irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060309

00:00.37*** join/#asterisk vr_mex (
00:01.38*** join/#asterisk octothorpe__ (
00:01.38*** part/#asterisk RV-Dioxide (i=appleboy@about/cooking/nakedchef/apple/tarts)
00:04.00*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:04.31vr_mexwhich is te latest centos for asterisk: CentOS (2.6.9-22.0.2.EL) or CentOS(2.6.9-22.EL) ?
00:05.01CrashHDhow can I eliminate some stuff from verbose?
00:05.09CrashHDI'm trying a new dialplan setting on an active system
00:05.12CrashHDI need to see what is goign on
00:05.26CrashHDbut the other stuff (from the working config) is making things jumbled
00:05.27CrashHDany ideas?
00:06.09Lelandset verbose 0
00:06.16octothorpewhat are you debugging?
00:06.23CrashHDhow can I see what is goign on with the call that I need to track
00:06.29CrashHDI basically just need to track a single call
00:06.37octothorpesip, iax, zap?/
00:06.40Lelandyea.. sorry .. missed the other bit about you needing to see what's going on ;)
00:06.44CrashHDinbound zap, outbound sip
00:07.10octothorpeas far as I know you would have to watch both zap and sip
00:07.17*** join/#asterisk aint_root (
00:07.17octothorpesip debug
00:07.28octothorpezap debug
00:07.33aint_rootsip debug off
00:07.35CrashHDthat won't work
00:07.39CrashHDtoo much data scrolling by
00:08.06vr_mexwhich is te latest centos for asterisk@home after doing a yum -y update: CentOS (2.6.9-22.0.2.EL) or CentOS(2.6.9-22.EL) ?
00:08.07CrashHDI can do it for a peer though
00:08.09CrashHDthat will work
00:08.10aint_rootwho is the * guru?
00:08.27CrashHDthere is no zap debug though?
00:08.35fjeansip debug peer <ip>    ?
00:08.43CrashHDfjean, ya just hit that
00:08.47CrashHDwhat about zap?
00:09.31vr_mexoctothorpe: thanks a lot
00:09.38aint_rootUnable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination) wtf?
00:09.40fjeannot much for zap...
00:10.06CrashHDhow come with with verb = 0 I still see my agi scripts running
00:10.09CrashHDany way to stop that?
00:10.31octothorpevr_mex:  np
00:10.37fjeancrashhd - are you running asterisk in background ?
00:11.10aint_rootis William here from JAX here?
00:11.36CrashHDyes in background
00:11.42*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (
00:13.05vr_mexfor some reason after installing asterisk@home iso and doing a yum -y update and rebooting it wont recognize ethernet, any ideas?
00:13.55aint_rootthe driver for your nic prop isnt compiled in
00:13.58CrashHDin the sip debug where do I look to see which codec is actually being used?
00:14.06octothorpevr_mex:  what tells you that it isn't recognizing it?
00:14.37octothorpeCrashHD, is will say something like (using Ulaw)
00:14.41Lino`does skinny come with asterisk from cvs?
00:14.46Lino`or better: asterisk @ home?
00:15.05CrashHDoctothorpe: I don't see "using"
00:15.05fjeancrashd: i think it's in the INVITE
00:15.09octothorpeskinny comes with Asterisk @ Home, but you probably should use chan_sccp instead
00:15.28octothorpeCrashHD, pastebin your CLI
00:15.31vr_mexoctothorpe: when loading the centos i see that it hangs on bringing up interface eth0 for a while and then continues with error and if i do a wget it will not resolve
00:15.40Lino`then i'll do that. customer has bought a good ol' stack of cisco wireless phones
00:15.53Lino`and wants to do a field test before his callmanager gets installed
00:16.19octothorpevr_mex and CrashHD:  I have to eat dinner, be back in 30
00:16.55vr_mexaint_root: where you telling me about a driver?
00:17.14aint_rootlino: how do you know your nic is compiled into the os?
00:18.10Lino`i don't have nic problems
00:18.42Lino`and i did not tell anything about any bloody driver being compiled into a freakin kernel, or i'm mentally sick
00:18.46Lino`or both
00:18.57*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
00:19.12vr_mexaint_root: i am the one that did a yum -y update and then wont get the eth0 working
00:19.17CrashHDcombined - 0x10c (ulaw|alaw|g729)
00:19.23CrashHDdoes that mean ulaw will work first
00:19.41vr_mexaint_root: how can i check it?
00:20.11*** join/#asterisk aint_root (
00:21.34vr_mexaint_root: i am the one that did a yum -y update and then wont get the eth0 working
00:22.10aint_rootdoes centOS use ifdown eth0 etc...?
00:23.02vr_mexdo not know
00:23.31aint_rootare you logged into the system now?
00:23.52aint_rootif so, type ifdown eth0
00:24.29vr_mexoknothing happens
00:24.29aint_rootso you have it sitting next to you?
00:24.41ManxPowerYou seldom want both alaw AND ulaw and if you don't have a G729 license you usually don't want it allow='d
00:25.01aint_rootsomething has to happen
00:25.21aint_rootno warning about command not foiund?
00:25.32De_MonI've got an SPA941-NA and it doesn't stay connected to pbx (nat=yes), nor can I use blindtrasfer or attended xfer features... It wiggs out after the 1st digit
00:25.36vr_mexnothing i type ifdown eth0 and just returns to the root symbol #
00:25.50aint_rootthen type ifconfig
00:26.41aint_rootand is eth0 assigned an ip?
00:26.45vr_mexdont see a ip address for eth0
00:26.54aint_roottype ifup eth0
00:27.01vr_mexdont see eth0 just lo
00:27.32MavvieBloody why can't cisco get their act together?
00:27.41vr_mexdone it says determinig info for etho and returned
00:27.46vr_mexnow what
00:27.54MavvieFirst they promise us ATA handsets, then they say "we can't provide them because they're not approved by the Australian Telecom thingie."
00:28.06aint_rootok, is there a DHCP server on the nework?
00:28.15Mavviethey drive me crazy (oh oh) like no one else (oh oh)
00:28.52vr_mexyes and now after doing a ifconfig i got eth0 assigned an ip , but what is going on?
00:29.10aint_rootnow ping the ip
00:29.30aint_rootthen ping something like :)
00:29.37vr_mexit is responding ok
00:29.45aint_rootthere you go
00:30.16vr_mexwhat happened?
00:30.17aint_rootnow check to see if you can resolve IPs
00:30.27aint_rootdon't know
00:31.24vr_mexyep got wget working got the index page of google
00:31.36*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (
00:31.53aint_rootnot sure why it didn"t work on boot
00:32.11vr_mexcan asterisk@home work under dhcp or should i assign it a fixed ip or a dyn?
00:32.24vr_mexlet me boot it again and see
00:32.27Lelandback shortly .. have to reboot
00:32.28aint_rootit shoukd work
00:34.16vr_mexsince i am just starting to install asterisk@home i wonder if i assign a dyn, how should i set the dyn client, should i d/l and the follow instructions from the dyn? or does centos or asterisk@home have a special dyn client?
00:34.52aint_rootdon't know
00:35.28vr_mexok reboot ok and now it is working again, thanks a lot for your help
00:36.18vr_mexsee you again i will continue installing and again thanks a lot for your help
00:38.53*** join/#asterisk xtrvd (
00:39.25aint_rootWill * work behind 2 NATed gateways?
00:40.06*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:40.57aint_rootwho knows?
00:41.32*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
00:41.37Zipper_32aint_root: I saw an article on it in the wiki, I'm looking for you now.
00:41.42Zipper_32In the mean time: Could anybody point me in the direction of a solution to: "You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.9-22.EL kernel installed."
00:42.03aint_rootthey don't on REDhat
00:42.22TamariskIt means you do not have the source code installed on your system
00:42.31Zipper_32aint_root: They don't 'what' on redhat?
00:42.36*** join/#asterisk bigjb_ (
00:43.09GamercjmI tried putting a .call in outgoing... but it never calls.. even on a SIP phone, anyone had that problem?
00:43.17aint_rootlike tam said, the kernel sources arn't installed
00:43.40Zipper_32Tamarisk: I realize that much from the error, but how does one go about getting the source and making the make program link to those kernel sources?
00:43.56TamariskIs it Redhat you have or another system
00:44.05Zipper_32CentOS 4.2
00:44.15aint_rootand since it had EK in it, that is Redhat Enterprise Linus
00:44.19*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
00:44.33aint_rootCent is Redhat EL
00:44.46Zipper_32aint_root: Yes, I am quite aware of that.
00:44.48aint_rootor a clone
00:45.01TamariskOK I know about SUSE, but do you have any utility to install software from rpm's
00:45.28*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
00:45.52aint_rootDoes Cent have rpm?
00:45.54Zipper_32Tamarisk: CentOS installs software from RPM's... if that's what you're asking.
00:46.21Zipper_32heh, RPM = Redhad package manager...
00:46.50Zipper_32And CentOS is basically redhat...
00:46.54aint_rootuse "rpm -ivh <package name>
00:46.57TamariskNot quite, I am trying to remember what RH uses I have Yast in suse that manages all binaries
00:47.02tuxinator_linuxZipper_32: is Redhat
00:47.09TamariskI havd to use that to iunstall the kernal sources#
00:48.00Zipper_32aint_root: I don't have a package to install yet...
00:48.37aint_rootRedhat does not do things like others. They usually don't install kermel source in /usr/src/
00:49.19Zipper_32So then back to my original question... where may I go about finding the kernel source?
00:49.38tuxinator_linuxfor CentOS?
00:49.42tuxinator_linuxsorry, coming in late
00:49.46*** part/#asterisk _Thor (
00:50.03Zipper_32tuxinator_linux:  Could anybody point me in the direction of a solution to: "You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.9-22.EL kernel installed."
00:50.15aint_rootWell just install pristine source
00:50.22tuxinator_linuxZipper_32: I wrote a wiki over at voip-info a while ago
00:50.31tuxinator_linuxZipper_32: it's out of date, but it might help
00:51.06tuxinator_linux'yum install kernalversion.source' or something like that
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00:51.26fjeanor  kernel-source
00:51.39tuxinator_linuxaint_root: nah, much easier to just do 'yum install'
00:52.04aint_roottomato tamato
00:52.09tuxinator_linuxwhen you install with yum, asterisk will compile
00:52.27Zipper_32tuxinator_linux: Thanks, that's a much better explanation.
00:52.41tuxinator_linuxZipper_32: I can find you the file name, hold on
00:52.52tuxinator_linuxZipper_32: let me find a mirror ro look at
00:53.04aint_rootand it does't with pristine source?
00:53.24Zipper_32I'm trying to find it too, but I sure won't mind if you find it first.
00:53.26*** join/#asterisk delmar (
00:53.41octothorpeCrashHD:  I'm back, still need help/
00:53.50aint_roothe dies
00:53.57tuxinator_linuxZipper_32: which version is kernal
00:54.05tuxinator_linuxZipper_32: uname stuff
00:54.06Zipper_322.6.9-22.EL kernel
00:54.19Zipper_32hold on, I'll /proc/version
00:54.28tuxinator_linuxlet me see, that's 4.2 of centos?
00:54.50Zipper_32Linux version 2.6.9-22.EL (buildcentos@louisa.home.local) (gcc version 3.4.4 20050721 (Red Hat 3.4.4-2)) #1 Sat Oct 8 17:48:27 CDT 2005
00:54.57*** part/#asterisk fjean (
00:55.19ManxPowerdo a uname -a look at the version.  edit the /usr/src/linux/Makefile  look for VERSION and EXTRAVERSION, make sure they match with what uname -a gave you.
00:55.22bigjb_kernel_source doesnt work, i had the same issue
00:55.34bigjb_but ill be buggered if i can remember how i did it in the end
00:55.39ManxPowerIt's a classic issue with some versions of Redhat and the distros based on Redhat
00:55.59Zipper_32Uname -a: Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.9-22.EL #1 Sat Oct 8 17:48:27 CDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
00:56.06ManxPowerso the VERSION=2.6.9 and EXTRAVERSION=22.EL
00:56.06ManxPowerI assume
00:56.20Zipper_32checking the other 2 now,
00:56.30aint_rootRedhat doesn't use /usr/src/linus
00:56.39ManxPowerwell wherever it is.
00:56.49TamariskDo you have to put a symbolic link to somewhere
00:56.52Zipper_32Gah, no /usr/src/lin...
00:57.03ManxPowerAs far as I can tell asterisk looks at the Makefile for wherever it thinks the source is to see what version the source code is
00:57.12aint_rootno symbolic
00:57.38bigjb_i think i just had to install the kernel devel
00:57.55*** join/#asterisk AlexCTI (n=alex@
00:58.04ManxPowerWell duh.  That's the first thing you do.  I assumed you were still having problems.
00:58.09tuxinator_linuxZipper_32: maybe this one:  kernel-devel-2.6.9-22.EL.i686
00:58.28Zipper_32tuxinator_linux: Thanks, I'll give it a go.
00:58.41Zipper_32Time to test it out... be back later.
00:59.18aint_rootit would have been much faster to just compile the source yourself :)
01:00.31bigjb_still need the kernel devel package
01:00.37*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
01:00.50Zipper_32aint_root: I'm running this on a 233mhz P2...  it might take a while.
01:00.51AlexCTIHi, someone has been set up a hunt group? i'm using dial(SIP/agent1@SIP/agent2@SIP/agent2)  but I get a error which say: cause 3  No route or destination..
01:02.04aint_rootim getting that too for basic dialing
01:02.05FLeiXiuSHow do I answer a call waiting?
01:02.27twisted[asteria]well, if agent1 is _AT_ SIP/agent2 who is _AT_ SIP/agent2, then it might work
01:02.33FLeiXiuSAlexCTI: Use & rather @
01:02.48*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
01:03.09AlexCTIUhmm maybe that's my mistake... let check
01:03.25twisted[asteria]AlexCTI, no, that *IS* your mistake, if in fact you've got it like that in the dialplan.
01:03.27*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (n=DA-MAN@
01:03.53aint_rootWhat is this?
01:03.58aint_rootUnable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
01:04.07KaBewMhey does anyone know if I can send user/pass in a sip call in extensions.conf
01:04.08twisted[asteria]aint_root, looks like a message
01:04.19FLeiXiuStwisted[asteria]: People are dumb now-a-days.
01:04.23*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
01:04.31Zodiacalwhat could cause a loud screaching static sound about every 2 mins?
01:04.47twisted[asteria]Zodiacal, the midget in the torture chamber downstairs
01:04.48AlexCTITwisted & FleiXius: You were right, that was my works ;-) Thanks
01:04.53twisted[asteria]AlexCTI, ;)
01:04.56FLeiXiuSZodiacal: Interference?
01:04.59FLeiXiuSAlexCTI: Not a problem.
01:05.00Zodiacaltwisted but i put a sock in his mouth earlier
01:05.07rabelaishow does one set callerid to "private" or "unavailable"?
01:05.10twisted[asteria]Zodiacal, ah.  what type of channel?
01:05.12bigjb_Zodiacal, what type of trunk?
01:05.19Zodiacaltdm fxo cards POTS
01:05.24octothorpeCrashHD:  I'm back, still need help?
01:05.30rabelaisI figured out how to set it to any random number, but what if I want it to show up as private?
01:05.44twisted[asteria]ooh...  sounds like either interference or some sort of signalling burst kinda like callerid uses
01:06.11AlexCTIOne, last question, how many extensions can I set on just one group? I want to set 20, Can I put all of them?
01:06.14CrashHDthanks octothorpe, sure
01:06.18twisted[asteria]aint_root, it just means that you're dialing something it can't find a route to.
01:06.21bigjb_Zodiacal, whats weather like?
01:06.24aint_rootthanks twisted
01:06.32twisted[asteria]aint_root, so if you're dialing a peer, like SIP/blah, make sure you've got a [blah] peer in your sip.conf
01:06.33Zodiacalbigjb fine
01:06.48twisted[asteria]aint_root, or, make sure that you're using a fqdn or IP.
01:06.57TamariskJust as thought, has anyone done " The time according to asterisk is 01:08:50 pip pip pip"  ?
01:07.09Tamariskby dialing 123
01:07.21Zodiacalif i plug the lines into a phone analog directly theres never static
01:07.36Zodiacalits not even really static, its more like grinding really really lound for about 2-3 seconds
01:07.37bigjb_heh, i was thinking about doing the same when i got chance Tamarisk
01:07.47aint_rootI am using configs from quamtumvoice
01:07.47bigjb_sholdnt be too difficult
01:08.12TamariskI would like to get a hold of that just to have fun with
01:08.46bigjb_it should just be a simple agi script, i would be surprised if someone hasnt already done it
01:09.43bigjb_thats exactky my thought
01:10.13bigjb_i just spent last 3 hours adding extra trunks and getting free 056 number directed to fwd numbers
01:10.32TamariskThat must be for work!
01:10.40bigjb_no home
01:10.45bigjb_i was bored
01:11.10TamariskIf you are that bored you can fix mine
01:11.50bigjb_ive had enough for tonight
01:11.58*** join/#asterisk welles (n=welles@
01:12.01bigjb_am watching the end of evil dead 2 then hitting sack
01:12.15TamariskI have one last question for the group, old pc uses PII 450 Mhz processors
01:13.01bigjb_how many trunks / extensions going to be in use at once?
01:13.27aint_roottwisted: I have the peer in sip.conf
01:13.40TamariskAt this rate none, but the end is for 30 SIP users and possibly 3 fxo XP100p cards
01:14.13*** part/#asterisk KaBewM (n=DA-MAN@
01:14.15bigjb_should never be 30 users on at once though?
01:14.20TamariskSo max 15 SIP conversations
01:14.42bigjb_you might be better getting a card with 4 pots on rather than using 3 x100p
01:15.04jayk-is there a plugin for SugarCRM for Cisco XML services or do i have to specifically use Asterisk @ home?
01:15.28TamariskJust that x100p cost £8 each
01:15.51bigjb_you will have some serious irq issues with 3 in one system
01:16.26TamariskThere is a comment that Linux is very slow with IRQ requests
01:16.55CrashHDdebug level 0 should turn off debugging correct?
01:16.57octothorpecrashHD:  my bad, I am use to iax, it seems that sip doesn't show what codec is being used
01:17.17bigjb_before you even get to that point you will have to manually tweak irq in bios
01:17.39CrashHDoctothorpe: I see that in the negotiation it determines a list of codecs available between the two systems, I'm guessing the list is left to right priority
01:17.44bigjb_but then at £8 each you might aswell try it
01:17.59CrashHDoctothorpe: any way to stop my agi script from showing it launched
01:18.02octothorpethat seems right
01:18.06CrashHDmy console is full of route_did.agi:
01:18.22*** join/#asterisk iq (
01:18.26iqHi All
01:18.58TamariskThats why I bought them. If it works with one i will be happy
01:19.07TamariskNight all work tomorrow
01:19.17*** part/#asterisk Tamarisk (
01:20.00octothorpenot easily, the CLI output seems to be hard-coded
01:20.23CrashHDno fun
01:21.49aint_rootHow well would * work behind 2 NATed gateways?
01:22.10*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (
01:22.40octothorpemine works fine
01:22.42bigjb_aint_root, using iax and forwarding ports through both shouldnt be an issue
01:22.59aint_rootusing SIP
01:23.19aint_rootok then that isn't my problem
01:23.30bigjb_depends on the nat routers
01:23.32octothorpeaint_root:  you would have to forward ports on BOTH nat devices
01:23.44octothorpethats the fool-proof way
01:24.36aint_rootfor outgoing it should be automatic
01:25.18octothorpeunless your nat devices are poor
01:25.26aint_rootI can see calls coming in
01:25.33octothorpethen you can lose audio
01:25.46bigjb_what ports do you have open?
01:25.48aint_rootOne is dlink and one is a Linux gateway
01:25.55octothorpeRTP (audio) is different than control
01:26.12aint_rootcept ssh
01:26.43octothorpenost nat handles control (5060) fine, but rtp (10000 to 20000 udp) can get messed up
01:27.03bigjb_for sip you realistically want sip and possibly rtp
01:27.03aint_rootAn ata register directly to the provider works fine
01:27.43aint_rootand it is also nated 2 times
01:27.44bigjb_or vice versa even
01:28.50octothorpeso the problem is outbound, inbound or both, one-way audio, no way audio?
01:28.54FLeiXiuSWhat module do I need to load to use meetme?  I'm receiving, the error, "no application Meetme"
01:29.26aint_rootusing *
01:29.49octothorpeone way audio or no audio?
01:30.03aint_roottcpdump shows the traffic as well as using debug
01:30.29*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:30.40aint_rootI don't get that far yet
01:31.03octothorpepastebin you cli of an incoming call
01:31.34octothorpeand even maybe cli of outgoing
01:31.49octothorpecopy your CLI output to a pastebin
01:31.53jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
01:32.18aint_rootsweet ok
01:33.18octothorpeaint_root:  what version of asterisk are you running?
01:33.54octothorpethe new stuff
01:33.57aint_rootreinstalled today after a move
01:34.12octothorpejust wondering
01:35.05aint_rootcompiled fine
01:36.14aint_rootjust use
01:38.16*** join/#asterisk Vitux (
01:39.05*** join/#asterisk ultimal (
01:40.37aint_rootshows incoming, outgoing, using sip debug
01:41.56De_MonI've got an SPA941-NA and it doesn't stay connected to pbx (nat=yes), nor can I use blindtrasfer or attended xfer features... It wiggs out after the 1st digit, is this a dtmf problem?
01:45.19ultimalI very new to this PBX stuff.
01:45.32ultimalCan someone please explain what FXO and FXS is?
01:45.38octothorpewelcome aboard
01:46.20octothorpefxo = foreign exchange office - use this to connect to your telco
01:46.48aint_rootoct: you see the post?
01:46.49octothorpefxs = foreign exchange station - use this to connect normal (non-ip) phones to asterisk
01:46.59octothorpeaint_root: do you know why is is showing "User-Agent: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x"?  Are you using a cisco sip gateway, or is that your provider?
01:47.07aint_rootnet sip and extensions.conf
01:47.32aint_rootI was wondering about that
01:47.46aint_rootmeant need
01:47.51CrashHDany network commands to help sip jitter etc...?
01:47.54CrashHDin *
01:48.09aint_rootit may be from a sipura ATA
01:48.28ultimalthanks octothorpe
01:48.36aint_rootwhich mis wierd since cisco hadn't bought them when I bought the ata
01:48.45ultimalSo how do I make this VoIP?
01:48.50octothorpeaint_root: are you using a sipura?
01:49.00octothorpeultimal:  no prob
01:49.27octothorpethen asterisk gets it after the sipura?
01:49.48CrashHDare there any optimizations that can be made for ulaw codecs in
01:49.54octothorpewhere is the sipura stuff?
01:50.11aint_root^ register with QuamtumV
01:51.32aint_rootconnected to a switch on the * network
01:51.48octothorpeso if I understand right your layout is:  pstn - quantumV - sip - sipura - sip - asterisk - your phone
01:53.03aint_rootQuantumVoice ----> Asterisk ----> switch <---- Sipura ATA
01:53.51aint_roothere is the exact layout"
01:55.38aint_rootQuantumV -----> Router (Nated) --------> Linux NAT --------> switch ------> (Asterisk and Sipura)
01:55.53octothorpeultimal:  fxo and fxs are only for pstn use, you can use IP phones and IP trunks for pure VOIP
01:56.09octothorpeI'm confused, the sipura registers with quantumV?  or does Asterisk?  usually only one can register
01:56.49aint_rootActually I can register more than one device, but the ATA registers with asterisk
01:57.10aint_rootAsterick registers with Quantum
01:57.21octothorpeclear as mud
01:59.24aint_rootI wonder what provided the USE AGent/ Cisco stuff in there?
01:59.53octothorpeas far as I can tell, something is up with your sip.conf, it appears that quantumv is using some type of cisco callmanager, has quantumV given you a sample sip.conf?
02:00.37aint_rootyes it is based off of my sip.conf that I provided to them
02:00.55simulatedccm doesnt have sip
02:00.58aint_rootand they sent a sip.conf and extensions.conf
02:01.00simulateduntil the new version ;)
02:01.47octothorpeactually, 4.0 does support some sip, i use it at work
02:02.16aint_rootIsn't the ATA (sipura) using SIP?
02:02.22octothorpecan you pb your sip.conf
02:02.29octothorpethe sipura should be using sip
02:02.33aint_rootyes and extensions.conf
02:02.51aint_rootWell then their ccm must support sip
02:03.18octothorpehave you tried with a softphone (no ata)?
02:04.40octothorpesimulated: although I know 5.0 is supposed to be the real sip friendly release
02:05.22octothorpecan you pb me cli with a softphone and the sipura disconnected
02:08.51octothorpeback to basics, outbound has problems in cli
02:09.17octothorpeit is sending your local ip, not public
02:09.29octothorpe? indeed
02:09.41octothorpeI am looking deeper
02:30.31*** join/#asterisk jhnjwng (
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02:33.33octothorpe~nickometer octothorpe
02:33.33*** join/#asterisk N9URK (
02:33.50twisted[asteria]~nickometer jbot
02:33.52Darwin35what is asterisk where can I find it ? will it run on a palm pilot? what hardware do I need.
02:34.05*** part/#asterisk dgilmore (
02:34.16fugitivoDarwin35: it will run on this
02:35.11octothorpeDarwin35:  or
02:36.00N9URKHI guys, can someone help me in getting xlite going?  I am wanting to connect to my asterisk setup on a machine over the Internet.  I have set my router to DMZ the computer I am on with xlite for testing purpsoses.  Xlite says I am logged in and when I make a call it says "call not approved".  What do I need to do?
02:37.04octothorpeN9URK:  is your asterisk DMZ
02:37.22octothorpeN9URK:  can you ping your asterisk
02:37.32N9URKyeah, I can ping the machine it is on
02:37.47N9URKIt is on a webserver
02:38.17octothorpeare the appropriate ports open on the asterisk side
02:39.00octothorpeand I assume you have defined user in sip.conf
02:39.25N9URKit says I am "logged in" when I start xlite
02:39.29N9URKbut it wont let me make a call
02:39.40octothorpeok, just a second
02:40.22N9URKok thanks
02:43.12aint_rootit is a common issue with xlite
02:43.28aint_rootbtw, xlite "phones home"
02:43.40N9URKoh yeah?
02:43.46N9URKdoes it phone home the pw?
02:43.48aint_rootat leat the linux clietnt does
02:43.58N9URKis there a better choice in softphones?
02:44.08aint_rootI don't really know
02:44.58aint_rootI know that if I shut the network down xlite wo'n't even run
02:46.15aint_rootI just set up xlite today
02:46.35octothorpefor asterisk I really like idefisk from
02:46.37N9URKdo you have it running just over your lan?
02:47.04aint_rootwell my asterisk is broke now but xlite works as it is supposed to
02:48.30octothorpeidefisk is an iax softphone
02:48.47N9URKis it easier to set up than xlite/sip?
02:48.50mattwj2005so what do you guys use for Voip service providers?
02:48.51aint_rootyes over lan
02:49.11octothorpeI use (sixtel) for all inbound
02:49.29mattwj2005anyone have an experience with =
02:49.45N9URKwe are trying to set up teliax .  it has been pretty good but having other problems
02:50.02octothorpeI really like sixtel
02:50.22octothorpeteliax us ok, so is telasip
02:50.34octothorpeteliax is ok, so is telasip (sorry)
02:50.58octothorpeI like for outbound
02:51.02mattwj2005octothorpe for you DID are you using an unlimited or per min with
02:51.12octothorpeper minute
02:51.57mattwj2005see I was real interested in telasip....I wrote them an email and they never got back to me
02:52.10mattwj2005telasip is cheap and unlimited
02:52.18mattwj2005is telasip reliable?
02:53.06octothorpetelasip is better for "unlimited"
02:53.24octothorpeward mundy over at really likes telasip
02:53.43octothorpethey are reliable, or he wouldn't recommend them
02:54.05mattwj2005I wasn't sure if he was just saying that because he is a sponsor
02:54.07rabelaisI can attest to that, their service is good
02:54.45octothorpeWard is a good guy, he disapproved of Broadvoice after having problems with them
02:55.02N9URKdo you all know if setting up idefisk is easier than xlite (for use with a remote * server over the Internet)?
02:55.14QwellN9URK: yes
02:55.15octothorpeidefisk is VERY easy to setup
02:55.20denonidefisk is nice
02:55.40mattwj2005okay thanks for the info....I guess I'll go for telasip after all
02:55.42denonI havent used it much in production, but Ive tinkered with it several times, and run it on my laptop
02:55.50aint_rootxlite is not that bad once you get used to it
02:55.51mattwj2005thanks guys :)
02:56.11octothorpebut idefisk if easy, AND nice
02:56.12N9URKI am getting ready to read the manual on idefisk
02:56.13denonidefisk is so much simpler by design than xlite
02:56.16N9URKsso I will try it
02:56.18N9URKthanks guys
02:56.25CrashHDtelasip looks to be a phone system service? or am I missing something?
02:56.27denonN9URK: screw the manual, in 3 minutes you'll be making calls
02:56.28denonjust download it
02:56.35aint_rootdoes it have a linux client?
02:56.38octothorpeamen denon
02:56.49octothorpeidefisk does have a linux client
02:56.51denonand that 3 minutes is only if you're on a dialup to download it :)
02:57.37octothorpeCrashHD:  telasip is for anyone
02:58.02De_MonI'm trying to use exten 700 for parked calls, but dialing '70' reults in 'that is not a valid extension'
02:58.18octothorpetelasips website ain't the greatest, but their service is good
02:59.24octothorpecrashHD: see this telasip link
03:03.07octothorpecrashHD: see this telasip link  (sorry, missed the link)
03:03.54aint_root700 or 70?
03:04.17*** join/#asterisk linuxgeekuk (
03:05.29linuxgeekukhelp anyone know about TDM30B cards ?
03:05.33docelmoSay anyone know an easy way to find out where a tape drive is located in a SCSI drive chain?
03:07.17linuxgeekukor should I say TDM FXS
03:07.47docelmowhat do you wanna know?
03:07.53CrashHDresidential service?
03:07.58docelmothey are no harder to configure than an ATA
03:08.22*** join/#asterisk zaf (
03:08.47linuxgeekukha ha  well it work fine dialing out until you answer a call on it then you cant break dial tone
03:09.26De_Mon*scratches his head*
03:10.04aint_rootidefisk is fubar on linux
03:10.15linuxgeekukyep and I have been looking at it for hours and checked the usual irqs etc
03:10.25docelmolinuxgeekuk how do you have it configured?   Ground start?
03:10.29docelmoor loop?
03:10.44N9URKthis idefisk doesnt seem to be working
03:10.46rabelaisaint_root: agreed, idefisk is uber fubared's on linux
03:10.59rabelaisthere's dependancy nightmares
03:11.10*** part/#asterisk zaf (
03:11.11linuxgeekuktried all types
03:11.11N9URKgood ole package dependance hell
03:11.24rabelaisI had to symlink three sets of libraries before it decided it was happy to kick up
03:11.29aint_rootit needs a VERY library
03:11.35De_Monanyone got a nice big zipfile of on hold music? I found it the fisrt time I setup this pbx and now it's lost
03:11.39aint_rootVERY new*
03:11.43rabelaisas well as
03:11.51fugitivoemerge search idefisk
03:11.55fugitivo[ Applications found : 0 ]
03:12.05fugitivogood, no dependency problems
03:12.26aint_rootoic It bombs before that dep
03:12.41docelmoDe_Mon, if you like trance I can send you CD's of it.
03:12.53aint_rootyeah well emerge takes care of the deps
03:12.55rabelaisyes, I had three sets...libiaxclient, libexpat, and hten libstdc++
03:13.03rabelaisutter rubbish
03:13.08rabelaiswhere's the source    ;P
03:13.09docelmoI have about 6000 tracks or so
03:13.30N9URKwhat do I need to do to get idefisk to register to a remot * server over the internet?  I put in the information, have all the ports open on both sides, the info in iax.conf and nothing
03:13.31aint_rootlibiaxclient comes with it
03:13.39N9URKwhere do I find the log in idefisk?
03:13.56rabelaisaint_root: ya, but I thought it might be smart and look for the lib in the localdir
03:14.29aint_rootI was thinking about making a symlink to the old libexpat :)
03:14.56aint_rootlol rab: INSTALL.txt
03:15.02rabelaisaint_root: that works
03:15.17aint_rootit got me too
03:15.31rabelaisin fact, that's what I did, symlink to my old expat, and I found the libstdc++ from openoffice's libs
03:16.21N9URKok found the log
03:16.34N9URKam getting "facility not subscribed" errors
03:16.36rabelaiswhy did he build against
03:16.49rabelaisthat's a pre-release version
03:16.50octothorpeN9URZK:  right click on it and select "account options
03:17.02aint_rootwhy didn't they just make nondynamic
03:17.17N9URKI didn't click on "Register" for the account
03:17.24N9URKand so it is failing to register
03:17.53octothorpeto you have the extension set up in  iax.conf
03:18.49N9URKI do
03:19.06octothorpewhat is the idefisk log showing?
03:19.18N9URK"22:18:55 Failed registration"
03:19.30N9URKthe comp with idefisk is DMZ
03:19.38N9URKthe * server has all ports open
03:19.53octothorpeweird, I've never had a problem
03:20.13N9URKI followed this article:
03:20.50octothorpegood tutorial
03:21.04N9URKmaybe I have it now
03:21.11N9URKThanks guys for sticking it out with me
03:22.48*** join/#asterisk devnull431 (
03:23.00docelmoARGH!   Anyone know anything about tape drives on linux?   This is driving me nuts..
03:23.32octothorpeN9URK:  np
03:24.03octothorpesorry docelmo, can't help there
03:24.13N9URKNot sure what I did, I think it was a problem with my iax.conf extension.
03:24.35octothorpehere is my iax.conf for the idefisk phone:
03:24.49N9URKI am going to DMZ this computer.  WHat do I need to leave open 1020, 5060, and 10000-20000?
03:25.02aint_rootasterisk is broke
03:25.13octothorpethe computer doesn't need to be DMZd for idefisk
03:25.14docelmoN9URK, make sure its all UDP
03:25.52aint_rootits official idefisk is fubar on linux for this evening
03:26.05*** join/#asterisk Gwynm (
03:26.14N9URKdon't you love package dependance hell?
03:26.28aint_rootoct should be paid
03:26.31GwynmHey guys. I'm running Asterisk 1.0.7 on Linux. When streaming files, I randomly get "WARNING[10568]: file.c:1073 ast_waitstream_full: Wait failed (No such file or directory)", followed by a hangup.
03:26.45octothorpesounds fun
03:26.47GwynmIt's intermittent, happening about once every minute or two.
03:27.01GwynmThe file definitely exists.
03:27.26aint_rootno such file or ditectory
03:27.50tasatCan anyone recommend a good tutorial on getting SIP to work through a NAT router?  I've got port forwarding set, but with nat=yes, canreinvite=no, and qualify = yes, I get a number of 404 notfound, 401 not authorized, etc. and then finally a register ok on a non-5060 port.
03:27.56Gwynmaint_root: The file exists. Sometimes the whole file plays. Sometimes it hangs up part way.
03:28.18N9URK# thanks for the pastebin.  I will paste that in just incase I screw it up in the future
03:28.21GwynmThe files are being generated by Cepstral. A given file will sometimes work, and sometimes fail..
03:28.25tasatcalls go through from the proxy to me, about 1 in 3 or 4 times
03:29.19aint_rootgwy; I remember seeing something about that on voip-org
03:29.32Gwynmaint_root: Yeah, a patch was submitted at the start of 2005.
03:29.40Gwynmaint_root: It'd be in 1.0.7 by then though, wouldn't it?
03:29.42octothorpetasat, what ports are forwarded
03:29.47Gwynmaint_root: Also, that was on FreeBSD.
03:30.10tasatoctothorpe: 5060 for SIP and 10000-20000 for RTP
03:30.43aint_rootyeah something about the old mp3 library
03:32.30Gwynmaint_root: I'm compiling 1.2.5 now, just in case.
03:32.30octothorpetasat:   that should usually do it, maybe your provider uses a non 5060 port
03:32.30aint_rootwell I'll take my broken asterisk and go home
03:33.21aint_rootactually it isn't asterisk that is broke
03:33.43devnull431what's broke?
03:33.46aint_rootwell I'll take my broken asterisk config and go home
03:33.46Nuggetbrokeback pbx.
03:33.59tasatoctothorpe: they're using 5060...
03:34.31tasatoctothorpe: what about fromdomain?
03:34.59octothorpenot too familiar with that, kind of provider specific
03:35.07aint_rootoct: where are you
03:35.21octothorpe~seen oct
03:35.25jbotoct <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 307d 5h 46m 53s ago, saying: 'i do that'.
03:35.43aint_rootdebian blah
03:35.59aint_rooti ain't root
03:36.04NuggetLinux is poo.
03:36.41octothorpewin d'ohs aint any better
03:36.44N9URKGood night guys got to hit another project and then hit the bed.
03:36.57octothorpesee ya N9URK
03:37.01Zipper_32FreeDOS, that's where it is at.
03:37.18De_MonI want to delete a comment I made to the wiki, who do I talk to?
03:37.20*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
03:37.22octothorpeFreeDOS, LOL
03:38.07Zipper_32Yea... heh... who would even think about running *that*!
03:38.18aint_rootim root on win98
03:38.32aint_roothack my box
03:39.11sevardeat this pinecone
03:39.13sevardit will amuse me
03:39.15*** part/#asterisk linuxgeekuk (
03:39.49octothorpeaint_root: rofl
03:40.43aint_rootyou saw that?
03:42.06aint_rootcan't traceroute to oct
03:42.48aint_rootwell I'll take my broken asterisk config and go home
03:43.07aint_rootthanks for the help oct
03:44.06*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
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03:46.32tasatwhat a nightmare... I had better results with nat=never
03:50.39octothorpe_awayheaded for bed, see you guys later
03:50.56wundaboywhat does this mean?
03:50.56wundaboyAsked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)
03:51.47wundaboyMar  8 11:55:47 WARNING[2051]: chan_sip.c:2530 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)
03:51.59*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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03:52.51*** join/#asterisk wellng (n=welles@
03:54.19I-MODwundaboy: you're using g729 and you're having transcoding issues
03:54.26*** join/#asterisk forao (
03:54.28I-MODcheck your sip/iax.conf
03:54.31foraosorry i got disconnected
03:54.44foraoi asked you before and i dont know if someone answered
03:54.57foraodo you know of a channel about cable boxes?
03:55.10I-MODno idea
03:55.19foraook thanx
03:56.23wundaboythat worked!
03:57.05*** join/#asterisk octothorpe (
03:57.21*** part/#asterisk octothorpe_away (
03:58.19*** join/#asterisk f^bar (
03:59.15f^barso, what is the best IRC client?  I'm kind of new to IRC and need some good suggestions
03:59.37f^bartelnet?  lol
03:59.43tasatI'm losing it here... can anyone recommend a good tutorial on getting asterisk/sip to work through a nat router?  Regardless of what I try I'm getting 401 and 404 messages before an ok registration... 1 in 4 incoming calls makes it
03:59.51Qwelljust send it a pong every once in a while
04:00.14wellnghi all. is there a way to set in dialplan to let the asterisk have no native transfer ? i know i can do this by set notransfer=yes for an iax client. i want  asterisk have no native transfer for some extension but others will optimize the path
04:00.28f^baranyone using a "real" irc client
04:02.34Zipper_32Real men use BitchX
04:03.13f^barBitchX?  I'll have to go googling
04:03.20*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
04:05.00Zipper_32Real men also use Lynx...
04:05.07wellngexten => 1234,1,dial(user:passwd@,90,L(60000))  ,in this sentence L not work .why?
04:05.24wellngexten => 1234,1,dial(iax2/user:passwd@,90,L(60000))  ,in this sentence L not work .why?
04:07.24wellngexten => 1234,1,dial(iax2/user:passwd@,90,L(60000))  ,in this sentence L not work .why? expecting answer
04:07.35wundaboyfor some reason i cant seem to get the callerid to set on one of my providers
04:08.09wundaboyit shows up on one provider when i dial out
04:08.11wundaboybut not the other
04:10.41I-MODf^bar: its fun to use irc through telnet, it also means that you can access irc from literally ANYWHERE
04:12.16f^bari-mod, yeah, but I'm lazy, I like "normal" clients, and I use win-d'ohs because that it what my boss gives me
04:13.17I-MODffr dude
04:13.25I-MODjust go with mirc if you're on windows
04:13.49I-MODits scripting language will give you something to do in your "spare" time at work
04:16.26*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
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04:17.08willthello all
04:17.37willtdoes anyone have any info connection cisco 3640 to asterisk?
04:17.46willtI can't match on caller id
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04:27.21tasatIn the SIP message headers, with an OPTIONS requeset,  what is the use of 'From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as2e51234..."
04:28.58*** join/#asterisk rt (
04:30.46Gamercjmputting .call in outgoing/ isnt calling
04:34.41*** part/#asterisk devnull431 (
04:34.54Juggieso, yesterday i ordered from an unnamed online canadian retailer
04:34.57Juggiea dvd
04:35.08*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
04:35.16Juggiethey called my billing number, and when i wasnt there (i was at work) they left me an email
04:35.29Juggietotell me to call them from the number on my billing address to confirm the order
04:35.29HarisI'm gettnig the following output from asterisk on the console =>
04:35.32Juggieof course i was at work
04:36.00Juggiesolution, fake caller id on the t1 @ work to be my home number, and call them, to my supprise, it worked flawlessly :)
04:36.14Juggieahh asterisk, i love you so.
04:36.50Haris-- Got SIP response 405 "Method Not Allowed" back from <IP Adress> <- what does it mean?
04:38.58HarisI'm also getting => Mar  9 09:29:44 NOTICE[3528]: chan_sip.c:10854 handle_request_register: Registration from 'Name <>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
04:39.13*** part/#asterisk octothorpe (
04:39.51De_Monhey, Juggie ... howd you get app_conference compiled against 1.2.4?
04:40.55Darwin35where is app_confrence
04:41.04Juggiedemon, i havnt tried it lately, did you download the latest version from the cvs?
04:41.50*** join/#asterisk octothorpe (
04:42.18De_MonJuggie yeah, said it compiled against 1.0.7
04:42.27De_Monnot exactly recent
04:42.54Juggiethe cvs i'm looking at contains fixes to compile against 1.2.1
04:43.00Juggieso i assume that means 1.2.x
04:46.52De_Monwell, that explains why it didn't even compile against 1.0.7
04:47.16De_Montryin to update cvs but my black password isn't working, gimme amin
04:50.07De_Mongcc 3.4 gives me a ton of errors
04:50.23Juggiei have no idea, i have t1 cards, zaptel timeing works for me :)
04:50.27De_Mon3.3 still has a fair ammount, it's just not workin.
04:50.31Juggiebut i've used app_conference in the past and its been fine
04:50.40Juggiegrr, your going to make me compile this arnt you ;)
04:50.53De_Monshrug, i just know it doesn't work for me
04:51.00Juggietell me the cvs command to download that quickly, i dont have time to screw around ;)
04:51.10De_Monmeetme is doing well enough, but
04:51.14De_Moncvs login; cvs up
04:51.24De_MonI'd like to try out my options
04:51.51Juggiehow do i define what i want
04:51.55Juggiecommon dont make me look it up
04:51.58*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
04:52.36De_Moncvs login! cvs up!
04:52.52Juggiei have to define what i'm loging into :)
04:52.52De_Monyou don't have the cvs pserv do you
04:52.53Darwin35kool kiax works
04:52.55Juggieand i dont remember cvs atm
04:53.22Juggienow, dont you feel better :)
04:54.07De_Montake out the port, anon doesn't work on that port
04:54.44Darwin35kool kiax a kphon both work now
04:54.58Juggieit works
04:55.02Juggiethe password is blank
04:55.08Darwin35thank gawd for native sound drivers
04:56.51HarisDo I have to specify alaw/ulaw in sip.conf or is it optional for testing asterisk on LAN?
04:57.20tasatplease help:  qualify=yes causes asterisk to send OPTION messages to keep the port alive... are they supposed to come back NOT FOUND?  doe that matter?
04:59.29JuggieDe_Mon, i have bad news and good news, which do you want first
05:01.12Juggiei had to edit the make file to fix some paths, but it compiled clean
05:01.15Juggiegcc 3.4.4
05:01.20De_Mondamn you
05:01.41De_Monbesides the includes path what did you change?
05:01.57JuggieINSTALL_PREFIX := /usr
05:01.57JuggieINSTALL_MODULES_DIR := $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib/asterisk/modules
05:01.57JuggieASTERISK_INCLUDE_DIR := $(HOME)/svn/asterisk-1.2/include
05:02.01Juggiethats all i did
05:02.16willtanyone have any info on connecting a cisco 3640 with channelized voice card and asterisk?
05:03.01CrashHDwillt what kind of info?
05:03.06CrashHDpretty straight forward
05:03.28De_MonI've got gcc 3.4.5
05:03.31willtwell I think it's working but..
05:03.36Juggiethat shoudnt really matter
05:03.39Juggiewhats the compile error
05:03.41willtim not getting caller id
05:03.42CrashHDwillt what isn't working about it?
05:03.53De_Mon/usr/include/asterisk/channel.h:291: error: syntax error before 'time_t'
05:03.53De_Mon/usr/include/asterisk/channel.h:416: error: syntax error before '}' token
05:03.53De_Mon/usr/include/asterisk/channel.h:649: error: syntax error before 'time_t'
05:03.53De_Mon/usr/include/asterisk/channel.h:656: error: syntax error before 'time_t'
05:03.54CrashHDfrom the cisco to the asterisk or vise versa?
05:04.00willtand it's saying the number is invalid
05:04.06De_Monmostly syntax stuff
05:04.16Juggiethat seems very broken
05:04.24Juggieare you missing include files
05:04.25CrashHDso it's inbound on a zap channel to the asterisk from the cisco?
05:04.30Juggieis there an error for missing headers
05:04.31willtCrashHD: I don't seem caller id on the asterisk just hex@ipaddress
05:04.47willtinbound sip I believe
05:04.47*** join/#asterisk rpm (
05:05.22CrashHDsorry bud I'm more a pri/t1 guy
05:05.24JuggieDe_Mon, what os?
05:05.29CrashHDmaybe one of these guys can help you with the sip
05:05.35De_Mondistribution? debian stable
05:05.44willtwell I have a pri/t1 plugged into the cisco
05:05.58De_Moninclude/features.h:44: error: syntax error before 'AST_LIST_ENTRY'
05:06.09De_Monit knows where the includes are
05:06.17Juggiethose are the asterisk includes
05:06.21Juggietime_t is time.h
05:06.24De_Moni haven't touched the module path though
05:06.47De_Monhang on.. it's using gcc4 still
05:07.21willtthanks crash
05:07.30JuggieDe_Mon, make sure gcc4 knows where to find time.h
05:07.57CrashHDsorry bud
05:08.00CrashHDwhich I could be more help
05:08.02willtshouldn't exten => s,1,Macro(extwvm,SIP/187,10,187@demo) match anything and send it to ext 187?
05:08.11CrashHDwillt: no
05:08.20CrashHDit will only match if there is no exten set
05:08.30CrashHD_X., will match anything
05:08.36willt_X,1 ?
05:08.40CrashHD(except * builtin
05:08.49willtoh ok
05:09.09CrashHDs, is for like macros and inbound pots lines where you aren't grabbing dnis
05:09.21De_Monhrmph, I'm setting CC and CXX for the right gcc but it appears the makefile doesn't care!
05:12.07De_MonJuggie duno, but if the cvs is good, I at least know the problem is at my end. thanks :)
05:15.51GamercjmWhen using a .call file, where can i find the log of the proccess of the file when put in outgoing
05:16.08willtCrash: should this exten => _X.,1,Answer() match anythin in the context and pick up the call?
05:16.28[TK]D-Fender_X. will match anything starting with a DIGIT.
05:19.38HarisFor a normal agent/user/caller/client, I should create a type=user in sip.conf?
05:19.47Harisor type=friend
05:20.14tasatcan someone verify for me: a nat router with port forwarding will still cause a non-5060 rport?
05:20.17kaldemarfriend would be better so the client can both receive and make calls.
05:21.15Hariskaldemar: That's .. acceptable for a start.
05:22.58HarisWhen I have created the caller in sip.conf, 1) do I need to have a corresponding regiser => statement for them or 2) is it one of them at one time or 3) is it necessary
05:24.27kaldemarif you have a client, the client registers to your asterisk box. the register lines mean registering to somewhere else, for example a service provider.
05:24.29[TK]D-FenderHaris : register is for when you are having * act as a client, not the other way around.  If you are referring to setting up phones (soft /hard, etc) THEy will register to * typically.
05:25.00kaldemarwe need some echo can here.
05:27.34willtIf I see logging messages and my cisco routers ip on my asterisk box when I call my cisco it means the sip is getting to it right?
05:28.31HarisOk, if my linux box is the asterisk pbx box
05:28.37HarisI don't need to add register lines on it
05:28.40Harisfor local clients
05:29.37GamercjmWhen i move a .call into the outgoing folder, It does nothing, Is it possible i have something turned off? the file are gone in the outgoing folder
05:31.04{zombie}Gamercjm: look in your asterisk console to see what it is doing
05:32.08*** join/#asterisk inv_Arp (
05:36.30HarisI'v made 2 phone lines in my sip.conf (I'm testing ... preliminary tests => Pc <-> PC through asterisk using xlite). I have only altered sip.conf from the 'make samples' config files. This is my config, the output of the calling party on asterisk console. The call does not reach the target =>
05:37.02HarisIt is destroyed.
05:38.48Gamercjmar 8 16:22:23 WARNING[2538] pbx_spool.c: Unable to open /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ Permission denied, deleting
05:38.48GamercjmMar 8 16:22:23 WARNING[2538] pbx_spool.c: Failed to scan service '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/'
05:39.23{zombie}Gamercjm: you need to change the ownership on the call file to the user asterisk runs as
05:39.34{zombie}eg chown asterisk
05:39.38{zombie}before you move it
05:40.30HarisI get a => call failed: 404 not found on xlite at the calling party
05:42.22Juggiei need to find a projection screen bigger then 56"x75"
05:42.27Juggieanyone have any suggestions
05:43.50*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
05:44.41GamercjmMar 8 21:43:55 DEBUG[2525] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'IAX2/'
05:44.44jayk-mine is 60x60
05:45.10GamercjmWARNING[6736] pbx_spool.c: Unable to set utime on /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ Operation not permitted
05:45.26Gamercjmis that a config error in my .call file?
05:45.59jayk-permissions issue
05:46.03*** part/#asterisk anandbabu (
05:46.18kaldemarHaris: have you modified your extensions.conf?
05:46.30Gamercjmthe file is owned by the asterisk user, and even did chmod 777
05:46.37*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:46.49kaldemarHaris: asterisk says that it can't find the extension 208. it was looking for it in the [default] context of extensions.conf.
05:47.02Hariskaldemar: Doing that right now.
05:50.08jayk-dunno Gamercjm
05:50.56HarisInformative: s extension.
05:52.44Harisfor lan env, what would I replace [from-mysipprovider] with in extensions.conf?
05:53.07Harisfor e.g. I'v designated the box I installed asterisk on as the sip_proxy
05:53.13Harisshould its name come into it?
05:55.08Gamercjmin the extension should it be s if i used that in the context, and for the context for the 1st should i have it Answer?
05:57.07HarisI have it setup like... line 1: exten => 205,205,Answer line 2: exten => 208,208,Answer
05:57.18Harisat the end of extension.conf
05:59.37willtcan someone look at a log excerpt for me and tell me whats going on?
06:00.49GamercjmWARNING[2533] chan_iax2.c: Call rejected by No such context/extension
06:01.00Gamercjmis that rejected by my voip?
06:01.53*** join/#asterisk warp (
06:02.49willthow can I match anything in a context?
06:03.07willt_X. doesn't seem to be working
06:05.43HarisChanges, same output =>
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06:09.20axscodeGot SIP response 400 "Bad Requet (Calling ID is Not Registered)" back from
06:09.41axscodecan u help with this ? im trying to call using my outgoing trunk..
06:13.12willtWhat does it mean when asterisk found Call ID: HEXCODE-HEXCODE-HEXCODE-HEXCODE@ipadress
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06:15.48HarisChanged -> exten => 205,205,Answer to => exten => 205,1,Dial(SIP/205,20,rt) <- is this correct?
06:16.54Harisstill get => Looking for 208 in default (domain
06:16.59HarisSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
06:21.37*** join/#asterisk h3x (n=h3xor@
06:24.44Harisexten => 205,1,Dial(SIP/,20,rt) <= is this a correct extension config/
06:28.49Zipper_32Just out of curiosity, is there a particular distro that anyone here perfers to run asterisk on?
06:30.21clive-zipper I liek centos, but I am just having a new issue about missing kernel sources
06:30.36Juggieyum install kernel-source ?:)
06:31.12clive-juggie thats what I tried, but the new version (4.2) does not support that. I have to find a rpm or something
06:31.33Juggiei am pretty sure it does
06:31.45clive-belive me, I tried it..:(
06:31.56Zipper_32clive-: I'm having the same problem!!!
06:32.21clive-read this:
06:32.35Zipper_32clive-: I had to download the RPM, do a rpm -ivh on it, move the result into: /usr/src/linux/  and then attempt to compile
06:32.42Harisfound a new problem.
06:32.54clive-I was up til the wee hours last night until I just crashed out
06:32.56Zipper_32Yes, I read that this afternoon clive-,
06:32.58HarisLocal/208@local-lan-sip-call-testing-9ed6,1 is circuit-busy
06:33.11Haris== Auto fallthrough, channel 'Local/208@local-lan-sip-call-testing-81d6,2' status is 'CONGESTION'
06:33.15Zipper_32clive-:  I got my x100p today, so I wanted to install it, and I've been having problems all day with it.
06:33.21clive-zipper did you get it to compile after all that downloading and moving about
06:33.35Zipper_32I've got it to compile, but I haven't got it fully working yet
06:33.38Juggieclive-, kernel-devel
06:33.48Zipper_32Modprobe doesn't detect the proper modules... or something.
06:33.49HarisDoes the conjestion message mean, I'v not configured any channels?
06:33.53*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:33.57Zipper_32It did compile though
06:34.11Zipper_32I'm trying to follow:
06:34.34Zipper_32getting to the make clean; and the make linux26; followed by the make install all worked well.
06:34.41clive-well thats good, ., I need to go through that process myself, hopefully without too many glitches
06:35.08clive-zipper where did you downlaod the correct rpm from?
06:35.26Juggieclive-, i didnt say use up2date
06:35.32Juggiei said use yum
06:35.41Zipper_32Juggie: It doesn't work...
06:35.43clive-zipper if asterisk wont start, then thats because your conf files are not correct
06:35.58Juggie'yum install kernel-devel'
06:35.59Zipper_32clive-: Asterisk starts.
06:36.10Juggiei have a ton of asterisk boxes
06:36.14Juggiethey all compile zaptel fine
06:36.17Juggieand they are all centos
06:36.26Zipper_32Juggie: We need the header files from source... or so that is the error.
06:36.51JuggieZipper_32, run yum update to check for broken dependencies
06:36.54Zipper_32clive-: Basically, I downloaded "kernel-2.6.9-22.EL.src.rpm", did a rpm -ivh on it and moved the dir to /usr/src/linux/
06:36.54clive-juggie, maybe beacsue I used the "centos .2 server disk) thats why, I have a box on the 4.1 4 disk distro an that one works fine
06:37.15Juggieclive-, type 'yum install kernel-devel'
06:37.15Zipper_32clive-: I used the server disk too, and it's not making me very happy...
06:37.17Juggieand tell me what it does
06:37.58Juggiethe server disk is fine
06:37.59clive-juggie, I can't right now the box is off and in another place :(
06:38.01Juggieyou are just missing a package
06:38.06JuggieZipper_32, you do it then
06:38.13Juggie'yum install kernel-devel'
06:38.23Zipper_32I already have it installed.
06:38.31Juggieso then whats the prob
06:38.34Juggiethats the kernel source
06:38.54Zipper_32It didn't fix the problem earlier, but after doing the .rpm, I was able to compile zap,
06:39.04Juggieit should have.
06:39.12Juggiedo 'rpm -qa|grep kernel'
06:39.14Zipper_32I had to move the kernel source to the /usr/src/linux/ dir.
06:39.17Juggiepaste me the output
06:39.22clive-Juggie do you use the centos 1 disk server distro, or the 4 disk distro ?
06:39.28Juggiei've used both
06:40.00Zipper_32Juggie: kernel-2.6.9-22.EL
06:40.04clive-wierd, I have found thi very wacky
06:40.18Zipper_32kernel-devel-2.6.9-22.0.2.EL; kernel-utils-2.4-13.1.69
06:40.19HarisPlease review:
06:40.40Harisasterisk console output suggests a .. loop?
06:40.50HarisDo I need to add Hangup string in the extension as well?
06:41.05JuggieZipper_32, i'll let you guess at the problem :)
06:41.20Zipper_32Juggie:... Are you always this cruel? :(
06:41.23Juggieany ideas?
06:41.28Juggieyour kernel & kernel source
06:41.32Juggieare different versions
06:42.18clive-juggie what result do you get on your centos 4.2 box ?
06:43.17Juggie[root@TRN-ASTX-GTW1 ~]# rpm -qa|grep kernel|grep 2.6.9-22.0.1
06:43.32Juggiethats the kernel thats running
06:43.45Juggiei havnt rebooted to load any newly installed version
06:44.16Juggieand its important to note it will look for the source of the running version
06:44.22*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (n=tuxinato@
06:44.36Zipper_32Juggie: Where does it look for the source?
06:45.12Juggiei have no idea i'd have to read through the makefile
06:45.17Juggiei dont know how it determines where it is
06:45.25Zipper_32Where may I ask is yours?
06:45.56Zipper_32I went by the 'KSRC_SEARCH_PATH:=/usr/src/linux-2.4 /usr/src/linux' in Makefile
06:47.09*** join/#asterisk welles (n=welles@
06:47.53clive-2.4 ??
06:48.21Zipper_32clive-: 2 paths, the second being /usr/src/linux/
06:48.22clive-zipper more bozes = more work and more things to go wrong, me, I have a few myslef
06:49.05*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:49.09brookshirei wanna start a webpage for nothing but photos of asterisk boxen
06:49.20Juggiemine are all in /usr/src/kernels/
06:49.25clive-zipper, centos 4.2 is not kernel 2.4 thats why I am wondering why you have it like that
06:49.44Zipper_32clive-: Because the zaptel Makefile is looking there?
06:50.09clive-zaptel needs " make26"
06:50.36Zipper_32I did: make linux26
06:50.48clive-oops, yes,,,that :)
06:53.13Juggiethats what zaptel will compile against
06:53.32Zipper_32Juggie: I swear, I was just reading the line "$(KSRC)" when you typed that
06:53.42Zipper_32I was just about to look up the variable.
06:54.05Zipper_32Thanks. =)
06:55.11jayk-what is .EL?
06:55.34Zipper_32Enterprise Linux
06:55.36Juggieenterprise linux
06:55.43Zipper_32(Redhat Enterprise Linux)
06:55.43Juggie$KVERS will contain your linux version
06:56.15Juggiedone by make tools.
06:56.18Juggiei would assue
06:56.28jayk-i use slackware
06:57.03JuggieKVERS:=$(shell uname -r)
06:57.37jayk-i needed an OS i could poke and it wouldn't jiggle
06:58.19Zipper_32jayk-: Does Slack have any package management yet?
06:58.55jayk-yeah it does
06:58.59jayk-it is all package based
06:59.17Zipper_32I was under the impression that it was all tarballs,
06:59.18brookshireit's like.. untar this here
06:59.23jayk-it used to be
06:59.33Juggiecentos rocks
06:59.35jayk-i didnt start using slackware until about 2 years ago
06:59.36Juggiethats what i use
06:59.52jayk-i ran freebsd mostly but it lacks too many things these days
07:00.36*** join/#asterisk rpm (
07:01.13jayk-i don't know much about centos other than asterisk@home is built on top of it
07:01.44Zipper_32jayk-: Take Redhat Enterprise Linux, scratch off the labels, and replace them with a sticker that says 'CentOS', and there you have it.
07:02.22jayk-i wanted a stripped down, core version of linux
07:02.27jayk-and slackware was what i found
07:02.35Zipper_32Then slack is probably the best for that purpose.
07:06.01jayk-i liked freebsd, but it no longer could do what i needed it to do
07:06.58jayk-then i tried redhat, and if i tried to do update something myself rather than using redhat's updates, it broke the entire system
07:07.04jayk-so i chose slackware
07:10.28*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
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07:20.24JuggieAround the AHL -- Mogilny came to Albany with 473 NHL goals. No one has ever played in the AHL after scoring that many goals in the NHL.
07:20.34Tikolahi everyone
07:20.40Tikolasmall question if i may
07:20.44Tikolaincoming calls come in, and goes into a queue, hold music... thats cool, but if the person calling in hangs up before being aswered, the line stays open (Zap) and the phones keep ringing, que goes around and around.
07:20.59Tikolanever hangs up the line
07:21.01Juggieack, wrong channel to paste that into, the hockey stuff, woops ;)
07:21.31dpryoHrm, I'm getting «undefined symbol: ast_load» when I load .. any clues?
07:22.16JuggieTikola, TDM i assume?
07:24.44Tikolayes, tdm22b, 2fxo and 2fxs
07:29.09*** join/#asterisk puzzled (n=yeahrigh@
07:29.48Juggiei dont do tdm :)
07:29.52Juggiedoes * see the hangup?
07:29.56Juggiestart there.
07:30.02Tikola* ?
07:30.13Juggiewhen the user hangs up, does * see it
07:30.15Juggiestart looking there
07:31.38iDunno* -> asterisk
07:31.38Tikola*CLI i take it
07:31.42Tikolai run it under a `screen` with asterisk -vvvc
07:31.55Tikolait does see that the user has hung up
07:32.10Tikolait goes to voicemail evntually
07:32.20Juggiewhat country?
07:32.25Tikolanew zealand
07:32.36Juggieyou need to make asterisk see the hangup thats the problem
07:32.46Juggieyou can try call progression, look for new zeland tips on thre wiki, etc.
07:33.09Tikolaok thanks
07:33.12Juggiei've never delt with tdm, only pri, try back here at a better time
07:33.19Juggieright now no one is active
07:33.23Juggiei'm about to go to sleep.
07:33.38iDunnothey aren't? hmm.
07:34.40JuggieTikola, make sure you have your country set
07:35.28Tikolaloadzone = nz
07:35.32Tikolain the /etc/zaptel.conf
07:35.43Tikolaand defaultzone=nz
07:36.46Juggieyah, you need to make sure your phone company is sending you a signal when the line hangs up
07:36.52Juggieand that you are setup to see it
07:37.18Tikolaok thanks
07:38.00Juggieask these guys :)
07:38.07Juggienew zealand asterisk user group
07:39.04Juggiethat should get you started
07:39.42Juggiethats what you need to get implemented
07:39.49Juggieyou have to ask for it apparentally
07:39.51Juggiebut its free
07:39.54Juggieso voila
07:42.45Tikolaawesome thanks heaps
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07:44.34nayyaresi have configured asterisk in my office and i want to connect to my branch office via Internet connection, we are using NAT at both end. what will be the configuration in this case?
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07:46.56brookshiretikola: :D
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07:54.29tainted_how do i get an extension to ignore the '#' key
07:54.29Tikolaoh yes!! working
07:54.32Tikolathanks again!
07:54.55tainted_-- Invalid extension '93#' in context 'incoming'
07:55.03tainted_i only want it to pick up '93'
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08:01.04jayk-can you use :1?
08:01.11kaldemartainted_: what version of asterisk are you using, and is # always the last character?
08:02.20tainted_yes - always last character
08:03.28brookshireuntil the 1.4 branch is released ;)
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08:19.50kaldemartainted_: you could use Cut for that.
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08:21.58kaldemartainted_: exten => _X.,1,Set(temp=CUT(EXTEN,#,1))
08:22.37kaldemartainted_: exten => _X.,2,Dial(Local/${temp}@yourcontext)
08:22.48kaldemartainted_: or something like that.
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08:38.39brettnemhey, anyone using mediaproxy?
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08:40.05dpryoanybody got cisco 7905 working with chan_sccp?
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09:13.42axscodehi guyz.. do you have any temporary SIP account? where i can test my outgoing route? please.. thank you
09:13.57FuriousGeorgehows awake and knows shit?
09:14.34FuriousGeorgesomeone wants a PBX with a page all feature, but AFAIK, this is not server supported at all
09:14.43FuriousGeorgeam i wrong dudes?
09:15.38axscodeasterisk + astbill is a good combination for me..
09:16.06FuriousGeorgeaxscode: thats not directed at me is it?
09:16.13FuriousGeorgeare you just talking out loud?
09:16.43axscodeFuriousGeorge: would like to check, and
09:17.12FuriousGeorgeaxscode: you got no0 idea what i'm talking about, do you?
09:17.55FuriousGeorgesuper :)
09:18.11FuriousGeorgeQwell: stop ignoring me i know you never sleep :)
09:18.24jbothmm... qwell is a patented liquid formula that contains three plant-based bio-active agents that work together in a perfectly balanced combination. These agents act synergistically to boost your good cholesterol and slash the bad.
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09:22.06axscode~sip trunk
09:22.10oejFuriousGeorge: Check application page()
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09:22.32stonewhen forwarding a sip-call to a sip-softphone I get the call but no sound. Any tips on where to start look?
09:22.50FuriousGeorgeoej: yeah im looking, but the only problem is i cant force the phone to pick up like they want
09:23.07FuriousGeorgeits a school "calling all teachers"
09:23.28FuriousGeorgeso im figuring some phones should support it
09:23.32FuriousGeorgeclient side
09:23.36FuriousGeorgeor something
09:24.10FuriousGeorgealthough, i'll run it by them that way
09:24.27FuriousGeorge...  how well would page scale to 140 extensions!
09:24.38fourcheezeFuriousGeorge: which phones are they?
09:24.55FuriousGeorgezap came to mind cuz its cheap
09:25.03FuriousGeorgeif i go about it this way
09:25.14oejFuriousGeorge: One way calling? Use loudspeakers connected to chan_alsa or chan_oss with immediate answer
09:25.24oejpage is based on Meetme
09:25.27oejSo it scales
09:25.27fourcheezeI'm sure snom phones can page quite well these days
09:25.37oejBut take resources from the server
09:25.52oejI belive Snom phones handle auto-answer correctly
09:25.54FuriousGeorgeoej: hey thats brilliant, i can just multiplex regular old speakers and run them to where they need to be...
09:26.05Angeljarodi've a 1$ question
09:26.14oejI believe you can use AirPort Express streaming as well
09:26.14FuriousGeorgeill answer it for .75 centd
09:26.16fourcheezefine unless they actually need to make phone calls as well
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09:26.19oejI haven't tested
09:26.30oejBut there's an alsa driver for the airport express sound port
09:27.03oejSo asterisk calls alsa, that streams it out with Apples proprietary protocol over TCP/IP and the AirportExpress connects to loudspeakers or any kind of amplifier
09:27.09Angeljarodis there a way to create a shared (external) dial directory in asterisk (with an addon or another tool) ??
09:27.15oejIf it works, that would be *really* cool
09:27.29oejAngeljarod: app directory() is your best friend
09:27.33Angeljarodso any user can acces it and dial common call list
09:27.34FuriousGeorgewould be cool, but how many airports would i need?  sounds pricey
09:27.38oejReading docs is a good thing (TM)
09:27.42jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
09:28.32oejFuriousGeorge: Yes, but say you have the amplifier for the speaker system in a different location from the Asterisk server - then you can stream like that. But yes, Airport Express in every room only makes Apple happy
09:28.58FuriousGeorgeoej: thanks so much for the help
09:29.52FuriousGeorgeby the way, ive been managing a bar part time, so i havent had time to test metermaids, but tomorrow is the last day
09:29.57axscodehi guyz do you have a sip proxy where i can use it for my outgoing trunk? i just want to know how to configure it..
09:31.01Ikaruspfff, dealing with someone who doesn't see the problem with asterisk @ home
09:31.30FuriousGeorgeaxscode: get a free sip account from gizmo project and use it to call toll frees for free
09:31.53FuriousGeorgeyour gonna have trouble getting someone in here to do that for you
09:33.04Angeljarodi'm new to asterisk to, and the a@h is probably the baddest way to start with asterisk
09:33.45jbotGIZMO 3D Scene Graph Toolkit. URL:
09:33.52axscodewould you like to point me?
09:34.11FuriousGeorgetry that one
09:34.30FuriousGeorgeaxscode: google is your friend, btw
09:34.31FuriousGeorgeand mine
09:35.30Angeljarodis there a way to configure app directory in a@h ?
09:35.37oejasterisk@home is a good application, but it kind of hides Asterisk for you
09:35.41FuriousGeorgeAngeljarod: asterisk works in the dialplan like a simple scripting language, so there is no problem making extension 200-299 (for instance) really be a list of 100 speed dials, if thats what you are asking about
09:36.03fourcheezehow do I switch between two different voicemail sound sets?
09:36.14kippiI have had more luck getting asterisk runing and working, than asterisk @ home
09:36.17oejfourcheeze: check the language variable
09:36.42fourcheezeI don't really want two languages, but I suppose I could cheat
09:36.46oejset language=sexydarkfemale
09:36.53oejset language=horrormale
09:37.05fourcheezeset language = bosh bird
09:37.23FuriousGeorgeima call call call call this junk, call this junk out on my trunk.  my trunk my trunk, my lovely asterisk trunk (check it out)
09:37.28FuriousGeorgei need to stop doing that
09:37.28oejfourcheeze: as long as you don't use two-character codes, you can use language to change selection of sound files
09:37.41fourcheezeok, I'll have a play witht hat
09:37.42arcraiglmfao @ my lovely asterisk trunk
09:37.47Angeljarodi think oej is right, aah is quite easy to configure, but you never create scripts or anything... so when you want something that's not in amp, you don't know how
09:37.50FuriousGeorgei cant get that song or asterisk out of my head
09:38.14oejHmm. What made me think of Kylie Minogue?
09:38.23oej" I can't get Asterisk out of my head"
09:38.32oejI did not know she was an Asterisk junky too
09:38.46FuriousGeorgeboy, your dialplan is all i think about
09:39.53Angeljarodi should take more time to study asterisk basics (dialplan means nothing to me)
09:40.16jbotwell, extensions.conf is at, or know as dialplan, or known as extensions, or known as exten
09:42.54IkarusHrm, is there a klingon or elvish voice prompt set for Asterisk, I need to torture some people
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09:46.46FuriousGeorgewhere was i?
09:46.55jbotdocs is, like, probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
09:47.21FuriousGeorgeAngeljarod: same to you :)
09:48.11Angeljarodok so i'll take some cofee while i'll entirely read this
09:48.29fourcheezeAngeljarod: the book is a real good way to quick start
09:48.36FuriousGeorgethere isnt enough coffee in your house :)
09:48.53FuriousGeorgebook is great
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09:49.24Angeljarodthere a supermarket next to my office
09:49.36Angeljarodit's not a real problem
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09:50.07FuriousGeorgethey may not have enough either :)
09:50.12Angeljarodtranslation will be the first
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09:51.34Angeljarodi'm french
09:52.45FuriousGeorgeno problem:  "mon trunk mon trnk, mon cheri asterisk trunk (voila)"
09:52.55FuriousGeorgethat'll be 500 francs :)
09:53.21Angeljarodfrench franc doesn't exist anymore
09:53.29Angeljarodeuro is here
09:53.53areskiExcellent :)
09:54.25fourcheezeAngeljarod: how is life in euroland
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09:54.54IkarusEuroland is fine
09:54.59Ikarusmakes my life easier atleast
09:55.03FuriousGeorgeAngeljarod: i know my family is actually spanish, i was just being funny
09:55.06FuriousGeorgeor trying
09:55.27Angeljarodhum, i think it depends of the country where you are
09:55.50Angeljarodthere's good things and bad things in each one
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09:56.25Angeljarodin france, there's a lot of social assistance, so it's great (just for assisted people)
09:56.26FuriousGeorgebut the food is usually delicious, and train fair is cheap
09:56.32FuriousGeorgefrom what i remember
09:56.54Angeljarodallright (and the train is sure, not like in england)
09:57.20FuriousGeorgeAngeljarod: maybe its great for everyone because the assisted are less marginalized
09:57.35Angeljarodnot sure
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09:57.52nayyaresi have xten softphone binary, but when i try to run it, gives me error "xtensoftphone: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
09:58.13FuriousGeorgenayyares: on windows, right?
09:58.15trixteryou aparently dont have the g++ libstd
09:58.21rikstahnayyares, you need to install that package
09:58.25trixtermy suggestion is to install that
09:58.28nayyaresFuriousGeorge, in on centos
09:58.38FuriousGeorgenayyares: ahh, yeah, dependencies
09:58.56nayyaresrikstah, it is intalled
09:59.26FuriousGeorgehow that x-lite beta for linux?  still in perennial, and hidden?
09:59.27Angeljarodthe problem is that when you earn some money, a large part is taken by government for poor people
09:59.35FuriousGeorge*sill in perrenial beta
09:59.39nayyarestrixter, what package will have this?
10:00.04fourcheezeI think the french have a lot right
10:00.15trixtercertainly g++ will requier it, however I dont know what package on your system would have it
10:00.20fourcheezeI would live there in a heartbeat
10:01.14Angeljarodso, many people don't work, cause they earn a little less not working, than spend time looking for a bad job wich is not paid very well
10:01.30fourcheezeyeah, it's good to avoid that
10:01.31rikstahlibstdc++ is a bridge to older gcc libs
10:01.33rikstahi think
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10:01.46fourcheezeAngeljarod: I think everyone should get a flat amount of money
10:01.47nayyaresAngeljarod, haha
10:01.56FuriousGeorgeAngeljarod: dont the french have the shortest work week of any 1st world nation or spomething
10:01.56fourcheezeabsolutely everyone
10:02.16trixterso many people dont work becuase they feel its their right to steal money from someone else
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10:02.59Angeljarodyes, it was rcently reduced (35 hours a day) to let companies employ more people to compense the time, but it didn't work
10:03.07trixtergreed has been defined as wanting to keep your own money, need has been defined as wanting to get someone elses money, and compassion is when congress arranges the transfer
10:03.25trixterit was reduced to 35 hours a day?
10:03.31trixterwow where can I sign up!
10:03.39Angeljarodno more jobs were created, entreprises still go to asia cause it's cheaper
10:03.48Angeljarod35h a week (sorry)
10:04.24fourcheezeFrance's problem is that it's largely a subsistence farming economy
10:04.39FuriousGeorgetrixter: i liike that...  unfortunately,  that must mean there is no such thing as compassion :)
10:04.49fourcheezeonce the farming subsidy goes...
10:04.55fourcheezethere's a problem
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10:06.04fourcheezetrixter: you should try a proper welfare state sometime - you might like it
10:07.19trixterFuriousGeorge: ahh but there is, welfare is the biggest means of that
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10:07.33Angeljarodhere the taxes is 70% of what you earn
10:07.36trixteryeah I might like sitting there not working and getting paid, oh wait that is what I do now
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10:07.45trixtercept the money does *not* come from the government
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10:08.03backbluemorning all!
10:08.04FuriousGeorgetrixter: yeah, the congress that came up with that went out of session 70 years ago.  i was talking about new facilitations
10:08.06fourcheezetrixter: I think you'll find that unemployment rates in the UK are lower than in the US - how do you figure that?
10:08.18trixtergee if I have to pay 70% of everything I earn so someone else can stay at home and not work, the odds of me going out and working are really low
10:08.48trixterhaving lived and worked in the UK I can attest to the fact that I paid the same taxes there as here
10:09.02trixterI never have taxable income for some reason
10:09.12fourcheezebeach bum?
10:09.14Angeljarodyour company gives the 50 first percent, and you give the end each year (about one month salary)
10:09.17trixtergood planning?  you tell me
10:09.36fourcheezeseriously though - benefit for the unemployed only becomes a problem when the number of unemployed gets too high
10:09.42fourcheezethen it becomes a burden
10:10.01fourcheezekeep your unemployment low then you can still look after people between jobs and provide incentives for working
10:10.07trixterfourcheeze: considering I was working in edinburgh and at the end it was late in the year, I wouldnt want to be a beach bum there :P
10:10.17fourcheezeno beach for a start
10:10.28trixterthere is a river there
10:10.29FuriousGeorgetrixter: yeah, but there is a trade off with that.  you guys have lower crime rates and less poverty than US
10:10.45trixterum I live in the US now
10:10.52trixterso I dont know who 'you guys' refers to
10:10.58fourcheezeus lucky brits
10:11.09fourcheezeactually it's a nice bright day today
10:11.12Angeljarodi go to get some tea
10:11.21fourcheezemight get some warm days on the beach this year
10:11.21trixterwell see crime rates are interesting
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10:11.33trixterdid you know that the VAST majority of crimes in america happens in less than 10% of its geography?
10:11.34FuriousGeorgetrixter: yeah, but there is a trade off with that.  you guys HAD lower crime rates and less poverty than US over in the UK
10:11.52trixterdid you know that people have intentionally artifically inflated the figures just to make a point (*cough*michael moore*cough*)
10:11.59Angeljarodit's a large country lol
10:12.19FuriousGeorgetrixter:  we have a huge problem with the inner-cities that the conservative ignorants in states with no oceans ignore
10:12.23trixteryes but 80% of the country has a crime index of 1 (the lowest)
10:12.29fourcheezetrixter: I think deaths from gun shots is a hard statistic to fake
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10:12.40trixterabout 10% has a crime index between 2-5 and the rest has 5-10
10:12.51trixterfourcheeze: moore did it though
10:12.54trixterwhich was funny
10:13.04Angeljarodthe biggest criminal is your president ;)
10:13.15fourcheezemoore is just there to balance the other propaganda
10:13.15trixterwhat was funnier is that he relied not just on police reports but funeral home directors to give him stats
10:13.17Angeljarod(like our's lol)
10:13.28trixternow lets think for a second, in america gun s hot deaths *require* a police investigation
10:13.31trixterso there is a police report
10:13.35fourcheezeif we had a president I would include him
10:13.38FuriousGeorgeAngeljarod: hes not a criminal, he's just blissfully ignorant
10:13.44fourcheezetrixter: I'm not going on moore's figures
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10:13.51fourcheezeI'm trusting nationmaster for this
10:13.55trixterunder what circumstances can someone be killed by a gun and not have a police report but show up on a funeral home director?
10:14.08trixterthe CDC does the same thing
10:14.16trixterwhich is where moore got it from but he didnt proof their work to notice this
10:14.24Angeljarodso ignorance gives right to make crimes ? I don't think
10:14.45bartpbxi have an interessing coredump on one of our servers
10:14.47trixterthe only time a funeral home director can list the cause of death as a gunshot (note they arent even a medical doctor and legally cant list a cause of death but do for a govt form) is if the death happened outside the US
10:14.54trixteror they fake it or dont know what is going on, either way
10:15.07bartpbxanybody has time to look at it?
10:15.17trixterso if that is the case 50% of all people for the last decade that have died by firearms were killed outside the US and shipped home for burial
10:15.20FuriousGeorgeAngeljarod: oh the whole invading iraq thing.  what is crime but a relative notion.  from his and many's perspective it wasnt criminal.  if my government had a huge defnese/oil contract with iraq, i would think differently
10:15.24bartpbxI'm unsure what the cause is
10:15.26Angeljarod^^ politics, what a big shit
10:15.33FuriousGeorgefrom my perspective, it was ignorant
10:15.55Angeljarodpeole voted for him
10:15.56trixterthere are fewer than 10k people out of 300M in america killed by firearms
10:16.02trixtervehicles kill FAR more people (especially kids)
10:16.22trixterfourcheeze: where do they get their data from?
10:16.28fourcheezescroll down
10:16.36trixterdid you even question that?  or just accept it beucase its on the net it must be true
10:16.37Angeljarodhere too, between criminals, i vote for the one i think he's the lesser
10:16.38arcraigmore people die of aids
10:16.59fourcheezetrixter: definition is "reported homicides"
10:17.17rikstahijn africa 2000 die of aids every day
10:17.22bigjb_iax does only use udp port 4569 doesnt it?
10:17.50FuriousGeorgeholy shit, until bigjb_ SplasPood i thought i was in #politics
10:17.52Ikarustrixter: vehicles prolly kill more in the USA then elsewhere aswell, due to the legal age to drive at, no seatbelt laws, etc
10:17.59fourcheezerikstah: and about 10 times that from starvation
10:18.02Angeljarodit's funny to see that a simple question about french life quality turns into US crimes politic
10:18.09trixterCrime > Murders (per capita)   0.042802 per 1,000 people   [24th of 62]  from
10:18.15trixter#8    United States  0.0279271 per 1,000 people from
10:18.20FuriousGeorgeIkarus: how about population density as well being a factor
10:18.20trixterthey dont have a consistant story
10:18.32trixtertheir site gives 2 differing sets of numbers and ranks
10:18.34fourcheezemurders happen in other ways that firearms
10:18.47trixteroh I cut the wrong one hold
10:18.52Angeljarodthats human's ideas : rich get richer and poor stay abandonned ^^ it's not civilized
10:19.04trixteryeah it is the same, lemme see where that data came from though
10:19.49FuriousGeorgei wanna take a side but i dont know what point you guys are arguing
10:20.22trixterok that is the better figure
10:20.26trixterabout 8300 people per year
10:20.41fourcheezewe're not arguing
10:20.47fourcheezewe're just exchanging data
10:20.51trixterwhich coresponds to what the UN states, what the FBI states, what everyone but michael moore and crew states (he claims its over 30k/year)
10:20.51fourcheezethat's amazing
10:20.59FuriousGeorgebigjb_:  afaik, yes
10:21.09fourcheezetrixter: well no-one mentioned Moore except you
10:21.21fourcheezeI would hate to be in south africa
10:21.45trixtermost people that start mentioning  the firearm death rate do mention facts that are the same as his though
10:21.57trixtermy point on questioning where the data came from is look at the difference 8k v 30k
10:22.10trixteralmost 4x more, where did they all come from?
10:22.27FuriousGeorgefourcheeze: compare the graph for per capita income with the one for plastic surgeries
10:22.29AngeljarodDead 60's
10:22.29AngeljarodGhostfaced killer
10:22.35trixternow if you look at the rate of people that die each year from automobiles you will see clearly that they are a bigger killer and need to be dealt with
10:22.41trixterlets ban all motor vehicles!
10:22.50fourcheezetrixter: I'm with you there
10:23.02fourcheezeat least I think the world needs to move towards public transport
10:23.11Angeljarodun peu de français ca vous fera pas de mal :)
10:23.18FuriousGeorgetrixter: automobiles are a necessary evil, ignoring the problem we created in the inner cities of the US is not
10:23.19trixternow if half the murders are not caused by guns lets ban sticks and stones too becuase they are aparently used as well!
10:23.27trixterfirearms are necessary
10:23.36FuriousGeorgenot that i think we should ban guns, necessarily
10:23.40trixterwanna come spend a week during the summer?  I will show you the rattle snakes that are here
10:23.47FuriousGeorgemaybe we should, or maybe we should give everyone a gun, im not sure
10:23.58fourcheezeI'm happy living somewhere with no firearms
10:23.59trixterdont think you can call 911 it will take them at least 30 minutes to arrive (and that assumes someone is 'local')
10:24.08trixterwhat about the mountain lion?
10:24.19fourcheezelet me rephrase that
10:24.26trixteryou cant call animal control by the time you do you are dead or your kids are dead or your livestock is dead or ...
10:24.28fourcheezeI'm happy living somewhere with no handguns or automatic rifles
10:24.33FuriousGeorgetrixter: firearms are necessary only because we cant control them
10:24.44trixternot every place is urban
10:24.47FuriousGeorgethey're not necessary in the same way that, say, running water is
10:24.55trixtermost rural places firearms are considered tools and are actually needed
10:25.00FuriousGeorgetrixter: sure, the ones you care about im sure arent
10:25.39FuriousGeorgetrixter: i dunno, learn to shoot a cross bow, what percentage of the population really lives off gaim.  i know less than 5% are farmers
10:25.55FuriousGeorgelets arm the farmers and move them to the ghetto, now thats a reality TV series
10:25.59trixternow in addition to warding off deadly besties which are common up here, we also hunt to gather food, we cant get this food without them, unless you think you can take down an elk with your bare hands
10:26.08fourcheezetrixter: you give a serious argument for having a rifle or shotgun
10:26.20fourcheezenot for a handgun or automatic weapon
10:26.26trixterwell we use a small .22 for rattlesnakes loaded with shot
10:26.35fourcheezeshotguns are perfectly legal here
10:26.39fourcheezealthouhg you need a license
10:26.50trixterand handguns for the mountain lion when walking around cause its not that good to go on a long walk with a 20+ pound weapon
10:26.57trixterwhere is 'here'?
10:27.19trixterwhat is the nearest major city, what direction and how far?
10:27.20fourcheezeI can give you a grid reference if you really want
10:27.25Angeljarodguns should not be sold to civilians
10:27.31fourcheezedefine a major city
10:27.36FuriousGeorgetrixter: im jsut being the devils advocate, but i live in a part of the country where none of these things you mention is ever a factor, and if you look around here, that applies to entire states
10:27.40trixtername one and I will tell you if it qualifies :P
10:27.42fourcheezeremember in the UK you're never far from a city
10:27.53FuriousGeorgeim not saying cops cant have guns, and why dont we include isolated rednecks too
10:28.18trixterwell guns have been proven in america to SAVE more lives than take them
10:28.27trixterbut no one wants to focus on that
10:28.32FuriousGeorgethat is a stat i would love to see
10:28.39Angeljarodhere when cop fire to defend themselves, they are arrested lol
10:28.46FuriousGeorgeput the NRA membership DOWN :)
10:28.53Angeljarodalmost time like this ^^
10:28.54trixterI would have to dig it up, there was a study done not that long ago by president clinton (feb 2000)
10:29.02trixterwell commissioned by clinton
10:29.11arcraigAngeljarod: what country ?
10:29.23trixterit proved the opposite of what he wanted and was the reason that the democratic party in the US dropped anti-gun to be nominated
10:29.29Angeljarodi think nobody read what i'm writing :p
10:29.33fourcheezeyes, but saved them from what?
10:29.34FuriousGeorgetrixter: all i really need to know is who funded the study, and the conclusion :)
10:29.49fourcheezeAngeljarod: I am
10:29.56trixterclinton funded it with tax dollars to show that guns are bad, it proved the opposite
10:30.00trixterin an election year no less
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10:30.21trixterthere was a bear when I lived 30 miles from newark
10:30.25Angeljarodthx fourcheeze ^^
10:30.30fourcheezeAngeljarod: np
10:30.47FuriousGeorgeand what was the terrain like there?
10:31.06trixterfourcheeze: I am 10 miles from plymouth
10:31.13trixtercalifornia :P
10:31.20fourcheezethe other plymouth
10:31.24trixterone of the others
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10:31.36trixteranyway, that is nowhere near rural like it is here
10:31.40fourcheezeI'm about 150 miles from the real plymouth
10:31.47FuriousGeorgemy point is that, there are MORE than a few places where guns are not necessary.  im not saying no one should have them.  im just saying that calling them a necessity like thats a fact, period, is just wrong
10:32.09trixtermy point is that in most rural areas they are considered tools and used as such, and in america for example 90% of it is rural
10:32.11Angeljarodi'm 10 miles from Nantes ^^ (i'm sure you don't know where it is)
10:32.29FuriousGeorgeyour are talking about land area
10:32.34trixterits roughly a 90/10 split ...  90% of the people live in 10% of the geography
10:33.00FuriousGeorgemost of america does not live in a rural area.  urban and suburban to a much greater extent
10:33.08FuriousGeorgefences, concrete, no large game
10:33.17trixteryes so I should either be forced to move to an urban area to be safe or die ?
10:33.18fourcheezeI'm moving to iceland
10:33.19trixtergood option
10:33.29FuriousGeorgetrixter: again, im not saying no one should have guns
10:33.38FuriousGeorgeim just saying they are NOT a necessity everywhere
10:33.43fourcheezetrixter: what kinds of guns should you be allowed?
10:34.11Angeljarodno one
10:34.16trixteron behalf of everyone who lives in farmland let me wish you good luck on getting food once all the farmers die becuase they cant defend themselves against things like the mountain lions (ok not everyone lives in/near mountains like me) or the snakes or ...  there is no animal control really no one to call, and if you are attacked it takes a *minimum* of 30 minutes to get any response
10:34.16Angeljarodgun is BAD
10:34.40Angeljarodi'm sad, there's no more tea than coffee here
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10:34.47trixterfourcheeze: well that is a different discussion, according to the 2nd amendment all military weapons, see US v Millar 1933 US Supreme court on that
10:34.55FuriousGeorgeuse a cross bow
10:35.09fourcheezetrixter: but what do you think?
10:35.10trixterthe 2nd amendment does not protect your right to sporting or non-military weapons it only protects military weapons
10:35.35trixterwell given I hunt, rifles, given the fact that a rifle is not practicle or safe in all situations, handguns
10:35.37fourcheezeit's out of date too
10:35.39trixterjust like in the UK!
10:35.46trixteroh am I letting the secret out?
10:35.51fourcheezeyou can't stop an invading force with a machine gun any more
10:36.05trixternorthern ireland has legal CCWs (carry concealed weapons) and 90k people have em
10:36.07trixteronly 2k are MoD
10:36.21fourcheezeyeah, well I wouldn't live there either
10:36.34trixterpopulation roughly 2M (I think its closer to 1 though)
10:36.40Angeljarodi leave, i have to buy cat's food ^^ see ya
10:36.47trixtercalifornia has 12% of the US opoulation, 40k CCws (35M people)
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10:37.08trixtermost of the handguns that are carried are carried illegally, so the law does nothing to stop it
10:37.45trixterfourcheeze: I am planning on moving to ireland within the next 2-3 months and odds are it will be belfast or dublin..  either place I cna get a handgun
10:37.46fourcheezetrixter: that doesn't follow
10:37.47arcraigyeah plus all of the people coming into california through the chainlink fence err border
10:38.06trixterlets not mention isle of man where until 1996 the only firearm law was 'if you leave your property with a shotgun you have to have a tax stamp'
10:38.25fourcheezetrixter: all handguns are outlawed in RoI
10:38.37trixterafter 1996 ireland pressured em into making some additional laws because they felt that people were coming over there and getting guns and bringing em back
10:38.54trixterno they arent
10:38.55fourcheezerepublic of ireland
10:39.02trixterthey never were
10:39.11trixteryou just had to get a permit and 2 years ago they started giving em out again
10:39.26trixtermostly because they told the IRA they could keep small arms for self defense and the people freaked that they couldnt get em too
10:39.45trixterno CCW but you can own one and stuff
10:40.37fourcheezeI don't think it's so much guns that are a problem
10:40.42fourcheezeas guns in the hands of americans ;-)
10:40.59FuriousGeorgemarginalized americans
10:41.00fourcheezeand I would say also guns in the hands of many British
10:41.01trixterit tends to be a very small subset of americans
10:41.08fourcheezequite possibly
10:41.12FuriousGeorgeits not though
10:41.13fourcheezehowever looking around
10:41.15FuriousGeorgeits millions
10:41.19trixterthere are over 300M guns in america
10:41.25arcraigif crime wasn't so lucrative ..
10:41.34fourcheezethere are a lot of people I wouldn't want to have guns here
10:41.34trixterthere are 280M people
10:41.58trixteryet when you do the math there are like 8300 firearm deaths per year
10:42.08fourcheezewe have gangs just like the usa, except normally ours aren't armed - that at least gives everyone a chance
10:42.18fourcheezeincluding the police
10:42.25fourcheezewho generally might not be armed either
10:42.52trixterwhen I was in scotland there was a big deal about the first cop in the UK to wear a gun on his belt
10:42.56trixterbristol I think was where he was
10:43.01trixteroctober of 2000 iirc
10:43.16fourcheezeI don't think they wear guns in bristol ATM
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10:43.28trixterit was all over the news, it seems that crack largely was to blame for more violence there
10:43.35fourcheezebristol is about 30 minutes drive from me
10:43.43trixterit was somewhere, I thought they said bristol it made the news all over
10:43.51FuriousGeorgewhat about gun deaths
10:44.00FreezeShey guys
10:44.00FuriousGeorgeaccidental homicides
10:44.05trixterpeople are going to kill no matter what
10:44.22rikstahuk is better off without guns big time, cant understand why anyone would want to legalise them
10:44.27FreezeSI have a problem registering to a brekeke server
10:44.42trixterunless you ban vehicles, rocks, knives, sharp corners on the walls of your house, etc there will be death
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10:44.49FuriousGeorgeso even if you could lower the total number from, say, 30,000 to 15,000, there's still no reason
10:44.53FreezeSI've added a register => ... line, but there's absolutely no result
10:45.00FreezeSno message, nothing
10:45.31backblueiax2 show peers
10:45.38rikstahFuriousGeorge, 15,000 lives is no reason?
10:45.44FreezeSno, I'm registering using SIP
10:45.49backbluedoes not show my iax2 trunks, anyone knows why? there is some problem in iax2 in 1.2.4?
10:45.49FreezeSit's in sip.conf
10:45.54backbluewith bristuff
10:45.55rikstahit's sip show registry anyway
10:46.00rikstahnot peers
10:46.00FuriousGeorgerikstah: i was being faceitious
10:46.21FreezeSriksta: sip show registry doesn't show anything
10:46.22trixterif you really want to stop crime be anti-projects and anti-welfare..  largely people who get into welfare cant get out (every $1 you earn takes $2 from welfare) so they stay there, they have to lvie in the projects cause they cant afford anywhere else, ultimately some will turn to crime becuase they want to get more money than the welfare checks provide
10:46.27rikstahah not following fully, tryin to get ready for uni
10:46.28fourcheezeFreezeS: what does your register line look like?
10:46.35rikstahFreezeS, debug it then!
10:46.41trixterthe projects are the highest crime areas and they werent that way when they were first built
10:46.48FuriousGeorgetrixter: you are just wrong
10:46.51trixterthe system puts people in there and then makes em dependant on it
10:46.56trixterhow so?
10:47.02fourcheezetrixter: it can do - but it's not welfare that causes it
10:47.09FreezeSregister => 009999550207922@82.XXX.XXX.XXX/009999550207922
10:47.17fourcheezewe had the same situation here, under Thatcher in the 1980s
10:47.32fourcheezeThatcher not known for being pro-welfare
10:47.46trixterwelfare has to go away and be replcaed with workfare largely
10:47.55fourcheezesince then we have minimum wage, higher levels of benefit and lower overall levels of unemployment
10:47.58FuriousGeorgethe inner city problem is a result of capital going over seas in the 70's when it became cheaper to pay people in mexico and ship it.  we went from an industrial economy to a service economy.  the implications of that for the "socially stigmatized by skin color" is astounding
10:47.58trixterthe system that takes $2 for every $1 earned at a job has to go away too
10:48.23trixterI never said anything about skin color
10:48.28trixterbut if that is what you believe I wont stop you
10:48.29fourcheezeFreezeS: do you need a password in there?
10:48.30FuriousGeorgewhere before, there was a plant that supported a middle class community of all ethnicities there is now ghetto
10:48.46trixterI also placed the blame largely on the systems that put people in that situation
10:48.53FuriousGeorgepardon me for pointing out the elephant in the room
10:48.54trixterand I never once said all or most I said 'some'
10:49.06trixterso you are just making stuff up becuase you cant argue the point
10:49.12FreezeStrixter: so how can I debug ? there is absolutely no message
10:49.24FuriousGeorgei just told you why you were wrong about your fix for everything
10:49.44trixterthe system puts people in there (there being the system) and doesnt let em out easily
10:50.02FuriousGeorgewellfare doesnt gun violence, its been around since the 30s.  our problem started around the 70s
10:50.03trixterhow is it wrong to say that is broken and coincides with the highest crime areas?
10:50.26FuriousGeorgecorrelation != causation  rule #1 you just broke
10:50.47trixterthe people that are doing most of the stuff now werent around in the 70s
10:50.56fourcheezetrixter: the problem is that it's more complicated than you think
10:50.59trixterbringing up ancient history != current data
10:51.15fourcheezethere are lots of people all doing their own thing
10:51.35FuriousGeorgewhat the heck does that mean?  data is meaningless in no context.  go back to what i said about industrial economy -->  service economy  what generation was born into that situation
10:51.39fourcheezebut I'd rather none of them starved or decided to turn to crime
10:51.55trixterthe current generation that *I* was speaking about is not from that time
10:52.02trixterso you brought up a pointless fact
10:52.20FuriousGeorgehow old is your generation?  1?
10:52.53backblue"rasterisk r" what its this? anyone knows this process? its behing executed i dont know why... never seen this...
10:53.15trixterok lets look at this differently then perhaps some understanding will come up
10:53.26FuriousGeorgeneo-con = bad
10:53.31trixterwhat options does a kid growing up in the projects have today?
10:53.44FuriousGeorgeworld is not black and white, many shades of grey
10:53.48trixterkeep in mind they do not have a prior job in the industrial industry so any comments about that are moot
10:53.56FuriousGeorgeim gonna let you go on
10:54.07trixterahh so you either dont know or realized that I am going somewhere with this
10:54.19FuriousGeorgei wanna see where
10:54.23trixterbecuase its the kids growing up today that are doing 90% of the crime (not all kids but the ones that are doing crime largely are kids)
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10:54.45trixterand it is that generation that is the majority of the problems in those areas
10:54.51FuriousGeorgeok, and thats been the case for 20 years, so?
10:54.53trixterand that generation was not alive in the 70s to be laid off
10:55.00FuriousGeorgenot the ones laid off man
10:55.04trixter20 years spans more than a generation
10:55.14trixtergenerations are typically 15 years
10:55.46FuriousGeorgeim saying the problem you are referring to started with the generations born after the change
10:55.48trixterand gang bangers typically dont live to 19.  The bulk are 12-16
10:56.12trixterok, so they were born after the change, thus the change doesnt have the effect you tried to say
10:56.19fourcheezetrixter: it's been fun but I'm giving up on you
10:56.20trixterthe problem is they are trapped and see no other way out
10:56.28arcraigmultiple changes
10:56.31arcraigat the same time
10:56.39fourcheezeI'll give you another 10 years before you either decide that you're wrong now, or become a nazi
10:56.44FuriousGeorgeim assuming you understnad basic sociological principals when i make these jimps
10:56.55trixterfourcheeze: or you decide that you are wrong
10:57.16trixterand that keeping peoiple oppressed such as you seem to favour, keeping em in the ghetto with no prospects for a job, or any real life is not a good thing
10:57.19trixterand leads to problems
10:57.26trixterbut hey if that is how you want to treat people who am I to stop you
10:57.28fourcheezetrixter: who has proposed such a thing?
10:57.36trixterI am only saying they should be treated fairly and have the same options as others
10:57.43FuriousGeorgewelfare has been around for years
10:57.51FuriousGeorgenot related to gun violence
10:58.04fourcheezetrixter: you're fighting a straw man here
10:58.10trixterwell all this talk about how we should keep em in the projects and I am wrong for saying that they shouldnt be kept in the projects and keep em on welfare and I am wrong for saying they should be given more opportunities to get jobs and stuff
10:58.24trixterhey if you guys think I am wrong for trying to make people more equal then fine
10:58.32fourcheezeI haven't seenanyone say that
10:58.37fourcheeze(what's a project BTW?)
10:58.39trixterwell you did earlier
10:58.42FuriousGeorgehow is eliminating welfare creating MORE opportunities
10:58.45arcraigit really comes down to what kind of person you are
10:58.45trixterproject is govt assisted housing
10:58.51FuriousGeorgeyou cant even buy a tie to go to a job interview
10:58.51fourcheezeahh ok
10:59.00trixteryou have to read what I said about it earlier to answer that question
10:59.29fourcheezeno, I understand your point of view
10:59.34fourcheezebut it's wrong
10:59.48FuriousGeorgeprojects has nothing to do with this.  a small part of the innercities are projects in most places
10:59.50fourcheezewelfare and getting people out of "projects" are not mutually exclusive unless you make them so
10:59.59trixtermy point of view as said at least 2 times before is that forcing people into a ghetto and making it such that once there its almost impossible to get out has to be changed
11:00.01FuriousGeorgeand how is eliminating welfare creating more opportunities?
11:00.05trixterif you think I am wrong for that then fine
11:00.10trixteryou are entitled to your opinions
11:00.15FuriousGeorgehow is welfare forcing people into the ghetto?
11:00.16fourcheezeI know
11:00.21trixterFuriousGeorge: please read what I said twice earlier
11:00.39FuriousGeorgegovt subsidized housing is like any other housing only cheaper
11:00.56FuriousGeorgethis has nothing to do with innercity violence as there are many innercities with violence but no projects
11:01.02trixterok so when you are on welfare you cna afford a really nice house..  oh wait you cant..  you can afford to live even in a middle class neighborhood, oh wait nope beucase you dont make enough
11:01.16trixterthe only places welfare can really pay for is someplace that is govt assisted such as the projects
11:01.17FuriousGeorgeread about gentrification
11:01.41FuriousGeorgethis is not at all true\
11:02.14arcraigurban sprawl
11:02.18FuriousGeorgethere are plenty of private land owners who rent to people in innercities where there is 0 projects
11:02.24trixterbut since you refuse to read what I am saying, bring up race in this topic when race wasnt mentioned, and are trying to argue that keeping people poor and in  the ghettos is a good thing to do becuase well somehow they are better off there, I dont know that you will ever see the light and almost feel that its pointless to try to educate you
11:02.30fourcheezetrixter: so how come people live on welfare that aren't in projects?
11:02.37trixterI personally dont think that you should create a 2nd class of citizens and keep them oppressed
11:02.38FuriousGeorgegentrification has nothing to do with race
11:02.45trixteryou however are entitled to your own opinions and beliefs
11:02.46fourcheezetrixter: in the UK if you are on welfare you get your housing paid for - whatever that is
11:02.55trixterFuriousGeorge: you brought up race earlier
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11:03.02trixterat the mere mention of projects and crime
11:03.06arcraigmost people who are commiting the crimes in the 'ghetto' love the ghetto because it is their home
11:03.14fourcheezearcraig: evidence?
11:03.21FuriousGeorgetrixter: fact:  in countries more socialized than the US there is less crime and less violence
11:03.26FuriousGeorgeproof that what you say is wrong
11:04.01arcraigarcraig: i've experienced it myself, born and raised in the ghetto, seen people die, seen people become successful
11:04.05trixterthat is a false assumption
11:04.24trixterthere are many factors for crime, socialist governments is only one factor that may come into play
11:04.55FuriousGeorgetheyre not socialist, they are just more left of center
11:05.12FreezeSthat is socialism :)
11:05.16arcraigit goes both ways. some people in the ghetto see the fast ways to make money and get caught up. some dislike it and weigh their options out with school and making a career for themselves. in my experience most people have been this way
11:05.48arcraigeither way people usually have respect for the place they live
11:05.51fourcheezethere's nothing wrong with socialism
11:05.54arcraigeven if they're using it as a battle ground
11:05.54FuriousGeorgethe problem is not welfare its people like you who make these assumptions, about motivations, and causes for this and solutions for that
11:06.03trixterwell since you dont appear to know the definition of common political terms this appears more pointless than I originally though
11:06.15trixteryou know the common thought of what socialism is but not the reality
11:06.28fourcheezesince the Labour party here considers itself socialist
11:06.29FuriousGeorgechina is socialist, the UK, france, gernmany, are not
11:07.00fourcheezeMr Tony Blair the US Government's favourite puppet is a socialist
11:07.04fourcheezewith a small s
11:07.25fourcheezechina is probably nearer communist
11:07.34fourcheezethe USSR was never communist though
11:07.45FuriousGeorgethe US owns the US Postal Services and occasionally breaks up monopolies, also socialist with a small s
11:07.51trixterFuriousGeorge: socialist is a little different..  there are shades of grey the world isnt black and white, socialism is a political system where there are government run entities such as medical, welfare, etc
11:07.54trixterthey are all forms of socialism
11:08.28FuriousGeorgetrixter: sounds like a country i know.  america
11:08.33FuriousGeorgeby your definition we are socialist
11:08.48trixterit was sarah brady that formally stated her intent was to make america socialist completly
11:09.01FuriousGeorgenice tangent
11:09.04trixterwe have aspects of socialism in our government
11:09.25trixtersome are unconstitutional but hey
11:09.37trixterever hear of the interstate and foreign commerce clause?
11:10.16FuriousGeorgetrixter: dont give me that constitution crap or i wont let you change your dialplan but twenty something times in the next three centuries
11:10.43nayyarescan i make a call from one SIP-Softphone to another on a single/same machine?
11:10.43trixtermy dialplan is in javascript
11:10.51trixterand it does xml really well
11:11.12trixterbut aside from that, the constitution does not grant rights to people, it forbids the government from certain actions
11:11.12FuriousGeorgenayyares: sure, i do it all the time
11:11.36backblueany of you have used old cisco 803, as ata?
11:12.04trixterlook at the 10th amendment and combine that with  the interstate and foreign commerce clause, add in the fact there are only 3 federal crimes treason, counterfieting (govt dox) and piracy (on the ocean), every other federal crime comes from the interstate and foreign commerce clause
11:12.08trixtermany other programs come as well
11:12.11nayyaresFuriousGeorge, then how you make communication, while my system has single sound card :(
11:12.13arcraigyeah and the original writers of the constituion would turn over in their graves if they knew all of what is going on in these times
11:12.42trixterlook at the FCC and look at the seperation of powers doctrine (fcc has judicial (its court), legislative (they make rules) executive (they aucction spectrum and have an enforcement division)
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11:12.56trixterand those are just the 30 second examples
11:13.04nayyaresFuriousGeorge, you use single IP for both are different?
11:14.28FuriousGeorgelinux or windows?
11:14.28trixterfor classic breaches of interstate and foreign commerce look at what has really been done.  18 USC 921 - steel goes from pennsylvania to connecticut so when its formed into a gun its federal for life..  by that logic everything is federal -- 21 USC 840something - congerss cant tell which drugs are and are not involved in interstate and foreign commerce so they all are..  well if they cant tell that is another easy loophole..
11:14.49FuriousGeorgetrixter: WTF does that have to do with ending welfare to fix americas poverty problem
11:15.06nayyaresFuriousGeorge, i am on centOS
11:15.30trixterI never said it did, since you asked me to explain why did you make a skin color comment when I brought up crime and the projects?
11:15.54trixterits only fair that you answer my question since I answered yours
11:16.53FuriousGeorgeyou keep going back to that.  you kept quoting gun deaths, im pointing out the elephant in the room, minorities disproportionally are victims and perpetrators of murders not because of welfare, but in spite of it.  we need more programs that do more than thrown money at the problem:  thats what a sociologist says.  notice how far it is from what you say.
11:17.32FuriousGeorgenayyares: no experiene doing it linux to linux i use a VM
11:17.46FuriousGeorgenot sure if its possible when both clients are sip
11:17.58FuriousGeorgewell, its possible, but requires at least some hacking
11:18.42FuriousGeorgetrixter: two words for you affirmative action.  here's the only correlation you need to worry abut.  wiith greater education in sociology youre more likely to be pro AA
11:18.45nayyaresFuriousGeorge, hmm, thanks, dude
11:19.36FuriousGeorgeheck, the more we educate you in general the more likely you are to lean left
11:20.14FuriousGeorgeyou become more capable of seeing the complexity of the problems you dismiss so easily
11:21.05trixterahh so you are resorting to quoting me now on the welfare system
11:21.07trixterU see
11:21.21FuriousGeorgeisnt that what we are talking about?  wtf are we doing here
11:21.39trixterer I see
11:21.57trixterI have been saying that for a while and you kept telling me I am wrong and you were the one that brought up race
11:22.01trixteraffirmative action is NOT good
11:22.12trixtergive someone a job because of their skin color rather than treat them as equals
11:22.15trixterwhat kind of racist are you?
11:22.27FuriousGeorgethe only reason im talking to you is because you made two sweeping generalizations:  guns are necessary, period.  and ending welfare will fix the gun violence problem which you so astutely realized was mostly in inner cities
11:22.28trixterpeople should all be treated equally
11:22.38FuriousGeorgethe blond haired blue eyed kind
11:22.43FuriousGeorgelets go back to sociology
11:22.51trixterI never said that guns are necessary in all circumstnaces I brought up specific examples of why they are here where I live
11:23.31trixterI infact talked about the reasons for it, lack of hope, lack of opportunity, etc
11:23.34trixteryou kept telling me I am wrong
11:24.52FuriousGeorge3 sets of 20 real life employers are given vignettes of prospective employees and asked to rate them.  the first set the emplyees were listed as minorities, the second set no race was mentioned, in the third they were white.  guess which way the ratings went
11:24.57FuriousGeorgethat is why AA is not bad but necessary
11:24.59trixterand I still dont understand your comment about how the more educated someone is the more they are in favor of racism
11:25.02trixterI dont get that at all
11:25.11trixterracism is largely born out of ignorance not education
11:25.14FuriousGeorgeespecially when you talk in the next breath about opportunity
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11:25.51FuriousGeorgewhich i never disagredd with.  i disagreed with another doozey of yours:  ending welfare will create more opportunity
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11:26.20trixterbut I guess if you want to be a rcist and make *multiple* comments about how my comments on crime somehow tdirectly relate to skin color and how people that are minorities should be treated differently, not equal I guess you are entitled to your opinion even though I dont agree with it
11:26.40FuriousGeorgeof course you dont get that, because you clearly have 0 understanding of sociology yet you talk like you do
11:26.46trixterheh funny how you missed all my comments on why welfare should be ended, and missed my comments on workfare
11:27.02FuriousGeorgei didnt miss it at all
11:27.13trixteroh so you intentionally left it out?
11:27.16trixterI see
11:27.21trixterat least we understand each other
11:27.27trixterI am pro-equality, you are pro-racism
11:27.30FuriousGeorgewhy are we pretending they are mutually exclusive
11:27.50FuriousGeorgeyet no one called me a prospective nazi today
11:28.00trixterthe welfare system has to be done away with I never said it shouldnt be replaced by something else infact I specifically said something else that would be better
11:28.25FuriousGeorgeso they arent mutually exclusive, so i had no need to mention it as i never took issue with that statement.
11:28.28trixternope I was called a nazi becuase I believe peopel should be treated equally and at the time I was discussing your racist comments
11:28.29FuriousGeorgewanna do more circles
11:28.46trixterahh by telling half the story you were accurate in what I said I see
11:29.00trixterguess you showed me
11:29.00FuriousGeorgeno, im saying we need both
11:29.11FuriousGeorgeyou know what SSI is?  it includes disability
11:29.42trixteryes we need a system that ensures that people cant work
11:29.42trixterSSI != welfare
11:29.42FuriousGeorgehow does that ensure people cant work
11:29.42FuriousGeorgehave you ever heard of logic
11:29.42trixterwelfare takes $2 for every $1 you earn at a job
11:29.42trixterwhich makes it really hard for people to get *anything*
11:29.42austinnichols101My wife deals with SSI cases as an school pyschologist
11:29.59FuriousGeorgeyou get welfare if you are not working
11:30.19trixternot always, there are minimum amounts that you can earn before you lose welfare
11:30.37austinnichols101you normally file for SSI when you're physically incapable of working
11:30.56FuriousGeorgethere are so many different situations but you have one answer
11:31.07trixterSSI can cover more than that, its a federal program that helps people who dont  have enough to cover other bills and often SSI alone is only like $65/mo
11:31.13RoyKzoa: ping
11:31.13trixterunless < 18 then disability is SSI
11:31.17nayyaresFuriousGeorge, i want to make a call on my branch office SIP-Softphone, my office and even in my branch office, both office has proxy servers, is there any example configuration for such case?
11:31.28trixterif you get SSI as disability < 18 it converts to disability at 18
11:31.48FuriousGeorgenayyares: ask google, im not sure
11:32.34trixterif however you arent on SSI < 18 and you become disabled you cant collect disability until at least 20
11:33.03trixterso why was SSI brought up again?  I thought we were talking about welfare which is a different program
11:33.15trixteroh wait I remember it was a feeble attempt to try to show I dont know about it
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11:34.03FuriousGeorgeso what, there are disabled people, there are people who generally cannot find work, and there are many reasons for this.  mouths dont get unhungry wiithout government cheese in MANY cases.  period.  no one with any real knowledge of the problem would argue welfare should be eliminated
11:34.17austinnichols101theorem: we're going to need a proof on that
11:34.48trixterbut you have to see my comments specifically on what should replace it
11:34.55trixterbecuase you keep omiting those to 'prove me wrong'
11:34.57trixterwhich is funny
11:35.00FuriousGeorgetheorem_: we dont get much spam in here, i think thats the idea behind that
11:35.00trixteryou even admitted to doing that
11:35.22trixtertell a half truth about what was said omiting certain facts then arriving at some conclusion that isnt what I said
11:35.38theorem_FuriousGeorge - I'd argue that you'd get the same amount of spam with or withou registration
11:35.54austinnichols101FuriousGeorge: registering nicks sets a really low bar protecting against newbies who can't read enough to figure out how to register (may even test basic googling skills)
11:36.00FuriousGeorgeso what?  you are gonna invent a job for everyone that needs money every time?  you gonna find single moma a babysitter too?  why people to work cutting your grass with nailclippers, thats much better than just giving them money to go to the store and feed their kdis
11:36.26FuriousGeorgeaustinnichols101: good point, never thought of it that way :)
11:36.35trixterhow many government paid jobs are there?  how many people on welfare?
11:36.40trixterthe answers may suprise you
11:36.45austinnichols101there are 108 people on asterisk-unregistered right now!
11:36.50FuriousGeorgea million?
11:36.51trixterhow many people could work in a daycare system for those kids that you speak of
11:36.57fourcheezemaybe they should talk to each other
11:36.59FuriousGeorgemunicipal state federal
11:37.10Supercrosshey everyone
11:37.20FuriousGeorgeso we cant give moma money to put the kid in the daycare system, whos gonna pay for it
11:37.24SupercrossI am having a problem compiling zaptel and asterisk
11:37.26trixterwhat would that do for tax dollars?  it would free up a bunch of them and allow them to be better spent
11:37.29trixteror even reduced
11:37.31theorem_austinnichols101 - yeah .. not bad I suppose -- but I'm furiously against tracking.  this world is enough 1984 to force me to register again is just a drag.
11:37.32Supercrosswill anybody be able to help?
11:37.56trixterjust to let you know, you are doing it again
11:38.11trixterignoring what I said and trying to make some point in direct conflict with something I said
11:38.17trixterbut hey you have been doing that all night
11:38.20austinnichols101theorem_: I'm not saying that it was the intention, it's just a nice side-effect
11:38.26*** join/#asterisk nanotalk (n=Nano@
11:38.27trixtereither you cant read or you refuse to, I am unsure at this point
11:38.31FuriousGeorgeso rather than just give people money, will install multiple layers of complex bureaucracy so people of privilege can skim off the top.  thats gonna be cheaper than welfare while providing more moeny
11:38.40FuriousGeorgelife is good when you dont have to follow the rules of logic
11:39.09trixterok, first what people of priviledge are skimming?  and how would the bereaucracy change from how it is now?
11:39.18austinnichols101feel free to track me on #asterisk - I'll fight for my anonymity in a venue where it really matters.
11:39.20trixterdo you realize how expensive it currently is to issue $1 in welfare?
11:39.25*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
11:39.33Supercrossnow u here wasim
11:39.53*** join/#asterisk astra^^ (n=kaushikg@
11:39.53theorem_FuriousGeorge / trixter - I think this country needs to come to grips with death as a reality and stop trying to save people that can't be saved.  Then .  we will have some competition.
11:39.53theorem_on that note -- I leave ;-)
11:40.24EnthGuys, any idea why there is no sound when SIP to SIP calls are made?
11:40.24FuriousGeorgebecause before when it was a check, now you have th4e job, you gotta get people there, you gotta take care of their kids, other problems of that nature im sure, bring the people to the job, pay people to supervise, and no one is gonna line their pockets with anything cuz that never happens
11:40.36FuriousGeorgeEnth: prots 10k-20k open?
11:41.00Enthit worked fine on x-lite to x-lite
11:41.09Enthbut doesnt work now that I got an IP Phone
11:41.13Enthhardware based.
11:41.23trixterso if its gonna happen no matter what lets do away with it all that will stop it
11:41.24FuriousGeorgeif so externip and locallan se?
11:41.39austinnichols101enth: 5060 port-forwarded to the phone?
11:41.45FuriousGeorge*localnet set
11:41.50trixterbut wait I am not advocating that, and you seem bent on trying to say free handouts give people more self esteem than earning a living
11:41.53Enthwait wait, one at a time.
11:42.03Enthso i need to port forward 5060 to the phone too?
11:42.18trixter5060 is default sip signalling
11:42.18austinnichols101Enth: follow FuriousGeorge first
11:42.35trixterif the phone needs to receive replies from something outside the lcoal network then yes you have to
11:42.37EnthFuriousGeorge: what do I need to do?
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11:43.18FuriousGeorgein sip.conf general set localnet and externip if there is nat  in between, in peer section for hardphone qualify=yes.  check hardphone for keepalive settings
11:43.56austinnichols101I was at "the most wired point on the planet" yesterday
11:44.01trixternote that depending on the phone qualify=yes can break things
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11:44.20Supercrosshas anybody had any luck on running asterisk 1.2.5 on Fedora Core 4???
11:44.43dpryoI don't see why it shouldn't.
11:44.54Supercrossya thats what i thought to
11:45.05EnthFuriousGeorge: this is my general settings in sip.conf:
11:45.06Supercrossbeen having endless problems compiling zaptel and asterisk on fedora
11:45.28FuriousGeorgetrixter: its not about self-esteem.  i think the problem is by trying to steer you in the right direction, you seem to think im arguing with a valid position.  no one but the most conservative idealist would argue that point.  read a book by someone other than rush limbau and his band of merry hipcrites
11:45.38willtAnyone have any exp with connecting a cisco with pri/t1 card to asterisk?
11:46.13FuriousGeorgeEnth: localnet?  qualify=yes?
11:46.13Supercrosscan get previous older versions of asterisk and zaptel to run on fedora but not the latest release's
11:46.48EnthFuriousGeorge: Why do I need to add them when it was working between x-lite clients?
11:46.56Enthjust out of curiousity.
11:47.15FuriousGeorgex-lite may send info to keep the connection alive where your ip phone doesnt
11:47.24FuriousGeorgealso, maybe your ip phone doesnt like nat so much
11:47.28trixtersoi you arent arguing with a valid position?
11:47.31trixterit all makes sense now
11:47.31Enthso i need to put qualify=yes in general settings?
11:47.36trixterand that is what I have been saying all along
11:47.42trixterat least we can finally agree you dont know what you are talking about
11:47.46FuriousGeorgetrixter: im arguing with you though
11:47.48trixternow that you have admitted that we can end this
11:48.25FuriousGeorgeif thats the best you can do ill let you have that last word
11:48.40trixterI have a valid position on my side, people are equal, you however have made many racist comments, I am arguing that welfare needs to be done away with and replaced by something that doesnt penalize someone for getting a job, you however argue that wont work
11:48.53Enthso all I need to is to put qualify=yes in general settings?
11:49.01Enthfuriousgeorge that is.
11:49.03trixterso your position is racism and keeping the status quo, I dont see that as valid
11:49.06X-Rob_trixter, hang on - welfare is for when you don't have a job.
11:49.10FuriousGeorgeEnth: no, youre peer's section
11:49.14trixterEnth: qualify=yes will nto solve any nat issue
11:49.18X-Rob_so when you get a job, you no longer need welfare, right?
11:49.29trixterit will cause asterisk to query the client to see its ping time
11:49.32FuriousGeorgeX-Rob_: trixter doesnt have to follow logic when he makes points.  its like a handicap we give him
11:49.49FuriousGeorgeare we sure he has a nat issue
11:49.52trixterX-Rob_: its also for people that make very little, but I think it needs to be replaced becuase if you earn $1 they take $2 in welfare from you
11:49.58trixterso people that can only get part time *lose* money
11:50.01X-Rob_trixter, that's not how it works in .au
11:50.07trixterwhy I am against furiousgeorges opinions that it should be kept
11:50.11trixterit keeps people down
11:50.11X-Rob_you earn $1, you get $1 less on the dole
11:50.14EnthFuriousGeorge: I've added qualify=yes for the peers. Anything else?
11:50.18X-Rob_(our welfare)
11:50.25FuriousGeorgesip reload and give it a whirl
11:50.26trixterX-Rob_: this isnt oz :P
11:50.48X-Rob_Actually, I think it's if you earn less than $500, you get 50% of your earnings taken off the dole
11:50.52Enthok brb
11:50.55trixterand here there is unemployemnt, disability, and other programs in addition to welfare, and you might qualify for more than one
11:50.57X-Rob_so you only lose 250, meaning your're up, and it's worth working
11:51.02trixterthere are also 2 welfare programs, a state one and a federal one
11:51.11FuriousGeorgetrixter: the case you keep pointing to is a small fraction of all govt cheese cases.  its just the one that best suits your idealized simplified version of how to fix a real problem
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11:51.28trixtereven with disability, the social security handbook on it gives an example where someone gets a raise of $0.25/hr and that costs em $250/mo
11:51.47X-Rob_that's just fuxx0r3d.
11:51.51X-Rob_yay for not being in the US
11:51.54FuriousGeorgeyou still havent explained how creating jobs, and solving all the problems that in and of itself creates, while paying people more, is even feasable, much less cheaper as a whole than welfare
11:51.54EnthFuriousGeorge: still no sound.
11:52.03trixterwhy any intelligent perosn that has looked into these programs knows they are broken and need to be replaced
11:52.03FuriousGeorgelets spend that money you waste on real programs
11:52.14FuriousGeorgefixed not replaces
11:52.30trixterif by fixing you mean a total revamp that replaces everything then yes
11:52.33FuriousGeorgeEnth: what are the clients again?
11:52.49trixtertoo much is broken it would end up being a replacement of well over 50% of the program, most likely close to 80%
11:52.58trixterand that really in effect is a replacement not a simple fixing
11:53.05Enthx-lite and a hardware based IP Phone running on SIP
11:53.06FuriousGeorgetrixter: stop listening to pat o'reily.
11:53.12FuriousGeorgebill o'reiley whatever
11:53.17trixterahh so even more ad hominem attacks
11:53.33trixtertry talking about my message instead of me personally
11:53.36FuriousGeorgecan the ahrdphone get sound at any point
11:53.41backblueanyone having problems with bristuff+iax trunks? it's a quite buggy!
11:53.45Enthsound etc worked fine between x-lite to x-lite. just as soon as i added the harware ip phone, no sound.
11:54.01FuriousGeorgetrixter: please explain to me how you quantified that 50-80% will need to be replaced first, and ill dignify that argument
11:54.10austinnichols101trixter: the way to avoid poverty / break the cycle is simple in concept: grauate high school, don't have kids before you're married and don't get married until you're 21 or older.
11:54.13FuriousGeorgelets try being logical this time
11:54.23trixterI have
11:54.28austinnichols101and learn to spell graduate
11:54.28trixterplease read what I have said
11:54.30FuriousGeorgecopy paste for me
11:54.38FuriousGeorgei need to know how you came to that number
11:54.47EnthFuriousGeorge: what do you mean? if you mean if it can hear anything, then no it cant.
11:54.48trixterscroll up
11:54.56trixterthis time dont omit what I said then admit to it
11:55.16FuriousGeorgeEnth: but the peer registers with the server?
11:55.19Enththe yes
11:55.25Enthit rings too
11:55.36trixterEnth: if you want this fixed pastebin your peer definition or something
11:55.39Enthonly when answers, cant hear the caller or he cant hear me
11:55.49FuriousGeorgeright, so how does the BS you spout come to 90% exactly
11:55.58linuxgeekukanyone had a problem with TDM FXS cards not being able to break dial tone after they have received a call ?
11:55.59trixterahh misquotiung again I see
11:56.17trixterI am begining to believe that your multiple attempts to misquote me is intentional
11:56.24FuriousGeorgetrixter: too much is broken it would end up being a replacement of well over 50% of the program, most likely close to 80%
11:56.27trixtermostly becuase you admitted to intentionally doing it earlier, but hey
11:56.27FuriousGeorgea source please
11:56.36trixterFuriousGeorge right, so how does the BS you spout come to 90% exactly
11:56.39trixtera misquote
11:56.42trixterand I said to scroll up
11:56.48FuriousGeorgeno source
11:56.56FuriousGeorgejust your own personal misguided beliefe
11:57.04FuriousGeorgean oversimplification, like everything you say
11:57.16FuriousGeorgeEnth: whats the hardphone?
11:57.21trixterEnth: do you have a pastebin of the peer definition?
11:57.37FreezeSI've got another weird problem. I got * to work as a SIP client, but when I try adding more register => lines, only one works. Any suggestions ?
11:57.38trixterEnth: becuase what you were told to do with qualify=yes can potentially break the hardphone over time
11:57.40EnthFuriousGeorge: its an ipchitchat one.
11:57.47trixternot perm just need to reboot it but it has been known to be a problem on some
11:57.58austinnichols101trixter: how can qualify=yes break the hardphone?
11:58.00trixterand I figured you would want a working system not one that breaks now and again
11:58.11trixteraustinnichols101: some sip stacks dont like being polled all the time
11:58.18trixtersearch the archives many people have reported that problem
11:58.31trixterI know it affects dlink ATAs and a few other phones
11:58.49willtVWIC-2MFT-T1-DI AND asterisk anyone?
11:59.00trixterEnth: define locanet
11:59.03trixterin general
11:59.11Enthpls :)
11:59.25trixterer spell it right though
11:59.36austinnichols101trixter: I can't imagine that it could cause physical break damage to the phone in any way - all qualify is doing is sending the phone an optins request every 2 seconds
11:59.37Enthok but what has that got to do with no sound?
11:59.49bigjb_how would i get asterisk to allow me to dial in then dial out on a different line?:
11:59.51austinnichols101trixter: and then if we get a response back on the server we know it's alive
11:59.53trixterset reinvite=no (even though its supposed to be set correctly if nat=yes sometimes it doesnt work without that)
11:59.59trixterbut nat traversal will *not* work without localnet
12:00.08trixteraustinnichols101: no I said not perm
12:00.13Enthis that for hardphones or softphones?
12:00.15trixterits just a sip stack problem you have to reboot the phone
12:00.28Enthphone has been rebooted several times now.
12:00.28austinnichols101trixter: k - I understand
12:00.36trixterEnth: without localnet asterisk doesnt know what is behind nat and what isnt
12:00.39bigjb_hang on, im been stoopid
12:00.48FuriousGeorge(2006-03-09 06:43:23) FuriousGeorge: in sip.conf general set localnet and externip if there is nat  in between, in peer section for hardphone qualify=yes.  check hardphone for keepalive settings
12:00.51austinnichols101Enth: explain to everyone what the firewall setup is (on both ends)
12:00.59Enthtrixter: then why did it work for xlite?
12:01.18backblueiax2 show stats -> what do i need this to work?
12:01.34Supercrossbigjb_ you find a solution to your problem
12:01.37trixterEnth: maybe the sdp parts were different?
12:02.06FuriousGeorgeEnth: are you remembering to sip reload after applying these changes
12:02.09austinnichols101enth: xlite is 'smart' in the way that it can determine it's own public address as well as how it detects that it's behind nat.  A hardphone isn't usually so smart
12:02.12bigjb_no, but i dont think it was as difficult as i was thinking
12:02.16EnthFuriousGeorge: yes
12:02.22bigjb_going back to trawl through function reference
12:02.31trixterEnth: does it work with locanet being set?
12:02.55Supercrossmight be good idea
12:02.59Enthtrixter: it works fine without localnet being set when I use x-lite clients.
12:03.01Supercrosswhat platform you running asterisk on?
12:03.15Enthjust that there is no sound when I connect a hardphone.
12:03.20trixterEnth: does it work fine with localnet being set and using the hardphone?
12:03.25Enthno wait.
12:03.37Enthlocalnet goes in general right?
12:03.45Enthok brb
12:03.47FreezeShow can I register multiple SIP clients at the same proxy from asterisk ?
12:03.52trixterright by bindaddr (although it doesnt have to anywhere in that section is fine)
12:04.46trixterFreezeS: um what?  you have multiple phones or whatever to connect to your asterisk box?  just make accounts for them and tell them to goto your asterisk box
12:04.47Enthwhats the localnet for 192.168.1 range? is it ?
12:04.55trixterif its something else explain
12:05.05trixterEnth: probably but it depends on what you have locally set up
12:05.15FreezeStrixter: no, I want asterisk to act as sip client
12:05.31FreezeSit works to register one extension, but not more
12:05.33trixterregister => user:pass@someprovider/extension
12:06.10FreezeSbut if I try register => user2:pass2@someprovider/extension2  it breaks everything
12:06.30trixterwhere are you putting the register statement?
12:06.42trixterI have 5 such registrations on my personal box
12:06.45trixterthey all work fine
12:06.51FreezeSin [general]
12:07.03FreezeSif I only put one statement, it works
12:07.07Enthis there a space in between the "=" in  localnet=x.x.x.x ?
12:07.15trixterEnth: shouldnt matter
12:07.21willti have seen some proxy's not like multiple register statements
12:07.22FreezeSbut, I need more extensions at the same proxy
12:07.22Enthit doesnt work
12:07.25Enthstill no sound
12:07.40FreezeSI use Brekeke OnDo Sip server
12:07.44trixterare you sure that the volume is up on the phone?
12:07.55*** join/#asterisk e3eli3h (n=not@
12:08.01Enthyes! i can hear the phone ring
12:08.15trixterringer volume and speaker volume may be different
12:08.16Enthjust cant hear the person speak and neither can the other person hear me
12:08.22FuriousGeorgetry hitting DTMF and seeing if you hear that on the other side
12:08.52e3eli3hhi peeps. can anyone fill me in on what the verdict is for the beta fw of the gxp2000? safe to upgrade to it or not?
12:08.58trixterare you sure that the earpeice/handset part is plugged all the way in?  and that it works?
12:09.07trixtere3eli3h: works fine
12:09.21trixternon-beta speakerphone is unusable so you have to upgrade to at least make it work without echo
12:09.39trixterthe menu system has been changed as well, personal taste if its better or not
12:10.02trixterseeing immediatly that you missed calls is a nice feature of the newer firmware
12:10.03e3eli3htrixter: using tftp of http to upgrade? and can i go straight from
12:10.14Enththis is just annoying. :)
12:10.20linuxgeekukanyone had problems with Digiums TDM series cards with FXS modules installed
12:10.31EnthFuriousgeorge: How do I test dtmf then?
12:10.37trixterI use tftp on a *lcoal* network ...  tftp is udp so packet order is not guaranteed and you dont wanna do something that would potentially cuase it to brick itself (I dont know if they do checksums or not)
12:10.44FuriousGeorgeEnth: hit buttons on quiet phone
12:10.48FuriousGeorgelike 1 or #
12:11.12Enthas in when u dial out?
12:11.17trixterhe didnt define dtmfmode hopefully it all just works
12:11.22FuriousGeorgeno after you answer yourself
12:11.27Enthok hang on
12:11.52Enthno dtmf sounds either
12:11.55FuriousGeorgeuse ulaw on both ends to keep it simple if possible
12:12.07Enththey are on ulaw on both ends
12:12.41FuriousGeorgecheck your phone for RTP settings
12:12.43FuriousGeorgeplay with them
12:12.54FuriousGeorgemash keyboard with fist :)
12:12.58trixterdid you specify the localnet address for the phones to connect to?  or did you use the internet routable IP?
12:13.03bigjb_when asterisk recieves additional key presses from something like Background() what variable does it store them in?
12:13.17FuriousGeorgeshow us how you set localnet
12:13.18Enthtrixter: meaning?
12:13.29trixteron the hardphone what did you put for your sip server?
12:13.44Enththe asterisk server
12:13.56trixternow what did you really put?
12:13.56Enthhardphone connects and registers fine on the asterisk server
12:14.06trixterbeucase I know you didnt type 'the asterisk server' in the config
12:14.14trixterinternal or external IP? is the dynamic host
12:14.37trixterchange that for a sec to the internal IP please
12:14.42trixterin the hardphone that is
12:14.44Enthok wait
12:15.31*** part/#asterisk linuxgeekuk (
12:16.09FuriousGeorgethe hardphone is on the localnet?  why does nat=yes?
12:16.14FuriousGeorgethat will break it
12:16.27trixterbecause asterisk will know that its on the localnet
12:16.54FuriousGeorgeme eyebeams dont like it one bit
12:16.58trixterthus the externip/host and localnet settings..  if its on localnet it will route directly
12:17.07trixterodd that his xten does
12:17.08FuriousGeorgeeven wiith tose
12:17.27FuriousGeorgeis the exten on his local lan?  where is there nat then
12:17.29Enthstill doesnt make a difference
12:17.44FuriousGeorgeEnth: both phones are on you local networkl
12:17.53Enthbasically - IP Phone inside the LAN as is the other client as is the asterisk.
12:17.57*** join/#asterisk linuxgeekuk (
12:18.08FuriousGeorgetry nat=no please
12:18.15FuriousGeorgesip reload
12:18.17Enthfor the hardphone?
12:19.00FuriousGeorgewhen i asked if there was nat i meant between the phones and *, not between you and the world
12:19.04FuriousGeorgesip reload
12:19.31FuriousGeorgethere is no nat between phones and * right?  they are on the same network, no?
12:19.39Enthlogin failed after i removed NAT=YES
12:20.04Enthafter i put nat=no, the phone doesnt register
12:20.09Enthnat=yes phone registers
12:20.17FuriousGeorgethat doesnt make sense to me
12:20.26FuriousGeorgex-lite too?
12:20.40trixtermy guess is that somehow he is going through his nat box to get to the asterisk server
12:20.51Enthxlite works fine
12:21.01trixterwhy I wanted him to put the local ip of the asterisk server (ie 192.168.1.x) rather than its external hostname
12:21.10trixterxlite defaults with stun
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12:22.09Enthany suggestions?
12:22.27fourcheezeEnth: what's the full sipurl of your phone as known by asterisk?
12:22.39fourcheezesip show peer whatever
12:23.02trixterwhatever == 5555 or 4444 whichever it is
12:23.06trixterto be clear
12:23.14Enthyou mean sip show peers ?
12:23.15linstaywhen I was trying asterisk package installation I got the error "collect2: ld returned 1 exit status"
12:23.20FuriousGeorgeEnth: no
12:23.21linstayany help to install it
12:23.24FuriousGeorgesip show peer 4444
12:23.42Enththat gives a lot of output
12:23.47Enthwhich one u lookin for?
12:23.57fourcheezenear the bottom
12:24.32fourcheezeis what it said?
12:24.43linstaypls help me to debug my installation
12:24.46Enththats because nat=no in sip.conf
12:24.49fourcheezeEnth: look at Addr->IP
12:24.56linstaygetting error 'collect2: ld returned 1 exit status'
12:25.02willtok i almost have this.. can you please look at
12:25.07FuriousGeorgefourcheeze: why would setting nat = no cause his registration to fail
12:25.23fourcheezeEnth: you're not using a stun server are you?
12:25.26FuriousGeorgefourcheeze: i think his phone isnt registered right now
12:25.27willtit should work im not sure why it's not getting the context set
12:25.33linstay""make[1]: *** [] Error 1
12:25.58*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
12:26.02EnthI'm not using a STUN server for the hard phone
12:26.07fourcheezeEnth: put nat =yes then do the same again
12:27.16Enthnat=yes actually registers the phone as i said.
12:27.27Enthshow peers 5555 gives:
12:27.41Enthsip show peer 5555 that is
12:27.48EnthReg. Contact : sip:5555@
12:27.50fourcheezelinstay: what does it say above that
12:27.58FuriousGeorgeEnth: is your per really dhcp?
12:28.13fourcheezeEnth: which IP address?
12:28.16fourcheezeEnth: which phone?
12:28.20EnthAddr-IP     : Port 5060
12:28.26Enthwhich is the peer's ip
12:28.31Enthit's static.
12:28.32willtanyone please..
12:28.37Enthbe default.
12:28.40FuriousGeorgehost=peer's ip
12:28.42fourcheezecan you ping from the box running asterisk?
12:28.43FuriousGeorgetry that
12:28.47*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
12:29.01fourcheezeFuriousGeorge: ahh yeah
12:29.08fourcheezedoesnt' explain thogugh
12:29.14fourcheezeEnth: what sort of phone?
12:29.16FuriousGeorgeit really doesnt
12:29.26linstayfourcheeze: pls look at
12:29.27Enthfourcheeze: Ipchitchat
12:29.36fourcheezenever heard of it
12:29.39Enthworks "well" with asterisk apparently
12:29.51fourcheezedoes it have a place to set the "external IP number"?
12:29.52Enththe issue here is that there is no sound.
12:30.03fourcheezelinstay: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lidn
12:30.06fourcheezeyou need libidn
12:30.19FuriousGeorgeEnth: host=192.168.1.?
12:30.22Enthwhy are are going in circles? IP Phone registers fine. It's that there is no sound!
12:30.24linstayfourcheeze : what doest it mean?
12:30.25FuriousGeorgesip reload
12:30.38linstayfourcheeze : I am fresher to these systems
12:30.38FuriousGeorgedont put the?  put your hardphones ip instead
12:30.41fourcheezelinstay: install libidn
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12:30.51fourcheezelinstay: which OS/distro?
12:31.00linstayfedora core 3
12:31.01Supercrossi get the following error when compiling zaptel 1.2.2 on Fedora Core 4
12:31.11Supercrosssorry version 1.2.4
12:31.15SupercrossZAPTELVERSION="1.2.4" build_tools/make_version_h > version.h.tmp
12:31.16Supercross: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
12:31.16Supercrossmake: *** [version.h] Error 126
12:31.17fourcheezelinstay: there will be a -devel package for libidn somewhere
12:31.25Supercrossanybody have any idea what could be wrong??
12:31.28FuriousGeorgegrab the newest version Supercross
12:31.44Supercrosssorry my mistake it was 1.2.4
12:31.44FuriousGeorgeu isntalling 1.2.2 or 1.2.4?
12:31.50fourcheezelinstay: on debian it's  libidn11-dev
12:31.57*** join/#asterisk rogier (
12:32.05Enthok putting the IP of the phone doesnt register it anymore
12:32.21fourcheezeSupercross: you got an error further up?
12:32.33fourcheezeSupercross: do you have gcc, libc etc?
12:32.34FuriousGeorgedo the ip and nat=no
12:32.43FuriousGeorgeEnth: ^
12:32.44linstayfourcheeze : I got the package , let me try it once again
12:32.51Supercrosshave tried 3 different linux installations
12:32.53Supercrosssame problem
12:33.03fourcheezepaste the whole output into a pastebin
12:33.08Supercrossi can install 1.2.2 fine
12:33.30Supercrosssorry my mistake where is the pastebin?
12:33.41willtCan someone help me figure out a context problem
12:33.41FuriousGeorgeEnth: and could you possibly set your ipphone to be dhcp?
12:33.52jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
12:34.09Supercrosssorry about that
12:34.15fourcheezeyeah, dhcp can sometimes help
12:34.18Supercrossya thats why i didnt paste the whole thing
12:34.18fourcheezesometimes hinder
12:34.21Enthok nat=no and putting the IP doesn work either.
12:34.23fourcheezethat's fine
12:34.35fourcheezeEnth: can you ping the phone?
12:34.50FuriousGeorgei assume he can cuz it rings
12:34.53Enthfrom where?
12:34.56Enth* or anywhere?
12:35.03fourcheezefrom *
12:35.07fourcheezejust for fun
12:35.10*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
12:35.19FuriousGeorgenat=no host=your hosts ip
12:35.26Supercrossfourcheeze it is posted there
12:35.30FuriousGeorgeif that doesnt work, turn on dhcp, nat=no, host=dynamic again
12:35.35fourcheezeSupercross: got a url for it?
12:35.38FuriousGeorgeEnth: do these things please
12:35.42EnthGeorge: that doesnt register the pne.
12:35.48Enthok wait
12:36.04FuriousGeorgedid you try both nat=no and host=(ip) or just individually
12:36.40Enthboth and separately.
12:36.43fourcheezeSupercross: what's the first line of build_tools/make_version_h ?
12:36.51Enthhang on putting the phone on dhcp and nat=no
12:36.57Enthand hsot dynamic
12:37.14Supercrosswill check
12:37.56Supercrossits #define ZAPTEL_VERSION "${ZAPTELVERSION}"
12:38.10fourcheezeno, it's #!/bin/sh
12:38.12FuriousGeorgeEnth: if that doesnt work, you are gonna need someone who understands sip debugging better than me to take a look at that for you, i think
12:38.13fourcheezeor it should be
12:38.19Supercrossya thats right
12:38.21FuriousGeorgewe probably should have already tried to find someone like that
12:38.27fourcheezeSupercross: type /bin/sh
12:38.29FuriousGeorgetheyre all over this place
12:38.57willtneed help please..
12:39.13linuxgeekukwhos up for a real gritty asterisk problem ?
12:39.21EnthFuriousGeorge: doing dhcp for the phone, and nat=n and host=dynamic registers the phone with:
12:39.23Supercrossgot a sh-3.00#
12:39.39FuriousGeorgethats good
12:39.43Enthbut phone itself shows logon failed
12:39.53Enthand no dialtome now :)
12:39.59fourcheezeSupercross: strange
12:40.07Supercrosswhat is that suppose to do?
12:40.37fourcheezewell it's the interpreter
12:40.46fourcheezei.e. a shell
12:40.50fourcheezeyou can just ctrl-d out of it
12:41.16fourcheezethat error message reads to me as though your shell can't find /bin/sh
12:41.19FuriousGeorgeEnth: it shouldnt be anyway
12:41.21fourcheezebut you've just proved it can
12:41.42FuriousGeorgetry setting a password and tinkering with the stuff weve tried
12:41.44Supercrossi am currently running Fedora Core 4 2.6 Kernal
12:41.58Supercrossi have tried it on Fedora Core 1 2.4 and it does the same
12:42.01*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
12:42.15Supercrossthe older version compiles fine, just he new one doesnt
12:42.21EnthFuriousGeorge: ok but I still dont understand why all this just for not getting any sound?
12:42.28Supercrossthe older version compiles fine, just the new zaptel doesnt
12:42.32EnthWe've proved that the phone registers fine.
12:42.37FuriousGeorgecheck phone for RTP settingsa
12:42.38Enthjust cant hear
12:42.42fourcheezeSupercross: sorry, it doesn't make any sense to me
12:42.53FuriousGeorgeEnth: nothing makes sense.  nat=no is the /correct/ setting
12:42.53*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:42.57Supercrossya me neither
12:43.06Supercrosswhat should happen when you type /bin/sh?
12:43.14fourcheezeyou should get a shell
12:43.16fourcheezewhich you did
12:43.25Supercrosso ok
12:43.30fourcheeze#!/bin/sh just means it's a shell script
12:43.38FuriousGeorgeEnth: sip debug on and pastebin, ill see if it makes sense
12:43.40Supercrosso ok
12:43.41rpmthe she-bang
12:44.07fourcheezewhat happens if you do this
12:44.12fourcheezeZAPTELVERSION="1.2.4" build_tools/make_version_h > version.h.tmp
12:44.18fourcheezein your asterisk source
12:44.40Supercrossin the source for zaptel?
12:44.46fourcheezewhereever you were
12:45.14linstayfourcheeze : thanks it works
12:45.43*** join/#asterisk Error_X (
12:45.44Supercrossit says bad interpretor: no such file or directory
12:46.39EnthFuriousGeorge: enabled sip debug. and now?
12:46.53FuriousGeorgecopy paste
12:47.03FuriousGeorgeon pastebin
12:47.04rpmSupercross: you just answered your question.
12:47.17Supercrossok but what interpretor does it need?
12:47.45rpmSupercross: check the top of the script and see what interpreter it is calling.. #!/bin/bash, and make sure it exists.
12:47.46FuriousGeorgewhat file is probably the better question
12:47.49nextimeSupercross: try dos2unix shellscript
12:48.26Supercrosshow would i change that?
12:48.43FuriousGeorgeEnth: if theres a firewall in between check rtp settings on phone
12:49.24nextimeSupercross : if your shell script start with #!/bin/sh and you have /bin/sh, maybe the shellscript have some non printable caracters, a common error with dos type text files
12:49.38EnthFuriousgeorge: like forward ports to the phone?
12:50.05nextimeSupercross : so, you can convert the script with dos2unix utility, or with sed, or with awk, or with vim...
12:50.20Supercrossok will give that a try
12:50.48FuriousGeorgeEnth: is there a firewall on asterisk box?
12:51.17FuriousGeorgemake sure phone is sending rtp within ports 10k-20k
12:51.23FuriousGeorgecheck rtp.conf in asterisk
12:52.14EnthGeorge: No. My set up is very simple.  Router(with NAT)------Switch (no configs needed)------lan (*, laptop etc).
12:52.19EnthThe * has no firewalls on it.
12:52.37EnthNAT is done on the router.
12:52.52*** part/#asterisk willt (
12:52.56FuriousGeorgethe phone needs to send its media on the ports between 10000 and 20000 (at least thats where my rtp.conf is looking)
12:53.01*** join/#asterisk willt (
12:53.32willthello all
12:54.11EnthFuriousgeorge: yeah but how come x-lite works with no issues with rtp? or is that because x-lite is smart?
12:54.22willtif im recieve a call from an external sip source should the host=ipaddress match that source in my sip.conf file?
12:54.29FuriousGeorgex-lite may have better default settings for *
12:55.50FuriousGeorgeEnth: what is the model of you phone
12:56.02willtcan anyone hear me??
12:56.11Enthyou havent heard if probably.
12:56.20FuriousGeorgewillt: no
12:56.26willtok thnx
12:56.33FuriousGeorgeipchitchat what Enth
12:56.43FuriousGeorgewhat MODEL
12:57.09EnthIPC 323
12:57.52willtI can't figure out why my context isn't being matched
12:58.28*** join/#asterisk modulus_ (
12:58.33modulus_anyone awake?
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12:58.56FuriousGeorgewillt: pastebin
12:58.57Supercrossnextime it works!!!!!!!
12:59.18modulus_anyone here ever used gsm/sip device?
12:59.40willtcongrats super..
12:59.53*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
13:00.15Supercrossbeen struggling for 2 days now!!!
13:00.27willtI know the feeling..
13:00.42FuriousGeorgewillt: u using a@h?  try replacing that macro with a simple dial.  also id need to see your register.  does it end in register=>.../70WHATEVER
13:00.48Supercrossbeen working with asterisk for just over a month and there is alot to learn!!!
13:00.49FuriousGeorge70WHATEVER=your number
13:01.08FuriousGeorgeEnth: im at a loss, i gotta think your phone is doing something funny
13:01.17FuriousGeorgeanyone understand sip debug that can help this guy?
13:01.25willtfurious: it's coming from my cisco router. there is no register
13:01.36FuriousGeorgeEnth: get an account from, its free, see if that works with your phone
13:01.42FuriousGeorgetry calling 18005551212
13:02.45willtfurious: atm it's a@home. If i put the exten portion under my sip-from-external it works fine
13:02.51modulus_anyone here ever gotten any voip to cellular devices working?
13:03.06willtfurious: the problem is it's not having the context set
13:03.40FuriousGeorgewillt: it looks like that macro is spinning out of control, i can take a look at it and see if i follow
13:04.26willtfurious: should I try just replacing it with a dial statement?
13:04.44FuriousGeorgewell if changing the context works, that should too obviously
13:04.59willtthats what I thought
13:05.23willtif you look at my sip.conf the context should be getting set to fromcisco but it's not
13:06.03EnthFuriousGeorge: does it matter what audio codecs are in use?
13:06.09EnthI've set mine to GSM only
13:06.09FuriousGeorgehuh?  contexts are contacts, macros are macros, functions are functions
13:06.21FuriousGeorgei thought i told you to set both to ulaw :)
13:06.28e3eli3hi'm trying to upgrade the firmware of my gxp2000 with tftp but it is failing, can someone help?
13:06.37Enthyeah they are
13:06.40Enthhang on
13:06.43Enthulaw = gsm right?
13:06.49FreezeSno !
13:06.51*** join/#asterisk Skid (i=cm@unaffiliated/skid)
13:06.54Skidhi chaps
13:06.57jbotmethinks ulaw is pronounce "mu"-law and consumes 64 Kb/s in each direction.  It is considered a loss-less CODEC with a sampling rate of 8,000 hz and is 8 bit.  It delivers quality equivalent to that of a POTS line.
13:06.59jbotsomebody said gsm was a codec, operating at approx 13kbps up/down.
13:07.05modulus_how come no one here ever talks about asterisk integration with cellular?
13:07.12Skidjust compiled from source, and im having problems hearing other people speak when i dial out thru a provider
13:07.28Skidcan anything aid in this please? :)
13:07.34linuxgeekukbecause you dont have preicell
13:07.46linuxgeekukoops premicell
13:08.06*** join/#asterisk linville (
13:08.14bigjb_will a macro return to the position it was called from within the dialplan if it doesnt have a hangup or any function that causes a hangup?
13:08.55FuriousGeorgedoes your harphone even support gsm?
13:09.33willtFurious: Any other thoughts?
13:09.59FuriousGeorgeother thoughts?  you gotta debug the logic, i assume
13:10.09FuriousGeorgeit appears that something is wrong with the macro you are calling
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13:10.30willthow could it be the macro?
13:10.45FuriousGeorgewillt: didnt you say a simple dial, or another context works fine?
13:11.37willtwhen a call comes in. the context is being set to the default [from-sip-external] it should be set to [fromcisco]
13:11.58willtif I move the same macro to [from-sip-external] it works fine
13:12.00FuriousGeorgeyou and me both Enth
13:12.08FuriousGeorgecan someone please take a look at this guys sip debug
13:12.17FuriousGeorgeenth, there are other things to try
13:12.46willtwhy are you getting annoyed? it's a problem I can't figure out
13:12.47FuriousGeorgeif you wanna be sure its the phone try a few sip clients, see what settings get them working.  i bet its a lot like x-lite
13:13.02FuriousGeorgewillt: enths problem is annoying me not urs
13:13.17willtoh.. ok
13:13.22Enthall other clients work fine
13:13.28Enthwell not all
13:13.40willtmine annoying me lol
13:14.25FuriousGeorgeEnth: i think im taking off.  the smart guys should show up later, get them to look at your sip debug
13:14.51Enththanks for the help so far man :)
13:14.57FuriousGeorgetellem how ur nat and host settings only work backwards, make sure you explain you are on the same lan, and try to get that phone working with another server
13:15.09FuriousGeorgetry to get them to look at output from sup debug on calls
13:15.27*** join/#asterisk heison (
13:16.00FuriousGeorgeEnth: and point the phone to asterisk not the external address
13:16.19*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:16.28Enththats how it has been now
13:16.37Enthphone registers fine.
13:16.42Enthjust no damn audio!
13:17.01willtsounds like a posibble firewall issue to me
13:17.11FuriousGeorgethere is no firewall
13:17.45FuriousGeorgedid the phone work with gizmo?  did you ever look for/ find any RTP settings in phone
13:17.56willthmm thats the same thing I was having at the office call would complete but no audio
13:17.59Enthno didnt look for rtp sessions
13:18.02FuriousGeorgeall these things should be addressed short of ability to sip debug
13:18.09FuriousGeorgertp settings
13:18.14FuriousGeorgereal time protocol
13:18.32jbot[rtp] The Internet-standard protocol for the transport of real-time data, including audio and video. RTP is used in virtually all voice-over-IP architectures, for videoconferencing, media-on-demand, and other applications. A thin protocol, it supports content identification, timing reconstruction, and detection of lost packets.
13:18.46*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
13:18.53Enthyes i know what rtp is just wondering where to see debug info on that
13:19.28FuriousGeorgeEnth: log into phone and check its firmware
13:20.01rikstahEnth, tcpdump
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13:20.38FuriousGeorgerikstah: now were cooking with gas
13:20.40Enthall this just for a fscking IP phone issue
13:20.43FuriousGeorgeenth let me know if you get it working
13:20.56Enthmight as well stick to PSTN and a normal phone.
13:21.07FuriousGeorgeEnth: seriously /msg me, i GOT to know
13:22.32*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
13:22.40willtis a regiter= statement for outbound calls only?
13:22.59*** join/#asterisk YaP (
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13:26.34Enthnormally if Username/Auth mismatch appears is aht purely down to the username/auth issue?
13:26.34Enthor are there other factors involved?
13:26.34trixterif you have host=someotherthing   then that could cause an auth failure potentially.  I always do host=dynamic because its easier
13:26.35modulus_depends on the moon phase
13:26.58trixterif I change IPs or they take a phone out of the office to use at home or blah blah blah dont wanna have to remember to change that
13:27.15Enthbut i'm getting this with host=dynamic
13:27.17modulus_anyone here ever use fastSMS?
13:27.20trixterhost=blah really only matters if you want to send calls even if the remote end isnt registerd ...  its a default place to look afaik
13:27.29trixterand after first registration astdb holds the info until it expires anyway
13:28.11Enthso why is it giving user/auth erros even with host=dynamic?
13:28.16*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
13:28.42*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
13:28.54Enthit recognises who it is but gives' failed for 'x.x.x.x' - Username/auth name mismatch
13:29.04*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
13:29.13Enththats with host=dynamic
13:29.15modulus_1002 is username?
13:29.18modulus_what's the secret?
13:29.19queuetueHello.  Can someone help me figure out what a zap line's DID is? 1XXXYYYZZZZ , XXXYYYZZZZ and YYYZZZZ did not seem to work.
13:29.24Enthno secret
13:29.35modulus_queutue: 1?NXXNXXXXXX
13:29.37Enthuser=extension number in my case
13:29.54queuetuemodulus_: That is a the DID route?
13:30.10modulus_i have no clue what you're talking about
13:30.10willtwhat if you have a device that doesn't register at all to send inbound calls? should the host= portion match on that device?
13:30.36queuetuemodulus_: So, 1?2125551212 is the proper DID route?
13:30.37Enthguess none know :/
13:31.04modulus_8005551212 will match taht
13:31.11FuriousGeorgeEnth: gizmo
13:31.18*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
13:31.49EnthFuriousgeorge: havent done it yet. I'm trying to resolve a logging issue now.
13:31.49bigjb_what causes a "== Auto fallthrough, channel 'IAX2/iaxfwd2-23' status is 'UNKNOWN'" error?
13:32.02queuetuemodulus_: I'm sorry for being  a newbie, but are you sure you are answering the proper question?  I'm looking for DID route info, not outgoing dialplan info, afaik.
13:32.17FuriousGeorgego back to static with host=dynamic and nat=yes
13:32.24FuriousGeorgefor whatever reason that seemed to work
13:33.15queuetueBasically, I want to reroute a specific Zap line to a specific automated assistant, and I do not know how to get the DID for the zap line.
13:33.33trixterif its anaog you dont really have one
13:33.45trixterso you just set it to the context and it will goto the 's' extension
13:34.03queuetuetrixter: Was that to me?
13:34.11modulus_i wish i understood all your questions
13:34.15modulus_but sadly i understand none
13:34.25*** join/#asterisk rob- (
13:34.26trixtercalleridnum will give you the did of the zap line that is connected to the box?  or was that to someone else?
13:34.51queuetueCould people please indicate who they are answering? :)
13:34.51modulus_just call an ANI out that landline if you want to know that number?
13:34.56modulus_me me me!
13:35.08modulus_i am answering all the questions with this simple answer:
13:35.32trixterok I think I understand..  +1 800-444-4444 will tell you the BTN (which may or may not be your DID)
13:35.41modulus_that's an MCI ANI
13:35.45modulus_been around for years too
13:36.01trixtertechnically its mci customer care that happens to read back the BTN (which may or may not be the DID)
13:36.09queuetuetrixter: Is there any way  can just set a debug option and have the console tell me the DID when I call that pstn line?
13:36.23YaPdi you know why ! in dialplan doesn't work as doc says?
13:36.24YaP;   ! - wildcard, causes the matching process to complete as soon as
13:36.24YaP;       it can unambiguously determine that no other matches are possible
13:36.27trixterno if its analog you cant tell that
13:36.35trixterthere is no provision for that to be sent to your system
13:36.44trixteryou can cause it to be sent to other systems but not your own
13:36.45YaPif i have 2 extensions _10 and _1! and i call 10
13:36.45*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:36.50YaP_1! is executed
13:36.52queuetuetrixter: Ok, so I need to find some other way to routhe this zap line, and I shoud stop thinking about DID for pstn lines.
13:36.59trixterwell unless you call out then in effect it is the same as another system
13:37.01Skidim having problems with not being able to hear the other party talk, when i call them - any one have an idea of what hti smay be?
13:37.04Skidsorry, what this may be
13:37.17modulus_trixter have you ever used a PLMN <-> PSTN device on asterisk?
13:37.19trixterif its a digital line you should be able to get it but ...
13:37.27queuetueSkid: Are you using a phone behind a different NAT than your asterisk server?
13:37.42trixtermodulus_: no
13:37.43Skidyep, but it was working fine before - just installed asterisk from source
13:37.51Skidmy phone traverses nat fine (7940)
13:37.57Skidand its the only phone behid it
13:38.14[TK]D-FenderRan into a serious problem last night : I've got a server that when it places calls on hold seems to drop the call after about 10 seconds.  I've tested this on an SPA-2000, AudioCodes MP-124, and Mediatrix 1124, all acting the same.  Server is running * 1.2.4
13:38.39trixter[TK]D-Fender: server hold or not sending rtp in the client?
13:38.45trixtercause if asterisk doesnt get rtp it will dump the call
13:39.04[TK]D-Fendertrixter : I see * putting the call on hold
13:39.22queuetueSkid: Skid I fixed this yesterday by setting externip in sip_nat.conf
13:39.26trixterI have no such hold problems with 1.2.4 so I dunno
13:39.32trixteralthough I havent put anyone on hold for 10 minutes before
13:39.41Skidqueuetue: heh, most phones are on dynamic ips, so that'd be a bit difficult
13:39.45[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender : I thought it might be a problem with MoH so I tried disabling that a few differentways...
13:39.55trixterI use native
13:40.00[TK]D-Fendertrixter : and that was 10 SECONDS....
13:40.01willtWhat does the log message "Check for res for " mean?
13:40.08queuetueSkid: You set itwith the asterisk server's ip, not the roaming ip.
13:40.14trixter[TK]D-Fender: sip?
13:40.31Skidso just echo ""extenip = "ip.ip.ip.ip"" > sip_nat.conf
13:40.31[TK]D-Fendertrixter : the real killer is that I tested this with 3 different gateways!
13:40.38[TK]D-Fendertrixter : Yup, all of them.
13:40.41willtand also " is not a local user"
13:40.45Skidobv, speach marks like
13:40.56trixterset your rtptimeout in sip.conf to some randomly high number see if that fixes it
13:41.00trixterjust a guess mibnd you
13:41.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:41.47queuetueSkid: I have externip = server.external.ip.addr /n localnet= /n nat=yes /n
13:41.59Skidin which config? sip.conf?
13:42.37queuetueSkid: I pu tit in sip_nat.conf, but yes, it is included by sip.conf - check the wiki.
13:42.59[TK]D-Fendertrixter : I'll try anything.. this is a "show-stopper" right now....
13:43.17trixterwait I have had something on hold for over an hour with my box
13:43.19trixtertoday infact
13:43.21queuetuecould everyone PLEASE put the name of the person you are addressing at the beginning of the line?  It cuts down n a considerable amount of noise.
13:43.22trixterjust remembered
13:43.33modulus_no problem
13:43.48Skidare you using A@H, queuetue /
13:43.50queuetueSkid: I am.
13:43.57modulus_i sure am
13:44.17Skidah, yeah from the source it's not included into the sip.conf file
13:44.18cpmtrixter, would you get me some more spagehetti please?
13:44.32queuetueAre there maybe any ops that could make modulus a lot quieter?  He's apparently decided we all want to watch him waste time.
13:44.33trixterwhere did that come from?
13:44.53*** join/#asterisk VirTERM (
13:45.10modulus_yeah it's called /ignore
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13:46.16trnygaarnot sure how to make it short, but my moh ulaw sounds is choppy, but when used as greeting they play ok. Anyone experienced this?
13:46.23trnygaarusing native playback
13:46.23modulus_please ignore me
13:46.37modulus_i'm waiting for an actual difficult problem
13:46.48modulus_a problem that can't be solved by simply reading
13:47.01*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
13:47.17queuetuemodulus_: Then maybe you could do it somewhere else, or quieter, so we don't al have to listen to you yammer.
13:47.52modulus_queuetue, shut up and ask your question
13:47.52Skidalso, my meetme stuff sayst hat /dev/zap/psuedo doesn't exist
13:47.56x86[TK]D-Fender: what's the problem?
13:48.03SkidI've iunstall ztdummy too
13:48.14Skidannnd usb is enabeled in the kernel, etc
13:48.47modulus_how about zaptel drivers?
13:48.50[TK]D-Fenderx86 : After 10 sends on hold my calls get dropped....  Its an * problem somewhere, I'm just not sure what.
13:49.15fourcheezeanyone having trouble getting to voip-info ?
13:49.17x86[TK]D-Fender: what version?
13:49.30x86modulus_: ?
13:49.35modulus_x86: ?
13:49.37rpmwhats a voip provider that doesn't suck like freeworldtel/link2voip?
13:49.42[TK]D-Fenderx86 : 1.2.4
13:49.47x86modulus_: why wonder why it still exists?
13:49.53modulus_rpm, you're better off terminating voip yourself
13:49.54x86[TK]D-Fender: upgrade to 1.2.5?
13:50.04x86[TK]D-Fender: it's possible you are affected by that memory leak bug
13:50.07[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Thats next on the list..
13:50.08modulus_x86 why wonder supporting looking at /dev/rtc ?
13:50.17fourcheezeanyone know why calls to Guantanamo Bay are so expensive?
13:50.30x86fourcheeze: what's the country code?
13:50.35modulus_fourcheeze, how CO's do you think there are there?
13:51.02willtcrap i think i got it!
13:51.08x86modulus_: hahahahaahahhaa
13:51.18fourcheezenot sure what the proper code is
13:51.29fourcheezejust glancing down our main provider's tarrifs
13:52.33fourcheezecost to us is >£0.60
13:52.42fourcheezecuba isn't much less
13:53.48willtwhat does insecure=very actualy mean?
13:55.00trixterthere are some sat phones that are very pricey
13:55.19trixterinfact normal pstn carriers charge $30/min to one
13:55.51*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
13:56.32trnygaarcalls are working fine, but have timing issues with native moh it seems, any easy fix? :)
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14:03.04fourcheezetrixter: most expensive one I can find is about $5/minute
14:04.05*** join/#asterisk Tili (
14:04.22*** join/#asterisk zaf (
14:04.43modulus_0.8069 solomon islands proper 011677 0.8069
14:04.43modulus_1.1992 cuba guantanamo bay 011539 1.1992
14:04.43modulus_1.1992 cuba proper 01153 1.1992
14:04.50modulus_those are my 3 most expensive call routes
14:05.08modulus_cuba proper: 1.1992 c/min
14:05.21Lino`sat phones are really expensive
14:05.29Lino`but who calls sat phones?
14:05.31nextimemodulus_ : what rate you have for mexico and brazil?
14:05.34rpmbut calls to cuba are short "Drop the drugs off here, Money will be here.. Click"
14:05.43modulus_here's the actual shell stuffs:
14:05.44modulus_[root@ast-lax1 agi-bin]# cat rates.conf |awk 'BEGIN {FS=","}{print $3,$1,$2,$3}'|sort -n|tail -3
14:05.44modulus_0.8069 solomon islands proper 011677 0.8069
14:05.44modulus_1.1992 cuba guantanamo bay 011539 1.1992
14:05.44modulus_1.1992 cuba proper 01153 1.1992
14:05.44modulus_[root@ast-lax1 agi-bin]#
14:05.47Lino`thats bolivia for me
14:06.01Lino`or columbia
14:06.17nextime( i'm searching a low rate for those destination to terminate a lot of minutes )
14:07.02*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:07.05modulus_[root@ast-lax1 agi-bin]# grep mexico rates.conf|wc -l && cat rates.conf |grep mexico|awk 'BEGIN {FS=","}{print $3,$1,$2,$3}'|sort -n|tail -3
14:07.06modulus_0.1005 mexico satellite 01152200 0.1005
14:07.06modulus_0.1005 mexico satellite 01152201 0.1005
14:07.07modulus_0.1023 mexico proper 01152 0.1023
14:07.09modulus_[root@ast-lax1 agi-bin]#
14:07.18modulus_203 area codes to mexico for me
14:07.25modulus_those are the three most expensive
14:08.09x86free for me ;)
14:08.13Lino`are you using lcr or what is that?
14:08.28modulus_i'm using bash 2.0
14:08.32modulus_(bourne again shell)
14:08.45modulus_with set -o vi
14:09.14nextimemodulus_ : ok, i have cheaper routes for the most expensive to mexico ( the most hight is 0.0798 )
14:09.45Lino`lcr -> least cost routing
14:09.48Lino`bash -> shell
14:09.55Lino`set -i vi -> rules
14:09.59Lino`esc + k
14:10.09x86anyone have a script or something that can look at a called number in CDR and figure out the country code it was destined for?
14:10.20modulus_ctrl+[[ > esc
14:10.27Lino`many people had intel pcs, i had aix
14:10.31x86i have an international trunk that requires a country code no matter where you are dialing...
14:10.37nextimeanyway, if anyone can suggest a cheaper termination provider for mexico and brazil for about 8000000 minutes/month each, i'm searching it
14:10.37*** join/#asterisk fdask (
14:10.47Lino`holy moly
14:10.56Lino`8 million minutes
14:11.16x86nextime: i can get you real good rates ;)
14:11.30jsharpFor that kinda volume, you should go put your own gateway in down there.
14:11.51Lino`thats 186 people taking 24/7
14:11.53Skidgo buy a PBX :)
14:12.00Lino`when a month has 30 days
14:12.06*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:12.08Lino`you must be selling a lot of crack
14:12.14x86Lino`: your math skillz pwn ;)
14:12.17nextimex86 : if you can, my email is, send a route table and we can discuss it
14:12.36Lino`dunno im kinda drunk
14:12.44x86nextime: ok, a buddy of mine owns a prepaid calling company...
14:12.51nextimex86 : of course, we need to discuss about timeslot and payement method ( i can do prepaid, of course )
14:13.06x86nextime: he gives me 4000 minutes a month free international just because ;)
14:13.18modulus_nextime, i'll give you $5/min to anywhere in brazil
14:13.27x86modulus_: hahahaha
14:13.35modulus_it's only five dollars man
14:13.38modulus_come on
14:13.46nextimemodulus_ : rotfl :)
14:13.54Lino`ok, i'll do it for 1$ / min
14:14.02modulus_damn you american capitalist pigs
14:14.04x86nextime: sure, i'll talk to my guy and see what he can do...
14:14.09Lino`i'm not american
14:14.12nextimemodulus_ : i'm european :)
14:14.16x86nextime: brazil and mexico are the only ones you're interested in?
14:14.21Lino`i'm german, thats why i'm coming drunk from cebit
14:14.22nextimex86 : ok, thanx
14:14.44modulus_russian before you get to the restroom, european when you're inside, and finnish when you're done
14:14.59modulus_i'm hungary so i'll have some turkey in greece
14:15.03nextimex86 : no, i'm interested in a-z, but expecially for br and mx, and secondary for egypt, morocco and some others african countrys
14:15.07modulus_why is there no infobot here?
14:15.22jbothello, fourcheeze
14:15.41modulus_who here wants to colo asterisk boxen?
14:15.47modulus_i have lots of space and bandwidth
14:15.53x86nextime: ah cool :)
14:16.00fourcheezemodulus_: how much?
14:16.14fourcheezeand who is the bandwidth with?
14:16.19modulus_fourcheeze, $5/per nano-U
14:16.34fourcheezehow big is a nano-U ?
14:16.41*** join/#asterisk zaf (
14:16.42modulus_1u = 1.75 Inches
14:17.17fourcheeze1.75E-9 inches?
14:17.23nextimex86 : you have my email contact, i wait your response :)
14:17.31fourcheezethat's quite small
14:17.56*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ermsewrk@
14:18.07modulus_ok 1u for $500/month
14:18.17modulus_up to 5 mbps
14:18.36Skidexpen sive
14:18.42EnthHow do I disable sip debug
14:18.42Skideven im cheaper that than heh
14:18.45modulus_this is a colo not a hosting company
14:18.46Skidsip no debug
14:18.50modulus_wrong window
14:18.54Skidim a colo comp too
14:18.57Skidwell, an isp
14:18.59Skidbut anyway
14:19.03modulus_./haxz0r Skid
14:19.06Skideasiest way to auto record calls?
14:19.06modulus_oops! wrong window!
14:19.15Skidwithout using features
14:19.17x86nextime: sure ;)
14:19.26fourcheezemodulus_: are you really $500 per U?
14:19.45*** join/#asterisk dsfr (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
14:19.48fourcheezeand does anyone pay that?
14:19.54modulus_they sure do
14:19.58fourcheezethey are mad then
14:20.06modulus_no, we manage their box then
14:20.12modulus_oh yeah it includes managed services
14:20.13fourcheezeso it's not colo then
14:20.15modulus_it is
14:20.16Skidwhat company is it, modulus_ ?
14:20.29*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
14:20.29modulus_skid, blacksun
14:20.31fourcheezemodulus_: so how much for 1U ?
14:20.39fourcheezejust the single U
14:20.42fourcheezeall by itself
14:21.00Skidfourcheeze: i'll do it you for 15 quid ;)
14:21.13fourcheezeok, it's with you onthe right there
14:21.16fourcheezeanyone else
14:21.18modulus_fourcheeze, $350/month
14:21.21fourcheezeanyone beat 15 quid?
14:21.24Skidfooking hell
14:21.30x86nextime: what's your name?
14:21.36x86nextime: i'm Bryce Porter, by the way
14:21.36Skid160 quid :o (ish)
14:21.42Skidhello cryce
14:21.46modulus_24x7 noc
14:21.47mphill15 quid a month!
14:22.05fourcheezemodulus_: currently we pay about £20 per U
14:22.08fourcheezethat's about $30 to you
14:22.11nextimex86 : i'm Franco Lanza
14:22.20Modcutshow much is crc important for the packet traffic with calls going through your router?
14:22.22x86nice to meet you :)
14:22.23fourcheezemodulus_: how much for fast ethernet?
14:22.25Skidfourcheeze: who do you currently host with? :o)
14:22.35modulus_fourcheeze, what's a "fast ethernet"?
14:22.40Skidmodulus_: 100Meg
14:23.09fourcheezeSkid: hosting is a Redbus Interhouse
14:23.14nextime:) ok, now time to hard work, see ya all, thanks x86, bye
14:23.16modulus_Skid, if you commit to that much $5000 for 100meg
14:23.16Skidfourcheeze: same
14:23.19SkidInterhouse 3
14:23.25fourcheezeSov house?
14:23.27x86nextime: no prob :)
14:23.29Skidwe moved from 2, to 1, then to 3
14:23.35modulus_fourcheeze, tier 1, bgp messhed
14:23.36Skidwas in hex for about 2 years
14:23.39Skidfucking power cuts
14:23.42Skid-> sov
14:23.47fourcheezetell me about it
14:23.59fourcheezeactually I worked for Openia before moving into voip
14:24.04Skidi lost about 500 quid's worth of stuff really
14:24.07Skidsodding annoying
14:24.07fourcheezethey have space in Sov and Hex
14:24.16fourcheeze3 power cuts in Hex
14:24.22fourcheezeprobably I bumped into you up there
14:24.28fourcheezetrying to reboot stuff
14:24.31SkidI see openia via pipex
14:24.31fourcheezemad days
14:24.47fourcheezethey have 1 pipex feed and a few level 3 feeds
14:24.56Skidlemme see
14:25.26fourcheezeSkid: how much space do you have in Sov?
14:25.35Skid1.5 racks
14:25.39Skidand some space elswehwere
14:25.41Skid(few u's)
14:26.00Skidi dont see openia via level3
14:26.05Skidand we take l3 transit
14:26.13modulus_fourcheeze, send me your 1u, i'll give you 100meg for $4,900/mo.
14:26.20SkidBGP routing table entry for
14:26.20SkidPaths: (5 available, best #3, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
14:26.26*** join/#asterisk jluk (
14:26.26Skid35028 5413 = 2
14:26.35jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
14:26.43jbotsomebody said jbot was only marginally useful at best, or a silly little bugger
14:26.53fourcheezeSkid: I'm not sure what they're hosting on the level3 stuff
14:27.02fourcheezeahh well
14:27.05fourcheezeapart from us
14:27.06Skidcould be voice or not data
14:27.10Skidor ipv6
14:27.14modulus_level3 sucks
14:27.22fourcheezelevel3 is great for data
14:27.25willtlevel3 rocks
14:27.29Skidlevel3 works well for us
14:27.30modulus_you're all wrong
14:27.40willtno we arent lol
14:27.45Skidnot had a session flap in agessss for them
14:27.49exonicmodulus_, only claims or are there facts to back it up?
14:27.49Skidcept when i screwed it up
14:27.50fourcheezeand you would know as you sell 100Mbit/sec for $5k
14:27.52Skidbut tha twas my fault :p
14:28.12fourcheezeSkid: did wonder about using PacketExchange
14:28.14*** join/#asterisk bigjb_ (n=bigjb@
14:28.18Skidsshared vlan
14:28.20[ProB]CrazyManhow do I set in a .call file an calleridnumber ?
14:28.21willtRight now im paying $2000/mo for full ds3 with level3
14:28.22Skidgo direct
14:28.30*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (i=me@
14:28.33fourcheezemodulus_: who is your tier 1?
14:28.43modulus_exonic, home dsl/cable users are constantly having trouble hitting customer's sites on level3 bandwidth
14:29.01Skidon as174? :P
14:29.06modulus_fourcheeze, l3, gblx
14:29.38modulus_skid that's cogent
14:30.01Skidthey had probs seeing them ;P
14:30.07Skidi see you chaps
14:30.11Skidviaaa mfn
14:30.13modulus_cogent has been more reliable than level3 for us
14:30.23Skidwhoever that is
14:30.38willtmodulus really? I always thought their BW was pretty sh*ty
14:30.41fourcheezeI never did get the hang of all those numbers
14:30.48Skid174 *SUCK* shit in .eu
14:30.52Skidin the states, their deemed as ok
14:30.54modulus_RIPE ASNBLOCK8
14:30.55Skidhere, fucking hell
14:31.05Skidi know thier eu sales chap
14:31.09Skidblimey, heh
14:31.16Skidhe's suited to the job, I tell you that
14:31.39willtok level3 may not be the "best" out their but for the price the performance has been very well.
14:31.39bigjb_does anyone know of a simple tool with good logging options to test an iax connection?
14:31.43UdontKnowanyone using fwd here?
14:31.53UdontKnowis the echo test fubared, or its my box?
14:32.53Skidthat's fwd's echo test is it?
14:33.17bigjb_it would appear so
14:33.37bigjb_but then i havnt got a mic to check with :D
14:33.56Skidcut out
14:34.24Skidi heard "uh"
14:34.27Skidand then dead :p
14:35.44*** join/#asterisk wrmem (
14:36.11bigjb_in fact i appear to get the same from fwd speaking clock
14:37.08SkidUdontKnow: can you dial other sip servers from your client?
14:37.32Enthis there a way to kill a registered sip peer?
14:37.42bigjb_voicemail doesnt even respond, i think fwd servers foobared a little bit
14:37.43Enthfrom console that is
14:38.42modulus_remove the conf and sip reload ?
14:39.34chapeaurougewhich drivers should i use for a junghanns quadBRI card on * 1.2.5? the BRIstuff 0.20 seems quite outdated, and i dont know if i can trust the 0.3.0 (experimental)
14:40.27[ProB]CrazyManhello, when I send an fax via txfax to an external pc with an AVM Fritzcard, the Fritz software says that the transmission mode is not supportet.
14:40.51modulus_sounds like you're trying to fax something
14:40.52modulus_good luck.
14:41.28[ProB]CrazyManto an old analog fax it works
14:42.06*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
14:42.14modulus_Mar  9 09:17:25 ERROR[5954]: callerid.c:276 callerid_feed: fsk_serie made mylen < 0 (-16)
14:42.20modulus_fsk_serie ????
14:42.57*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
14:43.29[ProB]CrazyManis the txfax app not a good choice for faxing ?
14:44.03modulus_fax is not a good choice period.
14:44.25*** join/#asterisk areski (
14:44.29[ProB]CrazyManwhy ?
14:44.40modulus_email is 100x more efficient
14:44.47starleinyou are very funny
14:44.55modulus_no i are not!
14:44.58starleincrazyman, we're using rxfax/txfax without problems
14:44.59[ProB]CrazyManyeah, but many companys only trust faxes
14:45.33modulus_starlein, i never said it has problems
14:45.35[ProB]CrazyMandid you tested it with fritz cards ?
14:45.52x86nextime: check your email :)
14:45.56[ProB]CrazyManbecause, to my old analog fax it works quit well
14:46.13Skidyou work for some voip firm, x86 ?
14:46.55x86Skid: I have a buddy that owns a company that does prepaid
14:47.04x86Skid: you looking for cheap rates?
14:47.37SkidI have a provider, but i'd be interested in what you can offer
14:47.45Skid(in UK Based, though)
14:48.08modulus_who wants to trade some DIDs?
14:48.12modulus_LAX LATA-4
14:48.24trixterI will trade you my neighbors
14:48.26Skidcd sl16
14:48.31modulus_i want iax2
14:48.33modulus_someone trade me
14:49.08modulus_~lart e3eli3h
14:49.22modulus_~insult e3eli3h
14:49.35modulus_~nickometer e3eli3h
14:49.42modulus_thought so...
14:50.22x86~nickometer modulus_
14:50.22xachen~nickometer xachen
14:50.28xachenw00t :)
14:50.33x86~nickometer x86
14:50.42x86the bot has math problems ;)
14:50.56xacheni think it counts on numbers :)
14:50.57Skidx86: you got your rates online?
14:51.24modulus_the x86 has algorithm understanding problems
14:51.27x86Skid: no, but send me an email of what you are currently paying and your table, and I'll see what I can do
14:51.37x86modulus_: pfft ;)
14:53.44*** join/#asterisk znoG (
14:54.29modulus_x86 do you know why it's referred to as "x86"?
14:54.51ModcutsDoes anyone know how to work on helping to fix lag? "Channel               Peer             Username    ID (Lo/Rem)  Seq (Tx/Rx)  Lag      Jitter  JitBuf  Format
14:54.51ModcutsIAX2/ :4    0127380844  00001/00002  00074/00067  00040ms  -0001ms  0000ms  g729
14:55.10*** join/#asterisk anthm (
14:55.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
14:55.15Skidgrrr, my damn g729 stuff isnt work >:(
14:55.27*** join/#asterisk inspired (i=mikael@
14:55.42Modcutssorry that whole paste was not meant to be that untidy but yeah lag is 0040ms can you work on lowering that?
14:56.08x86Modcuts: 40ms should be fine
14:58.09_MartinCabrera_Suddenly all GS-Phones in my network are frozen. Any Idea?
14:58.19modulus_power cycle
14:58.43jsharpTurn up the heat?
14:59.19_foxfire_excesive multicast trafic ?
14:59.33Modcutsx86:do you know what the major reason for drops calls would be?
15:00.11_MartinCabrera_i will check, Thanks
15:00.39*** join/#asterisk jaiger (
15:01.04*** join/#asterisk balu (n=balu@dvzbalu.FH-Muenster.DE)
15:03.21*** part/#asterisk Supercross (
15:03.55Beirdoheh, complaining about 40ms lag? :)
15:04.29Beirdoyou should try calling half-way across the world with VoIP...  500ms is my usual time from Canada to Puerto Rico
15:04.43Beirdowhich can be aggravating at times
15:04.44modulus_i get 350 from china
15:04.55Skidi get 350 to australia
15:05.11willtisn't there lag on pots also?
15:05.12Skidwhich isn't bad really
15:05.21baluhi everyone
15:05.24BeirdoI think part of the problem in my part is the crappy cable internet my fiancee has :)
15:05.29GerbilWrkin the queue_log log file, how do you know what time the entry is relating too?
15:05.39jsharpIts not lag that eats you.  Its jitter/changing lag.
15:05.40BeirdoI'd kill for 40ms lag to her
15:06.29x86Modcuts: not really, but it's not from the latency ;)
15:06.49baluI get No such extension '100' in context 'default' when trying to "dial 100" on console, but in extensions.conf I have "exten=>100,1,Dial(SIP/xlite1)"
15:06.59Modcutsx86: ok cheers
15:07.23baluany idea what might cause this? (Is there a special module that reads the extensions.conf?)
15:08.10modulus_check sip.conf to see which contexts are specified for that sip account
15:10.36*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
15:10.52balumodulus_: I have context=default in [general], but not eplicitely in the xlite1-account
15:11.29modulus_i have never even installed asterisk
15:11.35modulus_so you probably shouldn't listen to me
15:12.01baluis it possible that I am missing a module that reads extensions.conf? (I'm trying to strip it down to the minimum)
15:12.20GerbilWrkasterisk is going to read extensions.conf
15:12.45GerbilWrkmake sure that "exten=>100,1,Dial(SIP/xlite1)" is in the default context in that
15:13.00backbluebalu: how can you dial 100 on console?
15:13.19jsharpYou can dial from the console using chan_oss or chan_alsa and a sound card.
15:13.24GerbilWrkyour best bet is to paste the extensions.conf and sip.conf on or so we can verify everything is in the right place
15:13.40cthompsonand edit out your passwords
15:13.44GerbilWrkminus any passwords or sensitive info of course
15:14.05baluok, looks like I was missing the module in modules.conf - extensions.conf was not loaded then
15:14.51baluAt least now it says it does load it - now I need to figure out the new problems ;)
15:15.05modulus_why was it not loading?
15:15.13modulus_we can't be having modules not loading!
15:16.01baluI've stripped down modules.conf to an empty file to figure out what I need at minimum
15:16.11baluno autoloading of modules, e.g.
15:16.50*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
15:17.02baluthanks to grep it's easy to figure out e.g. module dependencies (or which of that modules loads extensions.conf) :)
15:18.22modulus_yeah w/o grep we would have to use "show modules" in the cli
15:18.25modulus_and we can't have that
15:18.37*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
15:19.08[ProB]CrazyMancoppice: what could be an problem if txfax says: Fax send not successful
15:20.15balumodulus_: show modules won't list all modules that have the string "extensions.conf" in them :)
15:20.41modulus_i wish i knew what everyone was talking about in here
15:21.55balumodulus_: I wish I knew what I am talking about all the time =)
15:23.01*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
15:23.27brettnemhey all
15:23.36brettnemgood morning, or whatever it is
15:23.51brettnemanyone in here use mediaproxy?? :-D
15:24.28djahi, my provider claims that they have switched me to G729a, but sip show channels shows "ulaw" under the "Form" column...doesn't that mean it's connecting using G711?
15:25.11[TK]D-Fenderdja : Did you confirm that you changed things on your side?
15:25.42UdontKnowdja: do you have g729a loaded?
15:26.02Seldon1975dja: do you have boobies?
15:26.19UdontKnowg729 stuff isnt free, you need the binary-only module and need to register it / pay it / whatever
15:27.49*** join/#asterisk nagl (
15:28.00djayes, I have "disallow=all" followed by "allow=g729a" (I purchased 4 licenses from Digium and "show g729" says I have 0/0 of 4 in use
15:29.57RoyKsounds reasonable
15:30.09modulus_how do i install asterisk?
15:30.20RoyKmodulus_: make install
15:30.31djatheir tech support (axvoice) insists that they've switched me to g729a, but I can't get it to work from my end (which they claim is my problem). :(
15:31.14[TK]D-Fenderdja : Do "show codecs" ... do you see g792a ?  I doubt it...
15:31.21diLLecdid you've got kond of a licence ?
15:31.42brettnem~seen implicit
15:31.44jbotimplicit <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 6d 8h 20m 23s ago, saying: 'hellllllllo'.
15:31.53modulus_~lart brettnem
15:32.06Lino`~seen Possible
15:32.08jbotpossible <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 19h 7m 58s ago, saying: 'Lino`: you around ?'.
15:32.10dja[TK]D-Fender:         256 (1 <<  8)    (0x100)  audio    g729   (G.729A)
15:32.28djaI purchased 4 licenses from Digium and have properly installed the shared module
15:32.36modulus_~seen my crackpipe
15:32.38jbotmodulus_: i haven't seen 'my crackpipe'
15:32.38[TK]D-Fenderdja : Please note there is no "a" at the end of the codec name as you have in your "allow".  Thats the problem.
15:32.58*** join/#asterisk Anthro (n=keljsrh@pdpc/supporter/active/Anthro)
15:33.04brettnemmedia proxy anyone?? ugh..
15:33.32dja[TK]D-Fender:  awesome -- that fixed it...thanks a million.
15:33.39[TK]D-Fenderdja : Quite welcome
15:34.57*** join/#asterisk jarrod (
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15:35.22modulus_how do i route a call to get the ani fxo pstn plmn trunk interface over qos with l2tp?
15:35.35*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (n=tuxinato@
15:35.57AnthroI have an IAXy2, a PAP2 (Vonage-locked), and a Broadvoice PAP2-equivalent. I have given up on VoIP due to the lousy network I seem to have. (Is it Comcast being a bitch? Probably.) If anyone is in MD and would like these three things, send me a private message. I still need the Broadvoice adapter for another 6 weeks, so they won't be available until then. Also, you must take all of them.
15:36.15modulus_LOTS of PAP smears!
15:36.24*** join/#asterisk _m_ (
15:36.39ManxPowerI'm sorry, modulus_, but you used too many TLAa
15:36.57rikstahfor free?
15:37.12*** join/#asterisk e3eli3h (n=not@
15:37.22modulus_~nickometer e3eli3h
15:37.51e3eli3his that good or bad?
15:38.01brettnem~nickometer modulus_
15:38.02rikstahcould be worse
15:38.04*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
15:38.11modulus_is that nothing or everything?
15:38.17e3eli3hhow does one make it better then?
15:38.28brettnem~nickometer brettnem
15:38.33rikstahditch the 3's ?
15:38.41ManxPowerYay!  Now that AT&T/SBC is buying BellSouth, we can be ignored by an even larger company!
15:38.59Anthrorikstah: Free, but you have to pick them up. I am not willing to ship.
15:39.12modulus_~karma for ManxPower
15:39.12jbotfor manxpower has neutral karma
15:39.30rikstahit's a bit of a journey from Manchester, UK :) although im off to san francisco next week
15:39.52[TK]D-Fender~nickometer [TK]D-Fender
15:39.56*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:39.57e3eli3hi got a remote BT-102 which is simply refusing to upgrade its firmware, using multiple tftp servers. any ideas anyone please?
15:39.58[TK]D-FenderYay!  I passed!
15:40.00*** join/#asterisk d-tech (
15:40.03rikstahI don't even know what MD is
15:40.29[TK]D-FenderMaryland, USA
15:40.44rikstahor that ;)
15:40.46Anthrorikstah: Er, SF is two timezones closer to MD. Yeah, East Coast of the U.S.
15:41.15rikstahi don't want them anyway hehe i was just seeing if u were giving them free
15:41.18jarrodis there a way to skip the voicemail msg and go directly to where i can leave a voicemail?
15:41.31[TK]D-Fenderjarrod : "#"
15:41.50ManxPowerjarrod, perhaps "show application voicemail" might be helpful.
15:42.16Seldon1975~nickometer Seldon1975
15:42.18rikstahjarrod, its open s or such
15:42.25Seldon1975geez louise
15:42.42rikstahi wonder what the algo is for that lame nick meter
15:43.03Lino`i believe its something with special chars
15:43.10modulus_~nickometer @#$^*(^&(^(.
15:43.13Lino`~nickometer Kanister
15:43.24Lino`~nickometer Kanister`
15:43.25rikstahLino`, numerics arent special chars though
15:43.37Seldon1975Maybe now that there are a lot of ppl here I can ask this questiuon again and get more of an answer:  what line card would you use if you just wanted a single trunk line into your * box
15:43.38e3eli3hand what is the point of the .000 if it is always the same?
15:43.41*** join/#asterisk greendisease (n=jack@fedora/greendisease)
15:44.02rikstahe3eli3h, it isn't
15:44.03*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:44.11*** join/#asterisk [vmwarez]dotcom (n=jjones@
15:44.38*** part/#asterisk Anthro (n=keljsrh@pdpc/supporter/active/Anthro)
15:44.48Seldon1975I bought a digitnetworks x100
15:44.56Seldon1975...but it may be utter crap
15:44.56e3eli3hah, just never seen anything other than it yet
15:45.02*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
15:45.04rikstahscroll up and read again
15:45.14_Paulo_Do you guys recommend any VoIP gear supplier?
15:45.43Seldon1975_Paulo_: hehe some of the guys here ARE VOIP gear suppliers
15:46.28e3eli3hrikstah: @#$^*(^&(^(. is not a valid nick.
15:46.31[vmwarez]dotcomi am not a voip supplier... but i have bought my 3 spa3000's from voxilla... pretty fast service.... and i really like the fact that they let you pay w/ paypal...
15:46.36Lino`digitnetworks x100 is crap
15:46.42*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
15:47.03Lino`i have germanys biggest used cisco supplier right next to me :-P
15:47.06Seldon1975Lino`: I remember you said that but I was wondering if anyone else had opinions
15:47.08rikstahe3eli3h, still, the value changed ;)
15:47.19Lino`i can't stop hating that card ^^
15:47.32Seldon1975..because it's analog?
15:47.41rikstahi have englands biggest boobs sat right next to me
15:47.48Lino`its like george w bush and iraq, he hates it but he does not know why
15:47.50rikstahthey are so big they can sit on their own
15:47.54Seldon1975rikstah: post photos!
15:48.04[vmwarez]dotcomi can't stand that card because i can't ever get the echo to go away...
15:48.19Lino`i would be happy to hear an echo
15:48.24[vmwarez]dotcomand because, with a card, i can't run my asterisk box in a vm :)
15:48.25Lino`it simply does not work,
15:48.28jarrodanyone know of a small ata type device that accepts inbound sip connections and allows for a dialplan to terminate out the analog pstn port
15:48.45Seldon1975[vmwarez]dotcom: did you have any trouble installing it?
15:48.48modulus_yeah asterisk on x86
15:48.57[vmwarez]dotcomthe x100?
15:48.57modulus_i heard that can do exactly what you need
15:48.59Seldon1975[vmwarez]dotcom: I mean out of VMware
15:49.11jarrodi was wondering if there was a small ata type device that had the same functionality
15:49.36Seldon1975[vmwarez]dotcom: yeah
15:49.52Seldon1975[vmwarez]dotcom: i assume you installed it out of VMWare eventually
15:50.04[vmwarez]dotcomyeah, the x100 is not possible when running asterisk in a vm
15:50.04UdontKnow[vmwarez]dotcom: just use Xen. then you can run asterisk in a vm, and relay pci cards to it
15:50.11*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
15:50.25UdontKnow[vmwarez]dotcom: may be possible with Xne
15:50.27tzafrirI needed to check how my my system works with echo. It took me a number of dayys to figure out that the right way to test this would be to delay using netlink. Then a number of minutes to google up a script and some hours to package it
15:50.34Seldon1975[vmwarez]dotcom: so you installed it on a plain old Linux box?
15:50.39[vmwarez]dotcomyep, let me clarify, i was talking about vmware, not xen... not don't know much about xen...
15:50.41modulus_who wants a perl script?
15:50.49UdontKnow[vmwarez]dotcom: Xen rocks
15:50.50tzafrirQuite nice. Makes it possible to control the ping time to another computer...
15:51.14Seldon1975[vmwarez]dotcom: so you installed the x100 on a plain old Linux box?
15:51.14[vmwarez]dotcomyep, and i still didn't like the x100...
15:51.18tzafrirSounds useful to anybody?
15:51.30[vmwarez]dotcomnow i use spa3000's...
15:51.34[vmwarez]dotcomthey're wonderful
15:51.41Seldon1975[vmwarez]dotcom: ...did you have trouble installing it on the plain linux box, or do you just not like it cause of the echo
15:51.53modulus_CENTOS BITCHES
15:52.03[vmwarez]dotcomno trouble, it worked, just echo'd real bad...
15:52.10[vmwarez]dotcomnothing i did could stop the echo
15:52.11modulus_everything else is identical
15:52.31Seldon1975[vmwarez]dotcom: the spa3000 is for plugging a phone into the PC, not a trunk line?
15:52.43[vmwarez]dotcomnope, it does one of each :)
15:52.47modulus_stop using jargon incorrectly
15:52.53modulus_it's just a "trunk"
15:52.58modulus_"trunk line" is redundant
15:52.59[vmwarez]dotcomi have 3 on my home pc...
15:53.04modulus_i bet you say "NIC Card" too
15:53.10[vmwarez]dotcomand atm machine
15:53.13[vmwarez]dotcomand cd disc
15:53.29[vmwarez]dotcomthat's me in a nutshell... i always say things like that
15:53.31Seldon1975[vmwarez]dotcom: nice
15:53.34[vmwarez]dotcomso shoot me
15:53.56rtthis notice has been brought to you by the department of redundancy department.
15:53.58[vmwarez]dotcommostly to get people's dander up
15:54.07Seldon1975[vmwarez]dotcom: "trunk line" isnt all that redundant I dont think
15:54.15Lino`that should be enough
15:54.22Lino`no more bullets for today
15:54.23[vmwarez]dotcomthe other thing is to mis pronounce tech words...
15:55.06modulus_seldon1975, it's redundant abstractionalization
15:55.09modulus_so :P
15:55.12[vmwarez]dotcomlike saying "tiss-pip" for tcp-ip... that really makes some people freak.  the funny thing is that it makes me look dumb, so people expect less of me... :)
15:55.13rtman, this zyxel 2000w voip fone may be cheap, but the battery life is *terrible*
15:55.41modulus_yeah and ip protocl
15:56.38modulus_jbot, take me to your leader
15:56.43Seldon1975modulus_: ah.  well if I'd known that I would have put a concom on before saying it
15:56.52modulus_~take me to your leader
15:57.17*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
15:57.41modulus_Seldon1975, yeah you'll have less VD's too
15:57.52jbalcombAnyone looking to get rid of a TDM400P and/or 1 or 2 FXO modules?
15:57.55modulus_err VD diseases
15:58.00Seldon1975modulus_: hehehe
15:58.14modulus_jbalcomb, i have a friend who has one
15:58.15Seldon1975modulus_: ok I have to go to a meeting meeting
15:58.23Seldon1975modulus_: BRB back
15:58.37modulus_jbalcomb, his name is Mr. Bay
15:58.41modulus_"E" Bay.
15:58.54modulus_here's his own personal site:
15:59.05jbalcombah yes, the funny guy. Hey, thanks for that. Now I can have a /swell/ day.
15:59.30modulus_have you met jesus yet?
15:59.46wunderkinwow ive never heard of ebay before
15:59.52Lino`that is so terribly not funny i'm just killing myself to make it stop
15:59.58jbalcombYes, I am familiar with the J Man, Gee Whiz.
16:01.31modulus_you know jesus the bagger at the market?
16:01.44Lino`wtf is a bagger?
16:01.51modulus_the mexican grocery bagger
16:01.55modulus_jesus ramirez
16:02.06Lino`maybe, maybe not
16:02.25*** join/#asterisk lithi (
16:02.26modulus_sup drumkilla
16:02.35russellbwondering wtf you guys are talking about :)
16:02.50modulus_i have no clue
16:04.34[TK]D-Fender[10:57] <modulus_> err VD diseases <- insert redundancy here!
16:04.48niZonyay for 7970 SIP firmware :D
16:04.54*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@
16:04.55russellbniZon: that's hot
16:05.13russellbnow I want a 7970 :(
16:05.22niZonI just bought 7970
16:05.41niZonnow i just need to steal someone's cco login ;)
16:05.43russellbi'll pay you $10 for it
16:05.46brettnemanyone using mediaproxy?? :)
16:06.02russellbhehe, it's all good
16:06.14russellbI have a 7960 that Nuvio donated to me, I love it :)
16:06.18backblueanyone why the last bristuff? it breaks iax2 channels!
16:06.32[vmwarez]dotcomok, anyone here know how to make a trunk off a spa3000 get answered by a different auto attendant than the other trunks in the system?
16:06.34niZonI can't wait till i get this thing
16:06.38niZonbetter be friday
16:07.27[TK]D-Fender[vmwarez]dotcom : just have it dial another # into your system and seperate like you would a DID..
16:07.50azziehey guys. Does anybody have docs for Vega 100 gateway? Please...
16:08.27[vmwarez]dotcomi tried adding that line's number in the did field for a new inbound router, but it didn't do anything.  do i need to add that somehow in the spa3000?
16:09.19[TK]D-Fenderdepends how you set your SPA up... paste your dial-plan line from the web admin
16:09.52[TK]D-FenderAnd what do you mean "did field" and "inbound router".  Where is all this?
16:10.43*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (n=Neg@
16:10.46[vmwarez]dotcomyeah, sorry... in AMP
16:10.57[vmwarez]dotcomi'm one of those !
16:11.05brettnemcome on, someone's gotta be using mediaproxy in here, eh?
16:11.25jbothmm... amp is NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
16:11.29ManxPowerI just realized I don't have to work today.
16:11.37Skidamp ?
16:11.42[vmwarez]dotcomok, i am game to editing the files...
16:11.44brettnemManxPower, you using mediaproxy?
16:11.57[TK]D-Fenderhowever.. still paste the SPA's dialplan that routes calls to *... if thats at fault I may be able to help...
16:12.03ManxPowerbrettnem, No, I'm not nearly twisted enough to do that.
16:12.28ManxPoweronly terrorists use media proxies, ya know.
16:12.45brettnemasterisk sux with rtp handling.. I can't take it anymore
16:13.03brettnemthis whole lack of a jitterbuffer is killing me
16:13.13ManxPowerbrettnem, Ah.  I don't do a lot of VoInternet with Asterisk
16:13.41ManxPowerI don't even do much VoIP with Asterisk anymore.
16:13.44brettnemme neither
16:13.51brettnemI don't really believe in VoInternet
16:13.59[vmwarez]dotcomsorry, the spa's at home, i'm at work.... can't get in from here while my home pc is off and it seems the wife turned it off...
16:14.11ManxPowerAll those projects are on hold until Asterisk has working jitter buffers
16:14.17[TK]D-Fender[vmwarez]dotcom : Please try your call again later!
16:14.25brettnemI'd say 95% of my customers are on dedicated connections to my network.
16:14.26CrashHDI vote for working jitter buffers too!
16:14.47[TK]D-FenderI vote for communism! ;)
16:15.35brettnemI don't know how all this got done without jitterbuffers.. lets create a pbx with crappy audio quality.. great idea
16:15.48Skidpay for a license then :)
16:15.59brettnema license for what?
16:16.06brettnema jitterbuffer license?
16:16.08Skiddecent compression?
16:16.13Skidoh, heh sorry
16:16.14Skidi mis read
16:16.16brettnemI don't need compression
16:16.21Skidi thoguth you said jitterybug
16:16.24Skidas in up and down :)
16:16.27fourcheezeI thought there was a jitterbuffer
16:16.44brettnemit's in development.. scared to put it in
16:17.05fourcheezemight make * too good ;-)
16:17.21[TK]D-Fender* tries to do everything at once which means comprimises all around.  There are several SIP & SCCP channel drivers in development at once, and still a while away from SIP-B and a lot of other "standards".... I wish I knew enough to contribute to the solution myself....
16:17.22CrashHDwe don't need * to have anymore ego
16:17.26CrashHDit's already taking over the world
16:17.37*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
16:18.03fourcheezeyate seems more focused
16:18.04CrashHDso learn to program?
16:18.10brettnemId' rather asterisk do next to nothing and do it perfectly rather than do anything and do it badly
16:18.11CrashHDwhom is yate?
16:18.27CrashHDwhen you are pushing the edge (*)
16:18.28NuggetAsterisk is the Linux of phone systems.  ;)
16:18.36CrashHDand changing the way industry looks at things
16:18.37Nuggetand I mean that in the worst possible way
16:18.43brettnemNugget, heh.. ;)
16:19.01russellbThere is a jitter buffer, but it is currently only for IAX2 channels.  A generic implementation is in the works.
16:19.15brettnemheh, I've heard that for a while now
16:19.29brettnemhm.. I wonder where the openpbx guys are on jitterbuffering
16:20.02*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (n=tuxinato@
16:20.56CrashHDhow many open source pbx's are there?
16:21.01CrashHDI thought * was one of the only ones? yate (?) bayonne
16:21.25brettnemit is.. openpbx is a spinoff of asterisk without the digium iron fist
16:21.27trixterall totally seperate code bases
16:21.31[TK]D-FenderCrashHD : Yate, sipX, FreeSwitch, Bayonne, and plenty of others...
16:21.43trixterbayonne is the GNU opensource pbx
16:21.50CrashHD* = redhat?
16:21.54CrashHDsame scenario?
16:22.13CrashHDredhat commercialized the crap out of their open source project
16:22.16trixterI remember looking at bayonne in 2000 but it wasnt anywhere near ready
16:22.20brettnembayonne is real hard to work with
16:22.24[TK]D-FenderAsterisk's strongest suit is interconnectivity with the less common protocols and PSTN hardware (Zaptel).
16:22.38trixterzaptel isnt that good though
16:22.58trixtertake sangoma cards that can dump frames, you tell it you want 20ms frames and it buffers 20ms of audio and gives it to you in a burst instead of a constant flood of irqs
16:23.09trixtertakes you from 1000 irqs/sec to 50
16:23.24trixteralthough sangoma cards will work under the digium model as well
16:23.35[TK]D-Fendertrixter : its not that its "that good", its that all the other ones typically rely on * for in-PC PSTN termination instead of a LAN gateway...
16:23.57trixterfreeswitch can do pstn stuff without that problem :)
16:24.05trixterand the core isnt even finished
16:24.17[TK]D-Fendertrixter : I was referring more to the zaptel framework rather than Digium cards specifcally... I love my A104d....
16:24.49trixterwell freeswitch works with sangoma cards and doesnt rely on asterisk or zaptel at all
16:25.10trixterand when sangoma starts rolling out their cards with onboard g729 (alledgly later this year) that will be even better
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16:25.33[TK]D-Fendertrixter : mod_wanpipe?  As in Sangoma support, but not Digium?
16:25.35brettnemtrixter, how is freeswitch coming along?
16:25.52trixterit shouldnt add much to the cost of a card, maybe $70-100 for 672 channels (I think they are doing a 672 channel g729 board not sure)
16:26.01trixterbrettnem: quite well, new stuff is added daily
16:26.03*** join/#asterisk puzzled (n=yeahrigh@
16:26.05[TK]D-Fendertrixter : OMG....
16:26.20trixterI wrote a javascript 'dialplan' app that does weather reports, not much, but its just a sample
16:26.29[TK]D-Fendertrixter : Will it be treated like a host-powered NIC spewing out SIP?
16:26.33brettnemtrixter, jitterbuffer? :)
16:27.03trixterI dont know but the jitterbuffer will be a post filter rather than independant.  in asterisk you have one for iax one for sip (if you patch) etc..  rather than one unified one
16:27.17*** join/#asterisk nanotalk (n=Nano@
16:27.39trixterthere is also a clear seperation between core and apps in freeswitch I like..  rather than everything effectively being a monolithic program
16:27.50trixterand the sip driver should do VAD and CNG as well
16:27.54tzafrirtrixter, but isn't the lack of that 10-20ms delay a GoodThing?
16:28.04CrashHDtzafrir: no
16:28.16trixtertzafrir: no becuase it causes higher cpu load
16:28.33trixterthe codec requires a certain amount of time, g.729 for example does 10ms frames, some others 20-30ms each
16:28.57trixterso getting it in bursts like that doesnt change anything other than the number of irqs per second, each irq causes context switches which on x86 hardware is the single most expensive operation
16:29.10trixterso it actually *lowers* cpu load by doing it that way
16:29.28trixterbut for digium+zaptel to change it requires both a hardware change and a driver change
16:31.07trixteroh and I should mention that you can set the frame size the sangoma card will dump at, its not hard coded
16:32.04trixterbut I need to goto sleep now, gotta give a presentation at the AUG tonight (and maybe give away the hardware that was donated too!) and stuff
16:32.23*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
16:33.54*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=angela@
16:34.43wundaboyi need help with caller id
16:34.51wundaboyfor some reason its not getting set
16:35.08caio1982tzafrir: hi there, do you have any clue if someone from pkg-voip had time to check something from my unicall packages?
16:35.22*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
16:36.24[TK]D-FenderKatty: MEW.
16:36.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: hihi
16:36.49[TK]D-FenderAn actual JOIN... not "screened"?
16:37.33tzafrircaio1982, sorry, no. I'm in a lag myself
16:38.24caio1982tzafrir: me too, but thanks
16:38.45tzafrirI'll have a look today
16:39.31caio1982tzafrir: no problem, i just wanted to know the possible bugs on them so that i can track it to update the source packages with your fixes
16:40.22*** join/#asterisk octothorpe (n=octothor@
16:42.48*** join/#asterisk nettie (
16:43.34vader--anyone recommend any sites for buying digium products?
16:44.00vader--im looking for two cards the TE110P and the TDM2460E with breakout rackmount patchpanel
16:44.25*** join/#asterisk jero (
16:46.29nettieHi guys I'm using MP3Player() to stream audio from shoutcast ..sometimes works sometimes doesnt. it's very sad. WHne it fails it stops with the  following error app_mp3.c:108 timed_read: Poll timed out/errored out with 0
16:46.40vader--happen to know how reliable is?
16:46.48nettieanyone know what could be wrong please?
16:47.04octothorpevader:  they are good
16:47.19vader--ya they offer a better price than
16:47.24ManxPowervader--, I've been happy with VoipSupply
16:47.26vader--i have two concerns
16:47.28lithivader--: yea they are good
16:47.31vader--they have a warranty
16:47.35vader--is the warranty through them?
16:47.37vader--or digium?
16:47.39salviadudi triede mp3player once, i got absolutely no sound, yet the console didn't spit out any erros
16:47.49wundaboyi need some help with my caller id
16:47.59wundaboyit works through one of my two voip providers, but not the other
16:48.08salviadudi'm guessing its because of the different bitrates the mp3's got
16:48.11ManxPowervader--, I think they have a fairly standard return policy, but for actual warrenty I assume you go thru Digium
16:48.13vader--and also if i but the TDM2460E i wanna get the breakout panel is that in rackmount for or that little block thing they sell
16:48.32wundaboyExecuting SetCIDNum("SIP/101-8e71", "5033341400") in new stack
16:48.35wundaboyis what the console says
16:48.36octothorpewundaboy:  inbound our out
16:48.37nettiesalviadud start the console with -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr
16:48.40ManxPowerwundaboy, don't use quotes or a leading 1 in your callerid
16:48.49wundaboyno leading 1 and no quotes
16:49.03octothorpeit may be the provider doesn't allow it
16:49.05salviadudthat's a lot of v's dude, hehehe
16:49.12salviadudi always use 3
16:49.24ManxPowerwundaboy, *shrug*  many service providers no longer let you set your callerid because of that pesky FCC letter
16:49.27[TK]D-Fendervader-- : If you want a breakout for rackmount thats commonly availably telecom stuff.... check a local interconnector.
16:49.28nettiesalviadud I dont even count it
16:49.31salviadudi think it can't get more verbose than 3
16:49.38nettiesalviadud whater..
16:49.48nettiesalviadud whatever it stil wokrs eheh
16:50.00salviadudi'm sure it does, asterisk rulez
16:50.19salviadudi can't find an answer to your question man
16:50.32salviadudi'd recommend you play a playlist out of the hardrive
16:50.40salviadudstreaming is not the best idea
16:50.50*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
16:51.02salviadudand, a question, why use mp3mplayer, you could use musiconhold
16:51.18vader--is that a standard connector on the back of the TDM2460E?
16:52.03vader--whats the name of it?
16:52.18octothorpejust a sec
16:52.26vader--thanks for the help, btw
16:53.12wundaboywhat pesky fcc letter?
16:53.13*** join/#asterisk sangee (n=rkuru@
16:53.26Qwellvader--: amphenol?
16:53.42octothorpeqwell beat me to it
16:54.50vader--ya this was a company i was looking at
16:55.01[TK]D-FenderRJ21 Amphenol is extremely common telecom stuff.... you can get BIX & other cross-connect stuff for it cheap as well as RJ11 breakouts, etc...
16:55.02vader--doesn't look like anyone else carries the patch panel already made like that
16:55.25vader--i wonder if i should go with a 66 block or a rackmount
16:55.46[TK]D-Fendervader-- : PLENTY for rackmount patch panels like that out there.  you just need to go to a generic telecom reseller,
16:56.02vader--or make one?
16:56.15[TK]D-Fendernot worht making for what it reall costs...
16:56.26oej~seen russelb
16:56.34jbotoej: i haven't seen 'russelb'
16:56.34oej~seen russellb
16:56.36jbotrussellb is currently on #asterisk (2d 14h 21m 2s). Has said a total of 31 messages. Is idling for 37m 35s, last said: 'There is a jitter buffer, but it is currently only for IAX2 channels.  A generic implementation is in the works.'.
16:56.51nettiehey ManxPower how's going? do you have any idea why MP3Player() is not very reliable? do you think the problem might be related to mpg123 or to the fast I'm streaming a feed from the internet other than from a local file? My connection is fast, I dont have any packet loss and when I try streaming with Itunes from the same source works perfectly. Any idea please?
16:57.10ManxPowernettie, no
16:57.19oejbad code
16:57.26octothorpevader:  you may want to look at the sangoma  SGMA-A21200D with echo cancellation as an alternative, people have been happier with it.
16:57.28vader--ya this is the one sells
16:57.47ManxPowerwe got our tellabs echocan working.
16:57.51ManxPowerpretty nifty.
16:58.01[TK]D-Fendervader-- : LIke I said go to a NORMAL telecom reseller, not a VoIP place!
16:58.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower : How hard was the process, price of the unit,# of ports, and quality?
16:59.12vader--octothorpe the only reason i wouldn't go with that card is it take sup too many PCI slots
16:59.15mphilli'm getting echo when talking local extensions, where should i look to resolve this issue?
16:59.31vader--takes up 6 slots for 24 channels
16:59.39vader--where as the digium card only takes up 1 slot for 24 channels
16:59.57octothorpevader: understandable
17:00.51russellboej: i'm here
17:00.54russellbwhat's up?
17:01.15[TK]D-Fendervader-- : How many channels do you actually need, and of what types?
17:02.48vader--FXS right now about 15
17:02.58vader--but probably more down the line
17:03.10vader--i need it to run analog telephones
17:03.44octothorpevader:  any thought of replacing the analog phones with IP phones?
17:03.55vader--yes down the line
17:04.03vader--we are switching over to asterisk in june
17:04.05vader--we have 70 phones
17:04.13vader--roughly 55-60 are going to be IP phones
17:04.16vader--cisco 7940G
17:04.21*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
17:04.34octothorpethe 7940s are great phones
17:04.40vader--the remaining phones which can't be switched over due to no netowrk cable are going to be left analog
17:04.44vader--and thats where this card comes in
17:06.09[TK]D-Fendervader-- : I'd suggest just getting a SIP gateway then....
17:07.23vader--we are only doing voip internally
17:07.32vader--we are using a PRI line for outside calls
17:08.39[TK]D-Fendervader-- : Get a SIP gateway for your FXS like the Mediatrix 1124 or AudioCodes MP-124
17:09.06[TK]D-FenderAnd low density ATA's for "odd" numbers that you're likely to convert
17:09.17Hmmhesaysit just takes some time, little girl, in the middle of the ride
17:09.36*** join/#asterisk unixgeek (n=unixgeek@
17:10.56*** join/#asterisk justinu (
17:11.33*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
17:11.52[TK]D-FenderEverything is gonna just SUCK :/
17:12.13x86i'm trying to setup an IVR where the caller can dial any 1-digit menu option, or dial a 3-digit extension
17:12.36x86when they try dialing a 3 digit extension, they get "that option is invalid" message after pressing the first number of the extension
17:12.45x86how can i prevent this?
17:13.17*** join/#asterisk b0xii (
17:13.20unixgeekx86: how about prefixing the extention with something like *
17:13.35[TK]D-Fenderas in you want them to enter a potentially invalid number but wait even though they have no hope after the first digit?
17:13.36x86dont want to do that
17:13.52unixgeekx86: or maybe provide one of the menu options as access to dial by extention.
17:14.04PoWeRKiLLdoes asterisk cdr accurate cause I have big differrence between my cdr and my telco any idea ?
17:14.11x86[TK]D-Fender: say the extension is 406... they enter 4 and immediately get invalid extension
17:14.31octothorpex86:  put the xxx extensions BEFORE the X options in the dialplan
17:14.55[TK]D-Fenderx86 : pastebin your applicable contexts.
17:15.00jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
17:15.10*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
17:15.14*** join/#asterisk vooduhal (
17:15.41vooduhalHey guys. Anyone else had a problem with Polycom IP 500s locking up when pressing the "Do Not Disturb" button?
17:16.08vader--hmm i have a feeling im going to order the wrong cable for this amphenol cable
17:16.21vader--i can't tell if the connector on the TDM2400 is male or femal
17:16.33*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
17:16.34SpaceBasshey folks
17:16.52SpaceBassanyone using nufone?
17:16.53Darwin35I have a problem with asterisk running and allowing calls to go the to thier destinations. is there anyway to prvent this ?
17:17.08[TK]D-Fendervader-- : Almost all RJ21 equipment is female.
17:17.50[TK]D-FenderDarwin35 : ummmm.... want to try reforming that question into something comprehensible?
17:18.30RoyK[TK]D-Fender: imho there should be about 50% of each :P
17:19.27*** join/#asterisk nurfe (
17:20.04SpaceBasswhats the easiest way to have an IVR listen for a 7 digit number then store it for later use?
17:20.28Darwin35ok its like this TK I can pickup and dial a number and it like goes threw and there are people on the other end of theconversation . I want o prevent calls fromgoing threw so I dont have to deal with the real world....
17:20.32[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass : Read + AstDB.
17:20.52SpaceBass[TK]D-Fender,  thanks, exactly what I was looking for
17:20.59x86thats my relevent IVR application in extensions.conf
17:21.15SpaceBassnow if I could only get nufone working...dam registery is rejected
17:23.18*** join/#asterisk mrbuzz (
17:23.18[TK]D-Fenderx86 : your goto's are all bad...
17:23.33[TK]D-Fenderand the extens in front of the!
17:23.50[TK]D-FenderThose are pattern matches and need the "_" in front...
17:23.54mrbuzzdoes asterisk compile and run well on an intel mac mini?
17:23.55[TK]D-Fenderdamned 10 ways....
17:24.06SpaceBass[TK]D-Fender,  how can I take what read captures and "pipe" it to a DB table? read appares to want to output to a var
17:24.20SpaceBassmrbuzz,  there is a mac version of asterisk
17:24.28*** part/#asterisk jack999 (
17:24.44mrbuzzyeah i think that ones specifically built for ppc macs and not intel macs
17:24.51SpaceBassohhh intel...sorry
17:24.53mrbuzzi was hoping to be able to just compile my own
17:25.07[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass : exten num,prio,Read(user)
17:25.08*** join/#asterisk iGotNoTime (
17:25.11[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass : exten num,prio,Read(pass)
17:25.26SpaceBass[TK]D-Fender,  thanks!
17:25.40[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass : exten num,prio,Set(DB(password/${user}=${pass})
17:25.44[TK]D-Fenderas a sample.
17:25.52iGotNoTimeI have been reading the FAQ at Voipinfo for hours now and need a simple basic question answered....
17:26.12iGotNoTimemy Ubuntu box, asterisk and my PAP2 is all i need right?
17:26.15SpaceBassgoing to oracle sql training in a few weeks though :)
17:26.28iGotNoTimesipura is talked about so much I don't know if PAP2 will work
17:26.39SpaceBassiGotNoTime,  that will give you a basic setup if you are going to use a voip trunk
17:26.49SpaceBassthe PAP2 can be flashed with the sipura firmware
17:27.00iGotNoTimeYes I plan to use teliax as my gateway
17:27.10CrashHDwhat does this mean?
17:27.11CrashHDapp_dial.c:705 wait_for_answer: Unable to forward voice
17:27.25iGotNoTimeSpaceBass, my basic question was if the PAP2 was the key piece of hardware I needed  :)
17:27.42*** join/#asterisk mroth_imm (n=chatzill@
17:27.47SpaceBassiGotNoTime,  for what? its key to connect analogue equipment
17:27.49[TK]D-FenderiGotNoTime : No, your server running * is :)  You could run a softphone on it for all it cares :)
17:27.59[TK]D-Fenderwhat SpaceBass said ;)
17:28.03iGotNoTimeyes SpaceBass that is what I meant
17:28.19iGotNoTimehow will Asterisk route the call if my Wifi phone is on?
17:28.27iGotNoTimeto the PAP2 or both?
17:29.07SpaceBassiGotNoTime,  first you set up an extension for the phone, then register it with asterisk...assuming there is network connectivity, its pretty easy
17:29.09SpaceBasswhich wifi phone?
17:29.15[TK]D-FenderiGotNoTime : All of that is up to you.
17:29.32iGotNoTimeok so the gateway will not simply choose one and not send to the other?
17:29.46SpaceBassI remember my first week playing with *....every single question i asked resulted in "you can make it do what ever you want"
17:29.47iGotNoTimeor you are saying it should ALL go through asterisk FIRST ?
17:29.59iGotNoTimeSpaceBass, LOL
17:29.59octothorpeiGotNoTime:  again, depends on how you set it up,
17:30.02SpaceBassyou determine the routing
17:30.12SpaceBassiGotNoTime,  are you talking about incoming calls?
17:30.12octothorpeYes,  I send EVERYTHING through asterisk
17:30.21iGotNoTimeSpaceBass, correct from PSTN
17:31.15*** join/#asterisk nagl (
17:31.27SpaceBassthen you can route that how ever you like
17:31.43iGotNoTimeWhat I mean is if I do not use Asterisk to route everything, then turn on my Wifi Sip phone, there is a chance that Teliax will send the call to my only my wifi phone and not to asterisk correct?
17:31.45SpaceBassring the pap2 AND the wifi, ring the wifi then the pap2, just the wifi, just the pap2
17:31.51[vmwarez]dotcomhey spacebass, are you still running AAH in a vm?  I've been toying with the idea, but it seems that there are performance issues unless you have a super fast host...
17:32.06RoyK~seen zoa
17:32.12jbotzoa is currently on #asterisk (2d 32m 55s). Has said a total of 63 messages. Is idling for 3h 11m 49s, last said: ',2789,789318,00.html'.
17:32.14SpaceBass[vmwarez]dotcom,  and there in lays the problem! it sucked ass
17:32.23[TK]D-Fender* is a B2BUA (back-to-back user agent).  It can take calls in from anywhere, chew them up and spit them out anywhere/way you want
17:32.34SpaceBassiGotNoTime,  so the wifi phone is registered to teliax not asterisk
17:32.36[vmwarez]dotcomyep, i found it good for trying out configs, etc... but not for running a production box...
17:32.45SpaceBass[vmwarez]dotcom, exactly
17:32.56octothorpeiGotNoTime: No, it could end up at eiher or both
17:33.00*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
17:33.04SpaceBassiGotNoTime,  then you may have issues unless telax lets you register more than one device
17:33.08[TK]D-FenderiGotNoTime : let * register to teliax and handle everything.  then have your wifi phone reg to *.
17:33.17iGotNoTimethanks guys :)
17:33.18SpaceBasswhat [TK]D-Fender  said :)
17:33.22iGotNoTimeyou helped alot :)
17:33.28octothorpewhat [TK]D-Fender said
17:33.59octothorpe[TK]D-Fender is the man
17:34.02iGotNoTimewill a hammer unlock my locked PAP2 or should I exchange? LOLOLOL
17:34.05[TK]D-FenderHear that?!?  The sound of no-one disagreeing with me.... ah how sweet it is!
17:34.17*** join/#asterisk joe (
17:34.27SpaceBassiGotNoTime,  hammer will do something, but probably nothing you want.... try limewire or edonkey or something for the firmware
17:34.49iGotNoTimeyeah nothing on my version yet, I am buying an open one today :)
17:35.11SpaceBass[TK]D-Fender,  write me dial plan for me? i want to read in a 7 digit number, use it in a setcallerID string then dial out over my nufone trunk (yeah, its what it sounds like)
17:36.13octothorpeiGotNoTime: This worked for me:
17:36.35iGotNoTimewill check it out :)
17:36.43iGotNoTimeoctothorpe, thanks again :)
17:36.51octothorpeiGotNoTime: np
17:37.30[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass : Tell me you're kidding...
17:37.55sangeeI am using agi to make dial using exec('Dial',"ZAP/1/$target");
17:37.56SpaceBass[TK]D-Fender,  a little parlor trick never heart anyone :P
17:38.06blitzrageoctothorpe: nice nick :)
17:38.15octothorpegotta love it
17:38.24sangeehow can i get the answer time?
17:38.29SpaceBasswasim,  thats almost exactly what I had...but cleaner...thanks!
17:39.43sangeeis there any way i can get the 2 leg answer time in my agi script if i use exec('dial',...) command?
17:39.49SpaceBasswasim,  what is the \ns ? is that basically a way to put it all one one line?
17:41.17[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass : its pseudo-code for new line "\n".
17:41.30SpaceBassHmmhesays, LONG TIME!
17:41.39Hmmhesaysno doubt man, how goes it?
17:41.39[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass : You'd have to write it out on 2 lines... and its sampled up like you'd do in a macro...
17:41.57SpaceBassthanks, in that case it was almost exactly what I had....good to know I wasn't far off
17:42.00[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Any progress on that IVR?
17:42.29*** join/#asterisk jamalot (
17:43.42SpaceBassanyone using nufone? i cannot make it register
17:44.56*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
17:44.59[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass : Whats the error?
17:45.29SpaceBassthe host they give me is ...if I use that I get rejected...if I use just I get timed out
17:45.50SpaceBassnot entirely sure they want a registertration
17:47.22[TK]D-FenderThey do....
17:47.33[TK]D-Fenderrejected "why"?
17:48.44SpaceBassduno...need to turn on debugging I guess... let me check
17:48.50*** join/#asterisk fjean (
17:49.07DaminHmm.... anyone had trouble w/ queues in 1.2.5?
17:49.10DaminSpecifically,     -- Nobody picked up in 10000 ms
17:50.19fjeanhello - what would be the first things check regarding "FATAL: Module zaptel not found" with a X100P and 1.0.10 ?
17:50.35fjeaninterrupts ?
17:51.07Daminfjean: Wether you loaded Zaptel? do an lsmod and see if wcfxo is loaded..
17:51.14Daminfjean: And if zaptel is loaded..
17:51.29fjeanI get this when I do modprobe zaptel
17:51.33Daminfjean: And/or if you even have zaptel compiled and installed..
17:51.43fjeanits compiled. yes
17:51.51Daminfjean: Does it load?
17:52.05fjeanlsmod, 2 sec
17:52.53mroth_immhi all...i'm reviewing my init scripts and wondering if i should let Asterisk dump core...any potential benefits/harm?
17:53.06fjeandamin, no...
17:53.11Daminfjean: No need really. If you can't insmod zaptel, then you have some sort of a problem w/ the module/and or the kernel your attempting to compile it on. I.E. linux isn't able to load the module.
17:53.21mroth_immrunning ABE...if it matters : )
17:53.31fjeanim using mandriva 2006...
17:53.39Daminfjean: Recompile zaptel, reboot your box and get Linux to load the module correctly..
17:53.44salviadudmandriva, o lord
17:53.54fjean:- )
17:54.00Daminfjean: distribution is not relevant. The Linux kernel can't load the zaptel module.
17:54.13fjeanwhat does insmod do ?
17:54.29Daminfjean: Uhh.. are you sure you are really ready to be using Asterisk?
17:54.29fjeani know lsmod and modprobe
17:54.44fjeani have 3 machines up already.. :)
17:54.46Daminman insmod
17:54.50jamalothmm... I'm have two VOIP providers registered with my *.. one is just an inbound DID and the other does outbound.  Most of the time when I hang up after calling in from the PSTN, it seems that * will keep the two channels bridged.  So that when I dial back in again, it is busy.
17:55.01DaminAnd with that I must go consume lunch!
17:55.13Hmmhesaysi think i'm going to take the motorcycle out today
17:55.15Hmmhesaysits like 40 out
17:55.20mroth_immmodprobe is just a "cleverer" insmod
17:55.51tuxinator_linuxfjean: man insmod ?
17:55.56Darwin35asterisk + lube =
17:56.11*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (
17:56.12Darwin35where is iapp_confrence
17:57.21fjeanwould that be bad notice while compiling zaptel then: WARNING: Symbol version dump /usr/src/linux-2.6.12-12mdk/Module.symvers
18:00.16mroth_immdoes allowing Asterisk to dump core via "ulimit -c unlimited" cause ANY additional overhead to the running process when things are going well (ie.Asterisk isn't dieing)?
18:05.20*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
18:05.33mroth_immthanks would be dumped to "/tmp/core" correct?
18:06.51DefrazI have a quick question, When I originate a call to anyone on my asterisk system, I can't seem to transfer that call to anyone. If they call in, I sure can but if I make the call I can't transefer tha tcall to anyone. Has anyone seen this?
18:06.53justinuprobably whatever the current working directory of the process is
18:08.21*** join/#asterisk zaf (
18:08.32mroth_imminteresting...safe_asterisk looks to assume it'll be at /tmp/core
18:09.17DefrazDid that make sense?
18:09.32*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
18:09.52justinudefraz: yes, but you'll need to elaborate a lot more on the configuration before anyone can help you.
18:11.11Defrazoh didn't realize that.
18:11.48*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:11.55DefrazYea I have two analog lines. I am using a TDM400 card with two modules
18:12.44justinuanalog lines to the CO?
18:12.46DefrazWhen I place a call, and I am talking to the called party I can not transfer the call to another extention.
18:12.48*** join/#asterisk Yashy (
18:12.50Defrazyes to the CO
18:12.55justinuwhat kind of phones do you use?
18:14.27x86[TK]D-Fender: so just put _ in front of the 1XX and the 4XX ?
18:14.48DefrazGrandstream GX2000
18:14.58Defraz4 of those.
18:16.25*** join/#asterisk snowolfe (
18:17.04x86[TK]D-Fender: that made the 1xx work, but 4xx does not work
18:17.15x86actually no
18:17.19x861xx doesnt work either
18:17.21*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
18:17.35*** join/#asterisk zaf (
18:17.35x86if i dial 100 it takes it as just a 1
18:17.37*** part/#asterisk fjean (
18:17.53x86maybe i need to put a wait or something in there before processing the input
18:17.56x86so i can get the full thing
18:18.18snowolfehey, anyone used or heard of RedFone Communications foneBRIDGE
18:19.11YashyX100P Interrupt question:
18:19.46justinudefraz: what happens when you attempt a transfer on the gxp?
18:20.04tainted_how do u guys monitor server/call status when the CLI becomes useless?
18:20.12tainted_(from too many calls)
18:20.12areskihi guys
18:20.38areskilittle question, anyone have used data over digium card ?
18:20.46snowolfeasteerisk flash op panel
18:20.58[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Pastebin the new setup AND the linked contexts this time please...
18:21.13shido6hldc style
18:21.44areskiheheh shido
18:21.58areskiwell modem call probably PPP
18:22.04tainted_snowolfe i heard fop is garbage
18:23.02snowolfeits free and works... i guess it depends on what you're looking for it to do... we just monitor our customers and inbound outbound with it... maybe about 50 uesrs and 40 channels
18:23.23tainted_is it skinnable?
18:23.30tainted_looks horrid
18:24.37snowolfedunno... boss set up intial setup... got different colors and whatnot designating residential, business and proi, you can change the size of the buttons/tables... click and drag extension to extension
18:25.03snowolfeworks well enough for us, but maybe theres something better out there
18:26.10*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
18:26.13snowolfeof course after latest asterisk upgrade we do have "hanging" calls... someone who has hung up that it still shows as off hook
18:26.25*** join/#asterisk fjean (
18:28.03fjeanhello - If I do  sip show channels  do I divide by 2 to get the number of calls if majority are only routed to a GW ?
18:30.36snowolfeanyone used or heard of RedFone Communications foneBRIDGE
18:30.46x86snowolfe: please stop repeating
18:31.24snowolfe?? i waited over five minutes and repeated once
18:31.34x86wait >1 hour
18:31.52justinusome people here use it
18:33.06tainted_snowolfe what is that?
18:33.23snowolfeits supposed to be an alternative to the digium quad
18:33.53justinuit's a T1 to TDMoE adapter
18:34.14[TK]D-Fenderx86 : so whats not working?
18:34.16justinuplug your T1s into one side, plug the other side into your ethernet cloud
18:34.31x86[TK]D-Fender: any 1xx or 4xx extension is not working
18:34.37justinuasterisk doesn't need any special hardware now to terminate T1
18:34.39snowolfehoestly i dont know how much the digium quad is... trying to get some market research so to speak to take back to the owner
18:34.47[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Sure you did a "reload"?
18:34.49justinuthe quad cards are about 2500
18:34.58justinuand so are the phonebridges, afaik
18:35.22snowolfeif they're the same priice, wouldn't it make more sense to go with digium for the support?
18:35.29x86[TK]D-Fender: when i call the IVR, dial "100" and watch the CLI, it says "invalid extension '10' in context 'ivr' on SIP/103-22e2"
18:35.41x86[TK]D-Fender: so it looks like it's cutting the last digit off?
18:35.52fjeananyone has experience with installing SER on as Asterisk box ? I have a couple of questions before starting...
18:35.54tainted_If the foneBRIDGE itself fails, replacing it is far simpler that replacing a TDM card in an active server.
18:35.57tainted_that's from the site
18:36.23tainted_x86 what codec
18:36.33x86tainted_: ulaw
18:36.57tainted_you're doing dtmf inaudio right?
18:36.57x86tainted_: and my SIP hardphone is on the same LAN as the asterisk server too
18:37.01x86inband yeah
18:37.21x86if i pick up the phone and dial any extension without the IVR, works fine
18:37.23[TK]D-Fenderx86 : you are also "including" a context you're linking with those GOTO's... circular and bad!
18:37.31x86or if i pick a menu option from the IVR, that works fine
18:37.38[TK]D-FenderYou don't even need the Goto's....
18:37.45tainted_sounds like BTK error
18:37.54x86[TK]D-Fender: well before i did the include it said it couldnt find the extension in context "ivr"
18:37.56[TK]D-FenderAnd people calling your ivr look like they can dial out!
18:38.05[TK]D-Fenderx86 : VERY BAD
18:38.17x86[TK]D-Fender: outbound is all authenticated anyway ;)
18:38.21jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender can they dial out 900 numbers?
18:38.23x86[TK]D-Fender: except 800 number
18:38.30[TK]D-Fenderx86 : thats when you tried Goto(friends) which was just mal-formed...
18:38.39tainted_how is outgoing authenticated
18:38.45[TK]D-Fenderx86 : just pastebin your whole file and I'll fix it up/
18:38.53tzangertainted_: werd
18:38.59SpaceBassso my wife asked me last night "can that phone system thing we have auto vote for american idol for me?"
18:39.02YashyAnyone see any issues with:  zttool shows the X100P card as "OK" under alarm, however the card isn't picking up the call when I call my house.
18:39.06[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : ...
18:39.19[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass : YES
18:39.19tainted_tzanger hey dude!
18:39.31jbalcombSpaceBass thats an awesome idea
18:39.35SpaceBass[TK]D-Fender,  oh I know it can...i just found the request repulsive
18:39.39tzangertainted_: long time no talk, how are things?
18:39.51jbalcombSpaceBass maybe you could even set the CALLERID so you can multi-vote
18:39.54SpaceBassshe almost got me though....appleal to my inner geek
18:40.25tasathi, question for anyone familiar with port-forwardng and use of sip through nat:  when trying to reg to a remote proxy, why do I get an rport of 5060 while sometimes I get 110343 or something else?
18:40.28SpaceBassjbalcomb, apparently they don't care about more than 1 vote from the same number
18:40.47tainted_tzanger things are good, that remotecallout app you wrote works really well
18:40.54tasatI'd like to stay on 5060...
18:40.59jbalcombSpaceBass you could single handedly choose the winner!! are there any betting pools for that show?
18:41.13tainted_tzanger i added a bunch of authentication and stuff, and applied your parkandannounce(timeout) patch
18:41.13tzangertainted_: I am very happy to hear that :-)
18:41.15SpaceBasstast there are two port ranges involved.... 5060 for the reg and the RTP ports (from rtp.conf) for the actual packets ... both UDB
18:41.19tzangernow if I could just get my devicenet code to work as well :-)
18:41.22SpaceBassat least thats my understanding
18:41.51jbalcomb[av]bani any release of you GXP-2000 autoprovision system available yet?
18:42.09tainted_tzanger we're considering moving the code to use app_bridge soon though.. parked calls having scalability issues
18:42.17tainted_tzafrir what's devicenet?
18:42.22*** join/#asterisk tessier (
18:42.31tainted_tzanger what's devicenet?
18:42.33tzangertainted_: industrial communications protocol
18:42.36x86that's my whole extensions.conf
18:42.37tasatSpaceBass: right, I understand, but I'm just talking about SIP... RTP is fine.   SIP is registering on 5060 sometimes, but othertimes something else...  I'm trying to understand what's going on...
18:42.41tainted_oh wow
18:42.43tzangertainted_: I haven't played with app_bridge at all
18:43.20snowolfethanks for the help all... before i leave... anyone have a good link on a howto for dundi?
18:43.34snowolfedoesnt explain much on the site
18:44.19warphello ppl, i have a grandstream bt-102 which isn't doing much (doesn't dhcp nor respond to pings).  does anyone have any suggestions on things I could try to fix it?   (or did I just buy a very expensive second-hand brick? ;)
18:44.38justinudoes it send dhcp discovers?
18:44.52warpnot afaik can see
18:44.59justinusounds dead then
18:45.03jbalcombwarp: might try hooking it up too a *nix box directly and doing a tcpdump to see if its doing anything
18:45.05warpi checked with ethereal on windows XP, phone connected with a cross cable.
18:45.12[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Give me a bit to work on it.
18:45.15justinuMAC layer is up?
18:45.47warpjustinu: hm, no idea :)
18:45.59*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:46.19x86[TK]D-Fender: ok
18:46.27justinuethernet, got link?
18:46.38warpoh yes.
18:46.42jbalcombwarp any way to factory default the phone?
18:47.02justinugrab the manual from gransdream
18:47.10justinui could tell you how to do it on a gxp, but not the bt
18:47.18warpjbalcomb: yes, the menu works without trouble.  i can set ip adresses and dhcp and such.  i've also factory defaulted it through the menu according to the manual.
18:47.26*** join/#asterisk T` (n=total@pdpc/supporter/student/T)
18:48.04justinuif you're not seeing dchp discovers or arps coming out of it, i'm afraid you're boned.
18:48.05x86[TK]D-Fender: i took out the includes, and am doing _1XX.,1,Goto(local,${EXTEN},1) and it's telling me again that 100 is an invalid extension in context "ivr"
18:48.07jbalcombwarp if you set the IP and ping it from the directly attached workstation do you see an activity light and does the sniff show anything being returned?
18:48.17warpjustinu: yeah, i was afraid of that.
18:48.40justinusounds like a dead phy, if the phone is working ok
18:48.56warpjbalcomb: i obviously don't get ping responses, but haven't looked closer.
18:49.08warpjustinu: the internal hub works ok btw.
18:49.31x86[TK]D-Fender: and if i include local, it trauncates the "100" that I dial into "10"
18:49.33jbalcombwarp check the pins, maybe even open it up and see if anything looks out of place
18:49.52*** part/#asterisk snowolfe (
18:49.55warpjbalcomb: ok, i'll do that.
18:49.58warpthanks for the help so far :)
18:50.04*** join/#asterisk thieumS (
18:50.38thieumShi, i would like to alter ${EXTEN}, is it possible with Sett(EXTEN=1234${EXTEN:1}) for exemple ?
18:50.59SpaceBass[TK]D-Fender,  I got the nufone thing working, by the register string
18:51.04*** join/#asterisk kardecallan (
18:51.16kardecallanolá pessoal
18:51.22kardecallantem alguém q fala portugues
18:51.44jbalcombno comprende
18:51.58x86kardecallan: tu habla Inglais?
18:52.16jbalcombkardecallan: nihongo o hanashimasuka
18:52.17kardecallanvery bad
18:52.19x86we are predominantly English speakers here ;)
18:52.32jbalcombI can support Japanese speakers
18:53.02kardecallanI have one server asterisk behind the firewall
18:53.07jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender do yall speak French in Ottowa?
18:53.24kardecallandid you understand?
18:53.30SpaceBassalors, Francaise en l'Ottowa?
18:53.31x86kardecallan: yes
18:54.27*** join/#asterisk CMike (
18:54.35kardecallanI need to make one server stun?
18:54.55Qwell[]kardecallan: Not enough information to answer that question
18:55.16CMikeanyone in here going to CeBIT ?
18:55.39trelane_can anyone confirm that cisco sip firmware v 8.2 is out on CCO? I havn't been able to locate it
18:55.46Qwell[]trelane_: yes
18:55.52*** join/#asterisk batteryman (
18:55.56CMike8.2 for what device ?
18:56.00CMike79xx ?
18:56.00Qwell[]a bunch
18:56.18CMikeoh .. hm.. I'm running 7.5  should I upgrade ?
18:56.19*** join/#asterisk GerbilWrk (i=GerbilNu@
18:56.23trelane_Qwell, would you provide a url? (realizing that it will require a cco login)
18:56.51GerbilWrkdoes dbget and put use a built in "asterisk database" or does it use an external one, like mysql?
18:57.03Qwell[]it uses astdb
18:57.37CMikeif I upgrade to 8.x.. can I downgrade to 7.5 again ?
18:57.52trelane_Qwell[], many thanks
18:57.57GerbilWrkok, thanks
18:58.05SpaceBassany enhancements in 8x?
18:58.15Qwell[]CMike: Don't know
18:58.27CMikeheh... trial-and-error than :)
19:00.45DefrazJustinu: Ummm, sorry had to step away from my desk. It does the same thing as the ATA and Softphones, it ignores the # for transefer.
19:00.57[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Yes I speak french, and I'm in Montreal.....
19:01.33kardecallanI have asterisk server behind a firewall, but it doesn't work when it receives an incomming call from an external ip address
19:02.11justinudefraz: that's because on SIP, you need to use your transfer button on the GXP.
19:02.34justinudefraz: if you want to use the #, you need to put "t" in your dial options. "show application dial"
19:02.56Defrazhow come when I receive a call the # works for transefer
19:03.11jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender excellent. I'm going to Ottawa this weekend. Looking forward to practicing the year of French I took in 1994-95
19:03.12DefrazIt is only when I place a call that it doesn't work on all the phones.
19:03.19kardecallanAudio doesn't get through firewall, nobody listens it.
19:04.06justinudefraz: probably because the originating channel is zap, in that instance, it does things slightly differently.
19:04.37[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : let the lesson begin! "Va-t'ens mon ostie!  Salut la visite!"
19:04.50*** part/#asterisk thieumS (
19:05.00Defrazthat points me in the right direction
19:05.15SplasPoodAnyone here have an AS5300 properly working /w asterisk?  I'm trying to figure out how to turn RFC3389 off globally on it
19:05.39justinudefraz: your ATA probably has some way to transfer calls also, but to tell you the truth, i haven't looked into doing it on an ATA yet.
19:06.03Nuggetmy company is establishing a new office and I'm debating whether or not to suggest asterisk for the phones.
19:06.09kardecallanI need install one stunnel server?
19:06.16Nuggetit's all risk and not much upside for me, personally.
19:06.23Qwell[]Nugget: asterisk makes a poor softphone
19:06.30Nuggetbah  :P
19:06.31SpaceBassjbalcomb, just memorize this "Je suis une petite fille, mettez vos mans sur moi"
19:06.44SpaceBassthats a very popular way to say hello
19:06.54justinunugget: mention it in passing, if they don't care, let them waste their money
19:06.54Nuggeti've never futzed with the t1/e1 pri stuff, does that make asterisk less finicky?
19:07.04Qwell[]Than voip?
19:07.19NuggetI'm completely comfortable with the maintenance and operation issues, I just don't want to sell a solution that will sound like shit
19:07.33justinunugget: use the right phones, it'll sound fine
19:07.41Qwell[]just get echo issues out of the way, and it'll be fine, I'm sure
19:08.36Nuggetwe'll have 30 people at the office and about a dozen (like me) who work from home and will be doing sip over the internet.  I'm pretty comfortable with that, though -- we're already using asterisk and skype for that, so it certainly won't be any worse for us.
19:08.49Nuggetbut no pstn integration currently, which will change
19:08.52justinuso what is your concern?
19:09.00*** part/#asterisk kardecallan (
19:09.24Nuggetmy personal experience with pstn linking via a tdm400p has been pretty poor, and I don't have any experience with the "real" pri stuff to know if that world is any better
19:09.41justinupri works
19:09.52justinutdm400 was bad even after adjusting gains?
19:10.04Nuggetit's more zaptel that's been problematic.
19:10.04jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender I am a little girl, something something something something me
19:10.19Nivexgah!  when did Virbiage take down firefly?!
19:10.33Nuggetcard stops working, requires coldstart to fix.  card doesn't work after a warmstart.  that sort of thing
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19:10.42justinuso it wasn't sound quality issues, it was reliability
19:10.59justinuwell, there is that sangoma analog card
19:11.01Qwell[]he uses freebsd :p
19:11.03justinuno idea if that's any better
19:11.07Nuggetnot on that box I don't.
19:11.08Qwell[]freebsd is poo
19:11.18Nuggetmy tdm400p box is slackware
19:11.30justinumaybe your card is flaky
19:11.33justinuever try another?
19:11.51justinui'd have RMA'ed it after going thru what you describe
19:12.09justinua 450 dollar card should not act like that, imho
19:12.21justinua 20 dollar x100 clone off ebay, i'd accept
19:12.54jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender freetranslation says "I am a granddaughter, put your mans on me"
19:13.11justinuit translates to: "i'm a little girl, put your hands on me"
19:13.14[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : besides his typo that was "put your hands on me"
19:13.22[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : should have been "mains"
19:13.45justinuhe spells it like it sounds in english
19:13.47[TK]D-FenderNivex : Firefly is still available
19:13.53jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender haha..  alright, i'll try it out
19:14.23[TK]D-FenderNivex :it changed names though, here :
19:14.36jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender "Goes-t' in my ostie!  Good day the visit"
19:15.16[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Translator screws up contractions :)  "Get the &^%#$ out, thanks for coming!"
19:15.45[TK]D-Fenderor more like "get lost %^$^er"
19:16.08Nivex[TK]D-Fender: thanks.  interesting that their current build has a timebomb.
19:16.09*** join/#asterisk octothorpe_ (n=octothor@
19:16.10[TK]D-Fenderheh.... thats the parts they lose with French using religeous terminology for swaering :)
19:16.27[TK]D-FenderNivex : Really?  Oh well.... IAX softphones suck!
19:16.38*** part/#asterisk octothorpe_ (n=octothor@
19:16.45Qwell[]idefisk is good
19:17.19[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : and that wasn't "grand-daughter" it should have just been "little girl"
19:17.29Nivexooh, hadn't heard of idefisk before either
19:17.44fjeananoyone using a hosted linux for VoIP at a good monthly rate ?
19:19.59SpaceBasswhat french sware word do you want to know?
19:20.29jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ;) so ostie is the f-bomb?
19:20.45jbalcombfjean what would it do?
19:21.12fjeanjbalcomb - routes ATA calls to terminators
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19:22.23SpaceBassnicker is the verb form of the f-bomb
19:22.25jbalcombfjean hrm. ok. thanks.
19:23.09jbalcombSpaceBass [TK]D-Fender whats 'baise'?
19:23.33SpaceBassthats closer to "fuck me"
19:23.36[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Abbreviated from the "host" or un-levened bread".
19:23.48SpaceBassthere are many ways to say the same things
19:24.10jbalcombjuis sui pret<SP>
19:24.48[TK]D-Fender"baise" ="go down own" as in sex, but always as "agressive" in its usage as say "fuck" or "screw".  Strangly "un baiser" is a kiss ;)
19:25.17[TK]D-FenderFrench is a funny language for how precise some things actually are at times, and later so "generic"
19:25.21jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender that doesn't seem so strange. ;)
19:25.39jbalcombSpaceBass right on. business or pleasure?
19:26.14SpaceBassI learned some of this the hard wife's name is Suze and I'm we had nick& that translated into fuck and suck
19:26.24SpaceBassthat was embarrassing the first time I sent someone in france a message
19:26.36jbalcombSpaceBass that is so awesome
19:26.37SpaceBassjbalcomb,  pleasure....used to live there and took my wife back for dinner for her birthday
19:26.59jbalcombSpaceBass wow, that's pretty swell.
19:27.13*** part/#asterisk kardecallan (
19:27.22justinuje vais enculer ta mere!
19:27.40jbalcombjustinu "I will screw your mere!"
19:27.53fjeanthis more french from France than from Quebec  :-)
19:28.11SpaceBassthats very least make it votre mere
19:28.54justinuenculer is worse than "screw", i think
19:28.54justinui won't say it tho
19:28.54jbalcombJapanese plays a lot with formal and informal
19:28.54fjeanin Quebec we would say "va fourrer ta mere!"  ;-)
19:28.54SpaceBasslol fjean
19:29.02jbalcombfjean "Will stick your mere!"
19:29.16*** join/#asterisk jlewis (
19:30.10justinumais, je ne parle pas les francais, je me souviennes des motes j'ai appris dans le lycee
19:30.21justinule francais
19:30.33*** join/#asterisk Majestik (
19:30.34fjeanjustinu  good :)
19:31.16jbalcomb"but I am le tired."
19:31.25justinudonc, je peut comprende un peut
19:31.31justinuquelque fois
19:31.55jlewisis this a known issue when stopping asterisk on a REHL4 system?
19:31.56jlewisShutting down asterisk: *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x08d12398 ***
19:32.02Yashybien oui le
19:32.50justinucomment vous dites "spell" en francais?
19:33.22fjeanjustinu: epeler
19:33.28[TK]D-Fenderboth work.
19:33.29sevardfine, take a nap then fire ze missles!
19:33.31*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
19:33.44justinuje ne peut pas ecriver/compose/epele tres bien
19:33.53[TK]D-FenderYashy : Thats a round-about way to descriibe it..
19:33.58justinuor conjugate verbs well
19:34.12justinuor remember what letters the accents go on
19:34.12[TK]D-FenderI always jsut say I have no accents on my keyboard ;)
19:34.19jbalcombthis channel is insane
19:34.46SpaceBassc'est mon problem aussi....fais le compose
19:34.53jbalcombjlewis i don't know that anyone runs REHL4. I will be next week actually so check back the week after.
19:35.10YashyCan someone give me a hand here? I just got an X100P card, and currently only want to to be able to record incoming calls, as well as use as an answering machine. (also 41 and 42)
19:35.13*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
19:35.47octothorpeso, what do you need help with?
19:35.49Yashyztool alarm shows the X100P as "OK", however the card doesn't seem to be answering incoming calls, and nothing in the logs with -vvvvvvvv
19:36.02justinuthere's a show on PBS called "french in action" that is a pretty damn good french teaching program
19:36.13octothorpefun, what shows up in cli
19:36.28SpaceBassis the the one with the hottie that never wears a bra? Merabelle or something?
19:36.35justinufuck yeah
19:36.37SpaceBassits an older cheesy learning style show
19:36.40SpaceBassLOVE THAT SHOW
19:36.40justinushe's very hot
19:36.41jlewisits actually centos 4.2...but same difference
19:36.46justinui love it too
19:36.46Yashyoctothorpe: with an incoming call? (nothing, it just stays at CLI>) or loading it?
19:36.56SpaceBassused to always joke about seeing her around paris
19:36.59SpaceBassnever did though :(
19:37.07justinui bet she's a piece of ass
19:37.13justinueven now
19:37.19octothorpeweird, it shows show incoming zap or something
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19:37.43octothorpeweird, it should show incoming zap or something
19:38.28Yashyany ideas or things to check would be appreciated.. I've went through the pdf as well as countless URLs.. not sure what else to try.
19:38.58octothorpenot to make you feel dumb, but are you sure that you plugged the line in correctly?
19:39.14Yashywell, I have a phone on the phone output, and I can use that phone
19:39.22Yashynot worried about looking dumb, just want to get it working
19:40.33octothorpejust checking, I made that mistake once, it was pretty sad, it actually took out my phone line until I figured out what I had done, people would get a "line disconnected" mesage when they called me.
19:40.55fjeananybody knows SER ? and how it works with asterisk ?
19:41.07justinuyes, and it works fine
19:41.46octothorpeyashy:  what does your zapata.conf look like?
19:41.51jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
19:42.01SpaceBassanyone played with AAH 2.6?
19:42.12Yashyoctothorpe: did you see the 3 URLs I pasted?
19:42.21octothorpeyashy: no
19:42.34SpaceBassany major enhancements?
19:42.52octothorpespacebass: no
19:43.44blitzrageanyone done 92 sim. calls from PRI to SIP via G.729?
19:44.06SpaceBassoctothorpe,  just a dude's voice rather than allison?
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19:44.40octothorpehaven't used that on 2.6, let me check
19:44.58octothorpespacebass:  I get allison
19:46.03fjeanjustinu - tell me, using SER, SIP users (ATAs) still get their account in asterisk (sipfriends) or authentication can be done with SER ?
19:46.40octothorpeyashy:  sorry, I'm stuck on that one, mine worked "out-of-the-box" using an auto-config program
19:46.54Yashythanks anyways
19:47.44SpaceBassoctothorpe,  saw this: This release includes the new ulaw sound files from the astlinux project. Thanks to Kristian Kielhofner for these. Not only is the audio quality higher but he renamed comedian mail to asterisk mail. This release also has the new SugarCRM and some other bug fixes and enhancements.
19:47.54justinufjean: you can do auth on ser itself
19:48.01*** join/#asterisk udk (i=udontkno@freenode/staff/udontknow)
19:48.06justinufjean: they have a mysql auth module
19:48.11octothorpespacebass:  cool
19:48.15fjeanjustinu - ok
19:48.41octothorpespacebass:  I am expecting 2.7 soon, 2.6 still uses asterisk 1.2.4
19:49.52justinufjean: SER also brings you stuff like multiple reigstrations on one AOR, which is more SIP-like than asterisks implementation
19:50.07fjeanjustinu - should I expect to be able to replace my asterisk diaplan and CDR inserts using it ?
19:50.22justinuyou'll still need some dialplan in asterisk
19:50.35justinubut you can bill off of SER, they have a CDR module
19:50.53fjeanok, so the calls have to go to asterisk anyway ?
19:51.14fjeanbut no RTP, right ?
19:51.34justinuyeah, ser isn't going to do any gatewaying for you
19:51.58justinuthey have some kind of experimental call control module, that ought to allow you to replace most of your ast dialplan
19:52.18x86[TK]D-Fender: anything yet?
19:52.32fjeando I have to change my diaplan after SER is installed ?
19:52.47justinuprobably not much
19:52.57fjeanI still send to SIP peers ?
19:52.59justinuwhat do you hope to get out of ser, btw?
19:53.20justinuyes - what you need to do is set up all your peers to use "outboundproxy=" in sip.conf
19:53.44justinuso asterisk knows to send messages to that peer to the proxy, not directly to the peer (it won't even know how to find them anyways, since they're not registered with *)
19:53.56*** join/#asterisk groogs (
19:54.02fjeangot it
19:54.22fjeanI want to use it to remove some load off asterisk
19:54.27fjeanis it a good idea ?
19:54.41justinuyou're on the right track
19:54.47justinuread up on SER URI rewriting
19:54.54justinuyou'll figure out what you need to know
19:54.55*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
19:55.07fjeanthanks a lot justinu, you helped 100%
19:57.14SpaceBassit may be juvinile but callerID spoofing is just fun!
19:58.34*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
19:59.24_Sam--fun until the FCC tracks you down!  there was just a new thing about them cracking down on commercial caller id spoofing
19:59.34_Sam--i think they subpeonead all the records from the commercial caller id spoofer
19:59.41mog_workits not illegal....
19:59.42SpaceBassheard that
19:59.49SpaceBassbut its not illegal yet
19:59.55mog_workit probably should be illegal to call from a did you dont own
20:00.02mog_workbut until that point go right ahead
20:00.13SpaceBassi am miffed that sprint and verizon don't rely on callerID alone for voicemail...besides having fun, it would have made checking my cell phone VM very easy
20:00.21mog_workpersonally i wish people just gave up and live and let live
20:00.28*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
20:00.30_Sam--SpaceBass :  sign up with cingular
20:00.45SpaceBassI want that damn slvr so badly...been thinking about cingular
20:00.52SpaceBassbut they dont support edge on the slvr
20:02.41justinumoto phones suck
20:03.24SpaceBassgotta beat the brick-o-phone I have now
20:04.39fjeanjustinu, quick one can I customize CDR using ser ?
20:04.42justinuheh, i want a nokia E61
20:04.54justinufjean: that i'm not sure about... we're not billing of SER records yet :(
20:04.56jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender you coming down to Ottowa Saturday for a drink?
20:05.04fjeanok, no prob
20:06.41jbotmethinks ser is Sip Express Router - see
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20:13.44[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Sorry.. a bit far and I'll be busy on one or the other * contracts I have this weekend....
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20:13.51[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : dangit...
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20:17.58[Outcast]is the wiki down?
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20:19.25octothorpefor those of you who care, asterisk@home 2.7 has just been released
20:19.38SpaceBasshey hey
20:19.39zoaho ho ho
20:19.43zoamerry xmas!
20:19.45SpaceBassany big changes?
20:19.55SpaceBassand is there still no upgrade path?
20:19.58Qwell[]zoa: You're about 3 months late
20:20.16g__What's the deal with slin?  Is it just a 16-bit version of ulaw/alaw Asterisk has switched to the compete with the sound quality of Skype?
20:20.19zoano no
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20:20.26zoaeverybody see's it like that
20:20.29zoaim just early
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20:21.13MikeJ[Laptop]g__, ummm no
20:21.26MikeJ[Laptop]slin is the raw form
20:21.45bkw_signed linear audio
20:21.49MikeJ[Laptop]so if you want to manipulate it, or transcode it or anything.. you need to be in slin first
20:22.06g__MikeJ[Laptop]: okay.. so .. any idea why I might be getting "Dropping incompatible voice frame on xxxxxxxxxxxxx, of format ulaw since our native format has changed to slin"
20:22.31g__It seems to happen when someone calls a Polycom hardphone that forwards the call back out the PSTN.
20:24.03*** part/#asterisk floyd_n_milan (n=mrugesh@
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20:29.28jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender thats a shame. i'll be back up again in early june before i leave for Japan
20:29.42blitzrageJapan is amazing
20:29.52jbalcombagreed. nihon saiko.
20:30.50blitzrageonly got to go for a week, but it rocked
20:31.05blitzrageI got to play some a big theatre in Osaka
20:31.11blitzragehad 2 balcomies
20:32.40jbalcombthat sounds awesome.
20:32.41jbalcombi went for three weeks last summer and am moving there for year june 21
20:33.51fjeanjustinu - you tried outboundproxy= with 1.0.10 ?
20:34.15justinuheh, nope
20:34.18justinugood luck ;)
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20:34.40fjeanwell, thanks, hehe, I think it does not work from what I read...
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20:39.14KikkomanChowcan someone recommend me some resources that could help me with configuration of my SPA3000 and Asterisk?
20:39.28jbothmm... wikis is
20:39.28zoajust a sec
20:39.38Qwell[]or, asteriskguru probably has a howto :p
20:39.57KikkomanChowthank you!
20:40.16zoai should put some more
20:54.49zoa1000 people downloaded the latest version of the idefisk phone today :)
20:56.39lzhangI have a problem where sometimes midcall on outbound calls asterisk stops sending sound to the callee, but still receives sound
20:56.39lzhangwhere do I begin to track down the source of this?
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20:57.55mrbuzzanyone running asterisk on an intel mac (ie: mac mini)?
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21:00.55Abydos313hey guys, i'm upgrading from 1.24 to 1.25  just extract to usr/src and make &&make install?
21:00.55Abydos313that's what i did and all seems to work
21:00.55[vmwarez]dotcomok, let me try again...
21:00.56[vmwarez]dotcomzoa... are you the guy?
21:00.56MikeJ[Laptop]well... you could make samples and wipe out your config.. but not sure if you wnat that or not
21:00.56Abydos313i did that the first time..heh
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21:01.13Abydos313i'm running it in i have a copy of it before i make changes
21:01.13Abydos313fubar'd it with make samples ..haha
21:01.13jbalcomb-lilo-: That's alright, it's just IRC. ;)
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21:01.13justinulilo does take this quite serious
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21:01.14jbalcombjustinu you should only bother doing things worth doing well.
21:01.14darkskiezwhat was lilos message?
21:01.14Darwin35man vmware wont build on amd64
21:01.14x86[TK]D-Fender: anything yet?
21:01.14justinui went to fry's the other day and was really disgusted at the lack of intel motherboards & CPUs
21:01.14Seldon1975Hey lilo! I want my money back from the IRC providers ! :}
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21:01.15[TK]D-Fenderx86 : not yet...
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21:04.09zoa[vmwarez]dotcom: i am one of those guys
21:04.09Qwell[]  hmm
21:04.09zoawhy ?
21:04.50r_evolutionwhy what? why hide? seemed like the thing to say at the moment?
21:05.36r_evolutionthat's kinda odd... i wonder why * isn't delivering my voicemails :-\
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21:08.15r_evolutionmaaan. i didnt think they were going to get the 729 licenses in time
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21:09.40r_evolutionim serious justin O_O... they told me today
21:09.43r_evolutionoh by the way
21:09.49r_evolutionwe're going live with your switch tomorrow..
21:09.52r_evolutioni was like...
21:09.54[vmwarez]dotcomzoa, i just wanted to say thanks if you are... that idfisk is an awesome piece of software!
21:10.04r_evolutionerm... we're on a T1 guys... that's not going to happen with 711
21:10.17r_evolutionnow i gotta figure out why debian isn't sending my (*@)#@)(#* mail!
21:10.21jorgitowhat is wrong with ?
21:10.38Qwell[]~wiki status
21:10.47r_evolutionMar  9 16:08:19 DEBUG[6025] app_voicemail.c: Sent mail to ME with command '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t' says mail is being sent from *
21:11.05jorgitoare there some asterisk billing softs under gpl license ?
21:14.07r_evolutionyeah... called CDR and do it yourself :)
21:15.40jorgitor_evolution, bleeeee
21:15.47zoacool, thanks, we appreciate that
21:16.34_Sam--zoa :  when sip?
21:16.37jbalcombjorgito: Asterisk CDR Analyzer perhaps?
21:16.51_Sam--that wouldnt be so great for billing
21:16.57cjidoes anyone know why when I call an extension and it doesn't answer the message says "The person at extension" and hangs up right then?
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21:17.04zoasome months away to get it stable
21:17.09zoawe have a non gui version with sip now
21:17.17zoanow we are working on a new iax library
21:17.22zoaso that we can support both at the same time
21:17.29jbalcombjorgito: That is what we use. we had to compile in some option to get Asterisk to write proper entries when calls are transfered but it works decent now.
21:17.29_Sam--how do you use a soft client from a cli?
21:17.30zoaand we could do conferencing between iax and sip
21:17.40zoawell, its for testing only basically
21:17.48zoaits like the library turned into an exe
21:17.51jbalcombcji: check your logs and see what asterisk is doing
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21:18.34_Sam--zoa:  its probably just my setup, for whatever reasons, there is a huge audible difference between when my clients use SIP vs. IAX
21:18.56iGotNoTimethe firmware on my PAP2 is too new and has not been cracked, so I have this one locked. I am on my way to the store now to buy a WRT54GP2
21:19.03zoa_Sam--, it might be different filters
21:19.04iGotNoTimeI don't want to buy another locked device
21:19.07_Sam--and when my asterisk speaks SIP vs. IAX to my provider, the results are dramatically better...again its probably just me.
21:19.09zoawe made new ones already
21:19.10iGotNoTimeare all WRT54GP2's open?
21:19.17zoasip is better for long delay links for sure
21:19.30zoaalso sip is better with realtime asterisk
21:19.37zoasoon idefisk will have skype quality
21:19.39Qwell[]realtime, as in -p?
21:20.07sevardrealtime as in everything is in mysql
21:20.10*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
21:20.20dfa1979I have this problem where occassionaly midcall (outbound), asterisk stops sending sound but is still receiving it from the callee
21:20.22iGotNoTimeare any WRT54GP2's locked?
21:20.24Qwell[]I doubt mysql has anything to do with sip quality :p
21:20.28dfa1979where do I start to look for the source of the prop
21:20.29_Sam--late night for you zoa
21:20.33_Sam--you still at the office?
21:20.40sevardno, but everything is better with realtime :)\
21:20.59zoaQwell: well, for iax2 it has
21:21.04zoaor used to
21:21.09zoabecause iax was single threaded
21:21.13zoaso if a register packet arrived
21:21.21iGotNoTimeplease? LOL I have my coat on waiting for a reply before I buy, no joke the truck is running now HAHA
21:21.24zoaand it took 2 seconds to have it processed by the database
21:21.33zoano other voice packets would be handled
21:21.34Qwell[]2 second delay on all calls
21:21.42zoa2 second drop on all calls
21:22.04zoaof course the database is faster than 2 seconds normally, but 20ms or more would be audible
21:22.04_Sam--zoa did you get your office space situation sorted out?
21:22.08zoanot yet
21:22.15zoalacking the money
21:22.19Qwell[]office space situation?
21:22.26zoawill first stack people on top of each other
21:22.30Qwell[]You don't like having 6 bosses?
21:22.41_Sam--he is the boss!
21:22.51Qwell[]yes, I know that :p
21:22.51_Sam--expanding too quickly
21:23.09Qwell[]maybe if I do it like this
21:23.11_Sam--i thought you were referring to the 'office space' movie...with the 6 bosses
21:23.12Qwell[]Office Space situation?
21:23.17Qwell[]yes, I was
21:23.18*** part/#asterisk [vmwarez]dotcom (n=jjones@
21:23.21justinusam, you use the phonebook on the gxp?
21:23.23_Sam--was a good flick :)
21:23.30r_evolutionjustin... give me sedatives... please?
21:23.33_Sam--justinu :  nope, we use click to dial from our webpages
21:23.53iGotNoTimeI don't think Best Buy has Sipura ?
21:24.21SibRw0rkhey sup
21:25.34iGotNoTimeAre all Linksys products locked to vonage when you buy them?
21:25.55Qwell[]iGotNoTime: What did google say?
21:25.58X-Rob_iGotNoTime, no, totally not.
21:26.06iGotNoTimeGoogle is full of the same question
21:26.22iGotNoTimethat is why I came to this room I figured you of all people would know.
21:26.35iGotNoTimeeveryone is asking if their box is locked
21:26.44iGotNoTimebut nobody replies on the model I am asking about
21:26.46zoanot all of them are locked
21:26.49*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
21:26.52zoadepends on where you buy them
21:26.52iGotNoTimebut the questions are certainly there
21:27.01zoathe locked ones look different
21:27.06zoathey have some extra cables soldered inside
21:27.30iGotNoTimethere was one reply the guy said he didn't think any of the WRT54GP2 models were locked
21:27.47iGotNoTimethat is my question as I sit waiting to go to the store upon reply :)
21:28.00iGotNoTimewould you say it sounds accurate?
21:28.19iGotNoTimeMy PAP2 is locked with 3.1.9c firmware
21:28.20*** join/#asterisk ms345 (n=mike_sim@
21:28.24*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
21:28.26iGotNoTimeI don;t want to be stuck again
21:29.09vader--does anyone know what the gender of the connector on the back of a digium TDM2400 card is?
21:29.18vader--amphenol 50 pin, male or female?
21:29.32*** join/#asterisk ms345 (n=mike_sim@
21:30.22*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
21:30.46*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (n=Neg@
21:30.46justinulikely female
21:30.56iGotNoTimeI don't know what else to say? I guess I will go spend the money and take the risk.
21:30.57Qwell[]justinu: one can hope
21:31.05iGotNoTimeThank you for your time everyone :)
21:31.13iGotNoTimeI hope you all have a great day :)
21:31.13Qwell[]iGotNoTime: Why not get a sipura or something?
21:31.49Qwell[]don't msg me..
21:31.56Qwell[]and, there are PLENTY of places online to buy them
21:32.14iGotNoTimehave a nice day everyone :)
21:32.53fileQwell[]: can I message you? :(
21:33.19fileawwww how cute
21:34.15X-Rob_file and Qwell sitting in a tree. k i s s i n g.
21:34.36fileQwell is married!
21:34.39Hmmhesaysoooheeee ooohhh i look just like buddy hollly
21:34.45Hmmhesaysuh oh and you're mary tyler moore
21:34.51Hmmhesaysi don't care what they say about us anyway
21:34.51*** join/#asterisk heishiro (n=heishiro@
21:34.51fileHmmhesays: no you don't
21:34.53HmmhesaysI don't care about that
21:34.59Hmmhesaysyeah file, I"m more of a james dean
21:35.05delmarwhen shutting down Asterisk for a restart, I get a message like " *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x0093bd44 *** " every time.  anyone seen this or have and ideas?
21:35.21X-Rob_I'm definately a humphrey bogart.
21:35.32X-Rob_unfortunately, I'm bogart _after_ he was dead.
21:35.37*** join/#asterisk Vitux (
21:36.02Qwell[]somebody wanna finish my work, so I can go home?
21:36.22fileif by "finish my work" you mean "do nothing" then sure
21:36.27Qwell[]pretty much
21:36.34X-Rob_I can do 'sit around on IRC for a couple of hours'
21:36.39X-Rob_but I have to pack
21:36.53X-Rob_I'm heading home today
21:37.05X-Rob_Am here
21:37.15X-Rob_Heading home
21:39.40X-Rob_Yes, funny that, coz that's where I live.
21:41.01Lino`i'm not laughing about australia, i just think that irc is a pretty funny thing
21:41.23*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
21:41.46X-Rob_Nah it's not.
21:42.06X-Rob_You just gotta stop making assumptions.
21:44.56*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
21:45.05mroth_immhey all...any ideas on how linearly asterisks processor consumption should scale with the number of concurrent calls?
21:45.27mroth_immi ask because at around 100 calls we see ~75% processor idle (2-4 load average) balanced pretty evenly across 4 CPUs...would like to be able to bump that up to 250 calls
21:48.05SplasPoodhrm anyone know if it's possibble to change the TFTP server, etc defined in a polycom 501 via the existing tftp config (ie you change it, reset phone, it pulls the new config and from then on connects to the other tftp server)
21:48.41SplasPoodmroth: it all depends on the codecs and if you're transcoding between them or not
21:48.43X-Rob_Someone tell me why it's a bad idea to buy an Intel Core Duo Mac Mini.
21:48.49X-Rob_coz I really cant' see one myself.
21:48.53X-Rob_that's such a nice bit of gear.
21:48.55SplasPoodX-Rob: cause buying me one is a better ideA?
21:49.19X-Rob_file, you're a mac person. Good/Bad?
21:49.20mroth_immSplasPood: all calls sip to sip, u-Law codec (no transcoding, DSP, or protocol bridging on the Asterisk box) - all calls recorded to PCM on RAM disk
21:49.41file[laptop]I like my Mac stuff
21:49.49X-Rob_Core Duo Mini?
21:50.01file[laptop]sadly no :(
21:50.06file[laptop]all mine is PowerPC
21:50.08SplasPoodmroth: should scale reasonably well.. there are some metrics on
21:50.13mroth_immSplasPood: in other words, all calls are more or less the same
21:50.15X-Rob_It's really really nice
21:50.23X-Rob_Well It -looks- like it is
21:50.26X-Rob_*lust lust*
21:50.29SplasPoodit is
21:50.31SplasPoodI've used one
21:50.45SplasPoodI'm debating getting one of the imacs, or replacing my powerbook with a macbook
21:52.16mroth_immSplasPood: got a direct link to the metrics...if it's the Asterisk Dimensioning or Asterisk at Large stuff i think we've already surpassed most of the single box info
21:52.27SplasPoodmroth: nope
21:53.17SplasPoodmroth: I'd think with that many calls going on at once I'd have two boxes so as not to put all my eggs in one basket
21:53.40*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
21:53.50mroth_immwe've got a redundant box...just trying to gauge if my projections should be based on linear scaling or not
21:54.26*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
21:55.43X-Rob_mroth_imm, project on burst rates, not on average throughput.
21:56.13X-Rob_which usually works out at an exponential curve, not linear.
21:56.57*** join/#asterisk beefsalad (n=crash3m@unaffiliated/crash3m)
21:57.09mroth_immX-Rob_: good advice...we are an inbound call center, and realistically, i believe our call volume is very steady throughout the day
21:57.09*** part/#asterisk cji (
21:58.07mroth_immright now we see a fluctuation of 75 - 110 concurrent calls from around 8am to 11pm (~10,000 total)...i will keep bursts in mind, but i think they are less likely in our scenario
21:58.47mroth_immi would like to run at about 20% idle under the heaviest load to accomodate bursts though...
22:01.00*** join/#asterisk mko-025 (
22:01.49Idledoes asterisk offer any clustering? or how would I go about getting fault tolerance?
22:02.57*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:04.10Qwell[]Idle: newb
22:04.29Qwell[]Idle: There is a thing on the wiki about scaling
22:04.31IdleI just dont know if it does... :P
22:04.44Idlewell, not about scaling, only about fault tolerance
22:05.34*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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22:06.01iDunnothank you.
22:06.18Qwell[]heh, that article sucks
22:06.51Idleits not loading either
22:06.56modulus_hi qwll
22:06.58Idlecould be the shitty network here tho...
22:07.02X-Rob_voip-info is borked again
22:07.05Qwell[]nah, the wiki is acting up
22:07.46*** part/#asterisk beefsalad (n=crash3m@unaffiliated/crash3m)
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22:10.39pigpenhi all...since the wiki is down (or I can't get to it) when a user changes their voicemail, where is it stored so I can grab it to stick back in my "management" file ?
22:11.00Qwell[]changes their voicemail what?
22:11.13pigpenah..sorry...the password
22:11.21X-Rob_in /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf
22:11.23pigpentoo much coffee...not enough sleep
22:11.26X-Rob_(that was hard)
22:11.59pigpenX-Rob_, mine is not updating...
22:12.09pigpenQwell, huh?
22:13.06Qwell[]in voicemail.conf
22:13.08EnthGuys. Any ideas on why a hardware based IP Phone does not receive any sound? i.e it registers fine but Person A or Person B cannot hear eachother?
22:13.20Qwell[]Enth: NAT/firewall
22:13.35*** join/#asterisk JASON99 (
22:13.36pigpenQwell, ok..thanks...unfortunatly, I cannot get to voip-info on the syntax./options...but thanks.
22:13.40EnthCan you be more specific?
22:13.52Qwell[]Enth: One side has a NAT/firewall blocking the rtp packets
22:13.57pigpenmedia ports are probably not setup.
22:14.01jbalcomb./me leaves for Ottowa.
22:14.02pigpen...yeah..what he said.
22:14.22EnthQwell[]: yeah but it works fine if x-lite clients are used
22:14.25*** part/#asterisk zaf (
22:14.28Qwell[]on the same nat?
22:14.31Qwell[]as the phones
22:14.47Qwell[]well, I'm not changing what I said :p
22:15.01JASON99I have a queue setup, setup to ringall, but when someone else dials in and dials a direct extension, they get voice mail if the queue is ringing.  Is there a way to give priority to a direct dial?
22:15.16EnthAny recommendations on what are the ideal configs I need to fix?
22:15.32Qwell[]Enth: Your firewall...  YOu need to open/forward the rtp ports
22:15.40Enthit's already done.
22:15.50Enthbut still no cigar.
22:16.15Enthonly happens on the hardware phone though. I've even port forwarded those ports to the phone too.
22:16.43Qwell[]check what rtp debug says
22:16.52Enthok cheers.
22:17.43pigpenQwell, how does externpass work?  From what I can find, it calls an external app...but does it do it passing a variable that can be used to update a flat file via sed ?
22:17.44JASON99Anyone have any idea on how to solve that?
22:18.03Qwell[]pigpen: One would hope
22:18.18*** join/#asterisk zaf (
22:18.32pigpenSo am I best to wait until voip-info is up?  (ie: deep subject?)
22:21.42pigpengot it.
22:22.33pigpenJASON99, I know that you can do a priority on a call that is placed into a queue...
22:24.20lesouvageEnth: maybe it has to do with codec used by the hardphones
22:25.06*** join/#asterisk Possible (
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22:28.12*** join/#asterisk Psykick (n=anon@
22:28.14Psykickhi guys
22:28.37PsykickI need to setup a dial plan that will forward to a mobile number when someone calls a DDI number
22:29.00_Sam--cool so set it up
22:29.06Psykickdo I just set the dial plan to dial the number on failover or do I need to answer the call then dial?
22:29.24*** join/#asterisk dearler (n=dearler@
22:30.03Psykickeg. exten => s,1,Dial(xxxxxxxxx) or exten => s,1,Answer() exten => s,2,Dial(xxxxxxxxx)
22:30.49*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=angela@
22:30.51EnthHow does one de-register sip clients from the server manually? apart from closing the client itself?
22:30.53_Sam--how hard would it be try them both and see?
22:30.54Kattyhi lads.
22:30.57Enthis there like a kill command?
22:31.37Kattyjustinu: hiya (=
22:31.45*** join/#asterisk popvoxdave (
22:31.50*** part/#asterisk popvoxdave (
22:32.00dearleri made the mistake of adding an extension 0 through AMP which makes all of my phones show up on the caller id as "Reception", the username for extension 0. How do I go about getting rid of this extension as AMP will no let me edit that extension
22:32.21Psykick_Sam--: I guess I can try both
22:33.14EnthThat's just weird. Why does x-lite remember the old user/auth even after removing it completely from the system
22:33.15UdontKnowanyone here using wengo on asterisk?
22:33.37*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
22:33.49PsykickEnth: I think that should be a question for the creators
22:34.59PsykickEnth: If you want to remote a sip client from the server manually I believe you can do so from the asterisk CLI
22:35.10Psykickoops I meant remove
22:35.12Psykicknot remote
22:35.46Enthsip remove?
22:35.56PsykickEnth: lemme check
22:36.44*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
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22:38.03*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
22:38.09Enthok :/
22:38.20Kattytuxinator_linux: :>
22:38.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:38.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: :>
22:39.18[TK]D-FenderKatty: mew.
22:39.28EnthPsykick: any luck?
22:39.45[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : got your MicroBrowser all geared up?
22:39.51dearlerwhen you add an extension via AMP, what files are modified to reflect that new extension?
22:40.31[TK]D-Fenderdearler : All sorts.. but you shouldn't be asking here...
22:40.35jbotextra, extra, read all about it, amp is NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
22:41.01[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: yeah, how do you prevent the screen from flashing on refresh?
22:41.08[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: its annoying if you have images
22:41.20[TK]D-FenderKatty : So I've got my lease for my new apt building, just need to secure phone/net connection and schedule the movers
22:41.29lesouvagedearler: it must be in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf or a file included in extensions.conf
22:41.32[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Thats the problem, it doesn
22:41.32[av]baniwouldnt be so bad if yo could do an http push, but polycom doesnt seem to allow that
22:41.42PsykickEnth: I'm not entirely certain if this will work but you can try this :: sip prune realtime <user>
22:41.53[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: also, no tables... :<
22:41.56[TK]D-Fender't "persist" the screen until its finished renering so if you have a fast rate it'll "blink" the contents
22:42.13[TK]D-FenderI know.. the tables bit pissed me off too... ways around it, but none "clean"
22:42.19PsykickEnth: let me try it on my IAX client and see if it works
22:42.26[av]baniwell, it doesnt give you any real control over font size
22:42.37[av]baniits either teeny weeny or GIGANTOSAUR
22:42.39[TK]D-FenderYou have several font sizes available....
22:42.52[TK]D-Fenderat least 3 usable ones
22:42.54Psykickhey is anyone else having problems accessing
22:43.03Enthfor some reason I'm getting this when there arent any clients connected
22:43.09PsykickEnth: yes it works
22:43.11_Sam--Psykick :  its down
22:43.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: sounds great!
22:44.11[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: the most annoying thing: microbrowser isnt documented AT ALL (thanks polycom)
22:44.17*** join/#asterisk ast_freak|Laptop (
22:44.24[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: at least snom has documentation, miserable as it is
22:44.48[av]baniaaand.... voip-info seems dead
22:44.51*** join/#asterisk luckyduck (i=lucky@gentoo/developer/luckyduck)
22:46.05tuxinator_linuxhey Katty
22:46.14tuxinator_linuxWas in the car, driving
22:46.23Psykickyou could always just use: show application <asterisk_cmd> from the CLI
22:46.59*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
22:47.32Kattytuxinator_linux: good to see you (=
22:48.16*** join/#asterisk simprix (
22:48.21UdontKnowso, no wengo users here? :(
22:48.34simprixIs there a way to set a date and time stamp on voicemails that are left
22:48.42UdontKnowcant find how to use their stuff, and voip-info is down
22:49.27PsykickUdontKnow: what part of wengo?
22:49.47PsykickUdontKnow: what do you need to know about wengo?
22:50.30simprixcan i set a timestamp for new voicemails
22:50.43Qwell[]simprix: explain
22:50.50UdontKnowPsykick: how to use a regular sip client or asterisk with it
22:51.40simprixwhen someone leaves a message save the time that it was recorded so that when the user checks the message they know what date and time it was saved
22:51.46[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : we're surviving on it though....
22:51.55[TK]D-FenderKatty : I just need to get my ass out of here....
22:52.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: :P
22:52.03PsykickUdontKnow: so are you talking about using the openwengo SIP client or the wengo call service?
22:52.46PsykickUdontKnow: eg. registering asterisk with wengo call service so you can place calls?
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22:52.59UdontKnowPsykick: yes
22:53.14UdontKnowPsykick: I got a wengo account, and I want to use kphone or asterisk with it
22:53.16simprixdoes that make sense Qwe11
22:53.30UdontKnowtrying with kphone now, but it gives me a forbidden message
22:53.39*** part/#asterisk dearler (n=dearler@
22:54.15PsykickUdontKnow: So I take it your trying to use the SIP client? Is that right?
22:54.27UdontKnowkphone, not openwengo
22:54.39PsykickUdontKnow: So the SIP client
22:55.04UdontKnowI went there, and I have my password and username
22:55.12UdontKnowskip the web.archive
22:55.21UdontKnowI am just there because voip-info is down
22:55.31PsykickUdontKnow: OK let me have a look at the client then I'll see if I can help
22:56.22UdontKnowPsykick: I am on a system that would be hard to get openwengo running... its not linux, and I dont have time to port it this week ;)
22:56.39*** part/#asterisk wrmem (
22:57.06PsykickUdontKnow: but are you using Asterisk?
22:59.44simprixcan i put date and time stamps on voicemails left
23:00.13Qwell[]simprix: It does that by default...
23:00.16*** join/#asterisk heison (
23:00.16UdontKnowPsykick: yes, I intend to use wengo with asterisk
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23:02.25UdontKnowPsykick: I wanted to test it standalone first, then put it on my asterisk, where I have other sip accounts
23:03.48*** join/#asterisk xeet2 (
23:04.03xeet2stripMSD gone on 1.2.5?  what can I use to perform the same function?
23:04.17jbotstriplastdigit is, like, ${EXTEN:0:$[${LEN(${EXTEN})} - 1]} , will remove the last digit from EXTEN, making 5551212 become 555121.  Change the "1" to remove more digits.
23:04.49PsykickUdontKnow: kphone is a client though
23:04.59PsykickUdontKnow: why install it on your asterisk server?
23:04.59UdontKnowPsykick: yes, indeed
23:05.01xeet2I need to strip the first digit
23:05.31UdontKnowPsykick: forget it all, I just want to get wengo working with kphone... later I do the other stuff ;)
23:05.35xeet2that won't do the same thing though...  stripmsd actually changes the EXTEN variable
23:05.38PsykickUdontKnow: ok
23:05.41xeet2which is what I need
23:06.01xeet2I didn't know you could set the exten variable now
23:06.06xeet2last time I tried it complained
23:06.10PsykickUdontKnow: as long as you get kphone registering with asterisk server then you shouldn't have a problem
23:06.10Qwell[]it's just a var...I don't see why not
23:06.31xeet2well, last time I tried, it created a variable for the channel called EXTEN
23:06.46xeet2which really confused asterisk when I tried to reference ${EXTEN}
23:06.51PsykickUdontKnow: only issue that may arise will be if your planning to use wengo call service .... should have docs on how to register them as a peer
23:07.10Qwell[]try it
23:07.36UdontKnowPsykick: look at this
23:07.39xeet2striplsd is still there
23:07.43xeet2just not stripmsd
23:08.13Qwell[]it's gone here
23:09.29PsykickUdontKnow: ok ... so have you done all that it suggests and it's not working?
23:09.57UdontKnowPsykick: yes
23:10.16*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
23:10.18PsykickUdontKnow: ok ... now we're getting somewhere
23:10.25PsykickUdontKnow: ;)
23:11.00UdontKnowthen, I tried connecting with a regular client to that sip service, to see if I can connect
23:11.24UdontKnowI get either forbidden using the url I found on some forum, or not found, using the urls from that page
23:12.05PsykickUdontKnow: ok ... it sounds like the host or password supplied doesn't exist or isn't allowing your username/password
23:12.45PsykickUdontKnow: did you view the XML file that your supposed to get when you apply for an account from wengo?
23:13.24PsykickUdontKnow: or did you try just using what was on other sites to see if you could get it working?
23:14.11*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
23:14.55UdontKnowsomething changed
23:15.03UdontKnowseems I got in
23:15.22UdontKnowPsykick: of course, the xml with my password
23:15.30PsykickUdontKnow: I suspect you changed a setting ... didn't you ... c'mon ... be honest ;)
23:16.04PsykickUdontKnow: that XML file also has the host and phone number that you need to use
23:16.05*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
23:17.36UdontKnowit doesnt have the phone number
23:19.11PsykickUdontKnow: ok ... but wengo did assign you a phone number right?
23:19.41UdontKnownow, I get it to call my cellphone, it says ringing, then connected
23:19.48UdontKnowbut didnt ring my phone
23:20.49PsykickUdontKnow: did wengo give you an exten for people to call you on?
23:21.20*** join/#asterisk msw (
23:21.34PsykickUdontKnow: the config on that page that you gave me .... where is it running from ... your asterisk server?
23:21.58UdontKnownow I get messed up audio
23:22.03*** join/#asterisk nagl (
23:22.10UdontKnowPsykick: I am running it on a kphone now
23:22.20UdontKnowPsykick: I want it to work, before going asterisk
23:22.28PsykickUdontKnow: ok
23:22.46UdontKnowsomething is messed up in the kphone land
23:22.58*** join/#asterisk lo2 (
23:23.06UdontKnowmust be because I am on amd64, I guess, and kphone has too much hardcoded stuff
23:23.06PsykickUdontKnow: so your currently connected to wengo service .... can you locate another wengo users number that you can try calling
23:23.19UdontKnowPsykick: I am getting audio back
23:23.24UdontKnowPsykick: but its messed up
23:23.26PsykickUdontKnow: ok
23:23.35PsykickUdontKnow: by messed up what do you mean?
23:24.04PsykickUdontKnow: staggered? .... itttt ssssounds lllllike tttthissss
23:24.08UdontKnowSipClient: Sending to ''
23:24.09UdontKnowSipCallMember: localStatusUpdated: 200
23:24.09UdontKnowCallAudio: Using iLBC 30ms for output
23:24.09UdontKnowCallAudio: Sending to remote site
23:24.17UdontKnowPsykick: worse than that
23:24.30UdontKnowPsykick: cat /bin/ls
23:24.35UdontKnowPsykick: more like that
23:24.46PsykickUdontKnow: what codecs do you have available in kphone?
23:25.00UdontKnowalaw, ulaw, gsm and ilbc
23:25.11Psykickok try alaw or gsm
23:25.13UdontKnowno matter what I choose, it gives me ilbc downstream
23:25.58Psykickdo iLBC and the other codecs have checkboxes or something similar next to them?
23:26.22*** join/#asterisk Emrah (
23:26.23PsykickI don't know what kphone looks like so I'm flying blind
23:26.47[av]banii had problems with kphone's dtmf
23:26.55EmrahHello hello
23:27.00*** join/#asterisk ultimal (
23:27.07UdontKnowPsykick: no, just radio buttons
23:27.23iGotNoTimeI am looking for a gateway service to use with Asterisk, do all of the one's that offer "free adapters" ship locked adapters that will not work with * ?
23:27.30UdontKnowbut it worked fine with fwd a few minutes back, and works fine with my asterisk on gsm
23:27.44UdontKnowiGotNoTime: probably
23:27.54PsykickUdontKnow: hmm ... perhaps try a different softphone like Xlite
23:27.59iGotNoTimeI have bought 2 so far and both can not be unlocked :(
23:28.07UdontKnowPsykick: well, I need to spend my time packaging it
23:28.20UdontKnowiGotNoTime: use BYOD services
23:28.27UdontKnowiGotNoTime: bring your own device
23:28.35UdontKnowthen you can hook asterisk to them
23:28.36iGotNoTimeyes but still need the "D" :P
23:28.56[TK]D-FenderiGotNoTime : Don't get a provider that forces an adapter on you, and make sure they're ok with Asterisk... thats a violation of TOS with a lot of places.
23:29.11iGotNoTimemy locked PAP2 would work with a BYOD ?
23:29.15brookshireiGotNoTime: voicepulse!
23:29.20iGotNoTimethe PAP2 I bought for Vonage?
23:29.31iGotNoTimeyes I am reading that site now brookshire :)
23:29.44iGotNoTimegood prices :D
23:29.56UdontKnowwengo is the cheapest I could find for brazilian cellphones
23:30.04iGotNoTimethank you D-Fender, I will certainly verify that
23:30.15PsykickUdontKnow: wengo is a SIP service ... doesn't mean that you have to use their softphone
23:30.49PsykickUdontKnow: are your clients entirely *nix based?
23:30.52UdontKnowPsykick: yes
23:31.10UdontKnowPsykick: well, I want wengo to call brazilian cellphones
23:31.22UdontKnowPsykick: same way I want fwd to talk to my friends
23:31.41UdontKnowso, Ill plug wengo to the * once I have it working
23:31.53UdontKnowthen set a prefix on my dialplan to dial wengo
23:32.14UdontKnowstart with 7, go wengo
23:32.15PsykickUdontKnow: I've had the same issues with ILBC myself
23:33.22PsykickUdontKnow: best thing I've found to do is set things up on the * server and have the clients use alaw to the * server and then make calls to call provider
23:33.32UdontKnowhmmm, voicepulse is too expensive for brazil calls
23:33.45UdontKnowPsykick: thats what Ill do
23:33.55PsykickUdontKnow: it should work
23:35.57PsykickUdontKnow: if you want other SIP soft phones to try out ... go to and do a search for SIP
23:36.01*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
23:37.49UdontKnowPsykick: nods
23:38.12iGotNoTimejust got off the phone with voicepulse, no they do not allow me to use Vonage locked adapters :(
23:38.13PsykickUdontKnow: this one looks ok ...
23:39.45*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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23:41.42UdontKnowit munched the 0.20 it gave me
23:41.46UdontKnowdamn wengo
23:45.03[TK]D-FenderWengo = waste IMO.  Pay for termination and then just another SIP service.  FWD is just fine for me....
23:45.43iGotNoTimeis FWD BYOD?
23:45.49iGotNoTimethey are SIP right?
23:46.01octothorpefwd can do byod
23:46.11octothorpeat least with asterisk
23:46.21UdontKnow[TK]D-Fender: I want to call brazilian cellphones
23:46.29UdontKnow[TK]D-Fender: and wengo charges EUR 0.10 for that
23:46.37UdontKnow[TK]D-Fender: thats why I need wengo
23:46.51UdontKnow[TK]D-Fender: my fwd number is pretty old :P
23:46.59UdontKnow[TK]D-Fender: whats your number?
23:47.10iGotNoTimeDoes BYOD always (or ever in this case) work with a locked adapter?
23:47.22*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
23:48.43Psykickwell I'm outta here peeps
23:48.52Psykickthanks for the chit chat
23:48.52Psykicksee ya
23:50.50*** join/#asterisk heison (
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23:57.18*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (n=jaxxan@
23:57.30Jaxxanhey guyes
23:57.53Jaxxanhow do i reload zapata.conf without having to restart my daemon ?
23:57.59*** part/#asterisk xeet2 (
23:58.25Jaxxani made some changes to the groups that channels belonged to, but it's sending the channels to the wrong context
23:58.43Jaxxanand i dont wanna kill the box cause it's the middle of the business day and in production
23:59.17UdontKnowhmmm, I am beginning to think that wengo sucks
23:59.22UdontKnowby their forum
23:59.27Jaxxanlike channel 25 belonged to [context a] and now i'm sending it to [context b], but for some reason it's still going to [context a]
23:59.29UdontKnowbut still, they are cheap
23:59.59*** part/#asterisk mroth_imm (n=chatzill@

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