irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060211

00:03.02tasatanyone here have a clue how I can solve this problem?
00:03.18cp5tasat, make the program not send the first few lines
00:03.22cp5or prevent them from getting sent
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00:03.54tasatcp5: I was hoping you wouldn't say that... I don't have access to the source and there is no option
00:04.03cp5or pipe everything from the program into /dev/null, then do SET VARIABLE BLAH [filename], and in the context do Playback(${BLAH}) or whatever
00:04.08florztasat: How about redirection?
00:04.21tasatyeah, that sounds better... how do I do that?
00:04.31cp5redirection...what the ears hear and the eyes see, the mind believes....
00:04.36florztasat: google:unix shell redirection
00:04.36cp5oh wait, that's misdirection. damn it
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00:07.35tasatbeautiful... thanks
00:10.23darkskiezcan anyone explain the point of putting someone on hold with the cisco 79xx sip phones ?
00:10.55nachoguydarkskiez, the same point of putting someone on hold on any other phone
00:11.03nachoguyso they can listen to shitty hold music
00:11.18darkskieznachoguy: on other phones you can transfer from held tho
00:11.40Dr-Linuxhow can i create an extension, which say exact date and time?
00:11.52nachoguydarkskiez, you can as well on the 79xx, you just have to hit transfer, instead of hold
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00:12.13darkskieznachoguy: yeh, but if you hit hold first you have to unhold them to transfer, which is odd
00:12.32nachoguydakrskiez, yeah, at first
00:13.00nachoguyonce you get used to it, it's not a big deal
00:13.07nachoguyI also like the blind xfer
00:13.19darkskiezyeh, i just dont get the point of hold tho then.
00:13.28cp5i don't think cisco really wants you using sip that much which is why their firmware isn't very user friendly compared to most phones
00:13.30darkskiezblindxfer is good
00:13.51darkskiezbut on a separate page of buttons, stupiid
00:14.01nachoguydarkskiez, CSRs can then deal with two people at once.  talk to one, put them on hold, talk to #2.  Switch back and forth as needed
00:14.34darkskiezyeh, but thats achieved by pushing the line buttons, the hold feature doesnt help there really, its more of a background operaton
00:14.59darkskiezIf only the transfer/blindxfer buttons were on the main screen
00:15.20Dr-Linuxanybody ever try to create an extension which tells date and time?
00:15.22nachoguyyeah, but for the CSRs, it's a good thing to have.  to be able to throw one person on hold while <doing whatever they do>
00:15.31darkskiezHold Conf Transfer BlindXfer all fit on one screen.
00:15.38nachoguydarkskiez, screen realestate is at a premium
00:16.12nachoguyit is a shame that they don't allow you to change the order, but it's not that big of an issue
00:16.19*** join/#asterisk davidcsi (
00:16.32darkskieznachoguy: irks me a lot :)
00:16.32davidcsihello? can you hear me now?
00:16.53Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: please speak load
00:17.03cp5i could hear you until january 25th
00:17.11darkskiezHad a panic attack earlier when our pri went dead
00:17.27darkskiezpeople calling got Doo DOOO DOOP, Number not in use.
00:17.50darkskiezhad been working fine for best of a year now
00:18.03davidcsihas anyone ever worked with te405p? I have it configured in Spain as euroisdn, everything is ok, but i'm getting two warnings i want to know what they mean:
00:18.16darkskiezWasnt looking forward to phoning the telco , esp if they asked about our phonesystem
00:18.27davidcsiMessage 1: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 16 as D-channel anyway!
00:18.28darkskiezthen the line came back mysteriously
00:18.33cp5darkskiez, what telco
00:18.43davidcsiwhat does that mean? the e1 is up and running
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00:20.30wunderkindavidcsi, you would get that message if the line goes out and comes back up, you need the d channel to send/receive calls
00:20.38Dr-Linux_Sam--: alive? :)
00:20.48davidcsii know that, but the e1 is not going down
00:21.12wunderkinits not going into alarm?
00:21.34davidcsinot phisically
00:22.07davidcsithe thing is, I think asterisk sets the channels down, because if I make a call, it fails BUT I see channels going up and then I can call
00:22.19wunderkindavidcsi, what do you mean not physically? does asterisk say there is a red alarm? or other type of alarm
00:22.57wunderkinyes, like i said you need the d channel to call
00:23.04davidcsiit says: Primary D-Channel on span 1 down... and immediatly up
00:23.15davidcsibut layer 1 is fine
00:23.43wunderkini dont know, maybe its something with your configuration then.. i dont know anything about e1 and all of that european crap
00:24.00justinuanother customer had the exact same issue
00:24.04justinuexcept he was in colombia
00:24.18justinuand it turned out that it was a hardware incompatibility with the digium card
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00:24.57davidcsiit IS working, don't get me wrong
00:25.08wunderkinyeah lol when the d channel is up
00:25.15FlyboySR22anyone got expirence with the chan_sccp..?
00:25.58davidcsibut all channels are down, asterisk brings them up when a call tries to go through, the first call fails but then everything is fine
00:26.19wunderkini see
00:27.26davidcsialso, message 2: PRI: ACK received for '1' outside of window of '0' to '0', restarting
00:27.26davidcsii guess you don't know either... ;)
00:27.27wunderkini dont, probably need to contact digium
00:27.59davidcsiok, also, has anyone ever connected with MERA MVTS?
00:29.54davidcsiI think that there is a command toi stop asterisk from setting the channels down on idle times... resetinterval, but i haven't tried it yet
00:32.01_Sam--hey DrL
00:32.17_Sam--justinu:  any verdict on the gxps you setup?
00:32.44justinunot yet
00:32.49justinuthey are still evaluating, i guess
00:32.52_Sam--if they did not call to is a good sign.
00:33.25wunderkin'like wow these phones are pretty, they look like barbie toys'
00:34.04justinu_Sam--: i'd have to agree
00:34.14justinueveryone really likes the GXP when they first see it
00:34.17justinu"wow, these are really cool phones"
00:34.38[av]banijustinu: they suck a lot less than you'd expect for $80
00:34.54[TK]D-FenderAnd if that isn't a glaring review I don't know what is!
00:35.01_Sam--i had some problems i think with the phone / qualify = yes
00:35.02nroejmorning all
00:35.07_Sam--not sure phone side or * side
00:35.07[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: as opposed to "wtf am i paying $250 for"
00:35.29_Sam--when i setup qualify = yes today for about 15 gxps...
00:35.36[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : do you really wonder on the $250 ones? :)
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00:35.40_Sam--about 30 minutes after that, when callers would call in...and be put on hold...
00:35.47_Sam--when the calls are resumed, caller cannot hear us
00:35.47[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: yes, sadly
00:35.53_Sam--was able to repeat many time
00:35.59[av]bani_Sam--: sounds like some nat/reinvite issue
00:36.04_Sam--took qualify = yes out of sip.conf...
00:36.08_Sam--and they were fine
00:36.25[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I sense much doubt in you.... doubt leads to fear.... fear leads hate... hate leads to suffering and the dark side!
00:36.25[av]bani_Sam--: maybe it stops responding to the qualify when calls are on hold?
00:36.40[av]bani_Sam--: that would be a definite bug
00:36.53_Sam--i have no idea the culprit but its reproducable, on my system anyway - 1.2.4
00:37.00[av]banijustinu: the gxp looks cheaper in photos than it does in RL
00:37.04_Sam--justin asked for the sip debug
00:37.06[av]bani_Sam--: might be worth checking
00:37.09_Sam--but i couldnt provide one...
00:37.12_Sam--had already switched back
00:37.12davidcsican you guys explain what a reinvite is?
00:37.21[av]banisip debug peer (gxpblabla)
00:37.31[av]baniand watch whathappens normally on qualifies, and what happens when calls are on hold
00:37.38[av]banii bet the gxp stops responding to qualify when on hold
00:38.00justinu_Sam--: if you feel like experimenting, turn qualify on for one phone, and reproduce it and send me that trace.
00:38.16_Sam--alright, we're closed now...i'll try it
00:39.48_Sam--i dont know if this gxp at my home will be able to do it..its behind too many firewalls to work right.  it can register, but my crappy wireless router must close its connection or something because after like 5 minutes from here it doesnt ring when called
00:40.07[av]bani_Sam--: gxp sends an invite when you hit hold...
00:40.29[av]banii have a call on hold and its ok right now, responding to OPTIONS just fine
00:40.45trixter_Sam--: with my gxp2000 with firmware if I had qualify on it didnt like it, even whne it wasnt processing calls it would eventually go off into lalaland
00:41.12trixterhad to turn that off to keep it stable, I have since upgraded to but not tried qualify on it again (never gave it a thought)
00:41.25_Sam--[av]bani i dont know if it matters one bit, but for informational purposes, i use mpg123 for MOH
00:41.32[av]bani_Sam--: i use native moh
00:41.32trixtersorta scrolled up to see the problem, this doesnt seem to be exactly yours but may be slightly related
00:41.53[av]bani_Sam--: my guess is some kind of nat issue is borking you
00:42.00_Sam--its not a home thing
00:42.03*** part/#asterisk nachoguy (
00:42.03_Sam--its on the same lan at work
00:42.03[av]bani_Sam--: try canreinvite=no
00:42.10[av]banijust for giggles
00:42.15_Sam--no firewalls nat, etc at work
00:43.12_Sam--firewalls , though, where i am now are borking me for sure.
00:43.26_Sam--so i dont know that this will be an accurate test
00:43.43_Sam--the other part of the equation is that it only happened on originating calls to us
00:43.50davidcsipardon me for intruding, why don't you use iax?
00:43.51_Sam--calls out were not having the same issue
00:43.59_Sam--the phones dont support IAX
00:44.15_Sam--not many do
00:44.18_Sam--that i know of anyway
00:44.40trixterand this phone is considerably better than an ATA...
00:45.03davidcsii see... some are starting to... but thats why i use iaxy...
00:45.05justinuto hell with iax
00:45.20justinuit's not for phones
00:45.53davidcsibut it solves many problems sip simply can't
00:46.21davidcsion a residential level, that is
00:46.38gaupeSIP is not for phones, IAX is :)
00:46.48trixteryeah well this phone has a WMI, lcd that displays missed calls, transfer, conf, etc buttons, 11 line phone.  4 seperate accounts it can register with.. the iaxy wont do that
00:46.53trixteroh yeah this phone even supports dns :P
00:47.06_Sam--it can be your home router as well!
00:47.14trixterwith the newer firmware yes
00:47.14gaupeIAXy and IAX is not the same thing
00:47.15davidcsino, of course not
00:47.32trixtergaupe: no one said they were but thank you for clarifying that
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00:47.56davidcsiyou have no access to the router/firewall?
00:48.01_Sam--[av]bani :  running ntpd locally fixed the time issue
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00:49.05_Sam--sip debug peer is only good for one call?
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00:54.58justinuthat's not true
00:55.05justinusip debug peer stays on until you turn it off
00:55.32_Sam--it doesnt for me
00:55.38_Sam--it only worked for a single call, on mine.
00:56.02davidcsithats weird
00:56.20_Sam--i'll try again and see
00:58.22trixterhrm did you just do  'sip debug'  ?  cause that should have made it on for all sip, not just call stuff
00:58.32trixterthat would be weird, possibly a bug if it dies after one call
00:58.35_Sam--i just did sip debug peer XXX
00:58.57trixteroh that hrm I dunno how its supposed to work, I thought it was on until turned off
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00:59.35_Sam--it did stay on that time.
00:59.43LibilaAnyone have any idea how to fix this? I'm out of ideas, just about everything you could possibly need to figure out the issue is posted, since I've tried all I know.
01:00.02_Sam--i dont know what i did, maybe i did an sip reload or something
01:00.10_Sam--and maybe that stopped it , dunno
01:01.14davidcsimight me your usb's
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01:02.53fgffgdI need a tip of how configure an asterisk network. I have some access point / nat that can run Asterisk, and a Server with Asterisk. I have some sip UA behind that APs. It's better to use only the central server (with nat=yes) or to install * on the access points and make them comunicate with the server by IAX ?
01:04.29Nuggetit's better to have some real IPs so that you aren't constantly fighting nat lameness in your attempt to use the internet.
01:04.52Qwell[]Libila: What version of *?
01:05.25LibilaQwell[]: asterisk-1.0.8-r1
01:05.38Qwell[]uninstall that junk...
01:05.40fgffgdother opinion? :)
01:05.45Qwell[]get the source, compile it yourself
01:06.07Qwell[]backup /etc/asterisk/, jsut in case
01:06.12Qwell[]you never know with packages
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01:06.29Qwell[]get the zaptel and asterisk source, and install them in that order
01:07.30Qwell[]get 1.2.4, then you can use wctdm instead of wcfxo and wcfxs
01:08.03trixterwould you also need libpri for that to work?  or not
01:08.12trixterthought there were some functions in there that zapata wanted
01:08.17Qwell[]For what to work?
01:08.25trixterthe setup you described
01:09.05Qwell[]he doesn't have a pri, does he? :P
01:09.29Skumlinggive it to me
01:09.31NuggetIt's nice having three modules on my tdm400p now.  It's no longer ambiguous on the back and I can tell which ports are FXO and which are FXS.
01:10.27Dr-Linuxnow you must install libpri package first
01:10.39Qwell[]Dr-Linux: Says who?
01:10.53*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
01:12.30Dr-LinuxQwell: last time i was upgrading to 1.2.1 as zaptel package then asterisk package.. but i was having errors ... i found much .. then i came to know that asterisk structure has been changed now
01:12.39Dr-Linuxso you must install libpri package first
01:12.53Dr-Linuxso as i install libpri package then everything went fine
01:12.55Qwell[]I think you're wrong
01:13.44Dr-LinuxQwell[]: ofcos you statment will right, but all i said, i faced and i was told in this channel
01:13.58trixterif it was previously installed you have to completly remove it or upgrade it
01:14.01trixterbecuase it will detect it
01:14.16_Sam--justinu:  i think i may have logs of the events from 'full'
01:14.19trixterif it truely is optional and there arent hooks that zapata requires then it has to be totally gone so configure doesnt detect it
01:14.36Dr-Linuxi never installed libpri before
01:14.44Qwell[]trixter: I'm told that only * cares about libpri
01:14.56justinu_Sam--: i can't look at them at this exact momment, but I will get to them
01:15.11trixterwho knows have you ever tried to audit the code? :P
01:15.27Ariel_if you install libpri you need to first do the make in zaptel then libpri then asterisk again
01:15.59Ariel_hello everyone
01:16.05davidcsiso, how does the 1.2 version works?
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01:16.35davidcsii'm still on 1.0.10, its a production system, doing 25k minutes/day
01:16.37Dr-Linuxi never used libpri and i don't need it .. but i have installed this package while i was upgrading 1.0.9 to 1.2.1 :)
01:17.27Dr-Linuxand justinu was helping me to upgrade ;)
01:18.13justinu'tis a crazy friday
01:18.16justinutoo much to do
01:18.19justinutoo little time
01:18.28Ariel_davidcsi, it works great but it does have some things that are not the same so your dial plan might have to be changed a bit.
01:18.34Dr-Linuxthis date/time script works fine.. he should add seconds option as well
01:18.57Dr-Linuxjustinu: have a nice weekend :)
01:19.01davidcsiAriel, i know that, thanks.... I mean as far a bugs, etc... is it too buggy?
01:19.10_Sam--i found something i think
01:19.14Ariel_davidcsi, it's ok so far
01:19.26Ariel_1.2.4 ahs lots of bugs fixed
01:19.33davidcsiariel: remember i'm talking production system.... it must be stable...
01:19.34Ariel_but they will never get them all
01:19.46Ariel_davidcsi, is your system running
01:19.47justinuDr-Linux: thanks, i hope I get some time to rest
01:19.58Dr-Linuxjustinu: yes you should
01:20.02Ariel_I do not change it system is working correctly
01:20.14Dr-LinuxAriel_: i afraid to get new bugs
01:20.15davidcsiyes it is...
01:20.19Ariel_In fact I have a few that are still up and running with .7
01:20.33_Sam--sometimes you want new features
01:20.35_Sam--like realtime!
01:20.42davidcsithats what i mean... is 1.2 more stable than 1.0.10???
01:20.48*** join/#asterisk Derkommissar (
01:21.02_Sam--[av]brainy:  does that debug mean anything
01:21.15_Sam--i think it is the phone
01:21.29Ariel_Derkommissar, long time no see. how are you?
01:21.57Derkommissarhas anyone writen a script to record a persons name when a call is recived then to play it back to the user to see  if they want to get the call or not?
01:22.03DerkommissarSUP Ariel
01:22.07Derkommissarbusy man
01:22.13Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: is there new features out in 1.2.4 ?
01:22.14Derkommissarits been crazy
01:22.41Ariel_Derkommissar, I see.  I think there is a anonce script on the wiki for that
01:22.56DerkommissarI been looking for it i havent found it
01:22.57Dr-Linuxupgrade is need when
01:23.04DerkommissarHow are you doing man ?
01:23.11Dr-Linuxi don't try to fix what isn't broken...
01:23.12Ariel_trying to keep busy
01:23.16Ariel_I moved to homestead
01:23.23davidcsino idea, haven't read much... but i'm having a few issues with pri and they might've been fixed with 1.2.4
01:23.43Derkommissarfunny i moved from homestead to doral!
01:23.48Ariel_davidcsi, you can use the zaptel and libpri drivers from 1.2.4 with 1.0.10
01:23.57Derkommissari just moved 2 month ago... couldnt take all the driving to Miami
01:24.14Ariel_well I moved down to get away from traffic
01:24.15davidcsiariel, you can? I didn't know that... thats great
01:24.23Ariel_davidcsi, yes you can
01:24.42davidcsimove to el doral to get away from traffic??? that makes no sense!
01:25.04DerkommissarHey i use to drive 2 hours
01:25.07Ariel_I moved south out of the main city Miami to get away from traffic
01:25.08Derkommissarnot i drive 15 mins
01:25.30Ariel_wow I wake up go into my office and work
01:25.42Ariel_30 sec
01:25.52Derkommissarlucky you
01:26.00Ariel_until baby gets up
01:26.10davidcsinow thats another story... i used to live in el doral but worked at downtown, traffic was hell
01:26.13DerkommissarMan i cant find that script anywhere
01:26.25Ariel_I have an office I use at a customer by Tamiami airport
01:26.40Ariel_15 minute drive
01:27.00Derkommissardavi I work in bluelagoon
01:27.03davidcsiDerkommissar, it should be fairly easy to write a perl script for that...
01:27.03Derkommissarwhen im in usa
01:27.24Derkommissari know, i dont want to rigth now, there has to be one outhere
01:27.33Derkommissardavi BTW nice to meet you man.
01:27.49DerkommissarI dint know that there where so manny ppl from Miami here
01:28.12davidcsisame here, i'll be coming around more often... its my first time here...
01:28.20Dr-LinuxMiami is a US state? :S
01:28.34Derkommissaroh cool. i been around a lot
01:28.40davidcsithough i don't live in Miami anymore, move up to Madrid, Spain 6 years ago...
01:28.44Derkommissarbut for a while it got to crowede here.
01:28.58DerkommissarOH COOL i was in madrid for last years astricom
01:29.20Derkommissarand i go there often one of the companies for the group i work for is located in madrid
01:29.33Ariel_that might help
01:29.39davidcsiyeah, but i couldn't go.. i was in MIAMI at that time! how 'bout that?
01:29.40Derkommissarthanks :-)
01:31.37*** part/#asterisk Alric (
01:32.04DerkommissarAriel if you can make it on your own, thats the best thing in the world
01:32.26Derkommissarno this is not what im looking for
01:32.57Ariel_Derkommissar, sorry I can look later
01:33.06Derkommissarnah im sure ill find it
01:33.16Derkommissarif not im gonna endup doing a bash or perl agi
01:37.06fugitivoanyone using isdn with asterisk?
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01:39.07davidcsifugitivo, i am, PRI ISDN
01:39.23*** part/#asterisk justinu (n=justin@
01:40.07fugitivowhat hardware?
01:40.38Ariel_got to go see you all later.
01:40.48davidcsisee ya ariel
01:40.58fugitivoi have a question, i've never worked with isdn
01:41.11davidcsigo ahead
01:41.16fugitivoi haver 2 cables comming from the modem, how can i use that with a te110?
01:41.50_Sam--i never heard of a PRI modem?
01:42.03fugitivodo i need another modem, or an adapter or this is another kind of ISDN?
01:42.22davidcsiwhat does the cable look like?
01:42.23_Sam--is it supposed to be 23 channels?
01:42.30_Sam--or 2 channels?
01:42.43fugitivo_Sam--: it's a E1, so it's 31 channels
01:43.00fugitivodavidcsi: two round cables
01:43.04davidcsiyou dont need a modem
01:43.14_Sam--who knows down there
01:43.18_Sam--he is in south america
01:43.22fugitivo_Sam--: :)
01:44.01JamesDotComthe pri could be delivered over something like shdsl
01:44.03davidcsino you dont
01:44.07_Sam--all the ISDN PRI (similar to your E1 there) has always been delivered to me with something like an ethernet cable
01:44.11JamesDotComlike a couple i've bought in australia like to be
01:44.20davidcsithats it
01:44.22fugitivodavidcsi: actually that modem is dividing data and voice
01:44.30_Sam--channelized t1
01:44.33_Sam--er e1
01:44.47davidcsiwhere are you?
01:44.57davidcsiok, hold on
01:45.39fugitivoi have one rj45 with data and 2 cables going to the actual siemens pbx
01:45.55fugitivocomming from that box
01:46.28davidcsias far as i know, the rj45 should go to vthe e1 port
01:46.53fugitivobut isn't that only data?
01:47.17fugitivoor maybe the telco could setup that box to transport voice+data
01:47.22*** join/#asterisk Umaro (n=umaro@
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01:48.08davidcsino, as far as i've seen all my life, there are 32 time slots on that cable (2mb/s) 30 for voice, 1 for synchronization and 1 dor the d-channel
01:48.20cmuhey everyone
01:48.27cmuim looking for a bit of help
01:48.38fugitivodavidcsi: weird
01:48.46_Sam--dont look..ask!
01:48.55fugitivodavidcsi: i have data on the rj45, and voice is comming from the other 2 little cables
01:48.55Umarohi guys.. I'm having a small problem with chan_sip, where on some calls, my provider sends me 180 ringing and on others, sends me 183 session progress
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01:49.17cmuusing asterisk@home i've managed to get asterisk up and running on a linux box
01:49.46cmuon that box, i've got both a dialogic D41JCTLS card, and a $15-off-of-ebay FX100P card
01:50.06davidcsifugutivo, thats weird... i'm trying toi contact my guys in argentina...
01:50.10cmui've managed to get the latter working, and i can now call up asterisk and it picks up the phone (and hangs up immediately)
01:50.14davidcsido you know the specs?
01:50.17fugitivodavidcsi: who are your guys in argentina?
01:50.34*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
01:50.40cmuthis is light years from where ive been for many months -- the fx100p idea i'd gotten from my first and last visit to this channel on irc (thanks guys!)
01:50.49Umaroonly when my provider sends me 180 ringing do i hear ringing audio.. why is that?
01:51.03MavvieWonder if somebody else here has a Vegastream in their network.
01:51.04cmuanyway so my question right now is: are there any dialogic drivers for asterisk that i can buy from digium?
01:51.19davidcsithe company of a friend in buenos aires
01:51.36*** join/#asterisk aloi (
01:51.48_Sam--good luck with dialogic
01:51.57_Sam--i had one of them last year, i gave up, and bought another card
01:51.57cmuand orthogonal to that, is there a good HOWTO on configuring asterisk so that I can stream audio across to my speech recognition apps when a call comes into my asterisk box?
01:52.01davidcsiSam, you bad boy
01:52.03Umarocmu: asterisk business edition has dialogic support.. at least their press release said so
01:52.03_Sam--saved alot of time actually
01:52.13_Sam--it was a nice dialogic card too
01:52.16[av]bani_Sam-- has $$$$$$$ to burn
01:52.16cmuhow much does business edition cost?
01:52.23cmuhaha yeah av-bani
01:52.25davidcsior so
01:52.26Umaro$995 I think
01:52.29_Sam--it had like 10fxo
01:52.32cmuhmmm ok
01:52.34cmuwhoa really
01:52.40cmuthat must have been $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s to burn then
01:52.51[av]banidialogic been making cards since forever... all the way back to ISA days
01:52.56_Sam--at that point, i gave up, and ordered a PRI :)
01:53.07cmuits strange though, everyone in the speech recognition industry will swear by dialogic
01:53.23cmuyet everyone in the asterisk world has huge problems with it
01:53.27cmuwhat a fundamental dichotomy
01:53.27_Sam--at this time last year, i could not find hardly any dialogic linux drivers
01:53.39[av]banicmu: because dialogic are married to msdos applications and ancient PBXes
01:53.39_Sam--there is some huge intel thing that had something
01:53.53_Sam--but i could never make it work right (im not the sharpest systems guy out there)
01:53.55cmuSam -- there's actually a Redhat 7.2 driver release that intel gives out for free
01:53.55davidcsifugitivo, the E1 specs is what i just told you, 1 cable (very much like an ethernet) which contains data and voice, tought the voice is actually data as i'm sure you know
01:54.25cmuim wondering whether it's worth it to format the box, install RH7.2, install dialogic, and then install asterisk?
01:54.39fugitivodavidcsi: ok, maybe they put that box for the siemens pbx and if i ask the telco they could change that
01:54.42_Sam--why is the dialogic card so important ?  what kind of ports is it?
01:54.49cmu4 port -- but it was $800 bucks
01:55.01cmueither way its the university's money -- but i still feel bad
01:55.02davidcsifugitivo, what is BEFORE the box?
01:55.06cmupoor graduate student that i am
01:55.12cmuanyway ok lets forget about dialogic
01:55.35cmuwhat good boards would you suggest?
01:55.37_Sam--i hear ya.....this is not based on fact, or any material evidence...but my opinion is sell it on ebay.  others may have other ideas..i am not the big expert here!
01:55.40cmuboards that have good echo cancellation etc
01:55.41[av]baniyay spandsp and rxfax working
01:55.57_Sam--it may work fine with * for all i know, honestly.
01:56.04fugitivodavidcsi: damn, didn't look at that, i'm sure it's a rj45 :)
01:56.08_Sam--MY experience was a rough one.
01:56.21cmuyeah thats actually a good suggestion (ebay)
01:56.30cmuok so about other boards -- whats a good board youd suggest
01:56.48_Sam--what are your needs?
01:56.55_Sam--what do you need to connect?
01:56.59cmulets say 4-8 phone lines
01:57.12cmuim part of the speech group at carnegie mellon university
01:57.25fugitivocmu: digium cards are far cheaper
01:57.27davidcsifugitivo, that may be your answer, i mean, maybe the siemmens pbx only supports bri and the box your are talking about is there to break the e1 into bri.. i'm just thinking out loud
01:57.30cmuwe do research on dialog systems and such stuff
01:57.38_Sam--there are a ton of options
01:57.46cmuso we need a way for us to put telephony-based applications out there and get ppl calling in and accessing them
01:57.51Dr-Linux_Sam--: i have dialplan for this feature
01:57.52Dr-Linuxexten => 40921,5,dial(${TRUNK}c/03004273271,20,r)
01:58.04_Sam--some people here lately are really like the sangoma w/ EC (i dont have one...just try to listen to what others are saying) well as the digium tdm2400
01:58.17fugitivodavidcsi: what if it's actually a BRI and not a PRI?
01:58.20Dr-Linuxbut here is an error, i'm doing some little mistake
01:59.07_Sam--i think the sangoma is the A2000 series
01:59.21Dr-Linuxanything wrong in this below line?
01:59.23Dr-Linuxexten => 40921,5,dial(${TRUNK}c/03004273271,20,r)
01:59.44Dr-LinuxFeb 11 06:56:04 WARNING[1983]: channel.c:2530 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'c'
01:59.44Dr-LinuxFeb 11 06:56:04 NOTICE[1983]: app_dial.c:1010 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'c' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
01:59.45davidcsiDr-Linux, you are not specifing a technology on wich to dial
02:00.09davidcsifugitivo, then the te110 will be useless for you, you would need another card... hold on i'll tell you which one...
02:00.11*** join/#asterisk benjk (
02:00.20fugitivodavidcsi: ok
02:00.24_Sam--you it is dialing c/03000
02:00.32_Sam--instead of sip/03000.....
02:00.34_Sam--or something
02:00.48Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: what to specify?
02:01.04Dr-Linux_Sam--: 0300.. is my cell number
02:01.05davidcsiSIP / OH323 / ZAP / something
02:01.15_Sam--you need to tell it what type of channel to dial you on
02:01.20_Sam--how is it calling you?
02:01.29*** join/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
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02:01.47fugitivoDr-Linux: what is ${TRUNK} ?
02:01.55Dr-Linuxactually i'm from pakistan .. and simpley when i dial my number "03004273271" my cell rings
02:02.09Dr-Linuxbut i'm not sure what to define here
02:02.20davidcsiSam: hehe
02:02.27mwgbcDoes the var DIALSTATUS not get set if you dial out with a call file?
02:02.28fugitivoDr-Linux: you need to know what is ${TRUNK}
02:02.45fugitivoi'm sure it's NULL
02:03.03Dr-Linuxhm... other server is not involved
02:03.04_Sam--Dr-Linux:  how does your * call out to phones when you dial them?  regular phone lines?
02:03.11davidcsiDr-Linux, you the a channel to dial on, are sending the call via zap? h323? sip?
02:03.12_Sam--iax?  sip?
02:04.02_Sam--lets start here first:  VOIP to a provider or regular phone lines?
02:04.06Dr-Linux_Sam--: simplay number as i define petern , like i simply dial my number 0300 4273271
02:04.09Dr-Linux_Sam--: sip
02:04.34_Sam--you connect via SIP to another SIP phone provider?
02:04.37Dr-Linuxooooic its zap
02:04.51Dr-Linuxi have fxo cards
02:04.56_Sam--no you are on it
02:05.21_Sam--must eat dinner...back in 10.
02:05.26cmuhaha regexp talk -- it took me a while to understand that
02:05.29aloiHello all - I'm new around here... And having an issue dialing out using AAH with a VoIP provider; I am able to recieve calls - and had outbound working yesterday - but now my attempts to dial out result in: "app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)" - any thoughts?
02:05.33cmuSam thanks for your help
02:05.33Dr-Linux-- Executing Dial("SIP/4092-157a", "Zap/g1/03004273271") in new stack
02:05.45Dr-Linuxi can dial through zap
02:06.25clyrradI have a clean install of CentOS to install * on, from google i see I should be able to yum install kernel-source but it does nothing.  How can I get this to install asterisk?
02:07.38mwgbcaloi: is your ip on AAH dynamic or static?
02:07.44davidcsiclyrrad, get asterisk@home
02:07.48aloiit's static -
02:07.56davidcsiits great to start with
02:08.09aloiThe AAH is at a static location; I am home and have a dynamic
02:08.11davidcsifugitivo, you would need something like:
02:08.15clyrraddavidcis I dont want @ home though, I just want the kernel-source for CentOS
02:08.39davidcsiclyrrad, can't help you there
02:08.49mwgbcaloi: everything pings ok?
02:09.18Dr-Linux_Sam--: how about this >> exten => 40921,5,dial(Zap/g1/03004273271,20,r)
02:09.19Pkunkclyrrad: ask redhat
02:09.49aloimwgbc: yeah, communication seems to be fine - that's what I can't seem to figure out - Calls come in, and are routed accordingly - But I can't seem to get a call out
02:09.51clyrradFYI... anyone who needs it this is how you do it up2date --get-source kernel
02:09.55fugitivodavidcsi: or maybe ask the telco to change the line
02:09.56Pkunkclyrrad: as for asterisk , zaptel module has the kernel drivers
02:10.13davidcsiDr-Linux, thats good
02:10.40davidcsifugitivo, i believe that would take longer than to get the card.. heehehahah
02:10.57mwgbcaloi: post your sip.conf somewhere for people to look at.  I'm more familiar with the files than the AAH gui
02:11.13aloiyou got it... one sec...
02:12.18LibilaQwell: after getting rid of the old version, and compiling all the released versions ztcfg no longer gives the ZT_CHANCONFIG error, although asterisk won't start up and /var/log/asterisk/messages shows a few warnings and this error: ERROR[5644] chan_zap.c: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address here = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
02:12.22fugitivodavidcsi: not sure of that, i must buy that card from another country, wait for shipping, pay taxes... :)
02:12.22mwgbcDoes anyone know if Dial()'s DIALSTATUS works with call files.  I am not getting a result from it.  Any ideas?
02:13.38Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: yeah it works now,
02:13.43davidcsifugitivo... in europe, to change that it takes lika a month
02:13.47bweschkemwgbc: what is your .call file calling?
02:13.47davidcsiDr-linux, great
02:14.02fugitivodavidcsi: damn, that means it'll take like 5 months here :(
02:14.48Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: actually i'm doing something, if someone calls on my extension and i didn't answer, call goes to my cell phone, and if i didn't answer my cell phone for 20 seconds then it goes to VM
02:14.50fugitivodavidcsi: maybe the telco could provide an adapter?
02:15.01mwgbcbweschke: it is calling a standard phone number and then connecting to the dialplan (part of an autodialer)
02:15.29aloimwgbc: sip.conf and sip_additional.conf are
02:15.34aloithanks for the help
02:15.48Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: but it doesn't come back to voicemail, it still ringing my cell phone
02:15.49Dr-Linuxexten => 40921,5,dial(Zap/g1/03004273271,20,r)
02:15.49bweschkemwgbc: what does your .call file look like?
02:16.15Dr-Linuxhhm..   should i put    ,t  instead of ,r ?
02:17.42davidcsimwgbc: is * registering?
02:18.04davidcsiDr-Linux, wait
02:19.25Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: ok
02:21.29davidcsiDr-Linux, this is what i do:
02:21.31davidcsiexten => XXX,1,Dial(SIP/XXX,20)
02:21.31davidcsiexten => XXX,2,Playback(voicemail-custserv)
02:21.31davidcsiexten => XXX,4,VoiceMail,sXXX
02:21.31davidcsiexten => XXX,5,Hangup
02:21.54davidcsireplace that priority 4 with a 3, and 5 with a 4
02:22.22mwgbcdavidcsi: this is from my template that creates the call file:
02:22.23mwgbcChannel: IAX2/2693@voipjet/$numbertodial Callerid: <7075154525> WaitTime: 20 Context: bayside-transfer Extension: s Priority: 1 SetVar: numdialed=$numbertodial
02:22.52*** join/#asterisk CarlFK (
02:23.33CarlFKhow does googletalk's VoIP thingy deal with firewalls?
02:23.34mwgbcaloi: .conf files look ok to me.  maybe the problem is in your extensions.conf
02:23.37Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: yes but, how it will timeout while ringing my cell phone?
02:24.05davidcsithe 20 in the Dial is the timeout
02:24.05Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: i want ti to ring my cell phone for only 20 seconds then go to the next pirority
02:24.11CarlFKwondering if it is doing some tricks like skype: using unsuspecting clients as relays
02:24.46aloimwgbx: thanks for looking, are you interested in seeing the extensions.conf files?
02:24.52Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: as you can see i define there ,t  but it doesn't time out
02:25.06davidcsit is NOT timeout
02:25.09Dr-Linux-exten => 40921,5,dial(Zap/g1/03004273271,20,t)
02:25.20mwgbcaloi: I can try to look at them.  I'm no master, but have worked out quite a few of my own bugs.
02:25.21Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: then what?
02:25.29davidcsit is to allow the person to be transfered
02:25.39Dr-Linuxhein :S
02:25.41aloimwgbc: great! :)
02:25.56Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: then what is time out ? :P
02:26.00Dr-Linuxonly 20 ?
02:26.03davidcsiafter that priority, just add a new priority with the mailbox, thats it
02:26.06fugitivodavidcsi: if they have 30 channels then it couldn't be a BRI, right? it must be a PRI
02:26.15davidcsithe timeout is the 20
02:26.23davidcsifugitivo, yes, only a pri
02:26.33fugitivothanks god, then it's a PRI
02:26.40fugitivodavidcsi: i
02:26.44fugitivodavidcsi: i
02:26.48Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: is it wrong
02:26.51fugitivolaptop keyboard
02:26.53Dr-Linuxexten => 40921,5,dial(Zap/g1/03004273271,20,t)
02:27.06Dr-Linuxshould i timeout after 20 sec ?
02:27.13fugitivodavidcsi: i'm sure thay have that box because the siemens pbx needs that kind of cables
02:27.16davidcsii would take the ,t out
02:27.30Dr-Linuxokey let me do the same :P
02:27.47davidcsifugitivo, thats my bet, siemmens and companies like thouse always do that
02:27.55mwgbcdavidcsi: You asked me "is * registering?"  do you mean does it show the call attempts?  if so then yes it makes the calls just fine.  It dials, and works just fine.  The only problem I have is trying to DIALSTATUS to tell me what happend with the call so I can log it in my postgres database.
02:28.57davidcsimwgbc: no, in your log file it should say whether * is registering with your providers or not
02:29.18davidcsimwgbc: oh! sorry, i misunderstood the problem
02:29.22aloimwgbc: the additional and custom.conf files are below the long extensions.conf
02:30.24Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: do you have any other idea, it doesn't timeout after 20 seconds
02:30.25Dr-Linuxexten => 40921,5,dial(Zap/g1/03004273271,20)
02:30.28davidcsiso you are making call with for testing and you don't see the dialstatus
02:31.13davidcsiDr-Linux, good, and on the next priority, send it to your mailbox
02:31.53Dr-Linuxyes, i did but it doesn't go to next pirority it still ringing ringing my cell phone ..
02:31.58Dr-Linuxit doesn't time out after 20 sec
02:33.16Dr-Linuxdavidcsi:  pvt
02:34.17mwgbcaloi: still looking....
02:34.26aloimwgbc: thanks!
02:35.00davidcsimwgbc: is that an *@home?
02:38.36fugitivodavidcsi: what do you use in asterisk for isdn? misdn?
02:39.02davidcsifugitivo: for PRI?
02:40.46davidcsifugitivo: libpri
02:41.33mwgbcdavidcsi: no not AAH
02:42.25mwgbcaloi: what exactly happens when you try to dial out?  (congested, busy, nothing?)
02:44.00fugitivodavidcsi: what are the other isdn options for?
02:44.21fugitivooh, for other hardware
02:44.23mwgbcdavidcsi: I am trying to Goto() based on DIALSTATUS from the 'failed' ext
02:44.36aloimwgdbc: 'all circuits are busy now' details:
02:46.19thazzaaloi: read this
02:46.23jbot[amp] NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
02:47.01aloithazza: sorry about that, as I said - new around here.
02:47.31thazzaaloi: its cool. happens every day
02:48.28aloii thought i might get a reaction like that regarding AAH; and I understand where you are coming from.
02:48.47aloitoo bad there isn't as much action in #amportal :)
02:49.12*** join/#asterisk iq (
02:49.33davidcsialoi, anyway i too get weird things with variables...
02:50.05thazzaaloi: thats cause amp is not that populer to seasoned users.
02:50.55aloithazza: totally understand - I am running * w.out AMP at my home, just working on a project for work and thought I would try using AMP - it's actually becoming more complicated than I had hoped
02:51.14thazzaaloi: anyhow. looking at the pastebin. it seems to be doing totally what it should be doing.. It is failing cause the SIP client is not able to be contacted.
02:51.58davidcsithats why i asked if it is registering
02:52.22iqHi All...
02:52.29thazzaaloi: Can you get to the CLI?
02:52.37aloithazza: yeah - in it now...
02:52.40thazzaaloi: if so try typing sip show peers
02:53.10thazzaaloi: and perhaps sip show registary
02:53.39thazzathank you davidcsi.. atm i perfer tab. lol
02:53.47aloithazza: i see my pactolus-gw/3155799057 as 'host' 'unspecified', could that be the cause?
02:53.53thazzasip show reg<tab>
02:54.14aloithazza:               3155799057          25 Registered
02:54.15thazzaaloi: What is the sip device you are trying to talk to?
02:54.16*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
02:54.29aloihere's where it gets tricky....
02:54.47aloiI am registering with a Pactolus NAT server
02:55.16aloiand the SIP termination is handled by a Sonus switch
02:55.16iqShouldn't Sipura/Cisco start giving 4 line upgrade for free by now ;) ...(spa-841)
02:55.51mwgbcaloi: I didn't see anything wrong tracing through the .conf file.  Maybe these other guys can help you.
02:56.08aloimwgbc: thanks again, I appreciate you help
02:56.53aloithazza: if I enable sip debug I see that I am registering successful with the SIP server
02:58.56thazzainteresting.. I always have fun trying to trace in AMP.
02:58.59mwgbcQuestion to the masses:  If I use a call file and the call failes (busy,no answer,disconnected) shouldn't DIALSTATUS be set by the time I get to the *failed* extension in the same context? I am trying to poll DIALSTATUS so I know what to post to my psql db (this is for an autodialer)
02:59.25tronixIf I use 'n' for next in a dialplan entry... how do I deal with n+101? Literally list 'exten => 9999,n+101,...' ?
03:00.26*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
03:02.00thazzaaloi: Just out of testing, have you got a internal extention setup to call the 3155799057 sip device?
03:03.29xachenI found a way to crash *... call a number :p
03:04.08mwgbctronix: maybe do somthing with setting a var = ${PRIORITY} (current priority) and using Goto()
03:04.34tronixmwgbc: ah! not a bad idea. i'll poke at that. thanks!
03:04.56*** join/#asterisk websae (
03:04.59davidcsitronix, or, along the same lines: set_priority
03:05.27thazzaaloi: Sorry i have to go out for abotu 45mins. back later.
03:05.44websaeanyone here have to implement e911 for their VoIP customers yet?
03:06.10aloithazza: I have to run out to run too - I appreciate the assistance.
03:09.07websaehow's everyone doing?
03:09.23tronixdavidcsi: makes sense.
03:12.18Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: its really strange problem ;)
03:13.01*** join/#asterisk linlin (
03:14.23linlinWill I get made fun of if I ask exactly how to associate an IAX freeworlddialup account to an asterisk machine using the AMP control panel?
03:16.48Qwelllinlin: yes
03:17.14linlinThink I should anyways?
03:17.23_Sam--you will the ~amp maybe
03:17.36Qwellespecially since FWD has instructions for AMP
03:17.47_Sam--s/you will/you will get/
03:18.30linlinFWD has instructions for amp?
03:18.33linlinill have to look
03:18.39linlini saw them for regular asterisk but not amp
03:19.34linlinmind a link, considering your most likely looking at it right now?
03:21.16_Sam--  ?
03:21.19_Sam--maybe close?
03:22.14linlinthanks alot,l appreciate it could have helped yourself by using google...its all i did!
03:22.42websaeasterisk termination for only 1.2cents/min inbound and outbound
03:23.25_Sam--what makes you think everyone is interested in the lowest price?
03:23.45_Sam--id rather pay a little more and get service on * servers on great multiple locations personally
03:23.52_Sam--do you have multiple servers?
03:23.53websaegood point
03:23.56_Sam--in different places?
03:23.59websaethat's a great point _Same!
03:24.21_Sam--on which tier1 backbones?
03:24.33websael.a., flordia, and wisconsin
03:24.45websaegig-e from GX
03:24.51[av]bani_Sam--: you said the phones that are having problems arent nat'd right?
03:25.02websaeglobal crossing=GX
03:25.06_Sam--correct...they are on the same subnet at the * machine at work
03:25.13_Sam--the one i am using NOW is behind nat.
03:25.22[av]bani_Sam--: do you have anything in the advanced settings->stun server ?
03:25.33_Sam--at home, work , no.
03:26.04_Sam--im working diligently to get some sip debug :)
03:26.08_Sam--but i havent been able to do it yet
03:26.14_Sam--i think its different with 15 active users vs. 1
03:27.25davidcsigoing to sleep now guys.. have a good one!
03:28.34Dr-Linuxdavidcsi: have a nice weekend :)
03:31.38*** part/#asterisk davidcsi (
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03:34.10Dr-Linux_Sam--: i have a question .. can i ?
03:34.32_Sam--sure...but i cant promise an answer!
03:35.21Dr-Linux_Sam--: if you 4 port fxo card configured with 4 channels
03:35.44Dr-Linuxand you have only 1 line on the 2nd port of the card
03:36.02Dr-Linux1st port is empty
03:36.16Dr-Linuxso what will be happend if you dial out?
03:38.26Dr-Linux_Sam--: did i ask wrong question?
03:38.37Dr-Linuxi mean wrong english :S
03:38.37_Sam--why cant you plug it into the first port?
03:38.44linlinwhat can i do at a command line to see the status of IAX connections?
03:38.51_Sam--show channels
03:39.07_Sam--and show channels verboes
03:39.11Dr-Linux_Sam--: thats differnet issue
03:39.26Dr-Linuxi just wanna know what will be happend.. in that case?
03:39.32linlinok thanks
03:39.58Dr-Linux_Sam--: channel 1 will answer or channel 2 ?
03:40.02_Sam--ive never used an FXO card in my life, so any answer i give you will be made up
03:41.44Dr-Linuxokey _Sam--
03:41.49Dr-Linux_Sam--: problem is that
03:41.50Dr-Linuxexten => 40921,1,dial(Zap/g1/03004273271,20)
03:41.50Dr-Linuxexten => 40921,2,hangup
03:41.57_Sam--that will try port 1 i think.
03:42.01Dr-Linuxit never timeout ..
03:42.12*** join/#asterisk glm2k (n=GLM@
03:42.37Dr-Linuxsome one told me my card is bad, but its not possible if my all server's all cards are bad
03:42.50_Sam--im sure its configuration
03:43.16_Sam--it is 4 port FXO digium card?
03:43.50mwgbcWell, gotta go... I'll plug away at my problem myself.  bye
03:43.54*** part/#asterisk mwgbc (
03:44.20*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
03:44.53Dr-Linux_Sam--: all i want is, it should timeout after 20 seconds
03:45.33_Sam--paste the logs to pastebin
03:46.51Dr-Linux_Sam--: which log?
03:47.07Dr-LinuxCLI or ~/full ?
03:47.12_Sam--cli for now
03:47.32Dr-Linuxokey sure
03:48.22_Sam--so what is the problem exactly...why do you want it to time
03:48.24_Sam--to time out
03:48.27linlin192.246.69.186:4569   746814      <Unregistered>             60  Rejected
03:48.38*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:48.43_Sam--you answered the call...why would it have timed out
03:48.55Dr-Linux_Sam--: bcoz next pirority is my VM
03:48.59*** join/#asterisk smurf (n=smurf@debian/developer/smurf)
03:49.11_Sam--you answered the phone, how would it timeout
03:49.16_Sam--let it ring for 20seconds
03:49.20_Sam--and dont answer it
03:49.33Dr-Linux_Sam--: i never answered the phone
03:49.41_Sam---- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/4092-8b7e
03:49.46Dr-Linuxthis is the Zap channel who answered that call
03:49.54_Sam--it wont time out if its answered
03:50.00Dr-Linux_Sam--: thats why i asked a question from you first :)
03:51.35_Sam--ok drlinux..explain again...that is an OUTGOING call...
03:51.42_Sam--you called OUT from zap...and someone answered...
03:51.48_Sam--why do you think it will timeout and go to voicemail
03:51.52_Sam--i dont understand the logic
03:52.16tronix_Sam--: I think he's having problems with it not timing out even if nobody answers
03:52.54_Sam--i dont think so.
03:53.09_Sam--i thik he is thinking if he lets the call to his cell phone timeout, he can leave himself voicemail on * :)
03:53.10tronix* answers the line, but phone itself doesn't?
03:53.50Dr-Linuxwell, let me show you thats what i want .. everything works but this shit
03:53.50_Sam--maybe some type of redialer/forwarding thing
03:53.54_Sam--* call his cell phone
03:54.01_Sam--if he doenst answer his cell it times out
03:54.03_Sam--and then goes to vm
03:54.11[av]baniseems obvious to me?
03:54.39tronixDr-Linux: hmm... maybe pb your extensions.conf ?
03:54.53Dr-Linuxi want, if someone call my extension/desk .. and if i don't answer for caller should route to my cell phone, and if i don't answer from my cell phone in 20 seconds caller should go back to dialplan and leave a VM
03:55.08_Sam--i think i was close
03:55.27_Sam--if you didnt answer the zap channel it would have worked
03:55.39*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
03:55.56_Sam--you wont time out if you answer: -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/4092-8b7e
03:56.00Dr-Linuxyes, but thats how zap channel works
03:56.15_Sam--[av]bani what am i missing?
03:56.21Dr-Linuxtronix: i made it very short ..
03:56.22Dr-Linuxexten => 40921,1,Answer()
03:56.22Dr-Linuxexten => 40921,2,dial(Zap/g1/03004273271,20)
03:56.22Dr-Linuxexten => 40921,3,hangup
03:56.50*** join/#asterisk websae_ (
03:57.14websae_Anyone else looking for FANTASTIC deals for a wholesale trunk/minutes?
03:57.16Dr-Linux_Sam--: if your zap channel is configured it will always answer.
03:57.27websae_if interested go ahead and message me
03:57.49_Sam--its been a while since i used zap channels (~ 1 year) i dont know if thats true or not true
03:57.52_Sam--and i never used zap FXO
03:58.08_Sam--but if you answer it cant timeout, in my opinion.
03:58.33[av]banisounds to me like zap/g1 isnt getting proper indications
03:58.41[av]baniit thinks the line is answered immediately
03:58.50Dr-Linux_Sam--: yes i know, but i never answer my cell phone ..
03:58.55_Sam--maybe its the wrong module type?  fxo v. fxs?
03:59.01[av]baniDr-Linux: try taking out the answer() and just dial()
03:59.06Dr-Linuxdo you guys want me to show you my zapata.conf ?
03:59.24[av]baniDr-Linux: exten => 40921,1,dial  40921,n,voicemail(blabla)
03:59.27_Sam--make sense
03:59.28Dr-Linux[av]bani: i tried everything, i just put Answer() 2 minutes ago
03:59.36[av]baniDr-Linux: you in uk?
03:59.49Dr-Linux[av]bani: pakistan
03:59.52[av]banimy guess is your country setting is wrong
04:00.02[av]baniits mistaking remote ring for answer or something
04:00.13Dr-Linux[av]bani: but my US server acts same
04:00.19[av]baniDr-Linux: :<
04:00.24Dr-Linux[av]bani: should i show you my zapata.conf?
04:00.31[av]banishow it to _Sam--  :)
04:00.35Dr-Linux going to bed!
04:00.52Dr-Linux[av]bani: same doesn't love zap things
04:00.53_Sam--there is no way the module types could be different than what you think?
04:00.58Dr-Linuxtronix: do you ? :)
04:01.00_Sam--how do you know fxo v. fxs?
04:01.25_Sam--yes, how do you know which modules are on your board
04:01.27Dr-Linuxi know that as well
04:01.50Dr-Linuxofcos i have tdm card with 4 fxo port ..
04:02.02Dr-Linuxand i configured fxs signaling for that
04:02.11tronixso you have 4 telco lines to your tdm?
04:02.12_Sam--how do you know they are 4 fxo?  <i am not trying to be a jerk>...but how do you know they are fxo
04:02.21_Sam--does it say somewhere?  (i am asking because i do not know)
04:02.29tronixDr-Linux: pb output of ztcfg -vvv
04:02.43Dr-Linuxtronix: it will show 4 channels configured
04:02.50tronixwant to check what types
04:03.32Dr-LinuxZaptel Configuration
04:03.32Dr-LinuxChannel map:
04:03.32Dr-LinuxChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
04:03.32Dr-LinuxChannel 02: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 02)
04:03.33Dr-LinuxChannel 03: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 03)
04:03.34Dr-LinuxChannel 04: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 04)
04:03.36Dr-Linux4 channels configured.
04:03.47Dr-Linuxmy US server has 8 channels
04:04.00*** join/#asterisk voip470 (
04:04.10Dr-Linuxwait it shows somewhere else as well
04:04.18_Sam--tronix:  shouldnt those be fxo?
04:04.25_Sam--if he is connecting them to his telco lines?
04:04.27tronixit's just listing the signalling type
04:04.31tronixFXS ks = FXO modules
04:04.38_Sam--i see
04:04.45Dr-LinuxI2C-PBX*CLI> zap show channels
04:05.14linlincan someone call 2533971224 pleae and tell me what you get?
04:05.24linlinUSA number
04:05.34_Sam--drlinux:  i am sorry i am not more expert with zap channels for you :/
04:05.40linlinmy buddy is on my phone so i cant test it
04:05.49Dr-Linux_Sam--: no problem friend :)
04:05.57[av]baniwhat are we supposed to get?
04:06.00Dr-Linuxi appritiate youe help tho
04:06.08linlinhopfully voicemail
04:06.13linlinnot busy signal
04:06.21Dr-Linux[av]bani: what do you mean, sorry i don't understand all english
04:06.24linlinwhich is what is being reported to get
04:08.22[av]banii got 'extension 1000 is on the phone, blablabla'
04:08.30linlinawesome, thankyou
04:08.44linlinthat means its wrking, eventually that would have dropped to VM
04:08.45_Sam--he just wanted your called ID bani so he could call you in the middle of the night with ?S
04:09.05[av]bani_Sam--: thats ok, i set cid to bogus # :)
04:09.14[av]baniactually no, i set it to your home phone #
04:09.20linlinim using AMP, Asterisk@Home, FreeWorldDialup, and IPKall, what makes you think I know how to do that Sam? p
04:09.54linlinthanks for the help guys
04:10.07[av]baniDr-Linux: o_O ->
04:10.12*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
04:10.30_Sam--bani i think i have found the perfect use for a minibrowser/text thinger on the gxp...when you're not on irc i could send you messages?
04:10.38_Sam--"my asterisk is"
04:10.46[av]bani_Sam--: O RLY
04:11.21_Sam--i know its hard to believe, but i thought of a feature request you hadnt considered
04:11.36_Sam--display current system time of the GXP2000 on the phone status page
04:11.48_Sam--no way to know remotely if the phone got time right from ntp server
04:11.56[av]bani_Sam--: use the wiki!@#
04:11.58Dr-Linuxfucking telco lady speaks but not mine asterisk girl :S
04:12.08_Sam--its in there :)
04:13.38Dr-Linuxwho is this ? :S
04:14.49[av]baniDr-Linux: character from famous 1980s comic strip
04:16.31Dr-Linux[av]bani: but my eveyrhting is working fine
04:16.32_Sam--gnight you guys.
04:16.47Dr-Linuxall i need is , i want to timeout after 20 seconds
04:16.53tronixwith a Cisco 7960G, is there a way to send additional DTMF digits (e.g. for extension #, DISA, etc) after it has started an outbound call?
04:16.57tronixnight -Sam--
04:17.03tronixer _Sam--
04:19.38Dr-Linux_Sam--: give my regards to your wife
04:19.39Dr-Linuxare you going ?
04:19.45Dr-Linuxtronix: he is not :)
04:20.01[av]baniDr-Linux: you have callprogress = yes  ?
04:21.22Dr-Linux[av]bani: yes  that works good, even US users can make outbound calls in pakistan
04:22.00linlinanyone know of any other seives like where they give out free phone numbers?
04:23.31Mavviethat reminds me, anybody who can tell me how many nodes there are in the DUNDI network?
04:24.28MavvieThat doesn't sound really impressive yet.
04:24.44Mavviewhy would the uptake be so slow?
04:25.00Dr-Linuxmaybe digium company doesn't know if tehre is a country named Paksitan :S
04:27.51*** join/#asterisk coppice (n=chatzill@
04:27.52[av]baniDr-Linux: hmm seems callprogress may only work for US
04:28.42nurfeare there any basic guides to getting an asterisk server up and running for a home user from scratch?
04:29.10jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
04:29.24nurfety ty :)
04:29.53Dr-Linux[av]bani: i'm using US loadzone etc in my configuration :P
04:31.02*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
04:31.08FlyboySR22Hey all
04:31.24[av]baniDr-Linux: have you emailed digium ?
04:31.41FlyboySR22I am trying to understand hints in the extension.conf file, but I am having a hard time locating docs on the wiki that tells what they are sued for...can somoene shoot me a url..?
04:31.58IronHelixhint isnt used unless you have a phone that supports BLF
04:32.01*** join/#asterisk Dougi (
04:32.11FlyboySR22Busy Lamp
04:32.13Dougihi all
04:32.59IronHelixjbot, blf is Busy Lamp Field, aka little lights next to speed dials that light up when the person is on the phone and blink when that line is ringing.  hint extensions are static mapped to SIP or other channels.
04:33.01jbotIronHelix: okay
04:33.07Dougican i use a analog voice modem to connect a analog phone to the server?
04:33.16IronHelixyou need a real tdm card
04:33.28Dougiah oki
04:33.31FlyboySR22got it...
04:33.35IronHelixunless you ahve a very specific type of intel tiger jet voice modem, which is what the former Digium X100 was
04:34.00NuggetI suggest a sipura spa, though, so you can avoid having to deal with zaptel.
04:34.20NuggetI wish I'd gone that route.  It's much simpler and (if you care) doesn't lock you in to linux.
04:35.30*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
04:35.44FlyboySR22still trying to sort out the 7970. I have it working for everything but calling another soon as I dial another extension, it rings once and hangs up..been looking for the problem all afternoon  ...anyone have any ideas as to why it would do that...?
04:36.16DougiIronHelix: so i need like this card: Digium Wildcard FXO Module
04:36.28*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
04:36.46Nuggetthat's not a card.  hat's just a module that goes on a card.
04:36.50IronHelixyou need that and the base card
04:36.54idpromnutwhen using PRI's and channel groups, has anyone encountered asterisk trying to dial out on the same channel that the call is originating from? (the originating channel is part of the channel group being called)
04:37.01IronHelixthe digium TDM400 is a four port card that can take up to 4 modules
04:37.06IronHelixeach module activates one port
04:37.10Nuggetbut I still suggest looking into a sipura spa device instead of the tdm400p.
04:37.29IronHelixyou can get FXS (green) modules which provide dialtone and you plug a phone into, or FXO (red) modules that plug into a phone line
04:37.30Nuggetespecially if you don't expect to need four ports
04:37.57Dougiahh oki now i think i understand... tanx... :D
04:38.09IronHelixyeah thats another good option, sipura 3000 adapter, gives you one FXO (connect to line) and two FXS (connect to phone) ports that show up over SIP
04:42.55tronixin extensions.conf, I want to set MYNAME=John Doe  (for setting cid name later on)... do I need to make it MYNAME="John Doe" instead?
04:43.36IronHelixi think so, because theres a space
04:50.17*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
04:50.51Corydon76-hometronix: nope
04:51.10Corydon76-homeYou put quotes in, you get quotes in your cidname
04:51.39Corydon76-homeIf you want a comma, though, you'll need to backslash the comma
05:00.51FlyboySR22good night everyone - time to head home !!
05:01.50tronixCorydon76: ahh, ok, cool. thanks!
05:08.14*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
05:08.28alephcomHi everyone
05:12.30tronix'allo / ahoy
05:13.39alephcomLadies and Gentlemen.  It is my pleasure to have your company tonight.  :-)    Ok, I'll cut to my question.
05:14.18alephcomWe've been trying to get ahold of the people that license the firefly softphone.  No replies..   Does anybody here know what the status is?   I didn't know where else to ask.  Sorry. :-(
05:15.15hypa7iaalephcom: the freshtel guys?
05:16.08*** join/#asterisk sergeus|w (
05:16.39alephcomYeah.  We've emailed them a couple of times but nothing....
05:19.13hypa7iamight be worth spending a few cents to call them:
05:19.50alephcomThat's very true.  I'll try that.
05:19.53hypa7iai'm in touch with a couple of people there, if they're not getting in touch it's probaly just that they're busy and email is low priority
05:20.06hypa7iathe company's definitely still active :)
05:23.48*** join/#asterisk fafnir (i=hahaha@unaffiliated/fafnir)
05:23.55websae_Great wholesale trunks and minutes right here, shoot me a message and let me know what I can bid for you, have awesome deals!!!! free incoming plans, low per minute plans, etc....anyone give me a shout if interested
05:26.43[av]banino advertising
05:26.57alephcomhypa7ia:  Thanks.  that's great.  I'll phone them.
05:27.13hypa7iaalephcom: no problemo :)
05:27.20websae_ohh okay--sorry
05:27.26*** join/#asterisk benjk (
05:27.30websae_just trying to pickup a few asterisk terminations
05:27.51websae_i want more asterisk boxes as oppose to other proprietary equipment
05:29.09*** join/#asterisk Jizzbug (
05:29.12websae_and just wanted to throw out wholesale minutes and trunks to asterisk users for special deals
05:32.51thazzaalephcom: Are you trying to get in touch with freshtel?
05:34.37thazzahypa7ia: Well if email is a low priority. how about everytime i call them and it kicks me to voicemail and get no return call.
05:34.49alephcomthazza:  Yes,  I think we'll call them soon.   Oh, ok, :-(
05:35.52thazzaI just keep getting the run around. until about 2 weeks ago. i get a call. do you still want one.. I say Yes.. and they tell me it is in post. Guess what.. still nothing. and no contact..
05:39.11*** join/#asterisk gandhijee (
05:44.10tbs_does anybody know which one is the better: VIA EPIA M10000 or VIA EPIA PD10000?
05:44.25tbs_(they are mini-itx mainboards)
05:49.44gandhijeecan someone tell me what file to edit to change the echo canceller?
05:49.52gandhijeei forgot which one it is =(
06:06.09[av]banitbs_: i want a nano-itx :S
06:11.33*** join/#asterisk betaboi (
06:11.51betaboiHello, is anyone here any good with astlinux I needed some help with it
06:11.58betaboi* need
06:17.50*** join/#asterisk CaRb0n^ (i=Genocide@
06:18.49CaRb0n^any one knows about lissening to live SIP Extention ?
06:18.53CaRb0n^live call monitoring ?
06:19.49gandhijeebrookshire: already found it, just did more digging.
06:20.17gandhijeebut i do have on question in the Makefile, the option for INSTALL_PREFIX, should it have the ? in front of the =?
06:21.03betaboiNo takers for Astlinux? So it is unrelated but I do not have anywhere else to seek help
06:21.31gandhijeeit would help to know what the problem is first
06:22.13betaboiWell I installed the image onto a flash memmory card and then I remount the filesystem remount after sucessfully booting make changes to thing in /etc and when i reboot the changes are gone
06:22.49gandhijeeits CF, the media is prolly only mounted as read-onlu
06:23.04betaboiBut i remount / as rw
06:23.12betaboibefore initating the changes
06:23.22gandhijeeumm, is there an nvram command on astlinux?
06:23.22CaRb0n^Any one knows how to listen or snoop in a live sip call, ?
06:23.23betaboiand I just touch file in / and when i reboot itsthere
06:23.38betaboibut my changes arent
06:23.49gandhijeeis there an nvram command for astlinux?
06:24.01gandhijeeand have you googled the problem?
06:24.07betaboinvram dont know
06:24.31gandhijeeafter you change the file
06:24.35gandhijeetry a nvram commit
06:25.06betaboiHow do I do that??
06:25.29gandhijeeedit the file
06:25.32gandhijeethen at the prompt type
06:25.37gandhijeenvram commit
06:25.53betaboiNah no nvram ;-(
06:26.36gandhijeehave you checked here
06:27.01gandhijeeand here
06:27.05betaboiYeah I just finished reading that
06:27.05betaboiand that
06:27.18gandhijeeno help?
06:27.33betaboiI dont understand why I can touch a file and nothing else
06:27.52betaboiYeah I do ;-)
06:28.03betaboiresolv.conf -> /tmp/etc/resolv.conf
06:28.22betaboirc.conf -> /tmp/etc/rc.conf
06:29.07gandhijeemount the image on a box and edit those
06:29.12gandhijeethen try
06:29.23betaboiI think ill just remove the symlink
06:29.26gandhijeekinda retarded of kris to not let you update the resolv.conf
06:29.43betaboiI think he took it abit far with the no writing to the cfdisk
06:29.55betaboilike they probably have about 10,000 writes in them
06:30.06gandhijeei think it will still restore the sysmlink at the next astup
06:30.10gandhijeeyeah he knows that
06:30.45gandhijeei think the was sayin the SanDisc something or other has a crazy amount of write cycles
06:30.52*** join/#asterisk Simon- (i=fictitio@
06:31.03betaboiYeah I am using a Sandisk
06:31.16betaboithere actually designed to be minuature hard drives which must have a fairly good lifecycle
06:31.34De_Monanyone running zaptel on 2.6.15? I think my echo problems are related to moving from 2.4 to 2.6
06:32.33gandhijeei am in the process of setting it up
06:32.45brookshirede: probably just a configuration problem
06:33.00betaboisetting up astlinux?
06:33.19gandhijeemaybe try a diff echo canceller in the zconfig.h
06:33.59brookshireit might be turned up too much
06:34.08brookshiresometimes turning it up too much causes problems
06:34.31De_Monleme verify my assumption first, but I don't think I can produce the problem without loading zaptel module
06:35.50tronixDe_Mon: what's your timing source? ztdummy or hardware board?
06:35.54betaboiAnyway thanks for the help
06:36.13De_Montronix ztdummy
06:36.32tronixDe_Mon: 1000 Hz or RTC enabled?
06:36.36CaRb0n^Any one knows how to listen or snoop into a live sip call, ?
06:36.36tronix(in the 2.6 kernel)
06:36.59De_MonI just noticed that converencing 2 lines in the phone produces the same echo, making sure it didn't happen in 2.4
06:37.02bweschkeCarb0n: chanspy ?
06:37.09De_Montronix no idea, rtc I'm guessing
06:37.24CaRb0n^yeah but dont know how it works
06:37.34De_Montronix just grabbed zaptel from cvs and built it
06:37.46CaRb0n^some one told me that sip calls can only get monitored through chanspy
06:37.48bweschkeChanSpy(<channel you want to snoop on>)
06:38.00bweschkeCarb0n: not true. you can monitor any channel
06:38.33CaRb0n^and what if i want to monitor random channels  w
06:38.38CaRb0n^oh ok
06:38.49De_Montronix where is 1000Hz or RTC specified?
06:39.01tronixDe_Mon: let me look
06:39.10De_Monrtc is in the kernel.. but don't recall anything about hz
06:40.02tronixDe_Mon: it's under Firmware Drivers section, which is...
06:40.43tronixcd /usr/src/linux && make menuconfig then main menu -> processor type and features -> firmware drivers -> 1000 hz
06:40.57tronixbut having RTC enabled is sufficient
06:41.20tronixtakes advantage of the higher-precision modern PC clock rather than the ancient timer chip from 25 years ago
06:42.58De_Mon:) tronix timer frequency is 250
06:43.45De_Montronix so unless it IS using rtc, that would probably cause some problems
06:44.00tronixI'm not 100% sure that 1000 Hz makes a huge difference. services some things faster... but the big win is to have RTC enabled
06:44.03tronixwhich you do.
06:46.30De_Monzapata.conf has rx and txgain=0 with echocancel & echocancelwhenbridged=yes
06:46.50De_Mondoes changing these setting make a difference for the psudo device?
06:57.52*** join/#asterisk joaovianna (
06:59.58De_MonHeh, still get echo in 2.4 when I conference 2 lines togeather (calling myself on softphone) but it's not as bad on 2.4... ?_?
07:00.09De_Mon(linux kernel v2.4)
07:04.08joaoviannaI have a question about T1 and putting a server working SIP. Anyone can help ? Basicaly I need to know if I can setup an asterisk server running in a remote location serving a T1 remotely...
07:04.28brookshiresure you can!
07:04.33De_Monjoaovianna huh? uh, sure
07:04.55brookshirewe're about to do that at digium
07:05.04brookshirewe have a t1 in a datacenter
07:05.25brookshireand push all the lines out to our office via voip
07:05.52De_Monhe wants sip -> asterisk -> t1 lines?
07:06.28brookshireso you're buying sip lines and converting them to t1?
07:06.52joaoviannaBrookshire, thanks... My question is: Can I order one T1 in Brazil and put my server on a US colocation ? How can I transport the T1 layer to my remote colo ?
07:07.34joaoviannaBrookshire: The T1 and * is not in the same place.
07:09.11brookshirejoavianna: it's possible to use a sip gateway made for a t1, but i would recomend 2 asterisk boxes
07:09.18brookshireone on both ends
07:10.06brookshirebut you have to make sure you're ping rate between your colocated server and brazil is not that bad
07:10.19brookshireand you have enough bandwidth to push a t1 worth of channels
07:10.36joaoviannabrookshire: My problem is a phisical location for my * box. If I can do that, I can just order T1's in some cities and manage from a centralized place (secure) as my colocation.
07:11.41joaoviannabrookshire: So, if I have a good pipe between the places, * can be remote.
07:11.52brookshirehmmm.. you might be better off buying the lines in other cities from a voip supplier
07:13.42joaoviannaBrookshire: Question... There are any way to have the E1/T1 delivery in New York ? I'm just trying to imagine what hardware I need...
07:14.24joaoviannaDo you think the guys from Digium can help me with that in a comercial basis support ?
07:15.52*** part/#asterisk Jizzbug (
07:16.08Abydos313evening everyone
07:16.30joaoviannaAbydos313: Good evening...
07:17.18Abydos313curious about hosting my asterisk server behind a firewall/router running nat. should i be looking for ip/pstn converters taht support iax?
07:17.22Abydos313hi joaovianna
07:17.37Abydos313instead of just sip
07:17.51Abydos313had my eye on spa-3000
07:19.12Abydos313but it says nothing about iax support for that device
07:21.44joaoviannaAbydos313: If you can setup your firewall, I think is just to know with ports to open or forward...
07:21.44brookshirejoavianna: i'm sure we could.. contact
07:22.15brookshirethere are a lot of ports to open :)
07:22.19joaoviannaBrookshire: Thanks... I met some guys from Digium in Anahein... You were there ?
07:22.33brookshireI've never been to astricon :(
07:23.24joaoviannabrookshire: Good event.
07:26.56*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (n=chap@
07:31.00Abydos313joaovianna so dont worry about it, just use sip
07:31.09*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
07:31.10thazzaAbydos313: The SPA3000 does not use IAX. it only uses SIP.
07:31.51Abydos313thazza exactly that was my question if i should find an adapter that does iax since my asterisk in going to be behind firewall and nat
07:32.12Abydos313if forwarding ports on nat is all you have to do then that answers it
07:32.18thazzaAbydos313: joaovianna had a good point.
07:32.46Abydos313thazza what is your setup..if you don't mind
07:33.37*** join/#asterisk justinu (
07:36.16*** join/#asterisk Camonz (i=CamonZ@
07:36.32thazzaAbydos313: I am sitting behind nat. and haven't setup my incomming yet.. so i can't say anything.. yet my outgoing via a sip voip prov works great.
07:37.08Camonzi'm having one way to no audio problems between calls, the server and the client are each behind a router
07:37.31Camonzbut are connected through a vpn, do i have to set the nat options in asterisk?
07:39.38thazzaAnyone aware of issues with asterisk voice quality being quiet?
07:45.00Abydos313thazza sweet
07:45.34Abydos313what adapter are you using? spa3k?
07:47.03justinu~nickometer CaRb0n^
07:48.13Camonz~nickometer Camonz^
07:53.50brookshirecamon: what version of asterisk?
07:54.10thazzaAbydos313: Thats one of them. i am also using X-lite on linux. and Cisco ata
07:54.27brookshirecamon: i would upgrade to the newest version
07:54.55brookshirebut one way audio problems with sip happens a lot
07:55.07brookshiremainly misconfigurations
07:55.11Camonzbrookshire: but do i need to set up the nat parameters?
07:55.35brookshireno idea
07:55.49Camonzbrookshire: i know that's most probably it, but i thought that by being on a vpn i wouldn't have that problem
07:57.39brookshireadding vpn to the mix add another layer of possible problems as well :(
07:59.38rpmon the sipura spa-841 can you not change the current ringtone remotely?
07:59.40justinuif your vpn isn't showing any packet loss between the endpoints, it shouldn't be an issu
08:00.45Camonzjustinu: i'm doing pings between the 2 hosts without problem,
08:01.05justinuthen i wouldn't worry about vpn
08:01.24justinumake sure your phones aren't trying to use stun
08:01.36Camonzi should try stun to see if the upd packets are passing through
08:01.39justinuand discovering some external address and telling asterisk to contact it on that address
08:01.47justinuthat'll break sip
08:03.45justinuuse rtp debug
08:03.58justinucheck the ip address of the packets asterisk is sending
08:04.00Camonzstun isn't selected on the xlite client
08:04.09justinuis there a stun server filled in?
08:04.25Camonzthere was a secondary but i just erased it
08:04.28justinuif asterisk is trying to send RTP to the client on a different address than that client is reachable on, you won't hear it
08:04.51justinualso, if you learn to read the SDP messages, you can see where everything thinks its going
08:04.56justinuit's not all that difficult to figure it out
08:05.05Camonzthe thing is first i could stablish a one side communication
08:05.08justinuonce you learn those things, you can diagnose any sip problem
08:05.22Camonzthen the call gets stablished, and i just hear a fraction of the other side sound
08:05.26Camonzand then it stops
08:05.35Camonzbut the call keeps on going
08:05.35justinuoh, make sure canreinvite=no
08:05.45justinumake sure xlite isn't trying to use VAD
08:05.55justinuor silence supression
08:07.39jboti heard vad is Voice Activity Detection or Silence Suppression. Asterisk does not currently support this, so please turn it off on the client
08:08.20*** join/#asterisk gandhijee (
08:08.36gandhijeeanyone here have experince installing the sangoma cards for asterisk?
08:08.44justinuwhack ass cards
08:08.48gandhijeejustinu: tryin to help a brother out?
08:08.58gandhijeetheir doucumenation is horrible
08:09.02justinunah, it's fine
08:09.08justinuit's real easy
08:09.10gandhijeethen i am retarded
08:09.13justinuget the wanpipe software
08:09.20gandhijeethey wiki says one thing and the readme says another
08:09.21justinuget zaptel source
08:09.25gandhijeeall that is done
08:09.31justinuso where are you?
08:09.40gandhijeeone thing first
08:09.53gandhijeethe readme says that zaptel must be compiled and installed first
08:10.04justinuyou just need the source
08:10.04gandhijeebut the sangoma wiki says i need to install wanpipe first
08:10.13gandhijeewell then its installed an all
08:10.18justinuwanpipe builds it's own kernel module
08:10.22justinuthen it patches zaptel
08:10.23justinuand builds zaptel
08:10.25gandhijeei need to know what module to load for wanpipe
08:10.37justinujust run /etc/init.d/wanrouter start
08:10.46Camonzi'm off to sleep, thanks justinu & brookshire :->
08:11.03gandhijeei don't have that script justin
08:11.06gandhijeeusing gentoo
08:11.22justinuum, maybe it came in the wanpipe tarball?
08:11.37gandhijeeso thats done
08:11.47gandhijeeis wanpipe not supposta use zaptel?
08:11.49justinuok, now load zaptel
08:11.56justinuyou created the zaptel.conf ?
08:12.02gandhijeeso wanpipe first then zaptel???
08:12.07justinuonce you load wanrouter, it's treated like a normal zaptel card
08:12.13gandhijeeone sec.
08:12.25gandhijeethis might get messy, i have a TDM400P in the same machine
08:12.33justinui wonder about that
08:12.44justinuyou might want to talk to sangoma support
08:12.49justinuthey seem on the ball
08:12.52gandhijeeactually it seems file
08:13.27gandhijeethere is what the modules look like....
08:13.30gandhijeeseems cool?
08:13.39justinuyeah, does ztcfg -vvv look ok?
08:14.38justinuthe reason for all that wanrouter shit is the sangoma cards can terminate fractional t1s, with ISDN and say cisco HDLC
08:14.40justinuon the same card
08:14.50gandhijeeyeah i figured that
08:15.28gandhijeethats what i looks like
08:15.37gandhijeei think chans 1 to 4 are the TDM
08:15.49gandhijeebut i dunno how to address the other 24 on the sangoma
08:16.00justinuum, is this for PRI?
08:16.01gandhijeethats gonna link into a channel bank
08:16.48justinuline 63 is kinda off
08:16.54gandhijeewhoa, i think is fine....
08:17.09justinuok, sangoma is pretty easy to deal with once wanrouter is running
08:17.12justinuit's just a zaptel card
08:17.14gandhijeeyeah i just changed it to 28
08:17.25justinubut, keep in mind... zttool will not show the correct clock source when using a sangoma card
08:17.30justinuthat freaked me out for a while
08:17.43gandhijeeactually my zttool didn't build for me for some reason
08:17.53gandhijeei wonder if it cuz of the patched zaptel sources
08:18.06justinuzttool is a very handy thing when you're working with CAS T1
08:19.01gandhijeei might actually get this running before 4 AM
08:19.26justinui just installed a sangoma for a PRI customer
08:19.31justinuso it was fresh in my mind :P
08:19.59gandhijeei spent the past 2 hours or so tryin to find out if i was on the right track
08:20.24*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
08:21.14justinui need to do a remote upgrade of 15 gxp2000s this weekend
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08:23.12justinui think they require a power cycle, but when the customer sees a bunch of dead phones in the morning, they'll do that anyways
08:23.24justinuoh, actually, i forgot
08:23.41justinui can power cycle them by turning off the power from the PoE switch management interface :P
08:23.47*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
08:25.26[av]banithats convenient
08:26.49gandhijeeanyway to make the sangoma card only bind to zaptel and not load all the other crap?
08:27.05justinunot sure
08:27.10justinui think that other stuff is important
08:28.14justinutime to bounce
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08:35.08julien[re]is there anyone?
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08:47.00julien[re]i've got a question then :)
08:47.14gandhijeei can try
08:47.22julien[re]i need to place an * box between a pbx and isdn lines
08:47.34julien[re]so certain numbers are routed through VoIp
08:47.40julien[re]and others through isdn
08:48.00julien[re]is this something which can be done?
08:48.16julien[re]with TE and NT mode?
08:48.16gandhijeewhat kinda PBX is it?
08:48.21gandhijeeare you in america/
08:48.32gandhijeecuz if so then ISDN is not gonna work
08:48.34julien[re]no in a small sunny island in the middle of indian ocean
08:48.42julien[re]where we have euroisdn
08:48.52julien[re]i already installed an * instead of a pbx
08:48.53gandhijeethen yes
08:48.56julien[re](TE mode)
08:49.05gandhijeehow to do it, i have no idea
08:49.14gandhijeebut there are a couple of people that make the ISDN cards
08:49.24brookshirebri stuff
08:49.34julien[re]that's what i have on the other *
08:49.54gandhijeewell if the * is already your PBX
08:50.01gandhijeewhy not just jam in the ISDN card in to that
08:50.30julien[re]in fact, i dont really know how to configure it
08:50.35julien[re]so that it receives call from one card
08:50.41julien[re]and send them to the other card
08:50.51julien[re](if not router through IP)
08:51.25gandhijeewhat is in your box currently?
08:51.27julien[re]and i dont know either how to check the dialled number
08:51.40julien[re]1 isdn E0 card
08:51.45julien[re](another is available)
08:52.05julien[re]bristuff stable
08:52.15*** join/#asterisk HamYaI (i=HamYai@
08:52.28julien[re]Asterisk 1.0.10-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC8q
08:53.00gandhijeethere is the oreilly asterisks book, that might help you out some.
08:53.10HamYaIanyone here has an experience with both SPA-3000 and IAX Native S100-FX?
08:53.34julien[re]gandhijee, is the book good?
08:53.42julien[re]i mean, is there everything about *?
08:54.21gandhijeei don;t think you can fit everything about * into a book
08:54.28HamYaIor even have a general idea about them
08:54.31julien[re]sure lol
08:54.34gandhijeethink of * kinda like unix.
08:54.41julien[re]i know ;)
08:54.41gandhijeeis a giant ass telephony tool
08:55.42brookshireyou can download the book for free
08:55.47brookshirein pdf format :)
08:56.06julien[re]i'm registering for that ;)
08:56.08gandhijeeyeah but i couldn't find the link
08:56.13gandhijeei can just mail it to you if u want
08:56.18julien[re]ok great
08:56.22julien[re]i'd love to
08:56.57gandhijeei forgot about that link
08:57.01julien[re]thanks brookshire :)
08:58.28*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
09:05.41HamYaIanyone here has an experience or a general idea with both SPA-3000 and IAX Native S100-FX?
09:06.10julien[re]nope sorry, just PAP2 here
09:15.15*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
09:16.34tronixis there a good way of calling in to *, select a particular extension, perform DISA, *THEN* enter a phone number, hang up, and have * call that number?
09:16.56tronixI can do everything up to and including DISA... getting a phone number after that should be easy
09:17.10tronixbut how does one initiate a call *after* existing call has been torn down?
09:17.13julien[re]what do u mean by "select a particular extension"?
09:17.28tronixlet's say, I call my pstn number, which goes to *
09:17.33tronixi enter 999
09:17.39tronixwhich then brings up a DISA prompt
09:17.44tronixi enter the PIN then #
09:17.45julien[re]that's pretty easy then
09:17.50tronixwell, so far... it's easy.
09:17.56tronixi've gotten the DISA stuff working
09:18.05tronixbut how do I have * start a new call (callback) *after*
09:18.07tronixI've hung up?
09:18.21glm2kgenerate a call file
09:18.27tronixahh good idea, thanks. :)
09:19.13tronixonly reason why I'm donig DISA on this is to prevent a$$wipes from using my * box as a 'relay' to place free (for them) calls ;)
09:19.47tronix(DISA + auth, that is)
09:21.28*** join/#asterisk af_ (n=af@
09:22.06glm2kone advantage of the callback is you can leverage the cheap voip line
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09:30.44liran_is anyone out in the search for a small billing software? i wrote up a program (requires apache+cgi and php support) that does the job and im just wondering if someone can give it a test drive...
09:34.12*** join/#asterisk shanky (i=jramirez@
09:34.16shankygood morning
09:34.47*** join/#asterisk SwK (
09:40.06trixterthinking about a new service to offer..  wanted feedback if anyone would actually see a benefit in this service..  basically allow tollfree calls to the US and CA free, but let people send arbitrary caller id info to go along with that.  there are many that let you call tollfree numbers free without subscription but dont know how many let you specify your caller id
09:41.12*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
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09:45.22tronixheh... figured out why my TDD was dropping so many chars when placing calls via VOIP but *not* PSTN...
09:45.29tronixvoip provider was preferring GSM codec :P
09:45.38tronixGSM = *very* twitchy and bad with faxes and TDDs
09:45.57tronixswitched to ulaw, even if it meant eating an extra 50 kbit/sec...
09:46.00tronixno more drops.
09:49.33HamYaIcan anyone compare the new IAX Native 2.0 with SPA-3000?
09:49.51tronixtrixter: fyi, you might have potential legal liability issues
09:50.05trixternot worried about that part of it just didnt know if it would beu sed
09:50.19tronixit'd be nice, that's for sure.
09:50.44trixterI will set up a test server now then ...
09:53.08*** part/#asterisk shanky (i=jramirez@
09:53.31af_what is iax nativa?
09:55.04HamYaIaf_: it's the FXS for asterisk supprting iax2,sip and etc.
09:55.45HamYaIaf_: providing one FXS and one PSTN passed thru
09:57.12HamYaIfrom my point of view, it's pretty similar to SPA-3000 but I still need someone to confirm
09:57.19af_I see. I have spa3000 is very feature rech
09:58.13HamYaIyeah but IAX Native 2.0 is cheaper and support the IAX protocol
09:59.19Abydos313price is definately good but how is the quality?
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09:59.53HamYaIAbydos313 : that's what I am curious about
10:00.22Abydos313i was checking that device out yesterday online. looks nice and specs sound great
10:01.04HamYaIAbydos313:  seems like the size is also smaller than SPA-3000
10:01.44*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
10:01.59Abydos313i like the fact linksys makes the spa3k and cisco owns linksys. question is do they have input on that product
10:02.28*** join/#asterisk TuckerAdelaide (n=TuckerAd@
10:04.23TuckerAdelaidei got a quick q
10:05.12TuckerAdelaidei have a spa3k.. its taking around 15 secns for the spa3k to recognise that the line is ringing and tell * to make the other side ring
10:05.23TuckerAdelaideis there a settning regarding that to make it faster?
10:10.02Abydos313i'm sure someone knows but's its real late
10:10.25TuckerAdelaidehehe here ist 8 50pm
10:10.36julien[re]here's it's 2 pm :D
10:10.50TuckerAdelaideso you guy's dont know?
10:10.55Abydos313same here..california time
10:11.18julien[re]tucker, i only use PAP2
10:11.22julien[re]so i've got no idea
10:11.30TuckerAdelaideoh ok.. yea.. this is SIP
10:11.45julien[re]i had a proble i solved:
10:11.56julien[re]the PAP2 took a long time to forward the call to *
10:12.04julien[re](after the last digit was pressed)
10:12.08julien[re]is this your problem?
10:13.08TuckerAdelaidenot realy... i have the PSTN hooked up to the SPA3k and when the telco sends ringer down the line.. it takes the SPA2k around 15 secs to actually realise that someone's trying to ring it.. it then takes its time to tell * that it needs to ring the other phone lines
10:13.44julien[re]mmm no idea then
10:13.55julien[re]it might me linked with your dial plan or regional settings
10:15.33TuckerAdelaidedoes anyone know the Australian Caller ID standards? ie the Caller ID Methord and the Caller ID FSK Standard?
10:17.02julien[re]maybe google can help :)
10:23.31*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
10:27.51TuckerAdelaidethe CID is coming up be it has MOBILE infront of it then the number... ie MOBILE, 0409.....
10:38.15*** join/#asterisk fgffgd (
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12:11.39HamYaIany tried the Linksys PAP2-NA?
12:15.08julien[re]and it works pretty well
12:16.52julien[re](using dhcp)
12:19.08fugitivoHamYaI: yes, it works perfectly
12:19.23julien[re]in fact, i use it for all my customers
12:19.44fugitivojulien[re]: small installations right?
12:20.01julien[re]it takes 2 or 3min
12:20.14julien[re]yes small : 4-6 phones
12:20.30julien[re]btw is there any big ATA
12:20.37julien[re]with 8-16 ports?
12:20.53julien[re]do u have any name/link?
12:20.53coppicethere are lots of 24 port rack mount ones
12:20.54fugitivoit's called "gateways"
12:23.46*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
12:26.56fgffgdhello, I've got a network with some NAT, and an Asterisk server that is outside the nat. Behind each nat can be more than one (SIP)phone. I can put asterisk on the NAT (they are embedded device). Do you think it's better to use IAX between Nat (transcoding may be heavy for embedded device) or simply set "nat=yes" (but I may have some problems, isn't it?)
12:27.40julien[re]you'd better go for IAX
12:28.12julien[re]i had too much problems with SIP and NAT so now everything's IAX
12:28.27fgffgdI fear if I not use IAX (but I must convert SIP&RTP to IAX!) i have these problems too...
12:29.23fgffgdthank you for your opinion! :)
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12:50.02saftsackis someone here?
12:51.13fugitivojulien[re]: BitchX baby!
12:55.13saftsackwhat is better? chan_misdn or bristuff?
12:57.13*** join/#asterisk SirPrize (
12:57.58SirPrizeWhat command could I use in extensions.ael to check whether a particular peer exists at all in the sip.conf?
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13:08.11robin_szyes .. yes it is
13:09.45saftsackfugitivo, hi are you experienced with pickup in things like segfaults?
13:10.31thieumSdo you know if * supports g722
13:10.52saftsackno, sry
13:11.25thieumSokay, thx
13:12.57*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
13:14.50trixtersegfaults in asterisk?!  no way
13:15.16saftsacki had a segfault 10 minutes before
13:15.28trixtersurely you jest
13:15.31saftsackwith misdn and pickup
13:15.46saftsacktrixter, do you want my corefile? ;)
13:16.00trixterI run asterisk, so I have plenty thanks
13:18.20saftsackok upgrading to asterisk 1.2.24 dismissed the segfault but it doesnt work either
13:20.09julien[re]any error?
13:20.49Pkunkthazza: g.723 and g.729 yes
13:21.07saftsack-- Executing Pickup("mISDN/3-u6", "11") in new stack
13:21.16saftsackP[ 3] Tone Indicate:
13:21.20saftsackbut now more messages
13:21.34julien[re]did u try bristuff?
13:21.41julien[re]i've got a lot of boxes with bristuff here
13:21.54julien[re]and i've no problem so far
13:21.55saftsackno but i read taht theres a pickup / makeln proble too
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13:24.18saftsackis there an asterisk develop channel here in freenode?
13:24.29julien[re]#asterisk-dev i think
13:24.48saftsackthanks :)
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13:51.13julien[re]is there anyone who uses remote monitoring for *?
13:51.46trixterI think I need fewd
13:52.00julien[re]fewd ?
13:52.08julien[re]Food Establishment Wastewater Discharge?
13:54.25trixteryeah that must be it
14:05.45*** join/#asterisk delaw (n=delaw@
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14:08.19Cheetahhey fellas
14:09.02Cheetahis there a good alternative to the GXP-2000?
14:09.38CheetahIt seems like a great phone but the firmare (and it's development) seems quite experimental, still
14:09.55Cheetahand we would buy around 25 of those phones for our company
14:10.02Cheetahso I better not make a big mistake :)
14:26.59*** join/#asterisk davidcsi (
14:27.11davidcsihello people
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14:42.00Assidumm.. is there a way to set call-limits with callgroup?
14:49.38Assidcan someone explain checkmwi in sip.conf to me
14:49.49Assidim not sure what exactly it does
14:50.18Assidim having some issues with the polycom phones..after 10 mins or so.. the MWI light just goes off
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15:17.27saftsacksome bristuff people here?
15:17.36saftsackmy first port isnt accepted by zaptel
15:22.28tbs_saftsack: what do you mean "not accepted"?
15:22.58saftsackFeb 11 16:24:18 WARNING[5508]: chan_zap.c:933 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
15:23.38tbs_saftsack: hm... are you running 1.2.4-bristuffed?
15:24.12saftsackbristuff stable
15:24.25tbs_we had some ISDN-related problems (though not the same as the ones you paste there), but upgrading helped...
15:25.03saftsackok ....
15:26.08saftsackis it possible to write my fxs card and my isdn card into the same zapata.conf?
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15:26.58tbs_I don't know
15:31.45I-MODsaftsack: yes
15:31.55saftsackok thanks :)
15:36.34saftsackso asterisk starts but no reaction if i answer the hearer
15:38.10coppiceoh dear. the sourceforge download system seems to be down
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15:39.35saftsackI-MOD, the thing on the telephone where you can speak to ^^
15:40.31saftsackthere is a mic in it
15:40.51saftsacktehre must be a message then in the CLI
15:40.59saftsackbut there isnt, asterisk doesnt react
15:41.33I-MODpastebin your config files
15:42.19saftsack zaptel.conf
15:43.04I-MODbri setup?
15:43.23saftsackfirst to ports as te and the other 2 nt mode
15:43.34saftsackand a fxs card too
15:43.53I-MODhave you patched the source to get bri working?
15:44.11saftsacki used the junghanns installprogram
15:49.18I-MODi have no idea on bri, but it sounds like the problem is extensions
15:51.37saftsacki have the right extensions
15:51.47saftsackbut maybe i have to patch the junghanns driver for my beronetcard first
15:58.01saftsackis someone here who has a junghanns card?
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16:12.26mdave[ot] this is ot, but maybe some guru here knows of a tool that will do this - i have some paper forms i need to fill out. i have a scanner, and can scan them. i would like to find some way to have a word-processor like app, which would load the sanned forms, let me see them as a 'background', and let my type over them, then print the merged result
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16:17.26saftsackoh let me dont aloen :(
16:17.38saftsackdont let me alone i mean ;)
16:23.46*** join/#asterisk SirPrize (
16:25.01SirPrizeI find that Asterisk 1.2.4 is no longer respecting my per-peer context settings, and instead using the context from [global] for all outgoing calls.  Any ideas why this might be happening?
16:26.10SirPrizeWhere can I find information about configuring domains in Asterisk.  The information I found in the voip-info Wiki was very vague
16:26.22RoyK[UMTS]it's all microsoft's fault
16:30.38RoyK[UMTS]SirPrize: do you really need domains? what for?
16:31.49SirPrizeI do, as my * box has two different domains, and sip:info@domain1 has to be a different address than sip:info@domain2
16:32.35SirPrizeRoyK[UMTS]:  I do, as my * box has two different domains, and sip:info@domain1 has to be a different address than sip:info@domain2
16:33.22RoyK[UMTS]iirc you can only set one domain/realm in sip.conf
16:33.44SirPrizeAFAIK, Asterisk has multi-domain support since 1.2
16:34.07RoyK[UMTS]never used that :)
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16:38.57SirPrizeAny idea what's wrong with my per-peer outgoing context setting ?
16:39.09RoyK[UMTS]no idea
16:39.10SirPrizeThis worked for me in 1.0.9 :-(
16:39.17RoyK[UMTS]try trunk
16:39.24RoyK[UMTS]try backtracing to find where it stops working
16:39.32SirPrize1.2 :-)
16:40.20Darwin35ok my dialplan isnot working
16:41.00Darwin35it wont put the key either
16:41.25[TK]D-Fendershow the error
16:42.14Darwin35thats the errot when I try to turn off callwaiting
16:44.03wunderkinSirPrize, i know that question was recently asked on the lists, and at least what was said was no, i dont know who all that was from
16:45.48Darwin35did they go back to dbput and dbget ?
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16:46.29[TK]D-FenderClearly old version.
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16:46.50[TK]D-FenderOMG Rhino's new T1 card is a tiny PCB density :)
16:46.58SirPrizewunderkin:  Yeah, I just found that message in the archives.  Well, ok, in that case, assuming the usernames are different in all domains - I still have problems with my contexts :-)  Would appreciate any help
16:47.39Darwin35; *70 - Deactivate
16:47.39Darwin35exten => *70,1,DBdel(CW/${CALLERIDNUM})
16:47.39Darwin35exten => *70,n,Answer
16:47.40Darwin35exten => *70,n,Playback(call-waiting)
16:47.40Darwin35exten => *70,n,Playback(de-activated)
16:47.42Darwin35exten => *70,n,Hangup
16:47.56SirPrizeI have a register line with, which I redirect to extension 1234.  I've defined the global context too.  But I don't see the call arrive in Asterisk. :-(
16:48.24[TK]D-FenderDarwin35 : First, don't spam, use pastebin.  Next show me the error when trying to SET the value....
16:48.38SirPrizeI see that Sipgate sends a message to my server saying SIPID@myserverIP, to which asterisk replies back with a 404 error. :-(
16:48.55Darwin35it does not give a error when setting it just does not put it in the astdb
16:49.52[TK]D-Fendershow me the line as it gets called...
16:49.59Darwin35but nothing in astdb
16:50.18[TK]D-FenderDarwin35 : Paste the line from extensions.conf exactly as it appears...
16:50.20file[laptop]you do have permissions for astdb... right?
16:50.34Darwin35exten => *71,1,Set(DB(CW/${CALLERIDNUM}=YES)
16:50.43sergeusi have small question about DIAL() :) - when i'm calling to unregistred SIP peer, i've got an error:
16:50.47[TK]D-Fender<Darwin35>   -- Executing Set("SIP/1001-d385", "DB(CW/1234=YES") in new stack <- File ..... does a bracket look out of place to you here? ;)
16:50.54sergeusis that ok?
16:51.06file[laptop]he needs another one at the end
16:51.14[TK]D-FenderDarwin... look closely :)
16:51.22file[laptop]it's just... not right
16:51.28[TK]D-Fenderexten => *71,1,Set(DB(CW/${CALLERIDNUM})=YES)
16:51.28sergeusi thought DIAL() - should jump to next item in the dialplan
16:51.40sergeusbut in my case it jumps to 'h' extension
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16:52.17sergeusbecause of non-zero exit as far as i understand...
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16:52.39zgorhi !
16:52.43saftsackis it possible to do mathmathics operation in the extensions.conf?
16:52.44Darwin35ok that worked
16:52.58saftsacki moved my zap channel from port 1 to 4
16:53.22[TK]D-Fenderfile[laptop] : rhino's new T1 card is CUUUUTTTTEEE!!!!
16:53.24saftsackbut i want to dial the same number. so i want to do EXTEN + 3 in the extensions.conf
16:53.28saftsackis this possible?
16:53.28file[laptop][TK]D-Fender: awwww URL?
16:53.50[TK]D-Fenderlink to quick writeup and PDF datasheet...
16:54.15file[laptop]wow... very... small
16:54.27[TK]D-FenderI know... SCARY.....
16:54.36[TK]D-FenderI wonder at the price....
16:54.45saftsack[TK]D-Fender, maybe do you have an idea. can i apply mathmatics operations on the EXTEN variable?
16:54.53[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : yes
16:55.05saftsackthats quiet good :)
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16:55.14Darwin35ok now to fix things
16:55.24saftsack[TK]D-Fender,  ${EXTEN:1:1+12}
16:55.36saftsackthis doesnt works :( is there a voip-info entry?
16:55.43[TK]D-Fenderexten => _X,1,Set(value=$[${EXTEN}+5])
16:55.54*** join/#asterisk Enth (
16:56.05file[laptop]saftsack: I'm just going to nod at whatever you're saying because it makes no sense to me
16:56.16[TK]D-Fenderyour sample is bad.  You are EVALUATING something and need to use the square brace methos used for GotoIf.
16:56.21sergeusahhh, looks like new behaviour with jumping...
16:56.58saftsackthanks i guessed so :)
16:57.05saftsackcan i integrrate this into this line?
16:57.29[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Yeah I've done things just like that for manual line testing per channel...
16:57.55[TK]D-Fenderexten => _5.,1,Dial(Zap/$[${EXTEN:1:1}+12]/${EXTEN:3})
16:57.55saftsackhmm ^^
16:58.05[TK]D-Fendersee my version.
16:58.08Enthguys, apart from a sip handset or softphone, a QoS enabled DSL connection, and of course asterisk, does one need anything else to run voip between two users, both one different locations?
16:58.36saftsack[TK]D-Fender, this version does this ;)  -- Executing Dial("Zap/8-1", "Zap/3+12/") in new stack
16:58.39[TK]D-FenderEnth : No.... and you don't even need QoS.... over the internet its meaningless anyways....
16:58.52[TK]D-FenderTry MINE.
16:59.00Enth[TK]D-Fender: mine?
16:59.12[TK]D-FenderEnth : My last comment was for saftsack
16:59.36zgorEnth , yo dont need asterisk
17:00.02Enthzgor: errr.
17:00.08zgoryou can start using XLite with Direct IP Dial, just make sure you have port forwarding on router if you are using nat.
17:00.29saftsack[TK]D-Fender, same result because it is the same ,)
17:00.57[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Show me what you're using and what it gives....
17:01.09zgorfor calls between 2 roamings users, just make sure you are using dyndns for locating each other, so you can point to point, if not, you can use FWD.
17:01.13saftsack("Zap/8-1", "Zap/3+12/") in new stack
17:01.17zgoran each one register.
17:01.32Enthzgor: cheers. So when is it best to use Asterisk? When I got around 10+ users?
17:01.51zgori think its not a matter of users, its a matter of what you want to do
17:01.54[TK]D-FenderEnth : basically anything over 1 :)
17:02.00Enthah :)
17:02.08saftsack[TK]D-Fender, i have asterisk 1.0.10 is that a problem?
17:02.13zgorbut is very interesting, so why not try ?
17:02.15[TK]D-Fenderotherwise you will need different port #'s in order to have the forwarding survive :)
17:02.25[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : not as far as I know...
17:02.46saftsacki had to go back today from 1.2.24 to this one because of the stable isdn driver :(
17:03.05[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Looks like it SHOULD work....
17:03.38saftsackwhat looks like it should work?
17:03.51[TK]D-Fenderthe line you used....
17:04.30[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Try to do it in 2 steps and use SET first....(probably SetVar in your case)
17:04.39saftsackyes thats a good idea
17:05.02sergeusi want route call to voicemail if callee is not registred - how can i do it?
17:05.50[TK]D-FenderOMG, rhino is giving away their T1 card for FREE with people's first Channel Bank Purchase!
17:06.14[TK]D-Fendersergeus : You mean an unauthenticated SIP call?
17:06.57sergeus[TK]D-Fender, i'm not sure what it is :)
17:07.14sergeusi mean call to SIP phone that in this moment switched off
17:07.39saftsack[TK]D-Fender, Math(RV,1+20)
17:07.46saftsackmaybe try something like this?
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17:08.13sergeuse.g. if i'm calling to you, and your phone is offline, i should hear to voicemail promt
17:08.16[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Not sure.. check the WIKI....
17:08.42sergeusi thought it is something simple like:
17:08.53saftsacksounds good
17:09.05[TK]D-Fendersergeus : Ok, that sounds like a normal extension setup... pastebin your extensions.conf and show us where you are dialing from.
17:10.05Assidsup tkd
17:11.15[TK]D-Fenderntm atm iykwim
17:11.49ctAloihello all - I am working on creating a .call file that will connect to phone lines (neither on the pbx) is this possible?
17:12.05sergeusif 1001 is registred and busy, then Voicemail(b1) - works well
17:12.06saftsack[TK]D-Fender,   exten => _5.,1,Math(RV,${EXTEN:1:1}+12)
17:13.16sergeushowever if 1001 is not registred at asterisk - Dial hangs for ~15..25 seconds and then it exits with non-zero code - so it fails to 'h' extension instead of priority+1
17:15.31sergeusi created new sip peer,
17:15.45sergeusand called to it
17:15.56[TK]D-Fendersergeus : What version of *?
17:16.04sergeusand everything works well
17:16.13Darwin35ok everything fixed
17:16.32[TK]D-Fendersergeus : I think you have priority jumping on and its trying to go to +101
17:17.05sergeusno, it's going directly to 'h' extension, because DIAL exits with non-zero code
17:17.21sergeusi think i know what's going on
17:17.26[TK]D-Fendersergeus : Go read up on the STDEXTEN macro sample...
17:17.34[TK]D-Fenderthats what you should use to dial phones wherever possible
17:18.04sergeuswhen i'm switching off SIP phone, and trying to call to it..
17:18.13sergeusasterisk thinks that phone is still on
17:18.21sergeus(i suppose)
17:19.00sergeusthat's why DIAL hangs for 25..30 seconds
17:19.47sergeusand then it fails to establish calls, because phone is off
17:20.03sergeusand then it exits with -1 code
17:21.52saftsack[TK]D-Fender, i heard taht math is 1.2 only. do you have another tip for my asterisk 1.0.10?
17:22.27buZzi've finally got * to play from my ogg stream
17:22.34buZzbut it seems its just not picking up
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17:25.47[TK]D-Fendersaftsack.... not sure really....
17:25.56[TK]D-Fendernewmember : ScopServ.
17:27.17newmember[TK]D-Fender: ty
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17:31.32FuriousGeorgeok, i have CLI output proving im not crazy
17:31.32FuriousGeorgethere you can clearly see a user set the voicemail, confirm it, call it, and get the default message anyway.
17:32.47Hmmhesaysso how'd the breakup go [TK]D-Fender
17:33.29FuriousGeorge:(  the file gets written, it just plays the default greeting
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17:35.01[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I was nearly panicked to get out of here and she came back as I was packing which is something I was afraid of, but it turned out for the best.  Our level of mutula understanding and respect was affirmed as well as the inevitability of it.  Shes going on 37, and me 31 and are at different stages in life....
17:37.34Hmmhesaysgood deal
17:37.48Hmmhesaysthose situations can go down hill in a hurry
17:38.09HmmhesaysI think i may be facing a similar one soon here
17:39.14file[laptop]hot'n'sexy Hmmhesays!
17:39.46FuriousGeorgeso i tried commenting out the mailbox in voicemail.conf and reloading then uncommenting and reloading again, same issue.  we record a voicemail greeting, * plays the temp message.  everytime over the last few days i asked about this people seem to think im crazy, so i got cli output
17:41.06FuriousGeorgeso unless i doctored the cli output, i can officially be considered sane again, despite my exasperation with this voicemail box.
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17:48.00sergeuswhat happened with func_*.so modules? are they depricated?
17:49.02rikstacan someone suggest what card i'd need for connecting 3 lines and 3 standard americantelephones to asterisk
17:50.24Hmmhesayssomething fxo
17:50.53rikstawell that isn't very helpful
17:51.00Hmmhesaysan fxo gateway
17:51.06Hmmhesaysor a fxo card
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17:53.09tzafrir_laptopHmmhesays, A digium TDM400P?
17:53.41tzafrir_laptopWith 3 FXO modules
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17:54.13Hmmhesaysi was answering riksta's question with a general answer
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17:54.39tzafrir_laptopHmmhesays, sorry
17:55.16saftsackhi i have four isdn b channels here. channel 1,2,4 and 5. howto let zap chose what channel should be used for dialing out?
17:55.26saftsackjust do them into a group?
17:55.54coppicetzafrir_laptop: does your USB FXS box get its power from the USB port?
17:55.58fugitivoZap/gX or Zap/x
17:56.26tzafrir_laptopcoppice, no. The USB power is not good enough for FXS
17:57.22brif8Hi all,  Can you set up a dial plan to phone extensions 1234 and it will run the CLI command "extensions reload"   ? ?
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17:58.07coppicetzafrir_laptop: unless you get nasty, like only allowing one to ring at a time :-). I didn't see any mention of external power
17:58.13tzafrir_laptopsaftsack, in zapata.conf, basicall
17:58.42saftsacktzafrir_laptop, so taht if one channel is used that zap takes the other channel?
17:59.30tzafrir_laptopsaftsack, the channels are basically independent
18:00.06tzafrir_laptopyou call Zap/g1/NUMBER , and the call gets through the first availble channel
18:00.19SplasPoodDoes anyone have access to the sipura mass provisioning stuff that wouldn't mind hooking me up?
18:00.27fugitivoor Zap/G1 will gets through the last available channel
18:00.51saftsacktzafrir_laptop, thangs :)
18:01.12saftsackso if i do a group=2 to all of my te channels i can do a Zap/g2/Number?
18:01.26Koshatulbrif8: you could if you ahd it run a system() command to run extensions reload
18:02.04tzafrir_laptopcoppice, it's not a feature, I guess. It is mentioned in the manual, naturally
18:02.16brif8Koshatul: is system() for within the * CLI or a Linux System command like a script or something similar?
18:02.24Koshatullinux command
18:02.47Koshatuli'm just a bit rusty so i'm checking for the parameter to "run a command" in side asterisk from the linux cli
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18:04.38Koshatulexten => 1234,1,System(/usr/sbin/asterisk -r -x 'extensions reload')
18:04.39*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:04.54KoshatulI love the system() command
18:05.04tzafrir_laptopKoshatul, asterisk -rx 'show version' and alike?
18:05.17KoshatulI have caller id on my xbox and annouced through a ms sapi box so I see and hear wh ois calling :)
18:05.43tzafrir_laptopKoshatul, callingasterisk from System is a big waste
18:05.45Koshatultzafrir_laptop: yeah I like seperating params for clarity though, technicall asterisk -xr 'blah' would work
18:06.03brif8Koshatul: then when I hangup on exten 1234 it will stop/kill the asterisk -r opened up right ?
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18:06.08Koshatultzafrir_laptop: I don't know a better way off the top of my head
18:06.36Koshatulbrif8: this is where cowboy coding comes into play :) try it and see, maybe 'extensions reload; quit' ?
18:07.06tzafrir_laptopKoshatul, ; is not supported by the CLI
18:07.11brif8ok thanks   tzafrir_laptop: do you know of another way?
18:07.42tzafrir_laptopfurthermore, 'quit' is not understood by the remote asterisk. It is interpeted locally. IT is not a real CLI command
18:08.32_Sam--why would you need to remotely reload extensions...if you had just modified them, you probably have access to a way to reload it from cli!
18:08.38Koshatulbrif8: when you run asterisk with -x it runs the command then quits
18:08.45tzafrir_laptopbrif8, you don't really need asterisk to pipe command to the asterisk control socket
18:09.00Koshatul_Sam--: my guess is extensions rewriting extensions.conf ?
18:09.05tzafrir_laptopThough I can't think of an application the will reload
18:09.21davidcsihello all, question: I'm running 1.2.4 on debian (just installed) and the init script does work because it says: "Unable to open '/dev/zap/channel': Permission denied", but if I run it from the prompt with root it works like a charm... any ideas?
18:09.38tzafrir_laptopShouldn't it be trivial to write one?
18:09.43Koshatulpermissions on /dev/zap/channel ?
18:09.58davidcsiyep, its a pri, which is up and running...
18:10.00tzafrir_laptopdavidcsi, which debian? installed from debs?
18:10.18_Sam--when you run it from your shell, you run it as root can open /dev/.....
18:10.18davidcsino, just compiled it, got it from
18:10.28davidcsiSam, yes
18:10.28_Sam--but when you run the debian init script, it runs as asterisk
18:10.28tzafrir_laptopdavidcsi, do you use udev?
18:10.44_Sam--you need to make sure the asterisk user can read/ do whatever it needs to /dev/z....
18:10.47davidcsiso i should set asterisk user as root group?
18:11.21brif8ok thanks all
18:11.35_Sam--all my /dev/zap stuff is old...but it is all owned by asterisk.asterisk
18:11.37tzafrir_laptopdavidcsi, I recently noticed that the Debian udev package does have settings for /dev/zap* , but it puts there wrong permissions. At least on Sarge.
18:11.41davidcsiudev, i don't know, it doesn't show as a command
18:11.50tzafrir_laptopThat hs already been fixed in Sid
18:11.53davidcsiof bash, of course
18:12.17fugitivops ax |grep udev
18:12.31davidcsino, nothing
18:12.38fugitivops ax |grep devfs
18:12.51_Sam--you just need to chown asterisk.asterisk /dev/zap/* -R
18:12.55tzafrir_laptopDid you install zaptel from as well?
18:14.06_Sam--if you have always run your * as will also need to check permissions where you store vm
18:14.07tzafrir_laptopactually, as per Debian policy it is root.dialout , and asterisk needs to be added to the group dialout. e.g: should you ever want to run yate
18:14.07davidcsitzafrir_laptop, yes
18:17.16saftsackis it possible to do some db stuff with asterisk 1.0.10?
18:18.02davidcsisaftsack, yes, like what?
18:18.33saftsacksaving a information in a variable (0,1) and reading it out with gotoif
18:19.02benjksaftsack, type show application DBput and DBget
18:19.11saftsackthanks :)
18:19.20davidcsisaftsack, yes you can, you might consider dbput, dbget, or an agi
18:19.27saftsackwhat is agi?
18:20.30davidcsiits an interfacte to create scripts that interact with asterisk... really cool
18:21.09KoshatulI have agi's for caller id, very nice, mysql phone books the whole kit
18:21.17Koshatuland that's just scratching the surface :)
18:22.07davidcsior a calling card app, or caller id screening, or anything you might think of
18:23.08KoshatulI have been waiting for our phonesystem upgrade to move some of our menus to agi, but I can't wait for a good speech-to-text engine for linux (note: good) so I can have voice recog on a phone book
18:24.49davidcsithat'd be nice...
18:25.10davidcsiSam, the chown seems to have fixed the problem...
18:25.30saftsackGotoIf($[DBget(office/anrufbeantworter) = 1]?voicemail|s|1)
18:25.35saftsackwhere is the error? :(
18:25.36davidcsinow I've got another one: Loading module failed! which didn't come up if started by root
18:26.09Koshatul"1" ?
18:26.30davidcsisorry, sorry, my mistake, its working great!
18:26.30_Sam--hey tzafrir_laptop :  can i have the URL of the zap modules?  i just upgraded a kernel..but cant remeber the url
18:26.32KoshatulI'm using an older asterisk byt ...
18:26.32Koshatulexten => _X.,5,DBget(CALLFORWARDENABLE=NiComm/callForwardEnable)
18:26.32Koshatulexten => _X.,6,GotoIf($["${CALLFORWARDENABLE}" = "1"]?7:10)
18:26.35saftsackKoshatul, if the variable is 1 then goto call recording and if not then not
18:26.44saftsackKoshatul, thanks :)
18:26.52brif8in extensions.conf you can have include => /home/barry/newext.conf  and it will include that file into the current context of the extensions file right ??
18:27.12*** join/#asterisk Qwell_64 (
18:27.23tzafrir_laptop__Sam , deb unstable/
18:28.48_Sam--there are none for 2.6.15?
18:30.01_Sam--Linux pbxdev 2.6.15-1-686
18:30.29*** join/#asterisk BugKham (n=lamer@
18:30.34Koshatuleheh, I just noticed a mistype in my extensions.conf while I was copy/pasting that dbget line
18:30.36[TK]D-Fenderbrif8 : #INCLUDE /path/to/my/file
18:30.40Koshatul"ecten => s,1,Go"
18:30.41*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (i=linux@
18:31.38BugKhamwhere do I find information regarding  framing and  coding to use with E100P + ISDN PRI?
18:31.46saftsackKoshatul, works, thanks :)
18:31.54brif8[TK]D-Fender: Thank you
18:32.03Koshatulsaftsack: np
18:32.06*** join/#asterisk flashnet (
18:32.35BugKhamfor instance, span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs from the wiki
18:32.50BugKhamor span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4
18:33.04davidcsiBugKhan, hdb3
18:33.11saftsackis it possible to do more than two messages on one voicemailacc?
18:33.17davidcsiim sorry, where?
18:33.39BugKhamdavidcsi: Thailand
18:33.53davidcsiis it us isdn? or euro?
18:33.58Koshatulsaftsack: like a "we can't make it to the phone" and a "we are currently on the phone" for one voicemail box ?
18:34.17BugKhamdavidcsi: Euro
18:34.19Assidhrmm.. when im havin a call thats incoming. i have im just getting '2001@'
18:34.31Assidhow do i make it that it calls a correct extensiojn
18:34.32davidcsiBugKhan, hbd3
18:34.33saftsackno but maybe similar
18:34.58saftsackwe have an unavailable and a busy message
18:35.01davidcsiand switchtype is euroisdn
18:35.13Koshatulsaftsack: no idea, there might be a better way, but having no greeting on the voicemail and using playback(greeting1) before it ?
18:35.27*** join/#asterisk justinu (
18:35.43saftsackbut if there is a special occasion i want to have daily another message
18:35.59saftsackbut it works now but with 2 voicemailaccounts what is maybe a little bit ugly
18:36.00KoshatulI shouldn't give advice since it's been a long time since I was doing major asterisk hacking.
18:36.05_Sam--is there a way from the cli to see the last time a peer registered to my asterisk?
18:36.36davidcsiKoshatul, thats what i've used
18:36.36BugKhamdavidcsi: so it would be span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,euroisdn
18:36.51*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
18:37.07justinuhey sam
18:37.29justinufigure anything out about that hold problem?
18:37.29davidcsispan=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc (or without crc, depending on your provider)
18:37.50_Sam--still in debug mode...and still cant reproduce..yet.  i think its different with 15 phones all going in hold / w qualify
18:37.56_Sam--compared to just me w/ 1
18:38.01_Sam--but im trying!
18:38.24_Sam--i had some logs from full that show summarily what happened
18:38.27_Sam--but not much detail
18:38.41*** join/#asterisk darylp (
18:39.23BugKhamdavidcsi: what's the difference btw esf and ccs?
18:39.42_Sam--i personally believe it is something with the phone
18:39.45_Sam--but cant prove anything just yet
18:40.10justinuwith one specific phone?
18:40.22_Sam--no it happened on 15
18:40.24_Sam--all at the same time
18:40.33davidcsibugkhan, esf is extended super-frame
18:40.35Assidkeep getting no authority found
18:40.40davidcsimostly used in the us
18:40.47_Sam--restarting * fixed it, for about another 30 mins.
18:41.00saftsackExecuting PickUp("Zap/8-1", "14") in new stack
18:41.05BugKhamdavidcsi: ok
18:41.10saftsackwhy does this dammit pickup doesnt work?
18:41.14_Sam--took qualify = yes out of sip.conf for each gxp, and never had the problems since ...
18:41.19_Sam--<of course i put it back now for testing>
18:41.59davidcsiguys i now have a strange problem, I start asterisk with /etc/init.d/asterisk start and it starts great, if i do a ps -ef i see the process, good. But when i try to connect to the CLI it says: "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)" and it IS there!!
18:42.11_Sam--but i could show you log after log of things that similar to that one in pastebin, with many different SIP/channels
18:42.31Koshatuldavidcsi: tried stopping ,deleting the file, then restarting it ?
18:42.40brookshiredavidcsi: are you running as non-root?
18:42.45_Sam--it /var/run
18:42.53_Sam--you're running asterisk as asterisk...
18:43.03_Sam--and it cant write to /var/run to store what it needs there
18:43.04davidcsiyes, non.root
18:43.09davidcsiasterisk as asterisk
18:43.18_Sam--check perms on /var/run
18:43.21_Sam--make sure it can write.
18:43.25BugKhamdavidcsi: and would "signalling=pri_cpe" be okay for me?
18:43.34brookshiredavidcsi: make sure you have permissions to write to that file
18:44.03davidcsito the file? not the directory?
18:44.03_Sam--davidcsi:  you will still have to chek the perms on /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail (i think)
18:44.10_Sam--or else it wont be able to write there
18:44.15davidcsiBugKhan: no, uise euroisdn
18:44.26_Sam--asterisk has to be able to write there
18:44.30davidcsiits root:root
18:44.50davidcsishould I add asterisk to the root group?
18:44.58brookshire_sam: i think it just needs to be able to write to that file
18:45.06*** join/#asterisk SirPrize (
18:45.13davidcsiwell, lets try it
18:45.26_Sam--if you just want to test...chmod 777 /var/run
18:45.31_Sam--it will work :)
18:45.38_Sam--but not recommended for long term use.
18:46.08davidcsinot file
18:46.13Qwell_64davidcsi if you do that, you might as well just run it as root
18:46.24_Sam--i was saying for testing..
18:46.27davidcsii can't run it as root
18:46.27_Sam--to prove its his problem.
18:46.34Qwell_64no, the root group thing
18:46.53davidcsiyou mean add asterisk to the root group?
18:46.58brookshiretry this: chown asterisk: /var/run/asterisk.ctl
18:47.22Qwell_64davidcsi yeah, that'd be kinda silly
18:47.56_Sam--after you chown, you will need to stop *
18:47.59_Sam--and restart it
18:48.03_Sam--so it can write the file?
18:48.08_Sam--i think, anyway.
18:48.30brookshirefiles already there
18:48.56davidcsii deleted it
18:49.05davidcsiand it can't recreate it
18:49.09_Sam--chmod 777 /var/run
18:49.11_Sam--start *
18:49.19brookshireyeah.. that works, lol
18:49.20_Sam--it will create them.
18:49.25Qwell_64sudo touch /var/run/asterisk.ctl
18:49.33Qwell_64sudo chown asterisk: /var/run/asterisk.ctl
18:49.59brookshireqwell: it needs too right?
18:50.00_Sam--i never mind letting it just create them myself
18:50.06_Sam--whatever works
18:50.43Qwell_64brookshire: dunno, maybe
18:50.52_Sam--i gotta eat some lunch -- i know what you're going through, ive done it myself, davidcsi.
18:50.58_Sam--i ran * as root forever on a deb machine
18:51.04_Sam--then switch to running as *
18:51.04Pkunkis that a temporary pipe asterisk recreates everytime ?
18:51.18_Sam--you will still have to check /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/*
18:51.21_Sam--good luck
18:52.10saftsackExecuting PickUp("Zap/8-1", "") in new stack
18:52.18saftsackHungup 'Zap/8-1<MASQ>'
18:52.21saftsackwhy that?
18:52.33davidcsiSam... jeez!!
18:52.59Abydos313someone said they gave classes on asterisks..any idea when these happen?
18:53.23justinui think you want the asterisk bootcamp
18:53.42Abydos313haha.. nah not really, just was told the basics where taught by Qwell_64
18:53.43Qwell_64yeah, bootcamp is supposed to be good...
18:53.56Qwell_64Abydos313, take a look at (.org?)
18:54.16file[laptop]is what I use...
18:54.21*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
18:55.18MRH2hi how long should a reinvite take to change switch the media over?
18:56.40brif8Trying my first agi script but it doesn't seem to work correctly  SET in extensions.conf or get_variable in the agi are messing up
18:56.50brif8can anyone point out my mistake please.
18:57.05Abydos313Qwell_64 thanks for the link. i'm in the states. sweden is a wee bit far for me to travle
18:57.17*** part/#asterisk SirPrize (
18:57.41saftsackis someone here who uses bristuff?
18:57.50davidcsiabydos313, it is very good, been there too
18:58.00Abydos313i'd love to attend
18:58.22Qwell_64Abydos313, they have them all over the place
18:58.53Abydos313ok, maybe they will list other places later.
18:59.13Qwell_64Abydos313, where do you live?
18:59.17Abydos313:) i just saw that mzo
18:59.26davidcsibrif8, i dont use " with get_variable
18:59.26Abydos313california.. L.A.
18:59.39Qwell_64what part?
18:59.53Qwell_64too many of us southern CAians
19:00.05davidcsii'm sorry, yes i do
19:00.15Abydos313the valley. just next to North Hollywood. next to  'universal studios' if you know the area
19:00.23brif8davidcsi: I'll drop the " thanks
19:00.35mzoman chulak still gives me busy signals.
19:00.48Abydos313you dialing thru a wormhole?
19:00.51Qwell_64Abydos313, I'm right up the 10 from you
19:01.00Abydos313nice..what city?
19:01.07Qwell_64west covina
19:01.07davidcsibrif8, it should work
19:01.18Abydos313ahh. not all that far
19:02.01brif8davidcsi: took them out and still only get  0 222 222 in mysql table.
19:02.08Abydos313dont' get me wrong. the documentation tells the basics well. i'd just like to see it demo'd and see what the most common features and setups are
19:02.45Abydos313Qwell_64 have you ever worked with 'televantage' phone systems?
19:03.15brif8I also see on the console    "use of uninitalized value in concatenation (.) or string at /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/track.agi line 29, <STDIN> line 22.
19:03.18mzoyeah.  I need a gate redialer. :)
19:03.23Abydos313that's what we currently have. we have 4 t1's going into a windows2k server  and clients have software
19:04.20Abydos313we need to reconfig the box to drop two of the t1's. we don't need that many lines anymore
19:05.05davidcsibrif8, i have a very similar script, but instead of set i use SetGlobalVar(cldnum=${EXTEN:4})
19:06.09davidcsithen on the script: $cldnum = $AGI->get_variable("cldnum");
19:08.44*** join/#asterisk znoG (
19:11.55brif8davidsci:  still not working correctly    I change to SetGlobalVar
19:12.04brif8what about this on the console    "use of uninitalized value in concatenation (.) or string at /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/track.agi line 29, <STDIN> line 22.
19:12.27brif8line 29 is the my $query line
19:12.44davidcsithat means your are concatenating the variable, but it has no value...
19:12.55davidcsican you print the variable?
19:13.15davidcsiyou might want to pass the variables diectly to the agi
19:14.43*** part/#asterisk zgor (
19:16.21Pkunkwhen is SetVar support going to be dropped ?
19:16.55Pkunkalthough i can't understand what is the problem in continuing with it
19:18.21*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (n=whyman@
19:18.28Maxxedyo (:
19:18.35Maxxedhey, i have a quick silly one
19:18.49Maxxedisdn bri, how many voice channels?
19:19.01brif8How to a print a variable in a perl agi, so that it shows it's value on the * Console ?
19:19.05Maxxed2 lines, thats it?
19:19.11Qwell_64bri, yes
19:19.18Maxxedwell, isdn pri is like a t1 isnt it?
19:19.26Maxxed20 somthing
19:19.26Qwell_64something like that
19:19.32Qwell_64tuxinator_linux ;)
19:19.46Qwell_64s/t//msg t/
19:19.46Maxxedwell, im trying to get away from analog lines, but we dont need more than 5, so *shurgs*
19:19.51Qwell_64damn bot
19:20.12Maxxedwhats the cost of isdn bri? i wouldnt expect it to be much
19:20.14Maxxedlike ballbark
19:21.21brif8davidsci: it's complaining about the CALLERIDNUM, which I set with the SetGlobalVar  in extensions.conf
19:22.23*** join/#asterisk mwallace (
19:23.21mwallacesomebody here how can help me?
19:23.24*** join/#asterisk fgffgd (
19:23.27fgffgdhi all!
19:23.33tuxinator_linuxmwallace: ask your question
19:23.40mwallacewant to use asterisk with qsc/germany
19:24.38mwallaceasterisk 1.2.4 and allways get the message: "failed to authenticate on REGISTER..."
19:24.52fgffgdSorry, maybe a stupid question but: If I have a * server, it receive a SIP/RTP call and want to route it on a IAX interface, the server must do transcoding
19:24.54Maxxedany idea of what a isdn bri runs ?
19:25.20justinucall your telco
19:25.21Qwell_64Maxxed $?
19:25.26Qwell_64huge range
19:25.32Maxxedthat big ey
19:25.36justinuhere in the US it was about the same price as POTS but they didn't have flat rate
19:25.39justinuso no one bought it
19:25.40Maxxedwell, guess il jus have to call around
19:25.58Maxxedi hurd around 40 bucks a month
19:26.03Maxxedbut *shrugs*
19:27.06PkunkMaxxed: if you want for cheap , why not get a broadband account with free incoming ?
19:27.20PkunkSIP account , even
19:27.58buZzwhich asterisk version do you guys recommend i'd install?
19:28.08buZzi have 1.0.8 now ^_^
19:28.15PkunkbuZz: 1.2.4 tarball release works fine for me
19:28.17MaxxedPkunk: broadband account?
19:28.51Maxxedwe use time warner for data, you mean like use vonage or somebody?
19:29.01PkunkMaxxed: recieve calls thro internet line
19:29.17Maxxedi dont care for that much, i can get better deals on lan lines
19:29.37Maxxedquality is flimzy from what iv found
19:29.55Maxxedim jus trying to get away from analog lines, i was thinking digital
19:30.07KoshatulI have 1.0.1 :)
19:30.20Maxxedmy next route would be a full t1 voice/data deal, but the cost for what we need is a bit off
19:30.35Maxxedmore lines than we need
19:30.43Maxxedsmall shop, 5 lines tops
19:30.49justinuwhat country?
19:30.55Maxxedi just dont care for analog nonsence ;)
19:30.59KoshatulActually, compared to isdn pricing here (which is stupidly expensive
19:31.14justinubri is just not well understood in this country
19:31.17Koshatul) i found voip with a purchased termination has been good
19:31.23justinugood luck getting your telco rep to even order it
19:31.27Koshatulbut still not "what it needs to be"
19:31.29Maxxedno lie ;)
19:31.46Koshatulwe get .5 second dropouts every 20 - 30 minutes
19:31.53Maxxedil prob end up with analog lines in, maybe a sip provider for longdistance out
19:32.01Pkunkyeh Koshatul , practically 0 hardware cost
19:32.19Maxxedsbc is offering some pretty fair service, i guess its a price game from here
19:32.31Maxxedminus the digital/analog thing id like to figure out
19:32.39justinuwhat is the issue?
19:32.41justinuanalog sucks
19:32.48justinuif you need more than 4-6 lines, start considering pri
19:32.49Maxxedyour telling me
19:32.59Maxxedpri is like 20+ lines
19:33.01Maxxedisnt it?
19:33.03justinuit's 23
19:33.10Maxxedyeah we'll never come close to all that
19:33.19Maxxedand the smart csu/dsu stuff is cool
19:33.22KoshatulMaxxed: it doesn't need all the lines "activated" iirc
19:33.26Maxxedbut the cost is still high for what we need
19:33.36MaxxedKoshatul: realy?
19:33.38justinuPRI loops are about 600/mo here
19:33.40Maxxedlike a fractional t1
19:33.50brookshireyou can get fractional t1
19:33.54Maxxedi can get a full t1 for around 400 bucks
19:33.54justinubut yeah, you could ask about fract t1
19:34.02justinu400 bucks isn't so bad
19:34.08Maxxedbut more than what we want to spend
19:34.13brookshirea lot of cable companies are providing pri as well
19:34.14justinumaybe you could resell service to some other customers nearby?
19:34.16Maxxedtight budget ;\
19:34.41Maxxedim not trying to be the neighborhood telco provider :p
19:34.42fgffgdIf inbound IAX2 DID, SIP Hardphones, and SIP/IAX2 softwares all use g.729, is there no transcoding and thus minimal CPU use -- or do I have my thumb missplaced where it shouldn't be?
19:34.46justinuwuss :P
19:34.50Maxxedyeah well..
19:35.02Maxxedil see what kinda deal i can get on a fract
19:35.10justinu400 for a pri is quite good
19:35.14Maxxedhow small have you seen a t1 cut down 2 ?
19:35.15fgffgdyeah is for me? :)
19:35.27justinuusually people do 12 lines
19:35.29Maxxedoh yeah its a sweet price, theres some good deals around houston tx
19:35.38justinubut the telco can build a 1B+1D if you asked, probably :P
19:35.38brookshirei've seen 8
19:35.40Pkunkfgffgd: if there isn't an analog loop in between i don't think you even need the codec to be installed
19:35.42Maxxed1/4 would be nice
19:35.56Maxxedjustinu: good advice
19:36.01Maxxedi think im gona hound em monday
19:36.04Maxxedthat would be bitchin
19:36.13Maxxedand give us the ability to scale up
19:36.21_Sam--how come nobody sells 24 channel PRI @ 56each
19:36.24fgffgd<Pkunk>: indipendently by the codec (for example a gsm one), it do transcoding?
19:36.28KoshatulDamn, we pay like $1000 for a pair of isdn here ...
19:36.37_Sam--instead of 23b + d
19:36.37Maxxedbumb that
19:36.39Koshatulthen 2-300 a month afterwards iirc
19:36.45saftsacksome pickupexperts here?
19:36.54Maxxediirc ?
19:36.58Pkunkfgffgd: if anything in between uses another codec , it'll require transcode
19:37.04Koshatulwhich is why we went iax2
19:37.19Koshatulbut my provider is teh crap at helping with dropout problems
19:37.27Koshatulthey treat it like "yeah, you get that" ....
19:37.38justinu_Sam--: what are you asking?
19:37.46Maxxedthats why id like to stay clear of that voip jazz
19:37.54Koshatul_Sam-- was commenting on the 1b+1d
19:38.03Maxxedvoip internal, sweet, outside us, naah, il hold off for a lil while
19:38.08KoshatulMaxxed: but the pricing is almost worth the muck around
19:38.20KoshatulI'm going to move our voip server to colo
19:38.24Maxxedhence why im bothering you guys for info ;)
19:38.33*** join/#asterisk davidcsi_ (
19:38.34justinuvoip can work over the Internet
19:38.36justinuvonage proved that
19:38.42*** join/#asterisk austinnichols101 (n=austinni@
19:38.42Maxxedi pay a good bit for bandwith at our colo
19:38.44Koshatuland have our extensions connected to the colo box
19:38.49justinueven my shitty roadrunner is solid enough to run voip calls
19:38.56Maxxedyeah, how many?
19:39.03Koshatuljustinu: we get solid performance minus the .5 second drop outs
19:39.09*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
19:39.17_Sam--im not sure exactly what im asking...but instead of selling 23b@64 + 1d, why cant they sell / provision PRI w/24B @ 56?  like i said im not sure what im asking..
19:39.21Maxxedmight be good in a home, but im a lil slow to throw it into production at the office
19:39.25Koshatulwe run 4+ simultaneous on 512/512
19:39.26justinuKoshatul: those could be diagnosed
19:39.37justinui only have 384 up right now
19:39.44Maxxedum, not bad
19:39.49Koshatul_Sam--: you mean 23 analog ?
19:39.53justinuyou can go to g729 and do a lot more
19:39.56_Sam--no 24 digital!
19:39.58austinnichols10123b = analog
19:40.05_Sam--b = digital
19:40.05Koshatul_Sam--: digital would be 64
19:40.07justinu_Sam--: you want a CAS T1? all 24 channels?
19:40.08Maxxedi might check some of the providers out around here
19:40.15Maxxedthe voip thing still kinda worries me
19:40.15_Sam--why cant they do it all 24
19:40.21Maxxedthese fly by night shops n crap
19:40.27justinubecause you need a channel for signalling
19:40.28_Sam--instead of 1 channel for D
19:40.36justinuyou can order what you want
19:40.36austinnichols101just have it provisioned as a T1 instead of a PRI
19:40.37_Sam--if you did it on each 56k
19:40.45KoshatulMaxxed: it'd be worse if they got govt. watchdogs, but maybe better
19:40.46justinu_Sam--: tell the telco you want a Feature Group D.
19:40.51_Sam--i see...but the PRI MEANS you have a D
19:41.10justinufeature group D = E&M Wink w/ MF outpulsing
19:41.22justinuyou get 24 channels, ANI/ANI2/DNIS
19:41.23_Sam--i mean, for most people, the extra channel (24v23) is worth the loss of the few kbps of the channel?
19:41.24KoshatulI always thought the D was a extra channel
19:41.56austinnichols101B = Bearer Channel, D = Data Channel (for signaling)
19:42.14mzoB&D, hmm, whoever knew that telco folks were so kinky.
19:42.24KoshatulTelcos like it rough
19:42.31*** join/#asterisk gniretar_work (
19:42.32davidcsi_Koshatul, no with T1
19:42.33justinuFeature Group D is old sk00l tho
19:42.33gniretar_workhi all
19:42.40KoshatulI think the way they charge is just proof
19:42.41justinueveryone went to SS7 or PRI
19:42.44justinuit's faster
19:42.47justinumore reliable
19:42.50Koshatulthey need the money to feed their pr0n habits
19:42.56gniretar_workhey, i just got a new iaxy box and its only giving me 1 way audio
19:43.01gniretar_workasterisk gives me this error:
19:43.02davidcsi_much mor
19:43.07_Sam--alls im saying is i want a 24b channel PRI , somehow :)
19:43.10_Sam--wihtout nfas
19:43.10gniretar_workFeb 11 14:29:36 NOTICE[7236]: channel.c:1893 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/iaxy-1 of format ilbc since our native format has changed to ulaw
19:43.27_Sam--davidcsi_:  did you get your permissions sorted?
19:43.29gniretar_workI have both ulaw and gsm enabled in iax.conf and in the iaxy box
19:43.37austinnichols101Sam: re-provision as T1
19:43.40davidcsi_your are not seeing that soon,, ;)
19:43.53_Sam--i have a t1, but its not a pri
19:43.54justinu_Sam--: you can't do it, because robbing bits from the timeslots would break any data calls that happened to be on those slots
19:44.05justinuISDN is supposed to be able to handle more than just voice
19:44.16justinuthere's bearer caps for wideband audio, and video, and other funky things.
19:44.37_Sam--why cant each 56k channel do it...there is 64k available?
19:44.40austinnichols101I have a PRI at the office.  7 voice channels, 16 channels data, 1 D channel
19:44.50austinnichols101The D channel handles all of the signaling for the 7 voice channels
19:44.52justinubecause on a PRI you get 64kbps timeslots
19:44.54justinuclear channel
19:45.05justinu56kbps was only for RBS timeslots
19:45.14austinnichols101If I didn't have the voice channels I would have just ordered a T1 configuration instead of PRI so that I get the whole 24 channels
19:45.22davidcsi_E1 PRI you get 64kbps
19:45.25davidcsi_not on T1
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19:45.41Qwell_64T1 is 64k too..
19:45.41justinuwrong, you get it on T1 also
19:45.56austinnichols101just no 'D' channel
19:46.05_Sam--right, 24 X 65
19:46.05Qwell_64there is a D on T1
19:46.06_Sam--er 64
19:46.11austinnichols101You end up with a full 1544 for data
19:46.13justinuthere is a D on PRI
19:46.20Qwell_64right, PRI
19:47.19gniretar_work*first and last repeat* anyone have and idea what would cause this error:  format ilbc since our native format has changed to ulaw
19:47.24_Sam--im sorry to sound stupid...but why does the regular 24 channel t1 not need signalling like a d channel
19:47.29gniretar_worki mean this: channel.c:1893 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/iaxy-1 of format ilbc since our native format has changed to ulaw
19:47.47justinu_Sam--: because they rob bits from the timeslots for signalling... which is where you get your 56kbps rate.
19:48.09justinuback in the day before common channel signalling as invented, it was the only way to do things.
19:48.24justinuso telcos offered data service DDS56k and switched 56k
19:48.31_Sam--so why couldnt a pri do the same thing...rob bits from each timeslot to make 24 channel PRI?
19:48.32justinubecause that was all the DS0 could support
19:48.36_Sam--<sorry to sound stupid>
19:48.44justinuwhy woudl you? it'd end up being the same thing
19:49.03_Sam--i guess thinking old ISP days...
19:49.33_Sam--i mean PRI usually is indicative of some type of voice/telephony going on (usually)......
19:49.44_Sam--and t1 was always data i was just thinking...
19:49.45justinuyeah - they had bigger plans for it
19:49.46_Sam--a little off.
19:49.49justinuany some people use it that way
19:50.16justinulike radio stations used PRI to transmit wideband audio from their studios to the transmitters
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19:50.28justinuthey probably still do
19:50.47_Sam--but my telco wouldnt sell me voice services on a 24 channel t1...
19:50.47justinuPRI is also capably of bonding multiple Bs to a single call, for high rate video
19:50.51_Sam--i dont think...but they would on the PRI
19:50.58justinuI bet you could convince them to
19:51.04justinutell them your equipment doesn't support PRI
19:51.08justinubut you need feature group D
19:51.32_Sam--thanks, i will have to check it out
19:51.44justinuagain tho, that's like going backwards in time 20 years
19:51.46justinuor more
19:51.50Darwin35anyone here doing realtime with pgsql ?
19:51.52justinuyou need MF receives, and generators
19:52.05justinuwhich asterisk can handle, but inband signalling sucks almost as much as analog
19:52.33_Sam--i guess compared to anything else 1/24 channels for overhead is pretty reasonable.
19:52.44_Sam--1/24 = ~4.something%
19:52.50_Sam--not too bad for running the thing
19:53.03justinui don't think the D channel even comes close to needed 64kbps of dedicated bandwidth
19:53.16justinuso it is a shame they waste a timeslot for it, i suppose.
19:53.34justinuthat was why they came up with NFAS
19:53.44justinui ran 20 T1 trunk groups on 2 d channels
19:53.48justinuone primary, and one backup
19:54.07_Sam--what were you up to with 20 t1s?
19:54.25justinuaudio conferencing
19:54.28justinugot 2 DS3s
19:54.40_Sam--you are still involved with that?
19:54.43justinunot really
19:54.52_Sam--it was teleconferncing?
19:55.00_Sam--using * in the middle?
19:55.15austinnichols101seen opsys?
19:55.16justinunope, this was all on traditional TDM gear and DSPs
19:55.32_Sam--they didnt have to do alot of transcoding?
19:55.45justinujust mixing the ulaw streams
19:55.58justinuand a lot of EC and other audio processing
19:56.01_Sam--nice, and you helped set it all up?
19:56.17justinui wrote all the call control code for the switches, and the DSP boards
19:56.28justinui didn't write the DSP firmware tho
19:56.38justinuthat's wizardry to me
19:56.53_Sam--wow, what type of DSP goes in there?  something like atmel based <i have NO clue>
19:57.12justinuwe were using a british company... trying to remember the name
19:57.33_Sam--that sounds like some serious c?
19:57.35justinubasically a better version of a dialogic board
19:57.38justinuyep, C
19:57.53_Sam--how long was the project?
19:58.01justinutook about 6 months to develop it
19:58.40_Sam--how many simultaneous calls are they handling these days?
19:59.01justinui dunno... over a DS3
19:59.04justinu700+ calls?
19:59.29_Sam--you should have requested your pay in a .001c/min :)
19:59.45justinuaudio conferencing was probably the toughest business ever, except maybe prepaid phone cards
19:59.51justinufor different reasons tho
19:59.52buZzait , compiling zaptel 1.2.3 and asterisk 1.2.4
20:00.17_Sam--justinu:  how does video come into play in the near term?
20:00.30justinupeople don't seem all that interested in it
20:00.41justinuand links are still too slow to make it good
20:01.00_Sam--how much bandwidth does a low end video codec/call need?
20:01.15justinui'm not sure... lookinto what iSight uses
20:01.19justinuH264? something like that
20:01.29gniretar_workcome on guys, your letting me down here!!!  Whats going on with my iax box?
20:01.32justinui've got my plate full enough with voice
20:01.36julien[re]yes h264
20:01.40justinuso i haven't really looked at video yet.
20:02.03_Sam--in most video situations, there is no transcoding by *?
20:02.15justinui don't think asterisk could do any video transcoding yet
20:03.08brookshirejustinu: it would take too much cpu
20:03.09_Sam--and video works like canreinvite = yes?
20:03.18justinui suppose once those GS videophones hit the street, we'll get a lot more people asking about video here
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20:03.33justinuyeah, sip is fully capable of handling video calls the same as as audio
20:03.50Qwell_64mogorman y0
20:04.00_Sam--justinu:  spilling the beans on the gs videophone huh?  what is this you know? :)
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20:04.07justinuyou haven't seen it?
20:04.14_Sam--have not
20:04.28cassiohow can I make asterisk pick up the next available line when a user dials?
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20:05.14justinu_Sam--: your GS rep deserves an asskicking for leaving you in the dark :P
20:05.48_Sam--when is that thing coming
20:06.08gniretar_workany initial reviews on those new linksys phones?
20:06.41justinuno idea
20:06.52_Sam--looks cheezy really
20:06.56_Sam--but if it works it works
20:07.30justinuso sam, you seriously interested in buying phones off me if my customer backs out?
20:07.44austinnichols101gniretar_work just that one review that everyone has copied
20:07.47_Sam--sure, how many you got?
20:07.55_Sam--all brand new?
20:08.06justinusome have been slightly used
20:08.12_Sam--yeah those 4 in testing
20:08.12justinu4 of them
20:08.16gniretar_workhmm, k
20:08.33_Sam--first, you should talk to your vendor...maybe he will take them back for 0 loss
20:08.35gniretar_workso noone knows anything about iax and why i might be having codec issues?
20:08.39_Sam--and exchange them
20:08.42_Sam--if not, i will buy them
20:08.47justinui actually haven't even ordered the 16 additional yet
20:08.52justinuworried about getting stiffed
20:08.56_Sam--get a deposit
20:09.10gniretar_workmy boss waited till the last minut to get this iax unit and i sont have time to contact install support
20:09.11justinuwell, getting paid isn't really an issue
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20:09.23justinui just don't want a pissed off customer and not be able to do anything for him
20:09.25_Sam--what are you worried about getting stiffed on?
20:09.47justinuit's more about reputation, and other lame shit
20:09.55_Sam--if its a good money making job, then maybe invest 150-200 of your own money and give them a different phone to test on your dime
20:09.59justinuso getting stiffed wasn't the best way to describe it
20:10.04_Sam--and let THEM see the difference
20:10.24justinuthey want to test the 4 on the latest firmware, and make a decision monday
20:11.09_Sam--i think they will take it.
20:11.15justinuif they're unhappy monday, they get IP301s
20:11.20_Sam--the next phone option they would like will be nearly double the cost
20:11.43_Sam--what is the difference in unit price...the gxps are much for the IP301
20:11.57justinu130 w/ the PoE cable, i think
20:12.07justinu115 without
20:12.16_Sam--but that is how many line appearances?
20:12.25justinulisten only speakerphone
20:12.26_Sam--comparable phone is way more
20:12.35justinunothing can touch the GXP pricepoint
20:12.47_Sam--the next closest one in your opinion is the SPA941?
20:12.56_Sam--and w/ 4 lines that thing is like 150ish, i THINK.
20:13.14justinuspa941 isn't going to work for this guy
20:13.19justinuno PoE and a single port
20:13.22cassioanyone able to help me on how to make asterisk pick up next free line?
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20:13.27Qwell_64erm, 942
20:13.31justinu10mbit? fuck that.
20:13.37justinuthat's so 1992
20:13.40[TK]D-FenderI find 4 lines overkill in most cases, at least when tied to the same reg.  SPA-941 only has 2 reg's by default and really doesn't add up much now...
20:14.01_Sam--ive never used all 4, but i do like having them.
20:14.14Qwell_64try having 8 regs, ala a 7970
20:14.18_Sam--alot of businesses specifically ask you about how many lines for each phone
20:14.28_Sam--"lines" being kind of a misnomer
20:14.32_Sam--but they still see it that way
20:14.44justinuyeah, i explained to him already that each Ip301 appearance can handle 9 simultaneous calls
20:14.50Qwell_64only 9?  weak
20:15.00Qwell_64my sccp 7960 can handle over a hundred :p
20:15.16justinul337 shiznit, yo
20:15.59justinuthe ip601 can do 24 calls/appearance
20:16.04justinuwhy, i have no fucking clue
20:16.09_Sam--how do you switch between calls?
20:16.21justinuvia the arrow keys/display
20:16.26austinnichols101does anyone know if qualify = yes needs anything other than UDP 5060 open on the firewall?
20:16.26[TK]D-Fenderby scrolling....
20:16.32MRH2anyone know how to get sox to combine  in and out g729 files?
20:16.52[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols101 : nope... 5060 (or whatever port your client is using) is it
20:17.28_Sam--justinu:  how many calls for each line appearance can the gxp do?  1?
20:17.29austinnichols101D-Fender - thanks.
20:17.49justinu_Sam--: i think so... the gxp appears to roll over calls to the spare apperances
20:18.00justinuwhether they're activated to a sip account, or not.
20:18.17justinui haven't really fucked with it that much tho
20:18.28_Sam--what phone is on YOUR desk?
20:18.41saftsackis there math in asterisk 1.0.10?
20:18.44justinuaastra 480i
20:19.28tronixwhat was that variable to display caller's number? CALLINGNUM? CALLINGID? something like that?
20:20.10justinuCALLERIDNUM, iirc
20:20.29tronixahh! thanks, had slipped the surly bonds of this brain
20:20.45justinu_Sam--: i loaned my gxp out to a friend, with firmware .13
20:20.55justinuhe hasn't had any issues with it, and when I call him the sound is fantastic
20:21.47justinubut he's using level3 term/orig and not PRI
20:22.01_Sam--i would think PRI should even sound better
20:22.06saftsacksomeone knows the junghanns support?
20:22.19justinu_Sam--: yeah... i probably need to tweak the rxgain/txgains
20:22.34_Sam--did you see that part on the wiki page about that?
20:22.36justinui need to bring my sunset T1 down there and do some work
20:22.57justinui've seen a few wiki pages
20:23.09justinui tried some basic testing with milliwatt, but it seemed ok at the defaults
20:23.37_Sam--there is stuff about the rx/tx gain , i THINK
20:24.06justinui couldn't find a telco milliwatt source
20:24.11justinuso I called another ast box
20:24.41_Sam--"What this tells me is this: The gain is too high on the GXP-2000 causing a myriad of echo problems on many production environments that rely on any sort of echo cancellation...."
20:25.00Maxxedok, so after doing a bit of reading, it looks like the dids via voip provider looks good
20:25.09Maxxedwho can recomend a good comany to go thru
20:25.16Maxxediv seen a few fly by nights
20:25.26Maxxedi dont want to deal with some shop closing on me in 2 or 3 months
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20:25.51Maxxeda pay as i use deal would be extra nice
20:25.53_Sam--"Edit zapata.conf and drop the rxgain down by 6 and the txgain down by 15 from whatever their existing numbers. "
20:26.01[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Plagued by echo on a PRI?
20:26.13Maxxedecho on a pri?
20:26.16justinua little
20:26.25[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : You know the solution :)
20:26.29justinu_Sam--: i just did that
20:26.35justinuwe'll see what happens
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20:26.46justinui'm sure they'll call me and tell me the fucking phones are too quiet now
20:26.50_Sam--you cant register a GXP from your house to that server and try calls?
20:27.09justinu_Sam--: no open ports to the server except ssh on a high port
20:27.15justinuand their DSL sucks ass
20:28.24Maxxedim looking for unlimited time on 2 inbound dids, maybe two 800 did's, outbound longdistance cheep ;) and, oh a free handjob by signing up
20:28.38_Sam--nothing is unlimited!
20:28.39Maxxedi know i have to pay for inbound on the 800 dids
20:28.50_Sam--we had this discussion a few days ago
20:28.53Maxxedso no unlimited inbound?
20:28.59_Sam--no they say it is
20:28.59justinu~unlimited voip
20:29.04_Sam--but it is "softcapped"
20:29.05Maxxedi thought i might have seen a few providers out that did that
20:29.24justinuit's their discretion as to what "unlimited" means
20:29.32justinuand the reserve the right to bill you for any overages
20:29.33Maxxedone of those tricks
20:29.38saftsackFeb 11 21:28:45 WARNING[2779]: chan_zap.c:7586 zt_pri_error: PRI: !! Got a UA, but i'm in state 0
20:29.48Maxxedthose cheating sobs ;|
20:29.58justinuyep, beware
20:30.03saftsackif any d-channel is up do i have to pay then?
20:30.04Maxxedok, thanks for saving me a head ake
20:30.10Maxxedi would have been pissed
20:30.12saftsackor just if a b channel is up?
20:30.13_Sam--alot of times the per minute plans are just as cheap
20:30.25_Sam--if you use 2500 minutes at .02 c/ minute..its not that much
20:30.40_Sam--ok it is
20:31.17justinuheh, not really
20:31.20Maxxedanybody recomend some good providers
20:31.28justinu500 bucks buys you what... 15k minutes?
20:31.37justinusam, how many minutes/mo does your business use?
20:31.41austinnichols101We've been using voxee for outbound
20:31.43Maxxed75% of our calls are inbound
20:31.50_Sam--my primary business uses about 20k between term/orig
20:32.01_Sam--and my clients right now are only using abotu 10k total
20:32.01justinuyou've got what, 15 guys on the phone all day?
20:32.02Maxxedthe other half are routed out to cell phones or just plain in the office calling out
20:32.14_Sam--mmm 10 on the phone all day, answering originating sales calls
20:32.16Maxxednah,just taking orders n crap
20:32.18_Sam--5 that make calls
20:32.39_Sam--and i pay .02c / minute
20:32.44_Sam--which isnt a terribly low rate
20:32.47_Sam--but the service is great
20:32.50Maxxed_Sam--: who is it?
20:32.57justinuso you're spending about 500USD/mo?
20:33.01_Sam--Maxxed:  changes daily, but currently asterlink :)
20:33.11_Sam--i have 5 different places really, depending on the day, and the routes
20:33.14justinuasterlink does sound good
20:33.19Mark_HalversonSAM: if you need to free a trunk and want free toll-free termination on IAX or SIP let me know
20:33.21_Sam--using remote gateways is a difficult proposition at times
20:33.36justinuMark_Halverson: hey, can I get that too? :P
20:33.42Maxxedno lie
20:33.43Maxxedme too
20:33.49Mark_Halversoni'll pay you for it
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20:34.24_Sam--Maxxed:  for me it comes down to finding a place that is not many hops away, and on the same backbone
20:34.41_Sam--for ME, asterlink is like 8 hops, same backbone (unless there is a problem) and 10ms away
20:34.45gniretar_workhey, anyone who can help me with my iax gateway?
20:34.49justinui'm like 8 to level3
20:34.52justinuit's nice
20:35.02Maxxed_Sam--: good idea
20:35.09Maxxedi colo at level3 ;)
20:35.19justinume too, but I'm talking about their PSTN gateways
20:35.27Maxxedi forget how many hops i am via cable to the colo, its not many
20:35.30Mark_Halversoncurrently paying $0.004/min 15th of each month
20:35.47justinufor toll free termination?
20:35.55gniretar_workI have no idea why this thing keeps trying to use ilbc when i tell it to only use gsm and ulaw
20:36.09_Sam--i terminate ALOT of TF minutes
20:36.14gniretar_workand why asterisk wownt accept the ilbc when i enable it in iax.conf
20:36.15_Sam--we call vendors/distributors all the time
20:36.18justinuuh yeah, you guys should be talking
20:36.20_Sam--on toll free
20:36.27justinusounds like you can get paid to do it
20:36.31Mark_Halversonyou can send it all to me....callerid pass thru
20:36.40_Sam--where is file
20:36.50_Sam--file is toll free termination free or .02 / minute
20:37.06file[laptop]termination? 1 cent
20:37.11file[laptop]it costs us
20:37.14Mark_Halversonsam: send me a prvt msg
20:37.28justinufile: send it to Mark_Halverson
20:37.30justinuhe'll pay you
20:37.32Mark_Halversonyou send me a toll-free call on SIP and I will pay you .004/min
20:37.32file[laptop]we only have one place to send them... unfortunately
20:37.48Maxxedim going to have to do some serious price shoping it looks like
20:37.52Maxxedoh joy..
20:37.57file[laptop]drop me a line
20:38.04justinuMark_Halverson: can you explain how that works?
20:38.15_Sam--the receiving party of the toll free call has to pay up
20:38.19_Sam--and he gets a cut
20:38.30Mark_Halversonoh your gonna make me work exactly
20:38.32justinuso why are we getting stiffed on tollfree term?
20:38.44justinuwhy isn't everone doing it that way
20:38.56Mark_Halversonbecause your provider is not a CLEC
20:39.02justinumine is
20:39.09justinui'm going to have to ask them about this
20:39.20_Sam--its a smart idea that mark has.
20:39.21Mark_Halversonmmmm.... then there getting a cut and shouldn't charge you
20:39.28Maxxedum, after i figure the cost of bandwith, it looks like sbc will be cheaper
20:39.28justinuok, thanks for the tips
20:39.29Mark_Halversonin my case all i do is toll-free
20:39.42_Sam--how do the calls get to the PSTN?
20:39.47_Sam--from you -->PSTN?
20:39.47Maxxedyeah, im looking for two 800 toll free dids
20:39.51justinuhe's a clec
20:39.56Mark_Halversoni have a tdm DS3 in dallas with L3
20:39.58_Sam--thats right, he has equip at the switch
20:40.00justinuhe delivers them to an IXC
20:40.12MaxxedMark_Halverson: what kind of prices you have on 800 dids?
20:40.26Mark_Halversoni don't currently orginiate
20:40.30Maxxedper min im guessing, + monthly cost on the did
20:40.44_Sam--Mark_Halverson: what is the ip of the server i would terminate the calls to
20:40.44MaxxedMark_Halverson: you have a website?
20:40.47justinuMaxxed: asterlink charges 2usd/mo on tollfree did
20:40.56Maxxedjustinu: cheap
20:41.04Maxxedim looking for a price list and cant seem to find it
20:41.06Mark_Halversonjust give me a call: 6
20:41.07justinuyep, good service too
20:41.09Maxxed<- we tall did
20:41.15_Sam--+ .02c/min + 14% :)
20:41.15tronixMaxxed: Nufone is 2.50/mo but I thought I saw my recent billing statement said 1.15
20:41.19justinuMaxxed: join #asterlink
20:41.26justinubug people
20:41.27tronixplus $0.02/min
20:41.32justinutoss muffins towards file
20:41.33Maxxednot bad tronix
20:41.44_Sam--plus the asterlink guys are real jerks  !
20:41.45_Sam--NOT :)
20:41.51justinuheh, a bunch of wankers
20:42.03Maxxedso wait, the asterlink guys offer a good service but are dicks?
20:42.16_Sam--they always think they are right....
20:42.20_Sam--oh wait...THEY ARE!
20:42.21Maxxedi cant get good service and good customer service in one stop?
20:42.24Maxxedhah ;)
20:42.29Maxxedil check em out
20:42.38Maxxedit kinda sounds like they support the comunity a bit
20:42.42Maxxedthey do iax ?
20:43.00_Sam--and i think you may get the free handjob, too.
20:43.09DarthClueSpeaking from experience..The Asterlink guys tend to fix the shit quickly and quietly so that the customer doesn't even realize it was borked.  And then they offer the customer credit if they really screwed the pooch.
20:43.21Maxxedthat sounds real nice
20:43.28justinumaxxed: being sarcastic, they seem like good people
20:43.35Maxxedjustinu: got cha ;)
20:43.45Maxxedthese guys seem stable?
20:43.53_Sam--again, how good it works for you is going to come down to your routes to them.
20:43.54justinuthey're always here
20:44.01justinuall of them, anthm, bkw, etc.
20:44.03Maxxedie. there wont be a for rent sign on there office next month becuse the closed shop
20:44.06justinuyou just gotta know where to look
20:44.07_Sam--they're server seeem to be on the east.
20:44.26justinuyeah, that's my only issue
20:44.29justinubeing on the left coast here
20:44.37Maxxedim here on the 3rd coast
20:44.39Maxxedhouston texas
20:44.43file[laptop]we have space on the left coast, but the equipment over there isn't for VoIP termination
20:44.56_Sam--houston..i have some servers in EV1
20:44.58_Sam--in houston
20:45.01Maxxedev1 sucks
20:45.08_Sam--i like my dedicated boxes
20:45.11Maxxedi know a buncha folks that work for em
20:45.16Mark_Halversonthe good old days...ev1 and serverbeach
20:45.19_Sam--good bandwidth
20:45.21_Sam--shit runs now in san deigo
20:45.26Maxxedim 100% colo
20:45.32Maxxedscrew that rent a box crap
20:45.45Maxxedget a cabnet at leve3 for cheep
20:45.54_Sam--i like my rentabox!
20:45.54justinufile[laptop]: you oughta get some PRIs or something over here because I need your services.
20:45.57Maxxedit dont get any faster
20:46.03justinui got a customer who wants to run 20k+ per minute
20:46.05_Sam--i dont have to worry about about worrying about hardware
20:46.09file[laptop]justinu: we have a DS3 with two carriers, but it's not used for VoIP termination
20:46.13justinuand I can't find a good prepaid provider for him
20:46.13Maxxedget a cogent cross connect to your cabnit
20:46.16file[laptop]we have two DS3s
20:46.33justinuso what's the deal? the latency is too high to backhaul that all the way to floriduh
20:46.43file[laptop]but it was originally designed (we're at One Wilshire) for a different purpose
20:46.44Maxxed100mbit for 1000 bucks
20:46.51Maxxedthats bandwith robbary
20:46.55justinui'm at 1200 w. 7th
20:46.58file[laptop]and nobody is close to that datacenter to manage it a lot
20:47.02Maxxedthey've gotten pretty good, its not as shakey as it use to be
20:47.06file[laptop]so we've essentially got 2 boxes over there sitting not setup, and 1 in service
20:47.12justinufile[laptop]: i'll do it for a nominal fee.
20:47.14justinui'm in LA.
20:47.23Maxxedpay for my ticket out
20:47.25file[laptop]someone is going to be flying out
20:47.33file[laptop]we have other equipment to put in too...
20:47.39justinusomeone should call me when they do
20:48.02Mark_Halversonmaxxed: true cogent has improved...but still lacking from what i hear...$3k for full cab and 100mb...not bad deal
20:48.29Maxxedi can get it cheaper
20:48.51Maxxedfull cab, around 550 bucks, cogent 100mbit for around 1100 a month
20:48.59Maxxedhere at the houston dc
20:49.01Mark_Halversonbut you loose the multi-homed bandwidth...if you have lots of really need the multi-paths
20:49.45Maxxedi use level3 for all my ip transit
20:49.48Mark_Halversoni have a special arrangement with - PentD 2.8 1gb ram $99 for unlimited 10mb port
20:49.48Maxxedit never goes down
20:50.01Maxxednow thats cheep
20:50.02file[laptop]Mark_Halverson: neat
20:50.07Mark_Halversonit works for me
20:50.14Maxxed10mbit unlimited, 100 bucks!? man, porn site!
20:50.26file[laptop]what's the actual rate you get?
20:50.31Mark_Halversonno complaints so far - been with them for about 8 months now - and the customers are happy
20:50.50Mark_Halversoni have sustained the full 10 ina dn out for hours
20:51.02Maxxedso, like, hook me up
20:51.07Maxxedman il take a few of those
20:51.17Mark_Halversonno prob...
20:52.28Maxxedshoot me an email
20:52.45Maxxedhow many of these can you get?
20:53.08justinuyeah... that's a pretty sweet deal
20:53.14justinuwhere is their datacenter?
20:53.51*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
20:53.56saftsackcrich1999, hi
20:53.58Cybertoysomeone updating asterisk? I did make update about 3 times in the last 5 minutes and it keeps on getting new stuff
20:54.07Mark_Halversonmaxxed: just left the outbox
20:54.13file[laptop]Cybertoy: yes... trunk is changing
20:54.14MaxxedMark_Halverson: sweet :)
20:54.21tronixjustinu: ahh-ha! now I know how you commute to work... looks like a nice helipad on the roof. :-)
20:54.55justinuyeah, that building was a cash counting center for wells fargo bank
20:55.00justinuit's pretty interesting
20:55.36buZzmy music-on-hold sounds terrible
20:55.40buZzcracks like mad
20:55.55buZzdefault => custom:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/,/usr/bin/
20:55.58justinui had that problem a while back
20:56.08justinudunno what fixed it
20:56.24buZz <-- thats
20:56.27*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
20:56.30justinuso where's's datacenter?
20:56.35Mark_Halversonsan diego
20:56.51buZzwould i need to trim down the volume or something?
20:56.52justinui need a good west coast colo
20:56.56Maxxedwho are they peering with?
20:57.21Mark_Halversongoto and click on 'why' they list like 12-14 providers
20:58.47FuriousGeorgeim still trying to figure out why * is -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/0/temp' instead of -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/0/unavailable' or '...busy'.  can someone take a look at this:
20:59.08Mark_Halversontheir biggest peer is with cox - as cox hosts all their business services at
21:00.05*** join/#asterisk newmember (
21:00.16Cybertoyfile, tnx
21:00.24_Sam--like ztdummy, or a zap card or something
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21:00.55buZz_Sam--: no .. but it sounds more like it's being clipped
21:01.18vetohas panel always been changable via gtkrc?
21:01.22buZzi do get those 'blabla in the past' errors , that refer to not having a timing source , and i get 'gaps' on that error
21:01.29buZzbut this isnt the same it seems
21:01.30justinulook at the rtp stream with ethereal
21:01.33_Sam--buZz:  you need ztdummy
21:01.42justinusee if it's encoded in the audio, or if it's packet loss that's causing it
21:01.48buZz_Sam--: building a kernel with the proper support atm
21:01.50_Sam--i didnt look at the paste
21:01.50Maxxedtronix: did you say 2.50 a month for a 800 did with nuphone?
21:01.55buZzjustinu: the sound is in-lan
21:02.00FuriousGeorgei suppose i can replace the temp recording with our voicemail greeting
21:02.01_Sam--its not about kernel support
21:02.01buZzshouldnt drop at all
21:02.07buZz_Sam--: ztdummy is
21:02.08_Sam--make the ztdummy module
21:02.12*** join/#asterisk }MatriX{ (n=Matrixic@
21:02.15FuriousGeorgesince i cant coax it to play the one we record
21:02.18buZzcant make it without the proper stuff in kernel
21:02.27_Sam--what does it need in the kernel config?
21:02.31justinubuZz: i understand that, it can still be broken
21:02.31}MatriX{is asterisk?
21:02.37buZzRTC , CRC_CCITT
21:02.40justinuespecially if your clients have VAD enabled
21:02.45buZzwhats VAD?
21:02.52jbotmethinks vad is Voice Activity Detection or Silence Suppression. Asterisk does not currently support this, so please turn it off on the client
21:02.55buZzclients are xlite
21:02.59buZzoh k
21:03.02buZzyes it is off
21:03.21Maxxedtronix: nevermind i got it ;)
21:03.27Maxxedthey do
21:03.46tronixsorry, was looking in another window. back now -- sweet
21:04.01buZzanyway , i'll try with ztdummy in a while
21:04.09buZzwas just wondering if i should trim down volume
21:04.15buZzbecause the mpg123 example does
21:04.31buZz;manual => custom:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,/usr/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 2048 --mono -s
21:04.37cassiosomeone give me a help on outbound with broadvoice on multiple lines, please
21:04.46justinubuZz: work a shot
21:04.51_Sam--my MOH sounded fine on the lan without ztdummy though
21:04.55Mark_Halversonmaxxed: your reply just went out
21:04.59_Sam--but when callers would call in, it would sound terrible until ztdummy
21:05.11buZzjustinu: just , ogg123 doesnt have that parameter
21:05.46justinuwhat zaptel EC are people liking these days?
21:06.21[TK]D-FenderOtasic :D
21:06.51[TK]D-FenderNo.. meant what I said....
21:07.11Cybertoyfile, do you know when the updates are finished? It seems the version I compiled can't start... have an error using ... had to move that away temporarily.
21:07.14justinuer octasic
21:07.36Cybertoycurrently have r9608
21:07.38justinuanyways, for those of us without DSPs... KB1? MG2?
21:07.51file[laptop]Cybertoy: that's why you don't use trunk if you want a working setup
21:07.55file[laptop]it's in a constant state of flux
21:08.02Cybertoyfile, good point... :)
21:08.26Cybertoylet me get latest branch then...
21:08.44buZzeh wtf
21:08.49buZznow volume sounds fine
21:08.57buZzbut the speed is 4x higher
21:08.59buZzor something
21:10.06buZzput it to 16000
21:10.09buZzand problem went away
21:10.44buZzoh wait
21:10.46*** join/#asterisk ast_freak (n=ast_frea@
21:10.48buZzis moh stereo? :)
21:10.56*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
21:10.57Cybertoybuzz, if you call twice
21:11.40buZzit IS stereo
21:11.44buZzinside asterisk
21:12.49Rowteramy doing a originate call via the manager between two IAX, but if Attempting native bridge of IAX starts, the cdr get less information about the first call, there is some way to not let go the information about the first call..
21:13.58*** join/#asterisk kimc (
21:14.06buZzshould i load =>
21:14.13buZzwhen i want ztdummy as timer?
21:15.42saftsackare there any big companies who are using asterisk?
21:16.16buZzwithout load=> chan_zap , i still get Feb 11 22:15:59 NOTICE[27091] res_musiconhold.c: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
21:16.21*** part/#asterisk austinnichols101 (n=austinni@
21:16.23buZzbut with , it wont start
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21:19.23Mark_Halversonsaftsack: there are many large companies and government agencies using it - but they don;t know it - i never tell a customer that it's asterisk - they just know it's something that works
21:20.09Mark_Halversoni just put a local government agency on it - 400 extensions - 2 TDM T1s
21:20.17justinuwhat phones?
21:20.38saftsackMark_Halverson, but not with isdn, or?
21:21.53Cybertoysaft, isdn outside of Europe is not very spreaded.
21:21.59*** join/#asterisk imran (
21:22.11CybertoyI used to have isdn in Switzerland... here in USA it was unreasonably expensive to get.
21:22.23saftsackyes and i think that isdn + asterisk isnt anything for a big company
21:22.30saftsackevery isdn driver i had was crap
21:22.33Cybertoyand then again with VoIP I didn't need isdn.
21:22.40*** part/#asterisk imran (
21:23.40saftsackCybertoy, i dont think, that voip is reliable enough for a production environment
21:24.00saftsackMark_Halverson, did you set up this asterisk pbx on a normal x86 machine?
21:24.07justinuvoip is plenty reliable
21:24.12justinuvoice over the Internet, might not be so reliable.
21:24.59newmemberproper installation and management = reliable
21:25.07Cybertoysaft, it is if you implement some redundancies.
21:25.34saftsackCybertoy, you mean more than one internet acces or do you mean analog fallback or both?
21:25.37tronixsaftsack: company with over 4,000 employees uses VOIP as primary call path and with pstn backups as needed
21:25.52Cybertoysaft, both.
21:26.08Cybertoysaft, actually... as fallback we don't have analog but another VoIP ...
21:26.30saftsackCybertoy, but over one internet acces?
21:26.38Cybertoysaft, no .. 2 internet providers.
21:26.42*** join/#asterisk benjk_ (
21:26.57saftsacktronix, ok and if one asterisk server is full of cards then a second one connected over iax2 is needed or how does this work?
21:27.12benjk_anybody here configured/provisioned an IAXy recently?
21:27.40Ahrimanesanyone using call-limit with queues with success?
21:28.08tronixsaftsack: can do trunking with iax2 between * servers. I'd normally say to spread out servers a bit for processing load and redundancy
21:28.27benjk_Digium's Installation Guide (PDF) talks about a config file called iaxy.conf, but the set of sample config files doesn't have that one, instead it has got iaxprov.conf
21:28.28saftsacktronix, hmm pstn backups. does your telephone provider gives you the same number on voip and on pstn?
21:28.53benjk_are those two supposed to be the same thing ?
21:29.02justinuhey benjk
21:29.04tronixsaftsack: I don't recall what the situation is with inbound calls for the pstn backup. hmm. I'll have to check
21:29.38benjk_hi justinu, we called you this morning, seems you were still asleep
21:29.51Cybertoysaft, do you know a pstn provider that gives you two pots lines with the same number?
21:29.54justinusorry ;)
21:30.10benjk_we had a nice breakfast that Big Boy
21:30.21justinuyeah, bigboy has good breakfast
21:30.28benjk_the place next to the Starbucks we went to yesterday
21:30.37benjk_yeah it was nice
21:30.47*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
21:31.06infinity2anyone know of a service similar to voxee and voipjet
21:31.14benjk_I have just set up crunchman's G4 as an Asterisk server
21:31.29benjk_now about to configure his IAXy adapter
21:31.40Cybertoyinfinity, mutualphone, not sure if they offer iax though
21:31.43benjk_but the documentation from Digium doesn't seem to match reality
21:32.00justinui've never done an iaxy myself
21:32.01benjk_any ideas?
21:32.05benjk_I see
21:32.11saftsackCybertoy, no
21:32.49Cybertoyok ... and I remember they had horrible quality to some south american mobile destinations
21:32.57Cybertoybut that might be fixed.
21:33.40justinui find it hard to believe no one in here can help you configure an iaxy tho
21:33.44benjk_also, why do Digium not put any stickers with the MAC addresses on those IAXys?
21:33.56saftsackim living in germany here and here is isdn THE telephone line for companies
21:33.56justinujust sniff the ethernet :P
21:34.02justinulike a real script kiddie would
21:34.03benjk_you need the MAC address in the provisioning file
21:34.04saftsacki mean for little ones
21:34.10buZzthe music-on-hold keeps skipping
21:34.14saftsackand isdn with asterisk is a little bit crappy
21:34.14justinubenjk: tcpdump
21:34.14buZzhaving big gaps
21:34.24benjk_yeah, but that's not the point is it?
21:34.37benjk_plus this is a switched hub
21:35.01justinuit sends out broadcast packets with it's DHCP requests, I hope
21:35.07benjk_anyway, real companies do put MAC address stickers on their devices if those addresses are needed for setup
21:35.10justinuso switched should not be an issue
21:35.26justinubenjk: i'm giving you a pratical solution, not trying to defend digium :P
21:37.18buZzok , ztdummy is loaded , chan_zap is loaded , but i keep getting Feb 11 22:36:05 NOTICE[27594] res_musiconhold.c: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
21:38.59*** join/#asterisk HeadachesAbound (
21:40.01saftsackjustinu, how does a pstn fallback work on a 400 man company? ^^
21:40.13saftsackdo you have tons of tdm cards installed?
21:40.27justinuno idea
21:40.36justinusomeone elses idea, i guess
21:41.22justinu400 people probably don't need as many trunks as you think
21:42.34*** join/#asterisk burnproof (n=burnproo@
21:42.46saftsackbut i think 30 similar calls are needed
21:42.53buZzi see ztdummy in zttool
21:42.59buZzbut not in ztcfd
21:43.04buZzis that correct?
21:44.01buZzand i see 'unconfigured' in zttool next to ztdummy
21:47.57*** join/#asterisk DarthClue (
21:49.54tronixsaftsack: for 400, you probably need a T-1 card (e.g. TE111P)
21:49.59tronixor E-1 or whatever
21:50.25saftsackand those cards work on pstn=
21:50.39tronixthey do if you have them configured for voice with the telco
21:50.46burnproofgood day guys, what setting do i need to turn it on/off so that the user will not cache on databases
21:50.56burnproofor how can i set it to a certain value ?
21:52.36tronixheh, not quite the patience of Job, it would seem.
21:52.57*** join/#asterisk JSabines (
21:54.49tronixsaftsack: here's an example of a T-1 card that works well with Asterisk:
21:54.58tronixsaftsack: there are others, of course. Just as an example.
21:55.24tronixsaftsack: a T-1 can do data, or it can do voice, or it can do both, depending on how you order it from the telco and how you've split up the channels
21:55.59saftsackok that sounds good :)
21:56.08saftsackdo they work in germany as well?
21:56.15justinuyou have E1 in germany
21:56.19justinusame thing, but more channels
21:56.37saftsacksounds good :)
21:56.43tronixsaftsack: from that page, says supports E1, EuroISDN, etc. so I would assume so
21:57.42cassioanyone knows what this means?
21:57.42cassioFeb 11 23:57:10 WARNING[9119]: chan_sip.c:2520 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 256/256)
21:57.43cassioFeb 11 23:57:10 WARNING[9119]: chan_sip.c:2520 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)
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22:04.19buZzah sweet
22:04.23buZzit's totally working now \o/
22:04.36buZzis the voip-info wiki register free to post new howto's ?
22:04.51buZzi'll just add a Music Player Daemon as Music On Hold howto :D
22:05.11tronixbuZz: free to register, yes, but not register-free. :-)
22:12.36*** part/#asterisk kimc (
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22:21.16buZzi'm just formatting a bit
22:21.20buZzdont know this wiki :S
22:21.53benjk_where is Digium's IAXy provisioning utility?
22:22.14benjk_nothing in the iaxy directory on their ftp server
22:22.45justinugo iaxy!!
22:23.54*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
22:23.55cassiois there any difference between non-commercial and commercial versions of g729?
22:24.49*** join/#asterisk n4y (
22:24.59justinuin the USA, thers is no "non-commercial" version
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22:29.39tronixbenjk_: think you have to check it out of cvs
22:29.53tronixor svn or whatever
22:32.32buZzi love my mpd-moh ;P
22:32.45_Sam--did ztdummy do anything?
22:33.18_Sam--tzafrir_laptop :  can you let me know when you get the 2.6.15 modules
22:33.54*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
22:33.58tzafrir_laptop_Sam--, I only build for Sarge. But try: m-a a-i zaptel
22:34.11_Sam--i thought i have sarge
22:34.32_Sam--i just apt-got a new kernel last night
22:35.01_Sam--am i missing something?
22:35.07_Sam--i used your modules for the last kernel
22:35.26buZzlala :)
22:35.52*** part/#asterisk doogieboo (
22:36.06_Sam--apt-cache search 2.6.15 |grep image
22:39.03tronixbenjk_: svn checkout iaxyprov
22:39.17_Sam--maybe i just have a weird apt source
22:39.49*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
22:43.47_Sam--hey qwell didnt you say something about * using timing from some other place besides ztdummy for newer kernels?
22:43.56Qwellno, it still uses ztdummy
22:44.13_Sam--whys it need it
22:44.31Qwellbecause then asterisk can use one interface for timing, instead of 30
22:45.32_Sam--can you take it down about 2 more levels of ignorance...what does the timing actually do?
22:45.49_Sam--i know it deals with the MOH and conferencing to keep things in sync
22:45.56Qwelllets you send data at proper intervals
22:45.57_Sam--but i dont know the details and whatnot
22:46.00justinuit just provides a clock pulse
22:46.12justinuat a constant rate
22:46.23tzafrir_laptop_Sam--, do you have any version of zaptel-source installed? dpkg -l zaptel-source
22:47.01_Sam--i can get it easy enough, but i could not compile it on my own against the kernel headers for 2.6.8-2-686
22:47.34tzafrir_laptopyou're not on your own ;-)
22:47.40_Sam--compiled fine against kernel headers for 2.6.8
22:48.51_Sam--maybe i should try for this kernel
22:48.52tzafrir_laptopzaptel-source in Sarge was probably broken. If current zaptel-source is broken, I'd like to know about it
22:50.07_Sam--will find out in a sec.
22:50.26_Sam--Package: zaptel
22:51.13tzafrir_laptopYup, that's the version in Unstable
22:52.39_Sam--didnt work for me...but im not positive its not my gcc/etc
22:52.48_Sam--gcc version 4.0.3 20060128 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.2-8)
22:53.10tronixcould pb the error output
22:53.23_Sam--there's like 1000s of lines really
22:53.28_Sam--its scrolls and scrolls
22:53.38tronixI'd try myself but don't have a Debian box at the moment.
22:53.38_Sam--i could pipe it to something and save it
22:53.51_Sam--this is a weird box anywy, it was never meant to compile anything.
22:54.07tronixbtw if you've got 'script':
22:54.10tronixscript /tmp/foo.log
22:54.15tronix<do your build commands>
22:54.57tronixscript's a part of util-linux or some such
22:55.47_Sam--thanks!  i have it
22:57.07*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
22:57.50iCEBrkr_Sam--: HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!
22:58.07_Sam--you must be desperate if you're a dumbass like me for help
22:58.24_Sam--whats up
22:58.25iCEBrkr_Sam--: I just DESTROYED my windscreen :(
22:58.38iCEBrkrYou sell Zero Gravity or Lockhart?
22:58.59_Sam--we have a website..check for your RTFS?
22:59.01iCEBrkrYa know those spiffy anodized bolts with the rubber nut??
22:59.14_Sam--of course i know those things
22:59.26_Sam--i dont know if anyone makes windscreens for your dino
22:59.38iCEBrkrWell the Lockhart windscreen, the holes are too small.. So I started drilling them out.. The damn bit caught and ripped the windscreen basically in two
22:59.53iCEBrkrI found one on Tricktape
22:59.57iCEBrkrbut there's no real pics
23:02.44iCEBrkrI'm confused, they have a color selector and style
23:02.51iCEBrkrI want a smoked one. but the style is a color too?
23:04.05_Sam--check out lockhart's site...if you find a part number for the windscreen you need i'll be glad to help you out
23:04.16_Sam--but im really busy usually and try to avoid doing sales work!
23:04.38_Sam--too busy doing nothing important here!
23:04.39iCEBrkrbusy my ass :P
23:04.47_Sam--i was on #motorcycles yesterday
23:04.57iCEBrkruh oh
23:05.06_Sam--we're hiring a remote telecommuter to answer inbound sales calls
23:05.10_Sam--its all good there
23:05.27_Sam--hired someone from tampa, actually.
23:05.30_Sam--from #motorcycles
23:05.47iCEBrkrthat's a clear one
23:05.55iCEBrkrI guess I'll just go with clear.. $41.95
23:07.03iCEBrkrGeesh, tricktape wants $64.95 for a clear Zero Gravity
23:07.33_Sam--Availability : No
23:07.58_Sam--i dont know if that will work for you or not
23:09.19iCEBrkrI'm not sure WTF the double-bubble is
23:09.32*** join/#asterisk Telamon (i=telamon@
23:09.47_Sam--see the bubble in the middle of screen
23:09.51_Sam--your stock one desnt have that
23:09.51iCEBrkrMan, looks nice
23:10.05_Sam--what year is your bike
23:10.22iCEBrkr1989 GSXR 750 :P
23:10.28Maxxedclasic :)
23:10.32Maxxed750 is a fun ride
23:10.38_Sam--what color?
23:10.55Maxxedyo kneedraggers :D
23:11.04iCEBrkr_Sam--: White/Blue
23:11.08Maxxedi use though ;)
23:11.14_Sam--knobo:  you crazy bastard...what color windscreen
23:11.15Maxxedbrad hooks me up with super good deals
23:11.17iCEBrkrI just got my motor put in today
23:11.25Maxxedgot a new x11 norick for 500 bucks to my door
23:11.25iCEBrkr_Sam--: Clear.. F it..
23:11.29_Sam--damn nick completion
23:12.16Maxxedyou own kneedragers?
23:12.30iCEBrkrThat's BEFORE I screwed it  up
23:12.40_Sam--superbikesupply is a copy cat site
23:12.43*** join/#asterisk Soul (
23:12.49_Sam--fucking copy the exactly left nav we invented
23:12.57Maxxedbrad at superbike hooks be up with the best prices ever
23:13.17Maxxednow if some cool cat wanted to steal a customer by offering prices a bit better
23:13.25Maxxedwell, there i go
23:13.28_Sam--im not about walmart mentality
23:13.32Maxxeddamn thats clean
23:13.37iCEBrkr_Sam--: amen
23:13.43Maxxedwell, customer service is another reason why i use'em
23:13.45_Sam--we sell at a price for a reason...we have a great site, great policies and great service
23:13.51_Sam--you cant have all that and be the cheapest
23:13.53Maxxedim on a first name base with this guy
23:13.56_Sam--something has to give
23:13.59iCEBrkrI got right down the street from me.. EJ hooks me up
23:14.14Maxxedcyclegear is cool if you want it right away
23:14.18iCEBrkrBut just cuz EJ hooks me up, doesn't mean I don't shop elsewhere :)
23:14.20Maxxedthey useualy sell at msrp
23:14.38*** join/#asterisk klictel (
23:14.41iCEBrkrMaxxed: The Cycle Gear here is more dirt bike
23:14.45Maxxedi spend a good few hundred at month with brad at superbike
23:14.55Maxxedwe have 3 of em in houston i think
23:15.01klictelhello all
23:15.05Maxxedthey have some sportbike action goin on
23:15.13iCEBrkr_Sam--: So am I about to 'add to cart' on this thing?
23:15.39iCEBrkrPart Number:  52-ZEROG-37
23:15.44Maxxed_Sam--: kneedrag your baby?
23:15.49saftsacksomeone of you has visdn?
23:16.52*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
23:16.55_Sam--no distributors have that zg windscreen.
23:17.00_Sam--it would have to be made by zg on a special order.
23:17.14_Sam--there s a few more places i could check if i were at our place.
23:17.33_Sam--but you would be looking at 2 weeks most likely minimum to the door
23:17.39iCEBrkr_Sam--: I got like 2wks before I need it.. I could just retreat to my gay blue one..
23:17.58_Sam--i dont do any sales...and i hate i am not the right person to be asking about a 45 dollar order :)
23:17.59Maxxed_Sam--: you guys have a 15/43 steel 520 afam combo for the 1000rr ?
23:18.02TelamonAnyone got some tips on how to diagnose the failure of a GXP2000 to register?  I've got the log messages at but the only error I see is that it doesn't see an entry in the registration DB.
23:18.05_Sam--i have 12 people that do sales
23:18.11iCEBrkr_Sam--: haha cool
23:18.36Maxxeddamn 12 sales folks, no wonder why you cant cut cornors ;)
23:18.40_Sam--but i will check on monday to see if i can locate anything different
23:18.47Maxxedyour a "real" shop
23:18.49_Sam--i didnt see we cant cut corners and that we dont discount :)
23:18.50iCEBrkr_Sam--: It'd be greatly appreciated
23:18.57_Sam--but i dont want customers who just want lowest price
23:19.00_Sam--we have way to more to offer than that
23:19.06saftsackchan_visdn.c:56:30: asterisk/version.h: No such file or directory
23:19.06saftsackIn file included from chan_visdn.c:67
23:19.08Maxxedoh yeah i hear ya
23:19.18Maxxedyou'll get those whiney ass, walmart grade customers
23:19.32_Sam--we get plenty...we offer a price matching policy
23:19.50iCEBrkrWelp, If I need a windscreen, I'll just use the stupid blue one I have..
23:20.03iCEBrkrMonday we'll see comes up and I'll order it
23:20.16_Sam--i think we'll be able to get something going
23:20.23saftsacksomeone has an idea with my version.h problem?
23:20.26Maxxed_Sam--: il have to give you guys a shot on my next order
23:20.26iCEBrkr_Sam--: I just need it for bikeweek
23:20.44_Sam--you gonna go to daytona?
23:20.47Maxxed_Sam--: im looking for a did erv3 chain, and some afam steel sprockets
23:20.48iCEBrkrFor sure
23:20.57_Sam--maybe we will hook up
23:20.57iCEBrkrWait, the races?
23:21.05_Sam--yeah races / bike week..its all the same
23:21.12_Sam--they are like 2 miles from eachother
23:21.15iCEBrkrI haven't been to the track
23:21.24Maxxedevr2 i mean
23:21.27_Sam--if you've been to main street...its 2 miles away
23:21.31iCEBrkrYea, I know
23:21.34_Sam--erv3 is the new one, it supercedes the 2
23:21.37_Sam--same price
23:21.45iCEBrkr_Sam--: I don't watch the races or anything.. I just walk around the bike tents
23:21.48Maxxeder no it is erv3 my mistake ;)
23:22.06_Sam--we've had a semi truck down there racing every year since 03...
23:22.17_Sam--i dont know if this year is going to come together or not still...
23:22.28_Sam--last minute things are still coming together
23:22.36_Sam--we qualified 4th for the daytona 200 last year
23:22.42Maxxed_Sam--: on part # 50875, you guys have a 15/42 combo in stock?
23:23.03iCEBrkr_Sam--: Welp, I'll have to give ya my celly and we'll hang out
23:23.06_Sam--maxxed;  by ALL means, i am not trying to be a dick....but can i please enjoy my 2 days i get off per week
23:23.10Maxxed_Sam--: oh ;)
23:23.17Maxxed_Sam--: haha, nah its cool bro
23:23.20*** join/#asterisk AlexCTI (
23:23.26Maxxed_Sam--: il harass one of the 12 sales cats
23:23.28*** join/#asterisk dudes (
23:23.37Maxxed_Sam--: i was jus thinkin, hell why i have u here
23:23.40Maxxed_Sam--: ;p
23:24.01iCEBrkrI didn't realize exhaust gaskets were $5 a piece!
23:24.16_Sam--its all good...iyou can always email me and i will forward your requests on to someone to make sure you get handled
23:24.26_Sam--but i just dont have the time to service customers right now
23:24.31Maxxed_Sam--: il work via the site
23:24.35Maxxed_Sam--: i hear ya :)
23:24.50Maxxed_Sam--: will do boss
23:24.54iCEBrkr_Sam--: You guys have free kneedragger stickers?
23:25.09_Sam--we do...we ran out over the winter, but i have some stashed
23:25.25iCEBrkrI can't put stickers on my bike, but I'll slap one on my truck
23:25.56*** join/#asterisk rarn (
23:28.09Maxxed_Sam--: what kinda connection do you guys use for your pbx
23:28.10*** join/#asterisk dudes (
23:28.16Maxxed_Sam--: isdn, ti, blah blah
23:28.19_Sam--plain t1
23:28.30_Sam--had PRI last year, switched to t1 w/ remote gateway this season
23:28.36Maxxed_Sam--: also for your 800 number?
23:28.40Maxxed_Sam--: ah
23:28.50_Sam--all kneedraggers runs over a regular t1
23:28.53_Sam--for phones
23:28.56Maxxed_Sam--: who are you going thru for service
23:29.06justinusam means he runs voip over a data T1 to an ITSP, i think.
23:29.09_Sam--about 5 people, depending on the day, and/or the routing situation that day :)
23:29.28_Sam--right now most calls are handled through teliax and asterlink
23:29.42Maxxedasterlink been treating ya ok?
23:29.42_Sam--and i have a few others for termination depending on how bad routes are
23:29.42filethat reminds me
23:29.47Maxxediv hurd good things so far
23:29.50file_Sam--: everything back to nromal?
23:29.52fileer normal
23:29.59saftsackchannel_pvt is no more, or?
23:30.17_Sam--file:  yes, they seem perfect again, thanks for asking!
23:30.23filegood good
23:30.48_Sam--i did some really really crude testing..but my originating calls to you vs. teliax was a noticeable difference
23:30.52_Sam--for the better using you.
23:31.13*** join/#asterisk sergeus|w (
23:31.16iCEBrkrfile: I get jittery audio when I dial into MeetMe via Asterlink, but when I direct the 800 number to my phone on my desk, it works fine.. You think I got some transcoding issues??
23:31.20_Sam--s/origininating to/originating from/
23:31.21Maxxed_Sam--: phone-asterisk-t1-www-asrilink-800 number ?
23:31.37_Sam--iCEBrkr:  no you need ztdummy ?
23:31.40*** join/#asterisk RazorJack (
23:31.52RazorJackCan anyone help me dialing international with asterisk and a sipura 3000?
23:31.56_Sam--Maxxed :  yes or close
23:32.05iCEBrkr_Sam--: Well, if I take 2 extensions and dial MeetMe, it works fine.. It's only when I go through Asterlink
23:32.14Maxxed_Sam--: cool cool, thats the route im looking at taking
23:32.16RazorJackfirst of all, I've never dialed international before, so im not sure I'm even dialing right
23:32.16_Sam--do you have ztdummy?
23:32.20_Sam--or a zap card?
23:32.41iCEBrkr_Sam--: Most likely not.. I haven't really debugged it.. It was 3am when I finally got around to testing it.. It was time to sleep :P
23:32.48_Sam--Maxxed: be file would say 'the internet is an evil lady'
23:32.54justinu011 + country code + number
23:32.57_Sam--and does nasty things at the worst times
23:32.58justinuin the USA
23:33.02_Sam--in terms of remote gateays
23:33.12RazorJackjustinu: should be same in canada right?
23:33.20RazorJackjustinu: whats australias country code?
23:33.20Maxxed_Sam--: yeah, im a little worried about the reliability
23:33.26RazorJackwhere do I find?
23:33.28_Sam--its been an uphill battle for us
23:33.30justinui can't remember
23:33.35_Sam--but im not convinced we cant win
23:33.40Maxxed_Sam--: ouch ;\
23:33.49RazorJackso 011+61+number?
23:33.57justinuyes, possibly minus the first 0
23:34.01Maxxed_Sam--: ive been doing some home work, im not sure if i want to risk the move yet
23:34.14RazorJackjustinu: (011,xx.|*xx|[3469]11|0|00|<:1416>[2-9]xxxxxx|1[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxx)
23:34.16_Sam--this past week we had terrible reliability for our customers inbound calls, for reasons mostly not related to the providers we use
23:34.18Maxxed_Sam--: so far, im looking at useing a good ol pri iface and a localtelco for service
23:34.19RazorJackjustinu: ?
23:34.29justinuthat looks like an MGCP dial string to me
23:34.35RazorJackjustinu: sipura 3000
23:34.38_Sam--if our local telco would have given me a PRI that was 1/2 decent i would have never left for the remote gateway
23:34.41RazorJackjustinu: I know my asterisk is right
23:34.44_Sam--they were a bunch of idiots
23:34.50justinu_Sam--: what's was wrong with the PRI?
23:35.09_Sam--i had 20 did numbers, 1 for each employee per se...
23:35.14Maxxed_Sam--: you use asterlink for outbound ?
23:35.22_Sam--but we could only set the caller id on the oubound calls for the primary number of the pri
23:35.26_Sam--and even then...
23:35.30_Sam--when we would call customers...
23:35.33_Sam--we would show up as unknown
23:35.35Maxxedthats lame
23:35.36_Sam--to 90% of the world
23:35.43justinuwhat LEC?
23:36.00Maxxedwhat were you guys paying for that t1/pri ?
23:36.01_Sam--i got so fed up i just said f it
23:36.04_Sam--i wasted so much time
23:36.04justinuthey obviously can't configure a switch
23:36.10Maxxedno lie ^
23:36.21_Sam--we had a flat rate deal for like 750 /month loop + all use including us48 LD
23:36.34justinuwow, that would really excite a customer of mine
23:36.38Maxxednot bad; to bad the service was crap
23:36.44justinuhe's obsessed with unlimited LD
23:36.53_Sam--the guys i sold my ISP to didnt believe me and my story...
23:36.57_Sam--so they ordered a PRI from them too
23:37.01_Sam--same thing happened
23:37.06_Sam--and they are like 50 miles away
23:37.09_Sam--on different equipment
23:37.33Maxxed_Sam--: you sold an isp to start kneedrag?
23:37.49_Sam--well, i sold an ISP because kneedrag was growing was faster and showed more promise for the future
23:37.53_Sam--this was in 2000
23:37.59Maxxedmust be some good doe in the ol sports bike gear ;)
23:38.21_Sam--after a while, unfortunately, it turns into any other type of work..i might as well sell 'widgets'
23:38.27_Sam--but its a fun thing to be involved with
23:38.32_Sam--i love bikes, i love racing em
23:38.38Maxxedyeah, for the love of the sport kinda thing :)
23:38.59Maxxedil do just about anything aside grab my ankles for some track action
23:38.59justinufriend of mine races a TZ250 and an R1
23:38.59_Sam--you race out there?
23:39.29Maxxedat tws in collge station, cresson, and the new msr here in houston (i havent gotten on yet but soon!!)
23:39.47iCEBrkrHopefully tomorrow, I'll be trying to start my bike tomorrow!
23:40.10Maxxedits 48 degree down here in houston right now, lil to chilly for my taste
23:40.11_Sam--the only thing im starting damn snowblower
23:40.24_Sam--glad to use it actually
23:40.43justinuit's 84 degrees outside :P
23:40.49_Sam--and rainy?
23:40.55justinuclear and sunny
23:40.57_Sam--its been rainy as hell down there
23:40.58Maxxedjustinu: lucky sob
23:41.11RazorJackjustinu: thx, that worked....
23:41.26iCEBrkr_Sam--: LOL
23:41.30robin_szmmmm Bikes!
23:41.32iCEBrkr_Sam--: it's a two stroke, right? LOL
23:41.42Maxxedi was going to go for a backroads run this weekend, but not with this chillyness out
23:41.42iCEBrkrThe snow blowre
23:41.51_Sam--hell no, that is so last century!
23:42.04iCEBrkrI can't believe this windscreen shattered
23:42.04justinusnow mobiles are largely 2 strokes still, no?
23:42.13tronixwish we could get enough snow to get out the snowblower :)
23:42.17_Sam--this one is 9hp 4stroke
23:42.23iCEBrkrMaxxed: Yea, I was trying to drill the mounting holes bigger
23:42.32_Sam--iCEBrkr:  that will teach you to learn how to use a drill.
23:42.35Maxxedshould have gotten it hot before you did that
23:42.37_Sam--or get a better a bit
23:42.41_Sam--like a unibit
23:42.41iCEBrkr_Sam--: I blame the drill bits
23:42.42Maxxedsoften the plastic
23:42.55iCEBrkrThese drill bits are dull as shit
23:42.59saftsackis the quality of g729 as good as the of g711?
23:43.00iCEBrkrI paid $25 for the set
23:43.11_Sam--they are perfect for drilling holes in windscreens
23:43.15_Sam--unibits that is
23:43.19_Sam--enlarging holes
23:43.39justinusaftsack: no, but it's damn close for voice
23:43.39iCEBrkrUnibit? That Xmas tree looking thing?
23:43.54justinusaftsack: 729 will make your tones warble a bit, and music sounds like ass.
23:44.00iCEBrkrWell.. I'll have to try it
23:44.08_Sam--robin:  sweet!  back in a sec...wife if calling 'dinner'
23:44.20Maxxedil see ya around _Sam-- :)
23:44.26robin_sz_Sam--: I raced that RGV  250 for a few years .. gave up 2 years ago
23:44.32Maxxedyou might have just picked up a new customer ;)
23:44.33justinunow you tell her to get her bitch ass back in the kitchen, and bake you a pie!
23:44.45Maxxedbake me a pie woman!!
23:44.50Maxxed^ cost me two marrages
23:45.00Maxxednot really, never been married dont wana
23:45.09Maxxedbut its funny to hear
23:45.09robin_szyeah yeah ...
23:45.10justinui'm getting married
23:45.13Maxxedaw you sucker
23:45.32justinuthis woman gets back into the kitchen and bakes when I say so
23:45.52Maxxedthe only diffrence is from beeing married and dating is when you get in fights married lawyers some into play
23:45.56Maxxedvs, dating
23:46.00robin_szmarriage is just getting your  .. ummm ... "R&R" under contract .. ;)
23:46.11Maxxedfight, get over it, then fuck like wild donkeys
23:47.23robin_szanyway ... does anyone have a small screw driver and a soldering iron?
23:47.50Maxxedyeah, im headed to the house
23:47.57Maxxediv been scewin with this to long
23:48.02robin_szI figure the best chance I have of getting my GXP2000 screen the right way up again is to take it out and flip it
23:48.03Maxxedcatch you guys late :)
23:48.11*** part/#asterisk Maxxed (n=whyman@
23:48.21justinurobin_sz: lmao
23:48.39robin_szI got one of the baaaaad MAC addresses
23:48.54robin_szthe current sw make the screen invert after a few minutes
23:49.03justinuwhat a freaky bug
23:49.10robin_szpissing annoying
23:49.27robin_szprobably just a timing thing
23:49.41robin_szwait, I could tape a mirror to it!
23:49.44justinui woudln't know anything about elecronics
23:49.48justinujust software
23:50.06robin_sztheres not much difference
23:50.29robin_szhere <catch>, have this FPGA ...
23:51.06robin_sznow, is that "electronics" or "software" ??
23:52.49robin_szits just electronics ... gates, signals, registers ... but you set it all up using a language called "VHDL" .. so its software ... the line is VERY blurred between the two at times
23:53.24justinui know a bit about vhdl
23:54.03tronixheh someone wrote an Apple II clone using a single FPGA chip and Verilog code :)
23:54.14tronixactually booted disk images and did video output just fine
23:54.14robin_szyeah, I can imagine
23:54.35justinuthat's cool
23:54.38justinuthey should sell them
23:54.44justinuwith an ethernet port
23:54.47*** join/#asterisk dudes (
23:54.57tronixFPGA boards often comes with usb, ethernet, etc
23:55.02tronixmakes it easy to program 'em
23:55.03robin_sztheres a whole Open Source library of that stuff ..
23:57.38justinui still like the old appleworks word processor
23:57.40justinuthat was nice stuff

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.