irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060221

00:01.54*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
00:03.44_Sam--sorry...damn nick completion.
00:03.55_Sam--i typed:  sp:  flakey
00:03.58_Sam--and that was what came
00:04.13_Sam--but you may be flakey too
00:05.34WasPhantomexcessively so
00:05.40*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
00:09.04[av]banii wonder if gs will get bent out of shape over my gaps replacement
00:14.18rene-well reboot underway will this thing blow
00:14.38Mavvie*CLI> pri show spans
00:14.39MavvieSegmentation fault
00:15.17rene-and it did blow up, damn,
00:15.22*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
00:18.45JunK-YMavvie: which * version?
00:18.59MavvieJunK-Y: mine. just adding a new command.
00:19.23JunK-Yand whats that command exactly?
00:19.32Mavvieit's nothing to worry about.
00:19.43Mavvieyet :-P
00:21.19JunK-Ygonna give me redbull? nice command then!
00:21.40rene-well it is alive again, im recompiling zaptel
00:21.47rene-hi Junky, how ist going
00:21.56rene-s/ist/is it
00:21.57JunK-Yhey rene- ! not much
00:22.27rene-well same as always
00:23.38rene-i am trying to work with signate asterisk distro, i had a hard time getting zaptel to work but its here
00:32.06[av]banihmm voipsupply sales reps are difficult
00:32.37DarthClue[av]bani, what you trying to get from them?
00:32.46[av]bania response
00:33.04[av]bani"hey guys anyone home? i want to buy stuff from you"
00:33.15DarthClue[av]bani, what are you trying to buy?
00:33.38[av]banicisco 7970g, and zoom 5801
00:33.55Qwell[][av]bani: email cory directly, for the 7970
00:33.59[av]banii did
00:34.01[av]banino response
00:34.06[av]banihence crickets
00:34.22wunderkinwhen? today is a holiday
00:34.56[av]banii see they posted stuff on ebay since then, so someone has been active in at least putting stuff up for sale the last couple days
00:38.22FLeiXiuSIs it possible to share an extension amongst phones?  Perhaps thake that same line and share it between the rest of the phones?
00:38.47*** join/#asterisk jmcc (
00:39.53jmcci'm new to writing agi scripts -- trying out python, commands to stdout work, but nothing sent to stderr gets to the console, yes, i'm calling sys.stderr.flush(), any ideas?
00:40.24jmccthe agi-test.agi sample script has the same problem, no console output but everything else works
00:40.30glm2kjmcc: some people use screen to get around that
00:41.15glm2kit's documented somewhere in the AGI pages on
00:41.16jmccyou mean i can't see agi script output via stderr when running asterisk -r from command line?
00:42.23glm2ksomeone correct me but i read it on the site just this week. so it's still likely an issue
00:42.26jmcci've read the wiki, i didn't see anything about it
00:42.35jmcc1.2.1, btw
00:42.39glm2ksec...might take me a bit to find it
00:44.07glm2k under Notes CLI output
00:44.23glm2ki just enable logging and multitail the logs
00:44.36jmcchmmm, guess i should read more carefully :)
00:44.39*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:44.45jmccwill check it out
00:45.01*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
00:45.05glm2kscreen output can grow because of formatting
00:45.30glm2kso the logs are better; logrotate and all that
00:47.45jmccok, that's exactly the issue i'm seeing, fortunately i can see everything on tty9 but I'll have to figure out the screen method, or see what shows up in the logs and set up tail for that like you said
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00:51.05*** join/#asterisk TuckerAdel (n=TuckerAd@
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00:55.55FuriousGeorgeim somewhat new to this whole svn thing, but how come i copy/pasted the command from digium's webpage and it grabbed 1.2.0
00:56.04FuriousGeorgeSVN-branch-1.2-r10487 to be exact
00:56.27Nuggetwhat makes you think that's 1.2.0?
00:56.29Qwell[]because...r10487 is the latest in the 1.2 branch?
00:56.50Qwell[]Did you want trunk or something?
00:57.42TuckerAdelHi.. when a call comes into * it comes into s and then transfers to a context for internal calls where it rings 4 other phones at the same time.... when I look at the logs it says any incoming call from the pstn number and the conneted numer is s where if im right it should say the number that picked up the call ? How should I change that in the dial plan?
01:02.23mitcheloctucker, are you looking at the cdr logs?
01:03.23mitchelochmm well my logs show which phone answered it
01:03.33mitcheloctail /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv, right?
01:03.44*** join/#asterisk evilbuny (
01:05.27mitchelocwell that stuff aside, does that tail command show you the info you need, i.e. is it all being properly logged to the csv file?
01:06.22mitchelocthats not what i asked you
01:08.38Qwell[]looks to me like SIP/54 answered
01:09.27Qwell[]sounds like your program is broken...
01:09.42Qwell[]obviously pulling the wrong field
01:10.20mitcheloctucker, i have used the mysql cdr logs many times and all of the data is there
01:10.24Qwell[]hate to break it to you...but the same thing goes into both places
01:10.34Qwell[]You're pulling from the wrong one
01:11.40mitcheloctcuker, do you see the "s" in that line you posted...? thats the destination field (i'm guessing)
01:11.58Qwell[]You don't want dest
01:12.02Qwell[]you want the destination channel
01:12.08mitchelocthe field you want is probably called dstchannel
01:16.43robin_zwow ... at last, new GXP2000 software to fix that screen bug ...
01:16.57justinudoes it work?
01:17.08robin_zoh, wait .. I was dreaming
01:18.31*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
01:20.30FuriousGeorgei use gentoo so i never really learned how to compile stuff correctly :)  if i set my make.conf to use mmx does that mean that compiles i make by hand will use mmx or do i have to specify that?
01:20.37FuriousGeorgeor edit some other file
01:23.11FuriousGeorgenm, thought there would be more gentoo users in here
01:23.38*** part/#asterisk TuckerAdel (n=TuckerAd@
01:27.35Qwell[]FuriousGeorge: make.conf is only for emerge
01:31.10FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: yeah, so im laerning
01:31.13*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
01:31.28FuriousGeorgejust noticed distcc wasnt happening with asterisk so i can assume ive never built it with mmx support after all
01:32.09FuriousGeorgei started with gentoo and in the beginning it was really helpful in the "learning linux" phase but i never leared to compile right on my own :(
01:32.25FuriousGeorgewell, properly, anyway
01:32.35Qwell[]"make install"
01:32.38Qwell[]done and done..
01:34.54*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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01:39.01*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
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01:41.07tengulre11Morning Erveryone!!
01:42.07*** join/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
01:42.23robin_zOK, so I have a sip peer that allows me to set my outgoing identity, so the callerid is whatever I want it to be on ougoing calls ...
01:42.44robin_zsome users want to rpesent the main switchboard number .. other want to present the DID number ...
01:43.40robin_zI guess I need to manipulate the peer as part of the call setup to give the CID I want ...
01:47.00*** join/#asterisk welles (n=welles@
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01:48.05websaeis there an asterisk fedora core package?
01:48.07websaeanyone know?
01:48.48robin_zis the Fedora project still active?
01:49.46*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (
01:49.50FuriousGeorgeso im looking at the makefile, why is cpu=k6 under "pentium & via optimizations"?
01:50.09robin_zmmm .. perversity?
01:50.50FuriousGeorgeis there a good guide to the makefile somewhere (for when the comments just arent enough) i cant find it in voipinfo
01:51.00lunaphytewhat are park and pickup functions with regard to chan_sccp?
01:55.08*** join/#asterisk rezzen_ (
01:55.21FuriousGeorgei cant figure out if an athlon xp owner (32bit) should uncomment PROC=K6
01:55.36FuriousGeorgeanyone wanna chime in?
01:56.00robin_zright .. so I guess I need to modify the "fromuser" of the SIP peer on a per call/user basis .. some want the switchboard number to g out, some want their DID number
01:56.10robin_zhmm .. now, how to do that
01:57.02rezzen_n00b trying to get asterisk working as sip proxy (no zaptel or other digium h/w yet) on CentOS 4.2. asterisk -r results in "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)"
01:57.03robin_zpassing the number will be easy enough, I guess I just set it as a channel variable for each user
01:57.03*** join/#asterisk drumkilla (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
01:57.03*** mode/#asterisk [+o drumkilla] by ChanServ
01:57.19*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
01:57.28rezzen_not a modules.conf prob--at least no indication of that in messages log.
01:57.37robin_zrezzen_: try asterisk -c ...
01:57.45rezzen_that gives me cli...
01:57.49robin_z-r only works if one is running ...
01:57.59robin_zso ... just plain asterisk
01:58.07robin_zthen asterisk -r to connect to it
01:58.12*** join/#asterisk Cool_One (
01:58.20robin_zor ... better still
01:58.37robin_zget the CLI, enter "stop now" to stop it ...
01:58.52robin_zthen safe_asterisk
01:58.54rezzen_wow, that gap in understanding was just a lil crack.
01:59.08robin_zsafe_astersik auto restarts it in the event of a application crash
01:59.50rezzen_beaut.  what service ctrl mechanism is safe_asterisk using?
01:59.58robin_zfeck knows
02:00.03rezzen_i guess its own, by the looks of things.
02:00.19robin_zyeah, its a perl script as I remember?
02:00.24robin_zor just bash?
02:00.48Cool_Onedoes anyone have time to answer a questin for a newbie???
02:00.50rezzen_bash.  robin_z: thanks.
02:01.06FuriousGeorgegrrr, see now it compiles it says march=i686.  when gentoo compiles stuff it says march=athlonxp, should i be worried?
02:01.12rezzen_just ask yer danged question, n00b.
02:01.14robin_zCool_One: domnt ask to ask, just ask
02:01.53robin_zFuriousGeorge: yes. if you are using gentoo, you shold be worried.
02:01.59robin_zits a sign of madness you know
02:02.20Cool_Oneok... I have asterisk@home installed and running, 2 copper phone lines, 3 grandstream gxp2000 phones... system works great. I can call in and out with not problems.... But, I can not put someone on hold and pick up the second line.
02:02.41rezzen_FuriousGeorge: robin_z is on the mark about that...
02:02.46QwellCool_One: sounds like a limitation of the phone.
02:03.10robin_zthe gxp 2000 has a working hold button and send s the right sip message
02:03.18Cool_OneGrandstream says I need to setup sip acocunts for each line I wan to use on my phone
02:03.37Cool_Onebut that would mean that my phone would have 2 extensions...
02:03.50QwellLike I said...sounds like a limitation of the phone.
02:03.51Cool_Oneso how would I transfer calls
02:04.00robin_zwith the transfer button?
02:04.34robin_zextensions are NOT the same as outgoing lines
02:04.50Cool_Oneok... transfer button... but if I had 2 sip acocunts on each phone what extension # would I use
02:05.00Cool_OneI know
02:05.17robin_zthe extension number of the phoen you want to trxfr to of course ...
02:05.42Cool_OneI am really confussed
02:06.01robin_zsigh ...
02:06.05Cool_Oneso would I setup additional sip accounts on the server for each line that I really want to use
02:06.18robin_zI wold set up:
02:06.26Cool_Oneand on the phone
02:06.29robin_zaccount for phone 1 = 1001
02:06.31Qwellget a phone that supports multiple calls on a single account
02:06.36robin_zaccoutn for phone 2 = 1002
02:06.48robin_zthese are then your "internal" numbers
02:07.06Cool_Oneok, I understand that robin_z
02:07.31Cool_Oneso my phone does not support multiple calls on a single account?
02:07.41robin_zno idea
02:07.44QwellCool_One: You just said Grandstream claims it didn't
02:07.59Cool_Onewhat phones do? any suggestions
02:08.25robin_zId set up additional accounts for say 1011 ncoming line 1 on phoen 1, 1012, incoming line 2 on phoen 2
02:08.37QwellCool_One: any that aren't complete crap
02:08.41Qwellie; non-grandstream
02:08.41*** join/#asterisk xorsysd (
02:08.43robin_zand then have incoming line 1 ring 1011 and 1012 at the same time, or whatever
02:08.56robin_zthats one way to do it ...
02:09.03QwellCool_One: ask [av]bani or _Sam--.  They seem to love GS phones for some silly reason
02:09.18robin_zlater GXP2000 firmware does asterisk blf on the buttons on the right ...
02:10.52xorsysdCan anyone help me with a zaptel compile problem?
02:12.11rezzen_thanks again robin_z
02:12.44rezzen_xorsysd.  maybe.  maybe not.  ask your question and find out.  and don't ask to ask next time.
02:13.21xorsysdThe modules won't build, it gets to stage 2 and says:
02:14.50xorsysdMakefile.modpost:38: .config: No such file or directory
02:15.13xorsysdon a 2.6.15 kernel using `make linux26`
02:16.51*** part/#asterisk drumkilla (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
02:18.12rezzen_xorsysd:  you may need to specify arch and/or other env variables.
02:18.15*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
02:18.16tengulre11who have a IVR system contain source code?
02:18.31tengulre11Windows Platform,
02:18.49rezzen_xorsysd: which, i unfortunately can't help with
02:19.13rezzen_have you run 'make' w/out any targets first?
02:19.30*** join/#asterisk st3v (
02:19.32xorsysdsame error
02:19.56xorsysdIt said something about kernel config file, so I'm going to try some things
02:20.02rezzen_ensure are your requirements are met (may some missing libs, or kernel headers/source)
02:20.39rezzen_jbot: SNAP
02:20.41jbotsfsnap is probably, or
02:21.48xorsysdlolz, my kernel's .config was not present in /usr/src/linux :p
02:22.28lunaphyteare chan_sccp questions off topic here?
02:26.45*** join/#asterisk techie (
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02:28.52xorsysdGot it compiled, but I'm getting, unknown symbol in module
02:30.09Ariel_lunaphyte, no but there are not that many people using it. just ask the question and you just might get a reply
02:33.18*** join/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
02:33.24epabloHi people
02:33.40Ariel_hello epablo
02:34.46epabloI got a  TDM400P REV I up and running.  I setup an IVR on it, but I hangup and it keeps the line open until the IVR and ultimatally the vm ends
02:35.18Mavviefinally will get normal load-balancing on my two PRIs
02:35.26epabloAny ideas on how to make it work better.. I'm in Venezuela and already tested using ls signaling instead of ks
02:35.45xorsysd*** Warning: "rtc_unregister" [/usr/src/zaptel-1.2.4/ztdummy.ko] undefined!
02:35.46xorsysd*** Warning: "rtc_control" [/usr/src/zaptel-1.2.4/ztdummy.ko] undefined!
02:35.46xorsysd*** Warning: "rtc_register" [/usr/src/zaptel-1.2.4/ztdummy.ko] undefined!
02:35.46xorsysd*** Warning: "crc_ccitt_table" [/usr/src/zaptel-1.2.4/zaptel.ko] undefined!
02:36.00Qwellxorsysd: You need CRC_CCITT in the kernel
02:36.09firestrmMavvie , sounds cool.. ;)
02:36.20xorsysdWhich is?
02:37.52lunaphytei have an old 12sp+ that would register with but couldn't complete a call, so i though i'd try  now it won't register - asterisk says "Rejecting device: not found" and i'm not quite sure if my sccp.conf file is correct.
02:38.12*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
02:39.11*** part/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
02:39.32xorsysdWhat section in the config would that be found in?
02:39.34Ariel_epablo, there is also ground start look at the /usr/src/asterisk/configs/zaptel.conf.sample for the settings on it.
02:42.04*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:45.40xorsysdIs CRC_CCITT a patch or a config option?
02:45.47Qwellconfig option
02:45.52xorsysdWhat section?
02:46.00Qwellgrep your .config
02:46.41xorsysd# CONFIG_CRC_CCITT is not set
02:48.01*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
02:49.27xorsysdSecond night in a row for re-compiling a kernel yay
02:49.33*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
02:54.43*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
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03:05.32*** part/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
03:05.36*** join/#asterisk mwgbc (
03:07.35mwgbcI'm new to *.  I have successfully set up outbound and have been using it for a little while.  I just recently set up DID with Broadvoice.  I am registered with them and can make outgoing calls but when I dial my Broadvoice number I just get a busy.  Any ideas?
03:08.33*** join/#asterisk smurf (n=smurf@debian/developer/smurf)
03:09.21mwgbcWow! is it dead in here tonight
03:10.30FuriousGeorgeim really confusd as to why asterisk is being built with march=i686
03:10.57FuriousGeorgei set PROC=athlon-xp, and gentoo builds everything with march=athlon-xp, so whats the deal with that
03:11.32xorsysdGentoo is really behind on stable version for Asterisk
03:12.09FuriousGeorgexorsysd: yeah, im building it myself, and this is my first formal introduction to Makefiles.  Gentoo has spoiled me
03:12.20*** join/#asterisk mwgbc (
03:12.35FuriousGeorgeso im a little confused as to why PROC=i686 is commented and PROC=athlon-xp is not, yet it uses march=i686
03:13.11FuriousGeorgewhen 1.2 came out and gentoo still had 1.0.9 masked i figured it was probably a good idea to go outside of portage
03:13.45FuriousGeorgemwgbc: you got a user set up for broadvoice in sip.conf?
03:13.50FuriousGeorgei know its well documented on the wiki
03:14.53mwgbcFuriousGeorge: I set up a friend in sip for broadvoice pointing to the context I wanted incoming to go to.
03:14.59trixterdoes anyone have any leads on a did provider that does 619/858 (san diego) that offers more than 2 concurrent channels (voxbone wants $20/mo for each additional channel :(
03:15.23FuriousGeorgewhat does sip show registry say
03:15.30FuriousGeorge"sip show registry" in cli
03:16.20FuriousGeorgeanyone know how to get asterisk to compile with march=athlon-xp without manually setting every instance in the makefile?  it seems to use i686 no matter how many comments i stick in front of that line
03:16.55mwgbcFuriousGeorge: <phone#>@s  3584  Registered
03:18.12FuriousGeorgeyou sure incoming context is set up right?
03:18.29FuriousGeorgeexten => s,1,dial(your user)
03:18.50FuriousGeorgeand see if the cli spits anything at you when you dial that number
03:19.13mwgbcI set it to Answer() then Playback() for testing purposes
03:19.45mwgbcone second...
03:20.46mwgbcFuriousGeorge:  Verbose set to 10 CLI was silent
03:27.11FuriousGeorgemwgbc: maybe you should turn on sip debug...  someone else will have to help with that, as it may as well be greek to me
03:27.30FuriousGeorge[av]bani: i echoed your sentiment re: snom 360 on voip-info
03:28.26FuriousGeorgeand i decided no way to get parking w/ leds working right w/o the api, which is beyond my scopew
03:29.34mwgbcFuriousGeorge: Thanks for your help.  I even tried just a simple s,1,dial(<agent>) and got the same result.
03:30.10FuriousGeorgeive heard that people's success w/ broadvoice + * is spotty, not to discourage you, im sure its something simple
03:30.16FuriousGeorgefind another guy using bv maybe
03:30.51FuriousGeorgeso no one can tell me why * is using march=686 when building, despite the comment in front of that line
03:31.35NivexiCEBrkr: the result of my dementia:
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03:49.51[av]baniFuriousGeorge: i'm sure you will learn
03:49.51[av]baniFuriousGeorge: agi and stuff
03:50.43*** join/#asterisk tmccrary (
03:51.06tmccraryIs "405 Method Not Allowed" related to a codec issue? If not, does anyone know what that is?
03:51.48FuriousGeorge[av]bani: yeah, i got this far, right
03:52.04FuriousGeorge[av]bani: you know why asterisk makefile seems to pick a dumb march setting?
03:55.32FuriousGeorgei dunno wtf is wrong with people, i just asked that question in asterisk-dev, no one is talking there either, no answer.  you'd think they'd know, why would they just ignore me?  i always try to help people when im on here
03:56.58[av]baniFuriousGeorge: afaik it picks no march setting at all...
03:57.17FuriousGeorgeoh but it does, and it always seems to be -i686
03:57.25[av]baniFuriousGeorge: sounds like something your distro is doing
03:57.36FuriousGeorgebut im just setting it to what i have come to believe is the correct one
03:57.41[av]baniif it were always picking -i686 then my x86_64 compile wouldnt work
03:57.52FuriousGeorgedoubtful, gentoo controls all that stuff in make.conf.  im in the makefile b/c im building * by hand
03:58.02[av]baniahh gentoo.. that explains everything
03:58.14FuriousGeorgefor some reason options=-m64 is uncommented in the makefile, so is proc=k8
03:58.18FuriousGeorgeand mine built
03:58.43*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
03:58.47FuriousGeorgeactually it confuses matters more.  gentoo sets march setting in make.conf, which is where i have it set to athlon-xp
04:01.50DarthClueFuriousGeorge, it is possible that either noone is available to provide the answer or noone knows.  I doubt you are being ignored.
04:02.19FuriousGeorgei dunno, i usually dont take it personally
04:02.25FuriousGeorgelong day today
04:02.37niZonanyone here use realtime queues?
04:02.52FuriousGeorgehad to deal with my provider today too, ugh
04:03.00*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (i=No@
04:03.17DarthClueFuriousGeorge, might be time to just put it up for the night.  Some days just aren't worth the trouble of getting up for.
04:03.38FuriousGeorgewell i ahve been at it for 13 freakin hours
04:03.56FuriousGeorgelemme just finish remaking asterisk with new make files, see if i get calls of panic tomorrow
04:04.32DarthCluewell, if it had just been 13 hours, I would say give it another couple, but since it's been 13 freakin hours, I would say that's about 12 too many.
04:04.48FuriousGeorgealls i wanna know, after all, if its a bad idea to set the damn thing manually when it insists on using i686, so i guess ill find out soon enough
04:05.01FuriousGeorgemy day, not the makefile
04:05.11FuriousGeorgethis has been the last hour
04:05.44DarthClueyou using an amd64 machine?  if so, i686 config shouldn't be an issue from what I can remember of some of the testing I did.
04:06.43FuriousGeorgebarton cpu in both of them
04:07.26FuriousGeorgeone of em is a pentium4, set that one manually to pentium4 didnt wait to see what it chose
04:07.41mwgbcI'm having problems with DTMF.  Inbound DID is answered and sent to extension that plays BackGround() waiting for DTMF. BackGround() plays message but does not recognize DTMF tones.  It does work however when it makes an outgoing call and transferes to the same extension and priority.
04:08.30FuriousGeorgemwgbc: how did you get it working by the way?
04:08.47FuriousGeorgeu behind nat?
04:09.38mwgbcFuriousGeorge: I ran sip debug and found I put a context name where it should have been an extension name.
04:09.44tmccraryIs "405 Method Not Allowed" related to a codec issue? If not, does anyone know what that is?
04:10.08FuriousGeorgemwgbc: sounds like ur having nat problems now
04:10.12FuriousGeorgeis asterisk behind nat?
04:10.38mwgbcFuriousGeorge: I have a router on my cablemodem that does DNS for me.  (my sipura box)  Asterisk is on a dedicated server in Florida
04:10.40FuriousGeorgetmccrary: i think i ususally get "Not Allowed Here" in CLI
04:10.43niZonanyone use realtime queues in 1.2.4?
04:10.53niZonthey don't seem to work without reloading
04:11.49DarthCluetmccrary, either codec or sip registration...when are you getting it?
04:11.50FuriousGeorgehave you verified that you can even hear yourself speaking when you call your did?
04:12.16mwgbcFuriousGeorge: yes, transfered to sip phone and it works fine.
04:12.56FuriousGeorgethen its not what i thought it was
04:13.05FuriousGeorgecheck your dtmf settings
04:13.27FuriousGeorgeits gotta be one of those.  my * is so dtmf sensitive that it pickes up tones if people are on speaker too close to me
04:14.09FuriousGeorgedoes cli react when you hit a button?
04:15.43mwgbcFuriousGeorge: I just ran another test.  I can hear myself fine, but when pushing DTMF on calling phone it comes across audibly as barely more than a click.
04:16.23*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
04:17.30tmccraryTHanks for the help everyone. I am getting the 405 Method not allowed here when one phone attempts to call another phone through a SIP trunk (another asterisk pbx)
04:18.10*** join/#asterisk websae (
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04:18.33mwgbcFuriousGeorge: No, CLI does not register any DTMF activity (verbose 10) when I hit DTMF.  Broadvoice said my settings for DTMF should be Inband.  Is that correct?
04:18.48websaedoes anyone know how to correct this issue that i have when compiling asterisk.../usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lidn??
04:18.58websaeappreciate any suggestions :)
04:19.00websaeor help
04:19.25asterisk99How does one get asterisk to run after boot-up of ubuntu?
04:19.30websaeand i am running fedora core
04:21.16tmccraryasterisk: I believe you edit /etc/default/asterisk
04:21.34tmccraryYou need to change a value to YES like: RUNONSTARTUP="YES"
04:21.51tmccraryI forget the exact name of the variable. It's just like debians setup (no suprise there)
04:22.28asterisk99tmccrary: hmmmmm no file /etc.default/asterisk
04:23.01tmccrarydid you install apt-get install asterisk?
04:23.08tmccraryor did you manually install it?
04:23.18asterisk99tmccrary: manually
04:23.25tmccrarythen you need to create a script and symlink it to a runlevel
04:23.28websaeany suggestions for the /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lidn problem?
04:23.38websaewhen compiling
04:23.41*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
04:23.42websaefedora core
04:24.42FuriousGeorgemwgbc: inband is for gsm, but try it
04:25.19DarthCluewebsae: try installing libidn-devel
04:25.34websaeis there a yum package?
04:25.48websaei tried yum libidn-devel
04:25.52websaeand obviously that didn't work
04:26.07DarthCluetry up2date libidn-devel
04:26.17*** join/#asterisk mzo (
04:26.28mwgbcFuriousGeorge: That is my current setting (inband) DTMF tones sound more like clicks audibly and CLI doesn't notice them
04:27.11mwgbcFuriousGeorge: I guess I can try "auto" for the DTMF mode and see if it works better.
04:27.24websaei did up2date libidn-devel
04:27.27websaewhat is that suppose to do?
04:29.23DarthClueshould install the rpm package...did it?
04:29.29niZonwell thats no fun, no realtime users here :\
04:31.08DarthCluethat is correct.  This conversation actually took place 2 hours ago and is simply being replayed for your convenience.
04:33.23mwgbcFuriousGeorge: Well, that worked.  I changed DTMFmode to auto.  The tones started coming in more clearly and CLI started picking them up and it correctly worked with BackGround()   :)  Yeah!
04:34.46*** part/#asterisk tmccrary (
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04:38.42websaeit did not install the pacakge
04:42.36FuriousGeorgeim glad he got it working :)
04:42.38*** join/#asterisk justinu (
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04:44.29mzodoes anyone want to help me figure out how the hell i broke my FWD configuration? :)
04:45.33DarthCluewebsae: type in rpm -qa | grep libidn and check to see if it shows libidn and libidn-devel
04:45.45*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
04:45.48*** join/#asterisk PaulHuynh (
04:46.03PaulHuynhhelp can someone help me with sip debug?
04:46.26PaulHuynhi have 3 spa will not register or was register and now it stop
04:46.33PaulHuynhit just wierd
04:49.48*** join/#asterisk pcm (
04:50.18PaulHuynhanyone here?
04:50.46pcm331 - 2 dead sessions
04:50.48DarthClueanyone already left, but someone might still be here, although i doubt he'll be of much help.
04:51.23JunK-Yhey DarthClue, long time no see u
04:52.10DarthCluei've been trapped in the desert on a horse with no name.
04:52.55FuriousGeorgethat a sip phone?
04:53.50PaulHuynhit really a pap2
04:53.58PaulHuynhbut same as spa2000
04:53.58*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
04:54.06DarthCluenext time we go to diamonds, you need to remember your passport
04:54.13PaulHuynhit keep said offline or can't connect to server
04:57.11*** join/#asterisk livinded (
04:58.33livindedi'm looking at buying either an ip phone or an ata, what would be better for a home user?
04:58.59DarthCluelivinded, that depends on what you intend to do with it.
04:59.21livindedDarthClue, what do you mean?
04:59.37PaulHuynhany one?
04:59.43PaulHuynhany idea
05:00.47PaulHuynhanyone here?
05:01.12DarthCluelivinded, it depends on what you want to do with the phone.  if you just want to use your existing phone for voip then an ata, if you want the features that come with an ip phone then get the ip phone.
05:01.48DarthCluePaulHuynh, I don't think anyone here is able to help right now.  If I knew, I would answer ya.
05:02.01livindedwhat features do ip phones have that pstn don't and could you recomend a good ip phone, i'ml ooking at the sipura spa 3000 if i go with the ata
05:02.43PaulHuynhuse polycom ip 501
05:02.50PaulHuynhthey are rock soid
05:02.52DarthClueI'm partial to polycoms, cisco is the high-end.  go to google and dig around, you'll soon see that there are tons of features that most home users won't ever touch, but it is your choice.
05:03.14livindedi've heard good thigns about cisco phoens but are they really worth the money?
05:03.20PaulHuynhalso don't forget linksys spa941
05:03.45PaulHuynhyes they are feel + quality are second to none
05:03.55livindedthe thing i like about the spa 3000 is that it has a pstn port also so i can route certain calls through my pstn line
05:03.57PaulHuynhwe have both polycom + cisco
05:04.19PaulHuynhthen spa3000 is your bets choice
05:05.14livindedare the linksys the same as the cisco ip phones or are the linksys the consumer versions?
05:06.34PaulHuynhconsumer version
05:06.43PaulHuynhbut they are good for the price
05:07.12PaulHuynhanyone have any idea how to look for password in the sip registration?
05:07.55rtactually, the spa-3000 doesn't seem to pick up.
05:08.47PaulHuynhwhat i mean is i rebuilt my asterisk and i have 3 people that is not in the office and i forgot their sip password how can i look it up using a sip debug or something like that to recreate the corrcet pass so i don;t have to reconfig the whole things
05:09.56shido6sip.conf is your friend
05:10.13PaulHuynhRegistration from '121 ' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
05:10.25*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
05:10.45PaulHuynhok i'm confuse i nolonger have a old copy of sip.conf
05:10.59livindedi think i'll end up going with the ip phone, otherwise i'd only get 1 of my pstn lines connected to asterisk
05:11.10PaulHuynhbut i do know the ext. the device is keep try to connect
05:20.08gongoputchanyone running asterisk in a freebsd jail() ?
05:23.20mzobleh i blew up asterisk.
05:23.22mzotime to rm -rf :p
05:24.48jebbagongoputch, i am running it in  a vserver, which is similar
05:25.49gongoputchI am trying to figure out if hardware access is possible from the jail
05:28.26Abydos313any probation officers in here to answer that question? heh
05:29.09X-RobI think you need to smuggle it in up your arse.
05:29.18DarthCluei'm pretty sure that if you try to access the hardware from within the jail you are sentenced to solitaire confinement
05:29.21X-Rob17" LCD's are going to be interesting to watch you insert.
05:29.59DarthCluejust a 17"?  if you're gonna go thru the pain, might as well go for the 21"
05:29.59gongoputchgroan ...
05:30.07mzobleh, my aah upgrade failed on zaptel. yay =(
05:30.18DarthCluegongoputch, try it and find out, obviously we don't have that answer.
05:31.41mzoRemoving zaptel module:  ERROR: Module zaptel does not exist in /proc/modules
05:34.17FuriousGeorgemzo: w/ rmmod?
05:34.28FuriousGeorgewhat happens when you lsmod?
05:34.29mzoyeah, i just ran setup again and it looks fine again :P
05:35.29FuriousGeorgeone time i ran asterisk for a bit after upgrading w/o reloading new modules and when i remembered too i couldnt insert it into kernel, had to reboot after about 30 min of rebuilding asterisk and manually pointing it to the module it couldnt find
05:35.37FuriousGeorgermembered to*
05:36.09X-Robthis one time, at band camp...
05:36.16mzohahaha, oops. :)
05:36.20mzonow if i can get FWD to work
05:36.32mzoi'm sure there's at least five or six more rm -rf's in my future
05:36.36FuriousGeorgei didnt know you played the clarinett
05:37.27FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: btw, you were right i couldnt think of a way to get my meetme parking with leds working seamlessly enough
05:38.06FuriousGeorgethe best solution i found would have one button parking and one button answering....
05:38.22mzodoes anyone have a recommendation for a VOIP provider i can use to make calls to finland? Pay is okay, im sure it's cheaper than calling cards ;)
05:39.09FuriousGeorgefinland?  i have no idea, i would google fin voip providers
05:39.25mzoi can't read swedish =(
05:39.36FuriousGeorgei thought they speak fin in finland?
05:39.40mzoall the links come up in swedish or some other language i can't read
05:39.42mzoit could be?
05:39.50FuriousGeorgelike closer to cyrillic
05:40.08Qwellcall Linus
05:40.18FuriousGeorgehes not taking my calls anymore
05:41.16FuriousGeorgeever since i failed to salute his kernel
05:41.32FuriousGeorgenot funny
05:43.06X-RobFuriousGeorge, ^^^^
05:43.10X-RobApplication Hints
05:43.17FuriousGeorgestop liein'
05:43.17*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (i=me@
05:43.43X-RobPosted to asterisk-users subject 'call parking "hint"'
05:47.28FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: can you link me?  im having trouble finding it
05:48.23FuriousGeorgeoh yeah, i know about this guys branch, but its based on trunk, and i need it for production
05:48.48FuriousGeorgeremember you said "its probably easy to back port" to which i replied "lol" and though (for you, maybe) :)
05:48.59*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:52.26*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:53.57Guest^DJhow to i generate a fake tone for 5 secs ? currently i am using exten => _01.,1,Dial(SIP/alpha/${EXTEN}|45|rt)
05:54.08Qwelldefine "fake tone"
05:54.46Guest^DJas in the moment asterisk is tying to connect, instead of silent, * generates some kind of ring tone
05:54.58QwellWhy do you need that?
05:55.28Guest^DJthe silent is too long, approx 15 sec to connect. user would think is not connecting
05:55.35Guest^DJand hang up
05:55.57Guest^DJso by generating * tone, user would think that is connecting
05:56.32Guest^DJ* ring tone would ring for 10-15 secs and return to normal pstn tone
05:56.55Guest^DJthat way, user would know if the called number is busy/ringing
05:58.05Guest^DJok, i try
05:58.53*** join/#asterisk denon (
05:58.53*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
05:59.54Guest^DJ[av]bani: using s,1,playtones(10), after 10 sec * would go to s,2,dial(). still there would be another 15 sec wait to connect
05:59.57Guest^DJam i right?
06:00.59[av]banior whatever you want to do
06:11.00Guest^DJit just keep ringing even the called number is busy
06:11.37[av]baniyou need to make it stop playtones when it gets busy
06:11.49Guest^DJdid that
06:12.04[av]banior something like that
06:17.42*** join/#asterisk tletourneau (
06:17.44FuriousGeorgemog mentioned in passing something about a registration manager in asterisk (i assume he meant in the code)
06:17.52FuriousGeorgeto better handle my .dynu adresses
06:19.00FuriousGeorgeanyone know anything about that?
06:19.03FuriousGeorgeQwell: ?
06:19.09FuriousGeorgeim looking in your direction
06:19.46*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
06:21.31tletourneauWhat channel would a person go to to find help on setting * up with an multi-channel sip to pots device?
06:21.59justinuthis is it, dude
06:23.24QwellThese are not the droids you're looking for
06:24.12tletourneauI have a Vegastream Vega50, I got it to dial out over pots ok but I can't figure out how to get it to talk to * on an incoming call.
06:24.50FuriousGeorgeyou got a context in your dialplan for incoming calls tletourneau
06:25.16*** part/#asterisk krisguy (
06:26.50tletourneauFuriousGeorge I have a few, I use 2 sip providers and an aix provider. I'm just not sure what to put in for this type of device.
06:27.15FuriousGeorgeit connects to a sip server on one end and plain old telephones on the other?
06:29.12tletourneauYes, it has 8 FXO ports and one ethernet port. I've tried a dialing plan in it that tells it to send any pots traffic to my * server. I'm running A@H 2.5.
06:30.09justinutletourneau: can you see the vega sending you invites on inbound call?
06:30.22justinutletourneau: give up on AMP
06:30.28justinuno one here will help you with that
06:30.31jbotrumour has it, amp is NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
06:30.50tletourneauOK, I didn't know, sorry.
06:30.57justinuit's ok
06:31.05justinuwe can help you with asterisk stuff still
06:32.07tletourneauOK, let me check my logs for the invite.
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06:51.40remissgood morning!
06:52.20*** join/#asterisk Falle (
06:53.58Guest^DJhi, is there a command like Playtones(ring),15 ie. play ring for 15 seconds
06:54.53remissPLaytones(ring); Wait(15); StopPlaytones();
06:54.58*** join/#asterisk Falle (
06:55.42Guest^DJtried that, but that is not for my application
06:56.30remisswell... i can't help you if you don't tell me why that is not for your application...
06:57.01QwellGuest^DJ: You don't need to play ringing...the endpoint does that on it's own
06:57.45Guest^DJremiss: i get about 10 sec of silence when connecting to pstn, instead of 10 sec silence, i want * to play generate a tone to caller
06:58.08QwellGuest^DJ: Is it not playing it on its own?  Show me your Dial() line
06:59.10remissGuest^DJ: how about a "please wait while i try to connect you" :p
06:59.23Guest^DJexten => _00.,1,Dial(SIP/alpha/${EXTEN}|45|rt)
06:59.29QwellGuest^DJ: take out the damn r
06:59.44Guest^DJwhat does the r do ?
06:59.49Qwellit fucks with ringing
07:00.02QwellWhere did you get that example?
07:00.07QwellI'm gonna go smack somebody
07:00.14Guest^DJbeen googling
07:00.22Qwellshow me the link you found it on...
07:00.26FLeiXiuSIs it possible to login 1 line with several phones?
07:00.36QwellFLeiXiuS: sure, but it won't do much good
07:00.43Qwellonly the last one to register will get calls
07:00.55FLeiXiuSQwell: Arg, thats the problem I'm having.
07:01.06QwellFLeiXiuS: intended behavior
07:01.15FLeiXiuSQwell: My main reason is to have a call come through and be forwarded throughout all of the phones.
07:01.26QwellFLeiXiuS: Dial(SIP/1&SIP/2&SIP/3)
07:01.32Guest^DJexactly problem as mine
07:01.41DarthClueFLeiXiuS, ...yeah, like that...a dial group
07:01.57FLeiXiuSQwell: Grr, they need to define these better in the wiki's ;-)
07:02.02remissGuest^DJ: anyhow... you really shut put in a playback(pls-hold-while-try); befor dialing
07:02.02FLeiXiuSthanks :-)
07:02.47DarthClueit's been so long since i've worked with this the wiki any better or is it still a convoluted mess?
07:02.47Guest^DJremiss: did tried, user dislike
07:02.47remissooohh.. fancy.. :)
07:03.13remissdamn.. someone broke my english today..
07:03.57remissGuest^DJ: users.. don't pay much attention to them..
07:04.19QwellDarthClue: still a convoluted mess, generally
07:04.40Guest^DJremiss: they felt very ignoring
07:05.10Guest^DJQwell: after removing the r, no 'fake' tone from *
07:06.10[hC]sup guys
07:13.19remissany music to recommend?
07:16.45DarthClueXM Satellite radio, but I've not yet had a chance to pipe into asterisk
07:17.35mzodoes anyone have a clue why fwd is saying registration rejected for the last week?
07:25.23*** join/#asterisk astar` (
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07:30.55mzois anyone familiar with FWD and why it'd be not working?
07:34.01FLeiXiuSHow does asterisk map extensions to names on the speed dials?
07:41.44*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:44.20macacoHey guys, morning! Has anyone been using the svn asterisk? there's a huge memory leak when establishing zap/sip channels, 132 bytes to be precise, corresponding to the pool string allocation..... anyone noticed this?
07:45.22*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
07:47.33Juggiemacaco, does it exist in 1.2
07:49.17*** join/#asterisk anandbabu (
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07:50.35anandbabuwhen i am alone in the conference mode, i get strange noises. when some one joins, it becomes clear. has anyone eperienced this problem?
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07:55.37tzafrirmacaco, you said this on the -dev channel yesterday. Any reply?
07:56.07tzafrirmacaco, could you be more specific? how exactly did you spot this leak?
08:05.41tzafriranandbabu, is Meetme used with the flag M (music on hold when alone)?
08:06.01tzafrirdoes musiconhold generally work?
08:08.19anandbabutzafrir, i am new to asterisk. i havent used any M flag
08:08.53anandbabutzafrir, yes i have used M flag
08:09.00anandbabutzafrir, exten => 1100,1, Wait(1)
08:09.01anandbabuexten => 1100,2,MeetMe(|MD)  ; NOTE: If you add the option 'e', * will choose room #\ for you. Change the 'd' option to 'D' if you want to have a pin number for the conf\erence.
08:09.54FLeiXiuSHow would I define a message to the users when they entered an extension not in the dial plan.
08:12.16tzafriranandbabu, so you need to fix your musiconhold.
08:12.19anandbabutzafrir, i removed M flag and now its silent. Thanks for the help
08:12.23tzafrirI'm away right now
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08:39.07razuis it normal that snom doesn't give a damn about the conf file which i've setted up in some location ?
08:42.48razuthe problem is, that the snom reads it, but doesn't upgrade it's configuration ... :(
08:42.59razuanyone have any idea why is it like that ?
08:50.22*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
08:50.54FuriousGeorgehow come ur not using the web interface?
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09:06.23razuFuriousGeorge : I need to make mass deployment to work ... I'm tired of configuring these phones over www ...
09:07.04potsboyhi all, is it possible to route based on DNID on a tdm card?
09:07.33potsboyfrom pstn
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09:10.06RoyKmorning, morons
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09:17.50X-GenRoyK: its "morning freaks" ... morons is sooooo '70s
09:18.10ChrisUKliving a lie timmeh
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09:22.01*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
09:22.52FuriousGeorgeis there an unofficial "preferred" scripting language to use w/ the asterisk api
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09:24.22*** join/#asterisk CKGC (i=CKGC@
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09:26.22CKGCone question on iax
09:27.29tzafrirCKGC, ask away
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09:34.47CKGCtzafrir: I noticed that the "user" parameter in iax.conf is never used in the "register =>" part
09:35.15CKGCtzafrir: so what is it for?
09:36.23tzafrirCKGC, IIRC you can skip the register statement
09:37.20tzafrirBTW: I have the O'rreily book in front of me. It is a poor reference to iax.conf
09:37.35tzafrirThe wiki is better
09:37.40enemy^xcould anyone please explain to me how nationalprefix in zapata.conf works?
09:39.23tzafrirCKGC, I meant, that you can tell asterisk to use the data from the peer section for registration as well
09:39.37tzafrirI just don't remember how
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09:44.03saftsackhowto connect a big company with * to the telephone net? just with an E1 card?
09:45.09Delvarand some sticky back plastic
09:45.48saftsackback plastic? ^^
09:49.26kippihow can I get asterisk to insert the area code if I only put in 6 numbers
09:50.45evilbunykippi: exten => _XXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/123${EXTEN})
09:50.45kmilitzerHi everyone. I need some help with dialplan magic.
09:51.13kippievilbuny: do I need to tell it what the area code is or will BT do that for me?
09:52.20remiss123 is the acode
09:53.37kmilitzerI have the following scenario: I send the call into a context where I decide for all extensions (_X.) with an AGI what to do with the call. If the AGI returns that the numbers does not exists, I send it into an context with only an i extension. So far everything is OK. But now I want to hangup and get a HANGUPREASON=1, meaning that the numbers does not exists, which then would make the SIP-Channel to generate a 404 Not Known message ... but somehow
09:53.55kmilitzerAny ideas how to do that?
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10:12.02nextimeis it better to use DUNDILookup application or DUNDILOOKUP function?
10:13.10anandbabuecho "Using: $DIR"
10:13.46nextimeanandbabu : continue isn't needed, mkdir is better with -p option :)
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10:29.08KeX_WorXcan i kill a sip channel which is a 'zombie' ?
10:29.29KeX_WorXthe user completed the call, but the channel is still open
10:29.36KeX_WorXhow do i get rid of this channel?
10:29.46kmilitzersoft hangup SIP/<whatever>
10:30.00KeX_WorXkmilitzer, thanks
10:33.36KeX_WorXand can i 'kick' a sip user out?
10:35.39pointtelco-64 connector - did anyone see that ?
10:37.07kmilitzerKeX_WorX: Sorry, don't know if that is possible ... try the sip comamnds on the cli
10:37.21clive-soft hangup should do it
10:37.37KeX_WorXkmilitzer, haven't found a cmd which would do that : /
10:38.13KeX_WorXi've a phone which registered nr 140, but the phone 'crashed' i re registered the phone under 141, but the phone is still under 140 reachabel
10:38.34KeX_WorXclive-, sonft hangup is only to close a channel? or?
10:38.56clive-just for a channel afaik
10:39.11KeX_WorXclive-, think so too
10:39.20KeX_WorXbut to kick a user out?
10:39.58clive-well it will hang him up, deregister him, you need to modify your sip.conf and reload
10:42.02KeX_WorXclive-, thanks
10:49.38remisswhat to do?
10:56.45*** join/#asterisk pycsusz (
10:56.54pycsuszHi Everybody!
10:58.12pycsuszI have got a question again, how can I log into more conference room, with one extension?
10:58.32pycsuszIf somebody can help me, then please do it!
10:59.32*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
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11:09.02pycsuszX-Gen You haven't got idea?
11:09.41X-Genhey...i was checking my IRC connectivity there, i keep pinging out :P
11:10.18pycsuszX-Gen ohhh, I c
11:10.39X-Genooh nice, i'm getting pinged
11:11.48kippiexten => _9XXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1}) will that allow them to dial 9841571 and it will work out that its a local call
11:13.29pycsuszno, it will just allow to dial 841571
11:13.58kippibut BT will try and route that local?
11:14.13kippibrill :)
11:14.32pycsuszit depend on your BT settings
11:14.55X-Gensomeone should write a dialplan simulator thingum, that would answere plenty of questions
11:16.59*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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11:23.14bkw_O M G
11:23.16*** join/#asterisk jorgito (n=jorge@
11:23.39X-GenTSA ?
11:23.53bkw_morons with metal detectors at the airports
11:23.58evilbunyRoyK: ROFL
11:24.17X-Geni would rather die than goto a .au hospital :P
11:24.17*** join/#asterisk jdf (
11:24.17evilbunybkw_: it's not molesting if they're allowed to by law
11:24.36bkw_evilbuny, haha
11:24.38jdfbkw was jealous
11:24.42jorgitotrying some instant messaging, and have idea if there is some messager (icq,msn,yahoo whatsever) which have some connector, for example i would like to inform by icq somebody that has voicemail etc. any ideas ?
11:24.44evilbunyX-Gen: erm?
11:24.45bkw_well it was jdf that got molested
11:24.50bkw_we are headed to LA :P
11:24.53jdfyou wanted it
11:24.58jdfadmit it
11:24.58evilbunybkw_: I pity you
11:25.00bkw_ewww no
11:25.05evilbunyLA = sux0r
11:25.11bkw_no /me likes it
11:25.19jdfhe was all polite as he grabbed my crotch
11:25.23bkw_its better than oklahoma when you're only going to be there for 36 hours
11:25.26evilbunybkw_: it's such a hole
11:25.36evilbunyI was there last week
11:25.41bkw_jdf, the TSA dude
11:25.46evilbunyand the air was putride
11:26.44jorgitotrying some instant messaging, and have idea if there is some messager (icq,msn,yahoo whatsever) which have some connector, for example i would like to inform by icq somebody that has voicemail etc. any ideas ?
11:26.48benjkthe nice thing about LA is that it is pretty close to San Diego
11:27.08jdfLA is closer to god's blindspot
11:27.09bkw_if you say so
11:27.15evilbunybenjk: and the mexican border/cheap booze :)
11:27.43bkw_ok all these folks are sitting in the floor waiting to board... we have 30 more min... they act like the plane is going to run off and leave them if they don't hurry onto the plane
11:28.03evilbunybkw_: it's more a case of getting space for bags
11:28.08evilbunybefore everyone else gets it
11:28.13jdfi think the guy across from bkw wants his cack
11:28.14benjkI was thinking about the nice restaurants in SD's Gaslamp quarter, but ok
11:28.17bkw_they shouldnt' bring so fucking much
11:28.19evilbunyespecially if you have a couple of carry ons :)
11:28.26bkw_jdf, ewwww
11:29.05bkw_the TSA won't allow you past with more than one plus a personal
11:29.11bkw_they turn your ass back to check that shit
11:29.24evilbunybkw_: sucked in :)
11:29.41evilbunyand SFo
11:29.48*** join/#asterisk xorsysd (
11:29.52benjkyou guys need a high speed train system
11:29.53evilbunyand a bunch of other airports in between ohio and Australia
11:30.06xorsysdAnyone here use BroadVoice?
11:34.17*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
11:39.38*** join/#asterisk Inkubot (n=inkubot@
11:40.38xorsysdI'm getting a 404 while trying to register, that means it can't connect?
11:41.43Sebbi have a problem with asterisk and 1&1 voip here in germany: when i do an outgoing call via 1&1, when the called party answers, i get a "488 not acceptable here" as error, and hear voice for a 1/10 second or so.. how can i find out which codecs their sip-server supports? or how can i fix it? ;)
11:42.18jorgitohow do you send sms from asterisk ?
11:42.27*** join/#asterisk zoneout (
11:43.26zoneoutHey guys, I'm using asterisk in the UK with the Digium TDM400.  My FXO/FXS setup works fine except that the remote end is VERY quiet, can I amp it up easily?
11:46.17xorsysdWhat does it mean when you get a 404 on sip register??
11:49.06Inkuboti've got a litle problem..
11:49.29InkubotphoneA -> router -> internet -> router -> asterisk -> phoneB
11:49.40Inkubotwhen phoneA calls phoneB everything works fine..
11:49.57Inkubotthe problem is when phoneB calls phoneA.. it is one way audio
11:49.58zoneoutDoes anyone know how to turn up the volume on FXO/FXS?
11:50.20Inkubotonly phoneB can hear phoneA
11:50.20*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
11:50.25mutilatorput asterisk and phoneA as a DMZ on their respecitve routers
11:50.27Inkubotdo you know where is the problem ? in what side ?
11:52.50kaldemarzoneout: take a look at rxgain and txgain in zapata.conf
11:53.51Inkubotmutilator ok..
11:54.24mutilatorand enable nat=yes in the sip config
11:54.33Inkubotyes.. it is enable
11:54.45Inkubotfor all the sip clients.. and for [general] too
11:55.25*** join/#asterisk evilbuny (
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12:06.19zoneoutkaldemar: cheers :)
12:09.25piftzafrir ?
12:18.24*** join/#asterisk appelza (
12:18.48appelzahey, could someone perhaps tell me if there is a type of logfile that shows you when an extention is in use or not?
12:19.05appelzaI want to write a system that can show users which extentions are busy or free...
12:23.05*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
12:24.20austinnichols10appelza: check out
12:24.39*** join/#asterisk sivana (
12:25.28burtonezhello, anyone has working setup with two wifi AP + asterisk + SIP wifi phones ? how about hand over roam ?
12:26.15clive-appelza howzit, I dunno the answer, but when you try ring that extension, it will show busy
12:28.13clive-appelza are you an asterisk developer?
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12:32.42stoneI'm having trouble register my softphone (x-lite/kphone/ekiga) to my asterisk. Getting Request timeout on Registration.
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12:36.11appelzawhats asterisk's interface say when you try connect with the softphone?
12:36.21stonemy conf:
12:36.30appelzaclive- : no I'm not
12:36.52appelzaJust want to make a nice interface that will show users when they can transfer a call or not based on the extention usage
12:43.45*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
12:44.28jhiverhi all
12:46.08*** join/#asterisk diego_br (n=diego@
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13:01.34_Paulo_Hi people...
13:03.21_Paulo_Last night I was able to fax using an old fashioned modem connected to a TDM400P instead of app_txfax.
13:04.16_Paulo_I think I still have a high error rate, but at least the transmition was completed.
13:05.30*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
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13:08.40FlyboySR22Good Morning Everyone
13:12.12ChrisUKMorning :P
13:12.20ChrisUKalthough its 13:17 here ;)
13:12.21*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
13:13.05appelzaafternoon ;)
13:13.28appelzaCome on...I cant be the only person who wants to be able to see when an extention is busy or not!?! :/
13:15.08stoffellappelza, can't you see that?
13:15.15_Paulo_appelza, just run "asterisk -r -x show channels"
13:15.37_Paulo_appelza, if you want something simple...
13:16.30zoneoutIs there an easy way in asterisk to detect when a Dial() has been answered?  * seems to skip onto the next line in the dialplan before the lines answered.
13:16.37*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:18.19kippiis there away to lock down an extension so that you have to enter a pin to enable out going calls
13:18.36appelzathnx ill try
13:19.07*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
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13:21.06IronHelixyeah kippi thats easy
13:21.28IronHelixmake an exten that can only dial DISA and put a password on it
13:21.34IronHelixthen DISA it to a context that can dial out
13:21.49IronHelixDISA is an application that when you authenticate it will give you a dialtone for another context
13:21.56kippiI'll look that up
13:22.00IronHelixsee also the cmd Authenticate() (just asks for a password)
13:22.07zoneoutkippi: Not that I know of, but you could probably use AstDB and some custom dialplan stuff to do it
13:22.22IronHelixso you could do exten (pattern),1,Authenticate(code) then exten (pattern),2,Dial(${EXTEN})
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13:26.18zoneoutcool, I never knew that was there...
13:26.44zoneoutdoes anyone know how to detect a Dial() has been answered, and delay the dialplan until it has?
13:26.45stoneTrying to register kphone to asterisk but are getting timeouts, I see that there are communication between the client and (*) (looke like the softphone is trying to auth until timeout is reached)
13:26.55IronHelixVMAuthenticate() will authenticate based on voicemail passwords
13:26.58IronHelixmight be more useful
13:27.03zoneoutOn a Zap line...
13:27.35IronHelixthats HARD
13:27.54zoneoutIronHelix: it is?
13:27.56IronHelixonly way to tell (talking theoretically) is to listen for lack of ringing and IIRC zap channel doesnt do that
13:28.06IronHelixunlike voip channel which signals when the call picks up
13:28.16IronHelixanalog channel does not tell you
13:28.27zoneoutIronHelix: I heard there was an extension to do it...
13:28.54*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
13:29.16IronHelixCurrent local time is Tuesday Feb 21 08:29.16 AM -0500 GMT
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13:53.16*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:54.11_Paulo_coppice, Last night I was able to fax using an old external modem connected to a TDM400P instead of app_txfax.
13:54.46_Paulo_coppice, lots of errors, 1 pages takes about 3 minutes.
13:54.49coppicewonderful. now repeat it :-)
13:56.00fugitivo_Paulo_: i have no problems faxing with a tdm400p
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13:56.15mutilatori don't have many problems faxing
13:56.20*** join/#asterisk Poincare (n=jefffnod@
13:56.30mutilatoreven people on crappy wireless links seem to do it more than 50% of the time
13:57.02_Paulo_mutilator, I not using VoIP, just PSTN
13:57.16mutilatoryea me too
13:57.21fugitivo_Paulo_: do you have noise on your line?
13:57.26mutilatorwell i guess not
13:57.35mutilatori have a t1 sent out over wireless
13:57.57mutilatorchannelized and all
13:58.01coppicefugitivo: that's one of those statements that has people soolishly rushing out to buy stuff :-)
13:58.17_Paulo_fugitivo, for voice the lines are wonderful
13:58.33fugitivocoppice: what statement?
13:58.36mutilatorand "software echo cancel has worked for me in 1000's of installations" is also one of the statements
13:58.39fugitivocoppice: noise?
13:58.57coppice<fugitivo>_Paulo_: i have no problems faxing with a tdm400p
13:59.12fugitivocoppice: it's true :)
13:59.31coppicemaybe, but don't expect such success to be reproducible
13:59.35_Paulo_coppice, with app_txfax I get "Phase 3 error"
13:59.42fugitivocoppice: why not?
14:00.04coppicehave you seen how much trouble people have with fax and TDM400 cards?
14:00.16fugitivo_Paulo_: does echo cancellation goes to OFF when faxing?
14:00.32_Paulo_I have echo cancelation off by default.
14:00.54fugitivocoppice: i had problems, but it was line's fault, reducing the noise solved the problem
14:01.00coppice_Paulo_: great sounding voice is not always much of a measure of line quality
14:01.32coppicefugitivo: if you don't get timing slips, then you are lucky
14:01.56_Paulo_I have distinct results with different numbers and hardwares.
14:02.19coppiceI used to have a voice line at home. that always sounded great. however, in wet weather a modem would not stay connected for more than a minute or two :-)
14:02.22_Paulo_The worst are faxservers.
14:02.24fugitivocoppice: i have no problems with the x100p neither (crappy one)
14:02.45*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
14:02.48coppicethe x100p should be OK for FAX. there is nothing crappy about it at all
14:02.51_Paulo_I mean, the worst are PC/Modem based fax servers.
14:03.12tzafrircoppice, I built libunicall today. There were several warnings emiited. E.g: in one case an init function does not have return. Are you aware of those?
14:03.21tzafriranyway, got to go
14:03.44coppicewhich version?
14:04.41tzafrir0.0.3 pre8
14:04.44caio1982tzafrir: my unicall packages?
14:04.52caio1982tzafrir: didnt get any error here
14:05.07tzafrirnot error. but some warnings
14:05.28tzafriron debian sarge
14:06.02caio1982tzafrir: so you'll sync my unicall packages? :)
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14:07.29fugitivocoppice: what's the problem with the tdm400 for faxing? technically speaking
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14:07.41coppiceframe slips
14:08.05coppicecould be a driver problem, as they seem to come and go with different revisions
14:08.33teleniekoHi ppl. I'm trying to setup an E1 link on my asterisk box, but I have a nice RED alarm... where on the box can I see what is causing that RED alarm? (tried pri show span, pri intense debug span, zttooll...) but no clue on what's wrong ;(
14:08.53fugitivook, i'm using 1.0.8 on that box
14:08.55coppicetzafrir: i don't get any warnings building the current libunicall, and I don't think I have been getting any warnings since the early days
14:09.11_Paulo_coppice, I would like to investigate the causes of my faxing problems. Where should I begin to look?
14:09.29_Paulo_coppice, Do you heave some advice?
14:09.45fugitivo_Paulo_: if this helps, i use 1.0.8 in the box for faxing
14:10.17_Paulo_fugitivo, asterisk 1.0.8 ?
14:10.33fugitivoand zaptel
14:11.04_Paulo_fugitivo, I'm using asterisk 1.2.4, unicall and spandsp snapshots from 2006-02-05
14:11.30fugitivo_Paulo_: i don't have a box with tdm400 and 1.2.4 to test
14:11.54fugitivo_Paulo_: i know that the box with the tdm400 is using 1.0.8, maybe you should try that version and check if it works
14:11.58*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=phil@
14:12.11fugitivoif it works, maybe coppice is right and the problem is in the drivers
14:12.22asteriskmonkeyis there a function in asterisk to nominalize rx and tx gains on the fly?
14:13.34_Paulo_fugitivo, TDM400 is somewhat working
14:13.41coppicei did the early development of the modems in spandsp using a fax machine and a tdm400 for testing. it used to work very well. now with the same computer and tdm400 card things don't work at all. the OS as well as * have changed multiple times in that period
14:14.01fugitivo_Paulo_: i'm talking about faxing with tdm400
14:14.30iCEBrkryo yo yo
14:14.49_Paulo_fugitivo, Is, I able to fax
14:15.04fugitivo_Paulo_: what's the problem then? :)
14:15.24_Paulo_fugitivo, the * server is at a colocation facilit
14:15.35_Paulo_they charge by cable.
14:15.43_Paulo_so i want to fax using E1
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14:15.55_Paulo_instead of analog lines.
14:16.08fugitivodamn, i though that all this conversation was because a problem with tdm400 and fax, lol
14:16.24macacoI discovered the memory leak in asterisk (svn-head) in the following way: run asterisk, connect a sip channel to meetme conference, disconnect, shutdown asterisk... leaks 132 bytes of memory for each allocated channel, and this corresponds to the pool allocated in the function ast_string_pool_init called by ast_string_field_init..... valgrind traces this much:
14:16.25macaco==18969== 952 bytes in 7 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 78 of 104
14:16.25macaco==18969==    at 0x4A1BD7D: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:279)
14:16.25macaco==18969==    by 0x47AC82: __ast_string_field_init (utils.h:285)
14:16.26asteriskmonkeyspandsp for the win :d
14:16.26macaco==18969==    by 0x41C0A3: ast_channel_alloc (channel.c:609)
14:16.28macaco==18969==    by 0x69FF866: ??? (chan_sip.c:2860)
14:16.30macaco==18969==    by 0x6A28E2B: ??? (chan_sip.c:10543)
14:16.32macaco==18969==    by 0x6A29AA0: ??? (chan_sip.c:11176)
14:16.34macaco==18969==    by 0x6A2B4BB: ??? (chan_sip.c:11309)
14:16.36macaco==18969==    by 0x41148E: ast_io_wait (io.c:285)
14:16.38macaco==18969==    by 0x6A23F8A: ??? (chan_sip.c:11457)
14:16.40macaco==18969==    by 0x4C28B1B: start_thread (in /lib/
14:16.42macaco==18969==    by 0x5341051: clone (in /lib/
14:16.54*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:16.56fugitivomacaco: #asterisk-dev && pastebin
14:17.48asteriskmonkeyis there a function in asterisk to nominalize rx and tx gains on the fly?
14:18.40*** join/#asterisk Eitch (n=hugo@unaffiliated/eitch)
14:19.00[TK]D-Fendermacaco : Please do NOT spam like that again : use Pastebin
14:19.03jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
14:19.53*** join/#asterisk pjz (
14:20.10pjzWhy am I getting ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22) ?
14:20.16pjzI don't have a span 1 defined in my zaptel.conf
14:20.37macacofffah, ok... sorry ;)
14:22.36asteriskmonkeyis there any know issues with asterisk and AMD?
14:22.44*** join/#asterisk shog (n=rene@
14:25.07shoghello, i am looking for a free web based GUI for Asterisk. It should have an administrator interface to configure the server and also a user interface so the users can configure their phones.
14:25.27shogany recommendations?
14:25.34fugitivoanything else?
14:26.28shoggraphical output of the server status would be nice
14:27.02ChrisUKyour not going to find it free >;)
14:27.28coppiceasteriskmonkey: yep. the issue is it works better than with intel CPUs
14:28.01fugitivocoppice: is that true?
14:28.04shogChrisUK, why not?
14:28.18ChrisUKwell im running it on 2 Dual Core AMD Opterons and it works perfect :/
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14:28.25coppiceits true for me, especially when the AMD machine runs 64 bit Linux
14:28.36fugitivoshog: you have 2 options for free, you use a crappy web interface like amp, or you develop your own
14:28.46coppicean X2 running spandsp blows away a xeon
14:28.56fugitivocoppice: hmm, i like opteron servers, but some people said it's not good for asterisk
14:29.12coppicei really don't understand why its so much faster
14:29.15ChrisUKwell its fine for me got a weeks uptime so far with no issues
14:29.41fugitivodamn, then i'm going to start using opteron servers and not xeon
14:29.58coppicei've been amused recently to hear people in really huge conservative companies talk about xeons for the simple 2 cpu boxes, and opterons for anything serious :-)
14:30.14shogfugitivo, how come there are no decent free GUIs?
14:30.30fugitivoshog: make one
14:30.46ChrisUKpeople don't need them that often thats why
14:31.03fugitivocoppice: that's true, a lot of companies doesn't like to hear amd for servers
14:31.28fugitivocool, since last upgrade my x100p is detecting hangup :)
14:31.57*** join/#asterisk Abbas (n=Abbas@
14:32.03coppicefugitivo: i think you misread what I wrote
14:32.11shogis there a good user interface, then?
14:33.00pjzthe CLI
14:33.02fugitivocoppice: oops, sorry
14:33.28wasimwe'd even help fund it ...
14:33.31fugitivocoppice: here amd is not the choice for big companies
14:33.32coppicewasim: what is required?
14:33.42*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
14:33.45wasimcoppice: 240 g729 channels on a dual opteron
14:34.09[TK]D-Fendershog : What do you expect out of a GUI and have your tried AMP yet?
14:34.38coppicefugitivo: several fortune 500 companies I've heard about recently have now decided xeons are only for the mickey mouse jobs, where they use Dell boxes. For 4 and 8 way they are using opteron
14:35.24[TK]D-Fendercoppice : Actually "Mickey Mouse" (Disney/Pixar) use AMD IIRC :)
14:35.26shog[TK]D-Fender, i want to configure and administer the server. and i want a user interface so the regular users can configure their phones
14:35.50fugitivocoppice: that's good, i'd worked with opterons and i think they're great
14:35.54*** join/#asterisk kreilmeier (
14:35.56[TK]D-Fendershog : Since when do USERS configure their phones?  And which models do you have in mind and what would the GUI do for them?
14:36.08fugitivocoppice: i used them as a server for diskless terminals
14:36.26fugitivocoppice: diskless terminals with kde+sound+all desktop capabilities
14:36.45clive-wasim how about PLC with g729 codec ?
14:37.02shog[TK]D-Fender, maybe i should try AMP first and see if it suits me.
14:37.15appelzaCould anyone tell me why : asterisk -r -x "show channels" > /tmp/aslog works...
14:37.26appelza$st    = `asterisk -r -x "show channels" > /tmp/aslog`;
14:37.33appelzadoesnt work, I end up with a blank file :/
14:37.43wasimfugitivo: we use icewm for diskless, kde is too fat
14:38.18wasimclive-: i'm waiting for sangoma to release g729 on their quad-e1 dsp
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14:38.51fugitivowasim: well, the performance of those diskless terminals was awesome with kde, openoffice and all that crap, it was a dual opteron with 4gb ram and 30 diskless terminals (i couldn
14:38.57fugitivo(i couldn't try more)
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14:40.08fugitivo(gentoo amd64)
14:40.09[TK]D-Fenderwasim : which product of theirs transcodes direct to g729?
14:40.16wasimfugitivo: the opteron has nothing to do with the performance of the diskless, other than the nfs bit
14:40.39fugitivowasim: are you kidding me? all the applications are run on the server
14:40.59wasimfugitivo: then we saw that kde transferred about 80 MB, while icewm was under 6, so when you boot 100 call center agents all at the same time, it helps
14:41.01fugitivono local applications
14:41.12wasimfugitivo: then its not diskless, they are dumb-terminals
14:41.18*** join/#asterisk NovceGuru (
14:41.30fugitivoi though it was the same
14:41.46wasimfugitivo: diskless is when you boot off the network, but use local processing
14:41.58fugitivothat depends
14:42.06fugitivofor sound you need local processing
14:42.06tracinethello all - quick question - just noticed a change from older ver. of asterisk - when a sip device is in a queue and has it call-forwarded - the device does not ring as part of queue - with v.1.2x it sends the call to the CFWD - is there a way to revert to old behavior?
14:42.06wasimfugitivo: dumbterm is when you just transport the display and all the processing happens at the server
14:42.23fugitivowasim: you can have a mix of local and remote
14:42.38coppicedumbterm is G.W.Bush emulation
14:42.45wasimfugitivo: indeed you can
14:42.49fugitivowasim: what's the name of that? :)
14:42.58wasimfugitivo: diskless
14:43.14fugitivothen, it was diskless and not dumb :)
14:43.16_Paulo_appelza, try $st    = `asterisk -r -x "show channels"` and parsing $st after instead of reading from the file.
14:43.23*** join/#asterisk Atreta (
14:43.29AtretaHi all
14:43.53*** join/#asterisk potsboy (n=chrisg@
14:44.12fugitivocoppice: i don't think it's pointless
14:44.14Atretacan you guys give me a hand with asterisk cdr? i need it to show the billsec too in amp
14:44.28Atretapeople in #amportal told me to come here
14:44.38jbotextra, extra, read all about it, amp is NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
14:45.21Atretai go to ARI to get the call details but it only shows me the duration, i need the billsec too
14:45.43potsboyi think that module is areski not amp.. its part of ast@home
14:46.25fugitivoAtreta: anything related web interface has nothing to do with asterisk, it's just an interface
14:46.27Atretajbot i was already there
14:46.42potsboyyoull have to do a SQL select and edit the php yourself as it does not have that functionality
14:46.44Atretafugitivo are you brazilian?
14:46.47fugitivoAtreta: try to modify the application
14:46.58Atretahmmmmm ok
14:47.01Atretathanks guys
14:47.11fugitivoit should be easy to add a field to the select
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14:47.35Atretai'm a total noob at mysql and php
14:47.49Atretai'm brazilian too
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14:48.10astar`someone has a idea on my asterisk on inbound pstn call the quality is bad but not with incoming voip calls
14:48.15hhoffmanhi, is it possible to fax over a DID provided Teliax with rx_fax and tx_fax?
14:48.16_Paulo_Atreta, lucky guy!
14:48.28astar`and it's not a pstn prob and hardware problem
14:52.55caio1982coppice: is there any known bug related to unicall/mfcr2 about 100% of cpu consumption? after 10minutes the load goes from 40% of cpu used to 100% and stays there (using g729 even forced transcoding sip2sip works fine)
14:53.19caio1982(30 channels being tested for converting to cas/r2)
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14:53.57coppicethere used to be issues when something feeds packets greater than 20ms to it, but I thought those problems had been fixed. I haven't received complaints for a long time
14:54.28sl16i have 2 licenses for g729, sip.conf is ok ... i have no idea ..
14:54.36sl16suggestions ?
14:54.56caio1982coppice: i'll check libraries/protocols version in the buggy machine, thanks steve
14:56.26*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
14:56.33jhiverHey list
14:56.39jhiverI don't understand something
14:56.50jhiverI do a NoOp(${CALLERID})
14:56.56jhiverand it gives me two values?
14:57.04jhiverNoOp("SIP/", "692828070")
14:57.06*** join/#asterisk _4d4m_ (n=adam@
14:58.06_Paulo_in /etc/zaptel.conf, I using "span=1,1,0,cas,hdb3"
14:58.07[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : No, thats just 1 value
14:58.24_Paulo_should I use "span=1,0,0,cas,hdb3"instead?
14:58.39[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : It always shows you which CHANNEL is initiating the Application
14:58.50jhiveraaah ok I understand
14:59.12jhiveroh it seems that callerid works then :)
14:59.32jhivernow I can go code that callback agi script
15:00.46jhiverI'm quite impressed with this audiocodes box I've bought... the stuff actually works
15:01.02jhiverg.729, caller id, echo cancel... phew
15:01.04[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : What kind of gear?
15:01.11jhiveraudiocodes mediant 2000
15:01.21jhiverSIP <-> PRI 8 E1 gateway
15:01.24coppiceaudiocodes have been selling stuff for quite a while. they should have sorted it out by now
15:01.48[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : WOW.. big league gear
15:01.55jhiverit's nice kit
15:02.12jhiverI did consider a bunch of servers with Sangoma / Digium...
15:02.19jhiverbut I went for Audiocodes instead
15:02.24[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : I've heard the config & docs are somewhat shitty, but that it does WORK.  Does this describe your experience?
15:02.37jhiverit's 1U high only, has dual power supply, dual ethernet nics...
15:02.39jhiveryes it is
15:02.45jhiverI got a support contract too
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15:02.57jhiverso setup was easy, i.e. "make it work please"
15:02.59paulhuynhgood morning everyone
15:03.07paulhuynhi have a few question
15:03.24jhiverI'm impressed with audiocodes voice quality too
15:03.29paulhuynhwas i broke my * and built a new one yesterday
15:03.46jhiverNow if I could find a way to improve the quality of these damn * prompts...
15:03.48paulhuynhbut i don't know all the deviced password
15:04.03paulhuynhthe one that is not from within my office
15:04.22paulhuynhthey all try to regsiter but got a user/pas wrong
15:04.31jhiverpaulhuyn, are these password sent in clear or with md5?
15:04.49paulhuynhso how can i use sip debug to finger out the password and recreate the ext.
15:05.02paulhuynhwell i'm not sure
15:05.06paulhuynhi think it md5
15:05.12kippihas anyone got a good how to install the diguim IAXy
15:05.13paulhuynhbecuase i can read it at all
15:05.27jhiverif it's md5 you're screwed, if it's sent clear text it's possible
15:05.39paulhuynhoh ok
15:05.46paulhuynhthat and i have another question
15:06.01paulhuynhis there a conflict problem with pap2 with asterisk?
15:06.13jhiverI got the linksys to work with *
15:06.23jhiverafter some faffing about
15:06.25paulhuynhi got two of them on the field and now they are not willing to register
15:06.34jhiverare you using stun?
15:06.42paulhuynhthey was for a moment and now they stop
15:06.44jhiverand nat=no?
15:06.55*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (n=CoffeeIV@
15:06.58paulhuynhi have stun
15:07.02paulhuynhi have no stun
15:07.12_Paulo_coppice, any advice about fixing my faxing?
15:07.15jhiverah well... that must be why
15:07.26jhivertry it with STUN it usually improve things
15:07.32paulhuynhuse g711u and slow down the speed
15:07.44paulhuynhfor registering?
15:08.11jhiveryep and you need to "ping" the atas regularily to keep them registered
15:08.20jhiverI think there is an option... is it keepalive?
15:08.24coppice_Paulo_ its much easier fixing receive problems, since I can get logs files from people for study :-)
15:08.29jhiverset that both on the device and in your sip.conf
15:09.03jhiverotherwise the UDP ports of the NAT device will be closed if there is no traffic
15:09.31jhiveralso make sure to force re-registration quite frequently (i.e. every hour or so) to handle changing ip addresses
15:09.35_Paulo_coppice, Receiving works very well for me.
15:09.50jhiveror do like me and get a fritz!fonbox and forget about nat issues :)
15:09.52CoffeeIV_I have a fax machine on an internal extension (via an ATA).  In my dialplan, I have a System() command that notifies me of the fax, which is after the RxFax() command.  Faxes from outside work fine, but faxes from the internal ext hangup and stop dialplan processing after the fax is sent but before the System() command is run.  Any way to make it keep processing, then hang up ?
15:10.38coppice_Paulo_ there is something I suspect as causing timing issues for some people. maybe I should cook up a test version which changes that, and see how it goes for you
15:10.56_Paulo_coppice, how can I gather useful information?
15:11.29paulhuynhbut right now it said can't connect to server
15:11.34paulhuynhor off hook
15:11.57IronHelixcoffeeIV- but the same cmd on extension H
15:12.01IronHelixmight get run twice then
15:12.09coppicethat's the problem. the really useful information isn't available in your box. its in the other box. if you have two boxes to use rxfax and txfax between you might be able to gather something useful
15:12.41CoffeeIV_IronHelix: I'll try it -- I can put something in the script that detects if it's being run twice on the same file -- thanks
15:12.45_Paulo_I will work a setup like that.
15:13.04IronHelixit depends on the system command
15:13.33IronHelixif the system command is a script or something you could make it first check to see if its already executing...
15:13.38paulhuynhwhat command do i type is asterisk cli to get it to show sip debug for register
15:13.46IronHelixsip show registry
15:13.49IronHelixshows outbound registrations
15:13.52IronHelixsip show peers
15:14.03IronHelixmight be what you want
15:14.05_Paulo_coppice, I have 2 E1s from distinct telcos.
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15:14.49CoffeeIV_IronHelix: yeah, it "files" the .tif in a certain place, I can have it check for a lock file or something
15:15.17_Paulo_coppice, should I put one board into another server, or can i use the same box?
15:15.24coppicefine. then you edit t30.c, uncomment the first line, recompile and install. when you fax you will get audio files in /tmp. get the problem to happen, and send me the audio files from both ends
15:15.48eKo1I'm trying to hangup this channel using 'soft hangup' but it won't hang up. Is there anything else I can do to destroy this channel short of restarting Asterisk?
15:15.58IronHelixwhat channel is it?
15:16.00coppicetry what's easiest first of all. if that doesn't shed light, we can try something else
15:16.12IronHelixremember if its a sip channel, you have to put in the full channel ie soft hangup SIP/1234-xxxx
15:16.22_Paulo_coppice, You rulez.
15:17.35mockerJust signed up for an asterisk boot camp.
15:17.57*** join/#asterisk malverian[work] (
15:17.58IronHelixyou will be assimilated, resistance is fut.... i mean cool!
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15:18.07mockerIronHelix: :)
15:18.11NivexThe resistance will not be televised.
15:18.12eKo1IronHelix: It is a SIP channel and I did that already.
15:18.33NivexYou can, hoever, join the concall :)
15:18.51IronHelixeko- try soft hangupping the other end of the channel?  or is it on a script?
15:19.16eKo1There is no other end, that is the funny part.
15:19.25IronHelixwhat does shwo channels give you
15:19.46IronHelix*show channels
15:19.47eKo1SIP/pstn-d01a  (pstn-in                 1   )      Up Bridged Call  SIP/300-6706
15:20.12IronHelixdo:  soft hangup SIP/pstn-d01a    then soft hangup SIP/300-6706
15:20.16IronHelixor did you do both of those
15:20.36eKo1soft hangup SIP/pstn-d01a gives me
15:20.37eKo1Requested Hangup on channel 'SIP/pstn-d01a'
15:21.06eKo1soft hangup SIP/300-6706
15:21.07eKo1SIP/300-6706 is not a known channel
15:21.21IronHelixthat is odd
15:21.27eKo1no kidding
15:21.31paulhuynhdoes any one know where i can get some info to setup a pap2 from linksys to my asterisk@home
15:21.31IronHelixsip show peer pstn   ?
15:21.35paulhuynhstun server?
15:22.09eKo1I think I'll just have to restart Asterisk
15:22.19IronHelixdoes sip show peer pstn give you anything?
15:22.19*** join/#asterisk littleall (
15:22.20exonicdo you still have to run 'make linux26' for zaptel-1.2.4 on kernel 2.6 ?
15:22.25eKo1IronHelix: sure
15:22.27IronHelixno you dont, make works fine
15:22.40exonicIronHelix, good deal.
15:22.56littleallhello, i am looking for good website about audio knowledge. who can recommend one?
15:22.59IronHelixit also seems to self configure udev on centos
15:23.21IronHelixi dunno, try restart when convenient so it waits until there are no other channels
15:24.13remisslittleall: audio knowledge?
15:24.45littleallremiss, yes, i want to understand more about audio encoding/decoding etc.... might be a good place to start
15:25.01exonicDoes TDMoE actually work? They keep it in the but last I knew it sucked
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15:25.25remissif you are thinking about differences between ulaw/alaw/gsm/g7** etc
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15:25.56littleallremiss, yes.
15:26.22eKo1audio knowlegde?
15:26.46eKo1i think you should consult the chapter on sound on any physics book
15:26.50asteriskmonkeyOk anyone here got a PRI and a digium card?
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15:27.00paulhuynhHELP please
15:27.01eKo1many a folk
15:27.03paulhuynhwhat does this mean
15:27.04asteriskmonkeyive been fighting with echo on the damn thing for 8months now
15:27.19eKo1asteriskmonkey: which digium card?
15:27.36asteriskmonkeyeko1: i have a 406 and 110
15:27.48remisspaulhuynh: no password?
15:27.53eKo1and this is happening on both?
15:28.03asteriskmonkeyeko1: yes
15:28.09paulhuynhwell but i have type in the password into the pap2
15:28.15paulhuynhwha happpen
15:28.31asteriskmonkeyeko1: so basically the uberly expensive te406 helped my issue 0
15:28.50eKo1try disconnecting one and see if that changes anything
15:30.09*** join/#asterisk sevard (
15:31.12asteriskmonkeyeko1: there not both connected
15:31.20asteriskmonkeyeko1: only 1 in the machine at a time
15:31.43asteriskmonkeyits inconsistant echo.. sometimes no echo then it creeps in 10mins later
15:33.28paulhuynhok no what?
15:33.38paulhuynhnow what i shoudl do from here?
15:33.54asteriskmonkeythe only thing i can think it is the rx/tx gain levels are incorrect, but ive tried changing them all over the place.. and watching the lione volume.. i guess only thing left to do is get my 1004hz sound test from the telco :P
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15:34.28asteriskmonkeythen if that dosnt work thow my digium cards at the nearest geak and get an audiocodes gateway :D
15:35.49*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
15:36.18brodiemI have a question about the Queue command. This may be a bug, but if I do a "exten => 123,1,Queue(SomeQueue||||)", then I get put into the queue for only about a couple seconds (I hear the MoH), and then that queue "fails" if there are no agents available to take the call, and it goes to the next option in the dial plan. HOWEVER, if I use "exten => 123,1,Queue(SomeQueue)", then the call stays in the queue and I continue to hear MoH unti
15:36.55brodiemUsing the (SomeQueue||||) is how AMP creates the dial plan, which is why I'm asking, since I want the caller to remain in the queue until someone is available
15:37.58brodiemso basically it goes to whatever you set the "fail over destination" in AMP for that queue right away (and timeout is set to 0 = unlimited)
15:39.05brodiemam I talking to myself? :)
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15:40.03exonicHow would one go about proving to your telco that they are overriding your outgoing caller id? I have a pri debug on my spam and it explicitly shows the caller id being set.
15:40.20exonicbut the receiving end gets the wrong #
15:40.25[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : I believe you skip over the timeout value thus CAUSING a timeout. What you leave out the |||| it assumes NULL, not 0 and therefor does NOT time out.
15:40.56brodiem[TK]D-Fender, no it does the same when using Queue(SomeQueue|||0)
15:41.20brodiemAMP creates it as Queue(SomeQueue|t|||0), which also does this
15:41.22GerbilWrkanyone had experience loading Asterisk on a router, like the linksys wrt54g
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15:42.07asteriskmonkeyGerbilWrk: yes
15:42.15asteriskmonkeyGerbilWrk: go to has instructions there
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15:45.34brodiem[TK]D-Fender, hmm just tried setting it to like 1200 ( Queue(SomeQueue|t|||1200) ) and it seems to work fine... wonder why setting 0 for unlimited doesn't work
15:46.03[TK]D-Fender0 does not equal NULL.  I found that out the hard way... this should be changed...
15:46.15asteriskmonkeywhat type of hammer would you use to smash a te-serious card to bits?
15:46.21jarrodwhat in the SIP header carries caller-id information
15:46.24Nuggetnothing should equal NULL, not even NULL.
15:47.40brodiem[TK]D-Fender, and AMP only allows you to set a 20 minutes max, I guess I'll just change AMP amp so that it writes an insanely high number if you choose "0 minutes" from the drop down... hard to believe that such a limitation would be in the code for so long
15:47.43*** join/#asterisk Abbas (n=Abbas@
15:48.14[TK]D-FenderAMP = suck
15:48.39brodiem[TK]D-Fender, is there anything better out there? I don't care so much about having a GUI but management does =/
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15:49.32eKo1you don't want that
15:49.37[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Best GUI I've seen =  Tell them Andrew sent you :)
15:49.39*** part/#asterisk junglicious (
15:49.51jbotfrom memory, amp is NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
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15:50.22salviadudneed help with a sipura...
15:50.37salviadudanybody own a spa-841?
15:50.48brodiem[TK]D-Fender, its hard to justify with management why they would need to pay for a GUI when there is a free one available =/
15:51.12asteriskmonkeydefeats open source concep
15:51.33asteriskmonkeyalthough i know joel has put huge work into scopserv
15:51.35[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Not when you ask their opinion on "you get what you pay for" :)
15:52.01asteriskmonkeyits totally a good idea for a newb to get scopserv
15:52.13brodiem[TK]D-Fender, lol what's the price for a license?
15:52.22[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : Yeah well I push Joel pretty hard... I'm the reason for all sorts of those improvements as I've been helping him debug everything :)  THEM I might work for....
15:52.34[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Not sure, but not too much... phone them up...
15:53.00salviadudso, whats the name of the GUI that does NOT cost money?
15:53.10asteriskmonkeythe would be a m p
15:53.19salviadudor a m p
15:53.23[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : the ONLY reason I got a GUI here was because MGMT wanted something they though they could manage even though they have no hopes of learning enough to use it themselves, so really *I'm* stuck with it :)
15:53.58salviadudthats funny man, a bunch of suites that don't know what SIP stands for want to manage a PBX
15:54.14brodiem[TK]D-Fender same deal here, we're migrating from an existing analog PBX and they want it to be simple to manage like the existing one
15:54.34brodiem[TK]D-Fender so you're using ScopServ?
15:54.57[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : My tip (guerilla warefare style) : Get AMP, let them transition and the DITCH it once you highlight the limitations....
15:55.01[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Indeed.
15:55.20*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
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15:55.36asteriskmonkeymy tactic.. get aah@home for ease of install on a new system .. then remake your own conf files and update src
15:55.48brodiemwell I'm at least AMP writes the includes for adding your own custom rules so that I can at least make my own edits and not have AMP overwrite them when re-writing configs, but it's just a PITA working around AMPs limitations
15:56.29[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : ScopServ DESTROYS AMP.  Utterly.  It's the best SHIT you can find for * these days :)
15:56.52brodiemcool..ever use PBXware? wondering how it matches with that
15:58.00*** join/#asterisk vmedrano (n=vmedrano@
16:00.12paulhuynhanyone here use it?
16:01.01paulhuynhi really like switchvox demo so far
16:01.24paulhuynhPBXware + scopeserv cost alot of money for a small bus.
16:02.30salviadudwhy does everyone need a GUI?
16:02.42[TK]D-Fenderpaulhuynh : I guess it just depends on what your idea of expensive is, especially considering the price/functionality of digital ""key" systems...
16:02.44cpmbecause we are stupid
16:02.57salviadudjust use the freakin' CLI with a framebuffer
16:03.00[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : To make "suits" happy...
16:03.20salviadudfender's right...
16:03.21[TK]D-Fendercpm : Memory leak :)
16:03.25salviadudthose damn suites...
16:03.41paulhuynhyes you are right plus most GUI come as a complete system and they are over price
16:04.33[TK]D-Fenderpaulhuynh : How much?  compare that to consulting fees to have someone setup and MAINTAIN * for you.....
16:04.56paulhuynhso far voiceone seem to be very promise
16:05.07asteriskmonkeyman all i gotta say to all you whiny buggers out there.. you have to pay money to make money there is not rags to riches scheme in that data/telco market
16:05.24asteriskmonkeyyou wannt buy cheap phones.. youll enjoy agony of the problems they come with
16:05.37*** join/#asterisk Sloboda (n=slob@
16:05.42asteriskmonkeyyou want to skimp on the server .. when you call volumes get up youll pay for that too
16:05.52salviadudthe monkey is riiiiight
16:06.00salviadudyep, i agree
16:06.25cpmeveryone uses their cellphones here in the US anyway, they don't need pbxes any more.
16:06.27salviadudif you're lazy in the linux community, you will pay for it
16:06.30SlobodaHi! I am looking for softphone that supports usb-phone. Could anyone advise something?
16:06.43salviadudcpa buddy, I'm not in the US
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16:07.13salviadudgood ol' mexico
16:07.34cpmAhh, then you are suffering from cellphonitis also probably.
16:07.50salviadudi'll tell you this
16:07.55salviadudwe need some damn laws here
16:07.56Sebbi have a problem: when i do an outgoing call, it sometimes fails.. every time the ser on the other side connects me to one specific provider.. a sip log is at - why does asterisk destroy the call in line 189..?
16:08.02salviadudfor example
16:08.11salviadudi can get a cellphone that "connects" to the internet
16:08.18salviadudi can only get ports 8080
16:08.19paulhuynhso what do you recommend to use PBXware. switchvox, or scopescerv
16:08.22salviadudand 25
16:08.26cpmSo do we, actually, we need exactly the opposite. We need to repeal all the crap that was passed to give the cellphone companies a free pass.
16:08.39salviadudi can't get the "whole" internet
16:08.57*** join/#asterisk SpooForBrains (
16:09.20SpooForBrainsHey all. Could anyone help we with getting NAT traversal working for SIP?
16:09.54salviadudwhat's cool about asterisk, is i can call my house from my cellphone, then call my cousin in california
16:10.00*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
16:10.11salviadudits waaaay cheaper than long distance.
16:10.43SlobodaSpooForBrains, I tried iptables sip modules. They are at alpha state, really, and reboot the router during sip-registration.
16:10.44salviadudand in mexico, we like cheap
16:10.57cpmeveryone likes cheap.
16:11.07cpmesp those who can afford not to be cheap.
16:11.10salviadudyeah, but, do you like tacos?
16:11.29SpooForBrainsSloboda: so there's no way for me to get my SIP phone working with NAT?
16:11.58SpooForBrainsSituation is, I have a SIP phone, the office has an asterisk server, I want to get my phone talking to their server, and I have NAT at home
16:12.00salviadudtacos and asterisk maaaaan, thats the mexican-american dream for me
16:12.12cpmdepends. many many years ago, in a previous life, a few hours south of mexico city, I stopped into a canteena, they had some tacos up for grabs, I grabbed. Just about did me in on tacos forever.
16:12.22SlobodaSpooForBrains, I'm newbie at VoIP. Well, you may use sip-proxy, * for example ;-)
16:12.24*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
16:12.26[Airwolf]salviadud, don't forget the coke
16:12.27salviadudoh my god, you got some balls there
16:12.38salviadudi would never get tacos in a cantina
16:12.42cpmI was much younger then.
16:13.36salviadudthe coke is from colombia... not mexico
16:14.12salviadudwell... i'm not sure. i don't sell it or buy it so...
16:14.15[TK]D-FenderSpooForBrains : describe your network chain (ex : IP Phone ---> Private LAN ----> * ---> NAT Router) for your scenario
16:16.12SpooForBrains( IP phone ) --- (switch) --- ( SuSEfirewall2 box ) --- interntet --- (unknown) --- (asterisk box)
16:16.16*** join/#asterisk SomePBXUser (
16:16.28SpooForBrainsSuSEfirewall2 box = NAT router
16:16.36jarrodis there a way to have SER modify the Caller-ID ?
16:16.39SomePBXUserAm I in the right place for newbie questions?
16:16.51*** join/#asterisk adminguru (
16:17.14[TK]D-FenderSpooForBrains : your SIP client definition should include : "QUALIFY=YES", "NAT=YES", and there is more if the * is behind NAT as well..
16:17.31[TK]D-FenderSomePBXUser : Sure, ask away
16:17.46SomePBXUser:-) Thanks!
16:17.53*** join/#asterisk chkbsd (
16:18.01*** join/#asterisk dpolitech (n=Owner@
16:18.16SomePBXUserI'm a little confused with what I actually need to set up a simple PBX (regarding hardware)
16:18.18chkbsdis chan_capi included in the 1.2.4 release or in the next?
16:18.47SomePBXUserI don't know if I need any special cards or not, since I just wan't to connect one ISDN line to the PBX to take incoming calls...
16:18.51[TK]D-FenderSomePBXUser : Describe the wiring and lines you have now.
16:19.06SomePBXUserISDN goes to PBX, all the phones are IP
16:19.19[TK]D-FenderYou have an IP telephony system already?
16:19.25SomePBXUserNope :(
16:19.28SomePBXUserI'm trying though
16:19.40[TK]D-Fenderok, how many lines / phones will you need?
16:19.50SomePBXUser1 ISDN line
16:20.28SomePBXUserSorry (phone call)
16:20.42SomePBXUserOk, it would be an internal network of IP phones
16:20.59SomePBXUserThe idea is to be able to make outgoing calls over the ISDN line
16:21.09*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (
16:21.14chkbsdthats right ive asterisk with isdn
16:21.33chkbsdbut in the i cant compile the chan_capi this time with 1.2.3
16:21.41[TK]D-FenderSomePBXUser : Wait.. you're going to run your PBX on 1 line?  For how many ext's?
16:21.54SomePBXUserhehe, 4
16:21.56SpooForBrainsDo I *require* STUN to traverse NAT?
16:22.04SpooForBrainsI can't just forward ports?
16:22.15SpooForBrains(I'm sorry, I have my stupid head on)
16:22.40[TK]D-FenderSpooForBrains : no... you can forward ports in many cases.
16:22.50*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
16:22.57[TK]D-FenderSpooForBrains : can you confirm if your * server is behind NAT as well?
16:23.26*** join/#asterisk mzo (
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16:23.54SpooForBrainsHeh, I was trying to figure out what * meant ... told you I had my stupid head on!
16:24.54*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
16:25.07TagorHi, I am trying to setup my network for Asterisk on linux. But I am not really familar with subnets and broadcast. Can someone tell me what subnets and broadcast ip's I should use?
16:25.12TagorThis is an image of the network:
16:25.13SpooForBrainsNo, * server is not behind NAT
16:26.30SomePBXUserTagor: Depends how many networks you have... a simple one to use is (broadcast this would let you use 254 IP addresses
16:26.51TagorJust one network, SomePBXUser
16:26.56TagorWith about 5 computers
16:27.27SomePBXUserOk, using the same IP scheme, your net is .0 and the broadcast IP is .255
16:28.33SpooForBrainsI don't see a situation on that page for me, which is * server public, me and my Grandstream SIP phone behind NAT
16:30.51SomePBXUserD-Fender, I'll refrase a little. Let's imagine I use * for managing 10 IP Phones from different locations. The idea is that outgoing calls can be made from any phone through *.
16:31.12SomePBXUserSo basically I am unsure of what hardware I need, or if a simple BRI ISDN card will do the trick
16:32.14*** join/#asterisk dezent (
16:32.44eKo1You either need an FXO card or a call terminator that will make the calls for you.
16:32.44asteriskmonkeyoutgoing calls are setup via contexts
16:32.58*** join/#asterisk Kernel_core (i=Kernel_C@
16:33.01Kernel_corehi all
16:33.02brodiemsorry accidental pings
16:33.31Kernel_coreanybody successfuly configured H323 on asterisk ?!
16:34.46SpooForBrainsSo, if the * server is public, and I'm behind NAT with me SIP phone, all I should need to do is forward the correct ports, yes?
16:34.50Modcutsis it possible to turn off the vm-intro.gsm on voicemail because if i remove it the vm brakes?
16:36.20exonicModcuts, copy silence over it?
16:36.41exonicModcuts, submit a patch =)
16:36.52[TK]D-FenderSomePBXUser : Well if you're looking for ISDN take a look at the AVM Fritz cards.  They seemt o be the most popular ones these days (last I heard)
16:37.08mikefoo[TK]D-Fender: sup sup
16:37.22SomePBXUserOk, so TDM01B would be ok?
16:37.36[TK]D-Fendermikefoo : ntm atm iykwim
16:37.45[TK]D-FenderSomePBXUser : not for ISDN.
16:38.00[TK]D-FenderSomePBXUser : Digium TDM cards are for purely analog channels
16:38.11[TK]D-FenderSomePBXUser : Look at the AVM cards
16:38.11SomePBXUserOk, thought so...
16:38.52SomePBXUserYup, I've been looking at Fritz BRI Card from AVM.
16:39.00mikefoo[TK]D-Fender: what? lol
16:39.09Modcutsyeah but thats a quick fix and all other acccounts loose the message
16:39.15SomePBXUserWould I need any other hardware though?
16:39.28mzoyay, asterisk runs. yay
16:39.59[TK]D-FenderSomePBXUser : You'd need the PC to install * on (should be semi-decent, but nothing terribly special for the size you destribed), and the phones you intend to use.
16:40.38SomePBXUserOkidoki... that's about it really :-)
16:40.46[TK]D-Fendermikefoo : Not Too Much At The Moment I You Know What I Mean....
16:40.46SomePBXUserMuch appreciated!
16:40.50[TK]D-FenderSomePBXUser : np.
16:40.59GerbilWrkanyone have any recommendations to fix this. I tried installing four FXO cards in addition to the 4 port T1 card, when i did that, the T1 would not come up. I took them out, and the T1 still wouldn't come up. I rebooted several times, and eventually got the T1 up by turning up the second one also, which isn't plugged in
16:41.10GerbilWrknow I get this error though throughout the day, Feb 21 10:37:19 NOTICE[1567]: chan_zap.c:8203 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
16:41.13mzouse the force.
16:42.27*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
16:42.59dpolitechstupid question
16:43.11dpolitechdoes anyone have a channel bank to recommend for use with *?
16:43.30SpooForBrainsRTP would be the audio protocol, right?
16:43.38*** join/#asterisk SupZ (
16:44.41kippihow comes I am getting this error? *CLI> Feb 21 16:43:20 NOTICE[4161]: chan_iax2.c:3918 register_verify: No registration for peer '1001' (from
16:44.59kippido I have to add somthing in extensions.conf?
16:45.21salviadudi think that refers to the qualify option in iax.conf
16:45.29*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
16:46.14salviadudi don't think it has to do with extensions
16:46.22Sebbno one who speaks sip and can help me? ;)
16:46.26*** part/#asterisk SomePBXUser (
16:46.55Sebblast try - when i do an outgoing call, it sometimes fails.. every time the ser on the other side connects me to one specific provider.. a sip log is at - why does asterisk destroy the call in line 189..?
16:47.46kippii have put the conf in iax.conf
16:48.20salviadudwell buddy, iax.conf is very important
16:48.53salviadudim guessing
16:49.01salviadudyou are trying to reach 1001
16:49.18kippithats what I want the extension to be
16:49.27salviadudthe extension is not the problem
16:49.33*** join/#asterisk mexuar-tim (
16:49.38salviadudyou don't have it registered
16:49.48salviadudand you don't have to
16:49.55salviadudyou can just add a line that says qualify=nw
16:50.54salviadudand, one question, 1001 is a sip phone?
16:50.58salviadudwhat is it?
16:51.03kippido I need to add that to iax.conf?
16:51.15salviadudwell... go to
16:51.21salviadudand paste your iax.conf
16:51.29salviadudjust take out the passwords
16:51.31jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
16:51.32salviadudor any personal stuff
16:51.35[TK]D-Fenderdpolitech : Rhino seems to work OK...
16:51.52dpolitechthough none on ebay ;)
16:52.13*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
16:52.47dpolitechI guess that's what I'll get
16:52.55dpolitechhave not seen anything negative about them, so...
16:53.15salviadudyeah, try that
16:53.24salviadudi mean
16:53.26salviadudnot now
16:54.25kippistill the same
16:54.34salviaduddid you reload?
16:54.49salviadudi guess we're both learning here aren't we...
16:55.07salviadudyou might need to get better documented on iax
16:55.11*** join/#asterisk gbodemantv (
16:55.13salviadudi have FWD via iax
16:55.22salviadudlet me see...
16:56.10mzoi've been trying fwd for iax for two days but it still says refused, i wonder if it really does take 24 hours for turning iax on to work
16:56.20salviadudhow about
16:56.20SibRw0rkany get faxing to work with Asterisk?
16:56.35jaigerSibRw0rk, yes
16:57.16SibRw0rkjaiger: any special setup needed?
16:57.36jaigernot for me
16:58.17SibRw0rkjaiger: did you configure the ATA device just like you would anything else in extensions.conf?
16:58.24salviadudand the other * box you are calling
16:58.39jaigerSibRw0rk, ATA?
16:58.47salviadudhow does it recognize you?
16:58.58SibRw0rkjaiger: yeah how you got the fax to connected to your ip network - u use a ATA device
16:58.59jaigerI have a channel bank and a T card
16:59.03SibRw0rkoh ok
16:59.25SibRw0rkso u just plug the regular fax into that, and gave it an extension that you've already supplied in your extensions.conf?
16:59.44jaigerbut I have done fax through sipur ATAs.  I made sure to force the codec to ulaw for that channel
17:00.05SibRw0rkjaiger: you hear about the T.38 patch ?
17:00.10*** join/#asterisk justinu (
17:00.15stoffellany idea why there is no echo can board for a single span E1/T1 ?
17:00.20jaigerit works but I wouldn't recommend it for high quantity faxing
17:00.42jaigerstoffell, I have a Tellabs 2572 that does a single span
17:00.55SibRw0rkjaiger: how would you do high quality faxing - and don't say email2fax
17:01.16stoffelljaiger, i see, find it weird that the digium cards don't offer on-board echo can for the single span cards
17:01.34*** part/#asterisk mexuar-tim (
17:02.04jaigerSibRw0rk, never tried t38 but with the current state of technology I wouldn't recommend fax over IP for high quantity fax
17:02.23jaigerstoffell, probably not cost effective
17:02.29SibRw0rkjaiger: ok - thanks
17:03.06jaigerSibRw0rk, depends on your requirements but I might recommend HylaFAX to handle the IP network side of things
17:03.45jaigerSibRw0rk, yes a fax server for UNIX/Linux
17:03.47kippianyone from digium around?
17:03.59Modcutsi did just wipe the vm-intro.gsm to get around her talking after the personal message, but thats a bit of bug having that on all vm.
17:04.08SibRw0rkjaiger: ok thanks
17:04.24SibRw0rkjaiger: it works well with asterisk?
17:04.27jaigerbut last I checked it doesn't work with fax machines on the FXS side of the connection
17:04.40jaigerSibRw0rk, it's a stand-alone fax server for linux
17:04.57SibRw0rki'll have to do some research into it
17:04.58SibRw0rkthanks man
17:05.20jaigermaybe iaxmodem too but I haven't tried that either.  iaxmodem integrates hylafax and asterisk
17:05.58jaigermy own fax machines are on TDM connections and don't go over a VOIP link.  that's intentional
17:06.35*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
17:07.21*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
17:08.53_Paulo_coppice, I've done what you told me. Got 6 files, my original image and the received one.
17:09.36coppiceOK. either post them somewhere and send me an e-mail pointing to them, or just e-mail the whole thing
17:10.09_Paulo_coppice, thanks!
17:15.40*** join/#asterisk brif8 (
17:15.45kippiis there a run down of the voicemail options?
17:16.22coppicei thought the whole voice mail system was pretty run down :-)
17:16.40brif8Can the Cisco 7920 Wireless IP Phone  use either SIP and or IAX2 ?  or has the asterisk SCCP support been upgraded over the last 8 months, that Asterisk can deal with SCCP directly ?
17:17.59*** join/#asterisk KriS83 (n=KriS@
17:19.32KriS83a really short and probably simple question... is it possible to use 1 sip account for multiple locations/multiple sip phones? SipUser A Logs on from IP and If Sip A is called, both phones ring?
17:20.01iCEBrkrKriS83: Won't work
17:20.12exonicKriS83, you want call queues
17:20.15iCEBrkrKriS83: But you can Dial(SIP/1&SIP/2) to make them both ring
17:20.43*** join/#asterisk Poincare (n=jefffnod@
17:21.58KriS83Just out of interesst, how would sipgate support this? (obviously not using Asterisk right? :))
17:23.05*** join/#asterisk katakefalos (
17:23.08docelm0KriS83, sipgate is asterisk
17:23.34KriS83k, they support multiple logins...
17:23.40KriS83how do they solve this?
17:24.05katakefaloscould aomeone tell me if its safe to deploy an asterisk box with real time based on mysql for a production machine?
17:24.06*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
17:24.41brif8KriS83: using the the two dial patterns like iCEBrkr said:  Dial(SIP/1&SIP/2&.........)
17:25.01katakefalosi have it as a stage machine but i have many issues with different devices (registration problems etc.)
17:25.07[TK]D-Fenderkippi : Read the WIKI page, its pretty much print-and-distribute ready...
17:25.21*** join/#asterisk jbalcomb (
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17:26.31katakefalosis anyine in here that uses asterisk for authentication exlusiv with mysql or any other database?
17:26.35KriS83brif8, doesn't make sence... cos If I logon twice with User A and Password 1234 how would there be a second extension? I would always dial SIP/A or not?
17:28.01[TK]D-FenderKriS83 : You CAN'T login as the same user in 2 different place.
17:28.15*** join/#asterisk tletourneau (
17:28.32[TK]D-FenderKriS83 : You need to make 2 SEPERAT accounts that will both be rung when the extension you want associated with them is dialed.
17:29.35brif8KriS83: on the CLI run sip show peers,  after each time you log in and you will see that it will register with the latest IP address
17:29.57tletourneauHello everyone, is setting allowguest=yes in sip.conf the same as allowing non-proxy invites?
17:30.13mzoany fwd experts around? :)
17:30.33*** join/#asterisk zekeonfir3 (
17:30.54KriS83ok, I understand that.. but then docelm0 must be wrong or not?
17:31.07KriS83Cos as I said sipgate does support this
17:31.51gaupeprobably because they are running SER
17:32.00[TK]D-FenderKriS83 : Sipgate is not * based, right?  Because what you're described is SIP-B "shared" line appearances.
17:32.38KriS83ok... thats all I wanted to know :)
17:32.52[TK]D-Fendertletourneau : that allows un-auth'd calls to be accepted against the context specified in [general].
17:33.04[TK]D-FenderAnd * does not support SIP-B yet.
17:33.27[TK]D-Fender(summer 2006 in * 1.4 is the current plan)
17:33.41salviadudwhat is sip-b?
17:33.44KriS83That would be nice
17:33.59KriS83[TK]D-Fender, thank you for the info
17:34.07docelm0wrong about what?
17:34.14salviadudi believe we are using sip-a right now
17:34.17KriS83docelm0, sipgate using *
17:34.18salviadudsip-b is better?
17:34.32tletourneauThanks D-Fender, I'm trying to figure out how to get an FXO device to talk to my * box.
17:35.12*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
17:35.43[TK]D-Fendertletourneau : Which?
17:36.15tletourneauA Vegastream Vega 50 with 8 FXO ports.
17:37.25tletourneauThere doesn't seem to be alot of information out there about integrating these two devices.
17:38.12tletourneauI have the outbound working, I just can't figure out how to get the inbound working.
17:38.26mzois this the wrong place to ask if someone wants to peer with me, so i can call finland? I can trade NJ to them? :P
17:38.30coppice_Paulo_ This TIFF goes wrong exactly as the picture starts. are you sure the problem is not with the PDF to TIFF conversion?
17:38.32*** join/#asterisk IRC_User (n=anonymou@
17:39.15docelm0KriS83, initially yes.. I know they were..  As of today good chance but who knows.
17:39.20IRC_Userdoes anyone have experience with sccp in asterisk?  I need some help setting up my sccp.conf for a 12SP
17:39.36brif8Can the Cisco 7920 Wireless IP Phone  use either SIP and or IAX2 ?  or has the asterisk SCCP support been upgraded over the last 8 months, that Asterisk can deal with SCCP directly ?
17:40.47puzzledbrif8: cisco does not do iax2. for sccp see
17:41.03[TK]D-Fendertletourneau : One would think that you should have it register to * just lieka phone
17:42.01*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
17:42.08*** join/#asterisk Egonis (
17:42.22saftsackis it possble to jump automatically in any extension without using immediate=yes?
17:42.41EgonisWhen I start asterisk, it quits out and notes a series of errors relating to permissions in /dev/zap in /var/log/asterisk/messages -- what do I do to change the perms?
17:42.41IRC_Userlooking for help with sccp and cisco 12SP
17:43.02tletourneauD-Fender : So just set it up as an extension in *?
17:43.37mzowhat's latest version? 1.2.4?  How'd i gte back down to 1.2.1?
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17:43.50nextimeEgonis : just do a "chown -R asterisk.asterisk /dev/zap"
17:43.58salviadudwhy would you want to go back down?
17:44.02mzoi don't know.
17:44.09mzoi must have messed up someting during an upgrade
17:44.14nextime( assuming that your * run as user and group "asterisk" )
17:44.15*** join/#asterisk beefsalad (n=crash3m@unaffiliated/crash3m)
17:44.15IRC_UserI use 1.2.4 and it works beautifully
17:44.27salviadudyep, me too
17:44.35salviadud1.2.4 is nice
17:44.53salviadudis anyone here into social engineering
17:44.55*** part/#asterisk beefsalad (n=crash3m@unaffiliated/crash3m)
17:44.59salviadudi know this company based in nevada...
17:45.08IRC_Useryes to social engineering
17:45.09salviadudi have the password that the technicians use
17:45.26IRC_Userand they don't know you have it
17:45.41salviadudi used to work for a operator company based in mexico that gives outsourcing to this company
17:45.47salviadudof course they don't
17:46.03salviadudi can call them on their toll free number via FWD
17:46.11[TK]D-Fendertletourneau : Not certain on that model, but others like the SPA-3000 do.
17:46.13salviadudi want them to change the password
17:46.20salviadudwhich one should be fitting?
17:46.33mzohaha, i'm a dumbass
17:46.44trixter  if you do enough tollfree traffic not only can you call free but you can make money off it too :P
17:46.45salviaduddumbass is a good password...
17:46.46IRC_UserThey should regularly, but likely that password has been un-changed since its birth
17:46.47mzoi must have used the tar from 1.2.1 from AAH when i upgraded and i downgraded from 1.2.3 to 1.2.1
17:46.47trixterbetter than FWD for that reason
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17:47.17tletourneauD-Fender : I'll give that a try, thanks.
17:47.23salviadudthink i can set it up via IAX?
17:47.25*** part/#asterisk IRC_User (n=anonymou@
17:47.30salviadudthats how i have fwd setup right now...
17:47.47trixterthe trxtel thing?  iax directions are on that page
17:47.59salviadudright on...
17:48.02trixterdont even have to register with anyone
17:48.10mzoso if i use trx i can call toll free numbers free? :P
17:48.41mzouseful :)
17:48.48trixteryou can potentially call tollfrees for a negative amount with trx :)
17:48.58tletourneauD-Fender : Are there reserved extension numbers in *?
17:49.19trixtertletourneau: no
17:50.01salviadudwow. im gonna set it up right now
17:50.03trixtersome apps like voicemail will look for extension 0 and if you defined it clal that user..  but its not reserved for anything
17:50.17salviadudyou see
17:50.20salviadudi am from mexico!!!
17:50.23saftsacktrixter, do you know if its possible to jump automatically while releasing the handset of a normal analog telephone in any extension without using immediate=yes?
17:50.37salviadudthose "toll free numbers"
17:50.40salviadudare not free over here...
17:50.43[TK]D-Fendertletourneau : not really.
17:50.49salviadudthanx to asterisk... now they are
17:50.52salviadudviva la revolucion!
17:51.12[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : No, thats exactly the POINT of "immediate=yes"
17:51.42saftsackbecause my block dialing doesnt work with this one :(
17:52.34saftsackis there any reason why?
17:53.51tletourneauSo if I set the context to from-pstn the system should treat it like any other incoming call, right?
17:54.19saftsack[TK]D-Fender, do you know block dialing?
17:55.16znoGif I want 2 extensions to forward to each other on BUSY or NO ANSWER, but avoid endless loops of forwarding to each other... what's a good way of going about it?
17:55.37[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : term doesn't ring a bell with me...
17:55.58saftsackthis is dialing and THEN releasing the handset. it is an isdn feature.
17:56.09salviadudhey, this thing is all right
17:56.23salviadudi had to create a really crazy setup for toll free numbers with FWD
17:56.25[TK]D-Fenderznog : if you are using a STDEXTEN style macro, pass it an incrementing counter for the # of hops and assign a cut-off
17:56.41salviadudthis i like...
17:56.44*** part/#asterisk justinu (
17:56.44[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Sorry... thats what ISDN is DIGITAL.
17:56.53[TK]D-FenderAnalog = dumber than dirt
17:56.59trixterisnt it much cleaner?
17:57.18*** join/#asterisk exstatica (
17:58.10saftsackyes but my isdn telephone is handled in zap two that was it why i wrote analog
17:58.17saftsacknot two ... too
17:58.44*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
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18:00.52saftsack[TK]D-Fender, do you have any ideas?
18:02.18Assidhey [TK]D-Fender: in the 501.. how do you specify a ip specifically?
18:02.39*** join/#asterisk GoRK (
18:03.23GoRKanyone know if there is an accessory part or something for a dell poweredge 2850 that gives me a standard 4 pin power connector for a TDM400P/TDM2400P card?
18:03.58znoG[TK]D-Fender: yeah not sure how i'd do it..
18:04.02*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
18:04.07trixteryou mean like the 5v and 12v power connectors hard drives use?
18:04.13GoRKtrixter: yes
18:04.22znoG[TK]D-Fender: ie. how to check if, in the chain of call forwards, a number has already been dialed.
18:05.02GoRKtrixter: on the dell the drives are all SCA scsi and the motherboard is connected to the PSU with a big modular connector.. there aren't really any standard power cables in there that i can find
18:06.01tronixGoRK: not sure, but you might have easier searches if you also include 'molex' (the brand name of that connector type)
18:06.01mzotrixter, how can you call them toll-frees for a negative amount? :P
18:06.17GoRKtronix: ah yes good idea
18:06.37trixteryou get paid if you do volume
18:07.32mzohaha, so one call a day for me isn't volume ;)
18:08.02trixterin that case its just free
18:09.21[TK]D-FenderAssid : Give it a fixed IP?  Either in the web interface (not suggested), or on the phone directly at boot (better), or by your DHCP server (best).
18:10.20Assidnah. dont wanna do from dhcp server.. wanna do it on boot..
18:10.27Assidcant find what setting to edit tho
18:10.45AndyCapGoRK:  do you have the connector at the molex adapter for the 2800? (5th post from top)
18:11.51Assidnat.ip ?
18:12.19*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:13.09AndyCapGoRK: or if you're kinky the pinout is on page 3
18:13.09[TK]D-FenderAssid : You'd have to do it from the LCD on startup
18:13.31[TK]D-FenderAssid : its not in a provisioning file.
18:13.32AssidLCD ? cant provision?
18:13.36[TK]D-Fendernot for IP.
18:14.03GoRKandycap: awesome thanks
18:14.06Assidis it better to have a fixed ip for the phones?
18:14.24Assidcoz apparently all of a sudden i see some issues of zombies and stuff
18:14.33AndyCapGoRK: dunno if the psu in a rackmount has the connector though.
18:14.42GoRKit has it
18:14.43Assidsometimes.. 1 way audio
18:14.54*** join/#asterisk E0x (
18:15.06mzoasterisk at home must have not updated to 1.2.4
18:15.08GoRKandycaP: or rather it has something similar.. i will call dell probably
18:15.11mzoeven though this is 2.5
18:15.29[TK]D-FenderAssid : Why bother with fixed IP?
18:15.49kippiany iaxy experts around?
18:16.49*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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18:16.59Assidthese guys are compling of 1 way audio.. and sometimes.. i see zombies
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18:18.39shido6kippi, whats wrong?
18:18.42bcnlso am I able to do the following
18:20.02kippishido6: I am getting this error Feb 21 18:19:10 NOTICE[4161]: chan_iax2.c:3918 register_verify: No registration for peer '1001' (from
18:22.16*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
18:23.06*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (
18:23.21asteriskmonkeykippi: do you have your iax.conf for that devic set right for that device?
18:23.30asteriskmonkeyhow did you provision it?
18:23.35asteriskmonkeyare you getting a blue light?
18:23.51kippiasteriskmonkey: no blue light
18:24.00asteriskmonkeythen its not connected or provision right
18:24.31kippiso its the config on the iaxy box ?
18:24.49asteriskmonkeymost likley :D
18:24.49asteriskmonkeyhow did you provision it?
18:24.53shido6kippi, so whats in iax.conf?
18:24.58shido6and how did you provision the iaxy? kippi
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18:26.58E0xi have some question , exist a jabber server ( and client server ) that i can connect together with asterisk server and using jabber for registre and list the users and using the client ( with some form of voip support ) can make voice chat betewen users via asterisk server
18:27.14gbodemantvhey all
18:27.20gbodemantvquick question
18:27.36*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=angela@
18:27.38Kattyhi lads.
18:27.49gbodemantvI want to convert a mp3 to gsm but it seems to sound awful when I convert
18:27.52gbodemantvwhat do you all use
18:29.32shido6iax2 reload, kippi ?
18:30.16kippiNo such command 'iax2 reload' (type 'help' for help)
18:30.51dpolitechyou can just do a regular 'reload'
18:31.00dpolitechit will re-read iax.conf
18:31.25shido6err... you cant iax2 reload?
18:31.41shido6show modules and look for IAX2
18:32.42kippiits not there
18:33.21znoGis G723 a licensed codec?
18:33.30[TK]D-FenderznoG: yup
18:34.09shido6time to find and load it then
18:34.16shido6you are looking for Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)  , rather
18:34.19Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: hi
18:35.08*** join/#asterisk jpablo (n=jpablo@
18:35.27jpablohey people, anyone knows a problem in snom 360 where the phone just boots to the message: ready...serial 2.0 ?
18:37.05kippishido6: so i need to install chan_iax2 ?
18:37.17lazzarellojpablo, no, but I got a batch of 11 snom 360s and ended up returning 4 of them for stupid bugs like that.
18:38.00znoG... and has anyone tried: ??
18:38.12znoG(intel's g723/g729 code converted to Asterisk)
18:38.40austinnichols101gbodemantv: use sox
18:38.50dpolitechmake sure you read the bottom of that page
18:38.52dpolitechthe legal stuff
18:39.53asteriskmonkeyis there a newer patch for altering zap rx tx on the fly?
18:40.04znoGdpolitech: yep, i'm not looking at making any products with that code, and no patents exist in my country
18:40.13*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
18:40.15znoGdpolitech: for G729 and G723
18:40.28dpolitechI've tried it
18:40.30dpolitechworked for me
18:40.35dpolitechthis was awhile ago though
18:40.37dpolitechpre *1.2
18:40.55znoGah, i see
18:41.05znoGso if my sipura device supports G729, it should work with this codec?
18:41.07Juggieit still works
18:41.11asteriskmonkeylooking for a 1.2x veriosn of zap set tx or zap set rx command
18:41.14*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
18:41.16Juggiethough i would recommend purchasing it legit
18:41.19Juggieeven if its not supported
18:41.21znoGworth a try over GSM
18:41.25Juggieas it supports asterisk development
18:41.35dpolitechbuy from digium
18:41.36znoGtrue, true
18:41.38Juggieer, even if its not illegal i mean.
18:41.39dpolitechand you get support as well
18:41.44dpolitechpretty decent support too
18:42.13dpolitechthough I've haven't even needed support with digi's g729 implementation
18:43.08saftsackwhat is that?
18:44.57*** join/#asterisk ursuspacificus (
18:46.25kippiwhere can i get chan_iax2 from?
18:46.48shido6it comes with the source, Luke
18:47.12chkbsdis capi/isdn in the 1.2.4 release or in the next?
18:47.40gbodemantvtried to use GX Transcoder to convert but does not seem to convert to gsm
18:47.50gbodemantveven though it says it does
18:47.51znoGdpolitech: you still need to register with Intel to use the open source stuff I pasted before, eh?
18:48.09gbodemantvanybody have any ideas
18:51.44*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
18:52.13znoGok i don't qualify for a non-commercial license :)
18:53.31kippiI am now getting this error when trying to load with iax2
18:53.32kippi[]Feb 21 18:52:23 WARNING[5599]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /u              sr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_check_signature
18:53.32kippiFeb 21 18:52:23 WARNING[5599]: loader.c:391 load_modules: Loading module chan_ia     failed!
18:58.12*** join/#asterisk rogier (
19:00.58wasimanybody have a dual opteron 246 handy? need to run a couple of g729 tests
19:01.15mzohow do you get a non-commercial license?
19:01.35salviadudcould someone please direct me to a good zaptel.conf example?
19:01.52wasimsalviadud: make samples
19:02.01shido6locate zaptel.conf.sample , salviadud
19:02.06wasimerr, the one in the src
19:02.12shido6ahh - careful with that make samples :)
19:02.17salviadudi meant a good one...
19:02.25shido6that does what, salviadud ?
19:02.52salviadudi know what make samples does.  im looking for something more specific
19:02.59salviadudfor one of thos generic intel cards
19:03.13salviadudtp100 i think
19:03.22jbalcombLots of problems with the GXP-2000 blank screen/no ip/locking up using firmware Anyone have any fixes?
19:03.28Seldon1975Q: what's red and invisible?
19:03.30kippianyone got any ideas why iax is failing to load?
19:03.34Seldon1975A: no tomatoes
19:03.55stoffelljbalcomb, wait untill next firmware release.. depends on what hardware revision you have..
19:04.19stoffelljbalcomb, we have 7 phones with 0 problems, 1 phone: blank screen/lockup/.. so, be patient..
19:04.46mzohah, i'm still trying to figure out how i downgraded my asterisk
19:04.49mzothta took major skillz
19:05.52*** join/#asterisk lalito (n=erg@
19:07.41[Airwolf]I just setup a new Asterisk server with a config I use everytime, but the problem is I now get these messages when trying to dial with my softphone
19:07.42salviadudwell, did you install it like a package?
19:07.44[Airwolf]Feb 21 21:05:46 NOTICE[2242]: chan_iax2.c:6782 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '781@'
19:07.50salviadudor just make install?
19:07.51jbalcombstoffell: ok. We have about 100 of the GXP-2000's but I'm not sure how many actually have the problem.
19:07.51[Airwolf]And probably I'm overlooking somthing
19:07.56[Airwolf]But I have no idea
19:08.18jbalcombstoffell: How do you know the hardware revision? I saw some posts regarding the MAC address. Is that connected?
19:08.21stoffelljbalcomb, check the voip wiki regeularly for updates on the gxp-2000 page..
19:08.41stoffelljbalcomb, yes, the mac addr gives an idea...
19:08.45kippi[Airwolf] how did you get iax working?
19:08.46jbalcombstoffell: yeah, I have it bookmarked on my 'Links' toolbar.
19:09.05*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
19:09.13generalhanwhats up everyone !
19:09.15[Airwolf]kippi, I just made the config file. What do you mean exactly ?
19:09.26jbalcombstoffell: ok. thanks. I wonder if there is a range of hardware versions that have the problem?
19:09.40kippii am trying to get it to work, but if i add it to the modules I get error
19:09.58[Airwolf]What error do you get ?
19:10.00stoffelljbalcomb, i'm afraid the first bunch are affected, ..
19:10.47generalhani have a quick question ... i just switched my VoIP lines out for a PRI T-1. Now a lot of my Cisco 7960s have a MEAN echo. and its a good 1-2 second delay, if i read off a phone number to some one i can say 3 digits, then i hear myself say those digits back to me in the phone. any ideas why this is happening or what i might be able to do to stop this ?
19:10.48*** join/#asterisk robin_sz (
19:10.52jbalcombstoffell: ok, I'll check my macs against those listed on the wiki. thanks.
19:10.56GoRKBTW if anyone was following my saga I found the way to get a digium card with a molex connector working in a dell poweredge 2850 .. there is a part from dell that gives you a regular molex: H2188 it is similar to the part described in the link AndyCap posted
19:11.13GoRKyou will most likely need an extension cable as well
19:11.28jbalcombstoffell: Seems 00.0B.82.03 vs. 00.0B.82.04
19:11.50robin_szoh great! at last some GCP2000 firmare to fix the broken veriosn I installed two weeks ago!
19:12.57robin_szand they are giving away free money at the local bank.
19:13.24stoffelljbalcomb, 000b8204 doesn't seem to have the prob here
19:14.10stoffellbut.. 000b8203 does..
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19:15.34jbalcombstoffell: That is what I'm seeing here as well. Now I just need to decide whether we realistically drop the version number just for phones that have the old MAC. :/
19:16.01*** join/#asterisk dlublink (
19:16.04stoffelldrop? i'm afraid there's no downgrade
19:16.05dlublinkwrong button
19:16.42robin_szstoffell: grandstream by any chance?
19:16.52kippi[Airwolf] can I pm you?
19:17.16stoffellrobin_sz, hehe ;)
19:17.38robin_szstoffell: I REALLY wish they would release SOMETHING to make this phone useable again :(
19:18.04jbalcombstoffell: ah, its all 1.0.2.X. I see that now. bummer. Guess I just need to make sure the old revision phones are physically close to the heldesk dept. =)
19:18.05*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
19:18.10frenzyhello all
19:18.15stoffellyeah robin_sz, it's a real pain, not good of them :(
19:18.30[Airwolf]kippi, now you can
19:18.33*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (n=malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
19:18.48jbalcombrobin_sz: ditto. rediculous to not be able to rollback the version.
19:18.51frenzydoes anyone have an idea of an open source callback application/billing for asterisk ?
19:18.57robin_szstoffell: im thinking of buying some Snoms to replace the broken ones as its gone on too long now ...
19:19.05[Airwolf]Does anyone has seen this error before: Feb 21 21:05:46 NOTICE[2242]: chan_iax2.c:6782 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '781@'
19:19.11GoRKpolycoms rule! except for those things about them that kinda suck
19:19.29stoffellrobin_sz, a "thomson st2030" looks very good, but it doesn't have any working features :(
19:19.30robin_szSnom 360s are OK
19:19.49salviadudi get this when i run ztcfg
19:19.52salviadudZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
19:19.54GoRK601's have poe and the rest have adaptor cables -- the poe kits purchased with the phone are about the same price as the normal phones
19:19.54robin_szi have ~25 of those and 25 320s
19:20.06salviadudwhat does it mean?....
19:20.20*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
19:20.24jbalcombrobin_sz: we are purchasing SNOMs as replacements as well. Mostly to deal with call quality really but the trobule with new firmware increased our urgency.
19:20.38robin_szsalviadud: it means that the device at address 6 youasked for, doesnt seem to exist
19:20.51stoffellsnom is 4x the price.. polycom is not 'too' expensive it seems.
19:20.57salviadudwell, not exactly
19:21.06salviaduddamn... this zaptel is giving me  headache
19:21.22salviadudcould a zaptel.conf file be as small as 3 lines?
19:21.37stoffelli think it could salviadud, what 'card' are you using?
19:21.51salviadudits a tp100
19:21.52robin_szjbalcomb: the GXP2000 has not been a success for us, we suffer from the "on hook" problem and now the firmware ...
19:21.54salviadudintel generic
19:22.13robin_szsalviadud: by a digium card you tightwad
19:22.30salviadudme mexican, digium not nearby friend amigo man
19:22.57salviadudalthough, i could order it online...
19:22.58jaigerrobin, buying the "digium" version of the card won't solve a mis-configuration
19:22.59stoffelltp100, sorry, don't know that
19:23.10robin_szjaiger: true
19:23.18salviadudwell, I have 2 cards
19:23.20salviadudboth tp100
19:23.23salviadudcould that be the problem?
19:23.25mzowish they made digium xp100s still :P
19:23.36jaigerthe "digium card" is in fact an intel card with a heatsink glued on the chip
19:23.58mzoshh, don't ruin my dream :P
19:24.08squinky86I followed the information on the wiki, but I can't seem to call out through net2phone with asterisk. I keep getting "Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE..." though I was calling through them just fine yesterday. Any pointers for things to look at?
19:24.11*** join/#asterisk WasPhantom (
19:24.15salviadudhaha, glued
19:24.18tletourneauAnyone know anything about Vegastream dialing plans? I've googled it and haven't found much.
19:24.22salviadudthats creative..
19:24.30mzoim trying to find a dialing plan for finland. :P
19:24.47salviadudhave you seen conan o brian?
19:24.55salviadudhe looks just like the president of finland
19:25.37mzoi know.
19:25.48mzoi make a lot of calls to finlandia.  I'm going broke :P
19:26.28*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
19:26.39Egonisfinlandia, the beverage?
19:26.43mzothe country ;)
19:26.52mzoalthough i do make calls while drunk on the beverage
19:26.59mzothis is how i ended up going from 1.2.4 to 1.2.1
19:27.09mzoand somehow my dialplan only dials a 900 porn number now
19:27.25mzoyeah, i wish i knew how i did it
19:27.42EgonisI should do that, to confuse the hell out of some cube monkeys
19:28.22*** join/#asterisk XnoN (n=xnon@
19:28.29salviadudhey, i got my tp100 configured
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19:28.39salviaduddid you guys know you need 2 modules to load it
19:28.41XnoNhave a channel in spanish please?
19:28.57salviadudi can speak spanish like a gringo
19:28.59XnoNi dont know english so much!
19:29.10salviadudamigo, como esta?
19:29.16stoffellXnoN, your english looks okay
19:29.16salviadudme help a usted
19:29.16XnoNmuy bien gracias y tu?
19:29.34salviadudcomo van the freaking calls man
19:29.40XnoNyes but isnt so good, I know just a little bit
19:29.54salviadudmira guey, si quieres hablar en español, apenas en privado
19:30.08*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
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19:30.20salviadudwe speak english, only, exlusiveley, lots of rednecks using asterisk ya know
19:30.38XnoNi need to know if with asterisk is posible create a sms server to for text service only!
19:30.52mzobleh i gotta ieinstall off the cdd again, the insstall.gz only goes to 1.2.1 so it's a downgrade
19:30.54stoffellXnoN, yes it is, app_sms
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19:31.48greendiseasewhy do i keep getting "ouch, part reset, quickly restoring reality (0)"?
19:31.50RoyKmorning, morons
19:32.54hhoffmanthat's mormons
19:32.57remissi want to do something fun
19:33.43*** join/#asterisk jpablo (n=jpablo@
19:33.48badboyzis it possible to lengthen the amount of time that a person is allowed to leave a voicemail message?
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19:34.00jpablohey people, a snom360 just burned on me. I have to buy another multi line ip phone, recomendations ?
19:34.14RoyKbadboyz: SMOP
19:34.43remissneutral milk hotel?
19:34.50badboyzRoyK: in the dialplan?
19:35.07badboyzwhere @ ?
19:35.12mikefoobadboyz: hey sup..
19:35.47badboyzRoyK: if you idle on irc, to shout acronyms for assistance, then i think you are more well served leaving this channel
19:35.49jaigerwhen is the weekly dev conf call held?
19:36.16badboyzmikefoo: hey there :) get any new accounts setup?
19:36.21remissi think it was a funny acronym
19:36.24RoyKbadboyz: those acronyms mean something
19:36.38jbotrumour has it, rtfs is probably read the f*cking source...
19:36.39badboyzi know exactly what they mean
19:36.55frenzywhat callback systems are available for asterisk ?
19:37.15mikefoobadboyz: still developing the frontend  :)
19:37.24RoyKbadboyz: but extending the amount of time a given person has for a voicemail message can't be done unless you just set it globally
19:37.28*** part/#asterisk IOscanner (
19:37.39mikefoobadboyz: recommend anyone for dids?
19:37.43jbotit has been said that smop is just a simple matter of programming or encrypted floor cleaning tool
19:38.06badboyzmikefoo: a few people in here resell for a small fee
19:38.18*** join/#asterisk littlejohn (
19:38.22jbotit has been said that stfu is Shut the F*** Up!, or
19:38.25badboyzknow that one royk ?
19:39.03RoyKbadboyz: did you mean extending the time for a certain user? callerid?
19:39.38*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
19:39.48badboyzglobally is fine, and its in the
19:43.22[Airwolf]Has anyone ever seen this when calling other iax clients:  chan_iax2.c: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '781@'
19:43.36[Airwolf]I'm getting this on a new installation, but I don't know why
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19:49.39_Paulo_How can I retrieve the dialed extension when I'm at the "i"nvalid extension?
19:50.53Nivex_Paulo_: ${EXTEN} should still work at that point
19:53.25iCEBrkrNivex: I don't think so.. ${EXTEN} will be 'i'
19:54.18*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=moo@
19:54.27znoG_Paulo_: you could do a Set(ext=${EXTEN}) when within a dialed extension, then look at that value from the i extension
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19:55.42exonicThat information is in the docs
19:55.54_Paulo_Nivex, I got: -- Executing Set("Zap/66-1", "DIALEDNUMBER=i") in new stack
19:55.56exonic_Paulo_, check that URL
19:57.00*** join/#asterisk nagl (
19:57.09_Paulo_exonic, thanks, its the ${INVALID_EXTEN}
19:58.20XnoNalguien presente habla español?
19:58.27*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
20:00.30Falleare there logs from this channel on the web somewhere?
20:00.47kippianyone got a how to for iax2?
20:04.30*** part/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (n=CoffeeIV@
20:05.37hensemaI'm trying to get MoH working
20:05.49hensemabut I'm just getting noise, no music :/
20:05.59hensemasounds a bit like a propeller
20:06.20*** part/#asterisk E0x (
20:06.26hensemaany clue on what could be wrong here?
20:06.32eKo1stop playing thrash metal as your MoH
20:06.51Nivexhensema: check your frame size.  I had to change from 30 to 20 ms on my ATA to get that to stop
20:07.36*** join/#asterisk mog_work (
20:07.40iCEBrkrhensema: If you're testing with your cellphone and it's GSM, it's gonna do that :P
20:07.54*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
20:11.11hensemaright, same trouble on sip -> asterisk
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20:12.50GerbilWrkanyone know what routers besides the wrt54g can run asterisk on them?
20:13.01hensemaNivex: how do you change the frame size on SIP?
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20:13.27mog_workany router that runs linux GerbilWrk
20:13.48GerbilWrkok, know of any other routers that run linux?
20:14.18stoffellGerbilWrk, check, there are some examples in the hardware list
20:15.53Nivexhensema: I did it on my ATA.  I don't know how to change it in Asterisk.
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20:16.41SibRw0rkhensema: ATA
20:16.53SibRw0rkis a device that hooks up regular phones to ethernet for voip
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20:17.37hensemawell, that wouldn't be the problem then ;-)
20:21.37SibRw0rkhensema: what's the problem?
20:22.40Nivexhensema: is this happening on a Zap channel?
20:22.51hensemano, on SIP
20:22.56hensemaI haven't tested ZAP yet
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20:23.06Nivexhensema: what are you using as a SIP agent?
20:23.11hensemabut, my collegue says on his SIP phone the music sounds fine
20:24.10Nivexhensema: under Audio preferences, what is Size of Payload set to?
20:24.25SibRw0rkhensema: what's the trouble with MOH?
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20:26.10hensemaSibRw0rk: MoH sounds like some propeller plane is taking off
20:26.46SibRw0rkwhen you call into it, or when someone is put on hold?
20:27.04hensemawhen I call into it, running the MusicOnHold application
20:27.26SibRw0rkb/c i know my MOH doesn't sound right when i call into it, but when someone calls me and i put them on hold it sounds fine
20:27.36SibRw0rkhensema: what format is your music?
20:27.41SibRw0rkmp3? wav? raw?
20:27.51hensemajust the standard mp3s shipped with asterisk
20:27.58SibRw0rkhensema: try converting them to raw
20:28.19SibRw0rkthere's a walkthrough somewhere on
20:28.37hensemayeah, I saw it
20:28.43hensemaI'll try, thanks
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20:34.06simulateddancing to*
20:38.54*** join/#asterisk _Thor (
20:39.06_Thorhello everyone
20:39.24Abydos313just got here myself
20:40.28_Thorquestion: what's the dial with codec licenses g723, do I have to buy them from digium??, but they don't sell them
20:40.49Abydos313i thought you only buy the 729 lic
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20:41.06_Thorright, but I don't have g723 capabilities in my box
20:41.43_Thordo you know how to enable g723??
20:42.00jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
20:42.13jaigerisn't g723 the same as ulaw/alaw?
20:42.32_Thoris it?
20:42.48*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
20:42.52afrosheenhey hey hey
20:43.01jaigernope, 711 is
20:43.13afrosheenhas anyone had problems with sip trunk echo on 1.24?
20:43.58SkidI know the person who wrote g729
20:44.06_Thorwho did?
20:44.06Skidwell, I met him at a party
20:44.18Abydos313Skid have him give out some home lic's for us :))
20:44.33Skidhe was a bit of a pretentious person tbh
20:44.38Skidtried to sell me a phone number for 5,000 GBP
20:44.51_Thoryou could have had free licenses for a long time man!
20:44.56Abydos313Skid how much is that in real money?
20:45.01Skid10k ?
20:45.06Abydos313i was kidding
20:45.09Skidoh ;P
20:46.24_Thordo you know that what is transfered in a codec are actually formulas, that enable the reconstruction of a given sentence in the exact same pitch and tone of voice as they were originated?
20:46.52afrosheenyeah british pounds are extremely valuable
20:47.19afrosheenno idea why
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20:48.20Assidis there a known issue for polycom 501 with audio volume just dropping and people not being able to hear?
20:48.39Abydos313i'd like to tryout the 729 for my home use :)) anyone wanna tell me how i can do that w/o buy a lic?
20:48.52remissAssid: sure it's not the packets dropping instead?
20:49.48Assidhow do i check for dropped packets for sip
20:49.57jaiger_Thor, you're not making sense
20:50.00*** join/#asterisk acehunky (n=chat_jok@
20:50.01afrosheenAssid: I've seen phones with the coiled cable to the handset not being plugged in 100% and weirdness resulting from that..more than once
20:50.44acehunkycan any one help me with astbill channel ?
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20:51.03remissAssid: only one side can hear the other after a minute or so?
20:51.09_Paulo_Can I use Authenticate with an external database
20:51.30eKo1_Paulo_: hack it and send us the patch
20:51.47Assidremiss: nah.. sometimes they cant hear.. and then all of a sudden they can
20:52.09Assidalso.. im geting JIT - 4 / DEL 61
20:52.14remissAssid: okay.. dunno.. possible nat-problem...
20:52.19_Paulo_eKo1, if nobody have done it, I will do...
20:52.24Assidin LOCAL in iax2 show netstats
20:52.33AssidIAX2/voipjet-4            1000    4   61     0   0     0    1      0    0    0     0   0     0    0      0
20:53.06*** part/#asterisk shidan (
20:53.13_Paulo_eKo1, I was asking because the least thing I want is reinvent the whell
20:53.21Assidremiss: is there a way to check sip packet loss
20:54.01remissAssid: not really.. it's udp.. just make sure all packets are properly forwarded where they should go.. don't trust routers that "support" the sip-protocol for instance..
20:54.41remisse.g. forward all tcp/udp-ports to asterisk or make sure asterisk has a public ip
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20:54.55acehunkyany astbill developer out here ?
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20:55.31remissany suggestions on how i should tell a person that i'm bored?
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20:55.43Skidsod off you boring git? :p
20:55.58Assidremiss: nah.. i have it on DMZ
20:56.09Assidso.. i dont use any sip protocol stuff
20:56.22remissi thought you said it was sip..
20:56.45AssidDMZ = demilitarized zone.. so its available
20:56.51AssidSIP  = transport agent
20:57.05redondosWhat's your opinion about asterisk@home? It will be my first venture with asterisk and I'm wondering if that'll really make things simpler, or more complicated. I was thinking of using debian, or something debian-based instead.
20:57.07Assidlocal phones use sip.. carrier to providers is on iax
20:57.34remissnormally it's the other way around :S
20:57.39Assiderr.. nope
20:57.40remissor sip on both
20:57.43Assidsip phones
20:57.49Assidhence local clients = sip
20:57.59afrosheenredondos: avoid debian, you'll run into trouble with zaptel and other things
20:58.02Assidpeople dont really use iax hard phones
20:58.07Assidmostly sip
20:58.21jaigerafrosheen, in what way?  I use debian on all my * servers
20:58.27redondosafrosheen: What's your recommendation? Nothing debian-based?
20:58.29remissi was thinking about softphones.. *missing ata for now*
20:59.10_Paulo_redondos, its easy to instal kernel modules in debian
20:59.25_Paulo_I think its easier than other distros.
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20:59.29redondosafrosheen: How about Gentoo? That's what I use it for several machines and I'm very comfortable using it, but are the ebuilds for asterisk and related products ready for production?
20:59.38EgonisAlthough I have ALSA working, I get the message: snd_pcm_open failed: no such device in /var/log/asterisk/messages
20:59.42Assidremiss: most softphones are sip baseed
20:59.47redondosMy problem is not distro-based, instead, I would like to know what distribution has asterisk packages more nicely packaged.
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21:00.13Assidafrosheen: hes saying thats not hte problem
21:00.26Egonisredondos: Gentoo has decent packages, but most ppl compile from source manually
21:00.58Egonisredondos: I use Gentoo, and with the exception of Zaptel, asterisk builds nicely
21:01.00jaigerRedonos, the first recommendation is don't ask any distro-related questions
21:01.23redondosEgonis: Alright. So what do you think about asterisk@home? Will that help me or cripple me?
21:01.34redondosjaiger: What do you mean? Channel rules?
21:02.04jaigerredondos, no.  just that you'll start a Holy War type discussion with no benefit
21:02.29redondosOh, I know that. But I was wondering what distro was 'readier' for Asterisk :)
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21:02.45afrosheenwe've had great success with Centos 4.x, I'll leave it at that
21:02.48_Paulo_redondos, centos
21:02.51afrosheenhowever, we build from source
21:03.26Egonisredondos: No idea
21:03.27redondosI see.
21:03.34EgonisCan anyone help me with my alsa issue?
21:03.53generalhanWhats up everyone... i have a quick question ... i just switched my VoIP lines out for a PRI T-1. Now a lot of my Cisco 7960s have a MEAN echo. and its a good 1-2 second delay, if i read off a phone number to some one i can say 3 digits, then i hear myself say those digits back to me in the phone. any ideas why this is happening or what i might be able to do to stop this ?
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21:04.16redondosAsterisk@Home is a CentOS distro, AFAIK. I will give it a try. Though, I am more used to admining with debian tools.
21:04.52[Outcast]redondos: yum is great, it works more wajig
21:05.17redondosCould be, but I'm just not used to it. I guess I will have to learn it, eventually.
21:06.04afrosheenthere's not much to issue yum install blabla and the package is installed with dependencies..if you're going with Centos/Redhat you may want Dag's repository added as well
21:06.17[Outcast]hey has come where rxfax will compress the image. so the fax looks squished?
21:06.32redondosafrosheen: Thanks for the recommendation.
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21:08.43redondosNow for an implementation question: Is it possible with Asterisk to have a different menu played back if the called ID shows a specified number?
21:09.08redondoshey! lovely bot :)(
21:09.23redondosDoes anyone know what the name of the script it uses for that is? And what sort of bot it is, as well.
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21:11.16[TK]D-Fenderredondos : No special scripts its just some GotoIf's in your dialplan
21:11.49afrosheenand *@home makes it easy to route stuff like that I believe
21:15.10*** join/#asterisk Nix (n=Nix@
21:15.27redondosOh, really? I will definitely give *@home a try, then.
21:16.19redondosafrosheen: But where do you specify such things, is it in Asterisk configuration files or I'd have to write some sort of script to achieve it?
21:16.36[TK]D-Fenderredondos : extensions.conf
21:18.00TamariskHi all simple question for you I hope you can answer for me?
21:18.07afrosheenredondos: in AMP, you set an incoming route for it
21:18.08*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
21:19.17redondosNice. Now I'm probably thinking impossible here, but can Asterisk build a menu on-the-fly? As in, can I tell asterisk hey, if this number calls, present him a menu with these options: #1, #6 and #7. Just an example.
21:19.18Zodiacalanyone know how to remove the 5 second timeout when dialing numbers? i would rather have it wait until i have entered an ext or a full phone number, is that posible?
21:19.34afrosheenwith the incoming route tables you can route to extensions, ring groups, queues, alternate IVRs, etc.
21:19.54afrosheenno you have to create your own IVRs and they're static
21:20.39[TK]D-Fenderredondos : thats not "on the fly", thats just "under these circumstances do this instead".
21:20.46redondosI see.
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21:20.54[TK]D-Fenderredondos : At which point that'd be "yes"
21:21.23redondos[TK]D-Fender: Yes, well, but it would be sort of on the fly because I'd like to have a database of customers, and for each number, if they call again, the menu should present them their last choice first. I don't know if I'm being clear.
21:21.41redondosI will get into this when I start using asterisk, I'm buying the hardware this week.
21:21.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: any clue how long i'm going to have this dull pain? :<
21:22.07_Paulo_while at the database subject, astdb can use an external database engine?
21:22.27redondosYeah, I was going to get into that eventually.
21:22.38[TK]D-Fenderredondos : All doable without an external database (you could use *'s internal one for that quite likely)
21:22.57Zodiacalany ideas?
21:23.00[TK]D-FenderKatty: You could offset it with a SHARP pain, but I don't think you want that....
21:23.02afrosheenredondos: rather than outsmart the customers, just put a menu choice in your primary default IVR that says 'first time callers hit one, everyone else hit 2'
21:23.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew. (belated)
21:23.47TamariskIn the sip.conf when defining softphones in sip.conf, I start with  :  - [adrian] ¬ type=friend ¬ secret=xxxx ¬ qualify=yes ¬ nat=no ¬ host=the ip of the softphone computer or the ip of asterisk?
21:23.50afrosheenredondos: btw what hardware are you buying for it
21:24.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: Went out last night on a pseudo-date and came back to find the GF evacuated our ebdoom, dumped a bunch of stuff from the basement back up into it and has moved down there.  Nice thing to come home to at 2:30am
21:24.11znoGcould be neat though, if you were using * for tech support calls, to say to a customer: "if you are calling about tech issue <last issue opened>, please press 1, otherwise press 2"
21:24.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: no clue then, i take it?
21:24.35afrosheenyeah when my ebdooms get evacuated, I call the cops
21:24.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: Gone through the obvious drug choices already?
21:24.56Katty[TK]D-Fender: huh?
21:25.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm on day 5 after surgery
21:25.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: for your dull pain.
21:25.16Katty[TK]D-Fender: 600mg of ibeuprofen
21:25.34IRC_Useranyone familiar with sccp.conf for cisco 12SP phones?
21:25.56[TK]D-FenderIf that doesn't doo it you may have over-adapted to it.  Try switching between Acetomenophen and aspin, whichever you don't have issues with.
21:26.24Kattythe pain is tollerable without painkillers
21:26.27[TK]D-Fenderack... I feel like shit... my insides are all scrambled today
21:26.41Kattyand i don't really want to tolerate painful :/
21:27.02[TK]D-FenderKatty: Switch drugs then.
21:27.26[TK]D-Fenderok, I've got to get outta here... later all...
21:27.32znoGalcohol is good
21:27.35[Outcast]hey has come where rxfax will compress the image. so the fax looks squished?
21:28.00[Outcast]s/come/come across/
21:28.00redondosafrosheen: It isn't my business, really, so the decisions were made by the guy who's putting the money. We're getting a clone. This one, to be precise:
21:28.58redondosafrosheen: Plus a Sempron 2800 64bit, 512mb. How many simultaneous connections might that be able to handle if not using SIP but only playing menus and relaying to destination numbers?
21:29.14badboyzis it possible to take all calls that come in through a certain DID, and shift that call over to another server?
21:29.27badboyzi dont want to shift it based on extenion, i want a shift based on DID
21:30.19redondosznoG: That is almost exactly what I'd like to achieve with asterisk. And from what you've been telling me it seems doable... :)
21:30.28FuriousGeorgeis there an "unofficial prefered" scripting language to use with the api
21:30.30redondosOr.. not?
21:30.34znoGredondos: sure, anything is doable with AGI :)
21:30.42znoGredondos: (that's the first thing that comes to mind anyway)
21:31.02iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: C
21:31.07redondosAGI? I'm very new here :)
21:31.18znoGredondos: although if you keep it in the * database, it would be a lot faster than querying MySQL every time someone calls
21:31.19FuriousGeorgeiCEBrkr: i didnt think C was a scripting language
21:31.24kpettitanybody wityh some Sangoma experience?  trying to install some A200 fx cards
21:31.31znoGredondos: yes, AGI. << read :)
21:31.33iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: hehe
21:31.46kpettitI got wanpipe installed, zaptel re-compiled. Trying to figure out how to configure things from there
21:31.52redondosznoG: Right. Well, as long as the engine is fast enough to handle a decently-sized databse :)
21:31.53NetgeeksAGI is evil
21:32.02iCEBrkrkpettit: wancfg
21:32.09znoGi use AGI for every call on this system, works OK for me. Although only 25 odd extensions
21:32.11FuriousGeorgeiCEBrkr: could you lmit your responses to scripting languages :) and in the form of a question, please
21:32.16kpettitiCEBrkr, been using that, not working so well
21:32.17znoGand I don't Dial directly from the AGI, i exit and let Asterisk dial
21:32.36iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: It really all depends on what you're trying to do and the amount of calls
21:32.56iCEBrkrznoG: AGI() is fine for something small like that.
21:33.07kpettitiCEBrkr, when I do the autodetect it shows "AFT-A200-SH Slot=4....."
21:33.25kpettitand then it pukes
21:33.28_Paulo_I want to patch app_authenticate.c so if the parameter starts with "!", app_authenticate will run an arbitrary shell comand. Is this a good idea?
21:33.36FuriousGeorgeiCEBrkr: one could use bash, no?
21:33.38kpettitFailed to get Card Type from selected card line!
21:33.45iCEBrkrkpettit: eep
21:33.48kpettitFailed to get Card Type from selected card line!! line: AFT-A200-SH SLOT=4 BUS=2 IRQ=11 CPU=A PORT=PRI
21:33.55kpettitthat's the whole line.  not sure why it failes
21:33.57[av]baniman i wish people would stop buying $80 phones and whining that they dont perform like $400 phones
21:34.33iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: I'm just saying. On a large system, AGI() + PHP + MySQL is slow
21:34.45iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: It really all depends on what you wanna do
21:34.54redondosDo you think I will I be ok if I pretend to have about 30 simultaneous calls max on a sempron 2.8 with 512 MiB of memory?
21:35.34Mavvieheh. olle is funny.
21:35.35NetgeeksAGI is evil isn't a fact it's just my own personal opinion I try to faust on all who listen.....  I personally don't like it because of the resource cost involved in the use of AGI
21:35.49FuriousGeorgeiCEBrkr: i wanna assign parking spots to meetme's control the device state, and wright a script that determines who can join, when to terminiate the room, etc
21:36.23znoGNetgeeks: yup, but there's also a lot to gain from it. I can't see any other way to achieve real complex dialplan stuff without using AGI
21:36.39iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: I'd seriously try to keep a lot of that in extensions.conf
21:36.43Netgeeksactually you'd be amazed what you can do with dialplan
21:36.47IRC_Useror use php
21:37.03iCEBrkrWhat Netgeeks said
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21:37.17FuriousGeorgeiCEBrkr: i looked at it, no way to get it to work right w/o assigning different sequences to join, leave, and kill the room
21:37.42FuriousGeorgekinda defeats the purpose of the pretty blinkey lights with the buttons
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21:38.38iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: Then there's the whole thought process of 'Do I really need this feature' 'do other PBXs support such features?' etc.
21:38.41znoGNetgeeks: using AEL or just standard dialplan?
21:38.49FuriousGeorgeno and yes
21:39.10Netgeeksael is more crippled than regular dialplan, it doesn't support all the stuff you can do in basic dialplan mode
21:39.32iCEBrkrI understand that Asterisk is pretty 'powerful', but think about other PBX's and what they do.  You're pretty much locked into what they give you.  Asterisk is a software PBX, it's meant for routing and handling calls..  Not doing 10000 cartwheels. :)
21:39.37FuriousGeorgeits more of a project for fun of mine, and other bx have status lights with parking. barge support, and reverse transfers
21:39.45Netgeeksael just looks more like a programming language to those folks who have the misfortune of only being exposed to the most recent programming languages
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21:42.03afrosheenredondos: I suppose that hardware will work, but we've had much, much better luck with hardware we bought from dell than a server we built
21:42.22afrosheenfor whatever reason, asterisk just wasn't happy on our custom server
21:43.10redondosToo bad. I hope it doesn't work like that for me. Where I live, getting non-built by yourself machines is a little out of fashion.
21:43.17FuriousGeorgeiCEBrkr: i gotta disagree.  the thrings i described above are features not cartwheels
21:43.21redondosSee, it's too expensive to get something with a real warranty :)
21:43.55FuriousGeorgei would use parking spots as easy as meetmes and lose the barge for the simplicity, if i could get devstate to work with parking
21:43.55afrosheenredondos: well since this is a business here, we quit jacking around and got a dell 2u 2850 server
21:44.09redondosafrosheen: nice :)
21:44.17FuriousGeorgeand i know there is a branch but its for head (trunk whatever) and i know theres an easy way to do this
21:44.21afrosheenthey're really not too expensive if you get a decent account manager
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21:44.39afrosheenwe liked it so well we bought 2 more :)
21:45.13cpmI've got some dell built boxes, and some 'local dude' boxes, the local dude boxes are far superior in all aspects. and the ram slots don't melt off.
21:45.16FuriousGeorgehow does that work anyway, there's the xmpp branch and the multiparking branch, but are they both necesarrily gonna make it into 1.4?
21:45.19iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: Maybe you're going about it the wrong way?
21:45.27iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: That's pretty common around here :)
21:45.42FuriousGeorgeiCEBrkr: what is common?  device states for parking spots?
21:45.43mikefooafrosheen: what type of shop are you running?
21:45.57afrosheenmikefoo: a prototyping company for surface mount stuff
21:46.00FuriousGeorgethats what im shooting for. those snazzy snoms, you know
21:46.16afrosheenhave about 45 extensions now, a sip trunk to commpartners and a troublesome tdm400 card for backups
21:46.49afrosheenI think I need to call commpartners today about our weird sip echo
21:46.53redondosIs there no *@home for 64 bit?
21:47.02redondosDoes asterisk run well in 64-bit mode at all?
21:48.23znoGdaaaaamn it takes a lot to transcode any codec to speex
21:48.36znoGlike 160ms
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21:49.13FuriousGeorgeiCEBrkr: if i could park directly to a spot, and monitor the chanisavail on a parking spot that solves my problem, but i cant
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21:50.22redondosForgive me, I'm having some connection problems. Did anyone answer my question about *@home being available for x86_64? And if Asterisk runs well at all in 64bit mode.
21:52.19afrosheendon't touch 64 bit anything, trust me
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21:52.52afrosheenthe chips are great but there is little to no advantage to running 64bit windows or linux right now, and alot of the software is missing, buggy, or both
21:52.55[av]banix86_64 is fine
21:53.04redondosHeh, I've got my laptop with Gentoo in 64bit, it's pretty much ok, other than not having Flash I can do whatever I want.
21:53.08[av]banii didnt have to tweak ztdummy at all
21:53.15afrosheenwell I guess it's changed since I tried it last summer
21:53.27[av]baniwell sure, asterisk went from 1.0 to 1.2 also
21:53.32[av]baniso yeah, a lot has changed
21:53.39redondosBut it is, after all, my first experience with Asterisk and with VOIP in general, so I guess 32bit will make things easier for me. What do you think?
21:53.44afrosheenthat has nothing to do with the state of 64 bit computing in general
21:53.48rtwhen I typed make linux26 to build it, it doesn't set USE_RTC because its guarded by an #ifdef __i386__ or something.
21:53.57[av]banix86_64 has been the same since last summer; works fine for me!
21:54.07russellbrt: that has been changed to include x86_64 as well
21:54.09[av]baniand i do cross platform developmet (win32/osx/linux) on it no problem
21:54.09afrosheen[av]bani: what os are you running
21:54.16[av]baniafrosheen: fedora, and ubuntu
21:54.21[av]baniboth work fine
21:54.28afrosheenwow you have ubuntu 64 running 'fine'?
21:54.28rtrussellb: well, i stand corrected then. :-)
21:54.30hypa7iaanyone know if FWD's iax is being sketchy at the moment?
21:54.39rtgetting mpg123 to compile 64 bit seemed... difficult though.
21:54.47[av]baniyes, in fact i built an embedded x86_64 compactflash asterisk box around ubuntu
21:54.51russellbhypa7ia: !!!
21:54.56[av]baniwhich i am running now
21:55.02[av]banii am compiling oh323 on it as we speak
21:55.17afrosheenI guess things are maturing then, but again, I don't think it's at the same level as 32 bit is currently
21:55.19[av]banithe box i am irc'ing from is x86_64 fedora
21:55.30[av]banieh? 32 bit is 32 bit on x86_64. it runs fine
21:55.39*** join/#asterisk davidcsi (
21:55.40[av]baniit runs 32 bit libs natively.
21:55.51[av]banii run 32 bit opengl games on it
21:55.52[av]banino problem
21:55.56[av]banizero nada zilch
21:56.07FuriousGeorgeis it just me, or when asterisk gets an unavail cid from the telco does it display asterisk@ip
21:56.17[av]baniyes, thats what * does
21:56.21[av]baniit fills in the blanks :<
21:56.34hypa7iahow goes dude
21:56.35[av]baniyou can change that
21:56.39redondosI still haven't been able to make up my mind. *@home or not? It is only available for 32 bit architectures, while I do have an x86_64-enabled CPU.
21:57.10[av]bani*@home is poo
21:57.30[av]baniunless youre a complete linux noob, youre better off installing a real distro and doing * yourself
21:57.47redondosOk, that's the sort of answer I was expecting to get.
21:57.58*** join/#asterisk mxmasster (
21:58.00mxmassterhi all
21:58.29[av]baniif you are experienced in linux, you'll outgrow *@h in about 5 minutes, and wish you hadnt' wasted your time with it
21:59.07redondosVery useful information you're giving me. I was wondering the same thing: if *@home would tie my hands too tight.
21:59.13afrosheen[av]bani: on the other hand, if you're an * noob, you may find it helpful to build a working system before you want to get your hands dirty
21:59.19*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
21:59.48redondosI am a 100% asterisk/voip newbie, but am pretty much experienced with linux administration and some developing.
21:59.49afrosheenthat way as a newbie you can see what gets written to config files when you make changes and see how everything interconnects
21:59.49[av]baniafrosheen: i didnt really see how *@h helped me build a "working system" any quicker than make install did
21:59.58redondosThe 'ease of use' that @home provides, does it come from AMP?
22:00.03redondosBecause that is.. just installable.
22:00.17afrosheen[av]bani: so all your * configs are irrelevant?
22:00.21[av]baniafrosheen: since the tools *@h installs are highly scripted and pretty convoluted even for experienced *'ers
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22:00.35[av]baniafrosheen: so you dont really learn anything from reading them, than you do from the example confs
22:00.53afrosheenwell I'm not defending *@home since I've never used it, but I'm imagining it's similar to a regular * plus AMP install
22:00.59[av]baniredondos: pretty much
22:01.15mxmassteri've heard "follow me" systems where the user is prompted to press "1" to leave a message, or "2" to find the person. If they press 2 then it asks for the name, and then calls through the list and gives the receipient the option to answer
22:01.19[av]baniafrosheen: and as far as guis go, amp is pretty limited. noobs wont really learn * via using it.
22:01.28mxmassterwere can i find an example configuration for something like this?
22:01.36[av]baniafrosheen: amp does everything for you and hides it in complex pre written scripts, which are no good for * noobs
22:01.43redondosBeautiful. I've made up my mind. I understand what you say, afrosheen, but that is just not my style. Even though I am new to asterisk, I like to be able to understand how things really work.
22:01.58[av]baniafrosheen: * noobs are better off tinkering with the default example conf's from asterisk source install
22:02.04afrosheenredondos: that's fine, just buy some strong coffee and make friends with the wiki
22:02.08[av]baniand tbh, * is not hard
22:02.22[av]baniits mainly learning the voip and * terminology, which amp hides from you
22:02.26|omni|mxmasster: : assuming that one person may "own" each of the extensions and could be sitting at any of them, just ring them all at once..the one that answers gets the call
22:02.32|omni|I do that with my cell / business
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22:02.52mxmassteromni: doing that now - looking for something a little more sophisticated
22:03.03afrosheenoh, redondos, there's a good O'Reilly book on the net about *, and it's free to download
22:03.05davidcsihas anyone had the problem with PRI ISDN of not getting the connect message? only sometimes....
22:03.20|omni|so the system has a list of extensions and loops through one by one?
22:03.40freathi... when documentation talks about "the asterisk database"... what are they referring to? For example, agi command of DATABASE PUT
22:03.43redondosafrosheen: heh, I guess I'll do that. You and [av]bani, you've helped a lot. Thanks for aiding my decision.
22:03.52afrosheengrab that and read up
22:03.52redondosafrosheen: Ah, nice. Thank you for the URL.
22:04.02redondosI will eat it ASAP.
22:04.32redondosWell, as soon as I build the computer.
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22:05.07[av]baniif your boss says "i have ot have a pbx in 5 minutes" you could use *@home for that
22:05.19[av]baniif youve never touched a voip phone or linux before
22:05.38redondosheh, ok.
22:05.44[av]banifor anything serious, dont use it
22:05.54[av]baninot yet anyway.. maybe they will fix it up later into something nice
22:06.01[av]baniamp needs a lot of work too
22:06.07redondosI've never administered a PBX, though. But I guess the documentation will suffice.
22:06.09afrosheenyeah amp is getting major changes
22:06.28afrosheenI think courtnage is too busy with his business to put in the hours right now
22:06.31redondosCan you still use AMP for monitoring?
22:06.40mxmasster|omni|: yes that is what it is doing now
22:06.45mxmassteri want the caller to record the name
22:06.48afrosheenyeah you can use flash operator panel to monitor, it's part of amp
22:06.51redondosBecause some non-technical people involved in the busyness would like a graphical interface to see if the system is performing well.
22:06.56redondosk, cool.
22:06.57mxmassterand let the recipient decide to receive the call
22:07.11afrosheenour secretary likes FOP
22:07.15mikefooperforming well?
22:07.44afrosheenyeah she just uses it to see who's on the phone etc. and what people's extensions are
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22:08.03redondosmikefoo: Ok, I meant monitoring the amount of concurrent calls and see some logs. Performance, I can give them that with other tools.
22:08.12mikefooahh like a "front desk" program
22:09.23afrosheenfor reporting..amp does that too, has graphical CDR stuff, our CFO loves that
22:12.19badboyzanyone get the feature pickupexten to work?
22:12.25*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
22:13.05redondosHow old is Asterisk?
22:13.14trixterstarted originally about 1999
22:14.55freatI would like to kick off an agi script when an agent answers a call in a queue. Any pointers on how to do this?
22:16.06*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:17.20_Sam--im trying to register one asterisk box to another asterisk box via IAX....but the box that is registering get "rejected" when i check the iax2 show registry...and no logs on the other box...what should i check first?
22:18.40freaton the other box try 'iax2 debug on'
22:18.55freator just
22:19.00freatiax2 debug, sorry
22:19.11freatthen to turn off debugging, use 'iax2 no debug'
22:21.15mikefoocan anyone recommend a toll free did provider?
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22:22.37ircriteshDoes anyone know how to skip out of the asterisk realtime queues to go to a voicemail???
22:23.16ircriteshanyone out there???
22:23.54glm2kmikefoo: try sixtel.
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22:24.05glm2kmikefoo: alias
22:24.19ircriteshlet me check
22:24.25generalhanhey guys, can anyone tell me what this means :: Feb 21 15:23:50 NOTICE[21321]: chan_sip.c:3753 copy_header: No field 'From' present to copy
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22:25.19themikester60has anyone noticed a lack of sensitivity with asterisk when it comes to detecting touch tones?
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22:25.40glm2kircritesh: that was for mikefoo. he asked for a toll free provider :)
22:25.47ircriteshgot it ..sorry
22:25.56afrosheenthemikester60: yeah, it's especially bad on zaptel
22:26.01ircriteshi wanted to know if there is a way to skip out of the asterisk realtime queues into a voicemail
22:26.17ircriteshdont' want the callers to keep waiting if they don't mind leaving a vmail
22:26.26themikester60afrosheen, is there anyway to alter the sensitivity level?
22:26.54ircriteshsuch as press 5 to leave a vmail or wait for next available rep
22:27.00afrosheenthemikester60: with zap, you change the rx gain..with other stuff I don't know
22:27.22afrosheenthemikester60: what are you using for incoming calls
22:27.58Gir19Ok, anyone have a link to some resources for setting up multiple digium cards, such as a TE11XP and a TD20B, I have searched voip-info and asteriskguru and cannot find anything about configuring multiple cards on a system.
22:28.05themikester60both iax and zap
22:28.12themikester60iax takes preference over zap though
22:28.23afrosheenthemikester60: and you're having problems with dtmf over iax?
22:28.40afrosheenor zap specifically
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22:29.45themikester60afrosheen, well I'm not exactly sure, I wasn't the one who noticed the issues at the time and its possible the person who reported the issue could have been using a zap channel, all I know is that they had issues with touch tones and the setup of the server is to use as many iax channels as possible until they run out and then default to zap
22:31.10afrosheenthemikester60: I'd suspect it's zap's fault, since the iax trunk should have adequate volume coming from the trunk provider
22:31.41jbalcombhow to i let asterisk know that the third line in my PRI card is actually going out to a PBX?
22:31.51afrosheenthemikester60: try playing with the rxgain= settings in /etc/asterisk/zap*.conf for your zap channels, go up or down by 4 and keep trying to get it to fail
22:32.15afrosheenthemikester60: you can also use ztmonitor on each zap channel and watch the incoming volume levels live
22:32.34afrosheenyou want them at about halfway across the graph for optimal dtmf detection
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22:34.04themikester60afrosheen, thanks alot I'll give that a shot
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22:38.46Gir19Anyone have a link or info for setting up multiple digium cards, such as a TE11XP and a TD20B, I have searched voip-info and asteriskguru and cannot find anything about configuring multiple cards on a system.
22:39.10*** join/#asterisk p0g0_ (n=pogo@madwifi/support/p0g0)
22:39.27I-MODGir19: order of modprobe/insmod matters
22:40.00I-MODideally, you want to modprobe the t1/e1 card first and then the analog cards
22:40.11I-MODit makes setup easier
22:40.48I-MODthen in zaptel.conf, do your spans and everything associated with those, and then do the analog cards below that
22:41.23Gir19ok, so just setit up in the order of the cards initiations.
22:41.50Gir19ok, that is what I assumed, but wanted to make sure.
22:43.12Gir19cause I need to get faxing to work and using a ATA just doesn't cut it, so I am hoping just putting in actual pots lines via the td20b card, that there will be fewer line errors due to network bursts.
22:46.05Gir19I also have another issue that isn't as important, but my clients are still annoyed from it. Basically if they use there phone internally everything sounds fine, but if they make a call to or from POTs there is poping on the line only on their side, I have removed all chances of it being an IRQ issue, but have no clue what else it could be due to.
22:46.28*** part/#asterisk davidcsi (
22:48.01I-MODGir19: dunno about that
22:48.13*** join/#asterisk Tamarisk (
22:48.22freatGir19: any other processes on the box... maybe software raid? I had this happen with soft-raid on Linux
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22:49.15freatGir19: maybe test listening to MOH from the asterisk box from one of the extensions. This will ensure that Asterisk is in the loop and see if you are still getting popping.
22:49.37freatGir19: could be that the SIP phones are reinviting and bypassing asterisk... just a thought
22:49.58Gir19I have reinvite disabled
22:50.36*** part/#asterisk Tamarisk (
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22:51.28russellbGir19: make sure dma is on for the hard drive ...
22:51.41Gir19As for the raid it is hardware raid 1.
22:51.49freatGir19: no X windows right?
22:52.02freatGir19: or framebuffer
22:52.22Gir19I do not know about the frame buffers, but there is no x windows.
22:53.07Gir19I also have not checked dma settings yet. that should give me a few things to check on then. thanks for the input.
22:53.08}btorch{hello ... I have setup my * box to talk to a siemens officePro using a second PRI ... but asterisk keeps giving me some NOTICE: chan_zap.c: pri_channel PRI got event HDLC abort ...
22:53.27}btorch{is that normal ?
22:53.49Mavvie}btorch{: which span?
22:53.53}btorch{span 1
22:53.58}btorch{I only have one span
22:54.00MavvieI got that one span 3 .
22:54.11Mavviewith the result that all my quad pris don't use span 3
22:54.33}btorch{what does that mean ?
22:55.05afrosheenGir19: what do you have for outbound calls to POTS on your server
22:55.09*** join/#asterisk epablo (
22:55.32}btorch{my * works almost fine using the second PRI but not it I setup the as a T1 analog with E&M ...
22:56.11Gir19I am using a TE110P to a T1 with the first 12 channels set to fxs_ks and the last 12 setup for nethdlc.
22:56.33kippihow i am going to be able to install iax?
22:56.55}btorch{Gir19: are you connecting your TE110P to a PBX ?
22:57.04kippiI can't find any information anywhere to help me out!
22:57.19Gir19but I just got some more info that the server seems to be having frame loss to and from the T1 haven't tracked it down yet, but will start looking into that as well.
22:57.26epabloHi guys.. anyone with 5 min to help me configure a tormeta2 with asterisk
22:57.54afrosheenGir19: I was going to mention echo cancellation on zap channels but it probably doesn't apply to you
22:58.05Gir19The TE110P is going directly to the phone company, they say it is not a pbx.
22:58.36epabloI'm getting a: :No functioning zap hardware found in /proc/zaptel, loading ztdummy.   when loading the tor2 module
22:59.11I-MODGir19: pri? e&m? e&m wink? feat d? feat b?
22:59.21I-MODwhat kind of t1 is it?
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23:00.09}btorch{Gir19: are you getting a red alarm ?
23:00.32Gir19according to the phone company it is 12 fso channels and the other 12 are hdlc, but I am sure they have been missinforming me, they also said it is not using e&M or pri.
23:01.26Gir19}btorch{ no it is green and I can use the card without a problem, there is just poping on the pots lines.
23:01.39}btorch{I wish there were a tool to find out what signalling the T1 from PBXs or CO use
23:02.21}btorch{Gir19: and you have zaptel.conf setup as e&m=1-12 ?
23:03.28epabloZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22) ??  Any ideas
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23:05.05Gir19}btorch{ no it is fxsks=1-12 and nethdlc=13-24
23:05.26I-MODuse zttool to check the alarm state
23:05.50I-MODas i'm pretty sure that fx??s is used only for analog lines
23:06.12Gir19zttool does not say there are any line errors.
23:06.43I-MODtry setting it up for e&m and if that doesnt work, e&m wink
23:06.44}btorch{I tried to setup my TE110P to use e&m wink with my Siemens T1 which was setup to use e&m winkstart and pretend to be a 24 trunk ... but I could never get the red alarm off
23:07.10}btorch{it sucked
23:07.26I-MODdid you try featb and featd?
23:07.37}btorch{who me ?
23:08.19Gir19well, I need to goto a meeting, I'll be back later after I try some of this stuff and see if any of it helps. Thanks again.
23:08.28badboyzis there a more technical name to call it, when you have 2 asterisk servers connected?
23:08.37*** part/#asterisk Gir19 (i=Gir@
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23:09.04I-MODif you need a flashy technical term, say that they're trunked together
23:09.11*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
23:09.11}btorch{is featd/b an option on /etc/zaptel.conf ?
23:09.25}btorch{i don't see it
23:09.57I-MODthey're in zapata.conf iirc
23:11.56}btorch{no I just tried setting up zaptel.conf with e&m and zapata.conf with e&m_w
23:12.25}btorch{but why does it matter to configure the zapata.conf file if the red alarm is on ?
23:12.58}btorch{don't I need to have the card on green before I can run * and have it working with zap ?
23:17.00[Outcast]can anyone how rxfax effects cpu utilization  ?
23:17.06[Outcast]it is cpu heavy?
23:17.19[Outcast]s/it is/is it/
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23:20.54epabloHas anyone used a TE400P card?
23:25.17websaeis that t1 card?
23:25.28epabloYEs a 4xt1/e1 card
23:25.46websaei have heard a lot of people like that card
23:25.51websaedo you have one?
23:26.27epabloYes.. I have it a new server.. but I can't seam to make it work..
23:26.39epablozaptel doesn't see it
23:28.24epabloI'm installing the tor2 module.. but it doesn't let me do anymore  :S
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23:28.50websaeI have no experience with that card, I wish i could help you
23:29.03dlublinkIs there a app in the dialplan I can use to output a variable?
23:29.08dlublinkto the console
23:29.09epablowebsae:  Thanks anyway
23:30.29epabloThat should do the trick
23:30.56dlublinkVariables always take the format ${CALLERID}?
23:31.05websaei just setup a new asterisk box---and i can't even see my sip phone trying to connect to it, anyone have any ideas?
23:31.16dlublinkany nat involved?
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23:31.35websaebut i can't even see the phone hitting the server
23:31.52epablosip debug
23:31.55dlublinkand have you set nat=yes in sip.conf
23:31.58websaeabsolutely nothing
23:32.02websaeyep i have nat=yes
23:32.11dlublinkand on the sip device
23:32.17websaethis is quite odd
23:32.23websaeyep, it's enabled on both
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23:33.25epabloWell guys.. got a go.. take care
23:33.28*** part/#asterisk epablo (
23:33.34websaeany other suggestions
23:35.03dlublinkwith regards to enumlookup, anyone know what the best macro to use is? I have tried several and they give me errors about the set command
23:38.56websaeanyone have any suggestions why I can't see my sip phone trying to register?
23:39.00websaei have verbose set to 10000000000
23:39.03websaealso have sip debug on
23:40.50websaei see no packets hitting the server at all from the phone
23:41.14russellb100000000000?  I think there are some messages a few levels above that
23:42.01websaewhat should i set it to
23:42.03websaeset verbose
23:42.08websaeto what?
23:43.05russellbi was joking
23:43.05websaei know
23:43.05russellbwe don't have anything that goes over 4 or 5
23:43.05websaenormally i have it like 3
23:43.05websaebut just for kicks and giggles i wanted to see what i am missing out on
23:43.05websaei am getting nothing at all from the phone
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23:43.45russellbok, looks like 7 is the highest value that would matter :)
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23:44.23websaei just compiled asterisk on this new server
23:44.31websaeand i am seeing no hits to it from my phone
23:44.39websaemy phone registers with my other servers just fine
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23:44.57atilhi, anybody can help me with chan_capi and NT-mode?
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23:46.03atilI can see the D-channel traces in my syslog but chan_capi does not handle the call :(
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23:52.58robin_szso ...
23:53.05MoutaPTHello, does any one has used AsterFAX with Ast@home?
23:53.13robin_szthe final (hah!) problem of this particular install ...
23:53.56robin_szmy SIP peer uses fromuser=<number> to set the outgoing CID ...
23:54.19robin_szfor most users on the ysytem they are happy to let the default (the main switchboard number) go through ...
23:54.30robin_sza few would like to present their onw DID number
23:54.46robin_szhow to do that in the dial plan? huh?
23:55.05robin_szim thinking get the peer, set the fromuser
23:55.11generalhanrobin_sz: i wanted that same thing for my office. in sip.conf just put an entry in for those phones "callerid=<whatever their DID is>"
23:55.14robin_szhave the peer dial
23:55.27robin_szohh, right
23:55.31generalhanthen when they make a call the CID will show up as that number
23:55.43robin_szcoo, that simple huh?
23:55.46generalhanthat simple @!
23:55.47afrosheenyeah it's fun to play with sometimes
23:56.07afrosheencall your friends with wacky cid text and numbers
23:56.09generalhanmy @home i set me CID as 666-666-6666 "MASTER" so that i can freak people out when i call them ! LOL
23:56.50afrosheenit can be more useful than that, we used to have a landline at home, cancelled it but the credit cards  I have are tied to that old phone number
23:57.07afrosheenwhen you get a new card you call the bank to activate and it reads the cid, so I set it to my old home phone # and it works
23:57.55afrosheenalso if you're calling someone and want them to call you back at a different number (your cellphone) before you call them you just set your CID to your cell
23:57.58afrosheenvery handy
23:58.13robin_sztres hand
23:59.43kippiplease can someone help me with iax
23:59.55Winkiewhat IAX help do you need?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.