irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060308

00:00.04ManxPowerbartpbx, Maybe it understands SIP and is screwing it up.
00:00.09justinubartpbx: maybe the token fell out of the ethernet...
00:00.22SplasPoodambriento: if you read what my problem is...
00:00.29justinubartpbx: do you have 30 pin simms, or 72 pin simms?
00:00.35ManxPowerriddlebox, you mean like exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(1${EXTEN},1)
00:00.44kratzersjust DND button on the phones (which does make regular calls priority jump 100), and using agents
00:01.12ManxPowerkratzers, since the call is just a call to the phone, you will not see any difference.
00:01.24bartpbxjustin, haha
00:01.30niteowlozusing realtime in 1.0.7, how do I register with a sip provider
00:01.31riddleboxManxPower, I mean that if they just dial 10 digits, that means the did not dial the 1 in front and to just add the 1?
00:01.33kratzerswhy would it consider a phone on DND eligible to take a queued call?
00:01.43SplasPoodManx: did that, callerid=UNAVAILABLE, same deal.. sends the numbers from the [context] as the CID
00:02.14ManxPowerriddlebox, that's what my line does, assuming you have a pattern match for 1nxxnxxxxxx
00:02.24ManxPowerYou don't want unneeded Dial lines.
00:02.27riddleboxohh sorry
00:02.50bartpbxok, i found the informations about the new router. It is a linksys WRT54G with original firmware. This one does not understand sip as far as i know
00:03.09litagewithout having a FWD account, can Asterisk redirect calls to a FWD user?
00:03.14ManxPowerkratzers, you know that the next release of Asterisk won't support jumping to proirity+101, right?
00:03.24ManxPowerlitage, sure!
00:03.30kratzersoh? what instead? or is there somewhere to read about it?
00:03.32bartpbxall port forwards are added again..
00:03.33ManxPowerlitage, I doubt FWD will accept the call.
00:04.03litageManxPower: ah, so Asterisk would need to be registered with FWD for FWD to accept the call to one of its users?
00:04.09ManxPowerkratzers, "show application dial" will tell you tyhe variables that are set.  the extensions.conf.sample in 1.2.x shows you examples
00:04.21ManxPowerlitage, I have no idea.  that's a question for the FWD people.
00:04.29litagethanks ManxPower
00:04.33*** join/#asterisk AJay-MN (i=AJay@
00:04.40ManxPowerRegardless, Asterisk will happily send the call anywhere you wany.
00:04.47litageheh true
00:05.08AJay-MNIf you have phones set to Resistration Experation set, should you see the phone re-register on the console?
00:05.49ManxPowerAJay-MN, at some debug levels, yes, IIRc
00:05.51litageif *A sends a call to *B and neither *A nor *B "know" of each other (IE: they aren't registered with each other), will *B accept the call from *A?
00:06.10ManxPowerlitage, do you understand what registration does?
00:06.11riddleboxManxPower, that was too easy I should have figured that....
00:06.16ManxPowerIt's looking like you dont.
00:06.23litageManxPower: not entirely
00:06.45ManxPowerriddlebox, I have several "those morons can't dial the phone" entries in my dial plan
00:07.05ManxPowerlitage, registration tells the remote server what ip address a specific user/password is located at.
00:07.07ManxPowerit does NOTHING else.
00:07.08AJay-MNwell i see the devices do there init registration, but how can i see them reregister? i need to know if they are or not. seems my grandstream is no longer reregistering and after Asterisk's 1 hour unregistering i dont get calls in
00:07.48ManxPowerAJay-MN, I've never had to set the registraiton interval in any of the 5 or 6 brands of phones I've used.
00:08.27GrizzyDoes insecure=very cause asterisk to ignore context= and go to [default] ?
00:08.30ManxPowerBut I do seem to recall Grandstreams just stopped working randomly (before we threw out the test phone we bought)
00:08.35AJay-MNManxPower : My Zyxel P2000w's work fine. but after 1 hour, i loss registration on my Grandstream 101... :(
00:08.47ManxPowerGrizzy, I believe it just says "accept any call"
00:08.56ManxPowerAJay-MN, using NAT?
00:09.16litageManxPower: if userA registers with asteriskA, and a softphone that isn't registered with/connected to asteriskA dials <sip:userA@asteriskA_ip:5060>, what will happen?
00:09.18AJay-MNno. has a full qualifying IP..
00:09.41riddleboxManxPower, actually it is for the wakeup call agi script that is on nerd vittles, it works off of caller id, and when you do it from your cell phone or anywhere else it just tries to call that exact number back
00:10.00ManxPowerlitage, absolutily nothing different, since all registration does is notify the remote server where to send calls.
00:10.38litageManxPower: so asteriskA will route the call to userA and the softphone and userA will be able to talk?
00:10.41GrizzyWhat would be causing my ipkall paragraph to ignore context= ?
00:11.18bartpbxok, i give up. I can't find the error and it is 1:10 i'll continue tomorrow. Thank you guys for the help good n8
00:11.25GrizzyI mean, I can make it work, it's just odd.
00:11.59ManxPowerlitage, it will work
00:12.13ManxPowersince user A registered with Asterisk, so Asterisk knows what IP address to send the call to.
00:12.28*** join/#asterisk nagl (
00:12.41ManxPowerlitage, You might not know this, but if the device is on a static IP address, there is no reason whatsoever to register to the server.
00:13.11litageManxPower: yes, i realize this. thanks
00:14.05tehdelydoes anyone here know where I can get a tucson-area DID?
00:14.07tehdelypm me if you do
00:14.11ManxPowerGrizzy, the incoming call is not matching anything in sip.conf
00:16.00niteowlozcan anybody help me with registering to a sip provider when using realtime?
00:16.23*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:19.03*** join/#asterisk MattB2 (
00:19.48MattB2hi all
00:20.17MattB2anyone got experience in running an asterisk server at an ISP to handle 50+ concurrent calls, and has 5 mins to spare?
00:22.00SGMthe sip reinvite is working
00:22.01GrizzyManx - thanks.  The article on voip-info seems to say that the sip.conf paragraph should be named by the phone number, is that right?
00:22.05_Sam--how is 1.2.5 working?
00:22.23SGMeven with "t" option
00:24.09GrizzyI saw a "cheat sheet" page on  one of the documentation/help sites, now I can't find it again.  It had a big list of all the directives in Asterisk.  Anyone remember it?
00:26.46riddleboxis anyone using a sipura 2100?
00:27.38*** join/#asterisk dja_ (
00:27.46Qwell[]Grizzy: "directives"?
00:31.25Grizzyquell - functions, directives, what ever you call 'em.  (every computer concept has at least 3 names)
00:31.47Grizzylike Goto  Wait Answer Playtones
00:31.52Qwell[]show applications
00:31.55Qwell[]on the CLI
00:32.20dja_Hi, I sometimes get "chan_sip.c: sip_xmit of 0x97747b8 (len 768) to returned -1: Operation not permitted" when dialing an extension (which never rings, even though my extension is playing the "ring").  Sometimes it works just fine.  Help?
00:32.23GrizzyThere was a nice list on one of the documentation sites that I can't find again
00:32.54Qwell[]show applications
00:33.11GrizzyIt had some explanation for each one, as well.
00:33.19Qwell[]funky res
00:33.22Qwell[]show applications
00:34.10Grizzyin particular, argument lists
00:34.27Qwell[]show application blah
00:34.29Grizzyshow applications isn't bad, thanks for that.
00:35.18GrizzyIs there a way to run an rc (startup script) when you start asterisk?  I'm tired of typing "sip debug"
00:35.54niteowlozHi guys, anyone got 5 mins to help me with realtime on 1.0.7
00:35.56Qwell[]no, but that isn't actually a bad idea
00:36.03Qwell[]niteowloz: Nope.  Upgrade
00:37.01Qwell[]niteowloz: There are tons of bugs and missing features in 1.0.7.  It isn't worth our time, or yours, trying to get it working...
00:37.55GrizzySo, I gather that I have to either use "asterisk -rC reload" or a database, to make it possible to add or change something while asterisk is running?
00:38.18Qwell[]Grizzy: Pretty much
00:38.22*** join/#asterisk heison (
00:38.24GrizzyIf I want to do my own web interface for adding new users.
00:38.37GrizzyQuell - good, thanks.
00:40.52niteowlozQwell, tx, mostly working OK for me so far. Just can't register with sip provider.  Lots of work to upgrade.....but I will have to bite the bullet sooner or later I know..
00:43.03GrizzyGrumble:  glophone seems to have lost it's mind.
00:43.14dja_how can I tell what codec is being used for a particular connection?  my provider says they switched me over to G.729A, but I don't think they did.  :)
00:43.44niteowloztry sip show channels while the call is in progress
00:44.31*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
00:45.21dja_I'm guessing "Form" is the codec? It says ulaw, so I'm also guessing that they didn't switch me. :)
00:45.52Qwell[]dja_: disallow=all, allow=g729
00:46.29Qwell[]most providers allow you to use multiple codecs.  You have to explicitly tell * to use one
00:47.57Ukyohey Qwell, whats u
00:49.33*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
00:50.41CrashHDhow can I troubleshoot sip call quality
00:50.48CrashHDwe have 12 trunks coming from a voip provider
00:50.53CrashHDthe calls seem to be choppy
00:51.15CrashHDwhat can I do in the asterisk to determine what is going on?
00:51.29ambrientohey CrashHD, what's up?
00:51.36CrashHDhello ambriento
00:51.51ambrientohow's the altigen stuff?
00:51.53dja_Qwell[]: thanks, I tried that but I get "all circuits are busy now" -- I'm pretty sure my provider told me that they only supported ulaw or G729a, but not both. :(  I'll have to complain to them again.
00:51.57CrashHDwhat is up, is I'm under the gun to figure out this sip call quality
00:52.01CrashHDaltigen stuff is goign ok
00:52.18CrashHDthe problem now is just the above call on the trunks from asterisk to our voip provider
00:52.27CrashHD*above call quality mention
00:52.34Qwell[]CrashHD: You sure it isn't the provider?
00:52.38*** join/#asterisk justinu (
00:52.39Qwell[]or bandwidth issues?
00:52.50CrashHDnot sure Qwell
00:52.59CrashHDwe have 100mbit to the internet
00:53.04CrashHDso bandwidth isn't an issue
00:53.12CrashHDunless there is a bottle neck on our providers network
00:53.14Qwell[]not true..
00:53.15CrashHDwhich I highly doubt
00:53.28Qwell[]when you go over the public deal with the public internet
00:53.32ambriento100Mbit dedicated to VoIP?
00:53.50ambrientoor its for everything?
00:53.59CrashHDunderstand the public internet
00:54.13CrashHD100mbit to the one rack we have the asterisk in
00:54.21CrashHDwith nothing being used in that rack but the asterisk
00:54.36CrashHDI guess my question specifically is where are the troubleshooting tools in asterisk?
00:54.45ambrientosip debug?
00:54.47CrashHDI'd like to know how many packets are not getting from ip provider to us
00:55.03CrashHDtried that didn't seem to give the info I needed easily
00:55.49CrashHDI don't believe the rtp traffic is making it to the box from the provider
00:56.06*** part/#asterisk Grizzy (
00:57.28*** join/#asterisk Grizzy (
01:01.24*** part/#asterisk T`2 (i=id@pdpc/supporter/student/T)
01:02.15*** part/#asterisk mroth_imm (n=chatzill@
01:05.52CrashHDis there a 729 codec module that can be used for testing?
01:05.57robin_szanyone happen to know what the Swiss freephone numbers are ??/ 0800 and ??
01:06.00CrashHDwithout purchasing the licensing?
01:07.04robin_szCrashHD: yes, I think there is .. I read about it on the Digium site ... but, hey its only $10 anyway and it support * ... just pay it ;)
01:07.19CrashHDit's the 24 hour wait time
01:07.23CrashHDI need to test this now
01:07.36robin_szit happens in like 2 minutes usually
01:07.47CrashHDit says 24 hours on their website
01:07.48robin_szit CAN take longer
01:08.00robin_szbut for me, its always been quick
01:08.11robin_szI guess they are covering ther asses
01:08.39robin_szmaybe ive been lucky?
01:08.52CrashHDjust 10 bucks
01:08.57CrashHDI'll put it in and gamble
01:09.09robin_szit goes to a good cause IMHO
01:10.10robin_szanyway ... swiss freephoen prefixes?
01:12.47CrashHDanyone use voip reach for termination?
01:14.55*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
01:15.43*** join/#asterisk r0n14 (
01:16.19r0n14and have  ast_best_codec: Don't know any of 0xf800 formats
01:17.43*** join/#asterisk fjean (
01:18.00CrashHDcall from fwd?
01:18.26*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
01:18.35fjeanhey, I had a few how would I dial an extension using Dial(IAX2/... ?  Dial(IAX2/4000,60) ?
01:18.50*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
01:19.00r0n14free world  dial
01:19.44[hC]Anyone here know anything about the v8 firmware for the cisco 7970? Someone on a mailing list mentioned that it may now contain SIP support, i wanna confirm that..
01:21.10_Sam--[hC] : [av]bani  said that the SIP firmware is out now
01:21.12*** join/#asterisk iq (
01:21.19iqHi All
01:22.07[av]bani[hC]: there's separate sip and sccp v8 firmwares now, and 7970 is supported
01:23.06CrashHDso anyway to determine how many sip/rtp packets are being lost in a call?
01:23.29_Sam--CrashHD:  i tool like mtr for tracing / packet loss is a good start
01:23.38_Sam--s/i tool/a tool/
01:24.31CrashHDwhat if I'm not local to the asterisk server?
01:24.43_Sam--then ssh to it?
01:24.44CrashHDis mtr *nix based?
01:24.48_Sam--they have win mtr
01:24.59CrashHDan nix mtr
01:25.11[hC][av]bani oh excellent :)
01:25.24robin_szpeople run windows? how quaint :)
01:25.26[hC][av]bani: that will be interesting to try out.
01:25.44_Sam--mtr is also good because it will measure jitter too
01:25.44[av]bani[hC]: no idea if it even works with * yet though. ive heard BLF doesnt work at all
01:26.20robin_szmust be kinda tricky on a non-realtime OS to measure jitter
01:26.38_Sam--ya i dont know how you would check jitter in the windows ver
01:27.05robin_szthe 2.6 kernel has some almost-realtime features
01:27.08_Sam--robin_sz :  did any respond to your open letter to grandstream yet? :)
01:27.09CrashHDis this the website?
01:27.19robin_szmmm ... nah.
01:27.23*** part/#asterisk fjean (
01:27.53CrashHDcan you direct me at a website for mtr?
01:28.11_Sam--the website you pasted is the mtr site
01:28.15CrashHDok thank you
01:29.17robin_szright bedtime ... time to prepare for tomorow ...
01:29.31robin_szanother day playing with multi-kilowatt lasers :)
01:29.54_Sam--[av]bani :  i figured out why i couldnt set my caller id with the CLEC....i figured out i can only set the caller ID to the a number on their PRI
01:30.04_Sam--it didnt even cross my mind to check that
01:30.09_Sam--then i tried that once, and it worked
01:30.33robin_sz"CAUTION: high power laser, do not stare into beam with remaining eye!"
01:30.35_Sam--not quite as nice being able to set it to any caller id in the entire word
01:34.22*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
01:34.46CrashHDhey sam the connection from one to the other looks good using mtr what would be your next step?
01:34.47x86for some reason, all of my calls (even local SIP to SIP) are forcing the caller ID of my outbound PSTN number
01:35.07CrashHDyou check your sip.conf for callerid=?
01:35.18*** join/#asterisk trixter (n=trixter@
01:35.56x86it uses what's in the <> heh
01:36.47*** part/#asterisk MattB2 (
01:38.44x86why when i do VoiceMailMain(${CALLERIDNUM}) it's still asking for mailbox number when i call voicemail from my sip extension?
01:39.20x86in CLI, it shows it's executing VoiceMailMain("SIP/100-34f2","100") like I thought it should be...
01:42.05ambrientox86, can you see that vmuser with show voicemail users ?
01:42.06*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
01:43.23*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
01:43.56ambrientoCLI >show voicemail users
01:44.24x86Mbox is shown as the extension
01:44.27x86so that matches
01:44.38x86is that what i'm looking for?
01:48.25*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:49.35*** join/#asterisk zaf (
01:53.25ambrientothats weirdo x86
01:53.43ambrientodo u have another vmuser to test it?
02:00.01*** part/#asterisk Alric (
02:01.25*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
02:12.45*** join/#asterisk tehdely (
02:14.46*** join/#asterisk AJay-MN (i=AJay@
02:25.28*** join/#asterisk izo (
02:25.38izoanybody with a mac here ?
02:26.46*** part/#asterisk tmccrary (
02:29.47*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
02:30.33*** join/#asterisk jhnjwng (
02:31.18*** part/#asterisk izo (
02:31.54VxJasonxVHas anybody made a 'listen' or 'dummy' SIP client?
02:32.03VxJasonxVi.e. one for listening/event purposes that isn't a phone?
02:35.41Deep6guys shouldn't zap show channels show my incoming zaptel x100p line?
02:36.12*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
02:41.02CrashHDwhat is the feature in asterisk called that eliminates telemarketer calls?
02:41.23CrashHDit work any good?
02:41.58CrashHDdoes the call have to be picked up by the * system for it to work?
02:42.12CrashHDor can it do what it does in a * trunking situation
02:42.39*** join/#asterisk xevo (
02:42.52CrashHDwhere the call is coming to * then being passed right back out to another system
02:48.21*** join/#asterisk file (
02:48.59*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
02:49.12CrashHDhow could I do something in a macro like: if ${EXTEN} = ${THIS} DO THIS ELSE NULL
02:49.16*** join/#asterisk simulated (n=joker@
02:50.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
02:51.36CrashHDanyone have an example of execif with an expression etc...?
02:51.43russellbCrashHD: show application GotoIf
02:52.03CrashHDoh duh
02:52.54CrashHDany special considerations for an expression?
02:53.12CrashHDcan I just do ${EXTEN} = "1111111111"
02:53.15russellbwell, you should probably read about expressions in asterisk ...
02:53.32CrashHDhitting it now
02:53.33Qwellexplains it quite well
02:53.39Qwellrussellb: omg hi
02:53.39russellbthere you go :)
02:53.44russellbQwell: !!!!!!!!!!!
02:53.54CrashHDthanks russellb, and Qwell
02:54.08*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
02:55.11CrashHDahh so when the docs say use <expres> it means use $[<expres>] correct?
02:55.28CrashHDUsage:  ExecIF (<expr>|<app>|<data>)
02:55.43russellbactually ...
02:55.55Qwellexpressions aren't always $[] though
02:55.56russellbthat's not quite true.
02:55.59CrashHDso ExecIF ($[whatever = whatever]|zapateller)
02:56.01Qwell1 is a valid expression
02:56.16*** join/#asterisk nayyares (n=Nayyar@
02:56.25CrashHDso <expr> they are looking for 0 or a non 0 value
02:56.30nayyareshi guys.....!
02:56.30CrashHDand $[ ] will get me that
02:56.49CrashHDeasy enough
02:58.18russellbbasically, 0 or nothing are false
02:58.31russellband anything else will be true
02:58.46russellband $[ ] expressions make it easy to evaluate to one of those :)
02:59.08russellbwhich you already figured out
02:59.20russellbbut I had to check exactly what it was in the code to satisfy myself :-p
02:59.33CrashHDnothing wrong with not assuming anything
03:01.16*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
03:03.23CrashHDI'm seeing a: Mar  7 14:04:25 WARNING[1884]: ast_expr2.y:843 op_div: non-numeric argument
03:03.27CrashHDwhat does this mean?
03:04.30CrashHDexten  => s,n,ExecIf($[${ARG1} = 6023571570]|Zapateller)
03:04.33CrashHDhas to do with that line
03:04.49CrashHDARG1 being the ${EXTEN} that was passed to the macro I'm in
03:10.29*** join/#asterisk tehdely (
03:11.44*** join/#asterisk bronze (
03:11.45*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
03:13.08CrashHDanyone have a better example/explanation of fieldspec fo cut()?
03:14.55CrashHDeveryone is sitting there going
03:15.04*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
03:15.06CrashHDyou are nuts dude, ask a question? find your own damn answer
03:15.23iqCrashHD, haan - what ;)
03:16.20CrashHDanyway to have a zapateller like function without the sound actually being heard by the caller? out of band or something?
03:16.52*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
03:17.05wundaboywhat does           Peer '101' is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic       mean?
03:17.09*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
03:17.15wundaboyand how do i change it on a polycom?
03:18.19CrashHDif the polycom will have a dynamic ip
03:18.25CrashHDjust set host = dynamic
03:18.29CrashHDunder the 101 context
03:18.31CrashHDin sip.conf
03:18.43[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : you put host = (somthing other than dynamic) and the IP doesn't match
03:18.46wundaboyits dhcp, but statically assigned
03:18.56CrashHDjust put host = IP NUMBER HERE
03:18.59[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : use host=dynaimc for the sip.conf entry
03:19.10[TK]D-Fenderdo NOT bother with the IP...
03:19.21wundaboyit dosent matter, does it
03:20.06wundaboywill the phone automatically re-register? or do i need to reboot it?
03:20.27wundaboyaahahah it did!
03:20.36*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
03:20.42wundaboysorry, this is my fist time sitting down and learning/making asterisk work!
03:21.28[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : basically when a phone "registers" its to inform * what IP it can be contacted at.  If the IP is guaranteed, there is no need and what you saw was a soft "warning".
03:21.47[TK]D-FenderNormally you only put IP's in for peer entries like other servers
03:22.06wundaboyok so when i try and dial i get an error
03:22.18wundaboythats not correct, right?
03:22.18[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : when it doesn't match, yes
03:22.30[TK]D-Fenderthats not good.. should be IAX2
03:22.41wundaboyis the number fine?
03:22.44wundaboyor does it need a 1?
03:22.58[TK]D-Fenderdepends on the provider.... some force 10 digit, others 11
03:23.13wundaboyalso, i think my provider is too expensive
03:23.18wundaboydoes anyone have any recomendations?
03:23.38[TK]D-FenderWhat does yours cost now and what kind of usage do you do now?
03:23.46wundaboy$2/month for did 2.9cents/minute
03:23.56wundaboy1 minute increments which is frustrating
03:23.59[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : each direction?
03:24.06wundaboyterm and orig
03:24.15[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : yeah, that kinda sucks... where are you?
03:24.32wundaboyportland, oregon
03:25.10[TK]D-FenderBroadvoice alther they aren't perfect has a good deal.  unlimited in-state for $10
03:25.18*** join/#asterisk ColdBlood (n=mx232tw@
03:25.36wundaboyincoming and outgoing?
03:25.39xachenbroadvoice sucks
03:25.47wundaboyi need uptime
03:25.47xachenyou'll regret them if your gonna use asterisk with them
03:25.57wundaboyi used to have for my outgoing
03:26.01wundaboybut they are only up like 22 hours a day
03:26.15wundaboyCall rejected by No such context/extension
03:26.24wundaboyExecuting Dial("SIP/101-9a46", "IAX2/jnctn/15038036247|60")
03:26.32wundaboyi dont understand why it hates me....
03:26.47[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : you should have a target context as well IIRC
03:26.54[TK]D-Fender@context on the end
03:27.24wundaboyso like @jnctn (the iax2 context for my provider)
03:27.41xachenvoipjet sucks too
03:27.48[TK]D-FenderNot quite... check their guide.
03:28.03[TK]D-FenderEveryone suck, some less than others...
03:28.11xachenbut then quite a few of the providers that offer 90%+ international coverage have quality issues :P
03:28.25xachenthe only way you are going to get good is if you negotiate with lots of companies
03:28.32wundaboyso their server is
03:28.38wundaboywould it be ?
03:29.15wundaboyNo authority found
03:30.23wundaboySIP URI:
03:30.33wundaboyis what they have listed on their site, would that be the context?
03:30.33[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : they should have some config samples to use...
03:30.40wundaboythey dont...
03:30.44wundaboyatleast not that i can see
03:30.47[TK]D-Fenderwun, not for a dial-out peer entry.
03:32.36wundaboyi hope im not too nub...
03:32.41wundaboybut where in the dial command would it go?
03:32.56De_MonI'm essing around with app_meetme and the "announce join/leave" option isn't working.
03:33.15De_Monwe record our names but they are never repeated
03:34.26[av]baniyay 0-config polycom
03:34.35[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : there are a few ways to craf a line depending on how the entry is set up in iax.conf
03:35.00wundaboyheres my current dial command: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${JNCTN}/${EXTEN},60)
03:35.21*** join/#asterisk AsteriskNewbie (n=linux_ba@
03:35.32AsteriskNewbieHello all ...
03:35.55wundaboyi dont understand .. :-\
03:36.03AsteriskNewbieI need to send "FEATURE xxx" from asterisk to a Norstar system ... anybodyknow how to do that?
03:36.33[TK]D-Fenderremove everything from the @ on and see what heppes
03:36.37AsteriskNewbieThat is ... does anybody know what codes or digits the "FEATURE" button on a nortel handset sends to the nortel backend?
03:37.08[TK]D-FenderAsteriskNewbie : on a nortel ATA?
03:37.08AsteriskNewbieYEs, TK
03:37.08[TK]D-FenderAsteriskNewbie : Can't really do that....
03:37.27[TK]D-FenderAsteriskNewbie : there is not "full-service" digital back end to it.
03:37.32wundaboyCall rejected by No such context/extension
03:37.33AsteriskNewbieNo? so you can't ... for example, log into a Norstar queue from an analog handset?
03:37.41AsteriskNewbieTK .. no .. there is none ....
03:37.47[TK]D-FenderAsteriskNewbie : expect maybe an Intel interface, but I'm not sure it goes that far...
03:38.08[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy, go look at their samples.
03:38.34AsteriskNewbieHmm .. that doesn't sound too good. I've got .. Norstar Extension->ATA->Asterisk->Ipphone
03:38.51AsteriskNewbieProblelm: I want to be able to log into the Norstar queue from the ip phone ..
03:39.18AsteriskNewbieI would have the "FEATURE" button was just programmed to send a certain digit to the nortel backend?
03:39.38[TK]D-FenderAsteriskNewbie : You can log into the queue from an ATA with straight DTMF....
03:40.35*** join/#asterisk hmodes (i=hmodes@
03:40.38AsteriskNewbieTK ... Sorry... you lost me here. what do you mean .. with straight DTMF??
03:41.24wundaboyok im gonna try and config it from their examples
03:42.19[TK]D-FenderAsteriskNewbie : Which ACD are you running on your Norstar?
03:42.28wundaboytheir example says to use: auth=rsa
03:42.28[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: how many polycoms you got?
03:42.31wundaboywhat key should i use?
03:42.58wundaboyi figured it out
03:43.05AsteriskNewbie[TK] ... Hmm ...I think we use Call Pilot Mini for the ACD ...
03:43.05[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : just under 30
03:43.10De_MonI'm not hearing the user has left or user has joined sounds either...
03:43.21[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: would you be interested in a 0-config polycom autoprovisioner?
03:43.32[TK]D-FenderAsteriskNewbie : Ok, the Minuet allowed for phones on ATA's to log in.... you should eb able to do that on yours I would think.
03:43.54[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : No, I'm just fine with my 30 second copy-paste configurer :)
03:44.10[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : there is a litmit to my laziness....
03:44.22*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
03:44.31[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: :)
03:45.29AsteriskNewbie[TK] ... Yes .. that what I thought, but how is the question? On a nortel phone, you would press "Feature", the the login code. I'm trying to figure out the equivalent of the "FEATURE" button on an ATA ...
03:45.58AsteriskNewbieLike .. what sets of digits should I press on an ATA to log into the queue?
03:47.23[TK]D-FenderAsteriskNewbie : I think on an ATA you might have access to it through hook-flash, or dialing a keyed extension.
03:47.36[TK]D-FenderAsteriskNewbie : you'd have to read up on your ACD guide
03:48.42AsteriskNewbieTK: Ok .. thanks ...I'd do some more reading and see what I find ..
03:51.33*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:55.17wundaboy[TK]D-Fender good call, it works now after reading their docs
03:58.17wundaboyso, why does broadvoice suck?
03:58.53wundaboyxachen: why does broadvoice suck?
03:59.02*** join/#asterisk orlock (i=[
03:59.08orlockHas anybody here used a sangoma wanpipe card?
04:00.40wundaboywait it does suck, only in 1 state...
04:00.44wundaboynot all us...
04:01.49*** join/#asterisk Qwell[laptop] (n=Qwell[]@unaffiliated/qwell)
04:03.08[TK]D-Fenderorlock : I run an A104d at work...
04:03.36wundaboyi need a little more guidance, can read about it, but how do i setup a menu system?
04:03.40Deep6anyone used linphone at all?
04:05.34[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : Pastebin your entire extensions.conf and I'll see what kind of head start I can give you.
04:05.38jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
04:05.58wundaboyits basically the make samples extensions.conf
04:06.46[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : the best thing you can do for yourself to start is to trash the hell out of it.  its 95% crap
04:06.59wundaboywell, my plan for tonight is to build my own config files
04:07.03wundaboyfrom scratch
04:07.24wundaboywhich brings me to another question, what files are necesary?
04:07.30wundaboysip.conf iax.conf asterisk.conf ?
04:07.58wundaboyyeah, cant forget that ... lol
04:08.15[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : a bunch are needed, but the ones you'll actually work with are limited.
04:09.13wundaboyi also plan on making them all mysql tonight
04:09.20wundaboyonce its done building...
04:09.32wundaboyi read a little about it before
04:09.45[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : No point in real-time for a small system....
04:09.55[TK]D-FenderAll pain, no gain :)
04:09.55wundaboyits small for right now
04:10.04wundaboybut im going to create a business with it
04:10.13[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : how big?
04:10.32wundaboywell hopefully huge eventually, but its just going to be a messaging service
04:10.52wundaboylike you get 10 did's and put them on different forms of advertising
04:11.07wundaboythen people call and leave a message and you find out what advertising works the best
04:11.26[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : little need of * realtime for that....
04:11.38wundaboywell im gonna make a php end for it
04:11.42[TK]D-Fenderit'd be AGI for the mostpart
04:11.46wundaboyim a programmer
04:11.52wundaboyso, thats my plan...
04:12.03wundaboywhats AGI?
04:12.11[TK]D-Fenderok, what bits do you have set up now?
04:12.33wundaboymake samples, then just a little extensions.conf sip.conf and iax.conf
04:12.42wundaboyi just started today
04:12.57Corydon76-homeAGI is for the lazy who can't learn to program extensions.conf
04:13.32[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : No, its for those needing outside decisions to be made without nasty bulk.
04:14.12*** join/#asterisk Sternn (
04:14.26Corydon76-homeYeah, right
04:14.31*** join/#asterisk devnull431 (
04:14.55Corydon76-homeHow about people who think they have too many CPU cycles and want to waste a few
04:15.00[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : Of course thats for people who don't want to do it all in C direct...
04:15.42[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : list your extensions and I'll give you a good sample to work with.
04:15.57wundaboyok if you want it you can have it...
04:16.07Corydon76-homeProgramming the dialplan is always faster than AGI
04:16.15Corydon76-homeand uses less memory
04:16.19[TK]D-FenderI said LIST your extensions (what you # your phones like), no extensions.conf as a whole!
04:16.32jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
04:16.49wundaboyoh, earlier you wanted the whole thing
04:16.54wundaboyok here are my extensions:
04:16.56[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : that was THEN :)
04:17.03wundaboythats it
04:17.14[TK]D-Fenderjust 1 so far?  SIP?
04:17.23[TK]D-Fenderok, hold on.
04:18.01orlockAnybody? Sangoma S518 SDSL card?
04:19.34Corydon76-homeorlock: try ebay
04:20.16[TK]D-Fenderorlock : Yup, I use that on my server
04:20.35[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : Under construction, 2 minutes
04:20.46wundaboyim not sure what your making [TK]D-Fender
04:21.32orlock[TK]D-Fender: can you lspci for me?
04:21.45orlockCorydon76-home: i got several
04:22.01Corydon76-homeorlock: We only use Digium
04:22.29GrizzyI have ipkall call 2345678 at  I have a paragraph named [2345678] in sip.conf, but it does not activate (the context=blah does not take)  What's wrong?
04:22.33orlockCorydon76-home: these are DSL cards, not fxo/fxp cards
04:23.02Corydon76-homeorlock: We use Digium for data connectivity, too
04:23.13orlockAhh, ADSL?
04:23.15theorem_so, I've watches that presentation in asterisk by Systm ... I think the idea of the Sipura3000 -- I see that Cisco has bought Sipura and stuff the brand into Linksys.   Is this still a good device ?  or are there other better ones ?
04:23.18Corydon76-homeNo, T1
04:23.26orlockthey are mucho $$$ here
04:23.31wundaboy[TK]D-Fender: where is it?? :P
04:23.33[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : paste just the dial line for your IAX trunk
04:23.34orlockcos of our braindead incumbent telco
04:23.43Corydon76-home$500 for 1.5 here
04:23.54Corydon76-homeThat's data only, though
04:24.07xtrvdCorydon76-home: Where abouts?
04:24.10orlockwe have access to high quality leased line dsl
04:24.11[TK]D-Fenderwun So then force 10 digit dialing?
04:24.17theorem_Corydon76-home that seems like a lot ... verizon offers home - fiber plans faster than that for $45 a month
04:24.17orlockso we generally use that instead
04:24.18[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : Sorry, 11 rather?
04:24.35Corydon76-hometheorem_: Verizon doesn't compete in Nashville
04:24.49theorem_I see
04:24.53Corydon76-hometheorem_: though they're supposed to be, under the agreement that formed Verizon
04:25.33theorem_it seems they'd nuker hte competition if they came to town.
04:25.42theorem_I can not type tonight ..
04:25.53orlock[TK]D-Fender:can you do an lspci and get me the id of the s518?
04:25.56[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : Heres a replacement extensions.conf :
04:25.58Corydon76-homeThe Justice Dept approved the merger under the condition that Verizon start competing in multiple markets outside of their incumbent cities
04:25.59*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
04:26.29Corydon76-homeDitto for SBC.  Neither of them has actually started competing, though.
04:26.49theorem_is it SBC and At+T now ?
04:27.00asterboyare there call logs in /var/log?
04:27.01theorem_didn;t at&t just get a facelift .. did htey merge too ?
04:27.37[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : And here is a supplemental file included by the first, to be named "extensions-features.conf" : [features]
04:27.37[TK]D-Fender; Record new prompts.  Don't forget to rename and move these!
04:27.37[TK]D-Fenderexten => *40,1,Answer
04:27.37[TK]D-Fenderexten => *40,2,Playback(custom/pleaserecordafterbeep)
04:27.37[TK]D-Fenderexten => *40,3,Record(/tmp/asterisk-recording:gsm)
04:27.39[TK]D-Fenderexten => *40,4,Wait(2)
04:27.40Corydon76-homeThey merged with SBC
04:27.41[TK]D-Fenderexten => *40,5,Playback(/tmp/asterisk-recording)
04:27.43[TK]D-Fenderexten => *40,6,Wait(2)
04:27.45[TK]D-Fenderexten => *40,7,Hangup
04:27.47[TK]D-Fender; Playback the last recorded prompt
04:27.49[TK]D-Fenderexten => *41,1,Answer
04:27.51[TK]D-Fenderexten => *41,2,Wait(1)
04:27.51theorem_ahh, ok
04:27.53[TK]D-Fenderexten => *41,3,Playback(/tmp/asterisk-recording)
04:27.55[TK]D-Fenderexten => *41,4,Hangup
04:27.57[TK]D-Fender; Test out our main menu
04:27.59[TK]D-Fenderexten => *42,1,Goto(mainmenu,s,1)
04:28.01[TK]D-Fender; test to hear your CallerID
04:28.03[TK]D-Fenderexten => *43,1,Answer
04:28.05[TK]D-Fenderexten => *43,2,Playback(custom/yourcalleridis)
04:28.07[TK]D-Fenderexten => *43,3,SayDigits(${CALLERID(number)})
04:28.09[TK]D-Fenderexten => *43,4,Hangup
04:28.11[TK]D-Fender; Voicemail (by added mailbox #)
04:28.13[TK]D-Fenderexten => _*97.,1,Answer
04:28.15[TK]D-Fenderexten => _*97.,2,VoicemailMain(${EXTEN:3}@default)
04:28.17[TK]D-Fenderexten => _*97.,3,Hangup
04:28.19Corydon76-homeOr more correctly, SBC bought ATT and took their name
04:28.19[TK]D-Fender; Voicemail (by callerID)
04:28.20asterboywhat happened to pastebin?
04:28.21[TK]D-Fenderexten => *98,1,Answer
04:28.23[TK]D-Fenderexten => *98,2,VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(number)$}@default)
04:28.25[TK]D-Fenderexten => *98,3,Hangup
04:28.27[TK]D-Fender; Voicemail (main)
04:28.29[TK]D-Fenderexten => *99,1,Answer
04:28.31jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
04:28.31Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: you're a fucking moron.
04:28.31[TK]D-Fenderexten => *99,2,VoicemailMain()
04:28.33[TK]D-Fenderexten => *99,3,Hangup
04:28.43[TK]D-Fenderthere.. link.
04:28.45[TK]D-Fenderfriggen paste error.
04:28.55*** join/#asterisk heison (
04:29.02theorem_so .. Corydon76-home   -- you run asterisk at home, or ?
04:29.09wundaboyon my incoming voip, should i change the context to "macro-stdexten" ?
04:29.21Corydon76-hometheorem_: in multiple locations
04:29.22[TK]D-FenderThanks... I'm well aware of pastebin.... DUH.  Just didn't successfuly grab the URL from my paste..  CHILL
04:30.06theorem_Corydon76-home - so, do you use a FXS/FXO combination box, or just straight IAX / SIP phones no land lines ?
04:30.22Corydon76-hometheorem_: depends upon the customer
04:30.26[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy, no, in [incoming] you should match the DID like "exten => 8005551212,1,Goto(mainmenu,s,1)" and that will give them a menu
04:30.37theorem_ahh , so they're commercail installs.
04:30.40*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (i=Kernel_C@
04:30.49wundaboyoh gotcha
04:31.02Corydon76-hometheorem_: and at home.  and on my desk at work
04:31.27Corydon76-hometheorem_: there isn't a set single way that I do Asterisk installs
04:31.51theorem_I assume if I get asterisk working, I can fool around wit hsoft phones before I go and buy hardware to do SIP for example ?
04:32.05Corydon76-homeYou could
04:32.25[TK]D-Fenderorlock : I think this is it... 01:09.0 Network controller: Globespan Semiconductor Inc.: Unknown device d002 (rev 01)
04:32.38theorem_I have it installed .. just need to find some time to do configuration and handling
04:33.05asterboywhere does asterisk keep the call logs?
04:33.47wundaboyok im very nub but when i changed the context for the incoming voip context=incoming i got this error
04:33.51asterboy./var/log/asterisk doesn't seem to show actual call connections.
04:33.53wundaboyRejected connect attempt from, request '15033341400@incoming' does not exist
04:34.03theorem_yeah that's a nice card Corydon-home  -- out of my price range I think for now :)
04:34.21theorem_is there a specific way you recommend I follow for first -time ?
04:34.39[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : add this to [incoming] ----  exten => 15033341400,1,Goto(mainmenu,s,1)
04:35.16[TK]D-Fenderthat will pick up your incoming DID and dump them in the menu sample I gave you.  between those 2 files you should have a great base to learn how a dialplan should be arranged.
04:35.37Corydon76-hometheorem_: nothing in particular
04:35.49Corydon76-hometheorem_: I encourage use of func_odbc, though
04:35.52theorem_how did you go about it ?
04:36.10wundaboyalright, thanks
04:36.12theorem_asterisk dev ..
04:36.16theorem_maybe asking the wrong person :)
04:36.46Corydon76-homeI encourage the use of anything that I write.  :-)
04:37.20niteowlozanybody know how to use ast_config with sip to register with a sip provider
04:37.28orlock[TK]D-Fender: 00:0b.0 Network controller: Globespan Semiconductor Inc.: Unknown device d002 (rev 01) - thats my Traverse Pulsar
04:38.13*** part/#asterisk Ramzi-324 (
04:38.23niteowlozsearched high and low through the realtime doc but no answer found
04:38.36theorem_Corydon76-home - I've heard of configurations including use of the cell phone network ... I assume that's possible with asterisk ?  If I have a phone cable .. I guess I need drivers ... hmm ...
04:38.38GamercjmNeed help with .call files, who knows how to use/set them
04:39.07[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : You'll have to make some recordings for that menu to work.  Thats what the *40 macro is for
04:39.13Corydon76-homePossible, yes.  Common, no.
04:40.08Corydon76-homeGamercjm: just stick them in the right directory when you're ready to fire them off
04:40.19theorem_Corydon76-home - I envision asterisk hooking into POTS, VoIP services and Cell network , depending on time of day routing calls over efficient mediums.  hmm .. maybe SMS on the phone would be a feat.
04:40.26GamercjmI think i dont have the Channel set up correctly
04:40.37GamercjmIm trying to use: IAX2/
04:40.44wundaboyso if i type *40 when it will make a recording?
04:40.55Corydon76-hometheorem_: it requires a GSM modem to hook into the cell network.  Those things aren't cheap
04:40.56[TK]D-Fenderread what it does.
04:41.00theorem_I guess I need to bang out what I want to use asterisk for before I do any setting up
04:41.10[TK]D-Fenderthats in thesend file I pastebin'd for you
04:41.27Corydon76-homeor a CDMA modem, for Sprint
04:41.36theorem_why GSM ?  I have a CDMA phone here in the US ... verizon is the provider .. I can make calls with Windows out over the USB->phone cord ...
04:41.43theorem_the same is not true for *nix ?
04:41.47wundaboydid you type this all out?
04:41.53wundaboyor do you have a generator...
04:42.19Corydon76-hometheorem_: sure, if you want to have your cell phone tied to the phone system
04:42.36Corydon76-hometheorem_: and even then, you're not able to send more than a single call out at once
04:42.39theorem_I've never had it any other way
04:42.45[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : All hand coded
04:42.46theorem_how ..
04:42.51theorem_how could it be otherwise ?
04:42.57Corydon76-hometheorem_: that's why you need a CDMA modem
04:43.13wundaboy[TK]D-Fender: all hand coded tonight? :P
04:43.43Corydon76-homeYou might get a unit that can do 4 calls at once, plus a good antenna, situated outside of your colo
04:43.46wundaboycan i call it with my polycom, my cell has bad quality
04:43.57theorem_oh, so the CDMA modem handles multiple cells ...
04:43.59theorem_right ...
04:44.11Corydon76-homeAntennas don't typically do well inside a colo center
04:44.16theorem_yeah .. maybe overkill for a home user :)
04:44.38orlockCorydon76-home: if a mobile works...
04:44.43MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon76-home, you need to run a repeater to the roof!
04:44.58orlockwe have a GSM modem here for nagios paging
04:45.07theorem_yeah .. route GSM calls in the area over the free VoIP
04:45.11orlockits a Seimens M20A iirc
04:45.11theorem_nobody would know :)
04:45.15Corydon76-homeMikeJ[Laptop]: I've only ever done a single GSM modem for SMS reception
04:45.30MikeJ[Laptop]yeah.. I think we have 1
04:45.42MikeJ[Laptop]or maybe that is just brians..
04:46.13Corydon76-hometheorem_: GSM calls aren't free, though... and they tend to cost the same whether local or long distance
04:46.26theorem_I see
04:46.50Corydon76-homeI anything, you might set up a voip provider that routes calls over GSM
04:47.31theorem_seems pricey though ....
04:47.57Corydon76-homeEveryone wants a piece of the action
04:48.39GamercjmSo about the .call files, anybody know how to set the correct channel with IAX2
04:48.41[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : No, its a trimmed back version of mine.
04:49.35wundaboycan i record messages with my polycom?
04:50.22[TK]D-Fendersure.  any phone connected to * will do
04:50.29wundaboywhat does _9. mean?
04:50.42theorem_Corydon76-home - do you recommend any soft phones ?
04:52.25[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy, means you dial 9+ the number to dial to dial out.
04:54.08wundaboymy phone automatically sends after i type 9 and then 8 numbers
04:54.18wundaboyExecuting Dial("SIP/101-ec48", "IAX2/jnctn_outgoing/1503803624") in new stack
04:54.42[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : There are a LOT of ways you can set up dialing.  If you do a lot of inter-extension dialing you can have it so that you jsut dial the ext # (be it 2-4 digits or whatever) and it will IMMEDIATELY dial, or do 9 + number and wait for external.
04:55.13[TK]D-FenderYou can also just have it listen to 10 digits and then it can ADD the "1" for you and dial, 7 digit + wait and it'll add the first 4, etc...
04:55.23theorem_[TK]D-Fender - some systems you hear a different dialtone after you press 9
04:55.30theorem_I assume that's easy to setup.
04:55.45[TK]D-Fendertheorem_ : Not really....
04:55.52*** part/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
04:56.14theorem_you've let me down !
04:56.34[TK]D-Fendertheorem_ : basically * usually expects you to break dial-tone by starting your number and by the time you stop, have something to process
04:56.49[TK]D-Fenderhappy landings!
04:57.16theorem_I see
04:57.35theorem_so, you can't prosess the keypresses until after ..
04:57.40theorem_seems .. tricky.
04:57.47wundaboyoh man
04:57.51wundaboythis is fun to play around with
05:00.16theorem_wundaboy - using a POTS phone ?
05:00.33wundaboypolycom ip500
05:00.36*** join/#asterisk rpm (
05:00.44wundaboywhy is that?
05:00.48theorem_just curious
05:01.02theorem_taking a poll :)
05:03.10wundaboyso i connect with the main menu
05:03.36wundaboythen i type *40
05:03.41wundaboyand nothing happens in the console
05:04.21*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
05:05.02*** join/#asterisk tehdely (
05:08.59[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : make sure you made that 2nd file I pastebined...
05:09.38[TK]D-FenderNo, you don't do that throught he menu, you do it direct on your phone
05:11.06*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
05:12.42Nuggetyay happy bkws
05:17.40De_Monanyone successfully using meetme's 'i' flag?
05:17.45*** join/#asterisk mrtwister|mobile (
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05:28.00gwynmHey guys. I'm getting conflicting information - do I *need* a timing device to do IAX trunking?
05:28.50wunderkinthe answer is.... yes
05:29.08gwynmRight. That's going to be fun.. I'm on a VPS :/.
05:29.39wunderkindont use trunking
05:30.10gwynmI just signed up with atp ( ... they use it at their end.
05:31.02gwynmI get billions of "WARNING[8939]: chan_iax2.c:5075 socket_read: meta trunk cmd 1 received, I only understand 0 (perhaps the remote side is sending trunk timestamps?)" ... presumably because they're using trunking and I'm not ..?
05:31.29wunderkini've never used it, maybe
05:33.22wunderkinmay be a way to use ztdummy, you would have to research that more, i haven't had to worry about that
05:56.31*** join/#asterisk Telamon (
05:58.34TelamonDoes anyone know what codec's the IAXy actually supports? It says it will do g729, but I can't seem to get it to make a call with that codec.  It drops back to ulaw.
05:59.25russellbum, where did you see that the IAXy does 729?
05:59.32russellbIt supports ulaw and adpcm.
06:00.08hmodesyeah, somehow I doubt the iaxy cpu could handle g729, let alone licensing implications
06:00.12TelamonIn the source code to iaxyprov.
06:01.11TelamonShit.  So not even GSM?  The whole 80kB/sec codec thing is a problem if you want to run multiple calls off a single cable modem...
06:03.00hmodesrun a * on the same lan to transcode?
06:04.00hmodesI think the iaxy was mostly targetted as a lan tdm extension rather then a cpu-heavy remote cpe
06:04.28TelamonI think I'd rather just buy a different phonebox.  The Grandstream HT series supports g729, as does the GNet VP168.
06:04.30Mavviethere is something serious wrong with the logging of asterisk. It shouldn't be so hard to find matching lines from one (leg of a) call on a busy pabx.
06:05.53hmodesi'd take a linksys pap2 over grandstream any day of the week, personally
06:06.24hmodestho' I dunno if the grandstreams can do more then one g729 stream
06:06.35TelamonOkay, second question. :)  I'm having problems with transmitting sound on IAX calls, for both the IAXY and other IAX phones.  Basically, the transmitted sound cuts out when talking to another phone, but works fine when leaving voicemail on the Asterisk server.  SIP phones function fine, and IAX phones receive sound perfectly.  This is codec independant.  I've tried with ulaw, g729, and gsm.
06:06.48Abydos313hmodes i'm asking because i haven't bought my device yet. i had the spa3k in mind
06:06.53hmodesthe sipura-derivatives have far superior provisioning and stability tho'
06:07.48Telamonhmodes: Is that one of the Linksys routers with a built in 2 port device (ie, the Vonage box) or one of the little IAXy style Sipura devices?
06:08.35Abydos313i want quality over price.
06:08.59hmodesthe pap2 == spa2k/ata186
06:09.16hmodesjust another adaptation of the original kimodo design
06:09.29hmodesrock solid, if not the fastest in the world
06:09.39Abydos313i'm surprised there isn't more howto's on making your own ata adapter on the net.
06:09.41*** join/#asterisk denon (
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06:09.52hmodesgiven the bandwidth for ulaw, i'd take an iaxy
06:10.03hmodesif you need g729, i'd take a pap2/ata186/spa2k
06:10.07hmodesif you need a router, good luck ;p
06:10.23Abydos313pap2-na :))
06:10.27Grizzyabydos - meetoo.
06:10.43Abydos313i don't have that, jsut if you're going to get a pap2 get na model
06:11.05GrizzyI was just looking for FXO do-it-yourself devices.  (as in unix-windmodem drivers)
06:11.06Abydos313i'm only having fun with softphones at the moment
06:11.27*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
06:11.28Grizzyabydos - have you tried an ipkall number yet?
06:11.34hmodesthere's a lengthy thread on dslreports about unlocking store-bought pap2s ;p
06:11.37hmodesit's pretty trivial
06:11.53konfuzedoh realy
06:12.02Abydos313actually what is ipkall?
06:12.30konfuzedhow about the rpt300
06:12.38Grizzyabydos - go to    Free regular phone numbers that will talk to asterisk.
06:12.39Abydos313ok googled answered that
06:13.04hmodesno such luck with the rpt/wrtps
06:13.20GrizzyMine is working, though I don't understand why it uses the default extension.
06:13.24Abydos313Grizzy are you using it?
06:14.01Abydos313so what exactly does it let you do with *
06:14.19Abydos313an inbound number?
06:14.20Grizzythere's some BS on voip-info about how to set it up.  one bit of it is right, anyway.
06:14.46Abydos313i'll search the forums
06:14.46Grizzyhave your computer read your e-mail to you.
06:15.14Grizzyhave your computer warm up your hot tub for you.
06:15.46Grizzyget all your friends to conference into a big voice chat room.
06:15.50sl16i want to know on what second one extension is answered, how could i do that
06:16.02*** join/#asterisk jayk- (
06:16.48jayk-is there a way to tie in asterisk with a 128 phone line motel? what kind of hardware would you use to mux the POTS lines to the asterisk server using a quad PRI board?
06:18.08Abydos313i'm on the west coast , a call to washington wouldnt be cheap..heh
06:18.14*** join/#asterisk udk (i=udontkno@freenode/staff/udontknow)
06:18.56jayk-i'm in washington
06:19.15Abydos313so it would work for your friends
06:31.54GrizzyI pay the $50/month for unlimiited long-distance.
06:32.34Grizzymy phone bills looked like the italian national debt in lyre, before.
06:40.17denonisnt that lira?
06:41.06*** join/#asterisk d-tech (
06:41.14UdontKnowGrizzy: where do you live?
06:47.21firestrm!seen websae
07:00.12*** join/#asterisk htims (
07:01.03*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
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07:06.11*** join/#asterisk tasat (
07:07.51tasathi, new to sip and having some problems:  asterisk is periodically (every 120s) sending register commands to the proxy server, its looking like they all come back unauthorized, asterisk tries again, and then it's successful -- is asterisk changing something after the first failure?  is there a way to get through the first time?
07:13.33*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
07:13.48tasathi, new to sip and having some problems:  asterisk is periodically (every 120s) sending register commands to the proxy server, its looking like they all come back unauthorized, asterisk tries again, and then it's successful -- is asterisk changing something after the first failure?  is there a way to get through the first time?
07:17.05*** join/#asterisk dokhench (
07:17.21tasathi, new to sip and having some problems:  asterisk is periodically (every 120s) sending register commands to the proxy server, its looking like they all come back unauthorized, asterisk tries again, and then it's successful -- is asterisk changing something after the first failure?  is there a way to get through the first time?
07:19.09UdontKnowtasat: I have a similar problem... a user is sending the very same message every few minutes here
07:19.43tasatyeah, sorry... saw a couple new people enter -- everyone else seems dead
07:20.51tuxinator_linuxMIt's always dead in the middle of the night
07:21.32tasatyou mean people actually sleep?
07:21.45tuxinator_linuxMnot by choice
07:24.17*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:31.26*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
07:37.28Snake-Eyespfft its late afternoon here :P
07:38.08tasatSnake-Eyes: since you're wide awake... any idea about my problem?
07:38.32*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
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07:43.24ZX81wow ok, it's just quiet
07:49.57*** join/#asterisk littlejohn (
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07:54.08FuriousGeorgehey all
07:54.10*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
07:54.25FuriousGeorgek pasa
07:55.32tasathi, anyone familiar with asterisk's sip registration procedure?
07:55.42ZX81not really
07:55.57FuriousGeorgeregister >
07:56.04tasattrying to debug a problem..... yeah,
07:56.19ZX81do a sip debug maybe?
07:56.25ZX81make sure realm is correct
07:56.35tasatI've got the command right, but having unreliable initiation
07:56.39FuriousGeorgeand if you want .../s if you want it to default to s extension in given context defined above
07:56.48tasatworks maybe 1 in 4 times...
07:56.50FuriousGeorgedefine unreliable?
07:56.54ZX81packet loss?
07:57.00FuriousGeorgeangry monkey?
07:57.03ZX81unreliable host?
07:57.11jboti heard furiousgeorge is a knife-fighting monkey last seen with The Man with the Yellow Bat
07:57.23jbotadn is, like, the Asterisk Daily News - for HTML and for RSS
07:57.55tasatperhaps, I don't know.... but asterisk issues the register command for each proxy server, it comes back unauthorized... tries again and then it works....  then after 120sec it expires and the process repeats.
07:58.08tasatthis sound like typical sip registration process?
07:58.42FuriousGeorgeok, i have 6 candels burning, you guys think that gonna help my room of approximately 3,000 cubic feet
07:59.00FuriousGeorge*help heat it
07:59.25FuriousGeorgetasat: try a different provider
07:59.27FuriousGeorgesee what happens is free
07:59.53FuriousGeorgeuse to test
07:59.57tasatyeah, ok.
08:00.10tasatFuriousGeroge: but does anything sound out of the ordinary?
08:00.17FuriousGeorgeregister =>
08:00.30FuriousGeorgetasat: yeah, something is not ordinary with that :)
08:00.45tasatFuriousGeorge: what is not ordinary?
08:01.03*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
08:01.20FuriousGeorgethe part where:  "asterisk issues the register command for each proxy server, it comes back unauthorized... tries again and then it works....  then after 120sec it expires and the process repeats."
08:01.31FuriousGeorgehioghly irregular
08:01.48ZX81sounds like the other end is retarded
08:01.52tasatwhat about the 120 sec. expiry?  that's an asterisk default no?
08:01.59ZX81inside the file
08:02.07ZX81but they need to fix their problem
08:02.20ZX81who is it?
08:02.37ZX81that should work
08:02.39FuriousGeorgehmmm, heard they were pretty good
08:02.49tasatyeah... me too
08:02.54oejZX81: Evening/morning!
08:03.02tasatthat's why I'm thinking it's me
08:03.12ZX81ask oej
08:03.15FuriousGeorgetasat: nat?
08:03.28ZX81but he's getting auth problems no?
08:03.32tasatso, just so I have this right... the 120 sec expiry is normal, right?
08:03.33ZX81what error do you get back
08:03.43ZX81how are you oej?
08:03.48FuriousGeorgedont ask iej, i hear he is still working on learning to park calls right, or something.  he cant help you
08:03.52tasatFuriousGeorge: yes, but the ports are open
08:04.01ZX81is natting?
08:04.07ZX81the question really
08:04.09FuriousGeorgeports shouldnt matter if you are client side
08:04.13ZX81is whether it gets refused
08:04.17ZX81or just forgotten
08:04.28tasatthe only thing I get back is a 401 unauthroized
08:04.45ZX81so it's not a nat hole
08:04.48tasatRegister, trying, unauthorized, register, ok...
08:04.53ZX81maybe load balancing?
08:04.57ZX81at the other end
08:05.02tasatthey've got 7 switches
08:05.02*** join/#asterisk dudes (
08:05.09ZX81and one machine doesn't have correct details?
08:05.34FuriousGeorgetasat: grab a sipphone account see what happens.  it will take 3 min.  directions on voip-info.  search sipphone
08:05.35*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
08:05.50*** part/#asterisk dudes (
08:08.30nayyareswhich softphone work fine with CenOS? GLP :)
08:08.38Qwellnayyares: any?
08:08.47Qwellkphone, linphone, iaxcomm, idefisk, xlite
08:09.08[av]baniQwell: warezed 7970 sip yet?
08:09.18nayyaresQwell, thanks
08:11.33[av]banihmm.. looks like the sip images are different in some way.. nobody has been able to get the new sip images to register with *
08:11.44[av]baniit has something specific for CCM now
08:14.04tasatFuriousGeorge, Zx81: thanks for your help.... sipphone seemed to choke on my reg email, so I'm going to bed... I'll check with the asterlink guys tomorrow
08:14.31FuriousGeorgetasat: \ i think
08:14.46FuriousGeorgeits no longer sipphone
08:15.00FuriousGeorgei had same problem once
08:15.02tasatyeah, ok, it just came through
08:15.18FuriousGeorgefrom sipphone?
08:15.38FuriousGeorgei guess both are working again
08:16.33*** join/#asterisk scanna (
08:16.41diLLecanyone can help with an "asterisk behind a nat and phone behind a nat" problem ?
08:18.15QwelldiLLec: behind different nats?
08:18.33*** join/#asterisk fifer (
08:22.46*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
08:22.47diLLecSIP phone (snom190) is behind a netgear nat
08:23.01diLLecthe asterisk server is behind a checkpoint firewall
08:23.34diLLecconnectivity between phone and asterisk is given.
08:24.10diLLecbut asterisk is responding "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" on REGISTER sip:........... SIP/2.0
08:29.48*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (n=otaku42@madwifi/developer/otaku42)
08:31.20*** join/#asterisk af_ (
08:31.25otaku42i'm wading through the configuration of a sipura spa-2002 and am wondering about the meaning of several configuration settings related to "NSE". does anyone in here know what NSE means?
08:35.07*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
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08:46.02otaku42wild guess: is NSE something like "no such encoder", packed at the end of the codec preference list to signal "sorry, pal, we can't negotiate on a common codec, as it seems"?
08:47.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
08:48.16Enthoh man, cheers.
08:51.27Enthwhat's special about 8th?
08:52.16otaku42Enth: world female day or something like that
08:58.42wasimEvery day is Women's day!
08:58.51wasimoh, i forgot, you're not married :S
08:59.14RoyKwasim: they still have this day, though
08:59.45wasimlol, nobody cares about poor wasim
08:59.46wasimno riots
08:59.50wasimno burnings
08:59.51wasimnothing ...
08:59.53wasimtsk tsk
09:01.38wasimmmmh ... virgins
09:04.14wasimmaybe they misprinted it, maybe its just 1 virgin, whose like as fat as 72 nice thin blondes
09:04.27wasimthat would not be fun ...
09:04.39wasimooh, ooh, maybe thats hell, and the 72 thin ones is heaven :)
09:05.12wasimespecially if she wants to be on top
09:09.22RoyKzoa: there must be something between 1.2.0 and 1.2.5 that breaks the jb patch
09:09.26RoyKi'll have to work on it
09:09.34RoyK1.2.0 does not leak
09:10.49zoaaha good news
09:10.58zoatry to test the versions in between
09:11.02zoauntil you find where it breajs
09:11.23RoyKI'll need to setup a test bench first
09:11.32RoyKcan't do this in production
09:11.50zoaaha k
09:12.23RoyKzoa: you had some nice tools for stresstesting this, didn't you?
09:12.42zoanot really
09:13.01RoyKi thought you said you'd ran a few million calls through it....
09:14.31otaku42noone has an idea about the meaning of the term "NSE" (in context with Sipura SPA-2002)?
09:15.15RoyKanyway - this means the asterisk generic jitterbuffer works!!
09:15.55EnthAnyone can recommend ways to eliminate or reduce echoing?
09:16.29RoyKEnth: with what sort of communication? sip/sip? sip/zap?
09:17.26wasimoh the nightmares of last night
09:18.01EnthRoyK ?
09:18.22*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
09:18.42RoyKEnth: echocancel should be at the sip endpoints
09:19.12EnthWhere do I do that?
09:19.23RoyKnot in asterisk unless you use asterisk as a softphone
09:19.50EnthI use x-lite as the softphone
09:19.58RoyKEnth: there's work on changing a bug (feature?) in asterisk that replaces sip timestamps when sip calls are bridged, which is stupid, but i'm not sure if that is relevant to this
09:20.17RoyKwith a laptop and built-in speakers and mic?
09:20.18Enthno it's not relevant.
09:20.39EnthRoyK - No - A desktop with 8 Channel Surround Sound and external mic
09:21.01Enthwhy? do laptops and built in speakers/mic have problems?
09:21.26RoyKthat's the worst echo scenario on the planet
09:21.32EnthI tend to hear the echo of my own words a few times.
09:21.39*** join/#asterisk astar` (
09:22.02EnthAny suggestions?
09:22.05RoyKEnth: no
09:22.18RoyKEnth: i don't think there are any echo cancellors that can deal with that
09:22.53Grizzypolycom speakerphones do rather well at echo cancellation.  : o )
09:23.07EnthSo what's the whole point of running * if one can't reduce echo cancellation? :)
09:23.25X-Rob_you want to reduce echo, or increase echo cancellation
09:23.31X-Rob_I'm pretty sure you don't want to reduce echo cancellation
09:23.53Grizzyyou need more microphones and some heavy "follow the source" software.
09:24.21RoyKEnth: loud speakerphones is always a problem
09:24.32RoyKsound from the speakers go into the mic
09:24.52Enthso you'd suggest hardphones?
09:24.53RoyKso you need some pretty fancy echocancellors to remove that
09:25.16RoyKthey usually have some if they're built for speakerphones
09:25.24EnthIP hard phones are better then?
09:25.49Grizzyit can be done adequately, but it's a complicated problem that polycom's do in a DSP.
09:26.06RoyKEnth: they may be, try it
09:26.15EnthDo you guys get echoes?
09:26.27RoyKEnth: get a deal with the supplier so you can return them if they dont't do the job
09:26.32GrizzyHeadsets are inexpensive.
09:26.47EnthI also use headsets but there are echoes there too
09:27.05GrizzyX-lite and X-ten I -think- are supposed to have some cancellation.
09:27.19EnthI'm guessing the actual proc/box has to do with this too. - that is must be a really good processor, good RAM etc
09:27.21kippiI have a avaya 4620 handset, has anyone else used them
09:27.49RoyKEnth: try eyebeam, pay for it, if it has echo, call xten and bitch them :)
09:28.20RoyKEnth: echocancel doesn't require too much cpu for a single call
09:28.30Grizzyx-lite seems to do slightly better than pulver communicator.
09:29.02Enthhrmmm, I'm just surprised that there is nothing that one can do to reduce echoes in *
09:29.02*** join/#asterisk basta (
09:29.30Grizzyi thought there was a cancellation plug in?
09:29.37EnthI mean if one runs Cisco AVVID or Nortel IPT and any commercial products with softphones etc, there is hardly are echoing
09:29.49RoyKEnth: if there is, it requires PURCHASING the lient
09:29.56RoyKx-lite isn't supported anymore
09:31.13RoyKit's not that expensive :)
09:32.18Grizzymy x-lite still works with my asterisk...
09:32.32RoyKit does
09:32.42Enthit works but its not as good as well commercial stuff
09:32.51RoyKeyebeam audio only is only $30
09:32.52Enthremember its free and not supported anymore.
09:33.05EnthEyeBeam does not work on Linux/BSD platforms.
09:33.09*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
09:33.10*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
09:33.55RoyKi don't know any good softphones for *nix
09:36.03EnthWell, apart from x-lite, GnomePhone (It's an H.323 client) is ok but most of the others are that good
09:37.38viperdudeanyone here got experience with flash operator panel?
09:37.39*** join/#asterisk areski (
09:38.11Enthcan be an issue if one's a mobile worker and running linux/bsd on his laptop and can only use softphones.
09:38.33Enthspecially for SME who have a few teleworkers/mobile workers running laptops
09:38.46Enthcant expect them to carry their hard phones.
09:41.09*** join/#asterisk pif (
09:45.35EnthWell, the article on voip-info on echo cancellation says it all.
09:45.39Enththought as much
09:48.20*** join/#asterisk adaro2001 (
09:54.39RoyKEnth: softphones work well. we have been using x-pro in our callcentre for 18 months or so
09:55.13Enthno echo issue?
09:55.34EnthI guess that's the price one has to pay when it's "free"
09:55.46vgsteri got off softphones, moved to hardphones with headsets, think the probably was with the rubber band power PC's they were using
09:56.18zoaroyk, try idefisk!
09:56.37Enthdoes idefisk work on SIP?
09:56.55vgsteri had a problem selecting my headset with idefisk, kept defaulting to the onboard audio
09:57.08zoanot yet, but it will soon work on sip
09:57.19RoyKzoa: idefisk???
09:57.28Enthiax2 client
09:57.41RoyKin norwegian, ide means Idea, fisk means fish, so idefisk means idea-fish
09:57.46zoayeah i know about that
09:57.50Enthwhich is what it is.
10:00.24vgsterRoyK did you get your spandsp thing fixed?
10:00.33RoyKnot yet
10:00.38vgsterdoes itn ot build?
10:00.49RoyKit builds but it doesn't load
10:01.13vgsterodd, cos i remember seeing the error you had, but i didnt get it when i tried yesterday
10:03.27RoyKwhat versions?
10:03.41vgster* 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 and spandsp pre25
10:03.47RoyKdunno if it's relevant, but this is x86_64
10:03.56zoadid you try this ?
10:04.12vgsteri had problems with x86_64 in general
10:06.25GrizzyI wanna set up festival and sphinx! Oh boy! Oh boy!
10:07.03*** join/#asterisk vadimx (
10:09.17vadimxHello, somebody can help me? I need to send fax to SIP phone, and I have problem with "Channel" syntax in fax file
10:10.07vadimxExample: Channel:SIP/G1/1234567
10:10.17vadimxwhat is G1 and 1234567?
10:16.45vgsterid assume that 1234567 is the destination number
10:17.19vgsterisnt the G1 the zap dialout group
10:17.23*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
10:17.27zoaemail me those pictures
10:17.40zoai need them for blackmailing purposes
10:18.04*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
10:19.19vadimxand G1 - this is example only.. this is terminal what sending a fax?
10:19.32oejzoa: I have them in secret storage
10:19.32vadimxi mean what must be in second paramater?
10:19.40oejzoa: And you know my paypal address
10:19.49oejzoa: I'll accept SEK, EURO and USD
10:19.53otaku42no one has an idea about the meaning of the term "NSE" (in context with Sipura SPA-2002)?
10:22.00*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
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10:23.00darkskiezwhat parameter changes the source ip address in the sip packets to be a dns address so calls come from number@domain rather than number@ip? or do i need to configure reverse dns
10:25.34*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=igor@
10:26.01backbluehi, morning all, does anyone knows any way of, rewrite, the from domain in sip outgoing calls?
10:26.22zoahaha lol
10:26.26zoacool picture
10:26.29zoasend me the others too!
10:39.11*** join/#asterisk Bambr (
10:47.28RoyK ops
10:58.55oejzoa: Will do
11:02.20*** join/#asterisk KentMentolado (n=KentMent@
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11:03.11KentMentoladoWhen I call extension '1' (or other number), is there any way to know what registered username is asigned to that extension?
11:04.16*** join/#asterisk fgffgd (
11:04.23fgffgdhi all
11:04.51oejzoa: Be scared
11:04.55oejzoa: More is in the mail
11:08.54fgffgdSorry for the "burst but I've got 4 question for some * guru: 1) witch is the best grafic admin/management tool for * ? 2)why my * say that it can do transcoding from alaw to g729 (they are quite common!) ? 3) there is a way to perform modem over VoIP? 4) there is also a way to select some codec ONLY for an entity in sip.conf (allow=gsm inside an entity seems don't work!)
11:12.48*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
11:15.16jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
11:15.27oejGood place to start, fgffgd!
11:16.30fgffgdI didn't know that book
11:16.51fgffgdI'm start reading, even if I already read something
11:17.03fgffgdbut I didn't find a solution for that problem
11:17.13oej"that problem" - you had a list
11:18.40fgffgdhehe yes
11:19.46DrukenHMEwell, i dunno about anyone else, but i've NEVER had luck getting a modem to work over voip
11:20.05DrukenHMEshit, evan fax is flakey
11:22.41oejmodem and fax signals are extremely sensitive for jitter, packet loss and other things that happen in a VoIP network
11:23.12RoyKoej: not really packetloss
11:23.17RoyKoej: but jitter, indeed
11:23.27oejNot packetloss?
11:23.36oejSo you can fax over G.711 with packet loss?
11:23.37RoyKoej: fax protocols can have error correction built+in
11:23.41RoyKa little
11:23.47RoyKbut jitter is far worse
11:23.58oejAlways something to learn
11:24.43RoyKgood article by coppice
11:25.07fgffgdwith g711 I was succeeded
11:25.14fgffgdbut no with g729
11:25.29fgffgdprapbly it's dued to compression I think
11:25.52RoyKfgffgd: hehehe. from the article above:
11:25.53RoyKWould you really expect an 8kbps G.729 codec to convey a 9.6kbps FAX modem signal correctly?
11:26.08*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
11:27.51fgffgdI see!
11:27.57fgffgdyou're right
11:28.18fgffgdand with modem is the same thing
11:28.26vgsterwhat are you using for foip?
11:28.51vgsterandhas anyone had chan_fax working inbound?
11:31.35x86oh my god...
11:31.56x86you know it's bad when you dream about asterisk in your sleep....
11:32.05*** join/#asterisk starlein (
11:32.15Grizzysomeone having nightmares? : o )
11:33.12x86surprisingly they were pleasant dreams
11:33.19GrizzyI'm gonna put up a sex service with my asterisk. : o )
11:33.42dpryoWith the default voice-samples?
11:34.02Grizzyoh, that female thing.  no.
11:34.36Grizzybig gruff voiced gents who make the callers moist.
11:36.41YaPi'm using asterisk with eicon 4 bri but during a call there is a lot of noise, what could be the problem?
11:36.52YaPsometime there is no noise but usually there is
11:37.01YaPi can't hear the other person
11:37.57Grizzywhite noise?  tones?  clicks?  hum?
11:39.54YaPwait i don't know the right word in english :)
11:41.57Ukyox86: HAHAHA
11:42.03Ukyoyou dreamt about * ? :P
11:42.31Ukyo.. not that I'm one to talk... I tend to get dreams of setting up servers, getting support calls, and network outages. those are more of nightmares tho..
11:42.54UkyoI have woken up, and called customers, thinking I was returning a call. due to dreams.
11:43.43DrukenHMEpsyco :)
11:44.18YaPGrizzy: do you have any idea?
11:44.48*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
11:45.12Grizzypower supply problems?  picking up a too-close fan?
11:45.44YaPit does the same on another pc
11:45.59YaPthere is a fan close to the eicon
11:46.01*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:46.04YaPi'm gonna try to switch it off
11:46.29Grizzyis there some industrial machinery that shares power in your building?
11:49.47YaPit's my home
11:50.01YaPi just have pc and routers :)
11:50.34YaPbut i'm gonna try to plug it on another socket
11:50.34YaPbtw it was tested in another town...
11:50.41Grizzydo you own an isolation transformer?
11:50.51Grizzyok, so maybe not power.
11:52.07Ukyohmm, ppl are funny. this guy signs up for a dedicated server and asks 'how fast is my new network?' .. "bud, you got a server, not a whole network." :P
11:52.14Grizzysounds like a short between some address/data bus wire and some of the analog section of the card.  solder bridge?
11:52.51GrizzyWe can burst 100mbit/sec, the facility will do 192mbit/sec.
11:54.16YaPGrizzy: it was tested on different hardware
11:54.17YaPi mean
11:54.27YaPsame model
11:54.29YaPbut different pc
11:54.42Ukyowell, he was just asking what speed the port was set to that his box is plugged into. 10 or 100
11:54.43YaPso it doesn't seem to be broken hardware
11:54.53x86Ukyo: hahahahaha
11:55.05x86Ukyo: YES! someone else is crazier than me!
11:55.08UkyoRight now, I'm pushing out 800mbit
11:55.13Ukyox86: hehe
11:55.18backbluedoes anyone knows any way of, rewrite, the from domain in sip outgoing calls?
11:55.36x86backblue: sure
11:55.42GrizzyI do need to do the calculation of how many callers * hours 2000 terabytes is.
11:55.51x86backblue: are you talking about so that your PSTN provider will honor it?
11:56.15x86Grizzy: you have 2 PB of storage?
11:56.32Ukyospeaking of CID.. all I get for CID are numbers. not names. is normal?
11:56.39x86Ukyo: yep
11:56.43Ukyoi remmember my moms analog getting names
11:56.50DrukenHMEUkyo: sometimes...
11:56.58Grizzysorry, 2TB /month is what we're allowed.  (I'm hallucinating zeroes)
11:57.07Ukyomy cell has a name to it. my mom sees that.
11:57.10Ukyobut if I dial in, no name
11:57.17x86Ukyo: analog gets it, also PRI.... T1 does not, and usually SIP does not either
11:57.37x86Ukyo: usually cell is only number also
11:57.38Grizzyukyo - gigabit ethernet?
11:57.43Ukyox86: t1 is a pri :P
11:57.48x86Ukyo: no
11:57.52x86PRI != T1
11:57.54Ukyoyour right
11:57.57x86i know ;)
11:57.58Ukyodont know why i keep thinking that
11:58.08DrukenHMEpri == channelized t1
11:58.09UkyoGrizzy: I have multiple gige's :)
11:58.19x86T1 == 24 64kbps channels, or 24 voice channels
11:58.31Ukyofor me, I order a t1, and channelize it myself for customers
11:58.35x86PRI == 23 64kbps channels, or 23 voice channels, plus a D channel
11:58.46x86DrukenHME: nope
11:59.00Grizzyukyo - I hope you aren't paying for putting that on the internet.
11:59.03Ukyoneed the D channel to control the 23 lines
11:59.14UkyoGrizzy: nasty bills. :)
11:59.28x86the D channel is used for signalling, and things like your caller ID :P
11:59.35UkyoIt comes with owning a datacenter
11:59.38Grizzyugh.  whatever you're doing better pay well.
11:59.38DrukenHMEx86: technically you can split a t1, have say 20 channels of data, and 3 voice with a D
11:59.50x86DrukenHME: T1's dont have D channels
12:00.06x86only ISDN has D channels (read: PRI)
12:00.07DrukenHMEif you have voice it should... no ?
12:00.14x86they are different ;)
12:00.17Ukyoyou can split it
12:00.17x86PRI != T1
12:00.20Ukyo20 analog lines
12:00.27Ukyoand 4 lines combined for data
12:00.30Ukyobut thats not a pri
12:00.32Ukyothats a t1
12:00.42x86you can do data over PRI also
12:00.42Ukyolines / channels
12:00.58Grizzyis the framing and timing different between a 23B+D PRI and a T1 ?
12:01.03DrukenHMEmaybe that's what i'm thinking
12:01.23Ukyokeep in mind, the analog would be analog, not 64k
12:01.26backbluex86: SIP, only sip, no pstn in the midle! :P
12:01.29x86PRI == ISDN, T1 == HDLC (most of the time, also can be ATM, SONET, or *gasp* frame relay)
12:01.57Ukyobackblue: using voicepulse, I have sent plenty of fake cid's that the pstn accepts.
12:02.01Ukyoobvious fakes
12:02.02YaPGrizzy: could it be a bios problem?
12:02.30Grizzyyap - I doubt it.
12:02.39YaPso i have no idea
12:02.53Grizzyyap - tried another card?
12:03.04YaPdo you mean another model?
12:03.11backblueUkyo: ? forget pstn, asterisk(sip)<->asterisk(sip)
12:03.23Grizzysame model, different serial number.
12:03.36Grizzysame noise?
12:03.56YaPas i told you i have the same hardware of a friend who lives in another town
12:04.03Grizzyautomatic gain set too enthusiastically?
12:04.15YaPi left default values
12:04.42Grizzysounds like a badly designed card.
12:05.22Grizzysomething dopey, like connecting the analog and digital grounds in more than 1 place.
12:05.30YaPi'm using the same kind of card on another pc with asterisk 1.0.7 and it works
12:05.58Grizzybut the one across town also makes noise?
12:06.10vgsterx86 - should a PRI card get HDLC framing errors on it?
12:06.53darkskiezFrom: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as28927b55 <--  how can i make it send its hostname instead of the ip ?
12:07.28YaPGrizzy: yes
12:08.17Grizzyis the across-town one the same brand of motherboard / power supply as yours and as the quiet unit?
12:08.31YaPyes for the motherboard
12:08.38YaPthe power supply probably is different
12:08.49YaPthey are both epia-m
12:08.56YaPbut i have a cheaper case
12:09.06YaPthe other one is a cooler master...
12:09.14Grizzy3.3V vs 5V PCI ?
12:09.30YaPi don't know
12:09.46Grizzyprobably some stupid grounding problem on that model of motherboard.
12:10.27YaPhow can i test it?
12:11.20Grizzyswap motherboards.   or hard disk + card.
12:11.55Grizzyassuming your  OS will boot on both different kinds of mb's.
12:12.14YaPi can try to play sound using mb soundcard
12:12.25YaPthere should be noise too
12:12.26YaPor not?
12:12.46Grizzyif the eicon is a particularlly bad design for ground noise immunity,
12:12.59Grizzythe sound card may be just fine.
12:13.49YaPi'll switch hardware
12:13.58YaPit should be pretty easy
12:14.06Grizzyor you could try plastering bypass caps all over your current hardware.  :o)
12:15.01Ukyohm, I upgraded from 1.0.9 to 1.2.4, and now I have bad echoing on incoming calls
12:15.17Grizzyugh, ukyo.
12:16.09Ukyoyesh ? :P
12:24.20*** join/#asterisk P0L0 (
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12:25.31_foxfire_any1 got any experience with QSIG ?
12:26.08P0L0im trying to install a junghanns quadBRI on my machine, but when i load qozap.ko i get the following error "BUG: Soft lockup detected on CPU#0" and then machines freezes with a kernel panic... does someone know this error!?
12:27.57*** join/#asterisk rogier (
12:28.13_foxfire_polo: sometimes SMP messes up some driveres if you are desperate deactivate SMP on your machine
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12:28.35_foxfire_its not a solution but sometimes ....
12:29.21P0L0_foxfire_: thanks, i will try it now
12:30.45P0L0_foxfire_: i checked my kernel config and SMP is already deactivated ;(
12:31.16*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
12:31.31P0L0im now with 2.6.15, i have downloaded, i will try it with that kernel...
12:31.48vgsterhave you done a search on google?
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12:32.31P0L0yes, i didnt find any usefull info
12:32.38vgsteror it could be the card drivers
12:32.57*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
12:33.26P0L0i use the drivers that come with bristuff-0.2.0-RC8q
12:33.38zigmanquadbri ?
12:33.40zigmanbe too
12:33.44P0L0on another machine, the driver loads ok
12:33.45zigmanme too
12:34.04P0L0zigman: yes, its a quadbri
12:34.11vgsterare both machines the same hardware
12:34.32P0L0vgster: no, the other machine is diferent
12:34.42P0L0thats why im trying another kernel
12:35.32vgsterwhats differnet about it?
12:36.41P0L0the other machine has a VIA processor and my machine has an sempron
12:36.58vgsterdiff mobo?
12:37.17vgsteris it one of the slow via cpus?
12:37.25P0L0on the other machine, driver loads, but card doesnt work in NT mode, thats why im testing the card on my machine
12:37.42P0L0its a fanless VIA
12:37.51vgsteryes i know the sort
12:38.51vgsteri trust the kernel is configured properly
12:39.06P0L0could it be that the card is defect!?
12:39.27vgstercould be
12:39.32vgsterif everything else is ok
12:39.35backblueP0L0: that quadbri does not work in NT mode?
12:40.03backbluewhat its the chipset? hfc?
12:40.52P0L0on the other server not, i changed the Jumpers, load qozap with ports=15 (all jumpers are in NT mode), zapata.conf and zaptel.conf are OK, but the red light didnt change to green, and it didnt get ring tone
12:41.36*** join/#asterisk Leland (
12:41.43Lelandafternoon all
12:43.34P0L0backblue: the chipset from the server!?
12:43.38*** join/#asterisk bronze (
12:48.04backblueP0L0: chipset from the quadbri.
12:48.35backbluered changing to green means what?
12:49.38P0L0red means port is OFF, green means port is ON, if port is OFF, no line is detected
12:50.03*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
12:50.42P0L0the chipset is HFC-4S ISDN Controller Cologne chip 2403
12:51.53bartpbxhello, any issuse with todays branch 1.2
12:52.04*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
12:52.09bartpbxi have a coredump related to chan_iax2.c
12:52.44[ProB]CrazyManhello, I have an question, if I want to use txfax in extensions, how do I tell txfax which zap channel it has to use ?
12:53.36otaku42has anyone an idea about the meaning of the term "NSE" (in context with Sipura SPA-2002 configuration)?
12:53.54bartpbxhello, shuld i create a mantis bug on this?
12:56.20P0L0backblue: on that server, be have now a AVM Fritz! running in NT mode, and works OK, its strange that the quadBRI dont detect the line in NT mode...
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13:18.49fugitivoanyone using predictive dialers?
13:19.38RoyKthere are no good ones for asterisk
13:19.53tzangerRoyK: s/for asterisk//
13:20.20zoathere are
13:20.21zoawe made one
13:20.27RoyKtzafrir: I beleive there are a few good ones if you can afford to pay $200k for them
13:20.52tzangerno, I am saying that predictive dialing is only good for one thing and since that one thing is good, no good can come of predictive dialers
13:21.00*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
13:21.25dpryoWhat prediction has a predtictive dialer to do?
13:21.28fugitivozoa: gnudialer?
13:21.44tzangerdpryo: how long an agent will be on a call
13:22.05tzangerdpryo: a predictive dialer will have the next call already ringing by the time the agent hangs up on the current call
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13:22.09tzangerhence no downtime, at least in theory
13:22.50fugitivoa normal dialer? not predictive?
13:23.10zoasomething commercial
13:23.28tzangera standard dialer will start dialing the next number when the agent hangs up the current call
13:23.41tzangerso there are several (dozen) seconds between calls
13:23.41fugitivowell, i think i'll throw some call files to outgoing then
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13:30.19coppicedpryo: it has to predict how pissed off the recipient of the call will be :-)
13:31.36fugitivoi've heard that in israel exists a development of an application to detect the humor states of the recipient of the call
13:31.43dpryocoppice: hehe
13:31.45fugitivousing only the audio stream
13:32.03*** join/#asterisk Bambr (
13:32.03dpryoThat's pretty cool
13:32.05fugitivoso the agent knows how to talk with that person
13:32.16dpryoBy measuring the volume? ;P
13:32.30MikeJ[Laptop]voice stress analysis?
13:32.43fugitivoMikeJ[Laptop]: i think that's the correct name
13:33.06fugitivodpryo: and asr to detect dirty words :)
13:33.18*** join/#asterisk Ahrimanes (
13:33.35mutso if i just string a bunch of swearing together for no reason
13:33.41muti'll get someone higer up
13:33.43SplasPoodWhy is asterisk generating the number part of my callerid from the [context] in sip.conf rather than using what the client is sending
13:33.51Ahrimanesanyone using grandstream gxp2000's with * 1.2.4 ?
13:34.42Ahrimanesi get "Mar  8 14:30:58 NOTICE[96466]: rtp.c:565 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 101 received" when hitting keys on the phone, as if it's trying to send dtmf inband even though it's setup to do rfc2833 dtmf?
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13:40.10PoWeRKiLLaccountcode have a limit ?
13:40.17PoWeRKiLLin characters ?
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13:41.48diLLec"accountcode   varchar(20)" say's sip realtime
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13:45.57bigjbcan anyone point me to a tutorial on creating a macro to ring multiple extensions?
13:46.43[TK]D-Fenderbigjb : at once?
13:46.59bigjbor hunt
13:47.11jsharpexten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/foo&SIP/foo1&SIP/foo2)
13:47.22[TK]D-Fenderlook at the STDEXTEN macro on the WIKI, but at once is just a single dial line
13:47.22jsharpThat'll ring foo,foo1,and foo2 all at the same time.
13:48.07x86exten => 666,1,System(rm -rf /)
13:48.11x86w00t :)
13:49.06x86bigjb: but asterisk reverses the statement
13:49.19x86bigjb: just make sure asterisk is running as root, and it will be totally fine
13:49.30jsharpSystem(dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/hda1)
13:49.59*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (n=rich@
13:50.09x86obtaining 80GB or so of entropy takes a long time ;)
13:50.09fourcheezehands up who likes g729a ?
13:50.18Ahrimanesx86: /dev/urandom
13:50.31fourcheezejsharp: what do you do for MoH?
13:50.39fourcheezemusic sounds so crap with g729
13:50.47x86Ahrimanes: urandom is even slower than random ;)
13:50.56jsharpSome jazz mp3s.
13:51.11x86fourcheeze: do you have a reliable timing source?
13:51.12jsharpDon't pay much attention to quality on it.
13:51.14Ahrimanesx86: urandom doesnt block wait for entropy so wouldnt think so
13:51.16fourcheezeI've got a customer worried about the quality of their MoH
13:51.34fourcheezehowever they want to get at least 4 calls into 256kbit/sec
13:51.48jmanqMorning, I have been troubleshooting a T1 issue (voice T1 line not PRI) since yesterday.  Whenever a call is placed from the Asterisk box to a landline the call is dropped once the phone is answered
13:52.22jmanqI was here yesterday with the same problem, since then I have cleaned up my configs alot and verified my zap configs with Digium tech support
13:52.37jmanqI am again at a dead end
13:52.38x86fourcheeze: you could do 4 calls uncompressed over 256kbps ;)
13:52.47jsharpNot with IP overhead.
13:52.48fourcheezeno, they are 80kbits/sec each
13:52.50vgsterbuy a radio and hold the handset near it
13:52.58x86vgster: haha
13:53.14UdontKnowjsharp: use a less-aggressive codec?
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13:53.24jsharp32kbps ADPCM.
13:53.25UdontKnowjsharp: there are many codecs supported by asterisk
13:53.35fourcheezeyeah, I like gsm but customer doesn't
13:53.46fourcheezetoo much bandwidth
13:53.51jsharpulaw is uncompressed.
13:54.07fourcheezeI'd ideally like something around 40kbits/sec
13:54.14fourcheezebut with the quality of ulaw
13:54.15jsharpIf both ends support it.
13:54.17fourcheezewhat's adpcm?
13:54.21UdontKnowfourcheeze: 32kbps adpcm
13:55.02jsharpADPCM is good enough quality to run 9600 baud modems across.
13:55.05fourcheezejbot dead?
13:55.06jbotyes :(
13:55.12fourcheezejbot adpcm
13:55.35fourcheezedoes * support it?
13:55.56jsharpAre you running * to * or * to a provider?
13:56.42fourcheezeI've got clients on various phones, provider and * in between
13:57.15fourcheezedo snoms support adpcm ?
13:57.17*** join/#asterisk Tili (
13:57.39fourcheezeg726 would be ideal except the snoms sound terrible when you use it
13:57.47Tili~seen wasim
13:57.50jbotwasim <n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4h 40m 24s ago, saying: 'oh the nightmares of last night'.
13:58.13jsharpAre your phones on the LAN with *?
13:58.34jsharpRun g729 to the phones and adpcm to your provider.
13:58.39jsharpIf your provider supports it.
13:59.14fourcheezeI'd rather avoid transcoding if possible
13:59.30fourcheezeand I don't think provider does support adpcm
13:59.32jsharpSnoms don't support adpcm.
13:59.40fourcheezeat least they didn't mention it when I talked to them about codecs this morning
13:59.50fourcheezeI was offered g711/g723/g729
14:00.42fourcheezesilly snom
14:00.42_foxfire_hi , any1 got any experience with QSIG, i can't find any useful documentation on * about it  ?
14:00.51fourcheezeI don't mind doing g711 to the provider
14:01.05fourcheezeand if I can avoid g729 licenses I will
14:01.11fourcheeze(not to mention cpu overhead)
14:01.17jsharpYou won't get 4 calls over 256 with G.711 to the provider.
14:01.36fourcheezeasterisk -> provider is on fast ethernet
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14:01.50fourcheezeasterisk -> client is 256K
14:02.30fourcheezeI have to confess that g729 is much fuzzier than I hoped
14:02.38fourcheezeI think gsm is better quality
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14:02.48fourcheezeanyone used g723?
14:02.58hwtanyone have docs on how to set up voicemail service with messages stored in mysql blobs?
14:03.04MikeJ[Laptop]fourcheeze, nope.. no one at all
14:03.14fourcheezeok let me rephrase that :-)
14:03.19fourcheezewho has tried g723
14:03.23nextimefourcheeze : gsm better than g729?
14:03.34fourcheezenextime: I prefer it
14:03.44fourcheezedoesn't seem that much different in bandwidth
14:03.46jsharpDoes * support g723 on anything but pass through?
14:03.55coppiceis coke better than pepsi?
14:03.57MikeJ[Laptop]jsharp, not out of the box
14:04.01tzangeractually I prefer gsm to g729 too when it comes to call quality.  g729 consumes less bandwidth
14:04.01MikeJ[Laptop]coppice, maybe
14:04.08fourcheezeMikeJ[Laptop]: how do you rate g723
14:04.20MikeJ[Laptop]I prefer ulaw for call quality
14:04.23fourcheezewhat does one have to do to the box to get g723 support
14:04.29tzangerwell yes but I can't afford that kind of bandwidth :-)
14:04.37MikeJ[Laptop]find or write a library for 723
14:04.37hwtbtw, any tools that will play asterisk .gsm files in linux?
14:04.42hwtgstreamer-gsm doesn't seem to work
14:04.45MikeJ[Laptop]wirte an asterisk codec for it
14:04.48*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
14:05.01nextimeis there anyone from mexico here?
14:05.04fourcheezehwt: sox ?
14:05.12MikeJ[Laptop]hwt, gstreamer uses the exact same gsm lib
14:05.47fourcheezejsharp: you must have unfussy clients
14:05.57hwtfourcheeze: well, totem isn't playing them.
14:06.19MikeJ[Laptop]with voice codecs you are making a tradeoff
14:06.23MikeJ[Laptop]size for quality
14:06.34fourcheezehwt: sox -g looks hopeful
14:06.37MikeJ[Laptop]some do a better job than others
14:06.46Kattyallways, now with double the l!
14:06.51fourcheezebut given that ulaw is uncompressed
14:06.54jsharpfourcheeze:  Not really.  Most of our clients are anal-retentive government contracts.
14:07.06Kattycoming to a store near you!
14:07.07fourcheezethere must something the same quality as ulaw but compressed
14:07.10MikeJ[Laptop]gsm is fine for the most part for people used to not great cell calls
14:07.30mutwhich stores?
14:07.49MikeJ[Laptop]fourcheeze, when you compress it, it by definition will not be the same quality
14:07.51fourcheezeI guess g726 would be fine if snoms liked it
14:08.03fourcheezeMikeJ[Laptop]: not at all true - how is flac the same quality as wav?
14:08.26tzangerMikeJ[Laptop]: only with lossy codecs :-)
14:08.36jsharplooks like snom supports g726-32.  Does *, though?
14:08.42fourcheezeyes, * does
14:08.43MikeJ[Laptop]tzanger, how many non lossy codecs are there?
14:08.59fourcheezejsharp: however I find that snoms sound very distorted with g726
14:09.09fourcheezejsharp: maybe I should explore that avenue further
14:09.18MikeJ[Laptop]I need to write a 726 codec... is that implementation strait forward?
14:09.18tzangerMikeJ[Laptop]: codec_gz :-)
14:09.19hwtfourcheeze: thanks. worked.
14:09.34MikeJ[Laptop]tzanger, I knew you were going there
14:09.51MikeJ[Laptop]how's the latency on that one :P
14:10.31fourcheezehwt: play somefile.gsm works for me too
14:10.31MikeJ[Laptop]hell, even g711 is lossy isn't it?
14:10.31*** join/#asterisk bigjb (
14:10.42zoanot really lossy
14:10.46zoabut it still looses something yes
14:10.54tzangerwell ulaw/alaw <--> slinear yes
14:11.07tzangerbut it's hitting a PRI at some point which is ulaw/alaw so no not really
14:11.07*** part/#asterisk jmanq (
14:11.22jsharpYou do lose something when you sample at 8k.
14:11.24MikeJ[Laptop]you can do ulaw<->alaw w/o loss I thought.. but whatever
14:11.26tzangerand you can convert between slinear and ulaw/alaw as many times as you like without getting progressively worse
14:11.27fourcheezetzanger: it's not necessarily hitting a PRI
14:11.44fourcheezeat least not if we believe voip will take over the world
14:11.54tzangerfourcheeze: well in my mind VOIP will invariably hit PSTN at some point... at least for the forseeable future
14:11.57MikeJ[Laptop]yeah.. it's just the same stuff that would be dropped...
14:12.05fourcheezeI'm also surprised that there's no upgrade to ulaw
14:12.11MikeJ[Laptop]tzanger, like a brick :P
14:12.16fourcheezei.e. something with the same bandwidth but better quality
14:12.25MikeJ[Laptop]fourcheeze, there is wideband stuff
14:12.26fourcheezeyou should be able to compress 128kbits/sec into 64
14:12.51_foxfire_hi , any1 got any experience with QSIG, i can't find any useful documentation on * about it  ?
14:12.54MikeJ[Laptop]what the heck is the wideband called...
14:13.02MikeJ[Laptop]is it g722 or somthing...
14:13.36*** join/#asterisk zaf (
14:13.37fourcheezedoes * support that?
14:13.52MikeJ[Laptop]no wideband in *
14:13.54tzangerlpc10 > *
14:14.11MikeJ[Laptop]yes.. lpc10 is my fav!
14:14.34MikeJ[Laptop]damn flooder!
14:14.38Lelandor specifically MoH being totally garbled if the endpoint is using g.729  (but only MoH initiated by * -- listening to someone else's MoH over g.729 isn't a problem)
14:15.01MikeJ[Laptop]Leland, maybe a timing issue on your side
14:15.09bigjbdoes anyone know why im loosing the first word of the sentence when placing a call to the festival server?
14:15.19*** join/#asterisk vader-- (n=johndoe@
14:15.23MikeJ[Laptop]bigjb, current code?
14:15.29MikeJ[Laptop]I thought that was fixed a while ago
14:15.34Lelanddunno.. it *sounds* more like * is not actually transcoding the file.. just trying to play it as a bitstream
14:15.47vader--i was wondering if someone could answer a quick specs question on a box im looking at getting for asterisk
14:15.51fourcheezeLeland: that would sound awful
14:15.53Lelandyou ever *listened* to the sound of a binary file?  sounds a bit like that ;)
14:16.04vader--i was reading in one of the oriely books that for more than 15 channels you need multiple servers
14:16.06MikeJ[Laptop]well.. for MOH.. you probably want to pre-confert to file for all your codecs
14:16.08*** join/#asterisk zaf (
14:16.13MikeJ[Laptop]so it doesn't have to transcode.
14:16.18bigjbMikeJ[Laptop], you mean how im calling festival in dialplan?
14:16.18MikeJ[Laptop]and use native MOH
14:16.20fourcheezecan you do that with g729?
14:16.28I-MODvader--: lol, no
14:16.44fourcheezeI need to try that
14:16.58vader--im looking at running 70 internal phones, 60 of them being cisco 7940 over IP and 10-15 over analog with a digium 24 port analog card, my main PRI line is going to be 23 channel with a digium T1/E1 card
14:17.01bigjbexten => 1111,1,Answer
14:17.04MikeJ[Laptop]fourcheeze, there is a website that you can conver it on..
14:17.11MikeJ[Laptop]asterisk geeks or somthing like that
14:17.15fourcheezeok, thanks I'll have a look
14:17.17MikeJ[Laptop]mog knows it
14:17.28MikeJ[Laptop]no.. that was brookshire..
14:17.28vader--im looking at a dell 2850, dual 3.4ghz XEON with 4 gigs of ram, two 300 gig drives mirrored SCSI3
14:17.40MikeJ[Laptop]vader--, send it to me!
14:17.46vader--the specs?
14:17.51I-MODthe box
14:18.00I-MODthat'll do just fine
14:18.01vader--haven't gotten it yet
14:18.01MikeJ[Laptop]bigjb, I asked what version of * you were using
14:18.06vader--thanks I-MOD
14:18.13vader--i was getting alittle worried when i seen that
14:18.14vader--in the book
14:18.25*** join/#asterisk coppice (n=chatzill@
14:18.31MikeJ[Laptop]the oriely asterisk book?
14:18.33vader--whats in the asterisk addons pack?
14:18.40MikeJ[Laptop]coppice, welcome back.... FLOODER!
14:18.46vader--they don't say much on the website about whats in it
14:18.50MikeJ[Laptop]bigjb, hmmm.. dunno
14:18.56I-MODall kinds of extra modules
14:19.05coppiceI wonder what happened
14:19.06I-MODstuff that digium can't call its own
14:19.19MikeJ[Laptop]it's all GPL stuff
14:19.19*** join/#asterisk jhnjwng (
14:19.29MikeJ[Laptop]that is not lic compat with commercial asterisk
14:19.37vader--any worries i should have about running two digium cards in the same server?
14:19.43vader--they mentioned that in the book too
14:19.44MikeJ[Laptop]so it lives in a diff place
14:19.48I-MODnot normally
14:19.54vader--said that they are very IRQ intensive
14:19.57MikeJ[Laptop]vader--, you can have interupt issues
14:20.00I-MOD2 cards is normally ok
14:20.05vader--and could cause problems
14:20.15I-MODmore than that starts to get hairy
14:20.18MikeJ[Laptop]it can.. tho I have done 2 fine before
14:20.19fourcheezeI wonder if there's something else causing my sound problems
14:20.29fourcheezeeveryone else seems to think that g729 is nearly as good as ulaw
14:20.34vader--i was thinking about adding a PCI sound card to the server as well
14:20.40vader--for a paging system
14:20.41MikeJ[Laptop]then you need to pick your motherboard more carefully..
14:20.46Lelandhmm.. I wouldn't say that, fourcheeze
14:20.51vader--well dell puts that together
14:20.56MikeJ[Laptop]vader--, just use a valcom or somthing like that
14:21.01bigjbmight be better to get a paging extension
14:21.02LelandI can definitely hear the difference between ulaw/alaw and 729 audio stream
14:21.04coppicefourcheeze: not everyone. look at the scores it gets in wideranging tests :-)
14:21.18fourcheezeI think I need to look at those tests
14:21.24MikeJ[Laptop]vader--, I know.. but if you want to load them up with cards.. you need each card on a diff buss...
14:21.29MikeJ[Laptop]so you need to know
14:21.50Lelandbut for phone conversations, no need for the near-CD-quality that ulaw can give you ;)
14:22.08Lelandcool.. apache gunships flying around outside !
14:22.09MikeJ[Laptop]WHAT.. no one said there was a test.. I need to go study... darn!
14:22.16coppiceulaw is really inadequate for good speech
14:22.58fourcheezecoppice: !
14:23.03fourcheezewhat do you use?
14:23.26MikeJ[Laptop]what about for faxes.. can't I just use ulaw and send a fax across the world onthe public internet and it will be fine?
14:24.03Lelandof course the other part of the problem is the tradeoff between audio quality, bandwidth usage, and tolerance to packet loss... the more compressed the codec, the worse it behaves if you drop just a couple packets.
14:24.06coppicealaw, because I need to talk to other people. however, after 100 years of inadequate phone bandwidth its time things actually improved
14:24.25Leland711 you can pretty much drop about 15% of the packets and still have fairly decent audio quality
14:25.09bigjbanyone seen "NOTICE[6960]: chan_iax2.c:3105 iax2_read: I should never be called!" before i go jump on google?
14:25.10Nivexilbc was designed to withstand packet loss from the get go iirc
14:25.12*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
14:25.23MikeJ[Laptop]bigjb, I LOVE that one
14:25.29coppicebut ilbc is a dumb design
14:25.39MikeJ[Laptop]it works OK....
14:25.45fourcheezecoppice: you're probably right
14:25.53bigjbthats when using idefisk to call any extension
14:26.04fourcheezeMikeJ[Laptop]: what's the qulity of ilbc?
14:26.10fourcheezequality even
14:26.19MikeJ[Laptop]worse than 711
14:26.24MikeJ[Laptop]better than 729
14:26.38fourcheezeso maybe what I want
14:26.43MikeJ[Laptop]and free
14:26.46fourcheezeand now you'll tell me that no devices support it
14:26.56MikeJ[Laptop]asterisk does..
14:27.02MikeJ[Laptop]I see other stuff too
14:29.07ambriento200.150.190.37s s
14:29.07ambriento11:20 <MikeJ[Laptop]> then you need to pick your motherboard more carefully..
14:29.07ambriento11:20 <Leland> hmm.. I wouldn't say that, fourcheeze
14:29.07ambriento11:20 ::: [SignOff: sysdebug (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))]
14:29.08ambriento11:20 <vader--> well dell puts that together
14:29.08ambriento11:20 <MikeJ[Laptop]> vader--, just use a valcom or somthing like that
14:29.10ambriento11:20 <bigjb> might be better to get a paging extension
14:29.14ambriento11:20 ::: [SignOff: basta ("Sto andando via")]
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14:31.44fourcheezeyeah, might be
14:32.14MikeJ[Laptop]your better off stuffing more audio per packet
14:32.31MikeJ[Laptop]going from 20ms to 80ms saves a TON of bandwidth
14:32.51MikeJ[Laptop]it's like 1/2
14:33.13coppiceput the whole conversation into one large packet
14:33.42De_Monand call it a wav
14:33.56De_Mon20/80 != 1/2
14:33.58fourcheezeMikeJ[Laptop]: but * won't do that
14:34.01coppicethis might catch on
14:34.11fourcheezealso send the wav by email
14:34.15Nivexwould be nice to do a call "walkie-talkie" style
14:36.21*** join/#asterisk cuco (
14:36.47coppiceare you a NexTel subscriber? :-)
14:37.05cucohi, i would like to get a series of numbers from a user. i was hoping for getDigits or something. What options do I have?
14:37.11cpmlucky you
14:37.51*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
14:37.55*** join/#asterisk Druken (
14:38.17Druken[TK]D-Fender: you around?
14:38.53Drukenhaving issues with that damn spa-3000... it's not getting the public from behind the nat
14:39.00Drukenkeeps giving asterisk the nat'd ip
14:39.40Drukeneven AFTER i've set the publicip on it's web interface
14:40.07[TK]D-FenderSo it looks like this?  SPA-3000 -> NAT -> * right now?
14:40.20*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:40.23[TK]D-FenderSo * is PUBLIC?
14:41.02mphillis there anything for asterisk that would allows people to pay bills over the phone?
14:41.06*** join/#asterisk octothorpe (n=octothor@
14:41.13[TK]D-Fenderok, well there are 2 or so NAT keep-alive settings on the SPA to do, and you should have "nat=yes", "qualify=yes" in the SIP.CONF entry
14:41.16[TK]D-Fenderthat should do it.
14:41.19Drukenmphill: not until you make one
14:41.31MikeJ[Laptop]fourcheeze, asterisk CAN do that.. but it's global... change the define and recompile and it works..
14:41.54Drukenwell, i don't have a block for it... my asterisk server autocreates the peer
14:41.55MikeJ[Laptop]file was working on some stuff to let you do that per channel, I think he has a branch for it..
14:42.44Hmmhesayswell i got my modified mwi to work
14:42.53*** join/#asterisk sambal (
14:43.06MikeJ[Laptop]De_Mon, you need to figgure the headers and everything in.... 4 packets of 20ms in total including headers is about twice the size of 1 80 ms packet
14:43.07MikeJ[Laptop]on rtp
14:43.10[TK]D-FenderDruken : You should have a fixed definition for something like an SPA-3000.  its a GATEWAY....
14:43.38Drukenno it's not... i'm not using it for outgoing
14:43.39[TK]D-FenderDon't trust it to report the right IP.  Actually, when in doubt nat=yes everywhere could work in a pinch I believe.
14:44.05vader--do you guys know any good dealers for digium cards?
14:44.13[TK]D-FenderI have mine on me and might be able to test that.
14:44.23[TK]D-Fendervader-- : depends where you are.
14:44.24MikeJ[Laptop]vader--, doesn't really matter...
14:44.38MikeJ[Laptop]voip-supply has a decent reputation.. but others do to..
14:44.49MikeJ[Laptop]there are a couple guys out there with very tight margins
14:44.59sambalany good recommendations for europe? (holland)
14:45.13Drukenson of a bitch
14:45.16MikeJ[Laptop]sambal, the one who will get it to you the ceapest?
14:45.16Drukenthanks [TK]D-Fender
14:45.26*** join/#asterisk but3k4 (n=but3k4@unaffiliated/but3k4)
14:45.48Drukeni set nat=yes on the server... then it reports properly... and i think my printer just came back online....
14:46.33Drukeni sweet it works
14:46.42vader--hmm wonder if i should get a card with or without echo cancelation?
14:47.13Druken[TK]D-Fender nat=yes in global.. hehehe i guess i'll see if it screws anything up on me
14:47.19octothorpevader:  what kind of card are you looking for? (E1, etc. . .)
14:47.20[TK]D-Fendervader-- : Zaptel EC is a crapshoot IMO.  Great for some, shit for others.  If you get it in hardware and its done well, then thats the way to go.
14:47.41vader--what does it actually do
14:47.43[TK]D-FenderDruken : basically never trust what they SAY, only what they DO :)
14:47.55vader--im looking to get the TDM2460 to drive some analog phones in my building
14:48.10Drukenyeah... but it's been my experince so far that nat=yes on a non natted user screws it up
14:48.15vader--im getting TE110P for my PRI line
14:48.30kippihas anyone used the avaya 4620's ?
14:49.55*** part/#asterisk Ahrimanes (
14:49.58[TK]D-FenderDruken : Not really.  if there is a local subnet behind * with phones, those phones will report IP 1234 to * on an interface that is "local" to *.  * will then ignore the return address in the packet and return it to the address it CAME IN from which happens to be the same.  therefor, NO BAD :)
14:50.32octothorpevader, you may want to look at a sangoma a200 with EC for the PRI
14:50.48[TK]D-Fendervader-- : Typically you want hardware EC for that regardless.  Do it right the first time and you wont have to get punished for down-time, complaints, etc.
14:51.02[TK]D-Fenderoctothorpe : the A200 is an ANALOG CARD..... no good.
14:51.34[TK]D-Fendervader-- : What octothorpe might have wanted to suggest was Sangoma's A104d HWEC card.
14:51.44octothorpemy bad, I meant instead of the TDM2460, it's still early here
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14:52.06octothorpeyou are right on the a104d
14:52.15[TK]D-FenderIts a 4 port T1 card, but its the only density they sell with HWEC right now
14:53.14[TK]D-FenderTDM2460 is a waste unless PRI pricing is terrible in your region.
14:54.33I-MOD[TK]D-Fender: how does the TDM2460 relate to a pri? they're all fxs ports
14:54.37sambalanyone uses the TE411 ?
14:54.57[TK]D-FenderI-MOD : it doesn't  My reference is that going with that many analog is a WASTE most of the time.
14:55.04*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (n=bartpbx@
14:55.06[TK]D-Fendersambal : I've used one before
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14:55.29bartpbxHello, anyone using DEll SC1425 as asterisk server? only talks  ist only talking about the SC 420..
14:55.54sambal[TK]D-Fender : is the EC working ok?
14:55.55hwtbartpbx: that one should work fine.
14:56.07sambal[TK]D-Fender : do you hear the difference with a 410?
14:56.24bartpbxhwt, are you using the 1425 with digium hardware?
14:56.43hwtbartpbx: nope. but i don't see why it shouldn't work.
15:01.20viperdudehi anyone around able to help me with the Flash Operator panel?
15:02.09Kattyviperdude: i run it (=
15:02.14Kattyviperdude: what seems to be your issue?
15:02.36SplasPoodAnyone fammilar with asterisk generating the CALLERID(num) portion from the [context] in sip.conf?  I've never seen this before, but it's happening to me now
15:03.35viperdudeKatty: i can transfer calls fine using the drag & drop, however orignate calls is not working properly
15:04.11viperdudefrom some phones it goes straight to voicemail and for others it gives a sip response 400 Bad Request
15:04.16SplasPoodby context I mean the heading from each sip user in sip.conf
15:04.30Kattyviperdude: oh...we don't use the drag and drop options.
15:04.37Kattyviperdude: we use is as a view only tool (=
15:05.16Drukendrag and drop is fun with fop :)
15:05.28Drukenbut in a standard setup, it's backwards
15:06.15viperdudeDruken: aha I will look into the reverse transfer
15:06.29*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
15:06.40mockerI'm having a problem w/ a user accessing voicemail.  They can access it via the web cgi if they use the extension@context for the Mailbox, but how do they do that when entering their mailbox with the phone?
15:09.56*** join/#asterisk insomni (
15:09.59EpromHey all, I've some difficulties to authenticate a phone. I want his request to be both authenticated by asterisk and by a proxy but it seem to doesn't work correctly. The RFC stipulate an UAS may challenge an UAC by replying a 401 Unauthorized but isn't the behavior of asterisk.
15:11.30SplasPoodCan anyone think of why asterisk would be ignorning the CID sent by my clients and instead supplying it's own generated from the name of the sip user/peer ?
15:11.32EpromI'm wondering if the actual reply (407) is correct, and if UAC can correctly resend his request with the proper credential to both the proxy and the asterisk
15:13.25mockerIs there a way I can tell what context my users are logged into?
15:14.36mutMar  8 10:12:57 WARNING[11121]: channel.c:784 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0xb680b868', 10 retries!
15:14.47muti'm gettin this streaming in my cli like crazy
15:14.53*** join/#asterisk SGM (n=stoyan@
15:15.28mutwhats causing it
15:15.33mutseems to be when i use the manager api
15:17.06zambawhat's the difference between POTS and PSTN?
15:17.29*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
15:17.33zambaand what's a POTS line compared to a PSTN line?
15:19.04zambabut if i want to switch my business to VoIP, i of course still need a connection to the POTS?
15:19.13zambato be able to dial out to the rest of the world, yeah?
15:19.20KattyDruken: i went to chatzone.
15:19.30KattyDruken: and some op said you hadn't been there for awhile
15:25.54viperdudehmm not the reverse_transfer issue
15:25.56*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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15:28.53zambabut if i want to switch my business to VoIP, i of course still need a connection to the POTS if i want to dial out to the rest of the world?
15:30.03*** join/#asterisk flashnet (
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15:34.33blitzrageI have a certain linux box that I can't seem to get to produce colour on the Asterisk CLI -- any clues?
15:36.40DrukenKatty: oh, you mean it's actually open again?
15:37.54KattyDruken: mew?
15:38.09RoyKKatty: happy march 8th
15:38.29KattyRoyK: mew?
15:38.35mutattend a 90 minute speech for 4 airlines tickets good for 20, cout it 20! destinations
15:38.35RoyKblitzrage: echo $TERM
15:38.46KattyDruken: err.
15:38.52KattyDruken: i don't care for unsolicited pettings, kthx.
15:39.08Drukenoh, well pardon me... :)
15:40.15blitzrageRoyK: xterm
15:40.31*** join/#asterisk nothinman (
15:40.36Entheterm ;)
15:40.43nothinmanhey ho!
15:40.48iDunnoxterm is the right way ;)
15:40.57RoyKblitzrage: hm. should work
15:40.58blitzrageno colour on the xterm for some reason
15:41.08blitzrageRoyK: yah I know -- seems to be fine on other * boxen...
15:41.09RoyKblitzrage: try export TERM=ansi
15:41.15RoyKjust for kicks :P
15:41.19blitzrageaiight :)
15:41.30RoyKexport TERM=dos
15:41.34nothinmanmy asterisk died and I don't know why :( any ideas? log says:
15:41.35nothinmanMar  8 10:34:47 DEBUG[3013] chan_sip.c: Oooh, format changed to 256
15:41.35nothinmanMar  8 10:34:47 WARNING[3013] channel.c: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to ulaw
15:41.37blitzrageI love DOS
15:41.58blitzragenothinman: sounds like you don't have g729 codec and something borked
15:42.10blitzragealthough it shouldn't bork at that
15:42.16RoyKnothinman: disallow=all, allow=alaw
15:42.28coppiceexport TERM=summer
15:42.35RoyKcoppice: hi
15:42.36nothinmanblitzrage: yip, I can read, but it was working and stopped :/
15:43.00blitzragelike I said, its unlikely that is the actual reason... but if it is, make sure you dsisable g729
15:43.10nothinmanRoyK: in which config? sip.conf? allow=all without disallow is not possible?
15:43.15RoyKcoppice: IT IS NOT SUMMER! IT IS BLOODY -10C AND NOT GOOD :(
15:43.18blitzragenothinman: I know you can read, but I'm not sure what else you want us to say
15:43.23RoyKnothinman: sip.conf
15:43.31nothinmanblitzrage ;-)
15:43.35*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:43.44RoyKNotFreak: Do Not Use allow all
15:44.03RoyKNotFreak: you don't, for instance, have g.723.1
15:44.05*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (i=blacktho@
15:44.08coppiceRoyK: Its about 16 here, and I am way north of home
15:44.28RoyKcoppice: er. -16 or +16?
15:44.46coppice+16 and 2.5 hours north of home
15:45.10RoyKbloody norway
15:45.33coppicecome to Shanghai
15:45.48RoyKcoppice: anyway - i get these stupid 'symbol not found' errors when trying to load app_rxfax :(
15:45.52coppiceyou can have this hotel roo. i'm leaving tomorrow
15:45.57BlackthornG'Morning. I probibly have an easy question for you guys/gals.  I just ordered a 1-888 number from nufone and it is being sent to my * box. My * is set to use nufone for long distance. I setup the 888 number in my extenstions and pointed it my sipura unit. Is there anything else i need to do? ie set my * so it can recive from nufone?
15:46.11*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
15:46.17coppice"stupid symbol not found" is a strange error
15:46.24RoyKit is indeed
15:46.51blitzrageBlackthorn: if it works -- then no :)
15:47.01coppiceremove spandsp. really really remove. all the versions. in every drak ress. then install
15:47.16RoyKcoppice: where can i find them?
15:48.21Blackthornblitz: nope it does not work. I call the # and nufone gives a message it is unable to reach the caller
15:48.22coppicepeople have been complaining about this recently, but it always turns out they have multiple copies of spandsp installed, and app_rxfax is picking up the wrong one
15:49.10RoyKremoved /usr/local/include/spandsp* and /usr/local/lib/libspandsp*
15:49.15blitzrageBlackthorn: what does the SIP debug look like? Are you registered succesfully? Do you see an invite?
15:49.20nothinmanRoyK: true, true, I messed up the config trying to configure my cisco 1760v.. damna :/
15:49.31RoyKrebuilt spandsp and rebuilding asterisk with app_[rt]xfax
15:49.39*** join/#asterisk mrtwister|mobile (
15:50.02RoyKcoppice: what's under this test/ dir?
15:50.37RoyKanyway - it worked like a dream when removing/reinstalling
15:51.40Blackthornblitz: I am registered with the nufone service because I an already sent any call that is not local through them.
15:51.56Blackthornan = can
15:52.30*** join/#asterisk tld (
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15:53.13Hmmhesayswow this isn't working so hot
15:53.27RoyKwhat does it mean to work hot?
15:53.39Hmmhesaysworking well smart ass
15:53.53RoyKhotly, perhaps, sir
15:54.45Bambranybody here who had successfully built app_rxfax and app_txfax?
15:54.58RoyKI just did
15:55.03RoyKand loaded app_rxfax
15:55.06EnthRoyK: i already have a big tattoo on my back.
15:55.08RoyK3 minutes ago
15:55.09coppicehit him with the 16 volume OED. its a killer
15:55.15RoyKEnth: how interesting
15:55.23sambalRoyK : it compiles faster over here ;)
15:55.33EnthA giant Phoenix. and on my right arm egyption glyphs.
15:55.41*** part/#asterisk cuco (
15:55.57Enthbut anwyay, fear my 8 packs!
15:56.22Hmmhesaystry that again
15:56.24coppicedo the egyptian glyphs say something like "this idiot can't read egyptian"? :-)
15:56.56RoyKcoppice: :)
15:57.03Enthit actually says rise of the phoenix/sun god - Ra.
15:57.14RoyKEnth: have you _checked_ that?\
15:57.22Enthalthough Ra's image is an Eagle, close/
15:57.36EnthRoyK: I was the one who gave them the glyphs.
15:57.40Hmmhesaysso I modified chan_sip to send out peer->mailbox@host, what a miserable failure that is
15:58.00RoyKmy gf knows a good bit of japanese, and she tells me quite a few interesting things about what stuff means on other people's clothes
15:58.14EnthShe from .jp ?
15:58.23Enthor just knows Japanese?
15:58.28coppiceyeah. some of the chinese on people's clothes can be funny.
15:58.31RoyKlike 'I suck dicks' on a t-shirt wore by a young man
15:58.44RoyKEnth: she's just studied it for three years or so
15:59.00Enthdamn, wish i could speak several languages.
15:59.56EnthTusen takk.
16:00.05hwtRoyK: hi fellow norwegian. :)
16:00.09RoyKdu kan vel ikke så veeeeeeldig mye
16:00.12RoyKhwt: hei
16:00.17hwtmen jeg kan. :)
16:00.26*** join/#asterisk apardo (
16:00.30gaupehwt: skitprat
16:00.34hwtRoyK: btw, do you know where i can find norwegian asterisk-sounds?
16:00.41*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
16:00.48RoyKhwt: #asterisk-no
16:00.50hwtgaupe: hei rmm. :)
16:01.18coppicesounds like a protest group :-)
16:01.19gaupehwt: hallo :)
16:02.36*** join/#asterisk Fedoracore6 (n=deddd@
16:02.41*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
16:02.42Fedoracore6hai all
16:02.48_foxfire_hi , any1 got any experience with QSIG, i can't find any useful documentation on * about it  ?
16:03.06*** join/#asterisk octothorpe_ (n=octothor@
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16:03.59RoyKcoppice: du forstår ikke stort
16:04.33*** join/#asterisk oej (
16:05.42zoahey ho docelm0
16:05.46zoaHEY HO OLLE!
16:06.00oejHey ho ZOA
16:06.05docelm0Sup Z!  How are things?
16:06.22docelm0Not that he would know me by my nick..  :)
16:06.31docelm0Hay Zoa did I tell you I got rid of the goatee?
16:06.34oejNo, I won't
16:06.51docelm0Olle, you would know me to see me tho..
16:06.59docelm0You may know my name..  Brian Fertig
16:06.59zoayeah you told me
16:07.00file[laptop]zoa: SLUT!
16:07.06oejAhh, Brian!!!
16:07.11zoaaaaah file
16:07.16coppiceRoyK: dammit. i was going for a witty respose in Chinese, and I can't get the input system to work on this stupid Windows machine :-\
16:07.26docelm0ahh I guess I am fairly well known..  :)
16:07.37oejCoppice: THanks for a good article on FoIP on your web site
16:07.43*** join/#asterisk apardo (
16:07.45nothinmanwho could give me a hint setting up cisco 1760v to connect to asterisk? i can't see the option to use username/passwd on cisco :/
16:07.53oejCoppice: I am trying to implement T38 support per peer now in the branch
16:08.17coppiceoej: what do you mean by per peer?
16:08.19docelm0nothinman, its there you have to type something.. crap I forget the commands as I NEVER used them
16:08.32Enthnothinman: type "en"
16:08.38*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
16:08.40Enthand then enter the passwd
16:08.41docelm0nothinman, just use it based on IP not user/pass
16:08.42oejCoppice: Right now, you can enable T38 for the whole channel, which means you disable RTP bridge for every device
16:08.53oejCoppice: I'm coding so you can set it per device instead
16:08.56nothinmanEnth: heh, it's been done :-)
16:09.23Enththen conf t | int eth0 | username blah | passwd blah | host blahblah | save exit | save | reboot
16:09.27coppiceoej: Eh? why would is disable RTP? if the ends don'e negotiate T.38 they use RTP
16:09.52oejIn the sip_bridge function it disables RTP native bridging if T38 support is on
16:09.54nothinmandocelm0: that's a good answer. but i've got better question: how? in asterisk :-)
16:09.58RoyKcoppice: :)
16:10.05oejCoppice: I might have misunderstood, but that's how I parse it
16:10.11docelm0nothinman, How what security based on IP?
16:10.32nothinmani'll be nasty and i'll paste my config from cisco, which i believe is okay
16:10.33nothinmandial-peer voice 3 voip
16:10.35oejcoppice: It does not disable RTP, but the native bridge
16:10.43docelm0ACK!  KICK HIM!
16:11.15coppiceoej: i think that was only in there for testing
16:11.19nothinmandocelmo: how can I allow cisco to connect to asterisk without password? just ip-based
16:11.19docelm0nothinman, you will find in here PASTEBIN IS YOUR FRIEND!
16:11.32oejCoppice: Ok, then I need some feedback on how to fix that.
16:11.38docelm0in your sip.conf do something like this:
16:11.49oejCoppice: I would also like to know a bit more about the RTP/TCP/UDPTL options
16:11.52coppiceoej: during testing things kept bypassing the * box, and appearing to work when they were not even using the * box :-)
16:11.53[ProB]CrazyMananbody here who is familar with .call files ?
16:12.09Enthactually to save time
16:12.13oejCoppice: Can a device support all of those at the same time?
16:12.30oejOr is it one only
16:12.35Enththat's a good start.
16:12.48nothinmanEnth: I started there :-)
16:13.02coppiceoej: a device can support all of them. very few things support anything other than UDPTL, though
16:13.16nothinmanEnth: problem is that this example doesn't seem to work for me
16:13.16Enthpastebin it
16:13.42*** join/#asterisk wrmem (
16:13.44oejCoppice: But for configs, those are separate options
16:14.03oejCoppice: Guess we only support UDPTL now, right?
16:14.53coppice*'s RTP doesn't support FEC, so its useless for T.38 right now. TPKT over TCP is there, but not quite complete
16:15.32oejCoppice: I did not find the TCP stuff in the patch. Are there code anywhere else than the bug tracker?
16:15.57Enthnothinman: so what exactly do you want to do? just purely connect the router to Asterisk ?
16:16.51*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
16:17.27*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
16:17.36nothinmani want to be able to dial from the router to asterisk
16:17.42docelm0Enth, I took care of em
16:17.44coppiceoej: I can't remember if I posted the tpkt transport or not. i think the chan_sip changes include some support for it. its months ago, so my memory is getting vague
16:17.55nothinmani've got analogue phones connected to cisco and voip to asterisk
16:18.06nothinmanand all i want to do i let them communicate!
16:18.18docelm0What I gave you will let that happen
16:18.24Enthok so docelm0 fixed it he says.
16:18.27oejcoppice: I'm trying to work with it in a branch and add some configuration stuff and documentation, in order to prepare it for commit
16:18.44oejcoppice: I would really appreciate if you made sure I had your latest code
16:18.55oejCoppice: So I'm not wasting my time on old code
16:19.14coppicewhat you have should be up to date
16:20.27*** join/#asterisk tehdely (
16:20.44coppiceoej: with a recent snapshot of spandsp T.38 termination seems to be working for some people
16:21.05*** join/#asterisk apardo (
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16:22.00oejcoppice: Tried compiling spandsp on OS/X today, it failed on library creation
16:22.42oejCoppice: Ok, I'll work along in the branch with the latest patch in the bug tracker. If you have time, please check the branch to make sure it works properly for you.
16:23.02oejCoppice: And we need to get rid of that bridge stuff then. Any ideas on what I can change without breaking?
16:23.15nothinmanEnth: yea, we're trying :-)
16:23.50Enthhave you managed to enter the username/passwd and establish the connection?
16:24.19coppiceoej: someone told me they had spandsp working on OS/X. I don't know if they had to make any changes, though. This week's activity has been getting clean builds with VS2005 :-)
16:25.08*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
16:26.04niZonhrm.. I hope I don't regret just buying that 7970 :P
16:26.25niZonI'll finally have a use for chan_sccp
16:26.45dpryoHm.. I've got a 7970 somewhere.. Do they work fine with asterisk?
16:26.56dpryo(I understand they don't support SIP?)
16:27.02niZonas long as you have chan_sccp installed :P
16:27.06MikeJ[Laptop]niZon, except it looks like cisco is going sip with ccm5
16:27.17niZonoo :P
16:27.27dpryoniZon: Yeah, I've used chan_sccp with 7960.. but asterisk segfaulted ;P
16:27.40niZonyeah there's a few issues
16:27.45dpryoSo I sipifyed all my 7960s
16:28.19jsharpI had some 7920s with chan_sccp.  Asterisk worked fine, but the 7920s would reboot after every call.
16:28.39dpryo7920 is the wireless ones?
16:29.05dpryoHm.. I've lost my charger for it.
16:29.10dpryoBetter find it and try it out :)
16:29.20jsharpAnd I discovered that you can't convert a 7940 to SIP from SCCP over a satellite link.  TFTP doesn't like it.
16:30.09De_Monto use ztdummy as a timing source, does need to be loaded?
16:31.13*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
16:33.35nothinmanEnth: i haven't :-)
16:36.42backbluehow do you guys pass the fisical limit of ~80 calls in one asterisk? how do you distribute the calls?
16:37.17*** join/#asterisk JmGV (n=jgomez@
16:40.36*** join/#asterisk Seyr (
16:42.00Kattymmm, cookie
16:42.13SeyrIs there anyway to call all extensions currently logged in?
16:42.18Seyror at least get a list of them?
16:42.31umayshow channels
16:42.43Seyrfor use in AGI script
16:43.18Kattyi did all of mine by hand.
16:43.34Kattywhere you set an extension to ring ex 1 & 2 & 3, etc
16:43.37RoyKSeyr: sip show peers from agi and parse it :P
16:44.24Kattycourse mine isn't an agi script
16:44.37Kattyand it's used for ring/blasty groups
16:44.56backbluethere is one option
16:45.09backblueto have a context with only the register peers
16:45.23backblueand you just simple dial all
16:45.55*** join/#asterisk Scarad (
16:46.06x86dpryo: 7960 supports a SIP firmware image ;)
16:46.07backbluenot parses
16:46.24x86dpryo: so you can natively use SIP with it and asterisk
16:46.26backblue7940 & 7960 works great with asterisk & sip
16:46.42backblue7970 it's not SIP enable.
16:46.59*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
16:47.12dpryox86: I know.
16:47.21dpryox86: 1727 > So I sipifyed all my 7960s
16:47.30NuggetI understand that chan_sccp has gotten a lot less awful lately, but I still haven't been brave enough to try it yet.
16:47.58dpryoI'll check it out with 7970 and 7920 tomorrow.
16:48.30dpryo7970 is a nice phone.. would be cool to actually use it.
16:48.31*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
16:51.04Scaradwhat does chan_sccp not deliver
16:51.31*** part/#asterisk Seyr (
16:51.50Scaradhmmm pizza
16:52.19jsharpIt wouldn't do the more-than-2-parties conferencing I wanted.
16:52.29x86if chan_sccp can deliver some pizza to me, i'll be impressed...
16:52.31x86PoIP :P
16:52.54jsharp* supports PoIP, but only in pass-thru mode.  You can see the pizza go by, but you can't touch it.
16:53.23x86you can smell but you cant taste ;)
16:53.39x86to taste you need to upgrade to the pro version hahaha
16:55.00_foxfire_scarad : how about efective autentication ...
16:55.52Scaradtrue true
16:57.05ScaradThe Polycom phones are better anyway...though they take a long time to boot
16:58.30*** join/#asterisk psk (
16:59.41ManxPowerWe seldom need to boot our Polycoms.
17:00.13mutour sphere needs booted once or twice a month
17:00.39nothinmanbloody router, argh!
17:00.52[TK]D-FenderMy polycoms last nearly forever before needing reboots.  Only when * loses hint subscriptions and go "sticky" :)
17:01.19twisted[asteria]i've noticed that * doesn't lose hint subscriptions anymore
17:01.30twisted[asteria]perhaps it's time to upgrade
17:01.38*** join/#asterisk octothorpe__ (n=octothor@
17:02.12Qwelltwisted[asteria]: y0
17:02.24twisted[asteria]hi Qwell
17:05.15*** join/#asterisk Isaiah (
17:05.34IsaiahDoes Firefly 2 work with asterisk?
17:05.34Kattytwisted[asteria]: the last two times i called you, you didn't answer!
17:05.43Kattytwisted[asteria]: consider me peeved!
17:05.58QwellKatty: at least he didn't sent you into telemarketer hell :p
17:06.11Kattyhe wouldn't do that :<
17:06.38KattyiDunno: yes...soon
17:06.45KattyiDunno: just a few more hours (=
17:06.52twisted[asteria]Katty, you called me?
17:06.56Kattytwisted[asteria]: beeped.
17:06.56Qwellpfft, my day hasn't even started yet
17:07.00Kattytwisted[asteria]: the /other/ phone
17:07.01*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
17:07.18Qwellbrookshire: hey, are you at Fort Digium?
17:07.26Kattytwisted[asteria]: look at your phone again
17:07.42twisted[asteria]i'm lookin at it
17:07.54twisted[asteria]NEXTEL\n11:07am 3/8
17:08.06Kattyjust like that
17:08.09Kattyexcept 2 nights ago
17:08.14Kattymaybe 3
17:08.15Qwellbrookshire: Could you do me a huge favor?
17:08.16twisted[asteria]just like what?
17:08.30Kattytwisted[asteria]: i beeped you a few nights ago and you never answered :P
17:08.37twisted[asteria]i didn't get a beep
17:08.39Qwellbrookshire: Could you go poke mog, and have him talk to the person for me?
17:08.49Qwellgotta run to work
17:08.50*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
17:09.27Qwellbtw, if any of you are going to VON, you should join #VON
17:09.45*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
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17:09.52wasimMGCPGW/C1/02/03-77f2 C1-02-03@mgcpgw:1    Up      SS7Bridge(Zap/34)
17:09.55wasim240 active channels
17:09.57wasim120 active calls
17:10.38*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
17:10.46wasimg729 calls, i.e.
17:11.28zoawhat are you using for the ss7bridge ?
17:11.34wasimzoa: its a misnomer
17:11.40zoamisnomer ?
17:11.43wasimzoa: its actually a replacement for app_dial
17:11.43zoawhat is a misnomer ?
17:11.50wasimwrong name for something
17:12.03Dr-Linuxhi wasim
17:12.20Dr-Linuxwasim: whassup? :)
17:12.30wasimbut the coding part isn't the hard bit, its the 10k call attempts per hour that drove * nuts
17:12.42ManxPowerI was wondering how people were doing SS7 with Asterisk!  Turns out they just run a non-SS7 app and call it SS7!  Brilliant!  BVry Microsoftish,
17:12.42twisted[asteria]what's wrong with 10k calls per hour?
17:12.55wasimManxPower: eh? we run ss7 all over
17:13.02Kattytwisted[asteria]: but i just beeped you.
17:13.05Kattytwisted[asteria]: and it said it went through
17:13.29Dr-Linuxwasim: kaisay hain app? :)
17:13.29twisted[asteria]Katty, hmm... strange. i show now missed calls/etc.
17:13.30Kattycome to think of it, we did have some tower problems...
17:13.31zoawasim, but what ss7 thing are you using ?
17:13.46Kattytwisted[asteria]: k, i'll let it slide this time.
17:13.50wasimzoa: s/ss7bridge/zapbridge
17:13.50Kattytwisted[asteria]: but just this once! *grin*
17:13.55zoawhich is ?
17:13.58wasimzoa: we didn't change the name from the skeleton file
17:14.03zoa<wasim> ManxPower: eh? we run ss7 all over
17:14.06zoai dont get it
17:14.12Kattytwisted[asteria]: not the horrid tickles :<
17:14.18Kattytwisted[asteria]: anything but the tickles >.<
17:14.20ManxPowerI was (mostly) joking.
17:14.21wasimzoa: not on this box, but otherwise with ss7box
17:14.24wasimManxPower: :P
17:14.25twisted[asteria]Katty, no, not the horrid ones
17:14.28*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
17:14.29CrashHDif I'm running voip connections over bonded t1's is there anything I should take into account?
17:14.32Kattytwisted[asteria]: k :>
17:14.34zoaand what is ss7box ?
17:14.35CrashHDusing ip cef distributed
17:14.41ManxPowerSo where can I find information on downloading and/or purchasing SS7 support for Asterisk?
17:14.52wasimManxPower: zoa :
17:15.08wasimManxPower: you can also go the cosini route
17:15.14ManxPowerCrashHD, latency and jitter are evil.
17:15.14zoaah found it
17:15.51CrashHDwell I'm seeing 50-60 packets lost per conversation
17:15.52IsaiahWhat's a good free softphone to use with asterisk(sip or IAX will work)?
17:16.01CrashHDthought there may be a command or two I was missing
17:16.09CrashHDon the cisco routers
17:16.14ManxPowerSo SS7 box got a commercial license from Digium, I assume.
17:16.14Dr-LinuxCrashHD: xlite, SJphone
17:16.33Dr-LinuxIsaiah: xlite, SJphone
17:16.34ManxPowerCrashHD, I don't know, that would be a question for #cisco
17:16.48IsaiahOk thanks Dr-Linux :)
17:16.52wasimManxPower: no, they use woomera
17:17.07ManxPowerwasim, Ah.  ick.
17:17.21*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
17:17.37Kattycraig's nice.
17:17.44ManxPowerwoomera sounds like the place a baby kangaroo stays,
17:17.47twisted[asteria]since the b is silent.
17:18.02prongilshi all, whats a good way of having a Background(file) play and ring internal extensions at the same time?
17:18.21twisted[asteria]prongils, music on hold
17:18.26ManxPowerprongils, in 1.2 you can set a MoH class for that.
17:18.36twisted[asteria]dial option m()
17:18.42wasimDr-Linux: hi
17:18.49Kattytwisted[asteria]: :<
17:18.57Kattytwisted[asteria]: you can run, but you can't hide.
17:19.03Kattytwisted[asteria]: i practically know where you live - i'll find you!
17:19.11Dr-Linuxwasim: from Lhr?
17:19.12prongilsthanks lemme see what i can do
17:19.18wasimDr-Linux: in lhr
17:19.29Dr-Linuxwasim: cool, same here :)
17:21.45[TK]D-Fendertwisted[asteria] : Silent.... yeah like the "p" in swimming....
17:22.19*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
17:22.25*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=simon@
17:22.31*** join/#asterisk NirS (n=nirs@
17:22.38NirShey all
17:22.49NirShow is everybody doing today ?
17:23.16NirSanyone got experience with connecting Asterisk to a France Telecom E1 circuit ?
17:23.26twisted[asteria]i surrender!
17:23.51wasimNirS: you have to set h,1,AuRevour()
17:24.01Kattyhow about we forget the telcom e1 circuit and opt for short circuit instead?
17:24.18NirSah ?
17:24.37Kattyi'll bring the popcorn!
17:24.38NirSwasim, I understand from your remark that Asterisk E1 will not work with France Telecom ?
17:24.52[TK]D-Fender"But Egon... I thought you said crossing the streams was baaaaaadd..."
17:25.01*** join/#asterisk asterisk99 (
17:25.03wasimNirS: it should
17:25.25wasimNirS: 1,0,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 (if you have those and check your timing)
17:25.57NirSthe guy from France Telecom said something about a T2 line ?
17:26.04NirSanyone has any idea what that is ?
17:26.54wasimNirS: T2 is a DS2 with 96 bearer chans
17:27.11Abydos313so like 4 t1's?
17:27.48NirSwasim, so I would need a splitter from T2 to 4xT1 ?
17:27.53wasimbut wtf they have a T line in france is not right
17:27.56NirSin order to use a TE410P card ?
17:28.01wasimyou'd think they have E1s
17:28.12wasimgood 'ol 32 channels
17:28.23Abydos313i thought e1 is 29 channels
17:29.26asterisk99>I have a zaptel.conf question... I know how to config zaptel.conf for TDM400P card with 1,2,3,4 FXO/FXS cards... faur enuf ... but what do you do if you want to install a 2nd card??? Is this not possible? If it is, how do you define the fxsks= and fxoks= for the 2nd card???
17:30.15Abydos313google says up to 32 :))
17:30.17[TK]D-Fenderasterisk99 : You would just use channels 5-8
17:31.08asterisk99[TK]D-Fender: Aha! And I assume if you had 3 cards, channels 9,10,11,12
17:31.12[TK]D-Fenderasterisk99 : However more than 2 (some would say 1) Digium card in a system is not a good thing though so keep your options open towrads possibly a partial PRI
17:31.22[TK]D-Fender3=bad idea
17:31.35wasimasterisk99: no, you have to skip 9 for the inter-galactic-channel
17:31.38[TK]D-Fenderinterrupts heavy, power heavy, etc...
17:31.45nothinmanshould my cisco 1760v accept sip calls from asterisk?
17:32.07asterisk99[TK]D-Fender: I'm building a Perl program to auto-config zaptel.conf and zapata.conf --- I hate doing it manually & keep forgetting the settings
17:32.34asterisk99wasim: The INTERGALACTIC channel???? Surely you jest!!!!!
17:33.08[TK]D-Fenderasterisk99 : Harldy worth it.  Just keep 1 templat hanging around and thats it...
17:34.01*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (
17:34.07asterisk99[TK]D-Fender: Maybe. I've always tried to automate everything.... One day I'll automate myself... that's the day I can retire (or die... whichever)
17:34.42_Paulo_[TK]D-Fender, would you say I should not put 2 TE110P in the same PCI bus?
17:35.07asterisk99[TK]D-Fender: I'm making a 1-step Asterisk/Apache installation script... almost done execpt for the zapata.conf stuff
17:35.07[TK]D-Fender_Paulo_ : Don't know about the card specifically, but definately not MORE.
17:38.23*** join/#asterisk guilherme-jorge (n=admin@
17:38.47HmmhesaysI'm just a notch in the bedpost but you're just a line in a song
17:42.32*** join/#asterisk GerbilWrk (i=GerbilNu@
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17:44.28NuggetDebra was a Catholic girl, she held out to the bitter end.
17:44.34*** join/#asterisk mrtwister|mobile (
17:48.52mutstill getting this channel lock thing
17:48.52mutMar  8 12:46:55 WARNING[24530]: channel.c:784 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0xb680b868', 10 retries!
17:48.57mutanyone know what thats from
17:48.57HmmhesaysNugget lol
17:50.06wundaboywhat is the best sounding codec of these: G.711 ulaw G.711 alaw G.729 or iLBC ?
17:50.31Hmmhesaysit gives me wood
17:50.35wundaboyalaw or ulaw?
17:50.48Hmmhesaysaren't they the same sampling rate?
17:50.55[TK]D-FenderALAW & ULAW are pretty much identical.
17:51.05[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : Where are you located?
17:51.11wundaboyPortland, OR
17:51.19wundaboysup D-Fender
17:51.37[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : Oh yeah... my memory aspires to siv-dom ;)
17:52.01wundaboyim at work, so its 8 hours of playing with *
17:52.09[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : Use ULAW.  Its the N/A standard and will require SLIGHLTY less work to transcode to PSTN here.
17:52.12wundaboyand taking a call every now and then
17:52.23[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : Much the same here :)
17:52.44wundaboyare you in cananda?
17:53.26wundaboywhat do their phone numbers look liek?
17:54.15wundaboysame pattern as the us?
17:56.05*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
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17:58.47wundaboywhere do i set codec>?
17:59.28asterisk99mut: (offtopic) I believe that it's a song called '88 LINES ABOUT 44 WOMEN' by a group called 'Nails' (1984)
18:01.14[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : depends what tech you're working with...
18:03.04mutsay what
18:03.50NuggetWhat ain't no country I ever heard of.  They speak English in What?
18:04.33Hmmhesayswe all speak english
18:04.41*** join/#asterisk dpolitech (n=Owner@
18:06.19*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
18:06.33De_MonJuggie you there?
18:08.19*** join/#asterisk azzie (
18:08.44Hmmhesaysthat reminds me i need to get some more boomers
18:09.03asterisk99Hmmhesays: You gotta be kidding!!! There are a billion people in India (where all our jobs will be one day if George 'Dubya' gets his wish)  and 1.3 billion in China (where all our cars will be made one day soon) , most of whom do not speak English!!!!
18:09.26Hmmhesaysasterisk99: yes I was kidding
18:09.31NuggetI guess asterisk99 was born without a sense of humor.
18:09.37Hmmhesayshence the---->[12:05] * Hmmhesays ducks and runs
18:09.37Hmmhesays[12:05] <Hmmhesays> lol
18:09.45asterisk99Hmmhesays: At-sa-ma-boy!!!
18:10.22[TK]D-Fenderasterisk99 : No... "W" will bomb them into the dark ages before then in the name of "Freedom" :)
18:10.24backblueVoiceOne uses realtime static or true realtime?
18:11.02_Paulo_India was an English colony, don't they all speak english there?
18:12.12HmmhesaysI like a good bomb
18:12.21jsharpSure.  Every time I call there, I get someone who speaks english.
18:12.25jsharpAnd is named Bob or Tom.
18:12.42Hmmhesayshell if I had napalm  i'd be firebombing shit every day
18:13.03asterisk99[TK]D-Fender: Oh god (or Allah as the case may be) don't get going... That idiot in the White House is in for a severe ass-kicking when he decides to invade Iran to emiminate them thar Weapons of Mass Deception... IT's gonna make Falluja look like a Sunday-School Picnic   (but, I've gone off topic... sorry)
18:13.18De_MonI need some help getting app_conference compiled against 1.2.4, any links?
18:13.48[TK]D-Fenderasterisk99 : Yeah.... I feel the "people" are deceiving themselves plenty enough as it is.....
18:14.00Hmmhesaysi learned some meat puppets last night
18:14.08Hmmhesaysthat was fun, until the 40th time I played through it
18:16.24*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
18:17.37Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: last night i saw your gf :)
18:17.40Dr-Linuxin dreamz
18:18.55Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin: main ne app ki gf ki baat nahin ki :P
18:19.35PakiPenguinDr-Linux, :o
18:19.43PakiPenguinDr-Linux, where from?
18:20.01Dr-LinuxPakiPenguin ..
18:20.14PakiPenguinjee jee?
18:20.22*** join/#asterisk jpablo (n=jpablo@
18:20.35Dr-Linux/w Dr-Linux  ... then ; :)
18:20.38jpabloHi, what's the best way to connect 14 fxos to a * box ?
18:21.05PakiPenguinDr-Linux, neat
18:21.19jpablojsharp, over a channel banck ?
18:21.25_Paulo_jpablo, or a channelbank
18:21.28Dr-Linuxjpablo: TDM2400 has 23 ports
18:21.56*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
18:22.22jsharpFXO channel banks are notoriously expensive.
18:22.35HmmhesaysDr-Linux: she ditched me last night, so good for you man
18:22.46Hmmhesaysat least someone is seeing those fantastic boobies
18:23.01jpabloDr-Linux, over a tdm2400 ?
18:23.03Dr-Linuxjpablo: look for some tdm400p with fxo (4 port each)
18:23.28jpablois the tdm stable?
18:23.53*** join/#asterisk angom (
18:24.01jpabloi have used tsome tdm400p and it kind of suck
18:25.38zoai use a tdm400p and am very happy with it
18:27.01Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: yeah, i saw her boobies :P
18:27.09Hmmhesaysfantastic man
18:27.14Hmmhesaysthey are spectacular
18:27.35Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: actually i was looking milk before get sleep
18:27.37*** join/#asterisk Eight (
18:27.43Hmmhesaysthats a little disturbing
18:27.47Zodiacalanyone know why * doesn't return control back to my context that called voicemail()?
18:27.47Dr-Linuxthats i why i have seen such great ... ;)
18:27.57PakiPenguinlittle == very
18:28.03Zodiacali just want to playback a simple file after the users voicemail has been recorded..
18:28.09Zodiacalit just hangs up insted
18:28.35Lelandfecking MoH transcoding *sigh*
18:29.15Dr-Linuxanybody is play with AGI using C ?
18:29.27LelandI'm almost convinced it's the digium 729 codec which is causing the problem
18:29.28Dr-Linuxanybody is playing with AGI using C ?
18:29.43Dr-LinuxLeland: what problem?
18:30.20LelandMoH is played fine to endpoints on all other codecs EXCEPT g.729 ... those users hear corrupted crap
18:30.21*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
18:30.50Lelandnot even resembling music or anything else.. rather like doing a cat file.mp3 > /dev/sound
18:30.54Zodiacalany ideas?
18:31.16oej~seen coppice
18:31.20jbotcoppice <n=chatzill@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2h 7m 1s ago, saying: 'oej: someone told me they had spandsp working on OS/X. I don't know if they had to make any changes, though. This week's activity has been getting clean builds with VS2005 :-)'.
18:32.37Lelandeven posted a message on the forums about it, but still no resolution to the problem
18:32.47*** join/#asterisk Scarad (
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18:33.48ManxPowerLeland, Forums?
18:34.28*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:35.25Lelandhmm.. found a cisco bug as well.
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18:35.46Lelandshow policy-map interface input  returns the OUTPUT policy-map ... *eyeroll*
18:35.56Sebbhi.. one question: when i use realtime voicemail-config (via ldap), i can't use the directory-function.. is that right?
18:36.29*** join/#asterisk MattH (n=MattH@
18:36.40MattHhi.. during the install process.... when do the /dev/zap files get created?
18:37.18jpablohumm, make install
18:37.25backblueMattH: they are created when you load zaptel related modules, i think
18:37.25jpablomake install of zaptel
18:37.35twisted[asteria]MattH, depends, do you use udev?
18:37.38jpablobackblue, depends if you are using udev or not
18:37.51MattHtwisted: yes this person is using udev (not me)
18:38.08backblueok, who the hell dont use udev? :o jk
18:38.08twisted[asteria]MattH, then it's like blackblue mentioned, when you load the modules
18:38.14MattHhe said it compiled fine and he did make install but when he tries to load zaptel it gives an error about the device /dev/zap/ctl not existing
18:38.27*** join/#asterisk caio1982_ (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
18:38.28backblueMattH: have you runned ztcfg?
18:39.16MattHztcfg says  "line 0: unable to open master device "/dev/zap/ctl"
18:39.30twisted[asteria]look and see if there is a /dev/zapctl
18:39.35MattHno there isn't
18:39.37twisted[asteria]if so, you need to modify the udev rules
18:39.42MattHthat's why I was wondering when it was suppose to be created
18:39.45twisted[asteria]not with teh slash, just /dev/zapctl
18:40.02twisted[asteria]see if it's all smashed together
18:40.14backblueyes, check your udev rulles.
18:40.42backbluetwisted[asteria]: how its the best way arround, to get over the 80 calls fisic limitation? (clustering??)
18:41.00ManxPowerWhat 80 calls limitation?
18:41.04twisted[asteria]backblue, what limitation?
18:41.26MattHtwisted[asteria], no /dev/zapctl
18:42.09ManxPowerI still have no idea why people have problems with Zaptel.  It' Just Works for me on Mandrake w/ 2.4 and 2.6 kernels
18:42.18backbluetwisted[asteria]: teorically, one processor p4, handles about 80 calls transcoding. i need to have about 800 calls transcoding, i really need clustering asterisk, and i'm checking arround how to do it.
18:42.47filetranscoding g729?
18:42.49ManxPowerbackblue, That is specific to YOUR setup.  There is no 80 call limitation.
18:43.02backbluefile: yes, for example.
18:43.13twisted[asteria]backblue, only 80 calls?  that's kinda weak
18:43.22backblueManxPower: but there is limitation, your hardware its not infinit.
18:43.32*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
18:43.39backbluetwisted[asteria]: 80 calls transcoding at the same time? :D not much?
18:43.45ManxPowerbackblue, There is no limitation coded into Asterisk.
18:43.46cpmIf I had the trouble of too many calls to transcode, that would be something.
18:44.08backblueas voip-info says, dual xeon 3Ghz or something bleeding edge, it's about 130 calls at the same time.
18:44.09ManxPowerAny limitation would be caused by your specific hardware and your specific configuration and requirements.
18:44.17kink0anyone knows if a BRITEmux from Conklin is enable to demux E1 q931 ?
18:44.31backblueManxPower: the limitation it's your hardware, not asterisk.
18:45.01ManxPowerFor example, G729 takes massive amounts of CPU and so you can't do many calls doing transcoding with G729.  On the other hand if you didn't have to transcode (or didn't have to transcode so much) then you would be able to do MANY MANY more calls.
18:45.10twisted[asteria]best method would be not to transcode
18:45.26ManxPowerG729 is so CPU hungry many ATAs can only do 1 G729 call at a time.
18:45.33twisted[asteria]format_g729 and a good audio conversion tool, convert all your files to g729 and force g729 on your endpoints
18:45.47[TK]D-FenderWant * to scale?  Get high-density SIP PRI gateways and the only real load on * should be for Voicemail / IVR.
18:46.01twisted[asteria][TK]D-Fender, heh... i've got a setup that i've installed doing just that
18:46.04ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, and call setup/teardown
18:46.25twisted[asteria]no, not call setup/teardown, that should be handled by the gateway/proxy
18:46.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Takes a lot for basic SIP startup/teardown?
18:46.35twisted[asteria]oh wait
18:46.38ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, no.
18:46.48[TK]D-Fendertwisted[asteria] : We didn't mention "proxy" in there yet....
18:46.49ManxPowerBut it IS another thing asterisk would prolly be handleing
18:46.55twisted[asteria][TK]D-Fender, i did.
18:47.15[TK]D-Fendertwisted[asteria] : Keep writing between the lines why don't you ;)
18:47.35twisted[asteria][TK]D-Fender, sure thing ;)
18:47.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower : I though the Sipura's just did G729 on a single channel to be cheap-asses :)
18:48.33*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
18:48.34ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, That could be the reason, but if you look at the licensing costs for G729 it's pretty cheap per channel when you get into high volume.
18:48.34[TK]D-FenderMediatrix needs to drop their retail margins as their wholesale cost is nearly par for offering better functionality than Sipura/Linksys
18:48.49*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
18:49.17[TK]D-FenderManxPower : I rarely OVERESTIMATE things... pessimistic as it may sound
18:51.30kink0anybody knows about any cheap E1 PRI <-> BRI multiplexer/demultiplexer ?
18:52.10kink0I have fews unused E1 ports, and I pretend to use it instead to buy fews FXO/FXS digium cards
18:52.25kink0because there just on free PCI slot on the system.
18:53.00[TK]D-FenderBRI is never cheap in my awareness...
18:53.08wundaboycan anyone recomend an inexpensive consistent voip provider for us/canada?
18:53.22twisted[asteria][TK]D-Fender, i could get bri back in tennessee for $24/mo
18:53.28ManxPowerwundaboy, they all suck.  I find that Teliax usually sucks a little bit less than most.
18:53.33twisted[asteria]cheaper than two phone lines, and faster, too ;)
18:53.40twisted[asteria]call setup/teardown wise
18:53.59ManxPowertwisted[asteria], that price is a fluke created by the TN PUC.  Almost all other states were 4x as expensive.
18:54.02kink0[TK]D-Fender, I agree, will be ok also PRI-> analog(FXS/FXO) for this purpose to use a fews channels from the PRI and connect it to the telco
18:54.14twisted[asteria]ManxPower, yeah, it's still like $24 in TN, too ;)
18:54.29twisted[asteria]here in HSV it's only like $38 iirc
18:54.48ManxPowerin Louisiana it was about $109 including taxes for a PRI
18:54.48file[laptop]for a BRI?
18:54.52ManxPower$300 install fee.
18:54.54*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:55.01ManxPowerpperppp not PRI, BRI
18:55.55wundaboy.02/minute isnt bad
18:56.04kink0here a PRI costs about 350 dls/mo ( Spain ) including all from the telco.
18:56.10wundaboyManxPower: does teliax do 1/10ths o fa minute? or just whole minutes...
18:56.34ManxPowerwundaboy, I have no idea.  Prolly does 6 second increments, that seems pretty standard.
18:56.45kink0but now I just need fews channels, so I was planning to use FXO/FXS digium cards , the problem is I can add just one card on one free PCI slot
18:57.13ManxPowerkink0, Um, BRI and analog are different.
18:57.30kink0an I have on that machine a TE405 card, where 3 ports still unused
18:57.56kink0ManxPower, yes, for my purpose is indiferent for me , I can connet it to the BRI telco or to the analog telco
18:57.58wundaboydo you know if teliax will do local incoming did's?
18:58.05backbluekink0: you are my neighbor. :P
18:58.07wundaboyalso whats the VOIP did porting situation for everyone?
18:58.17ManxPowerkink0, neither of those ideas use the extra ports on your card.
18:58.19kink0hi backblue
18:58.40ManxPowerwundaboy, I don't know.  anyone that relies on a VoIP telco as their primary phone service is a moron.
18:58.43backbluetwisted[asteria]: if you have 500000 users you will not want to use 1 asterisk i hope! :) you need to cluster it.
18:58.44kink0ManxPower, no, for this I was looking for an ISDN multiplexer
18:59.31ManxPowerSo you are looking for a device that takes a CT1 or PRI connection from Asterisk on one of the extra ports and then converts it to BRI for use with PRI phones?
18:59.44kink0ManxPower, right !!
18:59.53ManxPowerkink0, Keep dreaming.
19:00.00kink0ooopssssssss :(
19:00.44kink0well then I will to change my telco BRI for PRI, is cheapest than buy a lot of TDM cards
19:01.03exonicAnyone care to see my ncurses asterisk interface? I attempted to mimic the basic layout of a MaxTNT. Screenie here:
19:01.14ManxPowerkink0, and not use the TE405P?
19:01.32kink0ManxPower, I am ussing now just one port
19:01.46ManxPowerkink0, TE405P does not work with BRI
19:01.49kink0I bough with four ports for future expansions
19:02.07kink0yes , for that I was looking for something to demux PRI to BRI
19:02.28kink0but I only found one expensive equipment from Ericson ( about 6000 dls )
19:03.03kink0really that Ericson is a full PBX, but I just need the demultiplexing functions.
19:04.38Lino`hmmm exonic that looks very nice
19:05.35guilherme-jorgewhere do I download of the asterisk manager API?
19:06.01exonicLino`, good. It will be available shortly. Is anyone aware of a place to host asterisk applications?
19:06.25Lino`hmmm if you want to do it as an opensource thingy, maybe sourceforge or freshmeat
19:06.58ManxPowerguilherme-jorge, It is included with Asterisk
19:07.35exonicLino`, sf is too popular, cvs system is always down. :)
19:09.27exonicI'll find a hosting solution.
19:10.15nextimeexonic : why are you using a place that need signup to view the screenshot?
19:10.39Lino`flickr usually does not need signup
19:11.15nextimeLino` : i know, but if i try to get the url of exonic i get a signup page.
19:11.27Lino`you can set this up in the configuration
19:13.39exonicIs tehre a place to host this image? damn flickr tells me the photo is public
19:14.10exonicI'm currently trying to find a place to host the project as well ;)
19:14.37*** join/#asterisk Seldon1975 (n=someone@
19:14.44Seldon1975anyone here used a DigitNetworks X100P ?
19:15.58Lino`i can host your image, no problem
19:16.03x86exonic: I WANT!
19:16.08x86exonic: written in perl?
19:16.19Lino`if you want i can also host your project
19:16.34Lino`if its not exceeding the magical 75gb / month mark
19:16.41*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
19:16.48x86exonic: there's always
19:17.02Lino`yeah thats a good place
19:17.07*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
19:17.13x86exonic: they have no bandwidth limitations, support SVN (including WebSVN), and all kinds of other things
19:17.22x86exonic: i use them for one of my projects
19:17.52Seldon1975anyone here used a DigitNetworks X100P ?
19:18.01x86Seldon1975: no repeating please
19:18.22Seldon1975x86: ever?  whats the acceptable delay?
19:18.35x86Seldon1975: >1 hour
19:18.44Seldon1975x86: sheesh!
19:19.20exonicalright, i'll just host it on google pages. forgot about that thing!
19:19.23cpmwhat's a digitnetworks x100p?
19:19.32exonicx86, i'll check out for svn access
19:19.38Lino`a cheap and dumb card "made for asterisk"
19:19.41x86OMGWTFBBQ ITS A BOUNCING... ERR... iDunno!
19:19.42Lino`analog phone interface card
19:20.17Lino`if you look into your toilet after having a good s**t you might find the x100p as well, i hate it.
19:20.25Seldon1975Lino`: why?
19:20.35Seldon1975Lino`: what are the specific issues?
19:20.51cpmlooks dodgy to me, I wouldn't do it.
19:20.52Lino`because its a b**ch getting it to work and analog devices disgust me
19:21.16Seldon1975Lino`: what would you use if you wanted a single analog line into your * box
19:21.22cpmone thing about cheap stuff, you can count on it being cheap.
19:21.32Lino`THATs a good question
19:21.51Seldon1975cpm: yeah, Im trying to work out the best alternative and what are the specific deficiencies of the x100
19:22.20Lino`its about 8€ so i tried it as well but i stopped trying it after 1 hour or so
19:22.33Lino`now i have several cologne chip powered ISDN cards up and running
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19:23.09Seldon1975digitnetworks claims the x100 is 100% compatible with *
19:23.22Seldon1975they even have * driver messages on their site
19:23.28Lino`i know
19:23.36Seldon1975is that a crock?
19:23.40Lino`but that only works as long as you don't have any custom stuff
19:23.56Seldon1975custom as in....?
19:23.57Lino`i don't know if it works at all
19:24.20Lino`custom as in having a * installation which is not 99% done the way it is meant to be
19:24.21Nivexfrom what I heard even the digium x100 was a pain... hence why they don't sell them anymore
19:24.44Seldon1975who dont sell them?
19:25.18Seldon1975so I guess the real question is still: what would you use for a single analog trunk line
19:25.37*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
19:26.32Lino`that is indeed a problem
19:26.47Lino`are you from europe?
19:26.55Seldon1975no, in Canada
19:27.34*** join/#asterisk m29poff (n=root@
19:28.27Seldon1975well I just bought a x100 online for $25 - if it doesnt work I'll consider it a sunk cost
19:28.36m29poffHI, I've hangup problem with a TDM 11B card. Anyone around here to help me ?
19:28.37*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
19:28.52Seldon1975at that price I figure its worth a gamble but my ears are open for a superior alternative
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19:32.57zoathe x100p are bad
19:33.01zoaand all clones are too
19:33.07zoathey are not made for this kind of job
19:33.16zoaand have a massive amount of false hangups
19:33.31zoacallerid problems
19:33.34cpmwhat do you suppose is the chance that this $25 cheapo card is this card
19:33.43zoathey are all the same
19:34.01cthompsonthey're Intel softmodems
19:34.05cpmmy personal experience with this,
19:34.16cpmis that it was a real waste of time and money, which is too bad.
19:34.28zoaand you paid a lot for it
19:34.59[av]banicheap telco equipment = shit performance
19:35.20[av]baniyoure not going to get decent performance for less than $100 a port, period
19:35.24salviadudwhat's better than telco?
19:35.30cpmNot all that much, considering it is native iax, and has all the bells and whistles that the iaxy doesn't. However, unlike the iaxy, it's a piece of crap.
19:36.25cpm[av]bani, $100 a port is a good figure.
19:36.25[av]banicpm: most people who have problems are buying at $50 or less
19:36.25*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:36.58[av]baniyou want real dsp based echo cancellers, not pc software based ones.
19:37.06cpmyeah, the S100-FX is about $82 by the time it's in your hands. That makes the next iaxy cost about $182. :)
19:37.14[av]baniwith a dsp directly on the card
19:37.48[av]baniand echo cancelling is not something you want to screw around with in voip installations
19:38.00*** join/#asterisk TheCompWiz (
19:38.09[av]banipeople think they can do it on th cheap and think they're being clever -- they arent.
19:38.13TheCompWizanyone in here work with the miax client?
19:38.29salviadudexpensive hardware rocks
19:38.35salviadudcause it doesn't fail
19:38.50Lino`i use asterisk on a dual xeon d machine
19:38.56Lino`thats overkill
19:38.57salviadudon the long run... it is cost effective
19:39.07salviadudlino, how many channels?
19:39.13salviadudon average
19:39.13Lino`more than i'll ever need
19:39.23Lino`at the moment 0 because it is still in development
19:39.30salviadudis it for a call center?
19:39.42Lino`no. it is for a small company, i said it is overkill
19:39.53Lino`we used to have 4 channels outbound
19:40.00*** join/#asterisk mog_work (
19:40.00TheCompWizhas anyone setup a trunk using a cell phone?
19:40.03Lino`but i want to run more applications on it
19:40.09salviadudyou could do that with a decent 4 ghz intel
19:40.11*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
19:40.15salviadud4 chans
19:40.22Lino`yeah but i had the machine in stock
19:40.28Lino`so why shouldnt i use it?
19:40.39salviadudi guess you are right sir!
19:40.41salviadudoverkill it is
19:41.01Lino`i'm thinking about virtualization or something
19:41.04squinky86I'm not too familiar with the asterisk source code yet; but, if I have the name of a channel as a character pointer, how would I convert that to an ast_channel struct?
19:41.07Lino`or starting a call center :-P
19:41.28salviadudyeah, call centers are funny
19:41.31salviadudi used to work at one
19:41.37salviadudwe used horrible software
19:41.41salviadudall windows
19:41.42octothorpeI have an x100p from on my test box  and it works well
19:41.43RoyKgoða kvöldið
19:41.45salviadudsuper crap
19:41.59salviadudthey fired me cause i used linux live-cds on the comps
19:42.11salviadudtoo smart for those monkeys
19:42.35salviadudasterisk is so cool.
19:42.45PakiPenguinhey RoyK
19:43.04RoyKhi, mr paki :)
19:43.20salviadudhey compwiz, what distro are you using?
19:43.20PakiPenguinhow are you today?
19:44.25Zodiacalhow come asterisk saves a unavail.wav and an unavail.WAV
19:44.43Qwell[]Zodiacal: Because those are two different formats.
19:44.53Qwell[]check your voicemail.conf for the formats it can change them
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19:45.02Zodiacalqwell okie thanks!
19:45.03TonyMhey guys, are the asterisk mailing lists down? nothing for several hours at least
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19:45.24Qwell[]Zodiacal: The same is true for all greetings
19:46.02Zodiacalknow the difference off hand?
19:46.09Qwell[]about 49
19:46.31exonicTonyM, I havn't gotten anything for ~20 hours
19:46.47TonyMok, thanks - it's not just me then ;)
19:46.50salviadudadios locoooos!
19:47.06*** join/#asterisk octothorpe__ (n=octothor@
19:47.13exonicZodiacal, one is a compressed wav format, I can't remember which :)
19:47.28Zodiacalwav49 is probably compressed
19:47.30[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : wav49 is Windows standard wav, "wav" alone isn't quite as compatible
19:47.57*** join/#asterisk lab0rized (
19:48.14lab0rizedHello anyone succesfully had installed asterisk on a ubuntu system ?
19:48.14exonicunavail.WAV: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, GSM 6.10, mono 8000 Hz
19:48.14exonicunavail.gsm: data
19:48.14exonicunavail.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz
19:48.16Zodiacaldo you guys know off hand how to increase the volume of my greetings?
19:48.44exonicZodiacal, sox is a good utility
19:49.11Zodiacalthat reencodes them tho right?
19:49.34exonicZodiacal, correct
19:49.37Zodiacalis there another setting somewhere? that just ups the volume for the playback,background commands or am i dreaming
19:50.03tehdelylab0rized: it's not possible.  in fact, asterisk will self-destruct and redirect all calls to tt-weasels if it detects an ubuntu system
19:50.22exonicZodiacal, not aware of an option
19:50.22Zodiacalexonic cuz new voicemail recordings are quiet too
19:50.22Zodiacalbut the operator is fine
19:50.51Zodiacalwould i have to run sox after every new voicemail recording?
19:50.59exonicZodiacal, hmm. g(#) - Use the specified amount of gain when recording the voicemail
19:51.09Qwell[]yeah, g() works well
19:51.14exonicZodiacal, show application VoiceMail
19:51.23Zodiacalokie i'll go play with that, thanks again!
19:51.35lab0rizedah very funny!
19:52.07exoniclab0rized, any problem in particular on ubuntu?
19:54.18lab0rizedyes, i have installed all the nessecary lib's and it still say that i need termcap =?
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19:54.48TheCompWizcan anyone tell me the differences between chan_bluetooth & miax? ... which is better (supported/works)? etc?
19:55.12TheCompWiz(both supposed to be bluetooth capable methods of using cell phones as a trunk)
19:55.26moyhi... i have red alarm in the 4 spans of my digium for E1 config, what does red alarm means?
19:55.48[TK]D-Fendermoy : means "no link"
19:55.53Qwell[]moy: bad things...  is it plugged in?
19:56.02Qwell[]with proper cables
19:56.08exoniclab0rized, you've got me clueless. asterisk says you need termcap ?
19:56.39*** join/#asterisk Tall-guy (
19:56.50moyQwell: thanks for your answer, actually i dont know, is supposed to be plugged in, but im configuring the card remotely
19:57.13moychan_unicall seems to be fine, detects the channels
19:57.15Tall-guyHey lads, anyone here with Asterisk to Nortel MICS integration experience?
19:57.26lab0rizedYeah, or well no not completely asterisk but it is an error i get when compiling asterisk ?
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19:57.57lab0rizederror: termcap support not found !
19:58.10moythe people that have physical access to the server tell me that is connected
19:58.12mroth_immanyone have numbers available on the average count of calls handled on their server per day?
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19:59.36Qwell[]mroth_imm: yep
19:59.39moy[TK]D-Fender: couldnt be then a telco problem?
19:59.41Qwell[]ends up at about 3
19:59.59mroth_imm3 what?  :)
20:00.02exonicmroth_imm, yeah.. around 1000 every day
20:00.29Qwell[]calls per day
20:00.29mroth_immcool...just trying to get a frame of reference
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20:00.56mroth_immQwell[]: wanna trade?
20:01.22exonicQwell[], are you talking concurrent?
20:02.12mroth_immi have no idea what the average user is putting through asterisk
20:02.34exonicI have another asterisk box that is a basic IVR that handles around 2500 every dya
20:02.44mroth_immright now we're approximately 90 concurrent with recording throughout business hours...been hitting 10000 a day
20:03.11exonicmroth_imm, nice! What kind of hardware? Digium? All SIP?
20:03.44mroth_immall sip...pstn terminated by a cisco gateway --- SIP --- Asterisk Server --- SIP --- Snom 320s
20:04.35mroth_immi kinda left userland for a while during the prep for launch, so i lost track of what everyone else was doing
20:04.36exonicAwesome. I plan to find something besides my digium when my call volume grows beyond my TE410
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20:05.33mroth_immas long as things don't go south, our setup will be public...i'd love to see the improvements everyone could suggest
20:05.52mroth_immgot a little isolated along the way...just trying to *make things work* for the bosses :)
20:05.55octothorpemroth_imm I have been trying to set uo my asterisk to talk with ccm 4 and can't get it working.  Any pointers on the asterisk side?
20:06.29mroth_immsorry, no experience there...
20:06.44mroth_immwhat is call manager running on?
20:07.29mroth_immwe have two as5400s, we own them, but contracted out their management to MCI
20:07.37mroth_immi think my head would've exploded otherwise
20:07.55octothorpemroth_imm: could you point me in the right direction to get my * talking with callmanager?
20:08.30mroth_immi think i could only be of help if it's running on similar hardware...
20:09.02mroth_immis call manager acting as a sip gateway, or is it strictly providing call management?  i'm unfamiliar with it
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20:10.37octothorpeCall Manager will be working as a sip gateway, here is what I would like to do:  ipphone -- sip -- asterisk -- sip -- callmanager -- out
20:11.12*** part/#asterisk jradford (
20:11.24octothorpeI just thought I would ask you as you seem to have an active system talking between asterisk and CallManager
20:11.26jmanqHey, I have posted earlier (today and yesterday) about not being able to make a call with my sip phone to a PSTN line. I have resolved this problem
20:11.38TheCompWizI'm sooo freaking lost...
20:11.41TheCompWizI hate that feeling.
20:11.54jmanqI just wanted to share my success with you guys in case it could help anyone in the future
20:11.55jmanqEvidentally the incoming T1 was using winkstart and I had the T1 configured for kewlstart
20:12.09jmanqso yeah, stupid me
20:12.21jmanqI would like to thank everyone who helped me along my way though
20:12.31jmanqEspecially jsharp
20:12.41jmanqI appreciate all of your time and effort
20:16.22mroth_immoctothorpe: seems pretty similar...
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20:16.48|omni|man..our nufone link is working really well since I moved the pbx out to our colo
20:17.00guilherme-jorgehello all, I'm trying discover how to execute a CLI command through AGI script, but I didn't have success. I would like to know a codec used in a call through AGI script, but I don't know how to do this?!?!? I already try to find this in asterisk manager, but...
20:17.36VxJasonxVHas anybody made a 'listen' or 'dummy' SIP client?
20:17.45VxJasonxVi.e. one for listening/event purposes that isn't actually a phone?
20:18.11octothorpemroth_imm: could you pastebin a sterlized config (sip.conf) from your asterisk setup, I can't seem to get my asterisk talking to callmanager
20:18.11mroth_immi'll point you to what we provided to cisco as a starting point...keep in mind they dealt with it from there on out
20:18.26octothorpemroth_imm: thanks
20:18.40mroth_immi'll show you the pertinent parts of
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20:18.50mroth_immgimme a minute
20:19.02octothorpemroth_imm: that should help (hopefully)
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20:20.07guilherme-jorgeexonic: Sorry, but do you know how to use this in AGI?
20:20.35mroth_immoctothorpe: here is something where we started on the AS5400 the users list for more <>
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20:21.38gammacoderanyone seen SIP extensions behind a remote NAT translation stay online, then recieve a call, hang up the call, then SIP goes offline (the remote NAT is a Cisco PIX 501)
20:21.40exonicguilherme-jorge, if it's possible, read the wiki at
20:22.27gammacoderi've got nat=yes and qualify=yes
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20:23.23exonicgammacoder, i've had problems with routers not keeping the port open to the NAT'd SIP device. I enabled the NAT keep alive option on my Sipura.
20:23.36Zodiacalvoicemail with the g option doesn't seem to work, either that or i don't know the exact syntax.. this wiki doesn't show that voicemail has the g option, but show application voicemail does.. anyone know how to use it? heres the voice mail wiki
20:24.01Zodiacalexonic qwell
20:24.07Tall-guygamma: is the received call "completed" and successfull or does it get dumped prematurely?
20:24.35exonicZodiacal, Trust 'show application ...' more than the outdatd wiki.
20:24.42gammacoderexonic: yeah - that's exactly what I'm thinking, but the remote sysadmin believes the translations are still active
20:24.48Zodiacali tried voicemail(g(5)100), voicemail(100g5) etc.. no go
20:25.16Zodiacali must be doing something really supid eh?
20:25.56exonicZodiacal, VoicemailMain(u1234@voicemail1|g(3))
20:25.58gammacoderTall-guy: the call is completed sucessfully. user hangs up, then my sip qualify starts to fail
20:26.27Zodiacalexonic ah voicemailmain() thanks!
20:26.43exonicZodiacal, that's a typo
20:27.13Tall-guygamma: do you have access to the pix config?
20:27.19exonicZodiacal, I meant: VoiceMail(u1234@voicemail1|g(3))
20:28.26mroth_immoctothorpe: stripping down sip.conf for you...
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20:29.55TheCompWizanyone know the default password for the AMP operator thingy?
20:29.56*** join/#asterisk Ruis (n=ruise@
20:30.14[Outcast]is there anyway to do Multiple MWI on a single device?
20:30.30[TK]D-Fender[Outcast] : as in indicate for multiple boxes?
20:30.53[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: do you use idle image, or idle page on ip601?
20:30.57[TK]D-Fender[Outcast] : yes, just do multiple "mailbox=100@default" like statements.
20:31.03[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : yup
20:31.23[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: which is better for just displaying a logo?
20:31.24gammacoderTall-guy: nope
20:31.25[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I've got AMI queue stats on 10 sec interval on it
20:31.27[Outcast][TK]D-Fender: what is you are using realtime?
20:31.27RuisIs there a way to setup asterisk to call into a conference call at a certain time, record the call, then hang up after a certain time? I'm an asterisk newb and don't know where to start looking for something like that.
20:31.44octothorpemroth_imm: you're awesome
20:31.47Tall-guygamma: too bad...I could check that for you....:)
20:31.51mog_workmroth_imm, is awesome
20:32.06[TK]D-FenderIdle page is what I use, not image.  Page is better as you can mix image and text obviously.
20:32.12Tall-guygamma: does it seem that the completed call and hangup starts this NAT failure?
20:32.17[TK]D-Fender[Outcast] : No realtime, sorry
20:32.23[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: does it scale images?
20:32.24gammacoderTall-guy: yes
20:32.36mroth_immmog_work is awesoER!!
20:32.47mroth_immirc ate my m
20:32.57[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I don't believe so.  Make your pages work for IT, not the other way around.  I GIMP'd my company logo to spec for mine.  Looks nice.
20:33.15gammacoderTall-guy: there is a direct correlation - ususally within 1 minute of hangup, without any call to the remote extension, it'll stay online indefinately
20:33.30[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: it says to reduce to 4bpp, i can't see how to do that with gimp
20:33.31mroth_immoctothorpe: stripped out ips and hostnames, but otherwise complete...the sip peers at the bottom are of the most interest to you
20:33.34CrashHDis there a way to set a dialing prefix in sip.conf for a peer?
20:33.45mroth_immoctothorpe: the stripped ips there are the ips of our AS5400s
20:33.53Tall-guygamma: will a reboot of the physical phone fix the prob?
20:34.16Hmmhesayssomethings will never change, they just stand there looking backwards half unconcious from the pain
20:34.26gammacoderTall-guy: yep - a reboot of the phone puts it back online until the next call is hung up
20:34.54Tall-guygamma: what kinda phone?
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20:35.05[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I think it'll accept 256 really though...
20:35.38gammacoderTall-guy: its almost like the PIX is mangling packets or something (i've had problems with pix fixup for smtp for instance) but this happens with sip fixup on or off (according to the admin)
20:36.01octothorpemroth_imm:  thanks, I will digest that and see what I can't do.  Thanks a million
20:36.03gammacoderTall-guy: Grandstream gpx-2000 with firmware
20:36.04[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : 8 bit is ok.
20:36.22Tall-guygamma: try a test with x-lite/eyebeam/xpro softphone, or something similar....then you can blame the phone or the pix.
20:36.31[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: whats the config clause for the idle url?
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20:36.36gammacoderTall-guy: there are 3 gpx-2000 phones behind the PIX all three act the same
20:36.47Tall-guygamma: so try a softphone :0
20:36.54Tall-guygamma: will tell you whether its the phone or the pix
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20:37.08ibob63can anyone tell me where to set the call-id for sip registration?
20:37.13Tall-guygamma: oh, tweak...hang on...
20:37.19gammacoderTall-guy: will do, but I can't get on that site until tomorrow
20:37.28Tall-guygamma: 3 phones.....are they static nat'd? or do you know?
20:38.00gammacoderTall-guy: no they are dynamic nat with one outside (routable) IP addr
20:38.36[TK]D-Fender[av]bani :
20:38.43Tall-guygamma: ok, forgive me if this sounds stupid, but I have to ask.  Are all the phones listening on 5060?
20:39.08[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Quite welcome
20:39.32gammacoderTall-guy: yes, but the PIX translates the outside port
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20:40.14gammacoderTall-guy: I see them on ports 1044, 1033, and 2003 right now
20:40.32Tall-guygamma: I understand that (I'm a pix guy)....
20:40.48MattB2hi all... is there an acceptable latency for SIP (G711) VoIP traffic? For example I have a VoIP server and the latency between the server and my VoIP provider is around 145ms.  Is this going to cause problems?
20:40.51mroth_immoctothorpe: np, you know where to find me
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20:40.57Tall-guygamma: when they fail, does asterisk still think they are reg'd?
20:41.02MattB2latency is determined using a simple ping
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20:41.19gammacoderTall-guy: i hear ya (i'm mostly trying to make it all clear for my own understanding)
20:42.04gammacoderTall-guy: yes still registered, but the sip qualify status turns to "UNREACHABLE"
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20:43.31Tall-guygamma: would be usefull to look at the pix and see what it has the NAT/PAT set to for each particular phone when it fails.
20:44.19Tall-guygamma: is it a pix 501?
20:44.29gammacoderTall-guy: yes - PIX 501
20:44.35Tall-guygamma: 10 user , 50 user, or unlimited?
20:44.45ibob63asterisk is failing to register with my media gateway via sip. In the debug I notice that the call id doesn't send the right ip address. You can see the debug here : http://pastebin/591437
20:44.59ibob63Can anyone tell me how to send the Call-ID?
20:45.13ibob63or the Contact
20:46.10ibob63The server is the DMZ but it thinks it IP address is and so it don't send its outside IP which is different
20:46.30Tall-guyibob:  yer pastebin url is broked
20:46.46Sconkhi i found this pange but all the links til the mailling list are 404 can some one point me to some place whit info?
20:47.12gammacoderTall-guy: I think the admin bought a 10 user licence
20:47.23ManxPoweribob63, sounds like the classic Asterisk behind NAT issue, which is talked about in pretty much every source for asterisk docs
20:47.29jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
20:47.33gammacoderTall-guy: perhaps he's exceeding his limit w/ his other devices
20:48.16Tall-guygamma: this is why I asked....if you can find out if its a 10 or a 50....and how many users you have....the pix just stops Nat'ing stuff when you hit the limit...
20:48.16[TK]D-FenderManxPower : You know for the # of times I've explained it I should have made "~ASTNAT" or something to save the effort :)
20:48.27ibob63Okay - here is the new pastebin
20:48.34*** part/#asterisk ropeguru_work (
20:48.56ManxPoweribob63, unlike most protocols, SIP addresses are embeded in the DATA part of the packet, no the header
20:49.05ManxPowerso they can't be NAT'd
20:49.13Tall-guygamma: if you do a "show local-host" on the will give you a stat like this:  Interface inside: 6 active, 9 maximum active, 0 denied
20:49.20jsharpUnless you have a NAT server that's bright enough to mangle the packets.
20:49.28jsharpWhich leads to all sorts of other wacky problems.
20:49.34Tall-guygamma: if you see anything in "denied" means you are exceeding the license.
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20:51.42gammacoderTall-guy: thanks for helping me get to the bottom of this admin's likely licencing issue - he's unavailable now, but I'm basically convinced you are right
20:51.51Tall-guygamma: been there done that :)
20:52.23Tall-guygamma: will the phones eventually start working again by themselves?
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20:53.27ibob63ManxPower: I think don't think it is a NAT issue - I just think that the incorrect IP address us being sent
20:53.53ManxPoweribob63, no, that is a NAT issue.
20:54.14gammacoderTall-guy: I have never seen them come back online once they are "unreachable"
20:54.22Dr-Linuxibob63: what's the issue? :S
20:54.25ManxPowerAsterisk has NO IDEA what the external IP address is and the router doesn't know how to modify the packet because the correct IP address is not in the header of the packets.
20:54.28gammacoderTall-guy: without a reboot that is
20:54.34ManxPowerBut I won't argue with you about it.
20:54.55Tall-guygamma: cause theoretically, once the NAT XLATE timeout value has been reached on the PIX, it will "free up" nat licenses again, and stuff will start working
20:56.04ManxPoweribob63, so if you follow the instructions for asterisk behind nat, asterisk will put the correct external addresses in the packets
20:56.21gammacoderTall-guy: i hear ya, and that makes sense, I just haven't seen that behavior yet
20:56.36ibob63ManxPower: Could you point me too these doc. I can't seem to find them...
20:56.48Tall-guygamma: I'd be interested in hearing how you make out, I like to expand my pix/nat/asterisk knowledge as its the environ I live in.
20:56.50jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
20:57.08tasathi all, got a NAT issue I think:  I've got the SIP (5060) and RTP ports forwarded to my server, but the remote proxy still seems to register SIP on a different port -- from what I understand my router may be at fault... any ideas?
20:57.23ManxPowerThe wiki has several methods of doing this, the one that uses externip/externhost and localnet= is the one to use.
20:57.34tasatin other words, does this sound right?
20:57.49Tall-guywe should start an asterNAT channel :)
20:57.53ManxPowertasat, yes, the exact same thing as ibob63 has issues with
20:58.03ManxPowerTall-guy, no, someone needs to write up a NAT doc.
20:58.33tasatManxPower: sorry, missed that discussion... I'll go back and check
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20:58.41[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Actually dile did already
20:58.53ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, then point people to it
20:59.18ibob63I am not lazy - i read loads of documention. does anyone know how to modify the call-id for when asterisk tries to register?
20:59.56*** part/#asterisk MattB2 (
21:00.23gammacoderTall-guy: I'll let you know
21:00.42tasatI've seen a number of documents, haven't seen anything mentioning port forwarding
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21:01.06tasator recommending an alternate router, etc.
21:01.13ManxPoweribob63, yes, you specify the external ip using the externip= setting in sip.conf
21:01.32Hmmhesaysand audiocodes tanks again
21:02.19guilherme-jorgeIs it possible execute a CLI command through AGI script?
21:02.34Tall-guyThis isn't a bad primer on Asterisk-SIP-NAT issues :
21:03.01gammacoderibob63: externip=routable.ip.addr.ess           and       localnet= is what I use
21:04.49*** join/#asterisk Egonis (
21:05.45ibob63Just tried modifing the externip and localnet neither have seemed to improved anything. :(
21:05.50EgonisI just made a macro to change CallerID's, and have a statement Set(CALLERID(name)=Name) -- however I get an error 'No application 'Set' for extension (blah, s, 1)
21:05.54Hmmhesaysdid you sip reload after that?
21:06.03tasatTall-guy: thanks
21:06.15Hmmhesaysmalformed exten
21:06.35ManxPowerguilherme-jorge, no.  However, you can execute external processes from an AGI (like asterisk -rx "reload") and you can connect to sockets, like, for example, the manager interface.
21:06.55ManxPowerEgonis, that is only available in 1.2.x or later
21:07.05Egonisthen I better upgrade! :)
21:07.28ManxPowerEggplant, a different syntax is required for 1.0.x
21:07.45ManxPower"show applictions like callerid" might give you some help
21:09.07Zodiacalis it posible to use cat5 for POTS lines?
21:09.15Zodiacalanyone know the pinout off hand?
21:09.21Tall-guyzodia: yup
21:09.43Zodiacaltall-guy happen to know the pinout off hand?
21:10.05gaupethe middle pair
21:10.11Tall-guyzodiacal: standard cat5 pinout for ethernet uses 1,2,3,6....leaving 4-5 (middle pair) avail for pots
21:10.38Tall-guyzodiacal: so in a "regular" patch cable, pins 4-5 are already there for pots
21:10.53Zodiacalahh coolness thanks!
21:11.01[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: 8bpp seems to not work
21:11.04ManxPowerStandard cat 5 cable is amazing stuff.  Works for Ethernet, T-1, Pots, PoE, all with no pinout changes
21:11.11Tall-guyzodiacal: of course you may have rj11/rj45 issues :)
21:11.24Zodiacalya got a crimper :)
21:12.00_Sam--Chuck Norris can win a game of monopoly without owning any property.
21:12.05*** join/#asterisk acqua7 (
21:12.22_Sam--There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live.
21:12.28Tall-guyzodiacal: you could be a dufus like me and crimp 4 POTS (rj11s') onto each end of a cat5 cable and have a hydra-octopus :)
21:12.39[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : send me your photo.
21:13.18azzieHey guys. Anybody has documentation for Vega100, by any chance?..
21:13.35Zodiacaltall-guy is there a special pinout for that? that would be nice, cuz im just using it for a patch pannel
21:13.52Zodiacallike free heatshrink cable rap :)
21:14.03Zodiacalnice and neet all my lines in one cable
21:14.20Zodiacalshould i use each color for a different line?
21:14.29Zodiacali.e. whiteblue/blue, whitegreen/green, etc
21:14.32*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (
21:14.34Tall-guyzodiacal: well, yes, and no...and I could get plenty of arguments about this....but generaly, stay with a PAIR  ie: same color for each line.
21:14.39Tall-guyzodiacal: (yes)
21:14.55Zodiacali don't want it to cause interference tho :/
21:14.59ManxPowerTall-guy, those things give me the creeps.  I have the massive urge to buy a 66 block every time I see one of those.
21:15.06Tall-guymanx:  :)
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21:15.33Tall-guyzodiacal: yeah, interference....go look at a standard 50 pair Telco pull..... :)
21:16.07Zodiacali guess.. but cat5 is "twisted" is the standard telco lines twisted?
21:16.07[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: get dcc
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21:16.51[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : GREYSCALE IT.
21:16.56carb0n^anyone good with phpagi ?
21:17.03cpmHrmm, world of difference in a CAC AB1 and ABII.
21:17.07Tall-guyzodiacal: yes, but not as many twists per inch.
21:17.15cpmAnyone want a few AB1s?
21:17.16[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : And your size is too big IIRC
21:17.33Zodiacaltall-guy i can allways remove it if it doesn't work. and use one for each line.. ill give it a shot and see what happens :) thanks again!
21:18.12Tall-guyzodiacal: I'm using one....don't tell Manx
21:18.14[av]baniits 145x128, the voip-info page said that wasy ok
21:18.33pv2bZodiacal: if you don't get it working, try changing the speed to 10 Mbit/s instead.
21:18.46pv2bZodiacal: that should work as long as your cable conforms to the category 3 specifications.
21:18.53Zodiacalpv2b no data, just POTS
21:18.57Tall-guypv2b: just phone man...
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21:19.04pv2boh, sorry, right.
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21:19.26pv2boh, running phone over cat 5. should work. :-)
21:19.32[av]banier nm
21:19.34[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : ok, well fix the colour part first, then the size if it doesn't co-operater
21:20.03pv2b(really asking for trouble though, when you get PoE devices or gigabit ethernet in the mix ;-)
21:20.19Tall-guypv2b: not with rj11's on then end :)
21:20.34[av]baniwtf? voip-info says to save it as color...
21:20.55[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: how do you save 4bpp in gimp? i dont see any option for it
21:21.22bigjbTall-guy, cant use rj11's on cat5?
21:21.22[av]banineed to convert to indexed
21:21.54Tall-guybigjb: no, I'm just sayin that you wouldn't mixfuze an rj11 and an rj45 in your wiring closet very easily.
21:22.57kink0cat5 is not good for rj11 ?
21:23.26[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I think I passed mine through GIMP + MSPaint before I was through with it...
21:23.40[TK]D-FenderIn gimp when you save theres a break out box for it IIRC
21:23.51tasathi, question about 'fromdomain' in sip.conf... can this be a dyndns domain name?  it looks like it causes [callid]@domain
21:24.04tasatwhat exactly is this doing?
21:24.09[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: you need to convert to indexed in gimp, and give a max 16 color palette
21:24.35bigjbkink0, no problem with rj11 on cat5 it just doesnt fit very well without stripping back
21:24.40[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I think MS paint was my last step....
21:27.42Dr-Linux~dic wot
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21:27.52Dr-Linux~dict wot
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21:29.12llagendijkhello, anybode here have experience using a winbond w6692 with chan=misdn?
21:29.14De_Monhow do I use the attended transfer feature *2?
21:29.26De_Monwhen I dial *2 on m sip phone it just plays dtmf tones
21:29.49llagendijkI have a problem where the card does not seem to be able to send anything on the ISDN bus (get timeout)
21:33.25ManxPowerDe_Mon, Well, do you have that feature enabled on the Dial line?
21:33.31ManxPowerDid you look at features.conf?
21:33.36ManxPowerDid you read README.variables
21:34.21bigjbFATAL ERROR : cannot find file /usr/share/festival/voices/english/en1_mbrola/en1/en1  < anyone seen this error from using festival text2wave?
21:35.31Hmmhesaysman I love quintum gateways some days
21:35.31ManxPowerbigjb, only years ago when I didn't follow the docs EXACTLY
21:35.40bigjbi did though :(
21:35.49tasatLooks like SIP express router is the answer to my NAT problems -- anyone here have experience running it on a linksys router?
21:35.54acqua7hi,  i have a question, to install mfc/r2 support with asterisk 1.2 , whats the version of unicall who works?? somebody? thanks
21:36.12Hmmhesaysrunning SER on a linksys?
21:36.14ManxPowertasat, SER is not the solution to NAT problems
21:36.22Hmmhesayswell it can be
21:36.23[av]banitasat: i've never heard of a port of SER to linksys
21:36.26Hmmhesaysnathelper is pretty good
21:36.37[av]banitasat: asterisk, yes. ser, no.
21:36.49tasatManxPower: ok, it was included in the voip-info link... looks like there is a port to OpenWRT for the Linksys WRT router...
21:36.50ManxPowerYes, it's A solution, but using a slegehammer to kill a fly is also A solution.
21:36.53fileI don't know where people get this magical idea
21:37.03fileto throw a full SIP proxy into the mix just for NAT
21:37.03Hmmhesaysfrom the nat fairy
21:37.08ManxPowerfile, geeks have a rich fantasy life.
21:37.17tasathaha, ok... what's better, nathelper?
21:37.26Hmmhesaysoverkill caused by lack of sex
21:37.30filenat=yes canreinvite=no in Asterisk does plenty, and qualify=yes
21:37.34ManxPowertasat, What is better is to use the NAT features of Asterisk
21:37.43ManxPowerThat's what they were built for.
21:37.48twisted[asteria]someone say sex?
21:37.54ManxPowerfile, I think his asterisk server is behind NAT
21:37.56Hmmhesaysno, you're seeing things
21:38.00twisted[asteria]oh ok
21:38.07tasatfile knows first hand
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21:38.36tasatMaxPower: humm... I'm going by the voip-info link that Tall-guy posted...
21:38.54ManxPowernat=yes, canreinvite=no, qualify=yes is SO MUCH HARDER THAN SETTING UP SER
21:39.14ManxPowerSo is externip=, localnet=, and setting up rtp.conf and the portforwaring!
21:39.29twisted[asteria]so how do you portforwar?
21:39.32mog_workwhy take it the easy way when you can make it hard
21:39.45ManxPowerWhy do it the simple way when you can spend days setting up SER?
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21:40.01Hmmhesaysi dunno, but it sounds like fun
21:40.11twisted[asteria]well, besides the fact that ser can handle a bookou more
21:40.17twisted[asteria]+call volume
21:40.40Hmmhesaysindeed it can
21:40.43ManxPowertwisted[asteria], Asterisk newbies should not be doing that much volume.
21:40.57fjeanhi all !  -- anyone knows why would the AGI->Dial exit the script completely when the result is other than answer ?
21:40.58twisted[asteria]no comment :P
21:40.59Hmmhesaysi'm having trouble with asterisk+SER right now, freaking chan_spi
21:41.15Hmmhesays*chan_sip even
21:41.19tasatManxPower: ok, that's why I asked...
21:41.19twisted[asteria]what's wrong with it?
21:41.25twisted[asteria]i've got ser + asterisk working fine together
21:41.53Hmmhesaysi have my endpoints registered to  SER,  then I have one entry in sip.conf for SER
21:41.59ManxPowertwisted[asteria], how long did it take and did you know asterisk well when you started with SER?
21:42.10ManxPowersame queston for Hmmhesays
21:42.18twisted[asteria]ManxPower, i subcontracted most of it, and i knew asterisk quite well
21:42.46Hmmhesaysi modified chan_sip to send notify  mailbox@SER, but chan_sip always grabs the first mailbox
21:42.53twisted[asteria]oh haha
21:42.54twisted[asteria]use sipsak
21:42.58Tall-guyfor the record: I like the nat=yes, canreinvite no, qualify=yes externip stuff  better...
21:42.58twisted[asteria]and externnotify
21:42.59Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: hi friend how are you? :)
21:43.30HmmhesaysManxPower: i went from never touching SER to an 75% working config in a week
21:43.45ManxPowerHmmhesays, it's a thingy that lets you build and send SIP messages from the command line.
21:43.58ManxPowerso that would be about 40 hours?
21:44.07*** join/#asterisk festr_ (
21:44.08Hmmhesaysumm well half days,  so probably 20
21:44.18festr_is it possible to change codec in open iax channel? consider this order of establishing call: asterisk zap:A -iax-> B -iax-> C.  c can do
21:44.22festr_g711 only, A and B can do g729 or g711. A start with g729 so B have to do recoding, but i want to change to g711 on all asterisks...
21:44.33ManxPowerhow long did it take to make localnet and the other stuff for asterisk behind nat to work?
21:44.35Hmmhesaysso how does sipsak help me with my notify messages?
21:44.40ManxPowerfestr_, no
21:44.48twisted[asteria]Hmmhesays, externnotify in vociemail.conf
21:44.58festr_ManxPower: nor asterisk trunk?
21:45.00twisted[asteria]look at the documentation for that and for sipsak :)
21:45.04ManxPowerHmmhesays, use externotify to run sipsak to build a voicemail notify message and send it to the phone
21:45.13twisted[asteria]yeah, basically
21:45.17Hmmhesaysyeah, that didn't even occur to me
21:45.21ManxPowerfestr_, better to ask on asterisk-dev
21:45.54ManxPowerI used to to send instant messages to polycom phones when I played around with it.
21:45.55Hmmhesayshow resource heavy is it?
21:46.23ManxPowerno idea, since I have no use for it in my production enviroment.
21:46.25twisted[asteria]about as resource heavy as a netsend
21:46.35Hmmhesaysdamn it's going to drag my p133 down
21:46.54Hmmhesaysi'll check it out though, thanks for the pointer
21:46.58twisted[asteria]it's not noticable on this production box
21:47.10Hmmhesayshow often are you sending out notifies though?
21:47.15twisted[asteria]it just sits quietly in the background firing off notifications for voicemail
21:47.19twisted[asteria]quite often, actually
21:47.24twisted[asteria]a notify doesn't need any response
21:47.35twisted[asteria]so it runs, processes the template, sends the message, and exits
21:47.39Hmmhesaysgot it
21:48.20Hmmhesayswell that makes my life about eleventy billion times easier
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21:51.37nettiehi guys, I was wondering if there's any way to run MP3Player() on a system without soundcard or accessible /dev/dsp please? Any idea?
21:51.41mujjoohello all
21:51.42Hmmhesaysdid you build your own template? or is there one out there
21:52.14mujjooi have a couple of questions about testing an application from the apps directory
21:52.23mujjoocan someone guide me
21:54.06mujjoohow do I know if the application I compiled is actually being accessed when i use it in the dialplan
21:55.14rabelaismujjoo: watch the console
21:58.36mujjooi seems like it is not doing anything
21:58.49mujjoowhat level do verbosity/debug do i need to set
21:58.56*** join/#asterisk r_evolution (i=_evoluti@
21:59.17Tall-guy"asterisk -vvvvvvvvvgc"  is my friend"  :)
21:59.20mujjooalso I tried compiling the application by itself and it gave me a lot of errors, but when I compile the whole asterisk tree it compiled fine
21:59.31mujjoook i will keep that in mind
21:59.40mog_workasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc is mine
21:59.49Tall-guymog: I didn't want to admit to that many "v's"  :)
21:59.53mog_workalthough everything after first 4 doesnt matter
21:59.53r_evolutionhahaha mog
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22:00.02r_evolutionyou're gonna monitor the fucking dust collecting in the fan
22:00.03GrizzyI want a .asteriskrc file
22:00.18EgonisI just upgraded to asterisk 1.2.5, and get 'app_conference' not found in /var/log/asterisk/messages -- how do I disable / fix it?
22:00.35mog_workim gonna add a verbose message at 100 or so and have it say "god damn lay off the vs you crack head "
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22:00.48mog_workor "nothing to see here"
22:00.51Tall-guymog: is that like "We found our IOCTL"  :)
22:00.51x86set verbose 99999999999999999999999999999
22:00.56x86thats what i always do ;)
22:01.00acqua7d you build your own template? or is there one out there
22:01.01acqua7<mujjoo> i have a couple of questions about testing an application from the apps directory
22:02.14EgonisAnother error: Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
22:02.42mujjooso anyone have any idea how i can go about compiling debugging applications
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22:03.42fjeanwhy would AGI->Exec(DIAL... exit the AGI script when dial does not work ?
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22:04.00Dr-Linuxwhat's good features in asterisk addons?
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22:05.42_Sam--[av]bani :  how do you stop the 'bleedthrough' of the BLF lights on the gxp?  sometimes 1 line is in use, and it looks like 2!
22:05.53wrmemfjean: Try protecting against SIGHUP in your script
22:06.10fjeanwrmem: cool i ll try that
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22:09.32GrizzyI'm running mpg123 0.59r, and enabling music on hold causes asterisk to freeze and this error:   Yuck! Error in buffer handling...: Broken pipe
22:12.05wrmemGrizzy: One option is to convert your music into a format understood by Asterisk and avoid mpg123 in the first place.  (It's better in the long run).   There is a format_mp3 addon, but I just convert the few files I use to .gsm
22:12.19fjeanwrmem:  is  $SIG{HUP} = 'ignore_hup';  enough ?
22:12.57wunderkini'm using the pgsql app, and doing an insert.. i have: PGSQL(Query resultid ${db} INSERT INTO table VALUES (\'${blah}\'\,\'${CALLERID(num)}\') for example, the blah is evaulated properly but not callerid.. why is that? if i put \'"${CALLERID(num)"\' it is ok but in the query it shows "callid" which will not work with the quotes ending up in the query
22:14.04wrmemfjean: Manual says $SIG{"HUP"} = "IGNORE"; But I usually write a stupid subroutine to print out the message as a FYI
22:14.09ManxPowerbecause you forgot the closing brace on it
22:14.30[av]bani_Sam--: same way you stop the bleedthrough of the BLF lights on polycom 601's
22:14.33wunderkinoops well that was me typing it out, thats not what i had
22:14.56ManxPowerthat's why you should PASTE stuff, not type it.  It wasts everyone time
22:15.09wunderkini know, sorry but its long
22:15.23SplasPoodanyone know how to globally disable RFC3389 in an AS5300 ?
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22:17.14wunderkinINSERT INTO table VALUES (\'${blah}\'\,\'100000001\'\,\'"${CALLERID(num)}"\'\,\'100\')) there thats more verbatim, and what gets executed in the query is: VALUES ('511','100000001','"2"','100')
22:18.06wunderkinand ${CALLERID(num)} = 2
22:18.40wunderkinim just trying to figure out how to escape it properly, somehow from a function is different than a variable
22:19.59_ThorHello Everyone!!
22:21.14_ThorQuestion: if I restart mysql, do I have to restart *, or just reload it??
22:22.16fjeanthor : just mysql, that I know
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22:22.31_Thorthank you, it is production machine
22:23.33Tall-guy_thor: aw hell, just wing it :)
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22:31.06_Sam--[av]bani :  that is by taking apart the phone and doing something about it?
22:31.19[av]bani_Sam--: by ignoring it
22:31.30[av]banior by yelling at the vendor and having them ignore you
22:31.41_Sam--i think i could take it apart and do something
22:31.46*** join/#asterisk dgilmore (
22:31.51[av]banicisco and snom are the only phones which dont have bleedthrough
22:32.01[av]banithe ip601 has it, which is suprising for such an expensive phone
22:32.07clive-hi, anyone using centos 4.2 here ?
22:32.13_Sam--im back to messing with BLF, was tired of stuff not breaking
22:32.17[av]banithe led is pretty bright though, its like laz0r b3ams
22:32.30[av]bani_Sam--: mess with qualify  :)
22:32.46Mavvieoh man, people are stupid.
22:32.57_Sam--maybe tomorrow, i like to have only one thing break per day, otherwise it confuses the sales guys :)
22:33.09[av]baniso your gxp's been good so far?
22:33.09dgilmorehey all quick question ,  Im building a asterisk box for a outbound call center  with a pri, couple of pots lines  and 24 handsets what would be the minimum cpu speed.  It will be a pretty basic setup  account codes
22:33.20_Sam--yeah right now i have 5 using blf for a few hours no problem
22:33.25[av]banioh, one thing. gxp2000 seems to have almost 0 jitter buffers
22:33.25Mavviewith all these voice-responses saying "this number is unreachable" and "this number is busy", they don't know anymore what poe-die-piep and tut-tut-tut-tut mneans.
22:33.37SplasPoodargh.. there's gotta be a way in this AS5300 to disable vad globally rather than per DID or range of DIDs
22:33.48_Sam--our phones sound really really good anymore
22:34.07[av]bani_Sam--: unless your ethernet is perfect, you'll get some stutter with gxp2000
22:34.09_Sam--then again, the only point of comparison is our old key-type system
22:34.21_Sam--all the gxps are on their own 100base net
22:34.32[av]baniwe have an extension on the remote side of a 2mi 802.11g link... with gxp it was stutter city
22:34.44[av]baniwe replaced it with a polycom 601... 0 stutter
22:35.02_Sam--did you try switching to SIP with teliax?
22:35.10[av]banii've always been sip with teliax
22:35.19_Sam--thats weird you still have that problem
22:35.23_Sam--our teliax problems are gone
22:35.26Grizzywrmem - thanks.
22:35.49_Sam--our toll free origination is still handled by teliax
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22:36.03[av]banitis still odd origination works fine on teliax, but not termination
22:36.08[av]banishould be same path
22:36.21_Sam--i dont terminate anything there anymore, at least not much.
22:37.47_Sam--is there any security issue to leaving port 5060 wide open to the internet?
22:38.08Hmmhesayswe're going down down in an earlier round, sugar we're going down swinging
22:38.16*** join/#asterisk lzhang (n=lewiszha@
22:38.51lzhangI'm trying to switch to g.729, but when I do get a get SIP client error 499... what am I doing wrong?
22:38.56lzhangdoes it need to be installed?
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22:40.18TamariskI believe you need to purchase a license to use G.729 with asterisk
22:40.39lzhangwhat about just for personal educational use?
22:41.02TamariskNot sure , two secs let me find the comment in the book
22:41.22lzhangI just need to try it out
22:42.56lzhangok I think I need to install it maybe?
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22:46.26TamariskI found a section that says you need to pay a licence fee but not who too.  I would guess would be a good place to start
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22:46.42EgonisHow do I change an iax2 channel to be monitored? what are the advantages?
22:49.08TamariskFound it
22:49.19Tamariskdo you have the book?
22:49.35jbotbook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
22:50.26*** part/#asterisk clive- (
22:52.09Tamarisklzhang:  It says the g729 directory contains the code and rgistary programme to use the codec youmust purchase the license and then run the registration programme
22:53.01TamariskCan be purchased online from Digium
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22:55.52lzhangthank tam
22:56.27TamariskNo probs thats non technical info sometimes I can do that.
22:56.54jorgitodoes anybody know ??
22:57.03*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
22:57.06jorgitoor have some experience with them ?
22:59.57*** join/#asterisk xachen (i=justin@pdpc/supporter/student/xachen)
23:02.58azzieanybody has documentation for Vega100 ?
23:08.32Zodiacalanyone know why i get beeping, if i try to make a call when one line is in use allready? i have 6 fxo modules with 6 lines...
23:08.43Zodiacalincoming calls work fine
23:08.53Zodiacalwith muliple lines.. just can't make muliple outgoing calls
23:10.23*** join/#asterisk TiKiTaKi_ (
23:10.37TiKiTaKi_what is a good free softphone
23:10.41TiKiTaKi_for asterisk?
23:10.59*** part/#asterisk mujjoo (
23:11.11cpmgood free softphone are exclusive terms
23:11.19cthompsonI use X-lite
23:11.27cthompsonbut I can't make it do DTMF right
23:11.28TiKiTaKi_ok  , so a nice softphone
23:11.39cthompsonX-Lite is decent
23:11.43TiKiTaKi_cthompson what homepage of X-lite? I think
23:11.54*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
23:12.03cthompsonX-Ten is the pay version, X-Lite is the free one
23:12.13TiKiTaKi_there is buy it now
23:12.35TiKiTaKi_i got 4 isdn cards
23:12.48TiKiTaKi_as i read on forum asterisk does not support winbond w6692cf
23:13.01TiKiTaKi_with "  Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface" there are some problems with interrupts
23:13.10justinuactually, eyebeam supercedes x-ten now
23:13.14cpmI use kiax, because it is native iax, and it basically sucks, but it's a good try.
23:13.25TiKiTaKi_i have also "Fritz!Card PCI" and  "AVM ISDN Felix  ME2 " , any experience with those ones?
23:15.04TiKiTaKi_i think no
23:15.12TiKiTaKi_is anyone using isdn bri card?
23:17.26*** join/#asterisk Egonis (
23:17.43EgonisHow do transfers work in IAX? i.e. Phone to Phone? Do I need to do anything?
23:20.42wundaboycan anyone recomend a voip provider?
23:21.38wundaboyill check em out
23:22.41wundaboyi dunno
23:22.48wundaboythey want $6/month/did
23:24.31EgonisIn iax.conf I have mailbox=100@default, but it shows no indication.. is my syntax correct?
23:25.01Zodiacalheres a hard question for ya: if i page someone over the loudspeaker (soundcard) and tell them they have a phone call, how would they pick it up from another station? on our old phone system we would tell them they had a call on line n.
23:28.14azzie*8 in A@H
23:28.16m29poffis there anyone here that uses a TDM4OOP card ?
23:28.34NuggetI do.
23:29.04m29poffI've got a problem with hangup detection with FXO port
23:32.35*** part/#asterisk wrmem (
23:32.48[av]baniZodiacal: park the call, then tell them what ext it's parked at
23:34.04Zodiacalav bani, thank you! ill go readup on that now
23:34.54fjeanquestion, is there a way to retreive the SIP error number (e.g 404) from an AGI script ?
23:35.27fjeanor any other way...
23:37.03*** join/#asterisk alexhopper (
23:45.58*** join/#asterisk Tamarisk (
23:45.58CrashHDis there a way to throw a prefix on an outbound sip call
23:47.03*** join/#asterisk pixolex (
23:47.39TamariskStill could do with ideas why X-lite softphone and Grandstream SIP ATA will not talk to each other, but both can do echotest
23:47.49ambrientohmm like prefix() does?
23:48.01TamariskThese are the only 'phones' on my home system
23:49.01TamariskThey will not pass rtp packets between each other or on hold music?
23:49.02justinucodec incompatibility?
23:49.14*** join/#asterisk robin_sz (
23:49.19TamariskHi justinu
23:49.50TamariskI have tried to make sure that they have pcma or alaw in common
23:50.00robin_szat least I think its a lemon
23:50.34robin_szahh, no ... its a GXP2000
23:51.10justinuleland & tamarisk: you guys are both having some weird problems
23:51.29Lelandjustinu: yea.. and nobody else seems to have the same problem
23:51.35justinuleland: i take it converting moh to ulaw didn't help?
23:51.37TamariskAnd I bet it is a simple answer when found
23:51.52Lelandjustinu: nope... was even worse actually
23:51.59fjeancrashd - something like  9${EXTEN}  would do it
23:52.25robin_szI had a MOH issue last week with a client
23:52.45CrashHDfjean: I'm hoping I can add it in the sip.conf and not take it into account in my dialplan
23:53.03robin_szI swapped their "boring and sunny" music for Crazy Train by Ozzie Osbourne by accident ;)
23:53.05LelandI even took a PCM coded file, manually transcoded it into native G.729 and tried to force * to treat it as passthrough... and it STILL had the same problem
23:53.15*** join/#asterisk devnull431 (
23:54.06justinuwhat end point is receiving the g729 stream, leland?
23:54.20Lelandany endpoint
23:54.26justinuwhat have you tested with?
23:55.24Lelandtested with jphone, c7960, Zyxel, and also tested across all three of the g.729 trunks to my ITSP calling them from off-net (i.e. PSTN)
23:55.48Lelandif I change the ITSP trunks to any other codec, the music plays fine
23:55.56justinuhow about if you encode a prompt, or something other than music?
23:56.05justinug729 isn't kind to music
23:56.10Lelandoh.. that's the other weird thing.. all of the prompts work perfectly
23:56.17justinuit garbles it pretty good
23:56.38Lelandeven encoded the moh into the same format as the prompts using GSM.. and still the same results
23:57.20Lelandyea well.. not looking for CD quality music here.. besides g.726 is even less tolerant to music, but at least with that the music is still recognisable

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