irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060226

00:00.13x86[TK]D-Fender: well, which field is it?
00:00.42x86100 => 100,Some User,user@domain.tld,attach=no|tz=central
00:00.47x86that's my line from voicemail.conf
00:01.22x86user's mailbox is 100, i tried also using 100 for the password but that didnt work
00:02.39x86i think maybe it's not the voicemail setup, but it's handling DTMF wron
00:10.23*** join/#asterisk microcape (
00:11.13*** join/#asterisk kpettit (n=keith@
00:11.13ManxPowerx86, you are missing several commas
00:12.09ManxPower2320 => 1234,John DeMajo,,,|tz=central
00:12.13ManxPowernotice the extra cmmas
00:13.14*** part/#asterisk microcape (
00:15.50*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
00:18.47rezzeni'm receiving "403 Forbidden" on incoming call to my asterisk server.  Do I have to explicitly allow invites for phones/extensions already defined in sip.conf and extensions.conf as per docs at
00:20.52ManxPowerrezzen, it's good to do so.
00:21.06ManxPowerbut reinvites would not cause a 403 error
00:21.23ManxPowera 403 error would be a 1) username, 2) password, or ) destination problem
00:21.33ManxPowerbut 3) should really cause a 404
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00:21.48x86ManxPower: i'm going by the howto, and it works ;)
00:21.58x86ManxPower: my problem was incorrect DMTF handling
00:22.09ManxPowerAh.  That would do it too.
00:22.15x86ManxPower: it was unset (so defaulted to RFC), i set it to auto and it works fine
00:22.17nettiehi guys, anyone know what this message means please? - chan_sip.c:3588 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
00:22.46ManxPowerhowever you do have the email address in the email field (long message) rather than the pager field (short message)  Is that what oyu want.
00:22.56rezzenManxPower: i don't understand your response.  good to return 403 on incoming?
00:23.02x86ManxPower: only thing is, when someone calls an extension and it goes to voicemail, it does not play their greeting or anything, it just beeps to have them start recording...
00:23.15x86ManxPower: how do i make it play their recorded unavailable message?
00:23.16ManxPowernettie, That means the list of supported codecs in Asterisk and the list of supported codecs for the device do not overlap
00:23.34ManxPowerrezzen, It's good if you don't want random people using your PBX
00:23.36nettiethe call works anyway
00:23.38rezzenif i remove the ext/phone from the register string, the incoming comes to default "s" extension.  that works (asterisk accepts call, i hear auto-attendant)
00:24.11nettieis it more a codec priority error?
00:24.34ManxPowernettie, Why not just allow the one specific codec you want?
00:24.43rezzenMaxPower: so then there is a directive somewhere to (at least for the purpose of learning) to allow that call?  its interesting none of the getting started docs mention it, if this is the case.
00:24.44ManxPowernettie, it might happen if you did an allow=all
00:24.50*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
00:24.50nettieyeah in the sip.conf related to that phone
00:24.58nettiethat's the reason
00:25.01nettieI suppose
00:25.04nettiecheckign now..
00:25.10x86ManxPower: any ideas on my issue? :)
00:25.12ManxPowerrezzen, if you remove the entry and it works then you have a problem in the entry
00:25.20ManxPowerx86, What issue?
00:25.33ManxPowerAhrimanes, that issue.
00:25.43rezzenManxPower, the only thing i remove is the trailing "/ext" from the register directive.
00:25.48ManxPowerx86, "make sounds" in asterisk source directory or maybe "make datafiles"
00:26.06x86ManxPower: i installed from apt-get ;)
00:26.08rezzenand then a call is accepted.
00:26.09ManxPowerrezzen, you keep adding important information
00:26.30x86ManxPower: when the user records their own greeting, how do i make VoicemailMain play it?
00:26.40ManxPowerx86, it will do so by default
00:26.47*** part/#asterisk akrall (i=user@
00:27.03ManxPowerunless you do something stupid like use the "s" option to Voicemail
00:27.05x86it does not, is what i'm saying ;)
00:27.08nettieManxPower: specified ulaw on both user and peers -- works great now thanx
00:27.11x86dont use s?
00:27.18ManxPowerdo you know what "s" means?
00:27.35justinudon knotts is dead. RIP
00:28.14ManxPowerx86, simplify simoplify simplify
00:28.41x86hmm changed it to 'u' and works better now ;)
00:29.31ManxPower*grumble*  My boss and his wife are having a fight via phone and text messages with their kid.
00:29.47justinuwhat does that have to do with you?
00:29.47ManxPowerI have to stay with them because there have not been available hotel rooms in the area since Katrina
00:30.22mishehuManxPower: hahaah that sounds funny
00:30.25ManxPowerTheir kid lied and said she was spending the night with a female friend, she was actually going to spend the night with her BF
00:30.39justinuhow could she!?
00:30.43mishehuand having some snu-snu with him too I bet.
00:30.50justinudeath by snu snu!
00:31.02ManxPowerOh, and it's mardi gras weekend
00:31.14mishehu*face of horror* *face of extreme joy* *face of horror* *face of extreme joy*
00:31.20*** join/#asterisk asterisk99 (
00:31.22*** join/#asterisk skwashd (n=skwashd@phpgroupware/skwashd)
00:31.25skwashdhi all
00:31.32mishehuI did snu-snu
00:31.51skwashdi am playing with *@home ... and i am having some issues with the tarball install
00:32.08ManxPowerSo they are driving down to New Orleans (about 45 min drive away) to bring the kid home.
00:32.10skwashdi am using centos 4.2 ... but it doesn't seem to create the asterisk user duiring setup
00:32.17jboti guess amp is NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
00:32.36skwashddoes the user and group ids matter?
00:33.01asterisk99Anyone know why one would get tons of "Remote UNIX connection disconnected" messages?? This started after I reconfiged zapata (tho I can;t see why that had anything do do with it)
00:33.31tzafrir_laptopasterisk99, is that amp?
00:33.52ManxPowerasterisk99, that would be someone doing "asterisk -r"
00:34.22asterisk99ManxPower: No ... I'm all alone on this machine
00:34.50ManxPowerasterisk99, You are not.
00:34.51tzafrir_laptop"Remote UNIX connection disconnected" is also when connecting to the manager interface though localhost, IIRC
00:34.53asterisk99ManxPower: Unless asterisk failed on startup - which it did
00:35.03nettiemanx, I actually have multiple outbound providers what's the best way to use all of them as outbound channel randomically? just create an outboard context and put there there?
00:35.10ManxPowertzafrir, Ah.  I thought that was a slightly different message
00:35.38tzafrir_laptopnot sure (this is too late at night now...)
00:35.52ManxPowernettie, that is a farily advanced thing.  you have to Dial, then check the value of DIALSTATUS then determine to try another provider or stop because the line was busy or answered
00:36.22*** part/#asterisk bkw__ (
00:36.47ManxPowerasterisk99, have asterisk in one session (asterisk -rvvv) then in another session do another "asterisk -rvvv" and then do a quit.  look at the first session
00:37.04nettieManxPower ah.. OK, thanx for the hint, I'll find out some dcs..
00:37.13ManxPower"show application dial"
00:37.45asterisk99ManxPower: I agree. That would happen id I did multiple -r's, but I didn't
00:39.07skwashdnm ... was $PATH issues from su ... reinstalling fine now
00:39.10*** part/#asterisk skwashd (n=skwashd@phpgroupware/skwashd)
00:45.52rezzeni've receiving 403 Forbidden on incoming calls from ITSP.  The itsp context is setup such that insecure=very.  what else do i need to do to allow calls?
00:47.19*** join/#asterisk asterisk99 (
00:48.12asterisk99Asterisk is not starting on reboot - dunno why - I can;t see any error msgs in /var/log/syslog ... is this the right place??
00:48.56rezzenasterisk99 is it failing to start on reboot, or is it not configured to start on reboot?
00:49.37asterisk99rezzen: I set that up already... I moved 2 FXO modules on my Digium card and all hell broke loose
00:50.38asterisk99rezzen: I assume it's trying to start ... and failing    (yes, I modified /etc/zaptel.conf
00:51.59rezzenasterisk99: if you're assuming its trying to start, i'll start by assuming its not trying to start.  does it start manually?  ( # asterisk -vvvc )
00:53.47asterisk99rezzen: It does start if I do an asterisk -c
00:54.18rezzenasterisk99, what distro are you using?
00:54.38asterisk99rezzen: Then, I get a bazillion Remote UNIX Connection disconnected messages (It just started doing that)
00:55.26rezzenstop it, then try again with asterisk -vc.
00:55.40asterisk99rezzen: SVN-branch-1.2-r10409M
00:55.46rezzenis there any sign that asterisk is already running? (i'm kinda clutching at straws now)
00:56.07asterisk99rezzen: After boot, it's not running .... asterisk -r tells me so
00:56.56rezzenand asterisk has been running following previous reboots?
00:56.59asterisk99rezzen: *(&(&(*&*(&&^*&%^&$^    I had this working nicely until I moved the 2 FXO modules !!!! Zaptel is too easily broken!!!
00:57.25asterisk99rezzen: (soory, I'm not (*&(*& at you)
00:57.32rezzen"had this working" doesn't answer my question.
00:58.04asterisk99rezzen: Had this working => *was* working nicely for 2 days up until 30 minutes ago
00:59.02rezzenand you rebooted in that time, and asterisk was running after the reboot?
00:59.08asterisk99rezzen: I wonder if I need to recompile zaptel
00:59.23asterisk99rezzen: Yuppers ... rebboted nicely
00:59.25rezzendoes everything work after you manually start asterisk?
00:59.35*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
01:00.06asterisk99rezzen: No ... I get all these Remote UXIX Connection messages   (never had 'em b4)
01:00.22asterisk99rezzen: It's the TWILIGHT ZONE
01:01.35*** join/#asterisk Gir19 (i=Gir@
01:06.35asterisk99rezzen: This is weird... I found Unable to open /dev/zap/channel: Permission denied messages in /var/log/asterisk/messages
01:07.50Gir19any of you recommend any type of training available for asterisk, but not the basic stuff, I am looking to send a technician of mine to learn more about asterisk, but he already knows a most of the basics.
01:09.14*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
01:09.15airwavesGood question... does Digium or a reseller do actual training?
01:09.52Gir19airwave, I have found a few places that do training, but it is mainly for the basics.
01:09.57justinuthere's dCAP
01:10.01justinuasterisk bootcamp
01:10.02mogormanastricon group does training airwaves
01:10.45filewhy in my day we didn't have that new fangled dCAP
01:11.02mogormanmarko got dcapped a while ago
01:11.11filereally? poor him...
01:11.28mogormani didnt ask him what his score was
01:11.41mogormanid find it funny if he missed any
01:11.49airwavesYeah, I'd be looking for *very* in-depth
01:12.02Gir19I won't pay to have anyone get the dCAP, cause it just teaches you have to go through the bootcamp toeven qualify for the dCAP, it's just not worth it for the basic training.
01:12.34fileit teaches you everything... but not how it all works... which is what I enjoy
01:12.36mogormani think hard part of the training issue is very few people are really know asterisk
01:12.57justinuairwaves: read the code
01:13.03fileI mean, who can honestly say they understand how masquerading works?
01:13.28filemogorman: reallllllly?
01:13.33mogormanbut i have to be drunk
01:13.37mogormanyeah i do
01:13.38fileyeah ... it's warped
01:13.42mogormanits hard
01:13.49mogormanbitch to finda bug
01:15.52airwavesjustinu: I am... but for * to move to more scalable environments... it really needs to get to the point where you don't need to read the source code to understand the architechture
01:16.24mogormanyou dont need to read source to understand arch.
01:16.54justinuyou do when there's no docs
01:16.58airwavesNot for the basics, mogorman.... but to get in-depth for certain things i've found you have to.
01:17.08filewe do have doxygen docs ^_^
01:17.12mogormanwell thats true of anything....
01:18.05rt"doxygen" and "docs" are mutually exclusive.
01:18.17filepicky people
01:18.40rtdoxygen is only good at documenting the things that aren't worth documenting.
01:18.43mogormanits oss
01:18.47airwavesgrrr... nobody is calling her.e
01:18.53fileif you don't like it, patches are welcome
01:18.57mogormanif you want it handed on a plater
01:19.06mogormanyou are gonna have to pay some one to train you
01:19.42justinudoxygen still requires some basic C skillz to interpret
01:19.43airwavesmogorman: I know... and while it's just OSS I have zero expectations...because you get what you pay for. Honestly, it's not bad for OSS.
01:19.45*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
01:20.00filewe do have a doc directory for things too
01:20.21airwavesHowever... that being said.. just like Red Hat made it possible for enterprises to move towards linux as a viable data center platform... something will have to happen to * at some point for that to take place as well
01:20.34mogormanyou can do that with be
01:20.38mogormanand digium services
01:20.44mogormanas well as thousands of asterisk pros
01:20.46mogormanto do it for you
01:21.35airwavesJust as a background... while I'm *very* new to *... I learn quickly, and I have well over 7 years of design-engineering-operational experience on major wide-scale VoIP deployments
01:21.42justinuother than the 10+ page functions and the terrible variable names, the code isn't that bad
01:21.54justinuairwaves has mad selius skillz tho
01:21.55fileoh, there's bad code
01:22.26filethere's... ugyy code... very very ugly
01:25.56fileso mogorman, how goes?
01:26.16mogormanword airwaves old school
01:26.21mogormanim packing to move
01:26.24mogormani hate packing
01:26.28mogormanmore than anything
01:26.34airwavesI'm sitting in a radio station.
01:26.36filedid you leave it till the last minute?
01:26.36mogormanif i could have it my way id just torch my old place
01:26.47mogormanyou on the radio airwaves ?
01:26.52mogormanwell i have 2 months
01:26.58mogormanbut i am moving sunday/monday
01:27.06airwavesI'm floating in and out of the studio... mostly I'm on IRC and doing stuff in the back room.
01:27.08mogormani own my apt for 2 months
01:27.13mogormanand i am moving to new one
01:27.29fileto kp's?
01:27.46filecool cool
01:27.52mogormanwhere are you on the dial, city? airwaves
01:28.02airwavesin Washington DC
01:28.47mogormanwhat station?
01:28.50mogormanmy sister is out ther
01:30.04airwavesYou don't want to even know the POS system we're using as the main office phone system
01:30.09airwavesI really need to revamp this place
01:30.11*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
01:30.59mogormanlol i do
01:31.06mogormani have seen the worst
01:31.58justinuairwaves: what kinda circuit do you use to transmit the music to the transmitter?
01:32.39mogormanso airwaves you in radio?
01:32.45airwavesmogorman: You could say that
01:32.46mogormanor just at the station...
01:32.51airwavesJustinu: It varies based on the station.....
01:32.52mogormanwhats the deal with hd radio?
01:32.59airwavesFor many stations, we use a microwave STL....
01:33.00mogormanis it gonna be the big thing?
01:33.01justinuairwaves: always been curious how that's done
01:33.11mogormanor is it just hype
01:33.15justinuHD radio isn't even CD quality
01:33.19mogormani know
01:33.23justinubut it's better than stereo FM
01:33.28mogormanbut i keep hearing about it hear in huntsville
01:33.34airwavesFor a microwave STL it's usually a 900 MHZ point to point dish... usually one way... at about 25 watts or so...
01:33.37mogormanand i love am radio
01:33.45mogormanso if i could get a better receiver for that
01:33.46mogormani might
01:33.54airwavesin the beginning it was just analog with mad frequency response... as in 15-20000 HZ
01:33.55blkremedyanyone here know how spa3k compare to tdm400p in terms of quality of sound.
01:34.12mogormanits all 8000khz mono blkremedy
01:35.14airwavesbrb - on air
01:35.20justinuairwaves: there's a few bearer cap types in ISDN for transmitting audio over the PSTN
01:35.22justinulike 7khz
01:35.29justinuand some other bonded channel type things
01:38.17*** join/#asterisk ibob63 (
01:38.58ibob63is there any alternative to using mpg123 - I am using ubuntu and can't work out how to install mpg123.
01:39.46justinuyeah - you can get format_mp3
01:39.54justinuor convert your MoH to ulaw (probably best idea)
01:39.57airwaveswill go over all of that momentarily ....
01:40.08airwaveswe're running a contest right now -  i'm manmning the phones
01:40.22russellbairwaves: doing a radio show, huh?
01:40.26russellbairwaves: talking about Asterisk?  :)
01:41.05ibob63justinu - what do you mean convert MoH to ulaw?
01:41.49justinuconvert your music on hold to ulaw format
01:41.54justinuso you don't need mpg123 or format_mp3
01:42.35airwavesconverting to mu-law in advance is highly desireable
01:42.44lunaphyteis it acceptable to have a voicemailbox number be the same as an extension?
01:43.08justinuit's common
01:43.14justinucommon practice
01:43.46ibob63how to i go about doing the conversion?
01:43.55lunaphyteit kind of seemed logical - i sort of expected to see mention of if everywhere i looked, so when i didn't, i got curious.
01:44.36justinuibob63: a program called sox. and no, no one here will help you figure it out.
01:44.37ibob63it is just a config? or do I need to do some file conversions?
01:45.00ibob63okay, I will do some more research. Thanks for your help :)
01:45.04justinunp :)
01:47.27jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
01:47.31airwavesback in a few minuts - i'm on air right now
01:47.44jbothmm... sox is Sound Processing Tool. URL:
01:54.07lunaphytecould i solicit some examples of voicemail contexts?
01:54.23justinui only use one
01:54.33justinuhaven't needed to get fancy yet
01:54.50lunaphytei'm wondering what sort of applications might call for multiple.
01:55.09justinuwhen you need duplicate mailbox numbers for different people/organizations
01:55.21lunaphyteahh.  good example.
01:57.26lunaphytewhat about besides the need to duplicate numbers?
01:57.35justinui can't think of anything else
01:57.42justinui'm hardly a voicemail expert tho
01:57.54lunaphytemore so than i, i'm sure :)
01:58.21lunaphyte[vociemail] it is then :)
01:58.29lunaphyteer - [voicemail]
01:58.34*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
01:59.37ibob63stupid question - what do you call the commands you type into the phone to pickup answer machine messages?
02:00.01jbotDTMF: Dual Tone Multi-Frequency. The technical term describing Touch Tone dialing. Basically the combining of two tones, one low frequency and one high frequency.
02:00.15ibob63no - nothing that complicated.
02:00.38ibob63basically, I am trying to work out how to transfer calls etc.
02:00.45*** join/#asterisk backblue (
02:01.04justinuoh, VSI
02:01.16justinuvertical service activation codes
02:01.23justinulike *69
02:01.37ibob63yeah that sounds right
02:02.21ibob63thats the one - thanks
02:02.40nettieguys, anyone know if the linksys PAP2 supports t.38 please? it's not clear.. I read that settint it to ReInvite will enable t.38 is that true? thanx in adv.
02:05.24*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
02:08.54lunaphyteso why would someone be willing to hand out "free" dids?
02:10.00ManxPowerto collect money for usage
02:10.12lunaphytei.e. ipkall...
02:10.40lunaphyteno strings attached, except for sometimes sketchy audio
02:21.52*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
02:22.30*** join/#asterisk frans-th (n=frans@
02:22.39frans-thhi anyone success install asterix in ubuntu?
02:23.40lunaphytehow can i default VoiceMailMain to use the calling party's extension?
02:25.03*** part/#asterisk ibob63 (
02:25.43airwavesok i'm back for a few minuts....
02:26.01*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
02:26.06airwavesSo... to answer the earlier question... microwave STL's... analog...have huge frequency response... better than the 25-15Khz FM has....
02:26.18airwavestypically 10-25 watts @ 900 mhz
02:26.31airwavesmost STL's now are digital though, using AES/EBU as a standard....
02:26.56airwavesthere are a good number of stations that use telco circuits as a studio-to-transmitter link....
02:27.36airwavesin almost all cases a clear channel T-1 is used....
02:27.52*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
02:28.33airwavesthat allows for the full 44.1 khz to be sent digitally without compression...  for years..even back in 80's/early 90's a QEI Catlink would be used just like a regular telco mux...except for broadcast audio....
02:29.18robin_szaudio response ??
02:30.11robin_szyou are confusing the bit rates with the frequency response ...
02:31.07robin_szfm stations roll off the response at around 12 to 15 khz
02:31.55robin_szbecause the stereo pilot signal is on 19khz
02:33.14robin_szand .. the US uses 44.1khz as a sampling frequency, because it ties in well with NTSC base rates, the rest of the planet uses 48khz, to tie in with PAL
02:33.51*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@
02:34.42airwavesthe one that someone mentioned in here about ISDN BRI.... BRI's are still actually used for live remote broadcasts, and for slinging audio around ... TelosZephyr...among others...
02:34.50airwavesthey're dedicated hardware MP3 codecs...
02:35.20*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
02:35.21airwavesrobin: Nope.. I'm not confusing it. Usually they're PCM, 44.1K, Stereo.... these are the studio-to-transmitter links
02:36.01airwavesand yes, there is a roll-off at around 15 KHZ. The reason for that is because the stereo pilot.... (not the actual stereo information, just the boolean signal to say 'hey..i'm in stereo') that pilot is transmitted at 19 KHZ
02:36.16a1faanyone? any voip apps for sidekick?
02:36.18airwavesThe actual stereo data is transmitted beginning at 38 KHZ.....
02:36.26airwavesa1fa: No. Not that I've seen,
02:37.04airwavesFrom 0 - 15 KHZ is L+R, 38K is L-R... and the 38Khz is transmitted using compressed single sideband. FM Stereo radios do simple algebra to extract the left and right channels.
02:37.22airwavesHD Radio uses IBOC (in band on channel) and is a longer conversation
02:38.26airwavesoops... just saw robin mentioned the 19khz pilot as well....
02:38.54*** part/#asterisk zaf (
02:39.58*** join/#asterisk airwaves (
02:40.46a1fait would be sweet to have VOIP on T-MObile SideKick
02:40.58a1faunlimited transfer
02:41.30airwavesa1fa: The way the backend at most cell carriers doesn't make that simple right now
02:41.55filethe sidekick doesn't directly expose you to the internet either... uses a proxy system
02:42.06a1fafile: you can ssh out
02:42.07airwavesYeah... don't even get me on Danger Inc right now
02:42.16airwavesI use the SSH on the sidekick all the time
02:42.21a1faso i dont see why you cant use SIP
02:42.40airwavesa1fa: The processor on the sidekick 2 is not very powerful.
02:42.46airwavesMost of the work is done on the back end
02:42.56a1fathat sucks
02:43.02a1fai dont have any use to ssh out
02:43.18a1fai need more ;P
02:43.40a1fai want VIPN
02:44.02a1fait only costs $800
02:44.42airwavesthe sidekick 2 merely a thin client
02:44.53airwavesa1fa: Get a PPC phone
02:45.00airwavesthose have enough power...
02:45.07airwavesand there are VOIP clients out there
02:45.13a1fai want this AXIA
02:45.29a1faAXIA 308
02:45.50*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
02:46.04a1fa802.11g is a must
02:50.35*** join/#asterisk MstlyHrmls (
02:51.55airwavesbrb - on air
02:54.42IOscanneranyone know what change in 1.2?  Meetme conference rooms don't work in flash operator panel and also meetme2 UI.  It seems maybe the commands changed or options change to get this information
03:02.22*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
03:03.15firestrmanyone here payed with callerid incoming over zap channels? Its been so long, i cant remember how to set it up..
03:10.42*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
03:14.25firestrmi hate it when i learn new stuff.. i forget old stuff..
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03:45.22KattyNetgeeks: be careful of jawline. it's still sore.
03:46.03rob0ouch! But you're still alive. :)
03:47.21Kattyyes, and on many a painkiller.
03:49.47*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:53.56*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
03:55.50Qwellbkw__: !!
03:55.55Qwell(one ! per _)
03:57.54QwellI so am not
03:59.02Qwellsilly google, broke google video
04:04.14*** join/#asterisk angom_w (
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04:17.15*** join/#asterisk sevard (
04:17.38*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=zhao@
04:17.45Flautohi there
04:17.47Flautoone question
04:18.00Flautoi don't want people to call cell numbers in taiwan
04:18.06Flautoso i tried to block it
04:18.10Flautoby using
04:18.35Flautoit really does not work
04:19.18Flautowhile i have _011886.,1,Dial(blahblahblah.30)
04:19.44Abydos313mosely is beating the crap out of vargas :))
04:22.05Flautogot it work now
04:26.00*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:29.42*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
04:35.58x86if i put a call on hold, it tells me "Starting music on hold" and immediately says "Stopping music on hold"
04:36.02x86why would it do that?
04:36.30x86then like 30 seconds later (after the call is no longer on hold), it gives a message about music on hold being scheduled in the past or something
04:43.40*** join/#asterisk iq (
04:44.48*** join/#asterisk arctic_import (
04:48.41x86Feb 25 22:46:57 NOTICE[4577]: res_musiconhold.c:507 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
04:54.16*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:55.29*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
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05:04.23*** join/#asterisk hellop (
05:09.26hypa7iaoops, wrong windows :)
05:11.04*** join/#asterisk asterisk99 (
05:11.46asterisk99anyone here running Asterisk under userid other than root????
05:14.30x86asterisk99: i am
05:14.56x86asterisk  4569  0.0  1.2  17368  7820 pts/2    Sl   19:02   0:08 /usr/sbin/asterisk -p -U asterisk -vvvg -c
05:16.34asterisk99x86: assuming u have a zaptel card, how do you set the permissions for /dev/zap?
05:16.36*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
05:17.35asterisk99x86: Asterisk won't start up until it gets permission to access files in /dev/zap, which I did with chown, but next reboot, it's reset back to root:root
05:25.32x86modify your /etc/devfs.conf or /etc/udev.conf
05:25.53x86make it auto-create the device as owned by your asterisk user
05:27.46*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (i=me@
05:30.21asterisk99...and by 'device'    that's the files in /dev/zap    right?
05:31.00asterisk99(sorry 4 delay ... multitasking badly)
05:32.53arctic_importanyone here using gentoo with asterisk?  I think I'm having some udev permission problems.  If I start asterisk with the user/group asterisk I get errors
05:33.12arctic_importasterisk99: I think we are having the same problem.
05:34.00asterisk99sat night ... what can I say???
05:34.13arctic_importif I chown -R asterisk:asterisk /dev/zap it seems to work correctly.
05:34.30arctic_importhowever if I unload wtcdm and reload it its goofed again.
05:34.54arctic_importif I run as root all is good.
05:34.59[av]bani_Sam-- around?
05:36.02arctic_importmy udev rules are setting the mode to 0660 and group to dialout.  adding user asterisk to the dialout group doesn't fix the problem.  perhaps the mode needs to be 0770?
05:36.35arctic_importasterisk99: are you using udev as well?  What distor?
05:36.40arctic_importdistro rather.
05:40.55arctic_importI'm getting errors about unable to load channel
05:41.36arctic_importseems to be a much bigger issue because even root is having problems now.
05:42.34arctic_importguess I'll try a power cycle of the box. Seems like the card has freaked out.
05:43.52*** join/#asterisk airwaves (
05:44.54arctic_importLooks like my chanel 1 is gone now.
05:47.18*** join/#asterisk airwaves (
05:51.30asterisk99ubuntu 5.10 ... (I think that's udev)
05:55.02arctic_importchanging my mode to 0770 fixed my problem
06:22.23*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
06:23.53Abydos313quick question, would two x100p pci cards function the same as a spa3k?
06:25.39shido6u want an FXS in there dont ya
06:25.48shido6two x100p's would act like 2 FXO's
06:26.39Abydos313i want to use * as my home answering machine with long distant extensions
06:27.15shido6how many phone lines do u have coming into the place that you can use for your * ?
06:27.20Abydos313so when i'm overseas i can get my phone calls and all calls i make back here are local since i'll be dialing from my local pstn
06:27.30Abydos313just one
06:27.40shido6picked out a voip provider yet?
06:27.55Abydos313nope, i actually won't need one
06:28.13shido6err K.
06:28.26shido6so when you are overseas you're using a softphone or ata?
06:28.28Abydos313i don't want to dial thru provider. i just want to be able to have an extension to my house
06:28.47Abydos313i was going to get ata adapter for both sides
06:29.25Abydos313i thought spa3k for * location and cheaper one for remote location. but i really wanted to run iax and those are supported
06:30.49Abydos313we already pay 20 bucks for unlimited calls on the house phone. so this extension will be dialing from that number so all calls will be free from overseas to family and friends here
06:31.22Abydos313only testing so far with softphones. trying to get advise on equipment to solve what i want to do
06:49.49*** join/#asterisk znoG (
06:51.15arctic_importAbydos313: I'm doing this.
06:51.47arctic_importAbydos313: Works really well now when I'm out of town I use a softphone to have local dialtone its great.
06:52.00[av]baniAbydos313: i think you should ask the asgard. i think they have a lot of experience with softphones.
06:53.17arctic_importI need to find a voip provider that works with asterisk and is cheap though.  My LD isn't a very good package,  any recommendations on a byod provider?
06:54.32jbotitsp is, like, Internet Telephony Service Provider.  An ITSP is a "VoIP Phone Company"
06:56.44Abydos313[av]bani hehe
06:57.09*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
06:57.34Abydos313[av]bani would you get iax capable ata adapters because both locations will be behind nat
06:58.39*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
07:17.03coppiceI assume the T in ITSP stands for terrible
07:17.50*** join/#asterisk Gand_DJ (
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07:27.24*** join/#asterisk laichzeit (
07:28.26laichzeithi all, I have a Digium TDM400P, when I make an outgoing call I get a terribly loud distorting noise, does anyone know what is causing this?
07:32.59*** join/#asterisk chr|s_ (n=chris@
07:34.17coppicemaybe you shouldn't call Steve Ballmer :-)
07:35.37rob0ba-da BOOM ching!
07:39.17*** join/#asterisk AxelBp (n=alexlsf@
07:41.26AxelBpHI guys...i'm new on this, any tutorial for the asteristic for windows?
07:41.51chr|s_Axel, I think it involves running VMWare
07:42.03Gand_DJpfft.... use virtual PC :)
07:42.08Gand_DJor virtual server 2005
07:42.28chr|s_I think you can download a free vm of asterisk@home though
07:42.31chr|s_soi I would use vmware
07:42.32chr|s_not those
07:42.34WasPhantomheh - VPC on a mac is painful
07:42.47AxelBpi have an xp
07:42.49laichzeitseriously, no one has had shit with asterisk 2.3 and zaptel 1.2.3 with the Digium TDM400P cards?
07:42.51chr|s_AxelBp, google VMWare 'asterisk at home'
07:43.17AxelBpwhy cant be install in the same os?
07:43.22chr|s_linux only
07:43.24chr|s_that is why
07:43.44AxelBpohhhhh ok, i don't know any linux
07:43.48chr|s_but I read a good article about running it in a VM, you download one isngle file and viola it works
07:43.54chr|s_AxelBp, good time ot learn
07:44.11AxelBpi have vmware but can't do any linux
07:44.40chr|s_AxelBp, google what I said, and download that file, you only need ot use the web based front end for it
07:44.47chr|s_it is simplicity itself
07:45.01*** part/#asterisk Guest^DJ (i=me@
07:45.18*** join/#asterisk kizmet (n=kizmet@freematrix/sponsor/kizmet)
07:46.00chr|s_Yeah that one! :-) jolly fine link
07:46.13AxelBplet me check
07:46.44Gand_DJlol. I run *@Home in virtual server 2005, which runs on win2k3 ent server.
07:47.00chr|s_Gand_DJ, which you run on WINE
07:47.01kizmetGand_DJ, uh ? rofl
07:47.06chr|s_on an old 32mb 386
07:47.10chr|s_with a creaky hard disk
07:47.23Gand_DJhaven't had it up in like 6 months though, since I moved in with fiance... she uses that for WinXP (dual boot system)
07:47.31Gand_DJIt's athlon 750mhz w/ 512mb ram
07:47.37chr|s_Gand_DJ, you shoudl see a doctor about that
07:47.52chr|s_"haven't had it up in like 6 months though, since I moved in with fiance..." << Too easy man
07:48.13chr|s_sorry must be british humour I think
07:48.13Gand_DJI knew what you were refering to lol
07:48.18Abydos313i have asterisk@home 2.5 running in vmware at work. runs fine in xp
07:48.44AxelBpcan i do a voip pbx like a mini vonage?
07:48.49Gand_DJwhy that guy recommends Idefisk for a softphone is funny.. just use eyebeam or x-lite
07:48.57chr|s_hrm, I like the idea of being able to quickly get the system up again if problems
07:49.00AxelBpi mean just voip no pstn?
07:49.11kizmeti have debian w/ asterisk running on  vmware esx server....
07:49.18chr|s_revert to yesterdays snapshot, but how many 'vm' work arounds do you have to do? does it affect performance a lot?
07:49.33Abydos313kizmet pulls the trump card in this game.heh
07:49.53Abydos313kizmet 2.51 or newer?
07:50.00Gand_DJthe * box I have setup now (in virtual PC) runs just fine.
07:50.06kizmetAbydos313, nfi actually
07:50.14Gand_DJhost is this pc.... Athlon 2600+ w/ 1GB ram
07:50.36laichzeitdamn I should upgrade for that Oblivion game
07:50.37chr|s_same here (2800+ 1GB)
07:50.41kizmetAbydos313, im assuming the latest...
07:50.50chr|s_wondering if that is what I should do all along...
07:51.16Gand_DJI'm thinking of putting my old P200 to use, and install asterisk@home onto it for a dedicated pbx system
07:51.16chr|s_I mean, even running the asterisk@home in a vm ON linux
07:51.21chr|s_because I like the idea of redundancy
07:51.24chr|s_and snapshotting
07:51.29chr|s_as long as DB is on another macine
07:51.29Abydos313vm's are great for testing
07:51.32*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (i=me@
07:51.48chr|s_does asterisk die in the middle of things?
07:51.53Guest^DJhi guys, how do i verify that i have successfully installed h323 ?
07:52.03Gand_DJTest videophone?
07:52.05chr|s_say you have 15 phone calls happening at once, can it just stop? lag? kill?
07:52.11Gand_DJunless I'm thinking of wrong codec
07:53.04chr|s_can you install asterisk at home in a more normal way? I am worried aboutkilling my linux with it, I want it to install ONTO my linux, not decimate it
07:53.17chr|s_like download a complete a@h stack
07:53.37laichzeitchr|s_, I've recently done an asterisk@home install on gentoo
07:54.14laichzeitchr|s_, everything is working except outgoing calls :/
07:55.07laichzeitthe ast@home installation scripts are pretty much a big hack
07:55.18Gand_DJhrm, I have a copy of VMware around here somewhere... lol.. not sure on which HD, or what version of software
07:57.28Gand_DJlooking at vmware website.... seems esx is just a virtual server competitor. I'll stick to VS2k5 :)
07:58.29Abydos313i haven't tried that yet
07:59.31Gand_DJI like it. I had 1 domain controller, 1 backup domain controller, and an exchange server all running at the same time (3 VM's)... and *@home
07:59.52Abydos313one cpu machine?
07:59.59Gand_DJsmall test network
08:00.15Gand_DJmy 750mhz athlon
08:00.25Gand_DJworked fine for the most part
08:01.06Gand_DJI had Live Communication Server setup also (2003).
08:01.13Gand_DJtried to get 2005 working, but that was a bit of a pain
08:01.30Abydos313how was the communications server?
08:02.02Gand_DJWas nice running a private IM server. Had to use Windows Messenger for it though.
08:02.14Gand_DJAlso 2003 had to work within the network. Didn't allow outside linking.
08:02.23Abydos313so the same as runnig IM off exchange2k?
08:02.26Gand_DJ2005 allows outside connects through proxies
08:02.42Abydos313what protocol?
08:03.01Abydos313could it accept sip or iax connects?
08:03.08laichzeitdoes anyone know what's wrong if the zaptel channels don't show up in the Trunk section of the Flash Operator Panel in Asterisk@home?
08:03.19*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
08:03.53Abydos313nice, can it dialout either thru a moden or ata converter?
08:04.28Gand_DJDon't know. Just tested linking windows messenger to the Live Comm Server.
08:04.41Gand_DJIt might work through VPN, but I didn't have a vpn partner to test with
08:04.44Abydos313ok, well it was worth asking
08:05.11Gand_DJSame thing as using messenger to sign into your hotmail / .net acct
08:05.19Gand_DJbut this is a local server
08:05.50laichzeitwhere do you get genzaptelconf ?
08:06.35Abydos313right now i have no ata adapters. i have my asterisk box running with ztdummy loaded and i have .25c credit for outgoing calls..hehe so it's really in the works. my real asterisk server sits behind nat so i want to use iax. any suggestions
08:07.01*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
08:07.38Abydos313i hate to buy spa3k sipura and find out i have problems with remote clients and sip
08:08.19Gand_DJlink to FWD w/ iax.... or another provider via SIP?
08:08.25Gand_DJiax would be better for nat
08:08.30Gand_DJjust have to open 1 port
08:08.41Abydos313i like that alot better
08:09.00Gand_DJthen just have your softphone / ata link to *
08:09.06Abydos313can i link you to a device i was looking at? give me an oppinion
08:09.28*** join/#asterisk websae (
08:09.36websaehow's everyone doing tonight?
08:09.39Gand_DJfor ata? I have been thinking of getting an spa2002
08:09.58Abydos313that device only supports sip
08:09.58Gand_DJalso to link my home phone to *@Home, maybe the spa3k
08:10.17Gand_DJwell if you run *, sip is fine from ata <-> *
08:10.26Gand_DJthen * <-> ISP is iax
08:10.37websaewhose your termination provider Grand?
08:10.52Abydos313i wanted to run iax all the way around
08:10.55Gand_DJI am signed up with a few free accts...
08:11.09Gand_DJfwd, sipphone, iaxtel,
08:11.19Gand_DJyak, firefly,
08:11.42Abydos313this is the one i've been looking at. all the features of spa3k plus iax support
08:12.00Abydos313anyone use this device or hear about it?
08:12.12websaelooks great
08:12.18Gand_DJWhat's the purpose of going all iax? iax is really only beneficial over nat from internet
08:13.08Abydos313Gand_DJ one of my remote clients will be my dad, he wants to get calls from his house in the US to his house overseas and be able to call anyone around here free
08:13.13websaeIAX is great for those who don't like dealing with NAT
08:13.38websaewhere is his house overseas?
08:13.40websaewhat country?
08:13.59websaeare you implementing this system for him?
08:14.17Gand_DJwebsae, that's what I nat from over the internet.
08:14.25*** join/#asterisk fm (n=7457@
08:14.30Gand_DJlinking ata to internal * has no nat issues
08:14.35*** join/#asterisk Tene (n=tene@poipu/supporter/slacker/tene)
08:14.52Gand_DJsince * deals with nat to internet.
08:14.56Gand_DJbut in this case.... yeah
08:15.07Gand_DJgoing from usa to * in overseas
08:15.18Gand_DJthere's that IAXy box
08:15.21Abydos313Gand_DJ are you sure. with softphone i was having sound issues with sip and no issues with iax. i have 5060-5061 udp and 10000-10100 udp forwarded to server
08:15.56fmis it possible to create a fax server which deals with email-to-fax and fax-to-email service over internet using asterisk. Can anyone point me to a good doc/artcle regarding this.
08:16.25websaeyes it is fm
08:16.28Gand_DJAbydos313, depends on link..... if * AND ata is on local side of router... then there is no nat issues since you just give the 192 IP of * to ata
08:16.33websaegoogle asterisk fax
08:16.50Gand_DJif ata is at someone's house.... and you run * at your house behind router.... then IAX is good for linking those 2
08:16.55Gand_DJsince you ONLY need to open 1 port
08:17.37websaeno rtp packets going on
08:17.38websaethat's nice
08:19.01Gand_DJheh.... the spa3k is better then this box
08:19.09Gand_DJfrom what I read
08:19.35Gand_DJFrom how I read it.... the FXO is only a pass-through for when voip isn't working. (life line)
08:19.40Abydos313both sides will be behind cable or dsl
08:19.41websaesipura makes  a great ATA :)
08:19.55Gand_DJI don't think you can program the FXO to forward the PSTN call to * or anything
08:19.55websaeall of my clients use sipura ata adapters for VoIP in their houses
08:20.19Gand_DJwebsae, how's the SPA-2002 compared to the old SPA-2000 (or was it 2001)
08:20.20Abydos313and is your * behind nat?
08:20.53*** join/#asterisk mrtwister|mobile (
08:21.07websaeput the SPA 2000 in front of router/firewall
08:21.09websaeand you'll be fine
08:21.35Gand_DJFor an IAXy box... if he just wants to make calls, he can get one of those IAXy boxes... or if he wants to link his PSTN to it as well (doesn't have 2 phones).. then get this other iax box
08:21.53Gand_DJif this box is cheaper then iaxy, I might just get this box
08:22.05websaei would look for reviews on that box
08:22.16Abydos313i don't want junk
08:22.18websaei have yet to to try it
08:22.56Abydos313i've been patient looking around for weeks now and hoping for someone who knows what's up to give me advise on hardware
08:23.17Gand_DJwebsae, yet to try it.... directed in regards to spa2002 compared to spa2000?
08:24.05Abydos313* will sit here on dsl and connected to regular landline. remote client will be on cable modem in israel and also behind nat. i know he will be able to call here and out, but will his extension ring with sip
08:24.21websaeeasily can set that up
08:24.30websaehave nat=yes
08:24.56Abydos313so what devices would you suggest for all this? spa3k and 2002 or something
08:25.11websaehow many phone lines does he need ?
08:25.22Abydos313he just needs one
08:25.40Gand_DJyou don't need SPA-3000 for him to call out
08:25.46Gand_DJalot of money for nothing :)
08:25.50Abydos313he just wants to be able to use his phone there and have the house dialout here
08:26.09Abydos313Gand_DJ i won't have a sip provider
08:26.44websaeany sipura ata will do
08:26.59Gand_DJwell you'll need the spa3k for your place then.. for him to call your *, and then route out through your spa3k to pstn call
08:27.23Abydos313that is what i thought
08:28.01Gand_DJisn't there a way to link 2 atas together directly?
08:28.04Gand_DJwithout needing *
08:28.05Abydos313later on i plan on adding a sip provider and basically having a second line in the house
08:28.24Abydos313Gand_DJ is there?
08:28.35Gand_DJThat's what I'm asking in channel.
08:28.42Gand_DJI think there is a way to directly link 2 ata together
08:29.16Gand_DJsince sipura ata has that SSL cert you can use for direct ATA <-> ATA encrypted talking
08:29.17Abydos313i want more extensions and i want to learn asterisk. so i do want the server :)
08:29.33Gand_DJyeah. I have the server here running in virtual environment.
08:29.39Gand_DJI am looking into getting some atas
08:30.06Abydos313[av]bani do you agree with spa2k and any other sipura for what i want to do?
08:30.11Gand_DJprobably spa3000 for linking our house to *... and then the FXS on the spa3k & also an spa2k2 setup in basement for call routing
08:30.55Abydos313what do you mean by call routing?
08:30.57Gand_DJsure I could just get a cordless phone w/ 3-4 handsets lol
08:31.14coppicei think only the 2100 does T.38 if that is important to you. also, most of the sipuras have weedy DSP, and can only do one channel of G.729
08:31.46Abydos313coppice so what hardware would you suggest?
08:31.50Gand_DJcall routing.. as in press 1 for me, press 2 for fiance, etc.... or maybe I will just setup all phones to ring at same time
08:31.56websaebut you can do faxing on any ulaw connection
08:32.36*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
08:32.37coppiceAbydos313: why do you expect suggestions? only you know what you need
08:32.43coppicewebsae: wrong
08:32.59websaewe do it just fine, all the time
08:33.04websaeusing ulaw
08:33.15Abydos313i know the features i want, but i was hoping to get help on what works well and don't want to buy junk
08:33.46coppicewebsae: which means exactly what? that with one particular piece of kit, in one particular installation, it hangs together by the skin of its teeth and does something useful?
08:33.50Gand_DJcoppice... he's wanting to setup an ATA in isreal to link to * in usa... and then route through * to PSTN for calling
08:34.05coppiceits recommendations like that which cause so many support problems with VoIP
08:34.28websaenope, on any ATA implemented that allows ULAW---it is supported
08:34.45websaewe have tested on many different ATA adapters
08:34.58coppicewebsae: you've just been lucky
08:35.14websaeno, we just use a non compressed codec
08:35.17Gand_DJdoesn't the spa2002 have fax firmware upgrade on it?
08:35.30websaethat's the key to getting the fax :)
08:36.18[av]baniAbydos313: ?
08:37.17coppicewell, for a start G.711 is compressed, but we'll ignore that. Try and
08:39.52coppiceAbydos313: if you want one call at a time, or you don't care about bit rate, you'll find the sipuras fine. if you expect to use two channels of G.729 you won't like them. as I said, only you know what you need
08:40.23Abydos313i would like to have two channels in the future
08:40.41Abydos313and i don't mind buying the codecs
08:40.57[av]baniAbydos313: what you want to do?
08:41.52*** join/#asterisk krasavin (
08:41.54Abydos313have asterisk hooked up to my home phone for in/out calls and have softphone extenion at work and ata extenstion in israel so dad can be reached on an extension and he call out to US for free
08:42.10krasavinhi all!
08:42.21coppiceThe snag is that pretty much every piece of VoIP kit currently available has a lot of limitations. there isn't something you can really recommend that just does everything people want to their satisfaction
08:42.40[av]baniAbydos313: dad won't like the lag
08:42.54krasavindo anybody next: * + d-link dvg-1104TH?
08:42.58trixtereven if it did everything on a technical level that would make it cost prohibitive which means that there is a group that still wouldnt be happy with it
08:43.15Abydos313damn, so is there a diff setup you'd suggest
08:44.33[av]baniAbydos313: ata in israel will always suffer from lag no matter what vendor
08:45.09trixteryeah the mossad needs a little bit of time to process the audio :P
08:45.12Abydos313so maybe just a sip accout and adapter is next best thing
08:45.42coppice[av]bani: is israeli internet really that bad
08:46.14[av]banicoppice: i am assuming israel pings to us are not very low, since nowhere in europe to us is low
08:46.21krasavini have PBX LG LDK-100 and i want to get to call from ip-phone to the PBX
08:47.30coppice[av]bani: depends what you call bad. tried .ph :-)
08:48.00[av]banicoppice: i've tried .jp and .in, both are quite bad
08:48.03Gand_DJAbydos313, you could always setup your dad with an FWD acct, and you setup FWD acct also for *. he calls your * number
08:48.13[av]banicoppice: its like walkie-talkie
08:48.38Abydos313Gand_DJ so how exactly would that increase the quality
08:48.54[av]baniAbydos313: it wouldnt
08:48.59Gand_DJhe's going through fwd server (might have a server in europe?)
08:49.05Gand_DJor another free provider?
08:49.08Gand_DJin his area
08:49.22Gand_DJfwd peers with alot of voip companies
08:49.31Gand_DJor sip broker maybe / voxalot
08:49.46[av]banicoppice: UK is bad enough on pstn to oftentimes get uncontrollable echo even the telcos cant fix...
08:50.01Abydos313how's this. if he just has a vonage type service here and takes the atapter to israel will the call quality be good?
08:50.14[av]baniAbydos313: quality good... lag no
08:50.17krasavincan anybody help me?
08:50.32[av]baniAbydos313: you will always face the lag issue simply because of geographic location of israel
08:50.38[av]baniAbydos313: there's no way to get around that
08:50.58Abydos313ok so pretty close to what a regular phone line sounds like
08:51.00Gand_DJhave him ping your IP address and see what his response is.
08:51.12Gand_DJif you are behind router, setup your pc for dmz or hook direct to modem
08:51.16[av]baniAbydos313: better than regular phone line for audio quality, just the lag which you have to ge tused to
08:51.38[av]baniAbydos313: basically, wait for the other end to stop talking completely, then speak a complete sentence, then stop
08:51.45coppice[av]bani: geographic location? Its not exactly a long way at speed_of_light/refractive_index_of_fibre :-)
08:51.56Abydos313he is not over there yet. he wont' leave for a few weeks, kinda wanted to have a device picked out and config'd for him to take with him
08:52.35[av]banicoppice: add 30% for copper, then 5-10ms per router
08:53.05[av]baniAbydos313: dont forget israel ISPs are widely blocking voip
08:53.16Gand_DJmight not block iax port
08:53.20Abydos313your kidding right
08:53.22[av]banimaybe not
08:53.30Gand_DJif so, change voip port in *
08:53.36[av]baniAbydos313: nope. most of middle east is blocking voip
08:53.49[av]baniGand_DJ: blocking sip bodies... youll need tls to get round that
08:53.51Gand_DJmight have him use a softphone to see how it sounds first
08:53.51Abydos313i had no idea
08:54.08coppicemost of the planet is blocking VoIP, unless its the telco's VoIP
08:54.24[av]banii think pakistan is just about the only country that isnt
08:54.35Gand_DJcanada doesn't block voip
08:54.39Gand_DJwe don't block anything :)
08:54.40[av]baniin the middle east
08:54.55Gand_DJcoppice said most of the planet lol
08:55.01FLeiXiuSCanada doesn't even have a military, pshh :-)
08:55.13Gand_DJI don't think USA blocks either
08:55.14[av]banitheyre protecting old govt monopolies
08:55.23coppicemost of the middle east. much of asia. some of south america
08:55.24Abydos313wow, i had no idea. this blows my whole project down the tubes
08:55.43Gand_DJAbydos313, he would have to try using iax softphone maybe
08:55.48*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
08:55.51[av]banimost of them havent broken up/deregulated/etc the telcos.. theyre like 20-30 years behind
08:55.59[av]baniiax might get around it
08:56.11Gand_DJfirefly uses iax
08:56.16coppiceits not just a monopoly thing
08:56.19Gand_DJtoo bad xlit or eyebeam doesn't
08:56.43Abydos313how did you get a copy of eyebeam? i didn't see downloads for that one
08:56.47[av]baniwell, some of it is police state govts, like syria
08:56.59coppicewhere things have been deregulated the government has often franchised a few people, and they get pissed if the governent lets that paid for franchise fall apart
08:57.34[av]baniwith israel its probably just cronysim :))
08:57.53Abydos313i'd believe it
08:58.05[av]baniit may depend on the particular isp as well
08:58.13coppiceyou mean packets are delivered by a cron job? :-\
08:58.23[av]banibut i have seen complaints about voip being widely blocked in israel by ISPs
08:58.59Gand_DJeyebeam is hard to find a copy of ;)
08:59.06[av]baniim actually somewhat suprised pakistan doesnt block it
08:59.10Gand_DJI have an older copy
09:00.55*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
09:02.02Abydos313wow, now this really sucks, i really don't want to buy equipment for nothing
09:02.22Gand_DJAbydos313... have him test softphone first :)
09:03.37Abydos313good idea
09:04.03PakiPenguin[av]bani, pakistan doesnt block what?
09:04.08PakiPenguinvoip is blocked for starters :)
09:04.43Abydos313how do you get around it
09:05.07[av]baniPakiPenguin: i see lots of people using spa3k and voip in pakistan.. how you guys get around it?
09:05.24[av]baniPakiPenguin: and i see pakistan being one of the most active countries for voip, next to india
09:08.48bartpbxI have a question about variables and agi
09:09.00bartpbxanyone workin with fastagi / agi here?
09:10.07bartpbxI have Problems reading DIALEDTIME via AGI if the call was canced
09:10.47bartpbxbut the way I understand the variable DIALEDTIME it schuld be availible even when a call was canced or notaswered
09:11.46*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
09:15.30[av]baniPakiPenguin: i see lots of people using spa3k and voip in pakistan.. how you guys get around it?
09:15.35[av]baniPakiPenguin: and i see pakistan being one of the most active countries for voip, next to india
09:24.48*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
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09:37.18akrallAnybody using unicall and iaxmodem/hylafax?
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10:00.34a1fai am trying to create a freakin dns record
10:00.37a1faand its not working
10:00.41a1fai am trying to take over *
10:01.28Gand_DJdns record in linux / *?
10:02.01a1fai am trying with zone "*"
10:02.06a1fabut that not working
10:03.02Gand_DJI've only messed with DNS stuff in windows server. know nothing on linux :)
10:07.37a1faits 4 am
10:07.43a1faand i am still fucking with it
10:07.43FLeiXiuS5am here.
10:07.49FLeiXiuSWhats the problem?
10:07.58a1fatrying to take over the root zone
10:08.07a1fai am making a capturing portal
10:08.25FLeiXiuSAnd the problem is?
10:08.35a1fazone "."
10:09.32a1fait wont take over the zone file
10:10.59a1faand no error
10:18.33a1fasince when a NS record can not be an address?
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10:56.25x86i want extensions defined in one context to be able to dial extensions defined in another context, but not vice-versa
10:56.31x86is that possible?
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11:12.00tzafrirx86, Goto can come in handy for that sometimes
11:26.50*** join/#asterisk lithi (n=interp3@
11:30.08lithiCan someone help me compile app_rxfax/app_txfax on 1.2.4.. after I do patch <apps_Makefile.patch I get a 1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file Makefile.rej and I dont know what to do from there..
11:30.38stoffelllithi, read the patchfiles, you should be able to figure out how to do it yourselves..
11:30.58lithiyea I dont undestand what the patchfiles are saying
11:31.02lithithats the problem
11:32.19*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
11:32.21lithistoffell: Could I pastbin the Makefile.rej and maybe you could tell me?
11:32.41stoffelllithi, you can, but i think it's better to start from scratch and do the makefile actions manually
11:33.07lithicould you explain what the actions I need to make are?
11:33.16lithicause I just dont understand how to read the makefile at all
11:33.18stoffellsure, pastebin the Makefile, we'll scroll along
11:34.44lithi thats the apps_Makefile.patch
11:35.43stoffellokay, first open the file Makefile
11:36.13stoffellthen find a line looking similar like line 6 in the pastebin (APPS+-app_osp..)
11:37.35lithireplace that section with lines 9-11?
11:37.35stoffellgood, now if u look in the pastebin, lines 9-12 have a + in front of them..
11:37.52stoffellthis means, you should ADD these lines right after the section that is mentioned before..
11:37.56lithioh ok
11:38.03stoffellso: add 9-12 "after" the endif lines..
11:38.09lithiwithout the ++ i assume
11:38.16lithithe + symbols
11:38.21stoffellindeed, it should read: ifneq ($(wildcard $(CR...
11:38.38stoffellthen you will see it will start to look like the rest of the makefile
11:38.48*** join/#asterisk my007ms (n=my@
11:38.51my007mshello all
11:38.58stoffellafter adding these lines, just yell :)
11:39.12lithiok added and ready for next step
11:39.43stoffellgood, now just look further in pastebin, same thing, but different lines.. find lines 21 and 22 in your makefile
11:39.57stoffellthen, after this section, add the "new" lines (app_rxfax..) etc..
11:40.21stoffellso, lines 24-29 should go in-between the app_curl and app_sql_postgres sections
11:40.33my007msi have problem with config TDM card
11:41.19my007mswhen i do lspci from any distore i can't see pci card but from livecd i see TDM card
11:41.33my007msany one have idea
11:41.49stoffellwhat livecd did you use?
11:43.53blkremedyhow is the spa3000 compared to the tdm400p?
11:44.43my007msthe probem mybe i think from my intel Expres chipst
11:44.58my007msany one have idea
11:45.38stoffellmy007ms, try it in other pc if possible?
11:45.56my007msbut i busy this server for this card
11:46.04my007msit's TDM2424E
11:46.13my007msas u see i need strong PC
11:46.29stoffellyes, but just to test..
11:48.28lithistoffell: I got a curl problem then I installed the curl devel package which fixed that now I get a Makefile:110: *** missing separator. Stop.
11:48.49my007msi see that new kernel have support this kind of chipst
11:49.04my007msbut is this from kernel or udev
11:49.07stoffellouch, something went wrong while editing the makefile, can u pastebin it?
11:50.20lithistoffell: I think I fixed it, it seemed to want a [tab] then $(CC) $(SOLINK) -o $@ ${CYGSOLINK} $< ${CYGSOLIB} $(CURLLIBS)
11:50.27lithiinsted of 7 or 8 spaces
11:50.41stoffellgreat, correct :)
11:50.51lithistoffell: Thanks so much btw
11:51.10stoffellno problem:)
11:52.21x86anyone here from UK?
11:53.25*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
11:53.33stoffellx86, belgium, so we're neighbours :p
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11:57.17NotFreakand the other neighbours as well .nl :P
11:57.39lithistoffell: I get cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory when I try to start asterisk.. any idea where it wants that file cause its in /usr/local/lib
11:57.53stoffellhehe NotFreak, looks like a family gatherin :)
11:58.23NotFreakbleh i need to get outside i think been inside for 4 days now :S
11:58.34NotFreakmaybe i should go walk the dog or something
11:59.09stoffelldon't stay out too long NotFreak, it's freezin'
11:59.20NotFreakyup it does
11:59.35stoffelllithi, hmm.. but the file exists? (you have installed spandsp)
11:59.40NotFreakthat's why i stayed inside and because i was trying to hack some hardware
12:00.13lithistoffell: Yea
12:00.29lithistoffell: Yea, /usr/local/lib/
12:00.31my007msstoffell this is from kernel or udev
12:00.41NotFreaki've been crazy enough to implement a polarity reversal detection on my X100P card :S but the friggin thing is still unable to detect the DTMF callerid that is used in .nl
12:00.47stoffellsorry my007ms, i don't have any idea
12:01.25my007ms:) never mind
12:01.49my007msdid u know software to make sure that i have PCI 2.2
12:01.59my007msthe manual say nothing
12:02.15stoffellNotFreak, nice :)
12:02.45stoffelllithi, weird, you used latest versions of spandsp and app_rx/txfax?
12:02.55NotFreakstoffell yup nice now it says polarity reversal detected but after 2 seconds i get DTMFCID timed out waiting for ring. :S
12:03.10stoffellyou're half way :)
12:03.32NotFreakseems it doesn't monitor the channel in onhook mode i guess
12:03.39[av]baniNotFreak: probably easier to buy a spa-3000 and be done with it
12:03.50NotFreakyeah sure true that
12:04.02NotFreakbut it's a challenge to figure it out on x100p :P
12:04.04[av]banix100p is the fxo from hell
12:04.12NotFreakand since i'm a student and on a really low budget heh
12:05.41[av]baniiirc someone was working on pre-ring cid to support countries which use it
12:05.52[av]baniyou can find it on
12:06.08lithistoffell: ah I needed to add /usr/local/include to my (duh)
12:06.10NotFreakyeah i know about that
12:06.19[av]banii dont think you need polarity reversal, you just need to always monitor for dtmf
12:06.21NotFreakbut seems to only work for v23
12:06.28[av]baniand buffer them, then use teh ring
12:06.42lithistoffell: anyways thanks again for all the help, now I have a working asterisk fax machine
12:06.52[av]banijust collect digits at all times, then when a ring arrives, send the last buffer collected
12:07.25NotFreak that's what this hack does
12:07.51stoffelllithi, good luck ;)
12:07.57[av]baniyeah, use that
12:09.12[av]banior you can just move to another country which has different CID signalling :)
12:09.35*** join/#asterisk __AK__ (
12:09.42stoffelltry belgium, it's close :p
12:09.43[av]banior ring up the telco and ask them if they can change your signalling to post-ring
12:10.19[av]banistoffell: belgium uses chocolate & waffles CID signalling
12:10.25robin_szre hi
12:10.36NotFreakstoffell yeah belguim is close indeed i can see the border from here haha
12:10.42[av]banialso: belgium does not exist
12:10.45__AK__i'm trying to setup enum, i already can do enumlook for number@domain but I would like to do lookup for name@domaine
12:10.53robin_szbelgians have a lot of inner problems
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12:11.13robin_szthey face very difficult choices that the rest of us do not have to make.
12:11.35robin_szsuch as ...
12:11.44robin_szto be a Flem or a Walloon ;)
12:11.47robin_szsome choice
12:11.52stoffellthat's an easy choice ! :)
12:12.33[av]banirobin_sz: they are the root of all evil.. EU HQ is in brussels...
12:12.34robin_szFlems speak French
12:12.47robin_szunless there any foreigners about
12:12.51[av]banirobin_sz: also nato HQ
12:12.55robin_szin which case they pretend to only speak flemish
12:12.56stoffellrobin_sz, flemish is dutch :)
12:13.12robin_sznot quite, but close enough
12:13.13__AK__anyone has succeed puting name@domaine in a dns for an enumlookup?
12:13.17stoffellso you're assuming we are dutch? okay , can live with that :)
12:13.32[av]baniinstead of speaking 1 silly language, you speak 3
12:13.54stoffellthat's the only positive thing 'bout it [av]bani ,we learn 3 languages
12:14.01x86i have a free inbound DID that is supposed to forward to my FWD SIP account, but it does not seem to work
12:14.14x86i actually have 2 of them, one in the US and another in the UK
12:14.35x86+1-360-227-6548 (US) and +44-871-3094407 (UK)
12:15.05x86when the numbers are called, the caller gets some message basically saying the user is unavailable, yet i see nothing at all coming into asterisk
12:15.21x86i have set verbose 9999, iax2 debug, sip debug
12:15.23robin_szdid you register in sip.conf?
12:15.34x86i registered the FWD account, yeah
12:15.54x86do i have to do something different to register also for the DID's?
12:16.14robin_szI have no idea what a FWD account is
12:16.21robin_szbut uou have to have a line
12:16.38x86i can get incoming calls from FWD just fine
12:16.50robin_szyou need a register line for each incoming sip
12:16.58x86would it be different?
12:17.06robin_szdifferetn from what?
12:17.19x86from just the FWD register?
12:17.29x86i need addition registers for each DID?
12:17.36robin_szwell of course. if it was the same it would just register with FWD twice
12:17.51x86how would i represent that?
12:17.57x86my username and password is still on FWD :P
12:18.21robin_szwhat is that supposed to mean?
12:19.27robin_szanyway .. its all clearly documented in sip.conf
12:19.59x86well this is how it's setup right now (my asterisk) <--(SIP)--> (FWD) <--> [ (DID provider A) (DID provider B) ]
12:20.12x86i register once with FWD, that works fine
12:20.20x86both DID providers are forwarding to FWD
12:20.23robin_szright thats one incoming sip account ...
12:20.34robin_szno idea what that means
12:20.47x86anyone else here have a clue?
12:20.57robin_szboth DID providers are forwarding to FWD? .. .sorry, no clue what that means
12:21.13x86they are SIP forwarding to FWD (FreeWorldDialup)
12:21.25robin_sznormally, your DID provider just pgives you a SIP account to register
12:21.26x86actually, I'm doing IAX2 to FWD
12:21.33x86not these
12:21.37x86they are forwarders only
12:21.37robin_szhow odd
12:21.42x86they're free ;)
12:21.50robin_sznever come across that concept
12:21.59robin_szsounds useless
12:22.42x86they could send it directly to my asterisk, but i didnt set it up like that
12:23.02robin_sz"send it" ?
12:23.20x86trunk it, whatever you want to call it... they say forward
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12:23.55robin_szif your * made a  registration with a SIP peer, I can see how that would work .
12:24.14x86the SIP peer in this case is FWD
12:24.24robin_szI presume you have made some arrangement with FWD to have it register with the ipkall peer then
12:24.45x86it didnt tell me i needed to
12:24.53robin_szwell, does it work?
12:25.11robin_szwell, ...
12:25.14x86would insecure=very help?
12:26.29robin_szI just use, and have my * box establish the registration
12:26.31robin_szalso free
12:26.55robin_szat least that way, it will still work when FWD is down
12:30.43*** join/#asterisk chr|s_ (n=chris@
12:30.53chr|s_Winkie, hey man how is it going?
12:33.13robin_szsigh .. poxy GXP2000 ... thsi si REALLY beginning to bug me
12:33.57Fallerobin_sz: why? the gxp is great :)
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12:41.49x86robin_sz: can you try dialing that UK number i gave earlier?
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12:44.28my007msdid any one know abut PCI Express
12:49.39Gand_DJlol. AGP / PCI replacement
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12:53.08chr|s_my007ms, been out for ages right?
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12:54.49robin_szx86: dialling now ...
12:55.36[av]banirobin_sz: at least you didnt pay $200 for the gxp2000 ... i have expensive phones equally as bug ridden :/
12:55.57[av]baniin fact,more buggy :|
12:55.58robin_szx86: "we are sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service"
12:56.17robin_szI have 50 Snoms .. all seem fine
12:56.23[av]banifor $80 phone the bugs are annoying. for $200 the bugs are compltely unacceptable
12:56.40robin_sz25 320s, 25 360s ... no major problems
12:56.48[av]baniexcept crashes?
12:56.53robin_szthe GXP is blank after less than 5 seconds now :(
12:57.02robin_szno, no cashes AFAIK
12:57.11[av]banithe damn snoms lockup on transfers still
12:57.22robin_sznot for me
12:57.35[av]baniand i guess g729 is buggy tooo.. fortunately i can use g711
12:57.36robin_szbut htey are expensive for what you get
12:58.07[av]banii just wish snom would stop being so difficult about bugs
12:58.33[av]baniits obvious they have never used their phones in a production setting outside their own offices
12:58.35robin_szwhat are Aastra like?
12:58.55[av]baniaastra had terrible firmware for a long time, i guess they are just now to the point where its usable
12:59.07[av]baniwhereas snom still have major issues
12:59.25robin_szsnom are too expensive for my own business
12:59.27[av]banilockups, wrong indications, terrible ui
12:59.30robin_szfine for clients though :)
12:59.52robin_szthe Aastra looks OK
12:59.54mexuar-tim[av]bani:, I've got 4 snoms - they are fine - which model do you have/ firmware version
13:00.03[av]baniand they keep introducing new "features" in firmwares, which break provisioning and introduce new bugs
13:00.07[av]banimexuar-tim: snom 360
13:00.26[av]banimexuar-tim: in 5.3 they introduced a "new feature" which completely broke provisioning
13:00.44robin_szprovisioning is most fscking odd on snoms
13:01.00[av]banieh, its ok, i just wish snom would stop breaking shit
13:01.12[av]banior if they introduce a new "feature", make it fecking default to OFF
13:01.17robin_szI copied the settings dump into a file ... renamed it to  macaddy.txt
13:01.29mexuar-timAh, I've got the 'old' 190's - can't recall the firmware version. I've only got 4 so provisioning is not an issue.
13:01.33[av]baniahahaa.. youre not supposed to do that
13:01.53[av]baninot really
13:02.02robin_szwhy not?
13:02.08[av]banithe settings dump is informational only, not supposed to be used for provisioning
13:02.13robin_szhow else do you get a dump of current settings?
13:02.29[av]baniits informational, not used 1:1 as a provisioning file
13:02.48robin_szthen they are fsckwits
13:03.00[av]baniafaict its really just for debug
13:03.13robin_szanyway ...
13:03.29robin_szI copied it over, since we use DHCP I delted the lines related ot ip addy etc
13:03.39robin_szrebooted and it killed the phone
13:04.32[av]baniwell, theres stuff in there like keys and things, which yo arent supposed to set via provisioning afaict
13:04.32robin_szi have to say if the settings dump is in a format other than what the provisioning file needs, they are compleat idiots
13:04.39[av]baniso no wonder you bricked your phone
13:05.03robin_szno, any half-assed softaware would just ignore stuff it didnt need
13:05.06[av]banithough thats the other thing, they dont have an end user recovery system
13:05.13[av]banieven grandstream has that
13:06.02robin_sz"end user recovery"?
13:06.13[av]baniyes, eg recover a busted phone without having to RMA it
13:06.15robin_szif my end users get lost, I rejoice, not recover
13:06.29robin_szahh that
13:06.48robin_szyou mean some form of factory reset?
13:06.55[av]banino, eg
13:07.00[av]banipower outage during flash upgrade
13:07.04[av]banigxp = recoverable
13:07.06[av]banisnom = rma
13:07.37robin_szim not usre the gxp is recoverbale on the new firmware
13:07.40[av]baniit is
13:07.43[av]banii've _done_ it
13:07.48robin_szreverts to what?
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13:08.02[av]baniit reverts to whatevr you recover it to
13:08.04robin_szrecovers to what?
13:08.10[av]banianything you give it
13:08.13robin_szv1 firmware?
13:08.38robin_szso I could deliberatly pull the power during an upgrade as a means of getting back to the "old" firmware?
13:08.42AndyCaprobin_sz: it's not hard to make a bootloader that can receive new firmware somehow if the old won't vboot.
13:08.52[av]baniheh, dunno if you an downgrade
13:09.03[av]banibut you can recover from complete busted upgrade
13:09.16robin_szthe new firmware is totally broken on my phone, dead.
13:09.20[av]banibecause i had to :|
13:09.27robin_szI now have two phones at home
13:09.34robin_szGXP2000, no display
13:09.52robin_szZyxel wifi phoen ... desinged to emulate a turd
13:10.14[av]banihahaha.. the wip300?
13:10.22robin_szprestige 2000
13:10.27robin_szbag of crap
13:10.38robin_szbattery life measured in milliseconds
13:10.50robin_szcradel that charges it one time in 10
13:11.04robin_szprotocols are busted every which way
13:11.16[av]baniwelcome to zyxel. enjoy your visit
13:11.25robin_szits even too thick to make a decent door wedge
13:11.41[av]baniproducing shoddy product since 1985
13:11.58[av]baniand you havent learned, yet?
13:12.06robin_szI didnt buy it
13:12.20robin_szclient bought a bunch "here install these"
13:12.33[av]banisnom is disappointing because its a german company, and snom are supposed to be uber
13:12.39robin_sz"I tried installing them, but they wont flush ...."
13:13.08robin_szgerman stuff USED to be uber, now? nah
13:13.18[av]bani:| quality has dived in the last 10 years
13:13.30[av]baniwell its more, nice hardware damn shame about the software
13:13.36robin_szexposure to market forces, re-unification etc
13:13.39[av]banithey should either fix the fecking bugs or opensource the code
13:14.07[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Betrayed by EVERY IP phone manufacturer now are we?  You should change your nick to something like "jilted" ;)
13:14.19[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: i dont hate polycom half as much as i used to
13:14.27robin_szin .de, there is atill a tendendcy to use .de products. use anything else and people look funny at you .. but in private, they admit that some foreign products are better now
13:14.36[TK]D-FenderA glowing review!  You heard it here first!
13:14.46[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: though i still never forgive them for not implementing this newfangled technology called "backlight"
13:14.59[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: i have a cisco 7970 on order :|
13:15.15robin_szall you bank account belong to us
13:15.22[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yeah, and tell that to the other 90% that don't including Cisco who is even more expensive and restrictive.
13:15.23[av]banii got it on special
13:15.38[TK]D-Fender7970 is SCCP only right now, no?
13:15.57[av]banithis is for home, i dun care what it speak as long as * can talk to it
13:16.03[av]baniit could speak klingon for all i care
13:16.10robin_sznever got * and sccp to work
13:16.27robin_szseemed either:
13:16.40[av]banisounds like
13:16.42[TK]D-FenderI wouldn't touch it unless I KNEW is was going to have SIP and be able to profit from the extras under it. SCCP is somewhat implemented in *, but I don't want to be beholden to * either....
13:16.59[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: CCM! yay
13:17.03*** join/#asterisk insomni (
13:17.07[av]baniproblem solved
13:17.18acidchildhello all, i just ordered a vonage pack, is that easy and stuff to set up on asterisk?
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13:17.36robin_szwe had a dect gateway on sccp .. * declined to speak to it
13:17.49[av]banirobin_sz: did you use chan_sccp2 ?
13:18.10[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Or problems created...
13:18.13robin_szdont think so
13:18.29robin_szwe used a "fed ex box" to solve that problem
13:18.53robin_szput gateway in "fed ex box" ... problem solved
13:19.06*** join/#asterisk ibob63 (
13:19.41ibob63I've installed the asterisk-gtk-console on ubuntu - can anyone tell me how to launch it? I just can't figure it out.
13:20.05robin_sz[av]bani: no mention of sccp2 on that page
13:20.09[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: course, all you have is polycoms so you have no frame of reference
13:20.37[av]banirobin_sz: its known as chan-sccp2, so it doesnt confuse with other chan-sccp projects... of which there are three
13:21.53robin_szwell, then I might have used it
13:22.01robin_szor I might have used one of the others
13:22.07[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : No, I have Uniden's, Sipura's, and have seen others.
13:22.10robin_szI used chan_sccp
13:22.20robin_szwhther that was a 2 or not, I dont know
13:22.30*** join/#asterisk nagl (
13:22.31[TK]D-FenderHave tried a BT-101.... *ick*
13:22.38[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: spa-841 ...
13:22.52[av]banifor $160 no less...
13:22.52*** join/#asterisk Riedel (
13:23.04robin_szthe logic of calling a project chan_sscp2 and naming the files chan_sccp in order "to avoid confusion" is ... perhaps, unique.
13:23.16[av]banirobin_sz: :)
13:23.46[av]banirobin_sz: this is asterisk, where peer+user = friend
13:23.53[av]baniit doesnt have to make sense
13:24.12RiedelI have a strange issue with Asterisk 1.2.4. Sometimes, like 1 out of 10 times, Asterisk answers but passes no audio to the called party. Note that the connection is not NATed and it appears it happens randomly. Anyone got an idea what the issue might be ?
13:24.27Riedelcalling party, even. Not called party.
13:24.46robin_szok, so what command runs asterisk-gtk-console once its installed then?
13:25.21my007mshi all
13:25.25x86robin_sz:  xterm + asterisk -r?
13:25.35my007msi wish i have answer to my Q this time
13:25.40my007msi have TDM card
13:26.03my007mswhen i do lspci from any distore i can not but i can from livecd
13:26.34my007mswhat can i do any idea??
13:34.31[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: snom's jitter buffers are first rate though, better than polycom's
13:34.41[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: probably the only positive i've found lately? :|
13:38.55*** join/#asterisk Kernel_core (i=Kernel_C@
13:38.57Kernel_corehi all
13:39.06Kernel_coreanybody here familiar with Astbill ?!
13:40.58RiedelHm. This patch seems to have worked for my issue:
13:41.34bartpbxi need some help with agi and variables
13:41.51bartpbxanyone working with agi / fast Agi here?
13:41.55RiedelI'm kindof an asterisk noob,but shoot
13:41.57RiedelI use AGI's
13:42.39bartpbxi have the problem that if a call is canced a get Variable DIALEDTIME ist 0
13:43.01bartpbxif a call is answerd all varibales are filled. But not in case of cancel or noanswer
13:43.08[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Well I haven't ever heard of anyone experiencing any kind of audio/network quality issue with them anywhere....
13:43.25bartpbxbut as far as i udnderstand the vaibale DIALEDTIME it shuld get set in case of NOANSWER
13:43.32[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: i get some dropouts/clicks with polycom on loaded lines... snom is perfect
13:43.49[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: and the weird polycom sound truncating when you connect...
13:44.21Riedelbartpbx: I havn't had the need to use that variable yet so I can't really be of help there
13:47.20tzafriribob63, what do you mean "did not work for me"?
13:47.37tzafririn general, skip that gtkconsole. Not worth the trouble
13:48.02tzafrirAnd you shouldn't be running a local X server with Asterisk, so I hope the X display is remote
13:48.18[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : That truncation appears to be unique to you so far... seen it documented anywhere else on the mailing lists?
13:51.02my007mspleas all
13:51.31my007msany one all idea how to knwo if my pci is express pci or 2.2 noraml pci
13:51.56my007mssoftware tools coz the manual don't see much
13:52.04*** join/#asterisk led-zep (
14:02.18Gand_DJMight want to read your motherboard manual
14:02.28Gand_DJIf new motherboard... you might have both
14:04.04my007msno it's don't have lot info
14:04.29my007msand when i do lspci from livcd i see the card
14:04.38*** join/#asterisk virterm (n=virterm@
14:05.16stoffellmy007ms, check the manufacturers' website
14:05.51my007msit's gigabyte
14:05.57my007mshave the same manual
14:06.02my007msthat i ahve
14:06.11my007mswait i will send u the URL
14:06.14stoffellmy007ms and what do the tech specs say?
14:06.52my007msjust PCI i don't see if it was pc 2.2 or not
14:07.18stoffellmy007ms what distro do u want to use?
14:08.24my007msany othere ok
14:08.34my007msi try fc3 but not wotk
14:08.51stoffellmy007ms and lspci doesn't show card?
14:09.12my007msit show unknow divice
14:16.08my007msthis is my mothereboard
14:39.29my007mshello all
14:47.15*** join/#asterisk asterisk99 (
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14:53.56asterisk99I'm having trouble with udev on ubuntu... I want to run Asterisk as non-root... It won't start since /dev/zap/* are all root:root:660 even tho I put in the rules /etc/udev/udev.rules and permissions.rules --- anyone figure this out?
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14:58.52ManxPowerasterisk99, the Wiki page was not helpful?
15:06.51*** join/#asterisk asterisk99 (
15:07.47jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
15:09.52*** join/#asterisk Kernel_core (i=Kernel_C@
15:09.55Kernel_corehi all
15:10.01Kernel_coreanybody familiar with ASTBILL ?!
15:13.09ManxPowerNot I, I don't bill for calls.
15:15.23asterisk99Need help: Trying to get asterisk to run non-root... all is ok EXCEPT /dev/zap files are all root:root despite my adding rules to udev control files
15:17.59ManxPowerasterisk99, the Wiki page was not helpful?
15:18.32asterisk99ManxPower: It was... I added all the rules it said to add
15:19.03asterisk99ManxPower: But, alas, despite my modifying udev's files, it's a no-go
15:20.07Kernel_coreManxPower: do you have any solution to record calls ( I mean in GSM Format ) in SQL ?
15:20.13asterisk99ManxPower: The only thing I haven't tried is running /usr/bin/safe_asterisk (cuz it says somewhere it only runs under a shell)
15:20.23ManxPowerKernel_core, I also don't record calls
15:20.48ManxPowerI don't run asterisk as non-root.  I just know there's a Wiki page about it.
15:22.24asterisk99ManxPower: OK. I'm close; really close!!! If I go and chmod u=+r the /dev/zap files , asterisk immediately starts
15:23.02asterisk99ManxPower: I could try modifying the startup script, if I knew where to find it :)
15:27.16Gand_DJfor allowing the g.729 codec in *, just use allow=g729 ?
15:27.32Gand_DJsame with allow=iLBC ?
15:27.52Kernel_coreGand_DJ: yes
15:27.59Gand_DJk :)
15:37.13*** join/#asterisk MarkAngels (
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15:50.24lunaphytehow can i make VoiceMailMain use the calling party's extension?
15:58.52riddleboxwhat would cause a source build not to start when I type asterisk?
15:59.39tzafrir"make" is a better excuse for it to start
16:00.44tzafrirlunaphyte, use the callerid. e.g: VoiceMailMain(${CALLERIDNUM})
16:00.59ibob63how does asterisk know where the music files are stored? is there a config somewhere?
16:01.00Corydon76-homelunaphyte: by using the database to associate the calling party's channel with the extension
16:01.14tzafriribob63, in /etc/asterisk
16:01.30tzafrirAlthough IIRC sounds/ is a bit hard-wired
16:02.12Corydon76-homeActually, the music files are configurable in the musiconhold.conf file
16:03.47riddleboxI have compiled from source asterisk with make, make install and checked /var/run/asterisk.ctl does exist, but I cannot get asterisk to start?
16:04.01Gand_DJhrm.. curious. when I dial out through *, the other line will ring right aways like normal. If I call into my * box (using another voip acct) the call says established, but * doesn't pass it to my ext to "ring" for like 3-5 sec
16:07.43ibob63Corydon76: thanks that was what I was looking for.
16:09.07ibob63what does the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds folder store?
16:09.57ibob63it seem my asterisk is conf to use /mohmp3 as the music on hold directory
16:12.14riddleboxnm I just apt-get'd it and it works
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16:22.13tfrevorHullo, all.  Hoping I might be able to get a little help with an asterisk-related question.
16:23.51*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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16:25.18tfrevorHowdy, puzzled.  For so many people registered, I think we're the only two talkin'...
16:25.19*** join/#asterisk Leob (
16:26.42puzzledtfrevor: seems so although that's not unusual
16:27.09tfrevorMaybe, but it sure makes getting assistance rather difficult... :)
16:27.11LeobQUESTION about configuring Asterisk as a server: Hello there, how can I configure Asterisk to run as server with the -C option (so that I can read the config files from a specific directory)?
16:27.45puzzledtfrevor: guess so but you can always use the mailinglist too
16:27.52LeobSorry, I meant service:  how can I configure Asterisk to run as service with the -C option (so that I can read the config files from a specific directory)?
16:27.54tfrevorLeob:  Gratned, I'm a newbie to asterisk myself, but I would think that you could just change the paths in the asterisk.conf file, couldn't you?
16:28.27puzzledLeob: why don't you just put the config files in /etc/asterisk?
16:30.08tfrevorpuzzled:  I can see why I would put the other config files elsewhere (shared between multiple servers, backup directory, etc).
16:30.10Corydon76-homeOr alter /etc/init.d/asterisk to specify the -C option
16:30.40Leobhmm, so I'd have to change init.d by hand ...
16:30.56Corydon76-hometfrevor: yes, but you could put a singleton /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf file to change the paths
16:31.08puzzledtfrevor: well people asking such questions don't usually have reached the level of multiple servers and backup scenarios :)
16:31.49tfrevorpuzzled:  Better safe than sorry...  :D
16:31.54LeobI'm trying to leave all my config files in a separate disk ... is that a bad idea?
16:32.29Leobthis way, if I have to reinstall everything I don't have to worry about configs
16:32.38tfrevorLeob:  It's not a bad idea (IMO), but not a great one either.  I like to leave my config files in /etc ismply to have everything together and easy to find.
16:33.33Leobthat's what I'm doing, too ... but moving everything from /etc to my /data/etc folder
16:34.13tfrevorLeob:  Why not just link the /etc directory then?  Move your stuff to /data/etc, but still have the link to /etc ?
16:34.41Leobwould asterisk accept the link?
16:34.52tfrevorI don't see why not.
16:35.01Leoblet me try
16:37.03tfrevorGuess I'll just throw my question out, then...  I've recently converted the D-Link DVG-1120M to an 1120S for testing purposes with Asterisk (and, yes... I know about the quality).  Works great on the two FXS.  however, it also has a "line-in" and I read where it is supposed to be an FXO.  Telnetting into the box does say it has FXO options.  However, is that just a passthru to the included FXS or can it be used as a "true" FXO, passin
16:37.50puzzledno idea. didn't the manual say something about it?
16:38.17tfrevorNo manual.  It was a branded 1120M (AT&T CallVantage), which I head to convert to use as a SIP phone.
16:38.31tfrevor(Well, it had a manual, but only so far as using it with CallVantage)
16:39.12Leobalright, the link works just fine!  thanks for the help!
16:39.21tfrevorGlad to help Leob!
16:40.11*** join/#asterisk af_ (
16:41.08tfrevorFor what it's worth, I can't even find the definition for the different fxo signal settings...  It shows "fxo signal <Normal | PR | CPC | NTT>", but I'm not finding anything on those either...
16:44.01*** join/#asterisk hertell (
16:45.14tzafrirLeob, a good init.d script should require no hand configuration and instead source /etc/sysconfig/<servicename> for config
16:45.26hertellGood  evening everyone!
16:45.41tzafrir(On Debian: default instead of sysconfig)
16:45.56tfrevorHullo, Hertell.
16:46.15hertellcan someone point me to a somekind of troubleshoot-checklist?
16:46.24hertellhi tfrevor
16:46.47Leobtzafrir, thanks for the tip, but I don't think Asterisk's init.d script allows for a -C option...
16:46.49hertelli'm really loosing my hair.. ;-)
16:46.59tfrevorSorry, Hertell...  Don't know of anything like that.
16:47.41hertellok.. i'm just having trouble in getting voice transmitted between myself and anyone who is calling..
16:47.53tfrevorHertell:  Behind a firewall?
16:48.10riddleboxis there a way to asterisk to look to a different dir for all sounds?
16:48.48riddleboxor better yet, is the default dir, /etc/asterisk/sounds?
16:49.36tzafrirLeob, if they don't (in that way) then I consider it a bug. But this may be a matter of personal taste. The Debian package's init.d script does.
16:50.33*** join/#asterisk shakuhashi (n=teste@
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16:50.58tfrevorsorry 'bout that...  internet hiccup.
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16:54.02asterisk99Need help: Trying to get asterisk to run non-root... all is ok EXCEPT /dev/zap files are all root:root despite my adding rules to udev control files
16:55.38jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
16:57.17hertelltfrevor: yes, I'm behind a firewall
16:58.19tfrevorOkay... I remember reading something about that.
16:58.57tfrevorYour phone on one side and the asterisk box on another.  What are you using for the dialing?
16:59.40hertellmy phone and asterisk are in the same net, but calling out is like gambling. either you're lucky, or then you'r not.. :-(
16:59.46hertelli found this:
16:59.54*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
17:00.08hertelli'll check that right away, so that I can test that example
17:00.51tfrevorWell, you said that it's just your media stream that's not working?  The two systems do connect up?
17:01.28tfrevorReason I ask is that some FXS devices don't like to work through firewalls.  However, if they connect but no media stream, it could be that you don't have the 10000-20000 ports open, which it uses for the actual media stream.
17:01.38asterisk99Need help: Trying to get asterisk to run non-root... the only thing stopping me is UDEV and permissions (keep resetting back to root)
17:02.34hertellthe 10000 and 20000 should be open..
17:03.06*** join/#asterisk dpryo (
17:03.32tfrevorIs your local net being NAT-ted?
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17:06.26tfrevorhertell:  Don't know if you've seen it, but might answer some of the questions.
17:07.45tfrevorHope it helps.  I need to head out.
17:15.27*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
17:15.48frenzyhello all
17:16.04frenzyis there an open source IAX webphone available?
17:17.41dlublinkbest option is to use sip instead
17:17.44dlublinkif possible
17:17.58frenzyis there one available?
17:18.38dlublinkHaven't seen one, IAX is interAsterisk Exchange
17:18.47dlublinkit is meant for asterisk servers to communicate, I doubt you will find one
17:18.51frenzywhat about for SIP
17:19.06dlublinkI have spent ages trying to find softphones, and the only ones I ever found were SIP
17:19.28dlublinkxlite is free
17:19.30dlublinkand works well
17:19.44dlublinkjust if you use XLite, right click on the grey part of the phone and choose diagnostic log
17:19.49dlublinkit will make your life easier
17:20.20dpryoI want a xlite-workalike with GUI... The spaceship-thingie-looking xlite is horrible ;P
17:20.49dpryoScares the hell out of my users
17:21.13hertelltry linphone
17:21.57Gand_DJFirefly does iax
17:22.01dlublinkIt is horrible, but if you use the diagnostic log, it makes it 10 times easier
17:22.02Gand_DJalso ide-something
17:22.04SkramXHi All.
17:22.21dpryoI'm testing idefisk now... It looks clean.
17:23.40dlublinkHey, can anyone assist me with some basic extensions.conf file questions?
17:26.50*** join/#asterisk xmark (
17:29.09xmarkGood morning -- I was hoping I might ask a few asterisk config questions --
17:30.20*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=-
17:31.24xmarkDoes anyone know how to make an extension dial out on a particular device.  Sorry this seems like a simple quetion, but I'm having a hard time trackin down the answer
17:32.42frenzydoes SER have a room on freenode?
17:34.36frenzynow that would kill my PC
17:35.30lunaphytehow can i change the folders available through voicemail?
17:37.45asterisk99Can anyone tell me if /etc/udev/rules.d/udev.rules is the same as /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules ???   (Me use ubuntu)
17:38.54asterisk99xmark: U mean dial out on a particular Zap line or PRI chanel?
17:40.27xmarkYes on a zap port.  I have a TDM22B card 2 FXO Ports I'd like to have a particular extension always dial out on the "first port"
17:41.14tzafrirfrenzy, there can't be a real webphone , I suppose. There is mozphone which is a mozilla extension. There is also one ActiveX phone
17:41.51asterisk99xmark: Dial(Zap/1... or Dial(Zap/2...
17:41.51*** join/#asterisk poemius (
17:41.52tzafrirxmark, use g0
17:42.19tzafrirDial(Zap/gNUM/number) , where NUM is the group number
17:42.19poemiushello :)
17:42.51xmarkDoesn't Dial mean for dial the extension?
17:43.00asterisk99xmark: I think u want to specify the exact port --- I don't think you want a group number
17:43.29xmarka99: I think your right
17:43.31asterisk99xmark: Yes, you are going to "Dial" the outside line
17:43.34poemiusin a sense it dials anything... an extension or even a remote extension
17:43.46xmarkHere is how I have my extension defined
17:43.49xmarkexten => 2000,1,Dial,Zap/2|20
17:43.49xmarkexten => 2000,2,Voicemail,u2000
17:43.49xmarkexten => 2000,3,Hangup
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17:45.21asterisk99xmark: (Assuming that's from your SIP context (section)) that takes care of answering extensions ... are you not asking about dialing PSTNs?
17:45.27poemiuswow, lots of people in asterisk-unregistered :)... I didn't think there would be that many people
17:46.17xmarka99:  Yes I need them to dial out on the PSTN.  They are actually analog devices attached to an FXS port but I think the concept is the same
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17:47.08poemius:) bridging with a legacy PABX?
17:47.22dpryoWhat is the best way of programaticly make my sip-phone call somebody? Say I want a webpage where users can log in and make calls.. Should I use originate through asterisk manager?
17:47.23tzafrirasterisk99, what's wrong with a group dial here?
17:47.36tzafrirIt will use the first availble phone of the group, right?
17:47.54jpablodpryo: I do it creating files in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
17:48.28asterisk99tzafrir: I thought xmark wanted to call out on "a particular device"?
17:48.43dpryojpablo: So then the users phone will ring, and when he picks up, the phone continues to ring the other party?
17:48.46*** part/#asterisk rob0 (
17:49.03xmarka99, tz maybe my terminology is not correct --
17:49.08jpablodpryo: that's rigth
17:49.11tzafrirjpablo, moving files to there, I hope
17:49.16xmarkby device I mean FXO port...
17:49.17jpablotzafrir: yeah
17:49.39jpablocreating them in /tmp then renaming them to outgoing
17:49.44dpryojpablo: Thanks.. Btw, you know if there is a way to also transfer calls?
17:49.53asterisk99xmark: Then I assumed correctly  (I think)
17:49.54xmarkI need exten 2000 to always dial out on one particular port
17:50.05jpablodpryo: humm, that probably will involve the manager api
17:50.23jpablodpryo: but i have never done that
17:50.28dpryoOk :)
17:51.16jpabloi created a simple webbased company directory, then allowed people to call each other with a click on the browser.
17:51.41poemius:) sounds pretty neat :)
17:51.53dpryoYeah, I've also created such thing, via the asterisk manager api.. Just wondered if there was another or better way of doing it.
17:52.02dpryoIt really impresses bosses :)
17:52.07asterisk99xmark: you don;t quite understand the exten => 2000, setup in extensions.conf ... That's what happens WHEN you dial 2000 (in whatever context you happen to be ... example: you might define all your SIP phones to be in one particular context)
17:52.27poemiusdefinitely looks neat :)
17:52.34asterisk99xmark: what you want is a plan for dialing PSTNS  ... that's different
17:52.48xmarka99 -- Ok I follow
17:53.06xmarkWhere do I create a dialplane for PSTN?
17:53.11hertellguys.. does anyone know any tool to debug *?
17:53.22poemiusasterisk -rvvvv
17:53.26asterisk99xmark: so what u want is something like exten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,Answer()
17:53.39jpablodpryo: i think the manager api is a clearner way than creating files
17:53.54hertellmainly what I want is to understand why eg. I can't hear a squat when calling for example to the free world dialup echo-test..
17:54.25poemiushertell: may be firewall rules
17:54.37hertellthsy should be correct..
17:54.43asterisk99xmark: the word "context" was confusing to me when I first saw it ... think "section" ... or "subroutine"
17:54.55poemiushertell: using X10?
17:55.17hertelli'm forwarding port 5060, 4569, 5036 and 10000:20000
17:55.32hertelli'm using a spa3k
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17:55.47hertellboth * and my spa is behind a nat-firewall
17:55.58hertelli can call *
17:56.27xmarka99 exten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,Answer() -- doesn't this mean to just anwer the call?
17:56.45hertellcheck voicemail etc, but calling to fwd:s 613 echo test gives me just an quiet line..
17:57.31poemiusnot sure which ones are necessary, but I know I opened 5060:5063 5036:5040 8000:8003, 4569, 4520 (tcp and udp)
17:57.37asterisk99xmark: as for extension 2000, ${CHANNEL} will tell you WHICH phone is the caller ... you'll have to GotoIf() that   [good luck! GotoIf() is the kinkiest syntax I've ever seen ... except for a horrible Canadian-invented computer language called APL]
17:57.38poemiusI did the config a long time ago
17:58.24hertellpoemius: are you sure that also tcp?
17:58.39hertellpoemius: i have just udp..
17:58.41poemiussome are udp, others tcp
17:59.03poemiusbut one port you don't seem to have is 8000, this one is udp
17:59.10poemiusjust to be sure, I opened both :)
17:59.52tronixxmark: what hardware card do you have connected to the PSTN? TDM400P? X100P?
17:59.57hertellhmm. darn.. according to there is no 8000
18:00.50tronixpoemius: also if you run SIP, need to open up RTP ports
18:00.55tronixwhich will be an UDP port range
18:01.00poemiusI think it has to do with nat traversal
18:01.23poemius:) you don't lose anything, try
18:01.24asterisk99NAT traversal is a b**ch
18:01.41xmarktronix - I have a TDM400P (2FXO and 2FXS) I can dial out on the the PSTN via FXO or I can dial out via iax peer but I wonder how to tell an extension how to connect the call (IAx or which FXO port)
18:01.50poemiusoh it works fine:)
18:02.16poemiusthey made progress... I use regularely my ipaq to dial my asterisk pbx through wifi
18:02.24tronixxmark: ahh, I see. here is an example:
18:02.56poemius they mention port 8000
18:03.25tronixexten => _2.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1},${TIMEOUT})
18:03.37tronixthat means if you use 2 then number
18:03.40tronixit will put through PSTN
18:04.09tronixexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/user@provider/${EXTEN:1},${TIMEOUT})
18:04.27tronixmeans if you use 9 then 1 then area code then number (for north america), it will send through VOIP
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18:04.43tronixthat's a basic example of how to configure a dial plan using patterns
18:04.46tronix(and prefixes)
18:04.51lunaphytehow can i change the folders available through voicemail?
18:05.07xmarktronix -- thanks -- I'll give it a whirl
18:05.14tronixalso, EXTEN:1 means strip first digit
18:05.21tronixso for 2<number>, EXTEN:1 will strip '2'
18:05.24tronixbefore dialing
18:05.41tronixif you had a prefix of 213 <number> then use EXTEN:3 to strip first 3 digits. etc
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18:08.54SkramXwhats wrong with SetCIDNum(${CIDNUM})? It doesnt work, but doing SetCIDNum(NPANXXXXXXX) does work *shrug*
18:09.20tronixcould it be that your voip provider is picky about checking?
18:09.36SkramXbut i use the exact same number in [global
18:09.39tronixalso, not sure if dashes are allowed in CIDNUM. I know it works fine in that format.
18:09.43SkramX] as i did...
18:10.23SkramXits not the carrier (asterlink) its asterisk.. i have CIDNUM=XXXXXXXXXX in [globals] that means I can use ${CIDNUM} where-ever I want, right?
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18:10.53psyk0I have a problem with register =>
18:11.05psyk0but when I comment [sipprovider-out] everything works well except I can't make outgoing call
18:11.12psyk0anybody have a solution?
18:11.32tronixxmark: don't forget that, also, in the context where you defined your softphones... also have two lines: 'include => outbound-analog' and 'include => outbound-voip' (or whatever you call these contexts) so they will be able to use these contexts to place outbound calls. and reload *, of course.
18:14.27psyk0no solution?
18:20.21*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
18:22.01jpablopsyk0: your [sipprobla is pointing to the right context?
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18:30.09psyk0jpablo: i have found the problem
18:30.35psyk0I must use the same extension as my SIP username account
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18:52.48iaxyIs there a way to start asterisk and have it dump to a log file when it doesn't start? I can't start asterisk and it is not logginganything
18:53.07iaxyactually there is no /var/log/messages
18:53.15iaxyactually there is no /var/log/asterisk/messages
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18:54.58RoyKiaxy: logger.conf defines what files to log to
18:56.46iaxyactually that should be asterisk.conf, no?
18:58.44stoffelliaxy: no
18:59.08TallAndyIs there a way when using 'Originate' to get the line status back into a variable in phpagi. Eg line: engaged, dead, no answer, dialed sucessfully?
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19:00.19iaxyhmmm.... asterisk.conf => path to log file
19:00.42stoffelliaxy: and logger.conf defines 'what' to log
19:01.12iaxyso where do I find out what file it logs to?
19:01.23stoffelliaxy: and make sure your verbosity is high enough
19:02.00iaxyMy * isn't starting.... so I am trying -gdc to find out why, but its not logging anywhere.
19:02.17stoffelliaxy;  tail /var/log/asterisk/full ?
19:02.37stoffelliaxy, start it like:  asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc
19:02.55iaxydamn...there it is
19:03.51iaxyunable to open zap channel.. failed.... I didn't change zap*.conf files.....
19:04.13stoffelliaxy, edit modules.conf and disable zap for now..
19:04.36stoffellput noload => for the moment
19:05.50tronixiaxy: run 'ztcfg -vvv' first; it may reconfigure zaptel
19:05.57tronix(to match what you actually ahve)
19:09.18iaxyNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
19:09.18iaxyline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
19:10.08iaxyWTF , I didn't change it.
19:10.26Qwelliaxy: got the modules loaded?
19:10.27Abydos313make clean, make && make install from /usr/src/zaptel :))
19:10.51stoffellmaybe let iaxy try without zaptel for the moment... ? :)
19:11.22Qwelliaxy's don't need zap anyhow :p
19:11.33stoffellyeah, it did sound silly, didn't it? :p
19:13.23iaxyit goes without chan_xap
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19:23.25iaxysomething is putting channel=>zap/1 in my zap conf, and thats breaking it
19:23.36hertelldoes anyone know of any online-nat-debugging tool so that I could test if i have screwed up something with my firewall?
19:23.56hertellmainly for testing the SIP-traffic
19:24.48stoffelliaxy, try putting noload => in modules.conf
19:25.23stoffellhertell, tail -f your firewall logs? ;)
19:25.36iaxystoffell, I did that and it started. I started looking for the trouble and found that line in zap conf
19:26.11stoffelliaxy, okay. zaptel gives an error probably because your /etc/zaptel.conf or /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf are wrong
19:26.21stoffelliaxy, do you have zaptel-hardware and the needed drivers?
19:26.23hertellmy firewall has no logging-features..
19:26.39iaxyhehehe.... channel=>zap/1 is wrong
19:26.53iaxyshould read channel => 1
19:27.34stoffelliaxy, indeed, your zapata.conf is wrong
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19:52.00riddleboxdoes the debian package of asterisk change where sounds are stored from the default source compile?
19:52.19GrizzyIs there a tutorial for x-lite -> firewall -> asterisk ?
19:52.24modulus`hi qwell
19:52.27QwellGrizzy: at asteriskguru
19:52.34troyb1greetings Qwell
19:52.37QwellI think it mentions firewall
19:52.48modulus`qwell can you help me with something?
19:52.51QwellI can try
19:53.14modulus`qwell where can i find a good wall mount pc or pc case to run my ass tricks box on?
19:53.18QwellKatty: just thought you'd like to know...I went to subway the other night :P
19:53.26Grizzydoes asterisk implement STUN, or do I need a separate package?
19:53.28Qwellmodulus`: get a rackmount case
19:53.36modulus`i hate racks
19:53.39modulus`i work in a colo
19:53.42KattyQwell: yay :>
19:53.49Qwellwell, they probably make wallmount mini-itx cases
19:53.52troyb1if you work in a colo rack servers should make you jump for joy.
19:54.05modulus`i need 4-5 pci slots for fxo interfaces though
19:54.11Qwellwhy so many?
19:54.18riddleboxQwell, where are the sounds by default in a source compile?
19:54.22Qwelljust get a single tdm400p instead of 4 cheap ones
19:54.30Qwellriddlebox: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/, I believe
19:54.33modulus`i already have fxo interfaces lying around
19:54.35modulus`single port
19:54.38modulus`nothing to do with them
19:54.42Qwellmodulus`: 4 ports is bad...
19:54.47SibRphrek? for y'all
19:54.50Qwellrather, using 4 pci slots is
19:54.53SibRphrekI am setting up a phone tree
19:54.59modulus`i never had irq conflicts
19:55.05SibRphrekbut when the user enters ext 1,2 or 3, it never goes anywhere
19:55.08KattyQwell: what did you eat for me?
19:55.23QwellKatty: meatball - extra meat, extra cheese :(
19:56.08SibRphrekdoes this look right to y'all
19:56.23modulus`it's horrid
19:56.45riddleboxQwell, thats so wierd, I did a backup of my old asterisk stuff, then had to reinstall debian, so I just used the package in apt, and my custom sounds that I recorded dont work, unless I put the full path in?
19:56.48QwellSibRphrek: looks fine
19:57.00Qwellriddlebox: yeah, debian is silly
19:57.52SibRphrekQwell: the DTMF tones from ym cell phone aren't registering properly with that code
19:58.11QwellSibRphrek: make sure your dtmfmode matches the provider
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20:05.32modulus`anyone here ever install asterisk on a wall mount pc case?
20:07.10modulus`do you have a link or a url for the wall mount case?
20:07.21wisdomthere are a lot of them out there
20:07.31modulus`i can't seem to find any
20:09.01poemiuslol, just read the april 1st asterisk 2.0 release :)... for a second I felt like... wow, I missed a lot of things :)
20:09.44russellbpoemius: lol
20:09.52russellbpoemius: you'd be surprised how many people took that seriously
20:10.46poemiuslol it did sound believable :)... until I hit the date at the end :)
20:11.10poemiusespecially, as I have not followed things much lately :)
20:11.47poemiuslol :) eliminate April 1sts , Friday the thirteenn
20:11.50poemiusall mondays :)
20:11.58poemiusput twice as many fridays :)
20:12.22xmarkoops sorry
20:13.20airwaveshehe that's funny as hell
20:14.21poemiusmoved to c# and all :)
20:14.24poemiusfunky stuff :)
20:14.50airwavesi skimmed through it only briefly... then i got to the part where  it said they removed SIP... I said 'wait a sec'.. looked at the date, and did the great DUHHHHHHHH
20:15.20poemius" And I'm so
20:16.29airwaveshehehe... i didn't see that part until i went through the whole thing in detail
20:16.56airwavesone funny part was where they were talking about an oracle DB for the whole thing...  there are systems out there where the backends are entirely SQL
20:17.56airwavesbut even those systems still befriend... some...arctic bird..or something
20:18.39russellbi'm going to write some april 1st code
20:18.44SibRphrekwhere do i go to fix
20:18.44SibRphrekWARNING[26809]: app_voicemail.c:2384 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for ''
20:19.24russellbSibRphrek: you didn't specify a mailbox number
20:19.32russellbprobably :)
20:19.38Qwell1.2.1...I bet
20:19.43russellbQwell: d'oh
20:19.52russellbSibRphrek: what version are you running
20:21.32russellbQwell: 0wn3d
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20:39.26SibRphrekdtmf does not work from cells phoens
20:40.37modulus`what's a dtmf?
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20:40.56SibRphrekwhen you press 1 it registers you pressed it
20:41.01SibRphrekdial tone something
20:42.33SibRphreki'm only talking about my dtmf
20:42.37SibRphrekin reference ot what i wrote earlier
20:46.34[Airwolf]Can anyone advise me in a VoIP phone with SIP/IAX support and some standard functions ?
20:46.42[Airwolf]What is a populair/good hardphone
20:47.07modulus`polycom ip601
20:49.59[Airwolf]modulus`, the website doesn't say it supports iax
20:51.15modulus`airwolf, i never heard of a voip phone that supports iax
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20:54.10[Airwolf]modulus`, there are phones who do support it
20:55.10modulus`show me a link or url with such a phone
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20:56.25meshugai've used a couple of horribly crappy ones
20:56.35meshugathe iax ATA is ok
20:56.51modulus`that's a phone?
20:57.28[Airwolf]modulus`, I have seen one at a friend of mine. But I have no idea what type it is.
20:57.29meshugatheres no good iax phones that i have seen as well
20:57.48__AK__hi all, anyone know if it possible to enumlookup a name, ex instead of enumlookup +33170707070, i'd like to enumlookup
20:57.59[Airwolf]But I thought today more hard phones would support iax
20:58.14[Airwolf]But I'm wrong then.
20:58.24meshugathey should
20:58.31meshugabut they dont
20:58.44[Airwolf]I really hate Sip for the nat issues
20:58.47SibRphreknice i got my crazy extentions.conf to work - still no dtmf off my cell tho
20:59.00meshugaSibRphrek: dtmfmode=inband
20:59.06SibRphrekmeshuga: i tried that
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20:59.09meshuga[Airwolf] : stun fixes that
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20:59.24SibRphreki dunno if it has to be set to inband on my asterisk server or the one it's friending to
20:59.34[Airwolf]meshuga, well I don't have a stun server.
20:59.44meshuga[Airwolf] : then start one. or use xten's
21:00.03meshugaSibRphrek: if you're going from * to *, rfc2833 should be fine.
21:00.13[Airwolf]meshuga, I have to look it up how that works and all.
21:00.21meshugai'd debug iax and see if that even works
21:00.22meshuga[Airwolf] : its just a proxy.
21:00.30meshugaer, debug iax and see if you even see the dtmf tones
21:00.35meshugaon local
21:00.38meshugathen debug remote and see the same thing.
21:00.47[Airwolf]meshuga, is it hard to setup ?
21:01.08meshuga[Airwolf] : not really
21:01.26EthonDoes someone has any information why Caller Presentation is broken on bri channels in asterisk 1.2.1 ?
21:02.25[Airwolf]meshuga, ok
21:02.38SibRphrekmeshuga: rfc2833 nor inband work
21:02.47meshugaSibRphrek: i told you, debug the iax on either side
21:02.53meshugaand see if the dtmf tones are even being passed across.
21:03.07meshugafirst locally, then remotely.
21:03.16SibRphrekthey work from my softphone
21:03.19SibRphrekjust not my cell phone
21:05.07Olobolawill an unplugged (no phone line) wildcard cause asterisk to fail when starting?
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21:07.09QwellOlobola: no
21:08.00russellbQwell: you have an svn server, don't you?
21:08.08Qwellrussellb: at work, yeah
21:08.14russellbQwell: how long does it take to set up
21:08.25Qwellnot long at all, if you don't need mod_dav_svn
21:08.39Qwellcreate the repos, and thats about it, heh
21:09.09russellbok, well i was about to do it on a LUG's server, but didn't want to start if I wasn't going to finish :)
21:09.55OlobolaQwell: thanks
21:10.32Qwellrussellb: there is the easy way, and the way kpfleming did it :p
21:11.44russellbQwell: lol
21:12.19Corydon76-homeActually, the way kpfleming did it isn't much more difficult
21:12.43Qwellwith keys and all?  It's a bit more involved
21:12.47Corydon76-homeKevin just added private keys to the mix
21:13.23Corydon76-homebut there's no difference in the configuration of mod_dav_svn between the way Kevin did it and the way most people do it
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21:14.15Corydon76-homeThe difference is in the SSL layer
21:14.26OlobolaHere is my problem: Loading module failed!
21:14.46QwellOlobola: delete that file, and the others
21:14.51Corydon76-homeOlobola: rm -f /usr/lib/asterisk/chan_modem*
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21:15.24Qwellrussellb wins :p
21:15.25Corydon76-homeOh, modules, yeah
21:15.35poemiusrm -R / anyone? :)
21:15.48russellbpoemius: oh noes!
21:15.49poemius:) do not try this at home
21:16.04Corydon76-homeWhy oh why did we ever create that extra directory?
21:16.22poemiusyou mean the / directory?
21:16.30Corydon76-homeNo, modules
21:16.44russellbno idea
21:16.54Corydon76-home/usr/lib/asterisk doesn't have anything else in it
21:17.08poemiusmaybe because modules  starts with the same letters as moose?
21:17.08Olobolarussellb: Asterisk Ready. Thank you.
21:17.11russellbi guess, just in case we wanted to put something else in there?
21:17.23Corydon76-homepoemius: penis?
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21:17.46russellbpoemius: that doesn't make any sense :-p
21:17.47OlobolaQwell: thanks
21:17.48poemiusmmm, I guess it's a hard one to figure out :)
21:18.24poemiusbrb phone
21:18.47Qwellbecause there are subdirs in /var/lib/asterisk/
21:22.31modulus`touch it
21:22.37modulus`oops! wrong window!!
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21:26.32poemiusoh I feel touched :)
21:29.32Corydon76-homeWhere do you feel touched?  :-)
21:33.19justinutouched by the hand of god
21:34.03poemiuswell I would not mind if it was by the hands of angelina jolie, cindy crawford, or... :)
21:34.15poemiusI'm not picky :)
21:34.35Corydon76-homeWhat about Brad Pitt?
21:35.08poemiusmmmmmmmmm :) nah :), if he asks, I'll give him your number if you want
21:36.56Corydon76-homeHeh, I wouldn't mind that at all
21:37.53poemiussounds good, if I ever meet him, I'll transmit the message :)
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21:45.30frenzycan someone please tell me more about the FXO module
21:45.39frenzydoes it come with ports?
21:47.09russellbum ... I don't understand your question
21:47.21russellbare you asking about the TDM400P?
21:47.24frenzyasin I take the TDM400P
21:47.31frenzyit has four ports
21:47.40russellbthe FXO module enables one of the ports to be an FXO port
21:47.40frenzyand I take another FXO module
21:47.44frenzyso I can have 8 ports
21:48.08frenzyif I want more than 4 ?
21:48.15russellbthen you can get the TDM2400P
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21:48.19russellbwhich allows 24 ports on one card
21:48.30frenzythe Developer kit
21:48.35frenzyhow many ports does it have?
21:48.45russellbprobably 1 FXS and 1 FXO
21:48.59russellbif you want to be able to extend beyond 4, you should consider the 2400P
21:49.26frenzy2400P from the screen shot I see a connector
21:49.32frenzyare the ports external?
21:49.41russellbyes, it's an amphenol connector
21:50.22frenzywhere can I buy the external port device?
21:50.42russellbanyone selling the TDM2400P probably sells one ...
21:51.08frenzyI dont see it in the digium store
21:57.33*** join/#asterisk shawarma (
21:58.01shawarmaHi! Can any of you explain the difference between type=peer and type=friend in sip.conf?
21:58.57*** join/#asterisk veepster (
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22:00.25veepsterhey, I just installed asterisk and zaptel software on an ubuntu box. where do I go from here? I have some basic questions : why do I need zaptel. what kind of hardware do I need to get this to work. Do I need two nics. whats a good way to test etc
22:00.28*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
22:01.26_DAWHello all
22:02.07Corydon76-homeYou only need zaptel if you have TDM hardware
22:03.31Corydon76-homeand you only need two nics if your network layout demands it
22:11.36veepsterthanks. should I be worried if I dont know what TDM means?
22:11.43dpryoNo :)
22:12.24fugitivo~seen coppice
22:12.31jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 13h 14m 18s ago, saying: 'you mean packets are delivered by a cron job? :-\'.
22:14.33*** part/#asterisk bitmap (
22:16.13veepsteranyway, whats the basic hardware I need in addition to a linux PC with asterisk installed to test voip functionality? As mentioned earlier, I have also installed zaptel but dont know why
22:24.41poemiusyou need ztdummy for timing purposes
22:24.52poemiusas well as a soft client like x lite or sjphone
22:25.11poemius:) as provided in the compiling instructions
22:28.23veepsterapt-get in ubuntu bypasses compilation unfortunately
22:30.13shawarmaI'm having trouble understanding the difference between a friend and a peer in sip.conf. The info on seems to indicate, that a peer is someone you only place calls TO, but a sample asterisk conf from a sip provider I found says to use type=peer... How does that make sense?
22:31.14poemiuswelcme back :)
22:31.29kramthank ye
22:32.54Corydon76-homeshawarma: because a peer has evolved over time
22:33.10shawarmaCorydon76-home: So... which one is true?
22:33.39shawarmaCorydon76-home: figures...
22:33.54*** join/#asterisk wrench (
22:34.15Corydon76-homeDue to the SIP spec, we were unable to confine a peer in the SIP stack into only receiving calls
22:34.44Corydon76-homeIt had to be able to send new calls back to us, as well
22:34.58sivanaso for SIP, does that mean user/peer no longer and friend/peer are the same?
22:35.06shawarmaSo what is the difference?
22:35.30Corydon76-homeFor the time being, it's ambiguous
22:35.43Corydon76-homeA user is restricted to only sending calls to the PBX
22:35.53Corydon76-homeHowever, a peer is not so restricted
22:36.54Corydon76-homeIf you want to resolve the ambiguity in a calm, sophisticated way, look up the authors of the SIP spec, find them on the street, and give them a bloody nose.
22:37.35zambai'm trying to set up a cisco 7940GP on asterisk using sccp
22:37.50zambai can get the phone seemingly connected.. i see the line number i gave it on the display
22:37.57zambabut after that, it just freezes totally
22:38.14shawarmaCorydon76-home: Will do.. Until then, which one should I choose?
22:38.17zambausing tcpdump i see that the phone tries to get a tlv-file
22:38.32Corydon76-homeshawarma: whichever one works
22:38.50shawarmaCorydon76-home: :-D
22:39.22shawarmaCorydon76-home: I see.. Does the difference by any chance have anything to do with the peer having to authenticate against me on incoming calls?
22:39.53Corydon76-homeIt depends greatly on how you configured it.
22:41.27Corydon76-homeIf we had built in only 3 switches to configure everything, Asterisk would be a lot simpler, but it wouldn't interoperate with as much equipment.  Hence, there's a lot of choices when it comes to configuration.
22:41.46Corydon76-homeHence, I can't give you a more clear answer
22:43.52shawarmaCorydon76-home: Right, ok. Well, the actual problem is that my voip provider is apparantly chaning some software, so they want me to change the hostname of the server, I'm connecting to, but as soon as I change it, any calls I place go dead after about three seconds. sip debug tells me that the server sends me a 503 of some sort.. It
22:44.20shawarmait's really quite odd and their support is not very helpful.
22:44.25*** join/#asterisk kizmet (n=kizmet@freematrix/sponsor/kizmet)
22:45.30Mavviedigiums phone number is broken :-)
22:45.45kizmetMavvie, Maybe they upgraded Asterisk :P
22:48.04Abydos313kizmet heh, good one
22:48.48kizmetAbydos313, Some things in 1.2.X arnt the  same as in 1.0.X :)
22:49.08*** join/#asterisk samueltc (n=samuel@levinux.UQAR.UQUEBEC.CA)
22:49.10Abydos313it's not just an upgrade?
22:49.36Abydos313still funny when you think of it. they upgrade their own shit and it stops working. that would be funny
22:49.44samueltchi, any recommendation for a terminaison provider with inbound dtmf support?
22:50.20sivanaare there that many providers with no dtmf support?
22:50.29kizmetsivana, yes lol
22:50.45sivanawow.. didnt' think dtmf was such a big deal
22:51.35kizmetsivana, 3/5 SIP providers in Australia dont provide a stable DTMF service.
22:51.46*** join/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
22:52.06Abydos313kizmet doesn't that make it difficult to integrate older phone systems to voip
22:52.32kizmetAbydos313, yup
22:52.50Abydos313sucks not to be able to dail
22:53.00kizmetAbydos313, hehe.
22:53.16kizmetAbydos313, it usually affects IVR more than anything.
22:53.44Abydos313i bet that would be a pain very quickly
22:54.44Abydos313just got a dell xps 933mhz box for free :)) it's pretty damn fast for a p3
22:57.22*** join/#asterisk forao (
23:00.14samueltcso nobody wants my money?
23:01.01kizmetsamueltc, your in the usa i assume ?
23:01.07kizmetor canada
23:02.05kizmetAbydos313, I got a Quad Opteron Dual Core box last night delivered to my door :)
23:02.07samueltccanada, but I need terminaison in UK, canada and US
23:02.24kizmetsamueltc, Uhm Gimme a sec i'll do some research for you :)
23:02.34samueltckizmet: I appreciate
23:02.46poemiusoh if you want to give me money just like that :) no problem :)
23:03.17kizmetsamueltc, for UK termination
23:03.33kizmetsamueltc, I use them as one of my upstreams :)
23:04.21samueltcI need short term (for a demo tomorrow)
23:04.43kizmetsamueltc, *whistle*
23:04.56kizmetit might not have a -
23:05.11xachenit does
23:05.21xachenI was thinking voip-info there :)
23:05.27SkramX <== Cisco Phone (SKINNY) errors, please help :)
23:05.55SkramXFeb 26 17:05:37 ERROR[16097]: chan_skinny.c:2363 handle_message: Rejecting Device SEP00D0BA8474DA: Device not found
23:06.08kizmetThe register has an article blaming the uprise in P2P traffic as a result of file sharing and systems like BtTorrent for a downturn in the quality of Skype calls.
23:06.15lunaphyteSkramX: i have trouble with a skinny phone too - someone suggested chan_sccp, which has worked great so far.
23:06.18kizmetrofl Skype sucks anyways *sigh*
23:06.28SkramXi think i may have fixed it.
23:06.34SkramXlunaphyte: what do you mean?
23:06.38Mavvieman... digium phone support is hell++
23:07.07SkramXlunaphyte: link?
23:07.15SkramXit keeps "requesting load id"
23:08.05x86finally :) :)
23:08.31franckI get some cross talk on my zap lines
23:08.37franckHow comes?
23:10.45SkramXlunaphyte: was it a 12SP+?
23:11.10Mavviefranck: sound from other channels or misconnected channels?
23:12.07franckMavvie: it seems sound from other channels
23:12.14franckzap channels
23:12.24Mavviefranck: aha, don't have that problem yet.
23:12.41kizmetfranck, Analog or PRI ?
23:12.51franckI run my card in debug mode... so I will remove that and see... but wonder if it is a well known issue
23:13.02x86anyone here in the UK?
23:13.10SkramXDevice SEP00D0BA8474DA is attempting to register
23:13.10SkramXFeb 26 17:12:22 ERROR[32341]: chan_skinny.c:2363 handle_message: Rejecting Device SEP00D0BA8474DA: Device not found
23:13.13kizmetx86, I have a number in the Uk heh
23:13.19SkramXbut its in my skinny.conf!
23:13.29x86kizmet: me too, i'm trying to debug it ;)
23:13.42kizmetx86 who with ?
23:13.53kizmetx86 i can call u for cheap if you want....
23:14.08x86ok call me if you would
23:14.12franckkizmet: analog
23:14.17franckthe new tdm24000 cards
23:14.29kizmetfranck, hmmm i have had that problem before are you using a X101P clone ?
23:14.35SkramXlunaphyte: how do you find out your version?
23:15.04franckWhat is a X101P clone
23:15.06lunaphytewhat version?
23:15.31kizmetx86, All i get are beeps in 3 second lengths   with half a sec time between
23:15.54x86you sure you're dialing international correctly?
23:15.55SkramXSENTIEN*CLI>  skinny show devices
23:15.58SkramXflorian              SEP(00D0BA8474D          0 N         1
23:16.03SkramXDevice SEP00D0BA8474DA is attempting to register
23:16.03SkramXFeb 26 17:15:41 ERROR[7075]: chan_skinny.c:2363 handle_message: Rejecting Device SEP00D0BA8474DA: Device not found
23:16.06SkramXthat makes no sense!
23:16.28kizmetx86, other than being connected through for my UK termination yes :)
23:17.07*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
23:17.17NewSolefile file where is file
23:17.54NewSoleneed to talk... shido6 sent me
23:19.50SkramXlunaphyte: so how does sccp work.. it is instead of using skinny?
23:19.50poemius:) wow 3 . :)
23:20.04lunaphyteSkramX: yes
23:20.44SkramXand you just followed the instructions and it just worked?
23:23.18x86kizmet: i would verify your setup... maybe it doesnt let you dial national numbers or something, but I had another native UK'er test it and it worked fine :)
23:24.01jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
23:24.31lunaphyteSkramX: yes
23:27.00*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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23:27.52acidchildvonage + asterisk
23:27.54acidchildcan it be done?
23:28.07poemiusacidchild : broadvoice or voicepulse
23:28.18Mavvie1300 88 686 doesn't work via our PRI provider, it doesn't work via my mobile, but it does work via my home phone.
23:28.23Mavviehow to explain that to customers?
23:28.54acidchildpoemius: i wondered what i could do with asterisk
23:29.07kizmetMavvie, I can test from my voip if you want.
23:29.09acidchildjust for the fun of it :)
23:29.16kizmetMavvie, You seem to be an australian :)
23:29.22poemiusMavvie : vonage locks their people with mac address with their unlimited plan
23:29.27poemiusmaybe with softphone
23:29.37poemiusoops directed at acidchild
23:29.37acidchildpoemius: is there away i can let my mate use my phone(voip) line? via like asterisk client?
23:29.52poemiuswith broadvoice yes
23:30.00acidchildah cool
23:30.08Mavviekizmet: by residence, not by nature.
23:30.12kizmetMavvie, Whats the full number your missing a digit above :)
23:30.19Mavviekizmet: none.
23:30.28kizmetMavvie, siff ;)
23:30.41kizmet1300 88 686
23:30.46kizmetyour missing a digit
23:31.05Mavviekizmet: the number gets called, and connected, when I dial it from my home phone.
23:31.11MavvieI even get a person on the line!
23:31.45SkramXcan i change the ringer for my 12SP+?
23:31.56SkramXlunaphyte: *hug*, chan_sccp worked
23:32.14*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
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23:32.55Mavviekizmet: but that could indeed be the reason it didn't get through on the other networks.
23:33.02SkramXlunaphyte: were you able to set it to say something on the screen?
23:33.03kizmetMavvie, :)
23:33.22FuriousGeorgehi all
23:33.24kizmetMavvie, Telstra & Optus lines are smart (sorta) they guess numbers :)
23:33.32x86when i get international calls, it shows me the CallerID correctly, but it does not give me the orginating country code... any way to append that?
23:33.52kizmetx86, unless your incoming passes it no.
23:34.12x86i know everything that comes through a given SIP extension will be in the UK
23:34.25x86so i could append it manually with SetCallerID or something?
23:34.28kizmetunless you were to 'guess' the country code on the pattern of the callers number :)
23:34.57lunaphyteSkramX: time and date.
23:35.00kizmetx86, you could Set(CALLERIDNAME="Uk Caller"); I think thats right :/
23:35.08kizmetx86, checking
23:35.43kizmetx86, Set(CALLERID(name)="1300 663 721 (Support)");
23:35.49zimba022set(callerid(name)="uk caller")
23:35.53kizmetas an example will set the callerid name of the call :)
23:36.11kizmetMavvie, yes that is my 1300 number :)
23:36.34Mavvieaeria networks.
23:36.40kizmetMavvie, :)
23:37.26Mavviegoogle is great for the blackpages :-)
23:38.45x86kizmet: there is also SetCallerID("UK Caller (${CALLERIDNAME})" <+44-${CALLERIDNUM}>)
23:38.52SkramXlunaphyte: what is the line in to call the phone?
23:39.05kizmetx86, yes :)
23:40.06kizmetMavvie, there used to be but they got knocked off the net
23:41.38*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
23:41.46kramany bay area folks here?
23:41.59filekram: sadly no :(
23:43.31russellbkram: !!!!!!!!
23:43.53filerussellb: I miss drumkilla >.<
23:44.01russellbI'm sorry :(
23:44.19SkramXlunaphyte: what is the line in to call the phone?
23:44.25SkramXthats all I need to know
23:44.27poemiusbay area... anywhere near casablanca?
23:44.37poemiuswe have a bay too, you know :)
23:44.58poemiusplenty of camels too
23:45.14russellbok, everyone makes calls through iaxtel
23:45.16russellball at once
23:45.53poemiussynchronize watches
23:46.02poemiusthis message will self destruc
23:46.31poemius. t
23:52.07SkramXFeb 26 17:52:01 WARNING[21545]: rtp.c:1017 ast_rtp_settos: Unable to set TOS to 184
23:52.29*** join/#asterisk Psykick (n=anon@
23:52.32Psykickhi guys
23:52.53Psykickhow do I specify the default codec for asterisk to use on all calls?
23:54.06kizmetPsykick, add a 'disallow =all' line and add a 'allow=<codec>' line for eatch codec in priority of how you want them to be used. This is in your sip.conf or iax.conf
23:54.34kizmetPlease not that unless you have purchased a G729 licence from Digium you cannot use it for IVR purposes.
23:55.12PsykickI'm trying out the g726
23:55.28*** join/#asterisk dja_ (
23:57.56Psykickdoes that also work for inbound?
23:58.07Psykicksetting the priority in iax.conf?
23:58.12kizmetPsykick yes.
23:59.18Psykickkeep seeing gsm even though I've get ulaw and alaw above it for normal inbound calls
23:59.24Psykickoops I mean got
23:59.38kizmetdoes the other host support ulaw and alaw ?
23:59.40*** join/#asterisk RoyK (

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