irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060307

00:00.55asterisk99twisla: BUDDA BING --- BUDDA BOOM !!!   Tony Soprano is happy --- Asterisk compiled all the way thru
00:03.26*** join/#asterisk zaf (
00:03.39fugitivojenwa: i do
00:03.52[av]banifugitivo uses asterisk in a boiler room
00:04.06[av]bani1000 illegal immigrants selling herbal viagra
00:04.20[av]banipowered by open source(tm)
00:05.25fugitivothat's not asterisk, that's the spam server
00:07.17*** join/#asterisk octothorpe_ (
00:07.56jenwafugutivo: how big is your call center?
00:08.53terrapenI wonder how Asterisk will run on a SGI Onyx
00:09.37terrapenscrew that.  I want to point to a massive, refridgerator-sized box and say, "That's my PBX."
00:09.47sevardQuestion: I have a MSQL problem.  We have the exact same information in the mysql database as in the sip.conf but it seems to break when we use the database.
00:09.58terrapen16 CPUs or something like that
00:10.10Qwell[]terrapen: Talk to Netgeeks
00:10.16*** join/#asterisk forao (
00:10.20Qwell[]he's been playing with like an E4500
00:10.50asterisk99terrapen: Just install Asterisk on IBM System/390 ... It'll easily run 400 Linux Virtual Machines (It's about the size of a refrigerator)
00:11.12asterisk99terrapen: You could have 400 Asterisks running on one box!!!
00:13.52terrapenbut anyone can run linux
00:13.58terrapennot everone can run IRIX :P
00:15.36terrapenmaybe VMS would be a better bet
00:17.44*** join/#asterisk glm2k (
00:23.47[av]baniterrapen: hp/ux
00:23.55*** join/#asterisk jamalot (
00:24.34jamalotHmm... anybody using AsteriskWin32?
00:25.03[av]baniactually my favorite os of all time is ultrix
00:27.09Abydos313jamalot bite your tongue..heh
00:30.46jamalotAbydos313:  Haha I know... I'm playing with it until I can get my old Linux box out of storage.
00:31.26*** join/#asterisk jhnjwng (
00:31.49Abydos313how is it, i landed on the program page yesterday and actually was temped to try it
00:31.50jamalotI'm trying to figure out why when * tries to dial out on my VOIP provider, it doesn't transmit any codec capabilites (rather just a "telephone-event".
00:32.00*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
00:32.33jamalotSo I get a 488 "Not Acceptable Here" msg.
00:32.43Abydos313no idea
00:34.45*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
00:37.50[av]banijamalot: presumably because when you registered, they rejected all the codecs you offered
00:42.06jamalotav:  Hmm... I've tried a tonne of different allow/disallow combos... but to no avail.  I'm using AXVoice... found a config on Nerd Vittles, but it's not quite working out for me.
00:43.09*** join/#asterisk reallost1 (
00:47.39*** join/#asterisk Curus (
00:50.36*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
00:52.18octothorpe_jamalot: pastebin your cli output
00:52.24jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
00:52.25xtrvdDoes anybody know of a Dialplan validator that could be lingering around the internet?
00:56.49Zodiacalanyone know of an option some where that will make asterisk never say the extention to the pstn user?
00:57.00Zodiacali remember hearing it once a few weeks ago and i wanta kill it
00:57.27Zodiacalwould voicemail(Uext) do it?
00:57.33Zodiacaland then place a playback() in front of that?
00:58.02*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:00.36x86anyone use SJPhone or another SIP phone with URI support?
01:00.53x86i want to test to see if i can get incoming SIP calls correctly
01:01.04x86someone please try
01:03.41fugitivoif it works, i don't have audio here
01:03.46[av]banix86: any hot ph0n3 s3xx0r yet?
01:04.13fugitivodid it work?
01:04.34fugitivowait, i'm not registered to my asterisk, wtf
01:04.44fugitivothat's not my asterisk!
01:05.00fugitivoi remember, it's a customer's asterisk
01:05.34x86fugitivo: can you try direct without going through your local asterisk?
01:06.00fugitivoi think it was working that way
01:10.47*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
01:18.02Mavvieiax is dumb.
01:18.09MavvieI say: you have ulaw and you have alaw.
01:18.10|omni|iax is neat.
01:18.18Mavvieit says: no compatible codec found.
01:18.33MavvieI say: bandwidth=high and you have ulaw and you have alaw.
01:18.50Mavvieit says: oh look! is that what you mean? I take alaw.
01:19.05MavvieI don't mind that it takes gsm when the option is there.
01:19.15Mavviebut if the only options are ulaw or alaw, then !()@#*)(!@*#) pick one!
01:20.39*** join/#asterisk jamalot (
01:20.41SibRphrekanyone know how to make an extension directly dial multiple extentions voicemails?
01:20.47SibRphreklike i wanna leave a group voicemail for everyone
01:21.54x86Mavvie: iirc, a-law wont work with bandwidth=low
01:22.08Mavviex86: that's right.
01:22.21x86Mavvie: i'm fairly sure that only GSM and G.729 work with bandwidth=low
01:22.48x86even if you force allow=ulaw, etc... bandwidth=low will trump that and only allow certain codecs still
01:23.09x86so just dont specify bandwidth=, or always put it bandwidth=high, and you'll be fine ;)
01:23.24Mavviex86: I don't care if it preferes the lowest rate codec, I care that it rejects the higher ones.
01:23.38jamalotNow that I got my codec problem solved... how do I alter how often * registers with my VOIP provider?
01:23.50x86bandwidth=high disallow=all allow=ulaw allow=alaw allow=gsm
01:23.55x86then you'll be fine ;)
01:25.56*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
01:26.17mphillare there any other asterisk management software packsages besides AMP/freepbx? (vi is not an answer)
01:26.46Faithfulanyone got experience with gnokii?
01:27.07*** join/#asterisk GeneG (
01:28.32x86mphill: notepad
01:28.39GeneGHello all. I just added a few lines of code to so that voice-mail attachments are sent as MP3 files (encoded using Lame) rather than WAV attachments. I'm a little clueless as to the current state of the Asterisk art, so to speak. Is this patch something that others might find useful or does it already exist in recent versions of the system?
01:29.31[av]baniGeneG: afaik you can just run a script after voicemail exits which compresses any wav to mp3
01:29.41[av]banieasier than hacking up app_voicemail :)
01:30.32GeneGBani, how would you do that through the dialplan? As far as I can tell the entire record-e-mail cycle is handled by app_voicemail.
01:36.33brockj49464anybody know if there is problems with * matching up to the correct peer when multiple accounts to the same provider?
01:36.40bkw_it can't
01:36.44bkw_its retarded
01:38.36brockj49464any work arounds?
01:39.06*** join/#asterisk kemp (n=10330405@
01:42.11*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:42.24brockj49464only one I have found is insecure=very but that does not put them into the correct channels just allows calls to complete
01:43.53Snake-Eyesmphill, those are the main free ones, there are others like thirdlane and scopserv if want to pay money
01:47.54sevardBAH, I need freaking help with msql+asterisk annybooddy
01:49.48brockj49464sevard:  I know a little of each but not together does that help?
01:50.16alephcomsevard: What's the problem?
01:50.46sevardQuestion: I have a MSQL problem.  We have the exact same information in the mysql database as in the sip.conf but it seems to break when we use the database.
01:51.11foraosevard did you try using postgresql?
01:51.20foraoi know this is not a solution, but just wondering if you ever tried
01:51.27sevardnot with asterisk
01:51.31_Sam--ive setup extensions in mysql table and used extconfig to load them before
01:51.34sevardi seriously doubt it's a database problem
01:51.51sevardi actually can't see *anything* wrong
01:51.54foraodo you *know* mysql is better to work with asterisk than postgresql?
01:51.59sevardexcept it just doesn't damned work
01:52.25sevardforao: i don't have a particular affinity to either database, i just use what's installed
01:53.20Abydos313oracle for rpm based distro's is free :)) xe version limited to 4gb and one tablespace
01:54.08[av]bani_Sam--: yes, but you're evil. most people here are good kindhearted people.
01:54.33_Sam--how the hell did you know
01:55.23sevardit works fine when i load sip.conf from disk, but fails when i load sip.conf from the database
01:55.30sevardthey're both the same data
01:55.41sevardi'm thinking about trying seperate tables next
01:55.58Faithfulanyone got a mobile phone working as a GSM gateway?
01:55.59sevardeven though that shouldn't be an issue
01:56.18_Sam--sevard :  there are logs someplace saying whats going on.
01:56.33sevardi've looked through the logs, zero errors, zero warnings
01:56.49_Sam--dunno, worked for me with sip peers
01:57.00sevardthe only observable difference is that one is loading from disk, and the other is loading from the database
01:57.11sevardextensions.conf doesn't matter, sip.conf from the db breaks it
01:57.35sevard488 not allowed with sip.conf from the db
01:57.55_Sam--i dont know where to tell you to look...when i set mine up it worked the first try
01:58.08sevardwere you on redhat
01:58.20_Sam--debian, using mysql.
01:58.46sevardif only debian didn't use pam.
02:00.07*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
02:01.38*** join/#asterisk AsteriskNewbie (n=linux_ba@
02:02.34*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
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02:02.39AsteriskNewbieAnyone has experience with TDM2400P?? I'm trying to determine if it fits my n eeds ...
02:03.29QwellAsteriskNewbie: Do you need ~24 analog ports?
02:03.34Qwellif so, it does..
02:04.07AsteriskNewbieHmm .. not 24 ...
02:04.12*** join/#asterisk MstlyHrmls (n=mh@
02:04.15AsteriskNewbieI have about analog lines ...
02:04.30sevardsyntax error: line count missing.
02:04.33Qwellbetween 5 and 24?
02:04.37Qwellsevard: indeed
02:04.39AsteriskNewbieYes .. exactly ..
02:04.47QwellAsteriskNewbie: it should work fine
02:05.04AsteriskNewbieOk Qwell .. I was clear from the picture though
02:05.12AsteriskNewbieas to how the input would be plugged in ..
02:05.18AsteriskNewbieam currently plugged into a Norstar system ..
02:06.10AsteriskNewbieQwell ...  u there??
02:06.20Qwellit's an amphenol connector
02:06.57AsteriskNewbieOk .. so I guess I'd have to re-terminate my lines then ...
02:07.36*** join/#asterisk gammacoder (
02:07.37_Sam--you just plug the amphenol into a the breakout panel
02:07.58*** join/#asterisk bla (
02:08.49*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
02:08.51*** join/#asterisk b0xii (
02:08.52Ariel_hello folks
02:08.57[av]baniamphenol... sounds like an antacid
02:09.05AsteriskNewbiehehehehehe .. I'd say ..
02:09.06_Sam--well, in his case i guess you would need 2 break out panels, unless you could plug the amphenol right into the 2400
02:09.35AsteriskNewbieHmm ....
02:10.51_Sam--the amphenol that comes into his place that has his pots...could that plug right into the 2400?
02:11.06_Sam--or that would go into a breakout panel, then you would run those into the breakout panel from the 2400
02:11.22justinuif it's rj21x yes
02:11.34Ariel_the tdm2400 can be plugged into an 66 block with the correct cable
02:11.42AsteriskNewbieYeah ... that's exactly what I was wondering Sam ...
02:11.59SibRphrekhey [av]bani sup man
02:12.30AsteriskNewbieI believe my lines are all run into a breakout panel right now ...
02:13.59AsteriskNewbieHmm ....
02:14.00_Sam--justinu:  one of those type cables is only good for 24 lines?
02:14.07_Sam--i had a 50 pair connector like that once at my isp
02:14.08_Sam--i thought
02:14.25_Sam--hmm i guess 50 pair = 24 lines
02:14.51_Sam--i think they dragged 2 of those cables in to give me 50pots
02:15.37AsteriskNewbieHmm ...
02:15.52AsteriskNewbieShould still be fine if you have < 24 lines ...
02:15.56Qwellamphenol is 25 pairs, I think
02:16.09justinusam: 25 pair (50 wire)
02:16.18MikeJ[Laptop]_Sam-->, they have passthrough 66 blocks.. with the amphenol on each side..
02:16.28MikeJ[Laptop]you probably want somthing like that
02:16.38*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
02:16.44MikeJ[Laptop]then you put the little metal brigdge things going all the way down
02:16.53_Sam--yeah i know what you mean
02:17.01MikeJ[Laptop]that way you can still test lines with a test set
02:17.04_Sam--its not for me, im just asking the questions
02:17.09_Sam--but its goot to learn
02:17.21AsteriskNewbieso IncomingLine -->breakout_panel-->amphenolcable-->Tdm2400p ???
02:17.40QwellAsteriskNewbie: basically
02:17.41MikeJ[Laptop]I beleive so..
02:17.52MikeJ[Laptop]I don't know exactly what connector is on there...
02:17.57MikeJ[Laptop]or.. I don't recall...
02:18.11SibRphrekanyone doing voicemail broadcasting?
02:18.13AsteriskNewbieis there any way I can keep my currrent system up and running while I'm playing with the cabling??
02:18.34QwellAsteriskNewbie: should be able to plug in cables while it's booted, just fine
02:18.54Ariel_don't you like the metal things... clips or you can do the crossconnect wires or not they also have some plastic red jumpers
02:19.06AsteriskNewbieHmm ...
02:19.30_Sam--AsteriskNewbie :  how many lines do you have?
02:19.39AsteriskNewbie_Sam: I have 10 lines ...
02:19.55_Sam--i dont have personal experience with it...
02:19.56*** join/#asterisk gammacoder (
02:20.05_Sam--but maybe the sangoma is made in 10 lines
02:20.14_Sam--iinstead of 12 for the digium
02:20.39_Sam--you are the right track...sorry to steer you off course.
02:20.49Ariel_sangoma I think it's also 4 ports each model or 3 so your still off the count
02:20.52Qwell_Sam--: 6x4 for the 2400p
02:21.06_Sam--sangoma is 2 ports fxo i thought
02:21.07AsteriskNewbieHmm ...
02:21.08Qwellor, 4x6...semantics
02:21.34Ariel_argh mouse's battery is out.....
02:21.56AsteriskNewbiemaybe I'm even approaching this the wrong way. The immediate problem to extend the phone system to a new location ...via asterisk, I hope ..
02:22.14AsteriskNewbiemore like send a Norstar extension to asterisk ...
02:22.27AsteriskNewbieTried using Nortel ATA .. but they don't do the job reliably ..
02:22.37QwellAsteriskNewbie: ditch the norstar entirely :p
02:22.44_Sam--AsteriskNewbie : do you have a data circuit between the two locations?
02:22.53SibRphrekno one is doing Voicemail broadcasting?!
02:23.18AsteriskNewbieNo .. not yet ..
02:23.26Ariel_SibRphrek, voicemail broadcasting?
02:23.28AsteriskNewbieAnd Qwell: .. that's exactly what I'm thinking ..
02:23.45SibRphrekAriel_: I wanna leave multiple extensions voicemails with 1 phone call
02:23.49_Sam--AsteriskNewbie :  for what 10 pots lines cost per month, you could get a data T1 maybe
02:24.01_Sam--not that there is another type of t1...but a regular type t1
02:24.06SibRphreka data T1 costs from my company 579/monht
02:24.16SibRphrekand we're one of the highest in NYC
02:24.18_Sam--and instead of 10 lines, you could have alot more than 10
02:24.33AsteriskNewbieThat's what I thought .. but management doesn't understand much of this .. as you can guess :p
02:24.38Abydos313we pay 303 for each voice t1 and 475 for internet t1
02:25.31_Sam--AsteriskNewbie :  the initial hardware costs would also be substantially less using a t1
02:25.38_Sam--well, if you dont include the cost of a t1 router
02:25.47QwellAbydos313: $303?  wtf?
02:25.55QwellVerizon wouldn't budge past $600
02:25.56Abydos313:) paetech
02:26.03AsteriskNewbieHmm ....
02:26.05Abydos313we have 4 right now
02:26.15Abydos313since 2001
02:26.35AsteriskNewbieAnyway .. other than ditching the Norstar and current setup right away, which I'd like to do, believe me ... is there another good solution?
02:26.51QwellAsteriskNewbie: the tdm2400 is a good solution
02:27.14SibRphrekt1 router is 599
02:27.19_Sam--maybe less even
02:27.23SibRphrekbut if you already have a cisco 1700 we can reprogram it
02:27.30AsteriskNewbieQwell: Ok. But I'd definitely have to ditch the Norstar to get a straightforward solutio with the tdm2400 ..??
02:27.39_Sam--if you got a 2400 card, how would it interact with the norstar?
02:27.40SibRphrekthis is straight forward shit yet it's still not working
02:27.47Abydos313i have a personal 1700 kickin, just waitin to use it ;)
02:27.57dja_help...sometimes when I dial an extension it doesn't ring (even though my phone is ringing)...looking in the logs, I see "chan_sip.c: sip_xmit...returned -1: Operation not permitted".  Help?
02:27.58Qwell_Sam--: analogly?
02:28.07Qwellor get a T1 between them
02:28.23_Sam--im not sure how the 2400 at the remote location would be part of the norstar system
02:28.28_Sam--just because im not the expert
02:28.40Ariel_sometimes it's easyer to put a pri card into the norstar then plug in a te110p board to it from the asterisk box.
02:29.35*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
02:29.40AsteriskNewbieOh ... I don't mean to put the the asterisk box at the remote location anyway ..
02:29.57AsteriskNewbieI want it to be at the old location and have everyone at the new location used a sip-type phone ..
02:30.17_Sam--that'll work
02:30.19SibRphrekyay got it
02:30.29*** join/#asterisk DrukenHME (
02:30.54AsteriskNewbieIn this case then .. I don't really need the Norstar anymore ... do I?
02:31.04QwellAsteriskNewbie: not so much, no
02:31.07SibRphrekAsteriskNewbie: what are you trying to do - get a new T1?
02:31.08_Sam--if you want it to talk to the norstar phones
02:31.25AsteriskNewbieAh yes! the goddamn Norstar phones ..
02:31.29AsteriskNewbieI was forgetting that ..
02:31.53DrukenHMEmight as well offload them on ebay and buy some ip phones :)
02:32.01AsteriskNewbieSibRphrek: No .. am trying to hook up the new office to the old one .. via asterisk hoping ..
02:32.16SibRphrekyou want asterisk to talk to pots?
02:32.27AsteriskNewbieYes, SibRphrek ..
02:32.37SibRphreki have to do that now
02:32.43SibRphrekso my pots customers have voicemail
02:32.48AsteriskNewbieBut the pots are at the old location and the new location should be all voip ..
02:32.49_Sam--AsteriskNewbie :  you are very much on the right track.   ditch the norstar, get all SIP phones, and connect the remote office with SIP phones
02:32.52SibRphrekit's all about call fowarding w/verizon
02:33.09AsteriskNewbieHmm ..
02:33.22_Sam--how many phones are you talking about on the norstar system?
02:33.46AsteriskNewbieSam: Sound good. using sip phones for new location is easy. convinging management to ditch the old nortel phones is difficult ..
02:34.14_Sam--you need to figure out how much that nortel is costing in service contracts
02:34.18AsteriskNewbieNo .. about 15 phones ..
02:34.20_Sam--and then show them how they could save money
02:34.28_Sam--15 sip phones is a drop in the bucket compared the nortel system
02:34.30Qwellpfft, 15 phones is like one service visit
02:34.33DrukenHMEi bet management dumped 15+ grand into the old shitty norstar pbx :)
02:34.43AsteriskNewbiehehehe! ya bet!
02:34.46SibRphrekAsteriskNewbie: you need phones?
02:34.51SibRphrekwe got phones
02:35.01_Sam--maybe setup a cheap asterisk box and convince them why its better
02:35.10_Sam--buy a single nice phone, a cheap linux box
02:35.11_Sam--and make your case
02:35.12AsteriskNewbieSibRphrek .. ip phones?
02:35.32*** join/#asterisk iq (
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02:35.37iqHi All
02:35.42SibRphrekhi iq
02:35.44_Sam--i work with alot of businesses about your size...
02:35.55DrukenHMEi'd like to get my hands on some cisco's but i'm a cheap fuck and refuse to pay the price...
02:35.56AsteriskNewbieyes .. sam?
02:36.02_Sam--a good strong selling point it that you can connect to the asterisk server from anywhere, like for the execs...
02:36.07_Sam--so they could be part of the system from home
02:36.12_Sam--get their voicemail there, etc...
02:36.16_Sam--small biz likes that
02:36.31_Sam--that and email to voicemail is a good point to sell them on
02:36.37*** join/#asterisk welles (n=welles@
02:36.45QwellI can't do vm emails
02:36.46_Sam--if you have outside sales force that needs to access your phone system , that is a good one too
02:36.49Qwellbastards filter .wav files
02:37.04kratzersit's be nice to have them in .mp3
02:37.08_Sam--how many lines does each of your nortel phones support?
02:37.23kratzersas .wav are fairly large and many common players don't support gsm by default
02:37.24_Sam--it should be an easy sale, really, if you can make a good presentation
02:37.25AsteriskNewbieone each .. pretty much ..
02:37.27*** part/#asterisk dja_ (
02:37.32_Sam--the sip phones all do 3+ lines
02:37.36_Sam--for the most part, that is.
02:37.43_Sam--you have caller ID with name?
02:37.51_Sam--how about click to dial from web pages?
02:38.12_Sam--about web access to their voicemail?
02:38.27AsteriskNewbieHmm ...
02:38.30_Sam--how about "follow me" type features, where if someone calls their desk phone, it can then forward to their cell if they dont answer
02:38.31DrukenHMEi think sam is in heat
02:38.41_Sam--nah just working on my sales ideas :)
02:38.50_Sam--i will have to pitch the same ideas sooner or later myself
02:39.34*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (
02:39.46shido6or all of thte above at the same time and whichever one picks up thats the one that gets the call
02:40.13Drukenbout fucken time
02:40.20Drukenonly took like 15 mins...
02:40.22_Sam--what about incoming call menus?  call queues?
02:40.43Drukenmost pbx's will do ivr's and queues
02:41.08_Sam--probably not the pbx's that small and medium businesses can afford
02:41.09Drukenvoicemail is usually a killer on boxed pbx's... hehe
02:41.20_Sam--an office with 15 phones...not sure they are getting IVR
02:41.27Qwellhave any of you EVER seen an office that DIDN'T have voicemail?
02:41.41AsteriskNewbie_Sam: the real problem is ..
02:41.42Drukenhehe my office, has 3 phones, and we have an ivr...
02:41.53_Sam--we honestly didnt have voicemail at my office until *
02:41.56DrukenQwell: i've seen offices without voicemail on the pbx....
02:41.57_Sam--we didnt need it though either
02:42.07AsteriskNewbiemost of thse smal businesses have already invested in a phone system .. probably a norstar type sytem ..
02:42.07xtrvdQwell:  My retail office never had voicemail until last year... (23 years in business at the time)
02:42.32AsteriskNewbieYou need to sell a solution that will integrate into the existing system ..
02:42.38_Sam--the nortel type system is called a "key" type system?
02:43.26AsteriskNewbieWhatcha mean?
02:43.33DrukenAsteriskNewbie: why integrate? destroy and conqurer... REPLACE! :)
02:43.35_Sam--AsteriskNewbie :  will be a hard pill for lots to swallow, but with * its cheaper to just dump the old crap and start again.  the old days of expensive proprietary hardware are gone......
02:43.56_Sam--AsteriskNewbie :  im not sure what i meant, but i dont know what are considered "key" type pbx's
02:44.04_Sam--i dont understand what that means, thats why i was asking.
02:44.26_Sam--but it seems a common term..."key type pbx" or something like that, just trying to learn
02:44.28kratzerskey systems
02:44.33_Sam--yeah whats that mean
02:45.53_Sam--nevermind...figured it out
02:46.00AsteriskNewbiehehehe ..
02:46.02_Sam--i used to have a key system
02:46.11_Sam--AsteriskNewbie :  key system info:
02:46.20_Sam--yours is probably a key system
02:46.29AsteriskNewbieHmm ..
02:47.21_Sam--thanks kratz
02:47.46kratzersyup, I did a report recently on PBX systems and heard "key systems" mentioned  some but skimmed over
02:47.56*** join/#asterisk wellng (n=welles@
02:48.05kratzersas they didn't really pertain too much
02:48.13_Sam--asterisk, in reality, could be considered a 'softswitch'?
02:48.26russellbasterisk is whatever you want it to be
02:48.31_Sam--i see
02:48.33kratzersyeah, soft PBX
02:49.06_Sam--how would asterisk speak directly to ss7 equipment?
02:49.14_Sam--what protocol(s) does that take?
02:49.20Qwell_Sam--: ss7
02:49.36_Sam--asterisk speaks ss7?
02:49.44Qwellnot yet
02:49.45kratzersI wish I knew C... I'd hack on Asterisk some
02:49.53Qwellbut, that's what you'd talk to ss7 equipment with
02:50.22_Sam--so, my CLEC has a softswitch, that from what i can nothing (does nothing) more than what i can do with asterisk...they have it at the CO...
02:50.37_Sam--that device connects to SS7 / some other stuff i dont know about...and gets calls to PSTN...
02:50.44_Sam--i was just trying to figure out how that happens
02:51.03kratzersI'd like to have a [globals] context in more files
02:51.16kratzersand have support for the #include directive in more files
02:51.56*** join/#asterisk peted20 (n=chatzill@
02:52.36_Sam--justinu :  how do calls get from the tekelec that i connect to to PSTN?
02:52.46_Sam--im just trying to understand the path, and how stuff works
02:53.05_Sam--what does that tekelec speak to the next device?  sip still?
02:53.41AsteriskNewbieSam ... are you using tekelec?
02:53.57_Sam--i connect to a tekelec, which then gets my calls to pstn
02:54.16AsteriskNewbieHmm ...
02:54.32kratzersI have an odd problem with queues. I'm using joinempty = yes, and calls still land in queues with no available phones on the first call. Then Asterisk tries every phone and sees that it's not available and all subsequent calls aren't queued (which is good), but I don't want the first call to be queued either
02:54.36AsteriskNewbieFunny ... I know someone currently evaluating the tekelec solution for voip service ..
02:54.46_Sam--i think more accurately, it probably looks something like this....SIP-->tekelec-->cisco something-->PSTN
02:55.06kratzersany ideas?
02:55.25_Sam--kratzers :  do you use agent logins?
02:55.33_Sam--thats probably why
02:55.43_Sam--* doesnt know the queues are empty (no agents)
02:55.59kratzersI'm in the process of using switching to agents, but I'd rather not if I don't have to
02:56.14_Sam--i hear that, i started using logged in agents and switched out, its a pain actually.
02:56.30*** join/#asterisk wellng (n=welles@
02:56.31kratzerspeople won't be happy having to dial an extension and logging in and out
02:56.43_Sam--its not that much to it though, and maybe you could make a speed dial on their phones do it
02:56.51_Sam--but i think that may be the only way to do what you need
02:56.56_Sam--im not positive by any means.
02:57.01kratzersI was afraid of that
02:57.08*** part/#asterisk GeneG (
02:57.23kratzersusers don't like change. especially if it requires them to do something more with no visible benefit (as they won't roam)
02:57.25_Sam--the agent login part should only take about 5 minutes to set up
02:57.58kratzersMy shift was up before I got the configs done, but I'm assuming it will solve the problem
02:58.19kratzershow does an agent know if he or she is logged in?
02:58.43kratzerslike if they walk away and someone calls and they're logged out since they didn't pick up. how do they know they've been logged out?
02:59.14_Sam--you have to expressly log out
02:59.23_Sam--usually, at least the way i had mine.
02:59.33_Sam--i used this:
02:59.40kratzersI think the default config has a logout if an agent doesn't answer in 15 seconds
02:59.47kratzersbut of course that could be changed
02:59.51peted20anyone out there have any experience with vegastream?  I am looking at buying an FXO gateway from them, but am not sure if vegastream makes good stuff?  I just want something that sounds good and has good echo cancellation
03:00.38_Sam--kratzers :  "Alternatively, you can configure the autologoff setting in Asterisk config agents.conf. This will allow your agents to be automatically removed from the queue after a certain number of seconds if they do not answer calls from the queue. This is very useful for agents who forget to log out.
03:00.58_Sam--i dont know if thats on by default...but you are right
03:01.33kratzersI'll have to do some playing.
03:02.06kratzersthanks for the link
03:02.36_Sam--sure, i know the agent logins are a pain, but if could make it simple for the users maybe the will see the beneifts
03:02.44_Sam--what type of ring strategy for the call queue?
03:02.55kratzerspossibly I can make a login/logout button the the phone
03:03.13_Sam--they will appreciate a logged in agent setup
03:03.21_Sam--because calls wont be ringing to places where nobody is
03:04.00_Sam--i use ringall in my queue now, and stopped the logged in agents
03:04.48AsteriskNewbie_sam: do you know how to enable long tones .. as opposed to dtmf?
03:05.14_Sam--there is a special nortel note on that....
03:05.25AsteriskNewbieyeah ?
03:05.28AsteriskNewbieMust have missed it ..
03:06.14AsteriskNewbieOh .. I read all of that. Not much help am afraid ..
03:06.23_Sam--"You should know that most of the Nortel phones cannot send DTMF tones to the FXO interface in Asterisk. You need to implement "Long Tones" (feature 808) before Asterisk will act on the tones so you can dial o use something like Voicemail.
03:06.32[av]banidriving kids to school in a hummer. lovely.
03:06.38AsteriskNewbieyeah .. that's what I'm wondering ..
03:06.46AsteriskNewbieDo you know how to implement feature 808?
03:06.54[av]baniif thats not a perfect example of conspicuous consumption i dont know what is. it's like driving around in a vehicle shaped like a giant middle finger.
03:07.54_Sam--AsteriskNewbie :  i was more under the impression it is something on the nortel phones.
03:08.25kratzerslater all
03:08.26AsteriskNewbieOh? Hmm ... never thought of it that way. I will have to look it up ...
03:08.33UdontKnow[av]bani: hah
03:09.58|omni|anyone get festival using something other than the default voice with Asterisk's tts_textasterisk command?
03:11.12_Sam--how are people doing the voice changes in real time in asterisk?
03:11.22_Sam--like make a male voice sound like a female voice
03:11.29*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk 1.2.5 released! (March 3, 2006) -=- Asterisk-addons 1.2.2 now available (March 6, 2006)
03:11.57_Sam--"Asterisk Voice Changers"
03:12.00_Sam--i should have known
03:12.35octothorpe_Please elaborate sam, or are you looking for answers
03:12.45_Sam--there is a voice changer
03:12.47_Sam--for asterisk
03:13.32octothorpe_sam: thanks, I'll look at it
03:13.45_Sam--sure thing, have fun, let me know how it works
03:15.37_Sam--i cant imagine that it works great if all you do is change the pitch of a voice
03:15.39_Sam--but it might
03:16.11*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
03:16.16MikeJ[Laptop]it does some cool stuff
03:16.30MikeJ[Laptop]but is basically a toy
03:16.40octothorpe_toys are cool
03:18.12_Sam--MikeJ[Laptop] :  i am not experiencing any problems currently, but i notice that switch-07 is a problem
03:18.26_Sam--my asterisk cant register there (again, im not having any problems, just a heads up)
03:20.25MikeJ[Laptop]well.. we did have somone overwhelming some of our switches.
03:20.30MikeJ[Laptop]it should be better now
03:20.59*** join/#asterisk encode (
03:21.03_Sam--nah not yet, no biggie
03:21.15_Sam--going to bed anyway...good luck :)
03:21.49octothorpe_MikeJ[Laptop]:  what service do you run?
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03:58.18jboti heard bullshit is If you want to speak bullshit, please go to #debian.bullshit.  sdf dflkj Linux sucks sfg yo momma dfg #debian.bullshit
04:01.01f^bar~lart f^bar
04:01.20Qwell~bot abuse
04:01.21jbotLeave me alone.. I feel abused and molested.
04:07.52*** part/#asterisk reallost1 (
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04:15.29xtrvdCould somebody point me in the direction of a resource to gain more information in understanding how I can connect 2 * boxes together and have them talk via IAX and pass through conversations between their connecting SIP phones?!
04:23.18xtrvdI'm looking brookshire, but I can't find such an article!
04:23.29xtrvd... nevermind:
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04:52.12jeebusroxorsis it possible to encode a wav with g729?
04:53.07Qwellit wouldn't really be a wav anymore, no
04:54.25jeebusroxorsi need to take pcm and encode...
04:54.38jeebusroxorswas wondering if there are any linux apps for that
04:59.44brookshiresox ?
05:01.05justinusox doesn't know g729
05:01.46Winkieanyone happen to know offhand if autofill is in 1.2.5
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05:06.19clwnkllrWith a ANA to VOIP broadband convereter can you split it off and connect multiple phones from one converter? Like if theres only 1 RJ-45 port on the converter can you split it off with a RJ-45 splitter and connect multiple phones?
05:06.48*** join/#asterisk lucasjb (
05:07.08clwnkllrI want to tunnel my current phone system to VOIP
05:07.50clwnkllrI have 7 phones in my home
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05:09.01jeebusroxorsclwnkllr: what layer does an ANA work on?
05:09.51clwnkllrhell if i know
05:09.56clwnkllri wouldent be here if i knew what i was talking about
05:10.04clwnkllrwhat i mean by ana is analog
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05:10.45clwnkllrdont give me hellish memories of cisco class
05:10.50jeebusroxorsclwnkllr: im gonna say no...
05:11.00clwnkllrI don't see why it would not work?
05:11.11jeebusroxorsyour splitting 45 or 12?
05:11.56astra^^hello room can anyone help me set up asterisk .. in my server.. ?
05:12.04clwnkllrthe box that u can buy to connect to ethernet (your modem) that gives you a RJ-45 output so you can connect a normal household telephone
05:12.24clwnkllrRJ-11 I mean
05:12.30jeebusroxorsclwnkllr: thats 11 ;)
05:12.34clwnkllryea i know
05:12.42jeebusroxorsi suppose that wold work - it would ring all phones at once though
05:12.48clwnkllrwhats wrong with that?
05:12.53clwnkllrisint that what they do right now?
05:13.03clwnkllrasterisk would be useless tho :(
05:13.17clwnkllrI wanted to play with it but I am not spending 200$x6 to get 6 new phones
05:13.42jeebusroxorsclwnkllr: you can find phones for ~80
05:13.52clwnkllrstill, I own a 4 story house
05:13.57clwnkllrit would be a nightmare wiring it all
05:14.02jeebusroxorsheh nah
05:14.16jeebusroxorsyou got all your exsisting phones for snakes ;)
05:14.40clwnkllrhow would I run RJ-45 through RJ-11
05:14.54Qwell45 through 11?
05:15.03*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
05:15.07Qwell4 pairs vs 2 pairs
05:15.17jeebusroxorsyou would snake using the cat2, pull the rj45 with it
05:15.26jeebusroxorser cat5*
05:15.54clwnkllrwould one of those wall plugin network devices
05:16.06clwnkllrcan't remember what its called now 1 sec
05:16.43jeebusroxorsthey have punchdown blocks...
05:16.56jeebusroxorsyoud have a wall jack with female rj45 in it
05:17.42clwnkllra powerline bridge
05:17.54clwnkllrdoes it provide enough bandwidth for voip
05:18.00jeebusroxorsi wouldnt know
05:18.23clwnkllrConnects 10/100 Ethernet Network to Powerline Network for Seamless Integration
05:18.42MikeJ[Laptop]voip does not require much bandwidth
05:18.50clwnkllrI assume video phones do
05:18.54MikeJ[Laptop]just low latentcy and jitter
05:19.22MikeJ[Laptop]certainly compared to 10 mbit eth
05:19.43jeebusroxorsugh...i need to encode pcm with g729 or 723
05:20.03clwnkllrThe PowerLine Bridge can also plug directly into a cable or DSL modem to allow
05:20.03clwnkllrInternet access and data transfer rates up to 14Mbps over
05:20.03clwnkllrhome powerlines.
05:20.11clwnkllrwoops, sorry for multiple lines.
05:20.20jeebusroxorsMikeJ[Laptop]: yea...
05:20.31clwnkllrThat's faster then a cable modem anyways
05:20.39MikeJ[Laptop]are we talkig about in a house still?
05:20.46MikeJ[Laptop]or somthing else?
05:20.53clwnkllrmy house
05:20.59clwnkllrthinking of a cheap way to intigrate voip
05:21.07MikeJ[Laptop]pull wire
05:21.14MikeJ[Laptop]it's not that hard
05:21.22MikeJ[Laptop]that's what cold air returns are for
05:22.09MikeJ[Laptop]brookshire, sox is your friend?
05:22.11jeebusroxorsbrookshire: your a demigod
05:22.15jeebusroxorswav isnt working though heh
05:22.23MikeJ[Laptop]sox'll do it
05:22.45clwnkllris there a vxml addon for asterisk?
05:22.49clwnkllrthat would be nice :)
05:22.51jeebusroxorssox will?
05:23.35jeebusroxorsdamn sox will do it....someone said it didnt heh
05:23.49brookshirethere is also that
05:24.04justinusox can do g729 encoding?
05:24.10jeebusroxorsjustinu: yea
05:24.19justinudoes it actually work?
05:24.19MikeJ[Laptop]I dunno actually
05:24.39MikeJ[Laptop]I have a 729 lib I use... but not w/ sox
05:24.43justinui can't believe an opensource app like sox can encode g729
05:24.56jeebusroxorswell it can play it at least
05:24.58MikeJ[Laptop]didn't know that is what we were talking aout
05:25.07jeebusroxorshow bout 723?
05:25.18clwnkllrI don't understand this powerline bridge, ok so it converts 10/100 to your powerline now how do you convert it back so you can plug a cat5e cable into it?
05:25.31MikeJ[Laptop]it has a box on each side
05:25.35MikeJ[Laptop]jeebusroxors, dunno...
05:25.45clwnkllrlinksys only sells the bridge
05:25.50clwnkllrno 'receivers'
05:26.01MikeJ[Laptop]clwnkllr, bridge is 2 pieces
05:26.58jeebusroxorsbrookshire: im on linux heh
05:27.37clwnkllrit better use token ring
05:27.42clwnkllror it would be collsion central
05:29.28clwnkllrahh, i see
05:29.31clwnkllrits homeplug compliant
05:29.58lucasjbHiyas, I know how to setup an extension for AgentBarge, but how do I define who is a supervisor and what their password is?
05:49.45clwnkllrAnyways, thanks for the input I still have a lot of thinking to do ;d.
05:49.47*** part/#asterisk clwnkllr (
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06:06.14CpuID2hey ppls, anyone here using l7-filter with asterisk? preferably with IAX[2]?
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06:36.52laichzeithi guys, I have a ring group (2 receptionists), when they're on lunch, people in the office want to be able to answer calls on their behalf, is it possible for someone in the office to transfer the call to themselves (they're using x-lite clients) ?
06:37.43*** join/#asterisk Haris (
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06:40.58xtrvdI believe there's a way that a user can enter an extension (onLunch switch) which will change your dialplan and thereby forward calls to a different set of extensions until your offLunch switch extension is activated reverting the dialplan back to its original state.
06:41.16YoMamaxtrvd:'s not hard
06:41.25YoMamaxtrvd: you just use the astdb to do it
06:41.30xtrvd[22:36] <laichzeit> hi guys, I have a ring group (2 receptionists), when they're on lunch, people in the office want to be able to answer calls on their behalf, is it possible for someone in the office to transfer the call to themselves (they're using x-lite clients) ?
06:41.48MGSsanchoisn that a ramstein song?
06:41.58xtrvdYoMama: Thanks, I believe that's exactly what laichzeit needed. =)
06:42.57YoMamayeah..a nifty way to do it is to create a context just for the receptionists
06:43.02YoMamacall it [receptionist] let's say
06:43.14YoMamaand have them include inside-lines
06:43.20YoMamaso their extension acts normally
06:43.32YoMamaand in their own context...createa dialcode like 999 or whatever
06:43.55YoMamaexten => 999,1,uhh..i can't remember the command..but have it set a key/value in astdb
06:44.03YoMamathen in your incoming...
06:44.14YoMamayou do an if that value is set in the database...then transfer directly to the cover lines
06:44.30YoMamait's that easy..i could write it out..but it'd require i go look shit up..and u can do that..but that's conceptually how it works
06:44.39YoMamaand then 998 can delete the db value
06:44.55YoMamaor make it *998
06:44.57YoMamawhatever u want
06:46.34YoMamaanyone who knows more about asterisk awake in here?
06:46.38YoMamai got a question :)
06:47.51*** join/#asterisk Grizzy (
06:49.59xtrvdYoMama: What's your question. I may not be able to answer, but I'm still curious. =)
06:50.14Winkieanyone checked out asterisk's makefiles, i need some breif help
06:50.52YoMamaxtrvd: if i'm trying to hook a legacy phone system that uses analog lines using asterisk as a proxy...what's the best strategy for extension transfer between asterisk and this phone system?
06:52.41xtrvdYoMama: I haven't the slightest idea... =|
06:53.17laichzeiterr.. thanks for the advice on the call transfer stuff
06:53.36FuriousGeorgemy trunk my trunk, my lovely asterisk trunk
06:54.12xtrvdNo no Telco, you don't want no Telco
06:54.21QwellFuriousGeorge: You're banned from music for a while
06:55.32YoMamaQwell: ha...
06:55.37YoMamai hate that song
06:57.09FuriousGeorgeima make make make make this call, make this call out on my trunk
06:57.14YoMamaQwell: hey man..maybe u can help me out with this
06:57.35xtrvdFuriousGeorge: your trunk?
06:57.43FuriousGeorgemy lovely asterisk trunk
06:57.47FuriousGeorge(check it out)
06:57.57UkyoJunk in the Trunk ?
06:57.59YoMamaxtrvd: you're not from the States are you?
06:58.15FuriousGeorgedont have to set the nice-y, config the sip device-y
06:58.23Ukyoausiland from the looks of it. :P
06:58.24xtrvdYoMama: From Canada, and yes, I do follow the parodical theme.
06:58.32Ukyooh sorry
06:58.34jeebusroxors*background* make this call make this call
06:58.41Ukyothought he asked george :P
06:58.45YoMamaFuriousGeorge: thank you
06:59.12FuriousGeorgespending all my money money, on tdm four hundy's
06:59.15FuriousGeorgeI CANT HELP IT
06:59.27UkyoDo any of you buy dedicated servers to host * on?
06:59.31jeebusroxorsso would a severe drop in bandwith (up speeds) result in no audio on one end?
06:59.57xtrvdHopefully the wind is knocked out of him enough to get some silence in here.
07:00.02tuxinator_linuxMjeebusroxors: yep
07:00.17jeebusroxorstuxinator_linuxM: thats what i was afraid of :-\ thanks
07:00.20FuriousGeorgextrvd: im sure if the black eyed peas were here they'd tell you not to hate
07:00.38YoMamaUkyo: u asking what machine to run it on?
07:00.38xtrvdWhere is the love eh?
07:00.49jeebusroxorsFuriousGeorge: watch out for those mpaa guys
07:01.05xtrvdThey would tell me to stop the 'Monkey Business'?
07:01.08Ukyonah, was just curious if anyone has ever put * on a DedicatedServer (Hosted server at a datacenter
07:01.12FuriousGeorgejeebusroxors: dont worry, only the parody version will be on my MoH
07:01.27jeebusroxorsFuriousGeorge: theres an actual version?
07:01.37xtrvdFuriousGeorge is recording now...
07:01.41jeebusroxorsi want it
07:02.08YoMamaUkyo: I know people who've done it
07:02.09xtrvdI can hear the "*background* make this call make this call" now.
07:02.15FuriousGeorgemine is the parody version.  afaik, the BEPs have yet to write a song about PBXs
07:02.36YoMamaUkyo: to use it in a commercial environment, if you're gonna do calling card app or resell it...yeah
07:02.49UkyoYeah, that's what I was thinking
07:03.38UkyoFinished getting my * server running and all, and stopped, to think about the market for it
07:03.48*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:04.07YoMamait's a good cheap way to get a fancy phone system
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07:04.13YoMamathe only problem is its lack of failover
07:04.30Ukyo(Trying to think of a nifty package I could offer people)
07:04.40YoMamai can think of tons
07:04.47UkyoFIll me in. :)
07:04.48YoMamawhat infrastructure do u own?
07:05.10UkyoI own a datacenter in the Dallas Infomart, we have GigE's with Level3, Savvis, etc
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07:05.32UkyoStarted the company doing colocation, but mostly sell dedicateds now
07:05.37YoMamado u supply connectivity to any customers?
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07:05.52UkyoThat's what I do primarily. ;)
07:05.59UkyoColocation, Dedicated servers, Cabinets. etc no connectivity
07:06.14YoMamajust colos and shared servers
07:06.16UkyoI can sell ds3's etc
07:06.25UkyoIn fact, I can beat most pricing on them in Dallas
07:06.34UkyoBut I don't bother pushing too much
07:07.23YoMamaif u really wanna talk about this...we should take it offline
07:07.23xtrvdUkyo: Side question, not intending to jack the conversation, but how much do T1/DS1's and T3/DS3's go for in Dallas?
07:07.53Ukyoxtrvd: its actually a pretty impressive range nowdays. With the zero-loop links you can get them dirt cheap
07:07.57UkyoYoMama: sure :)
07:08.05Ukyot1's can be had for $250/mo
07:08.16Ukyofull t3's for $2500 or less
07:08.22Ukyoincluding loop fees
07:08.37QwellDallas/Ft. Worth?
07:09.00YoMamaukyo: i need to host my sun box without getting any bitching about how much bandwidth i'm using..haha
07:09.14Ukyoultrasparc ? what?
07:09.24YoMamait's a 4 proc ultrasparc
07:09.25tuxinator_linuxMYoMama: porn site?
07:09.27Ukyoooold coffee table now :P
07:09.30YoMamajust my own box
07:09.47YoMamai do a lot of testing on a few blog an ecommerce site
07:09.48xtrvdFor anybody to answer: T1's interface with Asterisk through a PRI card and you get 23 channels of audio to connect to the Telco, right?
07:09.50YoMamathat's about it
07:10.01QwellUkyo: Is that $250 for PRI, or data T1?
07:10.02tuxinator_linuxMxtrvd: yep
07:10.05Ukyoassuming your t1 is going ot the telco
07:10.14YoMamaxtrvd: 22 or 23 and 2 D channels
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07:10.27tuxinator_linuxM2 D channels?
07:10.30*** part/#asterisk dseeb_ (n=dcb@
07:10.39UkyoQwell: basically it would be a t1 loop between my datacenter, and wherever. I can channelize it if need be.
07:10.39YoMamayeah...D channels
07:11.04YoMamaUkyo: you'd sell it for $250?
07:11.05UkyoBreak it down to say 13 channels, and 10channels combined for bandwidth, etc
07:11.17tuxinator_linuxMI though they only did redundant D's with multiple T1's
07:11.30tuxinator_linuxMerr, PRI's
07:11.33UkyoDepends on the config. t1 of bandwidth, Depending on location I belive $250
07:11.43xtrvd... So if I'm paying $500CDN a month on 10 standard analog telephone lines... it would be stupid not to move to a T1 where I can easily upgrade to 13 lines in a future upgrade (next month intended)
07:11.55Qwellxtrvd: yes
07:11.56YoMamaUkyo: does that $250 include local loop?
07:12.11xtrvdQwell: Sweet jebus, why don't people tell me these things!?
07:12.14YoMamaxtrvd: $500 for 10 analog lines?  holy crap
07:12.18Qwellxtrvd: You never asked?
07:12.30Ukyobut yeah, thats still a ton
07:12.33YoMamaxtrvd: i pay $400US for one PRI
07:12.35UkyoI could buy 10 residentials for cheaper
07:12.42UkyoYoMama: that expensive?
07:12.47UkyoI used to work for an ISP here
07:12.50YoMamaUkyo:'s about average
07:12.51xtrvdYoMama: 44.50CAN / line, add applicable taxes, and whammy.
07:12.53Ukyoit was like $250/mo for a pri
07:12.58Ukyoall inbound tho
07:13.05YoMamaUkyo: depends on what state u live in
07:13.21YoMamaUkyo: this was a unverisal PRI that had DIDs, inbound and outbound service
07:13.27UkyoPRI's from bel... *cough* at&T are pretty cheap here
07:13.37tuxinator_linuxMI was quoted 550 - 650 USD here is SoCal
07:13.41UkyoIt was just an incoming dialup pri bank
07:13.45xtrvdWhat is a T1 interface card worth for connecting to an Asterisk Box?
07:13.51Qwellxtrvd: worth?
07:13.52YoMamaxtrvd: what part of canada areu in?  someone wastelling me that PRIs in canada aren't that expensive
07:13.56xtrvdVancouver, BC.
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07:13.58Ukyoxtrvd: ebay? :P
07:14.01Qwellfor a single T1, about $600
07:14.02xtrvdPrice wise... Digium.
07:14.09Qwellor maybe it was $699...I don't recall
07:14.27YoMamaget the new card with the on-board echo cancellation
07:14.29xtrvdThat would be a lot smarter than paying another $800 for a Panasonic card for the proprietary system that is in right now...
07:14.38YoMamaecho canceling in * sucks my balls
07:14.41QwellYoMama: I don't think single span T1 cards have echo can
07:15.02YoMamaQwell: still..i don't lie :)
07:15.02Qwellwould have to ask one of the Digium boys
07:15.04YoMamait does suck balls
07:15.14QwellYoMama: tried the latest echo cans?
07:15.21QwellThey work very well
07:15.41QwellCresl1n is the man
07:15.52Ukyoactually, I have been looking at doing like the crowd, and starting a hosted VOIP PBX
07:15.55Qwellno, don't think so
07:15.57xtrvdThe diff between single span and dual span T1's is... *I'm trying to look this up at the same time as talking about it, but I can't keep up in the reading*
07:16.03YoMamaQwell: what do u mean the latest?
07:16.17UkyoI have never worked with Bell on DID blocks before. Something I need to look into. (Costs, etc)
07:16.20Qwellumm...MG2?  I don't know
07:16.23YoMamaxtrvd: single span means it takes 1 T1..dual span means it takes 2
07:16.41YoMamaUkyo: DIDs are easy to manage when they're coming over a PRI
07:16.50YoMamathey suck the big one when they're coming over analog trunks
07:16.53UkyoYeah, but how do th ebells charge for them ?
07:16.54xtrvdSo with dual, I could have the full 48 lines?
07:17.02QwellUkyo: DIDs are dirt cheap
07:17.05Ukyolike $X/mo for X did's ?
07:17.16YoMamaUkyo: typically u "rent" them for a block of 10, 25, 50, or 100
07:17.16UkyoWhat about toll free's ?
07:17.21Qwellnot so cheap
07:17.35Qwellbut still not all that much
07:17.38YoMamatoll free and DIDs are totally different
07:17.39UkyoI take it pricing discounts on the more blocks /dids you have
07:17.53YoMamathey're pretty cheap
07:17.59YoMamai was renting 100 DIDs for $20/month
07:18.07UkyoYour kidding me
07:18.11Qwellyeah, it's only several cents per DID
07:18.29YoMamait's just a phone #
07:18.33YoMamadoesn't provide service
07:18.37UkyoTime to call bell and start a side business. :P
07:18.40YoMamanothing except a map in the switch
07:18.52YoMamalemme tell u what u can do :-P
07:18.59UkyoI wanted to do hosted pbx. not voip
07:19.09Ukyoadvertise locally to small businesses
07:19.26Ukyo$30/mo for a "phone system" basic menu. extensions fwd to (specified phone number)
07:19.26*** join/#asterisk astra^^ (n=muhajir_@
07:19.43Ukyoand they pay 2c per minute. mebbe like 250 minutes included
07:21.13FuriousGeorgeUkyo: one problem your gonna have is when customer A parks a call customer B can answer it
07:21.35Qwelljust setup entirely seperate contexts
07:21.43xtrvdNo parking allowed. There, problem solved.
07:22.10astra^^can anyone help me set up asterisk please..
07:22.13FuriousGeorgeQwell: i thought that wasnt allowed?i  thought that was a pretty accepted limitation?
07:22.20QwellFuriousGeorge: dunno, maybe
07:22.31Qwellcould be worked around, I'm sure
07:22.35laichzeitI was thinking about what you guys said earlier, creating a [reception] context with an extension say 999 that should set a value in astdb (I'm on lunch now).. how would you make it write a value in the db, like... an external script is executed or what?
07:22.50Qwelllaichzeit: dbput
07:22.56FuriousGeorgeQwell: i think people do it with meetmes
07:22.59Qwellshow applications like db
07:23.03astra^^can anyone help me set up asterisk please..
07:23.15Qwellastra^^: ask again in 30 seconds
07:23.26xtrvdastra^^:  What do you need help with, perhaps we could point you in the right direction.
07:23.33Qwell60 seconds isn't long enough.  people might miss it
07:23.37Qwellkeep asking
07:23.39laichzeitQwell, is that a macro?
07:23.46Qwelllaichzeit: it's an application
07:24.00Qwelllaichzeit: show applications like db
07:24.27astra^^xtrvd:.thanx dude.. am new to asterisk nw i want to set up astersik on my server
07:24.36xtrvdQuestion, is an individual line coming from a T1 able to handle fax just as easily as it can voice?
07:24.39astra^^i worked on other server..
07:25.15laichzeitQwell, you have any idea what package I need to build for that?
07:25.23Qwellit's part of the core
07:25.26xtrvdastra^^: Have you downloaded the source and compiled it yet?
07:25.28FuriousGeorgeastra^^: thats like going to#apache and saying you wanna be a web designer
07:25.31jbotdocs is probably probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
07:25.50FuriousGeorgei suggest voip-info
07:26.02laichzeitah, thanks Qwell
07:26.32FuriousGeorgeastra^^: grab a sip client, a free voip account (like one from and get some people to log into your server
07:26.49astra^^FuriousGeorge > am sorry but i am, nt so well in tis subject.. i am learning . and i tot u are the masters u could help me out sir
07:27.05astra^^i have worked on n2p 6 months ago
07:27.06xtrvdastra^^: Have you downloaded the source and compiled it yet?  If not, I recommend going to:   and downloading asterisk first.
07:27.08FuriousGeorgelol, flattery will get you no where
07:27.36FuriousGeorgeastra^^: there is a lot to learn, probably the first thing would be how to get a free sip client and a free sip account registered with your asterisk server
07:28.01xtrvdastra^^: Secondly, do what FuriousGeorge is recommending.
07:28.23xtrvdAnd feel free to come back for more redirection after you have completed those two simple steps.
07:28.26Winkiequick question before i go to bed, anyone know how to ensure a queue will not ring someone who is already on a call
07:28.31Winkieregardless of the number of queue members available
07:28.44xtrvdSet the phone to disable call waiting?
07:28.56xtrvdCheck the status of the call
07:28.57astra^^thanx a lot sir.. i'll do it and cme bk.. thanx..
07:29.06Winkiehaha, i can't do that i'm afraid
07:29.10QwellWinkie: There is a patch on the tracker I think
07:29.26WinkieQwell: oh really? that'd be interesting, i've already patched the queue to include autofill
07:29.37Winkieany idea how i could check it out?
07:29.43astra^^xtrvd: can u log on to my server .... :)
07:29.56QwellWinkie: - you'll have to find it
07:29.57xtrvdWinkie: My recommendation would have been:   Goto(XXX-${DIALSTATUS}
07:30.27FuriousGeorgeQwell: and whats this new echocan algorithm you mentioned before?  is it something i uncomment in one of the source files?
07:30.30Winkiextrvd: it's a queue?
07:30.31xtrvdastra^^: I'm afraid I don't have the time, as I am leaving for the evening.
07:30.35Winkiehow the heck would i do that in a queue?
07:30.43xtrvdWinkie: I stand corrected.... Forgot the queue part.
07:31.01astra^^xtrvd: ohh... thanx anyway sir.. wen will u be back ...
07:31.06*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
07:31.25QwellFuriousGeorge: think so
07:31.29xtrvdastra^^: Probably in about 20 or so hours.
07:31.54FuriousGeorgeastra^^: try to call us toll free numbers first
07:32.01FuriousGeorgethat should keep you busy for 20 hours
07:32.18astra^^ohh.. ok .. sir.. :(
07:33.58xtrvdAlright, I have a quick physical configuration question before I get out of everyone's hair tonight. If I am to interface a T1 line into a T1 PCI card in an Asterisk box, and then use SIP phones at the office in question to interface with the asterisk card, how does one interface any fax lines at such a location? Just use FXS ports of a TDM400P (or a ATA)?
07:34.00WinkieQwell: any idea what i'd search for with this? i'm having no luck, i found the autofill patch i made myself though :)
07:34.09Winkiextrvd: or use app_rxfax
07:34.12Winkieand txfax
07:34.26X-Rob_xtrvd, bad news. Fax-over-IP sucks.
07:34.28laichzeitthid DBput function, does it require me to go and create a table in the astdb first?
07:34.37Qwelllaichzeit: don't think so
07:34.45xtrvdX-Rob_: I would be using a T1 connecting directly to my telco.
07:34.53X-Rob_xtrvd, fax-over-ip sucks.
07:35.12WinkieX-Rob_: there's no problem the way he's describing it
07:35.24X-Rob_Yes there is. TDM's don't handle data well.
07:35.28xtrvdI'm using standard voice lines... not IP.
07:35.45X-Rob_you need a channel bank to do fax properly
07:35.48Winkiehe said or an ATA, he can buy what's known to work, or use the fax stuff if he needs to
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07:35.57Qwell and
07:36.00QwellWinkie: ^^
07:36.15Qwellalready committed
07:37.13xtrvdI'm just trying to figure out how to interface an asterisk setup which has a direct t1 to a telco to use faxes.
07:37.58X-Rob_xtrvd, the way that works is to use a two-port PRI card, have your T1 coming in on one port, and the other port having analog lines connected to it with a channel bank.
07:38.02YoMamaxtrvd: say that again?
07:38.06WinkieQwell: yeah i just found it
07:38.18QwellWinkie: so, just use the call limit stuff
07:38.19Winkieit looks like it was too late to make 1.2.5
07:38.27YoMamaxtrvd: is it a pri or a channelized T1?
07:38.36QwellWinkie: backport it
07:38.52xtrvdYoMama: I haven't got it yet, so what ever I would be using to replace 13 analog telephone lines.
07:39.02WinkieQwell: i will, i'm just saying the commit is of no use, and the call limit stuff is extra-queue?
07:39.21YoMamaxtrvd: price will be the deciding factor
07:39.34YoMamaxtrvd: channelized T1s are not very fun to set up though
07:39.41QwellWinkie: call limit stuff is in sip.conf
07:39.54xtrvdWhat exactly is the difference? (Will accept explanation, or link to one)
07:40.08YoMamaxtrvd: let's say you went PRI...u could just hang a fax machine off of a FXS port and pick one of the DIDs to be your fax line
07:40.19WinkieQwell: yeah i thought so, they need to be able to have call waiting also
07:40.28YoMamaor...even better..u could install the fax software that works with asterisk and have it send the faxes to your email
07:40.34Winkie(just in case we have important clients laffo)
07:40.36xtrvdYoMama: Alright, I understand that much. It sounds easy enough with the PRI.
07:40.36X-Rob_YoMama, please don't encourage him to use a TDM4 for fax, nor an ATA.
07:40.45YoMamanoo..not an ATA
07:41.12YoMamaX-Rob: what's wrongwith the TDM4 FXS ports and a fax machine?
07:41.41Ukyoheck, I got a pap2, hooked it to my * server, with voice pulse. fax no problem
07:41.46Ukyono special settings
07:42.09X-Rob_YoMama, it doesn't work reliably, that's what's wrong with it 8)
07:42.36YoMamanothing is reliable about fax
07:42.41X-Rob_(I should point out, that's _exactly_ how I do it, so I know it doesn't work reliably. It works 'ok', but not 'well')
07:42.42YoMamato begin with
07:42.51UkyoI have faxed over 100 pages with it w/o problem :P
07:43.17xtrvdUkyo: I've got one in my hand right now... I just opened the box last week.
07:43.30YoMamaxtrvd: typically...if u want fax relability...X-Rob is right...u don't wanna pump it thru any digital system
07:43.34Ukyotakes all of a moment to unlock :)
07:43.43Ukyohad it configed for asterisk in 4 minutes
07:44.00xtrvdOkay, so with a Fax, the *best* way to do it is to isolate my Fax channels to be seperate of my incoming T1?
07:44.16YoMamaxtrvd: how many fax lines do u have?
07:44.20xtrvdJust 2.
07:44.57xtrvdit's a retail business, so there isn't much in the way of a lot of desk jobs... so fax to email isn't much of an option.
07:45.23*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
07:45.24YoMamachannelized T1s are not truly digital...they're analog lines that are assigned on various channels along a T1 line
07:45.31wasimugh ...
07:45.36wasimi need aspirin
07:45.37wasimMar  7 12:43:42 WARNING[26469]: app_dial.c:1020 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
07:45.47wasimwhen i know i have a few channels free
07:45.50YoMamaxtrvd: there a lot of outgoing faxes?
07:45.58Ukyowasim: my new install of * keeps giving me dial exec full, but not the zap msg
07:46.17YoMamaxtrvd: or is it mostly incoming?
07:46.26Ukyoif I pick up and hang up a few times with the 7960, it will do that
07:46.26xtrvdYoMama: Both ways,
07:46.46tuxinator_linuxM looks like a good price for origination
07:47.07wasimUkyo: how many channels do you have up... we're getting this at about 84 channels up out of 63
07:47.14wasimerr, 93
07:47.31YoMamaxtrvd: if u wanna avoid all issues..keep your fax lines
07:47.42wasimand it sucks, coz the switch thinks that there are still come channels available, so it keeps routing calls to this
07:47.46YoMamaxtrvd: look at replacing the 11 lines with another solution
07:47.59wasimbut 84 channels of g729 on mgcp ua isn't bad :)
07:48.00xtrvdYoMama: Thanks, that's a cut-through answer. I don't want to have problems in the long run.
07:48.05wasim35k calls since this morning
07:48.20xtrvdYoMama: I should still be able to use 11 lines on a T1 for near equal cost.
07:48.40Ukyowasim: as I said, mine is a different error tho
07:48.44X-Rob_xtrvd, perfect. That's the best way to do it.
07:48.50Ukyobecause I amn only using voip
07:49.05YoMamatuxinator: i don't see how the local did at that place is a good deal
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07:49.20wasimUkyo: yeah, we're making a new channel driver
07:49.25YoMamaxtrvd: maybe..i dunno...just get a quote and compare
07:49.27Ukyoyeah, esp for the price of did's
07:49.31wasimbut the zap part is bugging
07:49.41xtrvdWhat do you guys usually find is the number of standard analog lines which costs the same as a T1?
07:49.49tuxinator_linuxMYoMama: well, I have a few numbers that I need to have incoming only for a few months... and I don't have a PRI
07:50.11YoMamatuxinator: existing?
07:50.23tuxinator_linuxMyes, need to be ported
07:50.26YoMamatuxinator: do u need to port #'s or u just need inbound
07:50.28YoMamaoh ok
07:50.36tuxinator_linuxMport and inbound
07:51.20tuxinator_linuxMfor two numbers, port and both ways for 3 numbers... but those there can wait, i just need to hold them somewhere
07:51.27wasimwe're approaching a BHCA of about 6k
07:51.31YoMamai just think it's goofy that u pay inbound fees
07:51.46Winkieanyone mind quickly telling me how the hell i get some debugging info up on the cli?
07:51.56UkyoYoMama: alot of voip providers charge inbound
07:51.58Ukyolike asterlink
07:52.15YoMamaI have an inbound "DID" that doesn't charge inbound
07:52.29tuxinator_linuxMYoMama: what's the monthy fee?
07:52.31YoMamathey didn't offer to port #'s...but still
07:52.56YoMamatuxinator: $12 for 3 months
07:53.15tuxinator_linuxMnot too bad of a price
07:54.37tuxinator_linuxMbut not porting.. too bad
07:54.46Ukyoyes, horrible price. everything should be free! -_-
07:56.23encodeif you were planning on setting up a remote voicemail server, and the local pbx sets outgoing callerids to be the same no matter the originating extension, how would you go about doing it?
07:56.27Ukyoav: lol
07:57.12X-Rob_encode: I'd cry.
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07:57.36tuxinator_linuxM[av]bani: is that guy for real?
07:57.56xtrvdArgh, one more question. If getting a T1 PRI from the local Telco, can I utilize the unused portion of the line for data transfer with minimal effort?
07:58.35YoMamaxtrvd: minimal?  no
07:58.44xtrvdIt's a hassle?
07:58.50YoMamaxtrvd: many phone companies offer voice/data over one "pipe"
07:59.06encodeX-Rob_: hehe yeah, i can't think of any way to do it either
07:59.12xtrvdWould I be requiring seperate hardware... or?...
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08:00.38YoMamaxtrvd: the phone company would put in a channel bank
08:00.46YoMamacertain channels would be desginated data
08:00.52YoMamathe others would be voice
08:01.12xtrvdYoMama: Thank you. =)
08:01.23xevoxtrvd: you can get in dynamically allocated as well
08:01.45YoMamaxevo: yes u can..but now we're talking some good fun
08:02.01xtrvdYou guys sure know how to make me feel insignificant.
08:02.37xevoahh... it's easy... carriers have some good products out there right now
08:02.43xtrvdThanks for everybody's help tonight, and goodnight. =)
08:02.57dpryoGood morning :)
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08:16.24wasimarrrghhhh .....
08:17.19wasimwe're doing about 6000 calls per hour and this is not funny, to loose 1500 call attempts to stupid zap
08:18.33wasimMar  7 13:16:52 WARNING[31669]: app_dial.c:1020 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
08:19.13trixterI dont think that is just zap
08:19.16trixterI see that on sip a whole lot
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08:30.15robin_zbah ... setting nat=yes in general turned out to be a Bad Plan
08:32.09encodeon the bright side...if you screw it up enough...there cant be any emergency phone calls cos no-one can use their phone
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08:41.18wasimi really wish it wouldn't do this, so that the ss7 can route calls to other places
08:41.33wasimbut since it won't, and shows 5 channels free, we keep getting calls here
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08:44.01wasimhahaha ... lol
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08:44.15wasimi renice * to -20 and it starts dropping calls
08:44.24wasimdown to 77 from 84
08:44.33wasimbring prio back to 0 and its ok
08:44.40wasimwell, ok to 84, not up to 93
08:46.34*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (i=Kernel_C@
08:46.36Kernel_Corehi all
08:51.29[av]baniwasim: you cant do that... use -p instead
08:57.25robin_zencode: sadly, one of them had a mobile ...
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09:02.22tzafrirwasim, FWIW, I wonder if you can actually destroy and add channels on the fly
09:02.38wasimcan i change a running * to -p
09:02.46Kernel_Coreh323 can't forward the call ....
09:02.47Kernel_CoreMar  7 02:56:50 WARNING[7278]: pbx.c:2345 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'H323/ip$' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
09:02.54tzafrirwasim, not that I know of
09:03.13wasimok, time to undivert calls from these, wait for call hangup and then restart
09:03.57tzafrirwasim, that is: you can even today destroy channels. But it seems that creating them on the fly by re-reading zapata.conf is not such a big deal. Maybe.
09:04.07tzafrirAnyway, it is a matter of set_prio
09:04.16wasimtzafrir: but my zap channels are fine
09:04.26wasimtzafrir: it * that thinks it can't open it
09:05.15tzafrirwasim, hmmm, take a look at setpriority(2)
09:07.02wasimi hope none of these are long calls, last night we had to wait for 2 hours for a couple of lovers to get off the e1 so we could reset * :(
09:07.12tzafrirYou can write a small C program to change the sched priority of a process
09:07.30tzafrirnow where was that small command-line app to do that?
09:07.39wasimrenice ?
09:09.01tzafrirwasim, also, a quick apt search gives me libbsd-resource-perl
09:13.13[av]banitzafrir: the problem with that is all the threads.
09:13.22[av]banitzafrir: better to use a graceful shutdown, then restart with -p
09:15.22[av]baniwasim: 'stop when convenient' will stop * when there is 0 calls
09:15.41wasim[av]bani: yep
09:15.51jaikestop gracefully?
09:16.17jaikewhats the difference between the two
09:16.32[av]bani#  stop gracefully: Gracefully shut down Asterisk
09:16.32[av]bani# stop now: Shut down Asterisk imediately
09:16.33[av]bani# stop when convenient: Shut down Asterisk at empty call volume
09:17.33tzafrirwasim, no. setpriority is what -p inflicts
09:17.58tzafrirchanges the "hard" scheduling priority ("real-time priority")
09:18.22tzafrirIt means that if Asterisk has anything to do it will have priority over any other userspace program
09:19.13tzafrirAs you can see from a simple look at 'top', there is a limit to the extra scheduling boot renicing gives
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09:22.23nayyareshi guys
09:22.46nayyareswhere  i can find the PHP AGI of ASTCC?
09:23.52tzafrirBTW: anybody heard of a simple and nice way to test the effects of network latency using the netlink interface or whatever?
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09:25.09wasimpoor people they had 15k unanswered calls which they billed for
09:25.38wasimatleast another first for *
09:25.47wasimnot the wrong billing, thats always been there
09:26.00wasimbut mgcp user agent mode on a live network :)
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09:34.09GwynmHi guys. I've got Asterisk working nicely and running a test AGI python script. I'm now trying to get it to talk to RAGI. I get 'no application "DeadAgi" for extension'. Can anyone help?
09:34.23GwynmThis is a commercial project, so I'm willing to pay for support if necessary.
09:34.50backblueGwynm: what its ragi?
09:35.12GwynmIt's an interface between Ruby On Rails and Asterisk.
09:35.14tzafrirruby agi?
09:35.22Gwynmtzafrir: yes.
09:35.25backbluedont know what's that
09:35.37GwynmBasically, I've got a server running on port 4573 that speaks AGI.
09:36.12GwynmSo I think I should be able to get to it with exten => 998,2,Agi(agi://
09:36.42tzafrirBasically: Agi(/path/to/file)
09:37.00tzafriror: Agi(relative/path/to/file)
09:37.01Gwynmtzafrir: But it's not a file... it's a tcp socket with a process at the far end that speaks agi.
09:37.34backblueagi can use agi://IP ?
09:38.09Gwynmbackblue: Apparently. If you google for 'fastagi' you'll know as much as I do.
09:38.47GwynmI'm using a tutorial at, which gives an extension line like exten => 998,2,deadagi(agi://
09:38.50tzafrirGwynm, "no such application" messages are probably unrelated to the ruby end.
09:39.06tzafrirTry: show application deadagi
09:39.19tzafririn the asterisk CLI. Any chance it wasn't built?
09:39.29Gwynmtzafrir: Now this *is* a stupid question, but I've never actually used the asterisk CLI. Where is it?
09:39.37tzafrirasterisk -r
09:39.45GwynmIt's possible it wasn't built.. I'm using a macosx binary.
09:40.00tzafriryou need to be root, or otherwise with the ability to write to the asterisk socket.
09:40.07wasimand Mar  7 14:38:33 WARNING[5421]: app_dial.c:1020 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
09:40.13wasimstill ... even with -p
09:40.15Gwynm*CLI> show application deadagi
09:40.19tzafrirOn Mac there should be a nice asterisk console interface, whose name escapes me
09:40.26GwynmYour application(s) is (are) not registered
09:40.37backblueGwynm: are you loading the module?
09:40.52tzafrirwasim, does such channel actually exist? What was the Dial command?
09:40.56GwynmNo. I didn't know I needed to - sounds like I missed a basic setup guide somewhere.
09:41.04backbluewasim: zap show channels?
09:41.06*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
09:41.16tzafrirGwynm, sorry, I'm no osx guy
09:41.16backbluewasim: cat /proc/zaptel/*
09:41.21Gwynmbackblue: Can you give me a URL to 'howto load module', or a line of code and the location of a config file to paste it?
09:41.53Gwynmtzafrir: Unfortunately, neither am I - trying to make the switch from Debian.
09:42.05tzafrirGwynm, bad move
09:42.15*** join/#asterisk steveaj (
09:42.23backblueGwynm: ... cd /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
09:42.53Gwynmbackblue: I've got .. is that it?
09:42.57backblueGwynm: osx or any another unix it's ok, just make shor you know what you are doing
09:43.17Gwynmbackblue: no 'app_deadagi' or anything like that.
09:43.25backblueGwynm: i never used, let me take a look.
09:43.55backblueGwynm: put this in your modules.conf
09:43.56backblueload =>
09:44.08backblueand try it again.
09:44.10viperdudeGwynm: osx is based on FreeBSD if I remember correctly and FreeBSD is not that asterisk friendly, timer related issues, switch to linux if poss
09:44.15tzafrirI actually tend to aimply autoload them all
09:44.34backblueviperdude: asterisk runs fine in osx.
09:44.37Gwynmviperdude: This is just the development environment. I'm hosting on linux.
09:44.41tzafrirosx is not that close to freebsd
09:45.10viperdudeok well no experience of osx but in our call center FreeBSD chocked
09:45.14GwynmI have autoload=yes in modules.conf
09:45.21backbluetzafrir: thats a bad idea, its pretty easy to know what you need, dont need to load them all, but its your machine, your cpu :P
09:46.11backbluewhy use osx, when you have linux, just for hosting asterisk? i think you should have the same developement eviroment than in production.
09:46.28backblueif you will host in linux, should develop in linux
09:46.28Gwynmbackblue: I added those two lines. No change :/
09:46.29viperdudebackblue: i agree
09:46.52backblueGwynm: you compiled asterisk or used some package?
09:47.04Gwynmbackblue: Used 'stable' OSX package.
09:47.07backblueGwynm: but you have
09:47.22backbluestable? so which asterisk version do have?
09:47.26GwynmNo. I have .
09:47.32GwynmBut no res_agi.sp .
09:47.44backbluei dont have app_agi :P
09:47.50backblueand i use agi's
09:47.55wasimtrying with 4e1
09:47.57backblueGwynm: what version do you have?
09:48.22wasimtop - 14:46:50 up 19:50, 10 users,  load average: 19.90, 10.36, 5.46
09:48.36GwynmOh, shit. 'Asterisk cmd DeadAGI' in the wiki says "Added to CVS 2004-03-03".
09:49.22backblueCVS 10-28-03 its quite old dont you think? :o
09:49.33backblueGwynm: compile asterisk.
09:50.18Gwynm-ibook-g4:~ lyn$ gcc
09:50.18Gwynm-bash: gcc: command not found
09:50.29GwynmIt's going to be a long haul :/. But I think I'll have to.
09:50.49backblueinstall apple developers kit
09:50.58backblueyou have all you need i think
09:51.25backbluebut your system will be all messed up, you should use linux, install linux on your mac ->
09:51.36backbluei use linux on my ibook
09:52.31Gwynmbackblue: What's the compatibility like? Debian on my Toshiba was an uphill battle.. hence the switch.
09:52.58dpryobackblue: I understand airport extreme now works perfectly under linux?
09:53.35EnthGuys, what are the credentials I need to enter in sip.conf and extensions.conf if I wanted to add a SIP user outside NAT in another office?
09:53.44backbluedpryo: i dont have airport extreme. i have airport normal. dont know the actual stat of airport extreme driver, sorry.
09:53.45Enthand if I'm also using a dyndns
09:53.57backblueGwynm: install gentoo, you will like a lot.
09:54.07backblueit's pretty nice, for developers.
09:54.47UdontKnowanyone used a zinwell zt-1000 ata?
09:54.58UdontKnowits not trying to register...
09:55.54*** join/#asterisk hgaillac (
09:57.00hgaillacHello, Is there a way to set an an outbound proxy in sip.conf
09:57.08*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
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10:04.48tzafriractually, Debian will work there just as well...
10:05.30tzafrirI have Debian work nicely on my laptop (actually third laptop I confiugred with Debian. no major problem with either of the three)
10:08.00*** join/#asterisk areski (
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10:10.45GwynmAlright, SOLVED, (for the benefit of the log files): If you're trying to use Asterisk, Mac OS X and Deadagi (eg for RAGI), you need a recent version of Asterisk. Compile your own or use . Don't use the "stable" version from 2003 or you'll waste hours :(.
10:10.57GwynmGot it going with the 1.0.7 binary.
10:11.09GwynmNow, of course, my actual AGI script is dying, but that's a ruby problem.
10:11.28*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
10:12.35nayyaresis there any GPL softphone?
10:12.44UdontKnowof course
10:13.06UdontKnowlinphone and kphone are popular softphones
10:13.13littlejohnkphone, ekiga, gnomemeeting
10:13.22nayyaresUdontKnow, which one is the best !
10:13.22UdontKnowopenwengo is published by folks
10:13.35UdontKnownayyares: depends on your needs
10:13.39littlejohni find ekiga a nice one
10:14.10*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
10:14.17UdontKnowthere are text-user-interface softphones too
10:14.40nayyaresUdontKnow, wawoo
10:15.38GwynmWoot, RAGI is working. This is awesome. Thanks for you help, guys.
10:17.53shido6any c coders?
10:18.27nayyaresshido6, #c :)
10:23.15nayyareslittlejohn, ekiga is not ported to CentOS/RHEL yet :(
10:25.51EnthGuys, what are the credentials I need to enter in sip.conf and extensions.conf if my * is inside NAT and if I wanted to add a SIP user inside NAT in another office, and if i'm using dyndns ?
10:29.13littlejohnnayyares, download and compile ;)
10:29.29*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
10:29.54littlejohnenth, nap asterisk and nat sip client won't work
10:30.08*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
10:30.13Enthwhy not?
10:30.31Entheven if port forwarding is done?
10:34.44Enthso what's the solution for a scenario like that?
10:36.03nayyaresi have single PC in my room, and want to play with all sort of configuration supported by Asterisk, i hope if i use multiple IPs on single machine, Asterisk w'nt mind it :)
10:37.21*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
10:39.10wasimok, i need to tweak the kernel for optimum performance
10:39.16wasimi'll write this up for big-asterisk also
10:39.40wasimso, timing, should it be 100,250 or 1000 hz
10:40.44wasimwhat about PCI Access Mode .. direct?
10:44.30tzafrirwasim, IIRC this is for the case that the bios provides bogus data. But I'm not sure
10:47.56wasimok, trying new one, and gcc optimizations while making kernel for a dual xeon
10:48.17wasimlike should i get sse3 in the kernel make time as well, or not worry about it
10:48.54tzafrirnayyares, asterisk will. Unless you tell each asterisk copy to listen on a separate IP
10:49.18littlejohnEnth, on search for asterisk nat
10:49.39Enththat didnt help unfortunately :/
10:49.46EnthI had a look.
10:51.07*** join/#asterisk mut (n=animenod@
10:51.25muthey all
10:51.37mutanyone know what'de cause far end distortion of my voice?
10:51.44mutcalling out a pri on a 405p
10:52.22wasimtzafrir: another concern is the cpu load on call setup
10:52.50wasimtzafrir: i'm sure the box will handle 120 calls once they are up, but handling 100 calls and setting up/tearning down another 20 every second isn't cheap
10:53.41kippiwhats the name of the asterisk live boot cd?
10:54.15tzafrirkippi, I think that there are two by now...
10:54.48kippitzafrir: do u have a name of them? or has someone used one?
10:55.06tzafrirkippi, I'm too lazy to check the wiki...
10:55.13tzafrirHaven't used any
10:56.37mutthese tellab echo cans suck
11:08.40*** join/#asterisk astra^^ (n=muhajir_@
11:20.02tzafrirWhen I first heard the term "echo can" I thought of a tin can that amplifies the echo
11:33.26*** join/#asterisk Bambr (
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11:36.02Kumbanghello guys, does anyone have problem with busydetect with tdm24xxp
11:36.46Kumbangbusydetect in wctdm24xxp seems not working
11:38.12kippihas anyone used the avaya 4620 handsets with asterisk
11:38.21*** join/#asterisk heison (
11:41.37sl16does anyone know what is the variable where the seconds are counting until getting to X : Dial(SIP/11,X)
11:42.15sl16i want to detect on what second the human will pick up the phone
11:48.40*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
11:49.02PoWeRKiLLIs there a uppercase to lowercase function in asterisk dialplan function ?
11:49.53*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:53.00heisonhas been abandoned?
11:54.52*** join/#asterisk gwynm (
11:55.49gwynmHey guys. I've got a swift.agi that's basically just 'echo "stream file /tmp/f"', and /tmp/f.wav exists. When I dial in it doesn't play. There's nothing /var/log/asterisk/messages. Where should I start looking?
11:56.35gwynm(as before, I'm willing to pay for support)
12:06.32fugitivogwynm: what do you need to do?
12:12.00gwynmfugitivo: Eventually I'm trying to get swift.agi to the point where I can do TTS. I've tracked it down a bit further:
12:12.16gwynmMar  7 22:40:54 WARNING[314]: Unexpected header size 16
12:12.17gwynmMar  7 22:40:54 WARNING[314]: Unable to open fd on /tmp/f.WAV
12:12.33gwynmIt looks like I'm getting bad wav files from swift. I generated that file with:
12:12.46gwynmsudo swift -o f.wav -p audio/channels=1,audio/sampling-rate=8000 "testing"
12:13.14gwynm(wav file up at
12:14.15gwynmAccording to 'file', it's: f.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz
12:16.35fugitivoif you play the file normally, can you hear sound?
12:17.46*** join/#asterisk Jedirl (n=hhgds4@
12:18.06JedirlI'm having very strange problems with the GotoIf command
12:18.19Jedirlit *always* goes true, even if the condition isn't
12:18.33Jedirl(I've double checked with NoOp's)
12:19.55*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
12:20.17Drukenyou probably have a fault in the syntax
12:20.27Jedirl <- here is it
12:21.11Jedirlit always goes 120, even if NoOp shows ${ESTADO} ok
12:22.11Drukenperhaps the space is screwing it up ?
12:22.15Drukenotherwise it looks good
12:23.25JedirlI've finally found the problem... :/// it needs a $ just before the [
12:23.41Drukenoh shit.. yeah... hehehe
12:23.55Drukeni totally missed that too...
12:24.14*** join/#asterisk astra^^ (n=muhajir_@
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12:26.11fjeanhello, anyone knows if the g729 license is per call or per channel ?  :- )
12:26.25Drukenchannel afaik
12:26.26Jedirlper concurrent use
12:26.34Jedirlmaybe I'm wrong then
12:26.50DrukenJedirl: concurrent use would be channel :)
12:27.18gwynmDoes anyone have a .wav file that they know Asterisk can play?
12:27.32fjeanI have 25 of them and 'sip show channels' shows 24 channels, am I in trouble ?
12:27.37vgstercant you convert one of the gsm files?
12:28.16Drukenfjean: i see 1 left... looks like your in good shape :) hehehehe
12:28.31fjeandruken, well well
12:28.33gwynmvgster: The idea is to remove the probable broken part, which is me..
12:28.54Drukeni would i could admit i'm broken.....
12:29.07Drukeni'll just continue to blame the world for my imperfections
12:29.12Druken:) hehe
12:29.45gwynmInterestingly, if I add audio/encoding=pcm8 to the swift string, the error goes away.. but still nothing plays.
12:29.56fjeanI thought show g729 would give the current number of licence in use...but...
12:30.14vgsterit does doesnt it
12:30.23fjeannot really
12:30.33fjeansgway*CLI> show g729
12:30.34fjean0/0 encoders/decoders of 25 licensed channels are currently in use
12:30.45vgsterso 25 licenses channels with none using g729?
12:31.05Drukenit would seem so
12:31.21I-MODthat just means you aren't using your licenses
12:31.37I-MODthey're only in use if you're on a call that uses them
12:31.41Drukenhow much is the g729 ?
12:31.46vgster$10 ap op
12:32.21Druken$10 for 25 channels? that's not t=so bad
12:32.29vgsterper channel
12:32.38Drukenrip me a new asshole
12:32.41fjeanwell if i do sip show channels i see 22 of them !
12:32.54vgsterand your point is?
12:33.02Drukenfjean: you only use the license when a call is being placed
12:33.09Drukenthe client doesn't hold the license
12:33.42fjeanwell you see I am tryning to see of I must buy new licenses, and from what I see on the system I am not sure
12:33.46Drukenoh.. you have 22 CHANNELS open now?
12:33.59fjean10.1.1.111       968823      fea3bf24ac5  00101/09269   g729
12:34.09Enthdoes anyone know which softphones support IAX2?
12:34.12fjeanI have 23 of these now
12:34.17EnthDrunken! sup
12:34.33Drukenhey Enth
12:35.09Enthhow's it goin?
12:35.11Drukendun ask me about iax2 softphones.. cause i dun use softphones, can't stand them :)
12:35.18fjeanI will call digium and let you know, wait a sec
12:35.25Enthi know :/
12:35.25Drukenplus i don't reccomend iax2 on the outside...
12:35.31fjeanenth: firefly
12:35.36I-MODdigium doesnt open for another 25 mins
12:35.40RoyKanyone here using spandsp with 1.2.5?
12:35.45Drukeni only got 1 iax2 device, and it's sitting on the desk next to me
12:35.47_Sam--idefisk = iax softphone
12:35.50fjeanI-mod, ok
12:36.07vgsteratcom do iax hardphones
12:36.14Enthah yes
12:36.41Drukeni treat voip like i treat sex... go hard or go home :)
12:36.53vgsterdont you get drunk first?
12:37.03Drukendon't drink... so no
12:37.21iDunnosounds careless
12:37.25iDunnoyou really should drink
12:37.26*** join/#asterisk f7950qs0 (n=redhotte@
12:37.27I-MODEnth: iaxcomm
12:37.30iDunnootherwise you'll dehydrate
12:37.35f7950qs0hi everyone
12:37.42vgsteryes 6 pints of wife beater please
12:37.55DrukeniDunno: i don't drink intoxicating beverages
12:37.59gwynmHas anyone installed asterisk non-root, in a user account?
12:38.10iDunnono tea, coffee or hot chocolate either then? :)
12:38.11gwynmI have shared space on a server, so it'd have to be inside /home/gwyn ..
12:38.26Drukenno tea or coffee, but i do enjoy hot chocolate
12:38.38Drukencoke is my drink of choice :)
12:38.47iDunnocaffeine! intoxicating! ;)
12:38.59f7950qs0I have an internet calling center and want to monitor the minutes used in my cabins that make calls through ATAs how do I do that
12:39.09EnthDrunken: Well, I need yuor expert opnion here: Scenario is that I have a broadband at home with dynamic ip. Have NAT running. Got Asterisk running on a box internally. My colleague is external, is also behind NAT. I want both of us to be able to call eachother. Issues faced is that I am behind NAT and so is he, we have port forwarded SIP.
12:39.35f7950qs0i just want a computer to track the minutes called out from an ATA
12:39.57wasimf7950qs0: setAccountCode and then do a query using that
12:40.05DrukenEnth: you should know my stance on asterisk behind a nat....
12:40.10Drukendon't do it :)
12:40.49f7950qs0wasim thanks, is there any way to do it without using asterisk? asterisk is too powerful for such a small cause
12:41.00RoyKf7950qs0: don't trust wasim
12:41.18Enthbah i'll just get a hosted server.
12:41.32*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (i=Kernel_C@
12:41.34Kernel_Corehi all
12:41.43f7950qs0Enth a hosted server?
12:41.49f7950qs0I use different ITSPs
12:42.08RoyKanyone here using spandsp with 1.2.5?
12:42.26RoyKi just get
12:42.26RoyKMar  7 13:41:57 WARNING[3207]: loader.c:325 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: t30_completion_code_to_str
12:42.36f7950qs0I saw a callshop billing software but it is so complicated I couldn't get it to run even after 20 days of hard work
12:44.02DrukenEnth: where are you btw?
12:44.55f7950qs0how do you guys become so good at asterisk and linux and all that by the way just asking !
12:44.58EnthDrunken: .uk
12:45.12Drukenf7950qs0: practice
12:45.34Drukenasterisk requires a certain..... learning curve
12:45.49Enthyep and did I mention that it also needs resources?
12:45.52Drukenan idiocy if you may...
12:46.14DrukenEnth: look at my nick carefully
12:46.20Enthlike it's pointless running asterisk i fu have broadband/NAT and want to call someone externally who is on NAT
12:46.46DrukenEnth: it can be done... i just don't like servers behind nat :)
12:46.50Drukenjust my preference
12:46.57EnthI agree.
12:47.08vgsteri port forward
12:47.20Drukenthat works too
12:47.36Drukenpersonally, i'd just use the asterisk machine as a nat/router
12:47.46Enthbut having a dynamic ip doesnt help
12:48.02Drukennope.. it doesn't
12:48.34Enthperhaps they should put a disclaimer - "sorry, not recommended if you have dynamic IP"
12:48.36Drukenonly way that works is if you both have dyn dns's and ya use those for lookups
12:48.42f7950qs0how's astbill?
12:48.49vgstermy ip at home hasnt changed for agessss
12:48.51f7950qs0easy to configure?
12:49.08DrukenEnth: why not use an outside source? toss it threw a server outside somewhere?
12:49.17vgsternever used astbill sorry
12:49.21EnthDrunken: what do you mean?
12:49.21*** join/#asterisk jijgeh (
12:49.52Enthyou mean have asterisk running outside the nat on a static ip?
12:49.55*** join/#asterisk Eitch (i=[U2FsdGV@unaffiliated/eitch)
12:50.00vgsterphone your isp and beg them to static your internet ip
12:52.04RoyK~seen coppice
12:52.11jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 23h 39m 53s ago, saying: 'depends on the phone, i think. I believe that is what theo was originally doing'.
12:52.20EnthDrunken ?
12:52.36DrukenEnth: pm me
12:53.01vgster~seen mywife
12:53.03jbotvgster: i haven't seen 'mywife'
12:53.10vgstercrap hope she isnt out spending again
12:53.32gwynmHrm. Could someone please paste the output of 'show codecs' somewhere? I have this feeling that I'm missing some..
12:53.32vgsterits lunchtime too
12:53.34Enthmost of them do.
12:54.07f7950qs0is there any room for astbill?
12:55.22vgsterooo beat you
12:55.41Enthdamn you.
12:55.56vgsterwhy does pastebin always crash my IE
12:56.07I-MODgood one vgster
12:56.11Enththat's IE for you.
12:56.18Drukenwhich pastebin?
12:56.19Enthtry using ff or opera or .com ?
12:56.26tronixgwynm: you're probably missing at least one: g729 ;)
12:56.46EnthDrunken: I pm'd you/
12:56.52Enth-/ +.
12:56.55Drukenshouldn't... it's all basic html, i don't think stephen has released the new version....
12:56.57vgsterive got firefox ad its fine
12:57.06vgsterbut where do i tell mirc to use ff not ie
12:57.14DrukenEnth: i seen that and i've typed shit in since, but i guess your not getting it?
12:57.19Enthdamn, you use mirc?
12:57.26tronixin windows somewhere, there's a setting for preferred browser, I think? vague recollection
12:57.29gwynmThanks. Not missing any.. so that doesn't explain not being able to play sounds :/
12:57.32vgsterthats set to ff
12:57.56Enthnope didnt get any pm
12:58.24Drukenstupid thing
12:58.36EnthI'm on multiple networks using irssi
12:58.58Enthworks fine normally
12:59.09Enthwas chatting to a few others in pm.
12:59.20Drukenjust doesn't like me i guess
12:59.33Enthgot msn?
13:00.41f7950qs0what if I dont know any dial plan and I want all the numbers go through
13:00.54f7950qs0is it o.k. if I just do XXX.
13:01.59*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
13:03.44Enthfn~f7950qs0: why dont u want a dial plan?
13:04.07f7950qs0cause I dont know how to configure it
13:04.38Enthyou have to have a dialplan
13:04.52*** join/#asterisk _MartinCabrera_ (
13:04.54Drukenuse X.
13:05.14f7950qs0in my asterisk I configured everything, got my ATA to register on an extension
13:05.19f7950qs0and couldn't dial out because of a dial plan
13:07.36f7950qs0the room's quiet all of a sudden
13:07.51*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
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13:09.04gwynmHmm... what does register_verify: No registration for peer mean?
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13:11.54f7950qs0nobody's talkin or everybody's going to work
13:12.27*** join/#asterisk guyee (
13:13.42vgsterim here
13:13.57vgsterbut im busy
13:14.43guyeeHi, I want to use SIP to connect to my provider, but when the provider answers with 484 Incomplete, * thinks that "Everyone is busy/congested at this time"
13:15.02guyeeis it possible to get early dial work through asterisk?
13:15.18RoyKanyone here using spandsp with 1.2.5?
13:15.55f7950qs0can I configure astbill from the gui?
13:16.06f7950qs0I dont know how to configure dial plans and many other things
13:16.12f7950qs0I just learned what a trunk is !!
13:16.52*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
13:17.01FlyboySR22Good Morning Everyone
13:18.17vgsterRoyK - i tried it but got problems
13:18.28vgsterive never use astbill
13:18.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:18.38RoyKi get symbols missing
13:19.08vgsteris this the asterisk app bit?
13:19.32RoyKdoesn't load
13:19.42vgsterodd you should say that cos i think i had that too
13:19.56vgsterlet me play for a sec on my test box
13:20.57x86can someone please try accessing my SIP URI:
13:21.00vgsterhmm makefile dont patch against 1.2.5
13:21.16Mike9anybody tried the new cisco 7940G/7960G SIP load 8.2?
13:21.20*** join/#asterisk linville (
13:23.41PoWeRKiLLwhich one to I have to sign to submit a patch or ?
13:24.40tronixMike9: nope.. interesting. 7.5 was latest on cisco's site when i looked 1-2 days ago. is 8.2 up there now?
13:25.15*** join/#asterisk occam23 (
13:25.25Mike9looks like they posted it last night.... strange thing tho, no 8.0 or 8.1... and it just says 7960G & 7940G
13:25.53Mike9but there are release notes for 8.1
13:25.55vgsterRoyK i get no error using 1.2.4 on my box
13:26.33RoyKvgster: what versions of app_rxfax?
13:26.41occam23whats the recommendation for a diva pri rev2, using the kernel driver or the eicon? for production
13:27.08*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
13:27.47vgsterruns ok with 1.2.4 do you want me to try it with 1.2.5?  actually i could do with getting it working myself
13:29.04RoyKspandsp 0.0.2?
13:29.16vgsteryes, whatever is latest pre-25
13:29.25vgsterbut i remember getting an error at some point
13:29.29vgsterive tried it before
13:29.57*** join/#asterisk umay (
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13:34.14guyeeNE1 knows how to get overlap dialing (from SIP to SIP) work via Asterisk? It handles 484 as "Invalid number format" instead of "Number incomplete"
13:36.23*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
13:36.52vgsterRoyK - compiles fine with 1.2.5
13:37.47Nugget0.0.2 sure is a scary version number.
13:38.28*** join/#asterisk guilherme-jorge (n=guilherm@
13:38.40vgsterits a long version number thats for sure
13:39.37guilherme-jorgeHello all, I would like to know if there are way to discover the codec used in a call, through AGI script... Any idea?
13:40.08*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
13:41.24[TK]D-Fenderguilherme-jorge : Did you try what I suggested yesterday?
13:46.33guilherme-jorgeyes, I tried, but I didn't found any variable or command to get the codec. I got just the channel name. Help me, pls!! :)
13:46.53*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
13:47.26guilherme-jorge<[TK]D-Fender>: I got the channel name through get_variable function
13:47.26[TK]D-Fenderguilherme-jorge : You haven't been paying attention.  Once you have the channel name do a "sip show channels" and it will TELL you the codec for it!
13:47.44[TK]D-FenderDo it in CLI right now!
13:48.11*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
13:48.33guilherme-jorgeBut I would like to discover channel name through AGI script, because I need discover the codec before terminate the call...
13:51.26*** join/#asterisk SimplTon (
13:52.13x86DNS SRV++
13:52.27[TK]D-Fenderguilherme-jorge : I JUST TOLD YOU WHAT TO DO IN YOUR SCRIPT!  JUST DO IT!.
13:53.07iDunnodon't shout!
13:54.25x86[TK]D-Fender: it's weird that your CID info came across as just your name... no callback URI or anything... I normally use SIP to do outbound and inbound PSTN calling, so not really that familiar with SIP to SIP calling... Is that normal behaviour for CID to come across like that?
13:55.10guilherme-jorgeI know the way to do this, but I don't know how to execute "sip show channel" (for example) in a AGI Script
13:56.29*** join/#asterisk puzzled (n=yeahrigh@
13:56.47guilherme-jorgeI tried to use the execute function, but it didn't recognized the command
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14:04.24guilherme-jorgeHello all, Which function do I use to execute a "sip show channel" command (for example) through AGI script??
14:06.14*** join/#asterisk e3eli3h (n=not@
14:10.50zambawhat text-to-speech-thingy is asterisk using?
14:13.11zambajsharp: cool, thanks
14:14.16*** join/#asterisk kpettit (n=keith@
14:14.23*** join/#asterisk KentMentolado (n=KentMent@
14:14.28KentMentoladohello all
14:14.48KentMentoladoI have strange problems using RealTime with IAX2 (and PostgreSQL). As application, I set 'Dial', and as appdata, 'IAX2/username'. Everything works with this configuration
14:15.02KentMentoladoBut if I set appdata to 'IAX2/username,timeout', I get the error 'unknow host username,timeout'
14:15.31KentMentoladowhat am I doing wrong? I read some documentation on, and I think my setup is correct.
14:15.43russellbreplace the comma with a '|'
14:15.49*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:16.44KentMentoladothans russellb, it works :)
14:16.52russellbyou're welcome
14:19.14*** join/#asterisk miztic (
14:20.19trelane`is the asterisk ftp server down or just overloaded?
14:20.22trelane`I'm getting resets
14:21.49trelane`odd I got in on bsd ftp neither moz nor ie would grab it
14:23.33*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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14:23.47Hmmhesaysnever fear i have arrived
14:24.04*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:24.30guilherme-jorgeHello all, which function can be used to execute a "sip show channels" command (for example) through Agi script? Any idea?
14:25.03[TK]D-Fenderguilherme-jorge : use an * manager API call from within your script to do it.
14:25.14Hmmhesaysi just bought these
14:25.34[TK]D-Fenderguilherme-jorge : I do that on a script called by my Polycom phones to show live queue stats.
14:25.37*** join/#asterisk aah_user (n=octothor@
14:26.28viperdude[TK]D-Fender: yeah I do that too... open up a telnet session to the manager with PHP
14:26.48russellbor you could just execute asterisk -rx "blah" ...
14:26.53dgorski[TK]D-Fender: any good links on crontrolling the polycom's display?
14:27.00dgorskiI would be interested in that
14:27.23viperdudeanybody using cisco 7960's with
14:27.59[TK]D-Fenderdgorski : there are just 2 settings for that in the provisioning.  one for idle (plus the update interval), the other is through the "services" button on-demand
14:28.08[TK]D-FenderEnth : Been done already
14:28.18Enthdont tell me voip-info
14:28.27[TK]D-Fenderdgorski : I do live queue stats on the
14:28.50[TK]D-Fender"idle" browser page, and mass-presence, directories, etc on the "services one"
14:29.06[TK]D-FenderEnth : Actually, yes there, as well as a page file made.
14:29.26Enth[TK]D-Fender: where is it?
14:29.40dgorski[TK]D-Fender: I'm a bot new to the polycoms, where to start? I've got 301 and 501 to work with, I assume you are talking 501 at least...
14:29.42Enthvoip-info doesnt have any info on dynamic ip+asterisk
14:29.46dgorskibot => bit
14:30.14[TK]D-Fenderdgorski : only the 60x series has the MicroBrowser, so you're out of luck.
14:30.40Drukena browser on a phone.. hehehe
14:30.45Drukendoes it do WAP? :)
14:30.47dgorski[TK]D-Fender: thanks! I'll haev to get my hands on some 6xx ones then.
14:32.00*** part/#asterisk aah_user (n=octothor@
14:32.01Enthwhere's this documentation then [TK]D-Fender
14:32.51*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
14:34.33[TK]D-FenderEnth : There are spots in the WIKI, some poorly linked.  Externhost & externrefresh is it.
14:34.53[TK]D-FenderEnth : Its just not as "in your face" as some of the other info.
14:35.49Druken[TK]D-Fender: generally we like things to be "in our face" :)
14:36.11vgsteri agree
14:38.37Enthwhat's the best way to check if your router has port forwarded port xxxx to whatrver machine? telnet to that ip/host: port?
14:38.58dgorskidynamic is no big deal, just make sure you register=> with something that is not dynamic
14:39.01*** join/#asterisk jero (
14:39.21Enthfn~dgorski: define "something"
14:39.44dgorskisomething: peer
14:39.55Drukenthat's sip
14:40.07dgorskiwhat's SIP?
14:40.22Drukenwrong damn window
14:40.30*** join/#asterisk Tili (
14:40.54dgorskisomething: anything that is expected to find your extensions
14:41.25[TK]D-Fenderdgorski : He mean where the SERVER is dynamic.
14:41.38*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (n=root@
14:41.40dgorskiwhy would you EVER do that?
14:43.12gambolputtyIs it possible to automatically make outbound only calls from * that playback a recording?
14:45.14docelm0hay BSD users..   Whats a good book for reference?
14:45.14gambolputtyI've been there, but * always wants to connect the call to a phone.
14:45.23dgorskiread more
14:45.34dgorski"call files"
14:45.49dgorski"if the call answers, connect it here"
14:46.34dgorskiApplication: Playback
14:46.38dgorskiData: /a/recording
14:46.47dgorskior use your dialplan
14:46.54gambolputtyI don't want to connect anywhere, except something like /dev/null
14:47.11dgorskiso you want to call someone and have them hear the output of /dev/null?
14:47.16dgorskino, that's not what you want.
14:47.19[TK]D-Fendergambolputty : upon connect you send it to a macro or something
14:48.03gambolputtyI want them to hear a recording
14:49.23*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
14:49.50dgorskiChannel: Zap/1/some_poor_sucker_getting_spammed
14:49.50dgorskiCallerid: Not Telemarketer <555-1212>
14:49.51dgorskiMaxRetries: 100
14:49.51dgorskiApplication: Playback
14:49.51dgorskiData: /some/spam/message/to/play/to/some_poor_sucker
14:49.56cthompsonJohann Gambolputty de von Ausfern- schplenden- schlitter- crasscrenbon- fried- digger- dingle- dangle- dongle- dungle- burstein- von- knacker- thrasher- apple- banger- horowitz- ticolensic- grander- knotty- spelltinkle- grandlich- grumblemeyer- spelterwasser- kurstlich- himbleeisen- bahnwagen- gutenabend- bitte- ein- nürnburger- bratwustle- gerspurten- mitz- weimache- luber- hundsfut- gumberaber- shönedanker- kalbsfleisch- mittler- aucher von Hautkopft of Ul
14:49.58*** join/#asterisk fjean (
14:50.13fjeanhi all !  I got the answer for the g729 license..
14:51.18*** join/#asterisk octothorpe (n=octothor@
14:51.25fjeanit's not per channel/call its only really used when transcoding...
14:51.39docelm0fjean, where have you been?
14:51.46docelm0fjean, its always been like that
14:51.46jsharpIts per call that needs transcoding.
14:51.56fjeanjsharp, right
14:52.05jsharpIts always been like that.
14:52.11fjeanif its 729 right trough then you are not using a license...
14:52.40docelm0fjean, if its pass thru or doesnt bridge in the server you dont need a license..
14:54.51docelm0sigh..   MEW!
14:55.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: mew.
14:55.21Hmmhesayslovely i get to go do retard tech support now
14:55.24docelm0hay Katty nice pic of you in your office loungeing in your chair..
14:55.27guyeeNE1 knows how to get overlap dialing (from SIP to SIP) work via Asterisk? It handles 484 as "Invalid number format" instead of "Number incomplete"
14:55.52*** join/#asterisk coppice (n=chatzill@
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14:58.05Kattydocelm0: thanks (=
14:58.17Kattydocelm0: co-worker caught me off guard. wanted to test his new camera.
14:58.36Kattydocelm0: and that's not my office ;)
14:58.41Hmmhesaysahh another day fighting with chan_sip
14:58.45Kattyhey iDunno (=
15:01.21Hmmhesaysif anyone wants to help me out feel free
15:01.37*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
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15:02.26KattyHmmhesays: i don't think i'm able.
15:04.31[TK]D-FenderKatty: I could use all the hugs I can get right now.  I wok up this morning on a couch at a friends place on my birthday with my ex-gf having a complete nervous breakdown and in crisis since yesterday.
15:04.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: :<<
15:05.06KattySkumling: that's because i didn't hand one out.
15:05.18SkumlingKatty: heh ;)
15:05.59[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Whats the problem>
15:07.35*** join/#asterisk xtrvd (
15:09.11Drukenkatty is a lil cutie
15:09.56SkumlingDruken: I want to see the pic too... *whine whine*
15:10.20Drukeni dun have it, nor would i give it out....
15:10.21iDunnoKatty is very cute :)
15:10.28Drukenif she wanted you to see, she'd let you
15:10.38SkumlingDruken: yeah yeah... I get it...
15:11.39Kattyyou've all insaned.
15:11.50Drukencourse... i think it's coming on time for a new pic.. it's been a while...
15:12.10iDunnoKatty: hmm - in my case, that's impossible, I was already insane :)
15:12.23Kattyhee! ^_^
15:12.44Drukeni'd be insulted if you called me normal....
15:13.07*** join/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
15:13.33jaigerSkumling, her pic is easily found via google images
15:13.53Skumlingjaiger: damn, she needs to losse som weight
15:13.57Kattythat'll be the day
15:14.42jaigerSkumling, never say that to a woman
15:15.14*** part/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
15:15.37Drukenlook at this ugly mofo
15:16.05`Sauronapparently everybody's all over the new lexar CF cards
15:16.08*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
15:16.14Skumlingjaiger: heh a clothes salesman actually said that to one of my lady friends yesterday... or something like that... "oooh no, that jacket is just *way* too small for you"... damn she turned angry ;-)
15:16.17Kattycute kid.
15:16.18`Sauroncuz they have a manuf. rebate of $100
15:16.32jaigerDruken, I dig the star graphic
15:16.33tamp4xanyone here use b2bua
15:16.42*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
15:16.45DrukenKatty: old pic... he's 4 now...
15:16.50Drukennot so cute anymore :)
15:16.55KattyDruken: probably still cute.
15:17.10Drukenwell, lemme see if i can find a recent pic...
15:17.13iDunno <-- something like what I look like currently :)
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15:17.42jaigerDruken, he's a terror at 4 I'm sure
15:18.00KattyDruken: oooh, efnet.
15:18.05KattyDruken: should i go visit?
15:18.52Drukenhmm... all my pics have disappeared
15:19.34Drukenme digital is mia too....
15:19.37Drukengod i hate moving
15:20.00jaigerDruken, you need to keep that pic up to date
15:20.53jaigerDruken, joking.
15:21.27*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:22.04jaigerdon't think I've taken pics out of my digital in months
15:22.11Drukenwell, found the digital.... but good luck finding the usb cable for it :)
15:22.43jaiger`Sauron, that's what I use.  I lost the usb cable years ago
15:22.51*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
15:23.04`Sauronlast I bought pcmcia cards
15:23.20`SauronI bought a stack of 'em, a 4-in-1 for nono-CF cards, and a CF card reader
15:24.26*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=phil@
15:24.37h3xlinear flash is silly
15:24.39`Sauronshould I do 3-5 business days
15:24.44`Sauronor 2nd day air
15:25.32stoffellanyone know why xten eyebeam video only works for the caller ? (not for called person)
15:26.36[TK]D-Fenderstoffell : It works for both ends.
15:26.54stoffell[TK]D-Fender, i got the distinctive ringtone working for the polycom501 ;)
15:27.07[TK]D-Fenderstoffell : you have to click on the "start video" button, AND have the proper codecs enabled in sip.conf
15:27.10h3xhe means his local camera echo
15:27.16zambahow can i define what port range asterisk should use for udp?
15:27.19[TK]D-Fenderstoffell : What way do you do it on yours?
15:27.22zambasource port
15:27.37stoffell[TK]D-Fender, it works, but only the persons that 'calls' can see both video sources
15:28.08[TK]D-Fenderstoffell : Not in my experience.  Each side has to start video and should work just fine.
15:28.25stoffell[TK]D-Fender, okay, will try other pc to make sure..
15:29.10octothorpe[TK]D-Fender:  What codecs should be enabled for video?
15:29.22stoffell[TK]D-Fender, polycom, it works by using this howto:
15:29.54stoffell[TK]D-Fender, but for * 1.2 you must use : SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Ring Answer)
15:32.19[TK]D-Fenderstoffell : So are you using that just for a distinctive ring, or for the auto-answer portion as well?
15:32.50*** join/#asterisk mroth_imm (n=chatzill@
15:32.55stoffell[TK]D-Fender, i only use it for distinctive ring, haven't tested auto answer (but that should also work I think)
15:33.34[TK]D-Fenderstoffell : Yeah, I stalled at the change in how you add the header I think... I'll give it a try some day soon.
15:34.52mroth_immanyone running large numbers of dynamic agents in a single queue (120+) and receiving these messages "Could not create persistent member string, out of space"
15:36.01mroth_immit's from app_queue, and i see it's related to a constant, but we're using ABE, so all i can do is suggest things to Digium support...looking for input from someone who may have experienced the same problem
15:36.13mroth_imm(and possibly patched/solved it)
15:36.48*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
15:36.58shmaltzhow do I fore a reload of resolv.conf?
15:37.35mroth_immshmaltz: you can reload individual shared objects from the CLI
15:37.45mroth_immtype "reload <TAB>" to see what i mean
15:37.48[TK]D-Fenderoctothorpe : h261, h263, h263p
15:37.53h3xresolv.conf is the dns resolver
15:38.00shmaltzmroth_imm, not in Asteriks, in lynix
15:38.07h3xtheres nothing to reload
15:38.20octothorpethanks fender
15:38.27h3xyour problem is probably the nsswitch cache
15:39.14h3xwhatever its called in your distro
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15:40.07Hmmhesayshey baby whatcha doing this evening can ya meet me down at the railroad tracks, I got tom petty playing in my silverado and I, iced down a 6 pack
15:40.41*** join/#asterisk Fedoracore6 (n=deddd@
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15:42.19*** join/#asterisk mutilator (n=animenod@
15:42.48sevardI don't suppose there's a way to "auto sense" NAT or not?  If you have a roaming SIP client it'd suck to have to reconfigure him everywhere he went.
15:43.18mutilatorjust nat=yes no matter what
15:43.38[TK]D-Fendersevard : what mutilator said....
15:44.13sevardI thought that wouldn't work if the client wasn't NATd
15:44.48asteriskmonkeyhey any any of the digium guys on?
15:44.54*** join/#asterisk DrukenHME (
15:45.21mutilatorworks fine
15:45.22brookshirewhat do you need?
15:46.02asteriskmonkeytwo questions 1)when i tune my pri using the test number and ztmonitor to get optimal of 14500 in -vv mode why does dtmf stop working and 2) why am i seeing spillover from rx=>tx and vise versa when running ztmonitor on a channel
15:46.03brookshireasteriskmonkey: :D
15:46.21brookshireoh.. i have no idea..i just make websites :D
15:46.24sevardAlright, another question.. what about having allow and disallow both in asterisk realtime static configs does one override the other?
15:46.42sevardor can you specify order, like host.conf
15:46.45*** join/#asterisk rene- (
15:47.01brookshirebut i'm sure you will get a faster response from email
15:47.23asteriskmonkeyok if no one can answers those i have to call em :(
15:47.30asteriskmonkeyi will email them then
15:47.36shmaltzh3x, how do I do that in slackware? reload the nsswitch?
15:47.42rene-quick app_directory question, what happens when two persons have the same last name? does the system allow the caller to choose whom they are trying to reach?
15:47.57shmaltzrene-, try it and tell us
15:48.15sevardDisallow all first works fine in sip.conf, but if i put a disallow=all line in the database, it blocks all codecs, nevermind the fact that i have allow=speex in there too allow=speex in there too
15:48.28brookshireasteriskmonkey: i bet if you call right now, you will get to a free person instantly :)
15:49.01*** join/#asterisk anthm (
15:49.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
15:49.13Kattyanthm: (=
15:49.28sevardHey Katty, thanks for the b-day advice btw
15:49.35Kattysevard: how'd it go?
15:49.43sevardKatty: bad ass
15:50.14h3xactually i think its called nsd or something, name service daemon ?
15:50.24sevardKatty: my brother in a gorilla suit disrupted her class 5 minutes before it ended, i guess the professor took it well. From there the gorilla gave her a card which lead her on a hunt all around the city
15:50.45rene-shmaltz: the wiki has all teh answers: "If more than one matching last name is found, it will allow the caller to cycle through all the matches found."
15:50.45octothorperene: yes, it gives the first, and an option to get the second if the first isn't who you were looking for
15:51.06Kattysevard: goodness.
15:51.08sevardKatty: her last clue after her 2 hour hunt was "what the crap are you doing running around town? go home!" when she went home her she found me in her room, I filled it with over 450 balloons, to the brim.
15:51.35*** join/#asterisk kratzers (
15:51.38Kattysevard: aww!
15:51.58*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
15:52.05sevardKatty: from there we went to a very nice dinner, i had halibut, delicious.  After that we went to a show the highschool was putting on, they won state for show choir, it was really really good.,
15:52.17FlatFootok i'm stummped anyone got config examples ( that work ) for the hint type thing on the 190 and 360 ?
15:52.24Kattysevard: sounds dreamy.
15:52.36kratzersprobably common question, say I have an agent number 100 who always uses extension 100, how can I allow them to easily login?
15:52.44mutilatori can hardly afford flowers and a card
15:52.45sevardKatty: After that we went home and split a bottle of 2001 merlot and watched a movie.
15:52.54sevardKatty: it effin ruled.
15:53.09kratzerscurrently have ->  AgentCallbackLogin(${CALLERIDNUM}|${CALLERIDNUM}@some_context)
15:53.23kratzersbut I'd like it to use the current extension rather than asking for a new location
15:53.29DrukenHMEsevard: then she "thanked" you in her special little way
15:53.49kratzersany ideas?
15:54.04sevardDrukenHME: it's been 2 1/2 weeks and she won't stop thanking me.
15:54.19DrukenHMEi notice your not complaining :)
15:54.42*** join/#asterisk notOnyx (n=email@
15:55.22Kattysevard: i'm glad you did something wonderful for her :>
15:55.23*** join/#asterisk rAndal- (n=andy@
15:55.59DrukenHMEi was going to take my girlfriend out for dinner and a movie.. but she didn't come home..
15:56.07*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
15:56.38sevardDrukenHME: ..What?
15:57.06Kattydinner and a movie is boring, guys
15:57.08Kattyspice it up a little
15:57.16DrukenHMEfriday, i was going to take her out to dinner, and a movie. but she didn't come home till the next night
15:57.18Kattywe're getting sick of the same old thing
15:57.24jontowFlatFoot: i've got a couple for the SNOM 320s.. should be the same( .oO{ ?? })
15:57.28*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
15:57.32sevardYeah, Take a hint from sevard.
15:57.38DrukenHMEKatty: when you live together, dinner and a movie is spiced :)
15:57.44FlatFootjontow: does it work ?
15:57.49jontowseemingly ;)
15:57.56jontowi can show appearances for the lines, can't yet pick them up though
15:57.56KattyDrukenHME: then you clearly need to work on that living together bit.
15:58.16sevardDrukenHME: Instead of dinner and a movie, what about splunking and robbing.
15:58.29FlatFoothow did you get it to work %****$£$$$ things won't show activity on other phones for me
15:58.41jontowlemme login to the machine and retrieve :)
15:58.41jaigerKatty, do you have kids?  I don't remember the last time I had dinner & a movie w/ my wife.  how can that be boring?
15:58.48iDunnoKatty: what do you suggest, then? (other than finding someone to take out first ;)
15:58.49FlatFootjontow: ta
15:58.50*** join/#asterisk zoa (
15:59.04Kattyjaiger: me? kids?
15:59.10Kattyjaiger: you clearly have no clue how old i am.
15:59.10DrukenHMEKatty: what is wrong with taking her to her favourite restaurant, and spending some quality time watching a movie of her choice?
15:59.17sevardDrukenHME: Dinner and a threesome?
15:59.22*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:59.22KattyDrukenHME: nothing, until it gets boring.
15:59.26*** join/#asterisk TheoC (
15:59.28KattyDrukenHME: and then it looses its charm.
15:59.33DrukenHMEsevard: sounds good, send your girl over :)
15:59.40*** part/#asterisk TheoC (
15:59.45Kattyhave dinner on a cruise ship
15:59.50jontowFlatFoot: exten => 101,hint,SIP/101
15:59.51Kattyor rent a pontoon
15:59.52jaigerKatty, you're right, I do not.  I have 2 young kids and my wife & I never get out
15:59.55sevardDrukenHMEL: Any other girl this one isn't for sharesies
16:00.00jontowand function key 12 on phone 100 is this:
16:00.01*** join/#asterisk TheoC (
16:00.12`SauronKatty: so how old are you?
16:00.20jontowdestination / <sip:101@pbx.ip.add.ress;user=phone>
16:00.31jontowi believe i just typed in '101' and it auto-completed
16:00.33jaiger`Sauron, I've been told you shouldn't ask a woman that either
16:00.36DrukenHMEjaiger: between the two of us, we have 4...
16:00.41asteriskmonkeybrookshire: sent em email :)
16:00.42FlatFootjontow: got that but the light it no light up
16:00.47`Sauronjaiger: I don't follow "the rules"
16:00.50jontowseems to work for me..
16:00.52`SauronI like to live dangerously
16:01.05jontowAsterisk CVS HEAD built by root@romeo on a i686 running Linux on 2005-10-14 21:51:11 UTC
16:01.08jontowand its an oldass version of HEAD
16:01.14jaiger`Sauron, I also like to live dangerously
16:01.18Katty`Sauron: old enough to know that you really don't need to know.
16:01.22RoyKzoa: ping
16:01.25`Sauronjontow: I think mine's older.. Hehn.
16:01.37TheoCI'm having some problem with our dialplan.agi - when I try to dial a new extension I added I get "Returned from dialparties with no extensions to call" - but the original exts I set up work fine.  What could the problem be?
16:01.45jontowwell, i upgraded specifically to that branch and made sure it was stable.. for the appearances
16:01.46FlatFootjontow: have you got the snom on DESTINATION ?
16:02.07jontowyeah, function key 12 is on destination..
16:02.08`SauronKAtty: You're no fun. Hehn.
16:02.12sevardAnyone know a bit about realtime asterisk to answer my question about allow lines? :)
16:02.16RoyK~seen zoa
16:02.20jbotzoa is currently on #asterisk (3m 30s), last said: '1000 interrupts per second are ok'.
16:02.23Katty`Sauron: nope. not unless you know me.
16:02.35jontowsevard: i know .. literally 'a bit' .. been playing with it the last few days
16:02.41FlatFootjontow; what * version are you on ?
16:02.51rene-~seen jerjer
16:02.52jbotjerjer <n=jj@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 11d 19h 3m 59s ago, saying: 'Kovecses:  ok there isn't a debian package for this?   thanks'.
16:03.02sevardjontow: do you have allow and disallow in your database?
16:03.10sevardstatic configs
16:03.12*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
16:03.36_Sam--`Sauron:  did you used to be on #Php on efnet?
16:03.42jaiger`Sauron, I'll admit her comment did prompt the question tho
16:03.46_Sam--trying to figure out where i remember that nick
16:07.37*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
16:08.02`SauronSam: I still am.
16:08.13_Sam--nice, what about derick?
16:08.13`SauronBut yes I'm the same guy.
16:08.21`SauronDunno, think he's still around
16:08.26_Sam--that guy is a php genius
16:08.39_Sam--what are you up with asterisk?
16:08.52*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
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16:13.52guyeeNE1 knows how to get overlap dialing (from SIP to SIP) work via Asterisk? It handles 484 as "Invalid number format" instead of "Number incomplete"
16:15.55*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
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16:17.43jontowsevard: "permit" and "deny", and "allow" and "disallow"
16:17.50jontowdisallow = "all"
16:17.55jontowallow = "gsm;ulaw;ilbc"
16:18.05jontowseparate 'em (any key that has multiple values) with a ;
16:18.34jontow(sorry for the delay; was helping one of the admins fix one of the widebank's management ports :))
16:20.01FlatFootjontow; what * version are you on ?
16:20.20*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
16:20.53TheoCI'm having some problem with our dialplan.agi - when I try to dial a new extension I've added I get "Returned from dialparties with no extensions to call" - but the original extensions I set up work fine.  What could the problem be?
16:20.55*** join/#asterisk Seyr (
16:22.53sevardjontow: When I put disallow all first and the allow codecs after it disallows all codecs and doesn't allow any codecs to work.
16:23.47`SauronSam: for fun, playin around at home
16:23.56`Sauronand we might have a machine at work doing conferencing
16:25.54FlatFootjontow: sorry to be a pain but , done all that the hint light does not light up and if i prees the function button i get Not Found 199 ( 199 being the hint exten )
16:26.02jontow<excuse the paste..> :
16:26.03jontow| disallow    | varchar(25)                  |      |     | all                      |                |
16:26.06jontow| allow       | varchar(80)                  |      |     | gsm;ulaw;alau            |                |
16:26.12jontowthats the relevant bit of my table structure
16:26.16jontowdefaults on the right :)
16:26.21jbothmm... pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
16:26.28Beirdoeasier to read too :)
16:26.41*** part/#asterisk vgster (
16:27.10jontowi'm completely aware of pastebin.. but its a bit overkill for 2 lines
16:27.45luke-jr_PAP2-NA suck
16:28.10jontow(btw, i know alaw is spelled wrong above..)
16:30.47sevardjontow: That's exactly what I have.. and it doesn't work.
16:31.14jontowweird, i haven't had any problems with it.. did catch a spelling error in the resource i was using to set it up though.. thats in my sip_peers table, too..
16:31.57*** join/#asterisk HamYaI (i=HamYai@
16:36.16*** join/#asterisk pointer (
16:37.32*** join/#asterisk rajiv|work (n=rajiv@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
16:37.39pointerI just wanted to hop in here and go on "public" record as saying that after trying the digium TDM400, TDM2400 w/EC, the sangoma a200 with and without EC, and even the digium single port T1 w/o EC...that the only card that didn't have echo was the sangoma a200 w/EC and that their support people are ridiculously helpful
16:38.11rajiv|workhow do you know if you need the EC card add on for the sangoma a200 ?
16:38.26*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
16:38.50pointerthe sangoma single port T1 doesn't have echo either....we have a couple of the sangoma quad T1 w/EC on order...I expect good things out of them as well
16:39.03pointerrajiv|work: I have a card with and without EC
16:39.12pointerrajiv|work: they're separate cards completely
16:39.22pointerrajiv|work: the A200s w and w/o EC that is
16:39.37*** join/#asterisk oej (
16:40.09pointeranyone here using audiocodes gear?
16:40.37rajiv|worki thought that the EC card was a daughter card fro the a200 ? seems to imply that
16:40.41*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=igor@
16:40.58pointerthe card without EC doesn't even have the socket
16:41.33pointerreally wierd...I expected it to just be a module that you could add to
16:41.43pointerheh, too
16:42.09pointerbut now I have to RMA this one without it
16:42.33mutilatorwhy do digium cards suck so much
16:43.02*** join/#asterisk redondos (n=redondos@
16:43.08pointermutilator: I've spent a ton of money on them and came to the same conclusion.  save yourself some time and go sangoma
16:43.41mutilatorwell i went out and got a tellab echo can
16:43.44mutilatorjust to get rid of it
16:43.50mutilatorand putting that in sorta solved the problem
16:44.03mutilatorfar end gets super choppy audio
16:44.15*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
16:44.15mutilatorso any faxing and dialup people did doesn't work either
16:44.26pointermutilator: we've tested almost every card digium sells, audiocodes, vegastream, sangoma, and openswitch6(sp?) and the only thing that worked was the sangoma w/EC
16:44.26backbluedoes anyone have append when one incoming call is from zap and dialed & awnsered from a sip user, its ok, but if it is awnsered from asterisk (eg: ivr's), it dont work?
16:44.47mutilatori'll have to put my damn cisco box back in, wasted money on 2 of them 405p's
16:44.48*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (
16:44.55rajiv|workpointer: ok. but any ideas how to choose between EC and not?
16:44.55backbluesangoma its the top! :D
16:45.05pointermutilator: get a sangoma!
16:45.17mutilatorif i can get it approved
16:45.21pointerrajiv|work: there is no choice, get ECs
16:45.21mutilatori doubt that
16:45.39pointermutilator: RMA the 405ps
16:45.43*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
16:45.47mog_workhey now....
16:45.51mog_workwhats wrong with the 405s
16:45.59backbluewhat its EC's?
16:46.23mog_workcare to eleborate
16:46.41rajiv|workpointer: $660 vs $360 at ouch
16:47.01pointermog_work: after $5-10k in PSTN term gear for asterisk, I think I can safely say that we've seen a lack of consistent quality out of the digium stuff...the 3 sangoma cards we've tested were flawless
16:47.23pointermog_work: actually, more than $10k
16:47.50pointermog_work: and 9 months of off and on testing with vendors (including digium/sangoma/vegastream/etc)
16:47.54_Sam--what type of equipment is 10k to get to PSTN?
16:48.00_Sam--10 quad t1 cards?
16:48.03mutilatorwell i'de need to rma both these 405's to afford a 104D
16:48.36*** join/#asterisk kratzers (
16:48.40mog_workbut i have worked with probably hundreds to thousands of teXXX cards
16:49.06mutilatori have a 110 card
16:49.12mutilatorand it works great, no echo or anything
16:49.21backbluesangoma it's the best, better then digium offcourse.
16:49.21kratzersis it possible to have agents on DND not receive calls?
16:49.31mutilatorso i figured the 405 would be the same
16:49.33pointer_Sam--: 4-5 tmd400ps, 2-3 digium T1, 2-3 digium quad span t1, 2 sangoma T1, 2 sangoma quad t1, 2 sangoma a200s (1 w/EC), 3 vegastream 50s, 1 audiocodes mp104, 1 openswitch6, and some other stuff I'm forgetting
16:49.40mutilatorboth cards, 2 different uses do the same thing
16:49.57*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
16:50.21pointer_Sam--: I know I'm forgetting something in that list
16:50.47rajiv|workok, so why a sangoma a200 4 fxo  vs  wellbridge or dlink fxo gateway?
16:50.57pointer_Sam--: the 4 port digium cards seem to work ok in the one production box we have them in (only 2 active PRIs there)
16:51.24pointer_Sam--: we haven't rolled the other one into production yet, but we went ahead and ordered a sangoma quad T1 card to replace the digium one
16:54.33*** part/#asterisk Seyr (
16:54.34Fedoracore6hai all
16:54.34pointerrajiv|work: the price diff for EC is worth it on the sangoma. we tried ironing out the echo issues with digium and voipsupply and decided to try the sangoma after hearing good things about them.
16:54.46*** join/#asterisk ixos (
16:54.54_Sam--good luck ixos :)
16:55.01ixosno luck in finding an answer?
16:55.06_Sam--i didnt check
16:55.08Fedoracore6where i can find script for check password must same in databasess
16:55.49jbalcombWhats the best CDR package for asterisk? I need to bill clients based on calls we take and make for them charged by total call duration.
16:56.14tzafrirFedoracore6, what do you mean? which passwords? which database? which access do you have to it?
16:56.18_Sam--ixos :  sauron might be a good one to ask, if he's here
16:56.24_Sam--`Sauron :  you there?
16:56.38backbluehi, what its the default password of asterisk@home? anyone knows?
16:56.45Fedoracore6i try this code but didnt work
16:57.13FlatFootopp's wrong screen
16:57.37backbluejbalcomb: i'm reading asterisk at home handbook, i found it, i was not finding it! :P
16:57.54_Sam--ixos :  if it dials out using the asterlink connection that is fine.
16:58.01ixoscan the Call Manager API originate action be used to force the outgoing call to use a different destination SIP address? The originate action doesn't accomodate settings things up like 'SIP/teliax/[outgoing number]' in the Exten: field, only [phone_number]
16:58.04ixosthat's what it's doing now
16:58.15Fedoracore6my database name asterisk
16:58.31Fedoracore6and have 2 table in there name student and cdr
16:59.07_Sam--ixos:  it seems like the originate command just uses which ever extension matches the pattern in extensions.conf
16:59.17*** join/#asterisk zoa (
16:59.21_Sam--and the only pattern that matches the string you are sending is the asterlink one...
16:59.26_Sam--but zoa would know too
17:00.12_Sam--ixos:  i have an idea that may work
17:00.29_Sam--we would send an extra 1 in the beginning of the extension
17:00.36_Sam--then in extensions.conf i would setup another extension that matches
17:00.50ixosgive it a try
17:01.00*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
17:01.03_Sam--or, try having your script send 9,1302XXXXXXXX
17:01.12ixosthat would probably be better
17:01.18_Sam--working on my side now
17:01.40_Sam--for now i am going to hard code it for your cell phone number for testing
17:02.31_Sam--try having your side send 9 1 302+your cell number
17:03.11_Sam--you didnt send it as one string
17:03.16_Sam--send 91302562xxxx
17:03.48_Sam--aight i will dick around with the extensions.conf now
17:05.19_MartinCabrera_"patch -p0 < asterisk-1.2.5-patch"
17:05.19_MartinCabrera_What i'm doing wrong?
17:05.38Fedoracore6did some budy have sample codeing to check password mus same in databases
17:05.42_Sam--ixos :  can you send 1areacodenumber
17:05.44tzafrirFedoracore6, so what exactly is your question? You can try the same query from a different mysql client (e.g: the command-line mysql)
17:05.47*** join/#asterisk maruz (
17:05.53_Sam--and i think we are all done
17:05.55_MartinCabrera_(i "get can't find file to patch at input line 5")
17:06.41Fedoracore6sorry if my unswer u all didnt understand :)
17:07.19jbalcombWhats the best CDR package for asterisk? I need to bill clients based on calls we take and make for them charged by total call duration.
17:09.01*** part/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=phil@
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17:12.59kippi down?
17:13.14*** join/#asterisk diego_br (n=brazilei@
17:14.14SplasPoodkippi: seems that way
17:14.18wasimthats a MUST read, wiki-Asterisk-down
17:14.40*** join/#asterisk justinu (
17:14.43SplasPoodjbalcomb: from what I've found the OSS CDR packages have been crap in one way or another
17:14.50SplasPoodjbalcomb: been working on my own..
17:15.13SplasPoodjbalcomb: they either just plain suck, or they try to takeover your total asterisk config/mgmt, etc..
17:15.16*** part/#asterisk ixos (
17:15.26SplasPoodbut thats just my opinion
17:15.52mphillmy system picks up and say "the person at extension... then doesn't say anything" any ideas?
17:20.22jbalcombSplasPood We are using Asterisk CDR Analyizer right now. It's decent but we had to do some sort of patch/update/recompile on Asterisk to get it to track calls across a transfer.
17:20.49jbalcombSplasPood From what I'm hearing, Asterisk doesn't do a very good job of providing information for CDR billing
17:20.52PoWeRKiLLhi bkw_
17:20.57KattyDrukenHME: are you on efnet?
17:21.12mphillwhat is CDR?
17:21.30jbotmethinks cdr is Call Detail Record, a log of what happens to the call at each step through its traversal of the PBX, details like from, to, time, duration, number dialled etc, useful for billing also - it could also be Compact Disc Recordable, see cdrw
17:22.59*** join/#asterisk fjean (
17:23.44fjeanhello again, anyone knows if we can adjust call volume (transfer and receive) using ztdummy ??
17:23.52*** join/#asterisk GerbilWrk (i=GerbilNu@
17:25.29fjeanwould it be usefull to set rxgain and txgain from zapata.conf ?
17:26.49*** join/#asterisk rogier (
17:27.07[TK]D-Fenderfjean : You're supposed to do it in zapata in your channel defs
17:28.46*** join/#asterisk zaf (
17:28.56TheoCSome of our extensions are failing (with a message "The person on extension x is busy").  I've traced it back that the ExtState coming back from the dialplan.agi is 4 (The phone is ringing) even though that's not the case.  What could be the cause?
17:29.19fjeansfs-fender : thanks I ll try that
17:32.29*** join/#asterisk gunsch (
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17:33.16*** part/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=simon@
17:33.27x86how can i make it so when someone calls my voicemail extension, it doesnt prompt for the mailbox number, it just uses whatever extension they are calling from as the mailbox number?
17:33.33x86just asks them for a password
17:33.36Hmmhesayswhats the easiest way to return part of a string before a specified character in C?
17:35.18niZonx86: try Voicemailmain(${CALLERIDNUM})
17:36.29I-MODHmmhesays: strtok
17:36.46I-MODor just look for that character and set it to null
17:37.51*** join/#asterisk insomni (
17:37.57Hmmhesayshmm ok
17:42.36*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
17:42.41rajiv|workpointer: any suggestion on where to buy sangoma hardware? that is any place besides voipsuplpy
17:43.09*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
17:43.28fjeanHow can I get one way voice with a Sipura and two way OK with a softfone, both SIP on same route ?
17:43.57fjeanshould I use a hammer ? :)
17:44.45*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (
17:44.49*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (i=Kernel_C@
17:44.53Kernel_Corehi all
17:45.05Kernel_Coreanybody here configured asterisk and cisco with H323 ?
17:45.17*** part/#asterisk maruz (
17:45.33*** join/#asterisk Nel_ (n=er@
17:45.37Nel_hello there
17:46.25Hmmhesaysstrtok makes pointer from integer without a cast
17:46.27Nel_I need some help with an X-lite phone using NAT. The Phone authenticates with asterisk perfectly without NAT but when I try to use NAT I get 403 forbidden and wrong password on the asterisk log. If I just leave the password blank it works...any ideas?
17:46.40Kernel_Coreanybody here familiar with h323 ?!
17:47.19Hmmhesaysbut i have char *new
17:47.37Nel_anybody has experience with x-lite phones ?
17:49.13fjeankernel - i did install gnugk and oh323...
17:49.36*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
17:49.42pointerrajiv|work: that's where we've been buying them
17:49.54*** part/#asterisk pointer (
17:50.05Nel_anybody has experience with x-lite phones ?
17:50.16Kernel_Corefjean: are you familiar with the Nufone driver ?
17:50.19*** join/#asterisk lrizzo (
17:50.26fjeankernel - sorry no
17:50.49fjeannel_ - I have on my computer but I cant even find the options panel, hehe
17:50.53Nel_I'm having problems authenticating x-lite phones with NAT
17:51.09Kernel_Corefjean: is oh323 stable for you ?
17:51.21fjeanit "was"
17:51.35rajiv|workpointer: any reason you didnt go with an external gateway like the wellbridge or dlink?
17:51.37PakiPenguinKernel_Core, use inacess's h323
17:52.06nextimeKernel_Core : i'm using oh323 in a production system, is enought stable in my opinion
17:52.13*** join/#asterisk pawal (
17:52.13jontowhmm.. weird.. realtime config for IAX2 on one end, flatfiles on the other.. the other can call the realtime box, but not the other way around.. type = friend
17:52.26Kernel_CorePakiPenguin: you mean ooh323 ?
17:52.38*** part/#asterisk msw (
17:52.44Nel_anybody has experience with x-lite phones ?
17:53.20cthompsonI'm currently using it at home to test until I can afford a sipura
17:53.26cthompsonbut I'm a rank newb
17:54.31*** join/#asterisk mexuar-tim (
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17:55.07*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
17:55.29pigpen2Hey guys...I need some quick help....I need to do a test from the inside interface of the wrt through a essentially " ping -i " Where the is the inside of the wrt...the is a host across a vpn which the wrt is providing.
17:55.42pigpen2But...the ver of ping on the wrt does not have this advanced function.
17:56.11pigpen2Why did I post this in this cannel..?
17:57.13jontowwoo.. fixed
17:57.13jontowheh :)
17:57.26*** part/#asterisk pigpen2 (
17:57.29jontowman that was dumb.. port = NULL will definitely break things :)
17:57.36fjeananyone uses a Mera MVTS connected to an asterisk ?
18:00.59[TK]D-FenderOk, I've got a big problem with UDP on an * server.  How would I do a UDP port scan with nmap or similar tool to verify that nothing is being filtered?
18:02.22fugitivonmap -sU -O -P0 ip
18:02.26x86how can i make it so when someone calls my voicemail extension, it doesnt prompt for the mailbox number, it just uses whatever extension they are calling from as the mailbox number?
18:02.32fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: ^^^^^
18:02.35*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
18:04.00[TK]D-Fenderx86 : pastebin what you've got now
18:05.34jbalcombx86 applications.conf:exten => _8999,3,VoicemailMain(s${CALLERIDNUM})
18:05.53*** join/#asterisk equanimity (
18:06.54*** join/#asterisk N9URK (
18:07.18N9URKhi guys, where might I find an article on using xlite with asterisk over the Internet?
18:07.40N9URKthat was funny
18:07.45[TK]D-FenderN9URK : there is a good guid on the WIKI
18:07.58N9URKI can get it going over a lan but not over the internet
18:08.29sundancerAnyone going tomorrow to ISS Winter Summit 2006 to Czech / Liberec ?
18:08.32N9URKlooking at it now
18:08.44N9URKwill see if that works
18:08.45wasimmuahahah ! ... 106 active calls :)
18:08.56wasimwe stripped app_dial compeltely ;)
18:09.25jbalcombnaked app_dial is hot
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18:12.12jmanqI am at a loss for configuring a TE110P for a verizon T1 line
18:12.23mog_workanyone use chan_h323 in this channnel?
18:12.32mroth_immanyone ever experience a flood of "too many open files" the open file ulimit set to about 1000000 but still getting it daily
18:12.46jmanqanyone have any suggestions for where to go / what to look at?
18:13.00mroth_immlsof was showing around 2000 files system wide a few minutes prior
18:13.09[TK]D-Fenderjmanq : Have you confirmed that the line is active and what settings you should be using with it>?
18:13.13mroth_immhopefully i'm missing something obvious
18:14.10jmanqI know the line is active (long calls with verizon this morning), where should I look for the settings I should be using?
18:14.30mroth_immmaybe adjust something in /proc/sys/fs as well?
18:15.07*** part/#asterisk redondos (n=redondos@
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18:16.51N9URKON the xlite/* question, I followed the instructions at the wiki and now I am getting a "call not approved" msg after dialing a number.  What does this indicate?
18:16.57*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
18:17.04N9URKdoes this indicate something is wrong in the setup?
18:17.16Zodiacalanyone know why the Flash Operator Panel unlocks it self after a refresh?
18:17.18N9URKIt does say that I am registered to the * server
18:17.51[TK]D-Fenderjmanq : Have you confirmed what signalling they are using on it?
18:17.55*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
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18:18.22jsharpAnd are you using the correct kind of cable between your T1 card and the Verizon smartjack?
18:19.28jmanqjsharp: Yeah, we are using the cable the tech guys left for us
18:20.31jmanq[TK]D-Fender:  How do I determine what signalling?  I assumed this was a standard thing.  Is this the type of thing I can call them and ask?
18:20.43mroth_immwtf...i have no file-max under /proc/sys/fs/
18:20.46[TK]D-Fendercall them
18:20.47*** join/#asterisk coolhp (
18:20.49mroth_immis it me, or is that unusual?
18:21.07jsharpjmanq: What kind of T1 did you get?  A PRI or a voice/data circuit or what?
18:21.08coolhpGood day folks !
18:21.13mroth_immeh, nevermind
18:21.18fjeaneh guys, can we create SIP accounts that don't use username/passowrd but just authentication by IP ?
18:21.21coolhpAnyone interested in trying out the Cisco SIP 8.2 Image for 7940/7960 ?
18:21.32jmanqjsharp:  a voice/data circuit
18:22.08*** join/#asterisk southtel (
18:22.41Zodiacalany ideas?
18:22.44jsharpCan you stick your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf on so we can look at em?
18:22.48*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
18:23.08*** join/#asterisk NexGen (
18:23.10[TK]D-Fenderfjean : I believe a username is required, though not a password...
18:23.22NexGenanyone use a gxp2000 in here?
18:23.43fjeanfender - ok
18:24.12[TK]D-Fenderfjean : it isn't an account if it doesn't have something to ID it by.  The other option would be to treat all calls as "guests" and always do direct IP dialing in your extensions.conf.  but thats all just UGLY....
18:24.27[TK]D-Fenderor worse...
18:24.35fjeangot it
18:24.40[TK]D-FenderNexGen : Plenty of us have, whats your question?
18:24.51jmanqmy configs are online already: and
18:25.11*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
18:25.57NexGenwell i have one small problem, may not be fixable, but when i make calls using the speakerphone, and the remote party hangs up, is there anyway to get my phone to auto hangup?  Right now it waits then gives me a busy signal till I hit speaker and manually hangup
18:27.24jsharpjmanq:  Your configurations are for a PRI.
18:27.59jsharpAnd if you're not running a PRI, that would be your problem.
18:28.00jmanqjsharp:  I was begining to think that... I couldn't find any othe examples / doco on the web
18:28.38jsharpYou need to call verizon and ask them which T1 channels are for voice and which are for data.
18:28.55jsharpFrom there, we can configure your zaptel stuff accordingly.
18:29.07jmanqjsharp:  ok, I am on the phone as we type
18:31.56[TK]D-Fenderoh God... AMP.....
18:35.22jbotamp is probably NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
18:36.45jaigerdoh, sorry about that folks
18:37.26jsharpBless you.
18:37.52*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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18:40.01[av]baniyay gxp2000
18:40.47southtelI'm trying to find out some technical details about hunt groups.
18:41.18southtelIs there any way to know what hunt group number was actually dialed?
18:42.09southtelThat is to say, if I have a two number hunt group, NXX NXX 1000 and NXX NXX 1001...
18:42.45_Sam--[av]bani :  why yay?
18:43.05southtelAnd I dial NXX NXX 1001, but I end up entering the asterisk system via the NXX NXX 1000 extension, is there any way for asterisk to know that I actually dialed NXX NXX 1001?
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18:43.43equanimityhey all. has anyone managed to get a Netgear TA612V which is locked to Sipgate to connect to their own Asterisk box?
18:44.11DrukenHMEeu: what works?
18:44.26jmanqjsharp:  I just got off the phone with verizon.  We have channels 1 - 5 for voice
18:45.34_Sam--[av]bani :  after all your testing of various phones, has your opinion changed either better or worse about the gxp?
18:45.51[av]banii doubt it will, its the best $80 phone there is
18:46.10_Sam--if you had 150 to spend per phone, what would you buy?
18:46.15[av]baniand if you buy a gxp2000 expecting cisco 7985 performance, tough shit
18:46.24euGuys, what's the best way to eliminate echoing?
18:46.34[av]banieu -> kill the person talking
18:47.35[av]bani_Sam--: $150? probably an spa-941
18:47.44[av]baninot much in that price range
18:48.01_Sam--thats interesting that you like the 941 over the gxp
18:48.08_Sam--that was kind of what i was trying to see
18:48.30*** join/#asterisk tmccrary (
18:48.46[av]bani_Sam--: for $150?
18:48.59jsharpjmanq:  Okay.  Lemme conjure up a zaptel & zapata.conf that should work for ya.
18:49.02_Sam--yep...but for 150 you arent getting a 941 w/ 4 lines?
18:49.06[av]baniif grandstream made a $150 phone, no doubt i'd pick it over the 941. but... grandstream doesnt
18:49.08tmccraryIs Digium's hardware fairly good in general?
18:49.20tmccraryGrandstream = Horrible phones
18:49.36[av]bani_Sam--: now if you had said $180 or $200, the answer would have been very different
18:49.37_Sam--tmccrary :  you are entitled to an opinion, but the gxp really isnt "horrible" at all.
18:50.10justinuplaying with the gxp2000 some more...
18:50.13tmccraryWell yes, I suppose I should rephrase that. In my experience, Grandstream phones are horrible flakey pieces of garbage.
18:50.18justinui upgraded two phones to the latest 2.13 firmware
18:50.24justinuand had echo on SIP->SIP calls
18:50.25[av]banitmccrary: "spa-841"
18:50.29tmccraryI've had 3, one I've already destroyed in a rage
18:50.42_Sam--i have 0 echo on my gxps
18:50.43tmccrarycompared to something like a Snom phone, they're toys
18:50.47tmccraryat least they're cheap though
18:50.54justinuyou running 2.13?
18:51.00_Sam--nah im still on the .9 i think
18:51.02*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:51.02jsharpjmanq:  Here's zapata.conf\
18:51.03[av]baniyou just lost all credibility with me
18:51.04jsharpjmanq:  Here's zapata.conf
18:51.07_Sam--i havent done any updrades for a long time
18:51.10justinuor 1.9?
18:51.11_Sam--yeah 1.2.9
18:51.18NexGeni am running 2.13 on mine, its like a whole new phone really
18:51.26justinui have one customer who's using 1.13 pretty happily
18:51.46[av]bani2.13 is nice, it re-regs after asterisk restart, which polycoms don't
18:51.49justinuso, either a) 2.13 introduced handset echo again, or b) there are major QA issues with the phones
18:52.04_Sam--i still have 3 or 4 phones at this office that are 1.13
18:52.10_Sam--and i havent had to upgrade
18:52.11tmccrarythey're are, serious, SERIOUS QA issues with those phones. Say far, far away
18:52.21[av]banitmccrary: yes, i agree. snom has serious qa issues
18:52.31jsharpjmanq:  And zaptel.conf
18:52.31tmccraryAre you a Grandstream shareholder or something?
18:52.33[av]banithe firmware is shit. stay far away
18:52.43justinu2.13 looked good... but we weren't happy with the sound
18:52.49[av]banitmccrary: no, i own cisco, grandstream, snom, polycom phones
18:52.55[TK]D-FenderSPA-941 isn't worth it vs the Polycom IP 501....
18:52.57tmccrarywow, so do I
18:53.04tmccrarywhat a coincidence
18:53.08_Sam--justinu :  is the main complaint how you sound to other people when you are on the gxp?  or how they sound to you?
18:53.09[av]banitmccrary: and snom is a freaking waste of money. nice hardware, freaking shame about the firmware
18:53.14[av]banitmccrary: the snom firmware is utter trash
18:53.17[TK]D-FenderIf the 941 dropped a fair bit it might be worth something...
18:53.17tmccraryI guess if you can't follow directions
18:53.23[av]banisnom has NO IDEA how to design a UI
18:53.27justinu_Sam--: it's how I sound while I'm talking
18:53.30tmccraryNot that they're perfect, but they work well and consistant
18:53.39[av]banitmccrary: the fucking snoms lock up all the goddamn time.
18:53.50[av]banitmccrary: read the snom pages. lots of people have the fucking thing lock up.
18:53.57NexGenonly thing with the gxp is I have not been able to get work, is the ability to be on one 1 (Account 1) and have asterisk ring my account 2 if another call comes in, dont know if its the phones fault tho
18:54.11tmccraryThat's weird, I have had no problems like that with about 150+ phones (Snom 320's)
18:54.12_Sam--justinu :  on my gxps, the mic is so good that when i 'monitor' my sales guys, i hear all kinds of background converstations
18:54.18[av]baniand snom keeps introducing new undocumented "features" in new firmware which bork provisioning
18:54.24[av]banitmccrary: snom 360
18:54.27_Sam--NexGen :  enable call waiting
18:54.34_Sam--login to the gxp and check the radio button
18:54.41_Sam--that says "disable call waiting"  "no"
18:54.41justinu_Sam--: my issue isn't with volume, or anything, it's with the echo... i have no idea why some do it, and some dont
18:54.42tmccraryI have never used a Snom 360, never had a good reason to justify the cost
18:55.12tmccraryWith the GXP, is there a way to make the speaker work properly and not get crazy amounts of echo and awesome jimi hendrix style feedback?
18:55.19tmccraryI mean in speakerphone mode
18:55.31[av]banitmccrary: $30 extra for a backlit display and xml support. pretty clear to me?
18:55.36_Sam--tmccrary :  what, you arent a hendrix fan ? :)
18:55.39_Sam--you are right about that one.
18:55.40tmccraryYeah, definately not worth it
18:56.06[av]banitmccrary: snom good points: good jitter buffer. sips/srtp support. thats about it
18:56.09tmccraryYes, I like hendrix alot (I generally like all aritistic music)
18:56.28[av]banisnom bad points: weedy speakerphone. buggy as hell firmware.
18:56.37_Sam--i dont get echo on the speakerphone, but its not terribly loud.
18:56.45[av]banioh yeah, and US indications are STILL FUCKING WRONG (hello snom? hello?)
18:56.52_Sam--the speakerphone echo i think was fixed a ways back
18:56.54justinuwe tried the speakerphone on gxp firmware 1.9
18:57.03justinuand it was terrible, so that's what made me upgrade to 2.13
18:57.08*** join/#asterisk UdontKnow (i=udontkno@freenode/staff/udontknow) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:57.27_Sam--justinu :  sip calls to sip devices on the same network even give echo?
18:57.33*** join/#asterisk udk (i=udontkno@freenode/staff/udontknow)
18:58.12justinu_Sam--: yep
18:58.17_Sam--thats insane
18:58.20justinu_Sam--: latency is pretty low... 2ms
18:58.20[av]banitmccrary: worse yet, snom had the gall to claim to me that "nobody ever complained about US indications" which is bullshit because i have the email address of someone else who complained to snom of the exact same thing
18:58.34FuriousGeorgemy trunk my trunk
18:58.45PakiPenguinjustinu, got a test gxp?
18:58.52_Sam--justinu :  i noticed i get echo on the gxp when i call the guy who sits 8 feet away from me
18:59.00_Sam--but thats cause his mic is picking up my call
18:59.09[av]baniheh.. no phone will ever EC that
18:59.10backblueanyone with asterisk clustering without ser?
18:59.17[av]baninot even ciscos
18:59.33[av]banimy cisco 7970 does that when i talk to a polycom in the same room (15 feet)
18:59.44_Sam--yeah, that is what i was hoping may be justin's problem
19:00.17[av]banijustinu: 2ms ping, but rtp uses 20ms packets
19:00.35[av]banijustinu: most phones will only EC 4-8ms of handset
19:00.41[av]banibecuase thats all they have to EC
19:00.47*** join/#asterisk insomni (
19:00.57[av]baniits not a phone's job to EC the remote side of the conversation :)
19:03.04[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : So what are your 2 favourite phones these days?
19:04.04*** join/#asterisk ketanp (n=ketanp@
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19:04.38tmccrary[av]bani: wow that's too bad. However, my Snom's have been flawless so far aside from one DOA phone that was promptly returned.
19:04.56tehdelyweasels have eaten our phone system
19:05.21[av]banitmccrary: for $200 i expect better. snom has been a complete downer.
19:05.28ketanpwho has good intl rates for the major destinations: uk, india, germany, france, israel, etc?
19:05.44[av]banitmccrary: if i had known these problems ahead of time, i would have bought a polycom instead of a $200 snom
19:06.10[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: favorite in what way? "best phone" or "best value" ?
19:06.24[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Feel free to list both seperately.
19:06.35ketanplow volume
19:06.41[TK]D-Fender2 favourites in each class you define
19:06.44[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: best phone -- cisco 7970 and polycom 601. both are FUCKING EXPENSIVE.. best value, gxp2000
19:07.11[av]banii think i'm going to sell my snom360. can't freaking stand the POS
19:07.23[av]banitotal waste of $200
19:07.41[av]baniwhat has happened to that fabled 'german engineering' ? i dont see it in snom at all
19:07.49*** join/#asterisk skkip (n=Skipper@
19:07.55tmccraryI do. :)
19:08.02jmanqjsharp:  Thanks for the config, but now asterisk won't startup
19:08.25Zodiacalanyone know why my outlook tapi dialer isn't adding a 1 in front of long distance numbers?
19:08.39jmanqjsarp:  asterisk -vvvgc gets me the error message:  Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
19:08.57jmanqjsharp:  the line before that is: "Parsing '/etc/asterisk/zapata.conf': Found"
19:09.15[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: i'm sure if i had a cisco 7985 that would be "best phone", but thats $2400...
19:09.16Zodiacalwindows has my area code, so it knows when a number should be long distance and i told it to put a 1 for long distance.. but it doesn't.
19:09.38tmccraryyeah cisco phones are great, its too bad they're price themselves out of the market
19:09.51tmccrarybecause they're not THAT great
19:10.02tmccraryunless you have all cisco telephony hardware I guess
19:10.04[av]banitmccrary: they totally blow snom away. in every possible way.
19:10.22[av]banitmccrary: from a-z, cisco phones are superior to snom
19:10.26tmccrarywow, you definately have a thing for Snom.  Jesus, you'd think they killed your father or something
19:11.01[av]banitmccrary: they blow off my bug reports with bullshit stories like "nobody has ever reported that bug before"
19:11.06*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
19:11.15tmccrary[av]bani: Did it hurt?
19:11.40tmccraryYou need to chill out, it's one phone and apparently lousy customer service. :)
19:11.59tmccraryI mean, I didn't even mention Snom when I mentioned Cisco and you started flaking
19:12.03tmccraryabout Snom
19:12.04zoai like snom
19:12.09tmccraryzoa: me too
19:12.16tmccraryBut don't tell that to this guy
19:12.19tmccraryhehe :)
19:12.24[av]banitmccrary: there are better phones for the money.
19:12.26zoathe st-302's are also cool, (but in a different price range)
19:12.38tmccraryis he a bot everyone or what? Like an anti-snom bot?
19:12.39[av]banitmccrary: much, much, much better phones for the same amount of money.
19:12.45tmccraryI think he is, let me test:
19:12.48tmccrarySNOM SNOM SNOM SNOM
19:12.49zoathe snom 190's are now being sold as elmeg 190
19:12.57zoathey are very good bang for the buck
19:13.17[av]banioh, you are so funny. man. that is just so unspeakably awesome. i must bow to your incredible sense of humor.
19:13.23[av]baniplease continue.
19:13.29tmccraryI imagined you saying that in a Stewie voice
19:13.41[av]banigood for you.
19:14.13tmccraryzoa: Who's elmeg?
19:14.30[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : The IP 601 @ $240 isn't so bad....
19:14.38jbalcombSubject: HELP
19:14.39jbalcomb"You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike."
19:15.50[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: one of these days polycom will discover the fabled 'backlight'
19:16.01jbalcomb[av]bani I dream of this day..
19:16.26jbalcombCan we go back to Cisco /pricing/ themselves out of the market?
19:16.29[av]banijbalcomb it will be glorious, angels will descend from the heavens
19:16.37[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : True, but their # of failings is still seriously counter-balanced by their virtues, also for the price.
19:17.09[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: of course, polycom will do something stupid at the same time, like release an ip701 which is an ip601 with backlight, but at $350
19:17.42[av]baniand it appears, polycom is finally fixing their buddy limit
19:18.12[av]banii guess people kept getting pissed off that their expensive sidecars were useless with asterisk
19:19.29*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:20.49[av]baniand yay, 7970 now has sip firmware
19:20.50jbalcombmaybe you guys should all get together and make the most perfect phone, perfect PRI card, and perfect phone system? You could probably make bazillions of dollars.
19:21.14[av]banijbalcomb: sangoma already makes the perfect pri card
19:21.34[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : what are the details of the buddy limit fix?
19:21.35jbalcomb1 down, 2 to go. Quick, get on it before someone else does.
19:21.39_Sam--if all the cisco phones support sip , what is the point of sccp?
19:21.44bkw_[av]bani, it does more than PRI
19:21.44[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: they increased it to like 38 or something
19:21.47_Sam--just trying to understand why its better
19:21.49[av]bani_Sam--: cisco is migrading to sip
19:22.02[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : in new SIP release?
19:22.11[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: thats what the rumor mill says
19:22.24bkw_where is the 7970 firmware online?
19:22.25bkw_in CCO?
19:22.27bkw_I can't find it
19:22.36[av]bani_Sam--: sccp locks you in to cisco's call manager (or so cisco hopes...)
19:22.37tmccraryWhat do you guys think of Digium's PRI card?
19:22.56[av]banibkw_: cmterm-7970_7971-sip.8-0-2-0.cop
19:22.59jbalcombtmccrary I think they are awesome cause I own three of them.
19:23.00[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Rumour mill tends to put out "white bread" material when what we really want is multi-grain and wholesome!
19:23.13bkw_[av]bani, and thats all I need?
19:23.13[av]banibkw_: it's in the release notes too.
19:23.16*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
19:23.26[av]banibkw_: i guess, though nobody seems to have tested it yet.
19:23.31bkw_does it work with asterisk yet?
19:23.31bkw_I wonder
19:23.44[av]banidunno, somoene said it doesnt support BLF yet
19:23.45jbalcombtmccrary wait, what I mean is, I have three of them and I have no choice so they'd better be awesome.
19:23.47[av]baniwhich is a big downer
19:23.58[av]baniseems odd to me though
19:26.47bkw_screw blf
19:26.48jbalcombtmccrary I have had a bit of trouble with echo, jitter, and drops but the GXP-2000 seems more responsible than the PRI card. Of course, the config here is hodgepodge and I'm a nub so that may factor in as well.
19:26.51bkw_I want a 7970 with sip
19:26.55bkw_that works
19:27.46tmccraryYou mean your GXP-2000 is more reliable than Digium's PRI?
19:28.11fugitivodebian doesn't let you use 2 instances of apt-get at the same time? that sucks
19:29.14tmccrarywhat do you mean two instances?
19:29.22tmccraryoh, file locking
19:29.26tmccraryyeah, only one
19:29.38fugitivoyes that, sucks :)
19:29.38tmccraryYou may be able to fetch with one, however, I've never tried
19:30.18tmccraryWhy do you need two instances of apt going? you can just go like: apt-get install package1 package2
19:30.51*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
19:30.54fugitivowaste of time
19:31.51fugitivofor example, downloading a package of 50mb when installing 5 small packages at the same time
19:32.03fugitivoif i download that package, i can't install anything else
19:32.11fugitivo(the big package)
19:32.22tmccraryyou should try try using -d on that one
19:32.29fugitivowhat does -d do?
19:32.37tmccrary-d, --download-only
19:32.39mikefoojust downloads
19:32.40tmccraryfrom man :)
19:32.54tmccraryhonestly, it may still not work that way, I have never tried it
19:33.18fugitivoi'll just stick with gentoo and emerge
19:33.43tmccrarygentoo, eek
19:34.03tmccraryit works great if you're not using it in production or for anything serious. I found that one out the hardway
19:34.06Nel_anybody has experience with x-lite phones ?
19:34.16mikefoogentoo the os that doesn't care about time..
19:34.18fugitivonot true, i use a lot of gentoo boxes in production
19:34.20mikefoo3 day installs
19:34.38tmccraryBelieve me, you should SWITCH AWAY FROM GENTOO NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.
19:34.59fugitivo2 1/2 years working with gentoo
19:35.00tmccraryGentoo slowly degrades, it's like windows 98
19:35.01fugitivono problems at all
19:35.10dgorskiwhat kind of nonsense is that?
19:35.13dgorskigentoo is awesome
19:35.15Nel_I have authentication problems through NAT, with X-Lite. The phone registers fine with no password any ideas?
19:35.28mikefoogentoo is horrible.
19:35.34tmccraryI'm not having thing argument here, but believe me, you are going to find out the hard way about this.
19:35.51fugitivotmccrary: i didn't yet, so i don't think i'll find any problem with it
19:35.54mikefoo"oh lets just cource everything so we can be cool, and pretend everything works smoothly, because its source"
19:36.00fugitivotmccrary: i'm running big production boxes with gentoo
19:36.15*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
19:36.27fugitivomikefoo: when we started using linux, there was no packaging systems like today
19:37.17tmccraryits not bad because it's source-based, it's bad because it unravels itself after about 2 1/2 to 3 years time
19:37.17mikefooofcourse, not get with it..
19:37.17mikefooits 2006 not 1996
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19:37.17fugitivomikefoo: i liked 1996
19:37.31mikefootmccrary: I never said source is bad, I am saying they think source is the answer to all, no matter how long it takes.
19:37.35dgorskiI use binary packages with gentoo all the time
19:37.40[av]banifugitivo: even slackware had "packages". they were called tarballs ;)
19:38.03fugitivo[av]bani: yes, i still use that
19:38.15fugitivooh hell!
19:38.21fugitivoi'm compiling asterisk from source!
19:38.25fugitivoi'm a caveman!
19:38.29mikefooeven solaris has packages
19:38.43fugitivooh hell, i'm applying patches!!!
19:38.50fugitivoi'm an old man!
19:39.24*** join/#asterisk Ramzi-324 (
19:39.39GamercjmIm having a problem trying to make a .call file, In the Channel, Do i just put the IAX2/user@voip/9510000000 ?
19:39.54Gamercjmthe 9510000000 being the number to call?
19:40.05*** join/#asterisk detatch (n=akwairc@
19:40.57detatchCan anyone tell me how I can divert calls into a different queue if there are no agents logged into a given queue?
19:43.54*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
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19:45.10wasimdetatch: joinempty=no
19:45.20wasimdetatch: and next priority send them to a different queue
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19:49.23FuriousGeorgecan anyone comment on the sangoma a100 vs the tdm400?
19:49.26Gamercjmcan anyone help getting the .call files to work?
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19:50.17[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : A200 can have on-board EC which is "godly", and expands cheaper than TDM's  A200 is also IRQ friendly and PCI voltage agnostic.
19:50.46*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
19:51.13[av]bani[TK]D-Fender has an a200?
19:51.49[av]banior are you just assuming based on the 104d :)
19:52.09FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: yeah i heard about the hw echo can.  im kinda ticked i got all these tdm everywhere :)
19:52.11[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Enough confirmations and some assumptions, yes :)
19:52.14FuriousGeorgeand they are about the same price :)
19:52.31*** join/#asterisk AJay-MN (i=AJay@
19:53.17AJay-MNis there a reason why my SIP phones will register with Asterisk and have a reregistering set to every 3mins, but never does, then after 1 hour Asterisk unregisters the device???
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19:54.11detatchwasim> next priority in the dialplan you mean? s,2,queue(whatever)?
19:54.11sundancerHm my Swissvoice IP10S keeps sending BYE sip:2464@193.77.x.y message to asterisk.. any idea why? And when i call this particular phone it keeps telling me: SIP/2.0 486 Busy Here
19:54.27wasimdetatch: oui
19:54.35sundancerBut i can see it by `sip show peers`
19:54.53sundancerAnd asterisk and phone are exchanging keepalive packets
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20:00.12jorgitosomebody from czech republic here ?
20:01.07carb0n^anyone from pakistan ?
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20:01.24jorgitocarb0n^, you are realy from pakistan?
20:01.44[av]banianyone from north korea?
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20:02.39jorgitocarb0n^, that is cool
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20:05.07backbluewhy use TDMoE in asterisk clustering and not use SIP or IAX trunks?
20:05.40mattwj2005hey guys....any good ulimited incoming and outgoing voip service providers (for within the US)?
20:06.18mattwj2005sorry I know I have asked this question quite a few times.....I thought I had one....but they their support service and web site suck
20:06.30xachenwhat? sixtel? :P
20:08.08xachenI was asking if you were with
20:09.06mattwj2005I asked for more information from telasip.....they never got back to my e-mail and I tried calling a few times and no one was home
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20:10.05mattwj2005I just want to set up an asterisk box for my home phone
20:10.22mattwj2005looking to save a few bucks along the way :P
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20:17.38mattwj2005anyone in the room have a favorite ulimited service?
20:17.51[TK]D-FenderMost "unlimited" places cost more than they are used for...
20:18.33AndyCapdidn't you just ask this btw? :-P
20:18.54gaspizhi, I have a problem with ser actually. in the responses it puts a Warning: 392 my_ip:port "Noisy feedback tells:  pid=24601
20:19.00gaspizis this a problem?
20:19.44mattwj2005I guess as far as service goes.....I could always use voipjet
20:19.50mattwj2005they are only 1.3 cents a min
20:22.08mattwj2005how about unlimited DID's.....anyone know of a place to get some in the 715-229-xxxx and 651-392-xxxx ranges?
20:22.56mattwj2005sorry guys....I am kinda of a noob :P
20:24.28DrukenHMEanyone setup a spa-3000 to work as a incoming fxo ?
20:24.50mroth_immanybody ever encounter the "too many open files" error during socket allocation on a machine with a huge ulimit -n?
20:24.55[TK]D-Fendermattwj2005 : Stop spamming the same stupid question every 5 minutes!  Check the WIKI for and mailing lists for recommendations, and try forums as well.
20:25.03[TK]D-FenderDrukenHME : I have one
20:25.19DrukenHME[TK]D-Fender: feel like giving me a hand? i just got one in today
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20:26.06[TK]D-FenderDrukenHME Will see what I can do.... I don't have it handy.
20:26.15jmanqI have been having troubles making a call from a sip phone connected to my asterisk box to my cell phone
20:26.34jmanqmy asterisk box is attached to the pstn with a T1 card
20:26.47jsharpDid you get your T1 to come up?
20:27.01Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: sir salaam
20:27.09jmanqjsharp:  Maybe!
20:27.15DrukenHME[TK]D-Fender: can ya remember anything special about NOT getting the dialtone?
20:27.46jmanqjsharp:  thanks for the help earlier btw.  you left before I could thank you
20:27.49[TK]D-FenderDrukenHME : You working on the FXS port now, or the FXO port?
20:27.56DrukenHMEthe FXO
20:28.01jsharpNo problem.  Lunch was calling and my stomach won over.
20:28.07[TK]D-FenderDrukenHME : is it registering?
20:28.17DrukenHMEthat was the easy part
20:28.31[TK]D-Fendershow me what you use to try to dial out on it.
20:28.44DrukenHMEi don't want to dial out....
20:28.48DrukenHMEi want to dial in...
20:29.04[TK]D-Fenderhave you TRIED dialing out on it?  a somewhat important test...
20:29.28jmanqjsharp:  So it seems as if the call gets dropped as soon as I pick up my cell phone
20:29.47DrukenHMEno... cause i want it as a dial-in only device :)
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20:30.06jsharpWhat do you see on your asterisk console when the call goes out.
20:30.28[TK]D-FenderDrukenHME : this page covers it pretty well....
20:30.32mattwj2005sorry [TK]D-Fender.  Thanks for the website :)
20:31.12DrukenHMEya i guess i should have checked the wiki :)
20:31.18DrukenHMEbut that search annoys me :)
20:31.40[TK]D-FenderDrukenHME : pay attention to : Dial Plan 2: (S0<:15551234567>) in the web-config for the 3k.  it will dial this exten in the FXO accounts sip.conf entry like a DID.
20:31.49[TK]D-Fenderthis is the key...
20:32.07[TK]D-Fenderas well as the other little bits that tell it to route by IP.
20:32.31jmanqjsharp:  I think i was getting an attempt at an incoming call at the same time
20:33.04jmanqthose don't work yet either ;)
20:33.28jsharpHmmm.  You've got a pretty complicated dial plan to test with.
20:35.02jmanqhow could i simplify it?
20:35.43*** part/#asterisk gaspiz (n=gaspiz@
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20:36.07delox99Hi all
20:36.17delox99i have a question on peers and codecs
20:36.40[TK]D-Fenderdelox99 : shoot
20:36.43delox99im registering to a peer that accepts ulaw or g729
20:37.10delox99i would like my sip users to be able to connect to this peer using g729
20:37.15KattyHmmhesays: you around?
20:37.22jsharpjmanq:  Post your extensions conf and I'll see about trimming it down to test.
20:37.40delox99on the other, these users all have mailboxes that works like you know in gsm
20:37.51delox99i want them to use the mailboxes using gsm
20:37.56delox99is it possible?
20:38.30*** join/#asterisk exonic (n=exonic@
20:38.37[TK]D-Fenderdelox99 : I believe if you set order of allowed codecs in sip.conf for those phones and peers that it will pick ULAW for VM locally...
20:38.49delox99so if connection to trunk use g729 elseif connection to mailboxes use gsm
20:38.50[TK]D-Fenderand do the rest as pass-through without requiring licenses.
20:39.01exonicAnyone familiar with asterisk manager API ?
20:39.18delox99im able to do g729 as passthrough no problem
20:40.01[TK]D-Fenderdelox99 : if you allow a 2nd codec it should fallback to it for local stuff that isn't pass-through.
20:40.02delox99if i set g729 ulaw in [general] in sip.conf, it always defaults to g729 even for mailboxes
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20:40.20[TK]D-Fenderdelox99 : pastebin your sip.conf
20:40.24exonicI'm writing my own manager interfcae (think a max tnt interface) and I don't know what to do when I get the 'Dial' event...
20:40.27jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
20:40.35delox99how do i use pastebin?
20:40.50delox99sorry not an mirc guru
20:40.52[TK]D-Fendergo to the site, copy&paste your sip.conf and change the passwords.
20:41.00[TK]D-Fendernothing to do with IRC
20:41.21jmanqjsharp:  As a warning, the file is very long
20:41.53jmanqjsharp:  it is pretty much the same as the extensions.conf that I got working with my analog card several months ago
20:44.03*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
20:44.15delox99if i put ulaw,g729 in general in sip.conf and specify allow g729 for the peer it still uses g729
20:44.53[TK]D-Fenderdelox99 : just do the pastebin and I'll see where its failing...
20:45.37exonicAnyone care to checkout a ncurses asterisk interface?
20:45.43exonicI'm looking for some feedback
20:45.48*** join/#asterisk Lino` (
20:45.56Juggieexonic, screen shots? :)
20:46.57backblueanyone with experience in asterisk cluxtering?
20:47.03*** join/#asterisk gaspiz (n=gaspiz@
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20:47.40gaspizhi, can anybody give me an example of a contact header in a 302 SIP message?
20:50.19heisonhas iaxtel been abandoned?
20:50.34exonicJuggie, I'll have to get some screenshots, but I don't like showing the personal information in 'em
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20:52.14DrukenHMEi think i got it working
20:52.28delox99ok sorry for delay
20:52.33delox99here it is
20:53.01jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender how do you feel about the Superdial Macro?
20:53.05mikefooheison: you use iaxtel?
20:53.57heisonmikefoo: it's been in my dialplan for a while, don't know if it's still alive... or should i just remove it altogether?
20:54.38mikefoowho is your main outbound dials?
20:54.52heisonBell and Nufone
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20:55.13mikefoourl for bell?
20:55.15[TK]D-Fenderdelox99 : Where is your phone definition?  I only see your carrier
20:55.26heisonBell Canada, CLEC
20:55.41mikefoowhoa.. nufone has got a new website
20:55.44mikefooniice.. heh
20:56.09[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : "Shit-on-a-stick".  Mine is clearly superior (and 1.2 compliant ;))
20:56.17mikefoo[TK]D-Fender: hey sup
20:58.07[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Mine allows for immediate VM access, selective operator for VM exit, and optional VM on busy/no-answer.
20:58.14jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender Superdial Macro has a 1.2 version.
20:58.15[TK]D-Fendermikefoo : blarg....
20:58.29[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : "show me the money"....
20:59.05jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender I'm on it. Still getting the new server ready.
20:59.25nextimenotOnyx: anyone know a good termination for mexico destination? ( good = hight ASR and low rates for hight volume )?
20:59.40*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
21:00.36CunningPikeDoes anyone know if the hint priority supports patterns e.g. exten => _401[0-2],hint,SIP/${EXTEN}
21:00.41_Sam--pike = pi kappa alpha?
21:01.41zoahey ho sam
21:01.55zoawere you looking for me some days ago ?
21:01.59*** join/#asterisk aster1sK (
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21:02.24_Sam--zoa :  probably...but whatever it was i forget now :)
21:02.40_Sam--zoa:  how long until i can test SIP on fisk?
21:02.50delox99sorry for delay again i was on the phone
21:02.51_Sam--i found with my setup that SIP sounds twice as nice as SIP, for ME.
21:02.58_Sam--er twice as nice as IAX
21:03.09_Sam--i switched everything over to sip, all connections...and its like POTs lines here
21:03.19[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : I doubt it highly, and for the sample you showed, just not worth it.
21:03.27heisonis IAXtel really gone?
21:04.01_Sam--whats going on Dr-Linseed
21:04.06CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: Thanks - agreed for the sample, but ideally I'd like it to be for all extensions
21:04.59[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : how many?
21:05.03Dr-Linux_Sam--: we hired 2 developers for C/Csharp , they are working with AGI stuff :)
21:05.05DrukenHME[TK]D-Fender: you got a stun server?
21:05.10[TK]D-FenderDrukenHME : nope
21:05.33CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: 400 :D
21:06.31CunningPikeWhat I'm looking at is providing a hint priority for all our extensions, allowing us to then configure BLF as needed, without adding 100's of lines to our extensions.conf
21:06.54[av]banic#  :|
21:07.30CunningPikeIdeally what I would like to do is exten => _XXXX,hint,SIP/${EXTEN}
21:07.32delox99sorry the damn phone again
21:07.41delox99the sip users are in a database
21:08.24*** part/#asterisk gunsch (
21:08.31backblueno one with asterisk clustering experience?
21:08.48delox99i dont have any codecs specified for the sip users so i think they should use the settings in the general section of sip.conf right?
21:09.22[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : Nows a good time to use "INCLUDE" in your dialplan :)
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21:09.47[TK]D-Fenderdelox99 : I never trust what I don't set personally :)
21:10.02delox99on the physical phones i can specify g729 first then ulaw but it still defaults to ulaw i fin sip.conf > general i have ulaw,g729
21:10.06jmanqjsharp:  any thoughts?
21:10.07[TK]D-Fenderdelox99 : and realtime codec prioritization I've heard funny things about...
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21:10.18jsharpNo.  I don't see why it wouldn't work.
21:10.18delox99oh yeah?
21:10.20delox99could be
21:10.34[TK]D-Fenderdelox99 : yup... you might want to consider buying a few licenses
21:10.35CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: Hmmm - the wiki seems to indicate that 1.2.2 onwards should allow global variables.......
21:10.47oatisHi, I am getting an error on startup
21:10.51oatisThis is what I am getting in the messages log... "loader.c: Loading module failed!"
21:11.23[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : That wouldn't change anything... they wouls still be static and the hint is "registered", not "evaluated".  so thats a no-go as far as practicality is concerned
21:11.40delox99buying licenses, thats what ill end up doing i think
21:11.44[TK]D-Fenderoatis : then do a "noload =>" in modules.conf
21:13.09oatisD-Fender, Cool, thanks
21:16.16*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
21:16.21Hmmhesayswell i finally got mwi waiting indicators to work between asterisk and SER
21:16.24Hmmhesayspretty sweet
21:16.39*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
21:16.40MikeJ[Laptop]yes you are!
21:16.44backblueomfg, no one here, work under a voip isp?
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21:16.56MikeJ[Laptop]backblue, huh?
21:18.08Dr-LinuxKatty: is the one
21:18.12CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: ${EXTEN} doesn't work, as you surmised. Oh well - massive included file coming right up.....
21:19.08KattyDr-Linux: bwa?
21:19.16Hmmhesaysahh Dr-Linux
21:19.52oatisI have 1 more questions. I changed servers and now with the new install my voice mail is not working although I am using the exact same config files.. it looks like /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/voicemail points to /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail and It doesn't record the message I leave for that particular extention
21:20.10oatisany extention
21:20.30Hmmhesaysdid you compile one and use packages on another?
21:20.46[TK]D-Fenderoatis L Could be a rights issue
21:21.06*** join/#asterisk naturalblue (n=Administ@
21:21.18oatisD-Fender, looks like its owned by root, who and what permissions should be assigned to it?
21:21.25*** join/#asterisk mattwj2006 (
21:21.50Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: i'll cut your wife hair :@
21:22.07Hmmhesaysclosest thing I have ot a wife is my engaged girlfriend
21:22.14[TK]D-Fenderoatis : Depends what * runs under...
21:22.16Hmmhesaysand she's not engaged to me so thats not very close
21:22.23*** join/#asterisk pfn (
21:22.38[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Engaged to YOU I hope or things could turn awkward :)
21:22.51dgorskione should not "point at" the other
21:22.52Dr-LinuxHmmhesays: lol
21:23.17*** join/#asterisk AJay-MN (i=AJay@
21:23.27Dr-LinuxKatty: bwa? :S
21:23.33KattyDr-Linux: sign of confusion.
21:23.34AJay-MNAnyone having problems getting a Grandstream 101 to stay registered?
21:23.54naturalbluenyone here ever used ADM
21:23.56Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: sir what does bwa mean in your language? :S
21:24.08Dr-LinuxKatty: ooo ic
21:24.27Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender, negative on that one
21:25.27MikeJ[Laptop]Hmmhesays, BAD!
21:25.41MikeJ[Laptop]it's Darwin35
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21:26.00Darwin35whas going on
21:26.20MikeJ[Laptop]nothing too much
21:26.28MikeJ[Laptop]well.. quite a lot actually
21:27.29Darwin35fill em in
21:28.01oatisLooks like /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail didn't get created when I installed the package
21:28.14Qwell[]oatis: When you get the first voicemail, it will be created
21:28.20DrukenHMEhmm... figures
21:28.42Darwin35no it builds that  dir the first time you run asterisk
21:28.53oatisQwell, for some reason it wasn't creating it and my voicemails where getting lost
21:29.04Qwell[]oatis: Some ancient version of *?
21:29.10Darwin35after you add users to voicemail.conf
21:29.11Qwell[]like 0.6.x?
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21:29.54oatisnope, a new version
21:30.45Darwin35you should be on 1.2.4 by now
21:30.51jorgitoi have one question, is it possible to make call parking on my mobile phone , i forward one did to mobile phone, tried to pres # but doesnt work...
21:31.14*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
21:31.31_Sam--uh...your mobile phone doesnt talk to *
21:31.48jorgito_Sam--, yes so no way ...
21:31.48Kattyyou can make asterisk talk to a mobile phone.
21:31.55jorgitoKatty ???
21:31.58zoaAJay-MN: yes
21:31.58oatisQwell, 1.2.1
21:32.04_Sam--sure, if it answered the call, THEN called the cell phone and stayed in the middle
21:32.05zoayou need to reboot the phone every 30 minutes or so
21:32.07Kattyjorgito: email notifications to sms.
21:32.08zoathen it works
21:32.13Kattyjorgito: forwards, extensions
21:32.23Kattyjorgito: i'd hardly say asterisk can't talk to a mobile.
21:32.54jorgitoKatty well i need to park a call while * calls my mobile, i need to park the call on the mobile...
21:33.09_Sam--you could do it, if you use the T in the dial command probably
21:33.11*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
21:33.16_Sam--T when it calls your cell phone
21:33.20Dr-LinuxKatty: maybe your mobile doen't have an ear :)
21:33.36KattyDr-Linux: it's the k]at mobile
21:33.47_Sam--and include => parkedcalls
21:33.50*** join/#asterisk Tamarisk (
21:33.57jorgitoKatty, t or T ?
21:34.10Kattyjorgito: you should be talking to _Sam--
21:34.36Dr-Linuxk[at , huh Katty your english is always difficult to me :S
21:34.42_Sam--qwell is right like usual
21:34.45_Sam--t: Allow the called user to transfer the call by hitting #
21:34.45_Sam--T: Allow the calling user to transfer the call by hitting #
21:34.51Qwell[]no, not k[at...k]at
21:35.13rikstahas anyone tried running the sample eagi-sphinx-test binary?
21:35.18KattyDr-Linux: oh forget it.
21:35.18*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
21:35.45KattyDr-Linux: it's not important enough to explain. you either get it or you don't. savy?
21:35.57Dr-Linuxriksta: that doesn't work for me
21:36.10rikstaDr-Linux: im looking for how to run it from the dialplan
21:36.35Dr-LinuxKatty: sorry today i don't have dictionary
21:36.44Qwell[].dict savvy
21:36.50Qwell[]~dict savvy
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21:37.29Dr-LinuxKatty: :@
21:38.09rikstaDr-Linux: how did you try to run it
21:38.59Dr-Linuxriksta: even i install all the sphinx package, for voice recognition functionality
21:39.03Dr-Linuxbut no luck
21:39.45jorgitoKatty, well if i hit # on mobile phoen i hear transfer bla bla but when i am pressing 700 then Unable to find extension '' in context 'default
21:40.34gammacoderi'm starting to experiment with sip qualify for remote users behind NAT - anyone have any positive / negative experience you'd care to share
21:40.52Kattyjorgito: k
21:41.04jorgitoKatty, what ?
21:41.13Kattyjorgito: k = ok.
21:41.24Dr-Linuxgammacoder: one of my cisco phone user has this problem
21:41.41Dr-Linuxhis phone was behind NAT
21:42.03Dr-Linuxi used qualify option for him, and that works fine now
21:42.16jorgitoKatty could you please specify what is ok ? thanks Katty
21:42.19rikstaDr-Linux: what did you have in extensions.conf though
21:42.54gammacoderDr-Linux: i can get the NAT traversal to work for some NAT firewalls / routers - others it seems like time-out their translation awfully quickly
21:42.55Kattyjorgito: default reply.
21:43.02Kattyjorgito: you talked to me. i said ok.
21:43.35jorgitoKatty k
21:44.26KattyQwell[]: it's amusing when people talk to me for no apparent reason.
21:45.27Dr-Linuxriksta: thats problem for me, what should be in dialplan, even my script works fine
21:45.33Dr-Linuxso i left it as it is
21:45.44Qwell[]Katty: indeed
21:46.11*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
21:46.26Dr-Linuxriksta: someone from here recommended Sphinx, but even i never worked for him/her even
21:46.40*** part/#asterisk jmanq (
21:49.14rikstaanyone know where i can get a free DID for incoming calls for california?
21:49.22justinukatty: i have no apparent reason for it, but hello
21:49.24rikstai just need it for a demonstration
21:50.16TamariskPlease can someone explain a few pointers on codecs used in * and phones regards compatability?
21:51.00*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
21:51.02Kattyjustinu: hihi.
21:51.18TamariskI appreciate that G723.1 and G729 need licencing before they work in asterisk so are off as default is that correct?
21:52.00justinuwhat pointers do you need?
21:52.13jsharpchar *
21:52.25TamariskJust getting confused with reading all the numbers I will continue if you can help
21:52.32justinui'll try
21:53.01TamariskG711 is also call alaw or ulaw depending where you are?
21:53.02docelm0Hay Katty how do you like my reply to your nicknames bulletin?
21:53.07jbalcombfunny that i keep finding '101' in our dialplan
21:53.33justinu101 is a freeway
21:53.37justinuor a depech mode album
21:53.43jbalcombright on
21:53.47justinuor a room where they torture you
21:54.10jbalcombso no amount of math would lead n+101 to equal 101 in the dialplan though right?
21:54.29mattwj2006anyone use telasip?
21:54.33justinui started using ast after that 101 stuff was deprecated
21:54.49justinuso i'm not sure, actually
21:54.51jbalcombeh? 101 deprecated?
21:55.06justinuthat priority jumping stuff got replaced with a DIALSTATUS variable
21:55.25*** join/#asterisk thomasp (
21:55.47TamariskIs GSM known as anything else such as say G728?
21:55.51thomaspis here anyone who can help me to plug a t sinus pbx to asterisk? tia
21:55.54justinui do not believe so
21:56.08justinuthomasp: that kind of job costs money
21:56.22justinui doubt anyone here will help for free
21:56.29jbalcombjustinu interesting. i guess i wont wate my time fixing the 101 entries.
21:56.47TamariskOK confused now, I will explain better, I thought I could sort it without being a complete dumbass
21:56.48thomaspjustinu: ah. ic. i am a private person. so i have to pay??
21:56.54justinujbalcomb: read up on the wiki about the DIALSTATUS stuff...
21:57.01justinuthomasp: pbx integration is tricky work
21:57.02jbalcombjustinu am doing so now
21:57.11Qwell[]thomasp: We're happy to help with most things...but some things are a bit more...involved
21:57.15Kattydocelm0: hmm?
21:57.20AJay-MNzoa: I never had an issue with it till i did an update of the firmware, and now i cant go back :(
21:57.21justinuthomasp: private or not, few people have the skill to do such things, and most who do want to be paid for their time
21:57.37jbalcombthomasp plug a T-1 crossover cable into the PBX and into a port on the Asterisk's PRI card
21:57.44justinuif you wanna ask general questions about what's going on... we'll definitely help for free
21:57.44thomaspjustinu: the docs are REALLY misleading. sth
21:58.02TamariskFrom what I read * uses gsm for music on hold, but the Grandstream ATA I use does not list GSM in its Vocoder list
21:58.12thomaspjbalcomb: that is done. debug 99 and verbose 99 doesnt show anything in asterisk when i phone a internal sip phone
21:58.16Qwell[]Tamarisk: Asterisk will transcode to whatever the call is
21:58.23Kattydocelm0: heh, sure.
21:58.31thomaspjbalcomb: i read that fucking doc.
21:58.37Kattydocelm0: you don't strike me as the warrior type ;)
21:58.48thomaspjbalcomb: if you look for onther one, you will find another howto, another way.
21:58.50jbalcombthomasp haha.. you sound nice.
21:59.21justinuthomasp: you know anything about T1s, or PRI?
21:59.39TamariskOK so when I limit the grandstream to onluy use PCMA then the music on hold will be PCMA,
21:59.46jbalcombthomasp well, I have a Telrad Key-BX hooked up to my Asterisk server and it works great. I figured it out all by myself so I guess you could manage the same.
21:59.48thomaspjustinu: a little bit.
21:59.49justinuTamarisk: correct.
22:00.03jbalcombI am not special.
22:00.12justinuthomasp: if you're not seeing anything when you call, make sure the D channel and T1 carrier are up and working ok.
22:00.23justinuif indeed your PBX supports PRI\
22:00.37jbalcombjustinu I'm sure he fucking tried that already. ;)
22:00.39docelm0Katty, come to astericon and see me up close..  :)
22:00.41thomaspjustinu: i get right settings with "ztcfg -vv"
22:00.43TamariskOK checking on a few settings
22:00.48oatiswhere do you define the RTP ports? which conf file is it?
22:00.51justinuztcfg won't show you D channel status
22:00.53Kattydocelm0: i'll be at cluecon.
22:01.00justinujbalcomb: fuckin' a ;)
22:01.06docelm0Katty, probably not gonna be able to do that..
22:01.11Kattydocelm0: then i shan't see you.
22:01.14oatisnm, lol rtp.conf :P
22:01.15thomaspjustinu: what else?
22:01.23jbalcomboatis is the the 'bindport' in sip.conf?
22:01.23justinui'd like to go to cluecon
22:01.25justinui think i will
22:01.26docelm0astricon is where the PARTIES at..
22:01.38Kattywe partied pretty hard ourselves at cluecon
22:01.41MikeJ[Laptop]Darwin35, now that's not night
22:02.32jbalcombzap show status
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22:03.04Darwin35gawd cant I yank a few chains
22:03.11justinupri show status too, i believe
22:03.17Darwin35I have been around a long time now
22:03.29TamariskCan asterisk transcode between codec's when each end is using a different setting?
22:03.34jbalcombpri show span <span>
22:03.39justinuah yes
22:03.46justinuTamarisk: yep
22:03.52KattyDarwin35: nope.
22:04.02justinucats don't like chains, btw
22:04.19jbalcombneither do bunnies
22:04.23justinuthey tend to get pretty pissed if you yank on them
22:04.24TamariskVery clever, that must some processing power
22:04.34justinuTamarisk: not so bad, but it depends on the codec.
22:04.43justinuTamarisk: for example, speex is the one that takes the most CPU right now.
22:04.47Darwin35not true my cat loves his plastic chain he plays with all the time
22:05.06Darwin35drags the thing around the house
22:05.08thomaspi do not get it. i just did pri debug span 1,2,4,5 - nothing. the pbx is connected directly with a crossed cable, 36x45
22:05.13*** part/#asterisk CunningPike (
22:05.19Darwin35and will play tug of war with you and it
22:05.25TamariskTrying to keep bandwidth down between extensions on a home system,, basically playing to see what quality sounds like but have a
22:05.58justinuTamarisk: imho, the best sounding low bandwidth codec is g729, but you need to buy a license per channel
22:06.01jbalcombthomasp I think my $75/hr for contract work is pretty decent, might take two hours tops.
22:06.04justinualthough at 10 bucks, it's not so expensive
22:06.19justinujbalcomb charges less than I do, so his rate is decent.
22:06.41TamariskThe book says it is good but no not want to purchase for home system. I guess geared towards commercial use?
22:06.43Darwin35and ideas to see if they will work
22:06.53thomaspjbalcomb: not interested
22:06.59Darwin35I also have to setup a dial a movie line
22:07.04Darwin35and dial a yoke
22:07.08TamariskI have a funny when connecting between grandstream and Linphone
22:07.11Darwin35dial a trick
22:07.17Darwin35dial a tramp
22:07.20TamariskI though it may be down to codecs
22:07.23jbalcombthomasp thats a shame. i wish you the best of luck.
22:07.25Darwin35dial a homo
22:08.08justinuTamarisk: that's a new one
22:08.15Tamariskthen I hear a burst of DTMF then normal audio will follow
22:08.25justinuTamarisk: make sure VAD is off on both phones
22:08.29jbotvad is probably Voice Activity Detection or Silence Suppression. Asterisk does not currently support this, so please turn it off on the client
22:08.32jbalcombTamarisk sounds like a phone setting
22:08.44*** join/#asterisk T`2 (i=id@pdpc/supporter/student/T)
22:09.19jbalcombDarwin35 i can get you some 800 numbers so to that stuff up. ;)
22:09.25TamariskI was assuming differerent codecs...................  The phone is a normal house phone plugged into the ATA but I have another to test
22:09.39Darwin35I can get them free here at work
22:09.40jbalcombs/so to that/to set that
22:10.03justinuTamarisk: doesn't sound like a codec problem
22:10.52TamariskI will just try an even more basic dtmf phone in the ata to test
22:11.18justinuTamarisk: have you verified VAD/silence supression is off on both of the phones?
22:11.58jorgitowhat europe based sip provider do you recommend me ?
22:12.10TamariskI will look at that also
22:12.20*** join/#asterisk bigjb (
22:12.47bigjbdoes anyone have experience with x100p card?
22:13.17Deep6bigjb, x100p if you count the crap hole clone jobby I bought off ebay then yes
22:13.39bigjbNOTICE[3265]: app_dial.c:1011 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 0 - Unknown) << what about this error
22:13.59justinuno zaptel drivers loaded?
22:14.00Deep6I've not got that far
22:14.04bigjbmy card is showing as alarm status red from asterisk
22:14.14justinuno phone line plugged in?
22:14.19justinuincorrect signalling type?
22:14.30jsharpMight be your dishwashing detergent.
22:14.30Deep6bigjb, where'd you get your card?
22:14.44bigjbi cant remember
22:14.46justinujsharp: i'm soaking in it
22:14.50bigjblet me see if i can find email
22:15.04*** join/#asterisk trym (n=trym@
22:15.57bigjbpossibly cable problem
22:16.07justinuit could be a bad card, but I used cheapo clone x100p cards that were fine
22:16.12justinuymmv, i guess
22:16.25TamariskShould Silence Suppression:  in the Grandstream be set to NO or YES
22:16.27Deep6Justinu what distro?
22:16.38justinuTamarisk: NO
22:16.48bigjbDeep6, what country you in?
22:16.49justinuDeep6: i prefer centos, but it works well on about any linux
22:17.02Deep6I truthfully haven't worked on it very long so I've no idea if my cheapo card works
22:17.09TamariskIt is presently set for No so that bit is correct trying to find it in Linphone
22:17.09Deep6bigjb why may I ask?
22:17.21bigjbwell the site i bought from appears to be uk only
22:17.40Deep6bigjb, what does lspci tell you about yours?
22:17.41justinuX100p cards are designed for north america, so they may not work well in other places
22:17.49bigjbhang on
22:18.20TamariskI hope X100p cards work in the UK as I just bought a couple to try at home in the UK they just arrived
22:18.41bigjb00:14.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
22:19.04Deep60000:00:0e.0 Communication controller: Motorola: Unknown device 5608
22:19.06Deep6is mine
22:19.18Deep6does anyone know if this Motorola 5608 will work with asterisk?
22:19.35bigjbTamarisk, i have found at least one site with config for telewest connection, i think that the issue with mine may be that i grabbed a modem cable from work instead of standard phone
22:20.07justinutigerjet is what I've been using
22:20.56Tamariskbigjb:  I am not that for down the line yet with Asterisk still struggling with basic sip internally before I even try to connect to outside the house
22:21.10bigjbwhat sip phone you using?
22:22.02TamariskI have a grandstream 286 ATA with normal dtmf phones plugged in when it works the audio is fantastic.
22:22.53TamariskI also use softphones such as Kphone and Linphone but not sure what is going wrong with them why eeeek
22:23.08justinudamn, if you think 286 ATA is fancy...
22:23.21Tamarisk£32 from ebay
22:23.56*** join/#asterisk phatmonkey (
22:23.59Tamariskjustinu: sorry for the delay I have gone through Linphone and unable to find any silence setting
22:24.13justinuhmm... i'm not sure what else to suggest
22:24.17justinuno, i haven't played with that one yet
22:24.21justinuonly eyebeam and xlite
22:24.34*** join/#asterisk TedC (
22:24.52TamariskBudget tone is up from the 286 ata
22:25.04pv2boh, speaking of the budgetone 100, i may get rid of it in favour of some other phone, after discovering it generates heaps of EMI.
22:25.18Hmmhesayshaha a customer just told me the rdp session I was on was across a fiber connection... I just about asked him if it was 2 tin cans and a string
22:25.25bigjbshows how much i know
22:25.45justinuone day you guys will get a chance to use a polycom IP phone
22:25.57pv2banyone got any advice for any cheap SIP hardphones that don't leak much EMI, by the way?
22:26.00justinuand you'll probably keel over at how good it sounds
22:26.25[av]banijustinu: "bass boost"
22:27.18TamariskI started by looking at aastra 9112 as a basic started but then decided that before I got too far down the line to keep it cheep.  That may be why I am having issues now
22:29.32TamariskWhan setting dtmf transmission is it best to set to use SIP info, or RFC 2833 which is the default in asterisk or is that also intelligent out of the box?
22:29.43[av]baniif you can
22:30.22trixterthe difference largely is that rfc2833 goes in the rtp stream where sip-info goes on the signalling part..  so if you redirect media it causes problems to use sip-info
22:30.32trixterif you never redirect media it probably doesnt matter much
22:30.48[av]baniwell you could use inband :P
22:30.52[av]banibut that suxxx
22:31.00*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
22:31.03TamariskOK changing over to 2833 on both the ata and Linphone
22:31.08justinuinband over g729 is da shiznit
22:31.15[av]baniinband over lpc10
22:31.20bartpbxhello, i need some help
22:31.47bartpbxtoday, two of my realtime peers are not registered any more
22:31.54justinusomeone is hammering (wardialing) my DIDs in sacramento
22:32.04bartpbxi alywas recive Unable to find key '<userID>' in family 'SIP/Registry'
22:32.25bartpbxanyone has an idear what the reason could be for this?
22:32.40bartpbxall other peers are registering fine
22:33.00Deep6anyone had any luck with working around this:
22:33.02Deep6Failed to initailize DAA, giving up...
22:33.03phatmonkeyI have heard all sorts about a web interface to access voicemail - what is this?
22:33.42justinudeep6: that sounds bad... like a bad card
22:33.44justinuor something
22:34.07Deep6justinu, grrrr
22:34.32justinui don't really know for sure, i'm just saying that I remember seeing something about DAA initializing, and mine didn't say failed
22:34.55TamariskThe lack of audio until a dtmf key is pressed is still happening
22:34.59TamariskAsterisk reports
22:35.43TamariskAttempting native bridge of SIP/phone-b3ec and SIP/adrian-54f8
22:35.50justinuthat's normal
22:36.16Tamariskwhen I hit a key audio is then patched and no other messages show
22:36.30encodesorry people
22:37.12justinuencode: unforgivable
22:39.03phatmonkeyvoicemail web interface anyone?
22:39.17phatmonkeya google search brings up nothing, I swear I heard about it somewhere
22:39.32TamariskI have set both phones ATA and Linphone for PCMA codecs so both common
22:39.48phatmonkeyaaah, found it
22:39.50TamariskOn hold music is good
22:39.56*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
22:40.10Zodiacalanyone know why the volume that pstn users hear is low... this is only for voicemail greetings and talking. the asterisk operators voice is at a fine volume level... maybe its my mic volume level some where?
22:41.04TamariskBut I get a warning that flexibel rate not heavily tested, is that normal?
22:41.34*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
22:42.14justinuthat has something to with mpg123, i believe...
22:42.20justinui wouldn't worry about that
22:42.46TamariskOK just hoping some message i get may pint to why no initial audio patch
22:43.01Tamariskmay point to why no initial audio
22:43.05Hmmhesayswhy do sales people insist on selling garbage
22:43.28NivexHmmhesays: that's how they get paid.
22:43.42justinuTamarisk: try turning on 'rtp debug'
22:43.44justinuwhen you make a call
22:43.45Nivexthe more garbage they sel, the more they get paid
22:43.52justinusee if RTP packets begin to flow before or after you press the DTMF.
22:44.01Tamariskis that in CLI ?
22:44.08Hmmhesaysand the more of a pain in the ass it is for me
22:44.41Tamariskaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how do I stop it
22:45.27Zodiacalany ideas?
22:45.29justinurtp no debug
22:47.03TamariskOK with rtp debug set. I ring ext 100 which is SIP/adrian. it rings, I answer but not rtp traffic
22:47.24Tamariskwhen i hit the dtmf key on the grandstream off it goes
22:47.50justinusip/adrian is linphone?
22:48.07Tamariskyes it is
22:48.41justinui think that linphone is at fault here... it probably behaves like asterisk does...
22:48.48justinuasterisk will not send RTP if it doesn't receive any RTP
22:50.13justinufor whatever reason your GS ata doesn't appear to be sending anything until you hit that DTMF key either, which is odd.
22:50.13TamariskI must have something wrong in config as it will not let me go the otherway from linphone to ata. Just tried and it will not find the phone
22:50.15TamariskBut it recognises it when called?
22:51.19bartpbxhello, noone can help me with this " Unable to find key XYXX in family 'SIP/Registry" ?
22:51.23*** join/#asterisk Yashy (
22:52.39jbalcombcan I turn off modules or something to get rid of these error messages?
22:53.48TamariskI do appreciate all your assistance, would it be better for me to pastebin any config's to see if I have any glaring errors in SIP or extensions
22:56.06Deep6actually guys switching a pci slot made my cheapo joe x100p work
22:56.16bartpbx@ jabalcomb you could turn of cdr_pgsql
22:56.40bartpbxand pbx_dundi
22:56.50bigjbDeep6, you using old machine?
22:56.57encodeare x100p's worth it with echo issues?
22:57.01*** join/#asterisk fjean (
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22:57.49fjeanhi all ! anyone understands the relationship between DIALSTATUS and QUALIFY=yes ?  :) any good?
22:58.21X-Rob_DIALSTATUS is set by Dial. qualify=yes is set in sip.conf.
22:58.26X-Rob_Thats' the relationship (eg, none at all)
22:59.03fjeanhi x-rob, hehe, well in the wiki there is a comment saying the contrary:
22:59.25fjeanthat is why i am actually asking
22:59.32TamariskI have pasted!
23:00.08*** join/#asterisk denon (
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23:00.08Deep6bigjb, marginally p3500
23:00.12Deep6er p3 500 rather
23:00.36TamariskThe most part is the default sip.conf where I have added three entries [adrian], [carrie] and [phone]
23:01.06Tamariskthe last section is a short extensions conf where there is extensions 100, 101 and 102
23:01.33bigjbanyone know why festival seems to produce speech thats almost to quick to comprehend?
23:01.48Deep6bigjb, the funniest thing is, I have no idea where to go after I have the zaptel.conf setup :).... all my efforts have been focused on ztcfg -vvv that now I have no idea what to do!:)
23:02.06bigjbhang on a mo
23:02.34*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
23:03.06MavvieMar  8 10:02:37 DEBUG[27850]: chan_iax2.c:6426 socket_read: For call=2, set last=98664
23:03.15Mavviebrilliant flood when you have debug set to one.
23:04.48*** part/#asterisk zaf (
23:07.39Yashy Trying an X100P card.. xttool shows the X100P as "OK", but when I call my home number, Asterisk doesn't appear to be doing anything with  -cvvvvvvvvg
23:07.57Darwin35TELIAX come over to TELIAX help us help you
23:08.54*** join/#asterisk deam (i=fork@
23:09.13deamI have a small question before I even start looking at asterisk
23:09.26fjeanx-rub : i searched the net but could not find something usefull...
23:10.01deamI have a config running atm.. it's a ADSL router which has POTS ports.. it supports SIP/ACS would it be possible to use asterisk as SIP gateway for this device ?
23:10.08deamand then use asterisk functionality
23:11.22bigjbis it a draytek?
23:11.49deamallieddata copperjet
23:13.02Gamercjmstill trying to get help with the .call files for automatic outgoing calls
23:14.15mattwj2005anyone in here use
23:15.20simulatedmmm love them channel pings
23:15.21bigjbdeam, i dont see why not
23:15.35simulatedwow, 1.2.5 has been released... im so absorbed into svn i didnt even pay attention
23:16.46mattwj2005I am looking for reliable seems real professional....anyone know where I can find good reviews of service providers?
23:16.58deamso bigjb: I basically can use asterisk as SIP gateway ?
23:17.08deamthen let it connect to another external SIP gateway >
23:17.17deamI have voipbuster configured atm
23:17.22deamdirectly on my router
23:17.30bigjbwell the looking at the manual the pot ports simply connect to a standard sip connection
23:17.45Deep6after configuring zapata.conf shouldn't zap show channels show a configured channel?
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23:18.29simulateddeam, if your modem allows you to access the VoIP capabilities without manufacturer limitations, then you should have no problem using Asterisk as your SIP provider
23:19.23simulatedin a worst case scenario, you can setup an an account on your asterisk that your router will use to authorize
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23:20.40TamariskI think deam has left the server
23:20.49simulatedwoops hehe
23:21.04simulatedi scrolled up to read his question :\
23:21.36simulatedTamarisk you have any experience w/ h323 on * ?
23:22.12TamariskNo sorry I am definatly the wrong guy to ask I ask for much more help then many
23:22.44simulatedI need to use a custom codec that all the asterisk implementations of h323 don't support
23:22.57bartpbxthis is realy anoying.. anyone using realtime around here?
23:23.30*** join/#asterisk Leland (
23:23.36Lelandevening all
23:23.49Lelandquick question if I may ?
23:24.09simulatedbartpbx shoot
23:24.12simulatedbartpbx love that shit
23:24.30*** join/#asterisk WAudette (n=WAudette@
23:25.07SplasPoodAnyone know why asterisk would be generating caller id by taking the name of the stanza from sip.conf, removing all non-numeric characters, and using that?
23:25.17Lelandhave a problem with MoH on a G.729 channel... works fine over G.711 and GSM codecs, but if endpoint is g.729 the MoH is just a bunch of digital noise... anyone have any tips ?
23:25.33bartpbxsimulated, normaly i like relatime.. but today it is rally anoying
23:25.50bartpbxbut im not sure if it is a realtime problem
23:25.58simulatedwhats the message log showing
23:26.07bartpbxdb.c: Unable to find key '108532' in family 'SIP/Registry'
23:26.17simulatedis it in the database?
23:26.25bartpbx108532 is the name of the peerure
23:26.29simulatedyou've tried restarting?
23:26.43simulatedno conflicts?
23:26.51simulatedit's only happening for that one peer?
23:27.04bartpbxit happens for 4 peers of 150
23:27.08russellbbartpbx: is that a DEBUG message?
23:27.11*** join/#asterisk SGM (
23:27.46bartpbxrussellb, yes, it is a debug message.
23:28.01SGMI have a question about SIP reinvites
23:28.04bartpbxand the peer is not registering any more
23:28.22russellbso this is expected and you can safely ignore it
23:28.30bartpbxthis is the only message which is different on only these 4 peers
23:28.52SGMI read on that reinvites won't work if I'm using t, T, h, H, w, W or L
23:29.22justinuSGM: right, because those options require asterisk to stay in the media stream.
23:29.31SplasPoodgod, I've never seen this CID behavior
23:29.34justinu(to watch for the DTMF)
23:29.35SplasPoodits freaking odd..
23:29.46bartpbxis there anyway to get realtime to log the sql queries?
23:29.48SGMjustinu: yes, but if I'm using sip info for dtmf
23:30.04justinuSGM: theoretically, you're ok... however, in practice ???
23:30.09*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
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23:31.07SGMin practice.... haven't tried yet
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23:31.14justinugood question tho
23:31.19SGMany idea where to touch?
23:31.50justinueither read the code in chan_sip, or try it
23:31.54justinuthe latter is probably easier ;)
23:32.10litagewithout having a FWD account, can Asterisk redirect calls to a FWD user?
23:32.11SGMI did tried it
23:32.15SGMit didn't work
23:32.20SGMthat's why I'm asking
23:33.04justinu(3:34:31 PM) SGM: in practice.... haven't tried yet
23:33.30justinuSGM: you'll probably have to get your coding hat on and patch chan_sip.c
23:34.12bartpbxwhat is the best way to debug an register try?
23:34.21Zodiacalif i change zapata.conf do i have to recompile?
23:34.22SGMjustinu: I meant I haven't tried to modify the code
23:34.26DaPrivateerno one here would happen to have updated firmware for the Polycom Soundpoint IP's would they? :-p
23:34.28SGMto see if it's gonna work
23:34.48bartpbxi see serveray SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized sip messages and would like to now what the actual problem was
23:34.53justinuZodiacal: no, you need to stop asterisk and restart it in many situations tho.
23:35.01bartpbxe.g. wrong password, invalid user, ..
23:35.02Zodiacaljustinu okie thanks!
23:35.18SplasPoodthats freaking odd
23:35.26SGMreinvites should only pass the rtp directly, right?
23:35.28SplasPoodwhy is it setting CALLERID(num) to the name of the stanza from sip.conf ?
23:35.51justinuSGM: reinvites will allow you to stop having * proxy the audio (aka, hairpinning)
23:36.08justinubut it still stays on the signalling plane, so you should continue to get your SIP info packets from the UAs
23:36.35SGMthe thing is that I want to keep the asterisk server in the datacenter
23:36.41SGMwhile the phones are in the office
23:37.00SGMand I don't think it's a good idea to pass all the audio to the server and back
23:37.06*** join/#asterisk UndiFineD (
23:37.08SGMwhen the phones are in the same lan
23:37.12justinuyou're on the right track, but i think you've run into a limit of asterisk's sip channel
23:37.37SGMok, let's see what chan_sip.c looks like ;)
23:38.12*** part/#asterisk fjean (
23:38.13justinuyou won't like it much ;)
23:38.13justinukinda frustrating
23:38.29Leland*sniff* :(
23:38.59*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:39.19jbotrumour has it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
23:39.23jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
23:39.55SGMI think I found it!
23:40.10SGMI was playing with asterisk and T.38
23:40.11LelandI'm sure I must be overlooking something obvious ... MoH over 711u/a or GSM works fine, but is totally corrupted over 729 ... I would have thought that it should be transcoded
23:40.37SGMand if T.38 support is enabled
23:40.49SGMit won't bridge the channels
23:41.14justinuLeland: yeah, that shouldn't be an issue.
23:41.29Lelandjustinu: hmm... seems to be an issue though
23:41.40Lelandcan't work out why though... source of the MoH is a normal mp3
23:41.42justinui play moh over g729 all the time.
23:43.02Lelanddid you modify the source files in any way, coding or bit rate ?
23:43.11justinuthe source mp3s? no
23:43.22justinuhowever, i'm running asterisk 1.2.0
23:43.24justinunot the latest stuff
23:43.31justinuno idea if that means anything or not
23:43.57SplasPoodgod this is the oddest asterisk issue i've ever had
23:44.17LelandI'm not running the latest stuff either.. running a commercial port of * (PBXWare) .. the underlying system is still * but all the call handling is done through AGI scripting and databases
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23:45.34bartpbxcan anyone outthere tell my why this register failes?
23:46.03bartpbxthe peer XXXXXX is existing and yes, the password is correct
23:47.17*** join/#asterisk ambriento (
23:47.49justinuleland: suspect your g729 encoder, perhaps
23:48.07Lelandjustinu: it's the digium licensed codec
23:48.37mattwj2005anyone have any problems with
23:48.49justinuleland: one thing you could try doing, is converting your MoH into ulaw PCM files, then setting type=native in moh.conf
23:48.57justinusee maybe if that transcode works.
23:50.09ManxPowerEvery time I travel I hate it a little bit more.
23:50.14Darwin35chat at home....
23:50.45ManxPowerI go to the New Orleans area about once a month for work.
23:51.19justinui was just out in NYC... had a good time
23:51.37SplasPoodNYC represent!
23:51.44ManxPowerI've not been to the actual city of New Orleans since Katrian
23:51.59Lelandjustinu: off the top of your head you know what sox syntax could convert a .wav to raw ?
23:52.04*** part/#asterisk Tamarisk (
23:52.08SplasPoodI'll love anyone that can explain asterisk's behavior when no CID is set in sip.conf to me..
23:52.11ManxPowerI suppose I should during my next trip.
23:52.19ManxPowerLeland, .wav is almost raw.
23:52.35justinuleland: i can't remember... it's pretty clear if you read the man page
23:52.40justinu-t raw or something
23:52.52ManxPowerSplasPood, incoming?  outgoing?  device?  service provider?
23:52.57*** join/#asterisk zaf (
23:53.26SplasPoodManx: basically I'm not setting callerid= in sip.conf for a particular user..  When calling out it appears to be setting the callerid from the [context] in sip.conf ?!?
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23:53.41SplasPoodie if its [sip-user-here] CID ends up as sipuserhere
23:53.50ManxPowerSplasPood, Ah.  Weird.
23:53.59SplasPoodI can duplicate this every time
23:54.02SplasPoodwith different sip clients
23:54.10SplasPoodit's totally an asterisk issue... or erm.. feature
23:54.17ManxPowerSplasPood, One would expect the CLID to be "asterisk" like in chan_zap.
23:54.33SplasPoodyes, or I'd expect it to take the client's CID
23:55.09ManxPowerSplasPood, it should take the info the client provides, assuming it's in a format asterisk sets, and that the client sends it.  what verison of Asterisk?
23:55.58bartpbxhm. im still stuck with these 4 peers
23:56.10ambrientosplaspood, which client are u using?
23:56.24SplasPoodambriento: I've tried two..  x-lite and a cisco ata 186
23:56.24bartpbxI need to get them woking. anyone has an idear what i could look at
23:56.33ManxPowerI don't allow my users to set their callerid.
23:56.46SplasPoodManx: nor do I, usually...
23:56.52ManxPowerbartpbx, without more info about the problem.....
23:56.57ambrientomanxpower, how do you block that?
23:56.59SplasPoodthis whole taking of the [context] and making it the CID sounds like a "feature"
23:57.22ManxPowerambriento, you put callerid=Robert Dobbs <6667> in the sip.conf [section-for-the-device]
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23:57.32bartpbxI think the problem seams to be related to the router
23:57.49bartpbxwe have an office with 4 peers behind a router
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23:58.06bartpbxthis afternoon the phones stopped working
23:58.07SplasPoodManx: any way I can force it to send 'UNAVAILABLE' as the CID?
23:58.07ambrientomanxpower, ow, I see. :)
23:58.29ManxPowerbartpbx, make sure you have qualify=yes in each sip.conf peer/friend/user
23:58.38ManxPowerSplasPood, callerid=UNAVAILABLE
23:58.49ManxPowerdon't know what the number would come across as.
23:58.51kratzersanybody know if queued calls should land at phones on DND?
23:58.58bartpbxin the log i see them rejected with 401 (in sip debug) and the  Unable to find key  message
23:59.15bartpbxI've just recieved a message that they installed a new router on site
23:59.17ManxPowerkratzers, that would depend on how the DND is done, and how the call is dialed.
23:59.24bartpbxI think i have to focus on that
23:59.27ambrientosplaspood, if you don't set that callerid thing inside the [sip-user] x-lite will set it from its setup
23:59.39bartpbxbut how can a new router cause register rejects?
23:59.46riddleboxcan you add a line in extensions.conf in your outgoing context that if someone dials 10 digits to add the one in front?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.