irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060212

00:12.52*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:13.16ManxPowerIs it snowing in Huntsville too?
00:15.12ManxPowerrt, The MGCP RFC has information on dialplans and most of it can apply to both the Polycom and SIPura devices
00:17.00*** join/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
00:17.44rti suspect it won't be difficult, once I decide what I really want it all to do. :-)
00:17.44*** join/#asterisk areski (
00:17.54rtI suppose that what I want is my spa-3000 to register with my asterisk box, but also potentially use an additional gateway to directly dial fwd numbers.
00:18.37ManxPowerrt, that gets more complicated.
00:19.09rtI may also want to do something fun with the PSTN line.
00:19.23[TK]D-Fenderfrankly you should use your * box to connect to FWD on behalf of all of your other devices....
00:20.12rtwell, I could do that too. :-)
00:23.39*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
00:32.08*** join/#asterisk tamp4x (
00:34.59*** join/#asterisk azzie_ (
00:37.34rti obviously need to graph out a dialplan.
00:41.11*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
00:46.27Ariel_hello everyone
00:49.02*** join/#asterisk CpuID2 (
00:49.15CpuID2hrm, is there a zaptel changelog anywhere?
00:50.24ManxPowerCpuID2, major chances or minor changes?
00:50.40CpuID2hmm, preferably minor, 1.2.0 upwards
00:50.54ManxPowerCpuID2, it's all in the SVN comit logs
00:51.01CpuID2ah k
00:51.06tronixand it's also in the ChangeLog file in the release tarballs
00:51.09CpuID2had a weird issue with a customer actually
00:51.15CpuID2ah theres one in the tarballs, np
00:51.20CpuID2once a day so far...
00:51.23ManxPowertronix, Ah, you're right.  1.2.0 started that.
00:51.29CpuID2weird dialtone comes up on their analog cordless
00:51.42CpuID2almost like a MWI stutter tone
00:51.52CpuID2yet theres no mailbox bound to that zap channel
00:51.58ManxPowerI had that once.
00:52.10ManxPowerTurned out my phone ran on 2.4 Ghz and so did my wireless network....
00:52.18CpuID2they cant call out, inbound asterisk tries ringing the analog channel, yet the cordless doesnt ring
00:52.23CpuID2lol :)
00:52.30ManxPowerCpuID2, TDM400P card?
00:52.31CpuID2yea they dont have a wifi network there
00:52.34CpuID2ManxPower: ya
00:52.50ManxPowerWe get that too.  A reboot of the server once per week makes it not happen
00:52.52CpuID2just added a third module on friday, another FXO, thats when it started
00:53.03CpuID2before that was only 1 fxo 1 fxs
00:53.07CpuID2and it was fine till then
00:53.18CpuID2yea this is a daily thing :)
00:53.23CpuID2almost the same time everyday
00:54.17CpuID2they are only running zaptel 1.2.0 and asterisk 1.2.0
00:54.21CpuID2im gonna try bump those first
00:54.57ManxPowerOur problem SEEMS to be related to the number of calls that happen on a port.  After an unknown number of calls (but usually about the same length of time for a given call volume) the port has issues.
00:55.36ManxPowerused to happen once every 4 months, then 3 months, then 1 month, then every 14 - 20 days, etc.
00:55.57ManxPowerHowever call volumes went up quite a bit over the same time.
00:56.23ManxPowerThat's why we are phasing out analog cards and only going with T-1 + channel bank, PRI, and/or SIP
00:56.42CpuID2yea damn analog lines
00:56.52CpuID2not easy to justify getting outta those when your only using 2 lines :)
00:57.20CpuID2so call volumes went up?
00:57.37ManxPowerCpuID2, For really small offices I usually just tell them to go away and get centrex or an answering machine.
00:58.15ManxPowerCpuID2, it's not worth my time to set up an Asterisk system.  It would be too expensive for them.
00:58.23CpuID2hmm yea
00:58.34ManxPowerMy min rate for an Asterisk install is $1,200
00:58.37CpuID2pity this was one of 3 asterisk systems we have installed atm :)
00:59.11CpuID2i guess i could reboot the box overnight, on cron or something
00:59.13CpuID2worst case...
00:59.26CpuID2i wonder if stopping asterisk and zaptel, and restarting both would help
00:59.29ManxPowerWe have the operator do it every friday morning.
00:59.30CpuID2from memory it didnt
00:59.50*** join/#asterisk shadylinux (n=shady@
01:00.03ManxPower1) if it fails to come up after an automated reeboot, people are not going to be happy and 2) the operator is a bitch and it's one more thing to torture her with.
01:00.06CpuID2ok, im gonna let this toolchain upgrade first of all
01:00.30CpuID2then ill upgrade the rest of the system including asterisk
01:00.34CpuID2see what happens
01:01.36shadylinuxi need help with musiconhold please
01:03.34Ahrimanesshadylinux: whats up?
01:04.26shadylinuxrealtime asterisk's workign well for me.. i wonder how musiconhold would work
01:04.52shadylinuxi see this field in the siP_buddies table with NULL values
01:05.22shadylinuxwhat exactly do i need to put in there? the names of the files that i want to be played when on hold or something else
01:05.29*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
01:05.46Ahrimaneshm havent tried realtime
01:05.55shadylinuxmysql> select musiconhold from sip_buddies;
01:05.55shadylinux| musiconhold |
01:05.55shadylinux| NULL        |
01:05.59shadylinux2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
01:06.22TagorI've the following problem with asterisk; when I try to make a call I can't hear anybody and the other side also can't hear me. I also noticed that DTMF doensn't work. Any idea what this is caused by? I am calling using Asterisk / voip provider
01:06.29Ahrimanesah.. that's the musiconhold class.. set in musiconhold.conf shadylinux
01:07.50Ariel_Tagor, are you behind a nat or firewall
01:08.01TagorYes, nat
01:08.07Tagornat=yes in sip.conf
01:08.32Ariel_how about the externip= and localnet= in your sip.conf
01:08.32ManxPowerTagor, There are about 10 billion pages of information about Asterisk and NAT
01:08.38jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
01:08.40jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
01:08.51TelamonTagor: Try using a different voice codec.  IE, try GSM, and if that doesn't work, try ULAW.
01:08.58Ariel_ManxPower, how are you? hope your doing fine.
01:09.10shadylinuxAhrimanes: i dont see any class thing in musiconhold.conf
01:09.11TagorTelamon >> Thanks, I will try that
01:09.12ManxPowerAriel_, It's fricking cold and windy here
01:09.27Ariel_ahh it's windy and suppose to get cold here tonight.
01:09.41ManxPowerAriel_, we had a snow flurry about an hour ago.
01:09.44TagorManxPower >> Everything should be setup fine. Ports are forwarded etc. That's why I am asking here
01:09.57Ariel_ManxPower, nice.... I have not seen snow in about 10 years..
01:10.01Telamonshadylinux: What's in your extnconfig.conf ?
01:10.03shadylinuxAhrimanes : mpg123-0.59r.tar.gz this is the mpg123 rpm that i'd just installed
01:10.06ManxPowerTagor, ports forwarded, ports specified, localnet and externip specified
01:10.19*** join/#asterisk dezent (
01:10.41TagorYes ManxPower
01:11.07shadylinuxsipusers => mysql,rt,sip_buddies
01:11.07shadylinuxsippeers => mysql,rt,sip_buddies
01:11.07shadylinux;sipfriends => mysql,sprtdb,sip_buddies
01:11.07shadylinux;srealtime_ext => mysql,asterisk,extensions_table
01:11.07shadylinuxvoicemail => mysql,rt,voicemail_users
01:12.39Ahrimanesshadylinux: [default]
01:12.41rpmwhats the proper format of all the mysql table schemas for asterisk 1.2.x?
01:12.52Ahrimanesshadylinux: lines like that in musiconhold.conf are class definitaions
01:13.37Telamonshadylinux: Okay, put the files you want to play in /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3, then make a class for them in musiconhold.conf and set the musicclass field in the sip_buddies table for the user to be the class you want to play.
01:13.58Telamonshadylinux: I realize that might not make a lot of sense, so feel free to ask for clarification. :)
01:14.20shadylinuxTelamon: how do i make a class :)
01:14.37shadylinuxthe field is already there in sip_buddies table named musiconhold
01:15.03trelanehow well does asterisk handle SMP? will it scale across dual core procs and use the two thread pathways to decrease processing latency?
01:15.29TelamonA context in musiconhold.conf is called a class.  So put a block like [mymusic] and then directory=/path/to/music/files
01:15.53shadylinuxTelamon: last, what data should i put in the musiconhold field?
01:16.00tronixtrelane: * has pthreads so it should scale on a SMP box
01:16.13shadylinuxTelamon : [default]
01:16.27Telamonshadylinux: Yep, you set that field for the particular user to the class.  So if you have user shadylinux you would use UPDATE sip_buddies SET musicclass="myclass" WHERE username = "shadylinux"
01:16.41trelanetronix, anyone done benchmarks on this?
01:16.55trelaneIm looking more at cutting latency than increasing throughput
01:16.56TelamonIf you want to use the default class (that one you just copied) then SET musicclass="default"
01:17.00tronixtrelane: probably. don't know, but do recall various people mentioning they've got good results with 2 way and 4 way boxes iirc
01:17.23shadylinuxumm in this case i would execute UPDATE sip_buddies set musiconhold = 'default' WHERE name = 'shadylinux';
01:17.37shadylinuxTelamon: thanks so much :)
01:17.40tronixtrelane: what also helps is more efficient hardware implementations. I've heard sangoma's boards is about 25-30% more efficient than certain equivalent digium boards
01:17.45Telamonshadylinux: No prob.  Hope it works. :)
01:18.09trelanetronix, yeah but I'm not using digium's board for anything besides fax and timing (very VERY low utilization)
01:18.34shadylinuxi need help with a sql query also
01:18.37tronixtrelane: the big killer of * in general is with transcoding. long as you don't have to do much of that, it's very quick with passthru
01:18.53shadylinuxhow do i alter a table's structure ?
01:18.57Telamontrelane: Try renicing the asterisk task to have higher priority, and maybe look at diffserv networking for prioritizing VoIP packets on your network.
01:19.19Telamonshadylinux: Shoot, although I use a custom schema, so I may not be of much help.
01:19.45shadylinuxlike i need to add a column/field in between two fields
01:20.31tronixtrelane: with any modern PC dedicated to * use only, should be able to deal with 40-60 calls or more, easily. you'd probably run
01:20.33TelamonField order shouldn't matter, just add it to the end with phpmyadmin or whatever DB tool you are using.
01:20.41*** part/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
01:20.45tronixtrelane: out of network bandwidth long before if this is mostly voip (vs pstn) calls :)
01:21.25trelaneok fine then that was my concern 40-60 will deal with my clients pretty well
01:21.36shadylinuxufortunately i dont have any tool.. im working with mysql on commandline
01:21.52tronixif it's 60 ulaw-based voip calls, that's going to set you back 4.8 Mbps in network bandwidth
01:22.15Telamonshadylinux: If you are just using the mysql command line tool, it's something like ALTER TABLE <table name> ADD COLUMN <column name> <column type>; should help
01:23.26*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
01:23.41shadylinux:) thanks agian..
01:23.50TelamonNo prob. :)
01:24.05trelanetronix, not an issue here
01:24.15trelane<3 fiber
01:24.45trelanetronix, all the companies I'm dealing with on that scale will mostly be office<> office calls on fiber they've lit between offices
01:24.53tronixahh nice.
01:24.55trelanefor outbound calls it'll be a dedicated T
01:25.00tronixgood deal
01:25.06trelaneI can't see them doing half a T in outbound
01:25.15trelanebut I can see them doing 15 channels between offices
01:25.24trelaneand I'm trying to keep them to 1 * server
01:25.50tronixshouldn't be a problem.
01:26.52trelanethat's my thought as well
01:28.23tronixif it's a single * server, just make sure it has extremely good redundancy (OS, hardware, etc)
01:28.37tronixnothing will tick people off faster than two things: a) no dial tone, b) no email. ;)
01:29.59TelamonSpeaking of redundancy, what do you guys recommend for PRI failover?  IE, I want to have 2 asterisk boxes and 1 PRI that offloads calls to server A, but if it's crashed, to server B.  Just put the PRI cards in another Asterisk box that forwards to the up server, or is there a better hardware solution?
01:30.05tronixalso if you go way of two * servers in a redundant setup of some kind and a single T1 termination, you might want to look into something like a FoneBridge
01:30.08tronix(in addition)
01:30.34tronixTelamon: FoneBridge is one possibility. not only one, of course.
01:31.45Ariel_tronix, have you used it?
01:31.52tronix(note: I've never personally used it but heard things about it)
01:32.10tronixcompatible with * via TDMoE
01:32.18tronixcouple others here has dealt with it
01:32.32Ariel_yes it is and gets it's power off poe
01:32.38Telamontronix: Sweet, thanks. :)
01:34.57*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
01:35.03tronixonly real reason why I mentioned it was because was still
01:35.11tronixfresh in head from conversation here about it yesterday ;)
01:35.24tronixdoes look nice. wouldn't mind playing with one myself.
01:35.40Ariel_tronix, I see.  I was just wondering and wanted some real world reports on it...
01:36.29tronixahh nice
01:38.38shadylinuxTelamon: It worked ;) thanks so much for your help
01:39.01Telamonshadylinux: Heh, glad to hear it.  Your very welcome. :)
01:41.16*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
01:45.21*** join/#asterisk greendisease (n=jack@fedora/greendisease)
01:50.25*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:51.58*** join/#asterisk warthawg (n=warthawg@
01:52.22warthawgwhat is the difference between the netsec version and the regular version of asterisk?
01:53.07QwellWhat's the default pass on an spa2002?
01:53.10Qwelluser/pass, for admin
01:53.27tronixhmm, could've sworn jbot responded to ~netsec... oh well. :)
01:53.29Ariel_default is none
01:53.37QwellAriel_: 'none', or empty string?
01:53.42*** join/#asterisk backblue (
01:54.13tronixwarthawg: it's to support stuff made by ranch networks:
01:54.27warthawgthanks, tronix
01:54.46Ariel_Qwell, anytime
01:54.53*** part/#asterisk warthawg (n=warthawg@
01:55.11QwellDo you have to do anything to enable the web interface?  It's not letting him connect he says
01:55.16Ariel_wow just drop in ask and leave don't you just love them. did not even say hi
01:55.25Ariel_no it's default
01:56.44tronixAriel_: heh... well, beats people 'beating round the bush' before they finally spit out a question. :-)
01:56.51Ariel_put phone on to the device 2002 line 1 dial **** then at the ivr put 110# and it will let you know it's correct IP address
01:57.32tronixis that specific to the 2002 or does that generally work with other spa models?
01:57.47QwellAriel_: yeah, he can connect, but can't login, heh
01:57.50Ariel_that works with almost every sipura ata
01:57.53Qwellusername is administrator?
01:58.05tronixahh nice. getting my first sipura (1001) in a few days. can't wait. thanks for tip
01:58.05Ariel_user name it has none
01:58.22Qwellblank user, blank pass?
01:58.25Ariel_when you get to the web you press the admin then advance
01:58.34Qwellit's asking him to login
01:58.45Ariel_he might have a locked one
01:58.51Qwellgot it from voipsupply
01:58.53Ariel_by a provider
01:59.01Qwellpretty sure anyhow
01:59.11tronixis voipsupply known for reselling hw formerly owned by providers?
01:59.19tronixdoubtful but wondered.
01:59.24Qwellyeah, voipsupply
01:59.31Ariel_they do have some refurb unit's but they tell you about it
01:59.51Ariel_they also sell stuff via ebay
02:00.35QwellHow can one tell it's locked for sure?
02:01.29Ariel_damm sipura has not updated much on there web site since linksys/cisco took them over
02:01.54Ariel_they all have a web so if you get the correct ip address you should be able to at least pull up the web on them.
02:02.11Ariel_even the locked ones have an user settings
02:04.49Ariel_factory reset is done via the ivr **** then 73738 # then 1 to acept.  If it's not locked it should clear everything on it.
02:05.42Qwellokay, I'll have him try that
02:08.57p0g0Qwell:  I got my sp2002's from voipsupply & they were not locked and did not need to be reset
02:09.27Ariel_Qwell, this pdf has most of the settings you need for the sipura...
02:13.51Ariel_what is funny is that even sipura's new spa 9000 pbx looks like the setup for spa2100. Same web look and feel...
02:14.30p0g0Ariel_: so does the spa3000 more or less
02:14.46Ariel_they all look similar correct
02:17.26Ariel_funny and strange looking... watching the orginal Tom & Jerry Cartoons.  They were really called Jasiper and Gerald back then.
02:17.39*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
02:20.57*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (
02:24.16*** join/#asterisk nurfe (
02:24.17tronixwow, that's neat. didn't know that. can't imagine!
02:31.41*** join/#asterisk cassio (
02:34.40Ariel_Cat and mouse cartoon series kicked of on February 20, 1940, the short "Puss Gets the Boot".  by Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera, this Academy Award nominee ran for just over 9 mins. Apart from the cat being referred to as "Jasper" and not Tom, and the mouse not having a name, this first adventure pretty much established the Tom and Jerry format.
02:35.52tronix66 years old in 9 days. wonder how Tom's liking retirement. :-)
02:36.44cassiocan someone give me a help installing g729?
02:37.12Ariel_g729 when you download the code from there site there is a readme that gives step by step.
02:37.54cassioAriel_ on asterisk dir?
02:38.29Ariel_cassio, are you using the paid one from digium?
02:38.53cassioI am using at home
02:39.49tronixwhat's the polarity reversal for when a call comes in to an analog phone -- is it to indicate a ringing condition?
02:40.06Ariel_cassio, see this site. But don't tell anyone I sent you there.
02:40.28*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
02:40.46Ariel_tronix, your talking about ground start or loop start?
02:40.59Ariel_most use kwel start now.
02:41.08tronixnoticed a message about that on * console
02:41.13tronixwhenever a pstn call comes in
02:41.17tronixand hits my analog devices
02:41.32tronixor at least, the TDD
02:41.39cassioariel I tried to install already, but its giving me an error, can I paste it to you?
02:41.40tronixwhich is older technology
02:41.59Ariel_cassio, no I don't deal with the non digium one
02:42.00tronixI guess it must be the TDD doing it.
02:48.47*** join/#asterisk SirPrize (
02:57.01*** join/#asterisk davidcsi (
02:57.13davidcsihello all
02:59.15*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:59.43*** join/#asterisk dudes (
03:00.22*** part/#asterisk davidcsi (
03:09.42*** join/#asterisk redear (
03:10.01redearokay i am trying this again, hopefully it will get further this time around
03:10.17redear1) anyone work at sangoma? 2) anyone using sangoma for their asterisk or t1?
03:10.40redeari am asking because i am working a few blocks from them and it'd be awesome to buy canadian
03:10.49redearbe easier to get support too, potentially
03:10.56justinuyes, i use them
03:11.00justinuyes, they work fine
03:11.09justinuyes, their support is good, even for us mericans
03:13.13redearis asterisk something that will work within a vmware virtual OS?
03:13.46Qwellredear: poorly
03:14.38redearQwell: may i ask you to elaborate a bit regarding why?
03:15.08Qwellbecause asterisk needs resources in a more realtime fashion..  vmware can't reliably provide that
03:15.10justinuhas something to do with the RTC/zaptel timing
03:16.14redearwell if it doesn't use up much, just grab a whitebox and stuff it in the corner igues
03:16.34redearthat's what our PBX looks like right now, a sad little no-name in the corner of the server room
03:16.44redeara dust bunny vacuum cleaner
03:17.27justinui use wall mount cases
03:17.32justinuthat mount to the telephone board
03:19.43*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
03:25.06bjohnson!seen tzanger
03:30.30_Sam--~seen tzanger
03:30.35jbottzanger <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 8d 5h 59m 28s ago, saying: 'but ALL the provided rings suck ass'.
03:33.25*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
03:40.40*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
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03:43.14shmaltzhelo everyone
03:50.27*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (n=tuxinato@
03:54.09tronixredear: I've heard that specific Sangoma cards even works 25-30% faster than the equivalent ones from Digium
03:54.21tronixand that they're as responsive as Digium
03:54.40tronixthis isn't a knock on Digium, either. :)
03:55.00tronixI'm personally a satisfied Digium customer... but I wouldn't mind looking at Sangoma's products
03:55.04tronixbased on what I've read.
03:56.00wunderkinold data
03:56.55tronixheh... nevermind.
03:57.15redearso it's good to have competition
03:57.23tronixI'm grateful for Digium's products. I've got a bunch of 'em here.
03:57.30tronixAs well as for asterisk itself.
03:57.33wunderkinwith 2nd gen firmware it is about the same, sangoma is a little better one way and digium is better in the other
04:01.00Supaplexgood to know
04:01.14JamesDotCommost scientific theories ever....
04:01.49Supaplexwe're planning on getting a sangoma card next anyway (when demand permits).
04:04.45_Sam--is anyone here "dCAP: Digium Certified Asterisk Professional"
04:05.42_Sam--wondering how else you become "dCAP" if you dont go to the boot camp
04:06.04Supaplexsome of us are merly certifiable
04:07.00_Sam--hey qwell are you there?
04:07.19_Sam--"Before we scare you off, we should tell you
04:07.19_Sam--that many people have installed Asteriskon top of a graphical Linux workstation,
04:07.19_Sam--running a web server, a database, an X-windowing environment, and who knows
04:07.20_Sam--what else, with no problems whatsoever."
04:07.20wunderkinJamesDotCom, thank you
04:07.32_Sam--from "the booK"
04:07.45Qwellnot in a production env :p
04:07.55wunderkinmatt florell did some testing shortly after the 2nd gen firmware was released, you can check the mailing list for the url
04:22.42*** join/#asterisk masked (
04:22.47redearso i am at, and i want to date the babe
04:23.00redearhow do i integrate the babe into my telephony solution?
04:23.29maskedis there a fix for this asterisk/mpg123 error  Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe ?
04:24.00maskedi also get Warning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
04:25.21maskedill convert the music ensuring its not VBR but it was working after i set it up
04:27.50maskedi commented out all MOH and the flexibel errer is gone but not the broken pipe one
04:30.03maskedhmm nevermind, fixed
04:35.12*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (
04:38.58*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:55.32_Sam--has anyone used a card like this under *? :
04:58.18maskedoh well i thought i had
04:59.31coppice_Sam-: people do use those
04:59.42_Sam--there are linux modules?
05:00.24_Sam--i mean, it would be relatively similar to a zap card?
05:00.31*** join/#asterisk justnulling2 (
05:02.57_Sam--you would configure it with a file something like zapata.conf / zaptel.conf?
05:03.32coppicesomething like vpb.conf
05:03.49_Sam--i just meant something similar in context
05:04.02_Sam--thanks lemme check that out
05:04.25*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
05:04.35_Sam--looks simple enough
05:05.18_Sam--then the channels would look like vpb/1 etc?
05:05.56_Sam--Dial ($(Somthing),vpb/1)
05:09.46*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
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05:17.50HamYaIanyone here tried the latest svn ?
05:18.21HamYaII just tried and it fail to load the module
05:20.34*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
05:21.42redearlilo freenode is still up
05:21.46redearhow do you do that???
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05:47.37linux_galoreanyone know what they mean when they talk about SIP 2, just noticed linksys mention it with a new wireless voip phone
05:47.54linux_galoreIve googled for sip 2 and get nothing
05:48.17linux_galorewhats is it ? sip thats wirelsss
05:48.41coppiceits a score    SIP 2 - H.323 0   :-)
05:48.41linux_galoreheres a link to the linksys product ->
05:49.37linux_galorethey say SIP 2 VoIP standard and Im like ?? what standard and were
05:49.45JamesDotComi think it's bullshit
05:50.10JamesDotComyeah, no idea
05:50.19JamesDotComi mean
05:50.28linux_galorethere was a weird SIP 2.0 thing a while back for libraries
05:50.49JamesDotComthere's RFC2543
05:50.54linux_galoreits like a text information layer
05:50.56JamesDotComwhich was the original spec for sip
05:51.02JamesDotCombut now there is RFC3261
05:51.12JamesDotComwhich changed
05:51.21linux_galorecould mean just works with the new rfc spec
05:51.23JamesDotCombut RFC 3261 is the "SIP" everyone knows and uses these days
05:51.33JamesDotCom*could* be
05:51.37JamesDotCombut i'm sure it means nothing
05:52.08linux_galoreyeah seen it mentioned a few times now and Im at a loss at wtf there talking about because theres not rfc
05:53.24linux_galorethis year the company is making voip stuff, I goto sit down and learn all this
05:53.46linux_galoreits not too hard Im familair with tcp/ip stack etc
05:54.00JamesDotComsip specifically?
05:54.16linux_galoreno not sip, its all new to me on that side
05:54.17JamesDotComthe rfc's are great for learning if you can get your head around them
05:54.57linux_galoreone of the down sides of being the companies pet geek
05:55.31linux_galoreyeah a few sip articles on the web, all the new acronyms are giving me a headache
05:56.01linux_galoreis there a good central howto for sip
05:56.21JamesDotComhaha is pretty handy
05:56.42JamesDotComand of course, google
05:56.53JamesDotComit all depends what tangent you go off on
05:56.57linux_galoreyeah google pops up stuff but its all a bit flakky
05:58.32linux_galorethis site seems nice
06:00.29linux_galorehmm might see if I can find a nice thick ref book
06:01.02HamYaIhow can I get a specific SVN version of * ie. SVN-trunk-r9565
06:01.11linux_galorewere selling a VoIP phone made by a company called Telematrix in a few weeks
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06:07.00[M]erkHello all. What repository do I use for subversion, the trunk or branch or tags? I'm new to subversion.
06:07.15Qwell[M]erk: depends...which one do you want?
06:07.35[M]erkI have no idea what the difference in them is besides thier names.
06:07.42Qwelltrunk is the most up-to-date code, branch/1.2/ is the updated 1.2 codebase, tags/ are the release versions
06:07.53[M]erkAh, thanks.
06:09.33*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
06:09.41Qwellgotta love adelphia
06:09.54Qwellfriggin idiots over there, I swear
06:10.58tuxinator_linuxme too
06:11.04trixteroh rumor is that frontier is gonna start blocking standard voip ports and charge you extra to get them unblocked..
06:11.12trixterwonder how long that will last before fcc challenge
06:11.13Qwelltuxinator_linux: I dealt with them for a few years
06:11.33Qwelltuxinator_linux: Most of their techs knew me by name
06:11.36tuxinator_linuxWhat is you're problem, I just got back
06:11.46tuxinator_linuxthey don't like me much either
06:12.17Qwelltuxinator_linux: One time, I had 12 people at my house from Adelphia, including 3 managers of varying levels, to "oversee" things
06:12.20tuxinator_linuxI've only had them for 6 months
06:12.32coppicetrixter: best thing would be a common carrier based suit against them :-)
06:12.49tuxinator_linuxgee, you must of been in trouuuuuble
06:13.36Qwellno, THEY were in trouble. :)
06:13.50Qwellit was the 5th or 6th time people had been there that month, at my house
06:14.00tuxinator_linuxso, are they blocking more ports now? Adelphia
06:14.08Qwelljust 80 and 25 afaik
06:14.30tuxinator_linuxthey also block the TFTP port
06:14.32Qwellwhy?  heh
06:14.54tuxinator_linuxit stops your VoIP phone from receiving updates
06:15.07Qwelloutgoing port 69?
06:15.20trixtercoppice: well they dont sell voip but they do sell telephone..  they claim they cant legally allow non regulated telephone service since they are a regulated phone provider (just not voip) so they willblock it..  to counter that argument however they are alledgly saying they will enable those ports if you pay more $$
06:15.20tuxinator_linuxI can't recall at the moment
06:15.42trixterwhich doesnt seem to jive with their alledgly stated reason..  a frontier customer or something told me about this
06:15.47Qwell"We can't legally unblock these ports.  We'll do it for money though."
06:15.55trixterits total BS and in america not legal to do, so I dont know how they plan on getting away with it
06:16.01tuxinator_linuxadelphia tried to get me to buy the "business" service
06:16.03coppicemoney talks :-)
06:16.37Qwelltuxinator_linux: FYI; when they try to stiff you on your bill...let me know
06:16.44tuxinator_linuxcan't legally unblock ports, what legal motivation did they have to block them?
06:17.32trixterwell its my guess they are seeing attrition from their wired service, they are an ilec in some places ... and they want something but that may not be valid, the previous FCCcase involved someone blocking all but their voip service, but frontier doesnt have voip service (yet).  now if you pay for 'substandard' internet that is filtered and get it at a discount (justified since you would concievably be using less bandwidth) then they may be able to get
06:17.32trixteraway with it
06:17.51trixterits basically a rate hike but only for select people, ie those that arent paying them money elsewhere..  so I dont think it will be upheld
06:19.13trixteragain this ia a unconfirmed rumor I heard today
06:19.26trixtersomeone said they got a memo or something from them regarding this
06:19.42coppicewhatever the truth about this case, things like it are a certainty
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06:20.02trixterwell in america its been tried and the FCC said its not legal
06:20.11trixterbut that case involved a carrier blocking all but their voip
06:20.29trixterhowever its my understanding (I havent read the actual order) that the FCC left it generic enough that you cant just arbitrarily block voip
06:21.36ravenpi[Sorry if this is a repeat]: Can someone point me to the syntax for a zaptel.conf with both a T1 and an analog card? I'm confused, 'cause everywhere I look, it says that the analog doesn't use spans. What channels does it use, then?
06:22.10trixterI thought they used channels
06:22.31ravenpiBut it seems to be conflicting with the channels on my T1.  I guess I just don't get how things are numbered...
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06:22.55Qwelltuxinator_linux: Time to call them up :p
06:23.18file[laptop]Qwellish Qwelllllll
06:23.22coppicetrixter: whatever the ruling may say, you can bet the telcos are recruiting anyone with a PhD in loopholes :-)
06:23.26Qwellfile[laptop]: !!!!
06:23.30file[laptop]Qwell: !!!
06:23.38Qwell(You get 4, because you helped me earlier)
06:24.07Qwelland I've added another cookie to the bag
06:24.12trixtercoppice: no doubt
06:24.18QwellThey'll be pretty stale by the time you get them though
06:24.21trixterand this may indeed be one since frontier doesnt appear to offer voip yet
06:24.43trixterin effect  they are raising rates and offering a new discount plan that has a bunch of ports blocked from the sounds of it
06:25.23tuxinator_linuxQwell: My modem keeps resetting.  Somebody doesn't like me uploading a lot of stuff (bit torrent)
06:25.25trixterwhich I read a report 6-8 weeks ago that said more ISPs would be doing that..  limited internet for the same old price and 'premium' that is unblocked for games, voip, whatever people actually use that is higher priced
06:25.32Qwelltuxinator_linux: sb4100?
06:26.00tuxinator_linuxQwell: guess not, don't know what that is
06:26.04Qwellthe modem
06:26.10Qwellbig ugly grey thing?
06:26.16tuxinator_linuxoh, no, it's a linksys
06:26.24tuxinator_linuxHad it from before
06:26.41trixterthe price war has gotten out of hand to a point, companies are offering it for less than it costs them to build market share.  when you count in the cost of the lines, maintainence, peering costs, advertising, etc $15/mo for dsl is a bit on the low side
06:26.44tuxinator_linuxI have theirs sitting in the box
06:27.05tuxinator_linuxQwell: I didn't ask for one, but they left one and tried to charge me for it
06:27.08Qwelltuxinator_linux: You're being charged to lease it?
06:27.52coppicetrixter: I thought US DSL was pricey. has it collaposed recently?
06:27.53tuxinator_linuxQwell: I called them and they returned the money they charge to lease the modem, and they told me to take it into the nearest Adelphia store.  I told them I would do no such thing, they left it here.
06:28.54Qwellcoppice: verizon and sbc are charging next to nothing, lately
06:28.57tuxinator_linuxQwell: BTW, they don't have cable Internet in my new apartment complex.  It has a private cable company that charges $50 for 512k download.
06:28.59Qwell< $25/mo
06:29.03justinum paying 105/mo for 6.0/768 dsl
06:29.17Qwelltuxinator_linux: What telco?
06:29.30Qwellcall sonic or dslextreme
06:29.44ManxPowercoppice, The telcos are in price wars with the Cable companies, but ALMOST all of the discounts require a 1 year contract for DSL.
06:29.53tuxinator_linuxI hear advertisements for dslextreme
06:30.06Qwelltuxinator_linux: They're supposedly really good, and they're very cheap
06:30.17tuxinator_linuxQwell: the stupid thing is I have to get a phone line that I won't use
06:30.26Qwellthen call...umm
06:30.27justinuyou can buy dedicated DSL
06:30.32Qwellthat other one...speakeasy
06:30.38Qwellthey have naked dsl
06:30.38justinuor covad
06:31.01tuxinator_linuxjustinu: SBC wouldn't sell me DSL without a phone line
06:31.08Qwellspeakeasy will
06:31.12tuxinator_linuxI don't like covad
06:31.13Qwellfor only like $5-10 more a month
06:31.14justinuyeah, call speakeasy or covad
06:31.21justinui just ordered their dedicated dsl
06:31.25ManxPowerThree times Speakeasy has accepted orders from me, after 4 weeks, they come back and say they can't provide the service.
06:31.28justinuno pots service
06:31.34ManxPowerthree different locations
06:31.36justinuthat sucks
06:31.42ManxPowerWhat's wrong with POTS service?
06:31.49QwellManxPower: $35/mo
06:31.50tuxinator_linuxjustinu: ahh, they just tack on the 5 dollars for the line
06:32.01justinuthey're supposed to install monday
06:32.03tuxinator_linuxPOTs, LD charges
06:32.05ManxPowerQwell, and you get 911 and you can pay much less than #35/month
06:32.09justinucan't wait to take this cable modem and run it over with the car
06:32.15QwellManxPower: lived in southern CA lately?
06:32.24ManxPowerQwell, Hear of measured service?
06:32.38tuxinator_linuxManxPower: everything is LD in SoCal
06:32.56Qwellheh, there are many places where you can 7 digit dial LD
06:32.57tuxinator_linuxSBS would give me a metered line for 5/month
06:33.09ManxPowerQwell, Measured Service == pay for all calls, even local calls (like the rest of the world does)
06:33.24tuxinator_linuxManxPower: ewww
06:33.24QwellManxPower: surely there's a monthly fee for that?
06:33.30justinuyeah, it's like 10 bucks
06:33.31ManxPowerIt's also cheaper
06:33.41Qwellkinda pointless then, if you're not gonna make any calls
06:33.51Qwellmight as well just get naked dsl
06:33.53ManxPowerMy phone bill dropped by about $10/month when I switched to metered service.
06:34.01tuxinator_linuxAlmost every call I make is LD on my cell and house phone
06:34.04ManxPowerQwell, NAked DSL does not give you 911
06:34.11QwellManxPower: who needs it? :p
06:34.48ManxPowerQwell, People that realize that 1) 911 is important and 2) internet and ITSPs are horrible unreliable.
06:35.07QwellI've got my cell and neighbors
06:35.45QwellI live in LA anyways.  I'll be on hold for half an hour before an emergency operator answers.
06:35.57tuxinator_linuxQwell: that's funny
06:36.13justinui'll just sue sbc for allowing a phone line without 911 to be sold at all
06:36.22tuxinator_linuxQwell: I'm looking to move cell providers, any suggestions?
06:36.28Qwelltuxinator_linux: not sprint
06:36.31ManxPowertuxinator_linux, they all suck
06:36.43tuxinator_linuxjustinu: they do sell one without 911?
06:36.51justinuyeah, the speakeasy naked dsl
06:36.52ManxPowerAll ITSPs Suck.  All Softphones Suck.  All Cell companies suck.
06:37.12ManxPowerjustinu, that's not a phone line, that's a dry pair
06:37.17tuxinator_linuxQwell: ManxPower: my debate has narrowed to verizon (yuck) or cingular
06:37.41justinui'm still planning to sue them
06:37.45coppicei think 911 is overrated. its used as a tool to leverage agendas
06:37.46tuxinator_linuxjustinu: dial tone on that line?
06:37.50ManxPowertuxinator_linux, in an urban area Cingular is pretty good.  In rural, Verizon is pretty good
06:38.12tuxinator_linuxI will be in the OC
06:38.34ManxPowerI got ROYALLY bitched at when 911 didn't work at a client recently.
06:38.39tuxinator_linuxI will also need to switch me cellular internet service to one of those
06:38.48tuxinator_linuxleaning towards cingular
06:39.07tuxinator_linuxManxPower: through asterisk?
06:39.08ManxPowertuxinator_linux, for cell internet there are only two.  Verizon and Sprint and Verizon has better converage in much of the country.
06:39.18ManxPowertuxinator_linux, Correct.
06:39.48tuxinator_linuxCingular has a nice speed, 300 bursting to 2M
06:40.10tuxinator_linuxManxPower: people like their 911 don't they
06:40.10ManxPowertuxinator_linux, Yeah in like 10 sq miles on the planet
06:40.28ManxPowertuxinator_linux, especially medical clinics.
06:40.52ManxPowerI requested a list of numbers and types the dial and didn't even think when 911 was not on the list they provided to me.
06:41.14tuxinator_linuxManxPower: is cingular that limited?  I'd imagine it worked wherever my cell phone worked (TMobile roming on Cingular)
06:41.34tuxinator_linuxManxPower: guess they asked for it
06:41.38justinuthe normal speed is edge, which is like 100kb/sec
06:41.42justinusuper high latency
06:42.08tuxinator_linuxManxPower: Historically were phone systems preprogrammed for 911?
06:42.12ManxPowertuxinator_linux, look at Cingular's coverage maps for data.  Notice almost all of their network is "56k speeds"
06:42.20ManxPowertuxinator_linux, yes.
06:42.42tuxinator_linuxManxPower: I was looking for that map
06:43.00newlWhat, don't all providers over there support GPRS yet? ;)
06:43.13tuxinator_linuxjust two
06:43.13ManxPowernewl, what speed is GRPS?
06:43.37tuxinator_linux56k, isn't it?
06:43.42coppicethe US seems to be the only place where edge is catching on
06:43.45ManxPowerI get 500K/s downloads in Baton Rouge and Covington, other places about 128K
06:43.55newl*shrug*  Fast enough to not allow Opera to display pages quick enough on the phone. :)
06:43.58ManxPowerWell, OK 114k on a good day
06:44.00tuxinator_linuxManxPower: oh, you have cingular?
06:44.09ManxPowertuxinator_linux, Verizon
06:44.27ManxPowercingular could not touch those speeds at the time I got my service (about 6 months ago)
06:44.44tuxinator_linuxManxPower: I know, now it looks like that can
06:45.00tuxinator_linuxManxPower: and they are $20 less
06:45.09tuxinator_linuxManxPower: with current promo
06:45.13ManxPowerVerizon is a bunch of twisted money grabbing bastards that want to never let you leave, but they DO have a good network.
06:45.21ManxPowertuxinator_linux, How much?
06:46.04tuxinator_linux79 regular price
06:47.25ManxPowerSame regular price as verison
06:47.29ManxPowerWell, check the coverage map.
06:47.30tuxinator_linuxMy current top speed, with Tmobile, is 56k
06:48.00ManxPowertuxinator_linux, I suspect that that's the speed you'll see with Cingular most of the time
06:48.52tuxinator_linuxI need speed, so tired of slow stuff.
06:49.09ManxPowertuxinator_linux, no cell internet is fast.
06:49.13*** part/#asterisk [M]erk (n=[M]
06:49.16ManxPowerThe latency is a killer
06:49.23tuxinator_linuxthe cincular map is so small, I can't tell whats what
06:50.04ManxPowertuxinator_linux, look at the verizon map
06:50.21tuxinator_linuxI see a log of EDGE in SoCal, but I can't tell
06:50.25ManxPowertuxinator_linux, most places let you out of your contract if you cancel in 15 days
06:50.28tuxinator_linuxokay, let me check the Verizon
06:50.46tuxinator_linuxCingular said I have 30 days to try it
06:50.54ManxPowerBTW, INSIST on getting a card with an external antenna jack.
06:51.23ManxPowerI get about %30 increase in speed when I use an external antenna in areas witout strong signal
06:52.10tuxinator_linuxManxPower: good idea
06:52.25tuxinator_linuxMy current card is a Sierra Wireless
06:52.49ManxPowerThey will NOT want to sell you a card with an external antenna.  I like my card.  HAs a built in antenna, but also a port to plug in an external antenna
06:53.17ManxPowerBut I also had to go to like 4 stores to find the card.
06:53.24ManxPowerAnd finding an antenna was hell
06:54.52ManxPowerVerizon brand card "V620"  Made by Novatel
06:55.11tuxinator_linuxManxPower: the Verizon coverage does look good, but I hate the company, what will I ever do?
06:56.28ManxPowertuxinator_linux, Do you use Microsoft products, wear clothing made in a sweatshop, or drink coffee?  If so, Verison is the least of the evilness you would put up with.
06:57.10tuxinator_linuxsweatshop clothes may be about it
06:57.29tuxinator_linuxfor me
06:57.43tuxinator_linuxI know, I want to best product for me dollar
06:57.50ManxPowerAnyway, just assume Verizon will find a way to screw you without lube, and you won't be suprized when it happens.
06:58.03ManxPowerFor me Verison is the best product.
06:58.25tuxinator_linuxManxPower: very well stated, as graphic as that was
06:58.36ManxPowerGranted, where I live now, it's the ONLY product.
06:59.25tuxinator_linuxI just ordered the cingular one for a guy, we'll see how that works out.  He wanted to stay with cingular as he already had phone service with them.
07:00.16tuxinator_linuxManxPower: Do the verizon cards work with linux?
07:01.29ManxPowertuxinator_linux, I have NO idea.
07:01.53ManxPowerSince Katrina I've pretty much only been on my laptop (which is the only machine I use that has Windows on it)
07:02.00tuxinator_linuxPretty importand factor for me, online linux on my laptops
07:02.19ManxPowerMy linux desktop is still in storage and I don't know if it is ruined or not.
07:02.30coppiceKatrina certainly caused severe hardship :-)
07:02.48tuxinator_linuxsoggy penguin
07:02.59ManxPowercoppice, there is STILL no hotel rooms within 200 miles of New Orleans
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07:03.32coppiceactually I wouldn't want a hotel room within 200 miles of New Orleans
07:04.06coppicewhat I need right now is one in Singapore, and next week's airshow has tripled the rates
07:04.35tuxinator_linuxSacramento, CA is in the same position, it is below sea level, and has levees holding the water back
07:04.49ManxPowerWHOO!  WHOO!  There are hotel rooms in Lafayette finally!
07:05.01tuxinator_linuxSingapore, that's the other side of the world
07:05.08ManxPowerLooks like I won't be sleeping on the floor afterall.
07:05.43coppicesleeping on the floor is not so bad. its sleeping on the park bench that really gets you :-)
07:05.45tuxinator_linuxManxPower: Are you currently homeless?
07:05.55ManxPowertuxinator_linux, no.
07:06.13ManxPowerI moved to the top of a mountian in Alabama, but all my clients are in south louisiana
07:06.44ManxPowerSo I end up going to Covginton/Hammond LA about once per month for a week or so.
07:07.07ManxPowerAnd I'm supposed to be in Lafayette March 2
07:07.18ManxPowerIn New Orleans Feb 23 - Mar 1
07:07.22tuxinator_linuxand then at VON after that?
07:07.32ManxPowerHell no.
07:07.49ManxPowerI was at VON/Stockholm.  A total waste of time for me.
07:07.52tuxinator_linuxnot even to be social?
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07:08.25tuxinator_linuxI'd have to admit I don't learn much, but it is nice to be away from home as I work out of my home
07:08.27ManxPowertuxinator_linux, I have significant expenses these days.
07:08.40tuxinator_linuxManxPower: I have a wife
07:08.55ManxPowerMostly helping the significant other get back on their feet.
07:09.01ManxPowertuxinator_linux, I'm sorry to hear that.
07:09.26tuxinator_linuxI like my wife, she is a whole lot less expensive than my last girlfriend
07:09.37ManxPowerNo unbillable travel for at least another 6 months
07:09.58tuxinator_linuxI need expenses for tax deductions
07:10.17tuxinator_linuxdon't want to give the gov't any more money that I have to
07:10.31QwellYou can deduct confs?
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07:10.37ManxPowerI don't think I need to worry about that for 2005. 8-)
07:10.50tuxinator_linuxQwell: oh ya
07:11.03tuxinator_linuxQwell: just about anything the "helps" your business
07:11.15Qwellahh, you're incorporated
07:12.06tuxinator_linuxQwell: I also get to deduct part of my apartment rent for "home office" expense.  I have have to state the amount of square feet my home office is.
07:12.24tuxinator_linuxQwell: currently sole proprietor
07:12.26Qwellbetter - rent it to yourself
07:13.03tuxinator_linuxQwell: hmm, rent to myself.... why not
07:13.18QwellThen you can charge yourself whatever you like...however it benefits you
07:13.44Qwellyou can also pay yourself less, because rent is less, which means less taxes
07:13.58JamesDotComand pay tax on paying yourself?
07:14.03tuxinator_linuxQwell: I do believe that is cheating the IRS
07:14.15Qwellcheating the system legally
07:14.41tuxinator_linuxHey JamesDotCom whos name is not James
07:14.52Qwellformer coworker explained it to me a while back...I don't recally exactly how it worked
07:14.58ManxPowerQwell, The IRS does a very good job of finding ways to tax you
07:15.22tuxinator_linuxI have to pay self-employment taxes, which is twice as much as income tax if you are employed
07:15.29JamesDotComhaha, hey tuxinator
07:16.00tuxinator_linuxMy uncle is a CPA, so I take all the deductions I can
07:16.37tuxinator_linuxWhen you do it right, you make no money by the end of the year
07:16.44Qwellwhich means 0 tax
07:16.49tuxinator_linuxincome = expenses
07:17.08tuxinator_linuxbut if you do it for too many years, they consider you a charity
07:17.09QwellI was pretty much told "always pay yourself as little as possible."
07:17.25tuxinator_linuxyep, the company pays for a lot of stuff
07:17.50QwellI'd do this if my company would pay me that way
07:18.02tuxinator_linuxyears ago, it payed my rent and phone bills
07:18.28tuxinator_linuxyou can do a lot of stuff, just not for very long
07:18.41tuxinator_linuxor they will audit you, ewww
07:19.27tuxinator_linuxHiring family is nice, because it is "legal" to pay them under the counter
07:19.36tuxinator_linuxbut you loose it as a deduction
07:19.49tuxinator_linuxmuch like hiring illegals
07:21.17tuxinator_linuxI think I ran us off the subject of this channel
07:21.55tuxinator_linuxhere, I'll return it.... The IRS takes too much of my ******* money
07:22.13tuxinator_linuxfull of asterisks
07:22.34hypa7iajeebus i'd forgotten how much of a pina 7960's are to update
07:22.40hypa7iaererr pain
07:22.47coppiceif you don't take us off topic, someone else will :-)
07:23.45[av]banianyone with gxp2000 using the grandstream config tool?
07:23.49tuxinator_linuxhypa7ia: install Xspell
07:24.28tuxinator_linuxhypa7ia: sorry, I was assuming you were using X-Chat
07:26.20hypa7iatuxinator_linux: i don't think that works with irssi :(
07:26.26hypa7iagoing back to xchat soon though
07:26.32hypa7iawill consider it :)
07:26.46*** join/#asterisk TuckerAdelaide (n=TuckerAd@
07:27.12TuckerAdelaidedoes anyone know of a windows program that can play the GSM files that come with *
07:27.14Juggie7960s are the worst sip phones i've ever put my hands on
07:27.20Juggiethey are absolutely horrible
07:27.22tuxinator_linuxTuckerAdelaide: winamp
07:27.30TuckerAdelaideit says they aren't compatible
07:27.38Juggiefunctionality they are ok, setup/maintenance they suck
07:27.40tuxinator_linuxTuckerAdelaide: may need a plugin
07:27.41hypa7iaJuggie: but they're so pretty!
07:27.47QwellJuggie: try sccp
07:27.48TuckerAdelaidegot the plugin.. and nothing worked
07:27.52hypa7iai just like that they're shiny
07:27.58Juggiehypa7ia, mitel 5220
07:28.10hypa7iaoh those are even shinier
07:28.24hypa7iabut i didn't get given 3 of those :)
07:29.22TuckerAdelaideit tells me that the samle format in not supported
07:29.23Juggiei have like 20 7960's sitting in boxes
07:29.30QwellJuggie: hook it up
07:30.41hypa7iaJuggie: that's more than i did at bell
07:31.21Juggiewe did a cisco voip trail like 3 years ago
07:31.25Juggiewe still have all of the gear
07:33.04Juggiethats a nice phone
07:33.14Qwell7970...that's hot
07:34.02Juggiemitel supports their protocol and sip on all their new phones
07:34.08Juggietheir phones are solid as hell
07:34.24jboti guess phones is at
07:34.44hypa7iawe only had one guy in our group at bell who did mitel
07:34.54hypa7iait made me sad as their stuff was so nice
07:36.44Juggieyes it is
07:36.49Juggiemost of the time
07:36.58Juggiei cant say anything about their pbx's
07:37.02Juggiebut their phones are solid
07:37.30hypa7iayeah i don't know anything about their pbxen
07:38.29Macintelyeh its like bpxen
07:38.36hypa7ialike boxen
07:38.37Macintelor pwned
07:38.45*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:42.08coppicecan anyone ping successfully?
07:44.49coppicesomething very odd about their internet. it seems permanently unavailable from some place, while permanently available from others
07:44.59tuxinator_linuxTuckerAdelaide: I played them with Winamp
07:45.30tuxinator_linuxcoppice: it came up
07:45.51coppicecan you tell me its IP address?
07:46.02tuxinator_linuxTuckerAdelaide: maybe a different plugin, I haven't done it in a year, can't help you more
07:46.11tuxinator_linuxcoppice: hold on
07:47.17*** join/#asterisk Fedoracore6 (n=FC$@
07:47.30*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
07:47.30Fedoracore6hai all
07:47.50Fedoracore6i wanna no that can i install asterisk at edora core 4
07:47.59tuxinator_linuxcoppice: but it is giving me 100% packet loss
07:48.40coppicemaybe ping is blocked. at least you could resolve it. I can't. I can't seem to connect directly to the IP address either
07:49.18tuxinator_linuxAre you in China or something?
07:49.38tuxinator_linuxFedoracore6: yep
07:49.56*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
07:50.43coppicea traceroute reaches, so it must fail at the last moment
07:50.50coppiceChina or something - HK
07:51.28Fedoracore6tuxinator_linux thank you but i want using AMP in fC4 so its work
07:52.27tuxinator_linuxyou won't find much support for AMP in this channel
07:53.28tuxinator_linuxcoppice: the reason I ask, becuase I though China filters the Internet
07:54.26coppiceChina filters some. HK doesn't, except by screwups
07:54.43coppicelooks like the problem is in Denmark, though
07:56.00*** join/#asterisk klydal (
07:56.20Fedoracore6oic ... tuxinator so where i can find the ANP helper
07:56.22tuxinator_linuxcoppice: I can browse their site without trouble
07:56.36coppiceactually, most of China's filtering seem to be screwups
07:56.49klydalhey, I was wondering if anyone used FWDout
07:56.59coppicelots of people can never access that site. they are doing some SS7 work there.
07:57.00*** join/#asterisk BugKham (n=lamer@
07:57.35*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
07:57.38BugKhamcan anyone here recommend some good asterisk billing software?
07:57.41MuppetMasterHello everyone
07:57.47MuppetMasterI have a question on the Manager API.
07:57.58BugKhamplus I am  using Realtime
07:58.17coppicetuxinator_linux: if you can see that site, can you tell me the latest version of their SS7 software that's available for download?
07:58.20MuppetMasterHow does one tag an originate request so that when they get a newchannel event they know which originate it was associated with?  This way I may have multiple requests made without waiting for a response to tie-up the uniqueid.
07:58.33MuppetMasterActionID is only an ack of the request, so does not tie-up the follow-on events.
07:58.33tuxinator_linuxcoppice: sure, hold on
07:58.46MuppetMasterAnd the channel may be the same for the outstanding requests, for example if I am using a Local extension.
07:58.53MuppetMasterMore here:
08:00.14tuxinator_linuxFedoracore6: #amportal
08:01.41tuxinator_linuxcoppice: still looking
08:02.30Fedoracore6thankyou somuch
08:02.36*** part/#asterisk linux_galore (
08:03.34tuxinator_linuxcoppice: any more clues on what I am looking for?
08:04.14*** part/#asterisk TuckerAdelaide (n=TuckerAd@
08:04.35coppiceI got a chan_ss7-0.2.tar.gz file from them a while ago. I'm wondering if there are newer versions there now
08:04.39*** join/#asterisk Cinen (
08:06.55tuxinator_linuxcoppice: found it
08:15.44Fedoracore6i ask at amportal .. but dont have any answer :(
08:16.15tuxinator_linuxFedoracore6: can't help you out much here, we don't use AMP.
08:17.57*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
08:18.48droopshey, i want to completely install asterisk into a seperate folder, so that i can see exactly what is installed and where it is installed.  i dont care if the asterisk works, i jsut want to see where it goes
08:18.54droopsis there any way to do that
08:19.34simulatedasterisk has several directory locations where it stores its files
08:20.11tuxinator_linuxdroops: maybe a compile option, not sure
08:20.24droopsthats what i was thinking, but i cant find it
08:20.27MuppetMaster/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf tells you where everything goes
08:21.47droopsand thats the only places that asterisk touches when it installs
08:22.55Fedoracore6oic yes same with me
08:23.03Fedoracore6no i just configure manually
08:23.14Fedoracore6hehhe but wanna try using AMP
08:23.55*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
08:30.37tzafrir_laptopFedoracore6, AMP is a wrapper around Asterisk.
08:31.11tzafrir_laptopIt's actually not the only config interface. And frankly, not the most elegant one
08:31.33coppicebut it is the one people complain about the most :-)
08:32.45*** join/#asterisk kamileon (n=kamileon@
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08:32.58tzafrir_laptopFedoracore6, try . A bit nicer and simpler
08:38.26*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
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09:28.35saftsackis there a known bug list for the bristuff drivers?
09:39.09*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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10:11.41saftsacksome bristuff people here?
10:12.19*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
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10:32.04*** join/#asterisk Telamon (
10:32.15jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
10:33.44TelamonDoes anyone know if there are plans to fix MWI so it will work with realtime, without using rtcache?
10:35.39puzzledannounce a bounty and perhaps someone will pick it up
10:36.02TelamonHmm, where's the bounty page?
10:36.16puzzleddunno, google?
10:37.01TelamonHeh, I'll take a look.  Thanks. :)
10:50.34*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
10:57.27Fedoracore6hai all
10:59.39*** join/#asterisk af_ (n=af@
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11:08.28*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
11:09.07kink0any direct way to insert into account CDR the party public IP address ?
11:15.27*** join/#asterisk niZon (
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11:40.34RoyKI will never touch beer again
11:41.46JamesDotComwhat, if you say it 3 times if comes true?
11:41.59JamesDotComevery hangover victim says that
11:43.16*** part/#asterisk TuckerAdelaide (n=TuckerAd@
11:45.02RoyKJamesDotCom: :)
11:51.44tronixI remember Canada did callerid a little differently, but can't
11:51.58tronixfind the info on how it differed
11:52.02tronixanybody know?
11:52.16tronixparticularly looking at how to config zap
11:52.47tronix(or perhaps, from the Canadian perspective, we in the U.S. do things differently. :-) )
11:53.01CheetahI don't think that Rutilus Rutilus is compatible with Asterisk...?
12:01.37*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
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12:31.54warthawgis chan_modem no longer part of asterisk?
12:32.19warthawgi compiled the latest version and tried to run it with existing config files, crashes trying to load that
12:32.30key2has someone ever used cmu sphinx with asterisk ?
12:33.15puzzledwarthawg: afaik it is being phased out. don't think it will be part of 1.4 anymore
12:33.38warthawgpuzzled, thanks, maybe i should use a new modules.conf then
12:38.14jalsotdoes anybody use asterisk with -p command line argument? [Run as pseudo-realtime thread]
12:38.45puzzledjalsot: never used it
12:39.18jalsotright I just discovered :)
12:39.33*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
12:39.36jalsotand wondering if it can improve performance
12:39.49jalsot[and in what kind of conditions]
12:40.37*** join/#asterisk jorgito_ (n=jorge@
12:41.36jorgito_my voicemail doesnt work, well i can store voicemail in wav but cant register to it, dtmf is working , if i call czech telecom and dial some dtmf it runs without problems...
12:42.01jorgito_cant register --> cant acces voicemail by voicemailmain
12:44.43jorgito_do i have to put some # after mailbox number ? when i dial voicemailmain  ?
12:47.47jorgito_what ?
12:50.49jalsothmmm, this -p option looks promising, search in progress ;)
12:53.52kink0jalsot, what is -p for ?
12:55.09*** join/#asterisk cassio (
12:55.36jalsotkink0: asterisk command line argument: Run
12:55.50jalsot[sorry, paste :)
13:03.33*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
13:08.34cassiocan somone give me a help installing g729, I am getting an error executing the patch
13:09.47RoyKmethinks that patch is illegal for everything but testing
13:15.31*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
13:18.59kink0the patch ? I just copy the codec and run the register app from digium
13:19.15kink0and works fine.
13:19.49kink0of course you will need to buy at least one license from digium
13:20.18buZzi so love my moh
13:20.43buZzmusic on hold
13:21.05buZzi've streamed my Music Player Daemon output to musiconhold
13:21.12buZzworks like a charm :)
13:21.19warthawgcoolio, buZz
13:21.52buZz <--
13:24.02warthawgshoot, we should publish your tip on newsforge, buZz
13:25.13buZzgo right ahead
13:25.27*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
13:25.34warthawgmight just do that on the morrow
13:25.38*** join/#asterisk JaredBluestein (
13:29.19buZzadded some bg text to the wiki post
13:32.11*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (
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13:38.56buZzthere formatted it properly aswell now
13:47.33*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
13:49.05jorgito_bleee dmtf with asterisk doesnt work everywhere else does, i am tring to take voicemail out.. , does anybody know why ?
13:53.18*** join/#asterisk oceanlan (
13:55.40oceanlananyone here know what I might be doing wrong with my OUTBOUND caller ID function? it always reports my main line that was set up first...Some of my extensions that have DID;s work outbound, but not the regular extensions...Ideas?
13:56.15jorgito_what sip soft phones do you use under linux ?
13:59.55*** join/#asterisk insomni (
14:07.14puzzledjorgito_: kphone, linphone, minisip
14:08.05*** part/#asterisk oceanlan (
14:16.06*** join/#asterisk julien[re] (
14:16.16julien[re]hi all
14:16.26julien[re]i've got a quick and easy q
14:17.00julien[re]i'm installing a bunch of * boxes for NPO and I'd like to add the ability to dial other NPO for free
14:17.43julien[re]i thought of a central * box
14:17.56julien[re]where other * boxes will register
14:18.08julien[re]is there anyone by the way :D
14:18.27*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
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14:30.26*** join/#asterisk zerotrace (
14:30.59zerotracedoes anybody have asterisk running on a G3 Blue & White with a POTS card?
14:31.18RoyKwhy on earth should anyone have that?
14:31.43zerotracetrying to build a box on a minimum amount of cash
14:33.35zerotraceok... different question... what POTS card would be most suitable to a PPC box?
14:33.39zerotracejust need a single line
14:36.39julien[re]zerotrace, u should check
14:38.54zerotracejulien[re]: thanks... have you tested the zaptel driver by any chance?
14:42.26julien[re]not on ppc
14:42.39julien[re]i use x86 boxes for my installations
14:42.47julien[re](which are maintained from ppc)
14:43.10zerotraceyeah... that's what i was hoping for... but i don't have a spare x86 box lying around... not one near a phone line anyway
14:43.34julien[re]actually i dont see much issue with POTS
14:43.44julien[re]if u just wanna try, go for IP only
14:44.00julien[re]and try with soft phones
14:44.03zerotraceyeah... i setup an IP only asterisk in vmware a couple months ago
14:44.09julien[re](ive got * running on my g5 imac)
14:44.31zerotracei had a bit more useful project in mind for this setup
14:44.47julien[re]oki ;)
14:44.52julien[re]go find a x86 box then
14:45.16julien[re]here (reunion island, so high P&P) we have brand new boxes at ?299
14:45.17zerotracethat would be the smart thing to do
14:45.52julien[re]actually, maube the guys @ astmasters can help u
14:45.56zerotracei've got access to some extra x86 boxes... just none of them setup as the moment
14:57.33Daminzerotrace: I'm in the process of installing Asterisk on a 486 laptop.. :)
14:57.42*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
14:58.17buZzi have asterisk running on a epia v8000
14:58.25buZzwhich is basically a 486 with mmx and 3dnow
14:58.47zerotracewhat use is that sort of thing? don't you need some serious CPU to handle compression?
15:01.55buZzi can do ~6 calls at the same time
15:02.04buZzand decode a ogg stream for music-on-hold
15:02.55buZzjust gonna replace the PSU now , with some fanless 60w thingy
15:03.17zerotracewhat distro do you run on that box?
15:03.33zerotraceon a 486? i hope you've got distcc
15:03.47zerotracethat must have taken days to setup
15:03.50zerotraceeven with stage 3
15:04.44*** join/#asterisk pb_ (
15:04.53buZzerr , 1 day
15:04.55zerotracehey... what's the cheapest POTS card i can get?
15:06.02jontowa $3.95 lucent winmodem
15:06.14zerotracewill that work with asterisk/linux?
15:06.20jontownot with asterisk
15:06.29jontowbut you're asking for "cheapest hardware evar"
15:06.49zerotraceok... so what's the cheapest Asterisk/Gentoo/x86 compatible voice modem
15:07.07jontowthere are some really horrible X100P clones on ebay usually..
15:07.11jontowdon't know if they're still to be found
15:07.41zerotraceso i take it that a real X100P would be a decent card?
15:08.31*** join/#asterisk rarn (
15:08.45zerotraceif so, where would be a good place to get one?
15:09.26jontowyes, not bad.. but good luck finding one.. they've been discontinued in favor of the TDM4xxP cards for quite some time
15:09.51zerotraceok... where would i get one of those?
15:16.00jontowgood luck :)
15:16.37jontowyour best bet is honestly to save a bit of cash and either get a sipura spa3000 or the TDM4xxP
15:16.45jontowwhatever the hell the model number is these days
15:17.34*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
15:17.44buZznow my asterisk server is much more silent
15:18.19*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
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15:20.46buZz/dev/hda: setting standby to 180 (15 minutes)
15:22.02tamp4x4x4 in snow > *
15:23.59dpryoI second that
15:29.47*** join/#asterisk afar (
15:32.50afaranyone can tell me if there is a standard way of authenticating sip users with radius or LDAP?
15:33.27*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:48.32jorgito_how to do sip gateway? does anybody knows where to find sip providers in each country with sip termination ?
15:48.51jorgito_some sort of peering center ?
15:49.02jorgito_i am thinking of making my own sip gw
15:52.39*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
15:52.54buZzis there any index to all the voicesamples asterisk installs?
15:53.01buZzi want to make some fun IVR
15:53.46*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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16:14.47jorgito_for what is DID ?
16:15.21tamp4xphone #
16:18.35*** join/#asterisk mmunky (
16:22.11buZzwow , asterisk is nice
16:22.16buZzonly uses 10MB ram
16:22.28tamp4xwhen u start it
16:22.35tamp4xgive it a few days
16:22.37buZzand, the musiconhold doesnt use cpu while not used
16:22.38tamp4xsee what happens
16:22.49buZzi've read that 1.2.4 doesnt leak anymore
16:23.29tamp4xit does
16:23.44tamp4xit has improvements
16:24.06buZzi'll just see how it goes :)
16:24.15buZzbtw , you have experience with ztdummy?
16:25.28tamp4xloading the driver to use the timer for meet me rooms?
16:26.04buZzwell , my musiconhold sounds fine on sip phones
16:26.13buZzbut appereantly it 'stutters' on external lines
16:26.55tamp4xand is there stutter in the convo
16:27.07buZzno there isnt
16:29.55*** join/#asterisk veto (
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16:32.28Skumlinghey everybody... anyone who knows this card: ?
16:33.33*** join/#asterisk iq (
16:34.26pb_Skumling: see
16:34.41*** join/#asterisk veto (
16:37.02Skumlingpb_: looks interesting... seems like the X100P's just a modem?
16:41.30Skumlingpb: humm. well, I've got plenty of V92 Winmodems laying around, seems like I should just try and play a bit with it
16:47.32jorgito_what exactly is DID could someone please explain me ?
16:49.42*** join/#asterisk davidcsi (
16:49.54davidcsihello all
16:50.24*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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16:56.42*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:57.46julien[re]hi there
16:58.16julien[re]is there someone?
16:58.17saftsackjulien[re], pickup is now the onliest problem i have :(
16:58.23saftsackjulien[re], yes ;)
16:58.25*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (
16:58.29julien[re]yeah :D
16:58.40julien[re]but i'd rather have some1 good with *
17:00.34julien[re]saftsack, did u try the mailinglist?
17:02.55*** join/#asterisk NeoJunior (n=Neo@
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17:03.09saftsackno i didnt
17:03.17saftsackbut i dont think, that im the onliest with this problem
17:03.26NeoJuniorNEED SOME HELP WITH Budgetone 101
17:03.33saftsackdo you mean the digium mailing list?
17:03.51saftsackNeoJunior, whats wrong with your budgetel?
17:03.58ManxPowerNeoJunior, The BTs suck.  There's only so much you can do with them.  What specific problem are you having?
17:04.06*** join/#asterisk veto (
17:04.32NeoJuniorwell saftsack, i tryed first to configure it with my mikrotik router.... no way
17:04.54jorgito_so when i from europe am using 711a how to convert to 711u if i will have peer with some us sip provider ?
17:04.54saftsackdid you apply the settings on you ip phone?
17:05.11ManxPowerNeoJunior, Configure it with Asterisk
17:05.17NeoJunioryes, i have done it...
17:05.35NeoJuniormanxpower, what do you mean "configure it with asterisk?
17:05.43saftsackand whats wrong now?
17:05.47julien[re]* can transcode from one codec to another
17:05.54NeoJuniorit has been configured with the isp configuration.
17:06.06ManxPowerNeoJunior, This is an Asterisk channel.  What problems are you having with your phone and Asterisk?
17:06.08NeoJuniorall the time, it gives me a message error code 404
17:06.26julien[re]any error in your logs?
17:06.38NeoJuniormanxpower, i dont know what Asterisk is, could you explain ?
17:06.55julien[re]u must be in a wrong chan then
17:07.01NivexIf you have an IAX peer monitored with "qualify=", is there a way to generate some kind of alarm (e-mail, dial an extension) when it goes unreachable?
17:07.04ManxPowerNeoJunior, It is a software phone system.  If you are not using Asterisk then this is not the place for you.
17:07.10NeoJuniorno, julien[re]. no error, no logs, nothing.
17:07.19*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (n=vircuser@
17:07.20julien[re]sure but you're not using asterisk
17:07.22NeoJunioraha. well, this is not my big plroblem
17:07.32julien[re]so it's not the place where to ask for help
17:07.39julien[re]since this chan is asterisk-related
17:07.48julien[re]and your problem has none to do with *
17:07.51NeoJuniorthe real problem is that, could you help me with a bt101 broken upgrade ?
17:08.44NeoJuniori understand julien[re]. i will try asterisk, but first, can anybody help me with this broken upgrade? my phone doesnt boot anymore
17:08.57NivexNeoJunior: Contact Grandstream.
17:08.58NeoJuniordoes anybody have any idea ?
17:09.12NivexNeoJunior: or your vendor.
17:09.14jorgito_so when i from europe am using 711a how to convert to 711u if i will have peer with some us sip provider ?
17:09.35NeoJuniornivex, they dont care about firmware upgrade.
17:09.56NeoJuniori thought maybe there is a soft or something like that so i can do something myself
17:10.14julien[re]NeoJunior : this is not a Grandstream channel
17:10.28NeoJuniorso, nobody have the same problem like me ?
17:10.47NeoJuniorjulien, i know what this shit is, i just need help
17:11.13julien[re]i've got a question about *
17:11.15NivexNeoJunior: and you've been told we cannot provide it.  asking repeatedly does not change that fact.
17:11.31NeoJuniori understand nivex :)
17:11.41julien[re]i'm installing * boxes in NPO
17:11.47NeoJunioranyway, thank you for the ungiven help
17:11.55julien[re]and i'd like to add a way for NPO to call eachother for free
17:12.09julien[re]by dialing a specific extension
17:12.09*** join/#asterisk veto (
17:12.14MikeJ[Laptop]if more than one ox becomes oxen.. then does more then one box become boxen?
17:12.23julien[re]is there a way to do it without any central server
17:12.28MikeJ[Laptop]so wouldn't it be asterisk boxen?
17:12.56julien[re]i tried to call an extension@the server ip
17:12.58julien[re]for another server
17:13.01julien[re]but it didnt work
17:13.27julien[re]so my real question is: can i dial an extension on another *?
17:13.49julien[re]did any1 understood what i need?
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17:16.18NivexI don't know "NPO"
17:16.22Nivexdefine plz
17:16.26julien[re]non profit organisation
17:17.20julien[re]any idea then :D
17:17.29Nivexin order to do it w/o a central server, you might almost need some kind of Dundi
17:17.38Nivexbut having never worked with it, I'm not certain
17:17.48julien[re]i can have a central server
17:17.52julien[re]to know where the peer is
17:17.58julien[re]enum, etc.
17:18.11Nivexas for dialing an extension on another * box, it can be done, you just have to create an authorized user for the context.
17:18.12julien[re]but i dont wanna use a central server
17:18.28julien[re]ok there's no way without the authorized user
17:18.34julien[re]'cause when i add a new box
17:18.48julien[re]i dont want to change the config of all the other boxes
17:18.52Nivexwell, "guest" with no password can be an authorized user, just make sure it can't get into any contexts you don't want them in
17:19.07saftsackim searching for this 50 pages long asterisk tutorial pdf file.
17:19.13saftsackdoes someone know this file?
17:19.30jbotsomebody said docs was probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
17:19.52MikeJ[Laptop]somebody said?
17:19.59MikeJ[Laptop]I bet it was ManxPower
17:20.01julien[re]i've got it somewhare saft
17:21.12julien[re]it sounds good
17:21.30julien[re]but i still need to change the config to add as much peers as boxes?
17:22.22Nivexif they all have a guest, you just dial IAX2/
17:22.31julien[re]oh great
17:22.31saftsackjulien[re], do you have the oreilly book?
17:22.56saftsackyes i saw the link ;)
17:23.00saftsackbut do you have this book?
17:23.06julien[re]u may have the book in that link
17:23.10julien[re]i've got the book indeed
17:23.20Nivexand if you do have a central server for routing, each of the outlying machines can just route all the extensions not in their office back to the central
17:23.30Nivexdon't know how scalable a mesh configuration would be
17:23.35saftsackjulien[re], is this book a good one?
17:24.12saftsackso it brings a lot of knowage to a person who understands basically the asterisk pbx?
17:24.20saftsackkwoledge i mean
17:24.23julien[re]nivex, i may be able to use a customised enum config for this too
17:24.38julien[re]the enum will tell "this ext is at this server"
17:24.40NuggetI kwo lots about kwoledge.
17:25.16*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
17:25.18Nivexjulien[re]: cool, I'll have to look into that
17:25.19saftsackjulien[re], oh i see you can download it for free :)
17:25.30Nivexjulien[re]: our lug has been talking about doing something like that as an experiment
17:25.35julien[re]i may write a script on the central server too
17:26.04julien[re]i'll have to look into AGI then :p
17:26.09*** join/#asterisk NTJOCK (
17:26.12NTJOCKgood morning
17:26.41julien[re]good evening :)
17:26.55davidcsiyes, very good book
17:26.55julien[re]21:27 here ;)
17:27.21NTJOCKI'm having some trouble with the debian package version of * and was wondering if someone could help me pinpoint the issue.
17:27.38julien[re]actually i use packages from bristuff so no clue
17:27.46NTJOCKmy linux mentor is nowhere to be found and I have to have this thing up and running tomorrow.
17:28.12NTJOCKmessages is whining about not being found
17:28.30NTJOCKand asterisk is refusing to run with "asterisk died with code 1" repeatedly
17:28.43NTJOCKthe significant change was that I updated the system.
17:29.07I-MODdo a "locate"
17:29.24NTJOCKok, messages says it should be in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
17:29.43NTJOCKI think I screwed up the dselect install because DS wanted to write some config files and I told it "no".
17:29.59NTJOCKI was afraid it would overwrite my setup
17:30.11*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
17:30.37NTJOCKyea no
17:30.45NTJOCKit's not where it should be at least
17:30.51PBXtechon polycom phones are you able to login/out of an extension like the cisco/snom phones do?
17:31.07NTJOCKand locate returns nothing
17:31.24NTJOCKPBXtech I think the polycoms load a static config
17:31.34NTJOCKPBXtech it could probably login to a queue.
17:32.01PBXtechyea but can it remap an extension?  so an agent can login to the phone and that new extenion takes over
17:32.20NTJOCKI have two of them and they are "high maintenance" from an admin perspective
17:32.26NTJOCKbut they have great sound quality
17:32.35NTJOCKand polycom is worthless for support and good documentation
17:32.52NTJOCKI have a bunch of sipura 841's they are ok, but crappy sound quality.
17:33.03PBXtechbut best value :)
17:33.20Nivexi'm anxious to hear about the 941/942
17:33.21NTJOCKjust get lots of whining about echos
17:33.41NTJOCKI found turning on header compression (abbreviation?) made a difference
17:33.46PBXtechecho on poly?
17:33.47Mark_Halversonno value = quality/cost
17:33.57NTJOCKI basically tweaked them til I had it behaving.... (no only issues are with the 841)
17:34.12NTJOCKmy only gripe about the 841 is that the config is manual on each unit
17:34.19PBXtechany ever try an avaya sip phone?
17:34.32Nivexi thought you could put the 841 in a provisioned mode
17:34.32NTJOCKwhereas my gripe with the polycoms is that the config is central and very complex as it is in XML.
17:34.51NTJOCKNivex maybe you can.... I only have like 12 extensions
17:34.56PBXtechyou can use the web admin
17:35.08NTJOCKso it was one of these headaches that it is easier to just do it then it is to screw with figuring out how to avoid it
17:35.25PBXtechsomeone should make a polycom tftp generator like cisco's
17:35.45PBXtechbut once you figure it out, your golden :)
17:35.57NTJOCKthat would be nice pbx
17:36.04NTJOCKhey, anybody know what does?
17:36.58I-MODyou may have to rebuild asterisk
17:37.16NTJOCKyuck.... damn dpkg
17:37.25PBXtechjust put noload =
17:37.29PBXtechin the modules.conf
17:37.30I-MODyou could try doing a noload =>
17:37.34*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
17:37.38NTJOCKI did that.... saw a post somewhere that suggested that
17:37.43NTJOCKseeing if it will come up now
17:37.55NTJOCKI had stuttering this week and people were whining about it... so I figured an update might help.
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17:39.39davidcsianyone ever compile asterisk-oh323?
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17:41.40davidcsisorry, got disconnected, anyone ever compiled asterisk-oh323??
17:42.11davidcsiwhere can i post the error?
17:43.09davidcsihere's the error:
17:45.02I-MODopen the src and look at the specified lines
17:45.14I-MODthose errors shouldnt be cropping up at all
17:48.39NTJOCKwhere should have come from?
17:48.49NTJOCKI tried uninstalling and reinstalling the package thinking it would get picked up
17:49.35I-MODyou installed * from a package?
17:50.11I-MODwhy not the src?
17:50.20NTJOCKno reason I guess
17:50.31NTJOCKother then I'm really a newbie with linux
17:50.43davidcsiI-MOD, the lines look ok (from my ignoring point of view, don't know much C++)
17:50.59NTJOCKjust figured it would be easier to keep it running with a pkg
17:51.50I-MODNTJOCK: go with src....the only commands you need are "make", "make install", and "make clean"
17:51.57NTJOCKlol ok
17:52.00NTJOCKI've done it once before
17:52.06NTJOCKI think I have to recompile zaptel if I do that
17:52.08I-MODdavidcsi: can you pastebin those lines?
17:52.15NTJOCKand that was a really tedious process 18months ago
17:53.07I-MODNTJOCK: get subversion, dl the src, cd to teh src directory, type make && make install
17:53.19NTJOCKshouldn't I untag the packages (uninstall but not purge)?
17:54.13*** join/#asterisk astar` (
17:55.28astar`i have a tdm400 with a fxo module and i can't receive call , nothing happens in CLI
17:57.36rikstaHi if i want to connect 3 normal telephones to my asterisk box do i need a card with 3fxs ports?
17:58.09davidcsiriksta, yes,4 ports or ATAs
17:58.16I-MODdavidcsi: on the first two, change BYTE** to const unsigned char**
17:58.27riksta4 ports davidcsi ?
17:58.43davidcsii'm not sure there are 3 ports
17:59.06rikstadavidcsi: i want to make sure i order the exactly right product would it be the TDM30B from this page
17:59.50davidcsiI-MODE. done
18:00.11I-MODdavidcsi: on the 2nd two, add the keyword const before "unsigned char**"
18:00.54NTJOCKI-MOD I've always admired the part about linux where you just go get the source and build the damn thing... lol....
18:01.13I-MODon line 491, do the same thing with const
18:01.14NTJOCKI'm following some particularly good tutorials on
18:01.43davidcsiI-MODE, ok seems to be going...
18:02.24davidcsihehe, sorry
18:02.41davidcsiguess i'm used to "mode"
18:02.54I-MODriksta: yes, the tdm30b is what you want
18:02.57davidcsiI-MOD, would you recomend 0.6.7 or 0.7.3?
18:03.07davidcsiriksta, yes looks good
18:03.25davidcsiriksta, make sure about the modules though...
18:03.25I-MODwhat are those versions of?
18:04.20rikstadavidcsi: coudl you elabourate please?
18:04.45davidcsiriksta, FXO or FXS. you can order any combination
18:05.00rikstayeah i used the table in that link to come up with 30B
18:05.14davidcsiI-MOD, "you the man!" it compiled
18:05.21davidcsiriksta, good
18:05.32rikstai just needed to be sure
18:06.53astar`i have a tdm400 with a fxo module and i can't receive call , nothing happens in CLI
18:07.11I-MODwhat is your verbosity set to in the cli?
18:07.43I-MODdo you have the line set up correctly?
18:08.25astar`verbosity 3
18:08.36I-MODset it to 10
18:08.46I-MODthen try to make the call
18:09.45davidcsiI-MOD, sorry, versions of asterisk-oh323...
18:09.49I-MODyour zapata.conf
18:09.54I-MODand zaptel.conf
18:10.10I-MODdavidcsi: i'd go with the newer version unless it is especially unstable
18:11.02davidcsiI-MOD I'm using 0.6.7 and it works fine with cisco but its giving me hell with others manufacturers
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18:11.37astar`you want directly the files ?
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18:27.15warthawgmy dialplan dont do right with my new pots on xp100 card
18:28.28warthawgztcfg sez its there, but when i call the number, asterisk sez exten s,1 failed in inbound-from-pstn
18:28.58warthawgi have the dialplan set up to use exten s in that context
18:29.44sergeusguys, everything ok with chan_sip? - i just tryed to compiled chan_sip from SVN and it fails
18:31.16*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:33.35NTJOCKI-MOD I'm still getting an error about which doesn't exist
18:33.40NTJOCKI did download the source and compile it
18:33.49NTJOCKany ideas?
18:34.01[TK]D-FenderNTJOCK : doa  noload in modules.conf for it
18:34.09NTJOCKok, what does it do?
18:34.13NTJOCKbefore I noload it
18:34.17NTJOCKit's in the global section to
18:34.22*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (
18:34.30NTJOCKand I did that by the way and then got a message about iax2 module
18:35.28warthawgNTJOCK, did you just install 1.2.4 and use prev config files?
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18:37.14NTJOCKis that a problem? :)
18:37.43warthawgyeah, me too.  my chan_modem probs went away when i did a noload on it in modules
18:37.51NTJOCKlet me try
18:38.39NTJOCKwell that goes away but now I get a loading "" failed
18:38.46NTJOCKbut asterisk is up
18:38.53NTJOCKthanks, that was ez
18:39.08warthawgdon't confuse me with someone who knows what they are doing with asterisk
18:39.16NTJOCKthe only thing that doesn't make sense, is that there is a reference to it in [global]
18:39.19NTJOCKwhich is just bad housekeeping
18:39.26warthawgi just keep tinkering with things til it works
18:39.33NTJOCKlol, yea, and I should be careful lest I'm confused with someone who actually understands what I'm doing....
18:39.45NTJOCKand hell I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last nite
18:40.38NTJOCKthis is interesting.
18:40.47NTJOCKasterisk is running, but the remote console is not available
18:40.51NTJOCKdid the command change?
18:40.56NTJOCKasterisk -r right?
18:41.48Qwell"According to a story over at, the latest definitions file for Microsoft's Anti-Spyware beta flags Symantec's Norton Antivirus products as a password-stealing trojan and prompts users to delete portions of the program."
18:42.01ManxPowerNTJOCK, nothing has changed in that regard.
18:42.51ManxPowerNTJOCK, chances are that, for some reason, you can't access the unix socket required to connect to the Asterisk console
18:43.04davidcsiNTJOCK, can you not simply "noload =>" in modules?
18:43.47NTJOCKI did the noload chan_modem
18:45.19*** join/#asterisk HamYaI (i=HamYai@
18:45.29ManxPowerSince chan_modem* does not build in 1.2.x, you must not have followed the big nasty message that comes up if you have those modules with 1.2x
18:46.17NTJOCKno, I didn't spot that message
18:46.36RoyKmethinks chan_modem* is evil
18:46.42NTJOCKwhat does it do?
18:47.25ManxPowerNTJOCK, when you "make install" it lists the modules that are on your system that were not built by that version of Asterisk.  You would have to be blind to miss it.  (come to think of it blind people would have a screen reader so they would not miss it either)
18:47.38*** join/#asterisk Amilcar_ (n=Email@
18:48.17ManxPowerI think 1.2 should, if it finds modules not built by 1.2, ask if you want it to format your HD.  I think people would start reading the damn install messages.
18:48.18Amilcar_Anyone here knows how to contact Steve Underwood of spandsp?
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18:49.12NTJOCKI did a deb pkg upgrade and it was not behaving so I migrated off the dpkg to src
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18:49.22NTJOCKand I uninstalled the pkg version first
18:49.26PaulHuynhhello eveyone
18:49.32NTJOCKso it probably didn't have the modules there
18:49.34PaulHuynhi have a few question for asterisk
18:49.38PaulHuynhplease help
18:50.19Amilcar_PaulHuynh: what's the problem?
18:50.53PaulHuynhNp @ all i'm in a process of looking for a asterisk GUI like switchvox
18:50.55NTJOCKquick question, what is the "default" source location for sounds?
18:51.08NTJOCKthe debian version (which my config files are keyed to) does things a bit different
18:51.26PaulHuynhI want to be able to provide host solution for asterisk
18:51.40PaulHuynhasterisk + web gui
18:51.56Amilcar_NTJOCK: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
18:52.13Amilcar_PaulHuynh: there's quite a few of web gui for asterisk
18:52.30PaulHuynhi need one with user panel
18:52.39PaulHuynhamp is more for admin and not for user
18:52.46NTJOCKthanks amilcar
18:52.51PaulHuynhi need both admin + user
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18:53.07Amilcar_PaulHuynh: i like
18:53.24PaulHuynhand i just need a software packed (many required you to buy their server as well)
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18:54.58Amilcar_PaulHuynh: voiceone is just a gui (no proprietary server) and is GPL'd!
18:55.05PaulHuynhalot of stuff is under dev. still
18:55.21Amilcar_PaulHuynh: sure.
18:55.28PaulHuynhdoes it support zaptel?
18:56.48PaulHuynhWell how stable is it?
18:56.56PaulHuynhI will gave it a run and see
18:57.05PaulHuynhhow about a comercial one?
18:57.10Amilcar_that's the best way to figure out. hehehehe
18:57.14PaulHuynhanything you would recommed?
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19:05.36SibRphrekanyone have broadview directly connected to their asterisk servers?
19:07.03*** join/#asterisk xbmodder_lappy (i=nobody@unaffiliated/xbmodder)
19:07.30xbmodder_lappyin the dial pan this line errors out: exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,n,DIAL(SIP/teliax/${EXTEN},120,tr)
19:07.38xbmodder_lappyWith host "teliax" not found
19:07.57SkramXSibRphrek: broadview?
19:08.07SkramXoh, i see.
19:08.17buZzshouldnt that be SIP/${EXTEN}@teliax
19:08.25buZzwith teliax as a context in sip.conf
19:08.30xbmodder_lappyit was working 20 minutes ago
19:08.41xbmodder_lappybuZz, teliax already is a context in sip.conf
19:08.47buZzbefore you reloaded it? :)
19:09.09SibRphrekSkramX: yeah the company that supplies phones
19:09.28xbmodder_lappyso like this "exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,n,DIAL(SIP/${EXTEN}@teliax,120,tr)
19:09.31SibRphreklike what do you guys have your asterisk servers connected to, to route the calls
19:09.42NTJOCKManxPower what does chan_modem do?
19:09.49xbmodder_lappySibRphrek, what do you mean
19:09.54NTJOCK* seems to be partially running
19:09.57buZzexten => _41X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2}@sip.eweka,,r)
19:10.07NTJOCKit talks to the SIP phones, ie voicemail, and I can call one phone with the other
19:10.07SibRphrekxbmodder_lappy: you have an asterisk server - yeah?
19:10.14buZzsip.eweka is in /etc/hosts
19:10.17SibRphrekxbmodder_lappy: what service are you using to make the phone calls
19:10.24NTJOCKbut it isn't answering, won't dial out, and my IVR isn't running, plus the asterisk -r won't work
19:10.26SibRphrekxbmodder_lappy: there has to be a company that does the routering for you
19:11.22xbmodder_lappySibRphrek, oh you mean sip call origination?
19:11.31xbmodder_lappyor IAX call origination?
19:11.32SibRphrekxbmodder_lappy: sure w/e you wanna call it
19:11.36SibRphrekxbmodder_lappy: sip
19:11.46xbmodder_lappydon't call it "call routering" ok?
19:12.00buZzas its not english ^_^
19:12.24SibRphrekxbmodder_lappy: sorry - i'm just trying to do 2 things at once, my english isn't that good this early in the afternoon
19:12.28xbmodder_lappyI use teliax and telasip and broadvoice and... and nufone
19:12.28SibRphrekxbmodder_lappy: so who do you use? and nufone are good for like some short calls
19:12.58xbmodder_lappythey provide good service
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19:13.16xbmodder_lappybroadvoice is really cheap
19:13.35xbmodder_lappyinfinite service to canada, etc
19:13.45tamp4xaffotech is cheap
19:14.03SibRphrekyou do the BYOD plan?
19:14.32SibRphrekand pay 8 bucks a month for unlimited calls?
19:14.55CarlFKanyone know how GoogleTalk deals with firewall issues?
19:14.59xbmodder_lappylike 20
19:15.12xbmodder_lappyCarlFK, I think it doesn't need to
19:16.10CarlFKxbmodder_lappy: um... are they using google servers to "route/proxy/whatever" ?
19:16.57xbmodder_lappySibRphrek, go with telasip, they are really good guys over there
19:17.09CarlFKor are they doing skype trickery and using other clients (btw: their website SUCKS)
19:17.16xbmodder_lappydon't judge them on it
19:17.23xbmodder_lappy15 bucks unlimited USA
19:17.48SibRphrekxbmodder_lappy: what i'm looking to do is get away with not having a CSX, adn put a bunch of people into voIP
19:17.48warthawgdo i need to do something magic to make the dialplan recognize extension s ?
19:18.04SibRphrekxbmodder_lappy: i need a service that will allow me to have multiple phone #'s and such
19:18.20xbmodder_lappyteliax is good for that but much $$$
19:19.02SibRphrek25/month isn't htat much
19:19.15xbmodder_lappyI am poor.
19:19.21CarlFK25 is exactly that much ;)
19:19.23xbmodder_lappy(a teenager/student)
19:19.31xbmodder_lappy14.95 is great
19:20.54SibRphrekxbmodder_lappy: now i just need to get some DID's
19:21.34SibRphrekonly 2 simultaenous calls
19:21.36SibRphrekthat's not goo
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19:25.52SkramXcould i see someones outgoing-portion of extensions.conf?
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19:30.15QwellI only have [outgoing-section], not [outgoing-portion]
19:30.57SkramXoutgoing context please ;
19:33.45SkramXAlright, Qwell?
19:33.46buZzhow 'should' i build sentences from the soundfiles?
19:33.53buZzjust Playback(this) etc?
19:33.57QwellbuZz: In English?
19:34.17buZzyeah, just english
19:34.27QwellNo, I mean...use English grammar rules
19:34.39tamp4xtoday every whelp question will be answered by yes or no
19:34.49buZzare you trying to be funny? :)
19:35.09Qwell~dict whelp
19:35.23SkramXOy. about that outgoing section of your dialplan, Qwell?
19:35.44QwellSkramX: I don't have asterisk installed
19:36.00SkramXHa, Ha..
19:36.10Qwellno, really
19:36.23Qwelland I won't, until Sergio stops being an asshat ;/
19:36.35SkramXQwell: okay.. know somewhere where I can see a good clear sample of outgoing/
19:36.42jbothmm... wikis is
19:38.55warthawgpraise baud!  i was able to dial out via sip and answer via pots!
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19:50.14hmodeshrmm, anyone know if nufone has any limits on call length?
19:50.26Qwellhmodes: account balance
19:50.28warthawgi use nufone, but i dunno
19:50.45hmodesI just spent a good 4 hours on hold via vonage only to get cut off ;p
19:51.12hmodesstupid airlines being totally screwed today
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19:52.46hmodesup to 45mins on nufone, just wanted to make sure I'm not going to have to hang myself in 3 hours ;p
19:59.57Flautohmodes, on the east coast
20:00.07hmodesyeah, outside philadelphia
20:00.16hmodeswe suck at dealing with snow :)
20:00.59hmodesgot about a foot last night, shut down the whole city it seems
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20:01.05hmodesupstate new york wouldn't even blink at this ;p
20:01.22ManxPowerIt snowed in Alabama
20:01.32hmodeswow, really?
20:01.53hmodesi bet it's hilarious to watch people in AL react to snow ;p
20:01.55ManxPowerYeah.  It sucks
20:02.13warthawgit was 25 this morning here in texas, brrrrr
20:02.20ManxPowerhmerry, 1) it didn't snow much and 2) we didn't leave the mountian until the roads were dry.
20:03.27SkramXwarthawg: yeapps. Im in austin
20:03.27hmodesi've heard some interesting stories about what happens when a half inch of snow falls in texas ;p
20:03.46warthawgi tried zapateller and got 'that service is not available on this line'
20:04.11warthawgSkramX  well, howdy, neighbor, i am about 25 miles sse of austin, near niederwald and uhland
20:04.35Flautoif they see half an inch of snow, that would be pretty much the end of their world
20:04.35warthawghmodes   snow is not so bad, but ice storms are killer
20:16.37buZzwtf , Read() isnt recieving my DTMF tones
20:16.53buZzshould i swap around the DTMF type for the sip connection?
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20:22.50buZzsweet :)
20:23.56saftsackcan i connect telephones on an E1 card or are this cards just fxo cards?
20:24.14QwellThey're E1 cards
20:26.21Ahrimanessaftsack: you need a channel bank to plug phones into or tdm card
20:26.24saftsackwhat can i do with just a card for example from digium
20:26.35saftsackAhrimanes, ok
20:26.47Ahrimanessaftsack: connect it to a pstn provider fx
20:27.03saftsackbut the E1 cards are the onliest cards for big systems if you dont want to have ip phones, right?
20:28.48saftsacki know what a tdm card is, i have one ;)
20:28.54saftsackbut this card can handle 8 telephones
20:29.30[TK]D-FenderYou can also use a SIP ATA or gateway.
20:30.17Ahrimanessaftsack: that one can handle 24 phones
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20:31.14saftsackok .... but why not buy a simple E1 card with a channelbank?
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20:31.39Ahrimanessaftsack: E1+channel bank has a tendency to become quite costly
20:33.18ManxPowerWhy not use a T-1 card + used channel bank?
20:33.30ManxPowerunless you're trying to interface with the PSTN
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20:34.33saftsackis a channel bank so expensive?
20:36.27rajivdo i have to use host=dynamic in sip.conf with sip phones ?
20:36.35tamp4x1900 $ for fxo
20:36.48tamp4x1500 fxs
20:36.55tamp4xfor channel banks
20:37.04rajivi'm getting Feb 12 15:33:43 NOTICE[16701]: chan_sip.c:4932 register_verify: Peer '117' is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic
20:37.53tamp4xset host=dynamic in sip.conf
20:37.59tamp4xfor 117
20:38.31saftsackthats expensive
20:38.49ManxPowerrajiv, If you get that error then you have a basic misunderstanding about host=dynamic and registering
20:39.03rajivtamp4x: i can't do host= since that sip phone gets a fixed address from dhcp ?
20:39.26ManxPowersaftsack, It depends on if the channel bank is T-1 or E-1, if it's FXO or FXS, and if it's new or used.
20:39.42rajivManxPower: i had host=dynamic defaultip=
20:39.43ManxPowerused Adtran, fully loaded with FXS is usually less than $300 than $400
20:40.05ManxPowerrajiv, don't use defaultip if the device is registering
20:40.24saftsackbut i think a channel bank is the nicer solution than a big tdm card i think.
20:40.38ManxPowersaftsack, for what?
20:40.43rajivManxPower: k. though i am trying to limit sip registrations for account 117 to ip address
20:41.00ManxPowerrajiv, then you need to use permit/deny
20:41.05rajivah ok
20:41.05tamp4xdhcp doesnt alwyas give a fixed address
20:41.11saftsackfor connecting many analog telephones to asterisk
20:41.32ManxPowersaftsack, Then you can use a T-1 card and a T-1 channelbank.
20:41.42ManxPowerIt's not like you have to interface to the PSTN or anything like that.
20:42.06*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
20:42.21tamp4xfor an adrean
20:42.28tamp4xwhat is that with 4 fxs ports
20:42.31rajivtamp4x: right. but in this case i setup dhcp to give the same address by mac address of the phones
20:43.06ManxPowertamp4x, Um, used Adtran TA750/TA850s are frequently less then $400 on eBay
20:43.20tamp4xhow many ports
20:43.31tamp4xmy adtran 1500 cost me 5000$
20:43.34ManxPowerfrequently you can also get a battery backup, power supply, and FXS cards with
20:43.41ManxPowertamp4x, Did you buy it new?
20:44.02ManxPower*shrug*  You got screwed.  We've bought like 6 channel banks for that price
20:44.06tamp4xi didnt purchase it my company did
20:44.18tamp4xa 1500 has 96 channels
20:46.24*** join/#asterisk warthawg (n=warthawg@
20:46.34warthawgis it pretty easy to add a command to asterisk?
20:46.42Qwellwarthawg: yeah, kinda
20:46.53warthawgi mean, if i want a popup window on my PC showing caller id info before i answer?
20:47.13QwellThat's a completely different question
20:47.24warthawgwell, just a tail command on the log file should do it
20:47.45warthawgso if i can plug in a script as a command, all done
20:47.48tamp4xadding a command sure if you can program c
20:48.02warthawghey, they don't call me mister null pointer for nothing
20:48.03Qwelluse the manager interface
20:48.06tamp4xyou can do some scripting
20:48.25tamp4xagi perl
20:48.30warthawgQwell, the manager interface, ok, i will look in the docs for that
20:48.38ManxPowerWell if you want 1 box to handle 4 T-1s then you'll pay a tad more
20:48.48tamp4xbut if you have to ask here.......i doubt it will be easy for you
20:49.14warthawgyeah, and even harder if i am real stupid
20:55.20*** join/#asterisk JohnnyC (
20:55.40JohnnyCHello anyone knows a nice softphone for PocketPC ?
21:01.38ManxPowerThere are no stupid people, only stupid questions.
21:01.45ManxPowerOr is it the other way around?
21:02.19jontowthere are definitely some stupid people :)
21:02.31saftsacki heard of coredumps with asterisk and via mainboards. is that true?
21:02.52ManxPowersaftsack, cite your source
21:03.21buZzhmm , is there a way to 'keep musiconhold open'
21:03.25warthawgi think i have a via mainboard
21:03.50buZzi'm using a stream now , and when nobody is using musiconhold it pauses , so you get weird skips in between songs
21:04.32saftsackManxPower, my source is the oreilly book on page 45
21:04.54Abydos313hi everyone
21:05.14saftsackit says, that it is needed to set the processor to an i586 if you are using an via board
21:05.26Abydos313curious if i use iax2 to my service providers can i use sip from my clients
21:05.30ManxPowersaftsack, perhaps you mean VIA PROCESSOR?
21:06.00ManxPowerThat's a well known bug in the VIA processors
21:06.54saftsackthey write via based motherboards
21:07.19warthawgAbydos313,   i think so
21:07.38buZzi have had no coredumps on my via epia board
21:07.45buZzbut i compiled asterisk on the epia itself
21:07.49Abydos313i wouldn't think so, but want to find out.
21:08.14warthawgby clients, do you mean some hard phones?
21:08.37buZzAbydos313: yes , thats possible
21:08.47Abydos313yes, a voip phone and onother reg phone with adapter
21:08.52buZzi've had FWD on iax2 , and all internal phones on SIP
21:09.06Abydos313what is fwd?
21:09.21warthawgAbydos313,  i have nufone provider talking iax2 and use sip hard phones and pots as well
21:09.34Abydos313excellent, i appreciate the answers
21:10.14warthawgits almost as if asterisk is a big pbx that picks up a cable from the client and plugs it into the hole marked iax2 provider
21:10.16Abydos313what cheap service do you guys recommend. broadvoice instate plan looks great for 10 bucks
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21:10.31warthawgi am happy with nufone thus far
21:10.40Abydos313what plan are you using?
21:11.01warthawgi have a did and whatever they call their dial plan
21:11.16warthawgi sent them 25 bucks by paypal last month and i am down to about 20 bucks now
21:11.45warthawgthey must time the calls for billing purposes down to the tenth of a second or something
21:11.49Abydos313ahh. so much cheaper than using an unlimited plan
21:11.59warthawgvery cheap
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21:12.36Abydos313i was thinking 10 bucks for unlimited in state was fine. but  i really doubt i'll be using mass time
21:13.18warthawgi am about to kick my ma bell long distance out the door
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21:13.37warthawgkeep it for local service and use nufone for the rest
21:14.10Abydos313i'm still trying to decide what device to buy. i like the spa3k but i also like this other one that supports iax2 for 69bucks
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21:14.58warthawgi'm doing a review now on a grandstream bt101 and a couple of zultys phones
21:15.14warthawgprice performance grandstream wins hands down
21:15.23gambolputtyAnyone use Ranch Networks equipment?
21:16.40ManxPowerUm Grandstream sucks
21:16.58ManxPowerI admit that the Grandstream suckage is some of the cheapest around.
21:17.07ManxPowerBut I prefer something that doesn't suck.
21:17.13Abydos313warthawg so you like runnig just voip phones over adapters?
21:17.33warthawgover adapters?
21:17.34Abydos313ManxPower what adapters do you like and use?
21:17.40Abydos313warthawg yeah
21:17.45warthawgi plug them into my router
21:17.50ManxPowerAbydos313, For ATAs I use SIPura, for phones I use Polycom
21:18.08warthawgManxPower, whats the price ranger on the polycom?
21:18.18ManxPowerIf we need more than 4 analog ports we use a channelbank and T-1 card.
21:18.28Abydos313what model sipura
21:19.04ManxPowerAbydos313, whichever one I need.
21:19.16ManxPowerwarthawg, it varies depending on reseller and phone modem.
21:19.18ManxPowermodel, that is.
21:19.24ManxPower$130 - $450 usually.
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21:21.32robin_szbah ... release some big-fixed firmware
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21:24.25robin_szso ... is there a Wifi or DECT solution that I'll actually like?
21:24.58robin_szor failing that, some dancing girls?
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21:25.39simulatedahrimanes, you working with DECT ?
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21:26.17QwellI love Charter
21:26.23Abydos313wb Qwell
21:26.40QwellI'm being rediculed by a supervisor, because I said I knew more about how cable signalling works. :D
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21:27.09Abydos313haha. you let em' have it
21:27.33Ahrimanessimulated: have been working with some dect based handsets yes, why?
21:27.35Qwellhe asked me if there was a splitter.
21:27.39QwellI said it didn't matter :p
21:27.56Qwellsplitters don't cause signal loss at the exact same time every day
21:28.03Qwellit boggles the mind
21:28.23Abydos313ahh, good point, what was his response?
21:28.34Qwellhe said it WAS the splitter, because the TV still worked
21:28.44QwellThat's when I called BS
21:28.45Ahrimanes"i am supervisor, you are wrong!" ?
21:29.11Qwellmeanwhile, I'm on hold for his supervisor...SOB
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21:40.37Abydos313Qwell ask the SOB 'can you hear me now?'  haha
21:50.32*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (n=whyman@
21:50.37Maxxedyo fellas :)
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22:11.24Maxxedman, im havin a bitch of a time installing the zaptel drivers on a debian sarge box
22:11.42Maxxedi follow the directions as
22:11.43chopsIs asterisk in SVN known to be broken?  I'm getting " undefined symbol: iLBC_encode" when trying to run it.
22:11.53chopsMoving out of the way fixes things AFAICT.
22:12.04buZzi have .call files in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ , but they arent being called :O
22:12.12Maxxedfucking modprob zaptel, it gives tells me zaptel mod cant be found
22:12.20Maxxedlike double you tee eph
22:12.29brookshirechops: i wouldn't be using svn unless your developing for it right now..
22:13.29chopsbrookshire: I am planning on doing some development, yes.
22:13.45brookshireoh.. good luck with that :)
22:14.10chopsbrookshire: I.e. I'm not complaining, just making sure that someone knows it doesn't work :-)
22:14.14brookshiregenerally.. it's wise to remove all the modules from the module directory
22:14.21brookshireand then do a 'make install'
22:14.55brookshireand if that message is still apprearing
22:14.56chopsbrookshire: This is a clean install into a fresh directory (via INSTALL_PREFIX)
22:15.12brookshireokay.. see if someone has posted a bug about it.. i'm sure it's in there
22:15.41chopsbrookshire: Oh, do bugs about svn checkouts go into the bug tracker as well?
22:15.59brookshirewhat kinda of error is it?
22:16.04chopsI did another build on (IIRC) Feb 02, and it didn't have this problem.
22:16.30chopsbrookshire: An "asterisk won't run" kinda problem :-).  I can paste the whole output somewhere if you like.
22:17.23brookshireyes.. bugs for asterisk a filed under where you checked them out..
22:17.24chopsbrookshire: Like I say, it's easy to work around it by moving the codec lib out of the way, but still having it broken in SVN isn't ideal, certainly.
22:17.38brookshireif you checked it out for 'svn trunk' then select that
22:18.30chopsk, I'll do that.  Thanks.
22:18.31brookshiremaxxed: your linux directory is possibly linked incorrectly
22:18.38brookshiremaxxed: /usr/src/linux
22:19.42brookshirechops: right now svn is a work in progress
22:19.50brookshireat least svn trunk
22:20.10brookshirethe 1.2 branch should be more stable
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22:20.21brookshireand those types of bugs should not exist in that repo
22:20.48Maxxedbrookshire: im pretty sure i ln -s 'd it cool
22:20.58Maxxedbrookshire: thanks for the pointer, il double check
22:22.23brookshiremaxxed: do a uname -r and make sure it matches what you are linking
22:22.26brookshirelike so
22:22.27brookshirembrooks@oz ~ $ uname -r
22:22.32chopsbrookshire: Yes, yes, I know :-).  But bugs of the "it doesn't compile" or "the program doesn't run" variety are considered poor form in most CVS/SVN repos I've worked in, though of course they happen; that's why it seems important for me to report it.
22:22.33Maxxeddone that
22:23.00Maxxedi did a ln -s 2.6.blahblahblah /usr/src/linux
22:23.04brookshirembrooks@oz /usr/src $ ls -ln /usr/src/linux
22:23.06brookshirelrwxrwxrwx  1 0 0 23 Feb  3 18:10 /usr/src/linux -> linux-2.6.15-gentoo-r1/
22:23.24brookshireit has to match exactly
22:23.35Maxxedim going to back track my steps
22:23.37Maxxedyeah i got cha
22:23.37brookshireat least the version of the kernal you are using
22:23.52Maxxedi've done this nonsence before, my memory is just got a lil rust on it
22:24.10Maxxedthanks again, brb ima take a peek at this mess
22:24.53tronixQwell: it's only a matter of time before a supervisor claims the splitter has a cron job built in... ;)
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22:25.25tronix0 0 * * * /usr/local/sbin/cause_customer_problems --maximum
22:25.58brookshiretronix: hahah.. we need one of those
22:28.50brookshirethere is a patch for it
22:28.58brookshireit just hasn't been commited yet
22:29.55chopsk, thanks.  I hadn't found that yet; I'd been fooling with registering for the bug tracker and such.
22:30.57Maxxedso f000d
22:30.59Maxxed# uname -r
22:30.59Maxxedlrwxrwxrwx   1 root src         19 2006-02-12 15:08 linux -> kernel-source-2.6.8
22:31.02Maxxedfl000d i ment
22:31.18Maxxednow, is that 2-686 the prob?
22:31.28brookshiremaxxed: where did you get those sources?
22:31.30Maxxedits a stock debian sarge install
22:31.44buZzwhat the hell
22:31.50brookshireyeah.. that's wrong
22:31.53Maxxedkern2.6 blah.bz2
22:31.59Maxxedfigures :p
22:32.03buZzwhat do i need to do to get asterisk to pick up the files in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ :S
22:32.11brookshireyou need the exact source that matches the kernel name
22:32.14Abydos313apt-get install asterisk would be nice ;)
22:32.19Maxxedguess i might as well compile this kernel
22:32.19brookshiredebian might have headers for them...
22:32.29Maxxedim not trying to install asterisk on this box
22:32.30brookshireyeah.. lol
22:32.35brookshirethat works too
22:32.41Maxxedi have the xp100p i want to run haylafax on
22:33.02Maxxedim making the kernel
22:33.08Maxxedthis is gona take a while
22:33.16brookshirepossibly :)
22:34.54*** join/#asterisk Kernel-Kris (i=[
22:35.48Kernel-Kriswilling to pay for help with vonage softphone and asterisk
22:38.25Darwin35vonage makes a softphone ?
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22:39.22Darwin35did you pay to have it unlocked
22:39.46chopsKernel-Kris: I've gotten it to work; I'll help you for the first five minutes for free :-)
22:39.54|Vulture|Anyone know if there is a way to set it on the Polycom IP500, whenever you dial it defaults to the headset not the handset?
22:40.43ManxPower|Vulture|, should be an config option.  Check the admin guide.
22:41.11ManxPowerDarwin35, Vonage, IIRC, use XTen as their softphone.
22:41.28Kernel-Krischops: pm me
22:42.28EquinoxYikes.. I've been waiting over a week for support at voipjet to get back to me on a password reset.
22:45.27saftsackdo i need to set the 2 brackets after the congestion command?
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22:50.20buZzwhat in asterisk monitors the /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ directory?
22:50.30buZzit's not calling the calls i put there :S
22:50.36katakefaloshello all, anyone uses a2billing? i have a small question: how can i add a free rate with 0 rate initial?
22:50.47brookshirebuzz: are you running asterisk non-root?
22:51.08buZzepia asterisk # ls -l /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/
22:51.08buZztotal 4
22:51.08buZz-rw-r--r--  1 asterisk asterisk 145 Feb 12 23:44
22:51.09brookshiredoes the asterisk user have permission to view that directory?
22:51.22buZzdrwxr-x---  2 asterisk asterisk 80 Feb 12 23:46 outgoing
22:51.26brookshireyou need to +x that directory
22:51.37buZzit is +x
22:51.43buZzfor user asterisk and group asterisk
22:51.45brookshireoh.. lol
22:51.47buZzas which the server runs
22:51.52buZztnx anyway
22:52.05sergeusMusicOnHold - sosund qulity become ven worse after i installed and load ztdummy - what else can i do?
22:52.21buZzsergeus: worse?
22:52.36buZzdid you restart asterisk after loading ztdummy?
22:52.42brookshirebuzz: it this 1.2.4 ?
22:52.50buZzbrookshire: yes
22:53.00brookshirethat's weird
22:53.05brookshirehave you tried running it as root?
22:53.08brookshiresame problem?
22:53.19sergeusbuZz, yes it's almost impossible to understand that it is a music
22:53.27buZzbrookshire: let me try
22:53.42_Sam--maybe the files you are putting in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing are no good
22:54.23buZzbrookshire: same
22:54.33brookshire_Sam__: that's a possibility.. i just do not remember what the errors would display :(
22:54.58buZz <- one of the .call files
22:55.56_Sam--es it's almost impossible to understand that it is a music
22:55.56_Sam--<buZz> brookshire:
22:56.16_Sam--i think it is the call file myself, but i am not the big expert by any means
22:56.55bcnlso in my [globals] section I want define Variables like you can in your dialplan, ie Set(bigvar(sub1) = "test")
22:57.03bcnlbut putting in "bigvar=>sub1=>test" doesn't work
22:57.20bcnlis this even possible?
22:57.23brookshirebuzz: usually when i do call outs.. and i use agi.. i just have asterisk connect to a specified extension
22:57.40buZzthis is that wakeup script
22:57.45buZzi'll mail the author in a while
22:57.55buZzbut i'm quite sure it must be something i'm doing
22:58.05_Sam--try using one of the sample call files
22:58.07_Sam--from that wiki page
22:58.12_Sam--and see if you can make it call ANYTHING
22:58.29*** part/#asterisk rarn (
22:58.41_Sam--here are more wake up call tips:
22:58.49katakefalosanyone uses a2billing? i have a small question: how can i add a free rate with 0 rate initial?
23:00.24tronixAny Canadian * users here? I understand Caller ID data is passed differently in .ca. Any .ca-specific changes to Asterisk config files?
23:00.40bcnltronix: works "out of the box" for me
23:00.44tronixahh thanks!
23:00.56bcnlbut I pass my pstn stuff out via iax to a metaswitch
23:02.55buZzi think
23:03.03buZzit must be the .call format
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23:11.44iqHi, Is this valid for internationl trunk - I want to use a SIP provider : exten => _011N.,1,Dial(SIP/UserName:Password@${EXTEN:3},30,rT)
23:13.00buZzi've changed the perl module to output the syntax of the php script
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23:16.51buZzcan i set verbose so high that i see * checking the spooldir?
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23:17.19Darwin35asterisk@hooome sucks
23:17.37Abydos313Darwin35 why do you say that
23:19.08Skumlingbcnl: what is the bennefit of using metaswitch instead of native asterisk?
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23:19.44bcnlSkumling: the company I get my pstn/tf from uses a metaswitch
23:20.35Skumlingbcnl: ah okay
23:20.46MacintelDarwin35: i tried it for the first time this week, certainly took a bit of getting used to
23:21.14Macintelbut it saves you slaving around config files or databases
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23:23.04buZzstill with the other .call format , nothing
23:25.06Darwin35I hate all the extra files it uses
23:25.48_Sam--what is the advantage of using native moh vs. mgp123?
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23:29.03Skumling_Sam--: mpg123's filled with security issues, as far as I have read
23:29.37Maxxed/usr/src/zaptel-1.2.3/zaptel.c:188: warning: `fcstab' defined but not used
23:29.40Maxxedwtf ?
23:29.49Maxxedmake linux26
23:29.53Darwin35use madplay
23:29.58Darwin35its better
23:30.12tronixwhat flags would you use with madplay?
23:30.18buZzogg123 works aswell ;)
23:30.25buZzif you pipe it through sox
23:30.25ManxPowerSkumling, Maybe so, but how does that apply to how mpg123 is used in Asterisk?
23:31.10SkumlingManxPower: I guess it's properly not a big deal...
23:31.38_Sam--i just switched to native...the only downside is that it seems each call that is put on hold starts off with a new song, not in the middle
23:31.42_Sam--so they can end up hearing the same thing
23:31.47_Sam--if they call repeatedly
23:31.56ManxPowerSkumling, I don't think it's an issue for most uses of mpg123 with Asterisk
23:32.12SkumlingManxPower: however, isn't it mpg123 that outputs warnings of not being tested with VBR?
23:32.36ManxPowerSkumling, Correct, and that is why some MP3s crash mpg123
23:32.53SkumlingManxPower: AFAIR I've seen asterisk and mpg123 hang because of the VBR-stuff
23:33.26ManxPowerSkumling, Always test any new MP3s before you deploy them as MoH in Asterisk
23:33.49Skumlingof course, generally you should know which mp3's you put into MOH, but if one fails to convert a VBR file to CBR, it is quite a pitty to have your PBX hung because of that...
23:34.15SkumlingManxPower: of course... but the world isn't perfect :-)
23:34.47*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
23:34.59SkumlingManxPower: I guess it would be possible to cut out thousands of lines of code, if the asterisk-developers didn't have to make input validation etc. :-)
23:36.05ManxPowerSkumling, Um, why would Asterisk need to do input validation for MoH.  All Asterisk does is take the raw audio output (.WAV or .au would be common formats) and play it as though it was a .WAV file.
23:37.06Maxxedok, so!
23:37.09SkumlingManxPower: sorry, I didnt't mean for MoH... I just meant that in general developers have to make tricks to ensure that their apps don't crash because of stupid user bugs
23:37.23Maxxedafter make clean; make linux26; make install
23:37.25ManxPowerSkumling, Ah.
23:37.28Maxxedzaptel still cant be found
23:37.39ManxPowerMaxxed, and you are installing zaptel?
23:38.05MaxxedManxPower: yep
23:38.10_Sam--what linux distro?
23:38.13ManxPowerMaxxed, and " /usr/src/zaptel-1.2.3/zaptel.c:188: warning: `fcstab' defined but not used" would not stop the make process, there is some other issue.
23:38.32_Sam--what kernel /kernel headers
23:38.49_Sam--there are fine zaptel modules too if you want them
23:38.57Maxxedlrwxrwxrwx   1 root src       30 2006-02-12 17:27 linux -> kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-686-smp
23:39.01_Sam--#Debian Modules
23:39.06_Sam--i have the modules from there
23:39.07_Sam--they work fine
23:39.11_Sam--there is a problem with the kernel headers
23:39.16Skumlingtronix: I use application=/usr/bin/madplay --shuffle -Q --mono -R 8000 --output=raw:- --attenuate=-20
23:39.21_Sam--2.6.8-2-* doesnt compile zaptel apparently
23:39.28ManxPower_Sam--, I think mpg123 would not support non-MP3 formats, and requires and external process., where native MoH does not have those limitations/requirements
23:39.35Maxxed_Sam--: il give it a shot
23:39.38Maxxed_Sam--: thanks :)
23:39.38_Sam--they workw ell
23:39.58Maxxedhope i dont have any probs with the 2.6.8-2-686-smp kern
23:40.15_Sam--i just upraded to 2.6.15-1
23:40.46Maxxedi just apt-got the above kern
23:40.57_Sam--no zaptel modules yet :)
23:40.57Maxxedthis box is just going to be a halyafax machine
23:41.06_Sam--nice, my * does hyla as well
23:41.18_Sam--not integrated together, seperately
23:41.19_Sam--but same box
23:41.34_Sam--my * box == my hylafax box
23:41.37Maxxedi would like the ability to email 2 fax or print 2 fax
23:41.45Maxxedhence where the halafax comes in
23:41.54Maxxedi have asterisk emailing faxes with no worries
23:42.00Maxxedhyla ;)
23:42.27_Sam--there are new zaptel modules for the new kernel yet, unless tzafrir put them up yest.
23:42.37_Sam--and i still couldnt get it to compile
23:42.53_Sam--er..there are NO new zaptel moudles yet for the new kernel...
23:43.22Maxxedcant get them to compile?
23:43.26Maxxedwhats holding up the show
23:43.50_Sam--ask tzafrir if oyu see him
23:43.58_Sam--he probably knows...he made those modules packages
23:44.17_Sam--alls i know is i wasted a lot of time trying to make ztdummy the other night
23:44.20*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
23:44.53Maxxedwell thanks for the fyi, or i would have been burning the midnight oil screwing with it tonight
23:45.07_Sam--sure thing
23:47.28*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
23:48.46Maxxedc# dpkg --install zaptel-modules-2.6.8-2-686-smp_1.0.10-6+2.6.8-16sarge1_i386.deb
23:48.49Maxxed(Reading database ... 25482 files and directories currently installed.)
23:48.51MaxxedPreparing to replace zaptel-modules-2.6.8-2-686-smp 1:1.0.10-6+2.6.8-16sarge1 (using zaptel-modules-2.6.8-2-686-smp_1.0.10-6+2.6.8-16sarge1_i386.deb) ...
23:48.54MaxxedUnpacking replacement zaptel-modules-2.6.8-2-686-smp ...
23:48.57Maxxeddpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of zaptel-modules-2.6.8-2-686-smp:
23:49.05Maxxeddpkg: error processing zaptel-modules-2.6.8-2-686-smp (--install):
23:49.10MaxxedErrors were encountered while processing:
23:49.36Maxxedso then i do one of these
23:49.40Maxxed# dpkg --install zaptel_1.0.10-6_i386.deb
23:49.40MaxxedSelecting previously deselected package zaptel.
23:49.40Maxxed(Reading database ... 25482 files and directories currently installed.)
23:49.40MaxxedUnpacking zaptel (from zaptel_1.0.10-6_i386.deb) ...
23:49.40Maxxeddpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of zaptel:
23:49.47Maxxeddpkg: error processing zaptel (--install):
23:49.52MaxxedErrors were encountered while processing:
23:49.54jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
23:49.57Maxxedpssh.. fxload
23:50.25Skumlingmmm, pb
23:50.31Maxxedaw it dont work for me
23:51.26Macinteljbot: rubmybawls is icommandyoutorubmybalws
23:51.28jbotokay, Macintel
23:51.30jbotmasked is probably the coolest!
23:51.43jbotmethinks rubmybawls is icommandyoutorubmybalws
23:52.07maskedjbot: no, masked IS the coolest
23:52.09jbotokay, masked
23:52.17jbot[masked] the coolest
23:52.37davidcsiguys quick question: I'm getting this: "samples/codec_g723.c: Received a G.723.1 frame that was 10 bytes from oh323_read" what does this means? how do i fix it?
23:52.54maskedjbot: rubmybawls is rub your balls
23:52.55jbot...but rubmybawls is already something else...
23:53.07maskedjbot: no, rubmybawls is rub your balls
23:53.08jbotokay, masked
23:53.14jboti heard rubmybawls is rub your balls
23:54.03*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
23:57.13*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
23:58.09*** join/#asterisk simulated (n=administ@
23:59.43_Paulo_I'm about to give up with digium cards, becase I cant send faxes reliably over E1...

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.