aussie cry)
09:30.26orlockman, putty needs an "open in new browser on hotkey" function
09:30.29X-Rob~seen a good movie
09:30.32jboti haven't seen 'a good movie', X-Rob
09:30.37fourcheezeho ho
09:30.38X-Robperhaps you should, jbot.
09:30.44fourcheezethe old ones are the best
09:31.39orlockmad max
09:31.51orlockits oldish
09:32.04X-Robbloody good movie
09:32.28orlockyeah, xa/xb's are the only decent fords
09:32.39X-Robthe law, in australia, says that after watching Mad Max (I, the original) you must drink 1/2 a slab of beer (eg, 12 cans) and then go doing burnouts around your neighbourhood in a v8.
09:32.56X-Robif you don't own a V8, you're outta the country.
09:32.58orlockmy gf's lj torana has a pair of xa gt bonnet scoops on it
09:33.17orlockhey, bathurst was won by 6 cyl's in two different decades!
09:33.35X-Robtwin turbo gtr's do _not_ count as 6 cyl vehicles
09:33.38fourcheezeX-Rob is there any connection plot-wise between mad max and mad max II ?
09:33.45orlockahh yes they do!
09:33.46propagandhidoes anybody have an idea how i can eliminate a 2 second pause when asterisk picks up the call from PSTN
09:33.56orlockfourcheeze: you mean are any other characters related?
09:34.02X-Robfourcheeze, well. It's post apocolyptic.. And, uh, they've got cars. And wozzisface, the actor.
09:34.03orlockfourcheeze: there are a few possibilities
09:34.06fourcheezeI mean is there any continuity at all
09:34.22orlockoh, one and two.. not really
09:34.28fourcheezeexcept for whatsisface
09:34.35orlockairplane guy?
09:34.38X-Robmel gibson, there ya go
09:34.43X-RobI knew it would come to me
09:34.48X-Robmore booze, Ithink.
09:35.13orlocktheres an actor that played a pilot in both 1 and 2, in pretty non-minor roles too
09:35.13fourcheezethere's no sense of what happens between the 2
09:35.16X-RobBTW; I was moved from 'directly underneath the access point' to 'other side of the hotel away from the access point'
09:35.20X-Robso I'm sitting outside, freezing.
09:35.27X-Roboooh yeah
09:35.29X-Robwierd-face dude
09:35.45orlockfourcheeze: he has his car.
09:35.48X-Robhe was in a pile of movies in the 80's
09:36.11X-RobI was getting booze.
09:36.14fourcheezeI have to say that I watched them in reverse order
09:36.18fourcheezeand it makes no sense that way either
09:36.22orlockfourcheeze: ahh
09:36.34fourcheezebut it's fairly easy to see the continuity between 2 and 3
09:36.50orlockwel, the world isnt completely stufed in #1, nuke war happens between #1 and #2
09:36.53digimeanyone recommend a good incoming did provider
09:37.05fourcheezedigime: which country?
09:37.35orlockthe poor cars that were hurt during the making of that move
09:38.04austinnichols101digime: we're using and telasip
09:39.23orlockhe's too pissed
09:39.29orlockhe tripped over the cable i bet
09:40.02Zipper_32... isn't he on wireless?
09:40.08Zipper_32He probably just fell over...
09:40.11orlockthat would explain it :)
09:40.34Zipper_32Or closed the laptop lid because he didn't want somebody to see his alt-tabbed window of pr0n...
09:40.46orlockgoddamn, its the bane of my life i swear
09:40.53Zipper_32And he keeps forgetting that he has his powermanagement on hibernate or something when he closes the lid...
09:41.01Zipper_32orlock: Why so?
09:41.25orlockall of them i have dealt with have had issues
09:41.36Zipper_32* & wisps?
09:41.48orlockheh, we wish
09:41.53orlockthey aint good enough for citrix
09:42.02orlockquality voip, haha, joke.
09:42.10Zipper_32It's a shame...
09:42.27orlockwe currently use cisco voip phones
09:42.33orlockwe are about to move to *+sip
09:42.44orlockput the sip image on a few cisco phones
09:42.51orlockworks well, * is very cool
09:43.00Zipper_32I sure like *; lots of features. =)
09:43.03orlockwe are trialling some cheaper phones now
09:43.09orlockGrandstreams seem shit
09:43.22Zipper_32Ahh, The cheapo's, =)
09:43.37Zipper_32I have... 12 cheapos.
09:43.38*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
09:43.39orlockyeah, the protocol is nice, its easy to grasp if you have ever looked at any standard traffic dumps
09:44.00orlockwe have a 3/4 full 48 port switch of cisco's
09:44.11Zipper_32Mmmmm, yumm.
09:44.17orlocki've got a cisco at home too, work provides me with dsl
09:44.26orlockour dsl provider also does voip
09:44.46orlockand the company that owns our dsl provider is a major player in the pabx market
09:44.47Zipper_32We have a bunch of these:, they're cheap, but rich in features.
09:45.08orlockso when we use them+their dsl.. its damn good quality
09:45.24X-RobI was boozing before my wireless was rudely walked inbetween
09:45.27Zipper_32X-Rob: You trip over the cable?
09:45.39X-RobNah.. I've been moved away from the access point
09:45.42orlock20ms to the sip gateway from my place
09:45.53X-Roband some bastard parked a big 4wd between me and it
09:45.53Zipper_32X-Rob: Ahh, there was suspicion that you managed to fall over and hurt yourself...
09:46.04X-RobA valid thought
09:46.12Zipper_32X-Rob: I sure hope you showed him who was boss and meanderd your way around his large vehicle.
09:46.12orlockX-Rob: bet it doesnt have dent or mud on it either, fuckers
09:46.13X-Robbut I'm wireless here
09:46.26X-Robso nothing to trip over
09:46.35orlockdunk wires
09:46.39Zipper_32X-Rob: We realize that, but we also realize that you're inebreated.
09:46.42orlockyou trip over them, no matter where they are
09:46.55Zipper_32Anything is possible.
09:47.03orlockX-Rob: where in vic are you?
09:47.16*** join/#asterisk Altair256 (
09:47.28orlockwheres that?
09:47.52orlocktraffic is stuffed around here
09:47.55orlockcops everywhere
09:47.57orlockweird shit
09:48.02Zipper_32Gah! What's with you AU's taking our City Names?     Victoria and Richmond are close to me... in Canada.
09:48.03X-Robnear phillip island sorta
09:48.06orlockabusenode: +++ATH0
09:48.16orlocknice area
09:48.30abusenodemore like DCC SEND "abusenode" amirite?
09:48.37fourcheezeZipper_32: you think there was a Richmond in canada before London?
09:48.54orlockahh, my bad, i was thinking about the keylogger thing
09:48.57Zipper_32fourcheeze: Hmm, I guess I better keep quiet about New Westminster...
09:49.12fourcheezeactually why don't you just cut off london and float it over there
09:49.17orlockZipper_32: hey, you took our coders!
09:49.28Zipper_32orlock: You took our girls with your cheesy accents!!
09:49.37orlockone of them was a girl!
09:49.47orlockshe went to work at mitel
09:49.48Zipper_32fourcheeze has the cheezey accent... how could I be mistaken.
09:49.51*** join/#asterisk Altair256 (
09:49.54orlockso did the others
09:49.54Zipper_32orlock: What's her #?
09:49.59orlockexcept for one gamer guy
09:50.01orlockall goths, too
09:50.08Zipper_32Take em back!
09:50.28orlocki resemble that remark!
09:50.31fourcheezeZipper_32: is it easy to get a * job in .ca ?
09:50.38Altair256Hello everyone
09:50.49orlockcanada has lots of cool stuff.. and not just the ice
09:51.06orlocki think its cos its easy to get to from america, but its not america, and it sure as hell isnt mexico
09:51.09Zipper_32fourcheeze: I have no idea... I'm in Post Secondary doing this as a side gig for a small biz.
09:51.17orlockwhich is where all the other people who want our of the us go :)
09:51.33fourcheezeI did the immigration quiz on the canadian government site
09:51.40fourcheezeand apparently I can come over any time I want ;-)
09:51.41orlockis pot legal over there?
09:51.49Zipper_32It's decriminalized in small doses.
09:51.50orlockon the simpsons they keep saying it is
09:51.50austinnichols101anyone using freepbx?  I wanted to get a read on the effort from outside the project itself (too many fans in there to get a balanced opinion)
09:52.00orlockhow small is small?
09:52.03X-Robaustinnichols101, join #freepbx
09:52.04fourcheezeaustinnichols101: telling me
09:52.11Zipper_32It's not legal, but you won't be thrown in jail for having a joint on you, or having a plant at home.
09:52.20orlockso no record, but a fine
09:52.23orlocklike a parking ticket
09:52.34Zipper_32You can grow your own for personal use, but the police have the right to stomp on it if they please.
09:52.38fourcheezeZipper_32: sounds sensible
09:52.42austinnichols101x-rob: yeah, no kidding.  that wasn't what I was asking
09:52.42Zipper_32orlock: Correct,
09:52.44orlocki see why they all moved now
09:52.51Altair256Here's a quick question... with AAH2.6 will genzaptelconf autoconfig TE110P cards?
09:52.51fourcheezeZipper_32: what's the worst thing about Canada?
09:52.58orlocki've been there before
09:53.01X-Robdidn't read the second sentance 8)
09:53.04orlockin 1988/89
09:53.20Altair256a quick search of the AAH forums say they will not, but it's an older post.  Not sure if anything has changed
09:53.21fourcheezeZipper_32: apart from all the Brits coming over
09:53.23orlocki remember it being -26 the day we went to the airport
09:53.27austinnichols101I already KNOW what they think of it :)
09:53.32X-Robaustinnichols101, it's just AMP tho, it's been in Asterisk@home for years
09:53.32orlockso we left behind the gear w had borrowed
09:53.34Zipper_32fourcheeze: The worst thing in Vancouver is the rain if you're not used to it,
09:53.38orlockthose wonderfull wonderfull snow pants
09:53.42orlockand the beanie
09:53.44orlocketc etc
09:53.50orlocki remember my nose freezing
09:53.53Zipper_32It's not cold on the coast either, which is nice.
09:53.59Zipper_32orlock: Where did you visit?
09:54.03austinnichols101altair256: didn't for me on 2.5
09:54.13orlockmontreal maybe?
09:54.20Altair256ah, so you have a TE110P card then?  and set it up with AAH?
09:54.28Zipper_32The coldest it gets here on the coast of BC is -4, -5 at sea level.
09:54.32X-RobAltair256, genzaptelconf is not part of AAH
09:54.35orlocksaw a high school ice hockey game
09:54.40X-Roband I really can't see it being one
09:54.46Zipper_32The interior can get -40.... so it's kind of ugly there.
09:54.49rpmZipper_32: it snowed pretty good there tonight eh?
09:54.49X-Rob<-- AMP/FreePBX Developer
09:54.50fourcheezeZipper_32: I quite like rain
09:54.50Altair256austinnichols101: we don't have a PRI, just an FXS channel bank
09:54.58fourcheezeZipper_32: are you in vancouver?
09:54.59Zipper_32rpm: Still snowing a bit right now...
09:55.07orlockX-Rob: in vic?
09:55.08X-RobAltair256, feel free to try to convince me otherwise though.
09:55.08Zipper_32fourcheeze: 35 minutes south of.
09:55.13X-Roborlock, yea, and still cold
09:55.28Altair256X-Rob: thanks, it's hard to know which parts are AAH custom and which parts are from something else
09:55.35Zipper_32rpm: I am going to hate my commute tomorrow morning... People don't know how to drive in the snow here...
09:55.45X-RobAltair256, it's pretty easy - the web stuff is AMP. Everything else (including /maint) is AAH
09:55.57austinnichols101altair256: yes - works great with 2.5
09:56.06austinnichols101err with AAH
09:56.10Altair256ah, nice ^^
09:56.16fourcheezeZipper_32: how much of the year do you get snow?
09:56.37Altair256austinnichols101 - What guide did you follow to set it up?
09:56.48Altair256austinnichols101 - the one on
09:56.58Zipper_32fourcheeze: A week in November, a week in January, yesterday and today so far.
09:57.06fourcheezesounds about right
09:57.17fourcheezeI can cope with that much
09:57.27austinnichols101I actually paid someone to help me set it up the first time just so I could cut down the learning curve.  He wallked me through the whole process, common problems, etc.  Money well spent IMO.
09:57.27fourcheezehoping to take the family over for a holiday
09:57.35fourcheezedon't know if we'll get as far as Vancouver though
09:57.54Altair256a local company to you, or one of the guys listed on the site?
09:57.58fourcheezewhich is a shame since I always wanted to go there since watching "Beachcombers" as a child
09:58.12austinnichols101basically was just install the card and add a couple of parameters - not bad at all
09:58.17Altair256I'm only doing a "single setup" (tm)
09:58.37Altair256lol, happen to remember what those couple of parameters were? ;)
09:58.51austinnichols101I can connect up to the office
09:59.09Altair256realistically, once I learn to set this up at my company, I imagine i'll want to reuse the skill elsewhere as well... lol
09:59.11Zipper_32fourcheeze: You really shouldn't skip out on Vancouver, and if possible, you should take a trek up to Whistler/Blackcomb.
09:59.19austinnichols101fyi: I ended up working with Tom Vile at
09:59.29X-RobHey, what happened to the mad max convo?
09:59.31X-RobI was enjoying that.
09:59.46Altair256thanks for the link, austinnichols101
09:59.53*** join/#asterisk Possible (
10:00.00Zipper_32X-Rob: Sorry. So anyway, Mel Gibson has really lost it since Mad Max 2, don't you think?
10:00.12Zipper_32Honestly, what is with The Passion?
10:00.17Altair256do they charge by the hour?
10:00.19X-RobI haven't seen that
10:00.27orlockX-Rob: 4x4 hj kingswood panelvan, gunmetal grey
10:00.32orlock31" wheels, raised 12"
10:00.38austinnichols101basically - you paypal them $50 per half hour and then they have a ticket system
10:00.40Zipper_32Gah, I have midterms in 6 hours... Good day to you all.
10:00.42X-RobTHAT's more like it
10:00.50orlockmine :)
10:00.51X-RobGotta love the shaggin' wagons.
10:00.55Altair256ah, $50/30min not bad at all
10:01.06X-Robpatrol chassis?
10:01.09austinnichols101there are several other people out there providing similar service and I picked tom because he was the most responsive
10:01.09orlockbeen off the road for a few years now though
10:01.15Altair256what part of the country (er.. which country) are they from?
10:01.22orlockall holden, landcruiser front steering/suspension
10:01.23austinnichols101northeast us
10:01.26Altair256bleh, New York
10:01.37Altair256they'll speak a different language than South East
10:01.38*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
10:01.49orlockonly a 202/4 speed though
10:01.58orlock4 speed kept breaking, its from a jackeroo
10:02.06austinnichols101I try to learn everything I can here in #asterisk but it's also that someone 'has my back' in case of a bigger problem
10:02.10X-RobHmm, ok. The SWB MQ Patrols were pretty much bolt-on for the h* era
10:02.19orlockheard that?
10:02.22orlockswb? you sure?
10:02.25Altair256austinnichols101 did you say you had a list of what you had to do for the TE110P card setup somewhere?
10:02.27austinnichols101and if you been around here for a while and you're using AAH you better get ready for some abuse from time-to-time
10:02.40X-Robplus you've got the advantage of being able to use a nissan engine in it, including a R32 GTR engine
10:02.48austinnichols101zaptel.conf need to add span, bchan and dchan lines
10:02.53Altair256as in, hoity-toity roll your own types?
10:02.54X-RobWe stuck an EH on a SWB patrol
10:03.12X-RobNot engineered, and unsafe as buggery, but jeez it was fun
10:03.37Altair256alrighty... I think that's where I nearly was when I quit
10:03.46Altair256one thing that's weird... you can tell me if you've ever seen it before...
10:03.57austinnichols101you're on aah, right?
10:04.02X-Robno sway bars and had 900mm of flex on the back before it lifted the front, and about 700 on the front before it lifted a back wheel
10:04.02Altair256I installed AAH2.6 first, then added the card..
10:04.16Altair256all sound "originating
10:04.22austinnichols101big thing you need to do is ssh up to the box and go explore /usr/src/zaptel
10:04.25Altair256..." from the server is silent
10:04.28austinnichols101zttool = your friend
10:04.31Altair256I can still make SIp to SIP calls
10:04.36X-Robwe used to take it up to lithgow and go mental through the bleu mountains
10:05.08Altair256k, writing those locations down
10:05.11X-Robhow did I turn french there?
10:05.25austinnichols101second thing you need to do is add signalling, switchtype, group, context and channel to zapata.conf
10:05.52*** join/#asterisk Skid (i=chris@unaffiliated/skid)
10:05.59austinnichols101altair256: where are you located?
10:06.06Altair256Knoxville, Tennessee
10:06.10X-Robaustinnichols101, re your first comment, what do you see as 'wrong' with FreePBX?
10:06.15austinnichols101no shit.  I grew up in knoxville
10:06.21austinnichols101I'm in Miami now
10:06.24Altair256awesome ^^
10:06.36austinnichols101go vols
10:06.44Altair256w00t ^^
10:06.59austinnichols101central high school
10:07.11Altair256I actually grew up in Maryville, went to Maryville High School
10:07.17Altair256few years at Pellissippi >.>
10:07.20austinnichols101Mom works at Maryville college
10:07.30Altair256now I actually work at New Horizons here in Knoxville
10:07.40austinnichols101so you know Paul Carney...
10:07.43Altair256half an instructor, half network adminsitrator
10:07.50Altair256yeah, I recognize the name
10:07.55dpryoSmall world!
10:08.00Altair256very... lol
10:08.18austinnichols101did you fire up zttool yet?
10:08.35Altair256not yet... lemme try to remotely connect in
10:08.44Altair256can't remember if I shut the machine down before I left work >.>
10:09.28Altair256I can already tell zttool is going to be my new friend
10:10.01austinnichols101check around - there are a few other goodies in that directory
10:10.14austinnichols101zttest, ztspeed
10:10.59Altair256can't wait to get back to work now and pull the T and plug it back into my box.. lol
10:11.17austinnichols101in my case signaling is pri_cpe and switchtype = national
10:11.18*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
10:11.29Altair256if I don't have a PRI, do I have to have dchan entry in zaptel.conf?
10:11.30austinnichols101and asterisk doesn't really care if it's ni1 or ni2
10:11.46austinnichols101are you going to be talking t1 or pri?
10:12.03Altair256t1 for now, since our old system currently uses FXS channel bank loopstart
10:12.12Altair256was assuming I'd set it to FXS_KS
10:12.19Altair256channels 1-13 for voice
10:12.23austinnichols101I *think* you're right
10:12.28austinnichols101something like
10:12.41trnygaarAny clue why timing of MOH is ok when i use the incoming trunks, but when i call internal it is really really slow?
10:12.46Altair256yeah, kewlstart is supposedly just loopstart with battery drop detection
10:12.53trnygaarincoming trunks are also sip
10:12.53Altair256but I really have no clue what I'm talking about... lmao
10:13.02X-Robnnight all
10:13.16Altair256wha ttype of hardware, trnygaar?
10:13.32Altair256alright, austinnichols101, I'm writing this down now...
10:14.05Altair256what do 1,1,0,esf,b8zs do?
10:14.09austinnichols101altair256: I'm doing most of this from memory as I have my notes at the office
10:14.18propagandhican anyone give me an idea on how to eliminate a 2 second delay when asterisk picks up the call from PSTN
10:14.30Altair256since I'm on a T1 instead of a PRI was wondering if it might be different
10:14.34propagandhiit doesnt do that when it comes in on ISDN
10:15.05austinnichols101I know 1 is the span and I'm not sure on parms 2/3.  You'll definitley need to set 4 and 5 to match the settings on the other side of the T
10:15.17Altair256do you have SpanDSP (fax) turned on, propagandhi?
10:15.22austinnichols101is the t coming from a carrier or from another switch?
10:15.26propagandhiAltair256: that I need to check
10:15.39Fedoracore6some budy famliar with database mysql --> palse help me
10:15.51Altair256not sure austinnichols101, having our local carrier come out tomorrow or Monday to "point to things and tell me what they are"
10:16.01Altair256what's your question Fedoracore6?
10:16.22austinnichols101k - piece of advice on that.  You need to ask them "how the circuit is configured"
10:16.32Altair256the T1 is coming from a carrier and they've confirmed them as FXS channel bank 1-13 voice loopstart
10:16.51austinnichols101avoid questions like "are you using esf" and make them tell YOU what they're running
10:16.55Altair256k, I can do that
10:17.15austinnichols101I've seen techs that do actually do the lookup and go from memory and then you waste a bunch of time chasing down stuff that doesn't work
10:17.36austinnichols101high percentage chance that the span settings I gave you will work
10:17.46*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
10:17.53austinnichols101you should also be able to call the telco or look at your existing switch and find the settings too
10:17.55ambrientoaltair256, 1,1,0,esf,b8zs do: span 1, 1st source of sync, LBO, framing, coding
10:18.12Altair256I know NOTHING about our existing system except how to move extensions
10:18.20austinnichols101ambriento: tks
10:18.32austinnichols101what's the system?
10:19.00[ProB]CrazyMananybody tested asterisk 1.2.5 with bristuff-0.0.2 ? does that work togheter ?
10:20.25orlockoh my god
10:20.29orlockmy mother just called me
10:20.31orlocki was pissed
10:20.41orlocki wasnt slurring, but i was talking for 15 minutes
10:20.53austinnichols101orlock: nice!
10:21.18orlockyeah, i guess now she at least knows my job is goin ok, and we still own the same old car
10:21.46austinnichols101took me a second to realize that you were drunk and not angry
10:22.13orlockpissed/pissed off
10:22.29austinnichols101yeah - quit calling me mom, I'm getting pissed
10:23.27*** join/#asterisk Altair256 (
10:23.42Altair256that's the 3rd time I've been disconnected from
10:23.50Altair256I need to change servers
10:24.02Altair256anyhow... last thing I saw was when I said "thanks ambriento"
10:25.12austinnichols101you didn't miss that mutch
10:25.21austinnichols101what switch do you have now?
10:26.28ambrientoaustinnichols101, do you mean, swithtype in zapata-channels.conf?
10:26.36ambrientooops, switch*
10:26.42*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (n=SwK@
10:27.06Altair256lemme look and see what I have in there now
10:27.10Fedoracore6Altair256: i wanna do the some system registration use asterisk
10:27.35Fedoracore6i already have database and ..done with conection  but
10:27.36austinnichols101there's your paste
10:28.04ambrientowelll I'm on my way to work
10:28.05ambrientolater guys
10:28.31Altair256cya ambriento
10:28.43Altair256thanks for paste, austinnichols101
10:29.04Fedoracore6when i do the student key in password the asterisk cannor read from my databases
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10:30.03rpmhas anyone got iaxmodem working?
10:30.43propagandhiAltair256: what effect does the immediate parameter in zapata.conf have
10:32.05*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
10:32.30EnthGuys, any idea why sip show peers gives me the following users , when they are not even connected? : 4545/4545                  (Unspecified)    D   N      0        Unmonitored
10:32.38Enth6666/6666                  (Unspecified)    D   N      0        Unmonitored
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10:38.14SkidEnth: their probably configured in your sip.conf file
10:38.39Enth4545 isnt.
10:38.46Skiddo a search for it
10:38.52Skidthen, sip reload
10:38.57Enthit isnt there
10:38.59EnthI know :)
10:39.08Skidtheir still showing, after sip reload?
10:39.13Skidthey're even
10:44.13Skidare any files being included into sip.conf?
10:46.26Enthfn~Skid: yeah
10:46.39Skid:) psybnc? ;)
10:47.04Skidcheck to see if theres any of those 4545/6666 entries in there? sounds daft, but i dont see why else it'd be in there
10:47.24Enthahh yes
10:47.26Enthur right.
10:47.54Enthonly 4545 is there.
10:48.04Enthstill doesnt solve why 6666 is still present.
10:48.10Skidany files being included in that one? :P
10:48.14Skidor contexts heh
10:48.30*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:49.01Enthlet me see.
10:49.57Enthwell it cleared 4545
10:51.19*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=igor@
10:51.39backbluedoes anyone know, any comand to force iax2 trunks to come up?
10:52.13Enthbut still shows 6666
10:53.00propagandhiblackblue: iax2 reload
10:56.20*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
10:56.20*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk 1.2.5 released! (March 3, 2006) -=- Asterisk-addons 1.2.2 now available (March 6, 2006)
10:56.25backbluemy trunks it's down now, and the machines have connectivity, i'm trying to understand why...
10:57.35EnthRoyK any idea why certain peers appear to be connected when they are not (sip show peers)
10:57.46EnthI've checked any #include sections and there are non there.
10:58.15RoyKno idea
10:59.01Skidfor "open hours", is it better to use GotoIfTime, or just include => context|times|here|etc ?
11:00.07RoyKdoesn't matter :)
11:00.13RoyKwe use gotoiftime
11:00.42backblueiax2 show stats -> how this work?
11:01.39*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
11:15.44Skidwhat codec does playback use?
11:15.53Skidim gettin errors when only allowing ulaw and g729
11:16.10FuriousGeorgelicence for g729?
11:16.52Skidaccording to techie, he sorted it not me
11:16.52FuriousGeorgeseems like ur not transcoding to me
11:17.36jbotmethinks g729 is It was in November 1995 that the G.729 standard, also referred to as CS-ACELP was adopted by the ITU, a United Nations organization. Similar, quality-wise, to 32 kbps ADPCM, G.729 offers toll quality speech. Furthermore, being only an 8 kbps codec, G.729 offers opportunities for significant increases in bandwidth utilization to existing telephony ...
11:18.18FuriousGeorgemaybe you are in pass-through only mode
11:18.23Skidah i see
11:18.30Skidi misspelt the sound file
11:18.30FuriousGeorgefor lack of a properly installed licence
11:19.04Skid8Kbps, humph, i was seeing 60Kbps for two conversations :)
11:19.44Skidright, can't use bloody gotoiftime as im using macro's to route incoming calls
11:21.22Skidi can do it an easier way
11:21.29Skidi need some spleep
11:21.40Skidinside the macro, i can just use gotoiftime
11:22.43FuriousGeorgethats a nice solution.  i wanna set mine up to pass the dialtimeout, and use only one macro for all inbound calls
11:23.06Skidyep, that's what im doing once I get my head around macros a bit more
11:23.20Skidit does it fine at the moment, but its not perfect
11:23.21Skidand it bugs me
11:24.46FuriousGeorgemine works fine, the only thing that bugs me is that i know i could call one macro of just a few lines, based on the time, and make it shorter
11:25.07FuriousGeorgerather than have three different context for open closed and holiday
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11:26.22Skidi see
11:26.35Skidhmm, this means im going to have to crate another context
11:26.43Skidbest have another think
11:31.17backbluei need a solution for the fromdomain on incoming calls, it uses allways the fromdomain from sip.conf
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11:37.46austinnichols101anyone familiar with the amp->freepbx migration?  I've been watching over on #freepbx for a while but wanted to get an outside opinion of the project
11:38.07austinnichols101(from the vim #asterisk crowd)
11:41.19*** join/#asterisk Curus (
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11:43.44Skidhmm, is there anyway to increase the timeout, sipgate's shitty service keeps timing out, and during the re-register phase I'm unable to call
11:43.49Skidor can it send "keep-alives"
11:45.02austinnichols101timeout of what
11:45.23Skidsipgate hae some timeout it looks like, if no traffic within x
11:45.24Skidthen disconnect
11:47.03austinnichols101what are you connecting with?
11:47.31*** join/#asterisk kardecallan (
11:47.38Skidasterisk / sip ?
11:47.53Skidno other way to connect to sipgate:)
11:48.08austinnichols101I don't use sipgate so I wasn't sure
11:48.17austinnichols101you using qualify=yes or qualify=nnnn?
11:48.25Skidusing yes
11:48.32Skidjust calling hteir moron support now
11:48.42*** join/#asterisk kardecallan (
11:48.48austinnichols101qualify=yes should be pinging them for sip options every two seconds
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11:48.54fourcheezeSkid: try using something like qualify=10000
11:49.15fourcheezeaustinnichols101: does it say that sipgate is unreachable?
11:49.35austinnichols101didn't catch that part.  trying to help but not really familar with sipgate
11:49.51*** join/#asterisk kardecallan (
11:50.01kardecallanGood Morning
11:50.04*** part/#asterisk kardecallan (
11:50.16austinnichols101he was looking for a way to implement a keep alive because he can't make calls during the re-register process
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11:50.44SkidI presume it's their end, if no data exchange or invites go across
11:50.48sambalstrange, i see audio playing on my asterisk system but the line is quiet, anyone has a idea? there is nothing wrong with the audio files
11:51.19austinnichols101you could probably turn on sip debug through the cli and see what's happening with the sip options messages
11:51.41austinnichols101you should see the message go out and then an immediate response with no retries
11:51.53kardecallanPlease!! You can help me?
11:52.13austinnichols101kardecallan: just ask your question
11:52.17kardecallanI'm brazilian programer
11:52.24austinnichols101save the begging for later :)
11:53.16kardecallanI have a little problem whith english
11:53.42kardecallanbut, let me try explan my problem
11:54.24kardecallanI have asterisk server behind of firewall
11:55.20*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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11:58.17kardecallanBabel Fish Translation    Help
11:58.17kardecallanIn English:
11:58.17kardecallane when a external customer sip makes a call for an internal customer sip, does not have audio.
11:59.27austinnichols101kardecallan: describe the setup (ie 7960 -> linksys (NAT) -> firewall (NAT) -> asterisk)
12:00.42kardecallanfor these external users I placed in extern.conf the option of nat=route.
12:01.18austinnichols101have you defined localnet and externip?
12:01.53austinnichols101normally localnet will be something like and externip = your public ip
12:02.12kardecallanI searched and read something on STUN.
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12:03.15austinnichols101stun is to help a remote device (like a phone) figure out what it's public ip address is
12:03.52austinnichols101phone asks stun server 'what is my address' and stun server replies with the public address
12:04.26abusenodestop using nat: problem solved.
12:04.42austinnichols101abusenode: yeah!
12:06.32austinnichols101kardecallan: voice packets are not reaching the remote end because they're being routed to the wrong destination (because of nat)
12:06.59kardecallanwhen no need to use the STUN? Is this?
12:07.18austinnichols101not in this case
12:07.24coppicethis guy Nat must be employed by the telcos. he does a fantastic job of stopping VoIP from working well :-)
12:07.40abusenodei think the jews are involved
12:07.42abusenodeone way or another.
12:08.17coppicethey design all the really neat silicon, so most probably that is true
12:08.20austinnichols101I felt really comfortable with nat until I started dealing with voip.  nat + tcp = cake.  nat + udp is just plain weird at times
12:08.43[ProB]CrazyMancoppice: I have an problem with useing txfax, when i try to send an fax to an AVM fritcard it fails. to an analog fax it works
12:10.37austinnichols101I'm tired of touching the router
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12:18.47Possiblebootx ?
12:19.21PossibleI guess not
12:20.10*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
12:20.36kardecallanaustinnichols101 to make one test now, but doesn't have audio.
12:22.47shiznatixHello, can anyone even read this?
12:23.02kippishiznatix: yes
12:23.34*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
12:23.42Winkiefreenode :(
12:24.36kardecallanI actived the localnet and externip, but doesn't have audio
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12:29.45*** join/#asterisk whirm (n=whirm@
12:30.55whirmis this the correct place for asking for help with compiling zaptel drivers?
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12:33.31coppice[ProB]CrazyMan: try the version at . It changes the buffering to make the timing more tolerant.
12:34.39[ProB]CrazyMancoppice: thx, i will try. other question, how do I know if the transmission was successfully ?
12:36.31*** join/#asterisk Thazza (
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12:37.01fgomeshey guys
12:37.22*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
12:38.41fgomesI have one X100P card and when I receive a call from FWD I redirect it to ZAP/1. The problem is ZAP/1 immediately answer the call (that is still being connected by public telephony company) and then... i miss some seconds of FWD message.
12:39.18Winkiewhirm: it's pretty dead in here so what's up? :)
12:39.35fgomesI have already immediate=no in zapata.conf . Any ideas?
12:40.02Winkiefgomes: that's an interesting problem
12:40.09Winkiehow do you mean it immediately answers, what's on the end of ZAP/1?
12:40.58fgomeswinkie: X100P is a fxo interface. When I receive calls from FWD I redirect to my mobile phone by using ZAP/1.
12:41.15austinnichols101fgomes: put a delay step before answer and test
12:41.55whirmWinkie:   <<-- I'm getting that trying to build the zaptel modules
12:42.21Winkiei think austinnichols101 is correct on this, why can't you just wait(4)?
12:42.23whirmi'm on a 32bit chroot on debian amd64
12:42.24Winkiewhirm: checking
12:42.54whirmi'm building the modules for a soekris embedded pbx
12:43.05fgomeswhirm, austinick...: thanks... I will try. Testing now....
12:43.18Winkiewhirm: it looks like you don't have a 32 bit libm in your chroot?
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12:44.22coppiceyou also have -m64 in your command line
12:44.37whirmWinkie: /lib/ ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), stripped
12:44.48Winkiewhirm: what's your chroot?
12:45.02whirmWinkie: debian SID
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12:45.36Winkiewhirm: no i mean is this the /lib inside your chroot?
12:45.59*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
12:46.23Winkiewell it doesn't seem to be searching /lib anyway
12:46.27Winkiewhat's the ldconfig like in the chroot
12:47.29Winkiethe -m64 is a valid bit too
12:47.40Winkieby that i mean whyis it 64
12:47.42Winkienot 32
12:47.44coppiceits looking for a 64 bit library, because you have -m64 on the command line
12:47.57whirmwhere the hell is getting the -m64 ?! it doesn't even appear in the makefile... :-?
12:48.06Winkiealso looks like the ldconfig is a bit spares
12:48.25danzigEHLO * gurus :-)
12:49.13austinnichols101danzig: nice nick
12:49.53danzigDoes anyone know if there is an easy way to get an up-to-date Asterisk on debian, using apt-get, without upgrading the whole distro from stable to testing?
12:50.24twislabackporting it yourself
12:51.32danzigthats not easy ;-) I wouldn't mind backporting it once, but the whole point (for me) of using apt-get is that I get any important/security fixes without having to do a lot of thinking...
12:53.15Winkiei imagine you could screw with the .debs enough to get it to work
12:53.26Winkiebut the point of debian is that it's slow to update if you're on stable
12:53.42*** join/#asterisk Bambr (
12:56.51whirmwow! found it!  DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE=386
12:56.54whirmthanks to all!
12:57.58abusenodeuh what
12:58.00abusenodewtf is that shit?
12:59.15[ProB]CrazyMancoppice: rx/txfax does not compile (I'm using asterisk 1.0.10)
12:59.55coppicecorrect. that software will not compile with 1.0.10
13:01.22[ProB]CrazyMancan't upgrade ti 1.2.5 because I do not know if bristuff ist working with that
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13:01.57coppiceOK, let me see if I can cook up a 1.0.x compatible version
13:02.07stoffell[ProB]CrazyMan, but you could upgrade to 1.2.4 (bristuff 0.3.0pre1k is pretty stable)
13:02.18[ProB]CrazyManis it stable ?
13:02.30[ProB]CrazyManso only dies once a day ?
13:02.39stoffell[ProB]CrazyMan, if you use k, not l ! (no, it doesn't die on me :) )
13:02.46stoffellonly if i want it to :D
13:02.47fgomesWinkie: Wait(10) doesnt work... It waits 10 secs before Dial(). ZAP/1 answers immediately instead of waiting for signaling from PSTN.
13:03.24*** join/#asterisk sandos (
13:03.43[ProB]CrazyManwith 1.2.4 i have to change a lot in dialplan, there where some changes ... I see
13:04.37stoffell[ProB]CrazyMan, yeah, testing is prolly needed... but even if you'd use visdn, it's also based more and more on 1.2.X then 1.0.X
13:05.30[ProB]CrazyManI realy want to update to 1.2.4 because I need some new functions ... like dynamical check external ip .. and so on
13:05.36*** part/#asterisk whirm (n=whirm@
13:05.49stoffell[ProB]CrazyMan, time to get a test-machine out of the closet then! :)
13:06.00Skidhmph, can't connect to fwd
13:06.10[ProB]CrazyManseems so
13:06.22fgomesSkid: how? IAX2?
13:07.09austinnichols101connected iax2 to fwd from here
13:07.28Skidkeep getting refused
13:07.50Skiddo i have to email them?
13:07.55Skidi just read a post about emailing some "ed"
13:10.26Skidaustinnichols101: could you pastbin your related configs minus the pass, etc please, so i can compare
13:10.32Skidi may be overlooking someething
13:10.39SkidNOTICE[11186]: chan_iax2.c:7410 socket_read: Registration of '754733' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
13:10.43Skidis what im getting
13:11.11Skidbrb, just gonan get a sarnie
13:12.11abusenodefwd iax2 sucks
13:12.15abusenodewell, it sucked a year ago
13:12.20abusenodeprobably still does
13:12.22*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
13:13.12Skidyeah, its for my sister
13:13.14Skidshe has it
13:13.18Skidand wants to be able to call me
13:13.25Skidand im sure as hell not using fwd ;P
13:15.11austinnichols101abusenode: still sucks
13:15.17austinnichols101but it's connected to everything
13:15.33x86FWD still sucks
13:15.35fgomesfwd iax2 is quite easy! I will copy/paste my config here... pls hold.
13:15.48*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
13:16.17x86about 4 times a day i randomly look over at my asterisk server's monitor and see PEER FWD IS UNREACHABLE (1037ms)
13:16.49x86fgomes: DO NOT PASTE HERE
13:16.50FlyboySR22Good  Morning Everyone
13:16.56austinnichols101I normally see around 70ms turnaround, but I'm on a great connection too
13:17.11fgomesregister =>
13:17.21x86GOD DAMMIT NO
13:17.24fgomescallerid=Fernando Gomes<610743>
13:17.34austinnichols101someone smack fgomes
13:17.56sambalplayback command and background are not working, they play the files but there is no sound on the line, does anyone has a idea?
13:18.04x86jesus christ
13:18.06abusenodepastebin sucks.
13:18.14x86where re the fucking bots when you need them
13:18.15abusenodepastebin is google ad filles commie garbage.
13:18.16*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:18.20x86s/bots/ops ;)
13:18.22abusenodefilles? filled.
13:18.28x86[TK]D-Fender: anything yet man? :)
13:18.36Winkieoh hey x86
13:18.42x86abusenode: rafb is still a pastebin ;)
13:18.43Winkiei'm sorry i never got round to doing your voice prompts
13:18.48Winkieif you send me the stuff again i'll get on it tonight
13:18.54x86Winkie: i got a canadian guy to do them hehe
13:19.09Winkiex86: haha, oh i've been beaten by the colonies :(
13:19.22abusenodeno it fuckin isnt
13:19.24x86canadia is a colony?
13:19.26Winkiei'm sorry it's just with everything going on i totally forgot about it till i was doing a mass /wind cl and found yours and hit myself :(
13:19.32Winkieit's a colony to the brits 8)
13:19.50sambalanyone a idea why playback / background plays no sound? does it use a external application to play the audio files?
13:19.52abusenodethe whole "pastebin" shit is started by those faggot sites that auto-insert <? ?> between your crap so that it looks like noop php shit.
13:19.55x86oh shit... i'm thinking some people are about to flail you now ;)
13:20.00EnthGuys, any idea why a hardware based IP Phone cannot hear the caller? It registers, rings fine but when answeredm both parties cannot hear eachother. Works fine for x-lite to x-lite.
13:20.04abusenodeWinkie: it needs to have the sound to play.
13:20.11abusenodeEnth: nat.
13:20.19[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Geez... I'm not even caffeinated yet!
13:20.26Winkieabusenode: i'm sorry what?
13:20.27x86[TK]D-Fender: haha
13:20.33Enthabusenode: What settings exactly?
13:20.53WinkieEnth: is it behind NAT?
13:21.15EnthI've port forwared rtp 10000 to 20000 to that IP phone.
13:21.18Winkiethat probably is your problem then, check the wiki for a rundown i believe
13:21.22Enththis is my sip.conf
13:21.28Winkiepastebin it
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13:21.51austinnichols101enth: for nat start with
13:22.00Skidaustinnichols101: the top part of your pastebin, [fwd] - is that in iax.conf?
13:22.10austinnichols101all of it is
13:22.16Skidah, i only have the register and iaxfwd
13:22.26austinnichols101iaxfwd is the incoming context
13:22.32abusenodeport forward.
13:22.41abusenodejust stop using nat you fuckers
13:23.01fgomesx86: sorry for stupidity... i seldom use irc! what a pastebin is?
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13:23.13[TK]D-Fenderx86 : You have a lot of cross-context redundancy to fix....
13:23.30Skidaccording to this though, I dont need the [fwd] part?
13:23.43x86[TK]D-Fender: eh, i wasnt sure ;)
13:23.54Skidfs, still being rejected
13:24.05x86[TK]D-Fender: friends couldnt call local, local couldnt call friends, all kinds of shit... put the includes in, worked like a champ ;)
13:24.28x86[TK]D-Fender: doesnt work as blissfully with the IVR context, however ;)
13:24.40[TK]D-Fenderx86 : friends & local seem to be the same....
13:24.47austinnichols101skid: the register should be enough on it's own to see it connect
13:24.56fgomesSkid: Is fwd working?
13:25.00Skidfgomes: nope
13:25.00[TK]D-Fenderx86 : is the version I have still current?
13:25.09SkidNOTICE[11236]: chan_iax2.c:7410 socket_read: Registration of '754733' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
13:25.12Skidis what i see
13:25.12abusenodefgomes: is a pastebin
13:25.17abusenodeSkid: YOU FAIL
13:25.20fgomesmy config is working fine... and I
13:25.47EnthWinkle: any luck?
13:25.48abusenodedont expectr help from me
13:25.57austinnichols101192.246 isn't a private segment
13:26.10abusenodeno shit
13:26.13abusenodethanks for the observation
13:27.05austinnichols101abusenode: you workin on this problem or just hatin everyone?
13:27.19austinnichols101get a drink and chill out
13:28.58Skidyou have to enable it in the account
13:29.20Skidthats nice of them to include that vital bit of info in the damn tutorial
13:31.07Skidfwd-peer = for ourgoing stuff?
13:31.11Enthguess no one can help with the audio issue
13:31.20real-devhi folks
13:31.50real-devI have a six seconds break when originating a call with *
13:32.10fgomesSkid : You can choose whataver context name you want. OH... it seems you need a sample from my dialplan as well... pls hold on.
13:32.11Skidnah its cool
13:32.17real-deveither with the call-file or via originate
13:32.26Skidits the fwd settings on the account part i didnt have
13:33.03real-devanybody here who uses call-file or originate?
13:34.00fgomesSkid: My dialplan is quite complicated... full of macros... I will give you just a debug line from CLI:
13:34.03austinnichols101enth: check the url I sent you
13:34.04fgomes- Executing Dial("SIP/299101-995a", "IAX2/fwd-peer/612|20|Tt") in new stack
13:34.49Enthfn~austinnichols101: ok brb
13:35.00Skidfgomes: yeah; I had to login to FWD's site and enable IAX2 registering
13:35.06Skidjust gotta wait for it to be live
13:35.43Skid:D registerd
13:35.57*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
13:36.04Lino`~seen Possible
13:36.15jbotpossible <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1h 16m 54s ago, saying: 'I guess not'.
13:36.33Skidthanks for the help
13:36.41*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=phil@
13:37.03asteriskmonkeywhats new in the 1.2.2 addons?
13:37.11fgomesSkid: Oh...yes! It was a long time ago I've enabled IAX2. I ve already forgotten it.
13:37.46Skidi can call my self fine
13:37.50Skidso, all is well
13:37.53*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
13:38.06fgomesSkid: great! :_)
13:38.11Dr-Linuxsimple question,
13:38.48Dr-Linuxwhat can i do for file "No response recieved" ?
13:39.01asteriskmonkeycan anyone help me debug a spandsp issue?
13:39.55Dr-Linuxanybody active?
13:40.18Dr-Linuxasteriskmonkey: do you understand my question?
13:40.32asteriskmonkeycam in late i didnt see you question what is the question
13:40.58Dr-Linuxasteriskmonkey: i have an IVR
13:41.00[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Look for a recording that says what you want.  If you can't find one, you'll have to make it yourself
13:41.18[TK]D-Fender"pbx-invalid" is just a pre-made recoding in the sounds folder
13:41.37Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: sir i understand, i have all recordings .. but my question is something different
13:41.43[TK]D-FenderAllison didn't record every phrase imaginable so go an look what you have.
13:42.00Dr-Linuxif the callers doesn't enter any digit >>> it should SAY >>  no response recieved
13:42.20Dr-Linuxif the caller enters wrong number >> it should SAY >> invalid....
13:42.35fgomesSkid: notice that you are not allowed to change context [iaxfwd] bcos FWD assumes you have one in your aix.conf !
13:42.37WinkieDr-Linux: use the default extensions?
13:43.08Dr-LinuxWinkie: what do you mean?
13:43.24asteriskmonkeyrtm :)
13:43.28Skidworks all a treat
13:43.30Dr-Linuxactually in my IVR, "i" and "t" options are aleady in use,
13:43.40asteriskmonkeyi=invalid t=timeout
13:43.44Dr-Linuxso i just wanna use something for >> no response recieved?
13:43.57asteriskmonkeytimeout is where you set that
13:44.11Dr-Linuxwhat should i use,  as  "t" and "i" are alraedy busy for some other stuff
13:44.15Skiddo FWD accept g729 as a codec?
13:44.19iGotNoTimeI am fairly new and don't want to make a mistake, could some look at a provider for me and tell me if it would work with * ?
13:44.19Skidor is it all ulaw shite?
13:44.31asteriskmonkeyyou need to know how to write an ivr properly then
13:44.53Skidwhat provider?
13:44.57asteriskmonkeyiGotNoTime: we got no time to just ask them if they support asterisk
13:44.58[TK]D-Fender"t" = no response received
13:45.05Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: well, i have recoreded all the .gsm files .. thats not a problem
13:45.20Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i think you got my question
13:45.23fgomesSkid: not sure... the issue is g729 is proprietary. If you have a softphone you possibly do not have g729 enabled. ulaw is bad... but it is universal.
13:45.32Winkieulaw's not that bad!
13:45.36Winkiealso alaw over here 8)
13:45.37iGotNoTimeasteriskmonkey, ok thanks :)
13:45.38asteriskmonkeySkid: ulaw is the best codec for sound quaily
13:45.40Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: but sir "t" is already being used for something else?
13:45.40SkidI run all cisco 7940/7960's :)
13:45.44Dr-Linuxlemme show you
13:45.46[TK]D-FenderULAW is great if you can afford the bandwidth.
13:45.55Skidb/w isnt so much as a problem
13:46.01Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: look
13:46.02Dr-Linuxexten => t,1,Set(TRIES=$[${TRIES} + 1])
13:46.03Dr-Linuxexten => t,2,GotoIf($["${TRIES}" = "1"]?t,3:s,5)
13:46.15WinkieDr-Linux: use pastebin, also that timeout is your problem
13:46.25Dr-Linuxi'm already using "t" for this
13:46.36fgomesWinkie: ... in bandwidth terms... sound quality is pretty good!
13:46.37[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : So what?  Thats what gets called when there is no response!  Whats not clear about that?
13:46.37*** join/#asterisk trelane` (n=trelane@
13:46.46trelane`is there any way besides creating a queue to ring two extensions at once?
13:46.53*** join/#asterisk stuartcw (
13:46.59[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : You want a recording in there too?  Just add it in front!
13:47.10*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
13:47.23*** join/#asterisk Meaty-Wrk (
13:47.30Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: so where can i put the file name "no-response-recieved"  :S
13:47.47asteriskmonkeyif anyone can answer this is would be cool, im trying to use spandsp and it appears to be working in the console but it dosnt write a file
13:48.04Dr-Linuxas i don't wanna loose exten => t,1,Set(TRIES=$[${TRIES} + 1]) << functionality,
13:48.06*** join/#asterisk blkremedy (
13:48.15[TK]D-FenderYou put it wherever you want and just play it back!  Playback(/path/to/my/stupid/recording)
13:48.20Dr-Linuxits mean use will listen 2 time this menu
13:48.24[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : ADD IT IN FRONT!
13:48.32[TK]D-FenderIN FRONT!
13:48.45[TK]D-Fenderget it?
13:48.51fgomesSkid: g729 and g723 are proprietary (paid). g729 costs $10 / connection. Not expansive!
13:48.52EnthWinkie - any luck with that audio issue ?
13:48.55[TK]D-Fenderrenumber those lines
13:49.10Skidi know the chap who wrote g729
13:49.12Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: sirry in that case my current "t" things will work too? right
13:49.27Skidhe offered me a number, for our business name, cept it was 5,000 GBP
13:49.30Skidlike, no thanks:)
13:49.31[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : its just a bunch of commands in a row!
13:49.57Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: wait let me try and the pastbin you
13:50.32fgomesSkid: you can licence from Digium. For my server (low number of users/connections) is is affordable.
13:50.50*** join/#asterisk heison (
13:51.23SkidI have a license, thanks
13:51.39Enthguys, pls take a look at this and tell me why a hardware IP phone does not receive audio (yes its behind the same NAT as the * server)
13:51.49iGotNoTimethis provider sells a sipura 1001 does that automatically mean they would work with * ?
13:52.03Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: sir look at this >>
13:52.37Dr-Linuxi only add one line infront, thats what i need beside all other "t" functions
13:52.57[TK]D-FenderEnth : Describe the exact call.  Can 2 phones INSIDE your LAN call each other properly?
13:53.38Enth[TK]D-Fender: two x-lite clients inside the LAN can call and talk etc.
13:53.50Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: lemme know if i'm wrong?
13:53.57Enthit's only when calling a hardware ip phone that there is no audio.
13:54.37[TK]D-FenderEnth : Where is the IP phone located?
13:54.38Entheveryone says that it's a NAT issue but all settings are correct.
13:54.43Enthinside the same LAN
13:54.54fgomesEnth: all is behind NAT but IP phones are not separeted from * server by nat. So nat=no in the IP phones config.
13:54.59Enthbehind NAT as are the other clients and the * server
13:55.16[TK]D-FenderEnth : so all of your phones are local to your server?
13:55.25Meaty-WrkDr-Linux : You have a infinite loop in your context
13:55.35Enthfgomes: Done that, still doesnt work
13:55.36*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
13:55.41[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : fic your gotoif... the #'s changed...
13:56.00Enth[TK]D-Fender: yes. The ip phone rings and answers but no audio
13:56.07iGotNoTimeI live in the USA can I use a provider than grants me a UK (or any other country)  PSTN number, is it ok?
13:56.27asteriskmonkeyEnth: you have a codec issue or dodgy build of asterisk
13:56.46fgomesEnth: every client presents the problem? even IP phones in the same LAN present one way audio?
13:56.47Enthfn~asteriskmonkey: then why do the x-lite clients work?
13:56.59asteriskmonkeyclearly codec issue then
13:57.05trelane`is there any way besides creating a queue to ring two extensions at once?
13:57.12Enthfgomes: there is only one LAN.
13:57.18[TK]D-FenderEnth : then NONE of your phones should ne "nat=yes".
13:57.19Enthhrmm codec issue
13:57.20Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: whats wrong in this >> exten => t,3,GotoIf($["${TRIES}" = "1"]?t,3:s,5)
13:57.52[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Read the damn line.  if that is TRUE then it GOTO's Line 3.  this IS line 3!!! infinite loop!
13:57.58Enthasteriskmonkey: what codecs would you suggest?
13:58.20*** join/#asterisk Stephnie (
13:58.26StephnieMar 10 19:11:46 WARNING[6667]: channel.c:784 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0x8135b60', 10 retries!
13:58.29[TK]D-Fendertrelane` : Dial(SIP/100&SIP/200&ZAP/1)
13:58.31Stephniewhat kind of warning is this?
13:58.41trelane`[TK]D-Fender, thanks
13:59.20asteriskmonkeyenth: use ulaw only to start
13:59.25[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : line t,3 has a goto t,3 in there!  it means it will keep doing that commend FOREVER when it is true and never hang up!
13:59.26Enthhrmmm...any suggestions guys?
13:59.37[TK]D-FenderEnth : remove those NAT lines.
13:59.38Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: that's not my problem, i just type all to show you if this is a right way to use "no-response-recieved" line :(
13:59.39Stephnieis there anyone aware of this message?
13:59.41StephnieMar 10 19:11:46 WARNING[6667]: channel.c:784 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0x8135b60', 10 retries!
14:00.04*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
14:00.26Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: ofcos i'll change the line 3 stuff
14:00.49Dr-Linuxbut all i want to know about damn "no-response-recieved"
14:00.58[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Does the recording you are trying to play EXIST?
14:01.12Enth[TK]D-Fender: that did not fix the audio issue :(
14:01.23Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: yes i have all recordings
14:01.28EnthCould it be a codec issue for the ip phone?
14:01.28[TK]D-FenderEnth : maybe MIC is set wrong?
14:01.47[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Did you find the EXACT FILE you are calling?  How about TESTING it?
14:02.11Dr-Linux[av]bani: i'm going to bulit a very big production ivr with lot of AGI stuff, but this is a little problem for me
14:02.12Enthmic on where? the ip hardphone? at least i should be able to hear the person if the mic is not set
14:02.15Dr-Linuxthat's what i asking
14:02.32[TK]D-FenderEnth : You also have 2 context statements in [general] .... not good
14:02.40heisonany SIP expert willing to offer help SIP 403 forbidden error?
14:02.59Dr-Linux[av]bani: sir, with testing maybe i'll get, but i wanna understand the logic, bcoz later i need to use it on may other palces ..
14:03.08Dr-Linuxso i just wanna understand the logic
14:03.32mikefoo[TK]D-Fender: whats up
14:03.36[TK]D-FenderEnth : When you're done, pastebin your full new sip.conf
14:03.47Dr-Linuxbut there is aleady "t" in use ... so i want if someone takes long to enter digits, he/she should listen, "no-response-recieved"
14:03.54[TK]D-Fendermikefoo : Pulling my hair out on ridiculous question :)
14:04.02Dr-Linuxand all other "t" stuff should also work
14:04.44Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i have more then 14 sub menu, so everything i have to use same, so all i need to understand, if i'm going rignt or wrong
14:04.45[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : IT works ok?  Do you understand the basic principles of programming?  It does t,1 then goes on to t,2 until something tells it to stop or go somewhere else!
14:04.57*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
14:04.57[TK]D-Fenderits s friggen sequence!
14:05.01[TK]D-Fenderjust lines of code!
14:06.05iGotNoTimeGuys I am sorry my questions are 'noob' questions, I am reading so much trying to grasp it all. This channel clearly is beyond me, maybe there is a * channel for people like me?
14:06.07Dr-Linuxyes, i know that ...
14:06.20Enthdone as requested.
14:06.25Enthand now...
14:06.31Skidlike you? :o
14:07.05willtHey gotnotime did you take your router back and get something else?
14:07.38iGotNoTimewillt, Yes I returned it and bought a sipura online
14:07.47iGotNoTimeshould be here Tuesday
14:08.03willtthats cool they work pretty good
14:08.06[TK]D-FenderEnth : remove all of the "username" lines
14:08.41Enth[TK]D-Fender: you dont want me to add no usernames?
14:08.44iGotNoTimethe thing is the provider I am looking for is a bit more intracate than what most are looking for :(
14:08.51Enththen how will it identify the extension?
14:09.15[TK]D-Fenderheison :You can't put multiple codecs on an "allow" or "disallow line.  make them seperate lines.
14:09.40[TK]D-FenderEnth : the name of your sections like [6666] *is* the username.
14:09.58Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: how it looks for now you? >>
14:10.34Enthok done. Now? sip reload ?
14:11.09heison[TK]D-Fender: sure, changed that... for some reason, the register line seems to be failing... i have even tried with the optional :authuser, same deal
14:11.26[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Looks fine, but does that soudn file exist?
14:11.33Enth[TK]D-Fender: In doing so, my clients cannot login anymore.
14:12.24Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: thanks sir, i'll put that file, thats not a problem for
14:12.33[TK]D-Fenderheison : Put "nat=yes" in [general]
14:12.47Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: sorry for my bad english, that i can't make you understand my question ()
14:12.52[TK]D-FenderEnth : pastebin your attempt
14:13.07Zipper_32iGotNoTime: Regarding your question if there are people like you out there, I was in your shoes last summer. We've all been there.
14:13.23[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : Learn to just TRY things and wath the CLI and see if it does what you expect.
14:13.57iGotNoTimeZipper_32, where did you go to get you answers? The Wiki on voip-info is not detailed enough for my questions :(
14:13.57WinkieiGotNoTime: a 941?
14:14.27iGotNoTimeWinkie, sorry I don't understand? The ATA? The ATA is a 2001 I think
14:14.36Zipper_32iGotNoTime: Where are you at right now regarding experience?
14:14.37Winkie14:07.39 < iGotNoTime> willt, Yes I returned it and bought a sipura online
14:14.40heison[TK]D-Fender: nat=yes now in general, reload (as well as restart) still return 403 forbidden,
14:14.43Winkiei thought you meant a sipura spa 941
14:14.44Winkienice phones
14:14.45Winkieanyway brb
14:15.08iGotNoTimeZipper_32, I have * running, I ordered the ATA, and am shopping for a provider before the box arrives
14:16.00Zipper_32iGotNoTime: One thing I used was just sittin in this channel and listening. Another was reading product descriptions on websites, and a third was the Oreilly asterisk book to get the very basics.
14:16.02iGotNoTimeZipper_32, the install was easy and have no technical questions, just provider questions :(
14:16.20iGotNoTimeZipper_32, how much was the book?
14:16.40willti like the sipura ata adapters.  I tried a few of their phones but the sound quality wasn't as good as the cisco 7960's i use
14:16.44Zipper_32iGotNoTime: Free:
14:16.59[TK]D-FenderEnth : I said get rid of the "username=6666" type lines, NOT the [6666] context hearders!
14:17.05Enthah ok
14:17.08Enthhang on
14:17.11iGotNoTimeZipper_32, LOL will download now :P
14:17.18iGotNoTimeZipper_32, thank you :)
14:17.25*** join/#asterisk kpettit (n=keith@
14:17.36Zipper_32It has a lot of basic information, but even if you already know some, you'll be more well-rounded.
14:17.47Enth[TK]D-Fender: ok done, sip reload?
14:18.38iGotNoTimeZipper_32, asterisk is capable of anything the provider permits correct?
14:18.58[TK]D-Fenderx86 : done
14:19.01iGotNoTimeZipper_32, even local dial in number in several countries?
14:19.05Enthstill no audio.
14:19.07*** join/#asterisk Nand0 (n=Nando@unaffiliated/nand0)
14:19.21Zipper_32iGotNoTime: Sure, just set up the dialplan appropriately.
14:19.40iGotNoTimeZipper_32, that was my only question :) Happy you knew the answer :D
14:20.43Zipper_32Enth: Don't litter
14:20.48[TK]D-FenderEnth : Which?
14:20.48Enthits useless. good luck trying to get it to work
14:21.05Enthwell's from ipchitchat dot com
14:21.06[TK]D-FenderEnth : and re-pastebin please
14:21.10Enthok wait
14:22.49Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: sir i created an IVR in /etc/asterisk/something.conf , i want this file work with extension.conf file
14:23.00Dr-Linuxshould i just #include something.conf
14:23.07Dr-Linuxin extensions.conf or what else i need ? :S
14:23.26Dr-Linuxi never did this before, but i saw you things, you have done such things :)
14:24.43[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : #include looks fine
14:25.22[TK]D-Fenderenth do any of the phones work fine between each other?
14:25.42heison[TK]D-Fender: i have tried a soft phone on the same network, it works fine... so, it's unlikely the firewall that I'm behind...
14:25.42*** join/#asterisk tecnico (
14:26.10[TK]D-FenderEnth : And you have no passwords on any of your accounts?
14:26.17Enthnot needed
14:26.26Enthx-lite clients work fine
14:26.34[TK]D-FenderEnth : Do it.. maybe there is another problem, and double check the user you put into the phone...
14:26.35Enthx-lite to x-lite = works fine
14:26.46[TK]D-Fenderso x-lite -> phone = 1 way audio?
14:26.53EnthI have done that far too many time snow
14:26.57*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
14:27.04Enthx-lite - phone = no audio at all
14:27.15heison[TK]D-Fender: I basically followed these instructions...
14:27.16Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: so if i do in extensions.conf "#include" so will it's all context be for all, or i'll still need "include" option for diferent context?
14:27.19*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
14:27.43Enthphone rings fine, answers fine but after connected, cant hear the caller or he/she cant hear me
14:27.48*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
14:28.08[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux :  #include will include another FILE.  not to be mistaken for "include => anothercontextsextens"
14:28.23[TK]D-FenderEnth : 1-way audio or NONE at all?
14:28.30*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
14:28.31*** join/#asterisk robby (
14:28.35Enthnone at all
14:28.43Dr-Linuxoo ic
14:28.43[TK]D-Fenderand which # is the hardphone, they all say "x-lite"?
14:28.44Dr-Linuxok thanks
14:28.54Enthhardphone = 3333
14:29.12Enththose are just comments i didnt remove :)
14:29.43Enthsince x-lite work fine.
14:29.54[TK]D-FenderEnth : Ok well that setup is as basic as can be.... I don't see why... do "set verbose 10" in CLI and pastebin a call attempt.
14:30.05Enthok wait
14:30.18[TK]D-FenderEnth : Yeah, double check the phone's config...
14:30.29*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=angela@
14:31.56x86[TK]D-Fender: done? where can i get it? :)
14:32.14[TK]D-FenderEnth : ok, while the call is in progress do "sip show channels" and pastebin it
14:32.16PakiPenguinhey x86 :)
14:32.24[TK]D-FenderKatty: mew.
14:32.28Kattyi hereby pronounce autozone as being dreamy.
14:32.33x86i'm on my way out the door, but [TK]D-Fender owes me a config file ;)
14:32.41x86[TK]D-Fender: so how about it? :)
14:32.42Kattythey told me what my check engine light was trying to tell me
14:32.44Kattyfor free!
14:32.56x86dreamy hahaha
14:33.13x86hey... the 50's just SIP'd me, they want thier dialect back....
14:33.16[TK]D-Fenderx86 :
14:33.20*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:33.21x86[TK]D-Fender: danke
14:33.36coppiceKatty: they only tell you that so you'll check it in for the far from free repairs :-)
14:33.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
14:34.02Kattycoppice: it doesn't need repair. (=
14:34.07Kattycoppice: just the gas cap.
14:34.17heisonhi coppice
14:34.26Kattycoppice: it has happened 2 before..
14:34.36Enthbah i give up with this fscking hardphone
14:34.43Enthwhat an absolute waste of time.
14:34.58Kattyi had to fsck my asterisk box this morning :<
14:35.11Kattywe had storms last night and the power went out for awhile
14:35.45*** join/#asterisk horvath (
14:35.51X-GenKatty: sounds like your linux box has been sitting 2 close 2 a windows box
14:35.59KattyX-Gen: it's on a rack.
14:36.07KattyX-Gen: with several windows boxes (=
14:36.15jsharpAnd no UPS?
14:36.34Kattyi see someone thinks i'm an idiot (=
14:36.41Kattythat, or they're one.
14:37.01Winkiehaha, the number of times the power's gone out here and i've had to do emergency fscks
14:37.03Winkienot for much longer!
14:37.49*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
14:38.00*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
14:40.36*** join/#asterisk zaf (
14:41.03KattyX-Gen: and i'm an mcp, by the way :)
14:41.06Kattydoomed :<
14:41.41*** join/#asterisk octothorpe_away (n=octothor@
14:42.20Kattyoctothorpe: what's an octothorpe?
14:42.33Corydon76-homeaka a hash mark or pound
14:43.43octothorpethanks Corydon76
14:44.18coppicehash mark? dope leaves special marks? :-\
14:44.25Corydon76-homeAlthough technically, an 8-pointed star would also be an octothorpe
14:45.01MikeJ[Laptop]coppice, only if you fall asleep with your face pressed againsy somthing@
14:45.27Enthfn~[TK]D-Fender: Well I'll be damned. If I use DTMF, that is pressing the keys on the phone, I can hear it.
14:45.38Enthbut not voice.
14:46.19Enthany ideas on why no voice but can hear dtmf ?
14:47.00*** join/#asterisk MattB2 (
14:47.04coppicebecause DTMF is not being sent as audio, I assume
14:47.05jsharpCodec mismatch?
14:47.23Enthwhat's the best codec to use for a home LAN?
14:47.24MattB2hi all
14:47.32Enthgsm or g711u ?
14:47.33MattB2struggling with call limits on 1.2.5.  Basically need to allow a user to make two outgoing calls (for attended transfer) but only accept one incoming
14:47.41MattB2according to docs, incominglimit and outgoinglimit are no longer used, there's just call-limit
14:47.50MattB2but call-limit=2 allows someone to call in when the user's already on phone, setting call-limit=1 means that user can't dial out for attended/conf calls
14:47.56MattB2any suggestions?
14:48.17jsharpHome lan?  G711.
14:48.22jsharpPlenty o' bandwidth.
14:48.48Enthapplying QoS will also help I guess.
14:49.33Corydon76-homeQoS is overkill for a home network, unless you have Windows machines that are prone to virus infestation
14:49.42jsharpIf you need QoS on a local lan, you've got bigger problems.
14:49.54horvathMattB2: I would use the set group stuff to count it manualy
14:50.16Enthjsharp: Well, I just like to be perfect.
14:50.23Enthoverkill I guess.
14:50.34horvathMattB2: Set(GROUP(${ACCOUNTCODE})=CHANNELS)
14:50.57coppiceQoS doesn't generally function on LANs
14:50.58horvathMattB2: and then just a GotoIf or something
14:51.18jsharpBesides, unless you have a bunch of reallllllly smart layer 3 switches that can grok QoS, nothing would actually pay attention to the QoS bits.
14:51.34MattB2horvath: thanks, i'll look into it.  outgoinglimit and incominglimit used to work perfectly... feels like we're moving backwards not forwards!
14:51.57horvathMattB2: GotoIf($[${GROUP_COUNT(CHANNELS@${ARG2})} > 1]?s-BUSY|1)
14:52.06horvathMattB2: Yea I know :)
14:52.41horvathMattB2: ingore the arg2 thats just my own thing anyways yea just check the wiki
14:53.01MattB2will do, thanks again.
14:54.13blkremedydoes anyone here know how to apply a diff file?
14:54.38Winkieblkremedy: patch file-to-patch < patch.file ?
14:54.54Winkie(you might need -p)
14:57.02blkremedyis diff and patch the same?
14:57.29Winkiediff is the utility that produces diffs, which are commonly referred to as 'patches', patch is the program which applies them
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14:58.18blkremedyO...ok thanks for clearing that up.
14:58.39*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
14:59.01Winkiethat's no problem, now tell me how to pump CDR data into a pgsql database
14:59.45Kumbangguys, what FXO voip gateway does support threeway calling and call waiting?
15:01.21mphillthats done at the station
15:01.22*** part/#asterisk octothorpe[away] (n=octothor@
15:01.36mphillin short, yes
15:01.53Fedoracore6hello all
15:01.53mphilljust don't get a modem
15:02.17mphillmost voice mmodems support caller ID and call waiting these, but the quality it God aweful
15:02.24heisonI'm having trouble registering SIP with a provider... can anyone offer some help? I keep getting 403 Forbidden and if I use a softphone under Windows on the same network, everything works fine...
15:03.01*** join/#asterisk octothorpe_ (n=octothor@
15:03.11mphillheison: from the phone dial *60, see if the chick tells you the time
15:03.20Fedoracore6spme budy expert ini asterisk realtime system ,,
15:03.27Fedoracore6some budy *
15:03.28[TK]D-FenderEnth : Obvious test : is the handset plugged in right? :)
15:03.37*** part/#asterisk octothorpe_ (n=octothor@
15:03.58heisonmphill: you mean on the softphone under windows?
15:04.54mphillheison: i assume you are trying to get voip sip trunks setup, right?
15:05.05mphillwith asterisk as the gateway
15:06.14[TK]D-Fenderheison : You should put "nat=yes" and "canreinvite=no" into [general]
15:06.15*** join/#asterisk octothorpe_ (n=octothor@
15:06.20heisonmphill: yes
15:06.22*** part/#asterisk octothorpe_ (n=octothor@
15:06.36[TK]D-Fenderheison : And make sure the appropriate ports are forwarded to *
15:06.38mphillso dial *60 and see if that works
15:06.43fgomesI'm facing a problem redirecting an incoming call to landline ZAP/1. ZAP/1 immediately "answers the call" instead of waiting for external party to answer. Any idea?
15:07.09mphillfgomes: check your incoming routes
15:07.34mphillEnth: its worth it, if you don't want echo land up in your ear
15:07.46[TK]D-FenderEnth : Polycom is a better deal.....
15:07.55fgomesmphill: the incoming routes are OK, I mean... a Call-Me from FWD is received and redirected to ZAP/1 (landline).
15:08.10[TK]D-Fendermphill : Echo?  He doesn't even hear anything the FIRST time!
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15:08.33mphill[TK]D-Fender: thats might be user error :\
15:08.35fgomes... but ZAP/1 channel immediately answers the call when I Dial( .... )
15:08.36heison[TK]D-Fender: I have canreinvite=yes so that my SIP phones can communicate without Asterisk being in the middle after the call is setup... sure, i can remove that for now
15:08.44gambolputtyIs it possible with the mysql command to select more than one field at a time?
15:09.21heisonmphill: i'm on the windows softphone, calling *60 returns user not found...
15:10.05fgomesmphill: Seems to be something in zapata.conf.
15:10.43mphilli think your extensions are setup wrong
15:11.01mphillyou should be able to talk to asterisk at the least, you know what i mean?
15:11.11mphill*60 is the time nazi on asterisk
15:11.25[TK]D-Fenderfgomes : Analog Zap channels have no means of knowing if the other side answers so it is considered answered as soon as * is capable of dialing.
15:12.03[TK]D-Fendermphill : what are you talking about?  *60 is someone elses invention, not *'s....
15:12.20heisonmphill: i have no problems communicating between my SIP phones and Asterisk, the problem is with Asterisk and the SIP provider
15:12.33twisla"DEBUG[13911]: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on IAX2/qz00@qz00/1" does anyone have seen something like that ?
15:12.58Hmmhesaysanyone know the default login info for netopia routers?
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15:14.35heison[TK]D-Fender: i have port 5060 fowarded to *, what else do i need?
15:14.53[TK]D-Fenderheison : 10000-20000 UDP
15:15.00[TK]D-Fender5060 is UDP as well
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15:17.59heisoni don't have RTP ports forwarded just yet... but that shouldn't cause the registration to fail
15:18.12heisonyes, 5060 UDP is forwarded
15:19.54fgomesD-Fender: what do you suggest? I've changed some parameters and call remains up after I drop the phone (the extenal one, my mobile called by ZAP/1). Any idea?
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15:25.57fgomes[TK]D-Fender, mphill: Pls see
15:30.02*** join/#asterisk kippi (
15:30.11[TK]D-Fenderfgomes : Disconnect detectiong on analog is also a PITA... get rid of your signalling line in there and change to fxsks.
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15:37.29*** join/#asterisk pycsusz (i=root@IP-183-69.TvNetWork.Hu)
15:37.40pycsuszHi Everybody!
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15:38.04Hmmhesayshaha i found a website where you can type in lyrics and it guesses which song you are looking for
15:38.05*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
15:38.20SpaceBassso...who knew spoofing caller ID could really make some people mad!
15:38.24pycsuszI would like to know, how to use the extensions.conf and extensions.ael togother
15:38.30octothorpeHmmhesays:  sweet, where is it
15:38.46pycsuszIf somebody cab help me, then do it please!
15:39.20octothorpeSpaceBass:  Yeah, my mom hates it when I call with  CallerID of her own number
15:39.34[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Sounds like google ;)
15:39.35PakiPenguincan anyone suggest some service , with unlimited calling to the US and one incoming number?
15:39.55SpaceBassoctothorpe,  I had one friend worked up enough to call verizon...apparently (he claims) they traced it back to me
15:40.09HmmhesaysPakiPenguin: kind of
15:40.15SpaceBassPakiPenguin, broadvoice
15:40.17octothorpePakiPenguin:  Telasip
15:40.25SpaceBassjsharp,  only works in cingulair, right?
15:40.33PakiPenguinSpaceBass, broadvoice works okay?
15:40.40SpaceBassi like it
15:41.16octothorpeBroadvoice has "issues" with international calls though I hear
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15:41.34PakiPenguini just need us48 calling
15:41.36SpaceBassi use BV to call france and ireland sometimes...seems to work fine
15:41.55HmmhesaysSpaceBass: try calling your X girlfriends new bf from her number
15:42.11Hmmhesaysyou want some drunken fun, there it is
15:42.27SpaceBassdon't mention so bloody hung over right now i may pule
15:42.38Hmmhesaysyou too huh? it was ladies night last night, sweet geebus
15:42.57SpaceBassnope....not coming to me
15:43.13Hmmhesaysi talked to some hotties, had a salad passed out
15:43.20Hmmhesayswoke up already an hour late for work
15:43.20SpaceBasssalad sounds good
15:43.31SpaceBassi have to catch a plane to New York in a few....going to do it all again
15:43.39SpaceBassthis weekend is going to hurt my poor liver
15:43.42Hmmhesaysand i'm out of smokes
15:43.54HmmhesaysI got band practice this weekend so i'm not going to drink *much* tonight
15:44.02jsharpSpaceBass:  No, I can do it on my Sprint phone too....if I have it set for "no pin if calling from my cell phone"
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15:44.26SpaceBassjsharp,  I have that setting turned on on my sprint phone too...and when I call I get asked for a password
15:44.38SpaceBassthat's how this all started...someone bet me I couldn't check their voicemail
15:45.10jsharpI haven't checked it in a while. I'll have to test it in a few minutes.
15:46.08HmmhesaysSpaceBass LOL
15:46.19Hmmhesaysthats why i have my pin enabled ALL the time
15:46.43SpaceBassi thought about that...but then realized I dont get important messages
15:46.57Hmmhesaysi the carrier has the option for pinless access and its enabled you can check anyones voicemail
15:47.14SpaceBassim fairly sure sprint and verizon smartened up
15:47.31*** part/#asterisk MattB2 (
15:48.02Hmmhesaysok i'm looking for a song it goes "something something, dirty little secret, dirty little secret"
15:48.12Hmmhesayspunkish song
15:48.41Hmmhesays"i'll show you my dirty little secret, dirty little secret"  something like that
15:48.47SpaceBassall american rejects
15:49.57iGotNoTimeremember yesterday that it was said the TOS of some provider prohibits * ?
15:50.07Hmmhesaysthey have any other decent songs?
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15:50.17viperdudehi guys
15:50.18iGotNoTimewill they really have any way of knowing?
15:50.30jsharpThey can look at the SIP headers.
15:50.34Hmmhesaysso change it
15:50.35viperdudeanyone using externnotify option in voicemail.conf?
15:51.44SpaceBassviperdude,  I use it...albeit via AMP
15:51.55iGotNoTimejsharp, that reply was to me?
15:52.08HmmhesaysSpaceBass you checked out freepbx?
15:52.20Hmmhesaysamp 2.0 beta
15:52.25Hmmhesayspretty sweet
15:52.29SpaceBasschecking now
15:52.31iGotNoTimejsharp, k thx
15:52.45Hmmhesaysmuch more pretty than the current amp incarnation
15:52.59SpaceBasssounds like a good replacement for my AAH box
15:53.23Hmmhesaysyou can upgrade aah's amp to freepbx
15:53.24SpaceBassspacey need pictures
15:54.03octothorpeI upgraded my AAH to FreePBX
15:54.16trelane`iGotNoTime, why use them? I mean if they don't want you as a customer why support htem?
15:54.23trelane`iGotNoTime, vote with your money and use a different provider
15:54.26Hmmhesayscheck that link I pm'd you
15:54.31octothorpeit is just an update for the AMP that is included with AAH
15:54.33viperdudeSpaceBass: I am trying to differentiate between a new voicemail and the voicemail app being called. Both of which fire externnotify
15:55.34iGotNoTimetrelane`, no I just am looking for the one's that are ok with * :)
15:55.55iGotNoTimetrelane`, I feel the same way, if they are not letting me use the system the way I want, then I don't need them
15:56.10trelane`iGotNoTime, make sure you call them and tell them that.
15:56.11iGotNoTimetrelane`, that is why I cancelled Vonage 48 hours ago
15:56.27trelane`that was a brilliant move
15:56.30trelane`go grab a beer!
15:56.46trelane`but if they don't, screw 'em
15:58.18trelane`in this channel there are 312 voip users.  who here uses vonage?
15:58.34trelane`(or voip in a busines setting?)
15:58.36iGotNoTimetrelane`, now you make fun of me LOL
15:58.44trelane`so if you give a shit about voip... you wouldn't use vonage
15:58.57trelane`absolutely not, making the smart decision in this case absolutely makes up for past mistakes
15:59.00trelane`it's no issue ;)
15:59.05*** join/#asterisk Hmm-work (i=PJirc@
15:59.07iGotNoTimetrelane`, Skypebay too ;)
15:59.16Hmm-workcoming to you from freepbx's irc client
15:59.16trelane`iGotNoTime, I've been considering setting up skype
15:59.30iGotNoTimefor SIP-like only
15:59.39iGotNoTimetrelane`, not for their paid systems
15:59.42*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
16:00.22trelane`iGotNoTime, right, they're not significantly different for what I'd do than say FWD
16:00.37iGotNoTimeit would be kinda cool to have their 2 line phone setup with * though
16:00.48iGotNoTimetrelane`, those 2 line cordless phones are sweet
16:01.42trelane`iGotNoTime, umm get a cisco or rca or etc 2 line or multi line business sip cordless?
16:01.43iGotNoTimewell if you have Skype contacts that is
16:02.07iGotNoTimetrelane`, I have a wifi sip now, but it doesn't support Skype contacts :P
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16:03.51trelane`iGotNoTime, they'll probably add the functionality to asterisk
16:04.13iGotNoTimecan Skype be routed through *? I thought it was proprietary.
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16:05.11PakiPenguinSpaceBass, can 2 people call with broadvoice business plan at the same time ?
16:05.31PakiPenguinor for 2 people simultaneously calling i'd need 2 different connections?
16:05.41Hmmhesaysthis theory of a deadman album is seriously kickass
16:06.22kippiJust tried installing the new asterisk and getting this error can anyone help?
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16:06.49kippiis it because I havn't install asterisk-addons?
16:08.09*** join/#asterisk nettie (
16:08.13nettieHi guys, I was wondering what's the best way to define sip phones extensions in extensions.conf ? just a variable pointing to Dial(SIP/username,20) ?
16:09.07Skidi use usernames
16:09.11viperdudenettie: use a macro
16:09.11blkremedyis there a solution for TDM400P cards not hanging up on FXO line?
16:10.09[TK]D-Fenderkippi : Do you need ODBC for anything in *?
16:10.25[TK]D-Fenderkippi : because its not finding the .so where it expects it.
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16:10.32jsharpHeee.  I just called one of my satellite vendors and the phone system answered with very familiar asterisk voice and prompts.
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16:11.15Fedoracore6hai all ... now i use grandstream phone ,but when the system have choice like press '1" to add and '2" drop ...
16:11.27[TK]D-Fenderkippi : if not then just put "noload =>" into modules.conf
16:11.35Fedoracore6why when i press the button ,,... the system cannot work hemm
16:11.50[TK]D-FenderFedoracore6 : Make sure your DTMF mode matches.
16:12.09Fedoracore6any configuration ..should i do to ... grandstream
16:12.11SpaceBassso the callerID spoofing to check voicemail ...not really a good idea... my buddy had a messaged on his cell from Verizon that there were 4 unauthorized attempts to check messages
16:12.18SpaceBassthis isnt going to end well for me
16:12.26[ProB]CrazyManI read now threw the dial() app, in 1.2.0 the priorityjump changed, so how does it there work with busy and not availible?
16:12.41Fedoracore6oic [TK] how i can know that DTMF mode matches
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16:13.30[TK]D-FenderFedoracore6 : Look at your config on the phone and what you set inSIP.CONF
16:13.58nettieviperdude thanx, where shall I read about that please? I also need to clear my mind regarding voicemail setup.. at the moment I defined an extensions followed by a Dial command pointing to the SIP phone, defined a timeout and the correct voicemail number. If you have a suggestion for a more scalable solution please let me know.
16:15.07wunderkinwow this "voip xpress" guy just doesn't get it (lagged)
16:15.39viperdudeusing a macro you have a one line per extension for dialling, then any changes to macro are replicated across all extensions using that macro
16:15.52*** part/#asterisk octothorpe (n=octothor@
16:16.23nettieviperdude seems perfect, thanx a lot
16:16.42nettiewhat's exaclty CONGESTION?
16:17.14fourcheezewhen you can't breath properly
16:17.29RoyKnettie: no more available channels
16:18.01nettieRoyK that's chanunavailable I think
16:18.23viperdudeCONGESTION is what I had on the M6 yesterday
16:18.44nettieI thoguht you had a doge viper :)
16:18.55[TK]D-Fendernettie : Here's a good sample for you :
16:19.05nettiethanx guys
16:19.16viperdudenettie: I wish, all women on the 'net think that, I hate to shattter the illusion :-)
16:19.51*** join/#asterisk justnulling2 (
16:20.28kippicould someone have a look at and point me in the right dir
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16:23.28Hmmhesayslooks like you don't have that lib
16:23.35Hmmhesaysor its not in your path
16:24.38kippiits looking for ?
16:25.23Hmmhesayslooks like it
16:25.29Juggiekippi, did you install * from source
16:25.31Juggieor from rpm
16:25.52Juggiethe problem is exactally as it appears :)
16:25.52kippibut i am using my old config
16:26.04Juggielibodbc is missing
16:26.09Juggiewhat distro?
16:27.26*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:27.30Juggie'yum install unixODBC unixODBC-devel'
16:28.15kippiis that a new one for the lastest version of asterisk
16:28.26Juggieumm no?
16:28.43Juggiejust making sure you have odbc installed on your box
16:28.54Hmmhesaysso cal is where my mind states, but its not my state of mine
16:29.04Juggiethat worked?
16:29.15kippiasterisk has started
16:29.27jsharpThe altered state of california.
16:29.40Juggiekippi, so installing unixODBC solved the problem?
16:30.07Juggiei'm curious as to why res_odbc would even be compiled if unixodbc wasnt on the system
16:30.23kippiyeah, well asterisk has started, can't make calls but i'll look at the mnow
16:30.50Juggiealright, do you want my email to send payment? :)
16:30.59Juggiei'm 50$ an hour, 3 hour minimum :)
16:31.34HmmhesaysI'm $75 2 hour min
16:32.09trelane`you flat out cant afford me.
16:32.17trelane`I win
16:32.51KattyHmmhesays: cheap bastard ;)
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16:32.56jsharpI'm free, but you have to buy me dinner first.
16:33.24Kattyhey now!
16:33.32Kattyyou didn't tell me about expenses up front!
16:33.42Juggiealmost every linux question about * can be solved with yum
16:33.49Juggieit wont start, or it wont compile
16:33.52Juggieblah blah
16:33.58Juggieyum is sex :)
16:33.59coppicei'm $10 an hour, but I bill a minimum of 1000 hours, and never take on anything complex
16:34.09*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
16:34.15Juggieyum is like sex
16:34.28Qwellquick and painful the first time you use it?
16:34.30jsharpyum fix asterisk
16:34.30coppiceyou get endless new partners?
16:34.34Juggiebeing the only package manager to correctally support multi arch
16:34.46Hmmhesaysyou get that tune yet?
16:34.56QwellJuggie: That's like...the only thing I like about yum
16:35.02Qwellthe multiarch...
16:35.05Juggiei used to hate yum too
16:35.06Qwellyum can't even resume like apt :p
16:35.08Juggiebecause it was slow as shit
16:35.18Juggiebut newer versions are much better
16:35.26Juggieor maybe i'm just using faster machines
16:35.34[TK]D-Fenderkippi : I already gave you the answer earlier...
16:35.39[TK]D-Fenderkippi : if not then just put "noload =>" into modules.conf
16:36.02Juggiewhy does res_odbc even compile if unixODBC isnt installed?
16:36.04Juggiethat seems odd.
16:36.05coppiceyum just gets on with it, without much hassle. only big pain is when there is a broken RPM in the repo
16:36.22[TK]D-Fender[11:31] <Hmmhesays> I'm $75 2 hour min <- yeah... and we're sure you'll last 3 minutes tops ;)
16:36.48kippi[TK]D-Fender sorry I didn't see that, now geting chan_zap errors
16:37.12Juggiehave fun :)
16:37.38[TK]D-Fenderkippi : care to SHOW us the errors and your config files?
16:38.18kippijust trying a reboot and loading modprobe zaptel and modprobe wcte11xp
16:38.37Winkiewcte11xp etc should autoload zaptel 8)
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16:44.38kippi is the first error
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16:47.03_foxfire_kippi : are you using udev ?
16:47.49kippiIF i DO zttool it can see the card
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16:48.40kippigot it working some how
16:48.59kippiruning zttool and clicking loopback
16:50.17kippii'll try rebooting and see what happends
16:51.35brettnemwheee rebooting
16:51.48shido6you do not need to reboot
16:53.01backbluereboot? are you running on windows?
16:53.37backbluehave you updated kernel stuff?
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16:55.03kippiif I run wcte11xp and then run zttool and hit loop that seems to fix it
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16:55.21kippiif I run wcte11xp and then run zttool and hit loop that seems to fix it
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17:03.54Seldon1975can someone remind me of the url for Polycom binaries; or something?
17:04.47tehdelySeldon1975: ---> pm
17:05.17stack_I'm looking at building a system that would house 12 users, 6 of which will be on the phone all day.  We also will be growing, so the system should handle about double that.  What sort of specs should I look for in a system (i.e. Processor, RAM)
17:06.08jsharpA current model P4 with 512MB o' ram should cover it.
17:06.39stack_jsharp: really?! that's it?  I imagined much much more
17:06.57Fedoracore6hemm i wanna use u all .. i wanna build one data bases name asterisk , connection to databases success but why i try my codeing to put data ,asterisk say cannot insert into databases , when i use databases cdr then asterisk can use the data bases
17:06.58stack_jsharp: at least on RAM
17:07.21jsharpNah.  Asterisk doesn't use much ram.  You'll run out of CPU horsepower before you run out of ram.
17:07.46tehdelyand that's a really light load you've described
17:07.57stack_awesome, thanks guys
17:08.08stack_I was specing a dual core with 2 GB of ram
17:08.26Fedoracore6plase some budy check that link
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17:08.52brettnemstack_: you could probably do that on a junky box.. really.. unless you are doing some fancy codcin
17:08.57jsharpThat's a serious machine.  You could handle a small telco with that.
17:09.24stack_wow, I will be doing a lot of queueing and special routing
17:09.53jsharpstack_:  You don't start burning CPU cycles until you start transcoding between codecs.
17:10.01jsharpqueueing and routing are very minimal impacts.
17:10.12stack_k... thanks a lot.  My boss will be happy :)
17:10.15*** join/#asterisk eric_hill (i=EricHill@
17:10.58eric_hillCan someone help me with a PRI configuration issue?
17:11.24eric_hillI'm attaching an Asterisk box to our corporate phone system.
17:11.36stack_one more question, is there any benefit to going 64-bit?
17:11.42eric_hillI have a Wildcard TE110p on the asterisk box and a T1 card on the phone system.
17:11.45jsharpNo, not really.
17:12.10jsharpSo far so good.
17:12.21eric_hillBoth configured for PRI q.SIG
17:12.56*** part/#asterisk Splas (
17:12.59eric_hillTalking with kippi for a sec...
17:14.10eric_hillMy TE110p has a green light on it.
17:14.30eric_hillpri show span 1 on the asterisk box gives Status: Provisioned, Down, Active
17:14.39*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
17:14.42eric_hillThe primary D channel is on slot 24.
17:15.01eric_hillIf I unplug the cable, the asterisk box sees an alarm.
17:15.12eric_hillSo I'm not quite sure why the two boxes aren't talking to each other.
17:15.25kippimine says Status: Provisioned, Up, Active
17:16.04eric_hillIs there any way to find out more details on the connection?  Like "D channel ok"?
17:16.15jsharpYou can do PRI intense debugging
17:17.32*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (n=tuxinato@
17:17.47jsharpDo you have signalling set for pri_net or pri_cpe?
17:18.06eric_hillThe phone system is set to "NETWORK_SIDE"
17:18.29jsharpWhich side is providing circuit clocking?
17:18.30*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
17:18.39gongoputchHow! what a lot of config files. Is there a front end for configuring *?
17:18.46eric_hillI would assume the phone system (i.e. network side).
17:19.03*** join/#asterisk dsfr (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
17:20.04eric_hillIntense debugging shows me some info, but I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at.
17:20.11jsharpThat's network side at ISDN level.  It may not be providing clocking.
17:20.22*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
17:20.46jsharpPaste the debug to
17:21.42eric_hillEr, pasted.
17:21.55eric_hillI get that over and over and over.
17:22.50jsharpThats asterisk trying to bring the circuit up, but not getting any answer.
17:23.06jsharpin your zaptel.conf, what do you have set for your span line?
17:23.29*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
17:24.23*** join/#asterisk nagl (
17:26.04jsharpTry setting it to span=1,0,0,esf,b8z8.
17:26.13jsharpstop asterisk and rerun ztcfg, then restart asterisk.
17:26.51jsharpThat's the first thing I can think of.
17:27.36eric_hillChanging the span to 1,0,0... didn't seem to cure the problem.  :(
17:28.33eric_hillOne more ambeguity: I have the choice between ERB_ESF_ROBBED_B8ZS and ECB_ESF_CLEAR_B8ZS on the phone system.  Which one should I use?
17:29.24jsharpThat should be equal to b8zs line coding, with extending superframe framing.
17:29.38jsharpextended, rather.
17:30.29eric_hillSwitching the framing on the phone system side, I see asterisk show the line go down then come back up, but still not in service.
17:30.43jsharpWhat kinda phone system?
17:30.53eric_hillCortelco Millenium
17:31.10eric_hillI'm very good on it - just learning Asterisk though.
17:31.42jsharpYou don't see any alarms on the phone switch, do you?
17:32.12iGotNoTimeWhat is everyone's favorite softphone?
17:32.17*** join/#asterisk steveaj (
17:32.35[TK]D-FenderiGotNoTime : eyeBeam, but it costs
17:32.35jsharpDid you not have it set to CLEAR_B8ZS earlier?  If not, put  the timing back to span = 1,1,0,b8zs,esf
17:33.02iGotNoTime[TK]D-Fender, support multiple lines?
17:33.46fourcheezeI'm trying to use the * during voicemail to drop out to an operator. I want to know what the original extension dialled was - however ${EXTEN} is 'a' once the * is pressed
17:33.47eric_hillI had it set to ROBBED earlier, not CLEAR.  Changing it now...
17:34.07fourcheezecan I get to that old value?
17:34.10*** join/#asterisk jdbecker1968 (
17:34.14iGotNoTimethat's X-lite?
17:34.46eric_hillNuts - still down.
17:35.03jdbecker1968howdy, anyone else having issues compiling zaptel 1.2.4 on latest CentOS kernel (2.6.9-34.EL-i686)?
17:35.34backbluewhere the hell are the demo sound files located?
17:36.12eric_hillThey're in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
17:37.11[TK]D-FenderiGotNoTime : Yup, 6
17:37.26backblueeric_hill: hoo, i miss it! tks.
17:37.43[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze : set a temp variable to hold it.
17:38.00*** join/#asterisk kardecallan (
17:38.01Hmmhesaysthis avenged sevenfold song just rocks
17:38.28*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
17:38.50*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
17:39.13Assidanyone know a good provider which i can port a toll free number to
17:39.22*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
17:40.07backblueit's there a "welcome" somewhere in the asterisk sound files?
17:40.54Qwell[]like welcome.gsm?
17:40.55blkremedyIf I did a make samples, how do I un make samples? anyone
17:41.11Qwell[]blkremedy: why would you remove them?
17:41.36[TK]D-Fenderblkremedy : restore from a backup.... your old configs are TOAST.
17:41.47Qwell[]only if you run `make samples` twice
17:41.55Qwell[]They're still there as .old or something
17:41.58blkremedyI did a make samples and now all of my original files are ending with .old
17:42.04Hmmhesaysyour old configs are now  *.old
17:42.17Hmmhesaysbut don't try that again
17:42.32blkremedydo I have to go back and edit each file?
17:42.40jdbecker1968latest trunk zaptel also won't compile on latest CentOS kernel
17:42.47Hmmhesaysor write a script to do it
17:42.47jdbecker1968you heard it hear first!
17:43.14HmmhesaysI should go take that dead hooker out of my trunk
17:43.23Qwell[]Hmmhesays: why?
17:43.28backblueQwell[]: its there a welcome.gsm?
17:43.36Qwell[]backblue: sure
17:43.49Qwell[]asterisk-sounds maybe
17:43.52HmmhesaysQwell[], its nice out she's going to start to stink
17:44.01jsharpHmmhesays:  Leave her back there for a few more weeks.  She'll leak out eventually.
17:44.01Assidheya tkd , qwell
17:44.04backblueQwell[]: tjs
17:44.41kardecallanWhere material meeting on STUN server? I have firewall in my net and my server asterisk is behind of it, and when I receive a external call I do not obtain to have audio.
17:44.44*** part/#asterisk jdbecker1968 (
17:45.07Assiddoes anyone know a good provider which i can port a toll free number?
17:45.14Qwell[]Assid: asterlink
17:45.16Hmmhesaysyou set your localnet and externip
17:45.57kardecallanexcuse! I'm Brazilian.
17:46.08kardecallanMy english is so-so
17:46.23Hmmhesayskardecallan: set your localnet and externip in sip.conf
17:46.39Hmmhesaysand send me pictures of those pretty brazilian women
17:46.43kardecallanI active nat for yes
17:46.47Hmmhesayslike the ones I see on tv
17:47.43kardecallanehehe, it's true
17:47.54kardecallanwomen brazilian is very beautiful
17:47.57*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
17:48.06*** join/#asterisk arosen (
17:48.15Hmmhesayswomen from north dakota are corn feed
17:48.27*** part/#asterisk arosen (
17:48.29Hmmhesaysthere's a few hotties though
17:48.34Qwell[]that was random
17:48.57*** join/#asterisk sloeber (
17:49.03HmmhesaysI have a pretty wicked hangover, my brain is pretty random today
17:49.38sloeberhehe... got the problem also
17:50.10sloeberis anyone using h323 with asterisk?
17:52.46*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:54.13kardecallanHmmhesays: thanks, I need to install the server stund?
17:55.12kardecallanI am using the sip protocol
17:55.21Hmmhesaysi think you need to set the settings I told you in sip.conf
17:56.09kardecallanlocalnet and externip?
17:56.49*** join/#asterisk veto (
17:58.05sloebersip proto is working fine... just as iax...
17:59.24RoyKmethinks this memory leak with asterisk is wierd
17:59.37*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
17:59.40kardecallanip address lan stund server is and my ip address wan (Firewall) is, I need set localnet= and externip= It is this?
17:59.56RoyKLAN stun server?
18:00.38backblueanyone knows if there is a .wav files from asterisk-sounds?
18:00.42RoyKIsn't the whole reason with STUN to be on an official address???
18:00.54RoyKbackblue: just do a 'sox file.gsm file.wav' :)
18:00.58RoyKsox is nice
18:01.12backblueyes, but .gsm to wav i will lost quality.
18:01.20kardecallansorry! I have difficulty with the writing in English.
18:01.20RoyKit will not
18:01.24*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
18:01.25backblueRoyK: why not?
18:01.43RoyKbecause it is only decoded from gsm and saved as raw/wav
18:02.03RoyKthe quality was lost when it was compressed to gsm
18:02.27RoyKyou may be able to add some warmth lost with gsm by using audacity or something
18:02.31coppiceRoyK: but your wave file might contain LPC10
18:02.56RoyKcoppice: ?
18:03.01backblueRoyK: wav its better quality, i want wav to -> alaw or something, i dont want gsm -> wav so wav will only have gsm quality, never more.
18:03.07kardecallanRoyK: Address IP of my net lan is
18:03.37coppiceAll you can do by playing with the decoded data from GSM is make things worse. the GSM decoder is reasonably well optimised to decode the best it can
18:03.39RoyKbackblue: true, but once the quality is lost, it's lost
18:03.56coppicewave is a file format. almost anything might be in the wave file, including GSM
18:04.32RoyKsox docs says
18:04.36backblueRoyK: that's why i'm asking for the wav files.
18:04.46RoyKbackblue: then contact digium :P
18:04.56RoyKyou might have to pay for them
18:05.07Qwell[]pay for what?
18:05.24RoyKasterisk sounds in wav format... i don't know
18:05.32Qwell[]didn't Kristian do asterisk-sounds too?
18:06.03sloeberyou can download better sound files on :
18:07.08*** part/#asterisk steveaj (
18:07.51freatsloeber: with 1.2 having "native" music on hold... you know if anyone has provided the music in this native format?
18:08.05backbluesloeber: i dont want native sounds, i want extra sounds.
18:08.08freatnot native... but the raw format whatever that is...
18:08.38sloeberfreat: i don't know sorry
18:08.44freatsloeber: thx
18:09.12sloeberbackblue: u can use 'seak' enguines on the internet... or do the talking yourself... we are doing it to for specific languages
18:09.46sloeber|eatseak = speak sorry
18:09.49backbluesloeber|eat: we are doing that too, but i dont want.
18:09.57sloeber|eathehe lazy ;)
18:10.05sloeber|eathave t eat
18:10.52*** join/#asterisk nagl (
18:11.02freatsloeber|eat:  @home has the calm-river etc converted to wav format
18:14.54*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
18:16.01kink0a question, when Asterisk get i.e. an ISDN CAUSE 34, then generates a SIP 503, right ? but just send to the peer the 503 and never the g931 causes ? right ?
18:16.15*** join/#asterisk file (
18:16.26*** join/#asterisk PMantis (n=pmantis@
18:16.32Qwell[]oh file...
18:16.40Qwell[]nevermind, no singing today
18:17.04*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
18:17.05PMantisIs there a link on to correctly size a box to support * with a # of simultaneous calls, etc?
18:17.15fileQwell[]: hiiiiiiii
18:17.42asteriskmonkeyPMantis: how many uses do you need
18:17.45Qwell[]PMantis: "correctly" no, but there are "guidelines".  do a google search for "asterisk dimensioning"
18:17.55kink0PMantis, that are subject to codec used also.
18:18.08*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
18:18.32*** join/#asterisk fabsoft (
18:19.04PMantisRight now, 10 users 23 channels inbound. Mostly hard wired inbound, low omplression SIP to a channel gateway
18:19.14Qwell[]PMantis: easy
18:19.25Qwell[]ghz at best
18:19.46[TK]D-FenderPMantis : Subject to weather, APR financing approval, transportation and prep, insurances extra, please see your dealer for more details....
18:20.11[TK]D-FenderOAC... never forget that...
18:20.12Seldon1975all your base are belong to me
18:20.20[TK]D-FenderMake your time!!!
18:20.49PMantisI'm recommending a Dual Xeon 2 Ghz w/ 2Gb RAM.. room for expansion, huh? :-)
18:21.11Qwell[]PMantis: yeah...easily :p
18:21.16PMantisNeed queuing, some AGI scripting, MOH
18:22.09[TK]D-Fender2GHZ? buying used hardware?
18:22.27PMantiswellng, bigger is better, of course
18:22.44[TK]D-FenderPMantis : How is it you're going to have more channels than users?
18:22.58PMantisInbound call center with queuing
18:23.12[TK]D-FenderPMantis : figured....
18:23.20PMantisAllow for conferencing, faxing, etc
18:23.34[TK]D-FenderPMantis : Yeah, jsut get a decent xeon server or something.....
18:23.34PMantisRight now, only 11 channels active
18:23.46PMantisok, cool
18:24.00[TK]D-Fendernothing special at all..
18:24.13*** join/#asterisk diclophis (n=diclophi@
18:24.19PMantisI'll still recommend something strong... for longevity
18:24.25[TK]D-FenderSince its internal, use G711 for your phones and the load will be petty.
18:24.39diclophisdo they make 8 pri span cards?
18:24.49Qwell[]diclophis: two cards
18:24.59[TK]D-FenderPMantis : Not too strong, its diminishing returns.  Remember that Astersik scales better with multiple servers than it does with simply BIGGER servers.
18:25.02PMantis[TK]D-Fender, They're plannig to use a 4 port T1 card, just in case of expansion
18:25.05diclophisis that ok to have two cards on one pci bus?
18:25.15Qwell[]diclophis: it isn't all
18:25.33[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis : can work fine depending
18:25.40PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Ahh, that's true. Internal private DUNDi, with multiple servers. hmmm
18:25.41*** join/#asterisk AlexCeli (n=Alex@
18:25.49kink0a question, when Asterisk get i.e. an ISDN CAUSE 34, then generates a SIP 503, right ? but just send to the peer the 503 and never the g931 causes ? right ?
18:26.12[TK]D-FenderPMantis : Your company would have to more than double before you'd even give second thoughts to upgrading anything...
18:27.02blkremedyit was a lot of work but, I have removed all of the *.old files and things are back in order.
18:28.25diclophis[TK]D-Fender depending on what?
18:28.26PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Ok, so a dual isn't necessary at all?
18:28.57heison[TK]D-Fender: i'm still battling with SIP 403 for bidden messages, could you help?
18:29.05*** join/#asterisk joeqread (n=joe@
18:29.13joeqreadhey, anyone awake?
18:29.45hardwiresay is asterisk 1.2.9 out yet?
18:30.01hardwireI was really hoping to not have to update to 1.5.6 until it was really stable
18:30.14joeqreadyou guys know if asterisk has any sort of voice detection available to (E)AGI scripts?
18:30.25hardwireI don't think I was one of the guys that was banging on the walls for more asterisk releases :)
18:30.54joeqreadnot speech recognition, just basic vox
18:31.00blkremedydoes anyone have a work around for a tdm400p FXO module that does not recognize hangup
18:31.05diclophisif its like, 200% better to just have two machines, with 1 card each, than it is to try and hack 2 cards into one machine that doesnt seem unreasonable
18:31.23hardwireits 200% more expensive
18:31.24Qwell[]blkremedy: tried changing the signalling?  I know some do better than others
18:31.27hardwireso thats 200% more better
18:31.48Qwell[]such as ls vs ks
18:32.35Qwell[]diclophis: All I can say is "try it", and if it doesn't know what to do
18:33.05Qwell[]but really, do you want 100% of your 190+ calls going through one box?
18:33.22Qwell[]double that
18:33.23PMantisThanks for all the info guys!!
18:33.26jaigerdiclophis, if you can afford 2 servers, then for a business I'd recommend you go that way so you have decent redundancy
18:33.27Qwell[]no, wait
18:33.29Qwell[]meh :p
18:34.13joeqreadanyone?  even a decent URL on the matter would do...
18:35.03joeqreadalso wondering if anyone has set up anything so that each FXO port can be listened to real-time through a shoutcast server, anyone set anything like that up?
18:35.21asteriskmonkeyblkremedy: try softhangup
18:35.54kink0my peer appears to have problems managing SIP 503 ( congestion ) messages, he ask me if we send a ISDN CAUSE n , but as I see , SIP never sends the q931 causes, right ?
18:36.40salviadudmore better?
18:36.45salviadudjust better
18:36.52*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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18:43.52UdontKnowWARNING[25423]: chan_sip.c:1066 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x775e30 (len 395) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
18:43.54UdontKnowwhats that?
18:44.06tzangerUdontKnow: looks like hte call went away just as it went to transmit
18:44.25UdontKnowwhen I boot asterisk it gives me that
18:44.40|omni|yay.. TAPI dialing
18:44.44UdontKnowI have no firewall rules active, and its a plain blank asterisk config
18:44.55*** part/#asterisk diclophis (n=diclophi@
18:45.58UdontKnowI just added 2 things to asterisk: 1) softphone, 2) wengo service
18:46.28austinnichols101Enth: did you get your nat issue solved?
18:46.32joeqreadis that IP to your softphone?
18:46.39UdontKnowjoeqread: no, to wengo
18:47.12UdontKnowmy softphone runs on 172.16/12 ;)
18:47.27joeqreadhmm.. over my head then, but Bad file descriptor usually means it's trying to read/write to a file/socket that doesn't exist yet, in this case it may not be connected to wengo yet and trying to initiate a stream... check timeouts maybe?
18:47.56hardwirejoeqread: ?
18:48.19joeqreadno idea, sorry..
18:48.36joeqreadoh, hardwire, you talking about my voice detection?
18:48.43hardwirein the agi do a background w/ talk detect
18:48.51hardwiretada.. the function you wanted is now there
18:49.02blkremedy•asteriskmonkey• what's softhangup?
18:49.11hardwireBackgroundDetect() I thought
18:49.16joeqreadis that part of the asterisk distro or is it 3rd-party?
18:49.48UdontKnowjoeqread: I found it
18:49.51caio1982UdontKnow: dont you have to resolve wengo' server name?
18:49.55UdontKnowits the register => line
18:50.04joeqreadwhat was it?
18:50.10UdontKnowdidnt solve it
18:50.17UdontKnowbut commenting register =>
18:50.21UdontKnowstops the error
18:50.48joeqreadbut then you're not connecting to wengo, right?
18:50.50UdontKnowI made wengo work with kphone first
18:50.58caio1982googling for your error msg pointed this out, ok then
18:51.02UdontKnowjoeqread: well, I am not registering with it to receive calls, yes
18:51.39UdontKnowcaio1982: url?
18:53.21hardwirejoeqread: 1.2.x and up definatly.. for that function
18:53.45joeqreadk, thx hardwire, found docs on that, appreciate the help
18:53.55joeqreadany idea on streaming channels to a shoutcast server?
18:54.22joeqreadseems somthing could be rigged up polling the monitor every x seconds, looking for new sessions, then listening in and streaming the output
18:54.36joeqreadbut not sure where to go about getting audio out of the monitor
18:55.17*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
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18:58.36*** join/#asterisk revar (i=[U2FsdGV@
18:59.02revarhi all
18:59.09revarany voicetronix users out there?
18:59.10caio1982UdontKnow: then?
18:59.48revaror anyody who might be able to help me get started with a non zap board and asterisk@home?
19:00.19joeqreadrevar: what's the prob?
19:00.42joeqreadI got voicetronix with ctserver going, might be able to help if it's just a basic driver issue
19:00.54revarvpb is fine
19:01.05revarI have no idea how to get it working with asterisk@home
19:01.25revarie configure asterisk@home to use it as a trunk and incoming lines
19:01.49revarnot sure if I have to abandon AMP or not and go to config files
19:01.57UdontKnowcaio1982: nah, it needed the bind address
19:02.10austinnichols101revar: if you get it going so that asterisk sees it then all AAH is doing is layering AMP on top
19:02.24joeqreadOpenLine 4 card?
19:02.39revarI have my vpb.conf setup properly
19:02.55joeqreadI would set it up as best you can through the web interface, then check the config files closely and see if anything's messed up
19:03.29austinnichols101how does that board appear from the zaptel / zapata level - as a trunk group?
19:03.53UdontKnowIncoming call: Got SIP response 405 "invalid method" back from
19:03.53revardoesnt show up at all automatically
19:04.12joeqreadyou check this yet?
19:04.39revaryeah, but it wan't very helpful as to exactly how to get it talking to asterisk
19:04.51revarjust the basic config file setup
19:05.12austinnichols101All you should need from the AAH/AMP side is to add a trunk from the GUI and that group is going to have an 'zap identifier (trunk name) of 'g0' or whatever group number it's listed as in zaptel/zapata
19:05.19joeqreadk, so you do an lsmod and you see the driver running, you already got vpb.conf set up, but you can't call in or do anything with it?
19:06.03stack_Anyone have a problem faxing through an ATA box?
19:06.23Qwell[]stack_: daily
19:06.26revarive seen some examples where people have the vpb in thier dial plan
19:06.35austinnichols101revar: what are your zapata.conf entries for that board?
19:06.42*** join/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
19:06.43stack_Qwell[], so it doesn't work well at all?
19:06.49Qwell[]not really, no
19:06.56revarlike Dial(vpb/1-9/${VBP}XXXXXXXXXX
19:07.10DaminAnyone care to put on their SIP Goggles for a second and tell me why I am an idiot?
19:07.14stack_well that sucks...
19:07.15revarbut I was hoping to not edit all of my extensions and use AMP
19:07.25austinnichols101revar: no - zapata.conf
19:08.06revarI should be looking at settings in zapata.conf?
19:08.31austinnichols101I'm just tracing it back from there (probably someone more experienced in here could do it in a better way)
19:09.06austinnichols101specifically need to know what group it's a part of
19:09.14austinnichols101then all you do is set up the corresponding group in amp
19:09.26*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
19:09.28austinnichols101only AMP calls it 'trunk'
19:09.49UdontKnow -- ideas?
19:10.11austinnichols101IOW, you should be able to just go in and create a zap trunk called vpb and then start using it in your dialplan
19:10.27austinnichols101if that dial string you gave earlier actually works
19:10.44octothorpe_Damin:  happy to call you an idiot anytime (jk)
19:10.50*** join/#asterisk steve___ (
19:11.13revarcreate a zap trunk via the zapata.conf?
19:11.46austinnichols101try this - go into AMP and select 'setup/trunks/add a zap trunk
19:11.53revarok cool
19:11.59Qwell[]it isn't zap though, is it?
19:12.08austinnichols101the last entry on the page is zap identifier and stick in vpb
19:12.42austinnichols101that's what I don't know for sure, but I thought all of the physically installed boards end up with the zap driver layer on top of them
19:13.20austinnichols101leave everything else blank
19:13.47revarnow have ZAP/vpb
19:14.00austinnichols101then go to setup/outbound routing and create a route with dial pattern 8|. that points to your trunk
19:14.16austinnichols101then dial 8 and the number and see what happens.
19:14.31austinnichols101that should put all of the basics you need into the dialplan so that you can troubleshoot from there
19:16.17*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
19:16.44pifiuhey everyone
19:16.49pifiuqwell my favorite person here lol
19:16.56Qwell[]shh, I'm sleeping
19:17.19pifiulet me ask you guys something
19:17.27Qwell[]sure, but it might cost ya
19:17.32pifiuin just general nothing detailed
19:17.41pifiubut could asterisk be setup to call a customer to tell them their order is ready?
19:17.58pifiuare there plugins someone has developed for them?
19:18.04Qwell[]no plugins needed
19:18.10pifiuoh yeah how?
19:18.12Qwell[]just a .call file, or the manager interface
19:18.17pifiujust very broadly without going into details though
19:18.26pifiuoh but thats with a@h?
19:18.39pifiuwhat is the "manager interface"?
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19:18.59Qwell[]something to manage * with
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19:19.09austinnichols101something to search google with :-)
19:19.32pifiuoh how come ive never heard of it?
19:19.36pifiuis ti new?
19:19.42pifiuwtf lol cant be
19:19.59pifiuoh but its a plugin
19:20.05pifiuits not part of *
19:20.18Qwell[]yes it is
19:20.28pifiuthe manager interface or .call?
19:20.38pifiuwow i must be ignorant
19:20.46pifiulet me take a look at that
19:20.52Qwell[]blitzrage: we need to go drinking at von
19:20.52pifiubut its basically a web gui control panel?
19:20.53blitzragestop using a@h and learn * for real! :)
19:20.59blitzrageQwell[]: actually, I quit drinking
19:21.00pifiuim not using a@h
19:21.10blitzrageQwell[]: believe it or not
19:21.14pifiuthats why i asked if that was a a@h plugin or something
19:21.30Qwell[]well then
19:21.34pifiuok so let me google this
19:21.39pifiuasterisk manager interface
19:22.00blitzrageQwell[]: and I quit smoking too
19:22.03revaraustinnichols - I only am setup for incoming calls, can you help me test that?
19:22.09Qwell[]smoking sucks :P
19:22.24blitzrageQwell[]: yah, luckily I wasn't smoking cigarettes anymore -- I had already quit those a few months ago
19:22.28Daminblitzrage: You quit drinking???????
19:22.32Daminblitzrage: WOW!
19:22.34blitzrageDamin: yah... :)
19:22.34pifiuthanks qwell, let me check it out
19:22.37pifiuso its pretty basic then
19:22.38austinnichols101revar: can you explain further?
19:22.42Qwell[]Damin: who am I gonna go drink with?!
19:22.43Daminblitzrage: Is this the same as when I said I stopped drinking?
19:22.53blitzrageDamin: no -- this is for real :)
19:23.07revarso I've got two lines on my openline 4 attached with analog lines and no extensions
19:23.15blitzrageDamin: I had 2 beers last weekend... other than that, I haven't really drank in like... 3 weeks
19:23.17russellbblitzrage: w00t
19:23.24trelane`has anyone considered fixing the Snom360 SIP Register issue?
19:23.26revarI guess I want to try to get the openline to answer theline
19:23.28blitzragerussellb: today is day 1 for not smoking :)
19:23.43russellbnice man
19:23.45revarwhen I call one of the two lines attached
19:23.52blitzragecan't wait to get rid of this 'fog'
19:24.06austinnichols101revar: what happens now?
19:24.14revarno answer
19:24.16russellbblitzrage: you'll be a new man
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19:24.29blitzragerussellb: aye -- hopefully I don't go insane :D
19:24.34austinnichols101connect up to the cli and see what it shows
19:24.40Daminblitzrage: Next, you'll need to get off the heroin!
19:24.43Qwell[]ooo, that kind...
19:24.47Qwell[]yeah, quitting smoking is no fun :p
19:24.50blitzrageDamin: lol
19:25.16austinnichols101qwell: I quit chewing last october and had that hung over feeling for almost two weeks
19:25.31revarcli the flash panel?
19:25.56austinnichols101revar: no.  on your asterisk box, type asterisk -r and you can see the debug stuff about the calls
19:25.58blitzrageoh yah ... and I shaved my head last night as my "new beginning"
19:26.19blitzrageI look wierd with no hair :D
19:26.28justnulling2any 7960 gurus here?
19:26.33Qwell[]justnulling2: sccp?
19:27.09revarno activity on the cli when I dial in
19:27.31revaran when I look at flash panel trunks is empty
19:27.36revarshould it show vpb?
19:28.09revarbbl thanks for your help austin!!
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19:28.14austinnichols101this is where I'm lost with that particular board.  I've never used one and everything we've done so far assumes that the board is exposed to asterisk via zap
19:28.27austinnichols101it's ok - thanks for bearing with me as I'm learning myself
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19:29.05justnulling2qwell[]: no idea what it has now trying to flash it for sip but get application error and all bottons are locked
19:29.24austinnichols101revar: were you actually able to use a staqnd-alone dial statement to call?
19:29.48austinnichols101revar: here it is:
19:29.52kink0my peer appears to have problems managing SIP 503 ( congestion ) messages, he ask me if we send a ISDN CAUSE n , but as I see , SIP never sends the q931 causes, right ?
19:29.57MGSsanchoi cant decide if phonesecks is more fun over voip or pstn
19:30.02austinnichols101so instead of a zap trunk we need to set it up as a custom trunk in AMP
19:30.10Qwell[]MGSsancho: in person
19:30.16Qwell[]or, over voip, with video
19:30.24MGSsanchooh baby dont teawse my iptables hehehehe
19:30.40MGSsancholike convention vs voip over phone of course
19:31.25MGSsanchoone time talking to my gf on the phone and it was getting dirty talk. then i said i wanted sip in my zaptel.conf
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19:31.36MGSsanchoyeah one way to ruin a moment
19:31.50MGSsanchobut i'll stop now cuz ur having a serious convo
19:32.05jsharpOhyeahbaby....twiddle my bits with your clock.
19:32.15Qwell[]mmm, zap timing
19:32.33justnulling2qwell[]: i get protocol application invalid, and it is not asking any files on tftp, any ideas how to flash it?
19:32.50Qwell[]justnulling2: You could try doing a factory reset
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19:33.07justnulling2qwell[]: how do i do that?
19:33.26Qwell[]there are instructions on - google them up
19:33.35MGSsanchohahaha jsharp
19:34.03jsharpHold down # as it powers up, then dial 123456789*0#
19:34.11jsharpThat'll factory reset it.
19:34.26justnulling2jsharp: thanks
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19:34.50gambolputtyIn *, is there a way to get the number of rows of a result set in advance from a mysql select statement?
19:35.07justnulling2qwell[] google said to go to settings then press 3 then 3 or something but my keyboard is locked so that didn't work let me try jsharp method
19:35.12Qwell[]gambolputty: select count(*) fr..
19:35.14_Sam--how would you know the number of rows before you select?
19:35.23Qwell[]jsharp's method is right
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19:36.24justnulling2cool it is reset :)
19:36.29justnulling2thanks guys
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19:39.33innosenthaving a problem with FreePBX/asterisk when calling extensions or using a queue.  Queues are dropping calls after 5 seconds, and dialparties.agi is returning with no extensions to call when you call an extension that is available
19:39.36innosentany help?
19:40.36innosentThis is a fresh install on CentOS 4.2 amd64
19:42.00stack_how reliable is the iaxmodem with hylafax?  Anyone using this?
19:43.09rsafHello. i've problem with Asterisk. I'm registered to SIP provider, when someone call from outside, inside phone rings and can speak... but when inside phone hungup it rings again and can speak with caller again !
19:43.50rsafthe first call dones't hungup correctly
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19:48.47nettieHey guys, anyone know how to start the voicemail without any voice prompt please? I need just the beep..
19:49.40eric_hillFYI, I got the PRI span set up by using ERB_ESF_ROBBED_B8ZS instead of ECB_ESF_CLEAR_B8ZS and forcing the span to remote-clock.
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19:49.52[TK]D-Fendernettie : Voicemail(s[box])
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19:50.21nettieGREAT! thanx a lot TK
19:50.38DaveCanoeI have a tough problem.  call comes into asterisk #1 (on IAX).  It answers it, plays a sound, and the Dials another asterisk server IAX-wise.  Asterisk #2, 'answers' the call and calls an AGI that does a fancy IVR.  AGI calls the get digit function and it seems to never hear the DTMF.  I've verified that RFC DTMF is passed from #1 to #2 in the packets (and I even tried inband DTMF, but it didn't work either).  The same script works if it is dialed di
19:51.17DaveCanoeThis behaviour holds true wether notransfer is yes _or_ no.
19:51.30HmmhesaysChuck Norris has the greatest Poker-Face of all time. He won the 1983 World Series of Poker, despite holding only a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
19:51.56tzangerHmmhesays: you're reading the chuck norris page... awesome
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19:52.10tzangerDaveCanoe: what codec?
19:52.14tzanger(between #1 and #2)
19:52.18DaveCanoeall g.711
19:52.30nettieTK, works great :)
19:52.32Hmmhesaysi haven't been to it in awhile
19:52.46tzangerDaveCanoe: what version of asterisk?
19:52.47HmmhesaysChuck Norris and Mr. T walked into a bar. The bar was instantly destroyed, as that level of awesome cannot be contained in one building.
19:53.15DaveCanoefull media path is Granstream 2000 (sip) -> Asterisk #0 IAX -> asterisk #1 (answers, plays sound, then DIAL IAX) -> asterisk #2 (answers, calls agi)
19:53.36DaveCanoeactually #4 is 1.2.4
19:53.36Qwell[]lynx friendly?
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19:53.51DaveCanoe#0, rather, can't type
19:53.57DaveCanoe#1 and #2 are 1.2.3
19:54.22DaveCanoeintended media path replaces grandstream with cisco 5300
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19:57.22HmmhesaysLOL, i just found a video of chuck norris reading off those facts
19:58.44tzangerChuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.
19:59.23HmmhesaysChuck Norris once walked into a burger king and ordered a big mac... He got it
20:00.09*** part/#asterisk pcm (
20:00.14tzangerChuck Norris once bet NASA he could survive re-entry without a spacesuit. On July 19th, 1999, a naked Chuck Norris re-entered the earth's atmosphere, streaking over 14 states and reaching a temperature of 3000 degrees. An embarrassed NASA publically claimed it was a meteor, and still owes him a beer.
20:00.21`SauronThat's old
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20:00.54tzangerChuck Norris can hit you so hard that he can actually alter your DNA. Decades from now your descendants will occasionally clutch their heads and yell "What The Hell was That?"
20:00.55jsharpSomeone replaced "Chuck Norris" with "Jack Bauer" for a bunch of those.
20:01.04cthompsonEach night, before he goes to bed, the Boogeyman checks under his bed for Chuck Norris
20:01.14Hmmhesayschuck Norris CAN slam a revolving door
20:01.20tzangeryeah I like that one
20:01.31redondosShould the zaptel kernel module create the /dev/zap node?
20:01.44cthompsonChuck Norris' tears can cure cancer. Unfortunately, Chuck Norris never cries.
20:02.52AlricWhat is with this? I didn't hear any of this for years, and then in the last two weeks everyone I talk to seems to be spouting Chuck Norris facts.
20:03.07mog_workits a mob thing AlexCeli
20:03.10mog_workerr Alric
20:03.17mog_workit will fade in a few months
20:03.20mog_workbut it is funny
20:03.35AlricIts only funny if you haven't heard the cancer one 1.53x10^235 times :)
20:03.54I-MODChuck Norris is all funny all the time :)
20:03.59Juggieyou cant make chuck norris dead, you can only make him angry
20:04.20cthompsonWe're all individuals.
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20:05.23HmmhesaysAccording to Einstein's theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday.
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20:05.41tzangerI saw the site a couple months back but it wasn't popular yet
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20:06.18DaveCanoetzanger: any other thoughts?
20:06.34tzangerno...  I remember hearing something about RTP DTMF problems but you said you went inband too
20:07.07DaveCanoewas that version specific?
20:07.45DaminAll your base are belong to us!
20:07.58tzangerheh that's still funny IMO
20:08.06tzangerDaveCanoe: I don't recall; I never had the issues
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20:09.25asteriskmonkeyanyone had issue with rx spilling into tx and vice versa?
20:10.02hardwirehow do bits spill
20:10.21Assidjust curious.. if i have box 1 on IAX and box2 on IAX and box3 on IAX.. and if a person calls box 3 VIA box 2  from box1, will the ip of box3 show on box1 as connecting? and will the CDR on box2 show the actual talk time between box1 and box2 ?
20:10.28asteriskmonkeydont know i run zt monitor and millitwatt or a call to the co test line and it spills
20:10.40jsharpMine leak out of the ethernet cable all the time.
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20:12.11Assidanyone know?
20:12.20jsharpIt should show the actual talk time.
20:13.03Assidbut normally in iax.. calls would interconnect box1-box3
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20:13.10Assidand then box2 would disapppear from the picture
20:13.39jsharpYou'd still get call signalling to box 2.
20:13.46jsharpCall setup and teardown messages.
20:14.27Assidwhat about the ip
20:14.35Assidwill box1 know box3 is connecting to it?
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20:15.40joeqreadanyone know if you can have the same Meet-me conference room on multiple servers, each server taking a limited number of calls for that room then sharing that room's audio between each server?
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20:16.19mog_workyes you can joeqread
20:17.31jsharpAssid: I don't know.
20:17.46joeqreadsweet, can you sum very generally how or maybe send me a URL to instructions?
20:18.04joeqreadI don't need specifics, just what I need in order to do it, evaluating a project requirement only at the moment
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20:18.43[TK]D-Fenderjoeqread : you can have someone call both conferences and confrence them on the phone.... thats a cheap way...
20:19.22joeqreadno, need somthing automatic and scalable
20:19.41joeqreaddon't wanna train someone to bridge two servers together, then chance they'll mess up if I drop in a third
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20:19.51SuPrSluGi'm having a voicemail issue. when 7 is pressed to delete the message it moves the message to the Old folder. Any ideas?
20:20.52SuPrSluGwhy is the message is not deleted?
20:21.02jsharpjoeqread:  You can have Asterisk autocall the other meet-me room through a .call file that gets automagically created.
20:21.45joeqreadjsharp: that's prone to failure too if the other meet-me room is already full
20:23.41fgomes[TK]D-Fender: You sent me an answer hours ago... but I have to urgently connect to a customer site.
20:23.57fgomesI had, I mean.
20:24.20jsharpA full meetme room?
20:24.27[TK]D-FenderGod I hate that word ..."automagically" ... a word used mostly by people who still think computers require witchcraft to understand....
20:24.30fgomes[TK]D-Fender: It was about zapata.conf: Disconnect detectiong on analog is also a PITA... get rid of your signalling line in there and change to fxsks.
20:25.30joeqreadjsharp: yes, don't you specify a room limit?
20:25.53HmmhesaysThe pie scene in "American Pie" is based on a dare Chuck Norris took when he was younger. However, in Chuck Norris' case, the "pie" was the molten crater of an active volcano.
20:26.43[TK]D-Fenderfgomes : ok, so go do it now :)
20:26.52jsharpI never have...but I suppose you could, but if you specify a room limit, I'm sure you could make exceptions.
20:28.06kink0[TK]D-Fender, can you give me some help ? my peer gets 503 SIP, but they see then 63 ISDN CAUSE, while they with other peer when get 503 then see a 34 ISDN cause
20:28.40kink0myAsterisk -> SIP 503 -> they see SIP 503, q931 63
20:28.41joeqreadjsharp: how do you make exceptions to room limits?  Meetme's config seemed a tad lacking in that respect
20:28.52nettie[TK]D-Fender just got my ivr messages recorded :) do you have any hints on IVR, welcome auto-operator please? if I start from scratch it works but I really like to see what other people do to improve my setup and explore deeply.. any idea pls? thanx
20:28.55fgomes[TK]D-Fender: I was using fxsks before without good results... I'm in Brazil... not sure about telco standards. Can you quickly exapalin
20:28.57kink0otherpeer -> SIP 503 -> they see SIP 503, 1931 34
20:30.15jsharpjoeqread:  Just looking at the meetme stuff, you'd probably end up doing the conference limiting in the dialplan, not in the room you could set up a special extension to let you dial into the conference without worrying about whether it was full or not.
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20:32.13heison[TK]D-Fender: found the problem with my SIP provider...
20:32.26[TK]D-Fenderfgomes : You'll have to check what kind of disconnect signalling your area and telco support.  I suggest you also look up "disconnect detection" on the WIKI
20:32.34[TK]D-Fenderheison : what was it?
20:32.37kpettitanybody point me to a good OpenVPN/Astersik tutorial?
20:32.53Hmmhesayswhy do you need a tutorial for openvpn
20:33.04heisontheir "version" of the softphone, secretly append a string to the end of the username
20:33.06kpettitI have some remote phones that i want to go through OpenVPN on a Linksys router to a OpenVPN/Asterisk machine
20:33.29jsharpSet up openvpn first, get packets flowing, then make the asterisk part work.
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20:33.54kpettitthe LInksys has 1 IP and I have 5 phones that need to go through that to get to my PBX.  I'm sure NAT will screw it up so VPN sounds like the best way to go.  But I new to VPN's on linux
20:34.46kpettitOpenVPN is already installed on my */Gentoo box , and the OpenVPN client is setup on my Linksys router.  It's just doing the configs and such Ineed help with
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20:37.25asteriskmonkeygot asterisk on my linksys router :)
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20:38.45mog_workheh your a light weight asteriskmonkey i have asterisk running on my dead badger
20:39.21fugitivoon this
20:39.27[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : You'd be running if you were on a dead badger too!
20:39.49cpmI got some asterisk on my pants, now I have to go wash up
20:41.10redondosI'm trying to configure asterisk@home with an x100p card, using X-lite I connect to it and dial something that matches a route that I've se tup. I always get a "all circuits are busy" message.
20:41.16redondosWhat might be happening?
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20:42.24[TK]D-Fenderredondos : pastebin the full CLI of your call attempt with "set verbose 10"
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20:43.32asteriskmonkeyyes well i have asterisk running on my lego controller
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20:43.40CunningPikeIs anyone having trouble compiling zaptel on the latest RHEL kernel?
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20:44.17twisted[asteria]hmm.. drawing a blank
20:44.21mog_workasteriskmonkey, you call it astleg?
20:44.22redondos[TK]D-Fender: Forgive my stupidit,I'm really new at this. Are you talking about asterisk's output or x-lite's?
20:44.32DaveCanoeI have a tough problem.  call comes into asterisk #1 (on IAX).  It answers it, plays a sound, and the Dials another asterisk server IAX-wise.  Asterisk #2, 'answers' the call and calls an AGI that does a fancy IVR.  AGI calls the get digit function and it seems to never hear the DTMF.  I've verified that RFC DTMF is passed from #1 to #2 in the packets (and I even tried inband DTMF, but it didn't work either).  The same script works if it is dialed di
20:44.32DaveCanoerectly.  <---- adding more strangeness to this report.  Everything works if I send a digit within the first second of audio.  If I don't send a digit in the first second, it will never recognise digits.
20:44.43asteriskmonkeyi call my asterisk update script :D
20:45.06twisted[asteria]and that's why you never get any :)
20:45.17twisted[asteria]DaveCanoe, IAX's dtmf is all out of band
20:45.23asteriskmonkeytwisted: you ever heard of rx spilling into tx when doing a call from the test line at a co?
20:45.25DaveCanoeI know that.
20:45.52DaveCanoeI see it  in the packets.  the #2 asterisk just doesn't seem to pass it to the script (now ... I discover, unless there is a tone in the 1st second of the call)
20:45.53twisted[asteria]asteriskmonkey, you mean like crosstalk?
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20:46.31twisted[asteria]DaveCanoe, are you natively transferring the iax call to the 2nd box so that it takes box A out of the loop?
20:47.03asteriskmonkeytwisted: same happens with milliwatt just vise versa.. dont know if its cross talk im using ztmonitor -vv mode :P
20:47.16fgomes[TK]D-Fender: yes. I was having this problem on the beginning: line stays connected after the other party drops. Thanks!
20:47.20redondos[TK]D-Fender: Really,m please tell me what output you were expecting.
20:47.34twisted[asteria]asteriskmonkey, analog lines, right?
20:47.36justinuwoohoo... new laptop on it's way!
20:47.39DaveCanoetwisted: yes
20:47.47twisted[asteria]sounds like crosstalk to me
20:47.47asteriskmonkeytwisted : sorry no a pri
20:47.52DaveCanoewell... I've tried both notransfer=yes and notransfer=no
20:47.55asteriskmonkeyPRI on a te406
20:48.14twisted[asteria]DaveCanoe, try it without allowing the reinvited stream
20:48.25twisted[asteria]DaveCanoe, well, not reinvited, but native transfer
20:48.37twisted[asteria]DaveCanoe, the time in whcih the dtmf will pass is about the amount of time it takes to hand off the call
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20:48.53Lino`is there any possibility to use nortel meridian phones with asterisk?
20:49.08[TK]D-Fenderredondos : pastebin the * CLI output of an attempted call.
20:49.09asteriskmonkeytwisted[asteria]: can you get cross talk on a pri?
20:49.12redondos[TK]D-Fender: Embarrassing... here's the output:
20:49.33octothorpeLino': I've heard of it
20:49.38twisted[asteria]asteriskmonkey, no, but if you're converting it to analog at any point, it could be getting it
20:49.40AlricLino`: Seems like I heard someone saying something about nortel meridian integration, a long, long time ago.  I think it was a personal project though.
20:49.53Lino`ok that must be hard. i don't want it then.
20:49.59[TK]D-Fenderredondos : Line # 43 is BAD!  You defined your trunk improperly.
20:50.05jsharpThere's a gateway that lets you convert 24 Meridian phones to SIP, but its $3000.
20:50.08[TK]D-Fenderoops, #42
20:50.09octothorpelino:  check out google
20:50.15jbotit has been said that google is a search engine found at
20:50.21twisted[asteria]jsharp, got the link to that?  i've had a customer looking for one of those
20:50.32Lino`i know google
20:50.35Lino`i already googled
20:50.38asteriskmonkeytwisted[asteria]: co (less than 100ft away) => pri => te406 => asterisk => sip/iax devices i dont see anywhere in that path i could be getting crosstalk
20:50.48Lino`yeah i know that stuff
20:50.48redondos[TK]D-Fender: What could I have done wrong?
20:50.50Lino`i don't like it
20:50.58[TK]D-Fenderjsharp : its $2332 at atacomm
20:51.04twisted[asteria]jsharp, many thanks... i couldn't remember what it was called, i'd seen it before, and told customer about it, but forgot what it was..
20:51.10DaveCanoetwisted: now it never accepts a digit
20:51.24octothorpelino':  not to easy of a project it seems
20:51.30twisted[asteria]asteriskmonkey, hmm... yeah, that's strange.
20:51.36Lino`yeah thats why i dont like it
20:51.38redondos[TK]D-Fender: What's wrong about that line you pasted?
20:51.40[TK]D-Fenderredondos : You are the one who typed in "Telephonica" somewhere... find out where... is that a VoIP provider?  Because it looks like you tried setting it up as TDM.
20:51.41twisted[asteria]asteriskmonkey, all 4 ports exhibit this behavior?
20:51.48Lino`i'll rather recommend buying a stack of new cisco sccp phones or something like that
20:51.57asteriskmonkeytwisted[asteria]: yes ive tried a te110p aswell
20:52.07DaveCanoeSeems like this is easy to replicate: asterisk #1 "answers" and plays a sound calls asterisk #2 and plays a sound.  I'm not even using the ivr.  It doesn't go to the '1' exention even though I'm pressing '1'
20:52.12AlricPerhaps this weekend...
20:52.15twisted[asteria]asteriskmonkey, if you've tried multiple hardware, i'd be willing to bet the CO is doing something funky...
20:52.32redondos[TK]D-Fender: BTW, this isn't VoIP, I'm trying to use an FX0 card, so I can I can use POTS.
20:52.46Lino`sccp is good
20:52.49*** join/#asterisk fu3 (
20:52.54twisted[asteria]DaveCanoe, you're using Background() to play that sound outside the ivr, right?
20:53.04octothorpeAlric:  sccp is not too hard
20:53.12[TK]D-Fenderredondos : Well go find out where you put "Telephonica" INTO amp, AND THATS THE SECTION YOU NEED TO FIX.
20:53.14twisted[asteria]sccp is fairly easy
20:53.24asteriskmonkeytwisted[asteria]: ive had the co test for echo and they found nothing they said is there something else i should ask them to check? also once my rx/tx are set to 14500 (not gains but measurements dtmf stops working properly)
20:53.29Qwell[]sccp is fun
20:53.36redondos[TK]D-Fender: I know where I put it, but what's wrong about it?
20:53.37[av]banisccp kicks your dog
20:53.40jbothmm... sccp is Proprietary protocol used between Cisco Call Manager and Cisco VOIP phones. Also supported by some other vendors.  Also Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP), a routing protocol in SS7 protocol suite in layer 4, provides end-to-end routing for TCAP messages to their proper database.
20:54.00[TK]D-Fenderredondos thats not a valid way to name a channel interface.
20:54.25redondos[TK]D-Fender: Oh, I see.
20:54.28*** join/#asterisk cypromis (
20:54.32redondos[TK]D-Fender: It should be numeric, shouldn't it?
20:54.35[av]banisccp will abduct your children and put them in cages for display in a traveling circuis
20:54.35DaveCanoebackground, yes
20:54.39twisted[asteria]asteriskmonkey, i'm all shrugs at this point..  you have strangeness.
20:54.42twisted[asteria]DaveCanoe, k, just checking ;)
20:54.54redondos[TK]D-Fender: All right, it worked. Thank sa bunch.
20:54.56AlricIts not a lack of the chan_sccp channel, its a lack of manhours :)
20:55.14twisted[asteria]good luck guys
20:55.48DaveCanoeI've developed about 4000 lines of python for a complex dialaround application for a client.  This is the crucial payment bit.  The end problem is to interrupt the call and send it to the ivr.  The ivr is running on a different server because asterisk completely refuses to play a sound after a call has hit it's timout limit.
20:55.52[TK]D-Fenderredondos : What # were you trying to dial for your test?
20:55.59octothorpealric:  manhours?  how many phones are we talking about?
20:56.01DaveCanoe... but it will dial another thing.
20:56.09AlricIts testing, not using.
20:56.21octothorpealric:  I got sccp up it about 15 minutes
20:56.49DaveCanoeso I have it dail the backup asterisk box (right now) and send the call to it.  This works --- sound plays, but the DTMF is screwed somehow --- which is curious because I can see the DTMF going across in the IAX packets.
20:58.30*** part/#asterisk CunningPike (
20:59.58prongilsanyone with experience getting dial-up credit card processing machines working on VOIP using Sipura 2100 ATAs?
21:00.40jsharpModems + voip are hit or miss.
21:00.53prongilsjust like fax then :(
21:00.58prongilswell T.38 works nice
21:01.04jsharpfax == modem
21:01.27stack_I'm attempting to use 'iaxmodem', but I get "Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability 0x40/0x4c incompatible with our capability 0xff03."  Anyone know what this means?
21:01.40prongilshmmm maybe I'll play with the settings on the Sipura 2100 then :(
21:02.34jsharpTry different codecs.
21:02.40jsharpThat's what will eat you.
21:02.45*** part/#asterisk Alric (
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21:02.48redondos[TK]D-Fender: The number was 110.
21:02.48*** join/#asterisk Alric (
21:02.53redondos[TK]D-Fender: It works now, so thank you.
21:03.00prongilsjsharp: k thanks
21:03.08redondos[TK]D-Fender: I am ysing X-Lite to connect to asterisk, is there anything better?
21:03.33octothorperedondos, yes
21:03.59redondosWhat, octothorpe ?
21:04.02justinua real phone
21:04.21octothorperedondos, windows, mac, or linux?
21:04.21mog_workoctothorpe,  is the pound key on a phone
21:04.21redondosLike.. any phone?
21:04.25mog_workoctothorpe, is the real name
21:04.28justinusoftphones tend to make a bad impression
21:04.28redondosoctothorpe: Windows and Linux
21:04.43mog_workoops i misread that as what is octothorpe
21:04.44justinuredondos: one of the polycom IP series
21:04.50octothorperedondos, for windows I prefer idefisk
21:05.08GerbilWrkAnyone familiar with a Lucent TNT connecting to an Asterisk box mind explaining how they physically connect?
21:05.11redondosAwesome, dling now.
21:05.49octothorperedondos, for linux, I am not sure (no softphone on linux for me)
21:05.54Lino`what is the default extension for agent login logout? (a@h)
21:06.10Lino`giving a queue number 100
21:06.31*** join/#asterisk windowsrefund (
21:06.42octothorperedondos, idefisk:
21:06.47*** join/#asterisk jets (i=jetsnoc@
21:07.07windowsrefundis it possible to use asterisk and completely bypass a phone provider?
21:07.24Qwell[]windowsrefund: only if you call other people who don't have phones
21:07.42*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
21:07.56windowsrefundthose maggots
21:08.40fu3imagine that
21:08.41octothorpewindowsrefund:  asterisk to asterisk is cool, but to reach PSTN you must use a provider
21:08.45fu3providing a service in exchange for money
21:08.47fu3fuck that
21:09.16fu3we *could*
21:09.22windowsrefundthe providers don't provide a service, they provide misery
21:09.24fu3if everyone would simply say "i no longer value currency"
21:09.29fu3but EVERYONE has to do that
21:09.37fu3and then we have to agree not to simply overindulge ourselves
21:09.55octothorpefu3:  not gonna happen methinks
21:10.02fu3not in this life time.
21:10.27fu3heh.. its crazy. all these wars, and fighting.. its all for control over the same oppressive systems.
21:10.36fu3i need to work on this T1.. not rant
21:10.43fu3so.. sorry :)
21:10.56octothorpeHave fun with your T1
21:11.00fu3i am!
21:11.07fu3i just got my sangoma a104d
21:11.13octothorpenice card
21:11.16fu3i just got my DID numbers..
21:11.22jsharpparty time!
21:11.23fu3now ive got to tackle asterisk
21:11.23octothorpewith EC I assume
21:11.34fu3$2345.64 :)
21:11.38octothorpenothing but the best for you
21:11.52fu3its not for me.. its for my end users.
21:12.07octothorpethey are lucky to get such good equipment
21:12.16fu3am I picking up on sarcasm? :)
21:12.25octothorpenot at all
21:12.40fu3oh.. well thanks :)  I'm glad to hear the card is well liked.
21:13.33octothorpeenjoy, it will save you headaches later
21:14.15fu3im counting on that
21:15.27FuriousGeorgea school has me looking into a paging system
21:16.04octothorpeFuriousGeorge:  that sound fun
21:16.31FuriousGeorgethe only thing i cant figure out is how am i gonna replace physical switches for logic in the dialplan
21:16.37FuriousGeorgepage a and C but not B or D
21:17.04octothorpeor maybe a variation on ring-groups
21:17.21justinufu3: your card cost more than my laptop :P
21:17.31justinubig spender
21:17.47FuriousGeorgei can also have an extension that asks for a list of extension to page
21:18.02[TK]D-FenderI couold buy 4 lapotops for that price....
21:18.03fu3thank the taxpayers of the state of minnesota
21:18.17octothorpeFuriousGeorge: explain more please
21:18.21justinu[TK]D-Fender: you must buy shitty laptops :P
21:19.08[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : I said I *could* buy that many, not that I'd CHOOSE those :)
21:19.26justinui just ordered a thinkpad x60s
21:19.31justinu2gig ram, 100gig drive
21:19.38[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : I'd need the next up model with DVDrw and double the ram which would then be comfortable...
21:19.39octothorpeQwell never misses a beat
21:19.39FuriousGeorgeoctothorpe: *9 is page all *100 is page first floor, *200 is page second floor, *XXX is page only that extension, and *99 will prompt the user for a list of extensions where he can put in *100, *201, *109
21:19.50[TK]D-FenderSo 3 decent laptops then :)
21:19.56Qwell[]octothorpe: That's what happens when you don't ever sleep
21:19.59octothorpecool, that should work
21:20.14fu3in zaptel.conf  i dont understand this LBO option
21:20.15justinudual laver DVDrw
21:20.22Zodiacalanyone know why xlite's transfer button is disabled?
21:20.26fu3is that the distance between where my T1 enters teh building, to the PBX?
21:20.30justinubecause they want to you to buy eyebeam
21:20.30Qwell[]Zodiacal: It's in the pay version
21:20.32fu3or from the PBX to the Channel Bank?
21:20.37Zodiacalqwell ahh
21:20.45jsharpfu3: Both.
21:20.57Zodiacalqwell so i can't even press like #ext to transfer either?
21:21.02Qwell[]nope :p
21:21.10jsharpSet the LBO according to your cable length.
21:21.10Zodiacalbut its free
21:21.14Zodiacalqwell thanks!
21:21.23fu3cable length between what though?
21:21.29FuriousGeorge~seen schmaltz
21:21.33jboti haven't seen 'schmaltz', FuriousGeorge
21:21.49jsharpBetween your T1 card and the channel bank and between your T1 card and your provider's smartjack.
21:22.11fu3ahhhh ok!
21:22.15fu3yeah.. that makes sense.
21:22.23fu3I dont have a CB
21:22.29fu3but I do know what I think is the smartjack.
21:22.38FuriousGeorgeanyone know of ANALOG phones with autanswer mode AND hands free
21:22.58jsharpsmartjack == wherever the telco hands your your circuit.
21:23.11FuriousGeorge~seen shmaltz
21:23.13jbotshmaltz <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 5h 35m 16s ago, saying: 'rene-, try it and tell us'.
21:23.36fu3ok..  I think thats way longer than 655 feet :/
21:23.43fu3well maybe not.
21:24.15fu3fudge.. i have no real idea how far that is.
21:24.40jsharpits that far?
21:24.48fu3I didnt work here when they installed the conduit that goes from my server room to the head end.
21:25.21fu3well i'm going to specify option 3, and experiment from there.
21:25.32*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=jj@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
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21:28.10[ProB]CrazyManquestion ... what should tell me this ... app_rxfax.c:335 rxfax_exec: Unable to restore write format
21:28.12Qwell[]so, anybody sell their soul to go to VON next week?
21:28.29HmmhesaysNo but I think i'll add to my dead hooker collection
21:28.32mog_workyou are selling out for skinny Qwell that is if you want a place to sleep
21:28.42jsharpNot after getting 40 or 50 spams from Pulver about it.
21:29.02tzangerdead hooker collection?  are you Robert Pickton?
21:29.23Hmmhesaysi wish I got that reference cause it bet it would have been funny
21:30.24tzangergoogle for him
21:30.28Hmmhesaysyep, google confirmed it
21:30.29tzangerI'm sure he's all over google
21:30.30Hmmhesaysit was funny
21:30.44*** join/#asterisk exonic (n=exonic@
21:31.00Hmmhesaysfreaking drop C tunings
21:31.04exonicDoes everyone tend to configure seperate user and peer sections for iax connections? I can't get it to cleaning work using type=friend
21:31.18tzangerHmmhesays: hahaha
21:31.19tzangerdrop C?
21:31.22tzangerthat's a low drop
21:31.30Hmmhesaysyou play tzanger?
21:31.53tzangernot particuarly well but yes
21:32.20Hmmhesaysfigured you out by nickelback and  say goodbye by theory of a deadman are both D-tuned and drop C
21:33.47Hmmhesaysone thing I can figure out, no surprise by theory of a deadman is supposedly in drop D, but then never play a low D in the entire song
21:34.18fu3i get "ZT_SPANCONFIG device not configured" error.
21:34.20tzangerI all but refuse to play songs that are in fucked up tunings
21:34.26Hmmhesaysdrop D is ok
21:34.28fu3ztcfg -vvvvv  shows everything as good.
21:34.33fu3until that error
21:34.34Hmmhesaysin fact i kind of like it
21:34.48Hmmhesaysi don't play heavy enough strings to drop C
21:34.51jsharpmodules loaded and everything?
21:35.21_Sam--[av]bani :  did you try the new teliax gw?
21:35.46jsharpdmesg shows the hardware showing up when you load the modules?
21:36.44fu3wait :)
21:37.21Zodiacalanyone know of a free softphone that can do transfers?
21:37.42Hmmhesays[av]bani thats pretty funny, but nickelback still rocks
21:37.44fugitivoit can't transfer???
21:37.48Zodiacalnot the free one
21:37.55Hmmhesaystheir face melting live shows kick ass
21:37.56fu3dmesg shows my sangoma card
21:37.57fugitivothat sucks
21:37.59[av]baniHmmhesays: they rock the same song over and over :)
21:38.07Zodiacalfugitivo yes in deed it surly does
21:38.09Hmmhesaysso what, ac/dc has been doing it for years
21:38.19[av]baniac/dc does it better :)
21:38.24Hmmhesaysthey just do it different
21:38.29Hmmhesaysever seen nickelback play live?
21:38.31jsharpzaptel.conf is span=1,1,3,b8zs,esf   or whatever your framing is?
21:38.31[av]banithey do it down under
21:38.40Lino`until now i never noticed but i got an email
21:38.52Lino`somebody claims that asterisk uses american dialtones
21:38.57Lino`or tones at all
21:39.04Hmmhesaysnickelback puts on one hell of a live show
21:39.07fu3i have span=1,1,3,esf,b8zs
21:39.12Lino`like when you pick up the phone
21:39.21Hmmhesaysnot like their cd's at all
21:39.29Lino`he wants german tones. beep beep beep *pause* beep beep beep *pause* beep beep beep *pause*
21:39.31Hmmhesaysdialtones are configure on the endpoint itself
21:39.47jsharpNo, your right.  I got the b8zs & esf backwards.
21:39.50Lino`so how can he set the dialtones using cisco 7960 SIP
21:40.26jsharpdialtones on the 7960 are generated on the phone, not by asterisk.
21:40.26[hC]anyone have an idea on the power consumption of a polycom ip501 phone, for volts/amps?
21:40.35fu3then below that i have fxsls=1-8 and then fxols=9-24
21:40.44Lino`yeah, but is there a way to set german dialtones *on* the phone?
21:41.35[hC]maybe someone who has a phone on PoE or something..
21:41.57jsharpfu3:  What does cat /proc/zaptel show you?
21:42.07fu3haha here it comes
21:42.09fu3"I use FreeBSD"
21:42.16fu3and now "i dont support that"
21:42.19fu3and "cya"
21:42.31jsharpI'd support it if I knew it.
21:42.35fu3i appreciate that
21:42.43fu3like i said.. i'll go to linux if I cant get this to work.
21:43.37fu3there is virtually nothing to be found through google on "ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Device not configured"
21:43.55[av]banifu3: linux sux
21:43.59fu3although just before that, it says "24 channels configured"
21:44.00Hmmhesayspower requirements should be on the spec sheet
21:44.13fu3[av]bani..  i agree, but dont want to start THIS conversation all over again :)
21:44.20[av]banifu3: opensores sux
21:44.39*** join/#asterisk palomiux (n=lecaus@
21:44.48palomiuxHi there
21:44.55palomiuxcan you help me_
21:45.09palomiuxi have a few questions about asterisk required hardware
21:45.15octothorpepalomix:  ask away
21:45.35Hmmhesaysno you can't get 5 million users on a p133
21:45.47Hmmhesaysunless of course you're chuck norris
21:45.55octothorpeahh, why not?  (jk)
21:46.00fu3who saw Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial By Fire?
21:46.08Hmmhesayswas that any good?
21:46.12fu3no idea
21:46.15fu3thats why im asking :)
21:46.19Hmmhesaysi'll have to download thta
21:46.22fu3but its got the Norris in it
21:46.28Hmmhesaysyeah reprising his walker role
21:46.38fu3sudbury sucks
21:46.42*** join/#asterisk Vitux (
21:46.50Seldon1975in any room there are at least 10 objects Chuck Norris could kill you with, including the room itself
21:46.58HmmhesaysI actually kind of liked walker texas ranger. it was a feel good show, the bad guy always got a chuck norris style ass whooping and the good guys won
21:47.12fu3yeah.. it was entertaining.
21:47.24fu3and Chuck actually KNOWS martial arts.. he isnt just acting.
21:47.29[av]baniHmmhesays: black and white morality tales have wide appeal
21:47.35fugitivoisn't that the movie show where all chapters ended with a chuck norris kick to the bad boy?
21:47.46Qwell[]ROUNDHOUSE kick
21:47.53fugitivoyes, that one
21:47.59Seldon1975Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
21:48.11Seldon1975Chuck Norris defines love as the reluctance to murder. If you’re still alive, it’s because Chuck Norris loves you.
21:48.13_Sam--Chuck Norris counted to infinity.  Twice.
21:48.24Qwell[]okay, okay :P
21:48.31Seldon1975Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
21:48.35Seldon1975ill stop now
21:48.38fugitivoI like steaven seagal style
21:48.39*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
21:48.43fu3hahahahah _Sam--.. that was good
21:48.54Seldon1975fugitivo: pity he continued to make movies waaay past his prime
21:48.57fu3Steven is fake though
21:48.59fu3Chuck is REAL
21:49.04Seldon1975fu3: errrr, no
21:49.06fugitivowhy fake?
21:49.08fu3i saw a documentary on segal.. they film shit all slow motion and then speed it up.
21:49.11fugitivoaikido is not fake
21:49.20Seldon1975fu3: he's kick YOUR ass
21:49.26fu3well.. he'd kick my ass in the kitchesn
21:49.32fugitivooh man, now i'm depressed
21:49.32fu3i mean.. he IS america's favorite chef.
21:49.40fu3yeah.. segal IS A FRAUD!
21:49.46fu3Although, entertaining.
21:49.51fu3I enjoyed his ass kickings.
21:50.08fu3taking on the entire soviet army and MAYBE getting a scratch on the arm, or forehead.
21:50.13fu3classic :)
21:50.31Seldon1975Steven Seagal is a 7th Dan black belt in Aikido
21:50.59_Sam--Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
21:51.00fugitivothe techniques he uses are not 100% aikido
21:51.03fu3well..  I suppose we can blame it on the director. He didnt want Steven to kick everyone ass for real, so he made him slow it down.
21:51.03*** join/#asterisk Nodren (n=nodren@
21:51.28Seldon1975"If you look at him run, he runs like a woman," John Connolly, who wrote a scathing profile of Seagal for Penthouse, tells THS.
21:52.06fu3yeah well he runs like a woman who could fuck you up :)
21:52.08palomiuxguys, can you tell me which hardware is best to build my asterisk server?
21:52.25Seldon1975get a Dell Poweredge server
21:52.29jsharpHardware that runs pretty much sums it up.
21:52.29_Sam--[av]bani :  did you try voip-co4 teliax yet?
21:52.37fugitivopalomiux: what are you going to run on it?
21:52.49Nodrenwould anyone recommend running asterisk on CentOS?
21:53.05_Sam--Nodren :  probably people that know CentOs would recommend that.
21:53.06Seldon1975Nodren: thats how asterisk@home is set up
21:53.27Seldon1975that's what I'm using, seems to work
21:53.43Nodrenshould i go with asterisk@home or just asterisk?
21:53.46Seldon1975if I built it from scratch I'd probably use Debian
21:53.49brad_msswi personally wouldn't use a redhat-based distro, but hey, that's just me
21:53.51jsharpDepends on your application.
21:53.54fugitivoNodren: asterisk
21:53.56FuriousGeorgei really love AMD chips as an enthusiast, but seems like all the * pros prefer intel.  that safe to say?
21:54.01Seldon1975Nodren: ppl have said @home has sucked in the past
21:54.08fugitivoNodren: you'll not get support if you use a@h
21:54.11Nodrenthank you
21:54.11Seldon1975Nodren: but the latest 2.6 version may be ok
21:54.12brad_msswFuriousGeorge: we run it on AMD, no issues
21:54.17_Sam--i have heard good things about the dual core AMDs and *
21:54.29jsharpEvery * server I've built for customers has been with AMD, without a problem.
21:54.30FuriousGeorgebrad_mssw: AMD64?
21:54.34FuriousGeorgei use amd in most places too
21:54.51Nodreni run a few centos servers on AMD64, they run great
21:54.54brad_msswFuriousGeorge: actually, our primary box is on Athlon XP ... testing some AMD64 stuff now, probably will end up replacing that box
21:54.56Nodrenassuming you use a 32bit distro
21:55.13Seldon1975Nodren: sounds like Centos on AMD is your best bet then
21:55.25Seldon1975Nodren: since you're most familiar with it
21:55.34Seldon1975Nodren: and there are no known issues with that setup
21:55.43FuriousGeorgewhy would i want to use a 32bit distro?
21:55.59FuriousGeorgeso * can run?
21:56.01Nodrenbecause 64bit distros arnt fully developed enough
21:56.03Nodrento be stable
21:56.11FuriousGeorgefair enough
21:56.17Nodreneven if you have a 64 bit processor, i've personally seen only trouble with 64 bit os
21:56.19palomiuxfugitivo: Asterisk
21:56.20brad_msswNodren: eh, i wouldn't claim that
21:56.22*** join/#asterisk Smi|k (
21:56.27palomiuxmaybe Asterisk@home
21:56.32Nodreninfact, i had a linux server crash and lose data, even using ext3, when on 64bit
21:56.40Nodreni switched to 32bit and have over 100 days uptime, no errors
21:56.44Smi|kanyone know the best way for a voip service provider that is larger in size to offer incoming phone service for businesses?
21:56.49brad_msswNodren: running a 2.4 kernel or something ?
21:57.03Smi|kpots lines are expensive, and its hard to be competitive even with PRI T1's
21:57.19_Sam--Smi|k :  get a DS3 to your VOIP provider
21:57.20_Sam--and speak SIP
21:57.29brad_msswSmi|k: yeah, T3, sangoma has a card
21:57.33Smi|khow many lines will a DS3 handle for incoming?
21:57.53mog_workdoesnt work in asterisk brad_mssw
21:57.55_Sam--depends what codec you use etc
21:57.57iGotNoTimeis Teliax ok with using *?
21:58.03Smi|kand speak sip to what kind of priver? stuff like fonality and zaltus?
21:58.04mog_workits just unchanilized
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21:58.05brad_msswmog_work: really? never used it
21:58.17mog_workthats why its so cheap
21:58.20brad_msswiGotNoTime: yeah, if you're close enough to them
21:58.34iGotNoTimebrad_mssw, USA?
21:58.39brad_msswiGotNoTime: yeah
21:58.41_Sam--Smi|k :  for real business enterprise service, you probably wont want to speak SIp over a remote gateway, at least not one that is too far away.
21:58.42iGotNoTimeok :D
21:58.46CunningPikeDoes anyone know why this would always give a result of APPERROR, even if the file exists?
21:58.47brad_msswiGotNoTime: latency can be bad though
21:58.49CunningPikeSystem(ls /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/call-processors/${PHRASEID}.*)
21:58.58CunningPikeIt used to work :(
21:59.02iGotNoTimebrad_mssw, noticable?
21:59.35brad_msswiGotNoTime: yeah, lots of packetloss too ... usually 70+ms latency
21:59.41brad_msswiGotNoTime: they're in Denver, I'm in Florida
21:59.51_Sam--brad_mssw :  things are better for me  there.
22:00.01_Sam--plus now they have another colorado server in testing
22:00.10brad_msswiGotNoTime: seems like the data tends to transfer over savvis or cogent, I'm on UUNET
22:00.14iGotNoTimebrad_mssw, I'll check out out I am in Ohio might be good for me :)
22:00.20_Sam--my SIP to teliax are fine, never any latency that is their fault.
22:00.33_Sam--if there is latency / packet loss, its been all internet related
22:00.39_Sam--and my calls are sounding good again
22:00.40brad_mssw_Sam--: yeah, i ran some latency checks to the new one, it's about the same for me ... different provider though which is nice
22:00.54brad_mssw_Sam--: changed to SIP, hasn't really helped
22:01.23brad_mssw_Sam--: waiting on their east-coast server
22:01.26iGotNoTimewhile I await my sipura I can use a softphone with my Teliax account right?
22:01.48brad_msswiGotNoTime: yeah
22:01.51_Sam--alls i know is that my teliax stuff sounds i do not believe the problems people are having are coming from teliax.
22:01.56_Sam--i mean, i think its not teliax's fault.
22:02.11brad_mssw_Sam--: well, it's their ISPs fault for using sub-par backbone providers
22:02.21brad_mssw_Sam--: so indirectly it's teliax's fault for using that ISP
22:02.23_Sam--i come in over the same routes as anyone else
22:02.42_Sam--i can set you up an sip account on my * and you can make some calls
22:02.46_Sam--and see if its any better
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22:02.53brad_mssw_Sam--: yeah, but it depends on what provider you start on, what does your route look like
22:03.17_Sam--i come in to teliax over cogent .
22:03.26jsharpThe joys of the suckiness of the intardweb.
22:03.38Smi|kso if I have a group of customers who in total need 500 incoming phone lines, in various locations etc..etc..
22:03.47brad_mssw_Sam--: UUNET is one of the best, and always has been, and rockynet does have a UUNET link, but they have their low-cost links favored over it ... so I'm getting screwed at the peering points, and the sub-par networks
22:03.52Axel69Hi guys, i have a problem with h323... i installed the addon but when i type channeltypes it doesn't appers the h323
22:03.59brad_mssw_Sam--: cogent is great if you're on cogent networks, but their peering points suck
22:04.11Smi|kis there any provider that can give great service and charge me say .005c/minute incoming and then I resell it out to my customers for .01c/minute?
22:04.27Qwell[]good luck with that
22:04.27fu3Come on, man. I had a rough night and I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man
22:04.33brad_mssw_Sam--: 9 hops after leaving UUNET to reach teliax
22:04.38_Sam--brad_mssw :  i also noticed a difference when i upgraded my *....are you on 1.2.5?
22:04.46brad_mssw_Sam--: yes, 1.2.5
22:04.53_Sam--im 15 hops to teliax, 80ms, and my calls are mint
22:05.03brad_msswwow, 80ms is kind of high
22:05.09brad_msswi'm sitting at 15 hops too
22:05.13Smi|kany idea what the best option is for that?
22:05.20_Sam--i did have problems, but i dont any longer.
22:05.22brad_msswif you count my internal router it sits behind
22:05.31Qwell[]Smi|k: probably $500k to level3
22:05.32_Sam--and the 15 people who were bitching daily, are all off my back.
22:05.37Qwell[]per month
22:05.38brad_mssw_Sam--: i think my main problem comes from packetloss on savvis
22:05.42Smi|ki.e. how can I hook right into telecom so I can provision my own "phone lines" that are not really lines
22:06.16_Sam--Smi|k :  if you used an ISP like mine you would be good to go :)
22:06.28_Sam--Smi|k :  you need to find a small, adept, CLEC to connect to
22:06.34*** join/#asterisk revar (i=[U2FsdGV@
22:06.37Smi|khow can I find that for my ISP?
22:06.49_Sam--unless your ISP is a CLEC as well, you cant.
22:07.01revarhi all, I'm trying to get an openline working with asterisk@home
22:07.10brad_mssw_Sam--: though it's only 13 hops to the
22:07.21Smi|khow does an ISP become a CLEC?
22:07.31revarI've got a vpb trunk setup and the vpb drivers going but no answer when I call
22:07.39revarany ideas how I can diagnose this?
22:07.42Smi|kI've been complaining to my ISP who offers their own VOIP service so much that they are coming here for a meeting for me to explain their options to them
22:07.48_Sam--Smi|k :  from what i gather, they hire an attorney and file some stuff with the  FCC and/or PUC?
22:07.49brad_mssw_Sam--: hmm, no packetloss yet though to the
22:07.51Smi|kthey need to become a CLEC to make money with voip right?
22:08.15_Sam--Smi|k :  i would say the NEED to
22:08.30_Sam--there are a zillion ways to make money working with VOIP...selling per minute based services is just one of them.
22:08.38_Sam--er i WOULDNT say they need to
22:08.39_Sam--they COULD
22:08.41kink0curiosity... what is a CLE ?
22:08.45kink0CLEC ?
22:08.55_Sam--competitive local exchange carrier
22:09.26kink0ah ok, that concept is no managed here (Spain)
22:11.28palomiuxyou know where to compare Asterisk with @home_
22:12.35austinnichols101palomuix: sure asterisk is asterisk and @home is asterisk + a centos build + AMP + several other pieces
22:12.41brad_mssw_Sam--: ok, just set up my primary outgoing as teliax voip-co4 ... see how that is
22:12.55palomiuxAustin: AMP?
22:13.06_Sam--brad_mssw:  what codec and what are your SIP devices?
22:13.29austinnichols101palomuix: Asterisk Management Portal (#amportal).  Everything is managed through AMP which is a subject of contention among many.
22:13.31fu3justinu.. it works.
22:13.36brad_mssw_Sam--: g711u, going to a Zap FXS channel locally
22:13.39fu3it WASNT loading the modules properly
22:13.43fu3but it is now ;)
22:14.15FuriousGeorgewhat kind of processor would be able to handle 10-20 sip clients in a meetme
22:14.26FuriousGeorgemaybe even 18 sip and 2 zap
22:14.30austinnichols101palomiux: concensus (with which I agree) is that if you were building your own box with asterisk and all of the add-on pieces that you would probably do it in a different way and could improve upon what was done.  OTOH, it's all there for you in one place with the AAH ISO.
22:15.37austinnichols101palomiux: big issue is that many people don't dig much deeper under the covers once they install AAH which can lead to a lot of stupid questions later on because they don't have a fundamental understand of what asterisk is doing.
22:15.44*** join/#asterisk Tikola (
22:15.54Tikolahi pplz
22:15.54Tikolaanyone got the AstTAPI thing working?
22:15.59palomiuxI see
22:16.01Tikolait says my manager account has logged in, but never dials. no commands are issued
22:16.19_Sam--i got ASTtapi working, i use it with outlook
22:16.20austinnichols101palomiux: is a good place to start reading.  Look for their soup-to-nuts on AAH and read through to understand the differences.
22:16.23_Sam--i think thats what i use
22:16.28palomiuxAustin: what is AMP?  what AMP stands for?
22:16.47Tikolaconfigured it under modems/advanced. i think its configured correct. i told it to use the context everything is setup under. with the dialplans
22:16.48austinnichols101Asterisk Management Portal.
22:17.02palomiuxhmmm, it comes with both versions?
22:17.08austinnichols101and it's in the process of being reworked and rebranded as freePBX
22:17.16Tikolasam; yes, this is with outlook
22:17.25_Sam--ya i use asttapi fine, works.
22:17.26_Sam--i like it
22:17.39Tikoladid you configure it to use a channel, or context
22:17.46austinnichols101asterisk is 'just asterisk' by itself.  Think of AMP as an add-on that puts a web gui on managing your config files
22:18.06austinnichols101asterisk by itself and vim can do the same thing and is definitely less 'restrictive'
22:18.07palomiuxCan it be used with Asterisk and AAH?
22:18.17austinnichols101AMP is part of the AAH distro
22:18.17_Sam--it uses a user channel, and an outgoing channel
22:18.29_Sam--user channel == your sip/iax account
22:18.35CunningPikeI am trying to test for the existence of a sound file from the dialplan so I can decide whether to play it or not. System (ls /file) used to work (1.0.9) but no longer works in 1.2 - any ideas?
22:18.40_Sam--i use the dial outgoing channel part, not dial by context.
22:18.46_Sam--and i specify the outgoing channel
22:19.25_Sam--works fine for me, i click to dial, my phone rings, i answer, then it connects me up
22:19.37Tikolawhat have you got in the outgoing channel box?
22:19.59_Sam--my outgoing channel:  SIP/teliax/
22:20.02Zodiacalanyone know how parked calls are suposed to notify me what # its parked at? cuz im using eyebeam softphone and transfering a call to 70 (which is my park number) and then it just ends my softphone call. but in the cli i see that it parked it to say71, but how is a normal use to see that?
22:20.06Zodiacalis this a limit of my softphone?
22:20.41Tikolacan i have Zap/3/
22:20.54_Sam--sorry i dont have time to be your tutor on it...
22:20.56_Sam--but you can try it
22:21.00_Sam--i have to get some work done
22:21.06brad_msswZodiacal: it usually tells you where it parked it (audio) when you park a call
22:21.09Tikolaok cheers anyway, ill try somethings
22:21.15Zodiacalbrand_mssw any ideas why its not?
22:21.23brad_msswZodiacal: are you doing a blind transfer ?
22:21.29palomiuxwhat can you tell me about the best hardware cards for Asterisk?
22:21.40Zodiacalbrad_mssw ahh maybe eyebeam softphone is doing blind transfer
22:21.45Zodiacalim just pushing the transfer button
22:22.01brad_msswZodiacal: yeah, see if you can figure out how to do an attended transfer ... it should tell you there
22:22.05*** part/#asterisk windowsrefund (
22:22.05Zodiacalcan i transfer manualy by pressing #ext i forget
22:22.14austinnichols101palomiux: check as there are extensive writeups on asterisk hardware there
22:22.24austinnichols101palomiux: it's already been discussed to death
22:22.25Hmmhesaysbut only if you can read
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22:22.38Tikolayes! working :)
22:22.54palomiuxAustin: I want to know what do you think based on your experience
22:22.59Zodiacalbrad_mssw worked! Thank You!
22:23.11*** part/#asterisk CunningPike (
22:23.43austinnichols101palomiux: my only experience so far has been with the Digium cards and they've worked just fine.  However, I'm just like you in that I'm new to the game so I'm definitely not the one to rely on in that area.
22:24.21_Sam--the sangoma cards with echo cans have been getting good reviews here
22:24.29_Sam--the A200*
22:24.33austinnichols101palomiux: voip-info will show you who the major players are and you'll usually find two camps that disagree over which one is best.
22:24.36_Sam--but i dont have one
22:24.38fu3so far, im loving my a104d
22:24.45Hmmhesaysi only use external gateways
22:24.54austinnichols101_sam: yeah - I want to replace my TE110P with one of those
22:24.56fu3those lead to harder drugs
22:25.05FuriousGeorgelet me ask this way.  is a 32bit amd barton (512 cache 400mhz fsb, ~2.GHZ) handle a meetme conference with 20 people speaking?  18 sip two zap?  im trying to think of the worst possible scenario
22:25.16Hmmhesaysyou can't snort lines of coke off a pci card
22:25.24fu3cant you?
22:25.32Hmmhesaysnot without cutting your nose up
22:25.33_Sam--FuriousGeorge :  if there is a lot of transcoding im not sure a barton could keep up
22:25.36_Sam--im not positive though
22:25.39FuriousGeorgewhat about a bump off the northbridge
22:25.43fu3how would you know that Hmmhesays?
22:25.51palomiuxAustin: no problem, nice to know it works fine
22:26.00HmmhesaysFuriousGeorge: that might work, better than cooking it up in a spoon with a lighter
22:26.26FuriousGeorgeHmmhesays: provided there is no heatsink on the northbridge, of course :)
22:26.30Hmmhesaysfu3: because not only do I collect dead hookers, i'm a drug addict
22:26.31austinnichols101palomiux: general rule of thumb I heard years ago.  You have 1) Good, 2) Fast and 3) Cheap.  Pick any two you want.
22:26.34HmmhesaysFuriousGeorge of course
22:26.40FuriousGeorge_Sam--: all ulaw
22:26.50*** join/#asterisk Primer (
22:27.03_Sam--FuriousGeorge :  what is the timing device?  ztdummy?
22:27.03Primerso what's the deal with having to 'license' the software on a cisco IP phone? Surely that doesn't apply if you flash it to use SIP...?
22:27.18_Sam--Primer :  of course it does, why wouldnt it
22:27.23Hmmhesaysthat's like the rules about trying to hook up with women from the internet.  Hot, Single, Emotionally stable. pick two
22:27.29Primerthat just seems...wrong
22:27.34FuriousGeorge_Sam--: good question, knowing what i know about HW EC now, i'd probably want to get a sangoma
22:27.42FuriousGeorgevs. a tdm400p
22:27.44PrimerI mean, if I buy the phone, why must I continue to pay?
22:27.55jsharpHmmhesays:  That's not just women from the internet.  That's women in general.
22:27.56FuriousGeorgedo they have a timer (the sangoma's)
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22:28.04Hmmhesaysyeah who in here actually paid for their crisco firmware
22:28.05Primerlike, if I buy a linksys router, I don't have to pay for firmware updates, or some stupid license
22:28.10mog_workyes FuriousGeorge
22:28.16_Sam--if there is no transcoding and you have a hardware device for timing i bet you would be fine
22:28.20mog_workbut why go that way when you can get the bohemeth
22:28.22Hmmhesaysjsharp, you're right
22:28.22mog_workthe 2400p
22:28.23_Sam--but i just dont know
22:28.40Primerwell, we're planning on deploying a bunch of IP phone in a business
22:28.47Primerand we don't want risk any exposure
22:29.33Hmmhesayslast time i risked exposure the cop said I shouldn't be pissing on his bumper
22:29.34FuriousGeorgemog_work: they only have two pots lines comming in
22:29.45palomiuxhow do I get 2?
22:29.49palomiuxGood and cheap?
22:30.03FuriousGeorgemog_work: does the 2400p have HW EC?
22:30.12mog_workas an option
22:30.30FuriousGeorgewhat about the price for the board and the modules, isnt that overkill?
22:30.32fabsofthi, anyone know how to use app_txfax in asterisk ?
22:30.36FuriousGeorgefor two fxo?
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22:30.52FuriousGeorgeoption=more money?
22:30.54mog_workerr sorry
22:31.03FuriousGeorgeill look into it :)
22:31.06mog_workprobably more money than sangoma at 2 ports
22:31.45mog_workbut much more room to grow
22:31.49FuriousGeorgewell, its scalable, but they are a school, so i dont know how scalable they need to be
22:32.08mog_workand you only need the one echo can for 24
22:32.22stack_has anyone used iaxmodem & hylafax reliably for a long period of time.  This could be an ideal solution, I just want to make sure it's stable
22:32.22mog_workso if you ever bought another sangoma a200 you need yet another ec
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22:33.52FuriousGeorgemog_work: lemme check it out, i may just get regular tdm400s if the echocan is a lot more on the sangoma anyway.  i didnt realize it was an option
22:34.17mog_workhw ec is expensive
22:34.23palomiuxAustin: what kind of cards are you using?
22:34.25mog_workand personally mg2 kicks more ass in most cases
22:34.36mog_workhw ec is only better in taking load off in my opinion
22:34.47mog_workat least with whats out today
22:36.59Hmmhesaysis that you i hear screamin' my name? i'm a roller i'm a rider i'm #1 mutherfarkin survivor
22:37.02FuriousGeorgeyeah, i just realized that the sangoma WITH ec is actually a lot more than a comparable tdm w/o it  :)
22:37.04stack_Can someone explain how a T1 works as far as attaching phone numbers to it?  Ideally we would get a T1 (23 channel + 1 PRI) and would like to split it in 3.  Some lines for one part of the company, some for another and the rest for our call center.  How exactly does a voice T1 work?
22:37.13FuriousGeorgetdm400 it is
22:37.15palomiuxAustin are you there?
22:37.40brad_msswstack_: you probably don't want a voice T1, you probably want a PRI
22:37.40mog_worktdm2400p starts to make more sense finacially after 8-12 lines i think
22:37.58brad_msswstack_: you don't get features like callerid on a T1
22:38.14stack_brad_mssw: isn't PRI the caller id stuff?
22:38.15mog_workpri is better
22:38.18mog_workits all pretty
22:38.28brad_msswstack_: no, pri isn't an addon to a T1
22:38.33FuriousGeorgemog_work: thing is, im learning that chan_sip and chan_iax are so much cooler than chan_zap, and cheaper
22:38.39brad_msswstack_: different technology/delivery
22:38.58brad_msswstack_: as far as how you split the usage, etc ... that's all up to your dialplan/asterisk config
22:39.02stack_thanks, now I'm all confused :)
22:39.16mog_workcan be FuriousGeorge
22:39.31Hmmhesaysto fall in love and fall in debt, to alcohol and cigarettes
22:39.35stack_brad_mssw: we were looking at the T1 for all the channels and have three phone numbers attached to it.  Each number would be assigned to a group of channels
22:39.36brad_msswstack_: search google for like PRI vs T1
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22:39.50diclophisis it possible to calculate .wav file duration from the filesize?
22:39.50*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
22:40.34joeqreadexcept chan_sip and chan_iax2 won't work in a MeetMe room without a zaptel device. :(
22:40.36kpettit?? cpm wassup?
22:40.37brad_msswstack_: well, with a PRI it doesn't really work like that
22:40.49joeqreadand there's no ztdummy driver for FreeBSD
22:40.57mog_workUSE LINUX!
22:41.01brad_msswstack_: you can assign an unlimited number of numbers to it, it delivers to your PBX what number the call is coming in on, and you can route from there
22:41.22joeqreadnaw, I like fbsd better
22:41.24brad_msswstack_: and you can choose to reject the call if it exceeds the number of consecutive calls for a certain number or similar
22:41.28asterboyDoes the Digium TE110P T1 card terminate a PRI line directly?
22:41.37mog_workyes it can
22:41.44stack_that was my next question
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22:41.53asterboyso all 24 channels can be lit?
22:42.06jsharp23 voice + the D control channel.
22:42.36asterboyAnyone have a good T1 provider for Alberta, Canada?
22:42.42masonfis there any way to make my telephony card answer calls right when they come in and not wait a ring before it picks up?
22:42.46asterboyAllstream wants $680/month
22:42.52brad_msswasterboy: Level3 in canada ?
22:43.00stack_I see where my info was getting mixed up.  The phone company said that a T1 with callerid was 23 channel with PRI, I assume they meant to say just PRI
22:43.03asterboyahhhh...good ol' level3
22:43.34brad_msswstack_: yeah, pri can be delivered over T1 ... but the terms can't be used interchangably
22:44.18stack_so the te110p can accept the pri over t1 then?
22:44.50brad_msswstack_: yeah, but I'd use sangoma cards, personally
22:45.08asterboycheaper too
22:45.10stack_awesome, you guys had me scared for a bit... I'm new to all this and im trying to set up a server for a call center,  couldn't ask for a harder situation :)
22:45.12joeqreadmog: any particular reason to use linux over fbsd, besides personal taste and presence of a ztdummy driver?
22:45.19asterboyebay has a quad for about $500
22:45.22FuriousGeorgemog_work: cheaper in the long run, usually
22:45.28mog_workwell i have used everything under the sun
22:45.42mog_workand i really dont care if im on a bsd box or a linux box
22:45.49Qwell[]even a sun?
22:45.52diclophisso.... no .wav calculation wizards in today?
22:45.53mog_workbut i would never run asterisk on a non-linux box
22:45.54stack_are the docs for sangoma as good as the ones available for zaptel stuff?
22:45.57mog_worki have a sun box Qwell
22:45.58joeqreadso performance wise with * they're the same?
22:46.05Qwell[]What kind?
22:46.11mog_workand a sparc 2
22:46.16Qwell[]I've got an ss5, heh
22:46.22*** part/#asterisk [vmwarez]dotcom (n=jjones@
22:46.22mog_workvery similar joeqread
22:46.23jsharpAsterisk on an SS2.
22:46.24Qwell[]I love that slow POS
22:46.29mog_workbut everything just works on linux
22:46.34mog_worki mean its a pbx
22:46.38jsharpAs long as you've got a Weitek powerup.
22:46.38mog_workwho cares what os it runs on
22:46.40brad_msswstack_: some people say sangoma is slightly harder to set up, but their echo cancellation is 10x better
22:46.41mog_workjust use what works
22:46.54stack_Lol, I've got an SGI O2 running OpenBSD, think it would run asterisk well?
22:46.58mog_work99% of people use software echocancel
22:47.00mog_workit will be the same
22:47.06mog_workmaybe stack_
22:47.18joeqreadk, just making sure there was no major issues with FBSD... I hate linux's dependency hell, like just installing perl requires about 30-generations of random, pointless libraries to get installed
22:47.31Qwell[]dependency hell?
22:47.33brad_msswstack_: sangoma wiki here:
22:47.33mog_workuse debian and asterisk
22:47.34Qwell[]use a real distro...
22:47.36mog_workvery little hell
22:47.41asterboyIs there a level 3 in Canada?
22:47.42mog_workmuch more fun
22:47.46Qwell[]gentoo ;]
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22:48.00joeqreadplus I've been out of practice with linux since pre-y2k
22:48.02mog_workgentoo isnt bad if you have time
22:48.10mog_workits not as scary as its made out to be
22:48.11Qwell[]well, if you're running fbsd, and use ports...
22:48.11jsharpIf you use gentoo, though, you have to put the paint-can exhaust tips on the powersupply fan.
22:48.12jetslots of time
22:48.29joeqreadyeah, always use ports for software I'm not comfortable tweaking myself
22:48.39Qwell[]well then, gentoo would be an easy jump
22:48.50joeqreadI'll install mysql myself, to get certain threading libraries working right, but otherwise ports work great
22:50.14FuriousGeorgewe're gonna do a word association, i start, you guys just shout out whatever comes to mind...  read...
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22:50.17joeqreadis ztdummy a kernel module?
22:50.31asterboyLevel 3 is in Colorado, so I don't think they service Canada.
22:50.38FuriousGeorgejoeqread: yes
22:51.07joeqreadhmm, wonder if I run linux binary emulation if I can load it in freebsd
22:51.14joeqreaddoes it need a specific kernel version? ebay snom-320?
22:51.35FuriousGeorgelol asterboy
22:52.05FuriousGeorgewhat about w/o poe.  price to performance that sipura phone is pretty good
22:52.06cpmman, i love it when my folks put octothorpes in their mail folder names.
22:52.07asterboyIt's the PoE part that is hard to beat.
22:52.14FuriousGeorgebut it needs to have autoanswer, i cant recall if it does
22:53.04cpmno wonder my scripts are breaking :)
22:53.10masonfdo eveyone's zaptel cards ring once before they get to asterisk
22:53.17joeqreadis that what a pound sign is called?
22:53.38joeqreadhah, never knew that
22:53.39jsharpmasonf: If you're using an analog card, yes.
22:53.41asterboyin technical circles
22:53.51joeqreader, doesn't that break IMAP specs?
22:54.06cpmjoeqread, no, it doesn't it's legal.
22:54.34groogsmasonf: it does that to pick up caller id
22:54.56joeqreadah, you can't begin a folder name with it though I don't think
22:55.38masonfthanks all
22:55.51asterboywhat are you guys paying for a pri line per month?
22:56.29asterboyabout the same here in Canada then
22:56.30jsharp$350, but we've got 24 of em.
22:56.50asterboythat's routing a lot of calls
22:56.50kink0asterboy, 280 Euro/E1
22:56.51joeqreadwe got 4, I think we only pay 240
22:57.07asterboyYa I have heard that Euro coms are far cheaper.
22:57.11joeqreadno DID or ANI or anything though
22:57.25jsharpNo, not routing a lot of calls.  On a busy day, we use maybe 15 channels out of 1 PRI.
22:57.44joeqreadso why do you need 24 pri's?
22:57.46asterboyman thats hardly scratching the surface
22:58.04jsharpBut one of our customers paid big $$$ for us to guarantee 500 simultaneous calls.
22:58.08Axel69those pri are for unlimited calls?
22:58.32asterboyusually just local
22:58.38asterboyunlimited local
22:58.45cpmmine are unlimited local.
22:58.50cpmbut my local is pretty big
22:58.57Axel69for an specific code or codes
22:58.58jsharpYeah.  We've got unlimited local into the Atlanta LATA.
22:59.06jsharpplus LD through MCI.
22:59.38joeqreadis there any way to hook asterisk into vonage?
22:59.41Axel69and how much charge for all country calls
22:59.43*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
22:59.46cpmmy lada is greater DC, baltimore, annapolis, down to just north of Richmond, Va.
23:00.08Zodiacalanyone know of a way to disable the speaker on my phone when i use my sound card to page?
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23:01.24Axel69which hardwaare are u using for all the pri's?
23:01.34Qwell[]Axel69: digium
23:01.41Qwell[]oh, them, nm
23:01.49Axel69all with asterisk?
23:02.43jsharpI've got all 24 pris coming into a Quintum CMS960, which then passes the calls to *
23:03.05Zodiacalanyone know if its posible for FOP to show parked calls?
23:03.08Axel69none with cisco
23:03.25jsharpSome of the calls go from * to Cisco VG224s.
23:04.41groogsZodiacal: yes
23:05.08Zodiacalgroogs coolness
23:05.15nextimekink0 : 280 E in spain?
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23:05.57groogsZodiacal: you have to just add them all as extension=70 or whatever your parking ext is
23:06.14Axel69great bussiness the voip
23:06.37Zodiacalgroogs so if i have a parking lot of 71-89 then i would add 18 exts at ext 70?
23:06.50Zodiacalokie thank you!
23:07.37Axel69how much charge if you call to another state from your pri's?
23:08.37nextimeAxel69 : depend on the telco that give you the priu
23:08.55Axel69cost average?
23:10.16kink0nextime: si
23:10.21nextimeAxel69 : in italy i have a 0.01 for european destination with COLT and 0.008 for italian proper with FastWeb and 0.017 for european destination, but for international destination voip termination are cheaper
23:10.24kink0nextime: yes
23:10.34nextimekink0 : si is ok for me :)
23:10.46nextimekink0 : same price in italy ( more or less )
23:11.02nextimekink0 : and we have E1 pri, not T1, so 30 channels, not 24 :)
23:11.30kink0nextime, here we are working around 0.005 for propper, and 0.065 for mobile
23:11.44nextimekink0 : with wich telco?
23:11.45Axel69i have Guatemala VoIP for $0.11 if anyone need
23:11.59nextimeAxel69 : guatemala for 0.11 is very expensive
23:12.11Axel69for end users
23:12.12palomiuxare you in Guatemala?
23:12.19Axel69yes, i'm here
23:12.33Axel69yes, in guatemala
23:12.59kink0nextime, France Telecom
23:13.26nextimeAxel69 : i have a target of 0.05$ for guatemala...
23:13.44Axel69can you sell to me?
23:13.48De_Monasterisk is cutting off the first, ohh 200ms of audio when it answers a sip call. (Voicemail n stuff), what's the best way to correct this?
23:13.58Qwell[]De_Mon: polycom?
23:14.07Qwell[]seen a similar issue
23:14.08De_Monsip phones? no xten
23:14.36De_Monhow'd you fix it on the polycom?
23:14.51Qwell[]try doing Answer(), then Playback(silence/1), then Voicemail()
23:14.52palomiuxAxel, what company do you work for?
23:15.09nextimeAxel69 : 0.05$ is my target, not the price that i can sell
23:15.12Qwell[]or make a 200ms silence file
23:15.28nextimeAxel69 : anyeay, if you have a decent minutage we can discuss a good rate
23:15.50De_Monooh, a silence file, cool!
23:16.11Axel69i work in my own company
23:16.18nextimekink0 : for dialout i use voip anyway, i use pri only for dialin, with premium or green numbers
23:16.31nextime( green in italy is == tool free )
23:16.55Axel69i'm trying to do some end user mins...more proffit lol but i'm doing some Cell and proper
23:17.11kink0nextime, we are ussing PRI also to voIP termination here, there actually only two PRI, one to proper and the other one for mobile.
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23:19.49nextimekink0 : can i query you just a minute?
23:19.56kink0nextime, sure
23:19.58Qwell[]kink0: yeah, me too...
23:20.08Qwell[]I need business cards.  What's the turnaround time? :P
23:20.17FuriousGeorgehey, setting sip header on the spa841 works better for paging than the autoanswer on the snom 360.  i dont theink the 360 supports it?
23:20.48kink0Qwell[], ok
23:21.30jbotit has been said that ani is Automatic Number Identification Systems
23:21.39Qwell[]kink0: I was joking, of course
23:24.14FuriousGeorgeanyone know if the snoms support this sip header paging?  i cant see where they do but a firmare upgrade could fix that no?
23:24.21Zodiacalgroogs its not showing the parked call, i have the parked extention there but it never changes when i park to it
23:24.32fourcheezeFuriousGeorge: they do
23:24.41fourcheezeI keep meaning to try it but haven't yet
23:24.58fourcheezeI think there's a page=on setting somewhere
23:25.00FuriousGeorgefourcheeze: thanks
23:25.14fourcheezeand you have to send your own sip header
23:25.46groogsZodiacal: hm, i don't remember changing anything else. one sec, i think i did a patch for it so i'll look
23:26.26fourcheezefourcheeze: I always quite help
23:26.35fourcheezeFuriousGeorge: ^
23:27.39fourcheezefound out about putting address book onto ldap like that
23:28.03groogsZodiacal: hm, yeah it looks like that's all i changed
23:28.24Zodiacali'll keep playing with it
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23:40.24palomiuxhi tux
23:40.48tuxsouli'm from méxico, sorry my english is poor :-P, i'm try buy in mexico hardware for asterisk, but not finding nothing, somebody know about reselles in méxico,
23:40.54tuxsoulpalomiux: hi
23:43.22*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
23:43.43_MartinCabrera_tuxsoul: yo compre en, obtuve buenos precios y todo me ha llegado bien-
23:44.11Axel69Buy it in ebay and send it to mexico
23:45.48tuxsoulok, muchas gracias, no sabia que hablan español :-D, thank's, ahorita mismo checo, pero no hay costos extras en los envios a mexico ?
23:46.05tuxsoulJuggie: thank's, i will check now ;-)
23:47.11*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
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23:51.22tuxsoul_MartinCabrera_: ok, muchas gracias, no sabia que hablan español :-D, thank's, ahorita mismo checo, pero no hay costos extras en los envios a mexico ?
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23:55.02alephcomhello everyone.
23:55.26tuxsoulalephcom: hi
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